Agenda 1999 10-18AGENDA ~~~HOVER CO G ?~ ~ y~~ * ,~ u _ a 9~~ IYPO~E%P/~~ ixousT~r OF NORTH~'p October 18, 1999 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 . Wilmington, NC~ WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ' NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ~ PAGE TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS NO. _9:15 a.m 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service. Awards 1 ~20 a.m. 2. Reco nition of Newl Hired Count Em to ees 3 g Y y p Y 9:25 a.m. 3. Presentation of WASTEC Financial Report by McGladrey and Pullen 5 9:45 a.m. 4. Presentation of Green Space Bond Referendum Survey by Eastcoast 7 Consumer Research 10:10. a.m. 5. Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of ari Unnamed Road 9 C.N. Dunn Place Division (Book 2, p.128) . 10:35a.m. 6. Public Hearing for Amendment to the U.S. Department of (HUD) 11 . Disaster Recovery Initiative Program for New Hanover County 10:45 a.m. 7. Consideration of Appeal of 1999 Real Estate Value for General 13 Electric Company (Board will convene as Board of Equalization and Review) 11:10 a.m. 8 Consideration of Selection of Design Team to Develop the Master 19 Plan for Airlie Gardens t • 11:20 a.m. 9. Consideration of Approval to Hold One Meeting in the Month of 21 December ,~` ~ ._ :. ESTIMATED ~ ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 11:25 a.m. lO.Consideration of Approval of Transfer of Falcon Cable Media's 23 Cable Television Franchise to Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC 11:35 a.m. 11.Consideration of Appointment of Two Representatives to the 25 Board of Directors of the Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. 11:40 a.m. 12.Committee Appointments 12.1 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice 39 Partnership Board 12.2 Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee 67 11:50 a.m. 13. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 77 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager Noon ADJOURN 1:00 p.m. Work Session to discuss a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the clustering of residential units on lands classified as Conservation on the Land Classification Map MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, .NEW HANOVER COUNTY HISTORIC COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC OCTOBER 18, 1999 9:00 a.m. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Corisideration of Approval of Engineering contract #99-0368 Andrew and Kuske Engineers Castle Hayne Sewer Design ADJOURN ',• PAGE 77 79 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 18, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of contract #00-0163 with Ansaldo Volund A/S for grate replacement parts 2. Approval of bid #00-0135 and approval of contract #00-0135 to North Carolina Equipment Company for a wheel loader/integrated tool carrier 3. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Wilmington Fire Department 4. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 5. Approval of Release of Value PAGE NO. 83 85 87 97 101 6. Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of parcel 103 number 3117-83-5825.000 at 117 Wright Street having a tax value of $7,161 to Wilmington New Hanover County Commission for the construction of single-family owner-occupied residences 7. Approval of Resolution authorizing 'the no cost transfer of parcel 107 number 3128-17-0102 at 612 N. 7th Street having a tax value of $5,128 to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity for the construction of single-family owner-occupied residences 8. Approval of Budget Amendments: 8.1#2000-08 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project for additional federal forfeited property funds received 8.2#2000-09 Pilots Ridge Park to increase capital project budget for transfer budgeted in 99-00 from General Fund for Veterans Park 8.3#00-0040 Commissioners' Office/Parks to appropriate fund balance for Eaton Elementary soccer fields 8.4#00-0041 Schools Retrofit/Project Impact/Planning 8.5#00-0042 Emergency Management to increase the Emergency Operations Center capital project budget funds transferred from General Fund in FY98-99 111 112 113 114 115 8.6#00-0044 Emergency Management FEMA funding related to 116 Hurricane Floyd 8.7#00=0045 Office of Juvenile Justice Contin enc for two com uters ~ g Y P 117 . and printers _ . 9. Approval. of ratification of Resolution in support of Governor 119 Hunt's Hurricane Floyd Emergency Appropriation Request to . the Congress of the United States l0.Adoption of Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of an Unnamed 121 Road C.N. Dunn Place Division (Book 2, p: 128) 11:Adoption of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add .the following 123 roads to the State Highway System: Roads in Brenwyck Subdivision . Grove Poirit Subdivision ~ Middle Point Subdivision . Plantation Road r~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF,COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . . Meeting Date:. 10118199. Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: .Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: David C. Brunson -Property Management; Anthony E. Underhill - WASTEC; Judy P. Evonko -Health; TEN (10) YEAR: Karen H. Law -Tax; Cecil Gurganious, Jr. =Sheriff; Travis C. Robinson -Sheriff; Carol A. Drummond -Health; Mary H. Piner - Health; Donna J. Tartt -Social Serviecs; FIFTEEN (15).YEAR: Jamis S. Kilgore -Health; Sandra B. Randolph - Register of Deeds; and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Teresa A. Stumley -.Sheriff; Ophelia T. Robinson -Social Services; Julia A. Talbutt -Social Services.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • FUNDING SOURCE:. ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present Service Awards. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S1C MMENTS: . ~courvnr coMMr~~ 'i ~. pppROVED ~~ y~ .~ i 'REJECTED ~ REMO~~ED Cl ~ ~~ pQSTFOi`dED O =~ 1iEARl~ D j pAT~E _.l , ,f g_ _.... e, {This page intentionallyleft blank} ,') r, ~~i..TevF+w.nt1~4~.r~"9~N ~~ii', '4, ~~~ ~~/~Y~ ~~{,IA~ lIIYI L.J v ,y l n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS { REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees ' BRIEF SUMMARY: ' . A list of newly hired county employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize new employee COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO / OMMENTS: rt;OUNTY COMMt~S APPROVED Q' REJECTED O RE(~~'~' ' `:D PC ;ED ^ ~' J I3A I t: ,__L'~~_ I~ ~ Thls pale intentlonall~yleft blank} 'yye,~,%u ~. G'~ Lv~.vttiy~~C ~ ~~ ~ Fx~.~,~~l~i~ 4 ~: ~ .: 1 , ,r ` u NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of WASTEC Financial Report by McGladrey and Pullen . BRIEF SUMMARY: ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear Presentation. COMMISSIONERS'' A TIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTI( COMMtS~I APPROVED: Q' ~.~ . REJECTED O' ~: REMOVED C] ~~~; . ~ POSTPONED HEARi~ Q~ DATE . ~ Q .(-g - - - ~, {This page intentionallyleft plank} ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~'v'~ai~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter:. Eastcoast Consumer Research Contact: Neal Lewis SUBJECT:. ' Green Space Bond Referendum Survey BRIEF SUMMARY: Eastcoast Consumer Research will make a presentation on the issue of conducting a green space bond. referendum. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS; Listen to presentation and review findings prior to making ajdecision to conduct a bond referendum on green space in May 2000. Presenters will provide additional material and information at the meeting FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: N/A • REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUQGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER' OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation: COMMISSIONER ONS/COMMENTS: • ~®U~ COIUIIIRI~IOI -. APPROVED O REJECTED D REMOVED O ~~ ~''~ POSTPONED 0 ,tis`t HEARD L~' '~;n DATE ~ --1A -/- - - - -- - ~. {This page intentlonallyleft blank} S { ~ ` 1~ .71171 V~ 4 ~ yM^~ ~~`~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact:. Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Resolution Intent Close a Portion of an Unnamed Road C.N. Dunn Place Division (Book 2, Page 128) BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Petitioner John LeGwin has requested to close a portion of an unnamed road adjacent to Dunbar landing . in the Middle Sound Community. A Resolution of Intent to close the road must be adopted prior to scheduling a public hearing. A site map depicting the segment of road to be closed is attached. This 30 foot unimproved road right of way is approximately 200 feet in length and currently serves access to boaters and predestrians of the Dunbar Road neighborhoods using Pages Creek. A copy of the orginal map is also attached displaying the entire length of the road from Middle. Sound Loop Road to Pages Creek. Vehicular access to adjorning lots on either side of the road will not be impacted. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The segment of road petitioned to be closed has been identified in the Public Water Access Plan for New Hanover County, (1986) as potential road-right of way for public water access to Pages Creek. This road right of way that leads to the water is one of the few remainirig public access points in the County that can be utilized by the Dunbar Road neighborhoods. There also may be a need for public utilities such as water and- sewer which is planned to be installed in the near future. These two potential needs should be considered by the Commissioners in deciding whether to proceed with Resolution of Intent to close. FUNDING SOURCE: none ATTACHMENTS: 4 . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC ENDATIONS: Recommend approval of "Resolution of Inten ." . ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMI~'lONEi~ APPROVED p ~``' ;;'~`~~ " REJECTED. p b~{ • REMOVED ~ af. POSTPONEDO 9 ; <. , .HEARD E9' fOATE - - [.4. 5 _ . p~il`i c, t+~x~`ro b e,, ~~P~.e-d~Qnd Non-Public Hearing Item: Resolution Intent Close Unnamed Road (SC-75 10/99) L)epartment: Planning Page Count: 4 Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess Subject: Resolution Intent Close a Portion of an Unnamed Road C.N. Dunn Place Division (Book 2, Page 128) Staff Comments Petitioner Johri LeGwin has requested to close a portion of an unnamed road located adjacent to Dunbar Landing in the Middle Soiind Community. A Resolution of Intent to close the road must be adopted prior to scheduling a public hearing. A site map depicting the segment of road to be closed is attached. This 30 foot unimproved road right of way is approximately 200 feet in length and currently serves access to boaters and pedestrians of the Dunbar Road neighborhoods using Pages Creek. A copy of the original map is also attached displaying the entire length of the road from Middle Sound Loop Road to Pages Creek. Vehicular access to adjoining lots on either side of the road will not be impacted. Staff Recommendation The segment of road petitioned to be closed has been identified in the Public Water Access Plan for New I3anover County (1986) as potential road right of way for public water access to Pages Creek. This road right of way that leads to the water is one of a few remaining public access points in the County that can be utilized by the Dunbar Road neighborhoods. There also may be a need for public utilities such as water and sewer which is planned to be installed in the near future. These two potential needs should be considered by the Commissioners in deciding whether to proceed with the Resolution of Intent to close. ~ ~-..^;-~nr~ 1/1f~i U~~~ D 9~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ C~ ~~~5~~'~~ ~~~~ . _ - i ,. , ~IVEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD. OF COMMISSIONERS "~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , . . . , .' ,- Meeting Date: 10/18/99 . Regular item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ Department: Planning. Presenter: Wanda Coston ~ ~ ~ ~ - , ' Contact:, Wanda Coston ~. ... v. ,. SUBJECT: _ Public Hearing: Solicit Citizen Comments concerning Amendment to the United .States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Disaster .Recovery Initiative Program for New Hanover County. , .BRIEF SUMMARY: ''. 1n accordance with HUD regulations, a public hearing must be held to solicit citizen .comments concerriirig an amendment to the County's DRi Program. The DRI Program was established by HUD to assist areas ".impactedby Hurricanes Bertha and Fran with hurricane recovery efforts. The amendment proposes to ~ - '. ~ reallocate the X376,414 from the hurricane debris removal from drainageways {Snag and. Drag} `project to ~ ; ' .the Castle Hayne Sewer Construction project which will increase the DRI funds for sewer construction fo $808,000. ,Those .properties originally in the debris removal drainage project hopefully will.be able to be `picked up through new draihage clearance money available in a different Federal program as a result of Hurricane F oyd., RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ - Conduct public hearing to solicit citizen comments and approve the amendment. ,_FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ." US Department-of HUD and New Hanover County . , ATTACHMENTS: ~ : ~ , _ ~ 1 - ~ , . ITEM. DOES~N.OT REQUIRE REVIEW . . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , .. ~ Conduct public hearing and consider approval of the amendme t. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS: ' ~ ~ rC0UlU1Y COMM1~S10NE~i . .. ~ - APPROVED ~~ , ., . REJECTED Cl. • 4. ~ REMOVED O ~ 1 ' , ~ ; . ppSTPOt~EI) O . . , .. ~f~ °. Yo ' f 1Jrcr~ ` ~ ~ ~ :~ ' ~ ~ {This page intentionally left blank} ~~ ~ ~ ~~7~.~~~r~ ~' ~ 4~~~1~~'~"~ i ~~:.~r~-.y .~.,a.. w~ '1 n ._ ; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD`OF COMMtSS10IVERS • ~.. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. : '. ' Meeting. Date: 10/18/99 ~ . `Regular, Item #c 7 Estimated Timer - Department: TAX Presenter: Robert Glasgovv, Larry Bolick.-Tax Department - . ' - . Charles Mercer - GE - '. ~ .Contact: .Robert Glasgow ~ ~ ' .~ ~ ~ . ,. , a ., .SUBJECT: - . ' ~~ • Appeal of 1999 Real Estate Value for General Electric Co. ~ ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY: ~. , . .The General Electric Castle Hayne plant appealed the 1999 appraised value for,six parcels and the • buildings on those parcels. The 1999 value that is being appealed is $43,651,618.. ' In June 1999, the NC .Property Tax Commission heard the 1996 GE appeal of real property value.. iri . . • preparation for the hearing; New Hanover County identified errors within the appraised value for 1996. ~ -: ' This amounfed to a recommended reduction of $490,268 for the 1996 appealed value of $35,364,914: GE ~ - argued that the property had a value of $19,500,000 for 1/1!96. August 20, 1.999,: the Property Tax . . ' Commission concluded that the 1996 appraised value for GE would be $34,874,646, which included. the --- ~ county`s recommended reduction of. $490;268, ~ ~ ~ - During the hearing, GE identified the primary plant site to have 385 acres. The. Tax Department had used. •167.6 acres. After the hearing, a review of the primary site was conducted by the county u"sing aerial „ ` - ~ : photography on GIS. The county has identified the primary site to be 350 acres and is recommending a change in the primary site„acreage to 350 acres. This will result. in a value increase: of $3,35,000. ' . Iri addition. to-the recommended acreage change, in June of.1998, GE transferred one building to the Joint ' ~ Conversion Co., Inc. The Tax Department is recommending adjustments.be made for wall heights, sprinkler systems, dock levelers, penthouses {air-conditioning units), a double charge on one building and another had been-removed or torn down: These changes amounted to a net decrease in value of ' . ~ . $3,168,417, , • . From January 1, 1996 thru Jurie•1998, GE applied for grid received construction permits in excess of . - ' $5,500,000. One permit that.was issued in June 1998 for $1,800,000 remains open. '; ' .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' ' `'The Tax Departments 9 999 valuation of $43,651,618 should be adjusted to include the increase in primary site acreage valued at,$3,356,000 and the reduction of $3,168,417 for the other changes explained ~. --above: We recommend the 1999 value for GE to be, $43,.839,201. - ~ , ~. ~ ~3~ 2 2G fiS~' 7`UNDING SOURCE: - : . _ . _. ... ., . - COUf~i11( C4MNdl@ ,..ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED ~ .t ". - ~ REJECTED REMOVED geappeaf.wp . , POSTPONED O t 1`3. . . .. ,_ ~ .. - HEAR . , ®ATE ~ 10 =1 ~ y.~~~ ..: ~ ~2~~hu':ud-e~.Qe.~ 1 - ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER' OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appe .` COMMISSIONERS' AC ONS/COMMENTS: - - Postponed r~ C~`~~3~~'.~ ~~~~~+ ~I~it~ J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/20/99 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: Robert Glasgow, Larry Bolick -Tax Department Charles Mercer - GE Contact: Robert Glasgow SUBJECT: Appeal of 1999 Real Estate Value for General Electric Co. BRIEf SUMMARY: The General Electric Castle Hayne plant appealed. the 1999 appraised value for six parcels and the buildings on those parcels. The 199.9 value that is being appealed is $43,651,618. In June 1999, the NC Property Tax Commission heard the 1996 GE appeal of real property value. In preparation for the hearing, New Hanover County identified errors within the appraised value for 1996: This amounted to a recommended reduction of $490,268 for the 1996 appealed value of $35,364,914. GE argued that the property had a value of $19,500,000 for 1/1/96. August 20, 1999, the Property Tax Commission concluded that the 1996 appraised value for GE would be $34,874,646, which included the county's recommended reduction of $490,268. During the hearing, GE identified the primary plant site to have 385 acres. The Tax Department had used 167.6 acres. After the hearing, a review of the primary site was conducted by the county using aerial .photography on GIS., The county has identified the primary site to be 350 acres and is recommending a change in the primary site acreage to 350 acres. This will result in a value increase of 53,350,000. In addition to the recommended acreage change, in June of 1998, GE transferred one building to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc. The Tax Department is recommending adjustments be made for wall heights, sprinkler systems, dock levelers, penthouses (air-conditioning units), a double charge on one building and another had been removed or torn down. These changes amounted to a net decrease in value of $3,168,417. From January 1, 1996 thru June 1998, GE applied for and received construction permits in excess of $5,500,000. One permit that was issued in June 1998 for $1,800,000 remains open. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Tax Departments 1999 valuation of $43,651,618 should be adjusted to include the increase in primary site acreage valued at $3,356,000 and the reduction of $3,168,417 for the other changes explained above. We recommend the 1999 value for GE to be $43,839,201. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: `~~~ geappeal.wp ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appeal. 0~'v~'~~:~`3' ~fv~f~~;?~5101~~ REJECTED ~ ^ ~ 1 ~~~ R~~o , pOSTFOe~E~ ~` f~1 HATE ~) 1 ~;'~' ~ `~ ~' ~' _ _ `' . 1999 REAL PROPERTY APPEAL GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY NUCLEAR AND AIRCRAFT DIVISIONS BEFORE THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 Appellant: General Electric Company PO Box 60340 Fort Myers, Fl. 33906-6340 Represented bv: Mr. Charles Mercer Moore & Van Allen ~ . - PO Box 2607 Raleigh, NC 27611. Tax Map No.: R01700-001-001-000 Rock Hill Cape Fear (1,759 acres) R01719-001-008-000 Lts. 4/5 FM 109 Marathon R01719-001-010-000 Lts. 1/3 FM 111 Marathon R01719-002-O11-000 ' Lts. 1/3 FM 111 Marathon R02500-002-001-000 Tr. 112/Pt. 113 Marathon (10.60 acres) R02507-002-001-000 Pt. Tr. 31 Bellwood Farms (4.54 acres) Location: 2117 Castle 1-Iayne Road (US Highway 117 N) Assessed Value: $ 43,651,618 General Description: General Electric Company is the largest industrial plant located in New Hanover County. The company manufactures nuclear fuel and aircraft engine parts at the local site. The plant is located on 1,774.14 acres and six lots which are situated along the cape Fear River and US Highway 117 as shown on the attached location map. Parcel R01700-001-001-000 is the primary plant site which contains 1,79 acres, 41 buildings and miscellaneous improvements, such as parking, lights, etc. Other parcels identified as tax map numbers R01719- 002-O11-000 and R02500-002-001-000 are company recreational areas with a picnic shelter and 16 restrooms. Parcel R01719-002-011-000 contains a softball field surrounded by a chain link fence. The remaining two parcels, R01719-001-008-000 and R01719-001-010-000 are tracts of vacant land. Appellant's Support: GE appealed their 1999 revaluation value on December 16, .1998, Appellant's Exhibit #1. During the initial hearing on July- 6, 1999, GE identified 13 arguments disagreeing with the county's appraised value, Appellant's Exhibit #2. Other supporting documents also presented iii July are: G.E. Illustration One, Appellant's Exhibit #3; Depreciation Analysis, Appellant's Exhibit #4; 1999 Schedule of Values Manual page. 8, Common causes ofEconomic Obsolescence, Appellant's Exhibit #5; list of 42 buildings, Appellant's Exhibit #6; list of nine property record cards, Appellant's Exhibit #7; percentage depreciation rates graph, Appellant's Exhibit #8; list of 42 assessment record cards, Appellant's Exhibit #9; General Electric's opinion of assessed vahie, Appellant's Exhibit #10; graph of condition, Appellant's Exhibit #11; 1999 New Hanover County Schedule of Values Manual, page 6-47 on building characteristics, Appellant's Exhibit #12. As of September 10, 1999, no other information had been received from the appellant prompting the use of the information presented at the initial July 6, 1999, hearing. Assessment Support: The letters of notification for the dates to appear before the Board of Equalization and Review are Tilx Exhibit #1 and #lA. GE's acknowledgment of the July 6, 1999, lZearing date is labeled Tax Exhibit #1C. Copies of the property record cards for the six properties tuider appeal are Tax Exhibit #2 thru #7. The 1999 revaluation value for all six ,parcels and buildings was identified to be $43,651,618. Durin the tour of the GE a g pl nt, in preparation for the Property Tax Commission (PTC) hearing 'for the 1996 appeal, it was identified that there were some discrepancies on the property record cards. During the PTC hearing in June 1999, those errors were immediately identified by the County. The County recommended to the PTC thlt the 1996 assessed value be reduced by $490,268. The decision rendered by the PTC agreed with the County, and after the reduction, determined the 1996 assessed value to be $34,874,646. GE has appealed the PTC decision to the NC Court of Appeals. The property record cards have been corrected for 1999. During the PTC hearing, GE identified t11e primary site to consist of 385 acres. Upon notification of the decision by the PTC, the County changed the acreage to reflect 385 acres. The combination bf those adjustments resulted in a net value increase of $817,583 as of Jtily 7, 1999. In preparation for this appeal, the County has identified the primary .plant site to contain 350 acres, not 385 as presented by GE. Using aerial photographs from February 1998, a-per limiter was conducted to identify the actual acreage Tax Exhibit #8. The primary plant site has been reduced to show,350 acres and reflects a value reduction of $630,000 Tax Exhibit #9. In June 199$, GE transferred one building on the primary site to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc.. This building was assessed to the Joint Conversion Co., Inc. and was not appealed. Conclusion and Recommendation: That the Board of Equalization and Review adjust the TaY Department's 1999 revaluation value of $43,651,618 to $43,839,201. This difference in value includes adjustments presented to, and agreed with by the Property Tax Commission's August 1 1999, decision for the GE .1996 real estate appeal and the increase in acreage for the primary plant site to 350 acres. 18;~ I1 ,~ ~. • ~' " , :.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - . . ' ` ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' .. , ` Meeting Date: 10/18/99 " - ' Regular Ifem #; ,8 Estimated Time: Page Number:. - ~ ~ ' ±'" ~ .• ~ Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: "Dave Weaver. , - ,. _ . .. ,SUBJECT:.:. Selection of design team to develop the Master Plan for Airlie Gardens ~ ~ _ BRIEF SUMMARY:' ` ., °. ~ -- . '~ ... . A committee, composed of Commissioner Birzenieks and staff, listened to presentations from three"(3) design teams seeking the County's contract to develop a Master Plan for Airlie Gardens. The Committee . , selected the team headed by Synthesis, Inc., a local architecture firm, for recommendation'to the Board. _ Although all three teams were .well qualified to perform the task and had 'local representation, the _ ' ~ committee felt Synthesis "provided the best team composition to address all aspects of the Master Plan, including architecture, ergineeririg, landscape architecture, and historic garden expertise and experience. . " '.A copy of .Synthesis's Statement of Qualification is available for review in the Commissioner's.office. . "RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - The Board should instruct staff to negotiate an agreement an agreement to perform the Airlie Garden . Garden "Master Plan with the Synthesis team. ""~ ~ ~ FUNDING SOURCE: _ . - ~ • , • . . - . 305-495-3050-7300-6000 . , . .. ... ATTACHMENTS:. , ~ . . No attachments. • .. - ,° REVIEWED BY:' ~ • • ;LEGAL:. '.FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - ~. ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. ~ _ . ":Recommend approval. to negotiate agreement to perform the Airlie Garden Mas Ian: , "COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. ~ . .; - . _ ._ , ,; ." C~ul ~l~ ;" • ~ APPROVED h~ ~ ~ , .. . .. - '- :REJECTED D ~ " , .~" .; ~ REMOVED p '~ . POSTPONED O " ~I g . - HEARD p ~ . ~ ,. ,. ~ .. , SATE -~."'~~" ~9 •} • { 7hi~s page inte~tionall~le~t black} 1 .y.rw.+. -y-~r.%~ ~ry,p \~. \'3i ,J \~kV YY~.~ ~~~~`8~ ~ +. ~ l9«~)4pC~1 ~.J~ 2 0,~ ~ ~~~ J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval to Conduct Only One Meeting in the Month of December, 1999 BRIEF SUMMARY: December is usually an extremely busy month and historically the second meeting has been very light. The zoning cases appear to be minimal for the December 6th meeting RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend holding only the December 6th meeting in December, 1999 FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: - ~ E TEM DD SNOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend holding only the December 6th meeting in December, 1999. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY APPROVED ~.^ ` .REJECTED O~ REMOVED O POSTPONED O ''J`~ 21 HEARD ~ ~ ,' ~, ~~~~ DATE O _ -.~ ' ° ~ . € 'his page ir~te~ntior~allyleft blank} o°-- © ~"U _..~U~, `v~ru~~A Q ~~ ~ ~d~ ~ .\ ~ ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 , Regular Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Robert Sepe, Action Audits Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Transfer of Falcon Cable Media's Cable Television Franchise to Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC. BRIEF SUMMARY: The assets of Falcon Cable are being acquired by Charter Communications. Charter is owned by Paul Allen, Bill Gate's (Microsoft) former business partner. Mr. Allen is in the process of fulfilling his "wired world" vision. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of the transfer of the franchise. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: , Yes. A report prepared by Action Audits, LLC will be made available to the Board. REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMEN AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with County Attorney. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/CO MENTS: '. r ~A ~- ~SLJUIY 1 T W1~ilsl6 APPROVED ~"',~ ,,5 ~ , `,. . , 4:,~;: . f2EJECTED ® 4~f, :: ,~A.4 REMOVED Q ``~~, ' POSTPONED (~ ~ `~ ~` HEARD p ~ _ ~' 23 ®ATE,- ~ - ~-9 ~- ~ Thls page Inte~rtionally left blank} ,,;,~~n.wo© u~l i~~~~~3 ~ ~ Q,-~ ~~~~W ~ a ~~~~, C~ ~~~~~ ~;~~n1 2 4 ~ ; . ~ ~~~~~~~ . >> ~wn;,~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 • Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Appointment of Two Representatives to the Board of Directors of the Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc., the non-profit group "...to raise funds and oversee the rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrews Church and Manse.." is requesting a county commissioner and county staff representative to serve on the "Friends" Board of Directors. The intent is to rehabilitate St. Andrew's Church "...an arts and cultural facility to accommodate the growing arts organization and programs in Wilmington." The "Foundation" is clearly in place to raise funds and support arts programs and programming. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Consider appointment of County Commissioner to the Foundation. If the County is to become involved it should be made very clear that no responsibility or obligation exists on. the part of the county for funding. The county currently funds the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear in the amount of $25,920. I have enclosed for your information the current funding levels for cultural organization. Also enclosed is a letter of request for an appointment and other backup material regarding the pur se d activities of the Friend's of St. Andrew's, Inc. ~~, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• COUi~11f CONil~il'~ s APPROVED ® ' REJECTED REMOVED ® . POSTPONED HEARQ ®ATE ~~ ~ ` ~. O o r '° Q p ~ $° S° C N 8 a~ ~$ h N m y° o o ~'i o g m Q 1y T O) D W N O ~ of n n W G h~~ 0 0 0 N N '- O W `~ 0 0 0 ~ °1 N ~ O 0 N N $ ~ 0 0 N ~ N ~ ^ 0 ~ ~ ° $ mQo~ Z H v W r Ol Z ~ N -O R Q y 0 y~ $ 8~~ O p~~ p N N Z ~ °I N t° m N h Q N N N ~ H ~ tO R Q 0 $~' o R O F- ~ ~ ° m ~ Q N °i ` ~- ~ ~ j o h S $$ O W o ~ O ' f ~ p O N N O .¢ ?~ N ~ n Y1 O m N tt~•ll ry aX O Q O U ~ m o 25 ~ ~ E ~ ~- N ~ ~ ~ ,~ ^ U W ~ m < m h Q p o N ~- O$ 25 0$° m m ` h , - » f w m r m n } N ~ p N •- ~ Q N O~ 0 0 0 LL Q 4 O ~ ~ m ~ W N ' ^ m ~ ~ J a F N z N `= a ~ O O '' f= ~ z N m ~ i ~ W um, o E v ~ ~ ~ ^~ ¢ U _ ° o V m u ~ U ~ o '~ ~ _ v ° a c ~ J m' c o: c ~ ~ ~ E ~~ s r ~ ~ ~ m o 0 o _ aa Q.-° n N c' a- E° CI G C ~ ° ~ E ~u W o .o ~ 4 m o d ~ ° .~ m ~ ~ c ~i ° m ~ n tZ 5 V~ y S ~° m Q r- U U¢ ~, ~C v v Z' iyj v ~ M v E ~ U °' m m ~ o Z ~ E ~ SS ~ a~ `c Z ~ o v `n SS e U !i S m m ~~ 2 0 ~ ~ 3 Z O ~ C t= S J _ n .c .'9 ~ a 4 0 Z U$ p $ a y O ~i U n o ~, _ N N p po 0 0 ~ N N - W D W O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ N $ $ ~ $ ~ a 8 $ p p S ~ t0 h 0 h N~ h IP G ~ ~ .C ~• ~ W 88 W p~ pO p `! N ^i P O O~~ I j N U Q ~ (' p~ S S ~~ ~ N r ~ N~ O~ N m h ry - O N ~ tyt 0 c0 ^ ~L ~~. ~ 8 8 8 8 Z (~ ~ O O O O Sj _N 55~~ $~ ~ W O m '° 25 ~ g vi !p~ C S c z O ~ ,- ~~ g~ o o $~ . o o h Q m~ N N tD r0 ~$~~ N ~ ~ ^ N .-°. /- O U z QO a A $Np QQ y~ ~qq P = ~ ~ " Y~ 25 c5 ~ N ~ `~ ~ `° '$ ~ a $ `~~' c p c ^ j~`. ' ~ ~ v~4 i~ ~ f4 ~ L ~ ~l) C a ~ A m r ~ ~ $ W ~ / f~ r~ (~ ~ N w~,~ ~~ ~ t"J j~""~'1jr+~ ` 9 n w ~ ~ N ~~'I m l'~'I ~ "~~~7dJ~ ~ a m `~ ~ ~ t o (~j J fJ u ~ j ~ 3 m i t,:J Y ~E~~~y~~~ U~ ~ ro ro u ~ E m ~ ~ °d t ' 4 m Q iEY¢~ m ^N~ f ai . C ll f . O^ ~`v, ~ U ~ m am ~ ~ ~ U 5 v ~ W~ U ~~ a$~~ rn~ m o~~ U o a U v c3 3° ~ ~ 3 s Y ~ ~~ ' o v a i i i i i I Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. C/o Historic Wilmington Foundation PO BOX 1505 Wilmington, NC 28402 Mr. Allen O'Neal County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4045 .~9-lil~c~---- Dear Mr eal • • you for your consideration. Please call me if you have an 762-251.1, y questions. I can be reached at Sincerely, +~F~. September 28, 1 ggg On behalf of the Friends of St. Andrew's, I respectfully request th ' Commissioners to consider appointin Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc. g ~O representatives to the Boa d of Doectors of the The Friends of.St. Andrew's, Inc. has recently been formed to ra~ funds and oversee the rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrews Boxing Center as a Communit representatives from the Cit y Arts and Cultural Center. The newly formed board fld sd~acent y of Wilmington, various arts and cultural organizations, the Northf Fourth Street area, the community at large and the Historic Wilmin The St. Andrew's Church, gton Foundation, Inc. Manse and adjacent Boxing Center (formerly the Consolidated firehouse, and Market) are located on North Fourth Street and are li of Historic Places. For the past two sted on the National Register Wilmington, arts and cultural grow s years, the Historic Wilmington Foundation, the City of rehabilitation of the church that was threatened with "demolit~ p and community representatives have met regarding the A report to Cit ion by neglect". Andrew's Church be rehab I fated as an arts an y Arts Committee has recommended that the St. organizations and programs in Wilmington. The C ty of Wiafmlington s co modate the growing arts redevelopment of the North Fourth Street area and has significantl i rehabilitation of this church will serve as a catalyst for revitalization i mmitted to the the arts and preserve a significant historic landmark for future y .nvested in this project. The n the area, provide space for Please find enclosed additional information about the St. Andr generations. our hope that the County will a employee) to the Board of the Friends of St. Your review. It is ppoint two representatives (an elected offic aloand a county project. Your participation .and su Andrew's and become a providin pport is critical in saving this important h stor c lalndmark and g much needed arts space in New Hanover County. Thank ~~~ Elizabeth Buxton HWF Executive Director (Staff for Friends of St. Andrew's, Inc) Enclosure 27 -• . ~` 9.~. ~.: ~~ , North Fourth' Street Community Arts and Cultural Ce { ~'~ s~ The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc. h T '~~ `~ as been formed as a y E_' ~ J ' ~~~~ not-for-.profit 501(c)(3) organization to oversee the fundraising for and rehabilitation of the historic St: -~-~ ~~ r L E-~ An d rew's C , ' ~~, hunch on Nocth~Fourth.Street. The ``. ~ P organization is comprised of representatives from. ~ ~ ~~- ~ '~ ~ North Fourth StreQ the -•~ t community, the Historic. Wilmington ;~' t ~ ~- ~~k ~~~-~ ~ Foundation, the City of Wilmington, intere . ~ ~ ~~` cultural organizations, and financial institutio ~ arts and _ _ __ _- _ _ Savin" an Historic Treasure The Historic Wilmington Foundation, because of it standing track record and interest in historic'preservatio church building and adjacent manse. The Foundatio s long- ensure. the building's; preservation b n has agreed to purchase the n plans to act as interim owner to ..property; initiate the fundraising campaign na ~ist,a is preservation covenants on the p y an advisory. role. on the rehabilitation project: The City of Wilrriington is corn . . church and. manse and has agreed to become a partner in f complex from the Foundation wit miffed to the .rehabilitation of the. unding by purchasing the h Community Block.Grant Funds. Revitalizin Our Nei hbo-'hoods The North Fourth Street Area is the subject of a revit the respectful rehabilitation of existing buildin s'a alization plan which wiil focus on g nd the attracfiion ofbusinesses to the area..The historic St: Andrew's Church is an .anchor in the in the heart of the business district. is rehabilitation will serve a continued redevelopment in the area. ne~ghb°rhood and is located play a significant role, since it has bee s a catalyst for Its end use as an arts cultural center will also n proven in other communities that both arts and cultural resources, aid in the redevelopment of depressed areas. Finally, the historic St. Andrew's Church is a significant hi preservation.. It is a prime example of one of North Carotin ' architects and refilects an `important e • storic resource worthy of of this state landmark will create a sp f1°d in the history of the egionelThe ted historic . several ,generations. ease of pride in the community that will br dge anon A IVlission like No Other in southeastern-North C The mission of the Historic St. Andrew°s Rehabil•tation r ~ . p o1ect as to. ® Save a historically and architecturally significant structure ® Reuse the building for the benefit of the neighborhoo community, d and~the whole ® Spp~port the physical and economic revitalization ofi the 2 ~ ® Provide programs and serV1Ces for the cornmun' neighborhood,- Enhance the arts in Wilmington and southeasternyN ° Promote the cultural histo y orth Carolina, and --y and diversit of Wilmington and the region. T~1-~~ . The rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's .Church. will have benefits in three significant areas. The most urgent and obvious need i building structure, a significant historic resource re s the preservation of the existing preservation of this local landrriark will instill a sense of ride ' flective of Wilmington's history. The establish the momentum of future rehabilitation p m he community and Street area. and development in fhe North Fou rth Conversion of the historic St. Andrew's Ch urch into a community arts and cultural center also provide a much needed facility for arti Wilmington :and southeastern North Carol' sts and organizations based i and su ina. ~ The Center will provide cohesivenes pport for the arts in our area and. create a showcase cent Fourth. Street neighborhood. - s Nine arts acid community groups have (express a°rth . interest in using the rehabilitated St. Andrew's facilit for and performing arts, educational programs, -and com an is about preservation, arts, and the co y purposes including the visual munity development. This project ,many years. mmunity in an area that has been depressed for Taking Action The Friends. of St. Andrew's steering com ' make this vision for preservin mittee proposes a communit ~ Board of.Directors will be a 9 our history and legacy in the arts a real ty ~Aneff°rt to i involve leaders across the reg ntedthis h sJforic e~t the fundraism Honorary ', g campaign and to erprise. Establisfiin a Le ac for Our Fut u re With restoration of the historic St. Andrew's making a vital and long--astin -Church, the Friends of St. rehabilitation save a valuable h sto icban'dma~khandtc °f Wilm~n ton .Andrew's is . city center, restoring the buildin g Not only will the g .will also provide a cr~nca ly t eedted cente lization of the cultural activities where none exists today. A gift to the re Andrew's Church is a_ r for arts and .contribute to the histo gift that. will habilitation of the St. urban development of Wilrnin tod ' and southeastern North Caroligna for -years to come. . Please ~ join us in -our. efforts . The kriends of St. Andre~nr's c/o l:-listoric Wilmington Foundation PO Box 150.5 . Wilmington, i~iC 28402 {910) 7s2-2511 Your donation is tax deductible FRIENDS pF S T• ANDREW'S, jN- C. Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation Project CASE FOR SUPPORT August 31, 1999 Executive Summa The Friends of St. Andrew's Inc. has been formed as a not-for- r ' organization to oversee the fundraising for and rehabilitation ofph fit 501(c)(3) Andrew's Church on North Fourth Street. The organization is com ' ,representatives from the North Fourth Street ar e historic St. ea, the Historic Wilmington Foundation, the City of Wilmington, interested arts a prised of nd cultural organizations, financial institutions and the community. The committee has auth ' campaign to raise $1.5 million for the rehabilitation of the historic St. An Church to be used as a community arts and cultural orized a capital drew's center. Savin an Historic Treasure The fate of the historic St. Andrew's Church has been unknown years. The church has suffered from years of neglect and deterio~ateveral condemned by the City in 1996. Demolition seemed imminent until °n, and was Foster, a Charlotte developer, purchased the church from the Hol Mr. Doug Congregation to prevent its demolition. Mr. Foster did not intend to Trinity church long-term and wanted to sell it to a nonprofit organization th own the continue to rehabilitate the building. at would The Historic Wilmington Foundation, because of its long-standin t and interest in historic preservation, was identified as the potential b ck record church. As agreed by all involved parties, the Foundation made an uyer of the purchase the church building and the adjacent manse contingent on a ner to being constructed and the building stabilized to prevent further dete ' ew roof Working with the City of Wilmington and Historic Wilmington Found rioration. Foster has completed the first phase of the project. The Foundatio anon, Mr, St. Andrew's in March 1999. n purchased The role of the Historic Wilmington Foundation is thr - acted as interim owner to ensure the building's preservatio b hea oundation preservation covenants on the property, initiated the fundraising cam a' will play an advisory role on y p n9 historic committed to the rehabilitation of the blhuatch apd mansehe City of Wilmingtonnd funding by purchasing the complex with Community Block Grant ame a partner in 1999 ~ Funds in May 30 Revitalizin Our Nei hborhoods The North Fourth Street Area is the subject of a revitaliz ' focus on the respectful rehabilitation of existing buildin s a businesses to the area. at1Op plan which will The historic St. Andrew's Churgch is anhancthor in Chef nei hborhood and is located in the heart of the h~,cino~.~. ~,:_~ . . -ehabilitatir,n ,e,~n ~..~ ._ Plan for the North Fourth Street Business D strictatheTheQ~ ~J ana cultural Revitalization Community Arts Committee, and the Vision 20/20 plan aeport of the church be renovated; the latter two specifically recommend 11 recommend the facility. use as an arts Finally, the historic St. Andrew's Church is a significant hi of preservation. It is a prime example of one of North rar„rn..,_ .__ historic architert~ ~„~, r. storic resource worthy The preservation of this state landmark w II create a sense~stoa J -riosi ce community that .will bridge several generations. of the re. of pride in the The St. Andrew's Project also represents Wilmington's m proposed White House millennium initiative, "Save ost likel Potential federal fundin Y project for the g for the St. Andrew's proje tw Ilrbe signif cant) s generous community financial support. y aided by - A Mission like No Other in Southeastern North Carolina _ The mission of the Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation r ' p olect is to: • Save a historically and architecturally significant structure • Reuse the building for the benefit of the nei h community, ' g borhood and the whole • Support the physical. and economic revitalization of the • Provide programs and services for the com ne1ghborhood, - • Enhance the arts in Wilmington and southeasternyNorth • Promote the cultural histo Carolina, and ry and diversity of Wilmin t • Hi-~ g on and the region. The historic St. Andrew's Church is located on the corner Campbell Streets in downtown Wilmington. The on final of Fourth and built in 1873 and was significantly expanded in g church .buildin Gustavus Bauer, who worked with Samuel Sloansnshe ~ rchitect Adolt 9 s as governor's mansion in Raleigh. On the adjoinin ro °nstruction of the 9 p perty south of the church, 2 31 the two-story masonry manse, which is Colonial Revival in style, was constructed _ in 1908. Both of these historic resources are located within the boundaries of the downtown National Register District. Th= The rehabilitation of the historic St. Andrew's Church will have benefits in three significant areas. The most urgent and obvious need is the preservation of the existing building structure, a significant historic resource reflective of Wilmington's history.. The preservation of this local landmark will instill a'sense of pride in the community and establish the momentum of future rehabilitation and' development in the North, Fourth Street area. Conversion of the historic St. Andrew's Church into a community arts and cultural center also provide a much needed facility for artists and organizations based in Wilmington and southeastern North Carolina. The Center will provide cohesiveness and support for the arts in our area and create a showcase center within the North Fourth Street neighborhood. This project encompasses preservation, arts, and the community in an area that has been depressed for many years. . Two studies highlight the priority for acommunity-based arts and cultural facility, such as the proposed St. Andrew's Community Arts and Cultural Center, in Wilmington. The. Revitalization Plan for the North Fourth Street Business District was commissioned by,the City of Wilmington and carried out joint) b the City of Wilmington, volunteers from the North Fourth Street Business District, Hyett Palma, Inc., The Downtown Research and Development Center, Ken Weeden & Associates, and Howard T. Capps & Associates. A key result of the North Fourth Street Business District vision session was the evidence of the need for a community center large enough for diverse cultural activities to take place, including large groups. of youth, adults and the elderly. Local business people and residents were in agreement on the importance of improving the attractiveness and cleanliness of the area, and on the importance of physically improving North Fourth Street's buildings. In The Report of Community Arts Committee presented in October 1997, it is recommended that additional facilities be provided to supplement the existing arts facilities in Wilmington. The Community Arts Committee (CAC) recommended renovating St. Andrew's Church, the adjacent manse (house), and the City's Boxing/Fitness Center on North Fourth Street to provide additional space for arts activities. The committee felt that the space and layout of these facilities are complimentary to the needs of arts organizations. The CAC recommends, that visual art classes and exhibitions continue in the downtown area, especially with the relocation of St. John's Museum. The committee suggests that the rehabilitated St. Andrew's Church and adjacent 32~ \ / • facilities will provide ideal space to meet these re uir ' as ceiling height, layout and the availability of natgrale ght ts, given features such. Furthermore, the study points out that the addition of art Street will continue. a trend started by the Arts Council of the ~ e on North Forth Acme Art, NoFo Gallery, and other commercial and non r °wer Cape Fear, activities within a few blocks of St. Andrew's. The hope of hearts-orientated rehabilitation of St. A,ndrew's Church into an arts facilit CAC is that the y will improve the streetscape of the North Fourth Street area, and that the buildin its provide an important anchor in the community, g elf will T= Action The Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation Project or a " a community-wide effort to make this vision for pregervZnn ourmmittee proposes g history and legacy in the arts a reality. The Friends of St. Andrew's Board of Dir appointed to advise on the fundraising campaign and to involvetlea has been the region in this historic enterprise.. ders across Establishin a Le ac for Our Future With restoration of the historic St. Andrew's Church the Friends of St. Andrew's is making a vital and long-lasting contribution to the city of Wilmi will the rehabilitation save a valuable historic landmark and contri gton. Not only revitalization of the city center, restoring the building will also rovid needed center for•arts and cultural activities Bute to the the rehabilitation of the St. Andre ~ p e a critically- where none exists today. A gift to history, arts, and urban development of W Imington and south ontribute to the Carolina for years to come. eastern North 33 4 Historic St. Andrew's Rehabilitation _ NORTH FOURTH STREET COMMU NITY ARTS AND CULTURAL CENTER A Center for the Arts in Wilmington and Southeastern North C arolina The historic St. Andrew's Church, Manse and Boxing Center will se city's North Fourth Street Community Arts and Cultural Center. The e as the includes rehabilitating all three buildings to meet the needs of interespeo)ect community groups who have demonstrated space needs. Based on submi s and proposals, the complex will include two performance spaces r tted gallery and exhibition space, offices, classroom space and storah e rsal space, Nine arts and communit g rehabilitated St. Andrew'sgac lipty foar pu poses lndCludin t rest in using the _ pertorming arts, educational programs, and communit gdevelopment ~ T include but are not limited to Acme Art, Cape Fear Shakespeare Ta hey Theater, Willis Richardson Players, North Fourth Street Partnershi pestry p, Chamber Music Society, New Hanover Community Action and Dreams of Wilmi Two groups have expressed an interest in the long-term many emen ngton. facility. g t of the Acme Art Acme Art has been a positive force in the arts community by focusin exhibitions, events and studio opportunities for artists. The organizagon ' looking to expand these services to artists and the community and is v is to mature symbiotically with the North Fourth Street redevelopment. fiery keen providing exhibition spaces for Wilmington artists and provisions for vis tin artists, from both the U.S. and abroad, the arts community and communit g' general will greatly benefit. yin Acme Art seeks to use the St. Andrew's facility for exhibition space for ' to be managed by the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, as studio s isual art and as residences for Acme Art guest artists. pace, Chamber Music Society This group of musical artists form all over North Carolina and be and the highest quality chamber music series for the region and a equal) provides praiseworthy children's concert series. y The Chamber Music Society hopes to move the existing series of fi evening concerts per year to the sanctuary of St. Andrew's. At two of these performances there will coincide an afternoon children's concert, and occasionally a student workshop/master class. 34 ~ + + ,, Willis Richardson Players _ - The Willis Richardson Players provide to, .involve, and educat Wilmington and surrounding areas on the performanc e the residents of . 'Participants are volunteers from all backgrounds and aoeblack.theater. _ `_° ~ use St. Andrew's for rehearsal and meeting space. ~ The group hopes to ' is , ~ Tapestry Theater Company - ; Tapestry Theater Company produces substantive address social concerns, involve minorities, and inspi~eeand eduplays that . entertain, elevate the perceptions and citizenship of its audience a e' They also - examine the human condition. The group serves a great portion. of Wig eriously and makes a deliberate., conscious effort to cultivate anon-t ~ mington ~ _ cultural and. ethnic diversity:. Yp~ca! audience and j: Tapestry will use the facility to house and rehearse its re ular , ' _ . .expanding the season by two shows annually. The orgagization ho n of theater, expand its Adopt-an-A enc ~ pes to ~. g y program and continue the ongoing Arts-in= . ;. Education project. A theater residency will afford Tapestry the o 'host special` events on a more regular basis and to brin ualifie pportunity to into the community for performances and workshops. , g q , d professionals In addition, Tapestry Theater Company-hopes to ex and it with other interested groups such as Cape Fear Shakes eareollaborative efforts. . provide.cu tural,enrichment for citizens of all races and socioe and Dreams to conditions: nomic , . * Cape.IFear Shakespeare . Cape Fear Shakespeare is dedicated to the presentation of f classical theater in afamily-oriented, accessible picnic-st I ree, outdoor ' group's purpose is to provide education and entertainme t throu~ronmenf. The f William Shakespeare to the citizens of Wilmington and the C gh the works of ape Fear area, Cape Fear Shakespeare has long been without a permanent home d . ~ seasonal nature. By being fioused in St. Andrew's, the groin ho ue to its . . programming on a more frequent basis, keeping its mission to rovid to confinue p e free,: accessible. presentation. of classical theater going for more than one the year, and achieving the as yet unrealized dream of erfo month out of for area schools.. p rming Shakespeare„ ' Cape Fear Shakespeare~is interested in the many ement ^ ~ as provision of programs:. g of the facility as well n The New Hanover County Com ~ ~ - The New Hanover County Common ty Ac~on,assists individuals and f break the cycle of poverty through the operation of cultural amities economic. self-sufficienc ,educational and ~~ y programs. Current programs .include Head Start, . 35 ,. 6 . ~ , . 36 Comprehensive Services, language development, summer enrichmen~ preschool children, adult education and computer literacy.. t for The NHCCA proposes to manage the facility and further ex' programs to assist economically disadvantaged householdspbecdome( se fsting sufficient. The NHCCA will use the space for 1) operation~of enhanced school and seasonal enrichment programs for neighborhood children 2 after- expansion of the existing adult educational. program to include computer liter a cy; and 3) expanded outreach services for cultural enrichment and-adult self- sufficie,ncy, targeting the elderly. DREAMS of Wilmington, INC, DREAMS of Wilmington, INC, is dedicated to the develo m p ent and enhancement of moral character and emotional health in at-risk young eo le' through involvement with the arts. This organization proposes re gsin 8th7 historic St. Andrew's Church for art, dance, drama, music, office and so .e space. Targeted participants and beneficiaries of DREAMS' ro coal economically disadvantaged children residing in New Hanover Cou ms include qualify for the free or reduced school lunch program. ntY who, North Fourth Street Partnership The mission of the North Fourth, Street Partnership is to work and to community. members to work on the man motivate a crime-free, economically viable communip~.oJPrese t beneficiaries and s goal of participants 'in the programs include senior citizens, low-income r ins and handicapped individuals. esidents, shut- n '~ . ,~ . ~ .. ~ ,.. . . ~ . ~ Friends of St ~ , , ,.. - . . Andrew' Board of Directors ` ` t" _ - August 39, 1999 _ . _ _ i .. Mr. Jim Hively, President ' °` ' Ms. Susan Danke/ - . 2005 Spanish Wells Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 254 North Front Street • • W: 509-0123 fax: 509-0145 Wilmington, NC 28401. ~ ~ ~ , - .Email`. lhively anwheatfirsf com W' 343-1640 fax:- 251-8693 ~ ~ H: 34.3-1344 - M • - Email: sdankel@wilrriington,net N1s. Shirley Hart Berry, Vice President - F •~ ~ Cape Fear Community College. ° . '411 North Front Street Mr. Don Fishero _ Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ Lower Cape Fear Arts Council - ° ~ W: 251-5614 fax: 251-5652 H: 392-4800 PO Box 212 Wilmington, NC 28402 Email: beryhart@sprynet com ~ W: 762-4223 fax: 762-9312 . H: 791-7728 - ' .. Mr. Michael Murchison, Secretary " Email:. arts(c~wilminaton net ~ - Murchison, Taylor & Gibson 16 North Fifth Avenue Mr. Steve Flaugher - Wilmington,. NC 28401 (N_OFO Gallery) • W: 763-2426 fax: 763-6561 ' 710 North Fourth Street ~ , , H: 762-9462 V1/ilmingtori, NC 28401 . W,: 256-5565 WZ:251-0804 - -: Mr. Gary Shell; .Treasurer ~ City of Wilmington Mr. Harry Forden PO Box-1810 North Fourth Street Partnership ~ ~ ' - Wilmington, NC 28402 W: 34.1 -7855 fax: 341-7854 PO Box 807 Wilmington; ~NC 28402 ~ . . 763:3987 Mr. Charles.Boney Jr, ~ , Roney Architects Inc " Mr. David Houston , . 2528 Independence Blvd: -Suite 200 Bank'of America 155 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28412 ° W: 790-9901 ~ fax:.790-3111 Wilmington, NC 28401 , " ~ " H: 763-7285 W: 251-5325 fax: 251-5251 • . ~ Email: cb2@boneyarch.com - david.houston(a~bankofamerica com . .~ ~ Mrs. Betty Cameron" " ~ ~ Ms: Linda Pearce , . . .. _ , 2308 Sterling Place ~ 602 Wright Street . - Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ Wilmington; NC 28401 "H` 762-9962 Fax: 763=9949~~ H: 763=0255 W: 343-8209 - Email; BHCam100@aol.com Marva Robinson 'Mrs.` Susan Carter 1051 Parkwood Drive N E , 1506 Magnolia Place Leland, NC 28451 ~ ° ' . ~ Wilmington, NC 28403" .,. H: 371-2676 W: 371-2261 ~ • .'H: 762-3817 ~ , :. a Mrs. Eliz beth Wright hlr. Michael Creed 2232 Acacia Drive McKim & Creed Engineers Wilmington, NC 28403 - - F . 243 North Front Street H: 762-0244. ,beach: 256-2694. - Wilmington, NC,-28401 ~ , - ,. W: 343-1048 ~ fax: 251-8282 ., ,. ~H:256-5358 , "Email:mcreed@mckimcreed.com . . . . Friends of St. Andrew's Board of Directors (continued) Pending: , Mr. Windell Daniels 521 Edgewater Club Road Wilmington, NC 28411 762-9233 815-0804 Honorary Board Member: Representative Thomas E. Wright PO Box 1654 Wilmington, NC 2840.2 W: 910-350-5921, H: 343-9842 Fax: 343-3339 Email Tomw@ms.ncga.state.nc.us Staff: Elizabeth Buxton Historic Wilmington Foundation PO Box 1505 Wilmington, NC 28402 .. W: 910-762-2511 ebuxton@isaac.net Jo Kroes Randell Historic Wilmington Foundation. PO Box 1505 Wilmington, NC 28402 W:910-762-2511 ~ . jrandell@isaac.net Preservation Planner: Susi Hamilton City of Wilmington PO Box 1810 . Wilmington, NC 28402 341-3254 susi.hamilton@ci.wilmington.nc.us Fundraising Consultant: n Kevin Jacques W: 686-2077 Fax: 686-2078 kjacques@capdev.com ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL / CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD/ Vacancies: The Advisory Board has. requested that two positions should be filled from the following categories: Member of the Faith Community Juvenile Defense Attorney Member of Business Community APPLICATIONS RECEIVED: Pastor Bo Baker Dorothy S. DeShields Lois Fox Harold B. King Erik Lindstrom Joseph D. Thornton, Jr. Aida Z. Toplin A~f't~~ach~rnernts~~hCo ~~m~te Information Sheets ~~Apdplica~tions q" d ~~i' ~x•~ 4 ® ~~ ~~ f ~ ~`~ ~~4 ;ixnw~~6+~a~pMsww.~ i CATEGORY Faith Community At-Large Victims Services At-Large ' At-Large Business Community/At-Large At-Large CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Members include representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement, '" Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal Defense Attorney, Public Defender,- Probation Officer, Community .Service .Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug Addict, Community Based Corrections Program; Victim Services .Program, Employment. and: Training Professional (Minimum number of boazd members~is ten) ., '. • ~ Tecros: Initially staggered terms; thereafter; 3-year terms , . , _ ~, .. o~. Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary Statute or Cause Creating Task.Force: NC General Assembly f Purpose:. The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations; to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce . the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties., and the State. ', TERM ., . ~ ~ ~ "PRESENTLY TERM ~ , CURRENT MEMBERS . ~ SERVING EXPIRES• ".. • Community .Based. Corrections .Program ~ { . Joanne Mazr~ Second . ~ 9!30/2.001 ~~ TASC/D`ay Sentencing Center ~ . • " 801' Princess Street ~ ~ , Wilmington, NC .28401 ~ °~ (Appt. 9/18/95, Reappt. 9/21/98) 762.-5333 ~`(W) o • . .. ~ Community Services Coordinator " Donna P. Williams ; Second ° ; 9/30/1999 ,. 6905 Cedar Bluff ~ .: - ; Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (Appt. 9/94, Reappt: 9/16!96) 395-4387(H) .251-5787(W) _ ' -Trina Smthe Second- 9/30/1999.:. ,, .. ~: `Community Penalties Program, Inc. °' ` 208-A Princess Street , Wilmington,. NC 28401 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/96) ..763-5707(W) , ~ ~, ` Probation Officer. .. .: .' Terry Cosby Gootee ~ Second 9/30/2000 430 Honeycutt Drive • • , -Wilmington, NC 28412 {Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/97) ; • 799-1661(H) 25.1,-5757(W) . .. • o, • 4 CRIMINAL NSTICE PARTNERSHII' ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINUED) Victims Services Pro ram , ~G- Phyllis Spive 421 Wa Drive. First . 9/30/99 J ~1~ Wil gton, NC 28403 (Appt. 11/18/96) 6 -9259 343-4129(H) 762-2468 (W) , Members-at-lame Jeanie Renegar ~ First 9/30/2001 309 Friendly Shores Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 9!21/98) 395-1220(H) , Liz Marie Marciniak Second 9/30/2000 P.O. Box 4141 . Wilmington, NC 28406 (Appt. 9/94) 259-9591(H) 962-3049(W) Ted Seawell Second 9/30/2000 P.O. Box 1537 Wilmington, NC 28402 (Appt. 9/94) 395-0511(H) 452-ll22(W) Steve Woodard Second 9/30/99 ~" P.O. Box 312 Kure Beach, NC 28449 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/96) 458-622$(H) 452-4253(W) A~eCICy Representatives: County. Commissioner: Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood Judge of District Court: Judge John Smith District Attorney: John Carriker Wilmington City Police: Lt. J. W. Carey Sheriff Department: Captain Steve Smith ' Mental Health: Susan Hanson Health Department: Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia Gorman \Crime 9/98 42 • Susan Boyette 09/03/99 01:13 PM To: Teresa Elmore/NHC@NHC cc: Andy Atkinson/NHC@NHC Subject: Vacancies on JCPC/CJPB Teresa, Two positions should be advertised for to fill vacanices on the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Board. The two positions should be filled from the following categories: Member of Faith Community .. Juvenile Defense Attorney Member of Business Community The Council voted to fill the other two vacancies from the following categories, which may be appointed without advertisement: Director of DSS or their designee - ~Rep. United Way/other non-profit Thanks, Susan c: Andy NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ _ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS- ~~ °" 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 `` ~ 1 `~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~`~ Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: JuvenilF Crime Prevention Council/CJPB Name: Pastor Bo Baker Home Address: 313 Shamrock Drive- Wilmington, NC How long have you been a - resident of New Hanover County? 1 1 years -' Mailing Address: 31 3 Shamrock Drive City and State: Wilmington, NC Telephone: Nome: 7 91 -1 0 21 Zip Code: 2 8 4 0 9 Business: ~ 91 - 8 9 9 6 "Sex: Male "Race: White "Age: 44 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of'the community is appointed. ""Employed by: The Pentecostals of Wilmington . --~ ro.~~~~ ~~~ir~niy emp~oyeo oy the agency or department for which this app/ication is mede, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VJ, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Pastor Professiona/Activities: Pastor; Administrator of CIP Program for Chemically Dependent Vo/unteerActivities: Chief Chaplain, New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? The insights and fresh ideas I would bring would serve-to undergird the important duties of the Board. Present and past accomplishments qualify me as well. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see reverse side. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Please sen reverse side. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a cy.c~nty? /f so, please list: No. D /~ 9/ 2 3/ 9 9 Signature e e se reverse side for additional commentsl P~ REFERENCES .. _ ~ Please provide three local persona! references: :. ` . Name.' ~ ~ Phone Number '~-... John Coble 791 -20LL34 . , .- .. 2) Sheriff Joseph, McQueen, Jr: 34.?-4200 . . .. • 3J Capt. D.. L. Smiahey, NHSD ~ 341--4262 WHAT DO YOU FEEL-ARE .YOUR,QUALIFICATIONS FOR SERVING ON THE BOARD, COMMITTEE, OR COMMISSION REQUESTED? I have pastored on of the larger - ;hurch`~ in. cur county for 1 1 year= during .:~,r i~~h ti ~:e I have been in- trcately~involved in lives of adults and juveniles. The "Christian Intervention Program" is a program designed for the, chemically,de.pen-~ .dent a's well as those who have had continued confrontations with law enforcement. It is an extensive 20-week course taught weekly to those who are alcohol/drug dependent, and its goal is to reduce recidivism, to~.assist the courts in rehabilitation, and to permanently keep. the offender from iricar~eration again. I serve as the. Administrator. of. CIP for the Eastern area of our state, and was respbnsiblefor bringing -...this wonderful program to our area. A ~to1l-free number (800-535-6011} called "r^reedomLine".will result in any offender being placed .in the- CIP~program that wishes to change. In addition, I am well respected in the tri-county aroma among both fellow clergy as well as rrofessonals. ~'My position as Chief Chaplain for the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department has resulted in a finely tuned and implemented Chaplaincy .program geared toward the needs of a department with approximately 300 employees. Thus, my administrative abilities involving the formulation and implementation of ,visionary' solutions would be realized, rr^inally, I have been responsible for an annual budget in the past approaching. two-million .dollars yearly, I believe this would augment my other abilities ~`•when it comes to budgetary solutions. ~. WHAT'AREAS OF CONCERN WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THE BOARD,' COMMITTEE, OR , COMMl"SSION ADllRESS? I believe that the JCPCjCJPB should consider the . possibility of a higher profile not only among citizens of :New Hanover County, bu also among local .student bodies. Increasing the awareness q of~the public concerning juvenile delinquency as well~as availableresour~es . for prevention should be a sidebar that would run concurrent to the duties of-the Board. My understanding is,-that each members' term is 2-3 years. Therefore,, I would defer comments toward real strategy changes or other areas of `concern until I; were more familiar and better acctuainted with . the work of, .the Board and 'it'sreal abilities and accomplishments. .. J . s ~:. - September 23, 1999 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street,-Room 305 - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Friends: Please find my Application for Appointment to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Board. I will be representing the Member of Faith Community. I certainly trust that you will see the benefits of my appointment to the county, and contact me accordingly. It would be a pleasure to work with you and continue my efforts to make our county a better place to live. If I may assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon me. I'd count it an honor. Sinc ely Bo Baker Senior Pastor BB/als 3615 Chippenham Drive • Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 791-8996 Office • (9 10) 791-9434 Fax (910) 791-1021 Pastor Bo Baler °, - , .: - .: ~ - .. NEW HANOIJER COUNTY • . :: - - - F. . BDARD OF COMM/SSIONERS ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 `~' ~r~ . ,.~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - ~ ~ ~ - `Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~' . • _ Tale hone (9 101 34 1-7 149 , ~ p ' ' -. FAX (910J 341-4130' ,. ., . ,,,Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Requests for Appointment to: ~ ; a, ~ ~ (~- tr~ ~ ~ -~ ~ aunc~ Home -How long have. you. been a - ` , -Addi?ss: :~~~~` ~Q ~ C~C~ ~~ I id f N H - ~ f~ _~ ~ res ent o ew anover County? ~ . Mailing Address: - , City,and,State: ~ ~ r ~ n Z"p Code:. ~_~ ~ ~ of - Telephone: Home: n /~ / / (~- ^~-i ~d~ ~~`Z'-'C~~(~ b Business:~~~~~~c~`-t'--~"~'~~J . - - 'Sex:: 1 "Race: ``, ~~ ~'~ •Age; , 'This informnati~on is requested for Iha sale pur ose of assuring that across-sectio of the,community is appointed. - . " " " Emplo yed b y: I ~4 ~ tai 1~ l; ` ~ ~ s "Apersgmcurrentlyemployed b yfhe agency or departman't / r which this application is made, must resign His/her position with New Hanover County ,upon appointment, in accotd anc e w ith ,4rticla Vl, Sec. 4 of fhe New Hanover County Personn'e! Po/icy. ` I l _ - ~. Job Title:: fl~/Q ~ I'~T~~C~Y ' _' Q Q I I"~U ~ ~U~ ~C~~} VY1(~- - , Professional Actin ' VolunteerActivi i. - ~ .~. CJt ~~'on : g _ -Wh y do you wish to serve-on the Board, Committee, or Commission requeste d7 ~~ (~~'}~ ~ r-~ - 1 ~ h~,~ , ~h: , -What do you feel are your qualifications. for serving on the Board, Coinrr~ittee, or Commission iequested?. ~ L'Q~ ', ' What areas of concern ;wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Comri~ission address.~~ r • I ~. __L_. - Are you currently serving on another;board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?, /f so, p/ease list: ~L ~ . - .. ` a•TC~~~`1. / Signature s i ' e use reverse s de fo r additional comments) " - ~ - ,. (OVER) REFERENCES ~ , Please provide three local personal references: ' Name Phone Number 2~ -.~ a rb a r a ~o ~r~ - 7 q Q --y 3 315 _ 3j ~-~ Qr~~c~-~--' ~r ri S ~ r a ~-~ o ~ 3 ~ ~~ ., , - " NF1N HANOVER COUNTY- , L ,.. . ' ~ BOARD.OF COMMISSIOIiIfRS . ~ 320 Chestnut Streef, Room 305 - . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 '• Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 J 49 _ ' FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 , " App!lcatlon far Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions. NAppointed by the New Hanover County Board of commissioners. - .; • ~ Re uest far A ~r ~ ~ ~ ' q ppointmeni to: ~~-, ~'~,'h1~ ~y1 ~7C~%,~?.~ - ~ f~%, `-. l//E-"i7h~ _ Name: - ~-~/J ;'l' aC` . ~1~~-~ HO~le ~ ~- ,..-.~ How long have you been a G • Address._ _ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~' °irTJy-~ ~~ ~i~/ resident of New Hanover County? J `~ `---'' - . Matting Address: ~,/~y ~`~.-~ - , , .City and State: i ~./?--, /tii./ i~'Y ~ ~ ~ Zip 'Code: <=~ ~r~f~ ".. , • Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~ G' ~~~ Business: ~ _ "Sex: ~ "Racr?: ~~~ "Age: - 'This information is requested for the sole purporrs~ of assuring tha~t~a~c~r-os-s--saclion of the community is appointed. , "Employed by: Ci-~L~ ~. ~~/'~ G~ ~~.1J mil ~~'-~~~L'7~J - "A person cunentiy employed by the agency w department for which this application is made, must resign hisiY,arposirian with °, iVew Hanover County upon app~~o}}intment, in accordance with,4rticle vl, Sec.4 of the A/ew Hanover Cawiry Personnel Policy. .. Job Title: ` -~ ;~~-fi'r' ./ fi ~ ~`,'e`'!~ A~~ ~~`'~',~~^- _ . •Professiona'! Activities: '7 r~ "~ ~/~/LJ ~ ~L, L' 'Ll L~~~'~'~' ~f~~ C^, 1/olunteerActivities: _,.,) C_~ / ~~~ ~ Z i / 7` ~ ~ . ~'' ~' Why~do you/rwish iq serve on the Board, Committee, or_ Commission requested? ~ , i. -;~~--!~ G/ ~~ ~ ~~';-?~"' G r ~.~i ,,/ ply ,. f ~~'~- ~ ~`,~ f ~ /-S ,~~ . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .` - ~~~ ~~~~-~-v,~ ~ ,~ ~'~, ~- ,gip ~ i~;w~. "C~;- ' `~~.~',~ 'What areas of conc n would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commi ~ on addressT ~ ° re you currently serving on another board or cgmmittee appointed by a municipality or a county? 1f so, please list: ~' " , f ~---~ -~ G-~ -'f"~='~' y~~- - ~{u. ~~' (., a r~c. (~ o n~ c ~ w, ~+~-~ ~', c~ % ~o w~. ` ~/ • , - ~ ~i' % ~ 7 nature ,:~ L ~~ _ ~ . ._.. ~ ~ fig. ' ~ ~ ~. ~~ ; Q , ~ ~ . ;; ',' ~ .. - NEIN f-lANOVF'R COUNTY ' _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ . 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305- Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • Telephone (9101341=7149" - , ' FAX (910) 341-4130 , . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions .,. .. ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. '• Request for`Appontment to: ~ ~' ~ 4~ i ~ ty ~ ~ ~ i C "_ ~' N Q ~' S I~ i ~~~ j s t/. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' Name: , , ~ ~~ ~Y c3 ~ c.1 ~ ~ ~ i M ~ . " "Home ~ - Now long have you been a Address: " ~ ~ C.~ ~ ._5' ~ ~ ~(`C` ~ tZ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ Y - " _ .. Mailing :4ddress: •- ` ~ ~ ~ l a 1~1 ~ (•~ , - ~ • City, and Stater ~~. V i ~ ~~ 5 tJ ~ ~~ l ~ ~ ~: 3. C 1~ .1~ ~ L'p Cade: L ~ ~ ~ ~ U - Tele hone: : ~ Home: ~ '~ ~~~ p - ~ _ Z--'`~~.:~:: ~ L- ~% 7 :~ Business: . 'Stx: {~-~ ~ `Race` ~ •Age: (~,~ 'This ihlarmation is;-r~equested for the sale purpgse oI assuring that across-section of the. community is appointed. - ' "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which-this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, -Sec. 4 of the Now Hanover Caunly Personnel Policy. • ~ . Job Title: . Professional Activities: ' ~- ~ • :- + ' : VolunteerActivities: ~1' ~ ~ ~ ~ a S ~~ ~ c.: Y C C_ ~ . Why do you wish tq serve on the Board, Committee,. or Commission requested? ~ . i" j '` What do .you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Comlrrittee, or Commission requested?, What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, br Commission address?' ~ ' ( ~~, ~' ` 1 ~ iM F . .. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality ore county? if so, please.list: - ,-_~- - .- ~. , e: ~j l 7 . ~1 ;~ Sign e ~~ : ease use reverse side for additional comments) J ~ f ~rU •.: ~ ` ,. ' (OVE .~ - , .. , ..~ REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Nam/e / Phone Number` 1J f ~, t Z'/Y ~C/LS T' y' ; . 3) ~/ /i.~ ~ '~ ~ r~, ,b ~ ice" ~; 52 .. ~ . . - 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY , BOARD Off' COMMISSIONERS . 320 Chestnut. Street;. Room 305 • , . Wilmington, NC 2840.7 -4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149. . . - FAX (9101 341-4130 .. - Application for Appointment to Boards, .Committees, and Commissions ~. Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - ` . Request forAppoinimentto: ~SU~J~NtL[/ G~S>~E P('~~~~N'7son; GOV~'~GiL-- ' ,Name:. ~ ~Zi; l-.INa Sr{2C (Y1 ~, . ~. Home How.long have you been a -' ~ - - Address: ' . _ 3~ Q STRA 0 t--F,iG-H resident of New Hanovei County? ,2 'z ~ ~,a~-s ..Mailing Address: • 33 ~, S! ~ (~ ~ L E _LC H ' Chy and State: ~W.LL!`".~.Lrv~`G-~o~ z iV r Zip Coder __ Z.`34~.U3 - J O Telephone: ` Home: ~ylG 7~~ - % {~ 53 Business: C 910 3 9 7-- c~ OIL *Sex: M A r_F_ *Race: i.u H zt~ *Age: `~ v . - .'This information is requested far the sole purpose of arsur.'ny that across-sectioh of. the community is appointed. **Employed by: _ . G~R.t~}S,w Cr .ZtiG~ "A~person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with ..New Hanover. Coun[y upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~°Rur~~L~ so~% s ~~~~VLSO2' ~ ~'~EG~ 2zc:~L ENG~~Eg.,Q ' Professional Activities: _' Pu 2 Su z.N ~~ C, ~ i LV E r~u~ cit yrL' L,u,' ' . 1/oluntee~ Activities: - - Why do ,you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission .requested?~ i hare. z SEn s~ F~ f ob~.; Cfl Q~rG^~, ct~,7 LI ~.~, ~I'7 J~SiCL Sv1 ~C'/ SF JZ -~; '1` U .~, C. ) ~ v~• 1/ PCB ~~hQ~ u, Pl ~. ~. ~~ r~~ ~t ffeh V ~,I O"F • C~i.Jr- C'^:v~MJl1 ~'} ~{" What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,, Committee, or Commission requested?,. Na,.;,,~ ^ -~~" Q ~~'• .{.~hP.^S. .~ f7d~l S C. 7. MJ'h ~i•~, ~~QVCIcY'in c ~l ^~i.~C; i.ti,"/"~h.. ~'~J.Z:s~, },ugh (~.~. ~:.rH,7i~~ ce.:wrY+S, - What areas of concern `wo.uld you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ „.e I v o; ,, ~. ,~ " ~"hZ ?rr v~~uMS' fo n;.L~enC CF,~Ic~~ec~ -t~::..r ~,n•FFr', thZ ~~ 'enilP ,.~Sfi"'~cF SVS-heo'Vl . Are you ctirrenaly serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? Jf so, please list: N u ~, ~ ~ , .. ..,; . •. . to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~%~~ ~ 4 j"~;' Signature -~ ~~~~~~ • Please use reverse side far ado'itional comments) .r .... .,;~ . .... , ;, . .,~,~ - • REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1J _~Lf('iL~ I~_ a~~~~^5o'n C~r~~-> 7q1-~o33 CNa~F~ 2) ~c~ ~ n Ph ~ ~ n 5 CY+~~ 39s-73Z5 C~~~-+~~ mac) 34s~-cc~1 CNu,~E~ 3J ~ ~ ~i'_b2tca ~c;. re; ~~~ !~~ CYx~) 9~7-3~;I~+ ~L~o21'~ 54 ;:. W1111am A..Caster ~~~TCE IIf ?~~ ti , Chairman , Robert G. Greer ~ . ~1~~~~ ~~ t.Y.1~~~~~~t.~~Q~~ 9 a Vice-Chairman ~- ~F -°~^^ GpQ~ ~-'P£u ~rxnIIfrEr f1).nTZn#g NOF~ .. Buzz Birzenieks _ Wanda M. Copley. Commisslorier 32II ~IjPStnut ~#xPe#, ~.Zaum 3II5 County Attorney , .Ted Davts, Jr. ~ilmzn$turi, ~nxtl~ fl~ttxulintz 284II 1-4II93 Commissioner ~ Allen O'Neal • (~P1eP~nn$ (91D) 341-71.49 County Manager , ' Charles R. Howell `- ~rzx (91II) 341-413Q ~ Lurie F. Harrell Commissloner• ~ Clerk to the Board , . ~ , July 12 1999 ~ , .. ~ Derrick R. Anderson .. . 1014 Stevenson Drive •. ., Wilmington; NC 28405 ,• ~ ; ~. ~ ~ . ^~~ ~~r~ Y -- Dear Mr. An on: ° . As follow. Lip to our conversation regarding your interest in serving on the Criminal: Justice ; Partnership -Board/Juvenile 'Crime Prevention Council, I am enclosing a New Hanover. County Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Please fill it out and return it to the address on the form. Th`e Board will make appointments at its September 20 meeting. .I appreciate your interest in serving in this capacity, and I thank you , in advance for ° confributing your time and talents to New Hanover County. .. Sincerely; • ' William A: Caster Chairman /~ ~ ~~, ~,v-,,,~ , t3c?u~ ~ . ' ~ WAC:mIp • _ • . •: , 1 - ~3-~ 55 . ~• Dear Bill, First of all let me thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve on the juvenile crime committee. I realize the dedication that must go in to this and I really appreciate your consideration for this endeavor. Much to my dismay however I must decline the invitation to apply for this committee. Commitments to other activities have somewhat limited my time to serve on such a worthwhile board. I would however like to recommend a young man whom I think would be a credit to the juvenile crime"committee. Erik Lindstrom is his name and he is employed as an engineer at Corning, inc. Erik is very interested in"serving on this committee, and his desire to be involved in public service is very commendable. I have known Erik for quite sometime and I would personally stake my reputation on Erik's ability to serve. I know the caliber of person you wish to serve on such a committee and I am quite sure Erik would meet the necessary criteria. Again thanks my friend, 'and take -care of yourself. Hope to see you soon. Sincerely Your Friend, l.% Derrick R: Anderson 56 O .., .. - • ~ ~ NEW HANOVF'R COUNTY '. ~ ~ ~. . BOARD OF CON1'M/SS/ONERS ^ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' lNilmington, NC 28,401-4093 • ~ - ~.• - - Telephone (910) 341-7149 . FAX (9101 341-4130 . Application, for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' . Appointed by the .New Hanover County .Board of Commissioners.. Request forAppointment tQ -~' l i i 1 ~~ ~ ..~ .. ~ ,~,/~/, ~ i ~r\ r-~ 1 ~ ~~~?~ t-{i s;"> , r'lC,~ ~,/'~ ~/,~,7~. ~ I'--~:y 1),; :.. ~., iVame.: , :_.,_ ~_. ~ ~t ~, ''t~ 'h~ ~, C .ter -,\ t' - • • Home ~ , ,,~ ~ ,,, ,- How long have you been a _ Address: ~.. ~>- r - ~~ ~ f~ ~ t~ ~' ~, ~-~ 1 ~ + ~~f<" ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ (i<~ ~ . lviciiing Nddress: `7~i 1~-~--- ~ ' .. ,. __ , } , ,r .City and State: it_ k 'L.<< ~ '(~ i'' _i ~: ? " ~~ .. (',~ ~ r' Z'p Code: , , ~ - r. ~ • f ,Telephone:`- Home: - ~',%fi_, ~.' .,c; ~; ~-,•_ ' , Business: ~-'1~ -?'~'-> - '7~~~~~`,~: • ; , 'Sex: l~ . .Race; '~ "Age; ''= ` =, . 'This information is requested for the sale purpose ofessuring that across-section of the community is appointed. . "".Employed b ' 'C~I(~\1-'r ... C_~' -. ~ ~-~ _ "A person currently ample yed by fhe agency or department for which this app/icatiari is made, must resign his/her position with . New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sac. 4 of the Naw Nanover Caunfy Pe~sonne/Policy. ~, ` ~. ,, ~ , ., , - ~. Job Title: r'h{ .~- ~ 4 ~r - >~w #-, i~ ~ r ~ ~ }, '~' -' +--,, . . `Pro fessional~Activities: ~~~'. ~~,/~'„yam\r ~~,~ J_ ;:~-~ i r '„ ~ - -- -~_ . .- - VolUnteer/QCtlvltleS: i.,.l~(~ , - L{„-_:t1< .:~i_y- ~=1~1_.;"~ r~,.4.f.~ -r. /!"fix;:;'- -j`~ , .. _ ~~ ~' Why do-you wish to serve on the. Board, Committee, or Commission requested? L - ~ I_zf~~., ~ 7 ~ ~., ~ `,r r" ;~ - --. _ _ _ .. _ . > (`~ ---~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~`%'. . ~ t; ~-- . ~ ,~~' ~ ./_ ~.a l ~ ~ l ~ r: t• r F ~. ~ ~ ; ~.~ !1. 4 ! r r i' ~i 7 ~ r~.~ f - What do you., feel are your qualifications for serving on the Boaid, Committee, o~ Commission requested? ~- Whata~areas of concern would you like to see the- Board, Committee, or Commission address.? ~ (t.!i=~..i t;l_ ~~. ,, _ _,.- - - - Are you currently serving `on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? 1f so, please Itst: _ I ~ _ ... r •. ..;/_:.r ~-~ -~~~ X998 ~_ -~~ . 57 ~ `' ~ Signature • ease use reverse side /or additional comments) . _ ~~~, .. ___ . ,... ~ . _ .. .. • .,.... . .. . . <. , .. . REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 31 ~~ ~~`~ ~.i: l~~t~ ~. ~ ~ ;= Cep\_ `:,,-~'~~~ ~-~-~ 7~~ ` - lf' ~C~ ~ '"1 58 .l • . ~ Joseph D . Thornton, Jr . , ` CLI - ~., EXPERIENCE . ~•. Cape Fear Investigations 1995. to Present .:President and sole shareholder of private investigation firm located in Wilmington, North Carolina. The firm specializes in civil and ' ~.cri'minal investigations with a client base bf lawyers, insurance ' companies and .private clients, respectively. - • .New~Hanover.County Schools •• • ~ Case ;Manager, Willie M - Unit wide 8/96 ,to 6/9.7. ... ,, ~._ " Substitute~Teacher. 4 12/95 .to Present ` •~'~ Lawyers Investigating Service 1975. to 1995 • President and sole shareholder of private investigation firm. located ~•in,Portland,.Maine.• The .firm specialized in civil and criminal r ' nvestigat-ions with a cliezit base of lawyers, insurance companies and private clients, respectively. - ~ . •Hal,lmark Security, Inc. 1987 to~'1992 ' •." President and majority stockholder of .a security company located in ' Portland,. Maine. • ~~ - PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS `_ National Association of Legal Investigators (NAZI) .1985 to Present . Director - Region I ,1990 to 1992 ' Certified-Legal. Investigator 198:8_to`Present, ' Written two articles ublished in The"Lecral Invest a • • P or magazine. ~EDUCATION Attended 1971 to 1974 University. of Maine,School of Law. _ °' 1971 Graduate B . A. Magna Cum Laude . ~~_. • •~~ English/Philosophy Double Major. ,. -. ,~ ~ Boston College ~.. . ".. 1967 Graduate Magna Cum Laude • ;' . -. '° ..:Cheverus.High School. - .."~ ,'. "PERSONAL .NOTE ~,. '. -: ' . _. _ . ± Traveled extensively throughout the United. States, Europe•-and British Isl"es. Enjoys skiing,, sailing and.golf with wife and .two childr~$~ - 60 here were a million people in Maine when I grew up here (1949-1967). Having graduated from a Jesuit high school in Portland, I ventured out into the tivorld (100 miles south of Port- land) to a 7esuit college in Boston, later made famous by the exploits of Doug Flutie in the 1980s. After eight years of studying Latin an'd German at Cheverus High School andBoston College,I returned to the provincial "state of Maine in 1971 to attend law school at the Uni- versity of Maine. I hated larv school and finished only four semesters on the installment plan between 1971 and 1974. During that time, however, I was exposed to private investigation tlu-ough an attorney for whom I worked in that capacity. I loved it and con- tinue to work in thatfieId today, some 20 years later. Reluctance What does my educational back- ground have to do with the Certified Legal Investigatorcxamination? Vol- umes. Iapproached the CLI exam with some trepidation when I first inquired about it shortly after joining MALI in 1986. At that time I had been self-employed as a private investiga- tor, running my own agency since 1975. I knew that I was capable in my field and thought that I did not require a CLI designationto confirm thatfact. But after talking with Dave Watts, By Joe Thornton Jr., CLl Co-Chair, CLI Committee ;' = .~ When former Region I Director Joe Thornton took the CLI exam, he .learned more than he thought he would about his profession as an investigator. CLI; Alan Hart, CLI; and Dick Day, CLI, I decided to take the plunge. Although I pride myself in my written. reports, I had not written a white paper for some 12 years (since those dark days as a law student). I chose a subject, researched it and wrote the article, which was unin- spiring and very rudimentary. I am sure that those who graded that article had.a similar assessment of it. Familiar Topic I chose a topic, photography, in which Iwas interested. I had a lot of practical experience, but very little technical knowledge ofequipment and, THE LEGAL INVESTIGATOR, NOVEMBER 1993 methodology. I learned something writing the article, which is an impor- tantpart of the CLI examination pro-. cess. Learning More Then, I was provided with a syl- labus that consisted of four or-five books about investigation. I diligently read them and, in the process, brushed up on some areas of the law and inves- tigation with whicli I deal only infre- quently. Again, 1 learned something through this ~effor't. Finally, Dick Day provide with asample-exam to review. ~~~,~~ prepared, but traveled to Denverwon- dcring how I would:do on the exami- nation, particularly:theoral part, about which I remained vague (probably by design on the part of the examiners). The ,examination was fair, compre- hensive, long and tiring. I actually enjoyed the process despite my fears and the natural re- luctance of all of us to cram for any- thing at our advanced ages. Friendly Interrogators During the oral portion, i was asked to take a statement from a wit- ness pursuant to a hypothetical fact pattern. Having taken thousands of these during the course of my then 11 or 12 years in business, it was not a terribly daunting task. The ethical problems posed to me by my examin- ers, the late George Posner, CLI, and x 'Lynne Curti ,CLI,. were complex. ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ Both made me feel very comfortable . during that process. Presumably, since ; h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ®~ ~ ~ ~ -g [~ I passed t e examination, I answered ; - their ethical. questions with some de- j - gree of candor. ~.; By ,SteU272 W. McNally, -CLI ~ . ~' ~ '. Scholarship Committee Glhairperson ;Spreading the Word ~ ~ The CLI designation eon£rmed ~ ; ~ ' Scholarship applicationswill be from two to four $1,500 awards; Ap- `"~ `that a parochial Irish Catholic kid • accepted starting Feb. 1, 1994. Dead- plicants can be children or grandchil- from- a .rural- state in the Northeast line for application, with all required dren ofNALI members (in good stand-. . could hold his own with the bright, attachments, will be May 20, 1994.. ing,'whetlier active or retired). Siricc -~ ' ~" articulate membership of theNational you can obtain the 1994 scholar- the purpose of the award is to provide Association of Legal Investigators : ship applications from any Regional recognition of achievement ' 'the can- froin coast to coast. When I returned , Director, national ofFcer, the Execu- didatcs''financi"aI ability shall notbe to :Maine, initially I was reluctant to five Secretaryorthe Scholarship Com- a factor in the selection process. :use the CLI designation, thinking that ; rnittee Chairperson (Steven W. The next .committee: report will no one else in my state would know what it meant I overcame that reluc- ;McNally, CLI, c,% Intel~uest Inc., describe the'scoring criteria and pro- . tance~and began to use it. I am educat- ; 10025 S. W. 91-Terrace, Miamt, hL ccss. It also will identify ,the commit- ; ing the trial lawyers in the state about 33176). ~ ~ tee members who have.. devoted .their . - -the designation and encouraging other' Remember, the numberofavail- time and effort to making the NALI. . investigators to joinNALI and to com- able scholarships has been increased scholarship program a success. ® - , , plete the CLI exam. ~ fa Consider applying to take the ,~ ~ ' ~', exam at our Mid-Winter Seminar in rte... ; a`'- .Dallas or at our 1994 National Con- vention in, Buffalo, N.Y. In our capac- : ity as co-chairs. of the CLI Committee ~ . . ' this year, Lynne Curtis and I will try i ; "'~ z~ ' to make the experience educational . ; ~ and relatively painless, (unless, of course, a prospective candidate has ,~ ' ' .bested me in a NALI. golf tourna- : . mcnt). - ~. By. the way, the population of ; . Maineremains the same, soma 25 ; years 1-titer, but within it, there is only ; (Left)1993 scholarship winner Misty Hackettand NALI member AI Wolfe. (Right) Region ' .one CLI. ®' VII Director Gary Vencill awards a scholarship check to: Leigh Anne Whitney.• - " ,~ u,;. ' - ~. ~:.. Inside: The arts, reviews, gardening, and calendar of events --- ~ ~va~.t to kno~v- ~~ .:_ what he kr~o~s. "'Joe Thornton rays he is essentially interested in answering just one question -• what happened? Guilt and innocence are for the courts to decide;. he's interested in the facts. THE DAY TRUMAN DONGO and Herbert Schwartz were acquitted of murder end being an accessory before. • the fact of murder, respectively, in the 1973 ' shooting death of Film director Jon Pownall, Lwsa sitting in a Portland lounge with Jce Thornton, one' of'lhe private detectives who had worked on the ' ra4e for the defense. As the poet-trial victory celebration wanton around us; we sat talking about thegood olddeye, but inevitably the conversation ' turned to the crime.. Would the murder ever be solved, I wondered. Would we aver knowwhodid it? "I. know who did it," Jce replied confidently. I honestly don't recall whetherwhatJoe said nett , came in response to my silence, the look on my Cace, l.or a question from me. All I remember the chill. "You don't want to know," he said. Jce was. right. l didn't want to know. hat's not 'the kind of knowledge I could live with. But Joe's enigmatic words have stayed with me. In the dozen '.Years since he spoke them, whenever I run into Joe, 'I tfiink; "You don't want to' know," Those words hov Imaginary balloon above hie head. And `g'lue ho killed JonPownallthatldan'twant ~f„y~~v r 1 have Co eaeume that ilJoe thinks he knows, law enforcement authorities also think they know, the burden being knowledge without proof that will stand up in court, No, I don't want to know anythingJce Thornton knows. Jce Thornton cut hie investigative teeth on the Pownall murder case. At the conclusion oC the Dongo-Schwartz atrial in May oC 1975, he eatab- liahed Lawyers Investigating Service, specializing in cziminnl and insurance defense work. He dcea for defense-attorneys what .the police do for prosecu- tors. (It is mere coincidence, he says, that hie office window looks directly across the Portland Public Safety Building parking lot at the police depart. ment detective bureau.) Apparently Joe is good at what he dcea, for in the peat 12 years be hen been called .upon. to investigate 30 murders and hie fee (S50 an hour) ie almost double that of some of his competitors. Not bad for a former Cheverus High bagboy and pne-time Columbia Supermarket When I first met Joe Thornton he was a atuderit at Chevezus High School, in Portland, and one of those _handsome-young-Catholic-bays-in-jacket- and-tie for which the school is famous. He was an outstanding scholar and debater, but I still tend to think of him as a gentleman rowdy. Ween't he always getting into fights back thenT Na, that was hie beet friend, now a prominent local attorney. "I foot went along'to clean up afterwards," Jce tnslata. In a strange way, that's what he does for a living now. Jce Thornton looks as though he could take care of himself, but he's not a bully, not a tough guy. At 38, ha is a boyishly handsome, articulate, person- able young man, His thick head of dirk hair and defiant mustache give a slightly iconoclastic"Couch to his otherwise conservative appearance -tan Southwick suit, tasseled loafers. Walking along the streets of downtown Portland, be might be taken for a prosperous investment broker,~a junior bank ezecutive, perhaps art up-and-coming nttorney. Indeed, be was well on his way to a career in the law before he veered off to become the first licensed private investigator in Maine without a law en- forcement background. After graduating from Cheverua in 1967, Jce attended Boston College, graduating magna cum laude in 1971 with a double major in English and philosophy. Having distinguished himself academ-' ically all hie IiCe, he then entered law school where he discovered be did not enjoy either the subject matter or the discipline. After one semester et the University oC Maine School of Law, Joe quit and went off to sell advertising, Eventually, convinced . by friends that be hadn't given law school a chance, (Continued on the nett page) MAINE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY ~, t}a7 Ia ~1 MAINE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 v ., , (Continued from the previous page) he retuznad for three more eemeatets, dropping out again in 1974. During law school, however, Jce got -his first exposure to detective work. ' . "I guess my desire to do investigative work stems from reading the Hardy Boys series, ae corny ag that might sound;' explains Thornton. "When i wee in my second semester of law school, l sought out Dan Lilley (one oC Maine's, top criminal defense attorneys) end asked him how to get into criminal investigation. He put me in touch with Lee Jobin, who wad doing a lot o[ work for Lilley at the time. ! For 18 ¢montha, three semesters, I worked far Jobin doing basic .legwoik, grunt work, surveillance, tracking down leads so remote they wouldn t result in anything fruitful."' T THE TIME, in order to get a private ' ~inveatigetor's license in Maine an ep- ~1(~1( 1111plicant had to be 18 years old, not have been convicted of a felony, and had to have served one year as a law enforcement officer. Jce managed ' to convince the governor's executive council (the now disbanded body which then controlled the licenses) thathia two years of1aw school and his experience working with Lee Jobin made him aC least as qualified as a rookie cop to become a private detective. But Jce•Thornton's real qualifications are inherent. "I think Joe's greatest asset," Dan Lilley`saye Today, "ia that he does'get his man'orwoman, as the case may bc, in the sense that he is able to interview people I don't think any other investigator, any attorney, even (Ij myself would have been able to Interview,you take a rape of eezual.abuae case. where the victim is very reluctant to talk to anyone on the defense Learn. Joe Thornton stands alone among investigators - and I don't know whether. ` it's his tenacity or his personality, that's his secret -in being able togetin,aitdown,andtalktopeople. who; by the very ne Wie o(the situation, can't stand -'anyone from the defense team, - ' "His-second greatest asset is thathe is excellent as a witness on the stand. Hid image portrayehim - and rightfully eo - ea an honest, truthful guy. He calla 'em.as he sees 'em. The jury believes him." When Jos began his career as an investigator; Dan Lilley and Caroline Glassman, now a ju6tice of the Maine Supreme Court, were hie primary clients. ,luetice Glassman hen a similar appraisal of ` • Thornton'd skills. ' "He did. s marvelous job of investigating which frequently required fitting himself into an environment " says Justice Glassman. "And ,he . certainly made a good witness on the stand. I really - think he is s top investigator," Justice Glassman recalls that the first case she `hired Thornton to investigate involved a woman ' who had been fired after being accused by a fellow employee of,stealing-,money from her employer:' What impressed Glassman was how erhaustive Thomton's investigation was. Joe even interviewed - the doctor who had delivered the woman. On the basis of the character profile Thornton was able to , assemble,theslandercaaereaultedin"areasanably • good settlement." "•Inforn,ationisasactedtzuat,"sayaJce."People don't, bare their souls to you lightly. You need the ability to talk to people, Che ability t(o get people to tiwt you,-to believe in you. The t th is a great motivator. I am genetallyintereate~m finding out .what the truth is, only then are you back into concepts of guilt and innocence." Beyond-good and evil? Well, .yea, in a certain sense Jce dcea take avalue-neutral approach to information. In fact, he says objectivity is one his most valuable investigative assets. "I have a great tool," he says of his point of view. "1'm a fact finder. I don't care how I come down on any side oC an issue. Someone might tell me, 'We want to prove something,' but people in hell want ice water, too.I'm ju~tout there asking the question, 'What happened?'." The case that Joe Lists as his "biggest achieve- ment" -the recovery oC a Rodin sculpture stolen from the Falmouth estate of Charles Shipman Payson -illustrates the value oC neutrality io an investigator .. , ae well ae thebalue oC luck. IC seems thetJce bed been hired on behalf of the defendant in the 1976 murder of Anne Holt Paysoh, the sister of Charles Shipman Payson. In the course of his investigation, he met Mr. Payeon's caretaker, who asked Jce to keep his eyes and ears open regarding the stolen sculpture. As Iuck would have it ("pure coincidence; I can't take any real credit"), Jce was meeting with a client in an unrelated criminal case, standing in a parking lot, when a sleek sports car drove in. Thornton's client casually mentioned that the driver of the apbrte car "has a bronze buried in the ground and is afraid to move it. .It's too hot." "I asked my client, 'Do you think the guywanta to~ell it back to Payson?' Ha said,'Idon't know, bal. I can Fnd out."' . T HUS THORNTON arranged for Payson to buy back his Rodin "at a fraction of what it was worth." Naturally, authori- ties wanted to know who had stolen the work of art, but Jce wouldn't say. When subpoenaed before e federal grand jury, he refused to testify. "When you buy me, you buy my silence," he aayd. "Query: How many statues nm I going to recovei if I spilled myguta to a federal grand jury?" A year later, the culprit was arrested on another charge and confessed to the art theft as well. "T~e reason the police weren't finding the sculpture;' says 'Jce, 'is than their motive'wep prosecution. My motive was recovering the object." Joe believes that Ll~e exceedingly fine line bet- ween Justice and Truth is wideenough to tripup law enforcement authorities. In his view, the anxiety to arrest and convict sometimes blinds police officials to the big picture. ' "'The police sometimes take s myopic view," he says. "'T'hey tunnel in and focus on a suspect too quickly to the exclusion of more credible, valuable, and quality evidence elsewhere." As an example of official myopia, Thornton cites the unsolved death of Colby College coed Katherine Murphy. Katherine Murphy was found beaten to death on the edge of the Waterville college campus in 1971. AC fast autborties theorized she had bean hit by a car and launched a search for shit-and-run driver. The day after the murder, however, a young local man named Alan Pelletier appeared at the the Waterville police station to conteaa that he had seen a man attacking the woman the night beforo and returned W the scene of the crime where he found the body, panicked, and fled. Police officials focused theii auepicions on Pelletier at the time, but Pelletier wasn't charged with the crime. In 1980, the attorney general convened a grand jury to hear new evidence in the Murphy case, but the jury wee not asked to vote on an indictment. Then last year; the grand jury met again and finally indicted Alan Pelletier for the 14-year-old murder. The deciding f¢ctor in the 1986 indictment ap- peared to be nn eye witness whose identity was not disclosed. The mysterious witness claimed to have been with Pelletier the night Katherina Murphy was killed. ~~~ T/HEN Dan Lilley took on Alan Polletiei s ~/ ~/ defense,. he hired Jce Thornton to iri- y ~ veatignte the new developments. The key witness fumed out to be a friend of the accused who had previously testified thathe knew nothing of the murder. Apparently, as a result of witneaeing an accident in Florida in which a gul was struck and killed, the witness had flipped out and confessed to Florida authorities thathe knew all about the death of Katherine Murphy. Aa Joe fella it, the key witness now claimed that he' and Pelletier and a third man had been driving around drunk, acci- dentlyhit the coed (as the police had a~smided), and the third men bed jumped out and hasten the girt to make aura she wasdead and would not be able to identify them. Jce Thornton heard this story for himself when he traveled to Florida to interview the now afar witness, Thornton says the man he talked to in Florida was a cocaine user and dealer who had been in and out of psychiatric hospitals and drug detoxification centers. He told Jce thathe had confessed because of a recurring nightmare he had been having, But. when Jce asked the witness whether he had actually been with Pe lletisz the night of the murder, the man answered, "In my mind I w¢a." "We don't normally share interviews with the prosecution," soya Dan Lilley, "but in this cane I' told them,'We can't wait for you to put this guy on the eland.' J ce got him to open up tv the point where it was obvious he was crazy:' The state's atarwitnesa was never called to testify during the trial. Alan Pelletier was found not guilty in January oC this year. "We're trying to find out what happened," says Jce Thornton of his criminal defense work. "If my client is guilty, it's up to the state.. to provait- In an egregious murder where someone is caught red- handed, all my role ie to see, along with the de[etu+e lawyer, that the person gets a fair trial. The rub comes when you get a case that's not obviously cleat and. the state is trying to prosecute someone. My role then is to find and present exculpatory evidence. To the extent the cops don't do a good job, I have something to do." Still, Joe seems to pride himself more an the thoroughness of an investigation than oft the outcome of trials. '"There hasn't been a case Tve worked oa;' he says, "where someone a sprung a surprise witness I should have uncovered in the course of an investigation;"And here he a tope to knock on wood. Listening to Joe's tales of murder and metyhem is at once faacinatir,g and repulsive. Of course, law • ' 63 MA1NE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 Joc Thornton says he first became interested in detective wor.C as a boy reading the Hardy Boys mysteries. The hooks behind him run the investigative-gamut- Jran hard-care realism - Invcs(igation and Preparation of Criminal Cases and Elcetranic Survcillancc - m hard-boiled rommuicism -The Novels of Dashiell Hammett, Shades of Travis McGce,•and Farewell, My Lovely. { enforcement officials and prosecutors have to deal with the, name deanerate characters daily, but enforcement officials and prosecutors are the good guys. Dcesn'tit getto him, constantly working on. behalf of people accused of vicious crimeal "You can't help representing the damned with= out being,caat in'ths black hat role;' Jos replies: "Some of the nicest people I have met,.genuinely eenaitive people,' are ~ criminals: There era good criminals and bad criminals justlike there are good cope and bad copa.'They'ro human beings, you know," + Of course not all of Jce'e work is laboring for'the damned. Joe Thornton is a good guy and as often ea not begets[owearthewhitehaC.ShadowizighimCor s day last week offered me some insight into the variety ehd range' of work that cbmea hie way. The first otGcisl business this particular day wsa e meeting with his partners in Hallmark'Security Inc., a recent spin-aff from Lawyers~Inveatigating ' Service. Hallmark provides plainclothes protection for commercial, residential, sad construction sites. On the agenda today ie a disciresioa of the need to upgrade radio. communications at Oztord Plains ' Speedway, one of Hallmark's majoraecurity clients. Nezt Joe phones a man who has hired him to find out who has been watching him and why. The client suspects a conspiracy...Joe'e investigation, which' includes ~ nning the lieenae,;plate numbers of care frequently, spotted in the aregyand.interviewing neighbo_ra, auggeata that the iamdn is patmaid. Joe politely tells the man be hab "aa over-active imagination." Thin one is a freq~rie, pro boao. 64 Then them is a phone call to a local attorney who is trying to fmd a client who alcipped out on him without paying the. bill'; after the attorney had cleared him of drunk-driving charges. Joe's eaeis- tant has Coundthe man's estranged wife, but the man himself ie now somewhere in Florida. After dictating a letter to the head oC a major.. corporation who has hued him to investigate a suspected embezzlement, Jce calla a Louisiana private eys to report that lie hen not yet been able to locate a workers' compensation claimnntwbo has. moved to Maine. Catching workers' comp frauds is ' the bread and butter of moat pzivate'inveatigutora in Maine, and Joe does his share: His' favorite case involved bushwhacking through two and a half miles of swamp in camouflage gear carrying video equipment in order to nail an employee oCBath Iron Works who was collecting diaabitity'checka for a bad back. Jce and a partner filmed the than operating a skidder and a chainasw at a logging site.. "The guy doesn't gat comp anymore:" Just about the only` investigative work Joe doesn't take on is divorce work. Trying to catch unfaithful spouses with"their panto down.doeen't .,.appeal to him anyway; but early on he diacoverad. that divorce work. was u'nrewardittjt: Clients aren't happy if you don't catch their spouses in the act, "sad they aren't happy if you do. After lunch', Joe meets briefly with s local police . officer to discuss the poeaifiility of'setting up yet e third company under the ;Iawyerti Inveetigeting Service umbrolla. This company would offer lom and crime provention programs. Joe'saya he eau see himself doing investigations for another 12 or 15 years, but after that he'd like to atop back, manage hie buainesaea, and work oa improving his golf game. ~ ~ - The only field work oC the day takes Joe a long . -,.way Crom Portland to a remote jail where ha is to interview an inmate. The inmate has aentword'to a colleague,thet 6e wants to talk to him, but the colleague does natwant to visit the jail in parson. He has hired a lawyerwho hen hired Joe to ¢o nee.+het . 'the man In custody wants: J oe will only tell me LheL; e lot of people ate roomed about what the inmate might be telling police. He asks me to wait in the car called ahead Co let the authoritiee.or the inmate know he ie coming. Cold calls are standard open sting procedure in criminal defense work. ~ Sitting in th a car I can't help thinlting about what - seema tome to be the moral ambiguity of Joe's line of work. Ikeep telling myself that under our system of justice. everyone,is entitled to the ,best possible defense and Jce ie just part of that defense eam. But here is Joe, ,ibis educated, aucceaeful, law- ' abiding family man, acting sa a go-between for , • suspected criminals, I have'not resolved the di- lemma (clearly mine, not his) before he returns from the,jail. ' ' "'Good news for my client," Joe ro'porta. "He just, wants to tell him'I can't hurt you.'." . 'For just an iaatantlt occurs to me to aak~Joe who his client la: but then I remember those words - "You don't want tc know." ' • by Fdgar Allen Beem' Pbotograpby by Chrfatopber~yrss NFV'/ NANOVER COUNTY ,~~, BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS ,~~, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~y . Wilmington, NC 2840 ~ -4093 ' Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 . FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: ,~ ,. ` ~`:, :u:~ Name:~~/I~~' ~ ~ ~~~uS ,~.t ~c~;rill ~ . ~ ._ Home /\~ How long have you been a Address:. ' ~~ C / t~tyz ~,~~ ~.~'2,c.c'-C'~ _ resident of New Hanauer County? ~ ~ •~L?i~ ' ~~ I~laiiing Address: .Sti~,~ City and State: G,~ ,c.~--~-~~~_ ~ Zip Code: .~ ~ ~ G °/ i Telephone: Homer ~ ~D - ~. /~ ~ - ~~/3-c Business: ~/ ~ ~" f // "Sex: ~ "Race: CL,t,~ "Age: ~ c' . 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appareled. " "Employed b y: `~/~~' lU "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this epplicadon is made,,must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. ~4 of the New Nanovar County'Personnal Policy. Job Title: ~>.r?z~~~y ' :.r ~ •~;L1a~u.~,_,~J Professional Activities: ~ /.,- !'f .. ~ (~y h, ~~ ,,,.~., _ ~ J~. . VoludteeiActivities: ~2,;,.,_..(.-~ -~~,_„r-rte?,., ~~,C~ z,~~,c;~;~:-a-~ c~.:~;.. ~~~,-rc:,~~,.~~.. v Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ..~ G~ ~~~~ ~~G ~ ~~ j~,~ ,. ~GL ,;~iL ~~~~=c'i riJ~2 LAC t'. -C~ '~dtw C;C'~'~2~rrL.c.L~w~~ What do you feel are your qualifications for. serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission .requested? cv~? ~~~r~ ~, ~ L ~°;,~~1 ~~~ ~ ~' l 7L~ ;.~a-/~ ~ 'Y~~n..~LGS s~~l1L /v~ ~ ~a k~ CurX,~i J1w~-~. J U ~L-r~-'rte-c.~~-~.t~i~ C.O .~ati~~ f~lL-~ ~~~~; ~-~,L ~ yJ ,.~ What areas of concern would yQu like,to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ~'`~''`~~~ K d iliZr7^-r%~<'- 'GL/~''~Ty~G~~~.~r~_~.~ ~'G'7 ~~'-c:_ ~G may. G~ a . ~. ~~ ~ l' a/ cu•.L~~~~ ~`C~t-~ ~~~•fi~L~ ..~~~/~.~,i~LC..Gf iZ`lr~. C1.J~-~ ~/~L~-G=,~U tL,~~ -/-L-` c.c,-Z' ~=~G'~~CE- ,.z'o i%.~L-~.G=~,,4;• ~~n±>C~=-G-~ ~-G G.~'``~~..: ,L.r_ : . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a mcrhicipality or a county? if so, please list: w -~-- Date: ~ /~ /, Signature ,~ /Please use revere side~for additional comments) l Thi,~ page inte~tionall~left blank} 66 NEW HANOV•ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1 Q/18199 Regular Item #: 12.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: .- Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Make 3 appointments . FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: ' Committee Information Sheets , Applications '. • ' • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 VACANCIES ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Joan Barbara Apke X Joan Fisk Shirley 0. Mason X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 68 ~ . ,., , ' ~ ~ ~ NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE , .:. ' Number of.Members:.13 One-thud of the members may be nominated by Nursing. Home Administrators:..- . . Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes.in County. The~inunediate • . 'family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest ` ` .. in a fiome served by.the committee. .... . ': ~ Ter.m: 1-year term initially; 3-year terms thereafter .~ .' - -, Compensation: none : . , '. Regular Meeting:. called as needed. ~ ` , _ . ~ E, ', Statute or cause creating Board: N.:C. General>Statutes 130 . -. ~, Brief an the functions: Each rriember shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons , are residing: in` the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the hornes. This may • include assisting persons who have grievances-with the. home and facilitating, the resolution of grievances ". at the local level, Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it'serves and more often - • ~ if it is necessary to carzy out the duties. . .. ~ . . .. TERM , - ~ ` -TERM ` - - CIJRR.ENT- MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES ~ ` `•. .. ' ; ' Joan.Barlara Apke . ;.- ~ _ First _ ~ , ' 9/30/99 109 Cromwell Circle . _ , ~: ~ Wilmington, NC 28409 .' - • , (Appt. 9/21/98 to. l year term)., _799-4574(H) ~ ., . .. Elizabeth'W. and ~ 6-~~ ,we~.-`~ First 9/30/99 . ., _ . °" 1617 So mdWay• Wil 'n on NC 28403 ~~ gt (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) 5-2256 (H),256-6602 (W) . . ~ Catherine R.. Davis ,First ~ . .6/30/2002- ' . ` 5613` Greenville' Loop Road .: .:. . ' Wilmington, NG 28409 ., (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) ' ' . 395=5512 (H)`350-2100 (W) ~ Appt. to 3 year term 6/21/99 - ' ~ . ~ _ "Edward. V: Grace ~~ .' , _,. ~ ~ First ~ ' 2/28/2001 ' 301 Honeycutt Drive, ~ . (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3=year term) -'. Wilmington, NC 28412 , r, .. .. ` : 392-5692. (H) . -a Dorothy"Lane Grime First 6/30/2000 :-5583 -Woad Duck Circle . ~ , , .~ Wilmington,-NC 28409 ~ ~ '(Appt: 6/21/99 to l-year term) - ' . 350-06.72 _(H) - .~. ° ' Steven R: Roberts _ ~ First.; ~ 8/31/2000 ~ ~ . 806 Bay Blossom Drive (Appt. 8/16/99 to 1-year term) ` Wilmington, NC~•28411 . ~9` 397-0665. ~) - 256-2330 (W) . . , .- - ~ - . . ,. . _ .. , . ", NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE {CONTINUED) CURRENT MEMBERS TERM SERVING TERM EXPIRES Shirley O. Mason First 9/30/99 1144 Forest Hills Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) 763-5973 (H) 790-3990 Catherine W. Morgan First 6/30!2000 217 Quail Ridge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/30/99 to 1 year term) 799-2198 (H) 790-9137 Eileen B. Rock First ~ 6/30/2002 2614 Columbia Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt~. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 762-5103 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 John D. Sabo First 6/30/2002 1312 Burnett Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 350-2680 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6/21/99 Lyn Williams-Yow First 2/28/2001 610 Dock Street (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term) Wilmington, NC 28401 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (W) Nominated b~ Nursing, Home Administrators: Teresa D. Goldston First 2/28/2001 4801 Oberbeck Way (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0629 (H) Staff Support: Toni Benton, Region O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 File: /Nursing 8199 70 C~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY • ~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 • FAX (9101 34 1-4 130 • Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: /V ~t r ~' ; ,v /.'`~,~r E C ~ M r~ ~< ~. ~ ~1> v ,; r~, ~G'iyl,~~, ~~ Name: ,. •,~^, ~ ti ~ ar ~~ •c-~ 7~f'~~~ ~jr7r5 , ` 1 ~~~_ Home ~, How long have you been a Address: / ° / ~ ~-Ci ,~ l.J 2 `l ~ , ~. C ~~ resident of New Ha,~over Cou;,ty? ~ ~ ... ,Mailing Address: ~~; /n L ~ S /~i-rt ~ City and State: (~} 1 ~ rn - ti c• -T~ ~~i C Zip Code: ~•~ S ~o' % - • Telephone.•" Home: _~ % /G ~ J j % - ~i/S ~ ~ Business: -- ~. 'Sex: ~_. "Race: -- ~i )1 < ? ~ °Age: ~ j 'This information. is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that edoss-section of the community is appointed, • ;~ ..Emplo yed b y.' fC ~ -~i Y" F' r( `'A person currently employed b y the agency oidepartmen~ /or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Aitic/e Vl, Sec. 4 of the Naw Hanover County Pe~sonne/ Policy. Job Title: '~ Professional Activities: _ tv~~- ~ ~~ / % ~o r- / ~`' yr ~ ,.~--=~.~. , VolunteerActivities: /~G 5 'f / y (~ h ~~ Y c. ~ti /, Y , ~ N, "~ .~ ~ Wh'y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commisssion requested? ~~ h~-r-< ~ ~,•c, ~,. ~1 C~Z f~2 ~~- i~~C-x Y2 What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~ ) / tt / ~'J ~/t ,;Z_ 1~C~ '~ Lc:ic~ `LO d ~,.., ~L~.~~ ~ ~.,~: ~ nom. ~~' ' ~-~ tNh~areas of~concern would you like ro ~e the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~-:i'~im~?~' / r, ~,/ ii ~ Are you currently serving. on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: 0~ sic ~L~ ~ l ~'6 77"16ase use rj9 apse side o~ additional commentsl r' ~ ~ -.,a ... ,. .. _.-~ij ,.- Signature ~u~-~ - ~ S . ~ :k ; s f~EFERENGF.S Please provide three local personal references.; Name 21 31 ~~ ~~. J . ~ P~~ -, 72 Phone Number ~~~- ~~fi ~r`'y'- i~-~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS :. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. Telephone (9101 341-7149 F,ax (9101341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ' Request for Appointment to: H~,~~,~;~~ ~.o,,,~ P C n rn rn ~ r~ ~~-~ ~ a , ~S~-~ru- l~ ~,,, ~ P, Name: J mar -~-~sK Home How long have you been a .Address: 3 04 C~a.~n aw", ~ C a ~ e resident of Ne~~~ Hano~.~er Ccunty? \\ ..~~s r Mailing Address: 3 0 4 C~ ~~ a.~.,. `p\ ~c A City and State: ~> ~~,,,r,~,,,a-~ ~ ~ ~ Zip Code: a Fs 4 Telephone;- Home: g ~ ~ -1~.~1 (~~ ~'1 Business: *Sex: ~-= "Race: *Age: ~ (~ i 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. **Employed by: ' re-~c~~e 2 +y "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made,.must resign his/her position with New Hanover Counfy upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec. '4 of the.New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title:. Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do -you wish to serve on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? To ~-r, a \< < r v c- S ..r, c \1 ~ rn ~ O~ ~ e ~c¢~c- ~ a C@ 'Y~ <- `F~n ~e ~.\ ~ r ` H (('What do yo\u feel ar`e your grual,i`fications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? -4-orrnC`c' \l~rcc~lor o'c 1V t~c~v~~ ~ V~ Q~r\ ~~`"~ ~~LC~@i. What areas, of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? e,~,~-sue C~-~e 'pc ~ r\~ ~ .~ e ~n e ~ s ~,.. r cL ~ o ~ ~ a \ C~ec~.,.\. v~ ~ s C ~c \,~, ~ w. P ~-c~ o c~. Se `e ~~ ~ e e i Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ~~~ - ,~ l ~te: _a~ S_~,_,,,,Q ~~~ 9 I!1,1~ r 5 ~y91 Signature ,A' ~~. (Please use reverse side.for additional comments) -, ~ ~:~ REFERENCE Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1J ~oa~ \~ou ~ 350 0 S ~ 2J Joav~~ne \-~,~~~e s -~~tR ~9 c~ ~ 3J h. o r s ~-- ~ c r.. vri w, ~ 3 9 Z 9 4 R. 5 J ~= ~ s(~ `) 74 -O ,~., NEW f~ANOVER COUNTY BDARD OF COMii/1/SS/ONERS " 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 .- ~ ~ ~; Vl/ilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~.; :, z. ... '. ` ~ Telephone (910i 341-7149 , . ,. " - . ' ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4130. ° Application for Appointment `to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: :, .. - t .. ~ , Request for Appointment to r; ~,1,~Lc-~~ , ~ ~'r~r_, ~r i.f.~Y' ,~ ^ '~~..,." - . Name: ~~ ~ t ~ ~~~~~ l ~ ~~ ~c~~tx~ ~ ~ - . . L. `Home . ~ ~ _ ~ .. I1 ~ f ~ ~ How long have you been a _ Address: _~`~ ~ ~: ' ~~ ~ ^~ ~rj ~ ~ - l~ ~ '' ~ " ` ~ ~ ~~~ s- resident of New Hanover County? .~ ~ -~, s ' iv~arliit~ AddlcSS:.;: j' ~ ~ ~~,'i. ~ _ ~ -~ _ - _ _ ~~- Ctty and State ~_ ~-+~1~~,~~"~ ~1 ~~~ ~ L'p Code: ~ "~ ~'~ Telephone: . Norie:•, ~? f"` ' ._ 5 ~ .f 3 ~ Busm~ess::; ~ i `j C _J ~/ ~~ ~~ . "Sex: _ ~: y~-~. >(!,~~ °Race: ~ ~ 7%~, - •Age: ~, .~ - 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring hat across-section of the comrnunity7s appointed.. - ' "A person currant/y,employed by the agency or/department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with ` ' New Hanover County-upon appointment, in : ccordence with Article Vl, Sec: 4 of the New Hanover County Pe~sonnal F,'vlicy. .. _.. ' ~ , / , 'Job Title: ;~~~~ --~.,- Professional Activities /' ,`~ t ~ ;~,, ~ ;; ~t ~!l1 /' ,. ~ ~ ~ -. ~ . r , ~- VolunteerActivtties: I-~E%i1'~~~~7~c ,., ~ ~ ''- . ~. Why. do you. wish to~serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? -//j,~;: ~;, ~-~,~c: ; ; ` ~` ~~ <~,~t ' . ~ / / _ ~. - ~ _ " ' ` - ., r What do you feel areL your, qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ . ~.~,_ ~~ What areas of concern would you:like ,to 'see the Board, Committee, or .Commission address? , ~.,"~ ~. ~.~, ~:~.,; ~c i ~ .~ ~~ <= ~~ ~ I i t . ~~ ~ ~ -L, ~ .!_.1 Ct ~/_,.rn-!' ~~ Li; ~ ~~ , .L ": '^~.C:-L 4.'_/.7 ~~`~~1. LG~: Are you currently sewing on ariother.board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so,'p/ease~ist: - " _ ~~ . _ ,. .. ,' - ~ _ . ~. :~ Y /~~ ~ - 1998: / ~~ /9 (Please. se reverse st e oredditioha/ comments! ~ Y v.. ~1 (OVER). .. . , . _ .~ - ' - ,: REFERENCES P/ease provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 31 i~ ~ ~ ~~' '~ ~~ a 76 n ~; ~ This page .inte~tlonallyleft blank} ~, 7S 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: .Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: ' Engineering Contract #99-0368 Andrew and Kuske Engineers Castle Hayne Sewer Design BRIEF SUMMARY: At the September 7, 1999 Commissioners meeting, Andrew and Kuske was selected to provide design services for the HUD sewer project in Castle Hayne area: A scope of work and engineering fee in the " amount of $85,200 was negotiated. The estimated project cost is $1,200,00.00. The proposed contact and scope of work are attached for your review. A map indicating the area of the project is also attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the contract be approved in the amount of $85,200 with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: 380-493-3800-7300-6000 ATTACHMENTS: - Scope of Work Location Map REVIEWED BYs LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • r000i1iTY COMNII~I APPROVED REJECTED ®. ~~~:~ ,~:-~ REMOVED ^ ~';< POSTPONED ^ ~± HEARD J 79 STLEHAYNE TO RVI~'ED WITH SEWER ®C~'~~E~ 5, 1999 ~~'~p~l®~-TO-SC,~LE CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 18, 1999 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. . l: Approval of contract #00-0163 with Ansaldo Volund A/S for grate 83 replacement parts 2. Approval of bid #00-0135 and approval of contract #00-0135 to 85 North Carolina Equipment Companyfor a wheel loader/integrated tool carrier - . 3. Approval of Interlocal Agreement with Wilmington Fire .Department 87 4. Approval. of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 97 . .District Collection Reports 5. Approval of Release of Value 101 6. Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of parcel 103 3117-83-5825.000. at 117 Wright Street having a tax value, number _ of $7,161 to Wilmington New Hanover County Commission for the construction of single-family owner-occupied residences 7.. Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of parcel 107 number 3128-17-0102 at 612 N. 7th Street having a tax value of $5,128 to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity for the :construction of single-family owner-occupied residences 8. Approval of Budget Amendments: - 8.1#2000-08 Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project for additional 111 federal forfeited property funds received ~ • 8.2#2000-09 Pilots Ridge Park to increase capital project budget for w 112 transfer budgeted in 99-00 from General Fund for Veterans Park. 8.3#00-0040 Commissioners' Office/Parks to appropriate fund balance 113 for Eaton Elementary soccer fields 8.4#00=0041 Schools Retrofit/Project Impact/Planning • ~4~ - 4 Em r Mana ement to increase the Emer enc 8.5#00 00 2 e gency g g Y 115 Operations Center capital project budget funds transferred from •~ General Fund in FY98-99 116 8.6#00-0044 Emergency Management FEMA funding related to Hurricane Floyd 8.7#00-0045 Office of Juvenile Justice/Contingency for two computers 117 and printers p ort of Governor 119 g. Approval of ratification of Resolution in ro pation Request to Hunt's Hurricane Floyd Emergency App p the Congress of the United States o tion of Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of an Unnamed 121 l0.Ad p Road C.N. Dunn Place Division (Book 2, p. 128) 123 1 l.Adoption of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add the following roads to the State Highway System: Roads in Brenwyck Subdivision Grove Point Subdivision Middle Point Subdivision Plantation Road T~ 82 ~ - '.~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . . - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ' . , ~ ~ • - Meeting Date: 10/18/99 . ~ ~ ~ ° . ., ,. Consent Item #: 1 .Estimated Time: ~ Page Number: • - ~ ~ '- - - • :Department: Environmental Management Rresenter; ' ~ ~ ~ ~ '' ' .~ ~ Contact:. Amy`Akin -' " . _ ~ ~ ..., . SUBJECT:. . " •. .. ; ~~ Approval of contract # 00-0163 with Ansaldo Volund A/S for grate replacement ' _, ` parts. ,. BRIEF~SUMMARY: ~ " , , ~. Staff. is requesting approval of contract # 00-0163 with Ansaldo Volund AlS as "a sole source purchase ahlowed in General Statue 143-129(f). The replacement parts needed to complete scheduled maintehance to the existing Volund- burning unit can only be obtained from Ansaldo Volund AlS: Ansaldo Volund A/S _ hoids all the drawings and specifications to these parts. - , RECOMMENDED'MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~. •. ~ `Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution awarding contract # 00-0163 to Ansaldo Volund A/S for ' grate replacement parts in the amount of $73,589.70. Contract approval made, under the sole source ~ . `~ provision of General Statute 143.-129(f): Draft contract attached;... . • FUNDING.SOURCE: _ , , - •- ~ ., County funds are budgeted for this purchase in account # 700-485-41295-3920-25. , . ATTACHMENTS:. .. - .. As part ;of this ransmittal, the resolution is being sent as an attachment. ~~ ~ ~ •_ " . ~ ~ j ., _. ..; - ..... ~" - .. ;n ,~ 00-0163~.wp ,. _ . °. - ... - , : .. .Tfie contract is being forwarded to the-County Manager's office. , ~ ~ .. - ..,, ° . , ` ~ ', REVIEWED' BY:- ~ , . , .LEGAL: ~ . FINANCE:Approve BUDGET: Approve ~~:HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ , - ` ~. °` ` COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDAT{ONS: '~ . ~ ~~ _' Recommend approval . , COMMISSIONERS` ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ~ ` ° ~ • •` . C®U C®~MIIQ _ , k " . ,.. 'APPROVED e. '- ' . REJECTED ~.. . ~ - _. . REMOVED ® ~ ~ POSTPONED 17 ~, '~ ~, ::. . ._ ~ ' HEARD . ~ ®ATlE f~ ~ ~ ,, ` ,. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER. COUNTY WHEREAS, the use of the Volund burning twit is required in the routine operation of the WASTEC Facility; AND WHEREAS, replacement parts are needed to complete scheduled maintenance repairs to the existing Volund burning unit; AND WHEREAS, Ansaldo Volund A/S holds all the drawings and specifications to the required replacement parts; AND WHEREAS, General Statute 143-129(f) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; AND WHEREAS, the WASTEC staff has explored options and has been able to find the replacement parts only from the manufacturer;, AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4195-3920-25 to cover this contract, contract amount ofseventy-three thousand five. hundred eighty-nine dollars and seventy cents ($73,589.70); AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Ansaldo Volund A/S, the sole source for these parts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ~of New Hanover County that the contract # 00-0163 for Volund grate parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental. Management Department, be awarded to .Ansaldo Volund A/S in the amount of seventy-three thousand five hundred eighty-nine dollars and seventy cents ($73,589.70); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 18th day of October, 1999. (SEAL) I : ATTEST. ~~.~.~r,~,~~ y~f,4 ~X ~~y~~ ~ ~~~~~.~~ 1 ~ , Gl'erk ~to the~Board x ~~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~J ` NEW HANOV~R COUNTY BOARD,OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ' . ' ~ REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ~ ` ` .~ Meeting Date: 10/18/99 _ Consent ,Item #: ,2'~ Estirnated Time: Page Number: - . . ; - ~ `Department: Healfh Presenter: ,_ . ..Contact: Amy Akin.. -, SUBJECT: . ', ,. .. .._ , -. .. , Award of Bid # 00=0135 and approval of Contract # 00-01'35. to North Carolina ' . _ ~ ~~ ° Equipment Company for a wheel loaderlin#egrated tool carrier. , :. -, ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ , ,. The'purcliase of a wheel loader/integrated-tool carrier was approved in the adopted budget,for this year. ,: Five proposals were received in .response to the formal bid process. The lowest bid received was.from :. a ` North Carolina. Equipment Company in the amount of $88,217.00. An optional. forks attachmentwas _ . ' ~ quoted at $3;614.00. Attached is a resolution awarding. Bid #,00-0135 to North Carolina Equipment _ Oompany; the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $91,831..00 for a wheel loader/integrated tool - carrier with the optional .forks attachment. Contract # 00-0135 is on file in the County Manager's office:. " -RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution: ~ . - 1. Awarding Bid # 00-0135 fog a wheel .loader/integrated'~tool carrier to North ,Carolina Equipment Company, theaowest:responsible bidder in the amount of $91,831.00. •- 2. Approving. Contract # 00=0135 . ~ .. - . , . ~ FUNDING SOURCE: County.fund5 are. appropriated arid budgeted for this item in account number'110-510-5112-6400. . n '- , ,. .-. . - ATTACHMENTS: ' ' The resolution is attached as part of this agenda form.. ~ . ' . , . ~ • - - ~l ~ ~ ~ Y c _ .,' .. 'i . 00-G135r.vvp _, REVIEWED BY: ., ~ LEGAL: ~ FINANCE: Approve. BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES; N/A -` 'COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: '` = Recommend approval. .. ~~ ~ COUI~I COMMIS _ APPROVED >~~~~ - ~ ~ COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: . REJECTED O . ~ 8~5 REMOVED O , _ ~ POSTPONED O' ~~ ;." ~ _ ; HEARD ® 9 .~~-; - DATE -~;,, . . - w~'-~sf'°"' "~ { T.hl,~ page .inte~tior~allyleft blank} ~ ~ ~,s~ -~ ~~~~~~ ~~ l; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ • Meeting Date: 1 011 819 9 - Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Fire Services Presenter: P •Kouwe Contact: P Kouwe SUBJECT: Interlocal agreement with Wilmington Fire Department- BRIEF SUMMARY: During the last six months, New Hanover County Fire Services has organized and established significant improvements in crash-rescue extrication services. Cooperative ventures with other agencies and increased staffing by New Hanover County Fire Department has resulted in a network of three - crash-rescue squads strategically located to provide a response time of ten minutes or less throughout the Fire Services District, twenty-four hours a day. The exception to this newYsystem is the U.S. 421 North. corridor where the County's Fire Station 51 is located. Due to its isolated .location, the area is not within the target goal of a ten minute response from any of the County operated crash-rescue vehicles. The establishment of a fourth. such specialized vehicle at Station 51 just to serve that small ,area would not be cost-effective. Instead, we have negotiated an agreement with the City of Wilmington Fire Department to service this area for crash-rescue response utilizing a rescue truck from its downtown station. The Wilmington Fire Department would respond along with the New Hanover County Fire Department to incidents involving automobile extrication in this corridor. Annual cost is $2,500, to be reviewed regularly: Anticipating 20 to 30 responses annually, staff believes this to be a very reasonable agreemenf. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. ~ - ~ - Approve the Interlocal Agreement FUNDING SOURCE: Fire Services District.Operating Budget ATTACHMENTS: . See Interlocal Agreement sent to Legaf • REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S Recommend approval. ND ~VUltli i {,rVMI APPROVED l REJECTED p ; °7 REMOVED POSTPONED HEARfJ © '~" 7 New HaoovQr County Contract ;~ OJ - t?~ 28 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAI_ AGREE~Ei~IT COUNTY OF NEW I-IANOVER RESCi~E RESP4~~JSE SE~t~/~C~~ THIS ,~~~EE~IIE~lT, made and entered into this day of ' 1999, by and between the CITY OF WILMINGTON, a North Carolina municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "Cify"; NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County". ~1TNESSETH: WHERiEa~S, the City of Wilmington Fire Department has a Rescue Response Team trained in responding to incidents involving vehicle extrications; and ~NH'ERE.~a~, the County through the New Hanover County Department of l=ire Services has requested the City to provide vehicle extrications response capability in the New Hanover County Fire Department Response District; and ~HEREA~, the City is authorized by G.S. Section 160A-293 to sends its firemen and equipment outside its corporate limits to provide fire protection to rural or unincorporated areas pursuant to agreements between the City and the County; and ~il1HER>=A~, the City and the County are authorized to enter into an agreement co.n'cerning~th~e~rever~cse of any power, function, right, privilege or immunity of local rgovernment pur~suant~ to the provisions of Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the North 8 8~} o ~~~~.~~ ~1 { -~ z r IF? ~sQ1Al ~"~~i'tOVd°t~' (~1t~Hr'I~j/ ~Olrt'~ICt ~ V7dj - ~72~ Carolina G®neral Statutes. fV01N, THEREFt3RE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants: contained herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows; , ' 1. Purpose of Agreera~ent. The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions fcr the provision of vehicle extrication response by the Wilmington . Fire Department to County during a rescue emergency. . 2. Response area. The. geographic area covered by this agreement shall be the .New Hanover County Fire Department Response District as described in exhibit ~ ' ",~", attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. Response. The City of Wilmington Rescue Team may be dispatched by the Public Safety Communications Center as part of the initial response upon receipt of any information- which .indicates that the incident may require advanced extrication rescue services in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Center. !n addition, the ...City of Wilmington Rescue Team may be requested by the incident Corimander assigned to a given incident from either the flew Hanover County Fire department, the Department of Fire Services, or the New Hanover Regional Medical Confer Emergency Medical Services Department.. Confined space and trench rescue services shall not be included in this contract. 4. Responsibilities ofi City. (a). Upon the request for assistance by County as described in section ~ 89 above, and upon a determination by the OIC of the Wilmington Fire Department that 2 fVew ~-lanover County Contract # fl0 - 0~~g the request may be honored without impairing the capacity to provide fire protection within the City, the OIC may take such steps as necessary to furnish apparatus, manpower and assistance to County to respond to the vehicle extrication emergency. _. (b). The City shall provide. adequate personnel to operate and use all City rescue equipment with the assistance of local responders. City personnel shall not handle any firefighting equipment exclusive of rescue equipment unless specifically requested by the OIC under the existing City/County mutual aid fire service agreement. (c). The City shall assume all costs of salaries, wages; bonuses or other compensaticn for its own personnel that provide response under the terms of this . agreement. 5. ~esa~onsi~iiities cif County. The highest ranking medical officer on the scene of an incident shall, in all instances, be in control of the emergency as to aspects of medica! care and victim life safiety. The designated Incident Commander from the local responding fire department or the IVew Hanover County Department of Fire Services shall, in cooperation with the ranking medical officer, coordinate the emergency as to aspects of overall strategy, scene safety, firelexplosion protection and rescue operations of the City Team. A!I orders or directions regarding the operations of the City Team shall be relayed to the officer in command of that team. 6. Terra of Agreement. Unless sooner terminated as provided herein, this a~rgement shall extend for one (1) year from the date hereof. Thereafter, the agreement shall automatically renew for a like term unless either party hereto notifies .' i~ew Hanover County C~ontrac# # 0~ - ~'t ~~ the ether party, at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination date, that the agreement is not to renew. 7. ~9raancirag of dAgr~ement. ~ . (a). -The fee shall be Two Thousand Five I-lundred Dollars ($2,500.00), per year. (b). The annual fee set forth in year one of the .agreement shall be paid in .one (1) annual payment upon annual receipt of an invoice from the City. Such invoices ahall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of issuance to the County. (c). The parties hereto shall annually review base fees and hourly rates to determine whether any modification is appropriate. 8. ~ersonr~ei. All ersonnei rovided b the Cit under this a regiment shall p p Y Y 9 be and remain employees of the City or' Wilmington. The jurisdiction, authority, rights, privileges, and immunities (including coverage under the Workers Compensation laws) , which the employees of the City enjoy within the City of Wilmington shall also be . ,enjoyed by them outside the City when they are acting pursuant to the terms of this agreement and within the scope of their authority and the course of their employment. 9. E~ui~meret I:'rovided t9nder Agreement. All equipment provided pursuant to the terms of this agreement shall be and remain the property of the City of Wilmington. 10. Lia~iility of City. pursuant to the terms of G.S. Section 160A-293, the City and no officsrr or employee thereof shall be held liable to answer in any civil action cr 4 y 91 ,} - ~~ ~ °~ x~' ~~116! ~a~iiOV@f COl!!~$~/ COn'~l'dCg # ~ - {)7 ~$ proceeding for failure or delay in answering calls for services under this agreement nor shall the City be held to answer in any civil action or proceeding for the acts or omissions of its officers cr employees in rendering services under this agreement. This agreement is governmental in nature, for the benefit of the,public, and is not intended to be for private profit or gain. Any amounts charged in connection with the services hereunder are intended to reflect as closely as possible the City's actual cost, and the City does not intend to waive its sovereign immunity by reason of this agreement. 11. Termination. teach party shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time and without cause upon ninety (90) days written riotice to the other party. 12. ;Amencirxaent. This agreement shall not be modified or otherwise amended except in writing, signed by the parties. 13. Confiiict of lntere~t. iVo paid employees of the City shall have a personal of financial interest, direct of indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of this agreement. 14. entire Agreement. The agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. 15. I~efererice. Use of the masculine includes feminine and neuter, singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do nct define, describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 92 16. inte~retation. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be J 5 { .__... ,.._.. wr:.,. , ,,, ~ ti ~, _ ~ ,: . ~~ ~~.~~ u ~ a .. .;~,... ~ s New Hanover Coun#y Contract. # ~~ - {D'92$ ` interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. !n the event of a i conflict between the. various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the 1 general and the more stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or flower standard. 17. Savings Cia~se. !f any section,. subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this contract is for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 18. ~xec~tion. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which -shat! be deemed an original and al of which together constitute- one an d the same document. The parties hereto represent. and warrant that the persons executing and,deiivering this agreement on their respective behalves are-duly authorized to so act. 19. Suoer~edinca Force and ~ffec~. This Agreement terminates and supercedes New Hanover County Contract #96-0440 executed November 4, 1996... iN ~IIITNESS ~,~1l~~~~flF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first written above. as authorized by duly adopted resolutions of their respective governing boards. • 93 s AFT. .y~_:,~~~-,'..~~~ ~1ew Hanover County Contract # tJ©- t~7,~g ~; ~ [SEAL] ~,~ ~., ~ , _~ ~~ ~„r~~- ;~~~ ~~ A 1 TEST': ~~ ~ '~~~ . 4c~ lCOl1'~~ City Clerk Approved as to form: /; / ~ r f ~, ~'~ City Attorney [HEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board This instrument has .been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director 94 C!T`f CAF ~l+llL,°VIlNGTON l 1-iamilton Hicks, Mayor J~- ~~~ HA~~~E~ C~~NT'f William Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners Approved as to form: County Attorney ~1 -> i ~~ , . .: .' Jew lean©v~r C~a~nt~ Oc~ntrao't # ~t~ _ ~~~ ' , . N 28 0 R7' H C _ A ROLINA , , .. . ~, - i ~ ~ ~ : NEVI/ l-IANOVER CC~i~1Ty . { ` I, `, . " .aforesaid,/ ertif ~~- . -- ~ a Nota y that P,enelope Spicer-Siabu ry ublic °f the State and County ~. this-.day and acknowledged that she is Cle ry' City Clerk personally .came before _ rk to the City Council for the Cityofi ~ me VViimington, and that by authority duly given an _ d as the act of. the Council, the. :foregoing instrument was signed in its name b .its ',. -,its official~seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. . Y Mayor,..Hamilfon Hicks; ealed,with .. . 'WITNESS. my hand and official sea1,. thi ~, - ~. s<-~_ day of :~ ~ , - ~r '~, ~, . ~ . :. 999., - . _ '- ~. My commission expires: rY Public _ . ., ~ = % , . :, ~~ - .~ ~ ~. < ~ LL.~, , ~ '? ~, ~r .,..' \ \ ~ _ '~ STATE ~P" NORTf~ ~C~ROLIN~1 ~ ` I , " ~. . ~~ " .: . . .. .:~ g i , , ,` ~ ,may ". COUNTY OF )NEVI/:H1a~10~/1=1~. ,. ~-~W:~--! . ~.- I ~ _ ~; ;; a Notary P?ublic of the State and .County aforesaid certify that Lucie F," ,yarreil person r ~ . . ;. , . ally carne before me this day and acknowledged that she" is~ Clerk to the Board of Commis " County, and that: by aufhorit dul stoners of New Hanover y y given and as the act ofi the Board, the fore oiri~ instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman ~ ~ , 9 9. ; . official seal and attested b ~ Nil/tam Caster, sealed. with, its - _ y herself as its Clerk. - WlTiyESS my hand. and cfFicial, seal, this , .. ., ". :. - ~ .-_____ day of . ~ ~ , ~ 999. . NIY comrrmssion expires: Notary Public " _ ,. . . 9.5 ~.. ~ ; y. { ~'lal,~ page I~te~tloz~allyle,~t blank} NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: TAX Presenter: None Required ° Contact: Patricia Raynor ~ ~ ~ ` . SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY:- _ Collection reports as of September 30, 1999 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .. Request approval. of reports . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' A TIONS/COMMENTS: • ~U~ ~~'® - APPROVE®~ ~'' ` ~"~, REJECTED ® ~ ~~' REMOVED ' ^ °~, POSTPONED O ''~ HEARD ^ n.'~ DATE ~ ____Ld.l_-L~_ `l4' ~1".G~`~ CONSENT AGE~'~lDA DATE_-- ------ ITEM' NO. NE~J HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLL:ECTIDNS CflLLEC.T:IONS THRU 09!3#3/99 CURRENT TAX YEAR 1999 .a.~~.~a®~~a~,.®.~~~~.....aa,.m GRIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL AD ~IALOREM ~'~®'~°a~'°"''a®~ a MOTI3R VE~iCLE aa .+a mar.saa,osaa DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS ~ 771390208.16 21372i_b28.74 $ 215971823.b3 TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 521714.978 "~®~~°a°'°°~'~"`•.~ ~ 99029.3b 24'452.84.. ~aa~~am 7917101121.93 ~ m®aa~,...~ 21582 390 15 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING :PENALTIES CHARGED °00 1 . CLEANING LIENS CHARGED 371.347.39 .00 00 81730.D0 ~ . ,OQ +~~~ COLLECTIONS TO DATE $ 79. 75b 199,32 ~ 1 ~ ~~~~~~'~~~"~ 390 21582 15 C11:1TSTANDiNG BALANCE b113513b3.7?~ ~®~®®a,...®.,,.,.,,..a ~.m 1 . 114731.537.07 ~~aa~ PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~'731b201835.59 S ~a~~~..a~ 1 1438 85 3.08 ~ ~ BACK{ TAXIES 7.b91~ . 57.D5~# aa•~a~•m.~a.~~, REAL ES7ATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED ~ 2182418bb®85 LESS ABATEMENTS 4y704.44 191718,70® TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DgTE "~°°`m~.®.~'°~v.a..°,.., ~ 218091852.59 50993b2.24m OUTSTANDING BALANCE '.,aam.~...,y.o~~,a..mm . PERCENTAGE CGLLECTED ~ 213001490.35 18.13 RODD~I OCCUPANCY TAX CDLLECTiO;'VS SEP .1999 FISCAL YTO a~••~~,•.~••~~~®~~ °"~'"°`••"°~"'°°••~~~a~ PR:IYIIEGE LICENSE COLLECTIGNS 3151822.30 110981595.51 11791.513 91b27.88 TOTAL A10NEY PRDCESS£D THRi3 CGLLECTION OFFICE FOR NE~+ H CITY OF b~ILMiNGTON ~dRIGHTSVILLE BEA ANOVER CDUNTY BEACH TG DATE ~. b1~1925178b.54, CHI CAROLINA +3EACH I .AND KURE THIS REPORT IS FDR FISCAL YEAR BE GINNING ,DULY 11 1999. RESP C7FULLY SUSNIITTEDI 6J~ 1"n .l ~ d. Gw v`S. ~ V 4 PA'TRICIA J. R YN R LOLL E C TOR OF R ENUE -- -~ ~ {~ ~...~~r w~~ 1~14'ii1~~ ~` CGMBINE.iJ' C~~(J~'L~~:CmT~IDN PERCENTAGE .~ 9.241 ~, ~~ ~~~~~~: rye ~~ .~:~~ {This page intentionallyleit black} l 100 ~ . • NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD' OF COMMISSIONERS ;, ~ . , . ". REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: ; . . • • _ Me 'ng D te• ,1 18199 . •. . ~` `Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time:.. 'Page Nurnber~. - ~ : ` - ~.' Department: TAX Presenter: None Required , _ ... ~ , .. ,Contact:- Robed Glasgow ~ ~, ° . :SUBJECT:. .. .. . • Release of Value ~ . ` - -. ` . BR(EF SUMMARY: , . - '. :. : Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior CitizenlDisability Exclusion (applications and letters . ' ~: explaininglate filing-available upon request) ' ' ` ` ~•"' ~ Brackenbury, Edna-Life Estate ~. _ $ 20,000 . Celia ; Saant S J'Sophia~ _: - ". 20;000- • . . . . ; , ~° "" - `~ Cornwall;.Mary V. ` ... _. , 20;000 _ - . , ' Duncan, Ruth L. ~ ~ ~ . , " ., 20,000 _ ., ~ Eckenrod; Pauline ~ : .,: .' - ~ 20,000. ' - Elliott, Margaret Johnson 20;000 . _ :. ~Higgi,ns, Alex Bertha •~ - ~ ~ 20,000" ., , . .. Johnson, Claude R. ....~.~, 20,000. ,.. Mattocks, Willie Mae.:..., . , .,-. ..20,000 ~ ~ Seabrook, Elnora B. ~ ~ ` 20,000 .: Small, William T..Evelyn G. 20,000 r ':Williams, James E. Afford. ,~ _ • 20,000 r - Request the. following late listing penalties be released as this was the taxpayers first offiense or they, ` ~ certified they listed during the listing period: , .` ., ~Amerigas ~_ t ~. . ° ~ ~ 23.50 ° , Better Service Co. - ~ _ .. 4.27. _ . • ` ~ • ,~ ° 'Blockade Runner Motor Hotel. ... ~ ~ . 183.87 ~- ~ Cools Refrigeration Service ' : .: ' ' 12.81 . , ;Cowan, Pauldba Down.Island ~ 2.92 •• . ': " ..Deckhouse Casual Dining, Inc. ` , ,.. ' ~ ' .. ' 176.48. ~ ~,; :. Employment Solutions, Inc.. : ~ 85.45 . ~ .. Hanover Land Investors .. - 496.1'1. ~ - . . Milanos`at the Forum, Inc: ~ _ ' 404.16 ,. - . , RiGerboat Landing ` : " : ` ` 99.84 >. ~ - ~ .Roadway Express, `incr. . 9.60 . ~ ` TTF Corp.. .. -. 1.68.22 - Unifed Insulation Co. of Wilmington ~ 19:61 Wilmington Machinery, Inc::. ,. ~ 250:80. - ~ . Wilmington Service, Corp • , ' 3.38_._-- ` - .. _ World Aviation Co. - r~®U~:''86~1 • " .APPROVED ~ ; RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. REJECTED ®' - ~..' Recomend approval of releases. - ~ - _ :x ~~~ REMOVED ~ ,~ ` .: •° FUNDING SOURCE: ' ' .. POSTPONED (~ .F '~ . ~ DATE ,~.""_-r ~ . `' .. ATTACHMENTS: ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ~; ~. 'v~A ~~f~'1 102 ~-.~ ~~ _ +w ..., _,. .w w ~ B ~~ 1 .S h p ~ y C bx K 1739 _ September 24, 1999 CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina t'.O. BOX 1810 28402 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager NEW HANOVER COUNTY 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC. TDD (910) 341-78 ~;r? 2 ~ :~- Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of a lot to Wilmington-New Hanover Community Development Corporation in accordance with a resolution ado ted by the New Hanover County Commission on April 19, 1994. This property'is owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution will be presented to the Wilmington City Council on October 6, 1999. This lot is currently vacant. Wilmington-New Hanover Community Development Corporation (CDC) plans to place apre-built house or construct a house on each lot. Constn>,ction must be completed within 18 months in order for CDC to retain the property, Please place this item on the next available County Commission Agenda. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. spectfi>lly submitted, ti Steven D. Bridges ' Purchasing Agent r';rJ ; ~k~~,»«~ 4 Attachment~:~`~"~ ~~t~~~:;~ a -- 104 ~~I ~~(/gg yy~4~~~~~~~ ~ !3 ~31V''+ t.-{ ...~~y3 " t ~`~.7 --- ... .. J i INTRODUCTED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF ONE LO WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .' • RESOLVED: 1. The New Hanover County Commission herby approves the conve following lot to Wilmington-New Hanover Community Develop e t Co f oration for the construction ofsingle-family owner-occupied residences. ~ . Parcel Number Ad_S 3117-83-5825.000 117 Wright Street ~ Size Tax Value 33' x 84" $7,16.1.00 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lots be used single-family owner-occupied .residence for low to moderate-incometo construct accordance with requirements adopted by resolution on April 19; 1994. ihzens in 3• The deed for conveyance for the lots shall not be delivered unti notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as required by G.S. 160A-a67s after 4. Conveyance is subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council ,fort ownership share in the property. heir Adopted at a regular meeting . On ~ 19 Attest: Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Chairman 105 ,~ l~ cis ~ c, }~ -rt O Z ---I --I N Z t;~ ~ ~~~~ 5~ A X p ` ~ ,~ '7 •~ 'Y Y ,Y ~~ ~ of WI ~ Ytl~~ C I T~ -~~ ~ ~` North Caro 1739 ., line ' P.O. BOX ~ 81 O ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIC, 28402 TDD (910} 341-78 September 24, 1999 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager NEW HANOVER COUNTY 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of a lot to Cape Fear Habitaf for Humanity in accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Commission on April 19, 1994. This property is owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution will be presented to the Wilmington City Council on October 6, 1999. This lot is currently vacant. Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) plans to place a pre-built house or construct a house on each lot. Construction must be completed within 18 months in order for CFHH to retain the property. Please place this item on the next available County Commission Agenda. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. R 1 pectfully submitted, _ ~ ~~~-~- Steven D. Bridges Purchasing Agent t, . SDB/kcm f~,~~' '~ AttachinentM'~~^~~~ 10 8~ ~ ~, . ~ ~ . n ~~ n ~ " INTRODUCTED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager i r • DATE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF ONE LOT TO CAPE FEAR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY RESOLVED: ' 1. The New Hanover County Commission herby approves the conve ance ,following lot to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity for the construction of s ngle-. family owner-occupied residences. Parcel Number Address 3128-17=0102.000 612 N. 7th Street Size TaX value 33' x 166" $5,128.00 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lots be used to co single-family owner-occupied residence for low to moderate-income citize sr in accordance with requirements adopted by resolution on April 19, 1994.• 3. The deed for conveyance for the lots shall not be delivered until ten notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as required by G.S. 160A-~67s after 4. Conveyance is subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council fort ownership share in the property. heir Adopted at a regular. meeting On ~ 19 Attest: 1\rew Hanover County Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board Chairman • 109 ~'"i i HANOVER ST v ~~-- z ~_ U HANOVER ST CAMPBELL ST i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MISSIONERS ~. Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 8.1 Estimated Time: Pa e g Number:. . _ DEPARTMENT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-08 i ADJUSTMENT Federal .Forfeited Property DEBIT Capital Project Expense $62,215 CREDIT $62,215 ~ .. EXPLANATION:. To increase budget for additional federal forfeited propert fu 9-30-99. Federal Forteited Property funds are budgeted as received a y nds received enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. must be used for law ~• ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~ , APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: APPROVE~`~~~~ ~: REJECTED~~-®' ,vi k~ . ~~.~, rr, ~~Vl~°"r, REMOVED ' ~~ ~~.fc~t n~-~_. PO~~PDI~ED~~I~ ~~~11 ~~ ~; -.:: HEARD `'~C~" ~; ~- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 8.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Pilots Ridge Park j BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-09 i ~ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Transfer in from General Fund CREDIT Capital Project Expense $650,000 $650,000 EXPLANATION: To increase capital project budget for.transfer ted in 99-00 from General Fund for Veterans Park. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~:tx~~~®~'~a APPRO'~.t~v:~q F2EJ E~T~~ ~ ~~~E REMOVED~~ ~~ ,~ j,~t 1 ~ ~ PO~~P~rD~vE~~~F;~? ~;a HEARD 0 ~:;r,~ ,~~ , y -, 0 r~ i 1 ~; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF.COMMISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 10/18/99 i Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 8.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' DEPARTMENT: Schools Retrofit/Rroject Impact/Planning BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0041 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Schools Retrofit CREDIT Disaster Resistant Community Grant Contract Services $375,726 Administrative and Legal $42,726 Engineering $3,000 Other Improvements $42,000 $288,000 Project Impact Disaster Resistant Community Grant Contract Services $137,274 Supplies $68,274 Travel - ~ $5,000 Capital Outlay ~ $8,000 Weatherization Project ~ $6,000 _ $50,000 Planning ' Disaster Resistant Community Grant Contract Services $100,000 $100,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for amendment in the amount of $613,000 to Disaster Resistant Community Grant. Part will be used for Schools Retrofit; part for Project Impact; part for Weatherization Project; and part for Planning Dept. for mapping, etc. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS.'.ACTIONS/CC)MnnG~irc. ~~~ APF RyC~~I~® i - ` PtEI EC?~® REMOVI®~; ~ ~'~ 1~:4 P~~~~o ., .. C~;FIEAR~~~,~~p NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/18/99 Budget Amendment ~ y Consent Item #: 8.6 Estimated Time: Page Number DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0044 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Emergency Management: Hurricane Floyd FEMA Grant $65 00 Contract Services A° ~~ I O. ~l EXPLANATION: Initial estimate of FEMA funding related to Hurr' ane Floyd. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commis loners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .;.. BtEJEC ~ltt~ ~ ~~ 11..6 ~ ~E~o~~ ~ ~: POSTPONE®~'~ z ~~ ' HEARD W ;~~-~~ '' -_---- °'DATE - $650,Q00 0~ ~Oi ~~~ ~, -, '. ~~-,~. ~s't~~i'oltt ~°~L'~ ~t`i"~~~~~'u~ ~;~ ~r`~ r~i~ti~~ ~:,J~'w ~~ p~ ~ p~ ~~ ~'t 7'V W.~u~~~g ~ q ~y n ~ .. ,,. . m~~ {This page intentionally left blank} ,~ ~~<,,r.,,~~ ~_ '::~'s1~~3'~~! w~;t ~::~ i~l3td~9~'~~n) 118 p ~~~~~~ k ~ ~' 1~1 _., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. - . ~ ~~ ~ .. .. . Meeting Date: 10118/99 . , ~ - , . ` _ Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Tirrie; `Page Number: .. Department: Governing Body .Presenter: Chairman Caster , ~ °` _ .t. Contact: Chairman Caster ~~ SUBJECT: .. .. .. .: -Ratification of Resolution iri support of Governor Hunt's Hurricane Floyd . Emergency Appropriation Request to the Congress of the United States. BRIEF SUMMARY: • ~ „ . - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' .. Ratify ahe adoption of the .resolution, which was verbally, approved by the Commissioners on: October 7, ; ~ . .. _ 1999. ,.. , FUNDING SOURCE:: . . ATTACHMENTS:. .. , . . ... ' , ~ r Resolution: gov-floyd. - , . , ITEM DOES-NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ .. ~ ~ . - ;COUNTY MANAGER'S TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . •. Recommend approval. ,. - `. , . . ' . ~ . COMMISSIONERS' A TIONS/COMMENTS: „ ... .. .. - . iy . f 4 ~ • •. . ' r ~V,V Y Y .- .. , . ' ROi/E® - ,APP ~, _:, • . ~ { ''~EJ ECTE® 1~' ~ . ~ , -, . . REMOVED ~ 1 . .+p .. . _ ' POSTROIVED . _. _, HEARp . - _ . . 19AT~ ~ _ "` r.~1 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Eastern region of the State of North Carolina, comprising about one third of the State's land area, has been devastated by a direct hit and flooding caused by Hurricane Floyd; and WHEREAS, the people, communities, schools, and businesses of this region are suffering from this natural disaster unlike anything ever seen in this State; and WHEREAS, Governor James B. Hunt has visited and surveyed the devastated areas and has shown exemplary leadership in focusing the nation's attention and resources towards helping families and initiating efforts of recovery, rebuilding and redevelopment of the impacted neighborhoods, communities, towns and counties; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners strongly endorses and supports the Governor Hunt's Hurricane Floyd Emergency Appropriation Request totaling $2.198 .billion in federal funds and grants as a component of the funding required to address this tragic situation. The board further requests the rapid approval of these funds by the Congress of the United States to address immediate recovery efforts and to begin to restore the affected communities and counties in order to regain the future of this region. Adopted this the 7`'' day of October, 1999 William A. Caster, Chairman Attest: Cl to the Board r~, ~~~~~r..l~~' ~~., 12O «~~ ~ yy ~~~~~~tt~c1 te Y i ~ ~ ++ ~~ ??''~~ ,,{{y~ ,,rr ~ ~~ 'M d ~ ' U U f "~ [C (~ y~ //~~ ~ %% I _:. ' ..~ .. _ .- - - '' ~ - .. . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMI . '~ ~ ~ - SSIONERS . , :REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ - _.--. .• Meeting Date: 10118/99, Y ;. .. _ -~ t- .. , .consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Page Number: ; . . . ~ Department: Health Freseriter: ~ ' . , . '' Contact: Amy. Akin, • ;• .. , SUBJECT: f .Award o.f Bid # 00-0106. to Bob Kin g GMC for two trucks. - _ • BRIEF SUMMARY: - ~ - ' .The purchase: of two trucks for the Animal Control Division of the Health Department was a roved in adopted budget for this year. Nine bid packages were sent out. Only one proposal was re ce the response to the formal bid process'. (Two were received after the deadline and were returned unopened ~~` ~ . to the bidders.) Attached is a resolution awarding Bid # 00' 01'06 to Bob King GMC, the only bidder, in an .. ~• . amount of $40,796.1.2'. ' .:: . .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS': - ~ Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution: ~. . . 1'. Awarding Bid # 00-0106 for.two trucks to Bob King GMC; the only bidder, in the amount of $40, 796:12 :. 2: Approving .Contrac# #.00-0106 -. FUNDING. SOURCE: • ~~ . County funds ..are appropriated and budgeted for this item in account number 110-510-5114-6450. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ... -The resolution is attached as part of this agenda form. ~• .. , ~` .: y • >a _ 00-0106r.wp ., ~ - . .. '. ;., °-`• - `The contract is being forwarded to the County Manager's office. - ,'REVIEWED BY:. .. • " - ' - LEGAL: ~ FINANCE: A - . '- pprove ,BUDGET: Approve ... HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA . COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approual. .. ~ ',. ~ - f .. ,. ., . COMMISSIONERS' ACTT N COMMENTS:. ~~, _ . ~ I ~ - I~ i ~. _ .. .~ - . . ~1PPR016Ef~ nCY~ `` A .. . REJECTED D. 1 .. '. . ,. - .- . ,.121 REMOVE® . POSTPONED Ei] ° ~'- . ~ ~ ~lEARp rt`~ . ~ . . ., • . _ { T.bis page intentionally lest blank} l{ ,,.~J ~~ ~u~~ 122 ~~ ~~ ~~~ 1~ /~ ~~ r ~ iUfl~t ~5 ~~~~~ ` r '.i: " ~~ y't~i7'/0!~' ~j NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD: OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION "' ~ Meeting Date: 10/18/99 • f ~ ', Consent.Item #'.11 Estimated Time: Page Number: ,` ~ - _ • ,.; ., . Department: Governing ,Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell - .. . ~ • ~~ ,~, ... 4 _ ~ Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ .. a SUBJECT: ~ , ~: .'~ Resolution requesting NCDOT to add the #ollowing roads to the State Highway ~ . ~: System ~~ . ~~ , ~ - ' BRIEF ~SUMM'ARY: ~ , ' .. "Roads'in Brenwyck Subdivision, Grove Point Subdivision, Middle Point Subdivision; and Plantation Road. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: " =: Adopt resolutions ... ,. ._ FUNDING SOURCE: ... _ . . :. ATTACHMENTS:.... ,. ' _ .".. SR-1 Petitions and letters from NCDOT ` ~. ~r ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW _ 'COUNTY MANAGER'S-CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend approv ., , -~' COMMISSIONERS' AC. 10 /COMMENTS: -~ ~'~ • . ' ,- _ , . _ _ ~~ ~~ ' ,~ • . , REJECTED ~ . 12, 3 REMOVED . ~ ' ~ ~ POSTPONED ~ ~ n~ :.,. . ~ ~ ~ ,. ~: 6iEARD ~ ; .~ .. - 1 - - - - , , a,.a SLAlp° rb~ w ~. ~~ '~ .~ ~ ~,. STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TR.A.NSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DAVID McCOY _ GOVERNOR SECRETARY August 23, 1999 Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk Nevt,~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Ms. Harrell: SUBJECT: Request for Addition to the State Highway System Foxwood Lane, Woodridge, Arnlea Court, and Toddlo Court in Brenwyck Subdivision Section I; in New Hanover County (Div. File No. 966-N) This will acknowledge receipt of the Form SR 1 for the above subject request. After we complete our investigation we will advise you of our recommendations. Sincerely, ~'~ ~l . J. Bowers, .E. Division Engineer DJB/J~VR/mc cc: D. L. Thomas, P.E. w3 ~„„jy'«.rvu i Jl~ ~~ \ ! ~ d~ii.~{~~i~i. ! f ~ ~' ~~>''9 ` 124 - ~~~~~.~~~.~~~ ~~~~~~7:~~+ 4~•.•._.,_.~• _1;24 Division>Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone (910) 251-5724 Fax (9I0) 251-5727 r^j ,'`) ` ~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' DMSION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINt -. ~. COUNTY ~ ~ , OF NEW HANOVER . PETI'ITON REQUEST FOR (CHECIL ONE): ADDITION TO STATE` SYSTEM (X) ~ ~ . t • 'PAVING ( .. . • ~ MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ( .) ~ . . - ~ `.: We the undersigned, being property owners on GROVE POINT ROAD PERSIMMON PLACE - CEDAR BLU)~F' (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER r `County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD ' • the-above described road. • ~ We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .36 miles in length and'at the present tune there. ' are 9 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. •' ' ., , - • ~ ~- ' . • . ,Finally, .we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-ot=way. of the necessary width to • construct ,the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This . right-of=way will e.Yterid the entire length of the road that is requested tb be improved and will include the ," . .necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also; we agree to dedicate ' • , :.additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and o • ~ ~ 'execute saidright-ot=way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of - Highways. . .. ~ REMARKS ' ~ Fqur"copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable:..` ;~ - .; GROVE POINT SECTION 1 ~ "' • . , . PROPERTI' O~'VIYERS .. ; N AItiiE MAILING ADDRESS TELEPI-LONE ~~ . :,. . The L1i«;ion of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~ ~ ~ ~ ', - ~ ~ ~~~~ ' - JAMEY'.~VOOTEN a~~o _ ~ . .. _ . LANDIViARIi ORGANIZATION, INC: •. P.O. BOX 4127 ~~i Q , ~~~~" , - WILMINGTON, NC 28406.. c9lo)_ 392.72 ~ ~~ HANOVER.'cc~ ' `: Re~zsed Form SR-1 (~-431 .All previoiu forms obsolete. 125 ~_ - . NORTH CAROLINA STATE~DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COLTNI'Y OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ~ We the undersigned, being property owners on GROVE PONT ROAD POPLAR KNOLL COURT CHERRY HILL COURTDescribe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transgortation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .28 miles in length and at the present time there are 30 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. FinaIIy, we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This. right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right=of--way in the. public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. GROVE POINT SECTION 2 PROPERTY O~i~NERS 126 NAtiIE MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: Revised Form SR-I (5-83) All pre~nous forms obsolete. JAMEY WOOTEN LANDiti1ARK ORGANIZATION, INC. P.O. BOX 4127 ~VF'ILMINGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7201 TELEPHONE ~:~ 0 l 1999 NEB! HANOVER CO. 6D. 4F COMM1SSi0NERS ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Meeting Date: 10/18/99 . Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 8.7 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Office of Juvenile Justice/Contingency ...BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0045 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental: Contingency $3,706 Courts: Office of Juvenile Justice $3,706 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies to the Office of Juvenile Justice for two computers and printers. With the additional computers, all staff members will have computer equipment in their office thus enabling them to perform their job duties more efficiently. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $303,417. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: .. ~ t - ivORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPART'~IENT OF " TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION . NORTH CAROLINA '. - .. - ... COUNTY OF: NEW HAN(w~R , . .. ~' .., . PETITION.REQUESTFQR (CHECK ONE : ~ ' ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X) ~ - " .. t '' ~ ~' ~: , .PAVING -( MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT. ,. •„ ~ ) , We'the undersigned, ..being Property owners on, .` - .- SLY O TRT -.HB.$L_ NDA:I_.F DRT~~' Trr r cn~.r ~n„-.,,.. (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) m NEW HANOV~, U county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Deparnnent of Transportation to ADD the • , above: described road. . . ~ ~ .- We further advise that the road,requested to ADD ~s i there are ~ - ~_ miles in length and at the present time ~_occup~ed homes located on the road and having entrances into the load. . • Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary, width to' , + construct the road to the. minimum- construction standards required by the Division of Highways. ~ Thi , - °right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will~incl ` s • . .necessary areas outside the rig ude the ' ht-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of,way'in zhe public road.iritersections for sight distance and desi execute said right-of--way agreemerit forms that wiil.be submitted to us by representatrLVes of the Di~isio of Highways. n .~ - - .. . REMARKS:. ` r . -. . . t. ,. .~.. .: _ . _ Four copies"ofreeorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. . _, I p- TI N 1 ,~ ., . t -- •:. . OPERTY OWNERS -. NAME • : _ ... . • . ` ~ . ~:. MAILING ADDRESS.. . . . TELEPHONE ~ . - J The'Cvisior. of;-ii~' ways-should contact the first.petitioner listed be (~(~(~ ~ , ~n . low: WLSI~~~ fl dt~D .. ., ~' JAMEY WOOTEN. - ~ .: .. '~ 1 ' 1999 , .. LANDIYIARK ORGANIZATION, INC. .~ _ : P.o. BoY alzr NEW HAN OVER (~ ,. ,, WIL b. ~ MINGTON, NC 28406 ' '~~, QF~GQ(V11~($$~~N~ • (910) .392-7201. . - ' Revised~Form SR-I (5-8~) Allprevious-forms obsolete. ~ ~~. .. -, , . ,. ~ ~ - i e µ STA7p ~ ~ . ~ ~~~ _ - ~ -yam Y' - ~• ~ i' _ < ( ~., ~~ - "~,'` . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT_OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR - ~ DAVID McCOY ' SECRETARY September 13, 1999 - ~ _. Ms. Lucie F. Harrell,~Clerk - New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 3.05 - - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 - - ' Dear Ms. Harrell: - SUBJECT: Request for Addition to the State Highway System .Plantation Road iri New Hanover County ' ' (Div. File No. 968-N) ~ _ This will acknowledge receipt of the Form SR 1 for the above subject request. - After we complete our investigation we will advise you of our recommendations. Sincerely, ~G~~ ~l . J. Bowers, P. . Division Engineer DJB/JWR/mc cc D. L. Thomas, P.E. - 128 124 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone (910) 251-5724 Fax ,(910) 251-5727