2008-01-22 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 2008 PAGE 268 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 1:26 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Chairman William A. Kopp, Jr.; District Vice-Chairman William A. Caster; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner Robert G. Greer; District Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; Clerk to the District Board Sheila L. Schult; and County Manager Bruce T. Shell NON-AGENDA ITEMS District Chairman Kopp announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES District Chairman Kopp called for a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 7, 2008, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 7, 2008, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PRESENTATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 2007 WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE Interim County Engineer Dennis Ihnat introduced Tony Boahn , McKim and Creed Engineers, stating that Mr. Boahn was available to present the 2007 Wastewater Master Plan update. Tony Boahn, McKim and Creed Engineers, reported that the 2007 Wastewater Master Plan update was recently completed by McKim and Creed Engineers. This document updates the 2001 Wastewater Master Plan and will be utilized by both New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington as the planning and design guidance document for operation, maintenance, and expansion and presented to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority for their use. The following highlights were presented: Primary Objectives: ? Develop flow projections through year 2026 ? Evaluate capacity management for Southside and Northside Wastewater Treatment Plants ? Outline infrastructure improvements Additional Components: ? Develop a hydraulic model ? Evaluate unsewered communities ? primarily in the County ? Develop a capital improvements plan Major Modifications of Plan: ? Aqua America service area was included in the plan ? Growth in the County service areas ? anticipated to go from 95,000 to 170,000 customers ? Pump Station 35 and Wrightsville Beach diversion to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant ? Downtown redevelopment NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 2008 PAGE 269 Capacity Management: ? Utilize Northeast Interceptor project ? Manage flow between the Northside and Southside Wastewater Treatment Plants ? Begin expansion/upgrades of Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant ? Begin plan for expansion of the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant ? Be proactive Collection/Infrastructure Improvements: ? Upgrades to existing systems ? Focus on regionalism ? Development of Capital Improvement Plans ? Assessment of unsewered areas ? critical needs Capital Improvement Plans to be derived from: ? Master Plan ? City/County Capital Improvement Plans ? Downtown sewer assessment ? Capital Improvement Plan for Northeast Interceptor In summary, Mr. Boahn reported that as shown in the report, the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will face significant growth and subsequent infrastructure needs over the twenty-year planning period. Both the Northside and Southside Wastewater Treatment Plants will require expansion during the period, with the most immediate being the need for an expansion of the Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant from 12 million gallons per day to 16 million gallons per day and the plan to expand the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant to 24 million gallons per day (complete 2016 ? 2018). It is also recommended that both the City and County proactively pursue implementation of the recommendations of this report and continue to monitor flows and growth, update the Master Plan in 2011-2012 timeframe. The 2007 Wastewater Master Plan update will be provided to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority District Chairman Kopp thanked Mr. Boahn for the update and requested a motion for acceptance of the Plan. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Pritchett, to accept the 2007 Wastewater Master Plan as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CAPITAL PROJECT AMENDMENT FOR BRADLEY CREEK SEWER JUNCTION BOX REPLACEMENT AND ADOPTION OF BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2008-80 Interim County Engineer Dennis Ihnat reported that the Bradley Creek sewer junction box replacement capital project ordinance was approved by the District on August 13, 2007 with the contractor, T.A. Loving, beginning the work on the site in mid-September. During the course of the work, it was discovered that the original 24 inch effluent line that connects the junction manhole to the pump station is defective and needs to be replaced. This line replacement was not in the original scope of work per Change Order #4. Additionally, a new interconnect for the Northeast Interceptor flow management, new force main sample taps, and a new connection for the odor control vent pipe to the junction box are required as a result of the reconfiguration of the incoming force mains to the junction box. At the District's request, T.A. Loving has submitted estimated cost for these items. The cost to install the new effluent line and other needed upgrades is $239,500. This figure also includes the cost of the revised bypass pumping that is needed to complete the additional work. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOOK 3 REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 22, 2008 PAGE 270 This additional work is critical to ensuring a quality project with regards to upgrading the County's lines and manholes at the pump station, returning the station to a normal operating mode so the City can complete all the required pump station upgrades required by the Special Order of Consent and ensuring safe and effective operation of this critical infrastructure link in the Northeast Interceptor system. Timely completion of this project will assist the City in completing the required work so the Northeast Interceptor moratorium and Special Order of Consent can be removed. Staff is requesting the District Board approve the capital project amendment for the Bradley Creek Sewer Junction and adopt the Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008-80 in the amount of $239,500. District Chairman Kopp requested direction from the Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Vice-Chairman Caster, to approve the capital project amendment for the Bradley Creek Sewer Junction and adopt the Budget Ordinance Amendment 2008-80 in the amount of $239,500. A copy of the budget ordinance amendment is hereby incorporated as part of the minutes and is contained in Water and Sewer Exhibit Book III, Page 24. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business, District Chairman Kopp adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the District Board