Agenda 1999 09-20AGENDA ~~~AHOVER co ti~ .~ ~ ,, G ~ * •l,* ur! ~~ Q N9 ~= i/~ . ~~ INPO RTS.E%Pp RTS 0 INpV STRT ~~NORTH~'p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2n`` Floor Meeting Roojn, New Hanover Coicnty Library 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC. WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER ' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD September 20,1999 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation. of Retirement Plaques 9:25 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards ~~5 a.m. 3. P.ecogrution of New Employees 9:45 a.m. 4. Consideration of Resolution declaring October, 1999 "Cape Fear River Awareness Month" and Authorization to Support/Purchase Environmental Educational Plaque 9:55 a.m. ~-~!~ Presentation of WASTEC Financial Report by McGladrey and Pullen 9:20 a.m. 6. Consideration of Proposal from New Hanover County Board of Health for Single Cells in the New County Jail 9:30 a.m. u~7. Consideration of 1999 Real Estate Value for General Electric Com an P Y 9:50 a.m. 8.. Consideration of Request for Funding Fourth of July Celebration 10:00 a.m. 9. Committee Appointments 10:30 a.m. 10. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District I I ADDITIONAL ITEMS ' County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager ~ 10:30a.m. ADJOURN PAGE NO. 1 3 5 7 9 11 17 21 25 83 MEETING OF THE WATER`AND SEWER DISTRICT 2"d FLOOR MEETING ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY .~ 201 CHESTNUT STREET September 20,1999 9:00 a.m. ~- ~ . ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 83 2. Approval of Minutes 85 3. Update on Status of Wastewater Treatment Plarit Expansion ~ 87 4. Consideration of Request for Water and Sewer Service -Carolina Power 89 and Light Company ADJOURN `) j ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • September 20,1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 93 2. Award of Bid #00-0118 and approval of Contract #00-0118 to MLC 95 Integrated for Upgrade of the AS/400 mainframe 3. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 97 District Collection Reports 4. Approval of Release of Value 101 5. Approval of increase in New Hanover County Health Department's 103 charge of flu vaccine from $10 to $12 6. Approval of increase in Animal Confrol Services Adoption Fee from 105 • $45 to $60 effective October 1,1999 7. Approval of grant application for Diabetes Today/Diabetes Coalition 109 from Diabetes Today Community Implementation Funds ($10,000) 8. Approval of grant application. for Model Community Assessment- 125 a grant for $17,375 through North Carolina Community Assessment . hiitiative 9. Approval of grant application from Carolina Power and Light 131 Company's Corporate Contribution Funds - CP&L School Health Lice Grant Application 10. Approval of grant application from the national Traffic Safety 139 Adiniriistrationfor aGrowing Up Buckled Up grant application 11: Approval for lease extension for Plzza East Branch Library 165, 12. Approval of contract with .Port City Java to operate a "coffee kiosk" 169 at the Northeast Branch Library . 13. Approval to submit form for Department of Cultural Resources 179 Grants Program 14. Approval to-apply for Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) 181 50/50 Matching Conservation Project Support Grant 15. Approval for Cape Fear Museum to apply for non-matching Cultural 183 Resources Grant to hire an archivist for a year Approval of the following budget amendments: 16.1 #00-0026 County Commissioners' Office/Emergency Medical Services/ 187 Hurricane Derulis/Contracted Services 16.2 #00-0029 Human Relations/Human Services Transportation 188 ` ., 17. Approval to submit application for Rural Operating Assistance Funding 189 from NCDOT 18. Approval of Resolution declaring September 25,1999 as Hunting and 193 Fishing Dad in New Hanover County ~, NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20199 Re ular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Pa e Number: 9 g Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Mary Johnson SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are eligible to receive Retirement Plaques at the New Hanover County Commissioners' Meeting: • Sue L. Braxton -Health Dept. -Community Health Assistant - 13 years, 2 months of service • Claude B. Crouse -Property Management -Mechanic - 20 years, 11 months of service ® James S. Bethune -Tax Dept. -Appraisal Supervisor - 23 years, 4 months of service • Doris M. MusSelWhite -Health Dept. -Licensed Practical Nurse - 15 years, 5 months of service ~ Dale R. Cromartie -Social Services Dept. -Social Worker III - 11 years, 4 months of service • Jacqueline C.'Holt -Social Services Dept..- Admin. Asst. I - 12 years, 7 months of service RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATI Recognize newly retired employees and present plaques. ,~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: counlty coM>y~~sio APPROVED 'C„~" REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED O NEP+RD C't/ , -:DATE .- CI-~-?o t'~`L_~(._P•~ { Thls page Intentlonallylefthlank} ~, /~~"~MKhII'~t:~'.,dF.~8+4.It V,'~~~y~]p ~~(p~r~{y~~ ~)~I l~1O :., :. 7~`; ~~~ 3 2 ~LL~~ NEVU HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Norman Gattison -Sheriffs Dept.; Kathryn R. Strickland -Sheriffs Dept.; Thomas C. Berry -Inspections; Hugh Overstreet -Inspections; Linda M. Augino -Fire Services; Maryann Adkins -Health Dept.; Gina L. Hayes, Social Services; Ethel B. Stanley - Social Services Dept.; Rex LCribb -Parks; TEN (10) YEAR: James B. Byrd -Engineering; Shrley S. Lloyd'. -Health; Page S. Tootoo -Health; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Myron G. Brown -Property Mgmt.; William A. Bullard -Property Mgmt.; Thurman D. Newkirk - WASTEC; Sandra Brooks -Health Dept.; Janis D. Wildemann -Social Services; and TWENTY-FIVE YEAR: Orethia K. Brown -Social Services Dept. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN" Recognize employees and present service awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: • TIONS: COUNTY. COMMISSt01 APPROVED p REJECTED D REMOVED p POSTPONED Q , ,' HEARD G'/ ~ .DATE ~ ~1,.~ ~ `-9'~q 3 { Thls page Intentionally left blank} ,, ~~~ ~~ ~~y ~~~~ l."^,1 ~% V~~r~~'~ ~~~~~ • ., .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of .newly hired county employees will be provided tot he Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMME Recognize new employees. ' ACTIONS/CO • - --1 COUNTY COMMI~SIONE~$ APPROVED p , REJECTED D REMOVED D -`'- POSTPONED D / HEARD ~/ ' ®ATE ,- -fml_L~_.~ ~C~1=fir ,. ~r 6 { Thls page Intentionally left blank} (~" ^,~.-°....~~tr~arQ~ ln~..~~.~ ~qq C~~J'1T~~~a~ lrccl I~iv`~ 1?^~~~ ~~ ~~ • • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Declaring October 1999 "Cape Fear River Awareness Month" and Authorization to SupportlPurchase Environmental Educational Plaque BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS• COUMY COMMi APPROVED CIS. ~'• REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED p HE~4RD p ~ ~~ Cosh-o1 ~I :t 5 I,~fUO - Z,avo~ ll New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Proclamation WHEREAS, the Lower Cape Fear River Program is a research and monitoring program supported by local industry and governments, including New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, data is collected from 35 instream monitoring sites in the Lower Cape Fear. River Basin and tests conducted for a number of parameters including metals and biological factors in order to assess water quality in the river and estuaries; and WHEREAS, one of the missions of the Lower Cape Fear River Program is to educate citizens about the river and its watershed; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, through the funding of various tidal creek and water quality studies, is committed to ensuring a clean, safe, healthy economy and environment; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners designates the month of October as "Cape Fear River Awareness Month" in New Hanover County, and urges citizens to take part in the educational programs offered by the Lower Cape Fear River Program and encourages the river's use as a recreational, economic and educational resources. Adopted this 20`x' day of September, 1999 William A. Caster, Chairman 8 ATTEST: Clerk to the Board >i -K----~~,~r"~ ~rir~ ~ ~~~~~~a ~ro~ a~~,~~a ~~~~ ~~ •~ ~,~=,! .. r ,~,'r!~'~ __~~__._~.x--~==- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Lou Cannon, McGladrey and Pullen Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of.WASTEC Financial Report by McGladrey and Pullen BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AN RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. / COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: . Co~~ C~MI~I~~ APPROVED C] REJECTED Q REMOVED POSTPONED ® 9 • HEARD Q {This page intentionallyleft blank} r-; ~v ~'~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~_ ,.. 10 . ~~~ _, NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE TO: David E. Rice, Health,Director FROM: Jail Health Team DATE: August ;12, 1999 SUBJECT: Plea to Board of Health for Support for Single Cells in New Jail . ,_ We would like to plead with the Board of Health to support single cells'in the new jail. Our reasons for making this plea are:.. ~ . ® To eliminate •injuries related to fights in the~cells ' ® To eliminate forced sexual activity ® To increase ability to watch mentally ill, suicidal, and those suffering from withdrawal ® To eliminate spread of sexually transmitted diseases ' ® To reduce spread of other communicable diseases ~. •, e To reduce riots and improve control of inmates ® To improve safety for j ail and health staff ® To have punishment more equally meted out ® To eliminate overcrowding which leads to physical and mental complaints ® To reduce the- cost of j ail health. care , . Inmates who are, small in stature, not muscular, and .those who are incarcerated for the first time (don't know the ropes) are at greatest risk for physical and sexual assault. While most inmates deserve, incarceration, some should not be placed in a situation to have unequal punishment and no defense: Due to their lifestyles prior to incarceration, inmates are at great risk for communicable diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis B, and rectal condylomas. These diseases can be spread consentually or forced on other inmates through exposure to blood, semen and other body fluids during fights or sexual activities.' Due to close proximity of inmates, diseases and infestations spread rapidly. Riots cause injuries both to inmates and jail staff. In a recent riot urine was thrown into the faces of deputies. There are often fires and flooding in cells blocks. If there were cone-on-one situation, the~,deputies would not be at a disadvantage and punishment would be meted out to the .I nmate~who ~caiisedithe~t~rouble. Other inmates would not be punished inappropriately which Id7 ~~~~~''3,„.r~~.;~ rther agg~ vates.,the situation for deputies. E i ,, Any time the jail or medical staff has to have an inmate removed from a cell they put themselves at risk of being attacked by all inmates in that cell. Inmates can plan ahead and we have had hostage situations. Staff are also at risk of severe injury or death.. More than 90% of our budget for services outside the clinic was used for treatment of injuries caused by fights in the last fiscal year. This amounted to $154,011. RESEARCH ON TOPIC AND RESPONSES Questions Asked of Research and Standards Institutes 1. Is there any data on multi-unit cells and single cells in j ails? Institute of Government -- Can have law suit related to our knowledge of individuals with communicable diseases and not protecting others from them.. Robert Lewis, Chief, Jail and Detention, Division of Facility Services -- Strongly support. single cells and direct supervision. Major jails going in that direction. Most advantageous, less custody. Reasons: accountability, control, safety, security. Hard to prove but will extend longevity of jail equipment. Check with Mecklenburg, Forsyth, and Dare counties. National Commission on Correctional Health Care -- No data available. American Correctional Association -- Haven't seen any information related to topic. AHEC -Literature search. Only found medical and mental health problems. No data on changes brought about. Questions Asked of Other Jails 1. Have you had reductions in fights and sexual assaults since you went to single cells? 2. Do you have any other comments? Forsyth County Jail -- Talked to jailer. Assaults without a doubt have been reduced. Can control population better. Also good disciplining .procedures--punish guilty party only. Mecklenburg County Jail -- Talked to nurse. Didn't keep statistics at old jail. New staff in this j ail. Dare County Jail -- Talked to jailer. Very seldom have a fight now. Average may be one fight a month while inmates in day room all have direct supervision. No alleged sexual encounters. 13 Florence County Jail -- Talked to jailer and medical staff. Totally different. `Iery seldom have fights now, not even one a month: Medical budget expenditures cut in half. Single cells eliminate so many problems, no sexual activities. Before we kept somebody at the hospital all the time. Able to treat things like lice or scabies and not have-them spread. Behavior of inmates improves because they have their space. Generally, complaints have gone down. Summary The jails we contacted, except Mecklenburg which had new staff, reported drastic improvements for inmates and staff. It can happen here. We cari reduce injuries, unwanted sexual encounters; spread of communicable diseases; medical costs, destruction of jail property, liability, and assure that those who lack self defense because of their size or muscle-power are not unequally punished.. We believe that costs incurred to build the jail will be offset by reduction in costs related to medical care, liability, and jail property destruction. w r,.~,,~ ~~~,~ ct,~ , ,qtr, .r,,~aA;c r~~ ,, ~~ 14 C`~ - ~ ~ Robert G. Greene, Senior Associate ;.; a Carter Goble Associates; Inc. SAP - ~, i',~ ~ . 1619.Sumter Street . ' i = ' ~ ~-~ ~° '~`"~" ~~- Columbia, SC 29201 -~, . Tel: 803-765-2833 ...._ - . .. _.. Fax: 803-779-8518 ' can°; E-mail: cgateam@aol.com ' To: Captain Steve Smith New Hanover County Sheriff's Department From: Bob Greene Date: September 2, 1999 Subject: New Jail Planning Options - ~ .. . 'j ' In response to comments-and discussion that ensued during the August 23, planning meeting, I have prepared a theoretical cost comparison. of a single versus a dual facility operation.. The single facility operation consists of a new 608- bed facility, and continued use of the bottom . floor of the current jail for court holding. The dual facility operatio_n_, consists of anew facility sized _ at 496 beds., and continued housing of 106 inmates on the 4th and 5'h floors of the current jail, ,and use of the bottom floor for court holding. f hope all is well and that you didn't sustain too much weather damage this week. Enclosure-1 page ' CC Greg Thompson Andrew Atkinson'' 15 1 COST COMPARISON ' Single Facility Dual Facility Operation New Hanover County Operation 602 Beds 608 Beds Est. Construction Cost $21,850,000 $18,900,000. $0 ~ ~ $18,900,000 • Est. Soft Costs $5,150,000 $4,450,000 $0 $4,450,000 Total Est. Development $27,000,000 $23,350,000 $0 $23,350,000 Cost Suggested Staffing 169 149 52 201 Program ..: ,. Est. Annual Cost of ,20 . $2 350,000 ' ~ $2;050,000 - - $0~ $2,050,000 Yr. Mortgage @ 6% Est. Annual Staffing $5 000 500 $4,850,000 $1,700,000 $6,550,000 Cost.. @ $32,500/Officer , , 'Est. Non-Personnel $2,400,000 $2,100,000' $750,000 ' ~ $2,850,000 Operating. Costs : ~~ ,;: Est. Total Annual $10,250,000 $9,000,000 $2,450,000 $11,450,000 Costs Carter Goble Associates ..., ~ _ •~ :~ . Findin s The single facility concept presents an estimated annual saving of $1,200,000 that represents an annua( saving of 12%. Over a 20-year period this translates to a savings of $24,000,000 at today's dollar. 16 • C NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20!99 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter; Robert Glasgow, Larry Bolick -Tax Department Charles Mercer - GE Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Appeal of 1999 Real Estate Value for General Electric Co. BRIEF SUMMARY: The General Electric Castle Hayne .plant appealed the 1999 appraised value for six parcels and the .buildings oh those parcels. The 1999 value that is being appealed is $43,651,618.. In June 1999, the NC Property Tax Commission heard the 1996 GE appeal of real property value. In preparation for the hearing, New Hanover County identified errors within the appraised value for 1996. This amounted to a recommended reduction of $490,268 for the 1996 appealed value of $35,364,914. GE argued that the property had a value of $19,500,000 for 1/1/96. August 20, 1999, the Property Tax Commission concluded that the 1996 appraised value for GE would be $34,874,646, which included the county's recommended reduction of $490,268. During. the hearing, GE identified the primary plant site to have 385 acres. The Tax Department had used 167.6 acres. After the hearing, a review of the primary site was conducted by the county using aerial photography on GIS. The county has identified the primary site to be 350 acres and is recommending a change in the primary site acreage to 350 acres. This will result in a value increase of $3,350,000. In addition to the recommended acreage change, in June of 1998, GE transferred one building to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc. The Tax Department is recommending adjustments be made for wall heights, sprinkler systems, dock levelers, penthouses (air-conditioning units), a double charge on one building and another had been removed or torn down. These changes amounted to a net decrease in value of $3,168,417. . From January 1, 1996 thru June 1998, GE applied for and received construction permits in excess of $5,500,000. One permit that was .issued in June 1998 for $1,800,000 remains open. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Tax Departments 1999 valuation of $43,651,618 should be adjusted to include the increase in primary - site acreage valued at $3,356,000 and the reduction of $3,168,417 for the other changes expiained above. We recommend the 1999 value for GE to be $43,839,201. , FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: .. COUlU1Y CQMM15SI4N~i ~ APPROVED C7 ~ '.. geappeal.wp REJECTED p '~ . _ REMOVED C/~~^_~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE-REVIEW POSTPONED D 'yy' HEA '`>„1 ' .:COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ - ; Consider appeal. 1999 REAL PROPERTY APPEAL ' GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY - NUCLEAR AND AIRCRAFT. DIVISIONS ~-,,/ BEFORE THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW ' - ~: SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 ~ • , .• - Annellant: General Electric Company PO Box 60340 Fort Myers, Fl. 33906-6340 Represented by: Mr. CharlesMercer ~ _ ; Moore & Van Allen PO Box 26507 °' ' Raleigh,`NC 27611 Tax Map No.: 801,700-001-001-00.0 . Rock Hill Cape Fear (1,759 acres) . - `, ' 801719-001-008-000 _ ' ' ~ ~ ~ . ' ' Lts. 4/S FM 109 IVlarathon 801719-001-010-000 , , z _ ` Lts: 1/3 FM l~ll Marathon ~~~ ~ , 801719-002-011-000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' " Lts..l/3 FM-.-1.11 Marathon .. ~ i .- ~R02500-002-001-000 ., ~ . , , , ' Tr. l 12/Pt.` 113 Marathon (1,0.60 acres) . 802507-002-001-000 ,.l Bellwood Farms.(4.54 acres) ,Pt. Tr. 3 . .. Location: 2117 Castle Hayne Road (US Highway i 17 N) Assessed Value: $ 43,651,618 ,. _ General Description: General Electric Company is the largest industrial plant located in New Hanover County. The company manufactures nuclear fuel and aircraft engine parts at the. local site. The plant is located on 1,774.14 acres and six lots which are situated along the cape Fear ~!r l~v~er=and~;U~s H ~g~lw~a~y 117 as shown on the attached location map. Parcel 801700=001; 001-000 . ~,, , .~ ,,.,s,,,,„..,E,...;..,~ ~~e which contains 1,759 acres, 41 buildings and miscellaneous l an~ ma °~ is the pr ~yp ~ , ~ improvemen~s~~f ~eh~a~s parking, lights, etc. Other parcels identified as tax map numbers 801719- 002-011,000~and &02500-002-001-000-are company recreational areas with a picnic shelter and - restroon~s.~Pax~cel 801719-002-011-000 contains a softball f eld surrounded by a chain oink . ~ `~ fence. The remaining two parcels, R01719-001-008-000 and R01719-001-010-000 are tracts of vacant land. Appellant's Support: GE appealed their 1999 revaluation value on December 16, 1998, ..Appellant's Exhibit.#l. During the initial hearing on July 6, 1999,. GE identified 13 arguments disagreeing with the county's appraised value, Appellant's Exhibit #2. Other supporting documents also preseited in July are: G.E. Illustration One, Appellant's Exhibit #3; • Depreciation Analysis, Appellant's Exhibit #4; 1999 Schedule of Values Manual page 8, Common caLises of Economic Obsolescence, Appellant's Exhibit #5; list of 42 buildings, Appellant's Exhibit #6; list of nine property record cards, Appellant's Exhibit #7 percentage depreciationsates graph; Appellant's Exhibit #8; list of 42 assessment record cards, Appellant's Exhibit #9; General Electric's opinion of assessed value, Appellant's Exhibit #10; . ~ graph of condition, Appellant's Exhibit #11; 1999 New Hanover County Schedule of Values Manual, page 6-47 on building characteristics, Appellant's Exhibit #12. As of September 10, ~- 1999, no other information had been received from the appellant prompting the use of the information presented, at the initial July 6, 1999, hearing. . Assessment Support: The letters of notification for the dates to appear before the Board of Equalization and Review are Tax Exhibit #1 and #1A. GE's acknowledgment of the July 6, 1999, .hearing date is labeled Tax Exhibit #1C. Copies of the property record cards for the six properties under appeal .are Tax Exhibit #2 thru #7. The 1999 revaluation value for all six parcels and buildings was identified to be $43,651,618. During the tour of the GE plant, in preparation for the Property Tax Commission (PTC) hearing . for the 1996 appeal, it was identified that there were some discrepancies on the property record cards. During the PTC hearing in June 1999, those errors were immediately identified by the ' County. The County recommended to the PTC that the 1996 assessed value be reduced by. $490,268. The decision rendered by the PTC agreed with the County, and after the reduction, determined the 1996 assessed value to be $34,874,646. GE has appealed the PTC decision to the NC Court of Appeals. The property record cards have been corrected for 1999. During the PTC hearing, GE identified the primary site to consist of 385 acres. Upon notificationz of the decision by the PTC, the Couizty changed.the acreage to reflect 385 acres. The combination 'of those adjustments resulted in a net value increase of $817,583 as of July 7, 1999. In preparation for this appeal, the County has identified the primary plant site to contain 350 ". aces, not 385 as presented by GE. Using aerial photographs from February 1998, a per limiter was conducted to identify the actual acreage Tax Exhibit #8. The primary plant site has been. reduced to show 350 acres and reflects a value reduction of $630,000 Tax Exhibit #9. In June 1998, GE transferred one building on the primary site to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc.. This building was assessed. to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc. and was not appealed. Conclusion and Recommendation: That the Board of Equalization and Review adjust the Tax . Department's 1999 revaluation value of $43,651,618 to $43,839,201., This difference in value includes adjustments presented to, aid agreed with by the Property Tax Commission's August NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 ~ ,Regular Item.#: 8 .Estimated Time: Page Number. • ; Department: Governing Body ,Presenter: William A. Caster, Chairman Contact: Captain David R. Scheu, Director of .Battleship North Carolina ~. SUBJECT: k ~ j Consideration of request for funding Fourth of July Celebration ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Captain David Scheu has written letter requesting the County to increase fun ding for the Family Fourth Celebration. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: " FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Battleship North Carolina • . REVIEWED BYr LEGAL: .FINANCE: N/A. BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NlA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider request. ` ' `"` COMMISSIONERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . ~ COUI~ITY COMIU~Iw~~.~r • ~ ~ APPROVED ~:`"-'~~ °" REJECTED f3 ~- ,. ~ REMOVED D. Y ": • 1 POSTPONED ~ '„ ~ ° ~ ~ HEARD n p . , DATE. ,:-~`_~ ~~_ ~~ hg\~~~~ . , PO Box 480 Wilmington, NC 28402-0480 . ATTLES~-II ~ .. FORTH CAROLINA , . ~ 9" d .~A~fE'`y Telephone 910.251..5797 FAX 910.251.5807 1. Allen Adams, Chairman • Kenneth K.Oews, Sr, Vice-Chairman '~ ,r '~~ Betty Ray McCain, Secretary •Thomas H. Wright, Ill,Treasurer Daniel W: Barefoot • Jennie S. Bleecker David F. Branch, Jr. • ~~ r_ ~ ` Norwood E. Bryan • Rick E.Carlisle • Sandra Ray Criner • Hugh M.Currin Eugene W. Gore Linda A. Pearce Wallace E.Rucker ~ t~ vwM ~"'~" ~ y Samuel O.Southem • Vicki S.Spencer David LThomas • Ken Watkins Betty Ray McCain, Secretary of Cultural Resources Rick E. Carlisle,Secretary of Commerce Captain David R. Scheu, USN (Ret.), Director ~ - ~ - ~ ' ' 25 August 1999 Mr. William A. Caster - Chairman; New Hanover ~ ~ ' ` ~ - County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street `z~ilmingron, NC 2Q40'_ .., ~ _ _ Mr. Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr. City of Wilmington , ~ , PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402-1810 Dear Chairman Caster and Mayor Hicks: The purpose of this letter is to discuss the 4`h of July fireworks element of the Family Fourth Celebration downtown. }. As background, the Battleship took over production of the 4`~' fireworks program in 1997 in partnership with the County and City wherein the County and City each provide $8,000 and the Battleship contributes $4,000 fora total of $20,000. And I should note that, fo make our corr,'mi.tment, the Battleship ~s required to close two hours early on what was; historically, our biggest day of the }'ear for visitation which means significant lost revenue. Many of our late visitors that day stayed to watch the fireworks which they can no longer do because of the need to close the entire area of Eagle Island sinez_ it is within the.safety.,envelope . , for the size of pyrotechnics we are now firing. Concurrent with our assumption of the fireworks:^ ^ production, the City Parks &Recreation-sponsored events along the riverfront also increased, helped by a partnering with WGNI. In the three years the event has gained a significant fol'''a~ing, judging from fihe ^ numbers of people now downtown for the evening. For the fireworks, along wifii the partnering of WHQR and WGNI for the patriotic musical background, having WECT join with a live broadcast in 1998 has helped broaden the event even more. One of the clearest indicators of the success is that, for virtually every restaurant. it is rovr their best ni.nh+ of thr "ear, ~yiti! :.~'. i~:^.ar :Jr .,t:tr.°. •. ait;i,S f^r to "i%s n:;t anUSiia:. In ~- 1999 the provider of the fireworks, Pyro Shows of LaFollette, TN, raised its prices by 5%, its first increase since I started working with them in 1994. While the Family Fourth Celebration has been well received, I know we can improve - to take it to the next higher level - in providing the citizens of New Hanover County and those around us an even better experience. For fireworks, the next higher leve] is to produce a fireworks display that is choreographed to music. (Just a side note. My 50`s Anniversary of VJ Day fireworks was pyrotechnics choreographed to music but it also had a story line and narration.) The minimum cost for a Pyro Shows choreographed fireworks production is $35,000. To get to that level, I propose the following: r•~--n ~s t,:ry--~• :ter • 4The Countyf andrCtty;~increase their contribution from $8,000 to $10,000 starting in Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001" ~~~~~~~~A The IBatt.les~ ip,a~w~ilncrease its contribution from $4,000 to $5,000. ~. • I wtllsohcrt~the}balance of $10,000 from the private sector as part of thetr community support. ~-;,.,. tom'. ~,r~v~~'I .~t -~., _. I I. J` <` One of the benefits of fireworks choreographed to music is that the Pyro Shows digital recording provides _' ~ the music as well as timing cues for the show, for television coverage and for security -police, fire, Coast Guadrd, etc. . Also, I do know from both General Manager Ron Becker and News Director Scott Pickey that WECT . intends to continue their live coverage of the fireworks and I anticipate that WHQR and WGNI will also . continue their support.' I request your approval ofthe above proposal and, if possible, your approval at the earliest opporhmity, so that I can solicit, corporations in time for their FY 2000 budgets. With your support I know we will have ' one of the best, if not, the best, 4`~ of July fireworks in the State. Sincerely, .. ~~eu CAPT, USN {Ret) . Director cc: Mr. Allen O'Neal Ms. Mary Gornto . ': , '. , ~ ~ 23 .,. ,~ { Thls page intentionally left blank} ;, , :~ 24 ~ NEW. HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09!20/99 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact:. Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: ` Committee Appointments New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees i RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments• FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information Sheets and Applications ` ~ ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS; Make appointments. ~ , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~COUIVTY COMNiI~ION APPROVED REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONED ~ HEARD (~ p ~;(, ~ 5 DATE ,- =-4~i ~_I a~~ . ! f J t ~ .. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER= BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 VACANCIES _ ~ ~ ELIGIBLE.FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT ~'i/irginia W. Adams George R. Fox Valarie-Kirsten Helton - Paul B. Hubbard ~ •• ~ ~ - Kenneth A. Johnson ~ Richard L. McGraw Dennis B. Nicks ~ ~ - ~ • Albert T. Pastore William D. Polhemus ~-- -Jon W. Rosborough ~ ~ - Joseph L. Soto Margaret Weller Stargell X ~- ~-Stedman Stevens William Hobbs Sutton Rebecca G. Terretti '' ~ Haywood E. White III Jerry L. Wilkins William.D. Wright Atfachments:~ ~ Committee Information Sheets ~~ ~'~`~~Applications ~t~ ~~~~ Cpl ~~it3~ a 2~6 ~ . ~~JJrtrt''^^~Ay~y~ NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 15. - (3 ex-officio members:' County Commissioner, Chief of Medical Staff and the Past Chief of Staff) Terms: five years -Not eligible for reappointment until one year after term unless originally ' appointed to fill an unexpired term. Effective September 1993, new terms are for three years. Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospital. Committees of the Board average one meeting per month each. Trustees serve on two or three committees. Statute or cause creating Board: Charter or Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26, 1967. Brief on Functions: Takes responsibility for the operation of a large public hospital through the establishment of policy and the deciding of major questions on finance, scope•of services, ` facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. TERM PRESENTLY. ~ER7Vi .CURRENT MEMBERS SERVTi~TG EXPIlZES , Charles M. Coleman, Jr. Second 9-30-99 2112 Ascott Place Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9120/93 ' 763-2075 (H) 799-4877 (VV) Reappt. 9/16/96 Corneille Sineath Second 9-30-99 6664 Cable Car Lane ' Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9120/93 256-2719 ~ Reappt. 9/ 16/96 Henry M. von Oesen Second 9-30-99 • .412 W. Renovate Circle Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 10!4/93 762-8313 (H) - Reappt. 9/ 16/96 Margaret Weller-Stargell - 8 First 9-30-99 13 Tarpon Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 11/18/96 452-1887 {H) 343-0145 (W) David B. Benford Second 9-30-2000 _ , 1645 Country Club Road . Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appt. 9/ 19/94 •251-0846 (VV) 452-9961 (H) 27 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL`MEDICAL CENTER BOARD' OF'TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERIi~I CLTR.RENT MEMBERS - ~ `SERVING EXPIRES • Luther Brown Second 9-30-2000 . 1944' Brookhaven Road' ' ~ ? ~ - ~ - ' Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9%19/94 ~ ~ '''' 762-7883 (W) 343-1991 (H) . ~ ~_ . Daniel E. Dawson Second 9=30-2000 , ~ ~ 0 Wilmington, ~ NC 3- ~ ~~ %' ~ - Appt. 9/ 19/94' 762-076b(H), 752=4200(VV) ' - - ., - Charles Cecil Wells First 9-30-2000 2211 Marlwood Drive - ' Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Appt. 9/19/94 452-7195(H) 763-9976(VV) Pamela S. Morine Second ~ 9-30-2001- - 101 Windlass Drive ' Wilmington, IYC 28409~f (Appt. _9/18/95) 452-1770(H) 799-7800(W) • ~' Sylvia H. Rountree Second 9-30=2001 '~ ~ . P.O. Box 1046 ~~ ~cJ-~ ~~~~ - - (Appt. 5/17/93 to unexpired 5-year term)' 256-4312 (H) ~ ~ (Reappt. 9/18!95 to 3-year term; Reapt.~~9/21/98 William C. Taylor Second 9=30-2001 ~ , . 125 Partridge Road ~ - ` Wilmington, NC 28412 (Apps. 9/18/95) ' 791-1432(H) F. Spruill Thompson First ' . 9-30-ZOO! P.O. Box 5 ' Wrightsville Beach, NC '28480 (Appt. 5/18/98, 9/21/98) ~ 313-0737(H) 256-6999(VV) - Ex-Officio -Members: Chief of Medical Staff and Immediate Past Chief of Staff Buzz Birzenieks -County Commissioner °'•~ . William K. Atkinson;. President, NHRMC, -~ - ~ ` 2 Q P.O. Box 9000, Wilmington, NC 28402-9 000 ~ ` ' LJ U 343-7000 5/98 File: NHMH • ' ALAN A. htARBHA'LL tl°08-15791 - LONNtE B, v:ILLIAMS 'A. DUtnAY COBHAM, JR. JERRY C. ~'-00DELL v/ILLIAM RG9ERT CHERRY, JR. RONALD H. y/OODRUFF LON(J IE 8. WILLIAM'S; JR.. JOHN D. MARTIN C HAR LE3 D. METER JOHN L. COSLE f= ~ iw.~ ~ ~ , TTAE25Z3ALL, ~'1rZLLZ3.~IS ~'' GOr2H~~'_t1, 1,. I . ATTUF2VE1-S A1' LAti" - triz.~n~m'ox. ~~rx rrr caz~or.zxa Auk ~ st 17, 1999 VIA HAND DELIVERY . n2s. Wanda M. Copley ' County Attorney NEW HA?~TOVER COUNTY , . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 309, . Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 Re: Appointment of Trustees -Class of 2002 ~j 1 ' i 1. MAILING ADDRESB - P.O. DRAWER 2088 _ wILMtNGTO N,-N, C. -<oz-zone TELEPHONE 19101 763-9891 FACSIMILE 19101 343-8604 www.mwglaw.com - OFFICES l4 SOUTH FIFTH STREET WILMINGTON, N. C. 2 84 01-4 5 3 5 E-MAIL: Dear Wanda: ~ . . As you «rill recall, the "new" procedure for the appointment of. A~Iedical Center "Trustees was implemented in the fall of 1993 in connection with the 1993 rec=enue bond transaction. The first class of four Trustees who were appointed under the new procedure were appointed in the fall of 1993 and took office in October 1993. They were appointed to' serve three-year terms, .and they formed the Class of 1996. .When the ir_itial terms of the .Class of 1996 expired in October 1996, those Trustees were eligible to be re-appointed to serve a second three-year term expiring in October 1.999. The. Trustees appointed in the fall of .1.996 became the Class of 1999. Thus, the terms of'all Trustees who were appointed in the fall of 1993, and who ~Tere . re-appointed to serve a second three-year term in the fall of 1996, will expire on October 26, 1999; the date of the regular October meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees in • the Class of 1999 who have served ttivo consecutive three-year terms will not be eligible. for re-appointment, and they will rotate off the Board: - It is possible that there may be one or more Trustees in the Class of 1999 who were appointed to complete an unexpired term of a Trustee who resigned. I am' not certain about that, and we will. have to rely on the County's records on that issue. ' My records indicate that the four Trustees in the Class of 1999 are: Charles M. • Coleman, Jr.; Corneille Sineath; Henry M. Von Oesen; and Margaret Weller-Stargell. ' As indicated above, the terms of the Class of 1999 will expire October 26, 1999. ' - You will recall .that the .Medical Center's by-laws were recently amended in connection with the new Affiliation Agreement between the Medical Center and Pender 9 ~. Memorial Hospital, Inc. I am enclosing for your file a copy of the Medical Center's curre~. by-laws, as amended. Ms. ~Nanda M: Copley August 17, 1999 - ~ ' .Page 2 of 2 . - ~ The relevant amendments revise the pro~~isions of Article IV, Section 2 of the by;la«>s. The amendments did not change the number of Trustees who are appointed bJ' the Board of Commissioners. The amendments did modify the by-la«=s so that after a Trustee has ser<~ed a three-year term, or after a Trustee has completed an unexpired tenz~ of a Trustee «-ho resigns from office, any re-appointment for an additional three-year term is within the discretipn of the Board of Commissioners. i'hus, this year it is in order for the Board of Commissioners to appoint four Trustees whose terms will beg!n October 26, 1999. Those Trustees will constitute the Class of 2002. Trustees in the Class of 1999 who are currentl~T completing their sixth consecutive• year of service ~~-ill be ineligible for re-appointment this year. That would also apply to -any Trustee in the Class of 1999 who «~as appointed to fill an unexpired term in the C1'ass ~of 1996 and who was then re-appointed in 1996 to serve a full three year term beginning in October 1996. Any Trustee v,~ho was initially appointed to the Board in the fall of 1996, as a member of the Class of 1999, or any Trustee who was appointed to fill an unexpired term in the class of 1999, would, in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, be eligible to be re-appointed to serve another three year term. I feel certain that the Board of Commissioners will be in communication with the Board of .Trustees regarding the new appointments. ~ .However, .'I wanted to. relay this information to you because this is the First year since the adoption of the ne«-'appointment procedure in the fall of 1993 that Trustees who were initially appointed to serve iri'the-fall of. 1993, and who are completing six consecutive years of service, will be ineligible for re- appointment:. In addition, the recent amendments to..the Medical Cen- ter's by=laws also introd~uce.d an ,additional change in that all re-.appointments ~. are now subject to the discretion of the Board of Commissioners. - ~ . Very truly yours MAR~SH~A~LL, WILLIAMS & GORHAM, L.L.P. ' ~ .. By; + A. Dumay Gorham; Jr. . . ADGjr/sls Enclosure ~~~- ' 30 ~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ • 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 • Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ` ~ ~ ~ Telephone (910) 341-7149 . FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~~ . . Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request fOrAppOlntment t0: NPW Nannvar NPalth NPhamrk Rn~rri -Name: Virginia W. Adams . Home How long have you been a A Y/4/rns~c. 33 I Hidden. Valley Road resident of New Hanover County? S .years Mailing Address: 601 S. Colleee Road City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403-3297 Telephone: Home: 910-; t ;-049; Business: 910-9h?-7410 *Sex: Female`Race; Black *Age: 54 `Tnis information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section cf the community is appointed. * *Employed by: Ui~IC Wilmington A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this applicafion is made, must resign his/her position with New~Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the rVew Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Dean, School of Nursing ' Professional Activities: Chief administrator of undergraduate and graduate nursing education Volunteer Activities: .Chair, NC Center for Nursing Board; President NC Council ofDeans• Chair, SREB School Health Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I believe that an academic corrununty partnership with the healthcare delivery system is valuable and wish to share my perspective with the Board. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My years of experience in nursing education, interdisciplinary education, and academic health/community partnerships have prepared me for this .Board position. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? As the health care industry continues to be redefined, the issues of quality and quantity of registered nurses needed for the new mi]Iennium concern me. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? Jf so, please list: No ~~ - ~ 1 ~te: June 4,1999 1999 Signature ~ .~IL~(;t~ ~ • `--','~~-~. (Please use reverse srde for additional comments) MEW NANOVER t~. ~D. OF COMMISSIONERS REFERENCES . a .. . ,_ • Pfease f~rovide three iota! persona! referen ces:. . FPf.~one t~t.~ri?~er Name 7) I)r. 1:uney I.cucr.t. C'hniSCCltor, li~ICW 910-962-3Q39... ' .. t'}ti~ I tut+~~rab}e Uanict tylcConi~s _______ r 91~~ 7b2=96~~ ~ Mfr. Kuh~+_WarwiCl+: Ct'A k ~ • • •• ' ._ . ... _ U.. ~ r- . . ; , ', . '. . _. ., .. i. ,' , ~ .. . . + . ., ~. , ~ '~' .. . ~ ~ ~ 5 . rev ~.~~' YY6 ;!. •~. bg~,~t^.. ~ 1~.r :'.. ..ate' + • ~~°~ ~~.J.~ ~i THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON .June 9;~ 1999 . Mr. William A. Caster Chair . ivew Hanover County Board of l:ommissioners ~ • • •~20 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' • °~ Wilmington, NC. 28401-4093 ` • Dear Mr. Castor: Attached is my application for a position on the New Hanover Health Network Board. I believe my experience in nursing and interdisciplinary education and my problem-solving • and communication skills in academic/health/community partnerships would be valuable - to the Board. . I would be very appreciative of your support and careful consideration of my application. Please Iet me know if you need additional information or have questions. • Respec fully, , a Virginia W. Adams, RN, PhD • Dean and Professor ' fps - ~ . Enclosure • ~, ~JfAM ~ M SCHOOL OF NURSING ~.~ OFFICE OF THE DEAN 601 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAP.OLINA 2$403-3297 • 910-962-7410 • FAX 910-962-3723 • INTERNET: ADAMSVQUNCWIL.EDU V~ ~~ J ~_ ;v--- ~rrrt~ ~~rzxlirrtt C~~xr~rttX ~~~Exn Iv ~:.~lIILI3E of ~E~rss~r~t~tif~ss ~ L ~f~fE `T~~isl~fiLQ ~t axil~irc~ ~ ! ~ittlPi~1.1 z7sai-~.a~~ .\ ~. REPRESENTATIVE DANIEL F. MCCOMAS ~GO~MMITT£ES: 13TH DISTRICT ' COMMERCE OFFICE ADDRESS: 2123 LEGISLATIVE BUILDING CHAIR, SUBCOMMITTEE ON PUBLIC UTI LI TIE RALEIGH, N.C. 27601-1 096 E NYIRONME NT TELEPHONE: (919) 733-5758 FINANCE (91 9) 715-7586 FAX SUBCOMMITTEE ON LOCAL, REGIONgL & E-MAIL ADOR ES S: DAN NYM ~Q MS.N CGA.STAT E.NC.US J 25 1999 STATE REVENUES une , INSURANCE, HOME ADDRESS: POST OFFICE BOX 2274 ~ ~- CHAIR, $U BCOMMITTEE ON HEALTH WILMINGTON, N.C. 28402 ' TRANSPORTATION New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington,NC 28401-4093 Attn: Mr. William E. Caster, Chairman Dear Chairman Caster: I am delighted to furnish a reference''on Dr. Virginia Adams; Dean and~Professor,' University of North Carolina at Wilmington, School of Nursing: ~ '• I have known Dr. Adams and can attest to the fact she is of the highest impeccable morals and ethics. She is ambitious, intelligent and has a positive outlook. She has the innate ability to focus on her goals, and pursue them until they have been attained: With"her experience in nursing education, interdisciplinary education, and academic/health/community partnerships, they have prepared her for the appointment to the New Hanover Health Network Board. I must also add, that Dr. Adams displays an enthusiasm seldom seen in her field. I'm certain that Dr. Adams will not only meet, but exceed your expectations. She possesses extensive leadership skills and will rise to the top, at whatever endeavor she undertakes. In a Nut Shell, Dr. Adams may be described as a "Doer". It is with complete confidence that I offer my unqualified recommendation for her appointment to the New Hanove~'~I alth Network Board. Should you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to give me a call. "~ ; _.... incerel 1 ~ ~ ~ ~.. ]rani as ' / 34~ ®~ ®~ ' ~ ~ iVEW HMI NEVER COUNTY . BOARS OF COMNIISSIOJIIERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30S Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Tefephone (9101 34 J-7 f 49 FAX (310) 341-4130 App/lcatlon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover CouniyB-oard of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: 11~1,f~~? ~,., ~!yr!;f_~ i/!" ~~L~_~ i ~~--°-S~ ' Name: °-- .%~ri,r= ~' ' •'~,,? ~ Nome ~ `'~ ~i j `1-low long have you been a ~. Address: ~ `=1 '' ~~ ~``f._.-~ ~ ,~?~ r~ ~'~/f~/ resident of New Hanover County? 7 Mailing Address: ~'~~,., } 3 City and State: ,r ~~ ~~;fr7 ; ~-c~ ' ;/' ~t ~~ Zip Code: , ~ ~~`~~~.~ Te/e hone: Home: ~/L' ~~~ , !~' Gf'~a ~``-' p ~ . ~f / Business: . ~. *Sex: ~~ "Race: L~l "Age: ~~~- "Tftrs informafion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the cornmunity.is appalmad. - ~' "Employed 6 y: ~.~ ~% ~ ~..~ ~ - A person currently employed 6y the agency w department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position wrth New Hanover County upon appointrrrent, in accordance with Artrde vl, Sec. 4 of the Naw Nanovar County Parsonnei Policy. Job Title: 4 Professional Activities: ~~ Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~'= `'"~ ~ c" ~' ~= :' ~':~c= T ., -J ~. /min • //~ tl „ - . ~ /; ~~ ,L; i /~/ %,~/`'~ i7~~ ii~~ ~1 .t- 7-l} ~.= i~h• c~ s; ~ J L //7 Z~'~Y1~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Soard, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~'~' ~'~~''~ / What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~-='~' v~cc' /'V Are you currently serving on another board orcommittee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: /U Date: ~ ~ i (Please use reverse side for additional comma»tsJ ,''' Signature ~r~~ f ~ ~." ~7 i. ~~ ly?9 . . ~ 35 ,~ ~. . o ..~~ NEW NANO V;ER COUNT Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 7 -4093 ` Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to:~ ~_~ ~ ~..Q_i~~ ~5~.~ r.~~~ Q,'~jn~l -`lht~.~~ ... Name: Q4.2~u~.--~i I ~A~n a Q 4~~ , Home ~ ~ ~ How long have you been a ~ S Address: resident of New Hanover County? , Mailing Address:~a ~ ~ tt 1`Q Y'Y~pYLT .(11) ~-_~ City and State: ,`1a~.~ Q ~ C Z'p Code: _oc ~TVJ~" Telephone., Home:4~y •x191 • o~J~'%~ Business: (~ • 3.01-~-a,~ "Sex: tG~ I ~ ~ 3. 3 9 d7- ~~ "Race; ~~/h~I. "Age: ~ _ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-sectio of the cpmmunity is appointed. • " "Emplo yed b y: `~~-~ Ew.}„u~.d Q~2. C `.~o _ ~~-~~C Job Title: Professional Activiti Volunteer Activities: "A person curr Qtly employed by the age or depart ent for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanovar County Personnel, Policy: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? n _ 1 What~o you feel.are y+o tu~r' qualifications fors,~eroving on the Board, Committee, or Commi/s~sio~n1 requested? ~/t~-C~2 ~~~,,, r~ C~.~A.4s,., ~ -fir -What are of concern would(~ou like to see ~, or c,c s? re u currently serving on another board o comm ttee appointed by a municipality or a county? ifs ,please list: ate: G a5 (Please user side for additional comments) ,,, Signature t~Y.QJ1,l~, ~~~ -~,,~.~ FU_ rrla..zy,y~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS r ~~_,_ _ -~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~ (-~~^ - _ 'y ,,,,~ • Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 SEP _ 3 ~S~?~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 `~ . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: Paul B. Hubbard Home How long have you been a Address: 818 Cutter Court , Kure Beach resident of New Hanover County? 3 years + Mailing Address: 818 Cutter Court City and State: Kure Beach, NC Zip Code: 28449 Telephone: Home: (910) 458-9256 Business: (910) 392-3313 °Sex: Male `Race: White 'Age: 41 'This information is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-section o/ the community is appointed. "°Emp/oyed by:_Medical Transportation Specialists, Inc. "A person currently amp/o yid by the agency ar department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Nenovar County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanover County Personnel Policy. • .Job Title: President/CEO Professiona/Activities: member American Ambulance Association, NC Assoc. of EMS' Administrators Volun leer A cti vibes: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I can provide valuable insight and knowlege concerning the delivery of pre-hospital emergent and non-emergent care. This is especially relevant now that the hospital is responsible for the EMS system. - What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have been a working participant in the region's EMS system since 1994 and have an understanding of the needs and responsibilities of a comprehensive emergency care system. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I want to ensure _that the needs of the citizens of New Hanover Count continue to be met in a responsible and affordable manner -- insuring access to all segments of our society. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: n/a ~e: ~? lz /5~ Signature ____ -~ --~ ~ ~.J ease use revers sid for additional comments) (OVER) Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1J Greg Hahn (910) 343-9093. 2J Charlie Blalock "~ (910) 278-4341 3J James-Dugan ~ (910) 458-0964 ~~ ~~h ha ,~~ .. ~, r~ ~~\ 1 ' NEiN HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NG 2840 7 -4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _ ~~w~ ~~'~ ii~% 4~- ~"t'Fi~1.-1 L~ _ ~i ~T ~!'~~~ ~~1L- Name: • ~2N h'.~,'~r.,t'1~ ~ . J G ~ i~ .~ ~~ .;'~ Home ~ How long have you been a Address: ~ ~~ ~~-n'~. ~~-Uvrl ~C>r4~~ resident of New Hanover County? ~i~ Mailing Address: City and State: ~~l~p 5 I -Fi~ .~ ~~~ Zip Code: c2Ul `Vi`i Telephone: Home: ~~ ! ~._ ~ 7 ~-- q--~ ~~ ~ Business: ~ ~ ~ _~ t~7~.._ l~-l~-L.~:1.~ . , *Sex: {~~l *Race: ~ *Age: ~ ~~ . 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. * *Employed by: 5~~~ Piti~ ~1-C~L~~ib7 "' ~I~'~'-r~~.v0~- 1..t~1~5~ ~('-C, ~~~--T~T.~i.S' •'A person currently employed 6y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with ' _ New Hanover County upnon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the Naw Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Y ~-t%.5~~ n t~, - ~ ~~~-xz:~'~ ~ ~~t~;~~L~, ~. Ptofessional Activities: ~rv4~t ~.- ~5 i ~ l-~ •-- ~aUa~;S ,~~,~ ~'v1.1 i~i/~~lti~~it~ j + 1/olunteer Activities: ~ P~~~ ~~- ~+'~V'~ t; ('~~,~, ~, ~' S A It r'~,-L.. t~jvY~~'j Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 'j^~ C~~.; Tic .iv ~..~£.. Snn y''~ti ~ -Tl~~i., C.~:~~-ti.yd1 a.,,~ i,~ {~t~c.,-i'l~ ~•2.-~.. i~ni.z-i:rr.6~ i~~i~ yet t~- What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? y`z-~` ~~~=~i:~r~-~-, r`3~ , l~t t~.~.y3~'~., 3 :{was c~~~t~~w~:; p~,~i ~} t3). e~ T"~ ' ~ ~ ~ s 'What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? t~~14lCv~lZ{ A ~ sr~ ~rt.~- -C"~--f~~ ~~.-T-,~:.,t~~ ~=;~ n,~ ~- ~; ~ ~,'~ ~1.~ c~-r,~ TG ~~~, s~ ~. ~ ~v ~ ~~-i~- Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so; please list: a.l Y~~ p~~ ~ (~~ l~'f' T~~J t ~~ ~a te: ~ ' ~ ._ `f fit" jPfease use reverse side for additional comments) _T Sr'gnature REFERENCES Please provide three local pers ~. -' oria7 references: r Name ~ ~ Phone Number ~~ ~ t-~~ ~~rJ 5 i ~ ~-=~t~a~ i-~-r~c..~~- 9 i ~ - ~ 3 3 - ,~c 4~ 3~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~7~ .- aa~5y ~i1} .~ _. _.. . . . _ ._~d~n5o~ . . .. ~~. .'„ r ~ ~ ' 4~-2 .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiVIlVIISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30~ - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~' Telephone (910)347-7149 FAX (910)341-4130 ' Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: Richard L. McGraw Home . How long have you been a Address: 2016 Graywalsh Drive. Wilmington NC 28405 resident of New Hanover County? Six Years Mµilinff 4ddress" dame a~ a~JrJ~'e b - ~ ,. - - City anal State: Zip Code: Telephane:Home:256-4335. Business: ' Ses: Male ~ xRace: Caucasian *Age: 62 *This information is requested for the sole pz~rpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Employed. by: Retired . aA person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resin his/her position with upon appoiritment in accordance with Article VI Sec, 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel, Policy. Job Title: Retired Vice President, Communications Satellite Corporation; two immediate prior iob titles were Senior Vice President, Eastern Airlines and Vice President, GD Searle & Co. ' • Professional Activities: Recent part time instructor in Communications De t. at UNCW . Volunteer Activities: Member of the Board and executive committee of the NHRMC Foundation: Board member Landfall Foundation• President Port City Pipes and Drums: President Country Club of Landfall. Why. do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See attached letter. . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving an the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See attached letter. ~ ~ . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? No new ones until the ones underway are satisfactorilycompleted. ' `Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, ,please list: None ~ ~ ~~~~ Date: (Please se rev se side for additional comments) SiQnatur ~~~~~~ ~L~~t V b, REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: • ., Richard McGraw ' ?016 Graywalsh Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910256.4335 Fati:910-256-4385 July 7, 1999 New Hanover County Board of .Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~v'iiriiington; NC 284vi-4v93 Gentlemen: Q~C~~~~1C~D I!.~l 0 8 1449 hF1N HA^?C'11=R CO. rr ..._..... _ ,~ Enclosed please find my application for appointment to the New Hanover 1Vledical Center Boardof Trustees. I have been involved with the Medical Center Foundation since 1994--first with the capital campaign for. the Cancer Center and now on the Foundation's board and Executive Committee. I believe in the expanded role the Medical Center is playing in the entire Southeastern North Carolina and Northeastern South Carolina region with regard to helping bring about a greater coordination of all agencies and organizations for the achievement of a healthier population. Obviously, a healthier ' population is a more productive one, produces more tax revenue and reduces tax expense. I believe I have a reasonable understanding of the direction of the 1Vledical Center and I believe I can contribute to the wellness of the community. the NHIZMC leadership and staff are trying, to bring about. ` As to my qualifications, I have served on a hospital Board. of Trustees (Skokie Valley Hospital, Skokie, ILL, 1981 - 1983). I have 15 years business experience dealing with the. acquisition acid merger issues similar to those NHRMC is presently addressing. I spent two years as President and CEO of a national not-for-profit organization seeking private and public funds. I have several years experience in the federal government and working with federal, state and local government agencies .wrestling various issues through different approval processes, writing legislation and lobbying for changes in federal and state legislation. 45 I am energetic and have the time to devote to what I ,believe is one of the most important cornerstones ~of. our expanded community. I would be pleased to meet with you to discuss my application arid'any questions you may have. Sincerely, .. l ~ ~.+p 1W ~~~~C.. ~J ~ c and McGraw , enclosure 46 ~ aL}.. ~r >>~lvUl v~•yc ~~ V ' ..~a Go~~~+~ k~ ~n „~ ~~~~ ~v ~f ~ C!~'.s( !7r'P~ al1L Vi'lV tl a/i'll !ll LA1111L 1 Q ~~ n ~~ /~C'~7 ~F~J ~~7 GQr'~41c1 ~r.( ~ carp ~~~~t~- .l ~~ ~ -'~lil tom.. L~~~ir'f~ ?~Unrl''i7i~r, ~d17~'~ '' iT~ ~~ dnl~vfir-J~•ir1R ~ /Tj l (,rQ /n 1t'1/gin 1.7~ ~ ~/.~/ . /Jl ~/ ~35d'ra•- r ~.~ r (' (~ r I L(1 11U JV)J 1 VV J t'. V VV1 V V`1 f ~~~ q~~ , l'~i P ~/k~~~'Pinan ~ o GVP Go~~~~ ~j ~~~ ~• 9 ~!/ ~' y E'Cy f_c Oj ~_~ ~ ~ Vta r~ ~'1 11 // //~/' ~ o r 4,^ r~~ ~'1 ra ~~l ~ P ~hw rJ(a,,r7Q~ t ~~ ~ -rJ~ ~ ~l;f~/)Ci ~f ti r'l1~~~~a~`r dP~~ /d~c~u / ~ u~,~.c-~t 4~ rPr(r.~.~c~ f~ 1 (~' 7 A~ `C'a~f~c~tL',. ~'~VYnv+aS G~~° ~`'~~ •~rJ f ~ f~J f~ ~~~/~ C~ ~j i' 1 d j}\ fn lJt f~ 1 ~ G jr' E'r7 ' `J rd~ ~n ~ d ~;~1 l.~ ,~r< ~~ S 'L~ L ~~~~J IP~~~ ~~N ~~ i ~.J 1,, ~ j ~ f~7~'1 (~~ct~'~ ~g r~ ,r'"'E'•''.-~L'~~ ~7"~~rrfh, . /.S ~~' m~nr _ GancF/~ ~~ fl ~c.~ ~h~•7 l / •~ry (~ J ,• ~~ ~jj~p t ~ -jf~' ~',1rv~Pi.tTQ~~!'`~ I ~ ~ ~••I/~~77 /~~lJI.'4 ~^ ,aS~x; 1~~ ~~~I~7 ("r'llr•f,::,.~jr. 1 f ~~ ~ f ~r.~ f nh~ l~n }~ i~1 l.~n~' s • I -Iv ~ _ 47 SEP. -U7' 99 ('1'UE) 0943 SAI,OMOC1 S~il'i'H 6AR~IEY 7'EG~91U 5091669 t', UU4lUU4 AUG-17-99 TUE 11, 05 ~ _. ~'~ U~ - M1 F Please provide three lACa/ er P Sonal references: .'' lYame Phone Nurr,ber ~ . jl `~z "rte ;ens ~ . , ~?S~- oaf . Y._..~_r~_,;, f, F'cst-it* Fax Note -7671 oar p' ~;--~-_ 7o f PN9~ap' ~. ' ~ From " ~a~UapL _ , Co. `~-".. F . Phono a ~ - Plwne r~ ~ ----,- F5k ,~ Sd Fir ~ ,, ' ~~ C _, ~ i.. T ~ ~. 1 t G .~ ~ ~ i i ~ - ~~ 48 C~ NFL NANO MFR cvuwrv BOARD O~ CO/I~IMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street;. Room 305 _ . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' • Telephone 19101 34 f-7149 FAX (9101 3d 1-4 t 30 Application for Appointment to Boards, Comm/trees, atTd Commissio,Ts ' Appointed by the New Hanpver County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment ta: ^ ianover Regional Medical Center Board Name; Dennis B. Nicks, M. D. `-' Kom e _ Address: 529 Wayne Dr . How /onp have you been a • tesident of New Hanover County? Marling address: Same CitysndState: Wilmington, NC 2'%p Code: 2 8 4 0 3 Telephone: Nomo: 910 - 7 6 3- 7 7 7 4 eosin ass: 910 - 3 4 3- O 1 19 'SeX; M •Race: Caucasion . ~ 57 ~^ - 'This inlormetion i= r+quastad for th+ sa/ Age' + pcrpose o/ asrudn9 that r cross•sectioq a! tha community is +pPomted. . "Emp/oyedby; .Wilmington Plastic Surgery Specialists . "A person currant/y s,„p/Q y+d ~y fhe s enc New Nenov®r. Cgygry., upon a D y or deparrrnenr /or which this application it meda, mus r r+aiQn Aiafier position with ppoinfman/, /n ascordanc• wily Article V/, Sac, .~ a/the New Nanov~r Cavnry perronnsl Pol1cy, /ob Tit/e.' rofassiona! Acfivibes: Volunteer.4ctivifies: Elderhaus .Board, St. John's Art Museum, Medical Missionary Int. . ~'1~hY do you wish to sersie on the Board, Camr,r;ttee, or Commission requested? ~a i n u r e_ u a 1 i t czre access at NHRMC. To try to maintain the medical center s missaonal without the need for county funds ~-~ What do you lee/ are your qua/ifcations for serving on the 9oard, Committee, or Com ' . hospital administration background, education, meditcal a~dsb~sPness~know'- Ie g~ What areas of concern woo/d yav iike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission add.•essT ' - Decreasing hospital reserve funds At-e you currently servr'ng on anothQr board or committee appointed by a rTTUnicipa/it or ' N o Y a countyT /f so, please list: , . ~ 'Date: 8/18/99 ~. l>~I BSa f/SO ra YPr90 rJdJ ~ - ~) r' J ~ I ~ p ~` ~ / `~\ I /or edditionaf eorrmer,f LLL]]] /LL7jfj) rJa -' ~.~ •s.l ~/ ----1~i~- /~ /~ ;~... ~~`~`''~ . (OVER) . ~ ~j 1999. 4 g .__.._ _.. ~ ©f COMMISg10 s ' 32~ Che.~truT atree,, Boom 3~~ ~Vllme'n~ion, /VC 28~D i -~33 . 7aJepnan a f37 G1 341-7 t 49 ~~tX f9 t 01 34 t .a ~ 3Q :~ppl~catiorr for appointment to Boards, CQmr:~ittee~, aRd Cornmiss,ons }~pporntpd b y ;he Neva }danaver C~arunry Board of ~amn7lssto.~fgrs, Reauesr `ar,appcr'nrmatrrr ro: Board o~ Trustees. of New Hanover Regional Medical Cent 1~Iama; Albert T. Pastore . Horne N.aw (or:p baud you been a siddress: 2014 South Live Oak Parkway residsn~ofNew~lanq~verCeunty~ 4 years htailrn~ .dddre3s: ' City and,itata; Wilmington, NC ,gyp Cody: 28403 ' Taleph~ne: ,_ Nome: 910 - 7 6 2- 9 3 2 6 ~ Busin9ss: "Sex: Male. °Raca: Tr3hite °,~qer ~,~ ~ 9-4-47~, 'th;e in/ormar~Cn is rxxussred rnr :fw sc(s purpoaa cf OSS4lrMg that ? :rass•rscrran of !:+a C.rr~r~tunrry u epporr.rad •"~,ro/Qyad,"oy: Retired. . ~':i aenrc„ cu'.srnr;y a+n«ioyaa .hy 3nm agfncy ~~ Q+nerrmenr rnr ~vntcn ehr'~ 9ppde®!iort i3 Kfude. ruLr+.signhis,fior prSS;rion w;M ' ,yew Her+owfl' veunry vDort ~Apainlmrnr, in .accoid~nci bvirh r'+'dc;a Vl. v ar. d or ;Ra rYaw keMVSr Conn;y parsennr(r'~ob:y. .ia.o T,cle; ~~ateasionaJ~ictfvitles: Please see attached. • Vd1u,ti';eer,~c:rvr'tres; Please see attached . 'rbhy do ya;; ~r+rfsh, to sar/a Cn thm 3aard, Gomrrsitt3@, ar Comr»i35ion rsq~esfed~ To draw on m~ twent -f,;,•~ years of professional health care experience and contribute as a Trustee of the Board. (Please see attached.) What dd you feel art your „uali/.%C.~Pions fvY 5~rvrrQ on the r?Card, Commltre~, ar Comrnissicrc regcre3; ~dl (Please See attached) '.~vha; arias et concern would rev likr ;~ sae ttre Board, Commi.tae, or Cairml„/can ~ddrsss~ Prepare short and long term planning for the direction of the Medical Center a,na its entities and the effective intecrration and coordination of services especially in , light of managed health care.. r'lra you cu~ranc;y ~arvrnQ on $r.o;her board ar commrtrse apporntad GY a ~-rurici~alrty ar a county? if sc, pleasa lls?: NONE ::acs: `~'q" 95' ~ S/rnetura ~ ' iFlobso us. ~ev~+_•.';4e ?or ~ti.i:iano,' eemme ~ ~b~~~l ~ 9 1999 ' rJ Nay HAAIpyBlq 8D. OF COMMI ~FFERFNCFS , .r ~ ~ + . Please prr~v~de fhr~3 local pers~.~tal ref~rync:s,• r ,'Vam.a ~ _ ` `Phone ,'4'Umber Dale- Boyd"; MD - ~~ (p) 910='763-2977 .(H) ,910-256-8864 - .,~~ Louis Woodbury, III -. (0).910-763-3431 (H) 3J Robert ^Kline _ (O) 910-313-0846 (H) 910-256-2477 ~, .. „y ~. .. 9/~IYq , . - . ;• .-., ?CSt-ito F~ h~~te -76i'S Cots r~ ~, PaGas~' -a (( i dux ~ i /,.. q dx ~ "' `~ -' f! ~~l • + - ~ .. - ~ .. ~ .v 52 - TO: NEW HANO~ER COUNTY BOARD OF COM'VIISSIONERS FROM: ALBERT T. PASTORS RE: APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF - ~ NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER ' DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 1999 - Enclosed is my application for appointment as Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center. I have given careful consideration to my " decision to seek this appointment and I believe that my twenty-five~years of professional experience in the health care industry and governmental sector affords me the opportunity to contribute to the ever=so-important planning, policy setting and direction of the Medical Center and all of its entities. As you will note in my application, I bring a wealth of executive level experience `and am offering to serve my community in this capacity. Being retired, I am able to offer my unlimited time and energies and my commitment, to serving at your pleasure. Please. contact me at (910) 7b2-9326 if I can provide you with any further ~" back round information. ' g Thank you for your consideration, f 1: ~ ? ~ Albert T. Pastore _. ~ ; - 53 . ALBERT T. PASTORS ' '~' 2014 SOUTH LIVE OAK PARKWAY ~~ .,. WILMINGTON; NC 28403 ' (910) 762-932b SL>I'/IMARY OF PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE I. INTRODUCTORY COM1vlENTS ~, ~, ,. Over' the past ~ twenty-five ~ years I have successfully ~ demonstrated strong administrative .leadership, sound management- judgement, , ~.YCellent communications and human'relations skills, and analytical and problem solving abilities. The progressive professional positions I have held have afforded me~ the opportunities to successfully serve the health care industry as a prominently recognized health care consultant. I have served the public in the educational arena as a twice elected member of the Board of Education,: and to serve'as a civil servant in~~the governmental agency sector as the' Director of~all-Long Tenn Care Services in the State of New• .York as an employee of the State Health Department. These varied, executive level experiences have included statewide program 'direction; decision making and personnel supervision, both short and long range planning, financial management, budget preparation and management, comprehensive fund raising and public relations activities, and developing and maintaining relationships with Federal and • State agencies,' corporate boards, foundations, community leaders, advisory boards and communities-at-large. Committed to high professional standards, I am highly motivated and have the ability to motivate others. I thrive on challenge, promote professionalism and encourage open communications and participation. Being people-centered, I strongly believe in the worth of the individual and I offer an energetic and creative approach to the task at hand. II PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCE: ® November, 1997 through present, retired ® 1980 through 1997 Chvner, President and CEO of a major health care consulting firm, (Cicero 8c Pastore Associates, Xnc.), in New York State. Founded in 1980, my health care consulting firm was prominently recognized in a multiple-state region as afull-service provider to hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living communities, outpatient clinics and surgi-centers, renal dialysis facilities, home care 54 agencies, hospice programs, radiology centers, physician groups, and managed care providers and programs. In many instances I reported directly to the Board of Directors of the hospitals and/or nursing homes and otherwise working through and with the CEO, COO and CFO of the organizations. The services provided included operational reviews and management planning and certificate of needs, development and/or review of policies and procedures, in-service training programs, rate-reimbursement matters, staffing assessments, personnel recruitment, program evaluations, quality assurance preparation and/or corrective programs and serving as liaison with State and Federal agencies on behalf of the client. My firm served the largest medical centers to the smallest community based hospitals with similar ranges of nursing homes and home care agencies. ~ 1978 - 1980 Administrator of a major New York City Teaching Medical Center, (Ylisercordia Hospital Medical Center), responsible for the professional and support services of the institution. ® Prior to 1978 Director of the NY State Long Term Care Programs and Services for the New York State Health Department. ® Health Care Program instructional Designer for the New York State Education Department and Board of Cooperative Educational Services. III. TEACHING AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL E~'ERIENCES: ® Adjunct Instructor at Iona College, New York, in their Graduate Degree Health Care Administration •Program. ~ Adjunct Instructor at Russell Sage College, New York, in their Graduate Degree Program in Health Education. ® Adjunct Instructor at SUNY at Oneonta in Undergraduate Health Care Education and Psychology Courses. ® Preceptor for students completing administrative internships from Wagner and Lehman Colleges, New York. IV. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: ® MS Degree in Health Education from Russell Sage College, Troy, New York - 1975; ® MS Degree in Counseling Education from State University of New York - 1973; ® BA Degree in English from State University of I~Tew York - 1969; ® 32 Additional Graduate hours in Health Administration and Health Education Courses - 1972-1974; ® 30 Additional Graduate hours in English and American Literature Courses - 1971-1972; 55 • ® Permanent Certification in Health Education (1972) and English (1971) State Education Department #104368510; ^ Completed Research Project - "Teach Us What We Want to Know: -- a study of health education needs, concerns and interests of students in grades K-12, in selected public school districts in New York State; ® Completed Thesis Project - "Role~and Responsibility of Residence Hall Counselors as ~ Determined by Students,- ~ Administrators ,and Counselors." V. FORMER PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: ® American College~of Hospital Administrators ® The Hospital Executives' Club ® Metropolitan Hospital Administrators' Association ~ New York Association of Homes for the Aging. ® New York State Ambulatory Care Association ® Foundation for Health Education and Applied Research ~ American College of Nursing Home Administrators VI. PROFESSIONAL HONORS AND AWARDS: ~ ETA Sigma Gamma National Professional Health Education Honorary ® Phi Delta Kappa Professional Fraternity in Education ® Selected to "Outstanding College Athletes of America" ® Hockerill College Study Grant, Bishop Stortford, England ® Selected as "National Youth Soccer Coach of the Year" VII. PREVIOUS COiVIlVIUNITY ACTIVITIES: ® Member Pelham Board of Education ~ Member Pelham Civics Association ® President and Coach of Pelham's Youth Soccer Programs ® President Westchester Youth Soccer League s Member Pelham Men's Club ® Past President Pelham Group Home Advisory Board ® Former Member Mayor's Citizen Advisory Committee on Crime Prevention Application for Appointments Page 1 of 2 . ~~ ~ ~N~ v~~ co U~~~ 320 Chestnzct Street, Room 305.. ~ . YyiCmington, NC 28401-4093 "!'elep{Z~~ne (>10~ 3~1-71-f9 ` Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . ' Appointed dy tiie IYew Hanover County, Board of Commissioners. Request for•,Appointment to: NHRMC Board of Trustees Name: William D. Polhemus /. e Hoiv long lrcrne you been a resident of r'Vew Hanover Corrnry? _ 5 Z y a r s Horne Address: ~ ' 3712 Tumbril Lane, Wilmington LNC 28412 __ _ ____ 1Llailirtg ~ldclress: . . ~ , - A s above --- City and S'tate.: _ _ 7_ip Cnde: lelephcnre: Ronne: 910_4 5_2_7 6 6 6 . ---- Business: Retired ~"Ser: M ~ *Race: C a u c a s i a n *Age: 7 4 *711is it fornzrrtion is requesteci for the sole pru~>ose of assin•irzg that cr cross-section of the corrtnzrazity is appointed. * *Lmployed hy: ,' **A person crarrently ein~>I<~i~ed fiy' the crgencv or department for which this application is made,'.rmrst res•io z his?'her pOSiirDir YVtili r~'eW t'-1'Qitoi%ei' C oirii[~V riEi<iil cTppolrltiil~'iii, Iti aCCiir iiiCe 1Vriir ririii:~' vi, .SC'C. ~ O~ El1L> 1/BiN t'1CIi20VBr CVUrt~~' Personnel Policy. Jnh 't'itle: f'rofessiorzcrl Activities: l'olunteerActii%ities: ~ 1y99 _~ .. ~ ~ ~ ,r .., ~U Application for Appointments Page 2 of 2 GYhy do you swish to serve ort the Board, Committee; or C:omnztssion.reque:ytedl" ThecondCe.rned-C.a-bout--.theesp~-r-.oung very ,.rapidly. Tlie new President is ding-areas'-as--well---he--should--be.----I--want help insure that New Hanover County is not neglected in the process. bYhcrt do yari feel are yr~ur qua! jicatroru~for serving on the Bocu•cl, Commtttee, or Commission requested'? Medical service has been an__'~advocat~ion of mine for a long time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ - I have served on a NJ rescue squad for 13 years. At that time I was an EMT. For the last four years I have been.afull day volunteer in ----the Medical Cerit-er'-s. ER~.' Ihave ,become ,rather familiar with the Whath~u.~olfto~~cefri would_voulike tc~ see the Boarit, Ci~mntittee, or Commission ciildress? ; T o m a k e_c e r t _a. _i n t h a~_L~Le w H_a.n Q.~e.r-CQUrLt~ .arid. T~Li_lmirigt_o.n_d_Qe_s~Q~_ get lost in the expansion=plans of .the hospital. .. . f~l"e y()!! Cllr'r'enlly .SL'YV(rt~r Orl ClrtOll]eY bOClr'Ll UY C()mYrtlltee ilpp0/ntecl by CI rr211r11C/pCll/tV-!~Y a C01lrTly~? I~'so, plecr,se 11.5'1: I~crte:3/15/99 R£FF.RF.VCES: Please provide three local personal references: Name 1. Phone Number ., Mr. Matthew Young _ 799-8354 - - - , . ~. ~• Mr. Frank Kent 452-7199 3. Mr. Robert Carnegie 791-0904 58 _- Signanrre /'~~=~-~--~'C._~G' ~~~~~ . yy 1 ~ : t~C7 1 D : W I Lf11 NU i urv 1 NTL a i tt~uK ~ AUG-10-99 TUE 13:32 • ~. • rHn~ylu-a41-c~h~ NRU~ P, 02 lV~'W >~lAl1laV~~ GaC!lVT~}' B~~~a a~ carvr.M~ssJanlERS 320 Chestnut Srre~t, Room 3Qa . lNrlmingtan, 1VC ,8401-~D9.3 ralephpne 1701 341-7749 fAX f9?+p1 3¢ 1-4134 ' Applicat;+pn fov.tip~c~jn#~6nf t4 soards, Commht$es, and Cammissir~ns AppoPnted by dh~ !Valor Nerar~ver C~un~y! Eoard of Ca `m (misslanars. Rec7u®st f~r.~pla.ornfm8nt to: ~ ~~3 ~ j ~AN t~~ t..z ~~ ~~A~L 1~ I y ~ T"~u.~l-c. ~~ Name: ~ n ~~~s..~-~ .. ©~5 U 2 C~ C~L r-!'f HDms ,/.jj _ Haw (anp~ AAv~r you beasn a i ~ Address: ,`-t'~ ~i~(~r')~t-~(c~~S,% ~~ res1denc of New hlandver County;' T~~~7r ~failln®Addres.~:._... Clry and State. t.1ti.) i. L IV1111.~~'y'"u~l ~..i_~_.... ~p Cp~te: ~~.r~ ~ ~„~----~.._..~ Telephone: Wome: ~ ~ ~ - ~'~S-'--~ 4t-~~~i Bt~s~ntss: ~ .~_,,,~'~ "ThLi inlormatioe f~ rOqutrBtOd fey th^ aal^ purpgr~ of ~aiuring rffe! ~ Cr'oss•sorh/an al th$ rommuni[y i5 appainr,~d, a a ~ms~lpYa d b y: ~ (~. M ,(,,,U I ~~~ (+~-~ . ~~T~ i~i~~ T(D /~J~ (~rL U /2 "A parsa~ evrnnity employed by the eyrencyar degnrrmanJ (a[' whleh fh(8 dpWliGArign (r m.~da, Irl~iar ra~sigrr Ais/harpoplnbn tvlrh . Narr Hanave~ G'aun`ry~'u~ga~ ppporntrnant, In avaordanae wlrh.4~rla(t~Q'~VJ Svc. 4 of rho Naw Nenovsr C~aufn~f+Y /rur~onn:i ~ticy. Job Titls: _ -L''.J t ~ `G: ~ t~~J~- ~) ~•i' ~.. ~ /~ L/~ ~ C.~ .. .~.._._..;.~.,,r.--. ~rofessransl Act'fvi(i sG ~ l.J >` 9 j,~. r2 ` (~^ ~ L r3'.~' 1" r~~r,~~ ~ ~' ,~ ~~~/1l11,~~ '%`r~ ~> 1•_1 Walunt$erAG(ivltiQS~ ~~, ~~")A~~.~ r, i" ~ -~-U ~ ~f S' G~-!~' ~ ` ~~ ``~~ ~~ :~ Wl~y do you wish to serve pn ! p flppr~J, 0R7-Tt!((69, or Commission raqutsted~ .What da you feet ar® your ~ualificatar2s /or serv/np on the Board, Commlrree, ar Corrtmiss%on raquasrQr%~ `~~-Uv'ftN 1•-'e:,~n-:v.rr~jrtr ,~;~J~.cyi~j ~[bu t. uWtry++v~t,! Vr~ -What areas of concern wou/d you Aka to ~eea the Board, f pr»mrlte0, of Cammiss(pn ar7dressT _ _ ~"i.-~ Ac to c~t~~.. ~~ (~LU~~4~' ~Ir'Gu~~~.. ~~~}T7c~,~.rs~ ~oMry~~r~ti,~a-~, ~,,^~~ Are ypu currertt(yr servrny an anprhar hoarr~ a~ Gpmmrtied appolnlad by a munrcipe(ity ora caunty,~ If sU, p(~asa /rsfl U 9 ~ ~. {~ D,~ t B:. ~.5 fir- (JS T ~ / Sin ~i-~n.,.:::x.,.~J . (P/va.~s use rer^rse side for addlf6ona! coTinn^ntsl ___...~••~ .59 0908 '99 15:01 ID:WILMINGTON INTL AIRPORT FAX:910-341-4365 PAGE ~ 3 - AUG-10-98 T(1~ 13:32 ~ P, 03 .. ,,-. ' P(exse p~'avide three 1QCaI personal rafer$gces:, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 _ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ` Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130. ' Application •for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions .~ Appointed by the New :Hanover County Board of Commissioners.' F Request for Appointment to: / 1/ ~ N ~J~-/~d y~2 ~G~~ i o c~/~ L- ~ c~ ~GA~- ~E'nTi c ~- 'L.~o~.~ Name: ~J d S ~ tP f -~ i-~ S O i ~ . Home ~ / How long have you been a Address: C~ bQ f ~~~ ~~~~~ ~'~' resident of New Hanover County?. ~~ e-~ Mailing Address: ~~ `f~ o X ~ `T 7y City and State: V y ~t fin'' ~ a.1~ 1 !~ ~ t~ 'L Zip Code: y8 ~'~ b Telephone: Home: 9 / °~ . y ~r ~ r ~ 6 ~ ~ ~7~s: g/ ~o y.r ~~ f .S~ I "Sex: /~ ~'L ~-- . "Race: ~ ~ tom. "Age: ~,~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~ ' »Emplo yed b y, ~'®~ .S ~l3-L. ~~~L/ ff ~~42.E ~O~SV C~i,A. ~7'".( . •'A person currently employed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanovei County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0( the New Hanover County Personnel Policy: Job Title: ~Q. ~` ~ i ~ ~ ~ Professional Activities,.fi ,o,, /, / ~ VolunteerActivities: !~~/7 ~1~J_f", ~~~~/UU~ C/i/i'~~~,9•z>- ~'I/~L-~f~'~/c~To,./ ~~~'~~c-L'ii1C~- Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do 'you .feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee,• or Commission address? Are you currently serying on another board or committee appointed by. a municipality or a county? if so, .please list:.- ate: ~Ll.~U .l ~ / 3, / c1 ~ (Please use reverse side for additional commentsl, '"' 1 1 199E Signatu e t ' ~. - i - _ :' ~. _.J . JOSEPH L (JOE) SOTO 6601 Sedgewood Road ~ ~ (91 0) 2 5 6 - 6 6 31 Wilmington, N.C. 28403- :(9.10)256-4696fax EmailC~: JOS4GOQaol.com CAREER SUMMARY and OBJECTIVE: Seasoned health care and marketing professional. Career goal is to 'secure a administrative management or consulting position with a major health care. related firm-that values, the importance of .building long term client relationships. Career traits include self motivation, a "can do" attitude and solid communications skills. .. . CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS - - „ ' , MANAGEMENT: Recruited.. and developed an effective management team of nurses, medical, staff and ancillary department heads over 20 years. in a growth oriented community acute care hospital. Developed a personnel department with revised .policies and' „ procedures to implement a strong total quality management program praised by JCAHO v in1995. ~. FINANCE: Using rny~CPA background, implemented a computerized departmental ' performance reporting system that increased billing units of service from $3 million to $70 million and cut lost' charges~~by 18% per year. -All key departmentheads were on a. performance based evaluation and merit system based on their budget and ope'ratirig " statistics annual performance. . , , -- . MARKETING: Planned and implemanted regiorial co-op advertising campaigns for •. women's services to include TV, radio and print materials. Created special promotional campaigns for occupational and rehabilitation services with two physicians and seven licensed ,physical therapists directed towards busihess and. industry.'.- Programs exceeded . projections in both examples by more than 10%. INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Selected and implemented automated medical record clinical based information system to include nursing hahd held point of service patient care units. Systems deployment overl2 months included .direct contact to physician's. office and home if desired. Six -months after installation nurse's survey exceeded 90%° .. . sans#action. Physician's offices were signing for earlier start dates and training times for their office staff than originally planned. - • _ WORK EXPERIENCE - Cape Fear Memorial Hospital, Wilmington, NC;142 licensed acute care beds, JCAHO °~ _. .accredited; Formerly a nonprofit community hospital system with 600+ employees. Successful downsizing of 18% of employees in 1995. Sold to Columbia/HCA in Apri11996. Held senior ,management positions working with an all volunteer°board of trustees and, 200 plus medical staff. Responsibility increased over a 16 year growth ' ' 'and development period to' include six new multi-million dollar construction projects and many smaller renovations projects. Programs started included occupational ` ~therapy;~ university health clinic, geriatric-health-'clinic- and. invasive neuro-radiology 62 " cer;ter (7/75-11/95). JOSEPH L (JOE) SOTO page 2 WORK EXPERIENCE cont.. ~ ' Lowrimore Warrick & Co., Wilmington, N.C. Started as Senior Staff Accountant working on small business clients audits and tax returns. (7/73-7/75). Price Waterhouse & Co.,Pittsburgh, Pa. Advanced from staff accountant to senior ~ ' accountant and from. the general audit staff to small business staff. Ranked in the top 5% of class after four years exper.ience.(7/69-7/73) ' US Army Adjutant Generals Corp-Ft Sill OK, Personnel Officer, Maj ret. (7/67-7/69) EOUCATiON MPH degree in Health Policy and Administration, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hil , May 1988; Executive Program-certificate, UNC-Ch,-Jan 1984; Center for ' Creative Leadership-certificate, Greensboro,N.C.,Sep 1990; Washington University . Forum-certificate, 1994; BBA degree-Accounting and Economics, Marshall. University, ~.. Huntington, WV,May 1967; CPA certificate #8803-N.C. 1975, inactive1983. Many continuing education seminars in Trustee education, physician leadership development, HMO.and manage care implementation, and JCAHO accreditation by American College of Health Care. Executive-Diplomat 1.993. ORGANIZATIONS. North Carolina Hospital Association Board Member 1993-95; Coastal Carolina Health Care Coalition charter member and treasurer 1992-95; Red Cross Board member 1990-96; NHCo- NC Project 2000 chairman 1992; NC Hospital Association Project 2000 committee. member 1990; Hospital Hospitality House .board member; Hospice board member; Centura Bank advisory board 1980, past chairman 1990; Wilmington Executive Club vice president-1995; Wilmington Rotary Club member 1985;_ Wilmington Excellence member 1992; United Way planning commit#ee 19$8; American Institute of CPA's 1975-83; Cape Fear Club member1985. REFERENCES Provided upon request. • 63 Coastal Healthcare ~ .n } ~ - Consultants PO Box 3472 Joseph L Soto CHE Wilmington, NC 28406 President Hon. Bill Caster ~ August 11, ~T998 New Hanover County Chairman Board of Commissioners ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 320 Chestnut 'Street, Room 305 ~ ~ , Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ . - Dear Commissioners - - I respectfully request your support and consideration for my application for appointment.to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center board of trustees. I wish to serve on this board to enhance NHRNIC regional role and continue my twenty years of service to this community's health care system., My concerns are the implementation work that remains to be done with the goal to have the most appropriate health care system for our community. One which maximizes the .valuable health care resources that this community has developed into a cooperative system that enhances patient care service~and reduces cost, especially.to small businesses.' •• I addition to my formal qualifications which I have included. Lam uniquely qualified as a practicing health care financial consultant to help the board understand the complex issues that NHRMC will have in the future. During the past four years I have had an active leadership role in the implementation of the Coastal Carolina Health Care.Coalition and, served as the treasurer. This Coalition has demonstrated by working together the hospitals can improve efficiency and reduce the costs to patients. I was the `co-leader with past administrations of the' 1994-95 five county health planning project. This project has identified many opportunities to improve`the health of the people of southeastern North Carolina. During the past, twenty years I have had several' • opportunities to work with NHRMC represetitatives on successful nonprofit~community health care boards; such as Hospice, Hospital hospitality house, Project-2000 and Red Cross boards. I served faithfully for fifteen years as member of a community hospital system board with twenty all volunteer board mernbers. I have• demonstrated my ability, to work together for the common good by initiating the first joint hospital NHRMC and CFMH board planning retreat in 1994. - , I clearly understand the role of board and administration. Because of my past competitive relationship I will gladly sign any conflict of interest or confidentiality statements desired by the current board or administration. 64 Sincerely ose L oto -CHE ~~'r 1 1 1998 ~~ Sap-04-96 04:0~{~ pylb4/ly`Jb 14:6• x ... . 'rEF ~4 'yF. SEP- ~-~b wt~ 1r Coastal Horizons C•L-r X11 U~'41 - 6"1 ~ ~ R , 02 910-343-8836 ELDERHAUS IiJC PAGE ©? ~~~•: ?F41 F~REC~ItR Tt!L11`i r+::_•~~•:IA F.2:~~ ~~ .. -• NSW HA1Vt3Y~R C~7t1111T~' • - ~o~~~ ~~ co~~t~ss~c~~r~~s [~~I~D~C~D 32D Chesxnear Streit, Ftoorn -30~ SEP 0 4 1996 WIImTh~rton, NC a284®T •~4QS3 T~l.~ho~a r~~oi 3~~a~~~ 1~l Cfl. pax ls~o! 3~t f~13o HD. OF COMMISSIONERS ~lppllcatYan farAppoln~r3n! i~o Baard~~ Cammltriees, erid Cnmrrrisslorts . Appstlntat~ by the fV~rw Nanav~~ ~®tlrrty Baa*rd of Comrnlssbna~sP. - Raeuesr OaAdpo/ntmet-t to; .~Qatd of Trustees.tdew Hanover Regional Medical Center NarP7a: Margaret Weller-5targell NOH7® MqW ~0 NeW y+ov 8~r! ~ Ad6ress: _813 Tar on Drive ~ rat~tttnt oiNB~ h+ettOve~ CaunPy~ 37 years ~~9 ~ddt~Sd: same as above Cit y and SPeet: ~i.lm~tngtan , j~Qrth Carolina IIp Code;8409 ~~ , - ~~ fel~hanQ: Hatne: i9~-Q1452-1887. ~ Btasiness; {910}343-0145 - . '= ~rsa1P •Rac~:.~lack 'd~yat 37 •1ALs,d~/av+av~tle+e is rupvsrrodAw W~ sa/vpwyvro old blest a s~nsawoco'vn vt aN+~ ~nsrr~Nty to apvo4+rod• • •~mployitJ ar: l~astal Hnri zon4 _rrt:Pr Tnr _ • ,+~ ~ ~ obPt~vtlt+. ew~-Ibyed ®Y tRsspanay w Oyaa~4n~st fbr rfi+dr ilf~ ~opdreer~n Er rno/i. n+uar tsv~ry+le/sN~~por{t+ea +rltA Naw.vrr ~+e~ly ttt~ a~mklt/riea6 is ssaer.}~rrn ahlR ~i,pti~ ~ 3er. 4 of tho Rrw itevsorver Ce+rrN Por®enne! fbHry. Job TRIe; _Fag.ecuti.Ve Director Ptofe~Slotr~l Actlvft~odt ~~,~,,~~ e_~tsaatted resume VaturstofrActlw7;es: Q~P ra+-t;BC$ed r ~ mep .~.... WItY ~o yAU wTe'h ta+ 9ante en tha Board, ConfmitP®t, drCo>n+t-isalvt+ regue~ted7 Vested interest in hie ~r~al;tu of h_a?~h~are onaaina concern and interest for citizens of New Hanover County irYltst des yD<1 lee! ~f8 your Qusl!liratlcns fci ssrvin~ qn the Board. Ca~nin~Q, or Ca~rrm/ga;ah ~ep~estedP Cotr~nunity • v errt ersonall and rofessianall experience with 'boards, personnel, and budgcits. ~~i.. - • ~Nhat ~reea of cancern wvuld,you like to see the Board, Commltrva~ er Cartnniaalan eddrraal 4ualitY care the__euoLvinca #9an~ged are s,~tr, ucture~i~ Aia you Eurrentty servln~ an ano[he~ board ar cvrnmitta® ~pAOintt0 b~ a mUnlegiaaG7y w ~ couirty7 f/so, plaase I+Ctt_ tlL~ ~. !?it¢c fi~p ` .mbp~ 4 ~g46 ~`I®nawre ~~~ ••z , .• !t'ltus goo ~ivrrs aH~ ter +~d d~bi • Sap-04-96.04:09P Coastal Horizons Ctr _. 9T0 341-5779 P_03 NfARGARET WELLER-STARGELL 813 Tarpon Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 . Telephone: (910) 452-1.887 ' ' . Fax: (910} 791-6585 ~ ' ' - PERSONAL: ~ . ' Date of 13irth: July 8,1959 ~~~~ Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent .. EDUCATfON: . Bachelor of~Arts degree in Sociology, May .1983. '~ ~ ' North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina " John T. Hoggard High School,Wilming#on, North Carolina A Natiarial'Honor Society EXPERIENCE:.. .. .., June 1995. to Coastat. Fivrizorts Center,lnc. Wilmington, North Carolina • Present - Executive Director Responsible for: • Complete operation of all`three~agency facilities and functions including six departments; Outpatient-Treatment Services, Crisis ~• Line/Open House, Rape•Crisis Center, TASC,:Day Sentencing Center; and Prevention Services. . . Plannin develo in romotin '" 9. p 9, p g,-caorr3inating; implementing, and evaluating a complex crisis intervention and substance abuse ; , program in a three county' area. . Overall management of 2.2 million dollar budget; Supervisiori'of 6 Program Directors and 45 staff .. September 1985 ~~ Coastat Horizons Center; lnc: , ' to June 1995 Director, Crisis'lntervention~Services •• . Responsible for: _ • ' ` Alf operational activities of community,based, 24 hour.hurnan " ~ ` service organization that provides crisis intervention services, ` referrals, .,residential care, and sacio=psychological assistance,to minors ; feenagers, and adult victims ~af abuse and sexual assault . ~ . . Developing, submitting and monitoring grant proposals and budgets. ~ ;: • '~ . Training and supervision of 1 ~ counselors 66 ' , '. J ~, Sap=04-96.04:098 Coastal Horizons Gtr 91p 341-577g P_04 • Margaret Weller-Stargell Page Two February '1984 Naw Hanover Community Services to February X9$5 Counselor, Job Developer . Responsible for providing job placement for disadvantaged youth. ' May 1983 Eastern Delivery Service Wilmington, North Carolina to February 1984 Account Executive Responsible for cultivating accounts tf=~rough business . development and sales presentations to service users. May 1981 Emery Worldwiide Wilmington, North Carolina to May 1883 Sales Representative - Responsible for business development and retention consisting of marketing overnight delivery services to various proprietary users ` with a Head for parcel or documents transfer within international boundaries. ' P~tOFESSIONAL AFF1LfATIONS; Board of Directors, Community Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors;New Hanover County Adolescent Center Board of Directors, Statewide Community Alternatives for Youth . Statewide Prevention Advisory Committee National TASC Past Member far Hoards: Southeastern Network of Youth and Family Services,lnc. North Carolina Sexual Assault Coalition UNC-Uli Sexual Assault Advisory Board New Hanover Commission far Women VOLUNTEER AFFiLIATiONS: ` Junior League of Wilmington - Wilmington Downtown Rotary 67 Application'forRppointments http://www.co.new-hanover.nc.us/CC/applic.htm NSW /~IANOVER C®UNTY ~~ BARD Of ~QMM/SS>ONERS ~;:~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ~,'~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 a Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ",~ ~ ' Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 34'1-4134 ~ '' ~,~, , -App/ication for Appointment to Boards; Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New HanoverCounty'Board of Commissioners. ~~ Request for Appointment to: . Natr Hannvar Ra$i nnal Marti rat (~ntar Rn3_rrl Name: .. Stedman Stevens How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County?` 7 Years ~ - ~ ' - ~ ,. Home Address: .. 2216 Lynnwood Drive ' ,.,~_ ,,, Mailing Address: ._ , . City and State: Wi 1 mi n ~t nn N(' Telephone: Home: 910'=251=0601 " Business Zip Code: 2 8-40 3 910-620-6444 *Sex: M ~ . ~ ~. *Race: k~ ' *A9e: 41 *This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. r~ . * *Employed by: ~ .. **A person currently employed by the agency or department,for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vt, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: " ' Member: The Executive Committee; National~Speci~alty Food Assoc.. Education Committee Volunteer Activities: B~ Scouts-Exec. Board: Audit Committee• Junior AchiPVPmPnt Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I seek to give something back_ to the community ,n an ar n ~ at interest to me, Healthcare. 6 hat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~3 years of P & L responsibility; managing 100 eraoloyees• 4 corporate acquisitions and integrations; work experience in 4 different hospitals; experience as EMT and hosYi~al-based ambulance attendant; sold capitol 1 of 2 8111/99.9:45 AM Application for Appointments ~ http://www.co.new-hanouer:nc.us/CC/applic:htm `' equipment to hospitals; co-authored U.S. Congressional Study of EPA What areas of concern would you like {o see the Board, Committee,. or Commission address? Pre-natal nutrition and low birth weight; nutrition's role in' rehabilitation; long range strategic health plan for NHRMC Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: N/A Date:: ~` 2 ~ ~ G I Signature .Y, ~~~t//~ 1.~~•-(~./L~ REFERENCES: ~. Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~, . Hank Miller 910-256-5347 2' Amq DeLoach 910-343-4331 3' Walker Taylor III 910-509-9000 ` ' - ~ . ~ 69 • 2 of 2 ~ ~ 8/11/99 9:45 AM FROM "JEAN RNNE`•SUTTON PHONE N0. : 910 7630665 ~U~- 4-sy CEO ~ o ; ~ J }1~~L1P t~.~NCDV~R ~Oll1iJ~~' `~ C3~ ~'L~ #~~ ~CJ~lV11~lIS~"f DN~~'~ •' 3~0 CP~esxriut Sr~eet`, JRaorrr 3Q5 f Wr'lmirsgton, NC 28}'01 ~Q93 . . Tefephone (5101 X41-719 .~Ax.r9?Q13~1-4f3a ' Rug. 04 1999 11.:2584.1 P1 . ,.. .~pptiCatia~ {orAppv~'frtmerrf tG $oards, CommFtiees, and ~ammissions Appflinted ~Y the New H~navep ~ar~nfy Board of ~or~a7tn>ssian~rs. i?eq~r~sr far Ap~atrtrmerlr rot . . - , Name: - - ..~,...__~_.__ ,.,....,.~. Koine t"tOrv fang hive you 6aen ;~ ~ddressc ! ~ ~~ Gr. resident r,f Ne4w NBnovpr C'nun~y~ ~e~a '~} Ma(liRg ~ ddres5't~ --- -- Li """`'° ~.r--- e.~... .~~. L_ ....,~ ...... R.,.n.... Q ~, Fry dr?d Srsr~; -„~,~ R.~L.~ r~'~,.~L~/t,~'~i ~+h ~l , _ c'"!A Cade; ~ ~ ~~.~ a.. _.__..... . 'Tetephar~e; Name: ~ ~~~ `~~L~~Bustnessc ~~e '7'7~1r ~rlrQrtTt6rlon rS requested /or ~t~satspurFOB• aFassur(np 4'!sf o crow-a~actlo~r of rha ,drnrrrun~5`y is appo.vr€ed. ' ~ t ~• l ~ y~RtO ylG'~ ~y: "AporsanaurrondYemp(a~n-cf$ytt~s ncyrat,dv,~aylmentfclwh(ehthisnpplleaitanlsmode,mu3troslgAhislhc~rpnsiar.~u+;t;5 New Ha4no+++~ County upon ~ppaintm a', h7 ~ccorctzncn whh Artlt(a Vl, SdC. 4 of the Nm+,vNBn~YVr ~ou:~1y ~rs~'rt~:;(P'„°i;'r.~r; ~t7~7 r1ft~': ~~..~......ay.m...~. _ ...~_....... P/Gfts'SSiO/3rJ~ f~C~iV!!'l~$l " ~/fl k,•n ra a~' . ~ c t f v1 t fe S: Wt:y`pda yvu wish to serve ert the Bt~3rt't Cammittea, ®r Cornrnfssian requ~sted~ _ _ \\ _ /l -..~. _ J a 4 --_ - -amour...-~.~~r.. - ~_. .jn ~~~ What areas a canaerr~ wt7u cf yo tike t~ ssa 1_ ~'y ...._._..~_ , atidressi' ,~.:~..~._~..L._:-~.,.,e,,. Are you cvrr~nrlyservtnq an attciherboetd O~COmrttirtea appcrirrred by ~ rrrvnicip2lity e7r a ~'C~rrrty~ ..':Y^ ~+1~a:;e :;'si: pare: _.. ~gn~rlr~~~~.~-~- ~ ~`U ~ ~~~~~(,.,{,,.~'. ,: (Plea: a use soy a alda fns edd,'tian~l e;~rrtrnrntsl ,_ _ ~_ . - (~~r~;~: 7fJ • FROM JEAN ANNE SUTTON PHONE N0. 910 7630665 Aug. 04 1`39'3 11:26AM P2 AUG- .4-99 WED 10:16 c : ~.c ~~F~ . n1C~'~ !'lease pf~vfde rhr~ee local personal fe/erencES: tVama Phony 1Vumb2r ~~ M~ .~ 21 ....,_............. ~ _r 3J ~ 71 NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone. (91,01 34 1-7 149 ~ ' FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Boaid of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: `1 1 ~. i_z; ~:~V ~-~ 6'1 (;. 'Y i' l/ ~:. ;~ ' +~~ ~i~; ?:.ti ^, r: j' '~-...~ y~~• 1 ~ , ., _.,• .; = Name: ~) ( L~ ~. ~- I'.C ~ ~? "r !" r. ~i ~`~'1. ~ Y f,i_.~ -{- ~ e S Home C ; ; How long have you been a ~. Address: ~ i ~ ~ 1 •{~ ~ ~i i, ~'~ ~~;i i~ c~ ~~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ i ~ '~S . r VV~ Mailing Address: ~ ~ C ~ ~7(i? Y\ C, ~\ Y` ~ ~~ ;l Cit and State: ~ r ~`~, '~ ~ Y ~ Yb~ 11;1 n T,~. ~ 'l%~ C.i Zip Code: ,_~ ~" ~'~ ~~ =' ,• ~~ Telephone: Home: ''7 1 !,' - ~> . % - ! + ? ~'~ Business: ~! / (; - ! i-°~ .~ - ~~ -r~ :n '~% .~ i~ 'Sex: ~ `Race: ,J,1 •Age: 'This information is requested (or the sole purpose o/assuring that a cross•sect~on of the community is appointed. ".Employed 6y: LEA/?~ y"e:1( ; L? 1 r ~' ~ ~ ~~ J ~. ~ • , "A person currently employed by the agency or department tat which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 01 the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~1 '~ Job Title: ~ : ~ (•/ C r c~};" ~';r.~~ 'rG.o_l!"•;. ~1Y" :'v ,lr~C,I t, T ~ I f' ~ lye, ,.~-' Professional Activities: `I (' `,, ; ~' .,; ~ ~~ ~~ ^ ,5 , ri ;y,^ '; _`, ;' ~:>~ ;'~,-'•.`.. , ~ . •~"~'. ~. ~. ',^ VolunteerActivities: ) ,.. ~ ~~' '' ~'/11 .; I ;, ;,,~ ,,• r'i > t ,' ,~ ; i'r _~. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .-~ fi ~ ~ ~ •_.~ ~ r",•, /'~ ,~;, ~ ~, ~ 7/l ~~! C'.~~ C%~ i.t~ ~IY;.~J~;~!/~i~- .il rii7 ~~ - ~v:~~ "il/~.' li`Il~t!>~~, nrr,s~" :~r r;f•I'/~ :C~r"~ ~/~~~,___. - %; r ~ ;1 .~ 1 Y'%'•. ~~ ~ I; ~~l ~ ~~11 ,~- (,1 I' ('~- ~ 1 ~,1,1 i,' ~t" rl Q I't ~ .~`~.~. C'.rJ rr ` I l';. l'' f,( 1~ (~ %' /yi J'ri l.~t-/ i / ~~1~' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~ 11 l'.v'r' l~ _~ ,,i ~~) ik;~i~1 i "l, ;% CL ~ C ~ r-; L L ,, j Ali ~i .' ?"'~ rr ;i f' ~~ !'- ~ y;'I• i/'~ /~i` %~' `~ `' ~ /~/%/"/ ~t /, /." J/ l 4 ~i J~ .(~ i.~, i(ir~` r i Y1 ~_ ~'... ~ ~ .~ i; _ r r~i %' ~ ,J...;1 ~ Ti- > /• What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ / Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyl if so, p/ease list: ~ _ i :; .yam / iJl~ Date. ~l i Signature •l ,i;.l~,' ~ ~ /,`"~"~:~~'/ - ~ ~"' SE? - E 199E ! ;,- f /' d !Please use reverse side for additional comments! (OVER) .... ~ REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: . Name ?J h Yl ti {~~ L C in ~ n YYl 31 - ~~~" uY~~ ~1Yt~ 1P/,l • • Phone Number ~lo~y~~~-BJ,~~ ~ll~' "7~ 3 -i!~G~3 73 L1N~b~KkY t~ WHlI~, rax~ylu-~51-UfUL asp y ~y 1545 1V~I~'.~',~,N(7VER ~'~U.NTY BARD OF C4.1V~M~'SS`IQ.NERS` 320 Chestnact Street,l2oom 30S PYilrnington, /VC 2540-4093 Telephone {910) 341-7149 ~'A.Y (910).341-4130 ,~ ,4,,pplication far,~ppointment to hoards, Cotnmittees, and 'Commissions Appointed by tl:e New planover County ,Huard of Gonunissioners. Request jar Ap~ointmenr to: New Hanover County Regional Medico]. Center Beard Noma: ~~~ E_ White III t'. UZ i agc i vx ,t. How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? +~ yeas ffome Address: 412Q ~lbbington Terrace, Wilmington, N.C. 2$A01 Mailing ,4ddress: City and ,$tate: Wi 1 mi ~! N t'~, '~Arlt~'~ ' Zip Code: Telephone.~Horire:H-(910}7~?,=~`~,r2.' ~~~,0}~4~- 77Business: *Sex: Male "Race: White *Age: 30 *This infornxacion is reQuested jor the sole purpose of assuring titat across-section of the colnnxunity is appointed. *''Employedby.' Self -Lineberry & Wh~.te L.L.F., Attorneys at Law * "t1 person currently employed by the agency or department fur which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance With.4rticle YI, Sec. 9 of the NewHanaver County Persann e1,Policy. Job Title: Attorney `, Professional .~cti vitles: Member, New Hanover County Bar Association; N«C. Bar Associatiflc~, among other professional activities. Volunteer Activities: Past President of Rota.>:y -Wilmington-South.- 1998-1999 Bas e, coac , 5t. John's Episcopal Church - 1998 J.C. Roe Mentoring/Reading Pxoga'axn - Fa11, 1999. (o~ Sladen County Big Buddy Frogman ~ 1994-1995. Ull~~~O D 74 httpa/wtivw.co.yew-k~atlovex.nc.uslCC/applic.htm 9!9!99 ~~ y 1999 NEW HANOl/ER (~ BD. OF COMMI~ONER$ .... \ a . u.\/1V L/... v. va. -~1- ~ -- -.v-/v VL ApplicatXOn for Appointments ~' ws~ ~ "L ` Why do yott wish to serve ors the Board, Committee, or CAntmiss=ox requested1 CoitmL~}'.~'~* m,~mberaY-in reartlir~e APTV'1 ' '~~memt~rs~ar_1~7 T wan t~mni~ri h~ my talents and abilities to a Hospital Board that affects the daily lives of New Hanover Count citiaens. What do you feel are your qualif cations for serving on the 8oarc~ Committee, or Commission requested? I have practiced Iaw for five (5) years, Owned a~ bwn bu8lne$8 for gout years, an ve a necessary exposure o a ca art wi comp ica issues related to budgets, administration, etc. FYhat areas of concern would you like to seethe Board, Committee, nr Commission a~ldre_ss? Eter3pgrksiveness to the citizens~of New Hanover County, and making health --ca~~ ; „ +-~,; o ~rn~ .~.,,-e a~e~e-,~-~ee~ie~-~.~eees~ible-~ - -- Are you Currently serving an another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: No. Date: °` "~ d' - $ S~ ~,F..FI:RF, NrFS Natzze !' Dr. David Esposito Z' I7r. Charles Kays 3' Honorable W. }~l.len Cobb, Jr, r Phone Number (910}815-3535 (910) 256-122]. (910}341-4416 ~Q~GVo~~ http:/Iwww.co.new-hanover.ne.us/CC/applic.htm ~- . 75 9/3/99 Please provide three local personal references: NFW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - Wilmington, NC 28401=4093- - - - Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149' r. FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by,the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~ -~~ Re uest for A _ ~1/' ~J ~`J ~~ -J ~ tJ ~,~ ~~ 9 ~ p~1~ ~, c~ ; C q ~, C~ ~- -~- q ppointmerit to: ~~ ~ ~~,~,~ ~,~ ~~ - (~,,,~5 ~~.s Name:_ Home Address '. Lam', ~ ~ l~( {--• W t ~ ~< .' Now long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ ~ Ca-~S Mailing Address: ~ Cj L ( .. l ~`u. ~ 1. ~ NC'_ City and State: t,~ ; ~ ,•~,~ ; n.i~c ~ ~~ , ~ iv(~. Zip Code: ~ ~ ~ y I Telephone: Home: ~ `~ ~ "•' ~ ~ 1 ~.~ Business: ~ / `' ` Z 7 Ua G °Sex: )~1~ Al ~ »Race: ~iaL~C:.~~S'~:~ ,/ •Age; .~ 'This information is requested /or the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ._~ » »Empla yed by: ~~rti~r~,r ~ ~L J~r~ ,,/ ~ '~~ ~i'~.~. i- ~ ~-t~ . "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in aclcordanc/e with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ tha New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: /`T '~~ ~i ~- .v: L.~ C.~ ~ ~ ,c~ ~-z_, ~ '!~--~ e~~ /r~/~• ~ ~ ~ zc:.s' / / .. a Professional Activities: ~~ // ~ ~ ~~" ~-- 1 / ~-- /V., =. / a..; F: <'.5~ /T.i .J ~: G ~ %-~, , /,; T;~ ~/ •--v ~N.+y w..: , i..; , ~u! ~/ / r = i.~ Cll /' /.rr. C :.L C. G.•,/).: :v: 7"..~rti /^:~: _ a~~J.~N: d..+^v'./~ :%1` / ~~7/i ~. /~.:~w :.~~ ~: ./ ~C'. fj/r~) VolunteerActivt'tl'es: ~~~t,'C'Iti~~'u~;,i~,:~il7~iv;i~" %3G!•-3~zc:.~. ~/~./,~y,.~'i~7~~%,-L.` ~ t_C 2 L.~.~.~.~t~ ~.e~,:~:~f. L-L.i .('~~.y.~ h tis_ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? f=~>~e,~ L~~ti~%'.~.~y ~•v' 6;9~~%-f~) / ~; 1 ~ ;,? j~ L~C./-~I7~ F~N;,~ ~'L~,./y: .v' GLI/~:~~:~c~ {,:,ti,r ~/'~ ~~ c.~ t..9iLS 1 ~ ~ C: ;/ •• , , ~tir,Jty rai/ C'3~j~e;Li~i~C:t'G/ A~c~ /~./u,uJF~C ~/l~,L"fic:.~• T^ ~rS'r7cAi2c/. / , Wha/t do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee,1or Commission r/equestLed? ;w,,,z : e...r~ z n ~,~J d~•_J.rli 2J> r'7~~! G'u.:~:r-~....v:~ l.~i~L ;YJL ~c:~I ~? /~•„~~r~ !`~ Cc-.:~ !`~~~!/}i//f J -/; What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? /~~~•~' <~s ~ 7~ .~ G~- ~; 7 a: U~i~Z ('iG: is /ten ~.. n.. ~iC'1- /.w' ~ C~ r'~t L.,~.f ~Z~.,V~ !Y. 1..~;i ~ ~ ;++:'_/ RN i;L h.: inc.' C?c~. ,'L /~C i~r Tilt ,' C.ti/ //~ ~/ 7`, L L ~I71' ~,.'_ /++ ac/: c .:!-~ .v :, 2 .!! // r7 ~s ~ .:/Z. a: ,,/i ,-.., .-:.J ~L !i t M :.~ i~ Z~ ATx.~.~? ~J. -;~~L. ~'~' ~ r t, Are you /currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /t,' ~~ / c. i QaPe: ~ ~ LL n,/r? Z J / ~ y~, .. ~ Signatci?e--_ . P' ! .-r; ~/.'i.' '•,~~z. -~~~--1- / 1 1998 - .~ /.~ ;~' ~~ (Please use reverse side /or eddi(ional commentsl ( ` (OVER) ..:, P/ease provide three local personal references: --Name 3) Jam, ~ u-c ~ E~ ~ Gr/,'/~ i,/s' • • Phone Number ~`~ 3 -- / 33 ,~ 7~Z - ~~ z~ ~ ~~= ~ ~ ~~ 3~3-y9~~ ~ .~ .~.~ W', I k l ~s `~. 77 BIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: JERRY L. WILKINS NATIVE OF DUNN, NC AND CURRENT RESIDENT OF WILMINGTON, NC MARRIED TO ANDREA JO WILKINS ONE SON -JERRY L. WILKINS, JR., AGE 24, GRADUATED UNC-CHAPEL HILL. CURRENTLY ATTENDING~CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL GRADUATED -DUNK HIGH SCHOOL, EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY (MAJORING IN,BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND ECONOMICS) GRADUATED EXECUTIVE PROGRAM AT UNC-CHAPEL HILL ' SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF BB&T SERVING AS REGIONAL CORPORATE BANKER PRIOR TO BB&T -WORKED FOR UNITED CAROLINA BANK. MR. WILKINS NOW SERVES ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE CAPE FEAR CHAPTER OF AMERICAN RED CROSS AND HAS SERVED AS CHAIRMAN OF THIS BOARD IN THE PAST. WII,KINS HAS SERVED ON THE UNC-W FOUNDATION BOARD, AND HAS SERVED AS CHAIRMAN; CAPE FEAR ACADEMY BOARD PAST CHAIRMAN; GREATER WILMII~TGTON MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION; GREATER WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; PAST BOARD MEMBER OF UNITED WAY BOARD; AND OTHER BOARDS THROUGHOUT HIS BANKING CAREER. WILKINS PRESENTLY SERVES ON THE CAPE BOARD (CONSORTIUM FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF PUBLIC EDUCATION); CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOUNDATION BOARD; EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR BOY SCOUTS; WILMINGTON EXCELLENCE COMMITTEE; WILMINGTON BUSINESS COUNCIL, AND RECENTLY APPOINTED TO THE BOARD OF THE CAPE FEAR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT VISIONS, INC. MR. WILKNS IS ALSO A MEMBER OF THE WILMINGTON EXECUTIVES CLUB. 78 BB&T • June 6, 1998 6~ ~ ~~lol y~ Branch Banking & Trust Co. P.O. Box 1727 Wilmington, NC 28402-1727 (910) 815-2700 Mr. William A. Caster Chairman of County Commissioners 310 Brookshire Lane Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Bill: Please find a copy of the application I have submitted for consideration to an appointment for the Trustee Board at New Hanover Regional Medical Center. I would only ask that you review this application and recognize the strong interest I have in being able to possibly serve on this board. Recognizing in advance there will be a lot of interest in this board as the hospital represents such a large part of our community and financial strength of our county. I would only ask that you jive my application your consideration as I am sure you will all of the good applications that you receive. The intent of this letter is only to express my interest in servinj on this board. Bill, thanks again for any consideration you would give my application for appointment to this board. Sincerely, .-- <..,,~% Jerry ilkins Senior Vice President cc: New Hanover County Commissioners ~ 79 NEW NANO VF'R COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS - - 320 Chestnut Street, Roo/7i 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: N~2MC -Board of Trustees Name: William D. Wright Home Address: 1063 Ocean Ridge Drive Niaiiing Address: How long have you been a 25 years, ro ei resident of New Hanover County? gwn~r 9 years, reside City and State: Wilmington, NC Telephone: Home: 910-256-9963 Zip Code: 28405 Business: "Sex: Male "Race: Caucasian „Age: 63 'This information is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: _ Wright of Thomasville, Inc. "A~person currently emp/oyed`by the agency or departmYent for which this application is made,'must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordence with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Co-Chairman of the Board • .. ~ ~ Professional Activities: Vo/unteerActivities: Landfall Foundation; ~dC Shakespere Festival; NHR~IC ~Fouudation; Chair, Special Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To contribute to the people of our community with_the skills that I have developed from my business experience; to help bull .the solid backeround for a truly outstanding medical system. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT I can recognize opportunities, evaluate risks and operate and manage such risks in a sound busines What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Manage debt carefull while serving the market and growing the system to be a leader in Health care services. Are you-currently serving on another board or-committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ,~]~n [~ ~ ~ (>~ ~ Anri 1 1 5, i 999 Signature ~.-LV i a use reverse side for additional comments) REFERENCES LL~I~- Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~~ Lewis T. Nunnelee, II 799-3012 David B. Sloan, Jr., MD 763-7014 2~ R. Bertram Williams, Jr., rID 763-1336 it iam i ci i an, r. , ~ - 1 F. Spruill Thompson 256-6999 3) " I feel that I have been able to make a difference with my involvement on the Medical Centez Foundation Board of Directors and the. Coastal Classic Golf Tournament. When I go home, I ha` the satisfaction of knowing my talents have been effective in my service to the people of my community. I support the vision that the boundary of our service area is far greater that just a few counties bordering us; that we. can assist in preventing the need for medical service as well as strive for skilled people who care for others using state of the art equipment and techniques to improving our quality of life. " • :,, ,;~;. - ~~ ~ 81 {This page intentionally Jeft blank} 82 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT 2"`` FLOOR MEETING ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY 201 CHESTNUT STREET September 20,1999 9:00 a.m. . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 83 2. Approval of Minutes 85 3. Update on Status of Wastewater: Treatment Plant Expansion 87 4. Consideration of Request for Water and Sewer Service -Carolina Power 89 and Light Company ADJOURN • i ~3 {This page intentionallyleft blank} 84 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09120/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body .Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Minutes -Water & Sewer District BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, August 16, 1999. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve minutes. COMMISSIONERS' ONS/COMMENTS: -----~ COUNTY COMMtyStpN~ APPROVED O REJECTED O ~,, REMOVED ®~ v~~°-a POSTPONED O °~ f k'S'.~' HEARD Q + ~,~.,,,~ DATE ..~~,~Z! .I_~,~!=! { Thls page Intentionally left blank} ~~~~r ~~ _ 1 ~ c~~~~~~~Q ~~~~. 1 8 6~, ~ .:~ ~ , . ~ ..~:_. ~a~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 • Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request for Water and Sewer Service Carolina Power and Light Company BRIEF SUMMARY: CP&L is planning to construct an operations center and garage on a tract of land adjacent to Holly Shelter Road in the Castle Hayne area (see attached map). The projected water and sewer usage would be approximately 1,300 gallons. They are asking for consideration in being able to construct a sewer force main and a water line to service the proposed facility. The water and sewer' lines would connect to the District system in the Island Park industrial park. The requested connection would not be in conformance with the District water and sewer system which will be built in the future. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the Commissioners consider the request. • FUNDING SOURCE: NA ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Letter from Carolina Power and Light REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIO Concur with County Engineer and recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: COUNTY COINNI'I~>ON~ APPROVED ['~_ , r,, REJECTED Q ~>'1?y, REMOVED p ,;~~,'` POSTPONED D ; ~~~'~~~ 'U HEARD /~ p "'~ ~'~'ttiori u.d W vv~~~' ti7 lUoylG ~~GPs L 0~ col cc,~-rotiv ~ k ~ ~ ` Carolina Power & Light Company 1700 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 August 12, 1999 Mr. Wyatt Blanchard, Regional Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut Street tix,'iin::*igton, NC 23401 Dear Mr. Blanchard:. , ; Gayle P. Van Velsor Vice President Eastern Region ~. ~ .. CP&L is planning to construct an Operations Center and Garage facility at a 24.03 acre tract located on Holly Shelter Road, Castle Hayne, in New Hanover County. CP&L plans to maintain its Regional Storm Center in the Operations' facility which will allow quicker response to this portion of CP&L's Eastern Region during emergency situations. The garage facility will also be constructed to maintain the fleet for our Eastern Region. These facilities are an important part of CP&L's operation which will require a substantial investment on the part of CP&L. Therefore, CP&L plans to remain at this site for a significant period of time. CP&L requests permission to tie into the pretreatment plant that exists approximately 1.5 miles from its site. We would plan to run a forced main to this pretreatment facility to allow for County sewer usage. The water discharged from our Garage wash bay facility will be treated with an oil separator which would meet the County's requirement of ten parts per million or less. CP&L requests permission to bring County water to its site. The approximate usage of both water~and sewer would be 1,300 gallons per day. This is based on an estimate of 25 gallons of water and sewer a day for those who are in the facility during the course of the day. In addition, those who,. are not stationed in the facility all day (CP&L employees who are in their service trucks throughout the day) were calculated at 6.25 gallons per day. After review of our request and determination of~your recommendatoii~to the County Commissioners,: please contact Larry Wilson, Manager, Facilities Management at (919) 546-7415 or me at (910) 256- 7237. Sincerely, ~ ~L~C.LL~t~ GPWJ/tp ~~~ 4~ ~~13~1~5~ GC: Mr. LAB. W.ilson~,~~ Mr. L:T. P~earce.;lu6~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~ Q 8 $ ' NIs J ;M,. Hickman+~ ~ i' . ~~ ::z.r a ~ ~ 1 : 41 , i ~- ~ ~ir-% t. ', ':,fns ~~~w,,,,=.~,...... Tel 910 256-7237 Fax 910 256-7245 ' ' 5 a. ENGfNEE~1~G p~~AR7~IENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 09/20/99 • Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Update on Status of Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. BRIEF SUMMARY: Planning for the expansion of the Northside wastewater treatment plant is underway and is projected to be complete by December, 1999. Staff and the consulting engineer, McKim and Creed, will update the Commissioners on the status of the project and the projected completion of the plant expansion. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: NA FUNDING SOURCE: NA ' ATTACHMENTS: NA • REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N!A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMI?id AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear update presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSI MMENTS: i i I C~U~ CONInR1~10 APPROVED ~ .:; REJECTED ® '~~~~` RCMQVED ^ ~' Q 9 . ~,;:. (, ~O~ ~ FGNED ^ ~81~R6~ Lam' .. W. I C ~ rNr d K.c,o~%G ~v~~. ~ . 6~-,. ~ g, I q~ a I P A P R ~~ =P~ ,~~w~ ,~F~,~~ ~~ ~~ LOCATION O F CP{&~L~~~'P'^'i~~RATION CENTER 9 O ~ - OT-TO-SCALE MAP N SEPTEMBER 8; 1999 . :~ N CONSENT AGENDA ~/~/2~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ;~ September 20,1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~-'~ I'~ 1. Approval of Minutes 93 2. Award of Bid #00-0118 and approval of Contract #00-0118 to MLC 95 Integrated for Upgrade of the AS/400 mainframe 3. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 97 District Collection Reports 4. Approval of Release of Value 101 5. Approval of increase in New Hanover County Health Department's . 103 charge of flu vaccine from $10 to 512 6. Approval of increase in Animal Control Services Adoption Fee from 105 $45 to $60 effective October 1, 1999 7. A royal of rant a lication for Diabetes Toda Diabetes Coati pp g pp y/ hon 109 from Diabetes Today Community Implementation Funds ($10,000) 8. Approval of grant application for Model Conununity Assessment - 125 a grant for $17,375 through North Carolina Communty Assessment Initiative 9. Approval of grant application front Carolina Power and Light 131 Company's Corporate Contribution Funds - CP&L School Health Lice Grant Application 10. Approval of grant application from the national Traffic Safety 139 Administration for a Growing Up Buckled Up grant application 11. Approval for lease extension for Plaza East Branch Library 165 12. Approval of contract with Port City Java to operate a "coffee kiosk" 169 at the Northeast Branch Library 13. Approval to submit form for Department of Cultural Resources 1 . Grants Program 14. Approval to apply for Institute of Museum and Library Service's (IMLS) 181 50/50 Matching Conservation Project Support Grant 15. Approval for Cape Fear MuseLUn to apply for non-matching Cultural 183 Resources Grant to hire an archivist for a year Approval of the following budget amendments: . _~ 16.1 #00-0026 County Commissioners' Office/Emergency Medical Services/ 187 Hurricane Deiuus/Contracted Services 16.2 #00-0029 Human Relations/Human Services Transportation 188 . Approval to submit application for Rural Operating Assistance Funding 189 Q from NCDOT 18. Approval of Resolution declaring September 25, 1999 as Hunting and 193 Fishing~Dci~~in New Hanover Coiuzty ~.~, 92 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 1 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number:' Department:. Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact:.Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ~ '. BRIEF SUMMARY: " Approval of the minutes for the following meetings: . • Regular Meeting, August 16,..1999 Jail Work Session, August 23, 1999 Budget Work Session, May 3, 1999 - Budget Work Session, April 26, 1999 , Hurricane Dennis Emergency Sessions `August 28; 1999 . August 29, 1999 ~ • ~' August 30, 1999 ' ~ August 31, 1999 : RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - . Approval~of minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ' ATTACHMENTS: ' • tTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGE OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. Approve minut s. COMMISSIONER ' A TIONS/COMMENTS: - . .. COtJf~TY CO~IMI~~O APPROVED C.~R "` ' " ' REJECTED^ REMOV ED C~ , ~ 9 POSTPONED ^ : ~?,~~ . - HEARD p ,;i ~,~ ~, w,•V .. ... -, jr~~--~~. ~~ .~ .~..": ~r I~x°J ~ r:. ~ ~ kYY •.a.. a-,. Fu7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09!20!99 Consent Item.#: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: IT Presenter: ' Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of Bid # 00-0118 and approval of Contract # 00-01'18 to MLC Integrated for . upgrade of the AS1400 mainframe. BRIEF SUMMARY:. ~ ' .The upgrade of the existing AS/400 was approved in the adopted budget for this year. Two proposals were received in response to the formal bid process: The lowest bid received was from MLC Integrated in the amount of $95,500.00. After ~review.by the Information Technology Department Director, it-has been determined that item 5769-XY1 OTC in the amount of $1,650.00 can be deleted resulting in a adjusted total~of $93,850.00 Attached is a resolution awarding Bid # 00-0118 to MLC Integrated, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $93,850.00 for the upgrade of the AS1400 mainframe. Contract # 00-0118 is on file in the County Manager's office. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . .Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution: ' 1. Awarding Bid # 00-0118 for an upgrade to the AS/400 mainframe to MLC Integrated, the lowest ' responsible bidder in the amount of $93,850.00 2. Approving Contract # 00-0118' . FUNDING SOURCE: . . County funds are appropriated and budgeted for this item in account number 800-470-4131-6400 and 110-435-4350-6400. ATTACHMENTS: _, The resolution is attached as part of this agenda form. '. ~ . rx~ 00-0118r.wp ~ . • REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ~COUfVTY CONfMiS~1® APPROVED ~!. :' R~.11;CTED p ~'. ~~~Q~~I~~ :~~ ~~95 F~QS,TPQN!~~ p ,S,i RESOLUTION - OF THE {- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF . ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.in., on the 7th day of September, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for an upgrade oftfie IBM AS/400 for the Information Technology Department;:Bid.# 00-01;1.8: - ~, MLC Integrated $95,500.00 Eastern Technology Associates, L'C ~ $99',972.00 ~ ~ - ;~ - .. AND.:WHEREAS, after review by the Information Teclu~ology Director, it has been determined that under the heading "Software"to be Installed", item 5769-XY1 OTC can be deleted and the associated cost of One Thousand Six I=Iundred Fifty Dollars ($1,650.00) should ~be deducted from the total amount; AND WHEREAS, the Information Technology Director; the Firiance Director; and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to MI:C Integrated of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowestresponsible bidder,~~in the amount ofNinety-three,Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($93,850.00); ~ r AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are :now in. Account No. 800-470-4131-6400 and 110-435-4350-6400 to cover this contract; n NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of:County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for an upgrade of the IBM AS/400 for the Information Teclu~ology Department, Bid # 00-0 l 18 be awarded to MLC Integrated in the amount of Ninety-three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($93,850.00); and that the County is hereby authorized~,and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be~approved by the County Attorney. ~ ' This .20th day of September, 1999. (SEAL) s4 ~ ..~ r ATTEST ~~ ~4;~~~ ~~ ~ "~`~dl~ ~~ ~~~" (~ 6 Clerk to the«Board; :.•,r~• ., ..~~-m~: - ~-• ...:Chairman, Board of County Commissioners j. ~l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . • Meeting Date: 09/20/99 _ Consent~ltem #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department:.TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Patricia J. Raynor ~. .. SUBJECT: . New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of August 31, 1999 ~ ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Request approval of reports ` FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. . COMMISSIONERS' ACT ONS/COMMENTS: ' . (]ppy~q~~Q. rLVU1V I T ~®iY11Yll~l!® - . ~ APPROVED C~''" REJECTED ' 97 REMOVED ; o ~~.~, •: ~ ~~ POSTPONED ^ ~ . ` HEARD ~E1~ N.AN©~IER CIIt3~dTY 3AX CfILLECTII1~tS CI3LL'ECTIt3~iS':TNRt1 {3BI3i/99 Ct1RREfd~ TAX ..YEAR ~ 2999 iii ii~.lY#,~~"-Itilr-ii i i:Bll1ls-i ORIGIiVAL TAX LEVY- PER.. S~RCILL DI SCQyERIES AE3t3ED. LyESTS~ A8A7~I~EiVTS' . ~y ~,~~'~ ~', AUVERTISIIVG FEES I=4'tARGED LISYi'NG PENALTIES CHARGEfl CLEANING LIENS CHARGER T02AL 3.E61Y C~LLECTItINS . fl MATE QUTSTANi~L.NG BALANCE BACK TAXES m~ va1+Ewvataast REAL ESTATE ANfl PEitS~INAI. PRE3P~RTY CHARGES ADDEC3 LESS ABATEME~tTS Tt3TAL "TAXES tIt1E COLLEC7IQN5: Tf3 [SATE ~L~TSTAAlt3ING SALA~U~LE PERCENTAGE CCILLECTEt~ '. R.Ot3M LICCIfPANCY TAX Ct3LLECTI(31VS PRIVILEGE LICENSE Ct}L~.EC7IQNS AD 1tALG~R€M ---~~ i---_-~-..,. '~ 77~39~~2Cl8.lb 38y411,73 3,i 1fl4.b7~., -;~---~ ~----~ si ~ ~ .. ~~~ 23907.43' er ~r~o~slwfEisraian~a.~: 77l454y702.55 339$34.?0= ,.~.--~,....,.~...o~....- 77+~11~t~~~s'~trt~# CQAISEMT ; ,AGEN[1A ' '. ', a ~9L3TDR VEHICLE .. - i- -- ~,...,. -~~ ~,~,. 1y943~35b.37 3522.77 17 i 195,57- -a~~-=~eri-~i-~. '~ 1~933~~83.57 ` 4 ~ ~ h • ~ ~/ tr s {~ s ~ sa~~isw. ~.~e r:sa~ 1~933~b83.57 '~ $71y£~2bs9Ts ~J #! s ~ ~ ~',k 21824865.85 4?468.24 14,238.60- 2~ 815't396.49 ~ , , . ~ 407 y 439.3.8- .,` .• 2i407~fi57~31 24,47 AL~G 2999 ce "~ ,FISCAL YI't3 ~ , ..--~,.,.~.i-..,.-i 47'2~fJ44{3'7 ,~-s;ii,~,~,.....-,...® _ 782773.2.1 . 2969.85 7~B36.38 TE]TAL MONEY PRtICESSE© THRU CflI.~EC2'I13N ©FFICE P{}R NE~# NAR1flYER'C(3iJ#VTY~ CITY OF ~I~.~IINGTOfld ~iRIGHTSVILLE 9~AGF1~ C,4R(3LiNA 9EACH AN0 lti1RE SEACN.TO DATE $~~472~9f~9.1b. THIS REPORT I5 FtJR FISCAL. YEAR BE+G:I~IMiNG Jl3LY 1949. RE ECTF11Li~Y Sl18MITTED~ PATRiCIA ~. ~QR COLLECTOR OF REVENi]E ~ C L9 ~9 B~~I N E£~ ~~~C't3L'~~. ~~j~~;I~;tl'N ~' E RL E N T A ~ E - 2 .'7 7 '=;F ~~~ „~;~ ~~ ',~,~ ~ r ~ ~ ~,~,-,, ----~ - =~r ~-~ " CC~~dSEN~ , AGENE7A . ~3A IE = ----- IT£~4 NL3s-----=- ~~~ ~-A-v~v~R cau~T~r ~~~~ nIST~tCT TAX ca~.~~~rta~s - CC~LIECTIflNS.TNRU (!8/31X99 " CLiRRENT .TAX YEAR i 1.9'99 AD 11ALaRE~! I4QTt3R VEHICLE .. #i~il{i i~iiiiii~~.i••iiilLilYl ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ~ia:ifsaii'iii~iiii ~ 2~flbt~4293.51 elai:flaf[liil~aillaillFSi ~ 37y32T9~3 DISCt3VE~t1ES A~3DE[3 ?T,8.79 1?8.82 LESS ~ ASATE~9ENTS 151.33= 31E~.~43- . " TOTA! TAXE$ CHARGE{.7 ]til Ali=iiiJS iiiii ~ 2~Q6~$92Q.97 #i#iCt6ili:EXYaI; ~i~Mi ~ ~7y5g~e37 L I ST iNG PENA~.TIES ~HA4tGEE3 ~ST.~2 » i7(3 ' - T'DT`AL LEVY ~ i'C1ii~ia~:o...sa i~..aai. ~ 2y0b1~478~39 i~~lLa:s~rsf iii ~~ ~ 37y590437 CDLLECTInfdS Ttl DATE i1~fl25.~afli 2i~050.34= - DUTSTA~di~IIVG BALANCE OHO i:OOiil9Ra a:sfs~tt~lsr ~ 2i05(1~~52.99 iil,~8ii]Q'.~Oi::B al~Yati ~ iby54t3.t)3 PERCEP.V~TAGE ~~~.~.~~~~~~ s53~:~ .5fi•00~''~ .. ~.~~~ TAXES ` ~ i~aisaaoa ~so~a REAL ESTATE ANfl PERSONAL PR£]PERTY .. - 55lt358s~3 . CHARGES. ADDED 3242~r LESS iABATE~IEt~TS 354.3.Eo-~ i iYlfimiii~ii i~0 Simi TaTAL TAXES DUE $ 54~73b.8.1 COLI.ECTiC1~IS Tfl DATE 8'322~13i •OUTSTA~IDI~G BALANCE ~ ~+b~434.b8 20" 15 . PERCENTAGE Ct1LLECTE3 . . THIS REP~3R3 IS ~~~ FISCAL ~~}~~ BEGI~tt~ING JULY 1999 RE ECTEULL'Y SUBR9I;TEfly PATRICIA ,~. AY o~ ~.. coP~81NE~1 Ct~LLECTI[1tU PERCENTAGE ~ ~,~~°~ " . - 99 100 `~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~. - Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department:. TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Robert G{asgow SUB<lECT: : ~ s Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the following late listing penalty as their was a death in the family and the taxpayer was- unable to list during the regular listing period: Hiatt, Magaline L. $ 1.10 Y . .Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applicaiton and letter ~ . explaining late filing available upon request: Comer, Helen Lee ~ $ 20,000 . Humphrey, Roslyn O.D. 20,000 White, Bernice 20,000 RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' " i _ Recommend approval of releases. fUNDING SOURCE: , ATTACHMENTS::. )TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ;. Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: . - -- ~000N`TY COMMI`9 I® APPROVED C'4~ REJECTED D - ; i REMOVED O ., ,. ~OSTPONfD O :, ,`O 1 - ~ ~ , ~~IRD ® r ~ ~. j~ ~~ L~ - = c1 ~~~~~ , - - ,. .. .. , - ~-. ~. ry _ '' 1 " • ~ e { Thls page Intentionally left blank} ~ „~~,~~ l.~ ...:'ate ~ ~'v?~v Qa ' ~~i:~U(~~(3'.~ 102 j:.. -~ ~~~~j1~r`~~~'~ F ~~ ~ ~t,. . ,;_ ~) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . . r ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 09120/99 . Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: " Department:. Healfh Presenter:. David Rice . , Contact: David Rice,. 343-6591 .SUBJECT: Increase in New Hanover County Health Department's charge of Flu vaccine from $10 to $12 , BRIEF SUMMARY: . On September 1, 1999, the Board of Health approved a fee increase for New Hanover County Health . Department's Flu Vaccine from $10 to $12 per injection. This increase is based on Medicare Allowable ` Charges and will become effective October 1, 1999. See attached page from New Hanover County Health Department's Fee Policy showing current and proposed fee. ~ , VVe are .not sending a budget amendment at this time, but may do so later if needed to budget any , increased revenue for needed expenditures. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. Approve F.ee increase for Flu from $10 to $12 . FUNDING SOURCE: , ATTACHMENTS: Yes-1 page - , • REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN; RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ ; ., Recommend approval ' . COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS:. - t - ---- . ~~®UNT~P ~ONiMI~I~ " APPROVED G~•. ' REJECTED O , _ ~ REMOVED p ''. POSTPONED O ~~lO ~ . . ~ ~ ~ HEARD .: ~ ' SATE ~-- -~;~ZD=~.~I~~~ CcNV~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT - FEE POLICY' =~ e. . Immunization Fees ~ ~ - ~~ ~ ~~ •- Proposed . ,. Per Injection Administration Fee* - ~ - ~ ~ • 5.004` Non-Immunization Injections 5.00 Flu '12.00* 10.00 Hepatitis A** - ~ ~ ° .~ 25.00 Hepatitis B** ~ '{40.00 Lymerix** ~ 55.00 MMR** ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 35.00 . r Pneumonia ~ 20.00 Rabies** (.pre exposure) - ~ ~ - „ ~ ~ 78-.00, Varicella** , ~. 50.00 - Administration Fee applies to off-site injections (may be waived for.special targeted activities). .Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Lymerix, MMR, Varicelia and Rabies-are exempt from the Indigency Statement and patients are expected to pay for the service prior , to receiving injection when state-supplied vaccine (if applicab/ej criteria are not met. Tuberculosis Pr®gram Fees .. , ~~, Repeat Tuberculin Skin Test. (nof TB related) X-Ray per film (not TB related by TB Program guidelines) Completion of TB Screening Form (3405) _ '"". ~ N7 ~i~" Ii '[Av ~ G `„ 4F,.li ~tid~i+.a13U q~.; 104 - ~~~ ~:~~~~~Z~~~~ 03/03/99 ° `~~^'f ~ . 5.00 30.00 5.00 "1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTfON Meeting .Date: 09/20/99 ~, Consent Item'#: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number:. Department: Health Presenter: Jean McNeil, Animal Control Services Director Contact: Jean McNeil-341-4179 ' SUBJECT: Approval of increase in Animal Control Services Adoption Fee from $45 to $60 . Effective October 1,.1999. BRIEF SUMMARY:. On September 1, 1999, the Board of Health (BOH) adopted the Animal Control Services (ACS} Adoption - Policy including a Spay Neuter Program for Animals Adopted from the ACS Shelter. The BOH approved an increase in the adoption fee from $45 to $60 which will help defray the additional ..cost of providing the Spay/Neuter service. Attached is a page from New Hanover County Health Department Fee Policy which shows the current- adoption fee and the proposed change. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve increase of adoption fee from $45 to $60 FUNDING SOURCE: . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ r~1p~y ~~~p A pgppp Q VrtJUIV I i li®iYIIYIIE® APPROVED C'~- REJECTED p ' REMOVED p ' ', POSTPONED ^ ~s -1 V ..HEARD a_ 2p / a~® ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES FEES ~ . The owner of an animal shall be subject fo escalating fees. The fees are directed toward and against the owner. The purpose of 'the fee into affect the conduct of the owner by seeking to have an owner responsibly maintain a sufficient restraint and. confinement of ~~ their animal. SHELTER Im oundment er da 8.00 P P Y Bite animals/dangerous dogs per day .15.00 ? .- ., .S ADOPTION ~ cluQE~~ N ~ RO 05£~ r , Cats/Dogs .: ~ ~ ,ao0.~~~ ~. 45.00 Other -Large , . ~ ~ ~ 15.00 -Small 3.00 REDEMPTION . . All Animals Owner's Offense. .. - - ' - , _ _~ 1st 20.00 (~ 2nd 60.00 ~..../ 3rd 100.00 4th _~ .1.50.00 5th or more ~ 250.00 ADOPTION REFUND POLICY Refunds for adoptions may be granted if the following conditions are met, ~ :' 1. The adopted animal is returned ~ ~~~ ~° ~ .r ~.. 2. The adopted animal is examined by a veterinarian within five working days from the adoption date and a health problem is noted 3. The adoptee produces either a handwritten note or a computer generated .,. yy report fromthe veterinarian stating the findings and date examined The~amount of.,refundFwill be the total of adoption fee and county license fee, if purchased and returned ~u,The adoptee is responsible for any charges by the veterinarian. L-=. _ 106 ~ ~~ ~f lip( ~1~~.''~~e~ 'v. ._ r ._._ w ~~,~. 12/96 ` SDav/Neuter of Adoptive Animals • Animal Control Services August 18, 1999 ' The primary challenge and goal for Animal Control Services (ACS)- was to find a viable solution to the problem of our contribution to pet overpopulation. Two methods were presented, including and on-site facility and transport to veterinary hospitals. 'The latter method can be implemented more readily than the former, so this avenue was emphasized. Implementation of an on-site clinic to perform surgery on animals owned by ACS is ongoing. Items listed below will allow an immediate solution to the problem. Proposed Changes: 1. Raise the adoption fee to $b0.00. The veterinarian will be reimbursed according to •their proposed fee schedule. (See attached from vet association.) Note: There may be particularly difficult surgeries, where the vet needs additional • funding to cover cost. of the surgery. This money will come from the .pool collected on - the total. number of surgeries performed. For example, a cat neuter reimbursement would come to $30 to the vet, leaving a $30 balance in the spay/neuter. (SII~ "pot." A - large female dog spay requires payment of $80, drawing an extra of $20 from the surplus. 2. Cam Griffin in Budget Department will set up an individual revenue source to keep . • ~ monies from S/N .separate from other monies collected at ACS. This can be done•by setting. up a balance sheet account through Finance. e attached ado tion contract must be enforced to retain ownership of the animal by 3. Th p • ACS -until afterthe-surgery is.completed. This is to cover ACS from liability problems in the event the new owners fail to pick the pet up or surgery is.fatal. ; 4. ACS officers will transport the adopted pet to the veterinary hospital the first weekday morning after the adoption deposit is collected. . 5. ACS will pick up animals not recovered by adoptive parents at the request of the '' veterinar7~an_ The adoption deposit will not be refunded in this instance, and the animal •may be adopted out a second .time. The vet hospital has the option of retaining custody of : the animal if they choose to do so. Future Developments/Goals: 1. Continue research on providing an on-site surgery facility for animals adopted from ACS. -Work is being done to locate and acquire donated equipment and supplies. Only animals that have become property of ACS are to have surgery. • 2: •Contact has been made with Dr. Kelli Ferris at NC' College of Veterinary Medicine regarding students performing surgeries at the shelter. ..Submitted 8/T8/99 by jpm 1 0 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD~ACTION ~. - Meeting Date: 09/20/99 _ • Consent Item #: 7 Estimated~Time: Page Number:. Department: 'Health Presenter: Lynda Smith ' - Contact: Lynda Smith;~343-6592, ~ ~ ' SUBJECT: . Grant Application for DIABETES TODAYIDIABETES COALITION from Diabetes Today Community Implementation Funds ($10,000) BRIEF'SUMMARY: . ~ On September 1, 1999, the BOH approve a grant application (see attached grant application) for ` 'DIABETES TODAY/DIABETES COALITION. The request is for $10,000 from the Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit (DPC}, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services for the .purpose of , establishing a community diabetes coalition. ~ - The' purpose of the Coalition is to plan Community-based interventions to increase community awareness regarding the severity and consequences of diabetes by focusing on education, outreach, and improving access to care. . The grant includes a ..request for apart-time Coalition Coordinator (or for contracting for this services) paid .:for through the grant, to carry out the goals and objectives of organizing the Coalition and developing a ' New Hanover County Diabetes Today Plan to determining community needs and developing implementation goals, objectives, and strategies related to diabetes. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application for $10,000 and approve budget amendment if grant awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: _ ~ Yes-16 pages , REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:. NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' AC O S/COMMENTS: - `~_ ~6Uf1~( ~OMMi~I~ ~ ' APPROVED _ t - . ' 'REJECTED ^ ~ . ;° ~,,y,,. REMOVED ^ ' ~ e. ~ ~O POSTPONED O - ~ . HEARD . DATE e~ _ ~: ~J ~~~~~- GRANT .PROPOSAL ' DIABETES TODAY COMMUNITY IMPLEMENTATION FUNDS NEW HANOVER COUNTY DIABETES COALITION. DIABETES PREVENTION/INTERVENTION New Hanover County Health Department requests a $10,000 grant from the Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit (DPC), North Carolina Department of Health and __ _= _. __Jiuman_Servi_ces~'or the=purpose_of establishing-a _community=diabetes--coalition,-New ____ __-:_ Hanover„ County Diabetes Coalition.. The purpose of the Coalition is to plan : community=based interventions to increase community awareness regarding the severity and consequences of diabetes by focusing orr education, outreach, and improving access. to care. Based onahe following data, it is most likely the Coalition wih`develop programs addressing the needs of non-whites t.(who have disproportiorial~ rates of diabetes), pregnant women at risk for gestational diabetes, adolescents at risk for diabetes,, and . whites (who have the highest incidence of diabetes in New Hanover County). COUNTY LOCATION New Hanover'County is located in`southeastern North Carolina and is bounded on the ` east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the Cape~Fear'River'and I-40: The port city'of' ' Wilmington dominates New Hanover County, North Carolina's smallest county ~ ' ' geographically yet the State's 10th largest in population. Wilmington is the county seat and the only city {there are 3 beach communities: Carolina Beach,".Kure Beach; ,and ~ , Wrightsville Beach). The entire area is characterized by healthy and steady economic growth. ' . ~ ~ ' BURDEN OF DIABETES IN NEW HANOYER COUNTY ~ " ~ . In the 1998 New. Hanover County Community Diagnosis, one of the county's. Five Leading Health Problems was identified in the Personal Health area. Diabetes was identified as one of the serious health problems (See ATTACHMENT I-New Hanover County's Five Health Problems) which,needed targeted strategies for prevention, , interventions, and resources. .The burden of diabetes is considerable in New Hanover.County: Documentation of this ~is shown in the. following paragraphs through statistics from the State Center for Health Statistics and Diabetes Control Program (DCP), Division of Community Health Department;`Depa~rtme~nt~o~f,,Health and Human Services (DHHS), Raleigh, N.C. The publication these statistics are taken from is The Burden of Diabetes in North Carolina, published~'~thiough the Diabetes Control Program. 110 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ . , n ~l .r~ • Although New Hanover's Diabetes Mortality Rate of 19.0 is, slightly less than the State's - rate of 22.2, this is of great concern because deaths due to diabetes are particularly high .among residents of North Carolina. In 1992-1994, North Carolina ranked 12th highest .among a1150 states.=and tkaeDistrict of Columhia_on_boxh_crude=age andsace-adjusted- _-- Diabetes Mortality Rates. Diabetes contributes significantly to health care cost: It is a chronic disease. •. It doubles the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. ` .. • It. increases the risk of: blindness lower extremity amputation ~ , pregnancy complications ~ • end-stage renal disease. One measure of the burden of diabetes and its effect on the quality of life is the number - ofhospitaiization days for Diabetes; either as a primary or secondary diagnosis: In 1997, New Hanover County had 2,256 hospitalizations for this condition, resulting in a cost of $30,625,571. The total of hospitalization days was 14,851 for an average length of stay of 6.6 days. • ~ ~ ' New,Hanover County snon-white population is steadily increasing. This causes considerable. concern since diabetes is disproportionately higher for non-whites, and non- ~• whites are approximately three times more likely to die from diabetes. .. Statistics from 1996 on the Prevalence of Diabetes in Adults age 20 and above show New ,Hanover County had 5,145 (Total Population Estimated Diabetes) diagnosed with diabetes. There were 3,556 (69%) in the white population and 1,589 (31%) in the non- white population. Since the population of New Hanover County is only 22-25% non- white, this demonstrates the disproportionate prevalence in the non-white population. • New Hanover County also has a growing population over age 65,. This is a popular retirement area, .and many retired adults move to this area from other states, which- . .increase's the population over age 65 even greater. Since we know that diabetes is more common among the ,elderly, this poses another great concern... ~ - - (PTease note that none of the statistics above include adolescents or children with diabetes • - or diabetes related health,issues, so the Burden of Diabetes, in New Hanover County is much larger than these statistics demonstrate.) r ~ .. - S . . . ,2 • LOCAL COMMUNITY TO BE INVOLVED , Health Department staff met with or had discussions with .representatives from :. community agencies prior to this grant application to collaborate on the best. plan of =--=action=for=-developing the=New=Hanover=County Diabetes=C=Dalton --T-here-will-be=a= ---= broad range of community stakeholders in this coalition to include (but not limited to) the following: a_ ., New Hanover Health Network (formerly New Hanover Regional Medical Center/ . Cape,Fear Memorial Hospital) _ s ~' New Hanover Coastal Diabetes Center ,: Wilmington Health Access for Teens ". Wilmington Dialysis Center New Hanover County Health Department New Hanover Community Health Center New Hanover.Year 2000. Committee (Healthy Carolinians) . • , ,., ~~ Persons (or family. members)Living with Diabetes. ~ . New Hanover County Department of Social Services. Physicians ~ (Medical Society/Dental Society} , . , New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Adolescent and Minority Representation New Hanover County Board of Health ~. y gton (School. of Nursing) . ~ ` . Universit of North Carolina~at Wilmin . . DEVELOPIVIENT OF LOCAL DIABETES CONTROL PLAN.(based on DIABETES;T®DAY ffiodel) .. .• r GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .., The goal is to organize the NEW HANOVER COUNTY DIABETES COALITION which will develop a: piogram to increase community awareness aboutdiabetes; to educate at-risk and affected populations to prevent/delay the onset of diabetes, and to • effectively .manage their diabetic, conditions; .and to identify communityresources to - assist persons living with diabetes. , • ._ .• 1. A Diabetes Coalition Coordinator will be•brought on board by October 1,5, 1999; to assist~health department staff in organizing.membership for the NevwHanover , County Diabetes Coalition (NHCDC). The New Hanover County Health:Department. (NHCHD) Nutrition Program Director, Community Health Division Director, Health Promotion Director, Women's Health Care Division Director, Dental Division 112 3 Director, and Community Health- Public Health Nurses (already trained in Diabetes Today) will select a person suitable to serve as the Diabetes Coalition Coordinator. ~~ .., 2. Along with staff, the Coordinator will secure broad community membership for. the New Hanover County Diabetes Coalition by October 29, 1999. Community leaders and representatives from the groups listed above under LOCAL CO1~~I~IUNITY TO BE INVOLVED will be contacted to develop the Coalition membership. The.. :__.-Coordinator wil -develop-and-mail=out=the fir=st=meeting-agenda=a=nd-list=of=Goalitifln- -.-- _ . -- membership. 3. The first meeting of the New Hanover County Diabetes Coalition will be held by November 30, 1.999. The Coalition will develop its mission statement, goals and ' objectives; elect officers; and establish a meeting schedule. ' 4. Several full day training sessions for Coalition members will be conducted by February 29, 2000; using Diabetes Today: A Course for Community Leaders. Through the training sessions; members will learn about diabetes-related needs, problems, priorities, program interventions, and program evaluation. 5. ~ The NHCDC will adopt the New Hanover County Diabetes Today Plan by March 24, 2000. During a planning retreat the NHCDC will develop its plan of action through ' the following: determining community needs selecting a focus and population to target developing implementation goals, objectives, and strategies developing strategies for evaluating program effectiveness A Plan will be written with a timeline for implementation, abudget for resources, and identification of the responsibilities of each stakeholder. The Plan will, be presented to stakeholder organizations- and the media to encourage formal endorsements and heighten public awareness of the burden of diabetes and the Coalitions goals and objectives. . 6. -The NHCDC will implement the Plan, April 1, 2000, through June 30, "2000. The Coalition. Coordinator, Health Department staff, and Coalition members will set a - meeting schedule to track implementation progress and to conduct evaluation . • processes. 7. Health department staff will submit a final report to the NCDHHS, Diabetes Control - Program by July 30, 2000, The report will include evaluations on Coalition-activities (with suggestions on ways to enhance or improve activities), program planning, and implementation. . ~ ~~ ~ ; ~ ~~ ~ ~ 113 ._ ~_. _ 4 , _ ~ P 1.. 'TIMELINE ... , . , . ,. . , .- ~ . October 15, 1999 Diabetes Coalition Coordinator brought onboard October 29, 1999 Identify Coalition members; mail ~agenda/meeting~information November 30, 1999 Hold first meeting of New Hanover County Diabetes. Coalition ~, January 15, 2000 Conduct one day Diabetes Today training session for members, February 11, 2000 Conduct two day Diabetes Today training session for members ~ ~ ~ ~ - \ . February. 29, ,2000 , • Conduct final one-,day Diabetes traimng,for members March 24, 2000_ ~ . • Adopt New Hanover, County . IDiabetes Today Plan April , 2000 Coalition meets to review and manage program implementation May, 2000, Coalition meets to review and manage• program implementation June, 2000. Final review of program and program evaluation • - ., •. July 15,,2000 ~. ~ Submit~program ~ progress report to .Diabetes Control Program 114 O 5 BUDGET - --- -- --Implementation--funds/Contr-act-Services (line=item--370.0): - --- --=$7,200..- _ . _.- - .. --,-- - A Coalition Coordinator will be contracted for 344 hours (8 hours per week for 39 . weeks=312 hours beginning October 1999 and another 4 days for Coalition members training x 8 hours = 32hours}. Other uses will be to pay for~staff time devoted to the - project for community outreach, patient education, and professional education.. 344 hours x $18. _ $ 6,192 Other staff overtime =$ 1,008. - Postage (budgetline item 3810) •~ 300 ~. - For postage to send notice of meetings, meeting materials, .and training material to '~ Coaltion,members and to send reports to community groups, media, and State Diabetes e ' Control Program. Prin#ing/Copying(budget line item 4100) $1,500 . . For printing/reproducing Coalition meeting notices, agendas, minutes, manuals (reproducing Diabetes Today: A Course for Community Leaders) for training for each member, -New Hanover County Diabetes Today Plan, and reports from the coalition: • ~ Meeting Expenses (budget line item 5200) ~ $1,000 For meeting expenses .(meals, mileage, and meeting space if necessary) for each day long Coalition meetings and the 2 day retreat. Total Budget = $10,000 ~ ~. , , 115 . 6 CAPACITY ' Our community has valuable collaborative partners who have committed their support of the grant application and participation in the Coalition. They are excited about the development of a New Hanover County Diabetes Coalition.. The health department staff is capable and devoted to improving the health status and -.------quality-o-f_-life=in-our-commu~it3~.-_T-wo-riursi-ng-staffsnember-s;-Pat:.-McSvuai~=and-_ Adelaide Stanley, attended Diabetes Today training October 7-11, 1996, and will participate iri developing the•Coalition and iri•training of Coalition members.~~ - • Five health department Division Directors participated' in this grant application and will be assisting ~n the development and in the activities of the Coalition. The five Division Directors are: ~. Community Healf h Division Director Women's Health Care Division Director Nutrition Program Director Health Promotion Director Dental Division Director The New Hanover County Health Director, Assistant Health Director; and Business '' Officer are also participating iri the grant application ~and'in the development of the Coalition.. ~ ~.i {See ATTACHMENT II, a brief narrative regarding Gestational Diabetes and Type II Diabetes in Children and Teens, submitted by the Nutrition and Women's Health Care Division Directors as a possible focus for the Plan. See ATTACHMENT III; a program announcement, DIABETES AND ORAL HEALTH, which is already being taught by the Dental Division Directorwho believes there is~a need for an.educational focus on oral health and diabetes. ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~; COMMUNITY PARTNERS As stated .and listed above under LOCAL CO1~~IlVIUIVITY.TO BE INVOLVED,-we have listed those agencies that will be collaborating with us in Coalition development and in carrying out~thegoalsand objectives of the Coalition. ATTACHMENT N-VII are. .. letters of support from 4 of the Community Partners~who are assisting us.,in the, , .. application for the Diabetes Today Grant. A The Coastal Diabetes Center, an affiliate of New Hanover. Health Network, is one of our Community Partners. ATTACHMENT VIII, the Coastal Diabetes Center's Mission Statement, is included for your information and shows the Center focuses on "comprehensive diabetes management through incorporating the concepts of diabetes knowledge, skills, and attitudes." 1'~~6 a1TACI~MENT I NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S FIVE HEALTH PROBLEMS . - ~ - 1. PERSONAL HEALTH (INCLUDING MATERNAL AND CHILD ' HEALTH; .AND TEENAGE PREGNANCI~ - AIDS CANCER; BREAST CANCER, LUNG CANCER ' COPD DIABETES - GONORRHEA _ ' HEART DISEASE. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE .' HIGH ABORTION RATE " ~ LYME DISEASE . PREMATURE BIRTHS ~ _ SALMONELLOSIS ,. STROKE RABIES . TEENAGE PREGNANCY - 2. SAFE7CY - . ANIMAL BITES " CHILD ABUSE - CRIME ROADS (MOTOR VEHICLE INJURY) VIOLENCE: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE YOUTH VIOLENCE - 3: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONCERNS . LEAD POISONING ~ .. WATER QUALITY -~ ~ ' ~ 4: ~ MENTAL HEALTH (SUBSTANCE ABUSE) .: . ~ ALCOHOL USE ' CIGARETTES/SMOKING. . ~ DRINKING & DRIVING ILLEGAL DRUG USE SUICIDE ~- - : 5. KNOWLEDGE & ACCESS TO SERVICES ~TTACH~IENT II Potentially fatal risks of high blood sugar levels begin long before people develop diabetes. As glucose tolerance' worsens, there is a progressively rising risk of death. Therefore it is important that people are identified with abriornal glucose levels, especially those with undiagnosed diabetes. Treatment can help xeduce death due to .complications of diabetes such as heart attacks, stroke, and kidney disease. ~, ...,., Data from the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANESII) and its Mortality Study have shown a gradient of morality ,due to any cause, associated ____ ___ _____,_with. abnormal glucose tolerance ranging from a 42 percent greater risk In people with -- impaired glucose tolerance, to a 177 percent greater risk in those with undiagnosed diabetes, to a 211 percent greater risk in those with diagnosed ~diabetes~. . ~: The greater risk among the diagnosed likely relates to the fact that many;people are not diagnosed with diabetes until they have had it for many years or it has become severe. Gestational Diabetes: Four percent of expectant mothers develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is more common among blacks, Native Americans, Asians and . Hispanics thart among whites. Up to half of these women are of risk for developing Type II diabetes within 15 years of pregnancy. There is a greater chance that the infant born to a woman with gestational.. diabetes will later become obese and develop diabetes later in life. It is important that these women understand these health risks. They should have their blood sugar level checked during routine check-ups. They need, to~ be aware that they can reduce the risk of developing diabetes later in life by maintaining an ideal body weight and exercise routinely. They;need to be aware of the,risk to the child and understand that a healthy lifestyle can'reduce the health risks to the child. Type II Diabetes in Children and Teens'f Studies from the United States, Japan, and Canada show an increasing number of children and adolescents diagnosed'wtli Type II diabetes. All of the reports emphasize that obesity in children and teens seem to play a major role in the early development of the disease. One study showed that 53% of thediagnosed youngsters were Mexican American and 19% were African American. Two studies showed that more than 74% of these'diagnosed youngsters had acanthosis nigricans, a dark skin discoloration sometimes seen on the back of the neck and in skin folds and often associated with insulin resistance. A Canadian study showed that a screening method picked up ten times more children than thexeferred case procedure for the diagnosis of Type. II diabetes in adolescents. Assumptions can be made that Type II diabetes is very much under-diagnosed in youngsters. Community diabetes screening programs for the high risk groups of.children can define the true prevalence of the ,disease and initiate early intervention strategies. 118. ATTACHMr'.i~T II ~:. DI~,BETES Al~D. ®RAL HEALTH Tuesday, June 8, 1999 Target Audzence.: Dentists, Dental Specialists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Assistants, Nurses, Health Educators, and Patients with Diabetes. Faculty: ~. Dr. David McDaniel is a Public Health Dentist with the South Region of the . ~ North Carolina Dental Health Section of the North Carolina Division of Public Health. Dr: McDaniel received his DMD degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in 1977 and his Master's Degree in Public . Health Adnunistration with a concentration in Dental Public Health from, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1993. Since 1977, Dr: McDaniel has served on staff of the North Carolina Dental Public Health . •' Program, serving Southeastern North Carolina. Dr. McDaniel's research interests include: Dental Sealants, Smokeless Tobacco, Diabetes Mellitus, and Access to Dental Care. Dr. McDaniel is active in numerous organizations including the American Dental Association, the North Carolina .Dental.. Society, the- Wilmington TriCounty Dental Society, and the North Carolina Public Health Association. Course Description: This course is designed to inform participants about the cturent concepts involving diabetes and oral health. The couuse will explore~the causes of diabetes,'the link between diabetes and oral.health, as well as the :oral signs of the disease. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of guidelines for . ~ dental treatment as well as the principles. of prevention and patient education. i _ 'I 'I Q ATTACHMENT IV August 27, 1999 _ _ _. Ms. Joy Pace, Director ' Diabetes Prevention and, Control Unit ~ - ~ . ' 1330 St. Marys Street ~ ~ , 1915 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1915 ' Dear Ms. Pace: ~. , The Coastal Diabetes and Nutrition Center at•New Hanover Regional Medical Center . . highly; supports the grant request of the New Hanover .County Health Department to develop a Diabetes Coalition. This Coalition will plan acommunity-based intervention which will focus on education, outreach, improving assess to care, and increasing ~ . ~. community awareness about the severity, and consequences of itnrrianaged~diabetes. I can see many opportunities for the New Hanover County Health Department and: the,Cgastal. . Diabetes and Nutrition Center to partner in the planning, developing,'and implementing ' plans for. the New Hanover County. Diabetes Coalition:: r ~..~ Please give me a call if:you.have any,additional questions. , ,, _. Sincerely, ~ ,~"' ,: ~ .. /1 Join W. Rader, Ed.D., Director Wellness Services 120 PJew Hanover Regional Medicai Center P.O. Box 9000 / 2131 5. 17th Street /Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 910-343-7000 l~ r~ . WILMINGTON HEALTH ACCESS ' Fox T >: E N s August 31, 1999 . Joyce Page, Director ~ z ~ - ' Diabetes Prevention and Control,Unit ` 1330 St. Mary's St. ` ' 1915.Mail Service Center Raleigh; NC 27699-1915 ~• Dear Ms. Page:. ~ • ~ , Wilmington Health Access for Teens is pleased to support tfie New Hanover County Health Department in seeking to establish the New Hanover County Diabetes Coalition. A number of our teen patients are already diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. We also are concerned with the increasing numbers of overweight teens who are becoming predisposed to an early diabetic condition.. We are .eager to work in collaboration with the Health Department in its education and outreach efforts, in particular, with the teen population: - We have aschool-based 'healfih care center at our alternative high school,: where a program for diabetes education can be started, in collaboration with the school nurse from the Health Department. ' Receiving the funding for establishment of the coalition will be a major step forward in this community's efforts to create community awareness of the diabetic problems, and we , support the request. of the Health Department. . . Sincerely; - ; - ~20(~u/~' ~/ ' . Constance N. Parker • ' Executive Director - - , O5: Oleander Drive. .. Wilmington, NG 28403 _ • 910.790.9949 970.790.9455 Fax , ~C SOUTHEASTERN DIALYSIS CENTER -WILMINGTON r A Total Renal Care Facility August 30,1999 . ,.• .. ,, .. Joyce Page, Director Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit 1330 St. Mary's Street 1915 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 . ~ , RE: New Hanover County Diabetes Coalition Dear Ms. Page: I would' Pike to offer my full support for the New Hanover County Health Department to establish, the New. Hanover County'Diabetes.Coalrtion. I ,believe that New Hanover County residents would benefit greatly by,having community. based intervention ' . focusing on education, outreach, improving access to care and community awareness about diabetes and its' complications: . Sincerely ~ ' Linda P. Welty Facility Administrator Total Renal Care, Inca; d':b.a. Southeastern Dialysis Centel-Wilmington . LPW/bm 122 :~ 2215 Yaupon Drive • Wilmington, NC 28401 • TEL (910) 343.0664 • FAX (910) 343.0674 A'TTAC"r~i~ENT~ V1I TILESTON OUTREACH DIABETIC CLINIC x$'12 ANN STREET VITILMINGTON, NORTH .CAROLINA 2801 . . , ~ August 31,1999 Joyce Page, Director ~ ~ . . - Diabetes Prevention and Control Unit 1330 St. Mary's Street 1915 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1915 Dear Ms. Page: This letter is in support of the New Hanover County Health Department's efforts to form a local diabetes coalition. We at the Tileston Outreach Diabetic Clinic serve the uninsured people of the county. The need for a community based 'initiative is evident and we welcome a .collaboration. Sincerely, ~ - Rolbert Keenan. Clinic Coordinator ~ . Tileston Outreach Diabetic Clinic 1 123 ...- .., t,~ .._ ,,~ Z. LEI ,. CL11t1l, RL'1.~LY1 V111, • t COASTAL DX.~~3~')r>CS C)GNTI;R We believe that diabetes educafion is; an• integral part of comprehensive diabetes management. Therefoze, th.e programs provided by the Coastal Diabetes Center incorporate the concepts of diabetes Knowledge, skills and attitudes into air environment vul~iclt is conducive to learning. We encourage our patieots in self care management so that, they rx~ay atfaiz~z lictter " diabetes control and prevent or rrnirlimize complications of this disease, Since e~c13' person with diabetes is unique, we are committed to the •developtnezzt o;f an zndividialized plan which meets mutually acceptable goals for optimal health. In order to serve as many individuals and famines with diabetes as possible, ewe stave to provide ready access to all our programs. We are also ,dedicated .to increasing the awareness of •the diabetes services that are available through ongoing physician anal . cornmvnity marketirig activities. .. , .~ Finally, as a means to ensure quality services, we strongly encourage the professional gro~*rth and development of all health professionals involved in the maziage~xtezat of ot~r patients with diabetes. ~~~ •a 124 .~_- - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 . Consent Item #: , 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: David Rice . .Contact: David Rice-343-6591 SUBJECT:: Grant Application for MODEL COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT-a grant for $1-7,375 ' ` through the North Carolina Community Health Assessment Initiative. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ - ' ~ On September 1, 1999, the Board of Health (BOH) approved the MODEL COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT . grant application'for $17,357. ` ~ ' ' The core function of the grant (see attached grant application) is to assess community needs through -collaboration between the local health department and the Healthy Carolinians Task Force. Representatives from Nevv Hanover County Health Department; New Hanover Health Network/Regional - Medical .Center, University of: North Carolina at Wilmington, Coast Area Health Education Center, New Hanover County Department of Social Services,'New Hanover County Healthy .Carolinians, and Cape Fear Area United Way will conduct a needs assessment to improve the social, physical, and mental ~~ well-being of people in southeastern North Carolina. ~ ~ ' The total budget is $17,375 including-cost for telephone surveys, face to face interviews, focus groups, binders, web site design, and operating expenses. . . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:" ~ - Approvegrant application and budget amendment if grant awarded.. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ' .ATTACHMENTS: ` Yes-9 REVIEWED BY: ~ - LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: . r C~~IV 1 T C~iY11Y11~7~71® APPROVED C~~ . . ~ . REJECTED O . ~ REMOVED O POSTPONED D HEARD i .. ®ATE . j_ -Z0,' °1~~-~ CWT' Application Model Assessment Grants Program . 1 Organization al Information A. Health Department Information { Name of Health Department: New Hanover County Health Department _ ~ ~ . County Served: New Hanover` Name of Contact Person: David Rice MPH' MA ' Contact Person Title: Director. Address: 2029 South 17th Street Wilmin ton NC 2.8401 ~, Telephone.:. (9101343-6500 Fax: (9101341-4146 Email: drice co.new-hanove_r.ncus ~ ri' ` Community to be Assessed: New Hanover County Total Amount~Requested (No more than $20,000): $20 000 Funding Period/1'roject Duration (Must be''corripleted:by l2/2000): ~ l 1/99 - 5/00 , Name of Health Department Director: ~ ~ David Rice Name of Health Department Financial Officer: B. Healthy Carolinians Task Force Information Name of Healthy Carolinians Task Force: County Served: New Hanover Name of Contact Person: Contact Person Title: Address: ' Telephone: ~ ~ Fax: _ ~ , Email: Name of Chairperson: ~ , *Award notification will be sent to health department contact person unless~you specify otherwise. ( •~~,~~,rr;~~ ~jr~~-~~'t _ ~ ~ ~~~~ '~ llY "CYYl It Y~L4Yiqq ~.~~ ll~ ~~~~~~ +CsR,#~ Executive Summary •In the Fall of 1994, seven hospitals in five coastal North Carolina counties worked together to assess abroad range of health, social and environmental issues in southeastern North Carolina. The ~` • hospitals involved were Bladen County Hospital, Brunswick Community Hospital, Cape Fear Hospital, Columbus County Hospital, Dosher Memorial Hospital, Pender Memorial Hospital; and New Hanover Regional Medical,Center. The process used for the needs assessment was interactive and collaborative, involving persons from all segments. of the communities involved. A consulting firm was contracted to conduct the assessment, compile the data and publish the results. The Community Steering Committee; abroad-based leadership group representing health care providers and members of the general community, was appointed to oversee the process. The health needs assessment was based upon qualitative and quantitative data. The results of the Coastal Carolinas ' Community Health Needs Assessment distributed throughout the region in January, 1996. Consistent with Healthy Carolinians policies, in the Spring of 1999 a collaborative group, including ` representatives from New Hanover County Health Department, New Hanover Regional.Medical Center, L7NCW, Coastal AHEC, New Hanover County Department of Social Services, New Hanover CountyHealthy Carolinians and Cape Fear Area United Way, began to discuss the need for an updated and expanded version of the 1996 Coastal Carolinas Community Health Needs. Assessment. Local resources will be utilized to conduct this needs assessment. The vision shared by this group. is to be a collaborative initiative by communities, organizations and individuals.working together to improve the social, physical and mental well-being of people in southeastern North .Carolina by providing a foundation of accessible needs assessment information. This• alliance will also address issues of duplication of efforts across the region. Results of the regional needs. ` assessment will be used to develop county and regional health improvement priorities and strategies, will help increase opportunities for collaboration to address these health issues; and will allow' us to become more competitive when applying for federal and state grant funds. ,. - ; Desired outcomes include: 1. Identify each county's health and human services priorities 2. Identify regional health and human services priorities 3. Identify resources and gaps 4. Complement efforts of county-level community diagnoses that are conducted every two•years by individual public health departments . The current needs assessment process began in the March, 1999 with "four focus groups. The goal -was to access community perception of the need for an up-dated health needs assessment. Each . focus group was comprised of similar organizations and agencies including: • health department directors from southeastern North Carolina; human service providers;. ~ . • state, and local government agencies; and • hospital representatives. " " . . Additionally, a survey was conducted at the annual Care to Collaborate Conference to obtain a broader range of responses from regional representatives. Care to Collaborate is held annually by NHRMC to create. a network of regional health and human service providers. For each county, representatives from the focus groups will~be called upon to help facilitate the . needs assessment. Qualitative.and ,quantitative data will be collected utilizing focus groups, random telephone interviews, individual interviews, and existing federal, state` and local statistics. The =~ following are-some: o£categories of data to be„collected: ~" ' 1. County•profiles, ~ ~ "' ' 2. Demographics • •. 3. Health status. indicators ~ . ~ '' 4. Physiciari'profile ~ ~ " 5. Assets mapping ~. ,, .. ,' .. ! 6. Expressed, needs , , , " _ , 7. Perceived needs `, .. .. . The results of the needs assessment will be made available in "two formats, in a punted report and'on a website. Results will be used by many organizations, such as Healthy Carolinians, county health departments and;rthe Coastal Carolina Health Alliance, to evaluate current health and human"service assets, determine current needs, and, plan and implement programs designed to address unmet needs. 3. Roles and Responsibilities of Collaborative , , The Advisory Board of the. New Hanover County Healthy ~Caroliniaris' Task Force includes representatives from the.following organizations and agencies. These partners are conimitted'to ' continueahe needs assessment process with regular updates every'two to five years. . . r ;, , ® UNCW ,..: ~ .. ® Coastal~AHEC ~ , , ` '• , 'New:Hanover Department of Aging , • Wilmington Health, Access for Teens ® New Hanover Health Network • Southeastern Mental Health r _ , o New Hanover County Health Department: ,. _ . ~ , ^ • Cape Fear Area United Way ,. - Representatives from a variety of agencies and organizations from each county will be~i'nvited.to ' participate in focus groups. All focus group leaders will be trained on consistent methodology. , Participants in New Hanover County may include, but will not be limited to the following: LL New Hanover County Schools' ~ ~ ~ , ,~ ,,, . . Wilmington Boys and Girls Club ~ ~. _ _ , _, Girls, Inc. . ' ~ . ., , . Child Advocacy Commission,., ~ . New Hanover Co. Dept. of Social Services .~ . American Red Cross Cape Fear Community College Catholic Social Ministries Coastal Horizons, 'Inc: •..:: , ' ,. ., ,~ City of Wilmington Police Department ~ , .New Hanover County Sheriff'-s Department ..,, ., ,,• ~ , , Communities in Schools '~ 2 $ : New Hanover County Community'Action, Inc. Good Shepherd Ministries ' - ~ Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. ~ . Family Services of Lower Cape Fear HOLA {Helping Our Latin Americans) ' ° ~ New Hanover Community Health Center ' .. Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center Greater Wilmington Chamber o~ Commerce .Wilmington Housing Authority .East Coast Solutions . ~ ~~ YMCA YWCA _ Representatives of faith communities . 4. _ Community Involvement The~needs assessment will be a community-wide effort, including many populations often omitted. -The elderly, homeless, victims of domestic violence, youth, and Hispanic persons will be included. Individual interviews will be conducted on-site where individuals gather. Every effort will be made to insure interviews are non-threatening, accurate and effective. Community interviews.and focus groups will include questions about how participants preceive available assets as well as needs. .: Focus groups will also be incorporated into existing meetings whenever possible. For example, . Communities That Care, a community collaborative effort of more than 60 agencies supporting :positive youth development, holds meetings quarterly. A portion of the quarterly meeting in December, 1999`will be dedicated to meeds assessment focus groups. . The Care To Collaborate Conference, an annual event sponsored by NHRMC, will provide a forum for the announcement of needs assessment results, as-well as be a point of distribution for print copies of the needs assessments. Technical assistance-will also be available to help non-profit organizations learn how to best use the data to develop programs to meet the needs identified.. 129 . ~: s 130 '~ ~ C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 • Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: David Rice, Health Director Contact: Betty Creech, 343-6647 SUBJECT: Grant Application from Carolina Power and Light (CPL) Company's Corporate Contribution Funds-CP&L SCHOOL HEALTH LICE GRANT APPLICATION BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 1, 1999, the Board of Health (BOH) approved a grant application for CP&L Company's Corporate Contribution Funds for $4,900: The purpose of the CP&L SCHOOL HEALTH LICE GRANT APPLICATION (see attached grant application for breakdown of budget) is to aid in the eradication of Bead lice infestation among elementary school students and to improve educational opportunities by eliminating absence from school due to lice infestation. , The goal is to provide funds for a metal comb that is effective in removing nits and for educational materials on lice control to school children. The combs are effective and cost $10 each. Some parents cannot afford these combs; if we provide combs to needy families, other families will also benefit because their children will not become infested. Lice infestation is a tremendous problem in New Hanover County Schools, and recently one school had 30 children with lice infestation. Head lice infestation is the #2 communicable condition among small children and a major problem in New Hanover County elementary schools. Sixty-five percent of the elementary schools have reported a serious problem with head lice. Seventy-five percent of the schools have reported students with chronic infestation. Untreated or partially treated students continually spread lice to their peers, families, and caregivers. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve grant application. Request acceptance of grant and approval of budget amendment if grant is awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: yes-7 pages REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve Recommend • BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMI~ION APPROVED Ci.~~ _,~ REJECTED ^ n.. MMENTS: +~~ REMOVED ^ ~`~ 1~~~ POSTPONED O .;,~ysy NEARS ~ <.:. , DATE , Cl~f ~4 ~.CI~~- 1. ~~ Memo To: Dave Rice, Health Director Lynda Smith, Assistant Health Director From: Betty B. Creech, Community Health Director ~t~--1 . Subject: School Health Lice Grant-Carolina.Power and Light Company Date: August 18, 1.999 Please review the attached grant proposal. If you agree, please take to the Board of Health for their approval. If they agree, please take to the Board of County Commissioners for their .. , approval. ~ ' ~. 132 ' ~ ~ ~~-.~~~,~~.a,~ r C~~C~~tI ~ ~~ ~~~~~ -_- 4 • DAVID E. RICE, M.P.A., M.A. Health Director NEVV HAN®VER C®UNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17"u STREET WILIvIINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 August 18, 1999 • • Mr. John Elliott Carolina Power and Light Company 1700 Eastwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Elliott: o~ Everywhere. Emyday. Everybody. LYNDA F. SMITH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director New Hanover County Health Department School Health Program appreciates the opportunity to apply for contributions from Carolina Power and Light Company's Corporate Contributions Funds. We are seeking to eradicate head lice infestation in New Hanover County elementary schools. To assist with this monumental task we are requesting $4,900 from your Corporate Contributions Funds. This funding will be used for educating the community regarding eradicating lice and providing supplies for needy families who lack effective resources to alleviate lice infestations. This funding is being requested for school year 1999-2000. If funding is made available late in the school year, we will employ unused supplies in school year 2000-2001. New Hanover County Health Department's total budget for fiscal year 2000 is $8,798.778. The School Health budget is $352,829. The School Health budget supports school nurses and supplies used to provide first aid and other heatlh care at the schools. Carolina Power and Light Company's cotrtn~bution would be in addition to this and be used as noted in the attached Description of Funding Request. There are no Carolina Power and Light Company employees involved with the Health Department except to supply power to the agency. Yet, many Carolina Power and Light Company employees are affected by lice infestations in our schools. Their children become infested and may spread lice to other family members. This causes the family to have to bear the inconvenience and cost of treating lice, loss of work and absence from school. If we can improve school attendance, by eradicating head lice, we will increase learning opportunities. Our elementary schools will be more effective because students will be there to learn and interruptions in their educaiton will be diminished. 133 Mr. John Elliott ' August 17, 1999 Page Two Thank you for considering our request. We hope that together we can eradicate the ' troublesome problem for head lice infestation and improve educational access in New Hanover County. Sincerely, Betty B. Creech, RN Community Health Director ' . 134 Description of Organization New Hanover County Board of Health was established in 1879 and has been serving the public since that date. The Health Department receives local, state, federal and private grant funding for personal health and environmental services. The School Health Program is funded by the county and the New Hanover County Board. of Education. New Hanover County Board of Health William T. Steuer, PE/RLS, Chairman Wilson O'Kelly Jewell, DDS, Vice Chairman Henry V. Estep, RHU, Public Citizen Michael E. Goins, OD Robert G. Greer, Vice-Chair County Commissioners Gela N. Hunter, RN, FNP W. Edwin Link, Jr., RPH Anne Braswell Rowe, Public Citizen Philip P. Smith, Sr., MD Melody C. Speck, DVM Estelle G. Whitted, RN; Public Citizen Frank R. Reynolds, MD, Medical Consultant Qb~ectives and Current Priorities of Organization The mission of the New Hanover County Health Department is to protect the public health and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventative, restorative, environmental and educational services. The goals of the School Health Program are to promote health and safety of students and school personnel and remove or make manageable student health barriers to learning. Description of Funding Request Purpose: To aid in the eradication of head lice infestation among elementary school students and- improve educational opportunities by eliminating absence from school related to lice infestation. Back,~;round Information: Head lice .infestation is the #2 communicable condition among small children and a major problem in New Hanover County elementary schools. Sixty-five percent of the elementary schools have. reported a serious problem with head lice. Seventy-five percent of the schools have reported students with chronic infestations. Untreated or partially treated students continually spread lice to their peers, families and caregivers. ~ 135 Students with chronic head lice infestations repeatedly miss 3 to 5 school days each time lice are found on their. heads while other students with lice usually miss at least one day per occurrence. Absence from school due to lice infestation is a detriment to the children's education and ultimately to the community. , Treating head lice and removal of their eggs (nits) is difficult. Nits are attached to the hair with a stubborn, cement like substance and cannot be easily removed. We have located a metal comb that • is effective in removing nits. Without this comb it may take several days to remove all the nits on a ' child's head. Some parents cannot afford these combs. If we provide combs to needy families, other families will also benefit because their children will riot become infested. Time Period: School year 1999-2000. Any unused supplies will be carried over to school'year 2000- 20001. ' Budget:. . , Metal Combs $3,600 ~ ' Educational Materials 1,100 Prevention and Control Letters • Fourteen Day Checklist ' Alternative to Chemical Treatment Interpreter (English to Spanish)' ~ 200. Total $4,900 Staff: Public Health Nurses - 6 Results Expected: Through community education and provision of supplies to needy families we will be able to identify and eradicate lice infestation among most elementary students. Student attendance will improve and their learning will not be interrupted because of lice infestation. Project Evaluation MetliodoloQV: School nurses will collect data on student lice infestation, related absentism, and utilization /effectiveness of supplies and educational materials. Data will be analyzed for the purpose of maintaining or altering program activities. Success in this program will lead to greater community support. ~ ; - ' 136 ' ~ ` ~~0 0 ' ~ ~` N ' V ~ . ~ ~' ~ n, • ~, ~ ~ N' o ~ c c O .., V\v\ --~ `_ u a. • .~ ~ ~ ~ o. o ~ .. a i ~ w a N.o~~q..1 ~ ~~° Q'o ~~U i., „, u U t ,~ ', C ~ ~ o rn .o ~. v ~ ~ o o .o m y ~ c '3 C N ~ ° 3 'C C 4- O [. ~ L ~. p }, ~ ,~. u ~ Y1D :L~ ~ . -a p . a, ~ o ~ ° o ~ ' ~+ w c ~ X ~ Q +~ o ~ a~ a ' v [ O N ~ O ~ (n U p ~ ~, ~ .p a pq c~i ~ a cn v c ~ N '~,°- ~ v a~ 4, `. C -p C ~ N p 6 y. ~ ~ O ..Q ~ O ~ U ~ N i r-+ O A ° 3 p y.. 'D U O C ~ O~ a 4.1 ~ O O ~ O ~ y N ~ p_,O ,..~., O L C Q p~ Q, ~..' N N v ~ .. fx-~ . 0 -o [ o ~c • ~, >. a --~ „~ >. L ~ n O ~ ~ .-~ O- ~ ~ 3 ° ~ u ~ ~ v ~ L 4, ., v ~ v~ t., ~ ~ `. ~. u O CtO~ ~ C tf1 `~ 'O v v d ~ •~ ~ O ~ v ~ z 0 c. •° `. o ~ ~' B'C'D ~ ti u ~ ,Q. O '~ O[ O ~ CA ~U ~'~Q J 6I V c~ o• 4. i a ~ ~° _ a a a ~~. °?oa~ ~ n~~E ~, O '4 ~' Vii' .. }, p C ' ,O • O N C L , U N - ~ .~ ~ -.y, . ~ O f~6 . (0 O L . Q LL. 'LS :Q ~ ' Q~' O ~ L a bA , ~ .. C; ~ . hD a. U ,~ O' C O ttp. ~.,' 'i,., . ~' o' " L ° o' ` '-' o o o i a L O A C ~V .O O ~ ~ c C 'aJ 7 ~ c - O ., a C L ~ Q_ m tiA: .T ~ ~ N N Q ~ ~ ~ . ~,,"p ~,, L r. O C; ~ bD . Q~ c C N ~, , , ~ (O O O O a~Q- ~ O ' e O ,. U "O- p.. N , = ._ •~' ~ O T7. ~, ,N . ~... . Q U ~ W~ ` ~. N ~ u,' .~ ... ' . L j L ~ ~ c0 ~'Y V C N c ` ~ . U U .,O O ~ N ' ~ (~ •^ ,u , N . 0 L~ .O E Q' C t .. ..~. ..p .~.~ . y U L L . J' O O . _. d: N a+ O . ~ O' ~ Q~ O L., d y . ~ . O ~ , O ~ = C/1 ~" ~n ~ .. O '~"/ >, m .C ~ ~ .Q ~ ~ LO ~ N C N t0 .O O ~ •- O C 'O N • O O_ N O ~ ~ ~C C Q. ~ Q C N ~ (J1 C ~ N C N y N ~ C C a _ ~ ~ •C L ~ U Q. N ' .O O N +-~ > CO ~ N ) ~ °' C O N ~ O ' ~ 3 ~ o o a ~ >, a~ N C co O. ~ C N O N O O +~ ' V ~~' ~ ~ . ~ '~ i ~ Li O ~ U ~ ~ ~ C7 Q d v ++ ~ C w • s • • • • • • • • V O ~r N Y O I p ' ~"i v N 4.1 to ~ }} ,,^~4" ~~ L ~++J O ~ ~ ~r- I ~ v r.+ . ~ .+r ~f ~ N O tLo .~ "~ "a C ~ ~ O a O ~ ..a o u m N ~ O O °' v ~ a' > u ~ " ° o y L ' u v ~ o . y `~ [ a v U ~ N ~ a ~ ~ . N .~ C x ~'-' v o ,~ ~' . o [ . ~ C O v o A. v ...' O ~ y ~ .~, 0 '~ Cl, ~ ..~ c a ~ ~ ~ vv ca ~ b.0 O U 6J cC ~ u ~ ! G ~ 4S ~ OJ - ~ Lam, ' _ ~ ~ .~ '~, O O C'1. C ~ U .~ O N Cd o . .. v o~ ~ ~ ` u ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ w u ~, 1 ~ cd . ~ c3 . . 0 v ~; ~ ~ v b.0 v [ .~ [ o ro .~ [ 3 3 :a .5 c u •~ ~ :[ ro U ~ u a~[ 3 V ~ Q ~ '~ G"'i ~ Q) p fd Q~ ~ i.. ..C ~ . N N H O ~, L cti .. . y > ~ U O C.1 <O ~ c , c o o ~ ~ ~ h o D , ° ~ „ ~ ~ -d .~ 4. .d [ .- ; r~ ago ~' . .Y w }J N ~ N ~. L U G O d. O O (~ ~ m ~ +--' ~ ~ C O C.. ca v o. ° , '+~ ~ ,_Q / Q~ y Cd ~ - ~ ~ ~ 0.S p - . ~.. Q ~ ~. ~ ~ :, , ~ ~ ~ U U.~ Q C. Q O v- _, O O bA N ~ 7~ C ~ N " '~.~ .C L QJ . N QJ a ~ ca N }, ~ c~ L ° m. ` ~ tinN~ n. n~~~ w.o u n~m: ' ' C E o ~ ` U LS C C f9 C O ~ C~ _O ~ (d Y (~ ~ ~ O ~ L ~ ~ V m ~ .~ ~ E c ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 'a ~ . ' ' ' ~ ~ o L a a ~ o ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ a a~~a~~ a. .n om ~~ ~~~ I NEW HANOVER COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS.. ' ` - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , ~' ~ Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~- ~ - . Department: Health Presenter: Denise Houghton . Contact: Renu Daryani, 6636 SUBJECT: ~. Grant Application-from 'the Nationa] Traffic Safety Administration for a. GROWING UP BUCKLED UP GRANT APPLICATION ` BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 1, 1999 the Board of Health (BOH) approved the grant application (see. attached grant application) for GROWING UP BUCKLED UP from the National Traffic Safety Administration for $54,731. Our goal is: ~ - To increase the safety of child-passengers by increasing booster seat usage among children ages 5 to 8 as well as, to educate older children about the importance.of using a seat belt for their entire life. GROWING UP BUCKLED. UP will be a community project through Safe Communities/Safe Kids of New Hanover County. A task for will be developed and led by the coordinator and a part time Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician (Health Educator) to carry out the. goals and objectives written in the attached grant application. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . ~, Approve Grant Application for GROWING UP BUCKLED UP, accept grant and approve budget amendment if grant approved and do all things necessary to accept grant. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: yes-26 page grant application ~ A REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: ~ FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ` Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: . . ~ COUNTY COMMISSION~~ -.. APPROVED n/ ~ REJECTED O ~ .REMOVED ~ Y, I POSTPONED O :.' «~ ~ ~ c! HEARD ~ `; ~ I ,_ _._..-,..i I .~ ~ - ~ , ~, .. ~-~ Introduction ~_ a roblem~of in' is one of the most serious health problems facing the. Th p Jam' citizens of New Hanover County and the State of North Carolina. Injury is the fourth leading cause 'of death in North Carolina;-and the leading cause for people between the ages of 1 and 44. Injury, deaths account for more years of potential life lost than any other disease. We,hope that with continued funding that we can .help reduce the number of ~ ' ' unintentional injuries. . I would like to express my thanks to NHTSA for these ,opportunities, and - supportingour traffic safety programs in the past. Stay. Safe ~~ ~~~ • : . Renu Daryani _ ,Safe Communities ~. i ~I ~ : ` 141 ~ ~ . ~ ~ .. i . .; Table of Contents Introduction Location .......................::................:...........':......:.:.....:.:...:.::......:.....:..1 Population ........................:.........................:.........:...:...................:.....2 The Problem.....:......, ...............................................................:...........3-4 Child Restraint Laws in NC .................:....................................:....:......:.5=6 Safe Communities/Safe Kids in N'evv Hanover County..:...,..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 ,, . Goals and Objectives .............................................................................:~ Implementation ...........:.......................................................................9-11 Staffing Plans ......................................:................................:...........12-14 Outcome Evaluations ............................................................................:15 r Letters of Support: u • • Governor's Highway Safety Program • North Carolina's Safe Kids Program • Child Advocacy Commission • New Hanover County's Sheriff s Department • NC Division of State Highway Patrol Appendiz • Membership Listing for Safe Communities • Please Be Seated Card • Resource Guide 1 142 • NHTSA # IDTNH22-99-H-05138 . Location New Hanover County is located in the tidewater section of southeastern North Carolina. ' The county is bounded on the east by: the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the Cape Fear. River, and I40. Wilmington and its surrounding area boast an unusual variety in the broad .base- of its ecdnomy. Its part of a major resort area, film industry, busy seaport, a manufacturing center, a chemical oriented industrial location and the distribution hub of southeastern NC. The_availability of manpower, excellent transportation, and pleasant living conditions have proven to be major factors in the area's accelerated growth, and progress in every area of economic •and civil life. Authoritative sources. have redicted continued henomenal . p p ` - growth rate for this area. Its leadership has never been stronger,::and its people have never been more united and enthusiastic. Wilmington, North Carolina is truly a dynamic city of ` ~. the South. As New Hanover County continues to grow occupant protection continues to be a • concern. We are one of the smallest counties in North Carolina; yet NC Crash Facts reports that we are #1 in the state for total crash rate (/100 MVMT). in the-future UDT predicts that in our county there will be a ... • Crash every 1.5 hours • Fatal Injury every 673:8 hours • Injury, every i .9 hours Population New Hanover County's population grew by almost 20,000 between 1990 and 1995 according to state estimates. By the year 2000; at the rate of 2% per year, the county .'t ~ y, population is expected to climb to 156,196. New comers moving into the state account for less than half of the state's population growth. The greater number of births over deaths accounts for the majority of the growth. Projections for the area are provided ' ' -„ below: Table I: Population estimates and projections Source: NC Office of State Planning and New Hanover County Planning Department Table 2: Projected population of kids 0-I S in New Hanover County in the year 2000 .~ 144 0-4 9036 5 1880 6-13 15,670 14 -1911 15 1908 Total 30 405 - T'he Problem The problem of injury is one of the most serious health problems facing the citizens of New Hanover County and the State of North Carolina. Injury is the fourth leading cause of death in North Carolina and the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 1 and 44. Injury deaths account for more years of potential life.lost than any other disease. It is one of the most pressing public health problems in the United States today, yet the problem continues to go largely unrecognized. The reasons for the neglect are many: • No one expects to be injured, much less die from injury. • Death following injury commonly happens to young adults and children, and they never expect to die from any cause. ® Disability or death .from injury is viewed as an act of God or an unpreventable accident. In fact; these assumptions that injuries are accidents are not true. Most "accidents" are preventable, with only a small amount of planning. Motor vehicle crashes are one of the most common causes of traumatic death. Factors contributing to these fatal crashes continue to be nonuse of restraint devices, use of alcohol and drugs, and failure to obey traffic laws. Injury is a major cause of death in young people (who cannot or do not speak well for themselves). The young usually ignore the issue, they have no fear, are not politically active or involved, have few assets, and have no one to speak for them. Injury, therefore, is clearly neglected by legislators, judges, politicians, and PARENTS. ...Public opinion, personal responsibility, education, and prevention campaigns can modify the factors contributing to these injuries. Taking a closer look at the data we can prove that motor vehicle injuries effect everyone in the community. Figure 1: Iniurv related deaths in New Hanover County in 1997 Total=77 Homicide 18% Suicide '~''~~~~' 4~ 23% ~ ~~ .- ~'aY~M1JC I ~F =r': ~~. -'_ ~` ~~s'~="~~s Other ;-~w- Motor Vehicle 23% D Other ®Motor Vehicle 0 Suicide Homicide ~ 145 3 Iniurv related deaths in North Carolina for 19! t Homicide Suicide 15% 20% _, ,.~ ~$ ~k fx.,. Y . x 1 , . - Other- 1°~~'~` Unitentional ~~P~~%t~'/fti ~,_ Motor Vehicle al- 4 Other- Unitentional ®Motor Vehicle , D Suicide Homicide Hospital Admissions: ~ , Injuries are responsible for nearly three million hospital admissions every year in North, Carolina. Injury is the leading cause of hospitalization for persons up to their mid 40's. As illustrated .in Table 3, in 1997, 759 people were admitted to New Hanover Regional . Medical Center. Falls were the leading cause of admissions, followed by motor vehicle accidents and gunshot wounds, The numbers of 1997 injury admissions are typical of New Hanover County and are repeated year after year,. Table 3: Type and Frequency of Injury/Trauma Admissions in NHRMC, 1994-1997 ~ ~~ Falls 350 259 295. 319 Motor Vehicle Crashes 274 228 251 260 Motorc cle Crashes 16 24 ~ ~ 16 - 21 . Burns 12 - ~ 6 16 ~ 15 Bike 14 17 13. - 8 Gunshot Wounds 53 38 10 ~ 51 Stab 21 25 53 14 Pedestrians 12 27 20 29 Drownin 4 5 0 0 Assaults 49 47 49 . 42 Total 805 ~ 676 727. ~ 759 *Includes only the major mechanisms of injury in the registry Source: NHR1~C Trauma Registry 146 4 .. ~ Child Restraints-Seat Belts • . North Carolina The Department of Transportation, recently released the 1998 Traffic Crash Facts report ' and it indicated these statistics: • 96% of North Carolina children under the age of four ~ involved' in 'a crash were - reported as being restrained either by a child: restraint or an adult belt system: For children aged four through 11, the percentage decreased to 93%. - ® 10 children (with known restraint usage) under the age of four died in North Carolina ' crashes;. five were unrestrained. In addition, 43 children ages four through 11 died; 13 were restrained and 30 were unrestrained. As a result of the decline in usage rates of older children, child passenger safety advocates pushed for tougher occupant restraint laws. The 1999 session of the North Carolina General Assembly enacted changes to North Carolina's three occupant restraint laws. Changes to the Seat Belt and Children in the Back of Pickup Truck laws were minimal. For both of these laws, obsolete provisions . were deleted and the "25.00 fine" for a violation was redefined as a "25.00 penalty." that will o into effect October 1, 1999 and. that will directly effect .the Basic .changes g -~ ~ requirements for seat belt and child safety seat use'and.enforcement are as follow: . NC Child Passenger Safety Law (G.S.20-137.1) Effective Through S'eptember'30, 1999 • Children less than age 12 must be buckled up in either the front or back seat ® Children less than age four must be in a properly used. child restraint device (CRD) . {any type of CRD as, long as it met Federal Standard 213 at -the time of its manufacture and the child is within the.weight range as specified by the manufacture a and the child is within the weight range as specified by the manufacturer for the specific CRD}. . • Children ag_ e four or older allowed to be buckled by a seat belt rather than being in a CRD. Effective October 1, 1999 • Children less than age 16 must be buckled up in either the front or back seat. Children less than age five and less than 40 pounds must be in a properly used child -restraint de~e (C~) {any type of CRD as.long as it met Federal Standard 213 at the time of its facture and the child is within the weight range as specified by the manufacturer for the specific CRD}. ., ~ `t 5 Children age five or older or children less than age five but who weigh at least 40 pounds are allowed to be buckled by a seat belt rather than being in a CRD • In vehicles equipped with an active passenger-side' front air bag, if the vehicle has a rear seat, a child less than five years of age and less than 40 pounds in weiglit shall be properly secured in a rear seat, unless the child restraint system is designed for use with air bags.. '~ ~ ' • ''' : s--~ - ' NC Seat Belt Law (G.S 2I0-135.2A) ~. .; Effective through September 30, 1999 o Drivers and front seat passenger's ages 12 and'older must be restrained by a properly; .A fitted seat belt. (Passengers less thari'age 12 are~covered by'the Child passenger,Safety law) . ,, . Effective October 1, 1999 ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ •'' ® Drivers and front seat passenger's ages 16 and older must be restrained by a properly fitted seat belt.. , NC Children in Back of Pickup Trucks Law ''' ® No~changes to .basic requirement ,•• .., ,` ~. , .. ~~•• ~ ,. .. ,. ~ ` ~ • ~ i. 14~~~ .. , 6 Safe Communities/Safe Kids in New Hanover County • ' In l"997, the Director of NC Safe Kids approached New Hanover to start a local coalition, ' at the time New Hanover County was searching for funding for an Injury Prevention Specialist and did not commit to starting the coalition. Yet, we did feel that occupant protection.was a serious problem and committed to beginning a local Buckle Up Kids Program. The New Hanover County Health Department was the lead agency and teamed up with local law enforcement, Child Advocacy Commission and locale; Governor's Highway Safety Program to provide child passenger safety education in the area. _ ~ Since the program began in February of 1997, 112 people made up of local law ' enforcement, nurses EMS, child advocate groups, day care owners, car dealer's etc., have been trained to install and educate parents of correct usage. We 'have held numerous : events such as: PROGRAMS: Bount Pro rams S Bakers for Car Seat Education ' Two Day Trainin Resource for Media Grou s - Provide .Monthly Classes for Medicaid Vince and Larry poster contest and costume moms loaner rogram ' Egg. Derby (preschool-2nd grade) seatbelt Buckle Bear Appearances rogram Received funding for seats through grants Kids on the Block Transportation Safety and local civic ou s su ort Pro ram (NEW!) Toy R' US car seat clinic ~ His. anic Car Seat Classes In January of 1999, the County Commissioners approved the position for- an Injury ' Prevention Specialist to be employed by New Hanover County Health Department. As of June 1999, New Hanover County began building an Injury Prevention Coalition. These efforts are funded and supported by the State Department of Fire and Insurance and Governor's Highway Safety Program.. The New Hanover County Safe Communities/Safe Kids Coalition has a wide member-base of community leaders. committed to supporting the safety of this county. Monthly meetings are held and events are planned with full support of all agencies involved. (See Membership List attached in Appendix A). The coordinator of these efforts, the Injury Prevention Educator, will serve as the program. manager: The Program Manager has received both the two-day training and- recently completed the NHTSA four-day child passenger safety course. ~ As time allows local . - highway troopers and advocates plan to be trained. ' With the new laws coming into effect, we also realize the importance to endorse booster seat usage and continuous seat belt use. In the past with the~Buckle Up Kids Program we have focused on restraint usage for children up to age four..Injury data proves that young children need to be restrained. The Safe Communities/Safe Kids .Coalition will ensure - . continuous involvement in all occupant protection programs in New Hanover County. 149 !: 7 { ~ • ~ ..~, ~- ~:~=, Goals and Objectives ~ ; Goal ~ ~ . Our goal is. to increase the safety of child passengers by increasing booster seat usage among children ages 5 to 8.as well educate older children about the importance of using a seat belt for their entire lifespan. Objectives: e Increase monitoring yand enforcement by updating. Seatbelt Usage Signs ' o Develop a media campaign to advertise the use of occupant restraint systems and ; booster seats m Coordinate and train community,service agencies'to` provide`child passenger safety `r information to their._clients ~, .. e 'Educate parents and children through child health clinics; checkpoints;~advertisements, doctor's offices, hospitals, schools,-and PTA's meetings ~ , • Collaborate with a group of peer educators fo• educate older children about the ` importance of using ~seatbelts and staying safe. ~ - =~ • Provide seats'for parents that need financial assistance and resources for those who can afford to purchase them ® Incorporate, child passenger safety issues in initial screenings for parents receiving medical-services . ~. ® .Organize Hispanic Traffic Safety Fair • ~ Organize Click it or Ticket Campaigns and~Car Seat Clinics with law enforcement o , Develop a program with the court system to`link violators with.an educational program that can help them obtain a car' seat . - ~~ - ' ` ~ ' o Survey parents and children about safety behaviors to establish patterns of usage o ...Record programs offered, and have quarterly checkpoints to~determine'usage rates . ,:. ~~ -, r ' . ~ a r •~ ~ ~ ~ - , 150 -, 8 Implementation ` ~ Our program will follow the Safe Communities program philosophy.. Various partners . _ that represent enforcement, prevention, acute care, and business community will be involved. The implementing partners and leaders will be divided into working groups, and . ` volunteers will. assist in events. • - - ~ In August .and September, Trauma Services Department of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, ,Health Department, City of Wilmington's Planning and Engineers, local law enforcement, media representatives, Wilmington Health Access for Teens and . concerned citizens collaborated to implement an extensive Stop Red Light Running. . .Campaign. The Safe Communities/Safe Kids effort is a subcommittee of a larger coalition , Communities that Care, that is sponsored through the Governor's Crime Prevention . Program. New safety projects and initiatives are reported at quarterly meetings. - •._ The.monthly Safe Communities/Safe Kids meetings will be held to develop a committee dedicated to this project. Attendees will include potential sponsors, supporters, • representatives of the target group, program implementers, program evaluators, enforcement officials, and members of the community. Next, we plan to publicly launch the program "Growing Up Buckled Up" at a checkpoint event. All concerned parties will be at the event, as well as the program director. The Governor's Highway Safety Program of North Carolina plans to launch an extensive media evenf of the new law change starting October 1, 1999. A series of monthly events will be planned. Anew assistant will saturate the community with seatbelt education/checkpoint programs for youth. Monitoring of the number of programs, seats installed, seats checked, and seatbelt usage rates will be ongoing during .the project. I . ~ ~, •_ ~~ . I . .i i - i i ~. 1 .~ ~ ~ 151 . 9 - ~ j . I Specific Events and Ideas are specified in the following timeline: Monthly events include the following:. ~ ~ f =; Child Passenger Safety Class.. for Moms Safe Kids/Sa, fe Communities Meetings , ~ ; ; , Presentations at local civic groups Monitoring of Seat Belt Usage Signs '" ~ ' ~~ ' Evaluating each month: discuss problems and achievements each month October .. - , • 1St of °ctobeT new Child Passenger law becomes effective , , • Press releases about program and the new laws . ~ , ~ lam°ro~~~ Child Passenger Safety Course for parents • Contact advertising agencies for local media campaign ideas • Assistant attends 4 day NHTSA training in Harnett County NC October 26-30 26e' °f °ctobe Halloween Safety Carnival ~ - ~- r November ~ .. , . e Organize a local Click it or Ticket Campaign o Hold.,a 2 day CPS training for community agencies , ~ . ~ , • Develop program brochures, posters, place mats for,schools, doctor's offices, and restaur`an'ts • Send letters out to teachers about various traffic safety programs offered in'the community . o Media attention about traveling and wearing-seat belt during holiday traffic • Distribute "Please be Seated Cards" to local merchants and advertise where citizens can get the cards (See Appendix A for sample of card) December • Red Ribbon Don't; Drink and Drive Campaign, for New Hanover County to stop gunk' driving, - tie in youth occupant protection this year . • Informational booth displayed at local merchants - ' • Speak at local schools stressing importance of occupant use January ~- ~ ' ~ y • Quarterly reports. due to State .and' NHTSA i . • Y2K: The future of traffic safety: Release injury data to public • Hold Booze It and Loose IdClick It and Ticket Campaign for the holidays • Red Light Running Cameras to be installed, plan to stress to new drivers to buckle up • Hold youth programs in elementary schools: Egg Derby, Kids on the Block, videos and educational speeches • Advocate'to county officials for proclamation for February being Child Passenger Safety Week February • Buckle Up for Love: Growing Up Buckled Up • Hold car seat clinics during child passenger safety week • Media attention during the week • Educational seminars to preschool parents Seatbelt clinics at local elementary schools March • Two day training Child Passenger Safety Course 1 2 • Spring Break: Target youth eight to 15 to wear seat belts and develop safety practices 5 ~o . • Speak at local civic groups and ask them to sponsor fundraising events for youth occupant protection programs ' April • Don't Be an Egghead: Buckle Up Campaign for parents and children Vince and Larry Coloring Contest • Planning for Baby Safety Shower in May May' • Quarterly reports due to State and NHTSA ~ . • .National Safe Kids Week: Baby Safety Shower/Seat Belt Booth • Hispanic Safety Fair-Car seat education, bike rodeo, fire safety etc. ` • America Buckle Up Week! June • Lunch and Learn for physicians, pediatricians about seat belt usage • Kids on the Block Presentations on Seatbelt Safety at summer camps • Review medical records and survey community about safety belt behaviors July. ~ . • Press releases about traffic safety e Quarterly reports due to State and NFiTSA .. , • Begin drafting final reports and "evaluation data , August . • Back to School. safety fair at the park • , Work on compiling data for final report September . • Prepare final reports • Complete presentation materials • Write thank-you .notes to all sponsors, agencies,.. and volunteers • ~ Checkpoint before Labor Day holiday , October • _ Planning for nett year ' • .Project Overview for Board of Health and County Commissioners . - .~. W .. -~ ~ , . # 153 .. 11 1 . ~ i . I Q . --Staffing Plans Growing Up Buckled Up will be a community project through Safe Communities/Safe Kids of New Hanover County. A task force will be developed and led by the coordinator and a part time CPS technician assistant. The current task force members include Child Advocacy Commission, local law enforcement; `Smart~Start for Children, New Hanover County Schools, and Health Department staff. As the program grows - other agencies will be added. The following shows the organizational chart: ~ ' Groweng Up buckled Up! ,, .- Program. Manager Qualif cations Include: A Graduation from a four year university _. -. Safe Communities/Safe Kids Coalition Coordinator . ... - Buckle Up Kids Coordinator - Marketing Leader/Sponsor for Stop Red Light Running Campaign - Leader in the New Hanover County Bicycle Coalition - Effective in maintaining relationships with the community - 2 day CPS training ~ , . - 4 day NHTSA CPS training - Creative/innovative and Computer literate - Presents ideas effectively both orally and in writing - Writes grants and searches for funding opportunities - Reports to Health Promotion Supervisor :. If the grant is received a CPS assistant will be hired part time. This individual will be a Health Educator I. This person will be responsible for implementing programs, developing resources, and educating the public. A general job description is included in the following .pages. 154 f~ 12 Outcome Evaluation M The New Hanover County Health Department's Injury Preventiori~program completed a detailed Injury Needs Assessment in April of 1999. We plan to use the assessment, to ' update and re-evaluate yearly. Data that is used to compile information includes the following: - Injuries and fatalities among target population . ~ - Injury cases admitted to the hospital - Emergency room data - Direct observation ' . - - Measure of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, or intentions - Administrative Evaluation - Cost-Benefit Analysis- $ towards prevention vs. $ towards injuries/lives saved' a - How did people find out about the program What worked, what didn't As a part of our Safe Co~annunities Coalition a local statistician from Coastal Area Health . .. Education Center will help with strategies before and after program implementation. There is a local ~Jniversity and a distance learning program through University of Chapel Hill, and we plan to solicit their help. ~ . .. . I i - - ~ . ~. 155 ~ . 13 . i I__1~-~ Au ust 12 1999 . g ' .. Renu Daryani __ , Health Educator ~ . New Hanover Co. Health Dept. r 2029 17~' St. , . . • _ . Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ - ' .Dear Renu: ~. We are delighted to hear you are applying for funds to~expand.your child restraint initiatives in New Hanover County:. As one of the newest Safe.Communities coalition and lead~agencyfor New Hanover SAFE KIDS, the New Hanover Health Department is continuing'an aggressive campaign to address .traffic safety issues that started more than a decade ago. The strong and active commitment from the various professional groups in the county attest to the importance local officials have placed on traffic safety and injury prevention. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has lor-g recognized New Hanover County's law enforcement, health department, and medical community leadership for sucessful programs that have been carried out there. We hope NHTSA will see your grant application as another opportunity to showcase a well planned and strong community traffic safety initiative. Certainly, NC SAFE KIDS supports your efforts and I know Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Jim Long; Chairman of NC SAFE KIDS, commends your enterprise. Please let us know if we can help in any way. Good luck with the application process. 156 ~~ Insurance Commissioner Jim Long, Chair Borth Carolina Department of Insurance • Fire and Rescue Services Division • P.O. Box 26387 • Raleigh, NC 27611 Phone: (919) 733-2142 or (800) 634-7854 • Fax: (919) 733-9076 .. Jim Long ~imissioner bf Insurance ~ , , , , ~ .State Fire Marshal rREVENTION • ?IZOGIZAMS • GRANTS August-12, 1999 Renu Daryani ~ ~. .New Hanover County Health Department . 2029 S. 17~ Street . ~ Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear~Renu: . We are proud of the partnership we enjoy with the injury prevention community in New~Hanover County and support your efforts to expand your childhood injury , prevention efforts. New Hanover County joined our Buckle Up Kids Family in October of 1996 with Denise Houghton and Janet McCumbee as co-primary contacts and Larry Ray, ' ~ Director of New Hanover EMS, as secondary contact. Wilmington was one of the 7 sites ' chosen for the first nationally recognized "Click It or Ticket" car seat clinic. Following this clinic New Hanover law enforcement indicated a desire to be a leader child passenger ' safety. Denise and Janet were trained as instructors and met the challenge of training their police officers, deputy sheriffs and other law enforcement. New Hanover County's traffic safety partnership can serve as an example for other communities. i .With-the addition of your leadership to the New Hanover team in 1999, the rapid ..expansion of injury prevention initiatives, including Safe Communities, SAFE KIDS, and expanded Buckle Up Kids Programs, the county is setting the pace for the rest of the state. Youi coalitions' efforts and the partnerships you are developing are helping to expand the knowledge ,of county residents about safer homes, motor vehicle travel, and highway safety. Above all, the ultimate recipients of your work are the children in New Hanover County. ~ ~ w ~ ~ . ~ ~~ . .. ~ .. . .. .. ~ ~ .. . _ ~ X57 .~ PO Box 26387 ~ Raleigh, NC 27611 • 919/733-2142 • .800/634-7854 • FAX: 919/733-9076 ~ ~ . ~ f NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE ,. ~ ~ , ~. We commend and support your,efforts to obtain funding :to provide a stronger child restraint program in New Hanover County. I know the counties surrounding New Hanover County look to your coalition base for help and issues and T am sure the would be su s' rtive since ou ~iudance'on injury prevention Y PPS ,, ~, Y ,are always looking beyond county boundaries for collaborative purposes. Good luck with your application and as always, .please let us lrnow how we can help. Sincerely, Deb Hicks, Deputy Director of Prevention, Grants and Program Development Office of State Fire Marshal DLH/pmp .. ~,.. 158 '~> ~efz~ ~ttrtufaEr fl~nurttg ~S.~.exif #'~~ C~~~tt~ Safe Communities/Safe Kids Coalition Membership Listing Continuing toDevelop. I. Renu Daryani, Coordinator-New Hanover County Health Department 2. Dr. Thomas Clancy, Head Trauma Surgeon-New Hanover Regional Medical Center 3. Janet McCumbee, Director Child Health-New Hanover County Health Department 9. Barbara Shell, Community Outreach Coordinator-New Hanover Health Network S. Sgt. M.C. Green Wilmington Police Department;North Command 6. Judy P Evonko-Animal Control Shelter Supen~isor 7. Michelle Gunn-Family Services Specialist, New'Hanover'County: Smart Start ~~ 8. Alice Matthews, Trauma Program Manager, New.Hanover Regional Medical Ce~7ter 9. Janis Pullian, Health Educator, Wilmington Health Access for-Teens ' 10. Robert Skaggs, Safety Manager, City of Wilmington 11. Kristin Cooper, UNCW student; Students and Community for~Alternative Transportation ~ ~ ~ ' 12. Besty Rivenbark, Director of .Child Abuse Prevention artd A~-vareness, Child Advocacy 13: Carol Trambukis, Planner; Southeastern Center for'Mental Health~Development 14, Sgt. Stan Crowder, Crime Prevention Urzit; 1Veiv.Hanover County Sheriff's Dept :_ , ; I S. Ed MclVlaim, :Traffic Division, 1Vew Hanover Couitty Sheriff's Department 16. Y'errur Attivood, Crime Prevention, City of Wilmington Police. Dept 17. Sgt. Ed Gibson, Traffic Division,_ City of Yilmington Police Dept' 18. Scott Overholt, Attorney at.Law, Taft, Taft, & Haiglet• 19: John Ranalli-Communities that Care Coordinator, Netiv Hanover.Regional Medical Center. ' 20. Mark Moore-officericar seat. insiructor,NC Highway Patrol 21. William Austin-Transportation Planner-City of Wilmington 22. Mark Boyer-Public Information Officer Netiv:Hanover County 23. Cpl. Chad Lewis-D.A.RE.•~ i . ,° ', -. . 29. Diane Avery-Director of Community Relations, 'New Hanover County Schools 25. William Clancy-Director, Child Advocacy Commission 26. Lynn Smithdeal-Social Service Community Director DSS 27. Advisory Committee-Board of Health and Health Promotion Committee 28. Chief Benton, Wilmington Fire Department 29. Albry Rivenbark, Fire Marshal, County-Fire 30. New Hanover County Bicycle Coaltion Members (10) 31. Stop Red Light Running Program Committee (7) r. ~ , r. , :,. 160.:: ~~ e: f~ - ~~ v-\ ' ~ ! Ob52il'ed a l`!Gi ~'t CarGlina G`lild antler the age D} ,2 nGi prGteded :in a safety seat Gr not wearing a seat belt. Tits is an GbviGUS Violation of the state's Child Passenger Sateh~ la?~s. I understand that a frieridFy letter will bE sent ko the vehicle G~.vners asking therm to ' ooey this lie-swing law. They gill alsG receive information on hoe: to Gbtain a IGw-cGSi satery seat Gr one at no charge f the}' cannot atiard Ghe_ 7Prirt dearn~% _ , NC License I?laie Number ~ ~ mate cf Ob~ervaticn ~ Time j I / ! i Locatior of h1GVing Vehicle !street: F!igh4vay. City, County} I i------ -• -- ~ Number of Ghiidren Not Secured in Vehicle ! ~. ^ ~ ^ 3 ^ c^ 5 ^ S h~lpr;` I r-------------- -- ----- ._-_ ~ ,approximate F.ges~ o. Chi~dfr`~nt - i ,~__+ Infant-4 ^ 5-12 yrs.. ~ ~ ., Child{ren Sighted: - , , ^ Sitting on driver's lap ^ Front seat ^ Back seat ~' V I ^ Sitting, quietty, but not in child safety seat j i ^ S'rtti.,g Gn passenget'< lap ^ t~IGVi~g around in vehicle"tree iy ~ ~ i Back of pickup truck ^ Cth2r, ukase explain - j 1 ~ . l Cammen~s: 4 " { . ~ ~^ - ?FSezse reium Lard ~t~thir 1Q da•~s at ohser:atien! ' Thank You far helping tc save a child's life! For A4ore Cards; Call +,519; 733-0376 , - ~' '1(Xl ffYl r~nir< nr chic nnhlir f?nrlln'W.M wrrr, printed 0t a Cf1S1 Or 56.(K)il Oi SO.QS OCf CODS'. _ • ~ _ ~ - 161`. . , ~ ~ .. • SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION ~ . ~• ~~ PROPOSED CASTS COST ELEAlENT DIRECT LABOR Name Labor Category Rate ou ota 13.03 40ttrs inkind Renu Daryani; Program Manager Health Educator~I; Health Educator I 12.77 20hrs 13,ZSI CPS technician $ 13281 • TOTAL' DIRECT L~aBOR ' LABOR OVERHEAD/FRINGE BEPIEPITS 3.5 ~ $ ~79Q.91 , $100 mileage TgAVIEL •ytemi zed. for each trip) NHTSA •4.,day training-$248 hotel $64 dinner Meetings with COTR in~ ' ~"°r ~~~~ Washin ton ` Transpartstion g $200 airfare/$100hotel/$124 meals A'iiscellaneous Local travel for •CPS tech. $ 8 0 • Training: Transportation $1QO.d~ $ 150Q~•00 .Total Travel _.•_~ OTHER DIRECT. COSTS Itemize: Postage-$1000 Posters/Brochures $4000 $ 35159.00. . Proxima Projector--$12,000 Kickoff events $1000 Media Campaign-$10,000 ~ Booster Seats $3398 • Educational Supplies-$`3761 $ 53730.9.1 Subtotal ~, $ OVERHEAD ___._ $ 1000.00 GENERAL & ADMIN.• $35 @.12mos.Storage Unit-$420 Phone=$180.00 Desk for CPS tech. $400 ~ 54730.91 TOTRL ESTZMATB . 1 ~~ ~ " ~ e rovided for xsTSA fuadi~' *NOTS: Separate breakdowns must b p and applicant funding/contribution. ,~ ~P'LICATION fOR .1=~DERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATES 8% 1399 OMB Approval No. 0348-00~ Appupnt Identifier 1. TYPE OF SUBM15510N: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Appligtion Identifier 1'roation Preappllcaflon d' onatruction ^ Conatructlon 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier ' on-Conatruetion .Non-Construction ~5. APPLICANT INFORMATION ;Legal Name:. Organizational Unit - New Hanover County Health Department ,Address (grve dry, cvunly,,Sta7e, andzip aoOeJ: Name and telephone number of person to be contacted on matters involvir 2029 S . 17th Street . this appi~catlon(gnre area cndeJ Wilmington, NC 28401 New Hanover County, Renu Daryani-910-343-6636 ~fi. EMPLOYEA'iDENTIFlCATION NUMBEA (E/NJ: 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (enteraPpropriafeletlerm banJ ' 56 -;60 0 3 24 a . A. State H. Independent School Dist ~~: TYPE OF APPLICATION: B. County . I. State Controlled lnstttrtion of Higher Learning ~ ~ New ^ Continuation ^ Revbbn C. Municipal J. Private University ~ D..Township K. Indian Tribe tf Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) In box(es) ^ ~ E. Interstate L IndNidua! ;: F. intemsunidpel M. Profit Organization A. Increase Award 8. Decrease Award C. Increase Duration ~ G. Special District N. Other (specify) ~_' D. Decrease Duration ~ Other(soed/yf i> _ ~ 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: • :. 11FiTSA ~ - ~9t7. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC .ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: 0 6 - 0 0 d . . Up Growing by Buckle • TITLE: 1' S AFFECTED 8Y PROJECT (Clb'es, Caundes, States, ellwJ: New Hanover County 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGFIESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Date Ending Date ..: a,.Applicant- b. Project - ' 10/99 ;~ 10/01 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: ~ 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE . ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a. Federal; S 54730.00 1St year ~. ' • a. YES. THIS PREAPPLICATIOWAPPLICATION WAS MADE b, Applicant ~ .-'- S 00 AVAILABLE TO T~tE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 ' PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON: ~. shit® s DATE :.; Local. S 00 b. No. ^ PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. O. 12372 s. Other I S 00 ^ OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE • 37,021 (in-kind) FOR REVIEW" !. Program Incame S 00 . • 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINOUEN7 ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? g. TOTAL. y S ' ~. ~ ^ Yq If 'Yea; attach an explanation., [] No 9'17.51.91 • • ° 1,8. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATIONlPREAPPUCAnvN AHE TRUE AND CORRECT, THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COUAPLY WITH THE A CHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE is AWARDED. ' w Narr-e. f Ay~horized epresentative b. Title C. Telephone .Number _ avi ~~ ~ Health'Director 343-6591 ~. Signature Auth ed Represerrtathre e. Date S)pned ~ . 'revious• Edition Usable Starxlard Form 424 (Rev. 7-97) ~arthorized for Local Reproduction Proscribed by OMB Groular A-102 , ,, ~$ ab ~: Z m O ., ' rr .. ;;~ ~ . ~ .. ~ ~ ~ , s .. ~~ . . , ` Ef3 fA ~ 69 . H N ' 1 ~f ;~ Ln ~ ~ m m N ~ , Q ~ ~ .. O Z ~ ~ ~ ,.~ c('a . _ Z EF? ER a d9 `y ~ - .~ r ., G ti o c~'1 Z ~ C ' -- . ~ . ' ., ~ 4 ( ~ N ~ m ~ LL ~ v a Q O O . '. O ~:a u C y . O o O O O O - Z ~ O~ ° ~ i ~ Z CJ 00 N 0. rn O O O O O O O ,n ~ n u'1 ~ _ O ~ ~ .. i ~ ~ .. ; .- ._ _ ; cU E ~p m ° ° ° o ~-+ °, rn ~ o ~ o o o o , . _ ° O o .. ~ o ~ c*~. ~ I c*1 t~ ~'1 N c~'1 O u-1 ~- I .-+ c'l ~ .-~ N .. ~ ~ I - d4 EA '' 69 64 d4. . C .. _ ~ ~ ~ U r l y ` L , 'r~ (p ~ ~ l W ~ C oQ E~ °`r' tE_ C)' cw E `O ~ ~ ~ m U p O y ,. 41 ~ ~ ' m r N 00 ~ ~ y O ~ O ~ :~ ~. C I .t O `V' ~w E. ~ ~ , ~ U ~ °° E .m ~ .2 '- U ~ E N O ~ . ~ t~ t!1 cC B Q ~ j p ~„ ~ _ ~ C 1?r a ~ ¢ ~, c ,c~ ~ LL . ~~= w cn U ° U O, ~ . c ~ . !E , ~ ~ ~ , 0 a. ~ ~- . { NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ • . Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ . ., .Department: Library Presenter: - Contact: David Paynter SUBJECT: ~ .. Lease extension for Plaza East Branch Library • BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' The Plaza East Branch Lease expires 12/31/99. The Library has requested a six month extension to maintain library services in that area of the County until the new Northeast branch is opened (estimated May, 2000). A six month extension was the shortest period of time the landlord was willing to grant. Since. funds were budgeted only to 12/31/99, an additional $18,000 is requested to cover the rent for six months . ~ ($3,000 per month). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Approve lease and associated budget amendment #00-0027. . FUNDING SOURCE: I Contingencies ATTACHMENTS: • - ~ ~ ~, BA00-0027.vv REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A, COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' AC f NS/COMMENTS: . .. COUNTY COMMISSI APPROVED 13''~ ~:, , REJECTED •^ ~;~= - REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O . ,,. ~ ~ ~.. 4 HEARf~ ~I ` ~ STATE 0~' NORTH CAROLINt1` ~ ~' ~• COUNTY OF NEW HANOVEk~ ` LEASE RENEWAL AGREEMENT . . ~ ~.~. • TI-IIS LEASE RENEWAL AGI~CEMENT is made and entered into this ~ day of August, 1999, by axed between Witmizagtozr Holdzrag Corporation ("Landlord"}; and Netiv I~anover PubT.ic Z,ibrary ("Tenant"). The Leased Premises axe a part of 1'laia ~±.ast S[iopping • Center, located in t11e City of Wzlzrurrgton, County of New Hanover, State of Noxtli Carolina. WI'I'NESSETT-T: WT-j[Ek~EA.S, Lal~dlord and Tenant have enteredk info a I.,ease Agx'eerxzent dated July 20, 1992, and • _ :WI-EREAS; the parties he.xeto desire ~to aanend and modify the•L,ease as }~exeiz~after set > forth: A • .• NOW THEREFORE, by mutua,T agreerrient of the parties and in consideration of the premises and obligations hereinafter set forth, sand Lease is hereby amended. and ~nodifiecl as follows: - - ' Landlord and Tenant agree to rene~v(extend the term of said Lease for a pe,tiod of Nn. (0) year(s) and six {6) naonth~s, from January 1, 2000 to ,lone 3U, 2U00. Base Rent duriog this pexiod shall follow the schedule below: , ~ ~ -, $3,OU0.00 monthly; The pro rata share of Textant's txiple net charges have been estimated as follows: Corruiaon .Area Maintenance: ~' $U monthly; ' $0 annually ' ;deal Estate Taxes: $U monthly; $U annually Insurance: $0 monthly;,. , $U annually. , Except as hereby amended, alt other terms az~d conditions of the original Lea,sp Agreement shall remain in #'u}l force and effect. - ~ ~ ~ . IN .WITNESS ~VHEREOI', the Landlord and 'T'enant have caused this Lease .Renewal ,A.greetxtent to be duly executed this the day and year first above written. WITNE,S S T,ANDLORD: WiIrriirtgton Holding Corporation BY: g 1~ ~a"tt,'~"~-~ ITS: ~1'~>~ ~ ~~~~f~~ WIT NESS: ~ ~~~~~~Ir~~l TENANT: Netiv Hanover Public Library .,. y .:~.:.. ;- _ . 13Y: uR rnt~r.rr e n~R. Budget Amendment ' DEPARTMENT:. Library/Contingency BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0027 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental: Contingency ~ $18,000 • Library: Rent ~ $18,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies for an additional six months' rent on the Plaza East Library space to maintain library' services in that area of the County until the new Northeast Branch opens (anticipated _May 2000). S,ix months is the shortest term that the landlord will grant. The rent for the extended six months will be $3,000 per month (copy of Lease . Renewal Agreement attached). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION; With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in' Contingencies will be $325,823. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners rCOUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED [D-~ .REJECTED O REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HE~R~ o ~ 6 7 I ., -~ ,, 0 ~' J' Rrp~*~a!l~Vgls~~r~d1,`gv,~;r~+,} _4 C9.~V~4v"f.^v~. ~r~ 168 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~- ,: .,~, ' ~ NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMfSSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date: 09120/99 • `Consent~ltern #: 12 Estimated Time: Page Number:. •` Department: Library Presenter: - Contact:.. David Paynter ~ . SUBJECT: Coffee Service Contract with Port City, Java BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County will contract with Port City Java to operate a "coffee kiosk" at.the Northeast Branch Library. Port Clty will build the kiosk of its expense. In return, Port City will receive the profits from the kiosk. New Hanover County is guaranteed $6,000/year from the profits of the operation. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . • Approve contract with Port City Java and authorize architect to work with Port City in the design of the space. fUND'ING SOURCE: . ,NA ATTACHMENTS:- Lease agreement ~. :REVIEWED BY: ~ - LEGAL: .FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ` COMMISSIONERS' AC 10 S/COMMENTS: ' ` ~ ~ COUNTY CO~IMISS(ON APPROVED C4~-~_ . REJECTED ~ x REMOVED D ~• Q POSTPONED O ~ ~ ~J .., HEARD I ~ ~ DATE ~- - ~_~~` :~~:`~ ~T'i'h^' i New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 NORTH CAROLINA _ _ SERVICE AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~: THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of , 1999, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision ofi the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and PORT CITY. JAVA, .,:INC., ~~, ..-~ { hereinafter referred to as "Contractor". ._ + ", WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby " agrees with the County as follows: _ 1. Performance. Contractor shalt operate a coffee bar at the future County Library site situated on Military Cutoff Road in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County. Contractor.•shalfprovlde aN labor,-supplies, materials, equipment, and product in operating the coffee bar without any reimbursement beyond that specifically stated herein. - ,, . The County has the rightto approve any signage, designs, hours of.'operation, and menus, with such approval not be unreasonably withheld if fully consistent with•public library activities, organization, and operation; 2. Payment. County agrees to pay Contractor, for services rendered to County's satisfaction, a sum not to exceed One Dollar ($1.00), per year. 3. Term. Contractor shall commence work on and unless soot~ner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided, shall continue and exist for an initial term `of three;;(3);~years. ~ The parties may extend the service agreement for an ~`~ b ~~ ,.. 1 17 0~ ~ ~ , a ~ ~~1 S-a~•"i..w~.~ . ~; New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 additional five (5) year subsequent .period upon mutual agreement as to profit sharing terms not fio exceed a fifty percent (50%) increase over those arrangements .set forth in . Paragraph 17. • 4. ~ Traver. All travel will be at the expense of the Contractor. 5. Indemnity. ~ Contractor' shall indemnify and hold the County,. the Friends of the Library, Inc., their agents and employees, harmless against any and all ~~ claims, .demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of .personal. injuries or death or on account of property damages arising. out of or relating to the work to be performed by Contractor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Contractor, his agents,. employees and sub-Contractors. 6. insurance. Contractor shah maintain insurance from companies licensed'to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the ~. ._ kinds and minimum amounts specified below. - 7. Certificates of Insurance. Before commencing work ,under this ~`° .contract, Contractor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shah indicate the type, amount, class of operations. covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". 8. .Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. . I . 2 ~ 171 • . .; ~. ' ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 Covering all of the Contractor's employees to b'e erigaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000, applicable to~claims'due to bodily injury by accident or disease.'` ~ ~ ' ~ - ~' "t ' `9'. Commercial General Liability. Including coverage'for ` 'independent coritractor operations; contractual liability assumed under the, provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability'and broad form~'property damage liability insurance~coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and ~ ' ' ' underground hazards are to fje'deleted'when the work involves fhese'exposures: The policy shall provide liability' lirriits at least in the amount of $500,000 per occurrence, corp6ined'`single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily inju'ry' and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as' an additional insured under this policy. ~ ._ ~ .: `.` ' ' 10. Automobile Liabili#v Insurance. Covering all owned, noh-owned and hired •Vehicles, 'p.roviding liability limits at least iri'the amount of $300,000 per - occurrence combined. single limits applicable to claims'd~ue to bodily injury and/or ' property damage: ° - ~ ~ _ ., 11. Negligence. Contractor will be liable for°ac'ts oi- omissions by Contractor, its employees, agents, orsub-Contractors. County will be liable for acts or omissions `by solely-attributable to the sole negligence or intentional acts of. County employees. ~, 172 3 ~ New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 • 12. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed , ~, that Contractor is an independent Contractor and .not an agent of County; and as such, Contractor, his. or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County. employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 13. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign this Agreement without the.written consent of the County. Provided, however, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld if the proposed assignment is fully consistent with public ibrary activities,. organization, and operation. 14. PERSONAL PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS., Any additions,' fixtures, or improvements placed o,r made by the Contractor in or upon the library premises, which are permanently affixed to the premises and which cannot be removed without any damage to said premises, shall become the property of the County and remain upon the premises as a part thereof upon the termination of this Agreement.. Aii other additions, fixtures, or improvements, to include trade fixtures,: office furniture and equipment, and similar items, which can be removed without any damage to the premises: shall be and remain the property, of the Contractor and may be removed from the premises by the Contractor upon the termination of this service agreement, provided that the Contractor sha11 bear the expense of any repairs. Ahy additions, . fixtures, or improvements require express County approval as set forth in Section 16. 15. MAINTENANCE AND UTILITIES. ,The County shall be responsible New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 for the mairtenance and repair of landscaping., foundation; external walls, roof, HVAC, ~ / electrical service to the site, arid sewer to the site, and shall bear all the expenses of - such maintenance and repair. ~ ' The Contractor shall maintain the premises in a neat, clean, safe, and sanitary condition, free of trash and debris. Contractor shall replace all damaged ~or broken glass, doors, frames and hardware. The Contractor shall bear costs of trash removal,. janitorial services; antl pest removal resu{ting from use and occupy"ncy of the described premises. The County'shall be responsible for the monthly cost of~electricity and water use. The County shall, at reasonable times, conduct inspections,pertaining to the status of maintenance and upkeep being- performed by Contractor. 16. ALTERATIONS AND :PARTITIONS. The Contractor may, subject to the sole discretion of~the County, make reasonable alterations and partitions to the J 1 premises and on or within the building located on such premises to-enhance their ~ suitability for the uses contemplated in this Service Agreement, provided, that prior written approval of~graphic plans for such alterations grid partitions shall be obtained from the ~Courity:' The Contractor shall incur and bear any and all costs associated with installation and construction of the coffee bar fixture's, equipment, and components. 17. Profif Sharing. Contractor agrees that'the County shall participate in profits derived by the Contractor in undertaking services hereunder, iri a guaranteed amount of Six Thousand ($6,000:00) Dollars per year, payable on a quarterly basis: 18. Service Agreement. This Agreement constitutes only a service arrangement and in no way creates any leasehold interests or real estate entitlements. 174 5 . New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 19.. Surety.. Contractor is obligated to pay all renovation costs and building modifications in any way pertaining to use of the .premises as a coffee bar. The coffee bar shall be an approximate one hundred fifty (150),square foot area constituting a portion of the main lobby area of the future County Library site situated on Eastwood Road in the City of ~Imington, New Hanover County, together with common seating area in the lobby and a four hundred (400) square foot storage space, or such other space as assigned by County. Following County bid of any premises renovation and modification resulting from .the proposed coffee bar activity, Contractor, Port City Java, Inc._ shall promptly. provide County a letter of credit or cash ,deposit in the amount of one hundred percent (100°/0) of the bid amount for such modifications and renovations to insure payment for such construction, prior to any County contract award for such work. 20: befauit and Termination. If Contractor fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Contractor . breaches any one, of the terms or conditions contained in this contract and fails to .cure - said breach within ten (10) days of County's mailing of Notice of Default, or otherwise fails to perform the work hereunder to the County's reasonable satisfaction, County may terminate this contract forthwith: 21. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire . understanding of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. the parties have caused the execution.of this 6 :175 ~ . ' New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 instrument, by authority duly given and on the day'±and year first~above vv"ritten. .. , ~' , NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] .. ~ ~ • , . Allen O'Neal, County Manager ATTEST: ~ , . Clerk to the Board PORT CITY JAVA, INC. ' (SEAL) - • By:~ ~ . President ATTEST: ,. _ t ~ .~ Corporate Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required ~ ' ~ ~ ' by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. • ~ Approved as to form: ..t' ~ ~ `. County Finance Director County Attorney -,, ~ . NORTH CAROLINA ~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ' ~- - ~ - ~ ' I, ~ ~ •• • , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F: Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover 176 7 C New Hanover County Contract # 99 - 0350 County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name. by its County Manager, sealed with its official seal and : .attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this .day of , 1999. -Notary Public ` My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ~ , a Notary Public in and forthe State ' and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came `before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of PORT CITY JAVA, INC. and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument ' was signed in its name by its President sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official. sealt this day of , 1999. Notary Public My commission expires: i 177 ~ . . ~ .. 178 ` ° O NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , ' Meeting Date: 09/20!99 ' Consent Item #: 13 Estimated Time: Page Number Department: Library . _ Preseriter: ; ~ ~ ' Contact: David Paynter . - • SUBJECT:. Submission form for Department of Cultural Resources Grants Program BRIEF SUMMARY:.. ~ ~ - ~ ' .The Library is requesting $80,000 to assist in the renovation of the 3,000 sq. ft. community meeting room at the Northeast Branch Library. The estimated cost for this portion of the project is $300,000. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Approve grant application and, if awarded, acceptance of grant and approval of related budget ~ ' , amendment . FUNDING SOURCE: State ATTACHMENTS: . Grant application- • }'` ne80,000.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: .BUDGET: Approve ,HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY~MANAGER'S MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ' Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS` A S/COMMENTS: ~ _ _ r COUNTY COMMI~10 ' ~ APPROVED •YA _ REJECTED ^ ~~ REMOVED ^ . , POSTPONED ^ w , ,~ ,7 9. HEARD t ~ ®ATE e _ __~-..j I~ -. ~ ~ i ` ~. SUBMISSION FORM FOR DEPARTMENT OF,CULTURAL RESOURCES GRANTS PROGRAM - Please type or print clearly. Complete this page only. (You may reproduce .this form on your word processor.) Your submission must be postmarked (or received at the proper address) no later than October 21,1999. Submissions will not be accepted via fax. Submissions should.be.sent to:.Donna . Rosefield, Office of the Secretary, Department of Cultural Resources, 4601 Mail Service Center; LRaleigh, Nc 27699-4601. 1. PROJECT: Renovation of the New Hanover Court~Northeast Public Library LOCATION OF PROJECT: 1241 Militar~Cutoff Road Wilmington NC 28405 ; New'Hanov~ Street/Mailing Address Town ~, County 2. LOCAL SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: New Hanover County Public Library' Contact person(s) David Paynter Title: Director ± Address (Street Address, City/State/Zip): 201 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Telephone: Day (9102772-7859 (Administration Offices Evening: same ~ ~ ~ `~,. ' Fax: (910) 341-4357 E-mail address: dpa, n~er(a~co.new-hanover.nc.us 3. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $80.000 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ITEMIZED BUDGET: The New Hanover County Public Library (NHCPL) is developing a Library Center on Military Cutoff Road, which will include a branch library, classroom space for the University of North Carolina at . Wilmington (UNCW), a coffee shop, and a large assembly room. Funding ($4.2 million) has been secured for this project from New Hanover County, and the projected opening date is May 2000: Private fiord raising has also raised nearly $800,000 to date for the library portion of the project. New Hanover County Public Library is requesting $80,000 to assist in the renovation of the 250 seat assembly room space. The projected budget for this area is as follows. Renovation costs $250,000 Total $300,000 Furniture 30,000 Equipment 20,000 Professional services 25,000 The assemblya roon~`whr!ch~cantaccommodate 250 persons, will serve all the residents of New Hanover County.' We expectlthe`~ass mb'ly room will be heavily used by UNCW, local civic and community groups, arts organizations,~aridzthe Library. s~~'t3~;f1~ 1 ~0 ~. ~~ ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 09/20/99 Consent Item #: 14 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Museum Presenter: Contact: Janet K. Seapker, Museum Director SUBJECT: Approval to Apply for Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) 50150 ' Matching Conservation Project Support Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Museum (CFM) wishes to apply to the Institute of Museum and library Services (IMLS) fora 50/50 match conservation Project Support grant. If awarded, the grant will be used to fund a Detailed Condition Survey to be done on the metal objects in our artifact collection. The total amount, $15,500 includes $7,750 of IMLS money matched by $7,750 of County funds already contained in the Museum's operating budget. A Conservation Assessment Project (CAP) grant, conducted in 1992, determined that the Museum's metal objects are most in need of conservation. The Detailed Condition Survey will be conducted by a metals conservator on.site who will execute a detailed written condition. report on each object. From the completed survey, the conservator will produce for CFM, a Long Range Conservation Treatment Plan. The Plan will indicate which objects need professional conservation treatment and establish priorities based on.the seriousness of their conditions. Sy .having such a written document, CFM will be able to better plan the expenditure of conservation money that is budgeted each fiscal year, and can set up a systematic treatment schedule for objects. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend New Hanover County Board of Commissioners authorize Cape Fear Museum to apply for an institute of Museum and Library Services for a Conservation Project support grant to be matched by funds already allocated in the museum's operating budget; and authorize the County manager to sign the application. Request authorization to accept the grant if awarded and approval of necessary budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: :Museum's already appropriated operating budget. ATTACHMENTS: ' REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:. N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: • Recommend the Museum be authorized to apply for grant and if awarded be accepter PAf ~A~~~ Af•~gB AI~9A 0/f~gB approval of any required budget amendments as a result of the grant bemgrawarded APPROVED C/ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ .REJECTED p / REMOVED ^ ;!, POSTPONED HEARD /~ ~Y' ®ATIE ~ `"~~ 20 ~' Q~~ so, request 181 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Consentltem #: 15 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Museum Presenter; Contact: Janet K. Seapker .SUBJECT: Request approval to apply for non-matching Cultural Resources Grant to .hire an archivist.for a year. BRIEF SUMMARY: ..The Department of Cultural Resources received $8 million from the General Assembly for cultural, historical or artistic projects. Cape Fear Museum proposes to apply for $29,755 to hire afull-time ' temporary archivist grid purchase needed computer equipment and archival supplies, to make its archival collections accessible to researchers, staff and the general public. The archivist will: customize purchased archival collections software to fif`Cape Fear Museum's needs; work with software designer to .convert all existing document records (approximately 10,350 paper artifacts, or 34% of total catalogued collection) into the new archival cataloguing system; catalogue the backlog and recent archive donations ' into the new system; and create proper storage and housing for all archive collections. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Recommend that the New. Hanover County Board of Commissioners authorize Cape Fear Museum to - apply for a Cultural Resources grant, which has no matching requirement, to hire and support an archivist for a year; and authorize the county manager to sign the application. Request authorization to accept the grant if awarded and approval of necessary budget amendment. .FUNDING SOURCE: _ No match required. ' ATTACHMENTS: ` REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve .BUDGET: Approve HUMAN R€SOURCES. NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend approval with the stipulation that when grant funds are exhausted the o~s'tion be terminated. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: C~`-'~ ' BOUNTY COMMISSI®~ . APPROVED C?/ ,;. REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ R POSTPONED ® as 8 3 FiEARI~ n ,I SUBMISSION FOR'~I FOR DEPARTMENT OF CUL' i uRAI, RESOUP.~ES GR_A:ti i S PROGRAANI Please type or print clearly. Complete this page only. (You ma re roduce this forte on your ~.vord ro.cessor.. y P P ) Your submission must be postmarked (or received at the prover addressl no later than October 21, 1999. Submissions will not be accepted via fax. Submissions should be sent to:.Donna Rosefield, Office of the Secretary, Department of Cultural Resources, 4601 Mail Service Center, Ralei;h, ~C 2;699--501. I. PROJECT: -Improving Management and Accessibility of Archive Collections at Cape Fear Museum. LOCATION OF PROJECT: -Cape Fear Museum, 814 Market St. , Wilmington,' NC ° 28401 ' Street/Mailing Address . Town- Zip County .New-Hanover. Z. LOCAL SPONSORING ORGAivIZATION: Cape Fear Museum Contact Person(s) .fanPt x. sea~ker Title: Director Address (Street Address, City/State~Zip): 814 Market St . , Wilmington, NC ~` 25401 Telephone (include area code): Day _9,10-341-4350 Evenin; 910-762-6301 Fax: 910-341-4037 e-mail address: j seapker@co .hew-hanover. nc . us Project Coordinator (if not Contact Person): ~ Fax: ' Telephorie''(incIuae area code): Day ~ Evening: r, .. 3. AI~IOUN~'REQUESTED: $29,75.5 ~ ' 4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .~~~ ITEMIZED BUDGET: Please See Attached -,.,,.~~}'~ ~~a' .~ .~. ~~ . 184 ~~~ ~~ ~, ~~. _. - 198-1998 -"f 'j~"j.~ ~ 814 Market Street ®Wiilnington, NC 28401-473;1 ~~~~~-~ ~-~- ~ 910.341.4350 ®Fax: 910.341.4037 .~ ~ ~' ,~ e-hail: cfmlC~wilmington.net AnAgen • ofNew''iover,Count~ Z(JZUZU.CO.neZU-l'CanOZJEY.YIC.bIS~CfF?1~CfiYCrYlaln.lZtYYC . PROJECT DESCRIPTION ~ , • Cape Fear Museum (C ~~ ), t' oldest history museum in Nortli Carolina, requests ~iizids to hire an archivist, {or a year, t mab its archival collections accessible to researchers, sta~~ and the general public. ' The museum, which interprets and preserves the history, science and cultures o{ southeastern North Carolina, was renovated`°t~t~~ly and expanded between 1987 and 1992. Part of the ~ ' ` expansion included a generous a ouz of collections storage space, azzcl since then donations to .the museum have increased si n i > itl . n a r re ~ rowth has been in ar lz'v g y 0 e p rtzcula a a o g c z al collections-large groups o~ pape~o~tizents. Until now, paper clocumezrEs wexe handled individually, each item catalogued as an object. The system-costs the museum valualzlc dine ~r ecorcl lzeepirzg as each. record contains a detailed . clcscription. Due to ilte sheer volume o°~za .cr docuzrzeuts now coming-izzto the collections, CI=M .~ zntezids to switch to azz archival eatalo~,~zng,~s~tem for paper items. Azz archival cataloguing system will increase the speed o~ processing documents due to a simpler ~orrnat:" groups o~ items are catalogued together with a broad overview description. No one currently on sta~~ has the training izi archive collections management to ~lz~'he transition in the record lzeeping system. " • Recently donated archival collections include ap, ~rox~nately 30 linear ~eet o~ paper documents, and represent:- the Wilmington Light In~azit~~Mr. 'I'. N. Simmons' Simmons Sea-Slzi~ business; Wilmington Chamber o~ Commerce's Peast o~ Pirates ~estivals; ~ormer city mayor,, Mr.~ ' ' J. F. L. Wavle; Mr. I-Iargrove Bellamy's.World War I and II zxzilitary careers; aviator Arthur Bluetlienthal anc~ ~aznily; and Henry Bacon McKoy. MTh, ca~ections-have not been catalogued. . due to the volume o~ a ers in each collection and are na art of the baclzlo o~ collections that Pp P g have never been processed. ~ , ti ~ 185 ~• = .. YVhere the Past has Presence The project will allow the museum to Hire afull-time, temporary archivist and purc~ase needed computer equipment and .archival. supplies. The archivist.'s responsibilities.will include cataloguing and organizing all archival collections to maize them easily accessible to,the general.. public, media, researchers and staff. Specifically, woriz-will include: ' customize purchased archival collections software to fit CFM's needs; . - x , . woriz with software designer to convert all existing document records (approximately 10,350 paper artifacts, or 34% of total catalogued collection), into the new archival cataloguing system catalogue the bacl.log aul recent archive donations into the new system; create proper. storage. and housing for all archive collections. ~ , The project will result ultimately, °~~x~,eater public awareness and use of the museum='s. edueational/historical resources aud~once put in order, can be maintained by collections staff and 1 d b vo unteers as instructe y the arc "'~~st. JUSTIFICATION OF PROJECT: ~ _ ~ .~ - The collections are a primary educational~'t~-,~of of Cape Fear Museum. The project directly correlates with the museum's stated obje;y,~~ to preserve and interpret~the history, .science'and cultures o~ southeastern North Carolir~~ ancl~ovide educational opportunities through- ~ ~ ~ .. - exhibitions and programs. Better accessibility; care and rizaintenance of the archive collection.will expand its use for research and display purposes. The archives will, in turn, be used in research, publications; news broadcasts; school programmnb a`~d the dissemination of.nistorical - . information. -Once the major organization of Material is~accomplishedt~collections.staff and. ~ ~ volunteers can maintain thesystem. ~ ~~ . ~ _, BUDGET ~"" r. Archivist salary ~ 2~'?,272.00 FICA (7.65°l0) 1,933.00 Archival storage supplies 1,000.00 IBM computer, monitor ~ printer 1,550..00 '~ ~ 29,755.00 1 ~6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 09/20199. ~- Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 16.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: .. ~~ ' DEPARTMENT: Various BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0026 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ .CREDIT General Fund:. County Commissioners' Office Appropriated Fund Balance ~ ~ $200,000 _ Emergency Management: . Hurricane Dennis Contracted Services $200,000 EXPLANATION: To appropriate fund balance for Hurricane Dennis related expenses (approved by the Board of Commissioners on August 30, 1999). With this Budget Ameridment Fund Balance in the amount of $5,224,839 has been appropriated. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be entered into minutes COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ., - , lioU~V I T ~~/fY11Y1~J~~Q ~~ APPROVED C ~ : ,~~,r~~ ,-;~d .. REJECTED« p'~~~~~ ~: . REMOVED-' ~0~4'b~3"~"?' . ~ Q ' _ POSTPONED q t;~'~n ~ °,' 1. V HEARfJ <.. _ ~.. ~ ~ ~~r a,~ .~ ®ATlr .. ~ ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Budget'Amendment Consent Item #: 16.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: - .~ DEPARTMENT:,.. Human Relations/Human Services Transportation . BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0029 ' ~ ADJUSTMENT `" DEBIT ~ CREDIT Human Relations-HUD ~, ~ , HUD Grant $40,000 • Advertising $5,000 Supplies ~ ~ $5,720 Travel ~ _ $25;000 Capital Outlay $4,280 Human Service Transportation Work First Funding $29,476 Work First Expenditures $29,476 Health-Injury Prevention. Handgun Safety Grant-CHIP $2,500 Supplies ~ , .. $1,950 Printing ,. $550' EXPLANATION: To ro{lover unexpended grant funds from FY 98-99 to FY -00. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVALSTATUS; To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: REMOVED 4)~'3.~:,~i POSTPONE=D C1~~;' '" ~ ~j 1 V V ~A / G ~ '_ yC-~ it ~~ ~° eouNrv coMn~ls ~N~1 Alala~e~- ~- ~ ,~~ ~i~~ ,. ~~.- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Consent Item #: 17 ~ Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Patricia Melvin ~ . SUBJECT: ~Gc.ID,~G `-~GeX~V~ . ~ Approval to submit application for Rural Operating Assistance Funding from./ 'NCDOT , $RIEF SUMMARY: , .. New Hanover County is eligible for an.allocation totaling $100,248 to continue transportation services to - elderly, disabled, Work First participants in New Hanover County, and the general public in the Wrightsboro/Rockhill/Castle Hayne area: RECOMMENDED MOT10N D REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ~ ' . ~c;~r~u~Fisti ~ Su bnti,~ ~ st ~-'~ . ~~ I i cafi u»~ au.~l-~.ori ze Cht~~ rn~t.a.K+o ~e ~t °'~ P'~r'~e . . «. c- o ~{- c.~Y-~; . e~L S-Ia.-temeR.~~ t~.H d ' ~i ec.eP-F .~'c~nd r n~ / f~~ro vcd b y NCD~T , FUNDING SOURCE: NC Department of Transportation ATTACHMENTS: - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend approval.. "COMMISSIONERS' ACTION / MMENTS: . COUNTY COMMI~10 . . APPROVED 'L . ~ REJECTED O REMOVED ^ , POSTPONES O , ,, ^ ~ HEARp IVi ®A7E ,.~~~a-~ ~ q .. ~ 189 .~ ., . ; ,. t ''~:r; •, >: 190 KtvlSty r Y ~i 5yy-1000 KUAt' ALLUI~A I IVNJ WORK REVISED COUNTIES. ~ ~ EDTAP" ~ FIRST RGP . ~ TOTAL Lee $44,'5 t9 ' .x $7;451. $14,338 $66,308 Lenoir $51,664 $14,183 $0 $65,847 Lincoln $46,718 $7,932 $0 $54,650 Macon $42,871 '$3,468 $11,219 ~ $57;558. Madison $39,024 $3,760 $6,156 $48,940 Martin $40,123 $6,217 $b0,913 - $57,253 McDowell $44,520 $5,970 $0 $50,490 Mecklenburg*+ $201,711 $58,431 $30;137 $290,279 Mitchell $36,276 $2,351 $9,272 $47,899 Montgomery ~ $40,673 $3,849 $0 $44,522 Moore . $57,160 $8,874 $.17,520 $83,554 ~ Nash`+ $57,.160 $9,579 $8,835 $75,574 New Hanover*+ $72,550 _- $13831 $13,867 $100,248 Northampton ___ $40,673 $5,947 ~~~~~$10,186 _ __^__ $56,806" Onslow+ $68,153 $18,031. $1"1,251 ~ $97,435 O"range*+ ~ $58,260 $9,143 , $11,911 $79,314. Pamlico $37,375 $2,671 ~ $8,857 ',, ".. $48,903 Pasquotank $41,222 $7,983 $12,251 $61,456 Pender $43,970 . $5,642 ~ $0 $49,612 Perquimans. , . $36,276 $3,130 _ . ~ $8,695 . ~ $48,1.01 Pwerson ~ ,: $41,772 $5,11.1 , „_ $0 .` $46,883 Pitt* $64,855 $20,025 ~, $0 $84;880 Polk $37,925 $2,843 $9,522 ~ $50,290 Randolph $68,153 $12,735 $25,358 $106,246 Richmond $47,267 $9,628 $13,929 ~• •"$70;824 Robeson $66,504 $26,592 $23,904 $117,000 Rockingham $62,657 $14,930 $20,479 $98,066 Rowan* $74,199 $15,746 $25,542 $115,487 Rutherford $52,763 $10,200 $9,941 $72,904 Sampson $50,015 $9,385 $9,319 $68,71.9 Scotland ~ $41;222 $7,008 $0 -" $48,230 Stanly $50,015 $6,721 .$15,356 $72,092 Stokes $42,321 $5,109 $13,507 $60,937 Surry "$54,412 $7,47$ $17,118 $79,G08 Swain $41,222 $2,692 $8,860 $52,774 Transylvania $41,222 $3,886 $11,246 $56,354 Tyrrell $45,070 $1,518 $0 $46,588 Union $57,710 $13,416 $0 $71,126 Vance $43,970 $12,256 $13,225 $69,451 Wake; $161.,589 $45,023 $0 $206,612 Warren $39,573 $5,099 $9,785 $54,457 i •Washington~ ,~ F Wat ga` ~ $37,375 $4,569 $5,693 $47,637 au $41,772 $3,723 $11,067 $56,562 Wa ne+.~f~ $64,305 $17",286 $15,028 $96,619 Wilkes ~ $52,214 $8,944 $16,557 $77,715 Wi son db'~~~1~1} $53,313 $11,905 $17,403 $82,621 Yadkin~~~"rt~ $41,772 $4,139 $12,354 $58,265 Y ncey; . ~ $37,375 $2;662 $9,516 $49,553 ~'aTOTALS:~S~ $5,496,236 $1,000,000 $1,071,386 $7,567,622 :J * Excludes Urban Population for Work First Allocation +. Excludes Urban Population for Rural General Public Allocation # Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians " State ofNorth Carolina County of ~~w~{,~d-~/?X" _ ~ - . APPENDIX B CERTIFIED STATEMENT ' . RURAL OPERATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM s . ` Whereas Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North. Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation as the agency responsible for administering all federal- and/or state programs related to public transportation, and grants the department authority to do all things required in applicable federal and/or state ' legislation to properly administer the public transportation programs within the. State of North Carolina; ~ . ' " WHEREAS, G.S..136-44.27 established the. Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program; - -WHEREAS, funds will be used for transportation related expenditures as specified in the FY1.999-00 Rural Operating Assistance Program. (ROAP) application. E This is certify that the undersigned is duly elected, qualified and acting chairperson of the Board " of County Commissions of the County of 1p~ 1~cw«„~~ ,North Carolina, and that the following statements are true and accurate: Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program ~~ l.. The funds received from G.S. 135-44.27 will be used to provide additional transportation services for the elderly and disabled, exceeding the quantity of trips provided prior to ~ ~ receipt of the funds.. . 2. The funds will not be used to supplant existing federal, state or local funds designated to provide elderly and disabled transportation services. in the county: "~ . z; t 3.' The .funds received will be used in a manner consistent with the local Transportation Development Plan (TDP) or Community Transportation Services Plan (CTSP) and '- ~ application approved by the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Board, ' of Commissioners. Work First T.ransitionaUEmployment Transportation Assistance Program 1. The purpose of these transportation funds .is to support transitional transportation needs of Work First participants after eligibility for cash assistance has concluded and/other specified employment transportation needs. " 2. The funds are limited to use by the designated local entity(s) specified in the ROAD application, or any revisions or amendments thereto. .. 191 Raral General Public Program ' 1 1. The funds will be used in a manner consistent with the local General~Public Services Plan. .. ~ .. ~, Information regarding use of the funds will be provided at such time and in such a manner as the department may require. .. ' ROAD funds will`be used to provide eligible services during the period July 1, 1999- . September 30, 2000. Any interest earned on ROAP furids will be"expended for eligible program uses as specified in the ROAD application: ~ • ` ' • The County will include: ROA'P funds received and expended in its~annual independeri't audit on I the schedule of federal and state financial assistance..Funds passed through to other agencies will be identified as such. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this 2~`'-" day of r7ep~-~{M..he~,- ~ ~ , ~19~. ~ Attest: .. ". j Y- . , ~~ Lv~.c:t e ~av rte ~ ~..1 ~- . (.'a -f-2--. Certifying Officral* ~ - ' goard,of County Commissioners • •. • F Chairperson State of North Carolina ~, µ, County ~ ~,~ Z!~ a`~~~ea.Q County Manager/Administrator* r: _ '4i; Subscribed and sworn to me this day of , ~ g ., . t +' (SEAL) - ° ~~VLS 4 ~~l ~r-~~e._ ° .. I~'otary Publrc* My commission expires ~ ~ ' a Address *Note that the signatures on this statement"should be those of four`"(4) separate" i`ridividuals. . ~ ~ ,.