Agenda 2000 03-27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION ~~~ Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: , Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Debbie Nash SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The former New Hanover County employees listed below are eligible to receive Retirement Plaques at the New Hanover County Commissioners' Meeting: Ernest Gordon -Property Management . Seanetta M. Dixon -Sheriffs Dept. Freddie W. Hearne -Sheriffs Dept. Mary C. Kendall -Register of Deeds Adelaide S. Stanely -Health RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present retirement plaqu COMMISSIONERS' ACTION / OMMENTS: t ; i:r {This page intentionallyleft blank} :;, 2 ~ f i • SUB_ JECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Patsy H. Phelps -Sheriffs Dept.; Michael D. Johnson -Engineering; TEN (10) YEAR: Michael A. O'Neal -County Manager; Linell Josey -Property Management; Joseph R. Sigman -Sheriffs Dept.; Wanda Rivenbark -Health Dept.; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Jerome G. Fennell -Property Management; Christine Q. Neal -Engineering; Sylvia E. Brown -Health; and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Bernadine G. Butler -Tax Dept. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EOMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal i Contact: Rosetta Bryant FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~, ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/EW COUNTY MANAGER'S Present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' AC' i I i i I i COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' APPROVED L~r~SP~E RE,lECtED O REMOVED O POSTPONED [] HEARD O DATE ~~ 3~a~- ~~~- n {This page intentionallyleft blank} C~ Gf~'v~~ v~p ~~~ ;~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~%~ [~ ._ , ~u~A~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME D RECOMMENDA Recognize new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/ OMMENTS: ;;irk COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ APPROVED CY ~eccra"~Zec1 REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONED O DATED~-~= /-1~O' {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~~~~~~i 'v"~~~'Q ~~ ~ ~f'~CJI:~s~t .~, ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: ' Amendments to Work First County Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: The 1999 General Assembly approved changes in the State's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) plan.The Board of Social Services hereby requests amendment to the County's 1998-2000 Work First Plan to exercise legislative options and provide more effective service delivery. Adoption of requested changes will not require additional funding. Summary of amendments follows: 1. New Hanover County will provide appropriate and available services to all families with children whose family income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Effective April 21, 2000, the poverty level for a family of four is $1,421/month. 2. New Hanover County will provide follow up services 120 days for those who leave cash assistance. 3. New Hanover County will require the following sanctions for any non-compliance with the Mutual Responsibility Agreement (including failure to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement): • a. first offense - 25% reduction in benefit for three (3) months. b. second and subsequent offenses -pay after performance for a minimum of three (3) months, plus a 25% reduction in benefits. If still out of compliance at the end of three (3) months, benefits will terminate. 4. New Hanover County's primary objective at this time is providing services to all Work First participants. In so doing, New Hanover County will maintain a close relationship with our local IV-D office, but will not exercise the option to provide non-custodial parents of Work First children with non-cash employment services as long as their income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. The Amendments to New Hanover County's 1998-2000 Work First Plan is attached for Board approval and execution by the Chairman. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve attached Ammended Plan. FUNDING SOURCE: _ Work First Block Grant and County Maintenance of;~ffort, no new funds required. ATTACHMENTS: Wfplan.3 . COUNTY COMMIS~° ERS REVIEWED BY: APPROVED LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/AREJECTED ^ REMOVED O i COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: POSTPONED ^ Recommend approval. HEARD ^ <Uj DATE ...~:_~~ f't~.~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 7 AMENDMENT TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S 1998-2000 WORK FIRST PLAN Reason for Amendment: State welfare reform legislation in SB 1134, signed into law August 4, 1999. I. Employment-Related Services for Non-Custodial Parents of Work First Children (All Counties) The county will provide employment related services to non-custodial parents 'of Work First children when the non-custodial parents' family income is at or below 200% of poverty and in accordance with the policy outlined in Work First policy. .X Yes No We do not intend to exercise this option at. present as we believe we need to focus on providing services to all Work First participants first. We do intend to maintain a close relationship with our local IV-D office,however,. and hope to examine this issue with them,at some point in the future. II. Services for Families with Children (All Counties) The county will provide services to families with children when the family income is at or below 200% of poverty and in accordance with the policy outlined in Work First policy. X, Yes No If yes, provide the following information: Describe the county's plan for providing services to this population, including 'a description of the services to be provided. Describe how the county has prioritized resources to ensure that ALL .RVork First parents who are subject to the work ;~ requirements are being served. ,~; - We are currently serving all Work First parents who are subject to the work requirements. As we indicated in our original plan, we are providing follow-up and y~Yi' retention services to former Work First recipients. Depending on availability of funding, we intend to offer appropriate and available services to all clients as long as their income is at or below 200% of the poverty level. ~ ~~~ - .. ' ~ ~~?~l~~~i~ Services may include problem-solving, case management, counseling, job search, job ~ ~~~~X~ !`1 n readiness, work-related expenses, transportation ands child care. Other allowable services as indicated in the TANF guidelines, such as skills training, education, On-the-Job training and parenting skills will be provided on a referral basis. We will assess our expenditures and staffing' patterns in these areas at regular intervals to °;determine if we have sufficient funds to continue offering these services to those other than Work First recipients and at what level. When will these services be 'implemented? April 1, 2000 III. Emergency Assistance (All Counties) Counties must provide emergency assistance for families as described in their plan within the parameters outlined in Work First policy. Basic eligibility guidelines are: • The family must have a child who lives with a relative as defined for Work First cash assistance and who meets the age limit for Work First cash assistance. • Total gross family income must be at or below 200% of poverty. • Family members must meet the same citizenship requirements as for Work First cash assistance. Counties may describe requirements that are no more liberal than those outlined above. _ Indicate here if the county's already submitted plan for emergency assistance is to be continued. Copy of county's. plan pertaining to emergency assistance must be attached. Otherwise, provide the. following information: Describe the eligibility requirements under which the county will provide emergency assistance: ,;; As stated in our County Plan, we'` will follow the guidelines for Emergency Assistance as issued by the State .and Federal governments. In light of this, we adopted the enhancements noted in DSS Administrative Letter. 11-99 effective November 1, 1999. These include serving families with incomes at or below 200% of poverty level and adhering to the definition of short-term assistance (i.e. nonrecurring, short-term benefits designed to deal with a specific episode of need; not intended to meet recurring or ongoing needs; and does not extend beyond four months). ' • 9 IV, Calculation of Work 1~ first Payment (Only Electing Counties) Describe how Work First a meets will be calculated usin the current Work First Need '~-' pY g Standard; . We`will adhere to the State's new budgeting principles as outlined: in Section 114, Income and Needs Assessment. This is consistent with the proposals in our County Plan which included aone-time job "transitional benefit" for employed recipients. Senate Bill 1134 removed the county's option of deducting income directly from the Payment Standard and now requires that income be deducted from the Need Standard. We are therefore adjusting our method for calculating payments accordingly. . V. Implementation (Only Electing Counties) Provide an implementation schedule for county's Work First provisions: Due to automation constraints,, we revised our implementation of changes in . eligibility requirements as follows: A. Administrative Reopenings: Cases that have been closed due to a client's failure to sign a Mutual Responsibility. Agreement cannot be Administratively Reopened. Benefits will be pro-rated from the date the f~"~ client reapplies and meets the requirements. ~J Implementation date: May 1, 1999 B. Quarterly Reporting: This will be eliminated. Clients will be required to report changes between reviews according .to the change in situation policy. Implementation date: When State automation can support. At this time the State is not able to suppress issuance of Quarterly Reports. C. Treat income of significant other in the home as stepparent income: This will remove the marriage penalty' . Implementation date: We are requesting that this area be revisited. Due to a change in State policy that was. not known when our plan was developed, it will be impossible for us to treat "significant others" in the same manner as stepparents. Effective, 2/1%00, the State will begin requiring that stepparents be included in the case for both cash assistance a.nd Medicaid. This would not be allowed for "significant others" because they do not meet Medicaid's definition of kinship. If we chose to retain the policy noted above, these 10 checks would have to be issued manually and"we would be delinked from Medicaid since the State's automation system could not accommodate us. As stated on page 14 of our Electing County plan: "If these proposals result in complicating Medicaid eligibility and lead to increased work load and increased barriers to clients seeking medical assistance, we would revise this eligibility criteria to conform with Statewide Medicaid eligibility guidelines. D. Pending applications: Applications will be denied on the 45th day if the client has not provided information to determine eligibility unless there is a legitimate reason for the delay. Implementation date: April 1, 1999 E. Sanctions: For any non-compliance with the Mutual Responsibility Agreement (including failure to cooperate with Child Support Enforcement): 1st time - 25% reduction in benefit for 3 months. 2nd and subsequent times -pay after performance for a minimum of 3 months plus a 25% reduction in benefits. If still out of compliance at the end of 3 months, benefits will be terminated. Implementation date: April 1, 2000 or later to coincide with implementation of new State sanctions. For electing counties that are opting to implement standard county provisions (in full or in part), provide a statement indicating the intention to continue with operation of standard county provisions, even with the changes that have occurred or are scheduled to occur, if that is the case. Otherwise, describe' specifically which standard Work First provisions that will be kept/implemented and under what conditions. Except for the areas noted above and specified in our Electing County Plan, we intend to continue with the operation of standard county provisions, even with the changes that have occurred or are scheduled to occur. :..,,~ ;'.';spy ,. f• William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners Date ~ 11 F. Wayne Morris, Director Date New Hanover Courity Department of Social Services ' ~, °~>- ;; 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: 5 Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Bob Sepe, Action Audits/Wanda Copley, County Attorney Contact: Becky Howell, Cable Administrator SUBJECT: Tolling and Accounting Order to extend the period (30 to 120 days) for the County to review and certify the new rate structure proposed by Charter Communications for basic cable television service. BRIEF SUMMARY: The FCC allows Charter to implement the new rate structure prior to the completion of the review and certification process by the County. The Order requires Charter to maintain a separate accounting of the rate increase money collected, should it be necessary to issue refunds. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve and Adopt the Tolling and Accounting Order. FUNDING SOURGE: ATTACHMENTS: Yes. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC NDATIONS: Concur with County Attorney's recommendatio . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~.. ~~~: ,~. COUNTY . CONiMISS10NER~ APPROVED C/ REJECTED ^ REMOVED O POSTPONED ^ HEARD~(G~~~ DATE 3 ~!! 7 .s°" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF: Review of FCC-1240 Updating Maximum Permitted Rates and FCC1205 Equipment Form for Regulated Cable Service, by Charter Communications for New Hanover County NC-0152. ' Accounting and Tolling Order For FCC-1240 Updating Maximum Permitted Rates Filing And FCC 1205 Equipment Form Extending Review Period June 28, 2000 (30 + 90 Days) WHEREAS, on March 2, 2000 Charter Communications submitted an FCC- 1240 Updating Maximum Permitted Rates filing for the New Hanover County, NC=0152; WHEREAS, on March 2, 2000 Charter Communications submitted an FCC- 1205 Determining Regulated Equipment and Installation Costs, NC-0152; WHEREAS, the County is certified with the FCC to regulate basic cable .rates and . services within the franchise area, and is authorized by the'FCC to review rate filings submitted by Charter Communications; WHEREAS, the FCC has issued-rules allowing cable operators to make annual adjustments to regulated cable service rates using the FCC-1240 and FCC1205 forms to recover exterrial costs (past and present), changes in the number of regulated channel's, and inflation; WHEREAS, the County is authorized to toll the time needed to review Falcon Cable Media's FCC-1240 rate filing by rt®`more than a maximum of 90 days beyond the initial 30 days allowed by the FCC, totaling 1`20 days; and, WHEREAS, the County is authorized to issue an accounting order, effective for 12 months, requiring the cable operator to maintain a complete and accurate accounting of all revenues anrd ~c{ yorsts associated with the aforementioned rate filing. C~/~l/o.~~ t,tr~ IT ISIZTH~EREFOORE ORDERED: ': ~ ~~1~ ~~ ~THA,jT;~t_he~time period in which the County has to review Charter _ Communicati'ons~~FtiCC-1240 and FCC1205 rate filing is tolled 90 days past the original 30 14. ~ ~~~~ days (120 days total) allowed by the FCC, extending the total review period deadline to • June 28, 2000; THAT, Charter Communications is directed to provide the County or its agent Action,Audits, LLC., with any, and all, necessary information requested so that a comprehensive review of the FCC-1240 and FCC1205 rate filing may be conducted; THAT, Charter Communications is directed to maintain a complete and accurate accounting of all costs and revenues associated with the aforementioned FCC-1240 and FCC 1205 rate filing; and, THAT, the accounting order contained within this filing shall remain in effect for a period of 12 months from the executed date of this order. ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER This the day of March 2000 • ATTEST: Clerk to the Board BY: Chairman seal Deliver via Certified U.S. Mail to:. Time Warner Cable With a file copy to: Robert F. Sepe, Action Audits 'i. ~~ i• 15 {This page intentionally left blank} 16 -, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03127/00 • • Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: ` Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver with Administration Building/Parking Deck project SUBJECT: Consideration of approval for proceeding ~~~`. i~ ~~~; p~~ . ~~i~~ h~~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Based on the discussion at the March 13 Board meeting, staff has further refined the cost estimates for Alternative 6A (1) both for construction of a new Annex Administration Building and Parking Deck on the Library site and for renovation of the existing. Administration Building. An estimate outlining the cost of both parts of this project will be sent to you under separate cover. The Board also requested staff to obtain estimates on the value of the Administration Building. Based on discussion between Legal staff, the Tax Department, and a real estate professional, it was agreed that the Building is worth approximately $1.8 million, with the structure valued at $1.5 million and the land valued at $0.3 million. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends that the Board consider directing staff to move forward with Alternative 6A(1), including developing a scope of service with Sharpe Architecture. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend the Board direct st to proceed:-uvth Alternative 6A(1) and development of scope of services ith Sharpe Architectur `'~ . ::,~;: COMMISSIONERS' ACTI N OMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISS-ONER9i APPROVED Cf REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONED O - HEARD O ~Q~ DATE ~/~~b`~~f.-'w/ ~." 3~ ~ ocnr f trr>7 ~ e-c-fU-'' -+~rax`1,~~nG(,t~.~t-~'',cl~rlc~."`1 t a.dM {This page intentionallyleft blank} r~R?^ -t~~ t ~ Q ~~~~1 (97 ~~`''v~~'.~~ ~~ g o c~~~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 7.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Amendment to Contract # 99-0352A Professional Services for New Jail Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: On April 1, 1999, New Hanover County entered into an agreement with Carter Goble Associates, Inc. to provide facility programming services for the new Jail Facility. Carter Goble has successfully completed its work with regards to programming. It will be necessary for Carter Goble to remain active in the project to assure compliance with the facility program through the design and construction process. Carter Goble will support New Hanover County and Freeman White.by providing required information to Freeman White for the design of the Jail Facility. In consideration of the importance of schedule and quality, Carter Goble will play a key role in the construction of this facility. The proposed fee for professional services is $522,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . . Staff recommends approval of contract amendment for $522,000. Additionally, staff recommends authorization for the County Manager to execute agreement. Request approval of associated budget amendment #2000-29. FUNDING SOURCE: COPS ATTACHMENTS: Amendment to Contract ba2000-29.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~~ __~~u ,:,.,. COUNTY MANAGER'S Cy01~AE TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva . SSIONERS' ACTION COUNTY COMMISSION€RS APPROVED ^ REJECTED ^ i REMOVED ~ ~'~ ~ 3~ POSTPONED ~ HEARD ^ DATE _~ ~~I~ J DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0352A NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT AMENDMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY t THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT, made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and CARTER GOBLE ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into an agreement dated April 1, 1999, wherein certain technical and professional services were to be provided at a cost not to exceed' Fifty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Thirty-Five ($58,535.00) Dollars; WHEREAS, the Count has re uested that Contractor rovide'additional services \ Y q P relating to evaluation of an additional eighteen (18) tasks, subdivided into three work phases, including: 1) Design, 2) Construction and 3) Transition/Activation, beyond the scope of the above-referenced original agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Performance. Contractor shall furnish all necessary materials and labor for those additional services to the New Hanover County~,'r~pace and staff needs study in accordance to Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, together with those contractual duties set forth in the Professional Services Agreement dated April 1, 1999. 2 ,Payment. County agrees to pay Contractor, for services rendered, an additional ~ ~~~ 4., ~%~ r~ 1 20~-~~~ ~l~~a ., ~ ~~~b sum of Five Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Dollars (5522,000.00), upon completion, final inspection and County acceptance. 3. Term. The term for performance of the additional services described herein ' shall be those times and schedules as set forth in Exhibit "A". 4. On oink Conditions and Provisions. Except as specifically amended above, New Hanover County Contract #99-0352, dated April 1,1999 shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given and on the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) Allen O'Neal, County Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board CARTER GOBLE ASSOCIATES, INC. [CORPORATE SEAL] President Attest: Corporate Secretary This instrument has been pre- ';;~: audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Officer County Attorney 2 2~ NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 2000 Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF I, - a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this day and acknowledged that •(s)he is the Secretary for CARTER GOBLE ASSOCIATES, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given as the act of the .corporation the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, ,sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITI~TESS my hand and official seal, this day of -, 2000. Notary Public My commission expires: :~;,~,~; r~ 22~ 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03127/00 Regular Item #: 7.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: `' Department: Engineering .Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Contract #00-0178 Architectural Services for New Jail Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: As directed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners during the February 7, 2000 meeting, staff has negotiated a contract for architectural services with Freeman White. The scope of services identified will include architectural design services for the development of construction documents for a County jail facility and a Sheriffs Administration Building. Additionally, the scope of services will include investigation, scope development, master plan, and budget development for the necessary renovation of the existing Law Enforcement Center. The professional fee proposed for design services is $3,100,588.69. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends award of contract #00-0178 to Freeman White for architectural services in the amount of $3,100,588.69. Additionally, staff recommends authorization for the Chairman to execute contract. Staff request approval of associated budget amendment #2000-28 to include $3,100,589 for Freeman, $160,000 for additional architectural services, $80,000 for surveys, and $59,411 for contingency FUNDING SOURCE: COPS ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract is voluminous and provided under separate cover Preliminary Project Estimate Estimate of Professional Services Memorandum: Notice of design staff change ba200028.wp ~; REVIEWED BY: ~ ~~ ,: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval as noted above. COUNTY CON1nflISSION~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMEN S: APPROVED D REJECTED D :} REMOVED O POSTPONED C~~P'''3 2 i HEARD O DATE _.?~k1O .. , Print Date 03!17/00 New I-9anover County Engineering Department New Hanover County J'nil Project Architectural Services Freer>1nn White Estimation of Professional Fees Cost Seefiion 1 New County Jail Section 2 Sheriff's Office & Administration Section 3 Renovation to Existing Law Enforcement Center Section 4 Off site Utilities Basic Architectural Services 7.7% of Construction Totn) Cost Sections 1, 2 Architectural Fee at 7.7% On Site Architectural Representation Preliminary Architectural Services for LEC Off Site Utility Design 6.9% Section 4 Total Fee for Identified Scope of Services Fee Schedule for Progress Payments `"'' ;~,; 1) Pre Design Phase 5.00% 2) Schematic Design Phase 15.00% 3) Design Development Phase 20.00% ~4:) Gonstr'uctionrD;ocur~nent Phase 37.00% 5) Bid and Awar,;d~:Plgse 3.00% "~ 6) Const~ruction•~A~.dministrafion 20.00% ~ ~ g~~p~ Total 24 100.00% .. • ~ ~~~~~ $3,100, 58.8.69 Value $155,029.43 $465,088.30 $620,117.74 $1,147,217.81 .$93,017.66 . $620,117.74 $3,100,588.69 $26,481,655.00 $7,328,750:00 $ 2,000,000.00• $93,7,500.00 i $33,810,405.00 $2,b03,401.19 .$375,000.00 $57, 500 $64,687.50 "1 Pl Page 1 Print Date 03/17/00 New Hanover County Engineering Department New Hanover County ~ni I Project Architecture! Services Freeman V!/hite Preliminary Project Estimate (Masonry Cell Construction) Section 1 New County Jail Est. Sf 165,500.00 Cost Total Cost (PER SF) Division 1 General Conditions $13.75 $2,275,625.00 Division 2 Site Work $6.00 $993,000.00 Division 2A Deep Foundations $9.50 $1,572,250.00 Division 3 Concrete $10.75 $1,779,125.00 Division 4 Masonry $26.95 $4,460,225.00 Division 5 Metals $5.80 $959,900.00 . Division 6 Carpentry $2.20 $364,100.00 Division 7 Weatherproofing $4.50 $744,750.00 Division 8 Doors & Windows $3.00 $496,500.00 Division 9 Finishes $7.70 $1,274,350.00 Division 10 Specialties $0.75 $124,125.00 _ Division 11 Equipment $24.50 $4,054,750.00 Division 12 Furnishings $0.10 $16,550.00 Division 13 Special Construction $0.01 $1,655.00 Division 14 Conveyances $0.35 $57,925.00 Division 15 Mechanical ~ $29.00 $4,799,500.00 Division 16 Electrical $15.15 $2,507,325.00 Subtotal $160.01 $26,481,655.00 Contingency 10% $2,648,165.50 Total $29,129,8.20.50 Section 2 Sheriff's Office & Administration ',~;' Est. Sf 65,000.00 Cost Total Cost (PER SF) Division 1 General Conditions $10.00 $650,000.00 Division 2 Site Work $7.50 $487,500.00 Division 2A peep. Foundations $7.25 $471,250.00 Division 3 Concrete $7.00 $455,000.00 Division 4 Masonry $12.00 $780,000.00 Division 5 Metals $12.75 $828,750.00 Division 6 Carpentry $2.25 $14b 250.00 , 5 Page 1 Print Date 03/17/00 New Hanover County Engineering Department New Hanover County Jail Project Architectural Services Freeman White Preliminary Project Estimate (Masonry Cell Construction) Division 7 Weatherproofing $4,25 $276,250.00 Division 8 .Doors & Windows $4.50 $292,500.00 Division 9 Finishes $14.50 $942,500.00 Division 10 Specialties $1.75 $113,750.00 Division 11 Equipment , $2.50 $162,500.00 Division 12 Furnishings $0.10 $6,500.00 Division 13 Special Construction $0.15 $9,750.00 Division 14 Conveyances $1.25 $81,250.00 Division 15 Mechanical $15.75 $1,023,750.00 Division 16 Electrical $9.25 $601,250.00 Subtotal $112.75 $7,328,750.00 Contin9ency 10% $732,875.00' Total $8,061,625.00 Section 3 Renovation to Existing Law Enforcement Center Allowance $2,000,000.00 Contingency 10% $200,000.00 Total $2,200,000.00 Section 4 Off site Utilities Elevated Water Tank on Piles $700,000.00 Deep well( 500gpm, 8" with controls) $75,000.00 Treatment Plant - $0.00 Water Line to Site(5,OOOft C~ $1~%ft) $75,000.00 Sanitary Sewer (2,500 If) $87,500.00 Sub Total $937,500.00 Contingency 10% $93,750.00 Total $1,031.,250.00 26 ~ ~ Page 2 , ,..,..~...;W ~..,.w_ ~ ~ ._... Greg Thom son 03/15/2000 03:48 PM To: Alen O'Neal/NHC@NHC cc: David Weaver/NHC@NHC, Andy Atkinson/NHC@NHC Subject: Freeman White Allen I have forgotten on several occasions to talk with you about this. Please review and comment. ---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Thompson/NHC on 03/15/2000 03:35 PM --------------------------- L_.~.,...L ..... `/" Greg Thompson ~~'~ " ~` 02/28/2000 01:34 PM To: Allen O'Neal/NHC@NHC cc: David Weaver/NHC@NHC, Andy Atkinson/NHC@NHC, Steve Smith/NHC@NHC Subject: Freeman White Allen Ed Spooner has informed me that the proposed design team presented during the architectural selection phase of this project has been modified. Glen Ware was to be the project manager for this project but due to a potential conflict with another project; the latest Mecklenburg County Project, Ed Spooner will assume the responsibility of project management. If you wish, we can sit down and discuss this issue in detail. This switch in personnel concerns me. It may be an indication of limited resources relative to Freeman White's ability to provide skilled labor. Please advise if you wish any action to be taken. Greg ,,,; ~;: • 27 {This page intentionally left blank} n 28 u NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION' Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 7.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of RFQ/RFP Project Expediter Process/Requirements for Jail Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached draft letter is a combined Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposals (RFQ/RFP) soliciting responses from interested firms for a Project Expediter for the proposed jail facility on Blue Clay Road. It is recommended that a selection committee of 1 - 2 Commissioners and staff review all responses and select up to five firms for presentations to the full Board at its May 8, 2000 meeting. The process and requirements are detailed in the attached solicitation letter. A projected project schedule is also attached. :~:REGOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Board should consider using the described process and attached letter to move forward to select a Project Expediter. • FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval of the RFQ/RFP process as noted above and approv of the attached letter. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: t r: ,,; ;'~ i, COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED ^ REJECTED ^ REMOVED D 3 -~( POSTPONED C~~~~ 2~ ~ HEARD ~/,~ /~ DATE ~- ~ ~Q' I~E`VV I~Al~OVER COUIOTTY WYATT E. BLANCHARD COUNTY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET Wilmington, NC 28401-4045 TELEPHONE (9I0) 34I-7139 ®~~~ 1 March 27, 2000 RE: Request for Qualifications/Proposals , New Hanover County Jail Facility Dear Sir: You are invited to submit the qualifications of your firm and a proposal to provide . Project~Expediter/Construction Management services for a new jail facility to be located on a County owned site off of Blue Clay Road in New Hanover County, North Carolina. The project scope will include the construction of a new 161,000 square foot jail and 65,000 square foot Sheriff s Office & Administration building. The project architects, Freeman White, Inc. And Carter Goble Associates will actively participate in the • construction of the project to assure compliance with design and programming. Established as a base line for the evaluation of your firms ability to save time and money, New Hanover County has defined a total project schedule of thirty (30) months which includes a,nine (9) month design phase and a twenty four (24) month construction phase with a target occupancy of October 2002. This schedule incorporates phased construction with an early site package, an early modular cell package, and an early long lead equipment package. This represents how the project would be managed in house by County personnel without the use of an outside Construction Management firm. Additionally, the County has completed a Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment, a Preliminary Wetland Determination Survey, and a Preliminary Subsurface Exploratofn of the site. Your response to this request must recognize the County's current plans and project scope as identified. Failure to incorporate this information into your response may result in the rejection of your submittal. ~~ ~ r~•nThersco a of services required are generally described as project scheduling, budget planning and~monitoring, value engineering analysis and reporting, construction estimating, R project d~evelopmentyconsulting, assistance with the County's Contractor Prequalification and MBE~BE~~program, construction planning and bid package preparation, }; constructability~arialy-sis, acquisition and maintenance of temporary on site office facilities, 3(~ssistance~with purchase acquisitions, conduct job status meetings, assist with pay request {~,a/nd~change,order~processing, coordination of submittal and request for information and preforming general construction administration. Acomplete scope of services is identified in the draft contract included "in the County's RFQ/RFP package. (Attached) In order for your submittal to be considered responsive, it must include: 1 A list of ersonnel assi ned to the project along with resumes, hourly rates including all P g overhead and profit, and a list of reimbursable and related cost. Graphically show your proposed., organization including .the relationship of the County and the County's Architect 2) A list of jail, prison'; and detention projects performed in the past including the client, the name and phone number of the client contact directly responsible for the management of your contract, the negotiated fees and final fees paid, project size in gross square feet, construction cost, number of contractors managed, brief description of services performed, number of minority subcontractors included 3) A formal proposal specifically .identifying duties, tasks, and responsibilities to be performed and a detailed breakdown of the proposed fee including the method of fee calculation. The fee breakdown will represent the maximum amount New Hanover County would pay and will include any and all cost associated with the Construction Managers contract including but not limited to, labor, overhead, profit, reimbursable expenses, insurance, equipment, supplies and any direct and indirect cost associated with this project 4) A detailed plan identifying how the use of your firm will provide a savings in cost and time. (A penalty of X100,000 per month will be imposed for each month .the project is delayed beyond the County's established baseline.) Any deviations from the-County's .established construction schedule and plan must be clearly identified. 5) Acomplete list of your firms current work load. Include project name, location, owners name address and a contact person, size of project, name of architect, and project schedule detailing original schedule dates and current schedule adjustments. 6) A list of all current projects assigned to proposed team members including their responsibilities and stage of completion 7) A list of three architects who have worked with the key proposed team members. Identify the individual to individual relationship and provide telephone numbers for verification. ~~ ~_ ;:,: S) A list of three subcontractors who have worked with the key proposed team members. . Identify the individual to individual relationship and provide telephone numbers for verification. 9) A list of three financial reference. 10)What warranty, insurance, or indemnification will you provide? In what form and amount will you provide this? 3 1 Your qualification/bid package must be submitted to the New Hanover County Engineering Department, 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, No later than 3:00 p.m., April l7, 2000,,in order for it to. be considered. A minimum of twelve (12) copies of the qualification package must be submitted. A review committee consisting of one (1) or more County Commissioners and County staff will select a short list of no more than five (5) qualified respondents. Notices will be sent on May 1, 2000 which will identify the place and time for presentations to be given on May 8, 2000. ' . It is the policy of New Hanover County that minority/women business enterprises shall have the minimum opportunity to compete for and. participate in its procurement and contracting activities. In this regard, the County .has established an overall annual goal of 20% for minority/women business enterprise participation in its various procurement contracts. The County will exhaust all efforts to encourage minority/woman business enterprises to compete for and perform this and other contracts, in an, effort to accomplish this goal. New Hanover County and its contractor shall not discriminate on the basis off race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of its contracts. The successful firm will be required to meet the 20% minority/woman business enterprise participation goal. To this extent, 20%~of the dollar value of the firm's bid will:be provided in subcontractinb .opportunities to minority/women owned firms. Questions concerning this Request for Qualification/Proposal should be addressed to myself at (910) 341-7139. Best Wishes: Gregory R. Thompson, P:E. Chief Project Engineer cc: Dave Weaver Max Maxwell 32 y, ~~~~ ,t~ ~~ Y T E C _ Y : t C m t t G G ] t Y Y Y Y Y C tl = Y Y Y Y Y Y Y C - Y : : S G G Y o ~ ~ .. gg ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ 3 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ f ~ t w i 3 ~ € 3 ~ ~ 3 ~ i~ ~ a ~ z i~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ El $ $ S ~ $ ~ i~ ~ i~ 3I 3 i 3" $ ~ ~ c~ e ~ 3 £ $ } e s i~ ~ 3 ~ 54 ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ s ~ ~ § ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a $ ~ a 6 ~ i S S g $ 5 $ ~ e ~ 5 ~ 5 S = '&_ _ ~ }_ 8 _g $ 5' $ m ~ 5 a _ ~ e ~ ~ 3 e n AS S FS _ ~ _ $ 3 ~ S ~ u 5 $ $ ~ ~ S $ E ~ 4 B tf S $ S $ e ~ 5 $ S¢ ki $ $ S ~ S S X g S k4 5{ 8 se Es S3 a 5s Es y r E3 a $ $ ~ 3 F! c ~ ~ $ $ 1 a °~ F l ~~ i ---------•----°°°-------------------------...----------------------•--....-°--°-----~-----°•-°-°----•---------•---.....------•--------°-------•------ ~yv- ~~ 1 ............................................................................................................................. ....... ............. . . ................... ...................... F S j~ B ® ____._________- 1 I O, F ._~______________ ______.______. . d .I ___________________ _ ._________...._ ..................__..__....__.._..._...____.____.__._.._.__.._____..___._...._______...______________ i _. _ Q -_~, ~,~ i ._._-___.___._---' Y 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager i `fob ~, lasc~~ Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Staff Report on Drainage Service District BRIEF SUMMARY: At the recent drainage work session, two Commissioners requested that staff move forward with developing a draihage service district. By Statute, if a drainage district is not established by June 30, 2000, it is necessary to wait a year for the next effective date. We need to now start the four (4) week public hearing advertising and do mailings to all impacted property owners, and set a public hearing date. The staff proposes that the Drainage Service District be identical to the Fire Service District. Watershed improvements and drainage would be provided throughout:the service district. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Staff recommendations, authorize mailings and public notice, and set public hearing date four (4) weeks after notice and mailings. FUNDING SOURCE: A Watershed/Drainage Service District tax would be levied. ATTACHMENTS: Yes. REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval as noted above. ~:/~-~, CO ' ~ j, r: COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED D ' REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARD ~/~O ' 5 DATE -_s~/x.l~~~~~~' "1 MEMORANDUM: TO: New Hanover County Commissioners VIA FACSIMILE FROM: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney RE: Procedure to Establish Drainage Service District . DATE: March 27, 2000 1. Staff prepares a Preliminary Report: 1. A map of the proposed District. 2. Proposed findings setting forth the District's population, the tax value of property, present tax rates, and ability to pay additional taxes. 3. A general statement of the plan,to provide watershed improvements or drainage. Projected Time to Complete: Avery short turnaround time if the Drainage District boundaries are identical to those of the Fire Service District. Any attempt to have different boundaries, trying to anticipate future City annexations, would take more time and involve guesswork. 2. Preparation for a Public Hearing: 1. The preliminary report is made available for inspection for at least four (4) weeks prior to a. public hearing. - 2. At least four (4) weeks prior to the public hearing, all property owners in the proposed district are to receive a notice by first class mail, giving hearing time, including a map of the proposed district, and stating the preliminary report is~ available for inspection. 3.. The above notice shall be published at least one {1) time not less than one (1) week before the public hearing date. 3. Public Hearing Conducted: ~ .' - ;~~: :,. The Board must make findings in a resolution: a. A need existing for a drainage district. b. Providing services county-wide is impractical. ~^ s ~'~j~~r~r€tr; ~,~ c. ~.; ,,,,rlt is economically feasible to provide proposed service. C'~:rt._-zll~u~l.u,lr.~Y:' ~1'r ;~o- ~ ~.d. There is a demonstrated need for the services. ~~t~~ix~~.~~ ~, ~ The'~resolution takes effect at the beginning of the fiscal year starting after its passage. 4~ ~~3~cTaz Resolution: ,„~~ .. ~, ~,,,,,,_;At the,tirime the resolution is enacted establishing the district, the Board levies property taxes within the service district through a resolution. f\ Projected Time to Complete Process: Eight (8) weeks. '~ Possible Approach: The simplest approach to get started would be to propose a drainage district with boundaries identical to that of the fire district. Management of the district would be similar to the Fire Services arrangement. The Board of County Commissioners would sit as Drainage District Commissioners. A Drainage Board Advisory Committee, comparable to the Fire Commission, could be established. Disruption in district boundaries caused by annexations could be addressed at a future date by modifying service district boundaries. • WMC/kc cc: County Manager Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Clerk to the Board ,.~: ~: • 37 A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County is defining and establishing a drainage service district in order to finance; provide and maintain for the district drainage and watershed protection services, facilities and functions in addition to or to a greater extent than those financed, provided and maintained for the entire County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners may levy propertytaxes within the defined service district, in addition to those levied throughout the County, in order to finance such services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to limit any such additional tax rate to a rate not in excess of that 'amount authorized by N.C.G.S. §153A-307 without a referendum; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatwhereasthe Board of Commissioners has defined and established a service district for drainage in New Hanover County, the property taxes within such a service district that are in addition to those taxes levied throughout the County may not be levied in excess of a rate permitted by N.C.G.S. ~153A- 307 without a referendum. The specific rate for the drainage service district shall be established and levied pursuanttothe MachineryAct provisions setforth in N.C.G.S. §105- 347. This the day of March, 2000. ~~. [SEAL] - ;:,.~~ ~; ATTEST: 3 v Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • WHEREAS, there is a demonstrable need for drainage and watershed protection service in the unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, it is impracticable to provide these services on a County-wide basis; and WHEREAS, it is economically feasible to provide drainage and watershed protection service in the unincorporated County without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies; and WHEREAS, there is a demonstrable demand fordrainage and watershed protection services by persons residing in the unincorporated County; NOW, THEREFORE, the New HanoverCounty Board of Commissioners do hereby resolve that a New Hanover County Drainage Service District shall be established to aid in the provision of drainage and watershed protection service for the unincorporated County. This the day of March, 2000. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ?'z}Ir ;; NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman 39 .... r~ {This page intentionallyleft blank} . ~t 40+ • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal Consideration of Request from North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to Contribute to Institute of Government Building Renovation and Expansion. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Institute of Government, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and the League of Municipalities as requesting support for the Institute of Government Building Project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: NIA COUNTY MANAGER' Consider request,.r~ COMMISSIONERS' BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A MENTS AND TS: ~~G Cor,+~-~b~~-;~ ; ~ 11,'TZg (~~r I`t99 -2,00© 11, evo ~~ Zoov ,Z~~ COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED D ~' REJECTED O REMOVED D {~a~" POSTPONED O 141 HEARD - ~ -_ DATE - ~~~""""".`.~"""~~" -, ~. ~b C "~ W A 7~ o ~ ~ : ~~ ~yo~ COUNT GO ` North Carolina Association of County Commissioners North Carolina League of Municipalities 1 SPECIAL MEMORANDUM To: Michael Allen O'Neal, Manager, County of New Hanover From: President Lucy Allen, NCLM; President Bill Stanley, NCACC Re: Institute of Government Local Government Wing Campaign Date: March 3, 2000 We are writing to ask you to join the Local Government Wing Campaign launched last spring by the members of the Association of County Commissioners and the League of Municipalities to help the Institute of Government complete its building renovation and expansion. We appreciate the many pledges that already have been made. In 1997 and 1998, the Institute received,much of the construction funding it needed from the General Assembly. Although significant cost reductions were made, the finished. construction and furnishing will cost an additional $4,000,000 that the Institute is raising on its own from public and private. sources. The League and Association each committed $50,000 as a kick-off gift toward the campaign goal of $900,000. The state has funded 95% of total capital project your gift will help the Institute as it works to meet the remaining need and will give local government terrific visibility. With everyone's participation, we can easily meet or exceed this goal. Please join by donating or pledging a special contribution to this campaign. We recommend giving an amount that is at least equal to your annual Institute membership dues. In recognition of our support, the. Institute will specially name a large classroom and galleria wing of the building in honor of North Carolina Local Government. The name of every. contributing village, town, city and county will be displayed permanently on the Local Government Wall of Honor. Your contribution is a small price to ensure that our state continues to house the nation's most unique and effective resource for local government. This capital campaign pledge can be paid over several fiscal years. The Institute does not often ask for our help, so send your contribution today to ensure even more of the high quality training, consulting and networking services that the .Institute .and its newly renovated central classroom location will have to offer. The unique partnership between North Carolina local government and the Institute has existed and prospered since Albert Coates launched the idea in 1931. You can be sure that your gift will be repaid to the county's elected officials, staff and citizens-with excellent service for decades to come. ~-~~~ We encourage and thank you for your participatiori.~ If you have~questions, please call us, the Association's executive director, Ron Aycock (919-715-2893), or the League's executive director, Ellis Hankins (919- 715-4000). ~~' Sincerely, ~ t F !)"`~(,r-rte,.%,y t.,,~~ .^ l~r, pp~,j~ ( ~ l fi Luc T. Alle~~~~~``~':'~, William H. Stanley y r~ ,x,09 ~- Town of Louisburg,, N -ELM President Buncombe County, NCACC President C~ ~~~'~(4~bLs `~'s ..P.S. We asked the Institute to provide the enclosed fact sheet on the Local Government Wing to explain what the :building renovation will mean to ~ If you have any more questions,. feel free to call Mike Smith or Ann Simpson at the Institute. •- North Carolina Local Government Win at the Institute of Government The campaign launched by the members of the NC League of Municipalities and the NC Association of County Commissioners will raise $900,000 or more to name the new southwest classroom and galleria wing in honor of North Carolina Local Government. This is the only four-story wing planned for the renovated Knapp Building and will contain the largest, most technologically advanced classrooms in the building. The first; or ground, level holds the new publications warehouse, staff offices and a conference room. The main floor (levels two and three) features the building's largest classrooms, a seminar room, and athree- Ctnry, ckvlit galleria that cans the l4ngth of the :v,ng. The Galleria and Classrooms of the Local Government Wing On the main level of this wing, the soaring three-story galleria hall will provide tremendously improved meeting and reception space for visitors to the Institute of Government. Located between the existing building and the Institute's largest new classrooms, the carpeted galleria will feature rustic file borders, large tree planters, two beverage stations and conversation seating areas. Three 10'x20' Evergreen glass skylights will bring natural light to the spacious~area. ~fihe Local Government Wall of Honor listing all municipal and county contributors to the Local Government Wing campaign is expected to be located in the galleria. Eight of the Institute's historical murals now hanging in the auditorium will be on permanent exhibit in the Galleria with a ninth mural displayed at the entrance between the wing's two 170-seat and 112-seat classrooms. A seminar room is located at the south end of the hall, with an additional-classroom on the level above it overlooking the galleria. At the north end, an open staircase will lead to the upper seating sections of the largesttwo-story classroom. A telephone and message center is located conveniently between the large classrooms. Rest rooms and an elevator are located nearby in the adjacent wing. 43 Cross section view of galleria in the southwest wing. Building for the Millenium Capital Improvements at the Institute of Government In 1998, the North Carolina General Assembly completed approval of $16.1 million for renovation and expansion of the .Knapp Building, home of the Institute of Government,A capital"campaign currently is underway to raise an additional $4,000,000 in public and private funding to meet the total need for construction, equipment and furnishings. Construction began inmid-1998 and will continue until 2002. When the construction is finished, space will nearly double, from 65,000 square feet to 119,000. Building features will include: • Two 2-story classrooms with mufiimedia and computer hookups, seating 111 and 17U people • Three mid-sized classrooms with computer hookups, seating 40 to 60 people • Thirteen seminar rooms, seating 8 to 20 people • Two-story library, twice the.size of the existing library .: • A mufGmedia computer lab seats 1.5. When funds allow, a second lab will be completed. • A catering kitchen and 125-seat dining room and patio fog the convenience of lass participants. • A large three-story galleria, an entrance bbby and attractive central courtyard garden will facilitate informal networking and class receptions., • The new building will behandcap-accessible throughout • An advanced telecommunication system will connect rooms throughout the facility to the Internet and other computer networks,~allowing clients better research opportunities and meahs of communication with office and home email. • .~ Two message centers with phone, email and lntemet access, vending and break areas v An expanded Institute bookstore • Two-Ieve1,180-space parking deck conveniently located beside the building , A New Environment to Promote Interaction For years, officials attending Institute courses have eaten at tables and chairs along narrow; noisy corridors. A new tlining.room will enable class participants to talk and compare experiences more comfortably, building networks of professionals. An expanded array txf;classroom sizes and configurations will give instructors greater flexibility to meet the teaming needs of stude~its. ~ ~ ~ ' With the capacity to hold more events in-house, the new facility will encourage more contact between . faculty and clients. `Another goal of the renovations is to maximize clients' time.at the Institute: during " breaks,~clients will. be able to contact their offices more easily, pickup messages at a central location, or connect to"the Internet If additional private funds are identified, the Institute will outfit a videocoriference classroom to provide greater opportunities for distance education. ~4 3: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney • SUBJECT: Staff requests a Closed Session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(5) BRIEF SUMMARY: General Statutes allow closed sessions to instruct the public body's staff concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the public body in negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct Closed Session. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE COUNTY MANAGER'S Conduct Closed Session. MMISSIONERS' BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: RECOMMENDATIONS: ,: ~; ~: • COUNTY COMNiISSION~ APPROVED O REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ ~~ POSTPONED ^ HEARD ^ -''-45 DATE ------- {This page intentionally left blank} :;; ;.; ~._~. . ~ {~~3? ~~ ~ ~ ~~ gqY: ~~jj ,~+~u p ~ ~ 14~J ~V1~'#9~.s~ ~" a. 46~ _._ _-~. ~~~~ ~:, MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE WILMINGTON, NC March 27, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to three minutes) 47 2. Approval of Minutes 49 3. Consideration of Request for Wastewater Service 51 4.. Consideration of Approval of Spring Branch Interceptor Capital Project 53 Ordinance; Construction Contract #00-0250 5. Consideration of Request for Sewer Service Spring View Subdivision 57 6. ~ Consideration of Approval of Tidewater Plantation Force Main 59 Contract #00-0185 7. Consideration of Approval of Request for Condemnation of Waterline 61 Easement Sampson Street ADJOURN ~: ,; {This page intentionally left blank} p~ 48 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: . Approval of Minutes -Water & Sewer District Agenda BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 13, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGE COMMENTS-, Approve minut ' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~r ;;; . • COUNTY COMMISSION~r APPROVED O REJECTED O ''~;~-" REMOVED O ~~ POSTPONED ® ~~ HEARD O *~ DATE ~~~I-!_9_()-~i 9 {This page intentionally left blank} :l k ~`~' /4© w/~I~v~:Xy4Yir/~,vyyy~~6 JV 4f i .~l l1e~J ~i18 ~~~4~' ~i .` ~:~ ~ - :~ ~~~~~; ~, Cd ~~~ . ~ , ~,, .R NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 . Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P.E. Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P.E. SUBJECT: Request for Wastewater Service BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has received a request from Mrs. Violet Arnold, owner of a parcel of property at 6413 Windmill Way in Dutch Square (see attached map) for permission to allow her to pump wastewater from the above address to a sewer manhole which is approximately 400 feet away. The septic system which presently serves this lot has failed due to the owner renting the parcel and allowing heavy equipment to be parked over it.. It can be repaired but it would utilize property she plans to sell or develop. The sewer system has not been installed in the area of Dutch Square which is in question. This area is not scheduled until the year 2005. Normal policy is if a person is in an unsewered area and wants service, they must extend a gravity sewer line when possible. In this. situation, the nearest gravity sewer line which can be extended is on Market Street which is 2,370 feet away. The estimated cost to extend a line from Market Street would be $140,000.00. Allowing individual pump systems creates confusion along roads with small force mains owned by individuals. This also does not promote efficient systematic expansion of the sewer system and has . generally been against District policy. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Allowing individual pump systems is not recommended when gravity sewer can be obtained, except when other alternatives are not available. In this case, the owner could repair the septic system. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C Concur with County Engin ONERS' ?;~~: ;: ~; BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A IONS: COUNTY CONiM155~oIV> APPROVED O •~ ~y ~ REJECTED ® ~; REMOVED ® :~'> POSTPONED ®~ ~~-•- HEARD O / DATE `3.~ ~0- • " I' G ~ ~ PV19, f~ ln.~~ ~ -~ 6~ , ~~ ~v ~a `"" N :. PROtP ~~ ,. err F~R~SP:RhNGV W SUBDIVISION~~ 5~2 ~~ ' PHASE I ~ ' y.,: MAP NOT TO SCALE - ~ ~ ~ .; '~~ ` PHASE..2 FEBRUARY 4, 2000 .. ~ ~ ,,.. .. 1 r _~ 9 G 9 LOCATION OF RNOLD PROPERTY ~ ~ DUTCH SQUARE .INDUSTRIAL PARK W S '% E ,. MAP NOT TO SCALE MARCH 10, .2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY EOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard. SUBJECT: Spring Branch Interceptor Capital Project Ordinance; Construction Contract #00-0250 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Commissioners are requested to adopt the Project Ordinance necessary to establish the budget for the construction of the Spring Branch Interceptor. We have advertised and reviewed proposals for the construction of 3,800 linear feet of 24 inch and 1,400 linear.feet of 18 inch of gravity sewer. The line will extend from the new Smith Creek pump station to serve the southern portion of the Spring View subdivision and the area along Market Street near College Road. This will also serve the southern portion of Kings Grant in the future. The following .proposals were reviewed: . State Utility Contractors -Monroe, N.C. $ 836,470 Bryant Electric, Inc. -Wilmington, N.C. $ 861,943 T.A. Loving Company -Goldsboro, N.C. $ 909,927 Thompson & Company -Wilmington, N.C. $ 917,098 The contract with the City for expansion of the treatment plant requires the County to participate in the construction of the Spring Branch Interceptor equal to one-half the value of the northside treatment plant site. Considering the agreement with the City and the District's sewer capacity in the interceptor, the cost distribution will be as follows and includes money for engineering and easements: District $ 738,494 City 163,876 902,370 Contingency 55,196 Total Project $ 957,566 The County committment of $738,494 will be transferred from the wastewater fees in the Water/Sewer Escrow fund and of $55,196 for the Ogden projlrot. ;,; ~: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance; request authorization for the Chairman to sign the ordinance; I recommend that the project be awarded to State Utility Contractors in the amount of $836,470.00 with authorization for the Chairman to execute. In addition, approve the associated budget amendment #2000-26 in the amount of $957,566. FUNDING SOURCE: COUNTY C®NrMI$~IQ Water/Sewer Escrow $738,494 APPROVED Ct~/ ;:, "~f Transfer from Ogden project $ 55,196 REJECTED Contribution from the City $163,876 ~~ REMOVED D . ATTACHMENTS: POSTPONED ® ~'' HEARD ~ p ,, DATE ~~~~-/-Ba Draft contract as #zooo-2s. Cpsbrnch.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS D RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Engineer. ~'~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlC ME TS: L- _~~` r` 1 ~~: .i. r.' ~,, ~S`A~ A V1~bJ.' y 0 • v e 0 •o o. 0 ®~ _ . .o e B O ~ ~ ~, Z ~ ~ J LO O p R -.~ e SMITH CREEK PARLAY _~~ PROF'OSE® ROUTE F®R SPRiNG~RANCH OUl°FALL MAP NOT TO SCALE MARCH 10, 2000 ~ 4~`T~Wt~~' EXISTING COl LIFT STATION °'e ~ ~ ! ~ ®O ~-~ N S _1L ® O A O B 55 E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Sewer Service Spring View Subdivision Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard BRIEF SUMMARY: The Health Department and residents in the Spring View area have requested that New Hanover County consider the construction of a sewer collection system in the Spring View Subdivision. Staff was instructed to determine the cost to provide sewer to the area in the near future. The scheduled time for this area is 2009. In order to determine the most economical cost, the area is divided into two phases based on the drainage basins. The estimated cost for Phase I (see attached map) is $1,100,000 and for Phase II is $2,900,000 with a total estimated cost of $4,000,000. " The total number of homes in the two areas is 694 which equals to 250,000 gallons per day of sewer capacity. Considering the limited available Northside treatment plant capacity of 1.0 to 1.5 million gallons per day and the committed projects at this time and the fact that this capacity will be further reduced in several years, a project of this magnitude should not be activated prior to expansion of the plant. A sewer collection project of this size would take approximately two and one half years from design through .construction and activation. Construction of the plant will take over three years. Diane Harvell will be present to provide details of septic problems including locations, cost for repair, and magnitude. The Health Department is asking the Board to consider construction of the sewer collection system prior to the planned scheduled time in 2009. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Considering the cost and magnitude of the project, I recommend that the Commissioners instruct staff to look at the cost and feasibility of reducing the scope of this sewer allocation project to serving only lots with septic tank failures, rather than the entire area requested. FUNDING SOURCE: - NA ': ~i: ATTACHMENTS: Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY COMMI~16 - APPROVED ^ ,;, -~ ~° COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS~RECOMMENDATIONS: REJECTED Concur with County Engineer. REMOVED ®/ ~*~ 7 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/CO M S: POSTPONED C~ ,~; -HEARD ^ DATE ~ _~~- _. ,~LL..'rJ~" ~~(?~- ~~ c~ ~~~. R i I f ,~ rw~ Op ~ ~~ ~FKP~. w< ~ t ~ ~ ~~ _~ i I i ~~ i ~~ y,, ~-~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~' G I _~ ,~ f, of i I ~ .i ~, _ E ~~ ~ ~ i ~~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~~ -i i ~~ ~ ~ F,~~ `~ rte; c - ~~ ~ ~ ~t ?~, r. ~. S~ ~ ~ tC+. I ~ -.~ ~~ ~~ <, rt i r ': -'--r-,~ r r i^ -- _~ r.i: ~ - ~ ~ 4 ~ ~l ~._ I I ~ ~ (`t. _ ~ y~~ ~ N -= - -'.~-~~ ' .1 } _ .. ~ .~ a ~ 4 M $MTfH SEEK PICY P~R" ~-, P~, ~ ~EDS~SEWER ~'HASES . . r~c~r~,~- ~ -~.~~ti FOR S~P~R~IIVCVIEW SUBDIVISION ~' ~~ ~~: r,d .P''~~,,~ 58 ~ ~~ '``PHASE ~~ <<_. „_~ _ ~ D PH~A~SE 2 ;°~ ~~., f~ ~= ~: S "MAP NOT TO SCALE FEBRUARY 4, 2000 ~H~-~RPEArchitecture, PA March 22, 2000 ~; Mr. Greg Thompson New Hanover County Engineering 414 Chestnut Street, Roorn i01 Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: New Hanover County Office and Parking Deck Project Dear Greg: We are pleased to offer this proposal for consulting services for the referenced project. Enclosed you will find a project scope, schedule, phasing plan, project budget and fee schedule. Please note that the fee schedule includes fee associated with adding two additional levels ® to the deck design as an alternate. This.was not budgeted in the original fee estimate. We appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working with you, your staff, and administration. Sincerely, SHARPE Architecture, P.A. Rick Collins, RA ~. Managing Principal RC/dw Enclosure cc: Phil Sharpe, SHARPE File: C&P Z:\DATA\PROJECTSINHC_AdminBldg\Owner-Arch\L,Thompson-Proposal Office & Parking Deck.doc 1131-A Military Cutoff Road Wilmington, NC 28405 910.256.8700 - ~ 910.256.1121 Fax ~ ' i~ . .. , ..~ ., ,_ .,.. 'r: . New Hanover County Office and Parking Deck Project Scope of Work -March 22, 2000 Phase One ' New Annex Building ' Construct a 34,704 sf office building- to house Community Service, Engineering, Inspections, Parks, Planning, and Water and Sewer Finance. The building wilt be a 3- story steel frame structure at the corner of 3rd and Princess Streets. Parking Deck - Five-level parking deck to accommodate 545 vehicles located adjacent to the library. The - deck will be designed as a 7-level structure in the event the City decides to participate in the project. Existing Admin Building Renovations . - Phase One renovations will consist of window replacement and HVAC cleaning. Relocate Data Hub Relocate equipment to 3`d floor of the BellSouth building. Provide HVAC and back-up - generator for the equipment. Demolish Annex . Abate hazardous materials, demolish building and construct new surface parking. . ~ Phase Two Will commence once Law Enforcement personnel are relocated to new level. Third Floor, BellSouth Building Minor interior reconfguration of space as required by IT. Existing Law Enforcement Center ' Limited renovations to reconfigure existing spaces to accommodate Fire Services and Emergency Management operations. Existing Admin Building Reconfigure approximately 2 to 2'/z floors to meet department's space needs that remain in ° the existing Admin Building. Renovations will consist of new partitions, finishes, and -minor electrical and HVAC changes. ~ , - Z:\DATAU'ROJECTS\NHC_AdminBldg\Owner-ArchlScope of Work.doc • ~ , 1131-A Military Cutoff Road .Wilmington, NC 28405 910.256.8700 910.256.1 ~-1~Fax ~, ., , . t,. ,~ r; - ' . ., , ~:~} .~. ., ~ ,• t ~J New Hanover County Office and Parking Deck Project Budget -March 22, 2000 New Parking Deck Construction- $5,450,000 Additional Two Levels (Alternate) $2,640,000 Existing Administration Building $917,000 . Administrative Annex (Demolition and Hazardous Waste Abatement) $229,788 Law Enforcement Center Renovation/Demolition (Partial Renovation) $543,900 Existing Bell South Renovation (Third Floor Renovation) $478.,824 New Annex Building (New Building on Library Site) $4,546,224 - Contingencies at 10% $1,216,574 SUBTOTAL $13,3 82,310 DESIGN FEE $1,488,838 R$IMBURSABLES $15,000 TOTAL $14,886,148 Z:~DATAIPROJECTS\IJHC_AdminBldg\Owner-Arch~Budget.doc ., .. \J ..,, _. New Hanover County Office and Parking Deck Project . .Design Fee Summary - IVlarch 22, 2000 r~--- - -- - _ __ - -- iTE1GI'. FEF New Construction @ 8% of the (:onstruction Cost Parking Deck (Base) $5,450;000 Additional Two Levels (Alternate Not in Budget) $2,640,000 New Annex $4,546,224 Contingency @ 10% (Alternate Not Included) $999,622 TOTAL - $13, 63 5, 846 x .08 FEE $1,090,868 ---- ,--- - = - --- - - - _ -- - --I - - - - - -- -- - - -- - _----- - _ ~ ii - - -_ _ _ - -- -- --- Renovations @ 15% of the Construction Cost Demo Annex $229,788 Bell South Building $478,824 Existing Law Enforcement Center $543,900 Existing Admin Building $917,000 Contingency @ 10% $216,951 TOTAL $2,386,463 x .15 FEE $357,970 -- - _ - Extended CA Services Due to Phasing 10 Months @ $4,000/Month FEE $40,000 JI f -- - TOTAL FEE _- - -: ~ I .~yti.s ;,~ ~~ l i -_ - _ - - --_- --_ -- ;~u~,! c~tc~l Krimhnitial~lc, I~uil~il -- - -= ~- - - - T - - _ _- -1~- ---- - Fee Schedule - I ~,1~,IIlIIM -- Schematic Design 15% Design Development 20% Construction Documents 35% Bid/Negotiation 5% Construction Administration 25% Z:\DATA\PRO7ECTS\NHC_AdminBldglOwner-Arch\Design Fee Summary.doc • 1131-A Military Cutoff Road • Wilmington, NC 28405 910.256.8700 910.256.1121 Fax e . ~ U W U s W A ~: ~ z ~ . . a '. W U W W O E-+ z V W O~ . P~ H V a a. ,, ~, .i k F i- z ~,, ~ Cl ~ <i [.~ > H r' ,4 tL W W L~ x ~~' U F F, `~ o o~ oa ~~ a raw ~w x .~ ¢ . -~ E_, Q W ~~ a ~~ o~ w I W ~ U .a v W ~ ' a~ ~ W 0 0 `~ U7 ~a ~(~ r ~. n ~. w, r! ~~~77 _ 7 q v ~~,! (1 ~ C F7 ~ ~ p. WX ~. ~~ f-~ w 3 ~~° °",~~ v G y ~ ~ C ~ p ~ b17 p. ~ ~ ~ ~ Uwwz ~c°~w~wa.3w i. t ~J ~.,/ i ~ " ~. ~~ p l 4 N h-. ~ 7 ~ Q ~ a ~ ~ Z ~ w 1~ U F O 6J ~ a U W N V.~ .~ ~ A _ t~ Vl. N N `/ '.7 CG Vl [ ^ V] . ~ Q Ll ¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-> N R~ N y V] N ~Uw~wa3v.~ ~' d w N O P N /ti U Q G z L O i ~ ~7 p ~ ¢ 7 ,, T J ~ i s ~ .L r 7.~ /, C Q qU~-r U O ~~,a'iH U r ~ r~ ~ . o W G'`=~ "C' U ~ ~ ° ,-. J ,J ~ Z ~~ ~J 0 o ~ A~>x ¢ U~~z¢. a ,~ wxx~Q ~ .-, v Q~a~F Qo ~ ~ a ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ U ~ Z ~3 .~D~3~"5° .~¢ ~ ~ ¢ Qz Qwzw~ Qw ~. \.,/ ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ _ _ ± .. Meetin Date:. 03/27/00.. g ' Item #: Estimated Time:• Page Number:.; ~ , .Department: Governing; Body ~ .Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell . ' 'Contact: Lucie F. Harrell • SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL ITEM -Establishment of an.Open Space and Bond Oversight ' .. ,Committee , . • BRIEF SUMMARY:. • - • ~At the March 1'3, 2000 meeting, discussion was held on establishing an Open Space and Bond Oversight Committee, but no action was taken. During the past week, several committee.applications have been . ~ picked up in the Governing. Body Office by persons interested in serving on the Board. To date we have . ~ one completed application on file. . .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board is requested to: (1) officially approve the establishment of an Open Space and Bond Oversight . • Committee as outlined in the attached document; (2) direct the Clerk to the Board to follow the committee' appointment process and advertise the vacancies in the Neighbors Section of the Star News; and (3) ' _. , establish a date for receiving applications: 'FUNDING SOURCE: ... - ATTACHMENTS` . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ;~ ~ ~ ~ • asrm .u _. I I.~, ~ ,y ~'f r~ PROPOSED S~WEI~ ~7=1AS~S FOR SPRINGVIEW SUBDIVISION ~2 ~ PHASEI ~. PHASE 2 ~~ -"mac m ~s MAP NOT TO SCALE FEBRUARY 4, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03127!00 Water & Sewer Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Tidewater Plantation Force Main Contract # 00-0185 BRIEF SUMMARY: In order to redirect sewer flow from Tidewater Plantation and to accommodate the sewer generated from the new Veterans Park site to the Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant, a new sewer force main was designed and bid. On February 18, 2000, bids were received for the Tidewater Force Main Project . The low bidder for this project was State Utilities with a bid amount of $299,495. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the project be awarded to State Utilities in the amount of $299,495 and authorization for the Chairman to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: Water and Sewer Operating Fund ' ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Draft Contract (due to the voluminous paper, contract is provided under separate cover) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Enginee ;.., ~ A!'`TI/'1 AI b`I/'`l111A11ACAiTC• 4,,,. i+l: ~, ~/®~IV 1 1 V~/MIYI~W1® ~. APPROVED ~~ . `~~: REJECTED ® "•;4A? REMOVED ® ~r>;~ POSTPONED ^ HEARD ^ ,.•- ~(~ I i I 1 i i t 1 I i I :i t~ .j I U Z G O ~ ~ 'C C Q..'~ ~ _a ~~ C .~ =U L Z W ~ O ' ~ U ~ Q = _ ~Z 3 d Z ~a D o m N E O V 0 L 0 Q N LL 00 p Rf ~y a. LL L m ~ LL ~ 41 F- 60 1 i 1.~ ~~~. W Q 0 ~ ~ Z O N O O W M ~ 1~ 1- ~ ~ ~ -~ M M ~}' W ~ ~ I O O O I Z I ~ th ~ ~ ~~ W ~ I d7 t0 M ~ Q f.C) ~ rt ~ M I ~~ W ~" Q 0 o 0 0 01 0 Z ti W N ~ ~ F- ~ ~ ~~ Q M H~ N d9 M ~} I ~ ~O O O' . j Q o pol 0 o 0 ~ Z ~ N ~ ~ ~T ~ I W t- M O O) I ~ i i ~ -~ ~- ~ r- ~t rn N l I ~ Q I~ I~I ~» ! j ;. I I W !o ~ol o~ ~ ~ Q i0 I N IOI ~ j ~ I I I ~ ~ r' ld7 IN CO IM M i IOi I ~ I W }" IO Inj I~~ i j I J 00 I N Cfl iN O i ( M; ~ 1 _ ~ j °o 00 ` 0° I ~ I, i m iO lct l~l W °~ j~ ~ IM I lao ~ N. i C~ I~ ~~} ~M I~} Nj ~', I ~ j ' j j O ~ I I i Z I N ~N O ~ I I Z M id' ' f~ l j W ~ Id i~- i ~ I J I I j ~ I ~ Z m o f ~ o ~m f ~ ~ t>~ ~ i f,n ;~~ l ti~9~ ~;1 ~ I. _C ~ ~ hv~ `" lu•' ^'nf :cu a ~ ~~~ ai r~ =ti ~ ~, w 'v >; ' ~ ~ ~ . '~ _ 1.Y "~ c Cn IQ ~ H N .~ w ~ ~,~ ~ ~ pjiCO ..Q C'r0 O Y -p cry .~ 3 .;~ ~ O ~' .Q ~C ~ o ~ U C p `~ Z ~ ~ O ~ U ~ O L y.r Q ~ U ~ ~' O U c=u a. W C ~ O ~ N ~.~ O = W U ~ 'o 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ v NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: .Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Condemnation of Waterline Easement Sampson Street BRIEF SUMMARY: The owner of a tract of land facing Sampson Street in the Flemington area (see attached map) was issued a well permit and a building permit in the area around the Flemington Landfill. This area, however, has a moratorium on wells as required by the U. S Environmental Protection Agency. Considering that a well could not be drilled, staff proceeded to initiate extension of a water service to the site from the nearest available water line. In order to do this, it is necessary to acquire an easement across a tract of land belong to Thomas Eppley, Jr. The proposed location of the easement is along an abandoned roadway through wetlands. The easement involves 0.46 acres of land which has a tax value of $1,715.00. An offer was made in the amount of $2,000.00. Mr. Eppley has been difficult to communicate with on this matter. Legal has prepared the attached Resolution for consideration by the Commissioners RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that Legal be authorized to proceed with condemnation with authorization for the Chairman to execute the Resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Draft Resolution REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A~~~ HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA D RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Engineer. O~II~fENTS: ~U~ ~~ APPROVE® ~~~`< REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED 61 HERRD D DHTE ._..:7/C~ A RESOLUTION OF-THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, a permanent twenty foot (20') wide easement, more'specifically shown on a plat prepared by Arnold Carson, P.L.S., over the Thomas W. Eppley property described in Deed Book 1786, Page 757, New Hanover County Registry, is necessary for construction of public water and/or sewer utilities; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to utilize the County's power of eminent domain to acquire the above-referenced easement in that negotiations to acquire said easement have been unsuccessful. in obtaining the property owner's consent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby resolves that the necessary easement on, over, and across the Thomas W. Eppley property, Tax Parcel No. R04011-001-010-000, Deed Book 1786, Page 757, New Hanover County Registry, with a situs of 300 Sampson Street, New Hanover .County, be acquired by condemnation. County staff is hereby authorized to take any and all actions, including suit; necessary to obtain said real property interest. This the day of March, 2000. ~ - ~ , `~_.J NEW HANOVER COUNTY _, [SEAL] William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: ~:~:~ ~, ~,;, Clerk to the Board ((1~~1r~~`.~ .~. 62 ' =~ ,ts:` ,~. EPPLEY-~ ~~ PROPERTY ~O~ATION' OF PROPOSED ATER LINE EASEMENT ON EPPLEY PROPERTY MAP-NOT-TO-SCALE MARCH 10, 2000 {This page intentionally left blank} l :;: r, 64 ., , • 12. Approval of waiver of disposal fees for Church of the Servant, The 131 Bargain Box CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS March 27, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 67 2. Approval of Sale of County Land for South Smith Creek Parkway 69 3. Approval of 1999 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant 73 Agreement 4. Approval of Paving Contract for Ogden and Castle Hayne Parks 91 5. Approval of Resolution to request NCDOT to add Angel Island Road 93 and roads in Emerald Forest Subdivision to the State Highway System b. Approval of Phase 1B Construction Contract #00-0297 97 7. Approval of Request for Social Worker II position to improve Adoptions .115 - and Foster Care Recruitment 8. Approval for Social Worker III position for Adult Protective Services 117 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 121 District Collection Reports 10. Approval of Release of Value 125 11. Approval of Budget Amendments 11.1 #00-133 Commissioners' Office/Sheriff Jail and Out of County Housing/ 127 Health Department - to appropriate Fund Balance 11.2 #00-134 Emergency Management - to budget the North Carolina 128' Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Civil Preparedness Grant 11.3 #200-27 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project - to budget , 129 additional revenue received 03/09/00 6 6 ~~__ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact:. Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes -Consent Agenda BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Solid Waste Disposal Work Session February 17, 2000 Drainage Work Session March 2, 2000 .Solid Waste Disposal Work Session. March 13, 2000 . Joint Consolidation Meeting March 15, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' OMME Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' CT ONS/C ,,,. ':.: ~: BOUNTY ~OMfi~l~l® • APPROVED ®'~ ' °F54 REJECTED ® 'i~'~ t ,~:;'; REMOVED ® '~' } POSTPONED ® .~9~~ '```~'` HEARD ~~~ ~® DATE `;/~-~/_ r- ~ 7 {This page intentionally left blank} ;,,~ :;, 6 8 .~: x~ ~~~~v~~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:. County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Sale of County Land for Smith Creek Parkway BRIEF SUMMARY: Part of the County property on Division Drive (Old County Farm) is needed by the State DOT for the Smith Creek Parkway. The total amount being purchased by the DOT is 18.87 acres. The Sheriffs range is displaced by this sale. When the purchase is complete, there will be 23.75 acres of mostly wetlands that will have no access. If we desire the State to purchase this property along with the 18.87 acres, the sales price will be $570,813. If we desire to keep title of the wetlands, the sales price is $562,500. The Tax Administator's Office has reviewed the appraisal provided by the State and is comfortable with the purchase price as proposed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County accept the offer by the State DOT for the 18.87 acres of land and the 23.75 acres of mostly wetlands identified as State Project Number 8.2250108, Smith Creek .Parkway, in the amount of $570,813. Recommend the County Attorney's Office work with the State DOT to complete the sale. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER' ~'~C~MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approvaJ~~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:`"'i ;.•,~ • COUNTY CBMMI~1® APPROVED ® ~ ~~~--~-~ REJECTED ® .~~ b~ r,:.- REMOVED ;~ ~, POSTPONED ® ;;,~.,, HEARD 9 ' - ®ATE 3~-7-1Q_C~~.n~. SUMMARY STATEMENT/OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY DUE TO THE ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF WAY AND DAMAGES TO: Neva Hanover County STATE PROJECT NO.: 8.2250108 FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO.: MA-STPNHS-5855(21 DATE: 3-10-00 TO: Lessee, if Applicable COUNTY: New Hanover PARCEL NO.: 909 l.D. #: U-00928 DESCRIPTION: Smith Creek Parkwa Dear Property Owner: The following offer of just compensation is based on the fair market value of the property and is not less than the approved appraised value for the appropriate legally compensable interest dr interests. The approved value disregards any increase or decrease In the fair market value of the property acquired due to influence caused by public knowledge of this protect. The offer of Just compensation is based on an analysis of market data, comparable land sales, and, if applicable, building costs in the area of your property. Please retain this form as it contains pertinent income tax information. Value of Part Taken (Includes Land, Improvements and Appurtenances Considered as Realty) Damages, if any, to Remainder Benefits, if any, to Remainder TOTAL $ 480.900.00 $ 81.600.00 $ 0.00 $_ 562.500.00 TOTAL OFFER on an "as clean" basis: $ 562.500.00 ,r/~ The Department's clean-up estimate for contaminated soil on this property is $ (to be determined) r and if you do not effectively clean up the contaminated soil within the acquisition area, the Department's offer Is in the amount of $ _{to be determined) - The total offer includes all interests other than leases involving Federal Agencies and Tenant owned improvements (A) Description of the land and effects of the acquisition by easement [ J andlor deed [X]: Subject orooerty contains aooroximately 81 60 acres of which aooroximately 18 87 acres is being acquired as right of w~ leaving aooroximately 38 98 acres with access as before (Division Drive 23rd Street) and leavino approximately 23 75 acres between Smith Creek and the protect with no access (B) The offer for improvements considered.as realty includes payment for the improvements and.appurtenances described below. Should you desire to retain these improvements, you may repurchase them for a retention value with the stipulation that you remove them from the acquisition area at no expense to the Department. Chain Link Fence Frame_firino ranoe set uo remnanUbuildabie lotd, asrexplained t hyou by the Right of Way Agent the totaipoffer oufd be $ r570t813.00an uneconomic 1 will be available at your convenience to discuss this matter further with you. My telephone number Is 910-251-5733, In Wilmington, North Carolina .~- r,i, The original of this form was handed to Mr. Andrew Atkinson Deputy County Manacer on 3-10-2000 Owner was furnished a copy of the Right of Way Brochure/Owner's Letter. North Carolina Department of Transportatlon R!W Fonn 10.211 Revised July 1997 ~''• ~ ~ ", r. ~. ,'. ~. '.If tit; ~;;r=' .. 70~~ ~~~,~~~~:~ ~~n==~~..'. (Signed) I`~~~1i5lil /~'1~ Hugh Tho son -Senior Right of Way Agent ., • ~. .:~ • • ~~~ 7 ,a 2 w n 1~. "~ Qo ~ oG s 3 8.98.A ~., o ~ ~ a a~ ro x /.~~~ o~ ! / ~d~yc x/~, (,S~rS'~ ~ ,c v°~ _; ~~ ,. ,, .. ~. s ~~ v ~ ~ .lc ~p ~ .. r a 0 Project No. 8.2250108 Parcel No. 909 New Hanover County Taken 18.87 ~ Remaining 62~~C 1 Total .81.60 Ac. {This page intentionally left blank} . :~ ,: '' 72 a ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27!00 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Emergency Management Presenter:.Dan Summers if needed Contact: Dan Summers 1999 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant Agreement BRIEF SUMMARY: The Preparedness Committee of the NC Emergency Response Commission has awarded a subject grant to each Local Emergency Preparedness Committee/County that submits an application. Each LEPC/County will receive $1,000 for the continued implementation of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant and request approval of associated Budget Amendment No. 00-0134: FUNDING SOURCE: State - $1, 000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A BOUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend aporov ,~~r ~: ;- ~OUn111f C®MNil~l®I APPROVED (!~-~ • ., fs,,'=''~ REJECTED ® °~ ~"=° }. i REMOVED ® :~~7 3 POSTPONED ® `' HEARD ® ~ '`f ~it;~„ .~ DATE 3~~ ..~''~~.,u . - ._. ~ '~,. `TAT' y,.h Jf' i ~~ ~ ~ - ~:_ -jC( Vy~~^'j ~4 ~ ~ a ~~ ~n.,,~' l~torth Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety NflR?H CAlaflLlFl~, EME~flE~9CY R1=S1~fl~SE CO~i~1SSlfl~1 James $. Hunt Jr., Governor Eric L. Tolbert, Chairman Richard H. Moore, Secretary November 17, 1999 N1~MORANDUM TO FROM: SUBJECT LEPC Chairs /Local Emergency Management Coordinators See Distribution List Richard Berman EPCRA Program Manager • 1999 Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (I~IEP) Crrant Agreement The Preparedness Committee of the NC Emergency Response Commission has awarded a , subject grant to each LEPC/county that submitted an application. Each LEPC/county will receive $1,000 for the continued implementation of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to- . Know Aet program, and hazardous materials incident preparedness. Attached is an agreement between the NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety and each county for the awarding of grant monies. •Please review the document, insert required-names and addresses, affix the appropriate signatures, and return to me by June 1, 2000. Agreements received after that date will not be processed. The agreement consists of a body specific to the awarding of HMEP grants, and nine ' attachments which contain boilerplate language for all US Department of Transportation (USDOT) grants. Please note, particularly for photocopying purposes, each page is double-sided. On completion of your review and signatures, please return to me at the address indicated in Attachment C. Once received, the document will be forwarded to Chairman Tolbert and the r Department for additional signatures, and the issuance of a check. Your ensuring the return of a completed agreement will help to speed the final approval process. Note this is a 1999 grant as the USDOT associates the award with the fiscal year during which the fees weretc~o(llected. i ~"w~ 1 7 1,.~';; ~ rri r ~ ~7~~'41tt'}t~.~ `~~ ~ r 'If you`haveJany.questions, please contact me at: 919-733-3899, or rberman a,ncem.org. ~ ~~'~3 tr 74 ~ - :~~~ ~.,,~ ~~~ r ~~; ~~~~~~f ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ `.:_. l~ C~R~~ _ 116 West Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina, 27603-1335 • (919) 733-3867•- An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer , Distribution: Alamance Robeson Alexander Rockingham Ashe Sampson Avery Stanly _ Bertie Stokes Buncombe Swain Burke Tyrrell Cabarrus Union Caldwell Vance Camden/Pasquotank Wake Cleveland Warren Columbus Washington Craven Watauga Cumberland Wilson Davidson Durham Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin ' " Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Henderson Hertford Hyde Johnston Lee Lenoir Madison Martin McDowell Mecklenburg `"~ Mitchell ~; ~ ~~~~" Moore New Hanover Northampton Onslow Person Pitt Polk Richmond 75 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLANNING GRANT AGREEMENT ("~ ~J THIS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLANNING GRANT AGREEMENT (the Agreement) is entered into by and between the State of North Carolina, Department of Crime Control and Pubfic Safety, Division of Emergency Management, North Carolina Emergency Response Commission (hereinafter referred to as the AGENCY/GRANTEE), and the County of New Hanover hereinafter referred to as the "RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE"). WHEREAS, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 42 U.S.C. §5101 et. sett .authorizes the Secretary of the U:S. Departrnent of Transportation (USDOT) to make hazardous materials emergency planning grants to states and Indian tribes if the state agrees to make available at least 75% of the amount of the grant in the fiscal year to local emergency planning committees to develop emergency plans under the Emergency Planning Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), 42 U.S.C. § 11001 et. seq.; and WHEREAS, the USDOT has made available federal funds for hazardous materials emergency planning grants; and WHEREAS, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE represents that it is fully qualified, possesses the requisite skills, knowledge, qualifications and experience to provide the services identified herein, and does agree to perform as described herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, the AGENCY/GRANTEE and the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE do mutually agree as follows: ' (1) SCOPE OF WORK The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall fully perform the approved hazardous materials emergency planning project, as described in Attachment A to this Agreement, in accordance with the approved scope of work indicated therein, the estimate of costs indicated therein, the allocation of funds indicated therein, and the terms and condtions of this Agreement. RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall not deviate from the approved project and the terms and conditions of this Agreement without prior approval of the AGENCY/GRANTEE. (2) FUNDING The AGENCY/GRANTEE shall provide Hazardous Materials Emergency Plmuiing Grant Funds for costs incurred in performing the project identified in Attachment A as follows: $1,000.00. Allowable costs shall be determined in accordance with the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 42 U.S.C. 5101 et. seg., 49 C.F. R. Part 110, 49 C.F.R. Part 18, OMB Circular A-87 "Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments" and other applicable Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Program guidance. (3) INCORPORATION OF LAWS RULES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES_ Both the RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE and the AGENCY/GRANTEE shall be governed by applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations, including but not lunited to, those identified in Attachment C. (4) PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement becomes effective upon execution of the signatures of all parties of the agreement. The date of execution shall be the date of the last signature. The termination date is December 31, 2000, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (6), (8), (10), (11), (13) or (17). (~) MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT Either party may request modification of the provisions of this Agreement. Changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be valid only when reduced in writing, duly signed by each of the parties hereto, and attached in the original of this Agreement. ' (6) RECORD KEEPING PROCUREMENT AND P1+;'bPERTY MA1'AGEMENT RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE's performance under this Agreement shall be subject to 44 C.F.R. Part 18, "Uniform Administrafive Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Govemments" and/or OMB Circular No. A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments," and/or OMB Circular No. A-102 "Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State ad Local Governments". Pursuant to 49 C.F.R. ~ 18.42, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE, its employees or agents, including all subcontractors or consultants to be paid from funds provided under this Agreement, shall allow access to its records to the AGENCY/GRANTEE, awarding agency (USDOT) and the Comptroller General of the United States or any authorized representatives, employees, and agents thereof. (7) REPORTS The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall provide reports or information to the AGENCY/GRANTEE. Reports are due ninety days prior to the first LEPC meeting. Reports shall include a proposed or current LEPC 76 C~ Hazardous Materials Emergency Plannvig Grant Agreement Page 1 County of New Hanover • membership roster, a copy of the most recent LEPC meeting minutes and agenda, and LEPC by-laws. The AGENCY/GRANTEE may require additional reports as needed. The RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE shall, as soon as possible, provide any additionalreports requested by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. The AGENCY/GRANTEE contact will be the Division of Emergency Management EPCRA Program Manager for all reports. if all required reports and copies are not sent to the AGENCY/GRANTEE or are not completed in a manner acceptable to the AGENCY/GRANTEE; the AGENCY/GRANTEE may withhold further payments until they are completed or may take .such other acfion as set forth in paragraph (11). The AGENCY/GRANTEE may terminate the Agreement.with a RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE if reports are not received within thirty (30) days after written notice by the ..AGENCY/GRANTEE. "Acceptable to the AGENCY/GRANTEE" means that the work product was completed in accordance with generally accepted principles and is consistent with the Budget and Scope of Work, Attachment A. Uponrequestby the AGENCY/GRANTEE, the RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE shall provide such additionalupdates or information as may be required by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. MONITORING The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall constantly monitor its performance under this Agreement to ensure that time schedules are being met, the Budget and Scope of Work is being accomplished within specified time periods, and other performance goa]s are being achieved. Such review shall be made for each function, or activity set forth in Attachment A to -this Agreement and incorporated by reference herein. LIABILITY (a) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (b) below, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shallbe solely responsible to parties with whom it shall deal in carrying out the terms of this agreement, and shall save the AGENCY/GRANTEE hamtless against all cl<lims of whatever nature by third parties arising out of the performance of work under this agreement. For purposes of this agreement,. RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE agrees that it is not an employee or agent of,tlre AGENCY/GRANTEE, but is an independent contractor. (b) Any RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE who is a state agency or subdivision, agrees to be fully responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or tortious acts. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE to which sovereign immunity applies. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or subdivision of the State of North Carolina to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of any contract. (10) - TERMINATION If, through any cause, the CONTRACTOR shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner the ` obligations under this Agreement, the AGENCY shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the CONTRACTOR of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least one (1) day before the effective date of termination. (11) NOTICE AND CONTACT Allnotices provided under or pursuant to this Agreement shaIlbe in writing, first'class, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the representative identified below and said notification attached to the original of this Agreement. The name and address of the AGENCY/GRANTEE project manager and project coordinator for this Agreement are: Eric Tolbert, Director, Project Manager Gary Jones, Personnel Development Manager, Logistics Section, Project Coordinator Department of Crime Control & Public Safety Division of Emergency Management 4713 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4713 (b) The name and address of the Representafive of the RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE responsible for the'. administration of this Agreement is: !r Marline AddrASs: . Name: Title: . County of Address:. City: • (8) (9) NC (c) In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after execution of this'Agreement, notice of the name, title and address of the new representative will be rendered as provided above. Hazardous Materials Emergency PLlnrring Grant Agreement Page 2 County of New Hanover 77 (12) OTHER PROVISIONS 'The vafidity.of this Agreement is subject to the truth and accuracy of all the informafion, ' representations, and materials 'submitted or provided by the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE, in the Applicafion, in any subsequent submission or response to the AGENCYIGRANTEE request, or any submission or zesponse to fulfill the /' requirements of this Agreement, and such informafion, representations, and materials are incorporated by reference. 1,~~ The lack of accuracy thereof or any material changes shall; at the opflon of the AGENCY/GRANTEE and with thirty (30) days written notice to the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE; cause the termination of this Agreement and the release of the AGENCY/GRANTEE from all its obligations to the RECIPIENT/SUB GRANTEE. This Agreement shall lie construed under the laws of the State of North Carolina and the venue'for any actions arising out of this Agreement shall be filed in State Courtin New Hanover County, North Carolina. If any provision`heieof is in conflict with any . applicable statute or. rule; or is otherwise unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed null and void to the - extent of such conflict, and shall be deemed severable, but shallnot invalidate any other provision of this Agreement. (13) AUDIT REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to 49 C.F.R. § 18.26, RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE is responsible for obtaining audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996; 31 U.S.C. X7501 et.se~c ., 49 C.F.R. Part 18, .. OMB Circullr A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments; and Non-piofit Organizations," and appfic3ble.North Carolina laws, rules andregulations. The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEB agrees to maintain financial procedures and support documents, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, to account for the receipt and expenditure of.funds under this .Agreement and in accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.20. In the event the audit shows that "the entire funds disbursed hereunder, or any portion thereof, were not spent in accorilvice with the conditions of,this Agreement, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTBE shall be held liable for reimbursement to the AGENCY/GRANTEE'of all funds not spent in accordance with these applicable regulations and Agreement provisions• within thirty (30) days after die AGENCY/GRANTEE has notified the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE of such non-compliance. Pursuant to`49 C.F.R. § 18:42, the RECIPIENT/SLTBGRANTEE shall~retain'all financial records, supporting'~documents; statistical records, and any other documents'pertinent to this "contract for a period of three years from the starting date specified in 49 C.F.R. § 18.42(c). However, if any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action inbolving the records has been started before the expiration of the ~3=year period, the records must~be maintained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 3-year period; whichever is~later. (14) SUBCONTRACTS If the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE subcontracts any or all of the work required under this Agreement, the RECIl'IENT/SUB GRANTEE agrees to include in the subcontract that. the subcontractor is bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement with the AGENCY/GRANTEE. If the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE subcontracts any or all of the work retuired under this Agreement; the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall conduct procurement orsubcontracting in accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.36 "Procurement". The RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE agrees [o include in the subcontract that the subcontractor shallhold the AGENCY/GRANTEE and RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE harmless against all claims of whatever nature arising out of.thesuUContcactor's performance of work under this °Agreement,,to the extent allowed and required byelaw. ff the RECIPIENT/ SUBGR'ANTEE subcontracts, a copy of the executed subcontract must be forwarded to the AGENCY/GRANTEE within ten (10) days of execution of said subcontract. Contractual arrangement shall in no way relieve the RECIPIENT/,SUB GRANTEE of its responsibilities to ensure that all funds issued pursuant to, this grant be adrnirustered in `accordance-with all state and federal retuirements.' ' (1~) CHANGES REAL PROPERTY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES AND'COPYRIGHTS If applicable, changes, real property, equipment, supplies and copyrights willbe adrriuiisteredin accordance with 49 C.F.R. Part 18. (See 49 C.F.R. §§18.30-18.34). (16) TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Agreement and any exhibits and amendments annexed hereto and any documents incorporated specifically by reference represents,,tlte entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior oral and written statements or agreements. ' ;~;i~,: (17) .STANDARD CONDITIONS The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE agrees to be bound by the following standard conditions: (a) ff otherwise allowed under this Agreement, extension of an agreement for contractual services shall be in writing and shaIl be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial agreement. There shall be only one extension of the agreement unless the failure to meet the criteria set forth in the agreement for complefion of the agreement is due to events beyond the control of the RECIPIENT/ SUB GRANTEE. (b) The AGENCY/GRANTEE - reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement for refusal by the RECIPIENT/SUB GRANTEE to allow.public access to all docwnents, papers, letters or other material"subject to the provisions of the N.C. General Statutes or applicable federalregulations and made or received by the Contractor/RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE in conjunction with the Agreement. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' 78~~ Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement" Page 3 ~ ~ County of New Hanover '` (18) ATTACHMENTS (a) All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully herein. (b) In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments hereto, the language of such attachments shallbe controlling, but only to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. (c) This Agreement has the following attachments: - 1. Attachment A $udget and Scope of Work 2. Attachment B Lobbying Prohibition/Certification 3: Attachment C Special Conditions • 4. Attachment D Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the.:Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the Subgrantee 5'. Attachment E Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by the Contractor 6. Attachment F Assurance of Compliance with Title V I of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for inclusion in deeds, licenses, permits, etc. 7. Attachment G Assurance of Compliance with Privacy Act ' 8. Attachment H Certification regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements 9. Attachment I Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, and other ° responsibility matters (19) FUNDING/CONSIDERATION (a) Pursuant to 49 C.F.R. § 18.21, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shallbe paid in advance for the satisfactory performance of work hereunder in an amount as determined in [he approved Project Budget, attached as Attachment A, subject to the availability of funds. (b) Working capitll advance payments shallbe made in accordance with 49 C.F.R. § 18.21(e). ° ' (20} STATE LOBBYING PROHIBITION No funds or other resources received from the AGENCY/GRANTEE in connection with this Agreement may be used duectly or indirectly to influence legislation or any other official action by the N.C. General Assembly or any stlte department. Refer to Attachment B for additional temLS and provisions .relating to lobbying. (21) LEGAL AUTHORIZATION The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE certifies with respect to this Agreement thatit possesses the legal authority to receive the funds to be provided under this Agreement and that, if applicable, its governing body has authorized, by resolufion or otherwise, the execution and acceptance of this Agreement with all covenants and assurances contained herein. The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE also certifies that the undersigned possesses the authority to legally execute and bind RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE to the terms of this Agreement. (22) (23) ASSURANCES By execution of this agreement, the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE agrees to comply with Attachments A through I. ,The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE hereby assures and certifies that: (a) It possesses legal authority to enter into this agreement, and to execute the proposed program. (b) If required, its governing body has duly adopted or passed as an official act a resolution, motion or similar action authorizing the filing of the HEMP application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE's chief executive officer to actin connection with the application and to provide such , additional information as may be required. (c) No member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States; and no :Resident Commissioner, shallbe admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit to arise from the same. No member, officer, or employee of the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE, or its designees or agents, no member of the governing body of the locality in which the program is situated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the program during his tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest direct or indirect, in any contract or program assisted under this agreement. The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall incorporate e~cause to be incorporated, in all such contracts or subcontracts a provision prohibiting such interest pursuant to the purpo~gs stated above. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall comply with the special conditions set forth in Attachment C, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. (b) Failure of the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE to comply with the special conditions listed in Attachment C or the program statutes and regulations in Paragraph 24 of this Agreement shallbe cause for the immediate suspension of payments or the immediate termina$on of this Agreement (c) RECIPIENTISUBGRANTEE shall do or complete the following: 1) Conduct a meeting of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) at least once per year, elect LEPC chairperson and establish LEPC subcommittees; 2} Pxovide a statement indicating review of LEPC bylaws.. Hazazdous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 4 County of New Hanover 79 (24) PROGRAM STATUTES AND REGULATIONS This Agreement, the North Carolina Legislature and the Hazardous, Materials Emergency PIanllirtg Grant Program (HEMP) are governed by the following statutes and .regulations:. {1)The Robert T: Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act; (2) 49 C.P.R. parts 18 and 110, and any other applicable policy memoranda and guidance documents; (3) Where applicable, it will comply with . Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act of 1962, 40 U.S.C. 327 et seq., Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq., Davis-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. §276a to 276a-7, Sections 306 and 508 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §1857{h) and §1368, Execufive Order 11738, the Americans With Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336, 42 U.S.C. Section et sec .), the Anti-kickback (Copeland) Act of 1934, 18 U.S.C. Section 874 and 40 U.S.C. Secton 276a, which outlaws and prescribes penalties for "kickbacks" of wages in federally financed or assisted construction activities, the Hatch Act, which limits;the'poliflcal activity of employees, the flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102{a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 as amended Pub. L. 93 234, 87 Section 975, approved December 31, 1973. Section 103(x) required, on and after March 2, 1974, the purchase of flood insurance in communities where such insurance is available as,a.condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in any area, that has been identified by the Secretary of the DepartmenCof Housing and UrUan Development as an area having special flood hazards.. The phrase "Federal financial assistance" includes any form of loan, grant guaranty; insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or grant, or any ;other form of duect or indtrect Federal assistance; applicable N.C. General Statutes when negotiating contracts for services and the Energy Policy and Conservafion Act:(P.L. 94-163). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Uie AGENCY/GRANTEE a~ul the RECIPDENT/STTI3GRANTEE have each executed this Agreement, this the day of ,.1999. CONTRACTING AGENCY "' • , DMSION OF EMERGFIVCYNIANAGEMENT ?'. ~ • DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY & NORTH CAROLINAEMERGENCYRE8PONSE COMMISSION WPL'NESS: •BY: ~ ERIC TOLBERT, DD2ECTOR DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT & CHADt, NORTH CAROLINA EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMISSION DATE Wr1NESS: BY: SVII,LIAM A DUDLEY, CHIEF DEPUTY SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL & PUBLIC SAFETY • - '. DATE WIINFSS: . NAME, TrIZEi ~ . ,COUNTY OF . RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE FEDERAL EMPLOYER LD. # DATE, ~ ,. , ,. APPRO VID:AS TO PROCEDURES: .. BY: J. MICHAEL BARHADI, CONTROI,LL'it ° DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY . DATE APPROVED AS TO,FORM SUBJECT TO EXECUTIQIXBY wII.LIAb1 A. DUDLEY. CHIEF DEPI7TY SECRETARY OF THE ', DEPARTbIF1v'T OF CRIlVIE CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY..," !a!j , MICHAEL F. EASLEY "' ATTORNEY GF~'VERAL OF NORTH CAROLINA , BY: ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL 80~ Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Giant Agreement Page 5 . ~ County of New Hanover ' ATTACHMENT A Budget and Scope of Work RECIPIENT/SUB GRANTEE shall implement the Hazazdous Materials Emergency Planning Grant project summarized below and as described in the approved project application. That Application is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. The AGENCY/GRANTEE shall pay eligible costs according to the following expenditures: . I, I+linding Summary A. Proiect Costs: Federal Share: $1,000.00 TOTAL: $1,000.00 II. Scope of Work Summary To continue the implementation of the Emergency Planning Community Right-To-Know Act, 42 U.S.C. § 11001 et. seq. And Hazardous Materials Incident Preparedness. • ly f •: r: j Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 6 County of New Hanover i ATTACHMENT B LOBBYING PROHIBPI'ION ' The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: ' (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence either duectly or indirectly an officer or employee of any state or federal agency, a member of the N.C. Legislature, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid To any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form- LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. (c) The undersigned shall require that dce language of this certification be included in the award documents for all sub-awards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all SUBREC]PIEND/SUB GRANTEES shall cerhify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representative of fact upon which reliance was paced when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civilpenalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. COUNTY OF RECIPIENT/SUB GRANDEE ~~ BY: NAME, TITLE - ,- ,~~~: ~: 82 Hazardous Materials Emergency P]anrung Grant Agreement Page 7 County of New Hanover ATTACHMENT C Special Conditions This agreement shall be executed by the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE, and returned to the AGENCY/GRANTEE at the following address: Richazd Berman EPCRA Program Manager Department of Crime Control & Public Safety Emergency Response Commission 4714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4714 This agreement will be executed within thirty (30) days after receipt. All tune periods in this Agreement refer to calendar days. After receipt by the AGENCY/GRANTEE of the signed Agreement, the AGENCY/GRANTEE will execute this Agreement and return an original to the RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANTEE. Name: Title: Address: County of City: , NC R~ ~ Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 8 County of New Hanover ~/ .. ...~ ATTACHMENT D ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") HEREBY AGREES THAT as a condition to receiving any federal financial assistance from the Department of Transportation it will comply with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Slat. 252, 42 U.S.C. ZOOOd-42 U.S.C. 2000d,4 (hereinafter referred to as the Act) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to,Tide 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of [he Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation -Effectuation of Title VI of the Civll Rights Act of 1964 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) and other pertinent directives, to the end that in accordance with the Act, Regulations, and other pertinent directives, no person in the United States shall, on dre grounds of race, color, sex or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied [he benefits of, or be otherwise discrimination under any program or activity for which the Recipient receives federal financial assistance from the Department of Transportation, and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it will promptly take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. This assurance is required by subsection21.7(a)(1) of the Regulations. More specifically and without limiting the above general assurance, the Recipient hereby gives the following specific assurance with respect to the project: That the Recipient agrees that each "program" and each "facility" as defined in subsections 21.23(e) end 21.23 (b) of the Regulations, wIll be (with regard to a "program") conducted, or will be (with regard to ("facility") operated incompliance with all requirements imposed by, or pursuant to, the Regulations. That the Recipient shall insert the following notification in all solicitations for bids for work or material svbjec[ to the Regulations and, in adapted form in all proposals for negotiated agreements: The Recipient, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 5tat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of.Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination inFederally-Assisted Programs ofthe Department of Transportation iss~red pursuant to Stich Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority, business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. 3. That the Recipient shall insert the clauses of Appendix B of this agreement in every contract subject to t}re Act and the Regulations. 4. That this assurance obligates the Recipient for the period during which federal financial assistance is extended to the project. 5. The Recipient shall provide for such methods of administration for the program as are found by the Secretary of Transportation or the official to whom he delegates specific authority to give reasonable guarantee that is, other recipients, subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, transferees, successors in interest, and other participants of federal financial assistance under such program will comply with all requirements imposed or pursuant to the Act, the Regulations and this assurance. 6. The Recipient agrees that ttre United Stales has a right to seek judicial enforcement with regard to any matter arising under the Act, and Regulations, and this assurance. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other federal financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Recipient by the Department of Transportation and is binding on it, other recipients, subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, transferees, successors in interest and other participants in the Department of - Tnnsportation Program The person or persons whose signatures appearbelow are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the recipients. DATE (County) `"'~• (Signature of Authorized Official) ~::;, ~. (Print Name and Title of Authorized Official) 84. Hazardous Materials Emergency Phwting Grant Agreement Page 9 Cotutty of New Hanover ATTACHMENT E ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVII, RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The contractor shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation (hereinafter, "DOT") Title 49, Code of Federa] Regulations, Part 21, as they maybe amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. 2. Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor sh<111 not participate either drrectly or indirectly in the discrnnination prohibited by Sechion 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 3. Solicitation for Subcontracts Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by compe$tive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shallbe notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligafions under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin. 4. Information and Reports: The contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall pemut access to its books, records, accounts, other sources .of information, and its facilities as maybe detenruned by the County of New Hanover or the Research and Special Programs Achninistration (RSPA) to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information the contractor shall so certify to the County of New Hanover or the Research and Special Programs Administration as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with itondiscruninationpmvisions of this contract, the County of New Hanover shall impose contract sanctions as it or the Research and Special . Programs Administration may deterrrrirte to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: (a) withholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies; and/or . (b) cancellation, termination, or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. Incort~oration of Provisions: The contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (6) in every subcontract, inchrding procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurements as the County of New Hanover or the Research and Special Programs Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance: Provides, however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigafion with a subcontract or supplier 1s a result of such direction, the contractor may request the County of New Hanover to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the County of New Hanover, and, in addition the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation [o protect the interests of the United St<1tes. DATE ' ~ °~ (County) (Signature of Authorized Official) (Print Narne and Title of Authorized Official) 85 Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 10 County of New Hanover ATTACHMENT F ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TTTLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The following clauses shall be included in all deeds, licenses, leases, permits, or similar instruments entered into by County of New Hanover executed in expending these grant funds. The [grantee, licensee, lessee, pernuttee, etc., as appropriate] for herself/lumself, his/her heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree [in the case of deeds and leases add "as a covenant running with the ]and"] that in the event facilities are constructed, maintained, or otherwise operated on the said propeity described in this [deed, license, lease, permit, etc.] for a purpose for which a Department of Transportation program or activity is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or,benefifs, the (grantee, licensee, lessee, permittee, etc.] shall maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuwtt to Title~49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle,A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination of Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation -Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations maybe amended. That in the event of breach of the above nondiscrimination covenants, County of New Hanover shall have the right to terminate the [license, lease, permit, etc.] and to re-enter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, ,and hold the same as if said [licenses, lease, pemut, etc.] had never been made or issued. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, County of New Hanover shall have the right to re-enter said ]ands and facilities thereon, and the above-described lands and facilities shall thereupon revert to and vest in and become the absolute property of County of New Hanover and its assigns.. The following shall be inchided in all deeds, licenses, leases, permits, or similar agreements entered into by County of New Hanover. ' The [grantee, licensee, lessee, pemtittee, etc., as appropriate] for herself/himself, his/her personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as apart of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree [in case of deeds, and leases add "as a covenant running with the ]and"] that (1) no person on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin shall be excluded from participationnt, be denied the benefits of, or be'otherwise subjected to discrimination in [he use of said facilities, (2) that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing services thereon, no person nn the grounds of race, color, sex,. or national origin shall be excluded from the participation in, be denied the Uenefits of, or Ue otherwise subjected to discrimination, and (3) that the [grantee, licensee, lessee, pemtittee, etc.] shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements unposed by or pursuant. to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secrer<-uy, Part 21, Nondiscrimnation in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation -Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as said Regulations maybe amended. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, County of New Hanover shall have the right to terminate the [license, lease, pemut, etc.] and to re-enter and repossess said L1nd and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said [license, lease, permit, etc.] had never been made or issued. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, County of New Hanover shall have the right to re-enter said land and facilities thereon, and the above-described ]ands and facilities shall thereupon revert to and vest in and become the absolute property of County of New Hanover and its assigns. * Reverter clause and related language to be-used only when it is determined that such a clause is necessary in order to effectuate the purpose of Title VI of the ~jvi1 Rights Act of 1964. ,~ DATE (County) (Signature of Authorized Official) (Print Name and Title of Authorized Official) 86 Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 11 County of New Hanover ATTACI-IlVIENT G ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH PRIVACY ACT 22.4 ~.. :DATE (County) (Signature of Authorized Official) (Print Name and Title of Authorized Official) _~:, is ;. 87 Hazardous Matenals Emergency Planning Grant Agreement ~ Page 12 County of New Hanover The Grantee agrees 22.4.1. To comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552A and regulations adopted thereunder, when performance under the program involves the design, development, or operation of any system of records on individuals to be operated by the Grantee, its third-party contractors, subcontractors, subgrantees, or their employees to accomplish a DOT function; ' 22.4.2 To notify DOT when the Grantee or any of its third-party contractors, subcontractors, subgrantees, subrecipients, or their employees anticipate operating a system of records on behalf of DOT in order to implement the program, if such system contains information about individual's name or other identifier assigned to the individual. A system of records subject to the Act may not be used in the performance of this. Agreement until the necessary and applicable approval and publication requirements have been met. 22.4.3 To include in every solicitation and in every third-party contract, subgrant, and when the . performance of work under that proposed third-party contract, subgrant, or subagreement may involve the design, development, or operation of a system of records on individuals to be operated under that third-party contract, subgrant, or to accomplish a DOT function, a Privacy Act notification informing the third-party contractor, or subgrantee, that it will be required to design, develop, or operate a system of records on individuals to accomplish a DOT function subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, and applicable DOT regulations, and that a violation of the Act may involve the imposition of criminal penalties; and 22.4.4 To include the text of Subsections 22.4.1 through 22.4.4 in all third-party contracts, and subgrants under which work for this Agreement is performed or which is awarded pursuant to this Agreement or which may involve the design, development, or operation of such a system of records on behalf of DOT. ' ATTACHMENT H ' CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS (GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUALS) This certification is required by the regulations implementing the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988,44 CFR Part 17, Subpart F. The regulations, published in the January 31, 1989 Federal Register, require certification by grantees, prior to award, that they l //) will maintain adrug-free workplace. The certification set out below is a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the agency'determines to award the grant.` False certification or violation of the certification shallbe grounds for suspension of payments, suspension or termination of grants,~or government-wide suspension or debarment, (See 44 CFR Part 13, Subpart C 13.300 and. Subpart D 13.400). . The grantee certifies that it will provide adrug-free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufachue, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance"is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: , (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The.penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Making it a requir=ement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy'of the statement required by pangiaph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by.pazagraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will:.. ~ ~ , (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and ., (2) Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in.the workplace no later than five days after such conviction; ' (e) Notifying the agency within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (cf)(2), frorri an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; (f) Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is convicted - (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against•such an employee, up to and including termination; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or localhealth, law enforcement; or other appropriate agency; (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workpLlce through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (g). Place(s) of Performance: The grantee shall insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant (street address, city, county, state, zip code): ~fi; ~, ;:.~ is County Name - Printed Name and Title Signature Date 88 : ~ -- Hazazdous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 13 ' County of New Hanover ' ATTACHMENT I CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, ' AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS The prospective participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible oz voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) Have not within a 3-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a ' public transaction; or violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destrucfion of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; - (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly chazged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) of this certification; and (d) Have not within a 3-year period preceding this application or proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. I understand that a false statement on this certification may be grounds for termination of the award. In addition, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, a false statement may result n a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both: Name and Title of Authorized Representative ' Signature of Authorized Representative Date Or alternatively, state: I am unable to certify to the above statement.. My explanation is attached. . 89 Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Grant Agreement Page 14 County of New Hanover I; 'I; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N +~ Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Greg .Thompson/Neat Lewis Contact: Greg Thompson/Neat Lewis SUBJECT: Paving Contract -Ogden and Castle Hayne Parks BRIEF SUMMARY: Paving contract to complete paving of the interiors of Ogden and Castle Hayne Parks RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of paving contract - FUNDING SOURCE: Funding. is available in current capital project budgets ATTACHMENTS: The bids for this project will be opened on March 1, 2000. Upon review, a recommendation will be made to proceed with the award. of the contract. Bid and contract information will be provided prior to the March 9 staff review meeting. REVIEWED BY; ` LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval~/~ COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: -~;_ -,~r: COUNTY CONiMi~QB~;,' APPROVED . ~~ ~; ;,, REJECTED ~• REMOVED ^ ~• POSTPONED HEARD ^ ~ DATE - ~7 ..:, " ll. f: ~~~~~~~~ ' ~ ~ ~~~ 4. ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 ~ - - Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: .Resolution to request NCDOT to add Angel Island Road and roads in Emerald _ Forest Subdivision. to the State Highway System BRIEF SUMMARY: SR-1 Petitions have been received to request the State system to add the roads. The Board is requested to adopt resolutions requesting the State to consider the additions. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolutions FUNDING SOURCE: .ATTACHMENTS:. SR-1 Petition for Angel Island Road NCDOT letter re: Emerald Forest Subdivision ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Adopt resolutions. COMMISSIONERS' A TIONSlGOMMENTS: ~- ~.,E. . ;.,. COUNTY COMMI~I~~ APPROVED ~..' • . ~ . REJECTED REMOVED ® •' POSTPONED . HEARD . DATE .~,~ ~[~~" 93 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina ., ~ '. ~. . ~, County of New Hanover ~ , Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (~ Paving O Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on ~ AI /~ ~ ~.. ~ S L A A! p f~C} A 0 (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in .New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to the above-described road. We further advise that the road requested to ~~ ADDED -s O• / ~' ~ ~ . ..miles in length and at the present time there are ~ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. . ~ •~ ~ , Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum, construction standards required, by. the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire aength of ,the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes. and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said. right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The 'vision of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: `~l d ~ 5:,~;_~ 1U D L~~tE VtIiL.Nc1~~o4 - S'o- o [~ o ,; ~~w~~.r~,frav,n:~rcU='n}Ei1 i'/i~vnkl qty{.'~pe+••a~+++ 1f~'T-.IMAMYtA4}Jlil~y/("~q~/~...~"j4 {y~~~~if/m^V SY'C"l ~ttl~c.,yyppQRN~q~r~~tj l:,)1I tl wP.P.~T li.+al ~~`l II~YXY '_ ~. 1 : ~ ~ .. .: ~ 94 .~. *._~. ~~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. ~..:., :::._.,;:, ,,,~ d„aSWpp _y y/ M •Aan -~ plry v~ STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - JAMES B. HUNT JR. DAVID McCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY February 21, 2000 • Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Commissioners. 320 Chestnut Street ' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of roads in Emerald Forest Subdivision (Div. File No. 935-N)) to the state system. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Very truly yours, David .Thomas, P. E. District Engineer DLT:psj.. cc: Mr. S. E. Cooke, P. E. -~ ;~{ 95 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 251-2655 .. ~~. sTnTpo ..+a H. ~~ 4ur ~~ STATE OF NORTH .CAROLINA DEPARTS OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 GOVERNOR November 29, 1999 DAVID McCOY _SECRETARY Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Ms. Harrell: SUBJECT: Request for Addition to the State Highway System . Oyster Lane,.Jewell Point, Heaton Way,.Haven Way, . . Austin Point, and Silver Ring Court in Emerald Forest Subdivision in New Hanover County (Div. File No. 974-N) ' This will acknowledge receipt of the Form SR 1 for the above subject request. . After we complete our investigation we will advise you of our recommendations. ' ` Sincerely, . J. Bowers l~~ D_.iuision Engineer ktj. ~: . DJB/JWR/mc cc: D. L. Thomas, P.E. 96 124 DIVISION DRIVE, WILMINGTON, NC 28401 PHONE (910) 251-5724 ~:_ FAX (910) 251-5727 ~/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. ,.REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks . Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact:. Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Phase 1 B Construction Contract #00-0297 ` BRIEF SUMMARY: On March 14, 2000, staff received bids for the construction of the Infrastructure Package for the Veterans Park site. This package, identified as Phase 1 B, consists of the water distribution system, gravity sewer and waste water force main system, roads, site electrical, well house and water tower. At the time of preparation of this agenda item, the successful .bidders had not yet been identified. The information with regards to the successful bidders will have been provided to you under separate cover prior to the meeting. Completion of this work is critical to the construction of the. school at Veteran's Park.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the contracts be awarded to the successful low bidders as identified under separate cover and authorize the Chairman to execute the contracts. FUNDING SOURCE: 319-612-3190-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Due to the voluminous paper the Draft Contract #00-0297 provided under separate cover REVIEWED" BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:_N/A COUNTY MANAGER' NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro. COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: ,,~~: ~,; COUNTY COMMI~I® APPROVED L~ - REJECTED REMOVED ~ ~, POSTPONED ® ''~ , HEARD ® ;' .:' . DATE ~°~~~~~.-~'.' J ~ROt'1 FA:< N0. Mar. 13 2C~~ 1't : 4 ;H(`I F':; . ,, , . Thomson & Company, Inc. - ~ 14 Mar 00 PRINK SIJB 'OIY'[' 'd L RACT(7R T..;i~T(to lye completed with b~ ~. Roadway Subcontractor; Thomson ~ Company, Inc. ~ ~ ~ • Water.& Sewer Subcr~ntractor: _ Thomson ~ Company, Inc. Electric Subcontractor: Harris Electric :. Landscaping Subcontractor: Green With Envy L ~i,K1V,~ t 1J~ - 1 i o be epmbleted by eacq b(dder wtth alternated WorK etiect(n~ their 'btq sate a '. ;<ndicate wath lit/A where not applicable, should any of the .4ltEtnates as described in the contract docucitents be accepted, the atimount written below shall be the aniount to be "added to ~r deducted from" the Base Bid. , Alternate t#Rl: vela installation ton 1-I!2" finish course ofasohalt t~avi*~ t~ intil f~4arch t5 wC;01Z (Deduct} _ •_ . ,S. , . _ _ DOLLARS ($-..= Q-. - -~ Alternate #L?~'S1 (Alternate I,.ift Stationiviodifications}~ (Add).,. Fifty seven thousand, dollars _. ~~./ _. DOLLARS ($ 57,000.00 j UN~'I' PRICES R Unit prices quoted and ace?pied shall apply throughout t}.12 life of tile, cor~.t.act, except,as specifically noted. Unit prices shall be a.~pplied, as appropriate, t~~ compute the total value of changes in the scope of the work in accordance with the contract documents.. Landscaoinr; 1~~ork; ~_ :._ ' 1, l~iagnolia g,randi4lora, 8-l 0' ht., 2" caliper minimum, .F3a11 & :Burlap S 280.00 _euch 2, Common bermudagrass seeding, rate per tFeN"specilications 5 1,850.00 per acre Roadw.av_ 4~'atec and Sewer W,~; defer ~o end com~J, nib ~'ri~~ ~c~:~du~~ ('}.'rd~t`~ ~t ~r'Lr•:~l ~, Y `.f '~ : ,i~ L6~~+~~ ~ V l.L • ~~ ` .--~s~-s-.z-' -- =x~--- CKFOP-ZR 9 8 ~~ ; ~~ l~B,~c~Bl a ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ . • y~ ~. G1 M ,b • ~N ;~O ? o . _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ ~ -p W N ~ ~ (G rNv~ ~ _ C Cfn ~ ~~" ~•~ G7 ~~ f~ GU ~.W~ n ~ _ ~ sr n ~ ~ ~ m ~ N ~ n ~ ~ ~ - n CD O e-h ~ rt ~' < ~ ~~~Q ~~ ~. Q~~ ~a ~~ ~ Pn v ~ x~~~ ~~' ~ a N = o n~i~o ~a ~ rooms ~ ~ a.y O. 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'` ~ The bidder further proposes and. agrees hereby to commence work under his Contract on a date to be specified in a written order of the Designer and shall fully complete all Work thereunder - within the Constriction term described in the Agreement. Applicable liquidated dama;?es shall be as stated in the A reement. The undersigned further agrees that in the case of failure on his part to execute the bond within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after written notice being given of the award of the_ Contract _ ~_ the certified check, cash or bid bond accompanying this bid shall be paid into the -funds of the Owner's account set aside for the project, as liquidated damages for such failure; otherwise the . certified check, cash,. or bid bond accompanying this proposal. shall be returned to the undersigned. - - The. Roadway Contractor shall act as Proiect Expediter for all Prime Contracts See Jupptementary General Conditions ADDENDUM RECEIVED AND USED IN COMPUTING BID: Addendum No. 1 28 Feb 00 `~ Addendum No. 4 10 Mar 00 Addendum No. 2 3 Mar 00 Addendum No. 5 13 Mar 00 . Addendum No. 3 3 Mar 00 Addendum No. 6 14 Mar. 00 ~_ . . ;;,;;. . ,.,? 05 VP I B/9810 CRFOP- . ~ I a Respectfully submitted this 14th day~of March ' W Thomson & Company, Inc. (Name of Firm or Corporation making Bid.) ~ . } ~ ~ '~ ,,~ WITNESS:. By; - .. R. E. Thomson, Jr. / ~ -. Title: President _?000 (Proprietorship or Partnership) (Owner/Partner/Pres./V.Pres) Address: 108 N. Kerr Avenue, Suite B-l Wilmington, NC 28405 License No. 26812 Federal I.D. No. 5b-1581329 ATTEST: mona L. An rews ,;,;~ ;,. Title: Assistant Secretary (Corp. Sec. or Asst Sec. only) ~+''~~`"^` 2 ': ,c. =0 _ = CORPO~ z =_ ~ (S,~ ~ I~ ` •'~ Reminder: Attach certified check. cash or bid bond to this proposal ®~ VP I B/,981,0 CRFOP-=1 1~TEW HANOVER C®UNTY II~T~'ER-OFFICE IVIEli~IO~1®Tl~IJllil New Hanover County . NORTH•>CARO LINA - . ~ March 20, 2000 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Gregory R. Thompson, Chief .Project Engineer ~' SUBJECT:. Veterans Park, Phase 1 B Contract # 00-0297 Staff received bids for Phase 1 B construction of Veterans Park on Tuesday March 14, 2000 at 3:OQ pm. The result of the bidding provided. a low bid of $2,374,000 for the. infrastructure package, This was a single prime bid and did not include the proposed. water tower. Due to a lack of response, the tower bids could not be opened. Bids for _ that portion of the project will be opened on Tuesday March 21, 2000. Staff recommends that contract #00-0297 be awarded to Thompson & Co. In the amount of $2,374,000. -Staff also request authorization for the chairman to execute the , agreement. .Please contact me with questions or comments. 4 ,, - ' 4: 107 NOTICE: Remove this Form of Proposal from the project manual arrd use to submit a separate prime bid forahe indicated Project . Y , COMBINED PRIME BID _ (R.EVISED) -FORM OF PROPOSAL .for (-Roadway, Water & Sewer, Electric, and Landscaping) ~ETERAI'~S PA~.K PHASE 1 B New Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina ' DATE: 14 Mar 00 NAME OF BIDDER PRIME CONTRACT: Thomson & Company, Inc. LICENSE NUMBER: 26812 The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that the only person or persons interested in this Proposal as principal or principals is or are-named herein and:. that no other person ttian herein mentioned ,has any interest in this Proposal or~ in the Contract to be entered into; that '-this Proposal is made without connection with any other person, company or parties~makinv a-bid or proposal; and that it, is in all. respects fair` and' in good faith ~witho~it' collusion or fraud. 7•h'e Bidder further declares that he has.. examined the site of the Work and `the Contr~ict Documents relative thereto, and has read all special provisions furnished prior to the opening of bids; that he has satisfied himself relative to the work to be performed. The bidder proposes and agrees if this Proposal is accepted to contract with, New Hanover County, in the form of contract specified, to furnish all necessary materials, equipment. machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation and labor necessary to complete the constn~ction of the Roadway, Water & Sewer, Electric, and Landscaping -Veterans Parl: - Phase 1 B, in gull and complete accordance with the Plans, Specifications,. and Contract Documents, to the full and entire satisfacCton o.,~; New Hanover County Board of Education, with a definite understanding that no money will be` allowed for extra work except as set forth in the General Conditions and the Contract Documents, for the sum of: BASE BID: Two million three hundred seventeen thousand 10& - - - -=°°°°-_- __ - _°° -°°-- DOLLARS (S 2317.,000.00 1 VP 1 B/9810 .. CRFOP-1 ~ ® a 1~ .March X000 ' Hand Delivery Mr. Greg Thompson, PE New Hanover County 414 Chestnut St. ®® Wilmington, NC 28401 o Re: Certified Tabulation. of Bids ' Phase 1B Site Package , Veterans Park ` New Hanover County Boney Architects, Inc. Boney No. 9808*.6" 2528 Independence Blvd. Suite Two Hundred ' Wilmington, NC 28412 Dear Greg: tel: 910.790.9901 fax: 910.790.31 1 1 Enclosed is Certified True Copy of Bids received yesterda for Phase 1B, Site Packag Y e. www.boneyardh.com In accordance with your request, we have included the unit prices for the three low bidders in each • category. I am pleased. to recommend award to the low Sin~* e Prime Combined $idder, Thomson & Co., Inc. Leslie N. Boney, Jc, FAIA as follows: Charles H. Boney, FAIA ~I Davis. Boney, FAIA $ase Bid es H. Boney, Jc, AIA : $2,317,000. :, mes A. Claywell, AIA Alt WS-1 Lift Station Modifications $ +7.000. Katherine N. Peele, AIA Total Recommended Award $2,374,000. James E. Rains, Jr., AIA Mark W. Seely, AIA George J. Jernigan,' Jr., AIA We will receive bids for the Water Storage Tank next Tuesday 3:OOPM 21.March 2000 in our office. Kenneth M. Phelps, AIA Sincerely, Bo y c ' ,, s, n'•./Wilmington •. .Elliott O'Neal, Jr., CSI - cc: Mr. Eddie Anderson Mr. Paul Davis Boney, FAIA Mr. Matt Langston, ASLA \ ;;~.~k; Enclosures ' ~ r` 9808Btab Founded In 1922 by Leslie N. Boney, AIA 1880 - 1964 William J. Boney, AIA. 1922 - 1993 ~~~dd~ ? l is ~~, ~ ~_~ ~~~ ~ ~ MAR 1 6 2000 ~ ~~, Wilmington raleigh charlotte TAB. OF BIDS RECD BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY 8D. OF EDUCATION, FOR PACKAGE 1 B .FOR VETERANS PARK ON TUESDAY, 14 MARCH 2000 AT 3:00 PM COMBINED PRIME BID BONEY ARCHITECTS, INC. ROADWAY, WATER AND SEWER, ELECTRIC, AND LANDSCAPING WILM./RAL.lCHARLOTTE tr c y 1~ By:~ Elliott 0'N 1, Jr. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ADD'M B1D LIC. # BASE.BID ALT. #R1 ALT. #WS1 RECD BOND DELAY ASPHALT ALT. LIFT PAVING STATION MODI. Triangle Grading & Paving Atlas Resource Management, Inc. Trader Construction Co. Thomson & Co., Inc. Onsite, InC. x X X X X s% 5% 5% 5% 5% a7a5s 37330 2x43 .. 2s8~2 34948 $2,s37,oo0.00 $3;145,677.00 $2,s32,oo0.00 $2,317,000 $2,353,000.00 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 $40,000 $25,000.00 $50,ooo.oo $57,000.00 $50,000.00 Paragon Building Corp. X 5% 32435 $2,651,000.00 0 $33,000.00 ~J VETERANS PARK PHASE 1B ITEMIZED BID FORM (Combined Single Prune) REVISED 3/9/00 Contractors Name Thomson & Com an Inc. Item # I_tem -Description Quantity Unit Cost Cost 1 Moblllzatlon/Demoblhzatlon Lump Sum $80,000 00 $80,000 00 2 Clearing, Grubbing & Disposal 28 Acres $1,500 00 $42,000 00 3. Borrow Area Clearing, Grubbing and Disposal 4 75 Acres $1,500 00 $7,125 00 4. Strlppmg Lump Sum ~ $8,500 00 $8,500 00 5. Grading Lump Sum $134,200 00 6. Pond 1 Outlet Structure_ Lump Sum N/A N/A 7. Excavation per C.Y. $2.00/CY 8. Backfill Per C.Y. $3.00/CY 9. Pond 1 Outlet Structure 1 EA $2 500.00 $2 500.00 10. Curb Inlets (Refer to detail 53 EA $1,020 00 $54,060 00 11. Drop Inlets (Refer to detail) 9 EA $1,000 00 $9 000 00 12. Junction Boxes (SDMH1 5 EA $1 200 00 $6 000 00 13. 12" RCP 390 LF $13.00 $5 070.00 14. 15" RCP 3 200 LF $15.00 $48 000.00 15. 18" RCP 1 950 LF $19.00 $37 050 00 16. 24" RCP 1 600 LF $26.15 . $41.840.00 -17. 30" RCP 1,365 LF $34 25 $46 751 00 X18. 15".FES 4 EA. $400.00 , $1,600 00 19. 18" FES 3 EA. $500.00 . $1 500 00 20. 24" FES 8 EA. ~ $800.00 , . $6 400 00 21. 30" FES 2 EA. $1 000.00 . $2 000 00 22. Energy Dissipator 100 Ton $32 00 . $3 200 00 23. Concrete sidewalk 4 330 S.Y. $21.40 , $92 662 00 24. Concrete Flumes (Refer to detail) 6 EA $275 00 . $1 650 00 25. Silt Fence 5 125 LF $2.40 , $12 300.00 26. Erosion Control Temp. Seeding Lump Sum $10,000 00 $10 000 00 27. Gravel Construction Entrances 3 EA. $1 500.00 , $4 500 00 28. Inlet Protection 60 EA. $80.00 . $4 800 00 29. Rock Check Dam 2 EA. $500.00 . $1 000 00 30. Weli Site Security Fence .~ 710I;F ~ ,.,. $12 1b . . $8,634 00 _. ~ 111 31. 32. 33. 14' Bi-Parting Gate 8" ABC Stone _ __ Asphalt: 1 1/Z" Tvpe I-2 NCDOT Lump Sum• 17;490 Tons 3, 065 Tons $440 00 ~ $15.80 $38.50 $44000 $276,342 00 $118„003 00 33A. 1 1/z" Tvpe H Binder NCDOT 3,010 Tons ~ $43.60 ~ $131,236.00 33B. Asphalt Cement 441 Tons _ $205.00 $90,405.00 33C. Tyge HDB Binder NCDOT 300 Tons $52.42 $15,726.00 33D: Tvpe HDS Surface NCDOT 295 Tons $47.14 $13,906.00 34. Concrete Curb & Gutter: 13,050 LF $9.50 $123,975.00 34A. Conc.Valley Curb & Gutter 4,965 LF $10:80 - $53,622.00 ' 34B. Conc.Median.Curb & Gutter670 LF $12.00 • $8,040.00 35. Sand Filter (Refer to detail) Lump Sum $24,000.00 $24,000.00 36. Removal & disposal of ezisting ~ Asphalt,Curb & Gutter, Storm Drainage Pipe, Catch Basin Lump Sum ' •-$12,600.00 $12,600.00 ` 37. .Concrete Wheel Stops 3 EA ~ $50.00 $150.00 38. .Pavement Markings N/A N/A N/A 39. SiSnalization (Veterans Drive) Lump Sum $60,653.0 0 $60,653.00 40. Seeding ~i Mulching _NCDOT Spec.)Section #1660 3.6 Acres . $2,000.00 $7,200.00 41. Type E Signs, Fabrication (NCDOT Specification Section #901) _ 200 - $11.00/SF $2.200.00 42. Type E Signs, Erection (NCDOT Spec. Section' #904) 16 $120.00/EA $1,920.00 43. Thermoplastic P'ment Mark. - , Lines,:4", 120 MILS N( CDOT ,Spec. Section #1205) 31,124 LF $ .50/LF $15,562.00 44. Thermoplastic P'ment Mark. Lines, 24",120. MILS N( CDOT Spec,.-Section #1205) 710 LF $3.90/JLF ~ $2,769.00 45. Thermoplastic P'ment Mark. - Lines, 8", 120 MILS N( CDOT ~ ~ . Spec. Section #1205) 485 LF ~ $1.50/LF $727.00 46. Thermoplastic.P'ment Mark. 49 $70.00/EA- X3,430.00 Symbol(NCDOT Spec:Section #1205 47. 12" Watermain 12" SDR-21 PVC- 9s04~ LF $15.00 '$135,600.00 47A. 12" Watermain - 12"'DIP 250 LF ':''~` $30.OU $7,500.00 112 8" SDR-21 PVC 4,985 LF $8.00 $39,880.00 52A. 8" Sani.Sewer Force Main 8"DIP 80 LF $25.00 $2,000.00 53. Well House Lump Sum $87,550.00 $87,550.00 54. Lift Stat. Modifications Lump Sum $65,000.00 $65,000.00 55. Air Release Manhole 1 EA. $2,580.00 $2,580.00 56. 10" Gravity Sani. Sewer 10" SDR-35 (10' 14' Cutl 1,000 LF $55.00 $55,000.00 56A. 10" Gravity Sani. Sewer 10" DIP Per LF $86.50 57. 8" Gravity Sani. Sewer-8" SDR-35 (10' 14' Cut) 125 LF $53.00 $6,625.00 57A. 8" Gravit~Sani. Sewer 8" DIP Per LF $83.00 58. _ SS Manhole 4 EA. $2,560.00 $10,240.00 59. SS Drop Manhole 1 EA. $3,500.00 $3,500.00 60._ Chlorination of 12" (Phase 21 800 LF $0.50 $400.00 61. Chlorination of 10" (Phase 2) 2650 LF $0.50 $1 325.00 62. Chlorination of 8" (Phase 21 300 LF $0.50 $150.00 TOTAL COST: $2,088,630.00 ~~~, • 113 51. 8" Valve 2 EA. $1,130.00 $2,260.00 52. 8" Sani.Sewer Force Main {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~ r. 114 ~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Request for Social Worker II Position to Improve Adoptions and Foster Care Recruitment BRIEF SUMMARY: The NC Division of Sociel Services has allocated $55,000 to New Hanover County to fund a new position for the purpose of helping children move into permanent adoptive homes. Currently, the DSS has custody of 485 children with 59 cleared and available for adoption.;and 169 for whom adoption is the permanency plan. The additional staff will assist in moving these children into permanent homes. The Board of Social Services has approved this, request. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS- Approve the establishment of a Social Worker II position and associated Budget Amendment No. 00-0135. FUNDING SOURCE: 100% State and Federal Funds ATTACHMENTS: I BA #00-0135. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve t.UUN I T MANAGtR'S coM SAND RECOMN Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS: =~--: ;i; <,, • NS: ~'y`~COl1NTY'rCOMN11SSi0N APPROVED C~"~ ~y~;y~~'' REJECTED ~rj'`.3;~"- ~~''~'; ~.- ., REMOVED ~Oz ~ ~~' POSTPON~t3~0 '' '~ - - DATE .r~~aG:~I ~~ ~''' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Social Services Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0135 ADJUSTMENT Social Services Administration: DSS Administrative Grants Salaries and Wages Social Security Taxes Retirement-Local Govt. Employee Medical Insurance Expense Long-Term Disability Insurance DEBIT $18,666 CREDIT $14,747.. $1,128 $730 $2,027 $34 EXPLANATION: To budget allocated State and Federal funds for the cost of a Social Worker II and Social Worker III for the remainder of FY 99-00 to improve adoption and foster care recruitment and protective services for disabled adults. These positions have been approved by the Board of Social Services and will be 100% funded by State and Federal funds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~}~,~. ~: 116 ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Request for Social Worker III Position for Adult Protective Services BRIEF SUMMARY: The 1999 General Assembly approved legislation which will have a major impact on the DSS services to the elderly and disabled residents of our county. Included in this major legislation was funding to improve the provision of Protective Services for Disabled Adults in those counties needing additional staff. New Hanover County has received an allocation of nearly $25,000 for the current fiscal year to be used to establish a new position. The funds cannot be used to support current efforts. We will receive $45,500 in FY 2000-2001. This request was approved by the Board of Social Services. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve establishment of a Social Worker III position for Adult Protective Services and associated Budget Amendment No. 00-0135. FUNDING SOURCE: 100% State and Federal Funds. ATTACHMENTS: u ApSpOS. BA #00-0135. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS• ' ;- ;. ~: • COUNTY CONiMIS~I® APPROVED ~ , >~~'` REJECTED ® ^'`¢'~ REMOVED ® `~' ~` POSTPONED ® X17 HEARD DATE ~o~-?.~° To: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Memor andum From: F. Wayne Morris Subje Social Worker III -Adult Protective Services ct: Date: March 15, 2000 The DSS is currently receiving nearly 50 Adult Protective Services reports per month. The minimum time required to complete a thorough evaluation is 7-9 hours arid often longer. depending on the availability of resources. Currently, four workers conduct these- evaluations. These workers are each also responsible for an average of ongoing or treatment services to an average of 14 clients and six guardianship cases. We anticipate that the number of Adult Protective Services reports will continue to grow as the population grows older and retirees continue to move into the county. The addition of a new position will benefit the community as in the following ways: 1) Residents that .require APS services will receive them timely and effectively. As we are frequently involved with cases with minimal family support, additional staff will allow the social workers to be more involved for longer periods of time, if required, More importantly, it will allow for the development of more specialized long term plans, especially, planning that will allow a resident to remain in their home rather than entering a facility. 2) The deinstitutiorialization of the mentally ill and the growing population of developmentally disabled and mentally ill young adults aging out of the foster care and Willie M programs creates even more need, Additional staff will allow for more comprehensive care planning and service provision in conjunction with other'~community agencies. During the 1999 Session, the General Assembly appropriated state funds for Adult Protective Services(APS). These funds are to be used for additional APS positions and are available as.o~= January 1, 2000. No county match is required. '~''° ;,. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services unanimously approved the establishment of this position. Lei ~! a~~;~i`s~~,i,,. ' M~~ C41=~~``~l`~~i#'i 118 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 03/27/00 Budget Amendment •. DEPARTMENT: Social Services Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0135 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $18,666 Salaries and Wages $14,747 Social Security Taxes $1,128 Retirement-Local Govt. Employee $730 Medical Insurance Expense $2,027 Long-Term Disability Insurance $34 EXPLANATION: To budget allocated State and Federal funds for the cost of a Social Worker II and Social Worker III for the remainder of FY 99-00 to improve adoption and foster care recruitment and protective services for disabled adults. These positions have been approved by the Board of Social Services and will be 100% funded by State and Federal funds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~;~„:: ,, COUNN CONiMIS~I® • APPROVED ~' ~r'; ~' '~ REJECTED ® , , ~Y ° . REMOVED POSTPONE® ®~ 19t~, HEARD ® "~^~~ DATE ..--~ a~1/B_;~' ~~ ~ pp«` ~~ 12.0~~.j ~ ~~}F~~~~~, {This page intentionallyleft blank} ,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover.County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of February 29, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: TTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R Recommend approva COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: ;~~~ ~: C7 COUNN C6MMI~Q®6V APPROVED REJECTED REMOVED .. POSTPONED HEARD '" DATE ~ 7~ . CONSENT AGENDA C~ATE:_-------- ITEr`~? NO.------ NEW HANOVER COU;'~TY TAX COLLtCTIt3NS COLLECTIONS THRU D2J29.J00 CURRENT 7.AX YEAR ~ 1999 Ai3 VALOf:EM ORIGINAL TAX 'L:EVY PER SCROLL $ 77~390,2~3£3.16 DISCOVER.IE.S ADDED 3j549i.237.$4 LESS A3ATEr~E~JTS 375y82fl.7bm ,~~~......e....~ ~.,.®,.m~. TOTAL TAXES CHi~RGE.D ~ 80~563,625s24 ADVERTISIf~lG FEES CHARGED .00 LISTI~lG PENALT.iES CHARGED 5E3,353.68 CLEANING L:iENS C~iA:RGED By73D.00 ~ TOTAL LEVY ~ 80,b3,D,708.92 COLLeCTIONS TO [SATE '77~395y614.59«~ OUTSTANDINt~ BALANCE $ 3,-235'094.33 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 95.991 SACK TAXES rREAL ESTATE A€~1D PEitSONAL PROPERTY ~ 2:,824,85b.85 CHARGES ADDED 5'376.91 LrS.S A6ATEMENTS 33,733,.12 ~ TOTAL TAXES t3UE 2~796'S10.64 $ COLLECTItJiJS Tfl HATE a90,815.39m lYY 0 M! - ~ ' f~I:~TSTAi,It~ING 9ALANCE m vO p YY MW.o M tS1 Y9 M .l ~IEE 0 $ 1,905'695.25 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 31.E35~I FE~3 2000 RtJOR~ OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTiQN.S 75609'.14 ' PRIVILEGE LICcNSE COLLECTIONS 733.75 .~?t770~ VEHICLE 5,403,007.94 22 ~ x367,.35 58,aZ9_.17~ $ 5,.357 X046.12 .00 t7 0 .00 'W'® i9 efl 1'4-~ ~LO.M M n9I61:G9'il ~.A :~ 5,357,C14b.12 4, Z1i,727..2:3a 1~14.5'31$:,t39 78.621 FISCAL ~'TO ~~1~74$~270a25 13,820.54 TOTAL t~?ONEY PROCESSED THRI7 COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NE4J #~ANOVER COUNTYr CITY OF WILMINGTON 1~RIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE 3EA'CH TO HATE ~ ~IL4y61.2':585,89, THIS REPORT IS FO#Z FISCAL YEAR 8, INi~.ING JULY i, 1999. RE ECTFULLY SUBP7TTTED~ ~=rr // I~/ ~ ~: PATRiCiA J. ~A~d~Jfl~t COLLECTOR flF REVENUE CO~°~n,I.(v,ED .COLLECTION PERCENTAGE ~ 94,91 ~ ~ e~,~.~~ ~~ t L~.~~~ ~c~~~~d 12 2 ~. ~ ~~~~~ ~s~~~~ ~: ~. - ^'~5'e r ~+.. CONSENT AGENOA DATE---------- . ITE?~ NO. P~E~ ~1ANOVER COUNTY EIRt DTSTRiCT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS T#iRU a2J29/Dfl CURPE;"JT TAX YEaR ~ 1999 A~7 VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE OR.ICINAL TAX LEVY.PER SCRI7LL $ Z9flbfly293:D5i $ i42~3U7eb4 DISCOVERIES ADDEC 11.5i28b,i3i 78.1D3S LESS At3ATE~'~'Es~lTS 4t3y24~,00~^ i'680.18~ TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 2012?~33~.32 *~ 141y408;.82 LI5TINIG PEN3ALTIES CHARGED 1y682p50 DOD TOTAL LEVY ~, 29:129'02.3.fs2 $ ~ 141.1408.82 CDLLECTIONIS TO DATE 2~049~7b8D10~ 1.i09321.30~- OUTSTANOING BALA~~ICE $ 79~245D72 $ 3i 087e52 ~ PERCc?dTAGE COLLECTED 9b.28%~ 7t~.02.%~ BACK TAXt.S ~m~~DS~~ ~~~ REAL `ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 55~05F3D73 CNAR,GES ADDED 29e55 1 LESS ABATEM=NTS . 1~Z1~.5,i7~ TOTAL TAXES OUE $ 531~,23.2i COLI.ECTIO'VS TO fl:ATE 179322D7i3-~ OUISTANDIr~1G EsALANCE ~ $ 3hyb00b43 PE{~CENTAGE COLLECTED 32D12 THIS REPO~ZT Z.S FOR ~ISCA:L YEAR NNING JULY 3~ 1999a R" tCTEJLLY SUBMITTED' \ t•~~~ tJ~ 4 c 6 } ~ ~, , i~ P A 1 !1 I C I 'r~ .~ a 7'P~i.J~3 ~ ~ f; f Y U !1 COLLECTOR GE REVEN3Uc ~ C~;t~18I7~tD COLLECTION PERCENTAGE °°° 95Di4°l ~~Ir '!r • 123 {This page intentionallyleft blank} 124 a~ ~~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 03/27/00 . Consent Item,#: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow • SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request) Ness, Charles Mildred Life Estate 20,000 Stevenson, Gerald Mable, Etal. 20,000 Request approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the following organizations: Health Sciences Foundation Inc., D/B/A Coastal AHEC Business Personal Property Wilmington East Rotary Club R06107-004-009-000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW LUUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval; ~ECO OMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY C6MMI~1® APPROVED ~ ~; REJECTED ® ~FS, REMOVED POSTPONED ® ~ j ~~ 1a HE11RD ` DATE --`~~~~ ~~ i {This page intentivnallyleft blank} -,~. ,~ ;'u ~- ~ ~{~~r~,~~i/~t 12 6 ~ : f~,~ U~1 ~~~~ fai ~~~ ;: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Commissioners' Office/Sheriff-Jail and Out of County Housing/ Health Department -Jail-Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0133 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Commissioners' Office: Appropriated Fund Balance $629,052 Sheriff/Jail Food Purchases $45,000 Contracted Services _ $180,000 Sheriff/Jail-Out of County Housing: Contracted Services -Jail $255,664 Transportation Expenses -Jail $10,388 Health Department/Jail-Health: .Contracted Services $85,000 Departmental Supplies $53,000 EXPLANATION: To appropriate Fund Balance for the following: Sheriffs Department - $45,000 for higher than anticipated food costs at the jail, $180,000 for higher than anticipated contracted services with the NC Department of Corrections for safekeeping at-risk inmates and inmates with severe medical problems, and $266,052 for inmate out of County housing costs for the remaind r of FY 99-00; Health DepartmentlJail-Health - $138,000 higher than anticipated expenses due toy inmate surgeries, physician fees, and prescription drug expense. All of-these expenses are unavoidable and not within our control. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval \of fl~is budget amendment, the amount of Fund Balance appropriated will be $6,352,465. A breakdown follows: $2,356,701 appropriated during the year and $3,995,764 for rollovers from FY 98-99. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS rl tiH COUNTY ~Mi~9~i~~:,V~!~ APPROVED I~ ; ;;.=''" ~ <, r REJECTED ~ i ,, ~ ~~~~ REMOVED ~ ~ ~ ~' POSTPONED ~J ~ ~ ,~ ~2 7 ®ATE ~.~~~~~', NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.2 Estimated Tirne: Page Number: DEPARTMENT:. Emergency Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0134 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Emergency Management: NC Dept.-Crime Control & Public Safety/ $1,000 Civil Preparedness. Grant Printing Charges $1,000 EXPLANATION: To budget the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Civit Preparedness Grant in the amount of $1,000 for the continued implementation of the azardous Materials Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~.,.. ?`i ,;~ ~OUfV~Y.CON~MBa IREJ ECTEO E~'~` a~ ~,?' ': ~ ~ ~; ,~ , . POSTPOIVE® ®~ ~~E~~{~ ; ~, Y,b, , r _ ~s,ww . 12 8 ~::: ~~RO ~ a~ • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 .Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-27 ADJUSTMENT Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Expense DEBIT CREDIT $3,493 $3,493 EXPLANATION: To budget additional revenue received 3-9-2000. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ....,. ;~~; ;;; • couNnr ~o~~i~q~ APPROVED ~ ",'~'+ REJECTED ® '=~`~_ REMOVED ® ;% "' POSTPONE®® 12- HEP,RD ,~ . DATE ~ `/ :~ m {This page intentivnallyleft blank} ,,: ~;. ~ i~ _ ~~~~. ~ (p- ~ r i i ( ~ ,i' t iii#{~Vl.a . . „{ r¢v~ :,'ti`p.. ~ ~~`~ J~S.`~ "j< ~ r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/27/00 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Contact: Ray Church • CI IR IC!'`T• Waiver of Disposal Fees for Church of the Servant, The Bargain Box BRIEF SUMMARY: A request has been made by the Church of the Servant for a waiver of disposal fees for non useable items received as donations at The Bargain Box located at 4213 Princess Place Drive. The Bargain Box is a not for profit thrift store providing low cost clothing, furniture, and other items, with proceeds used for community projects to benefit the poor and homeless throughout Good Shepherd Ministries, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, Refugee Resettlement and other ministries. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Current policy provides free disposal for unwanted donations received at the Salvation Army, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity and similar programs. Staff recommends a waiver of disposal fees for the Church of the Servant, The Bargain Box, for the disposal of unusable donations. If typical of the other non-profit organizations listed above, the quantity will likely be one to two panel trucks per week. FUNDING SOURCE: N!A ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Kathy Vezzetti, Church of the Servant ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. Rescheduled ' ACTT OMMENDATIONS: ~;: 't BOUNTY POflf~~il~8~ APPROVED ~! REJECTED ®.~~ :. REMOVED ®~ '~~ti POSTPOIVI~ HEARD DATE ~~~~ 7 ~ ' v I I ~~~ #+~,+~' ++ $+ /, Mr: Roy Church, Director Dept of Environmental Management New Hanover County 3002 Highway 421 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Church: Church ®f the Sea-vant Episcopal T 72e 1 a'verenit JOSe~,;'~ YY. C.ooper, Reetor The Reverend Susan Dankel, Deacon ~' i February 28, 2000 This letter is to request a waiver of dumping fees at the county landfill when we find it necessary to dump items unfit for any other purpose. Your help with this will enable us to -better fulfill our mission to the community. ~ ~- As a part of its ministry to serve Wilmington and the surrounding area, Church of the Servant is opening The Bargain Box at 4213 Princess Place Drive. The Bargain Box is.a . not for profit thrift store providing Iow cost clothing, books, furniture and other items, with proceeds used for community projects to benefit the poor and homeless throughout Good Shepherd Ministries, Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, Refugee Resettlernent,and other needful ministries. I look forward to hearing from you soon. The Bargain Box will begin receiving donated items after March 1 and we anticipate requiring use of the waiver soon thereafter. Thank you very much for working with us on this. Sincerely yours, ~~~ ~~~ Kathy Vezzetti, Manager -Bargain Box of Wilmington ~-An Outreach Ministry of Church of the Servant (Episcopal) ~;,t~„~,,~: ~i„ ,,,~ t,~It~~t~3~av .Jl..?S~l.l+_. 4~~~1e Drive . , ,. ~.R. ~,~y. ~ Wilmin'gton;~NC°28:{03=1-7-Sy'- ~'~~ e-mail cots~j~uno.com , .Phone 910.395.0616 Fax 910.395.1600