Agenda 2000 06-19 -_ . , ~ : ~`~G~i 4/ ! vIT ~ N~7 .. a ~~. . ACS E N DA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ..~~ .. = . • - Assembly Room, New Hanover County. Historic Courthouse ..~. 24 North Third StYeet; ~ Room 301 ~ ' ` ' ' " .: ~ • . Wilmington, NC _ . , - WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN .. BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED.DAVIS; JR., COMMISSIONER ~ CHARLES R. HOWELL„COMMISSIONER T ALLEN O'NEAL; COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE. BOARD June 19, 2000;, 9:00 a.m. ' " ~ ~ , MEETING CALLED.. TO ORDER (Chairman. William A. Caster) r ~ " . ~ INVOCATION ' .. .,PLEDGE QF ALLEGIANCE T "' NON-AGENDA ITEMS .(Limit three minutes) ~ ' APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ~ - .._ , ESTIMATED ~ . TIMES ~ ITEMS OFBUSINESS ' ~ ~ PAGE.. - , , . NO. 15 a.m L. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards ~` 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New County Employees ~ ~ 3 9:30 a.m: 3. ~~Public Hearing to consider-the 2000=2001 Secondary Road Construction Program 5 for New Hanover County 9:35 a.m. 4. Presentation of the Distinguisfied Budget Presentation Award to the Budget ~ 13 ' -Department for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1999 9:"50 a.m., . ~' S.: Consideration of Fiscal Year 2000-2001. Budget Ordinances .for New Hanover 17 : County and the Fire Service District 10:00 a.m. 6 Consideration of Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Outside Agency Funding . - " .19 f x 10:1~5 a.m.: 7.. Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Solid.Waste Plan Update •" 21 • 10'30 a.m: 8.. Consideration of Inventory of Land ~ . 23 - 10:40 a.m. 9. ~ Consideration of Waived Permit.Fees ` . ~ 25 l 1:00 a m. ~ , - 10. Consideration of Request by Seabreeze Community Center for County to ' 29, Purchase 21 Acres for a Community Center and Parlc Facility ; ~.: . . 11:10 a.m. • 11: Presentation'by Tracey Skrabel on an Issue of Concern to the Coastal Federation 31 11:20 a.m. 12. Consideration of Approval of Contract with Miller•Buildirig for Expediter Services • 33 11:30 a.m. 13. Committee Appointments 39 11:35 a.m. 14. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 71 11:45 a.m. 15. Convene as Board of Equalization and Review ~ ~ 65 11:55 a.m. 16. Consideration of Appointment of NCACC Voting Delegate 67 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager Noon ADJOURN ' 1:00 p.m. Worlc Session on Drainage • r'~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND. SEWER DISTRICT = CONSENT AGENDA -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 19, 2000 . 0 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of minutes 79 2. Approval of Senior Center HVAC Renovation Contract #00-0349 81 3: Approval of completion of Permanent Transfer Switch Project (wire for 83 Emergency shelters and trailer to transport large spools of wiring and equipment) 4. Approval of Solid Waste Disposal Fees for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 85 5. Approval of Architectural Services for New Federal Point Firestation 89 Contract #00-0351 6. Approval of grant application for Family Planning Outreach Initiatives for $22,180 91 from the North Carolina Division of Public Health-Women's and Children's Health Section 7. Approval of grant application for Healthy Homes Initiative mini-grant of $20,000 1 O1 from the North Carolina Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program for the 8. Approval of waiver for Wilmington Housing Finance and Development 107 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire Tax District 111 Collection Reports 10. Approval to submit application for Rural Operating Assistance Funding from 115 NCDOT 11. Approval of Resolution requesting the addition of roads in Marsh Oaks subdivision 121 to the NCDOT Highway System 12. Approval of Release of Value 125 13. Acceptance of Disaster Relief Fund for Seniors. 127 14. Approval of sale of surplus terminals at the Department of Social Services 129 15. Approval of Sales Tax Budget Amendment 133 Approval of budget amendments: 16.1 #00-0040 Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project 135 16.2 #00-0041 Federal Forfeited property Capital Project ~~ 136 j i ~ ,.. ~ ~ .. - ~ NEW~HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _. ~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 06/19/00 , ;. Regular Item: #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: , • { ~i .' Department: Human Resources Presenter:. A11en O'Neal ~ _ ,, .. ; .. ' i : Contact: Rosetta Bryant ~ ~ . , '- ~. _, ,. . . _ SUBJECT:. ` Presentation of. New Hanover County:Service Awards ~ ~ ~ ~ ' :, ri ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: • ~ , ., The following employees are entitled' to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length _ of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: David Clemmons -Tax ; Gerald Washington '- `• ~ , 1NASTEC;'Deborah Lovett • Health; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Antoinette Shields - Budget; Arthur C. Rogers`- Engineering; Nancy Long- Social Services.; Dorothy Hodder -Library; and-TWENTIY (20) . _ ' YEAR: Dottie-Ray -Finance; Alton R. Fates -Sheriff's Dept.; Thomas J. Stich - .Health. . •, " RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • ` ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ' - , " ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ .. H " . - ATTAC MENTS: , ITEM. DOES.NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER' MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . - Present awards°. , COMMISSIONERS' A~TION5/COMMENTS:` . ~. .,. .. ," ~, , r~UIVTY COMMISSIONER.~i' ~ APpROVen G~..^ ~~ ` REIECTED ^ . ~, . REMOVED . p , .. POSTP ONED p ~. a '~ /~~ ~ G M ~ / v 'rs~'ee-.e~y~,,, -~ _ ,. , - ~ - ~ - {This page intentionally left blank} .. ... ~~ ". "~'~ ~~~~~'~ ~~ i' ~, C1~~tt}&~~~6~ ~ '~~ ~' ~ ~~v~~~~a 4 ~ ~~- . ~ ~`~~ ~ c, (`1 .. ~. - ~. ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N ~_ ~ Meeting Date: 06/19/00 --. ~ ~ Regular lfern #: 3 Estimated Time: Page. Number: . e -° ~ Department: Governing Body- Presenter: Louise McColi, NCDOT Board & H. A. Pope, P.E., Div, `, ° .Engineer _ . ~~~ ~ ~ - . - L '• :Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ~ - . ~ ' a - _ .. '. SUBJECT: • . _ - • Public Hearing to Consider the 2000-200.1 Secondary Road Construction ,. Program for New Hanover County . BRIEF SUMMARY: . -Open the Public Hearing and reguest Ms. McColi to comment and Mr. Pope to present the 2000.2001 Secondary Road Construction. Program. Request comments from the public and close ~ ' . the`Public Hearing. _ ~;. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Approve the program as presented. ~ , FUNDING SOURCE: -. ~ ATTACHMENTS: - " JTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S°COMMENTS AND RECOM DAT.IONS: - ~• Consider approval of the program as presented. ~ ~,~ /~ " tJ~'-'V COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: _ ~ , :: :. ~COU ~ MMf~14N~~ nnv co . _ APPROVED ~~-~-~ REJECTED p ~ ~ ' REMOVED (p . POSTPONED ~ '~ , r ~fEARi~. __: .. aN F~~~ , STATE of ~O~tTH CAROLINA DEPA~.T~ENT GF TRANSP~:RTAT~~N 7A1~S B. F3tT1`IT JR. ~ D.A.VID McCO~' CxOVERNOR ~ Mmy ~' 2000 3ECRETAli7t DY`VISION 3, DISTltl(C'Y' 3, NEW SA.,Nf1VER.COUNTY S'1CATt NEWSPAPER, INC. wII.~MING'~QN JOURNAL PAST OFFiC)u BOA 840 ~ 4Y2 SQLTT~f SBVENTH STY2EET yVZLMING7CON, NC 28403 WTI,MINGTON, NC 28dU1 Dear SarlMadame: . SUHJECT: ~i.IC PldT1CY;-IiYP'ENDITURE5 OP' S~703v]p4+li'Y LOAD CONSTktUGTIDiV Y~UNDS ' 'SAVE REQUEST THAT YOU F(IBL• ISH THF. FOLW WING k~I.IC NOTICE IN ~ldiJB NLWSPA VEIL OIdCI; AURItYG THE VNI',~K QN 7Y7NE 5, 2000 AND ONCE JDrJRCi`tG 'I'SE LVSSS OF',TUlVE'i?, x000. W8 4VII.L RBQtTIxi1i A COpY OB THE YsUBLICATiON ALONG WY"Y`1~I A C,i.IPP'ING ANti T,HE INVOICE. ' • PT,7~]L1C NOTICE TI-YE DIVISION OF HIGkI'VVA"Y'S Ola' THEN. C. DEPa4,RTMENT OE TRAIVSPpRTATiQN WILL HOLD A, PUBLIC ~TEARIl*1G WITH TIIE Nl~W YlANOVER C+pTJNT3' COMMISSIONERS AND OTIiETt YNTER,ES'Y`FA Rl~'SID~NTS IN REGARTf '~Cl EXPEPdDITURES aF $ECONI]ARY ItQAD CON$'Z'Yt.UCTYON l•TJNDS~ F(~R IMFRaV$MRNTS OF SECONDAYt'Y ROADS IN NEw HAN®VER COUNTY. THIS HEA,ItIN+G WILLL BEHELD ON JUNE Z9, Z000 AT 9:00' A.M[. IN TY•YE NEW HANOV7EIt COUNTY COURT HQUSE BUIGb7NC, RaOM 3b1., AT 24I~OY~TH TI3IIZA STB.ETT, WYLM7NGTON, N.C. REC4MMENDATI®NS Ft3R EXPL:NDITUREu ©k' TfiE . SECONDARY ROAD +COIVSTRUCTXQz*I b"t~NDS ARE POSTED ON T~ PU$LIC gULLE'Y'zN ' BOARD AT THE NEvV H.A,NO'V~12 COY7NT3t CaURTHS~VJ'SE. 'Very tr~u yo~urs~, /~~v~-' . Mr. H..A.. Pope, pivision En~rtGer HAP'tJpsJ CC: iYla. Louise McColl ' Mr. David L. Thomas, P,. ~. New Hanover County Commissioners f~j11~~e6Yi~ ~`:~'~:'"l ~. ~ ~ ,# ~~~ ~: {~ ~-~ 124 Division DCive Wilmington, N. C. 28441 (910} 25I-2655 i . I i a~4. __ ~' ~a~ __ .. ~ ~~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAt~s B. HurrT, Jti. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DAVID McCOY SECRETARY GOVEIL`10R May 31, 2000. Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Subject: 2000-2001 Secondary Road Construction Program Dear Mr. Caster: As requiredby General Statute 136-44.5, before July 1 each calendar year, the Department of Transportation shall make a study of all state-maintained unpaved roads in order to determine the unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the state. Each county's allocation is determined by dividing the. total allocation by the statewide mileage times the number of miles in each county. Secondary road construction allocations. are based upon the amount of revenue generated by the gasoline tax and the final total will not be known until the end of the current fiscal year, ending June 30, 2000. All bond funds have been allocated and programmed. Should there be a significant change in the county allocation, we will inform you of any adjustments in the Secondary Road Construction Program for 2000-2001. Based on an unpaved mileage of approximately 2.91 miles in New Hanover County, compared to unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allocation is estimated at $143,082.00 that is expected to be approved at the July Board Meeting. The North Carolina Board of Transportation has elected to continue paving down the same lists used last year. The lists are based on a paving priority rating system having two paving priorities in each county, one for viral roads and one for residentiaUsubdivisionmads: The Board now requires a separate listing of roads for each county showing the roads which have been previously skipped over for paving because the right-of--way was not available. Although these roads will not be shown on either of the two paving priority-lists, provisions have been made for any such road to be reinstated to its prior position at such time as right-of--way becomes available, or as. soon thereafter as reiristatement can be administratively accomplished. A copy of the paving . priorities, and the. list of roads with unavailable right-of--way is attached for your reference. • 7 ` 124 Division Drive Wilmington,.N. C. 28401 (910) 251-2655 New Hanover County Commissioners Page Two Incompliance with our Board's directives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary road construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 2001. This proposal will be presented in a public hearing at your regularly scheduled meeting on June 19, 2000 at 9:00 A.Iv1. as follows: Estimated July 1, 2000 Total Allocation Highway Fund $67,267.00 Highway Trust Fund $75,815.00 Spot Stabilization, Paved Road Improvements, Safety Improvements and Bridge Replacements Roads for Grade. Drain.. Base and Pave SR 2546M, Wishing Well Lane (Continuation from 1999-2000 Program to Complete Funding) SR 1552, Camellia Lane From SR 1506 to Dead End Length 0.04 Mile Priority 12S SR 1337M, Marathon Avenue From End Pavement to SR 2636 Length 0.04 Mile 0.04 SR 2636, Indian Corn Trail From SR 1337 to SR 2637 Length 0.72 Mile SR 2637, Tall Oaks Drive From SR 2636 to Enid System Length 0.13 Mile Priority 13S 0.89 $143,082.00 $18,230.00 $124,852.00 $30.000.00 $94,852.00 $10.000.00 $84,852.00 $80,000.00 $4,852.00 8 New Hanover County Commissioners Page Three Volunteer Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Road Additions and Contingencies Total Miles: 0.93 $4,852.00 $0.00 A copy of this proposed program is posted on the public bulletin board at the courthouse for public review. This program is subject to availability of funding, right-of--way, and. environmental review. We wish to point out the amount used in the cost of each of these priorities is an estimate and is subject to variations due to inflation, cost of materials, equipment rate changes, and so forth. J We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the Board and the public, to present this - program. Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must be incompliance with General Statute 136-44.8. In the event right of way for any of the proposals above is riot available, it is our plan to proceed with the next priority until right of way is acquired and funds are expended. You will be notified of changes in this program. In addition, at the end of each calendar year you will be presented a detailed report of work accomplished and funds expended. . Very Truly Yours, ~° r~! Louise McColl Member, Board of Transportation Yf %~'~ H. A. Pope, P. Division Engineer HAP/DLT cc: David L. Thomas, P. E., District Engineer Scott E. Cooke, Highway Maintenance Engineer 9 SRIQ RP,TINC UNPA~IBD SBCOHDARY ROADS - RURAi, PAGE 1 CODNTYi NBW HANOVBR 1997 S/R PRTY NP.H? I,3NGTH HON P/H SCH CH BS IN RF ~B B/R TRAP T/F T/PTS 1616 1F NAVAHO TRAIN; ,95 10 2 Y 90 F 190,0 1408 2F PROSPECT CBMB ,30 3 N 30 N 60,0 1385 3F SAHPSON STRBB .43 1 N IO N 20,0 1318 4F 8bU& CLAY ROA ,11 N 6 H 6,0 NUHBBR ROADS: 4 TOTAL MILES; 1,19 (F) INDICATES FROZEN TOP 10 PRIORITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 13.6-44,78) 10 ~ SRIQ RATING UNPAVED S3CONDARY ROADS - SUBDIVISION/RFSIDFNTIAi, PP.GB 1 - COUNTY: NSW HANOVBR 1997 S(R PRTY- NAMP IFNGTH HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF ~B B/R TRAF T/F T/PTS 1751 IF BOWFIN I,AN~ ,26 13 Y 18 N 388,0 1a 38 2F AI,LBN'S bANB .'[7 8 1 N 63 N 277.6 3F NIdON I,ANB ,18 7 N 42 N 27,3 4F HORKB PLAC& G .25 8 Y 48 N 2ti0.G 123.2 SF SiGNAH ROAD ,08 3 N 18 H 2?3.0 225.8 6F BROOKDALF DRI .39 7 2 N. 62 N 220.9 2259 7F FARM-ROAD .18 3 1 N 28 N 183.5 1411 8F MCCUMBFR STA. .25 3 H.. IS N 90,0 2183 9F SPRING ROAD .16 ~ Y 10 N 20,0 2549 lOF WBBPING WI~I,O .0°, 33 Y 198 N 2406,0 2~46M 11 WISHING WBI,L i,51 76 '? 4~6 N 767,9 1552 12 CAMELLIA 1,ANB ,04 4 N 24 N 624.0 2660 I3 WHITTBD CIRCL ,06 5 Y 30 N 540.0 133.7M 14 MARATHON AVF .69 38 Y 228 N 494,1 1920 15 bAVIS LANF ,17 10 Y 60 N 422,9 26?9 16 HBRMITAGB.DRI .12 5 Y 30 N 290,0 1461 17 CH3STBR AVBNU _ ,04 1 N 1G N 260.0 2ooi I6 UN-NAM&D ROAD .11 ? Y 24 N 212.1 2669 19 EMERSON DRIVF ,24 4 Y 24 N 134,0 NUMBER ROADS: 19 TOTAT~ MiLFS: 5.29 (F) I NDICATE S FROZBN TOP. 10 PRIORITY AS RBQUIRBD BY GS I36-44,7( B~ • 11 LIST OF ROADS WITH UNAVAILABLE RIGHT-OF-WAY 1997-2001 COUNTY: NEW HANOVER RURAL ROADS Priority SR Number Name Length SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL ROADS Priority SR Number Name Length 1 F 1334 Sondey Road 0.40 SUMMARY Number of roads on list 1 Total length of roads 0.40 Total length of roads with 50 or more ADT 0.40 REV 05/00 12 n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Budget Department for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999. BRIEF SUMMARY: Notification has been received from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada that New Hanover County has qualified to receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the ninth consecutive year. The award is for New Hanover County's budget submitted for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999. This award is the highest form of recognition. in .governmental budgeting. The budget is reviewed by a panel of independent budget experts who use extensive criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the budget as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide,~and a communication device. Award-winning documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award be presented to Cam Griffin, New Hanover County Budget Director, and staff. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation 2. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve Present award. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~~"`v LINTY COMMISSION~~i APPROVED ~~°~'r" ~tEJECTED D 1., REMOVED O r ~=~~~ POSTPONED D .'' ~. F{EARi'J ~ ~~:+ G=ad: , ~~1,9~Ga~~. f-:~TiT ....~~. JII ~L ~~~.~ ~ ® _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o ' > ~ ~ ~ C'~' -~ ~ ~ .p o ~ a ~ . .~~~'~~ ~ ° ~° ~ L ~ v~~ W a°' °.~~ n ~ •~ ~~ ~ j l . ~ ~3: ~ ; o rtS n y ~ OQ n Qn ~~~ ` y V O N ~'' i b 'v co'a (~ CJ ~ O ~ L ~ c u ~ r-I '~ • •~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ 0 E ~-1 O ~ n ~3 c~i ~ ~~ U ] `~ 6 1 (~ ~, ~ ~+ ~ N ~ L n n o L ~ h ~ N 1-~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `O Q ~ e~O~ `o y k~ .:-~ 0 rY ~ ~ i am ~ ~ ~ ~ U ;; c U C~ y ~ U , Gi ~ ~ G'~ ~ O ® ~ ~ x 0 Z Q, +-~ N ~ ~ '~ ~ b~ i ~~~ .~~ ~~ r ~r I, I~ , + C (f ~ U ® ~ ,~ GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION • ~~ ~~ ~u~~-~t ~'r~st~~i~~ - ~ ~~~~ A - PRESENTED TO _ New Hanover County, North Carolina For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1999 wZ ~~.~ b~~ ~C~ ~~`~ ~~~ President Executive Director • 15 {This pine intentionally left blank} 1 - :; ~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal year 2000.2001 budget ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 2000-2001 budget ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM Recommend adoption of the FY2000~2001 Budget COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: rCOUNTY COMMISSION~~ ` APPROVED G~J/" REJECTED D REMOVED p ~ ,. POSTPONED ® ~' NEAR© ~ b~' {This pabe intentionally left blank} ~~p~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ,`` C~ ~, 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM1SSlONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular Item #: 6 ~ Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin, Budget Director SUBJECT: Resolution for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Outside Agency Funding BRIEF SUMMARY: . Consideration of the resolution authorizing and directing the County Manager to enter into the appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the funding amounts approved in the Fiscal Year 2000.2001 budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REpUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the resolution FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 00-01 outside agency resolution REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S'COMMENTS AND RECOMME NUNS: Recommend approval of resolution. ' ONS/COMMENTS: ~~ COMMISSIONERS ACT1 ~~5~~ • ~ ,~,,~ - ~ ~~ Soy ~COUNfTY COMMI~1®N~R3 APPROVED C REJECTED O REMOVED p .~ `;^~ P05TPONED p HEARD ~\r.;,~.>~:' .~ ~ , "~; ~~ .. ~' a.fo ~G4-fcn.~ l~ew ]Elanover County hoard of Commissioners lies®luti®n WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that serve public purposes including economic and physical development, cultural and recreational programs, human services, industrial promotion, and public safety; and New Hanover County is interested in V1/HEREAS, providing financial support to agencies that benefit the citizens of the County. NOVU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: That the County Manager is authorized and directed to enter into the appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the amount of funding approved in the New Hanover County fiscal year 2000-2001 budget. `cam;^,~°, ~y ~,~~S~ignedhis the 19th day of June 2000. ~, ~V1%ill,am,~A. Caster I 20~,, __ Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Mylinda Jacobsen Contact: Mylinda Jacobsen SUBJECT: , Public Hearing to Consider Adoption ofi Solid Waste Plan Update . BRIEF SUMMARY: The Solid Waste Management Act of 1989 directs each unit of local government, either individually or in cooperation with other local governments, to develop a ten year comprehensive solid waste management plan. The original 10 year plan was completed June 30, 1997. Three Year Solid Waste Management Plan updates are mandatory. The intent is to keep the plan current and provide means to re-evaluate existing solid waste practices. The draft three year update was previously delivered to the Board of Commissioners. Three Year Updates are due at the NC Division of Solid Waste Management by June 30, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider adopting attached resolution of approval. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: • LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMEN TI NS: Recommend adoption of resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~~~ ~COt1i1I1Y COMMISSICN~ APPROVED REJECTED D :t . REMOVED D ,~ POSTPONED D hiEARiJ t~ ~ ~ t G~:.TF .6~ 14,~~ .~.~, _.~.-~.o,. RESOLUTION - OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, planning for solid waste will protect public health and the environment, provide for efficient application of the County solid waste management system, better utilize our natural resources, control the cost of solid waste management, and; WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.09A(b) requires each unit of local government, either individually or in cooperation with other units of local government to develop a I 0-year comprehensive solid waste management plan with mandatory updates every three years; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby approve the New Hanover County Solid Waste Plan Update. Adopted this, the 19`x' day of June, 2000. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners . ATTEST Lucie F. Harrell, Clerlc to the Board k~e~l~~v GY y~q ~Ye,U~.Y~4!Up~ ~ /~~ ~~qq '6d~}~ V `l~liY~f~Y*- .r' ,r '' _„ v . k:` c~i.- .. 22 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact:.Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Inventory of Land BRIEF SUMMARY: In anticipation of the passage of the greenspace bond referendum, staff had begun mapping some of the open space and conservation areas. There are several elements of a comprehensive inventory that still need to be completed. The open space categories could include the following: -Land already owned by the public -Land with conservation easements held by nonprofits or trusts. -404 wetlands protected through Federal permitting -Conservation areas protected through local permititng. We have mapped the public lands and have started to map the conservation easements that are held by such groups as the NC Land Trust or the Northeast NHC Conservancy. The Conservation areas that are protected through our own regulations as well as the wetlands delineated by the Corps will require a considerable amount of time to indentify and map. I would estimate 4 to 6 months of full time work by an intern or student to complete the work. Coupled with our inventory of the remaining vacant land held in private ownership, this information will be critical in indentifying areas that are worthy of protecting or determining those areas of the County that are without nearby recreational facilities. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Discuss and consider directing staff to complete -land inventory FUNDING SOURCE: general fund ATTACHMENTS: 0 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMI4 Consider approval of completion of land inventory COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • ~counmr co,wMl~slo APPROVED REJECTED ^ REMOVED . p POSTPONED ^ ~ HEARD ~ 2 3 J {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~~i~a~'S ~o~ Y7 fi~~' +' ~~P~?a~1 24 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~/ ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY -BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: ,06/19/00 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Inspections Presenter: Jay Graham Contact: Jay Graham. . SUBJECT: Waived Permit Fees BRIEF SUMMARY: - The County has moved toward user-fee revenues for supporting County functions whenever practical. The Inspections Department has, for the past 12 years, been auser-fee revenue-supported endeavor for salaries; operating and capital expenses. During this period, County policy has required the Department waive all fees for projects that are funded in whole or in part-with County funds. This policy has also been extended to other local government permits such as the City of Wilmington. The attached data shows that the revenue loss of this policy to the Inspections Department averages between $100,000 to $150,000 annually. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the dissolution of waived permit and inspection fees for any reason, effective July 1, 2000. Such action will clarify revenue resources and allow simplified fee tracking and accounting. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~.~w Free Permit REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC( COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A aQl COUNTY COMMI~lO(V~i, APPROVED ~ REJECTED 0 REMOVED ~ `~ POSTPONED FIEARi7 ~' 2 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE { 1 .~...,. . , et3R'1 ~S l~~Y~'i,~~, ~~1 I J~ ® ~ys...~,_..~.pY,...a _. .~ _ - m. z~uxx.a~. - w«.~ x.........a..w++d w-mx ..nP.~y+tt~.~.^;ars Yw ~ ~.. m'i. - -. -. JS}2k31... ~.._...._-.. To: Jay Graham, Inspections Director From: Tony RobeJ~ts, Chief of Code Administration Services Re: Free Permits Date: June 6, 2000 Here is a summary of lost revenue from Free Permits issued by our department over the past 5 years: Fiscal Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 20.00. (to date) Lost Revenue: $82,372 $68,562.09 $149,235 $53,295.10 $79,251 $42,786 , Total = $475,501.19 ~l ®~1°f~~~~~ ~1~~~~ 2 6 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~+~ra~^~ .J NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .-~- To: -Jay Graham, Inspections Director From: Tony Roberts, Chief of Code Administration Services Re: Free Permits "Representative Year" 1998 Date: June 12, 2000 These are the numbers for permits issued at "no charge -free" to the following recipients based on a representative year 1998. Listed below are the recipients who receive "free" permits. Carolina, Wrightsville, and Kure beaches along with Cape Fear Community. College had a small percentage of "free" permits during 1998. Jurisdiction /Recipient . Total Permit Fees Percent Kure Beach $ 107.00 0.20% Carolina Beach $ 641.00 1.10% Wrightsville Beach $ 326.00 0.60% CFCC $ 99.00 0.10% NHRMC $ 9,68'3.93 18.00% City of Wilmington $ 23,504.18 44.00% New Hanover County $ 18,934.17 36.00% Trade Break Down Building $ 30,256.05 Electrical $ 11,830.00 Mechanical $ 8, 832.13 Plumbing - $ 2,377.10 27 ,. {This page intentionally left blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 • • Regular Item #:. 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Contact: Dave Weaver Presenter: James Bryant SUBJECT: Consideration of Request by Seabreeze Community Center for County to Purchase 21 Acres for a Community Center and Park Facility. BRIEF SUMMARY: James, Bryant, the President of the Seabreeze Community Center, will present a request to the Board of Commissioners for the County to purchase approximately 21 acres in the Seabreeze area, as outlined in his attached letter. This land will be used for a community center and athletic fields. It is very important to understand that the County Fire Services is also very interested in building a new Federal Point Fire Station on this site. Staff has worked with Seabreeze residents on the possible development of a combination fire station/community center on several acres on that same parcel. Fire Services has appropriated $950,000 in its budget for this project. Staff will develop and deliver additional background information for the Board on this issue prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Board consider purchasing this parcel for development of a combined fire station/community center and athletic facility. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board consider this matter. Funding for a.park facility may be difficult. The Fire District is in need of a land purchase. The Seabreeze location meets the fire district needs~I ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS. POUNfY COMM1~i0NER~ APPROVED ^ REJECTED p :~ REf!40VED ^ ~ N EARPONED ^ ~ (j . - D Cr~ ' . s ~...rC~n,. fZt-K~iy dk• ~ryVa~e., dcz~iYir~ ~~-, /Ylcct u/ Q~,~zr~-ie8. ~~~ita y,sd - ~tSa.i:~:~A?} ~ ~'~ ~. n ._ ~,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 06/19/00 ' Regular Item #: 11. Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: County Manager Presenter:. Tracy Skrabel, Coastal Federation Senior Scientist Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: - Presentation by Tracy Skrabel on an Issue of Concern to the Coastal Federation BRIEF SUMMARY:. Tracy Skrabal, Senior Scientist with the Coastal Federation, has requested an opportunity to speak to the Board of Commissioners on an issue of concern to the Coastal Federation. Additional information hopefully will be delivered to the Board before the meeting: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , Hear the presentation. ' ' ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 'ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE'REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. Qom' OMMENTS. COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS/C rCOUNTY ~~fl~f~I~NI APPROVED C1 REJECTED Q REMOVED ~ p :s . POSTPONED G~~ HEARi~ ~ ~~,1 ~. Tr ~q .~ ~') {'his page intentionally left blank} U `i~'vi!'i1~~r, '! ~~~ {. - : 1 _ ~ ~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ° REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 .. Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: - Department:: Engineering Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal - . SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Miller Building Proposal for Project Expediter _ - ~. Services -Contract # 00-0367 . BRIEF SUMMARY: On May 8, 2000, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners instructed staff to negotiate a contract with Miller Building for providing project expediter services for the New Hanover County . Jail .Project. Miller's fee proposal was received by staff on June 9. Staff is continuing to negotiate . -~~ .with Miller and will provide the draft contract and proposal to the Board at the Thursday taff meeting. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should consider approval of the proposal and contract when presented. - , FUNDING SOURCE: . COPS 'ATTACHMENTS: 'Mifler Proposal - , REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S .COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The .Board should consider approval when presented, and direct staff. ~ ~ ; COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f rd:OUfU'T1( COMMI~I a1 .. ' APPROVED ` REJECTED Q . , REMOVED D POSTPONED ®~ ~ . <~ ~ HEARD f~ , . - 33.- . 46/0804 FRI 08:27 Fr1g 910 256 3822 MBC x]002 W{imia n • Ral - & • Ci,artoktr Establi9h d 1949 Junt 8, 204Q 34 Mr. Crregory R- Thou3pson,l'. E. New T3a-aover County Engineering Departz~uen# 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28441-4045 ~ ' Re: Z`dew Hanover County Jail Facility The scope includes: '. ~ New Jail Facility - ': Sherlf#'s C)ffzce and Admir~,istration ~ ~ ~ $ Renovations to Existiag Law Enforcement Center ®ff Site Utilities ~ . ' ~ ~ , Dear Greg: ~ 'We axe pleased to offer this prapasal fox the Project $;sp~iter/Caz7struct` Management services for ' the new Law Enforcement Center loca#ed in New Hanover County, N. C. : The responsibility is defined in the draft ofNew Hanover County Contract #00-03G7 which was tx~.utually amended, c ~ ~' ~ytiloklx~+" I . The amount of this pxopasal is 2 866,245.0 This is used on a xeimbursabie budget of $1,516,245.00 per the rates submitte ~n our qualification's docume~,t and s lump sum fee of $1,350,Q00.00_ The reimbursable budget is based on total project completion including occupancy by November 1, 2Q01. Attached please find a copy of the Reimbursable Budget and Standard Razes Schedule. ' ~ ~ . We look forward to being of service to Ncw Hanovex County and Sincerely, I P. S. Rusl~rk . Senior project ~ Haver nJw . attachment_"sj~n'~~;!~~ ~i~iw~ cc: Latxy Harkey ~~' Tim 1•,ovin ~,~'~~Pv'3~ Vic Riz2~i#o~ ~~4~T~Q~I ~'r~t~s~ructior~ lr?esig~t / Bu~lc~ • .~'acxli~j ipa~ts on the project team. -Post bffzce~Box 204.6 / ~Wslmington, NC 28402 • x~Q4 ComrrconweaIth Drl~e • ,Phone 910-ZS6-2613 ~ Fax 9Y0-z56-3822 NC 28403 l~ i' ,,, a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT #00-0367 ~OUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AGREEMENT THIS Agreement, entered into this day of , 2000 by and between New .Hanover County,. hereinafter referred to as the "County", and MILLER BU1LDiNG CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as the "Project Expeditor" or "PE". ARTICLE I -DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Project Expeditor services for the New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") located on a site owned by New Hanover County on Juvenile Center Drive in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Design services shall be provided by Freeman & White, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Architect". Geotechnical services, testing, surveying and other activities shall be provided by consultants engaged by the County or Architect. The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement: die fixed limit of construction cost is defined as the maximum amount of money available for struction of the Project, including an unassigned design and construction contingency. The fixed. Limit of construction. cost includes the cost of all construction contracts, but does not include soft costs. The Project budget is defined as the construction cost (which shall not exceed the fixed limit of construction cost), administration costs, testing and inspection costs, design and other professional services costs; and .all costs required to construct the Project. ARTICLE 2 -SCOPE OF SERVICES The P.E. shall furnish efficient business administration and management services and use best efforts to deliver on time and budget, so as to complete the Project within the fixed Limit of construction cost and on schedule, consistent with the interest of the County. The Project shall be divided into 2 phases subject to change orders: the Preconstruction Phase and the Construction Phase. 2.1 Preconstruction Phase Services 1 ~1.1 Project Procedures Manual New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 Thee P.E. shall prepare a Project Procedures Manual based upon the County's Building Procedures and Policies and present it to the County's Chief Project Engineer (C.P.E) for approval: 2.1.2 Scheduling The P.E. -shall develop and at least quarterly update for the C.P.E.'s acceptance a Project Schedule that coordinates and integrates (a) the P.E.'s services, (b) the Architect's services and (c) ,the County's requirements with. anticipated construction schedules. The Project Schedule shall -include, but not be limited to, documentation preparation, design deadline.; bidding and award schedules; construction phasing; realistic activity sequences and durations; allocation of labor and materials; processing of shop drawings and samples;. delivery of products requiring Fong lead time procurement; and the County occupancy requirement showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. 2.1:3 Budget .The target for the fixed limit of construction cost is Dollars ($ .00). The P.E. shall base a-I work on the fixed limit of construction cost established by the County. The P.E. shall use it's best efforts and coordinate closely with the Architect and the C.P.E. to achieve Project completion within the fixed limit of construction cost and the Project budget. The P.E. shall contact the E. in, writing immediate{y if the P.E. feels, in this professional opinion, that the probable nstruction cost will exceed the fixed Limit of construction cost. The Project budget for the project is Dollars ($ .00). The P.E. shall prepare a detailed Project Budget as soon as major Project requirements have been identified and shall update as requested the budget for the C. P. E.'s approval. A project contingency allowance of Dollars ($ .00) has been established by the County, subject to the finalization of the project cost. The P.E. shall inform the C.P.E. and the Architect in writing if any component part of the Project budget cannot be met, make recommendations for corrective action and work with the Architect to bring- posts back within budget. The P.E. is providing three major estimating efforts for this Project in addition to special studies. The P.E. shall provide value engineering services for the Project as directed by the C.P.E. The P.E. shall evaluate the Project in order to identify unnecessary cost, if any, develop alternatives and recommend the most desirable plan which, ideally, is the least costly in terms of initial cost and life cycle costs. The P.E. shall perform value engineering analysis on all components and materials as design evolves. The. P.E. shall provide advice on design changes that would affect the budget. The P.E. shall analyze all costs for the program modification, any time impact to the schedule, and any corrective action .necessary to maintain the schedule. ~.- 2 New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 ~he P.E. shall prepare three construction cost estimates, as per Attachment 1, of the total Project and all alternates under consideration based on drawings and specifications of the Architect. The P.E. shall update and refine this estimate for the C. P. E.'s approval as the Architect prepares and completes Construction documents; advise. the C.P.E. and the Architect if it appears that the construction budget will not be met; and make recommendations for corrective action. The estimate, and all updates of the estimate, shall include costs for site development, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and all other costs to complete the Project. The P.E.'s estimate and all updates of the estimate shall. represent the anticipated cost at the date construction bids are accepted. The P.E. shall also include in the estimate and all updated estimates, (when approved by the C_P.E.) appropriate design and bidding contingencies, all fees, the C.P.E.'s cost, reserves, on-site overhead, general conditions. cost, and inflation factors. The P.E.'s estimate of construction cost and each .estimate update shall represent the P.E.'s best. judgment as .an experienced and qualified professional familiar with similar projects. Thee P.E. shall evaluate and compare the fixed limit of construction cost to estimate of construction cost. The P.E. shall. review alternative Project approaches and the project budget with the Architect and the C.P.E. to recommend the alternate to be designed based on funding and schedule constraints, and on the program requirements. An alternate shall address the needs of the user group and maintenance personnel. The P.E. shall develop and maintain cash flow requirements for the C.P.E. for all relevant items as ~quired by the C.P.E. in the format and for the period specified by the C.P.E. 2.1.4 Project Development The P.E. shall advise the C.P.E. on selection of materials, building systems and equipment and provide recommendations on construction feasibility, availability of materials and labor, time requirements for installation and construction, and factors related to cost including, but not limited to, costs of alternative designs or materials, preliminary budgets and possible economies. The P.E. shall review construction documents on a periodic schedule recommending alternative solutions whenever design details affect construction feasibility, cost or schedules. 2.1.5 Minority -and Women-Owned~Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Program The P.E. shall administer and shall assist New Hanover County with its M/WBE program on the Project (see attachment 2 for New Hanover County's M/WBE Plan). 3 ~.1.6 Construction Planning New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 Separation of the Project -The P.E. shall provide recommendation on the separation of the Project into contracts for various categories of work all of which shall be according to the North Carolina General Sfatues. If separate contracts are to be awarded, the P.E. shall review the drawings and specifications and make recommendations as required to provide that (1) the work of the separate contractors is coordinated, (2) all requirements for the Project have been assigned. to the appropriate separate contract, (3) the likelihood of jurisdictional disputes has been minimized, and (4) proper coordination has been provided for phased construction, taking into consideration such factors as time of performance, availability of labor and provisions for temporary facilities. The P.E. shall review the drawings and specifications to minimize areas of conflict and overlapping of the work to be performed by the various contractors and prepare criteria to identify bidders capable of performing the work. Recommendations -The P.E. shall provide information and recommendations to the C.P.E. as requested regarding construction technology and building systems; construction feasibility; alternative designs; availability of .labor; time requirements for installation and construction; factors related to cost including costs of alternative designs or materials; and equipment, materials and services for .common use of contractors. The P.E. shall verify that the requirements and assignment of responsibilities are included in the proposed contract documents. ~mporary Project Facilities -The P.E. shall provide or take competitive quotes in accordance with 'Borth Carolina General Statutes for lease/rental/setup construction of tempora facilities which- shall ry include, but not be limited to, site security, trailers and equipment. County Purchase of Items - As required by the C.P.E., the P.E. shall assist C.P.E. in its purchase of materials and equipment requiring long lead time procurement. The P.E. shall assist the C. P: E. and. in expediting and coordinating delivery of these purchases. Labor Analysis -The P.E. shall make recommendations for actions designed to minimize adverse effect of labor shortages. 2.1.7 Meetings - The P.E. shall attend meetings with the C.P.E., the Architect and the Architect's consultants as necessary. Such meetings shall be maintained throughout the entire preconstruction period and shall be for the primary purpose of assessing the progress of the work and taking such remedial actions as are available to assure progress and completion within the contract tune according to the Project schedule: The P.E: shall assist the Architect in preparing an agenda in advance and submitting an action report to the C.P.E. within five (5) calendar days after the meeting. The P.E. shall assist the C.P.E. in scheduling and conducting other progress meetings as needed with the C.P.E., Architect, P.E. and the County's consultants and submit to the C.P.E. an action report of each such meeting ~in five (5) calendar days after each meeting. 4 n\ New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 2.1.8 $idding Phase The P.E. shall work with the C.P.E. to conduct the bidding phase in strict accordance with North Carolina State Statues and with any other applicable statutes. The P.E. shall make recommendations to identify potential. bidders capable of performing work, develop bidders' interest in the Project and establish bidding schedules. The P.E.'s duties during the bidding phase shall consist of: a. Assisting the Architect in obtaining approvals from all .necessary authorities and agencies prior to advertising the Project for bids. Such authorities and agencies shall include, but not be Limited to, the Building Standards Department, the North Carolina Department of Transportation. c. Prepare the, necessary bidding information, bidding forms, the Conditions of the Contract and the forms of Agreement between the C.P.E. and the contractors. The P.E, shall assist the C.P.E. in preparing supplementary instructions to bidders and supplemental general- conditions. d. The P.E. shall review and recommend bid alternates proposed by the Architect and/or other consultants. The P.E. shall assist the Architect and C.P.E. in preparing documents of ~ernate, separate or sequential bids if required by the C.P.E.. e. The P.E. shall recommend to the C.P.E. for approval a construction contingency for each contract. The unassigned construction contingency shall be included in the fixed limit of construction cost which shall include unforeseen items which are part of the original scope of the Project. f. Incorporating into the construction contract any local, state or federal requirements applicable to the Project. In conjunction with the Architect, the C.P.E. will supply the P.E. with the necessary provisions. g. Incorporating into each construction contract a construction schedule which shall include the construction period and any milestones. The schedule shall be reviewed by the Architect and reviewed and approved by the C.P.E.. h. Assist the C.P.E. in pre-qualifying bidders. i. Reviewing the plans and specifications prepared by the Architect. j. Prepare the advertisement for bids. k. Conduct all pre-bid conferences. The P.E. shall schedule each conference, prepare 5 ., _ t New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 ~ach agenda and prepare and distribute the minutes. Review and' approving addenda prepared by the Architect. m. Evaluation of bids and investigation of bidder's qualifications within County requirements. n. Recommendation for award of contracts o. Advise the C.P.E. on the acceptability of subcontractors and materials suppliers proposed by the contractors. The P.E. shall draft documents for presentation of the contracts to the Board of C.'P. E. Commissioners. p. Scheduling; and conducting preconstruction conferences. The Construction Manager shat! define during the meeting his duties. The P.E. shall submit to the C.P.E. a full written report of each such meeting within five (5) calendar days after each meeting. The P.E., shall assist the C.P.E., in negotiations with the lowest responsible bidders in order to award the Contract under the fixed limit of construction cost. If the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal causes the fixed limit of construction cost to be ceeded, the C.P.E. may either (1) give written approval of the increase in such fixed limit; (2) thorize rebidding or renegotiating of the Project within a reasonable time as specified in writing by the C.P.E.; (3) terminate the Agreement in accordance with ARTICLE 5; (4) cooperate in revising the Project scope and quality as required to reduce the construction cost; or (5) seek an extended period bn bids while other phases of the Project are developed. A written approval of an increase in the fixed limit of construction cost (Option (1)) shall not be a basis for increasing the P. E.'s fee. If the C.P.E. elects to proceed under (2), the P.E., shall assist the C.P.E. during the rebidding or renegotiating.. process, and the succeeding bids or negotiated contract process shall be subject to the provisions of this .Agreement. Any supplemental effort by the P. E.'s home office staff during arebid/renegotiation of the project cost shall be performed by the P.E.. In~the Case of (4), the P.E., shall make recommendations for modification of the drawings and specifications, work with the Architect on design changes, and provide value engineering. needed to comply with the_ fixed limit of construction cost. If the Architect or C.P.E. fail to take the recommendations of the P.E. regarding systems, costs, budgets, or contingencies and the budget is exceeded, the P.E. will be reimbursed for the re-bid and re-design effort. 2.2 Construction Phase The Construction Phase shall commence with the award of the initial construction contract grid shad end at the final acceptance of the Architect and in accordance with Attachment 1. 6 e 2.2.1 Inspection New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 • The P.E. shall determine that the work of each contractor is being ..performed in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. The P.E. shall establish a Quality Control Program that will guard the C.P.E. against defects and deficiencies in the work. As appropriate, the P.E. shall or make recommendations to the Architect a and C.P.E regarding. special inspection or testing of work not in accordance with. the provisions of the contract documents whether or not such work shall be then fabricated, installed or completed. The Architect shall reject any work which does not conform to the requirements of the contract documents and the P.E. shall require the contractors to make timely correction of the defects and deficiencies identified by the P: E. or Architect. The P.E. will promptly notify the C.P.E. and the Architect of this action. Interpretation Interpretation of Documents - In the event of a dispute the P.E. shall refer all questions for interpretation of the documents prepared by the Architect to the Architect. Safety -The P.E. shall make regular and appropriate evaluations to check Project Safety. The P.E. shall. not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures employed by the Contractors in the performance of their contracts. Contractor's Personnel -The P.E. shall determine the adequacy of the Contractor's personnel and equipment and the availability of materials and supplies to meet the schedule, document this through written and electronic measures, and shall recommend courses of action to the C.P.E. when requirements of a contract are not being fulfilled and the nonperforming party will not take satisfactory corrective action. 2.2:2 Project Control Administration -The P.E. shall provide coordination, supervision, and scheduling as required to coordinate work of the contractors with each other and with the activities and responsibilities of .the P.E., the C.P.E. and the Architect to complete the Project in accordance with the C. P. E.'s objectives for safety, cost, time and quality. The P.E. shall provide organization, personnel and management to carry out the requirements of this Agreement, in accordance with the Staffing Plan (See Attachment 1). The P.E. shall establish on-site organization and lines of authority in order to carry- out the overall plans of the C.P,E., the Architect and the P.E. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement and incorporated in the contract documents, the P.E_, in cooperation with the Architect, shall provide administration of `the contracts for construction as set forth. below. 7 New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 The P.E. shall be a representative of the C: P. E. during the construction phase and shall advise and consult. with the C.P.E.. Communications between the C.P.E. and the contractors and between the Architect and the contractors shall be through the P.E.. The P.E. shall document all communications between the P.E. and the .Architect and shall promptly forward a copy of appropriate documents (letters, phone logs, notes, etc.) to the C.P.E.. The P.E. shall set up and maintain a document file to be turned over to the C.P.E. at the completion of the Project. Claims and Disputes -The P.E. shall provide a documented analysis of all the facts. bearing on the disputed issue and promptly render written recommendations to the Architect on all claims, disputes or other matters in question between the C.P.E. and the Contractor relating to the execution or progress of the work as provided in the contract documents. Quality of Work -'the P.E. shall have the responsibility to recommend to the Architect rejection of work which does not conform to the contract documents. The P.E. shalt exercise reasonable care and diligence in discovering and. promptly reporting to the C.P.E. and the Architect any defects or deficiencies in the work of the contractors or any subcontractors, or their respective agents or employees, or any other person performing any of the work in the construction Project. In addition, the P.E. shall keep the C.P.E. and the. Architect informed of the progress and the quality of the work. Whenever, in the P.E.'s reasonable opinion, it is necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent of the contract documents, the P.E. shall have the responsibility to require additional inspection or testing of the work in accordance with the provisions of the contract documents, whether or not such work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, the P.E. shall obtain the C.P.E.'s prior approval of any such inspection or testing. Professional Services -When directed by the C.P.E., the P.E. shall advise in the selection of consultants, and administer the activities of the consultants. All such contracts will be between the C.P.E. and the consultants. Surveying -The P.E.'s services shall include, but not be limited to, scheduling and coordinating C: P. E. and P.E. The P.E. shall report on monthly and update quarterly the Project construction schedule consistent with the Project construction schedule issued with bidding documents and utilizing the contractors' construction schedules provided by the separate contractors. The P.E. shah include activity sequences and durations, allocation of labor and materials, processing of shop drawings, product data and samples, delivery of products requiring long lead time procurement, and the C. P.E.'s occupancy requirements showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The P.E. shall update and reissue the Project construction schedule as required to show current conditions and revisions required by actual experience. The P.E. shall regularly monitor the schedule. as construction- progresses, identifying potential variances between schedules and probable complete dates. The P.E. shall review the schedule for work not started. or incomplete and. shall recommend to the C.P.E. and the contractors adjustments in the schedule to meet the ~robable completion date. The Construction Manager shall provide summary reports of each 8 New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 monitoring, document all changes in schedule and advise the C.P.E. if the contractors are not meeting their schedules. Payments -The P.E. shall develop and implement procedures for the review, processing and payment of applications by contractors for progress and final payments. Based on the Architects' inspections at the Project site and on evaluations of the contractors' applications for payment, the Architect shall promptly review and recommend for payment the amounts due the contractors and forward for review and certification to the Architect. The P.E. and Architect shall review and approve the continuation sheet containing the schedule of values of the Project and verify that the values are appropriate, minimizing-front end loading. The issuance of a certificate for payment shall constitute a representation by the Architect to the C.P.E. that (1) the work has progressed to the point indicated; (2) the quality of work is in accordance with the contract documents; and (3) the contractors are entitled to payment in the amount certified. Change Orders -The P.E. shall develop and implement a system for the preparation, review and processing of change orders. The P.E. shall recommend necessary or desirable changes to the C.P.E. and the Architect. The P.E. shall receive and review all contractors' requests for change orders; make recommendations on the action required by the C.P.E. and the Architect. If the recommendations are accepted, the P.E. shall assist with the negotiations of the change orders with the Architect's review for the C.P.E.'s approval and execution in accordance with the contract documents. The P.E. shall not have authority to order minor changes in the work not involving an adjustment in the contract sum or an extension of the contract time which are consistent with the intent of the contract documents. Cost Control -The P.E. shall develop and monitor an effective system of Project cost control; revise and refine the initially approved construction budget; incorporate approved changes as they occur; and develop cash flow reports and forecasts as needed. The total Project Budget shall not be exceeded without prior C.P.E. approval, and the fixed limit of construction cost shall not be exceeded. The P.E. shall identify variances between actual and budgeted or estimated costs and advise the C.P.E. and the Architect. The P.E. shall maintain cost accounting records on authorized work performed under unit cost, actual cost for labor and material, or other bases requiring accounting records for review by the C.P.E.. The P.E. shall maintain these records for a period of three (3) years after final payment. All project cost control and budget systems will be done in Lotus format acceptable to the County's C.P.E. Permits -The P.E. shall assist in obtaining permits from authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Shop Drawings and Submittals -The P.E. shall receive from the contractors all shop drawings, product data, samples-and other submittals and forward to the Architect. The P.E. shall, in collaboration with the Architect, establish and implement procedures for logging in and expediting the processing and approval of shop drawings,. product data, samples and other submittals and hall take the necessary steps to keep the process schedule. 9 .~ , r \ / New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 Project Site Documents -The P.E. shall record the progress of the Project and submit monthly written progress reports to the C.P.E. and the Architect including information on each contractor, each contractor's work, the work of the entire Project, and the percentages of completion and the number and amounts of change orders. The P.E. shall keep a daily log obtaining a record of weather, contractors' work on the site, number of workers, work accomplished, problems encountered, and other similar relevant data as the C.P.E. may require: The log shall be available to the County and the Architect. The P.E. shall also keep and maintain a photographic history of the project: All photos will be dated and will be of sufficient number to accurately illustrate the .project conditions at the time the photos are taken. The P.E. shall maintain at the Project site, on a current basis, a completely updated set of documents which includes, but is not limited to, a record copy of all contracts, drawings, specifications, addenda, bulletins, change orders and other modifications;. shop drawings; architectural ~ mock-ups; product data; samples; submittals; purchases; materials; equipment; applicable handbooks; maintenance and operation manuals and instructions; other related documents and revisions which arise out of the contracts or work. The P.E. shall require each contractor to record all changes made during construction via "red-lining" the applicable construction documents. The P.E. shall maintain all records through the appropriate Contractors, in duplicate, of principal wilding layout lines, locations and elevations of the bot-tom of footings and all subsurface utilities, loor levels and all other key site elevations certified by a qualified surveyor or professional erigineer. The P.E. shall make all records available to the C.P.E. and the Architect, and, at the completion of the Project, deliver all such records to the Architect for the C.P.E.. Professional Surveying will be provided by the C.P.E. C.P.E. -Purchased Items -The P.E. shall assist in the arrangement of delivery, storage, protection and security of County purchased materials, systems and equipment which are part of the Project, until such items are incorporated into the Project. Installation of County. Purchased items will be coordinated by the C.P.E. and P.E. Certificate of Insurance - The ~P. E. shall receive Certificates of Insurance from the contractors and review them for adequate coverage prior to forwarding to the C.P.E. 2.2.3 Completion Substantial Completion -When the P.E. considers each contractor's work or a designated portion thereof substantially complete, the P.E. and Architect shall prepare a preliminary list of incomplete or unsatisfactory items and a schedule for their completion and forward the list and schedule to the C.P.E.. The P.E. shall assist the Architect in conducting inspections. After the Architect certifies the 'Date of Substantial Completion of the Work, the P.E. shall coordinate the correction and completion the work on the punch list with the various Contractors. io '~ New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 Final Completion -The P.E. shall assist the Architect and the C.P.E. in determining when the Project or a designated portion thereof is substantially complete. The P.E. shall prepare for the Architect a summary of the status of the work of each contractor, listing changes in the previously issued Certificates of Substantial Completion of the work and recommending the times within which contractors shall complete uncompleted items on their Certificate of Substantial Completion of the work. Following the Architect's issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion of the Project or designated portion thereof, the P.E. shall evaluate the completion of the work of the contractors and make recommendations to the Architect and the C.P.E. in conducting final inspections, secure and transmit to the C.P:E. required guarantees, affidavits, releases, bonds and waivers, and deliver all keys, .manuals, record drawings and maintenance stocks to the C:P.E. Start-Up -The P.E. shall assist the Architect and the C.P.E. in the checkout of utilities, operations systems and equipment for readiness and in their initial startup and testing by the contractors. The P.E. and the contractors shall conduct an on-site run-through of the operations and maintenance of the completed Project with the appropriate contractors and C.P.E. personnel. The Architect and contractors shall provide schematic drawings, specifications and appropriate operational charts for mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems which the various Contractors shall post in mechanical equipment rooms. Warranty -The P.E. shall provide problem evaluation services as needed during -the warranty period for the purpose of determining the cause of the problem and recommending a solution. The E. shall conduct with the Architect, appropriate C.P.E. officials and contractors' representatives wo inspections for the Project at six (6) months and at eleven (11) months after the beginning of the warranty period. The P.E. shall issue a written report of the results of the inspection, including a fist of items needing correction, to the C.P.E.. within five (5) calendar days after the inspection. The P.E. shad conduct afollow-up inspection and report to verify that all items have been satisfactorily completed. ARTICLE 3 -TIME OF BEGINNING AND COMPLETION Reasonable extensions of time for unforeseen or unavoidable delays shall be made to the P.E. contract. In the event of excessive delays of the P. E.'s work which may result in increased cost to the P.E., the P.E.'s fee, direct .personnel expense (DPE), and reimbursable costs will be .renegotiated. The renegotiated fee will be determined by mutual agreement between the County and the P.E. Applicable costs will be paid in accordance with project duration. if the P.E: significantly contributed to the delays, the County will not renegotiate the P.E.'s fee. The P.E.. will not be. paid direct personnel expenses (salary expenses times multiplier) for the delays which he caused or significantly contributed to. 11 \/ ARTICLE 4 -TERMINATION New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon 14 calendar days' written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with its terms through not fault of the party initiating the termination. The basis for termination of the P.E. shall include, but not limited to, failure to maintain the project schedule, failure to adhere to the fixed limit of construction cost, or not providing Quality Control that is within accepted industry guidelines. However, the P.E. is not liable for the failure of any Contractor to meet it's obligations under its contract with the Owner. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party without cause upon at least 14 days' written notice. In the even of termination that is not the fault of the P.E., the P.E. shall be compensated for the services performed to the termination date together with reimbursable costs then due and all termination expenses including demobilization costs. Termination expenses are defined as reimbursable costs plus proportional fee directly attributable to the last monthly installment. The New Hanover County Manger will have authority, without the necessity of further action by the Board of County Commissioners to terminate this Agreement on behalf of the County. ARTICLE 5 -CHANGES TO THE PROJECT The C.P.E. without invalidating this Agreement, reserves the right to order changes in the Project within the general scope of this Agreement consisting of additions, deletions, or other • revisions. All such changes. in the Project shall be authorized by amendment or change order. An amendment or change order is a written supplement agreement with the P.E. signed by the C.P.E. and the P.E. issued after the execution of this Agreement authorizing a change in the Project or the method or manner of performance and/or an adjust in the P.E.'s fee, applicable costs or construction completion date. Claims If the P.E. wishes to make a claim for an increase in the fee, applicable costs or an extension in the construction completion date, he shall give the C.P.E. written notice thereof within 20 days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim. This notice shall be given by the P.E. before proceeding to execute and work, except in an emergency endangering life or property threatened damage, injury or loss. Claims arising from a delay shall be made with 20 days after the delay. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. Any change in the P.E.'s fee or construction completion date resulting from such claim shall be authorized by amendment. Changes in the Project The staff costs in this contract are for services outlined anc~ include services to process a reasonable amount of changes to the Work. Should -~.he amount of changes become excessive and necessitate additional staff for processing, this additional staff shall be 12 ') \, l New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 reimbursed at the rates included in Attachment 1. • Emergencies In any emergency affecting the safety of persons or property, the P.E. shall act, at his discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss. Any increase in the P.E.'s fee or extension of time claimed by the P.E. on account of emergency work shall be determined. as provided in this Agreement. ARTICLE 6 -GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina. The Architect shall have the duty to prepare plans and specifications. In conjunction with the Architect, the P.E. shall comply with all. federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to the work. ARTICLE 7 -RESPONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITY 7.1 The P.E. shall save harmless the County from claims and liabilities due to the .negligence of the P.E. in the performance of its duties .under this contract. ~2 The P.E. shall exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in performing all services under this Agreement. The P.E. shall render services under this Agreement in accordance with the professional standards prevailing in North Carolina, Within one year after Final Completion and upon written request by the County and defective or inadequate services. furnished by the P.E. shall be promptly corrected by the P.E. at not cost to the County, and the P.E. shall promptly reimburse the County for all damages, if any, .resulting from the defective or inadequate services. The C. P. E.'s approval, acceptance,. use of or payment for all or any part of the P.E.'s services or of the Project itself shall in no way alter the P. E.'s obligations or the C.P.E.'s rights under this Agreement. The P.E. shall not be held responsible for damages solely attributable to Contractor's defective materials and workmanship.. .ARTICLE 8 -THE C.P.E.'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8. 1 The C:P.E. will provide all available information regarding the requirements of the Project, including a program prepared by an architect, which will set forth the C.P.E.'s objectives, constraints and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expand ability requirements, special equipment and systems and site requirements. 13 New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 ~2. The County's Chief Project Engineer, Gregory R. Thompson, P.E. or his designee is authorized to'::act on the County's behalf with respect to the Project. The C.P.E. will coordinate all communication between the P.E. and the County unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. The P.E. shall contact the County's C.P.E. prior to all meetings involving County's personnel. 8.3 The County will, at its expense, furnish surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations, and utility locations for the Project site. The surveys shall include, as applicable, streets, alleys, pavements and adjoining property and structures: adjacent drainage; rights-of-way, easements, encroachments, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions and necessary data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and available information concerning available utility services and lines, both public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths. All the information on the, survey will be referenced to a Project benchmark. 8.4 The County will retain an architect to design and to prepare construction documents for the Project in accordance with all applicable codes and laws. 8.5 The County will provide a fixed limit of construction costs. The fixed limit of construction cost is defined as the maximum amount of money available for construction of the Project, including an unassigned construction contingency. ~6. The County will secure and pay for necessary easements required for the construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities. 8.7 The P.E. will be furnished without charge all copies of drawings and specifications reasonable necessary for the execution of work. The Construction Manager shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. If the County becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or nonconformance with the drawings and specifications, the County will give prompt written notice thereof to the P.E. 8.8 The County reserves the right to pertorm work related to the Project with the County's own forces, and to award contracts in connection with the Project which are not part of the P.E.'s responsibilities under this Agreement. The P.E. shall notify the C.P.E. if any independent action shall in any way compromise the P.E.'s ability to meet the P.E.'s responsibilities under this Agreement. A change order shall be considered should the work by the County with its own forces or by Contractors that are not a part of the P.E.'s responsibilities interfere or delay the P.E. 14 Ci \/ New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 RTICLE 9 -OWNERSHIP AND USE DC All documents prepared by the P.E. shall become the property of the County without limitation of their use. ARTICLE 10 -PHOTOGRAPHS The P.E. shall have the right to photograph the project at his: expense, and may reproduce and/or publish the photographs upon .receipt of prior written approval of the County. The County retains the right of anonymity on all published work. ARTICLE -11 -CORRESPONDENCE All notices, demands, consents, or reports provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing an shat! be given to the County or the P.E.; as applicable, at the following address; Chief Project Engineer: New Hanover County Engineering Department Attention: Greg Thompson, P.E. 14 Chestnut Street -Room 101 Wilmington, NC 28401 Project Expeditor: Miller Building Corporation Attention: P.S. Buskirk, P.E. 1404 Commonwealth Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ARTICLE 12 -SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS The County and the P.E., respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither the County nor the P.E. shall sign, sublet or transfer any interests in this Agreement without the written consent of the other. The P.E. shall not assign any monies due under the Agreement without the County's. prior written consent. ARTICLE 13 -EXTENT OF AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between tide County and the P.E. and ~ersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This 15 New Nanover County Contract #00-0367 ~greement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the County and P.E.. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to give any third party any claim or right of action against the County or the P.E. which does not otherwise exist without regard to this Agreement. ARTICLE 14 -INSURANCE 14.1 P.E.'s Insurance The P.E. shall maintain insurance coverages places with companies rated at least A+/10 by Best's Key Rating Guide. All insurance policies shall name New Hanover County as a certificate holder and shall incorporate a provision requiring the giving of written notice to the County at least thirty (30) days prior to cancellation, non-renewal or material modification of any policies, evidenced by return receipt of United States Certified Mail. The P.E. shall submit satisfactory certificates of insurance to the County, and these certificates shall contain the provision that the County be given thirty (30) days' written notice of any intent to amend or terminate any insurance coverages by either the P.E. or the insuring company The following insurance is required: - Insurance. Contractor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North •arolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. - Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Contractor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". - Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Contractor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000/1,000,000/1,000,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. - Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor operations; contractual iiabitity assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. The policy shall provide ability limits at least in the amount of $10,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, 16 l._J New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 .applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. - Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single Limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. ARTICLE 15 -PERSONNEL .15.1 The personnel listed in the. P.E.'s organizational chart and staffing Plan (Attachment 3) shall be assigned to the Project in accordance with Attachment 1. No changes in the personnel listed in Attachment 3-shall be made without prior written approval by the County. The County will pay the relocation costs as indicated in Attachment 1. The P.E. shall pay the relocation expenses of all changed personnef and their replacements. 15.2: -The P.E. shall submit, for approval by the County; organizational charts and qualifications of personnel for any portion of the work subcontracted to others. No changes in the personnel of subconsultants shall be made without prior written approval by the County. The P.E. shall be responsible for the coordination and schedule of any work sublet to others in order to ensure that the schedule for the Project is maintained. The P.E. shall assist in coordinating-the ompleteness, accuracy, presentation, inclusion of data into the design and plans, and reviews of any ~ork sublet to others. ARTICLE 16 -COMPENSATION AND PAYMENTS 16..1 This Agreement is being encumbered in the amount of Dollars ($ ) in accordance with and outlined by Attachment 1. 16.2 Reimbursable expenses are ,defined as the actual expenditures made by the P.E. and the P.E.'s subconsultants during the performance of the Project. The following items shall be considered reimbursable and shall be substantiated as described above: 1. Reasonable transportation, traveling and expense of moving the Construction Manager's employees to the Project. Attachment 1 lists the known expenses; other expenses shall be approved in advance by the County. Travel at the request of the County for expediting or .facilities visits or other special travel will be billed at additional cost. 2. Rental charges of all necessary and required equipment as outlined in Attachment 1 at rental charges consistent with those prevailing in the area as approved by the County. 3. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long-distance phone call expenses, fax expenses, telephone service at the site, expressage, in connection with the Project will be furnished by 17 ~\ New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 the County. 4. Cost incurred due to an emergency affecting the safety of persons and property . is not included in the P.E. contract amount. 5. Legal cost and any P.E. staff costs related to legal matters resulting in a claim between Prime Contractors and the County, .reasonably and properly resulting from prosecution of the Project for the County is not included in the P.E. contract amount. 6. Security cost for the Project which are approved by the County is not included in the P.E. contract amount. 7. ,Services clearly unrelated to the scope of this Amendment are not included in the P.E. contract amount. 8: Any Reimbursable costs as mutually agreed upon by the County and. the P.E. as listed in Attachment 1. The P.E. will not exceed the contract amount requested to perform the services as stated in this Agreement except as provided for in Attachment 1. 6.3 Summary of Fees and Allowances: See Attachment 7 16.4 Payments shall be made to the P.E. on not more than a monthly basis upon submission of an invoice stating the percent of completion of the work. Reimbursable expenses shall be itemized on each invoice with -proper supporting documentation. Payments will be made within 30 calendar days of the date of receipt by the C.P.E. of a correct and complete payment request. A correct payment request is defined as an invoice which indicates only those services and reimbursable expenses which have been satisfactorily provided and considered. acceptable~by the C.P.E.. The P.E.'s Construction paid ~ in 31 equal ($ .00). Phase Fee of monthly payments of Dollars ( .00) will be approximately Dollars 1'6.5 If during the course of the .Project, the CPE has evidence that the P.E. has furnished defective or inadequate services, the CPE may direct in writing the withholding of a reasonable sum from P.E.'s construction Phase Fee. Said Directive shall state the basis for the directive and the mount to be withheld. The P.E. shall have the right to contest the allegations of defective or 18 New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 .inadequate services, as well as the amount to be withheld. When the issue has been resolved, amounts withheld from the P.E. shall be promptly .paid ARTICLE 17 -AWARD OF SUBCONTRACTS Upon execution of the Contract, the P.E. shall furnish the County, in writing, the names of persons or entities proposed by the P.E. to act as a Subcontractor on the Project. The County shall within then (10) days reply to the P.E., in writing, stating any objections the County may have to such proposed Subcontractor. The P.E. shall not enter into a Subcontract with a proposed Subcontractor with reference to whom the County has made timely objection. The P.E. shall not be required to Subcontract with any party to whom the P, E. has objection. All Subcontracts shall afford the P.E. rights against the Subcontractor which correspond to those rights afforded to the County against the P.E. herein, including those right afforded to the County herein by the Subparagraph captioned, Termination. ARTICLE 18 - SEVERABILITY It is the intent of the parties that the paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Agreement are severable. If one or more paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases is declared void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable for any reason by the valid, final ~dgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment or decree will not affect any of the remaining paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Agreement, since the same would have beers included in this Agreement without the inclusion of any void, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase. ARTICLE 19 -INDEMNITY Contractor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of .personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Contractor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Contractor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. ARTICLE 20 -INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR I It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor grid not an agent of County„ and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not Limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by 19 \J New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 authority duly given and on the day artd year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] William Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [CORPORATE SEAL] Miller Building Corporation, President ~TTEST: Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to Form: County Finance Director. County Attorney ~ORTH CAROLINA 20 ¢ ~ e f ~~~ F ' ~ ' y1 \~ . ~EW HANOVER COUNTY New Hanover County Contract #00-0367 I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official sea! and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY Of I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of MILLER BUILDING CORPORATION, a professional corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Principal, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal., this day of 2000. Notary Public My commission expires: day of , 2000. Notary Public 21 ~. ~~~,~ .-0 ESTIMATED COST MAY 24, 2000 New Hanover County Jail Project ,~acility Size 608 Beds TAIL GSF TOTAL $/GSF Video Visitation (Baseline Budget) 165,500 $29,083,397 $176 Requested Modifications 1) Additional 40-bed dormitory 4,995 $574,425 $115 2) Add Visitation Booth program 6,400 $480,000 $75 3) Housing Unit Modifications ($242,875) 3a) Reduce Housing Support Spaces 1,143 000 2 $0 $0 , ' 36) Eliminate 2 rec yards 4) Eliminate Video Visitation Equip. ($160,000) Subtotal of Modifications $651,550.00 Tota! Estimated Cost $29,734,947 Sheriff's Office and Administration Base Line Estimated Cost 70,400 $7,937,600 $113 Requested Modification 1) Add Indoor Pistol Range 2,500 $250,000 $100 TotaF Estimated Cost $8,187,600 . Off-Site Utilities 1) Elevated water tank (500k) ~2) Deep Well $700,000 $75,000 3) Treatment Plant $250,000 4) Water line to site $75,000 5) Sewer " . $87,500 Subtotal $1,187,500 ' 10% Design & Estimating Contingency $118,750 Total .Estimated Cost $1, 306, 250 Renovations to Existing LEC . Allowance $ 2,000,000 Subtotal.' $2,000,000 _ 10% Design & Estimating Contingency $200,000 Total Estimated Cost $2,200,000 Testing/Survey $200,000 Inflation, $4,554,832 FreenianWhite (Actual Contract) $3,100,588 Carter Goble {Actual Contract) $450,000 Miller Building (~ Contract Amount) $z 2~ 8(06,2'}5 - T~TAL ~~ $52,334,217. These are estimates only and bused on preliminary design. 10% contingencies ar e included in each major construction gren. Also a large contingency is estimated to cover inflation from 7uly 1999 through October 2002. r' `°' ' '06/09/00 • FRI 08::28. FA%: 010 25B 3822 ~ ABC ~ . [~j.003 • ~ - Ne~nr Hmnov+erCouMy JaII Facility - , " °;" Reimbursable Budget _ Miller tilWdtng Corporation ' ' ~•. • June 8, 2040 ~- .. Pik-Construction 8ervitas" Untt [qty ueh prk~ . Ars~au~t • , . Ji:sifceUNtD"a~tCr 7~ haas. S 12(f,00 $~ $4,!300 . . Project M~na9er Ptq-CCtlstrttdi0ri f~(ana8er(sj 1,t38D hours S 11t}.00 24D he~n^e S iQQ.00 . ;+ $ ~206,$Op . 2g fl00 • Chief EstirnatQ(sj 24{1 • Maas $ -90.00 S , 21 t3W . ` .. _ Savor Esiftrtetvrts) • 200 hours $ ,80.00 S , i6 Ot30 - ~ ' Esdmamr(sj , sop tmers S 50.U0 S , ~ . 1p 000 • Scheduler 188 ho~¢s S 60:00 S , 1t 280 . CferiCal 282 hotrG S 34.00 S . 8480 ~ ' Subtotal - .. 382,74D ;. i _ nt+Ction Adrl iSfr i tr Unh , a f p oA - Glty lJalt PricQ Amount Jtr5liCe Urttt f~lfeCtd' ~ ~ 1,248 haws $ 120.00 S 1+48,400 . c ~ 3.320 haws ~ 11A.00 S 385,200 . C.fE[r al . t QuaAtN Cvrdrnt ~ Assutatxe t o tCifiBt r 3,108 "hours $ 3D.00 $ . 93,18p • " .. p a • - . ` Y Otrectgr 4.640 hews $ $0.00 12t3• ho.as S SD.QO $ $ 317,200 9.BIXf . , . • 4..d'ieCttrier .. - , 280, tyre $ 6t?.00 $ 1$ 800 • Sutnppta4 _ 1,16 6 ..;~ ` , a ,. y I~Eace}~tgeaas 1_xpet~ses , _ - (Jolt ~~ :.. caty 60aft Pr9ce Ammurrt ToYVr1.~.+cPensaa c Tra+rBl e1¢9t16e9 1 !S SS.000.~ $ OOt) ... S ' Qut-9f-t0uwi 6vi~ >ses ~ ~ $ . _ '. Prof~sionaf 3i#+rkas " : , i~utldrg layout ` ~ bN oortradars $ "• " j Sitr! layatrt - by oorsraCttxs ~ _ , CkrrratruCtlat photos s3 wed S 25.00 $ 2,075 ' . . Seaaity guard - try ca,$+gr S _ ,- caranty oocma ~st>f,o dY caur>iy $ a '. Ten1 ~r'ary FaCllttdae . - Trallller Set-up 1 t8le9ilOvvn _ t i6?(n S~$OO.t74) S 2 SOD Ot6r~ trdlQr {[1w,hie 1Kdsj ' 19 rrwr~s $500.00 S , 9 500 • iora0e holler 5 by ewers $ . _ , GtBa+d tral4~,r pprlc 4,U00 sOnp $ 4.50 S 18.0(]0 . " . ? tJNllpe8l'o Trager - ' Temp eleclr4cal sennce 1 l6ern S5,OOt).DO 8 000 5 . T~{t etedrictlt powtr hY oow-tY s , ,. .. " ~>lt~ we6ersrndca .. - ~ ~ 3~sao.tm s ~,~o .. war aats+mp8m - Trash pileup ~ ~ s _ Tefephg99 ~ by wla)tY 3 . ' . ~ ~" 'fe • 5rt.~ tJti[Itlva To gtrlltlirog3 • ' Ter11P etedtical BErvice ~ by oogtrectar8 $ ~ ~ ; -. Tang dectricsl pawed ~ $ . Ten1p ~G~B bj CoMradas S - sar~tarr raGirdl~ ~, ~ . s. - water ti1l . water cxxtStrmpt4aR Y ~ ~ _ ~~ MaEI~ ; . " • Page i • . ... - 35 06/09/00 FRI 09:29 FAX 910 258 3822 1 irIBC ~fl 004 . , 4 ~, j ~~ Qi}I Unit Pric¢ p mamt ' T~mparAry ConsiruCtlon Temporary gals 5'Y cnntradors $ ~ r _ . Te r patsy g>ls by ~ S Temporary 8t~rs hY tpra $ - TempOrmy enrJ4sures #ry eatuaetas ' ~ - Temporary ptrotectian ny cattractor& $ = . P,cc~s msds ~ ~ ` Pr°lect ~~e 51.500.00 $ 2.500 $nfety & ttrst tad hY cortraCtots- S - Temporary i>~ting $ coding bY' evr~cacta~ S - Wealfter prrxecrtion by Catlradars $ Eq nt itentels , ickup tnxfc !auto ~i6 ` mats 5900.00 S x'1.400 sir- & ~~ l • . ~ 1 itan 54.000.E ~ 4.000 ~ , rx3 c mach i each S 750.00 5 750 Copler' 19 mvis 5500.00 $ 9.500 Radios 19 RtoY1S 5500.00 ~ 9.50D 4 . 7r~rr6it, rod & levsf 1 item $3,000.00 5 3,011(1 1=ak tit! .. by rs S - ~ . , Corte ~ aY mars . S - . Masonry equipo'rterd by crnireCitrs $ - Y ~t~prrtiattt by t~ntractors $ - Iron wariaei'B equlpmgrR by ccntrgdas ~. $ Job~~t trlean-up IrAanm ~P bll S - . F'-ttY81 ! - Sul~thect®d 4Y +Cd'Itractors 5 - Dc~rrpst9~'s by rotors $ - Trash chute b7! amttactars 5 - AA#sge118rreous ~q'iettaes d(ticsftATtittue 1 set ~ 55,000.00 5 5,000 Postage/UPS 1$ rr~ S 20D.Od $ 3,800 Q(flCe hies 19 ;mats 5 20D_00 , $ 3,800 t~rfrttirg7 cn5t5 bN (xxa~ty $ SutrTotat ~aceii~reatag Ezp4nsas .. 5 128.'!25 Recap ofA6nv~ Itetn~ ' E'reaanalrµctlon I 3 S83,T40 t:Otmtractlnn Adminlstrattan S 9,8ti6,38d i~~i~~$P 36 ":. Page ~ $+$t00 1 • 06/09/00 FRI 09:29 F.9~ 910 256 3822 MBC _ i _: ~ ' .~ ... - ....Sta~d~rd Ra#~ Sc~~dula PersQr(~me! . '~ . Principal in CJ~arg~e i $130 . Justice Un1t D(rector _ $.(20 . Project Expeditor Project Manager .$110 Assistant Project Expeditor PM $75 . Quality Centro(&.Assurance Coordini~tor $Op Pre-Construction Manager $1 pp Chief Estima#ars $90 . I Estimators ~ $60 ' ~'. ! Safety Qirecto`r $$0 ` Scheduler $fi0 . Clerirat $34 Purchasing C1er}c $4tj Accounting Gterlc ~ $~~ . ~eaa~4~~ar~~ble ~xper~sa~ . Site Facilities ~ ~ Cost per invoices Equipment Rentals at Site Cast per invoices ReproductionlPhotagraphy . Cost per invoices Utilities at Site . Cost pet invoices Package Delivery ; Cost per invoices Materiat5 at Site ~ ~I Cost per invoices X1005 a"' ...~ . BUiLbiN CbRPQRATTON i 37 {This page intentionally left blank} 3$ !`l ~l • .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Regular item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT:. Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following boards and committees have vacancies ' ABC Boa rd -~~ a..--~.e.c t3 ~ ~'Vwi s+en~ ~'.~,~ . Adult Home Care Community Advisory Committee ~udi~-G~. ~~ FoIP~ Airport Authority 7"ohn C.v bl e J Board of Fire Commission Pay !( f-}Owarl-f~ Cape Fear Community College i2"~ey.~- MQ,,,.~c~,~., ' Museum Board of Trustees Sa.~.d~raCr,Y,c.--, ~ol~n ~ Q,Qp~,,,~,,~ Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee ~Gtvr~e Parks & Recreation Advisory.Committee i2ulvc~ Frew ~ 14.~f~. Su-tiT1e. •. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments , FUNDFNG,SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Committee information sheets and applications -ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. ~r/~, ,~A COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~. • I~~° • ~COUNN COMMISSI6N~R~ ,APPROVED ~ ' REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED p .i 9 FiEAR~J COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ABC BOARD 1. APPOINT 1 MEMBER TO THREE-YEAR TERM 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN: Howard L. Armistead APPLICANTS: James C. Ballantine ' Joyce Bass Binkley ' Christy L. Franklin Kenneth J. McGee Dana E. Page Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~`SGEtti~~~J~;~6J~ U VV1~~V4~~ ~~i ~@~~ t:;~ ~~t1~,,, ~ ~~' ~4~~~~1' .,. 40 ~ _'~ ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT ti X . ABC BOARD Number of Members: 3 -Chairman designated by County Commissioners Term of Office: three years -may be reappointed . Regular meeting:- third Thursday of each month at 9:30 a. m, in the ABC General Office. Compensation: Compensated by profits with amount set by County Commissioners. The last increase occurred on October 1, 1986: $150.00 per month for Chairman and $100.00 per month for members. _ Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 18B-700 Qualificatioa~s: appointed on the basis of appointee's interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good- moral. character. Brief on the functions: 1) Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget including employees' .salaries. 3) Employ local ABC officers. 4) Hire general manager to oversee day . to day operation of the system. 5) Buy or lease property for the system. (6) Review reports and perform other duties in accordance with 18B-701. '~ Boazd is'an independent entity of the State. . TERM PRESENTLY. . CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING ..:TERM EXPIRES Howard. L. Armistead Chairman Third 6/30/2002 2108 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 762-7776(W) James C. Ballantine 1406 Old Lamplighter Way Wilmington, 'NC 28403 392-1475 (H)~ 815-0411 (VV) Donald Zearfoss 104 Middle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 686-9034 (H) 762-2702 (VV) (Appt. 6/21/93, 1996, & 6/21/99) Unexpired 6/30/2000 (Appt. l/20/98) Second 6/30/2001 (Appt. 6/ 19/95, Reappt. 6/ 15/98) Administrator: W. R. Williams (910-762-7611) P.O. Box 3036, Wilmington, NC 28406 6/99 file: /ABC 41 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1 VACANCY Term: One year term initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: Judith M. Foley Milton Randolph Johnson Robert H. Johnson, Jr. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 42 ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X ADIJI~T CARE HOME COMI~7[UNI'TY ADVISORY CONIl~IITTEE M , Number of Memlbers: 16 members (1 member for each permitted facility). One-third of the . , members shall be nominated by the Adult Care Home Administrators, and. if possible, one . member must be a person involved in the.area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year. terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter . Qualificatioais: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee , or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a. m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. - • . TERM PRESENTILY TERM CI;iRREN'T MEMBERS - SE~tVING . EXPIRES . Jewell Ann Diehn First ~ - 6/30/2002 4953 Tanbark Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) - -392-6981 (Ii) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Judith M. Foley First 6/30/2000 b616 Pleasant Pines Court Wilmington, NC 28403 {Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) 509-1717 Lois Fox ~ First 6/30/2002 . 3713 Reston Court. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) .799-6847 (H) 251-8111 (VV) Appt. to 3 year term on 6!21/99 Jane B. Johnson ~ First 2/28/2001 ~I 1812 Grace Street Wilrimington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/1/98 to 3 year term) 762-1525 (H) Sharon O. Lee First 6/30/2000 202 Pilgrim Circle e Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 6!21/99 to 1 year term) 763-3057(H) .341-4457(VV) q. 3 ~ - .. . ~ ~. ADULT CARE ROME CO112MLTNITY ADVISORY COMiVIITTEE (COI`~!CIlVUED) . TERM PRESENTLY TERM CLfRRENT MEMBERS SERVING ERPIRES Mollie Coldwell Ley First 2/28/2001 5315 Dandelion Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) 796-0980 (H) Josephine W. Little 1441 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 686-0299 (H) Dollie Pollock 4937 Shelly Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 452-0892 (H) Michael W. Rogers 254 W. Bedford Road Wilmington, NC 28405 686-1374 (H) 343-5244 (VV) Richard i. Salwitz 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington, NC 28405 686-7040 (H) Louise C. Siler 2441 Confederate Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 762-5374 (H) Patricia G. Spear 5600 Harmony Court Wilmington, NC 28409 392-5814 (H) 256-2330 Edith Ann Bell Steele 3236 .Grey Leaf Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 395-0836(H) 395-3802(VV) . First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) First (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 First (Appt. 2/2/98 3-year term) First (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1 year term) First (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) 2/28/2001 2/28/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2002 2/28/2001 (8/31/2000) 2/28/2001 44 n ADULT CARE HOME CO ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM .CURRENT MEMBERS . SERVING ERPIRES Doris Lancaster Thompson ~ First 6/30/2002 ' 400 S. Front Street - Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 763-7483 (H) (Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21/99 . .Cassandra Wilson ~ ,First 2/28/2001 .1116 South 6m Street (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year term)- Wilmington, NC 28401 - 763-2096 (~ COG Long Term Care Ombudsman 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 2/00 file: /adult 46 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1 VACANCY. (4 year term) APPLICANTS: John M. Coble. William (Bill) F. Jones Harold B. King D. Alton Parker William D. Polhemus Jack Watkins Cathey Luna Winfield Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X ~, ~~ • NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIItPORT AUTHORITY Number of meffibers: 5 appointed by Board of County Commissioners Terms of Office: 4 years -appointees may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least two years have expired since the end of their last term. Compensation: None; however, the chairman is allowed a maximum of $250 per. month, other members $200 per month, for automobile/travel expenses. Meetings: Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the Airport.Terminai Conference Room;. work sessions held on the first, Wednesday. of each month. Statute or cause creating Authority: General Statutes 404, Senate Bill 410 • Purpose: The: Airport Authority constitutes a corporate and politic body that has the power and authority to: (1) purchase, acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, . improve, maintain, operate, and regulate the Airport for the use of airplanes, and other aircraft, and all facilities incidental to the operation of the Airport; (2) to purchase, acquire, own, hold, lease and/or operate real or personal property; (3) to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise and to hold lands for the purpose of constructing, maintaining or operating the Airport and to ' make contracts and lease agreements, to charge and collect fees, royalties, rents; (4) to make rules and regulations as necessary for the proper maintenance, use, operation and control or airport or airport facilities owned, leased, or controlled by the Authority; (5) to .provide penalties for violation of such rules and regulations; (b) to sell, lease, or dispose of any property, .real or personal, belonging to the Airport Authority with sale of real property requiring approval of the County Commissioners; (7) to purchase insurance; (8) to deposit or invest and reinvest funds; ' and (9) to operate, own, lease, control, regulate, or grant to others the right to operate a business on the Airport premises, and to issue revenue bonds. The Airport Authority shall make an annual report to the Board of .Commissioners setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it. The Airport Authority employs persons whose services may be deemed necessary by the Airport Authority. , ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY (COI`tTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY CURRENT MEMBERS ~ sERVnv~ TER1vI EX.PIItES -John M. Coble 18 W. Oxford Street Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-4640 (IT) 791-2034 ('W) Parks L. Griffin 5716 Ruxton Way Wilmington, NC 28409 392-1910 (ITJ 763-7191 Carter Tate Lambeth P.O. Box 1346 Wilmington, NC 28402 313-0358 (I~ 763-0481 (VV) E. L. Mathews, 7r. 3232 Kirby Smith Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 790-5500 (IT) .Irvin A. Roseman, DDS 1301 Medical Center Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 762-6630 (H) 762-1000 ('W) Will Plentl, Airport Director 1740 Airport Boulevard Wilmington, NC 28401 341-4333 (FAX 341-4365) 6/99 file: /Airport 4 S First 7/ 1/2000 (Appt. 6/ 17/96) Second 7/1/2003 {Appt. 6/19/95, 6/21/99) First 7/ 1/2001 (Appt. 6/ 16/97) First 7/1/2001 (Appt. 6/ 16/97) Second 7/ 1/2003 (Appt. 6/19/95, 6/21/99) BOARD OF FIRE COMIVIISSIOrfERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and have no affiliation with any. local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such .organization forthe -past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with- no one serving more than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:40 p.m. in the Emergency Operations Center of the Law Enforcement Building. Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. ca~RRENT MEMBEERs At-Large Community Representatives TERM TERM sERVnv~ . :.ExPIREs Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. Second 7/1/2002 303 Tennessee Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 5/16/94 to unexpired term) 458-4146 (H) 655-3856 {W) (Appt. 8/19/96 to 3-year term, Reappt. 8/16/99) Horace C. Johnston, III 3104 Ellis Court Wilmington, NC 28405 392-6183 (H) 341-4400(VV) " " Darryl T. Langley uck ~--~~~~~ '~ ~%~ P.O. Bo 0071 Wilmi gton, NC 28404 ~ l d ~ `t~U 68 993 (H) 763-9698 (V~ James W. Sawyer 222 Inland .Greens Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 5 0 452-9724{I~ First 7/1/2002 (Appt. 8/16/99) First 7/1/2001 {Appt. 9/21/98) Second (Appt: 11/20195) 7/1/2001 n . ~ BOARD OF FIRE CONIlVIISSIONERS (CONTINUED) . . CURRENT MEMBERS PERM TERM SERVING ~ EXPIRES AT-LARGE VOLZJ~1'I'EER FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Robert R. Kiehlmeier, Jr. First 7/1/2002 .169 Beawood Road Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/16/99) ..686-7894(H) _ Wilbur Davis Second . 7/1/2002. 615 -finer Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/ 19/96, Reappt. 8/ 16/99) 791 2231 ' Michial W. Rhodes ~ Second 7/1/2001 ~~ 2000 Chair Road . . Castle Hayne, NC. 28429 (Ratified 11120/95) _675=3198(H) 799-1232(V~ (Reappointed 6/15/98) ' ~ Jonathan A. Wrenn First 7/1/2001 203 Hepwoth Way Wilmington, NC 28412 _ (Appt. T1/03/97, Reappt. 6/.15/98) ' 793-0674 (Fi) 793-0201 County Commissioner Charles R. Howell - 8/99 file: /fire. wp COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1 VACANCY (4 year term) APPLICANT: Jennifer Cameron Casey Charles Edward Crowell Richard A. Fauson Susan E. Hance Robert W. Martenis Dana Page Eligible for Reappointment X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 52 n ~ CAPE FEAR'COl~BVIZ.TNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES . -r .: ~ .-: -. ~~ ~` ~ Number,of Members: 13, 4 appointed by County Commissioners 4 appointed by the Governor:' .. 4 appointed by the Board of Education .. ~ , . , ~~ ~ 1 CFCC Student Government President ' . :,, , Term of Office: four 'years ~ ~ - _ . ' Regular~Meeting: Third Thursday of each month at~4:40 P.M. in the`Board.Room at Cape . -.Fear .Community College.. , ' Statute .ar cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes ~ ~' ` ~ 115-D-13 . ''~ Brief on the, functions:. l) To elect a president of the institution for such term and under such ~ - ~' . .conditions as the trustees may fix,. such election to be subject to the approval of the State Board . of Community, Colleges. 2) To elect or employ all- other personnel of the ..institution upon ` _ = ` -- nomination by the.president; subject to standards established b`y the State Board of Community .- . Colleges. Trustees may ,delegate the authority of employing such other personnel to -its` president..3) To purchase any land; easement, or right-of--way which shall be necessary for the ' . ~- proper'. operation of the institution, upon approval of the State Board of Community Colleges, if necessary; to acquire land : by condemnation in the same. manner and •under ,the same • ` procedures as provided in Article 21, Chapter 40 of the Statutes. For ,the purpose.' of . ~, condemnati'on, the determination b the` trustees as to the location and amount 'of lan °. . Y d to be taken- and the necessity therefore shall' be conclusive. 4) To apply the standards ~ and requirements for ' admission and graduation of students and, other standards established by the S-fate Board of ' .. :. ~ Community Colleges. 5) .To receive and accept donations, gifts, bequests, and -the like from ~ f: `private donors and to apply them or invest any of -them and apply the proceeds •for purposes and - upon'the terms which the donor may prescribe.-and which are consistent with.the provisions of this Chapter and the regulations of'the State Board of Community Colleges.. 6) To_provide all.. ~ . ,• or-part of the instructional services for the institution by contracting with other public or private. - ,. organizations or.' institutions in accordance-with regulations .and standards adopted by the State . • Board of Community Colleges. '~ To perform such. other acts and `do such other things as may ~ , be necessary or proper for the exercise of the foregoing specific powers, including. the adoption ~. and enforcement .of all reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws -for the government and `' :operation of;the institution under this Chapter and for the discipline of~students. 8) If a board . _,.. - of_ trustees, of'an institution .provides. access to its buildings and .campus and the student ' information director ~to persons or groups .which make students aware .of occupational or `, , ,.. ' :.~. eduucational options, the. board of trustees shall provide- access on the same basis to official ~. . ' ~ ~ recruiting. representatives of the military forces of the U.S, for.the purpose of informing students , f ~ of educational-and career opportunities available in the military. • .. . , .. .• , - .. V ' ~ - • - . . , _ -. • 53 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (COr~7['INUED) _ TERM ' PRESENTLY 7CERM 1~IEMBER '~ SERYING EXPIRES Ted Davis, Jr. Unexpired 6/30/2001 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 11/3/97) 762-0914(H) 763=6249(V~ Robert W. Martenis ~~~~ 9004 St. Stephens Place -~~. Wilmington, NC 28412-3532 313-1312.E ' William F. Morris, III 1924 London Lane ' Wilmington, 'NC 28405 ~ 256-6132(I~ 329-9061(VV) Robert S . Rippy . . 136 Edgewater Lane . Wilmington,. NC 28403 256-576'1 Governor's Appointees: Charles, Agnoff Mary Sutton Bell . James W. Lea, III William C. Taylor . Board of Education's Appointees: .Sherry W. Bryan. Carl A. ,Byrd, Sr. . William R. ,Campbell .Jon W. Rosborough Ex-Officio: Edwin Schwinn, SGA President Eric McKeithan, President CFCC, (Ph.D.) 411 North Front Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 251-5101 6/9Q File: /CFCC 54 First 6/30/2000 (Appt. 6/ 17/9.6) First 6/30/2002 (Appt, 6/15/98) Second ~ 6!30/2003 (Appt. 6/19/95, b/21/99) J J MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 12, plus ex-officio non-voting members who represent the New Hanover County Museum Foundation. (By-laws state board may recommend candidates to County Commissioners.) Term of Office: three yeazs Qualifications: Any resident of New Hanover County who shall be 18 years of age or more with the fallowing taken into consideration when making appointments; 1) Interest in the museum, 2) willingness to devote time and effort toward carrying out the duties of a board member, 3) boldness of purpose in recognition of the vital force of the museum as a center of community culture, recreation and continuing education, 4) interest in -the community, which includes people of all ages, and an understanding of its social and economic conditions, 5) ability to work with others -the board members, the director and staff, and the public which the museum serves, 6) open mindedness which includes the.. ability to hold strong convictions on any subject, while recognizing the right of others to disagree, and 7) courage, enterprise, mental resourcefulness and expertise to recommend policies for the successful and proper operation of the museum and impartial service to all its patrons. Compensation: none, but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in performance of his duties. Regular Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Museum, 814 Market Street, . Wilmington, NC Brief on the Functions: The Board of Trustees shall have and exercise all of the powers, duties and authority necessary. for the administration of the affairs and to carry out the purposes of the museum, subject only to the direction and control of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The Trustees recommend to the County Commissioners written policies to govern the operation and program of the museum. These should include: Statement of Purpose, Artifact Acquisition Policy and Operations Manual, construction and improvement of buildings and other structures for the museum, establish, support and participate in a planned public relations program; including concerted efforts to solicit private and other funding to supplement the appropriations by New Hanover County, particularly in .furtherance of the capital needs of the museum. CURRENT MEMBERS Louis A. Burney, 7r. 6211-145 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 256-5347 (H) 251-0790 Sandra Ray Criner --~~ 101 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-2138(H) 251-8080(W) Pazks L. Griffin 5716 Ruxton Way Wilmington, NC 28409 392-3235 (H) 763-7191 (W) TERM SERVING TERM EXPIRES Second 6/30/2002 Appt. 6/17/96, 6/21/99 First 6/30/2000 (Appt. 6/ 16/97) First 6!30/2001 (Appt. 6/ 15/98) 56 ,- ... MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) ;. = ~ .~ '. ~. TERM . `. CI7RRENT MEMBERS . SERVING . TERM. EXPIItES - .. J. W; .Hooper .. , ~ , . ~ First 6/30/2002 . . 2216 Gillette Drive - ° - _ ~ Wilmington, NC.28403 " - ~ . ` . ` APpt 6116/97, 6121199" ' - 763-b915 `{H) ~ .. . . ` . Allen P. Hunt, Jr. First ,: . ..: 6/30/2000 ; _ _ ~~' 302 W. Kilarney Road M1 ` . . Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/16/97) ~" 392-4343 (H) 256-2613 {W) s . : Carole Benton Jackson ~ . First ~ ~ 6/30/22 «_ ~~ . ~ 5609 Ruxton Way . . ~. ` ~ Wilmington,. NC .28409 °Appt:.6/21/99 ;: ., :. 313-0320 , , ~) ~ _ ' T ~y r. Je A: Mannen,: Jr. ., ~ First ~ , ' :. 6/30/2001 ~ " . ' • 1118 Essex Drive ~ - : , ~ VJilmin on, NC~2$403 ~ {Appt. 6/15/98) _ ,. 762-1632 (H) 762-2421 (VV) ., ~~Meier . ' F. L. "Tanky~~ ~ First 6/30/2002. ~ .. :. . 1708 Princess Street .. 4 Wilmington, NC 28405 _ ,. ~ ~ - .,~ {Appt. 6/21/99) ~ ' - ` :, ,.~ 762=9841 (H) 762-3544 ~) , . . ,. ° - ,~ ; Joanne.. E. Nottingham- ~ 2559-1 Croquet Drive ~.~t. Unexpired • 6/30f2000 ' .. . Wilmington, NC 28412 ~ - ; (Appt. 8/17/98) , ' ~ 452-9125 {H) 962-4293 ~ ` ~ John Bernhard Thuersam . First - ~ 6/30!2002 ' 8112 Mason Ridge Lane ~ . :Wilmington, NC 2$401 _ _ ,.... (Appt. 6/2.1/99) ~ .. _ ..395-2207(H) ,, .763-9515 - - . .. ., Tammie.llR. White ,. ` First - . ~ , .° 6/30/2001.. ~ .. ~ _ , . ~ 4120 Abbington Terrace ' ~ ~ . - ' .Wilmington, NC- 28403 : . (Appt. 6/15/98) .. .. 792-9155.{H) 343'=1998 (W) ° . - .. .. ' ~. , , Membet~representing the Museum Foundation: Linda Nance - ~ ` ' ,- .Janet Seapker, Director, 814 Market Streets 341-4350 FAX 341-4037. - ~ . _ , . . 6/99 file: museum ~ .., - . MMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. CO G HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE NURSIN 1 VACANCY T` e_ One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter APPLICANTS: Dorothy Lane Grime p. Alton Parker, Jr. Linda Register ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X ADMINISTRATORS' NOMINEES None Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 58 0 . ~ " NURSING HOME COMMUNPI'Y ADVISORY COM1ViITTEE ` Number of Members: 13 _ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . • ' ' _ Home Administrators. '.One third of the members may be nominated. by Nursing '. • '- • Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County..-The immediate . : ' 'family of a patient in a home: may not be a committee member or persons :with a financial interest v ' . `. ' 'in a home served by the committee. ` - ' Term:. l-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter °, . ' ~ ~. Compensation:. none ~' - ~. Regular Meeting: ,called as needed `~ Statute or cause creating Board: N.C: General Statutes 130 ~~ Brief on the .functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the 'persons ' • • • ~ -are. residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes: This may. include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances - , -' at the local levelr •Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing,home it erves and more often .:. if it is necessary to carry :out the duties... ' TERM TERM . CURRENT MEMBERS - SERVING , • ~ EXPIRES ... .., • Joan Barbara Apke `. :: ~ First, . _ 11/30%2002 , , • ~~ '1:09 Cromwell Circle ~ • . Wilmington,.. NC 28409 ~ ' 4 ~ (Appt. 9/21198 to 1 year. term) ~ • . , `' .~ °799-4574(H) .° (APPt. To~3 year term 11/15/99)` . ~• ' , ,~ Catherine R. Davis ... ~ ~ . First 6/30/2002 `-5613 Greenville.Loop:Road ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ` Wilmington, NC .28409 ' - {Apps. 2/2/9$ to 1 year term) : ., ._ ,. .395-5512 (H) 350-2100- (W) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99. ,,. . , ~ . . - '.Peggy J. Hall .. ` ~ First .-,; ,~ .`.- 2/28/2001. 0 9 : < . ; , , P.O.. Box 5216 - - °. ~ ~ ~ ," . _ . Wilmington, 'NC 28403.. (Appt: 2/2 T/00 to 1 year term) ... • ~ ~ ~ 762-4665 (H) . .. ~~ Dorothy Lane Griine ~ First. ~ 6/30/2000 , " . ~ ' 5583 Wood- Duck Circle . .. - ' ~ Wilmington, NC, 28409 - (Appt. 6/21%99 to 1-year term) ; 350-0672 ~) ` _ • ... , 'Shirley O. Mason... - .. First l 1/30/2002 • ' 1144 Forest-Hills Drive ~ ' ` .. Wilmington, .NC 28403 . _ • ' {Appt. 9/21198 to 1 year term) • ~~ 763-5973 (H) 790-3990 -; ~; ~ ~ (Appt. To 3 year term.ll/30/99) •' . .: .. _ - `Catherine W. Morgan , ~ First 6/30/2000. ~~ ~- 217 uail -Rid a Road . Q g. Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (Appt. 6/21/99.to 1. year term) •~ 799-2198 v(H)~790-9137 ' . NURSING HOME 'C014ZNIUNPICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED).. TERM ~ ~ TERM EXPIRES CURRENT MEMBERS . ;SERVING Donald E. Price - First 2/28!2001 201 Lawton Ciicle (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC 28412 799-5358 (H) ' Steven R. Roberts First 8/31/2000 806 Bay Blossom Drive (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC 28411 397-0665 (H) 256-2330 (VV) Eileen B. Rock First 6/30/2002 2614 Columbia Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ (Appt. 2/2/98. to. 1, year term) 762-5103 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 John D. Sabo First 6/30/2002 1312 Burnett Road ~ • Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 212/98 to 1 year term) 350-2680 (H) Appt. to 3 yeaz term on 6/21/99 Jo Faye B. Todd • First 2/28/2001 4410 Rayberry Road (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) Wilmington, NC 28405 791-2007• (H) Lyn Williams-Yow First 2/28/2001 . 610 Dock Street (Appt. 2!2/98 to 3 year term) . Wilmington, NC 28401 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (VV) Nominated by Nursing Home Administrators: First 2/28/2001 Teresa D. Goldston 4801 Oberbeck Way (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) Wilmington, NC 28409 • 350-0629 (H) ' f-laf~~~ ~xu~c~.a-S . Staff Support: '''~~'- ~°"*^" Region O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments , 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 . File: /Nursing 2/00 . 60 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Number of members:~includes one County Commissioner) Term of Office: three years -may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least one year after the last term. Qualifications: County resident 18 years of age or more who has a sincere interest and commitment to the importance of park and recreation services; a willingness to give freely of time and energy to learn about and to carry out responsibilities; the ability to work well with all other. Board members; complete open-mindedness and respect for varied points of view and consideration of all Board business; good judgment, intelligence and courage of conviction; a dedicated interest in the Park and Reczeation welfare of all citizens of the county; the capability of speaking out and articulating parks and recreation needs; the ability to accept and weather criticism gracefully; the strength to refuse to be intimidated by pressure groups and issues which are not in the best interest of the whole county; a strong feeling for team work between the Director, Board of County Commissioners, and other Advisory Board members and a desire to truly know the community and the recreational needs of all citizens. Regular Meetings: First Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p. m. in Room 103 of County Administration Annex Building. - Statute or cause creating Board: Board was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at their meeting of June 20, 1988 and adoption of By-Laws Governing the Advisory Board at July 18, 1988 meeting. /~-A'.aL ~~-~-~'~ ~~ ~~5/Q~ Compensation: None -member may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of duties as long as such expense receives the prior approval of the Board of Commissioners or its designated agencies. and is .within the approved budget. Brief on the functions: The Board shall suggest policies to the Department, the Manager, and the Board of County Commissioners; serve as liaison, between the Department, the Manager, the Board of County Commissioners and citizens of the county; shall consult with and advise the Department, the Manager, and the Board of 'County Commissioners in matters affecting recreation policies, program, personnel, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties related to the total county recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for recreation, The Board shall assume duties for park and recreation purposes as follows: (1) Make recommendations to set apart land for. use as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures, and suggest improvements of such lands and for the construction,. equipping, and staffing of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to operate the park and recreation program. (2) Advise in the acquisition of lands and structures . through gifts, purchase, lease or loan. (3) Advise in the acceptance by the County of any grant, `gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for park and recreation purposed and which is judged to be of present or possible future use for parks and 62 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (COI`i7['INUED) " recreation. (4) Advise iri the construction, equipping, operation, and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all building and structures necessary or useful to Department function, and advise in regard to other park and recreation facilities which are owned or controlled , by the County,or leased or loaned to the County. - TERM PRESENTLY TERM CifItRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIItES -James H. Medlin, Jr. First 4814., College Acres Drive " Wilmington, NC 28403 -. (~ .791-5259 Keith H. Suttle .First ,~~' P.O. Box 566 1500 Fishhawk Nest 6/30/2002 (Appt. 9115!97, 6121/99) 6/30/2000 - -° Wrightsville Beach, NC ~ 28480 (Appt. 6/16/97) (I-~ 392-1494 (VV) 343-1919 .Jack Bragg ~ Fourth 3316 Amber Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (H) 791-1171 (VV) 675-5751 --~ William E. Royals Second ~~' " 725 Windemere Road Wilmington; NC 28405 ~ 799-9855 Fred Spain ~ Second 915 Queen Street ,Wilmington, NC 28401 (H) 251-9299 ('W) 392-2626 E. Gehrig Spencer Third 1002 Midland Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 - (H) 799-1763 (VV) 458-5538. - County Commissioner: Robert G. Greer Board of Education: Steve Bilzi Neal Lewis, Parks Director, 414 Chestnut Street, Room 103 6/99 File: \Parks 6/30/2001 (Appt. 7/24/89) (Reappt. 6/ 19/95, 6/ 15/98) 6/30/2000 (Appt. 6/20/94} (Reappt. 6/ 16/97) 6/30%2002 (Appt. 6/17/96; 6/21/99) 6/30/2001 (Appt. 6/ 15/92) 63 ,~ {This page intentionally left blank} 64 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 06%19/00 Regular Item #: 15 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: TAX :Presenter: Robert Glasgow Contact: Robert Glasgow . SUBJECT: ` Convene as Board of Equalization and Review to Consider 2000 Real Estate Value Appeals . BRIEF SUMMARY: The following taxpayers were originally on the list to appear before the Board of Equalization and - Review to protest their 2000 real estate values. Since this list was prepared, the following taxpayers wish to withdraw their appeals. There is no need for them to appear before the Board.. Allman, Steven J. Jean W. . 806609-009.014-000 - Andrea, Ann K. 805007.009.004-000 . Ballard,Joseph T. Leanne P. - 804414-008-033.000 Broadfoot Limited Partnership 804510.004-009.000 Burney, Lizzie Mae Life Estate 804806-002-003-000 Burns, David A. Bonny A. 806609.004-001-000 Devane, Daniel Etux. 804305.004.002.000 Devita, Peter M. 805418-002-001-000 George; Casey J. Lorene M. - - 806512-002.021-000 Gold, D. McEntire 804520-003.008-000 ~. Jacobsen, Wang Ling R05119.003.003~-000 Kramer, Elizabeth M. Robert P. 804506-003.020.000 - Kwasnicki, Olive M. 805010-009-004.000 . Machine & Welding Supply Co. - 804819-026.009-000 Marlow Properties LLC. 804917.003.040-000 McDonald, John B. III 802900-003-005.000 McDonough, Sean Janet 803714-006-006-000 - Mills, Ashley C. Evelyn H. 804819.026.009-000 Mintz, Mable L. 805413.013.010-000 805413.013-009-000 .805413.018.020.000 805413.018.019.000 - 805413.022.021-000 805912-003.008.000 ~Mullins,James F.Gail 7"^ 1~ ' ~ ~° 4~- ` 4 ?r o ~'~ 802911.001-004.000 j;n , p 1 ,~. :~ ~n ~ h New-•Hanover~Associates ~ 804916.001-029.000 Pine Valley: Comm Ctr. #1 LLC 806600-001.-005-008 - - ,Purdie, Flossie Va: ` ~ ? ~;~;~ 805406-034.002.000 Saleeby, Ehas W~; Philornene A. 805112.007.009-000 Shantz, Els~ie~~~~~~~,~~- 805711.003-004.000 Trask G W Jr Etal., R06600~001-005.000 6 5 ...w y::~ ~~ ~~~~ -- ~_~- . -. ~ ~ - Trask, G. W. Jr. Etal. 806600.001.005.000 Warner, Alice J. 805420.007.023.000 Williams, Joseph N. Margie P. - 805518.026.012.000 Yarborough, William H. - 804818.006-009.000 The Tax Department found errors in the assessed value of the following parcels. After the corrections have been made the taxpayer has agreed with the new value and wishes to withdraw their appeals: Bozik, E.Gail 803805-003-007.000 Old Value $ 286,100 -New Value$ 239,845 Carmon, Dan W. Hrs. 805410-025.007.000 Old Value $ 75,377 -.New Value $ 59,160 Carroll Carolina Oii Corporation 805312-006.004.000 Old Value $ 389,857 • New Value $ 159,915 Old Value $ 820,110 • New Value $ 790,162 Davis, Russell & Reginal F. Old Value $476,888 • New Value $ 402,722 Greentree Apartments, Ltd. Old Value $ 3,433,186 -New Value $ 2,690,634 Johnston, Henry W. Old Value $ 474,995 -New Value $ 399,996 McPheters, Robert F. Deborah R. Old Value $ 741,833 • New Value $ 549,340 S & P Commercial Properties,LLC Old Value $ 110,475 -New Value $ 58,920 Old Value $ 112,500 -New Value $ 60,000 Old Value $ 191,381 • New Value $ 107,770 Tysinger,Junius A. Violet Old Value 158,215 -New Value $ 140,3290 Warner, Alice Johnson Old Value $ 174,494 • New Value $ 144,212 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve withdrawal of these appeals. FUNDING SOURCE: 66 ATTACHMENTS: 805316-001.001.000 804419.001-043-000 804907.001-001-000 803719.003.002.000 805705.002-055-000 807600.004.054-001 807600-004.057.000 807600-004.058-000 805513.007.003.000 805420.007.023-000 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Consider Appeals. a~ COU(VTY COMMI~IONEl APPROVED ICJ! _ REJECTED ^ - REMOVED D r ';. ~ POSTPONED p "'~'~~~~` ~ HEARD - <a ,.; ` _t l~ t ~G~'1'f~ - -_ 1 ~; 1Vlemorandum ~- ~W North Carolina Association of County Commissioners g ~ Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh,. NC 27602-1488 "- 'oy • ~ : ~~ Street Address: Albert Coates Local Government Center, 215 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 °~' °ouat< °° Telephone: 919-715-2893 • Fax: 919-733-1065 • Email: ncacc@ncacc.org Home Page Address: ~http://www.ncacc.org C®l~EREl~CE V®'TING DELEGATE Il~~ TICJl®T Ri CALL FAR 20-'~'EA12 C®Il~MI~SI~ p~~~a~~ TO: County Chairmen, County Managers and Clerks to the Board ~ ~ Z~~ FROM: C. Ronald. Aycock, Executive Director DATE: June 2, 2000 ~ ~ ~~~`~ ~An~®v~~ C®. MANAGER'S OFFICE V®TING DELEGATES D Enclosed is a voting delegate designation form for the Association's Annual Conference in Durham County on August 10-13, 2000. Please place on your 7uly or August board meeting agenda the selection of a delegate for the conference and return'the form to the Association office no later than Monday, $uIv 31, 2000. On the reverse side of this memo is the list of those district directors from EVEN-NUMBERED districts whose seats are up for election this year. URGENT: It. is very important that counties from these districts attend the distri caucuses on Saturday, August 12, from 8:30-9:00 a.m. in Empire D&E of the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, immediately before the General Session at 9:00 a.m. This is your chance to select your district.director. CALL lE®Id L®NG-TIME C®MMISSI®NEIZS Any county commissioner who has reached 20 years. of continuous service in the past year is .eligible to be honored at our Annual Banquet on Saturday, August 12, 6:45-9:00 p.m. Please contact Gayle Butzgy at 919-715-4363 if you know of any commissioner who should be so honored. ff you see a 20-year commissioner whose name is NOT listed below, please contact us. If their name is already listed, they have already been honored. Frank Bonner, Beaufort Charles Edwards, Bertie Alden Starnes, Caldwell Samuel K. Shaw, Camden Earl Thompson, Chatham Henry Dunlap, Chatham D. J. Fussell, Duplin,., ,,,,,y. Bill Bell, Durfi°a`m~` ~ ~~'`~ ~q~~ Sherwood Eason, Gates Frank Walston, Gree e~~ Harry Branch, Halif~"ax~~'~~~~ John Booker, Jotsto~'~"~ James Cash, Johnston ~',r .~ 68~ Norman Denning, Johnston Frank Holding, Johnston Horace Phillips, Jones Gordon Wicker, .Lee Jasper Eley, Northampton John Liverman, Northampton Don Willhoit, Orange Thomas D. Nixon, Perquimans Lester Simpson, Perquimans Charles Gaskins, Pitt Jimmy Maske, Richmond Timothy Pegram, Vance William Skinner, Warren ~i __ . IlVD'ORTANT Designation of Voting Delegate to Annual Conference Please Place on Your Board Agenda ' Each Board of County Commissioners is hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official as the county's voting delegate.- Each voting delegate should complete and sign the following statement: I, ,hereby certify that I am the duly designated voting delegate for County at the 93rd Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Durham County, North Carolina, on August 10-13, 2000. Signed: Title: ~ , Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution provides:' "On all questions, including the .election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one -" vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county in good standing may be cast by any one of its county commissioners who is present at the time the vote is taken; provided, if no commissioner be present, such vote may be .cast by another county official, elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid the current year's dues." District caucuses for the purpose of nominating district directors shall be held at the Annual Conference for those districts in which the term of the board member expires. These districts are listed on the reverse side of the accompanying memorandum. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY Monday, July 31.2000: NCACC P. O. Box 1488 Kaleigh, NC 27602-1488 Fax: 919-733-1065 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .~ Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: ~ Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of draft agreement with Corps of Engineers for maintenance of .the Mason Inlet Relocation Project, including shoaling of the AIWW. BRIEF SUMMARY: In response to recently received comments by the Corps of Engineers concerning the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project, the Board is requested to . approve the attached draft contract with the Corps to allow for project maintenance, including ..dredging. maintenance of the AIWW where Masons Creek will connect into the AIWW. Essentially, the contract allows for the County pay apro-rated share of the Corps annual cost of that segment of the AIWW. Shoaling is not considered by ATM to be a significant problem. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County is requested to approve this draft contract in order for the Corps to evaluate it. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract -~` ~DUNTY COMMISSION j~APPROVED fiEJECTED C~~ REMOVED ~ ~~ - POSTPONED ® ,; NEAR[) I~ ~r:. =-/ - ~~~~~ . ;~ ~~~ti~~i~l ^~ ~'~i.~ ,~ - IiRY-12-00 FR ( 7:22 P, 03 DRAFT New lianvver County Contract #00-0380 PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW MAN01/ER COUNTDY, NORTH CAR PERT'A1NiNG TO CONSTRUCTION OF OTHE A MASON'S INLET REt.OCATION PROJECT THIS AQREEf1AENT is entered into this day of , 2Q00~ by and between the OEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, CORPS pF ENGINEERS (hereirtafter'Federal Government"), and NEW HANOVER COUNTY, North Carllna (hereinafter the "Non-Federal SponsoNPermittee'J, represented by its Board of Coun Commissioners. ~ • WITNESSETH, THAT; WHEREAS, construction of the Mason's Inlet Relocation Project is desirable to protect persons and property from ocean erosion and flooding; WHEREAS, the Fedora! Govem~noni and the Non-Federal Sponsor desire to enter Into a Project Agreement pertaining to construction of the Mason's Inlet Project (hereinaRer the 'Project); WHEREAS. the Federal Government and Non-Federal Sponsor/Perrnittee have the full authority and capability to perfonr as hereinafter set forth in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; WHEREAS, ttte Federal Govemment does not desire to cost-sharQ or otherwise finance the Mason's Inlet Relocation Project construction and maintenance, such that . ~. - HAY-12-00 FRI 1:22 P. 04 s DRAFT Ncw Hanover County Contract #00-0380 the Non-Federal gponsor/Permltiee must bear at! such costa and expenses. The Corps Shall paRicipate herounder only as a permitting and fEgulatory entity, not as a cn- participant famishing funding or in-kind services. NOW, THEREFORE, the Federal Government and the Nan-Federal Sponsor/Permittse agree as fellows: ARTICLE 1- DEFiNITtpNS AND QENERAL PRdViS1ONS For purposes of this Agreement: A. The term 'Project" Shall mean the Mason's Inlet Relocation profeet more fully described as follows: - (Td 8F SUPPLIED BYATA?} B. The term.`total project costs" shall mean alt costs Incurred by the Non- Federal Sponsor/Permittee in accordance with the terms of this Agreement direcxly related to construction of the Project. Subjoct to the provisions of this Agreement, the term shall include;. but is not necessarily limited to: continuing planning and engineering costs; advanced engineering and design costs; preconstruction engineering and design costs; onglneering and design costs during construction; the costs of investigations to identify the existence and extent of hazardous 5ubsiances; historic preservation activities; actual construction costs; supervision and administration costs; costs of contract dispute settlements i ~~ ,1 MAY-12-00 FRI 7:23 P. 05 DRAFT New Hanover County Contract #00-0380 or awards; the cost of acquisition of lands, easements, rights-of-way, relocations, and suitable borrow and dredged or excavated material disposal areas; Provided, however, no Corps of Engineers regulatory expenses incurred In permitting, supervision, or Inspection shall be deemed project costs to be borne by Non-Federal SponsorlF'ermlttee. G, The ~n71 "Ttscal yearJ' shall mean one fiscal year of the Federal Govemment. The Fedora! Government fiscal year begins on October 1 and ends on SeptQmber 30. ARTICLE II - OBLIGATIONS OF THE NONFEDERAL SPONSOR/PERMiTTEE • The Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee shall expeditiously construct the Project pursuant to applicable, Saws, regulations, and permits. 1 • The Non-Fedora! Sponsor/Permittee shall afford the Federal Govemment the opportunity to review and comment on the sollcitatiorts for ail contract, including relevant plans and specifications, prior to the Non-Federal Sponsor's/Permittee'S issuance of such solicitations and contract awards. To the extent possible, the Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee shah afford the Federal Government the opportunity to review and comment on all contract modifications, including change orders, prior to the issuance to the contractor of a Notice to Proceed. Z. In accordance with this Agreement, tha Non-Federal / ,r t1AY-12-00 FR I 7:23 p, 06 DRgFT New Hanover County Contact X00-0380 Sponsor/Permittee shalt provide all lands, easements, rights-of- way, and suitable borrow and dredged yr excavated material dispose! areas that era necessary and shall bear any and aft other Proles construction costs. ARTICLE Ill - DfSPUTE RESOLUTION As a condition 'precedent to a party brining any suit for breach of this Agreement, that party must first notify the other party m writing of the nature of the purported breach and seek in good faith to resotve the dispute through negotlatlon, they may agree to a mutually acceptable method of non-binding alternative dispute resolution with a qualified third party acceptable to both parties. The parties shall each pay fifty ptrcent (509'0) of any costs for the services provided by such a third party as such cysts are incurred. The existence of a dispute shalt not excuse the parties from performance pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE IV . QpERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, REPL.AGEMENT AND REHABILITATION (OMRRbR) A• Upon notificaTlort in accordance with the triggering conditions set forth in the attached Appendix of this Agreement and for a pQriad of thirty.(30) years following final inspection and acceptance by the Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee, the Non-Federal SponsadPermittee shall operate, maintain, repair, replace, and rehabilitate the entire Project or the functional portion of the Project, at no cost to the Federal Government, in \J .~ 11AY-12-oo FRI 7:2a P. 07 DE7AFT Ncw Hanover County Contntct #00-0380 a rru nner compatible with the Project's authortzed purposes and fn accordance with applicable f"tderal end State laws. 8. The Non-Federal SponsoNPermfttee hereby glues the f=edera! Govemment a right to enter, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, upon property that the Non-Federal SponsodPermittee owns or controls for access to the Project for the purpose of inspection. If an inspection shows that the Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittea for any reason is failing to perform ita obligations under this Agreement or relevant permit the Federal Govemment shalFsend a written notic8 describing the non-pertorrnance to the Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee together with a • demand to cure any default within sixty (60) days following notification. ARTICLE V -NON-FEDERAL SPON9~R/PERMI7TEE FUNDING The Non-Federal SponsodPpnnittee shall bear all project coats a9 authorized by the Agreement. The Non-Federal SponsorlPe; mittee shall albv pay aU costs of project operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and rehabilitation as set forth herein for the designated thirty (30) year period. ARTICLE VI -FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS In the exercise of their respective rights end obligations under this Agreement, the Non-Federa( Sponsor/Perrnittee and the Federal Government agree to comply with all applicable Fedora! and State laws and regulations. • IiAY-l2-OD FRI 724 P. Q8 lYew HanoverCounty Contr~t#pQ.p~80 ARTlCt.E VIl - RELATlONSHlP OF PARTIES In tr-e exercise of their respective rights and obligations under this A room 9 ent, the Federal Government and the Non-Federal SponsorlPermitfee each act in an ind@pendent capacity, and r+pither is to be considered the officer, agent, or em to e the other. P Y e of ARTICt.E vl!! - OFF1ClALS NOT TO BENEFIT No member of or delegate to the Congress, nor any resident commissioner, s hall be admlttea to any share or pin of this Agreement, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom. aRTrCl.E IX - NOTlCIr$ • A• Any notice, request, demand, or other communication required or ~ Oermltted to be given under this Agreement steal! be deemed to have been duly givenrf in writing and either delivered personally or by teleg~m or mailed by first-class, registered or ccrtltIed mall. as follows: (f to the Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee: • New Hanover County Engineering Department Attention: Greg Thompson, Chlof project Engineer 414 Chestnut Street, Roam 10~ V~Imington, NC 28401 if to the Fedora! Govemment: District Engineer U.S. arr„y Engineer O+.strict --.~ . _ ,.,. 17AY-12-00 FR[ 1:25 - . P. 09 C~ DR~4I=T New Hanover County Contract COQ-0380 g• A party may change the address to which such c°mmunications are to be dire~ed by giving written notice to the otf~er party in the manner provided in this Article_ ~• Any notice, request, demand, ~r other communication made pursuant to this Amide shalt be deemed to have been received by the addressee at thA earlier o` such, time as it is actually received or seven (7) Calendar days after it is mailed. ' ARTICLE X - PRO.IECT M1TIC3AT10N AND MONITORING Ttte Non-Federal Sponsor/Permittee shall perform rr~onitarfng of the Proje~ and construct mitigatipn required by any permits. • ARTICLE XI -PROJECT MODIFICATION OR TERMINATION 6y written mutual agreement of the parties hereto, together with appropriate amendment of any authorization permits, the Project scope, conditions, provisions, and/vr duration may be modified or terminated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, which 9hait become effQCive upon the date (t Is signed by the Assistant Secretary of the ~-Y (Clot! Works). NEW HANOVER CpUNTY [SEAL) Witham A, Caster, Chairman ~' Board of County Commissioners • 17AY-12-00 FR1 1:25 A NEST: Clerk to the Board -..-_-L.-.-- This instrument has been pro- audited in the manner required by the Local Federal Govemmertt Budget and Fig~j Control Act. County rtenoe Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANaVER COUNTY ... P, 10 DRAFT New Hanover County Contract ~p-a380 THE DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY U.S. Corps of Engjneers By: _ . (?ru'tt Name and Tit1e~' Approved as to form County Attvmey I, County aforesaid~certirty that Lucle F. Harrell persona lytcame befo~e me thtis da and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and chat by authority duly given and as the act of the board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager, Allen O'Neal, seated with its corporate seat and attested by herselt as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this _ ~ day of ^ ~, 2000 Notary Public MY commission expires: C~ \J MAY-12-00 FRI 7:26 NORTH CAROItNA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ..~ P. I 1 DRAB=]' Naw Hanover County .Contract ~It00-0380 ~~ _ _ , a Notary Public in and for said State and County aforesaid, do certify ihat ~ ~ _ of the U.S. Army Corps of Engine8 f$ personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Agreement. WITNESS my hand and o~cial seal this _ day of 20fl~. ._~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: • L~ ~J ,-~ • ~/ . ! ~. ARTICLE I -DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS For the pupose of this Agreement: A. The term "Project" shall mean the Mason's Inlet Relocation Project more fully described as follows: 1. Relocating the existing inlet "throat" approximately 3,000 feet north to its 1986 position. Relocation involves infilling the existing inlet and opening a new 500' wide inlet channel with a design depth of 10' NGVD. 2. Deepening Mason Creek to a depth of 10' NGVD from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to Mason Inlet to provide a tidal flow that will help stabilize the position of the relocated inlet. 3. Constructing a 20 acre impoundment basin at the intersection of Mason Inlet, Mason Creek, the banks channel for the purpose of containing flood shoal sedimentation. 4. Renourishing approximately 8,500' of beachfront at Figure 8 Island. • .. • Appendix A Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation (OMRR~R) Maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway As part of the OMRR&R the Non Federal Sponsor/Permittee agrees to share, with the Federal Government, in the cost of future of maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) adjacent to the Project. The Non Federal Sponsor/Permittee will reimburse the Federal Government for a portion of the maintenance dredging in the AIWW adjacent to the Project on a per unit cost share. 1. The area of the AIWW that the Non Federal Sponsor/Permittee agrees to reimburse the Federal Government for dredging operations within, is defined specifically as the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, between Norfolk, Va and the St. John River, Fla., Tangent 12, Section III, Stations 80+00 thru 90+00. 2. That volume of dredging which the Non Federal Sponsor/Permittee agrees to reimburse the Federal Government for on a per unit cost is defined specifically as the amount of shoaling within the agreement area subsequent to the completion of the project, minus the amount of shoaling that would normally occur, based on the current annual shoaling rate within the agreement area. This current annual shoaling rate is defined as the annualized rate of shoaling as determined by the Federal Government (USACOE) Condition Surveys conducted between 1985 and the time of ~ construction of the Project. 3. The Non Federal Sponsor/Permittee agrees to share in the cost of mobilization of dredging equipment on a distributed per unit share basis, with the total amount of reimbursement to the Federal Government for mobilization costs not to exceed $50,000 U.S. 4. The Federal Government will, for any federal project requiring dredging within the Agreement Area, make the portion of the project containing the Agreement Area a separate item of bid, for the bid documents. \/ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ~J 72~ ,- a ' {This page intentionally left blank} fl " .: _~ ~.. . . ..., .. i _. • ,. _. .. - - .. - ;~ f .. ~ <. '" NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ' ~. ; ' ~ .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ :: . "~ . ~ ~ ~ Meeting Date: 06/05/00 . .F ~ .~ . ~ , . ~ ~ .Water & Sewer I#em #: 2 Estirri'ated Time:... Page .Number:. ~; ~ { bepartmentc Governing Body. Presen#er: Lucie F. Harrell " ~ `. " t .~.. Contact: Lucie F. Harrell. ~ ~" , ~ , ,:; ', , .~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL 0•F MINUTES -WATER AND SEVYER DISTRICT. _ ` . ,, BRIEF SUMMARY::.,- _ ,, Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of.June 5, 2000. .. ~ ; RECOMMfNDED;MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ • ~ ~ - ~ ~ ` -Approve the minutes.; ' :. FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: x.. :. ~ ' ., , ~. V _ .,. . ~ . , ,; ~ • FQUIRE REVIEW ITEM DOESNOT.R ,... ` -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ . ~ . , _ APP-rove minutes. ~ ~ '~~'~' ~ . • ~ ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r. ~ ~ ~ , .~ . ,. , ,_ ,;: k , . .. , _; p~: , ~ . •- ~ ~fCOUfVTY t:OMM15SI0NER~? . ~ .. ` ' mPRROVED G~--- , ~ EiEJECTED p "... ~ . , ~. REMOVED- Cl ' - J ~ . ~; , . ; " ~ .POSTPONED : ~1EARf~ -- _ . - -. .. ~ ; , .. .- , . .. r ~~~~ ..~~ a~ av .~l/ _ "s~.'evs::: x' ,, -" n a {This page intentionally left blank} -~~ ~' ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~,~ n~~. 7 ~. ,. :~ r, ~. {This page intentionally left blank} f\ ~~~~:'~ `~ ~~r~r ~~ z ~ ;, ~~ ~?~~ .. ~, CONSENT AGENDA NEW° HANOVER"COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS ne a, u 19, 20 ._ . ITEMS OF BUSINESS - ,, .. . , .. PAGE . - . _ ~ - - NO. - `~ 1, Approval of minutes `. _ - ' • "79 • - 2..~ .Approval of Senior Center HVAC Renovation Contract #00-0349 ` ~ 81 . • ` . ,., ~ ~" 3.. Approval of completion of Permanent Transfer Switch Project (wire for 83 - Emergency shelters and trailer to transport ,large spools of wiring and equipment) °• " . , ~ - ~ - 4. Approval of Solid Waste Disposal Fees for Fiscal Ycar 2000-2001. 85 - 5. Approval of Architectural .Services for New Federal Point Firestation ~ $9 . Contract #00-0351 ~ - ~ _ y~ . ~ = 6 ~ Approval of grant application for Family Planning Outreach Initiatives for $22,1$0 .. 91 ' ;~ .. ` , .- from-the North Carolina Division of Public Health-Women's and Children's ~ . ,, .. Health Section • .: . ~. -. - ,, , ' 7: Approval of grant application for Healthy Homes Initiative mini-grant of $20,000 ` 101 ~' •` ~ ,from the North'Carolina Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program for,the .. 8. Approval. of waiver for Wilmington Housing Finance and Development - ._ , ,~ ;, . l 07 ' - ~ . .. .. . 9: Approval of New. Hanover County and New•Hanover County -Fire Tax District ~ ' 1' 11 ~ • ~ ; .. Collection Reports.. _ , ' - - -1~0; Approval to submit application` for Rural Operating Assistance Funding from `~ ... , 115 NCDOT ' ` P i - ~ . -. 11. Approval of Resolution requesting the addition. of roads in Marsh Oaks subdivision , .121 .` • ~ , to the NCDOT Highway System ~ " `• - `. • 12. Approval of Release of Value - ~ l 25 - {, 13. Acceptance of Disaster Relief Fnnd for Seniors. ~ ~ .. - ~ 127 _ ~ 14:-App"royal of sale of-surplus terminals at the Department of Social Services- 129 •.. ._ _ ~. ` 15. Approval of Sales Tax Budget Amendment • • . 1'33 ~ '. • ~ ~ -, Approval of budget. amendments: , " V ~ - ' ~` ~ 16:,1. #00-0040 Controlled .Substance Tax Capital Project , ~ ~ , I~ 7 - , - - ~` 16.2 #00-0041 Federal,Forfeited property-Capital Project ~ ~ ~ 136 c~ 7~ {'This page intentionally left blank} ,~ ~, j .. , - . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ~COMM1SS10NERS - ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION_ ~~ ~ ~ Meeting Date: 06/19/00- Consent Item #:.1 Estimated Timer Page Number: . .._ <. , Department:- Governing Body ;Presenter:. Lucie F, Harrell ~ _ .,. ~ Contact: Lucie F:. Harrell ..; .: . - ~ SUBJECT: r.. . , . ~ ~ . ,. -~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES -`CONSENT AGENDA.- ~ ~. ` BRIEF SUMMARY:. . Approval of the minutes for tiie Budget Work Session held.on-May 25,.2000. ,RECOMMENDED MOTION-AND REOUES7,ED ACTIONS: ' ~ ' ~ . `. .. Approve minutes, . ~ .. , .. FUNDfNG SOURCE:. .. ... ~. ', ,. . ':ATTACHMENTS:; : ~ ~ _ ' fTEM .DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ._ • . ,. COUNTY 'MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:.. w . '. Approve minutes.. ~~t ... COMMISSIDNfRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ., ~ ~~ .. .- _ .. . ~CONfM , . ,, • I(®N ~ ~PAROV~ED- I~/ . ~ .. , . `: ., . ECTED [~ ~ .. ' ~EJ . , ,. ~EM4VED ' ~ . , -- - ~ ~fi~STRpiVED ~ ~ - . ~ ~. , • . . , .. . . ~ . .. . ~ -~. ~_ ~_ _ '~ , . . . . ~ . ' {This page intentionally left blank} "~ ` ~ ~vL:+I:h~1 YYVr'~I ~.' W' U~~t%.ry~d,.. ':r~~ 1~~ I ~ . 4~ii `~ ,~. ,~ .. -., `~, ~~ ~'~ '. ~, ~w~c,L,'v,i~rt4~~~ ? ~ .`~.. '~ '~~ ,~ .b y O. X CD JC ~ C VQ '"'~ CD p~ CD D i N ~~ O ~ d/ d co n ~. -• 10 ~~ O ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ y ~ O ~ ~ .p iO i ,~ 0 I~ I ~-. ,.y. I Q ~ I I I -~ ~ ~ _ I i ~~ n ~., I. r~-r ~ CD ~ I I I I ( I ~ I I !"f ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~7 i~l I~ ~ I r `c ~' '~' I~ i tzi I ~ ~ i ~ I ~ ~ I °t ~: ~ ~ I (. ~~~,', to ~ rn w ; I~ ~ `~ I I ~i l i i 'C o ~ r' i I ~ ~ i. .. ~ ~ I I,! ! ~ I ~ i i I I n. co ~, ~ ~ -~ , ~ P.y ro o r* i i~ ~ I I I I i I I Q ` p., cn i i lad, i k I Cp' ~I I ~ I :~ ~ lilll ~~,1 ii ~ ~ I I ' I ; ~ I i l ~1~~~ ~~ ®. ~ ' ~ ' i I ® ; ID'. ~~ . i ' ~ IaI ~~- I ~ ~I ®. i . I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ . ~' `~ ', i 13 i ~ I I I I ; i i i 'i i i i j ! ~ i ~. I ' ! ~ ' I I i ~ ; i I I ~ ! I I I I i i I I I y I, i ~ I I I i I I i l ~I I I- i i I I i ~ I i I ce' i w ~ i ~ i ~ ~ _ ~ I l I ii ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I D7 c- , c p l oi o! ~~ ~ o° .. ,.. , .- ~ -. .. ••,- ,NEW HANOVER, COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . - - ' ~ ~ ~ REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION .. ~ ~ Meeting-Date.: 06/19/00 - - Con"sent Item'#: 3 Estimated Time: Page•Number: ~ ~ , "Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Dan" Summers ~ ' .. Contact: 'Dan Summers ;. ,. SUBJECT: - Completion of Permanent Transfer Switch Project {Wire for emergency shelters and trailer to transport aarge spools of wiring. and equipment)....: - ' ~., , . _. - . BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 7,1999, the County Commissioners approved a Contingency appropriation of ~ ` $25,700 to move forward with installation 'of wiring for generators in,shelters during emergencies ,'forthe remainder of the calendar year 1999. These funds were. not allocated. In Aprii, the County embarked upon a project°to install permanent generator trarsfer switches at 4 schools, used as ' shelters during emergehcies. The Contractor's completion of the .project` is estimated to be Jul:y - ; . . -, .20.'2000. - '. To complete the project, we~need to purchase wire,~wire connectors, wire. management • ;equipment, wire testing equipment, ,and trailer to transport this equipment to and from they . ' ~,erner~gencyshelters. For safety purposes, the large spools of wiring and-equipment cannot be,left "~ at the schools and must be transported fo and from storage.:, . .. - . _" . ' Items .listed can be purchased with project contingency funds: Items listed can be purchased with project~contingericy funds. Appropriating $11,000 (for the aforementioned items) of'the $25,700 • contingency funds previously approved, but not allocated will complete the permanent transfer - .. ` • switch project.. - . , . - ~~ 'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: -. ' `' ' . - .... '~. Appropriate $11.;000 of the previously approved, but not allocated contingency funds to complete - _ ~ the permanent transfer switch project and approve accompanying Budget Amendmenf #00-0207.. "- °:FUNDING SOURCE:." ~ . " Generat Fund/Non-Departmental/Contingenices •" - 110.420.•9800-900.0.-9110 ATTACHMENTS: ,, r .. " . BA #00-0207.wpd .: . . ~° ~.. REVfEWED BY: ` , `` '~ LEGAL:. FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NLA ~ ~ ' SSiON~~~ .~ ~ ~~ - G ~PPft01lED C--. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS-AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ DEJECTED p ~- _ ~ Recommend approval. :. ~ REMOVED ~ " .; .~ .. ON ~~ • ~ "~ POSTP ED Ir7 ' _' ~ - - .. - - , - ~ ~ ,.. EA A a,. , . `` ~ `, ya „~,~f+ LPL°UV 17\~ ~$~. ~ ~ t~~1 _ - .~. ~ ,•. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. ~ "' r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ _ . .. ~ ~_ . Meeting Date: 06/19/OA - _ ,, ., .. Conserit~Ttern #: 4 Estimated Time`.. Page Number: - • • Department: Environmental .Management. Presenter: Mylinda Jacobsen ~ . ..._ • „ -Contact: Ray, Church. - .. - ~ ,, SUBJECT: ~ - , , " ~, Solid Waste Risposal Fees for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. . BRIEI: SUMMARYr ~ _ _ A tipping fee of $32;00 per ton has been proposed in the Environmental Management budget for the Fiscal~Year 200D-2001. The increase from $28:00 per ton is to help off-set capital projects ~ . ..and-purchase`s, primarily at the landfill. Capital projects include the construction of a new cell - ' and partial closure of several old cells that have. reached capacity.. Capital purchases include a new trash compactor and front end loader. A schedule of the proposed fees for other types of waste is attached. Generally the increase is approximately 15%, the same as the Municipal Solid ` Waste (MSW) increase. Changes include, no special rate .for wood waste as it is placed in the lined ` . landfill, increases in concrete/brick/dirt,~shingles/built-up roofing, and cardboard less than 84% , • •, but greater than 70%"of the load. Under "special waste", asbestos and tires remains unchanged but.siudge is .increased from $34 to $40 due to-the difficulty in handling: Two new categories are ~. added,.. Bulky Items{mattresses, furniture, brown goods) at $2.00 each and Special Handling at _ $40/ton with a $40.0.0 minimum. Special Handling is loading confidential papers directly into the • t' ~ furnaces at WASTEC, for example. _ RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Staff recommends the Board of Commissioners. adopt the-proposed tip fee schedule. . ,, _ FUNDING SOURCE: ~` .: ~. - ~ _ - a .; .. , , ~.. ATTACHMENTS:.: - ~ , , ,. . _~ ~ - , ~~. ~ ~ ~ ; ... .. .. . ~ ,~ " - TIPFEES:01. - REVIEWED BY:' ., LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ` Recomrn~end approval. ~~ -- _. - COMMLSSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ _ - ~ .. . . ~ APPROVED L'am' . _. . , ~.. .. .. ' REJECTED Q • .. . _ '., ~. ° ~ ~ REMOVED p . . _ ~ .. `~ , ' ~ POSTPOBVE® .a ~. • - ~ - ,. ~5 -. . ~$ ~~RD -r , ,; CATEGORY BULKY ITEMS (MATTRESSES, FURNITURE) SPECIAL HANDLING (DIRECT rNCnyERATION) New Hanover County Disposal Facilities Special Rules TIP FEE $2.00 EACH $40.00 MINIMUM It shall be unlawfiil to place waste in any place other than the specified area designated for the placement of such waste. Landfill users must unload only in the area designated by the landfill manager. The hauler will be responsible for removing and cleanup of waste unloaded in the wrong area. Items Banned from Dis op sal.: In accordance with the Solid Waste Management Act of 1989 as amended (G S #130 A); it shall be unlawful to dispose of the following materials in the landfill or WASTEC: a. whole tires (except solid forklift tires); b. white goods; c. lead acid batteries; d. liquids and waste failing the "paint filter test" -for free liquids; e. hazardous waste as described in 40 CFR 258; f. waste originating outside New Hanover County (unless by contract at.WASTEC only); g. contaminated soils, volatile chemicals, etc.; . h. any container of greater han 5 gallons, unless perforated; i, aluminum beverage containers; j. yard waste, stumps, vegetative debris; k. florescent fixtures unless ballast have been removed, florescent tubes except by residents with a limit of four bulbs per day per household; 1. gas tanks, gas cylinders (unless valve has been removed); m. any other material deemed unlawful as described in the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules as amended. Attempts to dispose of banned waste will be reported to the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. All cleanup and cleanup cost will be the responsibility of the hauler or waste generator. Safe A11 users of the disposal facilities must obey all. traffic signs, signals, and the direction of disposal facility personnel. Weigh out tirnes`:_ `Landfill users must have all loads unloaded by the closing times of 4.30 p~ m~1Vlonda'`y through Friday and 11:45 a.m. on Saturday. d~f~l(~~~~s>r~`~ ~ .. ~ ~ i J ~. • " ,. " .. . . ' 6 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .. ' ' ° ` SCHEDULE OF TIP FEES , _ " .. _ EFFECTIVE JULY; 1, 2000. .. ~~ .CATEGORY. -": ~ . TIP FEE. , ,_ - IvIUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE ' ~ - $32.00 /'TON . CONSTRUCTION /DEMOLITION (IvIIXED) . ~ ~ ~ $~~2.00 /,TON ~ . - ' ~ ~I:,UMBER /WOOD (CLEAN) . $32.00/ TON ~• .-. CONC-BETE /BRICK / DIRT .' ,' .. $17..25/ TON' .. , .. . .~ . -;: ~ GLES /BUILT-UP ROOFING SHIN _.. . . . .. $15:'65:/`TON ~ .. ~~ ; .. h ., . "' . ; ," REFUSE DELIVERED IN'CARS ' ` . " " .$ 1.00/Bag.. " .. ~ .... ~" REFUSE DELIVERED IN PICK-UP ~ ~ ' TRUCKS OR TRAILERS , ' ~ • " ~- $10.00 MINIMUM . - .;.. . ' CARDBOARD ~as~io To Ioo~io~ ~ _ . , . ' . • NO CHARGE' .:o ~ • _ . ^- " , . 'CARDBOARD (~o~ro To sa Rio) ~ - ~ , ` - ~ . - ` $ T 6.00 /TON . ': :." . `: CARDBOARD <~o~io "; ~ ~~ $32.00. / TO.N .,.. ,. .. SPECIAL WASTE .. - ASBESTOS (ACCEPTED WITH SPECIAL APPROVAL ONLY) •" $4S.OO / GU'BIC YARD - ' • ~. ~ ' • SLUDGE (ACCEPTED WITH SPECIAL APPROVAL ONLY) . $40,00 /.TQj~I • ' ' -. ` ' TIRES {GENERATED DURING THE "NORMAL'COURSE OF BUSINESS") NO CHARGE ' ' " TIRES (NOT GENERATED DUR[NGTHE "NORMAL COURSE OF BUSINESS"). $78,00 /TON " . ~ HOUSEHOLD OR LEAD ACID BATTERIES' NO CHARGE WASTE OIL' "/ ANTIFREEZE ; . NO CHARGE, ,. .. :WASTE PAINT tHOMEOwIVERS oNl.x> e ~ NO CHARGE " ~ . ~ APPLIANCES (wxITEGOODS FEES rAID) - ' ' NO CHARGE - . :. " , .. ... ,. , ., • . ~ - . . {This page intentionally left blank} ' ~ ., .. _ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM~IVII:SSiONER,S r ~~ :'~ ~.. .~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. "" n Meeting. Date: 06/19/00 - ,:c - " ~ Consent .Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: , ~ ~ ~ i " .. ... ~~ . Department:. Fire Services Presenter: -Max Maxwell ~ •. ~ ` ,. - Contact: Max Maxwell ~ . ~.: ~ ~ ~_. .. , . _... .. S U.BJf CT: ~ ,. - ,. ~~Architectural~Services f,or'New Federal Point Firestation ~- Contract # 00-0351. ~ .-.: , ,_ .. , .. , . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ " . -. , . , ' . ~,- As directed by fhe New Hanover County Fire Commission, staff :requested Arid receided Request .• .for Qualifiications for Architectural Services for the•new Federal Point Firestation on April 27, ~ " ~~ - .2000. The-scope of services identified will include architectural design services for the" , - ~" development of constr-uction"documehts for acounty-fire station. Additionally;, scope of services - ~" ~ • ' `'will include investigation scope development, site selection, master planning and budget `, - development. Th'e "selection committee recommended Stewart-Cooper •Newell Ar'chiteets, Teamed :with NI:K. Dickson to the Fire Commission at the May`24 meeting: The .Fire Commission voted to r.eco~mmend the Stewart-Cooper-Newell Architects team to the Board of Commissioners for "~.' a ' ~ __ "° ,approval. '(Contr`act is available in County, Manager's office) .., r~ .... .. _~ _ ,~ ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff requests the•County Commissioners, .authorize negotiations for architectural services-with - =~ ,.~ :.Stewart-Cooper=.Newell. Architects for the new Federal Point Firestation. , ~FUNDLNG SOURCE: '. .. ' Federal.Point'Firestation Capital Project ... - ' ,,v= ~ - ATTACHMENTS: ;. .: ~ ~ :. ~ .. ,; • . REVIEWED BY: , T .. -LEGAL:. :FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve ~ HUMAN:RESOURCES:.N/A ' .. , _ , `+ COUNTY:MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ Recommend approval: ~ ~ - , _ _ _ ~L~ ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. _ ~; .. . ..: -. - - ~ - - ~ ~ j ~'OMMI5510N ~ I ~1PPR®VED ~. ." s, I~tE3EC'fED : O . " ~~ .~ . , " ~ REMOVED" ® ~ ~,. , . .,~. POSTPOtVE®® .. ~ ~. , .., ,, , ;._. , /- f ~~ . ~ - ~ ", w .~ „. ^.. . . -~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~-„ 90~: ~~~~ ~f .J . , ~. . , , -" y F '. .. ... x , - ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~} ,. - - ..• REQUEST FAR BOARD ACTION ,, ~. .. ~ Meeting Date: 06/19/00. - - ' `" - : :~ Consent Jtem #:.-6 .Estimated Time: Page Number: - .. ~ ' Department: Hea'Ith ,~kPresenter• ,.Betty Jo McCorkle, Director Women's Health ~. Contact: Betty Jo. McGorkler343 6660 ~- :- .. ~ ., J .. • .. ~~ ~ f . a r .. SUBJECT:..' -' -. _ ~ ~ - - Grant Application, for FAMILY PLANNING OUTREACH INITIATIVE for. X22,180 " }~: ~ ~ ~ from the North Carolina Division of Public Health-Women's and Children's " ~" '~ - ~ . Health Section.. ~ - ~. " ,. , " ' BRLEf= SUMMARY: " At'its June board meeting, the New Hanover County Board of Health Approved the Family ,Planning Outreach Initiatives Graht application for $22,180. We are requesting Board of County .. ' ~ Commissiohers' approval,to apply for $22,180 for Family Planning Outreach Lnitiatives.. The ~. ' a){ocation is for l year (fiscal year 2000.2001) only_(addifio,nal second year funding is subject to ~ ` availability of .federal funds)..,. ' '' • -' Women's Health Services are available through numerous'facilities in New H"anover County, but ~~ _; "manyproviders do not accept Medicaid. Although the private sector may accept and provide _ ', prenata'I services reimbursed. by Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW), services are discontinued ' ,~ to these women following the termination of their MPW benefits. These women are still in need of preventive and follow-up care. The New Hanover County Health Department is a primary resource - , for. women seeking preventive women's health care: Our statistics.(see attached grant application for statistics) documment many high risk women in need'of these services:. " .,, Outreach, recruitment and retention of family planning patients can,d"ramatically improve the.. ~ • negative statistics. With the grant we request employing a half time"(50% full time equivalent) ~~ Registered Nurse for outreach efforts. The outreach efforts would include .postpartum .hosp'itai ~.. ". - : . visifs, appointment reminder letters, appointment reminder phone calls, home visiting for ~ ° - delinquent or missed appointment patients, outreach through the Women, Infants,-and Children " ~ - program-and pregnancy testing outreach. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ - .. .Approve grant application for.$22,180 and the related budget amendment if grant awarded. .. .. FUNDING SOURCE:.. _ , ... - ,: .. North Carolina Department of Health and Humah Services, Division of .Public Health-V1lomen's - ' µ . ` Preventive Health-Unit. No matching funds are required to qualify for these funds. - , _ ":.,- ~, _,: ATTACHMENTS: ..t - , :. ~ grant- application and memo. , .. ~_ , = `REVIEWED BY: _ .. , ~- LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN. RESOURCES: N/A, ,. , i . .. _ .. ,. ,~ .. , ,. - .. _ ,, ... ~ - ..~ Yo° , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval with the stipulation of elimanting the position if the grant funds are withdrawn. ~ ~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: qtr ~ :-~Y CO~~- ~~~~:,~~a:e~~ W~tj~c7vEp t~:-. EJECTED ~ ® `~ RfMOVED . ® ~ ,r~ ~ - @'05TPONED ~ >``` ~' ~;. HEARi~ C~ '~p ~~ r~ - - ;~ _~ ,. .. . _ ti. .. , - ,. ~ - , . .. _ y •' " ~ , A lication and Contract Addenda for Famil Planning Outreach Initiatives ' -Jul ~ 1 2000 -June 30 2001-and Jul 1 .2001- June 30 2002 .Pace One • ' ' ~. y. , . _ Name.of Applicant Organization: ~ - ~ . , . "" ~I. ~ Documentation of Unmet Need in the Service Area ~ _ -, - ,. :. , . _ ~ (Statistics such as pregnancy rates, out-of-wedlock birtfi rates, teen'pregnancy rates, etc.. may be used as well as income levels, uninsured populations, minority populations; ° , numbers of women in service area who are on MPW ".[Medicaid for Pregnant Women] . ' ,. . `, - , ' ~" and other data...Data on family planning program services and private provider ' ~~~ ~ ' services--if available=-should ..also be included to show the .level of unmet need among -populations in need"of subsidized'services.) ~ ~ ' ~~ Women--'•s~Health~`Services are available through numerous`faclities in New Hanover ~' ''_ ~ ',County:. ~~Many private providers', however; do not accept Medicaid. The prenatal" '~ ,"-population;=for. examp.le;'has_the option of private care, but'services are ~ ~ .. ~, ,, , . `discontiriued~in theprivate setting for Medicaid patients following the termination. •~~~ .of their,.MPW benefits. New Hanover County currently has 4040 ac.t~ive MPW cases. ' . ` The °New Hanover County Health Department. (NHCHD) is a primary.. source _f or women who .. ` .. are'seeking preventive women's health care. .New Hanover County data~documents~many - high risk women in need of"preventive and follow-up care. Our .population consists. of _•~ 8.37 minority females `of childbearing age. The total population reflects approximate - ~,. -20~.mnor.ty. Medicaid"mothers. in New Hanover County represent; 46~ of the.'total `. _ -~ population.. ~, The Ypopulaton .reflects 117 who are: uninsured. ~ . New Hanover.,County's STD, infection rate was more than 2 times the State average in X1997. In 1.998 where was a-high (20-25~) prevalence of short-term birth "intervals. New Hanover County's rate was 15•.7 compared to the-NC rate.`of~13.1., New`Hanover '-:' County's`out-of-wedlock rate in 1998 was.'32.6. The teenage; pregnancy rate in 1998 `-' `.:. was 69:1 (white 52.6, non-white = 118.,1). • - ~ - Outreach,`~recruitment and. retention of .family planning patients"coul'd dramatically.' .,..improve these, negative statistics: - ~ --. ' ~ f • II~. Documentation of agency's,capacity to expand servicesto address unmet need. - .. ~ , A. Descn ton.,of he = . ~" ' ~ alth department facilities (numbers of'exam rooms available for - ~ ~p ` `` " ~ :family planning,, size of waiting room, other`space which. could be made available, .. - etc:) ~ ~ a .~ - e '~ `. Recent"renovations in, our family planning clinic space .enlarged our waiting area - ,. -, ,., ~°' '.and our clerical/reception ,areas. -This allowed for additional privacy which also ~~ enhanced confidentiality.' This .effort was seen as.~a marketing tool for redrutment~ - and'-retention of_new~patients. 'The setting is. now "female-friendly" which include's .`the use of .pastel: colors and wallpaper borders.: Our waiting area is-now separated. ,~_r~:. from the main health department waiting room (which further'inereases privacy ~.~_ .z _; - , ._. - and'"confidentiality) and has a. capacity of 25-.30 patients.` We operate four (4) :° exam'-rooms ,and utilize two (2) full-t,ime nurse. practitioners,. :, t Application and Contract Addenda for Family Plannin¢ Outreach Initiatives Jul 1 2000 -June 30 2001 and Jul 1 2001- June 30 2002 Pane Two , B. Description of other facilities or planned expansion (include• estimated date of . completion). If additional space is needed, describe arrangements which are being made (such as negotiations to lease, anticipated moves°by other agencies, etc.) to provide additional space. (Title X funds cannot be used for construction or purchase.) • Not Applicable C. Description of current schedule of family planning clinics and any plans. for . expanding clinics (i.e., offering more convenient times/location of services to working women, teens, etc.) . The current family planning schedule allows for am, pm, evening, appointment and walk-in clinics. We offer clinics every day and see adults and teens. ' Our site provides group and one-onWenoffercwalk-innpregnancystestingldaily.~ and treatment for male partners... We plan to offer additional appointment slots with this grant. :, 94 D. Describe current staffing of .family planing clinics and. describe how staff would be expanded or utilized differently. Current staffing in our .family planning clinics-consists of two (2) Nurse Practitioners, four (4) RNs, two (2) CHAS and two (2).clerical specialists. We also employ one (1) 50~ F'TE RN who is housed @ DSS as a TANF outreach worker. An•additional 50~ FTE would allow for outreach efforts to recruit -" and retain new and continuing patients. Some of .these outreach efforts would include postpartum hospital visits, appointment reminder letters, appointment reminder phone calls; home visiting for delinquent o,r,missed appointment patients,-•outreach through WIC and pregnancy testing .,outreach. ° ' . 'Application and Contract Addenda for Family Planning Outreach Initiatives July 1, 2000 -June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001- June 30, 2002-Page Three ~~. _. E. Summarize any additional plans for increasing° capacity (ire., holding simultaneous • . ~` _• : '. clinics for Family Planning. and WTC). :. ~ , ~ , ` ~ Employ one 50~ FTE RN to provide the .following outreach efforts: ` .. * "'postpartum hospital. visits _ ~ ' ' * appointment reminder letters. ° • .. : _ * .appointmentreminder phone' calls ' '" * home visiting for delinquent or missed'. appointment patients _,. .; ": - `" : * WIG outreach. ~ , , .. .. ~ '' * pre nancy; est'ng out ,eac , . 4 III: Objectives ~or significantly expandrmg ~amily planning services. Objectives must be " . time-framed and measurable and must address both recruitment and'retention of patients.:.: ' `. ' _ 'Objectives must be written for both FY 00-01 and 01-02 (assuming that there may~~ ' be funding for a second year). As stated in the instructions, projects will be required to report on progress (including progress toward stated objectives) on a - - quarterly basis.. Forms and specific guidance for these reports will. be furnished by ~'i the Women's Preventive.Health Unit. . ~ ' . _ _ " '~ ; • f `By 7uly 1; 2001, the number of new clients seen in family planning clinics will _ °° ~ ' .A , .increase by 5 % for a total of 32 new patients seen in clinics." ..- .. ~ , y ..., ' `By July 1, 200,1, the number of return visits for continuing clients seen in family- ~ ; ,, ;_ , - planning clinics will. increase by 5 _%• for a total of ~~ patients continuing ~,: in clinics." . . ;. .. . .., °.:. ° ~ . `By July 1, 2002, the number of,new clients-seen in family planning clinics will` ~ . ' ' ~., ~ :.= increase by 5 % for a total of " 34 ~ newpatients seen, in clinics." ~ } °; . .. °. "By July 1; 2002, the number of return visits for continuing clients seen in family ' ~ planning'clinics will increase by ~_%for a-total of~g_~patents continuing . ~ ' . in clinics:»:. . - „, " ", ~_ .`. ****NOTE: Although it would be realistic to see a measureable change ri ' ~ '~ statistics by July. 1, 2001, the change would not- reflect an entire year. .. ~ .. e' " " Recruitment, hiring and training of~an RN would not be complete until ~_ - - °. -October, 2000 (average .time).. Therefore, implementation of our plan would not begin before October, 2000 and would reflect less than one. full , ' year of data by the end of the FY July 1, 2000 -June '30; 2001. .~ ~ . .~ . A lication and Contract Addenda for Family Planning Outreach Initiatives Jul 1 2000 - 3une 30 2001 and Jul .1 200.1- June 30 2002-Pane Four (Objectives Continued) .: ,, IV. ; Annual budgets for this expansion acti~ b (resented bn detaily~ Examples oLf major 001 and July 1, 2001- June 30, 2002) mus p categories: Salaries, Supplies, Recruitment Materials, etc. Be as specific as possible. REMINDER: The allocation currently is for one year only. Additional funding for the second year is subject to availability of federal funds. July 1, 2000 -June 30, 2001 RN Salary - 50~ FTE $16,-522 (base salary) $ 5,658 (fringe packet) $22,180 TOTAL July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002 RN Salary - 50~ FTE (with 5~ increase) $17,348 (base salary) $ 5,941 (fringe packet) $23,289 TOTAL 96 ` . A' r "lication and Contract Addenda for Family Planning Outreach Initiatives ' ~ ~ July 1, 2000 -June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001- June 30, 2002-Page Five • , -. .V. ~ , . Describe prior expansion activities undertaken in°the last three years. Address costs, , - ~ strategies, and outcomes. ~ _, ~ .. ., ` ~ _ .. " . , ~- ~. - , Strategies: ,.. ~~ ~ -Expansion of_ pregnancy testing to',include daily testing on a walk-iri basin '~ ~ ~ ~ .Addition. of evening clinic for`wo.rking adults ~ ~' ` Outreach Efforts TANF position @ DSS; weekly outreach_@ Community College - ,- rv .; =.." to `distribute women's; health information, establish family" planning - • aPPo:ntments, etc. t _ ' Marketing: remodeled clinic area to target new and~re.turnng women, created a brochure for distribution within the.commuriity to advertise the services . "" .,,, .. we"offer to women .` Provided incentives for long-term 'patients. and provided patient appreciation , even~ts• -both, efforts aimed at retention of patients • ~ Outcomes: Over the past three (3}-years, we have documented an increase: of . ' S7 new patients and '1'22. returning patients. ~ ~, Costs:°Costs of the above strategies have been absorbed within our rputine' .J., °~ -._ ~ •, operating budgets-which include both state and"county dollars: We have absorbed the workload with existing staff'(excluding the TANF.positon).` Brainstorming among the'team and extra efforts to evaluate .the effectiveness ,'and. productivity of the staff have beenof.,major importance.. , r ;, '~ Signature of Local • :. ... , . ~ ~ Director _ ~ Date , .. ~ The application must be signed by the local director. Upon approval of the application, the WPH "~ ~' Unit will; incorporate the approved proposal into the Consolidated Contract as a part•of thee'.. ~ ' Family Planriing.Contract Addenda. 'The Unit will initiate'a budget revision with the approved. `amount which will be mailed to the Director for local action and. return to the Unit. ,. , .. . - . _ _ Signature of .Super-visor ~ ~ . " , . `~ ~3~~~~ . . _ ~` of W.omeri's Preventive Health ~c~ ~ ' Date s ~ Ov , . . .. .. _ , ,. . - ,, , :. _ o - .. .. - e . . . ... . , . - - .' .. ,' dsn.5TA7'F a,~ ~ wn~ ~~ ~` S Jam.. ?+~ *! . .a?SC..1 ,... .~ ~~,,. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health 1916 Mail. Service Center ^ Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1916 1330 Saint Mary's Street ^ Courier 56-23-01 Ann F. Wolfe, M.D., M.P.H., Duector April 20, 2000: TO: Local Health Directors Family Planning Clinic Coordinators aret Woodcock MPA,`Su ervisor " tN FROM: Marg P Women's Preventive Health Unit ~: New Competitive.Title XFunding (Applications Due June 1, 2000!) . Recently the Region IV Family Planning staff notified all states in the region of some funds which -will become available July 1, 2000 and which maybe available for atwo-year period. Along with notification of the funding, state Family Planning programs have been notified (1) that Congress -has withheld a significant amount of the new appropriation due to concerns about declines in the numbers of patients served and (2) that the intent~of this funding is to increase the numbers of family planning patients being served in Title X-funded clinics. Over the past several years, patients served in family.planning clinics have declined significantly at the national level. In.North Carolina, there were modest increases during most of the last several years except for a statewide decrease of 5,000 patients in CY 1999. However, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs, Denese Shervington, had to promise members of Congress that there will be an increase of some 500;000 clients nationally in order to get a portion of the new funding released to the states. Expectations are that states will hold local agencies strictly accountable for using these funds for the purpose of increasing the numbers of individuals served.. North Carolina's share of these new funds is approximately $280,000. Because the funding is short-term, quite limited, and intended to be used to demonstrate the ability of a local project to increase the number of individuals receiving services, the funds will be handled through a competitive process with approximately 10 or 12 health departments being funded. Attached is an . RFP that provides guidance in applying for this funding. You will note that the application process is simple and brief and that the departments applying for this funding must show (1) that they can document significant unmet need in their counties/districts, (2) that they have the capacity to expand services significantly either on site orthrough awell-thought-out process for utilizing other facilities, (3) that they have developed a workable plan to expand services, (4) that the costs of expanding caseload are reasonable, and (5) that they, can document success over the past three years in recruiting and retaining patients. 98 +~aw,n y. Everywhere. EveryDay. £veryBody. i")_ ortuni /A rrmative Action Employer An Equal Opp h' .~ . The experience gained-through these special projects will be extremely important in our fiiture statewide effort to increase services to women, men, and teens through a Medicaid waiver currently being prepared. If North Carolina is successful in gaining HCFA's approval of the waiver, men and women at or below 185% poverty will be eligible for Medicaid coverage, of their reproductive health needs. Teens are also included in the proposed waiver, and their eligibility will be determined based on their own income. Because the Title X funding has only recently become available and because we hope to have the - competitive process completed by July 1, we have prepared a very simple RFP. Applications will , be due-June 1. Please feel free to call on your regional nurse consultant or Margaret Woodcock (919-715:-3393) or William Brown (9i9-715-3394) if there are any questions. • cc: Ann Wolfe, MD, MPH, Director Women's Health Regional Nurse Consultants Division of Public Health WCH Regional Social Work Consultants Kevin Ryan, MD, MPH, Chief Women's and Children's Health Section Joy Reed, RN, EdD, Head Nursing and Professional Development Joe Holliday, MD, MPH, Head Women's Health Branch ~ Dennis Harrington, MPH, Chief - ~ Local Health Services 99 ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 . .Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director • Contact:. Janet McCumbee/343.6559Cm SUBJECT: Grant Application for HEALTHY HOMES INITIATIVE MINI-GRANT of $20,000 . from the North Carolina Childhood lead Poisoning Prevention Program for the New Hanover County Health Department "Healthy Homes Initiative". BRIfF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County $oard of Health approved the Healthy Homes Initiative Mini Grant application at the BOH's June meeting. We are requesting County Commissioners' approval to apply for second year funding of the HEALTHY HOMES INITIATIVE MINI-GRANT for $20,000 to continue the "Heaithy Homes Initiative" which the New Hanover County Board of Health approved - in 1.999. On-July 12, 1999, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners accepted a mini-grant award of $16,111 from the North Carolina Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program." This grant funded the startup of The New Hanover County Health Department "Healthy Homes .Initiative.'" The FY2000-2001 application form is attached for our review.. We are res ondin to the need in Y p g -our community to address both lead poisoning prevention and asthma control for children. The goal of the "Hea{thy Homes Initiative" is to increase public awareness of how the environment impacts a child's health and to provide tangible household products such as air filters and . mini-blinds, if necessary, to directly improve the child's childcare environment at registered; Family Child Care Homes (FCCHs). Befween January and May 2000, a Healthy Homes Nurse conducted scheduled home visits to 42 of the county's FCCHs serving 269 New Hanover children. An "Environmental Health Assessment of Asthma Triggers and Lead Sources" was completed for each site. Additionally, 16 medical or. social services referrals were made, 22 mini-blind replacement vouchers (115 total mini-blinds replaced), and 39 high efficiency air filter vouchers vvere issued. Other accompiishments included formation of the "New Hanover County Asthma Task force"-whose members successfully planned and implemented the World Asthma Day 2000 Fair in May, and numerous other educational efforts and events. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND'REOUESTED ACTIONS• ` Approve grant application for $20,000 and related budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ~. North Carolina Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program ' - ~ f ~Uf~S'Y ~:OMMI~I® T~ ~ - ATTACHMENTS: grant application and summary page ~ APPROVED ~ ~, ~ b?EJECTED C~ .. ~ REMOVED ~ . e~ ` . ~ ~ - ~'OSTPOIVED CJ F- - »EARD ~~ ~1-.-.._ i LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve :BUDGET; Approve , HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval with the stipulation of eliminating the position if the grant funds are withdrawn. /l n~'~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~' . .:~, i ~ .,, i .. i i ~ ~ , } ~! ~ I - . ~' ~~ ~~1~~1aJ4~.~ 'Y ~r'~~~~~ ~~ 102 ~ ~~~~~~~~. . I~f f ~ . r. is VER ~®V~T'~ : NEW HANG TIVIEN'I' . ~FiEAL'TH DEPAR 2029 SOUTH ] 7TF' STREET . WILNIlNGTON, NC 28401-4946 E~ E,~,a.,. t,~r. TELEPHONE (9]0) 343-6500, FAX (910) 34]-4]46 LYNDA F. SNIITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director DAVID E. R1CE, M.P.H:, M.A. Health Director SUMMARY OF THE Y HOMES INITIATIVE MINImGRANT HEALTH Health ]Depart New Hanover County nt Board of Commissioners accepted a mini- over Cou y Prevention . the New' Han Health .111 from the North Carolina CWilHanode County omn -On July T2, 1999, . grant award~$ giant funded the start-uP of the Ne. . ' Program• ~ ealthy Homes Initiative." Depar~ent s H - lication is :a of He~'~°and the lication form is now available and reappat the Boar The 2000/2001 app. VJe are requesting din The budget in our county. ear of furl g• continue this pro~aners a prove the application for a second y County C°mmission P . of $20,000.00 is attached for yon' review. ated activities/outcomes are summarized 2000 ant ro osal and rel 'rhe initial 19991 below: to the need in our . artment is responding e T1ew Hanover County Health DeP ' h oisoning prevention and asthma awarone°s o how T ubhc commu~~' to address both lead p roducts such as oal of the "Healthy Hoxnes.Initiative" was to mcrea ble household p ent at The g acts a child's health and to provide tang environment imp if necessary, to directly improve the child care environm air filters and mimChild Care Homes. registered Family 2000, a Healthy Homes nurse cond269 New Hanove ~ hildren. Between January and May 's Family Child Care Homes se ers and Lead Sources" was ` visits to 42 of the county « dical or social services referrals werhmade, vironmental Health Assessment of1Aethma Trigg 9 ~ An En dditionally, ] 6 and 3 g completed for each site. A ] ] ~ total mini-blinds replaced), 22 mini-blinds replacement s were issued. ' efficiency air filters voucher Asthma Task - "New Hanover County a Day Other accomplishments included formatio ea ana implemented the W orld Asthm Force" whose members successfully plane numerous other educational efforts and events. 2000 Fair in Mays and . . j . . 103 . 12 ., ry ~~ ~eQ-l~ - a~ ~~~ "~ ' ;; . • •, • o ma or ob~ ectives: - This ear's ro osal has tw +. To continue bui]ding on our earlier efforts by:..<. rivate homes of children. adenirig our target population to.includehome•visits top Bro ers; with asthma to assess for e ne~o ~ g ~ ggeneral asthma efforts of the new Asthma ' • Continuing the community - • Task Force; s to increase pediatrician involvement and subsequent . Enhancing our outreach effort referrals related to lead •poisoning; and, ild a working relationship with the state Child Care. Consultant to Continuing to bu Homes Nurse providing an environmental ossibility of the Healthy ers rior to licensure of a explore the P oisoning hazards and asthma egg P assessment for-lead p Family 'Child -Care Home. • endations for Lead s, lower o im lenient the State Health Directo an increas d nurribe o lead screening home visits. T P "which involves Poisoning Prevention ,and improved follow-up of dare with more Hors allowable blood lead levels, Submitted by: Janet McCtunbee ` Child Health Director - ~ . . (910) 3436599 ~ .•, • , •. - ' 3' t °. ~. - 2000 -200 1 Healthy Homes Budget Salary for Licensed Practical Nurse: 20 hours a week X 52 weeks $12.03 hour + 2% end of probation raise • Also possible 4% meritlmarket = $12.75 $13,260. Fringe includes: Soc. Sec.= $1014 Retire. _ $328 • . - Med./Dent.= $366 $1740 • $15,000 Total Salary and Fringe: . - Printing: Print flyers for special events $500- `Departmental Supplies: Office supplies, such as paper, pens, desk $350 organizers, calendar, etc. Educational materials on Lead and Asthma $350 Lead free miniblinds $1500 HeatlAir filters $800 Lead Check Swabs $150 Employee Reimbursements: Around town mileage at .325/mi. $500 125 .miles a month . Employee Reimb. Uniform: Uniform for nurse (required) $250 . '/z of $500 for FTE - Training and Travel: Out of town mileage at .325/mi. Registration for workshops, Hotel,.. food ($30.00/day rnax.) $600 $5000 Total for general operating: $2.0,000 Total Grant Request: • • X05 • ~ 14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: . . Wilmington Housing Finance and Development BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) has conditionally approved $200,000 to - Wilmington Housing Finance and Development Agency (WHFD) which provides rehabilitation and/or repair assistance to low and moderate income owner- occupied households who were the victims of flooding as a result of Hurricane Floyd. The minimum amount of program funds that may be spent on any assisted dwelling is $1,500 and the maximum limit cannot exceed $30,000 per dwelling unit or $33,00 per square foot. WHFD has requested that for dwellings being rehabilitated and/or repaired under this program, the County as an in-kind will waiver the building permit fees for approximately eight (8) dwellings. WHFD has proposed that the fees be waived and the costs associated with the permit fees not to exceed $400.00 per dwelling or $3,200 total for the eight dwellings. FUNDING SOURCE: grant RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should consider approving this waiver but allow no more waivers if the regular agenda item that recommends no more waivers is adopted by the Board. If this program is implemented before August 1, 2000 the waiver of fees wilt be based on the current permit fee schedule per dwelling unit. If the program is implemented after August 1, the waiver of permit fees per dwelling will, be considered under the new schedule.. . ATTACHMENTS: 0 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve this waiver, and' respond to future requests for waivers consistent with Board of Commissioners decision on Regular Agenda Item #9. ~O l~'~~ J COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: / (\, P~Uf~i'Y COMMI~o0N1 . APPROVED ~}/ BiEJECTED p rREMOVED p ~ ..%' ~'DSTPOiyEp ~ ~ ~~.~t - ~tEAR® .~~~q~I Qo ~ ~ ~- WILN1iT`~1CxTON HOU5IN0 FINANCE &. DEVELOF'IV1EI'~tT, ~~'*IC. "WE LEND MORE THAN MONEY - WE LEND A NAND" Mr. Alan O`Neal New mover County Manager 3?_0 Chestnzrt Street . Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. O'NeaJ, ' Wi~ington ]"3ousing FAaauce & Developmera~ In.c. sabnaitted an `appfication on behalf of .New Hanove~z County to the Nozth Carolina $ousiztg Finance Agency for Disaster . ~t.ecovexy Assistance under the Sinale~-Fanm~y Rehab~.ation Program (SFR D). We are pleased to inform you that our application has been conditionaIly approved by the Agency foz 5200,000. Wh~.e preparing the gcamt application I had disca.ssiorns with Wanda Colton: I1. was suggested that Necv Hanover County could waive the bnr7dmg permit fees for homes being rep gyred. through the grant prv~aur. Thexefore, more o£the grant fim~ds could be applied to repaizs. To co~atplete the approval, process we are. rec~aes#.ing a letter from New $anover County stating the waiver afbuiXcliAg peffiit fees for homes inchided in the Sf"R D provgram~. We a~atzeipate being able to asst eight homeowers with rep~us to their home, wifh a cost ofpennits not to exceed $400.00: 'This w11 total $3,200 in.-k-ind funds .from I'+Tew Hanover County. I am sen.di7ag you a copy of the Pro~am Assistance Policy for New Hanover County. 7f you have any questions, please caIl me at 34-1-5830. SIIZCerely, Pe~ay T Worl~nan Ho-c~ciaag Production Specialist cc Wanda Colton . ~"~~(~~ti~t~ ~~ ; s~ , aA. ~.~" ~~ ~~ `i., ` ~"` ~~ P.O. Box 547 • ~Imington; N_C_ 28402.341-7836 C~`~~y~t',~t Equa/OpportunityLender .1.0.:8. , ,-,,~~~ ~f ~~~ ., , _ • ,~ urn _MiI~TU~I ,.I~I~G FII`~ANC~ & 1~VF~ OP~~T, f`WF LEND MOAE THAN Mr3NEY-w- W~ LEND A HAND" FACSIMILE 3'i~1NSMISS[ON COVES SHEI= T .~ • TO: ~ y ~- ~ FA~m ____, _ ~ MESSAGE: ~ ©~U ~~' ~--2~~-~r~f- ~ ~r~h ~ ' ~~ DATE: ~~ ~ ~~ C~C~ ~ m or pages (including cover sheet) `---~ _ R>~SPQND: { } by FAX to (8'1Q)34'{-267 ( ) by mail to tha attention ai: ( ) by telephone numbar of (910)?~=r- ~~/-5~3~ ( ) olzh er ' ~ - ff all of the pages uvere not received clearlyT or if any are missing; p{ease call the person making this transmission at {9'!0)34'i-7836_. • P.O. Box 547 1,~l~~ming.on, N.G. 28k02 341-7836 EGaa(a~cartunify Lender . .._ ....._.. 0 ... _:._........_,: .. .~ 1 9~.. Equal Opportunity ~enaer . {This page intentionally left blank} n .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 . Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact:. Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: , New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire Tax District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of May 31, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • Request approval. of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: .ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve report: ~ ~j COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . r~OUNTY CONIMiSSi~ APPROVED t~'~Li • REJECTED ® ~" " REMOVED p POSTPONES p ~ I • ~ ~ ~r.•. , ,;,~,r~l (_9,00 .~ /~ 111 ~. • ca~vsE~vT AG'EIV~3A O.ATE -------=- ~T~~ rv0,_----- NEi~ NANflVER UC3~U~1TY .FIRE I3ISTI#~IC~' TAX CtItLEGT:I{JNS ~~3LLECTiONS THRU 0"5,/31IOfl ~CURRE~T TAX YEAR ~. 1999 AD VALG:~iE~! P~[;7i3rR V€NICLE TAX LEVY PER SCft©LL ~RIGiNAL ~ 2y060~293.51 ~ 20~945b.5i . DISCOVERIES ADD'EC3 ilEa~4fl~.53 ibt3.Y2~- 50 I~~~3.sfl4 >2~412.45- LESS, A~ATEt~EtVTS ~ TflTAL TAXES C~iARGED ~ 2~i25~:541.32 $ 204~~387.1(3. LISTTl~~ P.ENALT.iES CHARGED I~6+5?.a~J ,DO - ~ ~ '.~i10!'~.O i.l p'iH ~+d t~~l+t! OY M~W1~'L~~~+e mt~30'/f 1I» 208.3'S $ 2{34yi387.i0 128 ~ 2 TCITAL LEVY LflLLECTiDNS TO HATE ~ ~ 2i091~71i.84,® 1b8~698.45- pUTSTAND.ING $ALA~CE ~ 369496.51 ~ 35 388.14 x PERCENTAGE CC3LLECTEt3 98.29:~~ :82.6fi~~ $ACiC TAXES ~. ~ ~.. ~ .d,~ ®...„ REAL ESTATE ANi3 PERSONAL PRE3P:ERTY. ~ 55;~fl58.73 '78 1 2 CHARGES AOOED LESS A~ATEt~Ei~TS . . 4~252.95- nraa anmsm-Ma:w. waart a w ~a m .s ' TOTAL TAXES (3UE COLLECTIONS TG' DATE ~ 20210.41-~ 1 .. ~ ~... ~ ~ ~ ,. ,.. ,,. ~ a.,.. ,. ,. OUTSTAN~3ING BALANCE ~ 30y758,15A 39 64~ PERCENTAGE COLLcCTED ~ THIS REPORT IS FI3R FISCAL YEAR SFGIN~vING JULY 1' 1999. R CTFULLY SU~3~lITTE~3~ ~) ~ ~ . ff ~R PATRIC.iA Je _ CtJLLECTOR t7F REVENUE . COMBINED C~7LLECTIOi+i PERCE~JTAvE m 9b.92~ , , - ~.. t..~ ;.. ~, ~, ' Ct~1~5ENT AGENDA - DATE-__ - --- _ - IT~~ NCl..-=--- C LLEC T it7NS fW HAN~VER Cfl~iN3Y .TAX. CJ Ci3LLEGTIfl~iS T~iR11 t~5J3iJd0 CURRENT TAX Y~A~t ~- 1999 ~ Afl ~/AI.C3RE~l 1~flTOR 11EHIGCE •aomxo aes~mm>mm awz~as wtfa~s~ar aemsnmes - ~~ss~ae+s srmaa an+~a+~e sn ~ auasaaw+~aa uw~a~~ssw~ ORIGINAL TAX LE1iY PER SCROLL ~ T7~39flT20B.lb $_ 7i3flQ_~C187,14 - ~DISCOVERiES ADDED 3~~73~pOb,52 2~39047.fi2 - LESS,.ABATE~IENTS ~r31~578~92~, 93i27d.52~ 30T,~L 7.AXES CHARGED ~ $0~531~b35.7b ~ 7y234~857.24 ADUERTI5I~1G :FEES CHARGED 12~525~D0 ,00 ` Li STI~iG PE1`JAL3ES CHARGEfl 57ir359.18 a(30 CLEA~#ING LIENS C~iARGECI $~73©.~?t~ *DD 30TAL LE~/y ~ 8{3~61a~749,94 ~ 7#234B5~a~~t COLLEC3IONS.TG' DATA ?9~206~942~a5~ ~ 5'985~25t3~42- OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1~4fl3,807.89a ~ i~249~59~3.82a PERCENTAGE CflLLEC~E~3 ~Ba2b1~ 82.73~'~ BACK: TAXES REAL ESTATE ANt] P`ERSflNAL {~ROPEP.T`I ~ 2~t324~$66~.t35 CHARGES ADDED 6p142o29 LESS ABATEN?ENTS 15~4D48.24~ . ` 30TAL SAXES 4~UE ~ 2~b73~9b0.9b COLLECTIONS TO t3ATE 1'a22'DOfl.42~ OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1y65~it9bDo48 PERCEN3AGE COLLECTED 33.15 r - i~rAY 2C3{~D FISCAL YTtI ROOD" i3CCUPANCY SAX CflLLEG7.tON5 225975.33 2a197~t193,33 PR IVi;1LEGE LICENSE COLLECTI0~1S 2'Z45.C30 1b~57.id79 . 30TAL N10NEY 3'R~JCESSED 3HRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NE~1' #iANOVfR COUNTY CITY C3F WIL~IiNGTO~i ~RiGHTS~JILLE BEACH CAR~3LTiVA 3EACH A~iD KURE SEACH 'TO ~3A3E ~ $1~30~9189154.74n ' 3HIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY-1~ I999. SRECTFl3LL.Y SL3B~I:iT3E[l' PA3RICIA J~~~Z}~~YNfl CC)LLEC-TOR fl REVENUE ~ Cfl~1B INED CflILEC:TIGN P~RCENTAG:E -• 9b,98% ' . 113 .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Patricia Melvin SUBJECT: Approval to submit application for Rural Operating Assistance Funding from NCDOT BRIEF SUMMARY.: .New Hanover County is eligible for an allocation totaling $106,549 to continue transportation services to elderly, disabled, Work First participants in New Hanover County, and-the general public along the "Blue Line" route, from Wrightsboro/Rockhill/Castle Hayn,e area to Masonboro , Commons on Carolina Beach Road. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Board of Commissioners' approval of grant application for $106,549, adoption of the attached :Certified Statement, and approval of related budget amendment, ifi grant is awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: NG Department of Transportation: No local matching funds. are required. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: .LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~!~ ~~~~ COMMiSSIONfRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~J l`CA,J~'V _ A-- ` ~~ ~U~ ~~~,~~01 ' ~ s4PPROVED Q~ ^ REJECTED Q ~' , REMOVED p ~ POSTPONED p f~,' .~~ FIEARt~ ~ ~` . 115 .APPLICATION FOR,OPERATING ASSISTANCE RURAL OPERATIN,G~ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FY.2000-.2001 , I. Generallnformation Applicant (County): New Hanover Countv County Finance Officer: Mr. Bruce Shell Director Address:.. 320 •~Chestnut, .Room 602 City: Wilmington, NC Zip: 28401 . Telephone No.: (91 0 1 3 41 - 71 ~ 7 ~ Fax No.' ( A ~ 0 ~ 3 41 - 4 0 2 5 ' E-mail Address: ~ bshell@co. new-hanover , nc . us II. 'Public Involvement The Board of County Commissioners must hold a public hearing to receive comments on the local disbursement of ROAD funds. The applicant must publish one public notice of the hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the county. Provide an affidavit of publication of the notice as part of the application submittal. III. Project Descriptions A. EDTAP 1. Briefly describe how EDTAP funds will be utilized by.each agency . receiving an allocation {i.e. out-of-county medical, developmentally disabled to job sites, elderly nutrition trips, etc.); and •~ .._ _ ~ - .. 2. Identify how the EDTAP transportation will be provided (i.e. community transportation system, private provider, volunteers, staff reimbursement, bus passes, etc.) for each agency receiving an allocation. ~~ ~~r,~,.,~3~.ry ~a ry, ., ~K7.F"I.1~ 1 5,', . ,p~`,: '~~ . ~~'t ~ {~ 116.. ~ . - ~, ~. State of North Carolina County of New Hanover • APPENDIX B CERTIFIED STATEMENT ' ~ FY 2000-2001 RURAL OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Whereas Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation as the agency responsible for administering all federal and/or state programs related to public transportation, acid grants the department authority to do all things required in applicable federal and/or state legislation to properly administer the public transportation.programs within the State of North Carolina; WHEREAS, G.S. 136-44.27 established. the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program; WHEREAS, funds will be used for transportation related expenditures as specified in 'the FY2000-2001 Rurai Operating Assistance Program (ROAD) application. .. This is certify that the undersigned is duly elected, qualified and acting chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover ,North Carolina, and that the following statements are true and accurate: - Elderly and. Disabled Transportation Assistance Program 1. The funds received from G.S. 136-44.27 will be used to provide additional transportation ' services for the elderly and disabled, exceeding the quantity of trips provided prior to receipt of the funds.- .~ - 2. The funds will not be used to supplant existing federal, state or local funds designated to 'provide elderly and disabled transportation services in the county. 3. The funds received will be used in a manner consistent with the local Transportation . Development Plan (TDP) or Community Transportation Services Plan (CTSP}and application approved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Board of Commissioners. j ...Work First TransitionaUEmployment Transportation Assistance Program a 1. The purpose of these transportation funds is to support transitional transportation.needs of Work First participants after eligibility for cash assistance has concluded and/or other specified employment transportation needs. ' ;2. -The funds are limited to use by the designated local entity(s) specified in the ROAP " application, or any revisions or amendments thereto. - _ " 117 .. 1 Rural General Public Program 1. The funds will be used in a manner consistent with the local Rural General. Public Service Plan. Information regarding use of ROAD funds will be provided of such time and in such a manner as the department may require. ROAD funds will be used, to.provide eiigibleservices during the period July 1, 2000- June 30, 2001. Any interest earned on ROAP funds will be expended for eligible program uses as specified in ~ . the ROAP application.:. , ,. The County will ,include ROAP funds•received grid expended in its annual iridependent audit on the schedule of federal and state financial assistance. Funds passed through to other agencies will be identified as such. WITNESS~my hand and official seal,'~this day of• ~ , 20^ Attest: _ Certifying Official* Board of County Commissioners . ~ .. Chairperson . • • State of North Carolina ~ - County County Manager/Administrazor* . • . , Subscribed and sworn to me this day of 20 (SEAL) F ., , . Notary Public* My commission expires y . Address *Note that the signatures on this statement should be those of four (4) separate individuals. F1( 2000-2001 ROAP ALLOCATIONS WORK COUtdT1ES - EDTAP F1RST RGP TOTAL 775 $101 Alamance+ $69,704 $14,504 979 $4 , $17,567 54,253 $11,161 $ Alexander $38,113 , 873 $1 $0 $35,104 . Alieghany $33,231 , $4 593 $10,082 $52,611 Anson $37,936 , 257 $3 $10,037 $52,402 . Ashe $39,108 , 650 $2 $8,889 6 203 ~ Avery $34,664 206 $46 , $8;492 $12,757 .$67,455 Beaufort , $37,224 $4,942 $9,535 $51,701 052 $60 Berne Biaden $41,831 $7,215 $11,006 $0 , $67,894 - . - Brunswick $58,483 $9,411 $18 096 $23,917 , $140,002 Buncombe'+ $97,989 315 $57 , $11,332 $18,294 $86,941 . Burke " , $65,618 $7,575 $0 $73,193 314 $80 ~ Cabarrus Caldwell $54,092 $9,099 $17,1.23 $7 664 , $40,588 Camden $31,196 • $1,728 685 $7 , $14,911 73,616 $ • Carteret $51,020 , 918 $3 $0 $42,023 Caswell $38,105 81 i $67 , $12,988 20,109 $100,908 Catawba`+ • , 565 $44 $6,415 $13,085 $64,065 Chatham , $38,896 $3,289 $9,912 $52,097. 477 $48 Cherokee . $35,084 $4,633 $8,760 , $42 ~ Chowan $32.897. $1,829 $7,918 , 411 $93 Clay Cleveland ,$60,5fi8 $13,472 $11234 $19,371 $13,938 , $76,61.5 ~. - - Columbus $51,443 811 $57 $15,230 $18,987 92,028 • $ Craven Cumberland'. , $111,429 $46,688 $0 $9 142 $158,117 $47,039 . - Currituck $34,860 $3,037 3 752 $ , $10,646 $51,199 Dare * $36,801 306 73 $ , $17,243 $26,085 $116,634 + Davidson , 669 $39 .$4,588 $11-,196 $55,453 Davie , 216 $46 $6,543 ,. $12,853 $65,612 Duplin ' , 188 $78 $21,093 $0 $99,281 Dufiam , • Eastern Band of $0 $7,700 $7,700 the Cherokee ' $0 331 $49 11,586 $ $11.,889 $72,806 + Edgecombe , 778 $111 $33,277 $0 $145,055 Forsyth"` • , 903 $43 $6,828 $12,879 $63,610 Franklin , 556 $88 $22,022 $23,092 $133,670 Gaston'+ , 726 $32 $2,404 $8,159 $43,289 Gates , 050 $32 $1,832 ' $7,747 1 629 ~ . Graham , 428 $43 $7,444 $12,889 $63,761 a Granville " , 847 $35 $3,798 $9.,303- 8948 ~ Greene ' ' , 863 $139 $43',904 $21,762 $205,529 + Guilford , 469 $51- $18,154 14,384 $ $84,007 Halifax , 114 $58 $13,918 16,245 $ $90,277 Harnett , 958 $50 $7,981 $13,863 $72,802 , Haywood " , 109 $64 $10,701. $17,874 $92,684 Henderson , 898 $36 ~ 836 $9,744 $51,478 Hertford , $39,344 $5,971 $10,906. $56,221 Hoke 325 $31 $1,979 $7,576 ~ Hyde , $64 078 $11,694 $22,345 $98,11 ~ . Iredell , 505 $38 ~'~7 10,443 $ $53,295 Jackson , $64,944 $13,183 21,550 $ $99,677 Johnston . FY 2000-2001: ROAP ALLOCATIONS COUNTIES EDTAP . woRK FIRST RGP TOTAL Jones ' $32;662 $2,129 $8,059 $42,850 Lee ~ $46,468 $7,402 $13,471 $67,341 Lenoir Lincoln $50,390 $47,120 $13,023 $7,939 . $14;819 $0 $78,232 $55;059 Macon> $42;006 $3,430 $10,647 $56;083 Madison $36,211 $3,817 $9,365 $49;393 Martin $39;586 $6;698 $10,302 $56,586 McDowell ' Mecklenburg*+ :' $43,569 $175,922 - $5;554 $54,821. $0 $20,910 $49,123 . .,. $251,653 Mitchell $35,469 $2,485 $8;794 $46,748 Montgomery ' • •' $38;066 $4, i 13 $0 $42,179 Moore $58,061 $&,484 - $16,494 . $83,039 Nash'+ $57,2.14 $8,986 . $13,335 .. $79,535 ~ New Hanover*+' $73;819 $14,523 $18,207 . $:106,549 Northampton ~ On'slow+ $37;870 $62,637 $6;220 $17,871 $9,633 $17.,049 . $53,723 . ~, $97,557 Orange*+ ~ $51,048 ~ ' - $9,644 . $15;925, ~~-$76,617 Pamlico $34,151 $2,884. $8,447 $45,482 Pasquotank $40;371 ~ $8,281 $11,554 . $60,206 Pender $44;527 $5,621; $0 $50,148 Perquimans $33;699 $3,595 $8,290 , $45;584 Person $40;304 $5,525 $11,353 $57,182 Pitt* $62,793 $21;840 $0 ~ $84,633 Polk . $36,46'1 $2,636 $9,074 - $48,171 • Randolph $65,342 $13;199 $23,793 . '$102,334 Richmond $45;962 $9,301 $13,026 ~ $68,289 Robeson $70,400 $26,7.17 $22,470 ,; `• '$119,587 Rockingham.= . $60,959 $15;623 $19,075 `$95;657 Rowan' ~ $73;964 $13;979 .. $22,634 . .$110,577 Rutherford $51,087 ~ $1.0,581 $15,020 '$76,688 Sampson $49,630 - $8,749 $1.4,095 $72;474 Scotland $39,486 $7,440 ~. $11,613 $58,539 Stanly $47,553 $6;753 - $14,410 ~ $68,716 Stokes $42,455 $5,309 $12,709 ~ $60,473 Sony $53,864 $7,383 $16,098 $77,345 Swain $34,054 $2,564 $8,009 „$44,627 Transylvania $40;359 :$4,000 $10,670 $55,029 Tyrrell $30;572 $.1-,503 $0 $32,075 Union- $58,103 _ $14,117, $0 ° $72.,220 Vance $43,701 $12;280 $12,503 $68;484 Wake* $147,676 $45,572 $0 ~ $193,248 Warren $37,489 $5,781 .$9,382 $52,652 Washington: $33;669 ~ $4,527 - $8,585 $46,781 Watauga*, $39,889 $3,922 $12;399. ' `$56,210 Wayne*+ '$64,743 $11,338 $15,764.. _ ,$91,845 Wilkes $51,680 $8,577 $15,466 $75,723 Wlson* - ~ $53,579 ~ $7,104 $16,298. `_ ''$76,981 Yadkin ~ $41;573 $4,145 $11,676 $57,394 Yancey. $35;942 $2,773 x,..$9,062 $47,777 TOTALS $5;252,760 $1,000,000 $1,167,780 $7;420,540 *:Excludes Urban Population for Work First Allocation + Excludes Urban Population for Rural General Public Allocation ,~ 0 i i :~, -_- - :r ~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " -~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,... ' ~ Meeting Date:. 06/19/00 a . • -~ Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: :. ~. Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster ' ;~ Contact: Lucie Harrell - <" ~, SUBJECT: " Resolution requesting the addition of roads in Marsh Oaks Subdivision to the " " NCDOT Highway System BRIEF SUMMARY: ~. Bill Cameron,. the developer of Marsh Oaks, is requesting the County to process his SR-l petition: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Adopt resolution " FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Letter and SR-1 .Petition ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: " - Recommend approval. - - • ~~ , COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 11 - r,,________---~----; • APPROVED G~~ - - ~ElECTED p " T ~~V~D p ~, n ~~ - ~.llq .121. ~. BAYSI-~I~RE ESTATES ~~! P.O. Box 3649 • WILMINGTON, NC 28406 • 910 7b2-2676 • Fax: 910 762-2680 ~ ) ~ ) I I i June 2, 2000 The Honorable William.Caster . ~ ~ _ Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street ~ _ _ Wilmington; NC~ 28401 Re: Petition for road addition Marsh Oaks Subdivision Sections 1, 2 & 3 Dear Chairman Caster, Please find enclosed a Petition for Road Addition for the public streets in Marsh Oaks which are now complete and ready to be turned over to the NC DOT. Also included herein are copies of the recorded plats of the various sections of Marsh Oaks which show the streets that we are requesting to be accepted. I would appreciate the county taking the action necessary to have the streets accepted , and forward the materials to the NC DOT so they in turn may take action. f . ~ . I have delivered to the.DOT the encroachment agreements which they~require for street acceptance. Should you need any additional information or items please let me know. Thank you for your consideration of this Petition. ,Very truly yours, .. z.7 ~~ William H. Came,~on~@; p r. n fi".d - _~ ~ 22 ....~ _..w~~~~ . _. - ~_ .NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PETITION FOR ROAD ADDITION FORM SR-1 REVISED I -9 ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please~Print) ' County: New Hanover Road Name: Marsh Oaks Drive (Please list additional street names and lengths on the back,of this form.) ' Subdivision Name: Marsh Oaks Length (miles): 0.7 Number of occupied homes having street frontage: 11 Location: miles N S E W of the intersection of Route and Route (circle one) (SR, NC or US) (SR, NC or US) We, the undersigned, being property owners and/or developer of Marsh Oaks in ., New Hanover County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. ' ~ ' `CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of fiirst Petitioner. (Please Print) Name: Bayshore Estates, Inc. C/o Bill Cameron PhoneNumher: (910) 762-2676 . Street Address: 1201 Glen .Meade Road, Wilmington N. C. 28401 MaidingAddress: P• 0. Box 3649, Wilmington, N.C. .28406 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ~ ~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: ' 1. Complete Information Section •~ ° - 2. Identify Contact Person (This person serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). 3. Attach four (4) copies ofrecorded subdivision plat or property deeds, which refer to candidate road. 4. Adjoining property owners and/or the developer may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior.NCDOT review and approval only require the developer's signature. 5. If submitted by.the developer, encroachment agreements from all utilities located within the right of way shall be submitted'with the petition for Road addition. However, construction plans may not be required at this time. 6. Submit tobistrict Engineer's Office. _ } FOR NCDOT USE. ONLY: Please check the appropriate block ^Rura1 Road ^Siibdivision established prior to October 1, 1975 OSubdivision established after October REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITION • ~ _ . If this road meets the requirements necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Department ofTransportation aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards of the NCDOT. This right-or-way wiIi extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be added to the state maintained system and will- include the necessary areas outside of the right- of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way at intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the NCDOT. The right-of--way shall be cleared at no expense to, the NCDOT, which includes the removal of utilities, fences; other obstructions, etc. Genera! Statute 136_-102.6 (see page 29 for Statute). states that any subdivision recorded on or after October 1, 1975, must be built in accordance with, NCDOT standards in order to be eligible for addition to the State Road System. ~° ROAD NAME - Sanderling Place ~ HOMES ` 15 °LENGTH ~0.3 ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH __ Tarrants Court 2 0.01 Koonce Court 3 :0:1 _ _ .,, Bay' Field Drive ':4 ~ 0.3 ~- - _ Beaufort Court 4 0.1 1~ 24 • .. J NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • ~` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - • Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number; Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow - '. SUBJECT: Release of Value • BRIEF SUMMARY: Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the - follovving organization (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request).: Union Missionary Baptist Church R04816.004.007.000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval of this release. FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. / ~~ ~1 1 ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - ~ ~U ~fl~fll~9~ ,, APPROVED ,'°3/ .~ s !REJECTED p - REMOVED ® . ~. ~'USTPONED ® s . ~E~iRD Q ~.~~.~~~-.9~___~_~~. ~2 5 .~ ~! A: ' t' ~ s t; MF~a ,~ ~7d Vial; is »• "~~ ~~~~~": ~,; ~ °;'~~y ~. .J . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meetin Date.: 06/19/00 - g Consent Item #: 13 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: -Aging Presenter: Annettte Crumpton. Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Request acceptance of Disaster .Relief Fund for Seniors in amount of $2253. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging is eligible for $2253 in Disaster Relief Funds for Seniors from a Phillip - Morris grant .The grant was awarded to the Mid-East Commission Area Agency on Aging. and NC Division of Aging to be used in the ni e counties affected, by Hurricane Floyd. The grant monies are ,to be used for direct services to seniors affected by the hurricane. Services must be broadly related to hunger/nutrition (purchase of refrigerators, microwaves restocking of pantries etc.j. • There is no match required. Monies are to be spent byAugust 31, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend Commissioners approve request to accept Disaster Relief Funds for Seniors from Mid East Commission, NC Division of Aging and Phillip Morris in amount of $2253 and approve accompanying Budget Amendment #00.0206. FUNDING SOURCE: " . Funding of $2253 made available by the Mid- East Commission on Aging and the NC Division of Aging through a grant from. Phillip Morris. No Match required. .ATTACHMENTS: • Grant agreement attached. BA #00.0206.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A _ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND.RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~~ -.~ 1 <,a~ ;. ' ; ~t~,~ Accept funds. ~~ J _ ;'~~r~ ~ ,, ~; ~~' ~' ,~ `~° ~4,'$i COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. ~ ~ ~' ,. ` ' `~~ :. APPROVE[? ~ . .~ ~tEJECTED C3 _ a> ~~M©vEO POSTPONES ~ 1 "~ 7 ~~R~ ~„ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD ~OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD'ACTIO'N Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Budget Amendment ~ DEPARTMENT: Aging/Nutrition-Congregate BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0206 ~. a ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Aging/Nutrition-Congregate: ~~ • 'Title IV Disaster Relief ~ ~ $2,253 Contracted Services 1 , `i ~ ~ $2,253 EXPLANATION: To budget Disaster Relief Funds for Seniors awarded from the Mid Easf Commission,-North Carolina Division of, Aging, and Phillip• Morris'in the amount of $2,253. The funds are to be used for direct services to seniors,(related to hunger/nutrition) affected by ' Hurricane Floyd. There is no match required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ' . APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners APPROVED ~iEJECTED Q REMOVED POSTPONED ~ >o3EARC, ~ . ~~~:r 128 ~ ~ ~ _ ~,~~~-~ ~'~ ,'~i~`~'~~~'~fZ~~ ' ~ ~~ -; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~. REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date: 06/19/00 Consent Item #: l.4 Estimated Time: Page"Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Contact:.. Amy Akin SUBJECT: ~" Sale of surplus terminals at the Department of Social Services. ,BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Social Services has a number of terminals that are not being used and have been in storage. The Finance Office tried to disposed of these items through the formal bid procedure but did not receive any bids. Recently, the Finance Office received an offer of , $1,500.00 for the terminals. The Finance Office is requesting approval to.dispose of the terminals . in accordance with the General Statutes pertaining to disposal through .private sale. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . The Finance Office recommends adoption of the resolution approving sale of surplus terminals to Computer Marketing of America, lnc. in the amount of $1,500.00. FUNDING SOURCE: Not Applicable •- no funds are being .expended. .ATTACHMENTS: ~ - The resolution and the list of the terminals to be sold are attached. :. ~ ; _,~,,~~ Cmars.wp salecma.1 REVIfWED.BY: .LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~ j~ `1 ~v ` lam/ ~ . COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS: "~~-fii~ ~6~llllfll~a~~ ~RPROVE® ti,/ >iZEJECTED L POSTPONED - ~ 1 ~. RESOLUTION ~ , OF THE - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services has possession of a number of terminals that are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; AND WHEREAS, the terminals to be disposed of are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; - AND .WHEREAS,,the Finance Office. previously. has attempted to sell these terminals through the formal bid procedure and did not receive any bids; ' AND'WHEREAS, the Finance Office has recently received an offer of one thousand five. hundred dollars ($1,500.00) `for these terminals; ~ ' ....AND :WHEREAS, the Finance Office recommends disposing of the terminals pursuant to G.S. 160A-267 to Computer Marketing of America, Inc. at the price of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00); NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the sale of the terminals to Computer Marketing of America, Inc., by the Finance Office pursuant to G.S. 160A-267, in the amount of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500,00) is approved. This 19th day of June, 2000. . (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~ ~ . ~'"' Clerk~to~"the Bo'ard` ~~ ..<. i. ~,,;, t ~ ~: ~ Ica: ..~_'~:~; ,~ ~, ~, 13.0 ,,,~ • Z • O U O J 1 • W Z H W Q Z ., J Q W Z O t= n. U W J W O w a ~ t i-- ~ ~---7 I -, - r-- ~ i ; ' I c~ cn cn cn cn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn ~ ~ (~ cnto , i j ~cncn~~~~~ ~ p p p p p p p p ~ ^ p p p p p p^ p p p p cn cn cn cn cn . c~ ~ cn ~ cn ~ cn ~ c~ ~ v~ . ~n v~ cn cncn u~cncncncncn ~ J ~ J ~ J ~ J ~ J Z J z J ~ J Z J ~ J ~ J ~ J ~ J ~ J ~ Z J J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z J J J I J J J ^ ^ L.l~ L1. ^ L~~./L/ LL ~~~yy LL ^ NNLL LL ^ ALL/ LL ^ ANLL/ L.L. ^ ALLN/ I.A. ~~-~-~// I..L. ~~~// ~y. ^ NLL {l.. ^ ALL/ (LL ^ 1..L ~ ^ ALL/ L.L ^ ArLL~// ~.L ^ ~~/ ALL/ IJ_. ~ LL .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ALL/ ALL/ I~../L I ALL/ ~~/ I L~.!/_ ~ LL L.1.. LL I LL I l.L t.i_ ' VJ '_^ v/ '^ ~ vJ l^ vJ '^ I + I (n _ I lcn ; Cn I I cn ___ ~cn _ .I ~,~ ~Icn ..__ i ~~Icn~cn,~~~.!~. .____y..... ~. 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J J Q z_ j c G ~ c G ~ cc C ~' C ~' C ~ c G Q' c G Q.' c C ~ c G ~ ~ ~ c G ~' C G ~ c C ~ c G~ ~ c G ~ c C LL c G ~' cc G ~ c G ~ C G Q' I ~ I C CI ~ .ff w ~-- 1 w - F w - w F- I w - F w - ~ w -- w ~ w ~-- ~ w -- - w - w ~ w ~- w F- ~ w -- w ~- I E w - w H w ~- w ~ wl F- w! f--- i ~!' 0 r tf~ 0 r Cpf 0 r ~ 0 r 00 0 r 0 0 r O ~- r r r v N ~ r M r r ~ et ~ - N ~ r- ~ O r - ~ r r- CO r r O r r~ O N r r NI r N N r M N r ~i' N r N r ~ 0 0 0 ' N rn 0 co 0 ~' rn d {This~page intentionally left blank} .~ _- - ~ ~. ~-. ~~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMLSStONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 06/19/00 . Consent item # 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell - .Contact:.. Bruce T. Shell ~ . SUBJECT: Sates Tax Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover. County will receive its. fourth quarter sales tax distribution in August, 2000.. A budget amendment is necessary in the current fiscal year to make this distribution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Approve accompanying Budget Amendment #00-0208. - FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . . BA #00-0208.wpd - _ - REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ; ' ~ ,.Approve Budget Amendment. /, ~ ~~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~/`' APPROi/ED . ~' n;ti ~ ~V #~ f U4~ t~k~~ . ~w~t~EMOVED ~ r , FOSTPQ IRIEL~( ~~~ r ~''""~ .~ ~.. L, }yi 1 1i~'7~ x - ~ ~ ~, ~r, ~IEARi~~ rcr ~ z ~ ~ , 6 Q r, } ' ,,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD~ACTION Meeting, Date: 06/19/00 ' Budget Amendment . . DEPARTMENT: 1/2 Cent Sales Tax & Revenue/Public Schools/VVater & Sewer Operatings FundlEngineering ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0208 .:~ , . ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT 112 Cent Sales Tax Revenue: ~ -~ 112 Cent Tax Article 40 Unrestricted ~ $210,864 ' 1/2 Cent Tax Article 40 Schools - ~ - ~ $90;371 1/2 Cent-Tax Article 42 Unrestricted $120,688 112 Cent Tax Article 42 Schools $181.,031 ' 112 Cent Sales Tax: - Transfer to Other FundslSewer $331,552 Transfer to Public Schools Fund $271,402 Public Schools/Education/NHC Schools: - Transfer-In/l/2 Cent Sales Tax $271;402 r Contribution-School Capital Projects ~ ~ ~ $271,402- Sewer Operating Fund/Water & Sewer: Transfer-In/1/2 Cent Sales Tax $331,552 Water 8~'Sewer Engineering: ~~ ~-Administrafive~Reserve ;,=~,~~,~„~~~~,, ~~~.r~;.~~;•t $331,552 ~~~~~;µ ts~_ `-1a ~'PR~l tu, ~' EXPLA~NATIONt' Inc"tease budget for estimated sales tax revenues from Articles 40 and 42 for the ~~,JGr.r e ~..6r ~a fourth quarter sales-,tax distribution. 134. ~t~n~V~~, ~ ~ . a,~ ~} i ~ _ I ,~ i - ~ ~ _ I' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSS10NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Meeting Date: 06/19/00 .. Budge# Amendmen# . • ;~~ Consent Item #: 16.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Controlled Substance.Tax Capital Project • BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0040 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT Controlled Substance Tax ~ $10,678 '. Capital Project Expense . ~ $10,678 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenue .received 6-7-00. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS; To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ . ' ~~~~~®~~ - ~ i REJECtED_~~u • REMOVED ~.~- ~~i - ~~ ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ . -Meeting Date: 06/1:9/00 - Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 16.2 Estimated. Time: Page Number: ' ~= DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0041 ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $4274 Capital Project Expense ~ $4,274 EXPLANATION:, l`o increase budget for additional revenue received 6-7-00. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must- be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~ ~ - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL .STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. , z:;e p x 9't`:~i4v, ~1~1 ~ i~C~t ~S 1~4~ ' I ~. 136"' ..A - I n r.' 1 i 1i .~ s ` ~ ' `. r .. ; - . ~ NEW .HANOVER COUNTY BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS . ~~ • ; ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON . ~. ~ Meeting Date: 06/19/00 . ,. ~.. Additional Item #s` 2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: ,Budget Presenter: r ' Contact:' Cam .Griffin .. ~. _ ~ . ~ _ ... _ .. . ~. ._ ,.. ~ - - _. ~ . - - , SUBJECT:` . `" ., Juvenile Accountability Lncentive Block Grant for FY 00-01-Family Services of ` the Lower Cape Fear Victims of Crime.Assistance Grant for FY 00-O1-Rape Crisis Center ~ _ , ,.. . . BRIEF SUMMARY:':. ..The. state,(Governor's Crime Commission) has awarded a grant in the amount of.$126,047.25 for ,.. ` ~ Family-Services of the Lower Cape Fear and $1.17,075.20 fior Rape Crisis; Center-. There are no - ' ~~ ~ ~ ` ~- ~ County funds involved. The grants wi!] flow through a County escrow account with the' County '` ' • ~ „. , -.;responsible.for:fisca1 control of the programs. In order to meet the: grant deadline the County 'Manager signed the grant awards. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTfONS: - Recommend acceptance of the grants and retroactive, approva! for the County Manager to sign all necessary~grant documents: No budget amendment .necessary since th _ ` e.grants•will.ffow through ~'. an escrow account. N~. " FUNDING SOURCE:° ~ .. _. • -,. , . ," , -.State $126,047.25, .. ..State $117,075.20-.. ,•. - ' `ATTACHMENTS: ~ ` - ,. Y .. ~ ' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: ' `" 'COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . ° ~ ' ,.. , Recommend approval. _ ~ , . ~, COMMfSSIONERS' ACTIONS COMMENTS: , _ + ._,... ~~ ~~~~~®~ ~ 1 .. _.. . -_ ,. .- , . , ~ ..: , ~ 92EMOVED .. PQSTPON~D p . ~" _ EA ~ RtJ .. .. ,~ Oo„ - _~ -J lJ~t~4V~ ~~'~ , ~f #~~~~~7'~'~r J ~:) ~~ ins .. l .~, 0 E rr~. .V,~'