1981-11-16 Regular Meeting ,t . 1 ~ ' , .':' \ ..- MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1981 (CONTINUED) 955 EXECUTIVE SESSION " Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss land acquisition with the School Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 9:05 o'clock a. m. COMM. ARMISTEAD LEFT THE MEETING AT lO:OO O'CLOCK A. M. AND WAS ABSENT FOR THE REST OF THE MEETING. o Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at lO:lO o'clock a. m. BREAK Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break fro~ lO:lO o'clock a. m. until lO:l7 o'clock a. m. EXECUTIVE SESSION C~. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss legal matters with the County Manager and County Attorney. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Barfield,' Blake, Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Armistead Chm. OJ Shields recessed the meeting to Executive Session at lO:l8 o'clock a. m. Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at lO:54 . o"clock a. m. ADlfOURNMENT Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: o Voting Aye: Absent: Comm. Barfield, Blake, Gottovi and Chm. O'Shields Comm. Armistead Chm. O'Shields adjourned the meeting at lO:54 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, ~,t5 .~__..:~~/~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, 01erk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER ,l6, 1981 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, November l6, 1981, at 9:00 o'clock a. m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P.Blake; Karen E. Gottovi; Chairman Claud O'Shields, Jr.; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Rusmisell. No members were absent. .' o Chm. O'Shields called the meeting to order. Rev. Wayne Barkley of the First Assembly of God offered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING. NOVEMBER 2, 1981, AND CONTINUED MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1981. Chm. O'Shields asked that he be allowed to abstain from voting on approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 1981, since he was not in attendance at the meeting. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 1981, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: ( 956 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER l6, 1981 (CONTINUED) v,;r:_.-. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 2, 1981, AND CONTINUED MEETING, NOVEMBER 4, 1981 (CONTINUED) Voting'Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Blake and Gottovi ,Abstaining: Chm. O'Shields Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to approve the Minutes of the Continued Meeting' of November 4, 1981, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, the following Consent Agenda items were UNANIMOUSLY approved: REPORT OF 'COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 1981 A copy of the Report of the Collector of Revenue through October 3l, 1981,as approved is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, 53. o TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of the list of Tax Abatements and Refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 53. CBA TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING ALLOCATION The following CBA Task Force recommendations for allocating additional funds were approved and the Chairman authorized to execute the Program Agreement Revisions: Big Buddy Program Therapeutic Social Development Groups Emergency Shelter for Youth Youth Energy Systems $ 381. 875. 3,874. 3,874. Copies of the Agreements are on file in the County Manager's Office. INTERLOCAL PURCHASING AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF WILMINGTON The Interlocal Purchasing Agreement was approved between ,the City of Wi~ington,North Carolina, and New Hanover County to establish a procedure whereby the County may purchase certain supplies, materials, and/or equipment from time to time from the City Warehouse and execution of the Agreement by the County Manager was authorized. o A cop~ of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. CONTRACT WITH EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION The Contract was approved between the New Hanover Human Relations Commission and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for processing of FEP Agency FY-82 New Charge Resolutions in the total Contract amount of $37,500 and execution of the Contract by the County Manager was authorized. A copy of the Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. CONTRACT FOR ","ELL AT LANDFILL The Contract with Skipper's Well Drilling and Pump Service, Inc. executed by the County Manager for construction of wells and water lines for the Landfill located on Highway 42l North was approved. A copy of the Contract is on file,in the County Manager's Office. TRANSFER OF POSITIONS IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT Approval was given for transfer of the following positions in the Health Department as requested'by the Health Director and,recommended by the Personnel Officer: 1 Public Health Nurse I from Budget Code 5l6l, Personal Health General, to Budge~, Code 5l69" Infant Tracking o 1 Public Health Nurse II from Budget Code 5l69, Infant Tracking, to Budget Code' 5l6l, Personal Health General 1 Clerk-Typist III from Budget Code 5l6l, Personal Health General, to Budget Code 5l62, Personal Health Maternal - . m ! :':'-'=:'" "C;,:~;:;;~,;;r:~:>r""l ~'~-:c,; "".;1 ,:.;').,~;\' 957 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING"NOVEMBER l6, 1981 (CONTINUED) ".~':-1. UPDATE ON STATUS OF LANDFILL OPENING CEREMONY AND PLAQUE PRESENTATION TO ENGINEERING DIRECTOR Director of Engineering Ed Hilton ,updated 'the Commissioners on the status of the landfill opening ceremony scheduled to be held at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon. , On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, Chm. O'Shields presented a plaque to Director,of Engineering Ed Hilton in appreciation for outstanding work and devotion, toward the solution of New Hanover County's solid waste problems. ' o POSTPONEMENT OF LAND USE PLAN DISCUSSION Chm. O'Shields announced that ,there had been some indication that the land use plan would be discussed today, 'but that was not going to be acted on until the Commissioners had a work session at a later time to consider comments received during the public hearings. PRESENTATION OF HEART ASSOCIATION FUND RAISING AWARD ,PLAQUE Mr. Nat Bost, President of the New Hanover County Heart Association, appeared before the Board on behalf of the New Hanover County Heart Associ- ation, the North Carolina Heart Association and the American Heart Associ- ation, to present to the people of New Hanover County a Fund Raising Achievement Award Plaque that the New Hanover County Heart Association won during the campaign of 1980/8l for the most improved fund raising performance. PRESENTATION OF 1981 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Lee Weddle and Mr. Mike Clewis of Lowrimore, Warwick and Company, and County Finance Officer Andy Atkinson formally presented the 1981 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the Commissioners and explained and answered ~ue~tions on the report. COMMENTS FROM C. G. BERRY Mr. C. G. Berry commented on the City of Wilmington annexation and the,landfill. o ADOPTION OF FAIR HOUSING AND FAIR IDPLOYMENT ORDINANCES Human Relations Director Bill Jessup appeared before the Board to 'explain and answer questions on the proposed Fair Housing and Fair Employment Ordinances that had been drafted and presented for adoption. Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, 'to adopt the Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County entitled "Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment" and the Ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Entitled ,"Prohibition of Discrimination in Housing." County Manager Cooper commented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, Copies of the Ordinances are contained in the Ordinance BOOK in the Clerk's Office. Mr. Jessup reported that the Rules of Practice and Procedure for Complaints, Investigations, Counciliations and Public ,Hearings needed some slight revisions and would, hopefully, be ready for the next meeting. o ELDERHAUS REQUEST FOR FUNDING Ms; Sheila Davis, Chairman of the Funding Committee of E1derhaus, and Ms. Linda Pearce, Executive Director of Elderhaus, appeared before the Board to request funding in the amnunt,of $l2,000 for that program. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to find the money in Contingencies and make the donation in the,sum of $l2,000 to Elderhaus. The Commissioners ,and County Manager commented. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS DEFEATED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Voting Noe: Comm. Barfield and Gottovi Comm. Armistead, Blake and Chm. O'Shields r 958'" MINUTES OF':REGULAR MEETING" NOVEMBER l6, 1981 (CONTINUED) BREAK Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting for a break from lO:07 o'clock a. m. until 10:25 o'clock a. m. POSTPONEMENT OF DISCUSSION ON ARROWHEAD PARK DEVELOPMENT County Manager Cooper reported that the bids that came in for Arrowhead Park were not ready for a proposal and recommended that this be brought back for discussion at a later meeting. DATE SET FOR WORK SESSION ON AIRPORT TERMINAL .CONSULTANT AND LAND USE PLAN o After discussion, it was agreed to have a work session on Monday, November 23, 1981, at 7:00 p. m. to' discuss'the Airport Terminal Consultants and to review with the Planning staff the coonnents and public input on the Land Use Plan so the document could be prepared and voted ,on at the next meeting. ., Mr. M. H. Vaughan commented. ADDITIONAL ITEMS LETTER SUPPORTING NACo POSITION ON BUDGET CUTS Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to send supporting NACo's position that there be no further cuts fiscal year 1982 budget below the reconciliation level. the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. a letter in the Upon vote, DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF REST HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE Connn.' 'Gottovi':comrilented on the request to establish a Rest Home Advisory Committee. After discussion, it was agreed to check with Linda Bedo to review the Nursing Home Advisory Connnittee Legislation and the Rest Home Advisory Committee Legislation and see if the one committee could function in both cases. . - -. DISCUSSION ON CEMETERY COMMITTEE Comm. Blake commented on the recpnt correspondence concerning the County'~resPQnsibility in ,setting bo~ndaries for old cemeteries.and ,appofI).tlng ,a cemetery COI'IlIl1 ttee. ' . The following persons commented: o . County Attorney Pope Mrs. Myrtle Barnhill Director of Engineering Ed Hilton DISCUSSION ON PUBLIC HEARING ABOUT WATER SUPPLY GRANTS Chm. O'Shields commented on the public hearing to be held by the Division of Health Services in Whiteville on December 2, in dealing with the request from the Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority for the receiving of County allocation funds that were not drawn on under the Clean Water Bond Act. It was agreed that a letter would be drafted and sent to them request- ing that New Hanover County's funds not be released until the County's needs for the 42l water system had been determined. DISCUSSION ON MEETING WITH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOVERNMENTAL TASK FORCE Chm. O'Shields reported that he had received a request from the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to meet with the Local Governmental Affairs Task Force. o It was agreed that Chm. O'Shields would see if they could meet at 6:30 p. m. on December 7, just prior to the Regular County Coonnission meeting on that date. ;'l' ','. ," , ,,/)' , " 959 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER l6, 1981 (CONTINUED) '" " . ADDITIONAL ITE11S (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON LITIGATION AGAINST PLEASANTS Corom. Armistead requested information on the letter received from Graham and Linda Pleasants about the location of a freezer for their business. The County Manager, County Commissioners and County Attorney discussed the litigation that the County was involved in with the Pleasants concerning their non-compliance with the County Zoning Regulations. o DISCUSSION ON RESOURCE RECOVERY SLIDE PRESENTATION County Manager Cooper updated the Commissioners on the information programs being pres~nted by the AAUW and County staff on the Resource Recovery Bond Issue and requested direction from the Board as to whether or not they would like to see the slide presentation and invite other local officials to see it and also whether or not the Commission members would like tq participate in some of the television shows on the issue. It was agreed that the slide presentation would be given at the beginning of the meeting on December 7 and other local officials invited to attend. BUDGET A}lENDMENT - SHERIFF'S DEPARl1lENT Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, the following amendment in the, Sheriff's Department budget to set up additional revenue for adjustment for the 9ll Grant was UNANIMOUSLY approved: Debit - Acct. Credit - Acct. #ll 34lb 360, State Grant - 9ll Grant #ll 4312 640, Capital Outlay - Equipment $5,000 $5,000 DISCUSSION ON AIRPORT TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION Mr. M. H. Vaughan commented on plans he had heard about concerning an $8 million Airport terminal. o EXECUIIllKSESSION ': Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chm. O'Shields, to recess the meeting to Executive Session to discuss contractual matters and easement acquisitions. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chm. O'Shields recessed the meeting to' Executive Session at ll:l6 o'clock a. m. Chm. O'Shields reconvened the meeting to Public Session at l2:30 o'clock p. m. AUTHORIZATION OF EASEMENT CONTRACTS FOR NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR AND BUDGET AMENDMENT Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to approve the contracts executed by the County Manager for easements and purchase of land for, the Northeast Interceptor and approve the 'transfer.,of $l52,300 from Contingencies account' of the Capitol Project Ordinance to appropriate the funds. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A list of the easem~nts and' amounts is contained in Exhibit Book VIII, Page 53. o REPEAL OF CHAPTER 6.5 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED, by Comm. Blake, to repeal the old Fair Employment Ordinance, Chapter, 6.5 of the New Hanover County Code, which had been replaced by the ne~ Ordinance adopted earlier in the meeting. Upon vote"the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , I ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT CONCERNING PURCHASE OF WATER Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Blake, the following Resolution was UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED': -'''....-. .. L_,"__ 960 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1981 (CONTINUED) ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENT CONCERNING PURCHASE OF WATER (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY IVHEREAS, THE Board of Co~issioners of New Hanover County believe that it is in the best interests of all citizens that the County acquire the ability to provide a dependable source of water to the County and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the County's growing suburban population and emphasis on a ttracting new industries to provide new jobs has and will produce increased needs for water outside of the municipal boundaries within the County; and o WHEREAS, the County will require in the reasonably foreseeable future a substantial, continuing and dependable source of water for the purpose of enabling the County to provide adequate water to residential, commercial and industrial customers within the County; and IVHEREAS, the County will in the foreseeable future, if authorized by the voters, construct a county-wide water distribution system in order to meet such future demand by its 'citizens and in order to provide an incentive to the continued healthy economic development of the County; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington has passed a resolution of its intent to purchase lO million gallons of water a day from the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority, representing 40% of the water delivery produced by the Authority, and has agreed to pay 40% of the operating and maintenance costs of the Authority and 40% of the debt service of the Authority; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington has evidenced the willingness'to grant and sell to the County the continuing right and entitlement to purchase from the City an amount of raw or unfinished water to insure to the County a reliable source of raw water for its needs in the reasonably , foreseeable future; and o , WHEREAS, the County desires to assist the City of Wilmington in the payment of the City's guaranteed water purchase from the Authority, in exchange for such right and entitlement from the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners intend to aid, assist and support the City of Wilmington in its efforts to obtain an adequate, dependable source of water for residential, commercial and industrial customers within the entire County, and to that end do hereby direct the County Manager and County Attorney to prepare and present the appropriate and necessary document(s) to achieve this goal. This l6th day of November, 1981. COMPLAINTS ABOUT LIBRARY EMPLOYEES Comm. Barfield commented on complaints he had received about the attitude of some of the Library employees. County Manager Cooper agreed to discuss this matter with the Com~ missioners on an individual basis. ADJOURNMENT COTIm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Chm. O'Shields, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. o Chm. O'Shields adjourned. the meeting at l2:35 o'clock p.,m. Respectfully submitted, ~,8'K~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk