Agenda 1999 05-17AGENDA ~~~AHOVER ~~ y~ ? I G ~ ;* ,~* . II _ i 9J~ IMPOR S•E1tP/ ~~ ,IRDVSTRT ~F HORTN CQ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Golden Hawk Room in the Nixon Annex Adjacent to Trask Coliseum University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD May 17,1999 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE IMES NO. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 3 9:25 a.m. 3. Consideration of Approval of Resolution Establishing Transportation Priorities 5 9:30 ~a.m. 4. Presentation of the County Manager's Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended 11 Budget i ~ 9:45 a.m. 5. . Presentation on the Status of the Judicial Building Expansion Project 13 10:00 a.m. 6. Consideration of Approval of Health Insurance Carrier for FY 99-00 15 10:15 a.m. ~ Q7 Consideration of Engineering Consultant Selection for Development of 23 ~ ~(! ~~P' ~.,, 1 ~~ "'- ' Comprehensive Drainage Regulations 10:30 a.m. 8. Consideration of Mason's Inlet Relocation Project 25 10:45 a.m. 9. Consideration of Parks & Open Space Bond Referendum Community 29 Appraisal Proposal 1 ~`~l :00 a.m. 10. Consideration of Coastline Inn and Convention Center Lease Extension 10 ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1.1:15 a.m. 11. Consideration of Approval of Amendments to Museum Board of Trustee ~ 35 Bylaws 11:30 a.m. 12. Committee Appointments 47 11:45 a.m. 13. Meeting of Water and Sewer District 99 12:15 p.m. 14. Consideration of Reimbursement to Carolina Beach for Beach Renourishment 89 Matching Requirements for Drainage incurred by Hurricane Bonnie 12:30 p.m. 15. Discussion on Installation of Water Lines in the Wilmington/Hanby Beach Area 95 12:45 p.m. 16. Consideration of Resolution Supporting Construction of Four Lane Highway 97 Between Wilmington and Charlotte, NC ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager . 1:00 p.m. ADJOURN t MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT GOLDEN HAWK ROOM ADJACENT TO NIXON ANNEX UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON WILMINGTON, NC May 17,1999 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS • 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of approval of engineering contract amendment contract #95-0142B McKim and Creed Engineers and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0153 4. Consideration of contract approval of additional allocation of 25,000 g.p.d. for Pender County 5. Consideration of acceptance of easements which are offered for public dedication in Hidden Valley -Woods Edge 6. Consideration of approval of sewer collection line contract#99-0303 ADJOURN PAGE NO. 99 101 103 113 123 129 • CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS May ~17, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. Approval of Minutes Acceptance of Grant Funds for North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0157 Approval of two deputy sheriff positions to provide security at DSS and approval of associated budget amendment#99-0150 Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports as of Apri130, 1999 Approval of grant application for Office of Juvenile Justice application for Intensive Home Visiting Initiative Approval of grant application for North Carolina Center for Nursing recognition, reward, an renewal grant program: 1999-2000 for $5,000 for exercise equipment Approval of grant application New Hanover County's Safe Communities Mini-Grant 8. Approval of grant award to Emergency Management from NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety-Division of Emergency Management and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0158 9. Appointment of Todd Hatley, EMS Training Officer of NHRMC, to fill the vacancy of the EMS member on the Child Fatality Prevention Team 10. Approval of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Leases 11. Adoption of Resolution to request NCDOT to add roads to the Highway System Roads in Heritage Woods Subdivision, Sections 2, 3, and 4 Roads in Grove Point Plantation and Laurel Ridge Subdivisions Murrayville Station Business Park 12. Approval of Budget Amendments: #99-0154 to budget additional State funds received for child day care #99-0155 to adjust salary budgets for the remainder of FY98-99 PAGE NO. 133 135 137 139 143 171 ~/ 193 203 20'1 211 215 219 220 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION '~ Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Bradley S. Lehman -Property Management; Larry C. Robinson -Sheriffs Dept.; Nikki J. Todd -Health Dept.; Betty C. Bamforth -Social Services; Cheryl E. Humphrey -Social Services; Pamela S. Nelson -Social Services; Cindy W. Reed -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Mark J. Francolini -Human Resources; Anna V. Franzitta -Tax Dept.; Sharon H. Terrell - Tax Dept.; Celeste E. Chadwick -Social Services; Rena S. McAllister -Social Services; Sheila S. Merritt - Social Services; Jane Elizabeth OTopping -Social Services; Arlene J. Burns -Library; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Michael E. Gray -Sheriffs Dept.; Ronald L. Long - WASTEC; and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Jeffery H. Tripp -Sheriffs Dept. and Grace J. Russ -Cape Fear Museum. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Present CO TS AND RECOMMENDA APPROVED C'~reseN-~ REJECTE© D REMOVED C3 POSTPONER MEARf~ 0 DATE ~- ?'.-.~..~ f,~.~..;,-1~1,,:.,.~/'' n ~v~~x ~,. .~ 2 ~~rt '~J n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 05117/99 .Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize employe -,~ COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMISSIO APPROVED G~, REJECTED REMOVED 0 POSTPC?NE© HEARn DATE ~ S~l-? I ~ 9 ,. _ _ "(j~~~ro~/4~~p~j ~~ ' ~ N.y . ?.. ~v ~ ftilt ~/ I ...~ ~, .: ~. ~{~, ~~ 4TH ~d yf rr+nfl~ l~rJ ~~~"i..k~~~. ~' ~~y-0~~ a ~;,~ 4 ~ ~', ~' ~.~~,, ~ -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bob Warwick, Chairman, Community Growth Planning . Contact: Alfen O'neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Resolution Establishing Transportation Priorities ' ' BRIEF SUMMARY: It was suggested at the April meeting of the Core Team that the community leaders should focus on a small number of achieveable projects. At the May 6, 1999 meeting of the Community Growth Planning Core Team, consideation was given to. the transportation needs of the area. The Core Team reached consensus that the three projects to receive full community support should be as follows: 1) Widen Kerr Avenue to five lanes through the Smith Creek Parkway 2) Extension of Independence Boulevard to Randall Parkway on time and on schedule - 3) Completion of Smith Creek Parkway by 2001 As you know a Transportation Summit is scheduled for May 26, 1999, at UNCW. It has been. suggested that the Chairman and Mayor present the joint resolution (attached) at the summit to Secretary of Transportation Norris Tolson. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear Mr. Warwick's presentation and consider adoption of a joint resolution with City of Wilmington establishing transportation priorities. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend a DATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . ~ coUMV coMM-l~/sPolu~s~ APPROVED tV REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED ^ ,~ w ~ HEARD ^ DATE .__J ~! 7_99 , ' FP.OM I,Jilmington Chamber of Commerce PHONE N0. 910 752 9755 May. 87 1999 1©:G~2AM P1 May 7, 1999 Memo: Allen Q"Neal and Frank Conlon From: Moward Loving ' Subject: May 261n Transportation Summifi .. 1, Attached is Sumrrif.Agerida. For Info, in coordinating firne for City & ' County joint statement, on priorities discussed .yesterday at Gore'Teum. ,. , :f .~ . \Il~ ~_ i ~~J i~~'pn~~F_~.s~Ce'~ I~Lec Ylace ~'~'ilmingeon, NC 23401 "I'clephc~ne 910 %d2.2S11 IelefiY 910.762 0763 r~ ~,. FP.~M Wilmington Chamber of Commerce PHONE N0. 910 762 9765 f~1ay. ~l7 1999 10:02AM P2 Transportation Summit Agenda Date 5/25/99 Breakfast for Elected Officials-Sponsored by The Greater Wilmington Cl1amber of Commerce 7;30 AM Bxealcfast Buffet 7:40 AIvZ Welcorxte and Introduction of Secretary Tolson-TAC Chairman, I-larger Peterson 7:45 AM- NCDOT Secretary Norris Tolson Transportation Summit 8:30 AM Introductions and Welcome-'I'AC Chairman Harper Peterson, Mayor Dicks, Bill Caster-Chairman New Hanover County Comrraissioners, Biil Sus-Vi.ee-Chairman Brunswick County Commissioners, Chancellor Jazx~es Luetze, PTNCW, 8:45 AM Opening Remarks-The Outlook for Growth and Transportation in i North CAX'Ollna-NCDOT Secretary Norz•is Tolson • ~ 9:05 A1VI Plannin Initiatives in Netiv T°Cazaover County g .. Introduction to the Planning Process iza the Area~Cornmunity Growth planning, Comprehensive Plan, Cape Fear 'I'on~orrorv, Transportation Plan Updatc 9:20•AM Tb.e Impact of Congestion: The Fntnre Wilmington Transpottation Network-Land Use and the Community Impact of Transportation ; Systems-The need for an Integrated Trarispottatiorx System-Janet D'Tgnazio 10:00 AM Transportation anal Sustainable Communities-Walter Kulash ¢ , 10;40 AM Fifteen Mizxute Break 10:55 AM The Need for an Integrated Lfuzd Use/Transportation Plan Z.ocal Issues-How congestion impacts LINCW and the Community . Chancellor Jarnes Luetze 11:10 AM Walk throug)1 session Transportation-Land Use and The Elements of the Proposed Wilmington Urban Area. Transportation Plan-Land Usc, Transit, Transportation Demand Management, Rail, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Bicycles and • 7 FROM Wi lmin.gton Chamber of .Commerce PHOhJE N0. 9161 762 9765. P1a.y. 07 1999 1G~:03AM F3 Pedestrians, Highways-Walter Kulash, 3anet D'Ygnazio, NC~70T Statewide Planning, Mary Clayton, Bill Austin 12:00 PM Adjourn For Lunclt 12:30 PM Luncheon Panel Discussion-Blements of the Plan-Janet D'IgnaLio, Walter Kulash. Bill Austin, Participant Question and Answer 1:30 PM Paying For the Plan.-Statz, Federal, and Local Funding Requirements and _ Sources-TAC Ch~~.irman Harper Peterson, NCDO'T Whit Webb, 2:15 PM What's Nexc`?-The Adoption Process-Janet D'Ignazio, Bill Austin 2:30 PM Adjaurnme><at-TAC Chair Peterson 8 JOINT RESOLUTION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND THE WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL URGING PRIORITY ACTION BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THREE ROADWAY PROJECTS WHEREAS, three transportation improvements projects, in the opinion of new Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council, are vital to public safety in the City and affect the entirety of the County; and WHEREAS, the three projects are the construction of Smith Creek Parkway, the extension of Independence Boulevard, and the widening of Kerr Avenue; and WHEREAS, these have been long-standing projects on the Transportation Improvement Plan, including Smith Creek Parkway, for over twenty years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Complete the Smith Creek Parkway between 23rd Street and Downtown Wilmington by the end of the Year 2001. 2. Complete the extension of Independence Boulevard from Park Avenue to Randall Parkway as currently scheduled; that no delay in construction be permitted. ~ S~ 2000 ) Widen Kerr Avenue to five lanes from its origin at Peachtree Avenue to Smith Creek Parkway Adopted this the 17`h day of May, 1999 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: William A. Caster, Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board 9 {This page intentionally left blank} ~, 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of the County Manager's Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Budget BRIEF SUMMARY: The County Manager will present the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Recommended Budget and deliver the budget message. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Manager recommends that the Board of Commissioners consider the recommended budget, hear the budget message, schedule a public hearing on the budget for June 7, 1999, at 8:00 p.m., and adopt the FY 1999-2000 budget on June 21, 1999. It is recommended that departments and organizations comment on their recommended funding between 6:45-8:00 p. m., on June 7 before the public hearing. Further, recommend the Board consider scheduling additional budget work sessions if deemed necessary. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend motion and re ested actions as noted above. The recommended budget will be delivered under separate cov "~ COMMISSIONERS' ACS IONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMI~IONER~Qd APPROVED C REJECTED ~ REMOVED D POSTPONED O HEARD ~ DATE ~-~/l1-/19..~~..~ ~kbl ~ e.kear~~j s bl ~ Wr,,rlC 5ess~ovl~ t~do~ (~.dgel ~ f 2 l {This page intentionally left blank} "t~ f~ l~r~f ~~~ ~~~'u`~i ~ ~~~~~~~ C~~~~`~6~~G'J C~~~:~~ ~1~2:: .{ ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bruce Bowman, Architect, BMS; Greg Thompson, Project Eng. Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation on the Status of the Judicial Building Expansion Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Bruce Bowman, Architect, BMS will present a brief status report and the renderings/elevations of the Judicial Building Expansion Project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Will be presented at the Thursday staff meeting. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S- OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation~~ f, COMMISSIONERS' • OMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED C~-- I~rese.K#e.cl REJECTED O REMOVED ~ POSTPONED O ~~ HEARD ;ti' ®ATE ~ ~~~~q~~ '..J {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~'^~~ ~~ J RI'9 14 , . ~~L~~~ ~ t?~~;~~ ~~ . -.~~~~ • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Andre' R. Mallette Contact: Andre' R. Mallette SUBJECT: Recommendation of Health Insurance Carrier for FY 99-00 BRIEF SUMMARY: In Fiscal Year 1996-1997, New Hanover County entered into a three year contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBS) to provide fully insured medical coverage to county employees under its MedPoint plan. The contract provided guaranteed maximum rate increases for the next two years ending in Fiscal Year 1998-1999. In anticipation of the end of the contract agreement, the County's benefits consultant, Healthcare 2000, was asked to solicit bids on our behalf for continued health care coverage for county staff. Three proposals were received as a result of the request for proposals. The companies submitting proposals were BCBS (Direct Renewal) $5,779,663, BCBS (NC Association of County Commissioners Pool) $5,704,121, and United Healthcare $5,587,075. During the review of each proposed product,. it was noted that each provided the same basic services with minor differences in cost arrangements and limitations; the network of doctors for each group is basically the same; and each product has eliminated the "gatekeeper" provision. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommended the county enter into a contract with United Healthcare, the low bidder, to provide health insurance coverage for county staff for FY 1999-2000. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~. Medprovider99- REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend contracting with United Health Care for insurance coverage. Please see the attached memo, dated April 28, in which a detailed description of the process to determine a health insurance coverage ~ company is delineated. Also attached is a spreadsheet of the benefits proposed~by~each~p ~ov~i~der;!N~`,~ , APPROVED G ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: REJECTED .n. REMOVED O POSTPONED D HEARD ,. ®ATE ,- 3/!7 4 Jul aetSS 4-PprtNLd New Hanover County NORTHdCAROLINA April 28, 1999 NEW ~-IANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM:. Allen O'Neal, County Manag//er~~ Andre R: Mallette, Director q~ `Human Resources ' Bruce Shell, Finance Director }` ~~'~ SUBJECT: Recommendation of Health Insurance Carrier for FY 99-00 In Fiscal Year 1996-1997, New Hanover County entered into a three year contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBS) to provide fully insured medical coverage to county employees under its MedPoint plan. The contract provided guaranteed'maximum rate increases for the next two years ending in Fiscal Year 1998-1999. In anticipation of the end of the contract agreement, the County's benefits consultant, Healthcare 2000, was asked to solicit bids on our behalf for continued health care coverage for county staff. Requests for proposals were submitted to BCBS, United Healthcare, Healthsource, The Guardian, Well Path, Humana, and Jefferson Pilot. Of these seven companies, only two submitted proposals. Those two companies were BCBS and United Healthcare. The quote from BCBS projected a 38.6% rate increase if we continued with the MedPoint plan. BCBS did however provide alternate quotes with their Select Co-Pay plans: A decision was made that the increase for the MedPoint product made it prohibitive and that we would only review the Select Co-Pay plans. We also examined the viability of returning to a self insured arrangement as we had done in the past, versus a fully insured plan. Considering the cost and risk factors, tl~e self insured option; was ruled out. During the course of direct negotiations with the representatives of these two companies, contact was made with representatives of BCBS who manage healthcare programs through an agreement with theNorth.Carolina Association of County,Commissioners. This group was allowed to ~~ present "aYpropg'sal for consideration. Their service proposal was identical to the one presented by BCBS directl however~the cost was somewhat less. y ri r~:^,.~~, ,~ ~ "910-341-7178 New FIanover County Deliartment of Human Resources Andre R M!allctt Director FAX: 910-341-4293 1~ 6 ~ ~ ~~~.~ ~~ ~.~~ •' i Health Insurance Carrier -2- April 28, 1999 As part of the evaluation process, three groups of county employees heard presentations by either representatives of each company, a representative of Healthcare 2000, or county benefits staff. Each of these employee groups was provided information comparing the level of benefits offered in each proposal, the network of doctors participating in each company's product,. and the total annual cost for each product. During the reviews, it was noted that each product provides the same basic services with minor differences in cost arrangements and limitations; the network of doctors for each group is basically the same; and they all have eliminated the "gatekeeper" provision. The most notable difference was in the price quoted by each company. '' United Healthcare $5,587,075 BCBS (Association) $5,704,121 BCBS (Direct Renewal) $5,779,663 It should be noted that efforts were made to secure a multiple year guarantee on rate increases, but all three companies said that they were prohibited by the Department of Insurance from entering into those types of arrangements. Based on the information from the representatives of Healthcare 2000 and the feedback from the employee groups .of county staff who reviewed the proposals, it is our recommendation that United Healthcare be selected to provide medical coverage for county staff for FY 1999-2000. I have attached for your review, a comparison of benefits between the two plans. Please feel free _ to contact either Bruce Shell, Andre Mallette or me if you have any questions concerning this recommendation. . New Hanover,County Department of Human Resources. 910-341-7178 Andre R Mallette, Director FAX: 910-341-429 7 m~m \V U L (D N N C C ro _N N >, CO O m m `+.- O I~I^ V/ ~L CU a ~ ~ ' a~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ a~ a~ a~ ~ ' y ~ o o ~ p ~ ~~ I.n ~~ 1~ m m m m .a m ~ m ~ m a~ O ~I o m T ` B O O ' O I O O O O ~ c N ~ ~, ~ ' ~ O T~ ~ _ rn U !n U i : (n U ' Vi (~ i ~~~;~~,~~I~~~ N (~ ~~~ N (~ I ~~; rn (~ ~~I .tl Y-~I ` ~ Y~I f- ~ ~ - >: .n . ~ m ~ -o 3 ~a fin. ~a,~a. ~ ~d ~[1. ~a .~ o m -o l o a~ v, ~ E EE cap ~ z ~~~ ~o,~°,~,a~, `may, ~,~ ~,~, ~ > ~ >1 . O ~ 1 a~ ~ ' ~ o n. C ~ -o m -° m -D m -o ~ B ' L ' ~ 6 ~ ' " -° m ~ ' -a m II ' -o a~ ' ~ O a ~ o ' U ~ ~ U p l o O O 7 ( > ( > ( 7 m 0 L OL OL O L ~ OL > ( O.C > m AL . ,~ O ,~, L1. O a ~ ~ i , ~ , 1 aU ~U,~U ~U dU I ~U , aU Z Q ~ ~ ° o o ~o o ~ ,o to o r ,. . o ,n (V' a ' E o 0 0 0 '~ CO:ICO ' i~ 0 CO 0 c0 0 ~ 0 Z 0 Z : _ ~ 64 , ~ ~ m f , Q) f a~ , -m , Q) m ~ n~ o (n I E ~y ' ('' 1 m f m i m I ~ ~ 1 ~ ' :~ ~ Q~ ' ~// Q i _1 1 i [(~~~ (~} 1.. 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Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of engineering consultant selection for development of comprehensive drainage regulations BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board has had the opportunity to review proposals from Dickson and Associates, and from McKim and Creed concerning the development of comprehensive drainage regulations for the County. The Board also listened to presentations from the two firms at their April 29 work session. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board is requested either to select a firm for staff to negotiate a contract and scope of work with, or to suggest additional steps necessary to complete the selection process. If the Board selects a firm, staff will move quickly to negotiate a contract to bring back to the Board for approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Cost will be split between 110-410-4197-3700 and 800-470-4197-3700, contracted services accounts in the Engiheering General Fund and the Water and Sewer District Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: See recommendation above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTION /CO MENTS: i • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED >r,/ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ { POSTPONED ^ HEARD O DATE ,~%7/~i~__;;,;,;,:, ~~ ~'~3 ~• a,P roved a,Wa.Yd ~rto .17~'e.~Lavn c l~soc. {This page intentionally left blank} ') {:! ~:/r~i~'~.~C+~~ar. Y ill y~SIlY~J ~... = tm- ~ ~ '~ ~~ ¢ J 24 ~-~:~.::: :~~~ . ~! .. p, y' . ~ r`l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Mason's Inlet Relocation Project BRIEF SUMMARY: N.C.G.S. 153A-190 requires that whenever the Board of Commissioners decides to finance a project by special assessments, it shall first adopt a preliminary assessment resolution. The resolution contains all the information required by the statute including setting a time and place for a public hearing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution and set public hearing for June 7, 1999. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . Yes. Please note that Exhibit "B" of the resolution is voluminous and is available in the Legal Department for review. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt resolution and set public hearing for June 7, 1999. ~) ~~'~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY COMMISSIt1NER~'i APPROVED Ire REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARD ^ ®ATE ~r5// 7_/9_9 w/~,l~,,5 -FV M•lI~G reso 1~7r-~ ~Pi z - ~ ~e ~ ~6~~~G 5 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has determined that i~t is in the best interest of the citizens of New Hanover County to sponsor a beach. erosion control project and that in order to construct such proj ect it would be necessary to assess all of the cost upon the real property benefitted thereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that: It is intended that a beach erosion control project be constructed by relocating Mason's Inlet to a point approximately 3000 feet north of its present location; The sand excavated from the newly dredged channel will. be used to close the existing inlet and to provide beach nourishment to the beaches of Figure Eight Island.. A more detailed project description is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 2. One hundred percent.of the total cost of the project shall hereafter be assessed upon the benefitted properties on the basis of (i) the frontage abutting on the shoreline protected or benefitted by the project, at an equal rate per foot of frontage; and (ii) the valuation of land benefited by the project, being the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax records of the County, at an equal rate per dollar of valuation, as allowed by N.C.G.S. § 153A-186(b). The benefitted properties shall include those properties on tax assessment roll attached hereto as Exhibit "B" .and .incorporated herein by reference. ' , The assessments herein provided for shall be payable in cash, or if any property owner shall so elect, he shall have the option of paying the assessment in three equal annual installments, said installments to bear irterest at the rate of seven~percent per annum. 4. A public hearing on all matters covered by this preliminary assessment resolution will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 7`'' day of June, 1999 at Courtroom 317, New Hanover County Judicial Building, 316 Princess Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. r~ ~`~ Adopted th~s.,l-7.th day of May, 1999. ' (SEAL) k-' ~:~?~ :,. ,. ~~ : ~ ~",fir„ ii~ 2 ~ ATTES,T: . New Hanover County William A. Caster, Chairman Clerk to the Board FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SHEET ~nTES9ELL ~C RANTY, _L.L.p. 107-8 North Za° StroQt 1Qi].mingtoa, NC 28401 ' Post Offiaa gox ].049 Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone: (9l4? 762-74?5 Facsimiles (9I0) 762-7557 E-Mail: wnndr®wi7.~.ngtaa.>zet TO: FAX NUrNlBE12: FROM: DATE: 5-'1 ~f'~99 { TOTAL PAGES (including this Transmission Sheet}: If you do not receive the total number of pages indicated, please call us as goon ae possible at the telephone number indicated above. ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW BY MAIL: Yeg '~ No COMMENTS OR SPECIFIC_IN TRUCTIONS: r~a~a , `T"~ts ~ s -F~e propo~a ( a roroveo~_ _ 6~, -fCt ~'l~~G• as ~ ~rs~ ~ ~ w-~~ ~ gsq ~s s es s w...~"~ a L,,.#~ ~.. -~. ~,, M a sue. ~+ Fat t~., (oe~`fs d... ~o r-o , ~ a~'. ~~- ~ s 'ti d un'-ft 4~ r ~o `lPv a» c /e(~ ~h~tr c~ ~o N ~ H es ~e~ "~`m-r n"'+~ _L~~ o~ V Q Y w ~ ~ o .n ~,. i h "~C . tti +~2 ear 1 1-' +t..o~~ 76~ i a ~ ~gw~r• G~1.n we r c ~O.ti. "f~ o~+e ~uxed -!e N@N a rn 1~enda, flak r4. Jo4s .. ~c.~anfe/ Kw( ~' eaaf~ cif _wt(I -h-k ~n ircac4. .w.••~•~ `I-~, C~wsissio~ev~' '~D~a~-. '~d Qr~,t~v~ any o ~l a~ s `{i.u„ ry~a ~a ~t UK _ ~~r t w a ~q~~a Kr-~r~ .TO w.~ c,~'~ ~ t o h ~ec'~CMda,, a5 ~ wl.~#~ta 'his Ar~eO.apsQ l C ~+a` v~ue~ ~ Art /J, ou/ ~ y~joot ~~wu.w'LC ~Oy\ u'n t w I tel. QS 5oL (A++~/J ld ~ Yl ` rtt5 ~pGi2 l Gf D!S NIS~ ~~ ~ 7'he information. contained in this facsimile message ie attorney-privileged and confidential. information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you ate hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received thi.a communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to us at the above addreso via trio U.S. Postal Service if so lnotruetod. Thauk you. ~' s ~¢fh`hos-sl gsscss w+, a a7f' ~" o e r sr. Soo ev~a t o r{' -as w ? 1 i c~ier+ot `i-6y ^^ eeh' ~•.~ a "~ s'n'~ '13 4rts wcr q«+~s'Ko-'~s. ~ l,~ l; ~~ PRELIMINA~2Y ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the 8c~ard of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has determined that it may be in the beat interest of the County to sponsor a beach erosion control project and that in order to' construct such project it would be necessary to assess all of the coat thereof upon the real property benefitted thereby; NOW, THERSFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, that: 1. It is intended that a beach erosion Control project be constructed by relocation of Mason Inlet to a point approximately 3,000 feet north of its present location. The sand excavated from the newly dredged channel will be used to close tha existing inlet and to provide beach nourishment to the beaches of Figure Eight Island. Amore detailed project description is attached hereto as Exhibit "A° and incorporated herein by reference. 2. One hundred percent of the net cost of the project shall be assessed against the benefitted properties. ate,-gal seas men f et so h o e inle ii wi h t figure " " B th so iation akea pz' j ct yr its sac n en er i o a c b fi ed p opert es .~ W i h ville Eeach wil t ght i es ct ch 3. The basis for the assessment against the benefitted properties on Figure Eight Island and the benefitted properties on Wrightsville Beach differ due to the differing nature of the benefits of the project on each side of Mason Inlet. The total cost allocated to the benefitted properties north of the inlet will be $5.50 per net cubic yard of sand placed on the Figure Eight Island ocean beach. The balance of the project cost will be allocated to benefitted properties lying south of Mason Inlet. Wri_c~hteville Beach assessment basis. The benefitted properties on Wrightsville Beach are those properties on the tax assessment roll attached hereto a.s Exhibit "H". The basis for the assessment will be the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax records of the county and the frontage abutting on the shoreline protected or benefitted by the project at an equal rate per foot of frontage. Benefit zones will be established in accordance with G.S. 153A-186 (c) based on the dss~tdllCe f the COuiv ~ ~ .w~ru~ISS°t,NER~ APPROVED Lam' REJECTED ~p REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARt~ ^ ~' """~ ~~ ~ ., r, ~ ~~' : ~ ~~~'~ .. ;: O benefitted land from Mason InYet and other relevant factox's . Figure Sight Island assessment basis. A7.1 of the residential lots on Figure Eight Island are considered benefitted properties. The lots will be assessed on a combination of two bases. The ocean/inlet front lots from Lvt 182 Beach Road South to 552 Beach Road North (222 lots) will be assessed based on the frontage abutting the shoreline at an equal rate per foot of frontage as Shown on the recorded .subdivision maps or the recorded deeds if no recorded map exists. The ocean/inlet front lots will be assessed 56.6 of the total Figure Eight allocation. The remaining 341 lots .on Figure Eight Island will be ae$essed on the basis of area of land in the lot as shown on the County tax records at an equal rate per unit of area. The 341 lots will be assessed 43.4 of the total Figure Eight allocation. 4. The assessments herein provided fox shall be payable in cash, or if any property owner shall so elect, he shall ha~cre the option of paying the assessment in three equal annual installments, said installments to bear interest at the rate of ?~ per annum. • 5. A public hearing on all will be held at matters covered by this Resolution _ a.m./p.m. on the day of , 1999 at IPAA\Snvlron\R96-137-1BS TOTAL P.03 s_ a OBIT A MASON INLET RELOCATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION • ~ A project is proposed to relocate the channel of M ason Inlet approximately 3,500 feet north of its present location. The new channel would be dimensioned to insure equal or greater hydraulic capacity than the existing inlet cross-section. To accomplish this, a new channel would be excavated, extending the Mason Creek alignment across the sand spit peninsula that extends along the southern terminus of Figure Eight Island. Mason Creek, which is shoaled and essentially closed, would be dredged to enhance the hydraulic flow characteristics within the ICWW Middle Sound estuarine area. In addition to Mason Creek, nearly all of the connecting tidal creeks in the estuary have experienced significant shoaling, adversely affecting overall water circulation, covering wetland habitat and interfering.. with navigation and recreational use of the estuary. As material is excavated, portions of it will be temporarily stockpiled at the south end of Figure Eight Island and on high ground near the north end of the Shell Island Resort properties and North Lumina Avenue. When the above described work is completed and overall weather .conditions are considered to be optimum, the temporarily- stockpiled sand materials will be pushed into the existing (old) inlet during low tide conditions to stop all flows through the inlet so that all tidal functioning will be forced through the new inlet. When closure of the inlet has been accomplished, the filled (old) inlet section will be widened to approximately 400 feet and .. graded to create a-dune feature with plantings of native beach vegetation. All channel and shoal excavation work proposed in the project will be accomplished by' hydraulic pipeline. dredge. It. is anticipated that all land-based work will be accomplished by bulldozers and/or front endbucket loaders. Closure of -the existing inlet will be accomplished by u#ilizing a .rapid mechanical' wand- - moving effort_ Sufficient equipment wilh be employed to bridge the inlefi span in as little time as ,possible:, A newly created sand, barrier will extend entirely-across the: old inlet-'area from its southernmost end (Shell Island bluff area) northward to a point to intersect the Figure 8 Island dune features. ' At the same time the closure operations begin; the sand .plug across the new inlet channel will be excavated and tidal flows will be initiated through this new channel. It is expected that this newly dredged channel will quickly adjust through natura! processes until it reaches an equilibrium state. The existing ebb shod! located seaward of the present inlet will slowly move onshore by natural forces until it welds to the existing beaches fronting Shell Island Resort and the adjacent Wrightsville Beach properties. The new inlet position will be located within a 1,000' wide project zone, which is above mean high water. This project zone across the spit on the southern end of Figure Eight Island will be an area designated for inlet relocation and inlet maintenance to preserve the hydraulic flows and depth desired for coastal marsh flushing and recreational navigation. During inlet maintenance, materials wilt be dredged from across-section approximating the initial channel cut in a position within the project zone opposite the direction of inlet migration. Shoaled areas behind the proposed new inlet channel will be dredged periodically, and function as a sand trap to minimize the future siltation of Mason Creek. Materials removed from. the inlet and sediment basin during maintenance will be utilized for future beach renourishment as required by either Figure Eight Island or Wrightsville Beach. 27 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Jack Bragg/ Neal Lewis Contact: Neal Lewis SUBJECT: Parks & Open Space Bond Referendum Community Appraisal Proposal BRIEF SUMMARY: East Coast Consumer Research, of Wilmington, has submitted a proposal to conduct a Community Assessment (Public Opinion Poll) regarding parks and open space. This information will provide the County with the information necessary to determine the public's disposition toward a bond referendum on parks and open space. The Community Assessment will cost $30,000. The work would commence on or around June 1, 1999, and a final presentation would be made to the Board of County Commissioners by August 31, 1999. The Bond Referendum is tentatively scheduled to be held in May, 2000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of a Contract with East Coast Consumer Research in the amount of $30,000, for the purpose of conducting a Community Assessment of the issue of a Bond Referendum for Parks and Open Space. FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RES OURCES: NIA " COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv I. ~~.~ r-_ COMMISSIONERS' ACT OCOMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISS(ONE'R~~ APPROVED L~/ REJECTED ^ ~, REMOVED O `' P0~ r PONED ^ ~ HEARPJ ^ , _ B DATE ,.~-5~L7~~5 _ ~_a.. ~° t~ t w ~. .~ 30 ... ~ ~~ ~ :~~. ,, ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Consideration of Renewal of Coastline Inn and Convention Center Lease BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board has been requested by Benton Companies, which is the present owner of The Coastline Inn and Convention Center, and by Coastline Convention Management, Inc., which is the managing company for the Center, to extend the present lease for 18 months, as discussed in the attached letters. The extension is needed to allow the~i~ of the Coastline Inn by Benton Companies. The request had been approved by the City. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should approve the extension of the line FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 2 letters ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend app ~C !`O1'`IAAA~AITC AAII'1 GC!"r111AAAC AIIIATIl1AIC. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSt NQ~ APPROVED C' REJECTED ^ REMOVED O POSTPONED O ,' HEAR o .~, ~ 31 BENTON CObtP.ANIES 915 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 (336) 722-3182 Fax (336) 724-6765 April 26, 1999 Mr. Allan O'Neal County Manger New Hanover County 320 Chestnut~Street ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: Coastline Inn and Convention Center Dear Mr. O'Neal: My partnership is in the process of selling the Coastline Inn portion of our properties and restructuring the financing on the balance. As part of that effort; the City of Wilmington has approved an extension of the lease on the Coastline Convention Center, such that it runs for 18 months past the present expiration of October 31, 2000 for a total of 36 months from the date of closing of our sale and refinancing. I understand that we need the County's~~~ agreement as well. Our objective is a closing some time in May of this year. I would respectfully request that New Hanover County approve an extension on the same terms as the City. We are asking for the extension as a condition of the primary lender and so both our partnership and the Convention Center management will have a three year planning horizon to work with. Please contact Mike Hargett at the City for a copy of their final resolution and related documentation. Please let me know if you need anything further from me. With best regards, I am Sinc ~ ours, i J .... Wi i ~ G. Bent n WGB/lwl cc ~ ii ,~1Vhk'erNad'eau ' , `'~'' i, r - Jim~~Quinn Steve' Garland . "~^~ David Weil ~ '. 32 J.C.~Heai-ne ., ~.~'~ .P~~-~ \inn\aon4-26-9.9.doc ~~, ~ ~ ~~~ J • April 27, 1999 William A. Caster, Chairmen County Commissioners Dear Chairman Caster and Commissioners: Soon you will be considering an extension of the Coast Line Convention Management, Inc. lease with New Hanover County. This extension was granted by the City of Wilmington at the April 20 City Council meeting. • Coast Line Convention Management, Inc., d.b.a. the Coast Line Convention Center, has been. one of the economic generators for revitalization of downtown Wilmington. The Convention Center performs a service not provided by any other facility in the community, and brings money into New Hanover County ,through its out of town visitors, which numbered over 7,000 last year. A recent convention income survey report completed in 1998 by Deloitte & Touche, LLP, found that the typical conventioneer contributes $217/day to the local community. In addition, the Convention Center provides meeting, banquet and exhibit space to .our local community .often not available elsewhere. The steady increase in occupancy (from 61% in FY 96-97 to 70% in the current fiscal year-to-date) is proof that this facility is a success. Financially, the operations of this facility have operated without shortfall for the past five years. In FY 97-98 it had a positive cash flow, and is in an even stronger financial position in the current fiscal year. While this facility still requires a subsidy from the City and County, it is the only convention facility in New Hanover County. Until such time as a larger facility becomes available, we feel the Coast Line Cohvention Center provides a vital service to the community. We ask for your support for this lease extension. ~.~----" ~,: James A. Larr er ' P esident ~C ast Line Convention .Management, Inc. cc: Allen O'Neal, County Manager • 33 501 Nutt Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 1-888/ 255-6290 910/ 763-6739 Fax: 910/251-3631 Email: clcc@wilmington.net Web: www.coast-show.com ~) 3~4: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Museum Presenter: Contact: Janet Seapker SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Amendments to Museum Board of Trustee Bylaws BRIEF SUMMARY: At the. Museum Board of Trustees meeting on April 1, 1999, amendments to the bylaws were approved for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. The vote was 9 to 1. The purpose of the changes are: to clean up some of the language; to clarify and refine responsibilities; and to allow new trustees appointed in June to vote on the officers at the July meeting. On the following pages are the current bylaws (left column) and the suggested bylaws (right column). Items affected by the recommended changes are underlined. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND .REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and consider approval of by-laws changes. -.., ~__ i!~_ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~~._. COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED C REJ`CTED ^ REi`.~OVED POSTPONED ^ ;;. HEART) ~ ,~ .- ~) CURRENT B ~'LA WS ARTICLE I: OFFICES The principal office of the BOARD TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR MUSEUM shall be located at 814 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. ARTICLE II: BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. Number,and Term The number. of Trustees constituting the Board of Trustees shall be such` number as may from time to time be designated by The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The chief executive officer of the Cape Fear Museum Associates shall serve as an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees. Each Trustee shall hold office for three (3) fiscal years or until his or her death, resignation, retirement, removal, disqualification, or his or her successor shall have been elected and qualified and shall be eligible to serve two consecutive terms. In the event a trustee shall be appointed to serve out the remainder of an unexpired term on the Board of Trustees due to a prior trustee's death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, such unexpired term shall not be counted as one of the two consecutive terms allowed to be served by this section of Article II, , , - B. Qualification. Any resident of the County of New Hanover who shall be eighteen (18) years of age or more shall be eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees. The following qualifications shall be taken into consideration in making atmointments to the Board of Trustees: 1. Interest in the museum. 2. Willingness to devote time and effort toward carrying out the duties of a board member. 3. Boldness of purpose in recognition of the ,,.,,.,.,,_. vital force of the museum as a center of °~cominuriitysculture; recreation and continuing edueation..-~ 4. Interest• in the communiri~, which includes people of allrages, andwan understanding of its social.and.economic 'conditions, ,,'~ ~. ~'`Abil~ty fo'work with others--the other board ~ r`,R ~,:, ~;^l 3 6~~ a ~} ,.-cY j~ SUGGESTED CHANGES ARTICLE I: OFFICES The principal office of the BOARD,OF TRUSTEES OF CAPE FEAR MUSEUM shall be located at 814 Market Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, ARTICLE II: BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. Number and Term The number of Trustees ;constituting the Board of Trustees, herein referred to as the Board, shall be such number as may from time to time be designated by The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The chief .executive officer of the Cape Fear,Museum Associates shall serve as an ex officio; non-voting member of the Board .Each Trustee shall hold office for three,(3) fiscal years or until his or her death, resignation, retirement, removal, disqualification, or lus or her successor shall have been appointed and shall be eligible to serve two full consecutive terms. In the ev=ent a trustee shall` be appointed to serve out the remainder of an unexpired term on the Board due to a prior. trustee's death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, such unexpired term shall not be counted as one of the two consecutive terms allowed; to be served by this .section of Article II. . B. Qualification. Any resident of the County of New Hanover who shall be eighteen (18)-years of age. or more shall be eligible to,serve as a member of the Board. .POINTS 1-9 ELIMINATED r1 . ., . ;v; • • CURRENT BYLAWS members, the director and staff, and the public which the museum serves. b. Open mindedness, which includes the ability to hold strong. convictions on any subject, while reco izing the right of others to disagree. 7. Courage, enterprise, mental resourcefulness and expertise to recommend policies for the successful and roper operation of the museum and impartial service to all its patrons. Anv person who has previousiv served as a member of the Board of Trustees cannot serve a subsequent term until at least one year has expired since the end of his last term. 8. unequivocal low to the purpose of CFM; 9. understanding of and respect for the basic documents that provide for the museum's establishment and governance, such as the bylaws and adopted polices; Article II: BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. Removal and Other Vacancies of Trustees: In the event of death, resignation or removal of a Trustee, his successor shall be elected by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and he or she shall serve for the unexpired term~of his or her predecessor. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to approval by the board on which the appointee is serving. SUGGESTED CHANGES POINTS 1-9 ELIMINATED Article II: BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. Removal and Other Vacancies of Trustees: In the event of death, resignation or removal of a Trustee, his successor shall be elected by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and he or she shall serve for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor. Excused absences are defined as absences caused by events beyond one's control and are subject to approval by the board on which the appointee is serving. Trustees are required to report to the board ~ Trustees are required to report to the board secretary, prior to any board meeting, any absence and the reason for the absence. The secretary will convey the trustee's reasons, verbatim to the board. It will be the pu.nzew of the trustees to grant excused absences. Should a trustee fail to communicate with the board secretary about his/her absence, he/she automatically will be listed as unexcused. During a fiscal year, whenever a Trustee incurs three (3) unexcused absences from the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees the Trustee's failure to attend shall tie reported by the Secretary to the Chairman. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall report the infraction to the Chairman secretary, prior to any board meeting, any absence and the reason for the absence. The secretary will convey the trustee's reasons. verbatim to the board. It will be the purview of the trustees to grant excused absences. Should a trustee fail to communicate with the board secretary about his/her absence, he/she automatically will be listed as unexcused. - During a fiscal year; whenever a Trustee incurs three (3) unexcused absences from the. regular meetings of the Board,, the Trustee's failure to attend shall be reported by the Secretary to the Chairman. The Chairman of the Board shall report the infraction to the Chairman of the Counrc Board of 37 CURRENT BYLAWS ~~ SUGGESTED CHANGES of the County Board of Commissioners who may deem it to constitute resignation on the part of the Trustee. Upon such resignation and acceptance, the Board of Commissioners shall select a replacement from the atmlications of persons who aunlied for the last vacancy. D. Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to a Trustee for his or her services; however, any Trustee may be reimbursed for his or her actual expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as long as such expense receives the prior approval of the New Hanover Board of Commissioners or its designated agencies and is within the approved budget for Cape Fear Museum. E,. Resignations. Any Trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairman'or the ` Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Such resignation shall take effect at the time such resignation is accepted by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE III: APPOINTMENT ~ • The Trustees shall be appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS OF TRUSTEES A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall,be held the first Thursday of each month at ~ P.M. at 'the principal office of the Boazd of Trustees of Cape Feaz Museum at 814 ' Market Street, Wilmington, `North Carolina 28401. ' Notice of time and place of the regular meetings shall be mailed toy each Trustee no later than seven (~ days before each meeting. ' B. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees "shall be held when called by the - Chairman of the Board of Trustees or by any five (5) Trustees, after not less'than three (3) days notice to each Trustee.' C. Quorum. Fifty percent (50%j of the current members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a 3 Commissioners who may deem itto.constitute resignation on the part of the Trustee. Upon such resignation and acceptance,' the Board of Commissioners shall select a replacement. _ - .. , . ~~°. D. Compensation. No compensation. shall be paid to a Trustee for his or her services; however;, any ,. Trustee maybe reimbursed for•his or~her.actual expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties as long as such expense receives the'prior approval: of the New Hanover Boazd of ~ ' Commissioners or its designated agencies and,is ' within the approved budget for Cape Fear Museum. E. Resignations. Anv Trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairmanorthe Secretary of the Board./ Such resignation shal take effect ~'~-~*==LP ~ ~~ -~~ o `~+~~n ~~ accepter by the Board . , ARTICLE III: APPOINTMENT:F= The Trustees shall be appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS OF TRUSTEES . ~ ~. A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly at the principal office of the Board of Trustees of Cape Feaz~Museum at. ' 814 Market. Street; Wilmington, North Carolina . 2840.1.. Notice of time and place of the regular meetings shall.be mailed to each Trustee no later than seven (7) days before each meetin'g'. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings. of the - Board shall be held when called by the Chairman. of the Board or by any five (~) Trustees. after-not less than three (3) days notice to each Trustee. ' .:. C. Quorum. Fifty percent (50%) of.the current ' members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for 38 CURRENT BYLAWS SUGGESTED CHANGES s • quorum for the transaction of business. Every act or decision done or made by the members of the Board of Trustees present at a duly held meeting at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as an act of the Board of Trustees. D. Waiver of Notice. The presence of a Trustee at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of that meeting except when such Trustee attends the meeting solely for the purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business there at, om the ground that the meeting has not been lawfully called, and does not otherwise participate in such meeting, E. ,Informal Action. Any action which may be taken by the Board of Trustees at a meeting thereof may be taken without a meeting if consent in writing, setting forth the action taken, shall be signed by all of the Trustees who would be entitled to vote upon such action at a meeting and filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Any consent so filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall be filed in the minute book in like manner as minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees. Any such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Trustees, whether done before or after the action so taken. ARTICLE V: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees shall have and exercise all of the powers. duties and authorit<~ necessary for the administration of the affairs and to carry out the purpose of Cape Fear Museum, subject only to the direction and control of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The role of the Board of Trustees in the provision of museum services shall be to: 1, Be familiar with. review and recommend to the County Commissioners written policies to govern the operation and program of the museum. These should include Statement of Pumose. Collections Policy and Operations Manual. 2. Make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners concerning the the transaction of business. Every act or decision done or made by the members of the Board present at a duly held meeting at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as an act of the Board of Trustees. D. Waiver of Notice. The presence of a Trustee at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of that meeting except when such Trustee attends the meeting solely for the purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business there at, on the ground that the meeting has not been lawfully called, and does not otherwise participate in such meeting. E. Informal Action. Any action which may be taken by the Board at a meeting thereof may be taken without a meeting if consent in writing, setting forth the action taken, shall be signed by all of the Trustees who would be entitled to vote upon such action at a meeting and filed with the Secretary of the Board.. Any consent so filed with the Secretary of the Board shall be filed in the minute book in like manner as minutes of a meeting of the Board. Any such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Trusteeslwhether done before or after the action so taken. ARTICLE V: POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees shall have and exercise all of the powers, duties and authority necessary for the administration of the affairs and to carry out the purpose of Cape Fear Museum, subject only to the direction and control of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. P®INTS 1-9 ELIMINATED 39 CURRENT BYLAWS construction and improvement of buildings and other structures for the museum, and concernin the acquisition of real property for the museum. 3. Know the program and needs of the museum in relation to the community: keep abreast of standards and museum trends. 4. Acquire museum materials and artifacts by Qurchase, exchan e~bequest, gift or any other lawful method. . . 5. Establish, support and participate in~a planned public.. relations program, including ' concerted efforts to solicit private and other funding to supplement the appropriations by New Hanover County, particularly in furtherance of the capital needs of the museum. 6. Know local and state laws relative to the operation of public museums; actively support good museum legislation in the state and nation. 7. 'Attend all board meetings and see that accurate records are kept on file at the museum. 8. Attend regional, state and national museum meetings and workshops, and affiliate with the . , a~ropnate professional organizations when ssible: ~ ' 9. Report regularly to.the Board of County Commissioners and the e~public. ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS AND THEIIt DUTIES . A. Election: The Board of Trustees shall elect the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman; Secretary and such other officers and assistant officers as may. from time to time be deemed necessary. The election of officers shall take place at the meeting of the Board of Trustees held in June of each year. Each officer elected must be,a member of the Board of Trustees. B. Term of Office and Qualifications. Each officer shall hold office from July 1 or each year until June 30 of the following year or until his successor shall have been duly chosen and qualified or until his death or until he shall resign, have been disqualified or have been removed from office. SUGGESTED CHANGES POINTS 1-9 ELIMINATED ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS AND THEIIt DUTIES A. Election: At its July meeting. the Board shall elect from its members the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretan~. B. Term of Office and Qualifications. Each officer shall hold office from the 7uly election until June 30 of the-follow~ing year or until his successor shall.have been duly chosen or until his-death or until He shall 'resign, have been disqualified or have been removed from office. C. Removal and Resignation. Anv officer elected C. Removal and Resignation. Any officer elected or appointed may be removed by the persons or appointed may be'removed by the persons 40 CURRENT BYLAWS SUGGESTED CHANGES 6 • authorized to elect or appoint such officer whenever in their judgment the best interest of the Board of Trustees will be served thereby. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Trustees, the Chairman or the Secretary. Such resignation shall take effect upon acceptance by the Board of Trustees. D. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees. The officer appointed to such vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he replaces. E. Multiple Officers. No person shall simultaneously hold more than one of the offices required by these By-Laws. F. Duties. The duties of the officers are as follows: 1. Chairman: The Chairman shall be the principal executive officer of the Board of Trustees and, subject to control of the Board of Trustees, shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Board of Trustees. The chairman shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and in general perform all duties incident to the Office of Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees from time to time. The Chairman shall also provide an annual report to the Board of Trustees at the June meeting of the Board of Trustees. 2. Vice-Chairman: At the request of the Chairman or in his or her absence, or in the event of his or her death, disability, inability- or refusal to act, the Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned to him or her by the Chairman or by the Board of Trustees. Secretary: The Secretary shall: a. keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees; b. see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws: authorized to elect or appoint such officer whenever in their judgment the best interest of the Board will be served thereby. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board D. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by appointment by the Board. The individual appointed to such vacancy shall serve for the unepxired term of the officer he replaces. E. Multiple Officers. No person shall simultaneously hold more than one of the offices required by these By-Laws. F. Duties. The duties of the officers are as follows: 1. Chairman: The Chairman shall be the principal executive officer of the Board and, subject to control of the Board shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Board. The chairman shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Board and in general perform all duties incident to the Office of Chairman and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. 2. Vice-Chairman: At the request of the Chairman or in his or her absence, or in the event of his or her death, disability, inability or refusal to act, the Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to aII the restrictions upon the Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform such duties as from time totime may be assigned to him her by the Chairman or by the Board. 3. Secretary-: The Secretary shall: a. keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board. b. see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the pro~zsions of these Bylaws, c. be custodian of the Board of Trustees' c. keep a register of the mailing address of 41 CURRENT BYLAWS records; ~ . d, keep a register of the mailing address of each member of the Board of Trustees which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such members; and e. in general perform,all duties incident to ` 'the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time maybe assigned to him/her by the Chairman or by the Board Trustees. 4. Other Officers and Assistant Officers:- Other officers and assistant officers shall have such authority and perform such duties as the Board of Trustees may determine. G.. Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to any officer for' his or her services.. However, any officer may be reimbursed for his or her actual expense incurred ih~the performance of his or her duties as' iong~as such e.Ypense receives, the prior approval of the New Hanover Board of• . Commissioners. or its designated agencies~and is within the approved budget of Cape Fear Museum. . H. Duties of Officers May Be Delegated In case of the absence of any officer of the Board of Trustees or for any other reason that the Board of Trustees may deemsufficient; the Board of Trustees may delegate the power or duties of any officer to any other•officer. or a Trustee for the time being, provided' a majority of the entire Board of Trustees concurs therein. I. Resignations. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairman or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Such . resignation shall take effect at the time such resignation is accepted by the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE VII: COMMTTTEES A. Committees to be Maintained: The Board of Trustees shall maintain committees consisting of a SUGGESTED CHANGES ~ each member of the Board which shall be furnished to the Secretary by such members; and d: in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary. and such other duties as from time to time maybe assigned to him/her by the Chairman or by the Board. 4. Eliminated , G. Compensation. No compensation~shall be paid to any officer for his or her services., However,,any ~• officer may be reimbursed for his or her actual . expense incurred in the performance of hi's or her duties as long as such expense receives the prior approval of the New Hanover Board of Commissioners or its designated agencies and~is within the approved budget of Cape Fear Museum. H. Duties. of Ufficers May Be ,Delegated In case of the absence of any officer of the'Board or for any other reason that the Board may deem sufficient, the Board may delegate the'power: or duties of any officer to any other officeror a Trustee for the time being, provided a majoritv~,of the entire Board concurs therein. I. Resignations. Any officer may resign at any time-by giving written notice.to the Chairman or the Secretary of the Board . Such resignation shall take effect at the time such resignation is accepted by the Board. , . ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES A. Committees to•be Maintained: The Board shall, maintain committees consisting of a Chairman and 42 • • CURRENT BYLAWS Chairman and two (2) or more members of the Board of Trustees, unless otherwise stated below. The members shall serve for one (1) fiscal year or until their successors are named. I. Collections Committee: The duties of the Collections Committee shall be to: a. encourage donations and loans of objects to the museum; b. to consider requests for outgoing loans to other organizations; and c. to consider deaccession and disposition of accessioned and unaccessioned collection material as called for in the Collections Policy. 2. Education Committee: The duties of the Education Committee shall be to: a. review educational prams of the museum; b. recommend revisions or additions to the programs; and c. promote correlation with standard school curriculum. 3. Finance Committee: The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to: a. investigate and actively seek funds from individuals, foundations, state and federal programs and other sources of revenue; b. recommend the annual budget to the full board. 4. Public Relations: The duties of the Public Relations Committee shall be to: a. build interest in the museum through public acti~lties for the community; b. tivork with the director of the museum in planning special SUGGESTED CHANGES two (2) or more members of the Board unless otherwise stated below. The members shall serve for one (1) fiscal year or until their successors are named. Collections Committee: The duties of the Collections Committee shall be to: a. encourage donations and loans of objects to the museum; b. to consider requests for outgoing loans to other organizations; and c. to consider deaccession and disposition of accessioned and unaccessioned collection material as called for in the Collections Policy. 2. Education Committee: The duties of the Education Committee shall be to: a. review education and exhibit programs of the museum; b. recommend revisions or additions to these programs; and c. promote correlation with standard school curriculum. 3. Finance Committee: The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to: a. investigate and actively seek funds from individuals, foundations, state and federal programs and other sources of revenue: b. review and recommend the annual budget to the full Board 30 days before its due date and revietiv any significiant changes as they occur. c. review and recommend the annual budget of the Cape Fear Musuem Associates to the full Board ~. Public Relations: The duties of the Public Relations Committee shall be to: a, build interest in the museum through public acti~zties for the communiri-; b. work with the director of the museum in planning special 8 43 CURRENT BYLAWS SUGGESTED CHANGES 9 events, exhibits and educational events, exhibits and educational programs: ~ programs. ' -: c. The Public Relations Committee c. The Public Relations Committee normally will consist of a normally will consist of a chairman whose principal chairman whose principal 'responsibility will be liaison with responsibility will be liaison Cape Fear Museum Foundation, with the Cape Fear Museum .. the principal local outside Associates, the principal local fund-raising and public relations outside fund-raising and public source of the museum. Other relations source of the museum. members of the committee would d. monitor and support the progress be appointed as needed. of le>;islation of benefit to the Museum. 5. Building and Grounds Committee: The 5. Building and Grounds Committee The dunes of the Building and Grounds duties of the Building and Grounds Committee Committee shall be to: shall be to: a. insure the maintenance of the museum a. insure the maintenance of the museum buildings and grounds; buildings and grounds;, b. work with the director of the museum in b..work with the director of the museum in planning museum expansion. planning museum e.pansion. 6. Long-Range Planning Committee: The 6. Long-Range Planning Committee: The duties of the Long=Range Planning Committee duties of the Long-RangePlarining Committee shall be to: shall be to: a. review present long-range plans; a. review and revise long-range plans; b. ~ formulate plans for the museum;. and b. formulate plans for the museum; and c. coordinate and provide guidance o the c. coordinate and provide guidance to the other committees. other committees. 7. Nominating Committee: The duties of the 7. Nominating Committee: Nominating Committee shall be to: a. present a slate of officers to the Board of EL~~ATED Trustees at the Mav meeting of the Board of Trustees'. b. make recommendations to the Counity Commissioners through the Board of . Trustees, to fill.vacancies as they occur on the Board of .Trustees. B. Other Committees: The Board of Trustees may B. Other Committees: The Board may establish, establish, by a resolution adopted by a majority of ~, a resolution adopted by a majorit<• of the the members of the Board of Trustees, other ' members of the Board other ' committees which it deems necessary or desirable to committees which it deems necessan or desirable to carry out the purposes of the Board of Trustees. carry out the purposes of the Board of Trustees. C. Committee Chairmen and Members: The C. Committee Chairmen and Members: The Chairman of all committees shall be appointed by Chairman of all committees shall be appointed by 44 . CURRENT BYLAWS SUGGESTED CHANGES 10 U and serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Each member of the Board of Trustees shall serve on at least one of the committees noted in Article VII, Section A above during each fiscal year. D. Committee Reports: The Chairman of each committee that has met since the last meeting of the Board shall make a written report to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the committee meetings and activities prior to each regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. E. Authority: Unless specifically authorized in writing by the Board of Trustees or the Chairman, a committee chairman or a commiee shall have no authority to obligate the Board of Trustees or incur any expenditures on behalf of the Board of Trustees. ARTICLE VIII: WAIVER OF NOTICE Whenever any notice is required to be given to any Trustee, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the Trustee entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein, shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice. ARTICLE IX: BOOKS AND RECORDS The books, records and papers of the Board of Trustees shall at any reasonable time be subject to inspection by any member of the Board of Trustees for any purpose. ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS Any amendments upon which the board may be called to vote. shall have been presented to the board at least 30 days prior to the vote, either at a previous board meeting or by prior written notice. and serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Board. Each member of the Board shall serve on at least one of the committees noted in Article VII, Section A above during each fiscal year. D. Committee Reports: The (Chairman of each committee that has met since the last meeting of the Board shall make a written report to the Chairman of the Board of the committee meetings and activities prior to each regular meeting of the Board. The Chairman will schedule these reports for presentation to the full Board E. Authority: Unless specifically authorized in writing by the Board or the Chairman, a committee chairman or a committee shall have no authority to obligate the Board or incur any expenditures on behalf of the Board ARTICLE VIII: WAIVER OF NOTICE Whenever any notice is required to be given to any Trustee, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the Trustee entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein. shall be equivalent to the giving of such notice. ARTICLE IX: BOOKS AND RECORDS The records of the Board shall at anv reasonable time be subject to inspection by anv member of the Boazd for any purpose. ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS Any amendments upon which the boazd may be called to vote, shall have been presented to the board at least 30 days prior to the vote. either at a previous board meeting or by prior n-ritten notice. ~ 45 ~... ,11 J CURRENT,_BYLAWS ~ .' r. SUGGESTED ,CHANGES , ARTICLE XI: VOTING ~ ARTICLE 'XI: VOTING ' ' - Absentee voting by mail in accordance with "Robert's Rule of .Order Revised" is allowed. ARTICLE XII: RULES . ! ~ ARTICLE XII: RULES All- meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be , All meetings of the:Board be governed procedurally governed procedurally by Roberts' Rules of Order, ., by "Robert's Rules of Order Revised";~ Latest Edition Revised, unless suspended by two-thirds.(2/3,) vote unless suspended by two-thirds ~(2/3) vote of the of the Trustees present and entitled to vote. 'r , Trustees present and entitled to vote. .. ~ ARTICLE XIII: FISCAL YEAR .~~:' ARTICLE XIII: 'FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Board of Trustees shall begin The fiscal~year~of the Board shall begin on.the.first on the first day of July of each year and shall end on day of July of each year and shall end on the last day the last day of June. of each year. of June of each year. ,, . Adopted October 10, 1978 Adopted October 10, 1978 ,Amended August 20,,1981 Amended August 20,'1981 Amended September 10, 1981 Amended September 10, 1981 Amended July 14, 1983 Amended July 14, 1983 Amended September 29, 1988 Amended September 29, 1988 Amended Apri12, 1990 Amended April 2, 1990 Amended November 19, 1992 Amended November 19. 1992 Amended September 4, 1997 Amended September 4, 1997 ' .Amended January 8, 1998 Amended January 8; 1998. .mended ypril 1, 1999 bylawl4.pub ~ , 46 , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following committees have vacancies: Bicycle Advisory Committee - ~e'u`~ < (`saris Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau ; '6cwbaru ~r~s~r...u IUcN ~ Commission for Women - C(~ 'r 2t~v:~ ~- Insurance Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S: COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS A TIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSiON~ APPROVED ~~ REJECTED 0 REMOVED 0 "` POSTPONED D , .;~~ HEARO ~j ,~ ®ATE ~ 5~ ~l 9Q -------~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~. 1 VACANCY (UNEXPIRED TERM 5/31./2001) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: ~ REAPPOINTMENT Bethel M. Paris Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ,Applications a f~ , :y~ ~ ~~~' ~ ~a ~~~~~ ~.. ~ 48~~~+.::~.~:~ BICYCLE ADVISORI' COMIVIITTEE • Number of members: 16 members appointed as follows: 4 County Commissioners 4 Wilmington City Council 2 Carolina Beach Town Council 1 UNCW 2 Wrightsville Beach Aldermen 1 N.C.D.O.T. 1 Board of Education 1 Chamber of Commerce Term of Office: three years Regular Meetings: Meeting are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00 A.M. Purpose: The duties of the Bicycle Advisory Committee are as follows: 1) encourage effective bicycle education programs for youth and adults, 2) support the enforcement of traffic laws for all vehicle operators, 3) develop and present projects, plans programs, and ideas that will promote a safer environment for cycling it New Hanover County. CURRF.i~1T MEMBERS Sally Meserol tt 2708 Col is Avenue CJ 01,00 1 Wilm' bton, NC 28403 ~ ~ ~ o -i ,~ ~~2-2_ 76 612 (H) 350-2100 (O) Paula Dr~ke Smith P.O. Box 594 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Chris O'Keefe, Planner New Hanover County Planning Department 320 Chestnut Street, Room 403 Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7165 Neal Lewis, Parks Director New Hanover County Parks & Recreation 414 Chestnut Street, Room 103 Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7198 (W) 791-8279 (H) City of Wilmington Appointees: Steve Cymbalsky Libby DeChesere, Public Services Gary Hams, Parks and Recreation TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES Second 5/31/2001 (Appt. 5/ 15/95, Reappt. 5/ 18/98) Second 5/31/2001 (Appt. 5/15/95, Reappt. 5/18/98) (Appt. 10/7/91) 49 .~ , ~~~a ~ ~ ~ ,~,~ . - ,~ ~. ~.~ ~~cy~~e Advisory committee New Hanover County ~ March 22, 1999 .. Ms. Lucie Harrell ~ . ~ .. Clerk toahe'Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ . 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 4 Dear Lucie: In reviewing membership for the Bicycle Advisory Committee we have discovered that Sally , Meserole is listed as representing both the school board and New Hanover County. Because ~ C Sally teaches at Myrtle Grove Elementary School she would like to corifiriue serving the Board ~, of Education. We would like to fill the vacancy for the New Hanover County representative as soon as possible. I have included a current list of members according to our records. Please let me know°if you _ notice additional discrepancies. I can provide any information which will help to have this vacancy filled,as soon as possible. Thanks for your attention to this matter.. „,*> , Sincerely yq~urs, gy ~4LL Chris O'Keefe Chairman Bicycle Advisory Committee Attch. cc. Sally Meserole '; 5.0 rn rn N N f l1 u Co G m a~ a~ E Z 0 N •> U m • I ~ I I I I M O ~ I I ' ! M O ~' ! O 00 ~. i !. !O ~ !O I i t7 jr r ,O 10 , V' : V' r O ~ ~ M IO ~~ ~ 07 O cr I 'O N V' ~ O j ~t i I I I ~ N i I ~ IN ~ .N ~ ;~ ! IN ICO NCO IN .N ,N `N I ~ .N Op ,N ~~ ': 'N ~ .N I ! i i I ~ I, ~ I r..+ U I U U // ~~ ! 'V IU U IU 'U iU r, I U I Z I ~ Z Z !Z !Z IZ Z iZ Z 1Z I jZ ! I i i I I L ! ~ i j I I ~ I I I ~ v ~ I I I m l I I ~ i ~ ~ I v ;~ c o ; f c o ~ .~ !c o ;c Ic lojo c o , f c o ~c ho >,! ca, c Io I ! I I I o a~ c E m c .~ y ~ jm I c ~ ~ c •c ~~ ~ ~ c ~~ ~ •c ~ !~ I_c ' ~ _ ' ~oi m •c l I ~ •a' I i ~ ~ I ~ i ~ I S ~ I i'> ~~ i ~ I~I~ ~ ~ ~ IUI I~ I I r `- o r ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I ~i x i ! Q I ~ o i I °' a~ O ;~ I 'O r I ~ I .., ~ c a , l -°c oIQ li Y I i o ~ m > Q i o ~~ o ~- ~ ~Q U ~ n. ; I II~ ; I ` h I a~ ; ~ , I~ I I ~ ! ~ L~ .n C m .a I 'c I I.c ~ ~ ~ I ~ ca L ~ Q c ~, ~ ~~ I ` U ~ ! I I c o , ~ c~a ~ ~ ca ~ ~ jI° ~' I I lo i ! -a x ~ _ ' o I't I !o ! I I CO ! M ~ lC) i U Z O I i m i t l Ll' I O O !T~ i rt r M lr I {O i !r i I ii' 10 r 0 N r l N O O O I M O 'N N I j j ! I ~ N I cf M ~ ~ .M N I r I~ ~ ~ I ~1 1 i ; ~I I ' ~ I I ; I ++ i ~ ~ ~ ~ fa ~ i "O Y U _ ~ (0 I I I I I I lL, ' (~ ~ I L U fa ~ al c a. Nj~ Z ;U ~ N ~ ca i~~ N ~ U Gc "pca t11 _U) ~~ ~ ~ _ m~; - N Zs f~A ~ ~ ~ I ~ I i ~~~ ! C iC I v ~ I ~ ~ ~ I 3 i w I ~ .I ~ '!I~ I v'Y I I "" .w I°' I Ql °' O "a I c C a I O 'L I ~ I= ~ -° I C •- I I ! C C ca ca -~ a~ ~ . i ~ ; ca > ~> ~ E i m I Y ~ ~ w I co ~ . > o ~ Y ~ O .L , a 1 o 0 ' ~I o ' z ~ . .n ¢ I -° I~ C7 'cn ! o m . ~ ' ¢ j ! ro i ~ > ':> ~ ' I ; I i I ' ~ ! I ~ I I I `~ ~ I , i c'' O ~ L= ; U o ` I ~i j I a~ ~ N I I i ! I i ca = G c ~ ca U ! ~ c ;~ ~ ~ ' I I ~ to rn m( ~ N Im; m c ~ is ca m i ~O _ u I I ~ ~ Iv ca Ica . U a , U ;U m~ o I I , L .~ I ~ ~ I y IC c ~ I I U i I ~I ~ ~~ ~ I _ N ~ i~ ~ I ~ I (fj ~ I U IU m Im W I m im j o L , ca',~ c_ a d'd • o a j • >. >, o I~ o I o ~. j.a~ - 0 a I O i 0 ;O 1 0 j0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ c I c ~ ~ E ~ .c m U U U! z! z zl zlzl ~ hl 51 a~ ca a. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, .Room 305, Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 , '~ ' Telephone (9fOl 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. '`) Request for Appointment to: -~ ~ C Y C ! ~_ ~ ~~V j ~ ~? (~ ~' (° C' ~~ i~ l T i ~ L Name: ---~ E ~ i N E ~ ;4'~ ~r~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .F<. Home ~ How long have,you been a. Address: g(=' c/ ~ r(% !_ ~ I- ~~~ r ,~; .r ~f` ,~ C t=: resident of New Hanover County? ~ Y C /~ ('~ -,. Mailing Address: ~(_, `I S %~ E ~ z I~'C; ' ~~;` ~ L.i- n t, iv . City and State: i~''~ t ~ /~"% / l~! C- ,`~~1~.; ~ ~' Zip Code: ;~ ;`~'~ C- t~ Telephone: Home: ~`fl~ } °~ ~ ~- ~- ,..Z .-~ ! '~ Business: , "Sex: f~ "Race: ~r+ i, ~_ /a, ~ ~ ;i t~: "Age: ~~!, 'This information is requested for fhe sa/a purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. «Emplo yeti b y: f~ ~ i i C< }` .L ~ ~ 1 j~ i:~ ; i t 1~ ~e ; _t~ f iC~ ~~C F'; r ~ c i~4 "A parson current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is rriada, must resign.his/herposition'wilh New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl; Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Ccunly Personnei Policy.', ~~ Job Title: j`~~ia ('. ( r ~ ` ~ "~- ~- r7.~-J i t_ ~'' I r: E f" !~, I~ i ~:' ~ 1 ~ i' ~; =- = H ~ c fti~.. Professional Activities: ~i;;~~ frrt, Liar;~r.=,v~(~lri,~~~:~tr-~rl i'_ .,;.; ~ ~~=r~~ C~r~~ i=rr~~i~ ~:~c~.+i =~ s VolunteerActivities: "~ ; it (~ fi= ~1 i`'1 ~ r.r 1 `~ ~ 2~' ~. t. ?~ r I`<. ~ - ~~, w~(2 t 1v L ~ if~i~J E, ~ ~ F= S ~° 1 Why do you wish to serve on thet~Board, Committee, or Commissron requested (l , 7". ,u LS , ,~r~ri,f~c ~ ~irr i+~ ~ ~.n` ~'' a i i 'L_~iV ~ '~- t'-J~ i i L i i t !_ .5 "-,v 1 't~.: V v L' -~ .+31 j~. ~'~:~t y i ^ !V. ~ ~L` F.. <<. ;..'-~- Y~ t_ t" 1"1 I !'V c t?'~ L. "' , d f~C"~ It ~ r ll. f'~Y wiCtoi~. L'Er{ici.,r`S ~ r3icy'~~>=..5 r=t. t:. ~,~ ~`7i~?Ui i~;G ~ e ~JC(•;!~. c'l; ~ci-/~cL ~if~~t~1~r~(~ ~(~~H>^~: ~- ~t=Cf2~:f~ t'1~~Ai; ? iii: F(tG.t' ~C,~'ic~-i c. VEriiCL'L~(Z ~17L'~t~ i rc'o~' ~cP~ c`~Ic«^fa,.i5~"5 .~ C.~'~LtSs 5 'Z"C lti~~l~E/1.~ic: ~it~'Fl(ZciVESS' Lr= ~j`„''C~t~i ~ ° (diCf-/'i S ~ ~{.E~''G'~US:1';~3iLii1~5 What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on;the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ '{~t}fc5 r='xf'cRiLti~i;= r~S r~ '~%L';=. Lc`l~ly~2 t=c:t~~'~ld:i+'1!'~i`~ I~ti' ' ~.Sf~Tlrti=~ ~t=i=~Gii~J~ CYt~iitiC _1,i~~i~i`~2L'G~i_~!~'.-'-' Lira9.L~.'~' c~i= /~;t`-'z(;rCFi~\i~<<C,;-CLiSi 5 t'li~tJY Yi=/3(~S Ct= L.~H~cRS~{if' ~-~ ~~Ydi/.;izi(~RTiV"C LX{~f=~~ENC~ (r;~~`c~t=c=5~ic-r'<;NL`~ ~V'ZLt\t (t~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~;~'ReVc'D~ -Sf~fE12 (~C~H~ Li;~;~DiTiCNS =~•P .~iC'r'C~i 1~~~--, ~ ; ~"-~2~; t~~~yi'Dc Et=r~G~Yiy~ c`'~'cLi~fC ~';ijL'Ct'~~~ i~~l ~Gr? GYCi-isi 5 `i' Mc''~O,N.I S'r-:.5, Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by. a municipality or a county? if so, please list: .;. ~\ ~ ,-_ ' - '= - - _ , ~ ' ~~~C= 7 ~ ., Si nature l ~' ~t,,il ~.r ~t/: ~<~.~''t- ' Date: ~ ~ ~ 9 -7.21 ~`' L-..,.* (Please use re""verse side for additional comments) COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 3 VACANCIES Category: APPLICANT: At-Large: Robert S. Rippy [7 At-Large Lodging Marketing Advertising, & Public Relations Professional Lodging: Barbara Bradshaw Kidd Marketing, Advertising, & Public Relations: Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications Eligible for Reappointment XX XX COUNTY COMMISSIONER APPROVED ^ REJECTED ^ + REtvtOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ry HEARD ^ ®ATE ,__.5~ 7~~~~ 53 0 CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC. Number of Members: ~16, appointed as follows: ~ ~~~ ~- 2 Lodging - 1 each by City Council and Commissioners ' ~ 2 At-Large - 1 each by City Council and Commissioners 2 Attractions (Historical, .Natural, Recreational) - 1 each by City Council and Commissioners :: ' 2 Restauranteurs - 1 each by City Council and Commissioners 1 Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations Professional -Appointed alternately by City Council and County Commissioners 1 City Councilman -Appointed by City Council 1 County Commissioner -Appointed by Board of Commissioners 1 Carolina Beach -Appointed by Town Council ' 1 Kure Beach -Appointed by Town Council . 1 Wrightsville Beach -Appointed by Board of Aldermen 1 Chamber of Commerce -Appointed by Chamber's Board of Directors 1 County Finance Officer -Appointed by Commissioners (Non-Voting) Terms: three years, may not serve more than two consecutive three-year terms (excluding County Finance Officer, City Councilman and County Commissioner). Regular and Special Meetings: First Wednesday in every other month (Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov.) at 8:30.a.m. in office located in the Courthouse, 24 North Third'-Street. Special Meetings may be called by the Chairman or by not less than 4 members of the Board. Statute or cause creating Bureau: Joint Resolution of County Commissioners and City Council dated April 1, 1985. (By-laws changed to include 2 Restauranteur Representatives, 11/16/96) Purpose: To provide a cooperative, on-going forum for visitor industry` and visitor-related - organizations; to develop and grow the visitor industry in a planned, quality manner; to preserve, protect, and maintain the visitor econoiny~ of New 'Hanover County; to .provide an effective organization that can create and respond to opportunities in a timely fashion; to operate a full-service, .professional visitors and meetings program; to raise funds to operate a full- service visitors program through membership fees, grants, contributions, projects receipts, room occupancy taxes and other appropriate sources; to recruit, train and develop a skilled, effective staff to deliver .programs; to educate members and key publics to an awareness. of the visitor industry -its issues and opportunities. Generally to engage in any other lawful enterprise or activity and to do and perform all acts and things that may be deemed necessary or expedient for the proper and successful prosecution of the objects and purposes for which the corporation is orgy-an;~i~zfed/~ E~ ~: . ~I ;'~ ~{~ yip ' ~J~ ' ~~4 ,~ ~~ . ~~ ~J 5 r.-~ ~- ~. ~ ti CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC. (CONTINITED) TERM TERM • CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES APPOINTED BY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Robert S. Rippy 136 Edgewater Lane At-Large First 5/31/99 Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/17/96) 256-5761 (H) 791-0666 (VV) Barbara Bradshaw Kidd Lodging Unexpired /31/99 ' Holiday Inn Sun Spree Resort ~ " ~ 210 Bayshore Drive Wilmington, NC 28411. (Appt. 1.2/21/98) 686-1124(H) 256-2231(VV) Jean Hopkins Bullock Attractions Second 5/31/2000 7115 E. Creeks Edge Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 5/16/94) 313-2747(H) (Reapptd 5/19197) Roy J. Clifton Restauranteur First 5/31/2000 Roy's Riverboat Landing Restaurant 2 Market Street (Appt. 2/17/97) Wilmington, NC 28401 763-7227 Buzz Birzenieks Commissioner 12/99 ` 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 - 341-7149 Bruce Shell, Treasurer County Finance Indefinite 320 Chestnut St. ~ Officer Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7188 Marketing, Advertising, and Public. Relations Professional Alternately appointed by City Council and County Commissioners: Wade Wilson (City Appointment) Unexpired 5/31/99 255 N. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 762-8899 (W) ~ 55 CAPE FEAR COAST ,CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC. (CONTINUED) APPOINTED BY CITY COUNCIL: Frank Conlon City Council Cindy Marc Accommodation Mark Moore ' •Restauranteur Capt. David Scheu ~ Attractions ~ Janet Seapker At-Large Carolina Beach Appointee: Vacant Kure Beach Appointee: ~ • Betty Medlin Wrightsville Beach Appointee: Barry Mowbray . Chamber of Commerce Appointee: ' Windell Daniels Staff Contact: Judith Grizzel, President/CEO 24 N. Third Street, Wilmi ngton, NC 28401 • 341-4030., .FAX 341-4029 12/98 ' FILE: \CVB 56 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: ~o~~e..~1-low ~( ~~5 ~ ~n-S +,~or32~ rr~ ~ Name: I"1 D ~~ e vL~- S , ;~ ~ ya (~~-, Home How long have you been a Address: ~ ~ L ~Y~GEG,~~'~-TI^.{~- h- ~~~= resident of New Hanover CountyT t 2 ~_ -~ Mailing Address: 13 G l~~(,-+_=GJr}-( U~}2 {-w City and State: ~''1 L.:v~ rn16-TOE ~' (-- Zip Code: ~F~ ~-f b 3 ' Telephone: Home: ~ ; G - ;~~ ~ I Business: `~~ (- hcp ~ ~ "Sex: ~ "Race: (.y "Age: ~( ~{ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Emplo yed b y: _ ~~ ~.H1G (c '~'~P i ~Q.s • •A person currently ployed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. - Job Title: ~12.rs ~ r~Q~,/ ~- Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: _ Why do ytou wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? (~? (nom ~ yJ ~t2v.-~ o-~-~ ~ V r ~ ~T~rl o cJC~ CD ...,,.'Ir\ ~..., t TS U ~-6 ~ ~.1 2-e ~ r~-~ ~ i w ~s..,S ~-.L~ 4 What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? N 4~ h ~S rti ~.~3 ~n--, ~o~_ S-t-, 2~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are. you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ''Date: s 3 ~ ~lIJ~5~L51J ULS~ (1 ~ JNAY 3" 1 1490 (Please user verse side for additional comments Signature NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilm. ington, NC 28401-4093 ,Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ,FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - _~ Request forAppointment to: l,li. G ~~r ~~ ~l(~e~'Gy~9''(l1 ~-i~~'C'(~ ~lt.ly2C~(,c., ~(~/~ r ~ ~" ~~~ 3 ~~ ..:Name: ~ ~, ~~ ~i~ ~ rCc~S ~`CG:CcJ ~l ~, . _ -Home ,~ ~ ~~ How long have you been a Address: o~ (G ~J~G~S~G/~ ~1 ~r~ v~, ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~~ 1ZC~e ~~/~o~ .~ Ailailing Address: c~ ~G ~(~ ~S GjG/fL .~Vi /~, - .. ~ . _. ~~ . City and State: UU + ~ (,tt,~' ~,C~~"GI(, Zip Code: a`6~ ~ I _ // _ .. Telephone: Home: io ~(~ - I ~ ~ ~ Business: _ o~ ~(~ ` a a 3 ~. 'Sex: ~ ~C yV1,G, ~ +~ "Race: ~U (~(,i +~ •Age; .1 1 ~ , 'This informatilo'n is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. . "Emp/oyedby: fYG~i Cc bJll,Yi~ ~~t,Gt. feQ Q ~" V~/~j V~'I)e ~P,4~ilCi LL "A person current/y empl ad by the agency or ~ apartment for which this appl~cafion is made, must resign his/herposilion with New Hanover County upon appoinrtment, in(_accordance.'with Artic/a Vl, Sec, 4 of the"New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ ~ yQC,~GY t (~Cc.~Py'i frG~ G.(IG~- ~C~;h.a •SerVi e~S Professional Activities: W(; G~i ~ V+~I e P.G'O~G~. i (~' J,/.(,-f l"~l~nyu,orQ~ _ I"jG~~'l~- ~Q y~t,~Je/ Vo/unteerActivities: ~/«C5 Qr (9~(1,YD(QK~/ N. N . C,'GL~~t-f-~ .~I'Y6 ,V `fZt,Y1,t, ~GLct1/~G~i . ._ _ ._ ., r ~ ._ _ . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? + ~ ~ . +C 21 fv; i ,L [J ~> /25io(e What do you fee/ are your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~ ~~ ~ . ~ 7 f / ~ ~ 1 ~k-l~t. i ~ ~ l'o-~e ; c 4;~ ~/) ~cc~ e, ' c?~x. C~l e~~- .... ~l,rk~,'rt~. yrcde v~(~-iou.~ ~ /~diry~-f sfr~,~c~~, ~.nd: a'~y~lc~'~u:e,~--- /~ at areas o concern wou you h b o seethe Board, o ~ittee, or om tssion address? l TIG~~wL(~~ CtJGYk)h~ G~?~U r rc.a ~~ n ; - - - +~+ cc•vr vi c.~ ~ w w. . .. Are ,.you currently serving on.another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a,county? if so, please list: (Ple reverse side for edditionalcommentsl Barbara Bradshaw Kidd Bay~hore Estates • 290 Buyrhore Drive • 11%itmirrgton, NC28411 • Telephone (910) 68G-112=~ PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Ltilanagement executive Communication, negotiation and decision making capabilities Proditct strategy and development • Trade relations Advertising development ~I'V, print, radio) Direct marketing and telemarketing • Contract negotiation ~ execution •Strategic planning Business Experience DIRECTOR OF CATERING & MEETING SERVICES 1998-Present First Carolina iVlanagement, Inc. Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Wrightsville Beach, NC Promoted from previous position; responsible for the overall operation of the Catering and iVleeting Services Depart- ment at the new SunSpree Resort (projected opening -Spring 1999) to include setting goals and objectives, staffing and training, budgeting, sales reporting and evaluations.:~lso responsible for developing and directing sales efforts in order to achieve ma:dmum revenue and proEtabiliry potential for the hotel, while also promoting complete guest sat- isfaction. Pre-opening responsibilities include the selling of future group rooms/meeting space and participate in de- . velopment of the new hotel's marketing plan with the Director of Sales & Marketing. CONVENTION SERVICES & MARKETING MANAGER 1989-1997 First Carolina i\,4anagement, Inc. Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Wrightsville Beach, NC Responsible for selling of the hotel's guestrooms and meeting space to include contract negotiation, pricing policies, on-site client tours, trade shows, telemarketing and in person sales calls to clients in feeder market cities. tifarketing, development and computer design of promotional collateral For service outlets of the resort. Liaison for community and media relations, trade agreements. Assist in the development of newspaper and radio advertising. • Created and published hotel marketing materials (for food & beverage outlets, children's programs, recreational activities, hotel mascot, in house information boards, etc.) which increased market penetration at all levels. • Assist in the development of the new hotel marketing plan for the SunSpree Berort concept, which resulted in thehotel being awarded the 1996 Quality Excellence and Modernization Awards by Holiday Inn Worldwide. • Successfully negotiated hotel sponsorships to enhance hotel's image in community to include University of North Carolina-Wilmington :'athletics, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Landfall Legends of Tennis Tournament, and American Heart Association. • .accredited as a "Meeting Specialrst"by Holiday Inn Worldwide in 1994. • Sales Award in 1992, 1993, and 1995 for achieving forecasted goals and increased sales. • Sales Department awarded Commitment to Excellence Award in 1994 & 1996. 59 Barbara Bradshaw Kidd .. ~ Page; 2 ,, DIRECTOR OF SALES 1986-1988 Holiday Inn Corporation, Southeastern I~fid-Atlantic Region, Lumberton, N.C. Responsible for the total sales effort of the hotel to, include the selling of rooms/meeting-banquet space- Creation of marketing promotions and packages. Effective hotel promotions at major feeder market cities and trade shows to generate group rooms business throughout"the southeastern mid-atlantic region. • Established and launched successful sales department Eor the Lumberton hotel,which resulted in a 40% increase in hotel rooms bookings and banquet sales from 1987-1988. • Recipient of 1987 award for Best Improved Guest Relations by Holiday Inn Worldwide. - COMPANY SPONSORED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING - • Interaction Management • Professional Selling • Power Communication Skills' .• Telemarketing • Operations & Marketing • Designing Eye Catching Brochures & Ads Principles of Banking • Law and Banking Accredited Meeting Specialist - • ., . . PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commerce , , President & Executive Director, 1994 Position responsibilites: ~ ' Chief administrati~~e officer; Responsible for operating budget and all expenditures with approved budget allocations. ' ,Directed all program work & committees ` Board Member 1993-1995 ' 60. Greater Wilmington., Chamber of Commerce MPI .(Meeting Planners International) Ex-Officzo Board Member 9994 Member 1996-1997 National Network of Women in Sales , . Wilmington Chapter Vice President, 9990 EDUCATION Graduate, Miami Palmetto, 1972 Miami,-Florida ° ' COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1VACANCY APPLICANTS: Tom J. Collins (Life and Health License) James E. Moore, Jr. COMMENT: Applicant must be an officer, owner or partner of independent insurance agency, licensed to provide property and casualty insurance. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application COUNN COMMISSIONQ~'i APPROVED ^ REJECTED ^ REMUlIED ^ ~a POSTPONED ^ ~" HEARfJ O ~` DATE ~~,5~~~~~q_~l~m_ WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 6 , ~ ~. '' ~. 3 appointed by County Commissioners 3 appointed by City Council Terms: 3 years -staggered Qualifications: individuals who are officers, owners or partners of independent insurance agencies directly qualified as agents representing. property and .casualty insurance and surety bonding companies who are residents of New Hanover County. Regular Meeting: Fourth Thursday of each month at Riverboat Landing at 12:30 p. m. Statute or cause creating Committee: In June 1964, committee was created by Wilmington City Council with the charge "to supervise and give advice on City's insurance needs" . In 1967, the Committee became Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory .Committee becoming a joint Committee of City and County appointees. Brief on the functions: To protect the governmental units against financial loss due to accident through identifying potential loss exposures and recommending the proper insurance to cover such loss. Acting upon authorization by these entities, the Committee seeks to obtain the necessary coverage at the most economical cost, from insurance companies of adequate financial status, expertise and service potential. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING ~ EXPIRES George H. Chadwick, III Fifth 6/8/2001 Chairman 2331 Waverly Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 791-0414(H),762-2489(W) Carolyn Lyons ~ Second ~ 6/8/2000 P.O. Drawer 270 ' Wilmington, NC 28402 (Appt. 8/22/94) 256-5650(H) 763-3431(VV) (Reappt. 5/ 19/97) James E. Moore, Jr. Fourth 6/8/99 620 S. Lumina Avenue Wng~hts ~ill e,iB,ea~ch,~,NC~28480 ~ 256~8~850(H) 256 5 33 ~ = , 3 ~ :' # ~•. ~~ j, 62 .N: .~~ ~~ ,~~~ j ~ i WILMhTGTON/NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSURANCE ADVISORY COMNIITTEE .City's Appointees Henry B. Brown 4310 Shipyard Boulevard Wilmington, NC 28403 251-9200 (VV) Murdock (Crae) Dunn UCB Insurance Center 309 N. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 762-2034 (W) Katherine Taylor 1430 Commonwealth Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 Executive Director Carlton W. Allegood 24 N. Third Street Wilmington, NC 28403 772-7801 (W) Governmental Entities served by the Committee are: New Hanover County City of Wilmington ~ _ New Hanover Regional Medical Center Southeastern Center for Mental Health, Dev. Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services Cape Fear Community College Board of Education of New Hanover County Cape Fear Council of Governments ABC Board of New Hanover County Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington New Hanover County Airport Authority Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. Health Sciences Foundation, Inc. Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority File: /insur. wp 4/98 - ~ 63 v -x, ~~..., a.~~.J ~.... .tea J1~.:U1 JV+.. ~+ HpR~20-89 TUE ,129 P, u i N,E~Y1I flANOV~R ~C?UN7"Y . • eo~~a o~ eon~~'rss~on~~r~s ~32D Chestnut Street, Room 3Dvr Wilmington, NC r2$4Q ~ -493 ,. reltpr5one t91a13~r-774y FAX 1910134 t -413p .4ppJlcarton r Appv-r»tm~rnr to Bv~rds. Cnrnmlti~~~, ~rnr! C0+~7misslons , _,. ApPglrtTa by the New t~~navQr CotJnty Baerd of Commissioners. RB4uPst for Appornir»~nt ro: , ~_ j~l,~'Ll/~.J7it~('.~r ~~ j/ ,/7 •~~, . Karns Avdra'SS: h ,~~ ~~ How tong hev~ you been ~ --~ resldenl Of tY~tw Ndnwlr Count/T - MaitinpAddfgs6:,iyC~ ~/9,D~ `'~19/~ ,~ - T"` _ ,, c,ry and Stan: c.f/ ~. ?" _ ~ ~ __'_"""`...~-- ......~.~ ~ COdC: 7elephvne: !-_'arr~; S'! ~ ~.,5'- Q ~ j~ ` s.~ ffvsrntss: ~ r L 'Th:J r~/o?riuNan is ragvesrD or tha anb pVipar~ ~1 pen urlp~ t/~+f ^ Q/WS-lOCtion pf lAO ca/Aro~.nirr is +PpPlntad, "A peraoR CtrrrrnNy a+wrvyad ~ rAC e~ur ,'y ar .lvicer!mrnr asr wh:v this Qaalice~""-'__ .._. Naw NcnpvK C:+fun h ~ rrrede, m4~s) ,riiyn rriilAY~. paavriDn w;tn~- fY iltlvrt rr ntment, rn tlcr,OrCtlnr:s -vlh,q/•G'c% V/, 51a 4 ttf rhr NawN~nvvsr Cow!!y PrrYann•/ , PohCy_ Jvb Trde: , ~ ,~,~ ~~ _ ~ , t'rofeSSionvtAcrivitrRS: ,~,~~ -• -„ ._._. ~.~` f~ % f%?~,~, ~• valvateerActh)!tr'~~ T'L `~"`--'-'. W7ty do you wish to S~/Ve Ott the aErd, Ccrrnrtittee, 4r COrnrnissien requCSted). ./ t,,~ _~~ y What tia you lea/ ore your pu51rllc tiaras far sQivind an tha Boar4, Camrrrrrtee..ot Cvrnrrl~ ~~_ F . epzrestcd? ~,d ~' ~ F ' r 's810n i _ ~f'fit~AUllt L.iC , C'° '~!~ ~.~---- ~i ~~ ?mid ~ ~o ~ ~u~' .n~ Whit art33s Cfz~csrn would you ;ke to _~~`~ /~ ~ srs [ha 6'oard, Gomtnrttae, ar Commis~iorr ads~rt ~sT ' X1~ ~ A 1 Are yOu currently servlrt on bnor r bomrd ar cammittQ apptinted by a m ru6il3B1lty a- is eourttY) If sD, x•?¢asg /1sL'~ Data: ~ ~. ` ' -.-,. riq'onap use / ars* pid fer ed !Ions mx) S/yr/dt[//f n)Fl , 6 ~ ~ P~ n ~~ C c~S u-o~.,, ~ h S K ~c-~+1C 2 ~ ~ C- 2.x..5 2. P VY/ LV/ 1JJJ L.l. 11 Jl VV1JVI V.~ A.FR-?,a•.cg "'Uc, 11:29 ~ F: . ,, ~~ Please p!'~~ride thre lora! personal rEferences.• Name Phones Number woes. k - a 5"(~ -- 003 1 J ~ ~ (a ~2l ~tl S ~R ~~ ~ p / 3 -. ~ -t 1' P .. y~mr -- - H n M r- - ~ 9~_ ~3 S ,.~._._~., 31 ~aNN ~ L,C W o2 ~c -- ? 7 .~ - z s v ~ -~ ,H o ~ - - d s$ tf C7 POYtdt" F`3Y NQ~a 76T1 `~"~'~ ~ '* F~ s~ ~•` .~~.~ ,~ F~~ N co~aow. ~a none ~ ~''O1' ~` .~ ,l y p - ~ ~ 65 NFW HANOVF'R COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 `) ' Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County•Board of Commissioners. . / ~/ . ; _ ~ /'7~lrs,~.~1'-~'L, L~ <<~ ` ~~~7t~-t<~,tty.,.-- ~F~t,-{~2 ~i~n-,-. Request fgc-,,4ppoiniment to: ~i r~G~x{ ~ : /' ~~~ _ _ ~, Name: ,~/"~~--~'y-- ~_~ ~~ ~; , ~ t-~. 4- ,.. Home How long have you been a A'ddre s , ~ ~-{7 ~" ~ n+c--~ .~, ~~~-`~- resident of New Hanover County? 5 /L ~-~-~-~ j-Lz - ~ - ~. Mailing Address: " ~~ Z~l Z' Code: City and State: ~~~ ,~L ~i .~•-c.'~~~ ~~ p r-~~ ~-~ _ / ' Telephone: Nom y~/~`-- ~-~~ ~ -~'~'l ~ Business: ~~/%~ -- ~-.5 -~, - .~ 333 "Sex: /`7 "Race: C~ "Age: , / 'This inform~~ ~n~ is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community~'/i}JS^ appointed. " . ~ ~t->4->' ~A.~ ~ r ~ ,/ ^ t. .ice / ~ - .. .~c~-,, , % /--'~_ Employed b y ->-~ r ~f l l 7- ~-~ :~t . f-/_. Z~ ~ _ ~ •;' ~ "A parson currently employed by the agency ar department for which this applica! New Hanover County^pon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of Jab ~/T/it/e: ~L G' Professional Activities Yis made, rr/ursf resign his/herposiUOn with e New Hanover County Personnei Policy. ~>>Cc/ CLL(, ~yC VolunteerActivities: }'l~ ~C./'r- ~ Lc~~>j,. ,~ ~~ %~2t,~ ,u ,~ ~ ~~ ~'~ /'~'>!r'~-`~~-'°' ~ -, 1~.~+'~ _ ' f ~' , , Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~.~=-~~~~-wU--~ .ter-;~=~'~~~~ ~~ ~ y 4 ,lam ~--r''--'~-`-~;. L- ,; G ~ ~ L!~-~-~. What do you teal are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or. Comm/ssion requested? ~• ;~ What areas.of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commr'ssion address? /'~~ ~-'~"" ~ ~~- .. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~- ! / ~- ~) ! ~PR 4 ~~~ Signature muse reverse side for addidona! comments! j ®d. t~ C01~.1 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CONIlVIISSION FOR WOMEN . ~ 2 VACANCIES . ELLGIBLE FOR . ~ APPLICANTS: ~ ~ REAPPOINTMENT Christina L. Adams ~ ~~ Bernadette B. Allen Deborah A. Butler -Debra Clement XX . ~ .. . Trude Rennick XX Patricia A. Tate Laura Wilhelm NEW HANOVER.COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Number of Members: 17 7 Appointed by County Commissioners 7 Appointed by City Council 3 Appointed by Beach Councils Terms of Office: Three years -may not serve two consecutive terms without an intervening period of one year. Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p:m: at the YWCA, 2515 S. College Road. Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of March 6, 1978, Minute Book 18, page 177. Name Change on January 22, 1991. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21/94. Brief on Functions: To identify the status of women in New Hanover County by assembling existing information, conducting ~ original research; and other appropriate .activities.. , To disseminate information on the status of women to the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Wilmington City Council, Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach Town Councils and to the people of New Hanover County, and to -recommend appropriate action regarding the status of women and to prepare an annual report to give to the aforementioned governing bodies. To promote the .development of the potential of each woman. To increase public understanding of the problems, needs, and abilities of women,. and to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the above. TERM PRESENTLY TERM _ CURRF,NT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Debra Clement Unexpired 5/31/99 ~" 721 K Melba Court Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ ~ ,(Appt; 5/ 18/98) 790-9807(H) - Trude Rennick Unexpired 5/31/99 5924 Chester Street Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appointed 8/17/98) 791-3726(H) Teresa G. Goldston First 5/31/2001 4801 Oberbeck Way Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/ 17/96, Reappt. 5/ 18/98) 350=0629(H) 6~~ NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Marilyn A. McConnell First 5/31/2001 2000 Spinnaker Place (Appointed 5/18/98) ' Wilmington, NC 28405 :. 256-2630(H) 256-0067 Eileen McConville 3122 Scarborough Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 452.-2499(H) 343-2681(VV) Carla H. Turner . ~. 7212 Retriever Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 . 313-6183 (H) 815-3122 (VV) Dolores M. Williams 3113 Joe Wheeler Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 452-7150(H) 341-7820(VV) ' City of Wilmin tg on Appointees Laura Egeln CFCC Business and Industry . 411 N. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 .799-3854(H) 251=5150(W) Katherine Gaskins 3643-A.St. John's Court Wilmington, NC 28403 452-4835(H) .Sandra S. Hughes 522-19 S. Ken Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 392-3675 (H) 452-6393 (W) First 5/31/2000 (Appt. 3/24/97) First 5/31/2001 (Appt. 6/16/97, Reappt. 5/18/98) First 5/31/2001 (Appt. 5/15/95, Reappt. 5/18/98) ~ 69 NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN (CONTINUED) Yvonne .Pagan 3924 Hoggard Drive Wilmington; NC 28403. ~ ~ ." . 452-3063 (H) ;` " Emily D. Parker ~~ 213 Ann Street ~ . Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ ~ ' 763-9679(H) 341-7120(W) .. .,_ Lois Steele ~ ' 24 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28403 763-5822(H) 762-7886(W) Anthony Wade 116 Blount Drive ~ ' Wilmington, 'NC 28403 791-7416(H) 341-7171(VV) Carolina Beach Ant~ointee ~ . ~ ~ . E. Karen La Manna Karish 111 Florida Avenue, #8 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 458-7023 (H) , Kure .Beach Appointee Jean Mabe ' 136 Third Avenue, S. Kure Beach, NC 28449 458-4877(H) .; " Wrightsville Beach Appointee Sandra Moms 245 Beech Street ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28405 256-0005(H) Appt. by Commissioners 6/17/96 File: \Women 6/98 70 ~? ' ~ NEW NANO VF'R COUNTY ~. BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 , Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ' Application. for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request fo/r Appointment to: _ ~/w ~~CJ~/nJr~~ ~~: ~.~i~„~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ --~ ~ ~- ~~Q~j~-j Name: C~`1 ~ i .~ ~i ~~ ~~ ~ /~C~~Z ~~~ ~ S Home How long have you been a Address: ~~ / 7 ~~ -Ci_r~cj J~ ; -, resident of New Hanover County? ~ " ~ J .~,,; - c% ' ` Mailing Address: ' ± City and State: ~rJ, '~~ ~';-~ Zip Code: ;~ ~~y ~ ~' Telephone: Home: GJl~~ - .~~ ~~ 7 - G'S~Gj Business: ~ f~ -- :~"/G C'' j! ' , ~ "Sex: "Race: ~?y «. _~~ ; ~1~~ 'Age: _ ;;,~';~ `This information is requested for the sole purpose of assurin/g that a cro//ss~-lsection of the .community is appointed. '.'Employed by: ~/GCl'~i G~~~;~- '~/ ~~i, /'/7 ` `A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/a V/, Sec. 4 0/the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ,~ Job Title: Gr- Professional Activities: ,~~S,J?~' G/.C~~'~ c7 C' /lc-/"r/ C,~'~.SI~Ga~'~.1 '~' Jy2'~T ~ J ~ ~~i /"i=/ C/~ /~ C1 ~~~ VolunteerActivities: ~~ l-,-r_ ~J,>s,.~ ~',~?:.~.--._~ ~<~, ~ ~. ~ ~C% ~'~ ~~ .s-~;--~-,_~J . y/ ~ .,~ .Why do you wish to serve on .the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) _ ~ ;;,rJ~-,/~~'_ ~~/~,~ ,(~ / / i ~~'?h? c°i / /'J /~'~~E~C, L'..~i 'f'~ L~'C.~1..,t' ~JG'U ~i-n rr-c r ~ ~rtt~/ L~'~ ".---~ i /l~~ /ri ~ , ~~ ~ ~; 1 ,> What do you, fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~.:_<- ~z~ ~ . i ~i~'iG2LL.' Or~f~!=:: i' .:-u~~~ ! ~ ~.~ Ccr E~ ~. ,ate /"S, //r: ~ / ~~!/L~f/'~ -~ ' ~Kfi- ~~ /f'6C:~%2 C'ul~ L-c.~ C.• ='1G~Yt'' SY"~-~c.~~C-~ I~LGC-=~.-~, Gv /^ '-i'~ C.-/~v--~~t~.,~.~;~j ~c'~ G.~C ~'%~f~i What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee', or Commission address? ~~~~ - ~~ 1_ /' r_ v / i lf~ 4' ~J~l•^t ~,~ C~-n,t/i ,~/~C. / n-,~-7.i~.~-T Ci,,-t . ;s~-c,~.7,~ /~ ~r .3'.f !.c'~.-i?- // ~~J' U i :=/ < ~Cr~~~ / C.c7''r',.,':1/ ~CJ ~~G. Are }iou currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? ~ if so, please list: G? t; - .(Please use re~ver~sa side far additional comments/ Signature (OVER) //'' y , i NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS ~-~-`~~~ ~` -''~' ~'~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,2 9 1°99 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. • Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ ~`~^~'~{ ~ ~ • • ~ - • `- l• L .. C .' ~ . _.':~ • FAX (9101 341-4130 r - - - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointmentto: New Hanover~Commission for Women Name: Bernadette B. .Allen Nome Address: 1501 Ann St. Wilmington, NC 28401 How/onghave youbeen a • resident of New Hanover CountyT sincel0/' 88, llyrs ,lilai(ingAddress: 1501 Ann St. Wilmington,NC28401 City and State: .Wilmington, NC Telephone: Nome: 910-343-0433 28401 Zp Code: Business: 910-343-7000 "'Sex: female "Race: African-Americas • 33yrs . Age: -'This in/ormetion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "°Emp/Dyed by: slew Hanover Regional Medical Center "A person current/y amp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this app/~cat~on ~s made, must resign his/her position with New Nenover County upon eppointmant, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Tit/e: Coordinator of House Supervision/registered Nurse rofessiona/Activities: Notary Public, Corporate compliance trainer n/unteerActivities:_Belta Sictma Theta Sorority, Inc.& Jack .and Jill of America, Ir1c. ihy do you wish to serve on .the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT I believe that I can ~:~ssist to promote the mission of this commission by acting as a resource or and families. I ahso believe that New Hanovercounty is culturally averse and in need of a different perspective on t e commis ~'at do you fee/ are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? t was born a female, and have learned to be a positive role model, change :~actant and advocate for all people. ~aP areas of concern. wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT .any area. that suggests positive changes which could improve e s omen. in the cqunty. However healthcare issues are a particu ar co you currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or e countyl if so, p/ease list: No,but I have requested appointment on - New Hanover Commission for Women by ' he Cit, not Wilmington. Asa use reverse srda far additions/ comments) ,~ Signature ~. :t/i~~~(~'~L=`~. ~r~~:~> 73. (OVER) BERNADETTE B. ALLEN - 1501 Ann Street . Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 343-0433 (H) (910) 343-0433 (Fax) (910) 343-2618 (B) ' EDUCATION Master of Science in Nursing, candidate 1993 (incomplete) East Carolina University-Outreach Program, New Hanover Regional ' Ntedical Center, Coastal AHEC, Wilmington, NC 28401 Bachelor of Science in Nursing, May 1988, Minor in Psychology ' North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC 27411 LICENSE North Carolina 101823 CURRENT ~ COORDINATOR OF HOUSE SUPERVISION June 1997 to Present POSITION New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, NC NHRIviC is a 680 bed, JACHO approved, teaching hospital serving southeastern NC. • Coordinate nursing activities on the assigned shift. • Authorize and dispatch Vitalink, the mobile intensive care unit, to retrieve patients from other community hospitals. • Serve as in-house administrator on off shifts and. communicates with on-call executive administrator appropriately. • Manage all members of the PRN care team (approx. thirty); including luring, performance evaluations, disciplinary actions and terminations of RNs, LPNS, CNAs, and unit clerks. • Serve as liaison to clinical directors/vice presidents/hospital personnel to resolve existing . problems; actively participate in quality improvement activities and other committees/task forces as requested. • Serves as Medical Center spokesperson for the local news media. • Reports directly to the.Chief Nursing Executive/Vice President of Nursing Operations EXPERIENCE CARE TEAM iVIANAGER , Summer 1996 -Summer 1997 AssistedCare, Inc., Home and Health Care Specialists -Wilmington, NC • Responsible for coordinating, directing and motivating in-home care team members in the planning, coordination, and delivery of quality"care and/or services to clients. • Manage and implement in-home staff field activities. • Supervise in-home and other clinical personnel; including approx. itivo hundred in-home ` aides, and three RN case managers. • Assist in monitoring agency compliance with JCAHO, federal, state and local regulatory guidelines. • Assure that physician's orders and revisions, nursing/aide actions, inter-agency communicarion, client progress,. aide supervisory visits and discharges are documented as - aPPropr-iate. • Investigate client requests or complaints promptly and pleasantly. • Manage clinical coverage issues related to various insurance programs. • Coordinate care team to ensure quality care in the most efficient and appropriate manner. • Participate in the annual evaluation of the agency. • Demonstrate current knowledge regarding professional career development in the delivery of health care services. • ~ • Participate as faculty for inservices/continuing education activities conducted at AssistedCare. BERNADETTE B.~ ALLEN EXPERIENCE continued CHARGE NURSE/STAFF ,NURSE Spring 1994=,Summer 1997; Fall 1988 -Winter 1992 New Hanover :Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, North Carolina • General SurgicaUMedical/Urology unit. • Geriatric Unit and Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital. • Patient and family education facilitator; initiated program development • Nurse preceptor ~ ` CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR (part-time) . ~ Cape Fear Community College, Wilmingtog North Carolina Winter 1991 -Spring 19.92; Winter 1993.- Spring 1994; Summer 1994 -Fall 1994; and. Winter 1997. • James Sprunt Community Colley, Kenansville, North Carolina Spring 1995 .. ~ ` • Instructor in the Associate Degree Nursing Program;. responsible for clinical instruction of l st and 2nd level nursing students, on nephrology, cardiac/telemetry, gynecology, pediatric, and neuroscience units. , • Instructor for Continuing Education -Certified Nursing Assistant;,responsible for • instructing, providing, and promoting 80,hours of theory and 40 hours of clinical skills according to Division of Facility Services, Raleigh, NC RN SUPERVISOR ~ ~ ' . Olsten-Kimberly Quality Health Care, Wilmington, North Carolina Winter 1993 to Spring 1994 • 'Direct home health patient care, medication administration. • .Advisory Board IViember, Quality Assurance/Clinical Review Committee Member. . , { STAFF DEVELOPMENT;COORDINATOR Pinnacle Care: Nursing.and Rehabilitation Center, Wilnngton, North Carolina Winter 1992 -Winter 1993 ~ ~ , • Served as Employee Health Nurse, SafetyManage'r, Inservice Director, Oualiry Assurance Coordinator, Employee Counselor, and active,part of Nursing Administration. HONORS & ACTIVITIES r~ • .Jack and Ji11 of America, Inc. 1999 (new member) • North Carolina Nurses Association - 1999 Nurses' Day Celebration, awarded for nursing excellence acid being a positive role model: • YWCA- Cape Fear Women of Achievement nominee 1999 • NHRMC Corporate Compliance Trainer 1999=one of forty selected to educate over three thousand employees. • Notary Public 1997 -expiration November 2002 • Wilmington Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,-Inc., 1997 (active member) • Sigma Theta Tau International, Nursing Honor Society, 1997 (financial member) 7.6 _ • NCA&TSU Alumni Association, Wilmington Chapter, 1996 (financial member) • Member, Tiny Sherman Day Care Parent /Teacher Association, 1993 to 1997 Treasurer, 1.996 to 1997 1501 Ann St. ® Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ . April 28, 1999 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners City of Wilmington -City Council Wilmington, NC To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed an application for appointment to the New Hanover Commission for Women. Also find a copy of a recent resume' and three personal references. I decided to request appointment after attending a workshop hosted by an Equity Task Force in March of this year. The workshop was sponsored by the New Hanover Commission for Women, UNCW Office of Minority Affairs and the American Association of University Women. I would like to be an advocate for those in~my community. I hope that an appointment to this commission will assist me to accomplish my goal. I attended the . April meeting, informed the members present of my interest, and felt encouraged. I was not sure of the commissions vacancies therefore I have completed two separate applications, one to each local governing assemblies. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ~_ . .Sincerely yours, /r . Bernadette B. Allen 77 . Aug-24-9$ 01:14P Port City Properties 910 251 7945 P_02 n~~-~rv ~,a~-ovE~ couNrr Bt~ARD OF CD1~lblISSIONF.RS - . 320 Chestrwi S#rset, Room 305. WtJmingfvn, NC 28~f4l-4093 Telephone (~79) 341-7149 FA7C (5tt9j 3st.413D Appi/catlort for Appoirtlr»a~tt to Board~g Cae~rmttiast, end Commissfons Appolnt~d by ~e Nsve- Hsnowr Caunty ~o:rQ o~ Cornm~reloners. ~1~i HAll01ER ~ fOR Ilf"~E~ D n !ltll~r taltca tllcjuasT ivr Iipp//osair~/ r in: Borne ~ ,~.~. Naw lDrr~ h~ yvv t~rr a ~ Air. ~~.~Y .r.~ ~v _.. ~ rs~ioder+t oflViw Hanowv County? ~ Z t'.f A~fs~rtgAda~r+ess: _ ~ ~ t cttyr sna state: r f,N~~, ~ •~ I},,/G ~p ooa~: •~~ol /' r ~ ----~-- Tetaph~-s: ~.. ttonrs:L ~T~'l ..aS/-. j~0~~ ~ euslrfa~: ~r'0.~. 3~3 -~177~ _ _ •'lri~q ti6brerdon Ar raqu.,e.d,lbs sr. earo a~.aa.v or sawn+rr~ that. agv...olion d',oMr aorc~p+a~Kj+ b apipoMYS~d '~1 p~w~a+n aar~niY s+np~d 8r ~r+++~pe~CY a ~rar~ fa- wiwfdr Cdr aippilcaMorr'ir +nrd~ na.r~.e~yln nAlvt+.rpoedMan w+~ ~sw ilsnowdCe~cuag +por+, ~.. be eeear+oMner ~ ~fw vt, S~ 4 of ~,. JWar !$nevw Couty l~sarr.ar Job T7tfio: ~~'"h ~ ~Ii // ~ Fro~,4erfvi~e~•, ~~t;~CP D~ Lit ~/ .~,Pa ~ ~Sj7LT~ ~a~U1t P. ~ \ 1/oltttttearArxhr~s: L~as~. ~u.~ ~• /4-y,9~r`~~.h(e r ,~~•~~ Co~~S~~ f~ Q~/r/' e ~ ~ l4?ry do yart wish, to ~®rvtir ar the Bpeirat, Cwrtirrltt~s, or Gam~nRSS+onJnegrre~si~d? ~ ~ _ ~ t ~t / _ it/L me- d M~~li n... - Wtust dD ynu 1l~el ana your glotls t bt aervlrrg un itfe E3aer~, GCUfsrt>~ au' Carrerrrba~art 1t~G{Df 6i/rfs ~iCJll, •~ J L~ wee - rtl 1D. rs ~~ss e el~tkc~- • ~'' er~q- ~ .~~, '~f ., ~ wtwr aro~lds a c1oncsm wo/ukr ynu ~Gka re a.e rh. eoero, f'1//~, /ia_bf lj~l~ 1X', L~~! k 1~.i ~ ~p ~rrrCf ibr ~otiromwnnmy Owte: ~ ~ S eY or Commistrlcn addr~sss 9 /~(G~ uYS~~tE''.SS;l~~rt " i ,~~~ 78 `,Aug-24-98 01:14P Port City Properties- 910 251.7945 RFFFRFN~`FS r vl rr 1 eten rs: Wease p o dt three Local persa g ref c Name Phone Number r ~l ~Gl ~ ~ -1es ~~ c CMG ~6Z - Sss' ~ u ~f ~ ~~ ~~3 -- ~7 -~ ~ . 1a- . ~j i,.~~~---I .e~~c- • P . 03 79 e4ug-24-98 O1:14P Port City Properties 910 251 794.5 Deborah Armfield Butler ATTnRNEY AT LAW 1209 Market Street Wilmington, N.C. 2A401 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28,401 To Whom It May Concern: P _ 01,,. !'hone. (910) 5~3-9776 Fax: {91(t)25?-7940 Voice f~taiL• (910) 452-6963 August 24, 1998 Following is my application for appointment to the New Hanover Commission for Women. Please be advised that I have been a resident of New Hanover County for 4.5 years and have had an active law practice since that time. Further, 1 have held a real estate ]icense and am one of the owners of Port City Properties, Inc., and serve as principal broker of that firm. I live in Wilminbtan's historic downtown and have been actively involved in the restoration of several key downtown properties. 1 graduated with honors from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee with a B.A. in English in 1983 and then received my ].D. degree from Wake Forest University Schoot of Law, Winston-Salem, North Carolina in 1986. I practiced law in New York City from 1987 until 1994 at which time I relocated to Wilmington, NC. I am currently a member ofboth the North Carolina and New York Bar Associations. I have also taught Family Law at Cape Fear Community College in the recent past. I taught for one semester and enjoyed that work very much. In 1992,1 was co-founder of the Cochecton Preservation Society which was a grass roots organization devoted to the preservation of the oldest train station in the State of New York. 1 served as President of that organization from 1942 until moving from New York in 1994. During that time we mounted successful fund-raising efforts, and did, in fact, disrnantte and resurrect the station as a civic and community center which thrives to this day. I believe that I can be an asset to the Commission in that I have been a litigator and a businessperson for a few years now, and I think that gives me good communication and good organizational skills. Furthermore, l can get truly passionate about things when 1 perceive a need and a means to fulfilling that need. Please forward these materials to the appropriate individuals on my behalf. Thanks for your attention w this matter. Ve truly yours, 1 C%~~ Deborah utler Ada:itted i» Norte Crrn~(ina arrd Neu York 80 . ~ -~ NEW NANDVER COUNTY ~ ~~ . . ~ BDARD OF CO'Nf1!l~ISSIC)N~~3S 320 Ch~sfnut Street, Room 30v .. . Wilmington, ~NC~~ 2840y-4493'`' Telephone (919J 341-7149 :.. . .... . ... _ .. FAX (919) 34~-4i30 . .4pplicafron far Appoittfinenf fo 8'oards, Comrnrftees, and Cammis$la~s ~PAofnfsd by th6 NQw Haxiover County Bdarci of Gommissfoners. -~ , AequestforAppointmenito; D~lE.u~ a.no Pr`- '~i,a~,. ~.- ~a^ti~- Hama ~.c~c! f'~ t" ~ I C.l YJ~ y ti How long have you-been a ~ Address: G ~ resident of New Hanover Cau ~•~ bfar7ingAddress: ~~~' i Cify and State: C.~v i 1 ~? l '~ ~~~ 2tp Code: '_ r,7(~`fU 5 . Tefepirone: Name: ~ ~,~U ' ~ O d ~ ~ Business: ~1 ~_ L? ~ ~ " 'Sex: ~~ Y1rIQ ~ 'E... xRacs: t~1.Lu~ ~ C~ ~ *Age: _ "~'~ _ ~Thlt lnlorma''tlon11Js re/q~uestad fnr the so/le pu/use of sssyr~g that a crosssecrion of the oommunity is appointed. 't'tEtT)ptDyBd by W ~.~l._. ~ ~V ' ltd '"A parson currently amplayad by #te agency or departrnenf tar which fhls apptleatfon is made, must rsslgn his/herpasltlan wkh New H.nover Coon upon appolrtiman~ In eczordarste wlth .drtlrle Vl, Sew d of the Naw Hanover County Pereonrrel pcflcy. t J~ Jos ilia: GtrS ! YI ~~5 S ~' Gr-~2 ProfessionaiActfvifiss: m e.~rr b e R r'~ tt ~.1. Volunteer Activrfies: catty do you wish to serve tan 1f1a Board, Carnmfttt:e, or Commission requested? (,r..YY1 UtJ ~-~J~C C.:~I~'L-(.try ~~~~ ~ ~~ :What do you feel are your qualrffcations for serving an the Board, Commh7ee, or Commission requested? ~r(~ rt i~ ~~ of~ cbnce would ou I! a id see a 8o rd, am~ittee, or Commission address? ~v~ ~ .(please vse reverse side fnraddidonst Gonu~ntsJ Date: ~f LP. •,~ f;. • ~h'tY~'1 ~h~ ~~ . . ~. Signature ~ ..• ~; . ~ . 81 y.~. ~= ~.• .. .. '• . ,• Please provide three loco/ peisonal.~references:~ •• t , .... ~ . Nerne fi • , .. ~ . • • , Phone Number r1 ~ ~~!~ t°~ ~ ~~f ~~ ~d z~ 3l ~J TOTAL P. 05 82 • • • ipebra A. Clement Business Manager 1NECT TV-fi Education 9954- 7986 Naw Hampshire Ca/legs Portsmouth, N'N Associates in Accounting - 999tl- 9995 Southern Vermont Cotfege Bennington, VT Bachelors -Business Administration GPA 3.7 upon gradaation Experience Work experience has included Prime Tanning in Berwick ,Maine for eleven years as Plant Accaurrtant, Yankee Construction in Portland, Me as an Assistant VP-1?inance and job costing/ purchasing with Eveready Battery ~ompeny in Bennington, Vt. ! also did the public accounting thing for a couple of years with Fenton, pinsnnnault and Company in Pittsfield, MA, 1 have been with - WECI` N-6 for two and one half years. - 1 am 45 years of age and have two daughters ages 21 and 23. My oldest daughter is a graduate of University of Scranton with a Bachelors in Neuroscience and Is working in Westbrook, ME with 1DF~CX hates as a research assistant. My youngest daughter, Amy, is majoring in Psychology at the University of New Hampshire. My fiancee awns his own company, Coastal Marketing and Development Co. in Wilmington and we plan to marry in OCtc~ber of this year. We also own Rosemont Galleries on Market Street in Wilmington. I am a member of the American Association of University Women and was School Board D(rector for SAD 60 in Maine for nine years. My interests are golf .and books. 83 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMNIISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~ Name: ~j''L1 CI ~ /!1 ~ ~~1~~ Home , How long have you been a . Address:. ,,~j 9 d ~ ~ ~ •j f e Y ~ / , resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: („~_~~) .. C!'ty and State: 1 ~ I n ~ U V1 Zip Code: ~ ~ ~!J ..~-' Telephone: Home: ~~/ (~ 1 ~ ~ j - ~ ~~~ Business: ~- ° -' 'Sex: _ ~ "Race: ~CI CIS • "Age: ~D 'This information is requested (or the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~-~• r ..Employed bY: 7C ~ ~ % ~ C' G/ "A person currently ployed by the'agency or depaitment for which this application is made, must resign his/herposifion with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Ardc/a Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title:. ~ l l Professional Activities: ~__ ~ j~ j j h ~ e y-+ ,~D ~ C~ ~jp ~I CL ~1 ,~ S S ~i~' Vl/O ~1 ~ / ./ f ~ f j!,~~, ~ii~es VolunteerAc ivities: ~/e!'' ~ f ,C/,jJ ~-i- S~< n~ ~In~,~/ u ! D e /y~fi~Df7l1~ VvDiylcr e- pm~h / tjc:? (~~C~:'1 IDi~ 1 /~/ 1~ ,. n /f ~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee,~'or Commission regGestedZ~j( ';i~,~-u;Yl~ ;('~~~~J ,~ a ~ ~ 1 ~I ~ ~ ,,l Ci~~Gti.~ ~' ~ /I^r1,2~ ./_G~-l ~' / D ~ _/it y h /. ~ ~rC rf~ 4~ ~~~~ , ~ir~ . ~i .~ ~.,~.~~ i ~..1~ .--,~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ . .. ~• : ~. ~ ,~ ~- areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Co rnittee, or Commisssion address: ~x~~~rL ~ ~: ~~r~ 1, Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: 0 r- 1 _ ;~ r ., i ~' ~' De r~ ~ Signatur~ (Ple~ reverse side for additional comments/ / ~~~' ~ ~ 1998 V~(~ ~~~ (OVER) r ~C REFERENG~S . P/ease provide three local persona! references: Name Phone Number 2~ •J ~ ~ ~~. ~ `~U ,- • 85 NEW HANOVER GOUNTY , . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 , Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 ` Telephone (919) 341-7149 FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New, Hanover County Board of Commissioners. (`1 SEW HRNOYER fONM1iSI0M FOA~'~"•'.'~~<"~; .. . Request forAppointmen# to: P'. O. BOAC 15056 ^ ~.~ ~- - Name: ~~=~5 Y' ~ C ~ A ~ ` t ~'~ ~ Home Address: ~ ~ (~ MailingAddress: / ~~ ! - ~ Y t City and State: ~ i' Yh `vi c ~ ~ ~Z , 11 + y ~ How long have you been a ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~,r~ l Telephone: Home: ~ 17~ ~'~ ~- - ~ ~CZ j Z/p Code: ~- ~~~ / Business: C~'I t L ~ 3 ~'~ "` 4-~ ~~ *Sex: ~ *Race: a~'~r~ ~ et t C,~^ *Age: S ~' *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ` i ~ I 1 ~` **Employed by: /~_ r i.t..; !~ rt-b~o i~ ~i.~ i`~C'-`~ ` ~ hC~~ r~ £C~ ~ C~ ~ C',y,~'~ - t"+.~ ~ ~ ~~ C, ~ ~ *'A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New ~- Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~lyl~Vlt~~~~~..A(~J~ ~S~jUC.rC~e. 1 Job Ttle: `~ ~ ~ ProfessionalActivities: CO t-~ m vY. ~ ~'+-e s ~ -~1 ~-~' ~~.-L__ _ Vo/unteerActivities: ~{bn ~ C'.~..~ L ~t i S ~~Y'~t cv ~ C~ `~~ w1 -e, Why do you wish fo serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? t~ 8-Y+~e.~.o ~ y'oc,g„~„.,., c..,~ cTi ~,,, w ~.-~-~- ~.~. ~ e-,... ~ rte..-~ ~.ri. " ~.~-.,:~ ~ , ,2,~,,..,d ~-n.c~.t~-.~:-.~ ~ (' - cam- s ~ d~ p~ ~-~-~ ,,J-~,,..s~.... . at do Y9u feel are your qualifica ro or servin~j on~the^Board, Committee, or commission requested? ~o ss ~~. Cl. - J Q~lti-2~ ~ ~-~ ~-Ctt~.~•-'~t ~.~.~T-~-~J t.v-~ ~ ~f ~p~-~ t 6•-,.. o ~?.e.~-~ t ~m-~ `{~v-t 2-~- ~.2LLo What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? j ,~,~ K, w.~, '~ ~a~•~.~+-- (Please use reverse side for addifional comments) t~ ,_____ I7at6 ~ t~~~" 3 ~ ~ - ~-Jl,~w 1 ~, Signature }-, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ` ~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~: ti 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: __~~~~~~ ~~(,(f'j~(,lE'.f ~~~,irt%I7 i'_SSc,an ~r ~~Gfj7Piz 9 Name: Home .~ How long have you been a l// ~ Address: S (Q ~ -: j^~ , ' / f ~( f ~ ~~ . resident of New Hanover County? l~c ~~- YS, 1 Mail.%..^,g Address: ~ ~' / ~ ~.- i-~ E' o~ ~ (Ttl z ~ ~'~ City and State: ~~ /n / y~ , ~~ /~, L Zip Code: ~- 0~ C/ C~ / Telephone: Home: (G ~ r ~ ~ ~~~ ' `1"~O C' -~ Business: 'Sex: • Race: /,:~ •Age: _~ C_1~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cross•sectian of the community is appointed. . •Emp/oyed by: ~ /?~ P_G>7C~-,~~= ~ G{:ir-~ ~7LPY JO ~'-~z k-t' "A person currently amp/oyed by the eganc or department far w ich t s application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordanca with Artic/a Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ ~j ~ Z'~ /%iri~iJc'/' i~~~-l / 1Cc~62a Professional Activities: _ ~~~ ~ q C(1.f ~i !Y7 ~ %~~ ~ /~ '' ~ ~~ r'o c' ~ ~ VoiunteerActivities: `'~.r-n r'G~_~` r r 7-- i(,'~l f r.r" r': /7 ~.~;~ ~ f~~~•{7C,~ S'`~/; i •r' -~I,L-~ r^ c~-~ <:~ o H. r~ sc h ~/ Cron ~~2 ftti' `~ ~-6 2- o ~~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission reque~tedl /v~ Ui i"'c- i~~ ~ E- ~~ rr GCi)) i/)7~c-'t,rS~c'<_~ if) GC;r/I)F/) S iSSCttS E5~'cC'iC~l~~~/ ;'~"~'~ I,~r,CS(C %~~~S S ~UG'iy~ U c"~ SG'~c~ ~ , What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1 Y'~c_z%u ~-off ~1i7 2CUc~i"c~ ~-i'e~i, C_:oUr_r'C)cr ~~~~~n f~ic.;tf {z,~. Z~~~K-<7 f`ef~r-istrl ~ h SclZGC S~ / -Z S ?~_~- ~~ S~ rirlh~"r' ~^{- ~-f7,,S crSi" ~ - ~Ir_ ~r /C. CCtl~c'r ~--~ ~f ~ Oi~i)/'ct •S 1=c~(r Cciifri r~~<.r c~7 ~lrr_ ;'~rct-c_c. <r: ~ /=c_~"~l' /~lc~~re( .S'y~cjv~cvne_ F/=~_7`c~.~ /~lcc~h~.~l'. E~'cc:l-S What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ;..;; ~~,~z`on ~.<- ~:rt~r'u~~:Z~~`er; ~ss~cs cfl y~ ~!`ic:L. C'.~?_.7~1 C/^ c~.( ~- ~J t_/7 Ct:C-' ~ C'f''CZ ~ i iX Ct~ (~!(~P '~;' C~ f C (c~ / G "f' s! f-'~~~~r'cL/ ~,~r~_i?rc=Cq~~ v ~a <<, ~o ~- r~rc%.4s _i'/'n~ ff,--~c ~7cr,~~c:,/: Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by~a rriuni~ality or~a county? if so, please list: _ _ y ~ // (Please use reverse side for additional comments/ ~-' (OVER) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 14 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver .SUBJECT: . " Consideration of Reimbursement to Carolina Beach for Beach Renourishment Matching Requirement for Damage Incurred by Hurricane Bonnie. • BRIEF SUMMARY: The Town of Carolina Beach, as detailed in the attached letter, has requested that the County reimburse the Town $72,000 for emergency beach protection work utilizing the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. The Ports; Waterway, and Beach Commission, has recommended that the County reimburse the Town for $68,400, or 95%, with the Town to pay $3,600, or 5%. This payment schedule would be in keeping with a new reimbursement policy adopted by the PWBC , as outlined in the attached letter. The issue is whether or not emergency beach repair or other unusual beach preservation costs that are not Federally or State-funded should be completely funded through the Beach Nourishment part of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund. The Town believes that the total cost should come from the ROT since it is .established for this purpose for all County residents. The PWBC believes that the Town should be required to pay some small percentage of the cost in order to establish responsible ownership by the Town. It should be noted that requiring some cost-sharing may help ensure that cost-effective projects are proposed in the future. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should consider the request from the Town. FUNDING SOURCE: Room Occupancy Tax Fund. ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FfNANCE: .BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY; MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The Board of Commissioners should consider the request from the Town of Carolina Beach, but weigh the ,position of the' PWBC which is for financial participation by the Town. ' .:J-°'' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: / COUNTY COMMI5~1011; • APPROVED Cam' REJECTED I~Eia~t~~°E® ^ ~ ~~~ ,~ ro0°~ ~~G U 9 Mary-10-99 11:54A Town o-~ Carolina Beach 910t458t2997 P_02 William A. Caster, +`•hairman New Hanover Gaunty F3aard ~f Commissioners 32f3 Chcstinit Street ~ • Suite. 305 ~ ` Wilrnu~gton, NC: 28401-403 ,~ Dear'Rill:. {)n April ~l, 1999 we wrt7l.e 1 letter to t%aunty Man~.ger, A}leri Cy'1~Teal, requesting to be ._ • 'placed on the Conunissione~'s agenda`for your ApYYI ~I91h'.meeting. PurE;udnt tc~ that • request; it was deteY~iined that• additional pertinent data needed to be gathered ttnd cornpiled regarding the subject ar topic of reunbursement from the Ilcacli~ Rcnourislu~tent ' Fund to New HanUVer County municipalities fc~r hurricane damages to ,public beachfrants that are nat reimbursable by FF.MA because csf`being•funded, by another federal.. agency. Further discussion with elected ol~icials in crur county indicates that all cif us yhUUld, be allowed the appartunity of reviewing ail the data compiled before it is presented~and discussed publicly. . ~.. Perhaps a brief history of the Room Occupancy Tax (ROT} wi#1 be beneficial toward a better understanding of'this information. 'The RC}T was established in 1983 to levying a 2 percent occupancy tax on all transit (short-term) room rentals in the county. FfTective July 'I, 1986 the legislature authorized the levy to be increased from 2 percent tc7 3 percent and the beach renc~ru•islitnentltourisiri allocation ratio chati~ed from 30/20 tc- 75/25 percent respective}y. This ratio way changed again.August 1, 1995 tCf Ei0l40 percent,;.. 6th%for beach ren~urishment and 4U°l~ allc~caticrn to Cape'Fear t'anvention and Visito'r's F3ureau (CVB) - , ~ :~~. 9 0 ~ } ~~ ~ ~ ~ `- . r. ' , r~ , ~ ; .~, ~ May=10-39 11 .-54-A Town o-~- Carolina BeacFi 910t458t~997 P.03 ~~ Bill taster, G~iairmun, NHS; Bcaril a,~'C~ammissioners 1Vlay d, 1999 ~a~c2ufq • The scheduled beach renourishment project that was done in the spritrg pf 199$ at Carolina Beach was ai a total ct7st cif $3,293,400.40, The breaicdown is as follows: Fcdci~l Govcrntnent b5°lo - $2,104,OOO,OU NC State Govet•nment 26.2°1° 8ty4,OQ4.C10 'New Hanover County 8. l °!° = 2b5,949.04 Town of t;arafina Beach ,7°l° - 23,051.00 *Tho NHC/Tawn of Carolina share pf $289,444,04 was shared 92°fo or $255~949.U0 paid from RIFT fund by.NYLC and 8°!0 or $23,051,40 paid by llte Town of Cartalind Beach from their General Fund. Exltibit (A~ depicts acomplete percentage/dollar Cost share for the entire project. A lcttor dated IVlay 27, 194TExhibit (B}, Pram Assistant County Tvfanager, Dave Weaver, tt~ Chairman, lick Catlin, afNew Hanover County Parts, Waterway and Beach Commission (YWt3C} briefly discusses tlic cost-share ofnan-Federal, ttrm-State match for .scheduled beachltont projects. It also depicts the percentage and dollar amount of c:t~st-sharing of those scheduled projects for 1994 for both Carolina I3cach and Wrightsville Beach, in addition to the cost-share of the project f`or Kure Beath in 199;, which we believe did not actually occur until 1997 and 1998. 1~;xhibit (C) contains the New Hanover County (Rt7T} compilation for each Fiscal Year begiiiuing with FY 95J96. Beginning in January 1998, it provides both ROT cr~llecticros and diz+burSemetttS t~7 Cape Fear Cpas`t ~. ConvCrition attd Visitor's bureau on a monthly .basis. ?n Nr~vember ! 998,' both Carolina Beach and Kure Beach requested AWBC consider and rccoi~lend approval to Ne~rv Hanover County Commissioners, reimbursement of monies expended an our beachfrant properties far needed repairs that were a result tyl' Hurric:ar,~ Fran ancUc~r Bennie. Some of the emergency repairs performed by Carolina 13ea.ch were also necessary because of the close passing ofllurricanc Josephine and the later i•`all/early winter northeast storms that pounded our shoreline in 199b_ PWBC recommended reimbursement from the ftO'1' pond for rr~onics C:arolu~a Beach expended as a result of Hurriearie Fran and the storm damage occurring in late 19~~i. Yc~u, the County Commissioners, accepted their recommendation and approved this 1 ~ 91 May-10-99 11 : 54A Town o-~ Carolina Beacl-i ~ 91 Ot45$-r~997 P . 04 13'111 Caster, Chalrr~rxtt, NhIG' Bna~d ry~f'C.i,mmissiun«:~ 11~'ray ~, r ~~~ , . Pag~3of4 reimbursement. it has financially allowed us tp ~caornplish styrne much needed praject€ within our town; which include nit only getting beach crossovers ready fOr the toarist season, but some much needed boardwalk repait•s artd lands4apng projects as well as sottte outer pt•ajects tt~r which we did not have the nianics to fund. 1'hc request ft•otn Kure Beach tivas for replanting of dune grass that was darriagedby Hurricane $pnnie: PWKC recommended that you reimburse Kure $each from the RUT Fund for these repairs to their berm. Yot, approved their request And we are ecrtain that Kure Beach is just aq grateful tv yc~u aw we~are. ~ ", ~' ' Carolina Dcaclt subsequently requested i`unding from ROT in the amount of,appraxirnately $90,OOO.QO t~~r replacement of cleaned beach sand back onto our prc~tec-tive berm. Mctnbcrs ofPWBC began talking about pro-approval and cost-sharing far tttonies that may be cot)sidered for reimbui-sement•from the Rt~T Fond:. Pt-ior td-these aforementioned requests from f:arglirta Beach and Kure BeACI~, there are not any known reimbursements for ntin-scheduled prbjecsts to any municipality, including P~iew~ Hanover County. ' . Tlta Town of C.ar`olina Beach ccimpiled some of the i'nfonntitiou contained ~ui this ccsrrespondeti'ce~and' provided it to PW.~C~bccausc it appeared that sitrne t5fthe members were not familiar with the history 'of the ROT Fund, nor totally aware of the cost=share . ~ • method utilized `fir Scheduled fedirral funded renoiuishmeitt projects! a, When we met with FWBC' on Match 30, 1999, to present bur request for pre-approval for reirrtbursement ai'appr~ximately $9U;000.0~-fair returning approximately 30,000 cubic yards of cleaned sand to our beachfront proteetive'6erm,'tlte Corntni~sic~n ..first discussed at length; cost-shatYng i'vr all non-scheduled projects within New Hanover County by~lacal municipalities, including Nevu Hanover (=aunty, This very lengthy discussion of cca:-t-sharing varied from zero percent up to 20%, }'finally, someone tirade a motion that it be ~%o: Tliis.was discussed and A'majority voted in favor ot~the 5°/a cost-sharing far , i-emibtirseti-icnt for non-scheduled., emergency andlor unusual beachfront •projects, As - stated in the lettet• tQ you from;PBWC dated March 3U; 1999, the 5% recotnmendaiion is ari arYsitrary perCenkage and unrelated tc- the #ypica!'oost sharing formulas for"' scheduiecl beach renourishment projects, ~".~ . . ,, • Just prior to the severe northeast storm (April Z$ -May 2) we e~mpleted replacement of the 30,OU4 cubic yards crf'cleaned beach sand to our protective berm. ~ It was just in ,titrte to provide overwash prvtectinn~tn bath public and private propet'ties can the north end'of Garctlina Beach. 92 M,ay-10-99 11.54A Town a'f Carolina Beach 910t458t2997 R.05 Bill +Cu~ter, Cler~frmara, NHL~13aard of CummissiaRers 161ay 6, 194 . Fa~~ d of d F.xlubit (D) is a statement from Unlimited Utilities, Tnc., the contractor that was awarded the low bid far this project. Exhibit (E) is a Town ol'Carolina Beach purchase order fear payment of these services. Therefr~re, wtr are requesting reimbursement I7orn the RUT Fund, $72,900.00, which is IQO% of the cost for this non=scheduled beach renourishrneot proJGC:t. lie, the Town caf C;tu•olina Beach, respectfully request that not only this reimbursernenl . request far replacement of the cleaned beachfrcynt sand displaced by Hurricane Tionnie, back to our protective berm, but all future emergency andlor unusual non-scheduled renourishment and related beacht'ront projects be at 100% Pram the RUT Frmd. The RUT is collected from dll short-term rentals iti the entire county and was put in place fi7r all of New Hanover County. We feel it is very important and appropriate to mention that some ttt'-the c~ceanfi•ont property in New Hanover County is the responsibility of New Hanover County and nc~t any ufthe beach catntru.ntities. Therefore, we do not suppot•t the . cost-sharing reevnunendatiort of S% to you from PWI3G. Finally, roe want you to know that our position is that the RCIT was established to provide revenue to maintain the beaches in i~Tew Hanover County for all residents ~rtd tourist tc~ use and enjoy 2tnd we see , • no need whatsoever for any municipality within our county to subsidize these npn-scheduled required beacht`ront projects. Copies of this letter, with exhibits, are being sent to Mayor Hicks, Mayor Medli~i and . Mayor Roberts. We request a meeting as soon as possible to discuss tlus situation. 1fI Gast as5i5t with scheduling the meeting date, time and loCatii7tt, please advise. Sincerely, Itay P, Rttthrack Mayor KI'K/lnp pc: Mayor, Iiatnilton hicks, City of Wilminl,~ton Mayor, T3ctty Medt'tn, Town ctf Kure Beach Mayor, :Avery Roberts, Town of Wrightsville $each CFimlina Beach Town Council Calvin £t. Peck, Jr., Carolina Beach Town Manager ~ 93 May- 10 ~ 99 11~ 55A Town` of Coral i na Beact-i.~W,.. 910+458-x2997 _•~ R . 06 1IVl~.Niii~iG'iTO~=M~~W MAiVtl~/ErZ • ~ ?LSPL fNt3#@tW~~/ ~ ~~$~h ~I~'lt4tiS~10~1 iulareh 3A,-1999 William Pt. CastGC, Chairman . 1*lew Hanover County $oaTd of. Camcui~sionars . 320 Chestnut Strut, RaQm' 30S Witmin~ton, Noed~t Carolina ~$4-Ell-4093 kte: `-Reyucst for l=inanCial AsSisrartca far}>vrosion Repair Worlc~at Carolina Heath ' .. r•:: DCar 1VlY. Ca9ur: . Sin lvtarGh 30, 1999 the Wilmingtpn-New Hanovsr County „Part, Waterway acid Beach Comtuisslan met to .Gattslder a, Bequest ftom Caralina`'Beach >or pre-approvsl~ of financial as$istaace far er4StOn rs~air work cosuiting` frorrn Hunricant Banrue. '' -+~ . Our curxunisslatr found this activity tti be consiscezK with the inrend.~d as~e-af ROT ftir-ds,'hawever, far this request aad all ath6r emertgcncy or unusual maintenance projects, we recdmmend•that 5'/0 of to"(ftl project Costs ° be borne by the local municipality. This small canttibation maintains local ownership in project cost contrvi and continues-the tradition of Cast sharing fbr beach projects,. .- I'lcasc be aware that rho S% loeat share far emccgency,or uriu~ual prvjccts is an arbitrary percentage, uruelated tv typical cost sharing. formulas for beach nourlshmere nrojet:ts: We aTr'tve~ at'this figitia altar cq~nsidcrahle.discussion anti believe It sepreserts a s~prtnhle canseasus of pLtr commission. ' P ~; ice to ecn hnsiar' that -the traditional cyst shatirr fdtYnula `felt-" beacl2 Furthcxt'tlore, we would li p $ nouiL417f7~M r0 ~ci5 ~1aS riot ehattgCd. ' t ~ . In summary, we rccammcnd approval of Carolina Seach's request far reimbursement of reasonable repair Cows less 5°fo of the total approved costs (sea attached correspondence). Present estimates based on tow bids range from ?2,900 to X90,000 far tie project. Catotiue Beach, will submit doeamcntatiort of fiaai c fo[ teimbursernent aRer project completion. We ~preCiatC this opetiry to bs of assistaztice. Sincett:ly, - ~.~ ,.' • 'chard G. attln, hai~an Pon, Waterway 8c Beach C4mrrti3sian , cct Etas Rothrock P~fayor, Taws of Carolina Beach , ~: ~~`~!~ S7EiL i cc cl.~.C~ ;-+l1LhAlNGrt'~N- NOr~.T'r^ ..~~r;'.:.;.i~ :-; ~F.~a; - ,'^' rr,_ e3'. . 94` • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Discussion on Installation of Water Lines in Wilmington/Hanby Beach Area BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has recently been requested to look at the feasibility of installing water lines at the same time that sewer lines are installed in the Wilmington/Hanby Beach area. The Board has committed to the installation of sewer lines in the Wilmington/Hanby Beach area as a prelude to eventual annexation by the Towns of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. The present agreement between the County and the Towns calls for the County to recover its cost for the sewer lines by assessment of the individual property owners. Installation of water lines at the same time as sewer lines would save significant expense, compared to the alternative of each Town installing the water lines as seperate projects when annexation occurs. The .issue is how to pay for the water lines if the County installs them now in tandem with the_sewer lines. As one option, the County could add the cost of the water lines to the sewer line assessment for the individual property owners. It should be noted, however, that the County decided to install the sewer lines in response to a worsening public health situation caused by failing septic systems. In comparision, there are no significant health issues with the existing commercial utility water system. Instead there only issues of aesthetically poor water quality and low pressure. Therefore, the County may not be as justified in using a mandatory assessment procedure for water lines as it is for sewer lines. As a second option, the County could install the water lines and then bill the Towns for the additional construction costs at the time that the Towns annex the Wilmington/Hanby Beach area. The Towns could then assess the property owners for the water lines. Both Towns appear to be committed to annexation within the next year. More information will be provided to the Board concerning cost savings and other details prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ The Board should consider this request. The Board, as one option, could agree by written contract with-------- the Towns to install the water lines at the same time as the sewer lines in the Wilmington/Hanby Beach I area, in order to save a significant amount of money. The County should then bill the Towns of Carolina and Kure Beaches for their respective shares, with the bill due by January 1, 2001, or at the time of annexation, whichever comes first.. ~, FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGE Concur with staff.,.-Y COMMISSIONERS' AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ENTS: COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED ^~ REJECTED ^ ~~ REd~~~'VED ^ ~~RO p ± . 3 ,.: ~~ .~.~5~ - ~ ~99 . {This page intentionally left blank} ~~. :~ !~ ;r ' '?1 ~, .. 96~~~ . t - tr. J' ,;( ~ , o eS'r ' l ,3 1 .. ~ A, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Regular Item #: 16 Estimated Time: Page Number: • • Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Pat Melvin SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Supporting Construction of Four Lane Highway Between Wilmington and Charlotte, NC BRIEF SUMMARY: At your last meeting Mr. Andrew Koeppel appeared before you requesting support for the attached resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: i ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider support of resolution. However, the Community Growth Planning Core Team has recommended several other projects that should receive top priority from the community for the State funding. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: COUNTY COMMI~101 APPROVED ~~ ; REJECTED D REMOVED O r~~~k ~.., . POSTPONED ~ ~``~ HEARD S ~~r~R ~~g17 Coh+'~~~ y~~--~ l ~~~ ~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING IMPROVED HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHARLOTTE WHEREAS, Wilmington and Charlotte are two of largest cities in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, many people wish to travel by automobile from Wilmington to Charlotte to visit ' acquaintances and conduct business in the largest city in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, many people wish to travel by automobile from Charlotte to Wilmington to visit acquaintances and conduct business and visit tourist areas in the largest seaport in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, truckirig companies wish to transport between Charlotte and Wilmington but find that the trip is extremely slow due to the inferior condition of many portions of the road,; and ; WHEREAS, merchants in Charlotte and other cities in central North Carolina wish to ship and receive commodities requiring ocean freight to and from the State Port at Wilmington, but instead. ship through Charleston, S.C., since interstate highways link Charlotte and Charleston; and WHEREAS, the economy of Wilmington/New Hanover County is being restrained by the failure to maximize the number of jobs that the State Port could provide with a better highway to Charlotte; and WHEREAS, counties such as New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus, Robeson, Scotland, Richmond, Anson, and Union could attract more industries and create new jobs if a better highway existed between Wilmington and Charlotte. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County requests that the North Carolina Department of Transportation: A) Allocate funds from its budget to prepare a report on the feasibility and cost of building a modernized highway between Wilmington and Charlotte. This highway should be built in accordance with Federal Interstate Highway Specifications. Recently updated portions of U.S. 74 between Wilmington and I-95 should be utilized~for this highway wherever' possible; grid B) Upon completion of the feasibility study, efforts should be made to have the .highway added to the U.S. Interstate Highway System to enable the Federal Government to pay . ninety percent (90%) of the cost; and C) This request should be placed at the highest possible level on the list of priorities of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This the 17"' day of May, 1999. (SEAL) ~~ ~ ~Gv ~ ~f 1~~ ~.. ~ ~~A ATTEST_1 >~~"^~~~~ C~ ~~~~>.i~l~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman ~~ Clerk t ~tlthe'Board'~~ 9 ~~~ . 4 Y"""•~..., ~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT GOLDEN HAWK ROOM ADJACENT TO NIXON ANNEX • UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON WILMINGTON, NC May 17, 1999 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 99 2. Approval of Minutes 101 3. Consideration of approval of engineering contract amendment contract 103. #95-0142B McKim and Creed Engineers and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0153 4. Consideration of contract approval of additional allocation of 25,000 g.p.d. 113 for Pender County 5. Consideration of acceptance of easements which are offered for public 123 • dedication in Hidden Valley -Woods Edge 6. Consideration of approval of sewer collection line contract #99-0303 129 ADJOURN ~e-~~,~ vasv~ac{2 ~ 99 J { Tlils page intentlonallyleft blank} .'e y r 100 ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: -Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrrell Contact: Lucie f. Harrell SUBJECT: Water & Sewer District -Approval of Minutes ' BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board if requested to approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, May 3, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Approve minutes as presented. fUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS:_ 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • COUNTY COMMISSIONF.R~ ~~~ ~~~ ~' ~lv~~~~~i t>~ ~~. ~,. F~~,~i~N,E:p3 ©] RI?1 ~] ~~ -._, 101 } .. .. .:~. {This page intentionally left blank} .{ r, ~~, ~~ ~,+; 102 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05!17/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Engineering Contract Amendment -Contract # 95-0142B McKim and Creed Engineers BRIEF SUMMARY: The referenced contract is for the design of the headworks, which provides initial treatment of incoming raw wastewater, at the City's Northside treatment plant. The earlier contract did not cover the design for the size system now being proposed. The original system would not remove the amount of grit that the proposed system will. The proposed headworks will be necessary for the upcoming plant expansion but is needed. now for the activation of the Ogden Interceptor. The proposed headworks will handle an average flow of 16 mgd and a peak flow of 40 mgd The estimated cost of the new headworks is $2,264,350. The proposed engineering'fee is as follows: Design $ 113,217 Bidding $ 5,000 Construction Management $ 65,000 Total Contract Amount $ 183,217 The ,proposed contract amount would be $183,217. Of the proposed contract amount, $35,200 has already been budgeted under Contract #95-0142A leaving a net increase of $148,017 for design of the expanded headworks. The engineering fee and the construction cost will be split between the District and _ the City, proportional to the allocated flow in the plant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the contract be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. In addition, please approve the associated budget amendment, BA#99-0153. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract BA#99-0453.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approves BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: ONS: ___ COUN7Y COMMIS~fO -~ ~41'•'PRt3VED Cam" ~EJE~Tf~~D ^ TFtEMCl~'~D rD A'. T'l~~fi`d' i~ i~ Y, tiD il<lI~ try f 'mod ~'a 103 COMMISSIONERS' New Hanover County'Contract~# 95 - 0142B . . " - AMENDMENT NORTH .CAROLINA ,~ AMENDMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT, made and entered into thi9 day of 1999 by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter ~~referred to as "District"; and MCKIM AND CREED ENGINEERS, P.A., a North Carolina corporation,, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"; ~' W I T N E S S E T H' WHEREAS, an Agreement for engineering services for the Ogden Interceptor Project, wasp executed 'March 31, 1995, and designated New Hanover County Contract #95-0142 with a first amendment executed September 9, 1997. WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire to amend the scope of the. original contract .to include grit removal and design for- the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant head works ~. ~, improvements; . NOW THEREFORE, the Consultant,, for;-,the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby agrees with the District as follows: `~~i~w~~~~~~~'G~i~~~~~. Scope of Services. Consultant shall perform the following~aervices for District: Preliminary detailed design, ~~ ; . ~ i award~F bids engineering during construction,, and perform post-. `construction services required for the uorthside Wastewater .. a. , `Treatment Plant head works improvements, including grit removal, /~ o`'f' ~. ~' . , New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0142B AMENDMENT as set forth in the attached Amendment to Engineering Service Agreement,.. dated January 14, 1999, marked Exhibit "A" which is .incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the within contract. 2. Time of Performance. Consultant shall commence the work to be performed under this Amendment upon execution of this contract, and the term shall be as listed in the attached Project Schedule. 3. Payment. District hereby agrees to pay to the Consultant the sum set forth in Exhibit "A", for the services set forth in this Amendment. 4. Ongoincr Effect. Except as specifically amended herein, all those terms, conditions and provisions set forth. in New Hanover County Contract #95-0142, executed March 31, 1995, as amended, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT {SEAL} Robert G.Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 105 New Hanover.~County Contract # 95 - 0142B AMENDMENT MCKIM'AND CREED ENGINEERING, P.A. {CORPORATE SEAL} BY: President ATTEST: Secretary ' This instrument has been pre- audited~in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director NORTH~CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY County Attorney, . I, ~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me. this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly .given and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and'attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1999. .Notary Public My commission expires: Approved as to form: "l 106 New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0142B AMENDMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is Secretary of MCKIM AND CREED ENGINEERS, P.A., and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himself as its Secretary. day of Notary Public My commission expires: WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 1999. ~ 107 v ~ January 14, 1999 Revised Date -April 26, 1999 PW98319(Rev) Mr. Wyatt Blanchard, P. E. County Engineer New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Re: ' Contract # 95 - O'142A -Amendment, Revised Fee and Scope of Work for the New Headworks at the Northside WWTP Dear Mr. Blanchard: D ~~~~~1G~1~1, a ; F ~~~ ~ APR 2 6 1.,.,,, ~, ~, , 1 El~~l'~i~.tRIUG D~~~R7141~~+1T~ The following presents our revised fee and the scope of work to design and provide construction management assistance for the new Headworks proposed for the City's Northside WWTP. The original amendment did not include grit removal. We have met both with the County and the City to determine the type of grit removal and flow that would meet the City and County's.-needs for the next 20 years. Our earlier amendment did not include grit removal and therefore, needs to be revised to include the increase in design and construction administration for this project. The following presents the justification for the increase. Design Flow The new headworks shall be sized to accommodate an average daily flow of 16 MGD and a peak flow of 40 MGD. The flow is based on the following: Flow City County Existing 6 2 Proposed 2 6 Total 8 8 Grit Removal The majority of the construction cost is due to the grit removal system. The Headcell system is new technology developed by Eutek. This system is less expensive than the Teacup that was originally selected for grit removal. Both options will allow the facility to eventually handle the ultimate flow of 60 MGD. Eutek is providing a guarantee where they will remove the Headcell and install Tacups at their expense should the Headcell fail to meet design standards. A copy the guarantee is attached the scope of work. 108 0:11&E PROPOSALSl98319rev.dac 243 N. FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TeL 910.343.1048 FAx 910.251.8282 www.mckimcreed.com Mr. Wyatt Blanchard, P. E. January 14, .1999 (rev. April 26, 1999) Page 2 • • • Flow Splitting Flow from the new headworks will be directed to the two existing primary clarifiers. The end of the headworks will have a flow split structure that allows the flow to be split to four downstream units. Two will be used for the existing primary clarifiers and two will be used for future downstream units. Flow control gates will be used to split the flow to the downstream units. ' Preliminary Construction Cost The .headworks is comprised of the following: • Mechanical Screening • Grit Removal • Effluent Flow Splitting The following presents the preliminary construction cost and engineering fees for designing the new .headworks. diem 1. Equipment Cost Mechanical Screen/Screw Press Grit Removal 4 Headcells Odor Control Flow Control Gates Handrails/Stairs/Grating Hoist Piping & Valves Flow meters Subtotal Installation 2. Concrete 3. Site Work Base Cost Contingency (10 %) Construction Cost 0:11&E PROPOSALS\98319rev.doc 40 MGD $175,000 $689,400 $135, 000 - $60,000 $150,00 $50, 000 $100,000. $50,000 $1,408,500 $325, 000 $300, 000 $25, 000 $2,058,500 $205, 850 $2,264,350 109 vJM~IQMM£~CREED i Mr. Wyatt Blanchard, P. E. ~- January 14, 1999 (rev. April 26, 1999) Page 3 Fee The following presents our fee to provide ahe services presented in Attachment 1. _ ., , • Design, ~ , ~ $113 217 Construction Management ~~ $ 70,000 ° • ` Total "Fee $183,217 Our current agreement provides for the following. . • Design $32,250 • Bid & Award $ 2 950 ' ' Total $35,200 We respectfully request that our fee be increased by $148,017. The following is the. amended , breakdown of our. fees, for the project. • Design _ $113,217 - • Bidding $ 5,000 _ ~ - • Construction Management $ 65,000 ~ : - . Revised Total $183,217 Full ,time construction- observation can- be provided on a time and material basis should you require it. - ~ ~ - The current scope of work :.that is included in our contract is valid and does not require any changes. ~__ Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information., Regards, - - ,. McKI:M & CRE ENGINEERS; P.A.._ ~ - _. , Alex L. Monro , P. E. Sr. Project Manager cc: Hugh Caldwell, P. E. Tim Baldwin, P. E. 11 ~0 '. ~~ O:\~8E PROPOSALS\98319rev.dac ®. .. ~ ~ ~ D NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sewer Operating Fund/Vllater & Sewer Engineering/ Ogden .Interceptor . BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99--0153 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Sewer Operating Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance $148,017 Transfer to Capital Projects/Sewer $148,017 Ogden Interceptor: Operating Transfer In $148,017 Capital Project Expense $148,017 EXPLANATION: to budget the net increase for design of the expanded headworks at the City of Wilmington's northside treatment plant. The engineering fee and construction cost will be split . between the District and the City, proportional to the allocated flow in the plant. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COllN~'Y COMM1SS1011 ~~~ ~ 9~1PPROViEID IREJEC;~:~ tm ,. 1.11 ., .. {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ r~, i~' ~" i' s`' _ . r} z. .. 112 -~- ~~ ., . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION i Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Water & Sewer.ltem #: 4. Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Dave Weaver/Wyatt Blanchard Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of contract approval of additional allocation of 25,000 gpd for Pender County BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its March 22 meeting, considered the attached draft contract to allow the District to transport wastewater via the North Chase Interceptor from Pender County (50,000 gpd for Del Labs and 25,000 gpd' for three new Pender County schools) at a rate of $0.50 per 1,000 gallon to cover District costs for wastewater transportation and chemical treatment. The Board did not appear to have problems with the Del Lab allocation or the proposed transportation charge. The Board, .however, requested that staff meet with Pender County representatives to discuss long-term Pender County sewer needs before approval of the allocation to the schools. Based on a recent meeting with two Pender County Commissioners and Pender staff, Pender County has committed to developing along-term sewer plan with McKim and Creed that wilt address Pender's desire for a regional agreement with the County and the City. Pender County Officials promised not to, request additional sewer allocation beyond their 25,000 gpd school needs until the long-term plan is completed, but still would very much like now to obtain the 25,000 gpd for the schools. Engineering staff is preparing additional background information on the capability of the North Chase Iriterceptor.to handle the increased load. This information will be given to the .Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: J Assuming that staff analysis of the North Chase Interceptor is favorable, staff recommends approval of the draft contract. Further, Pender County allocation requests should not be considered, however, until their long-term sewer plan is complete. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FLNANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOI Concur with County Engineer and Mr. Weaver. ~ i ..~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS~3 •, HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA NS: -~ COUNIY COMMIS~10 APPROVED ^ ,A REJECTED ^ -. REMOVED ^ " - POSTPONED C~..~ Tu«~''h HEARn ^ / { ®ATE ~ SI~~yR 113 '! } i ~.4: ~ .. ~: =! . ; ; t~ lam' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ' - THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND PENDER COUNTY RELATING TO WASTEWATER' TRANSPORTATION SERVICES THIS ~ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT; made and entered intothin ~ ~ day of 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a politcal.subdivison of the State of North..Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "New Hanover"; and'PENDER COUNTY a political subdivision° of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred~to as "Pender"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Pender has '`requested the City of Wilmington to provide wastewater_ treatment capacity at the Northside Plant to initially service the wastewater treatment needs of Del Laboratories, Inc. ("Del Labs") which is locating a manufacturingfacility iri,Pender~ County and for three (3).new public schools to be built over the next several years; and WHEREAS, Pender plans to construct a sewer pump station and force main to ,connect to the Del Labs facility and potentially other industrial users and said public schools, when jq 1~ aco ~ c~~t~~d~~~~to the sewer system of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer istnct i. ~ r.. ~' '~330+~'~ ~ ri t r .,' ..~ ~f~,,WHEREAS, the District will convey wastewater from Del Labs;' "and potential other i~ , K' ~i ,mdustnal mousers and public schools., to the _Northside Plant through. -the District's ..Ogden Interceptor; and 114 a New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT WHEREAS, the location of Del Labs in Pender County will provide economic benefits to the City, Pender and New Hanover. County; and WHEREAS, a fifty thousand (50,000) gallon per day capacity is needed to serve Del Labs and future industrial users, and an additional twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallon per day capacity is needed to serve. the proposed public schools; and . WHEREAS, the District and Pender are authorized to provide systems of sewage collection and disposal and are further authorized to enter into agreements relating to the exercise of any power, function, public enterprise, right, privilege or immunity of local government; and WHEREAS, District and Pender are further authorized by G.S. 158-7.1 to engage in . programs to aid and. encourage the location of manufacturing enterprises in the area; and NOW, THEREFORE; for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits enuring to the parties hereto, the parties agree as follows: 1. .Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is for District to transport sewage.generated by Del. Labs for treatment services by the City of Wilmington. 2. Del Labs as Customer of the District. Del Labs or any other future industrial users shall be a customer of the District for the purposes of transporting wastewater for treatment services by the City of Wilmington. Such users shall be required to pay applicable transportation expenses, charges, and fees based on metered flow, at a rate of ($~ per one thousand (1,000) gallons. 3. Term of Agreement. This agreement shall become effective upon execution and shall extend for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter. 115 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 . I~IZAFT 4.' Termin'atiori. ~ ,r . ' ' .' a. Without Cause. This agreement' may be terminated without cause upon ~~ ~ mutual agreement of the~parties hereto: ~ ':' b. For Cause. If either party- fails to keep and perform .each and all of the covenants contained herein, then :and in that event, the other party; after notifying ~~ ~ ° the nonconforming party notless than' thirty ~(30) days in advance and upon the ' ~ ~ failure of the other party to comply within such period, may at .its option either ' 'terminate the agreement or maintain an action in a court.of competent jurisdiction for damages;` specific performance or injunctive relief It is agreed that either ' party's failure to insist upon the stet performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a.breach hereof, or'the acceptance ~_./ of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights . ~ under this agreement:' -~ 5. Amendment of Agreement: This agreement maybe amended or modified upon mutual agreement of the respectiveparties;.provided that-any such. amendment shall `be reduced to writing and signed by both parties. 6. Non-Assignability. The rights and duties under this agreement shall not be assigned by~any of the parties without the written consent of the other. ~ ~ ~ ' 7. Conflict of Interest. No paid employee of the City shall have a; personal or financial interest; direct or indirect, =as a contracting party or otherwise, in the 'performance of .this agreement. 116 ., New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 D.~ZAFT 8. Assurances. Pender will comply with any and all applicable Federal, State and local standards, regulations, laws, statutes and ordinances regarding toxic, hazardous and solid wastes and any other pollutants. Pender will take all reasonably necessary, proper or required safety; preventative and remedial measure in accordance with any and all regulations and directives from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the United States ,Environmental Protection Agency, Health Departments, and any other Federal, State or local agency having jurisdiction, to ensure the prompt prevention or cessation (now or in the future) of violations of either the applicable provisions of such standards, regulations, laws, statutes, and ordinances or any permits or conditions issued thereunder. 9. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the ' ~ arties relatin to the sub'ect matter hereof. P g J 10. Binding Effect. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns, agents, officials, employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors of the parties. ` 11, Continuing_Obli ag tion. The parties will snake and execute all fiu-ther instruments and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this agreement. 12. Reference. Use of the rnasctilirie herein includes the feminine and neuter; singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not define, describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 13. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and .other . 117 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT applicable. provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the general and the more. stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or lower standard. 14. • Immunity Not Waived. This agreement is governmental in nature, for the, benefit of the public, and is.not intended to be~for private profit or gain. Any fees charged in connection with'the services hereunder are intended to~ reflect as closely as possible the City's actual cost, and neither party intends to waive its sovereign immunity by reason.of this agreement. 15. Savings Clause. If any.section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause,:phrase or portion of this agreement is for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such. holding shall 'not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. ~ (' 16. No Liabili .for Failure. It is understood and .a eed b and, between City .and \....~ ~' Y ~Pender that City shall not be°liable for any failure of the sanitary sewage treatment~system of the City, and that the City shall not be liable, in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any special, ndireci; consequential or punitive. damages such as loss of _anticipated profits, .loss of use, loss of revenues, loss by reason of plant shutdown, loss of goodwill, or other financial loss. ~17. Additional Services. The City;`in accordance with N.C.G.S. 1b0A-312 may, but is not required to; provide services outside the corporate limits. Therefore, it is understood and agreed that the City has no obligation to provide treatment services beyond those, specified in this agreement. ` •~. WITNESS WHEREOF; the City and Pender have caused: this agreement-to be duly executed in their names` and behaves and their seals affixed and• attested to .on the day sand year 118 • first above written. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [SEAL] ATTEST: . Clerk to the Board This instrument has been pre- " audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. New Hanover County Finance Director New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 ' .DRAFT NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Robert G. Greer, Chairman PENDER COUNTY Chairman Board of Commissioners Approved as to form: New Hanover County Attorney 11.9 ~• New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 DRAFT This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget • and Fiscal Control Act, • Approved as to form: Pender County Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA I~TEW HANOVER COUNTY Pender County Attorney h a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. -- WITNESS-my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. Notary Public -LL My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of •the State and County aforesaid, certify .that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that _he is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument r~ ~' 120 .4 New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0236 ' DRAFT was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by him herself as its. Clerk: WITNESS my hand and official seal; this day of , 1999. Notary Public My commission expires: 121 {This page intentionally left blank} 122 ~~ r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 ' Water• & Sewer Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Acceptance of easements which are offered for public dedication Hidden Valley -Woods Edge BRIEF SUMMARY: From time to time there are easements offered for public dedication which can and should be accepted for the enhancement of the sewer system. The easements in question will allow a sewer line to be constructed leading. to the removal and elimination of a pump station. (See attached map.) The easements would be accepted for sewer construction and maintenance only, not for drainage. maintenance. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the two attached Acceptance of Public Dedications be approved with authorization for the .Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Acceptance. of Public Dedication (2) . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME TS_AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Engine ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/CO' MENTS: ---~---, COlJNTY COMMISSIO ~AI~s~VED i~ ~?~E:i~~~EaD ARE€:~Gt(~D Ip It`tEARtJ~ ~`~ ~~~ ~~~ - _ ~~ - - -- - ,.,µ,x..,..,....a - --- ~- 8eaconUJoodsPublicDedForm.wpd _,... STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC DEDICATION WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; and . . WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in unincorporated County; and , ~ ,, WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes counties and.districts.to acquire, a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, by an .instrumen#,cecorded in Map Book 38, Page 81 (Beacon Woods Subdivision, Section 1-B Revised), New Hanover County Registry, certain streets, drainage easements and common areas have been dedicated to the public use, which streets, drainage easements and common areas are more fully described in said instruments and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to accept one of the above referenced streets, and a drainage and conservation area only for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New°Hanover County, ~, Water and Sewer District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts Woods ,Edge Drive, a 0.83 acre drainage and common area, and the thirty foot (30') drainage easement as snore fully described in Map Book 38, Page 81, .Beacon Woods *. Subdivision, Section 1.-~B Revised, New Hanover County Registry, for the limited purpose of,~`p~roviding water and/or sewer service only. Except as specifically stated 124~~~~.~~ ~ .: ~~ Page ~ ~~ -- ---- ~ _,. ~.~.. ~... , ... ~.~. ~ .~._ .._ _.,. w.:. , .~..r. .. Beacon~UoodsPublicDedForm.wpd Page 2 :~ above the District does not accept said street, drainage and common area, o~r easement for any maintenance or other purpose whatsoever., ACCEPTED this day of [SEAL] 1999. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Robert G. Greer, Chairman NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and _ acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. My commission expires: Notary Public 125 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC DEDICATLON WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and, sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes counties and districts to acquire a fee;or ,; lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, by an instrument recorded in Map Book 19, Page 74 (Hidden Valley Subdivision, Section 2), New Hanover County Registry, a certain thirty foot (30') ,,r. drainage easement has been dedicated to the public use, which drairage easement is more fully described iri saitl instruments and .incorporated herein by reference; and .WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires~to accept the above referenced streets,'drainage and conservation areas o'nJy for the purpose of~prov.iding sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover GountyWater and Sewer District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts that certain thirty foot'(30') drainage easement situated between Lots 46 and 48, as more fully described in Map Book 19, Page 74, Hidden Valley Subdivision, Section 2, New' Hanover County Registry, for the limited purpose of providing water and/or sewer service only. Except as specifically stated above the District does not accept said street 126 r~ I; iiid~deriValleyPublicDedForm.wpd _ Page 2 , or easement for any maintenance or other purpose whatsoever. ACCEPTED this day of , 1999. [SEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY . WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ' ATTEST: Robert G. Greer, Chairman Clerk to the Board . NORTH CAROLINA . NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ~ , a Notary Public of the State and ~ _ County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell. personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover- County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, .Robert G. Greer, sealed with its,. corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of .1999. Notary Public My commission expires: . ;. 127 ~® ~ W ......: )3,0 5.. . w m .......:: Q w ~ 158.3 : ; C if m a ~' ... ::. v yw . CD ~ ~"`~ " . CQ " O f "~~ ~ ~ . p c% 07 a~ ~ V ~~;' i 73 4.7 ~. ~ ax . ti 738.89 - r ~ . n m _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard . SUBJECT: Repair of Sewer Collection Line Contract Number 99-0303 • BRIEF SUMMARY: As sewer systems age, it is necessary to rework sewer lines which have deteriorated to the point that water and dirt enters the system. We have a 1,333 foot section of sewer line in the Millbrook Subdivision along Sutton Drive which is failing and is causing sink holes in the road, in addition to taking on water and dirt. This is a portion of the system transferred from Cape Fear Utilities. The pipe is clay which is known for not having good joints and for taking on water and dirt. We advertised and received bids from two companies who can reline the pipe with a fiberglass type material. This work is performed inside the existing pipe and does not require digging up the street. The bid are as follow: CSR Hydro Conduit $ 37,825.00 Atlantic Coast Contractors $ 52,055.00 The cost to replace the same section of line would be greater than $100,000 and result in tearing up the street. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the contract with CSR Hydro Conduit (available in the County Manager's office) be approved in the amount of $37,825.00 along with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: 800,; 470-4197-3700 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend appro~Ta" COMMISSIONERS` AC COUNTY COMMIS~IQ COMMENDATIONS: APPROVED ~' REJECTED p ~rrn . REMOVED ^ r;`:, POSTPONED HEARr7 p ~ . I s" ... ° .w~ ~ B , .. end. ~ wr ~ J ,m ~, r ~ °' 6 ~~,. i r~ ;.~ _ 'c c+~ F m _. '~" ~ 6_ O a Y ~~ r Boa' ~'-~" ~1..~~ i.. 0~ ... ~t y~ ~~ ~~ t ~~~~ 130~~~ ~ ~ ~~~¢~~ k s F ;,~ NEW ~IANOVEI~, COUNTY AREA OF I~IILLEROOI SUEDI~TISION; TO I~AV~ , SEUfTEl~. LIl\TES 1~.E~TORI~ED . MAY 5, 1999 MAP-NOT-TO-SCALE a ~n~ sq ano >2 Opp ° ~ GHT~NORa . ~ n ~ e ~. °°" l ' CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • ~ May 17, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 133 2. Acceptance of Grant Funds for North Carolina Urban and Community 135, Forestry Grant and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0157 (~{2,, u~1N1~2Nt~3,- Approval of two deputy sheriff positions to provide security at DSS 137 r~:.~~.r,~ ~~"/' and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0150 (,c.,ca,~-~rme.~{ ~~,:~i~,~.rresfPo~S 4.. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 139 District Collection Reports as of April 30, 1999 S. Approval of grant application for Office of Juvenile Justice application 143 for Intensive Home Visiting Initiative • 6. Approval of grant application for North Carolina Center for Nursing recognition, ..reward, an renewal grant program: 1999-2000 for $5,000 for exercise equipment 7. Approval of grant application New Hanover County's Safe Communities Mini-Grant 171 193 203 207 211 215 8. Approval of grant award to Emergency Management from NC Department of Crime Control and Public Safety-Division of Emergency Management and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0158 . 9.. Appointment of Todd Hatley, EMS Training Officer of NHRMC, to fill the vacancy of the EMS member on the Child Fatality Prevention Team ~.r 10. Approval of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Leases 11. Adoption of Resolution to requestNCDOT to add roads to the Highway System .Roads in Heritage Woods Subdivision, Sections 2, 3, and 4 Roads in Grove Point Plantation and Laurel Ridge Subdivisions Murrayville Station Business Park . 12. Approval of Budget Amendments: ~~ ~ #99-0154 to budget additional State funds received for child day care 219 131 - #99-0155 to adjust salary budgets for the remainder of FY98-99 ~ 220 {This page intentionally .left balnk} 132 .. .~ ~. .~ t .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST.FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing .Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board is being requested to approve the following sets of minutes: Special Meeting, March 15, 1999 Status Report on the Medical Center Special Meeting, April 29, 1999 Proposal on Comprehensive Drainage Regulations Regular Meeting, May 3, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: " ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'Sr60MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS~10 APPROVED G/ REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED ^ HEARD O ~,~ DATE < 5-~~ -~1_`Iy.,: .. / ~ 1--33 n '~~ t~';~~v:•F1~~ d ~ • s ~t'~~1~ 134°~~~~: ~..~~~:ry ~~ ~, .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: C. Bruce Williams, Ph.D., Director .Contact: Bruce Williams SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Funds-North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: North Carolina Extension Urban Forestry Specialist and Agents are organizing an educational tour of the unique habitats of Live Oaks along the North Carolina coast and barrier islands. Live Oaks are "built" to withstand hurricanes, they help carry winds up over structures, they are rarely uprooted or broken, they can tolerate salt air burn and flooding to the root system. The increase in community awareness will also foster an increase in maintenance and reforestation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners accept the grant from The North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant in the amount of $4,710..00 and authorize the Chairman to execute the grant contract ,and approval ofiassociated budget amendement #99-0157. FUNDING SOURCE: North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve Recommend appro~aL COMMISSIONERS' A • FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA " CO MMENDATIONS: ~: COUNTYpC{yOfMp~M.i~~~'{[[SP6 ? ~'~. REJECTED ~7`~v~`~ ~=~"~ ~. 'r REMOVED CL]r`~'v ryi~ ;, F POSTPONED ~p tt¢~~~~ ~ 4} ~< HEARD ~ ; "t~ . i t~~ ~ ~' ~. SATE ~ S~( 7~`1 ~~..~_. . k~u. ~~ 13.5 ~..,.: ~~BA#~9-~15~.wpc~ aqe t~ M.__w..~....„,~ ,_ ._ _ ~m._ MM,,,,,,,, ,;;,,, s_~ M .. , . , , .__ .W, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 ' . Budget.Amendment DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension Service BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0157 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Urban Forestry Grant $4,710 „ ~ , _ .Cooperative Extension Expense . , $4,710 EXPLANATION: to budget grant proceeds from the North Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant. - , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ..~ ~. COUNTYkCOMIUlISSldNF,~ ' APPROVED CL;/N~~~~ ; REJECTED {Cl-' ~~~'~~''-` REMOV~C ~~`~~" ;-~:~ ~ 'ROSTPOR'~GED ^ t~t~~i ~EARIJ y^~ ~~~ ,DATE ,1 ~_ _5 `~ 136 ~) -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION y~ Meeting Date: 05/17/99. Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: -Department: DSS Presenter: Pat Melvin Contact: .Pat Melvin SUBJECT: Approval of two deputy sheriff positions to provide security at DSS BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Two deputy sheriff positions will be assigned to the DSS building to provide additional security ford staff and clients. The cost of the. positions for the remainder of the fiscal year is $5,444. The annual cost of the positions is $35.,392. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ Approve establishment of positions and budget amendment transferring the funds county cost of $2,722 from DSS salary account to Sheriff salary account, and approval of associated budget amendment #99-0150. FUNDING SOURCE: ( The cost of the positions will be 50% County and 50% State. ` ATTACHMENTS: BA#99-0150.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ANTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSI®NER~ APPROVED G~--__ REJECTED ^ v . t,~, ~ ~ , ,r ~.~EM©,VE ~ ^ ~ } ~t ~~ POSTPO ED l7 e ~~ ~ ~ ~ ti- i`~b~ . ~HEAR(~~~~ ; ' `r...> a~ ~.' :. x >~ ~° :f~ ' . , ~ 137 g ~ ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD~ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Sheriff/Administration and DSS/Administration BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0150 . -. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ' Sheriff/Administration: DSS/Transfer -Sheriff $5,444 • Salaries and Wages ~ - `,. $5;444• . DSS/Administration: DSS Administrative Grants •' ~ $2,722 :~ Salaries and Wages $2,722 Contracted Services $5,444 • EXPLANATION: To budget the cost of two Sheriff's Deputies. providing security at the Department of Social Services for the remainder of this fiscal year. Reimbursement~from the StatelAdministrative grants will provide up to 50 percent of the cost. The County's cost of $2,722 will be provided by a deduction in the DSS salary account. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~'~~~~~ ~COUiU;TY„COMMISSIQN~RS A'F'{P~OVE~ i~ • ~ REJEGTE© ^ ... ~ ~ °~'REM'Q~~ED ^ POSTPONED O HEARD ^ q9 ~~ DATE , - 5- -~- - -_ - _~ ~.; 13 a ,1' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date 0/17[99 ~., ,. ,,., ~~ ~ - - .~.. Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of April 30, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAG Recommend apprc • COUNTY COMMISSION APP620VED f~ RrfJECTED p i~ E~N!EIDi ® : j flif~r;.!'ta~l ml 1 //~~, Tip ,._5'/i 7= --`~Q X~ 139 CONSENT AGtNDA DATE=--------- ITEM Nfl._----- NE~i HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT .TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS TNRU 04130/99 Ci1RRENT TAX YEAR ~ .1998 flRiGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS AEATEMENTS TOTAL.TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS. TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED SACK TAXES ~~as~~s.~~~ AD UAL©REt~ s r rr r r ro r ro rso r m $ 1933'79298.50 609007.31 239920..21- ....r~.,.®~..mrrrrd E i93739.365.b0 19776.22 r~~~AiO G.br i'bC~Orr $ i93759ib1.82 1'35b9792.99~ r mrw o +w rr s .o aar r® r $ 189368.83 98.b6~# h1UTOR VEHICLE r rear®r:s rsr.rr~r $ 1b59261.53 995.6b 19929.91r rrrorra~e rr smm+~~r $ .1.649:327.28 e {~ ~r~rrrr~B f®r`m ml.gmr $ 1649327.28 1309i31.39r $ 34y195.89 79.i9~~ :REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 539053.09 CHARGES ADDED 59.1.Fib LESS ABATEMENTS 29977..13 TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 509663.82 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 209499.63r assmrrrmrsrmrsir OUTSTANDING 6ALANCE $ 309168.19 PERCENTAGE LGL~.ECTEI3 40.4b~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEA, 'GINNING JULY 19 .1998. R ECTFULLY SUBMiTTED9 ~ ~ ~,~', ="~N. _ ~~ .., PATRICIA ,~. NOR COLLECTOR flF REVENUE _:.~ # COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE -~ 9b.59 rsn 1 ~ a.r : ` fi ,~ ~~ps7~~',.~, . `.+;i ~~ ~~~ f ,'~ 140 Ct3vSE~1T ~1GE~I~IA CATS=.--------- ~ T E'~ ~ C . -- -- ~lEW HAEVt~VE~ COU~'~ TY TAX ~~3LLECT Y~I~tS COLL~CTi~NS THOU ~~rl3Jl9~ CUR~tEr~T TAX YEAR ~ 1998 AG UALC~tET~ MJT~R VEHICLE C3R IGIAL TAX LEVY PER S~~cG'iL ~ bC~ 356~67~3.{~7 $ ~ ~t~~9~?52 35 flISCCiVERIES AflI7E~ 2,~34'S64,81 3237?.34 .LESS ABATEME~lTS I68~497»18- £5t427,89a T~7TAL TAXES ~~iA{t4E~3 ~ 62o2ty?45.?4 6~98bi74~80 AD~ERTISI~G FEES CHARGrD 8,527.35 ~~~ LISTING PENALTIES CHAf2CE~ 74~~i3.4.24 .Cit3 CLEA~tiING LIENS. CtiAt~GEL~ 3~~r45g43(l ~~sm~m,~sa:~~sr~~. AGO ~...~~~®.~,.~.~.,,~~~,. TOTAL LEVY b2~949'332.29 b'93~i~?fl1.8G Ct~LLCCTIC3NS Ta GATE b2'0254742~53~ 5~44U~733.27~ ~3UTSTANt3ING BALANCE 8~339589.7~ $ 1~545~916s53 PERCENTAGE CDLLECTEU 9~3~fi41~ 7?.87~~' BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND F'ERSGNAL PR4~'ERTY $ 2~844~394,39. GHA~tGES AGDE1~ 2~3a44?~59 LESS ABATE~lE~fTS 194'S42.38m T~3TAL TAXES DLIE ~ 2'62~9.~.55~64 Ct3LLECTIG!~3S T~ 4ATc ~.,~~}24'48Ug94~ ~3tlTSTAN4LNG BALANCE ~ I.~59b~?7~,66 PERCEP~TAGE I:CiLLECTE4 _D 39,241 APR i99~7 FISCAL Y~'Ll ~tCl~lM (3GCUPAtdCY TAX CGLLECTI~3NS 129t240$t~7 18329454.54 PRII~ILEGE. LIC£ltiSE C~LLECTI~7N5 578.75 149354x13 ~N1S CC3LLECTIC3NS +t3 (} x,4{3 TOTAL ~I~~iEY ~'~tC3CESSED THRU COLLEC TI~3Iti CIEFICE E[3R iUE HANCVER Ct3iJftiTY9 CITY C3E ~IL~4I~f4T4~v ~d~IGHTSVILLE 99 4 9 T 3 AT BEACH9 CARCLIl~A BEAC#-i A1ti0 iCURE . . BEACH O D E - ~ i9551~4 . T~iiS ~tEPC~uT IS E4P FISCAL YEAS BE GINItiIti6 Jl3LY 1' 1998. SPECT~~LLY SUBITTE4' ~ PA~P2iCiA J~ YNDR COLLECTC3~t t3F REVENUE CII~BIlVEG C~?LLECTi~N PERCE3tiTAGE -~ 9bs52% 141- 142 ~ • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:, 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Nursing Director/Betty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Director Contact: Janet McCumbee-6559 SUBJECT: GRANT APPLICATION-OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE APPLICATION FOR DISCRETIONARY FUNDING FOR-INTENSIVE HOME VISITING INITIATIVE BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Health approved the grant application for INTENSIVE HOME VISITATION INITIATIVE for $100,000 through the Office of Juvenile Justice Application for Discretionary Funding. New Hanover County Health Department is requesting these funds for implementation of a new maternal home visiting program. If the grant is awarded the Women's Health Care Division and Child Health Division will implement Dr. David Olds' Nurse Home Visitation Program (see attachment-Prenatal and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation). The Prenatal and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation Program, developed by David Olds is designed to help low-income, first-time parents start their lives with their children on a sound course and prevent the health and parenting problems that can contribute to the early development of antisocial behavior. No county match required The funds would be used to hire two public health nurses and a part time clerk who would be supervised by the Women's Health and Child Health Nursing Directors. See attached application for details. The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council approved submittal of grant as required by the Office of Juvenile Justice at their meeting on April 16, 1999. Note: This' is the same grant proposal we submitted to Smart Start in February but we do not know the status at this time. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval to submit the grant application to the OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE APPLICATION FOR DISCRETIONARY FUNDING and to approve the associated budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Yes-24 pages ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW Recommend RECOMMEN ~OUMY COMMISSIONS ~ APPROVED Cf-- REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ P~~TPONED D I}8~#.RfJ, _ J~ L~--9 ~ ~ - ---J COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 14.3 Office of Juvenile Justice APPLICA`I'I®N F®R DISCI~TI®NAR~' FUNDING (See reverse for detailed instructions) PLEASE TYPE ALL INFORMATION COllnty Or COilntleS: New Hanover Count County 1Vlanager's Name/Address: Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. Room 502 Telephone #: Wilmington, Nc 910-.341-7184 Fax #: 910-341-4027 Fiscal Agent's Name/Address: 'T'elephone #: 910-341-7188 Fax #: 910-341-4025 etty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Director ~gency or Project Director/Address: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street 28401. Telephone. #: ~ ,Wilmington, NC 28401 ' 910-343-6559 Fax #: 910-341-4146 Bruce Shell New Hanover County Finance Department 320 .Chestnut Street Room 602. Wilmington, NC 28401 Project Degin Date: July / 1 / 1999 Program Federal Identification #: 56-0000-324 Type Of Pr®graIIfll (Day Reporting Center, Innovative Program, Multi-County Initiative)/Name O~ Program: Intensive Home Visiting Initiative Funds Requested: ~ ~ 100,000 ' (Available through 06/30/2000) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chair's Name: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager New Hanover County ~,,-,~,., ~~, ,.c; ~ ( 320 Chestnut Street Room 502 910-341-7186 fax: 9T0-341-4027 ''~~Arj'cli~ess/Phone/'k'a~: w}~~}~~ire~, ETC 291 ~. + v Council=Chair's Signature: Cou?mty~ anager's.Sigllature: .. ~: ,_ . , rte:.=~=~. i~°-: ,~ . M or Office of Juvenile Justice use: GRANT NUMBER DATE RECEIVED 14~ Office of Juvenile Justice ' APPLICATION FOR DISCRETIONARY FUNDING (See reverse for detailed instructions) PLEASE TYPE ALL INFORMATION County or Counties: New Hanover County County Manager's Narne/Address: ~gency or ~roject Director/Addressth Director - Allen O'Neal, County Manager Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director New .Hanover County New Hanover County Health Department 320 Chestnut St. Room 502 2029 South 17th Street Telephone#: Wilmington, Nc 28401 Telephone#: Wilmington, Nc 28401 910-341-7184 910-343-6559 Fax. #: Fax #: - _ 910-341-4027 910-341-4146 ~~ Fiscal Agent's Name/Address:, Bruce shell New Hanover County Finance Department 320 Chestnut Street Room 602 Telephone #: Wilmington, Nc~ 28401 910-341-7188 Fax #: ' 91.0-341-4025 Project Begin Date: July / 1 / 1999 Program Federal Identification #: 56-6000-324 . Type Of Program (Day Reporting Center, Innovative Program, Mnu;-connry l~itiatrve)/Name of Program: Intensive Home ,Visiting .Initiative Funds Requested: $ 100 , o00 (Available through 06/30/2000) ' Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Chair's Name: 3•ed Davis,. ~.r. New Hanover ounty 320 Chestn Street Room Address/Phone/Fax: 305 910-341-7186 fax.: 910-341-4027 Council Chair's Signature: , County Manager's Signature: ~` For Office ,of Juvenile Justice use: GRANT NUMBER DATE RECEIVED u 145 Office of Juvenile. Justice . , ~, Application for Discretionary Funding ~~ 1. Description a) Describe the proposed program and how the discretionary funds will be used. Indicate' whether the discretionary request is for a new program or for expansion of an existing formulapgrant or other program. (For counties applying for maternal home visit programs, grants will'only be awarded for new projects.) Specifically address which priority fo'r discretionary funding is being met. New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) is requesting discretionary funds from the Office of Juvenile Justice for implementation of a new maternal home visiting program. Our, Women's ,Health Care Division and Child Health Division would like to implement Dr. David' Olds' Nurse Home Visitation Program in New Hanover County (NHC). The funds would be used to hire two public health nurses and a part time clerk. The Public Health Nurse II would be the program director and carry no. more than 12 .families for home visitation. This would allow time for staff supervision and program evaluation.~The Public Health Nurse I would carry a caseload of families of no~more than 25. The clerk would provide all management support services for the Nurse Home Visitation Program including word processing, data entry, obtaining supplies, and handling medical records. This team would be supervised by the _ Women's Health Care Nursing Director and-Child Health Nursing Director. The public health nurses would implement Dr. Olds' program, as well as;the North Carolina Maternity~~Care , Coordination (MCC) program and the Child Service Coordination (CSC) program. Our health department has a wealth of experienced staff in MCC and-,CSC who may apply for these jobs or serve as mentors and trainers for the new staff as theylearn MCC/CSC. Applicants without previous.MCC/CSC experience would be sent to state MCC/CSC training: " We are collaborating with our focal Office of Juvenile Justice ,(OJJ) to develop a plan to make sure pregnant young. women in the juvenile justice system are served in the Intensive Home Visitation Program. The juvenile counselors and the nurse home visitors may make some joint home visits and collaborate on client service plans. MCC positions within the health department have already encountered young pregnant women who'have been involved with the juvenile justice system. We have made site visits in the New, Hanover County jail and have coordinated visits with our jail medical program to provide best,care, resources, prenatal vitamins, etc. to our . clients/patients who are incarcerated. The majority of low income prenatal patients are seen in the Coastal OB/GYN Center through , New Hanover Regional Medical Ceriter:(NHRMC). Our MCCs are stationed in the clinic daily. The PHN III and PHN I in the maternity clinic at Coastal OB/GYN provide new OB interviews and screen all patients for MCC services. These two positions would screen for this enhanced model of care and would refer as indicated. These nurses have been involved in maternal health ._ 146. 1 + programs for a minimum of five years. They would be trained to identify potential program i ..participants and offer the Nurse Home Visitation Program to eligible first time moms. We also have MCCs out posted at several New Hanover County private OB offices (all offices who accept Medicaid patients), the New Hanover Community Health Center, and Coastal Family ' Medicine (family residency program through NHRMC). All MCCs and CSCs would be trained - to identify, refer, and enroll clients into the Nurse Home Visitation Program. The Public Health . Nurse II in the new program. would.be the contact for new referrals and assist in the triage process for these and other referrals. Our MCC and CSC programs are well received in the community with referrals corning from private doctors, hospitals, social services, etc. The nurses would implement the Nurse Home Visitation Program by following the Olds' curriculum and incorporating it with MCC and CSC program components. The nurses would schedule their daily visits to maintain flexibility to meet family needs. They would also participate in all data • collection as required by the UNC Children's Primary Care Research Group. The Women's Health Care Director (co-applicant) serves on the Board of Directors for Wilmington Health Access for Teens (W.H.A.T.); is the chairperson for the Adolescent Parenting Program (APP) Advisory Council; represents the women's health needs of the • community through support of grants,. etc; and currently is working with the Cape Fear Foundation to recommend a "best model" for coordination of teen services/activities throughout our community.. The Women's Health Care Director has successfully implemented a ` postpartum newborn home visiting program in New Hanover County. She has supervised the maternal and child health. programs for eight years and the women's health programs for five. ' ~ years. The MCC.program has been successfully implemented and has grown from one 60 .percent-employee in 1988 to six full time employees in -1999 who saw 932 patients last year. We have expanded MCC services from one site to five. A registered nurse visits all Medicaid- eligiblemoms within two to five days after birth in their homes to provide physical assessments of mom and baby with referrals as indicated. She often refers families to our CSC program for long term follow-up. The Women's Health Care Director was also involved with the change over from High. Priority Infant Tracking to Child Service Coordination in `90/' 91. The Child Health Director (co-applicant) is involved in New Hanover County's new ".Communities That Care" initiative, sponsored by the Governor's Crime Commission; the. - Partnership for Children Board; our local Interagency Coordinating Council; and many other committees related to children's services. The Child Health Director has also successfully - implemented a Smart Start grant funded child care nurse program for New Hanover County. Our CSC program has grown 20 percent since 1995 with an average caseload of 400 children. Certified Clinical Social Work (CCSW) services are currently being implemented to support clients in both Women's Health Care and Child Health programs. This new position will offer. intensive psychosocial counseling as needs are identified and pyschosocial assessments/interventions where applicable. The social worker will work with the maternity (including high risk) population, family planning, and child health (Health Choice clients included). . - ~ 2 147 b) Include a description of other services (community programs acid agencies) existing in the community that serve the population to be targeted, and describe~liow the proposed program plans to collaborate with these services to best serve the targeted population. ' Collaboration is a ongoing, process with the health.department and the~numerous agencies listed. The Nurse Home Visitation Program would bean enhanced extension of programsFalready.in existence. Integration of these programs would follow. in. a "natural" sequence as needs are identified and'strategies are planned to implement the proposed intensive home, visitation model. The NHCHD serves a coordinating role within the community for prenatal'. services ~as is evidenced by our involvement with the public and private.sectors: Our MCC,and CSC~~positions communicate regularly through MCC/CSC meetings with the NHRMC community transition coordinators and social workers to coordinate care and transitioning from -MCC. to the. CSC programs. Joint visits are frequently made to further smooth this transition.. Many timessocial . workers and PHNs make joint visits in order to incorporate the social and medical needs of the clients/patients. - A number of services exist-which support pregnant women and children less than two including a postpartum/newborn home .visiting program and MCC and CSG programs.. The .health department also works with the Parents as Teachers .program (Smart Start funded), a Mental Health Early Intervention program, an Infant Mortality Project~at the New Hanover°Community • Health Center, and a teen parenting support program (Adolescent Parenting Prevention) through Planned Parenthood, Hispanic Prenatal Support Group, a series of childbirth classes; High Risk Maternity Home Visiting, a breastfeeding•educator program, WIC; a Teen Maternity Clinic, a Baby Talk Teen Support Group, and a smoking cessation program.: New Hanover County 'does not have an active Healthy Carolinians group at this time. We presently have a very active local Interagency Coordinating Council for special needs children, an'infant toddler consortium, a preschool consortium, and a transition~eommittee. The Child Health Director or designated staff serves. on all consortiums and committees related to children.• Our goal~is to make sure no ~chil`d falls through the cracks and has a smooth..transtion into appropriate.services: We have members from all agencies, public and private, who serve children; collaboration is an ongoing process. This group is already~using the CSC program as the "community triage" system for all child- referrals:for home'visiting. When"the referral is received, a CSC goes out to visit and offers all•. possible services. If the child is being referred to one of.the consortiums; our CSC helps the family navigate the system. Once •evaluations are complete, eligibility determined, and programs chosen, the CSC transitions the family into the appropriate service. One` of our~main referral sources are-the. hospital community transition coordinators.. We ,can use, this "community triage" system as a model fora "prenatal triage team" we would need in Dr. Olds' program. A "prenatal triage team" with representation from MCC; private OB offices, local teen,clinics, Planned Parenthood,'our in house family planning staff,-the Community Health Center, the Department of Social Services (DSS); juvenile.counselors, and our target population would meet monthly to collaborate on a referral/triage/resource system for pregnant, first time moms in poverty. When a referral is made, the MCC or nurse in the Nurse 148 Home Visitation Program would determine whether the mom is eligible for the new program and/or MCC/CSC. The family would be offered the options and enrolled in the Nurse Home Visitation Program and/or MCC/CSC. Our MCCs/CSCs refer to Parents as Teachers, Early Intervention through Mental Health, Social Services/Protective Services, at risk services, maternity homes such as Kelly House and Children's Home Society, crisis intervention agencies, DSS, domestic violence agencies, the OAKS mental health in-patient facility, adoption services, emergency housing (Salvation Army, Good Shepherd House), Adolescent Parenting Program (APP), Minority Infant Mortality Reduction (MMIR), etc. The nurses in the new program would receive training in all local community resources. The health department offers a series of parenting classes families can attend on a quarterly basis taught by our CSCs and MCCs. c) Indicate how program implementation and effectiveness will be evaluated to facilitate ongoing quality improvement. Indicate who will be conducting the evaluation and-their qualifications. Our team would be willing to work with the UNC Children's Primary Care Research Group (CPCRG) to pilot Dr. Olds' program. We would allow staff to attend all training workshops required and implement data collection under their instructions. The PHN II could devote 20 .percent of her time to program monitoring and improvement. The clerical position would devote 50 percent of her time to data collection and reporting. New Hanover County Health Department staff made a site visit to the Robeson County Health .Department for the purpose of gathering information on their grant-funded intensive home visiting program. We reviewed the OLDS curriculum with their coordinator, made copies of program materials and marketing tools that they developed and reviewed their data collection ,system. We spoke with their supervisor and discussed some of the shortcomings they identified as they have implemented the program in order to better plan for our program. It is our understanding that the Olds' curriculum training is available in Colorado and was attended by .new staff and supervisors of the Robeson County Health Department. This training expense is reflected in our budget. . 2. Project Goals, Objectives, Activities, Target Population, and Needs .Statement a) Goals--Projected long-term outcomes or results: By implementing Dr. Old's Nurse Home Visitation Program to enhance'our present system of MCC/CSC we would achieve the following goals: • A community triage system developed for prenatal patients which models our present triage system for children 0 - 5 years to improve our county's continuation of services • Improvement of pregnancy outcomes by helping women improve their health-related behaviors ~ 4 149:. • Improvement of th'e child's health and development by promoting parents' responsible .and competent care of their children • Improvement of parental'life course; including preveriting'subsequent unintended pregnancy, completing education and finding work; and strengthening the'family's 'formal and informal support system .' • Prevention'of child abuse 'and neglect among participants {~ b) Objectives--Projected short-term measurable results: ~ t. • To hire'and train staff between, July 1,.1999 and December 30,'.-1999. July -August recruit and hire; September -December orientation to all health department services CSC/MCC/Dr. Old'sprogram. - • To accept referrals and begin providing home visiting services January `1~, 2000. • To build nurses' caseloads to full status by June 30, 2000 (PHN II to 12; PHN I to 25). • Seventy-five percent of clients enrolled in January and February would remain in the Nurse Home Visitation Program.thr'ough June 30, 2000. ~ . • Smoking prenatal' clients will decrease smoking or quit: • .Prenatal :clients would keep clinic/office appointments as scheduled 90 percent of the' 'time.. • Thirty percent of participants will breastfeed;~ 90 percent of eligible participants will use WIC services. • Before birth all participants will select a health care provider and have a source of payment for their child's health care. • ~ No repeat.pregnancy within one year of delivery. ~ . • ;~, Ninety percent of program clients will receive a postpartum checkup and method of birth control. ~ . • All families enrolled would have a safety assessment done in the home in preparation for ;the arrival of the new-baby. , • ,Ninety-five percent of children of program participants will be immunized appropriately by age 2. • Ninety percent of children in the program will have routine well child care per Health Check schedule. • Ninety percent of children will have developmental assessments with appropriate referrals and follow-up. ~ ' c) Activities (implementation and operational)--Day.-to-day activities in measurable terms: Our Nurse Home Visitation Prograrri~would follow Dr. David-Olds' model for frequency and duration 'of visits and curriculum while also integrating MCC/CSC services. We would survey our participants as to.their,interest in forming a monthly support group. If they are interested, our PHN II program director would coordinate the activities of the group. The families •would be made aware of all parenting classes in New Hanover County, if interested in attending those. 15 0 ~~ 5 Our family planning, MCC and CSC staff would be trained to market and refer to the new program. Referrals would be received from the "prenatal triage team" and from the participants on all 'our interagency committees for community outreach. . ~ ~ d) Target Population--Specific population to be served: =Our target population would be women pregnant with their .first .child at or below 100 percent of " the federal poverty level. Once identified, MCC/CSC and/or the new Nurse Home Visitation Program would be offered as choices, if eligible for both. We would not be establishing a subgroup from this target population during year one. We do not want to limit client options for more intense services based on family needs, especially those who may be at risk for poor parenting outcomes. Referrals would be accepted during the prenatal period. The potential target population is reflected by our `97/'98 NHC Maternity Clinic data --number of first ,time pregnant women was 65$ (42.2%); 90.5% of these women were below the 100% poverty level. . ` e) Needs Statement: Health status indicators 1993 - 1997 • Infant .mortality rate -- NHC - 6.9%; North Carolina (NC)- 9.6% Very low birth weight rate (3.41bs. or less) -- NHC - 9.0%; NC - 8.8% • Low birth weight/maternal age 15 - 19 -- NHC - 14.2 %; NC 10.6% ~, • ~ Late or inadequate prenatal care (of live births) -- NHC - 16.3%; NC - 16%: Subgroup: teens 15 - 19 -- NHC 3 6.1 %; NC - 3 0.3 • Pregnant moms who smoked --NHC - 16,4%; NC - 15.1 %. Subgroup: pregnant, teens. who smoked 15 - 19 -- NHC - 21.5%; NC - 18.6% "" • ~ Y Medicaid moms -- NHC - 46%; NC - 44.4% + 1996 juvenile drug arrests per 1,000 children under 18 -- NHC - 5.94%; NC - 2% • 1996 juvenile violent crime arrests per 1,000 under 18 -- NHC - 2.8%; NC - 1.82% , • .Health status indicators 1997 - 1998 ® 1,754 children under 6 were reported as suspected abused/or ne lected. Currently 193. children are in DSS custody. Out-of-home placement = 449 children. (Local DSS could not supply substantiation rate for 0 - 6 years onlv.) New Hanover county was ranked eighth in North Carolina for reports of abuse and neglect (96/97), second highest in out- of-home placement. •~ Health Check participation -- 52.4% • Violent crime in NHC among juveniles rose 36% Health status indicators 1998 - 1999 • Health Choice participation -- 52% (as of 3/31/99) • , Immunization rate -- 83% (last CASA review) • WIC participation rate -- 2,913 (2/99) -- state requirement is 3,044 6 151 • Presently there. are 133 young women on probation in our district (New Hanover and Pender Counties}; usually at least two of whom are pregnant. Other health status indicators FY 1997 - 1998 for NHC Maternity Clinic Population • Number of patients -- 1,091 ~ ~. : . Number of clinic visits -- 8,502 • ' . ' Premature birtlis (36 weeks gestation or less) -- 15% Low birth weight births .(1,000 - 2,500 grams) =- 13.2% • MCC services provided:. 932 ,patients;.. 5.98 initial visits; 2,84'1 subsequent visits .. ~. .' ~. ~. .~ . . ~ .. 7 `~. J 152 New Hanover County Health Department OJJ -- Budget Narrative Year 1 7/1/99 - 6/30/00 Personnel Salaries/wages: PHN I (nurse) - $30,222; PHN II (nurse) - $35,464; Clerical Spec. - $10,150 Total Salaries/wages -- $75,836; pro-rated at 11 months .. $ 69,516 Fringe (28%) ....................................... 19,464 Total Personnel ...................................... ....... $88,980 Supplies and Materials Educational materials -training manuals, brochures, lit..... 1,800 Office supplies (computer supplies, software, incentives, routine desk supplies, uniforms, services supplies, etc... 7,605 Other supplies and materials (office-related materials, shelves, printer, etc.) ............................ 3,500 Total Supplies and Materials ....................... .....:.. 12,905 Current Obligations and Services Travel/transportation (out-of--town training [$1600]; 6500 miles in-town for home visits at $.31/mile [$2015]; other travel/training/hotel/food) ...................... 4,415 Communications-2 cell phones and monthly access charges :.. ..700 Printing and binding of in-house produced flyers/brochures .... Advertising and postage to promote services of program :..... 1,100 ..700 Total Current Obligations and Services ................ ........ 6,915 Capital Outlay Personal computer .................................... ......... 1,200 Total Annual Budget .................................... ...... $110,000 In-Kind 1. Office Space - 36 sq ft x 3 staff x $14/sq ft ................ $1,512 2. Telephone - $20 x 11 months x 3 phones .................. ..660 3. Supervision - 2 hrs x 52 wks x $25/hr) .................... 2,600 4. Management Support (budgets, A/P, A/R, graphic design, etc.) 2 hrs x 52 wks x $16/hr ................................ 1,664 5. Janitorial Services - 4 hrs x $11/hr x 11 months ............. ..484 6. Copier/Fax Services ................................... ..400 7. PC/Technical Support Services (hardware/software installation and support) - $20/hr x 20 hrs .................. ... 400 8. Other Office Equipment (shredder, slide projector, camera, TV, VCR, overhead projector, etc.) ....................... ..350 9. Internet Access Services - $20 x 3 staff x 11 months ......... ..660 10. Utilities ............................................. ..600 Total In-kind Contribution Year 1 ........................ $9,030 ~~ 8 153 Year 2 Personnel Salaries and wages PHN I (nurse) --- PHN II (nurse) -- Clerical Specialist 7/1/00 - 6/30/01 -- $31,733 -- 37,237 --' 10;658 .................$79,628 ' Fringe (28%) ....................................... 22,296 Total Personnel ............................................ $101,924 Supplies and Materials Educational materials -training manuals, brochures, lit..... 1,100 Office supplies (computer supplies,-software, incentives, routine desk supplies, uniforms, services supplies, etc... 6,456 Other supplies and materials (office-related materials, shelves, printer, etc.) ... ....................... 1,500 Total Supplies and Materials ................................... 9,056 Current Obligations and Services Travel/Transportation (12,000 local-miles at $.31/mile for home visits [$3720]; additional training/travel/hotel/food) ....... 6,020 Communications (2 cell phones and monthly access charges) ....800 Printing and binding (of in-house produced flyers/brochures) :. 1,400 Advertising and postage to promote services of program ........800 Total Current Obligations and Services .......................... 9,020 Total Annual Budget . .......................................... $120,000 In-Kind 1. Office Space - 36 sq ft x 3 staff x $14/sq ft ................ $1,512 2. Telephone - $20 x 12 months x 3 phones ....................720 3. Supervision - 2 hrs x 52 wks x $25/hr) ..... ~............ '... 2,600 4. Management Support (budgets, A/P, A/R, graphic design, etc.) 2 hrs x 52 wks x $16/hr ................................ 1,664 5. Janitorial Services - 4 hrs x $11/hr x 12 months .............~ :.528 6. Copier/Fax Services .....................................400 7. PC/Technical Support Services (hardware/software installation and support) - $20/hr x 20 hrs ..~ .................. 400 8. Other Office Equipment (shredder, slide projector, camera, TV, VCR, overhead projector, etc.) .........................350 9. Internet Access Services - $20 x 3 staff x 12 months ...........720 10. Utilities ........................................:......655 Total In-kind Contribution Year 2 ...............~......... ~"$9,549 9 `~ / 154 • Office of Juvenile Justice Application for Discretionary Funding (See reverse for detailed instructions) Year 2 ,_~ 7/1/00 - 6/30/01 3. Provide a detailed budget using the following format and the five main categories listed below. CATEGORY LINE ITEM TOTAL AMOUNT SUBTOTALS Personnel Subtotal 120 Salaries and wages 180 Fringe Benefits 190 Professional Services $101,924 Supplies and Materials 210 Household and Cleaning 220 Food and Provisions 230 Education and Medical 240 Construction and Repair 250 Vehicle Supplies and Materials 260 Office Supplies and Materials 280- Heating and Utility Supplies 290 Other Supplies and Materials Current Obli gations and Services 310 Travel and Transportation 320 Communications 330 Utilities 340 Printing and Binding 350, Repairs and Maintenance 370 Advertising 380 Data Processing 390 Other Services Fixed Charges and Other Expenses • 9.,056 9,020 410 Rental of Real Property 430 Equipment rental 440 Service and Maintenance Contracts 4~0 Insurance and Bonding 490 Other Fixed Charges Capital Outla 510 530 X40 »0 . 580 y Office Furniture and Equipment Educational Equipment IVtotor Vehicle Other Equipment Buildings, Structures, and Improvements Total Annual Budget $120,000 * Includes OJJ funds of $100,000 and Medicaid revenue of $20,000. In-kind contributions are detailed in budget narrative. $79,628 22.296 1,100 6,456 in-kind 1,500 6,020 R00 in-kind 1,400 800 in-kind in-kind in-kind 155 Year 1 i Office of Juvenile Justice 7/1 /99 - 6/30/00 Application for`Discretionary Funding (See reverse for detailed instructions) 3. Provide a detailed budget using the following format and the five main categories listed below. CATEGORY ~ LINE ITEM Personnel Subtotal 120 Salaries and wages 180 Fringe Benefits 190- Professional Services TOTAL AMOUNT SUBTOTALS $ 88,980 $69,516 19:464 Supplies and Materials 12, 905 210 Household and Cleaning 220 Food and Provisions 230 Education and Medical 1 , 800 240 Construction and Repair 250 Vehicle Supplies and Materials 260 'Office Supplies and Materials 7 , 605 280 ~ Heating and Utility Supplies in-kind 290 Other Supplies and Materials 3 , 500 Current Obli gations and Services 6 , 915 • 310 Travel and Transportation ' 4 , 415 320 Communications 700 330 Utilities in-kind 340 Printing and Binding 1 , 100 3~0 _ Repairs and Maintenance 370 Advertising 700 380 Data Processing _ in-kind 390 Other Services in=kind Fixed Charges and Other Expenses 410 ~ Rental of Real Property in-kind 430 Equipment rental • 440 Service and Maintenance Contracts - 4~0 Insurance and Bonding 490 Other Fixed Charges Capital Outlay _.. 1 , 200 510 Office Furniture and Equipment 1 , 200 530 Educational Equipment 540 Motor Vehicle X50 Other Equipment 580 Buildings, Structures, and Improvements ~ • '~ 5 6 Total Annual Budget $1 10 , 000 * Includes pJJ funds of $100,OO~and Medicaid revenue of $10,000. In-kind contributions 'are detailed in budget narrative. ` If approval for Medicaid billing not received, budget expenses will be adjusted to decrease by $10,000. CHILD ADVOCACY COMMISSION ~ P.O. Box 4305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406-4305 910-791-1057 Apri126, 1999 Office of Juvenile Justice Dear Sir/Madam: Early intervention represents the greatest hopes for long term influence on families and the ultimate success of their children. Emerging North Carolina Smart Start initiatives are based this quality assumption. Brain research indicates that the earlier the intervention the better for children. This contention was stressed over and over again at the Navigating the Brain Terrain Symposium sponsored in the Fall of 1998 in New Hanover County, supported by Child Advocacy Commission, New Hanover County Health Department and a dozen other agencies. Medical research indicates that the health of the mother before and at birth can have long term impact on the life long health of the child. Social research proves that intervention such as Olds Model, Intensive Home Visitin Pro ram, can provide the kind of information, support and care that can mean extended advantages to family and child. Among these are child abuse prevention, prenatal concealing, substance abuse prevention, pregnancy prevention and improved understanding of nutrition, all factor into long term family and child health. For these reasons the Child Advocacy Commission supports the intent and substance of the New Hanover County Health Department's request for funding for Pregnancy and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation proposal. Family's being in crisis is more the norm that the exception these days. Skillful early intervention represents a proven key that can unlock the health and welfare of families and establish a structure for continued positive growth and development. We support this proposal and hope you will do the same. ;~ ~ ~~ Wm. Clancy T rrr~son Betsy 'venbark Executive Director Director of Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention ~ 157 We Care About Children ~I W 1L1VL1V V 1 V1V~ HEALTH ACCESS FOR TEENS April 27, 1999 Betty 7o McCorkle . Women's Health Care Division Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 S. 17~' St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Betty Jo: Wilmington Health Access for Teens is pleased to offer its support to the New Hanover County Health Department's request for grant funds to initiate a Maternal Home Visiting Program. As' you know,. we see teens,. who are all too`often pregnant before an optimum. time in their lives, and many who are living in families below the.poverty level. We are excited at the potential of the home visiting program that would follow these at=risk moms through the prenatal and extended postnatal period. We have'no doubt that such a program will improve infant mortality and morbidity statistics, as well as decrease the long-term costs to taxpayers. '_ We collaborate in many ways to provide health services and education to our adolescents in this county. Our most recent success is in cooperation with the school health nurse at the alternative Lakeside High School, where a great number of these pregnancies have been previously identified. Working together, we contribute valuable resources to students, parents, school personnel and the community at-large. We are hopeful that your grant request will be successful. We will be a strong referral base for the Maternal Home Visiting Program. Sincerely, , I 1.58 4005 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 910.790.9949 9'10.720.9455 Fax Constance N. Parker Executive Director Planned Parenthood of the Capital and Coast ~J 04/27/99 Health care that respects and protects your personal choices Betty Jo McCorkle Women's Health Care Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17~' St Wilmington, NC 28401-4946 Dear Mrs. McCorkle: Administrative Office 100 South Boylan Ave Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone 919.833.7534 Fax 919.833.0730 Health Center Locations Raleigh 100 South Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone 919.833.7526 Fax 919.833.0730 Wilmington 3953-A Market Street Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone 910.762.5566 Fax 910.762.4088 Planned Parenthood of Wilmington supports your grant program for Pregnancy and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation. We see patients at our clinic who are pregnant with limited resources for pre-natal care . and post pregnancy follow-up. This program fits with our mission that individuals have the fundamental right to choose when or whether to have children. Also, we work to ensure affordable quality health services which will be provided in this program. Planned Parenthood of the Capital and Coast looks forward to referring our patients to your program and supporting you in this endeavor. Sincerely,, ~ s~ -- Ann Smith Baugham Wilmington PPH Clinic Manager C it Ed i Planned Parenthood Education Programs . h d l d l ~ ~ ~ ommun y ucat on Parents as Teac ers A o escent Parenting Program A o escent Par tlh P gram 100 South Boylan Ave. 3951-B Market Street 3951-B Market Street P.O Box 1053 Raleigh, NC 27603 Wilmington, NC 28403 Wilmington, NC 28403 Burgaw, NC 28425 Phone 919.833.7534 Phone 910.762.3497 Phone 910.762.1746 Phone 910.259.6004 Fax 919.833.0730 Fax 910.762.2743 Fax 910.762.2743 Fax 910.259.6080 S.__~ t~` .+°'n F • .+ ~ Fv~.m,~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARTNERSHIP FOR CHILDREN April 26,-1999 Janet McCumbee Child Health Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington., North Carolina 28401 Dear Ms. McCumbee: On behalf of the New Hanover County Partnership for Children and the local Smart Start initiative, I am writing to enthusiastically support the N>=IC Health Department's proposal .for the Intensive Home Visiting Grant. This proposal is consistent with the local Smart Start Strategic Plan and works collaboratively with existing agencies in the community to create a preti•entive family support system for at-risk children and their families. Children. who do not receive sensitive, responsive care in the first few years of life are at significantly higher risk for a wide range of poor developmental outcomes. A comprehensive home visiting program, such as the Olds Model, is greaily needed in New~Hanover County. ' New Hanover County's out of liome placement rate has been steadily increasing over the past several years and is currently' the second highest'in the state. The divorce rate in New Hanover County is higher than state and national averages: 33%'oflocal pregnant~teens receive little to no prenatal care. And, according to a 1997 Frank Porter Graham Center study, i 7.9% of kindergarteners are arriving at NHC schools unprepared for school success. ' The Olds Model has demonstrated great potential in improving child health, preventing abuse and neglect, reducing dependence on public assistance, and reducing yiolence.and criminality in young adults. The New Hanover County Health Department has demonstrated its capacity to house this project through successful implementation of a variety of public health. initiatives directed at improving the lives of young children in our county. The Child Health Division has demonstrated leadership in developing collaborative relationships in the health community to benefit children. It is with great confidence and expectation that we support you in .the submission of this proposal and pledge our support to work collaboratively in this endeavor. Sincerely, "~.i~'GGyj~t~7"/ ~~G•=Ica--' Jayne H. Davis Executive Director 16.0 OFFICE 100-AEastwood.Road, Suitel8•Wilmington,NC28403 PHONE 910-792-6160 Fnz 910-792-6044 E-Mnit nhcpfc@aol.com ,~: H•~:,a. u: ~~ U ~,~~ . . ~a d ~ '~ t ~~. < , ~ ~•'. ~ g ~ ~ ,a ..r ~,a. , ~' STA'L'E OF NORTH CAROLINA Office of Juvenile Justice PHYi.I.iS ROEBUCK CHIEF COURT COUNSELOR April 28, 1999 • To Whom It May Concern: JUVENILE SERVICES DIVISION 5T" DISrRICT COURT DISTRICT P.O. BOY 140-1 ~~TL~ILYGTON, `iC 28102-1401 COURIER BOS 0~3-13-26 I would like to express my support and request a favorable response regarding funding for the Intensive Home Visitation Program. The New Hanover County Office of Juvenile Justice has collaborated with the New Hanover County Health Department in identifying and developing a referral system to deal with pregnant teenagers. The Office of Juvenile Justice is represented on the Advisory Council to provide continual data, referral and follow up with court referred children. This program would serve to fill a gap and provide much needed services. I would encourage your support for this program and believe that these services would serve to reduce neglect, abuse and delinquency referrals at a later date. I thank you in advance for your consideration. Respectfully submitted ' i r P yllis V Roebucvk Chief Court Counselor PVR:wrl 161 April 28,1999 George Sweat, Director Office of Juvenile Justice P.O. Box 1227 Raleigh, NC 27602 Dear Mr. Sweat, I am pleased to have the opportunity to offer this letter of support for New Hanover Health Department's request for funding for the Maternal Home Visiting Program. It is my understanding that this program, which has been evaluated through randomized trials in Elmira, New York and Memphis, Tennessee, has made a significant positive impact on several. maternal/newborn outcomes.. It is my belief that the staff at New .Hanover County Health /Department have, with appropriate funding, the ability to provide all of the key. components of this program. I would be thrilled to see this organization receive your support. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 343-4612. Sincerely, AMU ~r, . ~~ Mimi Jones, RN Manager, Coastal OB/GYN Center New Hanover Healthcare Network 162 ~ ~ New Hanover Regional Nledica! Center P.O. Box 9000 / 2131 S. 17th Street /Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 910-343-7000 l~l ~ W~ ~l~l ~ ~~ lJ l~ ~~ DAVID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director 2029 SOUTH 1?TH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 2x401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FA~~ (910) 341-4146 To: BOH Executive Committee From: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director ~,~ Betty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Director b~ Subject: Intensive Home Visiting Grant Date: 4/21/99 LY2VI-A F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director We are requesting approval to submit an Intensive Home Visiting Grant ($100,000) to the Office of Juvenile .lustice. This is the same grant proposal we submitted to Smart Start in February, but we do not know the status at this time. The OJJ application is not complete and is due April 30. Attached is the article which describes Dr. David Olds' Nurse Home Visitation Program, which b is the model for our proposed program. Our State Division of Women's and Children's Health will be the administrator of the grant and is already piloting these programs in 7 counties. This program is more comprehensive than Maternity Care Coordination and Child Service Coordination and will target a specific population, first time parents in poverty. Page two of the article details program components. I have also attached the draft budget, the page describing the availability of funds, and a memo to the local Juvenile Crime Council. Last week, the local Juvenile Crime Council voted to support our application. We are available to discuss this proposal (Betty Jo 343-6660 or Janet 343- 6559). Thank you for your time and consideration. ~ 163 L,°.~. t~epartment of Justice Office ~f Justice Progra,•ns t7ffce of Juvenile Justice and Delinquencti° Prevention Prenatal and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation David Olds, Ph.D., Peggy Hill, and ElissaRum.4ey To prevent youth crime and delin- quency. it is importarit to understand how antisocial behavior develops and design programs to interrupt that developmental pathway. The most serious and chronic offenders often show signs of antisocial behavior as early as the preschool years (.American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Three important risk factors associated with early development of antisocial be= havior can be modified: adverse maternal health-related behaviors during preg- nancy associated with children's neuro- psychological deficits, child abuse and ne Joel, and troubled maternal lifecourse. The Prenatal and Early Childhood ' Nurse Home Visitation Program, devel- oped by David Olds and his colleagues (Olds, Kitzman et al., 1997; Olds, 1988; Olds and Korfmacher, 1997), is designed to help low-income, first-time parents start their lives with their children on a sound course and prevent the health and parenting problems that can contribute to the early development of antisocial be- havior. Several rigorous studies indicate that the nurse home visitation program reduces the risks for early antisocial be- havior and prevents problems associated with youth crime and delinquency such as child abuse, maternal substance abuse, and maternal criminal involvement: Recent evidence shows that nurse home visitation even reduces juvenile offendin (Olds, Henderson et al., 1998). Beginning in the mid-1970's, a series of randomized clinical trials was designed to develop and test the program model (Olds, Kitzman et al., 1997; Olds, 1988; The original research on this program alas supported by the GS. Department o/ Health and Human Sen.ices (HXS) and the Robert Wood Johnson. the W.T. Grant, the ford, and the Commonurafth Foundations. The most recent research hos been supported by HHS and the Nations[ institutes of Health. The Office olJuuenite Justice and D~n~uention (OJJDP) is currently landing a de o and euatuarion o/the project in six sites. 3~- From the Administrator A stitch in lima saves nine. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Folk wisdom is replete with such adages for a good reason- because they are true. Clearly, in the realm of delinquency and child abuse, prevention is always better than picking up the pieces..For 20 years, Dr. David Olds and'his col- leagues have been developing and testing a prevention program that helps low-income, first-time mother deliver healthy babies, give them proper, care, and avoid substance abuse and criminal behavior. More important, this program of prenatal and early childhood home visitation also reduces juvenile offending. A major tacior in the program's success that distinguishes this model from other, similar programs is its use of trained, experienced nurses, one of several key program•romponents. In addition, the authors discuss the program's impact on risks for devel- oping antisocial behavior iri child- hood. They also report estimates of impressive cost savings: four times the initial expenditure by the time high-risk children reach age 15. This,Bulletin offers exciting news that hojds Qlea~ promise for children who would otherwise come into a world of significant risks and bleak prospects. I hope that policymakers and othet concerned citizens will support replication of this effective program in areas where it is sorely needed. Shay Bilchik Administrator boning. Compromised neurological func- tioning makes it harder for infants to sig- al their needs and regulate their emo- ions and behavior (Olds, Pettitt et al., 1998j. When asked to evaluate how fussy and irritable their children were at 6 months of age, mothers who did not re- ceive nurse home visitors and who smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day during pregnancy reported more fussi- ness and irritability in their children than did nonsmoking mothers without a nurse home visitor. In contrast. mothers who smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day when they started the program and who' received home visits by a nurse during pregnancy reported far less irritability and fussiness in their children than did their counterparts in the control group (Olds, Pettitt et al., 1998). These findings suggest that the guidance mothers re- ceived from their nurse home visitdrs not only helped them cut down or Stop smoking, it also improved their infants' soothability, which made infant care much easier. Child Abuse and Neglect Abused and neglected children are at hi?her risk for developmental pathways arked by persistent behavior problems ~nd academic failure, followed by chronic delinquency, adult criminal behavior; anti- social personality disorder, and violent crime (Widom. 1.989; Maxfield and W'jdom, 199h: Kelley, Loeber et al., 1991; Kelley, Thornberry, and Smith, 1997). The pro- Aram studied in the Elmira clinical trial has . reduced the rates of child abuse andine- glect and less serious forms of caregi~~ing problems by~helping young parents deal with depression, anger, impulsiveness, and substance abuse problems. It also helped them reflect on how they were parented themselves: learn about normal child development; and develop the skills needed to °read" their baby's signals, anticipate their baby's needs, and parent effectively (Olds, Henderson, Chamberlin et al., 1986; Olds, Eckenrode et al., 1997). For children trom birth through age 15, the Elmira program reduced State-verified cases of child abuse and neglect by 79 per- cent among mothers who were poor and unmarried (Olds, Eckenrode et al., 1997). In the second year of life (age 13 to 24 months), nurse-visited children had 56 per- cent fewer visits to an emergency room for injuries and ingestions than children ~ot receiving home visits by nurses (Olds, enderson, Chamberlin et al., 1986). Dur- ing the 2-year period after the program ended (from the second through the fourth year of life), children from n~rse- visited families were 40 percent less likely to be seen in a physician's office for inju- ries, ingestions, or social problems, and they had 35 percent fewer visits to the emergency room. In the Memphis test of the program. which served African-American families, corresponding positive effects on parental caregiving and reductions in childhood inju- ries were seen during the first 2 years of the . children's lives. Because Memphis has a very low rate (approximately 3 percent) of officially verified cases of child abuse and neglect, it was not possible to make valid and reliable comparisons between program participants and control group families. The dat4 obtained from the nurse-visited fami- lies, however, strongly suggest a reduction in poor caregiving practices or behavior, including a reduction in child abuse and neglect (Kitzman et al., 1997). Troubled Maternal. . Life Course A mother's personal development and lifestyle choices influence whether her child will develop antisocial behavior. Young women who become parents as adolescents and have recent welfare experience are more likely to have chil- dren who engage in a variety of antisocial and delinquent behaviors and who are expelled from school than are their low- income, nonwelfare; adolescent-mother counterparts (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, and Morgan, 1987). Mothers who are unmarried, do not graduate from high school. and have three or more children are more likely to have children who exhibit behavioral problems. The nurse home visitation program reduces these risk factors by helping young parents develop the confidence and skills necessary to set and achieve goals such as completing their education. finding work, and avoiding unplanned subsequent pregnancies (Olds, Eckenrode et al., 199. The nurses help young par- ents consider multiple options, make good choices about the environment in which they will raise their children, and take steps to create the kind of lives they want for themselves and their children. During the first 15 years after delivery of their first child, low-income, unmarried women in the Elmira trial who received nurse home visits had fewer subsequent children (1.1 versus 1.6), longer intervals between the births of the first and second children (65 versus 37 months), 30 fewer months on welfare (60 versus 90 months), 44 percent fewer behavioral problems because of their use of drugs and alcohol, 82 percent fewer arrests, and 81 percent fewer convictions than those in the con- trol group, as shown by State records. Results of the first phase of.the ongoing Memphis replication study indicate that the program's effects on maternal life course (especially reductions in the rates of subsequent pregnancies and births) are being reproduced (Kitzman et al.. 199. Cumulative Risk The kinds of problems described above often combine to increase the total risk for the development of antisocial be- havior in childhood. The figure on the next page presents an overview of the factors that can increase risk early in a child's life and shows how a program of 3. and delinquency (Olds, Henderson et al., 1998). As described in a 1~-year followup , of the Elmira nurse home, visitation pro- gram. the long-term effects of the.pro- gram on children~s criminal and antisocial behavior are substantial and have groundbreaking implications for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. Ado- lescents whose mothers received nurse home visitation services over a decade earlier were 60 percent less likely than adolescents whose mothers had not 're- ceived anurse home visitor to have run away, 55 percent'less likely to have been arrested, and 80 percent less likely to Have been convicted of a crime, including a violation of probation (Olds, Henderson of al:. 1998): They also had smoked fewer cigarettes per day, had consumed less alcohol in the past 6 months, and had ex- hibited fewer behavioral problems related to alcohol and drug use.' ,Program Costs and Cost Savings The nurse home visitation program costs an estimated X3.200 per family per year during the startup phase (first 3 years) and X2.800 per family per year once nurses are completely trained and working at full capacity. Costs vary from site to site, depending primarily on nurs- ing salaries in the community where the program is riin. When the program fo- cuses on low-income women, the government's costs to fund the program are recovered by the time the first child. reaches age 4, primarily because of the reduced number of subsequent pregnan- cies,and related reductions in use of gov- ernment welfare programs (Olds'et al., 1993). A report from The' R4ND Corpora- tion estimates that by the time children from high=risk families reach age 15 the cost savings are •four times the original investment because of reductions in crime, welfare expenditures,~and health care cost's and as a result of taxes paid b}• working parents (1{aroly et al., 1998). Growing National Interest Many States and cities have expressed an interest in adopting the nurse home '- visitation program, because it .has proven so successful in preventing crime and violence and other serious health and social.probiems. Three components of t1~ ~~epartment of Justice's Office of J t ograms-the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the Bureau of Justice Assistance, and the Executive Office for Weed and Seed-are supporting implementation of the prog?am in six high-crime, urban 'areas as part of its national Weed and Seed and Safe Futures initiatives. By summer 1998. agencies sen~ing low-income'neighbor- hoods in Fresno; Los Angeles, and Oak- land, CA; Clearwater; FL; St. Louis, MO; and Oklahoma City, OK were implementing the nurse home visitation program. OJJDP also funds an initiative at the Center for the~Study and Prevention of Violence at the University of Colorado, which recently named'fhe nurse home visitation program 1 of 10 "blueprint" .programs after a rigorous evaluation demonstrated its effectiveness in prevent- ing violence'and success in replication across sites. The center is developing in- structions to help communities plan and implement blueprint programs. OJJDP will provide the center with approximately $5 million over3 years to assist selected communities in implementing blueprint programs. Summary This cost-effective program of home visitation by nurses, tested over the past 20 years, has the proven ability to .reduce the development of antisocial behavior in childhood and later crime and delin- quency. It.has been effective in reducing three major categories of risk related to antisocial behavior: adverse maternal prenatal health-related behaviors; child abuse and neglect; and troubled maternal life course (unintended successive pregancies, reduced work-force participa- tion, welfare dependence, substance abuse, and criminal behavior). For Further Information For further information about the nurse home visitation program and the research demonstrating its effectiveness, contact: Peggy Hill, Associate Director Kempe Prevention Research Center for Family and Child Health 1825 Marion Street Denver, CO 80218 303-864-5207 E-Mail: Hi]1.Peggy@tchden.org For further information about OJJDP's Blueprints Violence Prevention Project publications or training and technical assistance program, contact: Center for th'e Study and Prevention of Violence Institute of Behavioral Science University of Colorado at Boulder Campus Box 442 Boulder, CO 80309-0442 303-492=8465 303-443-3297 (Fax) Web •site: www.Colorado.EDU/ espy/blueprints! E-Mail: cspvacolorado.edu References American Psychiatric Association. 1994. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 01 Mental Disorders. 4th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Core, J. 1996. Prevention of violence and antisocial behavior. In Prevention of Psychological Disorders, edited by R. Peters and R.J. McMahon. London: Sage Publications, pp. 1=18. Core, J., Terry. R., Lenox; K., Lochman. J., and Human, C. 1995. Childhood peer rejection and aggression'as predictors of stable patterns of adolescent disorder. Development and Psychopathology 7(4):697-713. Conger, RD., Conger, K.J., Elder, G.H., Jr., Lorenz, F.O.. Simons, R.L.; and Whitbeck, L.B. 1993. Family economic stress and adjustment of early adolescent girls. Developmental Psychology 29(2):206-219. ' Dishion; T.J.. Capaldi, D., Spracklen, K.M., and Li, F. 1995. Peer ecology, of rte=°~ adolescent drug use. Development or;~\ Psychopatholoa' 7(4):803-524. , 5 • Budget for Intensive Home Visiting Program l: Salaries Salary/Fringe for Public Health Nurse I -Home Visitor $38,400 Salary/Fringe for Public Health Nurse II -Program Coordinator/ Home Visitor $42,400 Salary/Fringe for Clerical Specialist I (50%) -Support services $12,200 2. Office Supplies (routine desk supplies, software, chair, printer) $1000 3. Service related supplies (incentives, educational materials, staff uizifonns) $1000 4. Travel and training (mileage for home visits, meetings, out of town training) $3000 5. Cell phones for car while in field ~ $500 6. Printing program forms and educational material $500 7. Capital (Computer - PC for program) $1000 8. Total Budget Request $100,000 ~ 167 Office of Juvenile Justice 1999 Discretionary Grant Program Categories for Discretionary Funding The lice of Juvenile Justice will fund a limited number of Juvenile Day Re ping Centers (also kn as Supervised Day Programs or Structured Day Programs) i gh crime, judicial districts, w sufficient numbers of youth who have been adjudicate elinquent andhave been given an inte diate sanction. Grants may be for up to $250,0 .Counties are encouraged to find other revenu ources to assist in funding proposed Da , eporting Centers. Other sources may include but are n imited to crime commission ts; local government; including local school budgets, formula t funds provided by t Office of Juvenile Justice, in kind resources provided locally and documen within the b get narrative; and other local funds from private sources including the United Way o oc d raising projects. High crime judicial districts which identify funding sources to as ~ e creation of Day Reporting Centers will be given priority for discretionary,fundin ~ this categ Innovative~rograms: Grant requests for ~ ovative programs may be for up to $1 0. The Office of Juvenile Justice will con ~ er innovative program applications which offer v and innovative approaches attacking the problems associated with at-risk youth and juv ~les who are adjudica delinquent and remain in the community under an intermediate or c unity Banc " n. Under the category of innovative programs, requests may also be made to tablish aternal home visiting programs. ~~Viater a! Ho a [~isitin Pro rams Up to $600,000 in prevention grants for maternal home visitation will be funded from the discretionary fund. Governor Hunt is excited about this innovative program and encourages counties to take advantage of these available funds. Extensive research reveals that intensive maternal home visitation has lasting effects on families, including prevention of juvenile crime - among high-risk adolescents. These grants are for one year and counties may reapply for funds for one additional year. The target population for maternal home visiting programs is first-time pregnant women at or below 100% of the federal poverty level, with particular attention being given to juveniles referred from the juvenile court. These families are followed until the child is two years old. Like other discretionary options, planning for these programs will occur through the local Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils and funds will be disbursed. to the county. In reviewing maternal home visiting applications, specific priority will be given to applications which describe the range of services for pregnant women and children up_to two years of age and their families; describe how the model will be integrated into the existing continuum of services; show evidence of need and readiness to implement. The Division of Women's and Children's Health of the Department of Health and Human Services will be providing apre-application workshop soon to provide more information on the specific requirements for funding maternal home visitation discretionary programs. Counties interested in applying for funds to implement a maternal home visiting program are required to send a representative to this workshop (see appendix 2). 168 -~ n U DAVID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director NEW HAN®VER COY.TNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-b500, FAX (910) 341-4146 To: NHC Juvenile Crime Council From: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director ` ~~- ~' Betty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Dir~ctor Date: 4/13/99 Subj: Office of Juvenile Justice Discretionary Grant o~ Everywhere. Everyday. Everybody. LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director Attached is a copy of the "Categories for Discretionary Funding" for the Maternal Home Visiting Programs. The OJJ has assured me that our county can apply for this money as well as any of the other categories without any conflict or competition between applications. I have also attached a DRAFT of our budget request to be included in the grant along with an . article about Dr. Olds' Nurse Home Visitation program we propose to pilot with the state's assistance. The final application is not due to the OJJ until 4/30/99 and we are still gathering data, collaborating with other agencies, and working to meet the application guidelines. We would like your support to apply for this money to become one of six new counties to pilot the Intensive Home Visiting Programs. We attended apre-application workshop with our state Women's and Children's Health Division last month for instructions regarding the grant process. Research supports that the Intensive Home Visiting Services. developed by Dr. David Olds, help prevent Child Abuse/Neglect and Crime. There are also many other positive long term effects for the children and their families, such as more of the parents finish school and or go back to work, the children are better prepared for school entry, and youth risk behaviors are decreased. The program targets low-income first time parents; from pregnancy through the first two years of a child's life. Our home visiting program will include health care, developmental follow up, parenting skills, and assistance with resources for the whole family. For further details, please see page two of the article. You may call Betty Jo or myself if you have questions. Thank you. ~ 169 {This page intentionally left balnk} S 170 ` ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle, Women's Health Nursing Director Contact: Betty Jo McCorkle-6660 SUBJECT: GRANT APPLICATION-NORTH CAROLINA CENTER FOR NURSING-RECOGNITION, REWARD, AND RENEWAL GRANT PROGRAM:1999-2000 for $5,000 for Exercise Equipment BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Board of Health has approved the NORTH CAROLINA CENTER FOR NURSING-RECOGNITION, REWARD, AND RENEWAL GRANT PROGRAM grant application for $5,000. The North Carolina Center for Nursing awards grants with the goal of improving retention of nursing staff and nursing support staff in health agencies. The $5,000 will be used to purchase exercise equipment (refer to attached grant application page 4 of 6 for details) which will be available for use during non-work time (lunch break, work breaks and before/after work hours.) The equipment will be housed in an area within the Health Department and will promote . health awareness, disease prevention, stress reduction and improved morale among staff. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve NORTH CAROLINA CENTER FOR NURSING-RECOGNITION, REWARD, AND RENEWAL GRANT PROGRAM grant application for $5,000 and approve associated budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Yes-19 pages REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C~fMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend app COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CQMMISSIQ~S APPROVED ~/'- REJECTED ^ ~~='{ REM "::`~~ OVED ^ ~,~;~,. POSTPONED ^ ~~ ~' ~~ ~,.,~ a Page 1 of 6 ..~.r For Office Use Only: IDS: North Carolina Center for Nursing • Recognition, Reward and Renewal Grant Program: 1999.2000. Cover Sheet Name of Organization: New Hanover County Health Department StreetAddcesslP.O.Box: 2029 South 17th Street City: Wilmington State: North Carolina Postal Code: 28401 County: New Hanover Contact: First Name: Betty Jo ~ Last Name: Mccorkle Title: Women's Health Care Division Director Work Telephone Number: 910-343-6660 • Organ¢ation Type (select one): ^Acute Care Hospital In-Patient ^HMOllnsurance Company ^Hospital Out-Patient Services t~Public Health Department ^Subacute /Long Term Care .OStudent Health Site ^Home Services DOccupational,Health..Site....., :.,..-• ... ..._ .. _,._ ' ^Out-Patient Surgery Center ^Mental Health Facility ' ^Office Practice • ^School of Nursing Other -Please explain: AHEC Region (select one): ^Area L ®Coastal ^Greensboro • ^Northwest ^Wake County Designation: ~7Metropolitan _ Signature: Chief Executive Officer ~~~~ T,ifle:~p ~';~~Cu ~ ~ ~~~ 4t` ate.^) ~~ Y +d.~ ,~T~y. , • i9 a'~"" ~i'. y~.. i• 4 172 ~~= ~ ~~~~ ^Charlotte ^Eastern • ^Mountain ' ^Southern Regional ^Rural Date: • Page 2 of 6 North Carolina Center for Nursing 222 North Person Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Recognition, Reward and Renewal Grant Program: 1999 - 2000 Part I: The Organization ., • 'A. Summarize your organization's background, goals and current programs Our organization was established in 1879 and has progressed to an organization which provides a wide variety of services. We are a staff of 163 employees and 11 divisions. Our mission statement is to protect the public health and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services. Our motto is "Your Health, Our Priority'. Our goals are to provide quality health services to the residents of our county and surrounding areas and to maintain current standards of care while maintaining a health delivery position which enables us to compete in the rapidly changing managed care environment. Our nursing divisions include: Child Health, ,Communicable Disease, Community Health, and Women's Health Care. B. Describe how the project being proposed will assist the Recognition, Reward and Renewal Grant Program in accomplishing its goals. The proposed project will recognize, reward and renew the nursing staff (to include all support staff -clerical, nursing assistants, social workers, health educators, etc.) by making available exercise equipment for use during non-work time (lunch breaks, work breaks, before and after work hours). The equipment would be housed in an area within our agency which adjoins the break room area and will promote health awareness, disease prevention, stress reduction and improved morale among staff. Creation of this "fitness station" would serve as a timeless reminder that our agency recognizes our staff for their hard work and dedication to the clients and our community. It would also serve the purpose of rewarding our staff for the tong hours and the stressful situations they manage - by offering and encouraging participation in stress reduction through physical fitness activities. Renewal of staff would be accomplished through the production of endorphins as a result of physical exercise, positive attitudes, .improved self-esteem and accomplishment of individual and team goals. Part II' Tha Prnicrt~ o~e.,~„ ..au., ..~..-.__~:__ ~---- ._~......,..........~ ...~......~..~wu. Page 3 of 6 A. Describe the problem/need that you will address. Clearly identify and quantify the number of nurses who will benefit; and describe how they have participated in the development of your project. The nursing and support staff of our agency. (99 total) are dedicated and hard working individuals. They demonstrate commitment to public health every day as they. carry out their duties with caring, compassion and dedication to the delivery of quality customer services(both internal and external customers). Responsive to the changing health care climate, and to the ever changing needs of the clients and families we serve presents challenges as well as stresses. Our staff seizes these challenges and withstands the stresses, often delivering services at the expense of their own persoral needs.' A "fitness statioh" would provide an opportunity for staff to participate in a healthy, fun, rewarding and renewing activity at a time of their choosing and free of charge. Our staffihas had the opportunity to voluntarily participate with our heighboring•hospital's WELLPLUS program~in the past two years. We have been offered services such as health assessments through questionnaires, blood tests, and special educational and fitness "contests" throughout the year. Our staff has made major strides in changing the health climate of our organization through their participation and enthusiasm in this program. When they responded to our request for information with regard to this grant proposal with the #1 overall choice of exercise equipment, we knew the time was perfect to continue the health and fitness momentum! The hospital's Duke .Endowment grant will end in ..November, 1999. ~ If they do' not receive an extension, our staff will not have this program available. Prior to November, however, the WELLPLUS staff has agreed to provide training for staff on the use of the equipment, lectures, lunch-N-learn forums, etc. Our staff had permission to use our neighboring hospital's walking trail over the past few years. New construction which is currently underway, however, has eliminated the walking trail for our staff. Exercise equipment within dur agency would provide an alternative to the outdoor walking trail; would be easy to access; could be utilized in short time periods (15 minutes of less); and would not depend on outside weather conditions. Our agency has showers in each of our staff bathrooms. (men and women) if needed during a lunch hour, for example. The nursing and support staff of the health.department participated in the development of the proposed project in the following ways: volunteered to serve on a committee which represented all nursing divisions/staff met 6 times to plan strategies and implement plans created, distributed, tallied staff survey . prioritized staff input and selected the top strategy researched prices and vendors of exercise equipment surveyed possible. space within the health department to convert to a "fitness station" B. Describe the objective(s) of the project and indicate what changes and benefits will result. The objectives of the proposed project are to provide a designated exercise area for the purpose. of physical. exercise during. non-work hours (break times, luhch times and before or after work). The changes/benefits that will result include the following: increased participation in fitness behaviors (documented ih a fitness log) increased health. awareness and disease prevention -decreased stress increased work productivity improved customer service (internal and external customers) decreased absenteeism promotion of team building as staff cheer each other on in reaching health goals improved. staff morale ' improved self-esteem as individuals achieve personal fitness goals staff will display a healthy example for patients/clients we serve decreased barriers to exercise (3, 10-minute sessions on a treadmill is "do-able") These activities, though not all measurable, will occur immediately and over the course of time. We expect to see measurable results at the time of the first evaluation (6 months) and again at the end of one year. We will r sick leave usage over one year and will utilize the WELLPLUS data for documentation of health behavior ha e/ ro ress. 1 C. Describe the strategies you will develop to accomplish the objective(s). Page 4 of 6 • • Strategies planned to accomplish the objective • purchase exercise equipment: 1 treadmill, 1 elliptical machine • purchase large fan •_ purchase pictures, artificial plants for fitness station • organize kick-off event to include demonstration of all equipment/safe use, explanation of exercise log, etc. D. State how, when, and by whom an evaluation will be conducted to measure whether the project is meeting its objective(s). The RRR Committee will evaluate the proposed project by conducting a satisfaction survey at six (6) months and one (1) year following the initiation of the project. 175 Part III: Project Financial Information Page 5 of 6 . ,. . A. Amount requested_from the North Carolina Center for Nursing: $ 5000'.00 B. Develop a complete project budget: Expenses One Treadmill .................................................. ... $2500 One Large Fan ....................................................... $250 One Elliptical Machine ................................................ $1500 Kick-Off Refreshments/Decorations ....................................... $250 Plants/pictures/radio ................................................... $500 TOTAL ............................................................ $5000 Matching Funds (In-Kind Contributions) Committee time for evaluation and purchase of equipment, etc., (5 committee members at $20/hr) va nation 2X/year (12 hrsx $20/hr x_5 members) ...:.. .....................=$1200 'Purchase of equipment (8 hrs x $20/hr x 5 members) ................... ' ..... $800 .Planning, implementation of kickoff (12 hrs x $20/hr x 5 members .............. $1200 Agency space, heating, air conditioning, etc . ............................... $1000 WELLPLUS contributions (staff time approx. 20 hrs x $20/hr x 2 employees) .::.... $800 TOTAL ........................................................... $5,000 176 Page 6 of 6 • • C. State how, when, and by whom the results of this project will be disseminated to others. Results of this proposed project will be disseminated to the North Carolina Center for Nursing following completion of the evaluation. It will also be disseminated to our agency's Board and staff. The results of the evaluation will be compiled in report format. D. Describe how the project will continue to be funded after the end of the grant period. No continuation funding will be required for this proposed project. It will be a project that will continue to "give" to staff, long after the funding has been.utilized. r~ U Betty Jo McCorkle 3909 Evergreen Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 910-397-0844 PROFILE -~ ~-- - ursing admihisfrator with~rengfhs and-interests in the area ofi women. s and adolescenfs'-health issues: Experienced manager responsible for budget ofi nearly $2 million and staff of more than 20. ------------Successful-in-implementing-new-programs-and-services-to-better~seroe~the-population----- - --- - - EXPERIENCE - NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Director -Women's Health Care (WHC) Division 1994 to Present Director -Maternal Child Care Division 1986 to 1994 • Plan, organize and direct the maternal, child health and family planning programs in the New Hanover County Health Department. . • -Led expansion of services offered by the family planning department including Norplant, Depo= . Provers; Vasectomy Services and Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Programs. • Initiated program to provide post-partum and newborn home visits within 48 hours of discharge . from the hospital. • Successfully reorganized health department programs to create a separate child health division. • Hire, train and supervise activities of 22 staff members including nurses, health educators, • nurse practitioners, nursing assistants and clerical staff. Conduct performance evaluations. • Manage six budgets totaling. approximately $2 million.- • Prepare and deliver presentations to Board of Health, Board of Education, media, local organizations/agencies, schools, community and staff. • Ensure compliance with all state guidelines and contracts. • Business writing skills include the preparation of grant proposals, statistical analyses, surveys, budget justifications and reports: - Perinatal Nurse Coordinator - 1982 to 1986 ,• Implemented and directed a Perinatal grant covering New Hanover, Pender and Brunswick Counties. Public Health Nurse ~ 1981 'to 1982 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Wilmington, NC Administrative Assistant to Director of Nursing 1979 to 1981 Staff Nurse -Medical/Surgical Floor 1977 to 1978 URBAN MEDICAL HOSPITAL, Marietta, GA Staff Nurse Medical/Surgical Floor 1978 to 1979 EDUCATION EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY BSN 1977 179 Betty, Jo M:cCorkle -Page 2 ,~.. TRAINING ~ J L ;Maternal Health.Training - NC•Departrnent,of Environment; Health. and Natural,Resources Living with 10 to 15 year-olds Training -Center for-Early Adolescence, University,of North -- S~efi~a-a~lef-I•#il • _--- _ ~, ~ ,, ,. olina Association,of Public Health Nursing Nursing Supervisors' Training -,North Car - __ _ __ _ ..Administrators::. _ _ ._ ___ .__ -.._ . _ .----_ .,___- -------.- ----- ---- Current Reproductive Health Issues OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens HIV in Infants and Children Financial Management ' .. Complete listing of training courses received available upon request ., , j PUBLICATIONS . ., 6 i ~ Co-author of "Adolescent Rapid'Repeat Pregnancy"published in Health Values (1991) Co-author of "Forging the Future of Teenage Mothers: Reducing Repeat Pregnancies" abstract presented at American Public: Health.. Association annual meeting,(1990) AFFILIATIONS ~ .. '. ~ \. / 'New Hanover County Schools Secretary -Health Education Advisory Council ..North Carolina Public; Health Association (NCPHA) - , • Past President -Maternal and Child Health•Section Member -Maternal & Child Health and Nursing Sections North Carolina Association of Public Health Nurse Administrators (NCAPHNA) ' President -Coastal Region NCAPHNA • Past Chair -Nominating Committee, By-Laws and Handbook Committee Member -Governing Council New Hanover County Adolescent Health Council, Inc • Past President ~ ~ ` ~' Planned Parenthood of the Coast Chair, Adolescent Parenting Advisory Council , . • , Family Resource Center of the Bottom Neighborhood • Member, Board of Directors Member, By-Laws Committee Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear ' Member, Board of Directors Saint Andrews -Covenant Presbyterian Church 1 ~ O Past Deacon Member, Adult Choir Member, Caregiving Committee REFERENCES Available upon request ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~. P'a~gTtm' : "9"'./ y"'~.- at [ f'i TMmt rpm. r,c-.~ ^m 3'~'~ r....1ss ,;mn ~.~ rv?>rmrt r r r ~ ~ s ...,_~...~~~... ME1V~Oea:~..~ 'k..w~`..~~.w'..:uh3:.t~:~~ac.. ~.~_~'3 ~ .aei~,.v...~s.~,.:.~ ..~..:..~~.. u[',a...<v...i...Zyc:.>A".:c..ra ...s>., .:~t:,..,..~R~:~.:~_..._...~'~<. stiti.~:: m+3,~ - ~ T-0.~~ ~x~uC- D3~ision-Sta~~ -- - --__ -t 1T1 . Communicable Disease Division Staff. Community Health Division Staff . Child Health Division Staff FROM: Betty Jo McCorkle . Esther Adams Page Tootoo . Pat McSwain . . Vivian Purifoy - DATE: March 1, 1999 • SUBJ: North Carolina Center for Nursing Grant The new Hanover County Health Department has an opportunity to apply for up to $S,000.to recognize, reward, and renew our staff. This is an exciting grant offer! Please give us your preference of the ideas listed on the attached survey. These ideas were given by nursing staff to the committee members as ways to be recognized, . ~ rewarded; or renewed (RR & R). ' Your survey needs to be returned to your division representative by March 5, .1999. Please feel free to make comments. Your signature is not required but is • .welcomed. .~ . 181.: suwEY ,.. - - ~ ~~ _ , North Carolina Center for Nursing-Grant ~ . - - - lease no e your op cp once as 1, second~ce as 2, an ~ third choice as 3. Stress Reduction -- Individual to complete detailed application to request their choice of RR & R. Total amount of grant to be given to one winner or . divided among several winners. ' Exercise Activities -- Grant funds to buy exercise equipment, exercise videos, pay for after hours instruction, etc. Motivational Speaker -- Speaker and luncheon. with the possibility of having two sessions throughout the year. i nature (not required) \~ 18~ North Carolina Center for Nursing Grant Survey: Results The results of the survey sent to the nursing division staff concerning their choices for reward, recognition, and renewal were: Stress Reduction _ ~~'rst choice -- 4___.____ • Second choice -- 11 • Third choice -- 18 Exercise Activities ' • First choice -- 20 • Second choice -- 6 " •~ Third choice -- 9 Motivational Speaker • First choice -- 15 ' • Second choice -- 17 • Third choice -- 4 ,. The majority of the respondents selected exercise activity as their first choice. i ~ 183 ---Apr-i1-29~ 1.999 __ -- __. __.. _:_ _. , _.. _ ~ _ _ Ms. Betty Jo McCorkle Women's Health New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Ms. McCorkle: I am pleased to have been asked to write a letter of support for the Recognition, Reward, and Renewal Grant Program offered by the North Carolina Center for Nursing.. The Wellness Services Department at New Hanover Regional Medical Center has been working with the New Hanover County Health Department Staff for the past two years on a three year grant from: The Duke,Endowment called We1lPlus+, In 1997, 65 staff participated in the We1lPlus+ Assessment, 42 participated in 1998 and 52 participated in 1999. There were 25 staff that participated both in 1998 and 1999 (attached Progress Report). As indicated on the Progress Report, 56% of these staff scored in the good or excellent category on the 15 health indicators. In addition to the participation in the wellness assessments, in 1997, 59 staff member (7 teams) participated in the Dump Your Plump Contest (exercise and weight loss program) and 40 continued in the Holiday challenge. In 1998, 44 staff members participated in the Dump Your Plump Program and 15 continued in the Holiday challenge. I think that these numbers show a very high. interest in wellness by the New Hanover County Health Department staff. The We1lPlus+ Grant will be able to provide support with grant funds until November of 1999. However, the Wellness Services Department will continue to provide support after the end of the We1lPlus+ Grant funding ends. Some examples of this support will be seminars on how to use exercise equipment, brown bag presentations on a number of health topics and assistance in developing incentive programs for the staff. The use of the funds from the Recognition, Reward, and Renewal Grant Program would be an excellent opportunity to purchase a couple pieces of exercise equipment that would have a very positive impact on the staff. Currently, the walking trail at New Hanover Regional Medical Center isn't available to use because of the construction projects. The requested equipment would allow the staff to exercise in a safe environment that would have climate control. This equipment would also allow the staff the opportunity to use 184 their breaks during the day and- part of their lunch hour to exercise. According to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center P.O. Box 9000 / 2131 S. 17th Street /Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 910-343-7000 Group Progress Report only 44% of the staff have good fitness status. I would estimate that this number would increase to about 60% within. a year if this exercise equipment was made available for staff use. Regular exercise would also have a positive effect on a number of health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight management and stress. _ --- -- -- -- ---in~hsin hvouid lii~e~to sa hat-I-hi IZI u - ort-this rant re uest.--~-also offer the'-- -- - - -, g, Yrt g y s Pp ~ q -----------------expertise and-services-to-the New Hanover Wellness Services Department upon-request. There is strong administrative support for wellness at the New Hanover County Health Department, therefore, I am confident that the exercise equipment will be heavily used. . Please give me a call at (910) 815-5029, if you have any additional questions. Sincerely,.. - J W. Rader, Ed.D., Director Wellness Services • 185 i r , .4.. .r. ~ ~' ` 1 . 04-29-99 ., r ~ . . ~ ~ ~ Provided by WELLNESS SERVICES NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER (910) 815-5040. YOUR RESOURCE FOR WELLNESS AND FITNESS 18 6 :. 0 1890.1895 Wellsource® Inc. of Clackamas Oregon. All rights reserved. PWP Group Progress The Group Progress Report documents health changes made since the last testing session. Group test results for the previous and current testing sessions are shown side by side. Values shown are the number and percent of people who rate "Good to Excellent" in the Wellness Factors listed below and are graphed for ease of interpretation. Current Results Previous Results <- °,6 Rating Good to Excellent -> W@~~11eSS FBCtOYS- Number Percent ~ -Number .--Percent _ 0.__ ~~-- 25 - --50 75- 100 Good fitness status 11 44.0% 14 56.0% Good nutrition status 14 56.0% 13 52.0% Nonsmoker 23 92.0% 23 92.0% Good cholesterol level * 21. 84.0% 20 80.0% Blood pressure < 140/90 25 100.0% 23 92.0% Within recommended wt 9 36.0% 11 44.0% Low coronary risk 19 76.0% 16 64.0% Good coping status 21 84.0% 23 92.0% None/low alcohol .intake 24 96.0% 23 92.0% Wears seatbelt 23 92.0% 21 84.0% Safety conscious 25 100.0% 25 100.0% Happy/content 22 88.0% 22 88.0% Adequate sleep, 7-8 hrs 15 60.0% 17 68.0% Few sick days, < 4/yr 16 64.0% 15 60.0% Low cancer risk 18 72.0% 19 76.0% Good/excel overall wellness 14 56.0% 14 56.0% * LDL and HDL may be included in scoring. This group consists of 25 people (1 men, 24 women). Currently 56% of the people rate "Good to Excellent" in overall Wellress. There is no improvement over the previous testing session in overall Wellness. Positive changes are listed below as well as areas still needing improvement (these are Wellness Factors where less than 33% of the current group rate "Good to Excellent"). ~ Better nutrition /~ Lower cholesterol No improvement needed ~ Lower blood pressure ~ Reduced coronary risk ~ Drinking less alcohol ~ Wearing seatbelts more ~ Fewer sick days Current Results ~ Previous Results The Clinical Summary of the group report shows changes in specific health tests. Average values are listed for ~ current and previous testing data. The percent improvement for the average test results is shown in graph form. Number Current Previous Percent <- Percenflmprovement -> ['lini~al TpctS P.~nple /~vp~g~ atly~rage lmTroved 0- 5 1l~®1.5 20 Systolic B.Pressure Diastolic B.Pressure .Cholesterol (mg/dL) •HDL level (mg/d~) LDL level (mg/d~) Trig lycerides-(mg/dL) Glucose (my/dy Body weight pbs) , Body mass index Percent body fat Resting pulse (beats/min) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio' Aerobic level (bpm) Flexibility (inches) Curlups (per min) Pushups Grip strength (k9) . ,.. , ., , 25 118.6 118.4 0.0% 25 74.5 77.6 4.0% 25 192.0 191.0 0.0% • 24 58.0 56.0 3.6% 24 ' 116.0 116.0 0.0% 25 ' ' 104.0 115:0 9.6% 25 84.0 84.0 0.0% 25 139.2 144.9 3.9% 25 24.0 24.9 3.6% 25 ~ 26.6 26.7 0.4% 25 74.9 73.5 0.0% 24 3.6 3.7 2.7% 23 48.6 46.2 0.0% • 22. ~ 17.5 16.8 4.2% 22 46.4 •42.0 10.5% 21 18.4 19.2 0.0% 25 60.8 60.9- 0.0% Diastolic B.P. HDL level Chol/HDL ratio Flexibility Reported Changes Triglycerides * Curlups Number. People "' Body weight Body mass index proveen~n;> Percent fat Percent < Percent of Group > Group 0 25 50 75 100 Getting more exercise ~ .'14 56.0% Eating less sat and fatty foods 6 24.0% Eating more fiber-rich foods 6 24.0% Lost weight 9 36.0% Fewer alcohol beverages 2 8.0% Lowered blood cholesterol 1 4.0% Lowered blood pressure 2 8.0% Better coping with stress 6 24.0% 1•iad sewer sick days 1 4.0% Note: This graph represents improvements reported on the PWP questionnaire. 18~ APR-27-99 TUE 1714 HUT~AN RESOURCES Hanover County Training and bevelopment Program March 5, 1999 sTOP! TO. New Hanover County Employees FAX N0. 19103414293 Loo K! FRpM~ Rosetta S. Bryant, New Hanover County Human Resources Dept. Iris Baker, New Hanover Regional Medico) Center Wellness Services RED a~ New Hanover County employees have been extended the opportunity once again to participate in the WELLPi.US+ Program sponsored by New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wellness Services Center. • Following is additional information about the program along with information on how to sign-up: WELLPLUSt .... A New liar over Regional Medical Centex' Pzogram "Your chonce fo learn more about and improve the state of your well being" + Who can participate? You, as a New Hanover County employee (and your spouse, if desired), zt's totally voluntary. No one is required to participate. _ + What does it cost? It's FREE! * What's Involved? ~~ Complete a questionnaire about your lifestyle and health habits. The Personal Wellness Profile (PWP) is a measurement of one's current health status. It makes individuals aware of those health needs and lifestyle practices that determine personal well-being. , Have blood drown after fasting 12 hours. 81ood tests include total cholesterol, HDL, (rDL, triglycerides and glucose. (Yo be Scheduled March 1, 1999 -April 16, 1999) Take o f fitness assessment. (To be Scheduled April 20 - 22 1999) ~~ Attend a meeting to get your results. (To Be Announced) rJ Other programs/activities will be offered throughout the year to help you make improvements. (You are not obligated to join any of these programs or activities.) over • * What do you get? A 13-page printout providing an overall look at the state of your health and well-beinc~wst}-(~ P. O1 ~ THAN TRACK6 vvz rRgrNrN APR-27-99 TUE 17 14 HUh1AN RESOURCES FAX N0. 19103414293 P. 02 ' recommendations on how to improve, Emphasis is on the factors we can actually control. ?here will be positive reinforcement of good health practices and recommendations for changes where needed. + Does anyone else also get your results? •' NO! All_ results--questionnaire answers, blood work, and fitness assessment scores-are completely confidential. Participants get their own scores and no one else's--even spouses. - - a- -~n -orma -ion- oes- ew- anover-C-ount~y-geN --- ----- - .. _._.. ... .._.._..-Phew=}-futrove~eourrtywilt-nat-get-aYip-. armation on in~c iv, ual emp oyees. _ he. _ew nnover . ---County-Human-Resources Departmentwillserveasliaison-between-WELLPLUS+-staff-and-New ------- .- -- Hanover County employees and will be given an Executive Summary that tells the total number of participants and statistics such as, "15 employees are at higher risk for heart disease; 4 employees are at higher risk for cancer,° etc. The Executive Summary contains no names of participants. + Now can New Hanover Regional Medical Center do this? New Hanover Regional Medical Center received a grant from Duke Endowment to fund WELLPLUS+. The grant started in Fall 1996 with 13 organizations participating. + Questions? Call NHRMC's Wellness Services, 815-5026. They'll be happy to discuss WELLPLUS+ with you. + W NEN A6AIN? Between March 1, 1999 -April 16, 1999 from 800 a_m. - 9: 15 a.m. employees will be allowed time to participate in the Blood Work after fasting twelve (12) hours, On April 20, 1999 - "April 22, 1999 employees will be allowed time to participate in the Fitness Assessment portion of the WELLPLUS+ program. It is anticipated that once scheduled, employees will be away from their work area 45 minutes to an. hour on each ,occasion. Once' you sign up, your department head will be notified of your need to be away to participate in the program. + How to sign up? To sign up, please complete the information below and.ceturn vin interoffice mail or fax # 341-4293 to the Human Resources Department by Friday, March 12, 1999. -You will be sent the Personal Wellness Profile Questionnaire which you will be required to bring with you when you attend the physical assessment portion of the program. You will be contacted to schedule dates and times for blood work and physical assessments once we receive your interest form in the Human Resources Department. Times will be scheduled on a first. come first serve basis. New Hanover County Employees WELLPLUS+ Interest Form; Please send me a Personal Wellness .Profile and contact me to schedule n.time far my blood work and physical assessment as I would like tq participate in the W~lrl<pL~~.~# PrvgC~am. DATE NAME .DEPT. Ext. # ^ Check Here, if your spouse will also be participating. 190 RPR-27-99 TUE 17:15 HUMRN RESOURCES FRX N0. 19103414293 • • • P, 03 ~,ET Cry SACK . ;~. ~_ , „r,sH'~~,~ GENERAL INTEREST ~C PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT -T- B E A ~~--GE _T- S S T ~. - _ GET'. I1~0~'NATED __ - Would you like to have more energ}~ and greater stamina? Would you like to be the best you can be? Have you e~-er wanted to spend more time on the as- pects of your life that you value most, rather than fret- ting over food choices aad ~~eight issues? If you are ready to Icarn more about dte lifelong skills and con- cepts neees. ary to create a healthy and fit body and mind, registar to attend all or same of these brown bag lunches. You'll have the opportunity to learn rational, e£1'ecdve strategies for improving your health and well-beiutg. There ~tizll be two twenty-tatinute presentations on each topic listed at each session beginning at noon and 1:I0 p.m. DRAWINGS FOR GIVE AYi~'AYSATEACH SE.SSlUN (YOU,IIIZISTB,EPR~ESEN7' 7'O WI11~ Separate Registration is required for each listed lunch session: • 10/23/98 & 11/13/98 -The Difference between Health a~td Fitness - 12:10 p.rn. and 1:10 p.m. • 12//l l/98 & 01/22/99 -Nutrition - "The Rcal Deal" - 12:10 p.m. and 1:1U p.xn. • 02%/12199 & 03/19/99 -.Stress - "Reaming to Relax" -12;10 p.m. and 1:10 p.m. • 04/16/99 -Exercise - }low? and Why? - 12:IU p.nt. - 1: t 0 p.m. Walking, Strctchittg and Weight Training Facilitators/ltlstructors: Wellness Services staff, New Hanover Regional Medical Center - (A WeI1PLUS+ Program Service) Timl:S: Presentations at 12:10 p.m, aitd 1: l0 p.m. Registration Deadlines: 10/16/98, 11/U6/98, 12/04/98, 1/15/98, 2/05/98, 3/12/98 and 4/U9/98 __ ~. The news broadcasts and papers .are all filled with issues and concerns about safety. Have you t}aougltt about what you need to know and do in order to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your prop- - erty? ',this workshop will r~vicw the latest techniques for doing just that. Leant to avoid risks and stay safe in . today's society; stay current in the do's and don'ts of safety practices and discuss ways to pxotcct yourself and your valuables at work, home, and in the car, Bc sure you know what it takes to protect yourself! Facilitator/instructor: Sergeant S.W. Crowder, New Hanover Uottnty ShcrifPs Departntertt Dates: 11/09/98, 11/Ib/98 and 12/OR/98 Times: 10;00 a.m., 1 1:15 a.n~.. Registration Deadlines: 10/08/98, 10/15/98 and 11/05/98 page la {This page intentionally left balnk} 192 C% NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Denise Houghton, Health Promotion Director Contact: Denise Houghton- 6658/Renu Daryani-6636 SUBJECT: GRANT APPLICATION-NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S SAFE COMMUNITIES MINI-GRANT BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Board of Health approved the NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S SAFE COMMUNITIES MINI-GRANT APPLICATION for $10,000. The mission of New Hanover County's Safe Community Coalition is to establish a safe community in which New Hanover County citizens and tourist can work, play, and enjoy safe streets and highways. The coalition plans to implement education and highway improvement plans that will reduce traffic related injuries and deaths. Statistics show there is a high rate of injury and fatality associated with our county. The Coalition is committed to developing a plan for improving highway safety in New Hanover County. See the attached grant application for more details. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S SAFE COMMUNITIES MINI-GRANT APPLICATION for. $10,000 and approve associated budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: yes 9 pages ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACl'IOIdS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CQMNj~~, I~ F APPROVED ~-- ~ REJECTED ^ s RE?„~~~.~D ^ HEAI;D ^` DATE ~~/. 7 ~9 9,~,,r r ~ 193 New Hanover County's Safe Communities April27, 1999 ~~w0,,,ei ;Y,,,~u~. ~~ ;~ a L _~ `~- ~ • 6.a ' f~~~ 4 .Y .. '~V ~. r n + 194 DAVID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director April 27, 1999 Governor's Highway Safety Program .Attn: Ann Ringland 215 E. Lane Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Dear Ms. Ringland: o~ Everywhere. Everyday. Evtrybody. LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director The New Hanover County Safe Community Coalition is committed to developing a plan for improving highway safety in New Hanover County. Statistics show that there is a high rate of injury and fatality associated with our county. The coalition is requesting 10,000 dollars in funding to establish this effort. The following table describes how this money will be used: • The New Hanover County Health Department will serve as the lead agency for this effort. Renu Daryani, Health Educator will act as the county coordinator and point of contact. Membershi listin incom lete • Laptop/Software 3900 Educational Materials 2500 Public Service Announcement 1500 Exhibit Board 500 Trainin Travel 1000 Postage 500 Total 10,000 r ~ ~~ ,- °,~ ~~ ~ r- ~ -~---~-- -->-~.~ Denise Houghton ~ New Hanover County Health Department Janet McCumbee New Hanover County Health De artment Sgt. Stan Crowder New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Alice Matthews Trauma Coordmator,(NHRMC) hos ital Scott Overholt Taft, Taft, & Haigler Brian Williams Wilmington City Police Department Ed Rivenbark New Hanover Coun Fire Marshall Mark Moore NC Highway Patrol Bee Scobb Ra e Crisis Center Director Barbara Shell Public Relations NHRMC John Ranalli Communities That Care (NHRMC) Janis Pullam Wilmin on Health Access for Teens Donna Saur U.S. Coast Guard Allison Issack Domestic Violence Shelter and Services Jane McDonald American Red Cross NEW HAN®VER C®UNT'Y HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17'x' STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 195 New Hanover County Safe Community Mission It is the mission of New Hanover County's Safe Community Coalition to establish a safe community in which New Hanover County citizens and tourist can work, play, and enjoy safe streets and highways. The coalition plans to implement education and highway improvement plans that will reduce traffic related injuries and deaths: Strategies • Establish a Safe Community Coalition by involving a diverse group of local agencies and individuals throughout the county. Resources will include the Department of Transportation, and UNC Highway Research Center. • Develop a community assessment to~compile and analyze traffic injury data gathered from local law enforcement and health agencies. • To develop strategies to reduce the number of traffic injuries and fatalities such as: 1. Organize seat beltJchild safety restraint classes with the local community agencies 2. Increase public awareness through education, enforcement and improved engineering 3. Utilize local media to accomplish our mission and strategies 4. Create ways to decrease the number ofalcohol related injuries 5. Conduct Click It or Ticket/Safety Seat Checks with local law enforcement 6. Promote bicycle safety with education, bicycle rodeos, and media attention 196. • North Carolina Department of Crinie Control and Public Safety Division of State Highway Patrol James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Headquarters, Troop B, District VI Richard .W. Holden, Colonel Richard H. Moore, Secretary Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 29 March 1999 Ann. Ringland Governor's Highway Safety Program 215 E. Lane Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Dear Ms. Ringland: This Fetter is in support of the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program Safe Communities Mini-Grant Proposal for 1999 that the New Hanover County Health Department is submitting. It has been my responsibility, as a representative of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, to work with the, New Hanover County Health Department as an advocate for the use of child safety seats. Through the child safety seat program, we have educated parents in the proper installation of the child safety seats as well as fortifying the need to _. "buckle-up" children. The Safe Communities Initiative would enhance the work that the New Hanover County Health Department, in cooperation with many other agencies, is doing to reduce death and disability from motor vehicle injuries. I strongly encourage the addition of the New Hanover County Health Department as a lead agency for the Safe Communities Program. Sincerely, M. A. Moore ~ State Trooper MAM:dh 197 512 N. Salisbury Street * P.O. Box 29590 * Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0590 * (919} 733-7952 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer LAW OFFICES TAFT, TAFT & HAIGLER, P.A. 1524 S. 16TH S'I7tEET ' P.O.IIOX 4108 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28506-4to8 MAILING ADDRESSES GREENVILLE OFFICE March 29,. 1999 P.O. BOX 1766 GREENVII.LE. NC 27835-R66 (252)752-2000 FACSIMILE (252) 830-1668 RESPOND TO: WiLMINGTOiV Governor's Highway Safety Program 2l 5 East Lane Street Raleigh, NG 27606 RE: Safe Communities Project To Whom it May Concern` WQ.MINGTONOFFICE PO. BOX 4108 I i24 S. 16TH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 284064108 (910)762-2000 FACSB~.E (910) 762-7766 The Law .firm of Taft, Taft & Haigler, P.A. wish to show support in bringing Safe Communities to New Hanover County. Our firm is committed to promoting bicycle safety in New Hanover County. This issue hit.close to home when Thomas Taft, Jr. was injured on his bicycle and was riot wearing a bicycle helmet. As a personal injury lawyer and father.of young children, I feel that raising community awareness on safety issues can prevent unnecessary• injuries. I have expressed an interest in working with the New Hanover County Health Department to implement helmet laws by donating bicycle helmets, assisting in making low cost helmets available to those who cannot afford them, participating in educational programs, developing a mascot for the program, and using our media resources to promote safety to our citizens. There can be rio question that any funding provided by the Go.vernor.'s Highway Safety Program will significantly help to.reduce the number of unintentional injuries in our community. Sincerely, . Scott Overholt 198 • ~efu ~zxz~nhPr!-(~1gnixxtt~ ~~"QXt~~~S -W- ~~tCE J~se~~ ~Ttfl~ixeert, Jr_, ~I~eriff ~ilmingtatt, ~nrf.Cj (1~arnlirta 2R4D1-4591 ~IFnnP (J111~ 341-4ZIT17 ~ttx (91D~ 341-4D39 March 29, 1999 Ann Ringland Governor's Highway Safety Program 215 E. Lane Street Raleigh, N.C. 27601 Dear Ms: Ringland: The New Hanover County SheriFs'Deparnnent"fully supports the New Hanover County Health Department's application for" the North Carolina Goy%ernor's Highway Safety Program Safe Communities Mini-Grant Proposals for 1999. The Sherrif's Department and the Health Department ha~~e a long history ~of collaboration and have coordinated many ir~jurv prevention grog-rams over the years including .bike safety, car seat safety, and handgun awareness. Having a Safe Cornmunities~Program in place in the county would~be a great addition to the initiativesthat already exists. Funding from the I~Torth Caroling. Governor's Higl?way Safety Program for Safe Communities will make a difference in reducing motor -vehicle- crashes and creating healthier communities. 'Sin erel ~: /A, VV ergeant S. W, Crowder - Crime Prevention Unit • MEMBER o I'artieipation Agreement Eet~veen North Carolina SAFE KIDS and N U~ coon ~w any r ~ '°~ s>~ - ~- _.--- . "'w."."°~ ...gym..`: "`a„°~'v~e ~:_..:.n~. ~(~: --'° -"'.."~ -.".'`-~~e~es~nnc .,•.~.u.~. ~~. ~-•6-.i.'*. --~C~a'II >.ce•~,s ~s: The mission of the North Carolina-SAFE KIDS Coalit-ion is to reduce the number of children hurt and killed due to unintentional and ,preventable injuries. This initiative ' focuses on the leading killers of children under the age of 14 including motor vehicle crashes (bicycle and pedestrian), fires/burns, drowning, choking/suffocation, poisonings, and falls. A local chapter of North Carolina SAFE KIDS is a broad-based group of community members responsible for increasing public awareness of unintentional preventable injuries, implementing safety programs in the community, evaluating safety programs, participating in public policy initiatives, updating the state office on coalition activities, obtaining media coverage, and recruiting new members and collaborative partners. Local North Carolina SAFE KIDS chapters must have a lead agency and coalition coordinator to participate in the organization. The lead agency of a local North Carolina SAFE HIDS chapter responsibilities include: COALITION ~1AINTENANCE 1. Responsible for postage, long • distance ,telephone calls, meeting ,space, and secretarial support. ~. _ 2. Provide additional funding resources. 3. Allow employee identified as the coalition leader to devote a portion of .business hours for North Carolina SAFE KIDS activities. 4. Assist in recruitment of volunteers for the coalition and special programs. 5. Not hold North Carolina SAFE KIDS liable for injuries sustained by any party during activities related to North Carolina SAFE KIDS. The coalition coordinator agrees to: COALITION ~1AINTENANCE 1. Follow North Carolina SAFE KIDS guidelines on finances including: maintaining accurate ledgers, sending North Carolina SAFE KIDS office quarterly reports, recording appropriate categories on transactions, and .usage of receipts as documentation. 2. Hold monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly coalition meetings. 3.. Send North Carolina SAFE KIDS office minutes of every coalition meeting. 4. Implement safety programs in community based on the mission of North Carolina .SAFE KIDS. ~- 2 O O 5 Complete program information guides for each coalition activity. 6. Send North Carolina SAFE KIDS office program guides. 7. Continue networking to build support for the coalition and build the volunteer base. 8. Not hold North. Carolina SAFE KIDS liable for injuries sustained by any party during activities related to North Carolina SAFE KIDS. The lead agency and coalition coordinator understand: tiSAGE OF NA:~IE/1'RADE'~fARI~S/LOGO 1. Identify/publicize local coalition as ~Q~Y ~QnoV21' County SAFE KIDS. 2. Obtain approval from the state office of North Carolina SAFE KLDS before using the Trademarks or North Carolina -SAFE KIDS logo. (Trademarks include "National SAFE KIDS Campaign"", SAFE KIDS are no Accident"', and the National SAFE KLDS Campaign star kids logo"`. Logo's include the North Carolina SAFE KIDS logo). . 3. Notify the State Coordinator of North Carolina SAFE KIDS of any unauthorized claim of affiliation with North Carolina SAFE KIDS or use of North Carolina SAFE KIDS logo by anY PAY- CHANGE OF STAFFING~I'ER~IIi~tATION OF CONTRACT 4. Notify the State Coordinator of North Carolina SAFE KIDS of changes in staffing the coalition coordinator position. 5. Notify the State Coordinator of North Carolina SAFE KIDS if lead agency wishes to . terminate the contract with North Carolina SAFE KIDS. The agency will give North Carolina SAFE KIDS 30 day written notice of termination. Written correspondence will 6e sent certified mail, return receipt requested. As of the effective date of termination, the lead agency and/or coalition coordinator terminate their right to use the name and/or logo of North Carolina SAFE KIDS and the Trademarks. (Trademarks include "National SAFE KIDS Campaign" ", "SAFE KIDS are no Accidentn", and the National SAFE KIDS, Campaign star kids logo T". Logo's uiclude . the North Carolina SAFE KIDS logo). 6. Terminate all activities under this Agreement upon violation of any of the Agreement's terms if North Carolina SAFE KIDS in its sole discretion determines: 1. the violation is material and/or irreparably damages the relationship between North Carolina SAFE KIDS and the lead agency 2. The lead agency and/or the coalition coordinator is engaging in activities inconsistent with the goals and objectives of North Carolina SAFE KIDS. North Carolina SAFE KIDS will give the lead agency and coalition coordinator 30 days written notice of North Carolina SAFE .KIDS intention to terminate. Written correspondence will be sent certified mail, return receipt requested. As of the effective date of termination, the lead agency and/or coalition coordinator's right to use the name and/or logo of -North Carolina SAFE KIDS and the Trademarks shall be terminated. (Trademarks include "National SAFE KIDS Campaign""', "SAFE KIDS are no Accident' ", and the "National SAFE KIDS Campaign star kids logo"'. Logo's include the North Carolina SAFE KIDS logo): 201 T2ae state office of North Carolina SAFE KIDS agrees to: 1. Provide information on planning; implementation and evaluation of safety programs. 2. Provide expertise in establishing a local coalition. 3. Provide sample press releases to assist in media coverage. 4. .Provide support materials on child safety. 5. Develop statewide safety programs. ' - .6. Serve as a resource for the local coalition. 7. Approve or not approve use of North Carolina SAFE KIDS name and/or logo and the Trademarks, as outlined in the previous section. 8. Exercise in its sole discretion its right to terminate the contract as outlined in previous section. - 9. Hold regularly scheduled meetings with frequency based on need. ' 10. Provide a quarterly newsletter. North Carolina SAFE KIDS Coordinator: ~ Cynthia 1~1. Fuller Signature: Title: Organization Address :. Date: Lead Agency Agency Head: Print Name: Signature: Sa.fery Programs Director North Carolina Department of Insurance, Fire R Rescue Diti-ision P. O. Box 26387 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Coalition Coordinator: /Qe{? U Isar UCH n ~ Print Name: R~yt [.[ 1~ay vinyl ~ _ Signature: ~~~ ~~~yCj~,~ Title: ~C'u~~Gt ~;C~[Cu~6Y . Organization: /V2Gf/ ~~C~/~U(/2/" Cpc1~y h'Pll/>LLi ~C~CJIt/~~/I7Pf'II- Address: ZoZ9 /7th s'f . 1/l~i~/yYI i ~tafa~ , ll/G ZS y 0 / Date: ~y>ri-/ Z 7~ /999 202.. ~GtyiC( Rice ; f~eal~h Director . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Contact: Dan Summers SUBJECT: Grant award to Emergency Management from NC Dept. of Crime Control and Public Safety-Division of Emergency Management. BRIEF SUMMARY: Emergency Management has been awarded a grant in the amount of $1,642.50 for the purchase of 150 copies of "Terrorism Handbook for Operational Responders". RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant and approval of related budget amendment #99-01.58. FUNDING SOURCE: State $1,642.50 ATTACHMENTS: BA#99-0158.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CS~~M NTS AND RECOMMEN Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' ACTT S/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONF~ APPROVED p~ REJECTED ^ ~ REMOVED ^ ,~j a ~NED 4~~I~a~ ~7 ATE ~ _....5/_/_7_l9.9 • 203 North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Division of Emergency Management James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Richard H. Moore, Secretary -Eric L. Tolbert, Director GRANT AWARD Grantee: New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management Grant Number: NCEM-99TC-003 (100% Federal Funds) Date of Award: April 16, 1999 Amount of Award: $1,642.50 Budgeted Categories: (Examples) A. Planning This Grant is subject to the obligations as may be reasonably prescribed by the Division of Emergency Management consistent with the purpose of N.C.G.S. 166A, as amended below. 1. The Grantee will perform, prior to September 30, 1999, all tasks and objectives setforth in the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management Grant Request, attached hereto. 2. Grantee will provide two copies (one to the,NCEM Branch Manager and one to the NCEM . Terrorist Consequences Planner) of proof of purchase of the Handbooks and of the Terrorism Annex for the EOP, as set for in that grant request, no later than October 30, 1999. 3. Failure to comply with the specified conditions will result in the return of this grant award to North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. This grant shall become effective as of the date of award on return to the Division of Emergency Management of the original and one copy of this award, properly executed on behalf of the Grantee. Accepted for the Gra an S imme~s;, ~~~~,~ ~~~,~ New Han'over=.'Cou~ my D~epa~tme,~t Of Emergency Management, i~ ~~-- .~ ~ ~. ~'' , Da e ~, ~ ~._. 204 Accepted fo Grantor r '~-- Eric L. Tolbert Director North Carolina Division of Emergency ~~(Q _~t~ Date 116 West Jones Street; Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1335 (919) 733-2867 An Equal Opportunity Employer NEW I~ANOVER COUNTY • • DANE. SUMMERS Director February 24, 1999 DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGE~NT P.O. BOX 1525 20 NORTH FOURTH STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1525 TELEPHONE (910) 341-4300 F 2Y (910) 341-4299 Chris Coudriet NC Division of.Emergency Management 11~ West Jones Ct. Raleigh, NC 27603-1335 Dear Chris: We are requesting funding to purchase 150 copies of the book entitled Terrorism Flandbook for Operational Responders, by Armando Bevelacqua and Richard Stilp, published by Delmar Publishers. This book is ava;lable from Barnes and Noble bookstore at a cost of $10.95 each. Total cost would be $1,642.50. We are conducting a Regional Terroriser, Conference on Aprii 23 and would like to use the book as a handout. The Conference is for local elected officials, law enforcement and key public safety officials on an invitation only basis. This manual will also be used as a reference for developing our Terrorism Annex for the EOP. We would like to place an order with Barnes and Noble as soon as possible and would appreciate your consideration and reply for this request. Sincerely, ~~~ Dan Sum "ers • ~a~ ~~F""'-,f~ta~y,~ ~Y~~ ~~,c: IM{ILx4!i i. ~ ~l~Ur~J"~n ~/~4~t' ~J~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ 2 0 5 BA#99-0158.~ipd ~ Page 1 1 ._._,.,~~M~~,wW.. ......_...w.~. ~..~ m ~~, ._~ .~.~„.. ......,w.... ,,,~._. .,~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR~BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0158 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT North Carolina Department of Crime Control . $1,643 and Public Safety -Division of Emergency Management Departmental Supplies CREDIT $1,643 EXPLANATION:. To budget a.grant award for the purchase of 150 copies of "Terrorism Handbook for Operational Responders." APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 'COUNTY COMMISSt Nth, APPROVED REJECTED D REMOVED 0 pp$TPONED D 2 0 6 . HEAD g~ ~_ ~~ . ®ATE , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Susan M. Sanderford, CFPT Chair SUBJECT: Appointment of Todd Hatley, EMS Training Officer of NHRMC, to fill the vacancy of the EMS member on the Child Fatality Prevention Team BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appoint Todd Hatley FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Susan Sanderford, CFPT Chair ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ~l1ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approvaa:---'` '~ MMISSIONERS" ACTIOiNS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED G,~~ REJECTED p REMOVED p :~~~ POSTPONED O . HEARD ~ DATE , ~ -~ 7~--~==`~~O MAY-05-99 WED 12:24 NEW HANOVER CO HEALTH FAX N0. 9103414146 mA'ViD E. RICE.II~.Y'.f~L, M.A. Health Director May 5, 1999 ~E~.TH YD~PAR'I`; F I~1'if 2029 SOUTH I7Tg STREET WII,MINGTf1I~, NC 28401-4946 T.Ei.EI'HONE (910) 343-SSD0,-FAX (910) 341-4146 New Hanover County Board of Gommissionars 320 Chestnut street, Raorn 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear County Comrnissianers: [~. ~i2 a ~~~. . ter. Ll'1VUe?. ~,. ~'lg, MJP.A. AsSisi~3~t ~lfeaItll ~3iY8c#pr This letter is to request that you appoint Todd Hatley, EMS Training (~fFiceryto the Chifd Fatality Prevention Teem (CFi~T) to III the vacancy of the EMS member. Todd ~ has previous experience as a CFPT member in Chatham County. Thank you for your support. . ^: ~;~~ a~,, us _ SantierfQrd t CFPT Ghair CM`S`:::' `u~ '~~v' ~ `'~f ~'d ~~y~~'j - ~~i~~~~ 1 ~ ~~~i ~ ~t ~~ td..~•ryk l~ ~~~~ v c ~ ~~~b . ~n MAY-05-99 WED. 12, 24 NEW HRNOVER CO HEALTH FAK N0. .9103414146 P. 03 ~,.; ~~ APR-29-99 TEIU 11;22 NfW HANOVER Cd HEALTH FAK MD. 9103414146 p.tr~ IR(~6~t/ l~fd4~~ll~i' GfJ~~!/TY ~~ t _ `~ 1ti,~, . C~t7~l~'lA t'~~' ~~NN~.1~IS~1(7UV~~`S 320 Ch~srnut Stre'etr Roam •3t7S 'WIImTngrorf, >ftlC 2~401.4p~3 7elepbane (91L~ X41-7149 ~~ (5 y41 ~¢s-4rso . Apprcatton fDf A/~~)DintrnLdr ro Br,~rds, ~ommitt~es, ~rtd Gammissiar7s ,dppointad by the ~~eai~- fldlltlYr2t Gor~nty ward of Com>7rjssioners. Repu~stlar~lppoinrmsae ao:.. ~ti..,; l~j-e~1 1.;,,e. ~ ~. -,,d+ '~' ~'~..g _. ~ ~ ,. Hnme ~ ~,~ Ll ~ tlvwlaoQ have yr~v Lree~ ~t VT^ Address: ~11Q ~ ~ resr ratoJlVewXarsrsver ~arrrtt ~ ~ ,.,.~,. nrtarrne Rddre$s:_~1_~r ~~ , ~'~ ;~ . - • C.itY and State; __ _.. ~ i` a.- ~.. ~. ~ ~ ~ ,,,-,~,_ ?Jp Cade: ~ a ~ ~ ~ m Telephone: Xame: '~ ~ l -' ~~ e} ~ Business: 3 ~{ '~ ' t{~d r] ~-. ~~. 'Sex: ~ 'RaG~ .,,,,,. 'A~e. ~ ~ yThi3 itllOwmerion ~c raQ~oslvd for lha solo puryf03o of asS4riop thet s GidYStitOriliaei of rh1 Cwsvnu+~ty :a appsirrtnd. "Apo.aonewY.ndy+ra+praredbyfhaeg+tsr a~doy+.ro~,wti:Jarwl:~trNw.pp~cacion~sr ods,m~sErua.'yrhls/llerpasl~e,a,.r~i • 1WwHaM7vPtG8valYvFcvruppointmonf,+neeea.~vr~cawr(hArtl~l~YL59'~+~OFthv3Vy-t'ifuneva~C~nunlyi'arscnnerfPfltrey. Jab ~riz: _ -- ~ 1V~. ~. ~ ~tn:..~ . gtxrti. {{~~ ,,,, Prelr~*ionalACtiviries `(;te ~.as~c~,r :~' !4?rL~rtenntjl ~S~~A`C• ~;R~.t;, l~~ ~, +Ccci •r . t/o/vareer,4Gtiviug.~: -I ~• Y ,.. -.,..-- Whydo yCU~wisb tv serve an the Braid, CbmmrYteE, arCammiss~aq requesredr L'~; ~~( ~~~b~ tity~'.`~~~. What do you feel ate yow qua/ilrgt%,~ns for ~Prvmp an the $aard, CQr+rmitte~, ar Go+nm:`~sir~a r~r~estedr~ ~~ ~.~e~c~. rtvti ~:~~ `~a..cl, ,~, 'i tlwa aL+~-tl~ `~'4~a fie. C3 [3~.n~,. ~~~.~,~ ~ ~E.`+~.e~ ( cert. 4em.,n~'S e+~. 3 ro-5 ~.~~ What acas of concern wvrtld yo~lke 1o sce ahe Boas! Canun(taa~, o/Gvrmns$idr, addrassrq Ara yaer,~arrentlY servi~p orr arsoaher bawd or committee apptrfr:t~d br o man:cpa~ty of a co~ntY~ ff.~u., ,~.'.~;.~5c 'rr_ r Jt~ ~3 Obr~: ~ I~ ~ ~.gnatv~~,~ ~ .. rFt'n0~~ uaa M-'! si4v r ~tionor ~?m'+ar~iSl ~" 209 room SAII 2IH.~F C49G XflL OI6 Y6~3 ~I: Bt) `-~F';r~`, ti :s/~0/SU {This page intentionally left balnk} 210 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: New Hanover Regional Medical Center -Leases BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover Regional Medical Center is proposing two leases for consideration: The first is with Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance (CCHA). The Cape Fear Foundation has moved to a new location creating a vacancy that the CCHA can fill. CCHA is an Alliance of nine hospitals in Southeastern North Carolina. They are presently located in Brunswick Community College in Leland. The lease agreement will be for a fair market lease rate for a period of one (1) year. The second lease is for the medical office space located at 5220 Oleander Drive. Eastern Carolina. Emergency Physicians, P.A. is interested in leasing 3,000 square feet of the medical office space on the second floor of this building. ECEP proposes to lease this space at a fair market rate fora .period of three (3) years. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMM Recommend approva i '~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED (~~' REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ • HEARD °A..E.: `~~, ~~_~~.~ X1.1 NI-~2/uG MAY- ~-"~ Wl;ll l~',8 F~ May 5, 1999 F, 1 Post-lt~ ~'ax Note 7671 D~t~„_s- 4 y Pa9's~ a. To ~ From ~ O'~*~ Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax# 3~/. ytoe77 Fax# 333 ~. y~20 Andy Atkinson ~ ` Deputy County IvJanager . New Hanover County.. Government Center 320 Chestnut Street ~ w~ Wilmington, N.C. 2840 Dear Andy, );t is our understanding that the New Hanover Board of Commissioners would like to be informed of any real estate the Medical Center proposes to lease to otFzer entities. l;n accordance witkz this, the Medical Center ktas a proposed lease that we would like to present to the Commissioners. ~t is my understanding that this may be presented on the Consent ,Agenda at the upcoming Cozxzznissioner's zxzeeting. New Hanover Regional Medical Center is proposing two leases that we would like to present to the County Coznnzissioners. The fzz'st proposed lease agreezxzent is with Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance. The Cape Fear Foundation has moved to a tzew location creating a vacancy that the Coastal Carolinas Health A.lliartce caza fill. The Coastal Carolinas Health Alliance is an Alliance of nine hospitals in Southeastern North Carolina. They are presently located in Brunswicl~ Community College in T,eland. The lease agreement will be for a fair market lease xate and will be leased for one (1) year. The second lease proposed is for the medical office space located at 5220 Oleander Drive. Eastern Carolina Errzergency Fkzysicians, P.,n,. is interested in leasing 3,000 square feet of the medical office space on the second floor of this building. ECF,P proposes to lease this space at a fair market rate for a three (3) year period. C~F~Sui~lu~dl~7~~ 1Jf~1Ft1r~ ~ ~~3° y°•?,~1~1 t ~w ' x~i 4~i~. ,%i'y11'~i ~ 212 ~_. ;. :,r,~~ ~~~ _~~_~ ..~ Mew He~n~ovcr Reglont~l Mkdicat Ger~t~r P.O. &~x 9000 / 2131 S. 17tl~ Street J Wilmington, NC 202-9000 91034.'3-7000 /Fax 910-343-7220 ~~AY- ~-yy Will 2 ~ 5$ P~~ ~ P. 2 . Andy Atkinson Letter Page 2 ' Please let me know if you need any additional information about either of these proposed lease agreements, Both of these tenants are prepared to utilize this space immediately Upon ez~ecutioza of the lease agreements, . Sincerely, r Richard . 1o aes, k'ACI~k, Vice Pre ide t, Strategic Services ~LJ:bls pc: B111 .At1C1IlSOTI, Presidel~t and Chief Executive Ofl"ICer Kathleen GoKmley, Chief Fiztancial Op£icer I7onria. Bost, Vice President and Site ,ll,dministrator, Cape Fear Hospital • 213 {This page intentionally left balnk} ,; 214 `~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17L99 Consent Item,#: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: .Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell' Contact:. Lucie Harrell. SUBJECT: ' Resolutions: Request to add roads to the NCDOT Highway System ' ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Landmark Developers has petitioned the State to add the following roads to the State Highway System: Roads in Heritage Woods Subdivision, Sections 2, 3, and 4 ` Roads in Grove Point Plantation and Laurel Ridge Subdivisions Murrayville Station Business Park RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt Resolutions FUNDING SOURCE: ^ ATTACHMENTS:, Road Petitions ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ - COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv .I. COMMISSIONERS' AC I NS/COMMENTS: ' . COUNTY COMMI~1~ ~.. APPROVED ~~ REJECTED REMOVED ^ ' Pt3S"CPflNED ^ ~AT~~. ~--.-$< ~y 15 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS'PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) ~ - . MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned,.beinb property owners on a BUSINESS DRIVE, EXCHANGE DRIVE AND . CAPITAL DRIVE (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER . county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the . above described road. - We further advise that the road requested to ADD. is :96 miles in length and at the present time there are 39 occupied homes,located on the road and having entrances into the road: , Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways, This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will. include the,. necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. MURRAYVILLE STATION BUSINESS PARK] PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: . ,, ` ` JAMEY WOOTEN ~ t ". ~I tfi,~~ ~'(~~w~~l, HSP- 1, LLC • ~~ P.O. BOX 4127 ,, ~,~,~,~,~~,~~ WILMINGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7201 terry, .Revised Form SR '1 (5-83.)"A'll~`prev ious forms obsolete. 216 : ,,;: i t4 ~ ~r~~~ .._~~ ~., TELEPHONE • • NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT We the undersigned, being property owners on FAULKENBERRY DRIVE AND KINSELLA COURT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .46 miles in length and at the present time there are 33 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said .right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. GROVE POINT SECTION 1 LAUREL RIDGE SECTION 3 3A & 3B PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK DEVELOPERS, INC. P.O. BOX 4127 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-8.i) All previous forms obsolete. 217 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST.FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) • ~ MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT We the undersigned, being property .owners on BERRIDGE DRIVE: AMSDEN COURT ASHTON COURT, & LOWRY COURT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is' .39 miles in length and at the present time there are 39 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally,,we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways a right-of-way of•the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut•and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives'of the~DiVision of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable HERITAGE WOODS SECTION 2i3, & 4 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the-first petitioner listed below'. JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK DEVELOPERS, INC. P.O. BOX 4127 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 (9T0) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. 218 NfW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 12.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Child Day Care Services BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0154 ADJUSTMENT DEBlT ~ CREDIT Child Day Care $47,270 Head Start Wrap Around $47,270 . EXPLANATION.: To budget additional State funds .received for child day care, no additional County funds required. ~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~. ~~ r~ „~,~ ~~~~ i 'r~ i. `~1 a ~, :a ~~-~ °~~ COUNTY COMMtS510N ~ . ~ ha.~~ ~) J fi J'.,~ 'rv APPROVED C/ dr` $ ~ ,ie,~ :<y~ REJECTED , ~" REAROVED ^ , ~~~ ® ,~ .HEARD ~~ 19 ! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF` COMMISSIONERS R~EQUEST'FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/17/99 Budget Amendment ~~' Consent Item #: 12.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , DEPARTMENT: Various ~ ~ . BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0155 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT Finance: ~ , Salaries and Wages $10;000 Engineering: , Salaries and Wages $25,000 Inspections: Salaries and Wages $130,000 ' Planning: Temporary Salaries $20,000 Cooperative Extension ~ ~ ' ~~ Salaries and Wages $45000 ~~, ~ ~. Health/Animal Control ~ ~ . .' j Salaries and Wages $10,000 DSS/Administration: Salaries and Wages $130,000 Library: Salaries and Wages $20,000 Airlie Gardens: Salaries and Wages $23,000 Sheriff/Administration: Salaries and Wages $236,000 Sheriff/911 Center: Salaries and Wages ~aU~N ~~ $20,000 ~~~~~',,~ c~4~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~-,~ APPROVED Sher"iff/Jail: ~ ~; ~ ~~~~ ~ r ~ ~- REJECTED p Salaries and Wages ~,, ~,~ *~. $157,000 ~~:~ ~ ~ ~~ REMOVED t3 ~._~4 ~` Rn*y~ POSTPONED [7 ire c~'~~ ~w~„ ~ ~~~:> HEARD ,~, ~~„ ,. :~ EXPLANATION: To adjust salary budgets for the remainder of FY98-99. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners