Agenda 2000 04-17AGENDA ~~pNOVER C° G * ,t „~ Q N~~~ IMPO'E%P/ ~~ IMOO STMT ~ °'~ NoRtr+~p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 N. Third Street Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD Apri117, 2000 9:00 a.m. ~ . MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) . " ~ INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ~ ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES i 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards ~ ~ ~:30 a.m. 2. i Recognition of New Employees . 9:45 a.m. 3. i Presentation on Schools Maintenance Program 10:00 a.m. 4. Presentation of Drainage Update 10:15 a.m. 5. Consideration of Request to Reestablish the Solid Waste Advisory Board 10:35 a.m. 6. Consideration of Parks Ordinance Regarding Pets 10:50 a.m. 7. Ratify Local Option Sales Tax " 11:10 a.m. 8. Consideration of Request for Matching Funds for Governor's Crime Commission Grant 11:20 a.m. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS ~ County Commissioners I County Attorney x'11:45 a. m. County Manager , ADJOURN ~ PAGE NO. 1 3 5 7 9 17 19 35 39 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE _ WILMINGTON, NC April 17, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to three minutes) 39 2. Approval of Minutes 41 ADJOURN • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Apri117, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Wedding Policy for Airlie Gardens LL 3. Approval of Contract #00-345 with Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. for a mini-pumper for Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Station and Approval of related budget amendment 4. Approval of Resolution requesting the Board ratify Local Option Sales Tax 5. Approval of mini grant application for Skin Cancer Screening North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control 6. Approval of Grant Application for The North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation Community Grants Program for $128,845 over a two year period ($85,000 for FY 2000-2001) ($43,845 for FY 2001-2002) 7. Approval of Waterfront Access Grant Pre-Application 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 9. Approval of Internet Website Promotion 10. Approval of request to waive tip fee for Greek Festival Approval of Budget Amendments: 11.1 #00-0148 to increase budget to actual amount of OJJ funding to be received for PATHWAYS 11.2 #00-0144 to budget increase in revenue and expense to complete work related to Hurricane FLOYD PAGE NO. 45 47 49 53 57 61 77 91 95 97 99 100 l I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION nileeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Jerry L. Easley -Sheriffs Dept.; Brad C. Gurganious - Sheriffs Dept.; TEN (10) YEAR: Karen H. Bradstreet -Sheriffs Dept.; Jean P. McNeil -Health Dept.; Carolyn K. Clontz -Social Services; Marla L. Hubbard -Social Services; Phyllis R. Reynolds -Social Services; Donna Willetts -Social Services; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Tony Roberts -Inspections; Jeffery Olson -Social Services; Wanda Coston -Planning; TWENTY (20) YEAR: Phyllis T. Yow -Register of Deeds; Dexter Hayes -Planning Dept.; Linda Berry -Aging and Amelia S. Sidbury -Library. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGCOMMENTS AND Present aware COMMI TIONS: COUNTY COMMISSION€R5r RCJ`CiED ^ REr~iov~D POST i ED O RD ~ pA7E ~~.:~~..~- J ,. . {This page. intentionally left blank} 2 .~~ . ~ :~ ~~il Y'+ry U ii /~Wy~~.jjytp~llJl~ '~ ukJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated-Time: Page Number: - Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact:- Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired County employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ,--~ ~ . Recognize new A1TC• COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ APPROVED ^ ~, ~ REJECTED ^ 1 V"' REMOVED POS ED ^ EARD (~~ DATE . _a~OrO'l.:L_-.'?:_ 3 { Thi,~ page intentionally left blank} ~. I .... .~~~4~kPiv~~E1!tt ~. ~- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date:. 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neaf SUBJECT: Presentation on Schools Maintenance Program BRIEF SUMMARY: At the staff level budget meeting with School Administration last week, it was determined that a brief update on the schools maintenance program would be appropriate. RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No action required FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: - none ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND , Hear presentation. No action requiredc.`T....._. ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: s COUNTY COMMISSION€RS ' APPF;a~>1E.U, p REJL•CT~~ ^ RE~+/~C1;';~1~, P05T p p i RD p -` . DATE ~~„ . _ .. (7140^~ ~ ..'q~ . *~ t~ ~. 'ti ' ~~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager . Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Drainage update BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff will present a summary of current drainage projects, including Runnymeade, Walnut Hills and Heritage Park. Staff will also present an upda#e on the Dickson Engineering contract to develop Comprehensive Drainage Regulations. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should listen to the update and provide further direction as desired. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: NA ' ~ REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:. N/A . COUNTY MANAG OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear update. COMMISSION RS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMISSIONIwR~-, ~ APPROVED ^ -~''~ REJECTED REMOV ^ ~ PONED ^ HFARD p , . DATE `~! _ _Oc~- '" ., _, 8 1~ir, t;tr d-.t~ ~ x t'tirt i " ~ ~' ~' ~~ ~~~ ~' ~'~ NEW HA6VOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page .Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Request to Reestablish the Solid Waste Advisory Board BRIEF SUMMARY:. Environmental Management staff request the Board of Commissioners consider reestablishing the Solid Waste Advisory Board to assist in guiding the County's approach to managing solid waste. According to NC General Statute 130A-309.09A local governments are responsible for evaluating the adequacy of solid waste services to meet local needs and to protect human. health and the environment. In 1997 staff prepared a solid waste management plan that covered a 10 year period. The first mandatory three year. update to this plan is due to the Solid Waste Section by June 30, 2000. As with the initial plan the update. must be approved by resolution by all participating .municipalities and county government prior to submission to the Solid. Waste Section. A resolution approved by the Board of Commissioners on November 17, 1997 established a Solid Waste Advisory Board. That Board made recommendations to the Commissioners at a workshop on February .17, 2000. Among the recommendations was to "...... continue some form of the Solid Waste Advisory Board to assist in the development of a user fee based system, should the Commissioners desire to implement such a plan. This board could also assist staff in the update of the County's 10 Year Solid Waste Management Plan which is due June 30, 2000." RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: In accordance with the resolution adopted on November 17, 1997, the Board of Commissioners should dissolve the current Solid Waste Advisory Board and reestablish a new Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board. The organization should include, as stated in the attached bylaws, two City representatives, three representatives from the beach towns, members-at-large, one County Commissioner, and one or more ex-officio. members from the solid waste hauling industry. The number of voting members should be limited to nine. ~ . FUNDING SOURCE: + N/A ATTACHMENTS:. Resolution By-Laws ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ~ Recommend approval as noted above: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMI RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMIS N€~~ R" ._.:~ ^ .. _ ~~ .~~ ^ FGW ~ ~ Cf~ED ^ HEARD ®ATE ~~,~: - -. - , RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely deve_ loped coastal County with sensitive environmental conditions; and WHEREAS, the County has developed innovative and integrated technological systems for the disposal of solid waste to provide environmental protection; and WHEREAS, the County desires to continue planning for sound, efficient, and economical solid waste collection and disposal services; ' NOW;` THEREFORE; BE IT` RESOLVED: That the New`Hanover County Board of County Commissioner's does hereby establish. the New Hanover' County Citizens. Solid Waste Advisory-Board; hereinafter,referred to as "Advisory .Boar`d'..,, and charges, it with the following purpose. Special emphasis •will be placed on providing. direction.on how to most effectively manage the increasing solid waste stream over the next seven years: ~, ~. ~, - "The New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board is hereby'cliarged by the New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners to,review the New Hanover County Solid Waste Planning Area Solid Waste.Management Plan, and to recommend sound, sensible. and practical strategies necessary to accomplish the solid;waste management goals contained in the 10-Year Plan." '• .In so serving, the,Advisory Board maybe expected to perform any the following: , 1. To review with County staff all information relevant to ,solid waste collection and disposal ~ ~ ~ ° _ . _ 2. To evaluate. and recommend short- and long- range, plans forwaste reduction a the , source; recycling, yard waste composting .and waste disposal; ~3. To evaluate and recommend reasonable alternatives for assuring revenue necessary to fiend the existing solid waste programs; and 4. To evaluate and recommend public service programs for litter control. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall consist of members; approved by the County Commissioners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall operate in accordance with the Bylaws as established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and according ,fir t,F,^;,;, ~~towtle following guidelines: .. ~~ ~ • ' ~, 1 ..~ -... . 6~. ~ .,~ ~. .. 4 '1 1. The Advisory Board members shall serve without compensation, but may be refunded necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties consistent with the adopted budget. :2. A majority of the members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. An affirmative vote of the majority of members present at a meeting of the Advisory Board shall be required to constitute action of the Advisory Board. 3. The officers of the Advisory Board shall be chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The Advisory Board shall elect the chairman, vice-chairman,, and secretary from its membership at the organizational meeting. 4. The organizational meeting shall be called by the Chairman of the County Commissioners and shall beheld within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the Advisory Board.- All appointments to the Advisory Board shall be completed within ninety days. 5. The Advisory Board shall continue until such time as the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declares the Advisory Board to be dismissed. 6. New Hanover CoLU1ty shall bear all costs of the Advisory Board. As soon as practicable after its organizational meeting, the Advisory Board shall prepare a budget for its operations. The budget shall be reviewed and subject to the approval of the County Commissioners. The employment of personnel, purchasing procedures and financial management by the Advisory Board shall be subject to the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. 7. Tl1e Advisory Board may utilize officers, employees, agents, and facilities of New Hanover County as needed to carry out the Advisory-Board purposes. ` 8. The Advisory Board shall have the authority to appoint such subcommittees consisting. of its membership as well as other citizens as necessary for the accomplishment of its purposes. Signed this the day of ___, 2000. 11 ,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD BY LAWS - ARTICLE I -NAME This organization; established by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners, shall be known as ,the "New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board' ;hereinafter referred to as the Advisory Board.' ' ARTICLE if -STATEMENT OF CHARGE Acting in an advisory capacity to the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Advisory Board shall review the New Hanover County Solid Waste Planning Area Solid Waste Management Plan, and recommend sound, sensible and practical strategies necessary to accomplish the solid waste managementgoals contained in the 10-Year Plan. Special emphasis will~be placed on providing direction on how to most effectively manage the increasing solid waste stream' over the next seven years. ' The Advisory Board shall evaluate all pertinent aspects and issues relating to the management of solid waste in order to achieve th'e following goals and 'objectives: i.~ To assist local governments in New Hanover County in the development and ' implementation of a ~coordinsted; long-term solid' waste management plan that is , acceptable ~to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, ,and the City and Tovvi Councils; II. To recommend sound, sensible.and practical solid waste strategies~that address, but are not limited to: A. Distribution of the waste stream among the integrated management options available: material recovery, energy recovery, landfilling and waste transfers; B. ~ ~ Alternative or expanded' material and resource recovery systems. III. To assist in developing the most effective allocation of solid waste management functions among all local governing bodies in New Hanover County; IV. To review and make recommendations on the awarding of any major planning, engineering or construction contracts involving or affecting the County solid waste management program; V. To evaluate and provide recommendations to the County Commissioners for modifications to and implementation of the New Hanover County Solid Waste Management Plan; 12~ C:\windows\TEMPWDVIS0~1.doc Page 1 of 4 04/05/00:3:07 PM ` ARTICLE 111 -MEMBERS L The Board shall consist of members, including aChairperson, aVice-Chairperson, and a Secretary as elected by.the Advisory Board membership. - ll. Members of the Board shall be: A. Residents of New- Hanover County, and shall be persons having some concern, interest and/or expertise in managing solid wastes, B. Appointed for terms no greater than three (3) years, with unlimited number of terms, and C. Subject to the approval of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. II. The Membership of the Board shall consist of: A. .Persons appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.as follows: one (1) sitting County Commissioner, -representatives from among the current solid waste hauling companies serving. as ex officio members, and at-large appointees. B. A total of five (5) persons appointed by the municipal governments as follows: City ' of Wilmington two (2) appointees, and the .Towns of Carolina Beach, Kure .Beach: . and Wrightsville Beach one (1) appointee each. III. The County Environmental Management staff and other County staff, as requested by the Advisory Board Ghair, will provide staff and technical assistance to the Advisory Board. ARTICLE IV -DURATION OF ADVISORY BOARD The- Advisory Board shall continue until such time as the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declares the Advisory Board to be dismissed. ARTICLE V -OFFICERS I. Officers Defined: The officers of the Advisory Board shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice- Chairperson, and a Secretary. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary shall be elected by the members of the Advisory Board annually. II. .Duties: The Chairperson shall call and preside at meetings and appoint committees. In the absence of the Chairperson., Vice Chairperson shall assume the duties of the Chairperson and perform other duties delegated by the Chairperson. The Secretary shat! maintain minutes of the Advisory Board meetings, advise on the Advisory Board budget status, and prepare reports for circulation to each Advisory Board member and the Board of County Commissioners. III. Elections: Election of Officers shall be at the first meeting of the Advisory Board and annually during July, thereafter. ~~ . 13 C:\windows\TEMP\ADVISO-1.doc ,Page 2 of 4 04/05/00:3:07 PM IV. Officers of the Advisory Board: Officers shall hold their offices and exercise powers and .duties given to them under these Bylaws during the,terrn of one' year. No limits are placed on the number of terms a member of the Advisory Board may serve as an officer. ARTICLE VI -COMMITTEES ~. The Advisory Board shall establish as many committees or ad-hoe committees as the Advisory Board may deem necessary to carry .out its goals and objectives. Each committee shall have at least one Advisory Board member as a committee member. Non-Advisory Board personnel serving on committees shall have.no.voting power within the Advisory Board proper. ARTICLE VII =MEETINGS- I. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held as established by a majority of the Advisory Board, but at least once'every three-(3} months. II.' _ Special Meetings: Special' meetings of the Advisory. Board may be called by the Chairman ' ~ ~or at the request of a majority of the members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated ' in the call. At least three- (3) days advance notice shall be given. III. Advisory Board Committee Meetings: Meetings of the Advisory Board Committee shall be held at the frequency deemed necessary by the Chairperson of such committee and upon due notice in a timely fashion to committee members. ' °'~ ' :~ IV. Quorums: Unless otherwise established by law or these Bylaws, a quorum shall ~consisf ' ~ of a majority of the membership:- If-a quorum fails to attendaany meeting, the Chairpersor~~ may adjourn the meeting until a quorum shall attend. V. Actions of the Advisory Board: A majority vote of the members present at a meeting of the - ~ ~ ~ Advisory-Board with a quorum in attendance shall be required to constitute an action of the Advisory Board. - ` ~ ' VI. Action By Consent: Any action may be taken without a meeting if all Advisory Board members entitled to vote thereon consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution - authorizing. the action. " ~ ~ ~ ' VII. Attendance: Each member shall be expected to attend all regular Advisory Board meetings and Committee meetings on which the member serves. VIII. Open Meetings; .The meetings of the Advisory Board and its Committees shall be open to the public. in accordance with .the laws of the State of North Carolina:: IX. Rules of Procedure:.Roberts Rules of Order~Newly Revised, subject to-these Bylaws, shall govern the procedures of all meetings of the Advisory,- Board and its Cornrnittees. . ARTICLE VIII -AMENDMENTS ..Amendments to the Bylaws of the Advisory Board may be considered and approved by the 14 , C:\windows\TEMPWDVISO-1.doc _ Page 3 of 4 04/05/00:3:07 PM affirmative vote of a majority of the .membership of the Advisory Board at any regularly scheduled or special meeting provided; however, written notice of the proposed amendment must be sent to each member of the Advisory Board at least three (3) days before the scheduled vote. Also, such amendment shall. be subject to the approval of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners prior to taking effect. . ARTICLE IX -DISBURSEMENTS I. New Hanover County shall bear all the costs of the Advisory Board. As soon as practicable after its organizational meeting, the Advisory Board shall prepare a budget for its ' operations. The budget shall be reviewed and subject to the approval of the County ' Commissioners. The employment of personnel, purchasing procedures and financial management by the Advisory Board shall be subject to the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. II. The Director of the New Hanover County Finance Department shall disburse the funds approved and budgeted for the Committee in the same manner as other County Department funds are disbursed. The signature of an officer of the Advisory Board is required for requests for funds. III. All funds received from revenue producing activities shall be deposited with the New Hanover County Finance Department to the credit of New Hanover County and shall be disbursed by the County's Finance Director. ARTICLE X -PUBLIC INFORMATION The New Hanover County Public Information Officer shall assisf the Advisory Board in the dissemination of information to the public. , ARTICLE XI -GENERAL POWERS The Advisory Board shall have no powers, except as stated in previous articles or as entrusted to it by City, County or State authority. Specifically, the Advisory Board shall not have the power to: 1) Borrow money 2) Encumber property 3) Dispose of any properties either real or personal • 15 C:\windows\TEMPWDVIS0~1.doc Page 4 of 4 • 04/05/00:3:07 PM l ~' ~ ., i 16 _. NEVII HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis Contact: Neal Lewis SUBJECT:. Parks Ordinance. Regarding Pets BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The attached draft amendment of Parks Ordinance includes rules regarding pets in County parks. The Parks Department will set up a.designated "Pet Exercise Area" at Hugh MacRae Park. The Park and the exercise area will be posted. The Parks Department will explore opportunities for similar areas at other County parks. The Parks Advisory Board voted to request these ordinance changes and actions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt amendment to Parks Ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: ' ~~ , Pet Ordinanc REVIEVIIED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET; N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDA Recommend adoption of amendments to Parks Ordinance. ~.. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: "~ COUNTY COMMIS~ON€R~ APPROVED p~~ REJECTED ~~ REMOVED p ' '. POSTPONED ^ HEARD ! /,J~ ~ `17 DATE ~ / _ -~"~-------~. • I ~. ~ i NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT ORDINANCES Special Rules and Regulations _. In accordance with the New Hanover County Ordinances, Section 13-2, "General Regulations," Subsection (c)(1), the following "Special Rules and Regulations" are in effect: Control of Pets on County Parks:. The following rules shall apply to the presence of dogs and other pets on CotmtyParks: 1) Dogs and pets must be on a leash and- under control ~at all-times. . 2) Dogs and pets are prohibited from entering any park building (rest rooms, community centers, etc.) ~ - . 3) Dogs and pets are prohibited from any established athletic field or court (i.e. baseball/softball fields, football/soccer fields, tennis courts, basketball courts). 4) Dogs and pets are prohibited within fifty feet (50') of any children's playground. 5) Dogs and pets are prohibited within one hundred feet (50') of any concession or vending area. b) Dogs and pets are prohibited for any mass gathering, identified as any planned gathering of two hundred (200) or more people... 7) The owner or person in charge of a dog or~ a pet on a County Park is responsible for removing feces or other litter left behind by that animal. 8) The owner or person in charge of a dog or pet on County Parks is subject to Sectionl 3-4, "Authority of Parks Director to Eject Disorderly Persons," and Section 13-5, "Penalty for Violation of Chapter." 9)Paragraphs 2,3,5 and 6 of these Rules do not apply to assistance dogs accompanying persons with disabilities. n rt,t 1 ~,~~1~2° ~ %!~ ~~~~ March, 2000 r , ;~.Sl ' .- ~ .1~~}~~1 ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regularltem #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director Contact: Dianne Harvell, 343-6665 SUBJECT: State Water Sampling and Well Inspection Survey Program (Projection for Revenue Earned is $65,250) BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Health (BOH) Executive Committee approved participation in the Water Sampling and Well Inspection Survey Program through the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health. The committee approved earmarking the $65,250 earned through this program for two new positions (Clerical Specialist I and Environmental Health Specialist) and associated operating expenses (computer/printer $2,500; Registered Sanitarian.Renewal $35; uniforms $500; other supplies $265) for the positions requested in the Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Request for Environmental Health. (Total Salary and Fringe $61,950; operating budget for the two positions $3,300=Total $65,250.) Through participation iri this program, we project earning $65,250 in revenue. We will receive $150 for collection of each sample and completion of legible forms accurately and completely. Please refer to the attached memo dated March 6, 2000, from Dianne Harvell explaining rescheduling of work which must . be done to participate in this program. In order to perform the requirements of the Water Sampling Program and to earn the revenue, some routine work must be postponed. In order to perform the postponed work, the two new positions included in the FY2001 Budget Request become critical. The revenue, although earned in this FY2000 budget before May 31, 2000, would not be budgeted in this fiscal year, but would be rolled forward into the FY2001 Revenue Budget for Environmental Health to fund these two positions. Refer to the attached MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) dated 2/29/2000 between New Hanover Health Department and NCDENR Division of Environmental Health. The MOU refers to a contract amount of $57,000, but there will be contract addenda for an additional $8,250 for an additional 55 samples for re-testing, bringing the total to $65,250. We request your approval to provide this service, accepting the revenue of $65,250 to fund the two positions ($61,950) and associated operating expenses ($3,300) in the FY 2001 Budget Request. No budget amendment accompanies this request since we are requesting this revenue be earmarked to fund two Environmental Health positions and associated operating expenses in the FY2001 Budget Request. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Consider providing the Water Sampling and earmarking the $65,950 earned reven~ eun~the(F~isca'IIY,ea"_rN~$ ~ 2001 Budget Request for the two new Environmental Health positions. APF°CVED ~/ RE! ~~'-ED ^ FUNDING SOURCE: Rr; ~~:~f"n (-~ State Funding from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources`~Division of Environmental Health. POSTPONED ~ HEARDy ~ ~~- It should be noted this is a one time source of revenue. It is not fiscally responsibleytoSfund~~o~i ions_with~..~ one time revenue. ATTACHMENTS: Yes, 14 pages (last 8 pages showing statistics and justification for new positions) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN .RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This is a one time revenue source. The purpose of the one time state money is for a specific project. Approval will require on-going county funding. The one time project is to sample well water following Hurricane Floyd. County Management Staff recommends the Board of Commissioners grant temporary approval of the position or direct Health Board/Health Department to contract for services. Otherwise, consider denial of the request and consider the merits of permanent funding during the budget process,, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ . i i r~ R Nfi~~% NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2!29/2000 MEMORANDU (M~ OF UN,D~ERSTANDING Between ~y '~~'~ Health Department and the NCDENR Division of Environmental Health RE: Payment for the Water Supply and Well Construction Program This memorandum provides for payments to the local health department for work performed to collect bacteriological and nitrate samples and to complete Water Sample and Well Construction Survey forms. Services requested are as follows: -- Collection of bacteriological and nitrate samples, including completion of accompanying laboratory forms and submission of samples and-forms to .the NC State Laboratory of Public Health as required by standard operating procedures. -- Completion of Water Sample and Well Construction Survey forms and submission of forms biweekly to the - NCDENR Division of Environmental Health Only one payment of $ 150.00 per well is pernutted. For example, a local health department will receive $150.00 for collection of samples and completion of legible forms accurately and completely. For your use, survey forms with names and addresses for the wells in the county are enclosed. If needed name 'and address corrections and additions must be made on the heading of the survey form by the local health department. Water sample collection kits will be provided at no cost to the local health department by the-NC State Laboratory of Public Health. All samples.collecfed pursuant to this program m~yu,(~t be submitted to the NC State Laboratory of Public Health. '1~ ~5~7-, 0~00g.-00 The total amount paid to your local health shall not elllx"'c„e---ed~T~`~'yl without prior approval of the Division of Environmental Health. The local health department will be paid morithly for work and all accompanying forms satisfactorily completed. Water samples and accompanying laboratory forms shall be submitted to the NC State Laboratory of Public Health in accordance with standard operating procedures. Water Samples and Well Construction Survey forms shall be submitted to Stacy Covil, Division of Environmental Health, 1632 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 on March 1S, March 31, April 14, Apri128, May 12, and May 31, 2000. All water sample collection and submission of forms must be completed on or before May 31, 2000: The terms discussed in this memorandum are agreed to and made by: PLEASE RETURN TWO (2) SIGNED ORIGINAL MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING TO: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Health ~~ ~~w~- - 1632Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1632 ealth~~epartment Signature Signature j'~~~(/ ~.~~~~~ Linda Sewall, Director Health Department Director •„ 1630 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1630 PHONE 919-733-2870 FAX 919-715-3280 A1'i-EgUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - SOgo RECYCLED/1 Oyo POST-CONSUMER PAPER ~~. Memorandum h I c To: David Rice, Health Director , Lynda Smith, Assistant Health Director ~, From: Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director.. . ` Date:. March 6, 2000. Subject: State Water Sampling And Well Inspection Survey Program A NCDENR representative, contacted us lastweek to inquire about our .~ participation in the above referenced prograrp. Specifications can be found in an ., accompanying February 22, 2000 memorandum from Malcolm, Blalock, Deputy Director,. . Division Of Environmental Health, NCDENR . The following factors must be considered before making a decision as to whether or not we participate: - ~ ` ` . ,. - single largest amount of state funding-ever, offered to local.; environmental • • • health programs - sample and survey private wells that tested positive after Hurricane Floyd - - 383 samples tested positive in New Hanover. County, greater number than any other county - additiona150 to 75 control samples/surveys can also be completed - ,reimbursement is ~ 150/each well sampled & surveyed ~~ - must be completed by May 31, 2000 ~ - . . - due .to, number (433 to 458. samples/surveys), will take onefull time . Environmental :Health ,Specialist (EHS) between now and conclusion date to_ implement , . - some routine work will have to be postponed urifil project completed'' • - only work that can be postponed.wthout-great hardship to .customers,is annual _ . inspections of existing Type IV and V wastewater systems , - only' equipmerit/material cost is :GPS unit; NCDENR will provide sampling supplies ,« - need to advise NCDENR whetlier or. notwe will participate immediately - if no,•neighboring counties (Bnnswick and Pender) are prepared to conduct. ,, this project here as well as in their own counties ~ , - if yes, we'will need additional staff after May 31, 2000 to complete postponed .. work - new EHS position requested in forthcoming budget year can be assigned wastewater system inspections (three to four months beginning in either July ~: 22 ,_ f .. ..Pr or,August) to help existing staff recover rather than immediately undertaking . proposed assignments in Food Safety and Indoor Air Quality Programs earnings (>$60,000) from participation earmarked for proposed new EHS and Clerical Specialist positions (will cover salaries and benefits for one year) ::; ~ Malcolm Blalock <Malcolm:Blalock@ncmail.net> on 02/22/2000 01:14:03 PM To: "Environmental Health" <ehl@deh.enr.state.nc.us> cc: (bcc: Dianne Harvell/NHC) Subject: Water Sampling and Well Inspection Survey Program ********IMPORTANT--PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ' PROGRAM****** WE WILL NOT BE SENDING THIS MESSAGE IN HARD COPY The Special Session of the General Assembly which convened in December, 1999 appropriated funds to assist with Hurricane Floyd assessment and recovery. Of the funds appropriated; approximately $1,000,000 were earmarked to address public health concerns, including monitoring water quality from a public health perspective. Part of these funds will be used to fund the following new program. This memorandum is to announce a new program to determine the impact of flooding on private water supplies in eastern North Carolina. We are trying to get answers to the following questions: 1:. Are wells that are properly constructed and located safer than those that are not? 2. Are there clusters of contaminated wells that might be easily connected to a Public Water Supply? 3. Are there continuing problems with contamination of previously,. contaminated wells? The Water Sample and Well Construction Survey Program will answer these questions. We plan to contract with local health departments listed below to sample and inspect each well tested positive for coliform (post-Floyd samples). The wells will be sampled for total coliform, fecal coliform, and nitrates. An inspection form will also be completed for each .well sampled. The Program will .pay $150.00 for each well sampled. and inspected. 24 We will supply each county with a form with the name and address of each well we want included in the program. This information has been collected from the State Laboratory of Public Health's database of positive samples. In addition, we want to sample a number of "controls" (properly constructed wells in counties with a local well construction program). Data entry will be provided by the State. .However, completed inspection forms should be submitted to us bi-weekly so that we can keep up. We plan to contract exclusively with the local health departments to conduct this work. We will seek other contractors to do the work in any counties who do .not elect to participate. This program must be completed by June 1, 2000 so that a report of it's findings can be made by end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2000. We are contracting with Mr Stacy Covil to manage this program. He will be contacting you by telephone soon to begin your participation. In the meanwhile, if you are interested in participating, please contact Mr Covil at: Stacy Covil 1630 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1630 (919)715-2863 Office (910)259-8974 Home stacy.covil@ncmail.net If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr Covil or me. Counties included in this program: j Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Camden Carteret Chowan Columbus Craven Cumberland Duplin Edgecombe Gates Greene Halifax Harnett Hertford - Hyde Johnston Jones _ Lenoir Martin Nash New Hanover Northampton ~ Onslow Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Pitt . -- .. ~ 25 ~ ~ Robeson Sampson (Wayne 1 - Malcolm.Blalock.vcf 26 Warren Washington ~~ ^,; Dianne Harwell .... 03/08/2000 08:10 AM To: Sharon Neuschafer/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: Personnel Needs FYI Forwarded by Dianne Harwell/NHC on 03/08/2000 08:07 AM i;.-,.k _,,. , ... ~~v. Dianne Harwell 03/08/2000 08:09 AM Toc Pat Melvin/NHC@NHC cc: David ERice/NHC@NHC, Lynda Smith/NHC@NHC Subject: Personnel Needs Worlc that will not be completed due to inadequate personnel in Environmental Flealth Drv~slon ~s projected as: 350 - 400 food safety and sanitation evaluations of food service, child care, institution, lodging and public swimming pool facilities will not be completed. Evaluations that are com leted often lacl p c effectiveness because time constraints require that they be conducted in an enforcement rather than educational mode. -120 physician diagnosed foodborne illness cases will not be thoroughly investigated so as to prevent further occurrence. A significant percentage of the 500-G00 restaurant complaints received annually will not be investigated ~ abated. -3G children will be diagnosed with high blood lead levels & 3G sources of lead exposure will not be identified & mitigated as a result of inadequate time to conduct environmental surveys of primary secondary housing, child care facilities, etc. Several dozen citizens who annually request investigation of indoor air quality issues will not 6e served. Development of a geographic data base mapping known locations of groundwater violations to avert the permitting of drinking water wel-s in contaminated aquifers wilt not be completed. • 27 § 130A-39. Powers and duties of a local board of health. (a) A local board of health shall have the responsibility to protect and promote the public health. The board shall have the authority to adopt rules necessary for that purpose. (b) A local board of health may adopt a more stringent rule in an area regulated by the Commission for Health Services or the Environmental Management Commission where, in the opinion of the local board of health, a more stringent rule.is required to protect the public health; otherwise, the rules of the Commission for Health Services or the rules of the Environmental Management Commission shall prevail over local board of health rules. However, a local board of health may not adopt a rule concerning the grading, operating, and permitting of food and lodging facilities as listed in Part 6 ofArticle 8 ofthis Chapter and as defined in G.S. 130A-247(1), and a local board of health may adopt rules concerning wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems which are not designed to discharge effluent to the land surface or surface waters only in accordance with G.S. 130A-335(c). (c) The rules of a local board of health shall apply to all municipalities within the local board's jurisdiction. (d) Not less than 10 days before the adoption, amendment or repeal of any local board of health rule, the proposed rule shall be made available at the office of each county clerk within the board's jurisdiction, and a notice shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation within the area of the board's jurisdiction. The notice shall contain a statement of the substance of the proposed rule or a description of the subjects and issues involved, the proposed effective date of the, rule and a statement that copies of the proposed rule are available at the local health department: A local board of health rule shall become effective upon adoption unless a later effective date is specified in the rule. (e) Copies of all rules shall be filed with the secretary of the local board of health. (f) A local board of health may, in its rules, adopt by reference any code, standard, rule or regulation which has been adopted by any agency of this State, another state, any agency of the United States or ;by a generally recognized-.association. Copies of any material adopted by reference shall be filed with the rules. ' (g) A local board of health may impose a fee for services to be rendered by a local .health department,. except where the imposition of a fee is prohibited by statute or where an employee of the local health department is performing the services as an agent of the State. Notwithstanding any~other provisions of law, a local board of health may impose cost-related fees for services performed pursuant to Article 11 of this Chapter, "Wastewater Systems," for services performed pursuant to Part 10, Article 8 of this Chapter; "Public Swimming Pools", and for services performed pursuant to Part 1l, Article 8 of this Chapter, "Tattooing". Fees shall. be based upon a plan recommended by the local health director and approved by the local board of health and the. appropriate county board or boards of commissioners. The fees collected under the authority of this subsection are to be deposited to the account of the local health department so that 'they may be expended for public health purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. (1901, c. 245, s. 3; Rev., s. 4444; 1911, c. 62, s. 9; C.S., s. 7065; 1957, c. 1357, s. 1; 1959, c. 1024, s. 1; 1963, c. 1087; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 508; 1977, c. 857, s. 2; 1981, c. 130, s. 2; c. 281; c. 949, s. 4; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 1985, c. 175, s. 1; 1989, c. 577, s. 2; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 944, s. 10; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 670, s. 2; 1995, c. 507, s. 26.8(c).) 28 e h I i N O O tf) GO ~ CO N O I~ M Ln CD a0 O M M M M ~ N C O :_. _ N ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ O L L L L L ,~ a 0 ~. L L ^~ ~~ d p~ yy dr ^ W ~ ~ L ~ ® (~ L 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ Q 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 'C t ` d' ' ~ M M M M M M M su oi~o ad sul # 29 1` 00 C7 O 07 A 07 O CO 1` 00 07 07 O~ O~ A aooooo0 ooou~ o 0 0 0 o ti rn O O O N ~ N_ ~ M O ooooot~ O ~ ~ ~ N ~ N 00 O 0ooooor- ~noo rno om00 ~-rn O O M M ~ O ~ I~ N O m o 0 0 0~ O ~ ~ N O Q C ) ~ CO N O > _ s ~ ~ a m cn ~ ~ c4 m ~- ~., ~ ~- ,_,, = rn~~ a>.~ ~ ~ v c N J~.a ~ ~O _~~-- c °o c :~ o ;~ a~i wtL~wUzaw W ^~ W ~~4 ~o JJsa a y ~a~~ ''s ~~~J " ~,~ sa :i~ d ~a~ ~~ SJ/ ~~~ ~~. OJ ~O ra~~~ . ti SJ .O~ 0, '~O o~'%~ ~ J ~~~ sJ ~~~ .~ ~~~i~~ ti~ ~a~ ~~ ~~ sJ , 646 .O~ ~~ .oo O y O O O O O O O O -~ O ~ O ~9 O O M ~ N N r e~ spuesnoyl sae~~oa anuana~ U L C/) Q~ Q~ °~ 0 • 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~ o ... ~ ~ .,r p~ ~ _• . ,., _ . ~ L ~ L J o O ~ 11 '~ W V ~ ~ ~./ ~~ a ®® .~ ~~~ ~. ~~~ "a O .~~ c ~ ~ M ~~ ~ J~~N ~~~ O ~ ~ ~ U ~ l U z m .. c~ ~. c o ~o ~ ~ ~~~ N ~} O _ Q ~ T ~ ~ J ® ~ N ~ • ®® C LL] ~ ~ 'd' u- ~ I` -~ ~ ~ ~ d- rte ~ 69, O U ~ O ~ O .r M ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ^ W ~~ W 31 32 ,~ -t~ ,~ . ^~ ~ ~ ,. , .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Ap~~~ ~iI ~~ ~ ~ ~ L , ~ _ ~ O ~ .°a ~ ~ ~ ~L ~ O ® ~> = ~ ~ :_ ~ to O ,s; ~~~~~ ~ o® m .-. ~ ~ ~ ... u~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ ~ ~ C?~w o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~Nfy. ~ ° ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ .. ~ '~ ~ N w c j _ ~ = ® ~--- ~- ~ --` -~ L t`. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +~ .~ ® rno M'~~ ~ ~ p _ ~ ~ o d- '~ O ^+ W ~.q L° ~ r J Ef3 cA ii ~,/ / , ® ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ^ O Q r- o LL `` ~ ~ N tf ~ ~ U ~, • V/ ~ ~ A W ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . ~ ~ " `F' _ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ J ~ ~. O _ a~ LL. ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ® ~ ~ a~_- N 4~ LL. LI.1 V a ~ V ~ o ~ o ._ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o ~ N~o ~ o NNM MO g 'a ~ O (TS r °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U a- r ~' ~ ~ ---- ~. a ~ -` .-. r ~ _ _..__ ~ ~ h. ~} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •s .. ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ O~ • ~ o ~^^~ _ ' O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ln ~ ~ ° W ~^. ~ p \ LL CD ~ ^ ~ W ~ .~ M N ~ ~ ~ O W 33 34 a~• W q~ W ~~ W ~+ .® '~ a~ ~, y-. .-, ~ N r y., ~ ~ "~ '~ (LO ~ a ~ (~ O O J ~; -~00 -~O~ ~ ER O ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ G, W U ® 7 /1 ''~-^^-, vJ ~~ ~~ Q ~ r ~' J ® 'a .. ~ ~_ O / ~ .-. ~ ~ '~ ~ .~-+ ~ ~_ ... .F.~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ . RS N ~ '~ (~ ~ ~ J 'a = J O ~ LL. 'S ~ ~ ~ ~ W U = ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ N LL N N L N N M ~~ r ~ ~ ~ d- o ~ ~~ O U V r ~ N ~ ~ t" c~ ~ ~ L.~, . O .. W NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Darrell D. Irwin, Ph.D. Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Request for Matching Funds for Governor's Crime Commission Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: UNCW is applying for a grant to conduct a study of the effectiveness of the Wilmington Gun Violence Reduction Project. The grant requires a match of $17,970. UNCW is asking the County for $4,492 to cover part of this match requirement. They are also asking the City for matching funds. This grant will be for fiscal year 2000-01, therefore these funds, if approved, will need to be budgeted in next year's budget. Dr. Irwin will be present at the meeting to answer any questions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Review request, if match is approved, direct staff to include in next fiscal year's budget. FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S C9 MENTS AND RECOMMENDA Recommend approva ;,~,;` COMMISSIONERS' AC3TIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: NlA COUNTY COMMIS~l01~ APPROVED C~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O ~ 3 5 HEARD/~ DATE (-~ - _ ~' ; . ,~- ~.~-_ ~~ '~I-IE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA E1T WILMINGTON January 24, 2000 Andy Atkinson Deputy County Manager New Hanover County S20 Chestnut Street, Suite 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Ueer Mr. Atkinson: As discussed in our phone conversation of January 20, 2000 we are requesting from the New Hanover County matching funds in support of a grant applicatiorr:to the Go'vernor's Crime Commission Year 2080 Federal Grant Punds, Dr. Darrell,D. Irwin, ~Dr. Ronald S. Everett and Dr. Cecil Willis faculty in the pepartment of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice at UNCW are submitting a grant proposal for an evaluation of the development, operation, and effectiveness of the Wilmington Partnership to Cease Firearm Violence. We have initial funding from the U:S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance to study and evaluate this project. A similar project was conducted in High Point; NG with apparent success in reducing gun violence. The. necessary 25 percent match from New Hanover County is 44,x92 dollars in suppork of our evaluation grant proposal In support of this project the UNCW Office of Research Administration has waived all overhead costs. This project as proposed is supported by Janice Cole, U.S. Attorney Eastern District. of North Carolina; John Cease, Chief of Wilmington Police Department, and John Carriker, District Attorney Fifth Prosecutorial District State of North Carolina. ~ We at UNCW will act in cooperation with these individuals and other members of the Wilmington \/iolent Crime Task Force ko evaluate the effectiveness, of this intervention in, combating the problem of violence in Wilmington. Enclosed is a copy of our research proposal. We ors requesting that yourinclude ~t,492. dollars in your next budget appropriation hearing for the required cash match. We are looking forward to this partnership with New Hanover County, the City ofi Wilmington and the participating criminal justice agencies. Thank you far your support. We are available at your convenience to answer any questions concerning our proposal. ~~ Sincerely(y, {~ , C~~~^^~ Cam.--.- Darrell D, Irwin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of `` -Cnrn±nal~Justice~ ~.e:~;~~~ew,.t~ YY~~~~ ~~~~~6~&9"n P1"5'~a~<a~ ~DEpAxiTMENT OE SOCIOLOGY.AND AN'1'li$OPOLOGY ___ . ~..__~ N~iyav - ` 60150UTH COLL~G6 ROADM WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 29443-3297.910=9623420 • FAX 910-962-7385 i me ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ [7 l Core~rrt+ta~'a Came Comrt>ttr~don ~st'~ifflt ~~Ii1IP3 i2Qi iE~eotet Stax+et, Suite 2Q4 u~, may) R~ls1~h. N. +C. 27649 Pltand: (93'9) 733-ASl5~1 ~'ex: {919) 7~~-~d62S 24+0 ~Gr~lnt lPra~pA~,p~plic~ti~~ 1. H~arrws ttl PrD)aat: 7. 1rt~{flamnnting A at-Cr: (esauana, ~tmsa. tetspi~raMS ~d fit) pegartrttertt o~ Sociology, Ar'<t2~zs~o1©gy. axe. A Study of the Effectiveness of the C~itn9.nal Justice Wi7.mingtan can Violence Reduction ()NC_WiLnington, 601 8. College (toad Project Wilmington, I~iC 26403--3297 2. 14pptieans: (nHtsbe, addre~x, misphone and lax) - - 6. Projezt Diroctor: (name, litre, ualephone Acrd tr~m~il fix) t1t~x';-~Wilmi.ngtan Dx. Cet~il Willa.s. ~f~3~or ~ C~~ix' ~i~?- South COllec~ Rtx~d 41q-962-3785 Wi.?rnington, t~ 2843-3?97 Willis@uncwi~.,edu 3. Authorizing OtTtcial: tnarrla and lilts) Pasta B. Whit~.ock, Director '°_ .... _._ _....._...~~..... . office of research i~dministzation 9. Requester a. Cortvnittea Assl>irsmem: (ciheck) Personnel: ... 5 7. ~7 ~~, ~~} ....- ._ ... _ .., ... luvsnito t?elinqusncy i?rav~emivn ( ) VtGtim Stttvicsa ( ) - luveatila Justice trttarvention ( ) tmnuetion Syaltsma Comtuotu>si: _:.. ~- -d ..... .. ....._ ihu Costtrol ~ Subatattt;ta Ak~+aee ( ) t3essareh ~ Ev . ( ) _.._ - .. ._...__..-._-.- A. 8, f C,) ~. E. P. G Supplies: .9-r0-8..0.. .. 6. imptemandng Agency Fragle: l?quipntent: ... ... .. a. Non•p~or[t, rt~an~avorwrmastal ayert~:ie~, pt~tars nltaGh a ~ ' .9 9 $ copy of yoar ourrer~t yrwr» 6tne llem 6p~ctlltin~ bud`et arcl Tolai Budge dessriba the sovreea of thaw /ue+de. 'j 1, , 8_ $ 7_ .. ~ . b. Atrm~h s aapy or what ottror lunating wurcex un~l Subtract l.ty Z ~ ~ 7 Q amau,n.e, frany. Aeve twat sartm.+~~cd! for lhta pavjxt ~ ..- -... , -~~---- - - laara De+R~ rpptlad (os or a?v enticEgate4l for ohm pro)ect. lfaQa~al Sts --- _ , . c. t~umbee ~ swvcn Offleara: 5 3 . 9 12 IQ- PraJe:ct Summary: "I'}tis prosect wi}} evaltsaste s viotet~cG ra#ut;ti4n initaativ® in Wilmitt~Ran mot'itel+~d afit+~r sa sirrti}ar ~m,~m in High Faiau. 'Iba I~iigtt Poirtt Violent Criune A,eslt-ction Prog~ttt i~ >tt)Aint 4;~ts, u6ta~te, }c>tcal taxi to t~dttce violtztre, e~~cialty gttrti violt;nce aa~ociated with clrug.~. 'r'he first of the kXi~-1P~ltlat Swx~~~,Y i~dentiEfied ttte nnost active vitalertt o~f'enclers and a~$xessivety pra~uted t.Ets~rtt i:n: state ~ t~danal ooN~.s: The second phase of the lrtigh P'cirtt Stratagy was a gangral wa~init-~ to +~eter Z~1~~ ofl'e t'tnrtt violent crime. Gn this strategy, dttetxanse is t;rtltanced tttxott~lt rho puhtlcizesi tXs tktat ot~enc~rs wi116E~a tna.~dmttrn pt,nishm~rtt if shay ctantintte in thew violent lifestyle. Cortxmt~rtity rtsattzt:eat w su~~ law°. abiding lives arc o~farod to ceriaaita o~'ertd~ers, In the High Point arts this vioianCa ntiou sptate$y was dCerned ~ StJrcpC:SS. T}te: proposed resaarch wil) evaluate a similes violence rtdut;tiott ~oject in Wilmington. US~,t 1oc~tlly ernpiti+~l t~t8 from pAlicx records, cflutrt tocord~ and sttr~^eyir ctyrt~ ray ilhe gmuatee8, we w' dertrif underlying nature of violent crime [n Wilmittgton ~~Q tht; sooioisag~a} corrGiat~ of ' cnce t the community. Ger-trally, the rt9sesrch will tiacttmertt whit ,s o£ tha ~i~m ~'~ . ict WilmingtoA. P.cidationally, the evaluation will txnrnint: the reiation~tip attt0~ >~n~ cl'ru~r + v{a}encss in t)tc cbmtrttuaiky. The sttxly wl}1 invcstig~e the impact of a viotencx ie~dtrctioxa irtiti~Eti7ria Art ttitm ttrRZdt't+ crime rata ~ the levels of cotrtrrtttrtity Involvement eutd comrttitment to tha rbutrtgcs iantitittted y5' this pmjcct. 't"F-e rex.~airin,g Cycle of ur+asoe~abta high rates of vioientx in tlta Witmiinguort t~.tt ps~ovfcl~tr ~ . . critica.t r~esaa~rt;h oyypc~rtunity to test this program, ' Page l ~1~.1f(`;~G~ot~ 37 ,~ The Problem: Wilmington's crime rate is nearly daubte the North Carolina average. From ti997 to 1'898, the Instances of violent crime in Wilmington rose from 729 to 825. The total number of gun-related crime rose from 4t)~ in 1997 io'83'1 in"t~9$. This is desp(te an overall decline In violent crime'for the state from 1997 to 1998. This scale of violence is disturbing, particu{arty the homicides of eight-year-old Qemetrius Green and sixteen yearold ~Dee'Dee' Mott wfto were innocent bystanders to drug-related shootings. The systemic violence sr.rrrouniting drug activity inordinately effects the entr=enched pockets of poverty in Wilmington. Gun violence is a common occurrence in public housing areas and spills over into the nearby residential neighborhoods. Wilmington Police Chief Cease reports that a recent six-month snapshot of all aggravated assaults, robberies and homicides reveals that 6B percent occur in public housing or within a.one-black radius of public housing. Multiple indicators necessary to measure the dimensions of the :problem will be assessed. These include official crime data, public perceptions of fear of crime and confidence in the erimina! justice system, as ~ - well as identification, recognition and understanding of the problem within the community,.. We will 1 ~ ^~ study the federally assisted law enforcement and prosecution efforts to reduce levels of violence ~/ ~ in Wllrningtan. ~'~ Project Operation: The approach of the 1lmington Partnership to Cease Firearm Violence requires various criminal justice agencies io cooperate in.targetirl~ specific high rate or persistent dar7gerous violent .offenders fqr apprehension, prosecution and sentencing. What are the expected results of this initiative and how will the community be changed are interesting guestlons to ex_plore..~ased on previous research and theory It is expected that these lnltlatives can be successfral. in. redrtcing official levels of v'rolertt clime within the identified neighborhoods. Ethnographic field research will assist in creating an inventory of community resources critical to the identification ofwiolent social netwarks,and those individuals at-risk of joinigg these violent social networks. Field research will identify community capacity to provide viable attematives to violent crime for at-risk offenders. UNGW Criminal Justice faculty recently completed a suNe vcused on communityperce.ptions of social disorder, crime and policing, The UNCW survey a official police data ar®. used to identify exisfln level ~.u1s1Q~.~e in the communfty. A_prelimina~r assessment of thegvals of the Wilmington jnitiative wilt be documented through further analysis of community level cxime data and community surveys. We willgather iniormaiion and report on the impact of the Wilmington, Initiative thr9ugh the following: analyses of crime data, contacts with the community, and mapping of crime."hat spots.„ A crime-rria~pipg component Will assess. changes in the nature and distribution of violent grime in high activity "hot spots.' This triangulation of research methods wilt be adminlsierect in.,phases before, during and at the termination of the..program. We hopato conduct interviews of the targeted individuals where possible and with those peripheral arad at- risk individuals to investigate their knowledge of the Wilmington Initiative and thetrperceptions of risk and motivation for continuation or desistence from violent behavior. Furthermore, we will investigate what Iorlg=term effects are most likely when this type of strategy stimulates fundamen#al changes to the community. Among the indicators of change that can come from this program are a reduction of violence In the community; more proficiency in probation services, improvement of the community perception of police.and restoration of institutions of neighborhood justice. MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE WILMINGTON, NC April 17, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to three minutes) 39 2. Approval of Minutes ADJOURN 41 39 {This page intentionally left blank} 40 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 0.4117100 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes -Water and Sewer District BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, March 27, 2000 Regular Meeting, April 1, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: TTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minute ACTIO COUNTY COMMISS}pNERS APPP,OVED p/ R~J~CTED p R~'.70VED p PC~TPONED p HE~,RD DATE /_ _ . _ /~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~,u, .,,,.,.~:~~ °~'~~ ~°~~ a.=~ ~a~l~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 42 ~~~~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS April 17, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Wedding Policy for Airlie Gardens 3. Approval of Contract #00-345 with Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. for a mini-pumper for Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Station and Approval of related budget amendment 4. Approval of Resolution. requesting the Board ratify Local Option Sales Tax 5. Approval of mini grant application for Skin Cancer Screening North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control 6. Approval of Grant Application for The North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation Community Grants Program for $128,845 over a two year period ($85,000 for FY 2000-2001) ($43,845 for FY 2001-2002) 7. Approval of Waterfront Access Grant Pre-Application 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 9. Approval of Internet Website Promotion 10. Approval of request to waive tip fee for Greek Festival Approval of Budget Amendments: 11.1 #00-0148 to increase budget to actual amount of OJJ funding to be received for PATHWAYS 11.2 #00-0144 to budget increase in revenue and expense to complete work related to Hurricane FLOYD PAGE NO: 45 47 49 53 57 61 77 91 95 97 99 100 43 {This page intentionally left blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes -Consent Agenda BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Solid Waste Work Session, February 17, 2000 Regular Meeting and Continued Meeting, March 13 & 15, 2000 Regular Meeting, March 27, 2000 Regular Meeting April 3, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGE MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minute . COMMISSIONER 'ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS IONERS APPI:'OVED RE.I ~,GTED ^ POJT?ONED ^ ~,5 HEARD 0 `~ ~ ! ~ O.O- '' DATE , y . {This page intentionallyleft blank} . ~ ~'~~ ~ ' ;- , ~ . ~ .. ~, t ~..; < ., 46 , ~ ~ b.,:.,.~~ ~~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY--BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 041'17100 Consent item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Approval of Wedding Policy for Airlie Gardens BRIEF SUMMARY: The Airlie Gardens Foundation has unanimously approved the attached wedding policy for Airlie_ Gardens RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Board approval. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval.- ~ j ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONFTRS APPROVED RCJI=CTED ^ R~':;flVED ^ I pp~•TFpNED O HEF.RD~ ' 0-~ PATE .. {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ r~;- ~W ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 4 8 ~ ~ ..~~ .~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17100 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Fire Services Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin or Donnie Hall SUBJECT: Approval of Contract # 00-0345 with Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. for amini-pumper for Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Station and Approval of Budget Amendment # 00-0150. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Skyland Fire District of North Carolina formally bid the same mini-pumper and awarded the contract to Anchor-Richey EVS,.Inc. in February 2000. Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. has extended a lower price to the County than the Skyland contract. The unit the County is requesting to purchase is a demo unit that is available immediately. Staff is requesting approval of contract with vendor through the "piggyback" option as allowed in General Statute 143.129(8). The vendor is offering Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Station $50,000.00 as a trade-in on an older unit that is considered surplus. Myrtle Grove is contributing this $50,000.00 to the County to utilize towards the cost of the mini-pumper. Total cost of the mini-pumper is $155,000. (An additional $1,500 will be paid to the State for highway use tax.) Attached is a resolution that addresses the award of the contract and approval of the Budget Amendment budgeting County funds and the contribution from Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Station to purchase this unit. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of attached resolution and approval of Budget Amendment # 00-0150. FUNDING SOURCE: Through attached budget amendment, funds.for purchase to be budgeted in 130-436-4340-4650. ATTACHMENTS: The resolution and Budget Amendment # 00-0150 is being transmitted as an attachment to the agenda item. 00-0345r.wp BA #00-0150. COUNTY COMM1SySI0NE~ The contract will be forwarded to the Manager's office separately. gppROVED ~/ REJECTED ^ REVIEWED BY: per;:-: r=ONED ^ ~ 1 LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RES OURCES N%A~ ~ ®ATE - - - - ~ __ , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _.. Recommend approval. ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ ~. . ,, . 50 ~~: i ~_~ ~ . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, G.S. 143-129(g) allows local governments to buy off of another government's contract if the vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price; AND WHEREAS, the Fire District of Skyland, North Carolina formally bid amini-pumper and awarded the bid to Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. on February 23, 2000 in the amount of $179,972.00 to secure product; AND WHEREAS, Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. has a demo unit exactly the same as the unit ordered by Skyland, North Carolina and Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. has offered to extend to New Hanover County the price of $155,000.00 to purchase the available demo mini-pumper; AND WHEREAS, funds shall be made available through approval of budget amendment # 00-0150 being submitted as part of this agenda item; AND WHEREAS, the Fire Services Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract for amini-pumper be awarded to Anchor-Richey EV S, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Fifty-five Thousand Dollars ($155,000.00); AND WHEREAS, through approval budget amendment # 00-0150 funds are appropriated and made available in Account No. 130-436-4340-6450 to cover this contract; ~" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for amini-pumper for the Fire Services Department; be awarded to Anchor-Richey EVS, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Fifty-five Thousand Dollars and No -Cents ($155,000.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to approve budget amendment # 00-0150 and execute contract # 00-0345, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 17th day of April, 2000. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 0 51 i {This page intentior~allyleft blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Resolution requesting the Board ratify Local Option Sales Tax BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board "approved" a resolution at the last meeting requesting General Assembly support for a point of origin local option one percent (1%) sales tax. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify the attached resolution. Direct staff to send to our legislative delegation. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'-S'COM. ENTS AND RECOMM Recommend approval. ~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNN COMMISSi ERS APPROVED REJECTED 0 RE4°f;OVED ^ POSTPONED ^ tiEF.RD ~ ~ _p~ PATE ,.. ~Zesolution ~' of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners WHEREAS, i:he 1\Tew Hanover County Board of Commissioners is charged with the responsibility o f promotv~g the health, safety and welfare of residents of New Hanover CoLU1ty, as well as those who work within or visit the County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined that there exists an increasing need for capital facilities outlay; aid WHEREAS, the Board of Conunissioners is seeking alternatives to continued reliance on ad valorem property tax as property owners carry a disproportionate share of the tax burden for providing the fiuiding for necessary services and facilities; aiicl WHEREAS, the Board of Conunissioners believe that having the ability to assess an additional one-cent ($.0l) local sales tax rehu-ned to its point-of-origin is the best alternative to raise revenue for capital outlay; NOW, THI+~R:i~FORE,131~ IT RESOLVED that the Board of Cotulty Commissioners of New Hanover Cotulty hereby requests that all members of the New Hanover County ._. Legislative Delegation introduce and support a one cent point-of-origin sales tax for New Hanover Cotulty. ~ . This the 3r`~ clay of April, ?000 {SEAL} Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~"s~.yu~~y~~~ i~v'tJx ~i~b~`~' ~.~_~ xKI ~ _ • ~~ 54 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIlVIISSIONERS William A. Caster, Chairman ~~ . • Apri13, 2000 Dear, Attached is a resolution Lulai~imously adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Corrunissio»ers requestil~g your support for a local option, point of origin one-cent sales tax. As stated in the resolution, resoLU•ces beyond the current ad valorem tax are needed to provide facilities and services to meet the demands of our growing population. The New 1=lanover County Finance Department estimates an additional one cent sales tax would generate more than $18 million for New Hanover County based on the revenue collected ducin„ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1999. An additional one cent sales' tax would also generate, r~:~uch needed revenue for the City of Wilmington and towns of Carolina Beach, KLU-e Beach anci Wrightsvia?e Beach: We feel prepes y owners in New Hanover CoLmty are carrying a disproportionate share of an increasuig burden of providing public services such as new schools, public safety and capital facilities needs. We therefore, urge yoLU support of this request. YOUrs trLlly, William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover CoLUity Board of Commissioners {This page intentionally left blank} ,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~' Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Director Women's Health Contact: Betty Jo McCorkle-343-6660 SIIR.IF['.T• Mini Grant Application for SKIN CANCER SCREENING-North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control ($1,500) BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Health has approved the grant application to The North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control for amini-grant to conduct skin cancer screenings and public awareness activities. We are requesting $1,500 to conduct a cancer screening at one of our local beaches and to purchase educational materials and incentives to distribute to people on the beach. We will collaborate with New Hanover Health Network (through use of the Coastal Care Van), the American Cancer Society, and Wilmington Health Access for Teens (WHAT). The Care Van will provide a private area to conduct skin cancer screenings,.with the assistance of a local dermatologist who volunteers her time for these activities. The peer educators from WHAT will be available to distribute pamphlets and incentives to beach-goers. The American Cancer Society will assist in providing educational materials. The budget will consist of $1,100 for materials and incentives and $400 for the Care Van expense. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application for $1,500 and associated budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Grant ATTACHMENTS: Yes, 2 pages REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGEFt~S-0.= ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~)NTY COMMISSIONERS ppPi'OVED per.=,TED O F ., ~-,-gip ^ F ~-'~NED ~ 57 h:,. ~..~ DH1E~~------ Application for Skin Cancer Screening ~ ~` \~ Date: _ ~ ~~~/~-~ Health Department: ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~'v"'~ Director's Signature: Please answer the following questions in two or three brief sentences (attach additional pages if necessary to include any information that would help in the selection process): 1. Describe the components of your. proposed skin cancer screening event. The New Hanover County Health Department proposes to offer free skin cancer screening at one of our area beaches, most likely Wrightsville Beach. Screenings will be offered during peak sun hours, during the first or second week of June. New Hanover Health Network's Coastal Caze Van will be on site to provide a private area for screening and consultation with nurses and a dermatologist. 2. Describe any partner organizations you would involve and their role(s). New Hanover Health Network will be providing the Care Van, and arranging for a dermatologist to provide screening. The American Cancer Society will provide educational materials and incentives to-offer to the public on the day of the event. An ACS representative will be present. Peer Educators from Wilmington Health Access for Teens (WHAT) will provide incentives and information on the beach during the- event, to recruit people to come to the Care Van for information and screening. ' - 3. How many people do you anticipate being screened? We are hoping to have a dermatologist on site far at least 4 hours (hopefully 5). Allowing for approximately 15 minutes per person, we hope to screen between 15 and 25 people. - 4. Describe any preventive activities you would ~ include? The Peer Educators from WHAT will provide prevention and early detection information to sunbathers on the beach. We will also provide the same information at the Care Van, and samples of sunscreen. ' ., , Please mail or fax completed applications by March 27, 2000 to: Fax Number: (919) 733-0488 Christine Klein ,,, NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination & Contro `- ' DHHS -Division of Public Health 5 ~, ~ 1915 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1915 _ ~ T forth Carolina Ade~isory Committee -~ ~ ~~~ on Cancer Coordination ~~d Contr®1 Acccc ~ O Joseph S. Pagano, MD, Chair H. David Bruton, MD, Vice Chair ~ _ /~ Marion S. White, MSPH, Executive Director ~~ fl~$-/- March 9, 2000 Mr. David E. Rice New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Rice: As you know, despite the fact that approximately 80% of all skin cancers are preventable, skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the United States today and also has the highest rate of increasing incidence. The Advisory Committee in the Division of Public Health is expanding support of skin cancer screening in local health departments. This effort began two years ago with successful screenings in 10 health departments. This year's goal is to partner with 30 local health departments to conduct skin cancer screenings and prevention activities during the latter part of May - to coincide with Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Your health department is being invited to apply for participation based on your county's incidence and mortality rates or prior involvement in skin cancer-related projects. To encourage participation, each selected health department will be provided $1,500 to conduct their activities. Statewide advertising will outline screening locations and provide atoll-free inquiry number. Innovative and diverse programs contributed to the success of earlier skin cancer screenings. Health departments built on their strengths and resources. These included innovative partnerships, prevention education, and media coverage. If you have information.from prior screenings you could share, it would be helpful for those health departments undertaking screenings for the first time. Johnston County graciously agreed to provide the enclosed "tips" -lessons learned from their events - to assist you in conceptualizing your application and event. If you wish to be a part of this project, please complete the attached application. To allow adequate selection and contract processing time, we must have your proposal by March 27, 2000. If you have any questions, please contact Christine Klein, Project Coordinator, via e-mail at christine.klein,~a ncmail.net or call her at (919) 715- 5642. The Advisory Committee is very pleased to be able to offer funding to address this important issue. I look forward to receiving your screening proposal. Sincerely, Enclosures ~'za~-cam- S (.~G~~e Marion S. White, MSPH Executive Director 5 [~ -~ 53 1915 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, Aforth Carolina 27699-1915 Voice: 919-715-3337 • Fax: 919-733-0488 1, 60 { This~age intentionallyleft blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 041'17/00 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Director Women's Health Contact: Betty Jo McCorkle 343-6660 SIIR.IF('T• Grant Application for The North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation Community Grants Program for $128,845 over a 2 year period ($85,000 for FY 2000-2001) ($43,845 for FY 2001-2002) BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Health has approved the North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation Grant for $128,845 over a 2 year period. The Foundation is offering funds through their Community Grants Program to reduce infant mortality in the state. The priority area identified for New Hanover County is improved Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies Our proposal includes start-up funding for two (2) Maternal Outreach Workers (MOW ). MOW services are reimbursed through Medicaid. The MOW positions will be 100% self-supporting by the end of the ,grant period: MOW positions are community-based home visiting positions designed to help low income and at-risk pregnant women. The MOW is trained to assist at-risk pregnant and parenting women with the non-clinical dimensions of pregnancy and infant care. Grants funds will be budgeted for salaries and operating expenses in FY 2001 for $85,000. Grant funds will be budgeted for salaries and operating expenses in FY2002 for $43,845. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application and if grant awarded, approve the associated budget amendment for $85,000 for FY2001 and approve $43,845 to be included in the budget requesYfor FY2002. FUNDING SOURCE: North Carolina Healthy Start Foundation Community Grant ATTACHMENTS: Yes-15pages of grant application REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A ,FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval. BUDGET: Approve .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED RE;2GTED ~ Fv ": BONED ^(.~' ~ _ HEA~~ D DHTE `f ~ - , ' "' ': ~ Comniuruty Grants Program : ~ ~~,._/ N~rR.T$ C1SR~.L~.I+FA. . • ~;~ Fear 2000 Application for`F'unding F ~.:tT N D,r1T 1-.~ ITT APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of Lead Organization: NEw HANOUER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Type of Organization: couNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Contact PerSOn: BETTY JO MCCORKLE Address: 2029 S. 17th STREET WILMINGTON N.C. 28401 • Telephone: 910-343-6660 Fax: 910-341-4146. E-mail: bmccor.kle@ao.new-hanover.nc.us Collaborating Organizations: NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL .CENTER .. WILMINGTON HEALTH ACCESS FOR TEENS DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, TRINITY METHODIST CHUR CHILD CARE, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PARRISH NURSE PROGRAM COUrity/leS t0 be Served: NEW HANOVER Workshop/s Attended: ® Greenville . ^ Hickory ® Sanford Total Amount Requested: $128 , 845 Project Duration (begiiuring July 1, 2000): m7w~(2 Signature of Executive Director: DEADLINES a~~~~~ Applicants are required to submit their Program Plan and Letter of Intent-within three weeks of the workshop they attended. Deadlines are as follows for receipt by 5pm of date listed: Worksho Location Worksho Date A lication Deadline Greenville -Cornerstone Ba tist Church 3 / 10 / 2000 3 /31 /2000 Hicko -Catholic Conference Center ' 3/13/2000 4/3/2000 Sanford - DAW Civic Center 3/18/2000 4/7/2000 //~~~ ~{~`p( 4}i`... his i.~, ~•'~i~fQ~,~ Marl four copies of the application to: (no faxes, please) The Healthy Start Foundation Community Grants Program ~' 2 ~..~ ; The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research 725 Airport Rd., CB #7590 ,„,,, ~„ _ . ~ ' ~ ~~The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill .~ ~~~~ Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7590 ,, Attn: Julie DeClerque PROGRAM PLAN Points Project Overview (25) 1. Which of the priority areas does your project address? (Yoii.may check more than one box if applicable) ' Smoking Cessation _ ~ Improved Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies ^ Sexually Transmitted Diseases & Reproductive Tract Infections 2. What are the current prevalence levels of risk factors among women of reproductive age specifically associated with the priority area/s you are addressing? See Attached 3. Please provide a brief overview of the community grant project you aze proposing. See Attached ~, 4. Describe the specific intervention components you plan to implement. See Attached . 63 2 . Points Services and Activities ~ - (20) 5. What services or activities will be provided on behalf of women of childbearing age or , pregnant women and their babies? See Attached 6. Who will provide the services or activities? See Attached Points Target Population (20) 7. Who will be served by this project? See Attached 64~ ~J 3 ' 8. How will program participants be identified and recruited? See Attached 9. Which areas (neighborhoods, zip codes, communities) in your county will you be targeting? See Attached 10. Approximately how many participants do you expect to serve each month? See Attached Points Organizational Collaboration (15) 11. Describe how your organization will collaborate with the other local groups on this project and what the formal relationship will be. See Attached I 4 65 . °, Points Project Implementation and Impact (20) 12. Please outline the main activities for the start-up and subsequent phases of the project. By what date would you expect to have the protect activities fully in place? See Attached 13. How-will you document the impact of your project? See Attached 14. What is the expected impact of your project during the proposed.funding period? See Attached BUDGET Healthy Start - Yeax 1 Please use the space below or a similar format to outline the: budget requested for this project. I. Personnel II. Supplies ffi. 'Travel IV. Communication (postage, phone, faz) Name (or "To Be Hired") Position on Project Base Salary Fringe Benefits °1o Time on Project .Other Support Available for this Position HSF Support Requested in this Grant , To Be Hired MOW/MOA 21,753.00 6,331.00 100 Supervisory/Clerical 28,084.00 To $e Hired MOWIMOA 21,753.00 6,331.00 100 Supervisory/Cterical 28,084.00 To Be Hired CS1-50% 10,876.00 1,395.00 100 Supervisory/Clerical 12,271.00 TOTAL FTE 2.5 SUBTOTAL $ 68 439.00 Describe Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost . Videos, Patient Literature 800.00 TVNCR, Office Supplies 2,561.00 Patient Incentives 1;000.00 . Office Furniture 3 Staff 1,500.00 4,500.00 SUBTOTAL $ ~ 8 861.00 Describe Miles Unit cost (325/mile) Total Cost >n-town travel 4,000 .325 1,300.00 Out-of--town travel 300.00 Training registrations 700.00 SUBTOTAL $ 2,300:00 Describe Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Phone installations 3 100.00 300.00 SUBTOTAL $ 300.00 *Suggested amount is $30.00/month per FTE V. Other ~. Describe ~ Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Interpreter Service. 100 hours $25.00 2,500.00 Printing 550.00 Advertising. 6 Ads ~ 175.00 1,050. Uniform Allowance 2 500.00 1,000.0 " SUBTOTAL $ 5100.00 7. . TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED 85,000.00 BUDGET Healthy Start -Year 2 . Please use the space below or a similar format to outline the budget requested for this project. I. Personnel Name (or "To Be Hired") Position on Project ' Base Salary Fringe Benefits % Time on Project Other Support Available for this Position HSF Support Requested in this Grant To Be Hired . MOW/MOA 100 Su erviso /Clerical -0- To BeHired ' NIOW/IVIOA 100 Su erviso /Clerical ' -0- To Be Hired CS1-50% 11 420.00 1,465.00 100 Su erviso /Clerical 12,$85:00 .. TOTAL- FTE 2:5 ; II. Supplies Describe Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Videos Patient Literature 800.00 Office Su lies ~.1 100.00 Patient Incentives 1 375.00. Breast Pum s 3 380.00 1,140.00' iII. Travel IV. Communication (postage, phone, fax) • ~ • Describe Miles . Unit cost (.325/mile) ~ .Total Cost In-town travel 2 x 500 x 12. .325 3,900.00 Out-of--town travel 900.00 Trainin re istrations 1,200.00 SUBTOTAL $ 6 000.00 Describe Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost ... ~ SUBTOTAL $ -0- Describe Quantity Unit Cost ~ Total Cost `~ Irate reter Service 500 hours ~ ~ $25.00. ~ 12,500.00 Childbirth Classes 18 Partici ants 150.00 2 700.00 Smokiri Cessation Classes ~ l0 Partici ants 40.00 400A0 Advertisin "~ - ~ ~12 Ads . `~ 175.00 ~ ~ ~ 2 100.00 Printin 1 000:00 Uniform Allowance 2 500.00 1 000.00. " ~ 3b Books each 7.50 270.00 i °~ ~ • 50 Tri s avera a each 11.50 ' ~ _ 575.00 *Suggested amount is $30.00/month per FTE ` ,V. Other ,. . . TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $ 43,845.00 ~' ~ a~- New Hanover County Health Department Application. NC Healthy Start Foundation ' Community Grants Program Year 2000 Application for Funding PROGRAM PLAN Project ®verview 1. Priority Areas Smoking Cessation Improved Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies 2. Prevalence levels of risk factors New Hanover County is higher than the state % for smokers NH Co. = 15.2% NC = 14.9% New Hanover County is higher than the state % for non-white smokers NH Co. = 14.2% NC = 11.2% New Hanover County is higher than the state % for short birth interval *NH Co. = 15.7% NC = 13.1% * New Hanover County ranks #2 in the WCHS Region 6 (15 Eastern NC -Counties) for short birth interval (see attached). ... New Hanover County is higher than the state % for non-white birth intervals <= 23 months NH Co. = 13.8% NC = 13.7% 3. Overview of project In order to provide intensive visiting, mentoring and follow-up beginning in the prenatal period and continuing throughout the first year of the infant's life, two MOW positions will be created to enhance the MCC roles and to address the two priority areas identified above. Start-up funding for the first year would allow time/funding for training and community orientation for the MOW positions. This is essential in order to provide efficiency and effectiveness of these grassroots, community positions. The MOW positions would eventually be self-supporting through Medicaid reimbursements. A "team" of MOWS would create a close peer relationship and a supportive environment for initiation of this service. The New Hanover County Health Department provides MCC services at the New Hanover Regional Medical Center/ Coastal Ob/Gyn Center (in conjunction with their Ob/Gyn residency training program). We also provide MCC services at 4 additional outlying sites -Cape Fear Ob/Gyn, Carolina Ob/Gyn, Coastal Family Medicine and New Hanover Community Health Center. The MOWs work primarily through their respective clinical sites, making home visits when appropriate. Their caseloads are ..challenging and intense. Assistance from an-MOW would provide for more one-on-one follow- 70 Page -1- up with- identified needs and would improve compliance and educational efforts among. the .. . pregnant and parenting populations served. _ Contract for smoking cessation classes (individual and/or group) Hospital postpartum visitation (to reduce barriers and smooth the transition from hospital discharge to family planning visit following postpartum exam) . Throughout the two years. of the grant, the MOWs would work to network with MOW positions in other counties to determine"best practices" identified in their individual counties. They would complete the required and recommended. state training as offered. They would work closely with the MCC program to assist with the implementation of the established plan of care and to provide close follow-up of identified needs. Within their established caseloads, the MOWs would work closely with the women's preventive health program of the New Hanover County Health Department in order to provide a seamless transition from postpartum visit to initiation of family planning services. The MOW would establish an appointment for the patient and provide a "starter pack" of oral contraceptives if applicable. The health department will establish new appointment slots for postpartum patients `only. 4. Intervention Components ~ , , MOW services/caseloads Provide daily postpartum hospital visits immediately following delivery to provide instructions for family planning follow-up/appointments and starter packs of OCs (either estrogen/progestin or progestin only - if breastfeeding) Establish. additional family planning clinic schedule to accommodate postpartum women _ only -for easier access to appointments/times ~ . Cvritract Services to include transportation services, interpreter services (for Hispanic ` patients), smoking cessation classes and childbirth classes emphasis on breastfeeding advantages, including delay of fertility -provision of breast pumps and supplies referral for individual smoking cessation classes as identified advertising and marketing of MOW services community outreach -Services and Activities 5. The following services/activities will be provided on behalf of women of childbearing age or Pregnant women and their babies: * MOW services . * referral to smoking cessation classes * interpreter services as indicated * transportation services as indicated * marketing/community involvement with MOW services . Page -2- * close involvement with health department family planning.. services * referrals for prenatal care and management * postpartum hospital visitation (daily) in order to .establish family planning appointment, provide supplies/incentives ~ ~ ~ • = f ' * contract for individual and/or group childbirth classes if not accessible through already established hospital classes 6. Who will provide the services * New Hanover County Health Department MOW staff * New Hanover County Health. Department family planning staff * New Hanover County MCC staff * Project Assist, American Lung Association staff * Wilmington Transit Authority (bus services. of Wilmington) . * Yellow Cab (taxi services of Wilmington) * Amigos Interpreter Services •. Target ,Population ~ ~ - ' 7. Who will be served The target population will be those women who are at highest risk for poor pregnancy outcomes: * inadequate pregnancy weight gain _ - ' *. late. prenatal care ..: * nonwhite ~ , * smokers' • * mothers with 4+ children * less than 12~` .grade education * under 18 years of age * low income • * previous low birth weight birth * multiple births • ~ • * alcohol and drug use ~ • * vaginal infections •• * domestic violence * unplanned pregnancy * history of fetal loss * increased maternal stress * PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE RISK FACTORS WILL BE TARGETED , 8. How will program participants be identified and recruited * MCC referrals 5 sites * DSS referrals (esp. TANF position) . 7 ~ Page -3- ~, * W.H.A.T./Lakeside Alternative School referrals '. * Trinity Methodist Church Child Care referrals * First Baptist Church Parish Nurse referrals • • * IJNC-W Student Wellness Center referrals * School Nurse referrals • * Cape Fear Community College referrals " * CSC~referrals 9: Which areas in county will be targeted ' 28401 zip code -inner city - 10. How many participants to be served each month 60+ (MOW caseload maximum is 30 at any given time) _ - ~ approximately 40 postpartum hospital visits per month Organizational Collaboration 11. "Organizations, Formal Relationships * Identification of pregnant women, smoking pregnant women, and women with young infants who may not be using a method of birth control - ~ DSS (esp. TANF position) UNC-W Student Wellness ' ~ Cape Fear Community College WHAT/Lakeside Alternative School MCC. sites (x5) Trinity Methodist Child Care - targets NHHS students . ` ~ School Nurses First Baptist Parish Nurse program Project Implementation and Impact 12. Main activities for start-up and subsequent phases /timeline _ - YEAR 1 ` July, 2000 recruit for MOW position #1 ~ . " Recruit for part-time clerical position • - August, 2000 recruit for MOW position #2 October, 2000 MOW, clerical position on board Health Department Orientation begins Orientation o all MCC sites ` " ~ Orientation to Family Planning Services- . ~ .Orientation to Maternal Health Services .~ ~ Site Visits tv Collaborating Agencies ' ± Page -4- (?) October, 2000 Formal Training for MOW staff (schedule TBA) Supervisory training for MOW supervisor November, 2000 Site visits (Counties with existing MOW staff) . December, 2000 Community Outreach/Marketing March, 2001 Begin identification of caseload YEAR 2 July, 2001 Full-time MOW caseload established August, 2001 through June, 2002 Continue provision of services! closely monitor services and revenue 13. How will you document the impact of your project? _ t Established caseload and case reviews of Iv10Ws Improved short birth interval rates (NC and 'New Hanover County data) Improved compliance with postpartum and family planning follow-up .(health department data) Decrease in the number of pregnant women who smoke (NC and New Hanover County data) a.. ,Numbers of patients who participate with family planning services, transportation services, interpreter services, and childbirth classes' 14. What is the expected impact of your project during the. proposed funding period? Improved success rates with MCC-established ,care; plans (due to enhancements provided by MOWs) Firm base established for a successful MOW program Marketing of services within the community will. provide for improved information about - and access to -services (maternal and family planning) Improved referrals for early prenatal care and follow-up ,(from collaborating agencies) Self-supporting MOW positions Improvements in the data related to identified priority areas Solid partnerships with collaborating agencies to further enhance future working relationships and services for,patients Budget See attached form Budget Justification ~ . I. Personnel 2 Maternal Outreach Worker (MOW) positions * includes funding for start-up costs involved in recruiting, training and orienting two MOW positions. 74~ Page -5- .,) J ~' 1 Clerical Specialist I (CSI) position • * to provide.clerical su ort to the two MOW ositions. This osition will assist with pp p P • advertising, marketing, documentation, medical records, etc. Interpreter * includes contract costs for interpreting during home visits, childbirth classes, smoking Cessation classes, etc. , - ~ ~ Smoking Cessation Classes ` • * includes contract costs for referral to individual or group classes Childbirth Classes - * includes contract costs for individual or group classes as indicated. • •~ Transportation Costs : * includes contract costs for city bus or taxi in order to reduce barriers to services II. Supplies ~ • . ..; Videos, patient literature, tv/vcr for in-home use, office supplies, patient incentives, office furniture, breast pumps , III. Travel - ~ in-town mileage and out-of--town mileage, training expenses (out-of--town) . IV. Communication ~` ~ Telephone installation for personnel .V. Other : • Printing and advertising expenses, uniform allowance for personnel • . - 75 _ ~ Page -6- WCHS F~egion 6 S@CtlOn /~ Repeat ' Teen Teen County pregnanc~~ Pregnancy Short Birth Out of Rate. Rate Interval , Wedlock,.. North Carolina 21.2 .. ,16.5 13.1 32.8 Baden 23.3 24.4 12.6 45.7 ` Brunswick 22.8 11:3 ~ 11.1 36:8 .. Carteret 14.3 , - 10.0. 13.9 - 31..0 , Columbus 32.0 14.3 12.7 45.8 Cumberland 22.0 ~ 19.0 44:0 31.3 ; . , Duplin 21.0 19.2 10.3 43.9 Harnett 25.5 .17.9 12.3 32.8 Hoke .31:4 `' ~ 17.9 11.4 40.5' Jones 23.7 16.7 11.3 36.6 Lenoir 32.8 17.6 15.9 15 7 49.8 ~ iJew Hanover 17.3.. 14.5 . , , , Onslow 17.2 13.5 15.0 17:1 Fender 21.0 23.1 13.3 33.3 Robeson .28.9 ~ 16.0. 13.8_ 54.5 ~. Sampson 22.6 11.9 ~ 12.3 43.6 Region 22.9 ~ ~ 96.6 ~ . 1.3.7 34.9 - 76 f~ . NEVU HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 04117/00 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Patrick Lowe, Neal Lewis Contact: Dave Weaver - , SUBJECT: Waterfront Access Grant Pre-Application BRIEF SUMMARY: Project would provide for a needed neighborhood access along the northern side of Howe Creek off Middle Sound Loop Rd. There is almost no public access in this area and this is one of the last remaining. vacant waterfront parcels. The Site would provide pedestrian access, canoe/kayak .landing, and limited parking. No boat ramp is proposed. County is interested in partial funding from the State Division of . Coastal Management with additional monies coming from Clean Water Trust for drainage retention. RECOMMENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request Authorization for staff to proceed with Grant Application for partial funding. Commissioners authorized previous application for $273,000 which was denied by the State last year. A reduced grant application should be more successful. FUNDING SOURCE: Division of Coastal Management, Clean Wa#er Trust Fund, and, possibly local funds. ATTACHMENTS: yes ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' AC" • MMENTS: .COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C] RE~E,TED Cl RE~~C~/.p C.~ P03^pI DNED 0 NERRD -`~ -f- ~,~,~7 .DATE -'=.-""~ PRE-APPLICATION North Carolina Public_Bea'ch and Coasta! Waterfront Access Proarar P/ease Complete a Separate Application for Each Proposed Projecf ~-..J and submit to your Division of Coastal Management District Planner. Be sure to prepare both sides of this application. LOCaI GOVernment: New Hanover Count Local Administrator of this Project: Patrick Lowe Title: Asst Planning Director Project Type: Neighborhood (Local, Neighbofiood, Regional, Urban Waterfront Redevelopmer Demand for.Access: High x Medium Low Water Quality Classification: sA - / . oRw Land Acquisition: Yes: x No: Address: a~a c~riP~t-p~,t St~, ~,,;+-P .~n4 Site Improvemerits: Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7165 Fax: (910) 341-4556 -- Signature. ,~ Date: 4/lo/zooo Yes: No: x Is this an ongoing project (for example, phase 11 of previously funded project or im'ProVement to a existing project)? `Yes No:~_ If yes, please describe 1 .1- Please provide the following information: ^ A. Attach Proiect Location IUlaps: 1.) Regional location map. 2) Detailed vicinity map (street map) ^ ~. Attach Preliminarr~Proiect Site Plan Indicating: 1) property lines; ~~'~~~~ ~2 ~ land uses on adjacent lots; )1~`,~~t,6~4 ~3)~~- -,,.;,~significanf onsite natural features such as dunes, trees, wetlands, ~~.. ., other vegetation, etc.; and 4) proposed improvements. ~' ~~ ~ ,moo Describe how this project will hers meet Local access needs. 78 ~ ~~. This application is continued.on the reverse side of this page ~^ ~ _D_ Is This Proiect A High Local Priority As Identified In Your Approved Land Use Plan or .Access Plan? Yes X No If so, attach a brief description of the plan policy and a statement of the ' extent to which the project implements the goats of the' plan, if not, please exPla'in.the appropriateness of this site for public access. • ^ E. is This Proiect Reflected In Other Local Policy Documents or Qrdinances~ Yes x No If so, attach a brief description of the document or Qrdinance and a ' statement of the extent to which the project the project implements the . goals of the ,document or ordinance. F. List Types and Sources of Utilities That Are Pro~osed• None - ~ ^. G. List Alt Known Permits or Certifications To Be Agglied For• Coma Permit W. Proposed Summary Budaet• Assistance Requested Local Match 'Other • Land Acquisition Costs $100, 000 $75, 000. $100, 00 95,00 Sub Total Costs $1.00 000 $75, 000 $195, 00 .Site Improvement Costs - - Sub Total Costs Other Costs (if applicable) I . Sub Total Costs TotaiBudget 3udaet Tota'I• ' $100,000 $75,000 $195,00 DCNI. Assistance Requested: $~ 0 0 0 0 0 Local Match: ~ f • Cash Amount: $- 7 5, ~ ~ ~ i In-Kind Service: $ Specify: Other: $ 100, 000 Specify;CbJI~ITF/Tidal Crks ram , , a2rZ'recZit7`~ons . sent .Total .Proiect Costs: $ ~~~ L~09 i i i - _ __ - t ~r k~ ~ / ~ fir ~ ~ J ~ ~ i t ,. 1. '._._. c, cr / • ~ L ~y ' ~ l • 3 ~ ~~. . i i' \ ~ ~'2 - t 1 1 r~' g~ + CI ilt ~ 1C 1, :I 5'ni`n ~~HLr CI~F2Y~Ow C~ 7`,tij •~~~' !F,~, s 7a -.!_: E,c~ (_' _'. ~' yam, ~"mti ~ f T lj„ ~4 Q'// $ 1 4r,. SCKS::!Q .. P9Ls - 1! > r o--` ....__ __ 33--C"""Iww"+i r, 6 I f -er: s! Ct ~ O i C !.~ .. eantT S 0. y~Aym„Ta 7 ~ 7YJ. 1/f:r•!Ct ~ ,r ~ s~~p~a . C` ~~ t c" ___ e /T,t°a/ e~'7--\^. S aµ~,~:,=, °~ r e-~ ~~ ti°r_ `.s~ a o / / .~-=,,-~ ce\o cr' `_C~ ~ / - / \..~-/:-w ~ Z~5:1..ti'~':r.s~ I 1___~f"~~~~ / i I ~/ t I •:: •i :: ~ ~ Per ~Fa 7 $~ l~.t f ~~'. y '~ n, :; / y. ' :~ V t`-~s.. ,~~ / - '` ~. ~ YARK'.v000 y e/ e J6 i ~ <- ~,~ , _ •i"'~-~. ~ v , PECPE iW Acr !~ ~' ~ 3 ~ - P,J~. C i AREA '~ f/~' t/ 7 ~ , •'/ ty: ~5 ~ ~'~ ~p.d ~ - C... f li\/ Eby -~~ ! I ~. ~/// ¢~ s ~: \` yr_ _ I ` .'i -. 'C\_~ 3 I ~. 1 ~ 5 .I l I ' /~' / u ¢ \ 11S y~~ ~ /l ~~ '' I 7 I. _ Pr ~ ~ Jd l I Fl ~f ~ 1 ~ I _ ~~.~.._ _' r g I ~ f.. = ~. R _ .- ~~/ '~ Q• v~ C _ - PARK a.,al.- :. t . 7. .. I d.. aCE'IV. • •~ _ K.r1G5 i R' !~ .. tl`-}iCrr r'-' ! ~: OE -- /':. LR}ti T I ? 1'~! ES _ j ,` ~ PaRX ) `rD., .. _ _~~t. - ,1~z „~Q'_-~1 i 1: n'i' S E. _ C, J~ - ~. T,i ~/ ~ E r I I _~C ~ ~ 1 1 -~ 1 I__ ~ ~, .i I t. r rJ `I r ~ ~ Or.D E.j ¢ + 5 .. '': i _. F'La:a -~--_~.._.. '~ , - (: ,n JJ EI.:IR ~OIA.a:ICJ~ 1- _ - C' .. .. , V tl ~ n~ d ~5, \ \ .. L `; r C 'i \ 1 '\ _ • 1 '~ i 1 ILOIi Ctl.l, :2~ 7 '2L I.. ., I I ~ I I. .) i\.1 `-U--1 l-(_,\ .: i- I +r. • _ I / ; r _ '4 . ct ' ~% i i~ _ - .. t . .. a..~ -:: I -' DUCK J u (..~ ^ GOLf GOUFDC C r ~ y ` J ~ni SSJRf.~. I 1 <~ I'i ~ C - - ~ ' c ~ J G , y:'. ~, _ \~ ,I :-. • ;- _ _. .e .: _ ~ ... . ... ... u aLL ... _ .. / _ ~ sc ... ~ \\ { ~ iA• .\ f t ' ~ .~ '~ 11 76 ~• / ! / ~' ~ _ G I ORO ~ - .sG- t _ r. ,,,, .. >. I v ~. \f/` JS ~ I t N' a Y \1 \ ~ ~ \~ V( 'D T01 W9.CNi5Y!lLE ~' U , ~ / 1 - / fl'MALL. .B ACH PARK ~)1 l ` 1' C \ . ~/ , I T `/ ~ tiR a CaRD'EH$` \ /T~r\ i L l WRI.. iiS/ILIE 3 I J .•S. `I ' ~ I~I. / ` Fj; Y~\ ~ ~.~r.`.`,%~ ~/0 $ rr<,~. \ !r I \J \ ~ `L 41.1R:HA1 ~}, i.EIP CM CS.j~~ ~ f~ ! ~ +J; ' ~. ' ~ f~,~ ~N' ~'~. / ~~ %'/\~ / .yA11N111A / !`~q Alaq fla rC/ '•~ J L.~ ) ~~~5 i el rl ---I.a I r~ I..~ , ~'t^. FI. >•;~ 1' mac, 'y/ \ '. I 1 q~,~ ° 1 ,~ i ~n '~ /., i ~ll j~ eta't $ ,I 1 C or fe.ut I i ~ ) e •! 4'/~e ~ir" ~ `' \ i '` / ~ ~.. C ~ / 1 ~I i \ ~ W E'atlh ll 11 V~ , ,( FIB c `^~' ~.,(. ? t OIE AtIDER \t -. "/ flOAT ~' Tf_ ~ ~~ h0i>,I AI '\\ J! ..la.T S-je ~` \. M1 E>•IOit a 'Q O// ~ Fa nIP / / y r •1~ / . !\ is • -`~ ...1'/_ ' \, y/ v. > ~ ',C CARVE IS' /1 `!`; / i %/ A > /n'~/ .I •1~"_' I: ...~ i /' ~~`e__ ~1-~~ s ~l ~~ a• 1 F V.,D / / / / ~ ~ ISU DORIYE `./~ r~Yt/ •2V l.E L Sr. r~~ r/ Ae Oh. iU ~ ~~Hta N,i C I ~. .PARR \!j C!S'S/ ! J '.) ?$f ~E I s 4' --~I____ `~ ~` }6`' < ./.,, /''ll ~/ /. / 6~ ~d t~.~/c~r~ 2 ~~j.'~~i ~_` 'f'- / I ..``./_ ~ ~ /'II. _ /SiAi•~,,~~ -r~~ / ,~ 1 ..i . i r .ej /,~~,.'`.` U'6.CeH oH„n ECI 1 Y. •: A..r S, I ~~ n.. ~.. .;. I ~i s ~~ ~ ... .~^ o c E 1~ * bH~~ cv ~ ~ o `~ ~~,dD~\ ~ ~ ? A: O `t t ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~~04 S P~ ~3h 3 ~ ~ S z ~ /.. /. a~ lL 0 `~v' O 0 0 c ,' ~. 0 ~ .y o t' - o 'yn~, U Q1 ~ u- ~ y ~ ~ ~ [G d ~ m C 7 Cn N .c c o m o~ ;r C° c cd _~ ~o~:~~ am. / \ ` _..._ , . . , ~ . •~. ', - ^-BARREN INLET CREEK - ~ ,, ,,•, '~ ~ ', ' ~CSO k?AM'1 ,IS hOM£ C,~FX ~ ~ ~ ', . ~ ~ / ~ , ~ \. ~ 6 `\ ,` / ',, - ~ ~ , ~~ , , AF1lIT2YlU lE I~TX]v ~ I ~ ` , - 0 / ~ $ - ' ' , a 5 - ~ , 36 4 O_?' X 101J' ~E~~~, vx' ~. /]~\/ '~ 1 a ~ ~ q~ .lJ1Ll.'~1'>a' L1F ~ ~ . ' .. ~ . Uo. -7511 aoaep IiW ~!}~'); / ~ \ - .. . ~ ~~ . ~~ ' ~ ~, _ ' ~ - nxxu r~ L cr.. ,-~ o~ loan` ~ - ' FLT CPE . • o. "o Gh~Y. 1L ..C1`f`dQV alv5~av - ~ ...,3.V \ ~ _. ~ -~ - ~ . ` \ ~ ~ - , U \ J ~ \ ~F»RGxaGt7E LDC.SI~J CF 1oa ~ ~ ~ FLGC~D La'1 \ `` , ~py ~ ~ Tv,w ~ \ '. .\ .' 1tRS a ' N r ~ ' \ .'' Lx' fl - _ ` ED 8C!K; . 1?6J P.t~ 4N9 ^ r ~' ~ ~ ~.,,_..~._____-- r l \ `, i ,\ ~ ~ ~ , `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 3I` 40f .,G cl~S}CT,CI"/ C-ff' `~ ~ l . ' ` fF.R .uARGY 19SJ SLwt ~'Y. ~ I 5I ~ ~ ~ o _ ~ l a ~ \ ~ U ` ~ ~, I ~\ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' ~`~~ .. 1• ' ~ R/'~" ~ \ 1 - ' tlP S ?T'7d'? - E \.. i - MlODL E SOUND LOOP ROAD Middle Sound Waterfront Access Site C. Descrbe_how this proieet will help meet local access needs. This project would provide for a needed public access point along the northern side of Howe Creek, at 2639 Middle Sound Loop Road. There is almost no public access in this area and this is one of the last remaining vacant waterfront parcels. The site would provide pedestrian access, canoe/kayak landing, and limited parking. No boat ramp is proposed. D. Is this project a high local priority as identified in , oar approved Land Use Plan or Access Plan ? Yes. The need for and adequacy of ,public water access has been an important issue for New _. ~ Hanover County and the Middle Sound.community, as stated in the following plans. This project will ''address the goals and implementation measures of these plans. • Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update (1993) -see attached - • Wilmington-New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan (1998-99/draft) - see attached - • Public, Water Access Plan for New Hanover County (1986/study) E. Is this ~iro,~ect reflected in other local policy documents or ordinances ? Yes. The Middle Sound/Ogden-Community Plan (1987) cites inadequate public water access as an issue of importance to the community; which this project~will help to addresses. . 84 "~--„ :~. •:.. _...._ .. ... _ ~,....., .~ z_.. .~ .... . _. ...: r .. _ ,_ 2.3 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE POLICIES (" 2.3(1) PRESERVATION OF UNIQUE NATURAL AREAS SHALL BE ENCOURAGED IN ORDER TO PROVIDE AREA RESIDENTS AND VISITORS WITH A 4ilIDE VARIETY OF RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. 2.3(2). PUBLIC RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND OPEN SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED AND' MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH -PUBLIC DEMAND AND EXPECTED POPULATION GROWTH. ~ ' 2.3(3) EXISTING PUBLIC SHOREFRONT ACCESS SHALL BE PRESERVED AND NEW SHOREFRONT ACCESS AREAS SHALL BE ACQUIRED AND DEVELOPED. 2.3(4) OUTSIDE FUNDING SOURCES FOR RECREATIONAL FACILITY DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE PURSUED. 2.3(5) PUBLIC BOATING ACCESS SHALL BE"ENCOURAGED AND PROVIDED BY THE . CITY AND COUNTY. i Implementation Measures .~ ~~ 1. The City ;and County shall strive to attain and maintain-the recreational standards established by the N.C..Division of Parks and Recreation, consistent with public need and demand.. 2. The City and County shall support those actions which preserve unique naturaT~areas for the . education- and recreational enjoyinent~ of area residents and.. visitors. One method of .achieving ' Ll tiJ bUcLl AJ LV 1GV1JC: 1110% 1V~.ct1 LUlllll~' V1 U111 ~i11UL W tt11V YY lUl UG11Jlly' LU UG Lld-(IJ1G11 G11 110111 L~l1C wetland to upland portions of a..property. ' 3, :City and County shorefront access plans .and programs, such as the Public Water Access Plan for. New Hanover County, -t]ie Riverfront Plan,: and the Riverwalk Improvement Plan, shah be - implemented. - J 4. The City and County shall support those measures which serve to encourage private provision of both public and private recreational facilities, particularly neighborhood parks. The City and County staffs shall prepare ordinances and resolutions which will encourage creativity on the part of private developers and entrepreneurs in providing recreational opportunities; recre- ation impact fees and park dedication requirements shall be included in such staff efforts. _. 5. Flood hazard areas shall be utilized whenever feasible and appropriate in the provision of parks and open space. However, since freshwater streams and drainage areas axe essential for abate- meet of stormwater runoff, these areas should not be developed or used for recreational uses in a manner that has significant adverse impact on other properties. ~:6, - - :. .. ~ .. ., . r .` ~ .,~ . ' 33 VI. I~tatural ~.esources (Environment) Wilmington -New-Hanover County Draft Comprehensive Plan 1997-2010 November 1998 ISSUES ..:................................................ The following issues have been identified by Citizens through the Community Growth Planning Initiative .and throughout the Comprehensive Plan public participation process, which has included public forums, a telephone public opinion. survey, Subcommittees, and the. Steering Committee Task Groups. 4. 5, • Clean Water -continued declining water quality has led to strong community desire for protection and enhancement of our surface and groundtivater quality and to bring all coastal waters up to the highest quality possible. i Open Space Preservation & Acquisition -loss of open space and farmlands to development has resulted in strong community desire to .preserve remaininj areas for public use; parks,'greemvays, bike paths, hiking tal.~, ~.~~iservation areas; Save Airlie Gardens! Environmental Protection/Quality of Life -the special quality of our coastal environment is perceived as an important ingredient in our overall quality of life including our potential for continued economic growth.~v~~e must ensure tt~e protection anti ennai~cement of our natui~ai resources as stewards for future generations. Growth Management- the current rate of growth is much too fast for the community's comfort level and it is having a perceived negative impact on the quality of life. The Comprehensive Plan must have implementable policies to encourage sustainable. and orderly growth. Implementation of Plans -identified as a weak area in previous plans; the Comprehensive Plan should identify the time frame, .resource/costs, accountability, and feedback necessary. to ensure its implementation. ~ VI-I ~~ 1 Natural Resources :::.: ~, , :- :•: POLICIES .................... • A. RESOURCE PROTECTION • We must preserve, protect and enhance the area's natural resources, because the quality of our environment is an important ingredient in our overall quality of Life, including our potential for continued economic growth. • The protection of our resources shall be pursued in a regional conte;ct tivith area-tivide planning, through a political process that favors long-term goals over short-term interests and provides accountability for the implementation of the goals and policies stated herein. 1. WATER QUALITY The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 1.1 Prevent further deterioration of estuarine water quality and loss of public trust uses in the creeks and sounds and bring all coastal waters quality up to its use designation as determined by the Division(s) of Water Quality, Marine Fisheries, Health, and E.P.A. I.2 Ensure the protection of water quality throughout the Cape Fear River Basin within New Hanover County and the management & maintenance of drainage within our coastal watersheds through participation in the development of regional water quality / stonnwater management programs. " I.3 Ensure the protection, preservation and wise use of our natural resources by careful review and consideration of the anticipated impacts of development through the creation and implementation of an Environmental Review Program. • -1.4 It is the intent of this plan to further provide for. the protection and ,improvement of our water quality through our Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO should specify standards for water quality, buffers, setbacks, density, impervious surface, " and overlay corridors; it should consider estuarine, river'and other feeder creeks tivater quality; and it should build upon existing information and ordinances. • 2. OPEN SPACE The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County shall: 2.1 Ensure the preservation of adequate open space for its continued enjoyment and contribution to our community today and for generations to come, to protect our natural environment and wildlife habitats and to provide educational & recreational opportunities. 2.2 Identify and protect wildlife corridors as a part of the oreemvay system and require their protection or mitigation with all new development. 2.3 Preserve Airlie Gardens as a part of the greenway system to provide public open space, natural environment and water quality protection, coastal landscape, educational opportunities, and to ensure, its continued- enjoyment and contribution to our communit}•. 8~ V1=2 2.4 Ensure the protection of our community's significant trees and the provision of adequate landscaping to address urban design and resource protection issues through the update of city and county development ordinances & processes and establishment of a joint Tree Advisory Commission. 2.5 Provide for the protection, acquisition and development of public shorefront and boat access areas. 3. NATURAL RESOURCE CONSTRAIi'VTS The City of `Vilmington and New Hanover County shall: ` , 3.1 Preserve and restore shell fishing to all SA waters and bring all coastal waters designated , or formerly designated SA up to their arse designation. 3.2 Provide for the continued protection of the Cape Fear River from the cumulative impacts • of developmenYby ensuring that Industrial permitting does not exceed the river's carrying capacity and land disturbing activities are carefully reviewed and considered for their potential sediment/turbidity and nutrient impacts. 33 Minimize dense development activities in ocean erodible areas, high hazard flood areas; • inlet hazard areas, and coastal & federally regulated wetlands to protect the public safety; reduce the risk of property damage, and provide for the long-term protection and management of these environmentally significant resources due to their natural role in the ` integrity of the coastal region. 3.4 Ensure the protection of coastal and. federally regulated wetlands that have important functional significance through early identification in the development process. Review of development proposals should seek to achieve the goal of avoidance, minimization, and/or compensation. 3.5 Ensure the protection of our undeveloped barrier and estuarine system islands and support research and passi~~e recreation as their primary uses. Undeveloped barrier and estuarine system islands should not be developed and should" be identified as public acquisition areas.. 3.6 Carefully control development activities within the 100-year floodplain to minimize density and impervious surfaces and require low intensity uses such as open space and recreation, to protect the public safety, reduce the risk of property damage, and provide for the long-term protection and management_of these environmentally significant resources. .. Limited shared industrial access corridors and exceptionally designed residential _ development projects may be allowed within the floodplain only where it can be demonstrated that the project cannot be located out of the floodplain and where adverse impacts to the estuarine system can be shown to be negligible. • All projects shall comply with hierarchical review standards of avoidance; ` minimization, and compensation for unavoidable impacts. 3.7 Require that the cumulative andsecondrny impacts of land use and development, and the Limited car•ryingcapacityofourcoastal ecosystems be considered in all land rise decis.i ris and in tine deve,l~pu~ent ur r~visiun of local plans,.capital facilities, services, and ordinar~s~ Vl-3; ~. . : ,' `~ ;g.: ~ :. .; .. o ...: y ~~ V ~ ~ C ~. rti h V ~ l ~ 4yi N a. ti~ C .` c U ``~ QJ Ili Q ii v .` `.co ~ ... ~ . ~ • ` . ~ ~ ~ ~ p- a. ~, ... a~ cn :: c c x .c ~ . . ~ r ~ cc a, a ~, G\ ~ O~ M ~ GO C1 G1' ~ G1 O C~ G1 ~ G\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 64 fR 69 ~} .. b9 69 ~ ': ~ 6A 69 6 9 ~ N ~ ~ . • .~. N C O > ~...i y v y~ Q .:0~ . ~ ~ ~ - ' .. t V ~.. . ~ ~ ~ Y. O r~ C U ` N C, c N ~ "' ~ ' ~ N .. ~ ' r am ~ ~ 'c C ~ v L c ~ ~ _N. V ~ N a~ ~ t... O t7 ~. .p U o _ c c.~ ~ O O • y , U ~ ~ ~ G~ ~ ~ . '~ ~ O p . r .A tA O . . to C ~ ~ ` > ~ O N r > ~ Q. .O .N-. ~ y ~ U G s ~ p (' U p ~ t fl 0 .. 4U U U U , U .. .. ~ v7 .~~~p...~~U.. r. _ U.E.L.. ..:., .?, -~ ~ U :r -.~ f~ ~p,~.,--. :U ~ <`U G- w a - ~: y.~~ C :~U ~O. ;O :C U :~~.,.~p. `c3 ~ .-G ~ ' II 'B ~ _R-. ~~ vi ~r'E ;R ~'' ,L . U .~ N ~-~ ~ ... ~ ~ . v i _ ~~a p,:U.;, a o ~':~~: N ~;, .~. , .. °.~,; •. .. :r cC-s - Wi'n'>" ~°'' `~ ~.° ~r~`.~.,a rvw^...a ..`~ c"~;,> .u ~ ~ ~'y~ ~ ~ '- a~i N ~ r-o~o ~a~i~ ...N aNi ~ n..~. . ~ . O O ; LO., C - N • C O ~ U .b U c,.. -C y ~~- N A ~ Q ~ ~ N C r 'c7 C cd .. ~ o ~ a . E • -, vi ~ O r ~ r ~ r ,. r c ~ c*t iD .~ . ~ -o ~ ¢ c ~ 'c ' ~ ~ o ° ~ y ~ !. c~ c G ~ a i :.~ c s cy" . ~ ~ . • i c U ~~ C ~ c a. ~ Y .' ~ O fn ~ ~ a.> .. ,~ v U ~ . - >> .C C L..N . C ~~ : G i- U.~ V O O ~ ~ ~ y N ~ LL ti ~ r n CAS U N.,. ~ ~:p. 'O L i . ~ . , ~. ~ .'; : C3 .~ FO O O L .': ~ T r O ~ a4 •- U •--• u . ~ .~ s C1. ~ p .: r -n c~.~ •~ c U L ci 4.. ~ v -- c :.c ,•~ r o ~ ~, c~ a a c .co •~ ~, ~, .cL •" . n. 3 c .'U vi p c~ . c a. - , ~ ~ ~ ~e c 4-: c`~„ ~ ,fl ~ ~ ~ ~° E ~ o o E .E ~ c o .v o ~ o ~ ~ N ~ c U ~ 'U a C ~ ~ ,O .... ~ ~e ~ C ~ C ~ t~ ~C C ` . ~ ~ ~ ^Ll ~G QJ E 'D ~ ' i N vi O a ~" ~ -. . N c S L ~ .; _ p C~ . . o C ~ `~ ..O ~ a~ vi C "n C ~ o ~ c . a ' C3 :: c , G j • ~' , „ N ~ TJ . ': ai c ~ Q- • o c r c ~ ~ N ~ E ~. - u ~ r c G ~ p. is ~ . t1. "• c `'" ' ~ . C `c c ~ . cA C ~n ~ o ~ c c3 >, c s c i c . a i ¢ i ~ v ~ L r: •~ 3 ~ a~ y o 3 o _ E~ -o a~ L` ~ c I r .~ ~~ U L N ~ L ~ .-. •--• '~ ~t cC o > U C a v o ~ a ~ a .-. .•. ~ c .-~ .. - • U ~ ~ Cl L~ `•' ~ .-. .~ ~. r ' .•. r r .•. .. > O N r .., M ~ .. . --• N L ~. c~ c c~ ~• c L'. p.N r a> . ~ N '~ E c v U ~ ~ ~ ~ C3 L V] _ > ~ 0. r ~ 0 3 ~ r o r ~ a, a. Q„ on • p ~. o ,- O ~ U U i l + fq y - 'a' (V O .•-~ Vl ~ .. ~ ~ N G r ~ 4J ~ N ~ ~ = N C v~ C7 p U ~ o O _ ~ ~ ~. c. ~ ~• . ¢ ca C ...~' U' cq y ~ 'U E ~ a ~ ~ o U C G ~. 'p ` N M .. t7 ~ O .» .... :~ NEVII HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 .Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: TAX .Presenter: None Required • Contact:. Patricia Raynor - . SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of March 31, 2000 , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. . . ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S C NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 3/31/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1999 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 77,390,208.16 $ 5,963,415.07 DISCOVERIES ADDED r. 3,556,991.28 24,364;20 ~ LESS ABATEMENTS - .386.724.43 ~ 77,273.42 - TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 80,560,475.01 $ 5,910,505.85 ^I I ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 12,545.00 ' ~ • .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 58,064.81 .00 CLEANING LIENS CHARGED 8,730.00 .00 TOTAL LEVY $ 80,639,814.82 ~$ 5,910;505.85 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 78,297,628..93_ - 4,726,356.38 OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 2,342,185.89 $ 1,184;149.47 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 97.10%* 79.97%* BACK TAXES - - ' REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 2,824,866.85 CHARGES ADDED 6,142.29 LESS ABATEMENTS - 1.51,286.11 TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 2,679,723.03 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 951,399.55 OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ $ . 1,728;323.48 .. . • PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 35.50% a' ~ ~ . MARCH 2000 ~ FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS $ 96,964.34 $ 1,845,234.59 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 200.00 14,020.54 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON; WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE - $1 708.20. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING 3ULY 1, 1999. CTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRICIA J. RAYN~l,~J COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED~;CO~~Lu4 ~~OON~ ER~CENTAGE - 95.93% ~; t ';:~ ' ,rjl .. t. ~~. ~~ Y u 92 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM NO. COLLECTIONS THRU 3/31/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1999 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED AD VALOREM $ 2,060,293.51 115,841.32 - 48,576.50 $ 2,127,58.33 MOTOR VEHICLE $ 160,432.20 844.56 - 1.921.24 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY . COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE ELECTIONS TO DATE UTSTANDING BALANCE. PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 1,677.25 $ 2,129,235.58 - 2.071.511.16 $ 57,724.42 97.29%* $ 55,058.73 166.32 - 4,237.15 $ 50,987.90 - 18.508.02 $ 32,479.88 36.30% THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1999. RE_ pTFULLY SUBMITTED (A.~f1 c ~ ~, rl LN PATRICIA J. RAYNO COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ,~ t> * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.08% $ 159,35~.~2 .00 $ 159,355.52 - 127.313.20 $ 32,042.32 79.89%* 93 {This page intentionallyleft blank} 94 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Mark Boyer Contact: Mark Boyer SUBJECT: Internet Website Promotion BRIEF SUMMARY: With the growing use of the Internet, more citizens are seeking and obtaining information electronically from the county. While the county and most of its departments have informative web sites used by many residents and visitors, the numbers of users may be expanded through promotion of the county website. A popular (200,000 hits/month) site, GWIZ.com can help promote our Internet presence and the services provided by county government. GWIZ.com is the "portal" for all Cumulus Broadcasting stations in the area (WAAV AM/FM, WGNI, WMNX, WWQQ). Visitors to any of those radio station websites will be easily linked to the county site by clicking on the county logo which will appear throughout GWIZ. Sponsorship of a section of the GWIZ.com offers a broader audience and can help ease the overload of visits to the county site during hurricanes and other disasters. The site will give the county greater visability on the world wide web RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Approve $ 200.00 minimal. monthly advertising cost: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: N/A COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval. 'A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A NTS AND RECOM COUNTY COMMISS~NCRS APPROVED REJECTED ^ P05Tt~Gc~lED ^ HEARD ~ ~~%' DATE `~ L _ . G~'~t~-J ~ 5 ~,~~t~~?~~M~n49 ~~k1~y~~ fiq :51Q r+'~'t~~ ~ 'V { `~ ..' 1 I~ ~:.~ 96 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04117!00 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Request to waive tip fee BRIEF SUMMARY: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church will hold their Eighth Annual Greek Festival, Friday May 12 -Sunday May 14, 2000 and request the County waive the tip fee for this event. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES IVOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' A 10 S/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMM_IS~ION€RS, APPROVED REJECTCD REMO`JCD ^ POgTPONCD ^ ^ ~'`f~/~/ 1- y PATE ~.~~, Rpr ^6 ^0 12:18p ST NICHOLRS CHURCH 910-392-4495 F_1 GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA SAINT NICHpLAS GREEK ORTHOD-O~ CHURCH[ 608 SOUth ColleOe Road • Wllmington, Narth Carolina 28403 - 810-392-4464 • Fax 910-392-4498 Rev. Father Regis John Alexoudis, Priest Apri16, 2flo0 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 , FAX Number 341-4130 pear Friends, We understand that New Hanover County offers complementary trash removal for non-profit organizations on special occasions. We are, therefore, requesting this service for our Eighth Annual Greek Festival, which will take place on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 12, 13, and 14. As thousands of people attend this function, it would be of great assistance #o us if you would grant this request. We would greatly appreciate your favorable consideration of this and look forward to hearing from you . Very truly yours, ' ~ ~r.-.~S--P..~ Rev. Father Regis John Alexoudis Parish Priest -. RJA/km 98 ,,,~ .ti,,~~ '~~' ~a~l W . , , ; !~~ '.,t ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04!17!00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Hurricane FLOYD BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0144 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT FEMA revenue $500,000 Contract Services $500,000 EXPLANATION: To budget increase in revenue and expense to complete work related to FLOYD. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CQMMISS ONES APPR~'+~r`~ r' REJC - .1 ~~~. H'EaR6~. -• o ®ATE - ~ - ~ - 99 NEV11~ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 04/17/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: . DEPARTMENT: Office of Juvenile Justice BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0148 , ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Office of Juvenile Justice Funding $117,127 Pathways $117,127 EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actual amount of OJJ fundi g be received for PATHWAYS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: 'fo be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNN COAnMI~ ~IONERS ~y~~`~i~FA~pi<0'~ cry RE' ,~..~~~ ° ~ , L PTV ',-;}NED ~ 1 OO DATE - , ~ ., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/17/00 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Cindy Hewett, Business Officer Contact: Cindy Hewett, 6680 or Lynda Smith 6592 SUBJECT: Consolidated Contract Between the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and New Hanover County Health Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: Each year we forward to the County Commissioners, the CONSOLIDATED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AS REPRESENTED BY THE STATE HEALTH DIRECTOR and the New Hanover County Health Department. This contract is FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING AND PROMOTING THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH IN NORTH CAROLINA and it sets forth the terms and conditions applicable for the activities carried out by the health department involving STATE funding. The total funding is $2,148, 977 ($1,224,430 in state grants; $924,547 in Title XIX (Medicaid reimbursement) for services provided by the health department). Please review the attached Consolidated Contract which must be signed in duplicate by the Chairman of the County Commissioners and by the County Finance Officer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve, accept the funding (already projected in the health department's Fiscal Year 2001 Revenue Budget Request), and sign the State Consolidated Contract for the contract period from July 01, 2000 to June 30, 2001. FUNDING SOURCE: State/Medicaid ATTACHMENTS: Yes, 2 originals for original signatures (a copy is attached; the 2 originals have been sent to Legal for review to be forwarded to Carol Barclay) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO,M 6 TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval .°~ /) OM COUNTY C®MMIS~ION€R~ APPROVED L~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~ O HEARD ^ DATE ~ - _ _ _ -~ (. .. ~ C:\CONSOLIDATED ~a7N'fi'.A~:"C ~ -I~I.PINAL.6i~~: CONSOLIDATED CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . AS REPRESENTED BY ' THE STATE HEALTH DIRECTOR (Hereinafter called the "State") AND New Hanover County Loca'I Health Department (Hereinafter called the "Department") . FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAII~TAINING AND PROMOTING THE ADVANCEMENT OF HEALTH IN NORTH CAROLINA This Contract Shall Cover a Period From July 01, 2000 to June 30, 2001 Page 1 of 11 NOW, THEREFORE, the State and the Department agree that the provisions and clauses herein set forth shall be incorporated in and constitute the terms and conditions applicable for the following activities involving State funding. '(State funding or funds means state, federal, and/or special funding or funds throughout this contract.) • ~ ~t ~-. S; 4j ~~~1 ., G r .-~ >,Y7 _ ~~~~°t~PJ1~S1 r1 ~~~w~~?~~t~~3 102 ~ ~.~ ~~~~ <~~~,,,, . , ,-- I t, ~r. C:\CUNSOLIDATED ~'~:~NTFtA~"T Op-OI.FI~~AL.f^."' Page 2 of 11' A. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE DEPARTMENT 1. The Department shall perform activities in compliance with applicable program rules contained in the North Carolina Administrative Code as well as all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. 2. The Department shall perform the activities specified in the Program Contract Addenda for State funded budgets. 3. The Department shall administer and enforce all rules that have been adopted by the Commission for Health Services or approved by the State and adopted by the Local Board of Health. 4. The Department shall provide to the State copies of rules adopted by the Local Board of Health pursuant to G.S. 130A-39 and Public Health Ordinances adopted by the County Commissioners, within 30 days of adoption. 5. The Department shall provide to the State a Community Diagnosis Prioritization of . Problems every biennium. The Department shall also provide a. Community Diagnosis narrative, when completed in association with the Comprehensive Community Assessment/Diagnosis. B. FUNDING STIPULATIONS 1. Funding for this contract is subject to the availability of State, Federal, and Special Funds for the purpose set forth in this Contract. 2. During the period of this Contract, the Department shall not use State, Federal or Special Project funds received under this Contract to reduce focally appropriated funds as reflected in the Local Health Department Budgets. 3. The Department shall not use personal health program funds to support environmental health personnel nor use environmental health program funds to support personal health programs. 4. Fees generated by the Food and Lodging Fees Collection Program may only be used to support State and Local food, lodging, and institution sanitation programs and activities. 5. Funds for Childhood Lead .Poisoning Prevention may be used to support both environmental health and child health activities. 6. The Department shall comply with Standards for Mandated Public Health Services, 15A NCAC 25, Section .0200; and Administrative Procedures Manual for Federal Block Grant Funds, 1 NCAC 33, Sections .0100 - .1502. 7. The Department shall maintain monthly employee time records to document employee salaries and fringe benefits charged to state funds. The percentage of time each employee spends in each activity shall be converted to dollars based upon the employee's salary and benefits. 8. The Department participating in Medicaid Reimbursement shall: a. Comply with the terms of the Medicaid Interagency Agreement and the Provider Participation Agreement effective October 1, 1992 and any subsequent approved addenda or new Agreement approved and1 03 established during the period of this contract. ~c;", C:\CONSOLIDATED CuNTkAi:T ou-DI.FINAL.DCa~ Page 3 of 11 b. Make every reasonable effort to collect its cost in providing services, for which Medicaid reimbursement is sought, through public or private third party payors except where prohibited by Federal regulations or State law. No one shall be refused services. solely because of an inability to pay. 9. Subject to the approval of the appropriate Section, a local health department may seek reimbursement for services covered by a program operating under 15A NCAC 24A rules when those services are not supported by other state or federal funds. All payment program rules and procedures as specified in the Purchase of Medical Care Services Manual must be followed. 10. Programs and services supported in whole or in part with federal funds must provide interpreter services at no charge to non-Englishspeaking clients. Only those programs and services funded entirely with state and/or local funds, unless prohibited by State law;or rule, may charge non-English speaking clients for ' interpreter services. 11. Subject to the availability of funds and approval of the Public Health Nursing and Professional Development Unit, a focal health-department may request reimbursement for: a. Nursing service personnel participating in the Introduction to Principles and Practices of Public Health and Public Health Nursing Course. Reimbursement is limited to no more than $400.00 per participant upon successful completion of the course. b. Nursing service personnel participating in the Public Health Nurse Supervisors Training Course. Reimbursement is limited to no more than $600.00 per participant upon successful completion of the course. J c. Community Health Assistants and Public Health Nurses attending certain pre-approved Continuing Education courses offered by the Public Health Nursing and Professional Development Unit. Reimbursement is limited to $50.00 per participant per event. 12. .The Department shall have an annual audit performed in accordance with The Single Audit.Act of 1984 as implemented by OMB Circular A-133.The audit report shall be submitted to the Local Government Commission (LGC) by the County Administration (if single county health department) or the District Health Department or Public Health Authority (if so organized) within (six) 6 months following the close of the contract. Audit findings.referred,to the DHHS Controller's Office by LGC will be investigated and findings verified by the DHHS Controller's Office staff with assistance of the Division of Public Health Program Staff. 13. Equipment is a type of fixed asset consisting of specific items of property that: (1) are tangible in nature; (2) have a life longer than one year; and (3) have a significant value. a. For Inventory .Purposes 1. Equipment must be accounted for in accordance with Local Government Accounting System Procedure No. 15. 2. All equipment with an acquisition cost of $500.00 or more, and , purchased with Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program ^ Funds, must be inventoried. with .the Women's and Children's 1 0`'t' Health Section: . j .. \' ' C: \CONSOLI DATED CONTRACT 00-01 . FINAL. Cn:N; ~ Page 4 of ~ 1 b. For Prior Approval Purposes 1. All equipment purchased or leased with an acquisition cost exceeding $500.00, where there is an option to purchase with State/Federal funds, must receive prior written approval from the appropriate Section. 2. All medical equipment and computer equipment, regardless of cost and all other equipment with an acquisition cost of $500.00 or ,more, purchased with WIC Program Funds, must receive prior approval from the WIC Program Office. 3. The use of Women's and Children's Health Medicaid fees for capital improvements requires prior written approval from the Women's and Children's Health Section. 14. The Department agrees to execute the following Federal Certifications attached to this agreement (applicable when receiving Federal funds): a. Certification regarding Lobbying. b. Certification regarding Debarment. In addition, the following Federal Certifications shall be executed if required: c. Certification regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements. d. Certification regarding Environmental Tobacco Smoke C. FISCAL CONTROL 1. The Department shall comply with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, North Carolina General Statute Chapter 159, Article 3. a. The Department shall maintain a purchasing and procurement system in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and procedures set forth by the Local Government Commission. b. The Department shall execute written agreements with all parties who invoice the Department for payment for the provision of services to patients. c. When subcontracting, the following conditions must be met: 1. The Department is not relieved of any of the duties and responsibilities provided in this contract. 2. The subcontractor will agree to abide by the standards contained herein or to provide such information as to allow the Department to comply with these standards. 3. The subcontractor will agree to allow state and federal authorized . representatives access to any records pertinent to its role as a subcontractor of the Department. 4. Upon request, the Department will make available to the S a copy of subcontracts supported with State/Federal funds, ~~5 C:\CONSOLIDATED C~~NTFCAc:T OD-O1.FINAL.D~x: Page S Of 11 d. The Department must receive prior written approval from the state to subcontract when any of the following conditions exist: ' 1. The Department proposes to subcontract to a single entity fifty percent (50%) or more of the total state and federal funds made available through this contract. 2. The Department proposes to subcontract fifty percent (50%) or more, or $50,000 which ever is greater, of the total state and federal funds made available through this contract for a single public health service or program. 3. The Department proposes to subcontract for services in the Women, Infants and Children Program. e. The Department shall retain-all budgets, .budget revisions, contracts, contract addenda, and financial records in accordance with~the current Records Disposition Schedule for County and District Health Departments issued by the NC Division of Archives and History, Department of Cultural Resources. 2. ..The Department shall prepare and maintain a budget for each activity covered by this contract in a manner consistent with instructions provided with Local Health Department Budget -WIC Form 3370 and Local Health Department Budget Form 2948. a. The Department shall prepare budget revisions for prior approval of the State when State funds will be increased or decreased. b. The Department shall submit all revisions prior to` the end of the term specified in this Contract. Budget revisions received by the State after the end of the contract period will be returned without action. 3. The Department shall observe the following conditions when budgeting and ,reporting earned revenues: , a. Locally appropriated funds may not ~be supplanted by earned revenues from persons, or public or, private third party payors. Such revenue shall be used for the activity that generated the revenue, except in the WCH Section programs where there is some flexibility (see "b" below.) b. All earned revenue must be budgeted and spent in the program that earned it except, 1. Revenue generated by WCH Section Programs may be budgeted and expended in any WCH Section Program activity. 2.. Revenue generated by a local clinic_or program that has no state funded activity budget (no state, funds) should budget and expend those earned revenues in a state program activity that most closely matches the deliverables of the respective state program. c. All fees collected shall be-used in the current year or succeeding fiscal year. , 1 ®~ d. , ~ Use of program income gelnerated by the expenditure of Federal categorical funds will be governed by applicable Federal regulations, including, but not limited to, 45 CFR 74. -: ,~ ~~ C:\CONSOLIDATED CONTkA~:T Ofl-pI.PINAL.DU~' [J e. When budgeting: Page 6 of 11 i. Line item 9000 on the program budget form must be used to budget the total of line items 101, 102 and 103. ii. Line item 102 on the program budget must be used to budget TX1X earned revenues. iii. Line item 103 on the program budget must be used to budget other earned revenues. • 4 f. When reporting expenditures: i. Line item 9000 on the Local Expenditure Report must be used to report the total of line items 101, 102, 103. ii. Line item 102 on the Local Expenditure Report must be used to report TXIX earned revenues that were expended. iii. Line item 103 on the Local Expenditure Report must be used to report other earned revenues that were expended. g. A local account shall be maintained for unexpended earned revenues (i.e., TXIX fees, private Insurance or private pay {cash). Accounts shall be maintained in sufficient detail to identify the program source generating the fees. h. The amount of Title XIX fees budgeted and expended in FY 2000-2001 must equal or exceed the amount of Title XIX revenues earned during FY 1998-99. The state will not approve program activity budgets that do not include an amount of Title XIX fees sufficient to meet the requirements of this section. The Division of Public Health may waive this requirement if the Department provides sufficient justification. The Department shall submit a monthly report of actual expenditures of the Department according to instructions provided with Local Expenditure Reports, Form 2949 and Form 2950. a. The Department shall "sia6mit monthly expenditure reports for all programs. (including WIC, Minority Infant Mortality Reduction, and Healthy Start) to the State within 20 days from the end of the reporting month. Failure to meet the, reporting deadline will result in an immediate suspension of payments until the overdue expenditure report is received. b. The Department shall submit the final Expenditure Report. for all programs (including WIC, Minority Infant Mortality Reduction, and Healthy Start) to the State within 20 days after the end of the contract period. Report is due by July 20. c. The~Department shall have up to two (2) months after the end of the contract period to submit amended or corrected expenditure reports. Any such reports must be prepared for the specific month to be amended or~ corrected. Reports received after August 31 (August 14~h for WIC) will be returned without action. d. The Departmentshall refund to the State all unexpended State funds within 30 days after notification of overpayment. When payment i received by the State within 30 days, future payments to the Depa~~~ may be reduced by the amount due or payments may be suspended until the refund is received by the State. ,. . ,.1 C:\CONSOLIDATED CtiNTFtFlt:T 00-O1.FINAL.D~K: Page 7 of 11 The Department shall submit expenditure reports for Mosquito Control activity in accordance with 15A NCAC 18B, Sections .0104 and .0107. ~ f. The Department shall submit requests for payment for services provided under 15A NCAC 24 A rules to the Claims Processing Unit, Purchase of Medical Care Services, DHHS. g. The Department shall submit requests for reimbursement for nurse training to the Public Health Nursing and Professional Development Unit. Form 3300 -Public Health Nurse Training Activity must be used as the invoice for payment. The Department shall submit on an annual basis Staff Time Activity Report, 3389, Environmental'Health Report, 3738, and Food and Lodging Report, 3888. The reports shall accompany the final expenditure report and must be received by the State within 20 days after the end of the contract period. D. PERSONNEL POLICIES 1. The Department shall adhere to and fully comply with State personnel policies as found in North Carolina General Statute, Chapter 126, and 1 .NCAC 8. Such policies include, but are not limited to, the following: Equal employment opportunity, b. Affirmative action, c. Policies for local government employment subject to the State. Personnel (~/ Act, d. "Local Classification and Salary Range," e. "Compensation Policy for Local Competitive Services Employees," and f. "Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures." 2. Environmental Health Specialists employed by the Department shall be delegated authority by the•State to administer and enforce State environmental health rules and laws as directed by the State pursuant to G.S. 130A-4(b). This delegation shall be done according to 15A NCAC 10. 0100. a. Local health departments are responsible for sending their newly employed environmental health specialists (interns) to centralized training within. 180 days from date of employment. b. Arrangements for centralized training for newly-employed environmental health specialists will be handled by the Education and Training Staff, Division of Environmental Health. c. A local health department which is contracting with an environmental health specialist employed by another department shall be responsible for assuring that.all original documents, correspondence, and other public records be maintained in the health department using the contractor and the contract shall stipulate that the contractor shalt be available for consultation to the public being served. 1 O V 3. The Department shall complywiih Minimum Standard Health Department Staffing 15A NCAC Section .0301(c}; and shall assure that all nursing sCaff who provide public health services funded by this contract comply vvith this rule. ;: ., C~ C:\CUNSULI DATED C~?NTHACT 00-O1. FI NAL. DIn: E. CONFIDENTIALITY Page 8 of 11 All information as to personal facts and circumstances obtained by Department personnel in connection with the provision of services or other activity under this Contract shall be privileged communication, shall be held confidential, and shall not be divulged without the responsible person's written consent except as may be otherwise required by applicable law or regulation. Such information may be disclosed in summary, statistical, or other form which does not directly or indirectly identify particular individuals. Department Employees must sign confidentiality pledges documenting the knowledge of and the agreement to maintain personal and medical confidentiality. F. CIVIL RIGHTS The Department shall assure that no person, on the grounds of race, color, age, religion, sex, marital status, immigration status, or national origin (unless otherwise medically indicated) or otherwise qualified handicapped individual solely by reason of his/her handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity covered by this Contract. • 0 2. The Department shall complete HHS Form 690, Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. 3. The American with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment against a qualified individual with a disability and outlaws discrimination against individuals with disabilities in State and local government services and public accommodations. The Department certifies that it and its principals and subcontractors will comply with regulations in A.D.A. Title I (Employment), Title II (Public Services), and Title III (Public Accommodations) in fulfilling the obligations under this agreement. G. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATE 1: The State shall provide to the Department upon request technical assistance in the preparation of the Consolidated Contract, Activity Budgets and Contract Addenda. 2. The State shall provide an approved signed copy of the budget to the Department within forty-five (45) days after receiving an acceptable activity budget from the Department. 3. The State shall provide funds to the Department upon approval of the Contract Addenda, activity budgets, and signing of this contract. Payment will be made to the Department on/ or about the 25'h of each month. 4. The State shall assist the Department to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards relating to the activities covered in this contract. 5. The State reserves the right to conduct reviews to determine compliance with ~ieA terms of this contract. 1 U a(,.,1~ 6. The State shall be assured that the Department maintains expenditure of locally appropriated funds (MOE) for maternal health, child health, and family planning program activities equal to~,. or greater than, that reported on the~Staff Time C: \CONSOLI DATcD CONTRACT 00-OI.FI NAL. Dt:~C Page 9 of 11 Activity Report for the period beginning July 1, 1984, and ending June 30, 1985. This figure will be increased for the first time based on a federally accepted . inflation index, effective with FY 2000-2001 Contract. This revised baseline figure for 2000-2001 will be calculated and provided to Departments for use in budget preparation. After this initial inflation adjustment, the MOE amount will be adjusted annually. This MOE shall be measured by salary equivalencies 'that are to be maintained in accordance with Section B.7 of this contract and monitored by Women's and Children's Health Section Program Staff. H. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The State shall disburse funds to-the Department as follows: 1. Provided the Consolidated Contract and the appropriate program budgets are . executed and received; a payment equal to total approved Program Budget divided by the number of effective months of the budget shall be made in the first effective month of a budget. ' 2. All subsequent monthly payments for each budget will be based on monthly expenditures reported (due on the 20~h of each month), and shall be adjusted _ either upward or downward accordingly. The May, June, and Final payments will be reimbursement based. Reimbursement of approved expenditures for any report month cannot exceed one month's quotient of the total budget for the contract period. ' 3. For departments receiving Rural Obstetrical Care Incentive funds, payment of such funds shall be made in one lump sum the month following receipt and approval of the activity budget. 4. J Food and lodging fees will be disbursed to the department.in one sum the month following receipt and approval of the activity budget and any subsequent budget revisions. 5. Funds"for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention will be disbursed once per year. The number of confirmed cases identified in each county will determine the amount. A separate contract addendum must be submitted with budget page in order to receive these funds. -Funds for training will be disbursed upon request. 6. Subsequent to an approved revision of a program budget, increases or decreases in monthly payments amount will be reflected in the month following the completion of the revision. 7. Payments shall be suspended when expenditure reports are not received by the • time specified in C. 4. a, b. .Payments.. will resume on, or about,,the 25"' of the month following the receipt of the delinquent expenditure reports. 8. Total payment by program activity is limited to the total amount of the budget. 9. - Fina( payments will be made based on the Final monthly (June) expenditure report. Final payments will be equal to the difference between approved reported expenditures and the sum of previous payments. Final payments should be made not later than September.25th provided that an original signed copy of an expenditure report for each month has been received, by the DHHS Office of the Controller, and that the Staff Time Activity Report, 3389, Environmental Health Report, 3788, and Food and Lodging, 3888 have been received by the State. 110 Months when Final Expenditure Reports are due'may vary depending on the '~/ . ,applicable fiscal year of the funding source (i.e., June, or September, or March for example.) C_': \CUNSULIDATED ~~:C~NTFWCT 00-O1 . FINAL. U•:~C AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT Page 10 of 11 Amendments, modifications, or waivers of this contract may be made at any time by mutual agreement of all parties. Amendments shall be in writing and signed by appropriate authorities. PROVISION OF TERMINATION Either party may terminate this contract for reasons other than non-compliance upon sixty- (60) days written notice. If termination should occur, the Department shall receive payment only for allowable expenditures. The State may withhold payment to the Department until the State can determine whether the Department is enfitled to further payment or whether the State is entitled to a refund. K. COMPLIANCE The State shall respond to non-compliance with all terms of this contract as follows: a. Upon determination of non-compliance, the State shall give the Department sixty (60) days written notice to come into compliance. If the deficiency is corrected, the Department shall submit a written report to the State that sets forth the corrective action taken. b. If the above deficiencies should not be corrected to the satisfaction of the State after the sixty- (60) day period, disbursement of funds for the particular activity may be temporarily suspended pending negotiation of a plan of corrective action. c. If the deficiency is still not corrected within the next thirty- (30) days following temporary suspension of funding, program funds may be . ._ permanently suspended until the Department can provide evidence that the deficiencies have been corrected. d. In the event of the Department's non-compliance with clauses of this contract, the State may cancel, terminate, or suspend this contract in whole or in part and the Department may be declared ineligible for further State contracts or agreements. Such terminations for non-compliarice shall not occur until {1) the provisions of Section K-1 (a-c) have been followed, documented, and have failed to provide a resolution, (2) all other .reasonable adminisfrative remedies have been exhausted. 2. If the Department or the State should be determined out of compliance with the provisions of the contract, either party may file a formal appeal with the Office of Administrative Hearings. Signature Page attached ~ 111 ~' C:\CONSOLIDATED CONTWICT 00-O1.FINAL.DCx~ Page 11 of 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department and the State have executed this agreement in duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties. LOCAL SIGNATURES a ~~`~~ Hea th Director Date 1 `/.~ /' ~/z~ld Ci ~c Finance Officer Date Chairman of County Commissioners Date (When required) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA I B Y State Health Director Date or Authorized Agent J IS IPJST .. E~!T H;1S BEEN FE-AUDITED ,~. , ~..;.~,,~-.-~ ~ ~ 'CAL GOVER~Jiv'ir: J I~ i,'iiv f ISCAL CUti i iiOL ACT. 112 • DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of . Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form SF-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award document for subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements] who receive federal funds of $100,000.00 or more and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000.00 and not more than $100,000.00 for each such fail Health Director Signature Title New Hanover County Health Department ~~""~~ Agency/Organization Date (Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) ~ 113 ,~L 114 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION-LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS (Note: The phrase "prospective lower tier participant," means providers under contract with the Division.) 1. By signing and submitting this document, the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out,below. .. _ 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of the fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction w,^~ emared into. if it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered. an et.oneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originate may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment: 3. The prospective, lower tier participant will provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms "covered transaction,'' "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant,". "person;" "primary covered transaction," "principal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections. of rules implementing Executive Order 12549, 45 CFR Part 76. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is. debarred, suspended, determined ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this document that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-- Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous,. A participant may decide the method and frequency of which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized in paragraph 5 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Goverrunent, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension, and/or debarment. i. • • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Covered Transactions (l) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this document, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspend, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, nor voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. (2) Where the prospective Power tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, suc rospe e participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Health Director Signature NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Agency/Organization Date (Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) Title a~~~~ 115 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVIS]ON OF PUBLIC HEALTH J CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS I. By execution of this Agreementthe Contractor certifies that it will provide adrug-free workplace'by: A. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, disperising; possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will b'e taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; B. Establishing adrug-free awareness program to inform employees about: . (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The Contractor's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; C. Making it a requirement that each employee be engaged in the performance of the agreement be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); D. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment ,. under the agreement, the employee will: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction; E. Notifying the Department within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; F. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; and Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain adrug-free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). 116 II. The site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific agreement are listed be]ow: 1. 2029 South 17th Street (Street address) Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC 28401 (City, county, state, zip code) 2. (Street address) ' (City, county, state, zip code) Contractor will inform the Department of any additional sites for performance of work under this agreement. False certification or violation of the certification shall be grounds for suspension of payment, suspension or termination of grants, or government-wide Federal suspension or debarment (Section 4 CFR Part 85,' Section 85.615 and 86.620). EXECUTED BYNew Hanover County Health Department CONTRACTOR AUTHORIZED OFFICER 2029 S 17th Street o2 ~/~~~ C ADDRESS Wilmington, NC 28401 DATE (Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) ~ 117 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ~ ~, CERTIFICATION REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE Certification for Contracts, Grants, Loans and Cooperative Agreements Public Law 103-227, Part C-Environmental Tobacco Smoke, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act), requires that smoking not be permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and used routinely or regularly for the provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are funded by Federa] programs either directly or through State or local governments, by Federal grant, contract, loan, or loan guarantee. The law does not apply to children's services provided in private residences, facilities funded solely by Medicare or Medicaid funds, and portions of facilities used for inpatient drug or alcohol treatment. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty of up to $1,000.00 per day and/or the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity. By signing and submitting this. application, the Contractor certifies that it will comply with the requirements of the Act. The Contractor further agrees that it will require the language of this certification be included in any subawards at contain provisions for children's services and that all subgrantees shall certify accord' ~ Health Director Signature ~ Title New Hanover County: Health Department Q~ ~~'~L-t.t~ Agency/Organization Date i (Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) 118 ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973, TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972, AND THE AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975 The Applicant provides this assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining Federal grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other Federal flnancial assistance from the Departmeht of Health and Human Services. THE APPLICANT HEREBY AGREES THAT IT WILL COMPLY WITH` 1. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L 88-352), as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Departmeht of Health and Human Services (45 C.F.R. Part 80), to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United Slates shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be exduded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Department. 2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112), as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services (45 C.F.R. Part 84), to the end that, in accordance with Section 504 of that Act and the Regulation, no otherwise qualified handicapped individual in the United States shall, solety by reason of his handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the.Applicant receives Federal finandal assistance from the Department. 3. Title- IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 92-318), as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services (45 C.F.R. Part 86), to the end that, in accordance with Title IX and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Department. 4. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Pub. L. 9d-135), as amended, and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services (45 C.F.R. Part 91), to the end that, in accordance with the Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the basis of age, be denied the benefits of, be excluded from particpation in, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance from the Department. The Applicant agrees that compliance with this assurance constitutes a condition of continued receipt of Federal financial assistance, and that it is binding upon the Applicant, its successors, transferees and assignees for the perod during which such assistance is provided. If any real ,property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to the Applicant by the Department, this assurance shalt obligate the Applicant, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property. The Applicant further recognizes and agrees that the United States shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. The person or persons whose signature(s) appear(s) below islare authorized to sign this assurance, and commit the Applicant to the above provisions. ~~~/,~~ Health Director Date Signature and Title of Authorized Offidal New Hanover County Health Department Name of Applicant or Redpieni 2029 s 17th Street Street Wilmington, NC 28401 City, State, Zip Code Form HHS-690 ~• 5/97 i~~ 119 f \~ f . ~~