Agenda 1999 05-03.- ~AG E N:DA NEW xAlvOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS : = .Courtroom 317, New Hanover County Judicial Building rr~ ~ .„ ~ 316 Princess, Street ~ - Wilmington, NC - WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R: HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ` ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELC, CLERK TO THE BOARD , ': May 3,1999 6:30 p.m. ' ' , MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) ~ . ::INVOCATION ~ .. :~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' ~ ;' NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) ~ ' • APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED - ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~~ ~ PAGE TIMES . - NO, . :.. '• 6.:40 pm' L . . Consideration of Proclamation-Declaring May Foster Parent Appreciation Month . 1 ~ 6:45 pm~' 2. Consideration of Award of Bid #99-0248 and Approval of Contract #99-0248 to 3 - Diamond Food Enterprises, Inc., for Nutrition Services for the'Aging Department . ~ 7:50 pm 3. - Status Report on Service Design Associates' Contract for Child Support Services ? - .7:00 pm ~' 4. Consideration of Resolution Opposing Proposal to Shift Additional Cost of 11 ` ~ Mental Health Medicaid Service to the Counties _.5.. 7:OS pm Consideration of Su ort'for Pro osed Le islaton to Re uire that all State. ~ pP P g q . 1'S ' ~ Actions be Consistent with Local LAMA Land Use Plans ",. 7: l0 pm ; 6.. ~ .. Convene as Board of Equalization and Review - 19 t 7:25 pm 7, r Consideration of Resolution in Support of The St. John's Museum of Art =,21 Capital Campaign ' ~ , . Public Hearing ,. , ' 7:30 ~pm' 8.1 .Special Use Permit -Request by Lonnie Williams, Jr., for John Coble to permit ~ 23 , ' ' ' . ~, . ` ~ ~ a 4,430 square foot addition to the existing Trails End Restaurant and related .~ ~, . activities. including catering. ' .~ - ESTIMATED _ , ITEMS OF BUSINESS ... PAGE TIMES ~ - :-- ~~ ~ ~ NO. .. .~% 7_:.45 pm , ~ 8.2 Rezoning -Request by Everett Harvel_1 to rezone .61 of an acre located on the 35 . .west side of NC 1-32 North about 600 feet north of Parmele Road to I-2 Heavy . '~` ` ' "~ ~ ~ Industrial from I-2 Heav Industrial from R=15 Residential. Z-654 4/99) Y ( , 7:50 pm 8.3 ,. , Rezoning -Request by David Barefoot to rezone 3.3. acres. Property located on 39 the west .side of Castle Hayne Road approximately 600 feet north of Carl Seitter Drive to B-1 Business from R-20 Residential (Z-656, 4/99) , 8:00 pm 8.4 Special Use Permit -Request by Jimmy Blackburn to permit two mobile homes 43 located on the east .side of Old Avenue in Castle Hayne. The area is zoned R-20 Residential (5-441,5/99) 8:10 pm 8.5 Zoning Text Amendment (Continued Item) -Request, by;Staff to revise the ~ . 49 . Conservation Overlay District requirements to specify that abandoned cemeteries ~ , be investigated and delineated by a professional historian, archeologist, or related professional. (A-297, 3/99) , . 8:20 pm 9. Public Hearing -Kirkland Community Revitalization Program 51 8:40 pm 10. Meeting of Water and Sewer District ~ ~ 55 ADDITIONAL ITEMS ., . ~~~ ~ _ County Commissioners • ~ ~ County -Attorney .County Manager ` 9:00 p.m. ~ ADJOURN .. I ~ . 1. v . MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD :OF COMMISSIONERS May 3,1999 'ITEMS OF BUSINESS .PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 61 -,, .. . 2 Approval of correction to Tax Computation for the Hills Department Store 63 Tax Appeal 3. Approval of award of contract with CGA Consulting Services, Inc. for Phase 65 II of a space study assessment for the Sheriff's Department and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0146 4. Approval of award of RFP #99-0239 and. approval of contract #99-0239 77 to Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. for travel services for New Hanover County 5. Approval to designate Department of Aging the Lead Agency for 83 Home & Community- Care Block Grant funds 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Home & Community Block Grant funds in the amount of $712, 058 for 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Health Grant monies in amount of $8,619. 6. Approval of receipt of Council of Government's Senior Center Outreach 99 Contract awarding $2,129 to Department of Aging for nutrition service expansion and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0144 7. Approval of receipt of funds in amount of $1,500 from Corporation for . 115 National Service for VISTA mileage reimbursement and training and Approval of associated budget amendment # 99-0143 8. Adoption of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add roads to the State ~ 117 Highway System Torchwood Boulevard and Beacon Drive in West Bay Estates Approval of budget amendments: 9.1. #99-0137 to reclassify and record the debt service payments (interest 119 only) from the County's Public Schools Fund to the General Fund _ 9.2. #99-0141 Coo erative Extension Pro'ects p J 121 `~-~ FOSTER PARENT APPRECIATION MONTH MAY 1999. BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY~BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,,. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the incidence of child abuse and neglect in New Hanover County is of the. same near epidemic proportions as across the State and the United States, and WHEREAS, despite the prodigious efforts.of social workers, too many victims of abuse and neglect must be removed from their homes and families for their very' safety while their parents and caretakers learn ways to meet the children's needs without abuse, and ~: . .. - _ .. 4. .WHEREAS,,. family' foster homes•are the,placement of first choice for child victims of abuse',and neglect because these functioning families offer children the'opportunity to, learn family. values,and healthy patterns of behavior in security and safety so that the destructive cycle of abuse and neglect can be forever interrupted, and ~' ~ •' "'~ ''" . ~ ,: , WHEREAS, while there are now more foster homes in New Hanover County than ever• before, demand continues to far exceed the supply;.and " WHEREAS, repairing the broken spirits and mending the hurt minds and bodies of 'their wards, large and small, requires unflagging, commitment of intellect and energy by our foster parents, and WHEREAS, small recognition and paltry compensation is provided the monumental teffoi-t and contribution of these molders of our future, :, ,. ,.. ;; .,e,.,. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaim the month of May 1999, FOSTER PARENT APPRECIATION MONTH, and 4. ~ .. ~ _, ~.. _ •. k.. ,. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,THAT the New Hanover Coun_ ty.Board of Commissionerstand all public entities recognize throughout the year the• work and talent of our fosterparents and rededicate our efforts to strengthening all of our families, but especially those families who take on the jobs of others. Adopted this the day of , 1999. ATTEST: Clerk~to the Board `~ ~~. ~ ~~' ., ~~ f William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners - ~y. r , ..q .., , y - ~ . N'EW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR -BOARD ACTION ~ . . _ , ,~ Meeting Date:. 05/03/99 r .. ., , Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time:, Page Number: ~: `Department: Aging Presenter: Bruce T. Shell. . . Contact: Amy Akin . . , .- ~ . , SUBJECT: - . ,.. :. Award of Bid # 99-0248 and approval of contract # 99-0248 to 'Diamond Food - - " ,.. . Enterprises, Inc. for nutrition.services for the Aging Department. - ~- .BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ .. Staff followed the formal bid process to bid the nutrition services contract. This is a three year contract :that provides meals for the congregate and home-delivered .meal program. ~~ . ` .Two bids were received. The lowest bid, from, Diamond Food Enterprises, Inc. of Wilmington, North- . - ~, Carolina, met all bid requirements. The. price proposed by Diamond Food Enterprises, Inc. is $2.20'per . .meal. The current contract price is $2.19 a meal.. The second bid received was from Newbold's Carolina Seafood & BBQ; Inc. of Richlands; North Carolina. Their proposal was fog $2.28 a meal. Newbold's .Carolina Seafood & BBQ, Inc. currently has the contract with the County. This item was delayed from the' , , APrit 19th meeting: The agenda item from last meeting is attached;. The draft contract and the bid specifications are voluminous and are .not included in this package. The information is available in the -manager's. office-for review. ` •` ~ . , .- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: fn .accordance with standard procedures and General Statutes, staff recommends award to the lowest, - > reSponsib,le bidder, Diamond Food Enterprises ,Inc., at a per meat price of $2.20 and approval of Contract . #, 99-0248. "° ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ; . , , <Contract begins July 1, 1999. Funds are to be appropriated in next year's budget in account - 1.10-582-5823-3700 and 100-582-5824-3710. ATTACHMENTS: - . z',, . :The resolution is being sent as an attachment to the agenda item,. C~11NTY COMIUIJSS(®N~R~ ,. .. ~ APPRQVEp p' •~ ~ . . : RE.lECT~D Cam- REM -~.. OVED C~' . 99-0248r.wp ~: P{)STPONED q . ,. - Draft contract # 99-0248 is being sent separately. ~ NEARf~ ~ - ,. y - _ ;~ - .. ' .REVIEWED BY:. - LEGAL:,Approve . .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A _ ~ a . .. ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ 3' '. Recommend approval of bid to Diamond Food Enterprises,. Inc., and approval- attached resolution., COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD~OF COMMLSS,IONERS REQUEST' FOR $OARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/19/99 Staff recommehds~adoption of attached resolution awarding. nutrition se ices ontract to iamond Food Enterprises, Inc.; of Wilmington,. North' Carolina; .the lowest responsible bi er at a perm al price of.$2.20 and approvalof Contract# 99-0248:. - ~ ::. ~ • . .FUNDING SOURCE: Contract begins July 1, 1999. Funds are to be appropriated in next year's budget in account 110-582-5823-3700 and 110-582-5824-3710. Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number:' .~ ~ - Department: Aging Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin , . SUBJECT: Award of•Bid # 99-0248. and approval of contract # 99-0248 -to 'a o d o Enterprises, Inc.'fo'r~nutrition services for the-Aging Depart en . . . BRIEF SUMMARY: - Staff followed the formaP bid process-to bid the nutrition services contract., Th is a t e_year co ract that provides meals for the congregate and home-delivered meal pro m. Tw bids were recei ed.. The bids have been reviewed. and staff is recommending award to Diamo d od En rprises, inc., f Wilmington,. North Carolina, the lowest responsible .bidder at a per m I p ice of $ .20. "RECOMMENDED MOTION AND~REQUESTED ACTIONS: - ; ATTACHMENTS: '- . The resolution is.being sent as an attachment to the agenda item. ~ ~ - ~ ~~~ 99-0248r.wp The contract~draftwill 6e forwarded`to the Manager's office~separately. ~ - 4 REVIEWED BY: ~;~~~,~ L~EGAL%~ ttl ~,FIN'ANC~E. Approve ,,<. ~~~~ COUNTY MANAGER. ',S~CO 'ME Recommend apProval,.~~` ~~NJ~ e . tCOMMISSIONERS' AC< ON /C BUDGET:. Approve ~ HUMAN RESOURCES -N/A .~ ' ~i~ ~ -'' TS AN CC'.~?'-„ ~,,~ ~.,,,,~ SRS ~i,~ ~'. J'r~'J • - -- - , ± - _. -' RE,"r;;; ~,~~ D ~ y,,. POSTPONED p~/,!~~'~ "'~7 f. ' 'HEARD DATE ~ / , 'a ... _ .. , - ~ RESOLUTION ~ , ~. ~ OF THE , ~. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . .... ~ - ~ -.NEW HANOVER COUNTY . a- WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance - ~ ~Departrnent at 3:00 p.m:, on the 1 st day of April, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut " Streets Wilmington, North"Carolina, and"the following per meal bids were received for Nutrition Services forthe Department of.Aging, Bid # 99-0248: ~ ~ " 422 Meals 500 Meals b00 Meals .. ~ ~ per Day per.Day. per Day.. ; .., :. . , Diamond Food - $2.20 $2.20 $2.20 .. Enterprises, Inc. . ' ~ '~ Newbold's Carolina ~ $2.28, $2.28 ,, ~ . $2.28.- - ,' ~. ' ~ Seafood & BBQ, Inc. `AND WHEREAS, the Director of Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that,the contract be, awarded to Diamond Food Enterprises, Inc: ,of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest ` ~' ~ responsible bidder, at the per meal price of $2:20; ~ ' . ~ ., pP p " ` ` _ '~ AND WHEREAS funds will be a ro riated in next year's budget in Account No: ' 110-582-5823-2000-.3700 and 110-582-5824-2000-37.10 to cover this contract; -NOW, THEREFORE,'BE IT RESOLVED bythe Board ofCounty Commissioners ofNew Hanover Y :~` ~ .County that the contract for Nutrition Services for the Department of Aging; Bid # 99-0248 be awarded to ` -Diamond Food Enterprises, Inc. at the per meal price of $2.20; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract; contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. ~ ~ ' , BE IT :FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agenf is hereby authorized to return the bid - ' ~ deposit to the unsuccessful. bidder. . :: ^ ~ This 3rd day of May;. 1999. _ f ::. f - (SEAL) ,, : ~ _ ~ ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners . . - „ ''ATTEST:' . i. Clerk to the Board ~: , , x ~ ,. ~, {This page inteutionallyleft~blanlr} .. t... . . .. ~ .. . 1 1 . ~ i 6 .. ,.~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS µ ~~ ~• ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ ~. . Meeting Date:. 05/03/99 . - Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: DSS. Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris - . - ,. - SUBJECT: Status Reporf on Service Design Associates' Contract-for Child Support Services F. ~ =- . `~BRtEF SUMMARY: - ~ - , ,, ~; '.Ownership of Service Design Associates, Inc. has changed due to reorganization of ownership. Those • responsible for fulfilling the'terms- of the current Child Support Services contract, have requested changes in contract terms: Staff will present a status report with potential-options for continuing child support services. ~. , # RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' .Hear report.. Determine preferred option for responding to request for amendment of contract.. FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: • . -. REVIEWED BY: ` ' ~ ' ` LEGAL: NIA .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A `COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ - The options available to the Board of Commissioners at this time are: 1) Approve Mr. Corriveau's ' ~. ,proposed contract with terms requested; 2) Reject Mr. Corriveau's proposal. Provide an option to ' •continue the current contract with changes in company name and peifiormance bond only.; 3) Terminate ' SDA contract. Reject Mc Corriveau's proposal. Advertise opportunity to bid on child support service • contract; 4) Terminate SDA contract. Reject Mr. Corriveau's proposal Return child support services .program to a division of DSS. Maintain current staffing le els and lease facilities noW leased by SDA; for. , an operations location. -~, . ~_ - . ,.. ~ _ .. ._ COMMISSIONERS'ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ `.~ . ~: ., ..• . .. .. ; ~; ~ COUNTY CQMMISStQNERS Ars .Q • ~ RE:fECTE[J ' eE~nQVEQ a :: , _ Pose©NED o 7 . . ~ HEAR.....- _ . ~ ~~ ,. ~ . 5 3 • • - DATE .,.._.-1~-f --=-=-==- . .. ~ +-~ - wk.. asf- 3d. ad DSS-, ' ~~e~h ~ br~'r~~ rec,vr~-~re~x><a.21~ ~ Ce . Carr, rr, ~ Sg io~-~G-'b NEW I-~ANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMO "` DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Apri126, 1999 Allen O'Neal, County Manager , Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant County Manager ~~. - Status Report, Child Support Service' Per discussions with Wayne Morris, the following information is provided concerning the current status of the Service Design. Associates (SDA). contract. ~ ,; ,. SDA recently changed its name due to changes in ownership of the firm. The company's name is now Corrvantis, Inc. Dennis Corriveau, ,owner, is requesting an amended contract with New Hanover County: :. The term of the SDA contract was three years with 2 one year renewals. In its. contract SDA guaranteed that the County would receive revenues exceeding expenditures of no less than $175,000. Each month SDA bills the County for the costs of operating the Child Support Program and a check is issued to SDA 6y-the County. These costs are reported to the NCDHHS Division of Social Services and the County is reimbursed 66%f the costs with federal matching funds: Periodically, the County. receives funds from the state representing. the child support collections paid for children receiving Work First/TANF and incentives. If these revenues do not exceed the expenditures by $175,000 annually, SDA will reimburse the County. During the first quarter of .the contract (October -December .1998), expenditures ~:,; totaled $48.0,000, and revenues totaled $3'53,000 for a.;loss of $127,000.,. ,SDA's ; agreement is to pay the County,$17'1:,000 (the $127,000 loss plus $43,75.0. [25% of -the annual guarantee]):. Mr: Corriveau has committed to paying,this.amount by the end of the fiscal year. The.second quarter'has now ended.. While all revenues, are not yet in~and a recopciliation has not been done,.we estimate that the amount owed to the County for the second quarter will be approximately the same as the first quarter. By the end of the County's fiscal year, SDA may owe an amount in excess o:f . $500,000 for the three quarters of the operation. There is no firm commitment as to when this will be paid. • In the terms of the new contract, Mr. Corriveau desires to eliminate the guarantee of revenues over expenditures entirely, plus raise their indirect charges. They also t;l:~pro~ose;~toS epayf County for its expenses through some "donation"; thus providi~ngservices~~at no net cost to New Hanover County. ~~~~~~~ • Legal~issues~concerning name change have been satisfactorily addressed. The contr~actoriis~attempting to secure a performance bond. Per Section of the •~ SDA~contractc~(page 13) lack of a performance bond is grounds for termination of ~ F~. , ~~ ~.. ~ ~. =.- . ~ ~ R ;~ ~~'.~" -.,~, _-~;:.a ~.~ 1, v~ 4 N _ ~ ,n~ t Ki ~". 4~L c~ _. "!~4Y,~,.'x 1.S.'i ctr~~4~ ~~. ~ r4 ~ ...>.n 4`"~k`..ie~6"1. -_ ~~ •' contract. • The staff has the following concerns about Mr. Corriveau's proposed contract: 1. SDA/Corrvantis, Inc. is obligated to pay guarantees under current contract within 14 days after asix-month reconciliation (on or about'May 15). 2. Allowing higher indirect charges will increase County dollars paid to SDA or the new firm. If this occurs, New Hanover County will pay $650,000 - $750,000 over the next fiscal year. There is no guarantee that these funds will be recovered. 3. The proposal of a "donation" to the County is very vague and could actually have adverse impact on the County's good ethical standing. Any change in the contract should be reviewed by the County IN DETAIL. The optionsavailable to New Hanover County at this time are: 1. Approve Mr. Corriveau's proposed contract with terms requested. 2. Reject Mr. Corriveau's proposal. Provide an option to continue the current contract with changes in company name and performance bond only. • 3. Terminate SDA contract. Reject Mr. Corriveau's proposal. Advertise opportunity to bid on child support service contract. ` 4. Terminate SDA contract. Reject Mr. Corriveau's proposal. Return child support services program to a division of DSS. Maintain current staffing levels and lease facilities now leased by SDA, for an operations location. 5• a:~ec~ St-e{-~'f'o "'~orlG w/µr, Corr~v~cau ~o ob~tn nects5a.~ try-~'o ~ r~'kWVt in ~SOdnvS The cost of doing the latter is estimated at $2 million with $480,000 cost to New Hanover 1 County. Mr. Corriveau proposes to provide the service for $2,225,984 with a County cost of $650,000. Action on this proposal needs to be taken as soon as possible, due to the changes in SDA ownership. Therefore, New Hanover County Commissioners are requested to discuss and approve one of the options above. . ~ ~~-!v~ Q.~r~ wu~' ~.Oru-w~ ~ Q.cv ~ ne.e..~-~`v~.s C~.-~ c~~c.e:rv~.5 U a,u.,~ c.c~~a~e.-~- • 9 ~;: ,.. 4 V : ^gl'.,~, (4 v"0i ` +aY P 3 '~•:: ~:..d.: r R ~ t t .....t' ~ :} tR v` ..m.. ««".+ !'`. .~, it•iL . t „x v.: .. ,"i":` -3''~.~ i,~+ ~f .;a~v`p i..., . i s +r .. _ 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pat Melvin - Contact: Cam Griffin • • SUBJECT: •, Resolution opposing proposal that would shift additional cost of Mental Health Medicaid Service to the counties _. , BRIEF SUMMARY: The Governor's proposed 1999 Continuation Budget contains a provision which, if approved will cost counties $3.3 million this coming year. Costs will continue to grow to approximately $17 million by FY2002-03. This provision would establish a new requirement that the counties match 50% of the growth in the Special Medicaid Match Reserve, a fund set up last year to cover the non-federal share of costs of clinic~services to Medicaid-eligilbe clients in the Area Mental Health Programs. New - Hanover County's share is estimated to be $60,530 in FY99-00 and $302,538 in FY 2002-2003. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Resolution and send to local legislatures. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: medicad.d ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R Recommend approval of resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMM NTS: TIONS: OOllNTY COUIMISSION~EtS AF~-;,G'~ED C,~~ REJECTED O REMOVED C7 'POSTPONED ID H~AR~ ,,, 1~' .5 ~3_~ . ,GATE , .... ~~=~11J 11 RESOLUTION. OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS- OPPOSITION TO PROPOSAL THAT WOULD HAVE NORTH CAROLINA COUNTIES FUND 50 PERCENT OF'THE NON-FEDERAL SHARE- FOR MENTAL HEALTH MEDICAID SERVICES WHEREAS, New Hanover County is one of 100 counties in the state of North Carolina dedicated to the principles of accountability, fiscal responsibility, and good government; and WHEREAS,' between fiscal years 1990-91 and 1997-98 New Hanover County has experienced an increase of 166 ercent in the local share- fg Medicaid funding; this obligation equals $.043 on the a va orem tax rate and 24 percent of the total taxes collected in the County for social service programs; and WHEREAS, North Carolina is one of only seven states which requires counties to match Medicaid costs; and ,.,~ WHEREAS, Governor-James B. Hunt is proposing to increase fromnl5 percent to 50 percent the non-federal share for mental health Medicaid services paid by North Carolina counties; and WHEREAS, this type of unfunded mandate will place a severe financial burden on New Hanover County and its taxpayers. NOW, THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the New Hanover County delegation to the North Carolina General Assembly to oppose any legislation that would increase the Medicaid funding burden on North Carolina counties. -'" This the 3`d day of May 1999. {SEAL } William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ • _ ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board daar,t6M FVeayl.vrv JKV.,~/ i..;'~ ~~~'~ v ~~~~ .: ,. ,. .~ .. ,, .. ~ ~ ~~ -.. :....oPt~: ~4~ .. e ~ s a ~ v e' e ~ 9 ~ - • • - o ~o North Carolina Association of County Commissioners ~` ~ ~ ~'. ` ~°yo ~ ~ 01-~`~ l%failing Address: P. O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC 27602-1488 i ~ aouHt't e • Street Address: Albert Coates Kcal. Government Center, 215 N. Dawson Street, Raleigh, NG 27603 . ' T Telephone.• 919=715-2893 • Fax: 919-733-1065.• Email: NCACC@NCACC.org _ ~ . ' . Home Page Address: http://www.ncacc.org _ _ --. TO.:. - County Managers. ~ _ _ ' ~ -~ ,„ y .. -~ - :. ' ~ FROM: Patrice Roesler °~ ' ' Y ~. ,. , .~- ' 6 Dir"ector of Intergovernmental Programs . ~ ,. . ~. .... _ ; - _~ ~~ .DATE.:..,. March 26,1999 ~ - . COUNTIES COULD BE;MANDATED TO-MATCH MEDICAID SERVICES IN MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAMS The ~~Governor's proposed 1999 Continuation Budget contains a provision which, if approved, will cost the ' ',' counties $3.3 million-this coming year. Costs wilh continue to grow to approximately $17 million by FY ' •~. The Special Medicaid Match Reserve Fund contains approximately'$74,million. 8~li~it~ ' . 3riflatio~is,,~.ro~~eC~`tl~IiiLt`state~"5r~*1}99df1f~Rit~'ation~ Buc~ggt~a`eost~,of~apR~oxwimatel,}¢6,~,C~ .The provision would require that the counties pay 50% of this cost ($3.3 million). This required match would increase each near until the over _ ~rtr~;nari~n h~the'counties i the Special Medicaid Matcl~ese~e F~~~ P~„als 5 5% of the total. (The $3.3 million represents approximately 1.5% of the..' total). 'X ,]. l° ~ii,o9 ~-•, .. . .°. .: . • .Until this year, the non-federal share of the cost of Medicaid services in the Area. Mental Health Programs ' ~ ~ .was paid.by the Area Programs from their overall budgets through a certification process which was not service specific or client specific. .Following a^federal•audt~of this system of Medicaid-financing, a new ' ~ ~ accounting~system had to be established so=the-State~could:prove=that:_clents bengaerved-were--actually:a ~ -. eligible-for.Medicaid:. This led to the establishment of the Special-Medcaid-ivlatch=Reserve, which was. funded by. the State and the Area Programs last year. This fund is used~to=pay-the~non=federal°share~of-....the - ~~ ~ ~ cost~of-cervices;prouided~to.Medicaid.clients. ' Projected costs by county are attached to this memo. The-N.CACC~yoicedconeerns.about-the povision~ ` :, ` when .the issue was.discussed-.this week;in.the~Appropriafions~Subcommittee on~Human_Resources. Upon motion_of Rep.. Jim Forrester of Gaston, the issue was "flagged" for further.consideration sometime . ~ . ' ~ in the~hear future. Both Representatives and Senators'need to be contacted if you are. concerned ° _ , about this issue. = ,.. ,. .. . _ _.. ; - - .. ~ _ ~ - _. ... - North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Estimated.Costs for Counties Assuming Mental Health.Medicaid Match Estimated Medicaid Costs for Mental Health Needed to DHSS Medicaid Meet Current County ' + L Estimates for 1999- Match of 5.55%,' ~ 2000 for Mental Estimated for 2002- County Health Only 2003 - t - County ° Estimated Medicaid. . Costs tot Mental „Health Needed to DHSS Medicaid Meet Current County Estimates for 1999- Match of 5:55 /o 20001or Mental ,Estimated for 2002- :~ `` ' Health Only 2003 -; ~ ;Alamance 49,771 248,762. ..Johnston; 51,119 '; 255,499' Alexander 11,642 58,189,. , ,. Jones - 6,561 ~ .32,792 Allegheny 6,351 31,742. .Lee 23,620 118,058 Anson 18,535 92,638 Lenoir 41,227 206,059 Ashe 15,554 77,742 Lincoln 19,754 98,733 Avery ,.- 1y,996~ - 59,956 Macon- - ~. :..13,744. ; : 68,694 .. - Beaufort 29,664 148,263 Madison 11,902 59,488 - Bertie 18,641 93,171 Martin 17,976 89,847 Bladen 26.661 133,254 McDowell • ~~• ~.+ ~ ",19,243 96,179 Brunswick 30,703 153,455 Mecklenburg 194,315 971,211 Buncombe 94,406 471,852 Mitchell 8,957 ~,~;. 44,769 - Burke 44,573 222,782 Montgomery 15.212 ~ 76,033 Cabarrus 46,687 233,349° ~ - ~ Moore '~ '29,020 ~' - 145,048 Caldwell 37,045 185,157 Nash 41,892 209,383 Camden 2,307 11,530 ~fV,ev~l~~`n''~ver~'`~60;530~-,~rW._302538 ."~J"5 V+c Carteret 24,803 123,968 Northampton 17,366 86,799 Caswell: 13,401 66,980 .. Onslow .. r 38,747 ' 193,661 Catawba 47,502 237,422 ~"O~ange- - '29;464: ° 1`47,263 Chatham 17,133 85;631 =Pamlico 7,647 38,221 Cherokee 17,884 89,388 Pasquotank 18,059 90,261 Chowan - 9,762 48,794 . Pender 22,947 114,691 "' -Clay 4;957 _ i 24;775 • - Perquimans ,. `_ ..~, .'5,575 ., 27,864 ' `Cleveland - 48,392 - ~ 241,868 ^~ Person _ . - .'...,18,947. 94,702 ~; Columbus '- ' ' 48,008 239;950 Pitt a ; 62,319 311,477 Craven 38,815. 194,007 ,Polk :, 7,210 - 36,039 ~ r, - ° inberfand ~ ., - '~~ _ -`-`103,870 '` 519,154 Randolph ' - ~ ~ " ''• ° °44;?55 ~ ..-- `•• ""223,691 »; ° Currituck ~ 5;486. 27,419 ~ - ~:..~.Richmond :.„ , :.: „ ,,,:31„542 '. ,~.. ..t57;652;,.;,~ Dare 7,093 35,450 Robeson 95,853 479,087 Devidsori•, ~• ~ 53,896,~~° :, 269;379,;; w Rockingham-., ...'. ~ 53,223 •. 266,013.- ' .Davie .: , ..; ,. .11,638 , ~ 58,1.69. ~ ,Rowan 51,805 258,925, Duplin 28,458 ~ '. 142,236 Rutherford 30,187. 150,880 `~ Durham 80,240 ~~' ~~401,050.. • ~+•. Sampson. ~, 34,020 "' ° 170,038 ~ ' Edgecombe :. . ; '. ~ : ~ : "-44,186 .: ,...'. -' -220,849.+•,- w _ _ ... ~ Scotland , , . .,. , .', 27;956 .„ .,, . ' ~ 139,727:: + 'Forsyth ~ ' '71'_16843".- y - ' 583,995 '. ~ Stanly , 27,153 `",,., ...., .°........ ., -.q 135,714 .. Franklin 24,125 120,579 Stokes 15,637 ... 79,164 Gaston 87,661 438,141 Surry 36,446 182,163 Gates 5,092 25,453 Swain 6,323 31,605 Graham '- ~ 5,965 ~ 29;816 ' ~, Transylvania " ~ ~ 12,982'` , ~ 64,888:.. ', Grarivitle "• 20,930 104,673 ~=.-Tyrrell - 2,241, .,, : , 11,199 .•. - Greene 10,614 53,049, Union. 33,1.08 ~ 165,480 Guilford ,147,307. 736,261 Vance 28,126 145,575 Halifax 45,930 ~ 229,566 ~ Waked 125,863 ~ 629;077 Harnett 45,097 ' + •225,399 - - Warren ,• .12;284 ~ "' 61;396 Haywood ~ ~ 25,348 ~, ~ + ~ 126,695 Washington- 10,281. ••51,387 Henderson 37,479 187,325 Watauga - 12;445 l• 62,201 Hertford 19.654 98,234 Wayne ' ~ 55.505 ~ 277,418 Hoke 15,007 75,005 Wilkes 36,750 183,683 ~ ~ :' Hyde ` 3,599 '• 17,989 ~'... 'Wilson. .. + 42,251 ~ ! ; `* ~ 211,174 ' . Iredell. ,. :43,810 21'8,969 - - - •Yadkin ' ,14,290 •, 71,425.: . Jackson : " - - 14,766'; ,. 73,801 ..,. Yancey ~ 10,220 51,083 •- ; -~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Total ~ - 3,355,090 16.769,158' .~14 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • , ~ Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: -Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of support for proposed legislation to require that all State actions be consistent with local CAMA land-use plans BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at it's April 19 meeting, requested staff to provide more information on the attached proposed bill, sponsored by Rep. Thomas Wright, that would require State actions, such as permitting decisions and infrastructure funding, to be consistent with local CAMA land-use plans. The proposed Bill could be a double-edged sword in that it would require State agencies to be consistent with locally adopted policies, yet, because the CAMA land-use plan is required to be done under State guidelines and is interpreted by the State to a great extent, could be viewed as undesirable by the local government. The proposed bill presently does not have a companion bill in the Senate and must be passed in the. ' House by April 29. At this time, it does not appear to be controversial. Staff is checking its status with the NCACC, however, and will. provide an update by the Board's meeting. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Commissioners should consider the components of the bill and the impact on local activities.. Although there is some risk in expanding the scope of State involvement in local decisions, the result of the bill. could be to give local government more power in having its local growth policies being implemented through State actions, and reduce the chance of State agencies-ignoring local governments. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Attached bill REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Discuss the ~ ton local activities and develop the county's position relative to support or opposition to the bill COMMIS TONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ..COUNTY COMMISSIONER APPROVED ~. 'REJECTED • REMOVED POSTPONED CY HEARn 17 IJ . ~ ~bn vta N(~~r~~}' GENERAL ASSEMBLY O~ NOkTH CA.Rt]LIIVA SESSION X999 H ';: ,- ~ D HOiJSE DR~2265-SJ008.07(4.7) 1 3 4 6 .7 9 10 it 12 13 14 ~5 16 17 18 J.9 24 21 22 23 24. Short Title: State Agencies Comply with CAMA. ~ ~~~'`~~~5 ~~ (Public) . _ nPR 1 s ~0Q9 Spozxsors: Representative Wright. ~= • • CUASTAL MANAGEIAENT Referred to; - . A• BILL '1'O BE ErTZ'ITLED AN AC'T TO ~ COORDINATE STATIC AGl/1VCY ACTIONS VVITId ,STATE GUZDELWES ANA LOCAL LAN1a-USE FLANS ADOPTED. PURSUANT TO THE COASTAL AREA MANA.GEMIrIVT ACT, . The General Assembly of Nozth Caxolina enacts: Section 1; G.S. 113A-108 xeads as rewritten: "§ 113A-108. Effect of State guidelxttes. ~ • ~, All local land,use plans adopted pursuant~to this Article within the coastal area shall be consistent with the State guidelines. No permit shall be issued under Part 4 of t11is Article which is ittconsistent with the State guideliuaes. Any State land politics governing the acquisition, use and disposition of land by State departments and agencies shall take account v£ and be consistent with the State guidelines adopted under' this Article, insofar as lands within the coastal area a[c concerned. Any State land Classification system which shall be promulgated shall take accourtt of amd be cotsistent with the State guidelines adopted under this Article, inspfaz' as if applies to lands within the coastal area. (bl Everv St,~ar~agg~y ac defined in~~ S 143A ~,~hall to the maximum extent ' u it dev men 'anti 1 . pr,Q,gLatns___;__a~ rules in a manner consistent wi h hP tat~~uidelinea Section 2. G.S. II3A-Zll reads as rewritten: "§ 113A-1X1. Effect of land•use plan. 25~~ ~i eland that tends to induce develonrnPr,r are urbanization of more k ~:x~[~iu~~~c~s Z00 'd ._ S66t £~C 6i6~'191, 1,W9W '1d1,S00 HNH9Q t0~0t ((1H1,1.66 ,ZZ-'8d~ GENERAL ASSENf~LY O1i NOR'PH CAROLINA SESSION X999 1 than local impact The term incIudes~ road bric3g~~t,lic or 2 sommuni;y wastewater svs_tem_ public water sy~m,, ~~ion ~++rr.,t 3 Iilea~.ur~urban waterfront development or o t facility 4 >'~ `P ~b ; or community wastewater,~ystem' has the same mPan;rn a~ 5 in_ G. S. 130A-334„ 6 ~ `Public water ,~,ystern' has the ~ ma a meazing~a in C c 130A 7 ~(~ 8 ~ 'tin;r of local govet'ttment' means a county, City. Cora lid~ate d ~~v 9 ~ . ~ scanty sanitary district or other losJ~~~olit;c~i cubdiVigi_nn__ 10 authority or agency of local wernment 11 )~'No permit shall be issued under Pant 4 of this Article for development which is 12 inconsistent with the approved sand-use plan for the county in which it is proposed. 13 No local ordinance or other local regulation shall be adapted which, within art area 14 of environmental concern, is inconsistent with the land-use plan o£ the county or city 15 in which it is effective; any existing local ordinances and regulations within areas of 16 environmental concern shall be reviewed in Light of the applicable local land-use plan 17 ar~d rnodificd as may be ztecessary to make them consistent thcrcwitlt, All local 18 ordinances and other local regulations affecting a county within the coastal area, but 19 not affectirg an area of environmental concern,, shall be reviewed by the Commission 20 for consistency with the applicable county and city land-use plans and, if tho ,~ 21 Cornm~ssion fiztds any such ordinance or regulation to be inconsistent with the 22 applicable Land-use plan, it shall transmit recommec.dations fir modification to the 23 adopting local government. 24 (c1 Every State ag~ncy~chall to the maximum extent feasible, cry out~ ts direct 25 , development finanr~al assistance plans progr~ s and rules in a manner c nsistent 26 wit locally adoried and Commission approved Ian,d use plans No State end r av 27 , blended for a Erowth-inducing fac'Ii y Ln an rea designated in a locally adoptey~ 28 , and Commission agproved land- se elan as u suitable for th type dey ] ment - 29 l1~at would r ~uire_the fa -ility_ 30 , (d} No State funds for a p~rowth~nducit~p facilit shall be made avails le to any 31 ~it_o>' local government in the coastal area that is not su~iect to a 1ocall~ado ted 32 sad Commissi nag rov ,d land-use plan." 33 Section 3. This act is effectivC when it becomes law. Page 2 ~ House ~bRH22b5 17 cnn ~~ cbbl ~~c ~t6~~~i iw~w ~~iso~ ~NH~o zo~ot -(nHi166 ,zz- ~ead 18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 05/03/99 _ Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Requred Contact: Bob Glasgow SUBJECT: Convene as Board of Equalization and Review BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: E&R agenda,w • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Convene as the Board of Equalization and Review and follow attached agenda COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . cou~+~r ca~M~sslaN~l~~ pPPt~vVED C/1~ctd ~r~ECTEO o REMOVED C1 POSTPONED ~ HEA~tD ~ 19 5~3I44 ~a~ ®ATE ~ - .~ . J~.2- T i :ooP~. Recommended Agenda BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW May 3, 1999 Convene as Board of Equalization and Review -- as ADVERTISED Designate Chairman -- Since the Board of County Commissioners acts in lieu of a separate Board of Equalization and Review, it is suggested that Chairman Caster serve as Chairman. Oath -- No oath is required this.year. Recognize that listines are being entered into the records as required by statute Enter into minutes the identity of 1{now appellants -=. the'Tax Administrator will provide the Clerk with a listing of property owners who have submitted written appeals. The Administrator will receive all duly filed appeals until 5 P.M. on this meeting day. Recognize and record appellants who are present -Name of Appellant ~ -Identity of property by owner's name and parcel number -Brief statement of grounds on which appeal is made (Suggest aone-minute limit) -Require written authorization from the owner for an agent to appeal on his behalf (Administrator has standard form) (IF A SHOWING OF HANDS INDICATES TOO MANY APPELLANTS APPEAR AT THIS TIME, SUGGEST THE BOARD ANNOUNCE THAT "APPELLANTS LINE UP AT THE DESK OUTSIDE THE MEETING ROOM, AND THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR WILL RECORD YOUR DESIRE TO APPEAL. YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE DATE AND TIME FOR YOU TO APPEAR") Decide when the Board will schedule individual hearines -- To conclude business, allow approximately one month for the appraisal staff to accumulate data necessary to support tax value, and to allow sufficient notice to taxpayer to attend or be represented. Statute 105-322 allows for this longer period of time if necessary to a "proper execution of [its] responsibilities." The appraisal staff will accumulate taxpayer and tax office data, and will provide such to the Board on Wednesday prior to the next E&R meeting. Adjourn -- This concludes the determination of appellants to the Board of E&R. The board will meet further~gnly„~to,coCnFclud~}e,'~~business which has been brought up at this meeting. .~ win ~ .~4~>Cfv.l;{~:~ H'.~ S °1 ~'4 f~'r~i/ ~ ~~ Q ~~ "~-~? 4 ~ ~~~,srr~ ~7, d ~.,.~L~i} /`~ ~ ~ Q~1~~~i tl+ts' ( ) . ,__._ ~ ~_~:.. t ~, .., ~ .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'~eal SUBJECT: .. Consideration of Resolution in Support of The St. John's Museum of Art Capital Campaign ` BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAG 'S NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: • COUNN COMN1f5SfO/N~R~ APPROVED L/ REIECTED ^ A REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARO ^ . ®AT~ . S~~.I4Qw.~uMn. J 21 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the St. John's Museum of Art is the only art museum v~~ithin a 100 mile radius of New Hanover County, and WHEREAS, the unprecedented growth of New Hanover County over the past decade has been paralleled by the growth of St. John's Museum of Art, and WHEREAS, the museum has met the demands of our growing community by enlarging its collection of North Carolina art to over 800 works and extended the educational programs offered to our citizens, and W>~IEREAS, St. John's Museum of Art can only show 11 % of its permanent collection of 18` , 19th, and 20th century North Carolina art and has exceeded the limits of the facility to present over 250 school tours, films, studio classes, artists tours and more, and WHEREAS, The Bruce B. Cameron Foundation and the children of Bruce and Louise Wells Cameron granted St. John's ~1vluseum of Art $6 million in cash and eighf acres of land on which to build a new state-of--the-art museum facility, and WHEREAS, the new museum will be a cultural resource for the entire state and an educational institution giving pleasure to all citizens of New Hanover County . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby endorse and support the capital.campaign of St. John's Museum of Art. Adopted this, the 3rd day of May, 1999. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners [Attest] William A. Caster, Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board l~ ~?~~i ~~ ~~~3 22 ~ ~~us ~~~~ r . _. ITEM: A ..,. Special~Use Permit, Revision- Request by Lonnie Williams, Jr. on behalf John and Carole ~` Coble, owners of Trails End Restaurant to enlarge the Facility. (5-336, 9/91; Revision ~_/ 12/98; Revision 4/99) ~ ' NOTE: This item was heard by the Planning Board at itslJanuary 7, 1999 meeting. The Board of County Commissioners was subsequently scheduled. to hear the case at its March meeting. It was abruptly withdrawn due to last minute site plan revisions. Asa :result of the those revisions, the applicant felt it would be appropriate to have the petition remanded back to the Planning Board's April 1,1999 meeting. The Board of County Commissioners agreed and made a motion to remand the petition to thePlanning Board for further review. .~ , .. ~, Planning Board Summary From Planning Board"Meeting Apri1~1,1999 The New Hanover County Planning Board in regular session voted 4-1 to recommend approval of the revised site design of the Trails End Restaurant. There was considerable discussion about the size of the expansion and its impact on~the nearby residents. The.recommendaton.bytthe Board includes the following conditions and requirements: ` '~D , ~Z.D ~ ~ add `,.k:o+~ +,o uuV-~t k~ ln~.. Itivx~) , 1. Not more than twenty additional seats' be added ~fo the dining room ~ _ ~. 2. No off-site loading be allowed. ~ LL 3. Adequate screening and buffering be installed along the northeast side of the property adjacent to the R-15 District. 4. Only directional lighting be installed to minimize impacts on adjacent properties. • 5. The proposed catering operation be limited to one event per day (maximum). ~ . { 6. No windows on the north side of the building. 7. A restaurant closing time of 11:00 p.m. ~~j(- ~~, ~tQ.r~9 Eve ~ ~~ :. ~ .. 8. No outdoor music. 9. Gates along Purviance Street remain closed except during emergencies. ' 10. On-site sign be erected noting neighborhood-speed limit " (This is'a residential area, please observe speed limit)." Planning Board Summary From Planning Meeting January 7, 1999 After listening to a host of speakers and after considering the issues, the Board voted unanimously to recommend denial of the petition as submitted. In reaching that decision, the Board determined the expansion of the restaurant would be inconsistent with the scope and scale of the neighborhood. In an attempt to placate the opposition, the Board suggested the applicant reduce the size of the expansion and meet with neighbors to see if other compromises could be worked out. That was rejected by the petitioner. Those peak~ing'iri~ pposti~o concerns with p to 'tally `la expansion bei g ou of char: ~~~ ~ , ~; loss. of privacyad,~h Bch consistent withthe spintranc i to the request offered a variety of reasons for their displeasure: ge increases in traffic on a local residential street; traffic safety; the cter and scale with, the neighborhood; decline in property values; the the expansion especially the proposed catering business was intent of the Zoning Ordinance for "historic restaurants" as defined. F, . . _. _, ~- ~ ~ - - - . .. :. t. , ,. p. ., _ . ~ , - _ ., • ~ .NOTE:'The existing facility, now classified as an "historic"restaurant" accordin to the g ~Zonmg Ordinance, was authorized by special use permit in December 1991. Prior to that time, the restaurant had operated as anon-conforming use in an R-15 Residential District. The special use permit was established by text amendment in October 1991. At the time, the. restaurant was considering expansion, but due to its nonconforming status, the Zoning . Ordinance prohibited it. To address the problem, the owner petitioned the County to " classify the facility as a "historic restaurant" in the R-15 District, subject to a special use permit. The amendment was adopted and subsequently the owner was granted a special use permit to construct an addition to the existing building. That added about 728 square ~' feet to the restaurant, which was about 3400+ square feet. ~ ~ ' .In the latest petition as revised, the owner again seeks to expand the restaurant but with a - .~ smaller addition. Expansion would include the construction of a 4,430 square foot addition on the north side of the existing facility, bringing the total square footage of the - - restaurant to 8,880 square feet. To accommodate this expansion and to comply with ~.: setbacks, the owner has purchased:the property to the north. That lot is nearly identical in . dimension to the parcel where the existing restaurant is located. Other revisions include -~ .; ~ reversing the traffic circulation pattern designed to serve the facility and rearranging the ,angle of some of the parking places. The revisions also include plans to operate a catering . business: . . ', -' a. Preliminary Staff Findings " " 1. T'he Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or - safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. . - A: LL " The existing restaurant has operated at the current location since before adoption of zoning for the area. Zoning was' adopted in 1969.A special:use permit was granted the ... ' ° ~ . .. r facility in December 1991. It eliminated the nonconforming status of the existing - - building and authorized expansion. There were no findings in the 1991 hearing • _ ' ' ~. ~"suggesting the facility would endanger the public health or safety.. ' .,. B. ,The site has adequate water and sewer service. C: • :The site is located in the Myrtle Grove VFD District. . ~ D: fihe site has access to Trails End Road, a state maintained road. ._ ; -~ ,-E. , ~ The planned expansion would be to the north of the existing building, thus new ' construction would not be any closer to the waterway than- the- current building- footprint. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. .. 4 ' A:` '": ~A site plan pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance has been submitted. ~ . ~~ B. Except for the setback standards applicable to the underlying R-15 Residential District, 2 5 ,. ~ _ .- no special design regulations apply. ' '- C.. Historic restaurants are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 District. "The site is . . .: - ~ zoned R-15. - ' . ~ ~. D., A CAMA permit will be required.. The amount of impervious surface is unknown; but the applicant will be expected to limit total coverage to 25% because.the site is adjacent a to an.estuarine azea classified QRW(Outstanding Resource Water). , , .: . ' ~ ~ 'E. In the 1991 approval, it was determined'that adequate off=street parking was available to service the facility. Inclusion of the parcel.to the north. provides additional,azea for, .,parking. The required number of spaces, is based .on a ratio of seating and employees. 3. The:Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining•or r ,: w.. . abutting property or that.the use is. a public necessity., , . A. ~"Residential uses are located,in the.area, primarily,toahe south and•west: Land to~'the}north is zoned I-1 Light Industrial and is~occupied by Masonboro Boat Yard, amid-sized commercial marina. B ~ ~ There was no evidence g ~' 'presented at the 1991 hearin that the restaurant affected nearby . property values.. _ , ~ .~, _ .. _ • . ~. 4. The Board must find thaf the,location and character of the use if•developed according to ' the plan as submitted and a~p;prov,ed will be in .harmony. with the .area in which it.is to be located and in`generaI conformity with plan of development forNew:Hanover County. a ,. _ .. ~~ A~.' The expansion wilhiricrease the size of the restaurant by about. l 10.45 percent , _; B. The facility already generates levels of noise, lighting and traffic not customarily associated with a residential setting. Expansion of the restaurant;will :increase those °~ impacts, but the extent it is disruptive to the azea is not known. ,,. .. , ,; ~ ,_ ,.:.,. Issues and Concerns •, . . , , . ~ ~ .: . - The County should make sure that impervious surfaces are limited to minimize impacts on adjacent sensitive waters. . . ,. ; , . _ • The azk'n `. .. <~, , ; ; ` , - p g'area should be.clearly mazked by, wheel stops This was a condition of the ~;, , original'special~use permit. ti , ~ ,.. . , • _ ~~ . ~. - Lighting should be directional and lower wattage to protect.nearby residential uses. - Site identification signs should be limited to,the existing. wall mounted signs.: Do not ~ , allow free standing signs. ,, - '~` Nearby properties have been re-developed with new residential units. • ~ ,. -~ - ~ Proposed expansion will increase traffic on the residential street. ., , - Majority of property is located in floodplain. ~ . _ ;, .... 2~6 - t • How large should a-commercial operation be allowed to expand in a predominantly residential area and: is the scale of the, expansion still. compatible with the neighborhood? - Is the "historic restaurant" classification still appropriate? ..~ ... _ . .. . '. ~.~ PET,1Ti~.N S,UNit~1~RY SHEET , ~~ 5-336 9/91; ` .Petition Number: ~ .Revision 10 / 9 8 Owner:. John Coble Representative: Lonnie Williams, ~: . Re uest• Expand restaurant g l+ . q Acrea e: • ` ~ 7100 Trails End Taz~TD Number:. Location: LAND USE,. ZONING, UTlLIT1ES and SE€~1/IGE~ - ,'' P.esource Protection & Conservation . Land Classification: .Restaurant and. residential ~tr„~t-„rA _ Ezisting-Land Use: Zoning History Area originally z~„P~ 10/15/69 SUP for existing restaurant granted 10/91. . . ~ Water T Community- ~Stwer"Type• County ~ YP~~ • - Winter Park Huah McRAe Park Fire District: RccreAtion: . - Trails End Rd. VOIuII1C: rTnknn,.,~y Road Access. - ~~ .: School District: Roe MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS - Masonboro Sound {SA)'~ - .Watershed andWater Quality Classification: . .. ,.. Outside Primar~~ a,,,a ~Eenda Aquifer Recharge Area: ~~--~~~e~---- _ Adjacent to waterway Conservation Resources: ~. ` :. ~ ~ None; restaurant classified by ,` Historic~Landmarlcs.and Archeological Sites: - . by zoning ordinance as "historic". ... . , ,~ Soi1.T e s and Class: N/A y~ - . N/A County sewer Septic Tank Suitability: None Frimt A.gricµlturxl Soils: •~ ~ Building SuitAbility: . Few limits _ _ ,. - MHSONbOKO-BOH7-YHkU TEL:1-910-791-9777 Apr U1~99 8:11 No .001 P.O1 j l ~j .yI ~ti 1;311` (` j 1 ~~~~ t~l~+~Y•',~C_ .C.GJ ~-Clot-+./G-~\.+JC', rv~cC~~+CKI.,~.. ~~\~•cr al ~v~)r (/~ 1 ~,~~ ~i~,~ ,/wl~.~,~~s b _ ~~ "(f~,~~,,-~ ; ~~ ~ ~d ~., `t,~~ ~~d off' Y~.~ ~``Sc-., lT-ocQ¢_ ~•p~ ~'11~~ SChoo~ .1-~V~_ rrrr,v/;r ~- ~ ( , l J .. .. ~ YU t.J .1, ryYl (1~ i S t~c~ ry~ ,,1 ~> ~ tv,rs ~ W ~-~, c,,~,;SZ() b.Q, ~#- a ~ ~. ~}-~ ~,~. ov, -h-~1 «d1 5 ~~ _ .. -~-,, ~ t;~,c,.- ~~ ^',~Qr~ ~ ... ~ n ' /t ~ '~`j' ~' • `a1 c~ ~~ t tee. rr V r , r 5~.~ n(' iE..~ {~•, ~•c,.~~j.t ~~-. ~~ ~'ro-~ ~dL `~' `~, '~~ a`T ~I-~e , ~-p ,~ f ~.tJC.a~ ,. y -~,~,;~ ~~ >n~ 1 O~ , ~ ~•~ ~.~ . Ca `~ C~ C7~~C...C . 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'~~iv n1L. \IG\h-- ._._ - /i~~ ~ C Post-It` Fix Note 7671 o81e pJa°qes~ ~ ~' v~. -~'~- TO `7G' '~ .r Fromi _ c N~c n ` - 111 ,.... .W...V., n~_....-~' ', r~ 28 t1R` ~30R0=BOAT-YARD TEL ~ 1-910' 791-9777 - '~ • Mar 31 , 99 14 :O1 No .002 P . 01 ' .. ~. f ~. , . ,, _ ,. ... Post-fl` Fi1x IJ01C Dale ~- ..r.,l~ a o(,-- ~ ~~ lu~gat. • ~ " - ._.___ 7671 _ - To Fro ~ " coJDept. co.~ ._ ~ p Phone G .C ... ~ , ~~ Ph e • r O ~ - S ~~ FexN l" SJY' ~. t J IexM ~ ~~~ . - Louise Brigman ~. ,. . , 55l Traits End Road .. ~ ~ . Wilmington, N C 28409 . ~.. . - . ., ,. ,_ , . 'March 29, 1999 . ~ - }, - Count Commissioner ' New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ . ~, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . ~ Wilmington, NC 2840I-4093 ~ - . ' 1tE; Proposed expansion of Trails End Restaurant ' , ~ llear Sirs . 7 have been a resident on Trails end Road for the past ten years an have worked at ~ . Masonboro Boat Yard since 1971 so my position is somewhat uniq a in understanding . both-sides of the issue. - - ;' ~ 1 have listened to both sides in the controversy over the expansion f Trails End . - . , Restaurant,While I have real empathy for John Coble's plight of ea ing a living within the restrictions of the present size of his building I also have. serious co terns for the unique - . . ' neighborhood that we live in. Our street is a mix of society with t e common interest of ` . living a quality,lifs style, concern for our neighbors and-the desire t retain what we all ~ ' - . , -~ cams here for. ~ ' j :. ~ - .. .. One of our concerns is the sheer size of the building and what it co d become. We have .- all been told what Jahn proposes to do with the building but-what out the next owner? . While John is:a good neighbor, once built there is no control over iat can became of the ' property. Look at the mexican restaurant that is now a gentlemen's lub, the furniture . store/clothing store that is now a deli on College Road, Change is 11 around us and some of it isn't. good. What about the quiet at night? Would this expans' >n offer a deck with service and music? Wa don't need a Walley's or lhockside in our ne hborhood. - (3ne of the arguements that has cone forth from Mr. Coble is that t ere is development on our street. The adjacent lot to the restaurant was divided and hvo uses built where one house was before Hurricane Fran. This is true and T don't think any f the neighbors object to residential development. The difference between the two that the residential.. ' .development brings people who have pride and a long term interest n our community • ~ ~~ and the commercial brings people only interested in the moment an getting to their . ~ destrnatron. When they drive dawn our street the residents of the n ghborhood are the P1AS' 30R0.-BOAT-YAP,D . TEL ~ 1-910-791-9777 'Mar ~31~~99 '14 :02 No :002 ~P .02 .~ ^. ~ ; ~ f~rtherest thing from theirminds. We already have problems during t e season from ~, people using the ramp`at the end of our; street. ' ~ ~. ~, What happens in an omergencey? With the limited excess on our dea .end street do we " - "" need an expanded liability? I can't begin to tali you what a nightmare a had from . Hurricane Fran. In addition to all the~destruction there was a real po antis! for.fire,with all the loose propane, Suppose a tree had been blocking our street d ing Hurricane Fran instead of Bertha and fire had erupted? We were lucky: Coupled wit the boatyard the sheer size and location of the proposed building would make containi g a wind fed .fire impossible. . ' John Coble was aware that the property adjacent to the restaurant w ..zoned residential when he purchased it. Ike was also aware that I»s restaucant_was in a esidential neighhorhood when he purchased that. When ~ purchased my grope. , T was aware that the marina and the restaurant were at the end of the street and were n -t zoned .residential. 'fhe adjacent property on both sides of mine are zoned residential . ~e property'in question, Goldenrod, is approximatly 130 feet from my house. With rt a crystal ball there is no way to determine the effect rezoning could have on~tfie financial value bf my' property but I have a very good idea of the effect it could have on th quality of life on my piece of property. The purpose of zoning is to protect the adjacent p opery owners and l ' hope that when you. go home tonight you will consider whatit would a like if Walley's was next dbor~.to you; Befoie you vote please pretend~that ,you live i our street Rnd ask ..,. ,:. yourself ifyou don't~deserve protection fi•oin your elected officials . " ' ' Sincerely, ~ : i:,ouise I3figman ~ ~ _. , . ~, ,: . .. r .. . .. l •' MASON~ORO-BOAT-YARD • ~ April 1, 1999 TEL~1-91U-791-9777` Apr 01,99 Lost-it` I ;.r. tJc~tc~ 7G71 1t .. .............~. ....__ __- Co epl.,) ) l' ~ ~ Phone h 14~U5 PJo.U12 P.U1 f)a1<: r 1 s: ni _-1:__ From' `) i ; ~'t~'~ Co. Phone k ^" J(~~ V'rt ~~ Fax"-1(~ i _ r]' ~7 New Hanover County Planning Board . 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Gentlemen: " My philosophy is "live and let Ilve,"and I'm a lover, not a fighter, so th(s tter does not come easy. Since being unanimously dented by the planning board, I understand the a is now a downscaled -.plan for the expansion of Tralis fnd Restaurant. I am the neighbor to hi immediate north, now separated from the restaurant by the residential lot onto which he hopes o expand. In my own meeting with Mr, Coble, he has addressed some of my initial onoQrns which you have - on record. Privacy, lighting, noise, traffic flow, and dock use are among hose Issues. He has said he would plant shrubbery along the property line with a 6' minimum eight and is, Indeed, in the process of doing so. If storms prove this inadequate or it is not main ained at that height, then I would want a fence as back-up, for privacy. The lighting has been discussed with Mr. Coble, and he says he can dire his lights to hit his building and grounds and not light our area in doing so. The stars and n htilfe are a big part of • my enjoyment, and I do not want to live In a lit-up area, becoming part what his customers view. Also, timers to cut them off after hours would be more acceptable swell as amber bulbs instead of white. (This also helps with the bugs.) The noise of generator trucks servicing his catering business and the not of more people coming and going by boat and car concerns me. Our quality of life inclu s liv(ng with our windows open, which coincides with our style of life and our location. F ks unaccustomed to on the water really have no Idea of how sound travels around the bein ater. I would certainly g want the boat traffic to be absorbed on the existing restaurant property nd not on the residential lot that he now operates from. He has agreed to reverse the flow of car traffic so it is not directed into t e side of us. Also, it's my understanding that the driveway has been moved so it is between th two houses on Purvlance Avenue. Of course, with our grandchildren in one of those ho ses and tenants with a small child In the other, I am still concerned. Our boatyard customers ar aware of this and tend to be cautious, but strangers on a "night out" would not be aware or con erned. The traffic would be noisy, dusty, and unsafe for those two households, one of whi has no air conditioning and therefore windows are always open. I wish the traffic could still flo in and out of the existing parking area, and the Purviance driveway be used only for emer envy use. My husband has maintained the dirt road, Purvlance Avenue, since bulldi g his business 34 years ago. He would certainly expect Mr. Coble to pay for his added wear and ear if this is allowed. " Paving is not a solution because of storm water environmental Impact, s maintenance is ongoing. • As you see, I do have some concerns. Hopefully, the existing rules will ver some of these ith thi issues. I also acknowledge the difficulty of small businesses these days ze w nd can sympa Mr. Coble's needs, although the harmony of the neighborhood concerns e. MASONF30R0-BOAT-YAP.U TEL:1-910-791-9777 flpr 01,99 14:07., No.012~(?.02 It is my understanding that the expansion has been scaled down considers ly and there are to ~_be no windows.on the north side of the building. If that is indeed the case and my above concerns can be addressed, then I could go along with the project, ackno edg(ng that it is hard to choose the lesser of evils or to predict the future. From the beginning, the plans for this project have been changing. At this int, I could not honestly accept what he ~~says"but rather what you would require that Mr Coble do In order for this expansion to take place. The special use, if allowed, should have writt n guidelines confronting these Issues that would not only govern Mr. Coble, but also fut re possibilities. I hope that the concerns of my neighbors and me are considered and you ome up wifh the best ,solution for, all of us. Thank you for your time on this matter. Yours sincerely, ~~~ `~ ~' /l/~ 32 i; ,. --- Vii. ,, /a~/9f i • ~ i ~,~~ ~: .~ ~~ ~~ ~~ i - ~ ----~. _ ~ - ;'/; i /~z.~a--~...,~ -~- ~~ ~- j , 4 ~ -- r _ _ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ---=-------~i---------w ------------ _ ~ ---- --------~--j- -- - -- ~L - -------------------- ----- --- ------ ,. ~~ /. ,, _ _ _ --- .. / ;: ----- -- ;1 ,~ ~'-------=~-~ -=---~~-- ~ ~ ~ ~~ --_-_~ Gam= .~-- {This page tntentionallyleft blank} ,, `NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 05/03/99 - - `~ y "~ ~ Regu ar Item #: 8.2 Estimated Time: Page Number:. , . ~ 'Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes ;. . . ~ . Contact: Sam , Burgess . - . ' SUBJECT: •-.Item 2: Rezoning `-,Request by Everett Harvell to rezon e .61 of an acre. BRIEF SUMMARY: . . . Property located on the west side of NC 132 North about 600 feet north of Parmele Road-- : ' #012 Heavy Industrial from R-15 Residential (Z-654, 4/99) - ~ • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEDACTIONS: , ` . ~ The-P arming Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: , ATTACHMENTS: " : , 4 Pages _ . ~ ~ . • . _ ,_ '~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~. ..• _ , ,_ • COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: `-.COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COl1NTY CO;U4~flISS14NEi~ . ` ~ .j .. ~ pPROVED G"i ; RE.IECTED Q ' . .. .. • j REMOVED, 0 . . . POSfiPONED ~ • •' E . RC3 ~ ; H A Y513~-~a ~- 35 ~JAT E _ a. ,_.. ITEM: B CASE: REQUEST: ACREAGE: LOCATION: Z-654, 4/99; Applicant: Everett. Harvell R-15 to I-2 .61 _ i North College Road LAND CLASS-Resource Protection: Encourages the protection and preservaton of important natural, historic, scenic, wildlife and natural resources. Residential density_.' shouldn't exceed 2.5 units per'acre. Non-residential°usees are permitted provided these resources are not adversely impacted. , Planning Board Summary of April 1, 1999 , ~, ,: , There was very little discussion related to~:this~rezoning request; most:of the comrrients were favorable. The Board recommended approval of the applcanf's~ request to rezone.the'property to I-2 Heavy Industrial by a vote of 5-0. . Staff Summary The subject property adjoins the southernmost end of an existing I-2 Industrial District°that encompasses both sides of NC 132 and Prince George Creek: The adjacent property to'the north was rezoned I-2 to accommodate a previously existing nonconforming service station. The only other change in this I-2 District occurred in 1989 when the boundary was expanded for a small parcel located about 500 feet to the north. Land uses currently located in the industrial .district include an auto salvage yard, a used car lot, the service station and a paving contractor with ,: extensive on site storage of raw materials. ~ Overall, it appears that this industrial area is under- utilized. Much of the same area is not usable anyway due to the large expanse of wetlands associated with Prince George Creek. In addition to the industrial presence, there are a'nurnber of residential uses in the area, including Prince George Estates, Creekstone, Parmele Woods and a host of scattered housing units. i There is little doubt the property's proximity to the service station and Castle Hayne Road, a major highway, as well as its long-term use as a plant nursery make redevelopment for residential use unlikely. The petitioner lives on an' adjacent tract fronting Parmele Road but no effort has ever been made to use the subject property for residential use. The central question for this petition is just~how far south should the industrial zoning district be extended and the implications it has for similar petitions for land around the NC 132 and Parmele Road~interse,ction as well as points farther south. Because the tract is small, I-2 zoning has limited appl~cat~o ~~ m~a~k~-ing subsequent development less threatening to residential uses along Parmele and~acr~~s~,~th~~reet. Also, required setbacks and buffer yards are strictest for I-2 Districts, catin~g~~t~l~e ~aximum level of protection afforded under current zoning. requirements. ~On the other hand~rezonmg the tract to I-2 could lead to similar requests for land farther south. ~.. ~~,Nti~~u~~ Thiswould in eff~ccreate strip development, a land use pattern strongly discouraged by the . 3 6 *..r' f ,}max ` a ( Y ~ ~Y4Ltii .: ..: - - •- .. Land Use Plana It would also introduce industrial frontage directly, across-the street from . :established residential uses. This could create land use conflicts and additional traffic problems. • , ~ There-are other options. One would simply rezone the site in recognition of the adjacent I-2 District'and the site's long term use for non-residential purposes under the premise the size of the tracts. limits any substantial development that would harm the area. Another option would be to rezone it 0-I to establish a transition in land use between nearby residential uses and the heavy industrial zoning to the north. This has some merit because the likelihood of developing-small single parcels fronting the highway is low. In fact, the property already adjoins a church to the - south, .Another option would be to simply deny the petition. • ," Petition Summa Data ~ . - .. rY • wn r: Everett Harvell ~ - • • ~ Existing_Land' Use: Retail Nursery ~ " " - `' ' ~~ ~Zonin.$ History: Adjacent I-2 approved in 1994. Water Tvne: Pri~~ate-Wells ~ - `' Sewer TXpe: Septic tanks • . • . Recreation Area: Riverside Park in Castle Hayne; Laney Trask ` • Access and~Traffic Volume: Castle Hayne Road; 9600 ADT, 1997 count -Fire District; Castle Hayne - ~. Watershed and Water Quality Classification: Prince-George Creek C(SW)° Aduifer Recharge Area: Secondary Recharge Area ~ • • ~ ° Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None - -~` Soils: Primarily Onslow, Class I ~ • - ,.. ~.:~ ~ Building Suitabilityt .Few Limits - ,, • . • _ • . - . 37 WHAT YOU IVIUST ESTABLISI~i TO GET A ~~IANGE ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant,, except' for conditional use . '' district proposals-. The. Norih Carolina General Statutes require thatzonirig regulations shall be made in • accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you-must explain in thespace,below.how your request satisfies each of the following . requirements: _ v ~ . I. How wouhl the requestcd change be consistent with the.Cowity's Policies for Groi~~th and L-,~ y ilk, i s z o,v~ ~ L~: ' _ .. ... 1 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land , , . Classification Map? l/~7 5 / G ,l,~~L ~/ G~/~/~~ ~/ Jj~ G/ !!i / ~~7~ ~~}~fij> v~jz"'~ J.C~ r ' TAG ~~~,~ , / 3. ',hat significant neighborhood clianges have occurred to make the, original zoning inappropriate, or ' how is the land invoh~ed unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? ;r , . ~~i S S /~~ati . In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further undersrurl .the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding , .neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all information presented in this application is ,.~~uya~(e to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner _. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEM: C CASE: Z=656, 4/99;. Applicant: David`Barefoot for William and Wesley Kingrey. REQUEST: R-20 to B-1 ACREAGE: 3.3 LOCATION: 1123 Castle Hayne Road LAND CLASS-Limited Transition: Encourages more intense urban type'development where services ai•e-available, but' at lower densities than those associated with Urban Transition. Residential density shouldn't exceed 2.5 units per acre. Non-residential uses are permitted. , . . .. Planning Board Summary of April 1, 1999 Meeting Several land owners from the area including an adjacent church spoke in opposition to the request. Concerns included the different number of permitted uses that a B-1 District would allow, drainage, impact with existing residential homes, and increased traffic problems along Castle Hayne Road. The Planning Board voted 5-0 to rezone the property to O&I (Office & Institutional) instead of B-1 and only to a depth of 250 feet from the Castle Hayne Road right-of- way. Staff Summary The applicant seeks to establish B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning along the southern end of an existing B-2 District. That B-2area was,established in_ 1974 with'the original zoning for the area. One parcel in the district is currently used as a auto repair shop. The same commercial area was expanded across Castle Hayne Road in 1986, culminating :with the construction of a major cabinet supplier (Markraft) and an insulation business. An attempt fo further expand southward along the east side of the highway ended with the establishment of O-I Zoning. O-I was chosen in deference to residential uses in Heritage Park, an adjoining subdivision. Land immediately south of the .subject property is zoned R-20 Residential. A church is currently located there. Other development nearby includes three longstanding subdivisions: Seitter Acres, Chadwick Acres and the previously mentioned Heritage Park. Concerns raised by the 1991 petition to expand the B-2 District on the east side of the road adjacent and north of Heritage Park are very similar to the issues raised by the latest petition. They include: limiting commercial encroachment into residential areas, protecting residential uses•fromrmcop~at~b;~and uses and creating compatible land use transitions. Seitter Acres, ~ which is locate~~nearest-the subject property, would be the most directly impacted residential neighborhoodtBp sedgy n the 1991 decision for land across the street, the Board could expand O-I ~~ zoning. The rriaivn adu ntage of establishing. O-I here instead of B-1 is that it would permit land ~ ~ ~r~..t. t~,f uses typically'~~~i~e~v~e,d.to be more compatible with established residential uses. Also, buffering ~. ~~ and setback requirements are similar to those required for the B-1 classification, which means O additional v.~sual ,protection would be provided. Allowing O-I here would also recognize the • owner's diminished appeal to develop the land along the road frontage where commercial and office uses aze already permitted by right for adjacent properties. It would also recognize the site's diminished appeal for residential development so close to a major highway where traffic can reach neazly gridlock conditions on most days. A major drawback for rezoning would be the perpetuation of the existing commerciaUoffice area to the north and east where substantial residential development would continue to be impacted. Also, the primary commercial node in the area is located further north at the intersection of Castle Hayne Road and North Kerr Avenue, some distance from the site. Some attempt should be made to further define the limits of that node. Finally, any additional non-residential development at this location will only add to an already neazly intolerable traffic situation. Staff would recommend denial since the depth of the property provides many opportunities to expand those residential connections from the north and south for a transitional neighborhood development. Petition Summary Data Owner: William and Wesley Kingrey Existing Land Use: One single family. residence • Zoning Historv: B-2 to the north established in 1974. It was expanded across the street in 1986. O-I to the east was established in 1991. Water Tvne: Private well Sewer Tvne: Septic tank Recreation Area: Laney and Trask; Optimist Park on North Kerr Avenue Access and Traffic Volume: Castle Hayne Road; 20,110 ADT, 1997 Count Fire District: Wrightsboro VFD Watershed and Water Quality Classification: Ness Creek Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Recharge Conservation/Historic/Archaeolog_ic Resources: None Soils: Primarily Wrightsboro, Class II Building Suitability: Few limits 41 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMtSSIO;NERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 8.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Item 4: Special Use Permit -Request by Jimmy Blackburn to permit two mobile homes. BRIEF SUMMARY: Property located on the east side of Old Avenue in Castle Hayne. The area is zoned R-20 Residential. (S-441, 5/99) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: M 5 Pages REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES:. NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` .APPROVED C/ REJECTED O` REMOVED tO PQSTPONED O HEARS C 5/3/4 ~._~.. , ~- 43 ®ATE ,.,.: ~ ~ ITEM: D Special Use Permit: Request by Jimmy Blackburn to locate 2 mobile homes off Old Avenue in Castle Hayne. (5-441, 5/99) Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where the proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The proposed structures will be served by individual wells and septic tanks. Improvement permits for both systems are pending.. ' B. The site is located in the Castle Hayne VFD District. C. The property fronts on Old Avenue. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Single wide mobile homes are permitted by Special Use Permit in the R-20 Residential District. The site is currently zoned R-20. _ B. Adequate square footage is available for each mobile home. C. Adequate area is available to accomodate parking for each structure. 3. The use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining property. A. There are several mobile homes in the immediate vicinitywith double wiles & single wiles located directly across the street. B. Other lands are used for pasture & gardening. 4. The location and charter of the use... will be in harmony with the area... and in general conformity with the plan of development in New Hanover County. A. The area is classified as Resource Protection in the adopted 1993 Land Use Plan. Low density uses are encouraged. >j:`T`°"~As nofed;.tlie"reraie other mobile homes located in the general area. U:~U~~~w~~~a C. A N~ewH~anove k~County Park is located just south of the project. -~v Petition Summary Data Owner: Jimmy Blackburn Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: Area was originally zoned in July, 1985. Water Tyne: Private, Well Sewer Tyne: Private Sewer Recreation Area: Castle Hayne Park Access and Traffic Volume: Parmele Road; 2,600 ADT - 1997 Count Fire District: Castle Hayne Watershed and Water Quality: Prince George Creek (SVJ) Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary ' Conservation/Historic/Archaeologic Resources: None Soils: Leon (LE); Class III Buildina~Suitability: Some Limits Due to Wetness • NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING APPLICATION FORM PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE COMPLETING Please PRINT orTYPE only. Thank You. ~ (~ STAFF USE ONLY Name of Appicant AppGcadon No. -,:: - . . ~.:,~ AppGcarrt'aFlwneNo. Oats Address ofAppLcant Z~PCode ~ ... 7 - ~ ~% ~ Name of Property Owner lif different than address of Property Owner/Applicant) LPS~WJ,°;PfoPertY ~~// ~~UU 77 T axMaP Block Parce l ~ 2 ILK /~ ~ '~ eaofProperty ~,h, kxistingZoning l~ ICJ LandClassiication Aces _ d I P / . 7- E~dstitg Use of Roperty Roposed llse of Roperty ~r Y APPLICATION FOR ' ~~ ~~ ~~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT Applications MUST be reviewed by the Planning Department for completeness prior to acceptance. For Special Use , Permits that are considered residential uses a fee of $50.00 will be charged. For Special Use Permits that are non-residential a ' fee of $100.00 will be charged. This fee, payable to New Hanover County, MUST accompany this petition. No application will be accepted unless accompanied by a sketch of the proposed use and tot drawn to scale in duplicate indicating: 1. Location of existing and (or proposed structures) to be used in connection with the requested use. 2. Location ofoff-street parking . 3. Location and dimensions of proposed sign(s) 4. Location of site relative to major thoroughfares 5. Setbacks from property lines :..The Planning Department, Planning Board, and/or.Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to require addi- tional information if needed to assure [hat the use in its proposed location will be harmonious with the area and in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover_ ' Applications for Special Use Permits are acted-upon by the New Hanover County Commissioners in a quasi judicial public hearing. Except for mobile homes on individual lots, all Special Use Permits MUST first be reviewed by the County Planning Board. Applications and supplementary information mtrsi be received in the office of the Planning Department twenty (20) working days before the County Planning Board meeting to allow adequate time for processing and advertiscntcnt as required by the North Carolina General Statutes, and local ordinances. Applicatiotu for mobile homes on individual lots must be received in the office of the Planning Department hventy (20) working days before the regularly scheduled commissioners meeting. Planning Board meetings are held at 7:00 PM in the assembly Room of the County Administration Building, at Fourth and Chestnut Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina, on the first Thursday of each month. Commissioner meetings are scheduled (`~ for the first Monday of each month at 7:30 Plot in the Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilm- ~ _~/ 4 G mgton, North Carolina. What You Must Establish For A . Special Use `Permit • Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain,. with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Applicant: ~,4..2~ h9~-o ~ G-QC~ ~ ~ /lOG d-J Il ~-~ ~~-- ~s-c.,J~ General Requirement #2 The Board must find ".that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statement by Applicant: ~~. ~~~~ ~.~- ~ U~o~~.cazx~~o, each ,~~~-- General Requirement #3 ` The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that -. the use is a public necessity." Statement by Applicant: ~ ~ Q~'„~~ ~ ~2~~~ - G~-~i..c.QG~~. ~~~c.o ~v->rw~1._.e~..~ c.c.s-e,, ~~ w~~. ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ General Requirement #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." v,S\ ta_ Cement by Applicant: ~ e1'~- ~ 0.11: c.~2.1.~0~0~ t/`r`~. ~ ^~-~ ~'~~-- `f-t~..L ~16~~.~ The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. • I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and belief.. Signs ure of Applicant and/or Owner 48 G NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • - Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 8.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: - Item 5: Zoning Text Amendment (Continued Item) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Staff to revise the Conservation Overlay District requirements to specify that abandoned cemeteries be investigated and delineated by a professional historian, archeologist, or related professional. (A-297, 3/99) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1 Page REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY C4MMISSIONER~ APPROVED C'e~ REJECTED Q ; ' REMOVED Cf POSTPQNED ~: 4 ~J . HEARt7 ~ ®ATE ,--S-/3/94 . ITEM: liJ Zoning Text Amendment-Request to Revise the Conservation Overlay District Ordinance to Require that Abandoned Cemeteries Be Delineated by Qualified Experts (A 297, 3199) Planning Board Summary Staff advised the Boazd that the amendment was needed to make sure county. personnel had the needed resources to accurately identify these sites. The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendments as written after being assured by staff that development projects wouldn't be unduly delayed once a site had been discovered. One concerned citizen reminded the Board that identifying the abandoned cemeteries in the County was complicated and any measure that could be incorporated into the review process would be a big help. There was no public opposition. • Staff Summary ~ " " The County amended the zoning ordinance in September 1997 classifying abandoned non-municipal cemeteries as a "Conservation Resource". The purpose of the amendment was two-fold: first, there vas a need to provide the same level of treatment extended to other important historical, archeological and related resources that are abur-dant in the county; and secondly, it would make it easier to identify the sites when development proposals affecting them were submitted. Statutory mandates from the State of North Carolina iequire counties to take possession and control of all abandoned cemeteries, to see that the boundaries of each aze accurately laid out and to preserve them from encroachment. Due to the large number of potential site's in the County and the absence of Staff ex ertise in these P matters, it has been suggested that the ordinance be amended to require that cemetery sites be authenticated and delineated by a qualified .expert. Thus, at the preliminary development stage of a project where a known cemetery is .located or discovered, the County would requirethat a investigation be conducted by the appropi~ate professional. At that stage, this person could provide a written description of the site and delineate the area on the site plan. It is important to note that this process is already required for known historical and archeological sites. 'this can be accomplished as follows: Add under section 59.4.4 a new section to read: (8) If a developer wishes to develop a site with abandoned cemeteries, or an abandoned cemetery is discovered during the course of construction, he shall, provide for the delineation of said cemetery by a qualified expert, subject to approval by the County. s V~f~lYWl:~th7fUJ ~'.f~fi~L ~V~ 5 ~ ~~ ~ y~ ~,~ ~~ .~. ~ f~~-tee, y~::~ ~ F° NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Wanda Coston Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Public Hearing -Kirkland Community Revitalization Program BRIEF SUMMARY: ' In compliance with the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), a public hearing must be held to receive citizens' comments concerning the County's performance in administering the Kirkland Community Revitalization Project. A $850,000 grant was awarded to the County from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance, for housing rehabilitation, demolition and clearance, providing replacement housing and sewer construction. The County's financial commitment to the project assisted with the construction of the sewer system, drainage, and road improvements. The attached analysis indicates that the County accomplished more than originally proposed RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hold Public Hearing and close out project • FUNDING SOURCE: Small Cities CDBG, Community Revitalization ATTACHMENTS: 3 Pages REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hold public hearing as a requirement to close out the Kirkland community Revitalization Project. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: caun~nr coM~I~sstoN APPROVED C'`,/~ REJECTED • .. REMOVED CD POSTPONED D 5 ~IEARI) p. v ®~a~ ~ 5/3/___9_:9' _ .~'w,n. W U z Q ~ ~. ~ ~ Q Q ~-' ~ ~• W Z ~ U ~ z G Q U ~ ~•1- O O ~ z ~ ~ D_ ~ J Q ~ Z Q ~ z ~ J CD ~ ~ U 2 z L'1 ~'' ) I U I cr O Z ~- Z ~..1..~ ^Q^ L..1... V , W (~~ `J . mo L.1... Ql I ~' 01 r{ U W O i~ ,O a .-~ I U O Z 1- U w O ~- ~ ~, o ~ ~ Z w~ O ~ .C O ~ a N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aM Ha ~ ~ ~ ~ z3 -~ ~ ~ N U ~ M ~ ~ • ~ ~ - ~' M Q+ ~ lO (iS c K• C~ _. ',C~ ~' •~ O M ~ 'p ~ ~ L'~ C:.~ lfl U o H ~ 'Z3 O.+ ~ I~ .. ?-~ ' d ~ a 3 v 5' ~ r-I 'U ~ U ~ ~ cn cn • ~ O +~ v a~ ~ U~ m 3 . ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ e~ o O U O w H cA ~-t .~ cn ~, O _ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ 4-1 N C to U ~ U O x b a~ o U cn ; .- -- •rl ~ N • . ~ ro _ ~ , ~ M ' ?-1 ~ iU ~, 7p' . ,` ~ C7 U r-i N ~ ~ rtS H U ~ N ~ OJ . ~ ~•~ O • H f if (~ ~ O v O '.~ o ~n ' o ,- ~ ,U' ° O N _, O O '_' ~ ~ '-' O CA r ' O -~ ~ o ; p ~ ~„ ` ~ ~ N ..:.. , V' N ;n• }'' '.. C~ f.. ~ Ch •~ C L ~.. a ,. z U ~~ e~ +~ ~ - . ~ ~ . U . N •~ ~ ~ ~ Z •~ O ~-1 ~ >_<` .A ~ r r C'da~H ~ ro: r~r~can Q :U '' %, 1~~~~ • ~ +~ r-i ~ 'Z7 U ~ N O 1-i to ~ r~ ~ ~ ro ~ 3 .,~ .,~ .,~ N U ~+ ~ ~ • ~ O .~ ~ r-1 g g ~ ~ 3 ~ W 4 N ~ ~ ~ ~ /•~ N W N ~ U Q in ~ ~ W V ' O N ~ 4J z3 .~ O 'Z3 ~ ~n E~ U >, ~ -i RS ~ +~ U H tT U 'z7 ~ O •r°I i7 ~ S--. Pa C~J .~ rJ U ~ to ~ ~ m .~ > ~ ~ v o cn ~ •,~ O ,_..~ U ,..~ .•~ a v ~ a •~H U ~ 0z7xH . •~ ~ 3H N H cn .~. .~ •~ N .A i Q a ~ ~ r~~U 'X O ~ ~,.i ~•~ ~ is O TJ 'U O Q~ ~ ,~ ~+~ • ~••~ S-i U ~ cna ~a ~ ~ a•~HH~rt ~ 'i ~ .~ ~ ~ '-~ 'Z3 U Q j H U U r0 H Q ~ . . Q cn v ~ ~--~ ~ ~ N '•U R'i O ~ N ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }~ • ri U1 '3 (n •~-~ to U •~ O U O ~ ~ •~ H ~ x 'z3 ~ •~ :,~ H U O •rl ~ •.Q ~, 0 0 ~ • , U ~ ~' ~ Nwa ~r~~ ~ ~ ~-~ O O O ~. O p O o o o' o ~• . .o 0 O O O N ~ I\ th ' ''" ~ M O O O O O O O O O O p p p p p o -~ ~ . N ~ ~ '•n' V} ~ _ ~ ~ •. ~ ~ U U U 0 .~ ~ Cn ~ ~ ~ O U O U ~ U •ri •~ ~ • ri ~ +~ .~.~ ~ ~H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri :•a ' U to U ~ H N ~ ~ Urr tY~ x~ ~ w N 0 0 '~ ~ tr r rn ~t m r- ~. J i. rrogram Income 0.00 ~ . a) Amount of existing program income:. $ ~ ' ' b) Amount of anticipated, program income: S 0 • 0 0 c) If program income exists or is anticipated, describe the proposed application(s): ..... 8. Unpaid Costs and Unsettled Third Party Claims - . ,~ List any unpaid costs and unsettled third party claims against the recipient's grant. Describe the circumstances and amounts involved. None . 9. Remaris (For DCA Use Only) - _ . .. `~` 10. Certification of Recipient ' It is hereby- certified that all activities undertaken by the Recipient with funds provided under the grant agreement identified on page 1 hereof, have , to the-best of my knowledge, been carried out in accordance with the grant agreement; that proper provisions have been made by the Recipient for the payment of all unpaid costs and unsettled third party claims identified on-page I hereof; that the State of North Carolina is under no obligation to make any further payment to the.Recipienf under the grant agreement in,excess of~the - ..amount identified on Line 7 hereof; and that every statement and amount set forth in this instrument is, to the best of my knowledge, true and. correct as of this date. Date .Typed Name and Title of Recipient's. Signature of Recipient's Authorized Representative - .Authorized Representative ~ ( g Name: -~9illiar!1 A. Caster ~ ,2 ~! / ' (~ ~ si-* a c~- ~ ~ i~~f ' Chairman , Board o f C o mm i s s itl . - • -,~ .. ,~ i . o~n e r s e: T - - 11._DCA Approval This Certification of Completion,is hereby approved. Therefore, I authorize cancellation of the unutilized contract commitment and - related funds reservation and obligation of S - , less S previously authorized for cancellation (from Section 6, line: 6, page 1). Date -Typed Name and Title of DCA Authorized Official Signature of DCA Authorized Official. . - ~ - ~ ' William A. Mcl~'eil "4 Director, Division of Community Assistance `~ _ page 2 _. MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT • WILMINGTON, NC May 3,1999 6:30 p.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE . NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 55 . 2. Approval of Minutes 57 ADJOURN {This page intentionally left blank} 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 05/03/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Water & Sewer District -Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the minutes for the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1999. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval. of minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. • . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: GOUi~TY C4MMISSI NERD . APPFdOllEp C , .REJECTED O ' REMOVEn D I~ • ~. POSTPONED • 1-~EA~~ ®AT~ ~A-531 ~-~-~-~~ 1 - I. 57 {This page intetttionaJlyleft blank} er~,e, ra~-ur5 - Add ' (. ~-~ evr, ..d.f::.14#i•.`~-+J:....,v.:..~Yf Y uvL~.y~t'J ~ C~ C~C'~u~~~~1 ~~~~ 58 ~s . ~. ~ ~~~~ • • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May 3,1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2 Approval of correction to Tax Computation for the Hills Department Store ' Tax Appeal 3. Approval of award of contract with CGA Consulting Services, Inc. for Phase II of a space study assessment for the Sheriff's Department and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0146 4. Approval of award of RFP #99-0239 and approval of contract #99-0239 to Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. for travel services for New Hanover County 5. Approval to designate Department of Aging the Lead Agency for Home & Community Care Block Grant funds 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Home & Community Block Grant funds in the amount of $712, 058 for 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Health Grant monies in amount of $8,619. 6. Approval of receipt of Council of Government's Senior Center Outreach Contract awarding $2,129 to Department of Aging.for nutrition service expansion 7. Approval of receipt of funds in amount of $1,500 from Corporation for National Service for VISTA mileage reimbursement and training 8. Adoption of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add roads to the State Highway System Torchwood Boulevard and Beacon Drive in West Bay Estates Approval of budget amendments: 9.1. #99-0137 to reclassify and record the debt service payments (interest only) from the County's Public Schools Fund to the General Fund 9.2.#99-0141 Cooperative Extension Projects PAGE NO. 61 63 65 77 83 99 115 117 110 121 59 0 () 60 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number- Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following sets of minutes: Special Meeting, 3/15/99 Regular Meeting, 4/19/99 , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGE ~ OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve Minutes '. !`/1111111111CC1l1 AICGC~ A TIf1A1C/!"/1MMCAITC• CUUNTY COMMI/ N, A~I~~t~v~D c R~~~~~0 0 ~~.~P~~ED {~ ~.~~R.~~ ~ X61 ~ ~3~1~~-~~,~_,,, 62~ ~:~ ~ ~'~'~~~' ~ ? F ~ :t: `~ ---~ ` ,~ {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell/Bob Glasgow . Contact: Bob Glasgow, Tax Administrator SUBJECT: Correction to Tax Computation for the Hills Department Store Tax Appeal BRIEF SUMMARY: The tax computation for the Hills Department Store appeal has been re-figured and reduced by the Tax Department. In order to correct the minutes approved on April 6, 1999, the Board must approve the new figures which represent a .reduction in taxes after trending in the amount of $256,261. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Approve the correction to the minutes. FUNDING SOURCE:. ` ATTACHMENTS: . Original and revised copies of the April 6, 1999 minutes will be included in agenda packet. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S C NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACT NS/COMMENTS: i ' 6 I ~ COUNTY C©MMISSi~i~ ~ AP?SiObiED R~,fECTED REMOVED p ~.. POSTAONECJ D I wEARt~ ~ . i t .. 63 {This page intentionally left blank} , 4 ~ ~>' i ~~~~ 64 ~~:~ ~ .. Ca~~~~ ^^'^^'i'^-' ~~F-^^^' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number . Department: Sheriff Presenter: Contact: Sheriff McQueen/Capt. Steve Smith SUBJECT: Award of contract # 99-0352 with CGA Consulting Services, Inc. for Phase II of a space study assessment for the Sheriffs Department. Approval of budget amendment to appropriate funds. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Phase I covering the needs assessment of the Sheriffs Department has been completed. The project is ready to move to Phase II which is to assess the operational requirements in order to develop the full architectural program from which the selection of the design architect would follow. The cost of Phase II of the project is $58,535.00. Contract # 99-0352 for Phase II of the project is submitted for approval.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Recommend adoption of contract # 99-0352 with CGA Consulting Services, Inc. for Phase II of a space study assessment for the Sheriffs Department. Recommend approval of budget amendment # 99-0146 to provide funds. FUNDING SOURCE: 110-431-4311-3700 ATTACHMENTS: Contract is being submitted separately from this transmission. r~ ' ' BA#99-0146.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S Q.QMMENTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro COMMISSIONERS' CTIONS/COMMENTS: ~OUi~TY ~BMi~~~B6~9~ APPROVED D . REJECTED • _ REMOVED C7 POSTPONED ~f . ~~Rla ~ 6 5 ~~3~9 9 J~rrt _ -- NEW HANOVER COIINTY CONTRACT # 99-0352 CONTRACTING AGREEMENT 'BETWEEN CARTER GOBLE ASSOCIATES, INC. AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY (NC) THIS CONTRACT, entered into this 1st day of April, 1999, is between New Hanover County (hereinafter referred to as the CCounty") and Carter Goble Associates, Inc., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant"). WITNESS THAT: WHEREAS, the County desires to engage the Consultant to render certain technical and professional services, as specified in Exhibit A, Scope of Work. ... , NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1: ENGAGEMENT OF THE CONSULTANT The .County hereby agrees to engage the Consultant and the Consultant agrees to furnish and ~-/ deliver all services and products herein set forth in Exhibit A and as mutually agreed. ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The Consultant shall do, perform, and carry out in a satisfactory professional and proper manner as determined and approved by the County the services as specified in Exhibit A. The County may engage the Consultant to perform additional services beyond the Scope of Services. If additional services are requested, the County and Consultant shall agree in writing to the scope of the additional services. ARTICLE 3: TIME OF PERFORMANCE The term of this contract shall begin upon execution of this contract and shall end twelve months thereafter,~The:contract-.period may be extended subject to mutual agreement by both parties and documentedby~~w~ittensigned amendment. It is specifically understood that the Consultant will not be liable~for~ che'diale delays that may result due to actions or inaction of the County and circumstances beyond,the control of the Consultant. , ARTICLE~~4:,. ~S,:C.OMPENSATION 1 of 4 `A. The County shall pay the Consultant a fixed price professional fee of FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS ($58,535.00) to cover all professional labor costs and direct and indirect expenses for travel, printing, faxes, oyemight mail, etc. In any case this amount shall be the maximum amount paid by the County to the Consultant for all work hereunder as called for in Exhibit A. The County will be invoiced monthly on a percent complete basis. Invoices are due and payable with thirty days of invoice date. ' • B. Any additional work that may be requested by the County which. is beyond the Scope of Services will be negotiated for and compensation made on the same basis as in subpart A as a fixed price professional fee. .ARTICLE 5: EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. In connection with the execution of this Contract,. the Consultant shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, or national origin. The Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during their employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, • disability, or -national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Consultant shall comply with all the requirements of Title 21, USA, Chapter 5, Subchapter 6, relating to fair employment practices to the extent applicable. A similar provision shall ` be included in any and all Subcontracts. ARTICLE 6: GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. Any changes, amendments or extensions ofthis contract, which are mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto, shall be incorporated in written amendments attached to this Contract. B. Any end product or by-product of professional service accomplished by the Consultant under this Contract shall be and remain the property of the County, but. may be used and published by the Consultant. C. This Contract may be terminated, prior to the end of the term specified in Article 3 by either party by giving written notice of such termination, and on such date, compensation under this Contract shall likewise be terminated. Should this Contract be terminated by either party, all finished or unfinished products of professional service, including all notes, working papers, etc., shall be the property of the County, and the Consultant hereby agrees to, within ` ten (10) days after termination of this Contract, make any such disposition of the property as the County may direct. In the event of termination, the Consultant will be compensated, as called for in Article 4 herein, for costs incurred through and including the date of termination. • 67 2 of 4 - D. Records associated with any and all matters covered by this Contract shall be made available by the Consultant to the County or his agents, if necessary for financial audits. E. This Contract and any written amendments hereto. shall constitute,,the sole agreement between the County and Consultant. ARTICLE 7: INSURANCE The Consultant shall maintain in force the following policies and amounts of workers compensation. and general and comprehensive liability insurance naming New Hanover County an additional insured thereunder: Workers Compensation Statutory Limits „ General and Comprehensive Liability $1,000,000 ARTICLE 8: INDEMNIFICATION ~, The Consultant agrees to protect, defend, 'indemnify,. and hold harmless the County from and against any arid all liability, damages, claims, suits,' liens, and judgements,. caused by negligent acts of or injuries sustained by the Consultant. ARTICLE 9: APPLICABLE LAW North Carolina law shall govern any litigation hereunder and interpretation of this agreement. Venue for litigation shall be in New Hanover County Superior Court. 68 3of4 70 .. .. .,. n • . -, .v - - EXHIBIT A - ~ - SCOPE OF SERVICES - - . •. -. - , ~ - ~ TASK 1 DETENTION CENTER . .. r • ~ ~ ~ Site selection analysis ~~ ~ ~ - , _ ~ Dependent on the selected recommendation the Consultant is prepared to' analyze up to three alternative, site options and rate them as to suitability of : , ... - ~ L. ~. ,purpose-and capability to support operational needs identified..A matrix will be ,~ ' prepared clearly identifying the merits and disadvantages of each selecfed site '. . - option. Appropriate~weighting factors for specific features will be determined in ` ~ ,discussion with County officials. At the conclusion of this analysis a - • - ~ recommendation will be presented supported by the findings from the survey. ~ , ,. . • -• :Operational program development - Comparison`of the use of both Direct and Indirect supervision will be addressed to ensure that the implications are fully appreciated by all those impacted. This " ~ ~ becomes esp"ecially important due to the potential for having both the present , ' . - and a new facility operating under different management styles. The . ' - - management techniques that will apply to the various custody classifications will ':, ~ ` ~ be reviewed along with consideration for the .most appropriate classification ` • configurations in the selected development option chosen. At this juncture it . 4f would be appropriate to visit up to three facilities operating closely to the., management styles. selected or contemplated. Such visits would be arranged by CGA after discussion with Jail operations and other County officials. As far as is ` • '" ~ possible such visits would be made within the North and South Carolina States. , [Should there be a decision to visit a facility beyond economic driving .distance •.. •; , `there could be an additional Gravel cost incurred.]..... ~•.. .: .- . `Preliminary staffing guidelines ~. _ .._ -.. , ' ~.~ `' ~ . ~ .Based on the consensus opinion relative to operational -needs the Consultant will provide a preliminary staffing, plan covering both new and existing facilities. If a • `. , shift-relief factor is not currently in use such a factor will be recommended to ` ensure that the operational cost estimates take account of such variables. as . vacations; sick periods, training etc. The preliminary program will account for . " _ continued operation of the existing facility and will identify changes.as the phased `- '. -renovation and new construction proceed. - ~' ~ Architectural Space Program Development ~, ~ ~ Functional adjacencies; component configurations and flow diagrams will, be produced to ..respond to the operational requirements identified. The configuration of the facility in terms of the different' component adjacencies, their functional ~~ relationships and movement patterns will.be .illustrated in-single line drawings, ~, LL - bubble diagrams and flow charts. Space indications will be included in order to, ` develop a "feel" for locations in the renovated or new facility(ies). Agreement on ,. _ - ~ § ,relationships' will set the basis for the creation of concept designs. Complete ` . ~` ~ space tables will be developed for ail spaces necessary in the riew~faciliry and for _." .• . -, ,. ~ ~ the re-configuration of the existing facility. . - ;,. „.._ ~. . , ' EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Incorporation of Design Standards •f - Due consideration will be given throughout the pre-planning stage to the incorporation of NC Standards and ACA guidelines as well as other relevant, standards and ADA requirements. Security conflicts with Standards will be ' 'reviewed as and•when'~they occur. ~ . ~ ~ - ,', -~ .. ~ ~• Development of Cost Estimates _• From the spatial "estimates .prepared, .general configuration°and agreed staffing patterns, preliminary cost estimates will be prepared identifying capital • construction'cost and`annuaf operating costs. Basic sitekdeveloprnent costs are not usually included as a `hard' cost but we feel that the client should be aware of the total cost and would therefore recommend ,that this;element be incorporated. Fixtures, Furnishings and Equipment costs would also be estimated in terms of " ~ '`order of magnitude" that would provide'realistic,preliminaryfigures requiring only • mino'r'up-dating when the final design~is:completed. , , ,. Preparation ofrCon'cept Designs ~ - ~ , ~ ~ ' ` At this stage the overall size of the new-facility will have been determined and the 'Consultant will prepare concept diagrarris and elevations which,will give substance'to the documentation produced so far: The intent of the concept '~ ~•' • . ~ designs is to ensure•that the maxim of "Form~Follows Furiction",is, adhered to and that the design reflects the operational intent. An understanding of•what the facility could look like, how it-will relate~to the landscape and its immediate environment and how:rnuch space it wilb'occupy also-will enable the .County, and particularly those not cohversant with the speciah needs :of detentionfacilities, to understand the project and the environment impact. The concept drawings will become useful in presenting the project to the public.especially if voter approval might become necessary depending on the selected funding source. . 'General Assistance` ~ ~ `'' ~° ~ The information`accurriulated~during the;Programming.Phase of the project will ~~ '~ be docuniented'not only for use as"the•project.proceeds but also for reference in " the`future sfiould'`exparsion become necessary. In addition there~are likely to be public meetings or at least County Cornmission.meetings at-which an overview of the project will need to be presented. CGA will prepare appropriate presentation materials, will attend and make presentations and will respond to questions concerning the project. Generally attendance would be limited to two meetings ' but fhis is an aspect=for discussion.. ~ ,~ . ' ~ - . , ,.._ 1 '~- TASK 2'~' '' ^ .SHERIFF'S-DEPARTMENT SPACE NEEDS .; -, ~ •~ , ~' CGA wilt conduct an "investigation of tfie~ existing 'offices in ,use:;:. by .the Sheriff's • Department to •develop a profile of•`the• current~situation: .A survey,instrument will be • developed to assess ~ the- different needs by function.. ,~ Among, the ,data that will be '' ~ - d ill b e: : ~ • , . ,. w 72 requeste ' EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES _`~ • • department/division/unit mission and functions, • statutory office requirements, • current space allocations and unmet.space needs, t ~ • equipment with significant impact on space needs, • consoles/information technology equipment requiring significant mechanical and electrical space, _ ~ • functional relationships and adjacency requirements,. • degree of automation and communication, • data/record storage practices and requirements, • evidence storage requirements, ~ security requirements,. • special ventilation requirements, • relationship to public access, and • parking needs and traffic generation characteristics. Traffic, Transportation and Parking Impact will be investigated including the need for - storage for. such matters as title inspection and the processing of evidence on impounded vehicles. .These aspects form an important part of the investigation since the Sheriff's Department must be considered ~as a separate entity to the jail in terms of potential State funding possibilities and also due to the possibility. that this ;may be a distinct construction project. A preliminary spatial program will be developed as part of this task against the following 'broad headings: • Component Role. Each component of the facility will be defined according to its mission and relationship with other facility components. This will be defined in both verbal and graphic terms. • Spatial Allocations. Each individual space to be included in the facility components will be defined according to net and departmental gross factors. Tables will be prepared for all spaces disaggregated by facility component that quantify the amount of space for each area within the facility. - ' • Functional Relationships/Adjacencies. With the development of net and gross square footage requirements, functional relationship diagrams will . be prepared ' that illustrate the proposed relationships of all spaces within the facility, both within individual Departments and collocated between Departments as a whole. These diagrams will provide an organizational structure for the facility design. • Development of Preliminary Cost Estimates. From the spatial estimates ' prepared, general configuration and agreed staffing patterns, preliminary cost estimates will be prepared identifying capital construction cost and annual operating costs. Basic site development costs are not usually included as a 'hard' cost but we feel that the client should be aware of the total cost and would • therefore recommend that this element be incorporated. Fixtures, Furnishings . and Equipment costs would also be estimated in terms of "order of magnitude" 73 that would provide realistic preliminary figures requiring only minor up-dating -. ~, ... ~J ,fir-~-,~.~.r...»~,i~~~r`~5 d ~;~~~~ ~.} a x~~,~l~t 5'=!~ V :P~ ,. , . ~ , . , ~ _. ' ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - :REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ ~ ~ - Meeting Date: 05/03/99 ~ - Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: -Page Number; . .. Department:• Finance Presenter:.. . - _ ~. ._ Contact: Pam Harrell ~.. . ~ . , - . . ; ~. 'SUBJECT:.. Award of RFP # 99-0239 and approval of contract # 99-0239 to Neilson Travel ~ • . • Partners, Ltd. for travel services for New Hanover County. ~ . ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The ,County utilizes one contractor for travel services.~This is considered contracted services and is not . required to be bid.. However, to insure that the County receives the best service possible this item is bid. periodically:- Recently staff completed the bid process for travel services. Fourteen (14) packages were ' ~' .mailed out and seven (7) responses were received. After thorough. review of all the packages received, staff recommends that we award. bid to Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. For further details, please see • ., ..,. ,, attached memo. .- t , ~. ~ ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ , Staff recommends adoption of the attached .resolution awarding travel services RFP #99-0239 to Neilson ~ . , 'Travel Partners, Ltd. and approval of contract #99=0239. .. ,. ,., ,, . FUNDING SOURCE: : . - .:.;This contract will beused by all departments on an as needed basis from funds available in various 5200. , accounts. -..: ,.. . . .'` ATTACHMENTS:: • = A letter of explanation and resolution for award are attached and are being transmitted as part of this agenda item.:. ' . t , . ~ .. :.' Neilson2.wp:99-0239r.wp - Cohtract draft #99-0239 is'being submitted separately from this agenda package. ~~ ...REVIEWED BY: '. ~. ~ .;.. _ LEGAL; FINANCE: Approve BUDGET. Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA Ct~UN'TY Ct9~fM15S10~1~R~ APPROVED • ~/' f2EJECTED ~~~©VED ~ \ : 7 7 ~osTPO~I~a la H~A~r~ .~~- - \J April 16, 1999 To:. Allen O'Neal From: Bruce Shell - Re: Travel Services Recently an informal bid forxravel services for.New Hanover County was sent to;all interested travel agencies`in our area: It is no't mandatory that~travel services be bid, however it does assure we'receive the best~possible airfare rates and services available. Sevembids~were _ received. After careful consideration of all the bids only AAA Carolinas and Neilsori Travel Partners, Ltd. met all the requirements. The contract is for one year with an option to renew for two additional years. ~; - ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . ; , Both agencies are able to provide services required to meet`New Hanover County's travel needs, such as but not limited to: l • Lowest price available _ .:.. ,:.Customized billing ..- .:. :. ~ ~ . • Frequent Flyer enrollment • Detailed itinerary • Last seat availability • ~~ Flexible ticket delivery, options .. ~ - , . ~ . • Travel accident insurance • Traveler preference profile • Quality control services In addition to the services listed above, Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd.' offers: • Travel policy design/analysis • Electronic ticketing (also, NTP can print airline tickets at their office) • An additional $150;000':b0 travel accident' insurance (total of $250,000:00) ~ - • Seat assignment monitoring • Lost luggage program(in essence, the.luggage finds the. traveler) . ,u~x , ,,,,,,,~,,~,~,,,,~W;eb~-4stte/self;°bgoking Software (self-booked~reservations are.reviewed by NTP).. ; k ~~ ~ ~~~~; '" ~.' ~~ ~ r ~ ~~ `~ ,~ _~ . RESOLUTION - OF THE -. , ... BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~. , OF .NEW HANOVER COUNTY. . WHEREAS, bids were received by the Finance Department for travel services, and the ` following companies'submitted-bids for travel services for New°Hanover County, RFP# 99-0239: ~. - , , All-Ways Travel . ~ . Adams World Travel, Inc. . Fore Travel Travel Works In Travel AAA Carolinas Neilson Travel Partners. Ltd. AND WHEREAS, after careful consideration and thorough review of all bids, staff has determined that Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. offers the best service package to the County; AND WHEREAS, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. of Wilmington, North Carolina; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in various 5200 accounts to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for travel services for the County, RFP #99-0239 be awarded to Neilson Travel Partners, Ltd. ;and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 3rd day of May, 1999. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Q Clerk to the Board VO ,. , ..~ . - NEW HANOVER COUNTY . FINANCE OFFICE - 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7187 'BRUCE T. SHELL; CPA ~ FA,t (910) 341-4025 ~ . _, ~. Finance Director ' .. t .. _ , :. ,. ' ~ '"JL'I,IANNEM.GRIFFIN,CPA ..` ' `Deputy Finance Director ~ ~ ~ . .. , " . ' . y . ..February 5, 1999 ,. ~ ~ To:. Travel Agencies :, ~ ~ ~ From: Pamela Harrell ~ _ V Re: ,Request for Proposals for Travel Agency . ,. ~ ' .. .Services RFP #, 99-0239 .. Scope ~ .. . New Hanover County is soliciting proposals from travel agencies for booking travel fora ` period of one (l:) year for county employees on official business. The coriiract period would . ~ be from April 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000 with ari estimated expenditure of $50,000.00. , • ~ ~ " General Instructions " Completed proposaLshotzld be submitted to: "~ . . .. ~. - ;; ' - Mrs. Pamela Harrell . , °° '" ~ New Hanover County Finance Office ~ " ' 320 Chestnut Street,.-Room 602 . Wilmington; NC 28401 °~-' { ' `Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, February 18, 1999..Envelopes . .should be marked, "RFP #99-0239; TRAVEL AGENCY SERVICES". Any proposals received-after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered. .Bidders may withdraw their bid at any time prior to the closing time. for receipt of bids. No ~ " ' - bid may be wi hdrawn after the scheduled cloSinQ time for receipt of bids for a period of sixfy (60) days. - - ~: - Award of contract will be trade taking into consideration pricing discounts, insurance, : ' delivery arrangement; availability of services and references. ~ ` The contract draft, which is part of the RFP package, is enclosed for.bidder's infortnation:~ ~~ ~ . -: ,. actual' contract-will be completed after the award of bid. ~ - - ~ " ._` - . .: •~ . ; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Consentltem #: 5 Estimated Timer Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton ' Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: . Request Commissioners designate Department of Aging the Lead Agency for Home & Community Care Block Grant funds 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Home & Community Block Grant funds in the amount of $712,058 for 1999/2000 and approve receipt of Health Grant monies in amount of $8619. BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioners are requested to designate the Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Home & Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) services in New Hanover County 99/2000. New Hanover County is eligible for $712,058 for FY 99/2000 to provide services to elderly residents. The Home & Community Block Grant Advisory recommends the following distributions of funds and services: Transportation $97,695, Home Delivered Meals $135,042, Congregate Meals $87,085, Case Assisted I/R '$30,208; Senior Center Operations $2,4,185, Care Management $55,168, In Home Aide Services . $211,175,. Adult Day Care $65,593, Group Respite $10,199, and Adult Day Health Services $6708. • In Home Aide Services will be provided through a contract with Home Health & Hospice;. Adult Day Care, Group Respite and Adult Day Health services will be provided through a contract with Elderhaus, Inc. All other services will be administered directly by the NHC Department of Aging. Department of Aging is eligible for $8,619 in Title III F -Health Promotion monies for 99/2000. These monies will support health promotion/disease prevention programs programmed through the Senior Center. All Home & Community Care Block Grant funds and Title III F -Health Promotion monies require a 10% match. The required match is included in the Department of Aging requested 1999/2000 budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Commissioners approve request to designate Department of Aging Lead Agency for Home & Community Block Grant Services in NHC, approve request to accept the Home & Community Block Grant Advisory Committee's recommendations of fund distribution and services and accept the FY 99/2000 Home & Community Care Block Grant funds in the amount of $712,058 and the Title tll-F Health Promotion monies in amount of $8,619. Signatures required on DOA 730, DOA731, DOA 732, DOA734 FUNDING SOURCE: Home & Community Care Block Grant: Federal $676,455; State $35,603 ; -, Local $79,118 Ct)11N7Y CpMM1SSI0N State (Title III - F Health Promotion) $ 8619; Local $ 958. Ai'pROVED C~ Total Federal $ 676,455, State $ 44,222; Local $ 80,076.. REJECTED D . ATTACHMENTS: REMOVED O DOA730, DOA731, DOA732, DOA 734 for signatures, minutes of Home & Community Care Advisory Committee meetings. HEARD ~/ $ 3 ®ATI: ~ 531-J REVIEWED BY: . LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS: ~J :. ~. ~. .. '. '. -; V~~~iv~d~.1LV CJ L' vas ~ ,rt! _ Y~~,~ • • • ~ DOA-730 (Rev. l /99) Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan Identification of Agency or Office with Lead Responsibility for county .Funding Plan County .New Hanover July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 The agency or office with lead responsibility for planning and coordinating the County Funding Plan recommends this funding plan to the Board of Commissioners as a coordinated.means to. utilize community-based resources in the delivery of comprehensive aging services to older adults and their families. New Hanover County Department of Aein~ (Name of agency/office with lead responsibility) Authorized signature (Date) William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissions • (Type name and title of signatory agent) For each service specified on the County Services Summary (DOA-731), or the Provider Service Summary (DOA-732), provide an attachment with reasons for exceeding the average net unit cost of the service in the county for the prior state fiscal year, plus the rate of annual cost of living increase as provided through the Office of State Planning. • rn ~ o ~ U d ~ ~ ~ O A 2 S ; z O 10+1 r 7 O 01 33 7' 'O Q d ~_ ` ~• . ~ A "' E ,. ~ E ., c „ ~ m a ~ C7 m Y V C N ~ U m ~, 'Z O ~ O ~ U U ~_ C O C O U U c R d E 0 2 86 pQ _ i O ~ N I n ~~ i 0 , Q O,~ 1 0 N I M i N ~ ~ i N N O I i 1 0 ~ i y Y M _ ~ ~ I ~ 1 n- i i ! I i i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N N N ; N ' to ~ Q) ' Q1 T ~ O ~ O ' Z O CO W t0 n 10 N (0 1p v 1 C V O ~ V ~ ~ i a ~ ? 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N ~. , 4 a ~~ o ~UM M ~ "+r w A ~ A.. r ~ V O '' i W ~ O u O ~ _ _ r ~ n ~ A N ~ 1!'w ~ ~ d W ~ U v .~ Yi r a U s . ~ '4 O n '` sr ~ y A M ~ N ~ V v V t ` n ~ ' . U ~} ~7 F~ u ti Z p n. ~ n .C „ S' t ra ` t. V ~ ~ ~ c .~ p, ~ O 'a O, `u .'4 '4 p ~. 'n ` 'Q ~u i - ~ ,C 1 ", DOA-734 i - , (revised 1/99) .July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 . -Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults . " _ Community Service Provider. Standard Assurances New Hanover County agrees to provide services through the Home and (Name of Provider) Community Care Block Grant, ~ as specified on the Provider Services Summa_rv (DOA-732) in accordance with the following: 1. Services shall be provided in accordance with requirements set forth in: a) The County Funding Plan; b) The Division of Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Procedures Manual for Community Service Providers; and c) The Division of Aging Services Standards Manual, Volumes I through IV. Community service providers shall monitor any contracts with providers of Block .Grant services- and take appropriate measures to ensure that services are provided• in accordance with the aforementioned documents. 2. Priority shall be given to providing services to those older persons with the greatest economic or. social needs, with particular attention to low-income minority individuals. The service needs of low-income minority elderly will be addressed in the manner specified on the Methodolow to Address Service Needs of Low-Income Minori Elderly format, (DOA-733). - 3. The following service authorization activities will be carried out in conjunction with all services provided through the Block Grant: a) Eligibility determination; b) Client intake/registration; c) Client assessment/reassessments and quarterly visits, as appropriate; • d) Determining the amount of services to be received by the client; and Q e) Reviewing cost sharing/voluntary contributions policies with eligible clients. v 4. All licenses, permits, bonds, and insurance necessary for carrying out Block Grant Services will be maintained by the community service provider and any contracted DOA-734 (revised 1/98) 5. As specified in 45 CFR 92.36(b)(11), community service providers shall have procedures for settling all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurement of services through the Block Grant. Community service providers ' ' ~ shall have procedures governing the evaluation of bids for services and procedures through which bidders and contracted providers may appeal or dispute a decision made by the .community :service provider. - 6. ApplicantJClient appeals shall be addressed as specified in Section 7 of the Division of Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Manual for Community Service Providers, dated February 17, 1997.. 7. Community service providers are responsible for providing or arranging for the - ~ ~ provision of required local. match; as specified on the Provider Services Summary, (DOA-732). Local match shall be expended simultaneously with Block Giant funding. ' 8. Providers expending $300,000 or more in federal financial assistance through the •Home_and Community Care Block Grant, or in°combination with other federal funding shall receive an annual independent audit which meets the requirements of the Division of Aging Program AuditGuide>for Aging Services, applicable North Carolina General Statutes and Local Government Commission requirements, and OMB Circular A-1.33. Foi-profit communi y service providers shall have an annual compliance audit which meets the requirements of A-133. The audit shall be performed within nine (9) months of the close of the provider's fiscal year. Upon completion of the audit, non-profit and for=profit providers shall •provide a copy of the audit report:and, any opinion letter simultaneously to the. County and the Area Agency. Federal funds wi l not reimburse the cost of a single audit.if the total of all federal funds expended by the provider is less than $300,000. NOTE: Audit - requirements are subject to revision. The-Division will notify, area agencies and provider if and when state audit policy is revised: 9. ~ Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity and Americans With .Disabilities Act requirements, as specified in paragraph fourteen (.14),of the Agreement for the Provision of Count~ging-Based Services (DOA-735) shall be maintained. 10. Providers In-Home Aide, Home Health, Housing and Home Improvement, and Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care shall sign and return the attached assurance to the area agency on aging indicating that recipients.'of these services have been informed of their client rights, as required in Section 314 of the 1992 Amendments to the Older Americans Act..., . (Authorized Signature) ~ (Date) Standard Assurance to Comply witYi Older. Americans Act Requirements Regarding Client Rights for . • Agencies Providing In-Home Services through the Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults As a provider of one or more of the services listed below, our agency agrees to notify all Home and Community Care Block Grant. clients receiving any of the below •listed services provided by this agency of the their rights as a service rec-ipient. Services included in this assurance include: -In-Home Aide -Home Care (home health) -Housing and. Home Improvement -Adult Day Care or Adult Day Health Care Notification will include, a.t a minimum, an oral review of the information outlined below as well as providing each service' recipient with a copy of the information .in written form. In. addition, providers of in-home services, will establish a procedure to document that client rights information has been discussed with in-home services clients (e.g. copy of signed Client Bili of Rights statement). Client Rights information to be communicated to service recipients wial.include, at .a minimum, the right to: -be fully informed, in advance,.about each in-home service to be provided and any chance in service(s) • that may affect the well-being of the participa.^.t; -participate in planning and changing any in-home service provided unless the client is adjudicated incompetent; -voice a grievance with respect to service that is or fails to be provided, without discrimination or reprisal as a result of voicing a grievance;. -confidentiality of records relatinc to the individual;, -have ,property treated with respect; and -be fully informed both orally and i.^. .writing, in advance of receiving an in-home service, of the individual's rights -and obligations. Client Rights will be distributed to, and discussed with, each ,new client receiving one or more of-the above listed services prior to the on-set of service. For all existing. clients, the above .information will be provided no later than the next regularly scheduled service reassessment. Agency Name: New Hanover County Dept. of AQinQ Name of Agen//c11y Administrator: Annette Crucnpton Signature : l~'K--~-~- l~~ Date : ~ - ~o - 5' S {Please return the this form to your Ares Agency on Aginc and • retain a copy for your files. ) 91 _. •: ~ - _ i I N I Q) OI M M j '~ M. I MINI MI ! I I ! I I O I j ~ I - t I N I M I ~~ U a C OI I ` ~ I .-ICI I ^', C7 i ~I ~~ ~ I _ I I i CI I I I I I ~ I ~ I I I I I lri I. i W I H O ~I ~1 I I 1 I~I ~ I I I I ~i ~ `I ~' I i i ~ I `i i ` I \I - I ~ i I. i I m ~n I ( Iu'~ ~ I 4n' M I I ~ ° ~ ~ I I N ~~ ~; U O1 ~ I ~ n l n , n Q I_ I I ~ ~ ~ rn •`~ ~ co , I ~ n I I ~ ~ n I ~ NI IO ~ jA Q =~ ~ ~ I , I I ~ ` i I .I i ~ IC I \ I C ~ I I I ~ I SI I I I ~ C j ~ O! 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'~ ~ - ~ 13 1 ~ I ^ ~ ,_, C ' G ' ;_ ' I j - - C i %/~ < C: ", C7 =. ~ ~G CS ~ ~ 7 C~ I~L ~ ~ ~ i ; H is I DOA-733 (Rev. l /99) Home and Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults County Funding Plan Methodology to Address Service Needs ofLow-Income Minority Elderly (Older Americans Act, Section 306(a)(5)(A)(ii)) ' Community Service Provider New Hanover Count~De_partment of Agin County New Hanover County July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 The Older Americans Act requires that the service provider attempt to provide services to low- income minority individuals in accordance to their need for aging services. The community service provider shall specify how the service needs of low-income minority elderly will be met through the :services identified on the Provider Services' Summary (DOA _ 732). This narrative shall address outreach and service delivery methodologies that will ensure that this target population is adequately served and conform with specific objectives established by the Area Agency on Aging, for providing services. to low income minority individuals. Additional pages may be used as necessary. The Department of Aging will focus on the delivery of in home support services to the low income minority with special consideration to those elderly deemed "at risk". Priority concentration will be continue to be placed. on the Home Delivered Meal program. This will include new avenues for recruitment of volunteer drivers. The life of the Home Delivered Meals program depends on a stable volunteer base. Unless the volunteers are in place; the meals cannot reach the elderly. Secondly, the department will work toward a more "zoned" approach to transportation services. The cost of transportation has increased .each year. One solution to cost control is the establishment of more "subscription routes" to replace the demand response system that is now the norm: Thirdly, concentration will be placed on elevating the programmed activities in each nutrition site. The Department of AQino will continue its strong programs on~health and wellness focus in Senior Center programming.v 6 .,r Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee April 15, 1999 9:00 AM Members Present: Ann Barkley, Annette Crumpton, Ruth Parenteau, Dottie'Ray, Louise Siler . Excused Bert Kring, Rev and Mrs. Parker. AAA: Jane Jones and Holly Henderson Elderhaus: Linda Pearce 3HC: Bobby Shoemake and Tina~Sawyer The Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee met on April 15, 1999, at 9:00 ' AM to review the unit cost of each service area before making a final recommendation to the ` County Commissioners. .Annette Crumpton presented the units rates for Transportation at $9.8024 for 19,500 units, Home Delivered Meals $3.7797 for 70,000 meals and Congregate Meals $5.6723 for 38,000 meals. I&R, Case Management, Senior Center Operations are not based on unit reimbursement. , Bobby Shoemake, 3HC presented the unit rate for In Home Aide Services at $15.4295 per unit for Level I, Level II, Level III: The new Medicaid rulings make a difference in the number of persons on the waiting list. He anticipates a waiting list of approximately 60 persons. Linda Pearce, Elderhaus, Inc., presented the units rates for Adult Day Care and Adult Day Health • at $4.1.07 for ADC and $48.00 for ADH. She stated the number of persons in Adult Day Health is down at this time due to the move into the new facility however she anticipates that will change during the next year. Group Respite, a non unit based service, is going very well on Saturdays. Due to the lack of request for Group Respite on Sundays the service is not being offered on this ` day. Bill•Royals asked if Ms. Pearce was comfortable with the recommended monies in the services areas. She stated yes. A motion was made by Louise Siler to keep the previously recommended service levels which are as follo«~s: • Transportation $ 97,695 Home Delivered Meals 135,042 Congregate Meals 87,085 Case Management 30,208 Senior Center Operations 24,185 Care Management 44,168 In Home Aide Service 211,175 Adult Day Care ~ 65,593 Adult Day Health 10,199 Group Respite 6.708 • Total 712,058 Motion was seconded by Ruth Parenteau. The motion was carried unanimously. • Annette thanked the Committee for their work The meeting was adjourned. . 97 Home and Community Block Grant Advisory Committee ' March lb, 1999 9:00 AM .., Members Present: Ann Barkley, Annette Crompton, Bert Kring, Rev. H.H. Parker, Dottie Ray, Louise Siler, Bill Royals: Excused: Ruth~Parenteau. ~ - - ... ~ . AAA Representatives: Cristine Dixon, Holly Henderson and Jane Jones. Guests: Gail Gibson (3HC) and Tina Sawyer (3HG). The Home and Community Block Grant Advisory Committee (HCCBG) met on Mazch 16, 1999, at 9:00 AM to discuss. the distribution of HCCBG monies for 1999/2000. After introductions of the group, Annette Crompton asked Tina Sawyer to speak to the need for In Home Aide services in the community. Tina gave an overview of the numbers of persons served and stated the waiting .list was at 91 persons. Annette Crompton spoke to the need in Home Delivered Meals and Care Management as critical services which keep older persoris.iri their home and out of institutions. The Committee was presented with a print out of allocations for 1998/99 'and 199.9/2000.- There is an increase of $8,218 for 1999/2000. Bert Kring asked for the percentage of monies presently allocated to each.service area. Dottie Ray ' calculated this information for the Committee to .use as a starting point fordiscussion. Cris Dixon supplied the information on percentage of monies spent to date with the .1998/99 .allocations. There was discussion on monies spent to date in Adult Day Health (8%); Group Respite (40%) and Adult Day Care (67%). Louise Siler and Jane Jones explained with the move into the new Elderhaus facilit<~ the monies for Adult Day Health have not. moved as quickly as anticipated. Annette Crompton stated.that the Counry would not have a definite cost for meals; both Congregate and Home Delivered, until April 1, 1999. .. The Committee worked tluough ,several calculations of available monies and finally settled on the following distribution: ., . Transportation . Home Delivered Meals Congregate Meals Case Assisted/I&R Senior Center Care Nlanagement In Home Aide Adult Day Care Group Respite Adult Day Health Total $9.7,695 135,042 87,085 30.208 24.18 44.168 211.17 6.593 10.199 6.708 712,058 A motion was made by Bert K.ring for afollow-up meetinv in one month to review the calculations once unit costs are determined. Ann Barkley seconded. The meeting date was set for April 15;.1999, at 9:00 AM. At this meeting each. service provider will present ,the service unit cost to the Committee for 9t~ir final review. The motion was carried. Respectfully submitted, I ~, ~ ;. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: t. Approve receipt of Council of Government's Senior Center Outreach contract awarding $2129 to Department of Aging for nutrition services expansion. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging is eligible for $2129 Senior Center Outreach funds to expand nutrition services in the New Covenant Holiness Church facility one day a week. Funds will be used to purchase a steam table, food carriers and other supplies necessary to the daily operations of a nutrition site. The monies require a 10% match which is in the Aging 98/99 approved budget. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approve the request to accept Council of Governments contract for $2129 and approve the attached budget amendment number 99-0144. Signatures required on each contract. .FUNDING SOURCE: State $ 2129; Local $237 ATTACHMENTS: Two original contracts for signatures. ' BA#99-0144.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' Ai u AND RECOMMENDATIONS: i CQUNTY COMMISSIONS APPROVED C~ RE.lECTED O REMOVED pJST;PONEp O, ^ HEARi~ D lJ• ®ATE , 5~3 ~4 q ORIGINAL CONTRACT CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS GRANT AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR CENTER OUTREACH FUNDS This agreement is made and entered into this first day of April 1999 between the Cape Fear Council of Governments hereinafter referred to as the "Council of Governments" and New Hanover County Department of Aging, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantees" Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and attached to this document, the Council of Governments agrees to grant Senior Center Outreach Funds to the Grantee for the purpose which is described herein and attached to this document. A_ line item .accounting showing how. these grant funds were expended shall be submitted to .the Council of Governments by June 30, 1999. Documentatiori in the form of paid invoices and a copy of the canceled checks shall also be submitted by June 30, 1999. , As compensation, the Council of Governments shall reimburse Grantee upon receipt of detailed invoices to include dates, vendors, costs and purchases. Total funds for this grant must not ezceed $2,129: Hold Harmless: The Grantee shall be considered to be an independent contractor with responsibility for maintaining their own insurance to cover any job related injuries. This agreement is not intended nor to be construed as an employer/employee arrangement. A copy of the Grantee's insurance policy must be submitted to the Council of Governments. This document has the following attachments: 1. Senior Center Outreach -Grant Allocation 2. Division of Aging Form 710 -Verification of Compliance Senior Center Long=term Obligations. (Necessary only for new construction/renovation or purchases of equipment with an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 per unit.) i 3. Copy of the Senior,Center Outreach Program Standard Assurances as contained in the application package. ... 4. Copy of the Section of Senate Bill 1559 section pertaining to the Senior Center Outreach funds. S . ~ r-°- ..,.,,~..,,.. ~., ~~,„C,opy:-ofminutes~~of~r~elevant governing body approving the acceptance of the grant funds and the respgnsib~lities`ineluded in this contract. ~~~~~~~ 6. Conflict~of Inter'e"st~Form. ~`~ 1.0 0 4.~r. ; - - , ~z.~~' "~~:4.~ u ~~ ~~ ... . ~__~ c Region O .. ~ , SENIOR CENTER OUTREACH -GRANT ALLOCATION ° .. ._.. , ... . .. .. SFY 98/99... _. . . Senior Center Receiving Funding: New Hanover County Sponsoring Agency or Organization: New Hanover County Department of Aging County: New Hanover . BUDGET _ . ~, TotaL.State Funding Awarded:...- _ ~ ~ $ ~ 2,129 Required Local Match (State Funding Awarded divided by .90 times 10%}: $ 237 Total Funding -Net Service Cost (State Funding Awarded divided by .90): $ 2,366 .. .... To expand Congregate Nutrition Services to unserved and underserved areas: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" $2,12:9 1 O ~ j98pro~~id\...\ .: - . •. • STANDARD .ASSURANCES ,, . ~ . SENIOR CENTER OUTREACH , 1.~ ~ ~ The Dvision'of Aging and the respective-Area Agency on Aging is authorized to use the . ~ . appropriation of state funds to coordinate the provision of multipurpose senior center services ~ . to the elderly residing in unserved or underserved areas.- . - 2:. The .purpose of this senior center effort is to develop new services and expand existing • services that will be provided by and/or coordinated with an existing senior center and ~. '~' r delivered to the elderly living in unserved `and underserved areas. The development .and ~ - • -delivery of these services will be accomplished through the coordinated efforts of community. '~ _ agencies and organizations with the senior center; assuming the lead responsibility. - 3.: Programs- benefitting from-this funding .must have completed or. be in the. process ,of _ conducting a self assessment as specified by the National Institute of Senior Center Standards :` .~ ` . or will begin the self-assessment process by October 15, 1998. •` ` • 4. : No part of this award may be used to compensate administrative cost such as supervision, " ` :fiscal services or general overhead expense associated with developing this outreach effort. • `, • ~ 5. = The applicant assures that all activities related to this award shall conform to the Civil Rights . - " Act. of 1964 and all applicable policies and procedures established relating to such Act. ~ Where.applicable, renovations shall meet Americans With Disabilities Act requirements. ` , . ,.... 6. Agencies or organizations which receive awardsshall establish monitoring procedures which .. will assure that any activity for which a.grant is made will be carried out in keeping with the " provisions of the application: `• T.. Agencies or organizations receiving funds shall make reports as required by the respective ' ` v `, ; ; , .Area .Agencies and Division of Aging: Private contractors shall furnish workers0 ~`~ - compensation andliability insurance sufficient to protect themselves and.the contracting entity. Sponsoring agencies and organizations and private contractors shall be in compliance - . { with,applicable federal and state antitrust and civil rights laws. - ~ ~ • 8.' The sponsoring. agency or organization shall~retain all~documentation relating to this award for a period of no less than three (3) years. ' ~ 9. ~..FUnding' shall not be provided to new senior .centers until the Board of Courity .- - Commissioners: . ~ _ ~ , ~.. ~ `- _ ... `1) ... formally.endorse the need for the center; • ' 2) formally agree on .the sponsoring agency for the center; and :: 3) make a formal commitment to use local funds to support the ongoing .,.. operation of the center. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ` - . ~. X103 ~~ _..f . .- 104 u ' CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY ' In accordance with G. S'. 143-6.1 and related legislation, we, the' undersigned entity, have -• adopted the following policy regarding conflicts ofinterest: The undersigned entity is .aware that in the process of fund allocation by its ' mariagement; employees, members of the board of directors or other governing body, instances may arise which have the appearance of a conflict of interest or' appearance of impropriety. In order to avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety, should instances arise where a conflict may be perceived, any individual who may benefit, directly or indirectly, from. the entity's disbursement of funds shall abstain from participating in any decisions or deliberation by the entity regarding the disbursement of funds. The undersigned entity recognizes the possibility that it maybe the recipient of funds which are allocated consistent with the purpose and goals of its programs. If such allocations are made, the undersigned entity will strive to ensure that funds are expended in such a manner that no individual will benefit, directly or indirectly, from the expenditure of such funds in a mariner inconsistent with its programs. Name of Agency Chairman, Executive Director,. or other Authorized Official Sworn to and subscribed before me, This the day of Notary Public My Commission expires: c: ~contract~conflict. w~pd 10.6 . 19 . .,. . ~ • ,, t .. . - ~ - , ' . , . • , . x. ..'. ;, . . , >, ;. .. ,.> . : ' _. , • ,_ ~.- F o o ' ., - ;• , ..o.. ' - ° , ~. ~.. . ,. . • ,r '.. - ~ - m ~ ~ ~ ~ .A . ~ Ol - °' . ., x ~'~ Ol. o ,-i a a - . ° ~ w ~ . i u w .,, W ~ - _ 3 ~ 0 0 o 0- ' E' Z N 4' p, . ~ 2 , o o a ~. i . \ O ,. - ~ 0 0 0 ~ O W O H . t~ F w w .. i Q ~ , O ~ a C7 , C7 O 3 w ;,. z z Q ~ U ~ ; . . '~ ~. F w. . ~. N r ~. . ~ > ... - , h . , , ~ ~, - i a , ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ... '- Q - E - ~ ~ w M' O j , m M <; r ' O . •• ~ . z , . s > u Q ~ w .. ~ ~ o • '-~ w > ~ ~ H o F o \ o ~O- uuv+ J ~ ~ ry z H ~'Fj. N Q ~ ~ z Qr1 .. o ~ -~ N a W M ~ ~ O a a ~ W L-! x. _ F~ - ~ ~ ~ o ~ .-~ - ul C7 ~zi ~ W Hl F• ~ ~ W. ' F' m ' ~ W :> H ~ i ~ . • .. a z.. ` ~ .H a ~ cu ... .a ' ~ ca w i 'w a Q F' o x F ~ o ~.R o w .>+ w . 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W Q a F a . z . o A - a w• t . 9 W W'F.- ~~Q a O fY O W;" F:,~-+ in .. [-~ o w '.a w w w H .a p ~ ,w H ! ' Q a n w H u o 'a w T'o o w F ' w cu w a ~ ' .-~ ° a ~'ca ~ s .,~ 'w, ; w 'Q ,rx w _ . H ~ w o 3 a d ww ~ a w_ [ F 1 ' 1 ~ /~j` f m ~ is M, F W p z W W F 'v1 w z Q: O ~ zQ ,~. lY ~ ~ H W f rx ~p .~ c~ ~ w ~ x °' zd. ~ 2d2d a n .. c~ . c2 o .~ ~ -+ . , ,77 Q ~1 D ' ' ~ ~ ~ W W ~ r '~.. . ~,:. , ~~~~fi 'F ~~ + ~ ~ ~ .*t ~~. ~~ y ~~:.E~ . 114 ~~ ,, . ., " NEW,HANOVER COUNTY-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , " - ~ _ Meeting Da#e: 05/03/99 . k , .' ~` Consent Item #: •7 Estimated Time: ~ ` Page Number: ' ~" bepartment: Aging ` Presenter:• Annette'.Crumpton ~ • Contact: Annette Crumpton ' ~ SUBJECT:.:. ,. Approve"receipt of funds in amount of "$1,500 from.Corporation for National - ' - °° - -Service: for VISTA mileage reimbursement and training.` - ; y BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ - .The Department ofAgirig is eligible to receive $1,500 from the Corporation for National Service to cover . ,'• mileage and training expenses for the VISTA volunteer assigned to the Department of Aging 1 , .: r . 1717/99-1/17-2000. The monies require a $200 match County match which is in the,1998/99 approved " • ; ~ budget. ~ a .. h " - ... ~ - L. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners accept the $1,500 for VISTA mileage reimbursemerit and training and. - a approve budget amendment number 99-0143. Authorize Chairman Caster to execute necessary •- ' documents FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ .` , . • Federal $1500; Locaf match $200 _ . ~ ! ' •. ,., - .. - - .. ATTACHMENTS: " ` i ~ "Four (4) copies of grant award # 432s247-01-00 " ... ~ _ ,, • h. - ~ ` ~ ~ BA99-0143.w ;: ;' =,; :. " =REVIEWED BY: ` .. ~ ' •, . , LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve , `BUDGET: Approve .HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ,, COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ... Recommend, approva . ... .. ,.4 a " C`OMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' :... .. ;. ~' ,- (/ 7 ~K l ~~,c~ ~+.{s~A+tl a z~ ,. ~ ~ . . ~ 3~~EC"T~D ~ i 4v ,.. E t 3 REN3p~~o ~~ •.~ , ,. ~ 130STPONED © ~ 1 -1 5 .., ..~ - . .: :. - :;; a BA99-0143.wpd Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMtSStONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Budget Amendment:. DEPARTMENT: Department of Aging/Administration/Senior Center BUDGET AMENDMENT#: 99-0143 - ADJUSTMENT' - DEBIT CREDIT Aging/Administration: Department of Aging Grant $1,500 - - .. . Aging/Senior Center: ~ -. ~ - Senior Center/Voluriteer `~ ~ ' ' ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ $1;500 Reimbursement - EXPLANATION: To budget funds from the Corporation for National Service to cover mileage and training expenses for the VISTA volunteer assigned to the Department of Aging 1/17/99 -1/17/2000. '_' APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ` ' ~~-~U~ 3~O~f/I~'~ ~1PPROF/~D ~~ ~~ ~{ RI:JECT~ D ;~ c ~~..~ ~ ,-, J ~...t ..- REhftOll~~~ %:~ ~ ~~ ~~:~ 116 ~ : ~~~ ~~~~~ I ~~~~ ~ ~, K ~ ~~j~s 3 ~qa~y~~ ~. ~ - ~ ~ NEW-HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS *' *~ - ~ , ~V~~F~~ " y y 1g t~RC:S~`~-11 vx~tF~rv~ ~: 118 ~~~-~-~r~~ ~~,~ ~,-~~~ L BRUCE T. SHELL;. CPA Finance Director JULIANNE M. GRIFFIN, CPA Deputy Finance Director NEW I~[ANOVER CO FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7187 ' FAX (910) 341-4025 BARBARA D. McCLURE, CPA Assistant Finance Director April 13, 1999 To: ~ Allen O'Neal, County Manager Cam Griffin, Budget Director .... ~• FROM: Bruce T. Shell, Finance Director ~T>~ RE: Schools/Parks Budget Amendment (04/19/99 Agenda) :~ - ~: As you know, the County purchased the 210 acres at Pilot's Ridge for a Parlc/Scfiool Complex. The financial arrangement was interest only with no principal payment anticipated until the $5.5 million acquisition became. part of the permanent financing (COPS) expected in the fall 1999. In 1998-99 interest payments were paid in the Schools Fund instead of split between the Schools Special Revenue Fund and General Fund.. Additionally, the Board of Education and the Board of County Commissioners agreed that the funds previously earmarked for vocational education in the $125 million bond issue would ~be transferred to,the County ($3;276;000) to, pay for the, Schools's portion of the land.; This arrangement effectively.transferred the interest` obligation to the' General Fund. ., ., , } .. The attached budget'amendment reclassified the debt service,payments (interest only in this:ease) from the County's Schools Special Revenue Fund to the General Fund. The affect is that the General Fund is required to appropriate fund balance while.the.Spe~ial Revenue Fund'reduces previously appropriated fund balance. The total appropriation is $401,268 of which $149;376 is reimbursement to the Special Revenue Fund and $251,892 is the amount the General Fund needs to budget. If you have~any~questions~ please give me a call. BTS/ct ~'~~'«~~`~~~'~1 . `i~J` ll ~.`>J ~,~ ~~ G~~~r~~a 120 ~. ~ ~~~ . 4 tJ~ k~ ~J ~NfW HANOVER COUPITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ~ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/03/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 9.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: , `DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension Projects BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0141 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Other revenues $80,000 Coop. Extension Project Expenses $80,000 EXPLANATION: to budget revenues and expenditures from all special projects that are accounted for within Fund 560. These projects are classified as "extended projects" an are tracked separately. ~ , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ' ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMI5~10NF~~ APlaR4VED C~ , R~.dECTED O REiVtOVEO O POSTPONhD G7 HEARt) ~ 121 ~aT~ ~,-- ~7 3/ Q~r~. ~t~ ~ '~~~~ ~~~~~~ .C~ ~iC~~~ , ~~~ ~+~ev: (~ ~~1~~ f