Agenda 2000 10-16AGENDA October 16, 2000 9:00 a.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street,, Room 301 Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRECL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three 'minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED .TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards "x:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees , 9:25 a.m. 3. Consideration of Adoption of Proclamation Commemorating the Korean War 9:30 a.m. 4. Presentation by Vinton Fountain on Proposed. Convention Center 9:45 a.m. 5. Presentation by Boney Architects on the Veteran's Park Project and Request for Approval of Budget Amendment to Move Forward with Phase 111 A ~ 10:05 a.m. 6. Committee Appointment j 10:25 a.m. 7. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS ~ County Commissioners _ j ~ County. Attorney County Manager 11:00 a.m. ADJOURN PAGE NO. 3 5 7 9 13- 19 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 "WILMINGTON, NC .October 16, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 19 2. Approval of Minutes 21 3. Consideration of Removal of Division Drive Sewer Pump Station 23 4. Presentation/Update on Sewer Service for the Kings Grant Area 25 5. Approval of Budget Amendment #01-0049 to carry over unexpended water 26 and sewer funds from FY 99-00 to FY 00-O1 for drainage program ADJOURN I`1 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS September 18, 2000 ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 29 2. Approval of Grant Application to the Water Environment Research Foundation 31 Entitled "Use of Wetlands for Bioassessment of Habitat Stability" 3. Approval ~of Amendment to Agreement with Richard Catlin and Associates, 51 Inc. -New Hanover County Burn Pit 4. Approval of Keep America Beautiful Anti-Litter Commercial 61 5. Approval of Baghouse Installation on WASTEC's Number One and Two Units 63 6. Approval of Award of Contract Nol O1-0112 to Robbinsville Contracting 67 Company for the Re-Closure of Cell No. One at the New Hanover County Landfill 7. Approval of Grant Application -March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation 73 ($10,000) for Folic Acid Awareness Campaign 8. Approval of Refinishing of Unused Space at Northeast Regional Library 85 9. Approval of Audit Requirement for, Year Ended June 30, 1999, for the 87 Weekend Meals on Wheels Program and Department of Aging's Request to Contribute $10,000 to this Program. I ~ 10. A royal of Annual Audit - McGladre & Pullen LLP pp y ' 97 . 11. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire Tax 105 District Collection Reports ~ 12 Approval of Release of Value 109 i Approval of Budget Amendments: ~ 13.1 #01-0054 Human Services Transportation 111 I 13.2 #01-0056 Social Services/DSS Administration/CP&L Intervention Program 113 ,~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant. SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEi= SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Servile Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Pamela J. Horne -Health; TEN (10) YEAR: Tim R. Heistand - WASTEC; Thurman K. Grady -Health; Linda M. Gallagher -Social Services; Helen L. Murrell Social Services; Susan D. Sprenger -Social Services; Cecilia N. Spry -Social Services; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Larrry Brewer -Sheriff's Dept.; Susan B. Thompson -Social. Services; and TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: Mary F. Gaskin -.Tax Dept. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS p Make Presentations. COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMM ,. [7 EOUNTY COMMI~IONE~~~ APPROVED Q- ~re~~' -.~ REJECTED D REMOVED ^ r POSTPONED p F{EAR1~ G.' ~ r ...z~~~~~ - '~'"/ -1 {This page intentionally left blank} •'1~'~~~ 410 0+x'1:/ Y 4~~d"! ~~~~~ ~1~41`~;~1~~1 2 .. ~~ (VEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 10/16/00 ~. ~ ~ ~'~~,~~ ~, ' ~ ~l ~ Cii r 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/16/00 ~' • R la It N b tim 3 E t d Ti P , . . egu r um er: em. #: a e age s me:. Department:. Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster • Contact: Harold Davis ~ ... SUBJECT: Proclamation Commemorating the Korean War . . BRIEF SUMMARY: , - Harold Davis has requested the Board to adopt a proclamation commemorating the Korean War. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt Proclamation . ~ _ FUNDING. SOURCE: ~ . ATTACHMENTS:, .~ ' korean. .ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ,: COUNTY. MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: .. rQOtjiVl'y CO IA APPR01lE® ~!'~ • .__`.. ~~ REJECTED :REMOVED. ~ -. POSTPONED ! ' .. FEEARi) ~ , ,, New Hanover County Board; o~ .Commissioners Korean War Veterans Month Proclamation Whereas, on June 25, 1950, North Korean ~orces invaded the southern ortion o~ p Korea ~Znown as the R.epu~hc o~ Korea; and. Whereas, in de~erise of South Korea Tie United States. joined ~ the resistance under the ~anner o~ the United. Nations; and. Whereas, over 117,000 men aril women ~rom North Carolina served. in the armed. ~orces during the Korean War; and. ~ '~ Whereas, seventeen young citizens ~rom New Hanover County lost their lives d.ue to hostile ~orces on the Asian continent ~or tie, cause o~ world. ~reedom; and. Whereas, American Legion Post 10 has honored. the men~and women o~ all wars, it is appropriate to honor tie veterans o~ "the ~or~ot en war". Now, There ore Be it Resolved, that the New Hanover County Board. o~ Commissioners does here~y proclaim Novem~er 2000 as "Korean War Veterans Month" in New Hanover County on this the 50th Anniversary o~ the Korean War, ~or now and. evermore. Adopted this t11e 16{~ day of October, 2000 ,: . - Attest: ~UU:Nr~a'~ 6 Cleriz to tlZe Board .~ ~'' . ,~ William A. Caster, ClZairman NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 u 'Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Vinton Fountain Contact: Allen O'Neal ~ ~ ~ . SUBJECT: Presentation.by Vinton Fountain on .Proposed Convention Center ' BRIEF SUMMARY: - Vinton Fountain, Chairman of the Convention Center Project. will deliver a status report and presentation'to the Board. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED. ACTIONS: , No .action required.. Hear presen#ation. FUNDING SOURCE: •ATTACHMENTS: . `ITEM. DOES .NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - . ' _ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COM ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 3 . _~~ Hear Presentation., COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. ~. . .. . ~u c~~ - APPFtOVE® ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~: - . REMOVED ~ - ~ ,~, . r , POSTPONED I~ . ~ 7 ~IEAR~ ~;; x~• . to Dl ~ ~I~~ ~~M~ ~~~~ -+ 4 `~ v. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ." .. REQUEST FORBOARD ACTION • . ~ ... , . Meeting Date: 10/16/00 .~ Regular Item #: -;5 .Estimated Time: Page Number:. ' .: Depar#ment: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson/Paul Boney Contact: Greg Thompson • - • .SUBJECT: ",' .. Veterans. Park _ " BRIEt: SUMMARY: Phase ;IB of Veferans .Park., which includes construction of the infrastructure, clearing, and initial grading for the Parks portion of the project, is nearing completion. Boney Architects and staff have .proceeded in the, preparation of construction drawings•and plans for Phase IIIA which will include the development of four soccer fields,"four baseball fields, and one softball field. Ori . September 28, 2000, staff received pricing for Phase IIIA from Thomson and Company, who is contractor for Phase.IB, in the amount of $893,854;34,. The source of these funds would be from ' remaining funds from Phase IB. . -This amount, as outlined in the attached memo, would result in the grading and temporary vegetation stabilization of the above athPetic fields.. Parking Pots-and utility services will.also be " ..constructed. This work should be completed by mid October 2001. If will be necessary to use' additional funds in the future for the irrigation system, a permanent grass cover, fencing and backstops, restrooms, concession. stands, bleachers,. dugouts, and ". ', lighting, as desired. Staff will bring additional requests for funds for these items as more firm • .cost estimates are received, and as the possible sources of the ,needed funds are determined. Boney Architects wil,l~make a presentation on the entire Phase III project. An artist `rendering of the " • entire Vete-raps Park Protect will also be presented to the Commissioners. RECOMMENDED 'MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ . Staff request the Board of Commissioners. authorize the attached change.. order to Thomson and ~. ~ Company confract in the amount of $893,854.34 for Phase IIIA of the Veteran's Park Project. FUNDING SOURCE: :. ~ .. . - 319-612.3190.6000 ~ ~ ~ - ' ATTACHMENTS: , _ ,. , .: -... • . Architect's Proposal ~ ~ ' _ REVIEWED BY: _ • . - LEGAL: F.L:NANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve ~ HUMAN RESQURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • Recommend approval. ~ !'~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:" APPR®VE® ®--'. ta7EJECfi'E® ~ . _ ~iE ,~ • MOVED •. ' ~9 POSTPONED L~ ~ ~~ ~. ,. - ~ FEL~AR7 -, ,.. -,~. . .. ~ ~~~u~b~ Qk~ '~ ~U ~~b U NEW 'HANO'VER ~COIJNTY Il`~TTER-OFFICE ®..~' DATE: September 29, 2000 TO: New Hanover County Board of Com 'ssioners " FRONT: .Allen O'Neal, County Manager ' RE: ' Veteran's Park' ~ ' There will be an agenda item onyour meeting for October 16`h regarding the Veteran's Park Project. The item will be for consideration of approval of a change order for approximately $893,854.34. This number may change slightly. " , ~ . The $893,854.34 will "buy" the following: , ' -Basic field facilities for five baseball/softball fields - (rough grade areas - not irrigated or lighted) ' ~' ~, -Four basic soccer fields - (rough grade areas -not irrigated or lighted) -Black topped/lined parking lots and sidewalks ~ ~ = -Extend the utility connections to serve futLire concessions and toilets Work on this portion of the prof ect could begin in early November and should be completed by late spring with fields ready for play by early Fall 2001. ~ . ~ . This phase of the~ro~ect will not create "professional quality -tournament duality fields.". However they will be entirelX suitable for regular practice and play. I will also request that you approve a scheduled groundbreaking ceremony for this ,project during the week of October 30`". ' Please feel free to call if you have questions, comments or concerns. c:~-- DavetiVVeaver-' C ~~ Gr~~ r~ _ .. _ .. Greg Thompson- , 10 ~ ~~ ~~.~~~~ ~~~ Boyer .~,, ,~ Mark ~ ,Ei~ A "Neal Lewis ,, P.S. This has been mailed to you so that you can see :the details of the color -copies. ® .~ . . • ~' 27 September 2000 _ •® _ -Gregory R. Thompson, P.E.. - Chief Project Engineer . New Hanover County ` _ Engineering Department ~ , 414 Chestnut Street ~oney.q rchitects; Inc. Wilmington, N.C. 28401-4045 ~ ,~ '528 Independende Blvd: , Suite Two Hundred Wumingtori, Nc ~: Veterans Park Phase III ' • 28412 , , ', B.A. No: 00.09810.01 .~ ` tel: 910.790.9901 .. ,. ~ _ fax:. 9.10.790.`3111 Dear Greg, www.boneyarch.com ~ { ` °Enclosed is the information that you requested concerning. the Veterans:Park . Phase III project. The items contained within this package will be handled as a =-.one ; Jr., FAIA ; change order to the Phase I-B contract currently. executed with Thompson Leslle:N. B Y harles H. Roney, FAIA Company, Inc. ~ .' I Ddvis Bonet', FAIA les H, Bonet': Jr., AIA . James A. clayweu, AIA . Please let me know if you would like for us to 'proceed. Kathefine N. Peele, AIA - James E, Raihs, Jr., AlA - -Mark w: seaiy; AIA .With kindest regards,. . ~~eorge J. Jernigan, Jr.; AIA ~ - , Kenneth M, Phelps; AIA $OnCy ArChltectS, in C. •, ~ _ - ' _ Paul Davis Bonet', FAIA _ ,: , - Chief Executive Officer ' /ak , ' . _ , ~~ _ ~' 3 t~ , /~:~~ '~ ' Founded in 1922 by ~ ~rQ,(. ~ ~ . Leslie N. Bonet', AIA ~~ ~ ~ J ~-t'l1'~C~L'1/~Clr~•J 1 aao - r9e4 ~~,,k`. S-4-tn''ti.,~. ~~ u~^~ /('1 William J. Roney, AIA ~ ~Yl~Si'7M . ~.-r%1~1:1~1~~--~ ~... T922 - 1993 °, ---_-_"~--' , U _ 11 , . ® I ~rEr; ~u~~` ~~~~~ ~ wilmingt . ~~~4 ~ charlottE F, ~ ~ ; ymm y.~y ~~ ~G1 Cd ~~~ O~~ ~~ p~~ ~O~ y~~ 29 ~m~ ~~ ~~o `'m ~p~ x~ ~ ~ o$ ~~ ~~ o~ ~x ~ ~° ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~o 1 ~~ a o m o a "r 8 ~~ ° ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~8~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~°x << k b1 ~ 5 ~_ ~~ ~~ s~, ~~ ~~ ~° ~~ ~> ~~ ~, n ~~ z ~~ ~. 1 ri a n ppLLnnwwinu - - ~\- ~ ~ ,\ ~~\ ~ ~~ oo ~ o. Q. J` ~ ~~ ~ - -- i- .~° Q ~ ~ j ~- ~~ ~.~, ~"~ ~ f fi, ~ I ~ ~ ~~ `~ \~ e`er ~ f ..,, .. " i - ~r t ~ ~~-x.~' - f' . I ~ !~1' ~. i ~~ VETERANS PARK PHASE 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY 414 CHESTNUT STREET WII.MINQiON, NORTH CAROLINA o~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~o ~g~~ ~.. ~y ~ ~o Pm~ m~ o~ ~S~ ~~ ~ ~ bE .~l'y c~n~"q ~~ ~~q~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ QR~ ~ °~ c ~ ~m o ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~. gb ma o ~o '[ ~ o~ c1 ~m^ ya~. 80 o~ ~ ~o ~ ~ b~ ~ ~ ~g "~ ~ ~ o Q ~. ~~ j .. ~~ ~I ~) j 1. II ,, . I1 ! ~~ I ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ I ~~ II LL. 1 i ~ I, I ... e ~'~ ,~ ~- i i i i ~ ~i ~ i o~ ~~ ~~ E .:. x ~.. e,. • ° 003 ~ ~ ~P a.a ° 3 y~~ iaa ~ ®a3 i n _ I ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • - -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 .. Regular Item #.. 6 Estimated Time. Page.. Number: Department: Governing Body .Presenter: Lucie Harrell " ~ ': Contact:. "Lucie Harrell ,, .' ,r - SUBJECT: . . .E • Committee Appointment - . - BRYEF SUMMARY: . . Appointment to Board of Fire Commissioners ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` Make appointment town unexpired term ` - FUNDFNG SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: .Committee Information and Applications `' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , ' - ~ - ' ~ ~ _ ' COUNTY. MANAGER S CO T ND RECOMMENDATIONS• MEN S A ~• Make appointments. ' ,. COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~s • . .. .. ~ - ~PPRA1fED ®--=--- a ~ . . • . - ~ REMOVED ~ ~ .. ~, POSTPONED ~ 4 .. . . • i•EEARl~. I~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT , BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1 VACANCY (Unexpired term) ~. At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representative AT-LARGE VFD REPRESENTATIVES ELIGIBLE FOR' APPLICANTS REAPPOINTMENT ~~,Harry Lee Lovic, Jr. Castle Hayne VFD ~ .~ Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications a~:l. ~ 1 4 ~~ ~;~~~,:~- a fl f~ BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service • District Tax and have no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service " organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past • three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover '. County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire ' ". • Department) 1 County Commissioner • Term of Office: three-years with no one serving more than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Emergency Operations • Center of the Law Enforcement Building: ' ~ Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on .. . _ ~ January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. TERM TERM ' GITRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES, At-Large Community Representatives , " James Monte Coughlin ~ Unexpired " 7/1/2001 ,6900-A Deacon Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/21/00,) • 792-0698 (H) Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. Second 7/1/2002 303 Tennessee Avenue Carolina Beach NC 28480 (Appt. 5/16/94 to unexpired term) 458-4146 (H) 655-3856 (W) (Appt. 8/19/96 to 3=year term, Reappt. 8/16/99) " Horace C. Johnston, III First 7/1/2002 3104 Ellis Court ~. • • Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt: 8/ 16/99) 392-6183 _(H) 341-4400(W) • -James W. Sawyer Second - 7/1/2001 " ,222•Inlarid Greens Circle ' '~ ~ „Wilmington, NC 28405 (APPt. 11/20/95) - 15 ,•452-9724(H) BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONTINUED) . TERM TERIVI~ • CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES AT-LARGE VOLUNTEER FIl2E DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Wilbur Davis Second .. - , . 7/1!2002 61'5 Pi ner Road Wilmington, NC 28409 .•= ~- ~ (Appt: 8/19/96, •Reappt. 8/16/99) 791-2231 (H) Robert R. Kiehlmeier, 7r. First 7/1/2002 169 Beawood Road. ~~ - ~ . ' ' .. ~ - . Wilmington, NC 28411 (Appt. 8/16/99) 686-7894(H) ~~ - Michial W. Rhodes Second 7/1/2001. 2000 Chair Road ~ .. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~ ~ (Ratified 11/20/95) 675-3198(H) 799-1232(W) (Reappointed 6/15/98) 7onathan A. enn First - - 7Cl/2001° 203 He oth Way Wil ngton, NC 28412 ~/ v~ (Appt..•11/03/97, Reappt. 6/15/98) 3-0674 (H) 793-0201 . , ~ - County Commissioner , • Charles R. Howell • 8/00 file:./fii-e.wpd - - ' William A. Caster ~ffiLP II~ ?`~ y ' Chairmari r, ~~~.z~ zYf C~'axrtx~t~stzxxt.ez~ Robert G. Greer ~ 9 Vice-Chairman gc "°""'" pQ° . ~E~V ~FIY[DrflEr f~DtuYitll NORTH -Buzz 8lrzenieks ~ Z ~ ~~~g~rtut &Ztrpp#~ ~t2 ~~m ~ ~~ Wanda M. Copley Commissioner o°' ~`'` County Attorney led Davis; ~r. ~i.liz[irt$l~u, ~urtll f1):~xrnlintt 284II1-4Q~3 Allen O'Neal Commisalorier `(~.1-sIBlr1{zrnP (31II) 341-7149 ~ _ County Manager Charles R. Howeii ~ttx (9111) 341-413Q Lucie F. NarrQii Commfssloner ~ .Clerk to the Board August'28; 2000 _ • ~ TO: Fire Chiefs, New Hanover County ' Volunteer Fire Departments ~~ FROM: _ - Lucie F. Harrell . Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Appointments to the Board of Fire Commissioners' ' Jonathan Wrenn, an At-LargeVolunteerFire Department representativeontheNewHanover County Board of Fire Commissioners,. has submitted his resignation. His term will expire July 1, . ~ 2001. - The vacancy is scheduled to be filled at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on October 16, 2000. To allow ample time to review applications, Volunteer Fire - ~" Departments must submit their nominations to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, " 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305, Wilmington, NC 28401, by 5:00 p.m.,~Wednesday, October 4, 2000; . ~ 'Enclosed are application .forms to be used for your nominations. =Please note that the applicant and Fire Chief must sign the application before returning to this office. If you have any questions or if I can be of assistance,"please do not hesitate to call. Enclosures:.: Application Forms Board of Fire Commissioners Bylaws cc: Donnie Hall, Fire Services Administrator ~ ~ . ~. 17 . . . _ ~ ~~ NEW HANOVER OOUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 . ~ . Wilmington, NC 2840 ~ -4093 ' .Telephone (9101 341-7.149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for. Board of. Fire, Commissioners At-Large 1/olunteer Fire Department Representative ~, . ' `' 0 Name: ~ ~ RRy `..ee. ~ ~., 01(1 e.. ~~. . Home ~ ~Q ~O~ Ne ~ `~~ ~ ~ Now long have you been a y' ~~ S Address: D p ~ ~ v~ resident of New. Hanover Count . Mailing Address: ~ ~~ ~~ p C' ~ ('. \ ~C~C~, ~~~ ~~.. City and State: W ~ ~ M. t I~e~~ p N N ~ Zip Code: C7~, tj~ ~ ~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ Cq ~. 1.y ~ 1. ~ Business: _ ~~ ` ~ ~ , "Sex: Y~ "Race: ~~ "Age: .°~~ °This information is requested for the sole purpoose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: ~t~ ~'. E-~~Q P~Ote ~`~ ~o~ ~0 . "'~° ~..a-.e.. ~'eAR :~M.MUN ~~ "'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4'of the New Hanover County Persorine! Policy. Job Title: ~ 1 ` 10.f~0. ~ ~ ~ r-Q, ~ C~/`? ~.~~~ ~--NS~i`y c-`~'\_ ~ F; cam, 5 ~ ; ~ \e.c at~c9. Q;~~..1~ ~~ Professional A ctivities: ~ ~ $~ a ~~ ^ Exec: C©~tY.~. ~ ~ ~ e . P2;,~_s ca tV VolunteerActivities: ~ ~ ' C,y ~p ~j C,,p V~-'S Why do you wish, to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ; ~ O~~'2~ .ectiy. '~ ~ p,~~-, co.S GO ~ N ~' ~- ~``~~ ~ `~' p w R ~,~ A t`n v N iC ~ P R 1.. S~1 ST~.M iNnat do you feel are your quaiiricarions fgraerving,on the_6oard of Fire Commissioners? ~~ 1e" ARS - N ~, ~ <`L', P rfl ~'2~.+~-: O r1 `Q 195 ~ ~.~, ~ t - ~~~' Y~ What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? ~*~., ~~ee~l~ t•,`F '~. .. CA c`r, c~~ ~ ~~, A 5 -~-~_ C,~ '~+~ A N c~'Xs~ More ~ `~n~ ~ ~ N ~ s Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: .NO . S ed b `~-~~'`'S~~e ~ A N~ ~ ~ ~ /hereby certify that /pay the New Hanover Count Fire y y Volunteer Fire Department Service District Tax: Fire Chief Signature . /~ l'" Signature Data: ~~ ~ OO iPtease use reverse side for additional commentsl `) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 10/16/00 Water & Sewer Item 2 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: # g •Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact; Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Water & Sewer Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, October 2, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS; ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • I• r~OUNITIP ~~®~~! APPROVED lam' s REJECTED ~ ' REMOVED ® ~ . PCST~ONED F;Eltf~i~ C3' ~ ''l U, "' ~. ...,. ~ ~~:.I v ~ b(~ ,, -art 2~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~ '.. 7~~~~_~~ ~# ~:.i,~ 22~ . .., .' , ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' •: REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION -~~ ~ ±. ~ - Meeting .Date: 10/16/00 _ Water & Sewer ftem #: 3 Estimated Time: ' Page Number: Department: Wafer &.Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact:. Wyatt E.. Blanchard ~~ SUBJECT: ~ • - ~ ' Removal of Division Drive Sewer Pump Station .BRIEF SUMMARY: - As a part of the Smith Creek Parkway extension from 23rd.Street to Castle Hayne Road, NCDOT is ` • ~ constructing a sewer line to serve .the industry on Division Orive now being served by a' small • ` wastewater plant near the NCDOT complex. Construction of this sewer line will pass the County complex on Division Drive and will allow the elimination of the sewer pump station serving the - • County Complex.- . Elimination of the County pump station was, included in the design of the total system. Bids have ' - ~ been received for this work with the County's portion of the-cost at $52,735. The County will save much more in the future by not having to operate and maintain the .pump station. See attached map for location of project: • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that we participate in the contract and pay $52,735.00 for the elimination.of the • •~ County's pump station. ~ ~ - •FUNDING SOURCE: 800-470.4197-6000 , ATTACHMENTS; . . -~._, '.- ': .Location Map ' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve ~ BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: - Recommend approv ~ . .. .COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: - .o RE.DECTE® ~~ ' ,, . .. _. .. (REMOVED Q - . _ . • POSTPONED ~ ' FIr=ARiJ ~ ~ 3 .,~ ~ w. - ~~ -~~ ~' z ~ ~< /j Lot~en ~f ~ ~ ,- Divisi®n Drive Lift Station - N ©t~~~r~©~~ir~i } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s~u~ldirags E~. ~ ~ ~e"xt`S'~narr~ ~~. . ~~[~-] ~I'arc~ls.shp ~~;; 800 0 800 1600 Feet S CRERr. , E • - _ • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . " a Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard ` Contact:. Wyatt E. Blanchard ~ _ SUBJECT: Presentation/Update on Sewer Service for the Kings Grant Area - BRIfF SUMMARY: Staff was asked to present information to you concerning sewer .service for Kings Grant and the ..surrounding area; This would include the following subdivisions: 1. Kings Grant (East and West) $ 6,440,000 2. Spring .View $ 1,394,000 3. Churchill Estates $ 1,210,000 , 4. „ Crestwood _ $ 2,204,000 5. Wildflower $ 1.090,000. • • Total ~ $12,338,000 Approximate cost were estimated to determine the magnitude of.the. total project. As indicated above the total estimated cost for the collection system is $12,338,000. In addition to'the collection cost, we must add the cost of the necessary interceptors which is $2,910,000.. The total estimated costs of the collectors and interceptors is $15;248,000. Additional financial analysis information concerning the impact of those proposed'.projects on the . ~ County's sewer plan is being prepared. ~ - This area is not scheduled until the year 2009, therefore, wastewater treatment capacity is not available at this time. Design, permitting, and construction of an area this size will take approximately three years. Construction of the treatment plant is scheduled to be complete by . December of 2003, therefore, both projects would be completed near the same time: Of all the subdivisions, Kings Grant appears to be the area most in need due to failing septic systems, -but we will not, know for sure until ".the Health Department completes it's study. This ' information is forthcoming. ~ ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED~ACTIONS: . ~ Due to the estimated cost of the project, funding must be considered since the schedule is being - pushed forward., • FUNDLNG SOURCE: • NA ;~, ..,.,4 5 -.~~ ATTACHMENTS: ,~' ,r~ .~;, . REVIEWED BY: : , ~~ ~ , LEGAL: FINANCE: A rove. BUDGET: N/A -HUMAN RESOURCES N/A'~" t~a~~ PP ~r DXt~ ~~ .. ~c.~.n t. ,~~ ~, s~-~ REJE TED 5„ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIO S: _ REMOVED Q' 2 5 • No action necessary. For information purposes only. POSTPONED ~~ARb ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~~" ~; ..,,:,~a~ i.! ~ (,o.,U ' ~~f~~-- +/~ r U ti ~ rid ~ f L~ ~~• -~ {~rC1c.(1%G~ ., • N.EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1.0/16/00 . Budget Amendment Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time:. Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Water & Sewer BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0049 ' • ADJUSTMENT DEBIT _ 'CREDIT Water & Sewer: Appropriated Fund Balance _ $331,.580 Contracted Services ~ ~ ~ $331,580 EXPLANATION: To carry over unexpended water and sewer unds from FY 99~-00 to FY 00-01 for drainage program. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by~Board Of Commissioners ~; COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~r~~ ~PFR04/ED ~ ~EJECT~D p .", fiEMOVE~ p ~~~~,~-.~-~..~..,v, ~-,~--.rPQSTP(JI~ED d ©~3a ~~, ~r~r~~ w~ ~~M..~~,..tid;'.M1 ~ ,~.ti~ u _ ~~ ~ 1~R~ ~' _ ~ ~ ,. I ~ ~, ~'~"~t~a~ /~~ w Oro- A;i~ . - t~ ... `_y ~ . - _ CONSENT AGENDA - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS September 18, 2000 - . c . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE 1 Approval of Minutes - 2. Approval of Grant Application to the Water Environment Research Foundation • . Entitled "Use of Wetlands for Bioassessment of Habitat Stability" . - 3. Approval. of Amendment to Agreement with Richard Catlin and Associates, Inc. -New Hanover County Burn Pit ' 4.. Approval of Keep America Beautiful Anti-Litter Commercial ~-5. Approval of Baghouse Installation on WASTEC"s Number One and Two Units ' ~ 6. Approval of Award of Contract Nol 01-0112 to Robbinsvlle Contracting - Company for the Re-Closure of Cell No. Orie at the New Hanover county Landfiil -. ~ ~ 7. Approval of Grant Application -March of Dimes Birth. Defects Foundation ($10,000) for Folic Acid Awareness Campaign -8: Approval of Refinishing of Unused Space at Northeast Regional Library _ ' 9.. Approval of Audit Requirement for Year Ended June 30, 1999, for the .. - Weekend Meals on Wheels Program and Department of Aging's Request to Contribute $10,000 to this Program. • ~ 10. Approval of Annual Audit - McGladrey & Pullen, LLP 11. Approval. of New Hanover County and New Hanover Cotmty Fire Tax, - - District Collection Reports ~ - 12 Approval of Release of Value - Approval of Budget Amendments: - 13.1 #O1-0054 Human Services Transportation ' 13.2 #O1-0056 Social Services/DSS Administration/CP&L Intervention Program li . ~r - °i - - 27 zs • • 'I• NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated. Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Consent Agenda -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Jail Work Session, August 14, 2000 Airlie Gardens Work Session, August 31, 2000 Regular Meeting, October 2, 2000 Closed Sessions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~PPR® ~ ~ REJECl'E® ®; ~;~ REM~VIE®~ : ~ 2 9 POSTPONED ® ~ i f-6FAR7 C~ ~,, •Y r l 0 116 I o(1 ,~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW 7 {This page intentionally left blank} (`1 ~i ~:i`~:ti~,j~<< 30 ,~.~ s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Grant Application to the, Water Environment Research Foundation entitled "Use of Wetlands for Bioassessment of Habitat Stability" BRIEF SUMMARY: ' . The Department of Environmental Management in conjunction with Robert Y. George, Ph.D. of UNC-W and the George Institute for Biodiversity and Substainability, R. Michael Nelson, Ph.D. of Nelson Environmental Consultants, LLC, and Kevin White Ph.D., University of Alabama, have written a grant application to the Water Environment Research Foundation. The purpose of the grant will be to study the affects of nitrogen (found naturally, in wastewater and in fertilizers) on river bottom dwelling organisms and the fiddler crab population. The desired result of the research will be to determine the health of. a creek or other body of water by observing the biological populations. The study will involve the use of the constructed wetlands at the landfill and the use of a small area on Fishing Creek, the landfill northern boundary, and a small area on the bank of the NE Cape Fear River, the eastern boundary. While the funding request is for $600,000. over a three year period, there are minimal costs to the County. The County's costs are all in-kind with the exception of modifications to one wetland cell that should be less than $1,000. 'In-kind cost will be approximately 5 hours each per week for three technical staff, use of the • Chemistry Lab at the landfill, and use of the constructed wetlands for research purposes. The. benefits to the County will include the use of paid interns from UNC-W for associated projects, the use of scientific equipment provided by grant funding, furthering our educational program, future intern assistance, and primarily, the knowledge gained from the research. UNC-W is now consistently providing interns to assist staff with the wetlands and other technical operations. An educational program grant in an amount of $30,000 was initially awarded for the wetlands by CAMA, followed by a research grant of $145,000 to NCSU and the County. The resultant research was the catalyst for the award of a grant in an amount of $785,000 from the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund that will allow us to construct a full scale wetlands for leachate'treatment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff request authorization to submit the attached grant application to the Water Enviroriment .Research Foundation. If the grant is awarded,. staff request the County Manager be authorized to sign any necessary documents. FUNDING SOURCE: In-kind funds are available in the Department of Environmental Management Administration budget (salaries). Funds for the re-planting of one of the wetland cells ($1,000) are available in the landfill operational budget. ATTACHMENTS: ~ - ~~~ Grant Application Form ~~~~ ~~ REVIEWED BY: ~EJEC`T'E® LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCESEN~/+A+E® ® 3'~ ' POSTPONED ~ , ~ n COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ' l -6EARi~ ~ TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~r~s '-~~~1~ I ~~ ~ .~.~. . ~` Recommend approval. . s WERF PROPOSAL I. APPLICATION INFORMATION PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR . Robert Y. George* Ph. D., President George Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (GIBS) 305 Yorkshire Lane Wilmington, N. C. 28409 E-mail: GeorgeR cr,tJNCWIL.EDU * Dr. Robert Y. George is a Professor of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies at - the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, devoting 50 % of his time in a year. The other 50% of his time is spent in projects, both national and international, on biodiversity conservation and environmental restoration..' CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR R. Michael Nelson Ph. D. Manager, Nelson Environmental Consultants, LLC (NEC) 211 Gregory Road Wilmington, N.C. 28405 ~ E-mail: miken~wilminaton.net v ~ ~ ~ ,. _ ATOR CO-PRINCIPAL INVESTIG Raymond L. Church Jr; Director, Department of Environmental Management, New Hanover County 3002 HWY 421 North Wilmington, N.C. 28401 E-mail: rchurch(c~,new-hanover.nc.us • II. PROJECT INFORMATION ' Research Category: 2001 Proposal to WERF RFP No: O1-WSM-3 Validation Study Using Instream Biological Assessments • to Evaluate Urban and Watershed-Scale Use Attainment PROPOSAL .. Title: "USE OF CONSTRUCTED AND NATURAL WETLANDS FOR BIOASSESSMENT OF HABITAT" ~ ~1 a€~ ~ L~,~; A"bbreviatedCTitle:. Bioassessment of Water Quality in a Riverine Urban • ~2 , C"-~ ~~F>~t.~~a .Watershed" ~~ ~~,~~~~r~~~ ~`d a d~~ a'~~ . . ~ ~ OJECT PERIOD ~ a ' PR Year Ol: June 1, 2001 to May 30, 2002 ' Year 02: June 1, 2002 to May 30, 2003 Year 03: June 1, 2003 to May 30; 2004 ' ~ PROJECT COST A. Co-funding "In-kind" from New Hanover, County -Department of Environmental " Management (Director: Mr. Raymond L. Church Jr., Co-PI) ~ " . .. ~ 1. Use of 5 Constructed Wetland Cells* ,, 2. Use of the Nutrient-Chemistry Lab. for monitoring - NH3, NO2, NO3, DO, Suspended Solids, Salinity, etc.. ; - 3. Participation of two experienced Research technicians l vey (A) Sam Hawes and (B) Andrew Mu * These constructed wetlands were:originally researched with funding from WERF in a location adjacent to the Northeast Cape Fear River and Fishing Creek ecosystems as shown in Exhibits-# 1, 2 & 3. ~ . BUDGET YEAR O l (June 2001-May 2002) The. development of a low salinity salt marshmesocosm, by modifying constructed wetland .cell-5, will take lace in the fall of 2001 in Phase I of the project. In Phase II in the spring of p ' 2002 the Fishing Creek in situ natural wetland will be developed with an engineering design `developed by the environmental engineer Dr. Kevin White, Department of Civil Engineering of the~University of Alabama. In Phase III, starting the fall of 2002 we will design and develop atwo-tiered (2 steps) mo"del -"constructed wetland along the edge of the Northeast Cape Fear River with intertidal and submerged "mussel garden and mosquito fish mesocosm". We will conduct a workshop in early June 2001 with twelve invited participants ' toplan and finalize the proposed third phase of this project. The participants of the. ti `workshop~are: ., - 33 2 A. Wetland Engineers: (Please give address and phone, e-mail) 1. Kevin~D. White; Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor - University of South Alabama, Department of Civil Engineering .Mobile, AL 36688 334-460-6174 334-461-1400 fax email: kwhite@jaguarl.usouthal.edu 2. Dr. Michael Nelson, Manager Nelson Environmental Consultants LLC 211 Gregory Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910-790-5300 • , .. , , . ' 910-392-3683 fax ' email: miken ,wilmington.net~`~' 3. Dr. Sarah K. Liehr; Research Assistarit Professor ' North Carolina State University Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Weaver. Labs, Box 7625 ' Raleigh, North Carolina27695-7625 9.19-515-676.1 919-515-7760 fax ~ r ~ ' email: Liehr(a~eos.ncsu.edu 4. Mr: Halford House, Research Associate North Carolina State University ~ • ' Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering 3010.Biltmore Hall, Box 8008 ~ ~ ~ - Raleigh, North Carolina 27@5. 919- 515-4457 ~.., .,. 91'9-515-6.193 fax .email: house cr,emji.net- _ ~ ' ;B; Biologists ~ , .. , . 5. Dr: Robert Y. George, President ~ ~ ' ~ ' George Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (GIBS) 305 Yorkshire Lane i Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 ~ ' .910-799-4722 r 34 , email: Georg_eRna UNCWIL.EDU 3 6. Dr. Jo-Anne Burkholder, Professor, Botany; Adjunct Professor North Carolina State University ~ . 620 Hutton Street, Suite 104 Box 7510 " . ~ Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 919-515-3421 , - 919-515-3194 fax email: Joann burkholder(c~ncsu.edu ' 7: Dr. Michael A. Mallin, Research Associate Professor The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Center for Marine. Science Myrtle Grove 1331 Wilmington, North Carolina (910) 962-2358 • emaiL• mallinm(cr~uncwil.edu _ 8: Dr. Hans W: Paerl, Professor ' ~ ~ Institute of Marine Sciences ' The" University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3431 Arendell Street ~ ' Morehead City, NC 28557 ~ . ' 252-726-6841, ext. 133 " ' 252-726-2426 fax.. ' email: hpaerl~ernail.unc.edu , C. Environmental Managers/Nature Park Developers 9. Mr. Raymond L. Church Jr., Director Department of Environmental Management, New Hanover County . 3002 HWY 421 North Wilmington, .N.C. 28401 ` 910-341-4340 ~ , 910-341-4371 fax `email: rchurch(a~new-hanover.nc.us ' ~ 10. Dr. Christopher Dumas, Assistant Professor '. The. University of North Carolina at Wilmington Dept. of Economics and .Finance. Cameron School of Business- ' 601 South College Road ` Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297 ` 910-962-4026 . ~ 910-962-3 815 fax - - ~ - , email: dumasc~uncwil.edu 35 4 11. Dr. Robert Buerger, Professor/Coordinator Environmental Sciences. Program ~ _/ The University of North Carolina at Wilmington College of Arts and Sciences 601 South College Road ~ ~ _ . Friday Hall 106 ' Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-962-3259 ~ . email: buer~erb~uncwil.edu • 12. Mr. D. Bouton Baldridge, Riverkeeper Cape Fear River Watch 617 Surry Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 1-800-380-3485 910-772-93 81 • . . ' 910-772-9381 fax email: cfrw~wilmin~ton.net ~ ~ ' III. General Information Human Subjects: _ _ This project does not involve any human subjects as experimental targets or as subjects of human health assessment. ' Animal Subjects: _. r .. This project involves the use of experimental estuarine/freshwater animals and plants such as the fiddler crab Uca minax, the mussel Corbicula fluminea, the Silverfish Menidia .~ menidia and the saltmarsh grass Spartina~cynosuroides both in the constructed wetland- mesocosms and in the simulated experiments in the laboratory. The principal investigators possess permission papers to collect and use these species for this study from the State'of North Carolina. Recombinant DNA ~ - ~ ' There will be no application of DNA recombinant technology in the present study. ' ~ . Disadvantaged Business ' This project will employ African-American minority students~from the University. of North Carolina at Wilmington and from the Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington to-work asstudent interns. Two women and recent undergraduates are being considered.for research 3 ~' assistants.. The Principle Investigator is of South Asian Indian origin. • 5 ABSTRACT The proposed. research focuses on bioassesment of the Northeast Cape Fear River water quality: The goal is to improve nitrogen removal efficiency through a series of constructed wetland cells receiving treated landfill leachate from the New Hanover County Landfill in Wilmington, North Carolina. The study involves three phases. After the successful completion~of a workshop of twelve invited participants; four constructed wetland engineers, four biologists with previous experience with nitrogen pollution in the estuaries and four environmental managers/economists in North Carolina. The proposed scientific investigation covers a period of three years (Tune 2001 -May, 2004) under three distinct phases as described below: ' Phase I: A: July 2001 Workshop on Bioassesment/Biocriteria'for the Northeast Cape Fear .River Ecosystem for Evaluation of nitrogen flux through water and atmosphere from New Hanover County Waste Treatment Facility.. Phase I B. (July -December, 2001) Modification of the existing constructed wetland cell-5 _ - as a salt marsh rnesocosm and measurement of nitrogen flux and its impact on (1) Benthic macrofaunal and meiofanuna community structure (2) the mud fiddler crab population structure and (3) simulated laboratory studies on the influence of different ammonia and nitratelevels on behavior and metabolism of the fiddler crabs. Phase II: (January 2002 to December 2002) Construction of an in situ natural wetland mesocosm in the Fishing Creek Ecosystem and measurement of (1) Macro and meiofaunal community structure, (2) Uca minax population, structure and (3) Simulated studies in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that arrhythmia and. disruption of normal biorhythms is an innovative bioassesment method. to diagnose sick crabs under stress on exposure to nutrient - levels beyond athreshold. - Phase III: (July 2002 "to May 2004) Construction of the two-tier (2-steps) constructed - wetland at the edge of the Northeast Cape Fear River at the discharge regions that receives 50,000 gallons of treated leachate per day. The field measurements will include (1) population changes in the introduced density of mussel Corbicula fluminea and silver-fish Nlemidia menidia and (2) Zooplankton composition and density in a gradient from the study site to 2 kilometer upstream. along the Northeast Cape Fear River. The results will be analyzed and interpreted with a goal of restoration of the Cape Fear River urban watershed with appropriate constructed wetlands and natural .wetland buffer zones. 37 5 1 7 VI. Annual Budget -Year One - (First year draft still under development) .' ` Salaries: Research Assistant (2) (100%) ~ ----$ 24000 ' Student Interns (2) ------$ 6000 Consultants: Dr. Robert Y. George (GIBS) . $100 per hour (300 hours ayear) ---------$ 30000 Dr. Kevin White (Univ. of Alabama) $100 per hour (250 hours ayear) ---------- $ 25000 Dr. Michael Nelson (NEC) ` $100 per hour {250 hours ayear) ----------$ 25000 . Equipment: ~ ~ $ 25000... (Dr. Nelson to list the items) - Analyses $ 20000 Supplies $ 5000 Indirect Costs (Benefits, Health Ins., FICA.Tax) ~ $ 7500 Boat Operation------- ------------------------------=------------ $ 4000 Computer facility for data storage, retrieval and display --- $ 2504 Travel ---------------------------------------------------------------$ 12,000 (site travel, conference, etc.} Total------=-------------=---------$ 200,000 (under development, not actual) . Approximate costs of New Hanover County Iri=Kind Contributions ----=-----$ Budget, will be categorized and more specific when engineering estimates are available. .. _ - , " . .- ~ ~ 39 " g BIOGRAPHIC SKETCH ADD NELSON _~ ADD CHURCH ADD WHITE - ~ ~ - " . r i RATIONALE A. The rationale for this proposed research is asolution-oriented approach and not an identification of problems. Therefore; the emphasis is a team effort that calls for interaction between (a) biology at the population and ecosystem of organization in an environment and (b) environmental engineering at the edge of collaboration with emphasis on development of realistic designs bio-suitable for operation to reduce nitrogen levels in a sequential flow system of treatment strategies and (c) environmental managers at the intersection as bridge builders between biologists and Constructed Wetland (CW) engineers in selecting the most 4 o suitable approach to solve the people's problem of contamination of urban watersheds in rivers, lakes and creeks within a city or county boundaries. This, in essence, is most recently 9 recognized by the U.S.National Science Foundation under the leadership of Dr. Rita Colwell as the "Biocorriplexity Initiative" that calls for interaction between biological, physical and social spheres of studies. This approach is also in line with Harvard ecologist E.O. Wilson's biodiversity - consilience concept. Heretofore, biologists went on their own mostly to find _ solutions and environmental engineers went on their own to find solutions. The rationale for ' .. this proposed research is athree-pronged approach. B. The second important rationale for this proposed study is to use new and untested but r innovative bioassesment methods to document and correct environmental health parameters: The conventional method, measuring environmental, aquatic in particular at surface and . subsurface (ground water) level is to simply label a system red (unhealthy) or green (healthy) purely based on results of coliform bacteria counts (number of E. coli In one ml of water): While this method is a clear index of fecal contamination and waters of eutrophication attack iri sewage outfalls in urban watersheds, the nitrogen pollution is much more than sewage-induced as seen in the high nitrogen leachate residues origination from - . the treated wastes at New Hanover County Landfill, presently proposed. for further study in . this proposal. We propose to generate new data on bioassesment of environmental health- (a) by determining optimum levels of populations of keystone or indicator species of the selected ecosystem such as a primary consumer fiddler crab Uca minax in the salt marsh ecosystem (species that is a vital step in energy flow in the trophic organization of the community) and- (b) by recognizing. abnormalities or arrhythmia.in biorhythms of selected `. . ,species as index of environmental health disorder and (c} by delineating benthic community structure of macrofauna and meiofauna in a stressed versus non stressed (control) - community) as valid. biocriteria for nitrogen-induced ecosystems. OBJECTIVES . A: To conduct a workshop to arrive at a "state of the art report" on bioassessment models for the New Hanover County Waste Treatment Facilities in the Cape Fear River Ecosystem. B. To conduct research on the. Constructed Wetland Cell-5 as a "Salt Marsh Mesocosm Experimental Chamber" (a closed system) subjected to influent and effluent flow of treated leachate water flowing through constantly and to "bioassess" the impact of nitrogen flux on the benthic macro=meiofauna) community structure and fiddler crab population structure. C. To measure the in situ fiddler crab population structure in the natural wetland near Fishing Creek to establish normal patterns to compare with experimental situation in Mesocosm (Cell-5) data.. D. To conduct simulated laboratory experiments to quantitatively estimate the precise ,- influence of levels of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia on the metabolism (oxygen consumption `Yates and ammonia excretion rates) of fiddler crabs. This will determine the optimum level for metabolic performance and threshold levels beyond which adversely affect metabolism. q. ~o E. T,o determine the impact of nitrite, nitrate and`arnmonia on the. biorhythms of the:fiddler crab in simulated laboratory conditions. ~ - ~ ,- ,~ „ F. To develop a 2-tier (s-steps) constructed wetland adjacent to the Northeast: Cape Fear ; River in the vicinity of the area that receives 50,000 gallons per. day of the treated leachate from the New Hanover County Landfill. G. To determine the impact of nitrogen "outfal'1" on populations of (1) mussel Corbicula fluminea (2) the silverside fish Menidia rrienidia and (3) the zooplantkon community in a ; transact originating from the~submerged mesocosm (tier-2) ~to a two kilometer gradient . upstream along the Northeast Cape Fear River: ' ~ ~ _ . • - ~, ~~ PROJECT MANAGEMENT , - ;~ Dr. Nelson to fill up this page This.portion pending receipt of engineer's project planning portions....., ,~, ~ ~ , . A QUALITY ASSURANCE - Quality Control .Measurement acid data acquisition (Sampling and data.analysis) This portion pending receipt of engineer's project planning portions Both Ivlr. Church and Dr. Nelson to write up. , B. Assessment and Oversights • . ~ , C.' Data Validation and Usability ,; ~ ~ , Church and Nelson (talk with Sam) .. . ... _.. , • ,,. ,-. ~ . . 1 3 -, - I t ~ . - ' •42 ~ -_ . . 11 4 RESEARCH APPROACH ~. Background: Humans are a factor in soil genesis as much as any natural factor. This is readily apparent when we recognize the generation of ash in urban incinerators on a daily basis by"burning vast piles of mixed debris and garbage from the city's metabolism ' (resulting in massive amounts of waste). The New Hanover County Landfill is one such " "anthropogenic soil hill"(abbreviated as ASH). ASH is growing in this site on a daily basis and the leachate arising from this calls for treatment and disposal in an environmentally ~~ healthy way of disposal in the urban watershed, Northeast Cape Fear River. Evans of al (2000) has discussed the importance of "urban soil" (ASH) or . ~ "anthropogenic soil" in a recent review paper on the questions of waste management in " ~ urban watersheds. - Nitrogen removal from watersheds, originating from anthropogenic soils or hog farm lagoons has become a subject of considerable ecological concern in the state of North Carolina (Mallin et al, .1998). The bloom.of toxic dinoflagellates, in nitrogen-induced - eutrophication scenarios after hurricanes or in nutrient enriched urban run-off, caused millions of fish (including commercially very important Menhaden fish) to die in rivers and creeks in North Carolina ever since the first red tide in 1987. Furthermore, mesocosm - experiments established that nitrate levels above a threshold could cause the death of sea .grasses (Burkholder et al., 1992). Removal processes are vital for reduction of nitrogen from treated municipal wastewaters and leachates. Liehr. et al.(2000) discovered that leachate from the New Hanover County, landfill are typically very high in ammonia nitrogen concentrations and fairly low in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). _ New Hanover County is located in the southeastern part of North Carolina and the waste treatment facility is located. at the northeastern loop of the Northeast Cape Fear River as shown in Exhibits 1, 2 and 3. In 1981, the county began to operate the landfill as North Carolina's first double-lined landfill with leachate collection. The county serves nearly , ~" 20,000 citizens. The landfill accepts municipal solid wastes, industrial sludge, construction/demolition debris and ash from the county-operated waste-to-energy cogeneration (incinerator) facility. Leachate collected from the landfill is pumped into 15,000 m3 or 4 million gal. ' lagoon and subsequently treated in a 190 m3 /day (50,000 gpd) onsite extended aeration treatment plant (biodegradation by bacteria). The effluent also has to pass a toxicity test and : ~ should not cause the turbidity of Cape Fear River to exceed 50 Nephlometric Turbidity " Units (NTU). The pilot constructed wetlands (5 cells).. were researched (Figure 1, Schematic Diagram)' with Water Environment Research Foundation -WERE-funds (Liehr et al., 2000}. 4.. 43 . " ,~ PROPOSED RESEARCH Analytical methods. proposed in this study are as follows: (DR.; NELSON.- Fill up gaps) A. Physical /Chemical Parameters Measured in Influent, Effluent and,Transact stations ' -=-=-------- Digital Thermometer 1. Temperature ----------------==---------------- - . Vertical Profiler 2. Dissolved Oxygeri ------------=--------~---'-----"--------YSI Oxygen Meter/Probe ,. Model # 3. Salinity/Conductivity----------------------------------'-° Refractometer • - Conductivity Meter • 4. Turbidity---------=-----------------------'----=---------------Sechi Disc , Nephlometer , , S. Trace metals Ammonia; Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate --- --. -------???~?????? , ~ • Mass-Spec (GE Model?) . ,: 7. Suspended solids-----=-=----- ---~ ---- ------------- . B. Bioassesment Methods Proposed In this Study/ BiologicaLParameters (Study stations`in mesocosms/CW from influent to effluent locations) 1. Uca rrcinax crab population densities-=------------------------Quadrat evaluation. 2. Biodiversity Index of macrofauria and meifoauna ------------- H' and J' of the Shannon-Wiener Index . , , 3. BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) 4. Chlorophyll a content in Cape Fear-River Waters , 5. Metabolism Measurement of Key Species ------------=George's Metabolism Chambers ( fiddler crab, mussels and rriosquito fish) ~ ., ~ ~: , - _ • . , . •~ • 6. Biorhythm Cycles ---------------------------------°----- ~~~ Recorder Chambers 7. Meiofauna/ Macrofauna -----------; ------------------------- Corer samplers - ---- ---Open/Close Plankton nets 8. Zooplankton ---=---------------------------------- -- - 44 • • 13 RESEARCH PLAN At the New Hanover County Landfill Site in Wilmington, N.C., adjacent to the Northeast Cape Fear River and Fishing Creek (See Exhibits 1, 2 & 3), five pilot-scale - wetlands are presently in operation. The leachate processed through the constructed wetlands has been known to contain high ammonia nitrogen concentrations (1.29, to 1.78 g/m2/d). This pilot study on the constructed wetlands (Liehr et al, 2000) led to several conclusions and recommendations for future modifications to improve the denitrification process. This proposed three year study (2001-2004) takes into account these . recommendations and some innovative research approaches to emphasize bioassessment and biocriteria, as stipulated in the RFP by WERF. In recent years, more~efficient denitrification results have been achieved by innovative engineering concepts (White 1995, 1998). Similarly, biologists have documented patterns of denitrification and denitrification in natural and restored salt marshes (Thompson et al, 1995). Unfortunately, there have been few efforts thus far, to approach the problem of effective denitrification through. constructed .wetland as a joint venture between engineers grid biologist. Therefore, this proposed study emphasizes the interaction between innovative constructed wetland engineering design ` developed by Dr. Kevin White (engineer) and new methods of bioassessment recently tested by Dr. Robert Y. George (biologist). The following ,modifications in the constructed wetlands were recommended in the pilot study of the New Hanover County Landfill. (1) SSF (subsurface) -cells were less efficient than FWS (free water surface) cells in total nitrogen removal. This deficiency is attributed to {a) poor oxygenation and (b) poor organic carbon availability. Therefore; we propose to convert Cell-5 as a salt marsh mesocosm with following. features - a carbon source (methanol) and a new oxygenation system. (Dr. Kevin White to modify as necessary) (2) The pilot study also revealed that vegetated SSF cells did not remove more nitrogen than the unvegetated SSF cells, both receiving raw leachate. The possible benefit of vegetation is improved oxygen .transfer. The salt content of the cell is 5 % We will modify the cell-5 to a 5% salt marsh ecosystem. with Spartina cynosuroides and the fiddler crab Uca minax ecosystem.... . {3) The nitrogen removal rate in the constructed wetlands exhibited a significant seasonal. change,. with reduced rates in the winter months. The influence of temperature on the ' nitrogen removal will be further investigated in simulated laboratory study in this proposed research. Another seasonal interference is the impact of flooding during the hurricanes which coastal areas of North Carolina are more succumbed to in the recent past ' ~ and presumably more so in the coming years. Flow patterns of leachates are influenced by 3 ~ 14 excessive flooding. We propose to design engineering devices to keep the flow constant (Dr. White to look at this critically). The proposed research-comes under-three phases: Phase I. A. Workshop of 12 invited participants to critically look at the 3 phases for _ . feasibility and quality assurance of data:-..--- July 2001. r, . Phase I B. Modification of Cell-5 as a Saltmarsh Mesocosm (July 2001 - Juae 2002) ~ . Data Acquisition Phase II. Development of In situ natural wetland salt marsh Mesocosm at the edge of Fishing Creek, (July 2002, --Dee. 2002) .Data Acquisition ~ , .~ _ ~. Phase IIL Development of the 2-tiered constructed wetland (CW) -Intertidal-Sumberged Mesocosm in the Northeast Cape Fear River at discharge point which receives ,50000 ,~ gallons ,of treated leachate from the Waste Treatment Facility (approximately 1700 feet from the Leachate Lagoon) -- (Jan. 2003'-,June 2004) and Data Acquisition. - '_.. .., Preliminary research on microorganisms in the, Wetland Cells .indicated that bacteria play a significant role in the denitrification process. We will culture the bacteria from the root zones of the cord grass Spartina cynosuroides and cultures will be identified and quantified: However, we do not propose to do any extensive bacteriological research in the proposed study. The primary focus of this research will be bioassesment~of macro and meiofaunal population dynamics under different nitrate and ammonia levels.. j Research Proposed For Phase I B (-July 2001 = Dec: 2001): Constructed Wetland Ce11=5 will be constructed as a mesocosm with saltmarsli sediments from Fishing Creek in the vicinity of.the Leachate lagoon (See Exhibit 2). Spartina cynosuroides and associated plants such as Juncus will•be transplanted along with 100 adult male and 100 adult female of the fiddler crab (Uca minax): George et al (2000) found that Golf course effluents (run-off) in the Bradley creek . estuary when exceeded 0:25-mg/L nitrates`caused eutrophication.but at levels of less than 0.1 mg/L and induced the chronic in situ growth and reproduction of the fiddler crab"Uca ~~ minax. Therefore, the mesocosm part of the cell-5 will be regulated so that the nitrate and ammonia level will be considerably lower than this threshold level. . The removal nitrogen from the ammonia rich leachate will be done while passing through. .the cell-5: ` ~ ' ~ ' ; , _ -- In order to assure the biomoritoring procedure, the test.animal Uca rrcinax will be subjected to~a series of laboratory acute and chronic tests at various selected concentrations ..F:. , ., .. of both nitrate and ammonia. The treated leachate is complex but our focus will be primarily 4 6 on the riufrient loading: The purpose of~these tests ~is to establish the.permissible,1evel of ammonia and nitrate levels in the treated water disposed' into the Northeast Cape Feat River. 15 ~ s ~i i We will conduct LC 50 experiments and will conduct experiments in the metabolism chamber to monitor Oxygen consumption rates and ammonia excretion rates at selected . _~ I concentrations of both ammonia and nitrate. We will arrive at NOEC (No Observable Effect +: Concentrations in this study). We will conduct biorhythm studies to determine non-lethal } but adverse levels that can cause arrhythmia in activities of the crab. Proposed Research For Phase II (Jan. 2002 to June 2002) We will construct an in situ wetland, in the same dimension as Cell-5 (ft X ft), along Fishing Creek (Figure 1). The focus will be on (a) quantification of the meiofauna and. macrofauna to compare with the same in Cell-5 Mesocosm that is subjected to leachate flow. (b) Uca minax population changes over a period of 18 months to compare with similar - measurement in Cell-5 that subjected to leachate flow. Proposed Research For Phase III (July 2002 to May 2004): We will construct atwo-tiered in situ wetland along the Northeast Cape Fear River at the discharge site that receives 50000 gallons of treated leachate per day. This, site. experiences significant tidal changes each day .on a semidiurnal scale but the salt fluctuation ' is very insignificant (5 to 10% ). The intertidal zone (Step-1) has populations of Uca 'minax. In the submerged zone, which will be fenced to retain the motile megafaunal animals including the fishes. We will introduce the following three fish species (1) 50 female and 50 .male Mosquito fish Gambusia affinis in one compartment (2) 25 male and 25 female Menhaden fish iri the second compartment and (3) 25 male and 25 female Silverside fish Menidia menidia in the third compartment. We have selected only Silverside for laboratory toxicity tests since this fish is recommended as standard for EPA -sponsored research and is common and readily available fish in this site in the Cape Fear River. This fish species is neither fragile as Menhaden nor hardy as the mosquito fish. Furthermore; the silverside is a summer spawner and therefore, we will obtain fish eggs in the summer to do chronic studies on the effect of different concentrations of nitrate and ammonia on the fertilized Eggs.'The . principal investigator has developed an well-designed method to photographically document the cleavage stages from 2-celled to gastrula in a crustacean with a similar egg size (George and Stromberg, 1.984). We will use the same methodolgy. The silverside fish, about 4" in adult size, is a carnivore feeding on zooplankton species. In this constructed wetland we will also introduce in the fourth compartment the fresh . ~ water mussel species Corbicula fluminea. This mussel species seems to decline in rivers ,'17 and streams in the Tennessee River Drainage and the Great Smoky Mountain National .Park (Goan, 2000). The mussels, like the oysters, are filter feeders and siphon several ..gallons of water in a day. In biomonitoring studies the best indicators of the health of the water are the animals such as these mussels..We will study the impact of the outfall of ^ 50000 gallons of treated leachate on these mussel and fish populations in the present study. `t 16 i We will also conduct laboratory experiments on LC50 and optimum metabolic performance , under simulated of nitrate and ammonia to determine the point at which adverse acute and chronic effects are seen. The construction of this 2-tiered wetland will be done following the guidelines . established by White (1995, 1998). Dr. Kevin White TO WRITE UP THIS PART, PLEASE! The results of this proposed research will enable the environmental managers to decide the maximum quantity of leachate disposal in the Northeast Cape fear River in the, future and also to determine-the precise level of nitrogen removal from the leachate o that any adverse impact on the health of the salt marsh ecosystem and the submerged ecosystem. LITERATURE CITED Burkholder, J.M., K.M. Mason and H.B. Glasgow, Jr.'1992. Water-column nitrate enrichment promotes. decline ~of eelgrass Zostera marina. Evidence from seasonal mesocosm experiments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 81: 163-178. ~ - . .~. ;~ , Evans, C. V., D.S. Farining and J.R. Short, 2000. Human-Influenced Soi1s..In: Managing .. Soil in an Urban Environment. edited by R.B. Brown, JN. Hudlleston and J.L..Andersori. Agronomy No. 39: 33-68'(Madison, Wisconsin, USA) , _ ~..~/ George R.Y., G. Bodnar, S.L.'Gerlach and R.M. Nelson,.2000. Bradley Creek Ecosystem . (North Carolina) Adjacent To A Golf Course: The Conceptof Buffer Zone and Constructed Wetlands for Oligotrophication. Seventh Interriational Conference for Wetland systems for Water Pollution Control; Lake Buena Vistas, Florida (Nov.l1--16, 2000) ~t ~ ~. George R. Y. and J O. Stromberg, 1985: Development of eggs of the Antarctic Krill ; Euphausia superbcr in relation to pressure. Polar Biol. 3: 100 - 110. Goan, C. 2000. Fresh water Mussel Survey of Abrams Creek; Great Smoky Mountain National park, Blount County, Tennessee. The ASB. Bulletin 47(3): 308-310. Liehr, K. S., D.D.'Kozub, J.K: Rash; G.M.Sloop, B.Doll, A,R.Rubin,,C.H,House, , S.P..Hawes and D.Burks: 2000. Constructed Wetlands Treatment of High~Nitrogen Leachate. Water Environmental Research Foundation Project 94-1RM-U. Final Report. Mallin, M.A., L.B. Cahoon, J.M. Manock, M.H. Posey, R.K. Sizemore, W.D. Webster and T.D. Alphin, 1998. 'A Four Year Environmental. Analysis of the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks (1993=1997), CMSR Report,No: 98-O1;~University of North Carolina at Wilmington 4.8 Thom son, S.P., H.J. Paearl and M.C, Go, 1995: Seasonal Patterns of nitrification and p '~- denitrification in a natural and restored. salt marsh. Estuary 18(2).: 399-408. 17 ~, ,~ - , {This page intentionally left blank} 50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD O.F COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION µ ~ •. Meeting Date: 10/16/00 ~" -;Consent .Item.#: 3Estimated Time: Page Number-: `~ Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church . "SUBJECT: • -Approval of Amendment to Agreement with Richard Catlin and Associates, Inc. - New, Hanover County .Burn Pit. BRIEF SUMMARY: In 1994, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a unilatera order requiring • " the potentially responsible parties (PRP's), including the County, City of Wilmington, and Cape Fear Community College (local PRP's) to undertake certain remedial action at the site: ~At the time of the order, the proposed remedy was a pump and treat system for,the treatment of groundwater. The Respondents engaged Richard Catlin and Associates ("Catlin") to undertake the remedial design/remedial action ("RD/RA"). Catlin was also requested to review alternative remedies at the site `to accomplish the cleanup goals. in a more expeditious and cost effective manner. " Based upon preliminary design and evaluation, Catlin determined that air sparging would be more effective in achieving the cleanup goals for the site. In addition, it is estimated that the air . • .. sparging will save approximately $41,000. per year in operating and maintenance costs. The:EPA has approved an amendment to the Record of Decision for the site authorizing the use of air sparging. The contract for the RD/RA provided that, if the EPA approved the use of an alternative remedy, -then the PRP's and Catlin would attempt to arrive at a mutually agreeable; price for the design and implementation of the remedy: The amendment addresses the mutually agreed changes and prices. ~ New Hanover County is responsible for twenty-five percent of the costs. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Staff recommends the Board approve the Amendment to the Agreement with Richard Catlin Engineers and Associates for Remedial Design and Remedial Action dated April 18, 1984, and the , associated Resolution FUNDING SOURCE: Funding for this project was previously approved and is in Capital. Project Fund . 335.41,0-8300.7300 ATTACHMENTS: ~ ` •. Resolution.. r.~ ~ bur•npitresolut.catli btEJEC'1°E®'a`~ „= . ~". .. lt2EMOVEO ~ ~ ~ `'1 REVIEWED BY: ~ p~$TFONED- ~ '~ LEGAL: .Approve FINANCE: Approve ,BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESO~UERC~E~s: N/A~ ,'~~~ ~~ ~,~~ 1 . COUNTY MANAGER'S.C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. . i • RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County has been listed as a potentially responsible party for the cleanup of the New Hanover County Airport Burn Pit Site; and •. WHEREAS, in 1994, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a unilaterah order urging the, County„City of Wilmington, and Cape Fear. Community College (local PRP's) to undertake certain remedial action at the site: Af the time of the order, the proposed remedy was a pump and treat system; and ' WHEREAS, the Respondents engaged Richard-Catlin and Associates..("Catlin") to - ° . ,'~: undertake the remedial design/remedial action(`.`RD/RA"). Catlin; was,also.,requested,to review` alternative remedies of the' site to accomplish cleanup 'goals in amore expeditious and cost effective manner; and '` '° '' ~ ` WHEREAS, based upon preliminary design and evaluation,. Catlin determined that air ~ " sparging. would be more effective in achieving the cleanup goals for, the site... In addition,, it is .estimated that the air sparging will save approximately $4.1,000 per year in operating' ~ . „, and maintenance costs;. and WHEREAS, the EPA has now approved an amendment to the Record•of Decision for " ' the site authorizing the use of air sparging; and WHEREAS, the. contract for the RD/RA provided that if the EPA approved the use of an . ~ alternative remedy, then the PRP's and Catlin would attempt to arrive at a mutual agreeable price for the design and implementation of the remedy: : , . ~ ~ , NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT: " 1. , The Commissioners hereby .approves an amendment to the.agreement with, Richard Catlin and Associates, Inc: for the implementation of the air sparging. . , remedy at the New Hanover County Air Port Burn Pit Site. The contract shall . provide for the payment of cost relating to the evaluation of the alternative remedy in a total amount of $85,609. In addition, the amendment shall provide . - • for the payment of an amount not~to exceed $100,000 for the completion of the remedial design for the air sparging remedy: The actual cost of constructing the air sparging system and the operation and maintenance of the system shall be _ _ determined after EPA's approval of the remedial design and shall be subject tothe """~^ ~~, approval of the Board of.Commissioners. The County shall continue to pay 25% •~~, ~~ ~~ofUe~~cost ofthe work. - W caeTY 1 _ 52.1, ~~~~~~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA- AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR COITNTY OF NEW HANOVER REMEDIAL DESIGN AND REMEDIAL . ACTION This~Agreement, made and entered into this day of 2000, by and between New Hanover County, a North Carolina body politic and corporate ("County"),, City. of Wilmington, a' North Carolina municipal corporation ("City") and Cape Fear Community~College, a body corporate organized and existing under Article 2 of Chapter 115D of the North Carolina General Statutes ("College") (all of the above parties are hereinafter called collectively "Respondents") and Richard Catlin &' Associates, Inc., a North Carolina corporation {hereinafter called "Contractor"). W I T N E S S E T H Whereas, the Respondents have been identified as Potentially Responsible Parties for the cleanup of the New. Hanover County Airport Burn Pit Site, New Hanover County, North Carolina ("Site"); which site is on the National Priorities List;, and Whereas, the United States. Environmental Protection Agency issued to the Respondents a Unilateral Order .for Remedial Design and Remedial Action relating to the Site ~% Order ; 54 Whereas, the Respondents intend to comply with the Order to avoid the potential assessment of costs and ~. penalties to the Respondents by•the EPA; and Whereas, the Respondents and ..Contractor entered into an agreement dated April 1'8,1994 under which the :~ contractor agreed to oversee and perform the remedial • design and remedial action. ("RD/RA") for the .site • (^`Contract") ; and Whereas, the Contractor was to evaluate alternative .remedies to' that proposed in the Record bf Decision- . („ROD"); and' Whereas; the evaluation of remedies has been .completed and the EPA `has approved an amendment, to the Record of Decision to permit the use of air sparging at the site;-and Whereas, the parties desire to modify the Contract to provide for. the implementation of air sparging and t.o revise the-fee schedule for the project; . Now•, therefore,. for and in ,; corisidera~tion of the covenants, conditions and agreements set forth herein, the :Respondents and .Contractor do hereby agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 2 of the Contract is hereby amended by adding a new sentence following the second sentence thereof to read: - "The Contractor shall perform all .work required for 55 implementation ~"of' the- RD/RA for the" airy sparging remedy as approved in the Amendment to the ROD." 2 : Paragraph. 2 (c) of the Contract ~is amended to 56 read :" ~ ~ ~ - - "C. Design and Implementation~of air sparging remedy. ` (Task VI) - ` Based~on.the EPA approval of the~Amendment to the'' ROD permitting the use of air sparging, the Contractor "sriall undertake all work necessary to design and construct the air sparging remedy: This task shad' include operation and. maintenance and performance a monitoring and shall include all items of work as described~~in~:Paragraph 2A. 'above. ~ All work shall be ' completed in accordance with EPA'~approvals." 3. Paragraph `5A ." of the Contract, except for the section on.Additional Services; shall be amended to read:. "S. Fee Schedule and Payments to Consultant. ~A. The Fee Schedule for t+he work shall be as follows ~: - - .. ' . .. 1. 'Implementation RD/RA [Pump and Treat System].' Task Ii Remedial Design ~ $111,443.00 2. Evaluation of Alternative Remedies ' ~~ a. Evaluation 11,076.00 b. Preparation of CAP 4,0.70.00 ' ~ ~ Task V: Other Remedies a. Evaluation 14,680.00 b. Submission~to EPA 7,680.00 Additional Tasks for Evaluation of Air Sparging and ROD Amendment'Work Micro purge Sampling for " - Metals 1,700.00 Air Sparge Pilot Testing and, - Trea~tability Study 42,730.00 " Additional Investigation " ` Including DPT Borings. and ' Permanent Monitoring Wells .18,182.00, Installation of Additional • Piezometers and Temporary ~. Wells, Data Calculation 9,975..00 Feasibility Study Amendment 3,022.00 • ROD Amendment Coordination 10,000.00 3. Design and .Implementation of Air Sparging" System (Task VI) A. Remedial Design. The cost of each task in completion of the remedial design- for the - •- ~ air sparging system shall .not. .exceed the ' following amounts: 60o submittal $30,000.00 90o submittal $30,000.00 100% submittal $30,000.00 ~• EPA/NCDENR Coordination $10,000.00 V , ' - 57 4 • 58 p , B. Remedial Action (system construction and installation) -- , C. .Operation and Maintenance (and monitoring) Due to project unknowns including the required number of sparge wells, the number' of long term monitoring wells, cnonitorng;.frequency and, required laboratory analyses;. costs. for the. work tasks described in 3B. and C. will be proposed following the ,.. completion. and review of the 60% remedial design submittal and "the successful negotiation of the number and type of long term,-monitoring. wells as well as the required .analytical methods. and monitoring frequency. . The Respondent's. and- the Contractor shall attempt to arrive at a .mutually-.agreeable price for the. completion of such tasks.a: Any agreed-upon price shall not be effective •until, incorporated ,into this agreement by written amendment signed by all parties." 4. Within forty five (45) ' days.:of the execution of this .amendment, the Respondents shall pay to the Contractor, any retainage amounts relating to the work performed to the date of this amendment. - 5 ~, S. Except as amended, all of the terms and conditions of the Contract shall remain in full force and ~ ~ effect. In witness whereof, Respondents have caused this . agreement to be duly executed in their names. and behalves y and Contractor has caused this agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its corporate seal to . be hereunto affixed; and attested to. ' THE TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE . .. By : - ' President ATTEST: . - . ~ - Secretar . y NEW HANOVER COUNTY By - William ,Caster, Chairman of Board ATTEST: Clerk to .the Board CITY OF WILMINGTON. By ' David L. Jones, Mayor: ATTEST:; . City Clerk .. ~ ~. - 59 ,'; . 5 RICHARD CATLIN & ASSOCIATE'S, INC. By : .. President ATTESZ`: ... .. Secretary ,' , This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal- Control Act. This the day of ~ 2000. -.Finance Officer City of Wilmington This instrument has .been .preaudited in the manner _.._ . required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. This the day of 2000. Director of Finance New :Hanover County .APPROVED AS TO FORM: .. County Attorney ~` City Attorney. ~ ~ ,. , Attorney for.Cape.Fear - Community College 6 ~ ` 082400F/Remedial Design Agreement/U: / 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSI®NERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00.. . Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECTi. . Keep America Beautiful .Anti-Litter Commercial BRfEF .SUMMARY: " .Keep America Beautiful is an organization within the Recycling Section of the Department of Environmental Management. The mission of KAB is to educate the public on environmental and solid waste issues, reduce litter, and improve the visual aspects of the`community. To further the ' educational aspect on the affects of litter on our environment, KAB staff has been working with the firm of ADRP to prepare a 30 second TV commercial. ADRP has agreed to produce the commercial Pro Bono. The :normal cost for production is $60,000. 'The commercial will be 30 seconds of animation showing how a small amount of litter can create a large trash pile. ADRP 'has requested funding in an amount of $7,000 to cover cost of the computer generated a imation. The KAB Board of Directors has requested funding the production of the commercial with equal shares to come from the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, The commercial will be shown on the Board of Education channel, Local Government channel, and as a public service announcement on other local channels. Once the commercial is produced, " sponsors will be sought to promote the commercial. Corporate sponsors will allow the- ~commercial to be played during prime time on local channels. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends funding the production of the Anti-litter commercial to further our educational activities. The funding of $3,500 for the computer generated animation should be contingent upon the Gity of Wilmington providing an equal share of $3,500 for the production. FUNDING SOURCE: . .Funding for educational .purposes is available in the Recycling budgetline item . . .700-480-4930-3600:. 4 ATTACHMENTS: ' Letter of recommendation from the KAB Board of Directors REVIEWED BY: ` . LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve NUMAN RESOURCES: N/A • Recorrimend approval. VTS: r~~` REJECTED ~ „` .,' , REMOVED ~ ~\°` POSTPONER ~ ~ ' 61~ ~iEARi7 ~ I: ~ -y ,~ { .~ `; -~ ~ ~ ,. ,,, . . - y e~'9 U~ 1~~~ . October 2, 200'0 TO: County. Commissioners FROM: ~. Keep America Beautifiil Advisory Board President. ~ ' ~ . ,. ., ,, ,; Steve Yandle RE: ~' Anti-.Litter Commercial Keep America Beautifulis anon-profit envirorunental organization that aims to`educate-the community-of ways.iri which we. can'beautify our. area: Our mission ~s to empower individuals to take greater responsiblity,for enhaneing.their community erivironrrment, to address issues that relate to"'those physical and,visual 'aspects of the community that individuals can personally arid. directly impact through their actions. ~ „ - ~, Over the last several months Keep America Beautiful has been working with a local agency, ADPR on an anti-litter commercial. ADPR has agreed to provide their service free ,of charge ,~ because they,.feel this topic-is a necessary problem to address.. A local.. anirriation company will ''` - professionally develop`the.30-second,commercial. The commereial~is•tai•~geted at the everyday citizen who may not realize the impact lttering.has on~our environment.,Ths:animation company has also agreed to provide their service to this cause. They are however asking for $7,000 to cover the cost behind the commercial. Without the help of these locale agencies the anti-litter commercial that would~realistically~cost $60,000 would not~be possible. ~' ~' Keel America )3ea~>tifiil would .1.?ke to see this commercial r_:alce an impact in our community. . We therefore are asking for matching.fimdsfrom both the City and the County. of $3;500. With this amountof money the commercial will be created and together we can begin to attack the .littering problems Wilmington faces.: ..- • - ~, - .. Thank, you for your assistance! ,. „,1. -- .. ~ .. f iva^ .- is Paper 6 2 ~ ~ ~ R7F,~l~"~f 1 ~!F~ '~ e° RecYCled ~ J KEEP AfI~EI~<IcCA A~JTI~`~[.JL, ~F 1`~E ~-IAI~~EIZ CO~1T~' ~~2=1'6~North~ S cond Street • Wilmington, North Carolina • (910) 762-0965 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Timer .Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: John H. Hubbard'. 'Contact: John H. Hubbard SUBJECT: Baghouse Installation on WASTEC's Number One and Two Units BRIfF SUMMARY: WASTEC currently has an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) installed on both Number One and Two Units (boilers). Each of these units is capable of burning 100 tons of municipal solid waste (trash) per day. The purpose of an ESP is to remove particulate .matter in the flue gas (i.e.; smoke) to the extent that the unit will comply with federal and state air emission regulations. The ESPs are aging, are no longer state-of-the-art equipment, and are incapable of meeting tougher emission .standards. Baghouses are now needed to replace the aging ESPs and to ensure WASTEC can comply with requirements. WASTEC's third unit, its largest, currently has a baghouse installed. It - is outfitted with -1,024 bags which are 6 inches in diameter and 20 feet long. The flue gas travels through these fiberglass bags leaving particulate matter caked on the sides of-the bags. Periodically, the. bags are pulsed with compressed air, shaking the particulates loose and allowing them to drop to the hoppers underneath the baghouse structure. This particulate matter is, collected, mixed with the ash that comes from the burning process in the boilers, then taken to - the landfill as daily cover. Recent stack tests have shown that this baghouse easily complies with ` air emission standards in not only particulate matter but other pollutants such as mercury, sulfur dioxide; and nitrogen oxides. WASTEC received bid packages from three contractors to design,. supply, deliver and install on each of units one and two a baghouse which is similar to the one on unit three. The .lowest compliant bidder was Merrick Environmental Technology, Inc., at . $1;498,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Staff recommends award of Contract.# 00.0462 to Merrick Environmental Technology, Inc., in the amount of $1,498,000 FUNDING SOURCE:. . Installment paymehts ATTACHMENTS: - Sample contract Recommended resolution - Merrick bid package - ..REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A /'n11HITV nAAn1A(2C~~c P+nnnnnCI~ITC AAIn ~C!`nMRACA1nAT1/'1AIC. ' Recommend approval. ~~ ~ ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~PPROVE® w~~~~t REJECTED Ir8 REMOVED ~ 6 3 POSTPONED !~ ~ ~~ . " 6-iEARi~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOAR]) OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the two electrostatic precipitators on WASTEC's Units 1A and 2A are in need of replacement; ~ ' AND WHEREAS; the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in accordance with. Title 40 U. S.: CFR Part 60 Subpart (BBBB) and the North Carolina Department of Environment .and Natural Resources (DENR) in accordance with NCAC Title 15 A Chapter 2 Subchapter 2D Section :1205 are issuing emission guidelines for small waste' combustors to be implemented in 2003; ~ ~ ' AND WHEREAS; WASTEC's Units 1 A and 2A nre small units; _ AND WHEREAS, baghouses for,Units IA and 2A are necessary replace the electrostatic .. , precipitators and to meet the proposed emission guidelines; ~• 'AND WHEREAS, the'company Merrick Environmental Technology, Inc.; has demonstratedthe ability to provide the baghouses.in accordance with the specifications ~' ' and has offered the shortest time. of installation; AND WHEREAS, Merrik Environmental Technology, Inc., is the lowest compliant. bidder and has accepted New Hanover County's Conditions of Contract; AND WHEREAS, the Director of Environmental Management and the County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Merrick Environmental Technology, Inc: fo"r installation of two baghouses on Units 1 A and 2A in the amount of One million four hundred ninety eight thousand dollars ($1,498,000); AND WHEREAS, funding was approved in the. Fiscal Year 1999-2000 budget and payments will be made by installment; ~ , .. , w ,, . ~ i i '"~ ;. 64 ' ;~ a:~~... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for the design, delivery, and installation of two baghouses on Units lA and 2A at the New Hanover County Waste-to-Energy Conversion Facility (WASTEC) be awarded to Merrick Environmental Technology, Inc. for the amount of $1,498,000; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 16th day of October, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST; Clerk of the Board i~ 65 {This page intentionally left blank} 66 NEW HA.NOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract No. 01-0112 to Robbinsville Contracting Company for the Re-Closure of Cell. No. One at the New Hanover County Landfill • BRIEF SUMMARY: Jn response to :the loss of landfill capacity after Hurricane Fran in T996, the County sought and was granted, State approval to re-open Ceil No. One that had been closed in 1986. A thirty-foot vertical expansion over the ten-acre cell allowed the County sufficient time to complete construction of Cell 4B. A State condition to re-opening the cell was to re-close the cell using a synthetic liner. Plans and Specifications were submitted to the State in June 1998, and a permit -. to close the cell was received on July 3, 2000. A bid opening was held on September 27, 2000, that included a base bid and an alternate that allowed for the import of approximately 33,000 ..cubic yards of sand for protective cover over the liner. The base bid provides for on-site sand to be used. Because on-site sand is in short supply, we are requesting the alternate .bid be accepted,. .. A Damage Survey Report (DSR) was submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1997, requesting reimbursement for this expense. The project was declared eligible. but suspended until the project was completed. A request has been made to FEMA to bring this DSR out of suspension and to allow award of contract at the alternative bid price.' ~,, Bids were received as follows: Alternate Bid Company Base Bid - $1,847,984.56 ES&J Enterprises $1,485;634.56 $1,643,371.00 The IT Group $1,538,566.00 $1,790,950.00. Four Seasons Environmental $1,465,750.00 ' $1,241,503.00 Atlas Resources Mgt. " $ 998,353.00 F ~ $:1,205,900.00 Robbinsville Contracting Co, $ 988,600.00 _ $1,.335,515.00 Triangle Grading & Paving $1,134,315.00 • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Staff recommends award of Contract No. O1. 0112 to Robbinsville Contracting Company of Robbihsville, NC; in an amount of $1,205,900.00, the Alternative #1 price. Staff also requests adoption of the related resolution and Budget Amendment No. 01.0055. • FUNDING SOURCE: This project has been submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the form of a Damage Survey Report after .Hurricane Fran. The project was declared eligible but suspended -until completion of the work. A request has been made to FEMA to remove the suspension on this project. In the event that FEMA does not reimburse the County for the project, funds are available in the Department of Environmental, Management Fund Balance. . ~._ ATTACHMENTS: T~~ ~ Contract ~ APPRO~/E®..~~~ ~..., .. .Resolution REJECTED @~ ~:! . RE~-O~I=~ ~ .~ 1 6 7 (~ POSTPONED !<7 -. ~ ,, BA #O1.0055.wpd. FIEAR© l~ ~ ~ ~,rTP ., I~oIJ~I,Q~~~.~.~' REVIEWED BY: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 10/16/00 ' Budget ArTlendment DEPARTMENT: Hurricane FRAN BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0055 ADJUSTMENT DEBlT CREDIT FEMA revenue ~ $1,360,000 Contract Services $1,360,000 A EXPLANATION.: To rollover anticipated FEMA revenue and construction expense related to Cel! #1 closure which was not complete at 6-30-00. Permits have now been issued to,proceed with this project. i ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: '!` APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners r~I~f I ~MIt9~ ~ ~ ~ . lAPPR®1~® It~-~- .=x . . ' REMOVED Q p PQSTPONfD ~ (~, I' 6~IEARD Q~ RESOLUTION ~ ,, . - OF THE - , .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, Hurricane Fran struck the County of New Hanover on September 5, 1996, creating havoc and destruction; ~ . , - " AND WHEREAS, over three hundred and fifty thousand tons of hurricane related debris was generated; AND WHEREAS, the capacity to handle hurricane debris at the New Hanover County landfill was diminished; - AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management sought and was granted permission from the North Carolina Department of Environnierit and Natural Resources, Solid Waste Section to re-open Cell No.l to add a thirty foot vertical expansion for hurricane. debris; . AND WHEREAS, DEHNR placed a condition on the vertical~~expansion that the ; " . cell would be re-closed using a synthetic liner system; AND WHEREAS, plans and specifications were developed and a permit to construct the closure was obtained"; ~ - ~ - AND WHEREAS, the project was advertised and bids were received on September 27, 2000, as noted: Company Base Bid Alternative No. 1 Bid ES&J Enterprises $1,485,634.56 $1,847,984.56 " The IT Group $1,538,566.00 $1,643,371.00 Four Seasons Environmental $1,465,750.00 $1,790,950.00 Atlas Resources Mgt. $ 998,353.00 $1,241,503.00 Robbinsville Contracting $ 988,600.00 $1,205,900.00 • Triangle,Gradng & Paving ~ . Y $1,134,315.00 $1,335,515.00 y _ ~ 'i~ l., .. - a. ~1~~~ ~ -~ , g ~a ~ ~ j ?' ~{ ~ Va~~ ~"{ / ~ { { 7~ ~ , / ~ r~ ~,~~~; ~~ . AND WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Management desires to award the contract to Robbinsville Contracting at the Alternative No. 1 price to conserve on-site soils; AND WI~EREAS, the~Federal Emergency Management Agency has declared this ,project eligible for funding but has suspended the Damage Survey Report; AND WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been contacted and requested to remove the suspension of the Damage Survey Report; . AND- WHEREAS, the Director of Environmental Management and the County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Robbinsville Contracting Company in an amount of One Million two hundred five thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,205,900.00); AND WHEREAS; Federal Emergency Management Agency funding is being appropriated and is in Account INTO. 110-433-4329-3700; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for Cell Number One Re- closure at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Robbinsville Contracting Company in an amount of One million two hundred five thousand nine hundred dollars ($1,205,900.00) and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 16t~' day of October, 2000 NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~ 71 {This page intentionally left blank} - •' . (VEW~ H/~NOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .: ' _ ~ REQUEST FO.R.BOARD ACTION . - - Meeting Date: 10/16/00 , "_ . .- •` Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Timer .Page Number: - . Department: Health .~ Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Director Women's Health ... . ~ Contact: Betty.Jo McCorkle 343-6660 ' " ~. - SUBJECT: . .. ' , ~ GRANT APPLICATION-MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION - ~ - ~. ($10,000) fo.r Folic Acrd Awareness~"Campaign - ' -BRIEF SUMMARY: , The Board of Health. has approved the following grant application. 1Ne .request approval by the = ;, County Commissioners to apply for a grant from THE MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS ' ,- FOUNDATION, EASTERN CAROLINA CHAPTER for $10,000,for a "Folic Acid Awareness Campaign". ' "' The °Folic Acid Awareness Campaign" will provide multivitamins with folic acid along with ~ ' - - .. education information explaining the protective effects of folic acid for the prevention of heurai . ~r,. tube birth defects.- ' ` ~~ ~ The project will target. agencies within our community that provide pregnancy testing services ant. ~ , - . ~~the Register of Deeds office which serves young women-.who apply for marriage licenses: The- - provision of multivitamins with folic. acid along with an awareness campaign emphasizing the . . importance of education is .not offered within our communify: The proposed program will reach the: underserved population through the health department and community health agencies who "° .serve the.i:ndigeht.and Latino populations. ~ ' Q."'• ', This roJ ram will be' rovided throw h existin health de artment and communit a enc staff. " P g P g g P Y g. Y e. `~ _ - See attached grant application including budget page for more specifics.. ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION-AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' ," ~ •Approve submission of the MARCH OF DLMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION GRANT •. ,APPLICATION for, $10,000 and associated budget amendment if grant awarded , • . ," °FUNDING SOURCE:..,..- .' .: • - . • ~ MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION-EASTERN. CAROLINA CHAPTER . ' ' ~ ATTACHMENTS: .. Yes-l0 page grant application including last 3 pages of letters of support from community • ,° agencies..... ~ , ., ,, ,. ,REVIEWED BY: ~ , - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve.. BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A " " ~ - ~ ': ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend aPProva . r ,.. ~, .,. `COMMIS510NERS' ACTT N /COMMENTS: ~PP~01l~I~ >~~ •~~ . .. REJECTED ~ .,zz .REMOVED ~ ~ f ~'•~ .a .~ ~~ . ~ POSTPON.E13 ~ i° ~' ~. .. °. : . ,, .: ~tEAR-D ~ ' ,., . ~p -~~ ~, ,.~~I,1 ~~t,~~ a .. March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Eastern Carolina Chapter Grant Proposal Application Section I- Applicant Information Applicant Organization: New Hanover County Health Department Agency Director: David E. Rice Project Title: Folic Acid Awareness Cam aian ; , Project Director: Betty Jo McCorkle Position: Director: Women's Health Care Division Address: 2029 S. 17`"'Street ~ ~ ~ ' City: Wilmington .State: North Carolina Zip: 25401 . County: New Hanover Date: Se tember l5. 2000 Phone: 910-343-600 Fax: 910-341-4146 Email:, bmccorklena co.new-hanover.ric.us Type of Organization: X Government Non-profit Other .. Total Amount Requested from March of Dimes: $ $10 000 Section II• Project Overview Which of the March, of Dimes program's priorities does your project address? * ,Increasing the number of women who take a multivitamin with folic acid daily _ , ,; _, Please provide a brief (2 to 3 sentences). summary of the project you are proposing:' WYiat, will you do and what difference will it make? The health department will provide multivitarriins with folic acid acid educational information to young women of childbearing age at the New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) and throughout the community. Tlie educational material will focus on the decrease in neural tube,birth defectsfor young women who take folic acid daily prior to conception. The women will be targeted through agencies who provide pregnancy testing and/or contraceptive services. We will also'target young women who apply fora marriage license through our .county Register of Deeds office. ' 74. i. i Page 2 . March of Dimes Grant Proposal New Hanover County Health Department Section III: Services/Prog_rams/Activities What services/programs will your project and March of Dimes funds provide that currently .are not available in your community or how will it make existing services reach the under served ': population? The "Folic Acid Awareness Campaign" will provide multivitamins with folic acid along with educational information explaining the protective effects of folic acid for the prevention of neural tube birth defects. The project will target agencies within our community that provide pregnancy testing services and the Register of Deeds office which serves young women who apply for marriage licenses. The provision of multivitamins with folic acid along with education about the importance of education is not offered within our community. The proposed program will reach the under served population as we will include health department and community health agencies who serve the indigent and Latina populations. . ,Please list the names of other organizations/groups you will collaborate with on this project. Obtain letters of support form them and attach to this application. New Hanover County Register of Deeds Wilmington Health_Access for Teens (W.H.A.T.) .University of North Carolina @ Wilmington -Student Health Coastal Horizons -Crisis Line/Open House Who will provide the services/carry out the activities of this project? New Hanover County Health Department staff * Women's Health Care Division staff * Health Education staff . * Community agency staff (as listed above) • Will project staff have to be hired? Yes_ No X If yes, what is your time frame? Section IV: Tar eg t Population Who will be served by this project? Young women of childbearing age, to include all races and cultures. The New Hanover County Health Department serves a growing population of Latina women. We have interpreters on staff and are seen as auser-friendly agency by this population. This project will also target women who participate with other agencies in the community seeking pregnancy testing, contraceptive services and marriage licenses. 7 c Page 3 March of Dimes Grant application New Hanover County Health Department How will participants by identified and recruited? Participants will be identified when they present to the listed agencies requesting pregnancy testing, contraceptive services or a marriage license. How many participants do you expect to serve? ' Number per month 250 Number for the total project 3,000 Section V: Objectives Applicants must detail a program plan with measurable objectives geared toward attainment of the stated goals and must specify the activities to be undertaken to reach program objectives. The plan must also include a timeline for the activities. The program plan should include a short descriptive narrative followed by a summary as indicated below: (Attach additional}~ages if needed.) It is expected that the grant's goals and objectives will be met within the year and any changes in goals and objectives must have prior written approval of the Statewide Grants Review Committee or the Program Services Committee. Goals and Ob'ecl fives should be brief using measurable terminology. Be specific as to: A. Composition and size of target group B. Plan to reach target group C. Outcomes expected Objectives Activities to Achieve Objectives Person/Agency Start/ .Responsible End Dates Objective 1 "~ Provide vitamin with folic acid and education to young women in health department clinics Objective 2 ~ . .Provide vitamin with folic. acid and education to 7 6 young women Activity 1.1 Provide vitamins and education ~ NHCHD health department walk-in pregnancy testing sites and health education sessions Activity 2.1 9/2001 - 9/02 9/2001 - 9/02 ` ~ ~ Page 4 ~ • March of Dimes. Grant Application New Hanover County Health Department ` ~ Objectives Activities to Achieve Objectives Person/Agency Start/ . .: . Resp®nsible ` End' _ .. Date ~ : . .Objective 2 . , ~ ". agency sites through- Provide "packets" of vitamins NHCHD, 9/2001 • out the communitywith education to listed agencies Listed agencies - 9/02 Objective 3 - .. •. . _ Provide vitamins with Provide "packets" of vitamins. NHCHD, ~ ~ " 9/200.1_ folic acid to young with education to county Register: Register of Deeds = 9/02.. women who .apply of Deeds office Office for marriage licenses • Objective 4 .. . .Provide educational Provide expert guest speaker NNCND ~ 8/2001 lunch-n-learn for and box lunch for participating . participating agencies agencies - ~ - ,. as -kick-off for - . -. , .' project and "explanation ~ - of procedures Section VI: Evaluating_Pro~ect's Impact . What process evaluation of your project do you plan to include? (i.e. the number of classes;held, :: the number of women who attend, etc.)? ~ ~ : Education classes will be held at the health department during walk-in clinics which are held.3 . times weekly :arid serve approximately 15 .clients at each clinic. Women served through pregnancy testing in the health department total approximately 600 per year. Agency personnel .. will be educated during the lunch-ri-learn event -approximately 30 professionals and agency ~, • ~ personnel: Women who receive services at.the listed agencies will receive the "packets" -' . approximately 3,000: women. What outcomes do you expect for your target population and how will you measure it` (control group, pre and post test, before and after comparison, etc.)? . ~ We expect that women who receive the education and vitamins will understand the importance. of takin them and will be in the habit of taking a multivitamin with folic acid daily: We also . g g • 77 . Page 5 March Of Dimes Grant Application ~ ~ ~ - New Hanover bounty Health Department ~ ' expect to educate community agencies who serve young women about the importance,of taking. folic acid daily. The project will be evaluated through apre-and post-survey which will be conducted through the health department's services. A random survey will be completed for those women receiving the "packets" through outside agencies. This will be carried out through atear-off tab which will be torn off by agency staff at the time the "packets" are provided. The tab will include the women's name and phone number -and will include permission for us to contact them at a later date to determine if they are continuing to take the multivitamin with folic acid and to determine if they understand the. benefits of taking them: '.. ~ ' .. ~ ', March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation J = Grant Budget JUSTIFICATION Project Title: Folic Acid Awareness `. Project Director: Betty Jo McCorkle - _~ Responsible Agency: New Hanover County Health Department BUDGET JUSTIFICATION B. Materials and Supplies Multivitamins with folic acid ~ ~ " * 3,000 @ $2.39 each (bottles of 100) _ $7170 - Educational materials * MOD Pamphlet: "Think Ahead for a Healthy Baby" .3,000 -@ $10.00/pkg of 50 = $600 .. * MOD Flyer: "Take Folic Acid" X3,000 @ $5.00/pkg of 50 = $300 * MOD Flyer-Spanish: "Take Folic Acid" 3.000 @ $5.00/pkg of 50 = $300 * MOD Poster: "Folic Acid Poster' -~- 10 @ $S.OO each = $50 ~ - • C. Travel and Meetings Lunch-N-Learn Activity for Agency Representatives * to provide the most current data related to neural tube defects and the positive effects of folic acid * to explain the procedures of the folic acid awareness campaign and each agency's participation Honorarium for guest speaker $50 Lodging $75 Mileage $155 D. Other Expenses/Fees Box Lunches for Lunch-N-Learn $200 * 30 agency participants.@ $6.50 each Table Decorations; etc. $100 , Printing * tear-off health department logo/data for follow=up * plastic bags for assembling "packets" Total $1,000 ESTED $10.000 C) ~ TOTAL AMOUNT REQU ., .`` '~ WILMINGTON HEALTH ACCESS FOR TEENS September 14, 2000 ~ . Sarah, Verbiest, Director of Program Services March of Dimes {Eastern Carolina Chapter) ` ~ ~ ' 4112 Pleasant Valley-Road, Suite 208 , Raleigh, NC 27612 : ` Dear Ms. Verbiest: . ~'V~~ilminaton HEalth'Acc~ss for Teens (1!~'HRT) is pieased,;to support,the ~`".fC-t~~J I ~aP~GI/E~_CGiJI"t\t l~ccltl"l ~Cp':~~r'•1CC'~~`~. iG~C•FEi'i,C~~'tU~'~C}E!"lr ifOP"t't ~liC.~fEaf:Ch G" Dimes to improve women's health by increasing,fhe'.rumber of~worrlen who take a multivitamin with folic acid daily. ,.. , . ~ ~ ~• WHAT's primary care. teen clinic and satellite 'school-linked- health center, ;Lakeside Wellness Center, welcome the opportunity to serve as sites for ` distribution of folic acid supplements and.educational material about the protective effects of folic acid during the childbearing y'ears'and the decrease in birth defects. ~ • 4 WHAT looks forward to working with the New Hanover County Health Department on this new women's health venture. Sincerely,, Barbara Staell, M.Ed.. ` Development Director ` i ~.: vt~S,Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 910.790.9949 910.790.9455 Fax. l' ) fl ~, ~~UNCW STUDENT HEALTH- 910 9b2413D - 09/15 '00 15:06 N0.25~ UL/U~ .. ~ e 1' . ~ _ ~ _ = , • . • . '~'1~F UNNE1ZSIlY OF NORTH C{~ROLIN.A. AT W1LNT1iNGCON . • _' ~.. September 15, 2000.. ~ - - Sarah Verbiest, Dit~xaor of Program Services March of Dimes (Eastern Carolina Chapter.) al. i2 Pteasartt Valley Rosa, Ste 208 . Raloigh,.NC 27612 ,. C7NC-Wilmington Student Health Center ent#zugiastically supports the New Hanover Couaty Health Departrnent's March of Acmes mraat PmFosal_ 'Che efforts to improve tkte ]tealtkt of women and babies • would occur through distribution of a packet of educational material which includes muldvitarnins with :folic ec:id. The population. of yocang women wkto seek services througvh ovr progzam is a target population - for this endeavor. Our staff would participate by refetsing to the information and vitamitts as wE encouAter ~ - , young wonu;n who present for pregnancy testing and/or birth control services. vVa rceognize the henei5ts ' of encouraging young women of childbearing age to take folic acid PRIOR to eoneczption in order to utilize - thcprotectivc effects of folic acid in the prevention of. newal tube binh defects. ._ ,, ,~ Th.e Stnden!Hea3.th Center has provided students wilh 220 pregnancy tests and 5OO gyn annuaLvi5it5. J 'We applaud the health department's efforts to rai,+~e awareness of the importance of this si.rnpJ.e, Yet ~ • tremendously effiective practice tar the prevention.of birth defects and the promotion of optimal heal.di among young women who :tte coatemplating a pzegnaacyat some point in their lives. ,• Sincerely.. ~' S. Albert Abrons, M. D. - . . ' ~ ,' ..• Medical Dimcmr. ~ . ' ,;. UNGWilmingfon ' ..: • Student Health Center ~ . ' _- " ~ . ., • $'rUDENT IiEALTK CENTER ~..._ pavtStoV of SrUak~•r At~rnttts ..._.~ _ ._ . 60] 5ovt+1 Ctn,t,r,[.E ROAD • WtuvItNCPON, idOR'rH C.4ROUTdA 2$4ai-3297.97p-962-32t3t) • FAX 91(1-9fi2-~ET.30 8 3 84 . ~ N'EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF' COMM[SSIONERS - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - _ ~ . Meeting Date: 10/16/00 ~~ ~ Consent item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ r Department: Library Presenter:. " Contact:. David Paynter - . _ ., . SUBJECT: - .Refinishing of unused space at Northeast Regional Library _ BRIfF SUMMARY: The-Northeast Regional Library has.approximately'4,000 square feet of unfinished space. With - current available project funds and with additional donations, there are sufficient funds to develop acomputer lab", a small. meeting room, and additional storage areas in this area. With Hale Coristructiori and Bill Gage still engaged in work at the site, the library and fund raising committee think this is an.opportune time to upfit this space. No additional county funds are requested. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~, ~ Authorize project architect to prouide the necessary architectural work for Hale Construction to e - , _ upfit.this area. Request approval of budget amendment #2001.12 to increase the budget for the award of $35,000 from PRAXAIR. ~ - FUNDING SOURCE: _ - . - - ~ Project balance as of 10/4/00 $236,812 ~ ~ - - - . Praxair grant ~ 35.000 -• Total - - $271,812 ; ... "~._ `, Less 'anticipated expenses .. ~ . _. , _ .' Portico and plaza $80,000 ~ ' Furriishings/equipment50,000 ,,, , .., -_ Available $141,812 - = ATTACHMENTS: - - ba01-12.w ~ - - - ' .-. • REVIEWED BY: _ ~ ^'. - • , ,LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:,N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S. CO SAND RECOMMENDATIONS; , f ~ Recommend approval. - , - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S%COMMENTS: LL ~ ~..~ ,,,~ ~ ~ ,,,~ .,qj~ ~.~, SOU. COMMI~~IONE ~ _ APPROVED' G` ~" ~' ' ~ - _ REJECTED ' ^~' {t~~a~4 ~i~ ~ - ~, REMOVED. -.~ ,,~,i8~~=~ , ~~ ' POSTPONED ~ t~,~, ,r, •. . • HEARi~ . - .~ ~ ~a . - I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ .. Meeting Date: 10/16/00 Budget Amendrnent DEPARTMENT: Library BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-12 , ADJUSTMENT DEBIT' CREDIT ~ ~ $35,000. ~ PRAXAIR Grant ~ ,Capital Project ..Expense $35,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for PRAXAIR grant awarded to, the library to assist in the development of-the computer lab at the Northeast. Branch Library ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners _ _, i1P~,~;0~i~j5S ~ ~ . REJECTS ~ ~ , ~~~kS. y ' ~ ~~ .REMOVE ' E'~STPON~~ ~~49~~i ' ' 4 ~ ~ ~' , ~EI RiJ `~y.~ ~` Il ~/~/ ~^/ C(CA !§ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. .. Meeting Date: 10/16/00 .- :Consent Item#: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~' ' Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crompton .` '. Contact: 'Annette Grumpton/Aging and Cam Griffin/Budget Department SUBJECT.: County's audit requirement for year ended June 30, 1999, for t'he~weekend Meals on Wheels program and Department of Aging's request to contribute $10,000 to this program. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . The weekend Meals on Wheels program received a FY98.99 contribution of $11,000 from the • ~ County. The County's outside agency contract contains the requirement that the funded agency have an annual audit performed if the contribution is over $5,000. The firm of Hamilton & Johnson, Certified Public Accounts, quotes a fee of $1,300 •$1,800 for the FY98.99 Meals on Wheels audit. 'Due to the expense of the audit in relation to the contribution amount, the Meals on Wheels Council, Inc., is requesting exemption for the FY98-99.audit .requirement.. The audit exemption would allow funds to be used for the benefit of the program. The program currently feeds approximately 100 people per day on the weekends. _ The. Budget Department monitors outside agency audits and has reminded the Meals on Wheels Council` in writing and by telephone about the audit requirement. It should be noted that the. . . Council's initial reply to the Budget Department inquiry-did not reach its destination; and a.copy ' was faxed to the Budget Department after another inquiry was made: The Meals on Wheels Council, Inc., is currently requesting a $10,000 contribution from the Department of Aging to continue the weekend Meals on Wheels program.:The Department of `. Aging has funds available in the Aging bridge donations escrow account and is agreeable to the contribution, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , That the Board of County Commissioners consider granting exemption for the Meals on Wheels FY98.99 audit report and consider the 'Department of Aging's request to contribute $10,000.. to 'the weekend Meals on Wheels program with approval of the related Budget Amendment. No. ` 01.0057_ ~. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . Department of Aging's bridge donations escrow account. ~ ' ` "ATTACHMENTS: . `~ Hard copy of backup correspondence ~ ~. ~ ` U BA#01~0057.wpd ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ti~f~~~,~~'i:~t~~~'yv Y~lli~~ :' , REVIEWED BY: . ~~u~~~~~~~1~~~. . , LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve 'HUMAN RES®tit~J;R,CE,~:CN/ ~ ` ` ~~ ` ~ MO E®. p.,, fins x Q COUNTY MANAGER'S•CO 11/1=~ TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .~ ~.J~ M ~ N ~ ~'OSTPONE® a~ ,~ ~ ",~~ .Recommend approval. ~.~' i~EARi~ l . COMMISSION ~~ `~ , r, ERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~'~` .» NEVI/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REt~UEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meet9ng Date: 10/16/00 Budget Amendment ~ , DEPARTMENT: Aging/Nutrition-Home Delivered BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0057 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Aging/Nutrition-Home Delivered: • Aging/Bridge Donations $10,000 • ,Meals -.Bridge ' • $T0,000 EXPLANATION: To contribute $10,000 to the Meals on Wheels Council for their weekend program. No additional County funds are needed since funds in th Aging Bridge Donations escrow account will be -used. • ~. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ` ~U1~4Y COMMiaSION'ER~~ ~ i~PPRgvED r~°l~ l 12EMOV~Q - POSTPQ~~ 88 ' - HEART 1I~rf~~ll~~ ~~~' ~~ iErl~~vFl~dV~..~ ti ~~.,..~ J :• .. BUDGET DEPARTMENT ~, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 512 ' „ - ~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 'TELEPHONE (9I4J 341-7128 FAX (91 D) 341-4027 .. Y . ... ,., M. CAMERON GRIFFIN :. . ;. , . Budget Director ~ .. . ,~ ~TOI~'I SHIELDS ~ - " , Budget.Analyst r .. . MEMORANDUM - - . . .., DATE: April 17; 2000 -' ,. ` ~ - . T0: •Oirtside Agencies that have not submitted FY98-99 Audits. ` - a . .. FROM][: ~ Toni Shields, Budget Analyst . .. RE: ,~ FZ'98-99 Audit Reports ::. This is a reminder that your contract for outside agency finding for the County's fiscal year ended June c retains .the re uirement that "Within ninet 9'0 da s of the en 30, 1999, o q Y ( ) Y d of - , Recipient's fiscal year, Recipient. shall have an audit performed in accordance with Generally - Accepted Auditing ,Standards and shall file a copy of the audit report with County." Any organization receiving County funding over $5,000 is required to obtain an annual certified audit. .Please forward me a copy of your audit as soon as possible. If the audit is not available, please- contact me by phone at 341-7128 to discuss its status and expected date of receipt. '_ Please note that outside ageriey audits should indicate (in revenue) the specific amounts received from New. Hanover County..This will. help determine _ that County records of the dollars . appropriated and .paid to your agency coincide with the revenue recorded. Provision of this information will facilitate-the audit review process. - ' Please remember that your organization's board meeting minutes should be .submitted to the. - ~ Bud.get Department within ten days after approval by your governing board: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc; Cam Griffin, Budget Director ` :. . -:. .. • ~ .. 89 P, 01 :tl .t~ea~s on ~'hee~~ oC'o~nci~' ~• ~'~~~ ~.~~~~ .~~x SD~2 ~ilmi~ag;~~~a, ~. C. 2$~D~ ~ ~ • ,. April 28, 2000 New Hanover County Budget Department 320 Chestnut Street, Room 512 , Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 - - -_ Attar: Toni Shic;lds, Budget Analyst Re: 'Yotu~ .April 17, 2000 Ivlemo, "FY9.8-99 Audit Reports" ;' Dear Ms. Shields; i , Attached are copies of two August 1 S, 1999. letters front Hamilton & Johnson; P.A., Certified Pu$lic Accountants, Michael U. Lyon, CPA, received by, fax today, from Barbara BFOdbeck. My Lyon recommends that our program, and programs similar to it, seek less expensive methods of satisfying the grantors, and suggests a "reviewed ~n,ancial I stateznerat" as a practical alternative: We certainly agree that saving the estimated. audit _ • ... of fee of $1 ~ 00.00 - $1300.00 for the benefit of the program is a wonderful suggestion. - Mr. T,yon has. not iraoludcd his fee fora "reviewed financial statement", but we will determine that ainoimt once vre have Beard from you conc~rraing our nett step in satisfying the paramEt~rs of the grant. ~_ Please contact the when you have had the opportunity of reviewing this matter.:..., Sincerely Faye acobs, Advisor Meals On Wheels Council, Inc. 9 0~ - ~ • '.r ~,.F.;, NEW HANOVER CO. w RI I~f,FT OFPT. . - _ :,: , '~A.M.IL'TON.~ JOHNSO~C; P:A. ~ ` .. j `. ,. Certifzed~Aublic Accountants . , .~ - ~ i~'Iailing Atidressi ~ 26fl2 Irongate Drive 2602 Yrorigate Drive, Suite 201- Barclay Commons. Wilmington; NC 2$412 Wilmington, NC 28412 David U:4.~amilton, CPt! Telephone (910) 392-2640. t ~ 4 Facsifnile •0310)..392-2059 ' 1 ,, r SteplTelx D. Jnhrtson, CP. _ ~ . , - ._ _,. ~ ~ r August 18, 1999 ,. .. Ms. Barbara Brodbeck - - 3O4O'VJeatherby Court Wifxnington:.'l\~C:28405 _ ~ - o. j ,.. - " . ~.. -Ms, k3rodbeck: :. .. ~ ' " = I have enclosed olir audit proposal- • ` `` ' ., ~ - - - 1also would like to apologize for the delay in getting it to you. - {, .. , ~Iease 're'view the proposal and let me know if you would Like to proceed: Hourever; before you do that, you ` should,be certain that an audit is really'required..i realize that many foundations and s;overnmcx~ts request audited tinailcial statcinents but tkzey frequez~.tly make exceptions f'or small prg~nizations suet,] as yUUrs, Tn fact, t'ox most . KoVC;~sim,ent ~~'2nts. audits are not r.~quired u.-zless '~ze ~ ant exceCds $3(70,000. ' ^ ~ : ,, Because there is a certain amount of work that must be done in all audits, regardless of the audited 4ntity's sire cir scope of operations, the cost of an audit is often prohibitive for sznallcr`organizations. A X2,000;000 organization might spez7d one percent of its revenue for audit services. Xotzr program is looking at spending six percent or ~so. ` ~'xankly, unless you really must have an audit, the funds would be better .spent supporting your program. Please;undcrstand 1 a;n not trying to talk you out of an'audit, Y just waa~C to be sure that an audi# is what you.n~cd.- ;. I would urge you 'to contact your.riotentia~l grantors to see if a lesser service, such as zeviewed financial •_ sty tenicnts wnuJd serve.their, purpose. , ., - PleaseE~call me if you have anv questions. about the proposal or any other matters.''" - ~-. Thank~ynu for allowing us to submit a proposal and .C'looK'forwarcf to heating fz'am you.. . i > .` . . Very truly y0ttrs, ~ , ' 1 T ,rt L . . M,ichazl 0. l_voii CPA , ~ ~; , - , 1 ~. , ~. , ~ .. ~ ' - ~ - ~~~~ " ,YftneGa:~.4nteriea,ihT.rift=rre'ojCenlftCdPxbllcAccorlntanis ~ (l ~ (~ (~ R .. anti Norsh Curvfina Assocdalinn of Certifr.ec(Public ,4ccuunta~ats ~ (~ if L'( 1_,t' ' ' I ~ ~~00 " . ~ ~"~`~?.;-,:,. NEW NAN~OVER CO. " . i ~ iwu iv vv : nr -tL~L'J I i i HAMILTON ~ ~O~iN50N, P.A. Cerlifted Public rlccountanfa :Mailing Address: 2602 Trongafe Drive; Suite' 247. Wilmington,'NC~ 28412 David O. Hamilton, CPA Stephen n. Jaixnson, CPA August 18,1999 Ms. Barbara Brodbeck Vr'eekend Meals on Wheels .~~~~V ~r~iill:.:,,y rvC..~ 1~1'ilmington, NC 28405 2602 Irong~te Drive Barc]ay Commons ~' Wilmington, NC: 23412 'f elephone (910) 392-2640 Facsimile (910) 392-2059 Ms. Brodbcck: Thank you for inviting us to submit an audit pxoposal. We look forward to assisting the organization iri engasirzg a aocai firzn to proyidc your requ.zxe~ professional services, 1~e propose to audit the financial statements of ~1Jeeltend Meals on Wheels for the year, ended June 30, 1999, Tlae fee for the audit will be X1300 - $1,800. The following .outlines the scope of the proposed engagement as we11 as otu' qualifications and ~, pexsotzrzel assignmez7t paaal. ~ • ~'y ~ Scope and Objective of the Audit Our first step irl any engagement info .d.etermine tkte needs of the client. 1~hile we must, of course, adhere to .all applicable professional standards, authoritative rules and regulations, as well..as ' 'ilr audit iG~T3iTl"Jdui %~~`t~iiliI~G''LC7 ~uii uiF% ihr~aiii7.:i:vi:~•5':lc`'L',d5 di ~ ~v~;u~' i"~ ~OYCrhr[i,~.i4i laiv5, G 1~ above and beyond the bare requirenlenls. ~rVe propose to audit the financial 'statements of Weekezld Meals on Wheels as of and for'tlzc year ending June 30, 1999. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with generaJJy accepted .auditing standards. The audit will include tests of your accounting records and other proccclures we consider necessary to enable us to express an unqualified opinion that your financial statements are fairly presented,' in all material 'respects, in oonfozzrzity with generally accepted accounting principles. If, for' any reason,. we are unable to complete the audit, we will not issue a report as a result of this engagement. Member A,nerlcat7 lnslitutd of Certiftecl Public rlscounlaRts ~~~U ~Z , ~ _ ~ arcd Nonh Carolina Acsociation of C'NrtiTed P,.~61ic A.ccourttants D 1J • ~°"" ~ r;x. . _ ' r~~3~~l;lde~+: iJEW HANOVER CO. ~* RI IMCT hrnT ,y, ~. i1vv~ av-~vv ~111~. 1G~GV~ - _. ~ !~~ VJ " Nls. Barbara Brodbeck ~ - " . _ Pale 2 . . '' August 18; 1; 999 - do tests of documentary evid.ez~ce supporting tie transactions recorded iii Our procedures will inclu _~~ , ° the accounts and direct confirmation of bank accounts; investments, zeceivables, payablcs and certain 4 other assets and Liabilities by correspondez~cc witka selected donors, grantors, vendors, creditors, ~. ~ ~ ~ banks; and other institutions as needed. ~Ne will request wzitten representations frorri your attorneys as part ofthe ei~gagerrzent, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry.. At the conclusion.of our`audit, we will also request certain writt~;n representations from you about the fzz~.ancial statements, aiad related matters. ~ .. , . , An audit includes exai~iniz~g, on a test basis, evidence supporting .the amounts.,and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore,. our audit will i.n~olve judgment about the nuinbex of transactions to " ..be examined and. the areas .to be tested. Also; we will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuaax~ce about whethex the financial staterrzents are free oC znate~-ial misstatenzcnt. , .However, because of the concept of reasonable assur~ce~and because we will not perform a detailed.. `• examination of all ~transactiozis, there is a risk that material errors, irregularities; or .illegal acts,. including-fraud or defalcation, may exist and not be detected by us. Our xesponsibility as auditors is ' Iirriited fo the period .covered by-our audit and does aaot cxterid to any later period for which ~ve• are. . ': ~ riot ez7gagcd as auditors.. - . We und.erstarid that you will provide us with the basic inf~rznation re;quirecl for oux audit and that. ' ~ you are responsible for ttie accuracy and cotnpletetiess of chat iufoi~xiation. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their app):i.cation and will assist in ttie preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements xemains with you, This" responsibility includes. the maintenance of adcqu.ate ,records az~d related internal. control structure, the . sEicction and application of accounting ,principles, and the safeguarding of assets. We also `unde~stand~ that. your employees ox agents ,will prepare all cash, accounts: receivable, accounts " . - payable, and. other confirzxiations we request and will locate -any documents selected by us i;'or o ~ ` testing- , ..t0ur'audit will not be specifically designed acid cannot be relied oz3 to disclose reportable conditions, that.'is, sigxtifcant de~,ciencies ~ the desigr+ or operation of the internal coxztrol structure. however; during .the audit, if we become ativare of such- reportable conditions 'or ways that we believe man,agemcnt practices 'caxi be unproved, we will. communicate them to you in a separate Letter. :If selected as your audi#or, we expect to start fieldwork by September 1,.1999 and to issue our report rio later than September 30, 1999. W e will also -prepare Federal Form 990, as well a the corresponding North Carolina inI'ormatioza return, fox the; year ended June 30, 1999. ' . ~ Qualificatfons~ and Assignment of Personnel - :Nis: Barbara Brodbeck ~ ~ ~ _ ;. " `. ,., _. . Pale, 3 ~tigust ~ z ~, 1999 9 3 - _ L'...,t, ..t.~.~t,. :.... ,.1:.....4.. 'I.:n., nl,nlle«'.or~ n~.l n..~.n.hr...:*;e..'41,..+d n+~o c+;+H;ynr fn tknoa 'f~nca }~i, ~ein~e.~ ~ ~~~ Each of these clients has challenges and opportunities that are sirrzilar to those faced by ,your organization. Hamilton. and Johnson, CPA's P.A. helps its clients overcome their challenges and capitalize on their opportuxities. , Stephen D. Tohnson, CFA Twill averscc all services provided to Weekend Meals. on Whccls. Steve .has performed and, supez-viscd hundreds of attest engageme~.ts .for nonprofit, not-for-profit, and bovezximerttal entities, and can bring those valuable experiences to the table for your entity. Steve is a native of Wilmington, and a •1983 graduate of Capc li car Academy. Michael C). Lyon, .CPA will manage the audit services. He will directly supervise and conduct the act~a=?. fie?~?~;~>,~~k a,s well ac SEr~~e as~t1~;.~?rganization':~ des3.g?2atn,:~ coJ?t2T.t w;„l'!'Ha"rAlltQri CY .jQl?T?SOn, C;?A's: Michael has worked in the public accounting industry for over ] 8 yeaz~s, and has also perforxrzed at~d supervised hundreds of attest ..,engagements :for nonprofit, .not-tor-profit, and go~rernmental 'entities. IVl.ichael will bring .these. zxzany years., of experience to the table," for the organizatio~i, and will supervise all services provided far your entity. ~ ' . Together, these two foam members ~11ave over thirty years experience providing auditing and accountinb services to nonprofit and goverz-~mez~tal entities. This r~vill provide considerable ,value to you, as these two team members will perform a~majority of the services we arc' proposing. Iri this way, Hamilton & Tnhnson differentiates itself from our competitors. 'We tivill-not use your entity to train our team members. That is our responsibilzky. ' . We will assign. othex teaz~a, i~tembers to your audit as nccdod. It is..our policy to use the optimum mix of paxto,er, tnax7ager, sen.ic~r, anti junior a,e;countants rz~ccssary to provide quality' professiozial services at a reasoa,able cost. Additionally, Hamilton & Johnson, CPA.'s P.A, ensures that alI team~members ~rith~substantial roles- . in the plazlnng, performing. and reporting aspects of nonprofit audits meet or exceed the`Qc~ntinuing education standards required by Gov<~rr~ment~luclitit?gStand~rds, 1994 Revision.- Fee Estimate 9ur.fecs for these. services will bc.bascd ozi tho actual time spent at our standard hourly rates, plus ou.t-of-pocket costs such, as report production, typing, postage, etc. Ouz- standard hourly .rates vary according; #o ,the degree of responsibility involved arzd the experience level. of the persozuiel assigned to your engagement..'Our' invoices for theses fees tivi11 be rendered each month as work. progresses and are payable on presentation. The estimated fee cited on page one is based ozA anticipated ,_.._~_._ ._ ~ _. ..i....~ i -?.1~ n ....~:-....r_a..;...~r.7., .~.~ra~_i~ih._].Q.C t,~tTJI . A11L1T.L.... Ms.l3arbara Brodbeck .Page 4 August 15,.1999 gq. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions; please let us knorw. Although all of the significant provisions are included in or referred to in this proposal,' if ~_/ .selected as your auditors, we 'will ask you to sigma. formal engageme~~t Iettcr, We hope to provide a fresh perspective for your grganization. We believe that the engagement of a fl(3W 'f7 TLT'1 .'~llY ~Jl11tY Mt~it -nnr. '~+.•±..,.+ ,n...v, :.J ...... .... .7 c_t._: .. .. .. _ ~e hope to provide a fresh perspective for your organization. We believe that the•en.aa e • 11i~rv firm for your audit caz~ .bring new ideas and talents to your door, and assist the. Qr anFZal t of a helpirib those ~vho most need your Delp. 'ale take this mission seriously, and we res $ ion in that yqu choose ~Tamilton & Johnson to provide your service zzecds: pectfu~ly request We ha~vc ~?so er7closccl a list of several clients for whom we per#'orrra audit services. Plea ' se call them. We hank you far your consideration. Uezy truly yours, z .. Michael 0: Lyon, -Audit Manaber -. ` ;Harx~ilton anal Johnson, CPA's. F.A.. . ~ \\l vcr\svslCL1.}'tLF_C~r,eal:omvhecla.e4~c ~ - . a. ~ - .. - . References . Community Liwiz~.D-Wilmington . ' ` Ms. Lei;ki ~1nr~ Kingsbury, Executive Director ~ ` . ' 5041 New.Cez~tr~:Drive, Stiite,Zl2 _ . Wihxzinbton, NC 28403 _, ' 9'10-452-6348 _ ` • _ - Community Association Maziagement Specialists; Inc. ` ~ Mr. Mike 5tonestxeet, President ~ : . 200 Eastwood Rd. Suite 202. 9 ,~ Wilnlzngt~~al, NC 28403 _ , _ ~ , ~„ ~`"" i ~~ on Y11he®Is Council, Inc PO Bac 5tJ$2 Wilming#on, Ne 2840 Paula Starling ' Program Cavrdinator {910) 612-0676 20x0-2041 i~ealg ort 1N9~e®Is Ceurtcil Maryann Adkins Rocttelie 6iehl Marfc Boyer Barbara $rodbeck Treasurer TycSc 8rodbeck Faythe Brooks Cameiia Johnson Secretary Helen Tew Faye Jambs Advisor New Hanover County Department of Aging (910)452-64~ June 19, 2000 New Hanover County Department of Aging - 2222 South College Road Wilmington, NC 28403 ' Attn: Annette Crompton, Director Dear Annette: In order to continue the weekend Meals on Wheels .program, We are requesting a $10,000.00 contribution from New Hanover County on behalf of over 140 County residents that receive our weekend meals. This contribution would be used exclusively to purchase food and supplies for our participants. None of these funds would be used for salaries, or other. purposes, and a strict accounting will, follow their use. We are including a description of the Meals on Wheels Weekend Program, and Statistics. This information is concise, and should assist you in approaching our County Commissioners with our request:. We will have our Meals on Wheels Council members accompany you to meet with them, should you believe it practical. We hope our request will be approved for this very deserving community supported program. ' Sincerely ~' Faye Jacobs, Advisor -- ' - . , ~ } ., • ' .: :NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSFONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Dater 10/16/00 • Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Tirne: Page Number: Departments Finance Presenter: Contact:, Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Annual Audit -McGladrey & Pullen, LLP z ~. .BRIEF St1MMARY: ~ ~ • McGladrey & Pullen, LLP has proposed afive-year engagement to perform audit services for New Hanover County via the attached Engagement Letter. The fee proposed is .based upon the current fee adjusted .annually by the Consumer Price Index.. In addition, McGladrey & Pullen, LLP ' proposes a separate fee of up to $5,000 to implement a new reporting model (GASB34) effective - . ~ for the year ended June 30, 2002. The extra fee will not become a part of the base. fee in future years. •, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTfONS: ~ . Approve Five-Year Contract With .Separate Fee for Reporting Model.. FUNDING SOURCE: Future General Fund Budget ~ . ~ - ~ ~ - ATTACHMENTS: . "~' ~ 1 - En a ernent Letter from M ladre & Pullen LLP O g g cG Y , REVIEWED BY: _ - . • , LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A . . COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: -•Recommend approval:. - COMMISSIONERS' ACT ONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ ` .. . .~- - MI~I~'oN ` APPROVED p---=--' 'REJECTED p •~ t . ~~ . tREMOVED ~ .~ ,~ I • POSTPONED ~ ~~ ;~ . _ ~ ~l~iRfJ m . ' . Mc~Iadrey, Inc. Business Solutions September 12, 2000 Mr. William Caster, Chairman ~ ~ ~ ' ~ . Board of County Commissioners . New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street , ' , Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - Dear Bill: . Enclosed herewith is our proposed engagement letter for the five years ending June 30, 2005 for the audit for New Hanover County. This proposal is consistent with our current arrangements., with the County. The fee proposed is based upon the current year fee adjusted'for -the Consumer Price Index. In the year ending June 30, 2002, the County will need to implement a new reporting model promulgated by the Government Accounting Standards Board. In that =year there will be a separate fee of up to $5,000.00 for this new reporting model. That extra fee will not become a part of the base fee for future years. If you have any questions concerning our proposed agreement, please let me know. +If this letter agrees with your understanding, please sign and date the enclosed copy of the engagement letter and return it to us. Yours very truly, R. F. Warwick ah Enclosures ~; ~~ ~ a k ? w~Y. ~~ . ( ~l~~F~ 110 Grace Street (Zip~"28401-3915) P.O. Box 17(Zip 28402 1:7s30). '~ Wilmington, North Carolina (910) 762-9671 • Fax (910) 762-9206 www, rsmmcgladrey. com RSM McGladrey, Inc. is an independent member firm of RSM International, an affiliation of independent accounting and consulting firms. j` h ` ~. ~ - -; ... . i - , !_ ;- I,, ~ Certified Public ,4ccoa~ntants and Consultants ~ - 'international ' September 12, 200D ,; . 3` . - ~ ~, Board of County Commissioners ` ' New Hanover Coiulty - 320 Chestnut Street ~ - - - ~- Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~. "Attention: Chairman William Caster .. ± ~ This letter` is to explain otir understanding of the arrangements for the services we ;are to perform for New - • Hanover County ("tle County") for each of the years ending June 30, 2001 through June 30, 2005. We ask that you either confirm or amend that understanding.. . ~ e We will perform an audit of New Hanover County's general purpose financial statements as of and. for -' ' '" each of the years ending .June X30, 2001 .through June 30; 2005. We understand that these financial .. statements will be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. . We will also perform the audit of the County each year so as to satisfy the audit requirements imposed by ', - the .Single-Audit Act and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-133 and the •State Single Audit Implementation Act. ' . ' .' We `will conduct our .audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards; Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the provisions of the Single Audit Act, OMB Circular ~A-133 and OMB's Compliance Supplement;- and the' State, Single Audit ` ,' Implementation Act.and Audit Manual for Governmental Auditors in North_Carolina. Those standards, . circulars, supplements or guides require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute, assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement whether ' caused by error, ,fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets.. Accordingly, a material misstatement, whether ca~ised by error, fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets, tray remain undetected. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and - , " ~ - disclosures in the financial. statements. As a result; an audit is not designed to detect errors or fraud that - .are immaterial to the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as :evaluating the overall financial statement • - . presentation. We believe that our audit will provide a reasonable basis for our reports. - In addition to our reports on the County's financial statements, we will also issue the following reports or • types of reports: ,. - _ • A report on the fairness of the presentation of the County's schedule of expenditures of Federal and `. State awards for each of the years ending June 30, 2001 through June 30, 2005.: Reports on internal control related to the. financial statements and major programs. These reports will . describe the scope of testing of internal control and the results of our tests of internal controls. . • i ,.. - 110 Grace Street ~ ~ Wo • • e - ` P.O: Box 1730 ~~~ Wilmingt®n, North Cazolina 28402-173(?. ~ Through. _ (910) 762-9671 FAX (910) ,762-9206 ]ZSM International _ , ` Board of County Commissioners 2 September 12, 2000 Reports on compliance with laws, regulations, and.the provisions of contracts.or grant agreements. We will report on any noncompliance, which ,could have a material effect on the financial statements and any noncompliance, which could have a direct and material effect on each major program. A schedule of findings and questioned costs. The fiends and account groups that you have told us are currently maintained by the County and that are to be included as part of our audit are listed here: , • General Fund • Special Revenue Funds: -.Public School - Special Fire District - Drug Court -Sheriff's LLEBG Grant - Emergency Telephone ~ , -Wireless 911 -Room Occupancy Tax -Airlie Gardens Foundation; Inc. (blended component unit) . , -Parks Foundation (blended component unit). ~ , • Capital Project~Funds: ~ ~ ~ ~ _ • -Downtown Park Capital Project''. ~ : , -Parks and Recreation Facility -Pilot's Ridge Park and Infrastructure ' -Burn Pit Capital.Project - Judicial Building Expansion. Administration Building Capital-Project , =HUD Disaster Recovery Project . ~• - CFCC'Improvement Capital Project - . -Airlie Gardens Tidal~Creek ' -Community Soccer Complex Capital Project , ;, -Northeast Branch Library , -New Hanover County Schools Improvement and, Expansion Capital.Project - Old Courthouse Renovation ~ , -Law Enforcement Center ~ , .. ~ -Mason Inlet • • ~ ~ ~ ... . - EMS Building _ ~ • ' , ., , , -Federal Point Volunteer Fire Department - Federally Forfeited Property ~ . -Controlled Substance Capital Project • Enterprise Furids: - Water and Sewer District (blended component,unit), including capital,projects. , . -Environmental Management, including capital projects ' Trust & Agency Funds: ~ "~ ~ ' . • -Social Services Trust Fund - Tax Clearing Agency 10.0...._. ~. -Other Escrows - Law Enforcement Officers' Pension Trust ' ` . Board of County Commissioners 3 September 12, 2000 ., -. ` `General Fixed Asset Accounts Group . .. , ~. ,, •~ General Long-Term Debt Account Group The Type A Federal (and State) financial assistance .programs that you have told us that ahe County " currently participates in and that are to be included as part of the single audit are: ; `' ~ Program : ..... ~ ~ CFDA# " ,~ _ .. Food,Stamps _ ~ ~ • ~ ~ 1.0:550; 10.551 ". :. ~- ~ .. 10.561 .. : Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ~ 93.558, 93.560 FEMA -, ~ 83.335, 83,.503.. e . , . y .. , .. - ,. . ~ ;. -~ 83.505, 83.516 . Subsidized Child Care Cluster ~ 93..575; 93.596 . 93.667, 93.558 _ ~: • ~. ,, 93.645, 93.658 ,... .. Medical Assistance- ~ 93.778 . ' ~ - .Title IV-D Child Support Enforcement 93.563 ' State/County Special Assistance ~ ~ N/A ,._. North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund ~ N/A Public School Building Capital Fund- ~ N/A • - The discrete component unit; whose financial statements you have told us are to be combined with an'd included as.part of the County's general purpose financial statements are listed here. New Hanover Regional Medical Center (and its component units, covered by separate contract) °~ ~ , :. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of New Hanover County (covered.by separate contract) ° - . ` New Hanover County Airport Authority (covered by separate contract) - " The- audits of the financial statements of -the discretely presented component units are all separately ' arranged and contracted for, and, as such, these arrangements do not contemplate' the audit of these , entities,under this agreement. There are no component units whose financial statements you have told us will, be omitted from the general, purpose financial statements. There are no separate financial state_ meats ` ;- of blended component units contemplated under these arrangements. ~ . °. Our° reports on internal control will include aiiy reportable conditions and material structural or -operational weaknesses in the system of which we become aware 'as a result of. obtaining an . tmderstanding of internal. control and performing tests of internal control consistent with requirements of ~, .the standards and circular identified above. Our reports on compliance will address material errors, fraud; violations of compliance requirements and other responsibilities imposed. by state and Federal statutes and `. .regulations.; and assumed by contracts; and any state or Federal grant, entitlement of loan program - questioned costs of which we,become aware, consistent with requirements of the standards and circulars .' identified above. If circumstances arise relating to the conditions of your records, the availability of sufficient, competent. .' , . _ evidential matter, or indications ofa significant risk of material rriisstatement of the financial stateriments •. •` because, of error, fraudulent financial reporting, misappropriation of assets or noncompliance which iii•our ' . . . professional judgment prevent us from completing th.e audit, we retain the unilateral right to take any ` ` course of action permitted'by professional standards; including withdrawal from the engagement. - 101 _ ~ _ - Board of County Commissioners 4 .. , September 12, 2000 As you know, management is responsible for (1) the preparation of New .Hanover County's financial statements, (2) establishing and maintaining effective internal control .over financial reporting and safeguarding assets, (3) properly recording transactions in the records; (4) identifying and ensuring that New Hanover County complies with the laws and regulations applicable to its activities, (5) making all financial records and related information available to us,and (6) for adjusting. the financial statements to correct material misstatements. At the conclusion; of "our audit, we will .request certain written . representations from management about the financial statements and matters related thereto. We will also require that you affirm to us that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial both individually and ,in the aggregate to ,the financial statements taken as a whole. New Hanover :County acknowledges that McGladrey & Pullen, LLP -will use employees of RSM McGladrey, Inc:, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of H&R Block, Inc., for certain administrative support and professional services relating to the County. To facilitate the delivery of these services, New Hanover County authorizes McGladrey & Pullen, LLP to allow employees of RSM McGladrey, Inc.. access to New Hanover County files, financial information and other confidential information as determined by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. RSM McGladrey, Inc. has agreed to comply with Rule 301 of , the AICPA Code.of Professional Conduct, Confidential Client Information. RSM McGladrey, Inc. is,not, a licensed certified public accounting firm and will not offer or perform public accounting services: , M You have informed us that you intend to prepare a comprehensive annual financial report ,(CAFR) and submit it for evaluation by the Government Finance Officers Association's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. ,Our participation, in the~_preparation of the .CAFR is to. consist of reviewing the CAFR you, prepare with your. goal. in mind. We will,read•the introductory and statistical sections for consistency with the general purpose financial statements. .The working papers for these engagements are the,property of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. However, you acknowledge and grant your assent ,that representatives.. of the .cognizant, or oversight :agency or their designee, other government audit staffs and the U.S. General .Accounting Office shall-have access to the audit working. papers:upon their request; and thar;we shall maintain the..working papers for a period of at least" three years after the.-date of the report, or for. a longer period if ~we are requested. to do so. by,tlie cognizant or oversght.agency., Access to requested work papers will. be provided under the, supervision' of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP audit personnel and at a~location designated by our, Firm. , During the course of our engagement, we may accumulate records containing data, which should be reflected .in your ,books and records. You will determine that all such data, if .necessary, .will be so reflected. Accordingly, you will not expect us to maintain copies of such records in.our possession. The assistance,to be supplied.by, your personnel, including the preparation,of schedules and analyses of~ accounts, will. be discussed and ,coordinated with Bruce, Sheil, .Finance Officer,. and other" designated employees. The.timely and accurate completion of this work is,an, ;essential condition to our completion., of the-atidit and issuance of our audit report.: We understand that the accounting records will.be ready for audit (final fieldwork) on or about the second week of August each year. Our base fees;are based.on the time, requred.by the individuals, assigned to the engagement; plus direct expenses.."Iriterim.bil(ings will be, submitted as work progresses and,as.expenses are incurred. Billings are,due upon submission. ,Our base.fee for,the services described "in, this letter will not"exceed $74,900 adjusted,by the annual change,in the consumer price index"after January _1,;2000,. unless the scope of the , engagement is changed, the ;assistance which"the County has agreed to funush. is~ not provded,, or .. nexpected conditions are encountered, in"which case we will discuss the situation with "you before 1 O~roceeding. An additional separate fee of up to $5,000 will be charged for the June 30, 2002 fiscal year ~~ end as a result of the County's need to implement a new reporting model promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. This fee will not become a part of the base fee subject to "~ : ,Board ofCounty Commissioners ~ . ~ September 12, 2000... updating by the annual change in the consumer price index after January'1, 2000. AlI other,provisions of ;. this letter will survive any fee adjustment. , . ~ In the event we are requested or authorized by New Hanover County'or are required by government regulation; subpoena, or other legal process to produce our documents or our personnel as wifnesses.with - respect to our engagements for New Hanover County, New. Hanover County will, so long as we are not a ' party to the proceeding in which the information is sought, reimburse us for our professional time and expenses, as well as.the.fees'and expenses of our counsel, incurred in responding to such requests. ' Our •report on the financial statements is not to be included in an official statement or other document - involved with the sale of debt instruments without our prior consent. Additionally, if yoii. intend to publish. or otherwise reproduce the financial statements and you make reference to us or our audit, yoti agree to provide us with printer's proofs or master for our review and consent before reproduction and/or, • release occurs. You also agree to provide us with a copy of the final reproduced material for our consent ` before it is distributed or'released. Our fees for any additional services that may be required under our ' quality assurance system as a result of the above will be established with you at the time such services are determined to be necessary. ,A It is agreed by New Hanover County and McGladrey & Pullen, LLP or any successors in interest that no claim by or on behalf of either party arising out of services rendered pursuant to this agreement shall be F -asserted more_than two years after the date of the last audit report issued by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP. ' ~ `This letter constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between McGladrey & Pullen, `' ` LLP and New Hanover County, superseding all proposals. oral or written and all. other communication; : . with respect,to the,terms of the engagement between~the parties.- ... In accordance with Government Auditin Standards; a copy of each of our triennial peer review reports - will beprovided to you ~n an ongoing basis for your information. If this letter defines,tlie arrangemepts, as you understand them, please sign and date the enclosed copy and return it to us. We ?pprecate-your business. ' .. ~. _ . McGladrey & Pullen; LLP . ' ,. ~ ~ Samuel R. Rose, CPA _ , .. .. Partner ~ ;~ .. ` Confirmed on behalf of the addressee: • 20 103 ~ . ... .. . .. ~ .. ~ a 104 NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/16/00 ~ e Number: d•-Time: Pa t Ite 11 E t C ns ti # ' ;, : g e en m s ma o : :. Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor , ," SUBJECT: ~` New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire Tax District Collection . ~ . Reports _ ~ .. _ . ~ , ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: - Collection reports as of September 30,-2000. " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , Request approval of reports. .. - ,. ... - FUNDING SOURCE: .: . • 'ATTACHMENTS: .. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW _ ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: ~ • ®dU MMP~Syt9N , ~ . - .. APPROVED ~-- REJECTED D , . • - = , REMOVED.. Q , .. . POSTPONED n ~ 1 ~0 5 - >~~R~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~, ., D ~-~: ~ ~ C~NS~NT Act~v~A .DACE-_________ NEW 1-iANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFFICE I T E ~' ~l0 4 __.~___, , NE~i tiANOV~R COUNTY TAX COLLL-CTIGNS COLLECTTOi~S THRU 09/30100 CURRCNT TAX YEAR ~ 2000' G~tiGIt~AL TAX LEVY PER SCr~U~.'L DISCDVERIES ADDED LESS °ABATE~'ENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARvED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED L i ST IlVG PE~tAI.T IE S CNAR.GEIJ CLEA~II~v~ LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECT.IO~lS TO GATE t3UTSTA~iD ItVG BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BAChC TAXES ~~,~,.~~.mmm.a,,~ REAL ESTATE A~lD PFRSO~;AL PROPERTY CHARGES ADCED LESS AHATEME~lTS TOTAL TAXES OUE COLLELTIO~iS TO DATc OUTSTANl~ I~lU E3ALA'~itE PERCEN-TALE COLLECTED Rfl OM.OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECT:i0~1S PFIVILEGE LICEi'vSE LOLLECTi01~lS AC VALOREM ~~'~~3p90~a~~~ Zt~7~$Z~io97 fi0t93~s 4~b~ ~~m~~~:~~~ ~.~~~~s ~i~9~b4i~21'S9fi9 MDTOR VEHICLE 2y395~~77y95 59i5b®il 20e.989.98 $' 2 y~3.7~i s 644908 .00 49'917.68 .00 69~591t133~37 - b'289,055.08 83~40~'$07~3.29 7,c~i~~ 34454g677~.32 309358.$2 779i94.69~ $ 39~t07984iA45 b9i9:537~29~^ ~ 2971.6~'304.if~ 2029 ,00 a ~3 0 s00 ~ 2~379'fs44.~~~; i y4934t32's22~- i~ $~.~p~L~a~~~ ~z.99 SEP 2000 .FISCAL. YTD' 3449306e59 iy2i9~646~38 49405,75 14925159 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSE~7 THRU CL3LLECTIO~i OFFICE FClR NEW HANGVER COUNTY9 CITY OF WILM3P~GTON ~;RIGHTSVILLE BEACHy CAROLINA EiEACN A~lD CURE BcACH TO DATE ~ ~~3i22799.38.9i3a THIS REPORT LS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY ly 2000. ~ECTFULLY Sl~B~lITTED9 d ~, ~,, .,trr f'ATR.ICIA J. ~ ~iOR ^'. COLLECTO~t OAF ~, E~V'E'NU- ,~,~ ~~r~~~t~~~lVr ~~ ~' ~~~~ #. CON!BINED COLL~`CT~I't3~,'~~~~RCENTAGE ~ ° °8.46 t '' ~ ~~~" 106 - ~ ~~~ °l ~% - ~ , ~ CC3~iSENT ACE9~[3A , i~ A T E - --__-____ ., - ITEM ~1Q._----- i~E~t NAN~3VER COU~jTY FIRE [3iSTRIGT TAX CaLLELTIL~S . • ~ CtJLL~CTIO~iS TNf?tJ ~9/3t710t~ - • . r.'C1lRREi~.T TAX YEAS a 20~JO ' AO ~IALC~E~R ~GTO~ VENi~LE . am time sea msmisam srs awma~xw-ma+ocme.m ~a aum+®a m~+~a mar aaw.r s~,r ie arrwm !m. ®. ua;aww~oa as awr ae®w~:~a ORIGI~JAL TAX LEVY PER S~fZ~3LL . $ 2.~457'386.Z5 ~ 77~b21.~b (~iS~OVE~2IES AOCc[? 1fli~750.42 , 22.2.38 'LASS ABATE.~IENTS 42~123.32~ b4fl.97-~ T©T~L TAXES CHARGED $ 2~'S17gO13.35 ~ 77~Z02.97 . L`iSTI~lG PE~1ALTiES CHARGED 1883?.23 .~3(l .TOTALLEVY ~ ~y51f3,85O.58 77202.9.7 CCiLLECTIQ~iS i'~1 SATE 188'U~~-.85~ amsawarsa casino amu wa ~a masama 5~,~55.70~ ®a.ra«.a~sus ss ae em aaa ma anaaa JUTSTAN©I~1G. #~ALANCE ~ 2y330~785.73_ _ $ 27147.27 •PERCENTAGE,GOLIECTE~J 7,47°l~ b4.84~~ BAGK. TAXES - ~~~.m.,~m.a~m...~ - ~EAL E5TATE ANO PERSOtJAL PROPERTY ~ 79~021.~8 -. CHAf~GES AOOED - ~iOfl.97 LESS A8A7'EMENTS . 1114t~.77~ wawsuow,ws~smsn®smss - ~~AL TAXES OUE ~ ~ 78'b75.48 • :. L~a.LECTi01VS TO OATS . - - 2Uy838.b8~ r • ~ - DUTSTAl~OiP1C 3.ALA~CE• rax . rwtn+mamoammmmswa eoxa awo $ 57y83b.80. - .. ~ , _ ~~RCE~aTA~E CC3LLECi"EO 2b.491 -~•Tf~iS R~P{3RT iS ~(JR FISCAL YEAR ~E GI~3~i'I~iG JOLY 1' 2Oflfl. - ,. - .'RE~~ CTF~JLLY SU8N1iTTEO' ~ . d%~ l ' ~ . ~ c a. s ~' !IA - COM~IN~[3 COLLECTION PERC:ENTACE °' 9.17' .• _ • . ~ - _, ~- - ~ I , -, 107 108 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION i ! Meeting Date: - 10/10/00 - Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: -.'Page Number: , Department: TAX Presenter: None Required ', , Contact: Robert Glasgow . '" ~ , i . SUBJECT: ~ - ~ • Release of Value ;: BRIEF SUMMARY: " ~ ~ `Request the following taxpayers be granted the Sen ior Citizen/Disability Exclu sion: (applications . .and' letters explaining late filing available upon request) ' ° , ' Brewer, Lois Holland 20,000 . ` Doughty,. ida ~ 20.,000.. Ge(vin, George ~ 20,000 Johnsoh, J. D 20,000 ` . . Logan;.Shirley W. Etal. ~ 18,935 . Miller, Elizabeth F. 20,.000 • Mobley, Morris T. Sr. Donna H. 20;000 , , Pearsall, Lrene S. ~ 20,000 .. Riday, Betty W. 20,000 ~ Tindall, Ada E}izabeth 20,000 ' y - Request the following late. list penalties be released as this was the taxpayers first offense or they ' certify they listed during the regular listing period: `~ • . Chemtex International, lnc. - ~. $832.57 . • 'Coastal Trading Co., Inc.. .. ~ 2.03. . . Coasta) Veterrinary Services - 57.18 _ - D&E Car Exchange 344.37 ' ^ Demetrious, James 14,.76 . Hyspeed Products~Co.; Inc. .- 2,78 - ,. LKL lnc. ~ 2.26 , : Melvin Stucco Co., Inc. 69.92. . ' Ocean Broadcasting LLC _ ]:99.47 ' . Parts & Engines, Inc.. 2:40 . ;" _ Paul Bunyan Tree Services, inc. - .118.18: ' US Bancorp Leasing & Financial 142.05 ' ' ' US Bancorp Leasing & Financial 540.15 l ~ ~ Wil mington Pathology Assoc. - 46.31 ,. I ` Wright, Jeffrey MD ~ , . 85,71 . .. Request approval of the following delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the • :following organizations: `. . °`AME Zion Housing Development Corp. 805409.036.017-000; -- - ` ;~flP'M9! p~ pgpp `q~ ~ ~/U~ ~VfV11dtIJ~71@N ," 804813-018-002-000; ~PPRQVED, ~ ~/"-- '" - ~~ 804817.008.008.000 :REJECTED Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church- 807508.005.001.000 REMOVED 109 b >. POSTPONED. ~ 'j " • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: . ~ m ~FARfJ E.~~~ ~~ .~~ (1U " ,~~.,,., I I Recom pprnval of these-releases. end a ~ ~ - _ -.f FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW '~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM~E~T.S AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , • ~ .,. ~ -. ~: , t ,. ,. ,_ , . , ,• ~~ ~.ti~, _ , . ~~ gyp. ~a~~ ~ .,:.. • . '~~~' STATL. OF NORTH CAROLINA . DEPARTl~'IENT OF 'I'R~NSPORTArhION , TAMES B. HUNT 7R. DAVID MCCOY GOVERNOR ~ ~ • • i SECRETARY September 26, 200.0. .., Mr. Bruce Shell ~ ' Finance Officer County of New Hanover . , , : -. . 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 , Dear Mr. Shell: RE: FY 2001 Rural Operating Assistance Program .Additional RGP Disbursement The Public Transportation Division has authorized the distrit~ution of additional funds-under the State Fiscal Year 2001 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP j. Eligible counties who are' presently utilizing the State Treasurer's Electronic Payment System{STEPS) will receive their funds on September 29, 2000. QtYier, eligible counties will receive their payments by check.. .Checks will be mailed on September 29 as`well. The disbursement of additional RGP. funds for" New Hanover County is as follows: Recipient Additional RGP Total Disbursement New Hanover $7,795.00 $7,795.00 County Please refer to the program guidance in the application package for information on eligible transportation assistance expenses and the required reporting requirements. if you have any questions concerning she disbursement, contact me at extension 245. Questions concerting FY 2001 program requirements and allocations maybe addressed to your, regional transportation program consultant, Diane Lackey, at extension (910) 989-2424. Sincerely, Deirdre C. Walker Financial Manager -, `"~~}~' il`~7"~ ~~ Ell~~oa , cc: Patricia Me1v~~,~Ass~is ant to the County Manager, County of New Hanover ~ . Diane La ~keyP~ub1~i,~Transportation Division .~ ~li`~J 1 ~~`~ ~. 1 M?lIL~ ADDRESS: ~ ~ ~~~~ TELEPHONE: 919-733.4713. LOCATION: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISIGN ~ ~ .5ys, y FAX: 919-733' 1391 ~ .TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 1550 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ..r,.... , -. 'J -~ '~1 ~ ~ 1 SOUTH WfLM[NGTON STREET RALEICH,NC 27699=1'S50~~~~~~, ~ WWW.DOT.STATF..NC'.(L5~17tAMSIT/TRANS'ITNLT/ RALEIGH,NC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/00 - ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~~~~ ~; ,~;~ - J z ~~~:. U