Agenda 2000 12-18AGEN®A ~~ANOVER Cp ~' * ,* HYI R• •~1F IMPO~EXP/ 0~ IN DVSTRY ' ~~NOR7H~'P NEW ~IANOVER COUNT' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC TED DAVIS, JR., CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER • JULIA BOSEMAN, COMMISSIONER • NANCY PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD December 18, 2000 9:00 a.m. ' MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Ted Davis, Jr.) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED PAGE TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ NO. 9:15 a.m 1. Presentation of Plaque to Commissioner Caster in Appreciation of His Service 1 as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners 9:20 a.m. 2. Presentation of Employee Service Awards ~ 3 ~ 30 a.m. 3. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring December 19, 2000 as Falun Dafa 5 ' Day in New Hanover County 9:35 a.m. 4. Request by the Mayors of Kure Beach and Carolina Beach Concerning 7 Paying Tri-annual Beach Renourishment Through the Room Occupancy Tax 9:50 a.m. 5. Presentation of Audit for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 19 10:05 a.m. 6. Consideration of Request from Opera House Theatre Company to Transfer 25 Ownership of the Lucille Shuffler Building 10:15 a.m. 7. Consideration of Denial of Exemption -Wilmington Area Leadership Foundatio n 29 914=916 S. 7`" Street and Business Personal Property 10:30 a.m. 8. Consideration of Awarding of Contract for Dredging Mason Inlet 41 10:40 a.m. 9. Appointment of Commissioners to Various Boards and Committees ~ 43 10:55` a.m. 10. Committee, Appointments 45 ~ •OS :a.m. 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 77 11:25 a.m. 12. Appointment of Voting Delegate to the NCACC Legislative Goals Conference 75 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners - County Attorney. County Manager 11:45 a.m. ADJOURN ' i "MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE ;~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC December 18, 2000 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Request from Cape Fear Community College Request for Exemption from Water Development and Wastewater impact Fees 4. Consideration of Request for Water Service in the Brookfield/Brierwood Subdivision 5. Update onNSWWTP Expansion. Project ADJOURN PAGE. NO. 77 79 81 83 101 CONSENT AGENDA NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 18, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 135 2. Approval of Resolution Directing the County Manager to Consult with 137 County Commissioners on all Proposed Capital Projects and to Confer with City of Wilmington Council on the Feasibility of Joint Venture Projects _ , 3. Approval of Smart Start Grant Application - $100,000 for Navigator Program 139 Expansion 4. Approval of Branch Banking & Trust~of North Carolina Resolution and 149 Agreement for Deposit Account 5. Approval of In-home~Breast Feeding Support Program 152 6. Consideration of Hazard Mitigation Acquisition &Reallocation-Capital 169 Project Ordinance; Grant Agreemen 7. .Approval of Revision of Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Funds 173 ~ 8. A royal of Release of Value 175 ~ / Pp 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New,Hanover County Fire District 177 Collection Reports 10. Approval of Budget Calendar - FY 2001-2002 ~ 181 11. Approval of Resolution Pertaining to Voter Identification 185 { , .. r ~ c.. . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item#: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: De artment: ~ , p Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Davis Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT; . Presentation of Plaque to Commissioner Caster in Appreciation of His Service . , as Chairman of .the Board 'of Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS; FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Present plaque. COMMISSIONERS' NS/COMMENTS: ~.~.. COUNT COMMISSIONERS . APFRO~ED ~ RE:,lL-CTED 0 R4^!OVEp ~ P~•~. j PONEp ~ ~ 1 DHTE {This page intentionally left blank} i . ~.. . _ ~. ~.~ .. ~..;. . . ~ ... R .. - ._; _. ,. ,~{ , u, > ' ~ , . F--~~yryr .. (~.'r .~ 2 1 •. ' a Q ~4Y 1+~. r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ° REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ° Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: De artment: Hu p man Resources .Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards _. _ .,. ~ .BRIEF SUMMARY• , The employees listed are entitled to New Hanover County Service. Awards due to their years of service: FIVE (5) YEAR: David L. Selke • Engineering; Alicia E. Pickett -Health; Jerry R. Campbell - Parks; TEN (10) YEAR: Deborah L. Gregory • Health; Hugh W. Mohr • Parks; .FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: 'Patricia D. Fogle -Property Management; Marlene T. Cely -Sheriff's Dept.; Earl A. Jackson - Sheriff's Dept.; Janet B. McCumbee -Health; and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Wyatt E. Blanchard - . .. Engineering and Debbie H. Broyles -Sheriff's Dept... RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS . FUNDING SOURCE• ATTACHMENTS: ~ - -ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' ~ OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present awards COMMISSIONER~~i ONS/COMMENTS: - " ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . ,: APPROVED . ~ ~. REJECTED . RC14'lOVE[' (p . POST!"~NED D 3 N~~„~n C~1 0 . DATE y' ~ ~\°°---_..~ .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~. ~~ Department: Coun ty Manager .Presenter: Xiaodong Ni and Rosemary Davino Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Proclamation Declaring December 19 2000 in New Hanover County ~ as Falun Dafa Day BRIEF'SUMMARY: ~~ Falun Dafa (pronounced " on " g g) is a Chinese self•improvement practice "rooted in ancient. Chinese culture." .The practices of Falun Dafa have been banned in China. The local group of practitioners request your approval of a resolution declaring December 19, 2000 as Falun Dafa Day in New Hanover County. New Hanover County joins with Houston, TX, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, IL, Middlesex County in acknowledging Falun Dafa. ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: Hear short presentation and consider adoption of resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: ~~ ~~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDA ONS: Consider adoption of resolution. .COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMM NTS: . ~ C01.1~!TY C(?IhMlS~IONER P~ ; z=C:~dED D . I-I~~:.:~ti ~© r 5 D~`rE ~ 1 ~~`'0'O C ~, i I ~ - - FALUN DAFA DAY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS PROCLAMATION W~REAS, since its introduction in 1992, Falun Dafa has attracted over 100 million practitioners around the world and has been practiced in New Hanover County since 1998; and WHEREAS, Fa1un Dafa is aself-improvement practice rooted in ancient Chinese culture and based on the universal quality of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance; and i WHEREAS, Falun Dafa practitioners incorporate those qualities into their dail lives striving to become better eo le and im y p p prove their moral nature, and . WHEREAS, IV1r. Xiaodong Ni brought the practice to New Hanover Coun where he has held workshops and demonstrations in public places to educate residents about this system of exercises and teachings that transform the mind and body; and ~., . WHEREAS, while people in New Hanover County and throughout North Carolina ' ~ freely enjoy the profound offerings of Falun Dafa, the government of China has banned its i ; practice and .persecuted its followers; ~ - ;; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of -. ~ ~ Commissioners proclaim December 19, 2000 as Falun Dafa Da in .. ~ y New Hanover County. - 4 ~ ~, Adopted this, the 18`'' day of December, 2000 • ~. ~; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners - ,.. , [Attest] .. • Ted Davis Jr., Chairman . Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board f~ ~. . - ., ~, . .r. ,. . ~ . ~ p '.. 6 ~ - . .,.. . , - . i 1 I [7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD~OF COMMISSIONERS ' . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Mayor Betty Medlin, Kure Beach/Ma or Rothrock, Carolina Beach y Ray Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB- JECT_ . .Request by the Mayors of Kure Beach and Carolina Beach for Paying Tri-annual .Beach Renourishment Through the Room Occupancy Tax BRIEF SUMMARY; The Beaches are scheduled for renourishment early next year. In the past, the Count Room Occupancy Tax funds) has provided the local share of a y (using funding restraints; the local share is proposed to increase to 50 roximately 25~J.-Due to State Occupancy Tax Fund to pay for the local share. The Mayors will be in attendance tdo discuss thism with the Board of Commissioners. The Ports, Waterway and Beach Commission has recommended the County fund this in amount. Their letter of recommendation is attached.. creased RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: t ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider using the Room Occupancy Tax Fund to a for the local match. A recap of the ROT fund is enclosed for your review. Although final bid phave not been received the total funding could be around $820,000 instead of $500,000. While there is adequate money to fund this project at the higher participation levels, I'd recommend we work with,our legislative delegation to restore the former participation levels. COMMISSIONfRS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~ .. Z ~.~, . 0 `~ `' , ~ ~ ~ vCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS . s , S ~ i ApP1;OWED ^ Pi ::"; ~ vNcD D 7 . DATE . e ,. ;; ,o ~ L5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY D WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~ i P.O. BOX 1890 ~ I WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 ~} ~~ ~ 8 ?u(( ~_~ INAEPLY REFER TO December 7, 2000 I NEW HANOVER CO. ~ Project Management Branch M'~AGER's OFFICE ;( i SUBJECT: Carolina Beach and Vicinit -Area South P I i ~ Y ortion, Hurricane, Wave and Shore ~ ; ! Protection Project, Initial Periodic Nourishment Cycle Funding Requirements ;~ .. . ~ Honorable Betty L. Medlin, Mayor ` Town of Kure Beach P,O. Box 3 'I ' .Kure Beach, North.Carolina 28440. ,~ ~ ; Dear Mayor Medlin: ~ ~ ', ~ ~ . r ' ~ This letter, is to advise you that contract bids for the first periodic nourishment cycle for ~I the Carolina Beach and Vicinity -Area South Portion =Hurricane Wave and Shore Protection '~ ~ ~ project were opened onNovember 29, 2000.. The bids have been evaluated and the contract wrll be awarded to Great Lakes Dredging Company. ~. '' The periodic nourishment is cost shared 65 percent Federal and 35 percent non-Federal in J accordance with-the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA)~ executed on September 26, 1995. i ; - This.letter serves as our official notification to ou of the fun ' Y dmg requirements for this cycle that ;: is in accordance with Article VI -Method of Payment, of the PCA, ~ ' As .you are well aware, this initial nourishment cycle for Kure Beach work is being accomplished in conjunction with the deepening of the Wilmington Harbor Project. The total ~ contract amount for the Horseshoe Shoals work is~$5,762,032. Since the beach borrow material ~ ~ for this initial nourishment cycle will come from Horseshoe Shoals, the Kure Beach and Wilmington Harbor projects will both benefit..Based on evaluation 'of the contract requirements ~ for both projects, the Carolina Beach and. Vicinity -Area •South Portion of the total contract is' $1,197,199. ,Kure Beach's .total non-Federal requirement for.this initial ,nourishment cycle is as_ . follows: : ' i ~ I ; ;. .. .. . • Contract ~ $1,197,199., ' ~ Engineering & Design 75,000 F•,- •: Construction Management ,,- ._ ~ ~" 30, 000 ` '' ."Subtotal ~~~ $1,302,1.99 ; , ,~~, Contingencies ~ 177-801 ~~~~1Total~Fundng Requirement `..$1;480,000 .. t ~ .k ~ ~ , ~~ ~ - . - h~tl A. ~ - ~ -2- Of this $1,480,000, Kure Beach's portion is 35 percent or 5 Carolina is a cost sharing partner on the non-Federal share of r 0,000. Since the State of North enourishment, suggest that you coordinate with Mr. John Morris, North Carolina Department of Environm ent and Natural Resources, to ensure State funds are available in the time frame required. A will be sent to Mr. Morris for his information. It is also our unders Copy of this letter County pays a portion of the non-Federal share of the ro'ect c tanding that New Hanover p ) osts. We will also send a copy of this letter to Mr, Allen O'Neal, County Manager, for his informati on. The non-Federal funding should be provided immediatel to the contract. We look forward to continuing working with the Towprevent delays in awarding continuation ofthis project. Please do not hesitate to call me at g n °fKure Beach on the questions or concerns: (1 ~) 251-4671 if you have any .Sincerely, Sg ~I ~ s~ ~'a S~ ~ S Glenn McIntosh ~ ooh ~f~T Project Manager 2(qb ~ 0 e Copy Furnished: ~ Mr. John Morris 'L.(o d o ° _ o ° Director, Water Resources Division ~Z ~ . North Carolina Department of Environment. ~ 2 ~ `'+' and Natural Resources Z 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611. Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ ~ ~ . New Hanover County ~ _ . 320 Chestnut Street Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ . • 9 .. BRUCE T. SHELL, CPA Finance Director JULIANNE M. GRIFFIN, CPA Deputy finance Director BARBARA D. McCLURE, CPA Assistant Finance Director ~vv ~:~o~~ c® FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7187 'FAX (910) 341-4025 December 11, 2000 ,- To: -Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Fm; Bruce T, Shell, Finance Director. `~~~ ~~ ` ~ . Re: Room Occupancy Tax Update . . f ,, ~ ~ ~ . During the previous fiscal year ended June 30, 2000, the Room Occupancy Tax '~ fund received $2.5 million from taxes generated from the three percent room occupancy tax. As you know, 40% of these funds are remitted to the Convention i ~ and Visitors Bureau for tourism. The remaining 60% or $1.5 million remained ~ . ~ with the fund .as well as interest earnings of $.8 million. The fund expended approximately $ 356,000 for erosion projects and $705,000, was expended ., (loaned) for the Mason Inlet Project. ',` :: .' ~ ~ _ The fund balance as of June 30,.2000 is $15.7 million. `. If you.should have~any~ ~. :.~ questions please let me know. ~~ _, .. ,w ,,- ,~ ,. ~a ., ,~ . .. 10: ., .. .,: - FOR Y INFORMATION December 4, 2000 William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; North Carolina 28401=4093 Re: Kure Beach and Carolina Beach Nourishment Projects Dear Mr. Caster: • U \C' -, \,~ o ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~G ~~ ~~ O ' `O ~S o °- e As you..are aware, the current North Carolina Division of Water Quality Budget for the Kure and Carolina Beach nourishment projects increases our local cost share from the traditional formulas. Specifically, the combined town and county share for Kure -Beach will change from $217,000 to $433,000, and the combined town and county share for Carolina Beach will change from $280,000 to $560,000. It is our opinion that the possibility exists to negotiate a revised budget which could reduce or eliminate the present projected shortfall in state funding for the Kure and Carolina Beach - nourishment projects; however, to attempt this negotiation could be time-consuming and what might be a successful outcome locally; would be at the expense of several other North Carolina projects, such as the state-wide Aquatic Weed Control Program; the Kerr Reservoir Study on the ,Effects on the Roanoke River; and a Water Quality Study of the Neuse River Basin. New Hanover county has been fortunate in the past to receive full funding of the state's share of our beach projects ar,d we hove enjoyed statewide support of our Wilmington Harbor project. ~'e have also, through prudence and planning, been successful in accumulating an adequate funding reserve from our Room Occupancy Tax to handle an occasional shortfall in state funding. • As fellow citizens of the greater state of North Carolina, we appreciate the support we have received over the years from taxpayers-:from all regions. By .accepting the state budget as proposed perhaps we can send the message to the rest. of North Carolina that we support important water resource projects, not only locally, but state-wide. 11 - ONE ESTELL LEE PLACE -WILMINGTON, NORTH CARLOLINA 28401 - (910) 762-2611 III I ~~l ,~, ~,, ~;~; III 1 i~4ii , ~~:. „I , , ~!' ~~ , ~',I~ „ `~!;, ,. ~c" . f I„' 1 it . ~~i ~,~ .;i, ~,~'. ~ ~ , ~~~~'' ~ .;;,~ ;' , - ;;,, yl•1~l 1 ~;i" '+; ~~~ . .,,, , I1 i,, ,~;,, , i"~ ~' ;,, ;' ,•~,; , .;~~ ,; ~ , ~i~,, k ,, I. .~, ~,; ~ I i ~ .i 'tJ . ~ ~~~~ ' f,~ s~rr~eps ~aN~ • , 7 ' ~ ~ Q` POST OFFICE ~pX 9 . Kt1pE 6EACH, NOFTt'N CARQU-VA 28449 ~?~ '^ ~~a TELEPHONE (910) g58.82f 6 • FAk (910) q59-7421 - ' N ~AFd November ~4, 2000 ` . Mr.. Richard Catlin, Chairman ;Part; 1~4fat~rway and Beach Commission ~/o Riohard Catlin and Associates 220 old t~eiry Road UVfl,mington, N.C. 28405 4ear 11Nr. Catlin: As you ire aware, the beach of the Town of Kure Beach is sc rQ~-~urishment early next year. This will include the New HanoveruC d far be~G~eg of Hanby Beech and Wilmington Beach to the ounty 'hm~, ~We have bash advised by the Corps of Engineers Carolina Beach Town estirti,~t$d at $2,5 million. that our project cost (s !~ is our understanding thet the Eederai fundin ~Staii3/Local share has historically been funded 75°,6 b°~ is in place' 'The ~~°,~ ,r'~-ti~i~niri~ ~5°~ cost shared with the County Room Oc y the State with the t°cal.rown. We have been notified by the State pEfy cupancy Tax Fund and the ,fi~tanGial restraints, they will need t,o reduce I:heir cost sh ' ,~5a~~ tq, 5p°~ and the local contribu ' P' however, that due to • ~-`hat'will mAan an increase of $217x000 folr toed to incre se from 26 % to 50%m !~,a, S~i~a time request on)y far this fiscal year. cal. fundin , 9 They indicated that this ~'he ~oun~Y.R07 has normally funded the non~Sta ' pt~ntrlbLitibn and the Town contributing the rernainin~ portion with a 75°~6 have nvrmaliy requested ~163;p00 from the Cou g 25°,/o balance. ' ma~;e,to the cost sharing formulas, With the chan We would my RpT had no change been ~eml~i~ion to consider increasing the ROT confribe'.hawever, we are asking the for the anticipated shortfall. ution to $380,000 to make up We,W~uld appreciate the Commission's co ' nslderation of this funding request sand ~~e available to provide additional support information, Very #rufy yours .~ Betty L. ediin; -Mayor Ray P. Rot6rock Mayor ' PatEfuYi G'OllA[{jtQp/fJAn ' JaelMacon CmNUilman D (~ ~ ~ ~ `~'^I~ j~`~1 `` l , . ~`. NEW HANQVER CO. MANAGEF~'S Of=FiCE !¢/leh O%~~/ ~~hfy~z~a~ yp~ n ~." ~: s' _ Dennis Barbour V ~, Mayor Pm Tern ~ 6 . ~ • - Gary,Doetsch \' ,... ..... Calvin R. Peck, Jr. TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH i I21 N. Lake Park Eauiavard :._, ; ; Carolina Bcach, North Carolina.. 28428.: ;"' ; 910 458 2992 /FAX 910 458 2997 tnwnnkh~e h..ll~~„R, .,... ' ~ 4? ~ ~~,~ `.~ovVl~ ~F KLtRE BEACH .., yr ~. 117 SETTLERS LANE • POST OFFICE E30X 3 • KURE BEACH, NOFiTH'CAROLINA 28449 ' ~ ~ ~~" T~LEPMONE (810) 458.8216 • FAX (910) 458-7421 9TH C AQ~~ November 13, 2000 Mr. Allen O'~tea1, County Manager ~Iew Hanover County ' 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28+01-4093 Oear A11en, - . On behalf o£-the Mayon and down Council of Kure Beach, I respectfully request that an item be placed on the agenda of the New .Hanover County.Commissivnexs - ,; ~ meeting on November 27, 2000, concerning payment of t;ri-annual beach ,i,,, renourishment through the room occupancy tax. Mayor Medlin will be prepared to make a presentation at that time, 1f additional infol:znation is needed, please contact me at (920)458-8216, ' Sincerely, ~~~ ,,~ ' Frances S. Jone Town Clerk/Treas. Post-ItT Fex Nole ~ 7671 ~ Da~B/:~ l..pd y pages* To ~~~ / Frortl ~~ Co./Dgp ~ t,~:JL~" Co. Phone lY F~ M ~ .. ~ ~. Phone M FaX M. .. Dec 03,00 ^5:44p DIRfYE CASTER 910-452-2875 t,, ':Orac-02-DO f0:?6aa Pram-CAiLIH 0f161NfERS AND StIENTISIS +ai01~21i63 T-211 P.O1/0? f-8T0 , VYIC.MINGTt?N-NSW NANOV~R port, UI-atefrwey ~ iBeach Comtrtissltut Post-its Fax Note 7g7t Date ~ ~ ~ To n 1/ ry U~_~1 From ,T/ i Co./Dept. ~ Phone # Phone a December 1.2000 Fax a 'f" 4~--y02? Faxli ere I-C r -•~-~'7S Wlllieim A. Caster, Chairrt:aa New Hanover Coutuy Board of Coratnissivners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30S '4Vilmingtan, North CaroIlna 2840)-4093 Re: Kure Brach - ..,. ...._....._.. ..... ... _.....,........_~_ _.. . - . and Ca~ott~ta Brach.No~rishment Projects .; . _ Dear Mr: Caster.. . ~.. As you arc aware, the cuitxnt ]~fi Carolina bivision of Water Quality Budget for the Kure and Caroline Beach nourishment Dt+ojects iact~ases nur local cost share from the traditional formalas. Speeifcatly, the combined.town.and Bounty share for Kure Beach will change fFrotn 521~,QQ0 to 5433,d?00, and the combhxd town and cotmty share for Carolina Beach will change Stain 5280,000 to 5560.004. - It is our opinion that the possibillry exists to negotiate a revised budget which could reduce or eliminate ~ Present projected sltortf'all in stata Landing for tha Kure and Carolina hoverer, io attempt this negotle0h~t could be tImc-eonstatting end what might be a s ccessful outcome ~~y, woald be at the expense of several other North Caroolina projects, such as the sn-oe-wide AquAdc Weal Conerol Prog,rami ~ Kerr Resetvolr Stttdy on the Effects an the Roanoke River, and a Water Qualiy 3iutly of the Neusr" Rivet Basin. ' . ~hHanover county has beet, torgmaiB in the paiSt_to rtteive Ertl) funding of the state's share ofour proJect$ 8nd WC hate Cr1,JgyCd statewide throughptttdence and.plantting; been"suct:essfttl~fn ~txtunulaU t(an ~ Ht~proj~, We have also, Rt)om.Occu ~ ~k fandingrosern from our ley Tax'to handle an ocxaslonal strcMfaU in state fundinh*. As fellow citizens aPthe grcata~stau ofNortL Carolina, we appreciate the s over il1C years from Caxpayers &iat at! regioti5~ ~ By accsptivg.the state bud upon we have received cast send the raessAge to thE'istst of North Carolina that svc l; ~'op°~ perhaps are '~ orily.localty, but stag-widc_ ~~~ im~ant water resource projeetc, • ;.;. .. ,t .. •. , . f .~ .. ONE ESTEIL LEE ~ :~ - , P1.AGfE Wtlfbi(NGTQN, NORTH CARl.OUNA 28402 - (9f0) y62-2617 , . ... , ~' . .. '4 r.. _. _ - t ...~.. -,ac-co i' ~o. 2 1 DeQ 03 OD D5:44p DIi9NE CASTER 910-452-2875 p-9 ' _ ~re-02-DD 10:95ua Frore-G{1'~IN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS ~ tiID452T663 T-27T P.09/07 F-610 I ~ P>r~e Z I- ,~ }t is, rhertfore, rho considerec! neom COmm1~3aners approve funds ~dfltion of this commission ~ Pro eats !tl the followin a ~ {Ot this one-rune st-orrPati for bott,~thee New H~2°ver Caunty ~ B mounrs; 1 and Cero}ina Brach K~ Brach ~ ,~. Carolina Heach S ~~- # ;~ ec u ~ chard G, rn Chairmen Wiimin~ort-New }iarroycr_Cou pO~ Wate'Tw3y3 ~ BC!!Od CAlT1~ sib,: ,._......,...._........W....,._,~..,::._ .......__,-- -..~~.... . .. ..~ ': . ~. 1( ~~ • ~ Cat - ~ " ~' ' ~.~ ~ESS. (: ~ , aa~ ~-~,,~~ ea~,7--r~+3ur~vK, Ag ~~ i3 ::.. t.~t ~If+4rry !S ,.,. • ~ ~ 17 ~ -I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 12/18/00 . .Regular Item#: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T.. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell - . SUBJECT: Presentation of Audit for Fiscal Year Ended 06/30/00. ~ • BRIEF SUMMARY: Presentation by Bruce Shell, Director of Finance, on the #inancial results for the fiscal year ended 06/30/00. Sam Rose, Partner with McGladrey and Pullen, LLP will report on the audit for the fiscal year ended 06/30/00. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Request Commissioners hear the presentation. No action required. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve _ FINANCE: Approve 'BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S .COMMENTS AN RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear report. No action required. Y . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . COUNTY COMNIISSIONF" APPROVED ^ REJEC i E ~.' L7 ,',,~TPONE ^ HE~~D ,J/ ^ 19 DATE 1'v~ ~ D Oo ~_r._..~ - • . NEW I~[ANOVER CO . FINANCE OFFICE " 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7187 FAX -(910) 341-4025 BRUCE T. SHELL, CPA Ftnance Director JULIANNE M. GRIFFIN, CPA Deputy Finance Director BARBARA D. McCLURE, CPA Assistant Finance Director November 20, 2000 p~~~o~~ iv~ll;~ L V 2~C'~~ " ;NEW HANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFF#CE . _ .. ~ TO: Board of County Commissioners " i /Allen O'Neal, County Manager i FROM: Bruce T. Shell .~-----~ Finance Director y. ~ I RE: Annual Audit " 'I .. .. _. As you know, we have recently completed the annual audit for New Hanover County for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000. I am planning to present a summary of the financial results at a future I. County Commissioner meeting. ~ ' I have attached a letter from our external auditors, "McGladrey and Pullen, LLP. The letter provides information related to the conduct of the audit, the auditor's responsibility, and `other considerations for the Board. It is a requirement that McGladrey and Puller% LLP make you aware of these points. I you should have questions, please give me a call. " BTS/ct Attachment (1) ~. ~~,.~ . ~ J .~ ~ 4' .~~ `~~m M~GLADREY & PULLEN, L~ Certified Public Accountants To the Board of Commissioners New Hanover County Wilmington, North Carolina This letter is ,intended to inform the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County (County) about significant matters related to the conduct of the annual audit so that it can appropriately discharge its oversight responsibility, and that we comply with our professional responsibilities to the Board. In addition to our reports on your general purpose financial statements and compliance matters, we have provided, under separate cover, a letter dated September 21, 2000, concerning internal control matters that we noted during our audit of the County's general purpose financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2000. The following summarizes various matters which must be communicated to you under generally accepted auditing standards. The Auditor's Responsibility Under Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Our audit of the general purpose financial statements of New Hanover County for the year ended June 30, 2000 was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards .and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error, fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles .used acid significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Accordingly, the audit was designed to obtain reasonable, rather than absolute, assurance about the financial statements. We believe that our audit and the reports of other auditors accomplished that objective. . As`you lrnow, the financial statements of the Airport Authority, the ABC Board and the Lower Cape Fear Hospice component of New Hanover Regional Medical Center were audited by other auditors, whose reports we used to opine on the entire entity. Also, the audits of the Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Incorporated and Pender Memorial Hospital, Incorporated, component traits of the Medical Center and the ABC Board were not performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. Tests of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations, in a financial statement .audit contribute to the evidence supporting the auditors' opinion on the financial statements. However, they do not provide a basis for opining on internal controls or compliance. The limited purpose of these tests in a . financial statement audit may not meet the needs of some users of auditors' reports who require additional information on internal controls and on compliance with laws and regulations. To meet certain audit report users' needs, laws and regulations (e.g. the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB - Circular A-133) often prescribe testing and reporting on internal controls and compliance to supplement the financial statement audit's coverage of these areas. Nevertheless, even after auditors perform, and report the results of, additional tests of internal controls and compliance required by laws and regulations, 21 ~F. some reasonable needs of report users still my be unmet. Auditors may meet these needs by performing further tests of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations in either of two ways: a. supplemental (or agreed-upon) procedures or b. examination, resulting in an opinion. ' Althcugh neither of -these two further tests of internal controls and compliance were encompassed in our ~ audit, we believe we are required by Government Auditing Standards to let you know they are possible. _~ ~ Significant Accounting Policies and Changes in the Reporting Enti-tom The Board of Commissioners has the ultimate responsibility for the appropriateness of the accounting policies used by New Hanover County. . 22 There were no significant accounting policies initially selected or changed by the County or-any of its component units during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000, or changes in the method of application of significant accounting policies during the year, which had a material effect on the general purpose financial statements. During the Medical Center's year ended September 30, 1999, which is incorporated into the County's year ended June 30, 2000, Pender Memorial Hospital, Incorporated became an•affiliated organization of the Medical Center through atwenty-year operating agreement. Pender Memorial Hospital, Incorporated is included as a discretely presented component unit of the Medical Center.. This change. is disclosed iri Note 1 to the County's general purpose financial statements. ~ - Airlie Gardens Foundation and Parks Foundation were created in,the year ended June 30, .2000 and included as blended component units of New Hanover County. This change is disclosed in Note 1 to'the County's general.purpose financial statements. '. ~. , ~ . , Significant or Unusual Transactions ~ - , , We did not ,identify any significant or unusual transactions or significant accounting policies in controversial -or emerging areas for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. f Management Judgments and Accounting Estimates ,, ... , Accounting estimates are an integral part` of the preparation of financial statements and are based upon management's current judgment. The process' used by management encompasses their knowledge and experience about past and current events acid certain assumptions-about future events. ,Management has informed us that they used all the relevant facts available to them at the time to make the best judgments about accounting estimates, and we considered this information in the scope of our audit. Estimates significant to the financial statements include the following. ~. , . ,•_, :~; ,_ , ~. The closure.and post-closure care costs of the landfill are considered asignificant -estimate .We noted that the County's estimates. were once again formulated using information prepared by Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, an independent engineering and design firm. ;, ,, - '"<; The net pension obligations estimated and reported arealso considered significant,estimates. -These estimates were also formulated based upon information prepared by actuaries, at several reputable firms. ~, '~ ~J The Board of Commissioners may wish to monitor the processes- used to compute and record these accounting estimates. Significant Audit Adiustments . There were no audit adjustments made to the original trial balance presented to us to begin our audit which were initiated by us. We also accumulated one potential adjustment, which was discussed with management, that we considered (both individually and collectively) immaterial and, therefore, was not made to the general purpose financial statements. This adjustment related to accruing capital expenditures and the related payable for construction expenditures incurred through June 30, 2000 totaling $85,841. Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements In connection with the County's comprehensive annual financial report, we did not audit information included in those sections designated as "introductory section" or "statistical section." However, we did read the County's comprehensive annual financial report and considered whether the information for the above sections were materially inconsistent with information or manner of presentation in the financial statements. - Disaereements with Mana ement We encountered no disagreements with management over the application of significant accounting principles, the basis for management's judgments on any significant matters, the scope of the audit or significant disclosures to be included in the financial statements. Consultations with Other Accountants We are not aware of any consultations management had with other accountants about accounting or auditing matters.. Maior Issues Discussed with Management Prior to Retention No major issues were discussed with management prior to our retention to perform the aforementioned audit. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit . We did not encounter any difficulties in dealing with management relating to the performance of the audit. We will be pleased to respond to any questions you have about the foregoing. We appreciate the' opportunity to continue to be of service to New Hanover County. .' . . 23 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS o REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager .Presenter: Lou Criscuolo • Opera House Theatre Company Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Request from Opera House Theatre Company to Transfer Ownership of the Lucille Shuffler Building BRIEF SUMMARY: Opera House Theatre Company is requesting the County transfer ownership of the Lucille Shuffler Building to the company. The attached letter offers their full explanation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: There are a number of issues to be considered before transferring ownership. They include the possible use of the land by the County or the school system sometime in the future. The property is valued at approximately $309,162. $192,387 is considered to be the value of the building. The property is on Carolina Beach Road around the corner from Sunset Park Elementary School. At this point, the Board of Education has expressed no particular interest in the property.. However, as enrollments increase and special program requirements intensify the property may have certain additional value to the County. FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • Consider ramifications of transfer. The management staff leans towards the County retaining . ownership COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONS APPRO~JED ^ ~(~,~' REJECTED O (1~"~ REs~~,-~,~~.D ^ ;'~:~~~~ONED ^ H E~,; ; D , 1.^ n /~ DHTE ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 1-~~Y.. 04 ~ n Post-tt° Fax Note 7677 oate t ~ ~ ~ • n 1~] ,,,# /J ~~ Pe9es 5/ ~q~1 n lj/jfD. From 1~ ~ CoJDept. ~ i t ~ 4 C ~ r- Co. Phone # Phone # ~~ ~4, Fax # .~ f- v -Yoz~ Fax# OF WII1vIINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover County Commissioners A Nonprofet Otganizalio~ 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 " Founders Wilmington, NC 28401 IAU CRISCUOL0 M~YJAMES CRISCUOIA Tuesday, November 28, 2000 Artilstic Director • , IAU CRISCUO[.0 RECEIVED FAY ALL CO MI SIO~'`~~~ ,•. ~ pad To the New Hanover County Commissioners: I would like to request that the ownership of the Lucile~Shufl~ler Center, ' located at 20 f I Carolina Beach Road, be turned over to my company, Opera House Theatre Company, Opera House has been involved with the Shuffler Center since 1986. When the Department of Aging occupied the building, we only used the t ' auditorium for rehearsal. Once the D.O.A.'s new building on Shipyard . Boulevard was completed, Opera House was granted aten-year lease by the ~..-:,, , ~ ` ~ • county commissioners for half the building; the other half was occupied by an after-school tutoring program, Crossroads::.In the years since the original lease; ' the tutoring program has moved out, and the county commissioners have allowed us to occupy the entire building:. We think of the Shuffler Center as our home, the center of all Opera House activities, and we would -ike to continue to expand our connection to the building.":~ •~ ~ ' The Shuffler Center is a great old budding, but it is still an old building. • Repairs to the roof, the gutters, and the windows need to be made; carpet needs • , to be replaced; floors need to be refinished; and the building needs to be painted. We cannot raise money for these necessary improvements and repairs unless we own the building. if we were to own the building, I would immediately • begin a bricks and mortar fundraising campaign aimed at restoring and improving the Shuffler Center, maximizing the life and beauty of the building. ' Owning the building would mean also mean security for Opera House. Being able to lease the building has been instrumental in our survival; owning it is ~~ • ~ vitalto~ourrcontinued~success, The Shuffler Center would be a solid foundation :. upon which to build'our future. We would, of Course, maintain our relationship with the Department of Aging, continuing to give them hundreds of free tickets every year. ' . ... , t. _ t.;' L 2 6 .2011 Carolina Beach~Road ,;;;~ Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~..._- ..4,..~...-- ..,. (919) 762-4234 v y U- T J L- G O / ~ ° Thank you for your time.and attention to this matter. Please feel free to . contact me should you have any questions or need any more information. Opera House Theatre Company is non-profit 501 (C}3 organization. Our federal tax identification number is 56-1490512. Opera Hvuse Theatre Company p. z 27 i ACTION: R SCREEN: NAME~USERID: PUBL. ~ ------CHANGE-REASON: ----------------=--- PARCEL NAME/ADDRESS ------ 'i JURISDICTION= NH yR= 00 ROLL= ~' PARCEL= R06009-004-017-000 CU : NF ~I ---o----+-=---------------------=-------- ''~ SAMPLE 11600.. A PENNSYLVANIA:'....:.. AVE. NW 123., EX (PIN) 31160897962900 ADDRESS WASHINGTON..... DC 20202..,... USA EDIT? Y ALTKEY 0374172 ---~- OWNER NEW HAN CNTY BK/PG? DEED BK/PG ~CO-OWNR C/O TAX ADMINISTRATOR DEED ALTKEY STREET 320 CHESTNUT ST DOB(MMDDYY) ADDRESS WILMINGTON NC 28401 EDIT? Y %OWNERSHIP 100.00 SITUS 2005 42.1 SUBDIVISION SUNSET HWY N ADDRESS WILMINGTON TAX DISTRICT: WM STAT/CMP A COMPLETE ----------------- ~ SPECIAL +------------------------ BILLS TO MORTGAGE CO. BILLING CODE: ADDRESS EDIT? ACCT: ANNEXED PID ID: --------- PRO RATA PID JYR: NH RP RC; AN ID: JYR: NH RP RC: PR ACTION: R SCREEN: ASMT USERID: PUBL ----CHANGE-REASON: -------------- A S S E S S M E N T I- __ JURISDICTION= ~ ROLL= RP PARCEL= R06009-004-017-000 yE~= 00 DISTRICT: WM LATE-FILING-FLAG: 'N PROPERTY-CLASS: GOV SPECIAL-USE: VALUE-POSTED-DATE: 07 24 99 0/R: N (1) (2) (3) TOTAL LAND USE VAL BLDGS FEATURE APPRAISED: 309,162 116,775 0 192,387 O/R METHC:_J ADJ APPRAISED 309,162 116,775. 0 R REALOVRD 0 192,387 0 LEVEL: 100.00 100..00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ASSESSED VAL. 309,162 116,775 0 192,387 0 N . N/A N/A N/A N/A FINAL ASMT 309,162 #EXEMPTIONS: 1 $EXEMPTIONS: 309,162 LATE PENALTY: 0 TAXABLE: 0 116,775 0 192,387 N. N 0 4 ~~~~ 28 N N ' N ~~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • ' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~. ~ - . - ~ , . ~ , ~ ~ Meeting Date: 12/18/00- .. :_ . *Regular'Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: TAX Presenter: Robert C: Glasgow, Tax Administrator, Kenny House~•Wilmington. - ' Area Leadership Foundation. ~. _ .. ` Contact:. Robert C: Glasgow ' ~ - - ... - ' .: SUBJECT: Deniat of Exemption -Wilmington Area Leadership foundation- 914 and 916 S. - 7th Street and Business Personal Property • "• ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY: _ . - . Mr.,House applied for exemption from real and personal property taxes on September 1$, 2000. •~ ~• The Taz Administrator denied -the exemption-since one property had not been improved and NCGS does not allow for property to be approved for exemption based on future or anticipated use. The ' second-property did not qualify for exemption since the Wilmington-Area Leadership Foundation _ was receiving $700 a month for the rental of the property: The application for exemption for personal "property was denied because the organization did not appear to qualify for exemption under,any existing North Carolina General Statutes. ` Mr., House provided documents identifying that the Wilmington Area Leadership Foundation is a . nonprofit organization recognized by .both the .Internal Revenue Service and.the North Carolina. Secretary of State under Articles of Incorporation. The property located at 916 S. 7th Street has :.~ - -renovated recently as a "charitable construction rehab training program • .utilizing unskilled interns". In October 2000, this property was leased to the City of Wilmington for $700 a month as " part of the "Officer in Residence Program." A Wilmington police officer resides at 916 S: 7th ~~ Street: The property has a tax value, based on`its condition January 1,"2000, of $28,886. Taxes ~which wilLbe due on or before January 5, 2001 are $311:75: ~. ~ - ... .. 'The second property, located at-914 S. 7th Street, remains in similar condition that it was on January 1, 2000. Jt has been reported by Mr. House-that this property is to be demolished in the ~ ' future. The property value as of January 1, 2000 is $25,637. Taxes, which will be due on or before January 5, 2001, are $276.88. , .. APPELLANTS ARGUMENT i. .. `: , _ ~ Mr.3 House contends that the property located at -916 S. 7th Street was used to train and apply . ~ skills as a rehab training program utilizing unskilled interns. The property located at 916 S. 7th - ~ Street was brought~up to habitable standards and has been leased to the City of Wilmington under " the "Officer in Residence Program.'' A Wilmington police officer, resides in the refurbished house.. ' .. The: second property located at 9.14 S. 7th Street is identified in item #3 of the Application for Exemption'to be a "Dilapidated house/lot purchased and used as part of a charitable construction .~ rehab training program." The house is condemned by the City of Wilmington and„i,s~tofbe demolished. ~-L~~~r r , ~ .. , d• . The personal property consists of-equipment used.to train unskilled individuals: " .., , . .~ TAX DEPARTMENT ARGUMENT - . ~ ` ~ = r+ ~~ , The property located at 916 S. 7th Street could have qualified under GS,105 278 6 if they property 2 g . ' was used for the construction of low to moderate income housing. 1Nhen the property~was~le`ased to the City of Wilmington in October 2000., for $700 a month, the property no longer qualified for ° . - • .Fthe exemption. It is stipulated in 105.278.7 that buildings and lands that.are occupied by the charitable organization are exempt for taxes if they are occupied gratuitously. The definition of ~~.r: gratuitous has been brought before the Board of Commissioners previously and agreed to the meaning "without remuneration." ° The property located at 914 S. 7th' Street does. not qua'fify under GS 105-278.3. Case notes re Worley, 93 NC. App. 191, 377 S.E. 2d 270 (9189). "The rule in North Carolina is that unless property is presently used for tax exempt purposes, it is not tax exempt; because no public purpose is served by permitting land to lie unused and untaxed, present use, not intended use, controls:" ~ ~ - ,. The personal property was denied exemption as a result of the other properties not qualifying. In retrospect the personal property, which consists of audio visual, computer and construction tools, could be approved for exemption since some if not all of the equipment was used for the renovation of the property located at 916 S. 7th Street. The personal property has a tax value of $2,338. Taxes due on or before January 5, 2001, are $25.25. , RECOMMENDED MOTION i4ND REQUESTED ACTIONS' . ~, Even though the Wilmington Leadership Foundation'has`exhibited an ability to upgrade one property utilizing unskilled labor that alone does not allow the Tax bepartment to deviate from the Genera( Statutes of North Carolina. Specifically, GS105.278.6(e) provides for real, property exemptien fo`r charitable purposes for property which is.held for ne more~than five years to be "...used for housing of low to moderate income families. Such organizations as Habitat for.Humanity and Wilmington Housing and Development Organizafions'qualifynnder this statute. Both organizations build housing for low to moderate income~.families, and then sell fhe property to low to moderate income families. ~ Furthermore, the fact that the Wilmington Area Leadership Founda#ion is receiving $700 a month for an agreed to lease with theCity of Wilmington disqualify ° the property from (being exempt. :.,., ,":., i, ~. - ;. Both properties focated~at 914 and'916 S. 7th Street do~not qualify for exempton~under North .. , Carolina General Statutes and the denied exemption should be affirmed. ~ '., ' ~~ The Tax Department has no objection to fhe personal, property identified as..B0980B099 which is " used'.for charitable purposes to be exempt, The valu;e'of that property is $2,33,8 ._ . ~.. .: f=UNDING SOURCE: '. ~ ~. . <. - .. ,, . .'. d: ,. ATTACHMENTS:. ,~ .,- _ ~. , ~ ,~:~ ., ,. ,o. ,~ ~ , _,~ : , ,ITEM DOES NOT REQUfRE REVIEW ,. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ND RECOMMENDATIONS: . - . . Concur with Tax Administrator. ` .L;/ _ ; '. ;~, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS ~' ` ~" ' .. . ~ i , .. ., . , .:. ° ' ,, , .. C~UN " 'Ii~IV11V~'JJfO~~ - • r ~ ~ - .r' d'.. ;,. ~ ~ .. . f. .;. 3. APPPGVED ~ ! ~ ~, R"- ".. wD 0 , p0v: ~ ~-ONE.O 0 . . . .. t . . 4 The. f Wilynngtan Ares .Leadership Foundati ~ ~ . " : , . buila'ing relasionshipr thatheal - . 815 Rankin SL Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 251-1169. Fax: {910) 251-0882 . ; ~ Date:. , , .LL , 9/18/00. .. . '~ a ~. _ To: New Hanover County Tax Office ' . ..~ ~ Attn• Susan WWilaon _ ~ - From: ~ Kenny House, President , Wilmington .Area Leadership Foundation - 343-1276.(home) ~ 343-0145 (work) . ' ' RE: '• Request for exemption from property taxes fox 2000 ' Please accept these requests%applieations for exemption from property taxes for our SOl c3, non- profit, tax-exempt organization. These requests/applications are late due to an error, in that we thought that we had already applied for these exemptions, and did not discover to the contrary . until the tax statements were received in the mail.. - - .Attached-are the three (3) applications, along with a copy of a deed showing full (100°l0) 'ownership of the properties at 914 and 916 S. 7`~ Street. All of the programs and the property for _. the.Wihnington Area Leadership Foundation has been used-for non-profit, charitable purposes. "~' .~ ` We appreciate your consideration in this matter: ~ ~, ' ~ ~ . j - - r~~ ,~ . ~~t_:. .~ , ;,~, ``. r s~ ' ~. b~ r~ ._. .. . . ,. ~~ - . ' ~i, ,4 . ` 77ae Wilmingtait Area Zeadership Foundation (WLF) builds relatianshigr that heal by challenging mobilizing . ~ ~o`'~ andpartnering with the Christian community to make Cad's love more virible in and around the city of 1 ' Wilmington, This u accomplished by initiating supporting and implementing tangible, b%blical expressions of unity, ' ` - -reconciliation, and justice -including economiy eduucationa~ and community development inuiatives to empower - „ ~ indigenous leadership. ~ , ' The WLF sr a vat non- o t 501©3 "i'"` P~'i 4 pr fz organization; contributions are tax deductible. The WLF is a member ~ " of ahe Christians Community Dcvekpment Assaciatiate (CCDA), and an Assocurte Member of the Council of ,' Leadership Foundations (CLF). .. ~ ~ ~'. ,. 1 _. ~ .. ,. .:r., . .. - _ - ~. a ~ _ . . ~. ,`s~.~.- i` Orm l U '(RevOOO."`6-... 9~) ~ .YEAR 0.70 , ... ; t ` APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION . ° County _/y~ r'TCLl10Vt'd ` ` Town or City .: ~ t J M t l1 T~h .: Owner _ (.Ji ntlr~c~,-'4-OV~ (A-f~_a.~ •. ~,-~.~t~t~S~~.P.. ~c~l~d~ao.~'It~ ~ ~ • j Address • g (~ . ~v~ k c j1 . .~'`' •. ~ (...~t (~..t t.t.~•(-on ~ G., . Z g ~{o l (Street or Raute) (Town) (5tste) Locatan of Property INSTRUCTIONS Under the provisions of G. S. 105-282.1 every owner of property daiming exemption or exclusion from property taxes must demonstrate that the property j meets the statutory requirements for exemption or dassiTication. Claims for .exemption or exdusion must be filed with the Assessor of the county in which the property is located. {see reverse side) Claims for exemption should include all land and improvements and personal property situated thereon and complete intomtiation n3garding its use. - j The undersigned owner or authorized r resentative hereb " - , ep y petitions forexemption of the following described property: i 2. Give c~„-ryolete da-crp~,,, cf M rt,orty: _ ~V SE- KE t~'PrBI(~L ~A~'g1~ Land: oT ~ Ll~ 3l~ S>: _ PT ~{ t:.Jl(.~ •'. '.':'.' o Improvements: ~~ VS `~ x i. Y Persona! Property: ~ ~ -' ~ . 3. List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: Land ,. improvements: Tt4£ S~TI~E P.E~F,RP, Ply,: ~,~5' PAf'.T .~' •~ cE~~.rT~-B4~' ca~ST~scz-~o~ ~ - . - P-~ c-F~48.72A r~s 11sG 'P,P~6~Aia'! ~ - ~~ r ~: I ~ r ~.J~ -~a-t~R.+~ va s ~.~ t.c..~ ~ t ~ ~ s ' Personal Property: ~ ;"~. ,~ ' ,, 4. If any. organization other thari'the owner uses the property, glue the name of the organization, full particulars regarding its use of the P aPeftY and the amou ..• _ ;, ::. r of of any income received for such use. '_`s/~A "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - { ~: .:';. Give your estimate of the~true value,in mone of the r > ~ `" Y P o~rh'~ Cicb-t' YEr'~i~~9r~E~/ : Land: ` Improvements: ; - ~, ~; . Personal Property: - . 6. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for exemption? Charitable (~~ Religious ( Educational (~-~}~ ~' Literary ( ?; Scientific ( ); Other ~ ' '~ / 7. ¢ive the specific statutory authority upon. which this property is claimed as exempt: n - rn~t~ D) c. ~.~t on - 'i ~./ C~ i Ana th v~ ~, Leadle.,r L, ~ ~ov^ ~-tov~ ... , (Full texts ojall exemption and classifica • ~ ~'~ ' ~ <, ~ , ' tion~sratutes are available dt the office of the county Assessor.) `~ ,. ; - . ,. Under nalties ,,. .. , .. ~.. ; . pe prescribed b law I hereb affirm thaf AFFIRMATION ' ' ` ` ~ . Y Y to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements and information in this appf ication are true and correct,. and are made for the purpose of exempting the ro etty herein described from taxation. Signature of owner or autho ' ed represerrtafive ,; +: ~' ~~ ~~ ~~Sic~~rf `/ gio 3f~,3 iz~~ / ~~r- APPROVED C7 YES ~ • ~~ Title ' Telephone Fo V-10 ev. 6-97) or Lc~clr-1t A~ ss f:: ~S (Street ar Route) -Location of Property. ),1 ~..~c'tig~h N~ zg~.o' Crown) {Stole) tz~ ~) INSTRUCTIONS Under the provisions of G. S. 105-2132.1 every owner of property claiming exemption or exclusion from property taxes must demonstrate that the . meets the statutory requirements for exemption or Gassification. Claims for exemption or exclusion must be filed Pr~rtY which the Property is located. (see reverse side) .Claims for exemption should include all land and improvements arxi~~ sensor of the county in and complete information regarding its use property situated thereon The undersigned owner or authorized representative hereby petitions for exemption of the followin described r 9. p operty; ~. uiv2 c ~ ~ Isla das„~ ;ptivn of pr cps-ty' ~ t Li3'P I D A-t ED }~a y S ~ Land: L.Q~ -' NE P~. ~{ wlt~-~t~~Ti~ 8 ~. 3~ Improvements: ,Personal Property: "' 3. List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: Land:- 11tt..~Pr Pr~E I-~ySF ~GaT Pus,:-FFk51-cD ~- c~SE p~ Pft~T oF' /q C.l-4~rrgBL~ ~+~ST2c)~TraJ KF~f~}8. TRf4rNf,l~G PRaG2~IM rovements: 'Persona! Property: - •~. If any organization other than the owner uses the property, give the name of.the organization, full particulars regarding its use of the property and the amount of any income received for such use. ~ ~A S. Give your estimate of the true value in money of the property: Land: ~~~c,(• f~o~s,t1 AOOX • #fO,o~, `~ Improvements: - Personal Property: - a. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for exemption? Charitable (l~ ~~ ~ Reli taus ~,~,~t Educational Y" ): Literary ( ~ ); Scientific ( ); Other g (~'- ive the specific statutory authority upon which this property is claimed as exempt: nfl~ ~ J`oF~ ~" ,5~ ~ ~, 3 dr r-1 11 , ~~hi~ ~-,on- WI{~ti~t {tjr~ r ~-~(~'S~~ ~'c~lon (Full texts of all exemption and classification statutes are available at the office of the county Assessor.) Under AFFIRMATION penalties prescribed by law, I hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements and information in this -splication are true and correct, and are made for the purpose of exemp#ing the ro herein ribed from taxation: s ~. ~ Zo~ ... 33 Signature o caner or authorized represerrtatrve 'PROVED [~ YES YEAR a240c'~ APPLICA,TtION FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION County 1'~~e,~.~r.-t7o.~10JeT Towrn ~~1~~~ ~~t.f~~t~/~ NO. . Pen i Title I . ~ Teleph~- Form AV-t0 (.ev. it Owner (.~ ~ ~M l ' 4ddress 3l ~ fl :. `1 ~` tStrsec or Route) t . 311 r`5.1 ~'` 5-E; oy t.ocarion of Property YEAR ~04t7 APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION County ~QcJ }-~Gtf1D~Pa-- Town o City (.J 1 ~M f /1q'EU~1 '~~ I.,eac~e~sGi t .p ~QV nda.$i o ri . ~- C.JilMina (Town) .: 2 S I S Rankin ~-E-: -.J.C. !state) i 28~fo~=~IZ~ .. tz~ ~, INSTRUCTIONS Under the provisions of G. S. 10~-282. t every owner.of property daiming exemption or exclusion hom property taxes must demonstrate chat the ' meets .the statutory requirements tot exemption or classd~cation. Claims. for exemption or exdusion must be filed with the Assessor of the co ~ in ' ! which the property is located. (see reverse side) Claims for exemption should include all land and improvements and personal property situated thereon and complete information regarding its use. rtte undersigned owner or authorized representative hereby ~- Give cat:^.plete dn,~ ptio,^, cf pro"r~rty: Cerw ~l~e.r' ~ Land: "' for exem(~ption of the following described property; - V t S ~ to V ef- P ~,.~ a-~1',...1-ice ,_., Q _ ^ ..: r / ~ Improvements: '~ • Property: 3. List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: ~ Land: - ~ .. ~ ,. Improvements: "' .: . ~ ~ .. ~. Personal Property: a\I w,••oy~ Cu~4fl-y'~SuW[. ~ co.~5.4ruc~-io~- ec~j,P~$ /~,ols etrt ,s,.e~, far •I,T~itH(.tc, ~~~/// ...Lo r... .t.. n ~ ~ ~ ._ __.-• ..~,........~.~.~, a-tiac r~u d- a-5 axt 03' 4 cJkcvttr~.bfe. ca..sfru~fron nc.f+cab. ~nrn r r v-~` . . 4. if any.organization other than the owner uses the property, give the name of the organization, full particulars regarding its use of the '; Property and the amount of any income received for such use. _~/A ' • ~ = ' 5. Give your estimate of the true value in money of the property: • ~ ~ •~ ~ Land: ~' . .' Improvements: `- ~ . Personal, Property: -~C`"~' ,'~2 5c2~ ~ ,~ _ . 5. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for exemption? Charitable ( ^ ); i. Religious ( Educational t~~~/ ' ' Literary (' ); Scientific ( )• Other ( " r „4. .. _ ~ive the specifrc statutory authority upon which this property is claimed as exempt: 'h-~roF~ ~ c 3 `or' an - .. ~ ~. ; (~ i 1M i nG ~'D/'- G~f P (~2r~0 5(n i ~ O~~r1~2t~'t r~-'a . (Full texts ojall exemption and classijcation.statutes are available at the o~ce~of the'courrty Assessor,) •" AFFIRMATION ,_ Under penalties prescribed by law, I hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements .and information in this pplication are true and correct, and are made for the purpose.of exempting the property hereon described from taxation. ~S ^~g 02000 ~ ., ~ ... PROVED Q YES NO b~ . Signature of owner or authon d representative P~/CSi~C/IlG ~~ ~• 9~o aYa ~a~c Telephone No. The T~ilmington Area Leadership Foundation ' ...building relationships that heal . 815 Rankin St Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 251-1164 Fax: (910) 251=0882 Date: 10/2/00 To: New Hanover County Tax Office - Attn: Robert C. Glasgow, Tax Administrator From: Kenny House, President ~' Wilmington Area Leadership Foundation 343-1276 (home) 343-0145 (work) ~: Request for exemption from property taxes for 2000 -Additional Information Per your request from your letter dated 9/22/00, I have attached the following three documents: 1=Evidence of incorporation by way of our original Articles of Incorporation (3 of 10*)• 2 -Documentation from the IRS with their ruling of our organization as tax-exempt (1 of 4*)• and, ' 3 -Recognition from the City of Wilmington by way of a lease agreement as part of their "Officer. ~' in Residence" program which places police officers in targeted neighborhoods in order to qualify .. them as homeowners in those neighborhoods (4 of 16*). *Each of these documents is copied in-part, as there are many more pages accompanying them. Additional pages can be made available upon request. We appreciate your consideration in this matter; please contact us if we can be of further .. assistance. ~. ~ 1 ~~~ ~~o~: . -..~ ~, ~~~~. - a.~ya .. v ~, ~ ~~•~ ~~~ . Tlu Wilmington Arras Leadcrslrip Foundation (WLF ' t' t hurl by challenging mabilizin~ and partnering with t1u Chritian community to make God's lave more viable m axd'aror 'the ciey ofWilmingrmr. 77tis is accamplirhed by inrruuin~ supporting and implementing tangibly 6ibGcol expressions of smity, reconciliation, andjumice -including economiy educational and community deuelopnunt initratsroes m empower ind:genour leadership. The WLF it a privaty non-prnfrt 501©3 organrrntion; contributimu arc tax d~dr~dible The IVLF it a member of the Christian Cammunity Development Association (CCDA), and an Associate Member of the Coundl of Ieaderihip Foundatimu (CLF). rte` ^ i ji ~ LEASE AGREEMENT ~ THIS LEASE AGREEMENT made`and entered into this ~~ `~ i ~_ _. i day of E;,,;.~ ~.~- 2000, by and between Wilmington . . Leaadership Foundation (hereinafter called "Lessor'.') and i .I the CITY OF WILMINGTON,. a North Carolina .municipal :~ corporation whose address is Post Office Box 2810, Wilmington, North Carolina. 28402 (hereinafter ~ called "Lessee"); i . W I T N E S S E T H: J i i _~ ' WHEREAS, Lessor is the owner of certain property located .at 916 South 7`~.Street ,Wilmington, N. C. ("Leased Premises"); and ~ WHEREAS, Lessee desires..,,to-.lease the Leased Premises '' _ - . i - for use as a residence for an officer of the Wilmington ~:-. ,Police "Department participating ~~ iri ~~ ~ the Lessee's ' Neighborhood Officer-in-Residence~~'Program; and WHEREAS, Lessee is authorized by the provisions of G.S. 160A-19 to lease or rent property awned by Lessor. NOW, THEREFO~tE, the parties hereto, for and in consideration of the rents, covenants and .agreements ;~" contained herein, Lessor does hereby .lease to ~Le.ssee, and Lessee does hereby lease ..from Lessor, the Leased Premises. '.. ~~~ ., ~. • • • and the application of siich provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby. 22. Governing Law. This Lease shall be governed by the laws ~of the State of North Carolina. 23. Offer. The submission of an unsigned copy of this Lease to Lessee shall not constitute an offer or option to lease the Leased Premises. This Lease shall become effective and binding only upon execution and' delivery by both Lessor and Lessee. 24. Time 0f The Essence. Time is of the essence with respect to each of Lessee's obligations under this Lease. 25, Execution. This- Lease may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be' deemed a original and all of which together constitute one and the same document. The parties hereto represent and warrant that the persons executing and delivering this Lease ari their respective behalf are duly authorized to so act. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as of the day and~year first above written. - LESSOR: WILMINGTON LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION Presi ent, I4 37 i i I ' • s 1~TTEST Sec etar y LESSEE: CITY OF WILMINGTON • Mary•M. Gornto, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney \ _. • ~. .. NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTX ,. I, T, a Notary Public in ~i and for said- County' and ~S te, do hereby certify that Mary M. .Gornto:,..- personally came ~ before me this , ,day. and' .; . ' I~ acknowledged .that she is the 'City~Manager of .the .City of ~~ Wilmington, North Carolina, a municipal .corporation,-avd 1 that by authority duly given as the act'of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in .its name by .her.°~ • Witness m hand and Notarial Seal, this /~da of Y ~_ Y • ~ aoo~o. - ~ • 't. _ , ..Notary Public ... • .. ._ . •,• My Commission Expires . s~~,~;~,~.,z~y,...~~, ~:._. , ..• _ s~~ ~ :.,.~..,f. .,..:.._ i. ~ 38 ~ 15 i .NORTH CAROLINA ~~ «~ fL~'~~i~~~f'~~i~r~ • ~ Z, ~~ ~~-U .1,~, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, do hereby certify. that f~~;e, [~~~r.,e.>5 Secretary of Wilmington Leadership Foundation, personally appeared before me this day .and acknowledged the due execution of .the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and Ndtarial Seal, this ~~ day f--~4~{ ;c y,f 2 0 0 0. . -:~a~~~~an ~f~v,z~ca Notary Public - My Commission Expires: ,,.~'~PH.~Ty '~.~ ~. p, .• .•. F~ ` - e NOTARx i m PiTBLI~ ~ U ~' .: _•. ~~ ' ~ ,~,, ..~? Gp This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the C~ocal Gov rnment B d et and Fiscal Control Act t is 'the day of .' -~, 2000. y' ~, ~ . Brent M ee, F nce Officer 082500F%WLP'.LeaseAgr/Ue ` . 16 39 {This page intentionally left blank} 40 NEW HANOVER COUNTY.BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Awarding of Contract for Dredging Masons Inlet BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff will open bids for dredging Mason Inlet on Friday, December 15. Staff will review those bids and hopefully send a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners on that same day. The tight time schedule is due to permitting delays and the need to be able to start the project, if a .permit is obtained in January. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Board should consider the recommendation of staff, once it is brought forward. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider recommendations when developed. Staff will proceed with all deliberate speed to inform you of the results of the bid opening. COMMIS STONERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS. • CQI In~rY C~?I+~an~SSIQNERS . p~~ . R_ ~ .~~ IV Pi: ~ : ~" :3 ~! ED O H~.-.~~~ 0 41 DATE ~ZI~~`OA ~. J -.__~__~ {This page intentionally left blank} ...~; ~~ .~ r.. ~: a F .. ;: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ' Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ..Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Appointment, of Commissioners to Various Boards .and Committees . BRIEF SUMMARY: The Commissioners will need to appoint a Commissioner to represent them on various boards and 'committees of the Community. Appointments are for 1 year. ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: -. Make the appointments FUNDING SOURCE: , ATTACHMENTS: •`~ cc-boards:Current list of Commissioners serving on Boards and Committees ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments - COMMISSIONERS' AC l MMENTS: COUNTY COMP~ISSI©NERS APPROVEO RE,f~r f'~.~ ~ RC^ ~-, ~ ! P~~ ~ ::;~~~o 0 43 HE~„~p -) DATE . ~ ... I X ~ °~. _~ COUNTY COMMISS/ONERS APPOINTED TO BOARDS/COMM/TTEES FOR YEAR 2000 Airlie Gardens Foundation Board of Directors Commissioner Davis Airlie Gardens Master Plan Selection Committee Commissioner Birzenieks Bellamy Mansion Board of Directors Commissioner Howell Cape Fear Community College Long Range Chairman Caster Planning Committee . Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Commissioner Davis Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board . Cape Fear River Corridor Study Committee ~ Chairman Caster (Project Oversight Committee) ~ Vice-Chairman Greer Chamber of Commerce Chairman Castes Chamber's Community Growth Planning Core Team City/County Water and Sewer ~ ~ Vice-Chairman Greer. Services Unification Committee Commissioner Howell Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee .Chairman Caster Commissioner Birzenieks Convention & Visitors Bureau Commissioner Birzenieks Council of Governments -Executive Committee Chairman Caster Council of Governments Regional Growth Council DARE Board of Directors - Commissioner Birzenieks Fire Commissioners Commissioner Howell Health Board Vice-Chairman Greer Human Services Transportation ~ Comrriissioner Nowell , - Advisory Board Human Relations Commission ~ Commissioner Birzenieks (~ ~. Juvenile Crime Prevention/Criminal Justice Partnership ~. Advisory Board Commissioner Davis , . Legion Stadium Committee .Chairman Caster .. Commissioner Howell -, Lower Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board, Chairman Caster Lower, Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority Chairman Caster Military Affairs Committee ~ ~ Chairman Caster , NHRMC Board of Trustees ~ ~ ~ Commissioner Birzenieks ~~ Northeast Branch Library Capital Project Committee Comrissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Howell Parks & Recreation Advisory Board ~ Vice-Chairman Greer , Pilots Ridge Capital Project Committee Vice-Chairman Greer _. Commissioner Howell , Waterway & Beach Commission Port Chairman Caster ~ ~rry.''k`". . Program Area Committee for Kirkland Vice-Chairman Greer Revitalization (CDBG) Soil Conservation RC&D Commissioner Howell Solid Waste Advisory Board Vice-Chairman Greer .. Southea'ster'n Center (Mental Health) Commissioner Davis • Southeast Film Commission Vice-Chairman Greer .Tidal Creek, Watershed Advisory Committee Chairman Caster Transportation Advisory Committee Commissioner Howell . ~~ Urban Planning and Growth,A~d Hoc Chairman Caster ~ ~ Commissioner Birzenieks ,,, • . ~a(~~ • d O 0 0 W z O ~o U ~• H z 0 v w W QI • H z w z O a. a O O N ~, ~~ z a~ J O Z Z _ _ N N ~ _ O O_ _ - O W 'N N N ~ O N~ N N O~ N ~~ N N N O N O O •N O N N O > 3 '> . a~ ~ 3 3 m 3 3 3 o a~ 3 a~ ~ a~ > a~ 3 a~ ~ O O L L L L L O L ~ ~ L L ~ O L -}O~ ~ L O L L L ~ ~ O L L O L L O L ro L ` O L~ L F+~=D a~ ~U ~ a~2 a~mo~ a~ a~ 2U1m Q~=~ Q~ Q~mm=UU2~U2UDU Q~2~mU Z L L L (n N C N N L N L L N N L L L C L L N L N N N L L L C C L N C L C L C N L N L C N/ O Q~ Q~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ O (~ Q~ O O (~ Q~ Q~ Q~ ~ Q~ O ~ O ~ ~ ~ Q~ Q~ Q~ C O O (4 ~ Q~ ~Q O ~ O O (B Q~ O ~ o 0 oUU EU U oU o o UU o 0 0~ o oU oUUU o 0 o E E oU E o E o EU oU o E.. Q+ 'v~ 'in "in c c ~~ c c 'y c '~ '~ c c '~ '~ 'N •~ '~ 'N c 'N c c c 'y •~ 'N •~ •~ -~ c •~ •~ •~ •y •~ c •y c •y •~ N N N C9 C6 ~ N CII In CB N N CQ C9 !n !n to L !n to fII N CO C17 CII fn N N L L y CII L (n ~ fn L CC (n Cp (n L d EEE~EUE E'EE'~"~ EE •E•EEUEEE'~EEE'~'~'~UUEEU'~UEU~'~E'~U °c EEE'cv'co~~ ~E'coEE 'ca 'co EEE~EE'wE'ca'ca'caEEE~a~E'co~Ea~Ea~'cvE'cIIEa~ O O O L L U L L O L 0 0 L L O O O V O O L O L L L O O O V ~? O L .V O V O .V L O L O .V N U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U~ U U U U U U U U'U U~~ U U~ U~ U~ U U U U c_ N C O O .«O+ ~ N a O N • L ~ N E-ca; w o °~ E ~ ~ c°' Eo ~apJU ~ O N -~ Q N ~ +_-• C N-- O O ~ •° .o U U Lo a `m ;~` ~ a C O C C p 7.m O 7 U LLo,cEE'L N •(/~ O O > C. C a~ ~U.U~ CII CC t4 U ~ ti ti ti ~~a~~a~ aaa ~a~mcvco QmUUU ~ o O O f"- '~ a~ E cv O E ~ O m ` U o mU o o c u m a E c ~ _ ~ V O O N Q a. ;._ U ~ ~ U > c E m L Q O C ~ L ~ O m E~~ o_ ~•o 0 3 ~ O ai y.., ~ U W /o~~ cn o .~ a~ N V L L a C w O c~~(A U m c>=° m c° c E E ~~~ E `° ~ oE~.oo~E~ EUo U 'gi ~ E o ° °' a E ~ O E c6 N > n vi U c a i a i ~~ j W ~ ~ V 0 •O O O E ~ ~• U 'C _ _ /~ /~7 r^ N w ~ V V V N ~ .~ ~ ~ •~ ~ O N w O O O O O cII E O ~y N cC -' a~ a~ c L ~ ~ ODUU o Em~~tn C ~ m .n .n O EEU a ~0 C C ov .cWU~mcoc ° m ca>, E c~ E~ o m E E - zs~ 0 0 0 •cQ.~- a~ o o~ UUU U UU U~IL222J m o ~~ U c o CQ N O N .O O O c E o ~ E of . E ~ o c~ E U ' O Q U ~ O c t o v N CII U . a~ E U CC m o .".+ = ~ E Y _ c ' - O '~ i c a 3 a ~ a O d oZf N O L O C•OQU'~ E ~ L d ~ ~ n ca a`~ , . ~ ~ O c~~~m~•`n-p Z`O U . ~E .n` > Qd c6 LEa~oC9 . _ CII CU U O V ' ~ ~ ~ V p > N V ~ Q' ~ LL ll. L ~ CC ~ U C II ~ f6 Q U ~ ~ C O ' O O m U. 2 C C O I N C. ~ Y ~ UUQU u ~(~~/ W I.L. `~ E ~ `II ~ ~ ~' ~ O~ Q~ Q~ ~ C L L 33•:°~~ ~o •~oV~~~co~~ E 0 0 '- = O J J~ Z Z tII - d d O L 0 0 0 0~ L L ~- a cn m U cn F- F-'~ _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: . Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointments are needed on the following: Board of Health -Categories: Nurse, Pharmacist, and General Public Human Relations. Commission RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: NA _ ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications fTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Make appointments. ~---~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS . . COI.~n~TY ~CaAwni,elpNFr`s o AP Rr .~ `1ry_ ~b~" F' _i u 3 HC;~,;~.~t2I116~00 DATE ____.~-- - 1 COMMITTEE APPp~NTMENTS N NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOLD OF gE ~ . umber of Members: 11 a ALT$ Ppointed in categories as follows; 1 Licensed physician . 1 Licensed Ph . 1 Licensed Dent~t cast . 1 Licensed Optometrist 1 Licensed Nurse 1 Licensed Veterinarian 1 Professional Engineer 3 At-Large/General Public 1 County Commissioner Terms: 3 yes _ maximum of 2 consecu hve 3 year terms Compe~tion: Chairman $25.00, other members $20.00 per meeting Regu]ar Meetings: First Wednesday each month a t 8• ~ a• m. at the Health Department Statute or cause creating Board:. NCGS Art. 3, 130-13(c) Brief on the functions, to its residents. The ~ State law requires each coup Board of Health ensures the ty to make public health services available policy making and rule making functions for publi Ph vision of these services and performs the ealth in New Hanover County, MEMBERS CATEGORY.. SE TERM -~ Henry "Hank" Estep - ~G EXPIRE,g 3500 Melissa Court ~ General .. Wilmington, NC 28409 Public First 12-3~1-2000 792-9584 (~ 509-0616 (yy) ~-e._G~,.- (Appt. 1/5/98) : . Gels N. Hunter ~ • . 126 Quail Ridge Road ~ Nurse - Wilm.ington, NC 28409 ~ ~ First. 12-31-2000 799-0723 (~ 763-2072 (~ ~`~~~ - (APPt• 12/8/97) W Edwin Link, Jr. , 306 Colonial Drive f Pharmacist ; Wilmington, NC 28403 ` ,First ... 12-31-2000 .343-1244 (-~ 763-0845 ~~~ A ~ (PPt• .12/8/97) Dr. Michael Goins 5030 Randall Par'kwa Optometrist Wilmington, NC 284 3 S~ond 12-31-2001 392-0270 (~ 392-0270 (~ (Appt. 12/18/95 . . (Reappt. 12/21/98 ) 4 9 i BEARD OF HEALTH (CO r~['INUED) Ct;-~tRENT ~~ ~ - Philip Palmer Smith CATE~RY S E~ TF,RM ` J 1810 Azar Drive ' Sr. M.D. V1NG EXPIRES ~ W~1223 gton, NC 28403 Physician First 12- .~ 762- 0 (I-~ 31-2001 - (APPt• 12/21/98) Melody C. S ' Peck, D• V•M. 4605 Wrightsville Avenue Veterinarian ~'~~ngton, NC 28403 First 452-0542 ~ 12-31-2001 ~ 799-5587 (~ (APPt.12/21/98) F-stelle Grady Whined ~ . 1611 Rock Hill - ~: General Castle Road . . Rayne, NC 28429 Public . Second 675-2179 (~ 343-2889 (y~ ,:. 12-31-2001 (APPt. 12/19/94) Wilson O`Kell (Reappt• 12/18/95 & 12/21/98 218 P' Y Jewell, D.D S ) jne Grove Drive ~ Dentist ~'~mington ' 791-6113 ' NC 28403 Second12_31-2002 j (~ 79I -2401 (~ I _, , ..... (APPt• 12/16/96; Reappt. 12/ Anne Braswell Rowe 6/99) (~ 2216 Acacia Drive ., \ ..~ Wilmin t General 762-42 2S(~ C 28403 public Second 12-31=2002 - ~ . (APPt• 12/16/96; ReaPPt• 12/ 1 William T. Steuer 6/99) 6228 Fox Run Road 1 ~ ProfessionaI Wi1mi n ton g , NC 28409 ~ Engineer Second 12/31/2002 799-21 .. ~(~ 395-5585(. (APPt. 12/16/96; Reappt. 12 . Robert G. Greer . - ~ /6/99) 320 Chestnut St. Coun W~min 'Room. 305 tY Commissioner ~ ; ', 341-7149ton, NC 28401 David Rice, Director ° ~` ' County g~~ 2029 Department S. 17th Street ' , - Wilmington, NC 28403 . ,.343-6500 ~ _ . 12/99 • File: 1Hea1 '. ' . .. 50 ~' ,. .. ;. • NEB, y,~Np~ . . ~. ER.C . BOARD O~INTy _ ~ . ,`.; . OF Cp~jM/SS/pN~. a ~ 32p ~ ,.- Chestnut .Street, Ro RS Wi/mington °,n 305 ~. ~ ~ , ~y~ - Te% ~ NC 2840 7 -4093. 2~ , . .~ FAX ne (9101341=7149 , App/ice (9 ~Ol 341-4130 ' . ~ Lion for '4ppoinred b Appointment to Boards Co Y the l~ ,-~: Request for A e w yano ver mmittees, and Corn • AAointment County Board missions to: Board o f-- of Commissio ..Name: .Louise health Hers, . ' .Home: A1'ber~" Address: 109 Ke _ e. .. •:•, Mai/in9 Address: Same How /on9 have . ou been a resic%nt of New yon City and State. itJi lm1 o e .. ., . ~ v rCounrY? 14 year Te/ephone: . Nome: 910 _ -, _ ~ : . "Sex: FP 763 053 ~ .. ~ Zp Code: 28405 '".,-This inform ~RaCe: Caucasio~ Business: ~ Retired ' , » aEm anon is requested for theso/-----`~..-----_ '4 . P/oYed b Purpose of essuiin ge: 79 .: Y' s that , , cross-secGOn of the ," .. Apersancurrent/yemP/ayedby . . New ygnaver Caun ~ ty upon a fhe agency or de community 's ePPointad, ' • PPointmen~ Pertinent far which this a in accordance with A~tic% V/, /Ob T%t/E': F' OrIIi e.T' PP/ication is made, cJ Ourna 1 i s t Sec. must resign hisAS ProfeSSi 4 of the New HanovQr Count BrP°sition with ., ono/ACtivit%e y person,;e/Porcy . s; , Vo/unteer;gct(vities,: r u P~lothe ~:ubbard is C Why do ~. upboard , Fri end ~, You wish to serve ~ .. oz the Library Bo ..~ on the e s s i o or Commi .. o rd . ~~ h Prof ` Hal c?c a s rd, Committee, ~ ssion r ~ j , ^ ,& k ,' a .disabled = agues tedT think m een interest Person, Partial 1., Y expe,rence~ . . :. ~n both :boards, ar ecover`Y from • ' ~Whardo ~ ~ e Pertinent. stroke_ You feel are . ~ m In:. Your qualifications for servin Beacon~_ .N. Y; A' on the Board 1 .I served ~ Committee, - What areas ., on. the Human .. - rCommission requestedT • ~ of concert ~,vou/d a -~ ela t 1 On s c needs ~ You/ike to °mm?ssion $ ~ '-----: ~---_ - &•-whatev see the Board, Committee, helped writ er seem e ~i t, s impor or.Co,nmiss:on addr Cant' to _ ess~ Disabled Are You current/Y servin y. the r~oard, Comb • ~ .. Person ~y~s'~ . . ,. 9 on another board or . ~- ~~ ° . ; . :. ; . _ : committee ao • ~ or m e ° ` . Pointed b y a municipa/itY or r a countY~ ./f so, ,o/ease list. Date, i.%4/ . 99 . . , /P/ease us@ , reverse side for , • additions/comments/ t -L Stgna ure . .. ':.. ~ ~ ,S J ~;~ .`~~~~ .. ~ .. (.OVER ~~ .. ~ ' P. OI - ~~LU H.~41t/(~ ~/~cR C~~N gDARD TY ~O Ches~'>7ut` Streit HERS - ~ 1 /1/iirrtingron~ /~ • R°°~ 3Q5 ~ C .2$~p 1.41793 Te~"epla,~e t910! 341-774 a I , . FAX t91Q1 ~4t~I3'Or 9 --~~"" '4APlication far ,~ ` , ~PAoin~db p~v"7rment to Beards, . Y the New Hanover CaunC~mmfz`tec~s ~ and CQmmisslr,,,s Request for APAoirttmertr tc: . - ' ' ' ~ 'B~c7 of Co _ mmfssi~nE~ '. Name: ~ iZ.'1„ ~ I .4ddress:~ "~'4 Qi M ~, i ,!i'S f1 G 7" ~ ~ ~ ~." ~ :. . ~~ Nov~r /onp have Moir be~rr a . ` Ntailrag Address „~ ~'C~O residentOt'New 1•t8nav `N ~ rete~,hoRe; ~ ~ • home: ~ t n ~ 7~"z q ~ ~rn Code: ,'~,~,~..u `~ •~: ~ ~ - w J r+nefran ' ~~LA - . ,. -:, . ~ r«pvested for tha sv/r v osa of ~'4~~'= ~ ~ , P +P f~lpto y~ bY: ~ ~ ~ ~ axrrlrrirq ?her +- ctdsrsecrro ~ ~~ .. NewHdroYar r~ndy°7'P!a ebyd,~~~~ ~ r V ~ ~ Ih~ aha/r7rrxtmlyt:dPpwnlyd, .. ... d~a upsr-A 9wuy'oro'efarlta®rtrt' ~ ~+ ~'~'•~~ '. _ PlJwnrnrgRL $7 es °r h'h+ch lAis ~ ~ ~~ JD,b ~i/e.• ~ ~'arlc+-mYhr4rfrds dRF~/icarlp~lsmeJa,,e,rrr a:.. ~. 3BC'.Q pj /9~ hFUherposr'6pn 4 rhaKe<.yXdnvo ~~~ ProfpSSlolT,~/ ~~ • ` n Q`'~ ~ • Par:annal!~y,G~y; . ` Ira/vote _ • _. er,gctivrres` •~ Cry ^ u 4, Pf ~ .. ,_ ~' . o a ~ ' •. . ~ to serve an the Raerd Ca . , ~ - , ., . •. ~~' l:.~1 ~ ~ v ~ ~,.. ) . .~~ ? N,g, ~~~, minr2tee, or Commissian'requ ` .: . ; . . _ M ~t ~ ~ ~ ,j° ~ ~ ,LYlrar do You. fees ~ ~ ~~~ ~~" OV ~~_ ~ G •!V ~"{ s~~'~`4~! rU are your quali~cat/arl .: ~ ~--' i ~+'L C'~ '"~ri ^.N T ,~,' M r s for s2rvrrt ~ +~^ o w Td ~J ~ i y'' ~ ort the 3ovrd, Ca ~; • . ; . !i"l I!7 t.+~r.! , ~ .. N ~*+>W ,~ ~ ~Rree, or Cl~rnrlrlss,Qn , ~ ,,:- ! ~ ---rte :.d~~. ~ ` •r. 4 ~ r ~' ' f . -. ,. ,.. ~~ r , y ,... YYha 5..°l tort ~ - ~ ~~ ~ --~~-~d~ ale ter ~.4 ~~1-~~,. ~d ~ ; ` ~ ~~ ~ au/d you /ike la sae the Board, Cornm~tree, . %ssio C.i ~ ..~..~ ~~ l1 ~ ~.~~'.h:a ~~f~.` .. ddd Are you eu V~."IG ,~,~ ' ~ ~~' ~ ~ .. `rssr' 1~1! ~. ~~ ta.1+G~r~~G~ ; r1"erltly serving orr ~ , , . , i S7yi~V,~~ r ~ a : t k. , , ~ ...... anctherbaardo ~ ''~ UAW ~:y, ~„~' ~~, .; . , r Com mirry LrL /~ 1~ _ 4 ,gyp a ~» ~~ 'V , llorlrtert by `'' 1 .« ~~ r +.~~~~ 2P - ... ~cypaCry ~r a caurrrY? !f so, pl~e ` , , !3 ra t.• "It~IOaei usa tev` e'er" ~sd ~f"g'i~? f v T. . • ' rloear cornrnanls! 5'ipdsrto' ,,..; .•. _. - .- ~ . ` ' 4 NOY 2 6 , ~ 199I ~ 1 . ~ a'~ .. .. '+~ 52 R,, ' .. ~ -. . , . _~._~. VIEW HANOVER COUIV•TY . - A BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS .. ,: 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . "_ ' Wi/mington, NC 28401-4093 • " Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ~, ... FAX (9101.341-4130 ... . e ~., ApP/ication , for A • • ... 4 ppointment to Boards, Committees, and" Commissions • . • ,, ~ Appointed by the .New Hanover County Board of. Commissioners... - • .Request-for Appointment to: - a ~. ' ~ ~ QaQ _ t1 - E'q-'-fL- r'GC -~- -.., ''. - . .. .Name: ~JG rvl eS ~ ~.J r.,.-, / C't"~sZ. . ~ Nome 11~ '' How long have you been a . A~c~re~s: _ ~~ ~" F~ r~..~ .rn~ /J - ~D. resident of New Hanover County? , ) ~ ~,• ~J " Mailing Address: f . .. • • '; _ • _ ., t. ~ Gty and Mater ~ I jam, i .,o~-fo .. ~/ ~ - ". . - ', G Zip Code: a ~ YO,3 - `• - Te%phone: H6me• . 5' ~, • _~~0- r/ - ~ 6 a ' 7 c~- ~ Business: - , . - ~'Io - ~•7 S~ - a 72 "Sex: M i ~ "Race:"-~Ct.U c~J/•a~ *Age• - .. - 3~ . ''This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section, ofthe community is appointed. ,. • * *Employed b yr ~ ~~f ~ - LJ, ~~t r,~'~ p -~ ., , "A parson currently employed by the agency r department far which this appGcation.is made, must resign his/her position with . ~~ New Hanover C~ou'n'jt~y upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/a V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title. T ~eJiG~2~~' ~' Professiona/Activities: / VC P ~~„~ • SJ,-~ • /, . _ . _ 7~ ~t4 r'~ac r¢- " ." ~; t/olunteerActivities: ,S-~ ~~„~;, -~-~ ~~:o G. e l -ter •~ Why:do ou~ wish to serve on .. y the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~ ,. w t.w ' M - ~ ~. ~ - - . ~ y ,„ wee . ;. - ,, . . ... ,,. `. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? }; _ , ~ ~ ea cQBr- ~ ' c:.Q l . ' Inc+r-x.cG~ •~ 4r- ~ ~I V /•C ~-4~''Ji•CQ~ , .. _, , Whet areas of concern. would you•like to see tfie Board, Cormittee, or Commission address? G?CCPiy, -~a ,• ~(.~ G-Q • _. .Are you current/y.serving on another.board or committee a y ' ~, AA:- ppornted by a municipality or a county? %f so, please bst: /Ya _ _. / y Signature ~ ~ ~ - ',~(Please us .sever a sidefor additions/ comments) ~ - , ,..~.., -' 1 OVE~IV I~AJUC~1/FR ~Q1J11/7"Y ~t~ARD [,~F ~'~~~11'1SSlOl1J~'f~'S '~~, ~~d ~'he$tnut Street, Roarn 3a5 . WlfmingtQ~, NC ~2~40 f-409~ . r~eph~o r9 r ~~ ~~ r-7 r.os . . - IeAX t91d1 ~34f-4t~3C7 ,. ~./ APPllcariQa fvr Appointment fQ ~pards, ~amlrtittees, and Commissions Appoin7ed'`by the New.Nanover County Board ofCQmmissfone~s. Request forApGgintment to: ~~'Ot c~ T.17~ -- / y .1 Y~ J• I~ _ - e .~ Name: _ , -~L7t/17T~~_i2 ..,.~.._ .. ~ .. _~ . Hv'n~ y .~'Nr;rs~ long have you Been 8 ,.. ~, Address:. /~fp ~~ ~ 'do't,.. ~ , _~` .. =` :resident of IVew Hanover CouniyT ~ -. .. ,_1 Gty artd Stattw• _ UJ~ ~ia•r~' ~ ~7~ /K ~- 2Yp Cade: ~ ~., , ,- M}Telepbane: IYarne~~~ ?'~'~'/ - p J'Z ~ Business: ~9tO~ '~~t3-~11 ~t . ` . .. Jr ... _ _. _ - , 'Rare: :. dtI s . -:. rApe: ~ . { ~;~. Thks Jnlwtttatlan is /'squratad far the sole pwpass of sutxiti9 that acrass-sreton o! ttr. ao.nmuniry is rppoinr•d ° • ' _ ... . ..Employed hy:.:, .'- > C~~Ft ~ /drams ; ~/' ' ' ' ~., ~~ • :, rM LCD ,. ' ~ ; .. ..~ - _ .'.'A pwr~ot eeas#ntlf' -r1epW yrd b y thr a~ancy cur dspmrimsnt /or rvhtieh this appAsstmn is made, Prrusr reyyn h~vh sr pt~siti~a a+ith !ya'w Narro~mr Cotmty on egopeintmrn4 Ta aerrxdancr wltAllrtic/r Vl,,S•t ~ ~t thm Flew Nonpvor CauntY Aorson;~,rl~,cCy. ': ; . .: .. ~i f'rafessianal ActTvlties,' ~.7ZC~iG7'" ~,1:[~'z(''~"'r'"~ ~ i~~/~C.~~ • ~C~.,S ~~,t7S74'tar,~ sar,7&-_ a~lo` ,. ,. ,_ VO/utlt+:erActrvrttBS' 'ttCQ~Q.c,~i,~ '~Q.r'~4•t tJ ~~ ~~~paaa~. ljit~G l1/ °., p. - .. _, ., Why do you swish re sr ~ .: } ,.. .. ,. , : , -~- - ,, :--' rve an the Board, Cc~tnttrrttee, ar C~mrrrlssipn requested?' ~ ,~;s~ ~ ,dttrct ,~1~'l..c.c~ca-G ~.:~ t ~:~~.sic. .,C~drr~:~-...~i++~i~ .`f~u.: ` a~~Gt c~e:t,~,~-+`..% _ /~~ / f .•.. „ ._. What do you feel are your quayf tcatlons fcr-servtn~ an the Baart~ Cammrrtea 'or Cotnmrssian r$ ue~stadT; ' %3r ., i. _ ~~= r~r`aus '~~'f s>*c ~~ ~sy ~{- C'o 1{i~ , t~r,r~C ~ ~,f %yc~~ ~iy,tc,E . , r. ., ~ ~. . ... '., . _ ~ a..~i nF ~. What areas of concern wQUld you tke to see the "Board, Comr»lttee;.'pr Cammisstgn'~dU'rtssl '~ ~ I • . ~', e Ar ~ ,~ ~ , e you ccrrrently servrnp Rn another traard ar committee ~psoir?ted by a munlc~,aalrty. r1r a cor.~rtty~ 1! sa pJeas~! lrsr ° - . ~; .~ .~. F w..~ , ~ ~~`' ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ `' _ ~ ~ - , p ,. .:, .. ., ~ J `+~ - , u a~ , s .:. :.. ,, -.! , .. Data N//- ~S-~~ - ~'~. ~~., __ Sipnatuie ..~. ~ ~ . ~ 4 .'. IPlsatr wrr ~~wrs*!sidr ftx tdi7inonr! commMtsl , ,., .~ c (OVER.) . , ,r ~ ; . ; ... ~ ; ~ NOV 2 ~ 6 1997 ~ .. .. _ ~ ... ~ . . ,~ ~... { , ~ ~ x .~ C®, ~~ • ,. zk. _ „x ,~ .. ,..._. ~, .. ' _ _-._.,. -_ _, _ .~__ ~ • -~ _ 1\Ya /Vas VI~IVL. _ •. • n ' ~ . ` ~ , ~ Flsas+s`proyld~ thr~~ 1~~~1 personal references. ` .. ' , . - ... . ~. ' N e - . am - Phones Ntr~»ber ~ ~ : . .:: .~ .. . ~.,.. r . - _ .. t . ~ . ~~~~ ,~, M1 a • .. r a • .k t2 , a , . ~.: . , .. .. . . _.,. •... . . , _,r . .... .. ,; a. . _ . . . . •~ . ~ . . .. 5 . , ~ . ~ , a .. :, . . .. .~ .. ., - . . - . w . a .. , - , _.. .x .. _ . `. .. • - ' ' ,~ ~' . a , • 1 ~., - ; .• 1 .. r '} v p ". •:w . .. :. ~ ~: _ n r~ . .1 •.•t ~ ~ . e - ~, F ' - ~ ~ .. - o .. x v n r ~. . . .. ' ~ ~.. ... , .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 Telephone 1910) '341-7149 ` FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 AUG 0 1 Application -for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. q ~ PPointment t _ ,. , . ,.. ,. ` Re uest for A o: B o a r:i o f Health -, l0 h Q,`~ mLL C ! ~ Name: __ W . Edwin Link , Jr . Home ~ How long have you been a Address: 306 Colonial Dr. ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? •19 -p.rs Mailing Address: Same City and State: Wilmington, NC ~ ~ Zip Code: Telephone: Home: 9I0-343-1244 •• 28403 Business: 910-763-0845 "Sex: i~~ "Race: W "Age; 41 ,. .. 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of ensuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: Medicine Shoppe - • "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Counly Personnel Po/icy.` ~, - Job Title: Pharmacist/Owner N ~~i . • dCPnA; -Preceptor-UNC-CH Professional Activities: ewtHanoveae ar:Assoc. ~ ~ ~ •` •" _ Con inui Educat'4n Committe AHEC ~' ~ `- "• ~~ Vo/unteerActivities: Cape ear ,~~tary; ~ ~laconate & ~~sszon of SAC .Pres. Church .'~ Why goof Jew tHaerve on the Boerdy,Committee, yrCommisl'ohraegeested? Having been a resident nover Count for l9; ears seen the high standards we have here, and truly want to help continue to .provide the qualitX., services and care in the .futiire.'~ There will be a lot .of tough. ,~ decisions to make in the area of managed care, and I have lots''of experience with :that and want 'to 'ielp. : • What do you feel are your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I am a Registered Pharmacist, and have:practicedin the retail ~_~~. , community, both as a chain pharmacist and as a nharma 3 ownar~ and have .dealt directly ,with. many of 'the services ::'in the county. . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I want to make sure that health professionals ;in this county know' ' w:~at is available to the public, 'and thev underGtand how services work: Also, I want to help make ,decisions on managed care, etc Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list:. no :. o~ ~. 8 4 9 7 / / /Please use reverse side for additional comments/ ' Signature C ~'~ .. ~ .~ ,~. . ;'~: .. nut Ul fZEFERSN~GE9 FQR WM. EDL~iIh! LINKz ,I F?. ' ' . - t KEITl-1 ELM©RE RGH-~BELLAMY - .. D .. , E52-2E¢~7 HOME R13G5 . 799=~~~~+ WORK . DR. EcRUCE CpNADAY~ ~~k~pRM. D ,. . COASTAL AHEC 45:?~-416 MOMS , - s43=~ 1 E 1 WORK . i DR. WARREN A'1CMURRY~ MD COASTAL C~lRt~L.1NA SURGICAL 3k3-160 HOME . . 3~r3-~8i f WORK . MS. WANDA CDF~LEY • . ~' GOkJlVTY A't~"QRlVSY . ~ ~4~-2~1~8 HOME :. 341M7353 WOftK ~ - .. . • .. ' - .. ,. i ~ " .. , . ~_ ,,. :. .. ' ` ' ~ .. ,. :~: . .. ,. . - . , . ,. . ,.. . • .. ... -.. :.. .. .. ,. ;. 57 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ~. I I3UIVIAN RELATIONS COA'INIISSION ~~ HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION (COrfTINUED) TERM MEMBERS ~ ~. ~ ERVIN TERM EXPIltES Brenda Rohena ~ o~~ Unexpired 12-31-2000 5450 Sidbury Road ~,°~-'°~ Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~~ i ~~(Appt. 12/21198) 799-7515 (H) 799-4116 (VV) Kathryn H. Salwitz -1308. Edgewater Club Road Wilmington, NC 28411 ~ r '.:4:F .. ~Q~_~ndnru~ First 12-31-2002 (ApPt. 12/6/99) ~ ~ . Saturday, November 04, 2000 ~ Amedea Onllne: SIIas0331 . ' , Page: 1 1 e made, must resign his/her posifion with New Hanover Coun u on a with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.p~~ntment, in accordance, ~ ; Job Title: Professional Activities: ~ ' ~ . St. Mar Church and School• Bisho s Vicar for African-Americans Volunteer Activities: St Mary After School Program . _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , ~ ~ Saturday, November O4, 2000 amedoa Online: Spas0539 rage:, Z '' . -~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY sa3NO~ss~wwo~ jo oa 0~ ~3~ONtlH M3N _~~ App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request. for Appointment ta: ,`~-~,~,_.._, _ _ ~1 d „ ~: •'~ ,. /':..,_ _ _ - ~ . Name: Home J ~ _ `~ How long have you been a r Address: 3 9~ ~ ~.~ta-q~-~~sj ~y~ . resident of New Hanover Countyl V .,~~yza~_ Mailing Address:. ~~ c-~., . City and State: _~ -~ ~~t-~., . ,~ ~ Zip Code: _~, ~ ~/ Q 3 Telephone: Home: (4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 L~ ~j 3 Business: -~/I ~~ ~ ~~>'- (~/ ,~ Q °Sex: _ r' "Race: _~~-dn~-~.~, - C 'Age:. ~: ~~ 'This information is requested for the sal purpose ar essurinq that across-section o! the community is appointed ~ ~ ~` ~A Q~~ "A person current/y employed by the agency o/ depertmenCfor whrch fh~s appbcatran is made; must-ra~si+gn his/her posrtion wtth New Hanover Counry• upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel PPolicy :; . ' Job Title: ~ ,. - ~~ ~ G~ , , ' P,rofessiona/Activities:- `~'~~zw~yz~ - .- - { { VolunteerActivities: ~~ ~r~~~. ~' ~~~~ . ,_ ... ~., ,. ,,~ .. r-:: ~ - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl r ,. .r ' 4~ , `s :~,a.,~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ,.. ,.; ,. i ., CL -~ - ~ ;=.j . . ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? '~. ~ '- ., ~ . ~.. " rye' ', y. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municrpaGty or a countyT. 1/so,'pJease list F . ~ - ~. :Date ~/ ~ /UC) ~ '; '"~ //" _ - .~ Signature L~ ~ , ~ ~ ,<~ /Pleas averse side for additional cammentsJ / . . '~ ,,. CO ER) b - ~ ,. .. ~..; ,. .. ., , ,.. b ~,' . BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 pppZ 5 [ ~ 110N 1/Vilmington, NC 28401-4093 - Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ' " • .... ' Supporting Documents f_or Application to New Hanover Human Relations Commission ~" ~ DNNE PAGAN. ` .: .. " _ ' . V,oluuteer Activities: . , - ~ °' , .. ; . . ' President-NH Commission for Women _. ." , :: "., ° " • . Member -Governor's Advisory Council on Hispanic/Latino Affairs-Health/Human - ' . •_ Health/Human Service Committee "'' ~ ' • Vice-President -Hispanic Chamber ofCommerce-Wilmington Chapter ~ ~ ` .; • ~ ,~ ; • • . Secretary- Hispanic~Chamber of Commerce of North Carolina ' ~ ~ • ~ . Chairperson-Interagency Council of New Hanover County • '• .Board Member-H.O.L.A. .;' . , ' ~ Wilmington Chamber of Commerce-lbfember Education Council •' ~ ~ ' " ~ NHC Human Relations Commission -Chair Banquet Committee ~ ~ "~ . e _ Healthy Carolinians Task Force of New Hanover County ` . °. ' _" ~ Cape Fear United Way Project BITTED (Board and Business United Initiative for Leadership ,. _ "Development) .~ _. Whv do von wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? As a Hispanic female professional I would Iike to become.more involved in addressing the•needs of our . ,~ community, particularly those of the minority population. Empowerment of the community through " , leadership, training, education, community awareness and development of civic responsibilities are areas of , • importance to me. Appointment to the Human Relations Commission will enable me to utilize my skills and ~ " , assist the organization in addressing the needs of the community. ' • ~ What do you "feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee or Commission ~ . ~' '' ~ requested? I . ; I hold a Masters in Social Work and numerous hours of postgraduate training. I am of Hispanic decent and ' ~ ' fluent in Spanish. I have over twen years a erience in areas such as health, human service/relations and ty xp education field with skills and knowledge in program development/evaluation, community ` organizationlneeds assessment, administration, networking, coalition building, fundraising, training and ' research. I am actively involved in my community and keep abreast of issues pertaining to community . `- problems and needs at the locai, county and State level, thus will bring this expertise `to my position on the • . .~ . ~.: - -Human Relations Commission if appointed. I have worked with the "private and public sector, businesses ~ ' ..' ..~ , " • . and non-profit organizations. As a social worker, I possess excellent direct service and analytical skills to ' `. ;' . `..: address-social' problems within our community. ~ : " " ~ ;What areas of concern would you like to see the Board 'Committee or Com~mission•address~ I am particularly concerned about the disparity in service provision and the needs of the underserved o ulation i e wome Afi-ican Americans His anics elderl disabled) I would like to see.more outreach '~ ~• - ~ P P C•~ 4 p Y, • - to these populations, and community awareness/education on issues such as housing, employment, ' discrimination; race/sex discrimination, empowerment training, and"other relevant issues: I feel that if . . : appointed, I can utilize my skills to assist the Commission inaddressing these issues.. ` , ... ~ , ~. • .. . • ~. " . .. ..... , " .: ,_. .. - - , ., _ ,'. i ' ~. ~ .- - .. ~ '~ - ~~ - ~ ~ _ _ • ~ .: 1 a 1 ' Yvonne Pagan,~M.S.W 3924 Hoggard Dr. ~ ~ " Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 452-3063 - .' SUMMARY Over twenty years of experience in the health and human service/relations field with knowledge and skills in the ~: . - . areas of planning, administration, management, treatment/. prevention program. development, community . , _ . outreach, advocacy, fundraising -and grant writing = ~ ~ ' = ~ .3 - EDUCATION Rutgers University; New Brunswick; NJ -M.S.W. 1980 , Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ - B.A. Social Service 1978 OTHER RELATED ~ ,~ : ~ ~ ~~ ~,: : , , EDUCATION ; . ~ ~ ~ , g 4. ~, . Effective Mana ement for NonProfitBoards - 1998 • `Cultural Competence: Making'It~Happen - 1999 • . E.,-Covey Training - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People -:2000 - • Interpreter` Training Levels I and II -' 1999 , • CSAP Community Team Training Institute.- 1994 , •. - , ., • Grants Management.and.Cost Analysis ".1986, 1988 ~~ ~~~ _ , ~ , .. ~ ... • Management Concepts, Inca 1986 ~ ; 1, ~ ~ ~, .,f_. .. `. PROFESSIONAL~EXPERIENCE ' ., f. .. ;r ~,'. b January 2000 to'Presenf - Catholic Social Nlimstries ~'Bihngual Counselor/Case M - r ' , a .. ., . , g . ' " ,- : , : ,_ .. Provide individual, rou a g p nd family psychotherapy Provide case management services to meet the educafional,:vocational, `employment; housing; health, social and financial "- .r needs of the lie Arr ` ' '` ' c nts. ange; link; or integrate multiple services as tliey are peeded or being received b individuals..'Serve as liaison; `form partriershi''s.with health/ human' p ' t , . ,, service, bu sinessy the cler `law enforcement em to 'ers educators housing; domestic ~ .. gY, , ,p Y ~ , ~ ,. ~ - ~' ' violence and other relevant service providers for the purpose of advocating'and ,~ ~'' ' '" +' ` , facilitating access to services for Hispanic/Latmos; African Americans, women, and other ' underserved populations. Develop and conduct educational workshops. Serve as' . :,, ..: interpreter. , . • December'1 995 to December 1999 -East Coast Solutions, Case Manager . y. Provided Clinical case management services designed to meet the educational , vocational, housing, health, financial, legal, social and othernon-treatment needs of the ,clients Arranged, linked and coordinated services with multiple providers, as they were 66, ` t. needed or being received by individual's either within the area program; or from other ~ agencies. Conducted parenting therapy groups. Developed and conducted educational ;. sessions. Supervised the work function of the childcare workers. Conducted communit y outreach, networked with providers; formed partnerships as needed. .Advocated for. client's rights in the areas of employment, housing, educational, access to -. • health and human services. April 1980 to February_1995" _ NJ Department of health, Division of Alcoholism, Drug ' Abuse and Addiction Services, Trenton, NJ -Community Service Officer • ~ Planned, developed and coordinated a statewide system for the development and administration of substance abuse treatment. and prevention programs for health mental • ' health, human service, educators, business, housing and other providers. - Recruited, organized and established community action groups at the county and state ' level. Surveyed and assessed community -needs. Assisted in the development of programs to meet the needs: Formed partnerships, provided advocacy and leadership as needed. , Conducted educational .workshops .and in-service trainings on topics such as - healthlhuinan services, client right, housing, employment, vocational/educational needs, grant writing, program development, administration, substance abuse, and access to ~ ~ - ,services at the county, state, national 'and international level. . ~.. Directed the work functions of the Office of Hispanic Affairs (1980) ~ - ~ ; - . - _ . Supervised the work functions of assigned staff. Developed performance standards, made -` - evaluations and approved personnel actions within the Unit including promotions, hiring - and disciplinary action. ~ .. • ` .,.. . Developed policies and procedures. manual. Administered and directedahe review'of ~ Health Department substance abuse treatment, prevention and research grants. Provided ' ' ~ " • fiscal and programmatic technical assistance to grantees. ' ". Networked and forYned partnerships with health/human service educators, business, " housing, corporations and other service providers at the local, county and state level to advocate for services and ensure that client rights were riot being violated. . - - . -• . • :. PROFESSIONAL, AFFILIATIONS .' " ' - ~. ~" New Hanover Commission for Women -President ' w ~ Governor's Advisory Council on Hispanic/Latino - HealthlHuman Service C te . m . ~ .Governor's Task Force for Healthy Carolinians • ,_ , , ' Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of NC = Secretary ~ - Hispanic Chamber ofCommerce-Wilmington .Chapter, Vice President • ~~• Helping Our Latin Americans (H.O.L.A.) Board Member Interagency Council of NH County -Chairperson Wilmington Chamber of Commerce -Educational Council ~ ` ..' ~~ •:. _ . - ~ . , y ~~ - ~ ~, / u • • Yvonne Pagan . 3 924 Hoggard Drive . , + . Wilmington, NC,28403' _ ~ ~ . . , (910) 452-3063 ~ , .. . ,, ,• . New Hanover County Board of Commissioner ~ ~ ' 320 Chestnut St., Room 305 - ~ -< = ~. . .. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Commissioners, - , • +, y - .. Enclosed is my request for appointment to~the New Hanover Human Relations Corrirnission. As shown in.my application and eiiclosed resume, I have extensive experience in the health and human service/relations field at the local county and state , level. My appointment will enable me, to utilize my educational, professional and eer bac~gi. vol g t cc,omplish its mission and goals bridge ,. s ~ s ~ . p , e dehvery ~ and bette addres the a s in,se e'needs of our fast growing diverse population. Furthermore, as a person~ofHispariic~'heritage, I'can serve as a link with the Hispanic/Latino community at all levels. - 3 _, F , ,. .. ~.- ~ ., ..: ~ . ~ .. , :~ ~ ~ ~ :. ,. ~ ~- ~ , Thank you for id . your cons eration of my application. If you have any questions or are in ` . , ,. . , ~ .,, need of additional information, I-may be reached at 452=3063.I look.forward to the . ~ , .. ... ._ . .- . opportunity fo serve our- community' and the challenges appointment to the New Hanover Human Relations Commission will provide me: Sincerely, , y '' ~; ;. , .. , ,. L .r ~ ~ Yvonne Pagan ,~ ~, ~ _° ~ _ .. N ~, ,, .. . , ... ,:. _ ~,. ' 4 .n ~ r Y1, is t tt f $ .. E , f _ _ ... c~ . . '~. ~ ' ~ , ~ , i _{..~ -. - Vr ~ ' . 68 ~ t: - . ~ ~ , , .~, , `.'~ - . ;~.J . NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~' ' ~, ~~ ~ ~ • .. . BOARD OF CO/VIM/SSIONERS ~~~ '~ ~~~~: ~ ~ ~ . ° 320 Chestnut.Street, .Room 305 ~ ~~"? ;~~ ~_ ,,., y ,,~;~ ' Wilmington, NC 2840 ~ -409'3 `~~'~~ Lu - ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149- ~~. ..y FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ` Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - ° ' ,- Re west forA ~-}- ~ `~~~ ~ 9 ppointmentto: + I~~,~ .~ S ~, ~ ? ~ ~CSyt Name: ~„~ ~L~._~ .l:f~ 9 ~~a'}, ~ ' Home HAw long; have you been a ° '- Address; ~~ ~.~ 1 resident of [•!ew Hanover County v MailingAddress: ~ - ° . . . .• ~ :. :. - City and State: Zip Code: ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~. ., ,Telephone: Home: { , .~ ~~/ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Business:, ~~t ~ / -! ~P ~ "" ~Q~ n T- 7 ~r ., .. '°Sex: "Race: ~:~, lil. G ~ . .. »Age: . •Fh~s information is requested far th/e sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. '~*Employed by: ~ ~ o "A person current y emp/o yed y the agen y or department for which this applrcaUon is made, must resign his/her position with 'New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Articie Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ° ~ Job Tit/e: (~' P (~ 1 1~ Y~ ~-'i`- ~ 1 ~~~1.~ ~ ~J~ Y,~. P Professional Activities: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p r ~ ~-n - -_ - VolunteerActivities: p ! ~~~ .Why do, you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or' Commission requested? . _.,,.. , .. ... ° '~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ - What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, ommittee, or Commission requested? .A . , ~. :. ,, . ~~ Yt ~ .. - oG ~, SEA' V ~ Gt,i~t~ ~= ~. CG~~`.r~7Y1 . ~ -fir ; ~- or ~; --,' . Wh-at+areas of concem_ would you like to'see the Board, Committee, or ommission address? ' ~ z~~-rmaS L ~ : cZJI "~~ „1 r a ,r, ; ~T j Y1 ~' P I/'2.-5 ~ r~ Y1 r~ ~' C~ r P V ~.~.~ V'~ d~~',~'~C`~ ~ . -Are you current/y serving on another board or(cominittee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ~ ° -. . Date: Signature lP%ese use reverse si or adds io al comments) z. . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: 1 ~Y1~i~-. !'~y~ Name: Home Address:.~~~ ~ Mailing Address: C'~i~~ How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? /~ r ~ City,and State: ~~f ~C.P1tic_:, ~ (~ ~ Zip Code: p~D ~ D Telephone: Home: __~~ l o ~ 7.9~ ~- ~ d ~ / Business: Sex: / ! t "Race: ~ ~-(~1'~1.. «Age: ~''i 'This informafbn is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the communily is appointed. *.~Employed by: -sa person current/y employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl; Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: _ ~ '~' ~ .-~ ~ G=1 ~z'z - ~` Professional Activities: t/oluriteer Activities: - ~ . Why do you wish to-serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _~ ~~ ~r ~ ~~c s_1 ,._ ~ ~ ~fJ ...L n ,, .., _ WC~ha((t areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~, j.~ ~e: ~~ 2' / ~y /P/ease use reverse side for additional commentsl //~ ` Signature V ~~ ~~ri.yC c?.1.~ ~ ~ " W t duo you feel are your qualifica~tifons for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? REFERENCES .Please provide three local personal references: - Name Phone Number ) ~ ~ ~~ J ~~ r--- _ _-_ ~; RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUfSTED ACTT Designate a commissioner as a voting delegate. .., .,.. FUNDING SOURCEr NA ,. ~ . ,. . .`~ ; . ATTACWMfNTS; ~ ~. ~ . ' . Voting-Delegate Designation-Form ' " ~~ ° ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ` . :<. _ ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS -AND R ECOMM Make appointment .~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS. ~ .. _. .. ~ :~ , '~; ~ . ~ -~ t h ,. ~ . .. , .. . . ,,. , ,. .. . v . ~~ e o ~ u m I ~ No North Carolina Association of Count Commissioners .}~ Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC 27602-1488 tio~ ~ourn'i ~ Street Address: Albert Coates Local Government Center, 215 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone: 919-715-2893 • Fax: 919-733-1065 • Email: NCACC@NCACC.org Home Page Address: http://www.ncacc.org i i RETURN FORM BY ,TANUARY 5, 2001 "~: ~ = ..a~.. ,.:~; VOTING DELEGATE ~DESIGl~TATION. FO]L~M; ~ ~. - " :,~ ., LEGISLATIVE GOALS CONFERENCE JANUARY 1112, 2001. ~~ { NOTE: Please place this action on your board meeting agenda. ~. ~. . ... , Each Board of County Commissioners is hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official as" a voting delegate. Each voting delegate should complete and sign thesfollowing,statement and RETURN IT TO THE --//. . ASSOCIATION NO LATER THAN JANUARY 5, 2001. ' - I, ~ ~ ~ , hereby. certify,that I am the~duly designated. voting ~: i ` delegate "for County at the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Legislative Goals Conference at the Pinehurst Resort & Country Club iri the Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina ; Signed: . .. ,.:. Title: , .~ ;.,. 'Article VI, Section of the Association's Constitution provides: ~ '; . , "On all questions, including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to ona vote, which shall ., :, . . .. - ~ be the majority expression of the delegates of the county. "The vote of any county corrimissioner.who is present at the ._ { . .time the vote is taken, provided, if no commissioner be present,; such vote may be cast by anothe county official, elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. 'A county~in good standing is defined as one which has paid the ~. "current year's dues." , - 7.6 ., •. r ,1 . .., {This page, intentionally left blank} a , . ~ I ' ~ ` ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - _~ ~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ j : ' ~ Meeting Date: 12/18/00 ° ~ . Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: _ Page Number; . `Department: Governin Bod g y .Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell. ~ ~4Coritact: Lucie F, Harrell ._ ~ .. ~ . .. ~ :SUBJECT: - , ' , APPROVAL OF MINUTES .. .. . ~. . ^ # . . . ~ BRIEF SUMMARY• Approve the following.set of minutes: ~ - . ~ Regular, Meeting,' December 4, 2000 - 'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACTIONS: ' ~ ~ Approve minutes.. FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ :. - ' .. .. ATTACHMENTS: •. , . . . ° ~~_ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW " _ ,_ ~ - ~ ... COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Approve minutes. - ~~ ~ . .n• ,, .. . ; .. COMMISSIONERS' A T NS/COMMENTS ... a z . .... - . ,. . - .. ,._ . .. . . .. .~ m y.. ; ;: COUNTY COMMI;~IONERS . APPROVED ~ Cdr ,, ~.. _ . REJECTED ^ ., ~. ~~` - , .:. ;',:, REMOVED ~. - ~ ~ POSTPONED O ~~ . HEARD ~ DATE ~ f ~ . .. :. , - .. . .-..-v--.~ - .. ~~~~ . i... -.. NEW HA~IOi/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSLONERS ~~ I ~- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ; ~ ~ ,. Meeting~Date: 12/18/00 ' I ~ ~ Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Numbe ° -' r: ,~ Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: ~ . . . Wyatt E. Blanchard • ~,, -Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard - ._ ., _ . ~ ~ 4 ~ .. ,. ' ' SUBJECT: ., :Consideration of Request from Cape Fear Community College for Exemption ,... . from Water Developmen# and Wastewater Impact Fees . ~ `BRIEF SUMMARY:. t `. ~' Cape Fear Community College is preparing to began°construction on their nevv campus which is located just north of Nortfi Chase. Since this is located in the County they are required to pay waterdeveiopment and wastewater impact fees in accordance with the Ordinance. P P In the ast all ublic school construction has been exempted by the Commissioners from the . Y . ' develo ment and im a p pct fees.. `. ' RECOMMENDED MOTfON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS p Staff recommends that the Commissioners consider exempting the :Community College from the water development and wastewater impact fees: .. ,,.; . FUNDING SOU~cF• . ' HUMA RESOURCES:. N/A - .,e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ``~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ' • ~ ~ Meeting Dater 12/18/00 ~ .;A • • • ~ . ,. Water & _Sewer. Item #: 4. Estimated Time: Page Number:..' - ' ~ , Department: Water &'Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard .. Contact::•Wyatt•Bianchard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ `` SUBJECT::. _ ~ .' , ;, . ,. ` ~ pConsideration of` Request for Water Service . , • Brookfield/Brierwood Subdivision .. , .. .-. .: . BRIEF SUMMARY: _ •' .Attached is a copy of a petitionreceived from the residents of the referenced subdivision concerned about the quality of.the•existing privately owned water. system, serving the area. ,They ? . are asking that .the County consider the installation of water Lines when the sewer is being constructed in the area.. The proposed water lines would parallel the existin ~ °' ' • g private water - system. : ~ . ~ ,, , • ~ ,~ ., ., - As indicated by some of the residents, there would be an economic benefit to constructing awater- - 'system,and sewer system under a single contract as opposed.to constructing the water and sewer ` system under separate contracts. ' ' - .. ' . • The attached map;indicates.th~e area to be served. The esfirnated cost to add the water system would be $428,000. With 298 homes involved, this equates to $1,436 per home being served:: . Considering all other obligations by the County at this time; I do not feel that it is feasible to add ,.. .the water system to~the groiect unless the residents are willin to pay most or all the cost ~ . . ,~ associated.with water line installation- •- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ - = - ~- . , If the County Commissioners desire to construct water system as welleas' sewer system, ~ F . ~ recommend the horrieowners be assessed the additional costa ., ,° FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~~ - _. :- ATTACHMENTS: `.: - _ 3 - ".,. `. _ Petition, maps ` .. . REVIEWED BY: w. ~ . .., ~~ ~ LEGAL: ~. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A ' ,HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A -S .. b'~ f~" o , . ~•~:` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . ~ If the desire of the Board into construct the water system, one way of charging t e residents is ' through.an assessment. The residents would have an option of paying up front their share of • actual•.cost (estimated at $1,436 each)~or making monthly payments to the County over a '5 or 10 . year period. Finance has provided an estimate of the required payment. With those comments, I - •concur with the recommendation above. '2/ • `/~ COUNTY COMMISSIONFI~~•. ~ .7 ,: COMMISSIONERS'ACTIONS/COMMENTS ./ ' APPROVED C/ ~o ~. ~ REJECTED O ~~~ ~1i~"~'~ ~, .. .. • REMOVE 8 3 D ~O •: '. D . . ~ _ ~ POST:PONE D ° ,. ~ , EARb ~ z t~ . ~ ~ H . , .. _ ,, DATE " • t ~ o t~-~ .. ~! '^ ~~~~ f , •, November 2, 2000 ~ ~ ` . To: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From: The residents of the Brookfield%Brierwood Subdivision We, the undersigned residence of the above mentioned development, request the Board of Commissioners to install new water lines in our area at the same time the approved sewer lines for this development are installed. The current water system i owned by Coastal _ Plains Utilities and has proven to be less than adequate with "regard-to wafer pressure, quality and general maintenance. The system's owner, G. Allie Moore, has been reprimanded by the Wilmington Office of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Water Quality Division, (contact Ralph Harper at 39`5-3900 for records) on , tJ' ... Aum st of thisasear and followintl the r hearinsioo granted,Mr Moore one increase in .. g y ~ ~ g g n October 17,~`2~000, have fan additional increase pending. These rate increases~are not for improvements to, this` system; but ` -. rather, according to Mr. Moore's Statement at the October hearing, to keep his company from going broke. During the October meeting, the,cust~mers`iri attendance from the. Brookfield/Brie"rwood Development were told that the Utility Commissions has ~>: ~ ,.. ' . ,~ recommended to Mr. Moore that he should install meters in this development. However; the meter installation, emergency connections and/or generators (for power outages) .. -would be handled as a surcharge to~ the customers and not as an`additional bill for' the ~ ~~~ company.` This system is `over 25 years `old'and the current condition is already deplorable We would rather be charged a' connection Tate for a rievv system" and become~Courity` , ; _ Customers, than put one more dime into Mr. Moore's pocket. %~Please address our request at your next meeting. - ~ ~ "' ~'"~ ,, ~ .~ . `. ,-pry e • . Signed: ~. v ~ ~ ~, ,. ~i - :.. :. .Name Address ~ ; ~: ;Phone Number- : ,, ,, 1 ... ~ ' ~ ' i `~. ., 4. :h ..: ... ,. .. ~ _ , :~ .. .. , ... .. t_ , . ~ ~ . ~.. ., .. ~ ~~i~Ql~/~I%tdtii~t~'~~Gw~~.e~-- ! c~ S" ~rt~~ ~. ~i ~ C.~ .. 7~ ~ ~°-~,'~ 7 . _., .~ ~, r _ , Y ,~ ~ Gt..~;,~~9 ,~T~ ,,.. Y ,° Nam Address Phone Number /~..r'Gr/~sr6,~eo,~ Jig: 3f0~9~/ . /~~U,~s~b~~'1~~~ ~~~, ~~ Address Phone Number Name Address ~ ~ - Phone Number November 2,:2000. ' .. _ . _; " .' To: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ ~ ` ~ - From: The residents.of the Brookfield/Brierwood Subdivision We, the undersigned residence of the above mentioned development, request the Board of . Commissioners to install new water Iines in our area' at the same time the approved sewer 'lines for this development are installed'. The current water system is owned by Coastal • Plains U ilities and has proven to be less than adequate with regard to water pressure; ' quality and' general .maintenance.. The system's owner, G. A1lie Moore, has been ~ - " . . 'reprimanded by the Wilmington Office of the Department of Environmental and Natural ~;. Resources Water Quality Division (contact Ralph Harper at 395-3900 for records) on numerous occasions. Yet, the Utility Commission granted Mr. Moore one increase in August of this year and following their hearing on October 17, 2000, have an additional ~ ' ~: 'increase pending. These.rate increases are not for improvements to this system, but rather, according. to Mr. Moore's Statement at the October hearing, to keep his company " from going broke, buying the October meeting, the customers in attendance from the _ _ .. ~ , Brookfield/Brierwood Development were told that the Utility Commission has `: _ - . , ,recommended to Mr. Moore that he should install meters in this development. However, the meter installation, emergency connections and/or generators (forpower outages) ' - would be handled as: a surcharge to the customers and not as an additional bill .for the _ , ~ .~ '^ company.' This system is over 25 years old and the current condition is already deplorable. ~ _ We would rather. be charged a connection. rate for a new system and become County ,Customers, than put one more dime into Mr. Moore's pocket. Please address our request at your next meeting. . ,_ ' ~ Signed " ° . ..~ . .. . . ,. .- ~` ~ .Name ~ . ~ Address ~ Phone Number .. .;~~ _ ,. i .. ~ ~ ~~ ~. .. C`~~,h~ (~'y~.~o ~S •-} k~c.I cG,c~r ~Q (,~. ~m ZP~ 1~ ~ l c ~ `(P '~ ~~5.° _ ' . , ~:,~f•~6,~~C_~ :,~i..~,r/di~~ ~i~a~ f~c.~'C~',~E72~'~% ~l ; - 9ro - ~'9~.3 ~ a 8 , - -" •. . . ~, . ". °., - :~ ~ ; -. ~ ,. ~_ - . . '. ,~ ° . ,, .. ~ `' . .. . November 2, 2000 ~~ To: The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners : .. From: The residents of the Brookfield/Brierwood Subdivision We, the undersigned residence of-the above mentioned development, request the Board of Commissioners to,install new water Iines in our area at the same time the approved sewer lines for this development are installed. The current water system is owned by Coastal ~ . Plains Utilities. and has proven to be less than adequate with regard to water pressure, " quality and general maintenance.' The system's owner, G. Allie Moore, has~been reprimanded by the Wilmington Office of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Water Quality Division (contact Ralph Harper at 395-3900 for records) on ' ' numerous. occasions. Yet, ahe~Utility Commission granted Mr. Moore one increase in August of this.year and following their hearing on.October 17;2000; have an additional `~ increase pending. These rate increases are not for improvements to this system, but rather, according to Mr. Moore's Statement at he October hearing, to keep his company from oin broke..Duri Brookfield/Brierwood Dng the October meeting,'the customers in~:attendance from the ~ ' ' . ~~ ~ evelopment were told that the Utility Commission has 2 ~~ ~ "" ,recommended t~ T,'~r. 11%1';e^re that he should install meters in this development. However, the meter installation, emergency connections and/or generators (for power outages) _ "~'~ . ~ .: ~ , `. r , ~:., would be handled as a surcharge to the customers~and not as an additional bill for the' . •~ 'company.. This system is over_25 years, old and the current~condition is already deplorable: ,. We "would rather be charged a ~connectior. rate. for a ne~~. systein~ and becor~~e Cauait3 .. > ;. , ....Customers, than put. one more dime into Mr.,.Moore's pocket. ~ Please address our request ; " ' at your next meeting. ,: ff , . ; . , ~ , Signed: .. ,;; ;.. Name ,, , : . . , ,. Address Phone Number i'_ ,. . U . . .. -, ~ . . ~ J ~ - Name Address - Phone 1Vu-tuber _ ._ :~ ~~ ~if Icr ~~ ~f ~ L Ly~ ~S l,~S3 ~3r ~ t' ~r~~~ ~~~ 12~~. 7 %~~~ ~- C7 ~t~ {.~ -~ 12/12/2000 Page 2 Brookfield Water ~ e Date Payment Interest Principal Balance _ , 28 05/01 /2003 27.76 4.21 23.55 819.12 29 06/01 /2003 27.76 4.10 23.66 795.46 30 07/01 /2003 27.76 3.98 23.78 771.68 31 08/01 /2003 27.76 3.86 23.90 747.78 32 09/01 /2003. 27.76 3.74 24.02 723.76 33 10/01 /2003 27.76 ~ 3.62 24.14 699.62 34 11 /01 /2003 27.76 ~ 3.50 24.26 675.36 ,~ 35 12/01 /2003 ~ ~ 27.76 3.38 24.38 650.98 2003 Totals 333:12 ~ 48.44 284.71 36 01 /01 /2004 ,. 27.76 3.25 24.51 626 47 37 , 02/01 /2004 27:76 3.13 24.63 . - 601.84 38 03/01 /2004. 27.76 3.01 24.75 577.09 39 04/01 /2004 27.76 2.89 ., ~,, ~ ' ~ ~ 24.87 552.22 `' 40 05/01 /2004 27.76 ~ 2.76. 25.00 527.22 ' 41 06/01/2004 • 27.76 ~ ~ ~.., ~ - 2.64 ~" ' 25..12-~ ~~ -~ .502.10 42 07!01 /2004 _ 27.76 2.51 25.25 476.85 , ~ 43 08/01 /2004 ~ 27.76 ~ 2:38 25.38 451.47. ~ ~ ~ 44 09/01 /2004 ~.. 27.76 2.26 ~. 25.50 ,; 425.97 45 10/01 /2004 27.76 _ ~ ~ 2.13 :,. ,,.,.., 25.63 - , 400.34 ; , . , 46 11 /01 /2004 , 27.76 > '2.00 '' 25.76 374.58: ; ~~, 47 12101 /2004. 27.76 ~ `1.87 `~ 25.89 " ; . 348.69 . ~~ 2004 Totals ~ .333.12 ~ 30.83 , •' • ~ 302.29 5 , , , .. t ^ ~ , _ 48 01 /01 /2005 27.76 ~~ : ~ ~ 1.74 F . ' 26:02~ . - 322.67 ~ .'.~ , 49 02/01 /2005 °: 27.7.6. ~ 1.61 ~ 26.15 ~ : 296.52 50 03/01/2005 27.76 ,~ ~ 1.48 : ~; ~ ~ 26.28 , 270.24 " ' 51 04/01/2005 .~ ~ ' 27.76 "> ° ,~,1:35 26.41 243.83 `, T a, .. 52 05/01 /2005 27.76 .,;; ; .1.22 - 26.54 << . . 217.29 ' '~ , <, ,. 53 06/01 /2005 27.76: ~ 1.09 _-T . ; . . 26:67 190.62 ~ ` ` 54 07/01 /2005: r ~ 27.76 • . . ~ 0.95 , °. 26.81 , , ` 163.81 ^ ~ : ~ .- ., F ~ ; . . , ; , ~~ 55 08/01 /2005 , ; 27.76 0.82 ~. 26.94 136.87, . - ~, 56 .09/01 /2005 27.76. . _. 0.68 , ; ' . 27.08 ,~ 109.79 ; ~„ 57 10/01/2005 - < . 27.76 ._ 0.55 , ~ ~ 27.21 ' ~ 82.58 , : ~ ` 58 11 /01 /2005 :., 27.76 : 0.41 ~ 27.35 ~ .. 55.23.:. ; 59 12/01 /2005 ~ , 27.76. ~ ~. :~~ 0.28 , ~ - '27:48 27.75 ~~ ~ 2005 Totals _ , ;. 333.12 - ,. 12.18 ~ , 320.94 ~: ~ ~ 60 01 /01 /2006. ~ ;` ~ . ' 27.76 ~ ~ ~: ' 0.01 ~'~ ,, 27.75 ~ , • <. 0.00 ..., ,; ; 2006. Totals ~~~: 27.76 , . , :-; 0.01 ., . ~ : 27.75 , . Grand Totals .. 1,665.60 . . ~ 229.60 .. - 1,436.00 -. ' ... •. . . ' 12/12/2000 Page 1 ;Brookfield Water Compound Period .......: Monthly ~ ', ~ominal Annual Rate :..: 6.000 % ~ - ~ . Effective Annual `Rate ..: .6..168 % r, .. .Periodic Rate ..............: 0.5000 % - ' .Daily. Rate . .........:....: 0.01644. % © : , .1. CASH FLOW DAT A Event Start Date Amount Number Period End Date . 1 Loan 01 /01 /2001 1,4 " 1 : " - 2 Payment - - 02/01/2001. ~ 15.94. ~ 120 Monthly 01/01/2011 . AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE -Normal Amortizati Date Payment Interest ~: Principal Balance Loan 01 /01 /2001 - 1,436:00 1' 02/01/2001 15.94 7.1$ 8.76. 1,427.24 , . 2 03/01 /2001 15.94 7.14 8.80 ~ 1,418:44 - 3 04/01/2001 15.94 7.09 ` ' 8.85 1,409.59 '~ 4 05/01 /2001 .15.94 •7.05: 8.89 1,400.70 . . :. - 5 06/01/2001 15:94 7.00:: 8.94 1,391.76 6.07/01/2001 15.94 6.96 8.98 1,382.78 ~. . 7 08/01 /2001 15.94 6.91 ~ ~ 9.03 ~ .1, 373:75 ~ . 8 -09/0172001 15.94 6.87 9.07 1,.364.68 ~ . • 9 10/01'/2001 • .15.94 .6.82 . 9.12 1,355.56 _ • . ' 10 11 /01 /2001,,. 15.94 ~ • 6.78 . `: 9.16 - 1. , 346.40 " ... 11 12/01 /2001 ,~ 15.94 .- :E 6.73 ~ .. 9.21 , :1,337:19 :.2001 Totals ,. 175.34 76.53 `: 98.81 ... _ , ~. . . 12 01 /01 /2002 ~ 15.94 - 6..69 ~ 9.25. _ 1, 327.94 ~...._ ` 13. 02/01 /2002 15.94 .6.64 ~ . ~ 9.30 1, 318.64 • 14 03/01J2002 15.94 - 6.59 9.35.. 1;309.29 , :15 04/01 /2002 15.94 6.55 9.39 1, 299.90 ~ • . , . ~ .16 05/01/2002 : ~ 15.94 6.50, 9.44 1.,290:46 ~ " 17 06%01 /2002 15.94 6.45 9.49 - 1, 280.97 4 } .18 07/01 /2002 ~ 15.94 6.40 9.54 1,271.43 .. . . ~ 19 08/01 /2002 ~ 15.94. 6.36 ,- 9.58 1,261.85 :. • . . ~ 20 09/01 /2002 15.94 .. 6.31..:: 9.63 1;252.22 .. . ~ 21 .10/01/2002 15.94 ~_ :6.26. 9.68 1,242.54. " :. , ~22 11 /01 /2002 .15.94 ~ ~ 6.21 9.73 1, 232.81 23 12/01 /2002 15.94 .. ~ 6.16 ~ 9,78 ~. 1,223.03 , ' 2002 Totals ~ 191.28 77.12 ' 1.14.16 ~ - ` . a ~ 24 01 /01./2003 ~ 1.5.94. 6.12 ~ 9:82 1,213.21 1 /2003 , .15.94 , 6.07 9.87-, 1,203.34(7 25 OZ/0 '~ . 26 ,03/0.1%2003 15.94 6.02. 9.92 1,193.42 ~ :. ': ``27 04/01 /2003 15:94 _ 5.97 .. ~ 9.97 1,183.45 :. Brookfield Water Date Payment Interest Principal .'10.02 , .10.07 10.12 10.~17.~~ 10.22 10.28 10.33 10.38 1.2.1:17` ' 28 05/01 /2003 15.94 5.92 29 06/01 /2003 15.94 5.87 30 07/01 /2003 15.94 5.82 31 08/01 /2003 15.94 5.77 32 09/01 /2003 15.94 5.72 33 10/01 /2003 ~ 15.94 5.66 34 11 /01 /2003 15.94 5.61 35 .12/01 /2003 15.94 5.56 - ° 2003 Totals - 191.28 ~ ' ~ ~ 70..1'1 ' , 36 01 /01 /2004 15.94 ~_~ 5:51 37 02/01 /2004 15.94 5.46 38 03/01 /2004 15.94 5.40 : ~. 39 04/01 /2004 15.94 5:35 40 05/01/2004 15.94 •• ~ ~ 5.30; ~~;~ `' 41 _ 06/01 /2004. _ ~ 15.94 ~ ~ 5.25 " 42 07/01/2004 ~~ ~ 15.94 .5.19 43 .08/01 /2004 15.94 5.14 44 09/01 /2004 15.94 ~ 5 08 , : ' 45 10/01 /2004 ~ 15.94 5:03 ` 46 11 /01 /2004 ~ ~ 15.94 4:98_ 47 12/01 /2004 15.94 ' 4:92 2004 Totals ~ 191.28 62 61 48 01 /0.1 /2005 ~ 15.94 4 87e` ~ , 49 02/01/2005 '° 15.94 4.81 ~' 50 03/01 /2005 ' ° 15.94 ~ 4' 75 ~ ' ' ~ ~ 51 04/01 /2005 .. 15.94 ~ 4:70 '.:.,•~ ~.. 52 05/01 /2005 15.94 4.64 53 06/01/2005 15.94 4 59 54 07/01 /2005 ~ ~ ~ 15.94 -~ 4.53 _, , , . 55 08/01 /2005 ~` 15.94 4 47 ;. _ ~ ' 56 09/01 /2005 ' ° , ~ .15:94 4.42 ~. 57 10/01 /2005 ~ . , 15.94 ' 4 36 ` . 58 . . 11 /01 /2005 ~ 15.94 ,. 4'.30 ~ ; ~' 59 12/01 /2005 ° 15.94 4 24 ~ ~ ~` °~ ' 2005 , Totals . . ~~ 191.28' 54.68 .~ :"`~ 60 . 01 /01 /2006 t- ° + ,~ 15.94 4118 r ,: 61 02/01 /2006 `~ ~` ~ 15.94 4.12 : _ ~ .. 62 03/01 /2006 = 15.94 4.07 r : , . 63 0,4/01 /2006 ~= 15.94 ~ 4.01 ;• 64 05/01 /2006 15.94 ' - 3.95 , ~ ; , . 65 .06/01 /2006 ; 15.94 3'.89 ~; ~.. 07/01./2006 '.~ ~ 15.94 ` 3.83 9 ~ ,08/01 /2006 ' 15.94 3.77 68 09/01 /2006 15:94 3.70 ~~~ ; 69 i ,. 10/01 /2006 ~ _.u ~ 15.94 ~ • 3.64 ~ .`` ' _ , 12/12/2000 Page 2 Balance` .1,173.43. 1,163:36_ • 1,153.24 1,143.07 • 1,132.85 1,122.57 1,112.24 1,101.86 10:43 1, 091.43 . ~ , ' 10.48 1,080.95 1.0.54 , ~ 1-;07.0.41.., _ 10.59 1,059.82 10.64: 1.,049.18 _, ., ,:~ .~ 10.69 1,038.49 10.75 1,027.74 , .. .:_, . . 10.80-~ 1,016.94,E 10:86 1,006.08~~~' `' ` 10:91: 995.17" ' ~: ~, : ~, ` „ 10:96 ~ ~ ~ 984 21 ~. ~, ~ ~ ~ r '~ ' ;. ~ :: 11.02 y' 973 19 ° °, ~-; 5 128.67 .' k ~ ` ~~ 11.07 :. ,.. ,, . . . 962 12 .; ` 11:1.3 ' 950.99 _`-°` '~ 11.19 ~ 939 80 11.24 ' :.. ..:. 928.56 `` ` . 11 r`30 :..; 917.26 ..~. , ~: ~ , ,~;±~ . .. 11.35 905 91 ~ '.. ~ . . ~ 11:41 ~ - * :: 894 50 ~, ~ ~ `.~ ~ . -,. . 11.47 .~~~;°~-" ~ 883 03 ~~~ ~~' 11.52 r~:¢;~ 871 51 :-' '; 11:58 ~ ~ ~ , 859 93 ~ ,' ~; 11:64 ': , :848.29 ; •`~ ' ` 11.70 ' ' ~ 836 59 ~` 136.60 - _ 11:76 :. , . • ~ 824.83 ' ' '" . ' _ 91.82' - _ 813.01 ''' ~ .. •~~~: 11.87 : ~ .801 14 '_• 11:93 ~ ~ . • • 789.21 - , 11.99 ` a . . : 777 22 .:; ; , 12:05 , . .. 765 17 •. 12:11 ` ` 753.06 ~. 12.17 740 89 ,~ : ,... ~ ~ ~ / 1.2.24 ~" ~ .. 728 65 :' 12.30 . , . ....716.35 r N :~ : ' ` . 12/42/2000 Page 3 , , .~ Brookfield Water : ` ,. , Date ~ ' ~ Payment Interest ~ Principal Balance ~ - 70 11 /01 /2006 15.94 3.58 1.2.36 ~ -, 703.99 " :. ~ : 71 12/01 /2006 ~ . 15.94 3.52. ; 12.42 691.57 2006 Totals . 191.28 46.26 145.02 72 - 01 /01/2007 ~ 15.94 3.46 1.2.48: 679.09 - .. ,. ,.73 02/01/2007 - . 15.94 3.40 12.54 . , . 666.55 .. . 74 03/01,/2007 ,.. "15.94.. 3.33 12.61 653.94 ' - 75 04/01 /2007 . ~ 15.94 3.27 ~ .12.67 641.27 ~76 05/01/2007 . ~ 15:94 3.21 1.2.73. 628.54 ~ . , 77 . 06/01 /2007 15.94 3.14 12.80 . `" '' 615.74 ° ., .. 78 07/01 /2007 ~ 15.94 _ 3:.08. ; 12.$6: 602:88 ~ .. 79 08/01 /2007 15.94 3.01; 12.93 ~ 589.95 - 80 09/01/2007 ~ 15.94 2.95 12.99 ~. 576.96 - . 81 10/01 /2007 15.94- ' 2.88 ~ 13.06 ~ 563.90 82 11/01 /2007 15.94 ; ~ 2.82 13.12 550.78 ' 83 •12J01,/2007 ~ 15.94 2.75. . '13:19 ~ -537.59 2007. = Totals ~ ~ 191.28 37.30 - 153:98, .. ~. 84 01 /01/2008 . ~ 15.94 ~ 2.69 13.25 524.34 .. 85 02/01 /2008 ; 15.94 2.62 ~ .13:32 ~ 51 ~ .02. , 86 ~ 03/01 /2008 ' ~ ~ 15.94 ~ 2.56 ~ „ .13.38` 497.64 87 04/01L2008 ~ 15.94. _ 2.49 ~ 13.45. - .~ 484.19 ~ ,` 88 05/01/2008 ~ 15.94 ~ :2.42 13.52 4.70.67 89 06/01 /2008. 15.94 2.35 . -13.59 457.08. - 90 07/01/2008 '' 15.94 2.29 ,.13:65 _.. 443.43 ~_ ° 91 ` 08/01 /2008 15.94 ~ 2.22 ~ . 13.72.. 429.71 : 92 ~ 09/01 /2008 15.94 2.15: 13.79: 415.92 , -` ` ~ .: - . - 93 ~ 10/01 /2008. ~ ~ 15.94. ~ 2.08 ~ 13 86 ~ - - 402.:06 ~ - 94 11 /01 /2008 15.94 , _ 2.01 ~ 13:93 _ 388.13 ,. 95 12/01 /2008 15,.94 1.94 • ~ 14.00 ~ ~ 374:13 ' U .., 2008 Totals :: 191.28 ~ , 27.82 ,: :163.46 96 ~ 01/01/2009 . 15.94 - 1.87 ~ . 14.07, . , , ~,, . :: ~,. 360:06 97 _02/01./2009 ~ . . 15.94 ~ ` ~ . 1.80. : ~ 14.14 ~ ~ 345.92 , 98 03/01./2009 ~ . 15.94 ~ ~ 1.73 ,. , :,.14.21 ~ .:. ~ ~. `331'..71 ` 99 04/01/2009 ~ ~ ~ 15.94 .. 1.66 :. .14.28 '' _. : ;..317.43 .100 05/01 /2009 ` • . 15.94: 1.59 -14.35 .. ~ ' ,.' .303.08.. ~ '1.0.1- 06/01/2009 :. ;. 15.94 .. ~ 1:52 `~ . .14.42 , 288.66 ~ ' 102 07/01 /2009 .. 15.94 . ~ 1.44 ~ . ' .14.50 - 274.16 . , ~ 103 08/01 /2009 ~ ~ 15.94... , 37 , .: 1. . - 14.57.. . f . : _. 259:59 . ~ ~ , .104. 09/01 /2009 15.94 • _ 1.30 ~ .: 14.64 ' ._:: . , 244.95 - ' . . ,. 105 10/01 /2009 15.94 1.22 14.72 ~ 230.23 106 .11 /01 /2009 15.94 1.15 ' ~ - 14.79 ~ 215.44 ` _ 107 12/01 /2009 15.94. ~ 1.08 = ~ ~ ~• 14.86 , _ :. 200.58 ' 009 Totals '. 191.28 17.73 ~ 173.55 ~ ` 9 108. ` ' 01 /01 /2010 . ' 15.94 1.00 14.94 ` . - 185.64 , ~ 109 02/01/201.0 .~ -` 15:94. 0.93 „ , .15:01 ,`170.63 ~ ~.. , ' ~ ° 12/12/2000 .Page 4 ~ . Brookfield Water ° j Date Payment Interest Principal Balance 110 03/01 /2010 15:94 0.85 15.09 155.54 111 04/01 /2010 15.94 0.78 15.16 ~ 140:38 ' 112 05/01 /2010 15.94 0.70 15.24 - 125.14 ' 113 06/01 /2010 15.94 0.63 15.31 109.83 114 07/01 /2010 ~ k 15:94 0.55 15.39 94.44 115 08/01 /2010 -~ 15'.94 0,47 15.47 78.97 ~ - 116 09/01 /2010- 15.94 0.39 15.55 63:42 117 10/01 /2010 15.94 ~ 0.32 ~ . 15.62 .. _.. _ , 47:80 118 11 /01 /2010 1.5.94 0.24 15.70 32.10 119 12/01 /2010 15.94 ~ 0.16 15.78 16.32 2010 Totals .191.28 7.02 184.26 ~• 120 01 /01 /2011 15:94 • 0.38- 16.32• 0:00 2011 Totals 15.94 0.38- ` 16.32 • ~. F . ~. • Grand Totals ~ 1,912.80 ,, 476.80 1,436.00 - , . .. . ~. . ~ . • . .. r ~_ ~_ , .. ~ . .~ . - ,. ,. ., :,. . .. • ~, ... •, .., . , .. ... , ,.. . . , , .. r . , , ;.. . ,.. s . v .. '. ~. .,. , . r 5 .. .F ' r r ,s , ~ ... b.. 1, ~ 1` ~. 100 ' ~ .. ~ v ~ .. a , NEW HANOVER COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS a REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard' SUBJECT: Update on NSWWTP Expansion Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Previously, New Hanover County Water and Sewer District and the City of Wilmington entered into an agreement to jointly expand the city's northside wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). In 1999, McKim and Creed, along with Hazen and Sawyer and Tetra Tech, were selected to determine the wastewater needs of the County and the City. The City entered into a contract with McKim and Creed for planning and design of the treatment plant expansion. The County is a party to the contract based on the interlocal agreement of 1996, whereby both governing bodies agreed to a joinf expansion of the NSWWTP. It is now time to move forward with the final design. Attached is a copy of the proposed scope of work amendment which will be considered.by the Wilmington City Council at their first meeting in January 2001. The ~ treatment plant has a capacity of ,8,000,000 gallons per day (gpd) with the proposed expansion being an additional 8,000,000 gpd for a total of 16,000,000 gpd. As planned this will be sufficient for the County and City for the next twenty (20) years. The 16,000,000 gallons of Maintaining the proposed schedule will require that the process is not delayed for any reason., It is crucial that the treatment plant be substantially complete by the fourth quarter of 2003. The original contract (06.0319) dated December 9, 1996 was established based on expanding the` northside treatment plant from 8 million gallons per day (MGD) to 12 MGD. It was anticipated at that time, that 4 MGD would service the County for 15 to 20 years. Based on the 4 MGD expansion, a cost allocation was established between the City (51.17%) and the County (48.83%) as indicated on Exhibit A of the referenced contract attached tie~re ~o ~ ~ The updated sewer capacity. study performed by McKim and Creed Engineers indicated that the County will need 15.72 MGD by the year 2020. This includes 4.0 MGrD, of preserve flow and a very aggressive industrial flow. In addition, it is planned to divert additonal~flow, fro,rri the eastern portion of the County to the northside plant from the southside pl,a~~t~~gTh~iS~wi~~eliminate the necessity to expand the southside plant during the next jtwenty years. An upgrade will still be necessary at the southside to meet the new predicted discharge. limits ~ ~°~;~~~ ,~~~~ Based on the minimal cost difference compared to the total cost of a 12 MGD expansion and a 16 MGD expansion, it is prudent to expand by 8 MGD.to a total capacity of 16 MGD. ~ O -With this in mind, the percentage applied to the County will increase because of the increased capacity to be owned by`the County. County and City staffs a're working to determine the cost allocation to each entity. Upon an agreement, the information will be presented to the District ,. capacity has sufficient excess to allow 500,OOO.gpd for Pender County. Since Pender County wants 1,000,000 gallons, it may be necessary to increase the capacity. The cost for providing Pender County any capacity will be paid for by Pender Countk As indicated on Page 7 of the Scope of Work, the proposed engineering fee is $4,885,010 to perform all work from final design through completion of the treatment plant. The fee is included in the $63,700,000 estimate for the treatment plant~expansion based on discharge of 5/1 limits. Commissioners fora budget ~ amendment. Hopefully this will be established .prior to the Commissioners meeting. The appropriate budget amendments and amendments to the 1996 interlocal agreements will be forthcoming. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners are requested to endorse the City Council's action which authorized proceeding with the upgrade and expansion of the plant. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A -Copy of original 1996 with local agreement Attachment B • .Copy of City of Wilmington December 9th resolution, authorizing to City to proceed with upgrade and expansion. Attachment C --Copy of Amendment to engineering contract for expansion-arid design of the plant. REVIEWED BY: _ .. LEGAL: Approve FLNANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve, HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Engineer's recommendation concurring with the Wilmington City Council's action which authorized proceeding with the upgrade and expansion of the plant. ~/]2, . - -.~~ ,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER • • ,. ~ . EXfIIBIT A _. New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 SANITARY SEWAGE TREATMENT CONTRACT - BETWEEN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AND THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT THIS CONTRACT for the treatment of sanitary sewage is entered into. this the ~? day of ~G e ~n h~.l , 199 ~ by and between the CITY OF WILMINGTON, a municipal corporation of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a political subdivision existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT"); y WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City and the District have previously entered into an interlocaI agreement for treatment of wastewater in the southern portion of New Hanover,County; and ~Z`HEREAS. the City owns and operates the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant with a present hydraulic rated capacity of 8.0 million gallons per day (MGD) average desivn flow, and currently capable of serviny7 the present customers of the City's system for eighteen (18) years, but is not capable of meeting the total additional number of customers to be served by the District in the northern part of New Hanover County for more than six (6) years: and w'HEREAS, the governing body of the County organized a corporate body in 1983 under the laws of the State of North Carolina, called the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (referred to as "DISTRICT'.') to represent the proposed sewer customers within the northern portion of New Hanover County; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, it is hereby understood and agreed as follows: ] : ~ Agreement Supersedes Previous Agreement. This agreement supersedes Contract No. 92 - 0457, dated February 12, 1993, as amended, and the privileges and responsibilities of the respective parties as stated in that contract are hereby terminated. 2. Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to designate responsibilities of the City an l~ District concerning the expansion of the City'sNorthside Plant, or.coristruction of a new pIa tVV 0R1GL~IAL •, New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 acid treatment services for the District' sanit sewage enterin the Cit 's Plant from the ~ ' ' ~' ~ g Y District's sewer collection system, both before and'after the completion of the expansion. 3. Definitions. .Unless the contract specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of the following terms used in this agreement shall be as follows: "Plant Construction" is the.project administered by the City, pursuant to policies ,and procedures mutually agreed upon by City and District and after consultation . with the District, in accordance with terms of this agreement to physically improve the Northside Plant through design and construction contracts, anal other necessary means, in order that upon"completion the Plant can safely, reliably, and effectively treat a minimum total average daily flow of twelve (12) million gallons per day. ``Plant Expansion" is that part of the Plant Construction in new facilities or expansion of Plant facilities which are built after the date of this contract which is necessary to meet an objective of increasing the allowable average hydraulic -flow of wastewater through the Plant from 8.0 million gallons per day to 1?.0 million Qallons per day pursuant to DEM parameters. _ .. ,° ( "Plant Upgrade" is that part,of the,Plant Construction in new facilities: or expansion and/or modification of.Plant facilities which are built after the date~of this contract which i,s necessary to improve the treatment effectiveness. and assure i ~ the sate and reliable treatment of up to an average flow of 8.0 million Qallons per - day. ~.. ~ `" . ,. "Shared Construction".is that part of the Plant Construction for which the rationale of its design can not be defined .exclusively to serve the objectives of the Plant Expansion, orserve the objectives of the Plant Upgrade, but instead is . designed to satisfy "the objectives of both the Plant Expansion and Plant Upgrade, . and is constructed physically as one for the benettts of economies-of-scale or ease ,, of future operation. '~ s~,a . 4. Responsibilities of the Gity: _ ` A. Treatment Services. ~ `~, ~ _ In providing treatment services to the District, the City will assume the _ responsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the following: , . :. .. . ~' 2 ~ ~ 1~ 04 . OFf~~Gll~~,L • New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 (l) To furnish treatment services to District during the term of this contract or any renewal or extension thereof, at a point of reception located at the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant on 23rd Street, for up to the following average daily flow quantities of sanitary sewage: . Prior to completion of the Plant Expansion: 8,000,000 gallons per day After completion of the Plant Expansion: - 12,000,000 (minimum) gallons per day Average daily flow shall be defined as the arithmetic mean of the total flow for any sixty (60) consecutive day period, in gallons per' day. It is understood and agreed that the . quantities stated above are the maximum for the relevant periods specified, and that quantities less than these maximums may be received and treated by the City. Emergency failures of .treatment due to main breaks, power failure, flood, fire, earthquake or other catastrophe shall excuse the City from treatment requirements stated herein for such reasonable period of time as may be necessary to restore service. - (?) To treat effluent in accordance with guidelines established by the EPA, so that all discharges from the City's treatment plant into the Cape Fear.River will meet the effluent limitations imposed upon the City by the EPA and DEM under its o eratinQ. ermit. P ~P (3) To maintain records in sufficient detail to allow a determination of the costs of :treatment of sewage at the Northside Plant in order to charge the fees more particularly described hereinafter. The City shall provide all records referenced herein and shall submit a summary and all supporting documentation, as requested by District, showing computation of fees stated in paragraph S.A of this agreement to the District on an annual basis. (4) To notify District at any time it may appear to City that the necessary metering. . equipment is not functioning properly, and further; to test and calibrate such meter(s). (5) To review in a timely manner all requests by District for treatment services for quantities in excess of those established in subparagraph (1) of this section. "' (6) To review on an annual basis the fees charged for these services, more particularly set out hereinafter, and to provide to District by May 1 of each year the estimated fees and by June l of each year the fees to be charged for treatment services beginning July I of that year. (7) To review in a timely manner all applications for permits for industrial • 105 3 - . ~~ ,µ ~OR1GlNAL. . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 customers pursuant to the Sewer Use Ordinance in effect in the respective jurisdiction of District. The City shall ieview and may approve all permits to industrial users~of District, which shall meet any wastewater service subscriber that discharges into the District Sewer System and, thence to the City .sewage treatment system, sewage having the characteristics of industrial wastes, as distinct from domestic wastes and haying a BODS and/or total suspended solids (SS) or chemical or other constituents different from standard strength domestic waste. The City agrees that approval of permits to industrial users or customers as above defined shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be consistently reviewed. Since the City is ultimately responsible for the operation of the treatment plant, the~City shall exercise sole and ultimate discretion with regard to approval/disapproval of permit applications, and the District hereby guarantees to assist.and cooperate with the City to that end; provided, however, that the City shall maintain and operate its treatment plant in accordance with the state of the art of the industry as it shall be determined by the parties hereto to exist from time to time.. and.provided ~ ~ " further that the City shall make all improvements to its treatment plant as from time to time shall be necessary to operate its treatment plant in accordance with the art of the industry and/or to ' process, in compliance with all federal, state; and local Iaws, statutes, ordinances, regulations or other provisions, influent which enters the plant for treatment. B. Expansion of the Northside Plant. - ' ~ In expanding the Northside Plant_ the City will assume the res onsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the following: p .. (1) To administer, pursuant to policies and procedures mutually agreed•upon by ' City and District. and after consultation with the District, the design, re~i~latoi•v.approval, bidding, and construction of an expansion to "the Northside Plant from a total a~•era~e design flow of 8 MGD to a minimum average design flow of 12 MGD, and shall complete the following items on or before such time that the Northside Plant reaches ninety percent (90%) capacity: (a) !~ all permits and approvals required to authorize City to construct and,operate: all elements of the .. , .. Plant Expansion; and (b) all testing or other preparatory measures deemed necessary by City ~~ prior to construction and operation of the Plant Expansion. (2) To provide for the District's participation in the selection of professional services for the design of the Plant Construction, and to obtain the approval of the District of the ~ -~~.: final design and of any change orders prepared during the construction phase. The City shall permit the District to be represented in all decisions regarding the design and construction of the ~. Plant Construction which affect the District's financial responsibilities under this agreement.'. " . ~ • (3) To operate and maintain the entire Northside Treatment Plant(s), including the ~~.: ~ ••~ expansion upon its completion, in accordance with approved manuals and regulatory standards of State and Federal agencies. ~ ' 106 :~ 4 ~ ; :. ~_~. 0Rt`Gf~A~~ t :. . ., • New Hanover County Contract #'96 - 0319 (4) To approve payments to contractors performing work for the City on the Plant Construction only for work completed in accordance with design documents approved by the District. (5) To provide District with receipts for all sales tax payments made on the Plant Construction by City and City's contractors, subcontractors, and agents. (6) To utilize the best available practiced suppression technology in Plant Construction as agreed upon by City and District. 5. Responsibilities of the District . A. Treatment Services. In connection with treatment services provided by the City the District. will assume the responsibilities and perform the duties of, and limited to, the followinv: (1) To pay promptly all lawful charges due upon receipt of statement(s) to be rendered by City. ~. (2) The District agrees to require permits for all industrial users as defined in Paragraph 4:A(8) above and to make information available to City and enable City to,complete its review of the permit application. In addition, District will design or alter its sewer collection system to enable either the District or the City to mechanically cut off customers who dump [: materials in the system that are either harmful or injurious to the City's sanitary sewer system or treatment plant and facilities or that would cause the. City to be in violation of the various state or federal environmental regulations governing the~treatment plant. It is understood by the parties hereto that mechanical cutoff of customers above referenced shall be provided and carried out in ,the same manner that the City currently provides for its industrial customers, and this provision does not require placement of a valve or other cutoff device on each conventional domestic or commercial customer service line or tap. Fee mechanisms shall be implemented to permit the City to recoup, from users requiring industrial permits, City administration costs. (3) To do everything reasonably necessary to control the quantity and' quality of ,effluent entering the City's treatment plant and to take every reasonable precaution to prevent jeopardizing the City's ability or capacity to treat all sanitary sewer flowing through the District Sewer System, regardless of its source; Nor will the District by act or omission do anything which will adversely affect the City's NPDES permit for the sewage treatment plant or subject the City to enforcement action by any federal or state. agency charged with protecting the environment. District specifically agrees that all material entering the Ogden Interceptor for treatment at the Northside Plant shall have been promptly collected and transported to said 107 ~ . 5. ORIuINA'L " ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 facility, and that no material will be held, stored, or otherwise deliberately allowed to become more septic than material normally collected and transported for treatment. (4) To provide to City on a quarterly basis a tabulation of all newly approved subdivisions, including the location and number of potential sewer customers, and to provide to City not less frequently than annually a report of the number and type~of customers-served by District and provided treatment services under this agreement, such report to categorize customers as residential. commercial and industrial, and to include service addresses for all commercial and industrial customers. In addition, in support of any application by District to City for additional treatment services. beyond the quantities specified in this agreement, the District agrees to provide a system plan for such expansion in sufficient detail for the Cifv to determine the additional treatment services required. y B. Plant Expansion or Construction. In connection with the expansion of the Northside Plant, the District will assume the responsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the following: (1) The District shall have the authority to approve all matters of design and ~~ construction of the Plant Construction: to include alI final design plans and specifications and change orders. .. (2) To make payment to the City Twithin ten (10) days of receipt of a copy of ' invoices from the City,on all invoices related to~the Plant Construction. ...... , (3) The District shall budget and appropriate all necessary funds required for the Plant Expansion and Shared Construction Costs. The City's obligation to enter into contracts for - the design and construction of the Plant Construction is contingent upon the District providing . evidence "of the appropriation of funds necessary for`its share of the costs of such contracts. ~~ 6.. Fees and Pavri-ments for Treatment Services. -Each party will pay all necessary personnel, administrative, legal, operating, repair, and capital costs associated with the duties and responsibilities'assurried and performed by . such party in connection with the treatmentservices provided under this a~ceement. The fees to ~ :. be charged by, City to District for treatment services shall be established as follows: ~- ~ ~ . A..Basic treatment services fees~shall cover operational and maintenance costs :~. ' and shall be prorated between the City and District based on actual volume treated for the District.and City. Said fees shall consist of the items of cost incurred by .City in the operation and maintenance of the Northside Treatment Plant, including; but not limited to, salary, wages and . .108...:.. ,. _ . ,. 6 ORIGIfJtiL New Hanover County Contract # 9b - 0319 other compensation for wages; supervision and planning, plus overhead, reasonable rental on all City owned machinery or equipment; rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment; the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the City; reasonable handling charges; capital outlay purchased specifically for the purpose of resolving operation and maintenance needs or problems; and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function or service. This fee shall not include-the City's expense directly borne for the Plant Upgrade and Expansion, or any debt service thereof. The District and City shall be responsible separately from service fees for the payment of all respective debt service incurred by either the District or the City, respectively, for engineering or construction of the Plant. Billing to District shall be based on customer billing information provided by District. City and District will mutually agree upon inflow and infiltration quantities based on .sewer flow. The City agrees to read meters in the manner agreed upon by the' City and District, to furnish appropriate statements of metered sewage treated and charges owed therefrom, not less frequently than bi-monthly. City and District shall be allowed to have representatives present at the time meters are read. Total flow for the Plant will be measured by reading the influent meter. The District may inspect and verify the City influent meter. • B. Debt Service for Plant Expansion or Upgrade: District shall either arrange its own payment for capital costs or, at its election, participate with the City in paying apro-rated share of total debt service. C. Sewer use surcharges shall be applied as needed for industrial and commercial customers under the City's pretreatment program, such charges to District customers to be the same as the City's fee schedule for City's customers. The District will assure that all customers comply with the City's Sewer Use Ordinance. 7. Pavment Responsibility on the Plant Expansion and Upgrade or Co•nstruc.tion. The District shall be responsible for payment for all enQineerin~ and construction work necessary-for the Plant Expansion as defined in Section 3. In addition,.the District shall pay a portion of the Plant Upgrade cost as described in that spreadsheet attached hereto as .Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. The District also shall pay a portion of the cost of the Spring Branch outfall equal to one-half of the value of the Northside Plant property. Except for the above amount, the City shall be responsible for payment for all engineering and construction work necessary for the Plant Upgrade. Payment for Shared Construction shall be split proportionately, based on flow capacity, between the City and District. The above payment by the District for the cost of the Spring Branch outfall shall be in lieu of any payment to the City for land~costs." The District shall not be responsible to the City.for any payments representing . land costs. _~ 109 ORiGIvF~L New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 8. Ownership of Plant Facilities. ' Within ninety (90) days of the completion of the Plant Expansion or construction, the City shall convey~to the District title to an undivided proportional interest in the Northside Plant. Provided, however, at the time of completion, if mutually agreed to by the City and District, the percentage interest in the Northside Plant to be conveyed.to ,District may be determined by dividing the total construction costs paid by the District, including the cost of the Spring Branch outfalI, by the total value of the Northside Plant. at the time of completion. ,The total value of the Plant shall be determined by an independent appraiser. The cost of anv independent appraisal shall be shared equally between the City and District. 9. Sentage and Grease. A septage and grease facility, to be situated on the Plant site, will be designed and constructed concurrent with Plant Expansion. Design approval will be by mutual agreement of City and District. The, District shall.be responsible for seventy-five•(75%) percent of design and construction costs for the septage and grease facility with, the City responsible for twenty=five (25%) percent of said costs. The City shall operate and maintain said facility. - User Fees 'shall be based to recover only operation and maintenance costs, through mutual agreement between the City and District. 10. Future_AQreements. . 10.I Sur~nlemental A~reement~: ~ . ~ . - ~ • .This agreement in no way prohibits the City and District from n<<~otiatin~~ and engaging in future financial agreements after the completion of the Plant Expansion should ~.'' '. environmental regulations, state-of-,the-art technology, or other related factors require or make desirable a further upgrading of the Plant facilities. ..10.2 Regulatory Im._.pact. ' In the event that more restrictive environmental regulations reduce the~etfective , capacity of the expanded plant to less than 12.0 MGD, as determined by a registered professional engineer having expertise in the wastewater field and jointly approved for`sucli assessment by ' both City and District, the City and District may amend this agre_ ement to reduce' the allocation stated in Section 4A (1) of,this agreement. Such reduction may be made equal to the . ~ ` ~ ' proportional amount of plant capacity allocated to each party hereto., of the total amount ~ ~ _" assessed. 'If the District or City desires to have. any reduced capacity restored and is'willin~~to' finance the necessary plant improvements to restore the allocation as of the date immediately .prior to the adoption of new regulations, the District for •City shall agree to schedule and construct ~,, ~r. _ ~ ,-. 110 ~ - ;.. 8 ~. ,.~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 such improvements within a reasonable time period. 10.3 Additional Pump Station. The Kerr Avenue pump station serving the Ogden Interceptor will be designed to accommodate the future Spring Branch outfall. 10.4 Purchase of Additional Capacity. , The District or City may elect to purchase a portion of the other party's unused capacity, at a mutually acceptable per gallon price. 1 l . Term of Agreement. - This contract shall become effective upon execution of this agreement and shall extend for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter. This contract may then be renewed or extended for such term... or terms, as may be agreed upon by the City and District. 12. Termination of this Aire°ment. 12.1 Termination without Cause. This agreement may be terminated without cause upon mutual agreement of the parties hereto. 12? Termination for Cause. . If either fails to keep and perform each and all of the covenants contained herein then and in that event, the other party,.after notifying the nonconforming party not less than thirty (30) days in advance and upon the failure of the other party to comply within such period, it may at its option either terminate the agreement or maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages, specific performance, to injunctive relief. It is agreed that either party's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, of the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement. ' ~ . 12.3 Purchase of Exclusive Interest in Title.' In the event this agreement is terminated, the City shall purchase all right, title and interest of the District in the Northside Plant. The value of the District's interest in the .Plant shall be determined from the District's percentage of interest and the total appraised value .! ~:. 1~1 9 ` ORfG1C`J~~. New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 of all real property, structures and equipment encompassing the Northside Plant. The appraisal shall be performed by an independent appraiser within ninety (90) days of the date of termination. The cost of such appraisal shall be shared equally between the City and District. • i i , 13. Amendment of Agreement. ~ ._ This agreement may be amended or modified upon mutual agreement of the respective parties, provided that any such amendment shall be reduced to writing and executed by both parties. 14. Non-Assignability. The rights and duties under this agreement shall not be assigned b_v anv of the . ' parties without the written consent of the other. ~ ' " ~ - _, 1 ~. Conflict of Interest. ~ - No paid employee of the City or District shall have a personal or flnaricial interest, direct or indirect. as a contracting party or otherwise, in the,performance of this 1 agreement. __ L ,.~ . 16. Notices. '. . All notices. requests and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and _ I shall be deemed to have .been duly given ifdeiivered. or mailed first class. posta~Te prepaid, addressed to: A. City: ~ - ~ G . . • Mary Gornto, City Manager ~,..: ... ~ _ City of Wilmington.: ~. __, , ~ .:. _ . . ' . ~P.O. Box 1810 ~ , . ~ -t Wilmington, North Carolina 28402. _ . _ :: „•. B. Distract: ~- . .. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County • .. ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 . . ,,. ", ,'~ Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 ' -. 112 ~ 10 `~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319. . ~. 17. Assurances. The parties hereto will comply with any and all applicable federal, state and local .standards, regulations, laws, statutes and ordinances regarding toxic, hazardous and solid wastes and any other pollutants; public and private nuisances; health or safety; and zoning; subdivision or other land use controls. The parties hereto will take all reasonably necessary, proper or required safety, preventative and remedial measures in~ accordance with any and all relations and directives from the North Carolina Department of Environment,,Health and Natural Resources, the United States Erivironmental Protection Agency, Health Departments, and any other federal, state or local agency having jurisdiction, to insure the prompt prevention or cessation (now or in the future) of violations of either the applicable provisions of such standards, regulations, laws, , statutes, and ordinances or any. permits or conditions issued thereunder. 18. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. 1.9. Binding Effect. .This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assi~?ns. agents, - . officials, employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors of the parties y ~. ' 20. Continuing Obligation. The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required ~- to further the purposes and intent of this agreement. 21. Reference. Use of the masculine herein includes the feminine and neuter: singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not define, .describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 22. Interpretation.. - , All of the teens and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the various terms and conditions-contained herein or between these terms and other applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the general and the more stringent or higher standard shall ..:.'prevail over. the less stringent or lower standard. 11 1 i i~ . , ;~ New Hanover County Contract'# 96 - 0319 (~ ,J 23. Immunity net Waived. ~ ~ ~ This agreement is governmental in nature, for the benefit of the public, and is not intended to be for private profit or gain. Any fees charged in connection .with the services. hereunder are intended~to reflect as closely as possible the City's actual cost, and neither party intends to waive its sovereign immunity by reason of this agreement. 24. Saving Clause.. .. .. - . If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this agreement is for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity .: of the remaining portions hereof. - ... ~~ ~ _ ~; 25. Penalties. 1 District will be responsible for paying any fines, fees, penalties, or costs levied on the City by any cognizant federal or state regulatory agency for violations cited as a result of ~~ actions by District` ~ ~ . , ~ . ,.. ,, City will be responsible for paving any fines, fees, penalties; or costs levied on the '~ \ J f District by any cognizant federal or state regulatory agency for violations cited as a result of actions by the City. .•26. No Liability for Failure: ~ ~~ ~..,i It is understood and agreed by grid between City and District that Cit};~shall not be liable for any failure of the sanitary sewage treatment system, except for the negli~~ence of the City, its agents, officials, employees; contractors, or subcontractors: The City, will be responsible .r. .. for taking any and all legal action against third parties who contribute in any way to a failure. of ~~-~: the sanitary sewer treatment system. ~ ~ . ~ ~ . , ~.. It is understood and agreed by and between City and District that District shall noty'~ be liable for any failure of the sanitary sewer treatment system; except-for the negligence of the ~ , - , District, its agents, officials, employees, contractors; or subcontractors. Provided however, the District shall take action as necessary to enforceahe Sewer Use Ordinance of the District =. - `' ` .. ~ ,` 27. Additional Services. ', .j . .~ ~ ~.~~ The City, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-312, may but is no't required to` provide services outside the corporate limits, therefore it is understood and agreed that the City . 114 ~ . ~ ~ :~ ,12 ~, • ~: ~,. ~~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 has no obligation to.provide treatment services beyond those specified in this agreement. .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this agreement to be duly executed in its name and the District has caused this agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal affixed and .attested to. . [SEAL) New Hanover County Water and Sewer District ., ~,. ~ ~ C1 ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ = williarn A. ~. Caster' ~ __~,_,~ ' ~`.7"~ ~ ~~~ Chairman Jerk to the Board ~'~r'~'o =~~ ~. This instrument has been pre- . ,audited in the manner required ~ . by the Local Government BudgeE and Fiscal Control .act. ~ . . Approved as to Form: _~ . . ^ County Finance Director mss' County Attorney [SEAL] City of Wilmington ATTEST: ~ ' . Mayor ~ - ,. ~~ ~ tt Clerk ;~,:_; ~ 4~„ ,,' :.:--_ ,~. ~ - ~ ~ - ~ = U. ~ - ~~~'' . ~~ 115 i3 ' v~i~~~tl~Vf~'~L _ This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget_ and Fiscal Control Act. /~.~ ~ City Finance Director New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 Appro d as to Form: ' ~ ~~~ City Attorney STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ - . I, ~~~~~~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the District. the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. . ~ `.y ~ . WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this ~ da of ~C~C~`I"J;(3~ 1996. '; .~~ • ~'~ ; Notary Public My commission expires:. _ . - _ •-~' m~ - --~-- 'v - _ . =;'- •. " • - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ . ~ . I, ~u ~pres .(~~~' N~ c ~~~--~;,~a Notar , Public of the State and C u Y o my aforesaid, certify that e, ~ 2 .S cce,v - Sic ~,v~ . personally came before me this day and " acknowledged that he is Jerk to the City o ilmington, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Citv, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its IV9av~r. sealed with 116 ~ [ ~ _14 _ ~ . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 its official seal and attested by herself as rts Clerk. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this ~~day of ~ , 1996. Notary Public My co i sion expires: ~m ~Oo ( `~~~eitlitlit~~~ '~>>~ 0.F ~ ;~~. '~'~c~'~ c ,,,....,,. 1 e~ ~,;. .; ~~ ~ .~' Cl ti ~ ~ w ~~• ; ti yY. ~'•......•'~ \ 4 a~ f` O ~L TI G~~,~~1 plll::ti}a>>~ ' ,, Expansion and Upgrade to James A. Loughlin N/WTP to 12 MGD • (As provided by the 1996 Evalu~*'on by 51ack 8~ Veatch) City County Projected Cost Percents e Amount Percents e Amount Expansion of WV~fP i . ~ i Abandon Trickling Filters 50,000 ; 33.33% 16,667 66.67% 33,333 Upgrade Intermediate Pumping Station 50,000 ~ 0.00% 0 100.00% 50 000 Aeration Basins (One basin) (1) - 500,000 ; -33.33% (166,667 ) 133.33% , 666,667 Additional Blower Capacity 100,000 ~ -33.33% (33,333 ) 133.33% 133,333 ~ Final Clarifier Dist Box _ - 50,000 j 0.00% 0 100.00% _ 50 000 Final Clarifie? ' _ 800,000 ! 0.00% 0 ~ 100.00% _ . 800 000 ~ -Tertiary Filters __ _ - 950,000 66.67% 633,333 _ 33.33% ~ . 316,661 UV Disinfection Facilities • _ 450.000 ~ 66.67% 300 000 33 33% _ 150 000 ` ___ __ Modify Effluent Pump Station . -_ ~ 100,000, _ _ - 0.00% . 0 . 100.00% __ _ , . 100,000 j Gravity Belt Thickener _ _ 150,000 ~ ~ _ 0.00% 0 100.00%; 150,000 Electrical & Instrumentation --_-- 480,000 i _ 0.00°'° 0 100.00% j 480 000 General Requirements _ __ ~ 480,000; _--_ 0.00% 0 = _ 10 0.00%, , 480,000' Total Construction - j 4,160,000 ~ 750,000 _ ~ 3,410,000 Engineering, Legal 8 Admin (25%} __ _ 1,040,000 1 187,500 _ ___ _ I 852,500 Contingency (15%) ~ 624,000 I 112,500 I _ __ _ ~ 511 500 Total Expansion - - 5,824,000 i I 1,050,000 ~ ! , 4,774 000 City/County percentage _ _ ~ o 18.03/ i , 81 97/ __ _- ~ -.- _ ..T -... - . ° .. -_ t ~ ~ U rode of WWTP --- ' . -- ~ - ---- 1 ----- ' , Nitrification ~ I -' - - ~ ---- ___ _, ~ T -- Aeration Basins Two Basins (1 -- ( ). ) _ i 1,0 100.00% 1,000,000 0.0 0 %! 0 I Blowers - 00 000! 100 00%~ 100 0001 _ _ 0 00° 0 _ _ __ _ 0 .. _Alkalinity Feed System , _ ___ 100.OOG . 66 6i% I , 66,667 j . . _, 33 33~% 33.33 Electrical & Instrumentation ~ 170,000T ----- _ 66 67% ~ 113,333 ~ 33 33% i _ 56.667 General Requirements ~ 1701 (1M' RR F7°i I ~~~ ~z~ __ --i7 ;=;o~ ~ «~-- ! - Total Nitrification :_._. ; 1,540,000 ~ 1,393,333 ~ 146,667 Tertiary Filters __ ~ -" -- ---" I ~ -- - ~- ;_ Filters _ _ 1 -_ 1.900,000. 66.67°,6 i 1,266,667 3' ,"% ~ J..~.~ _ .. 5'3 33 Electrical & Instrumentation_ ~ f 300,000 66.67% i • . 200,000 ~ 33 33So ' , i OG 000 General Requirements '- -- - __ ~ _ X00,000 ! - ° ~ 66 67 / 0 ; 200,000 - o ~ 33 33 !° . ~ - 100 000 _ _ Total Tertiary Filters ... I __ 2,500,000 ; -_. __ _ ~ 1,666,667 _ . _ 833 333 Reaeration ~ 1~ ., - , ---- ~-- •=.dd Diffusers to Cholorine Contact 6as~, - --- 2G.0GG ~ ? 66 6 i 70 13 333 j --: - . ;.. =~ - • n 1- A.,r Compressor 80,000 i . .: ------..---_...._._ 66 6%°!0 1 53,333 ` _-...... 3~ :,~".-~ , ~ ~. ------ 667 X6 Electrical & Instrumentation 15,000 ;' 66.67% ~ -' -10,000 33 33% . 5 000 General Requirements j 15,000 ! 66.67% 10,000 33.33% ~ . 5 000 Total Reaeration I ~--- _ _ , 130,000; -- ', 86,667 --- . -- - 43 333 . UV Disinfection Facilities - I 'r- - .. - 1,500,000 i 66.67% 1,066,667 I _ 33 33%~ _ _ , 533 333 :- otal Construction _ __ _ 5,770,000; 4,213,333 ... i , 1 556 667 ' _- Engineering ,Legal &Admin (25°%) T 1,442,500' ___ 1,053,333 _ ' _, , _ 389.167 . _ Contingency (15%) _ _ _ _ ~ 865,500 632,000 _ _ __ _ t _ 233,500 _ Total Upgrade r... -~ '" - 8,078,000 - ~ 5,898,667 ~ 2.179,333 C;lv/Count percentaoe _ _ _ Se to e and Grease Fa ilit _ - - .. ! - --T 73.02% - - , 26.98%_ - c I Construction I 500,000. 25 00%~ ~ _125,000 75 00% ; 375.000 Engineering ,Legal &Admin 25 /o _._ _ (, ) __ _ 125,000 ~ 31,250 _ 93.750 - Cont,ngency(15%) __ I 75,000; ~• ~ 18,750 56 250 Total Septage and Grease Facility . i-.. _... _ _ 700,000 ! ` ~ 175,000 ~ I . . 525,000 ~7`~"/'/TP Discharge 2 250 000 66 67% ~ 1 500 000 ~ 33 33% ~ 750 000 ~ 1 " ~ ~ ~ Grand Total 16,852,000 i ~ 8,623,667 I ~ 8,228 333 C ty/Count, percents e g L , ------ - I . • 7°~ i • ..51.1 . , ~ . _ ._ .-- - .: y ,- ;"~ ~ , I - _.._ . paying for 1/3 of all four aeration basins in l f n (1 ~~ ~ p ace a te r upgrade and expansion of the V~M/TP (2) io o d Facility Debt Service wilt be paid through user fees for treatment costs WWTP-EST WK4 . 05/07/96 .. ,.~- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1999 PAGE 523. APPROVAL OF NORTHSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE AND APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT #2000-04 County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, requested the District Board to adopt aProject Ordinance to establish the budget for the total cost of expanding the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. He advised .that Staff had only. budgeted for the first phase, which pays for engineering costs associated with the planning and design of the wastewater treatment plant. Chairman Greer commented on this project being a joint venture between the City and County, and he asked if the figures reflected in the Project Ordinance represent the District's match of 50% for the projected cost of the project: County Engineer Blanchard responded the percentage -will be based on the actual flow received by the District, which should be 50% or less. - District Commissioner Davis commented on the fact that no agreement has been reached between the City and County regarding establishment of an entity to operate a joint water and sewer service, and he asked if adoption of the Project Ordinance will have an impact on this effort. Chairman Greer explained that when the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant agreement was signed by the City and County, it was originally part of the agreement for a joint entity to be established; however, the City requested removal of this condition with preparation of two separate agreements. Both agreements were prepared and signed, but the City has not fulfilled its commitment to establishing a joint entity to provide water and sewer services. If the County had known the City was not willing to establish an entity, the County would not have signed the wastewater treatment plant expansion agreement; however, the agreement 'was signed and the County should follow through with its commitment. County Engineer Blanchard informed the District Board that City Staff has been most cooperative in working out the details of the agreement. 1Vlotion: After commenting on the County fulfilling its commitment, District Commissioner Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by Vice-Chairman Howell to approve the Project Ordinance for expansion of the 23 rd Street Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amoun"t of $1,199,317 and approve- the associated Budget Amendment #2000-04. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - A copy of the Project Ordinance is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in W&S District Book II, Page 26. Budget Amendment #2000-04 , - Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Project/Water/Sewer. Escrow - MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 17, 1999 PAGE 503 CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO ENGINEERING CONTRACT #95-0142B WITH MCI~VI AND CREED ENGINEERS AND APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENT #99-0153 ~ - ' County Engineer Wyatt Blanchard reported that an amendment to the contract with McKim and Creed was needed to include grit removal and design for the headworks improvements at the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. The original system would not remove the necessary amount of grit in the treatment process. The proposed contract amount is $183,217: Of that amount, $35,200 has already been budgeted, leaving a net increase of $148,017 for design of the expanded headworks.. The engineering fee and construction cost will be split between the District and the City of Wilmington, proportioned to the allocated wastewater flow in the plant. Chairman Greer asked for an explanation of the split in the cost between the District and the City based on the allocation flow of the plarit~. The letter from McKim and Creed stated that the City has six MGD and will receive another two. The County has two MGD and will receive another six. Based on those quantities, he asked how the cost will be split. County Engineer Blanchard replied that those splits are based on the long term allocations. • Generally, it is anticipated and usually assumed that the split is eight and six and not eight and eight. Motion: District Commissioner.Birzenieks MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Howell, to approve the amendment to the contract with McKim and Creed Engineers, iri the amount of $183,217, and to approve the associated budget amendment. Upon 'vote,' the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Budget Amendment #99-0153 -Water and Sewer District Escrow/Ogden Interceptor ~ '. Debit Credit Water and Sewer District Escrow (Fund 801): 'Appropriated Fund Balance • ' $148,017 ' Transfer to Capital Projects/Sewer ~ ~ $148,017 Ogden Interceptor: . Operating Transfer ~In ~ ' ~ $148,017 Capital Project'Expenses ~ - ~ $148,017 ' . Purpose: To budget the net increase for design of the expanded headworks at the City of Wilmington's Northside Treatment Plant. The engineering fee and construction cost will be split between the District and the City, proportional to the allocated flow in the plant. ' . ,~ CONSIDERATION OF CONTRACT FOR PENDER COUNTY TO RECEIVE 'AN ADDITIONAL 25,000 GPD SEWER ALLOCATION FOR THREE COUNTY SCHOOLS County Manager O'Neal reported that'he received a call on~Friday afternoon-from City 12 tanager Mary Gornto requesting that the County table action on the additional sewer allocatiori until {~._ ,~ "" "' ;PAGE 02 EXELg32T B ~~ S o1U.tlon City Council ~ City of Wilzxaington - North Carolina .Introduced Hy: Mary M. Gornto, City Manager Dste; December 5, 2000 RESOLUTI0IY AUTHORIZIIITG TIIE UPGRADE AND E7'CPANSION OF THE NOItTIISIDE WASTEWATER TREATMEN'T' PLAN'T' y TO A CAPACITY OF 16 MILLION GALLONS PER DAY ~ LEGISL,ATTVE INTENT/PUIiI'OSE: The City and New Hanover County engaged McKim and Czeed, Engineers to develop~a wastewater system master plan that addresses the future wastewater treatment needs of the City and New Hanover County. This joint effort was approved in an interlocal agreernent between the City and New Hanover County in December 1996, Highlights of the need to expand the Northside WWTp were Pte, focusing on the County Cvmrzxissioners at a work session on November 27,2000. Sev ral alterns# ves were evaluated, ,including building on another site, expanding to 12 million gallons per day and expanding to 16 million gallons per day The recommended alternative is to expand the plant an the existing site to a capacity of 16 million gallons per day. This alternative is projected to meet the needs of the City and ZVew l.lanvver County tlyrough the year 2020. This alternative also includes allowances for modest capacity sales to Fender County without jeopardizing the needs ofthe City and New Hanover County. Sitvuld ,Fender County commit to purchase capacity-iti excess of the allowance, the expansion capacity can be .adjusted accordingly. T'he recommended alternative provides good economy of scale without constructing capacity that may be underutilized far into the distant future. The reeorr~mended alternative allows for tkte continued modular expansion to an ultimate capacity of 24 million gallons per day when needed. The estimated construction cost of the recommended alternative, including design, construction - administration anal inspections, is Sb3,700,000 tv be shared between tkte City and New Hanover .County, The casts sharing ratio is still being reviewed by City and Courny staff. RESOLVED: The City Manager is authorized to proceed with plans to upgrade and expand the Northside Wastewater Treatment plant in partnership with New Hanover County to a capacity of 1 ~ mrlhon gallons per day. Additional capacity may be designed and constructed,. if needed, to accommodate purchase agreements with Render County, . David Jones, 11~ayor Adopted at a regular meeting on , 2000. - ATTEST: , City Clerk 121. ~~~r c SCOPE OF WORK Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade & Expansion Presentation . The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are currently evaluating their respective wastewater treatment and conveyance system infrastructure to determine (what, when, where and how much) the need for wastewater system infrastructure .improvements. The.need for the wastewater system evaluations is driven by the continued growth in population and commercial development found within the City and the County. Since 1990, the City and the County have experienced a 30 percent growth in population. The anticipated growth over the next 20 years will require the City to expand and upgrade its two wastewater treatment plants. The current capacity of the Northside and Southside Wastewater Treatment plants is 8 and 12 MGD respectively. The anticipated growth within the City and the County will require the City to expand the Nortfiside facility's capacity to 16 MGD by 2020 and upgrade the treatment systems at both facilities.to meet potentially stringent effluent limitations. The following presents the scope of work to provide engineering services to ,expand the City's Northside WWTP from its current permitted' capacity of 8 MGD to 16 MGD.. The complete scope of work is based on our current knowledge of the facility. The Consultant (McKim & Creed, Tetra Tech and Hazen and .Sawyer) :will provide final contract documents, permitting assistance, and construction assistance .for, the. Northside . WWTP Expansion including alternative procurement assistance for specialized process .equipment. items. ,-The .following scope of work is the continuation of the~Preliminary Engineering phase of this project. Task 200 - Detailed Design , 202 -Final Design Contract Documents The final contract documents (bid documents) ~ will consist of~' the ' .plans "(drawings) and specifications for the expansion of the Northside WWTP. The contract documents will be used by the contractor to prepare bids for the work detailed on the plans .and described in the specifications. The final contract documents will include, if needed, such items as pre- purchased and/or pre-qualified equipment. Other tasks to be performed by the Consultant will include preparation of a final opinion of construction cost. The final contract documents will be submitted to the City at the. 60, 90 and 100 percent completion levels.Detailed reviews will be included with each submittal and the opinion .of. construction cost will be updated for each submittal. The contract documents will include the following disciplines. • Civil Site , ~:._: • Architectural • Structural ~.: .. _, • Mechanical. •. Environmental /Sanitary • Electrical Power " _ 122 • .Electrical Controls / Instrumentation / SCADA ~ , NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion December 00 ~ ,. Page - 7 00824-0059 ~ .. Scope of Work The major facility design areas will include the following: • Septage and Grease Treatment • Headworks Odor Control • Grit Removal • Flow Splitting • Primary Clarifiers • Secondary Treatment • Final Clarifiers • WAS/RAS Pumping : . . • Tertiary Treatment • Disinfection . , • Effluent Pumping . Solids Handling/Pumping/Disposal • Class A Sludge Drying • Civil/Site ' Piping Hydraulics ' Chemical Treatment • Electrical Controls /Instrumentation / SCADA • Electrical Power The Consultant will include an in-house quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC-Value Engineering Review) review by staff members not involved in the project. The QA/QC review wily be entirely separate from the normal in-house reviews conducted by the project team and the City's staff. The QA/QC-Value Engineering Review will provide .the City with .written .comments to be addressed by the project team. The QA/QC review will be conducted after the 30 percent design submittal and its findings presented to the design team along with comments ` from the City's 30 percent design review. ~ - .~ Task 300 - Permitting . The Consultant will .assist the City with obtaining all permits required for the project. The permits required for this project include the following. • NPDES Permitting ' • Soil & Erosion Control _. , ~ Stormwater • Nationwide 12/14 • COE 404. LAMA {if required) - , _ • City/NCDOT (if. required) • Railroad Encroachment (if required) ' • . Authorization to Construct The .Consultant will prepare all. applications :and following execution by the City submit the applications to the appropriate agency for approval. The Consultant will address all comments from the agencies and assist the City with negotiations concerning any permitting issue uc ~~~ NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion _ ; .December 00 ~ Page - 2 00824-0059. ~ Scope of Work as toxicity and final effluent limits. The City will pay all fees associated with the permits. The Consultant anticipates that the total for all permit fees should not exceed $7,000. The Consultant, as part of the master Ian ro'ect, is current) erformin data collection and p p J YP g water quality modeling. The results of this effort will be used to negotiate the final NPDES permit limits for the Northside WWTP. The. following presents the scope of work for the additional water quality evaluations. A. Provide Scientific Support to City/County/Protect Team Negotiations with DWQ Tetra Tech Inc. will support the City/County/Project Team in preparing for and .conducting negotiations with the. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) regarding NPDES permit applications. Support will include consultation to team members and City/County staffs regarding the scientific basis for determination of NPDES permit limits and conditions. Tetra Tech will help develop meeting agendas, prepare meeting/correspondence materials, and participate in conference calls and meetings. Tetra Tech will not lead conference calls or face- to-face meetings with DWQ; rather it will take on the role of scientific expert for these sessions. Tetra Tech will make up to 3 presentations regarding modeling methods and results to support the City/County/Project Team meetings with DWQ. Tetra Tech will help prepare for and attend up to 6 additional meetings/conference calls where such presentations'will not be necessary. ,~a B. Provide Additional Modeling Support and Analysis ' ~ ~ ~ ' Tetra Tech will make up to 10 additional model runs (depending on level of complexity) to support further investigation by the City/County in their negotiations with DWQ...: Support will include model input modification, computer run management, post-processing of results, .and .brief documentation of results. Additionally, Tetra Tech will.proyide corresponding analysis grid interpretation of results to the extent resources allow. ~ ~ J . C. Interaction with Lower Cape Fear River Program 4 Tetra Tech will attend up to 3 meetings of the-Lower Cape Fear River Program as,needed to support the City/County in their dialogue, with members, DWQ, arid' EPA Region 4 regarding .' ,.water quality modeling in the Lower Cape Fear River and TMDL development.. D. Miscellaneous Consultation - ~ ~ ' The City/County are sometimes in need of technical reviews of materials, related to the modeling . ~. and NPDES permitting issues associated with expansion of their discharges. Tetra Tech will, as resources allow, provide a minimal amount of consultation to the City/County on miscellaneous .. ~, . issues related to the project scope of work: ' Task 400 - Bidding/Award '. ~,;. ,~ A. Bid Document Administration '. . . ,~ ` ~ The Consultant will assist the City with preparing an advertisement for bid and coordinate distribution of contract documents for bidding to all City pre=qualified bidders and plari houses such as Dodge Report, AGC, etc. ,1.24 ~ C~; NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion December 00 ~ Page - 3 . 00824-0059 ~ : ~ Scope of Work B. Pre-Bid Meeting/Response to Comments • .The Consultant will be available to answer contractor questions/comments, assist with addenda preparation, and atterid pre-bid conference. C. Bid Evaluation/Award The Consultant will assist with the review of bidder qualifications and will review bid proposals: The Consultant will prepare letter of recommendation and attend Council meeting to support ..recommendation if required. D. Re-Bid The Consultant will assist the re-bid of the project should the bids be rejected for any valid reason. Assistance will include Contractor selection, solving scheduling and procurement problems and finding ways to reduce the capital cost and performing the necessary evaluations for project cost reductions or to remedy any deficiencies resulting in a decision to reject all bids. The Consultant will also provide the same services listed in items A, B and C of for Task 400. Re-design of system components to reduce the cost of project is not included in the scope of services. - Task 500 - Construction Administration A. Pre-Construction Conference The Consultant will .prepare for and conduct the pre-construction conference. Minutes of the meeting will be prepared and distributed to all attendees. . B. Shop Drawing and Other Submittal Reviews The Consultant will establish and administer a procedure for receiving and tracking all submittals including all long -lead-time items made by the contractor. Procedures may include innovative computer based methods. The Consultant shall provide technical review of all shop drawings, detailed construction drawings, erection drawings, and other submittals. The Consultants will discuss/incorporate City review comments as appropriate. Presentations by the Consultant and vendor to Owner's staff may be needed for, complex submittals Copies of all submittal reviews shall be forwarded to the City and the contractor. ` C, Cntermediate and Final Inspection Punch Lists The Consultant's Lead Discipline Project Engineers and the Project Manager will assist the Resident Construction Observer in reviewing the completed work at the intermediate and final ' inspections. The Consultant will assist in resolving punch list items with the contractor and will ' perform follow-up .inspections. ' D. Conduct Construction Progress Meetings The Consultant, shall schedule, prepare for, attend, and conduct progress meetings at the project site to include City's staff and the contractor's representative. These meetings shall be normally. held on a once per month basis. During critical times of construction, the me ti •. ~ ~ ~ ~~ NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion ~ December 00 Page = 4 ` 00824-0059 ~ Scope of Work may be held every two weeks. -The Consultant will ensure that the contractors- abide by and respond to items concerning the progress meetings; this also includes the project schedule. E. Prepare Project Progress Summary Reports The Consultant shall direct the construction observation activities and shall receive and review all Daily Construction Observation Progress Reports and the minutes from all Construction Progress meetings. Copies of the Progress Reports with comments necessary to clarify project status will be forwarded to the City on a bi-weekly basis. ' F. Prepare Record Drawings Using information provided by the contractor, confirmed by on-site observations, the Consultant shall provide Record Drawings of the project. The Consultant shall ensure the validity of the record drawings by using- innovative techniques such, as digital cameras and GPS locating devices to provide the information needed to confirm the validity of the record drawings. Record drawings will be furnished on reproducible (Mylar) media and on CD-R in AutoCAD's latest release. Supporting documentation that validates the record drawings will also be provided in electronic format. The Consultant will verify and. certify that the project has been a constructed in accordance with the contract documents. The following statement will appear on each record drawing. This record drawing was field verified by the engineer during..construction. Based on this field verification, the engineer certifies that this project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and that this drawing represents fhe~ completed project as constructed. BY~ Registration No: ~ Date. Task 600 - Operations and Maintenance Manual '. . ~ ~ ~ ~. A. Manual Preparation ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . The Consultant will prepare a detailed Operation sand Nlaintenance`(O&M)~ Manual, which includes integration, coordination and cross referencing ,of the contributions of the Consultant, Contractor and the various manufacturers for the NSWWTP Expansion...The O&M Manual will also update for the expansion components grid upgrade of the existing Operation and Maintenance Manuals for the wastewater treatment plant. The manual will be customized for each 1/WVfP. The O&M Manual will conform to State and EPA requirements. `The manuals will be interactive manuals produced and presented to tiie City on' a magnetic disk (CD). The ,,, ,.. . manuals-will provide links to the vendor supplied equipment manuals.'A bound paper version will be prepared for review and approval by the DENR.'` 4 r ~ ~~ v. t 1 ~ B. Manual Review `, - ~ . ... The O&M Manuals will be submitted for review by the operational staff The Consultant will revise the draft O&M manual and prepare 5 copies of the manual for submittal to the~City. The Consultant will assemble grid deliver to the .City a complete set of ~appr-oyed ,shop ,drawings, operational instructions, maintehance publications,'and manufacturer's' documents prior to final 12 ~ceptance. NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion December 00 ,. , ~;a„ + .. y;, ~.~ _,: page - 5 00824-0059 Scope of Work Task 700 - Startup/Training/Project Closeout C7 A. Startup/Traininq The Consultant will assist the City with startup and training for all process and mechanical equipment including "shake-down" and resolution of conflicts during the warranty period.. The Consultant will coordinate all activities between the contractor and the City for training- and startup of the facility. The Consultant will ensure that the facility is ready for startup by certifying that the facility is substantially complete and that the contractor has scheduled training for the City's staff with input from the City. The Consultant will also be responsible for ensuring that the contractor has submitted all equipment manuals and provided a training schedule for City's operation and maintenance staff that is approved by the City. B. Close-out Project and Provide Final Certification to Regulatory Agencies • The Consultant will assist the City~in closing out the project including completion certification to the City and regulatory agencies, final disbursement of funds and completion of the warranty period.. Engineer shall certify that facilities were constructed in substantial completion with the construction document.. The Consultant will also perform preliminary walk-throughs to develop preliminary punch lists for each major phase of the project. Verification of punch list compliance will be accomplished. The Consultant shall review the contractor's final draw request and will assist in the preparation of the final resolution change order. Upon completion of construction, the Consultant.shall prepare and submit final certification documents to the regulatory agencies as required. It is anticipated by the Consultant that operational acceptance will occur upon completion of various major construction components. The Consultant shall provide tracking of equipment warranties over the warranty period. Task 800 - Additional Services A. Construction Observation The Consultant shall provide the equivalent of three experienced Construction Observers to provide full-time, 45-hours per week construction observation for a continuing period estimated to be 24 months for the Northside WWTP, and 18 months for the effluent force main. The actual number of Construction Observers shall vary over the course of the project as needed. The Consultant's Resident Observers shall keep a daily log of construction activities and will forward these documents on a weekly basis to the Consultant for review and subsequent forwardirig to the City. The observers wil! also assist with validating. the construction by using digital cameras and GPS technology. B. Easements The Consultant will provide the surveying plats and deed descriptions for all easements required for the project. The services provided by the Consultant shall be based on lump, siam. C. Environmental Assessment (EA) The Consultant will perform the -activities required to assist the City with completing an environmental assessment for the project. The Consultant will perform the activities of the environmental assessment to ensure that all activities are completed as described and tha t~ . ~ ~ L~ NS WWTP Upgrade & Expansion .December 00 00824-0059 Page - 6 Scope of Work environmental assessment meets all State and Federal requirements for NPDES permitting. This includes wetlands issues (Nationwide 12/14) and CAMA, etc. ' It is not clear at this. time whether an EA or EIS will be required. The Consultant has included the fee for the. more costly-EIS: If only an EA is required, the Consultant will negotiate the fee for - the EA and credit the unused fee to the City. We anticipate the total cost for EA should not exceed $35, 000. . , D. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) ~ " The Consultant will perform the activities required to assist the City with completin an environmental impact statement for the 'project. This task shall only be completed upon wgtten authorization of the City. If authorized, the Consultant will 'perform the activities of the environmental impact statement. to ensure that all activities are completed as described and that the environmental impact statement meets all State and Federal. requirements for NPDES permitting. This includes wetlands issues (Nationwide 12/.14) and CAMA, etc. We anticipate the total cost for EIS should not exceed $125,000. ~ . . Project Fee and Schedule.. `; ~ .~ i. ~ ~ ' Adding` the followirig shall amend paragraph 2 of the existing contract: The fee for the above referenced scope of services shall be a combination of lump sum and not to exceed.` Tasks 202, 300,'400, "500, 600 and 700 shall be a lump sum amount of $3,621:,260 , while task 800 shall be fora fee not to exceed $1,163,650. , . ,,. . The Consultant will .offer more refined pricing and supporting documentation and justification for authorization prior to proceeding with any/all NE work. Project Fee Schedule: ~ ' Task , . ,.. . ,., , "Task Value Fee` .Total Fee ", Task 100 Surveying and Geofechnical cz~ ~~ • ~ " Task 100 A -Surveying cz~ ~ - ~ ~~ . Task 100 B - Geotechnical c2> _ ~ ~ ' ~ LS $ 35,000 f - " ~ ~ . LS .. Task 200 -- Detailed Design ~2~ ~ ~ $ 30,000 " .Task 201 -Preliminary Engineering cz~ Task 202 -Detailed Design.. ~ ~ LS $ 685,000 Task 300 -Permitting $2;422,140. LS = $2,422,140 ` ~ ' ' Task 400 -Bidding $ 334,000 NE $ 334,000 ~ °j Task 500 -Construction Administration $ 145,260 LS ..• :. ; '$ ..145,260 `•` " `~ Task 600 - O&M Manual $ 623,460 NE $ .623,460 `':. ~' ~';:'' Task 700 -Startup/Project Closeout °~ •$ .102,700 LS ~. '; $ • 102,700 ~;.. Task 800 -Additional Services ~ ' . $ 93'800. ~ LS $ 93,800 ~" Total Fee Lump Sum 1 163 650 NE 1 163 650. ~ ~ `` $3,721,360 `° Total Fee Not to Exceed ~ 1 163 650 ~ $4,471,360 ~~ Total Fee 1 163 650 ~'~ LS -Lump Sum; NE -Not to Exceed - $4,885,010 ,. - $5,635,010 t2~ This item authorized in previous contract amendment." ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ` ~ .` ~; :~ 128 Alc+ ~wnw.~.. . •-~ •~ ~~ ! ~. upgraae expansion December 0 00824-0059 . i I ., e j ~ Payment for these services shall be monthly based on de and the schedule referenced. Invoices shall be submittedatto MogrKen oVogt,s P I ES Superintendent of Wastewater. The amended schedule for the project is attache of work. d to this scope j END SCOPE OF WORK ;~ A/C Innerr-r, ., •• ~ r ~Ngraae 1S Expansion 00824-0059 December 00 ' Page _ g '~ Scope of Work ® Q, ~~ L ~ ~ ..^ ® ~ ~+ ~ ~` . .® ~:,:.: . ` i ® ': ~ . :' ~' 4 t ' 13 ppO " O e ~ ~ O W p p p ~ O O U ~~ O O ~ 00 ~ ~ O 00 r. O M pMp ~ V O OO O ~~~ O O O o O 0 0 0 o ~ O O 0 0 ~ . ~. N M 69~ ~ O O ~ o ..o O 0 o O . 0 0 0 o ~.~ o 0 o r~ o o . N J J _ Ca ; C . O +-~ -:. .~ ~.~ :'_' '... Cfl . CV CD y ~: Z O ~u 1 ~~~ ^ ~ ! w 01 Z ~vzJ (~ Vz/] ~ ~ a // C C ,: E - ~ ~ c 0 > , ., ,.~ .. w _~_~. :;~ o 1 Fri- ° j w i o U j ~ ~ ~ a p U p p ~' o ~- = o ~ 0 c~ . '~ ~ o ~ - a, ~ -a ~ •- ~ a~ ~, ~ -~ r- ~ ~ p o ~ _~ ~ ° o -~ ~- N ~ O i ~ r-- >' ~ ~ ~ ~ O p 4~ ~ ~ _ o ~ - ~ ~ ~ O .(6 ~ ~ _~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ® ~- ~~ ~~~ .. ~~~~o c~ m ~~ m ca m .~ ~W ~_ ~ - ~ ~ W I ~ V i i i i i ' - '. .. .. ~'. i ' 1 i ~~ ~~ ~~ i ~~ ~ ~ i s~ ~` (~( ~ ~I ' .f ~.' i , t~ 0 N N ~;~ F M M 0 ~ cv r~ , ._.._.. G N ~ r7 O G (V G ^ ~ ~ O C4 N ' _. _ _._ ~ .. m m ~ C O j' ~ U m C . ~ ~. ~. m c L a E ~ •p ~ o , , a w ¢ .- s ' ~ a o w '~ n Z s C i.7 C ~ ~ C .£ m E e ~ t V f ~ a C o ` z ~ z ~ ~ z a d o m a ;o . a m II Y ~ 1 a ~ m ~ v o .en a . N O F ~~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ , e ° N h m P' a OC __ 0 .g 0 o U NJ (~ ~~~ ,.~.. .. . CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS December 18, 2000 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PA GE • NO. l . Approval of Minutes ~ 135 2. Approval of Resolution Directing the County Manager.to Consult with 137 County Commissioners on all Proposed Capital Projects and to Confer with City of Wilmington Council on the Feasibility of Joint Venture Projects 3. Approval of Smart Start Grant Application - $100;000 for Navigator Program 139 " Expansion 4.. Approval of Branch Banking & Trust of North Carolina Resolution and 149 . - Agreement for Deposit Account 5. "Approval of In-home Breast Feeding Support Program 152 6. Consideration of Hazard Mitigation Acquisition &Reallocation-Capital 169 Project Ordinance; Grant Agreement - • 7. , Approval of Revision of Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Funds 173 8. Approval of Release of Value 175 - • 9. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 177 Collection Reports - 10. Approval of Budget Calendar - FY 2001-2002 181 11. Approval of Resolution Pertaining to Voter Identification 185 ~ ~ 133 134 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Goverhing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT:. , Approval of Minuutes . . BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, December 4, 2000 Closed Session, December 4, 2000 Joint Meeting with the City, November 27, 2000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. - FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS:. -ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW i COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMM~PON ~ ~ . ' APPROVED REJECTCD p ' REPROVED O . POSTPONED p ~ ~ . HEARD Z . DATE „ ~ I '~,; . , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ~ ~pNOVER CQ Ted Davis, Jr. ~ (I~fficp rrf - a~~ ay~j Chairman ~ ~'(~( ,. ,.. ~~c~~~ ~~ t1~1~~~~~~t.Q~~X'.~ * , Robert G. Greer 9~ ,.~~~lo~ Vice-Chairman "~rTP~ ~fTXTIIftCT ~OITYC#~ ~ cc`~'w ~FHORiN~P Julia Roseman 3Zf1 ~1~$s#xi~x# ~#r~$#, ~aexm 3II5 Wanda M. Copley C t Att Commissioner oun y orney ilmirtg#~n ~ar#If C~tzrulintt 284iJ1-4II33 ' ' William A. Caster Commissioner (~BIe~l~uxce (31II) 341-714$ .Allen O Neal - County~Manager Nancy H. Prichett ~~tx (3117) 341-413.(7 Lucie F. Harrell Commissioner Clerk to the Board E RESOLUTION ' " ,. ~ . , DIRECTING THE COUNTY MANAGER TO CONSULT WITH THE COUNTY COMIV~ISSIONERS ON ALL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS'AND TO CONFER WITH WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL ON THE FEASIBILITY OF JOINT CAPITAL PROJECTS ., .. .. WHEREAS, New Hanover County and' the City of Wilmington are full service government entities with multi-million dollar capital improvement programs; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington each strive to save taxpayers money whenever possible without sacrificing quality or efficiency; and . ,. _.._ - WHEREAS, the County and City are planning several large projects over the next fiscal year that will affect the taxpayers of Wilmington and New Hanover County; and ..,,;, WHEREAS, New Hanover County Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council~have agreed to work more closely ---/// together especially on capital projects that will result in cost savings for the citizens of New Hanover County and Wilmington; 'y ~ :.. ,. - 'J . .., 'NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. that the New Haiiover Count .Board of Commissioners directs the County Y Manager to keep Commissioners informed of all proposed capital pro~ects.and inform ahe City Mariager so that the County ' , Commissioners and City Council can be aware and determine ,if it would' be feasible: for the project(s) to be a joint capital project. . -.. ,.. , ~ . , Adopted this the 18"' day of December, 2000. ~ - . ., . r` New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ,: u: .,, .. .. -. ~ ... .. ..`... es . ..[ - .. ~ i h ` Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ATTEST: ~ ~, ,` ~ ~,~ ,. 1-.15 ~ ~ ,- ... ~ _ , i ~ Harrell, Clerk to the Board''-. - ~ :; , ~i~3~ ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` ~ ~ ` a REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - _ ~ Meeting. Date: 12/18/00 . Consent Item #: 3. Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Health -Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director - Contact: Janet McCumbee 343.6559. .. 5 .. .. SUBJECT: Smart Start Grant Application.-$100,000 for Navigator Program Expansion BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' The Board of Health has approved by a unanimous vote, a Smart Start Grant application for ~ , $100,000 for the Health Department NAVIGATOR Program Expansion. X: The local Smart Start has received additional service money which is to~be spent by. June 2001. • .Representatives from Smart Start and the Cape Fear-Memorial Foundation have discussed ` .,expanding the Health Department's NAVIGATOR Prenatal and Early"Childhood Nurse Home Visiting Program. There are many more pregnant women eligible for this ..intensive home visiting ~. service, and we have a waiting list for Maternity Care Coordination (MCC) and NAVIGATOR. This is, a great opportunity since both Smart Start and Cape Fear Memorial Foundation.a;re very ' ~ interested in supporting our program., Smart Start will fund 3 additional nurses to expand . - ~ NAVIGATOR between January and June, 2001. In:July, 2001, we will submit a grant to Cape Fear ° ° Memorial Foundation in an effort to continue this-expansion. . With the $100,000, we will hire 2 additional nurse home visitors to serve 50 more families who , are first-time parents under the 100% poverty level. The third nurse will be a family Assessment , Coordinator who will screen all parents during the pregnancy or at delivery, to determine the need for services and make referrals to al! available community resources. -This nurse will be a liaison: . • to other Health .Department programs, the hospital, private doctors; and community agencies.. e . .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RED ESTED ACTIONS: - ~~' .Approval of grant application and associated budget amendment if grant is awarded. ~. ,. ,. .. ~ ,. .FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - ,. Smart Start .a ; - _. ATTACHMENTS:, , . _., , 4 Yes, 9 pages including a memo and 8 page grant applicafiori (including budget page). . ,_ .,: ~. REVIEWED BY: ~ - - ` LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve . HUMAN RESOURCES:~N/A --: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~• ~, . • COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS/ MENTS. . . a . .. ." , • : ~;, ~ . ,._ COUNTY COMMIcS10N~R~ ~ .APPROVED . ~ ~ REJECTED, C7 :.~ . - ~ ~ RE~I OVED d ~ 13 9 ~. . POSTPONED ^ ~. ~ .. :. ~ ,- 1 ' -~ ,, .. ~~ ,._. • ;, ` F- New Hanover County Partnership for.Children January 2001-June 2001 Smart Start Funding Application • Cover Sheet ' ` .. Activity Title:Intensive Home Visiting Program (IHVP1 ' Organization:New Hanover County Health Department-Child Health ` Address: 2029 S. 17t~' Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Executive Director/CEO: David E. Rice, M.P.H., M.A. Telephone: 910-343-6500 Contact Person: 7anet McCumbee, RN Telephone: 910=343-6559 140 Title: rhitduPalthT`hrPrt~r Fax:Number:A10.-~4.]-414h TYPe of Agency: O.Non=Profit ,(X) Public ' " OPrivate ~ , Federal Tax Identification Number: • ~ 56-0989131 ,.. .: _ _ Brief Activity Abstract: The Intensive Home Visiting Program (Navigator) has - followed the Olds Curriculum for the"past year in New Hanover County. Two nurses ` have reached maximum caseloads and there is documented 229 clients in the target ` • population; (first time moms, 100% poverty) which could be served with.the expansion of two additional nurses,to the program.. These•nurses will make weekly and biweekly , home.visits providing resources for financial, transportation, safety and social support to • • ". high-risk families. With frequent intense home visits the nurse will affect the"jlong-term c .prevention of abuse/neglect or crime. A Family,Assessment Coordinator would conduct ' a detailed assessment on all families andmake appropriate referrals to programs sand a ''~ ',: ' •. ~ ,< ,. _ provide information as needed. ~ ~ . Goal(s) Addressed by this Activity (Appendix A): IV V •' '' " Objectives Addressed by the Activity (Appendix A): IVB VA VC " , Total Active Bud et: Smart Start Fu 'ty g nds•Requested: $100,000 '' Will you seek funding for this activity for a second year? Amount: Have you ever~applied for Smart Start funding? Yes _;. `:_° . Have you ever received Smart Start funding? Yes " If yes, ple name Vlty(leS)C Health Check Coordination & Preventive Health in Day Cares .- ~9~O~~a . " Signature-Executive Director/CEO Date ' . ~4 . y . _ , g . DO NOT~~WRITEtsBELOVI;'TAISjLINE. _ CC-SUB PURP/BERN CODE -OTHER , } ~1~}1e~.~{~s~~ CC-OTHER COLLABORATION HEALTH LEN. FUNDING ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ -~'~ FAMSUPP ADMIN COST ~ ®f~~t7 ~;~ ~' _a _ ~;: .~ (2) Full Description of Activity K- A• The Intensive Home Visiting program (Navigator) was implemented with.funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice in September 1999. Visits are started during the prenatal period and continue until the child is two years old. Since that time two nurses (training , and curriculum of Dr. Olds) and a part time Clerical staff were hired, one nurse with a maximum caseload of 25 clients and one nurse with supervisory duties and a maximum caseload of 15 clients. The target population for the Navigator Program is first time . moms, 100% poverty and living in New Hanover County. Since referrals were started in November 1999 the program has received over 90 referrals and as of June 2000 referrals were limited due to meeting maximum caseload requirements for each nurse. Results of the program revealed that clients 84% of the time kept OB office appointments, 50% of clients initiated breastfeeding, and 94% were receiving WIC services. ; To decrease rapid " repeat pregnancy rates, 90% of clients received a method of birth control. Statistics are being gathered on all participants to ensure that goals are being met. New Hanover County research data isbeing sent to UNC-CH, along with data from other pilot intensive home visiting programs. Most participants have delivered at ths,time and a specific parenting curriculum called P.LP.E. (Partners in Parenting Education) "has become a vital part of the weekly and biweekly home visits. This curriculum enhances parenting skills, facilitates mother baby interacton'and increase`s the mother's confidence` and ability to initiate babies developmental skills: ~"This age specifio program assists .with increasing ~ • • brain development; improving parenting ~skills,~ enabling moms to recognize and respond ~ ~ _~- to babies cues appropriately, which results in a decrease in child abuse and neglect by . providing. coping skills and support. Dr. Olds curriculum also includes health ' assessments and health teaching as well as life course development. ~ In addition, NAVIGATOR incorporates the Maternity Care .Coordination and Child Service . . Coordination guidelines, including providing community resources for these families. ,. A community triage team has been implemented to include representatives from Office of Juvenile Justice, Department of Social Services, Adolescent Parenting Program, teen clinics,,schools, Maternal Health, private Ob/Gyn offices, and clients. From this collaborative effort a resource guide has been developed to be distributed to ,clients and the community. ~ _ .. ... ,. Statistics from New Hanover County reflect approximately 229 clients annually are in the ;' target population and eligible for the Navigator Program: With theses statistics we are requesting three additional nurses. One nurse will act, as a Family Assessment ... ;, ~ - Coordinator who will provide a detailed family needs assessment either during pregnancy " . - ,. .,. or immediately after delivery. ,This nurse will provide screenings daily (including ~ ~' weekends and holidays), act as liaison between New Hanover County Health ~., Department, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, private offices (OB and Pediatric) and surrounding counties. 'Referrals to appropriate programs will be made with input and permission from the family. If the family refuses services or is not in need of specific 142 ;; . . ,.. _ 3 _,~ (3) services at that time the Family Assessment Coordinator (FAC) will continue to be available to the family for questions, concerns, or referrals as needed. The additional two positions will provide nurses for the Navigator Program for Intensive - Home Visiting Services, enabling the program to accept referrals, and enroll (approximately 50) high-risk families and teens. These nurses will help meet the identified needs in the community. They will also provide relief for the •Family Assessment Coordinator. A recent publication by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated that, "the earlier in a child's life a parent based intervention begins the more effective it is likely to be". Interventions aimed at low income, single parents improved the maternal life course, reduced the number of months mothers received public assistance and food stamps, reduced behavioral problems associated with drugs and alcohol and reduced the number of arrests. Dr. Olds Prenatal & Early childhood Nurse Home Visitation Program is - highlighted in this publication. B. Collaboration We continue present collaborative efforts with DSS, Mental Health, DEC, PAT, local child health providers, Child Advocacy Commission, the NHC school system, family support network, local hospital staff, Communities That Care, Catholic Social Ministries, CDC; and UCP. Collaborative efforts involve: Participation on committees to coordinate and ensure appropriate services; mutual referrals for services and often sharing clients to provide more comprehensive resources; staff training; child advocacy; community ..awareness; family support; parenting education; community planning and needs assessment; and seeking other grants which benefit o«r at-risk families. The NAVIGATOR Program has already established a Prenatal Triage Team, which meets quarterly to. advice us on programmatic issues, network, and share resources for pregnant low-income women. Other programs in_ the community that provide some in home services are Parents as Teachers and DSS. Parents as Teachers serves families with children birth to 5 years who request their program and accepts referrals from the .community (no income guides). Their main emphasis during home visits is on helping parents be -their child's best teacher. They also provide a parent support group. Social services have high-risk services for families at risk of protective service involvement. A homemaker is assigned to assist families with children of all ages with immediate resource needs (transportation; scheduling, budgeting). Adolescent Parenting Prevention Program through Planned Parenthood serves as a support to teen moms. They have very limited capacity in numbers served.. NAVIGATOR nurses would establish a relationship with a family prenatally and continue to support the family long term, until the child is two years old for optimal development; health, and safety of the children. At age two, the family will be referred to other appropriate family support services. w (4) In kind will be staff office space, utilities, regular telephone usage, postage,, copying,. faxing; supervision, and administrative staff support. This grant will also be submitted to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for possible funding later in the 2001 year. Our state Women's and Children's Branch is working to get Medicaid reimbursement for the nurse visits. . - NAVIGATOR is'part of a statewide system of pilots. These pilots are being followed, supported and researched by UNC School of Public Health. The Healthy Families Coalition in Raleigh, which consists of people from many agencies and organizations interested -in the welfare of children, has pushed for funding of these pilots. The long- term plan is to look at which of three programs would be best for N.C to fund permanently. I see this as a program that can affect long-term service delivery across NC. ,The Health Department has home visiting programs in several areas of Women's and Children's Health (Maternity Care Coordination and Child Care Coordination) and therefore has background acid experience to pilot this program. Maternity Care Coordination has a waiting list due to inability to serve all eligible pregnant women. _ Child Service Coordination is at maximum capacity. C. Timeline January 1, 2001: Recruit and hire nurses , _ - . - - February 2001: Orient staff to.public health, in-house services, personnel issues, etc. . March 2001: Train staff on model program; establish screening and referral system ' ' ~ . April-June: Begin.acceptingvew referrals and making visits VI. • (Not Applicable) , V1I. Outputs A. Number of children to be served (January-June)-10 (prenatal mostly) B. Number of families served-50 . C. Number of prenatal packets-300.:. , D. Number of referrals for other services-50 E. Number of education sessions (PIPE one on one parenting)-50 F. Number of home visits per month-100 ~ .. VI11. Activity Outcomes . ~ _ • Program participants will have few reports of abuse and neglect to DSS . • Program participants will have received early regular prenatal care, therefore. have good pregnancy outcomes. • Children born to participants will have developmental arid health problems identified early and appropriate care offered. . 144 - • • (5) • Children will have a primary care physician at birth, source of insurance, and participate. in well care. • Seventy-five percent of participants will continue with the program through the first year and 50% through the second year. • A community triage system developed for prenatal patients which models our present triage system for children 0-5 years to improve our county's continuation of services • Improvement of parental life course, including preventing subsequent intended pregnancy, completing education and finding work, and strengthening the family's formal and informal support system IX. Evaluation Plan A. Data Collection • The home visitors have created logs, charts, etc. as needed to collect data daily and compile.for monthly reports. The state has also developed a computer data system for us to use. • Because IJNC School of Public Health is involved in the research, we are given technical assistance in collecting and analyzing the data collected: The information will be part of long term research for North Carolina, related to outcomes from the many pilots for Intensive Home Visiting. • We will report to the PFC all usual required information and pilot results. IJNC-CH data is available quarterly and an end of year report (99-00) done for the Office of Juvenile Justice is available from the NAVIGATOR Staff. • Budget Narrative NAVIGATOR PROGRAM January 2001-June 2001 11) Salary/Wages/Benefits Home Visitors • Salary/Benefits Nurse,(Full Time)-Supervisor- $32,000 • Salary/Benefits Nurse (Full Time)-Entry Level- $22,000 Screener Salary/Benefits Nurse (Full Time)-Entry Level- $22,000 Clerical Support Additional Hours (10/wk) to existing staff- $2,500 14) Office Supplies & Materials Routine desk supplies, software, briefcases, etc.- $500 I S) Service Related Supplies Uniforms ($250 X 3 Nurses) $750 Videos, educational supplies, incentives (safety & health) X1,250 17) Travel Hotel, meals, mileage for out of town travel . Training's/meetings $2,000 In town mileage for home visitors (.325/mile) $1,000 18) Communication ~• Cell phones X 2 ($17/month) ~ ~ ~ $170 Phone installation X 3 $200 Pager X 1 $130 20) Printin • Brochures, flyers, forms $1,000 22) Meeting/Conference Expense Supplies/refreshments for client parenting classes & Advisory committee $200 23) Employee Training • `. • Registration for training ~ ~ _ $300 38) Furniture ($500+) • Cubicles X 3 (desks/offices) $6,000 39) Computer Eguipment/Printers ($500+) . •~'. 3 Personal computers $6,000 ,. ~ 1'. t . 40) Furniture/Equipment Under $500 • Other computer equipment =~~:.,•~,..h;;~' $1,000 Chairs, file cabinets ' `, :"~' ~ ~ +;, $1;000 146 :. ,. ~~ ~BUDGE~ Contractor: New Hanover County Health Department NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION a Meeting Date: 12/18/00 • Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Branch Banking & Trust. of North Carolina Resolution and Agreement for .Deposit Account BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ Attached Branch Banking & Trust of. North Carolina (BB&T) Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account as required by BB&T to be kept on file for New Hanover County Water Sewer Collection. • Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account Designates: 1) BB&T as Depository & Authority to draw checks. 2) BB&T to honor mechanically produced signatures. 3) BB&T authority to cash checks issued or held by New Hanover County.. 4) Bruce T. Shell; New Hanover County Finance Director,.as authorized sighature on County checking account with BB&T. 5) Julianne M. Griffin, Deputy Finance Director, as authorized signature on County checking account with BB&T. 6) Barbara D. McClure, Assistant Finance Director, as authorized signature on County checking account with BB&T. The Water and Sewer Finance Department will soon begin using the "lock box" method for collecting water and sewer payments received by mail. When customers mail their utility payments, the' receipt will be processed by BB&T with deposits electronically sent to the County. This will add to the efficiency of the Water and Sewer Finance Department. The attached Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account allows us to set up the proper transfer account between BB&T and our bank. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Board of County Commissioners adopt the Branch Banking & Trust of North Carolina (BB&T) Resolution and Agreement for Deposit Account for the New Hanover County Water Sewer Collection Account. FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: • LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN R~ESOUR,GES; N/A, t,uuN t Y t,ulJlivnS. IONER~ APPROVED f. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: REJECTED D Recommend approval of resolution and agreement. Authorize the Chai:rrmaraEto si ~n the '~, agreement. POSTPONED (~ HEARD '~' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: DATE t2 ~~ ~v 9 BB~T RESOLUTI~ Name of Organization . `~7 Corporation O Unincorporated Association O Limited Liability Corporation ON AND AGREEMENT FOR DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ~C~~-~sy ~~~y~r ~~~9...~.C~~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~0 ~~~-1 , EIN CdC~overnment Entity O Sole Proprietorship `~ /// O Partnership O Limited Liability Partnership O Other I, the ..undersigned, hereby certify to BB&T that I am the Secretary/Assistant Secretary (or as applicable, Proprietor, Authorized Partner, Authorized Manager or othe Authorized Person). of the above named Organization duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of ~~ ~~U ~ A ~ ~ J ; and that the following is a true copy of resolutions duly adopted by the Organization at a meeting held on ,and that such resolutions are in full force and effect and have not been amended or rescinded: RESOLVED, that BB&T, is hereby designated as a depository institution for the Organization and that deposit account(s) be opened and maintained with BB&T subject to its deposit account agreement and any other applicable rules, regulations and fee schedule, for such accounts; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any ONE of the following persons (a "Designated Individual', be hereby authorized, on behalf of the Organization, to execute any application, signature card or any other documentation required by BB&T to open said accounts and to take whatever other actions or enter into whatever other agreements relating to the accounts that BB&T requires; to sign checks, drafts, notes, bills, time deposits, instruments or other orders for the payment or withdrawal of money from said accounts; to endorse checks, instruments, bills, drafts, certificates of deposit, bonds, or other instruments, owned or held by the Organization for deposit or for collection by BB&T; to accept drafts, acceptances, and other instruments payable at BB&T; and to waive presentment, demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor of any check, note, bill, draft, or other instrument made, drawn or endorsed by the Organization: ' Pi•inted/Typed Name ' .Title FOR BANK USE ONLY !! Received By ~ 1 -Y Date i ~'~~•~ ~ ' Profi Center Bank No. ~'~"~._. State ~~~ EIN ~~ 4.1~' ~C~C.l"h`~~1 Acct # Acct # Acct # ~ i ~ y.~ ~ Lek _. Acct # Acct # Acct # Acct # Acct # Acct # Acct # ~ Acct # ~'_~• ~' "~C,omplete Applicable section on Keverse , . , . 150 s, ~ ~~t~~=~.~.. Forward To: . ~ ~~~~ Records Management • F00080006T~5 ('R'ev=06/a16/99)~~;~~ M/C 100-99-15-11 ~ ,. .Authorized Signature FURTHER RESOLVED, that any authority granted herein shall not be limited to the above named Designated Individuals, but shall extend to such additional or different individuals as are named as being so authorized in any written notification signed by any of the above Designated Individuals; and FURTHER RESOLVED; that BB&T be and is hereby authorized to honor, receive, certify, pay or exchange any items bearing the signature of any one Designated Individual even though such. payment may create an overdraft or even though such item may be drawn or endorsed to the order of any Designated Individual signing the same or tendered by such individual or a third party for exchange or cashing, or in payment of the individual obligation of such party, or for deposit to such individual's personal account and BB&T shall not be required or be under any obligation to inquire as to the circumstances of the issuance or use of any such item or the application or disposition of such item or the proceeds thereof; and, further, that BB&T is authorized to honor any instructions regarding withdrawals, orders for payment or transfer of the funds whether oral, by telephone or electronic means if such withdrawal, orders or transfer are initiated by a Designated Individual; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the signature or endorsement of any of Designated Individual may be affixed to any check, draft or other order for the payment of money drawn in the Organization's name by stamp or other facsimile process, and any signature or endorsement of any such person so affixed shall be effective and may be relied upon by BB&T as a properly authorized original regardless- of by whom or under what circumstances so affixed; and the Organization hereby indemnifies and holds BB&T harmless against any and all loss, cost, damage or expense suffered or incurred by BB&T arising out of or in any way related to the misuse or unlawful or unauthorized use by a person of such facsimile signature; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that any Designated Individual is authorized to execute and deliver an electronic fund transfers agreement and to make transfers or withdrawals by electronic or telephonic means on behalf ' of the Organization; to obtain an access device (including but not limited to a card, code or other means of access) that may be used for the purpose of initiating electronic fund transfers: to establish and maintain a night depository agreement; to execute and deliver a wire transfer agreement; to enter into any agreement for the provision of Cash Management Services; to lease a safe deposit box;. and to take whatever other actions or enter into whatever other agreements relating to the deposit accounts that BB&T requests. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Organization, shall from time to time hereafter, as changes to the Designated Individuals are made, immediately report and certify such changes to BB&T through submission of a new Resolution And ~greement For Deposit Account and signature card and BB&T shall be fully protected in relying on such certifications and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any claims, demands, expenses, losses, or damages resulting from, or growing out of, honoring the signature of any Designated Individual so certified, or refusing to honor any signature not so certified; and , . FURTHER RESOLVED, that all transactions by any officer or employee of this Organization on its behalf and in its name with BB&T prior to the delivery of this Resolution And Agreement For Deposit Account are hereby ratified and approved.. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal, if any, of this. Entity,_. this day of ,Year >~" For Corporations: Secretary/Assistant Secretary (Corporate .Seal) For All Other Entities: (Proprietor, Authorized Partner, Authorized (Seal) ~: (Seal) (Seal) . .._ .~ ~, -or_other~Authorizeda?erson) 151 , ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF. COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 . Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: Lorelei. Jones, Extension Agent, Nutrition Programs Supervisor Contact: Lorelei Jones • (910) 253.2610 or (910) 612.1555 SUBJECT: In-Home Breast Feeding Support Education Program BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Nutrition Advisory Board, New Hanover County WIC (Women Infants and Children) and New Hanover County Regional Medical Center Maternity Care met to discuss the need for breast feeding education with new mothers in early January of this year. At that time it was determined that the need was present and with the County Director's , approval steps were taken to include New Hahover County'in a statewide proposal process. The ~Iri-Home Breast Feeding Support Program was chosen as a part of North Carolina's Nutrition Plan because of its high impact in existing counties. The North Carolina Nutrition Network funded the program for North Carolina in 1999 for the first time and in 2000 included expansion counties. The program focuses on providing education to pregnant and lactating women. $53,151 has been ' allocated for New Hanover County. Allocation match of $52,348 will be provided via in-kind services. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , The Board accept the funding for the In-Home Breast Feeding Support Program from the North ' Carolina Nutrition. Network and approve associated Budget Amendment #01-0092. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ...,. ~.. ; The North Carolina Nutrition. Network ~ , .1 ATTACHMENTS: Budget Amendment #01.0092 ' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,. Recommend approval with the stipulations that no additional County money will be allocated, no additional staff will be made available and finally that the Cooperative Extension Service will not require additional space to operate the program..Also; recommend approval of Budget ~}~ Amendment 01-0092: ~ ~ '~ r /./ ,:, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: •.. ' :' " couNTY eo~~~ssioN~R APPROVED ~~ - ` REJECTED D - - - - .. e'.: _ ;.. ,; :, '.... REM1.~90VED D 1 ~~ POSTPONED. ^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IN-HOME BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT. PROGRAM County Match for funds - - $43,380 from the health department $ 8,968 from the Family & Consumer Education Agent $52,348 committed from the County in match . Budget Proposal Program Assistant Salary + Benefits - State Employees 30 hour Breastfeeding Program Assistant 30 hour Back-up Breastfeeding Program/EFI`BP ~ ~ • . - =Total of $34,118. , : ,.: <. . (Based on salary of $13,125 each + state benefits) Travel :-Estimated at 750 miles/month of in-countytravel for Program Assistant and 225 miles -for Back-up + travel to Raleigh for training and in-services - ~ ~ . • ' Includes per diem for overnights in Raleigh $4909 .. . Training by International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in Breastfeeding Support (pro-rated by number of counties) ` • ` ~ ~ ` ~ r ~ ° ` . $1,500/county ~ ~ \ Commumca ~ ... •,. tions - $690 Educational Supplies , $1,000 ":. :;.: -:..: a .. . ~~x , . .Nutrition Program Supervisor (NPS) (Estimate 1 NPS/15 PA's = 1/15 of an FTE salary ± benefits + travel) $6,710 . Promotion of Breastfeeding in New Hanover County -. $1,000 . - Data Manager to collect BF duration data for evaluation ' (1 DM/15 counties =.1/15 of salary + benefits + travel) $3,224 • _ ; TOTAL = $53,151 ~ .rr ,,.,:. , There are many other costs to the program,~such~as~training in nutrition, costs at the state .level to manage ' the program;~etc,~~whzch.a~reA.covered by other match we have obtained outside of the county ci << -North Carolina State University will manage funds for this program. • -154 ~ ..~~~~~ ~~ ~:~ ° In-Nome Breastfeeding .. ,° . Support Program ~ . " ~ _. - The purpose of this program is to support and encourage young. mothers in breastfeeding successfully. " • Developed by the Cooperative Extension Service's Expanded Food and Nutrition " Education Program (EFNEP) at North. Carolina State University and the Supplemental " ' Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). • ~ The In Home Breastfeeding Support Program pairs limited-income mothers who want to nurse their newborns with trained nutrition educators who have breastfeeding experience. • Funding sources are from the North Carolina Nutrition network (NCNN}. The funds received are not a grant. They are federal dollars made. available to provide nutrition education to food stamp eligible families. The funds are a dollar for dollar match (for every IocaUstate dollar that is committed to the program, we will receive a dollar . from the network). " • In-Kind matches ~ . Health Department 659b or $43,380 . . Brenda Carter's 20 i& or $8,968 ° (New Hanover County Cooperative Extension) ; • Brenda Carter's involvement with the program may include, but is not limited to: participating in the interview for program assistants (PA's); facilitating the PA's work with our local partners, WIC and the local hospital; promoting the program to local leaders in the community; meeting .with the PA's supervising agent (in person or on ` the telephone} to organize the pro3ect and to keep informed of its progress; assisting . with organizing local breastfeeding support groups, attending Breastfeeding quarterly meetings; making referrals to the Breastfeeding PA, assisting with recruiting eligible . people from other extension programs into this one.. •~ The county will benefit by having healthier .babies who are able to reach their full potential. In addition, women who breastfeed take less time off from work because their children have less .sick days and fewer hospital visits.: " ° Additional Benefits to the Baby: ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ ~ ° . ~ . - - breastmilk has all of the nutrients an infant requires and is more easily . . °° - " digestible. ~~ . : - ~ " breastfeeding provides. natural protection against infections. • " , ' ~ - . breastfeeding provides protection against a variety of health problems that"include ear infections, diarrhea, .allergies, respiratory infections, ' _. , u meningitis, diabetes, and SIDS..:. " . - breastfed babies have less hospital visits. - - evidence suggests that: breastfed babies have a higher IQ than non-bmastfed " babies. ~ . - lireastfeeding increases mother-infant `bonding. - Additional. Benefits to the Mother:... " - breastfeeding provides maternal protection against breast and -ovarian cancer , and .decreased risk of postpartum hemorrhage. ~ . . = increased self-esteem and co~dence. decreased anxiety through the. action. of maternal hormone oxytocin an~l ~ 5 -" , ~ prolactin. ~ .. ~. - convenience--no need. to mix formula and takes less time than formula feeding. . - savings--because breastfed babies get' sick less often, it means fewer doctor visits, medicines and time off from work. ~, - breastfeeding is also less expensive than formula, even if a mother receives ' ' "free" formula from the WIC program, because babies tend. to use moxe than what is provided. • At any one time, there are ,400=500 pregnant women enrolled in. WIC in addition to 100-125 women breastfeeding. The current goal in the WIC contract addendum for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 for breastfeeding are: 35 % to initiate breastfeeding. ~ ' . 19% infants breastfeeding at 6 weeks.: t 11 % infants breastfeeding at 6 months. , up to 39 % increase initiation.. ~ . • ' = ~ To meet the need, for breastfeeding support, the In-Home Breastfeeding Support Program pairs women who want to tireastfeed their newborns with well-trained, ' ° ` 'paraprofessional nutrition educators who have breastfed their own children. The program places these Breastfeeding Education Program Assistants (BFPA's) in county Cooperative Extension Service centers, under the supervision of a multi=county .extension agent (Lorelei Jones) who has experience in managing community nutrition education programs. The BFPA's are trained by extension staff in nutrition, based. on the Food Guide Pyramid and latest Dietary .Guidelines for Americans. They are trained in breastfeeding by an International' Board Certified Lactation ~ Consultant ...,. .. . (IBCL,C) ;using a fully developed curricuhun_ ~ • . ,; , ` • Breastfeeding.Education PA's visit with new Food Stamp. Eligible FSE mothers in prenatal clinics; hospitals and in homes to'explain the importance 'of,breastfeeding, to ~ - • ~` help mothers establish' breastfeeding, and to help them,overcome early) obstacles. ,The . BFPA's make home visits within 72 hours of the mother's discharge to,,answer questions; solve problems, and provide comprehensive educattion.. r The BFPA makes additional home visits as she deems necessary or :at a mother's :request_ '' , - _ ~. ~ ' ~ A second nutrition education paraprofessional who is also ~ trained ,in ,breastfeeding -. .. - . v , education serves as the Back-Up`Breastfeeding Education PA: The back-up's job is to ~ `. handle case overloaii and to ensure continuity of service to participants.,,,-` ~ ` , • Although the BFPA's are placed in ,the county extension' center-, .the health department staff provide sub}ect matter; expertise, and referral far. medical complications. • The primary PA will work 40 hours per week. The back=up PA' will work 30 hours per week. ~ .. ` ~. , ; . • In-Homey Breastfeeding Support Program `services are ,free to mothers Cost incurred by WIC ands EFNEP are returned through °savings in subsidized ,formula and health-' ., ` t F care costs. : M.:.. ~ : _ ,.. y Y .. . s ,f ' ' , ;.: .w _: i . . 156 ~ - ~~ ~ t - ~:., .., ., 'SENT BY: NGSU COOPERATIVE EXT; 252 729 2321; -DEG-5-00 9:19AM; PAGE 2 Narrative ' II. Statement of Need (for references in this section, please see page 23). . Nutrition education is defined as • gray set of learning experiences designed to facilitate the voluntary adoption`of ' eating and other nutrition-related behaviors conducive to health and well-being. This defiuitian and others suggest that behavioral chance is the ultimate criterion for ,effective tzutrition education. (1, p. 279} _ In the wine issue of the Journal of Nutrition Education. (JNE) in which this defnitian appeared, a - chapter on nutrition education for pregnant women lists several goals for this population. One of the nutrition cducaUon goals listed is: "...for lactating women and for caretakers of infants, the - goalsare also behavioral: to increase breastfeediriD initiation and duration..." (1, p. 32q}. The .TNE - periodically inetudes research articles on breastfeeding probrams. In JNE's 1945 review of ' . breastfeeding education research (l ), the summary states: In summary, prenatal breastfeeding education, eitherin the form of intensive individual counseling or group classes, can influence the intention and initiation of ' breasdeedino and should be provided early. The review suggests that-the ' - edz~catianal content should focus on dze relationship between breastfecdin, :md the health of [he infant and on problems and myths concerning breastfeeding:..'l'he results of postpartum inten•encions point to the importance of aiding the mother in puninQ the baby to the breast. intensive in-hospital support, as well as - comprehznsi~~e follow-up, impacted breastfeeding duration. (p. 33~j T1ie American Dietetic Association "strongly encourages the promotion and advocacy of activities that supp~rz longer duration of successful breast-feeding, in order to optimize the indisputable • ~ nutritional, immttnoiogical, psychological, and economic benefits." (2). - - The American Academy of Pediatrics describesbreastmilk as "the optimal form of nutrition for infants." (3} Breast milk is rriorc economical than conutrercially prepared infanC formulas and it meets ~dll of a newborn's nutritional needs. The World Health Urtranization.(4} considers breastfeeding to be one of the four roast important factors for child health. Infants indeveloped - countrieswho breastfeed for at least three mianths are one-third less Iikely to be readmitted to the . hospital in their first year- These infants arc also less likely to contract illnesses. When they do, the illnesses are less severe. By belying Food Stamp eligible mothers increase the length of lime - - they.breastfeed, their newborns will be healthie"r, have fewerhospitai visits and fewerillnesses than ' is currently the case (~). ,' • - , It has been estimated that the US infant mortality rate (7.1 out of every 1,000 Iivc births in 1997) could be reduced by 4 out of every l,t)p0 Live births i.f all infants were breastfed (5,5). Breasrfeeding is one of the three recommendations b yen by the American Academy of Pediatrics to reduce the infant`s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. (SIT)S) (7)- Fn 1988, North Carolina (NC) ranked next ~to•Iast in the nation in infant ttrortaIity. As itnnrovemcnts were. seen in the early 1990s, NC's rapt improved to about forty-third (8). ' However, in 199x, 19g~, and 1997, the infant mortality rate for North Carolina remained at 9.2, while the rate for the nation continued to decline:"As a result, preliminary data for 1997 indicaEe - ~ - - 2 . • ; • . ~ ~~~ . SENT BY: NCSU COOPERATIVE EXT; 252 729 2321; DEC-5-00 9:19AM; PAGE 3 thatNC again had the second highest infacit inurtality rate in the nation: Our state's rate of death from SIDS. - a major contributor to infant death - is higher than;that of the US as well (8), In 199.5, 59% of women iri the United States were breastfeeding at the time of hospital discharge; 22%were nursing at 6.moriths (3); :. The average breaetfeeding initiation rate for women enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, infants & Children'(WIC) in .North Carolina is 38%. At six weeks the figure drops to 19%. At six months only 10°/n of WIC women are continuing to breastfeed. These figures are based on W.IC's 97/98 fiscal year for initiation,. and. the 96l9Tfiscal year for 6 weeks and 6:months (latest~data available). ,. •~~. . . in the nation, the highest rates of breastfeeding are observed among higher-income; college-educated women over 30 years c?f age living in the Mountain and Pacific regions of the United States (3) At the hospitals in northeastern NC,• many'of the women who have chosen to breastfeed are those who are higher-income and college-educated, The majority of women who are Food Stamp eligible(FSE)-feed their irifarits formula: • Bre'astfeeding'education targeted toward low-income women is critical. for improving breastfeeding rates, improving infant ' nutrition, lowering the rn~mber of infant health ~pi~oblems and irltimAtely lowering the cost of health care. - ~ • . .a .. ,- Unfortunately, providing`adequate siapport and on=going encouragement tp breastfeeding mothers '` is pepyond the scope of most healthcare systems: ,•Short-terra hospital slays and a lack of sources of su ort within the home and coinmuni y have exacerbated the problem, .Lacking the necessary - assistance, many women do not even attempt breastfeeding or give;up within the first two weeks ,. ost artum.. W ' p p e have foi.ind in the cotinties.where.the In-home;Breastfeeding Support Program '` _, , (IBSP) was iritrodi~ced,'that, once women~tearu of the ~utritivn and health benefits to their child •~ from breasimilk and receive proper support to breastfeed, the initiation and duration rates of breastfeeding in this population rise dramatically ",,ti • ,.. , I SENT BY: NCSU COOPERATIVE EXT; 252 729 2321; DEC-5-t)O 9:20AM; PAGE,4/8' . • • • IiI_ .Description of Nutrition Education Program To meet the need for breastfeeding support, the In=Home $reastfeedino Support Program pairs women who want to breastfeed their newborns with well-trained, paraprofessional nutrition educators who breastfed their awn children. The program places these Breastfeeding Education PTOgram Assistants (BP PAs) in cotmry Cooperative Extension Service centezs, under the supervision of amulti-county Extension agent who has experience in managin; conununity _ nutrition education programs, the Nutrition Programs Supervisor (NPS)_ The local health department and hospital-based staff provide lactation expertise and facilitate ieferral for medical complications. The BF PAs are trdincd by Extension staff tin nutrition, based on the Food Guide Pyramid and latest Dietary Guidelines for Arnericaus, by Extension staff. They are trained in br~easffeedina by an International Boazd Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCf.C) using a fully developed curriculum (see below and appendix 1, p, IS)_ The Bp' PA informs mothers prenatally of the bene#its of breastfeeding through classes at the • I-Iealtli Department, in prenatal clinics and orae-on-one. Mothers are inforri~ed of the Benefits to the baby. * breastmilk has all of the nutrients an infant requires and is easily di~estible(2) ~_ breastfeeding provides protection against infections (3) ' breastfeeding provides protection against a variety of health problems, including ear infections, diarrhea, allergies', respiratory infections, meninsitis, diabetes, SIDS, arnvng others. (3) breastfed habies have less hospital visits (ZO) x evidence suggests that breasrfed babies have a higher IQ than non-breastfed (1'2) brcasrfecding increases mother-infant bondinD (13) Benef se yeast ed babies get sick less often, it means less doctor visits, medicines and tithe off from work (2). Breastfeedino is also less expensive than formula, even if a mother receives "free" formula from the twIC program, because babies tend to use more than what is provided (IO). In addition, mothers are taught the signs to watch for to assure that their infant is receiving an adequate amount of breasimilk, positions to use to assure that the infant is Iatchct3 on properly, thereb}'increasing the mother's comfort and hel trig often heard many myths associated with breastfe dinb these are discussed and debunkeders have PAs are also taught proper nutrition duruto Z he BF pregnancy and lactation, to assist the motherin making healthy dietary choices for herself as well. Breastfeeding Education PAs visit with new F5E mothers in prenatal cIit>.ics, hospitals and in the ' home to explain the importance of breastfeeding help them overcome early obstacles. The BF PAs make home vs tsawirihin 72 hours { ~~ d to mother's discharge to answer questions, solve problerrts and provide comprehensive education. + . its to the mother: breastfeeding provides maternal protection against breast and ovarian cancer and decreased risk of postpartum hemorrhage (2, 14) x increased self-esteem and confidence (10) decreased anxiety through the action of maternal hormones oxvtocin and prolactin (l~j x - - .. con venience - no need to mix formula and takes less tune than formula feeding savi n ~s - becau b f SENT BY: NCSU COOPERATIVE EXT; ,.,.......160 . 252 729 2321; DEG-5-00 9:21 AM; PAGE 5/8 fYew mothers often need emotional support and encouragement, a$ well as technical help, with ° breastfeeding. This support comes at the time which is most critical for establishing and maintaining lactation. The $I~ PA makes additional Itome visits as she deems necessary nr at a mother'srequest. Referrals are made to E1=1~I>~Pfor additional nutrition topics as needed. Referrals are also made to the BF PA fmm EP'NF-P and other ExtensioII contacts. A second nutrition education paraprofessional who is also trained in breastfeeding education, . serves as the Back=up Breastfeeding Education PA. Th'e back-up's job is to handle case overload and to ensure continuity of service to participants. -, The I$SP is unique in that it provides breastfeeding support in the hospital and in a mother's home at the time that is critical for increasing the duration of breastfeeding. The WIC,program does an outstandiub job promoting breastfeeding and encouraginc moms to'choose brea_stmilk as the best choice for her newborn's nutrition~and health. As can he seen by Che breasrfeeding statistics for duration, however, promotion alone is not enough here or anywhere in t1ie~US. Many of the well- recognizedbenefits of breastfeedin ;are substantially greater with exclusi ve breastfeeding for at least 4 months. The current dramatic decline in breastfeeding rates after the first 1 io 2 months means tTlost infants miss out on many of the potential benefits (2). ., ,~ , • Here the IBSP and WIC complement each other. Together W1C and Extrusion devel oped the TF3SP. When WIC and CES first began to develop this program (see below), iE ivas realized that each program had specific strengths that when combined, together would be greater than the sum of the parts. WtC wanted to extend its breastfeeding impact to duration. Ii was realized that pravidirtg education and rapport through home visiting could positively affect duration. ",CES has aver 34 years experience in home delivery of nutrition education. CES could riot cl'o'the ~pro~ram without WIC and WIC likewise needed the experience of CES. ~ - - ' i'3y supporting moins after the bob}' is born, the IBSF dramatically increases duration of breastfeeding (see table 1)_ The WIC programs in the area covered b}' this proposal do ubl have the staff or resources to make hospital and home visits to help moms follow' Ihrou~ll on their breastfeeding choice. WIC has recognized the benefiC of collaborating with Extension to provide , this important nutrition education. CES benefits from WIC's technical expertise (lactation ~. professionals) and the access to pregnant and post-parium women that WIC brings to the partnership. WIC benefits from CES's 30-year history of hirina,~traittina and_superyisiori of . - indigenous Fai~aprofessionats who teach through home visits. By working together, we increase . impact while conserr•ing resources. We build upon and expand the powerful work that WIC is doing, The WIC programs in this area are showinn through their'support of th~c program,,that they understand Under Secretary Shirley 1'Vatkin's concept that we"need to have'.'an'iiitegratcd approach [to nutrition education] - no program should be functioning in a vacuum...".(16) ,; This model,for breastfeeding support has been extensively Tested The program was•`originaIly~~, developed in 1990 as a joint effort by WIC and CLcS, with funding for'the pilot progiarri provided . by a breastf-eedin~rant from the state WIC pr•agram. In 1991, the project was expanded b}• , ES/W1C Initiative foods from the United States Department of Agriculture'(USDA).' Theresults ,,,. 1n tables 1 and 2 below show that the IBSP contributes to the breastfeeding success aiid.increased breastfeeding duration of WIC recipients in both urban and rural locations • • , . SENT BY: NGSU GOOPERATIVE~EXT; 252 729 2321; DEC-5-00 9:21 AM; PAGE &/9 Tsblc 1--. $n~rdistg Ihrst:riex . Wake Couaty Phut project . Number and Pe "`` _ zrent Brtas[fetding -----~- ac 2 weeks postpartvzn at 8 week; o B9r~c I,rr~venzimz p ~mim 1940 n=2D0 250 (JS°+b) fffrcr lnztn~mtion 34 (I796) 1991 Year 1 n~268 'Rata of Change 224 (83.1 °k) 113 (4S_4%) +49.396 , +Z61°k ' Canna! (Cnei~d County) ~ . 1991 Ycar 1 nti 15 . 64 (55.6°~) 17 (14.70 • 'Perrcnr chsrge.tru detenmuned ruing absolurc nwnbers ofbrctstftecGngpardcip~na_ • Table 2 ~-BnasY'crdiRB Drrrnn°on -~_ , ~<Panslon to Addicionz! Counties W'kc~~ ' 1`Iarne~ ti~ipno Cumbcrland° PPCC• Robeson C,xaszon ClcveIand Burke P.ojeer durarZOn 5 tz-s 3 i'z= 3 y.^s , 3 m 3 yrs I.> yn I.5 y~ i T 2 yis Tonal y cnrolitd 2.~F?3 210 387 1,151 462 30S 131 S:} 366 , Pcrc:n:agcsa! brcys~tedinz ' a, q..•L•s i4 71 ~ 88 90 BS 88 .80 i_ i3 83 it ~r 5 w~ 56 6D 6-' 60 7> 66 62 fi4 i0 SO 6- 63 tr?iwis r/a i4 ~ 55 Sr 60 ST ~.. '-' 23 3 3f _~- 'P~squoati:, Peequimacs. Ca:rimek Gorden end llart eoundes ~ 3~ 'S •~Urban cov^.tics , ~: Col10W o ~ , lna the program ezpanslon thrQUoh ~ and F..x>;ension Service commissioned the NC ~$ totpa kabe thisimodelttofa ~iatare~ucation by other states. This resulted in the development of3 manuals: I The In- replication S"PPUrt Program: A Guide for Training Breast eedin O borne Breczrtfeedin~, Breasrfeeding Support Program: Trainzn } 8 Counselors (2) 77te In-home . Support Pro ram; A ~ Materials and (3) The In-Home Breasrfeeding 8 Guide for Implemenrazion and Management (see appendix 1}. Extensiol~ worked extensively with out partners at WIC, nationally recognized IBCLC's and w' r~ USDA's .. . 'Children's Nutrition Research Center Co a55ure the materials' aeeurac been successfully duplicated in many North Carolina counties and in several oche states with a " _ variety of different populations, p ~ m has since _ Ta increase awareness of the benefits of breastfeedilzg in communities wher several components of £he "jwing Su e FSE worrlen Iive, ~ ` campaign developed•by Best Start for U DA (see appendze~, p.j6watld'treare m~'keting attdieace, will be implemented. Educational materials, staff training gad tom d aE the WIC man.i ty PubLic Service Announcements (1'SAs) will be used to provide outreach to the commani training will be provided by an IBCLC to public health and hospital staff oa the benefits of . breastfeediaa ty• In addition, b a,rd how to coordiIIate breastfeeding~efforts wiEht the BhPA:. . 6 . ,~ ~. . 161 ' ~- _.,! Rr v` - z 1~ _ .. . - ~ ~ ;, cx v ~ W L W ,0 - ~ 5 ~ ~ - ~ +- C ~ ~ , ' ~p !' - ? .. ~ J ~. .. ' { , ~ r . ~ '- i ,. ., v ~. ~. i ~ r _ t , 1 ` ~ ~ ~ i . ~ t. ' . q~~ W W I . ' v ' ~ - ~ t ._ ~ `• ~ r' ,. ~ , j :. ~ i ~ ., - ®.. ... .~ 't ~~ c ,may ~A..~ R~ r , ~~ ~ w'~ ~ l~ ~ y~~ O ~ ~ 162- ~ R-- ~~ ~ . _ C _ ~ ° ~ ° ., - North Caro{ina Cooperative Extension Service College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - New Hanover County Center North Cazolina Cooperative Extension Servic College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 6206 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 . 920/452-6393 DATE: April 25, 2000 TO: NC Nutrition Network. . 108 South Anderson Street ~" Morganton, NC 28655-3804 FROM: Brenda Carter Family and Consumer Educator ~~ ~ ----~„~ R.E: In-Home Breastfeeding Support Program We are pleased to write in support of the In-home Breastfeeding .Support Program. As agreed, Brenda Carter in her position as Family and.Consumer Education agent, will dedicate 20 % (8,968) of this position's time and effort to this project. .Monthly time and effort reports will document the time and/or travel ,expended in the benefit of this project. No federal funds are included in this match.. This time is not committed to any other program or project. ~ We understand that the in-kind match is effective ~ during the course of the project, October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001. Examples of activities in which Brenda Carter will be involved may include, but are not limited to: participating in the interview for the PA; facilitating the program assistant's (PA's) work with our local partners, WIC and the local hospital; promoting the program to the local leaders in the community; meeting with the PA's. supervising agent (in person or on the phone) to organize the project and to keep informed of its progress; assisting -with organizing local BF support groups, attending BF Quarterly meetings; making referrals to the BF PA; assisting with recruiting eligible people from other Extension programs into this one, etc.. All of the above is pending on .approval of the New Hanover County Commissioners. 163 Employment acid program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina Slate University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. l~l~ ~O r ~~ ~~~~~L~I 1 Z :_._ H~AL3~ IDEP~TLdiENT zo29 savTH ~~ sTxEET ~ WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910} 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 ~"°'""`°~ B""''°'~'. DAVID S RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Heahh Director February 1 , 2000 T0: NC Nutrition Network ~ . - 108 South Anderson Street Morg~rston, NC 28655-3804 .. ~, FROM Nancy Nast....... ~;,,,~ Nutrition Program or • `. New Hanover Gourtt3~ ~VIC Program LYNDA F SMITH, M.P Assisiaut Health Dis~cta 02/06f2009 91:36 910-452-8356 OB DEPT P~ 02 ~) 1 G ~ Mev~r Hanover Regional Meelica! Center V P.t?. Box 9000 / 2 t31 S. t7th Street /Wilmington, I+iC 26402-9000 gt0-343-1000/ F~c 9t0-343-7220 • DAYI!) E.1tICB, M.P.H., M.A.' FIealt6 Diccctor NEW ~[AN~VER CO~fI~~ . HEALTH DEPARTtVIENT .2029 SOUTH 17~ STREET WII,MINGTON,NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (920) 341-4146 February 1, 2000 NC Nutrition Network l08 S<xtth Andexson Street Morganton, NC 28655-3804 LYNDA F S~II I ~E,11+LP Assistant Firalth Directs To flue evaluators of the grant Proposal- I am writing in support of the grant proposal submitted by New Hanover County Cooperative Extension for the Tn-Home Breastfeedtng Program- The positive health, econorrtic,, and environtrtemal benefits ofbreastfeeding bo mothers, infants, families, aril communities have been well docked. To quote fivrn a . . resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Board ofHealth in August 1999, . "breastntilk comauus the best possrble mYtrients for infants m become healthy and strong adults„ and "breastfeeding creates a smarter, healthier, and happier community." Many programs at the New Hanover County Health Department are aUeady working to incaease initiation and duration rates of breastfed infants iEt our county. kiowever, this proposed cooperative effort with New Hanover County Cooperative Factension, New ~ . Hanover County WIC Program, and New Hanover I-iealth i~ietwork will do much to ofTer even more support and ea~cauagemesut to breastfeeding mothers in New Hanover County., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: ' Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Hazard Mitigation Acquisition &Relocation-Capital Project Ordinance; Grant Agreement ~ , . ` BRIEF SUMMARY: 'Commissioners are requested to approve the Project Ordinance in the amount of $1,889,302 and budget amendment to establish the HMGP Acquisition & Relocation Program and to authorize acceptance of the grant also in the amount of $1,889,302. Commissioners granted permission to apply for this grant in November, 1999. The project involves the acquisition and demolition of 2 residential structures and the acquisition and demolition of 14 owner•occupied residential .structures located in New Hanover County. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance; request approval of associated budget ` amendment #2001.24; request acceptance of the HMGP grant in the amount of $1,889,302; - request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant document. .. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal$1,419,260 State $ 470,042 ATTACHMENTS: ba200124 CPHmgp. : REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve -HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend adop 'on of Capital Project Ordinance and Approval of Budget Amendment #2001.24. y , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. . ~ - . BOUNTY eOMMI j~SI~NE~ . APPROVED- . , REJECTED ~ . ~ RE~w~:~~.~ ~ ~ . 1 X69 . POSi`z~~NED C] L(~li 1IJ~ ~1/\/~''V/yy//J1~ r DATE ~ .~..--- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST.FOR BOARD ACTION,.. Meeting Date: 12/11/00 Budget Amendment DEBIT G . $1,419,260 ,. ~ $470,042 ,') CREDIT $1,889,302 rVflt A •1 A T~I1\I_. T. __L_L~1:_1~'1~.. ~1 ~. ..L 2.. .. ....... w4 w~.i.~r~i.~ L.. ~~wA Wir~n ~~r }{.~~ L. i.~~..\~n ...wl~N~~~.. i6 i..N wr~~ v~~.~ww{i~r~ PROJECT ORDINANCE HAZARD MITIGATION ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: 1. New Hanover County(County) is engaged in the Hazard. Mitigation Acquisition and Relocation Project, which capital - project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital -- assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in.a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations :necessary for the completion .of said project. NOW', THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: -` 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North ~- . ~ Carolina General Statute-$159-13..2. ' -2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the'. Hazard Mitigation Acquisition and Relocation Project Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. 3.. The revenue that will finance said project is: - HMGP Grant (Federal) $ 1,419,260 HMGP Grant (State) 470,042 Total $ 1,889,302 , 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project ~. are herewith. made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense S 1,889,3.02 .Total $ 1,889,302 ~' 17.1 ~-.~ ~ ~. ' 4 •, 5. This project ordinance shall be'entered in the minutes of the Board of Commis sioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget off ices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the: Board of Commissioners of .New Hanover County. Adopted this day of `' ~ 2000. Clerk to the Board Ted-Davis; Jr.''- -' ' Board'of County Commissioners ' ~' ., ~, - ~. .. , P _ r'.. f. i .. ~ ,.. , ..172... o NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSfONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson ..SUBJECT: - Revision of Juvenile-Crime Prevention Council Funds - BRIEF SUMMARY: - The- Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has notified counties of the ~ - availability of $1 million in expansion funds. New Hanover County's allocation is $14,354. The JCPC Board has authorized amending the funding to the Institute of Family Centered Services - (IFCS). Due to lack of adequate funds, the JCPC had to cut back the fuhding to IFCS this fiscal • year. This amendment will increase the allocation to $106,354. The expansion funding must be allocated by 12/31/00. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~, . ° Approve Budget Amendment #0.1-0090 increasing funding to, the Institute for Family Centered ~ • Services by $14,354. This will increase the IFCS funding to $106;354. - FUNDING SOURCE: N. C. Department of Juvenile'Justice and Delinquency Prevention. No county funds required. - ATTACHMENTS: - ~~ ~ ~. • BA #-01-0090.wpd :. , . - REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ ~ - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval ~''-. . COMMISSIONERS' ACTT S/COMMENTS: ,, ~,ti c.~~`~v~~r'~'~ ~ 4 • ~~.a . , •_~., • -, - eouNrr Co~~h~ro~~~ ~ - `=i REJECTED ~~ ~ ~'. ~.' RERJIOVED ~t~ , ~:x ~ .~~t ~ ~~~~~~~~.. ~ ..173 . - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Budget Amendment ,. DEPARTMENT: Office of Juvenile Justice ; ' .BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 01-0090 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Office of Juvenile Justice: Office of Juvenile Justice (State) $14,354 . ° ' .. - -~ - . Intensive f=amily Based Inter. ~ ~' '" .$14,354 .. ~ - . EXPLANATION: To budget additional North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice'arid ~ `~ . Delinquency Prevention funds for the Institute of Family Centered Services (IFCS).. Due to lack, of ` adequate funds,. the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) cut back their funding this fiscal ' year. This arriourit will increase their allocatiori'to $106,354.' ' ' ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ ` ppTE ly<V-~~-~~rr ~ -:» r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' .. ~ Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert Glasgow ~ , SUBJECT: Release of Value - BRIEF SUMMARY: - Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citiz en/Disability Exclusion: (Applications ' and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Breen, James M. s $20,000 Crumpler, Vernell 20,000 , • Davis, Anne Geneva 20,000. Ezzell, Wanda L. 20,000 Marchese, Richard A. Robbin 20,000 Request the following late list penalty be released as the ta xpayer certified they listed during the . regular listing period: Witherspoon, Michael B. $8.10 Request approval of the following delinquent application fo r exemption from property tax for the following organization: . .Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity 804813.018.005-000 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ' Recommend approval of these releases. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: - ITEM DOES NOT REQWRE REVIEW _ • COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~:. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS COMMENTS: . CQUNTY COMMISplONER~ ~ ~ ' API'RC3VED CP/ .: : , " DATE ~2C 1 ~'_0 ~~y . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS o REQ~JEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date:. 12/18/00. Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX ,Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: 'New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of November 30, 2000. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request. approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: .2 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTT®N COMMENTS: . COlt~1TY CCU! ;ONE~~ AP~Rr~a~.~E~ ~; ~ - REi" M$~ RE`~~ 0 17 Pv~~ i~oNED HEARD t J ~. ~~ ~ ~ .; CO~ISI=NT AGENDA o ~. [3AT~=--------- .~ .. ,,;, - ~ ~ ,. ~. J NEW MANi3V1=R GOl1~dTY TAX COLLI=GTIDNS COLLECTIONS TH RU lIl3DIDD .I CURRE;"~T TAX YEAR - 2C~C3(l AD VALOREM f~OTOR 11ENICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY P1=R SCROLL ~ ~7~123~902.08 $ 3~82991304b~3.. -. DiSGOVERIES ADD?=D ' 3}Ob~~747.53 7y472.55 . LESS ABATEMENTS ~ ~' - w ~ : ~.,. ., :., .172~'992,.•72~, ~~.~~.~.,~~..i..~iii..i .~., 4D~,452.93i ~iifilMiii041ii1B1Y0ii Ti~TAL TAXES CHARGI=D $ 90.~>~15,~656.~39 3y79b91.5a.32 ADVERTISING FFFS GHAi~Gl=fl ," ~ .00 ~ .00 LIS-TRIG FEtJALTiFS CN4RG;~D b7~G67.~i0 .~, .OQ CL~ANI~I~ LIENS G!-iARGED ~ .Gtl .DO TOTAL :LEVY ~ 9t3~fl~32y724.29 .. ~ 3i7:9bfi5D.32 COLLECTIONS TC] DATE i5y328.'S9b.b5i 2abfli,589.62~ ~~ OUTSTA~I[3ING BALANCE ~ 74s754~127.b4 $ 1~'3.9~t4fiU.70 •' ~ PERCENTAGE LLIL'LFCTEO 17.021 , 68.53~~ ~. 8ACK TAXES... PEAL ESTATc AND PERSI7NAL PROPI:~tTY $ 3t454~b77.32 CHARGES ADDED -.. 45'.4.22.23 LESS .ABATEMENTS 97~982.23~ > 0 a1•i ' ~ ~ - .. c TOTAL TAXES DUE i iIW+A At IMY1I . i i i i $ 3y402r117.32 . .. C(~LLEGTIONS TO DAT1= 943'12B,5bi OUTSTANDING SALANGI` ` ''--'..•. $ 2'4:5839~~8a5' PERCEPITAGE COLLECTED 27,.72 N13V '2Ofl0 ~~~ . ~.ii~.~.i~.i~. ~.s..:. FISCAL YTD - p0N~RfiRlali9p iY4+~iil9 ,. ROOM t3CGiJPANCY TAX GOLLECTIt7NS ~.: r . l~ifly494,98 - s i 1i622~51I.52 . ' PI~IVILEGE~I.TCENSE COLLECTIONS 993.75 ~.15'~21.fl9 8 . TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRl3 COLLECTI ON OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY' CITY OF I~ILMINGTON YdRIGHTSV.iILI/ BE 8 " ~ ACHy CA.I~t~LI~1A SEAGH AI'~i7 KUR~E . 8~1$8~641.C3 . $LAGH TO DATE '° $ THIS ~ZEPORT IS FOR FISCAL YIwAR 13EGI :.; N1vING, JULY ii 200fl. ... ECTFULLY SUI3MITTED~ .. , GL 6 ~ 1 PATRIGIA J. NOR J COLLI=CTC3R OF REVENUE _ ~ COM~3INEa COLLI=CTION PE~tCEiVTAGE ~* 19.i0°~ ~ _..' :., ,,^~ ... 178 ~. .. '~ ~ .~'`r,r4~lt~. a<. ~ .. A~E4~ HA~I~iIER ~Gfl~3~#TY EIRE DISTRICT TAX- Ct3l.LECTIGx'VS ~G~LLECTIt?~tS T~iRU 1313U/Dfl CURRENT TAX YEAR ~ 20t1C3 AD VAL~EM ~4IITJR 1IEHICLE URIGIRIAL TAX .LEVY PER S~:R~LL ~ 2~457~3~lb.25 ~ 127~92S~47 ~3ISC01/ERIES ADDED ll~x~l:{13.52 .~2~.b9 LASS ABATEP~E#VTS ~56.~291.?2~ 1.i322.79~ T7TA:L TAXES CHARGED ~ 2~~25ii98o05 $ 12;b~93:5.37 L 15T IiVG PENALTIES CHAR~EI1' 2' 318.22 s ~3CJ TOTAL LEVY ~ $ 2~52T~51b.27 ~ I2bT~33~.37 ' CQLLECTIONS T~3 DATE 4619502.9i~ ~3813~r1.95~ flUTSTA~`JaING HALAf~CE ~ Z O~ab D13.36 ~ s ~ .~8 ~93~42 ' PERCEP+lTAGE Ct3LLECTEU 18.26# b9~bd7~~ . . .BAC~C TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSt3NAL PR(~P;~RTY ~. 79~fl21.28 CHARGES ADiJED 1.135•.24 LESS ABATE~9ENTS ' 1~454.51~ +s.~a as~m ss ~ns.a wa~eae~a~ra ' TOTAL TAXES DtJE $ 787{32.01 COLLECT T~3'NS TC3 ~3ATE 27 ~ 381.85 f ' " ~3LJTSTAt~DING SALANCE 11 Yq1 W1i tl11Y ~iit~.~Allal~Y#11 A190f0 $ 51~32fl.6 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~ 3479 . ... Tl~IS RE#'(~RT IS EMIR EI:SCAL YEAR. SEt;IA3i'~I#tiG .3ULY 11 2000. RESPECTS=LILLY S~!$N#ITTEt3g . f -wJ ~^~ [ d ~ mil' r'1 t~ ~ PATCIA .~~ A #~fl~2 O,_ .. . .. C~ILLECTOR ~~ VE9~UE , , '~ CONIBIN~D Ct3LLECTION PERCENTAGE ~ 2t1.7i°~ 180 NEW HANOVER,000NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date: 12/18/00 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Budget Calendar - FY 2001-2002 BRIEF SUMMARY: Review of FY 2001.2002 Budget Calendar. ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Establishment of date for County Commissioners Planning Session on FY 2001.2002 Budget in ' January of 2001. This is the preliminary budget calendar and will most likely be subject to change. FUNDING SOURCE: ~' ATTACHMENTS: , ®. ~ ~ . . Budget Calendar • O1.02.d REVIEWED BY: ~ ; LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~.i/ COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /COMMENTS: ' AP~~C~llw!3 I~ . .. . R~ ",`D ~ ~~ !~ ~ 0 181 I'C~~ w l:'ONED ~ ~ HEfiRD ~,,~, ~ ~' December Preliminary Budget Meeting and, Lotus Note Training on budget for Department Heads and Budget Support S ff (mechanics) B dget request information with in ructions to departments -.anal out 'de agencies , ` ' December 15 Capita mprovement and;Capital P oject (CI,P) requests to BUDGET , December t9 Departmen I~ goals to BUDGET ~ ~ ~' 2001 .. ~ . January Planning session w Co ty.Commissioners on FY 01-02 Budget Initial County Manage Meeting with Department Heads and Budget Support Staff on FY 0 = Budget K u January 3 ~ res and objectives to BUDGET s Preliminary perform nce m ` January 12 Expenditure and e~enue ~print~ uts (through 12/31/00) to .departments ' ailable on LGF (Information is ~ .:, - January 16 . : ,r,.: Outside agen y funding requests to ~ UDGET ~~~ '~~' ,. New positi n, temporary salary, and. ove ime/on-call salary requests to . . ~ ` , ,, BUDGET ..February 1 IT sub its worksheet of all computer requests o BUDGET February 1'5 Dep rtmental line item budgets to BUDGET ,,, ~' (A REQUESTS IN EXCEPT.SCHOOLS) ' epartmental revenue projections o BUDGET . t .. ~. . February 15 County goals to departments -, March 19r~~ *"'~~ ~~Distr'ibute revised budget requests and printouts to depart ents and 'h`'~ Board of Commissioners °: , 1 ~2 - ~ ~ -. ~:~, BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 (Preliminary) 2000. ~. December 12 Preliminary Budget Meeting and Lotus Notes Training on budget for Department Heads and Budget Support Staff (mechanics) , Budget request information, with instructions to departments and outside agencies December 15 Capital Improvement and Capital Project (CIP)~requests to BUDGET December 19 Departmental goals to BUDGET 2001 January Planning session with County Commissioners on FY 01-02 Budget . Initial. County Manager Meeting with Department Heads and Budget Support Staff on FY 01-02 Budget January 3 Preliminary performance measures and objectives to BUDGET January 12 Expenditure and revenue printouts (through 12/31/00) to departments (Information is available on LGFS) . January 16 Outside agency funding requests to BUDGET New position, temporary salary, and overtime/on-call salary requests to BUDGET February 1 IT submits worksheet of all computer requests to BUDGET, February 15 Departmental line item budgets to BUDGET (ALL REQUESTS IN EXCEPT SCHOOLS) Departmental revenue projections to BUDGET . February 15 County goals to departments March 19 Distribute. revised budget requests and printouts to departments and Board of Commissioners 1 ~2 BUDGET~CALENDAR FOR. FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002. (Continued) . , _ _ _ ~~ March 19-30 Departmental budget meetings with County Manager & Budget Team (COMMISSIONERS INVITED TO ALL BUDGET MEETINGS) _ ~ . ~, March 30 - 'Finale performance measures~'arid objectives to BUDGET May 4~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -Budget to~Board of Commissioners (informally) May 7 , _ . , Recommended budget information to departments and outside .. agencies County Manager presents Recommended Budget at ~ Board of Commissioners' Meeting (Commissioners establish work sessions on budget?) May 21 Public-Hearing on Budget- (night meeting will need to change) Jurie "4 ~ Adopt budgef June 30 Departmental accomplishments to BUDGET ~ j ~ ~ .' i . 1 183 ~"' BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 (Continued) March 19-30 Departmental budget meetings with County Manager & Budget Team (COMMISSIONERS INVITED TO ALL BUDGET MEETINGS) March 30 Final performance measures and objectives to BUDGET May 4 Budget to Board of Commissioners (informally) . May '7 Recommended budget information to departments and outside . agencies ~ . County Manager presents Recommended Budget at Board of Commissioners' Meeting (Commissioners establish work sessions on' budget?) May 21 Public Hearing on Budget (night meeting will need to change) June 4 Adopt budget . - ~ . • ~ 1..83. ~. . r :, w~ . 184 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD A°CTION Meeting Date: 12/18/00 ~~ Consent Item. #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: - . . Department: Governing Body Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager r r.~ SUBJECT: Resolution Pertaining to Voter Identification BRIEF SUMMARY: On November 21, 2000,. the Iredell County Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the attached resolution: The resolution pertains to voter identification and has been sent to all .North Carolina counties for possible adoption. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW. -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt the resolution. ~~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ., ~_ . ~ ;t - eauNrr coMM'-is~ ~oN~ , AP~nO~/ED tV .. ~.:..~ CEO o ~ 185 POSt POKED Cl . WCARDl2~ OO [DATE ~ ~~~ _ ~%'G- .. . , ~~-OYER CpG ° ~ y ° Ted Davis, Jr. (1@fficE oaf ?`~ ~< ~ * ,* Chairman ~ y~ ~yy .~yy~Y y~ ~~t~~~+ ~V~ .V.LL~.LLL{~~~~~.~1~~~ ~ r ` . 9J~~. .,.~1 ~p Robert G. Greer °.°°~~ N~P ' pFN t. ~ ~ / ~ ORi Vice-Chairman ~E~YI ~flixLIf1EX u.II1.TTt#~ , Julia Roseman Wanda M. Copley 32D C~~ES#ixix#tree#, ~umn 3175 County Attorney Commissioner ~ +•% ilmin~#uix, ~ixr#lj Cnttrnliixrx 284II1-4Q33 Alien o'NeaF William A. Caster Count Mana er Commissioner C`~E1EFllvixe (31D) 341-7143 • ~ ~ - y 9 ~zxx (31D) 341-41317 Lucie F. Harrell Nanc H. Prichett Y Clerk to the Board Commissioner RESOLUTION ~, . FOR .. ,VOTER IDENTIFICATION - - AT ALL POLLING PLACES IN NORTH'CAROLINA' ~ ~. . WHEREAS, public confidence in our process of elections is indispensable, and a lack of voter confidence creates cynicism, voter apathy, and undermines the civility of government; and WHEREAS, each citizen is guaranteed equal protection under the law and has every right~to believe that his or her vote is equal to anyone else's' and ' WHEREAS, convenience in voting can improve the enfranchisement of all of the electorate, but convenience should not cause danger to the integrity of the election process; and ~,_ ~ . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners seeks to protect the integrity of - ,.w ' ' the election process and the validity of each citizen's vote, _ ' :' . - , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that~the New Hanover County Board of . .. , Commissioners endorses unanimously, and without reservation, legislation requiring voter ; ` identification at all polling places inNorth Carolina.. This the 18`h day of December, 2000 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ . ~ Ted Davis, Jr., Chairman ., . ' 'ATTEST: ~.~. ,... . r ~ ~~ ' -, ` ' ,. `Lucie F Harrell, C°lerk to the Board ~. ~ ~}~~tri~, , ~, ..,~. .. ., .. t ..a . o ~a ~I ~ . .,._w..~ ... ~ . ._