Agenda 1999 03-22t :~ ~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r," - . - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , "Meeting Date: 03/22/99 .~ . ~ " Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: ~ Page Number: Depaitment: Veteran Services .Presenter: Bob Angeli . Contact: Bob Angeli . - SUBJECT: ,. _ Resolution to Recognize World War (Veteran BRIEF SUMMARY: WWI-veteran, Dc Horace Thompson , will be awarded the Legion of Honor on.March 23, 1999. The Legion of Honor is the highest national award given by the French Government.. Nicole Saade', Vice-Consul of-the French Consulate in Atlanta will present the award. The presentation will occur at the -"American Legion,' Post 10. at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 23, 1999. The governor's office will also . present a letter to Mr. Thompson. The attached resolution. honors Dr. Thompson. Bob Angeli, New " Hanover County Veteran's Service Officer will be present at the awards ceremony., er RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consideration and adoption of a resolution honoring Mr. Thompson for his contributions in France during WW I,. - : FUNDING SOURCE: , , ~: ,; " ATTACHMENTS: Yes . .REVIEWED BY: , LEGAL: N/A ~ FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT ND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Consider adoption of resolutio . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/C ENTS: .. , _. COt1NTY COMMISSIONERS`: FtEJECTEa ~; :. - ,. ~ REi,'.Jt1Efl ~,. - PCvTt~~NED 0, - ^ ~ EARD H ~~ _. DATE :---~-. --~~~. .~ 2 ~r~.-,.,~. rye » -•y ,~? Via, S:;ai~~, ., .:,:J ~J!~-.,r~. t''} ~' ~r~':~e ~' ~ ~~uu~i a~v ...y11'~~y~] _ ~vsL^J ~+M'Y ". .' i . " ~~ ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ' " " • Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number. , Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Andre Mallette ~ • • F SUBJECT: .Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Class Act Award • BRIEF SUMMARY: For substantial contributions that demonstrate service excellence and very high quality work products, . Grant Gore has been selected to receive the County's Class Act Award. He has. used his creative talents to develop and maintain a very attractive web page for the Planning -Department for which we have received numerous compliments and praise.- Grant is also the graphic . artist for the County's web site and is responsible for many of the illustrative backgrounds you see on the -` those pages.... • More recently he was involved in creating the new County logo that is a representation of the Clock Tower on the Historic Courthouse. This has recently been used as an icon on numerous printed materials as `well as official county publications and documents. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; • FUNDING SOURCE: .ATTACHMENTS: - . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND OMMENDATIONS: . Present Class Act award to Grant Gore. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMME T _ ~' - ~ .. . j Ctta ~~-~ Cd~i~-~S}aNER~ - ~* "~Q Cry-'~r¢s~~ " . ~~t~ o ~- ~ u ,. ~RT~ ~~a/~~ ~~r~- 3. _. _ ~- ; ,~ -~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~ .- ~. .~ I n {This page intentionally left blank} ~- • ~ ~ . i ~~ ~, v { ~ ~ ~~ . - ~ 1 ~' { ,_ ~ ~ , 6~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ - Meeting. Date: 03/22/99 ~ ~ .. Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: i Department:.Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal. Contact: Libby Johnson SUBJECT: ' -. ~ ~ - • . " Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: . ~ .The former New Hanover County employees listed below are eligible to receive a .Retirement Plaque at the County Commissioners' Meeting: ° • Phoebe Q. Saavedra -Planning - 11 years, 5 months (Administrative Secretary) ~~ " • Pamela G. Kearney -Social. Services - 22 years, 3 months (Clerical Specialist) • • ~ „ • Frank Mills -Print Shop -.13 years, 4 months {Printing Assistant) `• Hoyt E. Smith -Inspections - 20 years, 7 months (Code Enforcement Official) ` ~ .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . ,FUNDING SOURCE: . ~, . , -ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ - Present Retirement Plaque COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO /CO MENTS:. . . 1COUNTY` CO.MMISSf®N~ APFt;OVED C~-=-- ~es~wf-eel .. 'REJ~CTED~ 'p! ~R~iVt01lEp p:. . : . ~ 'Pt~S~# PONED p` ' 'HcAi~D~ p • .DATE ~a ~~i....! 5~ {This page intentionally left blank} a, ~ ~ i ~V~1,J,.l AVL ' ~~y ~Fh« _"~ ft Y3 .. A~~j NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time:. Page Number. " Department:. Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal . ~ Contact: Rosetta Bryant- ' SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of . service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Robert R. Dayton - IT; Deborah A. Carter -Sheriffs - - ~ Dept.; Christopher 8. Schwartz -Sheriffs ;Dept.; TEN (10) YEAR: Cheryl D. Hoffman -Aging Services; . Suzanne E. Shields -Parks; and FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Clarence Hayes -Sheriffs Dept,; and Phyllis. . ~ • Smyre -Sheriffs Dept. ~ . `RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .FUNDING SOURCE: .ATTACHMENTS: ~, . ITEM DOES. NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , COUNTY MANAGER'S CO EN AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Present Service Awards . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. - _ ~ , 1' - COUNTY ~dMMlS~I®N~Ra RE.IE~T~D Q .. v RCN+Q4'ED ~ , pp$TPO~VED f] ~.. HEARD ~ . _ - . _. 1 ~. ., - . ~ ..~ . .p {This page intentionally left blank} ~; F ^•- e~..aW.•. .1 ~r~~~ ~.... ,fit,,, a ~ c.~~,f r.~•,,, J ~~"y''lM..;bU `C~. G ~1 M.y]U"Y w; W , .. ` - - - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 . • Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal .. Contact: Marlene Carney - SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees - BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees wilt be provided to the Board p rior to the meeting... .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. _ FUNDING SOURCE: ' ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOFS NOT REQUIRE REV/EW _~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employees . COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /CO MENTS: - ,. ~~OUNTY` CO,N~~l15SfC''~ . A:PPI~OVCD C`-~eQ.~ogrir`ze~ R _ ' EJECTED ~~ . 'f2EP~~pyLD G Pt3STRat~ED Ip . , . Hl~~la ~ - . 17ATE ~ 9 .9 `~ ~~~,, -~ , ~~ {This page intentionally deft blank} ~1 ,~...~...., ~~~~,~.~ crn ~ryf'". / ~~ "ef P"'". ~~ F ~ iy. , r . , _ -~ J`i~J.~J _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ~ ' ' .Regular Item #:.~Estimated Time:' Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney ~ - ..Contact: Becky .Howell, Cable Administrator SUBJECT:.. . 'Falcon Cable Progress Report ......BRIEF SUMMARY: _ As requested by the Board, Falcon is to update the Board regarding the progress Falcon has made since the November 23, 1998 meeting. ".. ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - County staff is proceeding with termination of the Falcon franchise. Board should listen to report and determine whether to continue termination. FUNDING SOURCE: , - ATTACHMENTS: .. w REVIEWED BY:. 'LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET; Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: -NIA , COUNTY MANA 'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear repo ' COMMISSIO ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ - - ~COUNiY GOMf~~9I~S~~~~, `. ~ APPROVED. Q . REJECTED; ~~ . _ . REMO.,VED ~ 7 . '. ~ P N ' OSTPO ED~ ~ ~, ~ .-~ - NE11RD C/~ . .. SATE .~3,/a3/.9 5 .. _.~ .~ ~.~..~'~ 11 Mar-10-99 12:19P FALCON CABLE EiEC1A Post Ol'fiee liox 23G • Holly ttld~s, NC 28445 1.800.682.781d Fa a. 0[0.3Z9.1U22 ~alcon~ MEMnRAIVDUM I'('): liccky Hoxell t~R()M: I'Fitti Ccvcrt OATL•': March 9, hJ99 tillt3Jlit°f: A;;2nda issues fur Manh ~', 1999 ~nectiug 1 Palctm C:ablc - :Vlikc Sin~picl lntruduction ol'eontraeaors hired by Falcon t:..tbk: [o pcrfurttl Syslcan upgrade Appruxunatc ti[tta 5 rninutcs ^. P['incc Cable 1u}-n i~elmcy - Rill pt'ovidc infiirmaliun shout Prince Cable A. I~.>pcriencz and pact pruj~CtS. I3. tonstruUion schedule fnr up~:rdr]c. t:', 1'rtx:C$C and plta~es of construction Approxinstttt time - 5 minule-s _, Aspc;n In[[:rnational Phil C,ttrrcl ~. Tutu frame and design of syste[tt 13. Walk cwt Approximate time 5 minute 0 ~. t ~~~-~ i° ~.~,_ _.~ a 1 ~ Your Access to Entertainment, Information and Beyond C.+ 1 f T ~~ ~~ P.O1 ~. ~, i L ~ - - - - + .. . .. NEW HANOVER;000NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - . Meeting Date:. 03/22/99 • ~ . - Regular Item #: ~ Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact::Parks Griffin, Chairman, New Hanover County Airport Authority Will Plentl, Airport Director . SUBJECT: ~.. Resolution to encourage FAA to allow Airport Authority to be sole sponsor for Federal grants., - BRIEF SUMMARY: The FAA currently requires the County to co-sponsor all Federal grants received by the Airport Authority. The Airport Authority desires to be the sole sponsor for the grants. To change the current arrangement the Board of Commissioners is required to enact a resolution requesting the Airport Authority to submit -. applications, receive and administer federal grants as a sole sponsor. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . ,Adopt resolution: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . ~... ATTACHMENTS: .,~ AirportAuthority-FederalGrantsResolution3- REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: 'N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider the requ st from the Airport Authority in support of the resolution allowing the Authority to act as . sole sponso - COMMISSIO 'ACTIONS/COMMENTS: - COl1NTY Cp,~iMISSl4~f - ~ REJ~C i Ep I7, '.~ - REIV,OVEp p; P~~ i PO[VED p ` HC~tF~D ~ ,.~ ,: .. ~Ar~ _~'~~. q .~-acv ~- 3 . A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY TO UNILATERALLY ACCEPT FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION GRANTS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Airport Authority is a body corporate `and politic authorized by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1989; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration currently requires the New Hanover County Board. of Commissioners to approve and co-sponsor all Federal grants awarded to the Airport Authority; and ~ ~ . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Airport Authority has the :legal and financial ability to act as the sole sporisor~for al{ Federal gr""ants, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE NEW. HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS encourages the Federal Aviation Administration to permit the New Hanover County Airport Authority to submit applications, receive and administer. Federal grants as a sole sponsor. Adopted this the 22"d day of March, 1999. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] .: ~. William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: f~ Clerk to therBoard~~ ~~~~~ ""~ ~ ,~~^~-b~ t ~: 4.. .r,~~` ~ c^~J ~~M~-~ ... ,. - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: :Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal . . ,. , .Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Resolution Endorsing the Enactment of a One Cent Local Option Sales Tax . BRIEF SUMMARY: A one cent local option sales tax returned to its point-of-origin would generate approximately $17.5 million 'for New Hanover County on an annual basis. It would also produce additional .revenue for the other jurisdictions in the county (see attached chart). Local government tax reform is urgently needed. <_ Currently,. property taxpayers are carrying a disproportionate share of the increasing burden of providing public services such as new schools, public safety, and capital facilities to an increasing population. The counties requesting authority to levy a one cent point-of-origin option sales tax. Requests for local bills must be submitted by March 24, 1999. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ` ~.. ATTACHMENT'S: , - i . REVIEWED BY: ' - LEGAL: FINANCE:. BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: ~ ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv ' COMMISSIONERS' A NS/COMMENT'S: C4UN'fY~C4~MISSI~N, _. :.. ~ - . APPROVED. ,C~ wl ~h s~ ~o k'¢s~l~; R>J ECT:ED ~OF ~ _ REIViOVED,~ p' HEARD' °p ~ ' . - -DATE ....~~?a-/9 r .~~%y~. _._ . NNC (!omen,, w~l(S~ ~ -!' ' Otdd' I. 14 ~°"' Scams ~f-ati ~! urrc~,:~e~ : . be~i,n9uiiccG~d. ~, Estimated Distribution of Proposed 1 Cent Sales Tax i Jurisdiction Distribution New Hanover County 517,500,000 - Fire Service District 5382,131 Wilmington 54,761,887 Wrightsville Beach 5474,325 Carolina Beach X452,800 Kure Beach 5170,636 ,. This would be the receipts for an entire year based on FY97-98 Ad Valorem distribution percentages and FY98-99 .; estimated receipts.. .,-~ r, >~a 4~ ~~ t~~ w ~,,, t .f ~ ~, ,. ...~ ~~ y „, .~ ~~ ~ w,~ ~ G ~~ 1"fi~~ '6sF .6 Sa.~ci'~ ~ ` ~~ a ~ . 41 ~ !'% n RESOLUTION - ~ OF THE ~~~TEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS r . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners is charged with the . ~ ' ~ ,responsibility ofpromoting the health, safety and welfare of the residents of New Hanover County, .. as well as those who work within or visit the County; and WHEREAS, this Board of County Commissioners has determined that there exists a great need for _: . .. `. capital outlay; and -- . WHEREAS, this Board is seeking alternatives to continued reliance on ad valorem property.tax as -. ~. property taxpayers are carrying a disproportionate share of the tax burden for providing the funding for necessary services and facilities; and 4 ~ WHEREAS, the Commissioners believe that having the ability to assess a one cent ($.01) local sales ' ;tax returned to its point-of-origin in all counties is the best alternative to raise revenue for needed capital outlay, . , - .. - , NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RE O VED that the oard of:County Commissioners of New 5u-P tai-" `~~ ~F~C~ i mt-r-crlcs~t. ~c.{ ~.~~ tiht-r~rta_ r~z:(p~~%`rt¢..~ /vi y.~c.2, a.(~erho-1~°~E/ Hanover County -hereby requests .that all members of the New Hanover County Legislative-~`~ T ~ ~ Delegation introduce and see enacted into aw a one cent ($.O 1)point-of-origin sales tax for new . Hanover County. . .. ~, ,This the 22"a day of March, 1999 {SEAL} NEW HANOVER COUNTY - - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS William A. Caster, Chairman ' Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~~ ~ : . 17 March 22, 1999 ~.i(~~ LG . ~M4 Letter to New Hanover County Legislative Delegation .l Dear Attached is a resolution unanimously adopted by the new Hanover County Board of Commissioners requesting your support for a local option once-cent sales tax. As stated in the resolution, resources beyond the ad valorem tax are needed to provide facilities to meet the demands of a growing population. Sincerely, - William A. Caster Chairman 18 '~; - ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ' .Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,. ~ Department: Parks Presenter: Jack Bragg Contact: Jack Bragg/Neat Lewis SUBJECT: .. ,Presentation by Parks Foundation Board Chairman Concerning Open " Space/Parks Bond Referendum - ~ ~ ~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: The Parks Foundation Board. of Directors has been discussing the scope of the Open Space/Parks Bond. .Referendum. The tentative date for a Bond Referendum is May, 2000. The Foundation Board would. like to . ~ ask for direction from the County Commissioners regarding the scope of the Bond Referendum, rand to . request funding. for a public opinion poll to determine the public's attitude toward this issue. - . ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • 1. Fund a public opinion poll determine the .public's attitude towards the preservation of open/green space . ,and the development of park facilities. The cost will be approximately $30,000. 2. Give direction to the Parks Foundation Board regarding the scope of the Bond Referendum. FUNDING SOURCE: If approval is given to conduct opinion poll during current. FY, approve budget amendment transferring required fundirn,~ from contingency. ~ . ATTACHMENTS: _ , Mr. Bragg would like to make a presentation which will include an outline and several maps. Copies of this material wilt be made available to the Board of County Commissioners in advance of the meeting. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve. FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Discuss the merits of the Open Space/Parks Board Referendum and conducting "c opinion poll. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: '- ' eoun~rv ~coMr~i~sE®NERS~ - ~ REJECTEQ °p; REMOUEQ . 'p+ •~ ~" ~ .. 'ROSTPONED p ~ . HEARQ, ~p;t ~ ~ ~! . ~. ~a - ~'r~" . DATA 3/ `$.`i ~ .~ ~i . ~ ~ ;lye '~ ~ '' . 1~ r s ~I" p + ~~ / ~.o a • ~-o r7 r-e.~/~ir, ~-~ tJ~ ral~~r ~` ~~.•~r~, ~~.r~s~, ~y-- u,.~,e ~.g~,- ~~' . C.~v~~-i rtGj P.,w{" Gt~'Y) GG"Y7 . G~t"l~"c~u~~G?~'~'t Gr/~i~ ~J ~rrrr~r~J u,~>>nre ori~[~Ghw..®~ ~i a~.~,e.~ Yfe'~":;'5;:.f '.QTY t'vV-,v~ i% ~ a wS~;:a*~~ ~. ~.qy.-r s~-+ .dM ~...~,.;~ i,,. J 2 0 e ~~ .~r. ~: 9 . -S.cra.r^~..sr k~y~ ~ ~ >, G} ra :,~ n • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department: Health Presenter: David E. Rice, Health Director Contact: David E. Rice ~~~ ~~`~ _ C~,~ SUBJECT: Resolution in Support of Placing All Programs Traditionally in the Division of Environmental Health Under the Organization of Department of Health and Human Services BRIEF SUMMARY: The debate regarding the "organizing/structuring of programs in Environmental Health~at the North Carolina State Government level" continues. On March 3, 1999, the New Hanover County Board of Health (BOH) passed a resolution (attached) supporting the need to ensure all aspects of Environmental Health be under the organizational structure of the Department of Health and Human Services in order to continue to provide the most effective regulatory program for the citizens of North Carolina for the protection of the public health and preservation of the environment. In July of 1997 when the Department of Environment, Health and Natural,Resources (DENHR) reorganized into the Department of Environment and Natural Resources .(DENR) the Department of Health and Human Service, the Environmental Health Programs were retained in DENR. On December 3, 1997 the BOH passed a resolution supporting: ORGANIZING/STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL", and this resolution was subsequently sent to the County Commissioners to also adopt: We are now asking your continued support through the adoption of the attached resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Pass attached resolution "IN SUPPORT OF PLACING ALL PROGRAMS TRADITIONALLY IN THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH UNDER THE ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES" FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 4 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and consider recommendation noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CONfM1SSlONER~~ APPR01lf=D C~---`' REJECTED D j. 'REMOVED O 'P{?STPONED C3. HEARD (3A7E ~`y~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PLACING ALL PROGRAMS TRADITIONALLY ;•:::'.) IN THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH UNDER THE ORGANIZATION OF DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES WHEREAS, delivery of Environmental Health services to the Citizens of North Carolina is carried out at the county level by local health department employees; and • WHEREAS, delivery of Environmental Health services at the local level is funded by local dollars (97% local and 3% state); and WHEREAS, Environmental Health services at the local level include on-site wastewa_ ter (i.e. septic systems) food, lodging and institutional sanitation (restaurants, nursing homes, food borne disease investigation) child care sanitation, child lead program, swimming pools, rabies control, safe drinking water; and WHEREAS, the State relies on local employees who are authorized as agents of the State Division of Environmental Health to carry out mandated State environmental health programs; and WHEREAS, having two different proposed State environmental health authorities for local health departments is inefficient and will cause regulatory confusion for the public and severely impact -~~ centralized training, authorization, regulatory direction and uniformity; and ~.~:: WHEREAS, the N.C. Association of County Commissioners, the N. C. Association, of Local Health Director's, the Association of North Carolina Boards of Health, the N. C. Environmental Health Supervisor's Association, and the N. C. Public Health, Association, have endorsed the position to keep environmental health programs together under the State Health Director; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the New Hanover County Board of Health strongly supports the need to ensure all aspects of Environmental Health be under the organizational structure of the Department of Health and Human Services in order to continue to provide the most effective regulatory program for the citizens of North Carolina for the protection of the public health and preservation of the environment. Adopted this 3rd day of March 1999. ~ r ., ~li~ ~...~~~.~ ,,,., . (SEA) ~ .~ { ~ S Yw7 'fi%~lr,~~r~; d ~ ~ ~~ yy ~~r~ ~`u f~+l ~ rig ~t:'V ES ATT T.,.~~~~ 22 Secretary to the Board of Health William T. Steuer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Health J 31 EXCERPT FROM DECEMBER 3, 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH MINUTES Mr. Elmore, Chairman, recommended from the~Executive Committee for the Board of Health to approve a Resolution Supporting: "ORGANIZING/STRUCTURING OF. PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHAT THE.NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL." -,. 24 Mrs. Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director, explained the' position 'taken in the :"WHITE PAPER" is that of bringing Environmental Health Programs together with other Public Health Programs into the Department of Health and Human Services. In July 1997 the Environmental Health Programs were retained in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). -She advised the delineation is' made by giving local Environmental Health Programs responsibility for evaluating and permitting small waste water systems and leaving these under the Department of Health and Human Services. The responsibility for systems of more than 3,000 gallons daily would be left under DENR. ., Mr. Elmore stated the resolution supports Environmental Health staff remaining ,under. the Department of Health and Human Services and a part of Public Health and the Public Health Department. ' MOTION: Mr. Elmore, Chairman, moved from the Executive Committee for the Board of Health to pass and support the Resolution endorsing the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE WHITE PAPER FOR "ORGANIZING/STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL" and to submit the resolution to the New Hanover County- Commissioners for their consideration: Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , (Attachment #1, a copy of the resolution, is attached and incorporated as a part of these minutes.) n'~. . n 33 r A Resolution of the New Hanover County Board of Health WHEREAS, various organizations and groups have exercised the advisability of reorganizing the State Environmental Health Programs, to facilitate service and enforcement, and to promote public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the product of the above endeavors has been set forth in a "WHITE PAPER" dated November 4, 1997; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Health desires to endorse, adopt, and recommend those findings and suggestions set forth in said "WHITE PAPER". • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Health that the "WHITE PAPER FOR ORGANIZING AND STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL be and is hereby endorsed and recommended to the General Assembly as a basis for legislative action. This the.3rd day of December 1997 ~~~~~~un~~, ~.~OVNTY e0 ~~,. ~•` ~....... , q •, ~~:~ • =~: E = Z . LQ: _- S y ': o9Th PPO~ ~ ^r" ~ e • ~y~~ '- ~ ATTESTd~ZQ~L~,Q-QJ Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Health W. Keith Elmore, Chairman • 25 {This page intentionally left blank} 26 ' {CORRECTED COPY] NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 .Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Review of Expansion Options for County Administration Offices Contract # 99-0197 BRIEF SUMMARY: The Selection Committee assigned to select an architectural design team for the new administration facility project has recommended contracting with Sharpe Architecture. Further study and review indicates that. constructing one building rather than multiple buildings may be more efficient. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that Sharpe Architecture be awarded the attached contract in the amount of $62,000. Please note that if the County moves toward developing one building for Administration, the County will not need to spend funds for design and renovations of the old EMS Building for a new Emergency Operations Center. FUNDING SOURCE: 375=410.=3750-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract Architects Proposal REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N!A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board contract with Sharpe Architecture to evaluate a one building scheme for the offices now housed in the Administraiton and Annex Buildings. This matter was discussed at your March 4th staff meeting. Direction was given for staff to move forward with the o building scheme with the building location to be on Third Street at the Headquarters Libra _ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: f !i COUMtY COt~IM1~14NQtS APPROVED 'C, REJECTED O' REMOVED O -------------_ ~ POSTPONED Lr--iab(ed 27 HEARD i DATE~..3 a ~r~ Rev~.ei,~ -.~ , ba-r~2 W~YG G Orn ~'ne,l.~.a~j ~ . ~ DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 ' NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNT ~ AGREE ~"' Y MENT . THIS AGREEN.[EI~'~ made and entered into this .__ day of ' 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body political an ~bf North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Coun d corporate of the State hereinafter referred t ~~ ~~. ~"~ and SHARPE ARC)~EC~~~ PA, o as Architect , ,for sernces described below to be rendered for the . following Project:'To review~and determine the most cost f • , space needs. The study will review easible.way to meet the County's developmental ,options, as more fully set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. ' The County' and Architect hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE T THE.ARCHITECT'S BASIC DUTIES TO COUNTY 1 1 ~: ~:,j v 1.1 .. ,. By executing this Agreement, Architect represents to Coun that professional] ~' Ar'clutect is y qualified to act as the Architect for this Project. Architect further re resen County that Architect will maintain all necessary licenses ~ p , : is to pernuts or other authorizations necessary to act as Architect for this Project until Architect`s remainin been satisfied. ~ - g duties hereunder have Architect assumes full, responsibility to County for the improper-acts. and omissions of its consultants or others employed., or retained by Architect in Project. ~ connection with this 1.2 Execution of this Agreement by Architect constitutes a representation that Ar ' has become familiar with the Project site and the.local conditions under w ' chitect implemented. loch the Project is to be ~0 ((pb -P '-~ ~ r 4 ~~,~((II r i.fx ~,0..-W~ ~.• cr~ ~MAV4y fj~1~ 1.2.1 Contract,shall`jco~mrrience upon issuance of Notice to Proceed ~~ '~'~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ and contract shall be k&y ~J!~Y~s ~rfs~~ ~e 2 8 ~~=~~!~'~~ 1. ') ..> Sr .' ~ .. - { NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD .OF. COMMIS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact:.. Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Review of Expansion Options for County Ad inistration Offices Contract # 99-0197 ONERS BRIEF SUMMARY: The Selection Committee assigned to select an ar itectural design team for the new administration facility project has recommended contracting wit Sharpe Architecture. Additional_the-current within the project as defined within the long range space Ian and to advise if more economical and effective ° alternatives exist. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REC I recommend that Sharpe Architecture Please note that if the County moves t not need to spend funds for design a Operations Center. FUNDING SOURCE: 375-410-3750-6000 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract Architects Proposal Jt I tU AG I IONS: awarded the attached contract in the amount of $62,000. Nard developing one building for Administration, the County will renovations of the old EMS Building for a new Emergency REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve INANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the oard contract with Sharpe Architecture to evaluate a one building scheme for the offices now housed in a Administraiton and Annex Buildings. This matter was discussed at your March 4th staff meeting. Dire ion was given for staff to move forward with the one building scheme with the building location to be n Third Street at the Headquarters Library. CO ' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: CQUNTY COMMISSIONER APPRO`,/~D CI RCJLCS~© ^ REf~~OVED lD POSTPONED G HEARD DATE ~,...3~~ a.~~~l -®°~') DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body political and co orate of of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Count " ~ the State Y ,and SHARPE ARCHITECTURE, pA~ hereinafter referred to as "Architect"; for services described below to be render following Protect: To review and determine the most cost feasible wa ed for the space needs. The study will review developmental options as m y to meet the County's ore fully set out in Egh~bit "A"1 attached hereto and incorporated herein. 'The County and Architect hereby agree as'follows: ARTICLE I THE A.RCHITECT'S BASIC DUTIES TO COUNTY 1.1 .. By executing this Agreement, Architect represents, to County that Architect is professionally qualified to act as the Architect for this Project. Architect further re resen County that Architect will maintain all necessary licenses, permits or other au P is to necessary to act as Architect for this Project until Architect's remainin thonzat~ons g duties hereunder have been satisfied. Architect assumes full responsibility to County for the im ro er P P acts and omissions of its consultants or others employed or retained by Architect in connection with t Protect. his 1.2 Execution of this Agreement by Architect constitutes a representation that Architect has become familiar with the Project site and the.local conditions under which the Protect i ~implemerited`~`~ `r~r`nai~`~~ J s to be ,.., '~q r~ ~ • , a 12~i1 Contract-'shall commence upon issuance of Notice to Proceed and contract shall be if+,... ~<,~ F" vrv,Y . ~ ;r;yL ~'~ ~~~ 28~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 com feted within f P oriy (40} calendar days. 1.3 Feasibility Study 1.3.1 Architect shall prepare a detailed and comprehensive review of the County's long range study prepared by BMS Architects dated October 1988. Additionally, Architect will determine if the recommendations made by the October 1988 study are the most cost efficient or if other more efficient options are available. The Architect shall submit a written report with an executive summary describing the findings of the study. 1.4 .Preliminary Design; Schematic Drawings by Change Order 1.4.1 Architect shall review and examine existing information, including any desired schedule and budgetary requirements, furnished by County to understand the requirements of the Project and shall review the understanding of such requirements with County. 1.4.2 Architect shall review and discuss with County any alternative approaches to design 'and construction of the Project. 1.4.3 Architect shall prepare and submit to County for review schematic design documents consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and relationship of proposed Project modifications. 1.4.4 Architect shall furnish two (2) copies of drawings, sketches, forms and reports as appropriate and necessary for County's use. 1.5 Detailed Design by Change Order 1.5.1 Based on the schematic design documents and any adjustments .authorized by: County in its program, desired schedule or Project budget, Architect shall prepare and submit to County for review, detailed design documents consisting of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the Project. 1.5.2 Architect shall furnish as many copies of drawings, sketches, forms and reports as 2 29 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 appropriate and necessary for County's use. 1.6 Construction Documents by Change Order 1.6.1 Upon the County's authorization, Architect shall prepare. construction documents consisting of drawings and specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for construction of the Project. Such construction documents shall be reasonably accurate, coordinated and adequate for construction and shall be in conformity and comply with applicable law, codes and regulations. Products specified for use shall be readily available unless written authorization to the contrary is given by County. 1.6.2 Architect shall furnish County with two (2) copies of all completed drawings, specifications, reports, estimates, and contract documents- and a set of reproducible mylars. 1.7.1 Bidding and Award by Change Order Architect following County's approval of~the construction documents and of the latest preliminary estimate of construction cost, shall assist County in obtaining bids of negotiated proposals and assist in awarding and preparing contracts for construction. 1.7.2 Architect shall issue bid documents to bidders and maintain a record of prospective bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued, attend pre-bid conferences and receive and process deposits for Bidding Documents. Architect shall furnish bid .documents as necessary. 1.7.3 Architect shall issue addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify or expand the Bidding Documents. 1.7.4 Architect shall consult with and advise County as to the acceptability of subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations proposed by the 'prime contractor(s) (herein called "Contractor(s)") for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bidding Documents. 1.7.5 Architect shall consult with County concerning and determine the acceptability of 30 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197- • substitute materials and a ui ment ro osed b contractors when su i q p p p y O bst tution pnor to the award of contracts is allowed by the Bidding Documents. 1.7.6 Architect shall assist County in evaluating bids or proposals. 1.7.7 Architect shall perform additional work as described herein and required by work authorizations. 1.8 Construction Administration by Change Order 1.8.1 Architect shall provide administration of the construction contract as set forth below and shall perform those duties and discharge those responsibilities set forth herein and in the Agreement between County and Contractor hereinafter referred to as the "Construction Contract". 1.8.2 Upon receipt, Architect shall carefully review and examine the Contractor's .Schedule of Values, together with any supporting documentation or data which the County or Architect may require from the Contractor. The purpose of such review and examination will be . to protect County from an unbalanced Schedule of Values which allocates greater value to certain elements of the work than is indicated by such supporting documentation or data or, than is reasonable under the circumstances. If the Schedule of Values is not found to be appropriate, or if the supporting documentation or data is deemed to be inadequate, and unless County directs the Architect to the contrary in writing, the Schedule of Values shall be returned to the Contractor for revision or supporting documentation or data. After making such examination, if the Schedule of Values is found to be appropriate as submitted, or if necessary, as revised, Architect shall sign the Schedule of Values thereby indicating its informed belief that the Schedule of Values constitutes a reasonable, balanced basis for payment of the Contract Price to the Contractor. Architect shall not sign such Schedule of Values in the absence of such belief unless directed to do so in writing, by County. 4 31 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 • 1.8.3 Architect shall carefull review the work of the Contractor whenever and wherever Y appropriate. The purpose of such inspections will be to determine the quality, quantity and progress of the work in comparison with the requirements of the Construction Contract. In making such inspections, Architect shall exercise care to protect County from defects or deficiencies in the work, from unexcused delays in the schedule and from overpayment to the Contractor. Following each such inspection the Architect shall submit a written report of such inspection, together with any appropriate comments or recommendations, to County. 1.8.4 Architect shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is located. 1.8.5 Architect shall determine amounts owed to the Contractor based upon observations of the work as required herein, evaluations of the Contractor's rate of progress in light of the remaining Contract Time and upon evaluations of the Contractor's applications for payment, and shall issue certificates for payment to County in such amounts. 1.8.6 The issuance of a certificate for payment shall constitute a. representation. by the Architect to County that Architect has made a review of the work as provided herein and to the best of the knowledge, information and informed belief of Architect, that the work has progressed to the level indicated, that the quality of the work meets or .exceeds the requirements of the Construction Contract, and that, the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. 1.8:7 Architect shall render written or graphic interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress of the work with reasonable promptness on request of the Contractor. 1.8.8 Architect shall reject work which does not conform to the contract documents unless directed by County, in writing, not to do so. Whenever, in the Architect's opinion, it is necessary or advisable, Architect shall require special inspection or testing of the work in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Contract whether or not such work is fabricated, installed or completed. 32 - : New Hanover County Contract # 99 = 0197 ' '. 1.8.9 ~ Architect shall review and approve, or take other appropriate action upon, the Contractor's submittal such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and .Samples. Approval by the Architect of the Contractor's submittal shall constitute the Architect's representation to .County that such submittal is in conformance with the Construction Contract. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay to the Contractor or the Project. ' 1.8.10 Architect shall review, and advise County concerning, proposals and requests. for .Change .Orders. from .the Contractor: Architect shall prepare Change Orders for County's - . ~ ~ approval and execution in accordance with the Construction Contract; and shall have authority to order. with the consent of the County, by Field Order, minor changes in the work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time. . ~ ~ .1.8.11, Architect shall conduct a review to determine the date of Substantial.Completion " . and the date of final Completion, shall receive and forward to County for the County's review - . written warranties and related documents required by the.construction contract and assembled by ' :~ ~ . the Contractor; and shall, when appropriate, issue a final Certificate for Payment. - ` l .8:12 Architect .shall, without additional compensation,. promptly correct: any errors, .omissions, deficiencies or conflicts in Architect's work product. 1:8.13 Architect shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, County; their.:agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, .demands, causes of action, or other ,liability, including attorney .fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Architect hereunder, resulting . ffrom the .negligence of or willful act or omission of Architect, his agents, employees and - subcontractors. 1.9 Additional$ervices Any additional services will be negotiated with the Architect to be paid on the 6 . 33~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 basis of the attached herein (see .Exhibit "A"), or as otherwise agreed upon through Change Order 2.L ARTICLE III BASIS OF COMPENSATION .County shall pay Architect a sum not to exceed Sixty-Two Thousand Dollars ($62,000.00). ~~~ ~ ARTICLE.IV PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 3.1 Architect's Invoices 3.1.1 On or before the 10th day of each month,- unless otherwise agreed in writing by Architect and County, Architect shall submit an invoice to County requesting payment for services properly. rendered. Architect's invoice shall describe. with reasonable particularity each service rendered,, and the date thereof.. ~ . 3.1.2 -If payment is requested for services rendered by Architect, the .invoice shall additionally reflect the allocations as provided in Article III and shall state the percentage of completion as to each such allocation. :The invoice shall bear the signature of Architect, which signature shall constitute Architect's representation to County that the services indicated in the invoice have progressed to the level indicated, have been properly and. timely performed as required herein, -that the reimbursable ,.expenses included in the .invoice .have been reasonably incurred; that. all obligations of Architect covered by prior invoices have been paid in full; and that, to the best ~of Architect's knowledge, information and informed belief, the amount requested is currently due and owing, there being no reason known to Architect that payment of:any portion thereof should be withheld. Submission of Architect's invoice for. final payment and -reimbursement shall further constitute Architect's representation to County that, upon receipt 34 (`1 ~~ ~~ F. New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 ' from Count of the amount invoiced, all obligations of Architect to others, includin its Y g consultants, incurred in connection with the Project, will be paid in full. 3.2 Time for Payment 3.2.1 County shall make payment to Architect of all sums properly invoiced as provided in Payments to Architect paragraph, within thirty (30) days of County's receipt thereof. 3.3 Owner's Right to V~'ithhold Payment 3.3.1 In the event that County becomes credibly informed that any representations of Architect, are wholly or partially inaccurate, County may withhold payment of sums then or in the future otherwise due to Architect until the inaccuracy, and the cause thereof, is corrected to County's reasonable satisfaction. 3.4 Reimbursable Expenses 3.4.1 Reimbursable Expenses shall mean: expenses incurred by Architect and Architect's consultants in the interest of the Project; as follows: 3.4.2 'Reasonable expenses of transportation in connection with the Project; long- distance communications; actual cost of reproduction, postage and handling of drawings, specifications and other documents; renderings, models and mock-ups requested by County; additional insurance coverage or limits, including professional liability insurance, requested by County in excess of that specified in Paragraph 7.1.2 of this Agreement. 3.1 Architect's Records 3.1.1 Documentation accurately reflecting the time expended by Architect and his personnel and records of Reimbursable Expenses shall be maintained by Architect and shall be available to County for review and copying upon request. 4.1.2 The Architect shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence directly pertinent to the work under this Contract in accordance with generally accepted accounting 8 35 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 principles and practices. The County, or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books, documents, papers, records and other evidence which relates directly to the Project for the purpose of examination, audit, excerpts and transcriptions. 4.1:3 Records described above shall be .maintained and made available during the performance under this Contract and for a period of three years after the County makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed. ARTICLE VI TERMINATION 5.1 Termination for Cause 5.1.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice to the other should such other party fail substantially to .perform in accordance with its material terms through no fault of the party initiating the termination. 5.2 Termination by County Without Cause 5.2.1 This Agreement may be terminated by County without cause upon seven (7) days' written notice to Architect. In the event of such a termination without cause, Architect shall be compensated for all services performed prior to termination, together with Reimbursable Expenses incurred. In such event, Architect shall promptly submit to County its invoice for final payment and reimbursement which invoice shall comply with the provisions of Paragraph 5.1: ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 6.1 Insurance. Architect shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County . of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. 6.1:1 Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this 36 ~' New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 • contract, Architect shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". 6.1.2 Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Architect's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. 6.1.3 Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits in at least in the ,amount of $300,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or . property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. 6.1.3 Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $300,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 6.1.4 Professional Liability Insurance. The Architect will be required to take out and maintain Professional Liability Insurance providing liability insurance limits at least in the amount of $300,000 Dollars. The Architect will be required to maintain this coverage for a period of at least two (2) years beyond substantial completion of the contract. . 10 37 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 ' 6.2 Independent Contractor. 6.2.1- It is mutually understood and'agreed' that Architect is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Architect, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 6.3 Nonwaiver of Rights 6.3.1 It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement. However, specific written waivers signed by the authorized County representative shall be binding upon County. 6.4 Conflict of Interest 6.4.1 No paid employee of the County shall have a personal or financial interest; direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of this agreement. 6.5 Subcontracts 6.5.1 Architect shall utilize no subcontractors for carrying out the services to be performed under this agreement without the written.approval of the County. By the execution of this agreement, County grants prior approval to the following subcontractors: 6.6 Further Actions 6.6.1 The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this agreement. 6.7 Inclusive Terms 6.7.1 Use of the masculine herein shall include the feminine and neuter, and the singular shall include the plural. 38 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 6.8 Governing Law 6.8.1 All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 6.9 Time is of the Essence 6.9.1 Time limitations contained herein, or provided for hereby, are of the essence of this Agreement. 6.10 Use and Ownership of Documents 6.10.1 The drawings, specifications and other documents or things prepared by Architect for the Project shall become and be the sole property of County. Architect shall be permitted to retain copies thereof for its records and for its future professional endeavors. Such drawings, specifications and other documents or things are not intended by Architect for use on other projects by County or others. Any reuse by County or by third parties without the written . approval of Architect, shall be at the sole risk of County and County shall indemnify and save harmless the Architect from any and all liability, costs, claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of, or resulting from, such reuse; provided however, that this agreement to indemnify and save harmless shall not apply to any reuse of documents retained by, or through, the Contractor. 6.11 Successors and Assigns 6..11.1 Architect shall not assign its rights hereunder, excepting its right to payment, nor shall it delegate any of its duties hereunder without the written consent of County. Subject to the provisions of the immediately preceding sentence, County and Architect, respectively, bind themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. >:z ~ 39 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 6.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries 6.12.1 Nothing contained herein shall create a contractual relationship with, or any rights in favor of, any third party. 6.13 Entire Agreement 6.13.1 This Agreement represents the entire agreement between County and Architect and supersedes all prior communications, negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both County and Architect. 6.14 Notices 6.14.1 All notices .required hereunder to be .sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or ~ to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: -. To County:' Greg Thompson, Chief Project Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut St., Room 101 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 To Architect: Sharpe Architecture, PA Attention: Phillip Sharpe, President The Forum - 1131 - A Military Cutoff Road Wilmington, NC 28405 6.15 Non-Discrimination 6.15.1 Architect will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the program which is the subject of this agreement because of race, creed, color, sex, age, 40 f ~ . New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 - - disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Architect will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State .and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. 7. Goal for Participation by Minority Businesses. It is the policy of the County that minority businesses shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed with public money including contracts awarded pursuant to the requirements of Article 8 of the N.C.G.S. New Hanover County has adopted a ten percent (10%) verifiable goal for participation by minority. businesses in the total value of work required by the terms and conditions of this contract. Architect covenants and agrees to comply with said policy of the County and the provision of N.C.G.S. Article 8 and shall follow County guidelines specifying the actions that Architect must take to ensure a good faith effort in the recruitment and selection of minority businesses for participation in this contract. 8. Incorporation. Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. 14 41 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Allen O'Neal, Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board SHARPE ARCHITECTURE, PA [CORPORATE SEAL] President ATTEST: Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Comrrussioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name 15 42 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0197 • • by its Manager, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of the State .and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of SHARPE ARCHITECTURE, PA, a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its .name by rts President, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. Notary Public - My commission expires: ., ~ 43 Sl-UaT~'~ IRCtlITECTURE•PI March 9, 1999 Mr. Greg Thompson, Project Engineer New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Re: Feasibility Study for New Hanover County Administrative Offices Dear Greg: We are pleased to offer this proposal for consulting services for the referenced project. This proposal is based upon the information you have furnished to us that includes the Long Range Study (October 1998 by BMS) and Allen O'neal's memo to the Board of County Commissioners dated February 25, 1999 as well as interviews with you. I understand the objective of the study is to determine the most cost feasible way to meet the county's space needs. The study will include three development options as described in Allen O'neal's 2/25/99 memo. In addition to cost, other factors should be evaluated including disruption of operations, proximity to other municipal offices and other criteria the Building Committee may adopt. We propose to perform the following tasks: Kickoff Meeting With the Building Committee we will formalize the objectives of this feasibility study, expected results and establish criteria for evaluating feasibility. We will review the Long Range Study prepared by BMS with respect to this project and make recommendations for space standards. We will also verify concepts such as people and activity grouping, relationships, density and hierarchy and we will verify certain design and performance criteria. This exercise is not to be considered full programming. We will only discuss concepts that affect space needs and building system performance. A schedule for the study will be developed and adopted by all parties. Meeting Minutes will be produced. Space Needs Verifications Using the Long Range Study prepared by BMS as a beginning point, we will verify the space needs for all departments associated with this project. We will meet with all 17 departments and verify current and projected staffing requirements and other space drivers. Adjusted space allocations will be applied to each department. A report will be produced giving departmental summaries and totals. Option One Study Building We will perform a survey of the existing Administration Building to verify existing conditions and determine building component and system shortcomings with respect to the criteria established in the kickoff meeting. More specifically we will analyze the HVAC, electrical plumbing and conveyance systems, building envelope, and building finishes. We will also provide a survey of hazardous materials. We will then prepare cost estimates to make improvements. 44 IXHl81T ~- f1 ^ THE FORUM 1131-A Military Cvtof{ Road. vvlmington. NC 28405 910.256-8700 FAX 910-256- 1121 ^ Site We will conduct a zoning and TRC requirement analysis. With this information we will then provide concept site plans for the purpose of determining site design options. Up to three parking deck configurations will be explored and analyzed with respect to deck and overall site development costs. Storm water impact fees will be determined. Option Two Study Library Building With the Committee we will determine which departments will most likely be located in the library building. We will perform a survey of the existing library third floor to verify existing conditions and determine building component and system shortcomings with respect to the criteria established in the kickoff meeting.. More specifically we will analyze the HVAC, structural, electrical, plumbing, conveyance systems, building envelope, and building finishes. We will also provide a survey of hazardous materials. We will then prepaze cost estimates to make improvements. New Building Using the revised space needs information we will prepare cost estimates for new construction. Estimates will be prepared using unit costs only. Site We will conduct a zoning and TRC requirement analysis. With this information we will then provide concept site plans for the purpose of determining site design options. Up to three parking deck configurations will be explored and analyzed with respect to building, deck and overall site development costs. Storm water impact fees will be determined. Option Three Study Based upon adjusted space needs data, we will determine appropriate construction cost budget numbers for . anew building on an undetermined site. Hazardous Material Survey In addition to surveying the Administration Building, we have also included surveying the Annex building. Although the building will be demolished, we will still have to determine the potential cost implications of dealing with hazardous waste disposal. Report We will produce a written report with an executive summary describing the findings of this study. It will include copies of all data collected, minutes of all meetings and cost summaries. Determination of Real Estate Value Part of this study will also include determining the cost to upgrade the Administration Building for use as a rental property. The County will need to determine at what level they wish to compete in the market in order to maximize their investment return. I recommend that the county retain the services of a qualified lease management consultant to advise them in this regard. Also, in order to determine how much value should be added, we must know the value of the building in its current condition. I therefore recommend that you have an appraisal made. We will work with both the appraiser and lease management consultant to determine cost feasibility. • ~~ 4 5 Compensation Compensation for the above services shall be the lump sum of Compensation is broken down by `/} consultant as follows: SHARPS Architecture $20,660.00 IES 14,000.00 Kimley Horn 7,500.00 Carswell Business Systems 1,980.00 Haz. Mat. Survey 15.000.00 Total $60,140.00 Expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with the following Reimbursable Expense Schedule. I recommend that you budget $1,500.00 for these expenses.. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Mileage for o'ut of town travel in conjunction with the project shall be reimbursable at the rate of $.31/mile. Payments shall be monthly proportionate to the amount of services completed with payment due ten days from date of invoice. Additional services beyond the scope of services described herein shall be reimbursed on an hourly basis at the consultants' prevailing rates. New Hanover County shall furnish SHARPS Architecture with the County's ADA Implementation Plan, plans of existing facilities, topographic surveys and other information as necessary for SHARPS Architecture to conduct their services. SHARPS Architecture shall be entitled to rely-upon the accuracy of all County furnished information. Cad Plots $9.00/sheet 24" x 36" Large Document Copy $1.25/sheet 30" x 42" Large Document Copy $1.50/sheet 24" x 36" Paper Sepia $3.60/sheet 30" x 42" Paper Sepia $6.50/sheet 8.5" x T 1 "Photocopy $0.05/sheet ' Fax Transmittal $2.00/sheet Diskettes $1.25/each Postage Expenses As Incurred Telephone Expenses As Incurred We appreciate this opportunity and look forward to working with you, the administration and staff. 46 Sincerely, SHARPS Architecture, P A. Philip Sharpe, President Cc: Rick Collins, Sharpe Architecture David Blue, SHARPS Architecture Z:Vdmin~ProposalWew Hanover CounryUdminiurauon Annex Site~Proposal Letts-Feasibility.doc I P ; PA ID Tech Sec Kickoff Meeting 2 I 8 4 Veri Space Needs Analysis 17 Department Interviews ~ i 24 24 Ad~ust Space Standards 1 4 Report ) 1 ~ 2 ~ 2 Option One I B ildi S u ng urvey-Architectural As-B ilt D i 16 20 u raw ngs (Bldg & Site)j - 2 16 Site Analysis ~ 12 2 Cost Estimating ; 12 M ' EP Coord. g ~ 2 ~ , H ~ ~ az Mat Coord. j 8 MAI Coord. j 4 Reportj 0.5 ! 8 2 ~ ~ I ~ Option Two Determi Lib i ne rary Occupancy; g E l va uate Library Building; 4 ~ 4 As-Built D i , raw ngs (Bldg and Site), 1 I 8 Z i ono ng and Site Analysis 16 ; 2 Cost Estimating ~ 2 I ~ ' Haz Mat Coord.; 2 -~ MEP Coord.; g 2 j Reportj 0.5 g ~ ~ i i Option Three Verify Cost Data 8 i i ~ General i I .Final Committee Me ti ; ~ e ng Presentation to Co i i ~ , 4 j ~ mm ss oners 2 2 Total Hours ~ ~ Rate 6 ~ 178 f 36 I 52 i 4 ! $ Fee Subtotal 125 ! $ 95 $ 55 ` $ 55 I $ 35 I $ 750 ; $ 16,910 , $ 1,980 $ 2,860 ~ $ 140 SHARPE Architectur ~ e ! $ IES 20,660 i i $ Kimley Horn 14,000 , ; $ Carswell Buildin S st 7,500 g y ems i $ -iaz Mat Surve ~ 1 980 ! i j . . y r, _,~,,_.~,,,~,,~ , $~,, r15,000 total Fee f~, 3, .. .~.t$~„~~,60~140 ~ , .:~:r°~` ~ ~ i~u~:-~ 47 ,.~n~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22!99 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Sheriff McQueen Contact: Sheriff McQueen SUBJECT: Hire 12 additional E-911 Dispatchers BRIEF SUMMARY: The E-911 department is understaffed. An indication of that condition that the E-911 unit has expended over $165,000 in overtime pay, thus far, this fiscal year: This suggests that the annual overtime expenditure will be $283,000. Staff members are working their scheduled off days to cover the consoles. There is no lunch or break time scheduled throughout the shift. In spite of their best efforts, there are concerns being voiced by the users regarding the level of service that is currently being provided. There is no reason to believe this situation will improve in the future unless some intervening action is taken. Staff recommends that the overtime dollars be redirected toward hiring additional staff. This approach will provide adequate coverage for all 4 shifts, will allow training to be scheduled as required by statute and will insure that existing staff can have their days off as scheduled. At the same time, the number of _c~cerns should decrease. See the attached memo for more detailed information. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the establishment of 12 additional dispatcher positions for the 911 center (3 per shift). FUNDING SOURCE: Positions can be funded from reduction of overtime and budget amendment #99-0124. ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Bill Clontz to Sheriff McQueen and Allen O'Neal, Titled Review of E-911 Center, Dated February 3, 1999. BA#99-0124.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MA Recommend COUNTY:COMMISSION- ,:~ APPROVED Pf ~REJECTE~ ^ ~ REMOV~~ ^ 4 8 POSTPC?: ~J ^ v HEARD ^ DATE-~~ a' n ':.I °i+'. .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Emergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriff/Administration General Fund: Sheriffs Department!Administration/911Center BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0124 ADJUSTMENT Emergency Telephone System Fund: Sheriff/Administration: 911-Surcharge Transfer to General Fund General Fund: .Sheriff s DepartmentlAdministration: Transfer In/Emergency Telephone System Fund Sheriff's Department/911Center: Salary and Wages FICA Medical insurance DEBIT $39,157 $39,157 CREDIT $39,157 • $26,463 ;; $2,074 '$10,620 EXPLANATION: To budget the net cost of 12 additional dispatcher positions for the 911 Center (3 per shift) for the remainder of FY98-99. The annual cost of 12 additional dispatche_r• positions would be $339,396; however, the reduction in overtime and temporary salaries will reduce the ..impact on the budget. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RE.ftCTED~ 0' ~ . RCMOVED POSTPONED GJ HEARD . D DATE , :3. _'~ ~ 9...~~~ _/ --_" . _.. - -- , ~~, ~ ! ~ Q<~ , .~ ~~~~~ a ~a ~~ __ • • To: Sheriff McQueen Allen O'Neal From: Bill Clontz Subject: Review of E-911 Center Date: - February 3, 1999 At the direction of the County Manager, I have begun an ongoing series of discussions with the staff of the E-911 Center and its users. The purpose of these discussions is to propose some solutions to current problems that exist, both in the E-911 Center and in the user community. A second, and more longer range objective, is to establish a committee of interested parties that can evaluate all communication matters that arise across time and provide solutions to the appropriate people. To'date, an understanding of the issues has begun to develop and I feel there is some common ground between the two groups on which a consensus can be built. I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. ., Discussion of the Problems. I have met with both the E-911 staff and the users of the E-911 center. After reviewing the reported issues with both groups, I find general agreement between them as to what the problems are and what should be done about them. The major immediate issues are (1) lack of training for the dispatchers, (2) shortage of staff resulting in interruptions to dispatchers, (3) a lack of clear understanding between E-911 and its users as to how dispatch policies will be created/changed and (4) a perceived lack of understanding of each others job functions . There are some longer range issues but they can be largely resolved by allowing the users some input into the acquisition of a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. E-911 Perspective. The E-911 staff describe their plight in both a short term and long term time frame. In the short term, they are under staffed, under trained and over stressed. Just today, they have hired some new staff but that still leaves them short of the staffing goal they feel to be necessary: The. following table illustrates the staffing situation in the E-911 Center. 49 Staff Shift A Shift B Shift C Shift D Current Level * 11 11 11 11 Part Time 1 1 1 1 Proposed Level 14 14 14 14 Shortage 3 3 3 3 * This level was achieved today by hiring 10 new staff members. The complaints that are being voiced happened at a much lower staffing level. By adding 3 new positions per shift, the E-911 Center can greatly enhance its service provision. They can convert their operational mode from the current combined call taker/dispatcher function to a separate call taker and dispatcher mode. This will improve the response to the public since the dispatcher can focus on the person they are working with and not be interrupted by telephone calls that must be answered. The current and proposed utilization of staff is shown in the table below.- Current Utilization ~ Function Proposed Utilization 2 Call Taker 3 3 City Police 4 1 Sheriff 2 1 EMS 1 ,1 County Fire 1 1 City Fire 1 . 1 Supervisor 1 1 Relief ~ 1 11 Total 14 User Perspective. The users feel the level of training in the E-911 center is inadequate to meet their needs. Operators don't fully understand how to use their equipment, they fail to follow established procedures (especially Emergency Medical Dispatch) and they are too frequently interrupted by other calls. This situation results in the users receiving an undesirable service level, in fact, one user (EMS) has made some very strong indicting statements about the performance level of the center: This complaint seems to be shared across the user community. Dispatcher Certification. Another objective that must be met by the E-911 Center is that all dispatchers must become certified within 1 year after they are hired. This is a new statuary requirement and more rapid progress should be made toward complying with it. With the additional staff, an effective training schedule can be developed and completed that will comply with the statutes. It 50 should be noted that the traihing workload will be quite heavy for some time .because of the number of recent new hires added to the staff. The users express a willingness to work with the E-911 Center as they overcome these issues. Funding for New Staff. Funding to cover these additional staff members can largely be offset by the current overtime spending. An analysis of overtime expenditures thus far this. year reveals the. following: Overtime expended through January 1999 $165, 178 Annualized expenditures for all of 1999 283,161 FTE cost ($13.60/hr * 2080 hours) 28,283 Number of FTE's funded from overtime 10 The cost of 10 of the 12 proposed staff members can be covered by eliminating the overtime generated by having to call staff members into work on their off days. The remainder of the costs can be covered with some consolidations in the current budget and by the use of surcharge funds for eligible expenditures. Longer Term Issues. Once the training, staffing and procedural issues are resolved, the major remaining objective of the users is to be able to retrieve their data directly from the CAD system. That is not possible with the current system •. but there are plans underway to replace it with a new system that will have that capability. Several staff members have seen the new system and it seems to support multiple agencies retrieving their information and displaying it in multiple formats (charts, graphs, maps or tables). With the new system, the E-911 users could retrieve their own data without having to disturb the E-911 staff. Other Issues. The E-911 Center takes calls from many other services that are not part of the law enforcement operation. They answers calls after normal working hours for: water & sewer, all alarms in the county, social services, traffic and engineering, Brunswick Nuclear Plant, parks, engineering, Crime Stoppers for 4 counties, Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI), animal control, property management and the National Weather Service (NAWAS). As part~of this review, we should determine whether these services should remain in the E-911 Center or whether they should be relocated to another organization. Another issue that has heavily impacted the E-911 Center is the installation of cellular phones in most automobiles. This means that most emergencies are reported to the center by each driver that passes the scene. It is not unusual for an automobile crash or a house fire to generate as many as 30 calls. Of course, 29 of those calls were unnecessary but they had to be answered just as though they were the first notification of the event. 51 With this increased call volume and with the staff shortage already discussed, the center is experiencing more hang-ups before the call can be answered. Center policy requires that the dispatcher call each hang-up until they reach `~ someone who can verify that the people are safe. This is another example of increased workload that can impair the center's ability to provide the level of service they want to deliver. Conclusion. It seems to me that the additional staff should be approved immediately. That would allow the E-911 center to get on with their training backlog. It would also improve the morale of the current staff since they could count on having their days off without interruption. It would also allow the on-duty staff to take their breaks and lunch periods that are currently being omitted. Gradually, as the training level of the center improves, service to the users should improve.' Finally, with the installation of the new CAD system, all users will have access to their data and that will bring a higher degree of satisfaction to them: ' I~also feel that the E-911 staff should meet with its users, perhaps on a monthly basis, where all issues could be discussed and resolved before they become large problems. Using the old adage: "a problem well defined is a problem quickly solved" seems to be in order in this situation. If the committee would meet each month, a less threatening atmosphere would develop and.that would promote problem solving. I have asked -that a meeting be scheduled next week so we~can discuss this memo and so you can determine the approach you wish to take on this matter. Thanks'and I look forward to meeting with you riext week. cc: Major Spell Mary Antley Andy Atkinson 52 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Dexter Hayes, Patrick Lowe SUBJECT: Establish and Make Appointments to the_ Tidal Creek Watershed Management Advisory Board. BRIEF SUMMARY: The purpose of the Advisory Board will be to review and propose water quality enhancement strategies and projects as outlined in the Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. Projects may include conservation easement and riparian buffer acquisitions, wet detention ponds, streambank stabilization, public education and others. The Advisory Board will determine priorities for implementation based upon the specific objectives and defined needs of each watershed as provided by on-going research and monitoring by UNCW and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners and to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board shall establish the Tidal Creek Watershed Advisory Board and make appointments to the' Board positions as specified in the attached outline. The Commissioners may amend the suggested composition of the Advisory Board. FUNDING SOliRCE: . N/A . ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend establi hing the Tidal Creek Watershed Advisory Board and making the appointments to the Board. COMMISSION S CTIONS/COMMENTS: GOtINTY COMI~~ISSIt~NLFF~ APP~OV~D ff/ REJECTED p RtN~t3Vr_0 p POS7RpNEp ~ ~EaRO 53 oAT~ ...._.,3~ ~.~_q~ -~Q~ ~- Led, g ti. ~ ~ ui.A.. n`~a-~ '~nsaehs f yr Sew ~ur•~r~ vr.ew.,b~s, l ~ ~ lu~li~ nlc~~ ~C~ ~ew ~anover ~ountEy ~idalreek ~at~rshec~ Management Ad®isory ~oard ~~~~~ The purpose of the Advisory Board will be to review and propose water quality enhancement strategies and projects as outlined in the Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant. Projects will include conservation easement and riparian buffer acquisitions, wet detention ponds, stream bank stabilization, public education and others.The Advisory Board will determine priorities for implementation based upon the specific objectives and defined needs of each watershed, as provided by on-going research and monitoring by UNCW, and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners and to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. PROPOSED ADVISORY BOARD POSITIONS 54 .,," { .R 1,I~~.,/ ~~ .R 1. New Hanover County Commissioners 2. Wilmington City Council ' 3. UNCW Representative 4. Real Estate Representative 5. Environmental Representative 6. Industry/ Water Quality Representative 7. MarinoFisheries Representative 8. Clean Water Management Trust 9. Coastal ~ Oceanographic Engineering 10. At-Large -Community Watersheds • County Manager's Office: • County Planning Department • Cooperative Extension • County Attorney's Office • County Engineering Department C!::f=~~`~`"=~City~Stormwater Services: 5~ ~n ~r ~~ r~t . ~~ ~ ~n~ .. s~~~ :..~ . - -- ' March 22 1999 -County Commissioners .. ~ 1 .~ l Bill Caster (Pending) Milee Mallin Carlton Fisher Tracy Slzrabal Don Coolie Joe Clem Chuclz Walzild Spencer Rogers John Je{~eries .Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Dexter Hayes, Director Patrick Lowe, Asst. Director/Project Manager Chris O'Keefe, Planner/GIS . Bruce Williams, Director Kemp Burpeau, Asst. County Attorney Andrew Olsen, Asst. County Attorney Jim Craig, Chief Utilities Engineer Dave Mayes, Manager J s ~ - o - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ,,,Meeting Date.:. 03/22/99 ~. ~ . Regular Item #; 14 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department:' TAX . Presenter: Robert Glasgow Contact: Robert Glasgow ` SUBJECT: Convene as Board of Equalization and Review .BRIEF SUMMARY:. ~ . . The Board of County Commissioners may resolve to create a special Board of E&R to carry out the duties _ outlined in NCGS 105-322 pertaining to appeals of value. Among other statutory requirements,. they may authorize appellants to appeal from the special board to the Board of Commissioners. Otherwise, the ~. Commissioners sit as the Board of E&R no earlier than the first Monday, in April,. and no later than the first Monday in May. The Board of E&R must convene to hear taxpayers who appeal the value of their :property or appeal with.respect,to the listing and appraisal of property of others. For many years, the . ' Board of Commissioners have convened as the Board of E&R, and have scheduled the first meeting on ~ . the third Monday of April. From 1983 until present, there have been very few appeals to the :Board. ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board. of Commissioners sit as the Board of Equalization and Review, and schedule the first meeting on April 1.9;.1999, at approximately 9:00 a.m. iri the Golden Hawk-Room on-the campus of ' . ~ UNC-VV: ~ ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ _ ' ~ ATTACHMENTS: ~ . - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _ Concur with Tax Administrator and recommend the Board of Commissioners sit as the Board of ' .Equalization and Review and schedule the frst meeting on April 19, 1999 - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTI! ~GOMMISS(ON _ ~ ~ . Af?PF~OVED' .[/ . ~. REJECTEQ ~p" . ~ ~REMOVED~ 'p - ~, ~ ~ .~ -POSTPONED p MEARD~ ~ , _ O: '. d"3~~~ March 4, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners . FROM: Lucie F. Harrell . Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Proposed Re-Structuring the Planning Board After discussing this matter with the County Manager d Planning Director, the following categories are recommended for re-structuring the Planning Board to be omposed of seven members. By grouping some of the professions under one category, it should provide the Boar with more applicants to choose from while maintaining a certain amount of diversity on the Board. Architect = 1 representative Community - 1 representative Landscape Architect Neighborhood Advocate ' Land Planner - Design Professional ' Banker - 17epresentative At-Large - 1 representative Financial Broker ~ General Public Mortgage Lender Appraiser Developer - 1 representative Engineer - 1 representative Builder Land Surveyor Engineer Real Estate" Broker Contractor Environmentalist - 1 represen tive Natural Sciences Currently, the Planning Board members fall in th following categories: Banker: Michael J. K enan, Construction Lending Officer Wachovia M rtgage Company Contractor: McKinley D. Dull, President McKinley-K rr Building Corporation Real Estate: John Edwar Galarde, Marketing Director ' Blair Prope ies, Inc. Contractor:. Rodney Q. arris, Vice-PresidentlGeneral Manager DAL-HAR Construction, Inc. Engineer: James E. olle, Retired Senior Systems Engineer ~~'"" "'~ '"`~'' ; a r u ~`~;'General El tric. At Large .~n~-;Joyce Fern do, Former Registered Nurse {~ '' ~ ~` Appraiser, ,:Kirk Davy, President (Resigned 1/99 -Currently Vacant) 5 ~ } ' ~ ° ~^ -Carolina Appraisal Group IF ~ t"4 nyF~f"~~ k 1.1 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 15 Estimated Time: .Page Number. Department: 'Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ~ • . Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Proposalfor Restructuring the Planning:Board . $RIEF SUMMARY: As requested by the Board of County Commissioners on February 15, 1999, the County Manager, Planning Director, and Clerk to the Board have met and. prepared a list of categories for the Board to consider in restructuring the Planning Board. These changes will be phased in with future appointments and will not impact the current members serving on the Planning Board. - - ~ , :RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Review the categories and many any necessary changes. See the attached memorandum. Planbd.wp ~ _ . - ~' .FUNDING SOURCE: ~ .. ATTACHMENTS: . : .ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUIUI'Y -cQ~MiSSION~~ ~P~~ovl=o~ ~o; '12EJ ~CTEQ` C~ ~RENIOVED~ ~ • ~' ~ . POSTP~ONED•~gi_ ~~ H);ARD (~; _ ~ 9{-, ~ ~ tiny- 'rte ~ _ . ~ ~s~ March 4, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Proposed Re-Structuring of the Planning Board After discussing this matter with the County Manager and Planning Director, the following categories are recommended for re-structuring the Planning Board to be composed. of seven members. By grouping some of the professions under one category, it should provide the Board with more applicants to choose from while maintaining a certain amount of diversity on the Board. Architect.- l representative Community - 1 representative Landscape Architect ~ Neighborhood Advocate Land Planner ~ " Design Professional Banker - 1 representative At-Large - 1 representative ' Financial Broker ~ General Public Mortgage Lender Appraiser Developer - 1 representative Engineer - 1 representative Builder Land, Surveyor Engineer Real Estate Broker Contractor Environmentalist - 1 representative Natural Sciences Currently, the Planning Board members fall in the following categories: Banker: Michael J. Keenan, Construction Lending Officer Wachovia Mortgage Company Contractor: McKinley D. Dull, President McKinley-Kerr Building Corporation Real Estate: John Edward Galarde, Marketing Director Blair Properties, Inc. Contractor: Rodney Q. Harris, Vice-President/General Manager DAL-HAR Construction, Inc. Engmeer James E. Wolle, Retired Senior Systems Engineer ~~~~,~„ ~~ y' ~;~,~¢.~-;.~.. {.~ - -~ ~ ~ General Electric. ~, ~= 4.,_...~, ~ti At Lar e' :M g Jo ce Fernando, Former Re istered Nurse Y g . '~ ..rAppraiser Kirk Davy, President (Resigned 1/99 -Currently Vacant) . } ~ , 6 0 r .-~ < < ++~~ ' ` f i~° ~ ^ ~+ - ~ ~, 4 . r 6's,d '+fiee ~ ,„ ~~ . ~ t r ,. .,a.. ~ ~ r ;. ~, .-, .. j-~ The following applications. were received to fill the vacancy created by the resignaf n of Kirk Davy: ' Jeffery R Bellows, N. C. State Ports Authority Facilities Manager, B. S. Ocean Engineering,. Florida Institu ie of Te ology. Master of Business Administration, UNCW • .David C: Girardot, UNCW, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Bus' ss Affairs ' • BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Missouri at Rolla MBA,. Mississippi College, Financial Administration & Or anizational Behavior . ~ Ernest J. Puskas, Manager, Carolina Contractors, Inc. Interested in preserving the quality of life in New Han ver County . James B. Taylor, Self-Employed, Owner, Commu ity Planning Associates Retired, State of North Carolina as a planner wi the Division of Community ' , Assistance, Department of Commerce . ~ Michael Ternes, Independent Contractor - Li ensed Professional Realtor/ , Engineering & Manufac ring Executive ' Robert Franklin Smith, Jr., AIA - Princi al, Secretary/Treasurer -Smith . Gage Architects ' -, Reverend Anthony R Watson, Pastor esigner, BMS Architects, PC Please review the suggested categories. You may ant to consider phasing in the categories once they are established and fill the current vacancy with an ap icant representing a neighborhood advocate or an at-large • ; ~ member from the general public. This would provid more balance to the current Planning Board. Please feel free to make any suggestions; changes etc. This item will be placed on the March 22 or April 6, 1999 agenda... lfh _ . cc: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Dexter Hayes, Planning Director • ' .. . 57 . , .. {This page intentionally left blank} 58 ~ ' 0 .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION -. Meeting Date: 03/22/99 - Regular Item #: 16 Estimated Time: ,Page Number. - Department: County Manager Presenter: "Jane Freeman, Bob Mayo, Pat Melvin, David Payntei-, Contact: Patricia A. Melvin . .SUBJECT: n : Update on Northeast Branch Library Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Hear update on fundraising campaign,. project design and construction issues, and request for lease of "space. = RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: '. . Provide direction to staff for proceeding with interior design services, preparation of construction documents; and construction. phase of project. Also direct staff concerning sale of county, property on ' Military Cutoff Road-.and approach to be used in selling the property.- - FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACHMENTS: .REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: NIA BUDGET:. N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A _ -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . ` Hear presentation by staff and fund raising committee. Recommend the Board consider approval to move ' forward with theporject. The fund raising is going well. 'The fund raising efforts should be stimulated with the Commissioners approval to move ahead with the porject. Attached is a status report from Pat Melvin . delineating the outstanding matters on this project. `COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . .. -~ COUNTY C01hM1SSI0N APPP,01lED ~LJ- _ REJECTED . ., . .:....REMOVED C7 ,HEARD., ,D .. . ~ . . n~ ~e " w«~r ~ ~~r~ 61 ,Y'p F.{ ,tZh Hr ~,) r (zit- , ~ ,1~ . _ ~ 1' ,~y ~; New Hanover County Public Library 201 Chestnut~'Street Wilmington, .North Caroliria 28401-3942 March 6, 1999 (910) 341-4389 (91,0) 341-4357 Fax New Hanover Boazd of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street -Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Deaz Commissioners: This is to request that the Commissioners approve the plans, budget and schedule for the new Northeast Branch Library so that the building n;novation can proceed and be com Meted, by February, 2000 as currently scheduled. This schedule is' important for our fundraising campaign and maintaining the enthusiasm and support for the library by the residents and businesses. The arcfiitecturaUengineering design is completed and the construction package can be sent out for bids now. This will allow adequate time for bid review and the award of a contract so that construction can begin this June. The fundraising campaign has passed the $500,000 point and we are committed to continuing the effort to reach the $1M ~goa1. A renewed effort is underway for corporate gifts and major gifts from individuals, foundations and trusts. The following scheduled events should push the total to $600,000: Another Tag Sale in late May at the Library site. Boat Show held at the Library site March 5-7, 1999. ~ . . Fundraising event ~at Porters Neck Club -May 5,1999. Presentation to Landfall residents at their annual meeting in May. Other events and publicity are in process or being planned. The interior design contract needs to be placed' so that this work can be coor_ dinated with the architectural design and minimise the changes to the construction drawings. Also, the lease with UNCW for their proposed space should be finalized as soon as possible and the work on that space included in the construction scope. We trust that you~agree that the~new library is a priority project and should proceed on schedule. F " ~~ ,.~ ~ ~ ; ~, ~~:e~e If you have'~anybquestions,or,~need~additional information on the funds campaign, please advise. Respectfully, `" ~ -' U ~~ _: ~ . ~, _~u ~~~,~ 4 i; ._~c2,,.i J Robert Mao ~ 6-7_430 ''" "" Jane ~ ~ - Y ~ % ~ Freeman 686 4501 - ~ 1999 ~` ~ " Alleri 'O'Neal and Mr. David Pa . ynter NEW HANOVER CQ ".' . „ , ~ . ', , •, BA QF COMMISSIONEii$ in association with New Hanover Friends of The Public Library - NEW HANOVER COUNTY ..., ,.. Q,r,f-~ INTEROFFICE ~~~-.~: . ~ . MEMO o ~ ec~e.~-- ~~/~ za. :March 15, 1999 ~ d S~e.~.P.~s IZ~3J'~ TO: Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager _ ..FROM`: :Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant County Manager RE:. - Status of Northeast Branch Library Project ZS, ocx~ _ Fundraising efforts seem to be going well. More than $500,000 has been raised to date. The Boat sale held on . March 5-7,th netted approximately $15,000. It is believed that fundraising efforts will be greatly enhanced when construction activity is underway. However, we need approval by the Board of Commissioners to proceed with the construction ..phase of the project and address other matters of concern. . ~ The status of the .project is as follows. e " 1) Smith Gage Architects have completed drawings for project construction. . 2) Drawings are currently being reviewed by the N.C. Dept. of Insurance. . a) Preliminary approval has been given. b)' Final approval is expected within the next three weeks.. c) ~ Construction could begin as early as June 1, 1999. :: 3) - Interviews have been conducted and a decision made concerning the hire of.an interior design ~: consultant. ~, a) This consultant will assist with .critical. issues of furnishings, placement thereof, etc. . 'b) No contracts have been entered, pending direction from the Board of Commissioners. 4) A proposed lease has been submitted to UNC-Wilmington in response to their request to lease some ~~Zo 7,500 square feet-for the Adult Scholars program. Nb m~.e-~ h~ hee,y huAc~e~~l- ~~ u~~~ . a) We proposed to lease this space at $1~ per square foot. . b) The State Office of Purchase & Contracts is reviewing the proposal at this time. It-has to be approved at that level before UNC-Wilmington can enter any lease agreements .. :. ~ c) UNC-Wilmington also desires. some use of the Assembly Roorn and have. a, re d to handle scheduling o~rsame on County's behalf - PJ o rr~e~~ h~-~~~~~ ~° ~~ ~5~'~ ~a~j 2~•~ . 5) ~ The Library has been approached by vendor(s) interested in leasing lobby and storage space for a coffee kiosk. a) No decision has been rendered on this item. . ~~ .. 63 RE: Status of Northeast Library Project March 15, 1999 Page 2 ., ,~ 6) Bids on the County's property on Military Cutoff Road were rejected by the Commissioners atthe March' 8"' meeting. a) Board of Commissioners need to direct staff concerning the approach they desire for future sale of property and indicate when that should occur We need approval from the Board of Commissioners to: 1) Proceed with construction phase of project once approved by the Dept. of Insurance 2) Hire the interior design consultant ~ ~ M~~-y l~udge~ec/: rv: // /%lrz.Gy ~~f-P~`1 ~~65~ 3) Enter lease agreement with UNC-Wilmington,,once approved by the Office of Purchase & Contracts 4) Discuss and negotiate lease on coffee kiosk - ~(~~ ~ oo 5) Review financing options for the assembly space, since recovery of expenditures will not be immediate, but over a period of years. (~l a rnm-~ ec~ t,~,dye~ed f~" crryi~ru j ;~ °~r^re~. 6) Proceed with sale of County property on .Military Cutoff Road ~~~; wto-~ Issues listed are critical to the continuation of this project.. Direction from the Board of Commissioners is vital Please let me know if additional information is needed. /pam ~, ~~. 64 ~ NEW HANOVER .COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Regular Item #: 17 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Ordinance Amendment.Section 15-7 (b)(4) Development Fee BRIEF SUMMARY: Section 15-7(b)(4) of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer Ordinance authorizes a development fee for all connections to the District's water system. The fee for a residential unit is $720.00, but a commercial unit could be much more depending on the type of water demanded. In order to be more equitable, the minimum fee for a commercial or industrial connection should be equal to the fee of a residential unit of $720.00, with the potential to be higher as appropriate The attached proposed Ordinance Amendment depicts this recommended change as highlighted. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the Ordinance Amendment be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACH `MENTS: 1 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendation from County Engineer. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , couNTV coMivii~slonl~ts~' :APPROVED C/~ +REJECTED O . +REMOVED' 'O. ~'~ POSTPONED D' MEARD~ 3d 9 DATE / ~ 4 ~~ 65 Alr f3RDINANCE OF THE AiEW HAAIOVER_COUNT'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 15 of the New I~anover County Code is and be hereby amended as follows: Amend Section 15-7(b)(4). Development Fee. A fee shall be imposed on all development connecting to the water supply system, based on average daily flow. The fees shall tie used to pay for cost of elevated tanks, trunk lines, and wells. The One Dollar and Eighty Cents ($1.80) per gallon fee shall consist of a One Dollar ($1.00) per gallon elevated storage component, and an Eighty Cents ($0.80) per gallon transportation facilities component..The fee shall be paid at the time the building permit is obtained, to be determined as follows: i. Residential. A development fee of Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars ($720.00) shall be assessed per single-family residential unit. ii. Commercial and Industrial. A development fee of One Dollar and Eighty Cents ($1.80) per gallon, based on average daily flow as set forth in the N.C. Administrative Code, Subchapter 18C, Water Supplies, as may be amended from time to time, shall be assessed for commercial and industrial customers. Frovided, however, that a minimum development fee of Four Dundred ($400.00) Dollars for the elevated storage component and Three Rundred Twenty ($320.00) Dollars for the transportation component shall be assessed per commercial or industrial unit. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 15 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the day of , 1999. . [SEAL] 1i+~,..~"1.M 3{gs,TCr';~!-4 Y4F M~Nb~Y-'^R ..rte,; ~ r ~ n r ti'~a+ Clerk to the Board -~ ~ n~ ~~ ~_, y' it \,..r F . Ai° NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners n f~ • • • ,-- MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Golden Hawk Room -University of North Carolina-Wilmington March 22, 1999 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 67 2. Approval of Minutes 69 3. Approval of Water Line Extension -Island Park 71 4. Approval of draft contract with Pender County for wastewater 73 transportation services 5. Award of Bid for Sandblasting and Painting of Elevated Water Tank 85 On US 421 Contract No. 97-0144 and approval of associated budget amendment #99-31 ADJOURN 67 {This page intentionally left blank} 68 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes -Water and Sewer BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting February 15, 1999 Regular Meeting March 8, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro COMMISSIONERS' A TI S/COMMENTS: • CQUNTY COMM1~$(®N APPROVED: ~C`-- REJECTED ~! 'REMOVED 'p POSTPONED' !O~ HEARD; p' 69 lJ {This page intentionally left blank} ~.«~.~,,,:,..,,.,tr,.,-fir ~~,r'Fr j.Y Sl ,s..r„jr~; ~p,~~ }-v~f~.~ „~„t~,k }} :s~~~` ', ,f y, ~"'~t h "" NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Water Line Extension -Island Park BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has received a request from NCDOT for a water line extension to the Island Park Industrial Park. DOT is planning to move their entire complex from Division Drive to Island Park. If approved, a twelve-inch water line would be extended from the North Chase area along NC 132 to the Prince George subdivision across I-40 to the industrial park. This water line will enhance the District's water system which presently exist in Prince George. DOT has agreed to contribute $225,000 and the owners of the industrial park has agreed to $100,000 and possibly more if it can be reimbursed by others locating in the area. The estimated cost of the project is $600,000. A map is attached indicating the pipe and park location. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that consideration be given to the water line extension. If item is approved and balance is required from Water and Sewer District approve related budget amendment transferring up to $275,000 from Water and Sewer District Fund Balance. FUNDING SOURCE: Additional funding from water and sewer district may be required to fund the balance of $275;000. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMpItENTS AND RECOMMENDAI Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S MMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A APPROVED C~-=- RE:IECTED ~, REMOVED !Di POSTPONED ~®` 7 1-1FARD O . DATE ~!~a/~~_ ~- • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Approval of draft contract with Pender County-for wastewater transportation services BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached draft contract, at the request of Pender County, would allow the Water and Sewer District to transport wastewater via the North Chase Interceptor from Pender County (50,000 gpd for Del Labs and 25,000 gpd to serve three new schools) at a rate,of $0.50 per 1,000 gallons to cover District costs for wastewater transportation and chemical treatment. The County's North Chase Interceptor has the ability to transport 828,288 gpd average flow. 75,000 gpd would be a significant reduction of that potential. Although the County has committed to transporting 50;000 gpd for Del Labs as a regional economic development measure, the Board should consider the impacts of further additions, e.g. for Pender County schools. It should be noted that Pender County may be contemplating considerably more use of the North Chase Interceptor. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The District should charge the transportation rate of $0.50 per 1,000 gallons for Del Labs. The District should request~that Pender County submit a plan for sewer capacity use before any other uses, including .Pender County schools, are allowed to connect. The Ciry of Wilmington is going in a similar direction as indicated by the attached letter from the Ciry Manager. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract Letter from City Manager REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC MMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendations noted above` ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: '~~~~ ~~~i~11~~~+~~~ APPROVED ~'~-- 1 REJECTED L 'REMOVED POSTA®NE® HEAR( ~~~~rov2c~ ~~~® ~' I,ooo 9aQ. ~~b r~ec~1 aafd'(, 25;aoa aC• 7°"~t, ~i s c~css2d ~// GouJ, itrp~c', l~ts,s~er L'aa- t,J ,....-~ ~ ~ ~ •• f ~ ~ ~ ' '~ ' ~ ``' ` p . ~ - - . ~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 's i ~ ~ -- ~' - DRAFT ,~ ~- ,- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND PENDER COUNTY RELATING TO WASTEWATER ` TRANSPORTATION SERVICES THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT; made and entered into this day of 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "New Hanover"; and PENDER COUNTY a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as '"Pender"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Pender has requested the City of Wilmington to provide wastewater treatment capacity at the Northside Plant to initially. service the wastewater treatment needs of Del Laboratories, Inc. ("Del Labs") which is locating a manufacturing facility in Pender County and for three (3) new public schools to be built over the next several years; and WHEREAS, Pender plans to construct a sewer pump station and force main to connect to the Del Labs facility and potentially other industrial users and said public schools, when constructed, to the .sewer system of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District ("District"); and WHEREAS, the District will convey wastewater from Del Labs, and potential other indu`strial'"users"aiid~tputilic schools, to the Northside Plant through the District's Ogden .~...~. _.e . ~ -,.,,...,.._ ~.~ ~ ~-~ ~~~ ~ e'~ Interceptor; and (p/°,~~~ ~„M~ya 74 ~ ~ ~ ~p,, ~~ ~ ,_~,.~~~ ~~-}yam y - ~. ~ • New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT WHEREAS, the location of Del Labs in Pender County will provide economic benefits to the City, Pender and New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, a fifty thousand (50,000) gallon per day capacity is needed to serve Del Labs and future industrial users, and an additional twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallon per day capacity is needed to serve the proposed public schools; and WHEREAS, the District and Pender aze authorized to provide systems of sewage collection, and disposal and are further authorized to enter into agreements relating to the exercise of any power, fiznction, public enterprise, right, privilege or immunity of local government; and WHEREAS, District and Pender are further authorized by G.S. 158-7.1 to engage in • programs to aid and encourage the location of manufacturing enterprises in the area; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits enuring to the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: 1. Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is for District to transport sewage generated by Del Labs for treatment services by the City of Wilmington. 2. Del Labs as Customer of the District. Del Labs or any other future industrial users shall be a customer of the District for the purposes of transporting wastewater for treatment services by the City of Wilmington., Such users shall be required to pay applicable transportation . expenses, charges, and fees based on metered flow, at a rate of ($, per one thousand (1,000) gallons. 3. Term of Agreement. This agreement shall become effective upon execution and shall extend for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter. . 75 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT 4. Termination. a. Without Cause. This agreement may be terminated without cause upon mutual agreement of the parties hereto. b. For Cause. If either party fails to keep and perform each and all of the covenants contained herein, then and in that event, the other party, after notifying the nonconforming party not less than thirty (30) days in advance' and upon the failure of the other party to comply within such period, may at its option either terminate the agreement or maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages, specific performance or injunctive relief. It is agreed that either party's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach hereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement. 5. Amendment of Agreement. This agreement may be amended or modified upon mutual agreement of the respective parties, provided that any such amendment shall be reduced to writing and signed by both parties. 6. Non-Assignability. The rights and duties under this agreement shall not be assigned by any of the parties without the written consent of the other. 7. Conflict of Interest. No paid employee of the City shall have a personal or financial 76 interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of this agreement. ,; ;_, New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT 8. Assurances. Pender will comply with any and ali applicable Federal,- State and Local standards, regulations, laws, statutes and ordinances regarding toxic, hazardous and solid wastes and any other.pollutants..Pender will take all reasonably,necessary, proper or required safety, .preventative -and remedial measure in accordance with any and all regulations. and directives from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the United States . Environmental. ProtectionAgency, Health Departments, and any other Federal, State or local ` .agency having jurisdiction, to ensure the prompt prevention or cessation (now or in the future) of violations of either the applicable provisions of such standards, regulations, laws, statutes, and ' ` ~ ordinances or any permits or conditions issued thereunder. 9. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the • '= • ~ parties relating to the subject matter hereof. , . ~ 10: Bindin Effect. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns; agents, officials, employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors of the parties. 11. Continuing_Obli ate. The parties. will makeand execute all further instruments . and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this agreement. ' 12. Reference. Use of the masculine herein includes the feminine and neuter; singular .,~ - j includes-plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not' define, describe,-extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement: 13. ~ Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict ~°between the various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other 77- ' - New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over. the general and the more stringent or higher_standazd shall prevail .over the less-stringent or lower standazd. ` . 14. Immunity Not Waived:_ This agreement is governmental in nature, for the benefit of the public, and is not intended to be for private profit or gain: Any fees charged in connection with:the services hereunder are intended to reflect as closely .as possible. the City's' .actual cost, and neither party intends to waive its sovereign immunity by reason of this agreement. 15. Savings Clause. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this. agreement is for any reason held .invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding: shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions• hereof. 16. No Liability for Failure. It is understood and agreed. by and between City and P_ender that City shall not be liable for any failure of the sanitary sewage treatment system of the .Cty,.and that the City shall not be liable, in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any special,~indirect, consequential or punitive damages .such - as loss of anticipated profits, loss of use, loss of revenues, loss by reason. of plant shutdown, loss of goodwill, or other financial loss.. 17. Additional Services. The City, in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-3'12 may, but is riot required to, provide services outside the corporate limits.. Therefore, it is understood and agreed that the City has no obligation to provide treatment services. beyond those specified in this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City- and Pender have caused this agreement to be duly executed in their names and behaves and their seals ,affixed .and attested to on the day and year J 78 • first above written. [SEAL] New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [SEAL] PENDER COUNTY Chairman Board of Commissioners • ATTEST: Clerk to the Board This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. New Hanover County Finance Director I i Approved as to form: I i' I New Hanover County Attorney 7~9 - r New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT (`~ This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Pender County Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Approved as to form: Pender County Attorney I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. •~ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Notary Public I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that _he is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument 80 ~ .. . New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT was, signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by him/herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. Notary Public . My commission expires: • ~ g~ ~y ~ +'`~' YR ~ w ~ .,Y ~~ '~:~ ~. CITY of W I L M I N .~..:~.~,. GTON ~f~ , North Carolina 1739 ~ P.O. BOX 181 O OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGE 28402 (910) 341-781 FAX (910) 341-46~ February 24, 1999 TDD (910) 341-787 John Bauer, Manager Pender County P. O. Box 5 Burgaw, NC 2842 RE: Wastewater Treatment Allocation Dear John: I'm happy that we were able to assist Pender County and Del Labs by providing wastewater~treatment services. The City considers this an investment in jobs for low income City residents. Your request for an additiona125,000 GPD allocation for Pender County schools is quite different from the Del Labs issue. We are very concerned about additional piecemeal allocations. As you know, Wilmington and New Hanover County are experiencing tremendous growth. The City and New Hanover County have established interlocal agreements to provide wastewater treatment services to our citizens. One initiative resulting from these agreements is a wastewater infrastructure master planning report which will culminate in recommendations for upgrade or expansion of our wastewater treatment facilities. We are in the process of selecting an engineer to perform this master planning. Rather than continuing to consider incremental additional allocations, we think it would be prudent for the vazious parties to develop their master plan for wastewater treatment. Part of this master planning should consider a regional approach, one option being the City as a service provider. 82 - Mr. John Bauer Page Two February 23, 1999 • Please feel free to give me a call if you would like to discuss this further. Yours truly, ` , l~ Mary Gornto City Manager • cc: City Council Hugh Caldwell, Dir., Public Utilities Ken Vogt, WWT Supt. Pam Ellis, ESD Supt. Sco atterfield llen O'Neal • 83 {This page intentionally left blank} 84 • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Bids for Sandblasting and Painting of Elevated Water Tank on US 421 Contract No. 97-0144 BRIEF SUMMARY: The District has a 100,000 gallon elevated water tank on US 421. The interior of the tank has not been painted since 1981 and the exterior has not been painted since 1990. The project has been advertised three times. The first time we did not receive enough bids, the second group of bids received were too high, requiring rejection, and the third set of bids is much better but remain high. As indicated by the attached Bid Tabulation, Southern Corrosion from Roanoke Rapids, N.C., is the low bidder with a base bid of $92,330.00. A budget amendment in the amount of $100,000 is attached. This includes an amount for contingency. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that a contract with Southern Corrosion be awarded in the amount of $92,330.00 with authorization for the Chairman to execute. In addition, please authorize the associated budget amendment #99-31 in the amount of $100,000. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Draft Contract Ba99-31.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C~IIMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approvaj/ ~ COUNTY COMNiISS~6i~ COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 /COMMENTS: APPROVED C/` d. REJECTED' O! °. REMOVED POSTPONED 0 HEARD O ®ATlE ~~ ~~Q4 ~~''~' 85 U i~ _ L~ ~, c z~ ~~~ ~ - c c~ L ~_ ~ C L L {:~ ~ I I Z ^, ~ZL7L'~ r~l ~ C O .f~N 'i 1 ¢~Ci OO ~~1 C OD Q G rw~ J ._ o N C C K ~~; ~~ W '~.J 6 U ~,~ z J z z ~ ~c w ~ z ~ z a H I ,~ o w ~ I a ~ ~ `_ (~ a 3 ~ I - J o ^, o Q z ~- o; F H o~ ~ E I I I ~ I I I ` ~ ~ I ! I I I ~ ~ I: I I I i i ~ ! ~l,. ~ i I I i ~. i I i ~ ~ ~ ~~ i i~d ;O ~ C~.'L '~ .. G~ ~ I -- I _ _ I rrr rini{~ I ~ e ~ I I ~ ' ......J.~.~ '~ ~ I ~ ( I ( i I s i I J I ~ ; I , I ___. ~ f ~ ~ ~ i~, ~~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ 0 0. , o ~ o ~ o~ I o! i ° °, °~ ~ • i . I I of o o f I `'"' ;z o~ of o I o I I I~ of o ~ rn~ ~~ i u~ I d w ~~ , ~ ~ NI I pl ` ~ ~ ~ i !Z CV ~ ~' M, ~, I I i p~ ~ ~ ; C3 ro ro ~ r>s ra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, , O o '~ ~ ~ ~ W H. I , z ~ a. Q ' w' a >I ~1 ~ G I z =`O ' I I ~ ~~ ~ ! j ~ ~ i i I I ~ i i i I ~ ~ i ~ I I . ~ a. ~ ~ a°' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~! ~ i . I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I j' j. ! a, , i ~ I I I I ! i ~ I I i i ~ ~ I I Q ~ x ° I :~ c ~_,~ ~,. cn w I ~ j I I~ I I ~, I ~ I I ' z ,, z ~ ~d ~ I , N ~ .~. ~ ~ U ~ oo °I J Z c*~ I I I~ I I IZI I! I ~ ~'~ ca o ! o z I ~ H i i v z H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I ,..., . .,.. a 3~ ~F Diu ~; f ~ ~ ~ fJ~ I H I E-+ t,~ ~ I , '~ I i I I ti a ~ +~cm ....~._~ W~ ~- ~~;~ '-~ .~~ ~' 2 :~ <,.. z L a A a~-; o Ey ~n~ ~x U Z ~ a U i x z ~ Q i -. ~ u~. ; ~ ~:~~.~~ v o ~ a~ as F z z F ~ ~~ : u,~ ~ o z ,~ a ]y/( ~r7 +w yr O ~~ F~T~s.JkF~-d7 i ~' '` ~ ~ ~ °~ ~ ~ 0 a W ~H `! r ~ ~» m F W ~ .H ~ ~ ~ U ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: General Sewer Capital Projects/Water-Sewer District BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-31 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Sewer Capital Project Transfer in from Fund 800 $100,000 Capital Project Expense $100,000 Water/Sewer District Appropriate Fund Balance $100,000 Transfer to Sewer Capital Projects $100,000 . EXPLANATION: To budget for sandblasting and painting elevated water tank. ~ I, ' ~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ i ... i I 1 i i ~BUI~ ~~~I~IS~~~~~~~ I APPRQYEI~ (3 ~~1 ECT~>~ g~ REIViO~j S POSTPt31y~~ ~ i . H~RI~ ~ v i {This page intentionally left blank} ~ ~ ~~~ ~:.._.:... 1 r~,:" ~_~ ~ ~. ~. 88 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f~ r a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6: 7. 8. 9. 10 G a,(~ ~ eC` ~' 11 12 13 r~ 14 15 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MARCH 22, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes Approval of waiver of tip fee for Big Sweep Approval of amendment to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board by-laws and ratification of the appointment of Steven M. Bilzi to serve as the school representative on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Approval of exchange of equipment for the Sheriff's Department and approval of related budget amendments #99-0114 and #99-0115 to record transaction Adoption of proposed Development Fees schedule Approval of Health Department new vaccine and pre-exposure Rabies vaccine fee change Approval of new Medicaid rates effective March 4, 1999 Acceptance of Hazard mitigation Grant for replacement of the River Road Communication Tower Award of Bid #99-0247 and approval of Contract #99-0247 to MacThrift Office Furniture for the purchase of chairs as part of the renovation of the Historic Courthouse Approval of contract #99-0296, an installment purchase contract with Banc One Leasing for financing of start up equipment for Airlie Gardens Approval of possession and control of abandon Rice Road and Tanglewood cemeteries Approval of Release of Value Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports Approval of Memorandum of Agreement - NCSU & New Hanover County Approval of installation of fence at Airlie Gardens contract #99-0251 PAGE NO. 91 93 95 97 103 107 109 ~~ 115 ~ i i I 117 I 119 i 123 I 127 ~ 129 Q ~ ~~J ~ 137 16. Approval of request for new position -Civil Engineering Technician 147 Approval of Budget Amendments 17.1 #99-0094 District Attorney-Domestic Violence Unit 148 17.2 #99-0116 Social Services/Administration/Child Day Care Program 149 CP&L Intervention Program 17.3 #99-0117 Health/Partnership for Children-Health 150 17.4 #99-0126 Non Departmental/Sheriff/Jail 151 90 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22!99 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY:. Approve the following sets of minutes: Retreat, February 5 & 6, 1999 ,Regular Meeting, February 15, 1.999 Regular Meeting, March 8, 1999 Special Meeting, Airport Authority, March 10, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Approve minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~OIfI~TY CO~AI~~90~f APPROVED [`'- REJECTED ~' REMO~IE~ POSTPONED HEARD p 91 {This page intentionally left blank} F~"~~r a-w~ r.-rr~ rte. ~ Cx 92 ~- ~~..._.. • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 'Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave WEaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Approval of waiver of tip fee for Big Sweep BRIEF SUMMARY: The county has been requested to waive the tip fee for the Big Sweep litter pick-up campaign, as noted in the attached letter. The County has traditionally waived this fee. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should waive the tip fee. FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva COMMISSIONERS' AC ONS/COMMENTS: 1 COU~1~Y Ct3MMiS~i6 APP~'~OV~D t.;'' RE.IEGT~Q i7 ~~cviovEr POSTI?ONED 'Q' HEARD Q ` ®ATE ~-~~a~~9:~~ 93 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board By-Laws and Ratification of the Appointment of Steven M. Bilzi to Serve as the School Representative on the Parks 8~ Recreation Advisory Board . • BRIEF SUMMARY: • Approve amendment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board By-Laws to increase the membership from seven (7) to eight (8) to include a representative from the New Hanover County School System as nominated by the New Hanover County Board of Education. The attached amendment was approved by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on March 3, 1999. • Ratify the appointment of Steven M. Bilzi to serve as the School Representative on the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board as nominated by the Board of Education. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the recommendations listed above. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANA Recommend app • ~Otll~i'~ ~Qi~~fi~a~"1 AFPRO!/E® ~---- I~EJECTE REMOVED P.OSTPONE® HEARD' SATE ~ - ~~ a~5 ~~ } 95 `L~1 uvlr vu1 NfiW i:iiANOVER COUNTY PARK5 8c REC~A'rION ADVISORY BOARD P'RpP05SD BY-LARr5 AMENDtV~N'T MARCH 3, 1999 Amead ARTICLE 1, SECTION A, to read: A. "Number and TQrm. The numbeofinembers constituting the Parks andRecreation Advisory $oard shall be eight {8) and 2~ppointed by theNewHanover CountyBoard ofCvmmissioners. The Board wdl be made UP of six (6) citizens plus one {]) representative from the County Board ofComtinissioners aad one (I) representative nominated by the New ~amweT County hoard nfEducation.... 1~~ /^""•.l r~.~V ~~~ ~~~~~ cJ !y • • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number. Department: Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Approval of exchange of equipment for the Sheriffs Department and approval of related budget amendments to record transaction. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Sheriffs Department proposes to exchange the fully automatic weapons currently issued to the Emergency Response Team (ERT) for all new weapons through an exchange procedure pursuant to General Statute 160A-271. This exchange is believed to be of value due to the age and use of current weapons as compared to new, usable, weapons of good quality and modern manufacture. Staff has followed the required procedures in the General Statutes including a public advertisement notifying the public of this item. Sgt. Parker of the Sheriffs Department contacted Lawmen's Safety Supply in Raleigh, Southern Police Supply in Greensboro, National Police Supply in Charlotte, and Special Weapons Company in Wilmington in an effort to bring about this exchange. No vendor with whom Sgt. Parker contactedwas interested in such an exchange except for Special Weapons Company here in Wilmington. Sgt. Parker had the weapons appraised by an independent dealer and the value offered by Special Weapons Company is comparable to the value established by the appraiser. The proposed transaction would exchange weapons valued at $19,100.00 for a combination of new weapons valued at $19,100.00. an itemized list of the transaction is in the attached resolution. Budget amendments #99-0114 and 99-0115 have been prepared to record the Transaction and are attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of the transaction and approval of the related budge; amendments. FUNDING SOURCE: 110-431-4311-6400 in the amount of $16,400.00 348-431-8000-6000 in the amount of $2,700.00 ATTACHMENTS: Exchgrs.wp BA#99-0114.w BA#99-0115.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~6Ul~fi1P ~6~flNl~l~a~i~ COUNTY MANAGER'S C NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVED ~~"~ . Recommend approval. REJECTE® ' - ~.`REMOVE® .~ .. ~~: 9 7 COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NSICOMMENTS: POSTPON~® [HEARD !~`?l. ~~~E .~. __ ~~~?~~1.~1 `~__GLrvt~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -J OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department proposes to exchange the fully automatic weapons currently issued to the Emergency Response Team (ERT) for all new weapons through an exchange procedure pursuant to General Statute 160A-271; AND WHEREAS; this exchange is believed to be of value due to the age and use of current weapons as compared to new, usable, weapons of good quality and modern manufacture; AND WHEREAS; staff has followed the required procedures in the General Statutes including a public advertisement notifying the public of this item; AND WHEREAS; the Sheriffs Department contacted Lawmen's Safety Supply in Raleigh, Southern Police Supply in Greensboro, National Police Supply in Charlotte, and Special Weapons Company in Wilmington in an effort to bring about this exchange; AND WHEREAS; only Special Weapons Company in Wilmington was interested in such an exchange; AND 'WHEREAS; the automatic weapons were appraised by an •independent dealer and the value offered by Special Weapons Company is comparable to the value established by the appraiser; AND WHEREAS; the proposed exchange consists of the following: County to dispose of the following items by exchange with Special Weapons Company: r, ..~-.,....~.,.w ~~~~,p w,f.., ~. ,~ ..,<::F ~~ ~ ,. ~ ..,~ e jy..:,.... ~ . r~.'^^y y L•~J =,,..w /'~ Y f 4~.,,,e~.u'tr --~--, 9 ~ ~~~.G.. r,-~,--;;-Pp~:v. Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004736 $450.00 Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004287 $450.00 Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004004 $450.00 Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004810 $450.00 Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004749 $450.00 Colt 9 millimeter submachine gun HT004807 $450.00 Colt-.223 caliber M16 machine gun 9394600. $3;500.00 =Colt .223 caliber M16 machine gun 9394538 $3,500.00 rColt .223 caliber AR-15 automatic rifle. 5097446 •$3,500.00 :-Colt .223 caliber AR-15 automatic rifle 5098006 $3,500.00 MAC 10 .45 caliber machine gun 1-300-4522 $800.00 • •'' .. ___ ...._ _ _- - > .fit` ^~ • MAC 10 .45 caliber machine gun 1-300-4523 $800.00 H&R Reising .45 caliber machine gun 12524 $800.00 TOTAL $19;100.00 County to acquire the following items by exchange with Special Weapons Company: Eight MPSA2 (3RB) 9 millimeter submachine guns $9,600.00 valued at $1,200.00 each Five G36 .223 caliber automatic rifles, valued at $6,000.00 $1,200.00 each Add or subtract weapons, accessories, and parts such as $3,500.00 extra magazines, to account for the remaining available amount TOTAL $19,100.00 • AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend approving the exchange in the amount of nineteen thousand one hundred ($19,100.00) dollars; AND WHEREAS, budget amendments have been prepared to record the transaction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the exchange for the Sheriff's Department, be approved, budget amendment is approved, and staff is directed to handle the transaction. This 22nd day of March, 1999. • (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ,t.. r.~,,~~~.~...,._:3 _..< x a ~ . '~ t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff/Federally Forfeited Property BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0114 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Other $2,700 Capital Project Expense ~ $2,700 EXPLANATION: To budget proceeds received by exchange of guns APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~OUI~T~ ~~MMI~~~~~~~ ~1Pf'ROVEp If IZEJECTE[~ O '' ' REMOVED D s"'' P(3~TFONED O HE,/lRD p SATE __~~~~qq >~ 100 -° NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff/Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0115 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Sale of Fixed Asset $16,400 Capital Outlay -Equipment $16,400 EXPLANATION: To budget proceeds received by exchange of guns. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners APPROVE® ~'-- ~ I ~2EJECTE~ ~ i I'2EMOVE® POS?PONEi)'~ ~ '.HEARD ~ I `SATE -.-- ~a~199; ~_~m~ ~, . 101 {This page intentionally left blank} .....,.....~..-,.-4 rf . ..v..,.~ n „~..~.a.~,,rr}}~~ A.J 4 f ,v.. ~4 ,.nf +..~~r 1./w a.... vY~riSfi u E ;~ <~.~~:~ 102 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Development Fees BRIEF SUMMARY: Following recent conversations with the Budget Office, Planning Staff conducted a survey of Development Fees for selected cunties in North Carolina. The present Fee schedule was approved by the Commissioners in 1989 and is in need of updating. Based upon the survey results a revised fee schedule has been prepared for consideration by the Commissioners. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The revised Fee schedule is recommended for adoption by the County Commissioners FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: proposed fee schedule (1 page) survey results (1 page) REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND .RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. J~ !~/111A II IIICCIr1 AICCC~ A/"TI AI //"AAl1AAGAITC. APP~OV!`4 ~.-~ ~tEJEC?~® ~EMOVE~ 0 ~'OSTF'9NE® ~1 iH~~> IDA~iF ~_ - a a ~ ~'9 0 3 ~~e _ DEXTER L. HAYES Planning Director NEW HANOVER COUNTY - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 304 d .~ WII,MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 ` TELEPHONE (910) 341-7165 FAX (910) 772-7868 March 1. 1999 TO: Allen O'Neal Dave Weaver FROM: Dexter Ha~9Ps~-~ RE: Fee Schedule-Update Following recent conversations with the Budget Office, Planning Staff conducted a survey of Development Fees for selected Counties in North Carolina (see attached survey). The present Fee schedule vas approved by the Commissioners in 1989 and is in need of updating. The following revised fee schedule is recommended for adoption by the County Commissioners. APPLICATION TYPE 1. Rezoning - 2. Special Use Permit PRESENT FEE <5 acres $100 >5 acres $200 Single Residential $50 All other $100 3. Text Amendments $100 per application $250 (Land Use Plan) 4. Board of Adjust. $100 5. Subdivision Rev. $100 per preliminary Conventional, $10 per lot final Performance and (major and minor) High Density 6. Street%Easemen't/,.! ~"~'~~~ ~~ `~~400 Closure ~1 `''"„rte., ..;,r` i~1 ~~J`;r~~;~l,a ~J 7. Street Naming ~~] ~..~P^hft"~^ ~,v~,~.~;$100 plus sign cost ~~ -,~.,,- >w~~U~...;1 8. Mobile Home P~ai-k, ~.~.~~.'$l'00 per preliminary 1 O~ ~ ~ ~~~'$1'0 per final space ROPOSED FEE <5 acres $ 300 >5 acres $ 500 Single Residential $100 All other $300 $300 per application $500 (Land Use Plan) , $250 $200 per preliminary $15 per lot final (major and minor) $600 $150 plus sign cost $200 per preliminary $15 per final space Rezoning $300 Res: $300 <10 acres- Res. $100 Res.$335- and map Non.res $400; >/_ Other.$200 450; MF- Changes >5 10 acres- $585-835; acres$1000 $500 Non-res.- plus $10 an $1070- acre. </= 5 1585 . • acre $500 .Special $75. $300 $225 $100-200 N/A Use Permits Text $300 N/A* $400. $100 $400 Amend. Variance $1"50 $300 $225 $100 Res.$150 . .Non- . ~ res.$250 Inter.$350 Subdiv. Major Minor $100 $121- $40 $100+$15/ $2050+100 Major $150 $435 $55+$3/lot lot per acre; Final Plat $50 $83 $65+$3/lot . " Minor $1800+125 per acre Street $0.00 $780. Cost of $100 $600. Closure" ~ advertising ... only Streef $0.00 No fee 4 $150 $0.00 $3.00 Naming Site Plan $100 $ ] 50 $50 $3/unit or- $SD0- Review per 1000sf $1000-Part Add $50 of Bldg: for major Permit-Fee Road $70 $100 $85=$150 $146" No fee Signs ~ 106 ..NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . :Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: David E.~Rice, Health Director -~ Contact: David E. Rice SUBJECT:- ~ . Health Department New Vaccine and Pre-Exposure Rabies Vaccine Fee Change. .:BRIEF SUMMARY: At the March 3, 1999, New Hanover County Board of Health (BOH) meeting the.board approved the ...following fee' changes: _ ~ ` .New vaccihe- Cymerix $55 per injection - ` ~ Rabies-Pre Exposure Increase from $65 fo $78 - The increasein the rabies vaccine is due to the price increase of the drug. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve fee changes FUNDING SOURCE: .ATTACHMENTS: ~° REVIEWED BY: IEGAL: N/A ,FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 'Recommend approv . - . COMMISSIONERS' AC I S/COMMENTS: . @~i~i~' ~®~i~l[i®~ APFR01/~® ~'~' REMOVE' N~1 PgSTPt}dVFa3I~ , HEAR® . 3/aa~9.9 ~ . 1;0.7 i f r ~~ 108 I. Immunization Fees ~ , Per Injection Administration Fee* 5.00 Non-Immunization Injections 5.00 Flu 10.00 Hepatitis A** 25.00 Hepatitis B** 40.00 ~cRs: -> Ly:merix** ;55,.00 M M R** 35.00 Pneumonia 20.00- Rabies** (pre exposure) " ~~.DO Varicella** - ~ 50.00 Administration Fee applies to off-site injections (m ay be waived for special targeted activities). ** Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Lymerix, MMR; Varicella and Rabies are_exempt from the Fndigency Statement and patients are expected to pay. for the service prior 'to-receiving injection when state-supplied vaccine (if applicable) criteria are not met. II. Tuberculosis Program Fees ~~ Repeat Tuberculin Skin Test 5.00 (not TB related) X-Ray per film - - (not TB related by TB Program guidelines) 30.00 Completion of TB Screening Form 5.00 r ~~ ,~.,, ~(34Q5)~`~~tr fi ~~~.~~.~ ' i..m7i._.romr+..rmn...+.....w-.+~... i-~..k~,J~~~Jli.-..~ .\\~~~///"/// 03/03/99 - 16 .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ - Meeting Date: 03/22/99 '~ . Consent.Item #: 7 Estimated Time; .Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: David E. Rice, Health Director Contact: David E. Rice, Health Director SUBJECT: New Medicaid Rates Effective March 4, 1999 BRIEF: SUMMARY: At the March 3, 19.99, New Hanover County Board of Health (BOH) meeting, the BOH approved new Medicaid rates effective March 4, 1999 (attached). Since some of the rates were increased and some were decreased, we will be reviewing the effect this will have on our revenue projection for the coming . years. . . - We are asking the County Commissioners to approve the attached Medicaid rate changes: ~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the attached Medicaid rate changes. FUNDING SOURCE: ~. ATTACHMENTS: 4. Pa9eS -; REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S C MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend .approval. COMMISSIONERS' AC I S/COMMENTS: -- ~PFROVE~ C`~-'~ . ~REJECTE~ .~ . ' . REN101i~~ ~ ~,: POSTP9iV~~ h p-IEAR~ 'p ~ . ~ -~ l~~ 109 MAP. 03 '99 08~ 11PM ~l~/~~' \ ~ P. li4 ' ~.~. suua~ ~ £.~ • ~ -• ~ C .,..•. .~~,~, ~N North Carolina ~ K Department of Health and Duman Services Division of Community Health ~~ •~~~, Local Health Services Section ~ ~ °o c ~ ~~ _~~rt 1330 St Mary's Street • Post Ofttce Box 29605 Raleigh: North Carolina 2762b-0605 ~sz A.E~t-+~ ~c~-Q~ a-.a: phone (919) 715-5265 • fax (919) 715-5288 • Courier #56-20-11.1"t~o ~~b 1 a ~ ~ ~ , James B, Hunt Jr., Governor ~{ H. David Bnrton, M.D., Secretary ME1ViOR,A,NDUN~ `~ ~'~ C~~~~~ TO: Local Health Directors Support Staff ~~C k'ROM: Dennis, Harrington ~ ~ . DATE: March 3, 1999 RE: New Medicaid Rates -Effective March ~, 1999 Attached are Medicaid race changes effective March 4,1999. The rates were determined based on cost ands service data for the period 1997-98. If you have any questions, please contact Sievers Garner (919) 715-5265. .ter r;t,. ' ;`} {'r-"-. p-s r+'~ ~'~ s.,....w...,. ~.:.~ 1.~Lu i,~a4wl ~ r,: -~ ~.J .~ C~..n~ 110 . LL ...~~ ... ~~~`~`E~ - North CQrolina: Host of the 1999 Special Olympics World Summer Cumes .. .. t~1AP. 03 ' 99 . 08 ~ 11PM - P . 2i4 - ~ MEDICAID RATES . - - LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS ~ ~ -~ _~ - EFfECTIVE 3/4/99 . . Procedure Current, New Rate Rate . ' ' ' Code Service Type _ Rate 3!4/99 Difference W5131 Norplant Insertion $504.90 $504.90 $Q.00 W5132 Norplant Removal $197..11 $197.11 $0.00 W5133 Norplant Removal/Reinsertion $645.91 $553.00 ($92.91) W5134 .. IUD Device& Insertion $149.43 $149.43 $0.00 W5141 Depoprovera Contra Injection $23.74 $22.00 ($1.74) Y2001 family Planning Initial $152.75 $165.00 $12.25 Y2002 Family Planning limited $43.28. $45.00 $1.72 Y2003 Family Planning Extended $79.76 $79.00 {$0.76) Y2004 Family Planning Complete $96.58 $110.00 $13.42 58307 Removat of IUD ~ $53.63 $53.63 $0.00 J2790 RHO D Immurie Globulin $77.40 $90.00 $12.60 Q0124 . Adult Inj Drug Admin Fee $2.35 $2.35 $0.00 W8010 . W8012 EPSDT Screening -Periodic Immunization Update . $88.82 $18.13 $90.00 $20A0 . $1.18 $1.$7 W8l)16 EPSDT Screening - Interperiodic $82.85 $90.00 $7.15 W8201 Maternal Care Coord Inital $102.27 $110.00 $7.73 W8202 Maternal Care Coord Subsequent $51.60 $55.00 $3.40 W8203 Childbirth Class $87.00 $87.00 $0.00 W8204 Home Visit Prenatal $108.05 $88.00 ($20:05) W8205 Parenting Class $92.38 $73.00 ($19.38) Y2005 Y201.1 Dental Health ~ Maternal Health $95.36 $94A0 $100.00 $99.00 $4.64 $5.00 Y2012, TB Control $77.92 $89.00 $11.08 Y2013 Y2014. STD Control Speech and Hearing $40.99 $94.87 $80.00 .$100.00 $39.01 $5.13 Y2016 . Orthopedic Diagnostic $68.76 $80.00 $11.24 Y2023 ~ . Child Health Treatment $57.96 $60.00 : $2A4 Y2025 Neurology and Sensory $93.75 $95,00- $1.25 Y2026 Cardiology Diagnostic $112.60 $115.00 $2.40 Y2027 Adult Health Treatment $85.06 $85.00 ($0.06) Y2030 Speech Therapy $75.00 $66.p0 ($9.00) h1AP, ~3 ' 99 08 ~ 11 PM MEDICAID RATES LOCAL. HEALTH DEPARTMENTS EFFECTIVE 3/4/99 Procedure Current New Rate Rate .Code Service Tvae R~*,. aia~ae ~:~~___ P . 3/4 Y2031 Physical Therapy $33.91. - $50.00 $16.09 Y2032 ~ Intrapartum(Vag.DeL) $738.50 $738.50 $0.00 ' Y2033 Non-Stress f=etal Activity Test $35.44 $41.00 $5.56 Y2034 Refugee Health $1.40.40 $?40,40 $0.00 Y2035 Myelodysplasia Clinic $199.36 $126.00 ($73.36) Y2038 Y2039 Chronic Disease Monitoring Adult Health Comprehensive $28:13 .. $109.33 $30.00' ~ $150.00 $1.87 $40.67 Y2040 Y2041 Adult Health limited ~ Enhanced Nutrition Counsel $20.61 $40.61 $30.00: $47.00 $9.39 $6.39 Y2044 MaternityCare Coord-Home Visit _ $55.83 $60.00 $4.17 Y2045 Refresher Childbirth Class ~ . $30:00 ~ ~ $30.00 ' $0.00 Y2046 Post Home;Visit 11Aatemal Assessor. $40.61 $60.00 $19.39 Y2047 Post Newborn Assessment $36:92 $60.00 $23.08 Y2048 Post Newborn EPSDT Screening ~ ~ $54.76 $65.00. $10.24 ' Y2049 Y2134 ., ~ Enhanced Psych Counsel ~. Neuromuscular ~ .. $33.25. $136.61 $40.00 $150.00 ; . $6:75 $13.39 Y2135 Y2155 " Ultrasound Child- Service Coordination ~• $38:14 $86.43 $46.00. $89.00. $7.86 $2.57 Y2225 Rabies Immune Globulin (RIG) $83.62 • '. $83.62 $0.00 Y2351 Medical Nutrition Therapy ~ $38.00. $50.00 ~ $12.00 Y2352 Enhanced Maternity Care Coord ~ $85.00 $85.00 $0.00 ' Y2353 ' . Enhanced Child Service Cvord $85.00 $85.00 $0.00 Y2525 , ~ , Y2526 ; MOW Brief MOW Standard ~ $19.54 $54,66 ~ $20.00 $55.00 $0.46 ~ $0.34 Y2527 MOW Extended $79.50 $85.00 $5.50 57452 Colposcopy without Biopsy $51.64 $SS.00 $3.36 57454 ~ 57511' " Colposco`py with $iopsy Cryosurgery $78.38 $84.55 $80.00 $85.00 $1.62 $0.45 59400 . Total Obstetrical-Vaginal $1,303.09. $1,303.09 $0.00 59410 , Vaginal DeL, Only Incl. Postpartum ,$808.01 $808.01 $0.00 59510 Total Obstetrical-Cesarean Deliver $1,422.35 $1,422.35 $0.00 112 Page 2 Form Date 3!3/99 f~ :~; .. .. . MAP. 0~ '99 08~12PM P.4i4 . 9 ~ MEDICAID RATES . ~ ~ ~ I--~JGAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS . ~ EFFECTIVE 3/4/99 ` ~ Procedure Current New Rate Rate Code. Service Type Rate 3/4199 Difference 59515 Cesar. Del. Only 1nG. Postpartum C $922.06 $922.06 $0.00 59525 Hysterectomy - After a Cesarean $388.31 $388.31 $0.00 76092 Screening Mammography Bilateral $58.88. $58.88 $0.00 80061. Lipid Panel $17.83 $17.83. - $0.00 82270 Stooi for Occult Blood $3.50 $3.50 $0.00 82465 Total Blood Cholesterol (Serum) $6.02 $6.02 $0.00 82565 :Serum Creatinine $7.07 $7:07 $0.00 82947 Blood Glucose-Serum $5.42 $5.42 $0.00 82948 Blood Glucose -Finger Stick $4.37 $4.37 $0.00. '82951 Oral Glucose Tolerance"Test $17,80 $17.80 $0.00 83036 Hemoglobin A1C $13,42 $13.42 $0.00 83718 Lipoprotein Direct Measure HDL $11.31 $11.31 $0.00 84478 84703 Triglycerides Pregnancy Test (HCG) $7.95 $10.38 $7.95 $10.00. $0.00 ($0.38) 865$0 Tuberculin Skin Test - PPD $7.45 $7.45 $0.00 .90724 90726 FIu Rabies $5.72 $156.58 $5.72 $156.58 $0.00 $0.00 90732. Pneu $16.46 $16.46 $O.DO 92551 Audiometry $9.36 $9.36 $0.00 `J 114 Q NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~" Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ~. . ~ ~ Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number Department: Emergency Management Presenter: ' Contact:. Dan Summers SUBJECT: Hazard Mitigation Grant for replacement of the River Road Communication Tower BRIEF SUMMARY: - . Emergency Management has been awarded a Hazard Mitigation Grant from the N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management in the amount of $285,600 for the " replacement of the River Road Communications Tower. No county match is required." T RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Recommend acceptance of the grant; request authorization for the County Manager to sign the grant document; and request approval of associated budget amendment #99-011.3. FUNDING SOURCE: ..~ Federal $215,600 State $70,000 ATTACHMENTS: ~" , ~ - " Ba99-113.wp-~ ' REVIEWED BY: " LEGAL: N/A, FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval " COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/C MMENTS: " . ,. _. , • ~~t~ll~ ~Q~~~~Q _ _ ~'. . ~PP~®~'ED ~'-~' r ~_ ~REMOVEt~ ®: ~~,. ~AT~ ~/a~q9~~ 115 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: River Road Tower Replacement-Emergency Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0113 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Hazard Mitigation Grant-Federal $215,600 Hazard Mitigation Grant-State $70,000 Salaries ~ $2,800 FICA $0 Retirement $0 Medical Insurance $0 Disability Insurance ~ $p Contract Service ~ $6,000 Supplies $2,800. Other Improvement-construction $274,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for HMGP grant awarded for the r lacement of the River Road Communication Tower. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners § ~~~I~`~ ~~,i~~~l1~r~H''~~r,'F u~~ gi?PRf?VED ~; L`~ ~'2~~-..lECl'Et?r =~~. ~i ~~ ~~ ~., ~ , , e 116 ~ ~~~~~~ 3 ~ ~~~A~ ~~~ c J . ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ , Meeting Date: 03/22/99 - ' ~' Consenfiltem #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Finance Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin .: SUBJECT: ~ ~ - Award of Bid # 99-0247 and approval of Contract # 99-0247 to MacThrift Office Furniture for the .purchase of chairs as part of the .renovation of the Historic Courthouse. ' . ' BRIEF SUMMARY: . As part of the renovation of the Historic Courthouse the formal bid processwas utilized to receive bids for the purchase of chairs. Six bid packages were mailed; three of which were to local vendors. Three bids , were received. Staff is recommending award of contract to MacThrift Office Furniture of Greensboro; ' North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder. The resolution recommending:award~of bid and approval of ' contract is attached for consideration. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - - . ~ Recommend adoption of attached resolution: ' 1. awarding .bid to MacThrift Office Furniture 2. approving contract with MacThrift Office Furniture ' ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ' 510-410-8100 7300-6000 . `, ATTACHMENTS: The resolution is attached as part of the agenda placement form; the contract will be forwarded .separately. " ~.... r . . 99-0247r.wp . ..REVIEWED BY: , .LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ " ` Recommend approval. - COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /COMMENTS: ~Pr'~C)~~C~ ~'~--- . ~. R£~EGT~® ~l ~ . _ ~1=M01f~D i~ ~' . ~ ~ .: ~os~~~n~ ~ -~ . 117 ' a . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 10:30 a.m., on the 9th day of March, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids `were received for chairs for the renovation of the Historic Courthouse, Bid # 99-0247: MacThrift Office Furniture $36,504.34 ` Carswell Business $37,930.00 Institutional Interiors $38;874.00 ~ . AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director and ,the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to MacThrift Office Furniture of Greensboro, ,North Carolina; the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Thirty-six Thousand Five Hundred Four Dollars and Thirty-four Cents ($36,504.34); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 510-410-8100-7300-6000 to cover this contract; NOW;' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for chairs for the Historic Courthouse, Bid # 99-0247 be awarded to MacThrift Office Furniture in the amount of Thirty-six Thousand Five Hundred .Four Dollars and Thirty-four• Cents `($36,504.34); ~ and 'that the County is hereby authorized. and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 22nd day of March, 1999. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST w~.~~ ~ , ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~_ Clerk to the Board ~`` `~`~'~`~~`°"~ t ~:. •`. .....1r~~~,,~;~. J-f 118 ~ ~, ~~ Y~ ~,~~-4 ~ , f ~``' ~~ ~`~ ~ ~"i „~-n~i ~..~._.~.. ~~ , - r - -~ • ,- ~ ~"NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 03/22/99 .- Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell Contact:. Amy Akin , " SUBJECT: Resolution and Declaration of Official Intent to arrange Installment Financing with Bank One .Leasing for financing the startup equipment costs for Airlie Gardens. BRIEF SUMMARY: As part of the Airlie Gardens Proposed Budget approved at the Board of Commissioners meeting on December 7, 1999, $250,000 was approved to be used for startup costs for Airlie Gardens. The $250,000 was to be funded. through Installment Purchase financing. Staff has secured bids for th'e financing and is recommending financing be handled through Bank One Leasing at an interest rate of 4.66%. . Attached is a Resolution and peclaration of Official intent to .authorize the County Manager or Finance Director to act on behalf of New Hanover County in regards to this transaction and any. other actions-not inconsistent with this resolution.. " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: " Staff recommends adoption of Resolution and Declaration of Official Intent authorizing the County Manager or the Finance Director to act on behalf of New Hanover County in regards to the Installment Financing with'Bank One and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ " ~. All necessary budget amendments were approved at the meeting of December 7,.1998. r ATTACHMENTS: - .. ._ ~ ^ ' - -99-0296r.wp , REVIEWED BY: " .LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A " COUNTY MANAGER`S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend. approval Y -COMMISSIONERS' AC O S/COMMENTS: .. ~ APPRI~~6~.r~ [~" .. ~P~~~C~ i] POSI`R9l~~~ ~] . ~ ~ Id~~RO C~7 ~: l j: .. ~ . " -. RESOLUTION. AND DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT Lessee: New Hanover County, North Carolina Principal Amount Expected to Be Financed: X250,000.00 WHEREAS, the above Lessee is a political subdivision of the State in which Lessee is located (the "State") and is duly organized and existing pursuant to the constitution and laws of the State. WHEREAS,- pursuant to applicable law,. the governing body of the Lessee ("Governing Body") is authorized to acquire, dispose of and encumber real`and personal property, including, without limitation, rights and interests in property, leases and easements necessary to the functions or operations of the.. Lessee. WHEREAS, the Governing Body hereby finds and determines that the execution of one or more lease-purchase agreements ("Equipment Leases") in the principal amount not exceeding the amount stated above ("Principal Amount") for the purpose of acquiring the property generally described below: ("Property") andao be described more specifically in the Equipment. Leases is appropriateand necessary to the functions and operations of-the Lessee. Brief Description of Property: .. • Vehicles . Tractors'- Mowers WHEREAS, Bank One Leasing Corporation ("Lessor") is expected to act as the lessor under the Equipment Leases. WHEREAS, the Lessee may pay certain capital expenditures in connection with the Property prior to its receipt of proceeds of the Equipment Leases ("Lease Purchase Proceeds") for such expenditures and such expenditures are not expected to exceed the Principal Amount.. WHEREAS, the U.S. Treasury Department regulations do not allow the proceeds of a tax-exempt borrowing to be spent on working capital and the Lessee shall hereby declare its official intent to be reimbursed for any capital expenditures for Property from the Lease Purchase Proceeds. • .. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Governing Body of the Lessee: Sectio,n.1..~Either one 4 Representative")'actt ng execute; and deliverton document presently be 12anspection at thefoffce' of•thefCounty Manager OR the Finance Director (each an "Authorized porn;behalf of the Lessee is hereby authorized to nego±iate, enter into, e~o~~more Equipment Leases in substantially the form set forth in the for.`e~the Governing Body, which document is available for public of_'`thefiLessee. Each Authorized Representative acting on behalf of the ~,._ ~ _- Lessee is hereby authorized to negotiate, enter into, execute, and deliver such other documents ` S relating to the Equipment Lease (including, but no limited to, escrow agreements) as the Authorized Representative deems necessary and appropriate. All other related contracts and • agreements necessary and incidental to the Equipment Leases are hereby authorized: • '. ~ Section 2. `By a written instrument signed by any Authorized Representative, said Authorized ;Representative may designate specifically identified officers or employees of the Lessee to execute and deliver agreements and documents relating to the Equipment Leases on behalf of .the Lessee. • . Section 3, The aggregate original principal amount of the Equipment Leases shall not exceed . the Principal Amount and shall bear interest as set forth in the Equipment Leases and the Equipment Leases shall contain such options to purchase by the Lessee as set forth therein. Section. 4. The Lessee's obligations under the Equipment Leases shall be subject to annual appropriation or renewal by the Governing Body as set forth in each Equipment Lease and the Lessee's obligations under the Equipment Leases shall not constitute a general obligations ofi - the Lessee or indebtedness under the Constitution or laws of the State. Section 5. The Governing Body of Lessee anticipates that the Lessee may. pay certain capital- f ` expenditures in connection with the Property prior`to the receipt of the Lease Purchase 'Proceeds for the Property. The Governing Body of Lessee hereby declares the Lessee's - .official. intent to use the Lease Purchase Proceeds to reimburse itself for Property expenditures. -This section of the Resolution is adopted by the Governing Body of Lessee for the purpose of • ~ establishing compliance with the requirements of Sectiori 1.150-2 of Treasury Regulations. . ~ This section of the Resolution does not bind the Lessee to make any expenditure, incur any . • ,~ ~ indebtedness, or proceed with the purchase of the Property. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. ADOPTED AND APPROVED on this 22nd day.. of March, 1999. .. (SEAL) . Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: • Clerk to the Board ~ ~ • ._ r 121 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Christine Q. Neal SUBJECT: Possession and Control of Abandon Rice Road and Tanglewood Cemeteries BRIEF SUMMARY: There are several known abandoned cemeteries on individual parcels of land throughout New Hanover County. Pursuant to State regulations, New Hanover County is required to take possession and control of these sites, if there is no clear title that can be readily determined. Both of these cemeteries fall under that category. Attached is a resolutionto take possession and control of each cemetery. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the County take control of these cemeteries and establish the boundaries for maintenance purposes. Also, recommend the Board adopt the attached resolutions. FUNDING SOURCE: NA • ATTACHMENTS: ., - '~ ,~ CemeteryResolution-RiceRo CemeteryResolution-TanglewoodR REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A I• COU '.. _ _,.~ APPR~IiF~ i S~EJECTED +~; REM®VE® 'C/` I~OSTPOlV~@ l~t,~~~ l~ ~,~ ~, ~'~..~.. ~/~3/~lq ~G~ NDATIONS: 123 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, pursuant to G.S. §65-3, the County Commissioners are required to take possession and control of all abandoned public cemeteries to establish property boundaries; and to preserve such sites, as appropriate; and WHEREAS, an examination of tax records and historical sources indicate that the cemetery situated on Tanglewood Road, Tax Parcel No. R07213-008-020-000, as shown on a plat of Tanglewood Subdivision, Section 1, Map Book 7, Page 29, New Hanover County Registry, is abandoned within the definition of the statutes, without any ascertained record owner, and without any person or entity maintaining said site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby accept possession and control of the above-referenced cemetery as required by law. This Resolution is directed to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds. day of , 1999 New Hanover County William A. Caster, Chairman This the (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board err ~- -,.. ,~. _~.;- -<~-, ,.~„g ~.T-..r,.-. ~,~-~_~ 124 ~~ ~--~#~.~_~~~, j ~-~ r:;°l~~ ~.._,., ~, ') RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, pursuant to G.S. §65-3, the County Commissioners take possession and control of all abandoned public cemeteries to esta boundaries; and to preserve such sites, as appropriate; and WHEREAS, an examination of tax records and historical source: the cemetery situated at 142 Rice Road, Tax Parcel No. RO6212-002-C abandoned within the definition of the statutes, without any ascertained and without any person or entity maintaining said site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover ~ Commissioners does hereby accept possession and control of the abo~ cemetery as required by law. This Resolution is directed to be recorder of Deeds. This the day of ; 1999. (SEAL) New Hanover County William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board I f .I G s I '. I {This page intentionallyleft blank} 1 126 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . .~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ Meeting Date: 03/22/99 7. ~ ~. Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: ?AX Presenter. None Required ` Contact: Robert Glasgow ` SUBJECT: . " Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: . ~ Request the following"late listing penalty be'released as this was the taxpayers first offense: . Casper,' Joseph~M. Susan M. $ 7.74 Rigsbee, A. Wayne ' 167.40 Request the "following taxpayer be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request: Armstrong, Eddie L. Geraldine $ 20,000 The following taxpayer requests a value adjustment on his property because of conditions that have now been brought to our attention (backup available upon request): " Porcelli, Richard. $ 18,950 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of releases. FUNDING SOURCE: , ATTACHMENTS: . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with Tax Administrator. ` ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/ O ENTS: ~ ~©Ul~i~ ~:~~i~#s+a~~~ , ` ~ila~C~'~l~ ~1 . ~ ~~~~' 127 . . t I`~~ARa ~~ . ~ a~~~ . ~. -. C) {This page ntentionallyleft blanlr} r. ~__m,~...a.ra....~ .w...r ,..~,. ~~~~~ .:"~ ~.a ~~._~,;.,m 128 ~ ~,~ .:. .. ~ ~~ ~~~ ~. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF {:OMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ • Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ~• ~, Consent Item #: 13 .Estimated Time: Page Number: - • Department: TAX Presenter: None Required . Contact:. Patricia Raynor SUBJECT:. . New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: _ Collection reports as of February 28, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports FUNDING•SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .. ` `: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ..Accept. report. , COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: . ~ ~~,, ~ - ~iJE .: ._ - .. .. .. REIN®1/ED _® ~OSTI'QNI~ ; 129 ' ®` CONSENT AGENDA GATE' ITEM N0.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/99 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1998 A0 VALOREM ----------------------- --------------- ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL S 60~356~b78.07 O LSCOVERIES ADDED 2~b06~911.21 LESS ABATEMENTS 150~b96.20- ---a--~-~.-a~--- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 5.62~812~893.08 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING'BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 440.00 17950.38 EMS COLLECTIONS .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY' CITY OF WILMINGTON 1~RIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH ANO KURE BEACH TO DATE - #9~~297~352.56. THIS REPGRT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY ~PECTFULLY SUB ITTEDy (,L~Y1 c ~ s.~ 1.~~ r1CZ`~ PATRICIA J.~"fCAYNOR J COLLECTOR C;OFv~R-E~VENUf~~~ * COM8INE0 LOLLEC-TION";`.P`E,RCENTAGE - 95.84 n~~~~ ~~ ~~~ 130 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ P . ~~ _v., ~~ .00' 74~774.Ob 3445.00 ~ b2~891~112.14 b1~232~049.78- ---------a----- E 1~b59~062.36 97.36X* E 2~800~390.39 18~1b6.0b 19L~738.b5-~ ~ 2~b26~817.80 931*914.55- --------------- # 1~694~903.25 35.48 FE8 1999 " -------------- 73~849.95 1' 1 98. MOTOR VEHICLE -------a-~-~--- ~ 5~475~746.98 21020.80 63~406.91- _ ~------a --a--~ $ 5~4'33~360.87 .00 .00 .00 --------------- $ 5~433~3b0.87 4~248~b05.00- r $ 1~184~755.87 78.19°b* FISCAL Y70 -------------- 1 X611 X430.03 CONSENT AGENDA , .. . ", DATE---------- • ITEM NO.------ NEW HANOVfR COUNTY -FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS - .. COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/99 CURRENT TAX YEAR- 1998 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ~~-------a-.---~~-r-~-~ - -------~--~-~-- -~------~------ ,. ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL # 1~337~298.50 E 127306.28 'DISCOVERIES AODEO 59896.44 703.07 LESS ABATEMENTS 23716.69- 1443.45- "TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ ,1~373~478.25 ~ 12b~565.90 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 1789.30 .00 --~--a--~-..-~-- -a------------~ TOTAL LEVY S 1~375~267.55. ~ 126565.90 COLLECTIONS 7O DATE 1~341~313.06- 102~072.04- OUTSTANDING BALANCE S 33954.49 ~ 24493.86 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 97.53~* 80.65~* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY E 53053.09 , CHARGES ADDED 503.84 ' LESS ABATEMENTS 2~895.25- TOTAL TAXES-DUE E 50~b61.68 COLLECTIONS TO DATE --~~--18~716~32-, ® OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 31945.36 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 3b.94_~ 'TH'IS REPORT IS FOR fISCAt YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1998. EC.TFULLY SUSMITTED~'.w/. ~~JL~ CtN ~l ^uT '~ .. PATRICIA J. ~RIKNOR COLLECTOR DF REVENUE _ .~ * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.11 131... { ?bis page Intentlonallyleft black} " 132 ~ • s - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 14 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: Bruce Williams Contact: Bruce Williams SUBJECT: Memorandum of Agreement -NCSU & New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: A formal memorandum of agreement between North Carolina State University and New Hanover County is requested in order for NCSU to provide educational leadership and professional staffing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve the Memorandum of Agreement and Authorize the Chairman to execute the document. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . Memorandum of Agreement -North Carolina State University & New Hanover County. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A -~ FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' Alb=:~;;.,^~i,i' :~-- ~;_..... t2rA`;C4~~.D ~:~. POSiI~0ivE1~ u , ~iEARD i'7 133 .: New Hanover County Ormtract # 99 - 0297 1V,~MORANDUM OF A;G~IBMENT NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY NEW HANOVER COUNTY Phis Agreement nnade and entered into klus day of , 1999, between New I-Ianover County (hercinafter "County's and North Carolina State University (hereinafter "NC State'. WkiEREAS, the County owns Airlie Gardens and the New bIanover County Arboretum in Wilmington, North Carolina (hereinafter "the Propexties'~ and believes that in order to promote the efftcient use of county resources It is in the best interest of the County that a third party provide educational leadership and professional stafi`uxg for the Properties; and 'WHEREAS, NC State's Cooperative Extension Service has the relevant expertise to provido educational leadership and professional st~'w,g of the Properties for the purposes of public education, research, and extension; NOW, TI~It);PORE, inconsideration oI'the mutual promises and responsibilities contained ktereln, the patties agree as Follows: (1} The County desiures NC State's Cooperative Extension Service to provide educational leadership and professional supervision o£tb~e Properties. (2) NC State's Cooperative Extension Service has the personnel with the expertise to ...provide educational leadership and to conduct research, education, and extension programs ott the Eroperties. ., (3) The County agrees to provide the necessary fluids to hire staff to maintaim and caz~ for the Properties. The staff shall be considered County employees subject to County personnel policies and practices. NC State's professional personnel will supervise the staff. (4) The County has obtained environmental assessments of Airlie Gardens and has provided these documents to NC Stater The County is satisfied that there is no other known environmental contamination except for certain .petroleum contamination caused by an abandoned underground storage tank. The County agrees that NC Statc shall not be responsible or obligated to remediate any of this contamination. (5)., . To the extent permitted by law, the County agrees to indenmify and to hold a harmless NC State, its off'teers, employees, and agezats £rom and against az~y and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims or causes of action arising ficona the pzesence or release of petroleum that has or ~aaay occur on Airlie Gardens. xe ~ .v, :u~~~~~Jftl _ '. "., 134 s • r • New Hanover Ckxu'sty ~ntxact: ~ 99 - 0297 (t7 Ths County shad retain all responsibilities and shall beaz all costs and liabilities of any kind related to ownership of the Properties, including, but not limited to, taxes and insurance. (7) The parties agree that either party may caztcel this Agreement at az~y time for any reason, by giviztg writtea~ notice to the other party. IN WTZN~SS WHERP;QF, the parties have caused these prasettts to be executed in North Carolina as of the date and ycar first above written. • • 135 This page intentionallyleft blank} C7 136 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03122!99 Consent Item #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Jane Zygmunt/Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Installation of Fence at Airlie Gardens Contract #99-0251 - BRIEF SUMMARY: County staff has advertised for the installation of approximately 4,329 linear feet of 8-foot ornamental fence and 1,714 linear feet of 6-foot chain link fence at New Hanover County's Airle Gardens. Due to schedule constraints, this agenda item has been prepared prior to receiving bids on March 16, 1999. A formal recommendation with the bid information will be submitted prior to the March 22 meeting under a separate cover. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Review recommendation under separate cover. FUNDING.SOURCE: Account Number 305-495-3050-7300-6000 Job #AIRLE07G ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract -~ REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA Recommend approval. AND TONERS' ACTYONS/COMMENTS: ~OllNT1f CO~~it90 APPROVEp ~~ REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED HEARD E~ 0 137 DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 NORTH CAROLINA ~W HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS CONTACT, made and entered into this day of 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County' ; and a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"; , ' WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereb a ees with the County as follows: y ~ 1 • Scope of Services. Contractor shall provide professional services, equipment and materials for the re o install new chain link fencing and ~irnamental fencing at Airlie Gardens as described in the proposal marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2- Time of Performance. Contractor shall commence work upon Notice to Proceed by County. Contractor shall complete all work on the project within thirty X30) da s of said Notice. y 3• Pa ent. County hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the full and faithful performance of this contract, a sum not to exceed ~$~_) Dollars. G~4 ~-~ Extr-work County and Contractor shall negotiate and agree upon the value of any ~ xtra work-prior'to tliessuance of a Chan e ~`~ ~_ J : ~_,._ _ ,r g Order covering said extra work. Such Change Ord ~r shall setY~forrch~-'the corresponding adjustment, if any, to the Contract Price and Contract Time. ~~ ~ - F,,~ ; -~ t __ ~ ' _, ~`~~`~ ' :5~_"°~ Indemni Contractor shall rode 13 8 ~~' and hold New Hanover County, its New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Contractor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Contractor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. 6. Insurance. Contractor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified' below. ~• Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Contractor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies; and shall contain the following statement: . "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled matcrially altered, exce t after thi or been received by County". m' (30) days written notice has 8. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Contractor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. 9- Commercial General Liabilit . Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to expl$sion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in t e amount of $1,00,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodi ~~ Y New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 mJury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional ' under this policy. insured 10. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of'$1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 11. Contractor's Installation. Floater. Contractor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting a ainst los g s or damage of the equipment installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100% of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by Coun The ) ty coverage shall be written in the name of Contractor and .shall protect the County as its interests may appear. Contractor shall be responsible for any loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance. The coverage shall be written in the name of Contractor and County and .shall protect .the .subcontractors as their interests may appear. ~- J 12. " Bonds Required. The Contractor shall provide the following surety bonds wherein surety waives notice of any and all modifications, omissions, additions, changes, and advance payments or'deferred payments in or about the Contract, and agrees that the obligations undertaken by the Bond shall not be impaired in any manner by reason of any such modifications, orrussions, additions, changes, and advance payments or deferred payments. ' The surety bonds must set forth no requirements that suit be initiated prior to the time stipulated in applicable North Carolina Statutes of Limitation. A) A Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the construction contract amount, conditioned upon the plans, specifications, and. conditions of the contract. Such bond shall solely for the protection of the contracting body which awarded the contract. B) A Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the 140 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - AZ51 construction contract amount, conditioned upon the prompt payment for all labor or materials for which a Contractor or subcontractor is liable. The payment bond shall be solely for the protection of the persons furnishing materials or performing labor for which a Contractor or subcontractor is liable. The Performance Bond and the Payment Bond shall be executed by one or more surety companies legally authorized to do business in the State of North Carolina and shall become effective upon the awarding of the construction contract. 13. Goal for Participation by Minority Business. It is the policy of the County that minority businesses shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of . contracts financed with public money including contract awards pursuant to the requirements of Article 8 of the N. C. G. S. New Hanover County, has adopted a ten percent (100%) verifiable goal for participation by minority businesses in the total value of work required by the terms and A conditions of this contract. ., Contractor covenants and agrees to comply with said policy of the County and the ' provisions of N.C.G.S. Article 8 and shall follow County guidelines specifying the actions that Contractor must take to ensure a good faith effort in the recruitment and selection of minority businesses for participation in this contract. 14. .Independent Contractor. It is mutually agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of the County, and as such the Contractor shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, workmen's compensation, or pension and retirement benefits. 15. Default and Termination. If Contractor fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Contractor breaches any of the terms or conditions contained in t~iis contract and fails to cure said breach within five (5) ~ays of County's mailing of Notice of Default, County may terminate this contract forthwit . X41 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 Upon termination, County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or an oth take the prosecution of the work out of the hands of Contractor. Coun ma eny er remedy,. contract for the completion of the contract, or use such other meth ty Y ter into another completion of the contract. Coun ods as may be required for the . ty may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Contractor. In the event this project is fermi to completion of the services by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be nated pnor performed to the date of to Paid for services rmination. In no event will the amount due Contractor in the event of termination exceed that amount set forth in paragraph 3 of this Contrac herein shall prevent the County from pursuing any other remed t' Nothing contained Contractor, including claims for damages. Y which it may have against 16. Nonwaiver of Ri hts. It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Contract, or to exercise an ri thereof, or the acceptance of an Y ght based upon a breach y performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Contract. 1 ~• Conflict of Interest. No paid employee of the County shall have a personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting p or othe ~Y rwise, m the performance of this Contract. 18• Subcontracts. The Contractor shall utilize no subcontractors for carrying out the services to be performed under this Contract without the written approval of the Coun 19- Entire Aereement. This .agreement constitutes the entire under Ty the parties. standing of 20. Bindin Effect. This contract shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns. 21 • Further-Actions. The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this contract. 142 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 22. Inclusive Terms. Use of the masculine herein shall include the feminine and neuter, and the singular shall include the plural. 23. Governin Law. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be . . ~ interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 24. Notices. All notice required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be - sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be ,designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, b Y Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested; . To County: . ~ New Hanover County Engineering Department Attention: Greg Thompson, Chief Project Engineer - ~ 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ' ... To Contractor: ' _ Attention: . 25. Assignability. It is mutually. agreed by the parties hereto that this contract is not transferable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the ' other party to this .contract. 26._ Amendments. This Contract shall not be modified or otherwise amended except in writing signed by the parties. 27• Non-Discrimination. Contractor will take affirmative action not to .discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally den an Y Y person participation in or the benefits oft~ie program which is the subject of this Contract because of race, creed,. color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Contra o ~~3 ~'' New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No: 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision,.. after notice, shall be a material breach of this contract and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this contract in-whole or in P~- IIV WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Allen ONeal, County Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board "~ . ~ .CONTRACTOR . . [CORPOR"ATE SEAL] President ATTEST:. Secretary L 144 Thin instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0251 Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY , I' a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager, Allen ONeal, sealed with . its corporate seat and attested by herself as its Clerk. - ~ WITNESS my hand and .official seal, this day of 1999. . ~ ~ ~ - ~ Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF - I' ~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify. that came before me this day and .acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of a North Carolina Company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name as its President, sealed with rts .corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 1999. day of Notary Public 145 {This page intentionallyleft blank} 146 • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Consent Item #: 16 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for New Position -Civil Engineering Technician BRIEF SUMMARY: Due to new County sewer projects and increased subdivision activity, an Engineering Technician position is needed. Due to the increased work load, approval is requested as soon as possible. The Engineering Technician's time primarily will be spent in the map room organizing and controlling the use of the maps, in addition to drafting. The county has over 2.000 plan sheets and 112 active sewer construction projects which must be managed and coordinated. The person performing this work has been doing it on a part-time basis in addition to conducting water and sewer location work in the field. It is critical to have afull-time person the dedicated to managing, organizing and monitoring the maps to prevent loss and damage. The Civil Engineering Technician will also serve the public when maps are requested and/or when information is needed. Since we only have one person performing water and sewer location work, this will provide more help We presently receive 150-200 requests for locations per day. Money is available in the water and sewer maintenance budget to cover the funds required for the remainder of the year. Presently the Water and Sewer Engineering Department has 43 positions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the new position for Civil Engineering Technician be approved. FUNDING SOURCE: There is sufficient funding in salary account of the Engineering budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC DAl Recommend approval. ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A r~ '~ , -_ . _ .. ~ L ~ ~ ie ~.~ ~~. _\.`i`.. -...J4 _ fv~~~l~ ~D~~~~Il~l ~PPROVi D . ~-~=- ~: REJECTED:. ~'; k REMOVE®`,~ ~ HEARD O , SATE ...~.3/aa/~9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment . Consent Item #: 17.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: District Attorney-Domestic Violence Unit BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0094 ADJUSTMENT Domestic Violence Grant Salaries _ FICA Retirement 401 K Medical Insurance Contract Service. Cellular Expense Travel . . DEBIT $22,602 $4,000 $200 $40 $325 $1,400 $1,000 . $1,650 CREDIT $31,217 EXPLANATION: To decrease budget to actual amount of grant through -99. For accounting purposes only: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~OUi~tY ~61t1IM1~16~~ ~PP~ovl:c~ rr~ ~~ ~ R~;,;O ~ ~ ~~~ HEARD~~~` ~3 't 148 ~ I~A~~ f __ as/~~~_ __,, ,,~ i r. ~ ~ . Y,,.~. _, r, U G~' ~._ ___~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 03/22/99 . ~ Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Administration/Child Day Care Program/ CP8~L Intervention Program BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0116 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT DSS Administration: Administrative Grants $90,447 CPBL Intervention Program: Assistance Payments $90,447 Child Day Care: Smart Start Child Day Care Revenue $106,155 Smart Start Child Day Care/ $106,155 Assistance Payments EXPLANATION: To budget additional Federal/State funding for CPBL Intervention Program and .Smart Start Child Day Care Program. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~i ~~~t~~b~ ~1PPR6i/~® ~~ . ~.:. ~ ":: E~:Y1 ~~r;.r~~~~ a -. r ~~.T ~ 4l J 1 ~,. ~~' ~.f ~ ~j~a ~- r`.~~ 1'49 . .__. ,.. ,._..~.._._ ..... r~~ ._ k r....,.. ,."~t,..r. ir.~... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.3 Estimated Time: Page Number DEPARTMENT: Health/Partnership for Children -Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0117 ADJUSTMENT Partnership For Children Grant Temporary Salaries & Wages DEBIT CREDIT $6,000 $6,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional gra unds from Smart Start -New Hanover County Partnership for children. APPROVAL STATUS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: s~'~rc~ •~~ti~~ i..~ ~.~*~~V{A-1 1 ~~IYIIVI~~~~U4 sJ C~`,AF'.P~6VED ~ G +R,~1;~01~E17 ~ _ _. ; . 150 ~ . ~~ ~°-~~/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental/Sheriff/Jail BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0126 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental: Contingencies $30,000 Sheriffs Department/Jail: Contracted Services ~ $30,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies for the next phase of the Jail Study. Atthe retreat held on February 5 6, 1999, the Board of Commissioners recommended that the Sheriff proceed with the next phase of the Jail Study. ~,~ With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Con ' ,i swill be $179,306. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ ~ ~ .~ APPRp~ G, ~EIEC~g~ ~t~MBV~E ~~_ ~~~ j,~q .,,;...r,~~+~.r ~ti ~~ ~~ r~l ~~ .~ ^~ ~-~ i 4--I H . .'~,,,, • •~ C~ U. . ,...~ 4~ Q 0 .~ .~ r~ V ~ ~H ~ • r--a '~ ~ ~ V ~ ~-+ ~. ~_ ~ ~„~ 0 ~ ~' ~ ~~..,,~~ O ~~ ~~ _~ 4J cll M~ W CC3 •,-~ U ~-; .~ N. :~: F-~-1 N ~ ~ ~--~ h ~ O • r--~, ~i Q ~ H ~ _ ~i Q O z z ~ ~ ~ o , .,.~ , ~ ~ .~. Q .~ ~ ~ U. ~ W ~ ,---~ 4J ~ . ~ ~ y . . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ W. ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ c~3 ~ ~ ~ a.~ p ~ ~ U ~ ~ E--+ p ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o w ~"' ~-+ ~ Q ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ ~ '''" O .--, ",~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ O ~ ~ o . U Q U ~ ~ ~ c~ U ~-+ 4~ O ~ ~ 'v. ~. ..~-"x~•` "':'w"S v. .~n. ~~ -. ?'c`. i;. 1N'~i`a.. of ^....: •f ..~... f.. .~..: 2'T. ..~...~ ._. ...- a.^a..... •,.. ~. ?...'.Ti '3,.. .'"'~" ._... ~__._ _. ~~. 1' r. ._.. s. ... .mot ...... t...,y o~.'FfTAC. _..Wi i.,.... it~_ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 ~ - Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church Award of Contract # 99-0308 Post Buckley Schuh &Jerrnigan, Inc., . BRIEF SUMMARY: North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require certification from a licensed engineer that the landfill was constructed in accordance with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources approved Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) plan. The firm of Post Buckley Schuh &Jerrnigan, Inc. has provided a Scope of Services which includes all aspects of the CQA plan from the Pre-construction meeting through Field Inspection Services to the CQA Certification final report. The costs for the services are $183,003.00 which includes 22 weeks at 60 hours per week of a full time CQA manager on site during the construction of the eleven acre cell. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the award of contract # 99-0308 to the consulting engineering firm of Post Buckley Schuh &Jerrnigan, Inc. for Construction Quality Assurance services as provided for in•the scope of services. - • _ FUNDING SOURCE: _ EnvironmentalManagement, Landfill, Contracted Services Account ATTACHMENTS: Resolution REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CORII~NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: rC0UtV1Y COMMtSSl4NQ~q APPROVED t~--- REJECTED U • REMOVED ~p .POSTPONED D HEARD DATE ~ ~~. 99~ ~~, ,,dlsA.7i~rsas~,.t,.4- ~ ,r~~fi ~~,~~v 4 ~~~ ~~t ~~~' t8~~'~Y~ ~,.=- RESOLUTION • OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills be designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice engineering in accordance with G.S. 89C and the Administrative Rules developed thereunder; ` AND WHEREAS, the Engineer shall perform site inspections. to certify that the construction was performed in substantial accordance with the project plans and specifications; AND WHEREAS, North Carolina Rule T15A: 13B.1624(b)(15)requfres certification stating that the landfill cell was -constructed in accordance with a DEHNR approved CQA Plan and be signed and sealed by the Project Engineer; AND WHEREAS, the engineering firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. has prepared design and construction documents for the preparation of Cell 5 at the New Hanover County Landfill; ,.. .. • AND WHEREAS, the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan; Inc. has demonstrated it's' ability to meef'the design criteria by previously designing cell construction systems acceptable to the State Solid Waste Division; AND, WHEREAS, the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. has submitted a Scope of Services to provide liner construction quality assurance (CQA) services for Cell 5; .. AND WHEREAS, the Director of Environmental Management and the County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. In the amount of One-Hundred eighty-three thousand three dollars ($183,003.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now' in Account No. 700-480-4191-3700 to cover this contract; r • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for Engineering Inspection Services during the construction of Ce115 at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $183,003.00; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 22nd day of March 1999. NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST; Clerk to the Board ' ATTACHMENT A • SCOPE-OF-SERVICES NEW HANOVER COUNTY SECURE LANDFILL CELL 5 CONSTRUCTION RPR AND LINER CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE (CQA) SERVICES ENGINEER shall provide an experienced Resident Project Representative (RPR) and Landfill Liner Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Manager to observe and document the site preparation and the installation of the geosynthetic clay liner and geosynthetic liner for the approximate 11 acre composite liner construction of the New Hanover County Secure Landfill, Ce115. This individual shall be specifically trained in liner material installation and related engineering services. For this project :one individual will perform both services, however, should it become necessary to add additional personnel, PBS&J will notify the COUNTY of the need and will prepare a contract addendum to provide for the additional professionals. PBS&J shall perform the following CQA related services: TASK 1 ~ PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING ENGINEER°s Project Manager and CQA_ Manager shall attend a one (1) day Pre-Construction Meeting in New Hanover County to assist the COUNTY in coordinating the construction activities for the Ce11.5 landfill expansion. TASK 2 SHOP DRAWING REVIEW ENGINEER shall review project shop drawings and submittals for conformance the contract documents. This review shall be limited to eighty (80) hours of an Engineer I level time. TASK 3 FIELD OBSERVATION SERVICES ENGINEER shall provide up to one thousand three hundred twenty (1320) hours on an as needed basis of one (1) full time RPR/CQA Manager during the construction of the Cell 5 liner system. It is estimated that that approximately twenty-two weeks at 60 hours per week will be required during the term of the project. This allocation of time is based on the size and layout of the landfill, two (2) liner installation crews at work at any given time by the contractor and the type of liner designed for the Cell 5 Expansion. It is assumed that there will be a maximum of one (1) mobilization by the liner installation team for this design. The RPR/CQA Manager's duties shall include: 1 ~J • coordinate with the contractor to process shop drawings, pay requests, field orders, ' • change orders, etc. • observe the construction activities for conformance with the contract documents. • coordinate soil testing and liner testing requirements with the contractor. • ~ review'of liner stored on-site. • observe installation and seaming of liner incompliance with contract documents. • review of all conformance tests and destructive seam tests. • selecting liner sample locations and submission of these samples for testing. • documentation of the liner installation using DENR approved CQA forms. • obtaining subgrade certificate of acceptance from the installer • completion of Daily Field Reports ' • development of a record drawing for the installation • _. arrangement and documentation of meetings re ardiri `the installation ' g g • photographic documentation of the installation • keeping the County informed of the progress and any problems with the installation. If the liner installer uses multiple crews to shorten the installation time; the CQA Manager shall, train and supervise additional CQA monitors to work on the prof ect. Although the time of installation may decrease, the estimated total working hours for the CQA monitors should i remain constant. TASK 4 CQA SUPPORT PBS&J shall provide up to ten (10) 8-hour days of one (1) professional engineer on an as needed basis through the duration of construction. His duties during this supplemental period shall include providing intermediate observation of the construction in support of the on-site RPR and COUNTY staff. Services shall~include: • obtaining pre- and post- construction certificates 2 ,~ • solving technical questions which may occur ' • • finalizing field documentation and drawings ENGINEER shall subcontract a geotechnical firm to perform the geotechnical testing of the soil layer, installation. The geotechnical testing shall include the following: • .evaluation of the soil borrow source and testing of the subgrade and embankment construction • Soil Layer Testing Report The soil testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the technical specification and CQA Plan. The ENGINEER shall review the selection of the geotechnical SUBCONSULTANT with the COUNTY before entering into a contract with the geotechnical firm. ;, TASK 5 DESTRUCTIVE AND CONFORMANCE TESTING ENGINEER shall perform destructive testing of the liner seam samples using their in-house testing equipment. The CQA Manager shall send the samples by Federal Express overnight to PBS&J laboratory for testing.. PBS&J shall perform the Peel and Shear Test on each sample and have the results, available within one (1): working . day, of sample procurement. It is estimated ,that 95 destructive seam samples will be tested for this project at a cost of $55.00 per sample: ENGINEER shall have conformance tests performed on samples of the liner material by a qualified conformance testing laboratory. A total of eleven (11) conformance tests for the synthetic liner are estimated for this project. Estimated cost for these tests is $600.00 per sample. It is estimated that 38 tests on the GCL will be conducted at an estimated cost of $2,100. It is estimated that 22 tests will be performed on the geotextile at an estimated cost of $900. TASK 6 CQA CERTIFICATION REPORT ENGINEER shall develop a CQA Certification Report as record of the liner installation. The report shall contain the following: ` ~ • all submittal approvals • daily field logs • documentation drawings - 3 a i j ~~ • installation logs ~ ~ ' • destructive/non-destructive testing results • certificates as documentation of the cap placement 'Three (3) copies of an interim CQA Certification Report, signed by a Professional Engineer !registered in the State of North Carolina, shall be submitted to the COUNTY as quickly as possible i (dependent upon timely delivery of documents from the contractor) for the initial milestone period, ,and will finalize the CQA Certification Report upon completion of the project within six (6) weeks ,after completion of the liner installation or receipt of final approved as-built from the contractor. .TASK 7 SITE OBSERVATION AND CERTIFICATION "~ ENGINEER'S Project Manager shall perform a site inspection to certify that the construction on the Cell 5 Landfill Expansion was performed in substantial accordance with the project plans and !specifications. As required in North Carolina's Rule T15A: 13B.1624(b)(15), the certification shall also state that Cell 5 was constructed in accordance with the DENR"approved CQA Plan and be ;signed and sealed by the Project Manager. TASK 8 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION ENGINEER will. provide for the installation of two shallow monitoring. wells that were, proposed • " ~ ~ to the NCDENR as an addition to. the groundwater monitoring system. It would be preferable for the wells to be installed at the same time that the existing four monitoring wells are to be abandoned. The abandonment has been provided for under separate agreement. G:\NEWHANOV\CELLS\CQA\CELLSCQA.WPD 4 yj LLI ::%3 a O) V 0 h 0 a0 f 0 c0 0~ 117 a0 t M >~ ~ 0000 00N u)In in J OO Nt~ OInN c'~ O(D 3 M : O m p r7 :~ r- ao ~ ~ ~ ~ : Fa-v~mr~l~ rnr~v_ ~ ~~N f» vi <n rii ~ en ~ y i Q fD N m N9 fA ~ f`~ v :?;% l ]~ d9 ~ ~ j I11') ~ ;_;c0 f x:;r;: _ ., ;: . I% `:i:'i;:;: i o t0 V 0 O o O In N o O In N '1 o Iq D 0 t17 ' 0 ~ o N I I~":i`i> r i I n: ~ ¢ I II ~ il I. J U1 J~ I_ ~ ~ i , 1 I~ M o M cp cO In cO o I~ ~[ ~ a tn O I V l th to O sr l I iF- i ~ ~ I ~ 3 W 1 W j ~ LL I :.a ~ O~ ~ I I i t 1 1 < I! 11 1 ~ I ~ i j j ~ I ~I Q '.~ I ~ i ii.i, ;mot<~:; i i ; 1 ~ I ~ i ~'~' i >i:~::;ca Y O O o O o N r O o IA ~ 0 In 0 to 0 o 0 ~ t:;.;;: ~~ ; ' I i I j ~_ ~?I ~ 1~ ~f' ! ~p tf N N ~ M N O M N .M- :' 2'::5: . I I ~ ~ ` ~ ~:~~ - ~ i 7 Q O~ tH rN M to to en eA eH di to I I ~ j ' Q II ~ ~ ~: i. ~ I I I I I I F. .. ~ ~ ' '~ J~ :Si~ F. ~ 0 O N 0 ~ ~ 0 fOD 1 I I I I I ,0 I~ I 0 ~ I 0 ~ o0 ?:` ,L:: : ~ ~ I ~ ~ I i I I ~ i j I j ~ ~. I ,.'1' I 1 , ~ ~ >~; O ~ I I I :'i ~ I ' ~ I I I I i I ~ 1 ~ :~ ~ ~ i j 1 ~ I ~ I I ~ I !':~ II : i i j., { I ri:: I i .il.. , .:. ~ I i ' I I j ' ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ 1! . .. ... ~ •i: I I I I I i i I ~< ~ ~ I I ~ 1 I I I ~ I ~ 1 I 1 II 1 1 1 '1~_ 1 I' i ~.:~.~ I' I:' _f:. ~ I -~ ~~- - 7 " NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Additional Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract #99-0293 for Landfill Cell # 5 Construction BRIEF SUMMARY: A bid opening for the construction of the 11 acre cell # 5 at the landfill was held on March 16. The results of the bids are: Ground Improvement Techniques, Inc. $1,965,280.00 Robbinsville Contracting, Inc. $2,086,420.25 BMCO Construction Co. $2,631,576.16 ES&J Enterprises $2,664,312.00 Phillips & Jordan, Inc. $2,087,185.00 The construction will consist of earthwork and the installation of a double synthetic plastic liner system over a geosynthetic clay liner system., The system also includes a leachate collection piping network and associated sumps and pumping. stations. The 11 acre cell is divided into two subcells of approximately. • ~ 5.5 :acres each .with the first cell to, be completed within 60 days of the notice to proceed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached resolution and award contract # 99-0293 to Ground Improvement Techniques, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in an amount not to exceed $1,965,280.00. Staff also recommends that the Board approve associated budget amendment#99-32 to transfer funds from the Environmental Management Fund /fund balance to the Solid Waste Capital Project for construction of Cell #5 at the Landfill and budget amendment 99-36 budgeting interest. FUNDING SOURCE: Special Obligation Bonds-$633,014 and Environmental Management Fund Balance-$1,332,266. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Ba99-36.wp BA#32.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: i4--_-^" ~U~ ~~~0 Recommend approval of contract and two budget amendme APPROVE® ~~r--- COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: REJECTED p EMOVED O POSTPONED p HEARD DATE 3 a a_ 4 9 /. ~~ `~/ vu~ur~ O w ~-~~` ~ ~~~~ u RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Environmental Management Department at 2:00 p.m. on the 16th day of March, 1999, at the New Hanover County Environmental Management Administration Building, 3002 Highway 421N, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for the constructiori of Cell 5: Ground Improvement Techniques, Inc. Robbinsville Contracting, Inc. BMCO Construction Company, Inc. ES&J Enterprises, Inc. Phillips & Jordan, Inc. $1,965,280.00 $2,086,420.25 $2,631,576.1.6 . $2,664,312.00 $2,087,185.00 AND WHEREAS, Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc., the consulting engineers for the project have reviewed the proposals and recommend award to Ground.Improvement Techniques, Inc.; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Ground Improvement Techniques, Inc:, a Pennsylvania corporation, the lowest responsible bidder, in an amount not to exceed One Million Nine Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Dollars ($1,965,280.00); AND WHEREAS, funds are available in Special Obligation Bonds and the Department of Environmental Management Fund Balance account to cover this contract; '~ ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the construction of Landfill Cell #5 for the Environmental Management Department, be awarded to Ground Improvement Techniques, Inc., in an amount not. to exceed One Million Nine Hundred Sixty Five. Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Dollars ($1,965,280.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 22nd day of March, 1999 (SEAL) . William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Environmental Management Fund/Landfill Operations Solid Waste Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-32 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Environmental Management Fund/ Landfill Operations: Appropriated Fund Balance $1,332,266 Transfer to Solid Waste $1,332,266 Capital Project 1 .. ,. • Solid Waste_Capital Project: Operating Transfer In (From Fund 700) $1,332,266 Capital Project Expense $1,332,266 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from the Environmental Management Fund/ Fund Balance the Solid Waste Capital Project for construction of the eleven acre Cell#5 at the Landfill. APPROVAL STATUS:. To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ! COUNTY COMM(~SIONERS APPROVE© Gam" REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED O . HEARD O DATE _`.~/a2/g ~Gvl~iti- _ _ .. .,. _._ ....~ -' - - .~,,. ......._'-~...c_ _ xa _ _... _,,,.....,_ . . ............w.._._..___._. ._... s mr . .~._ ,a_s. r .,~.. -gym Y :>K~,~;.,..-~, a,.,mm~a 4yrak~»t.~s«r. ~Ew 1,~1 F V t`15d ti . C i~~ ~~ gy ~ ~ ~ V~~r.`x. `~~1 /~ ~ ~~`~ !tn~, ~~{ "haw,..::.- ~';:~fi'~~c=ss' !.~`) ~~+;:J r: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Solid Waste Construction Fund BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-36 ADJUSTMENT Interest earned Capital Project Expense DEBIT $393,235 CREDIT $393,235 EXPLANATION: to budget interest earned on the bonds. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners rCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED L~ REJECTED D REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O ~ HEARD D ..PATE - ~~~~~9 pD~/ ro a +. ~U~ ~~~ L' S ~` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Additional Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Allocation of Funds to Maritime Day Celebration BRIEF SUMMARY: Chairman Caster is the honorary co-chairman of the Third Annual Port of Wilmington Maritime Day Celebration. The celebration will be held on Saturday, May 15, 1999. The County has been requested to donate up to $1,500 toward the event to help underwrite the cost of bus rental. A County "promotional booth" is planned for the exhibit area. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend contributing up to $1,500 for the underwriting of buses for the Maritime Day celebration and approval of the attached budget amendment . FUNDING SOURCE: :~ ATTACHMENTS:.. Letter and budget amendment REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: ~ HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' AC7ICJNS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMN~ISSIONER$, APPROVED Ci./r REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED p NEARD p DATE ..~3~~_2 ~~9 ~.~. !~ f' V-~bn74~~~~ W.. w ~~r~'dc'r C~{ ~iU ~~ ~ ~~.~ ~ ~~~ ';~J MARITIME DAY CELEBRATION . PO Box 9002 Wilmington, NC 28402 Tel: (910) 343-6319 FAX: 343-6225 March l 1, 1999 _. .. ~~~~• i'.. ~' ~'% l~'~R 1 6 ly9) ' 1-1:x, s'-' ~ ~~ c ~~ ~ ~. ..' =,,anG~ti'S Q~FIG~ Honorary Cochairmen ~Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman Chairman, New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 William A. lister M11ayo4CityofWilmingtoo Wilmington, NC 28401 liamiiton E. Hicks, Jr. Chairman, Greater 1Vilmington I Dear Chairman Caster: Chamber of Commerce Russell LaBelle Chairman, Brunswick County. .. Board of Commissioners .IoAnn Simmons Executive Director, NC Slafc Por[s Authority Er(k Sfromberg Cochairmen Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear Uon Fishero NC State Ports Authority Karen Fox Maritime Da mmrttee embe s e Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau Paige Somervell Cape Fear River Watch Dickson Baldridge Cooperlf. Smllh Stevedoring Propeller Club of Wilmington Gary Walters Greater 1Vilmington Chamber of Commerce Howard loving -~ M1lcrchantMarine Veteran David Mitchell NC State forts Authority Susan Borden Fred Cetsinger (Retired) Steve Jackson Philip Jones S R R Packing & Crating Dorn• Gore Steve Thompson Stevedoring Services of America Billy Helms US Coast Guard Captain John Williams US Customs ~ ' Inspector.lerome Boykin WECT~ ~' Beth Her3man Wilmington Flre Department Captain Mark Harraway ~mgton Shipping Company ^'ltrtcCuire As you know, Saturday, May 15, 1999 is the day for the third annual Port of Wilmington Maritime Day Celebration to be held at the Port of Wilmington, and we thank you for agreeing to serve as an honorary cochairman once again. The Maritime Day Celebration is a wonderful opportunity to inform our entire community, in an entertaining and educational way, of the value of Wilmington's commercial and recreational waterfront in the past, present and future. Last year nearly 2,000 Maritime Day visitors enjoyed bus.tours of the State Port, vessel tours, "live" safety and equipment demonstrations, exhibits, entertainment and food. .. As cochairman of the Maritime Day Steering Committee, I would like to offer New Hanover County the opportunity to again serve'as a major sponsor for the Maritime Day Celebration by donating buses on May I S as its sponsorship of the Maritime Day Celebration. The City of Wilmington has agreed to this sponsorship and is providing three buses at no charge. I would like to offer an equal sponsorship to New Hanover County to underwrite the cost of rental for three additional buses for an estimated $1,000 to $1,500. A minimum of six buses" are needed to accommodate the number of visitors we expect for this year's port tours. • In addition to recognition on banners and posters throughout the Maritime Day venue, the are offering a free exhibit space to our major sponsors, as well as being listed on advance promotional materials and included in the .Maritime Day program to be distributed to all visitors. Thank you for your consideration of this sponsorship request. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any additional assistance. cc: ''Allen O'Neal, New Hanover County Manager Master of Ceremonies Wayne Jackson NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION r Meeting Date: 03/22/99 Budget Amendment /~ DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental/Contingencies/Outside Agencies/Economic and Physical Development BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0128 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental Contingencies $1,500 Outside Agencies: Economic & Physical Development Maritime Day Celebration $1,500 EXPLANATION: To budget contribution to the Maritime Day Celebration. With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Conti encies will be $177,806. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners -. ,. -. . _,.. .. couNN coMMi~~oN APPROVED- ~~ , R€JECTE© O REMOVED: C! ,` POSTPONED C] HEARD 3 ~` a~~ ~ ~G~-~+~.~ PATE ...Q.~.,/ "'•~ ,~•±~-' . ~; "~"hr-v ~ III `~/ f~-'A ~~ ~~~~'~~~ rf ~~. ~~~~~