Agenda 2000 08-21;.. . _. , AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -~ Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse - .. .. ,.. ,' 24 North Third Street, Room 301, 4 ' ~f` _: . .. Wilmington; NC ~ ~ ~ ~. - ..-. ~. • ~ `, WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN ' BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R: HOWELL, COMMISSIONER - ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD ~~: August 21 2000' 9; 00 a.ni. ~ -~ .~ ~ , MEETING.CALLED, TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster} - , ` ; .. .. . INVOCATIbN . , , ' PLEDGE :OF ALLEGIANCE _ NON-AGENDA ITEMS,„(Limit three minutes) -: - .. , - . ~ ~', ~ ~ - ... APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' . ,. .. a ESTIMATED ,. . _ ~`~ .. PAGE . -. . -~ .: ..: ; OF'BUSINESS ~ NO. TIMES.. ITEMS .. ,.. ~ ~ - 9:'1:5 a.rri. '. ` 1., Presentation of N'ew Hanover County. Service Awards 1 5 a.m '' ' 2: ~ Recognition of New~County Employees ~ ~ 3 .. ~, -` 9.35 a:m: ~ 3: , ; ;Presentation of Copies of the Book, "Cape. Fear Beaches", to the ~ S _ -. ~ 4~~ ..Commissioners; County Manager and Assistant County Manager 9.45 a:m. . ' ~4. .Presentation of Work First Program Plan Update, ' ~ ' , ~ ; , '7.: 10:00 a.m. ~, . 5. : , Consideration of Resolution of Support for Capital Improvements to 11 . ;, ': •.. _ ~ =; .. Legion Stadium ..- ... _ , 10,15 a.m. , ~ 6. ~': Consideration of Award of Pre-cast Celle Module Bid for Jail 15 . ' '10:25 a.m. 7. ~ Consideration of Approval of Collection Settlement Reports and Charges, , - ' 17 _ ' .. - , of 2000 Levy and Appointment of Tax Collector. .. :10:35 ~a m ' ~ .. 8, Consideration of Additional Sheriff Deputy Position for Parks Patrol . ~ 23 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Auguste 21,.2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS. PAG E NO. 1. Approval of minutes 179 2. Approval of Administrative Office of the Courts Grant for Drug Court 181 3. Approval of FY 2000-01 HUD Cooperative Agreement Contiriuation Grant 183 4. -Approval of Partnership for Children Grant for FY 2000-01 185 5. __ Approval of Snows Cut Park Lease Amendment 187 6. Approval of New Hanover County -and New Hanover County Fire District 191 Collection Reports 7. Approval of Release of Value 195 8. Approval of 2000 Real Estate Value Appeals 197 9. Approval to proceed with contract for construction of white goods processing 199 area at the New Hanover County Landfill 10. Acknowledgment of County contribution to City of Wilmington Skateboard 203 Park Project 11. .Approval to waive tip fees for Keep America Beautiful "Big Sweep" 205 12. Approval of Resolution to request NCDOT to add roads in The Commons 209 Subdivision and The Summer Glen subdivision to the NC State Road System Approval of Budget Amendments: 13.,1 #01-0017 to rollover unexpended grant fiords from FY 99-00 to FY 2000-01 213 13.2 #01-00.16 to establish budget for FY 2000-01 for Cooperative Extension 215 extended projects 13.3 #01=0020 to budget additional funding for Public Health/Project Assist 216 13.4 #01-0022 to budget additional funding for Social Services/Child Day Care 217 ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMtSStONERS ' .- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • ~. ~ - ~ Meeting Date: 08/21/00. ~ .~ • f ~ Regular item #: 1 ,Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ - De artment: Human Resource ~ ' p s `Presenter: Allen'0'Neal _ . . , - .. -, Contact: Rose Bryant, ~ ~ n . ~ ~ ,_ - _ . '. ~ SUBJECT: r ... ~~ ' "~ .Presentation of New~Hanover County-Service`Awards - ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . - The following employees are entitled to New.Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service.-vvith New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: -Tina N. Godley -Sheriff; Kathy D. Klutz - ~ • . Sheriff; .Willa P:: MacCarter -Sheriff; Kimberly T: Robinson -Sheriff; Virginia D.' Lynch Social .. , a Services; Helen ~M: Styes:- Library; Leigh J. Jackson -Health; John M: Minneci -Health; Jennifer D ~ . . - Grundy • Socia4 Services; Alice J. Haynes • Social Services; Dawn M. Lewis -Social Services; June ~ . Reddick-Parks • Social Services; Gayle J. Ginsberg. -Aging; Jarnes L. ;Daniel Library; TEN (10) YEARN Deanna A.` Cochran - .Tax; Frankie L..Carter • Inspections; Donald C. Hatcher • WASTEC; _ - .Christine F. Murphy-Haines -Social Services; , .Mark= W. Vincent =Sheriff; Stephen J. Toth. -. . >Inspections; Sidney L. Sullivan -Engineering; Sarah G:~ Harrell -Health; Monique Simon -Health; - - - ~ .Karen. L. Batton • Parks; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Daryl. W. DeVega Property Management; Sandra Nixon -Sheriff; Frederick P. Hatch, Ill -Sheriff; Brenda •F. Coffey • Emergency Management; Janice . D. Sandlin Social .Services; Sherry B. Spencer -Finance; Deborah Biddle -Sheriff; TWENTY (20) YEAR: Patricia A.. Melvin County Manager; Brent G: Jokes • .Property Management; Angela K. Robinson -Social Services; Sharon F: Moore - Social: Sevices; .TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: ,.Susan ` O'Brien -Health; and Mellonice Williams -. Social Services. ,: - - .. RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • . . FUNDING SOURCE: ` . ,~ .. _-.. .. - .. : .~ , ATTACHMENTS: • ,.~. ~' : = -ITEM' DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • ~ - ,, - . -~ •~ COUNTY`~MANAGER'S:~COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: a Present awards:.- ` COMMISSIONERS'.ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ___ - ,~;, - ... t ~ ~C4UM'Y MMISSIdN • .. C0 ER~~ ,. a. • .. _ _ -APPROVED ©'t'~eseKt<d REJECTED' O- I .. . .. •. =, - ~ REMOVED G. , POSTFGNFn ~`J , ,.:~ ,. e ~- ~ f"3EARi~. ~., . ... .. - - ~ :_, ,- y;' „. - ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ _"} t~t~~Jl "~l~~a~ ..: J {This page .intentionally left blank} ~ ~~ ~~ ~~rt~~~ 4 ~~ - ~ ti. .; ~- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~;~~b"ft's' ~ ~, ;. ~1 ~s:~A~k~. 6 ~-`~~ ~, .. , NElN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:: 08/21/00. r. ~ . Regular Item..#: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number. , - ~ "Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris, Director ~ - P i ' Contact: Wayne Morris; Director . ~. .. ,. . "SUBJECT. ,` ;.` . . ~ Work First Plan Update - ~ : , BRIEF SUMMARY: . North Carolina counties are required to develop and-submit ~n updated Work First Program Plan - to the State by December 1, 2000. This plan must cover the period of July 1, 2001 -2003. , ~" Each county must also decide if it will be an electing or standard county. New Hanover County is currently considered an electing county. The Dept. of .Social Services Board at"its meeting on August 9 voted unanimously fo•recommend _ .that New Hanover County seek. electing county status. This decision is based upon the fact that ' .:the standard -counties must fund 100%.of Maintenance of" Effort, instead of the 9.0°~o required as an electing county. Standard County status will cost the County some $900,000. more in - Maintenance of Effort funds. The Social Services Board also voted unanimously to recommend that the Work First SUCCESS Council be charged with the responsibility of developing the updated Work.First Program Plan for County Commissioners' approval. The Council consists of ' representatives from various human service agencies who are already collaborating on issues o pertaining to services for Work First participants. . r. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS " ~ `' Approve recommendations of the Board of Social Services.•. ; ;. FUNDING SOURCE:. - , `ATTA"CHMENTS: _ .. - ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVJEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - "~ ~ Consider the recommendations from the Board of Social Services. ~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS ~ " ' rCOUNTY COEt~MI~I®N~i~ APPROVED [,~-~--' - . .. ~,,S~EJECTED L7 ~,`' , • - REMOVED p ;~~ ,~, , '... _ , ,. ~ POSTPONED ® ~ 7 • - ' ' :. , :. HEARD ~,~~~" a ._ . r~ ~~~ Memo To: New Hanover County Board of Social Services From: F. Wayne Moms - Subject: Electing County Plan.. Date: August 4, 2000 - According to the attached letter from E.C. (Chip) Modlin, Director of the NC Division of Social Services, to Allen O'Neal, County Manager, it is once again time for the counties to decide if they wish to -follow the State's standard plan for Work First or develop their own plan as an electing County. New Hanover County is currently an electing county through June 30; 2001.. Since our local plan was developed in 1997, the Work First caseload has changed dramatically: Most families needing temporary assistance move off the program quickly. 'The caseload is now made up primarily of child-only' cases and asmall -core of long-term clients with multiple problems and barriers to employment. This core group of welfare families -have been on assistance for more than 30 months. Most do not have a high school diploma or. GED, have not worked in at least the last three years, live in public housing and do not own a car. Most have been investigated by child protective services and treated for mental health problems. Many Have .medical problems, domestic violence issues and substance abuse problems. About six months ago, the SUCCESS Council was ,formed to begin to deal with these clients: This interdisciplinary group, representing a cross section of private and public agencies and the faith community, committed representatives of their organizations to the SUCCESS team. The team meets bi-weekly to staff these difficult cases and to develop' a plan to help 'each family reach the highest possible level of self-sufficiency:' This team approach is generating some small successes. Based on our experience, we ask you to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners notify the State that New Hanover wishes to be considered for selection as an electing county for the biennium beginning July 1, 2001. While our program is not significantly different from the standard plan, there maybe financial benefit to the county to retain our electing status: If this recommendation is honored, the County must submit a new electing county plan" by December 1, 2000. The Commissioners must appoint a planning committee to draft the plan for their approval. We suggest that the SUCCESS Council be designated as the Work First Planning Team. The Commissioners will also need to appoint several additional persons to comply with the law. . .The membership of the SUCCESS Council and the required additional appointments follow: ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~4~ ~1~.~~tA • . ~~4~~~ ~~~ 'N[<YaK+' ~ `I.aA~=ice L ~~ "~ .. '1 Y, .. New Hanover County Board of SociaL.Services Page 2 . ' .. ~... August 4, 2000 . 2 .. ~ SUCCESS Council . Wayne Morris, Director Barbara DeBose - ,New Hanover County . - . Local Program Manager • , n Department of Social Services:' , New Hanover Child Support ; David Rice; Director ~~ Marjorie Parker . , -New Hanover County - "' Director of Workforce. Development :-: Health Department. Cape Fear Council of Governments .. David Smith; District Manager .. _ Dr, Art Constantini, Director - ` • ~ Social Security Administration ` • Southeastern Mental Health ': . Alan Jones,. Director _ ,, Jewel Sparrow, Manager i , ~ Wilmington Housing Authority ~ Employment Security Commission ". ` Dr. Eric McKeithan, President Pat 1VIelvin; Assistant County Manager " •- ~ Cape Fear Community College New Hanover-County ' ' ~ : ;Mack Wade; Manager ~ Pam Eldridge, Executive Director . . North Carolina YWCA . Division of Vocational Rehabilitation ` r ~ ' . . ~' - „ . Rev: John Burton' . . St Stephen's AME Church .. . . ". ~ Other Re wired Mem . q '. • bers of the Planning Team Representative `of the Board of Social Services ' Representative of the Board of County Commissioners -, ° - ~ ' .. Representative of the Board of Mental Health - . ~ Representative of the Board of Public.. Health - ~. ` .' Representative of the Local School System - ,. ,,: , - . Representative of the Business Community- ~ ` Service recipient , . ; , Attachment - ~ - .~., . {This page intentionally left blank- . } 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ,- .~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,. "Meeting Date: 08/2.1/00 Regular Item #: "5 Estimated Timer ~ Page Number: - Department: "County Manager. Presenter: Gary Shell, City of Wilmington - Contact: Allen O'Neal .(Chairman Caster requested this item be placed o`n he agenda.) SUBJECT: ~ . - ~ Resolution of Support For Capital' Improvements to Legion Stadium ., " ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY: .. The Legion Stadium Commission has approved a master plan for improvements to Legion Stadium and related facilities of approximately $5.5 million. The Legiori Stadium. Commission is requesting that the City and County approve the construction of these improvements. This would be financed utilizing Certificates of Participation. As the owner, the City would pursue the ~ . financi"ng and manage~the construction. The Legion Stadium Commission has asked that the County support Phis initiative by pledging support forof"the debt"service on this project. `The County currently budgets $150,000 per-year towards the capital improvement of Legion ` ' Stadium.. The County portion of the financing is estimated not fo exceed $250,000 per year for ' twenty years and would be effective for fiscal year 2001.2002. This financing arrangement will take: the pface.of the current budget arrangement (i.e., a~n additional $100,000 for the next twenty years): Potentially, the County could pay as much as .$5,000,000 oven the next 20 years. This figure would. include principal and interest.. _ , . - q. _ Gary Shell of the.City.of Wilmington will present the capital improvement plan for Legion Stadium. -The construction of this project could begin as early as mid-November.. ~ ,~ °: •. _ - - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Listen.to presentation and consider resolution. - FUNDING SOURCE:. ,. ~ , ~~. `. ~ .General Fund:.FY2001-2002 ~" ,:: r~U MMISSIO ~ - . , . ~ NTY CO N ' . ... ATTACHMENTS: _ . APPROVED C~----- REJECTED O . : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - REMOVED © r Legionrs; .POSTPONED f7 REVIEWED BY: FiEARi3 CJ - .~ LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN,RESOURCES: N/A"' ~~ w= . - `' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:: Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider the request. There are several issues, however, that 'I, feel need to be addressed. They are as follows: 1) In terms of debt this is really a ' long term obligation that will- approach $5,000,000 that will be paid over. a twenty year period. ' There are other county capital projects that are high priority that have already been committed to °and for.which debt service will be forthcoming over the next twenty years. 2) The County has ," _ .. already appropriated an expended $750.,000 for Legion Stadium over the last five years.. The $750,000 includes the current year. 3) The County Commissioners may wish to request some or all of the following before signing the Resolution. A. Long term governance (policies and usage) B. Significant recognition of County financial participation and governance on the physical facility (i.e., prominent signage including the County name and logo) C. Guarantees of no disparity in . terms of access, use and charges to non City of Wilmington residents from initiation of agreement and into the future. 4) The Board of Commissioners may wish to consider requesting joint ownership of the facility. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~/ I > ~~~~N h ~<t 1 ~ G A .. ~~ } ~ 6 ~~3F~~~1~ ~ ~~ - f' . f~ 4~'~!ft~ F v ,- ~ j ~ { . y ~i .. gJ ~ ~ ~~+'4-3~~ - 12 .. - _ . '. ~ »" . ~.. . ~ . RESOLUTION ~ ' . ~ OF'THE - ~~>:: .. , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ - - . OF ~ e , , . NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County currently pays the City of Wilmington, one hundredfifty ' ' . - thousand ($150,000.00) dollars per fiscal year for capital improvements on Legion Stadium; , ' " AND WHEREAS, the Legion Stadium Commission approved a five million five hundred thousand ($5,500;000:00) dollar master plan to renovate Legion Stadium and associated facilities; ~., • . AND WHEREAS, New Hanover County agrees to pay for one half of the debt~service in an . .. amount not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000.00) dollars per fiscal year for twenty {20) years; ~ . - ~ AND WHEREAS, this payment. will, take the place of the current annual payment of one . :hundred fifty thousand ($150,000.00). dollars;, ' ~ AND WHEREAS, the effective date of this change in payment is the fiscal year beginning .July 2001 and ending June 30, 2002; . _~ " ' NOW,.THEREFORE BE IT ~ ~ ' _ RESOLVED. by the Board of County Commissioners of New . Hanover County, that effective July 1, 2002, the current annual payment of one hundred fifty . ' thousand ($150,000.00) dollars made by New Hanover County to the City of Wilmington for capital improvements. on Legion Stadium shall be increased to pay for one half of the debt service for the - .. •. -master plan to renovate Legion Stadium and associated facilities; annual payment to be~made-for. twenty. (20 years) and each payment is not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000.00). ~ . ', . ~ . :This 21st day of August, 2000...... ~ - ' ,.. (SEAL); . ° .. ,. , . . ~.. - x . - Chairman, Board of County. Commissioners ` ,ATTEST:... ~ _ ~ . '` .Clerk to`tlie Board .: . _. .. - ,~ {This page intentionally left blank } NEW HANOVER .COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. . Meeting Date:. 08/21/00 Regular Item#: ;6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: `Greg Thompson . SUBJECT: ' Consideration of Approval of Award of Precast Cell Module Bid Contract # 01-0063. .. BRIEF SUMMARY: On August 18, 2000, staff received bids for-the manufacture and erection of Precast and Concrete ~. `..Cell ;Modules for. the new Jail, Facility. located on Blue Clay Road. Approval of`this request is _.. necessry in order to expedite the construction schedule. Lead time is necessary for projects of this nature. ~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: At the time of preparation of this. agenda item; bid information was riot available. Additional _ information, including staff recommendation will be provided under separate cover.: fUNDING SOURCE: 366-431.3660-7300.6000 (COP's.Financing) ATTACHMENTS:. , . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/.A CO , UN1'Y MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIO .. Recommendationswill be provided under seperate cover. COMMfSSIONERS` ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. r~U~ COMMI~IQ - APPROVED tT -. ;T ~ . REJECTED q J REMOVED a , L~-"~~ :i POSTPONED ® .+ • E„s EAR-~ ~ '~ 5 U~~ . ~- f; f% - ~ ~9~~~~q~A ~~~~ ~ ,.. { .fir, ~~ H ~ \ 't. ii: t». ~: • • `NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 08/21/00 • Regular Item. #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: -" • Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert C. Glasgow SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Collection Settlement Reports., and Charges of - ~~ • ~ 2000 Levy, and Reappointment of Tax Collector. . BRIEF SUMMARY: - ' .. As required by N.C:G.S. 105-347 and 105-349, settlement of 1999 levy and charges for 2000 are • ` submitted to the Board for the Collector of Revenue. Attached is the charge sheet: GS 105.349 authorizes the Governing Body of each county to appoint a tax collector to serve for a - term to,be determined by the appointing Board. Patricia J..Raynor, NHC Tax Collector's. appointment expires August 16, 2000. RECOMMENDED" MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: " Recommend the Board recognize the efforts of the Collector and' her staff, accept the ,1999 - " ~ settlement, and reappoint Ratricia J. Raynor as Collector of Revenue fora 2 year term. Also, -. charge her with the collection of the.2000:1evy. If approved, the Chairman, Clerk and; Collector must sign the charge sheet. _ -FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: - . ' .. • CHARGEDOC. NHCDELSET. NHCSETT.w NHCDELSET. Nhcfdset.d •~ - ' `ITEM DOES-NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ _ ` Recommend acceptance of the Collection Settlement Reporfs, and the Charges.of 2000 levy. Also recommend that Patricia Paynor be •reappointed Tax Collector for a two year term. Heretofore, `Ms. Raynor, has been appointed for one year terms. For consistency with the appointment of they` Tax Administrator, the two year term is-recommended. Ms. Raynor has served as_the Tax • Collector for 19 years, and served as the ,Deputy Collector for 3 years. • ' . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ^~Uf~l1°Y~COIMMI~IO , APPROVED Gr"'-_ • REJECTED ~ ~'; ; REMOVED C1 ~' • - • :• ~ POSTPONED [~ • , .. .: • ~ FiEARi~ . ,. - - ' August 1999. State of North Carolina , . County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in -the County of New Hanover and-this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account thereof, in accordance with the law. . Witness my hand and official seal, this _ day of 1999. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: - Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. I; Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New Hanover County. This day of 1999. ' Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County ~~~'t~M~~,i ~ ~~'#~ .. .. ~. . , • ~ G1 .-• r ~r .a1 o r,, M M ~ .--~ ~ \O 0 M 01 p . a \p ~p . O 0 ~ ~ ~ N 0 1 O r--~ ~ ~h ~ Vl w . . 6R3 r i 69 ~ 64 _ ~ p . d1 M ~t ~t C/~ N t~ M. r-+ ~ ~ ~ ~t '~ a1 ~ • H ~ '~ " . . . ~ '. E-'~ ' ' ~ ' ' Y ' E"+ ~} W . ' . ~ ,. • Q a v ~- ~ - a ~~ ~~~o ~~ o Q p ~ I d~ [~- l~ \p ~ oo Z p ~ ~`O~N ~o . P W ~ I I ~ ~ ~3 + ~ - Z W. • . ' E--a ~J M .M- ~ ~- d' O . W ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 O op M , . V 1 01I N ~ [ ~ p pp may. ,-, ~--~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~' M ct' '_. _ ~ N ~ N ~ ~p M M ~ ' ~° . ,_, M Q~ ., 0 T--, . • ` ~ ~ U . .. ' Q W .. .. +-~ ~ . Z U Q '~ ~ o~~ H • p oo a~ o ~ a, ~ o ~ ~ . , . W ~ a ~ ~ ~ . ~ Z 9. a 1 ... .. .. , ~J NEW IiANOVER COUNTY .SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1999 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 84,690,295.30 Discoveries Added r 3,618,295.71 Less Abatements - 563,618.75 Total Taxes Charged $ 87,744,972_.26: Listing Penalties Charged 57,592.01 Advertising Fees Charged 12,520.00 Cleaning Liens Charged 8,730.00 Interest Collected 219,880.98 Cost Collected 18,242.45 $ ,88,061,937.70 Real Estate Liens* $ 918,340.10 " Delinquent Personal Property* 898,407.61 ~ ~~ Deposited 86,245,189.99 - 88,061,937.70 $ .00 *Uncollected amounts include $ 109,306.48 owed by known bankrupt accounts and` accounts !i .under appeal. ~ - " Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue PJRaw .20 t ', -. . ~n O H ~ M . co .-+ a,,--~o~ cn M NN M d1 \p ~ p O _ O .-- ~ ~ N ' ~ 64 i ~ 59 ~ ~ .. . , • '-+' M ~i' ~ ~ Q1 p ' t~ p O~ M d- d' l~ . p d' Co ~-. ~t W ~„~ N l~ c+i .-, va O~ l~ ~ ~t O~ ~ Q '~ N •-' " C1' Q\ ` H "_, • H Z ~ ~ , ~ ~ w a ~~~o ~~ o ~ , ~' ~ ~ \O C'.n M G1 ~ ~ . . ~ x ~ N N N •- W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} ,' W • ~' (T~ ' a ` ~ ~ m.~ M ~ d- 'ct O W ~ °` o 00 - Q1I ~ ' O o0 ~ '~t . ~ ~ ,. 64 .~ ~ .. ,.~ . .--. ~ ,. . ;_ ~ - - O ~ Q - ~T ~ _ ~ L~ N U .,, .. ~ O ~ a , t. ~ ~. '_ . a .F., ~ y O p ~ O Q N ` v ~ o ~ . ~ H cat ~ rn cAU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ a ~~ ~ °~Q ~ ~ 21 : NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT . SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1999. Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 2,265,750.02 Discoveries Added 117,613.96 Less Abatements ~ - 53 332.69 . Total Taxes Charged 2 330,031.29 Listing Penalties Charged 1;668..98 Interest Collected _ 5 621.33 $ 2,337,321.60 Real Estate Liens* $ 24,095.58 Delinquent Personal Property* 24,480.48 Deposited 2,288, 745.54 -_ 2,337,321.60 $ .00 *Uncollected amounts include $ 1,805.73 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor Collector of Revenue PJRaw '1 J NEW ~HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ - . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 08/21/00 .;Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Timer Page Number: - , , Department: Sheriff Presenter: Sheriff Joseph McQueen ' Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: _ - Additional Deputy Sheriff Positions -BRIEF SUMMARY: - In order to provide more coverage for the County's parks, the Sheriff is requesting two (2) additional. Deputy Sheriff positions. The addition of these positions would allow more frequent patrolling of the County's parks. This additional patrolling would hopefully decrease•the undesireable activities that have been occurring in some of the County's parks., .The first year cost ' - ~ for the two additional .positions and two-vehicles will be $163,623. A cost breakdown is detailed i^ the attached spreadsheet. After this initial year, the on-going annual cost will be approximately $75,000. ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the establishment of two (2) additional deputy sheriff positions and approva),of associated budget amendment #O1-0023. The emphasis will be on more frequent patrols of the ` County's parks. FUNDING SOURCE: _ . Appropriated General Fund Balance . .. ., ATTACHMENTS: • . .K .. • . BA #Ol•0023.wpd Sheriff Calculations for Salary & Fringe. ' '. REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:.Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider.. increasing the number of deputy sheriff positions in order to deter undesireable activities - -.from occurring in the County's parks. If approved also adopt the attached budget am~e'; rhent. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: -- r~OUN!'PY ~N~i~! _ - . ~ - - APPROVED, ~ ~----- ' ,.~` B2EJ ECTED: Ey .,~ . .~ , ~~ - • , (REMOVED ® f POSTPONED FtEARiJ ~ ~ 3 G~~~ ~lai ~rJ l ~IarC user 5c.c~iiPr'!(a-~-~ .. .. ~. ~ r'~"x.~ ~!2,^x~cto ~ ~Yle~s ~' Cam- ,• ._ l ucreac~ t `y/ . _ ~ :.Pass~hr.~e . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/21/00 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: County Commissioners/Sheriff-Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0023 i ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT County. Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance -~ $163,623' `' • . Ad t t Sheriff- minis ra ion. . . Salaries and Wages ~ ~ $44,423. Social Security Taxes $3,398 Retirement - Locaf Govt. Employee $2,198 $2 222 Retirement - 401 K , Medical Insurance Expense $7,670 LT Disability Insurance $102 Uniforms $8;600 Departmental Supplies $1,362. Auto Supplies $11,400 Computer Expenses $20,400 , Capital Outlay -Equipment ~ $12,348 • Motor Vehicle Purchases $46,000 Fuel and Supplies ~ ~ $3,500 . _ _ ,. J - ... EXPLANA~-.TION~T~o~atp~propriate fund balance for the FY 00-01 cost of establishing two additional ost of two patrol cars for more frequent. patrols of the County's parks. dc n s aa ~ Deputy positio ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval of this budget amend nt, the FY 00-01 appropriated "'" ~ 'w°fund'balancewil be~$ 02,829. .. ~ dot 24 .._, , y : _ ~~~ ~,~ . ~ i Y .. y «.. • yq .~? t j :1 •• t . .. • 4 . .. - . - ~. SALARY AND FRINGE CALCULATIONS - ` - Salary FICA Retire .Retire LTD Medical Other Total • 7.65% 4.95% 5.00% 0.23% $4,602 Unif Allow Sheriffs Department: -Deputy 114 $.26,654 $ 2,039 $ 1,319 $ 1;333 $ 61 $4,602 $ 300 $ 36,308 Deputy" 114 $ 26;654 $ 2,039 $ 1,319 $ 1,333 $ 61. $4,602 $ 300 $ 36,308- -. - Annual Costs $ 53,308 $ 4,078 $ 2,638 $ 2,666 $ 122 $9,204 $ 600 $ 72,616 ' 1'0 months $ 44,423 $ 3,398 $ 2,198. $ 2,222 $ 102 $ 7,670 $ 600 $ 60,613 ' Uniforms & gear for new hire (Object #4400): ~, $4,000each x 2 employees = $8,000 $ 8,000 ' TOTAL" $ .:68,613 ..Notes: , . Annual salary calculation. is based on following: ~ - ` Hourly rate of $11.99 (per Human Resources) x 2,223 hours.per-year - FLSA 28 rules ' ~' y ~ (2) New Patrol Cars {Eq`~ped =Road Ready• Radio• MDT ' Per New Hanover County Purchasing Agent • OBJT AMT ' Radios (under $1000) 4210_ $ 1,362 'Cars Road Ready 4220 11,400 ~. - - MTD's (2) 6399 20,400 , - .Radios (2) 6400 12,348 ~ ' "Patrol.cars (2) 6450 46,000 ' , TOTAL ~' $ 91,510 91,510 FUEL COST - 3,500 TOTAL BUDGET '. 163,623 - _. - " _ 25 . m:xls/Toni/Sheriff calculations for Salary Fringe . - • , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/21/00 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time:_ Page Number: . Department: Fire Services Presenter: Donnie Hall ;Contact: Donnie Hall SUBJECT: _ Consideration of Plan for Fire Protection After Phase Two Annexation BRIEF SUMMARY: The County Fire Commission 'has recommended a Plan for fire protection followirig phase two annexation. The plan includes no funding for two districts that will suffer complete or major loss due to annexation. The concept for this Plan was previously approved by the Board of Commissioners as part of its decision process to raise the tax rate to 4.0 cents for FY 2000.01. -The Plan also provides contingencies for much needed daytime staffing. There is a need to add - .one additional fire fighter per shift at the combination Career/Volunteer Stations and reclassifying. the rotating shift supervisors to station supervisor. The Plan will also include adding the Training ". Coordinator for immediate implementation. This would total 10 (ten) new positions for the . County's Fire Protection .System. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend the County Commissioners approve the plan for fire protection after Phase Two Annexation. FUN-DING SOURCE: - Fire District Tax ATTACHMENT5: - - Copy. of plan as recommended by Fire Commission. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN .RESOURCES: N%A ~ ~ ' "COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS• .. APPROVED C~'~ ,, -, REJECTED p ~~ ..: . ,REMOVED. ~ e POSTPONED ~ .~ .~, ~ f ~~i~ip'4~~?'# 28 r~~~;,f.. ,, . , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF~COMMISSIONERS . : ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .` ' Meeting Date: 08/21/00 ~ • Regufar Item #: 10 Estima#ed Time: Page Number: ,° • Department: Governing Body- Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell , Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ' SUBJECT: 2001 Schedule of Regular Meeting for the New Hanover County Board of , Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Please review the schedule to see if any meeting dates should be cha-raged. Only one meeting has been scheduled in July, and other meetings have been scheduled to accommodate holidays and the dates of NCACC and NACo conferences. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED.ACTIONS: ` : Approve the schedule as presented or with desired changes. ,FUNDING SOURCE: ~. - ATTACHMENTS: • . " ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM E TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . .Recommend approva . ". COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: APPROVED C~~ { • EtEJECTED , ~ ' °~ REMOVED Q ~ . ~, POSTPONED :~~ , . . . i°IEAR[J . . .- 29 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2001 SCHEDULE OF REGULAR MEETINGS MEETING PLACE: NEW ~IANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 N. THIRD STREET, ROOM 301, 'WILMINGTON, N.C. MONDAY, January 2, 2001 ............................................ 6:30.P,M. TUESDAY, January 16, 2001 .................................. . .......9:00 A.M. MONDAY, February 5, 2001 ...........................:................ 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, February 19; 2001 ...... ~ ............... "......:..............9:00 A.M. MONDAY, March 12, 2001 .......................................:.... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, March 26, 2001. . ~ ........ ........ . ............~ ................ 9:.00 A.M. MONDAY, April 2, 2001 .: ............................:.....:. ~:..:.... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, April 16, 2001 .............................................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, May 7, 2001 ............:.. . . ...:.............. _ .......... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, May 21, 2001 . ....................................:.......9:00 A.1VI. MONDAY, June 4, 2001 ......... ......................... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, June 18, 2001 ................:............................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, July 9, 2001 ................................................ 6:30 P.M MONDAY, August 6, 2001 ............................................ 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, August 20, 2001 ......................... • .................9:00 A.1V1. TUESDAY, September 4, 2001 .......................................... 6:30 P.1V1. MONDAY, September 17, 2001 ..................:.........................9:00 A.M. MONDAY, October 1, 2001 ............................................ 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, October 15, 2001 ........................................... 9:00 A:1VI. MONDAY, November 5, 2001 ......:.......:....:...................... 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, November 19, 2001 ..........................................9:00 A.M. MONDAY,~Decernbey3,~2g401 ......... .................................. 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, D,~ecembrer,~~7~2001 .........................................9:00 A.M. 4~~~ Conferences: ~/1 NCACC Legislative Goals Conference, Pinehurst, NC -January 11-12, 2001 NACo Legislative Conference ~Washmgton, DC -March 2-March 6, 2001 3 O NACo;-65th AnnualRGonference,"Philadelphia, PA -July 13-17, 2001 NCACC Annual Conference, Fayetteville, NC -August 9-12, 2001 ~~ (n '~ rNN ~ ~ r r N ~ LL O, (+7 N N Ll. C7 O T N M ~ ~, to N m N. ~, N .M O N M N ~'. ~ .- ~-r O N ~.. ~~ r M~ N ~> ~ r ~ N N> 7 . ~..-. ' . C7 ~ r N M 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ N N ~. d ~ }- ~ Nm O N•0O7 ~ O M N N ~ ~ r W NN. ~ tIl Nm N ~ rGO~NN nrNN ', tOM NN tnNMN ~ r W N MOh•V• r N N M O N M - ~ ~ . UUUU . zzzz ~~~~ . s s s s ~~~~~ ~• ~' P3"~~~ ~ ~ T T T' T Gwwww c ~ ~ ~ ~ v u :: ~ ~ ~ . _ o~ A a~ °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-+ ~ _N ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ a[i M 4 .~ ~ ~ Y- -~ , N o- o 0 0 0 ~ ~UUUUU ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~`~`~`~~~ ~~ ~ . ~- -,'"-~, ~ qqq 99 ~ ~qq q~ ~ ~ ~ c`'"., ~ U U U U ~ ~ w ~ N~ ^, ... _ _. ~ ~ N 5 A . ~ . G q t~ L~ « y a1 ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ h F+ V] .. ~ ~ vii vii vii vii vii qq u ~ ~ ~ Rt P. ~o ~o ~o ~o ~ S~ V U U U c c c e ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 ~ ~ O 00 1p Q Q Q !~ Q 4« Q ~ ~O U U U U W Q~ 00 zzzzz zzzz ~, ~~~~~~°~ ~ N~°`o~~~NOM ` .. \ ~ \ ~ ~ . . - - o o .. ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ N N L1 ~ r ~ N . ~ ~ ~ N r N p~ M O f~ N M U 0 ~ N D) (O Crl O N (+7 .r M ~ N N ~ N r ~ N Z oCq o~u S( ~ i ~ '~ ~ e ~~ a ~ ~ i QO R; t!)K. C1. cC ~ o~oo ~O' 00 O~ ~ o~n i, ._ ~ a~ ~ ~ .~ O ~•~~ ~ U o~ ~~ O ~~.!! f~~! ai M~-! T G G ~ G m C, cC c3 cd Ao~,o.~n c~ d• O 7 ~O 00 0\ 00 "' ~ .M~ ~ N ~ ~ U U U U U gQL1~Qp $ ~,. ~ 33938 ~ ~ W G1.'~ L i C ~ ~-+ °~ °~ °cP °~' o4p OVA ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ ~° ~ .--+ ~ v•~5 ~ ~ ~• ° .~ 33333• ~ n ~ ~ - , , ti ~ U C w ~ r~ TT 1-~I ~ ~ ~ ~ = q ~ ~ T b A m ` - b q ~~~x ~x `+ ~ b `' -' .p ~x a q w ~ w u ai u a "i m w b x - ~ ma ~ ~e ~ ~ ~x~ 8~~~~~ ; ; u a..a as .a „~ c3 ~ e~ ni O., c~ cV' ~~~~~~aeee > > > > > cO O, ttf a5 c~ • • - - - S+ ~vOj m d m •~ O d• ~ ~t O - a a a a •a m m m ~ m ~ ~ ~ O ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q`. oo ~ o0 0~ ~ 0.-~ .°~ .~ ~ °O `0 0o rn o0 - .-.N~ ~~~ ~~~ i~ NanVN~O~~NNN - ~ .O CT N.N ~ M O T N lL N. ~ QI N ~ N ~ .fD N d• r OJ 'N L~ r M~ N ' i ~ r M O T N C•J i~ n~ N N ~~ ~ ~. N M ~O N M~~ co ('7 N N . ~. r- 00 ~ N N ~ tQ ~ Qf N ~ M ~ ~ N M LL - N 07 CO M O N t+7. ~ r 00 ~ N N . L 3 n ~ ,-- N N ~ O ~ N N ~ ~ N 01 N !~ ~ ~ ~ N .-~ .-~ ~ .-i ~ N ~ N O1 m ('7 O N M ~ ~ r 0] lfl N m N N N Q ~ ^ m r N N ~ ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ N O N (n ~ r M N r ~ r ~ ~ N N ~ ^ r N N ~ ~ ~ N N U ~ N m N J ~ ~ ~ ~ r N ~ GOOT N ch ~ NO7 (ONE L S O N 00 DD ~, C OA Q~ • ~ ~ ~ ono '~, own own .~ ~ ~ Q) ~~ ~~ ~ ^~ Qi !/j ~ ~i C/1 ~ C/1 m ¢. c~c a ~ ~.s ~;5 o v~ ~ o ~n °p ~n °° ~O 00 y O~ 00 ~ 00 own ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 44y..i ~ x~ a ~~~~ O. cd •~ «i ov-,wo cn ~t .d o \0. 00 g G\ U ' N N. ti ~ ~ r •~•- N N lL. . CO .M-- N '~ ~ In N M N ~ v ao C r N I- M ~ ~ N ~ N M t0 N ~ ~ r a0 to N N ~ •~ ~ •~ ~ ~~~~ ~~' ~o ~a~aT~ Vl O V1 O 'C V~j ~t M ~ O 0 ch 00 ~O 00 Q~ ~ DO '~ M ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~-+ N N ch ~ ~ r ~ N lL ~ ~ a0 N ~ Ch O i~ N M T 3 - Q N O CO N M S . h- '-M ~ NN - * ~ n T OD N N N ~ N N ~" ~ ~ , •_ a4.~ G +~ ~~. c~ ~i h P. ~ cC ~. ovo ~, ~ ~ ~ U U U - , M ~D [~ v v~ ~o . ~"~ N hl N ~ , I ` ~ o~.o ., $3~~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ a ~ .~ c. , O ~ O ~p o0 0~ ~ ~ ~ ' . ~t d 00 .-+ .-~ .~ .. ~ N m (D N M ~ r 00 ~ N N ~ ^ r N N 9 j> O M N N ~ ~ N M N 1 ~ st r o~p N . fn Ch C r .,N . i ~ 1; " < NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/21/00 ,Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: Governing Body Presenter:. Lucie Harreil Contact:: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF'SUMMARY: Vacancies .are on the following Boards and Committees: Adult Home Care Community Advisory Committee Board of Examiners of Electricians Board of Mechanical Examiners , Board of Fire Commissioners Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board Commission for Women Human Services A!]ocation Advisory Committee . Inspections Department Advisory Council _ . Library Advisory Board Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ' Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: , Committee lnformat-ion Sheets and Applications ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ . Make appointments. _ COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~ __ _~ - rt~6llfV1'ti COMfI~y~' ' ~ ~ AP PROVED ~ .. ' REIECTED Q z., ~ . . REMOVED ® ~ ,~ P OSTPONED ~ a~ . ~ . ~EAR~ ~ . 3 3 a ,. ; i COMMITTEE ~AF'POINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 VACANCIES Term: One year term initially, 3-year terms thereafter ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Hilton Randolph Johnson Robert H. Johnson, Jr. r/Patricia G. Spear ' X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications .~ ~~~,~,,, n ~"~ ~~fi~ r 34- ~ ~~r ;. ,~ .ADULT CARE HOME COMNIIJNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 16 members 1 member for each ermitted facili ( P ty). One-thud. of the _. members shall be nominated by .the Adult Care Home Administrators, and if possible, one ` ` member must, be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall;be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None, but maybe reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter ~ ' Qua-lifications:_ Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family ` member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee ' or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family - member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member. . Regular Meeting:- FirstlWednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a. m. at the Cape Fear, Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. ~` TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Jewell Ann Diehn. - First 6/30/2002 _ ~ 4953 Tanbark Drive . Wilmington, NC 284,12 A t: 2/2/98 to 1 ear_ term (, PP Y ) 392=6981 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21799 Judith M. Foley First , 6/30/2003 ~ ~ ~ . 6616 Pleasant Pines Court . :Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6121/99 to l year term) ' 509-1717 (APPt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) Lois Fox ~ - First ~ 6%30/2002 . 3713 Reston Court .. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year,term) 799-6847 (H) 251-8111 ~'. Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Jane B. Johnson First ~ 2/28/2001 . 1812 Grace Street - Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/1/98 to 3 year term)' ~. .762-1525 (H), - ' Sharon O ee , , First . , 6/30/2000 202 Pil ' m .Circle ~~ Wil 'ngton, 'NC 28401 (Appt. 6/21799 to 1 year term) .76 -3057(H) 341-4457(W) .. ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURR~IVT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Mollie Coldwell Ley First 2/28%2001' 5315. Dandelion Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/21!00 to 1' year term) 796-0980 (H) Josephine W. Little First 2/28/2001 1441 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ ~ ~ ~ (Appt. 2%2/98 to 3-year term) 686-0299, (H) ~ .. Dollie Pollock First 2/28/2001 4937 Shelly Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 '(Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term) 452-0892 (H) Michael W. Rogers First 6/30/2002 254 W. Bedford Road . Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 68b-1374 (H) 343-5244 (VV) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Richard I. Salwitz First - ~ 6/30/2002 . 1308 Edgewater Club Road #8 j Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686-7040 (H) '' 1 Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 ' ~. Louise C. Siler ~ ~ First 2/28/2001' 2441 Confederate Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 3-year term) 762-5374 (H) ' ~ " ''~, Patricia G, Spear First - (8/31/2000) ~ 5600 Harmony Court . % Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/16/99_ to 1-year term) 392-5814 (H) 256-2330 ~ f ' " I Edith Ann Bell Steele - First ~ `°2/28/2001 " 3236 Grey Leaf Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) ,395-0836(H) 395-3802(W) ~. 36 : } I .. .. .. Application far Appointments http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/applic.htm ,NEW ~~ANQYER COUNTY ~OA~v of co~.~r~s~oNE~.s ~~L~C~~Q~~ 320 'Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~-~r~Y ~ 2 2~0~~ . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 8D. OF CGMMISSIGyERS FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by the New .8'anover County Board of Commissioners,. Request for Appointment to: A.~ U L % (lGti !~ ~ ,~lOm1= /¢b V/.5 0 R U C D/~7 ~}'l t 7`T,~F Name: How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? _ - ,,,~~~~~, 5 - Home Address: /,319 }~c 9~4 ~i-Q ~ I l.J, /nom , x1 q ~ ,~ , ~ Mailing AdaS~e , l3 J 9 '~c A 9~5 ra. ~ 1 _ ~t ), lrn ; ~ a ~v ~ ,c..1 C City and State: ~ t ~~ (. N cy~o ~ /V ~'„ Zip Code: a ~~/Z .Telephone: Home: ~l'I D ' 7 q Q_ ljSG,z O Business: 4!D' ~~3 - 770 yf ~/ *Sex: _~Q 1 P *Race: eGLctCQ,S i b ~ *Age: /D 7 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed **Employed by: /~2.tt..) ~Q ~J O tle. r ~Cl~ i 0 nl a,.~ 11'l~.a~ ~ C~ ~~,rl' ~P ~ .4 u v ~ /la r u **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article ~Y1', Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~o ~d n.J -~e.eT Professional Activities: ~.5 J4 ~ nn y ~} -11 e Volunteer Activities: /Ue Lc~ f y2 ~ ~ d c r" ~t 2 9 ! d ~U a..~ m o(. ~ CGS ~ ~M ~h.~ Why do you wish to serve on the Boas; Committee, or Commission requested? ~ >ye e. ~ cc,o ~ u~q a I n J ~ t ~. J.~ ~ .~ , r~ ~- -~-h ~,-~A~~ ~~~ ,, ~.~., GL'rs c~ i ,~ 1 c~ ~~ ~. c ~~ `~j~4 .~.c~.a. /e a, c(~ a~ e-~= crrx.-tc~. b ~ c~.x, ~~a~t SLo ~k.~o ~ea~- What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Boas; Committee, or Commission requested? ~. ba-u-~~. ~-~.. a~ ~-{~. ~~'Za.~r ice- ~.-~c.wccL rw 1 oft `~'~" ~ d o O P.t~ .9 t /°,C a~c..x.~.crcg -7--`a-~+E~ ~ e-~~ Gam- mac. 1~~~f~G`-C/ / S/17/00 8:39 PM tYpplication for Appointments hip;//~ar~v.co.new-hanovernc.us/CC/applic.htrn `~ What areas of concern would you like to see fhe Board Committee, or Commission address? -/~ .~,9it,o-~c.~ C'~%CoGc.~iaX.~ ~" a,LC~ Q::du-~~ ~ ~,e~xe.r.,v - Are~you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: /tad _ . Date: ~ L~_ 1 ~ D 0 !'~ Signature i ... REFERENCES: Please provide three 7ocg1 personal references: ' .: Name ~ Phone Number _ . 1 ~ ~fl GL-f. //KJ ~J ~c,cxls / , ~~3 ~ a .~ v z, .. . 3. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Q[~(~~Q~ ~ BOARD OF COMMISS/OI1lERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~r' ~ 1 700 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ NEW HANOVER t~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 6D. OF COMMISSIONERS . - FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment io: J~ d c,~l~ +~ Yt I ` V f7ct.~ ~ $ O Y`y C` d rn F~ Name: __ ` ~. o b~.Y--t~' ~ ~ ~~,~,.~-, a ~. Home How long have you been a Address: ~ ~ l ~.. ~ y~~r` ~ ~~r- 2 ~'' -.. resident of New Hanover County? 3 ~ 2~r$' Mailing Address: ~ S 5-~-,.cs~-s ~ City and -State: ~ i r i-n. o ~~b~ r1 r ~ C Zip Code: ~ c~ b ~' Z _ . , Telephone: Home: ~ J Q - ~'~ ~- J ~~ Business: I~ ~~"t r'-~ "Sex: M "Race: 1/V ",qge; `7 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyed by:.-__ .~ 2'~iY"ec~ ' A person current y emp/oyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: ~~ ~ ~ Uo/unteer Activities: .a.1S - m-:, ~~-e~e.L ~ ~ o c~ a t.o fi p n u~,y ~t am d ' ~zs'~ e., -F-e.. l Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 17 ~.(' ~ ~. ~ b o J 5' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you Jike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~-'R--r~.e,f~ ~-~. ~ a ~ t~~, s~ ~o n-,.~,s Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list:. ~O ~~ ~a~ _ ;~,,"~ ~ ~ `' 0 ~ Signature ~d~~' !• o-e.~,..~.cy-,.~ (Please use reverse side far addidana/ comments) }; , JUN-08-99 04:24 PM BANKERS. LIFE. &. CASUALTY. 91025631 b5 NEW fd~NDVFR CC.~UN7'Y BCi~gRl~ OF COMlVIISSIDNERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30a V1~ilmin~ton, NG 25401-4093 Ta/ephorra (310) 341-7143 FAX (910! 341-4130 Application for Appointmef:t to Boards, Commit#s,~s, and Commfssfons AppoPrsted the Ne w N »a ver Cp~}~rrty ~o of CotnmissPgrt ers~~l ~• ~~/t~d~'~ ~-t-vrw'~t~ ~, Request for Appointment to: ~~ ~ , . , --~' Home 1 ~.~'} Now long have you been a Address: ~~ !~ ~'Yjtxor~n ~ ~•'. W+ 1 ~J ~~ resident of New Hanover G'ounty~ _ ~~ll~' Mailing Address: s'r~-~1~" City and State: ~i j rss•t ~ ~ r2 .., t~ ~-• Zip Code: y~•Q ~_ Telephone; Name.- 3 `~,~ J`~o ~`-~ Business: ~ S"~r '"~ :~ y ~= 'Sex: ~=- °RBCE: _ L~ "Age: .~ '`~ 'This lnformetton Jjr rBt/uesled 1Rr th8 Sole purpose of essurtng that a cress-section of the Cpmmuni[y is $ppplnted. J f.4~ ~ ~(t~ ~ ~ ~`_ " * Fmplc~ yea b y: ~ ~#-Js ~.,- ~ r ~- C~S_2 SY ~~ .. ~ r S ~- ~_ ~/c•.t.,~ ;,~~ f,tn~;• ° •A porso» eurrenUy arnp/pyadhy the eney or deportment for w ieh th' +Ypplicalian is made, must reslpn h ./her p~slfion wiflt New Nenovar County upon appointment, in accardnnca with Ardcte V; Sac. 4 or the New Hanover County ,parsontrc! Policy: ~l Job Title: ~-~rr~-..~' •~ 3G~ t'r9n~+ ~ ~ p~Ltrrr`Cc"~ / t{<.Gr.a _ ,. __ .~_S")Z"P.~4,. ~- t-' '~ Professional Aetlvit4s.~~ ~ ~•tS~cr ,,~ tc~c r fL i ~ +-' Uplu~?teerActrvities: ~ ~ ~~;~,(, ~,;,.~ ~,;•,U "~"`f ~ v-~~ I`eh •,$r-ytJi~ lit ~ry-,~ , Why do you wish to serve n the Bo rd, C~rm_mr'lt e, or CommisSlor? requestsd7 .c.Q /~dur ~Q~h , .~pn,~~~,~ ,~,.,,~ ~ ~ p uJ~d ~*~,r~- ~~1,,..e.y~: x ~~-,.~- ~--o,~~ y tub v ~ - - - r-,K...-- r•F.- Fy~+~ I~~. f.[J,,lh~-tr-. 'f~ 7s'isl'rsZ.~ *~'~4.t T~+~'-.t-t.r` x'76-a*•..z:yz:.J i•G-i-~ `yct ~.o- 1 ~ ~~ n . n ~ '~'•~{ ~tt~t•~-o d GL.cdL.tS . Yt't ~• .~ ~r-~:~% -z~,~•i.• ~ ~~ ~ ~ hat da you feel are your qus(fficatrons for serving en the Boffrd, Committee, or Commission request ~~±r F..c~1CG~~ k~r,~ ~ .,ll~c~.l.~ Cdct.c.r~ ~6Y~e .•~I,~~~ro rz ~ .tc~'Tkt-t«.~+~ f-sa. Wheat ~a'reas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, ur Commission addressr' ~¢.t.~.lt __~c.C~/~wex.~ ¢e'~-'C.t ~ .. - - l ti ..•t . _ _ _ - :• ~ ~ .~. , __ _ tom. .~• • Are - v .- . ~-.... .,. - . , z ~y~~ r + - , tee appointed by a mtrnic;palrty or a county i:`sn, p: •^asp /is[: d DBt~: ~ '' ~ J / Slgnatu r :s fPl~asa use reverse side for udditona! cotnmantsl {~ 4 2 \, _,,~ S-~ . 0 _ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS VACANCIES: 2 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS APPLICANTS: Aaron J. Holmes, Sr. .~~harles L. Robbins ~rnes B. Steele Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X .NEW H.4NOVFR COUNT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7-149 • FAX (910! 341-4130 Request forAppointment to: Name: 1 Home Address: Professional Activities: ~i`7 ~.s -~-~-5~~ic~.s ~.~1>~~ VolunteerActivities: - ° Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~D /~~SS/~$ ~~ :~-- Q 1 What do .you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? t~ ~.CJ~c~ , ~J7/°7r-C.yily r~tJ~~/ / ~~ L ~~"~~ ~ C'am' / / / ~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board Committee, or Commission address? Q~ `/ ~`"- Are you currently serving on another. board or committee. appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: {~ ©. . Date: ~"'~ / ' ~ ~~ Signatur (Please use reverse side for additional comments) How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? MailingAddress: ~ . ~. ~,u ~ ~ ~{ ~/'~ r '~ ))r ~ ~~ City and State: ° ~l/i /`lip' <D~'1C. .. /.Y, C..r Zip Code: r,2.~~~'~j/ • Telephone: Home:~9/D~ oz3~-~3~d 'o~-r~"o~c~d ~, Business: ~0?3`3 '-'/3!0 ~, "Sex: /`7/~'/~ "Race: ~U /~/C "Age: 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-sect on of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: s~l~ ~sy ~ ~ (., `"A person currant/y emp/oyedby the age y or d partment far which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with /drticle V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Pa/icy... Job' Title: ~ ~~~'~ App/icaton for Appointment fo Boards, Committees; and• Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. i A _ NF'W NANO VER COc'JNTY BOARD OF COlV1M'/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone 19101 341-7749 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Reque Name: ,~ ~. ~, Home ~~++ `~ How long have you been a Address: 1 ~~ L.- ~ V E ~ ,~~-etc resident of New Hanover County? ~.3 ~{'~ _ .- .-~ r, .-. t ~- Mailing Address: ~ J .~ ~ ~ C~ V~'~/ L-,.aK ~ _ t City and State: ~ LC. r ~-- Z1p Code: ~~ ~ .. ~ ' ---~ Telephone: Home: ~J ~ -- ~G/,~Z f ~ Business: ~"~•Gt~'~` "Sex: "Race: ~ "Age: l®~ 'This in/o motion is requeste(d~for the sole purpose of e/ssuriny that across-section of the community is appointed. »"Employed by: Y,/(~S ~l~C ~© - "Aperson current y employed b y the agency or department for which .this application is made, must resign his/herp~sition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/a V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Persanna/Policy. Job Title: ~i(~~/t ~`~ Professional Activities: ~I CC`~tC~ VolunteerActivities: _~ ~ fwt,~ ~~ V Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ t! ~Q_~L ~~ What do you feel are your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? n _ _ / i_ - _ What areas of concern would you like. to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? S'~~c~ ~ ~ ~ r`D~ PSSI ©!rt a- ~ lit~OY /1 ~- Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /1 //Q Date: ~ "' / ''. "/ ~ _ _ ..... ... Signature ~ ~ (Please use reverse side far additional comments! fC~ O U ~~o~ /O~R1 JL /, \ \ / .. ...J Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed bythe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD aF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC .2.8401=4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and .Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~, Request fo~Appointment to: __i~Q3rd of Fxami ners of Electricians Name: James B. Steele , Home Now long have you been a Address: _x_616 Sidbury Rd resident of NewNanoverCounty? 14 years Mailing Address: same as above City and State: Castle Hayne, NC Zip Code: 28429 Telephone: Home: 910/675-8916 Business: 910/675-3012 °Sez: Ma Z e 'Race: White -~{ge; 3 7 'This information is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: Steele & Manning Electrical Contractors "A person currently amp/o yed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herpositian with New Nenovar County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/a V/, Sec. 4 0! the New Hanover County Personnel Policy, t~/1 Job Tit/e: .Partner in Ownership ' Professiona/Activities: _ Building Codes Committee, Member NCAEC, HBA of Wilmington VolunteerActivities:~pR Committee, .Ducks Unlimited, Carolina-Virginia Water Fowl Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ To offer experience in assisting in selection of electricians and t'ces. What do you fee! are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Cflmmittee, or Commission requested? 20: ears in electrical field What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? (Please use Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1 VACANCY (Unexpired term) At-Large Community Representatives AT-LARGE COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES ELIGIBLE .FOR APPLICANTS REAPPOINTMENT ~--dames "Monte" Coughlin -r- John J. Kapral Michael H. Moran Robert Sanders Mark S. Sileikis Harry B. Simmons Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS. (CONTINUED) TERM TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIIZES AT-LARGE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES: 54 Robert R. Kiehlmeier, Jr. First 7/1/2002 169 Beawood Road ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28411. ~ (Appt. 8/16/99) 686-7894(H) Wilbur Davis Second 7/1/2002 615 Piner Road Wilmington; NC 28409 (Appt. 8/19/96, Reappt. 8/16/99) 791-2231 (H) Michial W. Rhodes Second 7/1/2001 '2000 Chair Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 .' ~ (Ratified 11/20/95) - 675-3198(H) 799-1232(W) (Reappointed b/15/98) Jonathan A. Wrenn ~ First ~ 7/1/2001 203 Hepwoth Way Wilmington, NC 28412 {Appt. 11/03/97, Reappt. 6/15/98) 793-0674 (H) 793-0201 CountX Commissioner Charles R: Howell 6/00 file: /fire.wpd .l :oznmissioners my thanks for their~vote of, approval, and ages I will reapply. Appucation for Appointments Page I of 2 . NE a~ ~r~vo vE~ co UN~~ . , ~o~ o~ coNrl~vr.~~slo~~R,s QC~~C~~dL~D 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ _ ~Ul O $ 1999 N~ilmington, NC 28401-4093 NEW HANOI/ER C~. Telephone (910) 341-7149 BD. OF CO'~~IiECIC."~ ~; FAX (910) 341-4130 ~ . Application for Appointment to Bodrds, Committees, arcd Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover'County Board -of Commissioners. Request for Appoin ent to t"~oard of Fire Comissi.oner.s Name: dames "Monte" Coughlin How long have you been a resident of New Hanover. County? '' 2 year S . ~~ Home Address: ~7 7 Q-°-~~ ' W' 1 mi ngton 284• Mailing Address: Same ' City and State: Wi 1 mi ngton NC Zip Code: 28412 . Telephone: Home: 792-0698 Business.• 7y3-0053 *Sex.• M *Race: Wh 1 to . *Age: 4 5 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: Carolina Video Edit Centers .Inc **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article YI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. .lob Title: President, Owner Professional ,gctivitie Cape Fear-Rotary Club, Television & Industrial Video Productions ,nteerActiviries: Rotary Club Functions, Former Volunteer Firefighter ~.~. http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/cc/applic.htm' ~ _ ,~ Q,~ ~ 7/7/99 .J APpllcation for Appointments ` ; .. <, Page 2 of 2 .. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ Give"back to-.the community in which I'liwe and conduct business ~. .., . . ,;, r .~~ - ~. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ' • -12 years as a volunteer firefighter prior to relocation here. A(so served ... ._ '~ ~ _on'Emergency Rescue ;Squad, Secretary & Public relations officer. . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ~ '. : •: , ~. '~ More. Fire"prevention and saftey programs offered to the public. Use`of the .. , • _ . -Government and.Cape Fear Learning channels to cohduct some of this activity. ~ `° Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so; please list: ° . at present;. , . y ,, 2. . ^ ~ _ . .. _, .. w ~, REFERENCES: . ,. .: "' Please provide three local personal references:. ~. ,.Name . Phone Number ;. ", " . . , _ _ ~.1• L'i zbeth. Unger, ° - 4 Seasons Travel 392-1930 • - ... ,. 2.- ~ Johh' 'Harr. is _ ' , First Citizens Bank 7y2-6651. ~ • • ` • 3•. ~ Marc 'Levy Carolina Video Edit 793-0053 • h ~ • o • . . J ~ . . ; -http://.www:co.new-hanover.nc:us/cc/applic.htm . ;: ~ .7/.7/99 .. _ Nov-09-99 12:25P ~"~~ 415 South College Rd, Suite 10 `JVilrnuzgton, NC 28403 Phone - (910) 793-0053. Fax - (910) 793-0502 Video Flit CNntery www.editvideo.com Nov 9t~', 1999 . New Hanover County Clerk: Lucy Harrell: ~ . ~, A Re: Previous Application and Resume submitted by James Monte Coughlin for Board of Fire Co.-n*nissioners; Please be advised that as of Nov t 5`h my address is 6900A Deacon Lane . W~mington NG 2E411 Which is located off Gordon Rd -outside the City limits, without New Hanover County in Ogd:~. . I would therefore ask that my previous application to the Board of fire comrr+i~~oners be reack;ti~at~ t in th~:.: ~er_t there becomes a vacancy that requires appoirment. Please. refer to the, previous application and. experience that I forwarded to you, I wish to be cor~,idc;red-for future appointment. 58 _•:3i NFW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD ®F COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, /VC 28401-4093 Telephone (914) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for -Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name: ~) ,~ h Home Address: ~ C~ O Mailing Address: ~" ~• ~ ~yg~ ~~~ r ~ ) How long have you been a %~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Jam- h. resident of New Hanover County? r , ~i J City and State: ~i CU ,.~""\ ~a Y`' ~ ~ ! Yl t=c, Zip Code:. ~ ~ ~n Telephone: Nome: ~ fC,~ - '~ ~I Iii - (~ 4 ~{ ~ .Business:. it ~~ ~ r~~ 'Sex: ~ Q. ~ ~ "Race: i~e.l ~l ~ i ~ ~ "Ape: ~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: "A person currently employed by the agency or departmentfor which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. \~-/J Job Title: -,~ r Professional Activities: 1' G~ ,^ ,~ I v~l u ~ - ~c~ . G , j~c~ S {1 C ~' ~ i -~ VolunteerActivities: ~ (' ~_ - - .C ~ ~~.~ [ , ~ _ ~ .~ ~i 't~'E. 1~ O ~ o .~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ~ {~ S What do you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ~orr~~t' S~g~i.~.~ ~i ~ dew V~r~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? Are you currently serving on another troard or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: O I bergby certify t/rat I pay the New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that /have na affiliation with any local -'r frre service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the pas ree years. ~O Date: j ~ Signature ~ ~ .-- (Please us rev a side for additions/ comments) ~ . 1~E&V H.ANOVER Cf,~~INTY . BDA~D OF CI~M~IISSlO.NL~'RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 3D5 ~Imington, N. C. 2840T-4093 Telephone {91 U} 341-7149 .F,9X (910) 3~l1-4i3D Application far Appointment to Boards? Committees, and Ctammissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ /~ ` ~4 ~!' d G ,~ ~.2 E C:C ~? tryt ~ S S / c~rc ~' 2S" Name: ~ll~Gt~{~~L ~t • /1~6~~~ Home _ Haw long have you been a Address: ~~ SCE,c.s ~ G ~lf~C GE resident of New Hanover Cvunty y,2 S 1Kailing Address: ~'~` ~ City. and State: (~ t L vYt (N fcTo ~ ZipCode 2 ~~f telephone: . Home: CO ~~ ~ 5 ~7 Business: ~ ~~ ODD S~z: ~ f~i-~ Race: ~~~,4 ~ Age: y~ f~+a information rs requested for the sole purpaae of asrtrrjttg that a ct'ess section of the cammurtity is appointed **Ernployed By: ~~~~-S ~ L C ~D L r ti~ yG~ (-F % ~~ !~ * A person currently e>rrploped by the agency ar department for which this applicmion is made, rnnst resign his/her pesition with Netiv Hanover County upon appoinimPrrt, in accordance witft Article VI, See 4 of theNew Hanover Couruy I'ersaanoel Policy. Joh 7"tdYe; ~'~'~~''~ ~ ~ ~~- ProfessinnaC Asxdtvl#ies; Z S y~b?~iZS iN ~ iil byC ~;u~ sA~ E S f1 ~4 S~ u~c ~- t Fr y~ s .;rJ r~ .~T o~ Rr~~ c S~~L Fr~Lra ~a d~ ~~.~~ ~' C~t~Et~o Volunteer Activities: ~r!~ ,tl~y' c'•~D~'7~f,~ ~ //~'Lc(.cJT~~f~ /fE,2.~ Si,ve,s ..r1 _ _ 1L(1,7 (f~ ~ r7 (~~ ~~$ _~a/~7257 /~e 77 !// 7 J ~ .L ~ ~~~- S'E~Cffc-~ ' /~ jL 7Yhy Bayou wisk taserve on the Board, Committee, or Commission? ~G f~f-=~G,[.~ ~( r' -~jc~j,C,2) ~~ /.V PGIBG / G S y¢F~`Y 77> ti~~•~ ,c,~~,~ v vE~' ~a . ~•~/~ ~i4.C~E ~- ~~ti~i~u ~ o~J ~ w~~ C/T ~ 2~N~~ /Ar ~~ ~G~LI~J'- f~'T7J JC~~~P Lt~ G,~ I ~ -~~c ~ .% /SSGf~Se What dv you feel your gttak'ficmYans for serving on the Board requested?~ ~Q2 S /ti' PGd(3Ll e ~~}-t=~T~/ ~-2 •7.1~ 7Z~C,~./!J d~ Pd.vC% /rUi~T~ f-,G. What areas of concern would you like trs sae the Board address? /~iL'`/ SEAS Sit c h~ f~'S / u' / "[~E (Cj~LIJTJ-~ ~"/V~ / LrT~.JCJ/~+'V~O~~YG T~/'~ ~ESr /Tl~-ri'I~ G!/10E S~vlC~a Are yvk cirrremly serving vn another B®tvt~ or Conuotrltee appointed by a municipality or a cavunty P ~. f so please / mot: ~~~ ~, ~2 fiats: 7 z(r_- ~ ~ S~nadu2'~,. ~=~T~ „~~--- ~~~ - ..:. _ ~ '/ - ~ ~ V~ ., . ; _ - .. ° `NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ , _ - BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320.Chestnut Street, Room 305 =. ,.. , • _~ ., ° - ~ .•. - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 .. °. • ~ ~ Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 • :. ,~, ::.. . ' ~•` .. _ _ FAX {9 101 34 1-4 130 ,.. • :Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions - ° ~ ' .:.: , ~. A`ppointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~. • ~..o "Request f r Appointme t o: -~''" - .,~ - ~ `Name: ~ _ Home' ' ^~ ~,, How long have you been a ~ f - ~. Address ~~ '~n ~ . ~ CZ/~K~ resident of New Hanover County? • . '~ Meiling Address: .~ ~ . •• ~ ' ° - City,arrd•State. ~ D I `tiCt,~ir~: Zip Code: ~~~a~ - Telephone: Home: ~f ~ _ Z `13 ~ ~ 7 ~ Business: ~~ .. ,:Y ~1 ~ ~. e: . , ' *Sex: ~ ~4 *Race: ' f~Lt~ "Ag - ..• ° 'This information is requested for the o v purpasa~of assuring that across-section of the community is'appointed.. e. "."A person currently employed by the agency or department for.which this application is made, must resign his/her position with NewNanover County upon/ appointment,_in accordance with Article Vl, ec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. 'Job Title: ~~T~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~~~, , : Professional Activities::. . Volunteer Activities: ~ > ' _ .. lNhy°do you wish to serve on the.Board,. Committee, or. Commission requested? .-"~~-~~ ~- ~'• •. . , • ~ ,. ~' ~Whafdo=you feel are your qualifications for serving on the'Board, .Committee, or Commission requested? ~ t ,. •What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, ,Committee, or Cormission address? ~- . _.. ~" `Are you:currentlyaerving on another board or committee appointed bye municipality or a.county? /f so,~pleaselist: .., //~~~~,~ ,~~ `` Date: /~ ~ ~- Z. 1 / ~ - i na re ~ I~GCG~~1 - '- ~ S g to - • ° ° ~ (Please use reverse side for additional comments/ • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/OIlIERS _320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC~ 28401-4093 Telephone (9 f 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards,, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. i . 73of~~D /aOF ~y~'t= ~'or-» l 5s r a nl~ Request far Appointment to: /r / ~f?/ZG~ l~om~U~ ~T7' ~e~pv~~,~~iive Name: ~i¢']e zy ~ ~ ~ ~ m r,~, c~J S Home ~ How long have you been a A Address: _ ~, ~, 9 /)')i4~.,~~ ~EI/ 7J/~ ~ ~ ~ resident of New Hanover Coun.tyl Mailing Address: ~,,a ~ ~~~~ , lrl~ ~,e. City and State: ~ 1. m~~, 7"cs,J ~ Zip Code: _ rx ~'~~/ , Telephone: Home: ~S~- 02~'~ Business: , ~,~ - 3~'3~j "Sex: /J7,4Gt' "Race: ~~+ <~- •Age: ~ 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-sectiom of the community is appointed. ... :. ' »*Employed by: _~~;_q~G,//~'? /"t7u.~Piy- R'y/1~ ~.t ~ h i Gor>7~.4--~~ "A person currently employed by the agency ar department for which this application is made, must resin his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Xanover County Personnei Policy. Job Tit/e: ,~, n~ t odz, s~ V i c e ~do ~~ + n11t-'tea v- . Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the -Board, Committee, or Commission requested? G {~ ~ ~ t 5 ~JCA~Y ~ i 4,S Eh'i /~(,oti,e~s Ty : ~~ /J~f'_ ~ nJ Vot-~ 1 rte, ~.e1 ~~~W l i ti ~ A nJ ~~,xJ ~ty~j c~ixJ ~2_. ~ t3 ~s^.. ~..,~. -t-~. r~= ,i c,~ ~ loo /~1. ~ ~ 'to -z-w~' i ,•r z ~ . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) I~t-e:V ~.~~ZS ~/°CZPa°n~7c ~ tci'/ 76f- FA1 R~nu~! ~ '~ ~ ZJ~ ~ ~SS'~ C tt t ~~ ~~ ~ ~ t7~12~TC~-~' r ~rl~.m,n„~:c What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission.:address?'~~,Q~ ~~o~-~~T ~i~'/~ ~/il-rTi'~tl~j` ~ ~r,~Jhri-CV Prtr~~se•9-_ c~r7~/c= A7/T.d)C/1''~IG3-~.,) lc$S1JGS.~ .' CCiri~Q~L iJLSQ~G Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: - ~~ _ - ~- '~ ~= ~~~ ~ t~ Signature j /Please use re.v rse side for additions/ comments) , ,'; j ;~ j~ ~ .. l COMMITTEE- APPOINTMENTS BOARD.OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS -- VACANCIES: 1 -MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS II Vacancies were advertised and no new applications were received. However, the current member would be glad to serve another term. ELIGIBLE FOR _. APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS II /Carl Ricky Glover X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ,Application ,, -.. ~_ .:. ', .BOARD OF MECHANICAI: ERASV]TNER~ ~ , .. w ~... .. hTumber of Members: six members appointed by the Board of Commissioners, each with at leastr ``~ S~years experience in his field; as follows: ... n ~' ~ ~ 2 mechanical contractors licensed by the Board of Plumbing and Heating Contractors -~' ~: ~ of'N. C.. .. _ . 1 ~ .- person experienced in gas piping installations ~ ; . - . `-1. person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems .r , a .~ - - 1 ; person experienced in heat, ventilation and air Conditioning installations. ~~ . 1 ~ ; N.' C. Registered: Mechanical Engineer , ; _ , _ - .y , ,`;.r ~, . ~ . ~ Terms of Office: ~ Initially, two .years for mechanical contractors, one.year for remaining- three ~. appointees. Subsequent terms: Upon expiration of one-year terms: 2 years '~ Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five years of experience in his or her. _ representative field. .- ,. _ . C®inpensation: 'none ~ ~ , . . . ~ ~' ~ ~ :. . ; _ Ite lar Meetin .The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. ~ ~ , °~ 'Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 153A-352, New I-Ianover Coun Code ~' °~ . Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work"; dated"7/20/87 and arriendment dated 12/19/88. ~ ~. .. the ef~ouna n ~idO~ : To tissue certificates to all persons who (1) provide 'satisfactory evidence to . g g their training and education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, ,and (3). provide evidence of two. years of experience in their perspective .fields. To administer written or oral examination quarterly on the first Tuesday:in January; April; July and . .October.. The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with, the County Code. ~ ~ _ - ,. .. , .. . TERM ~ TERM . .:. , , CITJE2RINT. MEMBERS - ~ CATEGORY SERVING... ~ EXPIRES . y.. .David Pope :Mechanical .. Third _ ~ 8-31-2001 `~ _ : .609 Shawnee-Trail ~ Contractor . `, ,; . ,/ Wilmington, NC 28412 ~ ~ :: a (APPt 9/18/95)... ~ , . ,. = ~ _ 799-2387(T~ 763-73.18(V~ . , - (Reappt. 8/ 18/97; 8/ 16/99) . . . ,' .. ., ~ ; _ ~ Latry W, Lisk Mechanical Fourth 8-31 2001- . ,.. _ . ~ . _ ` ~ 5600 Marsh Bay Drive: ~ Contractor . ,. '- - Wilmington, NC 28409 . (Appt. 8/16/93) ~ , - `:,- '350-0370 799-8810 , " , , - (~ (W) ~~ (Reappt. 9/18/95; 8%18/97,. 8/16/99) - ~. ' . ~ . ` . . , ,. $. = ~ . .. i _. _ ~ ~ ~ - ` . (Reappt. 8/19/96, 8/lb/99) David Sims NC Registered ~ Sixth' 8-31-2001 2721 Shandy Lane Mechanical, Eng. Wilmington, NC 28409 (Reappt. 8/16/93) 350-0316 (~ 791-8016 '(VV) (Reappt. 9/ 18/95, 8/ 18/97; 8/ 16/99) 8/99. . 1MECHANIC .. Staff Support: Wes Gray, Chief Mechanical Inspector .., ._ . ,,.. . ~ (~ual'ity -alias , dip i-rig, max .= •g16 7~'~-9b~4 ,Jai 1~ 'i3T' 01~-3~.- 1~1' ' <.., .. •. ` . lil~W H,QtV~~/FR CC,aUNTY - ,. - • ~'0.,4RD C.~~ C(~M1YIISSl~tVFf~'S . - • . •'~. . . ,,• .. ~Zt7 Chest~nu~' Streef, Room' 305 - . - _.. ,,r ~ ,~ ~~ ,. ' '_ ; ,. Wilmington, NC 28401-093 - . • Telephone !9101 341-7149 k P 1=AX l~io! 34T-4730 ' ," Appllcatlan for Appoln[menf to Boards, Cammlttees, and Cvmmissions • , . ~ Appointed by the Blew Hanover.Ct,tinty Board of CnmmissionerS. - Request forAppolnrment to: iy C~~ ~~Cf~~~/C ~''- ~r~~~l~ . tv8me:~~~7 /~~~ /~-,~ C ~ ~ ~~ r'-.~_~ .L~.,.~/~ ~ ~ G ~S ~ ~` O (.l ~C' 1~~. y h~ f~}/ , tfotne ,' .I 1 / . ~t ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~,] Now lord have you been a . ••-"., •- 1G'1~ r~ ~" / 1~ ,~-.- resident of Mevo~~ltmover Cotmtyr ~ • ~ . .. Mailing :4 ddress: L~~/C L ~' 1' ~~~' - • _ ~,~/ ~j .~ City a ~ ~ ~~.~'~t/ ~ ~`7`!~ ~/~/~r'~ , /.`I~' C -' rrp -Code: ~r~.~, nd•State• c~ r~ ^ 7'e/ephene: .Home: ~~~ ,~.,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Business: • ~~+~ - ~~ ,~, '- ~~i .G~ "~ f ., •, °Sex ~~ ~ "Race: • "Aoe:` _ ~fri - •Th~Et bafonnatlan is l8qursted for tha so!$ p ase of sssurin® that a crusssectio,Z of tha c mrnunity is appointed. • "•A'pe~nn enrrwrtly arfrp,i~ysd by th• lapency or dapart~hrc this nppticeticn 1i de, must sign his/herpositipn vVittt 1Vrw Nanpver County upon appfoln/rmvnr, to eccwdnms with Article VY, Sec. 4 of thv Now Hanover County Parsannet f`obcy. • • Jab Ti tiB' _~C ~~ ~"~"+~~ 1~-~~~~ / . ~i~ ~ ~C7 -PrpfessiorralActivitigs: __[~(g IV~E /~- ~ l.,~'' j /'~ l_"-'~ - `- VQlunteerActivitiss: r~~./ l"+ ~f ~ ~/ a Why do•you Wish fa serve an the Board, Committee, ar t;ornmission requested? •~Q ~~ ,~~~G./,~~. O .; 'J - What do youfeel ere.your qu87ifiCatigns for.servin9 on the Boerd, Committee, or Commission requested? Wi~at areas of concern wocdd -you /ike i0 see the Board, Committee, or Commiss~ion address? ~Y,~~ - o r~u x~ ~>7-E S7`~'t~~l~,~_,~T"/f t~~4Ti~~--' ,~~.r~ ft/I.~.wl~.~yts"' - ,• lire, you ourrently.servin~ on 8notherboard or Committee appointed by a munlCrpa/try or a Courtry~ !f so, please 71st: ... !V _ ~~. - - /' ' Date: ~_' ~' / '- ~ I : . ` Sipnaiure ~ ,` t -~ C!~C'~.... • ~ . ' o~ ..~-p. s (Pt.~so usa ravarse side fer addttlonai comment?! , , - ;. . ., • •., ~• ., ,.• ; . .. • w - •-' ,, _. ,. .. • .~ .~ - .. , Y _ .. .. of KuRF 3 `~ • ~ ~OW1~ OF .KLIRE BEACH 117 SETTLERS LANE • POST OFFICE BOX 3 • KURE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 28449 O9T ~~~~ TELEPHONE (910) 458-8216 • FAX (910) 458-7421 ti CARS ~. ~ - July I8, 2000 Chairman Bill Caster _ New Hanover County Board ' of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401- 4093 Dear Chairman Caster: Please be advised that at our June 27, 2000 Council Meeting, Mr. Tim Fuller volunteered and was appointed by Council to serve as the Kure Beach member of the Citizen Solid Waste Advisory Board. As noted in the Resolution, we request ,that you consider Mr. Fuller's appointment to the Board. Mr. Fuller`s address is 133 Settlers Lane, Kure Beach, NC 28449, phone number (910) 458-6900. .Sincerely, ? ~ - ~~ ' Frances S. Jones Town~Clerk/Treas. ' 74 ~fll i Q ,I,~~ hr~y cra~.~,~.~rn r~, ~~ -,~~ ./ f~ . . . NEW H.4NOVER COUNTY ~:_~; U ~u~ BOAR® OF .COMMISSIONERS - +''V ~ 9 2~^t~` e. ...320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ '~ ' ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 2840 ? -4093 ;'~~~ HANGV~R CO, . - ~ Telephone (910).341-7149 8^: OF CCn~',~,"lS;,!C~~~RS, - ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ,. ~~ ~ Application for Appointment to hoards, .Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hangver County Board of Commissioners. .i. Request fo/Appointment to: ".V~j ~QlJ~l~'T.~'~~ ~c?tcvL J I~ ~ /, jr, _ ! It ~ ~;~ L - Name: '~~~Y eYt ~Y' i Nome ~ How long have you been a `..,,Address. ,. - . ~ _ _ , .. ~~~ ~~/~" ~~ ~/) (~ resident ofNewHanover County?~ U `` 'MailingAddress ~'~.~ ~u S.V1lY! ~ . ~ • ~ ~ v~ . a ,.. _ . . J / -',City,andState=, ~lJ/I YY1/yl9 ~-.1.; /~C Zip Code: ~~~0 7 ~~ Telephone: Home: ~ . . . `7 ~Q - ~ T 1 ~ ~ c'~ ~. ~J Business: /VfI' P . - "Sex` . k~y~d~~ "Race:. C~~'C~ Z!B-t--1 ~ "Age:. 7~ - . 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Employed by:•. - . . .~ °'A`peison currant/y employed by the a enc or de artment for which this a !i - 9 Y P pp cotton is made, mustrestgn hts/herposition with _ New Hanover County upon. appointment, in~accordancra with Artic/s Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Coun lty Peersonnel Po/icy. ' . Job Title: /~2 ~t:Y~a- d-i,•~~ r~'~dl ~~V~YV!/vlfti~dS aK ~YIUvZ~yld1~P.~.(,t~t ~ ~~ q ~ - ~, ~ -,' .:. • J ` ~ Professional Activities. ~ ~ ~= ~refcL> ~ ` ~©~~L` • VolunteerActivities: i~lG~~?~~(~t~(1/dtzLt.2c~ ~s /T r,~ C~r.~ ~J~I ~a~2,~t~~ ~_~ivt~7~ - , gXr~c4lrin. G~d~c~ `xl~/~S~r~td~y~t (~o~$/ ~ ~'~r ' Wh do ou~wish fo serve on the Board, ~/ Y Y. Clommittee, or Commission requested. u.~,v, f,,,~• u,;` L(~ lam. '~i.[.y' Cam" w,'I ' ~Y(Cl ~r ~i,~:~(~ t ~ ', Cl ~ ~ a~ /s it . ~ , ~~ c ~ .~e-~~~ iNha do~feelar y your qualifications fo/ serving on the Board,. Committee, or•Commission requested? .1fL~ d~~ % ~2:i d~.+~ }",~i~.Q kcu.~e ~~~ ~c (-iz~e~~r-rt-~c,~ed rte- ` ~ ~ • ~;' •z~c~.~ C~x~~, - .,-.What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? t!~G~'~ I ~G ~ [.~= . ' ~~h Fy ~o,~-t ~a.v-2 ~G~d ./t..ecc--~wh~e:,.t~1.of~'oz~5 ~~:Q'cl _-E% ' z : cvln 221 wr, /~ "J S~c^-~n.~-E 5 {-u ~i a~ d 5.-e.-~ + ~ ,Se-t-~-+,e. ice. cvt..~. -P,~-~- 1~ d , Are, you current/y servi' on another board or committee' appointed by a municipality of a'county? /f so, please list: . _ . . ~ - ,.. .., • . .• •~ - .. - ~. ~ E ` pate: .. -°. .. Si~ria;ure -_ /Please use reverse side for additional cni»menis/ -.. .. ' REFERENCES: ~ . Please provide three loca/personal references: - ~ Name Phone Number r 3. r~r~c~t K:e ~ 170 /~~~s ~~nces-=c~-i~•~ 5 C~u< ~ ~~/~ -OS 7,~ .Applicant: ~!XA~-~ (J2 ~ - -. a ~ - oa ~ S~ ~~~ ~ ~c.,~. v l _ _ 5 d ~ X70 S~ Gvz~,, ~S ~~yc~~7r~ . -~ .~~ _ ~ - .- , 76 NEW IIANOVER COMNIISSION FOR .WOMEN Number of Members: 17 7 Appointed by County Commissioners 7 Appointed by City Council 3 Appointed by Beach Councils Terms of Office: Three years -may not serve two consecutive terms without an intervening period of one year. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the YWCA, 2515 S. College Road: Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of March 6, 1978, Minute Book 18, page 177. Name Change on January 22, 1991. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21/94. Brief on Functions: To identify -the status of women in New Hanover County by assembling existing information, conducting original research, and other appropriate activities. To disseminate information on the status of women to the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Wilmington City Council, Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, Carolina Beach. and Kure Beach Town Councils and to the people of New Hanover County, and to recommend appropriate action regarding the status of women and to prepare an annual report to give to the aforementioned governing bodies. To promote the development of the potential of each. woman. To increase public understanding of the problems, needs, .and abilities of women, and to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the above. CURRENT MEMBERS Christina L. Adams 3217 Bragg Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 397-0576 (H) 392-5100 (W) Donna H. Grady 5712 Oak Bluff Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 392-0667 (H) 233-5126 (VV) ' Leslie Hossfeld 4710 Park Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 7 S 392-0750 (H) ,-, TERM PRESENTLY TERM 'SERVING ' ' - EXPIRES Unexpired 5/31/2002 (Appt. 5/22/00) Unexpired 5/31/2001 (Apps. 5/22/00) Unexpired (Appt. 5/22/00) 5/31/2001 ~, . ,::, . ~ ~ .' 7 1 ~ ~ ~_ . . - - , .. . . ~ - _ " _ .. . t ~ .'~: .' NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR tiVOMEN (CONTINUED) r ~ . ~ _ .. .. .. . - "" TERM •_ . ., :._ PRESENTLY TERM . ,CURRENT MEMBERS' ~" ~ ~ SERVING EXPIltES ' . . Maril n A. M onnell' y ~ ~ First ' 5/31/2001 " ~ ..~ja.,~cw-~-- 2000 Spin er Place . - Wilmi on NC 28405 (APPointed 5/18/98). . , ~ D(~ .. . 25 630(H) 256-0067 • _ . ~ . :. ~ .... ~Trude Re ck .. ~~al, ~ - First ~ " 5/31/2002 _ ~ 5924 ester Street 'min ton NC 28405 ~~ ~ / ~ D 8 1 {A oi t d 8/17/98 R 5%1 ~, ~ pp n e , eappt. 7/99) 91-3726(H) ,- , .. . . .Patricia Tate " ~' ~ ~ ~ First 5/31/2003 ~,• ~" ; 1617 Rockhill. Road .:' Castle Rayne, NG 28429 _, . •. 602-7075. (H) 343-4480(W) , (Apps. 6/21/99, Reapp. 5/22/00). Dolores NI. Williams ; - ~ ~ 2 " First ~ 5/31/ 001 • ~ 3113 Joe Wheeler Drive ~ ~ , ~ "., .Wilmington, NC " 28409 : ~ ~ _ (Apps. 5/15/95, Reappt. 5/18/98) . . . 452'-7150(H) 341-7820~z~ ' Citv~~of Wilmin ton Appointees :~ ~ Laura Egeln `~ " Katherine Gaskins • . Sandra S. Hughes . ~ . a. - . - Lois` S teele.. • " Patrice Tomlin ~ ~ - • Yvonne Pagan, President 3924 Hoggard Drive, Wilmington; NC 28403 ~: . ....452-3063 (H) 763-3524 (VV) . n Carolina Beach Ati~ointee • :. ' ~; .. . E. Karen La Manna Kalish ~ f .. , ` - .. ~ Kure Beach Appointee ~ ~~ . ~ • • Jean` Mabe ~ : ,. " ~ . ° Wrightsville Beach Appointee ' . , ~. - .. - .. • ~ h: , ~ Sandra Morris, 245. Beech Street, Wilmington, NC ~ 28405 ~ ' ~ ' ' .. 256-0005(H) ~ ". Appt. by Commissioners 6/17/96 Fil \W 0 - ; e: omen . S/0 Subj: Re: Resignation from board Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 4:00:46 AM From: THMARILYN To: NHComWomen _ Dear Yvonne and Group: . ~. I It is with much regret that- I must resign from the Commission effective in August for several reasons: 1. , Board election to Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau effective July 1, 2000 -June 2003 2. ~ Board election to DARE, Inc. (Downtown Area Revitalization Effort) effective June 28. 3. Elected as Board Secretary of the DWA {Downtown Wilmington _ Association) effective June 21. This meeting time is same as NHCW - 3rd Wed at 6pm. 4. ~ Job expansion to cover Myrtle Beach and Southeast Coast of NC for LeisureSouth, a travel marketing/publishing firm focused on targeting visitors to the Southeast Coast. As I also own and market TRAVELHOST Visitor Guide, you can see I have a fu11 plate of actiVities'at this time. I am also on the Wilmington Railroad Museum board and am focusing an fundraising for that museum and for DARE. ( appreciate the opportunity to serve with New Hanover Commission for Women and the exposure to a terrific group of women. This experience bath educated me and assisted me in gaining some of these other coveted board positions. The goad news is that I will remain very much involved in city/county efforts for tourism and business in downtown Wilmington. My sincere wishes for the continued success of New Hanover Commission for Women and hope that "Dress for Success" will'' succeed at some time in the near future -- if this project begins to ,move, please notify me so I can help with this project near and dear to my heart. If you would like #o reach ms to share any input regarding the CVB or downtown issues, please use my e-mail THMarilyn@aol.com or call me at 256-0067. Please keep me posted on women's issues and NHCW events as I still care about the issues being addressed by Phis valuable Board. ~r1 h 7/13/2000 America Online :NHComWomen Page 1 80' ~~~a~w.~e~~ ,) 1t . S~3NOiSS10~ H M3N 8 '00 2~31~ ~~~~~~~ ~o~~~ r~~~co~~rr~~,~~~ ~p~j~ 3~?Q Ch~s~nut srr l3t~orn 3t75 Wilr~i>ygtan, IYC 28407-~4l7~3 r,cne rsrvt ~ar{~r~.~ - fidlJ~ t9fQJ gar-a~~O rn.: ~ ne-.ra..~lnorG Ap'J®ficatinn frar A~por'iifxrreiat tie ~3oa~tvcfsr ~or~rr-itta~, and Caar~rlss~an~ .~~bv47o~rtaaf by Abp /V~ww+ Harro~r Cannty ~aa~rd of Cc-airrassslaaners. ~c~'c; ~3C f ~! ~•M1tt~;''nit~enr ra: ,y(_ n tltrp r t^nnnt-y (~ltimtYl'i n ti n .~. ~i' Tow+~wTM.~.~j Me~mQ _ - ~_ - -- ,yaw b>rv nlow60 5+tiu b~dn 1 ~~ Addr-~;.:,: ,,,^.. ,,~,. :~ ~: a the.~bY _Qo~a r~~._.: , ~_~.,, n~mdarrr ~f Po"aw ttano~-er ~rnr? 19 month s ~Cl~~r~'~?~att~t Wi.]:tnington N 2T~Cod~r~.}Q5 7'elaahaao: Home: 790-36 °Srir_ Female `}?revs Wh i °°.4 ps: ~ • "This inhabtFnoa is,ngµwe/rd 14v otiw Yelo Pevppap of ~.~ ~at~dRp N+rt o croswr^cUo~ of t~os cnemn~yrN}y }~ ~ e.,- ,. ~y~•('~j / x: ~~,~c ;, ,.; v i r': C ~, t Y o ~ e" .k_~J.m-~-~.il_~-P D 1 'i c~ a ~, m t~ n f- ~ /1 " f3 F-. ~.:h, :.~~s~raa~'}r er,~,yod ~ ahi PgWIOa-vt dgp~e~9l~gell~ISa-1MM6q ~ o~Aip~ /iT lllsd.. +~-Aeil7lbl /it~yAlp~ h6sr ~"~,~.~:~ ~arxe i~ ~oelUaer wfUr PY 8p~p0iilhrrMre fA 149aWs14a~a~e wio4 Artistm SR, .'fay, +R o/ dtiw I1Voa..ldareavm 4buo-4}t ~/edi+esm /~.ifey, •+'~Q i ~,i3~: P ~ D rr~.~r--a~~RP.~I r3.1 ~ - . Professten,$/~crr'vltlasr: _ :Currently none- PYevi Q ~s1 y QhamhPr o~ c+nmmar~.~~~- , n,~„~~-ry related oxgan~.zations t~olr~r,,._M, .4~,fl.rf~.s Church~chair~er~c,n -Fnr fr•~1 ~,ow~~.; n ~ - nvi rn V4~~ ~ ygu w.~lt to ,rive ara the BAarN G'~+t+~»irt1.°C, or Commfssfoa r~uesred?' the eontmunity and am a new houi~ownex who wound li ~ a:r ,fluent lri Sban9.sh wri fo .~,Y-,,.,.Q n~ -,~,A r~Yf-oT goJert~lilent experience. and t~,~re da y~cao Pr=a! dra y~vr q~ficetrv~s for servk~rv ar, rite Beam. ComrruYre~ yr Ca~ssiao- ~e0oesredP' _ s am respons;ble, honest, int-P~t4~r~nf° ~~.~;~a-~ R RL['~ Ann' rAT1!'tir rn :r~~4$ Wlter argtas ~+`aaF~oerlp warrJd yor! !/ka to say the $aard, Ca~.strntraar of Crmmt~stan addiessP e hens. S Is ves elated to Ec2ucation health Gare Em l.o merit Mentoring, ' Filriroi~tuenta7,, Quality of Living Ato 7ro~~ ettrr~r~rly 4drvlliry Cee~ rnarh9/ beard p/ eammitrCr aiopptrrred bY. a n~ustfe/jDaldtp or ~- ~Yr !f so, plBe~se !a+':~ Nane .-_. ~ ~ date: 5/1 X /00 ~p~rar~ ~~~ lm+•a+ wra rP.r«ve .pld s ttor odyiirragN oarr.,+wrarr 82 ~ \_,,f T e'Ar.1 ~ J JCT !/'^~ n~i'a i"!T le'+A Iris. ';J ~=.L~ 1`~~~i 0 Y ~ ~ `~' NFW HAN4 ilFR COUNTY BOARD OF- C4/Vl~'i~l/SSIONFRS - -- - - . , _ . _- ~ - '!~W HAMM SSIG"~ RS ~ 32Q Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ - 8D. OF Co Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te%phone f9J01 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 <}~~ ; T 1'c-s'~ ~cy,,,o t-e...- - - App/icatiorr for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions .4ppoin~ted by the 1Vew Hanover Ceunty Board of Commissioners. Request for ApQoin-tment to: ~e Gt~ ~~n Ove,^ ~om ,~ / SSf O ~- ,,, ~~ ~~ Name: ., 1'U I ~ ~ /'1 ~~' :~~ ~ -- Name n ~I Now /ong have you been a .odd"ass: 3 L~~ /~~ ~ ~tT?C~ /< G7 resident or New Hanover County? y Mailing A ddress: 3 ~"/ ~ ~~, ~ ~,-~ i-,r ,~'rl City and Stare: G,(~'~~~/`~')/ y7 (/f~''Y7 ~ Z%p Code: ~Sj Ll~ 5 ~-7 ~ _ i Telephone: Home: ! ~~' ~~"~,~ ~ Business: ~~~~ - -~. , _ 'Sex: ~J "Race: ~ °Age: ~ ,~ - 'This information is requested far the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyed by: ".2 person currently amp/oyed by rho agent/ or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nartover Caunry upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Han6var Caunry Personnel Folic/ Job Tit/e: "~- +'rofeasaeura/Activities: ~/o/unteer Activities: 'e you currently serving on another board o committee appointed b y a municrpa/ity or a county? /f so, p/ease list: ~~ - e te: ~ Signature ~c.~/ .~`" ease use rev rs.e si for additiana/ comments! ~nar areas or concern wou/d you /ike to sec the Board, Committee, or Commi"scion address? .. ,, Nhy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission reouesred? ~; 5 Julie Anne Sax 346 Mil, ford Road ~1»ungton, NC 28405. . 910-791-0423 1 Objective: To secure a position with an arganizafion o,~fering a variety of challenging experiences arrd opportunities utilizing my management, sales, marketing, interpersonal and leadership skills. Profess Tonal Experience Sheraton Four Points Hotei .August 1999-May 2000 Director of Sales Wilmington, NC Responsible for total sales and marketing efforts fora 124 room property, 8000 square feet meeting facility in resort area. i Promotion through outside sales calls to local companies, educational institutions and retail stores. i Directly supervised sales coordinator 1 Sales and activity reports as required by management. Operated as Manager on Duty as required by management. \ Summit Hospitality -Hampton Inn & Suites, Residence Inn by Marriott .January 1999-August 1999 General manager in training for Hampton Inn & Suites Landfall Director of Sales-Operations Manager for Residence Inn by Marriott Landfall Business Center Wilmington, NC Please advise ,. Courtyard By Marriott - Meristar Hotel Company February 1998-January 1999 Director of Sales W ilmington, NC Responsible for total sales and marketing efforts fora 128 room property, 3000 square feet meeting facility in resort area. Promotion through outside sales calls to Iacal companies, educational institutions and retail stores. i Directly supervised sales coordinator. Sales and activity reports as required by management on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis. Operated as Manager on Duty as required by management biweekly. 86 ~ ..~ _ y Comfort Inn - Meristar Hotel Company ,- ~ October 1996-Janauary 1998. - _ Sales Manager ~ , ' . Wilmington, NC .. • ~. Responsible •for`total sales and marketing .efforts fora 128 room property, 3000 square feet ~ . ` - . ~5' meeting facility in resort area. .~ . _ ~ ; ' Same as above - . "Hampton Inn Southern Panes - Meristar Hotel Company March 1996-October 1996 ~ ' 'Sales Manager ' ' ~ Southern Pines, NC - ` - Responsible for total sales and marketing efforts fora 126-room property, 600 square feet meeting . facility in golf esort area. ._ .. Same as above - .. , Homewood Suites Hotel - Meristar Hotel'Company January' 1994-March 1996 .~ ." • , Banquet Sales Manager' ;. ~ .... ' .. Cary,1VC ~. ~- . .. Responsible"for hotels' inside sales for all catered functions ~ ~ ~" _ . Maintained accurate forecast of customers. volume for the Food.& Beverage department ,; "~_ Complete- involvement in .client and staff communications before, during;. and after ` ~ " ;functions/conventions to ensure and monitorservice levels and customer satisfaction. Sheraton Canadaigua Resort November 1990-August 1993 ` ' ' - ~• ° Night Auditor/ Guest Service Representative • ' _ Canadaigua, NY _ ' Preformed-all functions of a manual night audit - • " `- ~ ~ .-Performed all front desk duties ' ' - ' ~. ' . Education ~ '~ ~ ~ 1990-1993 _. , ..Finger Lakes Community Colleges ~ ~ • • . Canadaigua; ANY '. , . Associates In Applied Science HoteUResort Management , ` ~ ' • Associates )n Applied Science TraveUTourism Management ' ' "' • -Professional Members-hips ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ' Chairperson Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Ambassador's Club ~ ~ 1999 ~ ' . ' • ~~ Red Cross Volunteer ~ 1996 Present ' . „ ._, . ^Past Vice-President of Wilmington's Business & Professional Women's Organization 1:99.7=1998 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ~ `-'' HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2 VACANCIES .~ APPLICANTS: ~--1~'i11is C. Baker Rev. John Fredlaw . Lawrence A. Harvey Aaron J. Holmes, Sr. o n A. Ranalii . ~ - Mr. Achilles has expressed an interest in serving, a third term if the Board desired.. . ~ . Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications _ _. ~ . i ... 88 - _ .. 4 1 . ~[IUMAN: SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMNIITTEE . t_ . .. . ;~ Number of Members:. 11, 6 At-Large Members sf 6 Representatives from. the following agencies: ~ ~ ~ ... s ~ Health Department . ~. Public Schools LL . -- ~ Southeastern Center Department of Social Services ::;.. ~ . .United Way _ ,. ~ , . _ . ' ~. . " -Term:. Three .years ' = - . ~ Compensation: ,None - " Regular Meetings: Held- in Room 501, County Administration Building at 1:00 p.m. on the . ''.first Thursday of the month,. with additional meetings as agreed upon by the committee members. ,Statute or Cause Creating Committee: Established by Board of County Commissioners on ` :. , July 20, 1987 and August. '1, 1988.. (Increased membership June 6, 1994 -Juvenile,. Courts ` ' . ;Representative) (Increased membership September 16, 1996 to include a minority `; representative.) ~ (Decreased membership February 1, 1999 to eliminate two members: l Juvenile ~ ' ' ' °' 'Courts Representative and .l citizen-at-large.) r `Pearpose: To :advise the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the' most effective . utilization of County General Fund dollars to address the.County's human service needs. (On .. December 21, 1998, the Board of Commissioners established the Juvenile Crime Council to ,. '~ provide Community Based Alternative funding recommendations instead of the HSAAC:) - _. -. ..Qualifications: Interest in or knowledge of County human services system. t. ,. . TERM TERM ` , ' MEMBERS ,.: .. '_ _ ,. .. ~ SERVING. EAPIRES . ~. ' ~ ,Richard, L. Achilles '- .Chairman ~ ~ ... Second ~ b/30/2000.. ~ . .. ,. 8355 Vintage Club Circle ' Wilmington, NC 28405 ~~ :` - (Appt. 7!18/94) - . . . ~ ~. 686-1836{x) ' ... ~ (ReaPPt. 7/2.1/9,7) ... . . -::..Julia. B: H r (Minority Rep.) - First °' 6!30/2000 ~ ~ . 214 gh Road .. W. ington,~ NC 28412 ~ (APPt. 1/21/97) °~ ~ '- ~ 5-2016 (~ ~ , , u `William "K. `Wade e First ~ ~ 6/30/200 i i{ ' , _. 4939 Woods Edge Road a ` ~ ..; Wilmington, NC 28409. ~ (Appt. 2/ 16/98) ._ . ._ , '~ ~ 392-2896 (H) 254=4216 (W) Anna P. Erwin . , First ~ , ~ .....6/30/2001 - ''3519 Stratford Boulevard ~. Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ ~ (Apps. 6/15/98) . ., ~ Q 395=6525 (x)'343-01.81 (VV) - CJ .. .. ~ i . ., .. .. ~IIUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMNIITTEE (COIrt7CINUED) . TERM TERM MEIViBERS SERVING ~ EXPIRES Dennis M. Connor, Jr. First 6/30/2001 721 George Trask Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 11/23/98) 392-3550 (H~ 251-1465 (W) Patricia A. McMahon ~ First " . 6/30/2001 6018 Forest Creek Circle . Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ (Appt. 11/23/98) 799-2753 (H) 452-1799 (VV) Brandon Macsata ~ First 6/30/2(}01• 706 Carolina ch Avenue, Unit 21-B • - . Carolina ch, NC 28428 458-73 ~ 452-1114 ~ D Cape Fear Area United WaX: Vickie Elmore P.O. Box 1503. • Wilmington, NC 28402 251-5020 Ext. 204 Southeastern Center: Carol Trambukis 2023 South i7th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 251-6567 Health Department: Jean McNeil 2029 S. 17th Street • Wilmington, NC 28401 343-4197 Ext. 207 ,Department of Social Services: Christine B. McNamee, Human Services Planner 1650 Greenfield Street Wilmington, NC 28402. , 341-4732 . New Hanover County Public Schools: Annette Murphy 1802 S. 15th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 254-4293 Staff Support: Cameron Griffin, Budget Director 341-7170 ~ • 2/99 File: ~HSAAC 90 r~ - ~ ~~`" , ~ NEVI/ HANOVFR CC)UNT~ ~ ~.~- .: ~ ~' .. -: • ~ /. 2cC~ ~~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS i'~~: ~ i ~%- 1L~~~ . .... . ,,~ f :. ~ . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305.. hEW ' Ct~.~. " B~. of c~ , .,,,,.,,;r~g~ .. - Wilmington; NC 28401-4093.. h`~N` " ' co. . ~B~J. OF ,,_ . ~~;~RS. - Te%phone (9 f 01 341-7149. .. ' ,, „ ,; . .- ` , FAX'Y9 101 34 1-4 130 } Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,' and Comr»issions ., - " Appointed by the-New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~ '~ `" Human Servic"es A1loeation Advisory Board Request fo~Appointment to: _. ,... ~ .. . ,Name: W11is:~C.. Baker ~ :. ~, .. • .Home How long have ou been a .1311 Shenandoah Drive y .: Address: resident of/Vew Hanover bounty? .5 years Mailing Address: 1,311' Shenandoah Drive .City and State: Wilmington,. North. Carolina Zip Code: 284.11 ~ ~. _ ~., ,.. , :.Telephone; - Home: 910-799-3545 Business: ~~®;'~~51_9334. . ~ "Sex: Male. "Race: ,,Af.rician America~ge_ 53 . years old 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is.appointad.. " ~. '•: .. Employed by: New .Handoyer County "A person currently employed by the agency or department for whrch fh~s app/rcatron ~s made, muss resign his/herposflion with ' New'HanoverCounty upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl,' Sec. 4 of-the Naw Hanover County Persanne! Policy. `' Job'Tit/e:•Veterans Service Officer. ProfessionalActivities: Membership: DVA Association, American Legion Post 10, KiT~ranis~.~ -`.`C1ub of Wilmington, National Association of, County Veteran Service Officers. -Vo/unteerActivites:.Council of..Homeless`Veterans, Veterans .Council; Fouth Quarters` _ ,Veterans Board and church'•officer .duties. ,• ~ •' •~ Wh y do you wish to" serve' on the Board, Committee, or Carrimissivn requested? I n . m current o s i ti o n ~, ~~ 'board membershib will enhance my ability to relate to veterans and citizens ,. _ of the county `in which I "serve. ~ ~ .• 'What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Bgard, Committ e, of Commission reques~ed?County resident, ~o~inty em to ee,,conce~n~d citizen .and ~~sire to se y we years off' mzlita~y s~rv~ce in positions of leadership. Over 1•~U~~hours~~` professional: development classes in human relations. Past employment-~rith_N.C. ''' Ass of Commur~ti~s in Schools and State Employment. Security Commission. iNhatareas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Cultural ,. ~.`~sensivty and citizen awareness of impact_on individual, neighborhood end. :. Y P #~= Aye youucurrent/y serving o another b ~' oard or committee. appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ~ ' ~. . , : ~ .- ~ g1~ .. `Date: _Auqust 7~, 2000 Signa re - /!?lease use revaise side for'additiona/ comments)' ' . ., . ..: ~ ., ~ REFERENCES: Please provide three /oca/personal references: , Name Phone Number 1. Jewel Sparrow 910-251-5777 2. Tom:.,.Townsend ~ ~ 910-763-3702 3. Patricia"Melvin 910-815-7003 .~ .App/icant: Willis (Budd) Baker . ~ f - ~ , :. n o. ~- ~ i 11L1~~L4~~~D ` NEW HANOVEf~ COUNTY . , BOARD DE COMl1Il/SS/4NERS ~ ~~~ 0 9 " 2000' ~ ~ . ~. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ` ... ~ ~ Wilmington, NC. 28401-4093 NEW•NA~10'lER CO - Telephone (910J 341-7149 - - - , FAX (9 f 0J 341-4130 ` ~.. App/ication far Appointment to. Boards, Committees, and Commissions " - ` ~ ~ ~ •Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - -Request fo'cAppointmentta Human Service. Allocation Advisory Committee ~ "` '" Name:' •Ra~r ,7nhn Frarll aw .. , Home .How long have you been a . - . _ : Address:" t10 S. 13th Street Wilm. NC' 28401 resident of New Hanover County? 5 ~Yrs;. . Mailing A ddress: p_ n_ R n x 71 S ` -~ ~ ~ n~- ~ .. r ~ F a . City and State: ~" w i 1 m i n gj-_Qn , NC' Zip Code: X 2 8 4 0 2 Telephone: . ~ .Home: (q-1 `~,~ 7 ~ ~ - ~ ~ 4 H Business: (91 0) 7 6 2 = 3 5 4 9 "Sex: , ~ Race: R l a n k "Age: 4 7 ~ : ° - , ' 'This'm ormation is requested far the solepurpose of assuring that"a, cross-section of the community is appointed. - `Employed by: RPt-rPd ~ .. ~ •. ~ " •^A person currently emp/o'yed by the agency or department far which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with n New: Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with sirticie Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Petsonnel Policy. . ° ` Jtib Ti't/e: °~~ ~ ~ s t er " - - ' '~" . Professional Activities: ~ - .`, VoIUl7teerACtly/t%eS: ni.rr~r~i-rjr" p,£ A_ Ali inr~ ~nr~ Mini c~rir~c~ Tnr~ - t Why do you wish to serve. on-the Board,-Committee, or Commission requested? pl-ease ~ See - - ~ ,, ' A t+~ r+hmant . What do.ytu fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ - What :areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ • °` :A"re you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a.county? . /f so, p/ease list: • ~- ~ ~ - - i . 1 ----= ~~ 93 -' .-.Date:: ~ ~ .~ZS Signature (Please use reverse side for additional comments) '° ~ ' } " ~_., Application £or Appointments NEW HANOVEdr' COtTNTY BOARD OF ~'Olil'MI-SSIONE~ZS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Page 1 of 2 ~~~~o~ NE?al HAr,10VER CO. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Human Service Allocation Advisory Committee Name: ~ _ ' Lawrence, A. Harvey How long have you been a resident of New Hanover.County? Since. 19.7 0 Home Address: 1507 Military Cut Off Road Unit 116 Wilmington, NC 28403 .ct~iailing Address: ~~ .Same as above _ City and Srate: W i l m i n g t o n, N C 2 8 4 0 3 Zip Code: Telephone: Home: '" 2 5 6- 8 7 8 6 ,Business: 2 51- 2 6 6 6 *Sex: Ma 1 e *Race: Caucasian *Age: 4 8 ' *This information is requested for. the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: NC Department of Corrections '~* 4 person. carr,-ently employed by the agency or department for .i.t:ich this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance wrih Article YI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Joh Title: Lieutenant Professional Activities: . f~YolunteerActivities: President of the Board of Directors of Wrightsville. VV Sound Village http://www.co.new-hanover.nc:us/CC/applic.htm SL18/00 - ~'• APPlication for. Ap~oint~euts - Page 2 of 2 . . - 1 _ ., ~ Whx do you wish to sen>e on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? - ~ . ': '- ~'. To.-- gain more knowledge on ,the how the county works .and the -. politics . _. , . - involved • _ ~.. . ~hc?~t /~c~ yvt! feel ure your gtuz>!fications for serving cin ty~ Bvaf-c.~ Cvmrnittee, yr Corrtrriissivr! requested? . . ` S .have worked in governmental agencies all my working career to ,. include County, State and Federal.. AS a middle management supervisor ~, -I .have a. interest in how employees. are treated. ,What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ •.:. '_ :__ ~ Not familiar enough with theis committee to make a comment -~~ ~ ,~. V 11 1 ~ Y 1. J ) 1 )i - - •fYPP -7 t /1117 j "rii i i 1 i• •n > 1.~ ,. __r_,o_t cur. entl} servcno on unctker L~urd or cornrrrc...._ u~~verte.z o, cz-mtcrcc~JUCi_, cr u .:ir_crcy ~f su, ~ice.tSe cist: • . .: ,.. ; .: No Dare •. 5.-18 - 0 0 - Sig;tature„ - . ' . ~ ~ Q~Ve .. ~. ~. REFERENCES: • . - - - - - :-ieuie pruve~e ir'tt-ee IvcGl yer~•urcui references: . - - 1'daTTle I'ioT'iL' hliil7ivf',T - ~: • :1. .Stuart Vick .,~ 791-6453 H -- "B 262528.5 ~ .. -• .~ ~ ,.. '• Ennis Oates 395-1074 B .25.1-2666 ~~~ •~ Ray .warren 792-0696 B 452-.7202 - - • • _ .. - .` .. . . - .,97 .. http:/lwww.co.new-l~anover.ne.»s!CCla~plic.ht!~± ~ .• 5/18/00 NEW HANO.t/ER COUNTY. BOAR® OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestncit Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 ` .FAX (9101 341,-4130 . Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for.4ppointment to: ~. _ ... -- - ~~ ~` ~~ Name: ~IQO ~-/ • /`?~~..5 ~Q . Home ~~3 ;~ '~~~~ ~ How long have you been a - Address: ~~ resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: . ~~ U Q f{ ~~ _ _ City and State:. ~r~ /7/~ Co~1~' /Y ~ L-. Zip Code: ~.c~~~ y Telephone: Home:(9/a) a33 _~3~~ _~~-~d 9 Business: #~3`3 --~~3~D // r Sex: /7,/~/~ - Race: ~/~G/~ "Age: "This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-sect on of the community is appointed. "A person current/y employed by the age y or d partment for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/harposition with ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. . Job Title: _ _ ~ ~~~~ , Professional Activities: Lor7®~, ~.,~ ,Sh'`~S "~-~~!//~~.5 (Tfdry~' 9~-~ ~t7~A~ -•~-~/O VolunteerActivities: .----- Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~O f~"S,S /,~ y~-- ~j ~ y What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission.requested? d~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board Committee, or Commission address? Q~ `~ 7`` Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: O 9 8 _ ,y~ ~~ Date: Q / "r ~ S~ Signatur (Please use reverse side far additional comments) ~ - ~1'~.~'2~~~j~g NEW I-/ANOVER COUNTY ~~- -~--y BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS ~~.:: 0 9 1C~~~ . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 NEW HANOVEii C0,\ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 gn. of coMM(SS(ONERS Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4130 Apptication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppoiniment to: _ f~uM,9n1 Sc~ V~~ 5 /9 C I, 0 G.gTTa n) fl'~ V ~ok.~ ~r''lM ~~ Name: Jo,yn~ ~~ ~r4rJ/~-Lr,~ ` Home How long have you been a -~ Address: ~~~ ~ ~r~ 5 Et.(,f}' Gotti2.T resident of New Hanover County? 2 ~~lS Mailing A ddress: 7/0 D 1Csrj S E L L /~ C,v u t2 ~ City and State: (,~$~ M sn~ GTbn~ , ~~ Zip Code: Z 849 - y~f ~ 1 Telephone: Home: ~ J d - 3 I3 = I (~ ~ Z Business:. Rl o ` 3 ~ 3 - '~!~ '°Sex: MF}Lr "Race: CAtitC+~~ `Age: ~Z 'This information is requested for the sa/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~'°Employed by: >J~~J I-~A-n1 t1 Ut7: /~L--7 ~,J!}L ME~sGq-L G~"'n1~T~`~'. "A person currant/y employed by the agency or departmentfor which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~RoGRftM C,vo~A~nfATa~ - coMNru,Jr7-z~S -r-r{~; c.A•,~E Professional Activities: mem bcr o-~ .1 G p C SPSrJ . ~ ~.~ G HRM6ER u)oQCFa2ct PRFPRRr ~D~~SS_ VolunteerActivities: T~F~P.E/Z - rrfjL~ln1 1-lE~r~E Soc~rt/ - P2E5=DEn1T - GRauE Po/n1i ~9~1%7~a,~ IIoLU~~~~. MEJT~ToR- CoMrIIURJ~ M(-DTJ~'T~w C.Fn1~ rfon-t~o~v~r~ r?ss~%~~~r.J Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~s,~z -fin help 7~c_ CLltl!!~ 1'Y1gX/ryJ/Z~ / ~ ~~S'a e,c/'Ce J '~ Gy7rlrrttl~Ji 7~! ~'~~I~~c~7~d~.S l.~lhi fG I~Jlrlirr+i~iT_ ~upli'ce><i~r+ o ~ P ~~" ~,rrd ur's~~ grfi~rcrsh:~s ~.+J~e/'e aP,o%30~ tee What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, .Committee, or Commission requested) kn~ ~ D~ Atd.St ~?'~tAiZa7s~.s Qr~ ThG/ ~ /.Sonn~~/Qros~~~ S floirrirfg ~n G/q`uafiar~ ~fca~x~5 ` 'What areas: of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? cvr,~,rt un~ c.6~1~ Wi ~i Or/~~ ~yG.l 7 ~ira~~ng S~/~c~S fi wrr.(C r»~•Y'Lr GollG6~a ~7</e! V/.SJu» ~+ 5~- caman~t.,i~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: -~~ JC /~G - Caen, ~ - D~t~,r~ ~/ ~li+/~ lv i Z X00 Signature (Please use reverse side for additional comments) COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL " Vacancies are in the following categories: AIA /Engineer Commercial Builder " Residential Builder / WCFHBA Member (Unexpired term) Mechanical Contractor Plumbing Contractor , " Terms are three years. ! APPLICANTS ELIGIBLE FOR CATEGORY REAPPOINTMENT ,Merry Davis AIA/Engineer X Elias J. (E. J.) Marsh Architect/Engineer G. Dale McGee Commercial Builder Bruce L. McGuire " Commercial Builder -~.-"-Chuck Miller Commercial Builder X James E. Kenny Residential Builder Thomas I:. Crittenden, Jr. Mechanical Contractor r--~obert H. Williams Mechanical Contractor dames Miller Plumbing Contractor X Attachments: Information Sheet Applications 102 J INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed by Board of Commissioners Terms of Office: Appointments are made for three-year terms. Initially, four members will serve : • - two-year terms and four members will serve three-year terms. ,, Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and- may, at its discretion, establish' [ . amore frequent- meeting schedule. . ".. ` • Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners establish the Council on June 15, 1998..> ` Increased membership to 8 on July 13, 1998. . TPurposes The .Council will provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to.ensure ~ " • ~ - ".consistent,.. timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover d fi County. ~ _ a _ - . TE]KNI . ` "CURRENT ,MEMBERS PRESENTLY TERM . CATEGORY SERVING " EXPIRES ~ • • ~ Terrance W: e Residential Builder First 7/31/01 2314: Wav : y Drive ~ ~ ,~,Q _ ~ x Wilm' ton, NC 28403 ~`~'°'~-~'"`"~ Appointed 7/13%98. 7 -4677 (H) 392-0620 (W) ~~ S~DO - . Rhonda F: Beck . - ;. -, Mechanical Contractor First 7/3.1/00 5414 Andover Road• '. - : _ Wilmington, NC 28403 • ~ Appointed 7/13/98.:: • . .....395-1455 (H) 452-1064 (W) .. '~ James H.; Bordeaux . - ~ At-Large. Citizen ` First ~ 7/31/0,1 s ,4"115 Cape Landing.Road ' Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~ ~ . ._ ,Appointed 7/13/98 ` ~ • 675=8912 {H) 675=52.10 (W) , ; :. ..' ` Pe Davis ~' AIA/Engineer First 7/31/00 ` -3963 MarketStreet • ~ Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appointed 7/13/98` 3.95-.1002 (H) 772-9600 (W) . . , . ' ~ •, Joel Macon ; . , .. ~ ~ - • ~ At-Large Citizen ~" First. ~~ 7/31/01 P.O. Box 413 '~. - '~~Carolina Beach; NC 28428 ~ ~" Appointed 7/13/98. , r ` 458.--6929 (H) 458-8899 (VV) ` ." ---^:.~ • ,103 .~ ... .. . INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (Cont.) ' TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES Chuck Miller. Commercial Builder First 7/31/00. ` ~ 1012 Bozeman Road i Wilmington, NC 28412 Appointed 7/13/98 791-0921 (H) 791-8272 (VV) James Miller ' Plumbing Contractor First 7/31/00 ~ 5717 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, NC 28412 ~ Appointed 7/13/98 ' 392-6123 (H) 799-4857 (VV) _ v Ronald Edward Williams Electrical Contractor First 7/31/01 6413 Sentry Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 Appointed 7/13!98 392-7889 (H/W) Staff Support: Jay Graham, Director of Inspections Department j File: Inspect ~ .. 104 ,, ..- , ~.. -~.~., .tea : nor J11Eilf/ ~1r41VOV~R COtIlVTY _ ~o~s~® a~ co~n~rrssec~N.~Rs 320 Chesatnut .Streetr Roam 303 VYrlmington, NC 28'401-3493 Telephone f91 bl 341-71x9 ' SAX /810) 3df•d 130 Appllcatb~ far .4ppoiratrtt~n! tO Bawds, Cammidises, and! C~mmissiorrs APFolnied by the New Manovgi CoyntyBo3rd of Cemmcssjaners. Request /oiAppcrrrtmEnr ra: II`tSl?EC'£I01`lS DEI'ARZZ$NT ADrVISORY a7(JNCTL Home ~ ~ g }a , l ~ ~~. ._ _ _._. -How long havQ ypu been e ,} ~ ~~ AddrE51: t-t t~b~ resident olNcw l~dnover C.ountyi `-r' rKar7lnp AOtNess: `~ to3 r~,~~~ ~ 13,..k~~...... .~ City a»d Crete: ~~ 1 ~.#~ 11~4'{~-~-~ 1..~ G.. ,?;p ~ooe: 2 ~~2_. _ Talaphortr: Horne: _ ~'~rj - ~ O ~.. ~ ~ 8usirtaiss: `T'?Z' ~ (,pc70 •sex: ~"`~ -trace: ~ ~ l'1~ °ftve: ~ 5 ~ ~ ,- "Ttda ,nrnsrRStran !e rr~u®~rad /x tM iol. ~ P• ~ ~sw+nrr Mar a cro.oy-iY6r70? Ot II4a Rnrttmurtiry fi appahraa: ..E'mpfored by: _G-~'~~ ~'"'~ ~= ~!-~'l~~~Gl' ~ ~~cG' • 'A Awvmn nr-lsntlY «+jp~yY+! by Dh~ a~seesy errryerrmintRar trlyeA Ibis ~eit/or et RHda, mureroriyn kYl~lKpasraw~ s.r'tA New FrrnovM Covrlry u,Pan agpyeinUr:.nG iin Nccnsdanca wru-I1r~sle Vr, Sac a arth+r NewNsnaver Courrrr f'r.ionrwrPbh'ey. ,_'. 1 Jo@ Ti'rle: ~-7 ~--(D Pfofgss~onalACJrvlr/as: -Lr~--r3~~iat-~•.t.._.. ~~ VO/urrrBtrr4Ctiviries: - Why do you wish ro save an the Board, ,Committee, or CamrrrissiQn reouested,~ ~O ,,_l~~'E ~'~j p~`~ .~ ~F-1. ~c-~4~ E~ ~~ l~Tt U~t What da you feel are your grralifiiGariorfs for serving on the Board, Comrnittse, or ~ommiSSiorr requested? ~ r~~~t~~ 1i--4- X51 Prz~T~-i.... G~4-}~, ~~r~ ~', ~~h-t~ What Dress o/ conccm waulQ yQrr like ra sae u4e Board, Comntitres, or Corltrnrssioa address T. ' ~o D~~f ~ ~ ~ Cd 4~15i~r~T i~L't'I7L~F!G'-! ~,~E- Are you cw`rentfy serving GR enotherbaard Or committee appointed 6y a rrlunicipality Or p CpuntyT !f so, please fist: N to Date: -I - ~- `~`~ IRbra~ w>r r.v~rra side rvI ~dd+`tionar cornr+Mnts1 106 S~Qn~turQ P_02 , - ~JN-~9-98 nON I5:13 S~l~RD t7~ C~/UJ'~'dSS~c7~o~~s _ ~ ` ; . . 32a Chestnut street, f~oorri~"3n~ Wilmington, N~ ~,~~f} y-~c~,y-~ Telephone t9i013~~-7i~s FqX f~9i0134t-4130 ,{, J ApptlcaLr"on lrjr ApFatntmeni to Boards, Commtttees end Ca, nR7i ~slc.ns ApPoirrted by the thew NanOve~ County Board of L ommis::ion•,rs. . Request forApdolnt'ment ro: IN~1'F.CTIC~lS T]EPARZT~ f~VISORY fz3tINC~ : _ dame ~ ..__ - ~ .. ~r~tsss 1 OC7 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Ha+,v lone h8va Y~`~ern ~ - --~-____--,_._ rust""deny pf Ntw Hdrrover.County2 ~ ~ ; . Marling Address: ~ ~ ~ CltyandState~: ~ ~ ,~ f. ~Q ~ . Teleohano: Haute: tU ~ ~ y ,' ~' / ~ ~.. ~ ._,..." ~~~ 'rtur rrfarmeGon rs tepUoa7gd fat' fh~ re ~'~~' _ "; _ rrrrlpOS OI assrrinp tlftl! 9 aMdJtitdGr.:.,Y dl e , ron'trn.:nr "A Aar:m cunanlly r~npk,yvd D y tlra . ~ ,.. ' ~ ~ - - . n' P AP PFJicerlcnf~trys~d~.~rys~rssi,Orthivn~ry~_;i~onh,,:;~y _ NewlfertavaY Caen v err. cfn °n~ ln~y~arnrtlarrc. wirh,+irtlcla VrhBec oaf tha Newv~Hanavor~ R. , _ . ' County, erscnnarPok /ob Otte; ~ ~7 ' j .A ,, - e;.~ Prafes3iv nel ActrvtYles: ~ ~t•: f P't'I t ~ ~ ~ f t l~olunteerActlvities, L c>r' ..f~ ~,. -~ _ .. ~ ' ~--~-~~~ . ~t'c~t°~--L~. ~ t~~.~,"'l 'mss ©~ ~ ~ ~.- t,.Y,~Vfi~t 'fit'. ~ `~°wJ~~~§t {~YhY tl'o You wlsh to serve an thr: aard, Committee, ar Cammisslart r~quQStedr' ~~ ~~. ~ ~ ~t~ qtr 1 .~°"~ '--~._.-•-~_ ., ' .. ,...;: '~4 4or~ at do you feel are your qualfficatlons far serving or7 the 8aar~'""- ~ ~~, +~"S ~1 d, Cmm~•rl:,:e cr ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~~~,~ +..~t, , . Co.rrm~s~rt r~ r~-c.>ted? 1 .i ~r-;~ _ ~` . What areas Df concern would yvU lik@ to sae the ~oarp~, ,y _.___ ~ ~, k ~ ~~ i ~ (''~ ,. ' Cammlttaa, ar Cammissioa addrP~;; , ~.Q.~-~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~--.~_ Are you currently aervr~tg on anather,bagrd pr committee appointsrl ,~ a munr 1..., ~ f -. . Y Gl ty or c ~au~:Y? !f st:. ;;~le~ := irs~: ~, ---_._ . - L]ate: ,~ I ~ . (Pl~aa~wamvarsa o`r/card fianaf SlpnatUre ~ war ~` ~ ~ « 108 ;; t ~~ , . ~ . NEW HANOVfR COUNTY BOARD OF COMMASSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~. Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment. to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New f/anover County Board of Commissioners. RequestforAppointmentto: Inspections Department Advisory Council .- i~ n1M1w~e•tC~,e~,, ~,,~~ ~Qe+f Name: G. Dale McGee Home How long have you been a Address: 3I3 Forest Hills Drive resident of New Hanover County? 10 years 1 moot: Mai/ingAddress: 313 Forest Hills Drive City and State:. Wilminaton, North Carolina Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: 763-5885 .Business: 392-5220 "Sex: Male *Race: White *Age: 38 'This information is requested for the sole.purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Emp/oyed by: _ Clancy & Theys Construction Company "'A person currently amp/oyedby the agency or department for which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Estimator Professional Construction Estimators Association of America and Professional Activities: Flilmi ngton Contractors' Association. - President 1977 anr3 c„r,-Ant- ~ ~nnn 1 Vo/unteerActivities: Wilminaton Lions Club, The Childhood Trust -Past Chair & Current Exec. Board Member Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To further the communication and cooperation between the commercial construction community and the Inspections Department What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have been employed in the commercial construction industry for 13 years, served on the Wilmington Contractors' Assoc. Board of Directors for 5 years serving 2 years as_„_president. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Communication between the. construction community and the Inspections Department Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality ar a county? /f so, please list: Da~e~ ~,~fugust 8, 2000 ~G ~ (Please use reverse side for additional commentsl . ~:.~ 7000 Signature .1~, ,~~ fy c~ A !-~. r-- -- _ ._ . _. ~.~ ~ -.. iii r, uc NF'W f/ANd V,CR COUNTY BOARl3 OF CONINI/55/ONERS 320 Chestnui Sz~reet, Roofn 305 Wilrningron, NC 284D 1-4093 Telephone r9fOJ 347-14.9 F,4X 1910! 341-4730 r' , ~' ~~y - 1 1498 ^'.......~~1:: Application far Appointment to Beards, Committees, and Corrtrnissions Appointed by the New Hanover County ~aard of Commissioners. Request tarappo;ntment to: INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Name: Bruce L. McGuire Home - ~ How loop have you been a Address: 1507 Military Cutoff Road ~~216 residerrtofNewHanoverCounty? 15 Years Mailing Address: X507 Military Cutoff Road 4216 City and State: Wilmin ton, NC Zp Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: 910 256 0386 business: 910 256 2613 'Sez: M 'Race: W 'Age: 46 •Th,'s /ntomtotion is re7uested for the sale purpose of 3ssuriny tAet across-section of the commyniry is eppainred. "Empiayed by: Miller Building Corporation ~S person currently amp/o yad 8y the agency or department for which this app/icatiort Is made, meet resign hisTerpositron with New Hanover Caurtty upon epporntmont, m accordance wirA stit/c% Vf, Sec. 4 of the Ne+vXanov®~ County Personnel fb/icy. Jab Title: Cheif Estimator Profess/onaJActivrties: Buildin Inspection Pro-Active Review Committe (2 yrs.), Wilmington Contractor s Association oar em er rs. 1/olunteerActivr'ties: Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust -Board Member (2 yrs . ) Why do yov wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested! As an employee of New Hanover Count `s lar est General Contractor, we are vitally concerned that this department o crates efficiently and remains responsive to the public anal the contracting community: ~ea v~nyo on ethe ~nsr euetiJo /4os sDfprectrox~ sn the ~aasd Corrlmitfee, or Comiriissron regLested~ I have been g p Review committee for two years and:I-'_>zave become vet familiar with the challenges and problems that currently confront this department. What areas of concert! would yotl like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? G at i nt amt ion with other Cit and County.Permitting Departments. Accelerate the implementation of the new computer system. Are y0U Curi2tttly serving on anolhei board er committee appointed by a municipality or a rounty7 1! so, please list: None. Oate: __. 7 • / • ~ .Y _ Signature tPleasa use rsverse side /or additional comments! 112 .,`., , . ,~ P. 03 RFPFR `N Please provide three local personal refer n e ces: Name Phone Number 1J ohn C. Bullock, Jr. 313-2747 (H) 21 .James Po e - 458-8334 (W) 3f Bruce Bowman 762-2621 (W) uut U7 58 10:50a Pert City Builders, Inc. 910.-791-1750 p.l Sent by: 1YILM-CAPE FrAR HBA 9107992610 08/25!98 16:53 Job 233 Pa9a ~ JIIK-18-98 T8G 1 l , l4 F, Q2 N~~1J HANOVFR COU111TY BOARD ~OF C~IYI}t?1SS1ONERS 320 Chestnut Str$er, Rovm 305 ~lfnirrgtan, NC 28<t01-.4093 rdepl7CAe 1~1013¢t-7td9 FAX !9101 34 f-4130 ,q pprcatian for Appa;ntmerrt tU Boards. Com/rrtttees, and Cammissiflrts Appointed by the New°Nanover County Board of Commfss~Qners_ ReCvesr_torAppainttm>rt ra: ~,pgt`I.'2(3~iS I~~`~T ~~TiY ~ Nam' How lane have you been a NOme ~>\i'~ ~lv,/~ \ ~ reside»toftVewNaaOverCauntyT,~~ 1 - - Mat7rnp Address: ' T1p Code: """'~ City acid 5tats. Telephone: Name: _-]~.--~.-..5. .~; .~11, •Xace:~ 'Ape: ~~ `fAis inlorr»et/M sr rrquoat~d Iar tlir tart pp¢rur e! assunrtq drat ~ eibsa-serum of tAs cv+r~x+NN ~s ~CROiatsd --Employed by: `-' Fentforv~.~damustrslgntisitr.r¢atitie+~wrm "R Rarsorr crinanuy.ereproy.d ny uiea¢tgGYGf dipmonanrtlar whicA rA/s RAP N..., Harrvwr eounry ~n+~+++pa~t^~°^ = ~ •,ctudfw,eo witA ,4/ricl0 V . 3hc. 4 or rA+ New Hsea~.. Camty P,e,sarwer~fneY. Jub Trfe: PrafeSSiOrtdr Acrivltles: ~// Yalun teerJ~ cfivilies: WAy do you wisft ra serve vr, the Board, Cnmtn+[tae, ar Commissron regvested7 ~ ~~'~~~-,L-~ ~~° ~~~~~.lJ WE4ar da you feat are your quaf;><talions {at Str1~Q on t?~e Saard~ Catrtmirrec, or Commission ra~uesred.7.~_ ~~ T ~S L~ t Cam- ~~~--- ~` What areas Df concern would you like rtl see tits 8aar[L C;ommitfee, or CammissiOrf address ~ ~' - sire you Cvtret7dy Servi~p pn another board of committee appoirrte4 [ty d mut7rCt~08tity Qrd Caunty7 lfS4. DtCdJE PrSf: Clare- __ d~ .~.~_ Sianarur~'-~-.R~ tAlrrrr usr ro uss ~ r~ oOdNlonef eammroru (OVER) 114 ~ - G OA125198 18:54 Job 233 Page 2!2 -Sent by:. WILM•CAPE FEAR HBA 9107992810 ,ilR~l-18-98 'fHti 11 ~ 14 p, 03 ~fI~FRF~GFS ' . Please pxovJde three focal persuria! refercrrces: , Narrte Phone Numb~,er- i c. "~, " 7~ 2/ ,,~~}}..~~ gun ~U 00 10:39a Hagood Homes Sent by: Wll~l-CAPE PEAA HBA 91079g26f0 910-256-4611 05/17/00 2:14PM Job 949 ~1Ew HA~l1fo vFR cocrnrrr BOARD QF CQMMfSS/GIVERS 37D Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91a/ 341-7149 _ FAX (91Q1 3•:7-4130 ARPraation far Appnintmenr to Baa~ds, Committees, acrd Commissions Appoirrfed by the /Very Hanover Cauniy Berard of Comrussivners, Request far Rppvintmenr ro: f ~ ~.,, ` L ._ _ ~ _ __ ~b'ama: JG_ p.l Page 2/3 ~.~ S ~G~ ~ ~t ~t a.~ r~~~Id~~ Hoare - 1 Address: ~ p~1 ~p ~~~5~ /~v laZ (~[/~y ~~ h`ow long have you been a _~...-- /~ -___i%~Fn~ residentotNewNanoverCounry7~~ tL'arlint,,+ Address; {O ~ f ~ ~j fly S ~ /~~J ~_.-,. C ,/J ~ ""' ~ / ~ City ono Stare: _ (.Ci/1,,,~'h CGS 7/>r /7V T O~ n °------'-----_ ._.__,.., Zfp Code: ~`.~~ re!e,shone: Home: ~ /(,~~ ~~ ~~ {- -- ~1L +L. Business: _ ~f0} ~S6 _~(~y - 'Sax: < 'Race: 7 _. _.._.. •Age: J/ 7h~S 1nlUrmarign is /equeJf»d /O/ tna S /? AurpOS» of »sSWinq thor a cross-ref CfrOn oI Mp ~'p/7r(77u/1% "employed by: r/'SBaPo%nroa -'~ Person currenr/y rrrp/Dyad py the agen~ ordapmrmant for wh.ch this aopacer%on s rrreda, mustresr n h New Hanover COUnry upon appOinLnenC sn eeen/donce ..iMr Arric/P 1/1, Y rsihar -~~~ Sda. ,~ AosiUOn wrtr•. of the Naw Hurtaver Counry PersannslF}~bcy, .lob TirlB; ~j•GS t~.~c-~ L` Frciass:onai Actr'vities: ~+alur: t9er Activities: 'r%%Y Ca you vvrsh to serve an the $oerd Committee,. or Commrssion re;,uesred. ~~ v ~o ~ :ih,~t do you fee( are your que/iRcations for serving an the Board, Corr.miitee, ar Commissrbn requested? `4 ----_ v. ~:ar areas of concern vvouid you like to see sire Board, Committee; or Commission address? / ~ / --~__~dJu c~%~ _ ~`~ r yec' currently serving on another board t1r committee appointed by a munrcipa/%ry or a county? Ir so, please 'tsr: •~ ~n~r y:N /9V K$ ~/dP rot »ddnional, m ..°i/~r'2ILre o men rsl. - _~._...- ~_..__ _ .~_.__ . ._.. n 116 gun 3U UU 1U:3~a Hagood Homes 910-256-4611 p_2 ' Sent,by; NIILlW-CAPE FEAR H8A 91Q7992810 05/17!00 2:15P~1 Job 949 Page 3/3 Please provide three lecaf personal references.- Name Phone Num08r y'c~ 2~ -- Dom. , ,~~.~ 5~ 7y~-~s~ y JUN-25-98 THU 16;14 P. 02 NEiN HAIVOI~~~' ~o~N~~ BoARO of ~®l~Pn>?o^~~f~~r~~'S G°3C~C~C~~b~D 320 Chestnut' ~'->"ee~; l~"~nm ~~~ 1UN 2 6 1498 Wilmin~ior. ~C .~~'~~ l-~D~a Te/ephan:, 1910! Sys"•-79#9 •• NEW H,Sf`IC~VER CO.. FAX (9; 01 349-4 isrJ BD. G~ (,.,•..., ~ ..-..~n,a~r,n~ Application for Appointment tr ~s,?~~'ds, i~'err5rrsi~',e~:~, and llommissions Appointed by the New ~.'arlutf~=r ta~11ir1Z~i ,C.::~l'>:' n3 ~'omlrtissioners. 1 INSpECTI.UI~S ~r:;~C~`.s?•~tt?.N'i' ,"~~/~.`.~~~~ci UOu~CIL -- ~ ~. C.~.h, ~ C °1- Request tar Appointment to: -._...._.._ _..- Name: Nome ~~~.:~ io~a;~ i'~- " ~r,:a been a Lifetime Address: 1144 Princeton Drive ~;:~~,'~;r=~-F•~~:~';'r'~~=~~ri~anoverCounty? 51 years ~~. Mai/in9 Address: P . 0 . Box 3194 ° _ ~~ .~•~_„~____ d S Ci Wilmington, NC .;~`.rr;; i:.`:~.,6: 28406 tate: ty an ~„~,_,• Telephone: Nome: ~ g 10) 763-4025 ;'~.±~s.~%~~s:~ ~ 910) 343-1234 `Sex; Male `Rate; Caucasian 'Ape: _-^51M __ . •This inlormetion is repuaslmd for the sole puryosa c/ assutrnp that a s..~a:.~-^'S~e;ar o~ tAe enmmuniry is eDPointed. f~ •'Emp/oyedby: ! Tidewater Heating & Air Conditioninq~ Inc. •'A parsoncurrenWarrp/oysdbytho®9eneyvrdeparrrnantfarwhichrhis~5.~~~c;+arc.~,s:r,ode,musriesignArs/herpositionwith New Hanavor County upon appointment, /n aCrcrdonca with .7rticly vl, Sac. 4 n,r the nlnw Hanover County Personnel Policy. NC License holder Plumbing-Heating. 6878, Hl-H2-H3-Class I Job ?'itlP: President, General Manager Refrigeration. 1902, Member NC Heating & Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Prolessiona/Activities: Member NC Air Conditioning, Plumbing ea~ina & Goof i n~ Assoc. VolunteerActivities: Usher-St. James Episcopal Church Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, ar Camrnfs~r'os~ requested? I feel with thGe experience I have had in the Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Boiler installations for the last 2~ears dealing with all facets of the _ industry, labor, suppliers, traders & inspections departments, watching the inspections d e p a r t rq_gz Qw~ .~.c,~ar,~.xtt~. e a r, l~ -~. n.sz A ~'~' ^=-r-- ~' ° ° r' n 3 ^ " '" relations honest & open will serve the council & inspections dept.equall What do you feel are your qualifications for serving dry eye f:aar;'; €=vr;%:~,~iee, =~ ~.pmmission requestedT ~~ Started Tidewater Heating & Air.Conditioning, Inc. 25 years ago, have be very involved with the New Hanover Count~Inspec~ions Department. What areas of concern would you like to see the Eaar•d, C'C.mt?~i,€,.~e, ;;r 4=:r'"`~isS`^ % addiessT Open the communications between building owners, contractors and others so that construction work can flow smoot,h~„~ ~,~?d,,,,;,~Q.~~,~_.~~P ~p ran~~,,~ Are you currently serving on anorhe~ board or corrmitcc'e apr~arne~°A l~f a r~~fr1,~~:~a1itY or d c0unty7 1I S0, please list: Cape Fear Community College Heating & Air Conditioning Advisory The New Hanover County Heating Journeymans,Board Committ~~_ - ~~~/a o Date: r /P/oasa usa reverse lido for eddlttona/ comrnenrsl Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. _ .._.....a._..~ .... _ J ;~~ ./1 (OVER) 3UN=25-98 . THU 16.15 -. ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T . .. ; ~ - ~, p,. 03 ~ ~. . w ~FFF . ,~ . ,. RFN~~ .+ e . . . 4~. .. -.`~ ..`>'P/ease pcovide,.th~ee loca/persona! ~eferences:_ _ ~ . ~' ., .". ° Name ._ . , . Ah©ne Numb er ~ , '~ ~J .. Max.Maxwell-Inspections Department` ~-:..,(910) , _, x 231-0189 ~ ' ~ . . - - - William =H.::,Cameron-Carcteron Company.. (9.10) -. 762-267.6 ' 21 ~- :;•~. Will Enecks-State Board ~~ ~ , `' 3) P'lumbing, Heating Examiners ~ - - ('800) 412-2149 _. .~ . . _ _ ~ ._ -. „. t ,, s ~/' .. ' .. - . . ..~ ~ . _. - ~ ~ ,.. .. , . . ,_ ~ r - °. s ,. ,. ,. , 4 . . . __ , . .. . . .; : . , .. Tidewater Heating and Aar Conditioning, Inc. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL HEATING AIR CONDITIONING • VENTILATION and SERVICE N.C. LICENSENo. 6878-P•H2•H3 150 Southern Boulevard - P. O. Box 3194 -Wilmington, N. C. 28406 Phone (910) 343-1234 - Wats 1-800-309-1221 -Fax (970) 343-9262 THOMAS L CRITTENDEN, JR. PRESIDENT ~~ ~~,;»e ?F .~ age c----- Ncz.~ ~TMnnt~or fr'ptunt1r ~pMyri n± C"~mmjcginncrg ~TTj~t; Wi I l i M.".t A rMgi-cr (rhMi Z-m?n + R J '~ 7 fl (' h rV c t n to #4 C t r c o t (^J~ ~y~i~7^~L- . Rnnrr! ~fl~, W~lm~nrrtnn Nr' ?RdCl1_dflq~ t/~"'V G T?o±.; ~,I,a~~Mnr1r fnr mgvhMni rMl rnnti MCtnr ~O~ rho 1TcFy F-Fµ»ni. o~ (~'nt»ntir Tnc~c~rt jnnc Tlorna,{•mcnt Ar7tri Cnrtr C~t~»~i 1 . ilaMr Mr ("'actflr Mfr lcttc~ Zc to ~nrr~ritµrsv i» Mn~ M~ ~t~nri Nu,.7 ?TMnnygy ,~~1 1. ~nnt-riht~i-c ±~ thg 1Gv Ar~t;ri cnrlr ("nti»ri 1 , cpmo of i-nc Cn,ugt o ~~o` ~rvnroc T Kaye hµMt rnt~»tiJ a»r7 c.,rhlr j foal t~h~~ T ~?n and ;.r T-T~»ntrc~ Cntµ»irv TnS~°r~ZnnS llc~~ytmant tltar-in~ tho ucMi nr_' 'iq7~ T gtMyi-cMl -F~nm gryM.trh T~r~curatn` LTcMtinr-r •7 M»rl 7~;ii r'nnry~t~nni•ny~ j»C. cah].C}2 t-~Mc C~»t~»ttrrr~ to n~c~ratc Mftor ?~i vaMyc, j Mm ~~ccg»rlv tho 1 irongrv r,nl µc~ fnr North f'arnl i»M Alt~mh~nrr .y }fF,,,f~7R ~ NaMt i.n7 C~Mgc F Rn~1 or !rl Mgg TT ST»1 i P.?~tcr~ C`nnl i nn C1 acc ` r ~ ~ jjj ilnl iP.?1~°ri FTnMti»~ M»M Raf~Z7°~Mt.1^» tE1 QQ? tJ»1 ~.InZt°~. Fny 1-hc Alt~mh~n~r 7-'foMtl?:y ~:1r~ Fi~a SrylP.kjci fnnt~aCt^~C ~t~cSont1tr I Y:~tj° i hafln rannmi nMto~ M»'~ hMt~o MCC9r t'/~ t0 ~ic nn tho Na~.r annt~srr N......, !„'nt~ni-1 TTcMt~ny M»r~ Any ('pnriitZQ:?1T?~ vTOt:~?:Q2j:?!~::~5 ~QM.i~ Marl algn gcytr~ny nn tha (''u~c Fcai !v'nrPmti»Z~1r cnl lc7c Ali („',vn~i~{.inninrr 1.~.. a. r...7 ! I~7oMi-Zn7 M»rl Rcfr~ycrat~nn ~;r~*.,r~gnrt~ Cnmrni t-i-nc Thcgfl hMtTO hcon t~cr1r int~~nct~ny Mprp~ntmcntg an~~ T fool thagn oSrrnrl9»~cc ty~il Mcgi ct tho Ilrjt~~cnr~ ("ptunri 1 ~n ;rlunv LTM1 c . T}±g ovroi ~cnrag nt; cy tho 1 Mgt ?~ vcMi c ria?l i n~ t.r~t-h 1 Hhnr St'~cn- 1 i crg r rtµgirpmorc M»rl rho i I:Sn~.Ct' ZOT:S `~O~'M~ tt~;ont c of TSour FTanntrn~ r t~'2-~tµngur~rl;~ Aonrlo~ ~ ("'n1L;trtht~c Mnr7 R1 aHla» t'ntrtnt~cc ~y-i 11 al cn h~ i ng I^.M??1r aS ntc to tha ar~;i~r1SOr j rnt..;:'1~1~. 120. North Carolina Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors, Inc. IV1r. Stephen Bryant office of the Governor 116 West Jones Street Raleigh, N. C. 27603-8001 122 Dear NIr. Bryant, ~assocunor~ ~o - .. ~~ ~~ACTO~y .____. ~'iay 7, i'?y8 The North Carolina Association of Plumbing, Hea~inn; Cooling Contractor; Inc. would like to submit the name of one of our members to the vacant position on the State Licensing Board for Plumbing, Heating, and Fire Sprinkler Crntractors. We would like to submit the name of Thomas L. Crittenden Jr. ~?~-. ~': itten~en is a licensed contractor holding Class I license in Plumbing along with Cl ss i 1ZCer:~°'; is Cleating Group II and III. He is the founder and President of Tidewater Heating and <',ir onditioning in Wilmington and has been in business for over 2~ years in tl^ zc area. Fii: ce~:-;rr,aly does work in both the residential and commercial areas. iV11-. Crittenden is a well rPspUcted member of the plumbing and heating industry in the ~r~~ilrr:ington area. He serves the New Hanover area on the Journe~rmer:'s 3oard and is an advisor to the Cape Fear Community College Air Conditioning, Hea.tin~~ and 1Zefrigeration program. As of this time there is no representation on the Board from this area and the addition of NIr. Crittenden would provide more that an experienced and knowledgeable industry , professional, it would provide some geographical representation. We feel the addition of NIr. Crittenden to the Board would be a valuab}e asset and would like to submit his name for consideration and recommendation. Thank you and, if we can provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincere , !~ ' ~ GJ K ith C. Nzwcomer Executive Director o~~ "~- X13 GL'cNWOOO AVENUE TELEPHONE 919/833-0372 AALEiGH, NORTH CAAOLtNA 27603-1240 FAX 919/833-0921 JUN-15-y~ f1UN 16 ~ 40 P, 01 NEW HAN4V~'R CQUN7"Y Q 4A RD OF. C4N1N1/SS/OIVERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 ~ -4093 Telephone (9 7 01 04 1-7 149 FAX (3101 341-4130 ~~ ~- !0~ ? 2 1998 ~:~5'a F't;~LiY~,~ ,:;3 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover County Baard of Carramissioners. Request torAppoint~~ent for INSPECT?oar DF~AR'Ti~fF T n~ T~nRV_~gH~IL ~ ~~1~~ ~ ~i~ Name: ROBERT H. "BOB" WILLIAMS - Home Haw long have you been a .address: 106 MT. VERNON DRIVE resident of New Hanover County? 56Years6Months Mailing Address:_ 106 MT. VERNON DRIVE Gity and State: WILMINGTON NC Zr'p Code: ~~~ Telephone: Nome: (910) 395- 4235 __ Busrnessr r4~n~ '~ti3_1-91~-3 'Sex: M "Race: W 'Age; 5Fi 'This inrormetron is roquested for the solo- purpose o/ essurirfg that a ttoss-ssctrcn df tha Comrrwn(ty is 4ppointad, .. ""Employed by: ROBERT H. WILLIAMS CO. , IN .. ` •,4 person cur~gn tly employed by tho egoney or department ror which this appl(cetion is mdda, must resign h:•s/her positrdn w(th /Jaw Nunovor County u,~ort eppornrmenr, in erccordenee with A~ticla VL Sec, 4 of the New Hanover County Psrs•ortra(Fssl(cy, Job Title: _ PRESIDENT/OWNER ~ ' Pr ofessionalActivities: North Carolina_Heating '& Air Conditioning .Contractors Aso . PaGr PYPS.;dent VplunteerActivities: Wilmington Sertoma Club (numerous Civic Activities) Board of_ a..~~~ors/Child - •Development~(10 years) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Commt'ttee, or Commission requested? ____ __ __ _ To ensure that the interests of the heating, air conditioning & ventilation industry in our area are properly served by the Inspection De artment. ' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or C'omrrrissicn requested? 32 Years in heating & A/C industry/28 years as HVAC contractor. w':~at zreas of concern Wv^L(d yolJ llKe to See the Eoard, Committee, or Commission address? Better working relations between contractors and inspectors. `_ f•ra you CUrre,'ttly ser'vi~q on another board or committee appointed by a m.unicipa(iry or a count y? ll sc, please list: _Member New Hanover County Mechanical 124 Oate( 6/17/98 __ (Ctesa •,_a reverse side tar' edd;tionvl comments! (QVB~) <<< RtAuest fot i ;, ~ r,: ~ . B~ARi7 +C3~ ~f~l~l`1I+~~~~Sl#~11~~R~,. ~2p Chestnut ~"tteet,, A'~nm 30Fi ,::~ ~ ~ t~7mingrcn, N~ 28~ f-493 ~ ~ ~ ~, 7~laptlona~ 1$101 ~ Yom? 1~9 '~ ~ • ~ ,.r~ . FAX (0r0J 3d1-Q130 ~.: c~tlon 1br Appolnrmerrt to 8aards, Carrunlrr~.~s, a; ~ ..~ Ca: ~~ ~=: col s ~~ rpnlhredby thq NsFV ~Mh•/Qe~ CN__.., r.~„tot ~«C'q/71~ssiof~~ - rent to, ~P'I~ A_ :?+''--~''~ ~::~' Cr.AOCZ[,, ..., ~, Hama Address: ~ .... _ ,, -.~. ,.. a. ~. s„~.- -" f / Ndwlrsri~ 1is~VE jrotE ~~s,~,t r 3r'9/7 ~~t~ft/A ~c~ ~c~! ra~slifd+'~idfNe~+Hltr+~~c." i"; ~'~'R'~~ ~~ M8i1R'ip .~4GY/f S3: • .. ~ ,.._ .J /~'t ~ ' - ~ .ru , • ..~~..,.~, GYry 8nd 3r~ "+ ~% 2;R Coda: _ ~~'~ . ,_,.,..~..d 7alephona N ~: 9/a ~- 3~Z ~-- 6'/~ 3 6'erslirrss: ~+~D':_.~~ ~._',~_ '~~ '5~x: 'Races l~ 'A pe: 7 • 'This ! tl . _ ctr ,h r'a4U43ltld f01 dit seld pu~patr a! ~rsudhg Thal f umrs~asrhhn of hoe ssir_ "s:._ ~.u +iar-.ritw~ . / fi p +~°`~ son s(Y illyt7k~yed br Ufr~odCYO! dept [ wAftA lltJtl~ppJecsevan irr~mds. hlf~; 7rgf~ har°:.> :.;,y~~ x,~'t ~~ .~ ~rS' "s~-+Plrofntrnan, ki oeoaregnrs ~ri~.drtJcJ~ V, 3eG ~ nf~he ~'+h'N ~ ~ •" ' " > , a er : :.~_~: :::~:r:: :•. :n ~9~J 1'i~ ' !~ Gl/.c/~.~ S~C.r~'c~ i ~y ..-~d f //bf ~~~ f "j~- ~ rafoi~ a ~ ~ _ ~ _.......--.- - a.~~~~..~ ~lYdY do tau ish s4'tva~c,~ the$oatdr Commhfae~ of 4~vmRli~,tfb~'?'I~;;~rSt~`~_„~,.. ~ p -!•.;~,O~~SJ!/~ ~ ~('f I7"7 IH C/ N r C./f'~/ (Y7i'_L`. "__~/i ,~/t i .+i1 .S~~G /1 t~rL'S~ ~ •~ . ~ „~,~~,,rl J ~,.:..: What do yvu Feel ~rlt bVhar areas c of .df~ you curt , tfy an 1~arel lFfam. „ss s+vmuw .ot fnr 126 ' r l .~.._ ynur quali!'iFatFans far selving on they 8oatd, fbm~:ttac, t4' ~orr.:~: •.-:,,. jrt r~;,,~•,.,~dc* .-~ - ~{ 7 VvQUId you llk~ ra `ee the 8aord. Co~m,/~tadp or ~orflMi~3id~t gddres3? ~ r C~~..JfJ r 'T ~~ ~uJ~ t !V _ J rt~~' ~ G /~~1 ~~ • /~P.'1 ~ /,r9'y .' ~ /~~ j y ,.tt._~ :, ~. :. ;rte ~~,~;,'_ !ng ar1 a~lothat board or ~vmrnlrtee 8p~•niRted' by a n1V/IiC~F'aQly or :, r-,:-,`y,~ !fs`, ~~:'~ay~ ~.; I . , , f .r .~.._ ~t~dtf~enf aeyygMtsf . ~••~. ~ ..:.. ~: . ._. - ~ CQY~A~ .. i i~ ~. ~. ~, ~`; . ~ ;. ~ `; ` ~~ LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Number of Members: 12 Term: three years Qualifications: see page 3, Item B, 1-8 of Library Board by-laws. Regular Meetings: Third Tuesday each month at 3:00 P.M. at the Library. Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: to develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. TERM PRESENTLY. TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Frank S. Conlon Second 8/31/2000 1831 Hawthorne Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/22/94) 343-8089 (H) (Appt. 8/18/97) '~ Jane I. Grant 111 Seapath Estates First 8/31/2000 _ Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 4/21/97) 256-2922(H) 392-7682(VV) ~ ' Nancy G. Millen Unexpir 8%31/2000 ~" 2018 Seawind Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 05/18/98) 763-9988 (H) John L. Lauer ;~ 2235 Deepwood Drive Wilmington, N C 28405 256-3563(H) Lethia S. Hankins 307 S . Kerr Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 395-0074 (H) 128 ' Unexpired 83U~000 (Appt. 2/15/98) ' Second ~ 8/31/2001 (Appt. 8/21/95, Reapt. 9/21/98) ~1 ~. . . : ~: LIBRARY AI)VISORY~BOARD (CONTINUED) . ~ ~ ,. . T M ~ .. . . .. y _. . ER :PRESENTLY TERM , ' . °, :, _ ._ Ci;IItRENT MEMBERS `. - SERVING ` _ EMPIRES . .'' ~,. ~ ~ ~~Robert L. Mao -, y ° , First ~ ,, 1/2001 ' ,_ 8/3 .. . :'6308 Timber. Creek Lane , .. - . , ` ~' ' ~ _Wilmin ton, NC' 28405 g .; .. (Appt: 9121/98) .. :686=7430 (I~ ~ :, :.. - . . . - ~-" Sharon' L.. Welsh ~ - ~-. > First ;. ' , 8/3:1/2001... ~ . ' ' ~ 3665 Merestone Drive ~ . . ~ . Wilrriingfon, NC 28412 ''~ ~ `, (Appt. 9121/98) ' ... 793'-8275 ~) , ,. - _ Michelle J:°Leonard ". ~ ..- ' ~ First, ~ 8/31[2001, .:_ 121 South Second Street ; ; ~ ~ - _ Wilmington, NC 28401 _ (Appt:' 11/23/9;8):; - ... 762-3651 ~) , . ~. Mary E: Hatcher . ~ , .,, ~ , 1905 E. -Lake Shore `: .~ :~ First s. _~ , , . 8/3.1/2002 ~ ~ , .~ Wilmington, NC 28403 .. (Appt. 6/16197) - ,. .. _ ' °' ' :762-7259 (I~ . ` , : (Reappt: 8/ 16%99) .. ~ :' . - , ° ,~ 'Wilbur D Jones, Jr. ~ First ~ 8/31/2002 . . .' - ~ 4700 Chamberlain Lane . A : Wilmington, NC 28409 ,- _ - ` (APPt:.8/1 ,, 6/99).. ~ . ~ '793-6401 ~) 793,=6393 ~ _ _ - .. ~ _ _.. . .C. Lynn. Kozik ,. ' . `. _ First . . , 813x/2002 200 Acer Court.. ~ , Wilmington, NC 28411.. .. (APPt. 8116/99) ~ , 686.-9378 (H) 763-65.11 ~ .. . ,..:. ~ ~ o Robert`E. ~Lenzner .. : a First ~ ~ 8131/2002 , ~` 99 Beach Road South _ .. ' ; : - e Wilmin ton, NC 284,11. g . .. . (APPt. 8/ 16/99) . ~, 686=9452 ~) , ,` ~. ~° - ° ;Library Director: David Paynter ' _ - ~ ~ ° ' . ' °: `201 Chestnut Street 341-4390; 3.4'1-4389. - ~ ~ ~ . ~ `, ..:.. 81 99 ; ~, - ~ fi1e: /hbrary.wp .r 2 9 . • L~\. N,EW HANOVFR COUNTY .~~~"• BOARD OF COMMISS/ONFRS ~.~ 4 5 ~y~~ 320 Chestnut .Street, Room 305 • ~~~ Wilmington, NC 2840) -4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment ro: Library Advisory Board Name:__Louise 2lbert Home ^ How long have you been. a Address: 109 Kenwood eve. resident of New HanoverCounty? 1~F years Mailing Address: Same Cr'ty and State: Wilmington, n1.C . Telephone: Home: 910-763-x532 Zip Code: 28'05 Business: Fi e t i re d °Sex: Female •Race: Caut~a~ i nn 'Age: ~o . 'This information is requested for the so/a purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. '"Employed by: "A parson currently amp/Dyed by the agency ar department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New idanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: FcrmPr Join n l.i ~t Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: ~i that Hubbard's Cubboard. Friend of the Library Board Why do you wish to serve•on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I think my .ex-oeriencP , both professional & as a disabled person, partial recovery-from stroke,. PPn interest- in both boards are pertinent What do you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? In Beacon, Pd.Y. I served on the Human Relations Commission & helped write ii-~ Affirmat'iya A t-i~n Plan. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Disabled person' s needs & whatever seems important to the Board, commission or. me. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Dat t 4 Signature~__ l ~~~ ~ ~ -~- f~leasA u r arse side"for additional comments) 4r'b`"~ ~ ~- (bVER) Board of Commissioners rtew Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. Roam 305 Wi].lmington, N . C . 281.0 a / \~ 8 August a 999 -- ' ~~~ ..~ Dear Commissioners: Louise Albert has offered to serve on the New Hanover County Library Advisory $oard and has been advised you will consider the appointment soon. She is certainly well qualified. As her husband 1 feel she is highly qualified and would provide useful service. We have been happy Wilmington residents since a9$5, and Louise has done volunteer duty for the Library almost since then. She also has been active in the Friends of the Library. She is a graduate of the New York State University at tvew Paltz where she did graduate work in literature and also taught. r'or some 20 years before retiring she worked as reporter, feature writer and columnist for the 1:ndepenclent Republican in Goshen, Tv,Y. and the Times Herald-xecord in ~rliddletown, N.Y. i should mention that she suffered a mild stroke three years ago and uses a walker. She is particularly concerned with projects that can benefit the handicapped. thanks for your consideration ~~~~--- ~~ T~lyron Albert 109 Kenwood Ave. Wilmington, 1v.C. 28405 Yh. 763-0532 132 ~ _. .. NEW NANOVER COUNTYY . - ~~ . ° ~ygG. _. - , , - ~ ~ BOARD .OF COMIt/11SSIONERS ~ ,~~ 1 ~ :. . ~~ . ~ 320 Chestnut Street ..Room 305 . , • .v - ~ ~ .Wilmington, /VC 2840 7 -4093 ` .. ., - - Telephone (910) 341-7149 . , ~ . . FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 .. '. •' App/ication for Appointment to Boards,. Committees, and Commissions- - - ' " ~' ~ Appointed by` the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Re uest for A ~ ` , . ~ ' q_ pparn.tment to: ~~ ~`C ~ ~~~ ~ L~ b~~ i ~~ ~ ~'o~~~ Name: - ~ 'G O 1 ~ ~ Gti ~M e S ~p~ ~('~ ~l S . . , .: • Nome How %n have ou been a ' ~1.50~ ~blo D~ G Address. ~ resident of New Hanover County? c~"rt~a: dl „? P N . . ..~ _ Mailing Address. .. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~a L: n ~ 1-~ ~~ - ` ° ., . - ,,. . '' -City and,State ~~" ~ ~ j'(» ilA'~C i\~ - ~ ~ Zip".Code: ~ g `~ ~ ~ . . ., Telephone:.. ,.Home: '' . ~ ~.Q ' ~ .Gl 'i - ~ ~ ~J _. ~ Btisirress: ~ S G.'(y\ e: ~ - n "Sex: ~ ~+'~ ' _ ~ ..Race: _ ~~,~ "Age: ~ ~ - , ,. _ •` ' 'This information Js'requesfed fo{ tha sole purpose of assuring that across-section of'the community is appointed.: ~ _ ., tt .. ~. _ ""'Employed by: ~.~ 4'~` ' ° • "A'person.currently employed by the agency ordepartment far which this application is made, must resign his/her posr,'tion. with New Hanover, Caunty,upon,appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of.the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.. , ~- Job Tit/e: ~ Gay t~ ; , q.:\.'~' ' - ,. (~ t `_ ' Pro fessrtinalActivities: ~'(~`'~V1Q-~~~'S C~.~.~ ,~~` '~ (~ '~S ~-(',;C~~C; - . Volunteer Activities: ; ~1 ~ ~,`- ~ ~-~ . . - ; .; - . " , Wh do' ou wish 'to serve on the Board, ' ~ J ~~ y Y, Committee, or Commission requested.. , .y (}/e~C'/D -`,~Lr ~/G' -~ /' ,~ U~ ?,/` .~: ..Q r+j.. ~ ~ !'J ~~ ~ ~f~~a l~ YI /i ~~'!'GC J (it. ~~ ~ J .~ --I 1 by Um~ P ~I u CCU `~7 0 . ~ ai .0 ' cY L'rl CYCu^S"~ p. yr 4~~ "r7 ~ ~ ~ ; .. ,. ~ , .. . 'What, do you. fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee,`or Commission requested? - + ' :: . . ~ , r ,. , - _~lr 9 h ~y /hc °7~t ~til~ 7~~. N, :.03~~7 Gti/» 2C 4~, C+h N Gt'. ~a'nC`C'/~I T~ ~~ Ca !h~'i~r~ ~r `What areas of. concein would you like to see: the Board, Committee, or .Commission address?- ~~a ~%'' e~ «/ /- L.. '~~~ ('~r ~ S ' ~ ~ ~/)e. / i D CrG'~ / ' ~ t' C~ C~C ~ -S S. ~D ~~ .rG' l° If P Y - ~ ~ G' ! /f ~~c' ~CJ'L'n' ~! Are you currently serving, on another bgard or committee appointed b y a~muriicipality or a county? if so, please; list: - ~. .. AA ..; /1 ~ - -. f -Date: -o~. / - ~-:~~: . Signature IP/ease use reverse side for additional comments% ~. . . .. - .. ,, .. .. . ,. .. . REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 2J ~ e~eccG ~$ec~~~~ ~e~tte~--}~ ~~~ 2' 852 ~ 3~ ~GV;c~ ~Q~'o~ ~ 99-1 ~'~ ~ ti s e ~~ c ~e ~ ~ a "~ ~dJ/~' ~ a f ~''h ~,. lea: ~ ~ l `~'~ ~ a ,~ C' ~ G i /~ ~b nl Sc . l~l w, " ~'e > s- ~r ~'G,-a ~, %~ a ~ ,d a~fn .~ y ., / ~r~~ /~C Q~ d -~~~j ~11~ p~~J~ "ci a~.~ (,,cJ ~ d -~r~~fc1' ~/ .. 134 . ~ p ~ . - K ,. _. n . } ... ¢~ ; . ~-. NEW HANOVER COUNTY . _ _ . _ e . •:BOAR® OF COI~IIMISSIONERS ~ .. ,: , ".. ~ ' _ ' ~ , 320 Chestnut~Street, Room 305 - . - ,. ,. . , ~ INilmirigton, NC 2840 ~ -4093 ~ :. , Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ` . ;.:. ,. ' FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130: . ~ ~ r _ Application for Appointment" to Boards, Committees, and Commissions , - Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.. , . .. , Request forAppointment~~to: New Hanover County Public Library Advisory Board ^ Natne.. - ~ Jarie I. Grant ~ ' Home ~ ,:;. ,; 111 Seapath Estates How long have .you been a ~. -Address: - ~,T~~gh~s3zi11e Raarh , NC 28480 resident of New Hanover County? Eleven years . - _ • .n. , Mailing Address: SAME City and State: ~ Zip Code: Telephone: ~ ~ Nome: 910-256-2922 Business: 910-392-7682 . ~. ,. "Sez: "Race: W - "Age: ' 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyed,by: Self Emp'loyed'with Husband in a manufacturing business ~ - . :.. ' ' ~ "A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her.position with - '~ Aiew Hanover Count u on a y p ppointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec: 4 of the-New Hanover County;Personnet Policy. • .. _ . Job- Tit/e: . ~; Professrona/Activities: - '' ' Vo/unteerActivities: .Past- library 'board, member (.1989-1995) _. - . ~ - ' ~.=.,Whydo~you wish~to serve on the Board, Committee, oi.Commission requested?. • . • . - :: °~ ~ To help promote the continued success 'of our library.system:- .you feel are ~your_qualifications for serving on th ~ ~ / y ~~ What do e Board,. Committee, or Commission requesfed? ~ • °, - ~. <:: I was„employed by another library system for 8.years, and have a good - ~'' ~ °~ ~ understand-ing of How libraries operate. _ eve pa ` ~What'areas~of concern would-you like. to see the Board,. Committee, or Commission address'? board meetings. -~ '~ More branch libraries to meet the needs, of a growing population and '~ sufficient library materials .to-stock those branches. Are-you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a.county? lfso, please list: "_ ` No, ~ .. .. .. , . _ r •Date: 2/21%97 - rr3. 2 5"• 1991 ~ . .~ ~. Signature. ~~' ~ lP/ease use reverse side for additional comments/ - -, .. .., NEW NAiVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910/ 341-7149 . .FAX (9 101 34 1-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Comfnittees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Re uest for A Library Advisory Boazd q ppointment to: i.y`. ~~.-~~ , ,. h1aR 2 S 1999 r-~ ~ '~ r`) Name: Emily Sue Earig . Home ~ How tang have you been a Address:. ~~ 7600 Hawk Road Wilmington, NC 28411 resident of New Hanover County? 4 y~ 9 mo. Mailing Address: 7600 Hawk Road City and State: Wilmington, NC 28411 . Zip Cade: Telephone:. Nome: 910-68b-5010 Business: ~ 910-25I~155 'Sex: Female ~ 54 'Race: Caucasian .Ape: . 'This informedon is requested for th• so% purposs'of assuring that across-section of the community is eppointed. ' "Emp/o yed b y: New Hanover County Public Schools . "A person currently smp/oyod b y the eyency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hano yer County upon appointment, in eccordenca with Artic/s VI, Ssc. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. - Job Title: Title 1 Reading Specialist, Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary Professional Activities:. Title 1 Reading Specialist/Data Coordinator, PTA Board Member, Media Advisory Committee, School Improvement Leadership Boazd, Blue Ribbon Awards Editor. (See Addendum) VolunteerActivities: Parent volunteer coordinator, church choir member, Sunday school teacher, community '. rganization volunteer, nursing/retirement home visitation, church library volunteer. Why'iYo, you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, ar Commission requestedl -~ ~To ensure a quality public library - system that meets the diverse needs of all children, young adults, adults; and senior New Hanover County residents. To build a collection in multiple formats'that will-meet the individual patrons needs of literacy, information access and enterta~nmPnt. What do yov feel are your qua/ifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl Certified in Education, in both North Carolina and Maryland, Master of Library Science 1998, Certified in both public library and school media; school librarian for eight years, Teacher for 28 years in grades Pre-K through 12. Reading Specialist in the New Hanover County Public Schools. i What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission'address~ Mlnlmal or-non-use of Library facilities and technology by'residents who have economic and/or literacy depravations. To make,. ',~ .the New Hanover County Library System estate-of--the-art library that serves all residents equitably. !,I ~ ~ ... '' .ore you currently serving on-another board or committee appointed by a municipa/ity.or a countyT If so, p/ease list: No. , h 19, 1999 Da te: 1 Si pnatuie ~Plaes• u • • side far edditiond.commmtsl (OVER). I aor-..c,:.c-~ rs ~ uS r z 1 COLLG~-.C SpLIARE BRANCH ~,.p~licatic~rt for Appoirtitnsents /// Y " ~~ -. N'&' 1W" ~~~~ ~.~~ Ct?~I1V~'~ 32a C`h~slrtrtt Si~•eet, Rporrt 3f?S LYfhri~rtgtoyt, NC 2801-4093 . T~Pc~~hotte (9ItI) 34,t-T1~9 ~ , I.~x(~~d) ~~~r-~.r~a r~,p,~Iicrztion~dPAppoinfrrr~~,zt tv 13acrrds, Co)lvtli~t~~S, n~td ~vl~cn~issions ,~ppoi;tt~.~~1 by dlia New ~~aKOVer G'attttty Rortrd of C.'ot~amissfvt~ers. Request for.~~snainr:p¢rrt to: FTasr lw=g lta1~e r~ou been ~ re.rldpnt of.Netiv Hittt~•er•Counly? '~'~~~ a ~~ _ / cj ~ +,~ P' .. rd 2 ~'a,~e ] vx'~ r~~~/ Alailiir~ AddreSd; pity crrl4~1 •~t'are: 4'.~~ ~.L,.(~~~~' " ~~d,- !Y ~r ~.l~i ~~CL~Ci ~~~~*~ '~iy~: ~ ~ . T•srle-Fltort~; tiarrre; ~t7~''' •-•- "~ ,~ "~ _Btrsrncfssr ..._._ *Thls ir~farvtruttPrr is r~gtrrstsd far rJt~ s4lcptrr~rPJ~, of nssurt>xg t{tat a c~~0~3~~G'Jf4n P,f llre C4lrrr-iurtJry fc pplr~ltrletd, - * aEnryfoyecf by: **A persotr GrrJretrrlp drJ~plot~cd by the agcrrcy or dspcn'lrttertt for ~rhlch this applfcgttort is ntacl~°, ttrttst rsslgn htJ~7t~°P yv, rcivn ~virfr Ne~s,flartvver C'ourtty uputt uppolrrtrirerrr, fn nccor clattce 1RltIl~4rrlcfa YI..Sec. 4 of rJ~B N2-y Hrt,tDtrpr Curt}:/~},r Prrsannel ~'ollcy, Jab ?'il1e: -. M rro~ac ,tct ~~~j~,~ i~'oftcrateer cttvtri~o~ ~t~l~, rt L'-~"'J' -~rrC ~'I ~g-Klb C~tf r~,f1~ C tt~ sense otr to QdYd• COlftNrttfer, or. orrrtf ssfart s~ ~ ~~- f ~ 77~ ~ C.~z,~ ref a~ 13~ t r f t~1;1lti~vww. co, nevv-}~snovet'.,nc, u 51acJappllrr:. f~trtY ~~~~ . ` t ~.u,~i ~-~,~ 0 ~~ Yrc,~ eC~i~,~1~-~ ~~~ {~ . 9/17l~8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY n" f~~~'rnr~~ BOARD Off' COMM/SSIONERS .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 APR ~ 4 ~ 1948 Wilmington,. NC 2801-4093 ~`t~Y H~I~V~ ~. Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~~ ~~ C~a~9&Pla~l~~ • FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the IVew Hanover.County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Name: ~, ,'") Home -~ Now long have you been a Address: a B /~ LSedL1~.ilt~ L h P resident of New Hanover County? ~ e.a.r5 Mailing Address: cr1G1~N _ ~5 a1.~pU'Pi City and State: ~/~/`~vh!`nq~N r /~/~l Zip Code: o~.~~D s , Telephone: Nome: _(q(Q~~ -~~ p S Business: /11~ _ °Sex: ~L' r~ ~~e °Race: ~3L~Ca?,5i~2 'Age: lao'Z 'This in/ormation is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed by: it ~.--_ 1,e~t2erl "A person cur/ant/y employed 6y the agency or department far which this app/ication is made, must rasign'his/her position with New Hanover Caunty upon appointment, in accordance with Arfide VI, Sec. 4 0! the New Nenover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: VolunteerACtivities: ~Oc3o't~ /~~(!2r`~~Lti° FPn2i- ~-~,,,~~ ~;may ~~,r~~-.,,~ ~;,n~, ~~'~P~~~~}is~~Te~~r a~.d ts~n arc acfl'u~ ~n~,o~;-~ of F/2sr ~,~s6yy f~ru,~ch • - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committed, or Commission requested?~/y~yy~_/)~ f~~1~~~ ih Udi^tD!!S lil~h~lk'1e5 /.r~~P1^a, ~ f?rJ/1P ~ili ~ 1 ,~ga~v /~ li~rlHr ~f-n ~~ s .-)H~ ~ ,2 du~~ had c~e.r a ~ rl ~A~ ~~//et~ ~ r 1 ,.~ rr, rzP~ inleres~a iN i.~~~ho tvi 7~ ~v„~ ,~ `~r~e~ ~rd.`ic~ 1~6n What do you fee/ are your qualifications .for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ?_~e~.~ ~` 1,/ ~6 ~;~. rn ~'~~s~ o?!'1d a ~t~-1~S c~eeg~ ~~ ~e~ fa•.r~~i- ~1,sG~ . hat areas c ncern wou d-~ytou lik to see the Boar , omm ee, or mmtssit ~Uet'a~iYtg ~°~~s ~ ,ate Cl2Cr~ji~ C..r~ /~j~n.. ~~~ l~ec~J /; 6 address? Zo2.l~ /hl~s`~j~2.. d ~ ~-~2d ~d1-c2 ~~ ih t}ol~ / Are~yo ~curr~serving o~ aindrhe~ r~ r committee appointed b y a municipality or a .county? if so, please Jist: Dat '! ~• ~/ ~ ~ / l ~ ~~ Signature f I (P/ease us reverse side jor additions! comments/ (OVER) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 ' FAX {910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Request for Appointment to: Library Advisory Board Name: C: Edward Muckey Home Address: 907 Roswell Glen Mailing Address: Same How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 1 + years City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28411 Telephone: -Home: 910/3.13-0240 Business: 910/256-8700 'Sex: Male 'Race: Caucasian `Age: 48 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: SHARPS Architecture, P.A. A person currently employed by fhe agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Polrcy. Job Title: Architect Professional Activities: Licensed, practicing architect Volunteer Activities: See attached sheet. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? In fhe past, /have always been active in my community. l believe it is the ri ht thing to da. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Commiftee, or Commission requested? 20+ years as an architect presenting zonin cases. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? l believe in a logical, sensible, professional approach to p/annin and construction. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a muncipality or a county? If so, please i~~ / ~ ~~~ ^~~ j Date: 142 ,.,., ~,~ .REFERENCES Tease provide Three local personal references: 9J Name • George Barbour Phone Number 910/792-1040 2) Don Woods 910/395-7814 3) Phil Sharpe 910/256-8700 n 144.. ~ . .. . ',~ `' Application for.Appointments " ' •~ ~ " ; . Page 1 oft .. .. _ . . . _ • ,. - . n l - ... ... , .. ,. .; - NEW ~IANOYER ~ COUNTY .. ~ •• ' , ^ ' BOARD ~~' COMMI-S~`IONERS . '~ ~ ~: ~ = .' .' < 320 Chestmct Street, Room 305 - ' -, ~ ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 284~I=4093` . ... ,:- lephone (91,0).31-~ ;.. W. FAX (910) 3-~ 1==~ 130; ., .. ~~ ' _ ".: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions , ` :.. _ .. . ' Appointed by the New Hanover County hoard of Commissioners. ~ • ,. .. P ,, .. -. ~ • . ~ Request-for Appointment to: • . ~. ,. _ •. -.. ~. _ 'Library Advisory .Board. •: , :. ;. a, ,. ", ,...'..Name:. .a. - ~ ' ,a .. :. Georgia S. Polhemus• '' ~• 'How long have you been a resident of.Netiv Hanover County? ~ • 5 i 'years .. G _ , Y °, Home flddresS:.•• ~• ~ . . ' ~ ~ ~ 37~2_T~imbri l ~anA, Wi 1IIii na~on , PLC 2841 2. . NlailingAddress _ ~ ,- • .. A's -above ~ , ~;. , . ,City and State: , •. ~ . Zip Code: • ~ ; ' . ,,„ Telephone.: Home: ; 910 - 4 5 2 -- 7 6 6 6 ~ ` Business: Retired ' • . .` • - Race: C a u e ge . '7.2" ~ ' *This nformdtiorz is requested fc~r the sole purpose.ojassuriizg'that across-section of the community is appointed . . ., - .**Employed by: • . .- - - Y• , .. , - . ,., * *A person currently employed by the agency or department for :which this application is made, mzrst:resign his/her ~ • positiomivith New-Hanover County zrpon appointment, in accordance :with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County ~• PersorrrzelP~licy. • . Job Title.. •. ' , • . j ~ ~ . ;. . ",.: : 1'rofessronal Activities: .. • ,:. • ,... ~r. ,- .~,._ ~. . ' T%'olzanleer Aclivitres.• ; ~. • , • . ~/ . .. -. .. -. ., . , - .. `~ .. •~ .~ ~ _ .. ; v .'.~~4~ r Y Application for Appointments ~ Page 2 of 2 Why do you wish to sense on the Board Committee, or Commission requested? _I_am impressed with the Count Li:brar S_ stems.. It-CJs-~s~e_Z_1_az_an_cL `~-- y-- X - _L_ want to help keep it that way. The field of library science is changing and I desire to assist in implementi~na the chances into the County System. As a trained librarian, I feel that I have much to offer. What do yorr feel are your giralificatrons for serving on the Board Committee, or Commission requested.' For about 20 years I have served .as either an elementary, middle school, or high school librarian: I hold a MLS as a Library-media Specialist. for a number of years ave vo un eere in your ranc libraries and feel that I have developed a knowledge of the system. YYhat areas of concern would you like io see the Board Committee, or Commission address? In order for B~nch~i bar; e.~ to a~Qgszat-Pi y SPY ~e_trP_~rnw; r,g_p~pul-a-tion, I would suggest additional staff at these locations. Are yorr currently serving on another board or committee appoizzted by a municipality or a coanrty? If so, please hst: No. Date: 3 , 16 , 9 9 Signature REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name ' v~z~ • t~sL./ Phone Number ~, 1. Mr. Matthew Young 799-8354 2. Mr Frank Kent 452-7199 3. MrsHel2n Bo11e ~A~_~26g . 146 .. . NE1/~/ HAl1lOVFR COUNTY - ~ . ... - -' . ~ , ABOARD OE COMM/SSIONERS ' 1'lE~~~ = ~ 4 1998 ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - - - Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 . - _ ~~ ~7~,. r -- . - ' .Telephone (9101`341-7149' ' - ° , ,: ,. - . FAX (91 Ol 341-4130 .. - -: - -. ~~'> Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and~Commissions'..~ - Appointed by the`New Nanover County Board of Commissioners. - .. ., - , . Re oast for A - .. " q ppointment to: , . Home.,. How long have you been a Address• ~,~I`~,~ J:A~1~1 (;y1 LM ~ -l,~T'(fnl, /`J~ ~.~ ~O s = residentoflVew Nanover Countyl /r/1 y ~ 9 :, ~ Mailing- Address:- ] S~~ . S E ~ ~)= ~ ~ A 1.7 ~ - ~~ - ~ _ . 'City anal State: ~ ~L LY) ~ :%VGT~J -~ /~/` C - '. Zip Code: a' ~ T ~~ p ~ _ Tale hone .Home; q~~ ~- 79~ ~ ~~ I -Business: 9~a_ 395 '.7,5 ' "Sex: ~~ ~., ~ ~ "Race: CA(_J~QSIA~ ;Age. v~ 'This.inf6rmetion is requested for the sa/e purpose of essuri~q that across-section of the community is,eppointed. ~ 'V "'Employed by: ~. C.0 ~G ~ ~ ~ `~~~ Q ~d ~~J ~ ~ - - _ "A person current/y amp/oyed by the agency or depe~tment (or whrch thrs app/icatian rs mad_ e, must resign hrs7he~posilion with ` New Hanave~-County upon eppgintment,-in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy ' d ' Job rtl~: _ S,~ F~ T `~ %~. Cdr u hC i ~ ~ _ ,- . .. ~, . `Professional Activities: ~dLG Ll~'1 {: ti ~ T(~/J ,P~ GI O~1,4 L S.~ ~! y 'SCNPO L ~ - - _. .. .. ,- -. .: - :Volunteer Activities: , . ~ , ~ ~ `,' ~ .. - v t- ~~ ' - ., Why do -you wish to serve on th.e Board,: Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~ ~1~~-r~ ~;~/I A . . ,. r` ,,, ~~ ` iv~~ • ~. . Wh`at..do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on .the Board, -Committee, or Gomr»issiorr requested? , . - ~, -~, °~:rn, ~, ~, - .- n. What areas of concern ~wou/d you~like to see 'the Board,.. Committee,. or Commission address? ' ` ~r~,~- ,.., _ ~ - 'Are yoti currently serving on another board or committee appointed ey a municipality or a county? If so, piease~list: .. 5 e V t "., ... - I • ~ . ,- ' ~ .: _ " ' .. i >? a S tur .. g 7 (Please use tevetse side far eddrtrona! comments] ~. ~ ' ' (OVER) - 3 • .. ' ,` ,~ NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members;,,13~! / Z. One-third of the members may be nominated by_Nursing-Home Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing. Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. ~` Term: 1-year term initially; 3-yeas terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. CURRENT MEMBERS Joan Barbara Apke 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 799-4574(H) Catherine R. Davis 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395-512 (H) 350-2100 (W) Peggy 7. Hall P.O. Box 5216 Wilmington, NC 28403 762-4665 (H) Dorothy Lane Grime SS83 Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409. 350-0672 (H) Shirley O. Mason 1144 Forest Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 763-5973 (H) 790-3990 therine W. gan -~ 5 ~7 Quail ge Road Wilmi on; NC 28409 799 198 (H) 790-9137 ,, TERM TERM SERVING EXPIRES First ~ 11/30/2002 (Appt,. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. To 3-year term 11/1S/99) First . 6/30/2002 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) . Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 First 2128/2001 (Appt. 2/21/00 to 1 year term)' First 6/30/2003 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) (Appt. 6/19/00 to 3 year term) First 11/30/2002 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) (Appt. To 3 year term 11/30/99) ----_~ First 6!30/2000 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) J FROM THE-DESK OF... Teresa Godoy 4 4801 Oberbeck Way Wilmington, NC .28409 (910)350-0629 July 31, 2000 ~., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Commisioners: This is to inform you that as of August 31', 2000, I will no longer be able to serve on the Nursing Home Advisory Board. I want to give a special THANK ,YOU to Jane ones or a that I learned through her about the community and special needs of the elderly. It has been a most rewarding nine years, This is surely ,a committee that focuses on a Labor of Love for humanity and I will always feel honored and proud to speak of my experiences on this committee to others. I also want to thank Mrs. Harvin Quidas for having the pleasure of meeting her. She is a very knowledgeable person wanting to reach out and touch. As.I told her, if she. every needs my volunteer services~to interpret or translate for her or the committee, it will be my pleasure. Sincerely, ~.a Teresa Godoy cc: Jane Jones, Director H. Harvin Quidas, Region 0 Ombudsman 152 o ~ [ ~(}',~ ~ n f.~'~~ 0 3 1~^~~ h`EVIi HANvVER C~. BD. OF CO't!tAlS31Gi~~RS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840)-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 a~0 0 9 2000 NEW HANOVER CQ. 6D. OF COMM(SSlC~~~~35 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. RequestforAppointmentto: Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee , , Name: Rev. John Fredlaw Home ,1.10 S. 1.3th Street Wilm. NC 28401 Nowlong,haveyoubeena 5Yrs Address: resident of New Hanover County? MailingAddress: P. O. Box 715 City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28402 Telephone: Home: (91 0) 7 6 3- 8 2 4 6 Business: (91 0) 7 6 2- 3 5 4 9 "Sex: Male *Race: Black *Age: 47 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: Retired ' • •A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position wit New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professiona/Activities: Minister VolunteerActivities: Director of A Helping Hand Ministries, Inc. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see Attachment What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: 1 t54 r, _ ~~ Signature (Please use reverse side for additional comments! `~ATTACHI~IENT" .. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Coffimission requested? I wish to serve on this committee because I have great passion for the welfare of one elderly. I want to ensure that they are properly taken care of in our nursing home facilities. What do.you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My qualifications include being the Co-founder and Executive Director of A Helping Hand Ministries, Inc. A ministry whale central focus is aiding disabled, elderly, and disadvantaged individuals, mentoring for children and much more. Ialso have experienced first hand dealing one on one elderly people in nursing homes.lVly mother was taken to a facility a few years ago to spend her fast days. I have worked in nursing homes around the country and I have seen the heeds that these individuals have. Also, during my visits as a minister I see daily the treatment of our elderly. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I would like to see this committee address the issue of how having mere events for our elderly people to attend. I also would Like this committee to address the issue of how to include mare of our minority elderly persons in such. functions .Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list:lVO 156 ~ VIEW fIANOVFR :COUNTY - ~ RIB ." ' - _ 320 CheOF COMMISSIDNERS ~~ r . ~ - . - stmt Street Room 305. ~ : - ` - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 :. ~ ~ , ~ - . Telephone (9101 341-7.149 ~ -_ . - :FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130- .~ . ` '^ ~ Application for Appointment to hoards, Corrimittees, and ~ Commissions - ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - •-~ , • 1, ,~ Requestfo~Appointmentto NtIY'~l'f1Q t-tnmP, y+ C.~m '~ .nmmcin~-~-./ ~ ~iii~ U Name: . ,jr, .. ~ Ho.wJong-have-you•been a Addr'ess`. ` ~-~ ~q a,' -.• ~IeII nc~ r' ' ~'~(+ resident of-New Hanover County? . r . - `.. Mailing Address: ter. Ql"Y1 C'~ -. - `' } . City and State: YV 4 ~~'Yl t Yl q~~ Yl ~ C ~ .Zip Code: a1,.~ W'n3 ~ , v _ .. ; .Telephoner, Home:. ~ _1 0(" ~~ Jr~ ~t ~ .. .Business: S Q.mt°J 1 ."Sex:. -.^~~.,` t, 11 L, ' ~LS tC ! P`,. »Race: ~LV i 11 e. "Age: In ~~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring chat across-section of.,ihe `community is appointed. ~ „ ' , .. .. - .. - ,, , . "Employed bY` Re.. 1 r ~ :. .: < ~ , ,.., T •A person currant/y emp/oyedby the agency or department far whrch this appl~catlon is made, mustresign his/herpositian with, ' -, ,. ,New h'anover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec.. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. . ,lob Title: ,. ~ y - Professioria/Activities: ~ _ ~. , } _. ~ . ~. ~,Vo/irnteerActivities: - -~ ~~~}~ ~ e ,~ na rV Why do you wish to serve on: the, Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~~~~" ~,- ti yy~ ~r~e~ir~ ~ car; c~ ` ha ,~ ~'i~m~ -~'~ ~erv~ ~ ~ u1~ 1 ~ ke. -}~a .~.. - , us_ ~om~~-h; ~g k,Q.cK ~n -~-he cornrnun-~-,r . What;do you: feel'are your qualifications-for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ ~ ' o re.~ - or r v ~ r lends ~ ~ r n- hd s . ~ ~e. comrnuni y, au'~n~.. Com~cl.5s~on dr - e. e-~ ex- ~ ~ ep e,n ~. Whatareas of concern wdu/d you ike to see the Board, Committee, -or Commission address? _~ - ~ r r~ mexi~" :- 1~1,ore. Spin a1~ a. asphere,.' - . Are:you ccirrent/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county If so, please list:- ' . .. - ~:. ~ - ;; - ~ .. ~ l 1~~ = , . , - - ` Date: -~ U1~ e, .7 ~ a.0 d ~ . ~ ~ Signature ' (Please use: reverse side for additions/.comments? . - - - .. ~. REFERENCES: . _ _ .. ~~ P/ease provide tf~ree local persona/ references: ~ . - Name Phone Num6er. . 1. C1~r1~ ~4c~we.l1 ~ ''7q I S~a4 7 ..~. ~ . Ines . , . S; r7'gl l~ X1 1 hbrnE • 2• . `"x~1~ Y''Q ~, . ~QUYI~'~'Y''2 ~l'- "7 n ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ IJ 45 C ~ S 1 r1~ ~ ~ r - ~~ ~ ~ ' ' ` . .~ 0 o 7 , Q! Y 3,,, . ~e.Y• ~me4 N1~ ~,1~~GaW '7aG-~~7~ ~me. '7q~ ~17 9c~urc - ~ ~ ~ .. . ~ , Applicant. % '-'+ r_ ~ . - . .:,i i ~ ~ ~ . . + ' ~• ~' ` . ' : <. , .. ... . _ ~. _ '.. 158 . ... , .. • -~ j .. `° "04/.18/00 07:28 FAQ '910' :676 6404 '' ~ Fc.O CSANNEL MEZZANINE ~ •, _~•, r,~ . , ., , ... , . 1 . w . • :• .• '' .. "° NEt1V NAIVOVER COUNTY _ ~ , . . ~ ~ BOARD OF' CO1V1MfSS10NERS . .. - ~ 320..Ches"tnut Street, Room 305 :' ; . . Wilmington, NC~ 28401-4093. ,.. ~. ~ Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7149 :' . ~_ . ' _ FAX 19101341-4130 , .• ;. . . . ~ Apphcatian for Appointment to Boards, Committees, sod Comr»issions ~ _ '~ Appointed~1by the New Hanover County Boaid of Cofnmissinners. " • f Request.for Appointment ta: 'r~/ISirv (r ;, a _/~ nh7A rl EG, ST~l2 Nome / 0I/J7 FNte . ~ - Address: ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ How long. have you been a resldent of New Hanover Coilrity7 _ • ? d f~~f~li~' /~~ ,:~, Met7inp Address: ~~7 ~!~ t~tlFi~lllf ' - ~'',,g !. j - , } '' City and State:, A.~~ ~-lfly~~.... ~ ~ ` ,.. • ,T.rp Code: ~~''yo7 9 Telephoner _ Home: ~Q ~ ~~ / 7 J~~.. • .. ~ i ~~~ 7~- .~~9~0 ', • Business: . _ "Sex: ~~~ "Racer ,, ^^ h t t ~ .L~rl ` ~ ,' ' ` w Ape: d , 'This Infarmatl^n ! requested for the so/a purpose of esstuhty that a crosssectlon of the community is eppalnfod. -- ' "'"Employed by: C.9- o - Lr~L ~ ~~ GtC~Er~ ' "11 parson currartNy. airrp/oyod by the agoncy or departrnont fvr Which lhia applicetian is made, must resign his/her position wJth ' 1~lew Hanover County upen appoinGrrent, !n accordance with Article V1, Sew 4 of the-Naw N~over County Personna/,acl;cy, , • /~ .- Jo6 Trtle: '~ ~ A~fiINJ° V~~~'~'//~L/,S'T' Y ,.. .; . ',,,ProfessiorratActivities: yt(o/~~ .. . . , , Volunteer.. Activities: `J ~(tC~id-2 / ' , ` Wh y do you"'wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? trJr, ~A+Q£ OT ' /~J ~,~„_ . ; . '~ ~ ti sir -~,~ ~- . ~ .. ~~ ~/~ ~ - - What do 'you fee/ are your. qualiftcatlons for serving on the Board, Camnvttee, or Commission requested? ~'CA~~J2oU,Jc~et:. ;.~R- rhy /rle~,~.r%,~=.f~ q,,rp ~~% c~ ~ ~ ~ ~io%~.~5, ,,~ ~fi -'What areas of concern vvou%d'you like to see the board, Committee, or Cammrssian address? ' d ~1L F- ,~r,~ - „Are.you currently serving on another board or committee a 11)) o hied by a murricipa ity cr ounty? PP t I a c f so, please list: • ~Nd ; ~ ~ Date:.. ~ Signature - - - IP/ease use averse-side or addllional cammarttsl • • , . 6 04/19/00 07:29 FA% 910 676 6404 FCO CHANNEL 3iEZZANINE ~~~~ Please pro vide three local. personal references: . tl/ame ~ Phone Number r1 ~ s '?~v ~- 5~~~ 7 ;'" l~ ~: . ~ /~'1~°~~`T~n~~,~ ~ 75- 653 ;~ ~ ., '~ ~ . '- - JUN-~38~-,99 05;:25 'PM .BANKERS, LIRE.. ~L. CASUALTY. ~ 9102562165 ~- ,., ~, y .: y. .. ~ , . 1VEW P~~g11/QVi~R CC7UNTY. , - . .. . '. . .. - . ..: _ - - ~'C7AR~ aF C4MMISSIONL~RS ' ~ _ , 32Q Chestnut Street, Roor» 30~ : , . , :. ~ . - ~ V1lilmington, NC 28401 X4093 .. Telephone (9101 341-7149. ~ ., , . ~- FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Applfcatlart fvr Appointment fo Boards, Cammlttees, end Gvm.-»i~~r~rts~ _ ~ App~int~d by t e New Nan er Count Board f orrrmfss! ~ aequest,ror.Appolntment ta:, lvursin -Home Cammunit Advisor Committee . , , ,. , .: ~• Narrre•__~.teye"n `R. R[rbert.5 - ' . - . ' l~ar»e . - Now long have ycu bean s -. Address: $05 Ba Blossom D~ . resirient of /Vew Hanover' Caut~tyT +-~ # Years . ~ .Mailing Address: 8 b 6 $ ay ~31a s s om Dr - ' ;~ ..; . .- EityarrdSt~te:. .Wilmn tari, : NC .Zip Code: 2$41'1 ', ' Telephoner- Home: `{910},397-0665•- ,Business: {9IQ) 256-23J ~' ~ ^ +$ex: Male "Race: Caucasa.on "Aqe: ~40 • ' - •71ris Infarnetien 1s requested (or the sole purpose or assuring Chet a zeroes-sectfan of the cammun/ty is appointed. ' ... : :•,'fmployed by: Hanker$ Lift and Casualty Cn. ° ~A Parson CGaBntty erraoiaysd by the agency or daparrrnent far which ihix app/ieelion /,~ r'nnd-, must reFrgn hisJl,er Desition with Naw,Nertvver County updn appolnfntcAt, irf ~cCOrdance with Arttc/a Vt, Sec. 4 af'the New Nartover County Personnel Po.9cy. ' .- :. JabT TlfJe: Agent.,, _ ' PrafessionalAclivities: Assists 'scniaxs~ with their health insurance needs 'Vo/vnteerActivities:L~y SpeakcrlLeader of Church r Sunday School Teacher r 'pTA' - ~, ~ . . ` ' ~' ° ~ Member - , . Why do yotr wish 'to serve oR the Basrd, .Commfttee, or Colrtmission ietluested? Z hear the ~z ,;. ~~ .a ,u~ _ ~~ . ,. ~ concexns/fears ,ef, peo~ale concerning: nursing homes everyday, ` - :~ - -. ,. and .with this knowledge I can better understand the needs, o±' ~:._:~ ~ ` ' - _ ...r.. ____.-- _ . . . '` ~ and how to help our county residents - ~ -~ Whet`do you -feet are your °qualifirafrons for servirZp on the Board, Camnrittee, ar .Commission requestedl' ._ -Trained.n`Medicaxe and Long Term Ga~~ benefits, trained faci:litater, M.A. i.n Social Science, abilit~y to speak in public ' Whst areas of Concern wvvld yov like to see the Board, Committee, or (:p{7Tmi5Siot7 address? ... `= Assuring .that a.I1, ~ac~.la.ties comply with Stag/Local Regulati~r,s - ,,- ' Are you currently seru;n~ on another beard or committee appointed by a municipality or a cravnr,; ? ~t~:.:t~, ~'~ase list: None . , • __ . ` Date: June '8, 1999 ~ t~_ {I~~t~t - ~igriature I~ ? aesa use reverse. s;da fvr addrtiona/ cornmentsl '' .. ` . . - .., . .. t ... ,. - , JUN-0S-99 05:26 PM SANKERS.LIFE.&.CASUALTY. 9102565165 r- P. 02 i ~ , i' E~FF'El~~NCFS 'lease pruvrde three loos! persona! references: . i, ~, ~~ , ~ lligrrre Phone Number ,i 1/ Dan Cooper 7995323 2J ~ William. (Bilk.) Haddock, ~ Rev. 762-2583 3J Debbie Wheat I~im. 686-7438 Wk. 341-4462 .~ . {This page intentionally le, ft blank } ~.n r ~ ~i.~v~~!5~a . ~~ 4ui'J W+7Fi~° ~~ ~ g ~~ ~~V }} y~gq 164 ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~#~ A~ _ t .J ~, . a~t~ ~~~ ~~~t~~~A 16 6 , _ ; ~~ ~ 1..~~~~ •~ r ~E~~~~~~~ - •.: ~ . - , .. „,, ~; .. ,: ~;.~:..~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,. - . ~ Meeting Date: 08/21/00 ~.. • ~~ . Additional' Item #: 1 Estimated Time: .. ~ - Department: Library Presenter:.. ~: - Contact: David Paynter~ V _ ,~ .SUBJECT: .. ,. .. ~ ~. .. - : Ga#es Foundation Grants _: . . BRLEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ .. .. , . The New Hanover County Library is applying for two grants from the Gates Foundation. The first "will provide.public.access computers and software at the Main Library, Carolina Beach, and the Law Library. It wilf also al'low.us to purchase additional ,computers at a discounted rate, if we so desire..The second, grant would. provide a training lab at the Northeast Library. A supplemental • • • .. grant from the State Library to assist in the equipping of the computer lab wi11 be available later. - , _ The total value of all fhe grant applications is estimated at: Carolina Beach $ 8,058. ,.(Gates State Partnership Grant)- Main ~• ° $18,358 (Gates State Partnership Grant) ' . . Law _~ $18358... (Gates State Partnership~Grant) • NE Lab $38,304 (Gates Computer-Lab Grant) : - - , • 'State Grant •4 500. (Equipment Grant from State .Library) - Total $87,578 .. • ~ 'In addition, the Gates Foundation will pay for four library staff merri'bers to attend a week Fong • training session on managing computer technologyand software. The only cost to New Hanover County will be'in finishing and equipping the lab space of the Northeast Regional Library. Ifi needed, funds are available in the project .budget to cover hiS cost . . (estimated at $7.20,000). ,; ; RECOMMENDED.MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 'Request approval of application and acceptance'of Gates State Partnership Grant and Gates Computer Lab Grant,. Request approval of budget amendment if grant is awarded.. .j FUNDING SOURCE: ~ r~ `: ; . .. project budget . ; . ~ , ,_ . .. . ..~ a ATTACHMENTS:- - ., f , REVfEWED BY: LEGAL; N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A { ~ COUNTY COMtVII. ,ION~~ ' , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _ APPROVED _ _ ~ ,Recommend approval`.. ~ REJECTED C1 ~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Rr'.'J~IED C1 ~ . ._ P .. _ _ .. .; POSTPONED C] . '. a ~,„~ HEARD ~` ~ J . ~ ~ . ~ DATE ,~ y ~ ' ~ f .. ..~ ~ {This page. intentz'onally left blank } 168 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSJONERS ~1 {This page intentionally left blank} ~, ~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM~MISStONERS ' - . ` ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACT10N ~ ~ ~ . ~,.. .Meeting Date; 08/21/00. '~ . ' Water & Sewer, Item #: 3 Estimated. Time: Page Number:- ~ ~ ~. - •, Department:.Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard `.k • Contact: Wyatt E: Blanchard ,.; .. _.' :'' - ~ SUBJECT:.., _ ~ -,. r ,. ~ - . Request for Waiver of Fees ~ ~ ~ - _ .. BRIEF.SUMMARY:- ~ .~ ., , .. .. , -_ ~ The Yahweh Center is planning to construct a facility adjacent to-the new DOT facility` and' the ~' - ~ ~' fsland °Park Industrial ,sife: The site is near the intersection of, I-40 and Holly Shelter, Road '(see ~~ ~ ` ~ map) on the east side of I-40. . ' .. The County has received a, request from Yahweh (copy attached) asking that'-the development and` ~ , ~. impact fees be tofally or partially waived for water and sewer. The vvastewaterimpact fee for.this area.is~$10.00 per gallon.rather,than the normal $3.75 per gallon. This. is due to the cost of the wastewater treatment plant which was constructed to serve the Lsland Park .area... Inaddition, the . . 'District- has agreed to a contract with Island Park Associates to reimburse them up to $137,500 from all,watei• development fees collected from all new development connecting to the District .- ~ ~ ~-water system in this area-.•-°island .Park Associates constructed this water system for the District,, ~ ' _ . , ~.. , ~- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND-REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ • _ . pue to-the cost involved.and.the agreed reimbursement~to Island Park Associates the impact fees , should not be~waived. it is important to note that the pistrict_generally has not waived impact _ :.fees for other-non-profits, organizations (i.e. churches). - ~. ~ .:. FUNDING SOURCE: , .. ,;, .~ ' .~ ATTACHMENTS:.` ' . - ,: Location Map ~ ~ - ,,, , -.Letter of Request . ' , _ • . ~ . - RE1[IEWED BY:., `, .. . .. - ~ -<: ' `.; ..LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUpGET: N/A HUMAN- RESOURCES: N/A ' ~ ~ ' ~. "COUNTY MANAGER'S .COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS': ~ ~ ` :. .: , ~~: Concur vvith County Engineer and recommend denial of request for a waiver. ~: .• .- . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. n .. _ _ _ ~ APPROVED. < .; DEJECTED - . r;. •~ .:.' , .. . ~ . ~tEMOVED f'J ~,.. ...: ~aSTPONED ~ '~ ,_ . . , ... . ~ . .. - ., . ~~ :. ~ William Caster , 08/07/2000 10:47 AM To: Allen O'Neal, dweaver@co.new-hanover.nc.us, Wyatt Blanchard/NHC@NHC' cc: Subject: Grourid Breaking and Impact fees. Is there anyway to help them out on impact fees? ---------------------- Forwarded by William CasterlNHC on 08/07/2000 11:04 AM --------------------------- "Carla Roberts" <yahweh@wilmington.net> on 08107!2000 09:12:53 AM _.. To: <bcaster@co.new-hanover.nc.us> cc: , Subject: Ground Breaking and Impact fees. Greetings Bil1~! I hope you enjoyed the RNC--I loved. it! First time in a long time I have felt so fired up about the .positive direction of our, candidates and, hope for the country. Anyway-=I wanted to seek your, attention to_two separate but related matters. The first is to ask if you would do us the YAHWEH CENTER the honor of speaking at our ground-breaking ceremony scheduled for 10 'am on August the 26th.. This will be held at'our Blue Clay Road site and-will involve the groundbreaking fos the first Residential' Cottage in the" Children's Village." It has been really wet but I believe we are still set for that. Please let me know if you could~attend•and I will let you know more details. The second is involving impact fees. Our fees for the first cottage are $8300 + dollars and for the Administrative and Program building they are $4600. Can we get any break on this? We are going to be contracting with New Hanover County to bring the sewer lines up to our site and that will cost about $60,000 or so. We would appreciate so much your help in reducing or waiving these fees. We have not been in the General Fund with our hands out for assistance since 1992. I hope you can advise us or assist the agency in this---it is money that could be spent on so many other things! Thank you for your consideration and support. I look forward to hearing from You! , Sincerely, Carla J Roberts rte- r , -~,~ ; ~ ;~ ;G ~ •. 172 t 3ati . , ..> N'EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r BAVARIAN LN ~Lo~cat~on }}of Northside~~~a ~~t:ist Church 17 6 ~ ~; ~:~~~~ . , , ~ ~,~y -: 400 0 G~ ~ ~ .400 800 Feet N E ' _ ~ CONSENT AGENDA ~'` . - _ • 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. .' . .. ;_ a ,. August 21', 2000 .. . , . ~:: ,.. ., .: ..' - ,; , 'ITEMS OF BUSINESS . , ~ :PAGE NO. ° .. 1. Approval of minutes ' 179 ~ " . r `~. ~ 2. Approval of Administrative Office of the Courts Grant for Drug Court -, = T 81 ~_ , 3.. Approval of FY 2000-O1 HUD Cooperative Agreement. Continuatiori Grant 183 ~.. ' ' _ . '' 4. ~ Approval of Partnership for Children Grant for FY 2000-01 ~ . ~ 185 ,. • ' •'~ .~ ~ ~ 5., 'Approval of Snows CufPark Lease Ameridmerit~ ~: ~ ~ 187. ° ~ ~ 6. .Approval of-New. Hanover County. and. New Hanover County Fire District ~ 191 + Collection Reports ~ , ` ` ~ . ~ 7. , { Approval of °Release of Value - ~ ~ ~ 195 _ ~` rp • ~f t`-8. ~ Approval of 2000 Real Estate Value Appeals ~ ~ " . 197 . ~. ~ . ~,~` 9 . `" Approval to :proceed with contract for construction of.white goods processing. l 99 • ~. ~..: T areaat the New Hanover County Landfill. `.. 10'. ` ` Acknowledgment of County contribution to City of Wilmington Skateboard 203 . .: '• `. ,.Park Project j ,;. - : .11. , w ; ,- . A royal to: waive ti fees fore Kee Amer-ica . : pP P p Beautiful "Big Sweep" . ~ . - 205 .:... 12.. ` . ,. A royal of Resolution to re ue pp q st NCDOT to add roads in The Commons 209 ~~ ~ Subdivision and The Summer Glen subdivision to the NC State Road. System .. , . , . • " .Approval of Budget Amendments: ,, .. 13.1 • #01-0017,to.rollover unexpended grant fiords from FY 99-00 to FY 2000-01 :. .213' " ,13.2 #O1-0016 to establish budget for FY 2000-01 for Cooperative~Extension 215 .extended".p'rojects . :: 13:3 #01-0020 to badget additional" funding for Public Health/Project Assist - ' ~ 216 - _ , '. - ' ~ . ~~ 13.4 - #01-0022: to budget additional funding for Social ServiceslChild Day Care ~• 217 ,. , .., ~. • . .. ... ~ ° .: , . : ., -, - .. ~Y, .~,- ,,,,R.. , r i 4.: ~a...! r .. r`~ 1 ~0 ~, . '~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N ~~Meeting Date: 08/21/00 Budget Amendment I~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Administrative Office of the Courts Grant $100,000 Contract Services ~ $10,0,000 EXPLANATION: To budget grant awarded from the Adminstrativ~ Office of the Courts for funding . the Drug Court in New Hanover County. _,,! -~ ~y ~ ,~~~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: DEPARTMENT: Drug Court BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0013 i s f~ p~~~~ .. ~ e"o~l~,~~ ,~ u~M ,~~F'RO~JED ~.,~ 'II REJECTED ~:®~^ , ~~ Q REMOVED ' "a, . /.' is 1 C~2: ° ~ POSTPONED, ~~ F{EARia ~~ ,. ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/2'1/00 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Human Relations ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0018 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT HUD Grant $18,300 Contract Services ~ $18,300 EXPLANATION: To increase budget to actuaF amount of FY 2001 grarit award. (budgeted at $32,500; actual amount of grant is $50,800) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners :, ,~- % r r t~ T ,,~;~~:5 ' : ~ ~ ,~ iri`'33v ~OUNT~'. ~®NiM~N APPROVED. , REJECTED . 184 ,~..-.r . -R~M~VED I~ ' POSTPONED WEARiJ g ~~ID~ ,C ~, 'J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/21/00 Budget Amendment ' DEPARTMENT: Library BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0019 ADJUSTMENT Partnership for Children .Grant Salaries FICA Supplies Travel Postage Printing Equipment Maintenance Books DEBIT $104,953 - r""°~ EXPLANATION: To budget grant awarded to Library for FY 01. •'',~/';~~.--- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners "`' APf~~~J~l~ ,- RE:J'~1;i~E G7 Q REIVI'(~VED~ E:7 1 V 6 IPOSTPONE,D .~ ~, ~t HEARt3r ., , ~ ~~ \. „~: CREDIT $65,172 $6,631 _ $4.,.700 $3,250 $400 $1,600 $1,000" $22,200 , •. , _. , .. ° .. ,. , ,_ .. - . ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - ~, ~ , ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ - .. Meeting Date: 08/21/00. . , . .:. . `- `Consent Item~~#: ;5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' ~ ~" .:a. . ' - Departments _Parks~ ~~Presenter: Neal Lewis- ~ ~~ -: '.` Contact: Neal Lewis' .. i. - ~ , _ - . .. SUBJECT• . y ' ~. ~ - ° -Snows Cut.Park Lease Amendment ' . j ~ ~ .BRIEF SUMMARY:.... ` - - ' The County currently leases twenty-four (24) Acres along Snows Cut from the, U:S. Army~Corps of -` Engineers.~:The area has aloe dthe northdaho e of the waterwa e ThekCoun for approximately:One .,, Thousand Feet (1 000') g ~y. ty has developed picnic - areas;`playgrounds, water access and rest room facilities at the Park. The Park is very popular.,,. " The Corps.°of Engineers (Corps) has indicated a willingness to expand the lease to include ~ " approximately ten (10) acres adjacent to the existing Park, running eastward to the waterway's .- ~ ° . :junction .with Masonboro Sound. The Corps has also offered to lease approximately ten (10)-Acres ' on the south shore, in the vicintiy of the U.S.,Highway 421. bridge: Access to this property would . be from 0Id Dow Road. A map of these areas is included for your review:. .... "u , .~ The'~current lease costs :the County nothing. . "~ . ~.. • . . ,.;There are no definite plans to develop this additional acreage at this time. Several possibilities " have been. mentioned. As the erosion encroaches toward.. the structures, in the existing park,. t"here will be a,need to replace them at some point in time.'Some of this replacement could take: place .` - on this new property on the north shore. The. area wound be a good site~for trails. On fhe south ~ . _ ~ shore; there has been mention of additional picnic facilities and/or a trail, which would tie into the ~~ ` ~~ • ~ :`Carolina Beach State Park trail system. Carolina Beach State-park is adjcacent to this property.: ~ ~' =The existing park was developed with a Coastal Area Management Act Beach Access Grant. These grants sou d be applied for in this situation. These grants are 75% - 25% matching grants,•with .: '~ _~ - : the 75% coming from`the State. - - : ° ~ ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTI0N5 .: ,~ .; .The: Board of.County Commissioners is asked `to adopt a resoultion authorizing the Chairman, o` . send a ;letter to~the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, requesting an amendment to the existing lease .' - to'include these two, ten-acre ;parcels. A drafit.letter i5 attached. ~~ ~ . s FUNDING SOURCE ... ' r`.'°-_-=----w--`---_~.:.; . . C~fll~f~ ~~f11);9~~® ~' . -: YN/A:.. .APPROVE® .. ~~~ TS: ... ~ ~7EJECTEp p a ATTACH M ENi "A ~ . .. REMOVED q r ,~ •, _~ ,,. ~'USTPONED ~ ~ Caster property letter . . , REVIEWED•BY: ,, . ,. •/°~'~`F!~-t~i ° ~ LEGAC: A rove' FINANCE: A rove ` "~ . ~ ,pp pp , -BUDGET: Approve ..HUMAN RESOURCES: N~ ,, . ,: ~. <. ~ s . ., - ~, ,. ,:: .. ., .r ,;r ~ - ~~ a e ~. °- _ ,.. ;:. ~ .. k ~ . . ' ., • July ~6, 2000 ,. r _ _ -` . '' ~ Mr James R. Butler ,. '.,Chief of Operations Division • _ - ~ _ ,~ .U.S.~Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 ~ ~ ` . .. Wilmington, NC 28402 ~ ~ . . ~~.. = ', ` °Dear Mr. Butler: ~ , ,. - ` On~behalf of theNew Hanover County-Board of Commissioners, and the citizens of:New Hanover County, I am writing to ask that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers consider an amendment to the lease ~agreemeiit " ,,- ` ~ ~ between the~Corps and New Hanover County for the property along Snow's Cut, in southern.New Hanover ~ „ .. - , County, currently u"tilized' by New Hanover County as a County park. ' . ` - - ~` ~'" 'There_have been conversations between Mr. Dan Keir; of your,office; and. Mr. Neal-.Lewis, New Hanover- - . `- ° -County Parks Director, regarding this property: ~, ~ - • I. Our request is to add an additional Ten. { 10) acres directly east of the existing park, and a`i parcel of ~~ e ~ a roximatel Nine 9 acres of roe on~the southern shore of Snows Cut in.the vicini : of - w y O p p rty . ~ h' Old Do . PP ,: ~ , ~. Road and the U.S: Highway~421;bridge. Mr:`Keir is familiar with the specifics of these parcels. . .: y . ~It is my,:uriderstariding that the Corps would prefer to retain the rights to continue to utilize a spoils area - , located-within the boundaries of the property on the,north shore. We would agree to-that on the condition ' ~ , .,_that we rrmightobtain aThirty-foot:(30')Right-of--Way around the spoils area for the purpose of accessing the ~ - .land east of the. spoils area. ~ `' ~~ ° ` ' ~ Our°rritention is to make minimal improvements to these parcels in order to' provide passive recreational . . :: access to-'the water. Improvements might include. a road, parking, trails, .picnic shelters and rest room . - ,. - ~ ,; facilities: _.: . • -, ` -'We appr"eciate the opportunity to work with the Corps on this project.. Snows Cut Park has become a very ; .. `.;. .• , ~ popult"ayr recreational facility~for our citizens. We are.excited at the: possibility of expandipg this recreational' : , facili Sincerel ,. _ y ... ~ ..William A: Caster, Chairman ` • New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ ~ +.- • ~ ` -- ... • ,. ~ .. - • ~~ .. ~ ~ NEW~HAiVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " ' ° , REQUEST. FOR BOARD :ACTION _ • ._ . : ., .. ' • -Meeting Date: 08%21/00 j .. . ,, ' " ;Corisent Item #: ~ 6 Estimated Time: Page Number:..• ~ , , ~ • .: "- ~ .. -~ Dep`artment;:. TAX ,Presenter; None:Required , .. _ Contact: • Patricia J. Raynor ~. R ~ ,. . - •~. ,. • ,. ::SUBJECT: - ,. - , K ,:~ . New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire. District Collection Reports • BRLEF SUMMARY::' . _ . - .. :.. -. : " ...Collecti,"on reports as of-July31~, 2000 •. ~.- ... : _a RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED~ACTIONS' ~ ~_ h Request-approval of these reports. ~ =. ~• ,: ; ., ,. .. .. FUNDING SOURCE: • . , , ,~ , , ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .: COUNTY MANAGER' MMENTS AND RECOMMENbAT1ON5:: • " ~ .Approve reports, ° ~ c ,., . _ ., COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. •. . , _. ' r .. .. ..:. , . ... . ,A ;< -,., ' . ~ _ ,. ._ • j .. Y ~O~i~l ~9~ Uf~"° ~~ . ,. I , ~i~IaRAVEC .; ,. ,. .. ,. _ , a ,_ , .~ •. E ~~ ,_ ~. e , . .. h. ~' -.. .. , ,: " ~ , ~~ _ ,. G . .. . .; • .. _ • , .. . . ._• ., ,.; . -. ... .. _ . ,~ . .•~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HAtVOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECT-IONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/3.1/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 2000 rrrrr rs rrrrrrrrorrrrrrr ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED GLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDLNG BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES r wo rr +r rr r REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS AD VALOREM err ra arrrrsrrrr $ .00 .00 .00 r rr r r rim r r r r r rrr E .oo .00 .00 .00 arrrrrrr rarrrrr $ .00 r~e.rarrrarrrrrrr $ . 0 0 ~'~ OATE~_________ ITEM ND.____-_ MOTOR"VEHICLE r r r r r r r r r r r r rr r $ 11597480.62 27382'.84. 5~160.52r rrraararrr rrrr $ 17156702.94 .00 -.00 .00 rrrr srradrrorrw. $ 1715b7702.94 4437645.28r a arrr r a r r w r ra rr # _713~057.6b 38.35~* 374547677..32 97494.37 7'473.23 r rr m o r r r r rr r r r r $ 3745b7698.46 294249.22-• rr ~ ma r r r r r r r r rr $ 371627449.24 8.51 JUL, 2000 rrrarsaa rrrr rws 37b7954.37 b7893.b4 FISCAL YTD r r r r a e r rr s ors r 37b7954.37 67893.64 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUN'TY7 CITY. OF WILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH? CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE Y- ~ 1., 514, 916.14 . THIS REPORT IS FDR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 17 2000. f~,~ECTFULLY SUBMITTED? PATRICIA J. 'li.~rNOR COLLECTOR ~Oi=:` REVENUE '~ COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE r 38.35° 192~~~~'' n ~l J .~ .... ~.. nk J - _. .. .. '~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS~IO~NERS - ~ '~• -- • - . .. _..,. •. . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTOON • , - _ ° '' ~ Meeting Date: 08/2'1/00 ` `. 4Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Timer Page Number:. - - . ., . Department:' .TAX .Presenter: None Required ,. ~. ` . ,.. : , ~ .f . . - _ - - Contact: Robert Glasgow -,.. .. . • - . .. , , Release .of~Value . ` ,. ~ BRIEF. SUMMARY: '< . - Re uest the following taxpayers be granted-the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion (applicafiions ;.~ "'` - and letters explaining bate filing available upon request): r _ ,.. ~: 'Coleman, Thomas~H.~Johnnie S. ' ~ ` - . - . :.. ~ $20,000 ` ~ - . ' ;: Cox, Jesse Thomas Sr. .:.: - - 20;000 _ Harrington, James. F. Jr. Judy.F. ._ - 20,000 - - - `Hodges,: Thelma L. Life Estate ~ ~ ~ 20,000 . ~ ~ • ° - - ~: Kelly; James; H: 20,000 - - :, : McCoyp Annie Mae .. ~ ~ • - 20,0.00 . :_ ~ , ... Parker, Susan L,. \. .Rouse, Ethel S.. ;; ..., z ' ,. ~ : 20;000 ;..' :; 20,000 . _ `. Simmons, -Annie Laura E. ; ... 20,000 , ..; .::-'Stanley, Deloris ' °. ~ 20;000 ' Strahfer,'Mildred A. ,, ;~ - - ,_ 2Q;000 ~ _ ~ . „ ' ,. .Turrisi, Rose V. , . r - . 0 ,0 _ . .. R.eq.. .. .. - ' - ~ ` "~ R nest the following late Listing penalty-be released as.the taxpayer certified they listed during' the_reguiar listing-period::., ' .Wilmington Printing:Co. ~ ` . $1,9.20.76 .. ~. °: Requesti'approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the,- ~- following-organization: (a,ppplications an_d letters explaining late fi ling;availabie upon request) , .., y ` . ~ Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity - . <: , ,., ••-.- - R04806~006.013=000' . • _ ~: ~ -~ ~• 'R05413-033.028.0,00-' • .. ., . R04806,=005-005=000'.. ; ~ ti •° ~ - - - ? ~ °•.: ;R05413-018.024--000 Ufa ~fi ... ` , .. ,.. APPROVED ~ +~ { - , • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: REJECTED ~ ~~ . .t~ ,~ : RQMOVED G1 - ~ P ONED - . . - ~ . C~ ~~ 1 9 5 . r. r -~ k ~ .; ... ., .. k ~EA~r-~ ~ ~~. . _ . ~~ .. • FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: lTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv GUIVIIVIIJJIUNtKJ Al; l IU'NJIGUIVIIVItN 15: *~; ' +; ~~ ~ 196. .._ ...~ ,. Taber, Robert F. ~ R05713.001-022-000 Old Value $25,360 -New Value $18;840 Taber, William R. III R05713-001-019.000 Old Value $28,140 • New Value $14,070 ~ - ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UES ACTIONS:. ~ ' Approve withdrawal of these appeals. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ .: .' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' ~ 4 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve withdrawal of appeals. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ., ~/ ~'~.U~Y GORA~/9P~~~°;v APPROVED G, REJECTED ® . REMOVED C7 POSTPONED C3 MEARn ~~ ~ . ~ . 19~ ~~. .. • ; .. .. "; -- ~ NEVIt HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ,. ,. - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - ` ..,.. - ~. Meeting Date: 08/21/00 a .. ,.. ` '~° "Consent Item #: 9 Estimated' Time: Page.Number:, , , " " Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Mylinda Jacobsen :- `-' ~ Contact: M:ylinda Jacobsen ', ° " , . SUBJECT:. _ ,o ., " . ':. ; ... ° u Approval to:proeeed with Contract for construction of a white goods processing -~- area at the ..New:Hanover County Landfill .• .. , . 'BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ,._ . .,: . ,: q pP _: ° 'Staff re uests a royal to contract with Taylor Con`struetion to construct a 27,500 square foot ~ ° white goods processing pad `at the •New Hanover County landfill. The pad' will. provide an ere:, _ - where white goods can be processed in' an efficient and environmentally sound manner. The. pad , ,. °-'will be constructed with sufficient slope to facilitate storm water runoff and includes an"oil/water . separator. The cost for construction of-the concrete pad is $96,509.00.- White Goods grants•~ funds are currently i,n~ahe DEM fund balance in an amount of $248,851, Additional granf-funds for ~, white goods cannot be received from the State until these funds are expended. _ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: •• - ~ 9 ,",= -" '~ Staff requests approval of Budget Amendment #01.0021 to move funds from DEM fund balance account into the landfill contracted services account: Staff recommends the award of contract #O1-0078 to Taylor Construction, Inc. for construction of the white goods processing pad: ~ . .FUNDING SOURCE: •. -.~. •; Funds are currently available°in the white good, reimbursement monies. •. . ATTAGHMENTSc : _ ~ ~ ' . _ ,- r .~ ~ , .. ,~, . . _. , ;. .~ Resoluti~on`Resolution for vvhitego ~ • . •_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ._ - _ . . ~~ _ , r. .: ;. ~ ° :. ` BA #O1.0021.wpd E • . , • .. ,. , :. - .LEGAL: N/A, _ FINANCE:"Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:. N/A .: - ,. ,- ... ' ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS'AND RECOMMENDATIONS: !""~U ~EV~Y~ ~ - - Recommend approv •.. ROVE® APP , .. ~ ~ . ~, ,~ COMMPSSIONERS' ACTT N OMMENTS: I`ZEaECTEq , ~ , ;,~ . ' •..• €~EMO . ~0 VfD ~ ,~1~~. `} 9 ^ • . ,.. ,, ,_ , 5TPOIVED ® , ;. • RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources has in place a reimbursement program for the disposal of white goods; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a balance in the white goods fund of $248,851 and cannot receive additional monies until the balance falls below $15,000; WHEREAS, these designated monies must be spent on projects related to the disposal of white goods; and WHEREAS, a white goods processing pad is a much needed component of the program and the cost to construct the pad will be $96,509; ' NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby approve the construction of the white goods processing pad and award of contract O I -0078 in the amount of $96,509 to Taylor Construction, Inc. Adopted this, the 21st day of August, 2000. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~ :~ i ~ r 200 ~:~. ~~ 0 ,-, ~_J 0 {This page intentionally left blank } ,, =nl.~ tVY ~~S'~x'.~~. ~.,~1,, c r:J~':~ ~ '`~`kae'}~ d ~ ,,II ~ y ~ E ~ 202: ~ ;::~~~~~ : ~. .~, ~, :,. ,; , -.. NEW'HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS,- , • REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ,: .. - Meeting. Dafe:. 08/21/00 • - Co`nsenf'Item #: 10 Estimated Time: 'Page Number`s - . - , ~• ~ • Department: County Manager-- Presenter: Allen~0'Neal - - Contact:. Alien 0 Neal ~.~ ~ . ..SUBJECT: :~ , ., - '-Acknowledgment•of County Confribution to City of Wilmington Skate~'Board Park . .. Project ..-o • . _ .. . - - BRIEF SUMMARY: :.~ ,- ~. . . - The FY1998--1999 Budget provided fora $25,000 contribution to the City's Skateboard Park -~ ;, Project. Furids from the private sources have. been, raised; (hough' not. at the originally anticipated' >` level. The.~City fias authorized approval of the project in anticipation of the, County's`commitmerit . - of fhe $25;000., The $25,000 has been rolled over.for`several budget years and is available for the.. . -City. Technically,, and according to County policy and tradition, this matter does not r'"equine ` Board approval. However,;since the lapse in time and delays have occurred with this. project. -the ;item is included on this agenda for your. acknowledgment: City and County residents will be '~ ' charged a °nominal" entry-fee. There will be no differential fee for- non-city `residents. ~ - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: `` ,No action required other than acknowledgment of contribution. Commissioners will need to .approve roll over of $25,000 from FY1999.2000 to FY2000-:2001... ~ - ~ ; . FUNDING SOURCE: ..- . ATTACHMENTS: . - - ~ • . REVIEWED BY::> _ • • - LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: - - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATPO S; .. ;~ Acknowledge contribution. ;.No specific action required. ~ ~ ~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . . r~=--- . . - - APPROVED Ce ,~ - r ., V F .. _ _ R~:IECTED - Cl ~' r '~ - - ~ [REMOVED ~~ ,~ • _~ -~ , r IpOSTPQiVED C]~ ' -, - ~3EARC~ .. . ntsi ell 2000 15: 47 9103417854. ~~ A}~ ~ ~ » 1Y~a -~. v x~~ ~ , 1739 August 1, 2000 CITY OF WILMINGTON PAGE 02 CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina J r. U. 8OX 1810 28402 Bruce Shell f=inance Director New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28402 PUeUC SERVECES DEPARTMENT TDB (910) 341-7873 Dear Bruce, . 1, . .The City has completed within the past month the bid process for the (ong- awaited Skatepark to be located in Greenfield Park. Though the final design was reduced by 2,000 square feet to minimize costs, the project is dne that we feel will serve, the participants well. City Council is expected to approve the fnal bid at its August 16 meeting and construction will begin in mid-September of this year. The total cast of the project is expected to ;exceed $150,000 after all amenities have been added. In order for us to proceed with the project, we are asking each funding .source to make payment to the City as soon as possible, We appreciate the generous commitment of $25,000 from the County and apologize for the delay !n getting this project underway. The Wilmington Skatepark Association will contribute a with the City of Wilmington assuming responsibility for the baianceiy $15'000 to the park This park wit( bean excellent recreational resource for our young people throughout the County, The admission fee will be modest with'a standard rats char ed~ for all County residents, g Thanks again for working with us on this protect. V1Je will.advise you of our groundbreaking ceremony in hopes that you and your elected bfficials'can attend. Cc: Mary Gornto, City Manager Julie Griffin, Asst. Pittance Director, NHC .204 ~ ~ .. Sincerely, ~~ ry Sh II uperin ndent of Operations August 4, 2000 TO: Allen O'Neal. , FROM: .Molly M. Connell RE: Big' Sweep Saturday, September 16`x' will be our annual statewide clean-Lip of our beaches and waterways known as "Big Sweep. At that time, we expect in excess of 1000 volunteers to work on removing the trash and litter. As usual we are asking the Commissioners to wa ive the tipping fee for the trash collected on that date. We anticipate that "Waste Management will again be .the hauler for that material. Thank you for your assistance! L? ~, ~~~ w Rx cled i0 Paper 06 ~~~~~~~~c~ ~~~u~r~u~. ®~ ~~ x~~ov~~ c® 216 North Second Street ~ Wilmington, North Carolina • (910) 762-0965~~~ 208 - ~: n {This page intentionally left blank}. n ~~ ~ . ~ .~ .,~_. STATE of NORTH CAROLINA .DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR.- ~ DAVID McCOY GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 25, 2000 Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street 'Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Dear Ms. Harrell: ~ , This office is considering the addition of roads in The Commons Subdivision (Div. File No. 984-N) to the state system. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with~our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Very truly yours, . ~~~~~~ David L. Thomas, P. E. District Engineer DLT:psj cc: Mr. S. E. Cooke, P. E. 1 h , _ .. . f_ _. PiEIN i~ANC'~R CQ. g~, ~?,.,~~!S:.~.Gi~~RS Of CC °' 210 ~ . ~. _ . ~. . X124 Division Drive Wilmington, N. C. 28401 (910) 251-2555 rj {This page intentionally left blank } ~) 212 ~ ,: `NEW H~ANOVER -COUNTY- BOARD OF COMMLSSIONERS ' ~~ . :REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ; ~ .5' , _ ~ Meeting Date: 08/21/00 . , .: B udget Arnendmen~t `. . ~ ltem #:: . Estimated~Time: Page Number: ~ `° _ _.. . ~ . . :~ DEPARTMENT: Various.. ,; • • . ..F . , . r -` BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0017 :.:, , . ~ ADJUSTMENT ~ ~ ~ DEBIT . CREDIT .. y -` Museum - , ~` ~ - Grassroots Science Grant ~ 'i~ , $233,552 ` ~ ~~ : -~ -.. ~. Temporary Salaries , .. ~ - , ~ $5;053. • . .• .. ~ FICA = . ~ $440 _ ~ Medical Insurance ,. . . $1,13.5., Printing . $60 . , .a - ~ .Supplies .. ~ . . . $500'. .: ., .. Auto reimbursement- ~~ ., ~ $50 Travel. and training ~ , `. ~ . . $500 . - ;Grassroots Science flow-through . ~ . $672 _ .: ~ Administrative Reserve ` °~ $225,142 - LLEBG Gr Sh iff - t ', -.. ' an - er , ~ - • ~ Bureau:of Justice Assistance Grant. $52,50 3 . - - . ,Appropriate Fund Balance - $5 835 ~ _ , .~,~ ...^ ..Motor Vehicles .. _-_, . , '.: $58,338 , . ., . LLEBG Grant=Drug Court : ~ , . °' .,.. - ~' . ..u ~ ,_ Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant. ~' - ~ ~ ` $2,209 - ` ' Appropriate Fund Balance , ~ $245 ' .. Contract Services .° $2;454 . ' ~'Project Impact-Schools Retrofit. ~ ~ J _~ ,.Disaster Resistance Community Grant " • ~ • . ` $T;306 r `.. Engineering -. :, . ' '.$1;306 - ,. -- Health ~ - ~. . , ~ - _ . , - _ .. Safe Communities Grant $746 ' I ~ ,,,~~-.~cxt~~'' ' .. ~ • ~.. Komeri Breast. Cancer Grant ' $3,570. ~ ~: ;~-~~~~~ - .. CHIP Grant ~ ~ , $3,477 ~~~;~ ~• Health Ed-Supplies .. _ . • ~. 1 ~ . .f-. $746 .~ • - ": ~ Komen-Contract Services ~ . - $2,570 , . Komen Printing - : - ~ ~ $500 . .. • , . - ~ f r .~ . 213 - :. - . Komen-Supplies CHIP-Contract Services Aging CFMF Grant $7,485 $500 $3,477 Contract Services-CFMF Grant ~ - $7 485 Foster Grandparent Grant $64,126 . , Salaries $11,079 Medical Insurance $2,696 Contract Services $199 Contract Services-Meals $400 Telephone ~ $100 Postage $150 Dues and subscriptions $75 Auto reimbursements $375 Unifiorms $50 ~~ ,.Travel and training $2,758 Volunteer mileage expense $7,653 Volunteer stipends ~ $43 508 Volunteer recognition $200 Computer expense ~ $375 Aging-VISTA Grant $758 Volunteer mileage expense $758 EXPLANATION: To rollover unexpended grant funds. from FY 99-00 to FY 00 -~ -01:`~~ ~`~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ` CAUIVY'( Ct~Mlliii~~~3~1 APPROVED C/~ REJECTED p REMOVED Q POSTPONED p ,~ ~iEARCJ l~ 214 /~ N'EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION I Meeting Date: 08/21/.00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Public Health/Project Assist BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0020 ADJUSTMENT Public Health/Project Assist: Contribution Miscellaneous Departmental Supplies DEBIT CREDIT $2,000 . . $1,000 $1,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional funding received from New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Coastal Pulmonary Medicine, and Wilmington Health Associates for the Project Assist Program to be used for program incentives. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~i.1S~`I V .~O~~i~ al~h~2 ~-PPROVED _~ ~ ' '' 3 RE;JECTEI~ ~ ,~ , ,l [REMOVED ~ ~ ~ ''~1 2 ~ 6 ~ dPOSTPONED '`, 6i1~-RD ~_- - J 0 ,. ~ ..~.~ =~, t_ ;~ , ~ ., ~ ,