Agenda 2000 01-19 ° AGEN ,... - ~ NEW HANOVER :COIJNTY}'B OARD OF COMMISSIONERS DA ,, w. ,.. ...: ,.. ~ 'Assembly.. Room . . _. ,; . , t - ~ ~ .. :.. ~ New Hanover County Historic Courthouse - • ~ • 24 N. Third Street ~ `TM .~ - ~ ~ '. •Wilmington, NC .. , ,_ ~' .,.. .. • ~ WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN^ ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN -' - ' ' BUZZ BIRZENIEKS,.COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR:, COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER O ALL O~%1N,EAL, TY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F.;HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD ,a . ` ' (. V ~~ ~ ) .. :. .. , m, ' ' `' MEETING CALLED' TO ORDER:(Chairman William A. Caster) - . .. . ,. - . INVOCATION', , ; 3. ~ ~' . w. . . ~ , , .. . ~,- .; ,, .' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' .. , ~ .. '~ '. NON=AGENDA_ ITEMS (Limit three rniniites) - '' ' ~` ~ ~ ;= APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA . .. .. ,. ' ESTIMATED'" .f. . ~ ' -, ~ ITEMS.OF BUSINESS' . -~. .. AGE'" .. '..~ TIMES ~ .. .., . . NQ. :15:~a.m.. 1.. ,Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques ~ 1 9.25 'a m . ; 2. ~ Presentation of New Hanover County Service. Awards ~ ~ ` .. 3 9:35 a rn ., 3. at .Recognition of New Em to ees °. ~' , .` " ~~ ~ ' . p Y _ ' ,. 5 _ 9 45 a m ~; " 4. ~ '.. .4. '' Recognition of Cooperative Extension Service Staff as' 1999 Winner of , 7 - - _ the State Search for Excellence.Award for Administ>^ation and • : ~ Leadership Excellence .. ~ ., „ - . ~ 9:55 a m •' . 5: '~ , Recognition of Dr. Bruce V17illiarns for.Winning'tlie 1999,State~Search~ ~ ~ •. 9` x ' ~ ~ ~ ` . `~ , ~ for Excellence Award for Resource Development ~ ~ ' 10:05 a m. ~ .. 6.,, 5 Presentation by Representative from the Seabreeze Community Center - ~ 11 :`10:20'a m: 7 ,,. ' Presentation of Audit for Fiscal Year Ended 6/30/99 by Sam Rose; : - 13~ g <.. Partner with McGladrey and. Pullen; LLP • . ~- ,,. , ... . . ~: 10 45;a m'~ 8'.: ~~ . ~~ ~,. ;: Presentation-by District Attorriey John Carrker~to Update the-Board of , 15 ~~ ,~ ' County Commissioners on New Programs 1 ;100 a m '. ~ 9 ~ ,~ • ., r n .s . . '~ i• t .. ., - _. - _. Consideration of Approval; of Resolution ,to Conduct the 2004 Revaluation ,, ..,~ , - - a _y , -, . .,.. . • _ ; 17 ~ ~ , . ..' - - 11:10 a.m. 10. Presentation/Update on Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP): 19 Voluntary Buyout Program for New Hanover County 11:20 a.m. 11. Presentation/Update on Communities That Care Programs ~ 21 '~ 11:30 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 23 ~. ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners • . County Attorney s ~ ' .County Manager ~ ~ • • • ; 11:45 a:m. ADJOURN CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BO D OF COMMISSIONERS January ,cA2000 . C~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 35 2. Award of Contract #00-0208 to Camp Dresser and McKee for the 37 design, permitting, and Construction Quality Assurance Management of the Constructed Wetland Treatment System funded in part by the Clean Water Management Trust Fund 3. Approval of Grant Application -Quality Enhancement for Infants 39 and Toddlers Project -CHILD CARE HEALTH CONSULTANT GRANT from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Maternal and Child Health (request $48,210) 4. Approval of Grant Request to The Governor's Crime Commission 65 Requesting Funding for Mobile Data Terminals 5. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 77 District Collection Reports 6. Approval of Release of Value 83 7. Approval of Budget Amendment #200-17 Environmental Management 85 Landfill/Solid Waste Construction b {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~; 2 . { This pageintentionallyleft blank} 4 ~ ~ ~~~~ a ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} • ~t~s+~+~it~, ,: a A a as Kq~e n .. '~ 6 ~ ;~ .. ~. ~: ~: :~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD~OF COMMISSIONERS :REQUEST FOR BOARD _ TION . ~ Meeting Date: 01/...100 1. ~.. S r ~ 4. -,. {This page intentionally left blank} .~ _~ 10r ~;; ' _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/00 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: ~ Page Number: i l ~ ' . Department: County Manager. Presenter: Mr. James T. Bryant; III Contact: Allen O'Neal (Approved for placement on the agenda by Chairman Caster.) ', SUBJECT: T, . Presentation by Representative from the Seabreeze Community Center. . BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Mr. James Bryant, III .has requested time on the agenda to request $1 Million.. to build a Seabeeze . Community Development Center. `Please see the attached note from Mr. Bryant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - • COUNTY MANAGER'S MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentati • COMMISSIONERS' AC NS/COMMENTS: . COI.INTy COh~n~ISSlONERS . APP^~,~,',=r rJ R~J~C :"~~? ~ ' R ~~ ~'.'~D p POS i ~-DNED ~ '~ '~ HEARD ~ . 'DATE _ _ ' ~~~, ~Q.,~`' ..., __ ...... . ........... _... ~~~~ t.. .. .. . .... ~---~ ~~ ~~ '~ j ~~. ~} ~, ... 'fit, f L~ ~-c~r~ ~ y'Z ~-~- .~; - ,. .: r ,. ~ -~_~ -?~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~3~ - ~ .~~1 .- ~. - .. 11 t ~-~>~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~; ~~,,~ .~~ ~ ~- .cam .. 1.'C~~.. ~-~~.`..~.~:~.. r l inv. ~% n,~. ~"~cAr..L `~~ ,~ ~~L~ ~ ~~ ~--~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ { ~--~.~ :, (, ~ >_ ~ ~~ ._ ~ ~ ~ ~'`r~.~('n. ~ti:{vim t ` ~~ ~..~ ~: ©`~ m ~-v~.1.-~ C=am ~~~~-~. -~;1-~ ~ ~ a ~. to ~~~ 12 ~~~ v ~ ~ r~ ~~ ~~ _~ ~ -~ ~'•,_~` b {This page intentionallyleft,blank} ,.. ~+o hr4 t-Y E'~Fi„ on+F4 y'~'P~t ~`f~ ;~~~dr1 '~ 14 r {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~~ .1.6 ,~ ~., ~~~~ x:~ - ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARDOF COMMISSIONERS '. REQUEST.FOR BOARD CTION ;. _ Meeting. Date: 011 100 . RESOLUTION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, G.S. 105-286 (a) (1) provides for the reappraisal of all real property in New Hanover County as ofaJanuary 1, 1975 and every eighth year thereafter, unless the date shall be advanced; and WHEREAS, G.S. 105-286~(a) 92) provides that any county desiring to conduct a reappraisal of real.property earlier than required by this subsection (a) may do so upon adoption by the Board '~ of County Commissioners of a resolution so providing; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners are of the opinion that an earlier reappraisal than the reappraisal scheduled for 2006 will be more equitable as such a reappraisal will more nearly equalize values of all real property owners in New Hanover County, NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby advance its scheduled octennial reappraisal of all real property in New Hanover County as of January 1, 2004, and every four years, thereafter, and directs the Clerk to promptly forward a copy of this Resolution to the Department of Revenue ADOPTED, this the 18t`' day of January, 2000. {SEAL } William A. Caster; Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board~~y'~'~~`~ . ~~~~ 18 ~ ~ ~~~~ a~~ ~q{Qry, ~Y[-~+%:I.~~r: ,at:;f_'::L"~i.~?.v~.>:W~eCI, n"~ <.J S Ri~~ 5 s .., F~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~ - ~_'-~ti~~s=b~3A 2 0 ~{ ~.~ ~,: ~ ~~z~~~ ,. ~ ~ ~~; ~;~.. ~~~ ~b -, <. . ~~ . ... ~ m `NEW, HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF C OMMISSIONERS _ ,: - ,,. °~° - REQUEST FOR BOARD TION" ~ - ~ ' ~ .. ,. ~ Meeting.. Date: 01/ /00 . , ~ -.. r ~ ~ ~ , ' :. Regular Item.#: 11 - Estimated Time: Page.Number: ° - ~ `, . ..~ z .: .. Department: County'Manager . Presenter: John Ranali, NHRMC . . • ~ `~~ '~ ,~ ' ~~ ~` ; ' Contact:.-.Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager ~ ,: ` s `. - SUBJECT`. `. ,. . ~ . . - ` ~:- Presentation and~Update on Communities That Care and Other. Programs ~~ . < ~.: _ BRIEF SUMMARY: . . .. . ~' ~, ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED'ACTIONS: t. .. _ . .., . , FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ - - ~ - ' ~, .' :., ° , - ,. ,~ r .. .. .~. ~ .. ,. ,. , ,ATTACHMENTS: .. .. , ... ,. , , . , s .. . ITEM DOES.''NOT~REQU/RE.REVIEW ,.. . . , -;:: ~" -~,~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R~~OMMENDATIONS•' Hear presentation. ' ~ - ~~ .~ COMMISSIONERS'.ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~t :. ,.~ ~. , .. ~ ~ - ... ,. ; .. y ., ~. ~ - , - - - ~ „ i t { a ~ ~ - Y Y ~• . 'COUNTY COMMIS ION~tS. .. ~ APPROVED . ` ~ REJECTED [3 . : , ~` , 1 :. .. ~ , ., REMOVED D + . 2 1 -. N ~. . , ~ ~ ED O POSTPO ,. 5 . . . . HEARD ~ d _. _ f)ATE'..~ - ~.- , r - .. ~~ { phis page i~te~tlo~allyleft blank} ~;i~~~i ~,. 22 ~~, r ~~,a~F~~-~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT n {This page intentionally left blank} 24 ' ", `:.: r.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ REQUEST FOR BOAR TION t " ' r ~~ Meeting Dater 01/ /00 - ' ' ~ . V1/ater &' Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time:. - Page Number:.. ~` ~ ~ - ' ' - ~ u9 - . ~ ~ .~ Department: Governing~Body Presenter:. Lucie F. Harrell, _ . -. > .•_ t -'Contact: Lucie'f. Harrell • "..: ~ ~ ` ` ~ . ., , ~, , . . ,,"r, ,SUBJECT: ~ ~_ ~ - . - .., . • `~- . :.Approval of Minutes -Water and Sewer Agenda , ' , y. ' ' ~' " ' . " BRIEF SUMMARY: : - ~ ' ., , -. . ~ " ' ~ rove fhe followin s " App g ets of minutes: . , ." . - , , ,. Regular.Meeting, December 6, 1999 ` ~ ~ .. o ~ ~' ' ...: '' F ` ' ' ~ Regular Meeting, January 3, 2000' ., , .. • ~ -RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - ~ , P " ' ,. ,. Approve minutes. o , , _ .: • ~ ~ .. .. - -=FUNDING SOURCE: _ _ ` , ," ,, ,. ,. ,. _ ~ _ a - - ', ATTACHMEr ~ ,r ~ .- , .. - _ . ,ITEM DOES NOT REQU/RE'REV/EV1/ .. ` •' " _ . .., COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ;. • Approve"minutes; . ~ •. . - . - . , , ... . :.:. ,.~ :.. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ", .:, .. ~ , - .,, • . ~ .. ,. ,, ,." ". ~ -' : ,. - ~ - ~ . .. .. _ .. ~ e :, . ., .. . -, k ' .. . . ... a . ,_ .. - .," , ,, e .. ,' ~ r ,- . 4 .. .. ,~.~. .. ,.. :. ,- ". .. ` ,, y, .. - ..v .. .. ~ .. ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~. - ,_. ,. ,. • - ... ~ ~ - ~ ~ -.. t. , - .. . -. } ' .' '. s ~ ~coulvTV coM~+ls io>d~s ;. .. .: :, . ' AP~'ROVED , . ~. , ~. ~, _ . _ ` '~ RE.IECTED O ,_ , . ., ., .". , . PO~TPONE[~ _ ~' 25 •. _. ~~~~R ,. . ,. ., o 4, _ DATE -- - ,. .. . _ . ,. : _ .. ., r , ,. ,; , ., , { Thi,~ page intentionally left blank} ~ ~~b~` "3 ~:~~'.. 26~ ~~~ ~. ~. ,..~ •, - . . -,. - .. s ... .. ,, .~ •, ~~ . ~ NEW HANOVE~R COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS- , . • •~ ~ " _ -, ~" ~ ~ ~_ REQUEST FOR BOARD TION.: , ~. - ~ 'Meeting Date: ' a1/ !0'0 - _ , • _. . . -., ; ;. • - , , Wafer,& Sewer Item #. r3'Estimated Time: :PageNumber'- ~ ~ ~ • • .. . , • Department: Water; & Sewer_Districf Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard , ~ ~ ~ ' .. ... . ,. ,. , 4 n. .. -~.. ., ' ~ Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchai=d ~.. • , .. . .r _ °SUBJECT: ~ • . - • - -° : Release from~Contract #96-0452A ~ ~ -• lY •~ - ry' ~ ~ -Carolina East-Developers - Arrondale~Subdivsion - ~ • ~ • ` .. ~ . •. • ., - .. ;. . .. .: ~ .. . - .. ... ;a. - BRIEF SUMMARY: - Carolina East Developers, Landmark and the District entered into the referenced •contract to construct- ` • 13;200 feet of sewer force main along River Road• from the ,Lambs Bluff Subdivision to the Mott Creek '~ ~.'. ~,' ~~ ,.. , '~ _ pump station.- Carolina East had received a budget figure of $400,000 :from a contractor for construction ". - ~ of fthe-project. Knowing. this, the contract was set up for each developer to pay $20,,OOQ and for the District . ~ •': -.`,to pay $60,000 toward construction. •Any cost above $100,000 would. be divided proportionally among all, ' 'parties. When bids were actually- received, the cost increased' to almost $300,000.: This was mainly,. due . . r. . ~- to•construction requirementsby'CAMA... , .. ; Knowin .this situation,... Carolina East is now askin to be released from the contract and `have a re 9 g g ed to _ . forfeit their $20,000. They have indicated -they cannot financially afford,to pay the increased cost. _, •Attached is a copy .of a letter from the Carolina East attorney. The remaining portion of the Carolina East •~ . A .Development (Arrondale) has been sold. If released from the°contract, .all lots in the future sections of Arrondale property; :.which have not received sewer system approval, should pay the $450 development fee as other developers using the force main do.' This is already a'contract requirement. ~~ : ~~ The-attorney's for the-~purchasers~of the undeveloped. portion of Arrondale are stating that their client should not have tospay the development fee;.since the sewer force main in question must be constructed . :. forahe schools at Veteran's park. 'Staff does not agree.- ~' `' ~The~force' mairi'-will serve the -south western portion of the County, including the Veterans .Park School -site: • Landmark had previously... sold the property which they planned to develop .fo; the County .for Veterans _ . - - ;. • Park. "With the sale of the property, Landmark agreed to allow the•,Disfrict.to retain their $20,000 .~ ": - contribution, if rel,eased`from the contract; Landmark was released°at an earlier Commissioners-.meeting:. ' .• . .E• The ~~District,;is proceeding.,.with the bidding of the force main to assure that it is in place prior to the - '•Veterans Park Schools' being, completed. This force main -will also redirect flow from The Cape.. ;wastewater. treatment,,plant, which is private,: to the Southside wastewater treatment plant,- which is jointly.<<., . .... owned kiy,the,Counfy and City. • ~ - : ; ~. _ . . _- . ,. .. - '^ A map is attached for your information. ~~ ' .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ ~ '~ • _'Recommend the. request by Carolina East Developers, fora release from contract .responsibilities be • • approved. However, at the time a building permit is issued for future .lots which have not received sewer . . ` system approval's $450 development fee will be required. 'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS •~ -:APPROVED ,.'. ;' .. FUNDING_SOURCE: -: • ''- ~ .~~ .. . •• R '~ E , !~ ,. REMOVED ~.., . ' ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ , ~ POSTPONED. ~ • 1 • -Letter. •~ ~- HEARD . _ . H ~ ~. ~_._--- . - Location MaP' - DATE .. ... . .. u ~~ , ~ Jf _ •- - r ~~ . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendation from County Engineer. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,. ~~~~ !q~ ~~g ' ~~~~~ 28 ~~~~~ ~~~~ Kemp P. Burpeau, Esquire _ Page Two October 7, 1999 With best regards, I remain Sinc rely ours, ., J. Harold Seagle JHS/gw pc: Mr. Kenny Norris ~ .. Mr. J. W. Fussell .... Mr. Greg Brown 30 ROUNTREE & BEAGLE, L.L:P. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ,, 32 . _. i : ~. .~ ~ .. ." ... .- t.. . , .. ~_` ~ ..' ~ ~ ; - CONSENT AGENDA .. t ' ,, .. - NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOA ~ OF COMMISSIONERS January , 2000 - ~ - r ;~ - ,,: - . ,. ,. -. , '~ ~ ~ . ' , - ,:. _ s~ ~ ITEMS OF BUSIN SS :: " ~ ,° ~ ~. . . . PAGE , .. ,. :. .. .. ,,. . ,. ,. .. , . , ~ 1. Approval. of Minutes ~ ~ .. ~ 35. '~. ~ - ~ _ ;.. 2: .Award of Contract #00-0208 to Camp Dresser and McKee for the 37= .. ,, . - ~ °_ - ~° a design, permitting, and Construction Quality .Assurance IVlanagement .: " ' ' . . ~ of the.Constructed Wetland Treatment Systemfunded,ingart by,tlie - '' ~ _ ' ~ ~ Clean Water Management Trust Fund, _ ~ ~ . ~ ° ,. ,... `- ~' _ ; .. ~ ~ 3~. `' Approval.of Grant Application -Quality Enhancement for Infants, ~ ~ '. ~ 39 , ,: ~ and Toddlers Project --CHILD CARE HEALTH CONSULTANT GRANT ~ . ' '. ~ ' . -' _ ° ~ ' t` ~~ r , 'from the University of North Carolna.at Chapel Hill Department of ' Maternal and Child Health (request,$48,210), .. , . . . ,, '' „ ~ .: ~ 4.. . :Approval of Grant Request to The Governor's Crime Commission, ~ , ~ ~ 65., ':.: ; ,, z ,• ~ ~ Requesting Funding for: Mobile Data-Terminals . . ' 5 ~: ~ ~~ Approval of New Hanover County and New~Hanover. County Fire ~ <<77 . . ' .. .District Collection Reports., , - ~. 6. ~ Approval of Release of Value ~ ~ .. ~ .. • - ~ - 83 r '~' ~ '' < ~ 7., . . . .. . ;=Approval of Budget Amendment #200-17 Environmental Management .. ~ '85 - ., , ., ... .. -:_ Landfill/Solid Waste Construction'; ~ ~ _- e t . ., , ,w - ~,. . . .. ,. ,. _ . . , ., o ... . _. . . q a .. - e n - .~. ~ ,'. .: .. ,~ R :, ~ ~ e e . ~ _. v. u ~ . ~ ' r. a ~ .. - ~. .. . 't. - x . ~ {This page intentionallyleft blank} ,. 34 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 01/18/00 Consent1tem #: 1~'Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: ~ ' _ Approval of Minutes -Consent Agenda BRIEF SUMMARY:. ~~ Approve the following sets of minutes: , Regular Meeting, December 6, 1999 Regular Meeting, January 3, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION:.AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes:: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ' ~~ ATTACHMENTS: ' . ITEM. DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Approve minutes. ~ . COMMISSIONERS' A T10NS/COMMEN.TS: i . i I COUNTY COMMIS/~ION~RS i AF?~ .OVED C-1' R4:~CTCD D t . R.": G~~fD Cll ~ FC~ i PONED O ~~~ ~ HEfiRD O ,y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q . ~ i I - {This page. intentionally left blank} ~~~~~ .,~ r " ~~ ~" •• c . ' ~ '0l~A i• 36~ , g - - ~ _ '- ,^ ~ ' ` ;., ' Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time:.- Pa e Numbe ` ' .Department;. Environmental Management .Presenter: Ray.Church `' '~ . .Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT:- ,~:. .. ., . .. - . ., - ~ ~- Award. of Contract #00-0208 #o Camp Dresser and McKee, for the design, - ` .permitting, a'nd Construction Quality Assurance Management of the. Construcfed~ Wetland Treatment System funded in part by ,the Clean Water Management Trust . , ' "Fund - ~ , . . r . BRIEF SUMMARY ; ...., _ . The Department of Environmenfiaf Management obtained funding from the Clean Water Management - ~ ` ` Trust Fund in an amount of $785,000 in April.1999 to construct wetlands for the treatmert,of landfill _ - leachate. •;Funds for the.County's match in an amount of $243,500, available in he Environmental ,, 'Management Fund Balance, were approved by the Board of Commissioners on November 23rd~1998. The technical, tall has since obtained proposals, for the design, permitting, 'and construction ,quality ' assurance management (CQA}:for the wetland treatment system. Proposals were received from..the . . .. -, following firms: ~ . ~ - ~. . - , .. ,. , • .,McKim & Creed- ~.. , . ,.. - . + o Post, 'Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. ~ ~ - . ' ~ o HDR Engineering - ~ ~ _ .. r :- ® Arcadis Engineering -: No response - -• ... ...:.Camp Dresser &.McKee . ,, , " ' ' ~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~,- :. ~ ° - 'Staff recommends adoption of the resolution and award of contract #00-0208 to.Camp Dresserand ,McKee-in~ an amount of $120,000.' A detailed memo explaining the Request for Proposal breakdown and •' ~ ` selection of the firm is attached. , - ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ ' • . ~ - - 6 .~.. `. -. _ ;, ~ FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ . ` .. .~ _ Grant.funds were obtained. from the•NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund in an amount of $785,000. .. ' ` ' Matcfiing:County funds were allocated~from the Environmental Management Fund Balance ($243,500) at ~ "' ~• °~. ` ~ the Board meeting of.November 23,.1998„ and approved by budget amendment on June 21,1999. ' .` Engineering design and CQA costs-were included in the County's matching funds portion of the grant . aRplication. - ., ~ ~ , -. ~ ~ :. ~. ATTACHMENTS: . :,,~. , . `. ~ -Proposal recommendation memo, recommended contractor's proposal.- Draft contract is available in . ~ ". . - ~ County Manager's ,Office for review. ~ - -~:~:. ~ - . ~` . . ,. , . .. '. - ~„ i , . , .~ COMMI IONERS `, wetlands.mm:w .. - ~ COUN , REVIEWED BY: ~ .. ~ REJECTED _ - LEGAL: approve .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN. RESOUf,ZC:ES: N~/A - ft' ~: ,: PGSTP,ONED D - ~ ~ 37 - COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~. ~ I _1_Q - Recommend approva- , .. - DASD _ , .- - . , - .. :.. :... ,~ .. _;. , , .. } - v . - .. r '" b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF .COMMISSIONERS ., . ' ,REQUEST FOR BOARD A~TLON ;- Meetin Dater 0'I/~/00 December 22, 1999 ~ ~t.,/ TO: Ray Church, Director FROM: Sam Hawes, Environmental Technician SUBJECT: Req~iest for Proposals -Constructed Wetland Treatment System Request for Proposals were mailed on August 9, 1999, to five (~) engineering firms for the design and development of a constructed wetland system to treat landfill leachate. Four (4) proposals were received by the closing date of September 3, 1999. The following firms submitted proposals: McKim & Creed Post Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. ' HDR Engineering Arcadis Engineering - No proposal submitted ' Camp Dresser & McKee McKim & Creed's' proposal was not as detailed as any ~of the other proposals. McKim & Creed's proposal did not include plans for the Construction Quality Assurance management (CQA), permitting, or the final design. It also included only a limited number of meetings with State officials. McKim & Creed has little constructed wetlands and landfill experience as compared to Post Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan (PBS&J), Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM), and HDR Engineering. The firm of Arcadis Engineering did not submit a proposal for the project. . PBS&J's proposal compares similarly to those of HDR Engineering and CDM. Each of these three firm's proposals is relevant, complete, and their experiences with,wetlands construction are very similar. One distinguishing difference is„that PBS&J and CDM have extensive experience with constructed wetlands whereas HDR Engineering has none. ~ _ Of the proposals, CDM developed the most highly qualified project team. This team is highlighted by the inclusion Dr. Sarah Liehr and Dr. Darlene Bruce, both of which helped with the design and research of our existing pilot wetland system, and Dr. Robert Kadlec,,the World',s foremost leader in constructed wetlands-technology and, research. Each member of our technical staff used an evaluation form to rank the proposals. It is clear to each of the members that CDM has the most constructed wetlands experience and as much, if not more, landfill ~ , construction experience than the other firms. CDM's proposal is also the most thorough, relevant, and professional proposal received. . I have included copies of the proposals, our evaluations, and a draft contract for your review. Staff recommends awarding a contract to Camp Dresser & McKee based on their qualifications, previous constructed wetlands and landfill experience, proposal relevance, and price within the budgeted amount. ~'~e~r,~~~t5~}~;~ ~i'~s~q c: ~ PauhMarlow~, Environmental Programs Manager Tim~;Heistand, Environmental. Specialist A~ndy~Mulvey, Environmental. Programs:Assistant _ - ~ ~ _ ,y ,. i . ... .. .,. .., - - ,... . . ` ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` . ~ ~ • ` r ,'"' REQUEST FOR °BOARD A • TION- ' . .Meeting -Date: 011 /00, ~ .- .; .. E. . ~ ~~ , ; . . . ,. ~ . _.. - ~ °.~ `Corisent Item:#: 3 -Estimated' Timer Page Number: ~ ..H. ,. ~~ :~ -t, . _ _ .. ,_ _ ,. Department:. Health ' Presenter: Janet McCuml?ee, Child Health Director - v ~ .. - ,„ _ .. .. .. Contact: Janet McCumtiee; 343-6559. .. . .. ~, ~. s .. , ,. ,, , ,,. .:. - ,,.•, .a. _ -SUBJECT: . - , , -' ..Grant Application-Quality Enhancement for Infants and Toddlers Project-CHFLD' ~~ .. •'' .' ; .CARE HEALTH 'CONSULTANT GRANT-from the University of North /Carolina at ':; • Chapel Hill Department of.Maternal and Child. Health (request $48,21:0) ~ • ." , • ..~ .. . _ k ;; ;• BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ .._ _ _ -. . ' • At the December 1 j 1999,. Board' of Health (BOH) meeting, the BOH approved a grant application for the ` ~ ~ Quality. Enhancement for Infants and Toddlers-Child Care Health. Consultant Grant for $48,210: The ~ ° purpose is to enhance health, nutrition; .and safety for infants and toddlers in out-of-home child care in New Hanover County:'Funding is provided~for up to three years to agencies, but after the first year, .. funding. is coritingent upon performance and availability of funding: We,are'requesting an additional child care health consultant (we currently have 2 nurses alread,y~qualified ~ :. -` • 'as child, care health consultants). With'only 2 nurses, it is impossible to fully meet the needs of 223 child - " - .' , careTacilities and the 8,688 children enrolled: ~An additional child care health consultant will enable'us to.,• ' ` provide comprehensive services'to all child care facilities, homes and centers in New Hanover County. . (SeeYattached grant for more specifics.) ., . .... ,, , , •, ,. •.. ,~ .. ' ~ ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . ` _ ~ • ~ ' _ ~ Approve grant application for $48,210 and if grant is awarded approve accepting.grant and-associated ~r '° -'budget ameridment. No county match required.: °• : _F, .".. - s FUNDING ,SOURCE: ,, ~ ~ ' . ~ ~ ~ ',' , a ., , ~. ,. . ~. ~ • ,~. ,f `ATTACHMENTS: .. _ << . .Yes, 25 pages attached grant application • . ~ a. , . ~ ° . ~~REVIEWED BY: 'z` ~ ~ - - ~' • LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve-; -HUMAN' RESOURCES: Approve „ • • .. :. , . a ... - -:. . COUNTY MANAGER'S CO Nl'S AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ._ - Recommend approv .. . ,.. ,, ~: ~COMIVIISSIONERS' A i S/COMMENTS: - _ ' .. ,' .,° ~ s , .; ., . - _: .; . - N COUNT( COMMIS 10 ERS ., ' - AP',~OVED` , .. ~• R~~~.~CVED , O - . ° ~{ . ,:..1 P.L.~~~ON~o o ~- 39 , . .. . .. 4, _ H r /_ DATE u .. , .... , j Quality Enha~icement Project for Infa~its and Toddlers CHILD CARE HEALTH CONS1<JLTANT GRANTS COVER SHEET . Agency: New Hanover-County Health Department_ Director: David E, Rice Telephone: (910) 343-6500 Address: 2029. South 17th Street Fax: (910) 341-4146 Wilmington, NC 28401 Email/Internet: drice@co .new-hanover . nc . us Contact Person: Janet McCumbee, RN,BSN, Child Health Director, (910) 343-6559 jmccumbee@co.new-hanover.nc.us ' Pamela Heath, RN,BSN, Child Care Nurse Coordinator (910) 343-6608 pheath@co.new-hanover. us Program: Child Care Health Consultant Urants, Project Year I - Funds Requested $~ l f 8 a~ ~ g 2 ~ ' County: New Hanover County t~ .. 1 Certification: I hereby affirm and certify that A. The information in this application is accurate, to the best of my knowledge.. B. Under no circumstances will any person, employee, or independent contractor to be paid by the agency applying for this grant or by any other program's administered by the agency be paid to an extent which would translate to a full time equivalency of greater than 1.0. Furthermore, no time will be "double-charged." C. The organization has the resources to meet the goals and objectives included in this application for the amount of applied for funds. D. I underst d hat ecisions made by the Review Committee are final. aD~ 9'~ _ Director's Signature Date Print or type Director's name rj ~ 'a ~~ u_. 40 ~O~yry Project Narrative A. Identification of Need All children need early comprehensive, preventive health care, identification of problems, and intervention to forestall later educational failure and health consequences. They need nurturing, developmentally appropriate activities, safe and healthy environments, as well as patient; affectionate, and trained caregivers. New Hanover County (NHC) and its neighboring counties have experienced a high growth rate of 11% in recent years. In 1998, the number of children residing in New Hanover County (NHC) ages 0-4 was 9,01.8 and 23,666 ages 5-17 (NCCAI, 1998). Currently, 8,688 children in New Hanover County (NHC) are enrolled in out-of--home child care. This means that many of NHC children spend much of their time, in the seventy-three (73) licensed child caze centers and one hundred and fifty {150) family child Gaze homes, in the care of others (DCD, 1999). In NHC, only twelve (12) of the seventy-three (73) licensed child care centers meet the state's. AA license requirements. Five (5) of the one hundred and fifty (150) family child care .homes are ' nationally accredited (NAFCC) benefiting only twenty-five children (25). NHC needs to increase the number of child care facilities that meet higher licensing standards. The education level of the teacher has a direct affect on the cognitive and social outcomes of the children in his or her care. Oniy 41% of NHC child care teachers have attained education levels beyond high school, 19% of family child care providers. Ten percent of these teachers and directors hold a bachelor degree or higher. Developing secure attachment relationships with adults is among one of the most important developmental tasks for young children. This is most concerning considering more than one in four child care teachers (27%) leave the field each yeaz in NHC. This poses a great need to increase compensation of staff working directly with children in early childhood programs to a rate comparable to that of public schools. 42 3 `' . . ' .' • ...4 - ; } _ '' e Child Care Nursing Program of the New Hanover Coun • - . - Th ~ ty Health`Department (NHCHD) . -.. - presently funded by Smart Start, strives to meet the:health~ and safe . ne ty eds of the. children m ,child care of ., r ,,, ,, ,: ..: NHC Two nurses.,who are already qualified child c ~ ~~ ,, . are health consultants, are funded under this program. ' ' ,. - :, _ • '. The lead CCHC recently received the Glaxo Child Health Award. However; only.two, nurses, it is , ,. ~ 'p ' 'y ,' In 98/99; .. .. im ossible to full meet the needs, of 223 child care facilities and the 8,688 children enrolled.' ,.. the two nurses, served 49'centeis and 29 homes. Serv • - ice included: 110 children screened, 9 referred; 70 ;, • •.. `•• immunizations given; Ir1.09 participants in health education. `' - ~, . , . .. , :. ., • `- -.Early diagnosis, treatment,, aril therapy that may -result from these services will help ensure that •. .children are better prepared to learn in school and succeed in society. ~ Only half (51 %) of the Medicaid ••< ._ ` '. - ~ _ eh" ible NHC children. artici ate in reventive Health Check clinics. Health .conditions tha ' g . p p p tare not - ~`- ~~-•: ~~ treated or prevented can easilyprogtess to chronic diseases and life-long barners to self-sufficienc • , _ (HCFA, 1998).. " ~ ~ ..._ ~( ,, additional child care health consultant .the Child Care Nursin- Pro am will J ~ With an ~ g gr be able fo ,.~ ,. , • . • ,, . ~ ~ a • . . -split territories and °provide comprehensive services to all child. care facilities, homes -and centers, in NHC. ' ~ - ,. ~~ ~ .. - .. . - The NHC Partnershipfor Children, (Smart Start) has written in the NHC Strategic Plan that all.child.care. .. ,_ .. .. ,. ,• . 9 .. .. ~ ". ~. facilities.. in NHC will have.a health consultation 'plan. This goal will be more obtainable with this " - ' -• funding The NHC Child Care Nursing Program~has`been in existence~since,Janu 1997. It started with only one nurse and.has expanded to include a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) ,and half time`Clerical Specialist. What better way to evaluate the impact ofchild,care health consultants~on the health status of ., • children in child care and #o obtain, data on the. daily:routine of child :care health consultants than to have a . ;: ; .' program;already existing; nurses already trained to offer guidance.to a new child care health consultant, ' and previous data already collected? (See Appendix) With an existing program, the objectives. of this • J '' grarit~will be more easily-obtainable and fulfilled. ~ ~ - .. M , ,. , . B . _ - Goals • ~ ' 1. Health promotion and disease prevention activities will become. routine in all child care- ~ • . facilities _by;Augu ,~ st 2001 4 3 . .,„ m, .. .. . ~. .: .. .., .. - - - :~. . • - ., - ,y • , ~ 4 2. All families of children in child care will have the information and resources they need to be able to support the emotional, intellectual, and physical development of their children by August 2001. 3. Every child in child care will have access to comprehensive medical care by August 2001. ' 4. Early childhood program staff will have access to training and technical assistance to increase their knowledge, skills to ensure healthy and safe environments for all children in their care by August 2001.,. Objectives 1. All child care facilities and/or staff will participate in a training or some type of technical assistance yearly, related to healthy child development and safety. 2. Children will be prepared for school, as evidenced by early kindergarten screenings and remediation of problems identified. 3. All children 0-5 in child care will have a source of primary medical and dental care, all care will be coordinated with the child's family and primary healthcare provider. 4. Medical providers will support comprehensive, developmentally appropriate screenings for preventive health care in the preschool population. 5: Parents will understand the importance of early preventive health care as evidenced by regular. checkups. 6. Early completion ~of Kindergarten Health Assessments will be facilitated by more accessibility for Medicaid children to obtain appointments. Timeline o February 2000 -Hire new child care health consultant: Begin, with existing staff to implement a KHA and Dental Assessment pilot program. o February to March 2000 -Orient new CCHC to Health Department, community resources, and the Child Care Nursing Program. Provide training. ® March 2000 -Begin completing and submitting narratives and encounter forms to the Project Coordinator~as required by UNC-CH. 44 5 • April 2000 -Offer services to all child care facilities, homes; and centers in NHC, visiting child Gaze • facilities that have not previously received on-site consultation. •. July 2000 -Evaluate services to determine need for changes.. Survey child care providers for the. need of additional services and educational needs. • October 2000 _ Continue child care services established February 2000. Keeping.weekly statistics. ' Continue to work with Smart Start and LJNC-CH to ensure quality services, evaluation of outcomes, and modification of program as needed. ` ~C. Activity Plan . 1) Technical Assistance and Consultation -The child care health consultant will provide consultation and technical assistance to all child care facilities, homes and centers, in New Hanover County (NHC). Depending on the agreement (Appendix) between the child care providers and the child care health consultant, consultant activities may range from answering specif c questions and. providing • telephone advice, as needed, to scheduling direct on-site consultation visits staff trainings and health • supervision of children. 2) Screenings and Immunizations -The child care health consultant will provide free health' screenings which may include developmental testing ofpersonal-social, gross motor, fine motor, .and language skills; growth measurements; hearing testing; and immunizations for delinquencies per parental permission to children birth to five in local child care programs. These screenings will be performed through referrals, parentaUprovider concerns, or through the identification of a child with a suspected developmental delay. Vision screenings are already provided by . Prevent.Blindness. - 3) Maintenance of Health Records -The child care health consultant will assist in the - maintenance of~health records for child care facilities. Providers will be assisted in receiving'pertinent health information on the children in their care. Current emergency phone numbers,. health history, medical diagnoses, and immunizations will be maintained. ~ ,q„ - 6 1998 was the first year North Carolina Child Care Law regulated all child care facilities, homes and centers, to submit immunizations for all children in child care to the state.. By imposing this law, family child care homes are now being required to follow the same immunization rules as large centers. Before 1998, homes did not record immunizations. Many providers do not understand this new law. Much assistance is needed in retrieving ongoing immunization dates and in educating providers and parents on the importance of keeping. immunizations current. The child care health consultant will provide these services. All children who receive a screening by the child care nurse will have a confidential medical record housed at the Health Department. All staff sign a Confidentially Statement, abide by in house policies and get parental permission for services. Nurses would not discuss screening findings with the teacher without parental permission. 4) Development of Health Policies -All child care facilities need written policies to serve as a guide for health and safety issues. The child care health consultant will assist with policy development and the implementation of health requirements for children and staff. With the development of policies, providers will be encouraged to increase.their centers' status for the newly developed five-star rating system. Medication Administration, Asthma, Handwashing, Exclusion of Children with.Illness, Car Seat Safety, and Transportation are examples of such policies. The Health Department presently has a "Buckle up Kids" program which has provided training and materials for the child care nurses. 5) Health and Safety Education -Increased educational opportunities will be provided for child care facilities targeting providers, parents, and children. Health and safety education, in both formal and informal manners, through inservices, quarterly newsletters, conferences, puppet shows, etc., will be provided. Topics may include any area of health, development and safety such as handwashing, lead poisoning, inclusion of special needs children, communicable diseases, .playground and classroom safety, child passenger safety, child health insurances (Health Check and Health Choice), nutrition, oral health, 4 ~ environmental health, etc. 7' The child care health consultant will also contribute to the professional development of child care providers through .the irate ation of health in existin credentialin courses On-s' e sessments of he x t~' g g rt as alth and safety practices of child care staff will be held.. ' 6) Health Insurance/Medical Homes -Regular checkups may be a priority and families may ,, .wait until a child is very sick before seeking medical attention. Untreated illnesses can have long-lasting consequences and may lead to permanent disabilities. Parents will be surveyed to include access to :comprehensive healthcare and health insurance. The child care health consultant will assist in linking- children, families, and providers with community health resources. Parents will be given a list of ~ ` • physicians/pediatricians in our community and referrals will be made to North Carolina's new health insurance plan for children; Health Choice, and Medicaid/Health Check. 7). Kindergarten Health and Dental Assessments -Two child care facilities will serve as a -pilot for an incentives program. Parents will be encouraged to obtain their child's. Kindergarten Health Assessment (KHA) early in the spring, receiving the required immunizations (starting January). They ~; will also be encoura ed to obtain a dental assessment. . g Cards to be signed by the physician and dentist are to be returned to the child care provider. Incentives will be given to the first classroom to have all cards - ~ - returned and to classrooms having 75% or greater participation. This incentives program has worked well - in Guilford County. The New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) presently provides ICFIA in Healthcheck Clinic (Medicaid) and in KHA Clinic, (non-Medicaid, sliding scale). This.information along • i with physician referrals will be.given. i Children will have a source of primary medical and dental care and receive preventive health I ,screenings. 8) Activity Outputs (Numbers/Counts) ! • A. Number of children to be served- 8,688 in child care facilities i B. Number of child care teachers/family child care providers/directors to be served - 1;002 ~ -. C. Number of child care centers to be served -homes 150 and centers 73 = 223 facilities • ! .. ~ 47 D. Number of potential referrals - 20 for failed screenings ~ °_ ' 8 b ~~ i .. E. Number of workshops/sessions to be offered - 40 , F. Number of possible service units (e.g. home visits) - 15 9) Activity Outcomes A. Providers receiving technical assistance will demonstrate increased knowledge of development, health, and safety on subsequent visits and a 25% decrease of licensing citations. ,, B. Children in child care will demonstrate increased knowledge of health and safety (example proper handwashing) on subsequent visits by Child Care Nurses. C. 75% of child care facilities in NHC will have health/safety policies by August 2000. D. There will be a 10% increase of immunizations in the child care setting. Family Child Care Homes will be in compliance with new immunizations regulations in the year 2000. E. There will be a 40% decrease in diarrheal illness in the child care setting. F. Ten (10) children will be identified to be without a medical home. All children in child care will have a physician on record or be assisted to obtain a physician and insurance. G. Twenty (20) children.will be identified to be without health insurance. All families with children in child care will receive information on Health Check and Health Choice. H. Fifty (50) children will receive hearing, vision, speech/language, dental, and developmental screenings. All children identified with developmental delays will receive appropriate testing and referral for services. I. 50% of the classrooms participating in the KHA and Dental Pilot Program will return 75% or greater of the signed physician cards. D. Collaboration The Child Care Nursing Program works in collaboration with many other agencies; Since our present Child Care Nursing Program is Smart Start funded, we have a strong relationship with the Partnership For Children, and all other Smart Start contract agencies. Our.program assists in linking 4 8 children, families, and providers with health resources within the community. 9 Within the NHCHD, Child Care Health Consultants work cl"osely with the Communicable Disease division to prevent outbreaks and control the spread of disease within the child care setting: Presently, an Immunization Tracking Nurse in Communicable Disease only monitors, immunization records annually. This is not adequate to assure immunizations are up-to-date in child care. • Child Service Coordinators in the Child Health division of the Health Department are a resource ' and referral link for children with developmental delays. Collaboration with the Environmental Health . division ensures compliance with Child Care Rules and' Regulations and. issues related•to sanitation. The "Lead Nurse is a resource for lead screenings and identification of,potential sources of lead in child care facilities. The Child Care Health Consultants works closely with the states' Child Care Consultants and " North Carolina's Child Care Health Consultant (NCCCHC). These partnerships assist Child Care Health Consultants in remaining up-to-date with Child Care Rules and Regulations and the Child Care Network. The Child Care Nursing Program will continue to collaborate, give, and receive referrals from Planned Parenthood's Parents as Teachers, Child Advocacy Commissions' Child Care Resource and Referral • • (CCR&R), and the Smart Start Quality Enhancement Program. " E. ~ Sustainability ' ~ . Future funding sources include the possibility of the Child Care Health Consultant being added to . the program currently being funded by Smart Start. Foundations, such as Katie B. Reynolds and Cape Fear Foundation could also be explored. Our hope is that permanent funding will become available in the future through state or national resources. Child care nurses are as important as school health nurses. F. Monitoring of Activities NHCHD is along-standing provider of quality services in our community. The Child Health `division is dedicated to providing preventive health care and public health services to the children. of .. NHC.. - 4 9 ". ~• ' l0 • i __ ~ i The Child Care Nursing Program has been funded by Smart Start for almost three years, providing services to child care facilities. in NHC. This program is strongly committed to data collection and monitoring of activities. Any narratives, encounter forms, and/or reports required will be submitted in a timely manner. Through Smart Start, evaluation plans have been developed and quarterly reports reflect data as well as success stories. The Child Health Division Director has.17 years experience in . ,r public health and child health. Data Collection Data will be collected and recorded by the child care health consultant using surveys and statistics. This data will consist of screenings provided, technical assistance and consultation given, educational sessions, abnormal findings, and policies developed. All data will be compiled and reported weekly to the Project Coordinator. The program will use this information to identify needs within the community and the needs for changes within the program. G. Bibliography Division of Child Development. (1999) Health Care Financing Administration; U.S. Department of Health and. Human Services. (1998). Child Care & Medicaid: Partners for Healthy Children.. Baltimore, Maryland. New Hanover County Partnership for Children. (1997). The Evaluation of Need for Additional Child Health Services and Providers in New Hanover County. North Carolina Child Advocacy Institute. (1998). NC Data Guide to Child Wel[- Being. Raleigh, NC. 50 11 Budget Narrative - Child Care Health Consultant Grant , - Year I . A. Grant Salary Public Health Nurse ~ - ' ~ $32,094.00 Full time-annual salary which includes 2% raise after 6 months probationary period. B. Fringe Benefits- Fica = $2,455.19 - - Retirement = $1,588.65 . W comp = $73.82 Medical = $3,828.00 Dental = $21.6.00 Total = $8,161.66 ' C. Supplies ' • Printing $300.00 • Handwashing Supplies $100.00_ . Uniform Reimbursement $500.00 _ ~ Educational Materials $500.00 ~ Audio Visuals $300.00 , Office Supplies (paper, pens, nurse $500:00 - . bag, etc:) Total. _ $2,200:00 L). Equipment Handwashing Light $375.00. File Cabinet $200.00 ' Bookshelf $100.00 (° ~ .. ~ Telephone/Installation $125.00 " Denver Kit $50.00 l Audiometer plus case $2,000.00 • ~• Hear Kit $30.00 I ..Desk $500.00 • . j Chair $150.00 Pager $125.00 ' '~ . .. • Total = . .. $3,655.00 _ 51 ~. ~ f • ~ a 12 ' E. Travel Around town mileage reimbursement at .31 mile. 153 miles/month X12 months (1836) X .31 = $569.16 per year Out of town travel for meetings, education, training. 1000miles (total) X .31 = $310.00 per year Hotel for overnight trips X 3/year @ $100.00 per night $100.00 X 2 days X 3 trips = $600.00 Food for 10 days of training at $32.00/daily maximum allowed by County.,policy $320.00 Registration for trainings $300.00 52 Total = F. In Kind (Annual) Office Space (144sq ft. X $14.00)'= Supervision Time (1 hr wk @ $20.OOhr X52 wks) • Monthly Telephone Service ($20.00 per mo. X 12) _ Janitorial Service ($.10.00 per mo..X 12) _ Copier usage (:OS/per .copy X 1000) _ Clerical Specialist (2hrs per week @ $10:00 hr X 52) Audio Visual Equipment use Internet Access Total = $2,099.16 $2,016.00 $1,040.00 $240.00 $120.00 $50:00 $1,040.00 $200.00 $200.00 $4,906.00 Total Grant Amount $48,209.82 In Kind Amount X4,906.00 Total Budget $53,115.00 13 ,. * 5. BUDGET CATEGORY,.: .~' ,. . ,, . GRAINY IV KIN® THER ~ OTAL , ,, ~,; - A ; .Salaries ~ ~ _ , ~'` , Public Health .Nurse $32,094.00 ' $2,080.00 0" ~ $34,174.00 . , ~. ~ .~ . . ;B, ~ Fringe Bene#its {2S %) ~ - . $8,161:. 66. 0 0 $8,161.66 . , . . C 'Supplies' . , - ~, ., - .. ~. •'... .; _` .. , ; $2,200.00 $2,136:00 ~, 0 ~. $4,336.00 ° ` ,. .. . ' . D ., . , ~ Equipment • ; ~ • .. . -;~ ~ $.3,655.00 •, $690..00" 0: i f 4,3,45.00':` . ~E ; . Travel .(Includes) . ; T .. . . ' ~In Town Mileage'.. ~ ' • $2,099.16 0 0 2,099 16 '` Out of Town Mileage ~ Hotel ~ ' ~. .. ., , ' . _. ,.; t Food ; ,. . .. .'. Cs ~ :,, .T(1T~A~ ~._ -.. ~. ~, ~ ~d~i.o .inn o~ ~roi.. '' nni nn ~ n. Acs i rc.~on ~p 0 ER's y, ATTACHMENT 1 9f ~a'~. ~F NORtN ~ TO THE EMPLOYEE:' This written information is of great value in understanding and evaluating the duties and responsibilities of your job. These questions should assist you in describing your work and clearly explaining your duties. Name -Last First Middle Public Health Nurse I Official Position Title Child Care Health Consultant Working Title How long have you been in this job? New Hanover County Health Department Agency or Department Child Health Division or Section 2029 S.17th St. Wilm.; NC Work Address (910)343-6500 Telephone Number 8:OOam-5:OOpm Mon-Fri How long in this agency/department? ~ ~ Regular Hours of Work Janet McCumbee,~ RN, Child Health Director 1 Hour NamelTitle of Immediate Supervisor Length of Meal Break ~l. PURPOSE OF.JOB: What is the primary purpose and objective of your job? (Why does your position exist?} 1) Provide ongoing health and safety consultation and technical assistance to child care facilities in New Hanover County, 2) Assist.with the development of policies and maintenance of health records of homes and centers, 3) Provide health screenings and on-site immunizations to children birth to five years of age in local child care , programs, 4) Maintain child care caseload acid statistical data, 5) Receive and mak referrals, and 6) Collaborate with other agencies and organizations. - - ~~ 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: (How would you describe your job to someone who has never done it?) Provide technical assistance, health and safety consultation, and guidance to child care facilities in New Hanover County. Assist with policy development and health record maintenance. Provide health screenings which include but are not limited to: growth and developmental measurements, hearing testing, and immunizations checks, providing on-site immunizations as needed for delinquencies per parental permission. Educate child care providers, parents, and children on health and safety topics in both formal and informal. manners, through inservices, presentations, conferences, puppet shows, etc. Topics.may include any area of health and safety such dwashing, lead poisoning, communicable diseases, playground and classroom safety, etc. ~~ . •; o , /o ` ~.,, - ~ .PHYSICAL.. WORK . DUTIES' AND TASKS ~ , DEMANDS ENVIIR U z ~ - w _ z. o C ... z ~ .. . -. - ~ a aO.j ~ .~. .~ z . O ~ O a„ ~ hF. ~ ~ d. W > ~ ~ U Z W i . - .4'0 •.... - II: Child Care. Nurse.., ~ d .. . ,,. E ' ~. ''. L"Provide techn-cal assistance, health, and safety consultation, and D 2"'' ABCDEGH 10 -1,6 F M .' 6 guidance to child care.facilities in NHC. E ~ , '~~ 2..,Ass~sf with`the development of policies and maintenance of health W •,6 °ABCDE .^] U 1,6 F.. M ' ~ ~: records of homes and centers. ` E . ~ ; 3.: Provide health screenings and on-site immunizations to children birth • W 5 ABCDEGH 10. 1,2; F' . M,. , . to five yearsof age in •local child care programs: 3 ~ ` ~ ~ ,: -Administer Denver II~•Developmental Screening. ,`^ , . X Screen for hearing-and growth measurements as appropriate:' ~ , '. ` ~ .Administer on-site immunizations for delinquencies. ~. E ~. • 4. Summarize~'screenings and.prepare results to be given to parents with . W. 9 ABCDE - l0 1,6 M ' '' appropriaterecommendations acid referrals. ~ • •: , _ , E 5: Educate child care providers, parents, and children on health and D 3 ABCDE 25 . 1,2; F Ivf safety topics in both formal and informal manners,.,. Topics may include 6 ° - . :- .- any.area of health and safety such as: handwashing, lead poisoning, . ~ :. , 'communicable disease, playground.and classroom safety, etc. "` ~' '6. Make.appr`opriate referrals,to other agencies, organizations, and .W 7 ABCDE. 10 °1;6 M NHCHD programs. , . ~ . E 7.y Obtain appropriate consents for services or releases of information - W 4 ABCDE 10 1,6 ° F M : ~ ` for; obtaining medical records of referrals. . 8. Attend weekly Child Health Team Meetings,. •~ .,' - ~,W 10 : ABCDE 10 1,6 M E °~ 9. Visit Pediatric offces to obtain information on status of welUsick . ~I 8 ABCDEG 10 .1,2, F. M , . child- visits and immunizations of children served. 6 E l0, T Provide nursing~care in disaster shelters. I `11 ABCDEGG 25 1,2, F M H 6 ' E `~ Tl. -Use OSHA guidelines. in providing clinical services. D 1 ABCDEGH .10 1,2, F '~ M X ` ~ 3 .. .. -~ ~ ,: ~, , , ~: _ ,.. . . m. ~, • ur 'o b. ):nclude comments .~ If not covered m the list above, describe any unusual andlor difficult conditions you encounter m yo ~ , ', about the physical surroundings, .unavoidable hazards and/or physical harm,to which you are exposed,.etc.. ' . ,. b - .. , .. .. - ~, I 6. MENTAL DEMANDS: Describe the degree of mental stress and pressure that is required in the performance of your j ob. (Examples: Are there frequent deadlines; extended periods of concentration; close, exacting work analytical work; frequent interruptions; public contact; tight work spaces; crises; etc.?) ' 1. Servicing all child care facilities in New Hanover County with only two nurses. 2. Close work area (office). 3. Frequent interruptions. 4. .Frequent reporting. 5. l~tlaintaining statistical data: b. Being grant funded. 7. Keeping up-to-date on changing Child Care Rules and Regulations and immunization laws. 8. Completing Child Care Nurse Consultant Qualification: 9. Must have flexible schedule: requiring working some early mornings and late nights to meet child care providers' and parents' needs. 7. 1t~IINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: (What'is required to perform the essential functions of your job?) What education, training or certification is necessary for your positian? NC Drivers License Licensed to practice nursing in North Carolina Graduation from a four year college or university with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing or from an accredited school, of professional nursing and two years nursing experience (1 year being in Public Health) or the equivalent combination of education and experience. Denver II Certification Completing Child Care Nurse Consultant Qualification... List any required skills (typing or computer skills, blueprint reading, etc.) -What other special knowledge, skills or abilities are necessary to perform this job? 1. Knowledge of Health Department policies and procedures. 2. Child Health physical assessment skills (ht., wt., hearing, etc.}. 3. Developmental Screening. 4. Good direct service and telephone .communication skills. 5. Ability to work independently and make independent decisions. 6. Good teaching skills. 7. Knowledge of Child Care Rules and Regulations. 8. Team Leader. 9. Knowledge of community resources. 10. Application of nursing theory and practices. 11 Ability to work well with children from birth to five years of age. n 12. Skill in .the use of modern diagnostic equipment (such as stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, scales, ophthalmoscope, otoscope, audiometer, and related instruments. 13. Typing skills and computer application. How much prior job-related work experience do you think is the minzmum needed to adequately perform your job? Two years nursing experience to include: one year of Public Health experience and nursing experience with s/toddlers/children/families. ~~ } 3 •~; : 8 ;SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBI)_,ITIES Do you have supervisory responsibility (i:e. .fors performance - }' appraisals, :di's`ciplinary action, etc.)? If not, write "NONE" below. and go directly to #9..ylf you, are a lead " ` :'worker,.do not-complete this section, but be sure you-have included lead worker duties in the, preceding'task ,. . ~, ~ list on page 3. "If you do have supervisor responsibilities, give the name of employee~and job title for each ~' . position' reporting to you (filled .and vacant). ; Indicate whether each, in turn, supervises other positions by., g :.. , p~ « „ :~, p ix . ° ~~putti~n the number-of itions-or 0 m the s~ ace ovided. - ., _ •. . . ``Tame of Employee . ~ - :lob Title :. •, ~ " ;, :# ~Su ervises . Node _ .. . , s . . .. <# of employees reporting direectly to you:. 0 #•of employees reporting.indirectly to~you: 0 .I ~ . _ . _ . - , _ ;. , ~... , . 9. DECISIONS-`AND ACTIONS, METHbI1S AND C~UIIIDEIIINES: ~ - . . ° ~ vJlat types of decisions F(other than "prioritizing work") do you normally have toemake in your work each -. .. ' -. .day/week? . ~ , ~ ,;, ,; - , „ ' ~~ l.. 'Caseload / v~7ork plan, assignments. ~~ 2, Normal vs. abnormal development 4 3 Referrals to outside a encies or CSCP. ~ ~ ~..I • g , .. 4.`. Childcare consultation of health and safety issues (answering questions -and providing information).. ` ,. ..,. °: Give examples of the types of significant errors a person in yaur position might make and describe how. dif~cul ~it would 'be for. others to catch your errors: i~~iai` would be'' the likely consequences of such . :,errors? ~ : ~.. , ~ '. .. .. _ . 1. Developmental screening-pot puking up significant delays c ould further„ delay. testing. and appropriate .. . ~nterventiori. 2. Immunizations -could give inappropriate vaccine which could, cause significant side .effects. ~ " . ..~ 3. Health and safety consultation -~ incorrect or misleading advice could result in harm or~cornmunicable disease . exposure to other"providers. and children. a ~~ow.does your immediate supervisor assign your work? ~ ~. - ~`- - ~ ~ . .' ; Routine cunierences, wgrx plan, quarterly and yearly. reviews; phurre c:onca.c;ts, jib clescripilun. • ~~io~r does yaur supervisor review your work? Fio=,nr ~ftcn? °. ~ ~ `' . ~; ~- .-Annual Job Performance Appraisal (JPA) . '' ~ r ` Routine,Conferences ~ ' . . Weekly Team Meetings .. y ... ~ ..,~ ~ ~ _ '~ ° = Review of Reports . . • r • _ . -, . . Direct Consultation ~. `~ ~ ,..: ~ _ ,_ . ,. ,. - .. , What manuals, guidelines, rules; or policies do you use in your work? ~ . >~ ~NC Nurse Practice Act;.~NHCHD Policies and Procedures, Child Care Rules and Regulations, Immunization Laws, NHCHD . Standing Orders, benver It Manual,.'Communicable Disease Manual, OSHA Standards ~ ° Whicl,of your duties do you consider the most difficult and why? Follow-up ofreferralswith noncompliant families. Encouraging parents to follow through with referral and recommendations :. • ::, can't?e frustrating. ., ,. ,. .. .. ,., , , . ,. . .. ..u . . . o .. . .. J . t - ~ 4 - . 58 N td t~ W H ~ ~ -P h--1 ~ ~C to ~ ' ~ ~ p, C7 rn d . , , ~ Ci7 ~ n txi b ~" o~' ~" ~ ~ ~~ z~ ° H z c .v.®.e .. .. .o. . e...,. ~ '- (~~a~~rnF~y b ro ~' M M M ~ o ~~ ~m ~ ~~..a~~n ~ M ~' CCxi Lv rnCdf'~~ x~~ ~ O L^r' ' o ~ ([ pp C t o fn ¢, Vl. „'1 vI CD CD ^~} ... CD ~ ~ N Q, y .~3 rbyS ~ CD ~1. ( (D ~ Q. b f~ /•~ V \ ! • ~• CD ~ "O. ~. M ~ ~ y !tea ~ CD r~-r. li1 ~ ~ CD ~ o ~. w o co ~ o y yyy.~yy m ~ ~ w ~ y ~ ~+ .~- O CD ~ F--~ N F.+ N ~-' ~ N ~ ~ ~ 0. ~ S cn ~C' ~ b ,.~ ~ ?' m n 'mod O ~ C' ~ rn b ~ R. ~ . m Gam. O ~ ~ .a ~ ~ O R 0. ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ N ~ ~. ~ ~~~, ' O m O ~ ~ ~ y l+l V ~ Vl C O b G ~ ~ ¢t y ~ ~} ~' ~ ~' CD p1 (~ ACS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O H co n ~ =~ `D as ~ f3. p, '"' °' y. ° ~' ~ 't y ~ ~' ~. ~' ~ ~ rn $ ~• Q y K7 n R1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M CD ~. ~ ~ y ~ C D ~ N e~ ~ ~• O ~ Vl ,a n ~ ~ ~y \ 1 O O c pp ~ ~ y ~ ue' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ O ~ s tiq < ` u m A W N ~ P ~ W N r '' W N ~ c~ ~+ pi ~ C7 ~p O ,~ ~, ~ C V] ti'1 C/] ~,', ' ~ m ~ to Cn t'cf t/s ~' ~ ~ ~l ~H -4 ~ # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ rn ~ ~e ~ a ~O{ . o ~~..~ ~ (n ~~1.'. C] ~ . VJ _ ('~ ~ V l ,y ~ O N ! Fn ~ 0. ~ H ~ ~'.. F y n~ ~ ~ O y `~ ~ b ~ C ~ O '' [o O O' ~ ~ 'O C. l~D CL' 'LS C. '~ •~ O g o. ~ y ~IJ ~ ~ H pr ~' ~ a ~ n ... C O H ~ ~. ~d ~ ~ . (} c ~ ~ J . N O ® !~ .) ,, . ., , - ,, ~ .. _. ~ p, ~ , . ~, ~ ,- ~, ~. . - . ,. ~. " ~- ., . • .. ~ rn .. `~ ' . .~ ~ _ .. y ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~. d ~ ~ ,. ~~ ~'z~ ~ ~~ • ~,yz y ~~ . ~Z •.. n ~ x • . xL ~+ ~i ~ . ~ y t~ ~~!] d ~y ~-j y G ~ ~ ~ ~C b Xk Obi ~ ~, o M ~ .ab ~ o O .. ~ ~ x y ~ O '~~[S• y lD p' 9 0 ~ G ~ ¢ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~' ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ d o ~ ° ~ 'a ~ °. ~. ~ ~ a o ~ ~ _ 'v • ~q (D Chi .~ry ~ p, ~ '^i' W • ~ C. n (Po •.O ' ~ .. - y .0 • ''. ~ co ~. _~ N' _ _ - ~. ~~ N ~ _ ~ - W N r-. y m b G.(a b ~1 d'C to ~• ~. `.. `C ~• cY. Ri m ~• .-. ('] -c~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ C ~,.•, c'.:N . R7 P~ to .. ~ „P7, ~ ~ C' ~i ~ pq ~ n o ~ ~ Cl C. • ~ ~• fy ~. ~+ O~ ~C ~i' ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~• O• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ W n O. O~~•• r~i, ~ O•b• p, ~ ~ ~p -,rte' ~• m. ~ C. ~- ~ y ~' ~ ~ ~' m ~ ^ ' ~D ~ P ' C~c~3t' r' •~ ~o •~ Vi ~ ~~ ao . r~ G. . .~ogrs' ~. ai ~ . g •, 'C~.wP •.- coi ~D ,~ a O D ~ ~ cc i o~ G. R. . b ~ ~ ~..~ ~. ~n n w ~ . a .. . a'. c~ co ~• ~o ~~ 73. ~f•' ~... ~' ~~ ~ ~• '~ '"~ ~ ` ~ ~' ~i ~ ~'+ ~ e O p :y ~ ~ y .. . ~ ~• rs ~ ~ ••~i . N N ~: t a ~ _ ~n,,. R. ~ . .gyp n (p 1-~1 ~ I - fG - fl ~~: ~ QQll ~~..yy r~ aC ~ ~ ~ " ~y ~ : ' ~Cyl !~'~''~ h'y O ~ ~ ~ "~."y' ~. y ¢ m - p~ r~ Fyn {Z. 5 f9 C7 ~•"1 •~3 y Q„ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ry ~ ' o ~ ° ~.~. ° .co ~ ~ E~ ('~~ tn~~ ' o ~ ra ~ ' ~, ~ c ~ . ~: ~~. ~~ ~ r ~ tea! ~ 1 ~ - - O ~' ~j o ~ N eV/ R. G. ATTACHMENT 3 - - Week of: Child Care Facility: Address: Phone: Director: # of visits to child care facility during reporting week: of phone contacts: 'Mailings: Health and Safety Education: a. # of Educational Sessions held b. # of Child Care Providers present c. # of children birth - 5 years of age present d. # of children 6 and up present e. # of parents present Technical Assistance/Consultation: Fax #: Contact Person: a: # of telephone calls received from the facility b. # of telephone calls made to the :facility c. # total duration of telephone conversations d. # of direct service assistance/consultation given f. # of health and safety policies developed Immunizations a. #;of Immunization Records reviewed b. # up-to-date c. # delinquent d. # Exclusions: Medical Religious e. # of children receiving immunizations f.. # of actual Immunizations .given ~ (~ urance 3 V ~ # of children with: Private Ins. M/C Healthchoice None, ~1 1 Educational Sessions Held Educational Materials givern# of Copies Counseled (Telephone/Direct Service) Referrals Secured Care Abuse/Ne lect ADD/ADHD Asthma & Aller Bab Bottle Tooth Deca B itin Blood Disorders CazdiovascularBP ~ - Caz Seat Safe Communicable Disease ' Con'unctivitis Dental Health Denver Develo ment Diabetes Dia er Chan in Disinfectin & Sanitizing Disci lineBehavior EENT Enteric/Giazdiasis Enteric/Salmonella Enteric/Shi ellosis Enteric/Other/Unknown Exclusion Fever Fifth Disease ~ ' 5 Star Ratin License Genitourin Growth Measurements Handwashin ienic Practices Healthchoice • Hearin He atitis AB/C - Immunization Status/Audit Im eti o Infection Control Lead Medications Menin itis Motor skills Nutrition Ortho edit Otitis Media Pazentin Pediculosis Pla ound Safe Poison ' Policies: Health & Safe ., Ps cho-Social Problems 62 `) •.' .. ~ Educational Educational Counseled Referrals ':Secured Sessions Materials (Telephone/Direct Cate , e Held Given # of 'Service) . Ratios: Child/Staff ; .. _ Res irato Illriess/RSW ' . - ~ ~ Rin worm . , r P ' . . . . ,. .. • , _ N Safe - - ,. . . ;.Sanitation Scabies ,. • . 'Seizure Disorder/Neuro ~ .- .. . :: m,. SIDS;. ... . • ` . =~ `,Skin - ,: - • .. . ~ . r Smokin .: .. _ ;n ~ - , • .. ,; S ecial Needs ~ , _ _ ` ' . ~ _ .; S eech & Lan ua e ~ ~ _ _ , • Stre . ,. tion , . Stress Reduc . Thrush, .. ~ .. .. , _ . ,. Tuberculosis :., ~ , . ;TVaricella , . , - ~ • ~ Vision' F , .. t ., .. ~. ,. ~ . , t ~' y. '- . . ~ . .-. .. .. t v.f .. r . • . ~. . . , .: .. .. . , . r . , . , .' ... ., ' .: ' ^ W .. . .ry a , . _ - .. . - • ~ .1. • .. r .. • ., , ~, 4 ,r .. ..,n • .~ .- ,' ,' . . y ~ .. ' • - ~ .. ~ c . .. . } • . • .... ~ .. - 11/99 ~. , . . s ,. . , ~ . . - . , .. y . . - ~~ r ~ ATTACHMENT 4 . ~ -: ,. -. ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' - PARTNERSHIP FOR CNIIDREN Rachel Cone, Project Coordinator Department of Iviaternal and'Child Health CB# 7400, 401 Rosenau Hall The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400 December 2, 1999 Dear Ms. Cone, It was brought to my attention that the New Hanover County Health Department is applying for a~ grant to expand funding for the Child Care Health G'onsultant project. I jumped at the chance to extend my support to this wonderful program. New Hanover County Smart Start has funded two Child Care•Health Consultants for several years. While working with this group, I have encountered nothing but complete support, cooperation and enthusiasm from Pamela Heath, Candace Artis and every other member of the health department staff. . The Child Care Health Consultants provide an extremely valuable service t4 the over 70 childcare centers in New Hanover County. In the last fiscal.year; the Child Care Health Consultants provided direct support, education and technical assistance on health related issues to over 400 teachers and directors of child care centers. The Health Consultants also administered over 100 health screenings and 70 immunizations to children: One of the most valuable aspects of this program is the health education that is provided to children. bast year alone, 68$ children received health education on topics pertinent to their lives and duectly adapted for their needs. It is my opinion that New Hanover County Smart Start and the child care community in New Hanover County are very lucky to have such dedicated Child Care Health Consultants who have put their hearts and souls into the development of this program and the day to day operations. The dedication and determination ofour Child Care Health Consuhants was also recognized by Glaxo Wellcome during the North Carolina Child Health Recognition awards this year. Being a recipient of the prestigious Public Health StaffRecognition Award only confirmed our beliefs that the health and well being of children in our county has been truly impacted by the work of Child Care Health Consuhants aad the New Hanover County Health Department. Sincerely yours, aimee Blackman Program .Evaluator New Hanover County .Smart Start orncc 100-A Eastwood Road, Suhe 18 • Wilmington, NC 28403 r 64 PITON[ 910-792-61b0 FAN 9,o-192-6044 F A1lll flhCpfc~80LC01T1 Governor's Crime Commission 1201 Front Street, Suite 200 Raleigh] ~~ ?7609 Dhuno~ 1919) 733-4.~i6'4 FAX: (919) 733-4625 Year 2000 Grant Pre-ADDiication Grant Number For GCC Use Only I I 1. f~!ame of PrQ]ect: 7. Impiementing Agency: (Name, Address, Telephone and FNC) Mufti-Ageney Critical Incident Management System New 0-ianover County Sheriff's Department 20 North 4~' St. Wilmington N.C. 28401 f Te1:910-341-4200 Fax:910-341-4230 2. Applicant: (htame, Address, Telephone and FAX) 8. Project DlrectOr: (Name, Title, Telephone and a-mail address) County or New Hanover Wendy Bowie 320 Chestnut St. Room 320 Programmer Analyst Wilmington N.C. 28401 910-341-7421 wbowie@co.new-hanover,nc.us Te1:910-341-7184 Fax: 9i0-341-4027 A 3. Authorizing Officii?l: (Name and Title) 9. Requested Budget Totals Alan O'Neal County Manager 3.~ Year , 2"~ Year Personnel: $ . $ . Contractual: $ $ ~, Travel : $ $ _ . 5 _ 2132 Supplies. $ 1200.. $ , Equipment: $ 84,680 $ Total Budget: $ 106,005 $ Subtracted Match: $ 26,901 . ~ ~ $ 300 iFe~era[ Ra ~~~tn $ 79,504 $ 900 4. Committee Assignment: (check on one) ^ Juvenile Delinquency Prevention ^Juvenile Justice Intervention ^ Drug Control and Substance Abuse ® Information Systems ^ victim's Services ^ Research and Evaluation 5. Program Priority: (Select f; om Section in Announcement) ^ A. ^ B. ®C. ^ D. ^ E. ^ F. ^ G. 66 b b ~~ ..., , . ~. . 5, Implementing Agency Profile:. ' ~ ~ al.. Non-Profit, non-governmental agencies, please attach a .. ~ ' ' " , ~. - copy of your,currentyears line item operating. budget . " ' 4and describe the sources of those funds. ' . , b) Attach acopy of what~other funding sources and ~ _' amounts, if any, have been committed'for this project or . , . ,. shave been~~applied for or. are anticipated for the project., 'c) " Number of Sworn OfFcers: 211 ~ , ,... ,` , , . , . 10. Project Summary:, .. ~. This ~,rojECt will aiu iaw.enforcerr-ent, ire, and rescue personnel in communicating during critical incidents ::: , and natural disasters. .' ~ .. r .. , . - ~ _ . . ,.. , The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department in cooperation with the New Hanover County Fire Service and the,f~ew Hanover.Regiona! MPelical Center is undertaking a program to increase the abilityofi area agencies to ,' °communicate.beyond the limits of-voice communications: The New HanoveriCounty Sheriffs Department i5 ,. requesting funding for 10 Mobile Data Terminals. Some of these terminals wit! be distributed to the New " 'Hanover. County Fire Service and the Emergency Medical Service: Other terminals will be distributed`to select members of the North.Carofina State Bureau ofInvestigation, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Bureau~of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Wilmington Police Department, andthe Wilmington Fire .Department. ~ .. ~ , ., - `Th~ Pr®biern:. In recent years the United States has seen an increase in the "number and magnitude°of violent .. `~ incidents-nvolving great loss of (ife. Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado serves as an example. This was an inddeni involving `all facets of public service. These included Police, Fire, and Rescue personnel. Due to.the size of the high school multiple agencies from various jurisdictions became involved with the goal of saving lives. A critical problem ~' which arose.from this incident, and which caused agencies around the country fio reevaluate critical incident. -i~anagement; involved communication among the different agencies. There were.manyexamples of agencies not being ble to communicate rapidly due to the use of different communication systems. °~ . ; ` The problem lies in the inherent weakness of voice. communication:.Even with mutual aid channels issues such.as the number and type of agencies who may' utilize these channels at any period of time becomes a dilemma. Littleton Colorado proved that agencies need the ability to communicate more efFciently. The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department is implementing Mabile Data Terminal technology. however,. County agencies such as the. Fire Service~and . t re ~ cergency Medical-Services wi11 not be able to take.advantage of these communication improvements due to the . g ost. The' ability of thes°e agencies to receive a visual reference of a critical incident.with respect to a specific'„ `. location and instant messaging fo the various agencies are just two of the improvements which could greatly enhance . the abi!(ty to save lives. ,. .w ,:~ . ., , , ,. .. ... . , " ~ - .... ,. , . .. i , :. ... ~, - , . w ~. ., . . ,:: . . ., , .. .. t , _ . ,. .. _, _ ~_ , ,. , .. - .: ., , , .~. - .. , :.. . , y. . ~ .. , M ._ ~ ~ 6~7 .. . _~ . .. . ._ ~ := .. .. . .. . :., .~ , ... ~ . .~ . .. .. .: ., .. _ - ,~ : ,. ~~ ~~~,~ect ~peratimas. T he Mobile Data Terminals purchased under this grant will be placed in select=ederal, State, and Local. agencies vehicles. These terminals will be used to increase tfle efficiency with which these units are assigned at both critical incidents and natural disasters by providing visual references with respect to specifrc locations These terminals will. also solve. important radio problems by allowing for instant messaging_to the various _ agencies. _ . Field units wilt also be able to utilize these terminals. for word processing. This would help in the documentation of any incident. Only those terminals given to agencies allowed to have access to D.C.I. will have access to this system. ~ . Ali hardware an'd software purchased under this grant would be C.J.I.N. compliant. ' ,, ,~ ~ ~atee~~ ~~~~~:~' ~~te~~a-y (~:~~ dear ~~:? ~ ~ ~ T~a~:?s 68 ~% B. Contractual Services:. 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, rate of pey and time requ+red. posit ior~ Title Salary Rate Time Required N/A N/A ~ N/A $ N,/A $ N/A $ N/A a. N/A $ N/A b. N/A $ N/A c. N/A $ N/A TnciiyiEl:~~l ~L'6tSlEltae~t Subtotal N/A `2. Agency: List by name of agency, rate of pay and time required. ~g~:~c 1~8ao'Y3e ~ Salary Rate Throe ~~: aired a. NJA _ $NiA N/A b. N/A _ $~ N/A N/A c. N/A $ N/A NIA 1Coa~sultar~t A.ger+Cy Sulstotal Total Contractual Services N/A (Transfer to page 5, Line I.,. B) C. Travel: List cost for transporting c!'sents aid cost for tr~~re! and subs!stPrtce of prQ}ect personnei. Trave{ Breal~down: Staff Travel N/A Transportation of Clients N/A Total Travel (Transfer to gage 5, Line I., C) $NiA. Categ®ry ~ ~ud~et Cates®ry (one dear ac~ly~ T~tais ' ~ J 70 ~ D. Supplies and Other ~per-atina Expenses: - (affice supplies, field supplies, printing, eamputer software, office-rent, conference ~ . registration and individuai~ training costs} OSSI Software ~ ~ $965.00 x 10 Terminals ~ .$9650:00 Pro. Q/A Software $395.00 x 5 Terminals .. '$.1975.00. ~, ,$200.00 x• Microsoft Office 2000 10 Terminals ~ ~ ~ $2000.00 ~~ Communications Query . : , , Module ~ $450,00 x ~ 10 Terminals - ~ ` $4500.00 ~ ~ , $120.00 x .. C.3.I:N 10 Terminals ` ., ~. $1200.00 -' G.I:S. ,. $200.00 x 10 Terminals $2000:00 . Total supplies /Operating Ex~enseso $21,325.00. , /Tr~ncFcr'tn nant~ ~ 1 ina T ~)' e ~ ~. _. Equipment: ~. Purchase: ~ , Eterro Descriptaon Unit Price.. Quantity Panasonic Laptop Computer CF-27 $3995.00- 10 $39,950.00 ~uggadized Docking Station and Mounts - ~ $502.00 10 $5020.00 ~~ VRM 650 Modem $2484.00 10 $24,840..00 Back lice Keyboard $360.Q0 10 $3600.00 CD Drive $351.00 4 $3510.00 Install and Program $485.00 10 $4850.00 Mounting Hardware $291,00 10 $2910.00 $'84,680 ~~ $N/A $N/A $N/A N/A ~ NiA N/A N/A N/A $ N/A N/q NiA N/A $ N/A N/A N/A N/A ~ N/A N/A N/A ~~ - $ N/A N/A N/A J ~~ •~ , . :... - ,. ,. .. , . pu>a-~'~as~ti ~quipa~es~t S~9;te~tai: '2. :Lease or,Rentai: ~ ~ t~~ ®es~ci ti®n ~ .. t9ni~ Price Quanti $84,680 - . . . _ ,. ~ .. . _. . N/A ~ $ N/A N jq , ,; N/A , , - , , : $ NSA N/A ., • . . lease€1 Egs~ipre~ent Subt~t~9: ,. .;. .• ,; ., ~, T®tal E a;~i manta ~ p . ,: . , ~ ,.(Transfer to page 5; Line L; E) ~ .. ' . ~ ~ .. T~T~L PRO)~~ C®STS: ..:, .: ' Transfer fo a e 5 Line I. F N/A ' . • `$84,6$0.00 ,. ~ . , ~ $106,005 . ,. _ . •, " ~ .. ~e ~~~ ~t C~fi~ a~r9~~: ~sr~t dear Aa~t~~ipated ~r~ ~e~r ,~ A: Personnel ~ ,:~ : _ .. $ N/A: $ N/A i3. Contractual Service` ~ $ NJA ~ Y, $ N/A ;. , D: Su plies / O eratin Ex eases $ 21 325 " $ 1'200'.00 , ' . E. E ~ ui merit ~. ~, ' $ 84,6$0 ~ ,• $ NIA . a F. Total Bud et the sum of lines A throw h E ~ ~ $:106 005 ~ $ N/A ., ,. G. Subtractin Matchin funds t - $.26,50.1 ., = $ 300.00 . ° ,. H. ~'OTAL Pi_DE9~tAL RE HEST $ 79;504 ~. $ 900.00 .. ,. IL. . _ ®'escription ®~' R~htch: - Matching Funds may include focal, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. " .. . . f.. t. s .: l a 9 r a ~ - .. A. Juvenile Delinquency Preventionl, Juvenile Justice Intervention, Information systems, Drug Control and Substance Abuse. 25% cash match only required Describe amount and source of cash match: A matching amount of $26,501 will be funded through the New Hanover County general fund, subject to the Board of Commissioners approval. .. __ B. Victims' ServicesZ 2~% cash or in-hind match required Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: ~ '• III. Projected Assluenpti®n of Prcaject~Cost~: ... (x) The project director MUST state plans for the assumption of project costs afterfiederal funds are no longer available to the project and describe how the project will continue to address the problem after the grant ends. This project will receive continued funding through the annual budget process. The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department will insure that all equipment remains compliant with C.J.I.N. 1 A limited number of match waivers will be granted to applicants applying to the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Committee. (See Requests for Match Waiver on the following page) The awarding of waivers will be based on the availability of funds and the Commission's overall rating of the grant proposal: Because "match free" funds are limited and very competitive, applying for a waiver may reduce the likelihood of funding. z Match may be waived only•for non-profit, non-governmental victims'services agencies that are applying for grants to improve responses to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.. (See Requests for Match Waiver on the following page) 74 ,. . .. .. : . .... ' „~ `A: Certificatii®n of f~on-Supplanting. ~. (. ~ )The authorizing official hereby certifies that these federal funds will .not be used to supplant or - . j "repiace.funds or other resources that would •otherwise have been made available for this project. ~ ,; .. ` .. , -. ~;~. -Certification of'Submission of Project Reports: . . ~• :( - )`i"he project director certifies that they will. submit progress reports in ;accordance with the: .instructions provided by 'the Governor's Crime Commission and as outlined in;the.Grant Award„Packet that` ° isdistributed td all new grantees. The Governor's Crime Commission:will AUTOMATICALLY. place projects ` ~ ' ° ~ ;, q . on financial hold for failure to submit progress reports by the specified deadline: • °' C.~ Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal Funds:. ~ ,' :.~ .r, ~'(.. ,)The project director~certifies that. neither the grant's implementing agency nor any of its officers, t~~ - ~ directors, or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible;. or voluntarily'excluded from receiving; federal funds. (If the project director cannot make this certification, , ~_ an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the,.applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program: The certification or explanation will be considered in conjunction. _ _. with the deter,minatian by the Governo'r's Crime Commission ~as to whether: or not to approve the .application. However, .if neither the certification nor the explanation is provided; the pre-application will be ., ,,rejected.) ~ ~ _ ' ' _-~ ~VAILA~LE ~~CHN~~CAL'~.SS~S~AC~CE . If you need assistance in completing this grant pre-application, please call the Governor's Crime •~~ ~ . Commission at (G19) 733-45b4. Be ready o state the specific committee'in which you need assistance (Juvenile Delinquency prevention, Juvenile Justice Intervention, Victim Services, Information Systems, ` Drug Control and Substance'Abuse). .. •., .~. . ~r . , . ~ REdJl1EST FOFt P~IATCIi 1AIAiVElZ3 f. F ° ~ ~ =~ ° (Refer'~to limitations footnoted on page 5} . As`tlie~Authorizi'ng Official for this grant pre-application, I am requesting that the Governor's Crime; " ,, ,.. ~ . Cammission`grant this implementing agency a~waiver of its .match requirement. . ~ .: ~ ~ ~. ~ i ~ r . ~ ~ ., ~. - _ . , .a . .~ ,. . Autho 'ng Officiial °. ~ 3 Please note that if you are requesting a waiver of the match, there should be no match figure included in the budgets-on:pages i' and 5 Y • ~ - ,, ,, - s ;, €:' ~ - . Authorizins~ Official* I certify that ail information presented is correct, that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized to commit the applicant to these requirements; that costs incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency; and that all agencies involved with this project understand that all federal funds are limited to a twenty-four month funding period. The Anti-Drug Abuse-Act of 1988 requires that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrant funds will not be used to supplant or replace local or state funds ~or other-resources that would otherwise have been available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. In compliance with that mandate, I certify that the receipt of federal funds through the Governor's Crime Commission shall in noway supplant or replace state or' local funds or other resources=That would have been made available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. Name: Title: Agency; Date: ~ , ' Si ~,/ Project ~9irector I certify that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; and that any costs incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency. I also certify that as a condition of accepting this grant; I agree to collect and submit all information required by the Governor's Crime Commission staff and understand that failure to submit that information wll,result in my project being placed in a financial hold status until all reports are submitted. Name: Title: Agency: Date: Signature: } O~- .The Authorizing Official and the Project Director should not be the same person. CONSENT AGENDA GATE= -=------ IT~ NO____~. NE~i HAIVt']VE3t CflU~VTY TAX GGLLECTIaNS CI~LLEC'TIONS THRU 3iJ3UI99 CURRENT TAX YEAR ~ ~i999 ~342IGINAL TAX LEVY. ~'~~! SCRCILL Di SCO~dERIES AOCEtJ LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL FAXES CHARGED AI3VERTISIlVG S=EES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING L3ENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTi0N5. TO HATE OtlISTAN~ING BALANCE PERCENTAGt COLLECTEt3 AG TALC>REh! 77~39f3~2fl8.,ib 3ii09~353.55 172~G41.39~ ~ra~~. ~w ~.~.~~~~~~ SGT327y520.3,2 a U O 4{~.~~b3m~1 ~q~3©sOQ 80~37~it813.$3 14y72~?tb~2.49~- b5~fi56~359.34 18~3i'~l~ MCTOR ~tE~tICLE 3~760~352494 32~7T5.53 ~v4y799.8i~ $ 3-~~Z8y3Z8a65 :~fl .nD ~Gfl 3~72#3~32~.66 2y5$5~31b-s?3~ .~ 3 ~ 3 ~`2 ~ .213 ~ '~ 3 69 ®3b°G~ ~ACiC TA3(ES REAL ESTATE ~1N1D ~'ERSl7NAL PROPERTY C#~ARGES A[3GEJ LESS ABATEE#~TS TL3TAL TAXES G~JE C~3LLECTI(3N5 Tt3 DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RLlOM ~3C~UPANCY TAX COLLECTICIi~S PRIVILEGE LICENSE CQLLECTIC3~i5 2~824y£S65a85 5g3I$,35 3fl ~29~.77~- $ 2~799'8fl9a43 b8b ~ 279.34 ~ 2y113'fiit3~~9~ 24s51 NOV 1999 1~7 ~ 5{~{?.87 1T734.38 fI:SCAL YTG 3~442y554.+5£~ 12 ~U3t~.54 ~tJTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU Cf~L~LECTItIN C?fFIGE FOR NEB HAN~iV~~t CC1Ud~TY~ CITY OE ~ILMI~lGTON 1dRIGHTSVTLLE SEACN~ CARtILiNA BEACH AN 11RE BEACH TO DATE ~ $21947}318.96. THIS REPGRT IS EC)R FISCAL YEAR BEGI~fNING J~JLY 1~ 199~I. R EC7FU3.LY SU8Mi1'TED~ G~~~, ~- ~ -~:.~ ,. , - ~,, ,:~~ ~,t3`~ PATRICIA~~J.'~RVOR ~, COLLECTOR OF EVENUE ..., 67 ~ CON+SINE[7 C{3LrlcL7iClPt P~ERC.ENTAGE 2Qa58 78 4 h :~ ~. ` . , .. ' AGf~JDA , GC~~lSE~IT - TrAT~~ . - ,n. ,~ ~ . .. . I~'f N~~.,~ ' ,. ,._ y . ~~~ tiANL1VfR ~LItJNTY fT.Rf ~iS' TRILT TAX CO.~.ECTIC3~iS . ,r , _ ,. CC3LLffTIC~~S T.MR~3 1113F7°/99 .. .. , 4 ~ .,, - CUR€tfNT TAX 'YEAR ~ ..I4~99 AD VALi~RE~9 ~flTQ~ 1df~iI~i,.€. s~lczaaawsw~amaa Wao aow:'aar.s.esaaas ai e]alot ~--LIRIGIA~ TAX; Lf_1I;Y ~Pfft SCRiI~L~. ... -.,f ® ~ 74earaasa:w91[a:~a ~:A 2~Qb£~~293.5 - Ye sas a@fesli~®Yl ii ~~0s iii • .. :~ 87y936.25` i3ISfQVE~tiES A~iJfi~ 102i382~04 386. i4 . ~.fSS ~A8'A'LfM~NT5 . ~ ~IM 4,2g957a23~; O i ' ~180..21~ ~!@e ~m #ta1N-#i AN • fiiOaYiis~i0l ~ ,. i n.'` TC3TAL TAXES .'CHARGfa .. O ,.~ S.i ~O Itl¢11~.40. Y:Si9~- 9 - ,2~11~997t~8~3:.2 . , ~ ~ ',, 879.34.2x19. . , -, ,. - ~. ~I,S,TiNG- PE~tALTifS CNARG~fl .. -939.73. ; ,. ~..efl0. ' 3"i3IAL LEVY ~ ;-~ ~ . 2~120i628.t35 rt ~ 87342,19 CtIL.~.~f7IQiVS ;T C) ~A'Tf ~ - 382~496aC}8~ S7~795~t3~2~- - -~ .~C3UTSTANt3. Ii~G BA~ANtf ~ ~ ~ , . 1. ~ 738 i 131.97 29 ~ 546, 37 - , , `: PERCf~,TAGf CC3~.~.fGTfi? 18.fl4°~~ ~ b6~17~~ BACK ; TAXf S ~ ~ . -. .. - ~ ~ ~ , READ. ~STATf ANA Pf~tSC3s~A~ PR(JP'f#~TY ~~ 55~t358.73 ~~ARGfS AflI3fD ~ 98.I7 ,~L..~SS ASATfMfNTS. 778sfl4.•- ~~TCITAL TAXES ~QUf ' 54.y378.f3b ... _ .. . .. CUt~.~CT.IaNS. TC~ f3ATf 13~8.87~13- ~ , '° ~ `C IU~ ': S T A ND i 1 ~ ~ ~ 8 A L A 1~f ~ . .. ~ 4fl 949'la ~f 3 - .• ] ~ ~ '` p ~ ~^ y ^ { - '~g ~ ` i j .. q PER.CENTA+~E „~4J ~1_LfLTf i~ ' .,. .. . - 4> ) '25~'S4/~ .. ... .. _ . i , , e T~i15• RfRC3RT.`iS f~3~i fISfAL YEAR Bf GiN~f _. , 1N~ J~1LY 1~. 1999. ;:'.R~.S ~C"T;Fl3:Ll.Y .SUB;I•TTE~~ .. ... ~ _ . R A.T R i C i A ;3 . R Y 0 R ~-- _. ~~3LLE,CT~3R ilf . V:~~iUf ,. . ~`'. ~ ~ CflM~I~~D -~fa1.LECTLC3N ~'f#~CEtdTA~f ~ 19.94 _ .. .. . . ~~ .. '. Y k, ~. ... h ~.,. ~ . s . ... _ r •. . . -:. ". ~,_ ' l i. CQt`rS~ENT ~1GE~OA 0~'TF'--------- 3TE~ ~aC®------ SEW #~Ai~G'~ER CUUi1TY TAX 0~'LL~CTI~;tiS ~~iLLEC~i~~:5 7~~tli 1CI31J99 OU~?~<E"aT TAX YEA~t ~ 1999 ~~ ~~I~At ~TAx L~vY ~.~i Sv~ULL ~ISLu~IE'~IE:S AO~EL ,: LESS Ati.~TE~',ENTS T~?TAL TA:t~S O~AROEt A'~~~1E~fiI51~;G f~E~ C~-i~~c?~ LI5Ti~1C PENALTIES ~.NARCEC ~L'c,'1~*il~e~.LiFPJ~ CHARGC{ Ai ~ALOREP?. ~~~~a~~~e,~e~.l~ 3~Sib~1~~..48 X85' E3b3.5~i~^ 80y~20'St~1.C5 .. D00 61.9257.T~ f~730aU0 $ ii0~69U~4F!8.21 53~395y7~i0.97~ ;27*;t9~a~707Z4 t~:CTC~t VEi~;ZLLE ~+A3'2a7~35.3.~ 18777.34 U9y~5~.~~.. ~,~ ~~3~?3p910.~24 ... ~JG~, .0.0 . 0 0~ ~~301~~~10.Z4 3y1~4R~72.11~ 1~147y33~i.13 73.33~~ TOTAL LEVY ~CLLEC T Iia1ti5 Tt? SATE r~UTST,AN~'T'~1G ~'.ALAt~CE S~~"t~Ct~iT~t;E CiiLLECTcC ~~C~'. TAXES . t~EA~ EaTATt AiVG r~ER5G~IAL ~~2UP`E~TY C~IA~',OES GOGE:D LESS A~ATE~dcfvTS TOTAL TAMES UUE C~LLt~T Tt~?~1.S T~ L'ATE vtJT°5T't;h~I~1G EALA~ICE ~Er~CEi'•1T~1Gr C~7'LLECTE RJI~~. ~CCU~A~ICY TAX Ci;LLECTif'+~S ~~ i3JILEOL LICEi~iSL ~~LL~~T:I~s~15 2~8Z4yt35~~&~ 593iz3;~.~5 31'795.37 2g79~i.g3~9,i33 76~'~eb~.45~ 2~0?i~92?.3N 27.391 CSC 15+99 12~pb23.24 t33~.25 FISCAL YTC- 1:~~~~1~11~»90 12 r~3~ib.79 TrTAL r~~NEY P~~UCE:55E0 ~HftU Ct;LLE-CTiCti ~~EICE ~~~ 1VE'~ 3.1~;''UVE~ CGUi~TY. OTTY I7r '~viL"~iNOTCJt~' -RiC~iT.i~1iLLE E°EALH.T CA~~..i~tA ~EACN AtrL' KU~rc =„EACH T!~ L3ATE m ~8~~i3994b.3.32. . '1'NIS ~EPC~T i5 EUt~ ~.iSOAL YEAS. ~?i:G:II`dfei~i0 JULY it 1999. ~,E`'~EGTE~;L1.Y SU~l~ITTECy ~A.,< t~a~ ~~ C,~'LLECTCi~ {~F Vr~1LE C:~"~~ IP~ED CC'LL~C T Iis~ ~ERGEPvTA~:;E ~° 6b.54 80 {This page intentionally left blank} 82 . ` ~ .. _ -Consent Item.#: 6 Estimated Timer Page Number: ,~ ~ " . .. -`Department: TAX Presentee: None"Required • ., .. lasgow : , - .Contact: Robert G , ,.. . , .. ._ ~. SUBJECT: ? .. ;; ~ .. ` •. ' . . .. yRelease of Vatue . . _ , '. ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: - '~ Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and ~ ~ ' ..; ~ . letters explaining-late filing available upon request) ' Berry, Shirley M. .- ~ 20,000 .. ° .' - Bordeaux, Mamie P. ~ , ~ °- 20,000 - . Burton, Birdly Lee Elsie ~ , . '20,000 _ - . . Conklin; Ronald Virginia L: ~ - 20,000 ~ ' ' Dowdy, Joarin Platt ~ ~. '20,000. . • • ~ Fitzgerald, ..Carol H. 1,903 , `° ` " Henderson, Sharon E. °' - 20,.000 ' 'Jackson, Lula ..~ : , 20,0.00 ,. ' ` - Jinwright, Samuel EtaL.Life ~ ~, 20,00.0 . . " ~.r ' ~ • ' Joe, Robert Lee-Margaret ~ ~. ~ . '20;000 ~ ~ r ' ; Johnson, Henry'Les Etux. ~. 20,000 5 ..; = ..: Johnson, Lucille Etal. .. " ;, 20 000 ~ . - . .., . ` = ° Justice, Dawn Manning Etal. - - `~ _ ~ 20,000 e ... .. Lovett, Reuben L. Jr: Donnie 20,000. . - Ludwig, Geraldine ~`~. ; ; '`. ~,. ` 20,000 . ° ... ., Maiwald, Evelyn R.: , .. _ _ 20,000.. .... _ Millington, Hazel J.: ~ 20,000 ; ' . . Moore, Thelma A. 20,000 - . - Niksie,~ Hazel , 20 000 ~_ - O'Shields, Ethel J. P ke ' , ''''.20,000 ` ,,~~~%~h. - t ,: ~ ar r; Emma C. ~ 20;000 ~. Pittman, Nolarid'B. ~ ~ 20;000 . ~ ~~ x , r~ . ~: Rh`edrick, Harrie Leroy, 20,000 '~~;~~ -. ' Rhodes, Gertrude G. 20;000 v ' ~ '. ' . . Shavers, Bernice°Life Estate - ~ ~ 20,000 : • :, ~~, ~-~ . ` Sirns, A., F. Parnell B. . ~ 20;000 , ~+~~, F • u , Sutton, Margaret .- `,. .,-=20;00:0:~.,,~_~ 4 ~,-=€a ~, - . ~ Ward, Charles H. Bobby J. 20,000 ~ `"f ~ Wright, Johnny C,~ Hattie,S. 20,000 . . . ., ~ Requestahe following late listing. penalties be released as this was the taxpayer's first offense'or they - . . listed on time in another county: F .., -.. .., Buchter; Keveri • - ~ _ - 5:03 y 'Filipowski, Raymond B. ~.~. - - 5.32 ~ . - . .Moyer, James 36.33 ~ .• NC Air & Travel LLC. ~ - - ; ;- ~ 2,825.40 . , ' 8 . Stallings; Alber - 115.75 ,. • Watson, Doug. .. ` 397.50 , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OFCOMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD A TION ~ `~ Meeting Date: 01/~0 , ~ ~ , Request approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption. from~property tax for the following organizations (applications and letters explaining late filing available; upon request): 84 Request approval of releases. FUNDING SOURCE: Cape Fear Youth Soccer ~, 809908105 Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church R04813-027-004-000 First Baptist Church of Carolina Beach R08818-020-002-000; R08818=020-003-000 Little Chapel on the Boardwalk Presbyterian Church R05720-027-017-000; R05720-027-012-000; R05720-027-005-000 Lutheran Outdoor Ministries R09405-007-002-000 Roman Catholic Diocese~of Raleigh R05405-014-006-000 South Atlantic Conference of. Seventh Day Adventist R05410-006-017-000 Wilmington/New Hanover Community Development Corp. R04809-018-007-000; R04809-018-008-000; R04809-018-006-000; . ., R04809-018-009-000 R04809-020-003-000; R04809-020-007-000', . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO~NTS Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMN n~~..5~0~'ERS COUNN C(?Ait, ~ pPPRO~Et' ~ _~ REJEC i ~.~~ ~' . REMpV~D G P©STPONED ~ KgpRD t pp'tE r AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 0 0 ~~~ ~ . i . ~' '~" ~,. ~ ,, . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' -.. REQUEST FOR BOARD TION ~~.. Meeting Date: 01/ /00 ~~ Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter:. Neal Lewis Contact:, Neal Lewis I SUBJECT:. . Soccer Complex -Cape Fear Community College North Campus '' Project Ordinance-Community Soccer Complex .. - ~ - , BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Campus of Cape Fear Community College has,emerged as the best location forth development of a community soccer complex. This site has been offered by CFCC for along-term lease for;this purpose. The site will accommodate several soccer fields, parking, a rest room/concession building and a storage building. The estimated cost for design and engineering of the complex is $150,;000. The .-Commissioners are requested to adopt the Project Ordinance necessary to establish the Capital Project. The ordinance will include only funds for the design of the soccer complex at this time. Upon completion of the complex design, the County Commissioners will be presented with an opportunity to approve construction and related financing. , ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance in the amount of $150,000 and approval of associated budget amendment-#2000-19. ~. . FUNDING SOURCE: Fund Balance $150,000 . ATTACHMENTS: , ba200019.wp Cpsoccer.wp REVIEWED BY.: ` LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEIV,TSa~AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .Recommend approval. ~ ~ ~ . . 'COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: cr~l,lq~~ cO~nn~~ IoN~s " ~~, J •~ ~ - ~ L _ r (~~ c~~_ -~ .. ~ - .# 5 ,. ~ - - _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION ERS REQUEST FOR BOARD .DTION ' Meeting Date: 01/~00 ~ ` Bud et Amend ~ent 9 DEPARTMENT: .Community Soccer Complex Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-19 ' . ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT - , `Community Soccer Complex Transfer in from General Fund $150,000 . ~. Capital Project Expense $150,000 -~ Commissioners 'Appropriate Fund Balance $150,000 - Non-Departmental . ' Transfer to Capital Projects . $150,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for Community Soccer Complex according to Capital Project Ordinance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ CQUNTY COM~SlONER~ A~'~. ~,.._~ ~ r~ ~:_~ • F . ~ u C~ ' ;; ~ Ht~;:~.; p ®ATE j _ - - A_ - - J ,:. ~. J F -~ PROJECT ORDINANCE ~ " " ., .• COMMUNITY SOCCER COMPLEX BE IT .ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover .:County : . ;~ 1. .New Hanover County (County} is engaged in the Construction . of,a CommunitySoccer Complex, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets.. ' ~ 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant`to North Carolina General ` _ Statute $159-13.2,_. such. ordinance to authorize all appropriations ` 'necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1; This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North .~ Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. ~ . ~2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the . ~_ ..,~. Construction of a Community Soccer Complex Capital_Project, which project is herewith authorized. ' ~ " 3. The revenue that will finance "said protect is: - _ Appropriate. Fund Balance S 150,.000 • . ` Total S 150.00'0 , a 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are ' herewith made .from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense S 150,000 Total S 150,000 , '~ ~ , v 5.This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of -the .Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days °~ .~ "~ .. ~ ~ ~~ " ~ . s~ • hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with . the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the . e .~ Clerk to the. " Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County.. "Adopted this day of 2000: " Clerk ;to the, Board William A. Caster, Chairman ~ ". >. . Board of County Commissioners ~. . ~. • ~; ;., ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/18/00 Additional Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Acceptance of offer by DOT to purchase 1020 N. 3rd St. Building BRIEF SUMMARY: Smith Creek Parkway construction will impact the County's property at 1020 N. 3rd St. We have received an option offer from the DOT to purchase the property for $120,750. This is above the appraised value assigned 'by our Tax Office. Once this document is signed, the DOT will set a closing date, and 90 days • later we must vacate the building. They have estimated we will have until sometime in July 2000 before they will need us out of the building. We are exploring other locations for relocating the Transportation Program. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ... `. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Option on 1020 N. 3rd Street . FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize the Chairman to sign the option to sell the property at 1020 N. 3rd St. to the DOT for $1 50. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~, This instrument drawn by:__ ~~~.~,~ .~~,~~-r Checked b y: NORTH CAROLINA State Project 8.22501 2 I. D. Number U-0092AA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Parcel No. 003 OPTION TFIIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of , 2000 by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY ` parties of the first part; and the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an unincorporated agency of the State of North Carolina, party of the second part;. WITNESSETH: That for and'in consideration of the sum of One DOLLAR (S 1.00 ) to them in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, said parties of the first part do hereby give and grant unto said party of second part the right and option to purchase from said parties of the first part a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Wilmington Township, New Hanover County, North . Carolina, recorded in Deed Book 2340 at Page 96 of the public registry of New Hanover Counly, and more particularly described as follows: Being all of that certain parcel of land as described in Deed Book 2340 at Page 96 ,New Hanover Counfy Registry. Also being the same property as identified by official tax maps maintained in the New Hanover County Tax Office as map 3118-82-1964. The terms and conditions of this option are as follows: • First, this option shall exist and continue fo and including the 15'h day of July. 2000 but no longer Second, if the parry of the second part elects to purchase said land under this option the purchase price therefore shall be One hundred twenty thousand seven hundred fifiy DOLLARS (S 120,750.00 ), payable by Department of Transportation Voucher upon delivery of the deed. Third, at any time within the period abbve limited, but not thereafter, the parties of the first part will make, execute and deliver to said party of the second part a good and sufficient deed for said land in fee simple with general warranty and free from encumbrances, including current taxes, upon the payment by said party of the second part of the said purchase price in the sum and manner above set out. IN TESTIMONY THEREOF said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and yedr first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY . By: (SEAL) Chairman County Board of Commissioners (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: (SEAL) Clerk Counly Board of Commissioners NORTH_GAROLINA, COUNTY This day of , 2000 personally came before me, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state, ,who, being by me duly sworn, says that _he knows the common seal of said county of and is acquainted with ,who. (s Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of said county; and that _he, the said , is the Register of Deeds of said county and ex-officio clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said county, and saw the said Chairman sign the foregoing instrument, and that _he, the said clerk as aforesaid, affixed said seal to said instrument, pnd that _he; the signed his/her name in attestation of. the execution of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of saiU county. Let the said and this certificate be registered. Revised July 1977 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/18/00 Additional Item#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: _ Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson ` Contact: Andy Atkinson - SUBJECT: .Acceptance of offer by DOT to purchase 1020 N. 3rd St. Building BRIEF SUMMARY: Smith Greek Parkway construction will impact the County's property at 1020 N. 3rd St. We have received an option offer from. the DOT to purchase the property for $120,750. This is above the appraised value assigned by our Tax Office: Once this document is signed, the DOT will set a closing date, and 90 days. later we must vacate the building. They have estimated we will have until sometime in July 2000 before -they will need us out of the building. , We are exploring other locations for relocating the Transportation Program. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the Chairman to sign the Optioh on 1020 N. 3rd Street . FUNDING SOURCE: • ` ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: • LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve. BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize the Chairman to sign the option to sell the property at 1020 N. 3rd St. to the DOT for $1 50. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • A~r•^r'~~';~ Rr 7 i . F ~. F: ' _J ^ . HEh~;J~ ^ '. DATE UA_~~=' 5/! t~fi;;~.. f~~ ;<aFan. .F. F~ o~~ "'" ~ .. .:., _ °: _. , .. .. .; _ ° - . . ~. ~This.instrurnehf drawn by._. ~~~:.,~ ~`~, .~ . _ T Checked by: ~ 3• _. .. . .. . . , ., NORTH CAROLINA . . , State Project 8.22501 2 ' 1 D Number ~ U 0092AA r NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ • . , . M . " ' . _ - Parcel:No. 003 '` - ' OPTION ° •" - TFIIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of ° ,.2000 by and between ° - NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,t ' parties of 'the first part: ,and the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF- TRANSPORTATION, an unihcorporated _ agency of the State of North Carolina, party of the second part: ., v . . , • H. ~ ': WITNESSETH: - That for and in ;consideration. of the sum of Orie DOLLAR (S '.. 1.00 ~ ) to them ~in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; said parties of the first part do nhereby'give and grant unto y , - sdid" party of second ,part the right and option to purchase from said parties of the first part. a certain tract or ' parcel of wand lying,and, being in Wilmin toq_n Tdwnshlp, New Hanover County, ' .North Carolina, 4 recorded in Deed Book 2340 afPage 96 ofahe public registry of . New Hanover County; and ,. . _, "; more particularly described as follows: '~. , . ' , Being dq of that certain parcel of land. as described in Deed Book 2340 at Page 96;, New Hanover _; ; ,~ : 1, ~ County RegiStry.:Also being the same property as identified by official tax mdps maintained In the : ' _ -. -~ ., ":. . fVew Hahover Courrly Tax Office as,map 311.8-82-9964: -: . -. i . . , ~, ° .., . E <.. :., :,, _. ° ' The terms and cbndt(ons of this option are as fdllows: • • .., , ~° . ~ ~ First, this option shall exist and continue to and including the l5"' day of , July ; •2000 but no n ..: longer. •. • '~ . - ' _ .. .°", - _ .. p rty of the second part elects to• purchase said land under this :~°~ Second; if ,the a ~ option the purchase price, ,, . • therefore shall be' One hundred twenty thousand seven hundred fifty ~ ' DOLLARS'(S 120,750.00 ), payable by Department.of Transportation Voucher upon delivery of the deed. Third; at any-time within the period above•limited, but.not thereaffer,"'the parties of the first part will make;' `execute and deliver..to said party of the second part a good and sufficient deed for said land 1n, fee simplo r ~ with general warranty and free from encumbrances, including current taxes, upon the payment by said party ., ~ • - of the second part of the said purchase price in the sum and manner above set out. , ,. , ,,.. ' ' IN TESTIMONY THEREOF said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year . ' ~ filrst above. written.. ,. r ~ .,' _ :.. NEW HANOVER COUNf`/ ~ .. ..~ , . . ._ ,. ~ _ .. ~. _ , .. ~.:.. ° -.. .•. .. (SEAL) -° ,: rman pit ~• ^ '. ~ . - . - ner ' ,. Gouniy Board of.Commissio CS ai ,(CORPORATE SEAL) ~ . .. ,~ _ . °{. -A st: - _ {SEAL) .. ,., , . _ °- ~ _ .. _ . County Boa d of Comrnissi . -„ ... _ NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY ~ '. This. ~ _'dayof , 2000 personally,came before'me, '°. . _ Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state,. who,.;being by me ' ~~duly sworn,, says that. _he knows the common seal of said county of . ;; and is ~ ` acquainted with .", who Is Chairman of, the Board of Commissioners of said ' ' county; and that _he, the said - ~ , is the Register of Deeds of said county and - • y ex-officio clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said county, and saw the said Chairman-sign the foregoing. ' insirurnent, and that _he, the said clerk as aforesaid, affixed said sedFto said instrument; and that he, the •, ' ,signed his/her name in 'attestation ot. the .execution of said instrument in the _ presence of said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of said county. . ., Let the said ~. and this certificate be registered.. • . ~ - .' Revised July 1977 _ ° .. _ ,." , ., .. , .:- ,. , . ,. - R .. _ ,. r. _" . , -. -, - .. . ..~ ~-. , ,; .. ., ~,, ,~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' • Meeting Date: 01/~,gr/00 l~ Additional Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney • Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Time Warner Cable BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioners to approve report as its own and execute the Order Finding Time Warner Cable's 2000 Cable Service FCC 1240/1235 Rate Methodology as Reasonable and Ordering a Rate True-UP for 2001, provided by Bob Sepe, Cable Consultant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Order and Report FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMtfIIENDATIONS: Concur with County Attorney's recommendation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~r P u HEARq~ p DATE ~ . -- J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover County, NC-0140 BEFORE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF': Review of FCC 1205, 1235 and 1240 Annual Rate Adjustment Request filed by Time Warner Cable for the Time Warner Cable, Wilmington Division, for New Hanover County, NC-0140 ORDER FINDING TWC's 2000 CABLE SERVICE FCC1240/1235 RATE METHODOLOGY AS REASONABLE AND ORDERl_NG A RATE TRUE-UP FOR 2001. BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable submitted an FCC 1240 Updating Annual Maximum Permitted Rates filing for Regulated Cable Services with the County. Time Warner's filing covers external costs, inflation, and cable system upgrade costs for the true up period of October 1999 through September 1999, and the projected period of October 1999 through September 2000; WHEREAS, Time Warner Cable submitted an FCC 1235 Abbreviated cost of Service for Cable Network Upgrades with the County. Time Warner's filing covers capital expenses directly related to system infrastructure improvements prior to January• 2000; WHEREAS, the County received a report stating that Time Warner's FCC 1240 BST rate calculations comply with Federal Communications Commission rate making rules, and~that the requested monthly maximum permitted Basic Service Tier rate is excessive by $.02; WHEREAS, the County received a report stating that Time Warner's FCC1235 rate calculations do not fully comply with Federal Communications Commission rate making rules in that the Rate of Return Percentage exceeds the FCC's allowable limit by a small amount, and that the requested monthly maximum permitted Add-on Network Upgrade Charge is excessive by $.01; WHEREAS, FCC rules grant local franchise authorities an initial ninety (90) day review period, measured from the date of receipt of said filing by the franchise authority, with which to review the cablepope~rato~As~~FCC~1~~,4~0 rate filing. If said ninety (90)-day review period expires before the rates go into`effect;'the franchise:authority retains review and refund authority past the initial ninety (90) day review period as long as all,inquiries from the cable operator regarding said review are responded to in writing within fifteen (15) days of said inquiry; 1 ~~'~` • WHEREAS, Time Warner's rate filing includes cost estimates for the calendar year of 2000, and said estimates shall require adjustment (true up), due to changes to the 2000 projected period's inflation factor which effects the 2001 BST MPR in TWC's subsequent FCC 1240 rate filing for 2001; WHEREAS, Time Warner's rate filing included add-on Network Upgrade Charges for the calendar year of 2000, and said charges are based, in part, on a Rate of Return Percentage which exceeds the allowable limit; and WHEREAS, the County is certified with the FCC to regulate basic service tier rates provided by Time Warner Cable in franchise NC-0140. IT IS A FINDING: THAT Time Warner Cable has by in large substantiated the other adjustments to its Cable Service rates based on past and estimated cost elements; and THAT Time Warner has complied with FCC rate making rules, and its requested Maximum Permitted BST and COS "Add-on" rates are found to be reasonable but not fully justifiable and subject to refund liability due to for the projected period's inflation factor adjustment at the time the FCC 1240 BST filing for 2001 is submitted. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: THAT Time Warner Cable's Basic Service Tier rate assessed subscribers within the County shall not exceed the maximum permitted rate, subject to modifications in subsequent findings by the cable operator or franchise authority, and.Time Warner's FCC1240 BST MPR cannot exceed $5.76 monthly and Time Warner's FCC1235 Add-on Network Upgrade Charge cannot exceed $,50 monthly during the 2000 calendar year; 'T'HAT Time Warner Cable may charge a Basic Service Tier rate below the approved Maximum Permitted Rate, but not above it; THAT Time Warner may charge a Network Upgrade Charge rate below the approved Maximum Permitted Rate, but not above it; THAT the County retains its authority to issue refunds or rate roll backs after the initial ninety (90) day review period with respect to the restructured rate set out in the FCC 1240 or FCC1235 filings; and THAT Time Warner must keep a full and accurate account of all revenues and costs associated with the.aforementioned cable rate adjustment. • IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: THAT the maximum permitted Basic Service Tier rate; inclusive ofthe "Add'-on" Network Upgrade Charge the for Time Warner Subscribers in New Hanover County, NC-0140, for the calendar year of 2000, shall be $6.26, subject to subsequent findings by the County to the contrary; THAT the TWC must adjust its BST MPR and Add-on Network Upgrade Charge and refund overages to its customers prior to calculating and submitting its rate filing for 2001; and THAT the County retains its authority.to issue refunds or rate roll backs after the initial 90-day review period with respect to the restructured rate set out in the FCC 1240 filing. ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER This the day of January 2000 ATTEST: CHAIRMAN: county seal Deliver via Certified U. S. Mail to: Time Warner Cable Extra copy to: ~ Action Audits, LLC. a ,P • 1 SUMMARY On September 30, 1999, Time Warner Cable notified the County that it intended to set the rate for basic service at $6.29 a month for the 19,663 Basic Service customers. The proposed $6.29 rate is a combined rate composed of $5.78 (FCC1240) plus $.51 (FCC1235). The additional 51 cents is the network upgrade "Add-on" surcharge. Last year's rate for BST cable service was $5.49. Because of the increases, subscribers will experience a rate increase of $.80 on basic service alone. It is estimated that Time Warner's BST revenues will increase by approximately $192,000' over the 12-month period. Slight irregularities in the manner in which TWC calculated -the Maximum Permitted Rate for Basic Cable Service and the Add-on Network Upgrade Charge contributed to a three cent error. If uncorrected, the two cent BST MPR and one cent Add-on Network Upgrade Charge would net TWC $7,2002 from its cable customers in extra revenues. Pursuant to the .Social Contract, Time Warner is allowed to aggregate equipment and installation costs on a regional basis3. Time Warner will adjust rates for leased customer equipment by a modest amount. The maximum installation service charge will increase 1.6%, from $26.09 to $26.51 hourly. TWC currently, discounts its installation fees for promotional and competitive reasons. BACKGROUND In September 1995, the FCC adopted the 13th Report and Order, which, among other things, allowed cable operators to adjust their rates on an annual basis using the FCC 1240, taking into consideration past and anticipated future external costs. In 1.996, the FCC promulgated a cost of service filing which allows-cable operators who've completed upgrades to pass those costs onto their customers: The 13th Order requires Time Warner and other cable operators to submit their FCC 1240 filings ninety (90) days before the date of rate implementation. During this period, the County may review the reasonableness of the basic service tier rates and either approve or deny the rates. . 1$.80 * 20,000 subscribers * 12 months 2$.03 x 2000 subscribers x.12 months = $7,200 3North Carolina is treated as a single region, TWC files a single FCC 1205 for North Carolina to establish uniform state wide rates. for equipment and installation. The FCC has sole authority for the review of FCC 1205 rates. Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration 101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 2 After ninety (90) days, the County retains refund authority as long as it responds within 15 days to any inquiries from the cable operator regarding the County's FCC rate review. Time Warner's .FCC 1240 rate adjustments reflect the, following external,cost elements: 1) External costs for True-up Period , 2) External costs for Projected Period 3) Projected cable system upgrade expenses (applied to upper cable tiers only) -per .Social Contract 4) Inflation from True-up Period, 5) Inflation for Projected Period 6) Franchise related costs (PEG) from True-up Period 7) Franchise related costs (PEG) for Projected Period ~ ; Analysis of .Rate Increases ~ , External Costs ~ ~ ,~ ~ . The rate adjustments reflect. multiple external cost elements. An external cost, is an expense a ; cable operator incurs during the normal course of business and' maybe included in rate calculations: External cost categories include state and local taxes;,, franchise fees; costs. of . • . complying.with franchise requirements, including costs of providing public, educational, .and governmental access channels; retransmission consent fees and copyright fees incurred for.the ~, ~, carriage of broadcast signals; other programming costs; FCC regulatory fees and costs associated with channel additions. 'T'rue Up and Projected Periods .. - ~, The FCC 1240 Form must be filed with the local franchise authority ninety~(90):days before the rates are scheduled to take effect,. and may be filed, no more. frequently than annually. The FCC 1240 represents~a departure from the quarterly method of updating cable rates, in that it allows . cable operators to estimate their future costs over a 12-month period: this is referred to as the projected period.4- The FCC 1240 also allows operators to recover costs, which have already . occurred during a specified. period of time,. referred to as the true up period.. If,a cable operator incorrectly estimates its costs for a, projected period, it must. correct those estirnates,by using the true up segments for the next FCC 1240 rate filing. Time Warner's projected period covers the 12-month period from January, to December 2000. The operator's true up period covers the 12 months period from January to December 1999. 4FCC 1210 Forms allow for the recovery of past costs, only, not future costs: ,Future costs are recoverable. through the use of the FCC 120 Form, only. .Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication.Administration ~~" 10.1 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467:5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 t . • 3 CPST RATE REGULATION EXPIRATION A sunset provision within the Telecommunications Act of 19,96 established.March 31, 1999 as the .date which rate regulation for the upper cable service tiers ended. Since April 1999, the cable .operator may change upper service tier rates at will, but only upon 30 days notice to the franchise authority and subscribers.. Franchise Related Costs . Time Warner will not assess a monthly,'per subscriber fee to recover-cable television franchise related expenses because it did not incur any expenditures during the previous period. Programming Costs Time Warner will recover $.1110 monthly, per subscriber, during 2000 for anticipated BST programming costs during the projected period. Historically increases in program service reflect increase service fees, such as copyright fees: ' - ~ Inflation Time Warner is claiming inflation adjustments in it's true up and projected period segments of its FCC 1240 rate filing. Time Warner used the FCC true up period inflation figure of 1.60% for the period January to December 1999. However; on October 1, 1999 the FCC. announced that the true-up inflation rate for April -June 1998 was 1.35%. Pursuant to the FCC's rate rules, the company must use the "current" inflation figure when calculating its true-up and projected rate increase due to inflation. The Consultant recalculated Time Warner Cable's charges attributed to inflation using currently available informations. This resulted in a reduction of the overall inflation for 1999 from 1.0160% to 1.0141% and set the projected period (2000) inflation index to 1.35%. The projected period inflation figure is subject to correction in the operator's subsequent FCC 1240 rate filing. ' Time Warner's FCC 1240 rate filing did not reflect the true up inflation factor for the second, third and fourth quarter of 1999 released by the Commission on October 1, 1999. Had the operator used the 1.35% value to calculate the true-up period inflation rate instead to the previous first quarter's value (1.60%), the Maximum Permitted BST rates would have been $0.02 lower. ' SSee FCC Form 1240 Instructions for Line C3. • _- Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration 101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 4 Time Warner did not have the latest inflation data available at the time it completed its FCC Form 1240 for 2000. Therefore,. TWC must file an amended FCC 1240 for. 2001-. at the time the. FCC 1240 for 2001 is submitted, to; compensate for the. over collection, (x$.01/month),.and adjust its '..- 2001. rates, accordingly. In recalculating the maximum permitted rates for BST service, the known inflation values were. used.- In the interest of consumer protection, currently available .information was applied to the rate recalculation to eliminate overcharges, which otherwise would be carried forward into 2001. The BST rate recalculation`did not significantly alter the Maximum Permitted Rate for Basic Service. .. . ~ . Subscribers Time Warner states that its average number. of customers. during 1999 (the true up period) was 19,663 on the BST. It also tates thatit'anticipates approximately 20',447 BST average sub'scrib~ei-s` during 2000 (the projected period), an increase of 784 subscribers. , Cable System.. Upgrade Costs Time Warner Cable submitted an abbreviated Cost of Service Filing. for Cable Network Upgrades. Under the FCC's rules, the cable operator is allowed to recover its investment from subscribers `on a tier by tier basis: .The rules require upgrade capital expenditures jto be apportioned in each of the cable 'service tiers, basic, standard, new product, premium and other program 'tier. ,The upgrade charge attributable to BST is $2,192;218; this represents 12.20% of the total network upgrade capital expense. `The balance of the upgrade expense is allocated to~ the other non basic channels. To determine the, add`-on upgrade charge,: Time Warner Cable used a rate of.return figure of 11.64%. The FCC rules allow the operator to use "either the cuirent FCC approved. Rate' of Return Percentage (RORP)~ or any operator justified Rate of Return Percentage. The .current approved percentage is 11.25%. TWC's RORP exceeds the~FCC allowable percentageby ,. 0.39%. TWC's FCC1235 filing was not supported by documents to justify or otherwise support an RORP exceeding the FCC's 11.25% limit. Consequently, the 11,.64,% RORP was disallowed. .:~ . . . The Consultant adjusted the RORP to 11 25%o and recalculated .the "add-on"-upgrade charge., The operator had calculated ~an add-on charge of $.51 based upon the 11.64% ROR. The . , ,~. recalculation at 11.25% reduced the add-on charge by $0.01 to 50 cents monthly. If the County did not exercise its rate review authority over Basic Cable Television Rates charged by franchised cable television operators, the over charges (MPR~$.02, Add-on~$.Ol) would~net , ~~ Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration 101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 • 5 TWC $7,2006 from its cable customers in extra revenues. Effects of Competition One of Wall Street's top cable analysts, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter analyst Richard Bilotti, recently said the nation's top MSO's may face stiff competition in selling Internet, phone and digital video services due to robust DBS offerings and stronger services by telephone companies. He believes that cable operators will not be able to raise prices for non cable services by more than about 3 percent a year because of strong competition. Tough competition for cable customers by traditional telephone and satellite providers will cause cable operators, like TWC, to bundle telephone and high speed Internet servicestogether with cable television packages at modest incremental prices. I~ECOMMEl~DATION The Consultant recommends that the maximum permitted BST rate adjustment contained within the FCC 1240; FCC 1205 and FCC 123 5 filings submitted by Time Warner Cable be found' reasonable, and recommend they be approved with the proviso -that the overcharge a) in the-BST ..rate due to changes.in the. second, third and fourth quarter inflation factors for the projected 2000 period and b) the add-on network upgrade charge attributed to the portion of the RORP exceeding the allowable Rate of Return Percentage be trued-up and refunded to customers. Proceeding The franchise authority must either approve or deny the operator's BST FCC 1240 MPR and FCC1235 add-on network upgrade charge as either reasonable or unreasonable. This determination must be based upon a ,finding of fact. The franchise authority must adopt the staff report as its own and the public must be granted an opportunity to offer comment on the rate matter; the public comment period, may coincide with a regular public meeting.. A rate order, conveying conditional approval is attached. To be valid, the order must be executed following the conclusion of a) a public meeting where the commission grants interested parties an opportunity to comment and b) adoption by the commission of the report as its own -required by FCC rules (requires a motion. to adopt and a vote). , It is appropriate-for public comment to be heard, as related to BST rate issues, at the time the Commission meets to deliberate upon this matter. A statutory public hearing is not required. It is customary to call for a public comment in these matters; the comment period may be publicized by issuing a press release to the print and electronic media, and otherwise announce the call for public comment in other ways. The company must be notified of the public meeting and advised . to have a representative present to offer comment. 6$.03 x 2000 subscribers x 12 months = $7,200 Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration 101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 '. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: THAT the maximum permitted Basic Service Tier rate, inclusive of the "Add-on" Network Upgrade Charge the for Time Warner Subscribers in New Hanover County, NC-0140, for the calendar year of 2000, shall be $6.26, subject to subsequent findings by the County to the contrary; THAT the TWC must adjust its BST MI?R'and Add-on Network Upgrade Charge and refund overages to its customers prior to .calculating and submitting its rate filing for 2001; and THAT the County.retains its' authority to issue refunds or rate roll backs after the initial 90-'day review periodwithrespect to the restructured rate set out in the FCC 1240 filing. a ~ ,., ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE- COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ,; This the day of January 2000 ,~ .. ATTEST: ~ ~ ' ~ CHAIRMAN: { ' ~ , county seal Deliver via Certified U.S.~Mail to: Time Warner Cable . Extra copy to: Action Audits, LLC. .,-" :~ .. , ~, Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 FCC FORM 1240 UPDATING MAXIMUM PERMITTED RATES FOR REGULATED CABLE SERVICES Cable Operator: : , Approved by OMB 3060-0685 lame of Cable Operator y 'WC Wilmington Mailing Address of Cable Operator 949 Dawson :ity State ZIP Code 'Vilmington NC 8403 YES NO 1. Does this filing involve a single franchise authority and a single community unit? X If yes, complete the franchise authority information ~N 00140 below and enter the associated CUID number here: YES NO 2. Does this filing involve a single franchise authority but multiple community units? X If yes, enter the associated CUIDs below and complete the franchise authority information at the bottom of this page: 3asic Service Ttier cable television rate verification for 2000 3. Does this tiling involve multiple tranchise authorities? Jf yes, attach a sepparate sheet for each franchise authority and include the following franchise authority information with its associated CUiD(s): Franchise Authority Information; Name of Local Franchising Authority NEW HANOVER COUNTY Mailing Address of Local Franchising Authority 320 CHESTNUT ST RM 309 City State ZIP Code WILMINGTON NC 8401 Telephone number Fax Number 6671 4. For what purpose is this Form 1240 being filed? Please put an "X" in the appropriate box. a. Original Form 1240 for Basic Tier }{ b. Amended Form 1240 for Basic Tier c. Original Form 1240 for CPS Tier d. Amended Form 1240 for CPS Tier }{ TO 5. Indicate the one year tune period for which you are setting rates'(the Projected Period). O1/00 12/00 TO 6. Indicate the time period for which you are performing atrue-up. 01/99 12/99 7. Status of Previous Filing of FCC Form 1240 (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) YES NO 'a. Is this the first FCC Form 1240 filed in any jurisdiction? b. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the FCC? If yes, enter the date of the most recent filing:. (mm/dd/yy) YES NO c. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the Franchising Authority? x If yes, enter the date of the most recent filing: 09/29/99 (mm/dd/yy) (mm/yy) (mm/yy) Page 1 Lotus 1 23 WK4 version FCC-Form 1240, July 1996 b reaeratcommunicauons Lommission, washmgton, UG ZVbb4 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 >~. Status of Previous Filing of FCC Form 1210 (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) YES a an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the FCC? NO If yes, enter the date of the most recent filing: (mm/dd/yy) ` r YES NO - b, Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed with the Franchising Authority? If yes, enter the date of the most recent filing: ~- ~ (mm/dd/yy) 9. Status of FCG Form 1200 fling (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) . YES NO a, Has' an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed .with the FCC? If yes, enter the date filed: ~~ (mm/dd/yy) YES NO b. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed with the Franchising Authority? - If yes, enter the date filed: (mm/dd/yy) 10. Cable Programming Services Complaint Status (enter an "x'! in the appropriate box) . YES NO a. Is this form being filed in response to an FCC Form 329 complaint? If yes, enter the date of the complaint: - (mm/dd/yy) YES NO 11. Is FCC' Form 1205 Being Included With This Filing 12. Selection of "Going Forward" Channel Addition Methodology (enter an "x" in the appropriate box) . • Check here if you are using the original rules [MARKUP METHOD]. aCheck here if you are using the new, alternative rules [CAPS METHOD]. • If using the CAPS METHOD, have you elected to revise recovery for YES. NO channels added during the period May 15, 1994 to Dec. 31, 1994? l.adend Upgrade Methodology , ^N Operators must certify to the Commission their eligibility to use this upgrade methodology and attach an equipment list and depreciation schedule. Check here if you are a qualifying small system using the streamlined headend upgrade methodology. Part I: Preliminary Information Module A: Maximum Permitted Rate From Previous Filing . a b c Line Line Descri [ion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 d e Tier 4 Tier 5 Al Current Maximum Permitted Rate 55.4922 Module B: Subscribership ~ , a b c Line- ~ r.; Pna .,r;., u_..:_ -.<__, d e . 81 Average Subscribership For True-Up Period 1 19,663 82 Average Subscribership For True-Up Period 2 63 Estimated Average Subscribership For Projected Period ~ 20,447 Module L: 1n17ation Infnrm;ltinn . Line Line Descri tion C1 : Unclaimed Inflation: Operator Switching From 1210 To 1240 _:.. :. "" -~% ~^fi r i , t s 1 0000 C7 , Unclauned Inflation: Unregulated Operator Responding to Rate Complaint ,.~ , ~ . 10000 C3 Inflation Factor For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 1] 1 0141 C4 Inflation Factor For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 1] ~ . > >x`<lst3£>K> CB Current FCC Inflation Factor s ,<..< ~ , ~ 1.0135 i Page 7 - Lotus 123 WK4 versiom FCC Form 1240, July 1998 Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 • Module D: Calculating the Base Rate Approved by OMB 3060-0685 a b c d e Line Line Descri [ion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 D1 Current Headend Upgrade Segment \-..~ D2 Current External Costs Segment $0.1110 D3 Current Caps Method Segment "' • D4 Current Markup Method Segment D5 Current Channel Movement and Deletion Segment D6 Current True-Up Segment ($0.1999 D7 Current Inflation Segment $0.0879. ' ~ • D8 Base Rate [Al-Dl-D2-D3-D4-DS-D6-D7] , . $5.4932 Part II: True-Up Period .Module E: Timing Information ~ ` Line Line Descri lion E1 What Type of True-Up Is Being Performed? (Answer "1 ", "2", or "3". See Instructions for a description of these types.) ~~yk' ~`<<~:~~~~,~c n ;• 2 .::...:..... .... . . If "1", go to Module I. If " 2", answer E2 and E3. If " 3", answer E2, E3, E4, and E5. , . E2 Number of Months in the True-Up Period I >{„ s':'~~- 12 frs E3 Number of Months between the end of True-U Period 1 and the end of the most recent Pro`ected Period P J 0 ~ s. ;sk E4 Number of Months in True-Up Period 2 Eligible for Interest .,>>:::s~:<"~'~` - s> :;_ E5 Number of Months True-Up Period 2 Ineligible for Interest ~ - ""~€'~~#<`:~:„, Module F: Maximum Permitted Rate For, True-Up Period 1 a b c d e Line Line Descri lion Basic 'Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tiers Fl Caps Method Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 2] . F2 Markup Method Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 3] • - F3 Chan Mvmrit Deletn Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks' 4/5] t, F4 True-Up Period 1 Rate Eligible~For Inflation [DS+F1+F2+F3 $5.4932 ~ ~"J F5 Inflation Segment for True-Up Period 1 [(F4"C3)-F4] $0.0776 F6 Headend Upgrade Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks 6] F7 External Costs Segment For True-Up Period 1 [Wks7] ` • $0.1110 F8 True-Up Segment For True-Up Period i ($0.1999 - - F9 Max Perm Rate for True-Up Period 1 [F4+FS+F6+F7+F8] $5.4819 . Module G: Maximum Permitted Rate For.True-Up Period 2 ` a b c d e Line ~ Line Descri lion Basir Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 G 1 Caps Method Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 2] .. G2 'Markup Method Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 3] G3 Chan Mvmnt Delem Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks' 4/5] ` G4 TU Period 2 Rate Eligible For Inflation [D8+FS+G1+G2+G ' ' ' ` k G5 Inflation ,Segment for True-Up Penod 2 ((G4 C4)-GA] "` G6 Headend Upgrade Segment For True-Up Period 2 [Wks 6j ,. _ G7 External Costs SegmenC For True-Up.Period 2 [Wks 7]' .. __ G8 True-Up Segment For True-Up Period 2 G9 ,Max Perot Rate for.True-Up Period,2,[G4+GS+G6+G7-FG8 ' Page,3 Lotus.l 23 WK4 version FCC Form 1240, July 1996 Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 , Module H: True-Up Ad-justment Calculation Approved by OMB 3060-0685 a b c d e L, Line Descri lion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 A ment For True-Up Period 1 H1 .Revenue From Period 1 $1,295,398.4400 H2 Revenue From Max Permitted Rate for Period 1 $1,295,926.4008 H3 True-Up Period 1 Adjustment [H2-Hl] $527.9608 H4 Interest on Period 1 Adjustment $29.6978 Adjustment For True-Up Period 2 H5 Revenue From Period 2 Eligible for Interest H6 Revenue From Max Perm Rate for Period 2 Eligible For Intere H7 .Period 2 Adjustment Eligible For Interest [H6-HS] H8- Interest on Period 2 Adjustment (See instructions for formula) . H9 Revenue From Period 2 Ineligible for Interest H10 Revenue From Max Perm Rate for Period 2 Ineligible for Inter H11 Period 2 Adjustment Ineligible For Interest [HI0.H9] Total True-Up Adjustment H12. Previous Remaining True-Up Adjustment ' o a rue- p lus men H13 [H3+H4+H7+H8+H11+H121 $557.6586 H14 Amount of True•Up Claimed For This Projected Period S557.6586 H15 Remaining True-Up Adjustment [H13-H141 50.0000 Part III: Projected Period Module I: New Maximum Permitted Rate a b ~ d e Line Line Descri lion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 I1 Caps Method Segment For Projected Period [Wks 2] I~ arkup Method Segment For Projected Period [Wks 3] 13 Chan Mvmnt Deletn Segment F.or Projected Period [Wks 4/5] 14 ' Proj. Peiiod Rate Eligible For Inflation [DS+FS+GS+Il+I2 $5.5708 15 Inflation Segment for Projected Period [(I4*C$)-I4] $0.0752 16 Headend Upgrade Segment For Projected Period [Wks 6] 17 External Costs Segment For Projected Period [Wks 7] $0.1077 18 True-Up Segment For Projected Period $0.0023 19 Max Permitted Rate for Projected Period [I4+IS+I6+17+I8] $5.7560 - ~ 110 Operator Selected Rate For Projected Period $5.7800 . #'age 4 Lotus 123 WK4 version FCC Form 1240, July 1996 Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 Worksheet 1 -True-U .Period Infl +. .. p ation For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 ~ , T J Approved by OM8 3060-0685 .. .. r Line. Period Actual FCC Inflation Fac ~ 101 Month 1_ 1 .60% 102 Month 2 1 .60% 103 Iofonth 3 1:60 104` Month4 1:35% 105 Month 5 1 .35% 106 Month 6 1 ~35% 107_ Month 7 1..35% 108 Month 8 1 :35% 109 Month 9 1 ~35% 110 Month 10 1 .35% 111 Month 11 1 .35°l0 112 Month 12 1 .35% 113 Average Inflation Factor for True-Up Period 1 1.0141 114 Month 13 ~ ' 115 Month 14 116 Month 15. , , ._ , 117 Month 16 , 118 Month 17 - 119 Month 18 120 Month 19 ~. 121 Month 20 122 Month 21 123 Month 22 .• 124 Month'23 125 , Month 24 _ _ 126 Average Inflation Factor for True-Up Period 2 Page 1 ,F Lotus 1 23 WK4 version b TWC Inflation Factor 1.60%, 1.60% 1.60%.' 1.60% 1:60% 1.60% ,. 1.60%' ' 1.60% ' 1.60% 1.60% ' '' 1:60%'; "1.60% 1.01'60 ~' '~' ., ~ , ~... FCC Form 1240, July 1996 .Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 7 -External Costs . True-Up Period For instmctions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 ~ ' ° . True-Up Period ' Projected Period _ Question 1. For which time period are you filling out this worksheet? [Put an "X" in the appropriate box.] X Question 2. How long is fhe first period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? 12 Question 3. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? a c e Line Line Descri tion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 • ~ Dorin.~l 1 - External- Costs Eli ible for Marku Cost of Programming For Channels Added 701 Prior to 5!15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using Marku Method For Period $0.00 ' •. 702. Retransmission Consent Fees For Period $0.00 703 Co fight Fees For Period $24,374.00 704 External Costs Eligible For 7.5% Markup $24,374.00 705 Marked Up External Costs $26,202.0500 External Costs Not Eli ible for Marku 706 Cable S ecific Taxes For Period 707 Franchise Related Costs For Period .$0.00 708 Commission Re lato Fees ForPeriod $0.00 Sect ]II,F4a of TWC Social Contract 709 Total External Costs For Period $26,202.0500 710 Monthly, Per-Subscriber External Costs For Period 1 $0.1110 ~ ~ Narinrl 7 E nal Costs Eli ible for Marku Cost of Programming ForChannels Added 711. Prior to 5/15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using . Markup Method For Period ..712 Retransmission Consent Fees For Period - '.713 Copyright Fees For Period 714 External Costs Eligible For 7.5%Markup 715 Marked Up External Costs External .Costs Not Eli ible for Marku 716 Cable Specific Taxes For Period 717 Franchise Related Costs Far Period 718 Commission Regulatory Fees For Period 719 To[al Exfema] Costs For Period , 720 Man[hly, Per-Subscriber External Costs For Penod 2 Lotus 123 WK4 version FCC Form 1240, July 1996 .Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 Approved by OMB 3060-0685 Worksheet 7 -External Costs Projected Period For instructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 True-Up Period Projected Period Question 1. For which time period are you filling out this worksheet? [Put an "X" in the appropriate box.] X Question 2. How long is [he first period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? ,12 t. _ Question 3. How long is the second period, in months, for which rates are being set with this worksheet? a h c d e Line Line Description _ Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 External Costs Eli ible for Marku """' Cost of Programming For Channels Added 701 Priar to 5/15/94 or After 5/15/94 Using Marku Method For Period 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 " ~' 7 702 Retransmission Consent Fees For Period ' 703 Co ri ht Fees For Period $24,585.00 $0.00 704 Extemal Costs Eligible For 7.5%Markup $24,585.00 ~ . '705 Marked Up External Costs $26,428.8750 External Costs Not Eli ible for Marku 706 Cable Specific Taxes For Period. ~ '+ .707 Franchise Related Gosts For Period ~'' ' ' ' 708 Commission Regulato Fees For Period 50.00 Sect lII.F4a of TWC Social Contract $0.00 $0.00 ' ' 709 Total Extemal Costs For Period $26,428.8750 , `. •. ~ ' ' 710 Monthly, Per-Subscriber Extemal Costs For Period 1 r• $0.1077 ' ,pederal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554 Worksheet 8 -True-Up Rate Charged For~Tjstructions, see Appendix A of Instructions For FCC Form 1240 ' Question 1., How long is the True-Up Period I, in months? Question 2. How long is the. True-Up Period 2, in months? Approved by OMB 3060-0685 ' a b c d e Line Line Descri lion Basic Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 801 Month 1 55.4900 ' 802 Month 2 55.4900 803 Month 3 55.4900 804 Month 4 55.4900 805 Month 5 55.4900 806 Month 6 55.4900 807 Month 7 $5.4900 808 Month 8 $5.4900 809, Month 9 ' $5.4900 810 Month 10 55.4900 81 T° Iblo"nth 1 1 $5.4900 812., Month 12 $5.4900 813 Period 1 Average Ra $5.4900 814 Month 13 815 Month 14 8~onth 1'5' 817 Month 16 818 Month 17 819 Month 18 ' 820 Month 19 821 Month 20 822 Month 21 823 "Month 22 824 Month 23 825 Month 24 826 Period 2 Average Ra Lotus 123 WK4 version FCC Form 1240, July 1996 Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Telecommunication Administration 101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 ,,. , , , Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB 3060-0688 Washington, D. C. 20554 ~dd-on Netvvork Upgrade Charge for 2000- Rate .Review . Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing For Cable Network Upgrades Community Unit or System .Operating Name Community Unit ID - CUID(s) Date of Filing *.~.~~~* Name of Cable Operator Mailing Address " City State Zip Code Ownership of Franchise or System (Place an "X" to the left of the appropriate answer.): C-Corp Subchapter S x Partnership , Sole Proprietor Other Person to contact regarding this form: ' Telephone Fax Number Local Franchising Authority . ailing Address City State Zip Code This form is being. filed for: (Check One) Pre-Approval OR Final Approval Scope of Filing: (Check One) Franchise level OR System level FCC Form 1235 Page 1 of 8 February 1996 Federal Communications, Commission WasRington,D.'C. 20554 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing For Cable Network Upgrades (S 000's) Approved by OMB 3060-0688 Part II. Upgrade Revenue Requirement Computation (a) (b) (c) Net Upgrade Rate Base (Worksheet A Line 4e) 1 , . 2. Return on Investment Rate of Return Percentage a ° . uted Return on Upgrade Rate Base (Line 1 x Line 2a) b Com . p 3. Allowance for Income Taxes Federal Income-Tax Rate - a ° - . State Income Tax Rate b ° i . . c. Computed Return on Upgrade Rate Base (Line 2b) 5246,625 51,775,697 Line 9e) ense Related to Upgrade (Worksheet A Interest Ex d , p . Filers Only) Distributions (Non-C Cor e p, . ) Contributions (Non-C Cor Filers Onl f - _ y p. . Return Amount Subject to Income Tax g. Income Tax Allowance h . 4. Projected Net Impact of Upgrade on Operating line 8e} enses (Worksheet A Ex , , p 5. Net Revenue and Income Adjustments rade (Worksheet A Line 12e) Related to U pg , rade Revenue Requirement (Line 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) 6 Total U . pg Part III. Allocation of Upgrade Revenue Requirement to Basic and Cable Programming Service Tiers , 1 . Upgrade Revenue Requirements * (Part II, Line 6) 2. Number of Subscribers 3. Annual Revenue Requirement Per Subscriber (Line 1/Line 2) 4. Monthly Network Upgrade Add-on (Line 3 / 12) 5. Selected method of subscriber recovery: (Check One) (a O (c) BST CPST - 1 CPST - 2 TOTAL 5401,118 52,888,052 SO 53,289.,170. 67,171 62,432 O 0 55.97 546.26 0 552.23 50.50 53.85 O 54.35 CPSTs & BST OR GPSTs Only CERTIFICATION STATEMENT WII,LFULL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE 'I"I'I'I,E 18, SECTION 1001), AND/0R FORFEI'I'CJRE (U.S. CODE, TTTLE 47, SECTION 503). Name and Title of Person Completing this Focm: Signature: ' per: ~ Telephone Number Page 3 of 8 FCC Form 1235 / February 1998 f\-/J Federal Communications Commission Washington, D. C. 20554 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing for Cable Network. Upgrades Approved by OM&0688 • Worksheet A Cost Assignments and Allocations (part 1) (S 000's) Balance Directly Assigned Cost Elements (bl Line Number and Description (a) BST CPST - 1 CPST - 2 All Other 4. NET UPGRADE RATE BASE (Sum Lines 1 - 3) SO 0 0 0 0 PROJECTED: 8. PROJECTED NET IMPACT OF UPGRADE ON , PROJECTED: 12. NET REVENUE AND INCOME ADJUSTMENTS RELATED TO UPGRADE (Sum Lines 10 - 1 1) SO 0 0 0 0 Federal Communications Commission Aproyed by OMB-0688 Washington, D. C. 20554 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing for Cable;Network~Upgrades FCC Fonn 1235 Page 5 of 8 February 1996 ~. Federal Communications Commission = WasRington,. D, C. 20664 Abbreviated Cost of Service Filing for Cable Network Upgrades • Page 6 of 8 Approved by OMB-0668 lart 3) FCC Form -1236 February 1998