Agenda 2000 09-18~~ AGENDA ~~apNOVER ~~ y~ `'~'. G i ~ * ,* .u Q 9J~ ~wro~ezv~~O2 IR Ol13TRT ~p NORTNGQ' September 18, 2000 .9:00 a.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER ° WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9:1.5 a.m. 1. Presentation of Class Act Award ~~25 a.m. 2. Presentation of Retirement Plaques 9:35 a.m. 3. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards 9:45 a.m. 4. Recognition of New Employees 9:50 a.m 9:55 a.m 10:00 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:05 a.m. ~ 1:15 a.m. 15. Introduction of Dr. Milan Dluhy; Chairman UNC-W Political Science Department 6. Recognition of the Cape Fear River an Approval of Proclamation Declaring October "Cape Fear River Awareness Month" 7: ~ Presentation on Affordable Housing in New Hanover County 8. Consideration of Approval of Creation of a Department of Parks and Gardens 9. Acceptance of Coastal Consumer Health Library into New Hanover County's Public Library System REMOVED 10.1 Consideration of Final Approval of Precast Concrete Cell Bids for New' Hanover County Jail Project PAGE NO. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 21 23 10.2 Consideration of Approval for site Bid package for New Hanover County Jail 25 Project i 11:25 a.m. 11. Committee Appointments 11:30 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 11:50 a.m. 13. Closed Session -Property Acquisition -Personnel Matter 12:15 p.m. ADJOURN 29 129 • • MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC September 18, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of sewer service for the Kings Grant area 3. Approval of contract award for Wilmington and Hanby Beach Water and Sewer systems ADJOURN PAGE NO., 129 131 135 • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS September 18, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS" PAGE NO. 1. Approval to accept $6,098 Senior Center General Purpose funds for 141 Department of Aging and approval of associated budget amendment #01-0039 2. Approval to submit grant to Philip Morris Foundation in amount of 149 $89,545 to fund pilot protect to enhance Home Delivered Meal Program and to approve receipt of grant if awarded 3. Approval of Elton John Aids Foundation grant for $48.,000 to fund and 159 Enhanced Counseling Program for HIV/AIDS prevention 4. Approval of Northeast Regional Library change order for Contract #99-0366 181 and associated budget amendment #2001-06 5. Approval of resolution to extend the November 2, 2000 due date of the 187 principal component of the Installment Payments for the financing of the purchase of Airlie Gardens for a period of 180 days 6. Award of bid #01-0103 to Xerox Engineering Systems for the purchase of 203 digital document system and the trade-in of a surplus XEROX 2515 printer 7. Approval of Release of Value 205 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 207 Collection Reports 9. Approval of letter to candidates to NC General Assembly requesting support 211 for regional transportation needs - 10. Approval of Application for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) 213 FY2000 Application REMOVED 11. Approval of Child Protective Services and Child Welfare Positions 215 12. Approval of Resolution declaring September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Month" 219 Approval of Budget Amendments: 13.1 #01-0029 to budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders 223 as of June 30, 2000 13.2 #O1-0038 to rollover expenditures from FY 99-00 to FY 00-01 227 13.3 #01-0040 to increase budget for additional Grassroots Science funds awarded 229 FY 00-01 • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 1~ Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Andre Mallette SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Class Act Award , BRIEF SUMMARY: Penny Raynor, Family Nurse Practitioner in the Jail Medical Program has been selected to receive a Class Act Award. She has given a tremendous number of unpaid hours of service on behalf of the New Hanover County Health Department and the staff in .the jail. She is cost conscious in planning and implementing jail health' services and provides the extensive mentoring and training she has completed. The quality of care she provides and the additional duties she performed this year in assisting in deciding which inmates could be transferred to other facilities is well above the call of duty. The work environment in the jail is exhausting, tedious and is very often emotionally and physically draining. Ms. Raynor's works at the highest professional standards. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present award. '` COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,. COUNTY COMMISSIONER APPROVED C~ i~rese~-ed . REJECTED O REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ FIEARb (~~ E G,.~r ..q f (~oa Ira-1'n~'~ -.,._. William A. Caster Chairman Robert G. Greer Vlce-Chairman Buzz Birzenleks Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. Commissioner Charles R. Howell Commissioner - f®ffitP of ~~T~X~~" IIf C~D'ZYt~t£~~t.~Yt.EZ~ ~Pft7 ~2L2tIIfTPr ~L7LTTit~T 3zII ~IIPSt~Tixt ~trPPt, ~rrum 3II5 ~TlzrciYT~t172T, ~>Yrtll fll~xr~lirttt 284II1-4II33 ~LLPIP}Il~IIITP (31II) 341-7143 ~ttx (31II) 341-413II August 2, 2000 Penny G. Raynor 9080 Old River Road Burgaw, NC 28425 Dear Ms. Raynor: ~ y. r F .a:... QOM NORTH P Wanda M. Copley County Attorney Allen O'Neal County Manager lucle F. Harrell Clerk to the Boord ~~.~Q~~ Ai)v ~~,~`'~ 2 1~,,~~ NEV'J HANOVER CC. MANAGEF~'S 0~=-FfCE On behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, it gives me great pleasure ~ ~ - to inform you that you have been selected to receive a New Hanover County Class Act Award. The purpose of the Class Act Award is to recognize employees for instances of eYCellence in their job performance. Based upon the information provided in your nomination, you are most deserving of this special recognition. In order to formally recognize you and present the award, you are invited to attend the August Z 1, 2000 meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to beheld in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse at 9:00 A.M. Please contact the Director of Human Resources, Andre Mallette, at 341-7178 to confirm your attendance. Congratulations onwinning this special recognition. Your willingness to perform beyond the call of duty is very much appreciated by the Board of County Commissioners. Sincerely, iw~" William A. Caster C•hairman~r g~~9 ~; cc: Cg'.~nty:,Commissioners leri O':~Neal;~~C~ounty Manager DavidtE°+Rice~Director, Health Department Andre Mallette~~Director of Human Resources 2 _ ~ ~ .~~~ 'T' IgYX .r. ~ dY. • ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIO R NER EQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION S Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number; Department: Human Resources .Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Libby Johnson • • SUB_ JECT: , Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The former New Hanover County employees listed are eligible to receive Retireme the New Hanover County Commissioners' Meeting: nt Plaques at • Frances C. Chandler • Health Dept. • Larry M. Simmons -Sheriff's Dept. • Jeannette V. Grieco • Sheriff's Dept. • Steven R. McClelland -Sheriff's Dept. • Alice H. Hardee -Tax Dept. • Robert E. Spell -Sheriff's Dept. • Joseph McQueen, Jr. -Sheriff's Dept. • Linda Bohn • Social Services • .Elsie F. Johnson • Social Services • Janet Seapker -Cape Fear Museum RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY COMMfSSIONE~' APPROVED C~~•~"hV~u.~ REJECTED ^ REIUQYED ^ POSTPONED ^ 3 FIEARi) ^ ~; ar , z..~g~~~ 00 ~7~-YY~ F NEW HANOVER COUNT' ~ DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Suite 405 N O RT H a C A R O L I N A Wilmington, NC 28401-4045 Internet: www.co.new-hanover.nc.us Confidential Facsimile Transmittal 4 Date: September 8, 2000 TO: Coastal Engraving & Sign Company FAX: (910) 799-6957 Number of Pages: 1 ,including cover FROM: Libby Johnson New Hanover County Department of Human Resources 320 Chestnut Street, Room 405 Wilmington, NC 28401 FAX: (910) 341-4293 PHONE: (910) 341-7178 EXT.: 7311 E-Mail: lj ohnson@co.new-hanover.nc.us SUBJECT: Retirement Plaques If you do not receive legible copies of all pages, please call me as soon as possible. MESSAGE: Employee Name Frances C. Chandler Larry M. Simmons Jeannette V. Grieco . Steven R. McClelland Alice H. Hardee Robert E. Spell ~~pg~V-~~IN;~`~ ~~~Jq'seph McQueen, Jr. . ~ ,,~;~ -~~Linda Bohn ' ~ ~ ~,.,- •Elsie F. Johnson a ; ~ 'Janet K. Seapker a. a ; ,~ . ,,-~., ~.:~ Please call the_`ab`ove niimb`er when these are ready. Years of Service 15 Years, 10 Months 14 Years 21 Years, 2 Months 13 Years, 3 Months 15 Years, 7 Months 30 Years, .7 Months 29 Years, 5 Months 14 Years 18 Years, 2 Months 22 Years NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS : REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant • • SUB----. , Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Charles A. Chapman -Sheriff's Dept.; Robert B. Haselden • Sheriff's Dept.; Jonathan B. Graham -Inspections; Michael D. Hill -Inspections; Steven B. Shoaf Inspections; Darrell L. Hankins - WASTEC; Mania S. Swart Health; Cynthia M. Grindstaff • Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Rhonda L. Smith -Sheriff's Dept.; Chr~ er B. O'Keefe .Planning; Julie___.F. gcree • Social Services; Mary B. Strickland • Social Services; FI.N (15) YEAR: Claretha P. Chadwick -Property Mgmt.; Gloria J. Bowden -Social Services; TWENTY (20) YEAR: Andre R. Mallette -,Human Resources; Denise R. Lewis Tax; Marie 0. Spencer Library; and TWENTY•FIVE (25) YEAR: Eleanor W. Jones. RECOMMENDED MOTION, AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS.: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW r~OUNTY COMMI~tONt~ ~ APPROVED ©~i'reE,eu REJECTED . O REMOVED © z POSTPONED d HEARf~ Cy 5 {This page intentionally left blank} - ,~~~W!YW ii^'yi W~~~ppgM p~1Y~(Yq~Y/y~•y.~y~~^(~'~.{` Kit! ~ YVgq'eelfy~ ~Y Y{(/ry{~~ryYjj ® ®~./~Y~WJIi ® t44~~d Y NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees -BRIEF SUMMARY• ' A list of newly hired county employees will. be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS FUNDING SOURCE• ATTACHMENTS: /TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO Recognize new employees CnMnnicc~r,~~rn~, ..,~.~.., r~OUNN COMMISSIONERg ~ APPROVED ~~~~.~ REIECTED p REMOVED q POSTPONED p ~EARID G~.af ._ (~ _~ 7 ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~t6~iY2~ 8 ~ tit~0l~3M ~.~~ a~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Introduction of. Dr. Milan Dluhy, Chairman UNC-W Political Science Department BRIEF SUMMARY: Recognize the new Chairman of the UNC•W Political Science Department. As you know, the County has been involved with several projects with the Political Science Department over the years. Dr. Dluhy, in previous positions, has been active in community affairs. This is merely a formal introduction and opportunity for the Board to welcome Dr. Dluhy. ,RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recognize Dr. Dluhy FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOM D~ Welcome Dr. Dluhy. No action required. P~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r~UNTY CONIMI~10NE1~ , APPROVED ^~--~ REJECTED ^ ~`'~~ ~tEMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~3L'ARfJ Q { ~:a q IFS ~o OaK _ , ... ~` . A..m.~,~ NEWSLETTER OF THE ®Iltl~~,l C1e~1Ce ~ ~,I~t ,meet © The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Spring 2000 ~~.~°~ ~Il~ C~l~, l C~ll~~°C~ The Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina approved the appointment of I)r. Ndilan J. Dluhy as professor_and chair of the Department of Political Science effective July 1. Dr. Dluhy joins UNCW from Florida International University, College of Urban and Public Affairs. He has contributed over a decade of service to FIU, first as associate director and senior research scientist for the Center on Aging, then as acting dean, School of Public Affairs & Services, and most recently as a professor of public administration and social work and director for FIU's Institute of Government. He earned his BA from the University of Illinois and MA in public administration from Southern Illinois University. After earning a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Michigan, Dr. Dluhy taught at the University of Michigan and the American University before conducting research for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Dluhy has written several books and a plethora of articles dealing with topics concerning incorporation, the problems of the homeless, political advocacy for disadvantaged groups, needs of the elderly and public policy. His research has been supported by external funding from organizations such as the State of Florida, Metro Dade County and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. Since 1992, r ~< ~~~ ~~ `, ,~, '_"4 ~,~ ~ , ;~~ ~i A~; i. - sP ;I Milan Dluhy ;`~~ ' i Incoming Chair ins He has served on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Governor's Commission on the Homeless and the Metro-Dade County Performance Commission. He will be involved in the planning of the Masters in Public Administration slated for fall of 2001 as well as chairing the department. Symp®sium e l~/Iana~ing Gr®vvth iri ~®utheastern N®rth Car®lina The department, in collaboration event, said that every sector of the with Cape Fear Tomorrow, Inc., w Cape Fear region is experiencing hosted a forum focusingfon~ ~i';au pressures from enormous growth on managing regional growth n~~~6~ transportation, schools, the southeastern North Carolina. The'1~~ environment, crime, and zoning symposium, entitled, "Responsibleln~A among other issues. Growth Through Regional ' '~ "The purpose of the event was to C o ation: Focus on Infrastruo- ~ ~ 4~bring together national experts in all tu~'~as held IVovemberil~7, 1999. facets of growth to share what they Regional growth is' one of the have learned from personal most crucial issues affecting the . experience and research in other area. Tom Barth, associate parts of the country that have professor and organizer of the struggled with growth issues," said Barth. Meeting to discuss education on growth issues from a regional perspective and the challenges that lie ahead were representatives ofthe counties in the Cape Fear region, city of Wilmington, andregional organizations. James Dennis Rash, Bank of America senior VP for Corporate Real Estate Services, was the keynote speaker. Rash serves as an continued next page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular. Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Jackie Mardan Contact: Chris O'Keefe SUBJECT: Recognition of the Cape Fear River and its importance to the quality of life in New Hanover County and support of organizations participating in the River Basin Station at Riverfest by proclaiming October "Cape Fear River Awareness Month". BRIEF SUMMARY• The annual Riverfest is a celebrafion of the Cape Fear River and the many contributions the river makes to New Hanover County and the quality of life of its citizens. Despite all of the River's contributions, water quality in the river is often over looked. For this reason, several organizations concerned with protecting the River's water quality will collectively participate in the River Basin Station, an interactive exhibit highlighting the River's importance to the environment, the economy and the quality of life in the Cape Fear Region. In recogition of the Cape Fear River's importance and the efforts of organizations involved in promoting water quality in the River, October should be proclaimed "Cape Fear River Awareness Month". RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Officially recognize the importance of the Cape Fear River to the quality of life in New Hanover County and support the efforts of the organizations artici proclaiming October "Cape Fear Awareness Month" p pating in the River Basin, Station by FUNDING SOURCE• None requested ATTACHMENTS: Resolution REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A. BUDGET: N/A Adopt Proclamation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A rGOUIV'fY GOMINISS10Nl ~ APPROVED C~----- REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED t7 HEARD ~ J 11 Resolution Proclaiming October "Cape Fear River Awareness Month" WHEREAS, the Cape Fear River has sustained natural resources and over 200 years of commerce that has resulted in the establishment and growth of Wilmington and New Hanover County as the.State Port; and WHEREAS,' the Cape Fear. river supports ecosystems and commerce essential to the quality of life in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear river continues to provide water and transportation routes for industry and enables New Hanover County to be the site of the North Carolina State Ports; and WHEREAS, the Cape Fear River provides recreation and beauty for citizens and visitors to enjoy; and WHEREAS, the River is the primary source of drinking water- for New Hanover County Residents; and WHEREAS, protecting water quality in the Cape Fear River is essential to the environment, the economy and the overall quality of life in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, citizen awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the Cape Fear River is needed to protect the quality of water in the Cape Fear River for future generations; and WHEREAS, organizations concerned about protecting water quality in the Cape Fear River will collectively participate in the River Basin Station during the Riverfest Celebration, October 7-8, to increase awareness of the River's importance. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOES HEREBY OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CAPE FEAR RNER TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY AND SUPPORTS THE EFFORTS OF .THE ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN THE RIVER BASIN STATION AT RIVERFEST BY PROCLAIMING OCTOBER "CAPE FEAR RIVER AWARENESS MONTH." This the 18~ day of September, 2000. " Q K~~~'~~~~3 ~ ~:~r~~y*~4~t~''a ~ ~ ~ • ~ €~'~,, d „° .~ ~ _- William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board s • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Carl Byrd, Tom Dodson, Todd Gerlauch Contact: Car( Byrd SUBJECT: Presentation on Affordable Housing in New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY; The Fair Housing Task Force wishes to present an update on the implementation of the Action Plan on the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing in New Hanover County, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners in July 1999. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the County Commissioners hear the presentation. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Brochure REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN' Hear report. No action required. HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ISSIONERS' • ri06UNT1f COMNiI~i0N1 MPPROVED ^ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~ ~~ HEARiJ [~ 13 {This page intentionally left blank} '. J ~i96 Jlv ~§J ~y~p~ J~~!j~ 19 ®~yGQ~pypC~j1 e~f~~lR1 ® ,, ~ ~~ IY L1~14~7UN ~ .~ ®~V~M~~I 1 q, ~ ~ fie"°i~~~~ F~~Q~:t~ ~1,' i 7 n • • NEW HANOVER COU..NTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Fleeting Date: 09/18/00 -Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager. Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contacf: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Creation of a Department of Parks and Gardens BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has proposed to reorganize the Cooperative Extension Service (CES), including Airlie Gardens and the Arboretum, and the Parks Department, as outlined in the attached memo. The new Department would be called Parks and Gardens, with Dr. Williams as Director and Neal Lewis as Deputy Director. This Department will manage parks, Airlie Gardens, and the Arboretum. This Department and CES will continue to report to the Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver. This reorganization will improve the County's efficiency and effectiveness by combining similar resources to perform similar functions, in addition to correcting the existing administrative overload on the Director of CES. The attached chart shows the basic organization of the new Department although it may change internally as it matures. Also attached are the new positions and classifications for the Director and Deputy Director. To accomplish this reorganization with no net salary cost to the County, the County will need to reduce it's amount contributed for CES salaries by approximately $81,000, in order to cover the salary for the new Director of Parks and Gardens. The Raleigh CES would then be required to increase the State contribution by $81,000 in order to maintain the level of County CES salaries The Raleigh CES management is not in favor of contributing that much more. An alternative would be for the County to split the $81,000 cost with the CES, with each contributing approximately $40,500. The Raleigh central CES management has agreed to this alternative. The County's share would have to come from Contingencies. This reorganization and related personnel changes should be made effective Tuesday, October 3. A space plan is being developed that will locate all administrative staff~for the new Department at the Arboretum. Letters of explanation will be sent to the Airlie Foundation, Parks Advisory Board, Friends of Airlie,. and Arboretum Foundation. The function of these groups should not change. Changes to the bylaws will be developed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board approve the requested reorganization and associated personnel actions. The Board also needs to determine if it wishes to increase County funding to the CES by up to $40,500 and, if so, to direct staff~to prepare and implement the budget amendments. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED.BY: r~Ot~NTY ©ON~II~15S90N11 LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES~N%rQ~VED D REJECTED REMOVED p. ~~ COUNTY MANAGER' CO SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: POSTPONED p. ~~ Recommend approval. ;HEARD ~ `I COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS: ~,~:T~ • ~rLP~„` ~.,~ ~4.StT'G f'a~-C c{cv~p e.d ~ -'~v~ eeu be,~F- ~j -Fo NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE -:.~ 'i'. ~ ...1..:... 1 t \ `~~~ ~. ~'iL'~' ~~~~ A`',: iY~tia\~::ti~...a`;+ .,:G: ^:tit•:.4~'=k~f~~`t .~i:: ~~:r~:~.'.C~;`~~'7.~.:. :,a~• v:.v. ~\L\v.~+a:x August 31, 2000 TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager FROM: Dave Weaver l~ Assistant County Manager RE: Proposed re-organization of Cooperative Extension Service and Parks This proposed outlines a recommended reorganization of the existing Cooperative Extension Service (CES) and Parks Department , to a smaller CES and a new Parks and Gardens Department . The rationale. for this proposal includes the following: - The existing position of CES Director is responsible for both traditional-CES activities such as 4-H, and for the County's Arboretum .and Airlie Gardens. These functions tend to be widely dissimilar. In addition; the CES Director must report to and be evaluated by both the.County and the State CES office. The ,State CES office has numerous and ..lengthy reporting requirements, compared to the County. The end result is a nearly overwhelming bureaucratic burden on the present CES Director's position. - The existing .Parks Department, and the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens perform similar functions and could share staff and equipment. This combination should ultimately reduce costs and increase efficiencies. - The reorganization could be done with minimal budget impact by requesting the State CES to increase its share of funding if it wishes to continue its ~~k~~~ Strad tional CES activities. ~~~~ ~~i~J C6 ~it.~3~~'~~`~~~ i F . !. •.ar.~~..... .~... r~ Allen O'Neal Page Number Two August 3.1, 2000 This proposed re-organization involves some additional considerations: - If is recommended that Dr. Bruce Williams, who is the present CES Director, be named the new Director of the Parks and Gardens Department and report to the Assistant County Manager. The basic function and pay scale for both Dr. Williams and the present Parks Director, Neal Lewis, would remain unchanged; the Parks Director. would report directly to the Department of Parks and Garden as a Deputy Director and would no longer be a department head. - Anew CES Director would be hired to replace Dr. Williams. The new CES Director would be in charge of traditional CES functions but not the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens. - A space plan will be done of the existing CES offices to provide separate space for the new smaller CES and the proposed Parks and Gardens Department. The County will continue to provide office space and utilities for the CES. - A strong program link will be maintained between the CES Horticulture, Master Gardener and Urban Forestry functions and the County's Arboretum and Airlie Gardens. The State CES fully supports the maintenance of this link. Pleas feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. ~ 17 New Hanover County NORTH~'CAROLINA September 1, 2000 I\TEW HANOYER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Allen O'I~Teal ` County Manager FROM: Andre R. Mallefte, Director f~` ~ Human Resources SUBJECT: Salary Grades for Administrative Positions in Parks and Gardens Department The following salary grades are being recommended for the two administrative positions in the Parks and Gardens Department.. These recommendations should be considered temporary until the positions can be reviewed based on the criteria an'd method used for the new pay and classification study. Parks and Gardens Director -Pay Grade 209 ($49,941 - $75,816) Deputy Parks and Gardens Director -Pay Grade 206 ($42,994 - $65,312) It is my understanding that the current salaries for the incumbents will not change. As a result, the salary .for the Director will be frozen above the pay grade. .18~ New Hanover County Department of Hurnan Resources - 910-341-7178 Andre R. Mallcttc; ~Dircctor FAX: 910-341=4293 . a v~ ~ « V ~ u ' .. N L w U N c ' -~ ~ ; N C t7 ~ L ' c v Ta ~ m Ev « m DL ~ w m V v c u J F~ ~ C C v ~ rn Q d -~ J F- ~ b ~ c N° 3 a y =- a a~ ~/ ~/ 1- N U • O C O N 0 i . .. N O a ~ v ~ ~. ''^^ ` m m ~V~/ N C u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ' LL d cq p ~ ~ O O ~- ~ ~ O U N N . '^ ~ U~ U y y d / I N D ~ J ~ .. W Y ' y o Q a. a m = ~ C r~ i~ /~~// lip ~ ~ ~ ~ C C ~ ~ C W m in .~ ' ... y •- '~ U L . C N N ~ N uQ A d ~~ LL E ~ ' m ` tiN D m d C .J ~ O ,~+ N ~ ~ Y ~ ~ U ~ CI '. • m a N E 'Z .~ C O J o a j vl ~ U - d m ( U ` m E~ ag ~ ~ Y N ~/ LL U' ^ ~ N ~ U Y V ~.. . ,, ~~ V N N '~ N C V L N .~ 'O C. 7 Q Y C Y A d ~ (~ -a~ fl. m~ C v J U ', F- O ~ 0. ~ C7 N '~ c _ ` ' m a u' m ~'a .-. ~ s a ° d `o °: (O a J ` ~+ d m ; N a ~ U ~ 9 ~ ~ U EU - . ~ - H .... . . u' w 19 {This page intentionally left blank} 20 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Re ular Item Estima ed T' P e Nu g # 9 t ime: ag tuber: Department: Library Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin7Judy O'Neal Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: Acceptance of Coastal Consumer Health Library into New Hanover County's Public Library System THIS'ITEM HAS .BEEN-REMOVED BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover Health network requests that the Board of Commissioners consider relocating the Medical Center's Coastal Consumer Health Library to the County's Public Library. The projected cost of accepting the library is $148,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; Consider acceptance of Coastal Consumer Health Library into New Hanover County's Public library System. _ FUNDING SOURCE: A number of grants have been applied for to help offset the cost. If the grants are not received, the funds will need to be appropriated from fund balance and included in future budgets. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • CO~MI~I®N APPROVED p REJECTED REMOVED C~ PCISTPONED p ~fEARfJ ~ ~ 1 fJ {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~ t~~~ .. ~ ~~~~~~~J ~:~~~:~ New Hanover County NOftTH+~CAEIOLf NA NEW HANOV. COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM : - - ._. -- --- September 18, 2000 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Jail Project, Precast Concrete Cell Package and Early Site Package We have negotiated a contract with Tindall for the design, manufacture, and erection of precast concrete cells and miscellaneous spandrel panels. The contract value is at the estimated budget amount of $4,012,50.0. New Hanover County accepted bids on the Early Site Package on September 13. The low bid was submitted be Philips and Jordan in at $1,773,547 which is under the estimated budget amount. After review of both bid packages, it is the recommendation of county staff and the design team that both contracts be awarded. I have enclosed copies of the recommendations from our architect and project expeditor along with supporting documentation.. \/ r • - M/LLE~ - _ .. . BUILDING CORPORATION 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY JAII. - _ - AND ADMINISTRATION FACILITY _ _ .. -- -- _ . - _. - :..-: _ - - MEMORANDUM ~ File # 5..1.1 DATE: September 8, 2000 TO: Greg Thompson, P.E. -New Hanover County FROM: Pat McCracken~~ SUBJECT: Budget Estimate for Early Site Bid Package We have thoroughly reviewed the bidding documents for the Early Site Bid Package for the New Hanover County Jail & Administration Project. We believe that the estimated cost of work described in the documents is $2,154,100 (per our estimate spreadsheet dated September 7, 2000). The extended unit prices shown on the bid form aze worth an additional $445,750. Therefore, we anticipate the bids to be submitted at or below $2,599,850. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cc: Pete Buskirk -Miller Charlie Reed - FreemanWhite Shane Lippard -Right Angle Engineering ,, , .~ ~ ; ~~~ ~~' !:I SEP ,, ~= ~~ ~ i ~ .~ u '. / ooooocoo 000000 0 ~ O O O O O C O O O C O N c0 O - O 0 0 - o"' O _ O O O O O C O O ' ' ' ' ' O O G~ O tf') ' ''. O ,p ~--. _ _ _ _ • H to V' ti N O lf, ~ OD In C:7 tf~ ,N lfy t(') .. ~ - ~ ~ ~ N M l.f) O V' - O N In r~ .~ - m-. ~ O U K W 69 Efl Ef3 ffl 69 fA 64 69 cfl 69 cH 69 69 fA ffi H3 69 E9 cfl ~ cA rA N 69 { 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 lo~nooooo~o o:ooooo o .`° -- c \ _O _ _ .. • O : 'r. ,w, N N M M M . y w C w ~ O U ~3 EA to ~ EA EA to 69 Ffl 6R EH 69 EA EA rn 3 ~ ~ C ~ (O U U U ~ a~~~~~~~~ ~w5~- ~ - ~, '~ ~-vmvoooo 000000 ,n M MO m ooocDCo O °° O ~ ~ = O O o mco~m oi ~ `° n L, ,~ _ ~ CJ ~+ Q 00000 00 000000000 00000 00 ooocoo0oo0 00~ m 0 V C O 0 0 0 0 0 ' O O ' ' ' ' ' D O O M c0 (p O N E ~ O V O O L: 00 Q N O 'N O C LL7 M .-- to ~ M N N M l(7 Q) ti v N ui CO Q .-- O '~ •. C (D e- N M Q M O f~ N N I~ O Q N O U w L1J 69 Efl 69 Efl fA Efl iH 69 69 Efl EH Efl Efl Efl 69 69 ff3 69 EA ffl EA 69 r 69 (fl N 69 Q7 O O O O~ I~ ~ tf1 O M r- l.7 O t1') N O cC OJ ~ ~ ~~ ..~ N N C f~ M~ •` lf~ O M M ~ N ~, N M C N C O EA 69 EA 69 69 tf? 69 c W • d ~ U O fL' f0 U U U N ~ C~ = U= O O _ ~-- O M O C C O O C O O O O lfi Q O CO V N O O M O 0 0 •• " C O Q t! J N O O lpC') O t4 ~ M ~ ~ N ~ O ~ (~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 ~'~ N O O O O' O tfJ O tf') O O N O f~ (D lb tD O O O O N O ~ ~- N C lC7 r llj ('f) O ~ y ~ Q' N C ~ ~ ~ ° U W E»cs~Eae»~F»ctse»e»e»E»es~flc~» N a Q ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C N ~ el e u~ in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lA tf) t1') ~ O ~ e- ~ ~ '- .- e- ~ ~ 0 ~ O ~' w 0 ~ . .. O O O O lf7 U7 I~ lf~ ~ O O N O~ •~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 N M N O O N N O N - .r ~ N M V tf) lC') _ H UJ •~ W C U ~ O U ~ b9 69 69 69 69 69 to EA (A 69 69 Efl tH Q 'C ~ c ~I s v v a~i m v v v v i ~ i ~ ~ O~ ~ d t o t o i p v i a i v i u i •~C m ~ ~' M M M 0 0 0 0 [O O O O O l ' ' . ~ ~ ~ ~' f ) O l17 V O O O tf) lf'J ~ O O O O N ~ ~ Ol ~ . - N O O Q st C Y ~ CJ ~ U O ~ U d o ~ ~ o_ _ ~ ' ~ - .a :. _ m -o .r ~ .o _a ~ ~ - . Q. ~ ~ O a 0 _ ~ ~ .i ' ~ .. . ~ . L ~. 0 . ~ o = C O- V N p d a N _ c~ O o O J O .0.. O O = ~~ ~ .C ~ Q T C~ O O n- D_ ` (p a y o o , ._ ~ - ~. ._ a~~~a=~ ~~~~~c~~n. C~a~ o L, - _ in ih m KS O m E E > ~ d ~ ~ _ ,~, .D ~ O N 'C ~ f0 O L cC 7 U 1~ Q Q ~ ~ Q N O 0.'S ~ rl z .. W U Q ` 7 O O O O O O) N m tt~c0 O Q~ ~~ ~ (~ W U (~ U LO > Q' (n fn J = (/J _ ~ .`,. Q 3t '- M Q O N d O LL ~' J September 15, 2000 Gregory R. Thompson, PE 'New Hanover County Engineering 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Re: Early Sitework Package New Hanover County Jail MBC Project No. 00-193 Dear Greg: This is to follow up on our recommendation for the subject contract award and provide information regarding the large variance of bids. I have talked with Randy Jordan of Phillips and Jordan and the following was discussed: • • They used 1.17 tons/cy for stone density per their conversation with Martin Marietta. We used a density of 1.98 tons/cy (1 l Olb/in./sy) which is common in this area. Phillips and Jordan is confident of their quantities (volume and weight) • A substitute geogrid material was used in their estimate. They realize if this is not equivalent, then the specified material must be used at no cost to the owner. • They have an economical source for borrow material that should be acceptable, but must be approved by law. • Their unit price for "backfill" does not include offsite import. The next lowest. bidder, Thompson & Company does include offsite import for backfill. The monetary difference with the bid quantities for this unit price only amounts to $8,600.00. • The base bid is per plans and specifications. • There should not be change orders with respect to undercut because the bid documents incorporate dealing with weak existing soils. We may, however, request some ditching and surcharge. This will be simply moving soil. ~ The unit price quantities are not to be included in the scope per the plans these are only to be used if extra work beyond the planned scope is directed. • Phillips and Jordan want to contract per their bid and do not acknowledge a mistake in their bid estimate. '=~.. / Mr. Greg•Thompson _._ __.._....::, , , September 15, 2000. - ,..,,_: Page 2. - Our recommendation to award the contract to Phillips and Jordan remains. We see no reason that they should be considered unresponsive. Sincerely, P. S. Buskirk Senior Project Manager PSB/njw cc: Charley Reed Bob Greene Larry Harkey Pat McCracken • Charies Reea <creer>(a>Free~~~an~.vi~it~ .ec~i> :~n t~"?/~S5r2G0i~ v=t:t;3:~31 °M To: ~ "'gthompson@co.new-hanover.nc.us"' <gthompson@co:new-hanover;nc.us> - - -~ - - -- - - _. ~- cc: "'Pete.buskirk@millerbuilding.com"' <Pete.buskirk@millerbuilding.com>,."'raepc@aol:com"' , . ., <raepc@aol.com>, Ed Spooner <ESpooner@freemanwhite:com>; Brian Shirley - .:-_ , ~ ,_ _ _.: a,:- : ~ , „- <bshirley@freemanwhite.com> ~ - • Subject: NHC: Early Site Package Bid Recommendation Greg: We recommend that Phillips and Jordan be awarded the contract for the early site package .for the New Hanover County Jail and Sheriff's Administration. Phillips and Jordan is the low bidder for this work and their were no irregularities in their bid. I have had our on site civil engineering consultant, Right Angle Engineering, review the bidding information. Right Angle, along with FWI, does not find any reason not to award Phillips and Jordan this contract within the parameters of the bidding process defined in the specifications and bidding documents. We have also received a copy of Pete Buskirk's letter summarizing a discussion that he had with Randy Jordan of Phillips and Jordan. We feel this conversation reinforces that Phillips and Jordan intends to do this work per the plans and specifications and that their performance of the work is not contingent upon any deviations from the materials or scope defined in the contract documents. Please let me know if you have any other questions. ~.../ .. • • RI 0 O N' .. o N ry rt1 p O N ~ ~ v CI v~ o ~ ~ b .~ a.' # . ~~ O U_ a H _ b 4 r1 N ~ a N z ~ ~ a o 0 0 o ~ ~ ~' ..; F O O O O o Q ~ N o ~ 0 O 0 p n ~ N M •-• ~ U~ d: ~p .d ~ ; ~ ~ a J V 1 ' V) di E/j yj O O O O O .-~ z ., ~ O ~ ~ O O ~ O O Q .. O O «~ ~, b u ~ 7 y ~ ~ R7 G ~ ~ h ^. O° ~_ ~ ~ ~ o 0 ~~ M ~ N 0 O O ~ w N 7 V ~ Yi V3 EH qq ,Z ~ ?~ D+ ~n P4 x° N N ~ op ~ m o ~ P G F U z o ~ ~ a ~ 0 ~ V ~ ti ~ a a 1 ~ ~ ~ p ~ v ~ ~ # N d ~ ;y J 4; ;~ r f s September 5, 2000 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners `~ 4'~ FROM: Gregory R. Thompson, P.E. Chief Project Engineer SUBJECT: Jail Project, Precast Cell Bids • On August 30, 2000 New Hanover County received bids for the manufacture and erection of.approximately 320 precast concrete cells. Two companies, Old Castle Precast, Inc. and Tindall Concrete, submitted bids. A summary of the results are as follows: Tindall Base Bid $1,075,538 Alt.#1(SS Windows) $38,400 Alt.#2(Conduit & Boxes) $15,700 Alt.#3(All 85sf, 5-side cell) No Response Alt.#4(All 85sf, 6-side cell) $3,019,383 Alt.#5(75 & 85sf, 5-side) No Response Alt.#6(75 &85sf, 6-side) No Response Old Castle $1,075,000 $0.00 $16,500 $6,400 No Response $3,195,000 No Response Please note that included in the base bid amount are cost for the design and erection of precast concrete cells and miscellaneous precast concrete panels. The cost estimate for this work dated August 21 defined a~value of $4,012,500. 1 After a complete evaluation of the bid. packages: by ..staff,: it:,was determined that the appropriate package for this project would be the Base Bid and' Alternate -#4: Tindall ~ - . -- Concrete is the low bidder for this package with a total bid of.$4,094,921. This bid is. in .. excess of the estimated budget amount by- $82,421: - -, - . ; :: ~ ~ - Sfaff recommends that the County Commissioners-authorize the negotiation Hof a contract> ;-- -~: `-~ with Tindall Concrete in order to achieve:the budgeted amount. of $4;0.12,500 and upon - _. - _- successful completion of the negotiations authorize the execution of a contract for the budgeted amount. Additionally, staff request approval of the associated budget amount of $4,413,750 which represents the budgeted construction value and a 10% Contingency. CJ C~ September 15, 2000 Gregory R. Thompson, PE New Hanover County Engineering 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Re: Precast Modular Cells New Hanover County Jail MBC Project No. 00-193 Dear Greg: We recommend accepting the negotiated contract term with Tindall. The following information is applicable: • Amount $4,012,00.00. • The agreement is amended as marked up in your office. • Specific scope is as bid documents except: • 3/8" clear polycarbonate in lieu of `/2" for the cell window glazing • The storage bins under the bunks are deleted and are included in FFE. • Tindall's standard 14 gage cell doors and 12 gage frames manufactured by Trussbuilt in lieu of these specified. • The $625,000.00 spandrel allowance will remain. Sincerely, P. S. Buskirk Senior Project Manager PSB/njw cc: Charley Reed Bob Greene Larry Harkey Pat McCracken 4 l ~ ~ ~ C S Q. (D -=ti d. Q (D cD -, fA a1 ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~~ ni n cD -' n O °~ ~ D ~ Tt can - - -zi D ~ r - =' O ~ ~ ~ n ~ 0 ~ ~ r n w 0o w z N ~ O ~ ~ o~ o zv v ~ ~ . v o z 0 o D n . cyn cyn ~ v, 0 0° Y ~ o m o° o° 0° 0 X X ~a ~, a ~ ~ W D 00 a :p z ao 0 ~ - O ~. ~ ~ -~ D a ~ a in z Q. O Q. O O O O N O O _- -- -_ _ ----.. - _ _ -- -- _ _ _ ~. _.., Q. . _ ._. Z c~ f ~ _ ~. n~ ~ < cD c~ n ~ o t~ c .o ~ 1 ~ TT (~ ~ W p7 ~ v 0 oa ODo ~ ~ rC D 3 0 =~ o ~ O a .~, Z c ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ n a v ~ d ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ o: ~^ ~ J/ ~ m D (7 D ~ D ..~ y. \/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 ~.~ Regular Item #: 10.1 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Engineering Contact: Greg Thompson Presenter: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: NHC Jail Project -Concrete Cell Contract Contract # 01-0063 ' BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 5, 2000, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners instructed staff to negotiate a contract with Tindall Corporation for the design manufacturing and erection of precast concrete cell modules and miscellaneous spandrel panels. The goal of negotiation was to bring the bid value for the precast package down to the estimated budget. (,~~{~ ptz~5cao~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: At the time the agenda item was prepared, negotiation with Tindall were still in progress. The final negotiated contract will be presented to the Board at the September 18 meeting along with associated backup. A request for approval of the contract and the associated budget amendment will be made on September 18th. • FUNDING SOURCE: 366-431.3660-7300-6000 ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATI :~ Consider approval. Final information will be forthcoming. . COMMISSIONERS` ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~I1U~9111 COMMI~IONI, • APPROVED C~----~ REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED D FIEARO ' C3 -~_.~j ,. 23 ~~~~ Il~~ ~~ t~ ~~ ~`~ Q~b'~C~i~ ~l~VP~C3~i~'2Q~1 :~ .~ ~` ~~ ,~ • ~~ U NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 10.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: NHC Jail Project Contract # 01-0099 BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 13, 2000, New Hanover County received bids for the Early Site Work bid package. Based on current estimated budget amounts, the bid package value is $2,599,850. This value represents a base bid amount of $2,154,100 for the scope of work as defined within the bid package and a contingency amount of $445,750 for unforeseen conditions and additional work that may be required. ~,~ 1,173,5't~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: At the time of preparation of this bid package, the bid information was not available. A complete package including the bid documents for the lowest responsible bidder will be presented at the September 18, 2000 meeting. A reques for approval of the contract and the associated budget amendment will be made on September 18th. FUNDING SOURCE: 366-431-3660.7300-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from Miller Building BA #2001 ~08.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN.RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIO'f11S6 1 Consider approval. Final information will e forthcoming. G COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ®Ot9i1Y'T~ ~:OMRAI~IQPJ APPROVED ~ ~-~ REJECTED ,,,~f7 POSTPONED p HEARD ~~a~ .,,~I~e~O ~c 25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00- . Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Law Enforcement Center Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-08 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Law Enforcement Center Capital Project: Installment Loan Proceeds , ••~~$2,599;850~; Capital Project Expense $2,599,850 EXPLANATION: To budget funds for the Early Site Work bid package for the jail project... ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: .APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners f"~' ~AiTY C M~,I~S REJECTED REMOV~D 2 ~ [pOSTPrO~VE~'r~ ~i~ARf.~ ~~ ~~T~ ~ Q/L M,I-' .:~ . ~~ l.J l • • i~ ~~~ BUtLD1VG CURPURATIUN NEW IiANOVER COUNTY JAIL AND ADMINISTRATION FACILITY MEMORANDUM File # 5.1.1 DATE: September 8, 2000 TO: Greg Thompson, P.E. -New Hanover County FROM: Pat McCrackenP~ SUBJECT: Budget Estimate for Early Site Bid Package We have thoroughly reviewed the bidding documents for the Early Site Bid Package for the New Hanover County Jail & Administration Project. We believe that the estimated cost of work described in the documents is $2;154,100 (per our estimate spreadsheet dated September 7, 2000). The extended unit prices shown on the bid form are worth an additional $445,750. Therefore, we anticipate the bids to be~submitted at or below $2,599,850. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cc: Pete Buskirk -Miller Charlie Reed - FreemanWhite Shane Lippard -Right Angle Engineering ~ ,~ ~ rte. ~ I ~ I. ~l~ ,~~ i ~I~ ~ ---~--- 1 ~---"-~" pr . ~--~- -- 27 -.28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O O O o o- O O O O O O N O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~~ ~ X 0 0 0 !~ Lb ~ ~ ~ O r •y Ln V r N O tf) c0 c0 ' In (O lf7 N ltd In t.C) V' N M In O V r O N l.() ~ r Ln ~.. C O M M O M r to N O X EA EA ffl ~3 EF? ER 69 fA 64 64 69 ffl fH 69 69 64 ffl 64 ER Efl Cf ER U W _ j 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0° ° 0 0 0 o~nooooo0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e r r r r r r r r r r r r r ~ ' rn oooo~.n~nr~~n o ~ncDMtiN~n o. ~ O o 0 0 N M' r N r~ lf) O M ~ ~ N M M ..+ N N W ~ U EF3 ER ifl Cfl FA ~ EA 64 Efl E9 EA Cfl 64 ER LA ."_' 3 C C ~ U~ U U T T T T ~I~ ~ ~ ~ U U T (6 . '~s ~ ~ = U U ~~~ ~, ~ ~ ' •~ r~ V m ~' 0 0 0 0 L(~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 > M r M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D V' O ~ m = O O O O O O O r r r +' O (D ~ M r ~ ~ O ~ ryry V a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rn rn 00000 00 ooomooooo cDr ~ ~ = 0 0 0 0 0 ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O M N (O O N t(1 ~ N (D (~ O~ O V Cn O tf') CO O V' Ln M r ~D ~ M N O r _ N M~ O i~ V' N l1J O V' CD r O 1~ ti ~ N M V M O~ N O w y CU y r N O O ~ U W 64 69 Efl EL7 69 64 ~3 EJ-3 69 69 ~ EA 64 ffl Kj 64 EH ~ ~ Efl Efl 69 69 Efl (fl r p~ 0 0 0 0 LfJ f~ lfJ In M M tt~ O t!'7 N p f6 II1 O O O O ~ r N N~ I~ M~ p 0 0 0 0 N ~ = . lf1 O M M ~ ~ Y ~.+ N M O C W C (d (D U U T T T ~ • ~ U • ~ C (V U N (Q (a U U U ..- .... J w r- ti . ~ r CO M O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C r M O O O O O O (D ~i' O O O Q O 0 0 O O O O L !~ N ~ ~ C ~ d ++ U N , +' N ^ ~ O ° U a o ~ N 0 W ~'' a+ w ~ . ~ cQ N ~ '~ '~ • N N w W C ~ W U ~ a ~ L •~ m U (~ ~ N y ~ ~ _ C Y ~ ~ U O ~ v a L- "O j m O C' .. L Q~ ~-. z -. '°W. . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O t.C) O In N 0 0 0 0 0 N t!7 O lf7 O O N O~ CD ~ ~D 0 0 0 (D N ~-- CO V t.C) .-- ~ M CO 1~ N O Q' O r .- M O N N M M V' N c0 (O t7 O~ M T r 1~ ~ N N e3 CA ~? FA 69 Cfl ss b4 E9 69 ~? Cfl s9 69 cfl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~~ooooooo~n~~~o r r r r r r r r O F- O O O O Ln to r Cn tfi O O N cD ~ O O O O N O O N N O O In O N M p O O ~ N M ~ ~ ~ N I~ N Efl Efl 69 ER Ef3 Ef3 Efl E+9 69 Ef-? ~3 Ef3 69 64 (6 U U U T T T T T (0 f0 T T T CU fCi f9 f0 U U U U. N N O y N U r r O O.O O O r r O O O M M M 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 ~ N ~ N CAD O COO COD N r O r 0 ~ ~ O ~ ~-' a ~ m ~. ~ --• o ~ aNi ~ ~ ~ ~ 'o ~ •~, ~ ~ `m Q T C7 a a ~ ~ a v, _ Div c ~ p ~ ~ C7 p`' ~ 7 O ~- O o U1 Cn m Cn ~ N O' O ~~ 3 O 01 ~~ U j U C~ (~ Q Q`.~ mQ O :=• L Z ~ f9 d 023 O ~ C ~' L ~p 7 U ^ _ _ ~ _ lU U .O - 7 ...~ .N .y-. 7 0 0 0 0 0 07 N ~' m~_ d Q ~ 'Cn W 'U- Cn U. ~] > ~ (~ ~.. J S Cn Q q# ~- M 'cY' ~ N d. 0 0 0 r In V ~i n' *k J (U O 11 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD-OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST-FOR BOARD ACTION . IVleeting Date:. 09/18/00 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board ~oxi Q~~(,ciellcls, ~ri-E-cGcara-, -~ Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments • • FUNDING SOURCE: ~~ ~EVIflfli5Sl0iVi~ APPROVED ^ ~tEIECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ~EARp a ~~ off. , 29 F g~ 1~.~.f~~~;,. ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications 17EM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD APPLICANTS: Edgar C. Fox Mary Helen Orth .Maud "Buck" O'Shields, Jr. ,Nancy Pritchett City of Wilmington Representatives: Councilmember Frank Conlon Bill Reid, Solid Waste Manager Kure Beach Representative: Tim Fuller (Ratified 8/21/00) Carolina Beach Representative: Wrightsville Beach Representative: County Commissioner: Attachments: Board Information Applications s '- IC'~+[f~Jjk! ~x `~ J ~. New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board Committee Vacancies In an effort to plan for sound, efficient, and economical solid waste collections and disposal services, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has re-established a Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board.' The purpose of the advisory board is to evaluate all pertinent aspects and issues relating to the management of solid waste in order to achieve the following goals and objectives: 1) To assist local governments in New Hanover County in the development and implementation of a coordinated, long-term solid waste management plan that is acceptable to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, and the City and Town Councils; 2) To recommend sound, sensible, and practical solid waste strategies that address, but are not limited to distribution of the waste stream among the integrated management options available: material recovery, energy recovery, landfilling and waste transfers and alternative or expanded material and resource recovery systems; 3) To assist in developing the most effective allocation of solid waste management functions among all local governing bodies in New Hanover County. The Board of Commissioners will appoint 3 at-large members. Five members will be appointed by the municipal governments as follows: City of Wilmington 2 appointees, and the Towns of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach 1 appointee each. Representatives from the solid waste hauling companies will serve as ex officio members. Applications can be obtained at 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305,' by calling 341-7149, or on the County's web page: http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/cc/applic.htm. Applications are needed by June 28,2000. ~ 31 Board of Commissioners New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilrningto~:, North Carolina 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 Application for AppoinEment Eo Boards, CommiEEees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: (Please type or print in black ink) . Name: Ec7~QQ ~ ~°. '~o X How long have you been a Address: .2~S2S~~~7~PYhuy~ ~ ~. resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~yr„s rl,r ~~ 'ng ~n N C'. ~g'h~d~ ~` Telephone:~/Home: 7G~.3 79/f,S * Sex: _ ~/D~~° * Race: (.1~~- ! ~t° Business: .,~~ 9~v~ * Age: ** Employed by: ~P~~ ~'~°~ ~ job Title: Duties Performed: Professional Activities: T~~P,~ I.~S ~sn ~u m vt1 ~r S a e Volunteer Activities: ~1 tr~~~ ~f. ~, f~. ~!!L°S!/rrj /~Q~ry ~P~ShI~ ~0 rrt . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~'~e~~ m y ,6u~ ~ 9yo ~ ~ d w ~ v ~d he 1 ~ rn e ira ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~- rr b ~ ~'iarr What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, CommiEtee, or Commission requested? / S C°G 9'I~a y h al . What areas of concern would you like to see thak Board, Committee, or Commission address? v t no cc.. /o u~ v fu v3'rr ! ~ ~7`~"YJ7 W h ~' ~n u N Cn ,rn er'~t ~ v C3,~K ~~ 1 v »S " This information is requested for.the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed- . '" A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her ~~ position with New Hanoaer County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Poficy.~ ~" ~ ~~~~,' 3, 9z r.:~,:: Date: ~ ~ I y (;' ;V. ', ~ ~~ ~ ., . ~ BUJ Signature ~rm~r-nom... ~~-~-~12~V1S ~Q lt•~-`I' v"a-5~~. (Please use reverse side for additional commen~ 1 3 ~ / v. _. ,. _ n . n _.~_,. ! ~ .... e -~' ~ 1 ~ <In ~ .._... / D.,L./ A ~~~ 57~ ! ~/inn WORK HISTORY Edgar C. Fox _ 1990 to Present Retired I have done some consulting work involved in new plant construction. Have taught a course in the DOS operating system for personal computers. 1968 to 1990 Chief Engineer, Federal Paper Board, Riegelwood, NC Among the projects that I was involved in was the justification and the installation of a 40M1.7 turbine generator and a 400,000 LBSihour steam boiler which burnt .mostly wood waste. Also, involved in studying the feasibility of .a cogeneration facility at the Riegelwood site. 195.1 to 1968 Senior Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Gorp. I was mostly involved applying equipment made by Westinghouse in tl-~e paper and textile industries. This included making feasibility studies of utilizing combined cycle power systems in industry. Education BSEE Luke University. 1951 , MSEE University Of Pittsburgh 1960 Licensed Professional Engineer Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ~ 33. ~~ ~ L.r ! r ~ V i5 NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r'; p 9 1~,^~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ;' ~~~ HANGVEQ CO.: . Telephone (9101 341-7149 8~ OF CG.A~~l~:,lC~~~RS, FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: r ~~l~h. ~~,~ G ~;~ S©l ~ ~ Name: /%~/~Y/~r ~~2~~Y1 ~'~~~2 _ Home How long have you been a Address: 7j~ ~~S ~(~ ~~ (t.~-2 resident of New Hanover County? u -~~~ -~ Mailing Address: ~7~~ / ~. GL S ~ [ Li ~j ~i1(y~-~ City and State: li~/~! YYI / V19 ~~.1 , /V C- Zip Code: ,~~ ~D 7 Telephone: Home: ~/Q -• 7 7 ~ ' ~ ~~.3 Business: /VFW "Sex: k~7-?7cl(~ "Race: C13~1C-~ Z~/d'Y-~ "Age: 7~ 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. " "Emplo yed b y: °'A person currently employed by the agency ar department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordancre~with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanovar•County Peersonnel Policy. Job Tit/e: /~21~rYt° a- ~rjB?•~l- ~ ~dl C.-YOV~Y~1 yVlC~i~dS dk ~Ytll-yZ~cd1~~C~(~• ~~_/ Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: t/<G~>/~2~ S(~t~t /~Qr/L~/i ~ C!!~iv(.~i~ L x~C4lc Why do you /wish to serve on the Board, rlCc2s~ 1s ~n amt ~~i~s„~.~~~d°/~I11/° G(ommittee, or Commission requested? GG~u>7 ~ ~r~ ~ ~~%~-GL Ct Iz~~ ,oaf, ~ ~-~L 9,~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ref GE ~1l'I /J/r ,,l..O r AK~tvt, //, ~~~c ~~es ' ~'-" ~J2t~GL, t,v` ,,~ /s ~t ~ ~" ~ u~~ ~~ Wha do you fee/ ar your qualifications fot serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .~~Z~ G~z . ' f d ~'.c,~-~~-e~ /l-yu~ -~~cv~- uti /-~ ~,:c F d~ ~~ Vii. cv-~~ its ~ d -~ ~ a~A . ~~ d~~~'" '~~ kcu,~e ,L~~u .mac (--~~e ~wv~~u2d w~- ' ~~ ~ ~ •~~~.~ C~~~, -- What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT C7G~'~ I ~G ~' .~-h L' ~'~-c~-2 ~G~al./Z-eG~-iwh+zvc~.crf-r~ar5 /1~-79'~ .-~ S_ec~_ uPS~-u e~'r~2il~ ~ obi ~~ ~, we /(/. 1 vr~t ~2 Q .L `~ ~ ~ cJ ~ •~~ ~'S c~{ d > ~~ ~~ ~' .5~-7-ne i-cl.~~ cap:,.. ~z , i ~ •~ ~ se Ir. if so lea i i alit or a count , p pother board or committee a orated b a mun c p y Y u current/ servi on a pp Y Y \. Date: Signature r. (Please use reverse side for additional comments! .REFERENCES: P/ease provide three local persona/ references: Name Phone Number 2. -D~.trr d 73 Ce~c ~ ~~+ sra~-r ~ 3. ~~ G~~~,~~.~- ~o ~~~v-ids ~ Applicant: ~%~- 02 • 7~~~ ~7~~ ~s~-~~~~ ~-~ s C ~._ _ 7~~ -08 7S wz~.~. ~ ~ 5 ~G~~~~ -f~tr~ ~'tzvv~~_ G-x, ~~i/~1 v°iDaa ~ir~~ ~~u~u~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ C1 L3/ li3/ LClCJC1 YJt3: ~~ b1ClbbbLlLb RUG-18-00 F'~I 7,3~ NHCC liUl;K b5H1tLll5 ~'AX PJO. 3414130 ; .. , N~'~lV N.4Nt71~FJ~ ~C(~UNT~ 3~'0 Chestnut Strut, Room .~U5' PAGE 01 P.Ot o - ~ ~.~~~ vL1 r Ci Wrlm~ngtQn, NC 28~Q 1 °0,93 ~ F~ ~:~~ i,~~~~~~;~~s~~~~S t 7'eiephr~ne f9lUJ 341.7143 , . FAX t'9iUJ .341-4130 .~4,op/Jc~tfon for Appointment to ~d~rt11~; Committees. ,~n~ CommisrsPans Appofi~ted by the New He~'aver Gc~,crrrt~y ,B~a~rd ~~ eo-t~mEssianers: R$pue: Name: ~lprrl6t ~ ~ ~~ Wow Itting h,9vB you been a •~~ Address: ~ ^,~1~ •~~ resident of New Ha~naver Cpvniy? ~,~„r Mailing ,4 ddr~sst • _ ~,`ity end Steta: awl I ~.. dip Code: Telephone: Xome:. -' f~ ~ ~„_ $usiness: , °Se~xr '~Rat:e: ,~ 'Age: •'Thi,4 infprmetion is rogU4stod for the sole pu/pqs~ nl:asyvring that a C{ass•scctfon aP rho Y V A Pdf~Olf S(lrlenfly amp(cyed by t/19 vAen~ Ard $rt111 e17 for whkh this applrce Lion /S InBd 1V•w Hanpvgr County upon ~ppointmer-r, ttt acxnrdtyrrar wJth AitirT• !R, Ste. 4 of N• N•w Job ~tle: Prt~feSSirsrrei AetttiitieS: ~''~.~ Volunteer Act/Ylties: Why da you wish to serve do tn~ Bard, CtymmitPee,•,or C.ommisslv~t rer~uested? ,p a e w d[ ~ 1~...--. ~ A _ ~s ~ L ~ N 8__ =-ice:~ t What da you {eet are ycit~r ~,uellficartions for serving en the Bq~vrd, Committee, or Wh$t 8reas pf rR- .~ ,_ l~~~~ fs apFainto~ ~r res;r~n hlsiri®r posirian Lvtth v~ar County permnsl Fbliay. •. re t7u es t+~ clr~~ ,;;;____~___ address ~ r e'a ~ ~ yr a crytl»ty? It~so. please list: Al ..~ NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ...320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (910J 341-4130 ~~~~~~~~ OK p ~ 1948 ~~ H61P10YER CQ ~ €~~t~tt~St Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed 6 y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: Name: Nancy H. Pritchett Solid Waste Advisory Committee Home How long have you been a >° Address: 637 Robert E. Lee Dr . ~:~~' ;.~, resident of New Hanover Countyl __~ Years Mailing Address: City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: Telephone: Nome: 791-2827 f ~ alb- ~ '~Q~i r~Business: .a.~~- ~~ 1..~ "Sex: F "Race: W "Age: 63 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Employed 6Y: ~ ~~.: r,rr^,rf-~-ii~iaiicii~ai iiaiia~c-,ii~i~i ivT~r~y~ "A person Curren t/y amp/Dyed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordanca with Article VJ, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: -~~z-ce~e~-;-~ e ~~ ' ~ ~ ~~;~~,~ ~*~' Professional Activities: ~~-*~£~-~~~- ~~*- ~e.~a~--~~ee~--~-E~«z~ u~~„~e~~Lai -~ ~aiiagemenL VolunteerActivities: ~~ -t'~~+•h-~T-•rrwt~~r--.~a-Qe.-Rea-r; Wilmington Choral Society; Cape Fear Camera Club; Enviroru~intal Educators of North arolina , i m. aster ity ominission Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To further expand the environmental education programs in New Hanover County What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl -u" ~' ^' ' '- - - - `~ N. C. Certified Environmental Educator r ~" What areas- of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Additional recycling programs Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed.by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Date:. Dec. 29, 1997 Signature ~~r'1 ~~~~-~ (Please use reverse side !or additional com ants/ i C/~,,,G~~ $~3 f/Op `' (OVER) fR~FfR ENCE~ Please provide three local personal references: ' Name Phone Number 1J Glen Ivey ~ ~ 458-4972 2J Ida Newton ~ 799-8825 3J Matt Mathews 790-5500 ~ ' ~ /: /v. ~ ~/~ ,. 38 ~~ ~. y • .'s~ ~t• 1739 •` DAVID L. JONES Mayor _ KATHERINE B. MOORE Mayor Pro-Tem COUNCIL MEMBERS . FRANKS. CONLON J.C. HEARNE, II SANDRA S. HUGWES LAURA W. PADGETT CHARLES H. RIVENBARK, JR. MARY M. GORNTO City Manager ..THOMAS C. POLLARD City Attorney PENELOPE SPICER-SIDBURY City Clerk City of'Wilmington City Hall Post Office Box 1810 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 910 341-7815 . f \ l \.~ ~;/ <`. `:~~ ,'~ ~• t August 29, 2000 Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Bill, Thank you for your letter regarding the re-established New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board and the request for t`vo City representatives to serve. Please be advised that the City's representatives are as follows: Councilmember Frank Conlon Mr. Bill Reid, Solid Waste Manager Please contact Councilmember Conlon and Mr. Reid regarding meetings, etc. at P.O. Box 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402. Again, thanks for allowing the City of Wilmington an opportunity to participate in this process. Sincerely, /pss cc: Councilmember Frank Conlon Mr. Bill Reid, Solid Waste Manager Councilmember J. C. Hearne, II, Chairman Council's Appointments Committee Mayor Pro-Tem Katherine Bell-Moore, Me~ r Penelope Spicer-Sidbury, City Clerk OF KUgE a ,.~- AR o ~ow~ of K~~ B~a.cH 117 SETTLERS LANE • POST OFFICE BOX 3 • KURE $EACH, NORTH CAROLINA 28449. O ~~~ TELEPHONE (910) 458-8216 • FAX (910) 458-7421 9TH C A R~~ July. 18, 2000 Chairman Bill Caster . New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401- 4093 'Dear Chairman Caster: Please be advised that at our June 27, 2000 Council Meeting, Mr. Tim Fuller volunteered and was appointed by :Council .to .serve as the Kure Beach member of the Citizen~Solid Waste Advisory Board. As noted in the Resolution, we request that you consider Mr. Fuller's _ \~./ appointment to .the Board. Mr.`Fuller's address is 133 Settlers Lane, Kure Beach, NC 28449, phone number (910) 458-6900. Sincerely, ~ ~ ,. .. C;~~C.G~r~~~ Frances S. Jones Town Clerk/Treas. ~ /. ., j~~` N `~~ ,j1 1 ~ ~ (~ i1 ~l~ u (_. AEI ~ ?f;~~ - ,~ 8" ~ ' • COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME. PREVENTION PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD/ 4 Vacancies: COUNCIL / CRIMINAL JUSTICE Previously, the Advisory Board has requested that the position be filled from the following categories: Juvenile Defense Attorney Member of Business Community Person under 21 Probation Officer • • APPLICATIONS ~-Nephitearya Shantel Bailey Daryl Dockery Sharon JC Ennis Lois Fox Rev. John Fredlaw b-Ronald E. Harris William P, Hewel Erik Lindstrom James M. Maggard Reggie Mathis, --Grt~-is Oring Marla D. Rice-Evans Frankie Robert Rev. Terry D. Stephens Aida Z. Toplin --Sherita L. Young ~--yi c,.Ki e ~ Iv,-~r~-.e. CATEGORY Person Under 21 ' Community Service Coordinator Community Service Coordinator Victims Services Faith Community Business Community At-Large At-Large Defense Attorney Person Under 21 Juvenile Defense Attorney - At-Large Business Community Faith Community. At-Large Community Service Coordinator u iv cu~-7 Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR Reappointment X - A+ lli.r-tie. 41 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Members include, representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement; Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Community Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug .Addict, Community Based Corrections Program, Victim Services Program, Employment and Training Professional. (Minimum number of board members is ten) Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month at 12:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Office of Juvenile Justice; _138 N. Fourth Street. Criminal Justice Partnership items are discussed quarterly. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established Criminal Justice in 1994, Juvenile Crime Prevention Council was established 12/21/98. Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to, reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the State. CURRENT MEMBERS TERM PRESENTLY TERM . SERVING EXPIRES Communitv Based Corrections Program Joanne Marr TASC/Day Sentencing Center 801 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 762-5333 (W) Probation Officer Terry Cosby Goo 430 Honeyc rive '~~ Wilmin n, NC 28412 799 61(H) 251-5757(W) .~ , Faith Communitv Pastor Bo Baker 313 Shamrock Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 42 791-1021(x) 791-8996(w) Second 9/30/2001 (Appt. 9/18/95, Reappt. 9/21/98) Second 9/30/2000 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/97) First '' ' 9/30/2002` (Appt. 11/15/99) J JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL/ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINUED) Members-at-lame Dorothy S. D fields ~ First 4825 San Court ~,..1Z Wilm' gton, NC 28412 5I Z-y, p U / (Appt. 11115/99) 7 -6368(H) 254-4331(W) / Harold B. King ~ Unexpired 10 Island Drive Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 2/21/00) 395-1220(H} Erik Lindstrom Unexpired ~ 330 Stradleigh % Wilmington, NC 28403-1230 (Appt. 2/21/00). . 763-6653(H) 397-8015(W) 9/30/2002 9/30/2001 9/30/2000 John A. Ranalli Unexpired . 9/30!2002 7100 Kinsella Court Wilmington, NC 28409-4461 (Appt. 2/21700) 799-3985(H) 799-9652 Ted Seawell Second 9/30/2000 ~~~ P.O. Box 7 Wil gton, NC 28402 (Appt. 9/94) -0511(H) 452-1122(W) Agency Representatives: County Commissioner: Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood Judge of District Court: Judge John Smith District Attorney: John Carriker Wilmington City Police: Lt. J. W. Carey Sheriff Department: Captain Steve Smith Mental Health: Art Costatini Health Department: Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia Gorman '~ DSS: Wanda Neidig \Crime 8/00 43 NE6P HANOVER COUNTY CRIMINAL JU8TICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE VACANCIES ' During the Short Session of the N. C. General Assembly, the State and County Criminal Justice Partnership Act was funded for the purpose of creating local advisory boards to develop community- based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders,. .The goals of the advisory boards will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders, and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the~State of No'rth'Carolina. As outlined- in this Act, the County Commissioners will. be appointing members to serve.on the New Hanover County Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board with appointment of members to represent the following ..categories: (1) Criminal Defense Attorney (2) Public Defender (3) A Probation Officer (4) A Community Service Coordinator (5} One member selected from each of the following service areas: Substance Abuse,. Employment and Training,.Community- Based Corrections Programs, and Victim Services Programs. (6} A member of the Business Community. (7) A member of the community who has been ~a victim of a crime. (8) Members at-large, including persons who. are.recovering from chemical .dependency or -are previous consumers of substance abuse treatment services.. 44 ~, '~ ~~ ~v HANOVER COUNTI' SCHOOLS • • May 18, 2000 X~' ~ ~ . D. JOHN MORRIS, JR. Superintendent DORO'fi-iY D~SHIELDS Executive Director I^(~"XM~ j ~~3 Ott~eof6?uailiyDevelopment V ~G Mr. William Caster, Chairman County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Roonn 502 - Wilmington,. NC 28401-4045 Dear Mr. Caster: It is with regret that I find it necessary to resits from the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board. Even though I am deeply interested in the youth of our community, I have had problems adjusting my work schedule to meet the needs of the organization. At this point, I realize that I don't I have the time to be as effective as I would like to be. I am very appreciative of the opportunity afforded me by the County Commissioners; and am deferring my position on the Council to someone who can participate more fully. - Sincerely yours,. ~ ~J v Q~ Dorothy S. DeShields C Mr.. Andrew J. Atlflnson Deputy County Manager Senator Luther Jordan ~~C~~Q~i~D~ ~~':~1 ~ 2 7~~ NEW HANOVER CO. 8D. OF COMMiSSfONERS y 1802 SOUTH 15TH STREEt WILMINGTON. NoaTH CAaouN,a 28401 PHONE (910) 254-4331 FAx (910) 254-4135 45 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMI~/IISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91.0/ 341-7149 FA'X (9101 341-4130 ~'-/f.,z: TG~S~c. ,~"/m~~-er Application for Appointment. to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by th`e~~ Nnew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: /(>~" C ~/ cJl/2/(r ~~ ~~OM t? O r~~ !/2r1 d~t0~. ~C'iiG, / Name: R1e.tJh~~-~~~vs 5~~ n~-i-~_) ~~ ~ 1 r ~1 _ Name N,ow long have ycu beer, a Address: ~ 1 ~ .l'>C.x' (~?,t.,Q I ~ (~ "~ resident of New Hanover.County,? ___~_'~;~r~ Mailing Address: '~-1 ~~,c ~~- ~ (R Lj~ '~ ~ ~""'-" City and State: _(~ ), [n-1;r1ca-}-~,fl (~J~' ___ Zip Code:. o2~y(S ~j Telephone: Home: C~lv~ ~ 1~3_ ~-~'o`~ Business: ~rj~ "Sex: r~~~~ "Race: A , 9 ~ J , 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: ~1A "A person currently emp/oyeti 6y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New K.anover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Seca 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~~, Professional Activities: ~CVC,~eYt~ V'C>~ U~~~~'~'_ ~Se~ ~c.,lt~~ Volunteer Activities: ~ ~C:.~' ~ ~ lec~s~-}~(~ , Pr~~~ (tyJ(` ~C.~ ~ Y~7~~,~;-~~-rLC' G~~ ~.; ~f-~ m Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1. ~ ~~cv~ -(~r`,~ ~_ l ~ ~- ncnl t~ ~' (~~n<.~c~c-~ ~I ~~-~-, ~~ 4-~r +t~ c~r~1~c c_ ~m.~/- __~et:.s,4c.c-~1r\~~ .~5k~_I(~~ ., What do you feei are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ..~ ;t.;~~ CnY~ c'~~r k~~/l~.\ `Y '~/~. Uri' ~..~: ~iJ\~"l"` t1T 't'Y~ 1 TC.1 ~ ` /r What areas of concern would you.like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ( ~ Clh e_. G.~ ; i ,~;a,\~~ 1 ~ lam. ~~ _ C ~ r c-~L-~ c~Q~r~ s~ c~5 ~'~-,~ ~~ ~t-,-~c.,~-\. ~e rn~ cti~ ~~sz-.~ < Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: . :-J~ Date: ~c~-~~r~~'j~.f" 7f~ J; ?~OQ Signature (Please user verse side for additional comments! C~ ~~, . ~. _~.., ' ... _.i Sid REFERENCES P/ease provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 2~ ~a-Lir ~~v;-~ C~10> ~ S L!- 9a~~ 3) ~~ nr-c~ ~ 1 ~~ X11 ~~ rn :5 ~ l l n~ y~ ~ l - ~ `rS ~ f .l~ ,~. ~ . ~~, • 47 rGD-uo-~UUU 1U~44 rill t'ril'11LIaL,lIV1VGa-t1.7C/JUJ Application fctr Appointments dV~IS! ~lY~'V~!"1 6+r~lY~~ ~'~ ~F ~11NN11~5°ll~ ~~Ct chestnut St~r~~t, Ro~rtr ~~~ 7'~I~~hon® (91 t?1 3'41-~' 149 ~A.X (910) .341-4 9 3t7 ,~~ptlo~tJon fear ,Appafn~c~nt to 9aard,~, tronyr~fittaes, sr-~a- ~om~mfssfoeas ~4ppc~~'nt~c!' by t`he 1Ves>~r }-l~n~rver bounty ®'oard o~ Gdrnr~t~tss6one~rs. Request for Appalntme4nt t~: ,,,~.r-~ ~ ~ ,~ ~=• !r„ Nemec: "=~i~~.- .. .d Now bn~ have yQU been a re~sfde~nt of N®w 1~IenavrAr County? .tLz_c._~ _1 ~dY` Ngrtle Meiling Address; ,rte .y CJty and Rtegta: ft..~''~ ~/'~'7,13tr'?~''W /~~ ~~r'~1}~ Zip Grade: ~`~-- - Talephartc: MOmCT: t~ ~1~~~^~ ~,`l~~`~'' , Business:C~'~~ !s~".~'~ i~+'~~'.t'' -- w~~ •Thls !n!'ormetloef is requvstetf for the ~tiie purpose of assuring there a r<rpSS-section of the comrliter,i*y~ is epooint®d. ylU ~4~ tfOt51 - C. .;i ,> `"A person Ctarrelrjtly tan7p/eyed by thm ayarrcy or department far which this apprycatton is mods;, rrru. resign hislhe3r Eteysition with New Hanover County upon appointment, In accordance wiCh ,~4rticle ~7, 5~c. ~ of Chet Ndw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Jab Title: 4 ~erfessiorret/ Aativlt>es: ~,'.._.' ?tttp:/lwww,ca.rtcw-hr,~avcr.nc.u9/CCluppiic.hti~ ~~,, ~~ t'C.tS-UtS-G000 lU~4b H1'1 CH111LT~CISV1~1;~-ribC./JUb FLU ~4J ti0tS1 Applicatiart far Appointments ' Vo/unreer Acrtvlrlesr -- -- _-__ ,~~ ~'~~'~~, car . C~'~ G ~ 5,, Why do yati whin to servo orr the 6'oerd, Cornmftiee, or Commisslon requested," r, u~ P~ ~:0 2 of 2 i/1/hs! arses of concern wrould yae~ IIkQ to sec the BaArd, Qemmlttee, s7r G'ommisstQrr address? _.. .._ REFE'RFN~ES: P/oase provJds tPrrea local personal raf®rences; .~ ~ c~• Ar® you eurrent/y sarving d~ pnafher board ar ~r~rnrri)ttee eppolnied $y a rnun/clpality or a county? !f so, ~, ! r tom. ~ •n.G,~' f/'drf~`a'~t1/P ~+~t?` ~' - I~ . Qate: ~~ ~'~D 'nature Name, Phone Nurnb~r _ ,. s. http:!lwww.Ga,new-hanov~r.ac,uslC~lstpplie.httzi 11?~ -~'C. •.! i Whet da you fgt~/Br® y4ur quallficePians for sarvtnyr on the Board, Corn»tittee, or~Cafmmisslan Iequeste~Y? . ~~ Lie~~d'J~ ~ ,~''ft~..l/Ci'TC. e~ 1 /~JAf"!C s b7a- /~'L /~i~.di,~a ~+rd.~~.~a Applications for Appointments Page 1 of 2 ~~~~' NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY ~0~~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ~ ~~•~ n°`~ ~~ ' "~~~~ ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~~ ~• ;`, ~~c~ ~p~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~ ~~~~ ~ O~~ Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 0~' Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ . Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name: Sharon JC Ennis How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? J/~ I am not a resident of New Hanover County., however I have worked with court offending youth of New Hanover County for over the past four years with the Family Services' Big Buddy Program. Home Address: 213 Fodale Avenue Southport, NC 28461-3603 Mailing Address: 213 Fodale Avenue City and State:. Southport, North Carolina Zip Code: 28461-3603 ~~ B 910.791.8510 Telephone:. Home: 910.457.6250 usiness. *Sex: Female *Race: Caucasian *Age: 29 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community if . appointed. ** Employed by: Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear. Inc.: Big Buddy Program ( ~ j-~C l~-0.e~ **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job .Title: Biq Budcly Program Director Professional Activities: 1992 Graduated with Bachelor of Arts Degree from Loyola College in Baltimore Major Psychology Minor Sociology 1992 Choice Program-Worked with Inner Cityyoutti of Baltimore in a summer's job program 1992-1993 Good Shepherd Center-Residential Counselor for emotionally disturbed adolescent girls in a locked facility 1993-4995 Managed my parent's business in North Carolina while they made arrangements to 5 O relocate their residency- 1995-Present Director of Family Services' Big Buddy Program-a one-on-one volunteer mentoringprogram matching court referred youth with a positive adult role model. http•//www:co.new-hanover:nc:us/CC/a~plic.htm 1/19/00 Applications for Appointments Page 2 of 2 Volunteer Activities: Current: Volunteer as Red Cross Instructor for Balms Sitter's Training Course for 10-14 year olds; as well as blood donor. Heavily involved with my church's projects such as budget planning committee constitution and by-laws revision committee; church nursery. and administrative needs. 1992 volunteered as a job coach for inner cityyouth of Baltimore, MD for the summer. During the 4 years in college I volunteered in a number of capacities: Special Olympics hugger, -tutor for St. Vincent's, Nursing homes project chair, etc. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? have served adjudicated youth of New Hanover County for the past 4+ years and have seen the trends in crimes and causes. I believe that as a committee we can seek out effective programs to prevent recidivism and reduce crime in adolescents and then support those programs publicly. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have experiences working with a wide variety of people (race, gender, personality types, etc.) in my various positions working with youth arid personally I understand the purpose of committees and how to effectively achieve results. Through my volunteer and work experiences I have gained insight of the needs of this community and want to offer my services to the JCPC advisory What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I am interested in targeting youth who have showed beginning signs of deviant behavior and deterring them from further involvement in courts. Finding more effective and cost effective solutions to training school. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: NO Date: ~ / l ~ / ~C~C?D Signature: REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1. Sid Bradsher. Executive Director of Family Senrices of the Lower Cape Fear: Inc. 794-2100 2. Captain Timoty Abbott. United States Army 458-0563 3. Claire Claude-McFall, Social worker for New Hanover County Schools 395-4211 • 51 - http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/appliahtm 1/19/00 . • :: /NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY ~ I BOARD OF CO/V1/Ii11SSIONERS . , 320 Chestnut Street, -Room 305 Wi/mmgton, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910134 J-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/icatlon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the NewnHanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: G/ ~ i~'t1G~ ~v.~ i7C~;'~~~"~ -~/7,r~ %~ -- ~~'i7;~ya Name: ~ ~~~s' ~;~ Nome ~ `/ ~ ~ ~v~ ,_-_ How long have you been a Address: _ ,/ ~y-7 ~ (/~/ resident of New Hanover County! ~~~ Mailing Address: ~J `~Y°"z-e' ' Cit and State: / ~ ~ G~ ~r`~~ Y [.-. /~-7 / t~i.~ /~ ~y ~ / Zip Code: Telephone: Home: ~.., ~ ~ /~ ~~~ Business: - `Sex: •Race: ~~ 'Age: 'This arformation is requested fors th~e_sole purpose of ass^u`ring tha~l a~cro~ss--section of the community is appointed. , . "°Employed by: i~)Qi~ ~=-~n/`'~~ 7~1J v// ~1~~'~f_~~~- • •A person currently employed by the agency w department for whreh thrs application is made, must resign hi_s/1'rer position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in ac~,c~o-r~da-n-c~ with rtic/e Vl, Sec. 4 of the New~Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tifie: ~~ ,~''~~,~ / ~1 i ~:°~~°~ /~~ l~``~ J I~ Professional Activities: teerActivitie~~ L/~ 'c ;-~-~v c". ~ ~~/ C ~ . Why do you~wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission~requested? What do you fee! are your What~a a~ oncc3fn would ns~forQservi~ng an the Board, Committee, or Commission requested! to see. the Board, Committee, or address? you currently serving o~n another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: -~ Date: ~ ~~~f/~~ (Please use averse side for dditiona! comments! 52 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 A~~ 0 9 7000 NEW HA"t0'!~R C::~; Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointrimentto: _Jl,~r~ni_1P C'rimr~ PrPVani-inn Cnnnri_11 Criminal Tnctir-cam Advisory Board Name: _ RAC, ;Tnhn ~'redla~•~ Home How long have you been a Address: 110 S. 13th Street Wi1m. NC 28401 resident of New Hanover County? SYrs, MailingAddress: P" O. Box 715 City and State: Wilmington , NC Zip Code: 28402 Telephone: Home: (91 0) 7 6 3- 8 2 4 6 "Sex Business: (91 0) 7 6 2- 3 5 4 9 Male "Race: Black "Age: 47 "This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: Retired "A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professiona/Activities: Minist.~x. VolunteerActivities: n; rAr-i- ,- f A u i ~in.~ Hanr3 iYiinistri.Ps-, ~~3C Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please See Attachment What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: (Please use reverse side for additional comments) Signature ,~-~`~ REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~• SPnat~r T. ~ _h r Jordan 2, Honorable Judge. James Faison . 3• Ms. Sandra Spaulding Hughes Applicant: -e~(a~ [7 "ATTACHMENT" Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I wish to serve on this :committee because I have great passion for our children. I have spent a great deal of time with children and law enforcement issues. I feel that with the.right~leadership and guidance our current "Juvenile Delinquents" can become productive citizens of our community What do,you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My qualifications include being the CO-founder and Executive Director of A Helping Hand Ministries, Inc. A ministry whose central focus is aiding disabled, elderly, and disadvantaged individuals, mentoring fore children and much 'more. I believe that our children are our future, and we must act now to support and preserve our future, Our children What areas of concern would you tike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I would like to see this committee address the issues of rehabilitation for juvenile offenders. What types of programs are currently available to our youthful offenders and what are the success rates of the programs? I would like for this committee to address the frequency of repeat offenders. Lastly i would like this committee to address methods of curbing juvenile crime, identifying causes and solutions. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: NO ;?~ ~~/~~ 56 Enclosed, are a few a helpful hints list for how we should raise our children. 1. From infancy a child should not be 'ven g~ everything he /she wants. . 2. Always give him/her spiritual training. 3. Parents should quarrel less as possible. 4. Teach them about fnances and how to earn their money, 5. Teach them that everyone is to,be respected, police, neighbors, and teachers alike. . Yf we take heed to these very simple hints we would have far less delinquents in our Juvenile Criminal Justice System.. J • APR-11--00 Tt1E 6.18 ~ ~ 'i NSW NAIVt~VEf3 ~UILlIVTY Uu~~~~~ ~ ~ B~AI~a OF CQMMISS/OlV~RS f'.t `~ g 1~~~~ ~2p Chestnut Street, Room 30'5 Wi/mingrron, NC 2501 4093 ,,n~I~VFR CO. Nom! , ,. Telephone 1910/ 34J-7149 BD• Gr ,~,j~J1IVVIJJ1GfdERS Fi4X (310134 t-4130 • rapirfio~tiorr for Appolntmerrt to Boards, Committees. and Commissiarts Appointed by the New Hanouer County Boarpf of Cammissianers. r~ . // ~n"^ Revuest farApnaintment to: _~[tt_.(l~r~J11~• C.~~'-~ ,~&'1/~17~1~ G°du~c~c• Name: ,~i~~1 A-z$ •~ ~.~~~-s ~ - - -- Name ~,~ tJOw long have you been a Address: ~/~p ~,~~a~ rr~sident o/New Hanover Counry~ _ - ----- `~ ,~~r Mr3iJing Addrass:~~p ~G~•cS~ ~. City and State: Gc~z~c-~~~'d ~ ~d~Ci ZTp Code: „~~~4~/~ Telephone: Nome: ~I >` ~'' ~(P~` cJ ~~ ~ Business: ~I U` -1 ~~' 04 .,5~~ ,~ 'Sex; /~~ "Race: Lr/~. •A~e: ~~ _ 'This infa~maGen ;r requvstod !or +Ae rota pv~poss al a~urina that s croas•saectan al the comrnunity is appPlnfsd • •A person cwronf/y an+ph+Yf+Q' by tflo 9gartey yr deperrmonf for wh;af~ rhru appliCet/on•is made, must rasl~n hia/:iar,:•_ ^'"~•~ • '•~ tvewNeROVer CQeuitY upon appoinhncnr, i~ occoYdnnce with Altldo vl, Sic d of tho Naw Hnnuvw Gounfy Parsorrn,o/ i°Olie,~, 1vb rtle; ____G;dt?7/!7 F.JQC~r~ZC.-• +44.5 S ~S'~2.~.S~JTA•7~tj ~ Prat~ssianaJ Aet/vitJes: ~SS.t~ a1 4~' .~~5~'~~- ~~fv~'-''~ ~ /~-~~ uoJunteerAct/vities: (,'~~~ ~~[~~ -Cf~e~'~P '!A•+~ I~g~ ,$'~GPG- Why do you wish to serve an tho Board, Committee, or Commission regwestedP ~ ~~l~e~.c ~~~_ G 5 ~ ~' S a tit ~9~e~s ~ ~""~ . r~I::~YG"~. ,-1 ~~-~n sf.1Cf 4~5~ ~'~~,rYfc~~~~S/ l~r ~ ~~~ 4~~ !.'d'0!?l~. WI)dt da yoU feel are your gUarfiCations for SP.rving pn the 3ogrd, Committee, ar Commi55i4n rs~vry4~~'(~ What areas of cvncgrn would you lika to sse the Bdgrd, Commit tee, or Gommissivn addressY ~- ~ !•tre you ct/rrent/y Serving an artolAer board or eommitree appaJnted JsY a ri7unicipaliry r~r a County? It sa, ~I^,:sc..'ist: Date: ~l IPle~se use reverso s a tar ad~rcionaJ corhmsefs) °1 58 Rrx-~ loo ~ru~ ~:1~ r, u~ . ~. REFERENCES Please provide three Iota/personal references: Name - / Phone Number 1 J ~c ' ~~~-~- " /~'`~~ /~~ccl d LSl ~ Ca ; vi1 , .rr s ,~t.~ 2J ~1~' ~f.~.° ~ ~y2 to~Zl wx 7871 oar ~{ II Past-1~ Fax Nots _ _ ,~.;, ` Fnonc ~ 3 `~! w ~ [vr pnatt~ H Fs,c ~ Fax ~ {~.~~-" ' ,: ~ e. 59 - -o- - Application f"a~i Apposts I~~~V ~~ 320 Cit~stnur Strom Room 305 P~~r-aP lO fi~ , t'.rr? ~?~• We~mington, NC a84®l-093 F~. '~` ~~, ,., ~- ::;~; Te~isphor-e (3 J ®l 341-714.9 FAX f~ 101 3•~ J -4 f ~0 ~ ~ f ~ B+a~rdi, Cow. end Cam ~y t~ llPebv H~,aova~r Ca~+naY Bo~enal o~ C~artNtne-ffi. Ra~ueat forAp~olntr»snr in: Ouvenile Crime Prevention Council M,rrt®: William P. Hewel How fora 0~ava you ~ a restdont of Atew Hsnov®r Cavnty,~ Eleven ea Nomv Addn~: A98INtt~ e4~drosa: 210 Yorkshire Ln ~Jtv~rsdS'tate: Wilmin ton NC 28409 ~C°~' ''~hon®; 6fvme: 3 5 0- 0 8 6 7 gu~ln~e: .;male '~are:caucasian 'AOo~65 'T7xra ltfanv~ation fs r~seted for xhe joie pu-po8® of ssaurfnp that s crosa-seceton of ~ ~nprpinity is ~~~• . eye by; Retired U.S. Coast u rd • `A por.~on cearreritiy ~bY~ by ~a grey or ~~rrtinanr for wAlch thla ~ppitcatton is m~d~, rrwse ~g~ Air posldon.with Ns+A- Hanova~r County upon aFpointme»i, !n mccord+a~tca with Article !/!, ~. ~ v! rho IV~w Hanover CouatY P~raoe»eI PbttcY. ,Iob Tki~s: Raf®asiona! Activit/ea: v7n~nooo 60 . Application fflr Appointrncn-s Pgge 2 of 2 Volvntaar Actlvfdea: - .Mediator, Communit Mediation C nter ' res., '96-98, director, '93-9`9, Dispute ,Settlement Center of Cape Fear Why da you wish to serve on the Board, Comnvtfaa, or Commission ragvesred? Ouveniles are the future. Yet Juvenile violence is increasinn_ while .criminal Justice and education systems are strugglinp.~ We need to wftai'~o~a~ ~#evJ are your quel/fit~stiona for servlnB an the Board, Cortrnittee, or Commission regvas7edl Experience with dispute resolution, crisis intPrvent;nn,_~,g~manage- ment and leadership. Vyhet areeas of concern would you like to sea th• Board, Cammittec, ar Commission address? Corr~munity action to provide o~yn~~th wi f h ; mTr ~iPrl an9a~^ n+~n~-~Eime.nt skills,strong role models, character devPlor~mPnt Are yov currently serving on anotfier board or cammii'tae eppo/ntad Dy a municip®/lty er a covniy) if so, plsese llat.• f ~JJ ~J Nn Dera:Sept. 7, 2000 Signahrro ~ 1% / 9l:E~.°JY~=:. Please provide three local personal r~slerencas: ~larne~ Phone Number r~ Frank S. Conlon 343-8089 ~• Kirsten Atkinson 362-8000, 452-2000 3'Donald C. Thompson 251-1237 hftp:l/www, co.ncw-}tanover. nc. usJC C/spplic.htm 0710/2000 ~~ 61 William P. Hewel 210 Yorkshire Lane, Wilmington, IdC 28409 (91.0) 3b0-0867 September 7, 2000 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320-Chestnut Street, Room 305. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Commissioners, Because I share your concern for the development of our..youuth into responsible citizens, I request your favorable consideration of my application for appointment;to the Juvenile Crime Prevention 'Council. With our prisons already crowded (1 in 32 of adult males in USA in prison), our court dockets bloated, violence among our youth on the .- increase, and our education system struggling with its ability to. impart accepted values, we need greater community involvement in programs to attack our problems. I want to help. My relevant experience includes: Thirty years in United States Coast Guard, with duties including ship operations, law enforcement, security, and training development. Eight years experience in dispute resolution, including family and community mediation,.anger management, and peer mediation programs in schools. Board of directors for local community mediation center, and acting chair of advisory board. Recent exposure to court overcrowding, while providing - mediation services in New Hanover County District Court. My education includes: BA from Amherst College and MBA from UNCW. Training in basic mediation, family mediation and crisis intervention. While I don't claim to offer magical solutions to our problems, I promise that, if appointed, I will work diligently with other Council members to evaluate existing programs and improve our community-based efforts. - Sincerely; l ~~ ~ i V~ . ~ ~ William Hewe 62 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington,. NC 28407-4.093 ' Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to BAards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: __ ~ U VAN rLF G ~Sm E ('(Z F ~ N i ,ZoN G OVNG i L Name: ~~Lr !-SNDS1'RoM Home How long have you been a Address: ~3O STRAP i-.FYGH resident of New Hanover County? 2 z .~,~.~~-S Mailing Address: 33 O ST 2 A D L E S C H City and State: W.zL!`"~.CryC-tons Q !U G Zip Code: Z$~{'O~ - ~ O Telephone: Home: _ ~ y 1 O) 76 3 - ~ 6 53 Business: __ C R10) 3 9 ~- ~ Ol5 __ "Sex: MALE "Race: i,y ~ ~r~ "Age: ~ o 'This information is requested for the sole purpose or ac_a~,r.}ry inat across-section of the community is appointed. M "Employed by: G02NSN CY I1VGo "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. 'Job Title: __ ~Ro~uL~ sons s~PEeV=SOR ~ F~-EG~ 2zcRL EN(,~n1EE~~ Professional Activities: __ Py (Z S ~ r N G ~_}<F G V i L V E ~" ~ 3A• <<t c~ N L uJ l/olunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? i tiaJe. rz sEn si' n~ _O~~cct~e,, a~~ entf-»sictsrh Z`v s^r~e >~ cx .~ ~,,.,,• ft" P 'f"l-~Q-C an _r~~ rQc.,tIG ~~2 '1` '~'"}~P 4val itu D'~ OJT C v,,nJ~it y d - ~ _ - -- What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission. fequested? N4,,;,,~ r~eJalo~ec~ n. ~~ess o~ •II~ as ,lec 4P^ ~ ~~ ~"hP^s r have sn RY M~ h tip(' r1~2~C~ccin a~c~ , n k. ~4 w tl1 Cj ~YZrs ¢, f1~gh (~e-~c~^,Y. ~,n~r .Lett.r.+s, _ ._ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Dz ~ e I o p; ,<,~_ ~'lnZ__A~ov~ar~+s fo n-z~e~7~ e~'fc5,~en -~~•-v, C?n4er~ ~ thZ ~J ~eni~P~~Js'f-icP SVS~'Qov~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county! if so, please list: o ,r-...,..-_.,_ r ~te: _ g- q ~ JG ~ 4 o r. y ~,~, Signature ~ ~.,...,~~,,.; 6~ (Please use reverse side for additional comments! • '~ ...,~>> Elpplication for Appaintmenls /UEW H.~41tlQUER CDUIIJTY B'+~ARD taF ~~IV1M/SSI~NERS' 320 Chestnut Sfreet, Room 305, Wilmington, NC 28407-4093 TelephQna (9781 341-7749 FAX (91d) 347-4930. App/icairon for Appaintrnent fa Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the tVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Request for Appointmentta: Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Name: ,James M. Haggard How long have you been a resident of Nei~v Hanover County? g years . Home Address: 17 Bedford For©st Drive (pine valley) Mailing Address: Sam e C/tyandStare: :I~slmingtan, NC 2$42 Telephone: Hbme: (910) 350-1585 Zip Code: Busr»ess: (~i0) 772-9029 Pa~c~l aft *Sex:. Male "Race: Cauc. *Age: 42 . sin ormetion rs req`'~ uested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the cammuni2y is appointed. **Fmployedby: .James M. Mz~ggasd, P.G. and CiCizerl's gust Mortgage, Inc. * "A pArson currently employed By the agency or deepartr»ent for which this appplicafion is made, must resign h/s/her position with New Hanover County upon appoinXmen~; in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Attorney Professional Activities: Member: Capital. Murder Defense List; NH Cou:zty gad NC bar aQQnr;zar;pns VolurlteerActivities: Licensed foster parent -Methodist Hame fox Children _ Why da you wish .to serve.on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested I am very i~~terosted in addressing juvenj,Ie issues ~incli~ding, but not _Iimized to crime ~ rPtLent; ran _ ttp:!(www.co.~e~xr-~Zanover.nc.us/CClapplic.htm 07/19/200Q . 6~ REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name ~ Phone Number 7J .~erric,Y IZ~ ~~c~~.~Son ~~'lo~ 7~1-GOg3 CN~~F~ 2) ~c~ h h Ph ~ ~ D S ~q~o) 395-7325 Cc~~r+~) C`Lo) 34s-cc~ CN~me~ 31 L~ ~. ~~becca P~~ tee ~';~ic~ c ~~~ 9~Z~3_~;,4 c~,o2r.~ • I 65 JUL-CO-UU Will C~~4G ApP.lication for Appointments P, 02 Page 2 of 2 What da you fee! are your quAlificatio~rs for sp~ving on the 9oarci, Committee, or Commission requested? I am very active in ,juvenile Court including DSS court and j.uvenil.e ~Ai~,,,,,,n„ r one os ~er child n n' _ • __ :.ce c .7f p111::._ : :A.'J 1.'':l - •i :Co io .re " it ":7 :r~J r.'n m.Y.if''e d o'3: ~:7)Tf7i~Gio. =~,.(~ t7 r...v F arvno yr vv.ro o..r rrv :. n.. r v v ...e . ~ vv. . v, ~-. V .. :N ~~dJ _ The juvenile justice system; community based diversion programs and b a nn----rear s n.~ s s-,~ r a v e$ t i~-~---}~- . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so. please list: no Date: 7/26/Od Signature f~ PEFERENCES: Please provide three Iocal personal references: . Name Phone Number - ~ J .. _. ~' Hon. John .J. Carra3.Z 34I-441b 2. Hon. John J. Smith .. - 341.-4416 s• Mr. Denis Yentxiglia _- 256-0166 6 ~http://~arww.co~ew-hanaver.nauS/CC/applie.htm 47/19/2000 JAMES M. NIAGGA.RY) 317 North 1~ourth Street, Suite A W'~mington, North Carolina 28401 (910)'172-9029 Fruail: JIYIltiia~gard(a~ya5oo.com Experience JAMES NA. IYfAGGARD, P.C. Wilmington, North Carolina {1492 -present) Creneral practice fizzri emphasizuag litigation. CITIZEN'S TitYIST MORTGAG>F, iNC. 'Wilmington, North Carolina (6/)3 -present) 1 own anti operate a mortgage business that currently employs eight }oan o:ffieers and associated support staff and provides mortgage loan. services for Nolt11 Carolina residents. . llOVER & MAGCARXl Dillon, Colorado (1991-1993) Responsible for a lArge caseload in a general civil practice dealing with real estate law, family law, corporate law, and civil litigation. LAW fIFFICES QF DAVID A. lkTELMEit Frisco, Colorado (1989-1991) ORTEN & ~NDMAN, P.C. Denver, Colorado {1988-1989) I,AW GFFaCES CF RICHARD A,_ FRANCIS Denver, Colorado (1984-195$) Professional Author, "You Fix It -It's 'Yours." Co.mrntuut~ Associatinn.s Instihtte A.chieverrients {CAII Rocl'~-v 1yJountain Chapter News, January, 1988. Colorado Leader3hip Training Pro~am Participant. -Chosen to pArticipate in training program designed to prepare prospective eaudadates for political office, 1991. Menlber, Capital Murder Bar. Tam authorized to, and currently engage irl, defcndirig individuals charged with murder where the State is seeking the death pcnaity. ~ . Education University of Denver School a~f La~vv, Denver, Colorado ... 7.D., March, 19$6. University of Copenhagen School of Law, Copenhagen, Denmark (Summer, 1984), . . 67 68 Miami T7niversity, Oxford, Ohio B.A., Political Science, 1980. Community County Chairman - Se~~well for Senate Campaign Ix1volvement Chairman - r~inn. for Judge Campaign Attorney Advocate (reserve), Guardian Ark Litem Program Member -Capital IVlurdcr Defense List (Butler Trial -1998) (Check Trial - 1997) (Vaughn -Pending) , Prevailing Party - Naxlh Carolina vs. Cobb (2000 - NC Court of.Appeals) Licensed Foster Home (infarn and respite care) interests Z7ave1, skiing, backpacking, fly-fishing, diving and bc~w-hunting. Personal 1Vlarried, four children (2, S, 10, and l4). References Judicial references trozn Colorado and/or North Carolina available upon z.~equest. • -rr------~-- -~- - •rr~•••••••~•••~ n[tp:nwww.co.new-nanover.nc.usiLL~apphc.htm NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~~r~^~~~ BOAR® Ole' COMM/SS/ONERS ~~`~~ C~~ U ~~ . ~ ~ I'll_ J 1 ~rn~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 hit !-~~'."~'''''r,~ rrj. 8n. C?~ ~., .. ... . , .: ~~S Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: '°" // ,^~ ~ Name: ~ ~w ~ ~ ~. C,i~~~s r How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? U.~rj Home Address: °~ Mailing Address: Z ~ ~ l I ~ ~,, i~ G' „f City and State: ~~ j' I;1Ll{'~,~;'1 /~~ , C , Zip Code: - ~~~o~ Telephone:.Home: ~(l0~ 7~ 3 _ ~ ~ ~ f Business: Sex: f1.'lC~ ~~ l3ace: Gt,kPJ`r ~-~1 A9e• 1l~_r_,~L!~ t^ r ~ *This informa't`ion rs requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Emplo yed b y.• ,)~-~~ ~,1't ~i ~ ,~,~~~-t~ H~ -'lG(.~~" I :#-r{G l~l ~~ Vl~ * *A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title:. ~'. / ~1~~. f _ / ~~~ II Ju ,~ l~ of 2 w Professional Activities: ~~f /~ zoo v / „cm ~ •(~ Ac Why do. you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ -~ °r !~ ~`-~ !~ I C~ T-C.LrTt / ~n ~ ~ ~L7 ~ , l eL ~./~ /{ ' ~I O ~~C CCs' / ~ lT~ Q ~ rE~l CcQ t i~ ~i~j~~ ~ V 6/30/00 3:08 PM What do you. feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission reouested? • -rr----•-~•• _~• ~ •rr~u=•==•~__~~ nr~p:nwww.co.riew-hanover:nc.us/LL/applic.htm Whant areas of conc_e+rn would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? J ~'1 ~ ~'CO!'ttl,~~~cf'~k2 ~ ~ -~. Td>/'`T-wlce'~ ~( ~ L. CtZ SL~C(~j'r Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: ( /I - (3~;1-c/'k.~t.t i ~T~ ~~' ~~'~G~ ~Q~. lGG(~ f~TO ~~~tY ~pc-e/ t J /' A /~ ~, i Date: ~~ ~/(,~ Signature ; ~~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~;~,: ' F ~ ,. REFERENCES: ~.,:` Please provide three local persona! references: Name Phone Number ~ ~a~~ ~ l~ g~ a 70 '. of 2 i~ 6/30/00`3:08 PM AppliwUon Ioc Appoicrtmrnts hrip:J/www.co.new-hanover.tic.ua/cclapp(i ahtrn NEW NANO t/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIOI VE/4S 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4D93 Te/ephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 7 OJ 341-4134 Applicafion for Appointment, to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanauer County Board of Commissioners. Request 'for Appointment to: _3~J~~n:~F C~-~~~e P<e~ien~o~~ Co~nc~l Name: ... How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ y r ~~ ~ ~ P 4 ~ f Home Address: - .. ~ZG 5~,~; n~~e "rr~~1 ~w•1rn'~n~~ ~ iU~ Zaya~ Mailing Address: 320 c.,c~c;~-n~5v',t1e +~v~•~ ~~1~}'~~"i~-! ,vc ZByU~ City and State: W ~ \ ~~ + ~~ (~'1 i j~ C Zip Code: - 7~5~l~3 Telephoc~e: Home: . ~~i ~ 0) .'~z~ ~~z- 563 Business: ~~I1 ~~1 3 ~S - ~~ yo 'Sex: M 'Race: lam/ 'Age: 3d 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed • `Employed by: S P 1 ~. "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. .. Job Trtle:. ~n~~ Professional Activities: .50}0 - 0(~ Cfi~i~nP~ Vo/unteerActivities: ~ ~C~1c0~ It1vCK- ~f~~~l CdriC~ (~5~$~ . N PtJ 1~gc1eJP, F~~C~ ~f2 07113/200 •43 M 1 Application forAppaintments http:l/www.co.now-hnnover.naus/cc~appllc.htm Why dv you wish tv ~crve vn fire Board, Committee, or Commission reques~t}ed) J -~ ~.s0~1C~ 1~~e '~ bL f~'ldsC' 4L~J~ art ~hC CGlr7t71L~'1.7y -~ /+~'~l Qs~t~~l'~11y ~,~, -h,~ r,~r~ea a-~ 3v~en~,1-e C4c~ . ~/J 2 q~22 What do you feet ere your qualifica~ionsr for serving on the Board, Committee, ar Commission requested? ~. 1~+avQ ~(~C~(~t- G{',,~.~~n~rl 19w ~~ "~dJ~ YPrf/S. --r a n~ .Z hayC re p~i°S~h~~c~ ~u~Pr~l! d->'~,l~P~sGtv(~r, fi~~3 imp. ~. What areas of concern would you /ike to see the board, Committee, or Commission address? ~P ~S~-Gb1~~51,m•enf a-( mar ~ Q c-~;~;'Ii~S -fir' -~vJPrr,~leS , ~nCwC~--^~ t'no(~ pi,bll^L, _,G'Cfl"~5-- -- --- Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if sa, please list: ,, •r t.: . , _ n /c~. Date: ~ ' (~ ~ Q Q Signature ~ } REFERENCES: Please provide three loco/personal references: Name Phone Number. ~. ~ r~ Wu ~d ~~ r na va ~ f- .. ~S Z ~ 15.33 z. C ~ v ~3l a ~~ ,~. 7~ 3 - 33x.5 .. C ~~, S ~~,:,~ _._. 5 - - 07/13/2000 9:43 AM ~~~~`:J ", ~ ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,^,' ~ ~i~e~~~~ BOARD OF COM/tl!/SS/ONERS .\;~,~~~ta • ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - ~,''; ; ~~,{ e. . „- Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 ~`~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ._._,, Request forAppointment to: Name: Home Address: Mailing A ddress: City and State: r ~ Zi Code: p Telephone: Homer ~~ ~ ~' Business: (~ ~~~ ~Cp ~ "~~~ "Sex: "Race: ~ "Age: '~- ~' 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: I /l ~~ ~~. .t ~ ~' L 01~ ~~Ljp~~ t~i~.c.n'~,~`~i 6~ ° •A person currently emp/oyedby th agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. , Job Title: ~ (1/'-e.,G~~ V ('~ ~ (~ /~` ~,i~YY1 C~,1 Professional Activities: Volun to en A c ti vi ties: wny oo you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ._.~, ~~~ ~ ~~ _~ U pJ What do you feel are your qualifica ions or serer e oard, ommrttee, or .Commission requested? ~ ~ _ D V~ ~Z~av~ ' off b~u~ DVt ~rc~vnB - Y ~L,:, l ~- ~jo r What ~reas of concern oultY you like to set the Board, ommrttee, r Co mission address? Are you current/y serving on anothei board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: r- Date: _ ~~ Signature - 1Piease use revers rde fora di lone/ comments) REFERENCES: P/ease provide three local personal references: %~ Name Phone Number ;:.~ ~ ~ - ... 1. 74 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~~~~'~a`~u BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 2 ?~. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~ NA~ ~ ~' Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 ~~~ OF CCs.JIPe~IS,~I~~i R$ , FAX (910) 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: y ~~ ~ Name: ~2~n~ ~ r z IC-~.~ ~~~ Home How long have you been a _ Address: / ~~~~ jj•S ~-J ~ S ~ //~~ ~7<l~~'!.l ~~~ ~ ~~- resident of New Hanover County? _~~y~ MailingAddress: ~ ~ /~Sd;~ ~/Q f (~ • City and State: _ LC,~ / j/1/~ ~ ~ , Zip Code: Z~ ~T~~ Telephone: Home: °j/() -- ~~/~~ U~3 ~ Business: ~'/jJ 7l?. '~(lJ:~~J "Sex: ,1~1~-jam "Race: ~/~K "Age: ~,5 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: ,5_ ~- Fi~IO "A person currently emplo yed by t e agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: _ Uw>L~2~. /~~.~~~ ~ _ ---- Professional Activities: SAC ~~~t1il'J~ VolunteerActivities: sf:~ ,~es~:/,Y[~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /~Q• -~/~;~~~,~ j ti ~~ ~ ~~bCess ~ ZF" Ljou ~-~ ~ ,~v~ ~- ~~,e~- D,r ~~ ~ s ~ l~~/a,c~ Vbu ~2e n~~ c~F ~1~~_ ~~o.l,l~o,~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ t ire, /z-C r ~~/ ~c4 i 2 N ~~ S c, Are you current/y serving on a~~nllother board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~ ~I V Date: ~ - ,~;-~ - ~~ (Please. use reverse side for additional comments) /~ Signatur 121 Hargrove Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 2,8411 Phone (910) 793-0736 Fax (910) 793 -2114 E-mail SHABAZ2295 Frankie A. Roberts Objective To recreate communities to be drug free, and crime free; to perpetrate Godly principles and ownership of the community. - 19 ~8 -Present Self-employed Wilmington, NC Employment Owner ar~d operator of Tunung Heads Beauty and Barber Salon Cuts and styles clients' hair • Sets appointments . ^ Counsel clients, provide Uuidance ^ Supervises the s~.lon area and one Barber • Entrepreneurial trainin . . • Developed "1-fope" t-Iouses to assist in drug rehabilitation 1954. I-:Iarris Barber College Raleigh, NC. Cducation Diploma in Barbering 1983 - 1984 Oalcwooa Colle<_7e I-luntsville, AL 1983 ..John "!~'. 1-io`,;?ard }-ligh School ~~lilmington, NC high Sclioc! liip!orna An established entrepreriet,rr ~~ho is well respected wit}~in the Summary of community; a (two-time) candidate fcr New Hanover County qualifications Commissioner and' (one-time) candidate for City Council; ,constant interest in helping and leading the community; communicate well with young people, keeping fresh in their- minds that they are our future. Volunteer Presently a member on the board of directors for ECHO,' Elevate experience the Con~rnunity to Higher Opportunities 1992 Organized and sponsored a political foniin for candidates 1996 Organized the Inner-city Softball League 1990 to 1993 Member of the AuFAIT (socially correct) Cl~rb 1997to 1990 Former member orr the board of directors for My Brother's Keeper r`) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 VI/ilmington, NC 28407-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) .341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: Juvenile Crime Prevention/ Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name: Rev. Terry D. Stephens How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? six years Home Address: 8120 Mainsail Lane Mailing Address: ,8120 Mainsail Lane City and State: Wilmington. NC Zip Code: 28412 Telephone: Home: 910-392-1347. Business: 910-791-6383 'Sex: Male "Race: C "Age: 38 sThis information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: United Advent Christian Church . "'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover Caunty upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Associate Pastor Professional Activities: Youth Ministry Christian Education Preschool Public Speaking National Commission on Youth Ministry Volunteer Activities: President. Carolina Beach School PTO, Asst. Scout Master youth sports Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? A lifelong concern for adolescents and their well being and to help others appropriately understand them. • 77 What do you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Commiftee, or Commission requested? Education training, work experience, and concern for kids What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Further implementation of Frameworks in_asset building Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: Date: 8/21/00 . REFERENCES: Please provide three local persona! references: Phone Number Name 7. Rev Adrian Shepard 910-791-6383 2. Charles Craft 910-763-0151 3. Vicki Hayes 910-458-9472 78 ~`> • Pastors Adrian Shepard Terry Stephens August 22, 2000 United Advent Christian Church 4912 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28412 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnutt Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Re: Committee Vacancy Telephones: Church (910) 791-6383 Pre=School (910) 791-9564 1?ax (910) 313-0694 C ~~rtl' ~i~v^ 111..x• Zvi ?_~. i1 {:.' ~; enr ^ np^~ I .7 I', 1~'sa ~ 1 P P!^'. n-~ l ~J. ,~ I would like to submit my application for your consideration for one of the vacancies listed on the county web site with the uvenle Crime Prevention/Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board. I am currently serving as Associate Pastor at nited Advent Christian Church in Wilmington, NC. I relocated here just over six years ago from Chattanooga, TN where . was employed with the Chattanooga YMCA as Youth and Family Program Director at the Downtown Branch and Pastor of the Chattanooga Advent Christian Church. . While in Chattanooga I had the opportunity to volunteer as a Court Appointed Special Advocate for abused/neglected children in the Hamilton County Juvenile Court system and to work in and direct many aspects of the YMCA. I directed youth and family programs, day camp, before and after school, youth sports, and offered support to child care,, and facility management. I developed programs including a Middle School Model United Nations, Youth Exchange with the YMCA in Kiel, Germany, and direction of a youth leadership experience for middle school student leaders (Chattanooga Youth Trust). I served as YMCA Cluster Coordinator in the Tennessee Cluster for family programs. I was able.to gain experience working with kids in a variety of socio-economic circumstances. While in Wilmington I have had a strong ministry within the local congregation and have been heavily involved in the. community. My ministry involves a preschool, children's ministry, youth ministry, Christian education, counseling; and other pastoral duties. I have served on national and regional committees within the. church structure and I work well with volunteers and groups of all ages and have consistently been committed to youth. I hope you will seriously consider my application for the above mentioned position. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, -Terry phens. 79 Serving the Community and the World ferry ®. Stephens 8120 Mainsail Lane Wilmington, NC 28412 {910)392-1347 ®bjective To secure a position in a that allows for professional growth and development and provide leadership in empowering people of a diverse populace to identify and develop their individual potential; and strengthen families throughout the community. - :Y-n:. y' - ..- V~iork History Associate Pastor (1994-present) United Advent Christian Church Wilmington, NC Job responsibilities: Youth Ministry, Christian Education, Pre- school/Kindergarten, Counseling, and other pastoral duties ~~~;~pA assigned by Senior Pastor. 4~-'~?~,~: ~~r ~-~ . - ~t~`Fv~ Volunteer Coordinator. (1995-1998) ' Carolina Beach School -New Hanover County Schools ,~~ ~ Wilmin on, NC ~ ' ~~ ;.;.~.. >_ ~~~=~ i s volunteer program, Job responsibilities: Administer school ~f~* .~_ provide direct services to the children, serve as liaison between the school, the community, and volunteers. ~,"~,i~ ' Youth and Family Program Director (1988-1994) e ~ ~~t.~ ~~"~"K~~= YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga ~'' Job responsibilities: High School/J r. High Programs, Family rm~,.;~~ ~ Programs, Youth Sports, Before/After School, Chattanooga 1;-;~~w Youth Trust, Day Camp, Staff Liaison with German YMCA - Kiei, .. Germany, Member International Committee and Christian ~,~,~~ Emphasis Committee Pastor (1985-1994) Chattanooga Advent Christian Church Job responsibilities: General leadership over all departments and auxiliaries of the church, with special attention to Sunday School program, youth program, visitation, counseling and encouragement, and maintenance of grourids and facilities. Adolescent Group Leader {1987-1988) Valley Psychiatric Hospital Chattanooga, TN Job responsibilities: Daily care of emotionally disturbed adolescents, leading small group sessions, organizing daily schedule, leading programs designed by activity therapy department. Youth Minister Princeton Advent Christian Church Princeton, WV ~,(qj~responsibilities: Youth and children's ministry. ;~ \ ~ ~ ... Qualifications Strong Relationship/People Skills Energetic, Creative. and Adaptable Strong Team Player Good Communication Skills both written and oral Good Organizational Skills Job Experience Personal Integrity Networking Skills Education 1980-1984 Berkshire Christian College Lenox, MA Bachelor of Arts in Theology with emphasis in Youth Ministry 1976-1980 Rossvilie High School Rossville, GA ~~ '~. ~ . ~. „, 0 r~ Terry D. Stephens • ~.„ ~'~ w ~~ ~ °t'W° k1.-~'~9~'a,r9 ~~ .r>,J~S~~b~F'~~t"F.~'+"~+~~~~t~ ~•~ ' ~ ~ ` yo-''ib~~-Syl4 ~'v- ~ .~- ~j$~t~.d~~^~ y~y..~~..~.m~,.,,„ , ,,{-gt~~/p2 ,~kj~e,,7.,r¢ 3 ~1~~' i J,}yl~ ~ w F , k' ~r~~tt ,rrw_ pp,.+M ~, e,~% ~..~ °?~`'k4t,%SbT'v.'~'~lY ~}`' A~Y~,~i'1'f,~11~`^~+`~^+,Y•'ySfi ~~ ~~~Al~' ~~ ~,~, q' v i,~` uy";.~yS~ 'x+5+7 s E' 6 ~~.~' ~,~' ;~ tr..,, ..,,, t . r. ::r Special '~rain~i-~ngi Certif~catvons Certified -Prepare/Enrich premarital/marital counseling model Ordained Minister-Advent Christian Conference of Eastern North Carolina Sonlife Ministry -Youth Ministry Strategy Seminar, Advanced I Training.in Youth Ministry, Growing a Healthy Church Tennessee Cluster Coordinator for Family Programs YMCA Principles and Practices -Staff Development Program "Y-Indian Guide Director" "Pricing" -YMCA Career Development Module How To Supervise People Seminar Clinical Pastoral Education -Erlanger Medical Center tanooga, TN CASH (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteer - Hamilton County Juvenile Courts Awards Received Governor's Recognition for Volunteer Services in North Carolina Outstanding Young'Men of America Award Outstanding Christian Businessmen of America Award Eagle Scout Lt. Col. Aide De Camp: Governor's Staff State of Georgia 9/olunteer Experience- PTO President Carolina Beach School Volunteer Coordinator Carolina Beach School Youth Sports Coach Cub Scouting Advent Christian National Commission on Youth Ministry ~CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) References Howard Brown, Director RSVP Program New Hanover County, NC: (910)452-6389 Rev. Adrian Shepard, Senior Pastor. United Advent Christian Church: (910)791-6383 Lee McChesney, Executive Director, Cleveland Family YMCA: (423)476-5573 Bill Wetzel, CEO, Chattanooga Metropolitan YMCA: (423)265-8834 Chris Phillips, Chairman National Commission on Youth Ministry for Advent Christian General Conference, Mechanicsville, Advent Christian .~~ ~ra~ Church: 804 746-895 ,z~.~;,~ .~ ~='Y Chet E. Hart, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Amer- ica: Dallas Texas (214)987-4073 ' w .z;^. ~r~ ~:~r. `'~~`''~ obbies ,~_;~~?~ ~ ° Travel, Bicycling, Tennis, Backpacking, -~'~~ ~ ~1i+~FY~ ~~~.(} Canoeing, Soccer, Swimming, Cooking, Family '~~~ Activities. ,~~ ~.~ r>~~-~_: ~~~`~' Co~n.puter~ Skills ~~~~~~~% ~~~-~=`-µ~ Desktop Publishing Word Processing Internet Editing Web Page %as, '~ • , ';:. 1 .'~r > ~ i ~~ ~ ... -- ,y;. NEV'~ NANO VER COUNTY -~' ~ ~ BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS ~'' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for,Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request fo/r~.4ppointment to: Name: ~t //~/~- ~ ~~ ~o Home ~ How long have you been a Address: ' ~ 0 / ~ht~- ~~~~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ j ,~ tiiaiiing Address: Scr~r,,.e_ City and State: GJ ~_~/~ Zip Code: ~ ~ ~- G °/ Telephone: Home: ,~ ~o - ~ Ic ~ ~ ~~~-~! Business: ~l/ a ~~/.~ 5 '"Sex: ~ "Race: `~r 2.~~~ "Age: 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyed bY: (,,~~~ CL1 _ "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 of fhe Naw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ilr.~-~ ~J .C/!v `~/-~~-y'-~-~ Professional Activities: ~l/ 1'~ ~- ~ , -SL~Yh7 ~ ~e~~- -~ Volun leer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ G~~+.~C~ ~.~ ~ G~r~~rz- What do you feel are your qualifications/'J for serving on the Board, Committee, . or Commission requested? ~ aZ~a~ r, n ~ _~~:+/.v ~ .. J'!. ~iv ~.. , J~r~~'L.H: FiJ 1;'"U7LLS~C- ~ iiM _~ ,a/!I /) t ivn A_- ~ ..t .t/~>/A /~i ~~1-r~.. ~~i, .v~~Y. \/....rri L. What areas of concern would like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission a 7 ~ :-~~ ~z~~~ c~.~>~a .~ Aie'you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a v~~~, cipalify or a county? if so, please list: 082 ~~ ~ /Please use raver a side for additions/ comments) Signature ~~~ i'~~~ REFER'EN .FS Please provide three Iota! persona! references: Name. Phone Number ~/ Sharon Ennis 791-8510 ,21 Bobby Smith 251-5022 3/ ,Tennifer Chatmon 343-8943 r... ~• Post~t' Fax Note 7671 83 Nf V~/ h(AIVO t~ER COUNTY BOARI.~ OF C0/1~1/~1/SS~UIVERS' 320 Ohestnut St«et, Room 305 Wilmington, PVC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9101 341.7149 FAX (9101 341-d f30 ,4pplicatran for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover Cqunty Berard of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: J C P C Name: Sherita Young Ht1me Kasnr /onQ have ynu been e Address: 4 6 7 Racine D r. Wilmington , N C resident of IYew Narrower Covrtfy~ 2 y r s Mai/inpAddress:_ 467 Racine Dr. Apt. 306 C,'ty and State: W; 1 m; nQton NC Zip Code; 28403 Telephone: Home: 910 - 3 9 2- 0 3 6 8 Business: 910 - 7 91- 8 510 °Sex: ~_m a l e 'Race: A f ~i ~,a n- A m e r i c aYV~ge; 2 4 'This Inlorrr~t;an is ragtrestsd rot the ro/o purpose of 9F.yurin~n that s a^cs„-sGCtfon of the .^ommunity Is a,~poiirted "`Employed by: _F'am~ lv Services ` Big Buddy Mentoring Program "Q pvrscn currandy arnpfoyed by the agency err dPpertrnent (err which this appticaubn is tnada, mull resign his/her posarian wart, New Nenovar Cooney upon, epporrtrrrent, Jn eceordenCa with Arti.:le Vl, Sec. 4 pf dra New Na.savar County PerranneJ icy, Job 77t1e: (;nvPrnor''s One-On-One Case Manager Profess/orral A cirvities: P l e a s e See A t t a c h m e n t VolunteerACiivities:~l case See Attachment ~',/hy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, oi.Commission revuesred7 A s a s e r v i c e worker for the target population, I would like to see the board _Qain insight on programs that work and support their causes. What. do you feel are your Qualifications for serving an the Board, Committee, or Commission revuestedl I currentl working with at risk youth and hold knowledge of their needs. `~ What areas of concern would, you like to see the Boar4, Committee, or Commission addre~sT Based o n program results, find out what works and determine how we can assist. Are you currently serving on another board or committeQ apAointed by a municipality err a county? !f So, .please l-st: NzA Date: _ _.l/7[~'d ~~'r~l~~;llji"'r ~ Signatur fP!•sse uso'revg~e side for adGitiona/ commonts(-~~-' ~%~--~-' ~ VD e~~ I g "T L C ~'.~;~; NFti~! HANu:JER CO. F~, OF COi~iM1SSiG1VfiRS Sherita Lasawn Xoung 467 Racine Dr. Apt. 306 Wilmington, NC 28403 910/392-0368 i'rofessional Activities: Governor's One-On-One Case Manager • Match volunteers and youth • Conduct home visits • Complete and turn in monthly reports to governor's office • Solicit passes from local businesses . • Recruit, screen, and train potential volunteers • Coordinate group activities for big and little buddies • Aid in administrative task -- Volunteer Activi ties • 1997-present Save Our Kids Ministry Aids youth in juvenile detention centers with self- esteem by providing hands on workshops and activities. • 1998-1999 Domestic Shelter ~ ' _ _ Aided in activities provided by other volunteers for children during groups on Tuesday nights. • 1999 United Way Loaned Executive Aided the United Way by raising funds for the 1999 Campaign. .; 85 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 VACANCIES ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT /irginia W. Adams a~ ~'f~-loward L. Armistead, Jr. `~ Grace Avery Elizabeth (Beth) F. Dawson 3 George R. Fox Valarie-Kirs4en Helton ' Kenneth A. Johnson Richard L. McGraw ~ Bruce Moskowitz -. Dennis B. Nicks Albert T. Pastore William D. Polhemus James E. Vann . Wil~,fn~xl~es us ~g2-Q,P,o ' ~ ,~' Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications. NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 15 - (3 ex-officio members: County Commissioner, Chief of Medical Staff and the Past Chief of Staff) Terms: -Three years (effective September 1993) Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospital. Committees of the Board average one meeting per month each. Trustees serve on two or three committees. Statute or cause creating Board: Charter or Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26,.1967. Brief on Functions:. Takes responsibility for the operation of a large public hospital through the establishment of policy and the deciding of major questions on finance, scope of services, facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIIZES Jon W. Rosborough 422 Brookforest Road First 9/30/02 Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 9/20/99 395-4726 (H) 341-4333 (VV) Stedman Stevens First 9/30/02 V 2216 Lynnwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/20/99 251-0601 (H) 620-6444 (VV) Margaret Weller-Stargell Second 9/30/02 813 Tarpon Drive - Wilmington, NC 2.8409 Appt. 11/18/96 452-1.887 (H) 343-0145 (W) Reappt. 9/20/99 I Haywood. E. White III First 9/30/02 ~'~ 4120 Abbington Terrace Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 9/20/99 ` 762-9155 (H) 343-3377 (VV) i ~ i David B. Benford Second 9/30/2000 -'" 1645 Country Club Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/19/94. ~s~4~ (VV) 452-9961 (H) ~ ~ ~G . a o 3 ~, ~~ ~. ~~ NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING ERPIltES Luther Brown Second 9/30/2000 %~ 1944' Brookhaven Road Wilmington, NC 28403 r Appt. 9/19/94 762-7883 (VV) 343-.1991 (H) ' Daniel E. Dawson Second 9/30/2000 909 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Appt. 9/19/94 762-0766(H) 762-4200(VV) Charles Cecil Wells ~ Second 9/30/2000 2211 Marlwood Drive Wilmington, NC 284 7 ~a " ~ ~ ~ ~ Appt. 9/ 19/94 4~2 7~1~(H) 7 76(VV) r`7L~ Z • ~5o b .Pamela S. Morine Second 9/30/2001 101 Windlass Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 9/18/95) 452-1770(H) 799-7800(VV) Sylvia H. Rountree Second 9/30/2001 P:O. Box 1046 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 5/17/93 to unexpired 5-year term) 256-4312 (H) (Reappt. 9/18/95 to 3-year term; Reapt. 9/21/98 William C. Taylor Second 9/30/2001 125 Partridge Road Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/18/95) 791-1432(H) F. Spruill Thompson First 9/30/2001 P.O. Box 5 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 ~. (Appt. 5/18/98, 9/21/98) 313-0737(H) 256-6999(V~ ~~ ~.. Ex-Officio Members: Chief of. Medical Staff and Immediate Past Chief of Staff Q Buzz Birzenieks -County Commissioner 8 8 William K. Atkinson, President, NHRMC, P.O. Box 9000, Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 343-7000 9/99 File: NHRMC ~~ (l(R)/~(~{I'~ ~~/~YA~`r/''C~ ~~// CC~~ " MARSHALL, WILLIAMS 8C CTORHAM, L.L.P. ~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW ~ ~ ~~~ ,~ ~ • '- ~ WILMINGTON, NORTFI CAROLINA _ ALAN A. MARSHALL (1908-1979) ~ MAILING ADDRESS LONNIE B. WILLIAMS ~ P. O. DRAWER 208fl A. DUMAY GOR HAM, JR. ~ ~ ~~ WILMINGTON, N. C. - ~ ~ ~ " JERRY C. WOODELL ~ ~ 28x02-2088 WILLIAM ROBERT CHERRY, JR. ±1'"1~i_~~ RONALD H. WOOOR UFF - ELEPHONE (910) 763-9891 ~ ' - ~,. ~.. ~ ~~ ~~ , LON.N.IE B. WILLIAMS, JR. _ ~' ~~~ -~:~ FACSIMILE (910) 343-8604 _- JOHN D. MARTIN ~ '`~ ~~ ... _/ www.mwglaw.com . .. - .. i , i p CHARLESD. METER AU 2000 t ,/ ~ gUS ICJ, JOHN L. COBLE ~ - ~ \~ OFFICES . ~ - ~~ 14 SOVTH FIFTH STREET ~'~~-.. ~ ~ ._. ~ ~~ ~~ WfLMiNGTON, N. C. ` ' ~ ~ ~ 2 8401-45 3 9 ' ~ ~ ~ E-MAIL: ' adg@mwgiaw.com Wanda M. Copley NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE.OF THE COUNTY AiTOKNEY ~ - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 309 Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 Re:. Appointment of New Hanover Regional Medical Cen ter Trustees - Ciass of 2003 Our File No.: D21, 005 Dear Wanda: ' As you will reca(I, the Board of Commissioners will soon be appointing four . persons to the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Regional Medical Center who will constitute .the Class of 2003, and whose terms of office will. begin October 24, 2000. My records reflect that. the four Trustees whose terms expire on October 24, ,2000, are: David Benford, Luther Brown, Dan Dawson, and Charles Wells. Under the amended NHRMC :Bylaws, after a Trustee has completed a regular .three-yeas term, or after a Trustee has completed an unexpired term of a Trustee who resigned from office, any reappointment of that Trustee is within the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, except as noted below. If a Trustee in the Class of 2000 is completing the second of two consecutive three-year terms-, or if a Trustee in the Class of 2000 was initially appointed to • ~ complete an unexpired term and was then reappointed to serve a regular three- year -term, then, , in either event, that person would not be eligible .for reappointment and would have to rotate off the Board of Trustees at the completion of their existing term on October 24, 2000. ,~ , 89 i ~ - .~ .. Wanda M. Copley August 18, 2000 Page 2 ('~ .Last year was the first year since the adoption of the "new" appointment procedure. in 1993 that some members of a class of Trustees were not eligible to be. considered for. reappointment. Some members of the Class of 2000 might fall into that category, and I wanted to alert you to that possibility. The records of the Board of Commissioners should reveal which members of the .Class of 2000 are eligible for .reappointment and which members: are not eligible for reappointment. Very truly yours, . M LL, WILLIAMS & GORHAM, L.L,P. A. Dumay Gorham, Jr.` ADGjr/rip cc: David B. Benford William K. Atkinson, Ph.D. . , B NEW /yANOVER COUNTY. ^ OARp pF C pMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 349-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ` App/ication for Appointment to,Boards, Committee Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Co Commissions Request for A mmfssfoners. ppointment to: Name: Virginia W. Adams Home 331 I'`duen '/ulley Road How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 5 years Mailing Address: 601 S. College Road City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 23403-3297 Telephone: Homer _ ;_ *Sex: Female Business: _ ~_ Race: Black ~Age: 54 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section oft ~ . - * '`En7 p/p yed b he community is appointed. Y~ UNC Wilmington ' A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made New Hanover County upon a must resi n his/her position with ppointment, in accordance with Artic% V7, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Coun~ Personnel Policy. Job Title: Dean, School of Nursing ~ProfessionalActiviti es: Chief administrator of undergraduate and graduate nursing °• Vo/unteerActivities: ~ b education ~ , Chair, NC Center for Nursing Boarrl• p,-A~;a,._. ,...... Why do you wish to serve on the Board; Co .,.,.~,..,~~, lv`~ council of Deans; mmittee, or Commission re uested? community partnership w;rh rtio ,,,...,_,_ ..- q ol.Health I believe,that an academic What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the g 1u Yri~ll w snare my perspective with the Board. - oard, Committee, or Commission re uested? ` years of experience in nursing education, interdisciplinary education, and academic q ----My - forthis $oard osition. ~ /health/community partnerships have prepared me What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Commi continues to be redefined, the issues of quality and quantity of registered nu~eenor Commission address? As the health care industry - Are you currently serving on another board or committee a eded for the new millenn,um concern me. No ppofnted by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: .. ~ r1 r-~ r.~ ~_ Date: June.9, 1999 ' ~se use reverse side for addifiona! comments) ~D. OF ER ~• COMM1SS10NEftg ,- .rv 1 ;'~~ 1 ~ 1999 . Signature ~ a ° ~;~ ~ ~c~~. -_--~ V NEW HaNOy REFERENCES PJedsr; provide Three local persona! references: Name Phone ~l.~r~her • t•r.r. Chatltcllor, UNCW. 91t~-9E2=3U34... 91fl-25tr~$Q24. ~ . ~) Cfu k lun~~rable Daniel McContl^S _______ . \ir. il~the~Z Warwick. CPA . ~~~ rn s U'.. ~ . .;: „ •3 ...~ .. . ;:.. , •.;{: 92 ~7A7F ~~ ~ _ i~ W ~ ~~,. °•^~ ~'' ~xxrf~ C~ttr.altn~ C~Pn~rttl ~ssQxrr ~~ ~nzzss of ~P~r$~Pn#tt#if1PS ~ C- o~#~fP ~1PBts7tt#tL8 ~uil~in~ ~,J ~tt~t$~ 27b01.-1Q~F .REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL F. McCOMAS ~ COMMITTEES: 13TH DISTRICT COMMERCE ' OFFICE ADOR ES S: 2123 LEGISLATIVE BUILDING CHAIR, SUBCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTI LITIE RALEIGH N.C. 27601 • 1096 ENVIRONMENT TELEPHONE: .(919) 733.5758 FINANCE (91 9) 715-7586 FAX SUBCOMMITTEE ON LOCAL, REGIONAL & ' E•MAILADD RES S: ^AN NYM@MS.NCGA.STATE.NC.US June 2S, I999 ~ INSURAN RE VENUES , HOME ADDRESS:. POST OFFICE, BOX 2274 ~ CHAIR, SUBCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH WILMINGTON, N.G. 28402 TRANSPO RTATIO N New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 3'20 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ` Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Attn: Mr. William E. Caster, Chairman Dear Chairman Caster: I am delighted to furnish a reference on Dr. Virginia Adams, Dean and Professor, • University of North Carolina at Wilmington, School of Nursing.. ~. _ I have known Dr. Adams and can attest to the fact she is of the. highest impeccable morals and ethics. She is ambitious, intelligent and has a positive outlook: She has the innate ability to focus on her goals, and pursue them until they have been attained. With her experience in nursing education, interdisciplinary education, and academic/health/community partnerships, they have prepared her for the appointment to the New Hanover Health Network Board. I must also add, that Dr. Adams displays ari enthusiasm seldom seen in her field. I'm certain that Dr. Adams will not only meet, but exceed your expectations. She possesses extensive leadership skills and will rise to the top, at whatever endeavor she undertakes. In a•Nut Shell, Dr: Adams may be described as a "Doer". It is with complete confidence that I offer my unqualified recommendation for her appointment to the New Hanove/ -1~Iealth Network Board. Should you wish to discuss ~. this further, please do not hesita~Ee to give me a call. ._ incerely, ' _ ~~ ,~~ani mas ' / ~ ~~ ~~/ ~. 93 0~® ~~ ~~~.~~~ THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON June 9, 1999 Mr. William A. Caster ~ ~ . Chair New Hanover ~.:ounry Board of Commissioners _ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - - - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. Castor: ~ • Attached is my application for a position on the New Hanover Health Network Board. I believe my experience in nursing and interdisciplinary. education and my problem-solving and communication skills in academic/health/community partnerships would be valuable to the Board. I would be very appreciative of your support and careful consideration of my application. Please let me know if you need additional.irlformation or have questions. es ec full R p _ y, Virginia W. Adams, RN, PhD . Dean and Professor /ps EnclosL~re • - .. ~u,.,,~. t t, t 9 °r g ~. O~COM~ ~ SCHOOL OF NURSING OFFICE OF THE DEAN. eU1 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD W[LVIINGTON, I~IORTH CAPOLINA 28403-3297 • 910 x)62-7410 • FAX 910 962-3723 • INTERNET:.40ANISV©UNCWIL.EDU . ~„2\n NEW HANOVER COUNTY ``;~,~~;'.~`=' BDARD OF CONJ'M/SSIONFRS ~~f ~ , ~ ~~~° ~~~~~ ti 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,;r~ co• Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~,~~~ :~ c'' Telephone (910J 341-7149 ~~ ~`. `" FAX (9fOJ 341-4130 - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppoiritmentto: _/~!•t.,~ ~/~,,,,,,c-v fn~dLU, ~ ~c;v7cti t~o~~ . Name:_~ ~w~z~ L. fl~r,~1~2~ .~2, Home How long have you been a Address: /~Q . ~~,X ~/f~3 resident of New Hanover County? Si~c~ l ~~~ Mailin~;~ ddress: .S4 ~-, v . City.anc`State:._ hr~l~e,~ry~On-~, 1V~1~ Zip Code: ~~>' . Telepho.~e: Home: 7d.;2 - ~ 7 ~. ~ Business: '~„Z - ~ 77 ~0 . "Sex: `'''~ "Race: ~ "Age: ~J 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. . » »Emplo yed b yr SG ~~- "A person currently empio yed by the agency or'department far which this app/icatian is made, must resign his/her position with ' ~Vew Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V!, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. - ~ .lob Title: ~ ~ySi~ ~ a ti' ProfessionaiActivities: ~ur~( 7L ~ a t ``7G ~rG•r ~ ~0 u~ t ct ~ ~ V,,Q2t~..s Q~~l L 'f- Cc~-~~. /~~~-/ i~he.t..c.-c/J/a // c / r ~ 1/0/Unte~?rActivitieS: .. ~~~'ic~v~ ~x~ .» S /~.~ ,S'~i Aa !S a ~' f J~ !' Gl/ ~~~ T/dld.,, l ~c -. ~nc ~''~a/ W~..s lcl~S~ l`r ~z Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ /~L What de you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Q.tT~ 5C. 7i•1tt•uL . ?N ~c ~ /1aSni / 2~ ,f~D.J2~7 CAU.~.~4 Cif--^to'7i.IJiO ^~ /~.vc~ .~ ~/~/1~,Sic~~ -i-' . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl ~ f ~~~ a ~-c-~ ~s1Q. -t2( A_~ CEGnc•i..C^i / ti w t /'C~+,c~.. ~ 1.., ©~T ~ C'~s f-~ f/e.v/ ~-~c.5 Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: .. ~.~ ~ c pater _ x ~ t~~ ©Q Signature ~aase us9 reverse side for additional cammenlsl i ~ ° ~~~~~ ~D~ -NEW HANOVER COUNTY na i ~ 1~~~''1. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 N~JV HANGVER CO. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 BD. OF coMr~n~ss~Grs~RS . Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. RequestforAppointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: Grace F. Avery Home. 407 Grandiflora Court How long have you been a 31 years Address: resident of New Hanover County? MailingAddress: .407 Grandiflora Court ~ Wilmin ton N.C. p 28405 City and State: g r Zi Code: Telephone: Home: ~ 91 0) 3 9 2 2 31 4 Business: "Sex: F "Race: W "Age: 6 9 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyedby: Retired from Plantation Village - Residetn Services Director person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment,.in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: Professiona/Activities: Realtor, Cape Fear Garden Club Board Vo/unteerActivities: Past member - Domicilliary Home Community Advisory, SHIIP Volunteer Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Assist i n the planning and administration of policy making functions for the betterment of the staff and the public. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have followed. the growth and history of the hospital for the past 31 years. the env ronment and wa t to contribute m time and practical skill. What areas oaf concern would you likne to see the Board, Commatee, or Commission address? Exercise responsible growth and use. the expertiseand services that exist -fie bet-ter ads~aetage Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: No te: J u l y 1 4, 2 0 0 0 re ,:~ ~GLr~e./ Signatu ease use reverse side for additional comments! REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1. S~pwi.~ T Nt,n_nAleA, ~ ~ ~d~ ~SFnr F~Rh Snf~7 2, ~ Eugene A. Lees 799 1294 3 David C. Barefoot 762 6854; 762 0255 Applicant: 98 NEW HANDVFR CUUN?ti' ~,~P4~`s°~`~~~~~` ~s ED~tRD ~~ ~~1MMlSS1~NERS ~~'4~';:;<~~{~~'.? 3~0 Chestnut Street, RUOm 305 ~`~ ''~ . ~ Wilmington, NC 28409-~93 Telephone (990) 341-7149 FAX (970) 349-4f30 Appllcatfon fierAppolnGrierii io Boa-d~ Cammftt~ae~, atld Commisatnns Appointed by ~e New Hanauer County Baaroi of Commiaslanerar Requesf for Appointment #o. New Hanover Regtonal Medlca! Center Saarc! of Trustees Name: Elizabefh ("Befh'~ F. Dawson m..,..............~~...~_,. . . Now long trace yqu `been a n3sldent of New Hanovsr~rtrnty? 9'4y~ :, °~. °-- . ~... - . Name Address: 4~2 Forasi' Mills Drive Msr7ing Address: Same as strove ~ ~ . -City and Stag iMdmington, N.C 2'ip Code: 284Q3 .~ . Telephone: NonTe: 91 tkT62-Q7B6 Business: Same ,. ~ - +Sex: F *R$oe: W Age: 43 -. ~ . ~ . '77ris Infomtaiton is requested for the sole purpose cif assuring #h&t a Cr+~ss-sec~icxr of the community is appointed. "Employed by: "Refired" firm Bank of America (29 years) "'A person currently employed by tha agency or depar#men# for which this applicafiQn is made, must resign his/her positipn with New Hanover County open appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec 4 ~rf the New 1-larbver County Pnne/ Policy, Job~Titl~: vVhile with Bank of America, 1 wee a Customer Service Manager, Loar? t3l~cer, and Persona! Banker Profesaionsl Activities: ~ , Volunteer Activities: Member: Cape Foar Museum Assaraates Board, 5astaining member, Junior League of I~Inaington, . Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Member, Stamp Dance Chapter, DAR . YVhy da yotr wish fo serve an -the Boerrl, Committee, or Commission requested? Marry members of my family have been very well sewed ky NNRMC thrnu hoot the community pnde that /have seen the Medical Center grr~w 9 ~ k his tr~n witty gm8t though the yser~..wittr the addition of the Coasts! . 4ehabilifation 'Cer~tsr, fhe t?arioer Canter arr'd more- into the leading medx~af facility that it is today. ;lt would tae brr°hanor to be eble to return my gratitude fo the. medical center and to the CarrtmUnityky serving an this t3aarrt - , - ,~ ~ ` ~~ 99 What da you -feel are your qualil~cations for serving on the Basal,Committee, or Commission requested? t always put 10~'~ effi~rt info anything fhat 1 commit fo do. Nty~years of working with the.. public, in the banking profession, as wall as in my various volunteer efforts, have taught me how to deal with a wide variety at' people and issues in many areas of concern r"n the community. 1 have always served as an effecti+re feam member on previews commr7tees, boarr~s, and in the worm place. . . What areas of concern would you kke ~ see the Board, Committee, or Commission addrsss~ Patient care, employee standards and morale,. cusfomer. (patient and pstierrt families) servrcaa, public nslations within the, community, as welt as the continuing growth at the medical center, era all areas of continued interest ~ , Are you ccrrncntty serving on ancfher bo$rd or committee appointed by a municipality Ur' s exwnty? if so, phase list.. .: Not at this time: ~ . . Bate: September 8, 2000 REFERENCES: Please provide three toca~ Name i. Rep. 1)$niet McComas 2 Dr. Thaddeus L Dunn' 3. Dr. Ruth C. Funk 1.0 0 ~ personal refer~inces: . ; Phone Number 910.3~~-~t~i? 99 tJ~43-3345 910-811043 '. . -NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMIS'S/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 Wilmington, IVC 28401-4093 - Telephone (9101 341-7149 •. FAX 19 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for 7ppointment to:. ~/'/~~?' ~., ~jfi' ~!~ i/ ~ ~~/-~~ ~ ~~~`~''~..~ .: Name: 9-- .!I °/,% ~ a~ ~• Address; J ~~; ~ --How long have you been a ` '-~J ~'~f~ ~ ~~/~~ resident of New Hanover-County? _ '~ ~~'' J 7 Mailing Address: City and State: 'r ~ ~,~i7ri-J • `~/ ~ 2+p .Code: ,~~~~~>~ . Telephone: Home: _ ~~~/ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~`~~ '°_"'--°;, • ~ Business: "Sex: _ ,~'~ "Race: (.~"~-~ "Age: ~~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cross•section of the community is appainfed. ' "'Emplo yeti b y: ~_,.~' ` A person currandy employed by the agency or department for which this application fs made, must cosign his/hor position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artrcte Ut, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Fblicy. . Job Title: ' Professional Activities: ~~' VolunteerActtvities: ~ - ' - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~~' ~'~ ~~L/ /~%~ . ,~~ ~~ ; nr J S p rr s ~.~ ~_ /~~" i7~-.7U.1 . ,ors ~ rs ~~ T° rY /~~ ' ~ ~ ~ .~7"y ,~-,Y~ ;~~; r/fu ~ 7~z.-Sj,d~`: ~j, ~~/,'>~ iv j~rvy . !~~" /~ ,41~T~ 5 ~~~ /~i- ~ h/ ~ z ~~ ~l`~ S c / i7 ~~ t • What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?~~" / , . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl 5 G~~ v/c'~ Are~you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: . ~ J ' Date: jf y ~/1 ~/ ~ , . _._ . . _ ..,~ _ ~ ~ tPtease use Signature~~~ .~ reverse side for additions/ comments/ ? b ~ 1 /7 . .~ ' 10~ quest for Appo/ntment to: ' Name: " Home Address: y.7~ g" `"~j 11 e ~ n n rr ~w~ yr NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONEJ~S ,320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Com ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissionssions Re ,.~--Vi ~-, ~ _ ers.. Mailing Address: City and State: How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? phone: Home:Q~~'~19~'~~7~ r Business: (~ • ~3 . ~~o~~ "Sex: r.~e'rrL4,Q~- *Race: " ! 'This information is requested for the sole -~-- Age: O ~ ~-/ I ~ ' ~ 9 07 purpose of assuring that across-sectio of the c mmunit is'a _ ""Employed by: _ ~ y PPointed. , , A person curr nt/y amp/Dyed by the ale br depart ant for which this application is made, must resign hi i New Hanover County upon appointment in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Count Pers position with /ob Tit/e: ~ /~ / y anne/ ' 1Gyll1 -- ~~ l /-G ~ 11 ! Policy. Professional Actwit t/olunteer Activities: Why do you wish to /1 _ , - -' """""'<<CC. or Commission requested? What~'do you fee/ are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee ~ ( ~._{) or Commission requested? lJ j' __-___----_ area$ of ~oncern~,ou /eke to see re 'serving on another board o~commrte '; or ss? appointed by a municipality or a county? /f Date: ~ 025 19.t~q ~."~ ^ b 1999 . aseuser - ~ nfl.,,~. /~ ~~ ~ side for addi' ti~~ommentsl , Signature lL1'yJlhe, ~~Av/ ~"~ ~ 4~ G~ ~~ p/ease list: - ~,,.-- -- NEW HA'NO VER COUNTY ~~ ~ ~~~~ . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~~ ~ .<,., ~. f~~,,`a 320 Chestnut.Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101.341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 i Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment.to: ~in/° ~ ~/~ Name: ~',;~ ~ . ~p . Home %~Su~ Address: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Q ~ p ~~~ ~~ ~ How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~- Mailing Address: City and State: ~Pt~ p ~ ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ . Zip Code: _ 02 f j L~--~,~. Te%phone: Home: 91 C- ~7p._ 1~~ ~ ~~ Business: ~~ ~' ~'yd _ 4.~..(~.`t° ".Sex: _ ~~ "Race: '~ " 3 'Thrs information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the communit is a ""Erne/Dyed by: y PPainted. S i'it't- ~.ns1 ~ l-C) t -~0 ~' n "A person current/y amp/oyedb g y p ~~~/~ ~^si it°r-U ~~r,~{~S' y the a enc or de artmenf for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Pol%y, /ob Tit/e: P~"~5.-~~ Y' - ~ ~;1L~ ~ G~~-(~!~ ~ ~Professiona/Activities: L t/olunteerActivities: ~.p~ ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ ~ (~,~;-~~ ~ r What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? ~ ~~-lz-s t-1~~Aa-~'r~z. i3,7 . ~i ~z.~.1,~~,~ 3 ~{ ~-S c;~~a~-Z.,~~i~t;, AnA ~ c3,~, o ~ T~ S' ~ ~ .S What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Jul A s~ i~rt~ ~J s.~.-T- , - ~, ~~ ~ 'z-~~,i ~Gg.a~,.'~ A+~.~ . c~Tt2 TO . E~~?t~1 1~n1 v~r„~2~L Are you current/y serving on another board or committee a ppointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: 1~,~s.~..-r.~1:,,~ ~~ P~1 ~ ~o <<>F rep cs ~ ~s Date: ~ - ~ - Q Q . ~se use reverse side for additional comments/ St9nature u__ ~ ,, Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number t~C. bf ~~ ~) ~' T-~~ ~~r~ ST ~l ~~ P~l~. t-~r~c,.-t~} 9 i 9 73 3 ~o y-d 2) (Zf~L nl ~""~ ST-~. ~ ~~ ~ . ~~ c~ ~~nF s ~.~~ aZ ~- 3 4s~ co ~ 3J ~ Row=- ~~ ~ a~ ~ .- aa~3 c.~,) K.~ ~,~, ~.~- ~. s ~ ~, n 50 ~ 106 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 347-7149 FAX (910)341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: Richard L. McGraw Home ~ How long have you been a Address: 2016 Graywalsh Drive Wilmington NC 28405 resident of New Hanover County? Six ears 7~ ~a i l i a A rl rp ~"-""'--- LY3-.-__._g ` d ss: Same as above City and State: Telephone:Home: 256-4335 * Ses: Male *Race: Caucasian *This Information is requested jor the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Employed by: Retired *Age: 62___ •A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with upon appointment in accordance with Article VI Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Retired Vi Senior Vice Pre~iciPn, Zip Code: Business: Vi e& 0 Professional Activities: Recent part time instructor in Communications Dept at UNCW Volunteer Activities:. Member of the Board and executive committee of the NHRMC Foundation; Board member, Landfall Foundatinn~ Pres;rlent pr,r+ r;*., D:_.._ __ ~ r .. .. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See attached letter. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving an the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See attached letter. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? No new ones until the ones underwa are satisfactoril com leted. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: None Date: ~. /~~~ lease se rev se side for additional c mments) ~~ ~ -~%G ~~l ~ ~'~l~ c~ Signatur ~~.~~~L . 107. REFERENCES - Please provide three local personal references: ' Name Phone Number 1) .George Rountree 763 3404 2) Dr. Bert Williams 763-1336 3) Joe Robb 256-2141 t C Inai.~-d. M C ~Y'cz ~.v 108 • July 7, 1999 l~l 0 8 1999 . • • New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 `vV'iimuigton, l\1C 2d4U1-~tV93 Gentlemen: Richard h~IcGraw' 2016 Graywalsh Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.256.4335 Fax: 910-256-4385 NEW NANO/ER CO. rv. ~~ ,....~airpS Enclosed please find my application for appointment to the New Hanover IVledical Center Board of Trustees. I have been involved with the Medical Center Foundation since 1994--first with the capital campaign for the Cancer Center and now on the Foundation's board and Executive Committee. I believe in the expanded role the Medical Center is playing in the entire Southeastern North Carolina and Northeastern South Carolina region with regard to helping bring about a greater coordination of all agencies and organizations for the achievement of a healthier population.. Obviously, a healthier population is a more productive one, produces more tax revenue and reduces tax expense. I believe I have a reasonable understanding of .the direction of the Medical Center and I believe I can contribute to the wellness of the community the NHRMC leadership and staff are trying to bring about. As to my qualifications, I have served on a hospital Board of Trustees (Skokie Valley Hospital, Skokie, ILL, 1981 - 1983). I have 15 years business experience dealing with the acquisition and merger issues similar to those NHRMC is presently addressing. I spent two years as President and CEO of a national not-for-profit organization seeking private and public funds. I have several years experience.in the federal government and working with federal, state and local government agencies wrestling various issues through different approval processes, writing legislation and lobbying for changes in federal and state legislation. 109 I am energetic and have the time to devote to what I believe is one of the most important cornerstones of our expanded community. I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss my application and any questions you may have. Sincerely, L~ ~~ c and McGraw enclosure ' 110 r, u~ l~~` llr~(r1YlYAN~?l/~R ~C)(JNTy ~aARL~ Of ~p~j'/~1155/~71V 3~0 Ch~stnu~ Street ~~S . - . Wilmtn ton ~ Rodm 3CJ5' ~ , NC . 28~tpr-4093 r$iepr,a.,~e ~a rof 3a r,7 ras , fAx l9 r01 341-~7~0 . Alp~lication for,Qp~goi,{imeht to BpArds. Ca APPQ~Ated 6 y lfie New mmltrees, anra+ Ccn7rr{issrons Hanover Gour~ry ~oar~ Gf Co~rrmPssTorrer~ Request forAPp~lntmer~l to: cbin/ G/IQVPr ~ ' JN~ame: an. ~ ~,Q(. ~' Address: X10 ~ sce-~-,~- l ., t '"-~--~--' a`~, Jfmin e o78yo3 Hawlor,~ have Yau been a ~~r+ r Mailr'ny Address; s'~ ~, resident o~New 1~anDVer Counry~ ~lt~ ,; - an n CItY artd Stab: ._~.. TeleAhone; Marne, /ID -'~br-~'~e5'[/ ~,a Coda, qq =-~-~. `Seer; j ~ J ~asln ess: ~I Q -~~ ~ - a1a ~ o 'Thin lnlo,matra i ^~dCe: W~ 1~ 7~ I1 s J.quesred Ivr rAs talc Aurpnrn of e ^~~e: !~ Y G / ~9urin r cro.r r • . . ~ • ~FmplO 8d / ~ rna ^ .r~a~c eon of rhr ea e ~ - Y~ GIdtY}~+1 ~~,,•7~f- JRr11~/h,I}rrrAAPP+n'rrd. ~'}1 p~-rsan curraq{l~, employ+p b f {h^ r ~~' . . ' NrWHq~pvvr r:cJUnrjr apnn a p~nsyardrpRrtrRane fp w. ' AA0i!lrnt^nr, rM reeordana hick rhrr rPOhodtlenf~Trn^da, ~ nth ArrrvlQ 111, Sec. ~ f `~~ Title: ~ ra eJ^ 0 !hn NawHoripvar Cou.~ry Prrko..n~.,-.~,:•.,, ProFessianal activ1ries: YalunteerAcr,'vlrl =---_, k ~~C ~aund~{~:an Why.dn Ydv w,sh ra serve ~~' ~pfaca~_~da~ci j on the Board, Con7ml'{tt~e, or Co e Jrid~) a/i.a,`~E~ .~. ?]mr'ssion re4crested~ ~ a .~ ~'~A ,;' what do You feel ',era Q ,Ca/ ~°~,~~>~- +iilF t r, . . Y ur 4uallF~catiOA,~ fdr S@rVrrl a ~ ~`""~ ~"~~;- '~: ~~ -*~~O VPr-~ : ~+~~°'~ C~r~ ~ rT the 6aard, Commr'ttea, of _ -, QC'f ~Ve t ~~+r~,(~- / Carnrrussrari r~4,1 ~ .... ~ .~ .What areas o/ cQncer ui a as i ~. ,, r~,a .r. rt 0111d you like ro e gyp--- ~,__..~~.`4J~ Z ` ,~ ~~ti ~~~ s e ;ha Board, Committee. ar Cam ~f"''~'~ ' ,/ ' !'dc/~' , ~( m'sslor: addfyss~ ~ ~dJcc~ ~C~'n~Pr" as Gaeen ~an~f~cQd~i'-~r~ Art.. Q~ a_1 ~~ec~ ~ `r....,._„_,_~ You currenrlY Senrln? on another board ~~j ` Or ~Ornn7llr~B r7 '---~~~'~.-~:~` ~Q1 ~YQr) ec.J ~,~ rr~r. ~ ~~t'L~ Ppoir~tgd by a municrpalily ar u eaun~'y~ If.so ..~ p4~ +r D C r ~i ~E) dr 8 / ~~-~ ~jt'~-/L ~ r /Ta~C i J ~' l7, ~.~sC~ 1JSt: --.~ . J1?hOJp 4~p /IYO a . irrY ai 4dq'iJro~'-'-„ ~ .. - ~ ~ .. aamrgrn{sl Sigrialure ... 111 r u~ Please provfd~ three lQCal pe,'sonal raference$; It/ame ~..~-! i~ ,.zz r Phone l+furnber -rze ;e ~5 ~ ~ cuss- DO~ .~~°~,- r ~~~ Post-(t~ F$x Note 767t r,e~ -- . 70 f u~~a} ` Ca.lUopt, ~- From 11 -"z~- PUono a Co. ---•._~ Fax h SQ PFwga N ~ ,+ 7 ~~_ ~' Fir ~. ' - 3 ._.G f ~~ ~~~ /~p~+i~Cf ~'~ ~E~ GPr~9/~1 ~rz~ Jr~`~ ~Vi7~~~I~ ~'rjUnrlF~',a~~ ~t3rr~ a 1-~ s~ o ~ ,~,~~: cp~pl~x ~.~ ;~7' d •~tr.~:U+Z `~ nc~ ~~~ C aG~~' Rn~ ~ • , ~~N /~~ayP~,p~ f a w~ ~a~%~~ /~„tnr~ ~rcins J ~~}Grlr~i~! ~l~<~(ar0~„~d/ ~h~Gr3 ~^` p~l ~~~" Q~.~.,i7~vV~+G^ ~i rJ•^.~~ y9~ra~r'1 /}, P ~~r ~ oanf • '~J r~ / / ~. ~` C~/ i~1C!'nv~~' QP~~ ~rJac~f "frf`'s~~ ~n~7nc;41 (~,~/~.:~'inrj fj~.c/~ J,irPn, .,,i}r~~r7~ '1 C,~f •f<' nP C~IrFC~i~~~~ ~'r'VPf'knas /dlb ~~jn~ ~4iGtCY'-Zc~! /Q~J /~Pf1L,.r?d ~~°,•'h~C,~-1i''Ir,,,~~ n . ~d~ /Ijoc~ttl.-rP~ mlaryt,(ecf G~rl°~ C~/lr.! Q~r•' ~3/~'dt,~l(J/ ~~C1i~fPI+~~ Cj~rr~ ~1ii/E_' C~ L, ~~lrx.1 ~Pc7ir ~/1 f' ~/C~A4 ~1J ~/~C~h! (~jlt~ ~,//iCri? /~~.to~,•~-~'l/ fNv ~l~~l CG:rt+/ 7 4 t r ~!'~c~ n, /L+ G~~ nerJr ]~q i fl f ~ ~~ I~'''~ ' i+!' (art /r. ~QI?~~~ina~.d r'~ pT 5- ~,;~ f' ~" ~U~ f''•'~/3} QrP~ T C~7~1~I ~ ~..5/~~~ /.S Ca /17r~J•nr Ga~cF//rl O T ~+nP ~~e Q?~+P~l 0I~-S ClfGil~~.1' .._~~f•~rl ...~c~~~•-- .,l.t f T'~ ~~^~ C~/1 Cf ~ 1~"•1 ~r'. ~~ ~(1 f ~c? ~G~ ~/~c 7 / / CL4~'-1 ~ ~ dr ~fJt%~ r~ ~~rr / 1 / / C1,.i r't T~. f..+'t~1 r•1j. ,~„~ -~' ~f ~~i+ ~U.1 TPP~ f C~~0i7S<!si r, 7~ •~~1 ~ r? !~• ~r .j v ~rr~__ f _/ ~~ ~ ~~ /V1P/'.S f Q ry~~i ry ;' Q ~ ~~i;~ ~~<< f ~ t~/~7~'f~ a~~/ ~ ~ c ~'Kl ~'''S ~!f (7 / ~~ :'r ,~:~'• ' ~ +'~ vj ,~/~ .1 fr`'~~~~1 ,'n~.?~ .., 11 Sal ~` ,.Sr.~ {f~~,~n j ,~ ~:n~- ~~: lf.~ r'~~A r°~t~~'•~•;.-,.~;~.., ~, r ~. ~ osk~-~ o~~ ~ 113 NFw yq~vo vFR CoUNr - ~~ARD OF COlI~1MISS/ Y 320 Chestnut Sheet oNERS Wiimingron ~ Room 305 NC ~ 28401-40,93 7'e1ePAane (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 34'1-d 130 Application for Appointment to Boards APAolnted by the New ~ Commltrees, and Co Request forA Hanover County Board of Co 'T'missto~s ,opointment to: mmissloners. anover Regional Medical Center Board Aiame,• Dennis B. Nicks, M. D. Home --,.. Address;' 529 Wayne Dr. Haw 1on~ have you been e ti1arY/nfl gddress:. S a m e resident of New /-/an°vor Cour~tyl City and State: Wilmington, ''' N C Telephone: yo,n~; 910 - 2rP Code: 2 8 4 0 3 763-7774 --- `Sex; M Bvsin ess: ' 910 - 3 4 3 - 01 19 ~Thir;nior `/3ace: Caucasion `~~ motion /t r~yvsatod 'A 5 7 /or tht ,poll pv~Ao,re of stsudn fie: `'Employed by: Wi 1 m i n 9 ~'~ • croasvncron of ^' ., gton Plastic Surger tAaeammuni Aperson currant/ ty is tPpoinrsd. ~ NswNenovorCqunysmploy~d~yrh~~ enc y Specialists ~ . ty Vpoq e D Y or daP~rrn1 snt ror Which shit ~ PpoinfMsnt, In oCCardenc~ Wi POficat~o„i /ob Tit/e.~ ~h Arlidt'V/, 30~ ,~ or tho Ney°ds, musr,tsip,~ Aisiherposirfon wit/, . Henovur Cavnty Perronnt/Po/)cY Pro/essipna/ ACfivities: • -~_ Volunteer,gctl~,ilies: ` E l d e r h a u s Board, St, John s Art Why do you wish to serve on Museum, Medical Missionar ? the Board, Committee _ y In t care access a,t ' or Commission requested? ~~' NHRMC, To try to maintain in ure ualit the medical center medical j without the need for s mission county funds What do you tee/ are Yvur qua/ircations for hospital administration b Ctkp°nthe9oard . Co!'9,'nittee, or Commission to le ge ground, education, medical a0udestbedsPnr~vioknow- What areas o! concern wou/v _ you /ika to see the Boord, Com --._ D e c r e a s i n mittee, or Comm;ss/on add~essl g hospital reserve funds Art You currently serving on anoth er board or committee appornred b -~ N o Y a rftunicipalit y Y or a count ? /f so, R/ease list: Data: 8/18/99 n ~ .~ tprier• use rsvpsa did rv~ eddr}ionar ~~J(^~O COmR+~al Vlll°JJJ ~ Srpnature~/ ~ / v ~.~ _..~N~ ~+i:/ ~~ '1/ r~~ AuG ~ ~ 1999. Cov~R) ""-_ -• . ~DNp NANO yER ~ . 114 ~o~M~o~ ~, Please P~ovlrle three /aca! persona! re f erences: Name 1J Adair Graham Phone N~mtSer 762-6852 ~/, I . A . Rosemon 762-6630 3J Carter Lambeth - 313-0358 • rv~YV ~AN~ df`~'~' ~DCJ1vT3~ ~ ~-- _ . EO~RD +C)F ~Cl,~1v11~OSS'I'D!1lEF~S 320 Chesmur ~r~ee~, Room 3G5 ~VIllrra~gtvr~, h/C 280 ~-~s3 Tataphcna !9701 341-7148 F~2.Y f91 p1 3Q 1-d.7 30 Application for Appointment ~a 8cards, Committees, ar7d CammissEons Appornred 6 y the New Nanaver Caaunr}r Board pf ~cmrr~lssforrss, Reouesr `ar,apaQ;r:tmanr ra: Board o~ Trustees of -New Hanover Regional Medical Ce '~a`"~' Albert T. Pastore HGn~~ AddrBSS:~ .2014 South Live Oak Parkwa Hcwlonp have you been a rasrdsnr o1'New Nancrver CounryT 4 years iLfaillnp Address: Ctry and statz; Wilmington, NC Tlp Coda: 28403 - TaleAhcne: Namr: 910-762-9326 9usin 4SS: r 'Sex: ~1e ,~_ .•r~aca: Whi t`P "Aga: 52 (9-4-47~ 'This in/ormaKon .a r+rgwstrd Pot rAr svl. purpoa. of duwm9 7ho(o sross•rsctian a/ .Me OCr-fmuni ry Rs eppori! tad •-Erpieyod py; Retired "dAersvncurr~ntlYoRTt/OYodaytntigff}Gyp/~Qtfrftentrtfr:M/clfL4ioippNeafMrtiifRUd~.rn+a:trr~' h. itswXanor~or acunly uDOn bppOlnUt}rnt, i~Y aceardanea with,.trflCto Vl,, Srr. •6 a/ A^ 1Vrw,H ~ ~orpesiUVn wiM t Mover Cavn;y PsrsOnnrJ F~,y'py, Job. Trtte: Orotosstcnal~icrlvtt/as: Please see attached. /o/un;err.~crivities: Please see attached . Why do ycu ~~'Sh to servo cn the Board, Gamm;ttse, or Comr»isstart rsgvesrtd~ _To draw on my twenty_fi~,r•~ years of professional health care experience and contribute as a Trustee of the Board. (Please see attached.) what do you feel hre your 4uallftcsrions far 5srvtnfl an the r?aard, Con:mfr,ee, or Commisslc>z ;epvestddT _ (Please See attached) What areas of Goncsrn would yeo like to sse the Bcarrl, Corrrm;,t~e, ar Cammis.:fon address Prepare short and long term planning for the direction of the Medical Center an its entities and the effective integration and coordination of services especial! in light of managed health care. Ara you CLrranr;y sarvin~ pn another board or ;.omm%t,ae 9Apoint9d by a rruricrpelity ar a counry~ ;f SG, please list.• NONE mate: ~=q- 9y lFlobsO t.:ir ~evrrr~ ~;~p !br sd'diGano; COmme ~ 9 1999 BD.~ p NOy~ ~ 116 ~ MME S/pnatura ~'-~ T' !"~h~- ~~~~~~ $EF RF irk Pleasa crowide rh ~ - , r a3 local A°rson~~ re~`~r c en es: Harr. ~ ~. 1J Dale Boyd, MD. r'~hpr~g Nurr36~r (0) 910-763=2977 ( H) 910-256-8864 2j Louis ,Woodbury III - (O) ~ 9 "~"~~ 10-763-3431 {H): . ~~ Robert Kline . (0) 910-.313-0846 (H) 910-256-2477 . .. Gum r. P~ 9/~IqQ ' Pq:t.jto ~, ~c fV~te •Te 7677 ~uta Ca1aCp~ ,~ Ire PaG s~' --a ~'IC ~/ Co. , ~ ~ _ ~ - PtiCRX x ~ ~! ~~ ' ...,~~ . .. . 11~ . 118 TO: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. FROM: ALBERT T. PASTORS ~~ APPLICATION FOR APPO INfMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER DATE: SEPTEMBER 8; 1999 Enclosed is my application for appointment as Trustee of the Board of Trustees. of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center. I have given careful consideration to m decision to seek this appointment and I believe that my twenty-five years of rofessi Y experience in the health care industry and governmental sector affords me the oppor~ty to contribute to the ever-so-important planning, policy setting and direction of the Medical Center and all of its entities. As You will note in my application, I bring a wealth of executive level experience and am offering to serve my community iri this capacity. Being retired, I am able to offer my unlimited time and energies and my commitment, to serving at your pleasure. Please contact me at (910) 762-9326 if I can provide you with any further background information. Thank you for your consideration, ' , ~.~~ ~.. Albert T. Pastore ~l I. INTRODUCTORY COA'Il1'LENTS: . Over the . past twenty-five years I have successfully demonstrated administrative leadership, sound management judgement, excellent c strong _ and human relations skills, and analytical and problem solvin abilities mmunications g The progressive rofessional P positions I have held have afforded me the °PPortunities to successfully serve the health care industry as a prominently reco ' ed health care consultant. I have served the public in the educational arena- t~ .member of the Board of Education, and to serve as a civil servant in the twice elected agency sector as the Director.'of all Long Term Care Services in the State of New York as an employee of the State Health Department. These varied, executive level ex eri _ have included statewide program direction; decision makin and P ences .both short and Long range plannin g personnel supervision, . management, comprehensive fund raising andclpublic~ elations~ budget preparation and and maintaining relationships with Federal and .State agencies,tl co o developing , . foundations, community leaders, advisory boards and communities-at-lar ~ e boards, ~ . g Committed to high professional standards, I am highly motivated and ability to motivate others. I thrive on challen e have the . . open communications and participation. Being peop e~ enpe~eds I st oism and encourage ° . -worth of the individual and I offer an energetic and creative ap roach to thly believe in the - P e task at hand. II. PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCE: ^ November, 1997 through present, retired ^ 1980 through 1997 Owner, president .and' CEO of a ma'or healt care consulting firm, (Cicero cPc Pastore Associates, In ), in .New . .York State. . Founded in-1980, my--health care consulting firm was prominent) recoQ ' .multiple-state region as a full service provider to hospitals, nursiii ho y ~nuzed in a communities, outpatient clinics and surer - g mes, assisted living . ~ centers, renal dialysis facilities, home care ' 119 ... _ . agencies, hospice programs, radiology centers, physician. groups, and managed care providers and programs. In many instances I- reported directly to the Board of Directors of the hospitals and/or nursing homes and otherwise working through and with the CEO, COO and CFO of the organizations. The services provided included operational reviews and manaaeme Planning and certificate of needs, development and/or review of policies and procedurest in-service training.programs, rate-reimbursement matters, staffing assessments, personnel recruitment, program evaluations,, quality assurance preparation and/or corrective programs and serving as liaison with State and Federal agencies on behalf of the client. MY firm served the largest medical centers to the smallest community based hos itals ' similar ranges of nursing homes and home care agencies. p nth ~._ ^ 1978 - 1980 .Administrator of a major New York City. Teachin . ~Yledical Center, (Misercordia Hospitat Medical'Center), responsible for the professional and support services of the institution. ^ Prior to 1978 Director of the NY State Long Term Care Programs and Services for the New York State Health Department , ^ Health Care Program, Instructional Designer for the New York State Education .Department .and ,..Board of Cooperative Educational . Services r III. TEACHING AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES: ^, Adjunct Instructor at Iona College, New York, in their Graduate . Degree Health Care Administration Program: . - ^ Adjunct Instructor at .Russell Sage College, New York, in their Graduate Degree Program in Health Education. ^ Adjunct Instructor at. SUNY at Oneonta in,Undergraduate Health .Care Education and Psychology Courses. ^ Preceptor for students completing administrative internships -from Wagner and Lehman Colleges, New York. IV. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: ^ MS Degree in Health Education from Russell Sage `College, Troy, New York - 1975; ~ , ^ MS ,Degree in Counseling Education from State University of New York - 1-973; ^ BA Degree in English from State University of New York - 1969; ^ 32 Additional Graduate hours in Health Administration and Health . ~ Education.Courses - 1972-1974; . ^ 30 Additional Crraduate ..hours ~in English and ' Airierican Literature Courses - 1971-1972; 120 ~, , B Permanent'Certification in Health Education (1972) and English 1971 . : State Education Department #1043685 ( } 10; ^ Completed Research Project - "Teach Us What We Want to Know: __ a . study of health education ne d e s, concerns and interests of students in grades K-I2, in selected public school districts in New York State; ^ Completed Thesis Project - `~2 l - ~ o e and Responsibility of Residence Hall Counselors as Determined by Students Administr t C " , a . _ ors and ounselors. . " : V. FORMER PROFESSIONAL ME~ERSHIPS: ' . ~: . ~ ~ ^ American College of Hospital Admi i t o ' n s rat rs ^ The Hospital Executives' Club " ^ Metropolitan Hospital Administrators' Association ^ New York Association of H omes for the Aging. ^ New York State Ambulatory Care Association ^ Foundation for Health Education and Applied Research , ^ American College of N i urs ng Home Administrators VI. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND AWARDS: . , ® ETA Sigma Gamma National Professional Health Education Honora ^ .Phi Delta Kappa Prof ry si es onal Fraternity in Education ^ Selected to "Outstanding College Athletes of Ameri " ca _ ® Hockerill College Study Grant, Bishop Stortford, England ~ ~ " ® Selected as. `2ational Youth Soccer C h - oac o f the Year" ; " VII.. PREVIOUS COl~~ICTNITY ACTIVITIES: . ^ Member Pelham Board of Education ® Member Pelham Civics Association : ^' President and Coach ofPelham's youth Soccer Programs ^ President Westcheste Y r outh Soccer League ^ Member Pelham Men's Club - ~ ^ Past President Pelham Group. Home Advisory Board ^ Former. Member Ma or' Ci i y s t zen Advisory Committee "on C Prevention . _ rune I -. - . . - 121 N~'~~~ANO T~'R COUNT'Y BOA.d~.D Off' C01VI~.~S'S~ON.~dz:S 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 YYilmington,' NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91 D~ 341-71=19 .. Fes` (910 3-11-=1130 _ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed ay the IVew h'anover County Board of Commissioners Re~ztestfor,4ppointment to: NHRMC Board of Trustees ' Name: William D. Polhemus How long have yozt begirt a resident of New Hanover County? 5 2 year s Home Address: 3712 Tumbril Lane, Wilmin ton NC 28412 1Llailing Address: As above City,and State: Telephone: Home: 910 - 4$ 2- 7 6 6 6 .Zip Code: Bztsi7less: Retire d *Sex: M * Caucasian • Race: *Age: ~ 7 4 *This it formation is re~ttested for the sole parrpose of assairing that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Employed by: ~~ **A person currently employed by the agency or depclrtment for which this application is made, mzrst resig~l hisiher pOSIllO71.YVlti1 l~''eW Ha710Ver' Cou7lty ZlpOrt CtppD771t771~71i, 771 acC01'dGt7tce WItl1 A7'tICI2.ti'~ Sec. '1 Of 1172 ~relV Hai10Ve7' COZtrliy Personnel Policy. .lob Tifle: Professional Activities: Twlurtteer Activities: 122 - Why do you wish. to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? The Medical Center is expanding very rapidly. The new co-ncerned-ab.au-t-~h-e-s_u~-r-o-un.ding--a-r-e-a-s-~s-we-1-1-~e--s-ho-~l.d-be--, nt is help insure that New Hanover County is not neglected in the ~--wa-nt . process, What do yoar feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission sec re ~ Iz sled. Medical service has been an.. I have served on a advocation of mine for a lon time. NJ rescue squad for 13 years. At that time an EMT. For the last four -~h-e FlecTzca en er _ Years I have been~afull day volunteer was ho~~~.t~~~, s ~~-have-Tecome rather famzlzar with in • What are ern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission adcli-ess? t h e get lost in the expansion plans of the hospital. Ire you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: Date:3/15%99 Signature . REFERENCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name 1. Mr. Matthew You 2' Mr Frank Kent 3• Mr• Robert Carnegie 79--9-8354 452-7199 791-0904 w. ~. Pa ~ti~~,~5 123 --~~i Phone Number NEVI/ ygNOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9 101 34 1=7149 FAX (9101 34 r-4130 _ ;, ~. ~~? 1 ~ ``~`, ,. ,:~. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Comm" " Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commis "" asst°ns s Request for A ~q , f"~L ~,~c ~ ~v~ _ toners. }~ O ~ ~C-PS i ~~S t 6 ~7~"G75 rte/ i. Name: of /~-7tit, ~5 ~ . ~~.v/~J Home Address: ~0 ~ ^, ~~ f ` ~ eC~.~ ~ How long have you been a ~~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ Z y~= Mai/ing Address: - /,~` City and State: ~/L/yj~ G;~,~l N~ Te%phone: Zip Code: ~ ~~ v~ _ .Z ~O Home: !'/Z3 - ~~-~ _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~lE, Business: "Sex: ~ ` •^ 'This information is raques~ d far t ~.! c ~so/e pure se of assurin ~A9e. ~ Q d~ n r g thaf a cross-sectron of the communit is a 7'~~5 ~- °"Fmp/oyed by: j~F~IZEI~ ~/~Er~}-C~ N -. y PPQBd. tZ LTG- ~ ~'A person current/y em /o ~ SA (~ ~5 L ~ ~~ eE ~~2 ~~-~.'/~"~Z P yed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign hisfh M u N iT Y ~ I ~~y e ~~ New Hanover County upon ep~q~ntment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 of t F~ Y/Z5 , er position with Job Tit/e: ~ ~§~New Hanover County Personnel Policy l ~x Eec~ .~ ve_ ~,~c--~ra~2 ~ , y ~-p- 2 S ~ ~T Professional Activities: ~ ~ /02p5, 7 ~ ~c.6lc.~y~y..k~-.MATz~~L ~i , ~~A. X20- /// !UEEi~CL+.(t -J~`'°f-S ~Cc-t tT'~ ~~~ ~r -- .+.s- ~l C~ t/o/unteer Activities: /dff R/~f C ~u E , U ~ ~ uvt .Wr~irta6 T''~,-w~~~c. ~~~s. ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~'1 E~ME~ZJr' ~ 11~lTitJpS~Sr~J ~ . r /fit ~ ti P.Q ,d N o : a 1 eE -. Ei~4~J LlJ e~ ...._7J~r~ . T}~G- /~.CJ ~ b,~ Cam/ ' /dUr!'L .S• ~' l Cam- ~ FXCC'-~fL~11 ` -~~a~~}da ~o ~~ss,• .¢ ~~,'f~M/3~~.5~.o t/vLU,u / ~~1~%,'7~5 ~ ~j ~So i2 ~ cation s r/ing on the Board, Committee, orT o~~;~ ^ ~~ ~ 5~~' ~~ 5 IBC-'~La ~?JC~ ~, S ~{ ~ Q ~•~ kE , ~ ~p ~ ssion requeste . Eali,~,~.-. ~•~j hat areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Comm/s.~io~~ yy ~ ~ e'~"~t ~ Co.s~ s.5re~~ ~l ~~(' p~ ~ ~f\ ~'~~~ ~ address. Are you current/y servin ~' `~~L 9 on another board or committee appointed by muni o 'polity or a county? /f so, p/ease list: Date: (P/ease use reverse side for additional comments/ Signature _ ~~. 124 - ~'~~ , NEW HANOVER COU/1/TY - - ~~ BOARD OF CO/t~'ltil/SS/ONERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 7 -4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 ' FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 . - . APPiication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions i ~ippointed by the-New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: Request for Appointment to: NHKA4C -Board of Trustees Name: William D. Wright Home ' Address: 1063 Ocean Ridge Drive How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 25 years, gro~ Mailing Address: wn 9 years, resi City and State: Wiz-m:ington, DTC Zip Code: 28405 ' Telephone: Home: 910-256-9963 Business: "Sex: dale Caucasian «Race: 63 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that cross-section of the communit is a ««Emp/oyed b y PPointed. Y: Wri ht of Thomasville Inc. A person current/y emp/oyadby the agency cr department far which this aPp/ication is made, must resign his/herposrtion with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: Co-Chairman of the Board Professional Activities: Vo/unteer,~ctivities: Landfall F~u~dation; NC Shakespere Festival; Nffi2AiC Foundation; Chair, Special Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To contribute to the si people of our communit with 'the .skills that I have developed fro b for a truly outs m my uszness experience; to help bui medical systeux. What do you fee/ are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission. requested? I can recognize opportunities, evaluate risks and operate and manage such risks in a sound~busines What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? manage debt carefu - 11. while servin the market and growing the system to be a leader in health care services. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a count T if Y so, please list: Date: Anti l 1 5 199 (Please use reverse side for additional comments) Signature W e ~~i.~ Ar~~~.'(..t.,! ~ ". Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1J Lewis T. Nunnelee, IL ' 799-3011 David B. Sloan, Jr., MD 763-7014 2f 1~. Bertram Williams, Jr., MD 763-133 6 _ i iam ci_i an, r. , i 3J 'F. Spruill Thompson 256-6999 " I feel that I have been able to make a difference with my involvement on the Pgedical Cente Foundation Board of Directors and the Coastal Classic Golf Tournament.. When I go home, I ha the satisfaction of knowing my talents have been effective in my service to the people of my community. I support the vision that the boundary of our service area is far greater tha just a few counties bordering us; that we can assist in preventing the need for medical. service as well as strive for .skilled people who care for others using state of the art equipment and techniques to improving our quality of life. ". • 127 . ~"1 {This page intentionally left blank} 128 I MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT {This page .intentionally left blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ . ~ - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ~ Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter.: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt'E. Blanchard , - SUBJECT: Sewer Service for the Kings Grant Area BRfEF SUMMARY: The Health Department had previously been asked to look at the Kings.Grant area to determine _ the magnitude of the septic tank problems which have occurred. This is in response to the many calls from this area.. .. The attached map and information indicate the, number of lots which have received repair permits . from the Health Department. The red and green dots are on the lots which require pump systems, indicating more severe conditions. The map indicates that the most severe conditions are concentrated in basically three areas. Attached is an estimated cost schedule for septic tanks based on the type of system. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Considering that this area is not scheduled until 2009 for sewer service, I recommend that we consider service to on{y the areas in which the map indicates more severe conditions and not the whole area: I also recommend an increase in connection fee if approval .is given to proceed. We will prepare cost estimates for these three areas and bring them to the Board at the meeting. , FUNDLNG SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . . REVIEWED BY: . ' LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A . . _ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ - ~ APPROVED ^ ~ ~~ . REJECTED D . REMOVED D POSTPONED tJ .. , ~i~AR~ ~-~-~j1~3~1 ,~,,,~` oar' GZY.e.G, ~gf t~~r'~' ~. 0171 Cry l-V ~~~Z.edi.. y r~'C~ ~Oti- - - NEW I-IANOVER COUNTY . • INTER-OFFICE ~~ll~>ilr1 ~1 I .i ~ ~e ~. \~ ~ ~~1 "i~i~~ ~ ~\\v ~\~`@~ \\ ti: o :;.~i;5;<:::it<: ~Q~\ .~ ~v~'.'.i ~ 1 ~~ ~~ `a~.~~~ ~ TO: - Wyatt Blanchard; County Engineer FROM i C h Ti E i ' : er ne at mpy, nv ronmental Health Specialist C ~ DATE: August 17, 2000 SUBJECT: . Improvement Permits for Septic System Repairs 'on file with the New Hanover County Health Dept. Kings Grant and Springview s . Kings Grant(E) , , Kings Grant(V~ SV Total _ ~ Number of permits issued to repair septic systems: 319 130 77 X26 Conventional systems installed: 271 106 68 44=1 Conventional systems not installed: 30 9 8 47 Pump, systems installed:. 10 6' 0 16 Pump systems not installed: 8 10 ~ 1 19 Percent of repairs installed: 87.45 Percent of conventional repairs installed: 90.42 Percent of total permits issued for a pump system repair: 6.65 Peke ~ntgfpumps~'sysfem~rep`airs installed: 45.71 r i ' ~a,~7v'3~..~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~ Cl °'W°QPJi:34~ j ' ~ ~ ~ras~°.,~tlT2t~ ! e - ; AUG r 2 1 ; 2000 ... CiRA3~ 132 _ f i ._ l~..'s~ . .. e~+ ~ + { - System Type Cost ($) Selection for use Conventional 1,500-3,000 Generally first choice; anywhere suitable Gravel-less trench 1,500-3,000 Anywhere suitable, may be useful in areas where space ,limits prevent use of conventional rystem a) chamber _ b) polystyrene Low Pressure Pipe 5,000-12,000 High water table, space limits, historic fill, drainfield is higher than the house, or better effluent distribution is needed Brunswick Bed and Fill 4,000-6,000 High water table, space limits Pressure ~~ianifold 5,000-7,000 High water table, space limits, when drainfield is higher than the house Intermittent Sand Filter 7,000-18,000 High water table, space limits; improved treatment (higher quality effluent) a) LPP discharge b) surface disposal. Recirculating-Sand Filter 7,000-18,000 High water table, space limits, improved treatment (higher quality effluent) a) LPP discharge b) surface disposal Peat Filter 7,000-18,000 High water table, space limits, improved treatment a) gravel discharge (higher quality effluent) b) trench discharge c) surface disposal n 134 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM{SS{ONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting .Date: 09/18/00 - Water & Sewer Jtem #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: ~ Water & Sewer District ;Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Contract Award " Contract Numbers: Division "A" -Catalina Beach 01-0044A Division "B" -Kure Beach 01-00446 BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The construction contracts for Wilmington and Hanby Beach Water and Sewer systems were advertised and proposals were received for construction of the water and sewer systems. Attached is a summary sheet indicating the contractors and their bids. As indicated, T.A. Loving submitted a bird of $3,354;652.00 for Carolina Beach (Wilmington Beach) and Atlantic • Construction and Development submitted a bid of $1,406,648.50 for Kure .Beach (Hanby Beach). The T.A. Loving bid is to be reduced by $47,115.00 to $3,307,537.00 which will remove the water meters from the contract. 'We can purchase the meters separately for approximately $80.00, "rather than $130.00 per meter yielding a significant savings. The meters will be bid under a separate contract directly from the vendor. .The following is a summary of the budget. `Engineering Contract $ 199,350.00 Contract A T.A. Lovin $ 3 307 537.00 ( g) , Contract B (Atlantic Construction & Develop.)$ 1;406,648.50 - Water Meters - $ 80.000.00 " , Total Project $ 4,993,535.50 " . Existing Budget $(1.750.000.001 Total $ 3,243,535.50 Total Budget.Amendment $ 3,243,536:00 Revenues: Installment Debf ~ $ 3,107;071.00 Carolina Beach Reimbursement ~ $ ~ 73.465.00 Total $ 3,243,536.00. - . Attached is a copy of the project area for your information. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• I recommend approval of the contracts in the amounts as follows: T.A. Loving . $3,307,537.00 - Atlantic Development .$1,406,648.50 " In addition, please approve associated Budget Amendment No. 2001.07 and aut , orize they ~• Chairman to execute thecontracts. ~~~~ ~E~hivi a~lv~~l.'+Y.,r ' APPROVED . FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ REJECTED ~ . e .: 1REMOVED ~ poSTPONEp ~ , : 13 5 ATTACHMENTS: HEARD ~` ~rr/ ~~aF 4 (~oQ ~.. ~ ~rf ~. ~. BA #2001.07.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A .. COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval , `COMMISSIONERS' ACTiO OMMENTS: "1 C~~7'a~9.3~ a t3~A~~d • . ~ ~, ,o ca o o 0 0 _ ~ ~ ~ 0 ° a, o R o U O Q t~ O ~ ~ ~ r C C ~ • ~ D :r~ v i E `> o Q U • rn o ,°n °o ~ o J Q N N c0 Q d• COO O ~ CO ~ ~ O °~ ? r' h• N r co ~ t 0 N _ Cp .a. . - ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fH d-Y d} V tII m ~ 00 O .00 Q ~. Y w N v `n n u' m ~,.~ o N ' ~ ~ ~ N to O ~ M o (n Q ~ EPr ~ ~ ~ ~3 ~ ~ t(7 t~ Z 6f} ~} _~ ~ (n_ _ ~ ~ O O 00 O O ~ to O - Z O' W ~~ CO N CD ~ Crj O ~ O O O O Z W N ~ ~ z W fn N r- O .-- r. ~-- ,a O p rn O X ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ c~v u~ ~ U W H .~, ~. J ~.. ~ . O W m Q --i i N f Z cn ~`Z ~ ~ ~? , o ~ ~, o ~ „ • Z ~ O ~ W m m }~ m C ~ ~? O O O ti ~ 'O ~ ~ ~ Q CC ~ Cry r~ r- U oo ~ o ~ Q ~r ~ ~-- . Z ` O ~ > o o ° ~ `° o ,n D cr °' ~ N ~ o N ~ N ~ ~ LLI ~ ~ CO . i j Cn ~ N ~ N ~ N EA - • '. U' C 9 N ~ ~ C O ~ O c *t ~ ~ •v ~ ~ ~ c m ~ c+~ ~ N ' ~ . m U ~ O U o N~ w o O~ U o U~ ~ ~ ` ;~ ~ w ~ O ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~v in o O ~ ~ ~ - _ ~ C > c (0 ft5 ~ t7 f II o •: ~.. U ..~. ~. j . ~ ~ J ~ U lII O ~U N O oc, O a~ U , OC •~ ~ ~ ~~ fA Z Q F- Z ~ Z N ~ . Z ~ Z Q Z U L 0 ~ }~ °~ `~ .n o N a~ ~ ~ ~ _., U ~` ~ ~ {1~ _~ N `+~/ fU ~ ~ s N a c ca m E .n ¢~ 3 a~ . ~ C ~ / .L~ ~ ~ L •, ~ ~ ~ W a> U C O ~ • ~ tII .n ~ E-- _ •~ Q a m ~ W ~ . i Z ~ ~, ~ _ -~ ~-- Z Cn W ••_i i ~~ l ~ S ~FSR ~r M1t7ER ~q ~ G .'~. n h V / +4,~~ q ~ UUSr V ~ 7 ~Gq ~~ ~ ~/ ~V E ~~ i 1 ~ ( ~~ o Carolina Beach ~~a~--- ~ N y IImItS ~ ~ c a uw o oR I I I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ / ~ W ~ a 5 ~,r~ r ~ jr~ f3S~Fayp` ~1/. l ~~ r~ rr i ~~ ~ ~ o '1 ~ ~~ '7 I ~ ~R H R o ~,. ~a ~ ~ J ' Cq ~ ~ -.~ ~~ r~ `~ ^~ ! ~a r ~_, :~ ~~ W { ' r` ~ v ~. ti~ ~i) ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~,-" ?~ I+ _ ~ _ ~. ~~ ~ z - ~ `~ ~~ i II ~. ao _ ~ .-~ ~ _ ~: ,~ ~ ~ y ~ -w ~ T~ -~"~ a ` $ ~`° ~ ~ ~~ `~ ~ I I i mits ~. ~ +' f y f~~ ~, I ~(~~~~~ ~~. i ~~ , ~ .=~ _ r ~ ~ ~ g'~, ~ ~- ~! ~~; ~ i ~~ n r', /~ I SLQ ~ ~tcHWAY. ~ ~ ~ P w .~ ~4 ~ 7 m ~ ~~ ¢ f ~ \ % J+ ~ I i ~ I, .. I, N Proposed Uti l ity Area ~~ - - to be serviced by Carolina Beach Proposed Utl I Ity Area to be serviced by Kure Beach -700 0 700 1400 F r CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS September 18, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval to accept $6,098 Senior Center General~Purpose funds for Department of Aging and approval of associated budget amendment #01-0039 ~' 2. Approval to submit grant to Philip Morris Foundation in amount of $89,545 to fund pilot project to enhance Home Delivered Meal Program and to approve receipt of grant if awarded 3. Approval of Elton John Aids Foundation grant for $48,000 to fund and Enhanced Counseling Program for HIV/AIDS prevention 4. Approval of Northeast Regional Library change order for Contract #99-0366 and associated budget amendment #2001-06 5. Approval of resolution to extend the November 2, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for the financing of the purchase of Airlie Gardens for a period of 180 days 6. Award of bid #01-0103 to Xerox Engineering Systems for the purchase of digital document system and the trade-in of a surplus XEROX 2515 printer 7. 8. 9.' 10. 11. 12. 13.1 13.2 13.3 Approval of Release of Value Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports Approval of letter to candidates to NC General Assembly requesting support for regional transportation needs Approval of Application for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) FY2000 Application REMOVED Approval of Child Protective Services and Child Welfare Positions PAGE NO. 141 149 159 181 187. 203 205 207 211 213 215 Approval of Resolution declaring September as "Sickle Cell Awareness Month" 219 Approval of Budget Amendments: #OI-0029 to budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders 223 as of June 30, 2000 ~ 139 #01-0038 to rollover expenditures from FY 99-00 to FY 00-01 227 #01-0040 to increase budget for additional Grassroots Science funds awarded 229 FY 00-01 {This page intentionally left blank} 140 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -LL_ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: - Request approval to accept $6,098 Senior Center General Purpose funds for Department of Aging. BRIEF SUMMARY: Eachyear the Department of Aging is eligible for Senior Center General Purpose funds. This year the funding award is for $6,098. There are sufficient funds in the Senior Center's approved budget to cover the required 10 percent match. The anticipated amount of $6,329 is already budgeted in FY 00-O1 for the Senior Center: Budget amendment #01.0039 (attached) will reduce the budget $231 to agree with the actual grant award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend that the Board of Commissioners approve acceptance of the Senior Center General Purpose funds and the associated Budget Amendment #O1-0039. FUNDING SOURCE: State $6,098 County $678 (10 percent match) in current approved Department of Aging budget'. ATTACHMENTS: - Region 0 State Senior Center General Purpose Funding Application BA #01-0039.wpd REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A `V~~. ,. , CVO"" y~ E~~~'~c~ ~~>~~~ ~~AUNTY COMMI~SIONER~ APPROVED G~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~ HEARD ^ (~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Aging/Senior Center BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0039 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Aging/Senior Center: Aging Social Services State Salaries and Wages $231 CREDIT $231 EXPLANATION: To reduce the budget by $231 to agree with the act a, rant award. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners °~ O ~'J!O~~A ' ' ~~Ta3t,~~1 ,~T2f1~ . ~~~ 142• f . ~•~ COUMY COl~~'- APPROVED G~ REJECTED O REMOVED POSTPONED ® '' E{EARL ( •,• Gar ••~1 1480 Harbour Dr. Wilmington;' NC ` 28401: 910-395-4553 FAX'910-.395 2634 ,_ ~~~ ~ ~ ~, r,;_ :~: i~ , ~'~, ~;~'; ~- .~ August 29, 2000 Ms. Annette Crompton, Director New Hanover County Department of Aging 2222 South College Road - Wilrrungton, NC 28403 .Dear Ms. Crompton; Enclosed is a Region O Application Packet for Senior Center General Purpose Funding for FY 2000/2001 for your organization: Please provide all information requested in the application packet and sign where indicated and`return to the Cape Fear Council of Governments office by September 28, 2000. The following are specifics regarding the application: • Each senior center will receive 56,098. This funding requires a 10% local match. ® )Funds for Senior Center General Purpose mus# be~spent by June 30, 20®1, ® Each senior center will be required to complete an application and budget form for each site applying :for funding. a A copy of minutes of relevant governing body approving the acceptance of the funding and. the responsibilities included in this application. Thank you for all you and your staff do for the people of New Hanover County. Sincerely, S ~.--~ Jane S. Jones Cape Fear Area Agency on Aging Enclosure cc: Melissa Richardson, AAA. Staff Allen O'Neal, County Manager (letter only) An Equal Opportun7ty/Afflrmatlve Acf/on/ADA/Employer ~ 4~3 ~; ".Beni®r Center Caeneral I'urp~se ~'unt~ing Introdncta®n and ~ackgr®und ~. The Region O Area Agency on Aging is pleased to announce the availability of funds for use by senior centers to support and develop programming and general operations or to construct, . . renovate, or maintain senior center facilities. Senate Bill 1366, Section 12.18A authorized .$1,000,000 in general purpose funding for senior centers for the current fiscal year. This amount is on a recurring basis and has in the past been administered directly by the state. This year for the first time this funding will be allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging for distribution to the centers within the region which provide full time programs or will utilize the funding to develop full time programs. Across the state, 160 senior centers or developing senior center will be funded. As you are aware, over the past two years, the Division of Aging has worked to develop a new statewide certification process for senior centers with standards that encourage centers across the . state to strive for levels of `merit' or `excellence'. It is felt that all viable senior centers in the state could meet the newly developed standards in a reasonable amount of time. The intent of the certification process has been to eventually increase base funding for those who have successfully completed the process. This ensures that funding is being well spent on readily identifiable programs and services and provides an incentive for centers that make investments to meet certification requirements. . This year it has been decided to divide the annual appropriation into shares based on the total number of senior centers as determined by the Area Agencies on Aging plus extra shares for each . senior center which was certified during the past fiscal year. Uncertified, identified centers will receive one share. A `Center of Merit" will receive two shares, and the `Centers of Excellence' . will receive three shares. Although the Legislature had originally intended for all centers to receive funding in an equitable . manner, it is aware and supportive of the Division's emphasis on upgrading centers through certification. T'has docuanent has the following attachments: '1. Senior center general purpose funding application 2. A description of proposed activities (make copies of sheet. as necessary for each site) . 3. Copy of minutes of relevant governing body approving the acceptance of the funding and the responsibilities included in this application. 4. A budget for senior center general purpose activities - .Note: An application and budget form must be complefed for each semi®r center applying for funding., _ 145 146 ' Senior Center Generral Purpose Paneling Description of Proposed ~4ctivities Funding to be used for Senior Center staff salaries. Senior Center General Purpose Funding Application County: New Hanover Senior Center: New Hanover County Senior Center Address: 2222 South College Road Telephone:.. 910.452.64D4 >frlmington, NC 284D3 Your center is eligible to receive: FY 2000!2001 Senior Center General Purpose Funding $ 6,098 Local Match (10%) $ 677 Total ~ 6,775 It is the responsibility of the applicant to certify the availability of the local. m0atch. The funds require a 10% local match (state funding divided by .90 X .10). The funds must be spent farst before reimbursed and before June 30, 2001. A Contractor~that receives, uses or expends State funds in the amount of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000} or more annually, except when the funds are for the purchase of goods or services,. must file annually with the State Auditor and the funding agency a financial statement in the form and on the schedule prescribed by the State Auditor. The financial statement must be audited in accordance with standards prescribed by she State Auditor to assure that State funds are used for the purposes provided by law. Contractors (except non-governmental for-profit corporations) that expend three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) or more in federal funds for the fiscal year must have an audit conducted in accordance with the provision of OMB Circular A-133. An audit performed in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 will satisfy the reporting requirements identified in G.S. 143-6.1. AUDIT REPORTS SHOULD BE FILED WITH THE STATE AUDITOR AND THE FUNDING STATE AGENCIES WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE B.Y THE AUDITOR BUT NO LATER THAN NINE MONTHS AFTER THE CONTREICTOR' S FISCAL YEAR. Complying with Title VI and VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and all requirements imposed by Federal regulations, rules and guidelines issued pursuant to these Titles both. personnel employed and clients served. • ~ - `•~- _ Chairman;; Board of Commissioners . Authorized :Signature ~ ~ Title Printed Name Date 147 Senior Center General Purpose p'unding budget FY 2000/2001 County: New Idanover Senior Center: Nero Ilanover ®bjects of Expenditure Amount Salary and Fringe Benefits $ 6, 7.75 Supplies and Other Operating Costs $ Equipment $ Capital Outlay (Real Estate, Construction, Renovation) $ Other $ Total Budget (Including Local Match) $ 6, 775 Four agency is receiving $6,098, the t®tal budget amount (including local patch) is $5,775. Note: The total amount of the state appropriation and the 10% local aaa~tchiasg requirement must be reflected on the 'T'otal B~edget line. Local match is computed as follows: $6,098 davgded by .90 = $6,775. Local-match is $677.. Important T'he local- matching resources for this funding must not be used to match .any other state or federal funding that the agency way receive. The local match may be in the form of cash and/or in-kind and must directly support the purpose for which the funds are being used; If a different expenditure arran~ement~is necessary written iustifacation trust accompany this application for consideration of a waiver from the Area AQency on A~in~ and 'the North Carolina Division. o~A~inQ: 14~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 raer,~~¢,-,•~ ~~ %rain~`n y Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: .gss~ssmeut=Gl~a~i/.Y~r, .._ /I a ed ~.,~ carp ~r`hs.u~ Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton ~--`~'-~ac%rvice. ~W~ Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Request permission to submit grant to Philip Morris Foundation in amount of $89,545 to fund pilot project to enhance Home Delivered Meal Program and to approve receipt of grant if awarded. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging and UNCW School of Nursing will partner to develop a pilot project to enhance the Home Delivered Meal program by training volunteers to conduct 6 month home assessments and conducting a nutrition survey. Project will span a period of two~eaxs. Grant moneys will cover expense of a nurse and nutrition consultant, full time temporary Social Worker; part time clerical support, mileage reimbursement and recognition for volunteers and computer .equipment. The focus of the pilot is to collect data on the support needs of elderly and to determine their malnutrition risks. The Department of Aging will supply in kind support; No additional County funding is required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve request fo submit grant to Philip Morris Foundation in the amount of $89,545 and to approve receipt of grant and approval of related budget amendment if provct is funded. FUNDING SOURCE: Philip Morris Foundation $89,545. Department of Aging In Kind $11,500 ATTACHMENTS: Philip Morris Foundation grant document attached.- REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: GUUIV I T IVIHIVHIatK J GUI I J HNU KtGUIVIIVItNUAI TUNS: Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONER, APPROVED ~1'"'- REJECTED p REMOVED p :~ POSTPONED p 1 q,GJ. HEARD ~ ANNETTE CRUMPTON Director September 5, 2000 NE~V ~IANOV]ER COI.TN'TY DEPARTMENT OF AGING 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 452-6400 Fax (910) 452-6411 Contributions Director Philip Morris Companies, Inc. 12CPark Avenue New York, New York 10017. Dear Contributions Director: The New Hanover County Department of Aging is pleased to submit a grant proposal in the amount of $89,545, to your organization for possible funding. Our organization and-the University of North Carolina at Wilmington' School of Nursing will partner to establish a pilot program to train a team of volunteer geriatric technicians to assess Home Delivered Meals clients; analyze support services needs and conduct a sample survey on the nutritional status of 80+ clients. The proposed project will span a two year period. Attached is the grant with budget documentation. Thank you in advance for consideration of funding our efforts to address the needs of elderly persons in New Hanover County. Sincerely, ~~. ~~ Annette Crompton, Director ~~.~1fr~9~t~?1M®`3 ~u~ ~,~ ~y',faP+Wq~ ~~,. a:l"C~~l~~ :; Cl~'~•'fJ~A3~ 15 0 ~~ : ~~~~ ') -., PHILIP MORRIS FOUNDATION Applicant Information: Name: New Hanover County D~artment of Arming ___ Street Address: 2222 South College Road City; State & Zip' Wilmin on North Carolina 28403 -- Name of Contact Person: Annette Crompton Title: Director • Telephone : 910-452-6400 Fax: 91.0-452-6411 Email: scrum,~ton~u,co.new-hanover.nc.us ' Federal Tax ID # : 556-6000324 , Applicant is a part of New Hanover County Government SUBMITTED BY: . Annette Crompton .. Name Executive Officer of Requesting Organization • ~in~cpz7A.. C/!'~~/~ylZ~ ~,~~ix.l,~ee .S, .~ooo Signature Date . Director, Department of Aa..,in~ - William Caster ~ • General Support ~~ 1. Project Service Area: New Hanover County, population 155,595, is located on the coast in southeastern corner of North Carolina.. According to Wall Street Journal and other national soursea Ne d ret cement County is one of the three fastest 90 4 g e~sons over the age of 60. New Hanover County has ' area with a current population of P the distinction of being the state's second smallest county in size and the eco edtowgeaf astle o ulatio . Inclu ed within the county is Wilmington (population 80,000), -ay^ne, rightsbor ~~ Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach. . ersons 50-b4 increased by 42 %. During the same time Between 1990-1998, the number of p Projections indicate 39,415 persons 65+ period, the number of persons 65-84 increased 1 ' 24%• there are pockets will live in New Hanover County in 20dOr se ted ag well as pockets of people living of or below of the county that are unserved and u the poverty level. As in the rest ofthe state, older women oX Ana ebe69 ~o of older adult sareo of • the 65+ population and 74 % of the 85+ age group. Appro y _ . _ . 29 % live alone and African American. Approximately half of the alder adults Live with' a spouse; . ° live in institutions. Of older adults 70 +, approximately 65 % live alone and alth and abilitr 5 /o support for activities of daily living. The retiree moves into the area with .good he the same individuals find themselves in poor to contribute to the community, but as years pass, in lace, s ecifically the health and dependent on support services. The elderly who are aging p p ,~ ant's ability to deliver services. Statistics on 85+ population, are creating a burden on the departn. growth of this population tell us we must prepare now. Between 1995-2010, the number of ..persons 85 + will increase by 56 % as compared with.l3 %meals and otherl~esour e65they are at these individuals do not have community-based support of a higher risk of institutionalization. Pursuit of this grant demonstrates the efforts the Department of Aging is doing now to address the health and social issues these elderly will need. . II Organization Background and Community Need: The New Hanover County Department of Aging has been a part of New Hanover County overnment since 1983.. The. department acts as Lead Agency for services t ape inde endence g age of 60. The mission, to provide services which promote wellness, encour g and enhance quality of life for all persons sixty years andnstduentstl The d partmenpdirectlyh . guides the agency in delivery of services to its elderly co administers the following Home and Community Care Block Grant services: Care Management, Information & Referral/Case Congregate nutrition sites (6. sites), Home Delivered Meals, Assistance, Senior Center activities, Transportation. Throng Da nHealth Group Respite and Inside agencies, the department administers Adult Day Care, Ad y Home Aide Services. The department also receives grant monies from the National Senior Service Corps to.administer the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and Foster Grandparent Program. Total operating budget for 2000/2001 is $1,662,661 • ~~ 152 -~e..pld4,~ L ~ y ~sz , f/S'~~oc c~yrN/~i w~ General Support I. Project Service Area:, New Hanover County, population l 55,595, is located on the coast in southeastern corner of North Carolina. According to Wall Street Journal and other national sources, New Hanover County is one of the three fastest growing communities in the nation and is a noted retirement area with a current population of 29, 459 persons over the age of 60. New Hanover County has the distinction of being the state's second smallest county in size. Included within the county is Wilmington (population 80,000), the communities of Castle Hayne, Wrightsboro, Ogden, and the towns of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach. Between 1990-1998, the number of persons 50-64 increased by 42 %. During the same time period, the number of persons 65-84 increased by 24%. Projections indicate 39,415 persons 65+ will live in New Hanover County in 2020. Although the area is mostly urban, there are pockets of the county that are unnerved and under served as well as pockets of people living at or below the poverty level. As in the rest of the state, older women outnumber men, representing 61% of the 65+ population and 74 % of the 85+ age gro up. Approximately 69 % of older adults are African American. Approximately half of the older adults live with a spouse; 29 % live alone and 5 % live in institutions.. Of older adults 70 +, approximately 65 % live alone and have no regular suppart for activities of daily living. The retiree moves into the area with good health and ability to contribute to the community, but as years pass, the same individuals find themselves in poor health and dependent on support services. The elderly who are aging in . place, specifically the 85+ population, are creating a burden on the department's ability to deliver services. Statistics on growth of this population tell us we must prepare now. Between 1995-2010, the number of persons 8S + will increase by 56 % as compared with 13 % for the population aged 65-84. If these individuals do not have community based support of meals and other resources, they are at a higher risk of institutionalization. The pursuit of this grant demonstrates the efforts the Department of Aging is doing now to address the health and social issues these elderly will need. II Organization Background and Community Need: The New Hanover County Department of Aging has been a part of New Hanover County government since 1983. 'The department acts as Lead Agency for services to persons over the age of 60. The mission, to provide services which promote wellness, encourage independence and enhance quality of life for all persons sixty years and older, outlines the philosophy which guides the agency in delivery of services to its elderly constituents. The department directly administers the following Home and community Care Block Grant services: Care Management, Congregate nutrition sites (6 sites), Home Delivered Meals, Information & ReferraUCase Assistance, Senior Center activities, Transportation. Through contractual agreements with outside agencies, the department administers Adult Day Care, Adult Day Health Group Respite and In Home Aide Services. The department also receives grant monies from the National Senior Service Corps to administer the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and Foster Grandparent Program. Total operating budget for 2000/2001 is $1,662,661. r 'k', i~ 1.:52. .. ,.e {5 +~ i ~~ ^' ~. ~'., -~ ' hardest b the rapid increase in the senior population are thosethasfo~ub th The service areas hit y the frail elderly, specifically the Home Del'X Banded e rlo ortionately with the volpu m o requests. oro rams, the department's staff has not e p p P g As a result, many frail older adults are living alone in their homes with no supportranources,a feeling of hopelessness. The department does refer clientsao nutty dwo k The proposed Geriatric 'however the complexity of needs has strained the exist g g g Team of nursing students, ;social worker, and trained geria or cl' Bret care and safety ulln mar'y accurately assess client status and make appropriate plans ways the geriatric team of assessors will become the "eyes andto are will prov de the Home liaison between client and community. This holistic approach Delivered Meals program a true human services focus. me Delivered Meals program serves a noon meal to 300 older homebound f fundinMonday . The Ho through Friday. There are 175 frail elderl soe the d bh State Standard t meeets the 700 calorie constraints they go unserved. The meal, q y and 1/3 daily requirement. Most.of the 300 clic:,ats are unable, due to health status, to prepare their other meals;.therefore, the noon meal is frequently the only meal these frail individuals eat. The Department of Aging staff has documented the need for Case Management support for 72% of the'300 persons served, however the Home Delivered Meals staff, a total of two persons, cannot meet this need. Based on observation during the six-month assessments, the staff noted a problem with malnutrition among the many of the older clients. The Department of Aging is requesting funds in the amount of $89,545 to implement atwo-year pilot program to address the problems with malnutrition and case management support services 'Aging will partner with the University of for Home Delivered Meals clients. The Department ~; North Carolina School of Nursing to implement the project. The work will span a period of two years. Data will be collected on the Home Delivered Meal client's nutrition habits, caloric intake and specific support needs required to prevent institutionalization. Grant monies will pay for the following: (1) University of North Carolina nursing facility staff to train volunteer geriatric technicians to conduct in home assessments, (2) Social Worker to provi (4)cNutrition C resultant services, (3) Mileage reimbursement for volunteer geriatric technicians, to collect and compile data. The objective of the project is to provide thal ties of life while being community-based support, increase the health status and enhance the qu good stewards of available financial resources, • Project Support I. Project Description-~ ~ C The purpose of this, project is to identify the number of frail elders currently using Home Delivered Meal services who may benefit from additional support that will enable the elders to live independently in their homes in the community. •~Volunteers will be recruited from the agency's pool of 300 volunteers and trained to act as Geriatric Technicians (GTs). The Geriatric Technicians will assist the Department of Aging staff in the ongoing assessment process to determine eligibility for the Home Delivered Meal service. The GTs will identify personal and social problems clients may have and refer them to the agency's social worker for follow up and case management. This support may enable the elders to remain in their homes, thus cutting the cost of expensive custodial care in a nursing home. The GTs will also collect data to evaluate the nutritional status of 60 randomly selected clients age 80 and'above who are on the Home Delive . ~d Meal program. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many elderly. have'reduced nutritional intake, thereby placing them at risk for malnutrition. Identifying the incidence and prevalence of at-risk elders will enable~the Department of Aging to seek funding to provide an additional meal. _. Project Year 1 During Project Year 1, two groups of volunteers will be recruited and trained. Each group will be limited to 15 volunteers: Volunteer Group 1 (VG 1) will conduct eligibility reassessments and collect data'on the nutritional status of 60 randomly selected clients age 80 and above. Volunteer Group 2 (VG 2) will only do eligibility reassessment°~. Training sessions for'the volunteer groups will be staggered to provide the agency with a group of newly trained volunteers when~the first volunteer commitment period (6 months) ends. The agency will designate paid staff to be trained to instruct future volunteers for the GT program. Training session 1) Geriatric Technician Program ~ • A 10-hour program of instruction for the Geriatric TechnicianProgram is planned. Participants will have instruction on normal aging. and common health problems of the elderly such as malnutrition, depression, dementia and social isolation. This knowledge will prepare them to recognize common health problems of the elderly. Assessment skills, interviewing techniques and data recording will also be taught. Participants will have individual formative and summative evaluations of their skill in assessing clients in clients' home. A nursing consultant who is a professor of nursing from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington will .plan and implement the Geriatric Technician training program, This professor will also teach designated agency staff how to instruct future volunteers for the Geriatric Technician Program. 154 ~ ` Training session 2) Nutrition Assessment Project Volunteer Group. l (VG 1) will also attend a 4-hour Nutritional Assessment Training Workshop. This group will learn nutritional information and how to assess food portion size and plate waste. Instruction on interviewing, recording, and coding of data will be given. A nutritionist from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington will conduct the Nutritional Assessment Training Workshop and oversee nutritional data collection and recording. Data collection and analysis: Demographic and nutritional data on the 60 eiders who will be .sampled in the Nutrition Assessment Project will be collected and analyzed during the first year of the project. Recommendations for meeting the nutritional needs of the oldest old Home Delivered '. Meals clients will be made. Project Year 2 ' During project, year 2 training sessions for the GT volunteers led by the nurse consultant will end. Volunteer assessments will continue and the Geriatric Technician Program will be evaluated. Agency staff will assume GT training responsil iities. Geriatric Technician Program Evaluation. The following data will be collected and compared with the projected outcomes: ' Evaluation Criterion Projected outcome Actual Outcome . Number of volunteers recruited 20 Number of clients reassessed 5/week or 20 for . ~ by volunteers 11 month;, = 220 Number of clients identified as 25°l0 of participants being at risk for malnutrition assessed by GTs Number of clients referred to social 25% of participants worker for follow up assessed by GTs Types of problems referred To be identified to social worker . Outcomes of problems, referred To_ be identified to social worker ~ ~ - Number of clients lost from: 5% of current participants . Home Delivered Meals program During project period. Evaluation of Instructional Sessions ,The volunteers will be asked to evaluate the training sessions they receive to prepare them as GTs and nutritional data collectors. A questionnaire will be used to collect data on these issues . _ ,~ _ - _ _ 155 PR®JECT BUDGET YEAR 1 GRANT FUNDED IN KIND Personnel Nurse Consultant 7,700 140 @ 55/hr .. Project development /Training of ' Volunteers Social Worker 20,300 Nutrition Consultant 2,500 Computer Specialist 1,500. Director, Department of Aging ~ 1;600 Independent Life Services Director 1,500 Grants Coordinator ~ 300 Clerical Support 4,000 Operating Expenses Telephone 200 Print 500 Supplies ~ 150 ' Volunteer Recognition 250 Equipment ' ' Laptop computers (2) 3,600 Printers (1) 395 .Software 1,200 ' Travel Volunteer Mileage Reimbursement 2,200 Travel for presentations S00 Total Year 1 $42,945 $5,750 ' 156. • • PROJECT BUDGET YEAR 2 GRANT IN KIND Personnel Nurse Consultant 5,500 100 hf•~u ~51hz• Social Worker 30,650 Computer Specialist ~ 1,500 Director, Department of Aging 1,600 Director, Independent Life Services 1,500 Grants Coordinator 300 Clerical Support 6,000 Operating Budget Telephone 200 Print 500 Desk Top Supplies 150 Volunteer Recognition 250 Travel ' Mileage Reimbursement for Volunteers.. 3,000 Travel for Staff and Consultants 1,200 Total Year 2 $46',600. $5,750. L H N ¢. r m U m U `a m U C m m C C m '- V~^ N m CJ ;n^ b ~ O m ~' •y u O y. ' Cd ~ !D ¢ fA v t!7 G d A G.,~ 'O lU E C .-, N .D r `~ N 0. Ur 0 a U .., O m V ,;, m o U Y LL Z ~.~ mm= ~o `o •~ m N o a' c o y v u ~ m o Q U N m n V ~ ~i m r Ol ~ ' C ,~ ¢ A U n ,-. c o - `o ~ ~ m ~ c r. U o- ~ n ~+ o c p `~ U F ~ F ~ ~ m 7 ~ N ~ ~ ~ C za¢ z ~ C N m V ~- C ~ ~ U m d m Ly ~ O ~ t C J g V m Y Z a ~~~ od c " - m a U a v m s d o` ~ ~~ m m m ~ '~ E 0 0 rn _ I . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting .Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: °~ Department: Health Presenter: Beth Jones, Communicable Disease Director Contact: Beth Jones 343.6648 SUBJECT: ELTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION grant far $48,000 to fund an Enhanced Counseling Program for H1V/AIDS prevention e BRIEF SUMMARY: At its September Board of Health (BOH), the BOH approved the EtTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION grant application for $48,000. We are requesting approval of a grant application to the ELTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION for a grant of $48,000 to start an Enhanced Counseling Program, which. -will include a new full-time Masters level Social Worker to implement the program. We will provide enhanced counseling services to newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals and high risk Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) clinic users. We will offer multiple counseling sessions to two types of clients seen at the health department: . 1. Individuals infected with HIV or other STDs 2. Individuals at high risk for acquiring STDs The Enhanced Counseling Program will assist these individuals in preventing the transmission of their disease to others and in accessing the resources that will help them cope with their diagnosis. ~ . Lt is time to stop focusing solely on treatment; we must put more effort into prevention. Enhanced counseling aims to prevent infected individuals from transmitting their disease to others and to prevent all clients from acquiring any additional STDs or H1V. We can achieve this through intense counseling sessions that focus both on behavioral change interventions and on linking individuals to long-term resources such as case management; substance abuse treatment; mental health counseling; domestic violence. shelters; and health care. See attached 19 pages, of information including grant application; budget information, and letters of support. . (This is our second grant application for Enhanced Counseling Program funding. At the August, 2000, BOH meeting, the. BOH approved an application to Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc. for this same purpose. The County Commissioners approved the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation grant application at the August 7, 2000, Cty Commissioners meeting. Application to several sources _ increases our chance of funding.) . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve grant application or $48,000 accept grant and approve related budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ELTON JOHN AIDS .FOU.NDATION ~~U~TY COMMI w ATTACHMENTS: ~ S$IQ ~}~ APPROVED YES-19 pages of information including the grant application , budget information and~let~t rsFof~ ~ support, - , REMOVED REVIEWED BY: PosrPC1f~5 9 H EAR17q r~-~,, LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A.~~r t~~ ~~~~ .~, ., COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: '~_ Recommend approval with the stipulation that if rant funds are reduced or eliminated the associated position(s) will be terminated. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: s • • a '~: VISION: To provide national leadership and resources that will result in educational programs on the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the improvement of care for individuals living with HIV/AIDS MISSION: To provide funding for educational programs targeted at HIV/AIDS prevention and/or the elimination of prejudice and discrimination against HIV/AIDS affected individuals, and for programs that provide services to people living with HIV/AIDS. BACKGROUND: With offices in Los Angeles and London, the Elton John AIDS Foundation is an international non-profit organization funding prevention education programs and direct patient care services worldwide. The charity was established in 1992 by Elton John, who serves as its Chairman. In 1993, the North American-based Elton John AIDS Foundation established a collaborative effort with the National AIDS Fund, a community based prevention and service provider located. in Washington DC. This collaboration was established in order to facilitate the distribution of grants on a nationwide .basis. These grants are issued as a challenge to the National AIDS Fund's local community member partnerships who then multiply the efforts of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Funding from the Elton John AIDS Foundation encompasses a broad spectrum of direct care . services supporting men, woman, young adults, children, infants, minorities and entire families living with HIV /AIDS. Grants support programs and services ranging from education outreach programs, harm reduction models, early testing and treatment advocacy, legal aid, buddy programs, food banks, meal delivery programs, hospice care and adoption services for children orphaned and/or living with http://www. ejaforg/mission.html Elton's speech to the CNN World Report Conference 161 288/1/00 HIV. The Elton John AIDS Foundations (both Los Angeles and London) are pleased to announce that the combined total of grants dispersed has surpassed $20 million to date! From 1992 through 1999, the Elton John AIDS Foundation funded more than 1,160 grants in North America. To date, the Elton John AIDS Foundation has distributed $14 million in grants in North America and $7 million internationally. In North America over.eighty percent of all money raised goes directly to patient care grants, making the Elton John AIDS Foundation one of the largest public non-profit organizations in the AIDS arena. © Copyright 2000, Eltoh John AIDS Foundation. All rights reserved. . ~; ~, ' .. 162 http://www.ejaf.org/mission.html ~ 29.8/1/00 • N1EW ~3.A.NOVER COUNTY J~3EALTJEi DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17771 STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 DAVID E_ RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director G~ Evaywhvc. L•veryday. Evvybody. LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director Elton John AIDS Foundation P.O. Box 17139 Beverly Hills, CA 90209-3139 March 27, 2000 Dear Chant Administrator: New Hanover County Health D.epariment (NHCHD) is subnutting a letter of inquiry to determine whether there are funding possibilities through your foundation. We are pursuing funding for a demonstration project to address a gap in services for individuals in this community, but reflects a deficiency in the health care delivery system. Heightened efforts must be made to serve people who are transmitting diseases to others. Our focus is HIV and Sexually Txanstnitted Diseases (STDs) Prevention. Our target population consists ofpeople who are infected with HIV and other STDs, whiclt are primarily young people, people of color, women, and men who have sex with inen. A January, 2000 article.in the American Journal of Public Health (Diamonli C, Buskin S: Continued risky behavior in HIV-infected youth) asserts that HIV-infeeteyl individuals continue to exhibit risky behaviors, including unsafe sex and needle sharing, after learning of their IiIV diagnosis. The study found that 66% of HIV-infected young women, 46% of infected adult women, 28% of infected young men, and 16% of infected adult men exhibited evidence of risky behaviors ailer they learned of their diagnosis. The results of this study demonstrate the glaring need to focus prevention efforts on HIV+ people. Traditionally, prevention and treatment services have been separate when, in fact, these two viterventions must coincide to lower the rates of HIV and STD infection. • Currently, NHCHD offers STD screening, treatment, education, and HIV counseling and testing services. Clinical testing and treatment services include the provision of detailed information but do not allow time for client-centered counseling wish follow-up visits specifrcally designed to reduce~risky behaviors among infected individuals. Quite otter, infected individuals are wrestling with issues that complicate their ability to make behavioral changes, such as substance abuse, dorirestic violence, denial, and mental health problems. Resources to overcome these difficulties have either not been available or not utilized by these individuals. Services including case management, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, and health care exist in our community to benefit HIV+ individuals, and are offered to these individuals during their one post- test counseling session at the NHCHD. However, according to the case manager for the ~6 3 n /~ u 30 our ~..JdeaC~h - Our ~rioritc~ . . Care Team at New Hanover Health Network; approximately 30% of these newly diagnosed HIV+ clients are lost to follow-up, and do not seek additional services. By offering these individuals inczeased awareness of and accessibility to these resources, along with enhanced client-centered counseling to confxont the underlying issues, the NHCHD can both empower infected individuals and protect others by preventing transmission of H1V and other STDs. The plan is to provide transitional support services to individuals newly diagnosed with IiIV or other STDs in the period immediately following diagnosis. It is during this vulnerable time that newly diagnosed individuals are most in need of information and support. With thorough information and appropriate support, newly diagnosed individuals are much more likely to make healthy choices that will lead to a. decrease in HIV transmission. By offering transitional client- focused interventions, the specific goals of the program are: • To provide a patient education program that enables newly diagnosed individuals to learn about their infection and effectively navigate the existing system of resources available to them. ' • To empower individuals to take control of their health after receiving an HIV or STD diagnosis. • To prevent newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals from spreading the AIDS virus to other people.: • To prevent repeat STD clinic clients from acquiring HIV or additional STDs. Please zefer to the Attachment if you are interested in ]earning the strategies developed to achieve these goals, We would appreciate the opportunity to submit a grant proposal to your foundation if this effort is consistent with your funding priorities. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, ~~,~-+.{'O. Jessica Nakell, MSW, MPH TAP Program Coordinator C`1fi~ Beth Jones, RN Communicable Disease Director 164 -~ 31 Attachment Strategies for reaching the goals of the demonstration project • Offer individuals up to six visits with a trained MSW counselor at the NHCHD after they receive their HIV or STD diagnosis. • Collaborate with the three HIV case managers in New Hanover County. Encourage HIV+ clients to select a case manager to follow up with their care at the conclusion of the six sessions at the NHCFID. Ensure follow through of clients with their case manager. • Identify and assess the readiness of each client for behavioral change, and help facilitate behavior change to adopt safe behaviors. • Assess the client's immediate needs for medical, preventive, and psychooocial support. • Establish a plan for continuing medical care and psychological support, including mental health or substance abuse treatment services, for HIV+ and repeat STD clients. Identify necessary referrals and assist the client in contacting them. • Discuss with H1V+ clients the responsibility to ensure that sex and/or needle-sharing partners are .notified. of their exposure to HIV and the need for them to seek HIV screening. • Assist clients in developing a plan that ensures that all partners are counseled about their exposure to HIV and/or other STDs. • Discuss how the client will notify other persons of his/her HIV status including future sex and needle-sharing partners, medical personnel, and dental providers. • Inform repeat STD clients that the presence of an STD greatly increases a person's risk of acquiring HIV. • Identify and explore obstacles that the client has encountered in adopting safe behaviors. • .Discuss with newly diagnosed individuals their specific short term plans and ensure that they have access to support systems during this transitional time of adjusting to-the . diagnosis. • Foster the self-efficacy of individuals to follow through with behavioral interventions through self=esteem work, assertiveness training, and role plays. ~ 165 32 fLTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE BOARD CHAIRMAN ELTONJOHN PAESiDENT/EXECUTTVED1RECTOR JOHN SCOTT SECRETARY VIRGINIA BANKS TREASURER MICHGLE BURNS MEMBERS DAVID FURNISH CONNBi PAPPAS HILLMAN ROBERT KEY SARAH MCMULLEN DANA MILLER HOWARD AOSE ELISALEEBY BARAON SEGAR ADV~ISORY BOARD ~EDWWA BARBIS JOHN BARBIS COLW BELL EDGAR BRONFMAN, JR. ROBERT EARL CHARLES EARTH W G, MD. JANEFONDA HELENS D. GAYLE, MD, M.P.H. WHOOPI GOLDBERG GREG GORMAN BILLBi JEAN KWG aANA KLOSs ART LEVrrr ALAW LEVY DOUGLAS P. MORRIS JESSYE NORMAN ETHAN PENNEIt FRANKPRESLAND BERNiE TAUPW TED TURNER ANDREW YOUNG ,'~1.. _ BUDGET FOR 1998,1999 & 2000 ~'° °''~~ ~ ~ _,,~ COPY OF NON-PROFIT STATUS /, AMOUNT OF GRANT REQUEST ~ ~ ~ ~ / SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF GRANT THREE REFERENCES WITH ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER ~~ PLEASE FORWARD THE REQUESTED DOCUMENT/S TO THE FOLLOWING: ATTN: JOHN SCOTT EXCUTiVE DI~TZECTv^R ~ PRESIDENT ELTON JOHN AIDS FOUNDATION P.O. BOX 17139 BEVERLY HILLS,'CA 90209-3139 31c.- S3S~ 4~~5 166 Deer Grant App1_icant: . Please supply the following documents to the Eltolz John AIDS Foundation in order to process your grant request: CONCISE BACKGROUND SUMMARY P.O. BOX 17139 BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90209-31343 Concise Background Summary The New Hanover County Health De artment CHD is a local ublic health P ~ ) P department serving the citizens of New Hanover and surrounding counties. The mission of the organization is to protect the public health and environment, promote healthy living, and optimize the quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services. The NHCHD has eleven divisions that offer programs for the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. The Communicable Disease Division (CDD) provides medical and educational services to screen, treat, and prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The CDD also participates in the Southeastern North Carolina HIV Prevention Regional Community Planning .Group, which is a group of collaborating organizations, agencies, and individuals who meet monthly to identify local needs and improve HIV prevention efforts. The CDD of NHCHD administers the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) treatment clinic and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Counseling, Testing, and Prevention program. The STD clinic has been in existence for over fifty years, and the HIV Counseling and Testing Clinic has been operating since 1986. Between July. 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000, the NHCHD received 2,651 STD clinic visits and performed 1,944 HIV tests. In the month of June, 2000, there were 227 STD clinic visits and 244 HIV tests performed. CDD program staff provide pre-exam assessments and post-exam counseling/treatment sessions to all patients who visit the STD/HIV clinic. During this post-exam counseling session, staff counsel STD-infected patients about the nature of their STD, explain measures to avoid transmitting the disease to others or acquiring additional STDs, and offer informational literature to them. In addition, HIV program staff provide HIV-diagnosed patients with numerous resources for follow- up care. This one time session, however,. is not sufficient to prevent many of these clients from . continuing their risky behaviors. According to Esther Adams, STD Nurse Coordinator at the NHCHD, approximately 50% of individuals who visit the STD clinic are repeat clients; in other words, they come to the clinic more than once for treatment of a new STD. In addition; professionals highly recommend that newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals receive follow-up care after learning of their diagnosis. It is important for these . individuals to receive a medical examination, begin HIV treatment medication, and obtain referrals to any necessary mental health or substance abuse services. In order to prevent the spread of HIV in a community, it is crucial that newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals receive follow-up care with professionals who can provide them with information and skills to prevent the transmission of HIV to others. According to Vivian Mears, HIV Program Nurse, 18 individuals have been diagnosed with HIV at NHCHD between 1998 and February, 2000. Of these 18 individuals, eleven are currently linked to HIV health care providers; the seven remaining individuals have either been lost to follow up or have chosen not to receive care. it is because of these statistics that NHCHD has decided to take a more direct, active, and client-centered approach to HIV/STD prevention. The enhanced counseling program offers an innovative method of providing enhanced behavioral change skills to repeat STD clinic users and newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals in order to prevent the spread of their infections to others. 167 34 B~[TDGE7C FOR Y 998,1999, & .2000 The enhanced counseling program is a new program, so there is no budget for 1998,1999, or 2000. A proposed budget for the program is enclosed. . 168 ,~, 35 • DAVID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director i NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE 1910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 COPY OF NON-PROFIT STATUS 0 e.~~. e"aya'r. e.~rnoar LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director ?~Tew Hanover County Health Department is a political subdivision of the state of North Carolina, aind as such is a nonprofit entity, and is thus exempt from taxes. V Beth Jones Communicable Disease Director • David Rice Health Director 169 Enhanced Counseling Program Budget Project Budget: From October 1, 2000 To September 30, 2001 Expenses (by Category) Salaries/VVages .....:..... $37,193 Fringe Benefits . :.............8,310 Total ............. ..... $45,503 Operating Expenses Printing ....... :....... . . .. $200 Dept. Supplies .....•....... ... 647 Employee Mileage ......... .... :800 Train ing/Travel ............ ... 850 Total Operating Expenses .. . $2,497 TOTAL ....... ... ... . $48,000 NHCHD In-Kind Support Management Support 2 hrs/wk x 52 wks x $12/hr .. ..1,248 Fringe (25%) ............. ....312 Administration 1 hr/wk x 52 wks x $25/hr ... ..1,300 Fringe (25%) ............. ... 325 Professional Staff Support ... ..3,900 3 hrs/wk x 52 wks x $25/hr plu s 40 hours initial training Fringe......... .......... ... 975 Space (36 sq ft x $7/sq ft x 12 mo) . ..3,024 Telephone ................ ... 200 Utilities .................. ... 600 Copier Services ........... .... 300 Employee Mileage ......... ... 165 Dept. Supplies ............ ... 500 Total In-Kind ............. $12,849 Total Expenses (including in-kind) ......... $60,849 170 Income (by Sources) Elton John AIDS Foundation . $48.,000 NHCHD In-Kind Support ..... $12,849 Total Budget: $60.849 37 .~ ") • • i si Amount of Grant Request: The specific amount being requested is $48,000. Speeifie Purpose of Grant New Hanover County Health Department would like to start a new program to provide enhanced counseling services to newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals and high risk STD clinic users. The program will offer multiple counseling sessions to two types of clients seen at the health department: individuals infected with HIV or other Sexually Transmitted Diseases {STDs) and individuals at high risk of acquiring STDs, as determined during the initial clinic interview. The purpose of the enhanced counseling program is to assist these individuals in preventing the transmission of their disease to others, avoiding the acquisition of additional STDs, and accessing the resources that will help them cope with their diagnosis and other relevant issues, such as substance abuse or mental health services. This program will address a gap in services for individuals in this community. Heightened efforts must be made to serve people who are transmitting diseases to others. The focus is maintenance and restoration of health and HIV/STD Prevention. The target population consists of people who are infected with HIV/STDs or who are at high risk for infection, which are primarily young people, people of color, women, and men who have sex with men. Currently, New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) offers STD screening, treatment, education, and HIV counseling and testing services. Aclient-centered counseling model is utilized; but a single risk-reduction session is not sufficient to.effect change in those at greatest risk for contracting HIV or other STDs. Quite often, infected individuals are wrestling with issues that complicate their ability to make behavioral changes, such as substance abuse, domestic violence, denial, and mental health problems. Resources to overcome these difficulties have either not been available or not utilized by then individuals. Services including case management, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, ~/ and health care exist in our community to benefit HIV+ individuals,, and are offered to these individuals during their one post-test counseling session at NHCHD. However, this post-test counseling session, in which test results are given, is not the ideal time to address all the ramifications of the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. According to the case manager for the HIV Care Team at New Hanover Health Network, approximately 30% of these newly diagnosed HIV+ clients do not follow up to seek additional services. The CDC reports a one to five year delay between HIV-infected youth learning their test results and seeking treatment. The enhanced counseling program will overcome this gap between diagnosis and treatment by reaching individuals at the time of their diagnosis. When individuals receive their HIV- or STD-diagnosis during their one post-test counseling session, they will be informed about the transitional counseling program and introduced to the MSW-level counselor who will facilitate the six enhanced counseling sessions. During the post-test session, the counselor will set up an appointment with the client for the first of six enhanced counseling sessions, and, if the client fails to show'up for the session, will contact the client by phone in order to encourage follow-up. This strategy will help to ensure that the client will attend the enhanced counseling program during the time when he/she is still processing the diagnosis. By offering individuals increased awareness of and accessibility to available resources, along with enhanced client-centered counseling to confront the underlying issues, the program can both empower individuals to take care of their health and protect others by preventing the transmission of HIV and other STDs. 17 2A January, 2000 article in the American Journal of Public Health (Diamond C, Buskin S. Continued ~ ~. J (\ 39 behavior in HIV-infected youth) asserts that HIV-infected individuals continue to exhibit risky behaviors, including unsafe sex and needle sharing, after learning their HIV diagnosis. The study found that 66% of HIV-infected young women, 46% of infected adult women, 28% of infected young men, and 16% of infected adult men exhibited evidence of risky behaviors after they learned their diagnosis. Several studies document that STD incidence rates in HIV-infected women do not significantly differ from those among women who do not have HIV. These studies demonstrate the need to focus prevention efforts on HIV+ people. Traditionally, prevention and treatment services have been separate when, in fact, these two interventions must coincide to lower the rates of HIV and STD infection. The project proposed by NHCHD will unite these two formally disparate interventions. Instead of focusing HIV prevention efforts exclusively on undiagnosed individuals while shifting newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals _ into treatment programs, NHCHD proposes approaching prevention by working directly with HIV- infected individuals, who are the ones spreading the virus. The plan is to provide transitional support services to individuals newly diagnosed with HIV or other STDs in the period immediately following diagnosis. The program will accept referrals from private providers as well in order to offer transitional support services to all newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals in the community. It is during this vulnerable period right after learning of their diagnosis that these individuals feel devastated and are most in need of information and support. The new program will also offer client-centered counseling services to individuals at high risk of acquiring HIV/STDs who visit the STD clinic, including teenagers under the. age of 17, individuals who visit the clinic three or more times . per year, teens brought from the-Juvenile Detention Center, and .individuals engaging in high risk behavior, as determined in the initial interview. The program will serve approximately 700 individuals during a one year period. In 1999, 50 cases of HIV or AIDS were diagnosed in New Hanover County, either through NHCHD or through a private provider; as of June, 2000, 23 cases of HIV/AIDS have been diagnosed in the county in the year 2000. Taking these figures into account, approximately 40-60 newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals will be referred to the enhanced counseling program during its first year, and approximately 650 individuals who either have an STD other than HIV or are at high risk will be referred to the program. The specific goals and objectives of the program, the ways in which they will be achieved, and the method and criteria for evaluation of the project are described in the following chart: ',Goal #1: Empower newwly diagnosed individuals and individuals at high risk for HIV/STDs by teachvng them about HIV/ STDs and how to effectively navigate the existing system of resources available to • 'them. Objectives 1. 85% of participants score at least a 30% increase on a pre-post knowledge instrument that measures knowledge about transmission, prevention, and similar issues. 2: 85% of participants score at least a 20% increase on a pre-post instrument that assesses knowledge of available resources in community. 3. 50% of those clinic users who are referred to program attend at least 4 of the 6 counseling sessions. Activities 1. Provide HIV- and STD-infected individuals and other high-risk clients with up to 6 visits with a ..._ 40 trained MS W therapist. 2. Collaborate with the 3 HIV case managers in the county. Encourage IiIV+ clients to select a case manager and make an appointment with them as soon as possible. 3. Identify referrals for psychological support, including mental health or substance abuse services. 4. Make refenaLs to other needed services as indicated. ~7 (Outcomes Initial 1. Clients are knowledgeable about their infection and ways to take care of their health: 2. Clients learn about resources available to meet medical, psychological, and psychosocial needs. 3. Clients.learn how to prevent the spread of HIV/STDs to others. Intermediate 1. Clients contact the resources available to them, as indicated. 2. Clients practice behavioral skills learned in one-on-one sessions. Long7erm 1. Clients access the needed resources to treat their medical or psychosocial issues. 2. HIV- and STD-infected individuals utilize learned behaviors to reduce transmission to others. 3. Clients take for ing their own health. ~ Goal #2: Prevent HIV-infected individuals, STD-infected individuals, and other STD clinic clients from transmitting or contracting STDs. Objectives 1. 75% of participants do not receive a diagnosis for a new STD for a one year period following the enc of their counseling sessions. 2. 85% ofHIV-infected participants remain in contact with their chosen case manager at least 6 months after their first appointment. - 3. 85% of participants score at least a 30% increase on a pre-post instrument that measures behavioral change and intention to change behavior. Activities 1: Provide 6client-centered counseling sessions that assess readiness for behavioral change and teach behavioral change techniques for. adopting safer behaviors. 2. Identify and explore obstacles that client has encountered in adopting safe behaviors. 3. Foster self-efficacy of individuals to follow through with behavioral change through self-esteem work, assertiveness training, and role plays. 4. Ensure HIV+ clients are compliant with control measures listed in N.C. Administrative Code. 5. Practice ways that HIV+ clients will notify future sex/needle sharing partners of HIV status. Outcomes.. . Initial 1. Participants are knowledgeable about safer sex behaviors. 2. Participants possess skills that will lower their risk of acquiring STDs or transmitting STDs to others. 3. HIV+ clients learn how to notify future partners of HIV status. Intermediate .1. Participants follow safe sex and/or needle sharing practices necessary to avoid getting or giving 2: Participants fain assertiveness and self-esteem skills necessarv to implement behavioral change. • Longterm 1. Participants do not acquire additional STDs. 2. HIV- and STD-infected participants do not spread their disease to other individuals. 3..Partici ants achieve ositive behavioral chan e, as measured b the behavioral instrument. -For the evaluation; the behavioral change instrument is a modified version of an evaluation tool developed by The Measurement Group and the HRSA/HAB's SPNS Cooperative Agreement Steering Committee. The knowledge and resource evaluation instruments were developed by NHCHD staff. • 175. az . References 1. Susan O'Brien , (HIV Coordinator for New Hanover Regional Medical .Center) New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Zimmer Center PO Box 9000 Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 (910) 342-3122 2. Thomas Warren (HIV Case Manager) PO Box 1953 Wilmington, NC 28402-1953 (910) 763-5611 3. Deborah E. Bowen, MS W, LCSW (Therapist for HIV+ clients, runs support group for HIV+ women) 4608 Cedar Avenue, Suite 111 .Wilmington, NC 28403 910-799-7764 176 ~3 • LETTERS OF SUPPORT • "! 177 22 Barclay Hills Road Wilmington, NC 28402-1953 August 2, 2000 New Hanover County Health Department South 17'" Street Wilmington, No. Carolina 28401 Dear Vivian, I am writing in support of the New Hanover County Health Departments' effort to enhance counseling services to newly diagnosed HIV -infected individuals and high risk STD clinic users. Such a transitional support service that incorporate risk reduction counseling and other issues that might be complicating the newly diagnosed clients' ability to make behavioral changes is a service that is long~overdue and I support the health department's effort in this endeavor and will be a referral source for clients once the program has been implemented. Please feel free to call me if. I can further assist you in this matter. " ce I ~~~'~`~ Thomas Warren, Psy. D. Phone: 910 763-5611 Faz: 910-763-8424 178 X45 • July 6, 2000 Beth Jones . Communicable Disease Director . New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street- . Wilmington, NC 28401-4946 Dear Ms. Jones: • The HIV Care Team at New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) enthusiastically supports the proposed enhanced counseling program outlined in NHCHD's grant application. As the clinical provider of HIV care for a seven county. area, NHRMC has recognized the objectives stated in the proposal as essential for the continuum of care for people with HIV. and other STDs. As stated in the proposal, prevention and care must be interwoven in order for either to be successful. Although NHCHD and NHRMC have always worked closely to ensure newly diagnosed patients are entered into clinical care, a tremendous gap exists in the acceptance and knowledge phases of the disease process. Often patients will come for one appointment and not return, as they have not dealt with the diagnosis emotionally. In order to reduce the transmission of these diseases and provide optimal quality of life for the patients, there must be intensive and repetitive education provided. The program proposed by NHCHD will be instrumental in achieving this. Sincerely,; ~Q ~ r ~~~t,cQ~_ V Fy~I~N~ Susan O"Brien HN Coordinator • 1`!ew Hanover i;egional Medical Center P. C). Box 90UU i '131 S. 17th Strr-,et /Wilmington, fJC 2£i402-QUUt1 91 U-3G3••7UUU 179 ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ,~ 180 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .n . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION r Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 4Estimated Time: Page Number`. , Department: Engineering Presenter: Max Maxwell Contact: Max Maxwell SUBJECT: .Northeast Branch Library .Contract # 99-0366 -Hale Construction - BRIEF SUMMARY: On February 15, 2000, New Hanover County and UNC-W entered into a lease agreement for space at the new Northeast Branch Library located on Military Cut Off Road. The total cost to renovate the leased space is $705,226.00, which includes total. construction cost with 10 percent contingency and alf design fees. UNC-W wiil reimburse the County $279,092.00 for their upfit cost, which also includes design fees., The County will use Certificates of Participation {COPS) for the remaining renovation cost of the UNC-W space. The lease agreement with UNC-W will provide $6,210 per .month rent. The revenue from the lease agreement will exceed the County's cost of ' the renovation upfit. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of Commissioners approve the change order to Contract # - 99.0366 for Hale Construction and the associated budget amendment. -FUNDING SOURCE: - COPS- lni#ially Repayment by lease agreement ATTACHMENTS: - Proposal for change order and cost breakdown L-J - ~ . . BA #2001-06.wpd REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ` Recommend approva . - COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: . ~ . ~~~~ COMMI~tONE ~~~~ `~ ~`~~?~~~ ~~`~ APPROVED CT' _ ~ r~ l~~~;~r~ ~ . .REJECTED p ~j ~~~5~ REMOVED ^ . .. ~~=~~~~~ SEAR-~ ~ ~ 181 . y :. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Amendment. DEPARTMENT: Northeast Regional Library Capital Project v BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-06 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT , Northeast Regional Library Capital Project: Installment.Loan Proceeds ~ $426,134 Contributions/Builders $279,092 Capital Project Expense CREDIT $705,226 EXPLANATION: To budget funds'for the UNC-W upfit (Hale Construction) at the Northeast _ Regional Library. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: UNC-W will reimburse the County $279,092 for its renovation upfit cpst (includes design fees) at leased space in the Northeast Regional Library. The County will use Certificates of Participation (COPS) to fund the remaining renovation cost a UNC-W space. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by. Board Of Commissioners ~ai~Mr+ ~ . +031'~343~1 ~ Q~~tOfiJlS~ 1 g 2 ': ,. _ . ~" ~, s COUNTY ~0~ APPROVES REJECTEiD ~ ~' REMOVED POSTPONEp ~7 .'~ ' .. FIEA~ D ~ v August 16, 2000 Mr. Max Maxwell New Hanover County Engineering Dept. 414 Chestnut Street , Wilmington, NC 28401-4045 Re: NHC Northeast Regional Library Hale Project # 0001 Dear Max: The cost to do the shell part of the UNCW Upfit is Two Hundred Forty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seven Dollars. ($ 242,707.00) Attached is a cost breakdown for yo«r review. RECAP Shell Cost NHC UNCW Upfit . Total Revised Price Please advise if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Hale Cons.tructi n, LLC ~illiam E. Fntz Project Manager Cc: Mr. Bill Gaffe Wayne Laws File #0001 • $ 242,707.00 $ 343,580.00 ~ 586,287.00 ;~1 ~ 2 ,n ~ ~, ~; _ _ it Ott ~ UNCW Upfit Northeast Regional Library Shell Cost of Upfit August 16, 2000 1. Demolition $ 3,588.00 2. Masonry $ 4,950.00 3. Structural Steel $ 14,291.05 4. Black Jack Walls $ . 345.00 5. Roofing at New HVAC Units $ 8,108.00 6. Storefront $ 16,500.00 7. Drywall $ 14,590.40 8. Ceramic Tile $ 8,581.00 9. Paint $ 2,750.00 10. Toilet Partitions Inc. acid Accessories $ 6,141.00 11. Plumbing $ 39,3'88.80 12. HVAC $ 69,467.20 13. Electrical $ 42.782.30 Subtotal $ 232,482.75 General Conditions $ 10,224.25 Shell Cost $ 242,707.00 . 184 ~. ~~ ~l ,~ • UNCW Upfit T~lortheast Regional Library UNCW Cost August 21, 2000 1. Demolition $ 3,450.00 2. Concrete Work $ 6,893.00 3. Structural Steel $ 3,200.00 4. Rough Carpentry $ 2,815.00 5. Millwork $ 8,547.00 6. Caulking $ 1,000.00 7. Doors, Frames and Finish Hardware $ 27,614.00 8. Folding Partition $ 8,799.00 00 9. Interior Glass and Glazing $ 8,271. 10. Drywall, Insulation and Acoustical Ceiling $ 82,835.00 11. Carpet and Floor Finishes $ 38,937.00 12. Painting and Wallpaper $ 23,650.00 13. Sprinkler System $ .16,954.00 ' 14. HVAC $ 8,800.00 15. Electrical $ 82,387.00 Subtotal $ 324,152.00 General Conditions .. - $ 19.428.00 UNCW Upfit $ 343,580.00 County's Allowance (6,599 Square Feet @ 15.00) $ X98 985.00) Net Cost to UNCW $ 244,595.00 ~ 185 ~, {This page intentionally left blank} 186 `~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 r~ ~_~ ~~ • Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: s Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Approval of resolution to extend the November 1, 2000 due date ~of the principal component of the Installment Payments for the financing of the purchase of Airlie Gardens for a period of 180 days. BRIEF SUMMARY: The original agreement for the financing of the purchase of Airlie Gardens provided for quarterly payments of interest only with the final payment of principal and interest due on November 1, 2000. The original plan was to refinance this debt by the due date through a Certificate of Participation (COP). The Certificate of;Participation process has been delayed and therefore, First Union National Bank has agreed to extend the firiaricing agreement for an additional 180 days. FUNB has provided a resolution and Contract Amendment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Adopt resolution and approve contract amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: :, ~,,,. .~ 9.90177a.w 990177r.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approv D r~U~1TY COMMISSION APPROVED G/ RE.IECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED p NEARb ~ 18 7 cs7r , ~ ~g _o~~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT WITH RESPECT THERETO AND DELIVERY THEREOF AND PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN OTHER RELATED MATTERS. WHEREAS, the County is a duly and validly created, organized and existing political subdivision of the State of North Carolina; - WHEREAS, the County has the power, pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, to (1) purchase real and personal property, (2) enter into installment financing contracts in order to finance the purchase of real and personal property used, or to be used, for public purposes, and (3) finance the construction of fixtures or improvements on real property by contracts that create in' the .fixtures or improvements and in the real property on which such fixtures or improvements are located a security interest to secure repayment of moneys advanced or made available for such construction; WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County (the "Board ") pteviously determined that it is in the best interests of the County to provide for the acquisition and improvement of Airlie Gardens (the "Project"), as more particularly described in the Original Contract (as hereinafter defined) (the "Mortgaged Property "); WHEREAS, in order to obtain a portion of the funds to acquire the Project, the Board of the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract, dated January 11, 1999 (the "Original Contract"), between the Bank and the County, pursuant to which the Bank advanced funds to the County used to pay a portion of the costs of the acquisition of the Project and for other purposes set forth in the Original Contract under which the County is making Installment Payments and Additional Payments in consideration thereof; WHEREAS, the execution, performance and delivery of this Amendment Agreement (together with the Original Contract, the, "Contract"), have been authorized, approved and directed by the Board by a resolution finally passed and adopted by the Board on September 18, 2000; WHEREAS, the execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment Agreement by the Bank have been authorized, approved and directed by all necessary and appropriate action of the Bank; WHEREAS, the obligation of the County to make Installment Payments and Additional Payments constitutes a limited obligation of the County, payable solely-from currently budgeted appropriations of the County; shall not constitute a general obligation or other indebtedness of the County within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; and shall not constitute a direct or indirect pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of the County within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; WHERJE'AS;~ii~oide~t~seceu `e~further the obligations of the County under the Original Contract, the County entered into:"a Deeddof~Trust and Security Agreement, dated January 11, 1999 (the "Deed of Trust"), with the deed of trusttiustee~'named therein for the benefit of the Bank creating a lien on all of the right, title and interest of the'Gourity in the Mortgaged Property; ~a;i~~ 188. ~ ~ ~: .. .~~~~~ . .~:~ . ~. 0 CLT:4G8217.2 WHEREAS, no deficiency judgment maybe rendered against the County in any action for breach of a contractual obligation under the Contract, and the taxing power of the County is not and may not be ~' pledged in any way directly or indirectly or contingently to secure any moneys due under the Contract; WHEREAS,. the County is required to make Installment Payments to the Bank as provided in Section 3.1 of the Original Contract, consisting of seven (7) quarterly installments of interest only on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing May 1, 1999, with the principal component of the Installment Payments being paid in one installment on November 1, 2000, as provided in the Original Contract, subject to prior prepayment by the County as provided in the Original Contract; WHEREAS, the County intends to pay the principal component of the Installment Payments due on November 1, 2000, from the proceeds of certain long term indebtedness of the County to be issued at . a later date, such indebtedness to be issued subsequent to the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments, and the County has requested the Bank to extend the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay such principal. component of the Installment Payments in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank, in order to allow the County to issue such indebtedness as determined by the County; and WHEREAS, the Bank has considered the County's request and has agreed to amend the Original Contract in order to extend the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay such principal component of the Installment Payments in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100 %) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank; WHEREAS, the County reasonably anticipates the sums to fall due under the Contract will not exceed $13,500,000.00 for each of the fiscal years that the Contract will be in effect; WHEREAS, the County presently intends to refinance the principal component of the installment payments when such principal component falls due; WHEREAS, the County is not in default under any of its debt service obligations; WHEREAS, the County's budget process and Annual Budget Ordinance are in compliance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, and external auditors=have determined that the County has conformed with generally accepted accounting principles in preparing its Annual Budget Ordinance; WHEREAS, past audit reports of the County indicate that its debt management and contract .obligation payment policies have been carried out in strict compliance with the law, and the County has not been censured by the North Carolina Local Government Commission (the "LGC"), external auditors or any other regulatory agencies. in connection with such debt management and contract obligation payment policies; WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Board of the County the .propos,ed form of the Amendment Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, which the County proposes to approv~ e~~ 2' CLT:468217.2 into and deliver, as applicable, to effectuate the proposed amendments to the Original Contract as specified in the Amendment Agreement; and WHEREAS, it appears that the Amendment Agreement is inappropriate form and is an appropriate instrument for the purposes intended; WHEREAS, the County does not anticipate future property tax increases solely to pay installment payments falling due under the Contract in any fiscal year during the term of the Contract; WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Board the forms of the Amendment Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, which the County proposes to approve, enter into and deliver, as applicable, to effectuate the proposed amendments to the Original Contract; and WHEREAS, it appears that the Amendment Agreement is inappropriate form and is an appropriate instrument for.tYie purposes intended; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ratification of Prior Actions. All actions of the County, the County Manager, the Finance Officer of the County and the Clerk to the Board and their respective designees in effectuating the Amendment Agreement are hereby approved, ratified and authorized pursuant to and in accordance with the transactions contemplated by the Amendment Agreement. Section 2. Approval, Authorization and.Execaition of Amendment Agreement. The County hereby approves the Amendment. Agreement and the amendments contained in the Amendment Agreement providing for an extension of the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay such principal component of the Installment Payments in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100 %) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank, in accordance with the terms of the Original Contract as amended by the Amendment Agreement,- which will be a valid, legal and binding obligation of the County in accordance with its terms. The form, terms and content of the Amendment Agreement are in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the Chairman, the County Manager, the Finance Officer of the County and the Clerk to the Board or their respective designees are authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver the Amendment Agreement for and on behalf of the County, including necessary counterparts, in substantially the form attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate, their execution thereof to constitute conclusive evidence of their approval of any and all such changes, modifications, additions or deletions; and that from and after the execution and delivery of the Amendment Agreement, the Chairman, the County Manager, the Finance Officer of the County and the Clerk to the Board or their respective designees are hereby authorized,- empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of the Amendment Agreement as executed. Section 4. Further Actions. The County Manager, the Chairman of the Board and-the Finance Officer of the County are hereby designated as the County's representatives to act on behalf of the County n connection with the transactions contemplated by the Amendment Agreement, and the County Manager, 19 ~he Chairman of the Board and the Finance Officer of the County are authorized and directed to proceed 3 CLT:468217.2 with the amendments as contained in the Amendment Agreement in accordance with the terms of the Amendment Agreement, and to seek opinions on .matters of law from the County Attorney, which the County Attorney is authorized to furnish on behalf of the County, and opinions of law from such other attorneys for all documents contemplated hereby as required by law. The Chairman, the County Manager and the Finance Officer of the County are hereby authorized to designate one or more employees of the County to take all actions which the Chairman, the County Manager and the Finance .Officer of the County . are authorized to perform under this Resolution, and the Chairman, the County Manager, the Finance Officer of the, County or their designees are in all respects authorized on behalf of the County to supply all information pertaining to the transactions contemplated by the Amendment Agreement. The Clerk to the Board, the County Manager, the Chairman of the Board and the Finance Officer of the County are authorized to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the County. any and all additional certificates, documents, opinions or other papers and perform all other acts as may be required by the Amendment Agreement or as they may deem necessary or appropriate in order to implement and carry out the intent and purposes of this Resolution. Section 5. Repealer. All motions, orders, resolutions, ordinances and parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6: Severability. If .any section, phrase or provision of this Resolution is for any reason declared to be invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections, phrases or provisions of this Resolution. Section 7. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective on the date of its adoption PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 18th day of September, 2000 4 191 CLT:468217.2 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA [SEAL] Attest: Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board William A. Caster Chairman, Board of Commissioners r~ 192. 5 CLT:4682I7.2 STATE OF NORTH .CAROLINA ) ) COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, Lucie F. Harrell, duly appointed Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate copy of the resolution which was passed by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, at its regular meeting held on. September 18, 2000, to become effective on September 18, 2000, and that such resolution has been duly recorded in the minutes of the County. WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, this the day of September, 2000. [SEAL] By: - Lucie F. Harrell... Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina • THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN PRE-AUDITED 1N THE MANNER REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET AND FISCAL CONTROL ACT. Bruce T. Shell Finance Officer AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE . TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT This AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT (this "Amendment Agreement"), is dated as of November 1, 2000, and is. between FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK (the "Bank', a national banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States with its principal corporate offices located in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA. (the "County "), a validly existing political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (the "State "), existing as such under and by virtue of the Constitution, statutes and laws of the State. PREAMBLES WHEREAS, the County is a duly and validly created, organized and existing political subdivision of the State of North Carolina; WHEREAS, the County has the power, pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, to (1) purchase real and personal property, (2) enter into installment financing contracts in order to finance the purchase of real and personal property used, or to be used, ,for public purposes, and (3) finance the construction of fixtures or improvements on real property by contracts that .create in the fixtures or improvements and in the real property on which such fixtures or improvements are located a security interest to secure repayment of moneys advanced or made available for such construction; WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County (the "Board ") previously determined that it is iri the best interests of the County. to provide for the acquisition and improvement of Airlie Gardens (the "Project"), as more particularly described in the Original Contract (as hereinafter defined) (the "Mortgaged Property "),: WHEREAS, in order to obtain a portion of the funds to acquire the Project, the Board of the County previously entered into an Installment Financing Contract, dated January 11, 1999 (the "Original Contract"), between the Bank and the County, pursuant to which the Bank advanced funds to the County which were used to pay a portion of the costs of the acquisition of the Project and for other purposes as set forth in the Original Contract under which the County is making Installment Payments and Additional Payments in consideration thereof; WHEREAS, the execution, performance acid delivery of this Amendment Agreement (together with the Original Contract, the "Contract"), have been authorized, approved and directed by the Board by a resolution finally passed and adopted by the Board on September 18, 2000;- 194 CLT:468205.3 WHEREAS, the execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment Agreement by the Bank have been authorized, approved and directed by all necessary and appropriate action of the Bank; ,WHEREAS, the obligation of the County to make Installment Payments and Additional Payments constitutes a limited obligation of the County, payable solely from currently budgeted appropriations of the County; shall not constitute a general obligation or other indebtedness of the County within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; and shall not constitute a direct or indirect pledge of the faith and credit or taxing power of the County within the meaning of the Constitution of the State; WHEREAS, in order to secure further the obligations of the County under the Original Contract, the County entered into a Deed of Trust and Security Agreement, dated January 11, 1999 (the "Deed of Trust"), with the deed of trust trustee named therein for the benefit of the Bank creating a lien on all of the right, title and interest of the County in the Mortgaged Property; WHEREAS, no deficiency judgment maybe rendered against the County in any action for breach of a contractual obligation under the Contract, and the taxing power of the County is not and may not be pledged in any way directly or indirectly or contingently to secure any moneys due under the Contract; WHEREAS, the County- is required to make Installment Payments to the Bank as provided iri Section 3.1 of the Original Contract, consisting of seven (7) quarterly installments of interest only on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing May 1, 1999, with the principal component of the Installment Payments being paid in one installment on November 1, 2000, as provided in the Original Contract, subject to prior prepayment by the County as provided in the Original Contract; WHEREAS, the County intends to pay the principal component of the Installment Payments due on November 1, 2000, from the proceeds of certain long term indebtedness of the County to be issued at a later date, such indebtedness to be issued subsequent to the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments, and the County has requested the Bank to extend the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay .such principal component of the Installment Payments in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty -days written notice to the Bank, in order to allow the County to issue such indebtedness as determined by .the County; and WHEREAS, the Bank has considered the County's request and has agreed to amend the Original Contract in order to extend.the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay such principal component of the Installment Payments in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100 %) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the County and the. Bank hereby agree as follows: ~ 195 2 ~ ~ ~ CLT:468205,3 Section 1. References to Amended Documents. All references in the Original Contract and the Deed of Trust to the Contract and the Deed of Trust shall be deemed to be references to the Original Contract and the Deed of Trust, as the case may be, in each case as amended and modified by this ~ J Amendment Agreement, or as the same may otherwise be amended, modified, altered, changed or supplemented from time to time. . Section 2. Amendment of Section 3.1 of the Original Contract. In order to extend the November 1, 2000 due date of the principal component of the Installment Payments due under the Original .Contract, for a period of 180 days, together with the right to prepay such principal component of the Installment Payments iri whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent { 100 %) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank, the existing Section 3.1 of the Original Contract is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Section 3.1 of the Original Contract is substituted in lieu thereof as follows: "Section 3.1. Amounts and Times of Installment Payments and Additional Payments. The County hereby approves the advance of .the Purchase Price by .the Bank to the County pursuant to this Contract in the amount of $10,191,418.14 to be repaid by the County in the Installment Payments as provided in this Contract at the Interest Rate, which varies from time to time as provided in this .Contract. For purposes of determining the applicable Interest Rate, the Interest Rate shall be reset on each Interest Payment Date during the term of this Contract to reflect any change in the 90 Day LIBOR Rate. Interest shall accrue on the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments from the Closing Date at the applicable Interest Rate, such Interest Rate to be set on the Closing Date and adjusted thereafter on each Interest Payment Date during the term of this Contract as provided above. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of a 360 day year of twelve 30 day months. The County shall repay the Purchase Price by (1) paying eight (8) quarterly installments of interest only on February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing February 1, 1999 and ending November 1, 2000, (2) subsequent to November 1, 2000, interest accruing on the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments shall be paid quarterly on each February 1, May 1, .August 1 and November 1 of each year, commencing February 1, 2001, ,with a final installment of accrued and unpaid interest being paid on the final payment date of the principal component of the Installment Payments, whether at maturity or upon prepayment in whole, and (3) paying the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments in one installment on May 1, 2001, as provided in this Contract,' subject to prior prepayment by the County on or after November 1, 2000, without prepayment penalty as provided in this Contract. . Each installment shall be deemed to be an Installment Payment.. If an Installment Payment is due on a day which is not a Business Day, such Installment Payment shall be due on the next succeeding Business Day and the County shall make such Installment Payment on such Business Day with no additional interest due thereon. Installment Payments shall .be sufficient in the aggregate to pay the. principal of and interest on the Purchase Price as the same become due and payable. The County shall pay Additional Payments on a timely basis directly to the person or entity to which such Additional Payments are owed. " 196 ~ 3 CLT:468205.3 Section 3. Amendment of Section 3.S of the Original Contract. In order to provide the' County with the right to prepay the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments due under the Original Contract in whole at any time without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100 %) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank, the existing Section 3.5 of the Original Contract is hereby deleted in its entirety and a new Section 3.5 of the Original Contract is substituted in lieu thereof as follows: "Section 3.5. Prepayment of Purchase Price. (a) The County shall have the option to prepay, or provide for the prepayment of, the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments due under this Contract in whole at any time on or after November 1, 2000 without prepayment penalty, at a prepayment price equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the principal component thereof, plus the interest component accrued to the date of prepayment, upon not less than thirty days written notice to the Bank. (b) In the event of loss or condemnation of or damage to the Project, if the County determines not to apply any Net Proceeds to the repair, restoration, modification, improvement or replacement of the Project as.permitted by Section 8.3(b) and if the County has otherwise performed all of its obligations under this Contract, the County shall. prepay the principal component of the Installment Payments then outstanding, plus accrued interest thereon to the date of prepayment, on any date selected by the County, in full or in part, at a prepayment price of 102 % of the principal amount being prepaid, if such prepayment is prior to November 1, 2000, and at a prepayment price of 100 % of the principal amount being prepaid, if such prepayment is on or after November 1, 2000, by paying such Net Proceeds to the Bank." Section 4. Modification of Documents. The Original Contract as amended and modified by this Amendment Agreement, is hereby ratified and reaffirmed as of the date of this Amendment Agreement. Section 5. ~ Confirmation.of Security for Obligations. In confirmation of the amendments and modifications to the Original Contract as provided under this Amendment Agreement, the County hereby confirms that the security interests granted to the Bank under the Original Contract, as amended by this Amendment Agreement, and the liens and security interests created for the benefit of the Bank pursuant to the Deed of Trust to secure all of obligations of the County under the Origirial Contract„ shall continue to be in full force and effect and continue to secure the County's obligations under the Original Contract as provided in the Original Contract and the Deed of Trust, as amended or modified by this Amendment Agreement and as the same may be further amended, modified, altered, changed or supplemented from time to time. Section 6. Limitation on Amendments. The Original Contract as amended and modified by this Amendment Agreement, and the amendments and modifications to the Original Contract as contained in _ this Amendment Agreement, are limited precisely as written and will not be deemed to be a consent to any waiver or modification of any other terms or conditions of the Original Contract or the Deed of Trust. All of the terms of the Original Contract and the Deed of Trust not modified by this Amen e Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. ~~~ 4 CLT:468205.3 Section 7..Consent to Amendments. The execution of this Amendment Agreement will evidence and serve as the necessary consent by the County and the Bank to .the amendments and modifications to the Original Contract as provided in this Amendment Agreement. Except as amended and modified by this Amendment Agreement, the County and the Bank hereby ratify, affirm and reconfirm the Original Contract and the Deed of Trust and the obligations thereunder. Section 8. Effective Date. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary • in this Amendment Agreement, the amendments and modifications to the Original Contract as contained in this Amendment Agreement will be effective as of November 1, 2000. Section 9. Waiver. No covenant or condition of this Amendment Agreement may be waived except by the written consent of the. Bank and the County. Any failure of the Bank to require strict performance by the County or any waiver by the Bank of any terms, covenants or contracts herein shall not be construed as a waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term, covenant or contract in this Amendment. Agreement. Section 10. Severability. If any portion of this Amendment Agreement is determined to be invalid under any applicable law, such, provision shall be deemed void and the remainder of this Amendment Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Section 11. Governing Law.. This Amendment Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. Section 12. Section Headings. All section headings contained herein are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to defirie or limit the scope of any provision of this Amendment Agreement. Section 13. Entire Contract. The Original Contract, as amended and modified by this Amendment Agreement, constitutes the entire contract between the parties and .neither the Original Contract, as amended and modified by this Amendment Agreement, nor this Amendment Agreement, shall be modified, amended, altered or changed except as the County and the Bank may subsequently agree in writing. Section 14. Binding Effect..Subject to the specific provisions of this Amendment Agreement, this Amendment Agreement is binding on and inures to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns (including expressly any successor of the Bank). Section 15. Execution in Counterparts. This Amendment Agreement may be executed in any . number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE) 19~ 5 CLT:468205.J IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County and the Bank have caused this Amendment Agreement to be executed in their respective names by their duly authorized officers or representatives, all as of the date first above written. COUNTY OFNEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA [SEAL] ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: William A. Caster Chairman Wanda M. Copely, Esq. County Attorney [7 (SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE] 6 - 199 CLT:468205.3 [COUNTERPART SIGNATURE PAGE TO AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT BETWEEN FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK AND THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA] FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, as Bank By: Melissa A. Garmon Vice President [SIGNATURES CONTINUE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE] ~~ 200 CLT:468205.3 [COUNTERPART SIGNATURE PAGE TO AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT BETWEEN FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK AND THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA] THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE TO INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT HAS BEEN APPROVED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 159-152 OF THE GENERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS AMENDED By: Janice T. Burke Deputy Director of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina • 8 201 CLT:468205.3 n {This page intentionally left blank} 202 C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 • • Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Register Of Deeds Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of bid # 01-0103 to Xerox Engineering Systems for the purchase of a digital document system and the trade-in of a surplus Xerox '2515 printer. BRIEF SUMMARY: The purchase of a digital document system was included in the Register of Deeds automation project that was previously approved February 21, 2000. Staff proceeded with the formal biding process for the acquisition of this equipment and the trade-in of a surplus printer. One bid was received and staff is recommending award to Xerox Engineering Systems, the only responsible . bidder. Their proposal was $38,115.00 for the purchase of the digital document system and $2,000.00 for the trade-in of the Xerox 2515 printer. Attached is the following is the resolution for award of bid and approval of contract. RECOMPJIENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution: 1. awarding bid # 01.0103 to Xerox Engineering Systems for the purchase of a digital document .. system and the sale as trade-in of a Xerox 2515 printer 2. approving draft contract # 01.0103 FUNDING SOURCE: . Purchase of equipment to be funded from 110-4104180-6400 ATTACHMENTS: The resolution is being transmitted as an attachment to the agenda form. The contract draft is on file in the County Manager's Office. 01=0103r.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve Recommend approva BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A r~"OUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ^.% REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ! 2 0 3 HEARIJ -: r~.~~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00 a.m., on the 5th day of September, 2000, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street; Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a digital document system and the sale of surplus equipment (Xerox 2515, serial number 4L3011718) for the Register of Deeds Department, Bid # 01=0103: Xerox Engineering Systems Digital Document System $38,115.00 Less Trade-in for surplus equipment $ 2,000.00 Net Amount $36,115.00 AND WHEREAS, the County Registrar, the Finance Director and the County Manager recomrriend that the contract be awarded to Xerox Engineering Systems, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of thirty-six thousand one htuldred fifteen dollars ($36,115.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-410-4180-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the purchase of a digital document system for the Register of Deeds Department and the trade-in of surplus equipment (Xerox 2515, serial number 4L3011718), Bid # 01-0103 be awarded to Xerox Engineering Systems in the amount ofthirty-six thousand one.hundred fifteen dollars ($36,115.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 18th day of September, 2000. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST~'~ ;: it°:f'C".~~~(~'~ JU~.~ ~:~ ~ '",~~AFi~A C,~T~~I431~ Clerk to the Board ~ ' ~ `'~~~~~ 2 04 ~ ~ o ,-r~a~ -,S1A3t~ J 'E 9 r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required . Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following late listing penalty be released as this was the taxpayer's first offense: Shafune Inc., d/b/a Nevada Bob's Discount Golf $ 32.13 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Dutton, Lois G. 20,000 Hite, Ernestine B. 20,000 MacWilliam, Allise 20,000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED~ACTiONS: Recommend approval of releases. ` FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHME - NTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVfEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME SAND RE Recommend approval. r`~1MMICCIf1A1CDC' A/`TIl1N1 /f` MIVICHITC• r~OUIVTY COMMISSIONERS ~ _ APPROVED G--'- REJECTED D REMOVED D POSTPONED D (`1 {This page intentionally left blank} c'~~~~~t`~~~ ~va~~7 ®~~~~A c~ ~~~~~~ ~~~o~~~ a'` .,;y NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of August 31, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. . FUNDLNG SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. nnnnnniooi~w~r-n~i •n ~~OUM'Y COMMI~IONFR.R AIPPROVED C-r~`~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~ H~EARr7 9 (~ o0~~~~2 ac: ~ / CONSENT AGENDA DATE=--------- ITEM NO.__---- NEW HANOVER COUtVTY TAX COLLECT I~3NS COLLECTIONS THRU 08/:3.1/00 CURRENT TAX YEAR ~ 2'000 .~~..~~...~.~.,....tltl~... ~~.s..tl~m.. AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE . ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ~ $ tlmtltlstlvtltltltl~~~ 87y123y902..08 ~ tltls..tl~.~tltltl«~.~~ 1y7881774,23 DISCOVERIES ADDED 38y351.51 4y014.31 LESS ABATEMENTS tl 32y346.15~ A/iOtl - i3y993,25tl l ' - TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ tl O tl~tl-m aR.m.®iptltl 87y12919i7.44 i $ tlM.B~tlaY O Y i tltl tltl 1y778y795.29 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 20y514.QZ .00 CLEANING LIENS CHARGED ,Ofl ,00 TOTAL LEVY tl $ ,~.~,~,.tlrtltltl.....~..~~. 871i50y43i.4b tl $ tltl~tl,~mtltl~~~~tltl 1y778y795.29 COLLECTIONS TO 'DATE 338y884,04~ iy0111792.7'3tl OUTSTANDING BALANCE. tl $ tl,.®tl,~„~,tl.~~..tl~,.. $by8111547.42 tl $ tla..tltl®tltl~tl~tl..tl 7b7y002.56 PERCENTAGE COLLECT€D ,39%~ 56.'881 BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 3~454yb77.32 CHARGES ADDED 11y867.38 :LESS ABATEMENTS tl 501774.084 ,,.,..tl,.tl®m~..~~tl,. TOTAL TAXES DIiE $ ' 314i5y770.62 LOLLECTION.S TO DATE ~ 506y490.37~ ®..tl~tl4~.®4tl..tl~,m OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 2y909y280,25 .PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 140$:3) AUG 20fl0 FISCAL YTD ® ROOA1 OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS .,~.,~®..®tl,.tl,~tl..tltl 498y385.42 ~ m®tl.,mmtl~®tl..tl 8751339.79 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 21952.20 91845.84 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRiJ COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTYy CITY OF ~iIL~7INGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH.y CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO DATE ..316351349.27. THIS REPORT iS FOR FISCAL YEAR $EGINNZNG JULY .ly 2000. ~R CTFULIY SUBMiTTE'D1 ~. ~ _f . ~ ~ PA,TRICIA J. K~~OR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ~~1~` l J ~~ ~~~~ ~ COM:B.INED COLLECT~I;fl~N.~$P{E!R,CENTAGE ~- C1 ®~T~~9~~J .' ®3V4P,~~J • ~ ~ ~ +~~~2~1 208 , ._ ., ,~~~ ~ a T' ~ .. .. ~1 1.521 '1 C©NSENT AGENDA DATA: ------ I T E M N O. __----- NEW HANOVER COUNTY EIRE DISTRICT TAX CflLLECTIflNS CflLLEDTiO{~S 7IiRU O8J3~IOO CURRENT TAX YEAR ~ 2000 AD VALOREM MCITGR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ~ 29457~38b.25 $ 57y838,65 DISCOVERIES ADDED 595,b2 142.bb LESS ABATEMENTS . 221.82 399.9b~ TOTAL TAXES CHAR~EG iN $ Nal gN'INO~OIN iii 1. ~1 2~457i7bO,O.S mO.i ~.ilY ~ ®.O.1. X. CT.O A'!q 57~58i.35 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 55O.b8 .00 - TflTAI LEVY WP4LmNNff.OCg1O NNlf:Lf'NN ~ 2y458~31O.73 N'.iY'#.AIDOl~ $ YSiW Sf YY ~'~LAMPFF7i 57581.35 COLLECTiONS.TO DATE ' m b il~b4.3.49~ if 3~w s0lY i YYW'L. R1 iIIlO i~ N 9lb AY Lq. 33~889.i3m .i $.O ~fO Of. ~~O OUTSTANDING 3ALANCE . $ . . 2~•44b~fib7.24 . $ - 23'b92.22 PERLENTAGE~COLLECTED .47~# :58.85..°I~ BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 79yO21.28 C~iARGES ADDED 399.04 LESS ABATEMENTS 83b.78~ TOTAL TAXES DUE ~..,~s~„~..a®~,ms.o~ $ 78'583,54 . COLLECTIONS T© DATE 15y454.12m OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 53~1'Z9.42 PERCENTAGE COLLECTiE~3 19.b7~ THIS REPORT IS EC~R FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1' 2000. PECTEULLY SUIiMITTED~ ~ F~CI, ~'~ c ~ d,,. fiy, rl CN '~) ~ PATR.ICIA J. YNOR COLLECTOR OE REVENUE ~ COMB.INED CflLLECTIC3N PERCENTAGE - 1.81 • 209 {This page intentionally left blank} 210 ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Approval of letter to Candidates for NC General Assembly Requesting Support for Regional Transporation Needs BRIEF SUMMARY: The Cape Fear Council of Government requests New Hanover County Commissioners' support in writing to the NC General Assembly outlining two specific issues for Regional Transportation needs. The first issue is the expedited completion of the US Highway 17 connector between I.40 north of Wilmington and US Highway 17 South in Brunswick County. The second issue is the imporvement of NC Highway 130 from.the Brunswick County line to Whiteville and on to US Highway 74/76 in Columbus county. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve letter to NC General Assembly FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend approvaf."~ • ENDATIONS: ~U~NT1f COMMt~I©NER~ APPROVED [.~~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ , _ POSTPONED ^ , .211 FiEAR~J (~ p~ September, 2000 (letters to be sent to candidates for office) RE: Regional Transportation Needs Dear (candidate): During the fall of 1999, UNC-W sponsored a regional growth summit. At the conclusion of the regional growth summit, a group of local government elected officials in attendance asked the Region"O" Council of Governments to take the lead in arranging meetings among the elected officials in the region, with a vision of creating a viable forum for. addressing regional concerns. County Commissioners from Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender Counties, and the Wilmington City Council, comprising an entity which has been named the "Cape Fear Regional Growth Team," have been meeting ,~ monthly since January, and have identified several immediate issues. We are writing to you today on two of these issues which involve transportation. J The first issue is the expedited completion of the US Highway 17 connector between I-40 north of Wilmington and US Highway 17 South in Brunswick County (NC DOT TIP project codes R-2633 and R-2405). The benefits to our region of an "outer Loop" are numerous. We are especially sensitive to the need for this project due to safety and economic reasons. Currently the project is on schedule. We realize we are on schedule thanks to the cooperative effort of many people. We will strive to keep this project moving forward. Our second issue is the improvement of NC Highway 130 from the Brunswick County line to Whiteville and on to L'JS Highway 74/76 in Columbus County. This connector is the primary evacuation route out of the coastal Brunswick County beaches during storm events. The Cape Fear Regional Growth Team feels this road is not designed to safely accommodate the peak load which must be handled during the evacuation of our beaches. We are seeking improvements to this evacuation route. Our elected Governing Board requests to know your position specifically on these issues. We anticipate your support in advocating these regional issues at the State level. We also appreciate your interest and look forward to your prompt reply. Sincerely, William A. Caster ~141~1~:~ ~_Qr'~ Chairman ~ ~~ c: Chris May, Cape Fear COG t~~~9~M~+~l 212 ~ ti42~ ,,.~~~ ,; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF~ COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: F. Clingenpeel Contact: F. Clingenpell SUBJECT: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) FY2000 Application T H ".I S ITEM HAS BEEN -REMOVED BRIEF SUMMARY: The LLEBG grant is $68,817. Funds will be used for equipment and training for the Emergency Response Team. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County Commissioners approve the application for the LLEBG FY2000 Application. When grant is approved, accept grant and approve related budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: LLEBG-$61,935 and County Match $6,882 (match is in Sheriff's FY2000.2001 Budget) " ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED. BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S-COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ®OUN~Y COMMISSIONE~.~ APPROVED O . j E2EJECTED ^ REMOVED ['~- POSTPONED ^ HEARp _ {This page intentionally left blank} ;, ~:~"~~~3~c~i~dl(~I~ v Ufa ;~ ~~~~~~ :~: fl~Y~~i~1 214 ; ~~~o~~ ...J ~~¢2r3~ 't NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 09/18/00 [7 • • Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Request for approval of Child Protective Services and Child Welfare Positions BRIEF SUMMARY: In recognition of the increasing demands for Child Protective Services, the 2000 General Assembly appropriated $7,260,000 to create new child welfare positions in the counties. Based on workload standards, the NC Division of Social Services determined that New Hanover County needed nine new social work positions and allocated an annual amount of $587,205 to the DSS. No County match is required. FY 00.01 partial year amount will be $440,404. RECOMMENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Establish eight (8) Social Worker III and one Social Work Supervisor positions. FUNDING SOURCE: 100~/o State and Federal funds. ATTACHMENTS: NeWpOS. EA'#O1.0041.wpd REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve . HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~OUNTY COMMISSIO APPROVED REJECTED O REMOVED D POSTPONED D HEARD ~~ r CZ ~ ,~ 5 MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: F. Wayne Morns, Director of Social Services • DATE: September 11, 2000 RE: New Child Welfare Positions As Commissioners, you are keenly aware of the growth that New Hanover County has experienced in recent years and the efforts required: of all county offices to keep pace with the demands of our growth. The Department of Social Services is no exception. In addition to the expansion accompanying population growth, North Carolina as a whole.has experienced an almost exponential rate of increase in the incidence of child neglect and abuse. In FY 97/98, you approved 14 social work positions to meet the demands of increasing numbers of child abuse and neglect reports. These positions allowed the department to provide adequate, appropriate and necessary services to families and children afflicted by abuse and neglect. The addition of staff directly impacted the effectiveness of our efforts. Some notable outcomes are: • 7% decrease in the .number of children in agency custody per month (97/98 -average 516 monthly; 99/00 -average 480 monthly). • Over a 100% increase in the number of children we have freed for adoption from August 1997 to August 2000 (50 children were available in August 1997 and 104 are currently available for adoption). • . .Through case management and additional community, supportive services, the rate of . repeated substantiated cases of abuse and neglect was cut by at least 5% (in 99/00, 286 of 1,074 as compared to 241 of 774 in 97198). Unfortunately we are again faced with a deficit of resources to meet increased demand. Changes in law and regulation call for enhancements in our responses to individual cases. Greater awareness of the destructiveness ofdomestic violence, the perniciousness of substance abuse and other factors continue to drive our caseloads up. We have confronted the following since FY 97/98: • 15% increase in cases requiring investigation of abuse and neglect of children from 1997 to 200Q~(t'otal•'of~~li95~n{9u7~/~98; total of 2262 in 99/00). • Major changes ingl~egsla~t~on and regulation have imposed rigid, strict time ,frames for achieving permanericef9r~children and reduced permissible workloads for social workers. 216 ~ ` ~~~~ ~~ 1 • 38% increase in the cases "in which we have found abuse and neglect from 774 in 97/98 to 1,074 in,99/00, which requires on going supportive services to children and families. • We are now, as of August 2000, faced with the need to find adoptive homes for 61 children whom we.have freed for adoption. In recognition of a near crisis statewide, the General Assembly appropriated $7,260,000 for new child welfare positions. Based on workload standards, the North Carolina Division of Social Services determined New Hanover County's need for nine new social work positions, and allocated $587,205, with no local match required. On August 30, 2000, the Board of Social Services voted to request your authorization for these new positions to enable our child welfare staff to meet the increasing demands and continue to serve New Hanover County's children and families effectively. • ~~~~~~ " ~ ~~.~ ~:~ ~.ta^~.gR~(~~~~{~®~~--~ 217 I I i f ~~ ~ b. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Social Services/DSS-Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0041 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Social Services/DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $440,404 Salaries and Wages $400,404 Contracted Services $40,000 EXPLANATION: To budget nine (9) months staffing/administration costs for new State appropriation. Social Services will contract with other organizations to provide services to clients. No County funds are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners E'AUNTY t~OM C~a~NQ~ APPROVED ~ REJECTED D 2 ~ 8 REMOVED O v POSTPONED C] J/ `~ . i-iEARi7 R / D O • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'neal SUBJECT: Aproval of Resolution declaring. September as Sickle CeI1 Awareness Month BRIEF SUMMARY: The Southeastern Sickle CeII Association request the Board of Commissioners to declare September as " Sickle Cell Awareness Month. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~~. sicklecellres ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMA Recommend approvaC~ nnnnnn~cc~~~~rncr en -~ i r rGOUNTY GONIMI~IONQ~1 APPROVED ~~' REJECTED O REMOVED p POSTPONED p FtEARi7 219 RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder that causes pain, irifection, disability, economic strain and even death among those affected with the disease; and WHEREAS, about 3700 North Carolina residents were hospitalized dtuing 1998 with sickle cell related illnesses: 75% black, 2% white, 23% unknown. No cure for this disease exist, though treatment is available to help those with sickle cell lead more productive and rewarding lives; and WHEREAS, since 1983 the Southeastern Sickle Cell Association has provided quality service to those residents affected with sickle cell disease in southeastern North Carolina. The provision of services is a collaborative effort between regional, state and local organizations. Services provided by the Southeastern Sickle Cell Association include monthly Support Group meetings, visits and calls during patient hospitalization, patient intervention, twenty-four hour counseling support, transportation to medical centers, emergency prescription payments and educational seminars; and WHEREAS, support services are vital to improving the quality of life for the one hundred plus known sickle cell patients in the Southeastern Sickle Cell Association Service area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of commissioners do hereby proclaim September 2000 as "SICKLE CELL AWARENESS MONTH" inNew Hanover County and urge our citizens to recognize and support this observance. Adopted this the 18`'' day of September, 2000. NewHanoyer County Board of Commissioners William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST L Lucie F: Harrell, Clerk to ~the~'B'oard~ '`'~ r; c• ,t 220 ~ ®~~-, j°:.:~~~a 1 • ~ ~, e out easteYn is e e ssociation, nc. _ 3,16 .~runswick Street • Wilmington, N.C. ,28401 - - Kenneth R. Waddell, ~sxecutive I~irectt~r `~ (vXa) 343-a4z2 Mr. Joe H. $ryant E.I. DuPont vise cnsr„~an September 6, 2000 Mr. Joseph Johnson jZetired U• S..'~ir Force ' x~ss>z~~ The following statement is being submitted as suggested wording for the Mrs. E. Grace Moelcy-Byrd New Hano.•ca' eoumy soltool systo„ a proclamation that the association is requesting: s`"~"~ WHEREAS Sickle Cell Disease is art inherited blood disorder that causes ails, Mrs. Allrne Drain -Bond Setteta,y > p Adkins-Drain Funeral home infection, disability, economic strain azld even death among those affected with the sicxt.E cELL sapPOlt'r cROtJp disease: and Yr•esidcrrf Mrs. Sandra Bvwrn WHEREAS about 3700 North Carolina Residents were hospitalized during 1998 Sapport Qroup ~ with sickle cell related illnesses: 75% black, 2% white, 23% unknown. No cure spssading a~° for this disease exist thou b treatment is available to hel those with sickle cell . hire A4m Y Suzan Varner Miller r P p Development Evaluation Center lead more productive and rewarding lives; and Ms. Aerlea{n~a Deily J~fRS1rtHITt Ilifel'lOr Mr. fiarvard Jennings WHEREAS, since 1983. The Southeastern Sickle Cell Association has provided wAw Itmdi° quality service to those residents affected with sickle cell disease in southeastern Ad"gym North Carolina. The provision of services is a collaborative effort between Dr. Dalc M°cali regional, state azrd local organizations. Services provided by the Southeastern vnivoraity °fN.c. at wilmit,gton Sickle Coll Association include monthly Support Group meetings, visits and calls vr. Dan Gottovi during patient hospitalization, patient intervention, twenty-four hour counseling N.H. Regicmal M©dioai Cetater support,'transportatiozl to medicai centers, emergency pI'escription payments and Dr. r;ugone orringer educational sez~rlinars; and LTNC Memorial Hospital-Chapel HiU Compnhenaive Sickle Cell Progam WI`fE'~LE.AS, support services are vital to improving the quality of life for the one ine~~ra . hundred plus known sickle cell patients in the Southeastern. Sicls,le Cell Association . Rev. J;~„y F~;b°„ Service area; Pastor • Kendall Chapel AMP: Church ~~trtnayow,NC NOW, TI-IEREI~ORE, Z, Bill Caster, Chair of The Board of New Hanover County Mrs. rrazel Gaines Board Of COmmIS5102]CrS, do hereby proclaim September 2000, as "SICKLE CI/I,~:L ' v-s. AJx ways AWARENESS 11dONTH" in New klanover County and urge our citizens to Mrs. Doretha M. Stone recogzxize azld support this observazlce. A,gsistsnt Professor, UNC-Wihnington Mrs, Dizziane»• zinr,~rbaan We request a press release to announce the proclamation. - N•ri. Regional Medical Cents .Mrs. Mary Richardson Thank you for your continued support. southeastern Center far Medical H~lil, Mrs. F.hrabeth Dooley IBM Mr. i.,eroy Ickes ~J'ti^`-~~!v"~' ' New liapover County School sys<en, Kenneth R. Waddell Aars. Cheryl benkins )r~XeCUtive Director N.H. Regional Medirai Certta 221 J {This page intentionally left blank} 222 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: Estimated Time: Page Number; " DEPARTMENT; Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0029 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: County Commissioners Appropriated Fund Balance $1,385,026 Human Resources: Departmental Supplies $5,365 Information Technology: Departmental Supplies $3,406 Other Improvements $3,945 Capital Outlay =Equipment $5,842 Tax: Other Improvements $19,086 Register of Deeds: Contracted Services $175;,605 Maint. & Repairs -Equipment $2,844 Capital Outlay -Equipment $228,448 Vehicle Management: Capital Outlay -Equipment $21,460 Property Management:. Maint. &Repairs-Buildings & Grounds $166,090 Building $142,305 Capital Outlay -Equipment $5,320 Engineering: Contracted Services $14,400 Sheriff - 911:. Contracted Services _ $720 Maint. & Repairs -Equipment ~8V(~ O'®(MM~~ION~'$ $11 494 Departmental Supplies $112,762 APPROVED ~- Capital Outlay -Equipment REJECTED p $9,210 Sheriff -Jail: REMOVED p l~!OSTPONED ~ '' 2 2 3 idEARi) ~~ 1 . /l _- J Contracted Services ~ $2,160 Departmental Supplies - $3,200 Capital Outlay -Equipment $25,776 ~ Sheriff/Jail-Out of County Housing: Departmental Supplies $400 Capital Outlay -Equipment $5,950 Emergency Management: Departmental Supplies $5,658. Motor Vehicle Purchases $36,502 Courts -Clerk of Superior Court: ~. Departmental Supplies $975 Inspections: Contracted Services $11,450 Departmental Supplies $4,880 Capital Outlay -Equipment $68,777 Planning: Contracted Services $9,163 Printing Charges $5,778 Cooperative Extension Service: Maint. &Repairs-Buildings & Grounds $3,400 Other Improvements $19,165 ~ Airlie Gardens: Signage , $3,951 Environmental Health: Departmental Supplies $170 Animal Control: Contracted Services $1,920 Capital Outlay -Equipment $2,200 Health Administration: Other Improvements ~ $86,828 Epidemiology: Capital Outlay -Equipment $45,353 Navigator: Departmental Supplies $170 Health Check:. ~~~l~~',~"iA~~ e S $170 Departmental uppli s . Jail Health: ~ "` Departmental Supplies ~ C °~"~ $170 224 ~ a~~ . ~ .:~ d Health Education: Departmental Supplies $1,450 Social Services/Administration: Departmental Supplies $2,263 Capital Outlay -Equipment $3,329 Library: Contracted Services $32,324 Departmental Supplies $105 Capital Outlay -Equipment $6,903 . Motor Vehicle Purchases $14,059 Parks: Other Improvements $11,474 Museum: Contracted Services $10,500 Maint. & Repairs -Equipment $5,676 Printing Charges $5,000 Departmental Supplies $1,500 Other Improvements $15,500 Capital Outlay -Equipment $2,475 Fire District: Fire Departments: Appropriated Fund Balance $25,136 • Capital Outlay -Equipment $13,500 Fire Services Administration: Departmental Supplies $482 Safety Equipment -$1,100 Capital. Outlay -Equipment $7698 Fire Operations: Firefighting Supplies $713 Safety Equipment $1,643 Environmental Management. Fund: Landfill Operations: _ Appropriated Fund Balance $343,797 Contracted Services $323;249 Maint. & Repairs -Landfill $6,250 Other Improvements $g~970 Recycling: , Contracted Services $5,328 Sewer Operating Fund: . Appropriated Fund Balance $605,742 225 Water and Sewer Finance: Revolving Loan Fund $g68 Water and Sewer Engineering: Contracted Services $357,925 Maint. & Repairs -Equipment $1,600 Departmental Supplies $11,300 Other Improvements $58,021 Capital Outlay -Equipment $171,361 Motor Vehicle Purchases $4,667 EXPLANATION: To budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 2000. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget . ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year ' which it is paid (adopted in the budget ordinances for FY 00-01 dated June 19, 2000). ~" ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be entered into minutes COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 226 ~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Y- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0038 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance $1,440,854 Social Services: NHC Hurricane Floyd Relief Funds: Floyd Recovery Housing Assistance $82,136 .Floyd Relief $34,468 Information Technology: Capital Outlay -Equipment $26,111 Tax: Capital Outlay -Equipment $13,290 Register of Deeds: Capital Outlay -Equipment $150,591 Propert Mana ement: Y g Building $138,000 Engineering: Capital Outlay -Equipment $14,000 Non-Departmental: Public Access Channel $48,500 Contracted Services $63,000 Sheriff - 911: Contracted Services $69,457 Maint. & Repairs -Equipment $146 546 Computer Expenses $183,122 Emergency Management/ Communications Tower: Departmental Supplies $5,600 Courts -District Attorney: Contracted Services ~DUNTY COMMI~~ ~ 492 $4 ,~ppROVED L, , Airlie Gardens: REJECTED O Maint. &Repairs-Buildings&Grounds REMOVED © ~~, $184,000 Other Improvements .POSTPONED ^ .l $~,~I 0~ Health -Administration: NEARiJ ^ ~,. 'J.. ~~,~~: ~ (~' (~ 4 Other Improvements -~ _ ~ _ ~- J' - ~ ;J ~ ~ $28,424 Animal Control: Maint. & Repairs -Equipment Epidemiology: $6,500 Contracted Services $21,000 Departmental Supplies - $29,957 Capital Outlay -Equipment _ $21,565 1 Social Services/ ' NHC Hurricane Floyd Relief: Maint. &Repairs-Homeowner Repairs $82,136 Assistance Payments $34,468 Parks: Other Improvements $19,100 Museum: Salaries and Wages $7_,895 Social Security Taxes $344 Retirement-Local Govt. Employee $159 Other Improvements. ~ $57,001 Maint: &Repairs-Buildings & Grounds $104,500 Fire District: Fire Departments: Appropriated Fund Balance $110,678 Computer Expenses $57.,466 Volunteer Recognition $2,850 Emergency Measures $6,082. Other Improvements $15,227 Capital Outlay -Equipment $29,053 Environmental Management Fund: Landfill Operations: Appropriated Fund Balance $1,481,000 Wastec -Administration: - Capital Outlay -Equipment $1,481,000 Sewer Operating Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance $295,099 Water and Sewer Engineering: Capital Outlay -Equipment $280,000 Water and Sewer Finance: Revolving Loan Fund $15,099 EXPLANATION: To` rol'I~o~ver,~the~fol~l~ow~ngyezpenditures.from FY 99-00 to FY 00-01. The above items were budgeted in FY 99~g0,~byt.;~ompQ,letion of transactions did not occur r to June 30, 2000. 0.i-Y ~~L~.?J~ eneral Fund: ~ " t- "'~~ Information Technology: Funds are for nine"Environmental Health replaceme t aptop computers. : , _ . . ,, ;_. { Tax: Carry-over of funds related to remodeling of tax area. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/00 Budget Arnendr~ent ~~ Consent Item, #: Estimated Time:. Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Museum-Grassroots Science BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0040 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Grassroots Science Grant $203,944 Temporary Salaries $47,257 FICA $3,574 Medical Insurance $8,516 Disability Insurance $80 Advertising $15,903 Contracted Services $30,450 Printing $1500 Supplies $8,411 Dues and Subscriptions $570 Auto Reimbursement $300 Travel ~ $5,100 Insurance ~ $800 Flow Through $6,142 Capital Outlay $1,495 Administrative Reserve $73,846 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional Grassroots Science funds awarded for FY 00-01. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: SOU COMMISSION ~' APPROVED REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ ~,~ POSTPONED ^ kEARiJ ~ 2 9 6- 1 i> Register of Deeds: Funds needed for capital outlay related to completion of Register of Deeds Automation Project. Property Management: Carry=over funds for storage and vehicle management buildings begun in FY 00-01. Engineering: Funds for a replacement machine capable of copying maps. Non-Departmental: Carry-over funds for expenses related to Pay and Classification Study and Public Access Channel. Sheriff - 911: Carry-over of funds related to Computer-Aided Dispatch. Project. Emergency Management: Funds for an alarm system and communications tower erosion control. Courts: Carry-over funds of match for Wilmington Gun Violence Reduction Project (Commissioner approval on April 17, 2000). Airlie Gardens: Funds for improvements. Health Department: Carry-over of funds for complete renovation of medical records area and implementation of Animal Control system. Social Services: Funds for State grant revenue and expenditures related to hurricane relief. Parks: Carry-over funds for matching incentive grant to reimburse Winter Park Optimist Club for the Brock-Scott Restroom/Field Safety Project. Museum: Funds for staff hours related to hurricane cleanup, installation of a generator switch, and maintenance and repairs of building due to weather intrusion and shifting. Fire Service District: Carry=over of funds for Day in the Park for Fire Fighters, emergency. measure funds, CAD Project, and implementation of rescue, services. Water and Sewer Engineering: Funds for a positive displacement manhole suction unit, five portable generators, ten remote telemetry units for-pump stations (RTU's), and revolving loan fund. Environmental Management: Carry-over funds for Continuous Emission Monitoring System - $231,000, Carbon Injection System - $250,000, and retubing No. 1 and No. 2 boilers - $1,000,000. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i;~~4:+~ni~lL~ti~~~ 'std ' . ., l~ 03@t~f~a~A f9JTO~Q.+ O ~r~~T , 230 - -.... .~ ~a~~ ~_ . r Contact: Dave Weaver, Kemp Burpeau SUBJECT: Closed session -Consideration of property purchase for the new Federal Point Fire Station BRIEF SUMMARY• Staff, as presented to the Board at it's last closed session, has obtained the agreement of the property owner of the two acre parcel shown on the attached map, to sell the property to the County for $160,000 for use for the new Federal Point Fire Station. A brief description of the property and price factors are outlined in the attached memo sent to you on August 30. Also attached is a draft buy-sell agreement prepared by the Legal Department with the appropriate conditions, and already signed by the property owners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: The Board should agree to the draft buy-sell agreement and .move toward purchase of the • property for $160,000. If the Board agrees to the buy-sell agreement, staff will proceed with tfie appropriate studies, e.g. a title search and an environmental audit, necessary for County approval before final purchase. FUNDING SOURCE: County Fire Service District ATTACHMENTS• Map 8/30/00 memo draft buysell agreement r t`OUNTY f*OMMISSI APPROVED REJECTED O REMOVED Q POSTPONED p ~~ NEARi~ ~/I~fr ~It~l~tF~'f 1P~'~tig Q ~~ ~,~ ' ~~~'~ ~l3V;G"a'i „~R q ' ~; CI'AA3~ ~' ~- Z ' d .~ M~ jq _ ~ 7•! ~ ~~ xe ~ _,' a ~. ~ ~ r ~ t~:$ ~ / ~JxL.~i ~'tswA ~ ~F ~ 4 a ~~` { ~...x -~ u "1P .~'~,~ }'~'...,r; '~"`~ ~,- " '~{!!k' " ~ l ',<?.,,;,iY,; " ~' u.~; 7 ,: , y ~j" o~z :. L$ ,SKI/.` C ~`u~'x.c ~ MJ?~ ( } ' { ~ ~ ~ $~ ~. .o ~' { ~~~ < . .4 . N ~ i [ ~M1y l V' ~ ,~ /~ ' 'ty +;y H'i ~ ! t Q ~e~. 'S 7 ^.i' ~'- ~ ~ <,d - ~ ~ ~' r '-?f' .jlp o~ g ~ S ~ w ' 2 9 v ~.~ r ". 1 .. ~ f 1 _ , L ~ O Y, :::. ~ ~,.. v ~~ U1 ( ~ ~ f ~ ~ yj •-+ . .. ": .. :. I ~ _ ~ :.. : ~ ... ~' '. . ~. - _.yy ~. .. ~~ s 2 ~ b' ~' :~:, .::: ~ ..- i :~. ^::: _ ~ :::: ~ ~ ~: Y :.. ~y ~ ~.. . -" ~ME~O August 30, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE TO: Board of Commissioners FROIti1: "~ Wanda Copley, County Attorney Dave Weaver, Assistant County IVlanagcr ,~-(mot/ RE: Search of a site for the Federal Point Fire Station • CONfIOENTIAL Several days ago, staff was able to contact an owner of two acres along River Road south of the intersection with Carolina Beach Road, as shown on the attached map. The pro ert is smaller than the three acres desired and is not in quite as good of a location as the other parcels but has no wetlands and can be used for a fu-e station. The property has a small older rental home iu disrepair. The two acres is not listed for sale, but the owner has stated to Jim Bethune that the owner would sell if for $160,000. The owner has stated the he previously turned down an offer of $140,000 from a private party, Jim Bethune feels that $160,000 is a reasonable value. It has Icss potential for commercial use than the previous pazcels staff examined, but does have the small house. At $160,000, the price would be $80,.000/acre compared to $96,700/acre for the cheaper of the previous parcels staff examined. $160,000 is under the amount budgeted for land purchase. Staff requests thatAllen O'Neal and/or Wanda Copleyplace a $1,000 option to purchase the property, subject to a Phase I Environmental Audit, granting of a Special Us ability to end the re~ltal agreement with the existing tenants, and other standard conditPions 1Stafe would initially offer $145,000 with a negotiating cap of $160,000. Staff believes the owner is rather tenuous with his offer to sell and that we should act with all due haste. If we do not hear from you by Thursday noon, August 31, Allen O'Neal andlor Wanda Copley will move forward with this effort to secure an option. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. cc: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Donnie Hall, Fire Service Administrator zn ~~ New Hanover County Contract # 01-0114 NORTH CAROLINA ..: ., ~ - BUY AND SELL AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~. _ . . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 2000 by and between JAMES RICHEL FREEMAN and wife, OWEITA FREEMAN, hereinafter referred to as SELLERS; and NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 hereinafter referred to as BUYER; WHEREAS, BUYER desires to acquire the subject property herein for a public purpose: WHEREAS, SELLERS aze willing to sell said property at a negotiated price. WITNESSETH: That subject to and in consideration of the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, • SELLERS have contracted to sell to BUYER and BUYER has conditionally contracted to purchase from SELLERS that certain tract or pazcel of land lying and being in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, Tax Pazcel No. 8500-002-004-000, and being more particularly described as an approximately 2.15 acre parcel, being Tract 2, Freeman Division, referenced in Deed Book 2323, Page 663, New Hanover County Registry. The terms and conditions of this sale and purchase aze as follows: 1. The purchase price for said premises is One Hundred Sixty Thousand ($160,000.00) Dollars. 2. The purchase price is to be paid to SELLERS, in cash; upon delivery of the warranty deed for said property to the BUYER or its designated agent, within sixty (60) days of issuance of the special use permit required for a fire station, and County obtaining, reviewing, and acceptance of ORIGINAL ~J New Hanover County Contract # 01-0114 •. environmental surveys, wetland delineation, and land survey. 3. All ad valorem taxes, including any delinquent taxes, are to be~paid by SELLERS except the 2000 taxes which are to be prorated on a calendar year basis to the date of closing and final settlement. 4. SELLERS agree and binds themselves, their successors and assigns, upon payment of the purchase price for said land, as hereinbefore provided, to execute and deliver to BUYER, or its assigns, a good and sufficient deed in fee simple, conveying a good and marketable title to said land and premises to BUYER, with general warranty and free from encumbrances, except public utility easements of record. 5. BUYER may obtain, with BUYER bearing cost thereof, a standard PHASE I • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT and WETLAND DELINEATION. BUYER'S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon the results and finding of any ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT and WETLAND DELINEATION being acceptable to BUYER. 6. BUYER may obtain, with BUYER bearing cost thereof, a land survey. BUYER's obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon the survey being acceptable to BUYER. 7. BUYER'S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon public water and sewer being presently available to the property, or the site being acceptable for a well and having soil adequate for Health Department septic system approval. 8. BUYER' S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon prior issuance of a Special Use Permit sufficient to authorize construction of a fire station on the subject property. 9. SELLERS shall furnish excise stamps to be affixed to deed and BUYER shall be 2 DR16~NAL ~_/ New Hanover County Contract # 01-0114 environmental surveys, wetland delineation, and land survey. 3. All ad valorem taxes, including any delinquent taxes, are to be paid by SELLERS~except - .. -,. . the 2000 taxes which are to be prorated on a calendar year basis to the date of closing and final settlement. 4. SELLERS agree and binds themselves, their successors and assigns, upon payment of the purchase price for said land, as hereinbefore provided, to execute and deliver to BUYER, or its assigns, a good and sufficient deed in fee simple, conveying a good and marketable title to said land and premises to BUYER, with general warranty and free from encumbrances, except public utility easements of record. 5. BUYER may obtain, with BUYER bearing cost thereof, a standard PHASE I • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT and WETLAND DELINEATION. BUYER'S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon the results and finding of any ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT and WETLAND DELINEATION being acceptable to BUYER. 6. BUYER may obtain, with BUYER bearing cost thereof, a land survey. BUYER's obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon the survey being acceptable to BUYER. 7. BUYER'S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon public water and sewer being presently available to the property, or the site being acceptable for a well and' having soil adequate for Health Department septic system approval. 8. BUYER'S obligation to purchase is expressly contingent upon prior issuance of a Special Use Permit sufficient to authorize construction of a fire station on the subject property. 9. SELLERS shall furnish excise stamps to be affixed to deed and BUYER shall be 2 ORIGINAL a i ` New Hanover County Contr--act # 01-0114 responsible for recording deed.. 10: Parties hereto agree to execute any and all other documents or.papers that may be necessary in connection with the transfer of title as hereinbefore set forth, possession of the property. 11. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the terms and conditions contained herein shall inure to the benefit of the BUYER and SELLERS, their successors, heirs, assigns and administrators. 12. The BUYER' S duty to perform hereunder is expressly contingent upon approval of this agreement as an official act of the County by the Board of County Commissioners in a regularly scheduled meeting. 13. Ernest money in the amount of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars to be credited toward • the purchase price, shall be placed in an escrow account maintained by New Hanover County for SELLERS' benefit. Said money shall only be payable to SELLERS upon a default by BUYER hereunder, or upon closing. WITNESS, our hands and seals the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Allen O'Neal, County Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board • ~ 3 ORIGINAL ~J This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. New Hanover County .Contract. #._ 01-0114 ~~ V [SEAL] ES RICHEL FRE MAN ~/7'~i~ [SEAL] O A FREEMAN Approved as to form: • County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1' , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 2000. Notary Public My commission expires: LJ ORIGINAL Q New Hanover County Contract # 01-0.114 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF /V~lt/ ~Q~r~DUP~ I, ~h~~' 2 ~ • ~ Co ~ ~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that JAMES RICHEL FREEMAN, personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~ day of ~-P~-eml~j(~' , 2000. /,~ Notary Public My commission expires: ~ - o`Z - `aU0 S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IlieLt/ ~Ci~xr1/Pi!' I, ~ t n•r,' ~ ~ . 5~,~`~-~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that OWEITA FREEMAN, personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~ day of ~e/~pP~ , 2000. Notary Public My commission expires: ~D- ~-o~(~j~j ORIGINAL NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ;'~. ~ Meeting Date: 09/18/00 ~ - Budget Amendment . DEPARTMENT: Law Enforcement Center Capital .Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-11 ' ADJUSTMENT ~ ~ DEBIT CREDIT Law Enforcement Center Capital Project: Installment Loan Proceeds ~ $4;012,500 ' Capital Project Expense ~ $4,012,500 .. ..: ._ EXPLANATION: To budget funds for a precast concrete cell contract with Tindall Corporation (Contract No. 01-0063). , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COUNTY COMMIS,~ONIR~ APPROVED l: REJECTED ^ . .REMOVED ^ POSTPONED D ,,. , ..., HERRD C r DATE Q _/_ ,._,.; ~~~~~' ® ~~tlf~2'J~r} ~J~P~~~72Q~