Agenda 1999 08-16AGENDA ~'- ~pNOYER CD ?~~ ~ Gy~~ ,, * ,* arr ~A~~ IMPO~E%P/ ~~ 7 IHOU:tnr C~ NORtNCP NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2nd Floor Meeting Room, New. Hanover County Library 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREERVlCE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD August 16, 1999 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards ~5 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 9:3.5 a.m. 3. Presentation of Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Budget Department for Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, -1998 9:45 a.m. 4. Discussion on Future Direction for the Crime Task Force 10:05 a.m. 5.1 Consideration of Appoinhnent of Tax Collector .10:10 a.m. 5.2 Consideration of Approval of Collection Settlement and Charges of 1999 Levy 10:30, a.m. 6. Consideration of Wilmington Beach/Hanby Beach Water and Sewer Project 11:00 a.m. 7. Committee Appointments 11:15 a.m. 8. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager . oon Break for Lunch " :00 p.m. Closed`Session: Personnel Evaluations ,~ PAGE NO. 1 3 5 7 11 13 19- 21 117 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 2"a FLOOR MEETING ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY 201 CHESTNUT STREET "-~~ August 16, 1999 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS - PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 117 2. Approval of minutes 119 3. Consideration of approval of participation in cost of oversizing -contract #00-0086 cost 121 of Pump Station Loder Avenue, Loder Development Company, Inc. 4. Consideration of approval of reimbursement for construction of sewer, line contract 125 #99-0411 Primary Care Associates 5. Consideration of approval of request for sewer service Avalon Subdivision 131 6. Consideration of selection of engineering consultant for the design of a wellfield 135 and drinking water treatment facility. ADJOURN ,-, CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS August 16, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS - PAGE • . NO. 1: Approval of Minutes ~ 139 2. Approval of Museum Ethics Policy ~ 141' 3. Approval of Application for FY2000 State Aid to Public Libraries 145. 4. Approval of Release of Value ~ 151 ' 5. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 153 Collection Reports ' 6. Authorization for Cooperation Extension and Arboretum Foundation to proceed ~ 157 with development of funding and construction of the Coastal Environmental House . . 7. Approval of contribution for reception following dedication of Veteran's Park and 161 school site i 8. ~ Approval of additional funding for Retired Senior Volunteer Program $1,100 ! 163 ~~ 9. Approval of Animal Control License Fee Proposal, including two new Accounting 165 Technician II positions 10. Approval for adding one Sergeant and four Deputy positions in the Sheriff's 183 Department for the Custody Division; additional,funding for the cost of housing inmates outside the County; and a new,van for transportation .Approval of budget amendments: 11.1 2000-OS to increase budget for additional revenues received 6/14/99/ & 7/30/99 185 , Sheriff's Department 11.2 00-0012 to budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding .purchase orders 187 ., as of June 30, 1999. ..11.3 .00-0014 to carry over.the contribution tot he City of Wilmington for Skate Park 191 . 11.4 00-0015 to rollover expenditures from FY98-99 to FY99-00 195 11.5 . 00-0016 to rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00 199: . ~. / - ~ ,NEW HANOVER.COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSiO~NERS , " ~ REQUEST- FOR BOARD ACTION" "~: Meeting.. Date: 08/16/99 . •~ . Regular Item #: 1. Estimated Time: Page Number: .. ' Department: ,Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta .Bryant SUBJECT: .. _ ~..: ,. • Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards ~ • ~.. .:BRIEF SUMMARY:.` _ . ~ - The following employees~are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of _ ~ ~ .. ~. service with New Hanover County: ,F.IVE (5) YEAR: Jackie G. Watson - Register of Deeds; Marla J.' Adamec -Sheriffs Dept.; "James S. Croom -Sheriffs Dept.; Ronnie J. Kennedy - Sheriffs`Dept.; Michael . " 'f. - . - ~ W. Allen -Inspections; Richard D. Waldhour -`Inspections; Philip Brice -.Fire Services; Lori P. Harvey- ', ` ` :" . F, Social Services; Kathleen M. McLaren -Social Services; Gloria D. Williams.-Social Services; Jacqueline ' S_ Oakes - Agirig; John R, Timmerman -Museum; Emily D. Parker -Legal; Elizabeth A. Easley - ". _: Engineering; Kenneth A: Hooker -Sheriffs Dept.; Cathy L. Hoselton - W/S Finance; John M. Cook =' - ;. ~ -. - ~ WASTEC; Gregory Tucker -WASTEC; Glenda J. Blythe -Social Services; Joette McGlohon -Social Services; Yvonne B. Simpson -Social Services; Theresa M. Willetts -Social Services; Jeffrey W. Thomas . _- Parks; Jeffrey V1/. Thomas.. Parks; Glenda L...Jones -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Pamela R:, ~ • .Harrell - IT; Victoria` Harvin =Tax; Duane T.,Ward -Sheriffs Dept.; Debora G.'Cottle -Sheriffs Dept.; Arena F: Everett -Social ;Services; Sharon A. Byrd-Hanson:.- Inspections; Arthur H. Graifter~-WASTEC; ~ ~~ Norman W. Hanchey -WASTEC; Denise T.,Houghton - Health;.Kim R. Evans.- Social.Services; fIFTEEN {15) YEAR:. Frances S. Chamblee -:Elections; Frances C. Chandler -Health; .Jocelyn B. Wilson -Social:- " Services; Samuel A. Burgess -Planning; Bettie J. Tindall = Social Services:- TWENTY(20) YEAR: Nancy.. ~ ` ~. ,. R. Fowler -Engineering; .Nancy M..Canady -Sheriffs Dept.; Nancy S: Nelson"-.`Register ofiDeeds; Sidney , . ` A.~Causey -Sheriffs Dept.,; and Frances G..O'Keeffe - Social'Serviaes. ~ ~ " .. ,` ., . .. , ,~ ' • " *Please note the employees entitled,to service awards for the month of July are included in this list. Service Awards are.scheduled to be presented during morning meetings and there was no morning , meeting scheduled in July: _ ~ _ - .. - ,. .. _ ,. ` ` .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:..,. . > ,. _ ' ,' .. .. FUNDING SOURCE: • :: ' ,~ ATTACHMENTS: , ... _ - ,. -. .~ . ;. .. . 'REVIEWED BY `~~' - . , .. . '' LEGAL: N/A, FINANCE: Approve ~ BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve :-. ~ - ,~ ; .. ' :.~ , ~ ,, _ 'COUNTY GO:~~~~ISSIUNERS . ' ,. -COUNTY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: APr; ; ° . _, s L~;------ Present service. award R ,. ~ . ~:: ~.• - COMMISSIONERS' ACTT /COMMENTS: ` ' ~ . ,i~ ' , D C1 ' -. - .F ~, "~3NEQ C~_ ~. ,;, ! ~7R' • ,, . , . ., , .. ~ ~ ~. DATE ~~„~9'z/ ,,„ c~ ~;~~~~74~:, F2 ,~, t. ~~ F ~,~~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~~ 4 ~~~~ .~ ~~:~;: ~~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION ~. ~ Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: , Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster " Contact: Allen O'Neal - SUBJECT:. ~ ~~ Presentation.of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Budget Department for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998. . BRIEF SUMMARY: Notification has been received from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada that New Hanover County has qualified to receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the eighth consecutive year. The award is for New Hanover County's budget submitted for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1998. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. The budget is reviewed by a panel of independent budget experts who use extensive criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the budget as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communication device. Award-winning documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories. ~ , . - - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 'Recommend that the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award be presented to Cam. Griffin, New Hanover County Budget Director, and staff. FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: . 1. Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation 2. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award ~._ REVIEWED BY: - LEGAL: Approve .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ° Recognize Budget Department for their achievements and excellent work. The departm~eJnJ has rteceived ~IONERS the Distinguished Budget Presentation, Award for eight consecutive years. AF.~~ ,(j h~~s~,,,. R" .. ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: F~ _ _~ .. ~ 5 . F~ : CNED D V . PATE ..:.~/ ~.~~ " {This page intentionallyleft blank} .. ~- ~ 6 ~ Y ~~.. ~ ~... ,~ '1 '.w s. ,. .. , ,. - .. .: ,. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - - ,.., ~~ - ~ ~ REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ ' -- Meeting Date:. 08/16/99 'Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number. ' ~ ~ 'Department: Governing Body Presenter: Al Corbett - ~. ~ Contact: Andy Atkinson ~ ,'. - ,. ,~ , SUBJECT: - - .~ _ .., :Discussion on Future Direction for the Crime Task Force - • .. , ' ,BRIEF SUMMARY: - ' . Chairman Caster met with .members of the CTF to receive an update on the-.progress being made on their . • seven recommendations previously approved by the Board of Commissioners.- _ ~ ~ - - - ~ 1; Structured Sentencing seems to be working fairly well. Still being fine tuned, but'overall working . ~ better than the previous method. Several videos and Powerpoint presentatiohs are available for -: viewing: - ~, . -. 2.', Crime Lab, State tab continues 4o provide the needed services on a timely basis. ~ °. ' 3... School'Uniforms, NHCS recent) beefed u the dress code enforcement for the be innin of the ; ' - 4. ` -' school year. Good. first step. CTF still believes that uniforms.are a better solutioh. - .. 4: Curfew, County Attorney is beginning work on a proposed ordinance. . - 5: ;arid 6. Juvenile Detention and Long term suspension program, .Pathways Program is providing ' coverage forthe middle school youth; wrap-around services being provided by NHRMC (The Oaks). Big gap still exists for the long-term suspended high school youth. ~-,Ju i~e~,,%' l)e~~~rf-3~iiz. e%,, .: ;.. 7. 'A Long term drug treatment, program called BETEL is looking at the NHC area. May be .interested in starting a branch of their very successful European program here: ' . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . ' . ~ ;Discuss the future direction the Board would like this CTF to take. Attached is a copy of the Preface to theii` report dated. February 15, 1999'to you where other recommendations are listed, . ,.. .. ,. . ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ', ~ , .,. ., . . ATTACHMENTS: ~ ., • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW >. . ~ , ,_ ~ .. , ,COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • ''Discuss the activities of the CTF and give further direction. ,One option is to determine the CTF'has ' completed it's charge -and disband the CTF, or task them to continue work in other `ar . - . ' ` • ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ¢~F~ROVE© -. •' - - ~ ` ' f ,, , . -i. €EEJECTED ~ . . ,: , R .. . ,~ ~, , ~ - , , ; ~ PCJTPON~t~ i - HF.ARp -. . .. . ~ d~ ~ `tee. c~i~,-~ : Griwn~~'-~-",~~u-~, ~"~~'~n~y'J//Y~~~~~"~ The New Hanover County Community Crime Task Force Preface - The Community Crime Task Force was created by Resolution of the New Hanover County ' • . Board of Commissioners, and Councils of each respective municipality in February, 1998. Since then, the 7 member panel has been fulfilling its charge of: ' • Reviewing Structured Sentencing • Reviewing the current issues which are causing violent crime to escalate in our community _ • Making recommendations concerning how to impact, in a positive manner, preventive _ measures that can lead to a restoration of hope : - • Providing economic impact information concerning the recommendations • - Reviewing other pertinent issues related to illegal drugs and crime • On June 1St, 1998, the Task Force presented its Interim Report. As a refresher, the following recommendations were made: ' ENFORCEMENT (Listed in order of priority.) • 1. Increase law enforcement presence. More officers need to be placed on the street in foot patrols, horse • patl-ols and bicycle.patrols in order to more effectively police local neighborhoods: K-9 patrols should ' _ also be used for crowd control..0fficers are needed so that patrols canspend more time working with citizens. 2. Increase mandatory prison sentences for crimes committed with a weapon. ~~ ;. Improve technology between Courts, all Local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies, and District Attorney. An interfaced computer network needs to be developed that allows a free flow of information between Federal, State and Local agencies. 4. Continuing education/training for police officers, including sensitivity and diversity training. More bilingual officers, better relations between officers and the citizens they protect. ' . 5. Establish a local crime lab to support all law enforcement agencies and Courts system. 6. Establish a mobile jail which would free up officers from having to transport suspects to the nearest Magistrate. 9 7. Encourage the development of a local juvenile detention facility.'' 8. Procure a computerized fingerprint workstation. ,~~g~n~9~~ ~ fntipn~ue~p~to improve cooperation between all law enforcement agencies. 10: Increase salaries for law enforcement and provide a career ladder for advancement that keeps officers "on ~the~beat'~. ~ ~~~..~~ .`: ~~pi i f\ I`1 .. , ~ ~ , ~ ~'. • ~ . .., ~ ` y • .. `' '• ~' 11. ' '.~ ` - .. . Consider placing. surveillance cameras in high crime areas: ~ ` b . , : .. • ,` 12. ility to pay: • Drug treatmentshould be available regardless of insurance or the a ;, . •_ ~ . . - PREVENTION /TREATMENT ~. ~ ' ., .:: , ~Catr ew .. ., • • • A curfew should be enacted on aCounty-wide basis: Children under the age of 16<should be'athome by` ` ' - midnight, unless accompanied by a responsible adult (parent, guardian). ~ ~ .. ~ ; • , ; The parent or guardian of a juvenile violating the curfewwould be ticketed by the local law enforcement . officer.. ' . .: . - .. , ::. ' • ' A central facility must be established to take curfew violators to wait for their parents to pick them up. • ~ Parents are to beheld accountable for their child through a (misdemeanor) civil penalty and could include . ' community ervice after repeated violations. ~ - ~ ," . ., ,.. _ ,. Recreation. .: ., ,, ,,.. Y g P P ,recommend ., , . We believe there is a lack of activities for oun eo le. We therefore • more activities be offered to children in their,nei~hborhoods. All neighborhoods need to have planned ~ - _. supervised activities. Such activities must be accessible in all neighborhoods throughoutthe County. - ~" .. , ~ All programs should be structured and monitored by adults. ~ . - • : • Parenting skills could be offered to parents while their children are taking part in these activities.. . ' • : Also tutoring;programs could be offered, as well as job skilUvocational training. ` 5 Erh~ccztion , _ • Require uniforms for. all public school students. ~ ` • , A thorough review of Truancy. regulations is needed to determine how"we can keep all young people in " school when they are to be there: _ o . ~ .Drug education should start at earlier age (kindergarten level), and should become part of the regular ~ - ' _ - - school curricuhun, continuing through all grade levels. - _ • " Character education should be offered to encourage the development~of `traditional' `values.' ' • - ,. Conflict resolution needs to become part of the peer mediation process already in place in the school ' ` .: .. - .. ~ - system:. '' , •' Establisfi an alternative education program for long term suspended High School students. k• `` Nei,~hborizo'od Enhancement _ • ~ •' . ., ~ Work with Carolina Power and Light to provide better street lighting.. ~ ~' - ~ ~ , ;, ; - _ ' ~ ~ " • ., _ . Community -Watch efforts need to be encouraged and expanded. ~ ' .. " ~' • ; .' ~ - ~ Encourage support for more community advocacy programs. and recognize. and`reward initiatives to better ,, ' . ~ ,. ' , ~ the community. , t Establish an "Adopt-a-Street" or "Adopt-a-Neighborhood" program similar to the. State'a "Adopt-a- •, ; _. .Highway„ campaign. ,, . ,` • City code enforcement ordinances exist, but a more aggressive effort; with added manpower may help .. : prevent further deterioration of inner city housing. A Countywide minimum housing code should be " enacted-and enforced. This needs to become a priority. " • Neighborhood beautification can lead to pride in our various neighborhoods. Code enforcement and - . . agencies such as Keep America Beautiful could be included in this .effort. , . `. • Enlist`the help and support. of institutions, of higher education, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, ~ - ~~; ` '` ' ~tlie media, volunteer agencies; and the corporate sector in the reduction. of crime. - ® ~. r .. ~ ~ ~w Y i .. - .. . 9 . .. _ .. .~ , n', 10 ~ {This page intentionally left blank} . ~ . f ~~ ~l . . ~~a~s~~ ~v ~~~~ C~ ~~~A ~~~~ ' q~'~~;~ j~ ~ ~~~ ~. 12 ~~., p ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1998 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 67,939,395.98 Discoveries Added 2,675,429.78.., Less Abatements ~ -293,305.06 Total Taxes Charged $ 70,321,520.70 Listing Penalties Charged 73,559.93 Advertising Fees Charged .8,502.00., ~ Cleaning Liens Charged ' ~ . • 3,445.00 Interest Collected ~ 130,21 1.46 Cost Collected 18,635.98 $ 70,555,875.07 Real Estate Liens* $ 387,786.77 Delinquent Personal Property* 896,056.48 Deposited 69,272,031.81 - 70,555,875.06 Known shortage in deposited amount (due to , ; ; $ .0l distribution error of late List fee} *Uncollected amounts include $14,778.63 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor ~- Collector of Revenue PJR: sw ~~ ~- 14 k ~~ ~~, . • s. ~~: _ . . .' - ... ~ _ . , r' ,. O . .a , ... ~ ~ Y c .. O, ~ O; ,N ~; ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ . ~ O :,~ r - ~ ,--~ . ~ ,, -` ,. ,, F . r , ~ . . , .. , _.. `F <. `. '~; ` ' . ~ ai `~ ~ ~ G1 `~ - . , ,. ~. ~ ~ .„ ~ , ~ .. ~ , ~;. o ~ cy~ ~ ~ . .- ` ~, , . ~ in ~O ~ o ~ t~ t~ O ~ . ..~ _ ' W ' ~ ~ 1 ~D '~ N ~O ..•O~ M 01 ~ ~ ' ~D ~O M M ~ ^ F-I ~ ~O [ l d 00 ' ; ~ O N. N N ` ~. F., z y3 ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ . ,° , , .r ~. . ,. ~ 3 ~ .. . . ,, F ~ ~~ ~ W .. ~' 'M cri ~ O ^ ~ ~1 J M '--~ ~ O~ ~ O . pp W ~ ~ ~ .~ Vl ,-~ r--i M .. . - . ~ ~ rn) ~ ~ N ~ t~ooo~ .~.. ~ . - . ' ~ '"' ~ M ~ ~~ ~ n ~ ~ .. .. .. ~ N . ,. M M ~ ~ - 69 ~ ~ , y4 i 64 ~ ~ ' ~ . , . ~ - , ... ~ . .- ~ = . ,~ ,. , . .. .. • ' , .. ._ '- E . p Q ,, "a :~ , . ~, .. W ,. - W ~ ~ .. H ` - - , . -, W , - ~ . O a ~. r ,. .. ~ ~ ~, ~ .~ ~ ~ O . O ~ r~ O ai ~ ~ . , ' ~ '. ~ ~ ~ Z r-. ~ ~ ~ - . ~ W - L!1 O) ~ ~ W ` _ ~ CJ ~ ~ ~ ~ a : . a : - :. ~,. ,. :~ z NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT , SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1998 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 1,513,471.08 Discoveries Added 61,187.42 Less Abatements -~ 26,579.34 Total Taxes Charged 1,548,079.16 Listing Penalties Charged ~ 1,757.79 Interest Collected 2,629.17 $ 1,552,466.12 Real Estate Liens* 8,841.70 Delinquent Personal Property* 16,948.80 Deposited 1,526,675.62 -, 1,552,466112 ' $ - , -.00 *Uncollected amounts include $147.92 owed by known bankrupt accounts. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Raynor " Collector of Revenue PJR: sw 16 ~ .~, f - ~ .' 01 O. r+ ~ M M O - -.~ - . ~ ~ .- O ~" l~ [~ N .N ~. . M r-, N O~ O~ ~ v~ N, N N ~ . , - e, . , r .~ - . '_ _.. ., , , ., O O H '~'`~ M M O O 'CT"..--""'' N M -0O 00 ~ .. ~y , ~-y a N ,--~ ~` w . 0, ~ , ' '. ~ ~ . Q ' ~ ~ I 00 O ~ ~ O N ~ l~ N f`1 Q~ ~ ' . .. O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p . W ~ . .. Z ~. O ` .. ~ H ~ cD N ~ v~l ,~ p. N ., ~ '-" ,-~ ~ ~ N °~ ~ ~ , 'd' ct' p ', ' N 00 ~ ~ N N. - ~ . •. ~ ' ' (y9 ~ ~ t b9 . _ ' ,a W A ,. . . W - .-- U _ ` . a . o ~ ~ o p . ~ , .. .. . ~ v ._., U , ~ W 4 - ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . U ~ ° - , ` . .~ as .. i a August 1999 State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You are hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set. . forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes are hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on.account thereof, in accordance with the law. ~ ° ~- Witness my hand and official seal, this _ day of 1999. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~ Attest: Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. s I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New :,, Hanover County. This day of 1999. Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County '.J r~ 18 `~~ ~. {This page intentionally left blank} lam) c r~ c~ ~~~~z~ ~ ~~ RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to evaluate sponsoring a public water and sewer system to service portions of Wilmington Beach and Hanby Beach and that in order to construct such project it would be necessary to assess all of the cost thereof upon the real property benefitted thereby; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that: 1. It is intended that a public water and sewer system be constructed to service one thousand one hundred five (1,105) parcels, more or less, located at Wilmington Beach and Hanby Beach in unincorporated New Hanover County, more fully described in Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by reference. 2. One hundred percent (100%) of the net cost of the project shall be assessed against the benefitted' properties. 3. The basis for the assessment against the benefitted properties set forth in Exhibit "A" shall be one.or more of the following: • the value of the land without improvements as shown on the tax records of the County as of the date of the Assessment Resolution; • frontage abutting the project; street frontage of the lots to be served; • the area of land subject to be served. 4. The assessments herein provided for shall be payable in cash, or if any property owner shall so elect, he shall have the option of paying the assessment in ten (10) annual installments, bearing six percent (6%) simple interest per year, payable as following: The first installment with interest is due on the date when property taxes are due, and one installment with interest is due on the same date in each successive year until the assessment is paid in full. 5. A public hearing on all matters covered by this Resolution will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 7th day of September, 1999 at Courtroom 317, New Hanover County Judicial Building, 316 Princess Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401. Adopted this 16th day of August, 1999. (SEAL) ATTEST: 6 N~ Clerk to the Board New Hanover County William A. Caster, Chairman 2 c7 ;. '~ „_-. . , ~.. , ,,• NfW HANOVER COUNTY-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . t `REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ° ~,. , w - - - Meeting Date: 08/16/99- _ ~ ° ' , ;- . , ` Regular Item, # 7 Estimated Time: • Page Numkie.r: .~ ~, ~ " f . ~ • °. . °. _ ° •. .' ~` , .. `Department:, Governing Body . Presenter: Lucie .Harrell ~ .. - ,° . ., ,.- ,. :Contact: Lucie Harrell -, - • . ,. ; .,, ._ , - _ ~ - ~- ~ . • . E ~ . ~ .A ...SUBJECT: ., - .. . ,. ' . . ;~~.. =:Committee Appointments ~ • ~ :-. = s .; BRIEF SUMMARY. • _; .. ~ . _ Adult Care Home Cormunity Aduisory.Committee . ~-~'`-~..c ~ ' Board of Fire Commissioners 4d ' ` ~ : , 5 e.~-v~' ~ ` ' . : 1~~r2~e s~.lf cv, bw-- ~~~ - o' ,~S ~ ~' ~~ °' ~ ` . ~ .Board of Mechanical Examiners ° .. ' :. _ , .~Jury.Commission . _ .. , • ;. . • . >•. ... .. Library Advisory Board _ . . ::~ .: Planning Board ~ .,: ~ <. ~ _ , .,,. . °. s , Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee , .. . '. , ' " . ,: ~ ~ "RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:' . - Appoint ;members. .... - , • , . ~. ~ ," - FUNDING SOURCE ' , ~ . . : _ . . -. . • . ;.. .. .. ATTACHMENTS: ° - ~. . , ,. ... ° r Committee Information Sheets Applications •. ;:. - .~ , `' .. ~ . . `, ,.. _ . ._ ITEM DOES NO.T REQUIRE REVIEW ,. , ' , . , ,X' ~ .; COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION S: ` - •. _ .', - .` E , ' ,, • ~ ,. r .. ~, .. . . `COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , - - , • ° .H .~ ,, , . _.. ~ .~.: - ,. .. , OUNTY COM ISSI . .:, _ ~ APPROVED ., .x ~ REJECTED; ,O , . _ ° , .. • _ • ' _ REMOULD.. Cl, ~, ~, ' , .; .. ,, ,. . :.. - : , ..-. ~ TPONED ~.. POS . • •. . n . ;, , ,. ~ , . ~ °. , , HEARD ~ ,(~, ~l! • " , ,. ..; .., ~ . , J . . ~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ADULT CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1VACANCY Term'. One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOLNTMENT - ~~ Steven R. Roberts Patricia G. Spear ~ - , Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ;%o~~~0i`~~i~r ~U ~.. '°`'"'t.t~ 22 ~ ~~ ~~ .~ - , ~~~ ~a..~.~~ 37'~Q ~J , ,~ :. .. ., ,, p . . .° - .ADIILT'CARE HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~'~, ' `. - .. ,. . ,. Number~of'~Members: 16 members {1 member for each permitted - facility) . One-third,. ~of the members- shall be .nominated by .the - Adult Care, Home Administrators, .,and if possible, one member must be a person,'involved in: the"area of mental retardation., A 'County - - - Commissioner shall be appointed .to serve, in an ex-officio capacity`. ' Compensation:. None, lout may be reimbursed fyor ,actual experi'ses. ~ ,. ' .. .. . ` ' ~ ' ~ Terms : ~ 1 year terms 'int.ially; 3 year terms thereafter ~~ ,Qualifications : Must be , a resident of - New Hanover ' County. No -. person or immediate family member of person with financial` interest ~ `° ' •~' in any home served by 'a committee member or employee~or'governing. .~ board member of~:a domiciliary home served by a committee, or ' ~-immediate family member of a resident•in a domiciliary home served • by this committee may be a,member. . •r Regular Meeting: First Wednesday. of'January.., April,~~July and .. ~. ''. October'at 9.;00 a_.m. at the Cape~Fear Council of Governments, 1480 - . .. ~, • Harbour Drive . .,' _... ~ ,: , . .. .r statute causing .Committee: G':S. 130-9'-5.~ ~ • ' ~ '` TERM PRESENTLY ' `TERM ' NT. MEMBERS.` ~ ~ SERVING. :. EXPIRES '. " CURRE '- ~ , :, q • ,: - ,. _ .Jewell, Ann Dehn . First ~ ••-,.6./ 3 0,/2.002 ; ° " ' 49'5:3 Tanbark Drive ~ . °. ~ , .,.„ - _ , Wi'lm`ington, "NC 2841`2 ~- ~~ Appt., 2/2/98 to -•1 year term .~ ( ) :.:. ,.392-6981 (H) •. ~.f ~ ;' q ,APpt. to 3 year. term on 6/21/99 , r_. ., - Judith M. Foley ~ ~ ..First ~ 6/30./200.0. ~~` ~ 6616 PleasantPines Court ~ `` -.. ... Wlmn ton,-NC 28403 g (Appt. 6/21/99'to 1 year term). ' ~ ,, ". 50,9-1717 ., .. . „~ r .. _ - .Lois ,Fox ~ ; . ': `,First . . 6/30/2002 :-.::~.. '3713 Reston•Court ~ ._ - .. ` Wlmingt'on.,~.,NC `284~03~ ° {Appt.' '2/2/98 to 1 year` term) 799-6847 `(H) 251-8111. ,(W) Appt. to 3 year term on; 6/,21/99 • .. Dorothy. L.~ Grime 1 ., First ~ 6/3'0/2000 5583 :Wood Duck Circle . • ' ,'Wilmington, NC 28.409 ~_ (Appt.' 6/30/99 to 1. year ,term) •' ` 350-0672 (H) 452=8-100 ~ .. • .. ,.. , :,a~ :'Jane B~.,, Johnson ~ ,,.' First. 2/28/2001. r `. 1812 Grace Street . :. ~.. '.. . ~ Wilmington, NG 25405 "(Appt. 2/1/9,8 to 3 year term)- 762-1525 "(H) ' ° .. ~ . ' ~- ` . , • ADQLT CARE~HOME COMMIINITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINIIED) - TERM PRESENTLY ~ TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING ESPIREB Sharon O. Lee ~~ First 6/30/2000 202 Pilgrim Circle , Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) 763-3057(H) 341-4457(W). Josephine W~. Little ' First 2/28/2001 1441 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 2.8405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term),: 686-0299 (H), Richard I. Salwitz ~ First .,,6/,30/2002 130.8 Edgewater Club Road #8 Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 ,to 1 year term) 686-7040 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Sandra R. Privette - -. _ First _ 6/30/2000 4757 College Acres Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1 year term) 791-5394 (H) 452-4070 (W) Michaei•W. Rogers First 6/30/2002 254 W..Bedford Road . Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 686=1374..(H) 343-5244 (W) Appt. to 3 year term. on 6/21/99 Louise C. Sider ~ First= 2/28/2001. '2.441 Confederate Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2/98 3-year term) 762-53.74 (H) , Edith Ann Bell~Steele, ~ First•, .2/28/2001 3236 Grey Leaf Drive ,~ Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) 395-0836(H) 395-3802 (W) Doris Lancaster Thompson First 6/30/2002 400 S. Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 763-7483 (H) (Appt. To 3 year term on 6/21J99 Toni Benton, COG Long Term•.Care Ombudsman 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 6/99 file: /adult 24 J-UN ~7t3-~9~' 6i5:2s PM StaNKE,R,S. LZF~. ~. CASUA'L7Y. . ~_ ~iti2sssds r:tii - ,. r .,^. •• NFIIV HAIIIOV,ER CC7UItJTY .. +_ ~ '~~- BOARS QF CUlVlM1SSlONERS ~~ - ` 32p Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' ' ~ • .Wilmington, NC 28401-4493 . Telephone (9101 34f-7149` . ~. .. ... FAX (9 (01341-41.30 .. - Appllcatlan far Appalntment to Boards, Commfttses, and Gornss'rissl~r~s ' .' ' Appointed by f e New Hart er Gaunt Board ~f omm/sslorrers. ' ` aequest forsfppainlment to: Nur-sing Home Community .Advisory Committee '~' >; .Name: _.$tev2n •R. RpbGY'tS ... ~ Home ~ .. `'~ Naw lan have ou been a '~ ~A'ddress: 806 aay ~loss'om Dr . resident o{New HanoYet CauntyT• ~ ~' Years` • _ .., NlaifingAddress:_806 Bay.. Blossom Dr ' City and State: ~ Wilmin tan NC _ - ' ` -- 9 - ZiQ ,Code: .2 8 411 Telephone: ^ Homer { 9 l 4 y 3 9 7- 0 6 6 _ Business.- { 41 Q) 2 5 6- 2 3? C , - ,- ,~:+Sex; Male "Races Caucasa.on 'A~e: 40 • ; .~ ^ •7iris /nlcrn7ation is raquestcd for the 9oJa purpose off. assuring that across-sectlan ot`the cnmmun!!y'Lr appointed. "' • "Emplt~yedby: Bankers Life and Casualty Co. ' ~~•~ "A, parson CU/YBAUy eti;oloyatf by lha apeney ar department fai which thi~r application /s f»ndr, must resign his/her position with: .. e "New Hsnover Ccvirfy upon appoJrffmont, irf aCCDrdonca with Artlcla-VI, Sea ~ or the NewNanaver County Persorns! F'vliay. - ,` ; - Job Title: -Agent ' .~ • .. .. ` . PfofessiortalAcllvitieS: ~ASSistS 'se~nioza with their health insurance needs' . , ValunteerActivities;:Lay Speaker/Leader o~ :Church, 5undaX School Teacher,, PTA ~ ' .. •~ Member . " ~ . Why do you wish fo serve an the Board, Canimirtee, or Commission requested? I hear the ~stp ~Yssi:1 •` •~ ~ .. -. concernsl.fears.of..people concerning,,nursing homes everyday, ~ ~~ `., -: and witk~- this knowledge I 'can better understan3 the needs' oi' e.~~ ~ ~ • • • and how: to he1p~`our county residents ~~ ~ • 1Nh~t do you feel are your quelificatr'otts for servir7p~ort the Board, Committee, or Commission °requested: - " ~ Trained in Medicaxe`and Long°Term Care benefits,' trained foci y '~ ',: litater,~M.A. in Social 5ciencet abilit, to speak in public:. ' ~ Whet arees of "concern would you like fo seQ the Board, Committee, or Comr»isslon address? ,. - • ` Assuring that all facile.ties comply with Sfate/Local ~Regulat;i~-is ~ ~ • .. . . • 'Are. you eyrr~nt/y serving on another board or corrrm%ttee appointed by a trtunicipality or a cpunt; ?' l~' ., p, ~~~ase Gst: ~. - • .. °' ;, .. ~~ Na ., ne , . Date: ' .June 8, 1999 5i~natute ~~J-S,.,~_ `(IL ~ , ~Plawa use reverse side Por, eddrtionaJ cornmarrtsJ - .:~ .~ . _ Y., - - ,. - t ,.. - JUN-08-99 05:26 PM BANKERS. LIFE. &.CASUAL7Y. 9102568165 P. 02 RE~EI~~NGES Please provide three local personal references. Nerve ~ ~ 'Phone Number 1J Dan Cooper ?995323 2) William (Bill} Haddock, Rev. T62-2583 _ 3J Debbie Wheat Hm. 686-7438 Wk. 341-4462 . .. .. ~ ~-~ev~~ ~fl berg-s ,. ~ ~ ... 2~ .JUN.-O'5-99 0.4:24' PM $ANKERS: LIFE. &. CAS;UALTY,' 9'1.0?SiS,glur5 Y_ p _ + • . ,~ ,- - t .. r ,. ~. . ~ ~ _ ' NEW ~~NC7V,~'R CQUIVTY . ~ - - ., ~~ ~ - BDARD ~F ~4MN11SSIt?ltiIFRS - . . . . 3~0 Chestnut Street, Raam 305- .. _ . a :- - - .~ ..Wilmington, lVC 28407-4093...: ~ - -, "" .:.' Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 , .. M' .: .: - FAX 19t0/ 341-4t3Q ~ .. ~ ` ~ . Application -fear Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions. - Appot<nted the, lVew N Hover Cp/rnty Ba of Commissioners. v Request for:4pAoirliment to: li'Gtrsio. `~ /- ~7 R o/?'j.rj,~-~~ ~~ J~O n !s m t'1'L / /! i7-t /~ G~ t// -S"Q f `7 °. Name. ';~ . ~'~~ 1 ~ l a. ~ ~ Snt~"f?~ 'Home. 1 ,~ I ~.9'~? Now lon,q have you: been.a ~ ' Addresm: ~lr. ~ {~,¢-~1~p,7,~ . lc/~~l J 1V ~ resident of New Hanover County - ~yfl~' ' ; .. - Mailing Address:- '"" s't'3?y11.{ `'~ ': - . , Clty and, Stater .yt/i ~ rsv.1 tu- Zo.7 ~" ~"-a 7 ~ ~ • ' llf Zip Code: -. , `T ~. ~ ,. , retephane:; Home: _ .. I r?• ~ 9 ~ ~Q y~., - Business: ~ ~' _~, =~ ... - 'Sexy ~= .Race: . ~ *Age: ~ 9 _ - •-This lnforrnertcn 19 r~quesled for Ih~ sole purpose of essoiing lhat acuss.-section of the camrnunity !s appa/nted. ~.%~ ~ ~.{~c~ "KEmplayed by: ~'A~ ~.r•~ ' ~' ~2 51~~~ ,. ' ' 4 !S' ~- r °~ A/u-c;~i,~~ ~'4+u; . •'A ~ersln CurrmtJy employed 6y rh'e eRpy or deportment-for w ich th' opplicalion i~ made, must rnslpn h ~/her p~slt~on wiN~ ' - - N9w Henpyar County upon appointment, In accordance with Article V; SaC. 4 or the NawNanover County Pc~rsa.'lna! r'oliCy. ;lob Title: ~ ~ ~.~ ~ c 7"~.G~_. '~-s7~'T~i.a~ t--' . . Prnfessr'onal ActiVif' s; ~ ~~ ~tS~t.r t,Ja-r tL_ i h ~VolunteerACfivities: y ,~ Why"rlo you wish~to serve n the Bo rd, C mmift e, or CammJsslprt requested?. ~Q ~~ ,Q.2.o~~ , •_tJPnr«t~~ ~~,,.. ,. f ~~"j_-a p t,cJ~te,t,~~7-y.~~.r~ 1t-~~t .~e~f: r ~.4-,...~ ~°~`~~- s tud.~.~.. . v .:.,.,, ~---6~se.. C~ ~' ltJ~ 1 GC..`"~~ ~ s~-ix~e c~A/~crt ~sL i . - ~ ~~_ ~ h8t'do you >~eel are `your qualifications: for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesat~+r ` .. ,. 3 ,l_L X~'+'t ~'' "~~~.1.,,~-l C°a..u ~ 1~-1ic,.~aaf-, ~r-P ~,~~~ n..c~ ~0'~2 ~ft~.~.t-~~T~tuy~= . ~, ~VUhat areas of concern would you l/ke to see the Board, Committee, dr Commission_address~ t' ..~~tx-u,~:,~ - ~~~~ - ' - - ~ a ~.Jt.c:,ta_r.,_ 'a'Y1rt- s ,..~~rc~ a ~,.` l~~ i s - rt Are you currently se ing-an anothei board or co m!ltee appointed by a municipality or a county? r'f so, p._ase li,.t: ~~ ' lvd -. - , JUN-08-99 04:25 PM SANKERS.LIFE.&.CASUALTY. 9102;68165 ~ r'. 0'2 NEFEf7ENG,~'~ , Please provide three IoCaJ personal references: Name ~ Phone Number rJ ~ -, ~ ~ 7qi -~3 ~~ .. ~ S ea.~ ,~ ~. fi ~- .:t. 28 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and have no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with no one serving more than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p. m. in the Emergency Operations Center of the Law Enforcement Building. , Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. CURRENT MEMBERS At-Large Community Representatives Brenda "Be Brow 426 T ridge Road /~l o ~` Wi ington, NC 28405 9-5078 (H) 452-7988(W) Darryl T, "Chuck" Langley P.O. Box 10071 Wilmington, NC 28404 686-0993 (H) 763-9698 (VV) Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. 303 Tennessee Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28480 458-4146 (H) 655-3856 (W) 30 James W. Sawyer 222 Inland Greens Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 452-9724(H) ,e,(iq~~0~2. TERM TERM SERVING EXPIRES Unexpired 7/ 1/99 (Appt. 11/3/97) First 7/1/2001 (Appt. 9/21/98) ~~ First 7/1/99 (Appt. S/ 16/94 to unexpired term) (Appt. 8/ 19/96 to 3-year -term) ~ ` Second 7/1/2001 (Appt. 11/20/95) ,~, ' ,. ~ .. ,. - ' ' ~ :.'- ''BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONTINiJED) " `` ~ - > _, - ,. ~ ,. ~ .. . - TERM : ~ TERM CITRRF.NT MEMBERS , ~ ~ .:, ,: SERVING ~ EXPIItES ,: . ,~' AT=LARGE VOLUNTEER FI12E DEPAR TMENT REPRESENTA ~: ~ . . ` . . ,, . -~ Dominic A. Bian~,~Chairman ~ '_ - Second ~ 7/1!99 ~ - 104 Michael 've - .~ Castle Ha e, NC 28429 ~ ,~ {Ratified 6%21/93) 675-05 ._ (H) 341-784b(VV) ` - Reap~_8/19/ n - 3 - ~• Wilbur Davis , • 615 Piper Road ~ ~~ ' First ., d . . ` Z/ 1/99 ._ 'Wilmington, NC 28409 _ (APPt: 8/19/96). ~. 4.. .. ,791-223.1 (H) :675-5430 (~ ,m ,. ,.. = . n. ..~. ' Iviichal W. Rhodes ~ ~ z ,.. °° , Second , .. ° 7/1/2001- • - . .~ 2000 . Chair Road ~ ; . Castle Hayne, NC 28429 . ; ~ ~ - , . . (Ratf ed .11/20/95) . ~ ' 675=3198(H) 799-1232 (~. ` ... .: . {Reappointed 6/ 15/98) .. • . Jonathan.,A. Wrenn ,. . ~ .. , _ . First;, -` ~ ..7/1/2001 . ' 203" Hepwoth Way ` - Wlmingfon, NC ~~ 28412 ` _ ' ~ ' ~ (Appt.: 11/0 ~ .3/97,, Reappt. ,6/15/98) ._ .793=0674 ~) 793-0201..., ~ . ~ ~.. .. , w .. County Commissioner.. ~ , .- ` . ~ -: ~ .. ~ Charles, R. Howell - .. . . ~ , . . . ., , . , .. .. .9/98 ~ . _ . - ~~ .. , _ . .; , 4 , ~ s _ - . ,.. .file: /fire f ;. .. , . . >. .. .. .. .. a . .,. ~ .. - .3 ,~, . , - . . . . ,,. . ~ • . d. . .. . . .. .. ,r n - .', : t .._ ~, .. . ~ . - . . ~. . - - ~`4 _ . r . , - ~ . ." .. yr.. a .. ' .. .~ . .r .' .. ~ . .' .^ i * .H "i .. Application for Appointments Page 1 of 2 ~~ NEW HANOVER COZINTY BOARD OF COMMISS'IONERS' o ~ G~L~C~~~d~D 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30S 1UL O 8 1999 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 NEW HANG'!E~ C'. Telephone (910) 341-7149 BD. QF CC'':'f';::::':' `:':: FAX (910) 341-=1130. . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appoint ent to t'~oard of Fire Comissioners . . Name: dames "Monte" Coughlin How long have you been.a resident of New Hanover County? 2 years Home Address: 2537-7 Costmary L"ane Wi 1 mi ngton 284,12` ' Mailing Address: City and State: Same Wilmington NC Telephone: Home: 792-069 Zip Code: ' 28412 Business: 793-0053 ~ ' " *Ser: M *Race: White *Age:45 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the commzmity is appointed. * *Employed by: Carolina Video Edit renters Inc * *A person czrrrently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover Cozrnty upon appointment, in accordance with Article YI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: President, Owner Professional Activitie Cape Fear Rotary Club, Television & Industrial Video Productions 3~olttnteerActlvltles: Rotdr C1 ub Functions Former Volunteer Fi refi hter Y ~ 9 http://www.co.new-hanover.nc. us/cc/applic.htm 7/7/99 • Application for Appoiritments 'R ~: ~ - • ~ Page 2, of 2 ~ '' ,, .. S , , ~ 9 - f ti - ' ~ ''Why do.you.wish to serve on-the Board .Committee, or Comm_ fission requested? - Give •.back to'the community in which -I 1i:ve and conduct b ' . usiness . What do?you fee! are your q"'udlifications for serving on'th"e Board, Committee, 'or;Commissron requested? '' ... 12 years as a volunteer firefighter prior,to relocation here.• Also served .•on 'Emergency.Rescue Squad; ,Secretary~& Public relations officer. • What areas of concern would you like to see the•Board, Committee, or Commission address? ' ' a. ,, :;~ . . ,, , More Fire prevention and•saftey programs offered to the public. Use of,the~ . ,. , . . ,, government and ,Cape ;Fear L'earni ng. channels to conduct some , of thi s~ activity. • ' ', - ~ Are you' currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a'county?.If so, please list:. :. - . ... , t. .. ., ,. , ... ,. at present:' ~ •.• .., ~ ,~ 1, •.F .. a ~., - , ' D e: / -" ~ - ~ .. S gnature • ' u.. .. 'REFERENCES.:.... ~ {. _ ~ . - ,, .~ . 4.~. . - `~ ,• ,'Please provide three"local personal references: ~~ - Name, Phone Number .~ .. 4 ' '. .. ~ , , .1.;.~ ' L'•i:zbetflUnger 4~ Seasons Travel ~ 392-1930• o °`• ~ , . .: ,,. .. ' 2..~~ John Harris F'i rst Citizens Bank 7y2-6651' ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ° ~ .; • ,.:, 3• Marc Levy ` Carob i na Video .Edit 793-0053 ° . ' .:.. .,^ .f, - - a. ~, .. a .' .. f - ,. , .. - ~ , . - .. ~ ` - . ..• ' .. '. - http://wwwco.riew-hanover.nc.us/cc/applic.htm ,.~~ ~ 7/7/9.9 ', . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341=7149 FAX (91.01 34 1-4 130 Application for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Comrr~uriity Representative. Name: ~ ~ N C- ~.,. ~S A`C2.~"5~~.. S2~ _ Home How long have you been a Address:. 30 ~ ~ ,V,y , ~ ~(f, x nt of New Hanover County? l . ~,~-- Mailing Address: ~3 /C.UN, ~` City and State: ~~420 G r~rV~9- ~ L.~ Cam-- /~C Zip Code: ~d ~ 2 ZS Telephone: Home: `z ~Q " ~~ 8 - ~~ ~ <o Business: Q~~j - b SS - ~ 8,5 ~, .^. *Sex: *Race: w *Age: .5 S 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cr/o?s~s-section of the community is appointed. * *Emp/o yed b y: ~ ~ f~_itl~} ~ r_C)A1 A l_._ ~A- ~C.(2 LO , ~( E~6CC..(~t,Y~C(~ , /~.~ , '~• "A person current/y emp/oyed by the agency or departmentfor which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in~aJecordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~-PES VC. ~~ Professional Activities: Volun teerActivities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? % lcJ, S/} 'TC~ ~ /8- /Jl~t'Lcr- O~~ ~ ~r?tn~i`ivc d vrZ Fi'rt~ .~J7vl~c vp ~'D ~hFe eve ~i4-r i S ~i?o n.i ~v/1.4-c_. TLS i4 UN l ~ t ~'~7~ Sc~ rI ~+j-r~~g„~P~ yv~c2, What do you-feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? i4zl{` s- ~;'kj .%Z TP c a~ti1 ~n r~/1~'IE~.v~ ~131ZG~ ~. ~rJ~' ('~M~i~ csP`r~,veir~s What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? ~JC ~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: U I h eb certify that /pay the New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that /have no affi/ration with anyloco/ vq~er fire service organization, nor hav(e~(b~e(e~nj5a(n(~a]ffiliated member of such organization for the past three years. Date: /~C~ ~ ~Qq(~ tJlltSl~JI.SU U t5D Signature-~`-'Q.`'~.,,~-"~ c~ta~L~~- (Please useride for additional comments) ~~ ~ n ~~nL P1EW 4~4WOVER CO.. - " .o r .- a: _ - . -NEW HANOVER COUNTY . ' .. . ., -BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS . . .. ' 320 Chestnut .Street, -Room 305 ., .., - ~ ::. ,, Wilmington, NC 2840.1-4093 . , - i .. ~ ,. - Telephone (9701 341-7149: :: ~ ~~ ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 `` - -. - PP ~ . A licat~ri 'for Board of Fire Commissioners ... -.. ~ ; ~. ,, . ; :. --, - At-Large Community Representative ~ ~ :~ Namef ~J~/ l/~li~'J ,T. .' ~ l~ , ~~ ~ ~ .,~C (/~?~// ". .~ - Home .~ `-~ ~ How lon have ou been a / g y • ~ Address. ~l ~ ~ /'~' ~~ /'~'/~~~~~'~i7y~ ~~~ ~ resident of New Hanover County?: 1~ y~S• ~ - - -_~- . ,, ~ _ °` ' Nlailin Address: , ~ ~ ~. ~ ' , - .. . . ._ , - City and State;.. `G ~i?Zi.~; i~~,~ /.1~ G , ', Zip Coder ~ ~:rz~'l c'.- Telephone: _Home: `Il G' 3 `ham. . ~ ~// c~" ~ • Business: ~/C~. 7~ 'Sex • . /f'~~~1-= Race: L,~/-fir i f - "Age: ; a . ~ •. ~. ;,s •Tbis'informatign is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ` - .., ""Emp'Joyed by: ~. ~ ~~7/.'~/2.'~~~%~ ~~'r~,=-~i''l ~=- -% .. - ` ' •A person current/y emp/oyed by the agency or departmentfor which.this app/ication is made, mustresign his/herposition,with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sea 4 of the New Hanover County PefsonnelPolicy. ` . ~~ ~ _ .. ., ,~. Job. Title:.. -~_...n. ,u ,~/(i?~ r ,S ~:~c~ ;-W. ~ /<__ ~z~,,, ~~/ „ - ' Professional Activities: ; ~ . _L--./v'`~7 ~1- `- l i~ /~ ~ ' /~'7~liG' % /=-'iG'~i~ C ,~-- 'Vo/unteer .. , ' Activities: Why do you wish to -serve on the. Board of Fire Commissioners? ~~~'i=i ,1r1; ; ;~ ~ ~;,.;.i~,~i i%,.~',~ - " /' _ M ~'r'L',: ~ f-~/l/(~ //~7i~1~ r~21,C~~i7~=~t%~~ 'rte ~/ r Lf.~ `l ~/tr/Z;i'-, 1/!-'i'< f %~ ~ 1//~i'T ,Tv~ •. ,. , ~ ,, . , ' ,, ..5'~~z l// ~ i •• . 'What do you feel are your qualifications. for serving on th"e Board of-Fire Commissioners? •,SP~~~ ~~,4-/ , n ,, - . .. . ~~~ • ~ S /~_i f~? . V~ ~C':yTc~ r'. C" ~i~ ~ ,?I{ emu: `~'~~ f %/~ .%~a -. c.r? p . `: Wh'at.areas.~of concern wou/d you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address?'' /,~i,%(i;;~,~,~ - ., - .... ~ i'-~- r r ice' ~_ ~ ~ ,~ ~ . , ' ~ "~ ~ ~' ~ art f' S y- ~- _ / .; . ' °Are you currently serving on another board or'committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: , . ~;; ... , , ~re6 y"cerfify That % pay the New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that /have no affiliation with any- c olunfeer. fire service organization, nor have been an aff/fated member of such organization for the.past three y~,~,, . Date: _T=~~' '~: ~~'~ ~ t Signature /G-`r>'° rQ-~C~r.L~~~ ~ , . • ~ yP/ease usa reverse side for additional commentsl ~~ ` ' " ` w. i ; REFERENrFs Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 2j ~ ;~~_ ~ ~~~ ., ,._ ' SEP= 3-98 ~`THU 13; 34_~ ... ,. . ~ ,- :i .. P, 02 ~ tl~ ,.. ... , . ~ - g~ - NEW HANG VER COUNTY - ' - ~. ~ ~ ~ _. BOARD OF GOIVIM/SSIONERS . ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,~ ~ ~ Wilmington,. NC 28401-4093 7e/ephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 ... . y,, FAX 19101 341-4130 . .. - :, . " ' Application for Board of Fire Commissioners', At-Large Community Representative . . ~ LVame:_ ~dS~l~ C, cJw hn 5 fGfl _ ~~ ~y lc~ F • ome Now long have you been a " ~ ^ ,H / .oc, r - resident of New Hanover Co ~ ~ ' Address; ~/O y ~~~ ~ ~ ~ _ unty? 3 C v f5 ~- ~r Mailing Address:. 3 I~ ~ >C~~~ `~ ~~`~ .: G"ty end Stater hl ~~l ~n i'n~t~l~~1 ~ f~~ Zip Code: 02~1/w Telephone: Home:; 7 /U - 3 ~ .~. `~ l ~' ~ Business: l~ ' 3. ~~ l ` Lfw~ D 'C~ i .> `Sex `~1~ a.~ ~~ "Race: ~ , . ~~f~+~~~' "Age; '"This informotlon /s iequested foi the sole purpose of.assurlnq Chet across-section of the ,community is appoJntod. ' "."Employedby,.' ~~t'tiJ ~~ahov~i PP.°~~'~n~~~ ~ ~..'~: ~ C~n;~er ~ - " •A person currently employed 6y tha agency o department for which this application is made, muse resign his/horposition .with ' .New Honovar County upon appointment, in accordance wifh Arficia Yi,' Soc. 4 of the New Henovor County personnel Policy. y ~ . ,: ' ~ ..lob Title: Pa c ~ mr.~ ' ~- ~, r~ t~„' ~ .. T n Professional Activities: ~~ i n ~~1t'~s` ~ ~`,n; ~ ~(1 ~ pe.>~,~~e. J~m~1( ~~ r c. sp n y1V=M121 C-~ ~, ~d ~~~ni~~g ~~ ,~~~ . •VplunteerActivities: IOaL G~ c~c~ec` n ~ . ~ .y ~~ 5 J `Why do yati wish to~serve^on-the. Board of Fire Gommissioners~ .l Wr`r~h .~'G ~52~' ~~ c~~ ~1~ ~~~~r~~ ' /~l ~t.(.e I,~ITY\:(ltj~IG31,~'~ ~ ~cJ '1S~tl{L' IIW~{ i- 65rt' ~L`1!I GL'i w1 7 /ll~ / ~ ~ r ~ ~ J ~ ~ Lc' u n r nCG_ ,T 1 fa ~ ~f~ Z~ .0-~' ~cl~U Cdn ~u:FS ~a r rr,0,v~~ Q,n,~ ,^n~}d'i i ~,,• ~6~ T ` ~ti ~~`fr?~ r'~ ~_ U i / n .r: . - T -~ What do`~yau feel are your qua/;fications for serving on the rgoard of Fire Commissioners? f_o,"m~;~- ,~ ~ ~~r~(~~~ ~ ' '~J4~:~~~ / ~'~C lU~,~ . .C U Y~~`7 ~ 'S' ~~+C'.(1~~ rt.ICJ~ /f~~~f% /~~~i.i ~ 'll~~..i l' ~+~1 1 4 J ,_' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? _ ~~~'mrrn ~~~ ~ - , ` '' ~ c''~:has' ~ v ' .~ u I~' ~4-e ~ u; ern , ~ ~l ma ~ ; ; y; ~ u~. cl~ , Q ~a Cc~r.t,;~ W'r'~z G't.a5 ~l Pt'Scu~ :SLi`v~cc. .~J ~ t? ~,`r~ ~pj~-~K~~t'vt~-r~i~l ' -Are you ~urrent/y serving :on another board or rommit~ee appointed by a rnunicipaiity or a county? if so, please list: , ~~~ `. . 1 bere[iy,certrfythat /pay tha-New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that / have no affiliation with any loco/ ' . " ,. volunteer fire• service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past three years, , n ;. '. Oate:. Jl - ~'`~ ~" ... ..:J Signature~~.~.e=~ ~ ~----- . ~ (Please use rovorse side ror additional comments? , . : • ...: . . -37 . M -~ ~ SEP 0 9 .1998 ,. .. ... , ~;~. _. , . ~ .., .,. ,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMNJ'/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130'' Application for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name: Home Address: Mailing Address: City and State: ~,~ ~ ,r; ~ ~ ~ I •~~~ r:;'., - Zip Code: .~ ~ ~0~',` a Telephone: Home: ~ -- 7 ~~ <~ ~ ~~ '~ ~ ~ Business: f1 •LT ~ ~ ti t. j , , '-~ r Sex: _ 1, r' ~ c~ *Race: ' ii - /; ' 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. •'A person currentty employed bythe agency ordepartment for which this application is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~, Job Title: Professional Activities: r~ ~ r_ ~~. "' , ~u ;~' C'_ ~, ~!~ dl ~i is r = r• iF ~ ...- / ~ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ Vo/unteerActivities: 1 i i` e ,~~ .. , ~~ -~ ' +' - ~ ~' hi ~ , +/ ~' ` ~-- ~ 1~ ~' 1 {1 r4'1 r1,1 '-- ~_ ~^ f" ~rV1 ,^. ~1. ~ ~ 1: ~r• 1 f::1 _ ,. ~ U > j ~~ ~"~. i~ ~ ~ y '. '~, ;I Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? 4 ~ `; _ ~ What do you- feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? - t, ~ ~ What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners'address? ~ ` Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?, if so, please list: ~' ~ ~. / e certify that /pay the New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that /have no affiliation•with anyloco/ vQh fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the pas ree years. Date: ~.%..~~ .`y / % ~I ~7 Signature ;-~~~?"~- ~ %~ - (Please u'ST ve~e side for additional comments! ,% (;-'~ ~ ~~' .`) `_: ',, ; ~ `yc~c~ ,,,, ~ , ,~~ _ ~ i How long have you been a ~=' '~ ~~ ~--: ~~ CZ t" ~ 1. ~l resident of New Hanover County? 1 ;,~ i^ 1lj~ ~ ~T~10~®~~P ~~~I1~+r7'~' Bf)A~ fly' ~®~f1~IISS~~NEdlS' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~Imington, N. C. 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 3~1-7I49 _ p'r3.~C (910) 3a1-=1130 ~,..~~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the Nesv Hanover. County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment ta: ~C ~ ~ v l' ~ ~/~ F. /^C ; ~~ `~ (S S / f~~ ~ i~ Name: !2/ 1Gf-{,~~ L ~. ,~~~?L`'~',`~~=` ' Hume Ha-v long have you been a ~ z S Address: ~ S S~E~-'' i G Cf ~C` L~ resident of New Hanover County Hailing Address: S'~'~'~~ City and State: ~~ r L o~1 I /l.' lc T C /J .~ipCode Z ~ ~ / ,-. Telephone: Home: L ~~ - ~ '~ ~{7 _ Business: ,~~le - C%C'G) Six: ~~~ %+c-E Ruce: ,:~i'f,"i~ Age: `~_~ (this information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a cross section of the community is appointed '`~Employed~8y: ~'C'l~tS ~L ~i'9-'2c~t~,.t_,~;.j- ~7G`~ (--~% ~~e`z r~ `~ A person currently employed by the agency or department for which skis applicraion is made, must resign hisfher positiotr with New Flanover County upon appointment. in accordance with Article Yl. See •t of the New Ranover Coumy Personnel Policy. Job Title; ~-~L ~ ~ ~t2 Professional Activities: Z ~ `~~i~'l~S r w l~f-r' ~~ ~ ~ i-%/.c-~~ 5 h ~ ~' S- X47 S ~ uJ C' ~ a Volunteer Activities: >! ^ y'c .v tty'~a'' ~ D i7i %/~, L ~ (.u :~~:r2 ifc,~'.~ S i.c~ c" ~ /~ri lJ ~ f Gi ~'1 /rs /.1S /`~~G f'i/i'.S 7 ~}£~ Li/ ~Jr'/f>~T L ~ I/y SC ~'>t'1i'G't'7~C~ ~iy? Wky da you wisk to serve on the Board, Commrteee, yr Commission? ~% G'f-=~=Gt~-' 1~• > -FXf°/~ ~ Jfn..c-~c !1 f ~(./ ~~% ~C / ~ S y4-,~~'~ 7 ~' ~'~~ ~-' .~Gt~~1 .~' c? ~~,rC ~c.~ .~Ni~ ~~,5~,~~ .¢ ~'~T~/;7~ ~r3C~l~ oicJ ~L,/~¢-,t/~ L"/ / / % ~f(-„~ /<~ tfl= C~~~Glf~ j ~/ TL' ~' K~~t•' lc~' G~ l ~ S ~-t-c ~_`/ /SS~I~S•r What do you feel your gttaliftcativns for serving on tke Board requested? ~~ ~~~~`~ ~ ice' What areas of e:oncern ~.buld you like to see tlae Board address? ~i~''/ /S~ ~~s S"i t r /f /l:s` /~~G~ T7i! /~' E ~~/2c' ~1.~ :7~ A-~t- r~ PG~-~.-,.~' i ,L~~ t-z^,~~' T1~C ~FSi R~'~.`~- Gv >D~_ S~'/~v~C'cG C Areyvu ctarrerttly serving on another Bvarr~ ar Committee appoa~rted by u municipality ar a county? If soplease lrst: ~;% ~" 4.0 ~,~~- `J - Z ~- - ~l ~ Signatxre"" ~ ~~~ /~L 7 ~~~-~- Date: ~A~~: July 2~; X999 - • - • ~ ,; ,~ ~ ; F~~I~: ~v~ic~a~i Jam. 11'~ora~ R~: feat ol~ ~o~~rd of Fire Co~rrlissioners ~ea~ Lucie, ~ .. ' Thank you for getting me know about.the vacancy on this board. I would like you to accept my application with any others you may have received. For about 20 years now, I have begin involved in volunteer work for local government. I feel thank it is an honor and to some extent my duty to give my tune and knowledge in whatever capacity I can. Briefly, . below are some of ties services I pea~formed in the past. 1979-1983 Fire fighter/Fgnergency Medical responder Ponce Inlet Volunteer Fire%laescue Tlept. Ponce Inlet, l~'l. . 19t~~-1985 i:ieutenant, Ponce Inlet ~~ol~anteer Fire PRescue Dept. _ 1985-1987 Assistant Chief, Ponce Inlet'~Iolunteer Fire/I2escue Dept. 1987-199 r Fire Chief, Pi>nce Inlet Volunteer l±`irQ Fescue Dept.. 1987-1997 Town of Ponce Inlet Publae SafetylErraergency Management Coordinator. 1987=1994 Town of Ponce Inlet Safety ~f#icer. _ . 1995-1997. seated on the B'own of Ponce Inlet Planning/Zoning Commission . 1997- Retired as Chief and Ibloved to Wilmington, nT.C., was honored as a Lifetime Chief and. member of the 'T'owns Public safety I1ept. . Along with all these duties game 3nany training and educational req~ire~nents, that I obtained. As you can see I spent nnaiay years serving my community. i would like to become involved again end believe that I can of'f'er some help in planning for the future growth and needs of this area. Please keep me in mind and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call ins at 68b-3547 hna. ®r 585-(D004 of#: anyti;ne. Also if anyone else should leave a question .please give them my numbers as they can call • anytime. .,'T'hank you-for your tune. IZes~ect lly, ~' . ,, ' .• 41 . . V~~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Request Name: Home Address: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of. Commissioners. Appointme t to: G ~ 'Z-C.' ~'~~'~''~"~-'~'~~'^~"~'~ ~L~~ ~~'w~~~ i ~% Mailing Address: L~~ ~ ' ~~ How long have you been a t resident of New Hanover County? .~ ~z ~ ' ~ ~' L,. City and State: J ~ /~--~~~ ,~ ~~~~C't1c: Zip Code: `~ ~~~'Ct p ~ ~ ~/--~ Tele hone: Home:. ~~t - d c% ~ ~ ' ~% 7 ~ Business: ,'~-Z/L2-~-<<1 ~~,~ - t> "Sex: ~ C:~ "Race: 'S;r'~-~~~°_-~ ~C,r'l?r:r "Age: ~' ~~ _ 'This information is requested for the .~o~a purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. " "Emplo yed b y: ~i.r/u~`u-^ "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI,~Sec,,.y4,(of theNe~w~ Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~ .~ . ~- ~ ~! ~,Y~-Z'~' -~-" .~'~. ~a~` I -~ ti`:-o~4, „ Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: r, Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? •~ ~2~1~~1 ~C.:~~'z- ~i''. '~.~-~-I' ~~'~~f~'r~, '~ ~~ '~l%<:''v-" 7 X"j'`-'-~/~. `.'u' ,~ ~-Gi. ~ / `~~'1 L~3--'~-~.: ~ ~-'-'~/~',rLza..G-:~? ,Z.~2- , / ~ ,~ ~~~;-~ ~, _~ ~`~ C.~~ ~-~- ~:~.-ma=y •C ~c~~-~-~{ ~-y:-~. ,~- (..~u C:~~:~--~.- v What do you feel are your qualifications ,for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ., What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? c,.L~ il! ACre~,you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? •lf so, p/ease list: `~c v(.' Date:v~ Z-.L J I ~ Si nature l , ~''"~ `'`~,;~ ('~'~~~`.``~ /Please use reverse side for additional comments! ,~ . z- d~'.~~I( NANt~V~R ~elt1NT~'' ~~.4l~f3 ~71~' C~I~M/S.SIt~IVF'RS 320 Chestnut Sireef, Roam .~05. Vllilmington, NC 284D 1-4093 Tele/~hprte T9~0I 341-7149 FAX f9T0/ 341~l30 • ~PPlication fQ~ Board of Fire Cammissiort~rs lAt-Large lroluntaer Fire Dapartrr~ent 1~'epiasentative Nome Now lnnQ have ynu ,peen a ~ddr~s~: ~ ,F~ ~ _ ~r", ~ ~~ ~v~"~ .,f/, ~ ~ yt~ resid@nt ofNew N®naver County? S' G~ry ~~ .~r~r~. ^t .,~~.+~v:r . .{.~ ~ lip Code:.1 ~ y J j Taia~thanP: Ha~me: C~''~ - 7'/G~l BusFness: ~ e~'S' "SPX: ~ 'Race: t.~.- •ApB: ~~ °Thif rrmfnr+a:s-E-~c~n Es/~a~qu,aated .Fo,P~thro Sala purpose of esaurinp that stress-sacvan of th- eornmun/ty Js ippa;ntsd s ~~ifit7Jd:~e;a% +~'r'= ~ ,f ~.~ I1 ~~'' `f ~ _ "«,~ Ord; raft ckrs.~tYy a,sTployvd 3y the ogsnayor dspmrtmn~t for which tAis applicstlon is made, +nust r~rian his/hrrpositian Mrfth Nruv tls:>aarr Grrrnty up,~_o~n enCO~NUrrent, in~e'r~ro~ rdanrs wfth .4rilets ul, Saa 4 of the New Hanover County Prr#onnol fbllsy, w~,y as y~~, ~;~ rv serve on r~s acard pf fir@ ~ptrm;sspt~~~s~ ,,~-~'[~ ~ ,~; . ~,,. _ _ .~ Whet dQ yeu f;tci 4:ra ~ per cyarRli~cetians far serving an the Board of ire Commissioners? ~,e1e..~ 1~~.-~.~. ~= -- 1Nhat BPS.as of eancerr~ rvaultl you like to see fhe Board of Fire Cammissianers address? ~',~,~. ~~~ 5 .~ Are ynu eurrar~Ply serving pn another beard ar epmmrtrpe ®pppir?!ed by a rt~un,'cipaf;fy ar a county? If sp, please lrsr: ~~ Subrs~,'t~tA h=r- _ l hereby cCrtlfy that l Pay the Nsw Xanaver Ctiurlty Fva 44 '~vdu,'7re$r fir$ DPpeEtmenf Sarvfca Oistrt:t Tax. xiiaCh;cPSi~nttur~~, f~„~~,~.1..r.,.~~..~.+.~FtaC S+gneture - ~. C~ .. T r r'~'.a' ^' Aetor (Ptmvsa use rwaraa aide far ate, e1 cornmeintal .~;. ZE90i"ac,0.; l:~~'~.~i•! O~ZtrTtr~ F H~F~~H dNI~O~id~ H1ClOS~~~S Gtr=60 66/L0iL0 ,/ NF'W HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representative Name: ~~,~ i ~ (n cl h 1~C~ 1:~ 1 5 Home _ How long have you been a Address: ~ /S ~ }~~Y^ ~CL resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: ~~C{ yyJ (~, City and State: ~/4 ~ ;~~ ti >~t ~-~~ .~ ~~ , ~ Zip Code: .~ :~ ~ C~ ',l Te/ephone: Home: ~//(;~ - '7 C i ~~ ~ 1 Business: j~l~ - ~ ~~ - d ~~~ . -~ "Sex: ~i~ ~ *Race: ~f *Age: ~ .~ 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Employed by: ~~ t~ ~'} f'.V' ~'r r r ~ c' C7~"~ ! C, "A person current/y emp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, mustresign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V,/,/Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County),°ersonnel Policy. Job Title: il/1 ~, "i-1' , L r V1'? ~ r1 `~` ~ C'.-:~ ~~ ~ ' ~'J / Y ~ ! ~ (~ ~r, ~ C ='~ ~=' (^ l~~ l ' i '~ tt_' i~1 ~r ! i C ,_ _ Professional Activities: ~ ~~,~; ~~ 4~~ ; <~ ~, r~ `i ~~~_5 ~:~ %'~ ~ ~'• (c? ~%,a~ --~ (~. F. ~ ~ ~ , -r- ~ VolunteerActivities: ~~~, ~'~ ~/I ~t / t 1 ~ , ~ ~y1 ~ ~, ~t? ~. ~; ;"C ~> > ! . _ ~I"Y, ~ r m~ h ~ ZJ~~~ C~~, %/Icay~ t l ~<% Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? .~ lr, ~, ~,ir' r~ r~ ~ ~ ; .-t° ~~ ~ ~r ;.'~ What do you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? r'~' Vow„~ -; rl /'e, q~ f r ~c~ Y'y ~ l f 1 ~i 1 ~ ~~ % "' ~`P ~ r~~ ~ ~I ~',' ~1-~ i~4 h i ~ ~ ~ L..;:~ t~'r~ ~ II. S' f `rT~' ~ I/'~1~ ~ 1 ~,-t ~ d~ ~ ti's r, ~, ~'~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? .~ ~~FS , r^;~ ~Z' ~'_~ (~ I ` Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ~`~117 ~Is~~J'~ ~_-;=-' /hereby certify that /pay fhe New Hanover County Fiie 46 Service Disbicf Tax. Date: (~ !J • ~ -~c~- -- % 1,. , Signature /,/,.~~/~~., ~ , ._~-.~ ~-~~ 1P/easa use reverse side for additions! comments) raw ~~;,~~,/`~i r~, ~D. flF CAP:',":',,.~iG~~,'-. -. -. ,. ,~ C - . ,~ ,: _ . .. ' - NEW NANOVER COUNTY ~~-- ,~ ..,~. ,- .. - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - -32D Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ~~i~>)' l S 1993• . . - ,.. . , .. - - ~ _ ~ ~~ - ` - VVilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~ ~. ~. Telephone (9 f0J 347-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 ~a~ ~~ '~ '~'~ - Application for Board of Fire Commission ors • At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representative - ~ ~ ` L -. - , . ' Name: /S b ~E~ /~ ~~E.S/~ /~i.~i.E'2 ,T~ ~~ Home o ~ How long have yoc peem a = 'Address: ~/~ `~' /~~,OCuooa ~~. _Gcl/~,-,t,;vG)7,,d NC iesident~ofNewHanoverCounty? /o~'Ei/.ts __ - - , a~ yIr-s~~.s- , Ivrairiig Address: /G 4 ~~A wo o,~ ~o:o ~> . . .. City and State: 7 Z n'I rw ~ ~ NC y L(J a. ~X//.- yloS Zip Code: a ~'~/!/ - ~i i o s` Telephone: Home: _ Oslo) ~~(,- ~Byy Business: ~ - . - °. ._ ~:, *Sex: /1//.OL <' *Race: CA4C. *Age: ,y8 - 'This informati//on~' is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community.is appointed. ~ •' "'Employed by: Ca.ENE/L/IG - ~ L.~'G7G/L C~ . ' "A person current/y employed by the agency or department fof which.. this app/ication is made, must resign his/herpositron with , 'New Hanover County upon appointment in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover-County Personnel Policy. . . JobTit/e: il/u.ytEi2/L~.G.Cv,vI~2vL A,~a .L,,,STa~.,~~,~/.~7~U,~`, ~`EGH.vIG/A~' ~. - .. ' ` Pcofessiorial Activities: ` _ F~~G'F~~N7"X~4-- oGab~ OF - N1Ew Ef~9^'O~~- ,E.+tEQGE,r~ M~`'AG~~t~,T- /Q~,rto - G'o~,»t~,veuT~~~vS `~" .Vo/unteerActivities: /~EiYt,3fi 6'{'/,~,~,~'C~'~.~'~,rrsT/~.~gr~.....~2 (K,a~~ CCLr.~.~- SS~yc~A2,v D~s~a~•s2 - Why do you wish to-serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? /!~ y 3o'y~,oiJ c, f ~'x.o,~e..a,~^~ i-~ /~'/f ~-,P< S~,Q~I C~ ' /O L o.., 6 w r iii ,E.+%t,csil6~,. ~/ iy.~ vA G~..ser.. i Ex%~ ~r5.,~~ _~ cu ~ LL /' 20 c.c b •~ ,~ '/ r2~ Co..r,n /1 l wti . , -~ ,• /.~ _ w~i~ep ~~,owLf~~~,~~s4 ~wet~ti.~ /~ESra6.::7'df /~Ew,~~.a;~Q~~ C'o~.----- . ` W^hat~~do. you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commt'ssiorers? ~ ~ yfo2f ~N /~ -. . /-!/1 ~ SE~2ur c:~ ~ q.s ,p Y Lu w7X6~ o? ~ `~E~.C.~. iygv~ c ~ESi-icd,<~~-~ C~~ ~`0=~ a~~~,,t- What areas,of concern would- you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? ltNt ~y ~ ~! Tlci' -~ l"c,2~c' ~~~At7Yn<,.jJ(~o~e,.,yy ~ c=i7`x. T~ Cuo2,f( IOG~TLi~Et ~,4~,.r ~~.cT~,~~1 AMA foil A ~z~~n~,wAi~- ... ~ E~ . „•'~ Are.you currently serving"on another board~or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? lfso, please list: J v .. ': ® .. ... , m/tted by:; DG~ C~ yoLuNT~,.,,G_,L, ~/Ir~ ~~ ~ /hereby certify that /pay the New /fanover County - Volunteer-Fire De artment Service District . p ~ . j,~ ~ ., Fire Chief Signature ,~ ~ "~'~-' ~ ~-,~%" Signature ~~~ Date: r`. /Please-use reverse side far additional cam entsJ - (,C , Please,~provide three loca; personal references: Name Phone Number ~6- y .~ ~ 3J -lv ~.C L,g,,,, G~~1 ~` . ,. ~ ~G ~®z g , .-~ F't,Q..;r~ y /,~fL/,~'v~ ~i~% ~i~ T'i.2!s Cv.•+.~iS tiv,~ S h~u'c~ !~E /-t9b t v,o ,fc .,. A f2osS SEc ~ v.v 6/ / ~'s~L C'c, M .ei u.r~ j~ -L N ~-Lu diN4 .4 wtG~ M fJ.E.t ~'la-r. ~.OG~/ ., ~lR~` ~A.O-f/~f.~ti~: ~~ ti/%`-rr~-~~ fc.rs T~iE /2G~s/Jo.vd~1icJ~ ~ /lc~/foiG~ ~~~X ~ y.r ~.E,o,o,~T~-r.s.;T ~iLL' 7'L:< ~~Ati~ S Ac7-t y~7-'.ESA /d.v[~ /i~~2 . i3/1 r ^' G- 7~ T Zr~ rSo ac d ~ A (. L N r S/~,t. ~.~~92 Tom, ~ ,.,~ Co n c E~~.f., ~.~ ~~3~2 5;~~~ ~~ ti~ ~.. ~N e {~r ~,~~ a .L a~~2~ ~E b; of ~,-zn. 7-~,~s tio~~ b ~~ c'~,v~L«T~f (tiTEc,~ST, /3Y ~E,,.rG ~I/~~a~,,.~-b ~/ .~ T f CUM .q /S f CJr f~,$ ..L 1.~+(G[ /S.4 ti t s a j'~,c pec,.A ~l ~'`~ C`~'~---~ bF . n~ Gam. ~~o~o ~,..~ C~u~ . , ~'~ ~ ~ '~ '~-r......,7-z~,7' -~ wcGL /lGFo SI>¢r.~.f .Tb /'~.2~,.,~ . ~~ `~ T~.~2 A LC Ty~_`' ~ ~.v~2~s~ i ]~1~~. ~9n! Wo,C•C 4~ G/~.t G~rGlq O n1 E'2 '~ 5d 7~tAT A~ !titt.~cS'1YLyT~~G_ ~ ~ttJ! AS •Gv~GG /ts.' _77 lh ~ w-o-.C.~. wr i?-r E,v ~k a i~~ a ~ ~h~ ~,~. cis-~d~, • 48 ... . ~. JURY COMMISSION Number of Members: 3, appointed as follows: 1 appointed by County Commissioners 1 appointed by Senior Resident Superior Court Judge 1 appointed by Clerk of Superior Court Term: two years - may be reappointed Compensation: paid by New Hanover County Qualifications: qualified voter of New Hanover County Regular Meetings: every two years in October Statute or cause creating Board: 9-2. NCGS Art. I, Chapter 9-1 and Each member must take an oath. Brief on functions: To prepare a list of prospective jurors utilizing the tax lists of the County and voter registration records, exercising reasonable care to avoid duplication of names. CURRENT MEMBERS Moe Kotler 103 Cavalier Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 256-5563 (H) TERM ~ ~\'! PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRET Third 6-30-99 (Appt. 10/21/91) (Reappt. 6/21/93 (Reappt. 6/19/95) (Reappt. 7(21/97) Senior Resident Superior Court Judge. Appointee Clerk of Superior Court Appointee Brenda Harrelson Clerk of Court 7/97 file: \Jury 50 ~ t , - ,. w. .. .. ~. . y`~ ,~ ~.. , ' ~ 8 .. r ,.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ` ~ ~ , ~ ~~~~~ ~ , '' ' ~ ,~ BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS: ..; ~, . ~ , 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~~' ;~ ,_ •• , ; Wilmington, NC. 28401=409,3 ~ ' . .. ~' ~ ~ ~ vTelephane (9'10) 341-7949 _.. -.. _. . , ~ .• ..: - .. FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 s . .- ~° - ~ ~ App/ication for Appointment to Boards,, Committees; and Commissions . ,.Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.~,_,~ ~ • K Request for Appointment to: ' ~~V Cpht h,~~ SS (a.J f '., ~ °~ ~ ' Name': L'~S i >r lL E ~• C~ P. or2 R L t . Home - How long have you been. a " " Address:: ,7009 ~ ~RvSSr~ini~5 ~Pi yL resident of New Hadover County? ~ .yE~RS o ` Mailing Address: ~ ~Oo~ ~' o SS ~ r nlr~s ~ 2 i v e ~. ~ _ b ~ Clty anal State: ~ W I+LM ; N~ G o.J o Zi Code: o"~ 8 0 . R ~7~t ~ r2 D I N F~ P `f 5 . , ,.._ ,, • •.. .. , Telephone.: Home: _ .~j' l v - 249 ~ ~~{ ~'~' 'Business: *Sex: `l"EM~I..r - W/-frT'c - *Age:'. r4 yoocn~(r ~~~~ , " 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-s ction of the cornmunity'is appointed. " *Emplo yed bY:. ~ _ tF E ~ k r ~ `,: ' 4 ''A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this-application is made, must resign his/her position with ' ~' • ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 df the New Hanover. County Personnel Policy. Job Title: . ~ Professional At:tivities: .,/~c~n/r~ •. ti1-' . ~~„~ e~ sc,/ ~ ~ ' . .. • - VolunteVerActivltles: o,~~G~ ~.- 'Why do you.wish toaerve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?'.:.,L f'E& ~.. TftA i~' ~;, . f-fAJC , Tr~~ `~c AE'Rt GNCr o rD iC D,J Ts~is Cost ~i 77-' "c o4tJD A. '•n/YcF~t=si ,-~'D • .r "~.• ' 'l N` 3~~NGr-. ~cl ~ ~~` ~~i~ ~v~Y C o ut~2~J ;H~,y~i . , Vlhat do. you; .feel are your qualifications for serving on the'Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~=- ~~ve~ ~l( E/tS EX ~~,ilcr~ ,nl ~ .S ^~ . ~. o` l..rs~ (a Gsr,1 .t r-- '. ,}r~ ~~ :. ~ •: , C O t,J~- ~ I '4 ^f D c~ (Z,r= K L. D u R l S ~V~ ~~'-rR l~ ~'c.~S ~ C ~' " C~. o ~.t.2.T5 . o~ ~, ..What areas- f concern wo l!d you like to see the Board, Commtttee, or Commission address. Are, you currently serving ori, another~board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please. list: . ._ , ~. -Date; `~ L ~, ~ , J u. ~ - ~ / 9 ~' Signature- • (Please use sever a side f ro additional commentsl ~ ' ; .. -. , i. EEFERENCE~ Please provide three local personal references: • ~ ~ ` . '. Name ~ Phone Number ) 3) ~~lo rem L ~ ~/~,i,/SEri..~ .,Jyy 7 " D ( D ~ _. ~ - S C A- ~ pr~l ~--- . ~ '" LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD w~ . Number of Members: 12 Term: three years Qualifications: see page 3, Item B, 1-8 of Library Board by-laws. J Regular Meetings: Third Tuesday each month at 3:00 P.M. at the Library. Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: to develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. TERM PRESENTLY TERM Ci;1RRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Frank S. Conlon ~ Second 8/31/2000 1$31 Hawthorne Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/22/94) 343-8089 {H) {Appt. 8/ 18/97) Jane I. Grant First 8/31/2000 111 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 4/21/97) 256-2922(H) 392-7682(VV) . Nancy G. Millen Unexpired ~ 8/31/2000 2018 Seawind Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 05/18/98) 763-9988 (H) John L. Lauer Unexpired 83U~000 2235 Deepwood Drive Wilmington, N C 28405 (Appt. 2/15/98) 256-3563(H) Lethia S. Hankins ~ ~ Second 8/31/2001. 307 S . Ken Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/21/95, Reapt. 9/21/98) 395-0074 (H) 54 ~.\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY - BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~ ~~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: L~;rary ~dvisory.~oard ~J Name: Lcu i se Wilbert Home How long have you been a Address: 1G9 Kenvaood :~yE; ° resident of New HanoverCounty? i~' years Mailing Address: Same Ct'tyandState: Trlilmington, `J.C. Telephone: Home: 9~ 0-763-0532 Zip Code: 2~~05 Business: P e t i r e d "Sex: r o;~~ale "Race: ^ ~~,~.•~ c i ~,, 'Age: ,~, 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. • "Emplo yed b y: ~ ; "A person currant/y employed by the agency or department for which this epplicatio2ismade, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Arfic/a Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.. Job Title: ~ o-r,*;iFr Joy ir~'~21 i s t Professional Activities: Vo/unteerActivities: ~Ot~'1P.r ~ilij%`~0~-%.r d' ^ Cu~bo~~rd i1'r7 i•rd oI t'~'1P Libre-^tj ~OcT'C~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I thin'.~c my ex~~er fence , aoth professional cc as a disabled person, p~.rtial recovery from stroke, tA~ ~.CGP1^_ int°rP.~t In 'OOt'r: bO~i;'"dS ~,rP '7~ri j ~c'~t~ What do you feel are your qua/ifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? In Reaco., T~I.'r. I ser~red on the human P~e1~~tions Corlmission & Helped r~rrite 1 a-~ r''1 ~'fi rmat; uP r rio~ rl2n • What areas of concern wou/d.you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Disa.oled person' s needs ~Q~ vrhatever seems important to the Board, commission or me> Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: t 1 Da~~ 1 /~i. i y ~? Signature {_._~~ t~ 1 5 C~~! 1„~-~ /Please use reverse side for additional comments! (~~iER) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 ' Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910J 341-4130 `~ ,T. ~.• . ~. ~~ ~,~,. w~ ~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, .and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: („ i' ~ i i^ ~ `~ ~C1 \~ ~ SC:.; ~ ~ C~ G,`~ Name: ~ C C= I ~ J Cti `M ~ S ~t;. ~~~ ~'• s .. Home `_ ` Address: ~ 5 ~ ~: ~ 'o l~ ~ ~.. How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? c~rnc. ,~//, ~ q N~ Mailing Address: ~ ~ ~ I n (_ ~ ~j ~ 1~ . City and State: i)~ i ~ ~ ~ ' {~q ~t; ~,~ ~, ~ ~ Zip Code: ~ ~- ~~~ ~ Telephone: Home.• ~ ~ ~% ' ~ ~~ ~ - 1 ~ ~ ~ Business: J G. 'p'1 C'. *Sex: _~ *Race: ~l~! "Age: ~j 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: ~ C' "A person currently employed by tha agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ `G~~ \ ;v : ~ Professional Activities: ~'i t`~'MC~~~i ~t"S ~~ ~;.~ ~ ~ ~ \~,{;, ~T~,.;; ; e ~ ~~~~ ~ ~C~ C~~C i y1 c~ ~ c: . Volunteer Activities: ~` ~ .+~~ ~ C ~ ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1 LI ~ C/C=C`~ / C~ i.~c' 7~[~ T / ~Gt;; ~S ~ /j CV L J-~~'- ~C`' ~ -~ i / ,j /-~ ~lj~ ~ /-/r'~~s~~ <~ G' ~~ _/ J ~7~'rCx-T(:r ~'~ ~il~~C'S // / / ., What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the /Board, Com/ mittee, or Commission requested? ~f ; ~ ~i J'yi /J~~ ~, ~~~~r. ~~~ c~ l1 ~~ o~n~`~t:~ ~a/ ~'s~ C/ G~. ~G~C<~r~I ~:' C'c? ~~,rn ~n~ ~r What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? /L~1 ~ 1~~ L , t ~ iy y -- C~~ C L ~ -S S. 1~ ~~ l ~ lc''!i"i i ii C' n G' r r7 ~~~ ~C' C7J . Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~/~ 8 ~ - ~~ ~ ~~ ~e. ~ ~~ ~ j ~ Signature L c,1~ .t~~ (Please use reverse side for additional comments/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 _ Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 ' Telephone (910J 341-7149 FA.X (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board,~.of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: r- ~ .. Name: /y;j ~ R ~/ ~. tL/A i C' f~ ~ ,2 Home How long have you been a Address: / 9 O ~ F. ~ r7 /c ~: S' i~ c~~ ~.. resident of Ne~v Hanover. County? / ~ 3~~. Mailing Address: S'An.-,~ City and State: llf / C rn ~ N G i~,J /1I ~ c. Zip Code: ~ U ~ G / . Telephone: Home: ~~/a- 7~ L- `7Z-S'S Business: "Sex: ~ "Race: ~` "Age: ~ `/' 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. " "Emplo yed b y: _ yiJ~ n.r` E. "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of tha New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Tit/e: Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: ~' •/~: /, ~.P IifOL~-,c .v ;~:~'-Jt, ~'? f-~-Sit. (~A,2~;L,;ye,z„ C.t F-._c~; ;,s~' C ~ N ~.L : ~- ;- /IJE: ~..; iJ~~.JO vey,-~, %Ze'6 r_::.,,r~ `J .;7~.i~ i c,a C. L~.c,• TE.,..~ J Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ .Q M, U ti ; ~~~..~ i ,~ %~,tFs;~,l What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Z /~A.~:~ ~ ~!-G,c ~z /,~ ,~ CcnCm ~c 5 ~ r5~s'r ,vESS 3 ~r~n ~ n: rr:~,~ ,,-~ O,v /d.c~ v z C<co~ O rcc'f~.v.z ~ T~ c,~.~ c. :S';c r c c s f~ rri ~ ~~.~ ~ +-c,'o </c~ ,L. a ;ti; ~~ C= A.~ 2 ,~.~,~ e'~..rJ Ct ;~v~,ts79„r~ r ~.~:-~,~ c ~.~ c. /n R T,-~ .t,5 . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ~' ti0 ~ ,n7 t o.J e ,c 77-trz- / .~ ~',c r ~.c. ~ ~ c--; E ~ ~_ ntF crc ~~ ~ ~/zG Cz ~DCc.~~s Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipal;ty or a county? !f so, p/ease list: ~4 TN~r`~5 ; ~:t.~1 /3L ,~ .v' ; A C. /~ E.9 ~. /'H C_ i=/J % E/V ?~ ~~ ~~~ i ~~ ,,t ~ ~ 340 _ Signature ~ Z`~-~ ~' . Please use reverse side for addiUOnal comments/ ~~~ ~~',` „~, -- , .~;?S .. .~ lUEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ „ .. . . ~ ~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS . A '~ ~~- . ~T ~~ : 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ~o ` . r~1aR 2 . S ~ 1 , 9 Wilmington, 1VC 28401-4093 ~. _~ ' ~ '' ~ ~ 1-7149 .. . Tale hone (910/ 34 .. t P ' FAX (9101 341-4130.. ~ ~ • . ... ` ~ . ,App/ication for Appointment to Boards;' Committees, and Commissions ' ..Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Corrrmissioners. ~~ .e~ : - ,, Re uest for A , .` ~ ~ Library Advisory Board ~ ' q ppotntment to: °Naine.' ~ Emily Sue Ihrig;.~ ~ ~_ •- ' ; Home . , Address 7600 Hawk Road How long have you been a' ~ ' Wilmington; NC 28411 • 4 years 9 trio. ' ;Address: . resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailing:Addiess: ", 7600 Hawk Road ~ ' Wilmington, NC `~ , , City and State: Zip Code:. ~ 28411. .. ~. - 910-686-5010 , ,- ~ .- 910-251-61`55 ' - Te%"phone: Home:. ~ ,'Business: .„ ~' Female ' • .. . 'Sex • °• 'Race: Caucasian 'Age: 54 'This in/ormafion is requested /or the so/e'purposs of essuiing that across-section o/ the carrimunity is appointed. r. ' , `. ::.. "Emp/o yed b y: 'New Hanover County Public Schools ' . ~ • - ''A person currently amp/eyed by the agency or department for which this application is niede, must resign his/herposition with - New Hanovei County upon bppointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0/the New Hanove[ County Personnel Policy. - - ~ -Job Tit/e. Title 1. Reading Specialist, Dorothy B. Johnson Elementary Professional Activities: - ~ Title 1 Reading Specialis7/Data Coordinator, PTABoard Member; Media Advisory Committee, School Improvement Leadership Board, Blue Ribbon Awards Editor. (See Addendum) `. Vo/unteerA;ctivitiesr ~ Parent volunteer. coordinator, church choir member, Sunday school teacher, community , ~~rganization volunteer, nursing/retirement home visitation, church library volunteer. Why'do you wish to serve'°on the Board, Committee; or Commission requesfedT ;To ensure a quality public library ,system that meets the diverse needs of all children, young adults, adults, and senior New Hanover County residents. To build ` "~ a collection in multiple formats that will, meet the individual, patrons needs of literacy, information access and entertainment. , What•do you feel are your qualifications foi serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ' Certified in Education in both North Carolina and Maryland. Master of Library Science 1998, Certified~in both public library and'school media, school .. Iibrarian for'eight years, Teacher-for 28 years in grades Pre-K through I2. Reading Specialist in the New Hanover County Public Schools.. a"rVhat areas of.concein would you ~%ike to see the Boaid, Committee, or Commission addiessl .Nimlma] or non-use • ,• `~° of Library facilities and technology by residents who. have,economic and/or literacy depravations: To make ~- ~ ` the. IVew Hanover County Library System estate-of--the-art library, "that 'serves all residents equitably. , , Are you currently serving on another board or committee `appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ~ ' ... No , , .: ~ . March 19' .T999 ' . , .j~ ~~ °~ ~~ ~ , `Signature ~ of/G ~k=~ . /Please use revin~ side /or •dditio~s/ comments/ ' ' COVER)' ., . . ; . REFERENCES ~ S P/ease provide three local~personal references: Name ~ Phone Number '~ Elsa Da~2s. Past President. Lower Cape Fear Women's Republican Club. 910-686-9059 Jacqueline O'Grady, Principal, D. B. Johnson, 91U-251-6155 2l Justine Lerch. Supervisor New Hanover Board of Education. 910-25~--i26~ 3J Addendum: .. Professional Activities and Associations: ~ NCRA (North Carolina Reading) ~ -< IR.A (International Reading Association) NHCRA (New Hanover County Reading Association) .~ ALA (American Library Association) AASL (American Association of School Librarians) . YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association , . ALCTS (Association for Library Collections 8c Technical Services) ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children) LAMA (Library Administration and Management Association) q LITA (Library and Information Technology Association) ~~ PLA (Public Library~Association) NCLA (North Carolina Library Association) . PENC (Professional Educators of North Carolina) 62.... . , ,. . .. , ,: ... ~ - ,, . . 'U . ' _: - ...NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,... . - ,_ . . BOA'f~D OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~ ~ `' ~~ ~. •• 320 Chestnut Street, Room.305 ~ . . ' ' . . Wilmington; N:C 2840.1-4093 ~. • Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ ; ,. FAX (910)'341-4130. : ; ., " -,. ~~. ., Application.. for Appointment to Boards, Committees,. and Commissions - ~' .. Appointed by-the New.Hanover County. Board of Commissioners. ~- " , ... ~. ., Request foi APpointinent to: J - ~il/"~~G~`, ~}'r~l//~UnY ~~yQ~,c~~ . ., .. . Name: ~/~ (,~/? ~.; ~©il/~.5, ~.~ Home' `7~ ?06 , Ch'/. l~'~~L`fCL~/i/ L ~4-~'U~' ' How %ng have you been a - Z / Y/LS. -f- - Address:~ /~l~(ivi/~ G-Td/J Z~S~i`y ~ _ ..~ resi~c;,t cf h'ew~ i~anover ;County? 1'/LS - Z3 . Z ;. , - ,.~ . ' Mailings Ao'dress: /~'9 rYd ~ •' ~~~/L~~S ~~ ~ ~ ~ , - ~ ~ - • j .. .. ~ .. ' - City and State: ~ ~ Zip Code: ' ... ~: Telephone.:' ' ; .Home:. 7 ~~ -~~~/ ,..Business: 7~~ - ~ 3 el.~ ~ ,, , ,. .. - ~ .:: ~ , "~SeX: ^~ ~ ,. ~ *Race: ~l "'Age: ' 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring,lhat,across-section of the community,is appointed. ' . - • *Employed by. ~- ~ '/~7`z'J12 ~llGlT/~'??y ~ a~l~Ta/~~N ~~~~- ~/L/~G~ Y,Ey) "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this ..app/ication is made, must resign his/her position wifti. • - New Hanover,Couhfy upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec: 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. 5 .. , _;. ; ,. .; Professional Activities: litJlCj12%ft/lrTv~/ ~7~y CLv~'• .?i~~/~~ C/~/iG - ~~L,E, /!/f//yl,E/'LD t!1' ~'~'//G/ Ti~i ~': Ir;FT.~/2/~'r/f 4/~G7l~~Z/~-Tia~/5.. • .. ~l/~`2 /ZT/'t~.vD '..1/olunteer Activities: ~'~i9//G/Lj~¢~ /;~/i¢i2%///~i~ %/GL~/ fit/GrT~/!/ C~/~.~1.~jLi ~/Gi¢,~°,~Z~~/ / %~~. . U1G~ MfZ,~ S 4C/vT, /t'.6{ /~,-/~/!JS O F T/•l E,: /3.4•T T L,ES ////~ /li ~~L T/~ G9.'14 Li' N,9 ~ ~, Why do' you ,wish to serve on the Board; ~Commiftee, or Commission-requested? ~~Gf/L/hy ,~~/~~/~~~ie '~ . ~ /fhi~/~fs ' ~ /97/T/~~it- D ~ /z- l~D~ ~Nri/nE2~ r/s ~'LTIC~..~ J ~ ~J~T /~ o.~ .~'~?yfi£~S~~N,~ .. ~ V2N~,~ ./L~.f~tCHE/Z; ~Yyly/t~ffr/! SG~y~ (~-h- - %O ,~1~~~~ % 1~~ dlfl a.~J ,~it~D . /JOUI~~s : ~~ ,?"yam Ai„~l GD v.~ T~ ~U~'~`~ C~~3/L/~i~ y :.: ~ ~ .. , • What do .you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ` $~~~~. ;: /~//LEc?o~. ,t>ie~.BNSG s ysTE/~•tr ~'/~iI'lc~JLi61v ? . C'o c.-G ~G-~ ~~Z ~ 5.~ ' i . . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, .Committee,- or Commission address? ~1~/fi~'/O ,~/~w~ ,. .., Ll l ~/; /~/ttJ GyniL f//~f,E' -1~ ~' /~ 7 .~Ilc/yd F/G/`i /~i¢/~~/LS . , ... , • .. .." Aie 'you currently serving on another board o~ committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list:. , ~d .. ,~ -_ ~ ~ ;, 6 . Date . ~ yG-Y 9i //~' T 1 :. Signature- (Please use reverse side for additional comments) `' y . ,. ti- REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name ~ Phone Number ,~ ~. w. ~~~~-,~~-y, .~~ . (tip ~ ~i-i~~.~ ~~ ~~Z - 8y~3 2) ~/G..E S~~Ty ~~wf ~ c ~~~ 7 ! / -- y3 G Y ~a~ 7 ~! - Z ~` ~ / 3~ ~.~. C~~1 Fo~v ~<~'~~' ~~~ ~.z - sv ~~ ~o~ ~~z - .3 spy s y~,yns, ~ /~~~ v~/~~ ~ lvl Ly~`~~~!'~ l mar/ l l`~ ~ 7 l//~~(~~-fi,L ~ /7bL< T~G~ J"7i5`~',F /Lli~'~`^/13~/L; ' ~t/7~a Gc.: , ~~~ . ~w~/ Z~/GO U ~ ~ lG.~ ~ ~~ G~1.3i2.ir~i~- y . ~J ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~2.E'NT~-~f wru ~i~v~ ~ /~- ~s ~ ~ /~ o~v T~~' ~ylfT~>Z y ~~ wo~p w~2 :~ w~u~iir~J~rp N~ /f II ~ .. - - . . ~~i J . ~~,; , ,, 64 ~' ~• ..NEW HANOVERCOUNTY . . ~ ;; ,.. . . - ~ ~~ BOARD OF. CDMMISS/ONERS '~ ~~ 320 Chestnut Street, -Room 305. ° . ~ ~', ~~ .: " -~ ~ Wilmington,- NC 2840 7.-4093 ~ . c,~ 3 .. ~ `" "° ~ ' . • Telephone (9.101 341-7149 ~-'f .. ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ,. ~_ ~ • Application for~Appointment:to Boards, :Committees, and Commissions . r. Appointed by the New. Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - Request for~Apptiintmeht to: •. Library Advisory Board ~.~ - ' • Name: C .: Lynn Ko z k ' , M Home , How long. have you been a Address: 200 Acer Court ~ ` ~ resident of New Hanover ,County? 22 Years, •. _ MailingAddress: ~ ~ 2.00 Ace.r Court. - Wilmington, NC ~ 2.8411 •. City -and State: Zip Code: ` Telephone:, -Home: (910)'" 6$6-9378. (91.0) 763-6511 Business: . '"Sex:.. F . •, .. 'Rape:. W • •Age: 4 5 'This info~metion is requested (or Zhe sole purpose of essuriny that across-section of the community is appointed. "J'Employed.by: -WGNI~ G~MNX ~ ... .. "A person current/y amp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, r~iusf resign his/her position with , ' New Hanover County- upon appointment, -in accdrdarice with.Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Persdnnel.Policy. - .,- -.. . ,, Job Title: . CONTROLLER ~ - ~ ~ • - PiofessibnalActivities:• Member o.f= NCACPA; •AICPA and AAtiJW • VolunieerActivites: '.Marketing Director of 1st Marine ~Expor ~Co-author of financial 'aid book, .former` VP" o - an a e orresp i `' ld e surer: °: . ~~hy do you wrsh to serve on the Board,..Committee, of Commission requested? I am an avid reader. I believe, a' strong librarysystem gives people. of the community the resources. .: ~ : to .be informed citizens . This is a vital role to. which `I would. like to ~- . _ ,. contribute. ~ ~ - .. ..~ . As a , What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission .requested? business woman arid.controll.er I have financial ;and organizational skills that a growing library system could utilize:. ~ ''The library needs -What areas. of concern would you like 'to. see the Board,, Committee, or Commission address. ' "~- to~.meet the.. needs of a growing community with .iricrease.d resources. hinplementir new techno-logyseems appropria e as we ~ .~ , • ~ Are you- currently serving on another board or committee appointed.by a municipality, or a county? If so, please list: m ` • - ~ . _ `, r_ - ~ Signatur ~ - ' (Please use reverse side for edortional commentsi ~ ~ ' .~ ,' (OVER) . -. .. , z REFERENCES ,,: Please provide three local persona! references: Name Phone Number ~~ Mimi ,Cunningham 962-317.1 Randi Duch 799-5189 2) "' 3J William Sutton 799-9000 , 66 .. - ~ - NEW NANOVER COUNTY ~.~ ... _ .:~ - BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS '~ `~. . ~ :. , 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ _ 3 't~'"~ :.; „ ~N~V „ ~- Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 - • ~ Telephone (91,01 341-7149. _ . , .. .. - - .. , -FAX, (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~ :~ . . _Application for Appointment to Boards; Committees, and .Commissions _,' Appointed by the lVew Hanover C~+ounty Board of Commissioners. ~ ~ ~ ` •~ Request foi Appointment to: - ~ ~ t/'~ t' ~.' `" ~ ~ U t S ~ T'~ ~ .- ; D ~,, Y- G= .Name:.. _ ~ J ~Z~ ~ l~ L ~. n ~, l^j ~ I~ .Home , Q ~ - ~ How long have you been a ~ - ~ ~ „ ' ' Adorers: l ~ • . .~zL~~~ j -~L~~ . ~j ~ ~„ ~- ~' resident of New Hanover County? ~ 3 ~' ~,~,i+~ S'ti . - ~, , Mailing Address:-~F' ~ ~ ~ ~ :i ~ ©t ~- - ~ ~ ~ , C,ty: `and State: ` ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ YYt 1 Y2-C ~ G~ V1 _~, ~' Zip Code: ~ ~ ~..1 ~ ' _ - ,, Telephone _' Home -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Business:... ~ . ~. .'Sex: rh ~i ~ ~- ' ~ "Race:. :~ ~~ - ~r, . "Age. ~ - m , . 'This information is requested for fhe sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. , , , ., .. - - "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec: 4 of the New NanoVer County Personnel Policy. ' Job Title: N ~ l"~ ~ ' . ,. ' `' Professional-Activities: h; `~~~ ~ ~ ' :.. - VolunteerA'ctrvities.• `- ~h.~n-rz t' n~1 e r-*;~.iY1~.Y1 (~~;+~ ~+n ~Y.~ `; ~~ ~t ii t~ r . i r-iGr" rht' wt ~~+~ ` ~t r ,t ~ ~ 3» r, , .~Vl I , ~ t~dl _ - - - J ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board; Committee, or Commission requested? ~ "~~ t~~ .~ (~,,.,,~ ~-~ . ~~~ ~ ~~ .. ~-- - j, ], ' S ~ yV~ i f V - 7 ~ a- 1 ~~~ rt.r-'~ 1Ya 1Y1~~ ' ' YL-! ~~.lti-L-`.~~,~, : , ~ ~~ ;' ' . .. ~..~ X11 y V`/~,. P '3-/~ '~ C' L~ - - .. ~ „ - What. do you feel are your qualifications for seining on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? 1 1,t,~, ~.- -~'~~ L`' C t'_ ti iii { ~ t=om i-' 2'#~ 1'~ C. ~ . . ,. .. .. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or: Commission address? ~~n'~"~ na z . ~y?:,~ n~ '~~ . ~6~ ~~~ ~ dlu{. L t ~~ s~a rw ~; ~ ~ ~.:~- ~~. ~ , . ~ e. ~.% ~ ~l, . rc~n t_~_ i=x ~LY\ ~ i n ii ~ •1 x (~; 'Are you cirren ly serving on another board or committee appointed~by a.municipality,or a~county7 lf'so, p/ease list: .. .. „s ' 1' ~ ~ _ Signature ` ~ v ~ ~ L~ ~JJ /~-~ v' /Please use reveise side rot additiona!'commenfsl ~ ~ (OV R) „ Application for Appointments Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Coinmissiorr recltrested? L__am impressed_with__th;e_ County L.brary__S_y_ste.m_.__.__I_t___is_._ste_1.1.ar_.__and_I____ __ want to help keep it that way. The field of library science is changing and I desire to assist ~in implementing the changes int_o_the Count_y_____ System. As a trained librarian; I feel that I have much to offer. Whczt do vvrr fey/ crre y'<)!Ir Cff/c7lIfICG[tiOrl.S,fbr ser>>irzg on the Board Committee, yr Commission requested'? For about 20 years I have served as•either an elementary, middle school, or high school librarian.` I hold a MLS as a Library-media Specialist. F-or--a number o-f" yearse-h-have voluri~eered in your brancYi libraries and feel that I have developed a knowledge of the system. What areas of concern wvrzld yvu'like to see [he Board Corizmittee, or Commission address? _ I n order for b r a n c. h_L i_b a.rs ~ s_ t o___a_deq u a te.L~s-er a e~he-_g. r-owing ._.p o p u 1.~ t i o n, I would suggest additional staff at these locations. Are yozz currently ser~~irzg on another board Irr committee crppoitrted by a-mnr~icipczliry yr cr county? !f so, please list: Signature No. Date: 3 , 16 , 9 9 REFERENCES': Please provide three local personal references: Name 1. ~~ ' ~-~~~~C'~~-~-ms's---~ Phone Number Mr. Matthew Young 79.9=8354 •• ?. Mr Frank Kent 452-7199 3. - ---Mr_s_Fie1e n~olle~_ ~ ~ 3.9-2-32.6.8 . ' Page 2 of 2 70 ~ C~ ` .`~ - . . ~ `NEUV HANOVER COUNTY. - ~ _ . .. ~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS, .. ~;~" ,- u. ,~1~y8 . , ;: : ~ • . ~' ~ :320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 :. . .. .: , ,~ ~ ;• ~ .. ..Wilmington, NC' .28401-4093. ~ :~~. . .,. .~ - , o Telephone-(9101341-7149 _„ , :. ', ~ . FAX (9101,347-4130: • ' ~~ ~ ,.~>:- .App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~• ~ ~ / ~. ° :Appointed by the New Hanover County.Board of Commissioners. • . .Request for Appointment to.• ( • ,~ir~l ~~ ' Name: • `;`Home :°.Ho~w long have you been a Address ~ - s ~ ~ ~ i~L(~ ~..~~~; (,~I Lr1 ~ ~KrTU^l: NC `~~ ~U ~ resident of New Hanover County2 i y%/1 y ~ ~ y., 4 .. . - , Mailing'A ddress: I ~ ~ ~ ,. City and. State. ~.C..y) LM, ! 'VGT(J'~., ~ ~. ,Zip Code: '~;~c~~ ~~ ,• Telephone: Home: , ~~(~ ' ~~~ c~ 7~ ~. ~ Business: ~~! ~- ~ ~S ` % .~ - .t; , 'Sex: ~,~ L L ` «Race:. C~C}(~~ S lA.%~ "Age: S 'This information is requested to/the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ,: ; " "Emp/o yed b y: _~r../ ~ ~~ l `~,~ ~ ! /~) ~O ~ ~O Pl ~ 1 ~ - ~ ~ .. .. - "A person current/y employed by the agency or.depanmenf for'which this application is made, must resign his/her position with .' ) ' New Hanover County upon appointment,' in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Persanne/Policy. - '~" Job -Title •~ ~~ ~~ ~ `~ ~. 11, 1, ~ ,~J ~ C ~ n rJ •. , ,. .. - Professonal Activities. ~ i L/`~? (til ~' j J~ _~'~ Gl /~l ~' L ~ A j'y'! ~f SC,VOO l~ ~ ', _ .. • , Volun eerActivities: .; 1 / Why.do you wish to serve on'the Board, Committee, or Commission re nested? , , . X~ - v U ~ _ -- - ..~ What do you feel,.are your qualifications fot'.~servirig on the Boaro; Committee, or Commission requestedl .. P What areas of concein would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ',_ ~~ ~,. , Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or, a county? if so, please list: = . - ., r ,. V ~. ~ , A ;:- - TM ` .. ' (Please use reverse side for addkional comments) ~ G d ~ . (OVER) , .-. ,: ... , ~.. - REFERENCES . A ~/ Please provide three local personal references: Name ~ Phone Number 2~ /~/J2~ dos T~~ -- ~~~ - ~ 9 ~-~ . . 31 ~'I CND 2Q ~/~ L ~~~z. ` ~~~~ /3 ~9 ~ .. i~a 5 2 w~ ca, ~-... .. ~ - BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXANIINERS Number of Members: six members a ointed b the Board of Commissioners each with at PP Y , least 5 years experience in his field, as follows: 2 mechanical contractors licensed by the Board of Plumbing and Heating Contractors of N. C. 1 person experienced in gas piping installations 1 person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems 1 person experienced in heat, ventilation and air Conditioning installations 1 N. C. Registered Mechanical Engineer Terms of Office: Initially, two years for mechanical contractors, one year for remaining three appointees. Subsequent terms: Upon expiration of one-year terms: 2 years Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five years of experience in his or her representative field. Compensation: none Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. Statute orcause creating Board: ~~General Statutes 153A-352, New Hanover County Code Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a `new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work", dated 7/20/87 and amendment dated 12/19/88. Brief on Functions: 'To issue certificates to all persons who (1) provide satisfactory evidence to the Board regarding their training and'education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, and (3) provide evidence of two years of experience in their perspective fields. To administer written or oral examination quarterly~on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with the County Code. ' TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY- SERVING EXPIRES David Pope Mechanical Second 8-31-99 609 Shawnee Trail Contractor Wilmington,. NC 28412 (Appt. 9/18/95) 799-2387(H) 763-7318(W) (Reappt. 8/18/97) Larry W. Lisk Mechanical Third 8-31-99 5600 Marsh Bay Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/16/93) ~ ,.~-~ 7 /~ 350-0370 (H) 799-8810 (vv) (Reappt. 9/ 18/95 & 8/.18/97) ,1 1 .. ~ .z ' BOARD OF: MECHANICAL EXASr1INERS (CONTINUED) ~- ' ; t TERM - . ~ . ~: ~ PRESENTLY TERM ' , 'CURRENT MEMBERS - • CATEGORY - SERVING EXPIRES ~ r :.:. Rhonda- F. Beck Class I • First- ~ '- 8-31-99. - ~ ~ , - ~_ ~ ' 5417 Andover Drive Journeyman, ~ " • . . • Wilmington, NC_ 28403 , Mechanic, - - , - ' .: ' 395-1.455 (H) ..452-1.064 (VV) (APpt. S/,19%96) ... .: F Carl Ricky 'Glover . Class II ' Second . 8-31-2000 "18.11`' Oakley. Road Journeyman - .,. Castle Hayne; NG 28429 Mechanic (Appt. 8/18/97) ... ~~ _ 762-9624 -(H) 762-9624 (VV). ~ ~ (Reappt. 8/17/98) ' - Ro 10 Bert H: Williams - ' , ~. 6-Mt, Vernon. Drive Class III Second ' - ,. 8-31 99 Journeyman ,.- ~ - ` ~ Wilmington, NC 28403 Mechanic - - .-799-4715 (H&W) ,: (APPt: 8/ 16/93 to 1 .year term) ~ • ` ~ - ~ : (Reapptd. 8/22/94 to 2 year term) . . .. (Reappt. 8/ 19/96) ° . D Registered Fifth~~ ~ 8-31-99' - ' ~ 2 721 Shand Lane` - y M ,., echanical Eng. ,. . ,. - Wilmington, NC 28409 (Reappt:. 8/16/93) - 350-0316 (H) • 791-8016 (VV) (Reappt. 9/18/95 & 8/.18/97) .'8/98'. ~ :.- ~ . ' _. ' Staff,Support: • Wes Gray, Chief 1Vlechanical Inspector ~~' ~, , . - - - 4: ~ ` 3. _ b l~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~ - 320 .Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone .(9 101 34 1-7149 ~ FAX (910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ ~G{ ~ ~ /~`e ~1•a~ ~~ ~ /(/ rn t /L~, Name: Home cr ~~ t ~ n ~ n .. Q ^ ~~~~ 'How long have you been a - '~ 2 Addre..~: _ I ,j~ ~'j'71. ~1.y"" \ res/'dent of ^lew `Hanover C;,un:y? ~J _ Mailing Address: Irv ~ ) (~) ~,~ City and State: ~ ~ ~ M l /~,~`~-Sh ~ ~ ~ Zip Code: ZO ~©3 Telephone: Home: ~ 1 D ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ j Business: _ ~ ~ (~ ~5-~- ~ ~ !o "Sex: ~ "Race: (~(J "Age: ~ 3 r 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a//cr}}oss-section of the community is appointed. " *Emplo yed b y: ~ ~ ~ ~' (,~-~' Cam- ~ /1-~ - "Aperson currently employed by the agency or apartment for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appoi'nltm-ent, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy: Job Tit/e: J~-~-S Z (mac /~-~ Professional Activities: Volun tear A ctivities: n Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~(,(~G-~ ~y~,~..~,.Q G-~--Y What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? t~ ~.a~~ 1~e.e~ ~,~. ~ I~v.~- ~, I ~ ,~.,,,Pt~~ lJ~-~-~.,~„~. ~-1..~.. t areas of concern would oy u / ke to see the Board, Committee, or Comm ssion address? ate: ~ ~i ~ Jill Z 9 1°0n (Please use avers side for additional comments) ' }~,~ ~,~,~ ~` ~ r _ ~ .r:, lv J~R ..,G. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: NFW HANOVER COUNTY n-. ~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ 320 Cftestnut Street Room- 305 . ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093:. ' ~ Telephone (919) 341-7149 VL • ~ ~ FAX (919) 341-4.130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. . .. . . C ~` ar " Request for Appointment to: ~ m R ~~ D ~ M Q ~ a,T s c.~t ( .r- ~A,.~n !iy ~ 1!-S' ~! ,ass ~J7 ~d v Y N eynna . 6` ,~ Mecj~ ~u Name: ~ O 6 e Yl l~. X306 Ct9 r 11/~~ Home ~`' ~ How long have you been a .. Address: l 0 ~ nh 'T , Y"~ ~„~ p-sy ,p. Y. resident of New Hanover County? SD ` Mailing Address: ,/ 6 G M.,~ , ~ Q ant d~ny ~ h City and State: ~,~ t (~ n.. i.w ~• }`-dW ; f~ . ~ Zip Code: c~ £~ ~ !~ Telephone: Home: 91 q ~ ~ f - ~/_ 7lS Business: S.i9 w. ~. `~ . *Sex: /~,jb ~ ~".P *Race: ~ G~ ~. L ~ p *Age: _ S ~ . ~ , ' *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of. the community is appointed. . ~. - . , ~**Employed by: ~ r,~b e vT ~ .(b~ ,/fired ~m ~"~c', ~ '. **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy: ~. ...Job Title: ~ l-~d+/~l P ~r G 5 c ~~~/ .' ProfessionalActivities: ~~ /y .C . ~~2A~ln1 Q c}- f}`C.. eo K ~ 1r~4 c~C9~!_S ASS6 Volunteer Activities: . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? u es ~ ' ,What do -you fee! are your qualifications for serving on the Board,-Committee, or Commission requested? . , :; .~~C.A 7`~ ~ ~.~C, , c~~` ~A ~-`~`~ r / ~~u Y ~ vm-~w X11 C,~ r~ ~o lie ~: •. What. areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? 9 ~ L (Please use reverse side for additional comments) ~ ~~' ~ ' ~ ~ ; > , ,, . : , - r~Etiv HarrC ~. EErt?~~o, . ~, , ~ / A Date:. ~ u u ~"S ~ ~~ ~ l ~ ~3 ~ /~ G~-~~1r!l- ~l ~~ ,. ~-U ` ., Signature ©9/96/55 j5~tJ4 ;Q 91'?n~'ii~~'=i HRNOVER IRON pj SEP- 6-95 WE.D s,55 NHC car~rt~sSIONERs FA?i Na, 91 a3414 130 ~. ~~r) NFV1/ ~A111~C~V~-~i' C'C7~IN~"9' ' eaaR~ ~~ c~~vr~~ss~aN~Rs 32C~ Chestnut Street, R~vom 3a5 Wilmington, IVC 2$40 ~~4t~93 Tetephans f91O1 34 f-7 f 49 FAX(9Tt313ar-4t3o AppliCailoti for Appoln#ment~to Boards, Comm!##r~es, and Gomniissians _ Appointed by the Nevv Hanover County Board cif Commissioners. ,~ RequesrforAppointm2ntto; `~ Board of Mechanical Examiners - .. .. Narne:_ _ I}avaid Pape flom~ ... - :__ ...------__...~__.. ~- Now long have You been o 609 Shawnc~ Trail 1$ yrs. Address: _ re$ldent of New Hanover County? `_ _. .. _____.- Maitirt;pAddress: 609 ghr~wnr_.e Frail _ _ City and Srafe:. t~ilmington NC _ Zip Code: __....2841.2 . Telephone: Home: 910-79~-2387. $usiness: ~.`91(.?-7t~3-7.3] $ - - .. «Sex: ~ "Race: ~ _ °Ape: 3 9 y r g . This tI+(ormelron Is ragavstt+d tar the sale purpose at assuring Nr+r(a cross section at rho canirr+un+'ry is appointed. "'Emp/oyedby: Hanover. Iron Wor'~t.g _ _,,,. - .-...~..~....Y... ... •!'A porsor+ curronrly yrnployed by the agency ar dap~rtmvnt for svhith this app(ic~(~an s mado, mr~~r rrsJgn h(s/l+nr p~isJiion w~rh 1Vew Nenover County upon appor"rtfinerrt. Jn accor0enc~ with Arric/N Vl, Sac. 4 of :ha Naw Nanovur Cau.~ry Personrte/ Rglicy. Job Title: _ ..V .f c e President ~,~-.r.. _. - -•-• ... .. -- pro(essionai Activities: VoluntserActivitics: ___ __~ Why da ydrJ wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Comrnissian requested? Pnin~ of •view. - ~-.. --- ~ ° .. - What do you leel bre your qualifit~ati4ns for serving pn ihQ Qoerd, Co(r~mittee, or COmrtli5sivn requested? •, ,~,. What areas of eancern wound you tike to see the ~ve(d, Cvrrtr.r+r'ttEe, yr .Comrrtlssion fldrJress? _ ~ -_ Art' you currently servrr~g on another board ar comrntitee appafnted by a municipality or a county? !f 50, please list: 78 -. ~-~ ~~ ~ ._ . Data: / ~ ~ ~ _- SigrlAture ~'[~'`, 'C,,..._. •--- - •. (Please use reverse slde~rar dddir(pnn( carrrmanlsl `, ~` ~ ~~ Y d ~a a .~,~J. - ..- .. ~AFO n. Ay1v' '•~ . .........v..~.~.IO~`.1:J 'To Pnt~~r •my ' +9197998819. CAPE FEAR. HEAT & flIR '': 089 P01 7UL 30 '93 13:39 .. , nrEw xaNVV~~ caunirY . ~ Bt7ARi7 ~F COMMIS~,1tJ'tV~RS ~ , . 320 Chestnut S#reei`, Room X175 ~ ,. . . Wi1ming#on, NC 28407-093 e ~, .,:. ; .-_ ~ - <, .. :.Telephone (919) 341-7749 • .. - F, - ;~ ;` ., _ '. 'FAX (9i9) 34y-¢~30 . - . Application for Appatntmsnt to Boards, Commitfees; and C+ammissions ~ ' ., .. ' ~ • ~ Appoini''ed by. the New Nandver County Board of Commissioners. - , .. , . ,* _ , Request fpr Appolrrtrnent tp: _ ~D.~,~ O' c~ ~~ i~~f' .•y~~.~ ~X~._~~'~~' - , ,, .., .. Name: ;~ t~.~'.~' 'di,~`, ~i~' _ .: :.. . ,.Nome ~ Npw long have you been a .. - . , . ~ ,• ' . ,4ddress: _ ~ .~~~~ ~~~.~ ~'~! .rosident of N®w Hanover County'!:~~°-S', ' , MailingAddress: . .. - ,r City and Stafe: dL~-i flrJ r..~r~ ~i P~.~,~ ~„ , ~ - ,- Telephone: - Home: .~~i'S~'"4~~C~ .- .Business:` X99-- ~'~l`YCy . . f , ~ ~ *Sex: _,~ ~~ 'Race: !~' tgge.. ~ ~ . "This iitfirmstiorr Js requested far the aoie purpoee of assuring that a crass-section of 3ha Cgmmunify is appointed. , '"R parson Curren employed by the agency or dapsrtmer~ fpt' hiCh ihls appUcatian is made, must resign his/ha asiNan with Nsw • ~ Hanover County upon appalnfinent, Iii •accorc/snca wlih Arfide :Vf, Sec. 4 of the Now Nanaver County Persanne! Polley. .~, .Job Tltle: ~,,1~J'Er,Sr~~(/ , Prof~ssianalAcfivltles: L.~~ ,ice ~/~9 ,~- ,~„~.,~ L~av~.~~c~~s ~sr_~_'.tr9"~~~~ ~ 4 ~` Volunt~srActivities: :'~ r ,. - . • ...Why do yau;wish fo serve on the 8oerd, ~ommitf®a, or Gammissiorr requested? ,~~,~,~-~ ~~ ,~'1~ • ,Whtaf ria you fee!-are your cjualificatians far serving on the Boa'r'd, Committee, or Cornmissian raquesied~ • What'3hC&S d€C017C$tr7 WdLild you Ilke fo See the 8pard, Committee, Or Gornmi$$ipn addfeSS?y`_ - . " , (Please' use• reverse side for add6dnsr comments) .. ~- . _ , .. ~j~ _• '- ___rC-~.~ _.__ • , . ` ~•, . , ~ ture .. SIgRB . ~•. D. . ~.. , ,, _ ... ~ NE!fJ" HANOVER CO. ~ . • .~, ~' .. BD. 0. COMC`~11SSIONERS ~~ ' , . .. f~- DAVID SIMS & RSSOC. TEL No.919-791-8016 Sep. 6,91 14 10 P.02 • Bn~ard ~f ~amrr~~ss~orz~r~s ~- .,- Nees Yianaaer Count`y' . 320 G1~cstrt~tt Street Wi!»s:t~gtn>i, North t:art~rfittt ~$'~f-~t?9.S Tetephorte (9T9) 341-719 Application for Appointment to Boards; committees; and Commissions ApgQi.~E~d lry thQ 3Vaw ~Hasiover ~oustty gQard nt f n~miy t'+7mmissioriers. RequestYfor Appolntrnent to: „ pnARn O rtFCHANTC'B~~FxAhiTNER~ - N ~- ~~ ~"'Mcc In . ~ `^OJ .. fPteau typear prire2 is btacY ltt~ lVamt:: nAVTn AIMS 1 ~ . ' F Iow long hAvc you bccn a Address: 2721 sxArm~~~;,,,_ ~ ~ residenk of New Hanover County? _ll ~trt WILMINGTON, N.C. 28409 Telephone: Hame: 350-0316 ~ Business: .791-8016 . ~' 5ez~ M _ ' ~ * Race' W -- M Age;.' ~ , *~ Bmployed by: sEL°F-EMPLOYEn '~Ot} Title~ ~ CONSULTING ENGINEER ; Ihtties Performed: .MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING • , Professional Activities: AMEF2ICAN.. INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS ' Volunteer Activities; .ROTARY - Why doyou v~nsh to serve on the iipard, t~ommittee, d~ ~ammtssion requested? I BELIEVE THAT I CAN BE OF SERVICE - tYltot uu yuu lt~l eue yuut KuullfliuU~us tai ~u ~ u~6 vii ll~~ pr,ardt £ommil5+~, .r 4vm~tltPC~~.+ requested? ~ .. What. areas of concern would you like to see Char Buar~l, ~uuuiUre, or Comtni~ston oddre3s? TF~ts tnforrrrastonts rQqucstrd jvr t/s1~,vv~ j~urFtn~ uj~~surrtn~ rhat a ;,{o-r-r•.,~„~,~ ~,f (!~c a~~~~murf qty u spyo-n1al~ . - " A person curnentty emproyec! by the agency or departme+if for which this appifGatian is tMade, most resign hlsJher • ~aitfun W itlr ?Tcw IIwW9cr 4oKi~+y o~purt rpyainlrtuul, Pn Aa0Qrf1/~{t~ ~'~f~ ~~`r~'~~ ~/j~ ~yw A of }&e N +~ f-fawr»»s ... coHncyPersonncl roticy. .Date: 9-6-91 Signature This application will be kept on file for one year only. . (Please use reverse side for additional comments) 4 80 n li !U 'd U~1Glti~blU 'UN Xd~ ~~~NU1~~1l~WUJ JNN ~U:b 1~~ tb-y -d.~~; NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. `-/ Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter ~ ' Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. TERM TERM CURRENT MEMBERS I SERVING EXPIRES Joan Barbara Apke First 9/30/99 109 Cromwell Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term). 799-4574(H) Elizabeth W. Bland First 9/30/99 1617 Softwind Way Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/21/98 to.l year term) 395-2256 (H) 256-6602 (W) Catherine R. Davis First 6/30/2002 5613 Greenville Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt..2/2/98 to 1 year term) ~ ~~ 395-5512 (H) 350-2100 (W) Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 Edward V. Grace First 2/28/2001 301 Honeycutt Drive (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) Wilmington, NC 28412 392-5692 (H) Dorothy Lane Grime First 6/30/2000 5583 Wood Duck Circle Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) 350-0672 (H} Patricia A. Mcl~n ~L^~.-a~-Q-~. ~ First 6/30/2000 82 6018 Forest Creek Circle (Appt. 6/21/99 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC 28403 /~-~L~`-~--~ ~99~2753 (H) 452-1799 (W) ~, ~') ~• ., . , NURSING HOME •COMbZLTNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED] .; ~ ~ - • . ~ .. .. TERM .; TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING :. EXPIRES .. .. . .. . .Shirley 0. Mason ~ • .. _ . , :: First ~ ~ 9/30/99 ~... , . 11.44 Forest Hills Drive , - .~ ~ ' "_ " -Wilmington, NC 28403. (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) ~ • '~ ` 763=5973 (H} 790-3990 . • ~ . j Catherine W'. Morgan ~. ~ "° ; Firsf . ~ 6/30/2000 -. 217 Quail Ridge Road' j- ' °a Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (Appt., 6/30/99 to 1 year term} 799=2198 (H) 790-9137 ~ • .. .'... Eileen B. Rock ~ , .: - . ~ First ~ 6/30/2002,- , .: 2614 Columbia Avenue ~ ~" : , ~ / . - , - Wilmington, NC 28403 °~ , ~ (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1~ year term)' . ~ ;. 762=5103 (H). , . :,e,PPt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99, -. . n D,. Sabo :. .: Joh .. First ' y~'~ 6/30/2002 • . ; 1312 Burnett Road _ .. .. °` ,.• ' -Wilmington, NC 28409 ,° , (Appt: 2/2/98 to l"year term) ~) :. 350-2680 . °- APPt..•to 3 year term on 6/21/99. . ., . ~' .. _ I:yn Williams-Yow ~ :. `, ., ~ . "' Frst .2/28/2001,_ '. 610 Dock Street ~~ (APPt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) _ - . . .Wilmington, NC .28401 ~ . ,~ - " ~ ,, , . 763,-3890(H) 763=5558 ~) , .; ~ .. ~. , .. ~.. ,.: , n~ .• ~ Nominated by Nursing_Home Administrators: . , ~ Teresa D..Goldston ~ ~ `First , .. '` ~" : 2/2872001 ' `^ ..4801 Oberbeck Way• " (Appt. 212/98 to 3-year term) ~ ~ ~• ;" ~ Wilmington; NC 28409. . ~ ,. ~,; .350-0629 ~) ~ .. - .. • . .. Staff Support:.-Toni Benton, Region ,, O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of .~ ` " Governments; 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC .28401 .. ... ; . ,File:, /Nursing 6/99 .° ,: ~ . ~ ~ , _ ,. .. ,. ..~ . ~r . .. _ , , . .. , ~ ~ .' . . - :. C ' ~ , e ~ ,.tl. a. . i -_ ' ~. NEW NANO VER. COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 7 -4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (910) 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and'Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: H~,~-s~;,~~, 4~n.,.r, P C ~ ,,,~ ,,,,~ " ,,., ~~.. ~ a , ~~.~r.., C w, ~~ ~ Name: J -,ar -4--<<~ a Home How long have you been a Address: 3 0~ C~r,a.~ aw, ' t a ~ e resident of New Hanover County? \\ y ~S Mailing Address: 3 0 4 C\~. a~ aw, ~\ ac P City and State:~~„~ ~ a-~-o~, N . C. Zip Code: a ~ 4 Telephone: Home: g `~ -1 q,9 C-,S ~'1 Business: *Sex: ~_ *Race: *Age: (~ i 'This information is requested foi the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with / New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. 1\ Job Title: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To ma \~ r r S .,. r ~ ~ rn e ~ p`_ ~q t ~c~`r b ` a C@ 't-O r '~.¢ ~` ~ r ~ ~n What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or~Commission requested? 'F'or m C r : \ l ye ~ lea ~t o ~ \y c t~v~ - \'t ~tl~ ` ~\ ~`~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ 'f~C? c..~ ~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ' ~~~rS~•nc CS~.A~' r (('' ~ 'P'c~h~•.~ey~e ~S J.. y~e• ~c o~ ~ a\~. CJ~ .~\ r ~e a'c \c,~w,e -F-oon Se`e~t~ee Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~ ,~ ' ` 5-~•-•,~Q ~~~ 5 ~'Ih~ '~.' S ~y9~' Signature ,.a• (Please use reverse side for additional comments) ' ~, i 7 __.. _- __ __..~... .. ..r....,~...,. .. i. ._.ax. v.~... ~. .-.~. . .~~c. r. ,..rvsiv... Y.E,l IV~IN H,AIIIUVi~R CQUN( Y BQARQ QF QUIi/1MISS10NER5 320 Chestnut Street, Room 3n5 Wilmington, NC X8441-4(J93 Tal~phona f9f01 34f-7f49 FAX (9f41341-~f3t) Appflcation for Appointment to Boards, CammTttees, and Comssris^i~r:s . AppQi»ted by t e New f~an~aunt~~f QmmfssJorters., ~~~ ~. EtequesrforAppolntment to: Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Name: __ SteV'en R. Roberts Hama How long have you be~'n s Address: _ 606 Bay Blossom Dr . resident of New Hanover Caurtty~ ~-~ ~ Years MailirrpAddress:8b6 Bay Blossom Dr CiryandState: Wilmington, NC ZrpCode: Z$41l Telephone: Home: (910) 397-0665 Business: { 910) 2 5 6 -2 ~ 1 G ;Sex: Male "Race: Caucasian 'Age: ~ 0 •7hrs lnformelio» !s requested for the sole purpose at assuring thet across-section qr the Community is eppalntad '"Employed by: Hankers Life and Casualty Co. -'A parson CUh'9ritly ertaoloysd by the agency or depertrnent Tar which this applieati4n !s mode, must rBSign his/her pasit.~an with New Hanvvar County upon appol~finetit in eCCOrdance with Article V!, Sec. 4 of the New Hnnaver County Parsarnel J'a.icy. Job Title: ~ e n t _ _ ProfessionalAetrvities: Assists seniozs with their health insurance needs VolunteerActivities:Lay SpeakerJLeader of Church, Sunday School Teacherr pTA Why do you wish toMetve on the Board; Commlrtee, or Carnmission requested? I hear the ~~_';> ~°vdsua concernsJfears of geople concerning nursing homes everyday, and. with this knowledge I can better understand the needs of c';~C~: and how to help our county residents ~~ What do you feel are your qualificatr'ons tvr servir7p on the Board, Ct)mmittee, or Commission requestedr'' _ _ Trained in Medicaxr< and Long Term Care benefits, trained facilitater, M.A. i.n Social Science, abilityy to speak in public Whaf areas of concern would you like !v See the Beard, Committee, or Cpmrnlssion address? Assuring that alI fac~.l~.ties comply with State/Local Regulations Are you currently serving on another boArd or caRtmittee appointed by a municipality or a cpunr; P I~ .. t+, p~':.'ase list: None Dafe: June 8, I.999 5rgnature~~llQR,l-i~„~_ {l~r~~c,f!-L, /PletuQ use reverse side Poi addiriorrel eommencsl ~,~^` 86 .~ ~... v ~. - r f u -r . e `F r 1'. .+ n ...~ e r :.7 . l- s r c . .x . a.: r..~ ~..-..- ". ~ ~ ~ .i ed G'.J o 0 1 0 ..r t' . t7 L NBW 1~.4NQV,~R Ct.~UNTY BG.4RD t~F COMf'tl11SSIGIVFRS 3~Q Chestnut Stl•eet,~ Roorra 30a ~ ~ . Vi/ilmington, IVC 2840 ~-4093 ' Telephone (910J 341-7149 ~ . FAX (9101 341-413D l~ ` Application far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commfssjans Appointed the lVew N no+rer Cp. ~nty X30 of Ct ommis'~s-fo~neyr~s. ~ ~ ~ ` ~ J 1, l ~-G)'xt..)) ~.t.c l^ ~~-U . Request far Appointment to: I+'uYS~~.~¢ ~p~~,- ~ r?y~ ni7~i l~~t/ssor'ti On7-'/'7~~~'~ Nsms: ~~~~ 1 ~ t ~, ~ ~ S ~ L~ l~3 J~ ~ .._ .~_ Home t ~g~ Now long have you been a Address: ~~ ~ ~r~-~rm.p C. (~./~~l ~ ~L resident of New Nanpver CountyT _ . ~~[l~' Mailing Address: s'tq-~yj~ C(ty and State: ~ ~ t ~ ~-- Zip Code: v~-~L~ ~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ `-~ Business: .~ .S~' "`~ ~ ~' '-` 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ «Age: .~ '`~ 'This lnlormarlan iy requested rpr !hB SDle purpose ar sssurlnq that n erns-section of the community is appointed. ~L~rte ~ rZ~[~.,f ~ 4 y=3 ,« ~Empla yed ~ y: ~ ~ ~.r ~ r "r' ~Q SL ~~ ~. t, E s ~ °a. l~t~-t,5 +~~ N~~: "~1 parson euriantJy srnp/nyvdby the , espy or department for w ich th' opplicafian is made, must roslpn /~ „/hvr pesilion wi((i New Henpyer County upon appointment, In accordance with Ardcte V; Sec. 4 of thv NswNanove~ County t'«so.~rra! fbllc}: ~ p~ ~/ Job Title: ~- , ~t ~,SCC t`~~ ~ ~ ; ~~~l~u`~uI rr~.Gr~_Q ~57~7%~ ~'~' ~-'' ~ r ~ - - Professional Activities: ~J~r r ~ i h ~`~"`! Valu~lteer Activrties: ~ ~ ~~~, ~,~~.?,~, /, ~.,; r , . ~,~~.~, , J -~a~-yam . Why do you wi serve n the 8-o,~rd, C mrnitt e, or C~ lsslort requested ~_I(~ ~ „ , ,~pntr_,a~~ ,{,.,,.,, '~"`~c ~ t,J~ta ~'~r~.r~ It-~f7 „dam: s ~~-r~.7 r.~-~c:~.~.-~- ~ tuc~~ fpr serving on the 8aerd, Committee, or Gammission reques~t:dr what areas of concern would you Nke to see the Bogrd, Committee, or Commission address {,uG~.ft ,ltl~txc,~~ ~-~~ ~ , ` ,11.1 f.c..ta.~ ~")?s~ S c+ ..~'~ ~~ tt ~` ~-~g,.z1•~ r rt Are you currer7tly se~ing an another board ar co mittee appointed b y a municipality or a county? r't` sn, p:.as• li; t: d Oa te: ~a '' ~ " L/ Sfgnatu ~ ~ lPl~asa ure reverse side far edditiogq/ cvtnrnentsl 88 I ~ ~r»~ ,c~.l. ~-1 C~r~.-t..r 1+1 tc.n~..a~-r ~-dr~.~e `~-.rv~o~,i~n~.t~ rLO t2 fl/~~~ ~.a' f ~~~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PLANNING BOARD ~'~ 2 VACANCIES APPLICANTS: Jeffrey R: Bellows Wesley Bruce Brown Walter R. Conlogue David C. Girardot Ernest J. Puskas Seamus Gloria Shannon James 6. Taylor Michael Ternes Rev. Anthony R. Watson Benjamin P. Wright Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications r^ % 90 °1 .. k ., - . NEW HANOYER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - , .. ' . : Number of Members: 7 - . u .. ~ ,. . .. , ,Term of Office: three years ,'; ~ v _ . :. . , C'ompensation:. $20.00 per meeting . ., " ,.. > . . ,. .. - ,.- ". ~ Regular Meetings: First Thursday in each month at 7:00 p,,m. in the:Assembly Room, 320. : ' ` _ Chestnut. Street, Wilmington, NC. Subdivision Review'Committee meets twice monthly on ` ... ` _ . o Wednesdays at 4:00 p: m: ~ .. ~ - ~. ~ Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 153A=321. ~ New Hanover County ' Ordinance and Resolution establishing Commission dated September 2, 1980, for the purpose of ~ .: . planning. and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the County.. may competently'perform their duties. '~ Brief,on the functions; Make studies'of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives : to-be sought in the development of the study area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these" objectives; develop and recommend policies, ordinances., administrative procedures, and other ' means °for=carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient, manner; advise the Board. of", ,Commissioners concerning the' use and amendment of means of carrying out,plans; exercise any ,~ . ` ~ functions in the administration and. enforcement of various means for carrying out plans. that the Board . of Commissioners. may ,direct; perform any .other related duties that the Board of _ ' Commissioners. may direct.- Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land Use Planning, Zoning, and Subdivision activities. , . . ~ ~ '' TERM PRESENTLY ~ TERM = .,~: . `~ CLiRRENT,MEMBERS ~. SERVING ~ EXPIRES . . .. .. 1 F ..: -. . ~ Robert Franklin` Smith ~ ~ - ~ 'Unexpired, ~ ..:,7/31/2000 1.308 Edgewater Club Road,. #10 ~ ~ ~ , - ,. ,:..Wilmington, NC 2841.1...: - .. ~ (APPt. 4/ 19/99) .- ' `686-5573(H} 256-6919(VV) , , . _ , . ~ _' ,: ~ Joyce Fernando' ,Second ~ 7/31/1999 _4155 Appleton Way ~ ` :. "~~ ~ "Wilmington, NC 28412 , . ppt. 7/2b/93); ` 799=3434(H) ~. (Reappt. 7/22/96) ~ . John Edward'Galarde ~ Second... _ ~ 7/31/2000 " 2001 Ivydale Lane Wilmington, NG 28405. ~ (Appt. 7/18/94) 256-2700(H) _ ~ (Reapptd. ,7/21/97) ' .~ .. " 91 .: _ e :. . -. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CUR]EZENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Rodney Q. Hams First 7/31/2000 P.O. Box 450 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-3004(H) 256-4475(VV) Michael J. Keenan 4700 Wedgefield Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 791-6148(H) 313-3344(VV) McKinley D. Dull 314 N. Green Meadows Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 791=9711(H) 395-6036(VV) James E. Wolle %~" 5720 Oak Bluff Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 392=.0849 (H) Staff Support: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director 414 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington,, NC .28401 341-7165 4/99 File: /Plan . (Appt. 12/ 16/96) First 7/31/2001. ~ . . ;. (Appt.9/21/98) 4 . First 7/31/2001 (Appt. 7/ 13/98) .. Second ~ 7/31/1999 (Appt.7/26/93} . (ReaPPt.7/22/96) fl 92 '~) . a . , .: . . , , .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ;~ :. . BOARD OF COMM/SS/DIVERS ~ , ~ ~ _ -. ~ . . ~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room" 305 ' .. .~'~ " - ~ ~ ~ WiJmingfon, NC. 284.0`1-4093•... ~. ' . - ~ Telephone 19.10) 341-7149.• ~ ' _ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130_ : _ ~ ' s • :~, . -.. ,. . : ''' ;.:. •' Application :for~Appointment to Boards,. Committees, 'and' Commissions °~~ ,Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ' Re vest for A ` Q. ppolntment to: New anoy .r n m v Planning Bcaarr# •~ ' ~ .: , Name; r ~ - ~ ' ' ~ . T~ffrav R _ Tel l rn.,~ Home How long have you been ~a ~~ ~. Address 5419 Beretta Way resident of New Hanover County? 7 1/2 Years - , ,, Mailing 'Address: '~ ~ . City arid:State:' Wi7nangton, NC Z•p Code: 28409 ~ , •,Te/ephone: ;, Home: - 910/392-2337 ~ ~ ~ Business:' '910/343-fi243 . - ,. .. - -~, .. _ . . -Sex: ~ Male ` : ~ ' "Race.• White - ,A~e. ~ - ~_ 'This information is requested for the solB purpose df assuring that across-section of the comi»uniry is appaintad. ~ ~ ' ~' . ' "Ert~plo yed b y ..°. - North Carolina' State Ports Authority . • "A person currently employed b y the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with "' ' New Nan'aver County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec.. 4 of the New Hanover County-Parsanne/~f'o/icy. '~ .Job Title: Facilities Manager . - „ • Pro fe : . ~ ., ^., ssionaPActivities: See Attached Reslune Sum~-y ~ u VolunteeiActiJities: ~ See Attached Resume Summery ~ . Wh y do you wish to serve on-the. Board, Committee, or Commission -requested? I feel I have the s1d115,' experience, , attitude, and' decli.cation needed`to contribute constructively -and assist the Carriri.ssoners to successfully sustain _ .. • -. .. -, and enhance the unique attributes of our county through positive-present and future growth and: development: ... °What~do you. feel ale our ualifications for servin on the Board, Cam Y q 9 mittee, or Commission. requested? Extensive 4 .. . , : lmowledge about-our county; objectivity; congruence with Corarrissioners`,objectives and priorities; diverse .' '~. experience`and,expertise in land use plaruung, subdivision, and-zoning: - What areas of.:concern .would you'.-like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address?. Pragmatic growth ". management'and-long range pLnn;n~; balance of interests; economic development; storm water management, traffic control; water .resource quality; property rights; preserving and augmenting residents' quality of .Life. Are yo,u currently serving on another board or committee a y list.•: ppointed b.y a municpa/ity or a, count l If so, p/ease Yes, the New .Hanover County.Zoning.Board of Ad'ustment , ~. . ... , " - ~' . 93 ~ . ~. Date. Febr~rv 1 .199q Signature .: ~ °: ' (Please use lave/se side far addiuona/ comments!. n ~ 1177 - ~QV~R~. - f ~. ~ L 777 ~. NEW HANOVER t~ _ . - ~. ~ BD. OF COMMISSIONERS •,, i REFERENCES Please rovide three local er P p Bona! references: Name Phone Number )J Dr. D. John Morris, Jr.; Superintendent, New Hanover County Schools 254-~+22p 2f Vincent F. Mannella, P.E.; Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves 343-6406 3f Connie Majure; President and CEO, Greater W~1~mngton C~nber of Cam~erce 762-2611 , • .5.~.~eatouos ` -_ 94 - .. _ ~. JEFFREY R. BELLOWS " 5419. Beretta Way Wilmington, NC .28409 910/392=2337 jbellows@hotmail,com , E®UCATION - Dec. 1996 :. • r UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON Wilmington; NC . ,.. .. ,' ' ~ Master of Business Administration . _, .. Jurie 1987. FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF .TECHNOLOGY Melbourne,. FL ~ ~ , B. S. Ocean .Engineering , - .. f ' WORK EXPERIENCE SUMMARY .. . •. ~ ... '_ .. Jan:41997. , NORTH CAROLINA • STATE PORTS. AUTHORITY. ~ • to Present ~ Facilities Manager -Lead and direct. the improvement, maintenance, repair, planning, construction, ~.. ~ y ~ .:. •~ ~. acquisition, and contract services for facilities; utilities, and equipment , ' ' ':Sept. 1.991 " NORTH: CAROLINA STATE. PORTS AUTHORITY' _ ' to Dec. 1996 Construction Engineer _ Engineering.services and oversight.of.rnajor capital improvement~projects ' ~ _ March 1990 TECTONIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,. P: C. " • ~' toJSept. -1991 Project Engineer -Design, planning, and review of residential, commercial, and industrialdevelopment ~ . . ",1.989 - McGQEY HAUSER &: EDSALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS~~ ' - to 199:0 .Civil Engineer -Design and planning of residential and commercial land development projects ~988r<~ P. C. E:' ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ ~ -~ to-1.990 = Project Engineer -Design and planning of residential and commercial land development projects ' - - - E 1985: PAN AM WORLD SERVICES, INC. -AEROSPACE. DIV. CAPE CANAVERAL to 1986° ' ~ Facilities Engineer - Design~and planning for Air Force and Navy missile launch and support facilities • 5 . ,. ,. ., OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS _ ., .. . .. ' :.; New Hanover County Zoning Board of Adjustment Member, (1996 -Present) ~ - ~ ' ' New Hanover County Building Committee Member (1992 - 1998) ~" Community Advisory Panel Member for the Greater Wilmington Region Chemical Industry'(1998 -Present) ~.. New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Comprehensive Plan Infrastructure Subcommittee Merntier (1998)- Sunset Park Elementary School Business/School Partnership Program (Feb l 998 -Present) " Leadership Wilmington "Graduate (Feb' 1998); Session Caordinator -Planning For Growth (Nov 1998) Recipient of the University ofNorth Carolina at Wilmington 1997 MBA Achievement Award (May 1997) Whispering,Pines Homeowners Association Board of Directors Vice President (1996- 1997) . °Big Sweep Program Volunteer (1995 =Present) " American Management'Association lnternational,Member.~No. 20694488 - • American Society of Civil Engineers Member No. 322531 ,' Beta Gamma Sigma National Business School, Honor Society Member No: 590810 (Inducted Oct. 1996) • ' Phi Kappa Phi. National Honor Society (Inducted Apri1,1997) ~.:' ~ - ~ F ~ ' . ~ - - ..: ' REFERENCES ,,'•~r. D. John Morris, Jr.; Su •erintendent, New Hanover Coun $chools• 910%254-4220 • p ~ ~ 95 'Vincent F. Mannella, P.E.; Colonel, U:S. Marine Corps Reserves; 910/343-b40b '" ,: ' Connie Majure; President and CEO, Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce; 910/762-2611 ext. 214 3 ,' 1. ,. . .'. . ~ I NEW NANO VER COUNTY ~~, BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut'Street, Room 305 ~^ Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 *`n: ~ ~~ Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 . . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _.~ ~ Q r'} I'1 ~ t7G ~ ~~ ~" ( ~ Name: ~~S~E?. l) ~Y'U~P J~ ~r'l~W (~ ~ ~ _ Home How long have you been.,a - . Address: ~. (.~ ~ ~a h~ ~r' Q ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ (`s Mailing Address: ~ ~ 1 ~-} LEI G UQ hC7 ~r,CL I City and State: _~1 t I'Y1 11"lG T~~ rl ~~ C, - Zip Code: ~'~ ~(~ C{; Telephone: Home: 3 G crj -- ~ 0 ~ Business: ~ qq ~ ~ G Q `Sex: -^nc~ l ~e.., ' `Race: L.~~ h l~~P, `Age: ~--~' 'This information is requested !or the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed' n S~ ~ f' p~'OPr~'~,~r ..Employed by=, 1'~~"Fll.l~l'1~ rn 1J~1~1~~L,t 1.~~ ~'l I s -- SPA ~~- (`t~ U ~C a "A person currently employed b y the agency or depart e t for which t is applic n is made, must resign his/her pos~U with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Anic/a Vl, Sec. 4 of the Naw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~ f ~) h ~, r ~; rr-~ ~ a n ,~ n -t-rC~ c,-~-c~ r. Professional Activities: ['`'F C C, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l S l1~' i~ C" ~'S (~',QmM I-~~? ~, ~(`(~ ~~y1 f--~ 1 Vo/unteerActivities: ~r•' ems, p-~ j~j ['.. (`nG~~-U C ~-'Y~"1^QG'i'C~r (~ 5'~ ~CO('i~C~ ~ J Wh da ou wish to serve on h -i ' C Q ~ r~ Y Y t e Board, Commtttee, or Commission requested? _.. ~ ~_(~ ~~~ ~ _,~ ;L:~Q ~ ~,~,~ , _ ~ y ~ ~- ~ ~ , ~~ ~ , i ~' vL,C_ s `max t.Sr ~ -~ ~ , ~ - What do you feel are your qualifications .for serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission requested? .. -~-~.-L-=; `PLC ~~_ `'Lu-~G~Qi`ftt ~L:~ t--L~ L~L'Ynv~-1Cj',~-Ofd i ~ t7C~~-~E; .QA~..^n C~s! C'~"n GI ~ Cc -~'~ C 5 ~~ ~~ YLL~ C~ G~`Z ~.~,~ ,.~ ~Cyy Q.'1-CLUYI CSI y~(Z.~ti,'r> C C~-~ .~"r~.z , . ~ _ ` What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Catnmittee, or Commission address?t°~~!1_.~?t, ~ ~'~~t-U ~, C ~ Lt.~~l Ct.Ot.,~`~ ' ~ ~ C~,`~Cl C~f~f ~ -u..f~,C~~~n .C Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality of a county? if so, p/ease list: oa~~3 - a Co - Gg (Pie reverse side for additions! comments/ 1 ', Signature ~ ~ ~~ ' ~- (OVER) n rJO-rJO-1777 YJJ • con~i rKUI'I WUKLL HV 1 H I 1 urv uu I U ~~1A~fJ t3F ~G~lt~l'1~}'SS~~I1l~R5 3.~~ Ches£nut Street, Raram 3Q.~ 1N~lmirrgtarn, iV~ .2~r~pf-4~0:~3 Tdfepftarne f~ 1 D} 3~ J-714.9 F.~[Jf•lsTiJJ 347-4f3C? }ippricaFrc~rr for i4lop+Qfutmerrt 1n ~Boarars, Commh7e8S, and CvmmissFo'rts A~apralnted b y the Nero Hanover Courrfy Board of CanrmissPaners_ f~'8QIi25tfQPAppdfnt/fi@i}t tD_ Thew .Aannvar Name; Water R. Conlogue - Kam~ ffow fAne lave you beery a Addressr 142 BraR1o Lane 'Wlmin ton, NC 28409 re3;denta{NewXanavarCIIUrsty? ~ar?cng J4141 )YJ r. Jl . _ ~ _. 16 pe rs~ ,--~, ~ .~ Lane City,:fitJd Stater ' Wilmin ton, NC Grp ~ 28409 ~'edepfrane, ttom~ 9I0-395-2L90 -- _-~._ ,~v~tir,ess: g10- 9,1 - ---- 'Sex_ Male 'Aa~~,:•Caucasisn •~ipe: 5$ _ `This urfairnetfa+v yr regbests~d far thr ale pWFrotl~ o! aa9vNn,~ rhee a ero~^^-ssedon of ihi aamma~rrx Rr .~vinrbd, ~F~I~Ye'd by: World Aviation LT.C i 1' • •,~ A~6tYsdr! a~+~rrs+etly dh'~IoYa'd b~:~ agaaty ar C4Fvrtrrtnnflbf whisk rhur 4ppac~rrion isrna~~t. ~•f re~rgn ~ is:~ex-s¢~SZ~,?•xr; V •~:: ~ ~ : i ...-- r'irw Nanvrar C~anry trp~ aRDatAGnanL in ~C"-~anc+er x6tb ~trricl4 Vl, Sam ~P of +hu~ Nvrv Hananir Comfy Perarer.~al )`-!;ir.e~ ' is Job ~tle: O~ex Prafessianel Acttlrr`tle~ A~.. 1/alcm Ceer,4 cti vTfiaa: .ere and Rilots Assa;, Americsn Bonanza Sacieky •~~ Director of Anchor Bank Why ~'e ycu nrF'sfi tb serve on the Baaret, Can7lzrifiee, c2r ~ammissipn ~v4ra~stedF I ~ d l ilce to do my r e in supporCing our local community. .~....,.....~.. ~... `~ r I ,~..,,._~....,.~:::,. y.. _..L .. Vlfhat da you feel:are' your t7tfalificatfnn~ Fa~s~'e/r~ l~rt tl1P 8aard, Corrrmllxee~ or Carnnrisslotl reQueSt~dr~ I.-s~ ..._ a,Z . ast work e.7cp~r~.erice t~rith the P.PrG. Company Ar+rhitectuxal Design group, ar.~ ~I h~ a mechanical ezig~.neer ng ac g oun !~~~ Whbt Areas cf cavrcem wt~ald yttu fik8 To se4' dhe'Board Carnmittee, ar sromrrtls3~iC~r~ eC~ex's2 I woula ?{{` ?c :. ~ ,o see a balance maintained bi~tween, economic grora~h and greserve.tion Q£ the t~nn~r'-{~''~s ~i:,tur.'al snvironment .: ..- Are yotl eur~serrlly serving on anath~' board or cammr'tiee appointed qty a muniCipafnty or m tc+unty7re~~r~sr. ,~~~ August 6, 2999 • fPtasse use favene siale fnradrCr~ ~1ig-r78tU1E ~f aanmawuT 98 I i ~, ~~~~~. ~„~w ~~o~ ~ ni.ci.ly7y 16:36 P. 2 ~~ rt ' r. uc ~ ~ ~ ~ Jv ~ ~ • t / J E(~ Vfy~' tl `i i VV VIY l ~ = • A 1 ~ / ~ ~ + J~ ~ /~ ~+ 1{ rr 11 i1 ~~'7/llrr ~./J"' ~~~lr/I~a7IV/ r6~ 1r7 ~~'0 CJ~stnut Stt~e~t,, Ream ~tp5 Wll r»1 ~gton, NC ~8~i01 F4D93 ~' ~~ r~~hone r~ta~ ~~r-»d~ ~ Faxrsiv~ sat-~~so ~ ApplJcadon 1'tor ' A~pvlntm~nt t~o Boarpr,~. ~omrnlttees, and Carnmissfons ~Pp~~ntea-~y that ~Ilewr~h-anover ~ar~nry hoard o~~mmis~Pan~r~ R#p~/~tf Ior otntmarr t'o: Na~#: I p ~ ' kor • Add~akt I~tGW 1iRa0 hive Yov btM di 27' RAD OR ROAD ~ ~ t'#alde~i'ic~tN#wPferyoyorCountyP 5 YEARS ~ M~ll ~ ddi re. 9 7 RA OR ROAD ~G'~7y~ri Strr ~~.hl~l.MIN~7Qf~ N,~ ~ . --~.._..~_~-,~-...r.....~~ ~p Cody: 7~a-ta,~ihv et 'Mamet: 910 4SC-1078 B'vs~rea~t 910 9fi2-3151 "~ex~a ~ ~ ~Aeca: -._, CAU_ 1 . ~ "Apr 60 v ~~~~ -- .~~ . 1 Ra ,aa~a~ad 1rp. thi rat. pwpo~~ ar aaawfnp Mit a axiti~,asat42n a't a oevru~Nrer ~ ~appo~rhd. ~~ " aA w N owr.~yratP~Y+~Oy' thrapsney~ ta~antfartr~AJahe1~ Drat QOUend t~rfe gppadibnrn~, ~ as Gr wllh Mdok V/, $r~~al rhr A w i% Doti! d~ rrl/osAlAlx wlrb N +-Rel JbA4cy. J e: 'A ISTAN VIDE N ~LLO FOR BUSINESS AFFAIRS d~ate~~ly ,~l t~hlvsr' RESUME ATTACH Val~ree rtt fes~ ~ . VWiY ~tn y ~ BA " sh to ~fi~hre pn tha gourd, Cdinmh~e~, or Ca~trttl~s,vr~ ragvested~ I WOUl, p LIKE' TQ " I UE SOME tNI NO -...~,...__ .__„ K ~ TO MY:~COMMUNiTY ANb FEEl;'THAT MY BAC~CGROUND ANn EXPERTI56 CpULp BEST HE UT LI E~ ~ON~~'NE PLANNING BOARD f }!0 u ~ o! #rs Yd+rt gnxllJleatlor~s far 8#rdJ~tp an thA J9oatd, Cammltta#, or t?ammis,~Ion r#~uastcdT !I LL-VERSED ON PROJECT MG ~'H C „ t p W!`int !11' S ;N T jN R~~T ~p p ~p~~F~ p 11 T~,l~ ~~ o7iC~rd ~rJld~'"h'J{rd~ to'b~aeT~d-~~' CGi~t-Iflf~de; ro~TC~,~ ~ 'TH F Ae~rr~ ~# U 0TH OF UR CO M ~ ~ ~ 1 Ar# ya~R~ ~i ~~rvln~ on ~nothor bard ar cd~rrr+~stea .a vthfed b s mut AA IN ! y t pa !ty ar ~ countyT /f eta, Pfi~,sa aft; r O ter 2 9 ~sta s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T~titfll# I r n 4tlgrtlrn(s! ~ ~ ' tav~ r R V I'I V 1'1 ~. W V V 6 M CI I , i i ~~. {{ 10+ ' - b 1. L 1. 1 7 7 7 1 b~ J 7 - - r. •. 'DAVID C, GIRARDt7T or Roa{~ ~ ~ Assistant Vioe Chancellor, l3usiness Aff~irs~ ~ri,'N~ 28449 ~ ~ University ofNarth Carolina Wiltn~ngtan~ 148 ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28443 f . ~ (910)962-3151. BS Mechanical ~~gitteering -- University of Missouri at Rolla Emphasis: Power Plant Design MBA - Missssi~~i College ~ - EmpI~asis:' rinaneial Administration and Organizational Behavior i , 1i994~ P eat iv '.~Y h rglirta at Wilmin `: ist 'c ~ ace f r 'ne 'r ~ ` Responsible for the planning, design and construction of all university facilities, ~s ~ • E ~ wall ss facilities maintenance, ~rrld environmental health and safetyy, Managed over ~ € X100 million in o~nstlvction plajects since joining tha staff of UNCW, as well ps • operating elemen'tJ~ comprising some 1S0 people. Responsible for accQmptishir3g ~ all u111ver8ity h]aii7tCnagCe aCtiVlties. 1990 l99 om' ' 1 ~ ,versi 0 ~ Vir ' t Assistant Vice P~~' nt ~oC~~~~Si.PY~..glilll~$,1 ' ~ ' Responsible for all university capital canstru~tion activities, pl~,yaical plant, aafet~, E campus police, and el~vironmehtal health for a campus of soma .20,pp0 studont~, E faculty and staff: l9$~9 I99 d lj ~n• U ~'~ i ~ ~ ~ fl`~~j ln• ~ ~1t'CGtOr of Al'~~~~~GtU1' and I' gir ~ alit ~~,rylces Res lbl f i 1485. 9$ i. 193- 98 i 191- 983 i ' 102' pons a of all, university real property maintenance activities ~s wallas design; and C021Str11Ct10J1 ai'u171Yersiry facilities. ~ Utsity Add Ohio . • ' c ~'s?f.~k' 1Y~~~1 Plant Was responsible for all maintenance and construction work at the university, inclttcliug capital pt?ojects, Had ~-riil~ary responsibility for recent campus e~pansio#t effort, Managed a dull-time war orce of 85 people. • .>~L~.~ y ~irn• Ar yi~,or to 'aRlc " pi Nat Q,~r Ia Cxuard Provided the prim, ry link betv~ilyen the active Army and the Mississippi National Guard. Provided O~crsight and advice an engineering, fiscal and logistical matter involving the Mississippi Guard, Managed a workfo~ce of 5,500 people and an operating budget of $340 million, paroviding al] facilities engineering, maintenance and canstrttction services to thq U.S. Army in Kored. F~ ~ ,. ., ~hKUf'I:UNGW`~sUGtSN. .,. ~ .. - .,. ~ .. -. -b~~n~ ~ ~_.., ~ ~ .~ .21.1999 16:40 01 > •. r~. .. ,..,,: s. . .. .. ' . s 1 ~ (. ~ 4 ~ ._ ~ .. ' .. _ - . °: A . - . - .. . GII~~tUOT ~ 2 . ., ,~ . ,; ' lj9'7 1 1 .. ~. , ~ - I ~ ~ 9 fi / t DCt)ll Y Co '~ .r~~.,~IZ]~1~ d8r ~ S;. Armor l~n lnerr ~'~Vaterwa • ~ ~ , ' ~ . j ~ ~ - . ' D-rccted activliie of 1 400 sc~ ~ entiss and ei]~inesrs providing research and applied ` _ ~ ,~ ~ '. engineering sgp~prt to goverimentai and private a~gencigs. Responsible for $fi5, mitlianinrescarc~.contracts.. ` ~74I "~ I9~ . _ . . . • _ _ .... ' - 8 ~ ~$,~ ~1~~~~'. De~~ise D nt'~Ot' (~gde tah • LL ° ~ ° .~ ,. " , Directed workforce of 200 people with responsibility' for rnaintenaince . of all • facilities anti equipment as rvetl` as new construction in an xt i . . . - e ens ve, automatbd {) ,. , plant faoili ' ~~: ~? /G~AJ ~` iZ ~ ~~ Dlvisian D "aP >,,,,a -..: ".'s!/6i.`e!-A O YI~GF l~n ' ~..r+.~....z-T~YAIU~Jf~'L~3L¢r.aY~i~~.~t1~L~f' ,. - ~ .. ' I ~ ~ ~ ,. Responsible for all operations and planning, ineliiding facilities engineeriitig for the ~~ ` ~ , DdD cai~togrAphio s aol , Gh °: - , :' ~ 1969 ~ - ~197 ~ ~ ~ ., . `~•Pro c t ~ tfi i ~ - ' . - _~ I r' '' ~ ~ z c t ect tP,~,n,erican ~eodetic ~~}' Eoualdor ~ Directed a large. ~~ `ulti-national workforce in assisting eth country of Ecuador in`t}~e ' ,.... roducti4n of to F p graphic l]la is: P id d e i ' . ' ~ .. . ~ rov e - ng neering advice and assistance t4 Equadorian Army.; . ... , 1968 196 ~naineer _Advisor ~ ~. ~o Rov~~i~Y~tL 'hv~ ~~ ~g i T, P~v~B - . .: , •. j ~, ~r; ,• , r, • :.l'ravfded training end guidance an all miii.tary and civii engineering ~riatter's to the , ~ Li F. I byan 1~rixiy. . °= . 15$2' ~ ,.. ~ 19b • ~ .. , ' ` VariotlS colribai,. ~Ild COIlstrllGj101] en$i1]ee LL - . • r Command assignmai]ts . in Vietnam, ICarea, and rt. Hti~chuca, Arizat]a, ,.. a Interests ~ a ~ ... Tire Association o~I~igller Education Facilities Officers . - - ` ~ + ~ Me~iber, Natlonpl hoard • ; - of L7irec#ors ~ . . . ~ ~ .._ - State President, . ~ , .. - l~gional Vice President ' - . ~ . ;; ' ~ ; , ~ - ' Sautheasi JZegion ~Aasociatian o'f Higher Education Facilities 4#~3cers -, . _ . t .. past Preside ., .~ ~ , n ,. . Virginia Higher,lducation )?acilities.Man~gemeni Group ' - - Chairman 1993-94 , • . ~ Rotary- . Club ~ •: . ' ` . .. .. .. _ . . , ' Past President ~ ~ ~ .~ . - , ,, . - ~. , i ' < ~ ~ + l C . P r ~ .. .,, ° ~.u ! _ ~ ' - ' • ~.. .. l x.' ~ , x.03 . . . .• . .. • . - ,• ,. Feb-02-99 02:12P Industrial Design JAH-~~-~~ 7~Ut y~~5 910 675 8463 P_02 Y. U 1 nrEVV ~~NO vFR cou~rrr 134ARd3 ~F CC3MM/SSIONFRS 32D Chesrnur Sneer, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 f-4D93 T•~ephotte .!9 ra 34 ~a r.rs .. ' ' '' FAX (9101 341-d 130 Application fo/,4ppalntment to Boa~+ds, Cammhreas, and Comrnisslorts Appointed by the New Nanaver County Board of Commfsslonen. A'eavest for AppoinGr»tnt iv; ~ l~14' ti n i vc ~ d ~ r c~ Namt: ~ ~ ~.s ~ ~ ~vs~ 4 S Hort~t How long haw you baet~ a Address: .J 4 ~ ~r i K GL°~j ~ pr ~ ~ V ~ ittdlt+t of Naw Hanover CovnryT __~ ~ ~ E4 r.S Mailir-p Address: _Sq rt-r ~ "~-' ~l , / -----~---- -~.~ Cfty and Statt: ~aS 77 c°. f~- a y`, e /~~ Z/A Cadt: ~ g ~ z Ttlephone: Name: ~l4 G TS Z X5.3 Busin.ss: ~/ ~ ~ ?",~ , ~ Z 6 ?". . •Stx: , ~V1/I •Raca: u_(~ ~ `Aar ~ Q ~TIAEf anr4„:,.taa, 1/ ~•pwvJlltt roil thI lb/•duryut• orR.esraanQ d+fl 1 etoas~~t•e8•n sr G'!o oenvnoASity $ •ppointsd `•Frnployed by: L~4he r/ ~ a.. ~ fil /'GG Q YS r[~1c ~ • •+~ O•IJ6ACul/N-dy anpb}rtd sy tA• •pnay or doF•tunont fa wA+eh 1l-Rt,aptfce6+~wk rrt•4•, ttwttrAaiyn ~KPotiron wieA N•w H•novor County +170u ~PO~tm•+~b M at,~arda+cs tiwtb drtich 11~ SK. ~ er tA• Now lta+eevsr C~unry !'yrsatuaJ >'b~cr .lab ttror /YI ~ ~ 4 .~,... Ptoftssioaa/ ACiivitlts: YolvttltltACtlvities: Cas~~ ~rce ,,J~jrEc~v~,~t ' Cc w, ,,,, ~ {~o ~ Why do yvu wish to strut /ot~/~the 8oarrJ, Carruruttea, pr Commis~siDOn rerJvested? _ I h f~ ,-e s 7" i ,~ 7~fs ~. `~~~~ d~ /c(-~ rh -fLrrS ~ ~e.~xly cjvL.~ ~l~is cdvi,~~~t~~,,~ W/hir do yvu feel >ra your wallt/cations for strvlnp an the B/oard, Cotn~+mitree,/or Comrr>Issio/n reQvt/sttd? G ~ ~e.. ~a Tc{_ Y i°.S/ ~ e l~t~ +^,~C"~c AY" Gin O i+.~ (D car d_7`_ _ /~? ! rsr u l ~~- ,b d 4+!-Q fA/1,a1 ar:as al concern wav/d you tiles tQ aeB thQ $oatd, Catrrr>:iaee, flr Cammisrrbn address? Are you CurrsntJy seivinp On another 4oard ar tonarrtitt/rt~ appointed by a tnunlcipafity Or d CountyT !I so, p/ease /isz: ~Or~t-c /~ l? e.,n v ~ ~lc1s? ~~~orr vs C_. d wr.se / 1+ i° °~, Dares _~'AK ~ 6 / 999 Si~natvrt ~~ lAV+ao use nwvx~ ad• /•r •ddoard COnvllwnifj (OVER) ~J 104' ~~ Feb-02-99.02-:12P, I:ndustri,a.l Design 910 675 8463. P_O1 . `-, .IAN-Zb-S~~ 'IUt J' ~ti ~ - v u, F R Lu g ;. POSE-IC' F d X Note 7671 d~e,'L_a,.- ~ Pa es- ~ °cl ~~ nn ~ //~ 70~~~ !Y{VOJE,~ ~ou.~! ' ~ p From ~t}!Ss " / vS s JD 0 //~SS14NtI2J' . Co. PhOY1B S Phon@ li Faxk3Z/-41~3o F~~ 6~S-. ~ 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 = Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board.of.Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ ~~ ri (~1SSi(~ \~`~~~ ~~~ e1 -, ~~ Name{ ~ 1 }~ 1 `~CUfY~t,, S l~!cS~ ~ U ~~ '1( ('~ (~Dn Home C Address: ~~ m~~;11`d1 ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~(~,~~ ~~1~ ~~ { (- °~~'I ~ How long have you been a resident of Ne.w Hanover County? ~ C~ 215 ..y City and State: ~~,1y~ ~~~ b n , I -~ r .,' I r. 7'p Code: ~~ T + °~ Telephone: Home: ~" ~~~- C`a ~~ ' Business: ~Il ~~a v 'Sex: _~ ~~ / ~ "Race : L~ [ ~- "Age: '"I `> 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a // I cros section of the community is appointed. ..Employed by: _ _ _ ~("~~`t ~~ 1c(~~L~_~ "A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V1, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: _~ 1 ~ ~~ VolunteerActivities: ' ?1~^~y,~C'~ -'~.l('~C;. ~` ~u~G~c. - ~~~~ ~'~,~~ ~~?~ ~~ ~~y~ ,.~c.~} ~~• ~~~~G.~~1 1~ )~ ~/,'U, ~(1 ~ ~,~ i Wh do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~ C~ -~- ~ ~~Cl.~ ~,~~'~ ~~' ~,1~~ ~ '`l ~ l~N ~U• Y ~ C_z v What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re nested? /' _~`~~.~~ '~;Z'~ ~1/ ~.u~ u~'..a ~~l`~ .. of ~j.~'~~ f~,'t1~1~1, C~'t';~ _~ rS~ P^r~i4'~~i~Ii`~--'-- WFi"at areas of ~e$ncern would you like to see tiie Board, Commi~ee, or Commission address? (~t'n C r" '.n . I ~ v. 1 r _ ~.I Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: n~ 4 / /Pte e e verse side for edditional'commenlsl (OVER) .J . REFERENCES ~~ Pl a ~ id t ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ . e se ~prov e~ h~ee loca! ersonal references: P ~ ~; ~~ ~: _ Name ' . .. ~ ~;, ~ ~ ~ ,, , .. Phone Number -., , ~, r y ,. ~j~, ,k ~ ti r ~ t: 3J ~ _ u c.~ 1 _ rSl~~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~~ ~l f .: . . . .~ . . ~ - . .. X41 ,U 'ti'i ... i ' ,, ~ r . f - . .- ., -, ,- .f .. .. .~ ~" .. e . .. ..~ ` 1 ~ ,. . :107 a . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIlI~IISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 .., Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 S_~^, . ~ 1q9~ ,,~~'~ i'~' _ ~• - ~, • ~ ,. . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Count Planni~~Board Name: James B. Taylor How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 24 years Home Address: 410 Bedford Road East Mailing Address: 410 Bedford Road East City and State: Wilmington NC Zip Code: 28411 Telephone: Home: 686-7060 Business: 686-7060 or 540-2380 *SeY: Male *Race: Caucasian *Age: 57 *This inforrnation is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: Self-em loved **A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign. his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Owner Community Planning_Associates Professional Activities: none at present Volunteer Activities: Bov Scouts of America Vvny do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Conurussion requested? I have lived and worked in New Hanover County for 24 years of my life It's time to~ive something back to the community I live in. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Comrittee, or Commission requested? I am retired from service with the State of North Carolina as a planner with the Division of Community Assistance. Department of Commerce during which time I~rovided techinical assistance to small towns and counties that could not afford to employ full-time planners My work consisted of preparing_Land use Plans (CAMA and otherwise) zoning ordinances subdivision reQUlations and various other planning studies for adoption by those local governments. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commnission address? ~~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY `: ~ ~yyG _ BOARD OF. COMMISSIONERS _ ~,~; - ~- ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-71.49 > FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: PLANNING ~30A:D Name: MICHAEL TERNES Home How long have you been a seasonal 4 years Address:lR~7 vrN~FnrNF~ arA F- resident of New Hanover County? full 2 years Mailing Address: SAME City and State: WILMINGTON, NC Telephone: Home:. 91 0- 2 5 6 8 71 0 Zip Code: 28405 Business: 1 (8 0 0) 5 3 31.8.4 0 "Sex: male 'Race: cauc . 'Age: > 21 'This information is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "'Employed by: _ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR "A person currently amp/o yed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nenover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0( the New Hanover Counly Personnel Policy. Jab Title: LICENSED PROFESSIONAL REALTOR/ENGNR&MNFCTURING EXECUTIVE /MLS MEMBER/REALTOR Professional Activities: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF METALS/SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGNRS Vo/unteerActivities~ . L . BASEBALL COACH, THALIF,N ASSOC , CHILDRENS THEAT. ,PTA WBE Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I AM SOLUTION ORIENTED . TH] OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES RELATING TO PRUDENT COUNTY DER] BY CONSENSUS BUILDING DECISION MAKERS..., EXPERIENCED AND SOLUTION ORIENTED. I HAVE OVER TWENTY YEARS OF DIVERSI I M N I BELIEVE I CAN BE COUNTED ON TO BE PART OF A SOLUTION..., NOT PART OF A PROBLEM. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?I HAVE WORK] CLOSELY AND SUCCESSFULLY WITH MUNICIPAL AND STATE PLANNING TEAMS OFTEN-DVILL BRING A STRONG SENSE OF FAIRNESS AND LONG TERM SUCCESS RATHER THAN SHORT TERM BENEFIT RESULTING IN LONG TE M What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? PRUDENT DECISION MAKING, ENVIRONMENTAL STEADFASTNESS, BEAUTIFICATION, STRIVING Y, STABILITY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE FEELING OF SECURITY AMONG CITIZENS. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: NO ~ Da~: ~ n2 9 JANUARY 19 9 9 Signature /Ple a sa averse side for additions! comments? (OVER) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BDARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 .FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions- - Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~L-~N N t I~1 Cy Raj ~ - Name:-~~i/', f~l`tTl-~t~Y E2 ~l~(ATsat~l~ . Home How long have you been a Address: -~Dro C-C~i~. ~~jR,-1- resident of New Hanover County? l l ~C 25 Mailing Address: ~c~Oto C.pl..~_ ~p,)~~- ' City and State:. ~ssT(.-~ ~r~}.1.~ Zip Code: Z $~{-2 q Telephone: Home: ~Z S -- q,~{-~, Business: ~-7 S - ~{'7 55%7~ Z _ Z~Z y 'Sex: ~L3-t-~ 'Race: ~~(Zt~f~ ~~Age: ~"j 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. sT; J?rM~S t4i~rttG G(~vF1,~}-j E3Ms ~GI}IT'~-1's, ~'G ,.Employed by: GQrST~. ~}>~Y~ f~LG 1NLL.t`~ClN6-S"dt~S . '~`~G "A person current/y emplo yed b y the agency or department for tivhich this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: - ~As S-.J"O ~, best 6 H ~ ~ Professional Activities: c~L M~r~ut~s,~ ~~~t~ ut1~M~~c~-~-a-~ ~~~st~-t~ 1r~srtr~r~ s9at ~s~-r~ - Vo/unteerAc'tivities: j.~~~ l~'A~Np~~ 'I•ZE~,IdNA~c.r ~1~DIG,4 t... ~K7-~R #3aA>'ZD 8~ T~us?L~5 t:lq,~.t - ~j,~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1 ~~1..{j c.{}C~ -~'D C~y~"tf.tCs~ ~~ CCM Art t T'TN111t1T Tb ~ t,N.ya.y ~D 6N T1~~ ~4,~ ~ asiz ~1i~7'`C A~1 D tFt Ct'1;}}t t~~-v~f~l~trN-r ~ A ~Aryr~wc~K ~orL. MN~v ~~r~~~..r~ ~r~~rr~ , ~v~wFNt~.Nv' ~iNt7 ~~A~ lTY o>/ 1~(~~. 1N7'd "T1}~ 21sT ~1"~R'! What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? o~ a~.}zVtc,_,, ON '>•}-}>/. Ny1Rt~ic 'rfl o~ q'QJST~St ~N>7 MY 33 YL.A>rS 6>/ ~aC~ '~~-~,rNN 1 j.1G~/p1r5 bN X11', N .A ~~t~~ IN `N tc.M-t~s>~-1. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~.sT~M LN~i7~K hdEh1LQ'~ T~Z1tNSpoRTA71CN / 5~185~1~115)d~ itc~~~ r S'f7zlp #~Vt/~1~S~NTt $Ac-AND C.cMM~IGIhL/ ~'-~S'~4t~• f tZ1/stA~~1_ i~c~/;z~y1~A?~Npr~- ~-A~Nt~l1KG $~57~1't/!-C~M~K~1-" Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: uu~utslJ V 15U Da~: ~~~~.~-~ 2~, I q Gj ~ ;'' ~ ,~ ~t/99 Signature (Plea a arse side for additional comments/ (OVER) NEW NANpy~ ~, BD. Of COMMISSip(IiE~g ~, '~jL,}~ 1i1~ i ~~.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9fOl 341-7149 ' 'FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 APR p ~ ~ qgq NEW N~,"'~.,_. e~. c. r~ App/icatiori for Appointrr~ent..to.Baards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: p~Ltf•N rJ (~! (r 13~,~~-~ Name: ~ c ~15fi-/--t l l~1 (• W r° (G I-F j - . _ Home Address: ~/ O Z G~lc-(nr ~ z-eu,~ % 2 g'~f a Mailing Address: S/o2 G~l~-/~!E Cau,~,~ City and State: •~./ / c.M/nr~--r-zrn! ,` n/ L ' Telephone: Home: 9 t ~• °7~ !• 7 8' 3 3 How long have you been a t resident of New Hanover County? 2 /Z t,~-t'S . .~ _ Zip Code: _ 28"~f o }' Business.• ~ <v • 2~5 • ~9~ o "Sex: /~'1 "Race: G~iG~fs /~-N *Age: Z9 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. " "Employed b y: G>TCTG Goo ~ /n/'.<F- /`~c7"~z-- S , / nIL . "A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application, is made, must resign his/her position with / New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~ J) Job Title: V / GC P~ t~5 r D c.v T Professional Activities: /N Gffir4~C(rc t?F SffzES , ~-r~K.~~ 7N~- ~4vV.D G2 uR•z-/ T Uo/unteerActivities: -(nl/LMl~G9"D-~1 GJ~ ~ ~oT/f~~/ GL-t-CB ' ST. Ts~-MES ff7~M~L~SS SK•~Lr~r2. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1 t;//5 ft 7`a i9`ss~s ~ ~,V Gf-F,fF;~T/ rtf(r /~ Py5 t'T7 /E GaZGR. S E O rc Cr~o~'c~f• r¢it10 p~ v~~a~iKE~v 7' / N ?1/~ ff~ivm~rL Ca unr-r ~/ . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .Z ~'l ~' tQES //JEnf T o r iV£ ~ I-Fi)•iyo vE,~2_. Ca u~ T' ~/ ff~/D l.yT~cs ~~ I ~ 5 F,2v r ~f'~ A +~/ D 5 u l Pam T- f nJ ~ -r-~ Bv.t;e. ~ a •F Co n K t ss / o...t E-t5 . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ f-F~~ ~ /~!o PK~ - D-c~-+e~-r fn.r~~ ,ac'~n~ D.4 ~n72 ?`~ P~~.r,.~rinr~ 1~e.4-•~-~D . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ~0 .a Da~: ~ 7~Yir~~- 3 / , ~ 99 S Signature G" • ~,.,, /Please use reverse side for additional comments/ {This page ,intentionally left blank} 116 ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT - 2°a FLOOR MEETING ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY - 201 CHESTNUT STREET _ ' ' . - August 16, 1999. 9:00. a.m. . ' .ITEMS OF BUSINESS . PAGE .., ., NO ' ~ : - 1. ;NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 117 ' ~" 2.~ Approval of minutes.. - ~ 119 ;- - 3. Consideration of approval of participation in cost of oversizing -'.contract #00-0086 cost 121 - ~ of.Pump Station Zoder Avenue, Loder Development Company, Inc.. - 4. "Consideration of approval of reimbursement for construction of sewer line contract 125 . . ~ #99=0411 Primary Care Associates " - . ~ 5. ~ Consideration of approval of request---for sewer service Avalon `Subdivision :~ ~- 131. . ~ - 6. s Consideration of selection of engineering consultant for the design of a wellfeld 135. ,,.. - . ~ and drinking water treatment facility. - ~ -~ ' .. ~- '~ ' ,~. - ADJOURN. -' , - ,~ . .s . ,. . ,, - - - , ' , .. :. - -, - ~ - , - - - ., E u , , - - . . ~ 1 17 118 r~ {This page intentionallyleft~blank} ~~ t~L~171®t'~ ~49 ~e fiP'p V *,~'PlFa iPtlii V '' / tN M I ~ ~~ E ~2 0 .~ r ~aQ {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~ ~ , z ~Q n ,. . .,.. ,~ ~.. _ . ,.. a k ~ . ° -' .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS,~~ " - ~ ~~ - ~ ' . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ~ ` . ~ : ' , ~ ;Meeting Date.:. 08!16199 ; ." Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page,Number: ®epartmerit: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard : . , . Contact:..-Wyatt Blanchard. ~ ~ ~ ' .SUBJECT: . ~ . -. , ' ::y Participation In Cost of Oversizing -Contract #00=0086 - . ~ .. " _ Cost of Pump Station -Loder Avenue '' - ~ ~~-Loder Development Company; lnc.~ - _ ~ ' ~ . .r.. , . . ` BRIEF SUMMARY: '~ Loder Development Company is proposing to construct. a sewer collection` system on 'Loder Avenue to ,- serve 28 lots. Loder Avenue is located just southeast of Monkey Junction off Myrtle Grove Loop Road ~ . ` ` e (see attached map). ~ ~ •~_ , ;L. ' ' .The location of the proposed pump station is good for a regional pump station which can serve.,. ~ ~ '. . . .approximately 420 acres of land and allow the future removal,of two existing pump stations. The cost of , , ~' :. the pump station and collection sy"stem to serve the developers project would be $266,989.00: The-cost ,, : including oversizing the system to accept flow from the surrounding. area in the future will be $420,478x00. This results in $153,489.00 additional cost to construct for a regional system for the future. This area ~ . , . ' otherwise would not be provided sewer unti12018 according to the sewer plan. ~,' , `The attached contract`changes a $450.00 pernew residential unit development fee for all connections to the system except units- acquiring a building permit prior to the date of the contract. Existing residences , ' ; arealso exempt from this fee. As .per the Ordinance, there. is a fifteen (15) year limit on reimbursements`' to the developers:. The $450.00 fee will be divided `between the Developer and the District in proportion to the amount paid originally. The $450 fee is an amount changed by the District in.previous instances .: - . . ` where sewer has been provided ahead of schedule. - ~. ` Cooperation such as this prevents the District from having to construct an additional pump station in this .. area in ahe future. , , .. •:~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: -•t recommend that the agreement be approved with. authorization'for the Chairman to sign. In addition; ... ~,,. approve the associated budgetamendment.#00-0013. .. ,. ~ ' FUNDING SOURCE: ... , . , "'` Water/Sewer District Fund Balance ~ ~ ' - - ,, - r~ ATTACHMENTS:'= ,. ~ '. ` ° - , . _ `` , ~~.. , OM ©N ,. _~ COUNTY G 1 ; .. ~ ;~ - MDS~t , .• ba00-013.wp _ '. : ~ ~ :.. , ~ ~ APPROVED C~! ... . , - , , ~ REJECTED p . , . ~ _ ~ ~ _ REf!~OYED .. ` ~ '. '. ,. i POSTPONED ~ ~ , .. - .. MEnRD .., , . ~ ~' , . - . .., _~. ., ,. ~ DATE /!v . . ~ ~, ~ ~~ .. , r~ REVIEWED BY: ~ • LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACT O S/COMMENTS: 6u~;,~~oid~x~~l wt ix9 4JJ1 i~'~~r't • •~•~'k 122 ~ ~~~~ ~~- :,~ ~~~..~ .~.,~. {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~~ ~~r~8~~~l~~?~1'~;~~ Y~~ao r ~e . ,. ~~ ~~~~ ~ 124 36r~t~ `1 ._ . ., ... , ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 12EQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ~ . . ~ ~ Meetin Date: 0811.6/99 ': g o - . ,... ~., , . -: Water &.Sewer Item.#: 4 'Estimated Time: Page Number: . ,. .,.. ~ , . . . "~ Departme,nt::Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard ,. • , ' .- Coritact: ".Wyatt E.. Blanchard ~ w ' . .. , ., , ,. ,. , ° ~ SUBJECT: ~~ - Reimbursement for Construction:of Sewer Line .. , . ° .,T. ~ Contract No.99-0411 .. , ., ... .- . Primary Care .Associates - ° , ~, BRIEF SUMMARY:.. . °". ~ ,.. Primary Care Associates constructed .1,235 feet of sewer line to serve property at 5145 South College ` ~: Road. -The cost of construction of the sewer line is $65,399 (see attached map).: In accordance with : . ° . ::Section 15-94 of the "Water and. Sewer Ordinance,' they are asking for reimbursement .from. others receiving benefit from. the sewer line. - ~ Based on 10.12 acres served,they would be eligible for up to $41,659 in reimbursement. All reirnkiursernentwi1l be from others connecting except for the County's Myrtle Grove Library. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: '. ° _ ,.f recommend that the agreement be approved with authorization for the Chairman.to execute. "FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - .. ., " General Fund participation for library will be $6,700. ~ "~ ..~, . ° :'..ATTACHMENTS:. .. ~ ~, `Draft Contract : :., ,, • " _ Location Map_` ~ .: .. `REVIEWED BY: ~. • ~ ~ . -LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A. ' " COUNTY MANAGER'S C TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' r° . Recommend approy , ,' , COMMISSIONERS' A TIONS/COMMENTS: . . ,a ` COUNTY COMMI~IQN 1 . .APPROVED ;, .- ~ RCJECTED p ~ . ' : REMOVED ~ ~" . , . ,,. .. .• POSTPONED ^ ~ " . a . . HEARS ... .. :.: _ ' - - P1ATE ~,----~ ~ - ~~ 5 .. ~i . New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0411 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, dated this day of CONTRACT. D d ~~ . ., ~ l~- 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "District"; and PRIMARY CARE ASSOCIATES, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of certain property generally referred to as the Primary Care Associates property along South College Road (Tax Parcel No.3134-56-3267-000), which properties are hereinafter referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that sewer line was constructed to allow the District to provide sewage service to the Property, and to others; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that construction of such sewer line shall exceed in capacity that which would be required to provide service only to the Property; and WHEREAS, the parties have, pursuant to the New Hanover County Code, agreed, therefore, to share responsibilities and costs associated with the construction of such sewer lines, all as more fully set out hereinafter. SNOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: ~lr~ ~ 1. Pro,~ect"~ The parties~hereto agree that the sewer mains were constructed in accordance C~ ~:~ i - . with the plans and4 sgp~«~ecificati^o~~~gns File Number 225.4 in the custody of the New Hanover Courity ~~ Ve+i J4~1Y i. ~P~ gineering Department~and~~made a part hereof, that shall constitute the scope of the work 12 ~' ~~:.kw~~ ~~~~ li n 1 . .,, , ~. .. . ., ,. , ,p,. ;. ~ - ~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 04.11 ~~ , -. .performed; hereinafterxeferred to as the Project . ~ ~ ~ . ' ' 2. Responsibility of Developer. Developer shall be responsible .for the following: . . ' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ .Payment of all costs associated with the Project, including, ,but riot limited to engineering costs and construction costs, subject°to the obligation,of other land owners to reimburse` _. .: ' .. _ . " ~ Developer a portion of construction cost... `~ ~ •- ~ + 3: Responsibility of District. The District shall provide from.other Developers which _ • discharge to this system reimbursement to the Developer in accordance with~the provisions of this . . ' ` : ; Contract. ~ :- :. y .. 4.., ,Project Cost The Project cost shall include the following: '~ ~ ' a. -All sums paid to all contractors for work performed on the construction of the ~ ' ' ~~ . .., Project;,'and b.~ The total project cost shall be Sixty-Five Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Nine .Dollars and Ten Cents, ($65,399.10). Developers share of said costs shall be based. on their ~ . . ' - respective proportional number of acres to be served compared to the total number of acres served . by tfie sewer line (total acreage is 10.12 acres). Said Developers share of costs shall be paid at time ~ ' ~of connecting.to the District system. ` 5. Reimbursement. Reimbursement shall be pursuant to Section 15-94 of theNew Hanover ~. .. ,~. . . County Code: Reunbursement.will continue until the-appropriate portion of the project cost is paid ; or until fifteen (15)_ years from the date of this contract, as set forth above. ~ . 6: Indemnity. Developer shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County and New Hanover - . .. County Water arid.Sewer District; its agents and employees, Harmless against any and all claims,. ~. '~ . demands, causes of.action; or other liability, including attorney fees, on account~of personal,i" ' ' ~~ ,. _ . 2 ' New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0411 or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Developer hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Developer, his agents, employees and subcontractors. . 7. Entire Agreement. This Contract•.represents the complete agreement of the parties relating to the construction of the Project. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the parties hereto. ~ - , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument,. by ` authority duly given and on the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ' [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~ . Clerk to the Board PRIMARY CARE ASSOCIATES (Corporate Seal).: By: President • ATTEST: Corporate Secretary: ~ ~ ~ •~ • ~ ..' 128 3 4 MAP-NOT-TO-SCALE AUGUST 4, 1999 ... .. .:~ .~ . '~ ~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ ~~:;' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ ` ~ ~ . . Meeting Date: ~.'08/1:6/9.9: ~ ._ '~ ,"-..•Water &,8ewer~ltem #: 5 Estimated.Time: Page Number: ~ ~ ~ - ' ~ , • ~ Department::Water & Sewer District. Presenter:. Wyatt E. Blanchard:- ., ' Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard 'SUBJECT: ~ '. -~ - ,. ,, , Request for:Sewer Service .: .• ' Avalon ..Subdivision ..r - , .. BRIEF SUMMARY: ., . _ _ Staff .has received a petition from Mr. Bruce Jackson, Jr., representing several homeowners, requesting `: ~. ; sewer service on Windy Mills Drive (copy of request and location map is attached). In order to.fulfill this ` ~ _' ~ `request, it would be necessary to extend a sewer line from the new `system being proposed by Loder .• . -Development Company on Loder Avenue (see the previous .item). :. ~ ° '. . • The estimated cost to'extend a'sewer line to the petitioners would be $175;000: This area is not planned , for, a sewer collection system by the District until the year 2018. This project would tie dependent upon ;' . _„.. .approval of'the project on Loder Avenue discussed in the previous item. If the Board wishes for' the ~: `~ Y p J ~ p P p ,p .. , .Count to .move forward with this ro'ect staff will . re are a more detailed. ro osal,similar to the one in the previous item for further review and approval by the Board. ~ ~ • . _ ~.~ `• RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: f ~ ~ ~ ~ ' :I recommend that the Commissioners consider the request and direct staff~to prepare a more detailed - r ' ,~• °• proposal for further consideration.., .: ~ _ . _ 3:- , .. •. - ~ - FUNDING SOURCE:.. ~ _ , ~ .. ; ., ~~ J~ If approved, cost will be $175,000 and will. be divided between the District and the petitioners based on an agreement to be prepared: . .. .ATTACHMENTS: . _ _ .. . Request from AvalonSubdi~ision • ` FLocation Map . ~ ' ~ - . ., . - .:. ' REVIEWED BY:. , , ;.. - ... -LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A , :. ~ ~° ' ,..... . ,. •. ,. .. ; - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Concur with County Engineeer. Consider directing staff to ,prepare a .more detailed proposal. : "' -~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ` ,. .. ' ~ ' ~ ., . . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ ~ ~ ~ ._ APPt.s~`JLD ,, D"' .%~it;~ ~ -~' ~ `~Gi2. (;s~~ bt.~f o~u 1 :: ~ `:. . . :• _- ~~ 4 ° , ~ °:. HE~1 K~ " q .; r ~ ... - ~ DATE ~ ~" . JACKSON &RIVENBARK A T:.T O R N~ E Y S A T. L A W 615 PRINCESS~STREET P.b. BOX 1407 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 BRUCE H. JACKSON, JR. CHRISTINA RIVENBARK SANDRA RAY CRINER • July 12, 1999. Mr. Wyatt Blanchard New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 RE: Avalon Subdivision Water and sewer Dean Mr. Blanchard: TELEPHONE (910) 763-1041 (910j2~1-3080 FACSIl~1ILE (910)-763-9375 o ~~~od~ ' .lUl 131999 ENGINEfplNG DEPARTMENT Please be~advised that I represent the property owners and residents of Avalon Subdivision: located adjacent to the southern side of Windy Hills Drive off of Myrtle Grove Loop .Road in h~ecr Hanover County. The road into our subdivision is an unpaved marl road named Avalon Avenue. Avalon does not have water or"sewer, although the residents have requested itand-expected it for many years now. All of the houses are adjacent to Myrtle Grove Sound and the' Intracoastal Waterway, Each residence has its own well and septic system. While these wells and septic systems , have generally performed satisfactorily, there have been numerous periods in the. Last few years «~hen adverse weather conditions (three hurricanes and several tropical storms and northeastersi Lave flooded Avalon. The wells have been tested shortly after these events and found to ha~_` bf-e_~ polluted by dangerous and harmful bacteria. The residents and others suspect that drain of` frog. septic systems all around the area is one of the major causes of the contaminated well con~~i"t=~~~ from these events. The health risks resulting therefrom are unacceptable. Bottled water is the or.l°_;~ reasonable temporary solution. While I am sure that there are other areas in New Hanover County with similar proble_-r= such as ours, I am not aware of any place worse than our situation. I am informed that Loden Aver ale and Windy Hills Drive are to soon get sewer and water services. Your consideration~of our req~.rest for water and' sewer is greatly appreciated. ~ ' request. ., Below are.the signatures of all the owners and residents of Avalon Subdivision Joriing:i~ ~f ~9~n~~!ltie~ '°~ 1 Thank you for your attention`'to this matter this matter. ~ ~ ~ 132 a~~~~; ~...,~ ._ ~-~~~ I look forward to hearing from you in regard :~: '~ MAP-NOT-TO-SCALE AUGUST 4, 1 g99 .. ~ ?' ' ~ ~' - 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS : ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON `,' ' ~ ~ Meetin Dater 08!16/99 - ' .. g ~' -_ Water & Sewer Item.#: 6 Estimated Time:. -Page. Number: `>'~Department: Engineering. Presenter: Dave Weaver ;~~ .Contact: -DaveWeaver , . . : ,,SUBJECT:. ~ .. , `' Consideration of selection of engineering consultant for the design ,.. ,': " °': of a wellfield and drinking. water treatment facility ", ~. ~. . _:. ; a.. _. . ~ . .BRIEF SUMMARY: , .. . . ," "`, `. .The Board previously gave direction'to staff to move-toward development of a well field. and drinking water ~ . ", fr"eatment facility in the northeastern part of the County. Four engineering firms responded to ~a Request - fo`r Qualifications to provide engineering `and design services. A panel. composed of Commissioner ~ -~ " Howell; Dave Weaver, Wyatt Blanchard, and Dexter Hayes reviewed the. firms' Qualifications and listened ~~ to ,presentations:,, ' . All four firms were,found to be well qualified and made excellent prese°ntatioris. `One firm was removed from consideration due to their already having .been awarded significant County consulting work. The.:' " " ~ ~~ Committee felt each of the three firms; Dickson and Associates, Andrew and Kuske, and Kimley Horn . vvere~alP closely ranked: Dickson and Associates had the greatest local presence and is very well qualified °~ to perform the work. r..RECOMMENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . "~ The Boardshould consider selecting one of the three firms. Again, the three firms were judged 'by the . ,panel to be very close in qualifications for the project.. - . , FUNDING SOURCE: ' .. ~ ~ . . ATTACHMENTS: - - . . ." ... ~. REVIEWED'BY: ~ ~ , ,. E LEGAL: N/A . FINANCE: Approve ~ BUDGET:. NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N1A ' .~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Recommend the.County co r ct with Dickson and: Associates for the.design of a well field :and drinking watertreatment fa "'ty. ~ , ~.. •r COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 /COMMENTS: - , ; caUNr~ c©Mr~~ssco~ . ~; " ,APPROVED . . ~. REJECTED. C3, `: •.. ,. REMOVED ; C.1 - . ' POSTPONEt) `O ~ ~ ~ - _ .- , ~.. , - HEARD ~ p~ ~~¢ .. /u " ~~ DATE ...~.•~...-~...~ , ~~ - {This page intentionallyleft blank} e k- ~ V Y9~'-t a l i ,~Q ,pq~{ ~rr ~ e g ~ iA~37Yid,.~.~nf 13 6 ~ ~~~~t~~ ~~;~ - ~~~~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ° ' - .. August 16, 1999 ° ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS • - . . .. PAGE: - NO: _ 1 • Approval of Minutes - - ~ , . 139 - - ~ 2. Approval of Museum Ethics Policy .~f , `' 141., ' .. ~ _ ,. 3._ A royal of A lication for.FY2000 State Aid to Public Libraries pp PP , 145. . ' ~ . '; 4. Approval of Release of Value ~ ~~ 151 , .. - ' . 5: Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District .. ~ ..153 -: Collection Reports • •• ,' ~ 6.. Authorization for Cooperation Extension and Arboretum Foundation to proceed 157 , - - ~ ° with development of funding and construction of the Coastal. Environmental House ' . 7. Approval of contribution for reception following dedication of Veteran's Park and - 161 , . , . ,,_ . school site ~8. `Approval of•additional funding for Retired Senior Volunteer Program $,1,100 163 Accouritrng : 9. Approval' of Animal Control License Fee Proposal, including two new 165 Technician II positions • ' 10. Approval for adding one Sergeant arid four Deputy positions in the Sheriff's ~ 183. st of housing ': ~ Department for the Custody Division; additional~funding for th ~ ~~~ - :' v .. ~ inmates o~tside the.County; and a ew van for transpo/r7tation ~ SFr) 2u-~"` • ~ - 1 ~ `~LCL~--'f7 L~YI ~• 1 a jj~ ~~~Y't Sry~F'~ tE C/Y°) c?. - V Q uJ lf~•/ '• ,F~c^_, i • ;., .Approval of budget amendments: • 11. l 2000-OS to increase budget .for additional revenues received 6/ 14/9.9/ & 7/30/99 185 • Sheriff's Department , .. - 11.2 00-0012 to budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders 187 as of June 30, 1999. - - ~ 11.3 00-0014, to carry over the contribution tot he City of Wilmington for Skate Park ~ 191 11:41 OQ-0015 to rollover expenditures from FY98-99 to FY99-00 195 . - ~ ~ 11.5 : 00-0016 to rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00 ,199 -`, j -, ~ . ~ . ~~ ~ .. , _ - , 137 r r {This. page intentionally left blank} 133 ;. .. , . ~. ~~ ~; {This page intentionallyleft blank} *~ t .. ` ~ ~ :~~ ~ U - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 140 ~ ~~?~ . ~~~c~ ~f~ r; ,. ,. ,. ,. " . ~. .. _ - " .. ._ ~ "; . , . .. ` ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . , , . . , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' .~ _ . • 'Meeting Date: 08/16199. " ~ " ' . Consent 1te'm #-~ 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~. .: ..., _ -. • ~ Department: Museum Presenter: Janet K. Seapker - _ , ~ ~ ~`` . ,, ., , . . . ,. _ s ~ ~ - . ~ Contact: Janet K. Seapker ~ - ~. _ ... .. - . _.: . w. ., _ .. ,.: - ~ .. - '.' '' - .SUBJECT: ~ . _ :,. , ~ - . . , , ;'Museum Ethics Policy , . ~ .. .. s .. .. _ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~, .., =1t is stahdard practice for museums to -have an ethics policies. Currently staff are constrained by a portion ` `of the personnel policy which disqualifies staff from accepting gifts and favors from people doing, business with,the county. The proposed ethics policy ;also covers knowingly collecting in competition. with the museum, performing appraisals for donors, general conflict of interest and representation of the museum ~ ' °~,` .before the public and media. On August 22-24, Cape Fear Museum will have.a site review preparatory to ~° .accreditation by the American Association of Museums, our principal. professional organization. Having an ethics policy in place is a condition of accreditation. The County Attorney.'s office (Kemp Burpeau) has:' - reviewedvarious versions of the proposed policy.. ~. ~ - ' ' ` „•RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . `, .;.; , .Cape Fear Museum requests the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to approve an ethics ~: .. ;policy thafwill be applicable to #uture'staff and. trustees. Current staff and trustees would be encouraged, . but not mandated to comply. The Board of Trustees.voted to support the proposed Ethics.Policy~. 'FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ - , ., •. ~ `ATTACHMENTS:- . .. _ . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ethcs99.wp ' • ' ::. ~ REVIEWED BY: ,. .. ;, , >., - ,: ••` ~ LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N1A .HUMAN_RESOURCES: N/A ` r . COUNTY MANAGER'S TS AND .RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~~ Recommend approva . ; , COMMISSIONERS' ACT ONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ .t - r , •. , • . t .. ~ - :. .. - :COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- . ... ~,. .. APPROVED .:E'A,!~.. ... - . . ~. :REMOVEp; C7 - " ..~ .. . •.. . ,. POSYPON~o o ~' 1:41. + ~ . ~ _ ~ HEARD. ,; -. • . ~ ,.. . _ ,. .,. . ,. ' { '. - ., .,-.~~ ~ ~ ~th~CS Po1xCy t "_ 1898-1998 ' ~ adopted by Board o~ Trustees, July 7, 1999 1 F 814 Market Street • Wilmington, NC 28401-4731 ~~-=~~~'~ 1 910.341'.4350 • Fax: 910.341.4037 ~~-i~T e-mail: cfmlC~wilanington.net Art agency of Newartover County wwzv.co.new-hanover.nc.us/cfm/cfmmain.htm STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Cape Fear Museum collects, preserves and interprets objects relating to the history, science and cultures o~ the Lower Cape Fear, and malzes those objects and their interpretation available to the public through educational exhibitions and programs. adopted by Board oI Trustees 4.6.95 F3 Hanover County Board o~ Commissioners 5.15.95 - . THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES is dedicated to responsible governance which guides°the museum's progress, supports its mission, protects and invigorates the institution, and enhances its - character, integrity and welfare. All official actions shall be accomplished by the board (or, as prodded for in the museum bylaws,):as a'whole, and not-by mdi~idual trustees except as authorized by the board. Trustees shall respect the governing documents, policies and practices thus- established. " MUSEUM STAFF are responsible to the director and implement the museum mission in daily operations.,- The staff, including the director, must faithfully. observe organizational standards. and' policies; Help to protect,and conserve the museum's. collections, facilities, assets and financial resources;; ~..~/ and fulfill their individual duties while recognizing, supporting and serving the interests of the museum as a whole. They shall conduct themselves in a spirit of service to the museum and its audiences, and of mutual assistance, support and cooperation with other staff and the board. .. _ _ THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND STAFF MEMBERS General: Trustees and staff are expected at all times to serve the museum and its purposes, to faithfully fulfill their respective duties, and to encourage goodwill and support for the museum. They shall strive to ensure truth and wholeness in the content, nature and quality o{ scholarship and in all exhibitions, ' programs and site interpretation. ~ ° "' ' Collections: It is intended that the museum's collections actively be managed according to established policy, in a professional manner which improves the content and relevance to the institution's mission, enhances the quality, ensures proper care and maintains the properties unimpaired for future generations. Personal Collecting/Dealing: Trustees and staff must refrain from Iznowingly competing with the museum in acquiring objects within the institution's collecting purview, in accordance with the museum's Colle~ton~'P~ol'cy~t'~t~~ y~fnl~ ~~^_ $ L~ppraisals: No~staff~member or trustee shall perform appraisals of objects donated to the museum. ~~~ ; ~. ~~ 1~~~'~~q 142o1~~y,Eth~es99.~d~ ®~~~~ .. ~~A~ Where the Past has Presence °l {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~, 144 _ ~ Department of Cultural Resources ' ' State Library of North Carolina MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Year 1999-2000 (Submit one form for each city/county) .• , . The New Hanover County Publ is Library will maintain its (Name of Library) local governmental support in order to receive State Aid funds in accordance with N.C Administrative Code Chapter 2, Subchapter 2E, Section .0300: TOTAL County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure 1998 -1999 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid Appropriations) $ 1,994,569 TOTAL County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure 1999-2000 '(Excluding capital outlay and State Aid Appropriations) ~ 7.241 .f~l l New Hanover Name of City or County Signed (City/County Manager or Finance Officer) for City/County of Signed Date: 7/23/99 brary Director) Signed New Hanover Date: 7/23/99 (Designated Finance Officer of Regional or Independent library governing board) err ~.:ibrary of ~~tC 2':7699-. 146r ~ t July 1, 19 SL/LD ~ ~~~~ Rev. 6/99. '~"A~ ;anon to: Librarv`Deve ~rth CaroIi~ia, 460 ~Iai ~=t0. Postmark deadlin -June 30,,?000 ~s ~iug Date: . , .. ~~Z - , . . _ , i((~~R~T I0: AI03Sq ~ '~"~ NEk DETAIL LTST LNG ' HANOYER CDUN,7Y DBLLGATiONS. , ^F •~ Y.S:...BUOGE.T _. _ ~ -. ~ ._ . ___ _..._ PAGE: 236 _. ~.!4~At*E:,-JUL 09.:..4.9.:. -:.. .. . _-. .. __.-: _-. .... _ _.. FOR PUCG .. E~T FISCAL YEAR_..1 999 ~~_ _. ..__ .-... ... ..._ - ,,._. ._ _. -. ... . , ._. _ Th RGUGH Cb/30/99-_ AGENCY .611 LI@RARY --- - - - ' ._ ..FUND 110 ORGANIZA7IGN_ 61.10 . GENERAL FUND LJ:BR:ARY. - -- _-. DRG M - - GR C PAYNTER - ACT.LYITY. 5000 CULT E AEC _... _ , - LUR REN7 PERIOD - ~ FiSCAL YEAR-TD GATE - L URRENT C OBLIGAT UN EC. .OBJECT I- y, ___~_~___._ _..T _ __. TOTAL I DUTSTANGING S EXPENDITURES _TCTAL I OBLIGATIONS I B.UCGETEO AMGUNT BUCGET E]ALANCE qOE-DESCRIRTION LENGUMBRANCES .- EXP:ENOI7URES , OBLIGA7LDNS . L. ENCUMBRANCE ..._ __. _, 400..SAtARIES- ._ _ -_ __0.00. 8L~-93:9.14- B2~S39.14-. .- _. 0.00_._.. 1~0.17~313.22- _1y0.1.7~313.22 1~0.71~497.._.. 55183.7.8..___ ISO ..TEMP -S.ALARIE -:-- --"0..00. -1-0y,86b.59 10866.59 .. _ ._. .. _. 0.00-__. ___ 117y812..80. _1171412,.80 _ 1051560..:_ _ 1Zy252 8Or_ _ ,00~-F;IOA --_.-_,. ___ ,_ :.__0 00- ..- -- 6.19-31..59.- E.1.931.59 - - .0.00-".__ 841439. 35-.- 85149..35 . _911038._.,._ _6.1598 65.__ ;10..R,ETIRE-L.GERS _.. _-0.00 --- -:. -.. 4-1110.2.7-. _.._ 0 00. 491662+7.9-. 4.9662.7-9 __54316.._ _4663.21__.._: .... - ... I00. M:EDILAL__LNS 0.00 --- 11.1350..22 11y340..22 0.00-- L35155h...9.8_ 13.5155.4'..98 _1361066_-__ ._ .. 511.O.Z.=._ l10.. 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' ' _ . . t` ,. , . `: ~ : ~ . ` ., -~ ~ r _ 147 ~J N GATE: 22 JUN 99 N TIME:' 11:45:43 ND: 110 GENERAL FUND G: 6110 LIBRARY * * » * * 1999 * * * » f 199.8 MODIFIED EXP THRU XPENOITURE 06/15/99 05/31'/99 3948,528 ,,5190719497 39349374 31659.562 597,560 #106,946 582,653 ;91,038 E77950d 5'459457 #549326 ;45,553 :, 31159322 ;136,066 #1249215 3197-09 52,524 #1,796 #1{359{231 #194539011 $1,290,392 531094 332~IIB83 5289450 562,853 #609647 #539459 521,72.5 0 524 900 ~4d0 ;9 76.4 141 . 5 314 064 ~BDS .516,072 000 1 b169074 ;0 54 ,281 9 5 $5,800 #2,835 , 30 50 SQ 529442' $119322 549000 $.169624 #69598, . 3179134 .' bbl{354 5369847 542'9458. 5500 530 721 .55229428. 100 #449 513 , 886 fl .405 971 $19 519650 5195.00 51 535.. .. ~9Q3. a 5169554, 52091:50 .. 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INSTALLMENT LEASE PAYMENT. 5940 TOTAL FOR APPR~UNIT 2.80 LAND COSTS DTHER.IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL OUTLAY - EgUIPMEN TOTAL FOR APPR••UNI.7 TOTAL FO K, ACTIVITY TOTAL FUR ORGANIZATION PAGE: 14I REPORT IU: 8120NH FUNC: * # * ~* * » » x2000 » * » * a o » * BUDGET RECOM ADOPTED REQUEST ENDED BUOGcT $1 2569519 31,206,836 5192189552 .141',336 ;97,560 597,560 ;106,936 3999786 $100,683 ;6Z ,198 3599738 360{318 - $191,063 $178,200 51829385 SZ9890 52,776 $29803 319760942 3196449896 519b629301 , 317t177~ 317 177 517 I77 y500 500 500 f719101 5419500 5419500 b25. 353' 327 867 5279867 500 500 3500 , 517,356 (1.7,356 317935ti 37,000 51,000 ;1,000 - 369095 69095 559095 {` (89000 ;8,000 $8,000 ;15,330 3159330 315,33G r\~'y/1 ;48,650 5409000 5409000 `~.~' b6009000 55619161 SSbL9161 ;1,200 S1y200 #i92D0 319600 ,;19600 $1,600 519500 ' '519500 - 319500 522,.000 ;209150 $209150_ $149900 3149900 514.9900 .' ;8589262 $7759836 57759836 5100 000 5 00 00 6400 1 ; ;5190 55190 281 3589000 3519000 #519000 i 5000 f0 #0 30 6110 - 3295779204 3294719732 3294899137 - 1 .. -5'I,ono can~i'~ ~ ,_c~ i q b, 31 b C l~}c. ~,a`41,s11 .lac`l G, ~, .. a '. . v .. -.• _ •. f ~ ~ ^ 1. ~ • W - r . 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AGTV 5000 - TOT -.-._ _4}b61.00-. 20-2.124..01- 2.06785.0:.1. 26519.5.5 Z~147~747.83 : 2.~174~247 29 , . . 2 2 . _._ 00 661 124.0:1.. 202 206785..0.1_ _265.19..4.5 .. 2~.14,7~747.83 Z.~174~247 2B 2~262~825 &955.5+.72 ..TOT-.ORGN 6110 _--., ,. . ..__.4 .; _.. C !1 i'iFL -- __ -- _ , ~aS SHI SLZr:p~~ _.. _ . __ . ,. _ ._..._ ~ - - _ .. __.. _ _.. _,.. _ .. , r - _.. _ ___ __ ._ . _ .._:. - _ _ _ _:.. ~ 9 q`I- 56 q- ~ -1- ~~s `f~oti~ l Syr: _.._ ~ ...__ _ .- .. .. ., ~ :r' ~ -. , "" ` - ~ .. y a ." ~ , - . ~ ~ ... ~. ., ~ ~ ,. t ~ - .. ,,., , 149 . Department of Cultural Resources ~"~ State Library of North Carolina APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES State Fiscal Year 1999-2000 (Submit one form only) I, ,certify that the New Hanover County Public Library Signature, chair of governing body (Name of Library) having met the following requirements, hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. (1) Be legally established as required by North Carolina statutes. (2) Provide Library services easily available without discrimination to all residents of the political subdivision supporting the library. (3) .Employ a director having a valid North Carolina public~Iibrarian certificate and successful experience as a public librarian or administrator. (4) Secure operational fiulds from local ,government sources at least equal to the amount budgeted the previous year. A grant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund.shall not be terminated but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department of Cultural Resources if the local funding for. a public library was reduced by the local governing body as part of an overall general budgetary reduction reflecting local. economic conditions and local government fiscal constraints. State funds shall not replace local funds appropriated for public library operations. - (~) Expends funds as authorized in the adopted budget. Any library having an unencumbered operational balance of more than seventeen percent (17%) of the previous year's operating receipts will have the . difference deducted from its state allocation. (6) Obtain aggregate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. (7) `Pay salaries for professional positions funded from state aid•that are no less than the scale required.by ~ ~~ the Division of State Library. a. -Each professional position funded with State Aid must be supported by two full-time equivalent (FTE) paraprofessional positions. b. Professional librarians who are paid in whole or in part from State Aid must have a valid North Carolina Public Librarian's Certificate. (S) Obtain an annual audit of libraryy accounts according to generally~accepted accounting principles and , submit a copy of this audit to the Division of State Library. (9) ~ Submit a copy of bylaws and personnel policies to the division of state library. (10) Compile an assessment of the library needs of the community, prepare and annually revise along-range plan of service, and submit copies of needs assessment and long-range plans of service to the division of state library. (11) Submit a copy of the agreement establishing the regional or county library, if composed of more than one local governmental unit. • (12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing a new library or withdrawing from a larger system: (a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program on July 1 of the year prior to the fiscal year that the library plans to receive state aid, (b) continue to meet all qualifications for the state,aid to public libraries program from.July 1 to June 30 of that year, which shall be known as the demonstration year, (c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in order to receive state aid in the next fiscal year. . 1 5 0.. ~ Submit application to: Library Developmerit'Section; State SL/LD Library of North Carolina; 4640 Mail Service Center, Raleigh; Rev. 6/99 NC 22699=4640. Postmark deadline for application for FY :July 1, .1999 - June.30, 2000 is :August 3!1,1999. i`l {This page intentionally left blank} ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~vo~~~ ,, ~~~~~~ 152 ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ CONSENT AGENi~A SATE'--------- ITEM NO,,----_ NEW NANOVER COUNTY FIRE i~ISTRICT TAX LOL:LELTiONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/33J99 `, CURRENT TAX YEAR m 3999 t~RiGINAL TAX tEVY PER SCROLL 0I SCOY~RiES A{)flED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES LtiARGEO LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLELTION5 TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COILELTEfl BALK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PE~2SONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECT iCNS TO i~ATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED THIS REPt3RT IS Ffl~2 FISCAL YEAR BE R ECTFULLY SUF~~?ITTEDy '~ '^° t~ PATRICIA J. NCR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE AO VALOREM . 2'fl6~4293~00 a~~ ~.rao~.. so®a.~aaam-a ~ 2'050'293,51 494,32 sssaaa®o.,o~r r~ma+~s $ 2~05t3~787..00 ~~~~~~m~am~s~m~ 2y06fl9?87.53 ',fl01~ MOTOR VEhiICLE sos~mm~ $~ ~~~~~v~es 24372,58 102.$3 rsae ,o.. w. 354,28 s m+me®ram os. . ~ 24313,23 .00 ..~s.~~~ ~~s~a~~~m 24'3Ii,23 ~~~~~.~ 10~,237,28- ~~~m~~a $ 141073.95 4~2,31°~# 55y058,73 "~,52 ~~~ 237,35^ ®a .~s®,~~~.o a.o ;~ , 5+'$30,99 5~432af35~' . 49 g 398.i4 ~ 9.91-~ . INltiING JULY 3~ 1999, ~ COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE rte, P,~R. ~ ~~ua;~~~~~a~`,~ ~-A s C5 ~< ~ ~ C ~ ~° ~ ~' ~ _ 564. .`ep'.U~ h ' `' ~ ~ ~ lri.~ ,.arcs:. ~i '"'k.:"~r'~erp- ,491 ") 154 .. ~ CCtv'SE~1T AG~NCA ,, :• .. .. ; . .. ., . GATE'---=----- ,, ., o t•. ~ ~ ; .. . " NE~d HANGVER. CDl3N TY TAX, Ct3LL:~CTiD~1S .' .. _: `. ' ' •, CGLI.ECTIDNS TMRl1 fl71~1/99.,~ ~_ OURRE~T' SAX YEAR ~° 1999 ioasrwm'm.aa ao emsma i~ ~ a ~ sr . Aa ~IAL(3RE~1 `- s wma am awao sar ~ MDTOR' VE4iICLE a+~awwa~>aawaa ~ ' :® _ s v~ m ma ~I:RIGINAL TA7(. LEVY PER SCRDLI_ ~ s a s ` S 77~390y20fl.~16 . ~ .:1~2~7y61?.25;, :~ .. ,. . DiSCDVERiES A'fli~ED .t30 5.~~91.89- ~ ; LESS ABATEMENTS. '. ~ ~ - - .. ~ .00 a a ~ 9~043~98w w vw a i ~ ~ . - -. .. T(37Al~ TAXES CHARGED ~ msw.aa a awaaa orwa~ r - ~ 77~39pi208.1b w sww ww wiw ww ~ 1~253'765~a:ib .: ; ' AOVERTiSi°!VG FEES CHARC~D ~. ~.flfl .._ .. .00 LISTING PENALI`iES' CNAR6ED .. Z1y702.2~3 .40 '~ CLEAfVING Li~NS CNARflED . - "~ s : 0'0 ia ~+rrm. .Ofl erwwas~ww a rww ~'° . . .Tt7.TAL' LEVY ~ ~ ~. ~` ' ~ sw~o~ ®aassww ~ ~ '77'411y9-10.44 ~o www $ i,,253,7b5~.1b , ': '° :. .. COL~EL TIC3~VS .TD: DATE ' `- ~ - ~ - ~ • - ~ .0{3. ~ r t i ' . 5i3~552.0~+r s --r ~' g. : ,;. . . OI.iTS~TA~IflI~1G SALANCE r+ ewor~n ~aaao> a a $ 77t411~910.44 wwvoi swaww s waw $ - 740:*20312 ~ . PERCENTAGE COLLECTED a00°~~. 4~.951~ 8_AC!<- TAXES" : , ow s mm u •* .a , - m ~s a r fit:€AL ESTATE: A~1t~ :PERSONAL P120PERTY $ Zt824,~$bti.85~ , '° CHARGES' ADDED " " 162.4. •- . . - LESS ABATEMENTS 9~925s73-. 'B ~ ~ , . ;. .° ~ - TCITAL TAXES. DUE ~ 1 w~ww#f9.0q:~iA Oii wR0 S 2~~3159103.56. c C{JLLEC3iD~1S "TO GATE ' ~ 2ts1~984,84~ ;. ws~rw®.~®wa~.w wwwew DtJTSTANUING BALANCE $ 2553,11''8.77 :PERCENTAGE C£~ILECTED - 9;=3i~ .. " :..gd . ~ ~ :,. ...: -, ~U~ 1999. 1 ~w~ . .o, . FISCAL Y~T[3 , ' wwwwwww wrmwmr ..: " #t:DDM OCC~lQANCY TAX 'COLLECTIO~JS ~ , ~, . ~ m~wrr~ . . 310~7z9.14., m 310729,14 . ' . PR"~I'diLEGF LiCENS'E Ct3LLECTIi3NS" ,~+48~ab.~0 r,~865.50 E;~tS .Ct~LLECTIDNS ~< < ' ,,00. 00 , ,, :~ ,. 'TOTAL ~.hltJi~EY PROCESSED ~THRI7 ~C~3LLEC TION GFFiCE FC1R NEW HANCVER CDU!'rTY~ ; '" ` .CITY OF'~.i~ILMINGTDN "~vRICHTSVIL~E BEAC ~~ 5 BEACH CAROLINA SEACN AI~G tCIJR€ ~ ' ' ' ~ H .~O t3ATE :° 'S4 .,417e36. - ~ . ... TH.;IS REPORT i,S~ FCIR FISCAL .YEAR BE .., ,. Gi~IivING- JULY 1~ 1999. ,. , , ~t~S~,PECTFlJL~LY SIJEi;yiITTEfl ~ ~ ,. E ~ ,. ,. . PATR•ICIA J. R rvOR . - F ~. .' - •, ",. ;CO~'LECTG~R I3F EVEN4JE. .. , ~ . r# „-COMBINED CflLL~CT3~DfvPERCENTAGE ,~.,. . ,b5~ _ ; ,_ :" ~ .. _, . r . ., ~" ' _ ~~ {This. page intentionallyleft blank} 156 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Consent Item #: 6 .Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: C. Bruce Williams, Ph.D.- • Contact: Jane Zygmunt • SUBJECT: .- Coastal Environmental House BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Extension Arboretum Foundation requests permission to pursue and develop the "Coastal Environmental House" on the premises of the New Hanover County Arboretum (Bradley Drive lot)". The project will provide a model educational house which will feature design, materials -and construction relevant to coastal residential home owners and the residential construction industry (see attached materials) to include energy efficiency, hurricane, and water conservation. Funds to plan and construct the facility will be provided by the Arboretum Foundation. Educational leadership will be provided by the New Hanover County Extension Service. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners authorize the New .Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service and the Arboretum Foundation to proceed with the development of funding and construction of the Coastal Environmental House. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: • envirohs.w REVIEWED BY: , LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • Recommend approval.. No County funding required. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPr~OVED Cg-~"- REJ~CTED ^ REMOVCD ^ t POSTPONED ^ '~ 5 ~ ~, HEARD g /~ ~~ DATE = v~, New Hanover County Extension Arboretum Foundation, Inc. New Hanover Center Funding Period 1999 - 2000 TITLE: Coastal Residential Environmental Home Project PROJECT PROPOSAL INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The New Hanover County Extension Arboretum provides an outdoor laboratory for educational programs to inspire and enhance the knowledge of the environment. The six and one-half acre Arboretum was established in 1985 and hosts over 32,000 visitors annually which include school children, residents, civic organizations, professional plantsman, and tourists. The facility contains over 4,000 cultivars of native and naturalized plants contributed by North Carolina State University Arboretum, the National Arboretum, local nurseries, and residents or purchased by the Arboretum Foundation. The Arboretum Foundation is anon-profit private foundation that works closely with County Government and Extension to support and develop the Arboretum into a premier public educational facility. The Arboretum Foundation has contributed over $500,000 in private funding and estimated 80,000 volunteer work hours for property improvements and buildings in the past 10 years. The Arboretum houses the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service with 6 professional agents and support staff. The New Hanover County Extension staff is a dynamic team with professional expertise in housing, human nutrition, youth development, urban forestry, and horticulture, that is dedicated to providing New Hanover County citizens with the best educational information available. The mission of New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service is to help people improve the quality of their life by providing research-based information and informal educational opportunities focused on issues and needs of the community. New Hanover Extension has the largest active Master Gardener organization in North Carolina (400 individuals). This group contributes an "estimated" average of over 100 hours of volunteer time eP r daX to the operation of the New Hanover County Extension Center and Arboretum. The property, buildings, and maintenance are the property and responsibility of New Hanover County government. New Hanover County has experienced unprecedented growth the past 10 years. The influx of retirees, new business, and the boom in the housing market has emphasized the need for increased educational programs for home builders, architects, contractors, and new home owners. r~~Inta`d'd'tioii;~~~h^e~in'creased population has put greater stress upon the environment and increased the public awhreness''of the need to conserve natural resources through energy conservation, re-use, and recycling' OJECT DESCRIPTION: // ~ ~~~~~ The Arboretum Foundation will pursue the development of a Coastal Environmental House.'The mission of the Coastal Environmental House Project is to provide leadership for design, development and construction of a model educational environmentally "friendly" .house which features materials and design concepts relevant to coastal residential home builders and home owners. New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service will provide educational and community leadership for the "Coastal Environmental House". The complete "House" will be f used as a learning center focal point for future housing, energy conservation, and environmental efforts. Features that will be emphasized in the design and construction are .listed below: ' Energy efficiency • ~ Use of recycled building materials • Use of water recycling efficiency measures • Healthy indoor air quality • State of the-art buildingmaterials and furnishings • Hurricane resistance Landscape efficiency • Promotion of local products Significant resources have already been procured for the project. New Hanover County Arboretum Foundation Board is willing to allow the project to be built upon a 100x200 foot lot on the New Hanover County Extension Arboretum property. This lot alone has a current . estimated value of $60,000, faces Bradley Drive, and has access to public water and sewer. Community and governmental groups have pledged their support to this project which include -the BuildersAssociation, Project Impact, New Hanover County Emergency Management, Lowe's, New Hanover County Cooperative Extension, North Carolina State University, and numerous civic-volunteer organizations. Public utilities, building supply companies; and manufacturing companies show great interest and are expected to fully support the project in the coming months. PROJECT IMPACT: The Coastal Environmental House will exemplify the typical eastern North Carolina home in function to provide an educational focal point for over a million home owners, builders, contractors, and home product suppliers in eastern North Carolina. The home will have 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, and garage. The home will have 1,800 to 2,000 heated usable living space. The latest available cost efficient technology will be -used to demonstrate energy saving features. In appearance, the house will be attractive and conventional. However, exterior finish, windows and entry will be constructed to maximize . heating and cooling of the structure. Recycled materials will be used throughout the structure . -when possible. The house will be "wired" to accept technology to improve energy consum i . .. ~I~~9 through the increased use of technological innovation. Signage and education information will be posted to~help visitors fully understand the features used in the home. In addition, features will be periodically updated to accommodate changes in technology and consumer preference. The exterior landscape will be designed and managed to minimize water consumption and maximize native plant use. Recycled plastics and wood products will be used extensively in the landscape construction. • ~ _~ Space will be designed into the structure to allow for educational meetings and demonstrations for builders, building suppliers, utility providers, and visitors. Workshops, seminars, and educational video.instruction will originate from the facility. Recording the planning and construction of the project by professional videographers for future educational purposes is essential. The visual~history of the project will help educators, planners, and public officials best disseminate-the educational message in the future. PROPOSED PROJECT TIMELINE: ~ l 1998 August -December Project Initiation and research. Develop Committee team for the project. Investigate coirununity needs. 1999 •, January Visit Florida House(Sarasota, FL) and . NC sites. Refine project focus. . February-June Develop.and finalize project details, initiate fiind raising, grant writing, and corporate support. June-October Organize charette with help of NC State University School of Design(contact: Ms: Nancy White). November-December Hire Architect, Landscape Architect, and further define project. 2000, .. . January-March Continue fund raising aild volunteer development. April Ground breaking and start of construction. April-December Project Construction. 001 ., . 16C~ March Grand Opening n:. ~ ,, ~ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD QF COMMISSIONERS -a , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - . :. , ; : ~ ~ : ~. Meeting Date: 08/16/99.:" ,. Consent'Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page.Number: - ~ `° - -~ Department: County Manager Presenter: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ` ,_ .. ~ . .; .Contact: Allen O'Neal - ` f .-, • SUBJECT: ' ,. , §° °~~ Contribtation for reception following Veteran's Park and school site. . BRIEF SUMMARY:. r j ~ P ~ ` . ~ Authorize donation of up to $500 from the Misc. account fbr a reception following. the dedication of,tfie ' ~ Veteran's Park/school site . - ~ ` „. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ',FUNDING SOURCE::....., . - .. • "` ATTACHMENTS.:; ..: .. ,. . . , . ,. . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , ., ... . ~ ~, ~ ) .COUNTY. MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ... ,~ ~,. ` ftecornmend~approv , ~ -.. F ,. .. ' s . COMMISSIONERS` AC ON /COMMENTS:'. ~ ~ " i ~ .. _ " t a . t,^ ~. - , ._ - ~ .. .9 - .i - ~, .. .' 5 . . rv . . - - • a - - .. . COUNTY COMMISSfONERS 4 _ . • ~. . APPROVED LH--~`..; , •. - . , ,, . • ,: - - REJECTED ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ .` - _ ; . 3 REMOVED O • ..., -. ' , POSTPONEp O , , - - ,.... , ., ~, ;. y ,. ~- ,. ,. v ._ . EARD G~-y-ti.J i DATE ((a 9 `l' - - - ; . 1 - - ~ ' . '~ {This page intentlo~ially left blanir} ~ ~~~~~~~ o~~~~~~~ 162 ~~~~ ~, ~~~~~ ~~ -._ - ~ ~~' n 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Aging-RSVP BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0009 AD.lUSTMENT RSVP Action Grant Travel ' DEBIT CREDIT $1,100 _ $1 X100 . EXPLANAT{ON: To increase budget for additional funds awarded for Retired Senior Volunteer Program for FY 99-00. ~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners 164 COUNTY GQMMle 10NER~ APPROV~;3 u ~c-cn ~ ~os~PO~'E~~o ...a. HEARD ~'~~' ATE .=y= -~°"~. . ~~,~:.~ ~ ~~~ n Over an.~e~ CCn~4~ ~~r~ + ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: `Department: Health Presenter: David Rice, Health Director. ~ , Contact: -David Rice 343-6591 , c • SUBJECT.: Animal Control License Fee Proposal- including 2 new Accounting Technician II positions ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY: During the August 4, 1999, Board of Health (BOH) meeting, the BOH approved an Animal Control License Fee Proposal which includes the addition.. of 2 new Accounting Technician II positions to process license fee activities. The increased staff will provide sufficient manpower to maintain the licensing process and will free the time of "non-licensing" staff to perform their duties (see attachments). Over several months county employees from Health, Information Technology, Finance, and the County Manager's Office along with a representative from the BOH and the Board of County Commissioners have met to address Animal Control Services issues and to determine the most suitable location for the processing of Animal Control license activities. We have determined the most suitable location is for this function and these 2 employees to be housed at the Animal Control Services Center. Our goal is to focus on creating a new image for Animal Control Services to be proactive, to provide rabies education and protection, to maintain timely entry of rabies/license information (including timely and increased collection of fees), and to protect and promote public health.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND .REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve 2 new Accounting Technician II positions and associated budget amendment #00-0017 It should be noted that two positions in Finance to help with Animal Control collections were never filled when Emergency Medical Services was transferred to the hospital. The Board of Health voted to support the new positions., FUNDING SOURCE: Fees ATTACHMENTS: yes 18 BA#00-0017.w REVIEWED BY: ~"~'vr~~~~~'.~" ~ ~ _ LEGAL: .. FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: • COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approv-a'r ' ~ 'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' tiPP(~OVw~D C6~ M ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . ; ±,~~K~r~ ~~~~ ~ . ~ ~~ R~~~~~ ~ 165 IONS/COMMENTS: ~. ~: -_ ;,QED O i HEARD ^ 1 . DATE ~~~~ BA#00 0017 wpd Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment - DEPARTMENT: Health/Animal Control BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0017 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Dog and Cat Tags $39,544 . Y Salaries and Wages $27,890 FICA - $2,133 Retirement - $1,380 Medical Insurance $6,577 Postage $1,000 Departmental Supplies $500 Limited Disability Insurance ~ $64 a J EXPLANATION: To budget animal control fees for two additional Accounting Technician II positions to process license fee activities and to budget an increase in the departmental supplies and postage accounts (approved by the Board of Health~on August 4 1999; APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COI ~n!TY COMMI ONERS wy~, yy ft i= ... ,. _. ~ .. -471~~L'•/41~t~~~n ,+ n Hwy -~: A, RE.;~;, t ~~~ ^ REMOVEi~ ^ POSTPONED ^ 166 ~ oA~E°_~..~. - a ~ ~~'J NEW HAN~VER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~. ... ..... - ..................... .. ............. .... ..... ..... ............: .... :. •.; .. ...:wv.'{vi;•i:•.i^;i0i: i::^:. r..:ii:: :!•:v• ::•\8.\+'+viii~i?\l'`\\:\'~'i\ \..\ 4 .•\ rte. \\ •\ tiii~ \ \ . \ t. ':air •.. :~titi:;:<~ ~ • v : \.. t w. \\\\~ ~.\ . .. ~ • e•:ir••:aa\ ti:'•: ~ °•`` ''•'~~ ~`i'v ~C <r:•' C:~:<~: ~ ~a~°•:F~3;?~r:~`l:Y;~: ~~ii~:;;.<. . 1VIE1V10 _ :z • SALARY AND FRINGES FOR ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN.II (2.POSITIONS) • FOR ANIlVIAL CONTROL .SERVICES. • • ., y . ~. Accounting Tech 11 ' .Range Sal/Fr x1 Sal/Fr x2 ~`1 Omos SaI/Fr Pay Grade 111 111/OOA to 111/36A Salary. $20,717 - $29,640$20,.717 $41,434$34,530 .. FICA =.0765 1,585. 3,170 ~ 2,640 •.. ~ • Retirement = -.0498 ~ ~ 1,032 2,064 1,720 • Medical Rate = $337.75 per month 4,053 ~ 8,106 ` ~ 6,577 ~ • • .. ' ~ Disability = $.23%$1 OO of annual salary - 48 96 80 ' ~ ~~ w•. S TOTAL` ~ $27,435 •.$54,870 $45,547 • * *We are projecting. only l Omonths salary for the 2 positions due; the ime it takes to get '~ . ~ approval, to recruit, and to interview applicants. We hope. to have the positions filled by :,September 7 (PaY Period # 4). - '. . , ,. ,. y •.. We plan to absorb most of the operating'cost (i.e:desks/supplies/employee reimbursement). for the 2 .new employees in our existing operating budget, but are requesting to budget an additional $1,5.00 for general office cost plus postage.. (See page 3 of attached memo from ` Y Finance.) . • ~. .: _ • . • 7/ 17/99 lfs • • , . ~ ~ . '• • 167 NEW"HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE -MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Dave Rice, Health Director Bruce T. Shell, Finance Director Barbara D. McClure, Assistant Finance Director July 16, 1999 Animal Control License Fees Attached is our summary of estimated revenue, statistical, and cost information related to Animal Control license. fees.. As indicated at the bottom of the spreadsheet, the accompanying notes are an integral part of the summary. The following two actions are requested: 1. Addition of two 'positions to be dedicated to license fee activities. With the elimination of license fee related overtime, the net increase to-the budget should be the equivalent of one and %2 positions. 2. Authorization to shift delinquent account collections to a private sector collection agency, and related Ordinance change. The overall request for budget increase is $46,500, to cover salaries, benefits, and general operating costs. License fee revenues could be increased to offset this expenditure; however, budgeted revenues already exceed expectations (see "Notes on Revenues" page 2). Use of the County contingency fund is another alternative. The increased staffing for licensing will provide sufficient manpower to maintain licensing as designed, as well as free the time ~of "non-licensing" staff to perform their primary duties. Further, shift of delinquent account collection to the private sector will permit the Director and any involved Officers to more effectively use their time on. priority activities; rather than preparation for, and attendance at, Court proceedings. Should you have questions or .need additional information, please do not hesitate to call either of us. Attachments cc: Allen O'Neal, ,County Manager Pat Melvin, Assistant County Manager Bi{I C{ontz, 1T Director Lynda Smith, Assistant Health Director Jean McNeil, Animal Control Director Sandra Craig, 1T Program Analyst 16~ . Revenue-cost Info Merno.doc Page 2 " Animal Control License Fee Billing and Collections Notes on Estimated Costs • Existing personnel - includes a lot of guesswork . • Most of Patsy's time is spent on licensing, but she also serves as front desk back-. up. That probably leaves about 75 percent of her time for licensing. • Currently, other Health Department staff work as time is available or in an overtime capacity to help enter data. We estimate, when all added up, that this is probably - another 75 percent full-time equivalent position. " • We have assumed the salary and benefit cost of a full-time employee in this category at $30,000 per year. •' Requested personnel • • Two additional full-time positions to be dedicated to licensing. • Adding these two positions should eliminate overtime included above. • Results =net additional cost to the County of one and 'h full-time positions. • Supplies and operating costs The processing and mailing of .license reminders is outsourced to private business. • No change in this procedure is anticipated. • ~- .General expenses are estimated to include postage. There has been no separate tracking of expenses for billing and collection activities, so this is truly a guess.' " Estimate for additional personnel includes one-time.costs for furniture and equipment required. • Employee reimbursements should not change. • Requested change in delinquent account/citation collection procedure " County ordinance now requires a Court proceeding ' • Propose contracting with a private sector collection agency for delinquent accounts Primary advantages to changing:- , • Time of Director and Officers gained by eliminating heavy time commitment " for preparation and Court appearances. , • No' direct cost to the County, since agency would take a percentage of - amount collected as their fee. • County ordinance would have to be changed to implement this change: - Notes on Revenues ~ ~ • Any revenues collected over and above the cost of collection are used to offset the overall cost of Animal Control operations. , Actual revenues recognized for the.fiscal year - • ' ended June 30, 1999 . ' $ 307,598 Realistic revenue projection for the fiscal year ending.June 30, 2000 $ 320;000 - Note: 'Realistic-amount above was amount provided with budget submission. Actual amount in final budget , is $392,648, or $72,648 above :expectations. ' Select Statistical Data Active owner records 27,973 Active animal records . 44,224 169. Revenue-cost.lmfo July 16,1999 Animal Control Services Cost-Benefit Analysis County License Fee Collection (1) The Value of Generating Revenue: Immediate benefit to Animal Control Services (ACS) is our ability to add viable income to a county-based service to our community. Many feel that services should be user-specific, and the licensing fee meets these criteria. While ACS serves the entire community by protecting the general public from the threat of rabies disease, most believe that those in the community who own pets should bear the brunt of the program funding. Licensing by the rabies vaccination tie-in ensures the greatest return on owner-pet contribution in our county. (2) Customer Service -Have We Satisfied the Public? r-, The public's primary concern is that we respond to their needs in a timely manner. Those in the community who are responsible pet owners (vaccinate their pets and pay their county fee, for example) have justifiable expectations that all pet owners are held accountable for standards set forth in the county ordinance. Repeat and habitual offenders must have consequences for failure to follow the laws and regulations of the county and'state. When the licensing system is properly in place and implemented, there are sufficient'controls built into the program to meet public satisfaction. (3) Have We Met Public Health Goals? ~ ' A prunary goal of the ACS program is to protect the public from the threat of rabies disease. Ensuring that all pets are vaccinated for rabies is one main method of achieving this goal. The licensing system, with proper follow-up, is a reliable means of rabies vaccination assurance. Increased canvassing of residential areas should increase compliance with vaccination and licensure. 100% compliance is the ultimate goal, to provide the greatest degree of human and pet protection by preventive means. (4) Has Public Education Been Provided? This area is most deficient in our current means of licensing, however, great effort has been expended to provide the greatest ease in licensure. Most area veterinary hospitals collect the fee, and those who do not collect will generally educate the public in the methods of licensing. A more aggressive means of making the community aware of ACS and the services it provides is a primary target of the current program. 170 ~ . Page 3 Estimated Costs F s ees e Billiing & Collection of Animal Control Licen Estimated Annual Cost • ~ ~ Additional . ~ Description of Cost Current ~ Proposed Total Personnel Cost Estimate: 1.5 FTE's - 1 mostly dedicated to Licensing; 45,000 45,000 ', additional comprised of overtime • and pieces of many other positions ~ working as available. • 2 FTE's -dedicated to licensing - ~ 60,000 60,000 ~ ~ Reduce OT - (15,000) (15,000) .Supplies 8 Operating Costs Estimate: ~ ~ • SCS -processing & mailing licenses 3,600 No new costs 3,600 General office costs (includes postage) 15,000 1,500 16,500 Employee reimbursements 900. No new. costs 900 Delinquent accounts to collection N/A • No direct cost agency -Eliminates Court time by Director or designee -Requires change in ordinance - Eliminates Court proceedings Capital Outlay: Estimate sufficient amount currently in budget TOTAL 64,500 - 46,500 111,000 /" PLEASE SEE NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION _. • .. • • Estimated Costs -License Golledion.xls 171 Revenues 8 Costs New Position Or Increase/Decrease Hours Fiscal Year: 1999 - 2000 Department: Health Division: Anima! Control Contact Person: Jean McNeil Contact Phone Nbr.: (910)341-4197 Fund: l i0 Agency: 510 Orgn: 5114 Check The Requested Action: • New Position O. Increase/Decrease .Hours A r~ewEy completed: ~°~'o~.y~itaor~ ~esc,~ipii€o~ r: ([Ih~`~} frrr:~-~ }~tr~st accor~~pany a request for C! 6`4ew ~~vs rtforf. f tiG~ ~~e~e r~~rs ~~~ ~`~i~F t~iia cG`E~~.tEe to Ci~~ TGri`l~r„ 4h€e`64~ ~Q~Sr~.~~.~i F.i . Number Requested:.2 . Requested Positon Classification Title: Accounting Technician II Requested Pay- Grade: 11 i OOA Proposed Effective Date Of Requested Action: September 1,1999 Check one: ® Full-Time O Part-Time ^ 50% ^ 75% O 80% justification I°o~~ ~eq€~ested Actin;rr ~;nimal Control Services{ACS) began collection of county licensing fees based on the rabies vaccination history a number of years ago, to satisfy public concerns on yearly license renewal.. The system allows an owner to purchase their fee concurrent with their rabies vaccination. V4~e also included the ability to pay a one or three year fee at the owner's discretion. The new system requires that every rabies vaccination certificate received from every area veterinarian be entered into the computer, so that proper follo4v up on licensing can be done. Most veterinary hospitals collect the licensing fee; but data must-be entered in our system to maintain the proper data base. Tracking 1 7~ every vaccinated animal ensures a means of follow up on licensing fee- ~~ ( _ .. .. ~ ro ~p~U~men~~ i ~ 4 - .. i .. , ,. `Reminder notices are initially serf tc owners fisted in~the computer. •This gives ,~~e pubiic~duai. reminders--or're from their vet;-and one from ACS=-to update then. ;,.rabies vaccination ana ~~y their licensing fee. Fai6'ure td.comply in`the allotted ~. ±r,~e.results iri a ietter~requesing rabies vacGinatlan a~~ EiGense renesvai. if tii . letter :s ignored,. a.citation is sent for failure to license. The next step i.n the process is u~ GhOICe 0? GOUr"t pC~Geed,ings G:i~, a Goliection agency: '" ~ .. .The ~mou~nt of.d^ata to entdr initially is enormous, if one takes into accQUnt that ~~ . our• county po~!.rlation is gro~~i~ing yearly, aid the number of~veteri.nary h~spi~tals is increasing ~s ~r~elt_ There ~r.e 22 hospitals at present date.), Tie entire licensing . °~ ~ _r .,process is contingent.on tine data being entered into t!~ie systei.n anti properly . ~ ~ ~mpiernented inmfoilov~~~up. Tvvo t~`chnicians are rec(uired to keep, the system ..° `current.initially~~a~nd in follow u;p. - , ; , -~ ~ ~ ~ -~ . ~~. . . ~ . . ~e~.x~e'- r i~E.Tire •e~€~e~t~~ ~`~~vtr•€ ~e€'re~rt T ~".e ~Ga#~~~~ R'~ The cou!~ty tn,~il'l eXpQrienGeincreased revenue from proper im~iementation of the ~ ~~ , licensing program. F-ewer complaints firom citizens will result from „a~ system that . ,., ... :-Gs tunctio~ni`ng,as intended. Those who-rputinefy stay'in compliance with county' , ...~ . ' •. policy vdoulu have iassurance that constant offenders are also he(d l<iable for tP-!eir act!ons ~• . '°. Thy'licensing program~is designed~to ensure that all dogs;`cats, and ferrets in New Hanover County are rabies vaccinated and licensed. The primary``purpose o7. ACS is to protect the public from the threat of rabies disease., Proper vaccination .~~ o~, et o ula~ron',!s a rna!or-area o. conce, n in aGhiev!n thi i? p r g . , , ,, ~F~ ~~t~E`~: ~~;"€~f ku.~k;~r:~~Fe^~•e~ ~~`€`re ntb~ ~`e~~eEf'€'g€~g T~€~ •~~`rEe E=€.~t€~~ E~~ f. • S ~Ei~s~~~~s~~°st~r~.€~~ ~~; !sesGr'€~:r~ ~~ Te ~:~:t~G~e ~E - .. , ;. A .. ~ Yes O No .. ~~ ~ '? If,;"Yes", Identify~By Name, Position Classification Title And-Unit. ~ ~ ~~ ~ , - ~~.. `~at~y Farro~,rv ,Gl~ri~al P;ssistar~t ~ a '~. ~~'If "Yes", Whatlmpact Would The Requested Action Have On The Position(s) r ~ ~ i .. , Listed? a ~ I . • :. ~ ; ~ ~ :~atsy~ primarily'enters data from daily mail-ins for licensing. `-The volume of date ` from area veterinary hospitals is too great forfewer than these two positions to ~ , .. ,~ ~ `handle. hlso,.follow up must be done to ensure ccmpliance. Failure to have_s`et .: consequences for compliance failure results~in decreased compliance in all sectors. ~,it stages of tho system must be implemented io ensure county-wi . 73~ . ;rabies +vaccinations and licensing. ., ,. ., . .. -. .. ... e . 0 .. . , . .. ., ., .I .. 3 ~ i Patsy would continue in her capacity of mail-in data entry. Ner responses ~NOUid increase as reminder {etters are sent out for those who do not comply to the initia4 notices. These positions would assist her in keeping the public compliant . through initial vet data entry and follouv up on alf entered material. `~`"E~~ia~. ~~ffE~ ~~ ~ ~e ~~°e~c~ €f T~e ~c~~.tf~~~e~ ~`'_c~~~€s i`' ~Y~ff E ~~u~~E The licensing system cannot be implemented properly without the data base done'correctiy and follow up rriaintained ir, a timely manner. Numerous pets~~a~viil be urn~accinated and unlicensed in~our county. t~ecreased. revenue from failure to do proffer implementaion of the prograrn wild be realized. The potential fos- decreased citizen protection-will result from the decrease in vaccinated companion animals.. . ~~e~e ~~~ri~t T t"te ~'`~>~~~~~~°t ~e ~.k;~~?ee General .County fund - , . y , ... ~ - r - '9 p< ~ V + ,w,,.. .- HOPSN .. ' - r ~ .. _TO THE EMPLOYEE: This written information is of great value in~ understanding andevaluating the ', _ 'duties and responsibilities of yourjob. These questions should assist you in describing your work and ' ~. ,- clearly explaining your duties. .Read the questions carefully `and try. to, answer so that anyone who does not know- the job cari` • . `understand what you do: Think and write in terms of what you do and how and why you do it. , ' ~ Feel free to attach anyadditional information you feel would be helpful in describing yourjob. Also you `" may attach additional pages if you need additional space -for your answers to any of these questions. , Name Last ~ ~ - First 'Middle- Agency or Department • ~ . ~ " . ,Health .. .. , Official Position Title Division or Section ' . ,.. :. - . Accounting Technician Il ' Animal Control Services • .. ,. .. ,~ . ' .Working Title Work Address. ; . .. . "" Accounting Technician`II 220 Division Dr ,. ,. :How long: have you been in this job? Telephone Number ~ ~ - . _ . .(910).341-4197_ - ~ , Re ular Hours of ~`" ' How long in this agency/department. g Work _. ~ _ .. 40 ,- ~ Name/Title of Immediate Supervisor. ~ Length of Meal Break . ., f ~.-` 1 ~ .PURPOSE OF JOB: What is the primary purpose~and.objective of your~joti? (Why does your position exist?) " . ._ The employees in this class are responsible for data entry of rabies vaccination and county licensing of all`companion animals ' in New Hanover County. Theywill also be required to maintain follow up of these registrations by sending reminder letters and. ' citations, with the.final outcome of cases proceeding to small claims court or a collection agency' ,... .. . , 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: (How would you describe your job to someone who:has-never done it?) .. . Emphasis of the work would be to enter data from rabies vaccination certificates submitted from area veterinarians into ` the software data base and updating county licensure~of companion animals. Follow up consists of sending reminder notices for those who fail to comply. Small claims court paperwork preparation and/or collection agency, record • ` r, `readying are also included as a portion of the duties.. ~ . ~' " any. ~ i • g3 . REQUIRED DUTIES AND,:TASKS: Please,read these -nstructions care DUTIES AND TASKS .LIST; In the space provided on page 3, list the duties and tasks involved in the performance of your job. ascribe each task in a clear, cohcise statement. Begin each statement with an action verb (e.g.; drives, conducts, repairs, files, types, .~swers,,summarizes, prepares, etc.) Avoid words like coordinates, handles, participates. Continue on additiorial sheets if necessary. _ . After carefully reviewing each duty/task` you have listed, mark each column using the following guidelines: PERCENTAGE OF TIME: In the-small column to- the left, indicate the .percent of time you spend in each task listed. The total ,of . :percentages cannot exceed 100%. ~ . , ' . - .. FREQUENCY:.How often do you perform the task? , Mark this column: ; D (daily) or V1i (weekly) or M (monthly) or I (irregular intervals) or A (annually) IMPORTANCE: Rank the importance of tasks in accomplishing the objectives of your position with "1"being the most important. Note: The most important tasks are not necessarily the ones on which you spend fhe greatest amount of Time. 4. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: For each-task, supply ALL applicable codes in each category -Activities, Effort, and Visual.' ACTIVITIES: Does this task involve any of these activities? List ALL that apply in the Activities column beside'the task. Code Activi A Stand B Walk C Sit D Talk E Use hands to finger, handle, feel or grasp F Climb or balance G Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl H Reach with hands and arms . Taste or smell '" EFFORTS: Does this task require that: weight be lifted, or carried or force be exerted to push or pull? If so, -how much? • ;.. Code RhVsical effortto lift; cam,. Pull or push 10 Up to 10 pounds 25 Up~to25pounds 50 Up to 50 ounds -100 U to 100 pounds 100+ More than 100 pounds VISUAL: Does this task have any special visual requirements? Code Visual reouirement 1 Close vision (clear vision at 20 inches or less) 2 Distance,vision (clear vision at 20 feet or more). .. . 3 Color vision (ability to identify and distinguish colors) `' , • • 4 Peripheral vision (ability to observe areas that can be seen up and down or to the left and right while eyes are fixed. on a • given point) . 5 Depth perception (three-dimensional vision, ability to judge distances and spatiaV relationships) • 6 Ability to adjust focus (ability to adjust the eye to bring an object into sharp focus) 7 No special visual requirements . • - 5. WORK ENVIRONMENT: For each task, supply ALL applicable codes in each category -Conditions, Noise, Exposure to Blood and Other Infectious Materials. CONDITIONS: Does this task require regular exposure to NOISE: What is the typical noise level for the work any of the following conditions? environment while performing the task? Code Conditions Code Noise level A Wet, humid conditions(non-weather). VQ Very quiet (examples: foresttrail, isolation booth for B Work near moving mechanical parts hearing test) C Work in high, precarious places ~ Q ~ Quiet exam les: libra ~ " ( P ry, private office) D or airborne particles Fumes ` M Moderate noise (examples: large business office E To~ac or caustic cherriicals •. _ ~ with typewriters and/or computer printers, light F Outdoor weather conditions traffic, pumps, compressors, conveyors) G Extreme cold (non-weather) LN Loud noise (examples: metal can manufacturing, H Extreme heat (non-weather) large earth-moving equipment) I Risk of electrical shock VLN Very loud noise (examples: jack hammer work, J Work with explosives ~ front row at concert) K Risk of radiation L ~ Vibration ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ . A E TO BLOOD: Put a check mark in.this column if performing this task puts you in contact with blood or~ otl~e~ pbtLntially infectious .materials (fluids, needles, etc.) ~ ~ °• a EF % ~ DUTIES AND TASKS 'r PAYSICAL DENI~iNDS WORK ENVIIt A - ~+ W ~ w U F a ~ w F ~, Q E,, a w Q > ~ z ~ F ~ v w z C Cq ~ w E 70 . Enter rabies vaccination certificate data from area veterinary hospitals D 1 ACDEH 10 1,6 D M E 15 Reminder notices and court and/or collection agency follow up W 2 ACDEH 10 1,6 D M E 10 Telephone inquiries to veterinary hospitals or general public regarding rabies verification D 3 ACDEH 10 1,6 D M E 5 Back up relief for other clerical staff for lunch, vacation, sick, or other leave I 4 .ACDEH 10 1,6 D M If not covered in the list above, describe any unusual'and/or difficult conditions you encounter in your job'. Include comments ' about the physical surroundings, unavoidable hazards and/or physical harm to which you are exposed, etc. 6. MENTAL DEMANDS: Describe the degree of mental stress and pressure that is required in the performance of your job. (Examples: Are there frequent deadlines; extended periods of concentration; close, exacting woiic analytical work; frequent interruptions; public contact; tight work spaces; crises; etc.?) This position has a high stress level, because constant deadlines must be met in a short time frame. The volume of data is quite large, considering that rabies vaccination certificates from all vet hospitals (22 at present date) must be updated iri our ' data base. Accuracy of data entry is a must for all records, since computer data tracks current rabies vaccination of all dogs, cats, and ferrets in our county. This position will require extended periods of computer data entry, and public contact through area veterinarians or general public enquiries. 7. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: (What is required to perform the essential functions of your job?) What education, training or certification is necessary for your position? Graduation from an accredited high school or GED, supplemented by two years of work experience in bookkeeping or clerical work in an accounting office or an equivalent combination of training and experience.' List any required skills (typing orcomputer-skills, blueprint reading, etc.) ' Typing, computer data entry, phone.skills, communication skills, filing skills n What other special knowledge, skills or abilities are necessary to perform this job? N/A How much prior job-related work experience do you think is the minimum needed to adequately perform your job? Six months 8. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES: Do you have supervisory responsibility (i.e., for performance appraisals, disciplinary action, etc:)? If not, write "NONE" below and go directly to #9. If you are a lead worker, do not complete this section, but be sure you have included lead worker duties in the preceding task list on page 3. If you do have supervisor responsibilities, give the name of employee and job title for each position reporting to you (filled and vacant). Indicate whether each, in turn,- .supervises. other positions by putting the number of positions or "0" in the space provided. Name of Employee N/A 178 Job Title # Supervises # of employees reporting directly to you: ~ # of employees reporting indirectly to.you: 9. DECISIONS AND ACTIONS, METHODS AND GUIDELINES: W hattypes of decisions (other than "prioritizing work") do you normally have to make in your work each day/week? • N/A , Give examples of the types of significant errors a person in your position might make and describe how difficult it would be for others to catch your errors. What would be the likely consequences of such errors? , Incorrect person or animal data in the data base. Field officers could receive incorrect info on a bite animal situation, that could result in delayed or incorrect quarantine ofthe pet. Failure to send notices on follow up in a timely manner. Increase in complaint calls from the general public on ACS time frame of response. How does,your immediate supervisor assign your work? Orally. How does your supervisor review your work? How often? Monitor of amount of data entered in the system, and timely manner of follow up with reminder letters and court or collection agency. • What manuals, guidelines, rules, or policies do you use in your work? State animal laws, county animal ordinance, and policiesand procedures passed by the Board of Health. ` _ Which of your duties do you consider the most difficult and why? , Meeting the deadlines of entering the vast volume of data into the computer in a timely manner.. There is such a large amount of material that must be documented correctly and properly followed up on, that time away from the office can easily result in unmet deadlines. Describe problems that arise during the course of your work and the manner in which you respond to them. Failure to enter information correctly into the system, could result in complaint calls from the.general public sector. These must be handled in a calm arid patient manner, with empathy and understanding to arrive at a solution. The info must be corrected;in the system. . 10: CONTROL OF ASSETS: Do you have responsibility for the preparation and.control of a budget? Yes X No . If yes, indicate current dollar amount of budget: Do you handle money? X Yes ~~ No How much annually? 11. EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: What machines, equipment or tools do you use, operate, maintain, or repair in the , course of your work? Examples include mechanic's tools, shovel, truck, mower, computer, adding machine, telephone, and drafting tools. Include the percentage of time spent in the operation, maintenance, use or repair of each. The total of percentages cannot exceed 100%. . ~ computer 85 telephone 15 % I I 12. RECORDS AND REPORTS: Does your position require responsibility for any records or reports? X .Yes No If yes, describe the types of records and reports for which you have responsibility and include how your are involved in them (filing out forms, checking, validating, verifying, proofreading, filing analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, etc.) Rabies vaccination certificates, reminder notices, small claims court and/or collection agency records and forms 13. SAFETY: Does your position have responsibility for the safety or health of others (other than your subordinates or for the enforcement of laws and standards of public safety or health? X Yes _ No If yes, describe your responsibilities. If you were careless in your work, could others be hurt? How seriously? Incorrect rabies data could result in delay of animal quarantine. The victim could feel, compelled to begin rabies post exposure vaccination protocol, because accurate rabies information was not available for the bite animal. 14. CONTACTS: Indicate persons or organizations inside and outside your section with which you deal directly in the course of your normal duties. Also describe the purpose and frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) of such contacts. Do not include your supervisor. TITLE OF CONTACT Area Veterinarians General Public AGENCY Veterinary Hospitals N/A . PURPOSE Verification of rabies information Queries regarding payment . FREQUENCY Daily Daily n r,, The above responses are my own and are correct to the best of my knowledge. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE DATE TO THE SUPERVISOR: Review the answers of the employee for completeness and accuracy. Use this space to elaborate on or clarify any answers that you think need it. Do NOT change any answers. !f you disagree with an answer the employee has given, give your opinion•and'identify clearly the points of disagreement. x I have reviewed and determined that this job description accurately reflects the position. I have reviewed and determined that this job description accurately reflects the position with the following clarification or modification. ~ • Go to the Task List on page 3. In the small left-hand column identified as "EF" (for "essential function"), put an "E" in the space beside each duty/task that you consider to bean essentia/function of the position. By "essential", we mean a j~as ~r quired to achieve the primary objective an desired results of the position. Please refer to the "Guide.to t n Essential Functions of a Job" in making these determinations. ~ vv SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURE ~ ~ `~' ~- DATE '1 ~ t NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .1 ... :~= ~.. n .~~.. . \ve ' MEMORANDUM: TO: Lynda Smith, Assistant~Health Director , Jean McNeil, Animal Control Director .FROM: Kemp P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney d{~o RE: Chapter 3 - DATE: July.29, 1999 We have reviewed the County Code to determine corisistency with the proposed new collection procedures using Animal Control personnel and an outside coNection . agency. Chapter 3, as amended August 3, 1998, clarifies that violations may be collected as civil debt and/or criminal misdemeanor prosecutions. Given that. amendment, a successful challenge to our procedure is not anticipated. As to the use of the collection agency, nothing in the Code would preclude such • ~ a process. The outside entity-would merely act in the County's. behalf in presenting payment~demands.. ~ , Please contact me should you have:any questions or comments. _ . ,. KPB/kc - i ' . I •~ ~ ~ 181 . .~ . ,, {This page intentionallyleft blank} . 1~2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • • ~ ~ Meeting Date: 08/16/99 , Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time:- Page Number: • Department:. Sheriff .Presenter: Sheriff McQueen Contact: Capt. Steve Smith SUBJECT: ;Addition of one Sergeant and four Deputy positions in the Sheriffs Department for the Custody Division; additional funding for the cost of housing inmates . ~; outside the County; and a new van for transportation. , . BRIEF SUMMARY: Increased inmate transportation requires additional personnel to safely and efficiently accomplish frequent long trips; therefore, five additional positions (one Sergeant and four Deputies) are requested for the Custody Division, .$150,664. Additional funding of $846,411 is required for the cost of housing inmates outside the County. A new van is needed for transportation, $32,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Recommend approval for adding one Sergeant and four Deputy positions in the Custody Division; additional funding for the cost of housing inmates outside the County; a new van for transportation; and the associated budget amendment #00-0018. • FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund/Fund. Balance ATTACHMENTS: BA#00-0018.vv REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , Recommend appro al. COMMISSIONERS' ACT ON COMMENTS: - j ~„ I c2 G~U~`, :G• _ .. _.. - •. OOUNTY COMMISSIONERS a~i~r,~~~E~ m./ -~,,;a~ HERRD (~ DATE ~ l(P~~1~.~-n't~ -fJ~e~ls ~ i ~l ~.~e ~r ~~r`E cd2¢~ zL~-mil ~j/dJ ~ r~r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMfSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment f DEPARTMENT: Commissioners' OfficelSheriff/Jail BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0018 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Commissioners' Office: Appropriated Fund Balance $1,029,075 Sheriff/Jail: Salaries and Wages $106,038 FICA ~ $7;998 Retirement -Local $5,174 Retirement - 401 k $5,226 Medical Insurance $15,988 Limited Disability Insurance $240 Uniforms ~ ~ $10,000 Contracted Services -Jail ~ $846,411 Motor Vehicles ~ $32,000 EXPLANATION: To appropriate fund balance for the following: Sheriff's Department/Jail: Cost of five additional positions, $150,664 -Sergeant and four Deputies (increased inmate transportation requires additional personnel); additional funding of $846,411 for cost of sing inmates outside the County; and $32,000 for a new transportation van. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~1 couNn cor~n~is ~~ nnn~APPPr `: _- ~ REPhO'~ ~~ ~ ~_ ppSTPO~NED O 184 ~ N~R° # , ~ ~~ 4 . ~~ • ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 08/16/99 . ~ Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-05 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Federal Forfeited Property $17,786 Capital Project Expense ~ . ~ $17;786 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for additional revenues received 6114/99 and 7130/99. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems. necessary. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissione • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,. ' • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED G''~ RE:;~C T ED ^ . REUOVED D ~~~~ POSTPONED HEARD DATE ~(0~9 ~ ~Ci/hz./ rJ {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~~;~ ~~ _- . ,~ ~ ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meetin Date: 08/16!99 g BudgetAmendment Consent Item #: 11.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0012 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: County Commissioners ' Appropriated Fund Balance $1,501,178 Health Department/Maternity Care Coordination: ~~.Title XIX Maximization $20,801 Human Resources: . Departmental Supplies ~ ~ $724 Finance: Contracted Services $6,258 Capital Outlay -Equipment $7,285 -' Information Technology: ~ ' Departmental Supplies $10,162 Capital Outlay -Equipment $32,940 Tax Office: Capital Outlay -Equipment Departmental Supplies . Board of Elections: Capital Outlay -Equipment Vehicle Management: Other Improvements Property Management: Departmental Supplies Maintenance 8~ Repair -Building 8~ Grounds Capital Outlay -Equipment • Sheriff Administration: Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment Sheriff - 911: Capital Outlay -Equipment Uniforms Departmental Supplies Dues 8: Subscriptions $12,388 $122 $11,750 $1,000 $700 $137,088 $25,301 COl!~'.TY COMMISSIONERS $8,788 APi~; : ~ : tiD ~ $6,852 PC~r=DNED ^ $211,910 HEARD ^ $1,754 DAVE ~~~~~ ~-=~~114,918 $56,980 Sheriff -Jail: Other Improvements $9,440 Capital Outlay -Equipment - ~ - ~ $149,275 Departmental Supplies $11,200 Contracted Services $34,900 Emergency Services - CommunicationsTower: Capital Outlay Equipment $5,293 Courts -Clerk of SuperiorCourt: Capital Outlay Equipment $11,331 Inspections: Contracted Services $11,450 Cellular Expense $1,400 Departmental Supplies $1,838 Capital Outlay -Equipment $120,562 Planning: Contracted Services $31,413 Departmental Supplies $449 Capital Outlay -Equipment $2,499 Cooperative Extension Service: .Maintenance & Repair -Building $600 & Grounds Departmental Supplies $3,103 Other Improvements $12 847 Capital Outlay -Equipment $18,725 Airlie Gardens: Equipment Rental $28,243 Departmental Supplies $967 Initial Supplement $8 924 Capital Outlay -Equipment ~ . $79,886 Animal Control: Contracted Services $9,880 •Departmental Supplies $110 Capital Outlay -Equipment $12,437 Health Administration: Building $9;694 Other Improvements .$20;801 Capital Outlay -Equipment $291 18 V Child Health Service Coordinator: Capital Outlay - Equipment $1,000 Departmental Supplies $195 Temporary Assistance To Needy Families:. Departmental Supplies $3,413' Family Planning: Departmental Supplies $20 501. Child Health: . Other Improvements ~. $3,515 • DSS -Administration: ' Contracted Services $16,670 Departmental Supplies $58,192 ' ~ Capital Outlay -Equipment ~ $118,660 Library: Contracted Services $500 Departmental Supplies $895 Capital Outlay -Equipment $19,524 " Parks: , " Other Improvements $4,400 ' Museum: Printing _ $13 947 Departmental Supplies $3,575 , Other Improvements $2,475 Capital Outlay -Equipment $10,029- Fire District: Fire Departments Appropriated Fund Balance $42,443 Motor Vehicle Purchases $23,948 Fire Operations: • . Safety Equipment • ~ $4,995 Capital Outlay -Equipment $13,500 Environmental Management Fund: Landfill Operations - I Appropriated Fund Balance $311,121 ~ Contracted. Services $232,374 i Wastec -Administration: - Contracted Services $38,1gg • Departmental Supplies ~,~ ~ Wastec -Operations: I ' Maintenance 8< Repair -Auto ~ ~ $2,568 I Wastec -Maintenance: " Maintenance & Repair - Equipment: Sewer Operating Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance Water and Sewer Finances: Contracted Services Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment Water and Sewer Engineering: Contracted Services Maintenance & Repair - Equipment Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment Motor Vehicle Purchases $34,665 $154,993 $655 $140 $5,435 $35,512 $19,410 $53,276 $33,760 $6,806 EXPLANATION: To budget appropriated funds balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1999. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid (adopted in the budget ordinances for FY 99-00 dated June 2, 1999. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commission COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 190 -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment " Consent Item #: 11.3 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: County Commissioners' Office/Outside Agencies -Cultural & Recreational BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0014 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: - County Commissioners' Office Appropriated Fund. Balance ~ ~ $25,000 Outside Agencies -Cultural and Recreational " City of Wilmington s ' $25,000` EXPLANATION: To carry over the contribution to the City.. of Wilmington for Skate Park. A number of conditions were placed on funding for the Skate Park by the Commissioners (attached memos). Some of the conditions have not been met; therefore, requesting direction from Commissioners if project contribution should be carried over from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners . COMMISSIONERS'.ACTIONS/COMMENTS: " COUNTY CO~~NIISSIONERS R~.'':;~"BCD POSTPONED ~ • , HERRD ' ~ ~ ~~~ :DATE ~~1~~~ May I9, 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502 WILMII~TGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4093 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7184 ` FAX (910) 341-4027 TO: Mary Gornto, City Manager FROM: Allen O'I~Teal; County Manager G RE: SKATE PARK PROPOSAL ALLEN O'NEAL CountyManaget ANDREW J. ATFCINSON CPA Deputy County Manager DAVID F. WEAVER Assistant County Managea 414 Chestnut Street, 1ZDOm l0I Telephone (910) 341-7139 Fax (910) 341-4035 Today, the Board of Commissioners granted approval for County financial participation in the amount of 525,000 towards the proposed skate park facility at Greenfield Park. The conditions are as follows: A. Allocation of County funds will occur ~uitli the Fiscal Year 1998-1999 budget B Firm City commitment to the project C. Assurance. and confirmation that private funds have been raised and are in place to match public monies (City and County). D. Assurance that all residents, City and County; will pay the same membership fee for use of the facility. S25,000 ~~Zll be budgeted in the FiscalYear 1998-1999 budget as a contribution to the City. The County Com.~-nissioners and County Staff look for,~rard to the completion of this project and appreciate the leadership role the City has taken to fill this recreational need. Also, the Board of Commissioners approved proposed Film Commission funding and governance arrangement. $60,000 is included in the proposed Fiscal Year 1997-1998 budget for the County's contribution to the Film Commission. 1. ec: Wanda Copley. Cam Griffin Dave Weaver Neal Lewin ~~~;,_. ~ -- 192 ~ ~~.~;~ =~.-~-~ - 3 I A~ MEW HA.NOVER COUNTY ,~ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER . 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502. . WII.,MINGTON, NORTH~CAROLINA28401-4058 TELEPHONE (910) 341-718-~ F.4.I' (910) 3=~1-40?7 October 7, 1998 Ms. Mary Gornto. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f,. '~~'w... r ~~'~ City Manager ~} ~~, _ ~_ _.~ _ ~_= ~ City of Wilmington ~ I ~ ~ ! ,ti P.O. Box .1810 _ ;~ , ...... ~ ~` Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 t _ r . , RE: Skate Park Funding Dear M n o: . ~ ~ On. May 19; 1997, I notified you that New Hanover County approved Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000:00) toward development of a skate park facility at • Greenfield Park. A copy of fhis'letter is attached and incorporated by reference. Please be advised that at a May 28, 1998 budget work session of the Board of .County Commissioners, staff was directed to.allocate Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) in the FY 1998-99 budget. The allocation is contingent upon construction beginning during the current fiscal year. Please advise as to the status of the project . and if the City will be moving forward with this project during this fiscal year. AO/kc attachment cc: Cam Griffin, Budget Director .+~ County Attorney's Office ALLEN O'NEAL ~' County Manager ANDREW J. ATIiINSON CPA Deputy County Manager PATRICIA A. MELVIN Assistant County Manager DAVID F. WEAVER Assistant County Manager 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101 Telephone (910) 341-7 ] 3 9 . Fax (910) 341-4035 193 ~ E~'E 4~cgS. A r ~'~' , , .Y x ~ , ~ a ,y,~y WI~MINGTOI~ 1 f_ ~, CITY of . ~~~n; = ~~ ~ ~ [\lorth Carolina 1739 ` ~ f7.0. BMX 181 0 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ TDD (910) 341-7873 28402 1 ~ ~~ ~ Z~.~o~ ~_~F~ ~ To: Bruce Shell, Finance Director, New Hanover County ~ ~~ From: Gary Shell, Spt. of Operations, Public Services & Facilities Department ~ ,~ ~~ Date: July 2, 1999 (/ ~ Subject: Skatepark / ~_ In late 1996, the Wilmington City Cou-Heil banned the use of skateboards in downtown Wilmington and consequently approved the expenditure of $75,000 as matching funds for private and other donations. A private group known as the Wilmington Skatepark Association was formed to raise the remaining $75,000 needed for the project. It was understood that the Skatepark Association would solicit funds from a number of sources. I attended a meeting with County Commissioner, Bill Caster, and Skatepark Association representatives. Subsequently, we were informed that the County had allocated $25,000 for the project. To date, a design for the park has been completed and has been submitted to several interested skatepark builders. The Skatepark Association has raised approximately $60,000 (including County funds) to-this date. Several months ago, the City decided to allow construction to go forward on the project despite the shortfall in raised funds by the Skatepark Association. At this time, the City is conducting the prequalification bid process. This is especially necessary due to the very technical nature of this project. We expect this process to be concluded by late July with the formal RFP process tQ follow immediately. We anticipate construction to commence in the early Fall of 1999. The receipt of the approved County funds will assist the City in moving forward with this project. Thank you for your assistancerin this process. 194 `~ -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BO ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment ' Consent Item #: 11.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0015 . ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT. General Fund: ~ ` County Commissioners: . Appropriated Fund Balance - $2,460,350 Health Department: Maternity Care Coordination: Title XIX Fee Maximization ~ $171,500 Engineering: Contracted Services $83,000 Property Management: ' Building $80 000 Information Technology: Contracted Services $30,000 ' Non-Departmental: . Contracted Services $153,000 Miscellaneous $30,000 Sheriff: Administration/Capital $70,000 Outlay Sheriff: Jail/Contracted $66,089 ' Services-Jail Sheriff - 911: Contracted Services $15,000 Maintenance 8~ Repair -Equipment $160,000 Departmental Supplies $202,762 . Capital Outlay -Equipment $767,296 .Emergency Management: Contracted Services COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ $26,870 APP{~OVED C~~ ' Communications Tower: ~ RE.;~1TE0 Capital Outlay -Equipment R;.`,'~1VEl) ~ $10,519 • Cooperative Extension Service: P0~ i ~'~~.£D p ~ ~ Maintenance 8~ Repair -Building HEr~RD ~ ~ ~ . & Grounds DATE fo ~ / ~!mi _ ~ . Other Improvements $50,000 Airlie Gardens: Maintenance & Repair -Building 8~ Grounds Other Improvements Capital Outlay -Equipment Health Administration: Other Improvements Capital Outlay -Equipment Epidemiology: Capital Outlay -Equipment Departmental Supplies . ~ ~ Family Planning: Departmental Supplies Child Health: Contract Services Capital Outlay -Equipment DSS -Good Friends: Payments Parks: Other Improvements Museum: Maintenance 8~ Repair -Building & Grounds Fire District: Fire Departments: Appropriated Fund Balance Fire Expense Postage Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment Environmental Management Fund: Wastec -Administration: Appropriated Fund Balance Building Other Improvements Capital Outlay -Equipment t~, ~~~,• ~. ~, .. ~ Sewer Operating Fund: ''~ 9~wer Operating Fund: ~ ~"0~- ~.J ppropriated Fund Balance ~• ..~ ..__ a=a=..~---' Water and~Sewer Engineering: Capital Outlay -Equipment $170,000 $105,000 $74,381 $171,500 $50,000 $36,863 $50,000 $5,200 $7,200 $3,000 $970 $61,000 $150,000 $164,200 $18,570 $630 $78,000 $67,000 $450,800 $50,514 $228,158 $172,128 $868,670 ;~~ ` ' $425,049 Contracted Services Water and Sewer Finance: Contracted- Services Capital Outlay -Equipment Revolving Loans r. $418,597 $11,636 $5,118 $8,270 EXPLANATION: To rollover the following expenditures from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00: The above items were budgeted, but completion of transactions did not occur last Fiscal Year General Fund: . Engineering -Contracted Services: Balance of funds in Engineering FY 98-99 Budget for Engineering Contract for Drainage and Drainage Regulations (Study approved by Commissioners on 5/17/99) Property Management -Building: Funds that were originally budgeted for new storage building will be carried over to combine with funds budgeted in FY 99-00 for StorageNehicle Management Facility Information Technology -Contracted Services: Relocate IT equipment to Sheriff's Department so that it can be operational if the County loses power. This is a lower cost option than purchasing a generator for the administration building. Non-Departmental -Contracted Services: $153,000 carry-over funds for remaining expenses for Pay and Classification Study and software to maintain the Pay and Classification Program ` Non-Departmental- Miscellaneous: $30,000 for funds for community assessment for Parks & Open Space Bond Referendum SherifflAdministration -Capital Outlay: $70,000 for purchase of bomb trailer; Sheriff -Contracted Services -Jail: Carry-over unexpended portion of funds approved by Commissioners to transport inmates to other facilities due to jail overcrowding and funds for continued implementation of Computer Aided Dispatch System Emergency Management -Contracted Services: Community Alert System ,. . Emergency Management -Communications Tower: Capital Outlay funds for heat and air conditioner work and Uninterrupted Power System at tower site Cooperative Extension Service -Airlie Gardens: Funds for projects at Airlie Gardens and Cooperative Extension Building . Health Administration -Other Improvements: Funds. for Medical Records area renovation and capital outlay for AS400 upgrade • DSS -Good Friends Program (Payments) Parks -Other Improvements: Hugh MacRae Natural Trail, concession stand renovations at Myrtle Grove School Park, and fencing for Summer Rest Trail Museum -Required maintenance and repair at Museum Building Fire Service District: Fire Services -Fire Departments: Fire expense funds for hydrant projects, capital outlay rescue equipment for trucks, and continued implementation of fire portion of Compu Aided Dispatch System. Environmental Management Fund: Wastec -Administration: Building -Bulk storage, materials warehouse, and compressor building Other Improvements -Upgrades to CEMS (monitors gas exhaust for pollutants) and upgrade of pollution control equipment Capital Outlay -Public address system and major refractory and boiler tub for No. 1 and No. 2 boilers Water and Sewer District: Carry-over funds for continuation of implementation of billing system and loan program and various sewer approved but not completed in FY 98-99 n APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: 198 ' - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION i ~ Meeting Date: 08/16/99 BudgetAmendment Consent Item #: 11.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ , DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0016 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT ' District Attorney. Domestic Violence Unit Domestic Violence Unit Grant $3,438 Salaries $3,198 Telephone $fi00 ' Cell Phones ~ $10 Beepers and Pagers $130 Project Impact-Hazard Mitigation ' • HMGP-federal ~ $94,729 HMGP-state $29,866 • Salaries " ~ $5,1'34 ..Advertising $1 000 Contract Services $57,915 Supplies $32,301 Travel $10,000 Capital Outlay $18,245 Schools Retrofit-Hazard Mitigation Disaster Resistant Communities Grant $281,293 • ~. Contract Services $31,408 . Travel ~ $2,000 Other Improvements $245 000 Administration $2,885 4 .i .'u ..~,~ . COUNTY COMMISSI NERS APP^OVED REJECTED ^ ' RrMOVED ^ POSTPO~lED ^ ~ • HEARD, ^ DATE ~~° ~-`-'~--~~ '. ; ~.:. • EXPLANATION: To rollover_unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00. APPROVAL STATUS To be approved by Board Of Commissioners • COMMISSIONERS: ACTIONS/COMMENTS€ 199." NEW HANOVER-COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various-continued BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0016 ADJUSTMENT River Road Tower DEBIT ~ CREDIT HMGP-federal HMGP-state Salaries Contract Services Supplies Other Improvements $215,559 $70,000 Planning HMGP-federal HMGP-state Temp. Salaries Contract Services Printing Supplies Postage Advertising Travel $2,759 '$6,000 '$2,800 $274,000 $52,249 $17,048 $11,665 $34,385 $3,000 $12,000 ' $1,247 $3,000 $4,000 Aging-Congregate CFMF Grant Contract Services-CFMF Grant $9,312 $9,312 r ~.~..r/: .. ~ ~ v -- EXPLANATION: To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY 99-00. APPROVAL STATUS: To bye approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMI~IONERS ,~ ~,_ ..~, ,,, ~T,~~ APPROVED L' REJECTED ^ RE~:~O~~ED O 2 O ® ~ ~ - POSTPONED D ' HEARD ~ r~C1 _,~ ®ATE _.___,I. 4 ..NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11:5 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Various-continued BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0016 ._ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Aging-Foster Grandparent Program Foster Grandparent Grant - $75,277 Salaries $16,949 FICA $1,297 Retirement $830 Medical Insurance $2,225 Disability Insurance $30 Contract Services $99 Telephone $75 Postage $175 Supplies $225 Auto Reimbursement $425 Uniforms - ~ $100 Travel $650 Volunteer Mileage Reimbursement ~ $5,115 . Volunteer Stipends $39,933 Volunteer Recognition $300 Capital Outlay ~ $7,299. EXPLANATION`. To adjust budget to actual amount of grant that ends 12-31-99: he grant amount is $137,068; $61,791 has already been budgeted in FY 99-00. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by-Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMM~ISS~IO-NERS _ APi-i;OVED C~' R~J~CTED ~~ RCA~OVED .GIB POSTPONED~.Cg4 s.,__, __~ ~FIEARD ~~T~~~ l l~ ~c~~.y,-~ DATE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/16/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 11.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' DEPARTMENT: Various-continued - ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0016 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Water/Sewer District HMGP-federal $203,457 HMGP-state $66,684 Salaries $3,403 Contract Services $54,000 Maintenance & Repair $42,000 Supplies $170,738 EXPLANATION:.To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY 9 APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS TONERS ~.~~~~.A~PPROG'ED~ s H R~ .. _..~ ~'I RG:.`:~. ; _ ~D O H~~ ~',~ l4a q~ ®2 OATS ~~ .