Agenda 2000 12-04 AGENDA ~~pHOVER ~0 ,j~ G I ?~`' y~~• * ',f ;,.. Q 9 .-i/~ INPO RTS•E%PORTS O INOVSTRT ~~ NORTH CQ' December 4, 2000" 6:30 p.m. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD O>r' COTVIMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAMS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 6:45 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes 1 6:50 p.m. 2 Meeting of Water and Sewer District ~ 39 ~35 p.m. 3. Presentation of Plaques to ut-Going ommissioners ~~ . n/a 7:00 p.m. BREAK 7:25 p.m. 4. Administration of Oaths of Office n/a Judge .Allen Cobb, Superior Court Judge . 7:35 p.m.. , 5. .Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman n/a Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Presiding 7:40 p.m: 6. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ;~ ~ 39 ~ 7:45 p.m. 7. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman Water and Sewer District n/a ~ Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Presiding :5 ~ 7 0 p.m. .. 8. v Appro al of Consent Agenda 45 l I Public Hearings: 7:55 pm. 9.1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Continued 11/13/00 County Commissioner 3 Mtg) Request to amend the Wilmington-New Hanover CAMA Land Use Plan by modifying policy 4:8 to clarify the policy for the development of marinas. 8:40 p.m. 9.2 9:15 p.m. 9.3 10:15. p.m. 9.4 10:45 p.m. 9.5 ~.~,~dY-'~-~ 11:10 p.m. 10. 11:30 p.m. Special Use Permit Request by Mabel Gilbert to permit a Membership Sports ~ 9 and Recreation Club in an R-15 Residential Zoning District located at 4809 Carolina Beach Road. (5-472, 11/00) Special Use Permit Request by Cindee Wolf to permit a Personal Care Facility 13 in an R-15 Residential Zoning District located at 225 Middle Sound Loop Road. (5-473, 11 /00) Special Use Permit Request by Debra Hatcher to expand an existing Daycare 17 Facility from 5 to 13 children in an R-20 Residential Zoning District located at 324 Bountiful Lane. (5-474, 11/00) Special Use Permit Request by Smith Properties to permit a commercially 23 operated sports and recreational facility in an A-I Airport Industrial Zoning District located~at 2927 North Kerr Avenue. (5-475, 11/00 Update on Northside Wastewater Treatment Plan Expansion Project 27 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager ADJOURN • MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANbVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC • December 4, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes ADJOURN 5 PAGE NO. 39 41 • MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, .NC December 4, 2000 , / ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 39 2. Approval of Minutes 41 ADJOURN ~, NEW HANOVER .COUNTY BOARD .OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FbR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: November 13, 2000, Regular Meeting November 27; 2000, Regular Meeting Closed Sessions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW J i0 COUNTY COMMf~SI®N~, APPROVED ~. REJECTED D REMOVED D ~ POSTPONED ~J FIEARD C~ ~ ~ ' ~,° a r , jd~fldU ^/ {This page intentionally left .blank} ~,g . ~7e~0 wd~F~~aU V~ uc.3+3~a1 ~~r~a i q~5~p~ ~~cl'~1Y~21~ 2. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~, r , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOAR® OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT90N Meeting Date: 12/04/00. Regular; Item #: 9.1 Estimated Time:, Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: LUP-.10,.10/00 Wilmington, New. Hanover County, CAMA, Comprehensive Plan Amendment for policy 4.8 C7 • BRIEF SUMMARY: Recently there have been several Special Use Permit Requests for Community Boating facilities in New Hanover County. Each of these requests have brought about testimony from a variety of professionals. The testimony centers on conflicting interpretations of the definition of marinas and conflicting interpretations of policies 4.8 and 4.9. As a result of this confusion, County Staff was directed to propose an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that would help clarify the policy for the development of marinas. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends the modification to policy 4.8 (see attachments). This proposed change will help clarify the policy difference between Community Boating facilities and Commerical Marinas. Both types of marinas will require a special use permit from the County with a finding of no adverse effects on estuarine resources or public trust waters. Commercial marinas would not be allowed in Primary Nursery Areas, Outstanding Resource Waters, or Shellfishing Waters. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 5 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• r~OUNTY Cf9MMl~ APPROVED G~~~~~~.. REJECTED REMOVED ~ 3 POSTPONED ® ~ F.EAI:i~ C~ 1. " e _~~J`~/U~ ~-yl \}( ~~~,`• .. ry `~' , dd `e~V 16 ~,((,G f .V'~~ CASE: LUP-10, 10/00 REQUEST: Wilmington,.New Hanover County, CAMA, Comprehensive Plan ~ Amendment for policy 4.8: The proposed amendment is noted in Boldface Italics: 4.8 Allovv the development of marinas, dry stack storage, and moorings as a means of providing public access to the e:ctent that their development shall not adversely effect estuarine resources or public trust waters. ~ • • Conrmercia! marinas shall not be allowed in Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), . Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), or open Shellfishing Waters (SA). • Moorings and mooring fields shall not be allowed where they may have an . adverse effect on navigation channels. • Pumpout facilities shall be required for existing Commercial marinas which have • boats containingenclosed heads. STAFF SUMMARY: • Recently there have been several Special Use Permit Requests for Community Boating facilities in New Hanover County. Each of these requests has brought about testimony from a variety of professionals. The testimony centers oi~ conflicting interpretations of the definition of marinas and conflicting interpretations of policies 4.8 and 4.9: As a result of this confusion; • County Staff was directed to propose an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that would help clarify the policy for the, development of marinas. Staff recommends the modification to policy 4.8 shown above. This proposed change will help to clarify the policy difference beriveen Community Boating facilities and Commercial Marinas. Both types of marinas will require a special use permit from The County with a finding of no adverse effects on estuarine resources or public trust waters. Commercial marinas would not be allowed in Primary Nursery Areas, Outstanding Resource Waters, or Shellfishing Waters. Existing Comprehensive Plan Definitions: Marina -includes commercial marinas, rental slips, community boating facilities, and residential piers renting more than two slips. Commercial Marina -any dock or basin and associated structures commercially providing permanent or temporary harboring or storing of two or more boats, pleasure or commercial, and providing marine services, including but not limited to retail sales for fuel, repair, convenient food stuffs, boats, engines, and accessory equipment. • Community Boating Facility - a private non-profit boating facility including a dock, pier, and/or launching ramp on property which has tivater frontage, the use of which is intended to serve 5 or more residential lots or units. The right to use such facility must be conferred by an easement appurtenant to the residential lot it is intended to serve. No commercial activities of any kind shall be allowed within the confines of the facility. ~~~~~~ `~® ~'~ ~ Mooring -any means to attach a ship, boat, vessel or other water craft to a ~~~~~"~~ stationary underwater device, buoy, buoyed anchor, or freestanding piling. ' { ~i. ,,~~~t~~~'~'q'j a ~ 1 ~"""~ s w~_ .~ ~ ~ ~. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT • DEXTER L HAYES Planning Director October 18, 2000 Mr. Alex Marks Division of Coastal Management DENR 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 2840-3845 SUBJECT: 414 CHESTNUT STREET, SUITE 304 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7165 FAX (91 D) 341-4556 Amendment to the Wilmington-New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan and CAMA Land Use Plan Update Dear Mr. Marks: In response to your letter of 16 October 2000 and pursuant to our phone conversation yesterday, I ' am sending you the Staff Summary of the proposed amendment to Policy 4.8 of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Comprehensive Plan and CAMA Land Use Plan Update. During our conversation on Tuesday you also indicated that you need a statement about the general consistency of the proposed amendment specifically as it relates to policy 3.7 of the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment is generally consistent with the comprehensive plan in that estuarine resources will be protected by consolidating riparian access and no commercial activities will be permitted in Primary Nursery areas (PNA), Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), or open Shellfishing Waters (SA). The County will continue to require a special use permit for both Commercial marinas and Community Boating facilities with a finding of no adverse effects on estuarine resources or public trust waters. Therefore, with respect to policy 3.7 the cumulative and secondary impacts of land use and development, and the limited carrying capacity of our coastal ecosystems will be considered through the special use permit process in all land use decisions concerning the development of marinas. Also attached to this letter is the notice for the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners public hearing that vas published in the Star-News on October 12, 2000. As soon as we receive certification from the Star News we will provide the certified copy of the advertisement. If you have any questions or. need additional information, please call Dexter Hayes, Planning Director or me at 341-7165. Syin~cerely, /~ Baird Stewart ' Senior Planner encl. 5 ED .WILMINGTON MORNING STAR /.'P~SDAY OCTOBER 12 2 r 1 ~ 6 ;t .:.. .. ~ 000 ~_ 145- Legal Nofices -: • • I C ConeWCtion Co., Inc. wiA he hid- ding the Naw Hanover County Judi- cial Building Expansion, at Y~il- mington, North Carolina ae a Multi Prima Contractor. Thia project bids an Tuesday, October 77, 2000 ~ah 2:C0 P. M. in Wilmingan, North Caro- lino. C Construction Co,; Inc.'ie so= liciting bids from any and a9 quell- lied Subcontractors end Suppliers, eA. SBE. WBE, Marge Enterprises, etc. subcontractors acid Suppliers who are interested in bidding this 113- Business proied can contact C Construction Co., Inc, at P.O. Bois :8270, .Tyler,' Texa 757„ ' . a at9C3,Sg,.,~~rP~ Personals 903/597.0587. C Cohetruction'Ca.,~ Inc. ie an Equaf Opportunity and At• IinnativeAction Empbyet r-,::;';`t;,~ NOTICE OP PUBLIC NE PJNG t` New HanovarCounry Commissioners Nove~^;ber •,'3, 2000 The New Hanover County'Board of County Commissioners will hold a' public hearing on Moqday, Novertr, ber 13, 2000 beginning at 7:00 p,m,': in ~ the Old County Courthouse , southeast caner of Princess and Third Streets, Third Floor, Wilming- Your ad ma y Gualrfy to gun Tree it i ton. NC to consider the topovnng Comprehensive Pan ame d t m_ eats the Ielbwirg criteria: r rrvnb,,„ i . • Ads must be laced b cap- p Y. i COjdPREHENSIVE PLAN Ah!END'~J M'cNT: Request to amend the WiI ng our Classdied Telemar• keting'departrrent . -,,, mingtdn•New Hanover"~`Co'unty'! • The price of 5200 or less is • stat d f CAMA Land Usa Plan byrnbd;;ying' policy 4.8 to cariy the popp for th e or eacfi item, and local for all items in the ad does y e development of marinas. (LUP•10,', 10 'not exceed 5300,' (H furniture ~ /~) ~~ groupings are to be sold as a set items may not be priced se aratel ' ~ Information on the above i'u3m mayY be viewed or inquires made b` p y. ~ Each item and the'numher of •' Rems is listed and priced ~ 1 cohlacting the. County p{a'nning De-. ' partmert (341=7485), 414 Chestnut ~. e . • It is a non-~mmercial item li d Str et,Wilmington, NC. A11 infer= ested citizens are Invfted to att d ~ ste under: .Automotive, en . , Furniture, Appliances, Mis- cellaneous, Merchandise B.~A Steriart` , o_,_ ^,,;,, ,,, wanrx! to huv Senior Plenher r~ • • i• Dexter Nayes 10/25/2000 09:31 AM To: girardotd@uncwil.edu, smithgage@mindspring.com, wmjcohlogue@juno.com, Chris O'keefe/NHC@NHC, .Grant Gore/NHC@NHC, Wanda Coston/NHC@NHC, Sam Burgess/NHC@NHC, Kelly Clark/NHC@NHC, Baird Stewart/NHC@NHC, Bert Hatchell/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: please forward to County Planning Board ---------------------- Forwarded by Dexter Hayes/NHC on 10/25/2000 09:29 AM --------------------------- RoberfBowen ~ ~. 10/24/2000 12x09 PM To: Dexter Hayes/NHC@NHC cc: Subject: please forward to County Planning Board Forwarded by Robert Bowen/NHC on 10/24/00 12:22 PM ----- "Mac Currin" To: <rbowen@co.new-hanover.nc.us> <mcurrin@wans.net> cc: 10/24/00 12:19 PM Subject: please forward to County Planning Board TO: New Hanover County Planning Board FROM: Mac Currin 801 Westwood Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Proposed change in New Hanover Co. Land Use Plan to exempt community boating facilities in Primary Nursery Areas DATE:. October 24, 2000 I am writing to urge you not to support the proposed change in your Land Use Plan that? disallows community boating facilities in our state's Primary Nursery Areas. Normally, I would not choose to comment on any county's planning process other than my county of residence. In this case, however, the action you are considering will affect the Public Trust Resources of our state. These resources belong to ALL the citizens of North Carolina and I therefore:feel that-the proposal is much more far reaching than New Hanover County and has the real possibility to do irreparable harm to -our state's Public Trust Resources. As a fisheries biologist, I am horrified that you would consider degrading important Primary Nursery Areas by changing your regulations to allow community boating facilities. Over 90% of our recreational and commercial fisheries spend some time in our estuaries. Many of the important species are estuarine-dependent and spend over one year in nursery areas in our sounds. Primary and Secondary Nursery Areas have been identified as most critical to the success of these finfish and shellfish and have been protected for over 20 years. . To allow development, especially to increase the mooring of boats with accompanying fuel spills and .leakage, is unconscionable when we are struggling to maintain and in many cases to enhance the dwindling fish stocks that we have. Please do not veer from the good existing policy that now recognizes the value of . naturally functioning nursery areas. Keep our primary nursery areas, as clean and protected as we can. Do not allow a change that will place community boating facilities in Primary Nursery Areas. To do otherwise, represents an injustice to every North Carolinian. 8 C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 • • Regular Item #: 9.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: S-472, 11/00- Special Use Permit for a Membership Sports and Recreation Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: T.he instructor for the proposed martial arts academy presented the special use permit request. No one spoke in opposition. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: After a brief discussion primarily focusing on parking and other staff concerns the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval with the conditions recommended by staff. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 4 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • r ~f?t.IlV1'Y COMMI~~ ~ 1 APPROVED REJECTED © ~'-'~; REMOVED. C1 ~ .~q`;;° POSTPONED ~ ~ , FIEARID ~=.~ ~ ~ Case: 5-472, 11/00 -Special Use Permit, for a Membership Sports and Recreation Facility PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/2/00: The instructor for the proposed martial arts academy presented the special use permit request. No one spoke in opposition. After a brief discussion primarily focusing on parking and other staff concerns the Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval with the conditions recommended by staff. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety. if locates] where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD B. The property is served by city water. The petitioner is obtaining building permits to add a restroom which will be connected to County sewer. ' C. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road, which is classified as an arterial road by the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan.: 2. The Board must find that the use meets all, required conditions and. specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. No new structures will be constructed for this use. B. Membership Sports and recreation facilities are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 residential district. C. Although additional parking should be shown on the site plan, sufficient area exists on site to accommodate parking for the proposed (15 maximum) number of students. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. _ A. Other membership sports and recreation facilities are located in residential districts throughout New Hanover County. B. No evidence has been presented that indicates that this facility would injure the value of adjoining . properties. . 4. The Board -must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." A. The 1999 Land Classification Plan identifies this area as Developed.'The purpose of the developed- class is to provide for continued intensive development and redevelopment of existing urban areas. Urban services are already in place or scheduled within the immediate future. B. The building for this use already exists. The remainder of the property is utilized for a single family residence and as a mobile home park. ""'"Yiannmg`Jtait,~COncerns: 1. Gaven~the c.onc.ern for parking and the proximity to Carolina Beach Road. No meets or sc~hedu~Ied~e~e is should be held at this location. ~,i ~~Ve~rLl~~ 2. Zoning enfor, cement has requested that a specific number of parking spaces be required. Staff ~ reco im~e ~ds`th'at there should be one space per student. t~J n,~~~~+~1;~ ~3~.. Membership~to the facility should be limited to 15 students or less. - ~-~_ ~~ Case: 5-.472, 11/00 Petition Summary Data OwnerlPetitioner: Mable Gilbert Existing Land Use: Residential Zoning History: April 7, 1971 Water Type: City Sewer Type: County Recreation Area: Myrtle Grove Middle Access & Traffic Volume: 26,000 (ADT 1999} Fire District: Myrtle Grove Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Motts Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary recharge area Conservation/Historic/Archaeolo¢ic Resources: None Soils: Class II ` Septic Suitability: Moderate Limitations . i Schools: Pine Valley Elementary 1~ ;; {This page intentionally left blank} J t 12 C"~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 • Regular Item #: 9.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: S-473,11/00-Special Use Permit for a Personal Care Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: The petitioner presented the site plan and explained the phasing schedule. The petitioner also explained that this facility is intended to provide affordable living for people age 55 and older. Health Care Professionals will also visit the site on a regularly scheduled basis to provide assistance and medical care for the residents. Several spoke in opposition to the location of .the facility. The primary concerns presented in opposition to the request were traffic, density, and stormwater runoff. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: After significant discussion among the Planning Board and after hearing additional comments concerning the size of the facility, the Planning Board ultimately voted 4.1 to recommend denial. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 10 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • r~UIV 1 1 Sr®~IV117J1®1Y APPROVED ~''-- F'evi5ecl REJECTED REMOVED ~ POSTPONED !~ FiEAR1~ `~ - ~, Case: 5-473, 11!00 -Special Use Permit for a Personal Care Facility PLANNING BOARD RECOMMIENDATION 11/2/00: The petitioner presented the site plan and explained the phasing schedule. The petitioner also explained that this facility is intended to provide affordable living for people age 55 and older. Health Care professionals will also visit the site on a_regularly scheduled basis to provide assistance and medical care for the residents. Several people spoke in opposition to the location of the facility. The primary concerns presented in opposition to the request were traffic, density, and stormwater runoff. After significant discussion among the Planning Board and after hearing additional comments concerning the size of the facility; the Planning Board ultimately voted 4-1 to recommend Denial. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use wilt not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is located within the Ogden VFD B. The petitioner is proposing a connection to City water and County sewer C. The site has direct access to Middle Sound Loop Road and Darden Road. Middle Sound Loop Road is classified as a collector road by the New Hanover County Thoroughfare Classification Plan. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning. ordinance. A. With the exception of the northeastern portion of the site which is zoned R-20 Residential, the subject property is primarily located in the R-15 Residential zoning district. Personal Care facilities are permitted by special use permit in both the R-15 and the R-20 zoning districts. B. The proposed site plan meets the additional restrictions imposed on Nursing & Personal Care Facilities. C. All other conditions of the ordinance can be met. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. Other nursing and personal care facilities are located in residential districts throughout New Hanover County. B. Some of the adjacent properties are vacant. C. No evidence has been presented that indicates that this facility would injure the value of adjoining properties. 4. The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it'is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." A. The 1999 Land Classification Plan identifies this area as Resource Protection. Residential densities greater than 2.5 units per acre shall not be permitted. B. The City and County should ensure an adequate supply of housing for people with special needs, the elderly, and the disabled. ,. C. The subject parcel is approximately 10 acres. Under performance residential criteria the site could C~~~accommodate~,app~rowfmately25 units. t -; ~.~ ~-~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~C~ ` t±~Pla`mm~Q Staff Concerns: 1. Adegaiate s~o~m,~ a~~~ management will have to be accommodated according to the newly adopted Storm Water_,Re.gulations. 2. In order to"improve site distance problems, the driveway on Middle Sound should be moved to the west as y.- ~' ~_'far~astpos~ble.' '' ~' 1 ~.` The are several significant trees near the proposed entrance on Middle Sound. Every effort should be made to preserve these and other significant trees on the property. ~. • White Oak Apartments An Elderly Independent Living Facility Project Narrative This project is proposed on a 10.0 acre tract of land extending between Middle Sound Loop Road and Darden Road. The tract is proposed to be developed with two, two-story, 25,000 s.f., residential buildings, access drives, and parking. facilities.. Construction would include utilities installation and a stormwater detention pond. The project would be underfiaken in two phases. Phase 1~of the development of the White Oak Apartments will have 46, one- - bedroom and 14, two-bedroom apartments for the elderly population (age 55 or older). The two-story, elevator-equipped building will be completely surrounded by the existing vegetation growth which will provide a quiet and peaceful setting for the residents. The residents will enjoy public transportation services from the County, weekly wellness visits from registered nurses and designated gardening areas. Anon-site Services Coordinator will schedule events for. the residents such as trips to the County's Senior Center. Experience indicates that most of .the residents will be 62-75 years of age and will not own vehicles. Phase 2 of the development will occur when the need for the additional sixty apartments is justified to the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and funding can be obtained with a State of North Carolina low interest loan and sale of federal tax credits. The project is expected to take approximately twelve (12) months from onset to completion and occupancy of the first phase of the facility. The anticipated date for construction to commence is July, 2001. • 15 Case: 5-473, 11/00 Petition ~umma~y Data Owner/Petitioner: Cindee Wolf for BMWGP, LLC Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: May 18, 1970 (Area 3) Water Type: City (Proposed) Sewer Type: County (Proposed) Recreation Area: Ogden Access & Traffic Volume: l 1,000 (ADT 1999) ,~ Fire District: Ogden Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Howe Creek (SA) Aquifer Recharge Area: Shallow Water Table, Sand Aquifer Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Murville, Leon Septic Suitability: Class III (Severe Limitations} 16 Schools: Ogden Elementary ,; -) :, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Regular Item #: 9.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: S-474,11/00-Special Use Permit for expansion of an existing Child Daycare Facility BRIfF SUMMARY: The petitioner presented her request to care for additional children. Jayne Emma from the New Hanover County Partnership for Children spoke in support of this request. Nobody spoke in opposition. The Planning Staff cited that several site improvements will have to be made to accommodate the drop-off turnaround area. The petitioner will have to provide a fenced play area and meet the State requirements regarding the number of children permitted in the facility at once as well as any other applicable state or federal statutes regarding the operation of such facility. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 5 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: '~~dUNfiif ®OMNII01 APPROVED REJECTED ~ REMOVED CI ~ °'; POSTPONED I~ , . FiEARi'J CJ ~~ ~~' f _ ~_ -off? 1.7 Case: 5-474, 11/00 -Special Use Permit for expansion of an existing Child Daycare Facility PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/2/00: The petitioner presented her request to care for additional children. Jayne Emma from the New Hanover County Partnership for Children spoke in support of this request. Nobody spoke ,in opposition. The Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. ,The site is located in the Wrightsboro Fire.District. B. The site is served by County water and individual septic. C. The residence has direct access to two public roads Thatcher Court and Bountiful Lane. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning . ordinance. A. Home Daycare operations are permitted by special use permit in residential zoning districts. ' B. Off street parking with 1 space per employee and 4 spaces for drop-off and pick-up can be accommodated on site. C. The petitioner has submitted a site plan which shows a proposed fence of a minimum 4 feet high around the entire play area. D. Deb's Small Home Daycare is a 24 hour daycare facility operating on two different shifts. E. At the request of New Hanover County Zoning Enforcement there are currently 6 children enrolled in Deb's Small Home Daycare. The petitioner is requesting a special use permit to enroll 7 additional children for a total enrollment of 13 children but only 8 maximum per shift. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. Similar daycare operations exist in residential districts throughout New Hanover County. B. No evidence has been presented that residential daycare operations decrease the value of adjoining property. 4. The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." A. The 1999 Land Classification Plan identifies this area as Resource Protection. Residential densities for these areas should be limited to-less than 2.5 units per acre. B. The existing home will not increase in size as a result of this special use permit. Planning Staff Concerns: 1. .Several site improvements will have to be made to accommodate the drop-off turnaround and to :provide-th fei%ed~play~a~rea. 2. Granting'tliAi~s expans~iou il Lv~ould allow Deb's Small Home Daycare to operate tvvo shifts with an enrollment`up toj13~ ~il~r~en. 3. In August of 1999~a~s~p c~ia~l use permit nearby for a Child Daycare Facility for 25 children was denied. ~ ~~,; ~~~~~vp, 1 Q 4. The petitio~er~will hav~e.~to~meet the State requirements regarding the number of children permitted in (~ ~fthe'facilty at own„~ce as well.as any other applicable state or federal statutes regarding the operation of such facility. ,~ Case: S-474, 11/00 Petition Summary Data Otivner/Petitioner: Debra Hatcher Existing Land Use: Residential Zoning History: July 1, 1974 (Area l0A) Water Type: Community Sewer Type: Septic Recreation Area: Cape Fear Optimist Park Access & Traffic Volume: 16 000 Castle Ha ne Road ADT 199 Y ( 9) Fire District: Wrightsboro Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Cape Fear River B(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Nondescript area Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Norfolk Fine Sand Loam Septic Suitability: Class I suitable Schools: Alderman Elementary 19 ~~ ~°O: .~eiy ~artoyer C'outity ~'lanttng department FR~~1• Debra N~ Hatcher (Deb's ~'mafl Dome Day} .Care) . DA?'~: 10/OS/DO RE': l~Tarrative of proposed zcse of Specaal Use Permit I, Debra 1i~ Hatcher, oiuner and operator of Deb's ,mall Home Day Care currently ltave been in operation for three years. ~fy family cliald care home is licensed to operate twenty four hours a day, se~~en days a iuee% .Currently, ~ liaue six cliildi•ett enrollet~ t arrt applying for a special use hermit ri order to be in compliance with the .County's honing Ortiiance. I, do ztnderstand that the playground area of my cltild care Itorrte must be fenced in arid' there rrtttst be off street parking for the parents. Along with my application you wall,~nd a stretch of rrty proposed plants to meet all the required statues of Cite ~'ounty's Zoning C}rdiance. - ~ ~ - ' ~' ~ arrt asking to care for eight children ~j~ve preschoolers and infants plus three sclioolage children a~'~er school} during the day time~l'tours and~ve children for o~~ernaght+ I am asking to be allowed to care_for a total o_f thirteen children ~uathin a taventy.: four-Hour period ~'liarik ~`ou, ~~~~ `~~~1cti~~l~~~ Debra 1Y1. ~atct'ter (4wner/Operator . .deb's 'mall Horrte Day .Care 20 - .. • • i~ ~< ~_~ E> ~ ~c ~~ E~ U c~ _.., V~ (~ F, ~~- ~~ 11 `\ ~ .TAB 1 ~_ .~ } -~~~~,~ ~~ ~~HI UI ~~ ~' 2~1 ~~ {This page intentionally left blank} 22 s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Regular Item #: 9.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Baird Stewart SUBJECT: S-475, 11/00- Special Use Permit for Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Facility (Skate Park Faciltiy) BRIEF SUMMARY; The petitioner presented the site plan and explained that additional parking could be accommodated on the adjacent -lot and that only minor modifications will be required to meet fire codes. The petitioner's original tenant for this facility expressed her desire to locate in a different facility. Nobody spoke in support or in opposition to the facility. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval with the conditions recommnded by the staff. FUNDING SOURCE: n/a ATTACHMENTS: 4 • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: r~OUMiI' t~MMt~tO - ---- APPROVED REJECTED O ~~: REMOVED D i ~;~', POSTPONED J ~~ FtEARD C~ ~ ~ 2 3 Case: 5-475, 1.1/00 -Special Use Permit for Indoor/Outdoor Recreation Facility (Skate Park Facility) PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION 11/2/00: The petitioner presented the site plan and explained that additional parking could be accommodated on the adjacent lot and that only minor modifications will be required to meet fire codes. The petitioner's original tenant for this facility expressed her desire to locate in a different facility. Nobody else spoke in support or in opposition to the facility. The planning Board unanimously voted to recommend approval with the conditions recommended by staff. Preliminary. Staff Findings 1. The board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is located in the Wrightsboro Fire District. B. The site is served by well and septic. C. The site has access to North Kerr Avenue, which is identified by the Thoroughfare. Classification Plan as a Collector Road. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the zoning ordinance. A. 92 parking spaces are shown on the proposed site plan. Additional landscape islands will be required to meet the minimum landscape requirements. B. The site has access to a collector road. C. Signage is limited to one on premise ground sign not to exceed 32 square feet. 3. The. Board must find that the use will not substantially inure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. Other similar commercially operated indoor/outdoor recreation facilities have operated successfully in the county. . B. With the exception of parking lot improvements, no additional development is required for this facility. C. No evidence has been presented that a commercially operated indoor/outdoor recreation facility will decrease the value of adjoining property. 4. The Boarcl must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for N'ew Hanover County." A. The 1999 Land Classification Plan identifies this area as Urban.Transition. The purpose of the Urban Transition class is to provide for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. Residential densities for these areas can exceed 2.5 units per acre. ~ y ?Yb,~:~t~."Tl i'wi'l/•r~l."~n.'nl Q'°^.',tnRr~%{yR B. The existing~shructure~w~il~hnothn'crease in size as a result of this special use permit. t( ~1~~f~i~~A Planning Staff Concerts: ~~~J~~l 1. If all of the parking is paved;~Staff~is concerned about Stormwater management. 2. Label adjacent lot fordoverflowipale;ng. 24 ~'~ .~~~~. , ~~,~.,~~~ . ;,~. Case: 5-475, 11/00 .. .Petition Summary Data ` Owner/Petitioner: Jim Smith for Smith Properties • • Existing Land Use: Industrial Zoning History: October 4, 1976 (Airport) Water Tie: Well Sewer Type: Septic Recreation Area: Cape Fear Optimist Park Access & Traffic Volume: 12,000 (ADT 1999) Fire District: Wrightsboro Watershed & Water Quality Classification: Smith Creek C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Pantego Loam Septic Suitability: Class III, Severe Limitations Schools: Freeman Elementary :4 25 ./ {This page intentionally left blank} '1 26 C`~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Update on NSWWTP Expansion Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Previously, New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and the City of Wilmington entered into an agreement to jointly expand the City's northside wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In January 1999, qualifications were requested from engineering firms for the expansion of the plant. McKim and Creed, along with Hazen and Sawyer and Tetra Tech, was selected to determine the wastewater needs of the County ahd the City. The- City entered into a contract with McKim and Creed for planning and design of the treatment plant expansion. Planning and preliminary design have been accomplished (30% design). It is now 'time to move forward with the final design. Attached is a copy of the proposed scope of work amendment which will be considered by the Wilmington City Council at their December 5, 2000 meeting. The treatment .plant has a capacity of 8,000,000 gallons per day (gpd) with the .proposed expansion being an additional 8,000,000 gpd for a total of 16,000,000 gpd. As planned this will be sufficient for the County and City for the next twenty (20) years. The 16,000,000 gallons of capacity has sufficient excess to allow 500,000 gpd for Pender County. Pender County has not provided a final figure on the needed gpd. If it is in excess of 500,000, the WWTP capacity must be increased to accomodate their needs. The cost for providing Pender County any capacity will be paid for by Pender County As indicated on Page 7 of the Scope of Work, the proposed engineering fee is $4,785,010 to perform all work from final design through completion of the treatment plant. The fee is included in the $63,700,000 estimate for the treatment plant expansion based on discharge of 5/1 limits. Maintaining the proposed schedule will required that the process is not stalled for any reason. It is crucial that the treatment plant is substantially complete by the fourth quarter of 2003. County and City staffs are working to determine the cost allocation to each. Upon an agreement, the information will be present to the District Commissioners for a budget amendment.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The only action necessary at this time is to endorse the action of :City Council to amend the engineering scope of work to McKim and Creed in the amount of $4,785,010. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ----_ ~~U~ ~~~`"~0~ ATTACHMENTS:. APPROVED ® ; Contract Amendment REJECTED l~ Project Schedule Cost REMOVED C~ ;. POSTPONED t3 REVIEWED BY: FIEARi~ ~ ~ ~~~ LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: . ~~ Yr • ~o` g ~C !fF."~ . / COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE Concur with recommended motion. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS ~~ T11r~~ 2 $ `~J ~~a~~M~~l S,,jr~ gar. ~ 4y`taa ...•. , of i ~ ~% (~. Introduced By: Mary M. Gornto, City Manager • Date: December 5, 2000 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE UPGRADE AND EXPANSION OF THE NORTHSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT TO A CAPACITY OF 16 MILLION GALLONS PER DAY LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: The City and New Hanover County engaged McKim and Creed, Engineers to develop a wastewater system master plan that addresses the future wastewater treatment needs of the City and New Hanover County. This joint effort was approved in an interlocal agreement between the City and New Hanover County in December 1996. Highlights of the plan, focusing on the need to expand the Northside WWTP, were presented to City Council and the New Hanover County Commissioners at a work session on November 27, 2000. Several alternatives were evaluated, including building on another site, expanding to 12 million gallons per day and expanding to 16 million gallons per day. The recommended alternative is to expand the plant on the existing site to a capacity of 16 million gallons per day. This alternative is projected to meet the needs ~of the City and New Hanover County through the year 2020. This alternative also includes allowances for modest capacity sales to other entities such as Pender County without jeopardizing the needs of the City and New Hanover County. The recommended alternative • provides good economy of scale without constructing capacity that may be underutilized far into the distant future. The recommended alternative allows for the continued modular expansion to an ultimate capacity of 24 million gallons per day when needed. The estimated construction cost of the recommended alternative, including. design, construction administration and inspections, is $63,700,000 to be shared between the City and County. The costs sharing ratio is still being reviewed by City and County staff but is-anticipated to be approximately 3~% City and 65% County. I~ RESOLVED: The City Manager is authorized to proceed with plans to upgrade and expand the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant in partnership with New Hanover County to a capacity of 16 million gallons per day as recommended in the wastewater system master plan. ~ David Jones, Mayor Adopted at a regular meeting on , 2000. ATTEST: City Clerk .4 e ./ • SCOPE OF WORK Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade & Expansion Presentation The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are currently evaluating their respective wastewater treatment and conveyance system infrastructure to determine (what, when, where and how much) the need for wastewater system infrastructure improvements. The need for the wastewater system evaluations is driven by the continued growth in population and commercial development found within the City and the County. Since 1990, the City and the County have experienced a 30 percent growth in population. The anticipated growth over the next 20 years will require the City to expand and upgrade, its two wastewater treatment plants. The current capacity of the Northside and Southside Wastewater Treatment plants is 8 and 12 MGD respectively. The anticipated growth within the City and the County will require the City to expand the Northside facility's capacity to 16 MGD by 2020 and upgrade the treatment systems at both facilities to meet potentially stringent effluent limitations. , The following presents the scope of work to provide engineering services to expand the City's Northside WWTP from its current permitted capacity of 8 MGD to 16 MGD. The complete scope of work is based on our current knowledge of the facility. The Consultant (McKim & Creed, Tetra Tech and Hazen and Sawyer) will provide final contract documents, permitting assistance, and ~ construction assistance for the Northside WWTP .Expansion including alternative procurement assistance for specialized. process equipment items. The following scope of work is the continuation of the Preliminary Engineering phase of this project. Task 200 - Detailed Design 202 -Final Design Contract Documents The final contract documents (bid documents) will consist of the plans (drawings) and specifications for the expansion of the Northside WWTP. The contract documents will be used by the contractor to prepare bids for the work detailed on the plans and described in' the specifications. The final contract documents will include, if needed, such items as pre- purchased and/or pre-qualified equipment. Other tasks to be performed by the .Consultant will include preparation of a final opinion of construction cost. The final contract documents will be submitted to the City at the 60, 90 and 100 percent completion levels. Detailed reviews will be included with each submittal and the opinion of construction cost will be updated for each submittal. The contract documents will include the following disciplines. • Civil Site • ArchitecturaP Structural • Mechanical • Environmental /Sanitary • Electrical Power ® Electrical Controls /Instrumentation / SCADA n NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November 00 Page - y 00824-0059 Scope of Work The major facility design areas will include the following: • Septage and Grease Treatment ' • Headworks • Odor Control • Grit Removal • Flow Splitting • Primary Clarifiers • Secondary Treatment • Final Clarifiers • WAS/RAS Pumping ' • Tertiary Treatment • _ ' • Disihfection ~ ' •' Effluent Pumping • • Solids Handling/Pumping/Disposal , ~ . . • Class A Sludge Drying . Civil/Site • .Piping .Hydraulics • Chemical Treatment • Electrical Controls /Instrumentation / SCADA • Electrical Power The Consultant will include an in-house quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC-Value Engineering Review) review by staff members not involved in the project. The QA/QC review will be entirely separate from the normal in-house reviews conducted by the project team and the City's staff. The QA/OC-Value Engineering Review will provide the City with written comments to be addressed by the project team. The QA/OC review will be conducted after the 30 percent design submittal and its findings presented to the design team along with comments from the City's 30 percent design review. ~ . Task 300 - Permitting The Consultant will. assist the City with obtaining all permits required for 'the project. The permits required for this project include the following. _ • NPDES Permitting • Soil & Erosion Control • Stormwater ~ ~ • • 'Nationwide 12/14 • COE 404 • CAMA (if required) • City/NCDOT (if required) • Railroad Encroachment (if required) • Authorization to Construct ~, ~~ The Consultant will prepare all applications and following execution. by the. City submit the applications to the appropriate .agency for approval. The Consultant will address all comments from the agencies .and assist the City with negotiations cohcerning any permitting issues such 30 as toxicity and final. effluent limits. The City will pay all fees associated with th•e permits. The NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November 00. Page - 2 00824-0059 Scope of Work Consultant anticipates that the total for all permit fees should not exceed $7,000 The Consultant, as part of the master plan project, is currently performing data collection and water quality modeling. The results of this effort will be used to negotiate the final NPDES permit limits for the Northside WWTP. Task 400 - Bidding/Award A. Bid Document Administration The Consultant will assist the City with preparing an advertisement for bid and coordinate distribution of contract documents for bidding to all City pre-qualified bidders and plan houses such as Dodge Report, AGC, etc. B. Pre-Bid Meeting/Response to Comments The Consultant will be available to answer contractor questions/comments, assist with addenda preparation, and attend pre-bid conference. C. Bid Evaluation/Award The Consultant will assist with the review of bidder qualifications and will review bid proposals. The Consultant will prepare letter of recommendation and attend Council meeting to support recommendation if required. D. Re-Bid i The Consultant will assist the re-bid of the project should the bids be rejected for any valid reason. Assistance will include Contractor selection, solving scheduling and procurement problems and finding ways to reduce the .capital cost and performing the necessary evaluations for project cost reductions or to remedy any deficiericies resulting in a decision to reject all bids. The Consultant will also provide the same services listed in items A, B and C of for Task 400. Re-design of system. components to reduce the cost of project is not included in the scope of services. Task 500 - Construction Administration A. Pre-Construction Conference The Consultant will prepare for and conduct the pre-construction conference. Minutes of the meeting will be prepared and distributed to all attendees. B. Shop Drawing and Other Submittal Reviews The Consultant will establish and administer a procedure for receiving and tracking all submittals including all long lead-time items made by the contractor. Procedures may include innovative computer based methods. The Consultant shall provide technical review of all shop drawings; detailed construction drawings, erection drawings, and other submittals: The Consultants will discuss/incorporate City review comments as appropriate. Presentations by the Consultant and vendor to Owner's staff may be needed for complex submittals Copies of all submittal reviews shall be forwarded to the City and the contractor. NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November 00 Page - 3 00824-0059 Scope of Work C. Intermediate and Final Inspection, Punch Lists The Consultant's Lead Discipline Project Engineers and the Project Manager will assist the Resident Construction Observer in reviewing the completed work at the intermediate and final inspections. The Consultant will assist in resolving punch list items with the contractor and will perform follow-up inspections. D. Conduct Construction Proqress Meetings The Consultant shall schedule, prepare for, attend, and conduct progress meetings at the project site to include City's staff and the contractor's representative. These meetings shall be normally held on a once per month basis. 'During critical times of construction, the meetings may be held every two weeks. The Consultant will ensure that the contractors abide by and respond to items concerning -the progress meetings; this also includes the project schedule. E. Prepare Project Proqress Summary Reports The Consultant shall direct the construction observation activities and shall receive and review all Daily Construction Observation Progress Reports and the minutes .from all Construction .Progress meetings. Copies of the Progress Reports with comments necessary to clarify project status will be forwarded to the City on a bi-weekly basis. F. Prepare Record Drawings Using information provided by the contractor, confirmed by on-site observations, the Consultant shall provide Record Drawings of the project. The Consultant shall ensure the validity'of the record drawings by using innovative techniques such as digital cameras and GPS locating devices to provide the information needed to confirm the validity of the record drawings. Record drawings will be furnished on reproducible (Mylar) media. arid on CD-R in AutoCAD's latest release. Supporting documentation that validates the record drawings will also be provided in electroriic format. The Consultant will. verify and certify that the project has been a constructed in accordance with the contract documehts. The following statement will appear on each record drawing. This record drawing was field verified by the engineer during construction. Based on this field verification, the engineer certifies that this project was constructed. in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and that this drawing represents the completed project as constructed. By: ~ Registration No. Date: Task 600 - Operations and Maintenance Manual A. Manual Preparation The, Gonsultant~will prepare a detailed. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual, which includes integration, coordination and cross referencing of the contributions of the Consultant, Contractor and .the various manufacturers for the NSWWTP Expansion. The O&M Manual will also update for the expansion components and upgrade of the existing Operation and 32 Maintenance Manuals for the wastewater treatment plant. The manual will be customized for NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November.00 ~ Page ~- 4 00824-0059 Scope of Work each WWTP. The O&M Manual will conform to State and EPA requirements... The manuals will be interactive manuals produced and presented to the City on a magnetic disk .(CD). The manuals will provide links to the vendor supplied equipment manuals. A bound paper version will be prepared for review and approval by the DENR. B. Manual Review The O&M Manuals will be submitted for review by the operational staff. The Consultant will revise the draft O&M manual and prepare 5 copies of the manual for submittal to the City. The.. Consultant will assemble and deliver to the City a complete set of approved shop drawings, operational instructions, maintenance publications, and manufacturer's documents prior to final acceptance. Task 700.- Startup/Training/Project Closeout A. Startup/Traininq The Consultant will assist the City with startup and training for all process and mechanical equipment including "shake-down" and resolution of conflicts during the warranty period. The Consultant will coordinate all activities between the contractor and the City for training and startup of the facility. The Consultant will ensure that the facility is ready for startup by certifying that the facility is substantially complete and that the contractor has scheduled training for the City's staff with input from the City. The Consultant will also be responsible for ensuring that the contractor has submitted all equipment manuals and provided a training schedule for City's operation and maintenance staff that is approved by the City. . B. Close-out Project and Provide Final Certification to Requlatory Agencies The Consultant will assist the City in closing out the project including completion certification to the City and regulatory agencies, final disbursement of funds and completion of the warranty period. Engineer shall certify that facilities were constructed in substantial completion with the construction document. The Consultant will also perform preliminary walk-throughs to develop preliminary punch lists for. each major phase of the project. Verification of punch list compliarice will be accomplished. The Consultant shall review the contractor's final draw request and will assist in the preparation of~the final resolution change order. Upon completion of construction, the Consultant shall prepare and submit final certification documents to the regulatory agencies as required. It is anticipated by the Consultant that operational acceptance will occur upon completion of various major construction components. The Consultant shall provide tracking of equipment warranties over the warranty period. Task 800 - Additional Services A. Construction Observation The Consultant shall provide the equivalent of three experienced Construction Observers to provide full-time, 45-hours per week construction observation .for a continuing period estimated to be 24 months for the Northside WWTP, and 18 months for the effluent force main. The actual number of Construction Observers shall vary over the course of the project as needed. The Consultant's Resident Observers shall keep a daily log of construction activities and will . forward these documents on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and subsequerit 33 NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November 00 ~ Page - 5 00824-0059 Scope of Work forwarding to the City. The observers will-also assist with validating the construction by using digital cameras and GPS technology. B. Easements The Consultant will provide the surveying plats and deed descriptions for all easements required for the project. The services provided by the Consultant shall be based on lump sum. C. Environmental Assessment (EA) The Consultant, will perform the activities required to assist the City. with completing an environmental assessment for the project. The Consultant will perform the activities of the environmental assessment to ensure that all activities are completed as described and that the environmental assessment meets all State .and Federal requirements for NPDES .permitting. This includes wetlands issues (Nationwide 12/14) and CAMA, etc. It is not clear at this time whether an EA or EIS will be required. The .Consultant has included the fee for the more costly EIS. If only an EA is required, the Consultant will negotiate the fee for . the EA and credit the unused fee to the City. We anticipate the total cost for EA should not exceed $35,000. D. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) The Consultant will perform the activities required to assist the City with completing an environmental impact statement for the project.. This task shall only. be completed upon written authorization of the City. If authorized, the Consultant will perform the activities of the environmental impact statement to ensure that all activities are completed as described and that the environmental impact statement meets all State and Federal requirements for NPDES permitting. This includes. wetlands issues (Nationwide 12/14) and CAMA, etc. We anticipate the total cost for EIS should not exceed $125,000. Project Fee and Schedule Adding the following shall amend paragraph 2 of the existing contract: The fee for the above referenced scope of services shalt be a combination of lump sum and not' to exceed. Tasks 202, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 shall be a lump sum amount of $3,621,260 while task 800 shall be for a fee not to exceed $1,163,650. The Consultant will offer more refined pricing and supporting documentation and justification for authorization prior to proceeding with any/all NE work. 34 ~ ..~ NS WWTP.Upgrade & Expansion November 00 Page - 6 00824-0059 Scope of Work . Project Fee Schedule: ' Task Task Value Fee Type t ~ Total Fee Task 100 Surveying and Geotechnical c2~ Task -100 A -Surveying ~2~ LS $ 35,000 Task 100 B -Geotechnical ~2~ LS $ 30,000 Task 200 =Detailed Design ~2~ Task 201 -Preliminary Engineering ~2~ LS $ 685,000 Task 202 -Detailed Design $2,422,140 LS $2,422,140 Task 300 -Permitting $ 234,000 LS $ 234,000 ~ Task 400 -Bidding, $ 145,260 LS $ 145,260 Task 500 -Construction Administration $ 623,460 NE $ 623,460 Task 600 - O&M Manual $ 102,700 LS $ 102,700 Task 700 -Startup/Project Closeout $ 93,800 LS $ 93,800 Task 800 -Additional Services $1.163,650 NE $1,163,650 Total Fee Lump Sum $3,621,360 $4,371,360 Total Fee Not to Exceed $1,163,.650 1 163 650 Total Fee $4,785,010 $5,535,010 ~'~ LS -Lump Sum; NE -Not to Exceed ~2> This item authorized in previous contract amendment. Payment for these services shall be monthly based on demonstrated progress of the services and the -schedule referenced. Invoices shall be submitted to Mr. Ken Vogt, P. E., Superintendent of Wastewater. The amended schedule for the project is attached to this scope of work. END SCOPE OF WORK 35 NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion November 00 Page - 7 00824-0059 Scope of Work m ~. 3 m m ~~ m 'b N ~~ O ~~ ~- N ~ ~6 o W H O v pN S ~z cnz zz cn cn cn cn o 0 ~ ~ ~(~ ~ ~ _ N p N ~ ~ ~ Q Q Q Q ~ S?° Qo Qo ~o ~ ~ C.31 W U1 Z3 ~~ OOH. N~ rr- o~- ~ ~ ~ - ~ r ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ w W o y ° o o o 0 0 0 o ° 0 o ° O O o GJ (V N C Jt ~ O ~ O ~ O O p p O ~ O o ~ ~ ~ ,. W O ~. ~ ~ ~ O O O ° O O p p m :; !~ ®~ ,.~ . ®. ~~ ~ ~~ `~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ® ~" ~ ~ ~ _''' 9 Qs~$ O ."O'er'' ~ s T i , s7 A o~~HA ~ *y~ m~ '< f o~ 7 m m <. m ~~ ~_ N ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- N ~ C7 iU ~ ~ . ~ r-r- ~ CD ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ . X ~ ~ ~ r-~- ~ ~ ~ ~ r-r ~ N n ~ C7 . ~ ~ ~ • i~ ~- ~ --~, O ~ (,~,. ~. ~ O ~ ~ ~ O O p ~ ~ ~ 1 N O ~ Cn -~- ,-~- O r ~ ~ O -' ~ rn ° ~ Q rn ~ ~ ~ ~ _ n. ~' ~ ~ o (D n ,-* O C7 0 a m ~ ~ N ~ w 0 d N S O -£.~ 1.! ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ ~. - ~ ~ ~ p ~ iiI ~ O ~ p - ~ ~ ~ O. !~- C~ ® ~^ ~--e- ~ n ~ - ~ C37 _i ®' ~ " w --~ rn r -- (~ ~ ° ~ ~ o o ~ ~' ~ ~ o 0 7 m c~ ~~ 61 RI 7 m. ~~ w n ~~ 3 ~ ,~ ~~ 0 ~~ ~J V M~ Q N O CO O O a a z f 4 ry `~° V O O y H y ~ ~ o w m 0 ~ di O O ~ 3 d m ~h O O c o '.Y 3 3 ' ~ O O m ~ ~ ~ W O O ~ 3 Q N ~ O o m n ' ° ~, m -~ O O ~ m _. G ~. m c ' -~ m Vi x 3 ,~ nJ N '. } O r r I ._.._... ..._.._..... ._._..._ . _ i. ..... _.......... _ - - - ._.._.. r, ~_ fV N ry G ~_ N nJ G CyJ N w ~_ ._. ._ .._.._._. _._.._. . ..._ ..:.._.. _.._._. _...... . .. a . _. ..._ s N G~ O W 1 ._..___. J _ . ._ a _ 9._ .._ . _._.... .._.._... ..._.._. _._ ..... ........ ~ N N J a ~~A•s.~_._ .i~ ` ~ ` ~~ ®® :.~~ .~. ~ '' . . . ~ , ®s ~~ `~ '~i~~~S * Nf~ o y ;~, 2 , a,. ', 9 /~ Z J ~ `~ =''~ c ~ / r K .. " ~ S ,~, . . / ` O'i = ~'Pp H , ~Q . ~~ q * *y MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE {This page intentionally left blank} f~ 40 '`) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting-Date: 12/04/00 .Water & Sewer Item.#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: " Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell = - Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer District Minutes of November 13, 2000 and November 27, 2000 ~ ~ ' BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Approval of Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ' ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~; REJECTED ~ ;~.~ - . REMOVED f~ ,rf` ~.~.: • PQSTPONED ~ . • - ~~ARi~ Cl! lJJ ' ~~ ,,, :.. ~ ~ -. {This page intentionally left ..blank} ~~ ~` "'~'r"1~"lf ~ ~~'~~ ~~ ~? ~~9~1 t y`~'`~ilhYy~Y~ 42 ~ ~ -~ t ` `~, CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 4, 2000 ` " ITEMS OF BUSINESS .PAGE . NO. 1. Approval of Sale of a Seized 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse VIN #4A3AXSSFSSWEI38328 45 as a $16,000 trade-in on the purchase of another vehicle for the Sheriff's Department 2. . ...Annual Review and Approval "of Public Official Bonds 47 Approval of Budget Amendments: ~. #01-0082 Social Services/Crisis Intervention Program ,~-~~~ ~. #2001-22 Monkey Junction/Motts Creek Capital Project 5,,~ ~j 4 {This page intentionally left blank} 44 fJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff .Presenter: . ` Contact: Amy Akin ~ , SUBJECT: Approval 'of the sale of a seized 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse VIN # • 4A3AX55F5WE138328 as a $16,000 trade-in on the purchase of another veHicle for the Sheriff's Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: 7 The 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse is a surplus vehicle of which the Sheriff desires to dispose. In ~. .accordance with General Statute 143-129.7, the vehicle was offered as a trade-in on a the purchase of a used vehicle to be used for the Vice/Narcotics Division. Bids were solicited from 'Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc., Safeway Chevrolet, and Jeff Gordon Chevrolet. Bob King Pontiac offered the highest trade•in for the vehicle at $16,000. - When purchasing a used vehicle, mileage is an important factor in the award made by the County: Bob King Pontiac is the second lowest bidder (net cost). However, there was only $812 difference • in price between Bob King Pontiac and the lowest bidder. Because of the (ow mileage on the • vehicle offered by Bob King Pontiac, the cost savings of the additiohai warranty miles, and offering of the highest trade-in value of the 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse, the Sheriff is requesting award to Bob . King Pontiac for the purchase and trade-in. Safewa Jeff Gordon Bob Kin - Y g Chevrolet Chevrolet Pontiac • Purchase of "Used Vehicle .$24,684.00 $23,681.25 $25,9.96.00 Less Trade-in $15,500.00 $13,000.00 $16,000.00 - Net Amount $ 9,184.00 $ 10,682.15 $ 9.996.00 Warranty Miles Available • to the County After Purchase 7,940 14,322 13,435 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQU"ESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption" of resolution awarding bid and approving sale of Mitsubishi to Bob King ~ ~ •. Pontiac FUNDFNG SOURCE: • Funds to~purchase vehicle are available in the North Carolina Controlled Substance Tax Fund. No . County funds will be expended. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~~ .resolution for disposal of seized ve ~PPR01/E® 7v/~ ~•,~~ REJECTED Q REVIEWED BY: REMOVF..D ~ xF LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A POSTPONED ~ ~~~~'"' FLEARi~ -~. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , Recommend adoption of resolution awarding bid and approving sale. RESOLUTION - OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriff s Department has a seized 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse, Vehicle Identification Number 4A3AXSSFSWE138328, that is insufficient for the Sheriff's operation; AND WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriff s Department. secured bids to purchase a 1999 vehicle and offered the 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse as a trade-in and the following bids were received: Safeway Chevrolet Jeff Gordon Chevrolet Bob King Pontiac Used Vehicle Price - ~ $24,684.00 .$23,681.25 $25,996.00 Less Trade-in of 1998 Mitsubishi $15,500:00 $13,000.00. $16,000.00 Net Amount $9;184.00 $10,682.1 $9,996.00 Vehicle Mileage ~ ~ ~ 28,060 ~ 21.,678 ~ 22,565 Warranty Miles Available to the County After Purchase 7,940 14,322 13,435 AND WHEREAS, Bob King Pontiac offered the highest trade-in allowance in conjunction with a vehicle that had low mileage resulting in a cost savings of additional warranty miles; _ AND WHEREAS, the Sher_ iff, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend disposing of the 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse as a trade-in on the purchase of a used vehicle, trade-in amount of sixteen thousand ($16,000.00) dollars; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ofNew Hanover County thatthe 1998 Mitsubishi Eclipse, Vehicle Identification Number 4A3AXSSFS WE13 8328 will be sold by the Finance Office as a trade-in on the purchase of a used.vehicle from Bob. King Pontiac. This 4th day of December; 2000. (SEAL) Chairman,-Board of County Commissioners ~`- ATTEST'.'° ~ acs v~~ D ~~~ Clerk toJthe Board~~l~! j ,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time:. Page Number: . . ~ Department: Legal . Presenter: None Required ' Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT:. Annual Review and Approval of Public Official Bonds BRIEF SUMMARY: -The Board is required to routinely review public official bonds each December. The attached _ resoiutions would approve existing bonding of the Finance Officer, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and ABC Board members handling funds, and set the amount of the Sheriff's bond.- .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - -Enact Resolutions FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~~,p~w„ Sheriffbond00. Publicofficalbond00 PublicOfficialResolution0 Abcbond00.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN. RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMI5S10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~U ~~. n~PPRO1/ED ~~~ °, REJECTED ~ ~`~' ,y, ~2EMOVED ~ ~ "~;` POSTPONED ~ ~. HEARD ~' , ' , RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 18B-700 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 4, 2000; does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section 18B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board 'who does t ~ , not handle Board funds, including but not limited to the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~~"' CJ~~ 4 8 ~- ~~4 ~ ~~L, ~_ ~ ~ -.~ ADOPTED this the 4th .day of December, 2000. NEW HANOVER COUNTY . William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ,~ ~, r~ RESOLUTION . - OF THE ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109. of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, atits regular meeting on December 4, 2D00, approved the bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance Officer,, New Hanover CountySheriff, Register of Deeds of New Hanover. County, and New Hanover County.. Tax Collector and FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of - Commissioners is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify said approval - of such .Bonds, with the exception of the Bond of the Clerk of Superior Court, which is not physically present in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 4th day of December, 2000. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board .NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ . ~ BOND APPROVAL .WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter 709 of the.North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of County Commissioners conducts an annual review of public official bonds;, . . WHEREAS, said bonds have been reviewed, by the County Attorney and found ; to be in full <force and to be in proper format. _ ~ - NOW, THEREFORE, the-Board of County Commissioners does hereby approve the Surety Bond.for.the Finance Officer,. Sheriff; Register of Deeds, and Tax Collector. This designation of approval is hereby incorporatedwithin the respective bond as if set. o`ut~ in its entirety on the face thereof.. ~ . ~~~: _~ This the 4t" day of December, 2000. (SEAL) ~. ATTEST NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners Clerk to the Board 50 C~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 162-8 of the North . ~. Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 4, 2000, determined that the required. Sheriff's Bond shall be in the total .amount of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. ADOPTED this the 4th day of December, 2000. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) . William A. Caster, Chairman `' Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ,') 52 NEW HANOVER COl1NTY BARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR DOARD ACTION Meeting date: 12/04/00 . Budget Amendment Consent Item #c 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Monkey Junction/Motts Creek Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2001-22 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Sales Tax Refund $38;438 Installment' Loan Proceeds $12,911 Capital Project Expense $25,527 EXPLANATION: For accounting purposes only; to close fund 817-Monkey Junction/Motts Creek. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . ~ ~~ y s r et y[' .E1 ~. REMOVEp ~g Y - ~ ;; POSTPONED ~ ``l` "` , ~~ .: _ ~~Rn ~ X53 .. ~ -~~-~ _. g ~ .. ,,~-s..~ ~;,Ya - - , . NEVV HAN®VER COl1'NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/04/00 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number:• DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Crisis Intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT#: 01-0082 ADJUSTMENT DEBlT- CREDIT Social Services: DSS-Administration: DSS Administrative Grants $60,104 Crisis Intervention Program: Assistance Payments $60,104 EXPLANATION: To budget additional federal revenue for the Crisis Intervention Program. No additional County funds are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: "--' ~ ui_~~jfi~,~~`'~'1~~r ~nngAA-tiSION-I C APr~~~~ ~~~I ~R~f~"el~~l~ //~~ t~~ti~~~~ ' j ,. .~ ., ^~~r P~~ ~,~c ai ,~,'.~.- ij, Cf1t1PlN f:n"•~n~~~,cIO~IF'Ra R~ ._ ._,.'., F. ~`~... ~ u, ~'- ~ f.. `) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR $OARD ACTION . ~ Meeting Date: 12/04/00. . . ~ Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Humari Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Andre Mallette ', SUBJECT: Salary for Register of Deeds ;. BRIEF SUMMARY: The salary for the Register of Deeds position is not assigned to a grade and step on either of the County's pay schedules. The salary for this position is set by the Board of Commissioners. Provided below is historical salary data that may assist you in reaching a starting salary for the new Register of Deeds; Becky Christian Becky (Tucker) Christian -Ending salary (previous term in office) $48,692 Mary Sue Oots -Beginning salary - $37,668 Ending salary • $60,882 According to. salary data provided in the .new pay and classification study, the salary for fhis position should fall within the following salary range, ($42,598 - $65,395). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners set a starting salary for Register of Deeds. It is recommended that you . • consider a starting salary in the range of ($55,00.0 - $60,000). FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:. HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND ECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with the recommendation. y COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: I ~~ REJECTED A REMOVED . ~ /~: AdSTPONED ~ '' FIEARI ., i ,:. .J . „>, , _ /~j~~ k ~ <..,, `'i~ ~r~ ••ggw~` F' ;T,