Agenda 1999 11-15 l S ' ~ ~ AGENDA ..NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - ~~ ~ . t -~ Assembly Room . ; , .: Historic New Hanover. County Courthouse " ~ ~,24-North Third Street ~ `, ' Wilmington,:.NC 28401 ,~ ,. . WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN • ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN ~- BUZZ BIRZENIEKS; COMMISSIONER ~ TED DAVIS; JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES. R. HOWELL, - ' COMMISSIONER - ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD `- - ,,. ~ , , November :15,.:1999 ,' .. , . 9:00 a.m. , •. \ . -MEETINGtCAL;LED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) ' ° . ~: INVOCATION `; ~ _ - . ., ~: PLEDGE OF,AI,LEGIANCE ~` ~ , .. ... .NON=AGENDA ITEMS (Limif three minutes) ~ ' ~ ~ a - - ~ , ' . , . ~APPROVAL.OE~ CONSENT AGENDA , , . . , ' .. ,- . .. -, -. ESTIMATED ; ' - , ~ ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ - ` .. PAGE - TIMES ~" ~ .. . N, ` ' . NO. . - , r .. ,,, m ` 9:1'5 a.m. ~`. 1: Presentation of New Hanover County. ,Service. Awards .. ~ ~ '~ . .. 1 ... ~ , 9:25 a.m. ~2. Recognition of Newly 'Hired Employees ~~ .. ` . 3 ~ , .: 9:30 a.m. 3. Presentation by the American Institute of Architects,, Wilmington Section 5 "."~ f - `for Community"Improvement ~' ~~ ~ ` s : . ., 9:35 a.m. ~4. Drainage Update: , _ - ` ~ ~ . , 7 ~ " .. , - A.='Countywide Update ~ - - ~B. Hidden Valley.- ;Crosswinds Drainage. Project, W. K. Dicksori ,. . , .= C.• Consideration of;Approval of Contract With W. K. Dickson for" . ~ ` ' : , ` ~. the IDevelopment of Comprehensive Drainage Regulations ' ~ O:OQ a:m..:- 5: ,Update on Airlie Garden' .. ~ . - L9 ' l 0: l0 a.m. 6. ,Consideration of Fixed Fee Contract ~& Payment.Plan with ~ 21" _ ~ Corrvaritis, Inc. for Child Support Services ~ . ~ £. ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ 1 ~ 10:25 a.m. 7. Consideration o~f Appro,val of Generators/Transfer Switches for Emergency . ' 23 .. ; , . , ;~ " Shelters` ~ :. ~. 10:40;a.in. $. Consideration of Approval of Contract to SCS Engineers, PC for Landfill ~ 25 ~' ` Gas Utilization Feasibility Study 10:50 a.m. 9. 'Consideration of Budget'Objectives FY00-01 ~. 27 ~ ~ } . r_ - .. . _' , 11:00 a.m. 10. Status Report & Conceptual Drawing for Jail Site & Development of 29 Blue Clay Road Site- ~ . 11:30 a.m. 11. Committee Appointments: ~ " 1 l:l Nursing Home Advisory Committee 31 11.2 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Board ' 41... 11:45 a.m. 12. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 69 12:15 p.m. ADJOURN ADDITIONAL ITEMS - County Commissioners - County Attorney County Manager ADJOURN ~, CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NOVEMBERIS, 1999 k ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. . r 1. Approval of Minutes 83 2. Approval of Contract with Griffin,Grant Writing & Consulting (GGW&C) 85 3. Approval of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Leases 105 4. Approval of Rejection of Bid #00-0022RB for a Data Acquisition System 109 5. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the 800 mhz Project to be Undertaken 111 Without a Bid Process Due to State of Emergency. .; ~ , . 6. Approval of Hurricane Floyd Disaster Relief Grant from N. C. Division of 115 Aging in the Amount of $1,000 and Associated Budget Amendment 7. Approval of Healthy Carolinians State Grant Application~for $10,000 117 8. Approval of Amendment to Contract #98-001 1, Agreement with Attorney 123 Paul A. Newton for the Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes 9. Approval of Denial of Exemption - St. Marks Freewill Baptist Church, 127 1997 Dodge Van G 10. Approval of Denial of Exemption -Cape Fear Roby Football Club, 129 R04815-017-039-000 and R04815-017-007-000 11. Approval of Release of Value 131 12. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 133 District Collection Reports 13. Approval. of Resolution to Request NCDOT to Add Roads in Silver Creek 137 Village and Sun Coast Villas to the State Highway System 14. Consideration of Resolutions Regarding Student Violators of Smoking 139 Regulations and a Resolution Authorizing New Hanover Sheriff's Deputies to Enforce Section 506.1.2 of Volume V of the N. C. State Building 15. Approval of release of funds from Cape Fear Council of Governments 143 b .. ,. 16~. A , doption of Law Enforcement Center Capital .Project Ordinance ,..". 147." ~ ": ,. ~" 17: A pprove Budget Amendments '~~" `.tt 4 ~ .~ ~` . ," 17.1 00=0060 Social Services Administration/Crisis Intervention Program 151 . • ~ 17.2. :00-0061 Human Services Transportation to Budget Additional Funds 152 ~ ' ' Received From the North Carolina Board: of:Transportation for the ~ . " ,. • Purchase of Three (3) Additional Vans ,,. " , .". ' '17.3. . 00-062 To Transfer Resource Officer from Pathway to Sheriff - T53 • .r 17.4 00-0063 To Reduce Expenditures and Revenues for the Teen Aid .154 ~ ' - ° • ,Prevention Program from $55,000 (grant.amount applied for) to .. - ," .. ,_ , $35;000 (grant amount awarded) ~. ~ _ .. `„ - ~ _ ~ 17.~ :. ,~ 00-0067 Social Services/Hurricarie Floyd Relief - to budget additional '• 155 °~ ` ~ ° . ' funds received from the Governor's Office to assist victims of Hurricane ~ " ~ Floyd .. ` ~ / ~ 1 ~ . 17.{. Capital Project 2000 '11 Controlled.Substance Tax ~ 156 1.8. , ~ ,Request for adoption of Resolution supporting equal `access to media 157. - • '.resources -for deaf and hard of hearing..: ~ - ' " . ,, ~ .. _ ... ,. ~ "-, . . ,, ._ A. " '`) • ~ VEW~ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSiO~NERS .. ~ ~ .. ~~ ... , ,. ~ , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ~` ~~ " , Fleeting Date: 11/.15!99 .: . • . :. s v Regular tem #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ •- •, '` ' a Department: Human Resources Presenter: Board of Commissioners ~ , `~ ~ ~' `Contact: Rosetta Bryant; ~ • • • _ :. .. ,: . SUBJECT:., ,. . • . •, •. ~` Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards :.>~ . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ .~ _ ,. The following• employees ,are .entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards .due' to their length of • service 'with. New. Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: Donna G. Horne -Register of Deeds; Henry H; •"- Green -.P•roperty Management; "Paul Majkut -Property Management; Esta L. Stringfield -•Sheriffs Dept.;. •. . ": - Deborah H. Adkins -Sheriffs .Dept.; Janet L. Pittman -Sheriffs Dept.; Anne J,. Lawrence.- Health; Mary D.. -.. ` Brown -Social Services; :Jamie B. Collins - .Social 'Services; Kathleen C, Parnell -Social Services; ` Edward J. Robinson -.'Parks; TEN (10) YEAR: Sophia, L.: Swepson - .Property Management; Edward L. . Jarvis - Sheriffs. Dept.;' Joyce J..Smith -Sheriffs Dept.; Donald H. Taft -Sheriffs Dept.;. Thomas R: . Duncan - 'She'riffs Dept.; Billie J. Stallings -Health; Renee S. l"ootoo -Health; Linda A. Huffman -Social . , _ Services; F9FTEEN (15) YEAR: Alice H. Hardee -. Tax; TWENTY (20) YEAR: ,.Andrew J. Atkinson - . County Manager's Office;" Larry P. Hines - Sheriffs, Dept.;. 'Christine L. Hart = Sheriffs Dept ; TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR: Diane T. Vosnock -Health and Norma B.Davis -Health Dept..- . ._ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED,ACTIONS: -. ~ • 1' ,, , ... _ , . •' :. FUNDING: SOURCE: ` " ,r;.' ATTACHMENTS: ., ~ ;. ITEM DOES NOT'REQUIRE REVIEW . .~ ... .: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .. ~ , • _ Present awards:.. .. 9t - - " COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: _ .• ;~:., : ;~ ~ r~`AUNTY COMMISSIO ERS . ~_ .. =. •. APPROVED , hr~.x~i~f-~ `, . • :, , REJECTED ^ . , .. _ ~ REMO~iED~ ~ - ,. • POSTPONED ^ ,~.,• „• • .: ," HEARi~ p OATE~ : - ' I is _ • ~ -;~: ,,. • •. , ,.. - ,. T - ~. '•'. .1 •_ , . , - ~ - . . ... ~ • ~" b r~ ,~.~+ 4`~c~yy ~ `':2 ~/ ~ #4t,!?~i7 2 ~ ~. ~~~ 's ~ This page intentionally left blank} ~ . ~~~~~:~~~~~~ ~~C~~ ~, ~ ; :~~ Q ~ `~~- 4 ~ ~~ ti~~ R,,._..~ ~1r ~.-~r~x ;, .. ; , ., ~, ,. :.: •~ ., :. • <:, ~. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - . .. REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION :•. ,: . '~ -Meeting Date• _.11115 99 F , _ ,... " Regular Item #; 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ - • Department: Inspections Preseriter; Jay Graham ~ ~ .. ' Contact: Jay Graham ~ , • SUBJECT: AIA North Carolina -Wilmington Section Award for Community Improvement ~` ~ ~~° . .. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . " ~, Each year, the Wilmington Section of the American Institute of Architects seeks to recognize actions'of - property owners within their jurisdiction that are consistent°with the values and goals of the Institute. - Specifically,:recognition is sought for actions that demonstrate excellence in the design, planning, ' ' preservation~or execution of projects that enhance the environment and community in which.we live and work. These avvards' are not for the designers of the projects. "They are intended to recognize the owner's involvement and willingness to contribute to the enhancernent'ofthe community: Typically, such _ ' r contributiohs aren't inexpensive o~ always popular.. 'Yet, the net long term effect of such commitment s. lends stability, continuity and longevity to the com_ munity to which we collectively hold as our community, ' 'our .neighborhood, and our home. ;H " `RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The AIA. North. Carolina. Wilmington Section would like to present an award to fhe New Hanover County :: . '.-~ ,` ~ Commissio,ners for their role in saving Airlie Gardens and rehabilitating this regional landmark for the ., ~~ enjoyment of the public.. Jonathan B. Graham, Ill, the current President of NC AIA North Carolina ~- Wilmington'Section and 'Department Head of NHC Inspections along vvith the members of the Executive Board of Directors for AIA NC will-make the. presentation. Staff recommends that the award be presented. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - This item.does not require'fundirig... ~ ,. ~.,, . :,, '" ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " • ~No attachments. `-, , REVIEWED BY: .. :. ~ ,. - `. LEGAL: NIA ,:FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:.N/A• HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA • . , . .- " - ~ x. , ` 'COUNTY MANAGER'SCO/MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: •, ; . . .~ eceive award. ~V _ ~ ~ ~ . ,. R y .~ • COMMISSIONERS'. ACTIONS/COMMENTS: -" ' • ~ . '~ - . • ~~ .; r COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,. ~ . , . APPROVED L~~i~-es-erti~.e~/ `" :- ~ ,.,. ,. 'REJECTED 0 ,. REMOVED D _- ,, :.. . . " • POSTPONED ^ ,. " . , HEARD o 5 ' ~ ®ATE .~1 t ,1~ , gq. ., . , ~ ~ s .. . i , . . . ,~ . ~ ~hls page Intentlor~allyleft blank} . ~ .. .. ., ~ .. .. ~.. .~ . ~~~ c~~~ ~~ ~~ 6 :~. ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,., REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION ' ' : ' Meeting Date: 1111.5199 ` Regular Item"#: 4'Estimated Timer Page Number:. • ' ; :~ ;Department: Engineering,. Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard./Dave Weaver , Contact:.Wyatt E. Blanchard ~_ .SUBJECT:: , ,_ Drainage Update. - - A: General. Update B. 'Hidden Valley -Crosswinds Drainage Project - W. K. Dickson - C. Consideration of Approval of Contract with W. K: Dickson for the ~ , Developmerif of Comprehensive Drainage Regulations ~ ~ . . .BRIEF SUMMARY: ~A, Wyatt Blanchard and Dave Weaver will provide the Board with an update on projects countywide.. Work is moving forward" on drainage improvement in Runnymead, with the Department ~of • Corrections to perform hand clearing residents, to acquire easements, NCDOT to perform drainage work ,,along the toads, and the..Countyato coordinate and perform additional work as needed Such as obtain - permits. - • . .B. Dan Dawson with VV. K. Dickson will .present the scenarios which have .been developed, for consideration by the County, to. enhance the drainage in the Hidden Valley-Crosswinds Area. Estimated ~, cost will ~be included for each scenario: The presentation will provide the County with enough information ' . to make a decision on how or if to proceed. , C.• W. K. Dickson was selected to provide comprehensive.drainage° regulations to 'assist in limiting ~~/-~-~-, drainage problems with future development: The attached scope of work has been developed to address. - ~~~ ~ _ . the concerns.. A cost of $83,000 has also been negotiated for development of the regulations. Work should° be comploete in August 2000. Please. note that Dickson's work on .Hidden Valley/Crosswinds is . included in this scope of work.. ,. _, . .. -RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: w FUNDING SOURCE: ` .ATTACHMENT.,S: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA - ~ ,. ~ . -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ Recommend approval. ~, APPROVED Ls'~~~". • REJECTED O ,COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: REM01,'ED ^ , a •• POSTPONED D ,•, . . HEARD ~ p ~' . a -. Exhibit "A" _ Scope of Work _ . Storm Water Ordinance W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. October 22, 1999 Page 1 of 8 General: The services of the engineer are in conjunction with the development and adoption of, and/or amendments to, county-wide storm water policies, ordinaricas, rules, regulations, design manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet calculating procedures. To formulate and draft these county-wide storm water policies, ordinances, rules, regulations., design ..manuals and procedures, the ENGINEER will be provided by the COUNTY all existing documents related to storm water management and a list of the many concerns and issues.of the COUNTY. The ENGINEER shall provide these services in accordance with the project description,.. below: Project Description: Due to the many interests and the complexities of .preparing county-wide storm water.: policies, ordinances, rules, regulations,'design manuals and standardized computer - 'spreadsheet calculating procedures, these documents will be developed through a series of drafts and revisions as the documents are reviewed by the different interests. The strategy will be to establish a consensus of the proposed documents throughout the planning, engineering and legal departments prior to soliciting. comments from the Planning Board.' With the consensus of the departments, the proposed documents will be presented to the Planning Board for consideration as amend~merits to the zoning and subdivision ordinances. Following the action of the Planning Board, the proposed ..documents, as recommended by the Planning Board, will be presented to the County Commissioners for consideration. The Scope of Work, Fee'and Schedule are based on the ENGINEER presenting the amendments to the zoning and subdivision ordinances to the Planning Board at three meetings of the Planning Board. The first meeting will be to adequately inform the Planning Board of the proposed changes: The second meeting will be to assist the Planning Board with conducting a Public Hearing to solicit input from the public. The third meeting will be to answer questions while the Planning Board prepares recommendations for County Commissioners. The Scope of Work, Fee and Schedule are also based on the proposed documents, as modified by the Planning Board, being presented to the County Commissioners at three meetings. The first meeting will be to familiarize the County Commissioners with proposed _ documents. The second meeting will be to assist the County Commissioners with ' conducting a Public Hearing to solicit public input. The third meeting will be to assist the County Commissioners with any amendments or modifications adopted by the r.~y~Comrnissioners,~ ~61e,/~c:a ..,.,,,,. . 8 ~ .~ n C1 p~Gew,,i sc~tx'~ ~ Ci~A~~9 a.. .J Exhibi .. ~. , -:-.Scope of Work Storm Water Ordinance -t W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. - .. 22 19 October 99 _ ~ . ~ ~ Page 2 of 8 • _. ~ .: Engineering Services: . ' .. ~.. .Existing Documents. , ~- y. ° ' ~> ` The~ENGINEER will work with the COUNTY.#o receive from the COUNTY.electronic and _ _ printed copies of all storm water policies, ordinances, rules, regulations, design manuals 'and procedures .currently utilized by the COUNTY, In addition the ENGINEER will receive ~. from the' COUNTY, written instructions. for amending-and adopting storm water .policies,. _ `ordinances;>rules, regulations, design manuals and procedures: - ,,. r. 2: .: -Existing Progr-am Assessment `. -. , ` ~ The ENGINEER shall assess the existing storm water management program and prepare ~ ` 'recommendstioris for County Staff consideration. The assessment will include the. . ~ ~ following: ~ , .. . a:~ Review of existing policies; ordinances; rules, regulations, design manuals ,. and procedures. ~ :, ,. , ' ` - b. Identification of existing and proposed federal and state rules and - • _ ~ ~~ regulations-for coordination with potential program improvements,'(suci as ` Phase II NPDES Storm Water Regulations). c: ~ Review of existing~City of Wilmington storm water management program ` { - and ongoing proposed Unified Development Ordinance, UDO, to identify . , , w. , ', :. ,. opportunities for coordinating potential County program improvements. ` d: F.-Identification of potential program improvements through the investigation ` ; . - of the Crosswinds =,Hidden Valley drainage problems. ` ~. ~~. .. .- , ,. 3: ~ Initial Meetings with County Staff ~ ... The ' ' ~ ENGI'NEER shah conduct three sets of meetings with the County staff to 'identify the, known storm water management issues and concerns of the COUNTY staff; as well as the ,. g,oais and objectives of the COUNTY. ° ' a. PrioC to .the meetings the planning,. engineering and legal .departments will provide to the ENGINEER in electronic and printed form a list~of the known ' . . _~ 'department concerns and issues related to. COUNTY storm water:: - -- .., . _ • `. management. In addition the COUNTY departments wilt identify the°long `' ~ ~ range, and immediate goals and objectives of the storm 4vater management F .program: Upon receiving and reviewing-these Gists, the ENGINEER shall ' ' conduct separate meetings with each'`department to discussion the ' ~ ~, concerns, issues, goals and objectives: _.. ;~ _ d . Exhibit "A" Scope of Work Storm Water Ordinance W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. October 22, 1999 Page 3 of 8 b. The first set of meetings will be separate meetings with each department - planriing, engineering and the legal. The primary purpose of these meetings will be as follows: 1. Identify any remaining concerns, issues, goals and objectives 2. ~ Categorize the concerns; issues, goals and objectives; 3. Identify appropriate existing and potential policies; ordinances, rules, regulations", design manuals and procedure's to address the concerns, issues, goals 'and objectives c. Following the separate department meetings, the ENGINEER shall prepare and submit to the COUNTY a summary of the information obtained in the first meetings. Each department will review the summary and provide the ENGfNEER any corrections and modifications in writing. ` d. After review and acceptance of the summary of concerns, issues, goals and objectives by the COUNTY, the ENGINEER shall conduct the second set ofi meetings. The second set of meetings will be joint meetings with all of the departments to identify and coordinate a unified approach for addressing the concerns, issues, goals and objectives. The second set, or 'joint meetings; will consist of three joint, meetings: 1. The first joint meeting will focus on communicating and sharing all of the concerns, issues, goals and objectives+ of each department with all 'of the departments. 2. The second joint meeting will coordinate and combine the shared concerns, issues, goals and objectives. The second meeting will identify the appropriate policies, ordinances, rules, regulations, 'design manuals and procedures fdr addressing the specific concerns, issues, goals and objectives. The second meeting will also include identifying the COUNTY resources that will be required to implement the storm water management program. 3. The third joint meeting will integrate the storm water concerns, issues, goals and objectives with the policies,. ordinances, rules, regulations, design manuals and procedures. e. Following the joint meetings, the ENGINEER shall prepare and submit to ` ~ ' the COUNTY a summary of the information obtained in the meetings. Each. -department will review the summary and provide the` ENGINEER any corrections and modifications in writing. f. After review and acceptance of the joint meeting summary by the COUNTY, the-ENGINEER shall prepare the preliminary draft of the modifications and arimendments to storm water policies and .ordinances and 1 O the recommended rules, regulations, design manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet calculating procedures. :, ~ , . ,. .. " ~, . , . _ - ~ ,- Exhibit "A" . ... . ~ ~ ,Scope of Work ' . . ~ "~ ' Storm Water Ordinarice _ ,. , •; ~ W.K:'Dickson & Co., Lric.. ., ~ October 22; 1999 ° ~. :. Page 4 of 8 4.. `PreliminaryDrafts • ' The,ENGtNEER shall prepare preliminary drafts of the motlifications•and amendments to . storm~wafer policies and ordinances and the recommended rules, regulations; design, manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet calculating procedures. The preliminary. . drafts shall 6e consistent with the reviewed and accepted summary of the joint meetings. ` ` ~ ° ~ The preliminary drafts shall include the following:. ._ ' ~ :.a:.Local government legislative initiatives ~ • ~ - - ' ` ~.. b. • ' .Recommended Storm. Water Policies -' ` ~ - ' . ~ ' ~~ c. Recommended Storm Water Ordinances - ~ -` .-' . ~ ~ A d. Recommended Storm Water .Rules. and Regulations - , . e. Proposed Storm Water Design Manual - - N _ ; ., , ~-. f. Proposed Standardized Storm Water Computer Spreadsheets .. 5.' , 'Presentation of Preliminary Drafts to County Staff `~ ~, ..., °• ~` The ENGINEER shall prepare grid deliver a presentation of the preliminary drafts to the ~`~ ' . •~ COUNTY at a joint meeting of the departments. Upon ,receiving the preliminary draft ~ _ documents at the presentation, the COUNTY will review the documents and provide: . `• . ~ • ~ written comments to the ENGLNEER . - ~ ~ 6. Revise Preliminary Drafts per Staff Commenfis ~ • • A second review meeting with the COUNTY will be conducted to discuss COUNTY review • comments and to finalize proposed documents. Upori COUNTY staff acceptance of the ' - - '.. proposed tlo:cuments, the COUNTY will schedule a meeting .with the New Hanover•Cqunty : ~.: Planning Soard., . ~ . ~~ - - . ., ~ . ~ . 7, . ; Present Preliminary Drafts to Planning Board "` -. i Upon COUNTY staff acceptance'of the proposed documents, the proposed storm water policies ands ordinances, rules, regulations, design manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet calculating procedures will be presented t;o the Planning Board for Board • - review and consideration. _ • -.~~ The Sco e of Work, Fee and Sch' .~ p edule are ,based on the ENGINEER presenting thle ~ ' . - y amendments to the zoning and subdivision ordinances to the'Plann'ing Board at three' -' ...meetings of the Planning Board. ~° - ~ -• .. ' ~ a_ 'First Meeting -The first meeting,with the Planning Board will be to ~ ". • •~ •",familiarize the Board, and' the public with the. proposed documents and - .obtain informal review comments from the Board. ° ~• ~ _ • ~ .~ ~ b, Second'Meetin =The second meetin will be fo assist the Plannin Board 9 9 g ~1. `o ~ ,, .. ` -with conducting a Public Hearing-to solicit input from the public. ; ' ~ ~ - . ,. - ~' b_ Exhibit "A" Scope of Work ., Storm Water Ordinance W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. ' ~ October 22, 1999 ~~ Page 5 of 8 c. Third Meeting -The third meeting will be to answer questions and the assist the Planning Board while the Board prepares recommendations for County Commissioners. _8. Revise Preliminary Draft per Planning Board Corriments The ENGINEER shall modify the proposed storm water policies and ordinances, rules, regulations, design manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet'calculating procedures in accordance with the recommendations of th8 Planning Board. 9. Present Recommendations of Planning Board to Commissioners The ENGINEER shall present the modified proposed storm water policies and ordinances, rules, regulations, design manuals and standardized computer spreadsheet calculating procedures in accordance with,the recommendations of the COUNTY Commissioners. The Scope of Work, Fee and Schedule are also based on the proposed documents, as modified by the Planning Board, being presented to the~County Commissioners a# three meetings. a. First Meeting -The first meeting with the County Commissioners will ~be to familiarize the County Commissioners with the proposed documents and obtain informal review comments from~the County~Commissioners. b. Second Meeting -The second meeting will be to assist the County Commissioners with conducting a Public Hearing to solicit input from the public. ' _ •; c. Third Meeting -The third meeting will be to answer questions and the assist the County Commissioners with any amendments or modifications adopted by the Commissioners Deliverables: ~ ' The project deliverables are as follows: 1. Existing Documents -Meetings with County to obtain existing documents 2. Existing Program Assessment a. Letter report on Crosswinds -Hidden Valley drainage investigation with costs and recommendations; including 11"X17" color figures. (Twenty Copies) 1 12 3. Initial Meetings with County Staff ~ b . Exhibit „A„ - r ,. Scope of Work . Storm Water Ordinance ' :. ' '~ . .. W.K. Dickson & Co., I,nc. • October 22, 1999 ' .. . ~ Page 6 of 8 a. `. Conducts three separate department, meetings: ~ ~: - . ~ b Written ~ u , , ... .... mmary of individual-departmental concerns, issues, goals and . objectives. (Ten Copies) . ~c. Summa ry revisions of individual'departi~nental; concerns, issues,~goals and `: objective s. (Ten Copies) ~ - ~ ' y., d:' • Conduct three joint departmeht meetings ' • e. ~ Written summary of joint, departmental concerns, issues, goals and . :: • . °objectives. '.(Ten Copies)• . ' _ - °•• f. Summary revisions of joint departmental concerns, issues, goals and -~ objectives.' (Ten:Copies). 4 : - .: . 4...... Preli - . , minary :Drafts . ~ . _ ~ ~ a. Twenty Copies eadh of the following: ~ . ,~ . ~ ; , v =,` - 1. ,~ Local government legislative initiatives . - - ~ 2,. , Recommended Storm Water Policies 3, Recommended Storm Water Ordinances , .. . ,• ~ 4. Recommended Storni Water Rules and Regulations 5., Proposed Storm Water Design Manual ; .. - ~ .: . , 6.. Proposed Standardized Storm Water Computer Spreadsheets ~ . ., 5.` -Presentation of Preliminary Drafts to County Staff -- ~_ ~ a. Prepare and conduct presentation to County-Staff • ' ~ ~ 6. ~ R'evise Preliminary Drafts per Staff Comments .. ., • , - .. •_ a. - ,.., , Twenty Copies each of.the following: , ~ ~ ~ . . ` 1. Local government legislative initiatives - ~ 2. Recommended Storm Water Policies ~ , ' . -, 3. ' Recommended Storm Water Ordinances , _ 4.~ Recommended Storrn-Water Rules and Regulations ~~ ~ 5.. Proposed Storm Water Design Mariuaf ~ - . 6. :Proposed Standardized Storm Water Computer Spreadsheets . , . ` . b t M ft li . • •Condu c s eeting to De ver Revised Preliminary Dra Exhibit "A" Scope of Work Storm Water Ordinance W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. October 22, 1999 Page 7 of 8 7. Present Preliminary Drafts to Planning Board 1. Conduct Familiarization Meeting Planning Board 2. Twenty Copies of Revised Documents . ~ 3. Participate~in'Public Hearing before Planning Board 4. Attend Planning Board Meeting 8. Revise Preliminary Drafts per Planning Board Comments 1. Twenty Copies of Revised Documents 9. Present Recommendations of Planning Board to Commissioners 1. Presentation to Commissioners of Planning Board Recommendations at Public Hearing 2. Attend Commissioners meeting Additional Services If authorized in writing by the COUNTY,-the ENGINEER shall furbish or obtain from others any additional services, which are not included above: C~?UNTY'S Responsibilities General The COUNTY'S responsibility under this Agreement shall be as follows: 1. Provide the best available information as to the requirements for the project. 2. ~ Assist ENGINEER by placing at his disposal all available information pertinent to the project including previous designs, reports and any other data relative to the project. 3. Guarantee access to and make all' provisioris for ENGINEER to perform his services. The COUNTY will use its best efforts to assist ENGINEER as needed on this project. 4. Examine all studies, reports, sketches, drawings, specifications, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time to as-not to delay the services of the ENGINEER. 16 U N . _ , O ~ /' {u {~~ ^ \ W U C to cu ~ C 'a ~ ® ~ ~ O V L m rn ~ ~ O ~ ~.. ~ T QI ~ L ~ ~ L W l ~ ,y,r ~ O .Y ~ ~ L c L ~ Q = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ a N Z N J 4 c m -~ 0 0 0 N a C L~ ~~ ~I H I A 2 d W U 0 ~; a ' l p, rn o Z L 0 d i C O .N N N_ ~ c E E o E v ~ ? v ° : ~ m . -o c c ~° o ca ~ a~ m m o o . ~ E o ~o m Q o E ~ .U V O ~ ~ ~ C ~ o V = ~ •~ '~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ L° ~ in a a °- 10 m ~ ~ . ~ t ' ~ o E ' ~' °. ,~ °. ~, ~ o a ~ ~ ~ ~ N U E p ~ O v y C Q w . i ~, m v E $ ~ a ~ c ~ E E ~ ~ ~ E o v °~ c ~ c ~ o a c a a ~ ~ ~ ~ c c . c . N E a i N ai N v N N _ • ~ ~ er ~ i i i x w X w 5 a a Gl ~ a. 41 ~ a r N t'7 V lC] t0 i~ GJ Ql ~:; i~ • . .. . ~ n .,, . ~$ L ~ v .. - ~ ~ ~~ V . .. O ~.. ., . ' .'(~ o' 'L ,Q~ ~ U •~ Q~ . {~ r ~ #+ ~ ® ~ . ~ ~ Q ~ Q '~ Q~ ~ W ~ ~ ~. ~ . , Q V ~ V '. . - ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ .. , ~ O- _ e ,. O .. . ~ . ~. N 7 Q d C 0 ., N Q I"' L m m ~` ., ~ LL c ~ rn m . ~ ~ rn ~ E Z . o. 'Q •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - y - ' .. ~ E U . ~ ~ ~ ~ o E m m v a ~ ~ ~ o U ~ r.+ .C •C ~ ate...'. ~ R ~ f~9 ,:.y d G 4 •N N p v o' ~ m. m ~_ C ,f0 ~ ~ v~ a ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~- Q., N "p.- ~ ~ V L d E .. .3 ~ ~ ~ c ~ '~ L N L O' C C ~ o ~ p ~ .E '~ .~ n- ' N O •(Q ~ E ~ ~, R ~ a c a- ...~ o- ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~~ N d "'N N N •X ~•X w+ •~ ~ L 47 L 'd w w ~ a. a ~ a~ ~+ M v ~n cc n co ~ .. q1 L a a~ b. Exhibit "C" . Schedule of .Fees Storm Water Ordinance W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. - October 22, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Fee Schedule Fees to be paid to the ENGINEER by the COUNTY for the services to be provided in the Scope of Work shall be as follows: 1. Existing Documents $ 1,200.00 2. Existirig-Program Assessment $ 19,200.00 3. Initial Meetings with County Staff $ 12,500.00 4. Preliminary Drafts $ 24,500.00 5. Presentation of Preliminary Drafts to County Staff ~$ 4,400.00 6. Revise Preliminary Draft per Staff Comments $ 6,800.00 7. Present Preliminary Draft to Planning Board ~ $ 6.,200.00 8. Revise Preliminary Draft per Planning Board Comments $ 3,400.00 9. Present Recommendations of Planning Board to Commissioners $ 4,800.00 Total $ 83,000.00 In the event additional services are desired by the COUNTY, which~~are beyond the scope of work provided in this agreement, the ENGINEER hereby agrees to perform such services, provided the scope of work for the additional services and fees are in writing and agreed upon by both the COUNTY and ENGINEER prior to beginning work. Payment for services shall be on a monthly basis not-to-exceed the,lump sum amounts under each phase for completed work. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD'OF COMMISSIONERS ; . ,w µ _ REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION. • ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. - ,. Meeting Date: 11,/15/99 ~ ` ~~ ~ Regular Item # 5 Estimated Time:' ~ Page Number: Department: Erigineering Presenter:,- Dave Weaver - ~ ~~ , .: ` ,. Contact: Dave Weaver _ . ~ . " ' ~ . SUBJECT: ~ . - .. ~., . , -~ Update on. Airlie.Garden . _ _ ~ ' •3 .- ~ .. - BRIEF SUMMARY: ,. , _ ~ , The following update `gives the Board some .information on actions being taken for Airlie Garden and. directioh needed: ~ .. ;. .~ ~ • It is recommended•that the "Airlie Foundation" be expanded in title to the "Airlie Foundation and Board ' of Trustees". This name change will reflect the increase in the group's function to include formulatioh .. of draft use policies for Airlie Garden for the Board of Commissioners' review, in addition to the . ,function of major fund raising.. " ~ . s Staff is preparing information on use projections and possible facility needs in preparation for meeting ' ~ with the Synthesis team for the Master Plan design scope of work. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . ~ f ~Reviewand-give general approval to the above actions. 'FUNDING SOURCE: , . :. , ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: .. .. ` LEGAL: FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~ ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Review and give general approval to the actions stated. ~ ~ , COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: " " COUNTY COMMISSIONQt~ ~ POD r ?QNED p `,' ~~ - . HEARD ® s ~: . -. ~` ~ . 1/ 1 .. _ SATE ~ - --4 - 9 . 6 . ~ phis page intentionallyleft blank} r ~ . -v +~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ .. 6~ ~ ••i;n .. w' t . ~` LLw 20 ~ ~~- ~..: . - NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS . ~ , ~, REQUEST 'FOR BOARD ACTION ~. ,,.: Meeting Date: 11/15/99 . ~ ~ .. °~ Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: -, ~ • ' ;:Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell• - - - ~ Contact: 'Bruce T~ Sheif - . ' . . _ . . ' ~ ,, SUBJECT: , Consideration of Fixed Fee Contract & Payment Plan with Corrvantis, Iric. for ~ " ~` ' ~ Child Support Services (11/01./99 through 06/30/200.0) . , ...BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' . • A fixed -fee contract and payment plan with Corrvantis, Inc. for Child .Support Services forahe period of 11/01799 through 06/30/2000; has been developed,. per request of the Board of County Commissioners. A •- ''draft Dopy of this contract has been forwarded to the attorneys for Corrvantis, Inc. - , , . ... ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' "' ' Recommend County Commissioners approve.- , .. _ .. `'~ ~ ' FUNDING SOURCE:. - .' - . ~ ~ - ' ATTACHMENTS: .. : ' Contract will follow from Legal when complete. , REVIEWED BY:, , - ' . LEGAL: Approve °: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve - HUMAN,RESOURCES: N/A f .. _' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. , Recommend approval of contract and payment plan. At agenda preparation time this item was not _ .. ,completed.. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ` ~ . q ~ ~: '~~~ . G .mac. - (~ " - ~' ~ . . -, , . ~ ' . ! ~ ~' . . " !~~~ , ~ COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS ~ REJ~:CTED . ^ ~~ ,. r . .• ~ RCi~aCVED ^ -?i ', - " - ti ~ HEARD ®~ , .. ;. _ SATE 4 ~fi LS 9 .__ .- - _ . ,, .. ~ ,. s /J'J! G~ ~u . 'o ~. { Thls page intentlonallyleft bland} .; •.. t ~;r~i ~;, ~`~ ,r '' ;`~'~ r ~~~ ~-~ 22 j ~ a. . ~..:.. ~~ ~~ _ , ~. ~ ~ ~~# Y~.x' _i~.u-~Aes.~z~ b • State.of North Carolina County of New Hanover i New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 CONTRACT FOR CHILD' SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT SERVICES This Agreement is made and entered'into this day of , 1999, by and between Corrvantis, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", and New Hanover County, hereinafter referred to as "County". ,~ This Agreement is made pursuant to the authority conferred upon the County pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 110-141 and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153A-259. WITNESSETH: Whereas, .the County is authorized to contract with any governmental agency, person, association, or corporation for the provision of social services; and ~~I Whereas, the County has b~-operating a program for child support enforcement pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by the North Carolina General Assembly; and Whereas, the County is authorized to negotiate alternative arrangements to the procedures outlined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 110-130 for the operation of the child support enforcement program in the county; and Whereas, the County desires to maintain its Standards for Program Operations as set forth in 45' CFR-Part 303 of the Code of Federal for operating its Child Support Enforcement Program and TANF Program; and ~`-J` k-('~ . Whereas, the County herein desires to recoup monies owed under a prior agreement identified as New Hanover County Contract No. 98 - 0355; and Whereas, Contractor acknowledges owing the County a sum of Three Hundred ~Seyenty-one _... Thousand, One Hundred..Sixty-Three Dollars and-Four Cents ($371,163.0;4)' due under New ~, _ ... Hanover County Contract No. 98 - 0355, and desires to herein repay the same through monthly deductions hereunder; and Whereas, the County and the Contractor have negotiated for the performance of certain technical and professional services, and County wishes to enter into an agreement with Contractor to become the Designated Representative as that term is defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. §110-129(5) for New Hanover County and operate the Child Support Enforcement Program therein; and Whereas, the, parties hereto. desire to reduce the terms of this agreement to writing; Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 Scope of Work • e ;~ New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 The services to be performed under this Contract shall be as outlined below and as specified by the County: 1.1 County Responsibilities 1.1.1 To notify North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services that Corrvantis is the Designated Representative of~Program~ as defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 110-129(5) for New Hanover County and that all futur correspondence must also be directed to Corrvantis at the address provided. ~~~,~.1~ ~ u.~rc~rk 1.1.2 To prepare and transmit referrals to the Contractor on appropriate cases pursuant to Title IV-D: Such referral shall be made through the Eligibility Information System interface. Such referrals will contain the name of the recipient, names of the children and the associated absent parent, if known, such identifying information as is available to assist in the location and support enforcement process, pertinent known legal information relative to marital status and orders for support, the amount of the family's assistance grant, available data relative to the absent parent's whereabouts and employment, and any other available information which may relate to the support process. 1.1.3 To provide pertinent information relative to changes of status in referred cases, including, but not limited to a change in NONTANF status to TANF eligible. Such referral shall be made through the Eligibility Information System interface. 1.1.4 To consult with the Contractor concerning potential settlements affecting the rights of the County and act as liaison with the State concerning any potential settlements that may affect the rights of-the State and consult with the Contractor concerning any adverse administrative or judicial rulings in order to determine appropriate remedies to be sought by the Contractor. 1.2 Contractor's Responsibilities Under this contract the Contractor shall have the following responsibilities: 1.2.1 To establish and maintain a child support enforcement program in New Hanover County which complies with the provisions of Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act, as amended, Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, Article ,9, Chapter 110 of the North Carolina General Statutes, as amended, State laws and regulations, and to be totally . responsible and accountable for the proper operation of such program for all current, ongoing, and backlog cases in New Hanover County. 1.2.2 `To provide all child support enforcement services following standard and accepted child support practices, policies and procedures and in doing so pursuing the best interest of the child(ren) for whom support is sought. 1.2.3 To provide testimony, evidence and support necessary for the establishment of paternity, establishment and enforcement of child support orders, and the review and modification of support orders pursuant to .federal and state laws, m civil, criminal and administrative forums. The choice of forum shall be based on the facts of each case, the judgment of legal counsel, and the best interest of the child. Z ;-7 New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 1.2.4 To bring all court actions in the manner as prescribed by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 110-130.1 and to notify the appropriate County official in a timely fashion of any judicial or administrative decision or settlement agreement that negatively affects the County's or State's interests and agrees not to enter any settlement which results in the County's or State's loss of revenue. Contractor may appeal from any judicial or administrative order and shall cooperate with the State, in the event, the State chooses to appeal. In the event th~t.~tractor thinks that a decision needs to be appealed, the Contractor shall consult with the aop~t-~=G-ca~i't"'~"' ~ ~ci~rior to filing a Notice of Appeal.. T-Iii-C-eH~t-y-~~l-1-nevi-fy-C-sr~t~it~x-39-days-ofsrgrring-tl~ ~agr~ernenz as-to-the-name:-of-thg-aPpr~iat~ Gex~-t~-official. ,1.2.5 To utilize the State's automated systems that affect the Child Support Enforcement Program. Any additional automation needs deemed necessary to assist Contractor in carrying out its responsibilities shall be the responsibility of contractor. Contractor shall retain all rights to such software developed by the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, to assist Contractor in carrying out its duties under this Agreement. Software developed by the Contractor at public expense shall be owned by the County. Such software, including source code, shall be returned to the County at the time of contract termination. 1.2.6 To utilize documents produced by the State System. Any additional documents deemed necessary by Contractor shall contain language recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services to assist it in its distribution function. 1.2.7 To immediately respond to the State IV-D agency's central office or to the County Director or his designee on any requests for case status or information. Such response shall contain sufficient information regarding the status of the case to permit the State or County Director or his designee to reply to the inquiring party. 1.2.8 To maintain all records as required by any laws, or regulations enacted by the County, State, and/or Federal governments. Contractor will follow all standards for retention of files after case closure. No records will be destroyed.. 1.2.9 To return all case and automated files to the County at the time of contract termination. 1.2.10 To be responsible for the proper training and management of staff assigned to the project. 1.2.11 To maintain a well marked and appropriately designated office for Child Support Enforcement Services situated in New Hanover County, readily accessible by bus routes and other public transportation. 1.2.12 To ensure that the child support office administrator and/or-staff attend any meetings sponsored by the County and/or State at which attendance is requested upon timely notice. Timely notice means at least 15 days advance notice. Contractor will make every effort to comply if less than 15 days notice is provided. 1.2.13 Upon the request of any State or County Official, the Contractor shall make case files immediately available for audit or case review sampling purposes. The Contractor shall comply 3 New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 with any corrective action as set forth in any non-compliance letter received from the County, State, or Federal government within 30 days of receiving the letter. 1.2.14 To revise and or clarify within fifteen (15) working days any Corrective Action Plan which the County or State determines to be unacceptable in addressing deficiencies:, 1.2.15 To refer any cases of fraud related to child support enforcement to the appropriate County and/or State officials. 1.2.16 To provide, on a monthly basis, statistical information relative to the caseload and services. in such a manner and format as prescribed by the County. . 1.2.17 To cooperate fully with the data collection and evaluation activities carried out by the County in connection with the services performed under this contract. 1.2.18 To~develop~w-~x~'~-'-~n~q-ap~r-o~~-f~~he-C-eurrty-a customer satisfaction survey which will be used to determine the customer satisfaction level. 1.2.19 To provide relevant information immediately and file proof of claim with the bankruptcy - court on behalf of the County in a timely manner in the event the Contractor receives notice that an obligor has filed a bankruptcy petition. n r turn to the Count an fees re uired to be char ed under State or federal 1.2.20 To collect a d e y y q g law regulation or policy. ' 1.2.21 `To comply fully with the aforementioned and all other provisions of Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act, as amended, Title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, North Carolina General Statutes, and the program instructions issued by the County. 1.2.22 Contractor shall cooperate, to the fullest extent allowed by law, with other county, state, and federal entities. This provision also covers other entities operating Child Support Enforcement Programs pursuant to Title IV, Part D of the Social Security Act as amended. 1.2.23 During the transition, operation, and post operation of the Program, contractor shall adhere to all confidentiality laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the child support enforcement program. 1.2.24 Contractor shall advise the county in writing within ten (10) days of the receipt by the contractor of any notice bf deficiency from the State or federal government or any adverse audit results. 1.2.25 Contractor shall pay for Sheriff's services, in advance, on a per service fee schedule basis utilized by the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department. 2.0 Terms and Conditions ` 2.1 General This section contains the terms and conditions of this Contract. This Contract is also i~% l j . • ~ ~ :. ~ over County Contract # 00 - 0196 ,: • New Han , , • .. . subject to the provisions of all applicable federal and State laws, regulations, policies, and ,standards. ~ . 2.1.1 The Contractor agrees'that all Title IV-D case files will be maintained and used solely for "child support purposes and safeguarded as provided in 45 CFR 303.21; N.C. Gen. Stats: .. •. §§ 1 °10-139 and 108A-80. The Contractor will comply with all other applicable laws and ' ` + . regulations in addition to those specifically set forth. 2.1.2 The Contractor further agrees that any information obtained through the Federal Parent ' ' Locator Services, as well as address and asset information obtained through the.Internal Revenue • Service must be safeguarded according 45 CFR 303.70 and 26 U.S.C. §6103(p)4. All personnel " authorized to handle such tax related information will sign an IRS Confidentiality Form, to be . • provided by the State; and will return the signed original to the State. The Contractor will " comply with all. other applicable laws and regulations in addition to those specifically set forth. ' .~ 2:2 ~ Amendment ' • No modification or change of any provision in this Contract shall be made, or be • construed to have been made, unless such modification is agreed to in writing. by the Contractor • ' ;and the County, and incorporated into a written amendment to the Contract. Except, County has • the right to require revisions made in the scope of work necessary to meet new or revised rules, regulations, laws, policies, and standards. Such written requests shall be made by the Contract ' _ ~ Administrator. Contractor shall advise the County.upon receipt of any information pertaining to changes in laws, rules or regulations affecting, the operation of the Child Support Enforcement.... F `Program. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to keep its staff up to date about all ' changes. Any changes required by .law or regulation in order for the Contractor to meet its ,duties under Section 1.2.1 shall not necessitate an amendrnent~to this Contract. - .- 2:3 ' Contract Period - ~ • ~_ m ~ The Contract will be effective for a period of eight months beginning November. 1, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000,"unless terminated as provided for hereunder. ~ e " " ~ 2.3.1 ;Intent To Contract For An Additional Period ~' (a) The Contractor and the County will notify each other, by May 1, 2000 of their . intent to negotiate ;and execute a contract for the continued operation of the New ' ~ Hanover County Child Support Enforcement program beyond June 30, 2000. (b) • If a contract for the continued operation of the New Hanover County Child ` Support Enforcement.program beyond June. 30, 2000 is not negotiated and executed, ~, ~ County. may contact existing staff of,the Contractor operating the New Hanover " County Services Office to discuss employment with New Hanover County. The Contractor will ensure the integrity-of all data between the time when a decision not. ' to negotiate or execute a new contract is made and the time when the County has : :~. fully assumed operations.. The Contractor will make staff available to the County to . F assist in the transition from Contractor to County operations. • ~ .. • New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 2.4 Termination of the Contract The Contract shall be subject to termination provisions set forth herein. Should this Contract be terminated for either default or convenience, any and all of the eight (8)repayments in the amount of Forty-Six Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Three Dollars ($46;393:00) for each monthly payment remaining due the County as set forth in 2.15 shall become immediately due and payable, without the obligation on the part of the County to make any further demand or notification to Contractor. 2.4.1 Termination for Default If the Contractor shall fail to perform its Contractual obligations and duties, after having been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, the County shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Contract by mailing written notice to.the Contractor of such termination and specifying: the effective date thereof. A reasonable opportunity to perform under this Contract is defined as within ten (10) days of the date of notification of default. • Payments Upon Default In the event of termination for default, the Contractor shall be paid apro-rata compensation for services rendered up to the effective termination date based on the fixed fee set forth in 2.18, Compensation, adjusted with a .set-off of monies remaining owed the County as set forth in 2.15, Invoices and Payments. If the Contract is terminated for default, the Contractor shall be liable to County for any and all damages of any type and nature sustained by County and. arising out of or relative to said breach. In such event, County shall have the right to pursue Contractor for any and all legal remedies available to County as a result of said default including pursuing payment on contractor's bond provided as an incident and condition of this contract. 2.4.2 Termination for Convenience (a) County may terminate without cause in whole or in part whenever for any reason, in its sole discretion, County shall determine that such termination is in the County's best interest. If County terminates the Agreement for convenience, the Contractor shall be paid apro-rata compensation for services rendered up to the effective termination date based on the fixed fee set forth in 2.18, Compensation, adjusted with aset-off of monies remaining owed the County as set forth 2.15, Invoices and Payments. (b) ~ In the event that the County exercises its right to terminate the contract for convenience, the .County shall notify the contractor at least sixty (60) days prior to such termination. 2.4.3 Transition ' Contractor will ensure the integrity of all data during the period between the decision to terminate and the,time when the County has fully assumed operations. The Contractor. will make staff available to the County to assist in the transition from Contractor to County New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 operations. 2.5 Assignment . The: Contractor shall not assign or transfer any interest in this Contract. 2.6 Place Of Contract It is agreed between the parties hereto that the place of this Contract, its situs and forum, shall be in the State Courts of North Carolina inNew Hanover County, North Carolina, and in said County and State shall all matters, whether sounding in Contract or tort relating to the validity, construction, interpretation, and enforcement of this Contract be determined. 2.7 Record Retention, Inspection, Audits The Contractor agrees to maintain fiscal books, records, documents, and other evidence which reflect all direct and indirect costs expended under this Contract. The Contractor shall maintain an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The County, State or the Federal government shall have the right to inspect such records at its convenience. It is understood and-agreed by the Contractor that the Contractor shall be liable for any State or Federal audit exceptions and shall return to the County all payments made under the Contract to which exception has been taken or which has been disallowed because of such an exception. The Contractor shall agree to the conditions of 45 CFR, Part 74.24(a), (bland (d) and the Department Of Social Services Records Retention and Disposition schedule regarding retention and access requirements relating to all financial and programmatic records, support documents, statistical records, and other records of this Contract. In addition, the Contractor shall agree to the following terms regarding record retention of Contract records and access for government officials. Unless County specified in writing a shorter period of time, the Contractor agrees to preserve and make available all other pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor involving transactions related to the Contract for a period of five years from the date of expiration or termination of Contract. • Records involving matters in litigation shall~be kept until the later of the following two dates: one year following the termination of litigation or for five years from the date of Contract termination. The parties agree that the records subject to audit shall be limited to records related to this project, and specifically excludes records relating to Contractor's general policies and information on Contractors overhead and profit rates, unless such records are required for Federal or State audit or program oversight/review purposes. 2.8 Waiver Of Breach Waiver of any breach of any term or condition of this Contract shall not waive any prior or subsequent breach. No term or condition of this Contract shall be held to be waived, modified or deleted except by written instrument signed by the parties hereto. 2.9 ualifications Of Contractor Staff Q w.4 ~ ..~ ~ a •~ New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 ~ .. ~~ The' Contractor shall warrant that all ersons assi ned b ~ it to erform this Contract shall p g Y p be-fully qualified to perform the work herein.- 2.10 Indemnification and Relationship of Parties • The Contractor shall be an independent Contractor, licensed and bonded and solely • responsible for the employment, acts 'and omissions; control, and direction of its employees. + The .. • . • Contractor shall save and keep harmless and indemnify. the County against any and all liability arising out of the operations or performance of the work by the Contractor or its employees in - ~ connection with the Contract: The Contractor shall not be deemed an employee of the County. • • ' 2.11 Insurance/Performance Bond ~ - •; . ,The Contractor shall acquire and maintain insurance coverage in the amount of • '• $1;000,000.00 to protect the County, its agencies, its employees, its customers, and the general ~ • • ,public against any loss,. damage, and/or expense associated with the operation of the Child • Support Enforcement Program.. The Contractor shall defend, at contractor cost, any and all • • .. ~ claims asserted against the- County, its agents, or employees arising from the provision of child - support services. The County will cooperate with the Contractor and may participate in the .defense at the- County's expense, at the County's 'sole discretion.- No settlements in any of the claims will be entered into byahe Contractor,.except upon the prior written consent of the County. fihe insurance coverage shall include a general liability, malpractice insurance, and ' .; other appropriate professional liability. The County shall be named as a co-insured and entitled . ,~ to all notices issued under the policy, to cover claims that may arise out. of or result from the 3 ` •Contractor's services hereunder. Written evidence of insurance shall include, but shall not be • ~ ~ limited to: effective dates of coverage; limits of liability; insurer's names, policy numbers, . endorsement of representatives of the insurance company. The evidence of insurance must be ,:. submitted upon award of the contract. In the event the insurance coverage is canceled, the county , ' must be riotifed within thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation of any coverage under the policy. ,, The contractor shall. maintain a Performance Bond in the amount of $175,000 for entire period of this contract. The purpose of this bond is to cover ariy costs incurred by the County in the event " ~ ~ 'that the Child Support Enforcement operations must _be assumed by the County or contracted to a _ new supplier during the contract period due to the default or dissolution of the Contractor: ' 2.12 Permits, Licenses,.Taxes, and State Regulation • ~ ~ . The Contractor shall procure all necessary permits and licenses and abide by-.all _, applicable laws, regulations and ordinances of all Federal, State, and Local governments in which work under this Contract is performed. . • 2.13 State and/or County Property . • The Contractor.shall be responsible for the proper custody and care of any County or , State owned or furnished property, and/or properties reimbursed by public funds, for the • Contractor's use in connection with the performance of this Contract, and the Contractor shall . ~ reimburse the County. and/or State for its loss or damage, normal wear and tear excepted. Any -. such property or• equipment will be returned to the County at the end of the contract, or when no ' . • longer used, including but not limited to, property and equipment purchased and/or reimbursed • • for performance of New Hanover County Contract No. 98 - 0355. The Contractor shall maintain. , i .. ~. ~~ ,, . . ~, :: ' ~~ E~ n ~.. . ~ New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 - ' _• . ~a fixed asset inventory ofall items of equipment and furniture purchased at public expense. The County may provide asset tags and the Contractor shall affix tags to such equipment and furniture. The, Contractor shall not dispose of any equipment or furniture purchased at public ~'. expense unless directed to do so by the County: ~ ~ . ' ~ . 2.14 Site Rules and Regulations -_ ` : - The Contractor shall use its best efforts to ensure that ts~employees and agents, while on State and/or County premises; shall comply with site rules and regulations of the State and/or : ~ . .County. ~ - 2.15 Invoices and Payments. ` ~ ~ The Contractor shall invoice One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($117,500.00) at the end of each month for which contractually conforming services are actually • ...provided. ~ ^ . . ~ The'County shall make payments for the above-referenced invoiced amount within 14 _ ' days of receiving the invoice, less eight (8} repayments in the monthly amount of Forty-Six ~• • Thousand Three Hundred~Ninety-Five Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($46,395.38) to be ' ~ deducted from each monthly payment to Contractor. ^ ~ ~• 2.16 Compliance With Civil Rights Laws-Equal Opportunity Employment The Contractor hereby assures that it shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to -the end that no person shall, on the grounds of age, race, creed, sex, or national origin be _ excluded from participation in, be .denied the benefits of, be otherwise subjected to discrimination under'this Contract or under any project, program or activity supported' by this Contract:. The nondiscrimination clause contained in Section 202 Executive Order 11246, as - ,~ : arriended by Executive Order 11375, relating to Equal Employment Opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin and the implementing rules and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, are incorporated herein. Program for Employment of the Handicapped (Affirmative Action): Regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor of the Untied States in Title 20, Part 741, Chapter VI, subchapter "c" . of the Code of Federal Regulation, pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 11758 and ' ..Section 503 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act of 1992 are, incorporated herein. r 2.17 Force Majeure ~ . Neither the Contractor or County ,hall be deemed to have breached the contract- if the .failure to perform the Contract arises out of causes beyond the control .and without the fault or k = ' , negligence of either party. Such causes are specifically restricted to, acts of God, fires, ' quarantine restrictions, and/or freight embargoes: If Contractor's failure to perform is not the ..result of causes as enumerated above, Contractor will be liable. 2.18 Compensation ~ ~ - • C ,. t . ._ ' . ,• { .. .. ~ .. •~. ~ , 1 `\ '~ • - ~ ' ° - - New Hanover County Contract # 00 - 0196 ° ' - The County, shall pay the contractor a fixed fee o£ - ~ ~ $117,500 per month for contractually conforming services actually provided under-this contract less deductions for '. recoupment of monies owed County as set forth in 2.15. Payments shall be made in accordance • with.Section 2:15, Section; Section, and Section 2.4.2 should the contract be` - ° - 'terminated for any cause whatsoever. - .. ° - - '2.19 :Performance Standards ~~~ ,~ f~G~.GG~:C~ ~ - - , The minimum standards for: contractor performance are: . ' -1: Collections Of $7,500,000 in child support payments for the fiscal year ending . ' :June 30,-2000. -2. A percentage of the caseload under order of 60% by June 30, 2000. 3. Collections .equal to 65% of monthly obligated amounts. The goal~is for this ' - collectionxate to be achieved for the end of the final quarter of the contract year. .. - - ' ' ~° . •4: A customer satisfaction rating of 90% as measured by aCounty-administered :'survey: The. County will develop the survey instrument with input from the Contractor: , . _ 2.20: Performance Incentives ~ ~ ~ . . - _ If contractor meets all performance goals established in Section 2.19 of this contract and ' ~ if all incentives and returns received by4caounty. during FY :1.999 2000; including all TANF returns and all TANF hold harmless funds exceed $654,44 „.~h~n Contractor shall be paid- 50% i of all such incentives and returns exceeding $654,400: ~1~y~/~~ ~~ j, y..,~, +-- ~j 7~~ ~~ j~ ` 2:21 The Contractor shall not subcontract any of the work under this contract without the prior ~~ ~ written approval of the County. -: ~ ~ ~ " 2.22 Notices. and Invoices .. ~ All notices- shall be delivered to the County at the address below or such other address or ; . ~"~ party~as designated. ", New Hanovcr County Department of Social Services - . -~ Attention: F. Wayne Morris, Director -r 1650 Greenfield Street .,.., ~ PO Drawer 1559 ~ - - Wilmington, NC .28402-1559. - ~ ` - A11 invoices shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Director of'the New Hanover / ~~ - ~. ~ '. - ~ ~. ~ New`Hanover County Contract # 00 ~- 0196 :~ - County Department of Social Services or his designee. ' ~~ All notices shall .be delivered to the Contractor at the address below or such other address :::. ~ or party as designated. . 'Lou H. Hall e - , Director of Child Support Programs ' - ~~ . Corrvants, Inc. ' ~ 225. Hillsborough Street, Suite 290 ~ . ' Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 . -Either party may change its address for notification purposes by giving notice of the change and setting forth the new address and an effective date. 2.23 Annual Audit Report . ~ They Contractor shall provide the County with a copy of its annual audit report prepared ' by the Contractor's external certified public accountant licensed in North Carolina, within one, ' ' ~ ~ hundred twenty (120) days of the`end of Contractor's fiscal year. . .3.0 Severability . .. i. ~ - If any term or condition of this Contract or the application thereof to any person(s) or _~ circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application; to this: end the Terms and Condition of this Contract are- declared severable. . :. 4.0' Contract Administrator ~' ~ The Contract Administrator, for the County is the Director Of the. Department Of Social , Services or his designee: Such other- designation shall be in writing: 5.0.. ~ Pre. Audit Certification - This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act; ~ : , ~~ ~ Finance .Officer Date 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and County have executed this agreement in ' quadruplicate, one of which is.retained by each of the parties and one sent to County, and an ~_ , ` additional, copy for the County Finance Director; effective the day and year first above written. :. _ . ,, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ -, . ~.. ~ - . New Hanover County Contract # 00 -.0196 [SEAL] ~ • • William A. Caster, Chairman Y ATTEST: „ t Clerk to the Board • CORRVANTIS, INC. (CORPORATE SEAL) ., • ~ (SEAL) ' ~ President "ATTEST:. • , . Corporate-Secretary. ' -Approved as to form: - County 'Attorney • ~ NORTH CAROLINA . NEW HANOVER COUNTY • I, , a Notary Public of the State and County , ' aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me his day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority ~_ • .duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in. its name by its ' ~ "Chairman; William A. Caster, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. '. .. -. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1999. Notary Public My commission expires: " :NORTH CAROLINA . .-. ~.~ _ ~; v 4~ .. ~ . .-~_ .. ~ ~~'?~;:,. Wayne Morris 11/09/99 04:31 PM To: ~ Kemp Burpeau/NHC@NHC, Bruce Shell/NHC@NHC, Barbara McClure/NHC@NHC, Pat Melvin/NHC@NHC, Ann Marie Ball/NHC@NHC, Chris McNamee/NHC@NHC, James Oxendine, Julia Talbutt/NHC@NHC, Karen Vincent/NHC@NHC, Wanda Neidig/NHC@NHC cc: ~, o Subject: 2.20 Performance Standards -Proposed The minimum standards for contractor performance are: 1. Distributed collections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, will total $7,500,000. 2. The, percentage of cases with support orders will be 60% by June 30, 2000. 3. The current support collection rate will be equal to 65% by June 30, 2000. 4. Paternity for 75°jo of the children born out of wedlock in the Child Support Caseload vvill be es/t'ablished by June 30, 2000. 5/C-oll~,tiorrs on ar . I b rrf0 0 of t~re-s.a~e~rt1~~i ea~ges ~ 6. ~}he c st e iveness o fo e year din ne 30; 2000, wil qual o xcee .31 • _ c Ilec ' s for e er .00 o de of vic . i ~r. A customer satisfaction rating of 90% as measured by aCounty-administered survey. The . County will develop the survey instrument with input from the Contractor. ~• ~~ 6. r / / ! ~` (~ U~ ~~/'C~',LGL~ }'~~C. ~cl -• GcJJ`~2t.-~c` L~E~~G9~_~ Ct~- .~-~CL/~_..~ G ,..•'r`/C_.C~.. i-~~~a-~Gr /,i`~.c:..~~~ `'cam j~lL-C. ~i/~nS, •~er~~Gl~;% ~~~.i~ii~~ ~~~G~LCIc.~ ~' f L~~~ ~ .Gti(~, . T ' ~ K ~ ~I ` . _ ~ , { NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ' ' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ' Meetin Date: 11/15/99 ' . g 'Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: . ' Department: Engineering .Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard , Contact:. Wyatt Blanchard, Director of Engineering ~ . • • SUBJECT: - . ' Consideration of Approval of Generators/Transfer Switches for Emergency . Shelters. ~ . ~. . BRIEF SUMMARY: In. August 1999 CP&L notified county. staff of the need to alter the process used for .powering generators at ,shelters during emergency events. Staff was informed that CP&L would no longer support use of current .. procedure after 1999 and that another procedure would have to be employed. Staff has met with CP&L and Board of Education to discuss this matter, and have obtained. estimates of the cost of installing .generator transfer switches and generators at the four (4) public schools, which are normally used as emergency shelters. It will take approximately 8 months to adequately equip the schools with necessary . - . . access to emergency power. A presentation. on the status of discussions with CP&L and update on - _ potential costs for insuring safety and protecting of public health for our citizens who are sheltered during . ' emergency events, wiU be provided. ; RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . Hear presentation. Give direction to staff as to how to proceed. , FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: , . REVIEWED BY:. , LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , • Listen to presentation. ' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ,. , . ~ COUNTY C~MMISSI~NE~ - , . , APPs~~1/ED pp// - . RCS CrtD , .p ' b . - RC.... •~D p „~ . , .. . . ~ PCS ~ i,ONED p _ ~ HEARi7 p ~. ~ . ~ ~ .DATE i_I.~ 9,~ ~~-=..~f„ , , =~ r~ I- /Vl A- ~ ~z Y Y ~ -~rin.v..a.~ h ~I~P,u,~r~ v~r ,., {This page .rntentionallyleft blanlr} ~k~1Cr~ff',., 1 ~.A 5 1 24 ~ ~ ..~ ~ ~~~~ ~e-~~1.yy/A~~ .. ~.. .. O i School Generators & Transfer Switches School. Size Generator CP&L Cost G & TS Engineer's Estimate G &TS Engineer's Estimate TS Coddington 500 kW $160,097 $109,633 $29,466 Eaton 300 kW $114,352 $102,890 $27,808 Johnson 500 kW $175,758 $109,633 $29,466 Trask 1020 kW $266,921 $270,188 $83,872 ,• Crene~c~to~ -Svl~tiortsT"1 • fOY Ne~v ~~c~ao~e~ ~'ou~t~y Nov~~nbe~ T 0, 1999 r~ U ~~: ; }; Carolina Power & tight Company Power Protection 3oiutions 412 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27'601 z-d ~N ~i~Ndd9 ~"dd~ WdSZ :66 66. 8Z nOhJ J • C~NI~'IbEN'~'IALI'X'X S'Z'A'T~MEN'~' 'Tlixs entire proposal; correspondence, and all communications developed by Carolina Power and Light Cor~~pany ("CP&L") and provided to New Hanover County ("Customer") for its review are the property of CP&L, The inf'orination contained herein is furnished to New Hanover County with the understanding that said infoi~nation will ba used only in connection with the evaluation of CP&L's proposal. Except as required by law, the Customer shall not disclose the infarrnation contained herein to any third party without the prior written consent of CP&L. E'd JN d3N~1t19 ~'3d0 Wd6T ; 6~ 66. ~i AON ,® 'i'ASLE OF CON'~'FNTS Y. Executive Sumamary ................................................................. 3 II. Qualifications ............................................................................4 III. Lange of Services ....................................................................... 5 IV, Acceptance ......................:......................................................... 8 n U ~' d ~hJ c13hJ21H`J ~'3d~ Wd6T :6E~ 56. ~i nntii I. ]EX;~CTJ~~'~'V~ SUNIN1A~t'Y Introductio~~ CP~zL is pleased to present this proposal and budget cost estimate for New Hanover County to furnish standby generators and transfer switches for Codington Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Johnson Elementary School and Trask Middle School. Enhanced reliability is critical to your business. Yet many factors cause outages - hun7eanes, thunderstorms, or even an automobile accident. CP&L's Generator Solutions'M product line provides protection against unplanned outages for commercial, industrial, and governmental facilities Like New Hanover County. Customer ]BeneCts CP&L's Generator Solutions provides the following benefits: • Affordable risk management strategy ,your generator can be economically financed and payments can be put on your rnouthly power bill. Single source responsibility -- CP&L is your one contact far design, installation, rrtainteuance, financing, startup and trainiyxg, +~ Emergency Preparedness -consistent with New Hanover County's responsibillry to operate ~,~~nergency Shelters in the event of natural disasters. Thank you for allowing Cl?&L to respond to your request for a standby generator system. We look fozward to working with New Hanover County and welcome the opportunity to demonstrate CP&L's qualifications and corntnittnent to delivering a superior product tailored to your needs. • 3 S ' d ~N d3Ndd~ ~ ~dJ Wd6 ti : 6F 66 t E~ ~ r10N ~J .• II. QUALIFICATIONS Why CP&L? CP&L's primary business is to serve the energy needs of its customers. For years, our specialists have helped hundreds ofbusinesses like yours to improve their power protection systems. In today's competitive environment, it is essential to retain the best expertise available. CP&.L stands out among its competitors as a reliable, safe, and efficient provider of customized power protection solutions. Experie~uCe Our Power Protection Solutions Team draws on the experience and resources that have made CP&L a Fortune 500 company over the past 90 years. We have designed hundreds of customized generator solutions for our clients to protect their businesses against unplanned outages. CP&L's Generator Solutions builds on the strengths and proven performance of an industry leader. No other generator • source cart match our range of hardware and service solutions. As a direct factory distributor of generators and transfer switches, we can pass on our best prices to you. Our exterasive knowledge and experience give us the ability to: • Engineer specifications, sizing, aztd equipment • Project manage installation and startup • Customize options for hardware and service • Offer a full range of flexible financing options • Integrate your generator into a seamless power quality package ® Assure New Hanover County's complete satisfaction CP&L's team of account managers; professional eztgineers, and field service representatives bring you an unrivaled depth of talent and experience. Additiorialiy, we represent a fi•esh approach to helping you with your power protection needs. a 9 ~ d ON ~13Ndd~ ~ odJ Wd6 Z : 60 66 , ~ ~ /10N ~J III. RANEE OF SERVICES l~rogosal Overview C]?&L, proposes to furnish standby generators and transfer switches for Codington Elementary, Eaton Elementary, ,~ohnson Elerrientaty and Trask Middle School. The budget estifrcate presented includes all necessar design, materials, egttiprnent, labor, and proiect rnana~erneut to procure, install and startup of your CI'c~ZL Generator Solution. Tutroduction After evaluating the load and equipment at your facilities, we recommend the following generator packages: • Four Diesel Generators with: • ~ Progranunable Cozttxol Panel Electronic Governor - Main Line Circuit Breaker - Alternator Sh1p Heater - Coolant Heater - 1~A battery Charger - 30 Hour Base Fue17'ank - Double Wall, UL Listed Fuel Tani: - Steel Weather Enclosure - Critical Exhaust Silencer - Oil and Fuel Gauges - Mushroom Emergency Stop Button - Fuel Alarm with Shutdown • Four Transfer Switches with: - NEMA. 3R Enclosure - Adjustable Logic Control - Three Position Selector Switch (~lormal-Auto-Standby) w Installation of the Above • Initial Fuel Fill • Start-up and Training by Factory Trained Technician • S L • d JN c13hJ~IdJ ~l'3d~ WdGZ : b0 66: 8Z AON 5cage of Work CP&L proposes to; 1) Receive, unload, and install the generators at the sites. ?) Receive, unload, and install the automatic transfer switches, 3) Provide and install concrete pads for the generators and transfer switches. 4) Provide, install, and terminate all necessary conduit, conductors, lugs, and conhol wiring between the generators and transfer switches. 5) Provide start-up and txaizting, service by factory-trained technicians. The Customer is responsible fox: 1) Locating and marking all customer-owned underground facilities, such as electrical, water, aid communications. CP8i:L will not be responsible for damage to underground facilities that are not marked. Bud~etairy Prices • Cadingtan Ele>tnentary 5001:VV Generac Genset & 1600A Transfer Switeix $160,097` Eaton Elementary 300kW Generac Genset & 1600A Transfer Switch $11=i,35~'~ Johtrson Elementary SOOkW Generac Genset & 1600A Transfer Switcl- $175,758* 'y'rask Middle 10201~W Generac Genset sic ZOOOA, Transfer Switch $266,9~1* All material costs are subject to spplieabfe sales taxes unless the customer supylies CP&L with a diccct oay ecrtificatc. The above proposal is based on the following assumptions: 1. Equipment location selected by CPL. All sites were located as close as possible to transfer switch. 2. Generators do ztot include sound attenuation. 3. Ground Fault Protection required before or in transfer switch protection. 4. Transfer switch to be located at the existing transformer location. 5. CP&L will remove and repair asphalt and concrete necessary for trenching. 6. Additional cost maybe included if underground drains, sewer lines, phone, gas or other utilities encountered for trenching, 7. Detail loads xiot used for sizing generator, size based on metering deinauid loads only. 8. installation based on using existing service entrance conductors. 9. Heater and battery charger circuit will be fed from the transfer switch. 10, All work will be performed during regular working hours. 11. 'rhe price does not include wiring within your facility, gas line installation (if required), or other work, which can be quoted separately upon request. Delays caused by others will result in additional cost. 6 8 ~ d JN d~Nd'd9 ~'~dJ Wd~Z : 6~ 66. 8Z AON Generator Financing Oritions -Municipal lrease • ~Codin~ton l lerrzentar~ Eaton Elementary Jnhhson Elementary ~l,rask iVYiddle A~pxoxirnately Monthl~v Payment ~' 60 mos,_-_5.93% APR 84 mes. b.05% APR $3,0$9 X2,343 $2,207 ~ $1,673 $3,392 $2,]71 $5,151 $3,90 Notes: Abova payments are based on eum:nt rates and are subject to change, Financing subject to applicable sale/use tex Financing availability and actual rate will depend on customer credit history snd rsting, 7 6 ' d ~N d3Ndd9 ~'3d~ Wd~Z : 6~ 66 r ~ Z ACIfJ Y~v, a~c~1~~rAlvc~ CP&L proposes to furnish New ~ianover County with four standby Qenerators, which includes four main line circuit breakers and four transfer switches. »y signing below, I authorize CP&: L to: 1.) Prepare a firm proposal for the supply and installatio~z of the above-descf•ibe~l geraset, By signing below, I also agree to: ?,) Reinzb~sr-se CP&L at tl~~e arr~ount of ,500.00 for tlae design, eragineerirrg, atad docc~~rzentation included i~z the~nal genset proposal. (If I pua•chuse the genset as gatoied herein, this engineering fee will be waived,) Z understand that if CP&L's firm proposal is more than 10% above the budgetary cost established in this document, I have no obligation to reimburse CP&L for the design work. Furthermore, I understand that by signing below, I have no obligation to accept CP&L's final proposal. Thank you for allowing CPL to respond to New Hanover County standby generator needs. For planning purposes, please note that currently there is approLirnately a 20-24 week lead time fi•om date of purchase to complete installation for generators of this site range, If you have any questions, please give me a call at 919-662-3100. Respectfully, ~, ~~~cty 1 ~ --.-v. Mart ,,C~n Y Y Account Executive Carolina Poti~let- cft Light Accepted by New Hanover County 'This day of , 1999 By; Title: 8 ei~d JN c13N~iFJ9 ~"dd"~ WdFI~:F,I~ fir,. Rt nntii r '~ • ~ ~ .. ,.. ~• •, NfW HANOVER CQUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • - ~ , • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' :, ._. .~ ~ MeetingDate: '11115/99 . .. 4. ~ ... -• Regular Item.#: 8 Estimated Time:. Page Number: ~ ' .. _ • ~ Department: Environmental Management ' ~ Presenter: Ra'y Church ~ ~ , . • .. .. :. .Contact:. Ray Church <• ',; ~ ~ . • • SUBJECT: I ~~ `. ~ ~ . , _. - . `~ ~, Avvard.of Contract to SCS Engineers, PC _: ' .. ,. . . Landfill .Gas Utilization Feasibility Study ' _. i .-. ~ . ,..BRIEF. SUMMARY: ,, . ,.. , - ,Landfill as LFG. ~s enerated b .the decom osition of munici al solid waste MS de osited in ` ` ° ' '• ~ ~:~ _landfills: Because LFG is about 50 per cent methane (providing 500 BTU per standard cubic foot), it is a good source of energy; Methane'also is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas which may lead ~.. ° ~ _ toward global-warming than carbon dioxide..Due,to these two.factors, the EPA is targeting landfills as a: • ,source from which to reduce greenhouse gases. The,EPA has developed a program, Landfill Methane . ' ' Outreach: Program (LMOP), of which we are a member, to match landfill gas producers with potential . • ~~ ~ users. The L'MOP research determined that a potential project exist to use our landfill gasas a fuel - source'at KOSA, formerly Hoechst Celanese. A request for proposal was developed by staff Arid two ~ ~' ' • landfill gas development companieswere interviewed.` Natural Povver proposed that the County invest •- $750,000 as a capital project to develop the landfill gas collection system and pipeline to KOSA-with a ~° payback from the sale:of gas in 5 to 7.5 years. There was also an annual O&M fee of $61,495 to ,. _ $153,738 iwhich is tied to the price_of fuel Neither staff nor KOSA felt that such. an .investment should, be • made without additional information: •. - SCS Engineers, PC proposed that a feasibility study be performed to evaluate the current collection • , system, install additional gas wells for gas volume,. BTU value; and quality determination, and'look.at ~- ~ p g ~ s running the-,pipeline.#o KOSA. The study will. also determine funding ,.., z on-site ower eneration versu a scenarios~•to include public ownership/funding, private ownership/funding, or a joint,ownecship/funding. , • • ~ ' ' ' 6 The'sale of air emissions credits wilt. also be evaluated:' - ~ ~ •- Within the next few years, the New Hanover County .Landfill will be required to convert the existing passive ~. ,~~ .: Vandfill gas system to an`active system with, at a minimum, a flare, to meet the neuv Glean Air Act .: -. ~ " • ;A-. , requirements" New Hanover County has ah opportunity #o take apro-active position to evaluate our • , ~ . current andpotental landfill .gas project development.'The information obtained from this feasibility study.,, ~ ' .' will`allow the County and our potential. partner, KOSA to determine if a sufficient quantity and quality of ~' ' -LFG is available to develop atFG•project. The study will also deterrnirie the best route,to fund the . • • ' j .:..project... . ~ ' ~ , . . T. o. ~. y „ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND'REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Staff recommends awarding a contract to SCS Engineers, P.C in and amount of $51,983 to perform a ~ , ' ~ `, , andfill gas utilization feasibility study. , ' ~ ... ~ `. 4 • . ,j +'• FUNDING SOURCE: .: .. .; . ' ~ ~.•: Funds are available.in.the landfill contracted services account 7.00-480-4191=3700: .~' .. . _ . • CO . , _ ~ COMMIS - ~IER~' UNTY 'ATTACHMENTS: ED ~~ °' - _ The-contract-and proposals are .being. forwarded to the County Manager's office separa ~ tCT ... -.. .. . ED p . ~ •.:. ~ . ,:~ REVIEWED-BY:. `REMOVED p• . .. ,. .: • . ~ ~ LEGAL` FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES:"~jj?A~TPONED ^ ~ i .. , . HEARP~ ~;~ ~ • -" ` , ~ ~ ~.> - ~ , SATE i1. ,,. ° COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - s The proposal and contract are voluminous and are on file in the manager's office for your inspection. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ! t~ '~~ i ._ ~ . ~~ . ; -~~ ~ ~,1Jo ~%~e aw~.:~~~ ~~~ DRAFT OBJECTIVES - FY 2000-2001 1 New Hanover County's major management and budget objectives for fiscal year 2000-200'1 are: • Incorporation of the multi-year Capital Improvement Program as an integral part of the annual budget process. • Adopt a pay philosophy and strategy that will ensure market competitiveness in recruitment and retention of qualified employees in this economy. • Concentration on the infrastructure and operational requirements of th,e Enterprise Funds,. The Water & Sewer operation and Environmental, Management operation should meet~the.growth needs of the.County. • Enhancement of the County's technology resources to provide greater public . access, efficient internal operations, and improved electronic communication and payment systems. • Maintenance of tax collection rate of at least 98 percent. • Maintenance of a strong undesignated, unreserved fund balance equal to at least 16.7 percent of the total General Fund budget. • Continue customer service orientation of County employees through training in service, efficiency, and effectiveness to provide high quality citizen-oriented services in a caring manner. • Uniformity in permitting and: regulatory policies.. • Maintenance and enhancement of the County's high quality of life through coordination of planning efforts, focusing on efforts,to~;reduce crime.. .. • Implementation of welfare reform programing'that effectively moves clients towards self-sufficiency. • Maintain a reasonable tax rate with commitment to address priorities while containing expenses. • Improve communication and planning efforts with the Board of Education concerning school funding. c?~' ~~f~21i ~1~1~~ e~-r;r~~ i~ ~'~; ~ ~ ~, i C~ 28 „ ~-, ~. b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 11/15/99 Regular Item #:~ 10. Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal, Neal Lewis, Greg Thompson o Contact: Allen O'Neal, Greg Thompson SUBJECT: Status Report and Conceptual Drawings for Jail Site and Development of ,Blue Clay Road Site BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff will present a status report on the jail development activities, a conceptual drawing for the siting of the new jail and the other development opportunities at the Blue Clay Road site. Soil testing and initial delineation will be conducted at the Blue Clay Road site. The site is approximately 180 acres and offers not only opportunities for a jail and Sheriffs administrative space, but space for park and recreational ' activities such as soccer and other athletic fields RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation and direct staff to move forward on development of projects. FUNDING SOURCE: , . _ ATTACHMENTS: . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and direct staff to move forward on development of porjects. ~,~,// COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ', • ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONER~+ I APPROVED ^ • REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ 2 POSTPONED ^ ' :~. HEARD ~ ~ DATE JI .L ~_~ a { Thls page Intea~tionallyleft blank} ,,,~:,~ 'fi 3O *1 ~~ .r '' ~.~ . ~ '~~ ~--~.._. ~ ;~ ~1.~~ ~ °~---x_ NE1N HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMtSS10NERS '~ ~ ,. ~ ~ _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - ~ ~ '~ - Meeting Date- 11/15/99 , . ",;Regular.~ltem #:.:91.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~~ ~ ,j ~~ Department:. Governing:Body Presenter: t_ucie Harrell,. ~ ~ , _~~~ - Contact: Lucie:Harrell ~ ~- ' ~ ~ . ...SUBJECT:,: ~ : ,,. ~ : ~ Committee Appointments .: ~ ' ..- _ , " ,; .. _ .., BRIEF SUMMARY:. - ~ , , ~ . ~:' :: Nursing. Home Community Advisory Committee - ' , ~ ' u .. ~R -. . ~• RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ~ ` :, . _' ~ Make 3 appointments. '~ ~ ' , ., `; `FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ; . . ~ . _ o ; . . ~, ATTACHMENTS: - ... , . . - ~• - Committee Information`- Sheets ~ ~ ' • ` ~ - ~ ` • - ,, . . 'Applications . ~ , - . - .. ~:. ~ ~~ ~ - - . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REV/E.W ,. . .. r- , • COUNTY MANl~GER'S COMMENTS AND .RECOMMENDATIONS: • ~: ~ ~ ~ Make:appointments. . - . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: ,. • -'Postponed ' . ~ - ,. ,._ . ~• Move to ,next meeting... : .. . . ... w ~ - .. , .. ., .. . ,, . y ,~ . ~. . t e .. ,. . - y ., -: "caulvrr~coM~ilssloNl ~ ~ • - ~.. . -: .. . '~ . . .. APPROVED • ~. ' , ,. . . ., . • ~ . -, ~ _ ~' ° . REJECTED - ^ `. . ' r,,~~ p - RE . . . ~ ~ I .:. , ,. , POS,i ~ ED 0 , , -HEARIJ' p ; ,. , ' - - :. ~ .. -- . ., o- ~ ~ ... .. .. COMMITTEE APPOLNTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 VACANCIES APPLICANTS: Joan Barbara Apke Joan Fisk Shirley O. Mason ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X - ' X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications r~~ ~~ J .~~ f j _ '«! ~, ? ~ 32 ' °~ = ~~a.. .~. _ pit ; b ~, ~, n , , .. ,~ . _ e " , - uNURSING HOME GOMIVIUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~~ ' ' Number of 1Vlembers: -13 ~ ~. . , ', . .. ' , ,;~ , ; . One-third of the members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. ` ' ~ Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate ~ • ' family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest -• C _ ' ` ; inoa home served liy the committee. - . Term: 1=year term initially; 3=year terms thereafter ` ` ~` .. .. _ ... " Compensation:. none : ` ` ~.. • , , ` , ~ ,, . , . Regular Meeting: callesi as needed. - ... ~ -. .. . • '.Statute or cause,creating Boards, N.C. Geneial,Statutes 130 ~ - { , . . • ,, ~..~ ~ '` ~ : ,Brief .on the functions: Each member shall be aware, of the`general conditions under which the persons. _' ~ are residing in the homes, and shall` work for the best interests of the persons in the homes.. This may '~ ~° ,:-include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances- `~ :* . . ~. v. at the local level. Each member shall m"ake quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often `. ~ if `it is necessary to carry out the duties. . TERM ~ ~ TERM .. CURRENT MEMBERS " :: _ :.- ~. SERVING - ~ EXPIRES ..; ,.. o , . .. „ . Joan -Barbara Apke .. .._. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~ First.... ,. 9/30199 109 Cromwell Circle ., : ,' . ~= ` ~ - . 'Wilmington, NC 28409 - °. , (App{. 9/21'/98 to 1:year term); 799-4574(H) Elizabeth,W. and _ ,, . ~.~-~~ ;,ti:e--`~ ,. First.. ~ ,. 9/30/99' ' - . 1617 So ind Way ,. ~ ~ ~.. . ' Wil 'n on NG 28403 ~~' ~. • (APPt• 9/21/9,8 to 1 year term), .. . `_. 5-2256. (H) 256-6602 (W).. ~~ ~~ Catherine R. Davis ? _ •First ~ . 6/3.0/2002 ;c :: • : 5613 Greenville Loop Road - Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (App{. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) ~ + ~` °. 395-55.12 (H) 350-2100 (W) , ` Appt. to`3 year-term 6/21/99 , r.Edward V.'Grace~ ' f ." First 2/28/2001 - - 301 Honeycutt Drive ~ : - - ~ (App{. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) ' .. ` Wilmington, NC 28412 . ,.~ : , ,< ~ _ R . 392-5692..(H) ~ _ ~ ~ . ~. ~ , ' v. G .. ., . "-Dorothy' lane Grime ~ ~ First. ,.: ~ , . ' ; 6/30/2000 '' .. :°. .. 5583.-Wood Duck{Circle ~ . ~ ~ . . '~ ` Wilmin on NC 28409 A t. 6/21/99 to ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ( PP 1-year term). ' 350-0672 (H) .-, _: - . ~ , .. , Steven.R. Roberts '~ • , ~ .. First 8/31/2000 .. ~~ ` " ' 806 Bay Blossom Drive , • ~ (App{. 8/16/99 to.l-year term) 3 3~ -.. ,. • .,Wilmington; NC 28411 ,. ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ .: , .. 397-0665 ~) 256-2330 ~) ~ , _ , NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUID) TERM TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Shirley O. Mason ~ ~ First- 9/30/99 ..~ 1144 Forest Hills Drive ~ " Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/21/98 to 1 year term) 763-5973 (H} 790-3990 ' Catherine W. Morgan First 6/30/2000 217 Quail Ridge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 6/30/99 to 1 year term) . 799-2198 (H) 790-9137 Eileen B. Rock ~ First ~ ~ ~ 6/30/2002 2614 Columbia Avenue " Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ (Appt. 2%2/98 to 1 year term) 762-5103 (H) Appt. to 3 year term on 6!21/99 John D. Sabo ~ First 6/30!2002 1312 Burnett Road " Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 2/2/98 to 1 year term) 350-2680 (H) Appt. to 3 yeaz term on 6/21199 Lyn Williams-Yow " First 2/28/2001 610 Dock Street (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3 year term} ` Wilmington,,, NC 28401 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (W) Nominated b~ Nursing_Home Administrators: Teresa D. Goldston First 2/28/2001 4801 Oberbeck Way (Appt. 2/2/98 to 3-year term) Wilmington, NC 28409 ' 350-0629 (H) .. ~~ ~ ' Staff. Support: Toni Benton, Region O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 ' . File: /Nursing 8/99 ~~ 34 ~% r 0 :`NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF COM/1/I/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Raorn 305 ,,~ , _ - - : '. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. . ,. .- Te/ephone'(9101341=•7149 a. - FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~ ` , Applcatign for, Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions" `_ ' a ~ :• ~ ~ ~ Appointed by-the New Hanover County Board of Commissioneis. ' - ,Request forAppointment to: /U L~ r ~' r'~ .. ~ ~~,.~' ~~ rat ~ u .~:~ ~ ~ U S.y,•r y ~G'I''I,~~, ~~~ ... .' I ~ - Name:•- ~ 1 ~ ct ti ~ ar k~'~ ~r'~ ~ ~~~ ~/>> r S `) o F= ~ j y ", ,.Nome ~ ", .. ' How•long have ou been a . • .. A~+d.~ess: - /c y; . ~ ~ G ~'!. .lJ ~ `/ ~ i r- C ~~ res.~ent of Nero Hanover Countyl ~~..~- ., s / , '.Mailing-Address ~t L / - ,. . - -; Crt a'nd Scate: f) rn ; ,~ c .L ~r C , , . ~ .. Y ' ~ ~ T'p Code: ~ cS' ., :. ~ ' ;- , Telephone:.;. t Hame: ~ / /G, ~ ' ,'/ / ` ~S ~T Business: .. - .° , . - _ m.. •°Sex:` .. ~ .Race: ~ U~. h< i ~ 'Age: - ~ ~ .. , ~ , ' 'This information Is requested for the sale' purpose of essuring.thet across-section o/ the community is appointed. ' ' , _ ,' . ° °Einployed 6y: JCS ~~r Y.-,E1 ~ , . ` ~ ~' ,="',_, '.'A peison currently emplo ya'd b y the agency or department for which this application is made, `must resign his/her position with - "- New Hsnover County upon,appointmant; in accordance-with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the Naw Hanover County Personnel Policy. ' . . ,. 1 .. •. ob Title: - ' . , ,. J Profess,ona/Activities' L~C~ ~ .. r~ ~~, ~o`Y r ~ y~ ~ - ~ ~?L'~ ~ ~ - VolunteerActivifies: /~C+ S •-t-. l y .. (~ ~t ~~ r c_ ~t /~ y. ~''~-.J ~ -F eL , Why do you wish ro serve on the Board, Committee, or Corrimission requested? `-~ k.~~~. L,•t'; ~{~' ~~ ,. , „ / , .. •. L~ ~ .~-~L~ r ~ .~: }' ~ j`f~ ,yt C' S C'n c-{ .~. ~c,''c-~`c~ . ~~~ ~u; ~' ~. ~;x_ N, o . .. c .~.`~.~.j~, Whatdq you.feel are. your qualifications forserving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ = . .. . - : Ct ` ~ ~ 62c_ Q- / ~. G 1. ~ ' . , - , Wh~areas of concern `would you like to 'ee the Board, Committee, or Commission address? <~~~,~,„ ,. c~ .` , ,. - . „/ 1 . F . ,. , \° Are.you`currently serving. on ariotherboard'or committee appointed by a municipality or'a county7.`',lf so, please list.' .;` .. ./ . . . - /ti •' ~ - J _ :: .,. . - ~• , ~L~ .~~ / /~ ~ - ~~,r .~.~ ~ ~~99 Signature c ~~-~~ ~~..: ~ ~ ' -. '~ese use arse side or additional commentsl ~ / l ~ ` i (_OVE ., ... ~ ~ , .: ~, ;. --~ . ,, °~ >. . _ .. , . _ ,.. .. ,., _ , .. - :. REFERENCES ~ ' _ ~, Please provide three local persona! references: ~' Name Phone Number ~ ~. , .. ., ~.. .. ~J . I l7 n,e,e J . - ,., NEW H'ANOVER ~COUNTY• . _ ~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS ;~ • ~. 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 - ~. - ,.. .: , Wilmington, NC 2,840 7 -4093 ~ - '.. .:, Telephohe. (9 f 0l 341-7149 _ - ' . . - - ~ .. ~ FAX,(9101 34.:1-4130 .i .. . ~ - .. `, A. pplication for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and Commissions ,_ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board'of Commissioners..' Request for Appointmenf.to: Hur~,.,r,~ ~-o:,,-, P_ C ~ ,-r, ~,,,, ;,.~r,,~- . ~ a ~ ~s ~r~., C 'w. ~,,,, .~ P Name'':': ° . J ~,ar :--~~~ - .., •- Home - , , . `How long have tiu been. a y Address: °30~' ~-,a'~, arr, ~ a c ~' - <•esident of Nei^~ Hanover Cc,;nty.~ \~ ~, y, r . -~ . _ . . . Mailin Address: ~\ ac P , , - 9~ _~04 CL.~~~v.:. f ~. City and State• ~~-~\.r;•,.,~na~o~n ~ C, .Zip Code: .a~ 4\~. '•_ .. Telephone:~ wHome: g ~ ~ -t a.9 .,S ~~'1 ~ - Business: ~ . 'This irifdrmation is requested for-the sole purpose of assuring that a .cross-section of the community is appointed. , . p y - y,.- ~ . ~ . , . * *Em to ed b ' ` r~-~:c-e.~ ~ :'`' • _ ., . ~ - "Aperson currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover Count u do a ointment, m accordance with' Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Counl Personnel Policy.. - ' Y.P PP ~ Y, . . n .. Job Title; , ' Professional !a ctivities: ~ ~ - - . . • ` - Volunteer=Activities: ~:~;-ti a..r-u ~''" Why do you wish to serve on the Board,. Committee, for Commission- requested? ~. To ' ma\~C r C',`; ~~ •~',rr~e S 0... ~t~•e~ o W~aC.e 'YO r- ~c 'Z~~!r~~ r - ~ - t'~Nhatdo you feel are your 'qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Cor»mission.requested? ~'1'o~r w, C~c ' •? 1 ~~cc '~FO Y ~ e t ~\y v t` s~v,c, ~~ \'t ~N `-(~yY~~ S L ~ v ~ Y~@C~~ A ~ ~ .. ~ ,~ 6 -,., , What aeas of concer`n' would you like to `see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ti~~.nn .cs~~e ~. ~.'Pc ~cG r\~c..~¢y~e ~c~~,. '~1 ~ ciC ors \ a~ C~e•c.~.r~\. y, tC Off- h~,w,e '~-~oy~ ~e`c ~~~cP - ., , i 4=: Are you. currently=serving on anotherboard or committee .appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: - ~• . .. ,. ~I L . , . j J 3 7 `. to a(. ~ / ., . -~Q ~~~ g . ~ ,~ ~ 5 ~y~l -.. Signature ~' ~, , . • L lh~ , - (Please use reverse side for additional.corrimentsJ ,. . ,. . . ~ - >~ ' .. ,, r, - c,7 ,.. _ , . . ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS ~:. - 320 Chestnut Street;- Room 305 ~ - ; , ' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ . .~ . '` .Telephone (910J 341-7149 - ,, - .. ., :, , ..- ~ ..: FAX (9101.34'1-:413Q. :, _ Application for. Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions - • ~~ Appointed by tfie-New Hanover County Board of Commissioners:' ~~ . -Request for Appoin meat to. ,'~ ~. ,~1t:77 ' ~~~Y~~ e .~ C • ~ ;., _ Z.c.~~•p ~~2~L12,~ • _ Name: ~ c~L~^~ ! / ~~ Y ,' ~~ ~~ -vt~ ~. - ~ ~ ' . Home ~~. , '. ~ ~ ` • Now long haveyou been a ~~ ~-'t ~ 1 -~,, ,y-- ~ resident of New Hanover County? -~ y, , S . ,.;. ,. .,: .. :. _ ',~'~ arlii ~~ A ddreSS: ~ ~L.7- ~ c , ,. ~ . _- .. " . City grid State: ~; .J! ~^ ,~ : " ~~~ ~ Z'p Code: ~ .~'~ ~~ ~ ~ • .. ~ , ~- .. ~ `;Te(eph'one•. Home. ' .. (, ,~ ~ S / ~3 . Business: ~ / ~ G - ~~ -% ./. '(,, , 9 ~ M. . °Sex: ~:1'~--~=-~~~ "Race /.. lt,.~C'_:_.~ °Age: ~„ 'This in/ormation is iaquested for the sole purpose of assuring that ecross-section a/ the community is appointed • /~ ' .. ,_ t ~ '~ { "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application ismade, must resign his/her position with • . • New Hanover Co urnty. upon appointment, in ccordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l !ha New,Hanover County Personnel Policy.. ' Job Title: /i~~-~- ~~'-~.~ ii - , ., . ` ~ j " ~ - • Professionai Activities ~ ~ ~~,,. `! ~~~I ~ ~ ,~ ,~,~ ;~, • <;~~, r . ~ ,'~1 ~-? t '', - Y VolunteerActivrtles..~-%~--~~-lG~~n~c<~zl~e. /~...r;s~-c ` ~~'~ -,-yc.•~-~-~ ~^~.~~lkr~~/1~ Why do'you.wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ^//' ~ Z ~•~~: ; , «,.~~ ~-, • • , ,. R ~,,. i ~7/'~~~, -~ ~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Corrlmission/requested? ~_~ CNhat areas of n/concern would you. like to see /the Boad, Committee, or Corrimisston address?. , ;. -,- ~ :.~1,_ ~..,~~. Y .. ~ ti -c -G--(,~:. c i L -£-'L._sL_" C_ 72-E`\ ~ // -/-(/--~~ % ~ ~ ~ , ~ ' ~ ," ~ . / ~^ ~'C.'vl:~-tom n S~- ~ L(; 7 i _, ~ -~.r ,'~ 5;:1 ~'C.. i •~-~ 4=-x'1 °i '~ 71.1--=`' ' t .,. .~ - Are you currently''serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality. or a county?- if so, please~ist: •. ,, ,. .~, _, ., <- ) ' ~t~: Y ~ ~ l!!i . Signature ~Ji7~' c~ Lam; ~- ~ / / C;. -c _o. ~. /Please use ieverse side for additions/.comments?:, ~ • 1 ~OUER) • .~ - -- •. ~ ~ - REFERENCES ' Please provide three local personal. references: Name Phone Number ,, / ~ t Tl ,. ,~. : 4. ,; • . , :. , •, ~ • ,-. .. . :.. •~ .} :. ~. , .. - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ • ' : ,~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIO Date:11/15%99 ~ Meetin N. , . ~ .. . g ~° ~ ~ Regular Item #:. 11.2 Estimated Time: Page Number': ~ ~ . ~ ,: .:.: ~ ` ,Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~~ .. ' Contact: Lucie.Harrell ~ ~ ~ e. . ,, ` , . `. ,, .. ,. , :SUBJECT: .. - ~ . . . , ' ,- . _ ,, . . .~ Committee Appointments: .. , '' . BRIEF SUMMARY."" ~. - ~ ; ..~ ~ . ~ , , Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice Partnership Board . '" ~ • ,: RECOMMENDEDMOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , , . Appoint.2 members ' . .: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ • ~; ATTACHMENTS: } ,;,. ... .. ~ ~ ~ . ° ,Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory, Board ~ ~ _ n, ~ ,v. " ,. ' • . r Applications' ,- s, ' . ~~ ~ • ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .~ •, ~ , ,. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . , . Make appointments. ~ y COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICO~MMENTS:, '' ~ ~ ~ m . Postponed ' . , .. _ ~ r . ,. ,., . ,. , • Move to next.meeting•. ' , . ... . .. .• • . .. :- . .: ' .. _, : , , . . :. • . c - ... ., .. rv -. ~• .. . , , .Y ~ • - - ... ~. ., UNTY COMMIS'SIt3(VF.I~S1 ~' . :. , .., .. ~. ~ APPROV Ep 0 .. REJECTED `p ~ ., . .:. .: ° ,, :. . . ~: ~ . ~ - -REMOVED p POSTPONED p . _ . • ,. r .. • .. .~ .. ,. _ r~ .s ATE , ~ / L~,.~ . '~, ~- • a, ,. ~ / J , a >;. .. .. . , ~ :~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL / CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD/ Vacancies: The Advisory Board has requested that two positions should be filled from the following categories: Member of the Faith Community Juvenile Defense Attorney Member of Business Community APPLICATIONS RECEIVED: Pastor Bo Baker Dorothy S. DeShields Lois Fox Narold B. King Erik Lindstrom oseph D. Thornton, Jr. Aida Z. Toplin CATEGORY Attachm;~e,~nts~j~y;~~ ~ornmitt'ee~lnformation Sheets A'`p:p,li'cations ~ ~ ~~`~ 42 ~' , ~~~ .. ~~ .. . , Faith Community At-Large Victim's Services.° At-Large At-Large Business Community/At-Large At-Large .. • ;. , ` ' ' CRIMINAL N5TICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD ° ~ ~ ` Members. include representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement;., Health Department, Mental Health,.Crimnal Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer; , . ,- - .Community -`Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug Addict, - ~. •- ;' - Community '.,Based Corrections Program, Victim .Services Program, Employment and Training • Professional (Minimum number of board members is ten). ~ ~ ~ -,-.-, ~,~ ' - ' ~ .. Y Terms:, . Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms - . ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ . • - _, ." o ' • Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary - - - ~ ` ~. ... 'Statute or Cause Creating TaskForcer NC General-Assembly ~ . ~ - ` 'Purpose:„The purpose, of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to` the problems . ~.• ~ .,of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to -reduce recidivism, to reduce ,. , .4, °' the number' of probation'revocations, to reduce~alcohol. and drug dependency among offenders., and reduce ~ ` ' ~ "the cost of incarceration now being paid by-counties 'and the .State.. •; ~ ' •. ~. , ., . . TERM •., .. - -: ~- ~ PRESENTLY. TERM _ •,, ,.. CURRENT MEMBERS ~ , ~ '~ SERVING EXPIRES ' - ~ - ~ :Community .Based Corrections Program ~ ~ - Joanne Marr, _ , . ~ `Second 9/30/2001., ;~ TASC/Day Sentencing Center - ~ .. _ . 801 Princess Street ' . • • .Wilmington; NC' 2840,1 ~• (Appt. 9/18/95,. Reappt.:9/21/98) ' • ., . ~ 762-5333 (W) . . , . ~: . ~ • - Community Services Coordinator ~ _ , - ~ Donna P.,Williams , Second :. 9/30/1,999 ; .: '~ . .... ; ~ 6905 Cedar Bluff ~ ~ _ ~ _ Wilmington, NC 28409 - ~ (Appt. 9/94, Reappt: "9/16%96) ' ,. = , • ~ .:, :: ~- 395-4387(Ii) ...251-5787(W). ,. u Y , ` ;,Trina Smithe ~ .; .,.' ~; r 'Second 9/30/1999 .Community Penalties.Program, Inc.. ~ `• . ,'" ~~ -. .208-A Princess Street :_- ~ Wilmington, NC 2$401. ~ - (Appt. 9/94; Reappt. 9/16/96} ~ ` ~ ' - 763-5707(W) -:Probation Officer ~ _ • '` - .Terry•Cosby Gootee - -. , "~ Second ~ • • 9/30/2000. - . 430 Honeycutt Drive ., ~ . _- ,; _ ,. i ' ~ ` Wilmington, NC 28412 _ _ ' ~ (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/.16!97) ~.'.~ -~ " 799-166,1(H).251-5757(W) ,~ -. , ~ ~ . .. ... ~, ; . . '. ,.. ..,. Y ~ - .. ... - .. U .. ~. .. •. .. - ~ t . a..r CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINUED)' Victims Services Pro ram ~ ~ ... , Phyllis Spive ~ First 9/30/99 421 W a Drive . /1~ Wil gton, NC 28403 (Appt. 11/18/96) 6 -9259 343-4129(H) 762-2468 (W) + Members-at-IarQe Jeanie Renegar 309 Friendly Shores Road Wilmington, NC 28409 395-122Q(H) Liz Marie Marciniak P.O. Box 4141 Wilmington, NC 28406 259-9591(H) 962-3049(W) Ted SeaweIl P.O. Box 1537 Wilmington, NC 28402 395-0511(H) 452-1122(W) Steve Woodard -~ P.O. Box 312 , Kure Beach, NC 28449 458-6228(H) 452-4253(W) ~ency Representatives: County Commissioner: Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr. County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fuliwood Judge of District Court: Judge John Smith District Attorney: john Carriker Wilmington City Police: Lt. J. W. Carey Sheriff Department: Captain Steve Smith Mental Health: Susan Hanson Health Department: Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia Gorman \Crime 9/98 44 First (Appt. 9/21/98) Second (Appt. 9/94) Second ' (Appt. 9/94) 9/30/2001 9/30/2000 ..9/30/2000 d Second .9/30/99; (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/96) , r a NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` ~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 `` ~ 1 ` Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~`~~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and .Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Juvenile Crime. Prevention Council/CJPB Name: Pastor Bo Baker Home How long have you been a Address: 31 3 Shamrock Drive- Wilmington, NC resident of New Hanover County? 1 ~ 'years Mailing Address: 31 3 Shamrock -Drive City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28409 Telephone: Home: 7 91 -1 0 21 Businessr ~ 91 - 8 9 9 6 . "Sex: Male "Race: White "Age: 44 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: The Pentecostals of Wilmington ' A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Pastor Professiona/Activr'ties: Pastor; Administrator of CIP Program for Chemically Dependent Vo/unteerActivities: Chief Chaplain, New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? The insights and fresh ideas I would bring would serve. to undergird the important duties of the J Board. Present and past accomplishments qualify me as well. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see reverse side. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Please see reverse side. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a cyt{nty? if so, please list: No. ~ 9/23/99 (Pease use reverse side for additional comments/ Signature b REFERENCES Please provide three iocai personal references: ~ -~ ~ - - : • ., ~,, .w Name Phone Number_ • ;N ~`., 1) ~ -John Coble ~ .. -791 -2034 `~ .. - • Sheriff Jose h McQueen- Jr. 341-4200 '° p . ~ 2).. -. Ca t. `D. L. Smithe NHSD •341-42.,62 3J ~. P Y- ,WHAT'DO,YOU FEEL ARE YOUR: QUALIFICATIONS FOR SERVING ON THE BOARD,. ,~ COMMITTEE, OR COMMISSION REQUESTED? I have pastored on of the. larger."~..'~ ~huz~chas in bur county fcr 11 years ~?urin~g :~~hJ°nh' ti~:e I have :been• ri- ° tr`cately, involved ~ in lives of adu`l-ts and ; tiveniles . The '.'Christian . ' In ervention Progzam" is a program designed for the chemically depen- den as°well as 'those who have. had continued confrontations with law ' ~~,'enforcement.. It is an~extens.ve 20-week course. taught weekly, to those,..':' ~` _. who are alcohol/drug dependent, and its goal is to reduce recidivism, ,~ to assist the courts in rehabilitation, and to. permanently keep the offender.-from incarceration again. I serve as`the Administrator of „CIP. for tYie Eastern area of our state, and was responsible for bringrig~ '." . _ ' ~ this wonderful.program,to our area. A toll-free number (80.0-535-6011). ' 'called "rreedomLinc"'will result~•in any offender being placed in the CLP.~program that wishes to change.: In addition, I am well respected in" ~~ the tri-county ara'among both fellow clergy as well as rrofes'sionals My_position as Chef_Chaplain -for the New Hanover County,Sheriff's.~ . Department has resulted in a finely tuned. and. implemented Chaplaincy ., ' •~program geared toward the needs of a•department with approximately 300 - ~,employees~. Thus, my administrative abilities involving the formulation and implementation.of-visionary solu~t-ions would`be• realized. Finally,'-I' :have been responsible for an annual budget in the past approaching - ;.;two-million dollars yearly. I believe; this would augment my other. abilities ~~ 'when it comes. to ..budgetary solutions. t F WHAT AREAS OF CONCERN-WOULD.YOU LIKE TO SEE. THE-'BOARD., COMMITTEE,• OR' _ COMMISSION ADDRESS? L believe .that the JCPC%-CJPB should consider the ° possibility of a higher profile not ;only among. citizens of New Hanover County, but also, among local student bodies. Increasing the.awarenes's , ~~of,the public concerning juvenile delinquency as well as available resources for prevention should be a sidebar that would run;concurrent'to the dutie . ~of.the B'oard.~My understanding is that each members' term is 2-3 years. ° ° Th~eref.ore, h.would~defer comments toward real strategy changes or other ' areas of concern until I were more familiar and better acquainted with .the work. of the. Board-arid it's real. abilities and accomplishments. ., .. - ~. _. - ~~~ . -. ~ ° " f. ~. - ~ wiimington, north Carolina ~: September 23, 1999 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners; ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ , Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Friends: , . ~ ~~ Please find my Application for .Appointment to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council/Criminal Justice tPartnership Board. I will be representing the Member of Faith Community. I certainly trust that you will see the benefits of my appointment to the county, and contact me accordingly. It would be a pleasure to work with you and continue my'efforts fo make our county a better place to live. If I ma assist ou in an way, please do not hesitate to call upon me. 1'd count it an honor. Y Y Y r:. - Sinc ely Bo Baker _ . Senior Pastor BB/als. { L 4.8 3615 Chippenham Drive • Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 79 ] -8996 OfFice • (9 ] 0) 791-9434 Fax (910) 791-1021 Pastor Bo Baker ; y NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 ' . FAX (9101 34 1-4 130 ..~~ - ~ ~ ~u~~E :~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Re uest~ for A ' ~ `''~' .. ,, I ~ ~ . q ppointment to: ~ , C~ C_b~' ~ C~, ~ T - - 1 I- r-. -. 4Ut1Ci i I ,. Home l , ~n ~ ~Q~ ~ c~ ~~~ How long have you been a ~r~ Address: ~f' d~ V p iesident of New Hanovei County? Mailing Addiess: City and State: y I -~" r ~ Zip Code: ~ ~" -'t' ~ ~C Telephone: Home: Cg jd) ~ Q `~ -- ~ ~ ~j ~ Business: Cq 10.E r~5~ ---~ ~ ~ °Sex: ~ ~~~ "Race:' `t) I~ C f~~ 'Age: , 'This_informetion is requelsted for the sole pur osa of assuring that across-sectiof of the community is appointed. °'Employed by: ~ ~t~ fl 1^ ~ l s "A person currently einployed by the agency or department t r which this app/icafion is made, must resign his/her position with ;New Henbver County upon appointment, in accordance with A. rticle VI,.Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: Professional Actiti VolunteerActivi~iE (_.)ryi on Qd Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? U[_, Gi`~ ~ ,t~y r 1 _f + f I ~ ) I n,~.C't'I ~-~--t'} ~'i i ~--~ ~~1 I ~ i'r~ n rv ~ r-- -k-r-~~ o,~ ~ n. nV ~ /r~ , ~ ~ -~--~~~ ~ U,.~, ,~ ,-, ~L~ What areaas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? 1~ --~-r~-t-Qr- ~l0 r~-~'C~ `(-1 Are you currently serving on another boaid or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ~e: 3 q `7 /Please use re- arse side /or additional commentsl Signature (OVER) . ~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on .the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Y1 L'Q~ REFERENGFS Please' provide three local personal references: Name "Phone Number 50 s NE1N HANOVFR COUNTY ` BOARD OF COMiV11SS/ONERS ..~. ' 32D Chestnut Street, Room 305. ` ~ ~ ~~ •lNilmington, NC' 28401-4093. ~ , " ~ ~ ~ Telephone (9101.341-7149 ..,~ . '.. FAX (9101:341-4130 ~ - , • AppllcaZlon~for~Appoiniment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions " - -• ~ ~ ~ ;Appointed by`the New Hanover,County Board of Commissioners. ,,, ~~ - 'Request for Appointment to:' -` L-/ ~"~ /~'t1~ ~S /~7,G-~~~ ~'G~i l ~ ~ , ,~ ' . ~ "Name: ~.. ~G1/~~ Ole' ~ ~ .. _ ~ -~ . ,* ~- ~ How.long have'you been a . •' ~ Address: _ ~~• ~f -~ ~, /r7~y-~ ~~ ~i~% resident of New Nanover Count 7 _ Y . .. Mailing. Address: ,,/~,- ~.~', . '-City arid'State: ~ ~ i L~ ir~/ I~'y ~ ~-~ Zip Code: ~- ~ .. ,/~ .,. , Telephone: Home: ~ ~ C~ ~'/ ~ usinessr " f*Sex: "Race: __~~ .' ~;qge: ~G' ~ ~ ~ . L . . " 'This. rnfoimation /s /equested for the sole purpose of assuring. that across-section of the community is appointed. ~ " _ "" "Emplo yed b y: __l`L-~~'?;s . ~~ /``~~~ 7~-~ ~~' ,~ '~~'~~~tL~~- ,. "A person currently employed by the agency w department for whrch thrs appGcadon is made, must resign hsirier position with • IVew Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with rode Ul, Sec. 4 of the. New Hanover County Personnel fblicy. , Job' Title: .. jyL.- ~~'"' / ~ ~1 ~ ``~ ' 4~ ~~'~' ~, Professional Actiutt(es:. , > - ~LJ ~ ~ ~ , l . ,~ ~ •-.<T _ ~ >'~ ~ .~' • ., ., , _ _ _ _ ., ~~}} ~ • l/o/unteerActlvities:~'V ~. ~~`7 i, %~~Z ~~ ~,.- ~j-~.7- L~G'JL=~~- ~/ by do you wish td serve on the Board, Committee, nr Commission. 'requested? '~ . ~, -, What do you fee! are your, qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Coirtmissio~ requested? _ " ,- i " What areas of cone n would you like to.see the Board, Committee,, or'Commi ~ on address? - _ , ie you currently serving'on another board or committee appointed by a municipality of a county? Jf. so, p/ease list: ,, ' ../! y _~ - Date: , ~ ~ J /'~' "" .. > ~ 2~ -s. e ~ilnature , ~ , ~. ~ . fPlease.use averse side for dditrohal.commentsJ ~ ~ ~- ' . ,. . s ..,, ~ 51 " .. .. - .. i i, ., . ~ _ ~ ~ lVEW HANOVER COUNTY u - ,.~ ~ ... BOARD OF COlV1N11SSIONERS ~ :_ " . , -" ` '' .~ ~ ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . ~ Wilmington; NC. 28401.-4093 ~.., ` ~ ~ • Telephone (910/ 341-7149 ~~ ,. ~~ -FAX (910)341-4130 ' - . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions " - o Appointed,by the, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - ., _~ .. Request foi Appoia7ment,ta • ~ 1' i h~ i ~ ~ ~ ~. C 1' ,N e i' S !~ i ~U1'! S l~ ~ ~ ~, ., -: _ . . Name: _ ~-~_~.Y o ~ C1 ~ ~ ~ l K ~ :._ '~ `' ° . ~ . Home. ~ How long have you been a ., Addi"ass: ~ <i` ~ 5..'a.t~{ C l ~ ~ '". .. ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~S.c:~. ~ ~Y °.. :. ~ ': Mailing Address: 1 ~ ~ ~ a N ~ ~'~ , .. .,. " ~ : '. ~ ... ,. Y ~' °~ ~ ~ . V ~. ~ . ~ Z'p ode: ~-- ~' ~` _:.. C1C _ and State: _ ~~ C~ i. ~ 5 ~ ~ , E.. ~ C ~. ~ ~ C ~~ ~' ~ ~ Telephone ~'' .: Home.• ~ '~ ~~~ ,-- Z,~--7w ~ .~i.-„5~~ ~~ 'a. Business: ' ,~ a •Sex: _ ~' i/~-~ ~ "Race: •Age: ±(~, ~ - . ~. ;• ~,. , 'th'is information is requested for the sole purpose'of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed... ' r Em to ed . - tt _ , ,,` •, ''Apersan`current/yemp/oyed bythaagencyordeperlmantforwhichthisapp/cationismade,muslresignhis/herpasitionwith ,° New Hanover County upon' appointment, in accordance with Article vl, Sec: 4 of tha New Hanover County Personnel-Policy. .,. , ,. ; . ~. ~ . { • Job Title.: °. . ,, .. .. , Pio;fe~sstonal Activities: :. :~ ~ ..; .', Vol `. unteerA'ctivitiesc ~ ~i~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ S 1~ ~ c: K ~- ~~ .. ',' . .Why„do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ,` k _ , ,.. d~i I ~ t,1' a C' `'}~ '~`' ~- i~ • 5 i Vic. N - t C C' C' ~ ,. • ~.What.do you feel ar}e youe qualifications for serving on the Board, .Comm. ittee,'`or Commission requested? What°areas•of-concern, would you Iike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission.addressT. ; .. r • .~ ~ • . ~.. . '° s r . , Aie.you cu?gently serving`on" another board or commitiee~appointed by a municipality or ancounty? if so, `please'"list:' '°. _ . . ~ .., .. . r.. _., _ ,. r . _.. _~ ~. _ , . . L " . .. , . 5' ,~ ~~e: l - , l 7 . ~ ~ g . ., :,, 11 Sin e ~, (Please use reverse side for edditional comments) _ I ~ 19Q8~ ,, , -- ~ ~ (OVE .. ... . _, " _ ., " . .. .- ;, . ._ .~ .' ;. , ,..j • ~. -, 4 ~ .. REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number • -•~ .. ". - ,: NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ~ _w : ' . ., • .. ~ •.. " ,. . ~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. ' -.,., ~.. ~ Y - r ..~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ , Wilmington, NC 28401=4093~ .. .,.. _ . ' `, - Telephone (9101-341-7149- ~ , .• ,. .. . . ~ FAX (9 l Ol 341=4130• • Applicaftiori for Appointment to jBoards, Committees, aril Commissions .~ ` -~ ~. Appointed by the New Hanover. County. Board of Commissioners. ' ~. ' ~•~ , ,. • ~ ` . Request for A'ppointi~en "to: ?" E ` ~SU~1~N LF" GFS>M P(~F~~nJ'7.ZoN GOVNGiL .Name: • 1rRSK- ~ yL.IN~Si'Ro'M ".. .. ` •Horrie How lon 'have ou been a ,~~ "4 Address ~ ~ _ . 3~3'O STfZ A D i--F ~ G- H ~ resident :of New Hariover County? 2 ~z ~ G a ~-_~ a Mailing Address:.. ~3'3 ~ • ST ~ ~ n L E = C H Y ~~ •`Cityand=State:`: W-~Lt'"~.Cn;G'TOn)z rl:C: ~ • ' Zip .Code:` ,Z~~V3 -.130 T, e'/ephone: Howie: ,try1G~ 763:- I E53 ~ Business:A C Rlo~ 3 97- c~01~ ± • ~ , „~ "' *Sex: M A LF_ "Rase:. i.u H IrE MAges 2~ ~ , , , " ~;: •` ').'This informa{ion'is requested for the sole purpose of assur.}ry treat across-section of'the community is appointed. •, .•, ' " ,. .. ... , *"Employe'd by: GU21c,~.SN.G'~, ZwG~ ~, _: ... ,A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with • • •: • New Hanover Count a .on a ointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec, 4~of the New Hanover Count Personnel Podc ,. • Y P PP Y. - Y. . ' _ , ' - .'. .;. ,Job•Title: `' ~R~p~c,;s©1~ s~PIreVLSO,2 ~ 1'L6G122CRL EtiGriV1=~~ Professional,Activities: PU ~~ SvsN G ~_XF Gv`i LV ~ r~~,4 ,cat' yN L i.tl " . • .-' Volunteer Activities:`. _.., ; ., ~ ., , • lNhy.do you wish to"serve on the BoartY, Committee, or Commission-requested?~ i ha+JZ a' SEn sr '~•F "• ~,~ , ,. D~~I~~Cn4~~i'O:l``~cti7ll•~Zlltf7~JS1~1Sr~'1._ tt7 Se`J2 "',~,1 ~Gl "~ "•)l'~+'~•1~' ~~Q~4. ~~n " :, ~ r'~~ r~c,tl a ~ ~~2G't"` ~1"h`e 4"ve2fitu O'~ UJr C~ '~'~r''~v~~ i1 ... ~ ~ , Whaf do;:you feel are,. s ~ quested? Na,,;,,~ - ., ,; yo ur.qualifications for serving on the Boaid, Committee, °or Commisston re cl~d~lo ~c~` n,ro~ess~ ~ III a5 ,.I•ec~~^ :.){ o+hP^s ' :L have spenY'n-),; 'r I U '~ f z ,-5, y, I"1 ~ cS h ~ ~. ^ ~~„• r`n ~: n ~ t e.~.• rr+ S . ~ _ ' ~. J L V c - , 'What. areas of, •concern would you like'tosee .the Board, Committee, or Commission address?' ~z„e I y.o•; ~. - ' . ~hi 17r~cjnct+`~S '_fo.r,rz~Q~~C C.hilc~_r2r~ -~~cn- C~n~Fei^in thZ ~`uv2nil2 ,~•~St"iCP S.~/Sf2o•y1 ~, ~ . . Are you"currently serving oh another board or committee: appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, .please list:. ' .. , .. N u ' ~,. tom,,,, „ , , . ''- s >, . - ate: _ .. ,~~-' -1- y ~l - .. ~I;~~ ~ ` 4 ~oG~ Signature ,. . -vim- (Please use reverse side for additional comments) ~• .. ,_ "1 ",. . ~ ~ ,. .. - a .. .. i .. ~ ,; ~ ...~4 REFERENCES Please provide three loca% personal references: Name ~ Phone Number / J .~ ~ rr ; c, K 1Z : ~ ~ ~ ~. ^ 5 0 ~'~ ~ ~'~ ~~ 7~P ! - ~ v 8 3 C N o.,~F~ 2J ~~ ~ h . ~'h e l ~ 5 Cato) 395-7325 C~~:-k~ C`Lc) 3gs-cc~-+ Cu~:~e) 3J - ~ ~ ~P_d~[ca ~G,:jex"Jciz~~~ C9io) 9(oZ '3.'14 GC~JO2K~ ,. t .. .. C_ i~(iv`~~ . ~ ~~-~' s , • i Dear Bill, u for ivin me~ the o ortuni to serve . ~~ F1rst of all let me thank yo g g pp ty . ., ~ on the juvenile crime committee. I realize the dedication that must .. go in to this and I really appreciate your consideration for this endeavor: Much to my dismay however I must decline the invitation to apply for this committee. Commitments to other activities have somewhat limited my time to serve on such a worthwhile board. I would however like to recommend a young man whom I think would be a credit to the juvenile crime committee. Erik~Lindstrom ~i's his name and he is employed as an engineer at Corning,-inc. Erik is very interested in serving on this committee, and his' desire to be involved in public service is very commendable. I have known Erik for quite sometime and I would personally stake' my reputation on Erik's ability to serve. I know the caliber of person you wish to serve on such a committee and I~ am quite sure Erik would meet the necessary criteria. Again thanks my friend, and take care of yourself. Hope to see you soon. Sincerely Your Friend, Derrick R. Anderson •. _ . -.: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,: ., ... BOARD .OF COMMISSIONERS _ ~ . ~~' ' ' ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305: - ~' _ ..Wilmington; NC 28401.-409F3 ~ , • ~ - ~ Telephone (9101341-7149 - ~ - . ' FAX (9101, 34.1-4130 ., - .Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, ana` Commissions Appointed b y .the `New Hanover County Board of .Commissioners. ~ = -° ; _ . ~~ ' .Request forAppointm`ent to: ~~,~ 1 i-i 1'J~h--.(... y j,~`~jl~-.~ y~.`~~ ./ , ~ ~ '~ '~. ~ 11%'• -. ~. _ _ ._-----. Name: ~;~~ ~~i~t ~ k~; ~ f-y~/;~~L;, ~ ' ~:~ .1 ( .. ; ~~ Home ~ ~ - . , . " " : Now Ion have ou been "a - ~ . Address: ~? ~ «-~~. . ~ ~~C:/~~ `ice ~"~; ~ ~(~(~ resident of New Hanover County?. ~- ~(. ~~ ~. .. , , .~- - Iv;ai;ing Nddress: .°-~~~ i""~-~=- , : ° '° -, .; ,. _..__ - , .. , ~ ,~. ~ City and State, t,~~~ I ~.~ ~ `1 c, 1 ~. ~~,,I f,~ r l Z'p Code: -r ~ r'_'/ ~ - .. ~T„elephone: Home:. / /~~. ~ - / " ~ ~ - '~' Business: ~ '~~ . -7i/,.~~. - -T~~~ ~ ,T', .. "Sex;'.. l~ `Race: . L% .Age: 0-~` y1 , -r' 'This information is requested !or the sole purpose of assuring that a cross•section of the community is appointed. ="Employed bY: ~--Ir~~1-'~ m~ ` .C-~""._i :t=` I~ (~..~ t t~ r j~; ~ ~i ~ r~, ',,yam i % 1: l~` '"A person currently employed b y the agency or department for which thr's application is made, must resign his/her position with - - New Hanover County-upon appo+ntmant, in`accordance with Article Vl, Sec: 4 of the New Nanover County Personnel Policy. . ;• ~- _ , - Jobe Title: t' ~~ ~~ ~ (: ;...,~~ '~-' ~ : I I`_ ~~, .. - { ~1 + _ '~. I 1 ~ •i, r~ " °- '` ` • `Professional Activities:' ~ ~ ~ - , ~` -~ . ('E-~ ~1 ~ 6 + .'E'- ~ - f ~ i,. 1 •( i + f ~- } f--\ ~,' ~ f_- ~. ~ ,~- ~ rte- ~ ~. ~ I. v _ (~ ~ r 1 ~ (~ ~l i' 'l/olunteerActivtties:. ~.~..i` r ; ..~ t.+=91< ;~ - ~~1, r"~ r,~ l .ter ,.-r, t ~r.a;`- v` .. . ~ 1 . ` Whydo you wish to serve on the-Board, Committee, or Commission requested? L;- ~ ~_r/%h 1': `1'i ~~ , ~ r'`,y;~; `' - ~ ~ ~ 1~: , ~ ~ _ ~/' r -- . ,_ 9 ;~ i ~ ~.1~s~~-~. lNhat do you feet are your, qualifications for servmg, on the. Board, Committee, or Cornmtssion iequested? • `What; areas of concern would you like to see ,the Board, Committee, or Commr'ssion address? >~ (' U~~ t, r- _--- ~ ,:, r"; ..~ i,, t ~~ ~ • N ~``j ~ L I / (- ~-''! ~(~ 9 ~~ + i / ~~ t"-? ` , t -/ r,;i-= ~'", ~ ~ ~~ r r ~ ~ C~^ ~~~1 ~~,1 C r-' " Y . ,, _ .. a Aie :you curt-ently, serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyl if so, p/ease list: , - . 9- llre '~`~~.. ~ ~~~. ~ ,<;w 998 . tut ~ ~, ;~!_"~. - °• Signa e ~~ ~~' _ 59 :/Please use reverse side for additional comnientsl _ - !~ -~-,.(AVER) . ,_~ , ~, ., . ' - •- ../` ` ~ ~ , REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name - Phone Number ~. ~ _ . -, - r ,, ." _ - - - . ~. , _ ;, . ~. ,; , • < .~~ Joseph D. Thornton, Jr. , CLI.', ~ • . - ~~ , EXPERIENCE :. ,. ,. .:. w , Cape .Fear Investigations 'A~ 1995 to Present . - ;:, . , , '_President.and sole shareholder of private investigaton_firm located ';, in Wlmington,,North Carolina:~ The firm specializes in civil and criminal• investigations with a client base of lawyers, insurance ... ;`' ':~` ,companies :and, private. clients; respectively. New•.:Hanover County'"Schools . •. "~ CaseManager, Willie. M - L7nt wide 8./96 to 6/97 " . - ~ - ". - ~ .Substitute Teacher ,; ~ , - ~ '12/95 ~ to' Present -~ '". Lawyer8• .;Investigating Service = `• 1.9.75 to 1995" ~ . ~. _ , •~~ ~. President and sole shareholder `of private investigation: firm located ` in Portland, Maine. The firm specialized in civil an'd criminal "investigations with a client base of lawyers, insurance 'companies and : private clients; respectively. ~.~ .;. ;~. Hallma"rk•Security, Inc. ~ 1987 to 1992'' ' d Pre-sident and.: majority. stockhol"der of, a security. company located in ., ~ ~ ~. :. .' Portland, Maine : - • - - _ •-` PROFE$SI~NAL AFFILIATIONS ~`~~ ~' "'~ National Association'~• of Legal .Investigators (NAZI < ) 198.5 to Present ' Director, :=. ,Region I - ~ .. ~ 19.90 to , 1992 }` ~ Cert~ifi.ed he al Invest atom -- ,.. ~ .,.1988 to Present " ~ - . g g ' Written two articles published .in The 'L'egal Investigator' magazine. j '~ • "_ dry. ~.EDUCATION`~ Attended 1971 .to 1974 University of Maine School ~of .Law f `~ ' ` ~ 19,71 Graduate B.A.'Magna Cum Laude, ~ • English/Phlosophy.Double Major ~~ , ' ~ - :, Boston . College Y' - , 196:,7 Graduate Magna Ciun ° Laizde . ~ ~ „- ~ ` ~ , ; t Cheverus.Hgh School ..PERSONAL NOTE .. - . 1'~. Traveled extensively throughout the United States"•, Europe--and British • Isles. Enjoys skiing, sailing and golf with wife and 'two childre~ ~~ ~: .. ~,, , , Why Take the CLI Examination? By Joe Thornton Jr., CLI Co-Chair, CLI Committee here were a million people in Maine when I grew up here (1949-1967). Having graduated from a Jesuit high school in Portland, I ventured out into the world (100 miles south of Port- Iand) to a Jesuit 'college in Boston, later made famous by the exploits of Doug Flutie in the~1980s. After eight years of studying Latin and German at Cheverus.High School and Boston. College, I returned to the provincial state of Maine i'n 1971 to attend law school at the Uni- versity of Maine. I hated law school and finished only four semesters on the installment plan between 1971 and 1974. During that time, however, I was exposed to private investigation through a'n attorneyforwhom I worked in that capacity. I loved it and con- tinue towork in thatfield today, some 20 years later. 62 Reluctance What does my educational back- ground have to do with the Certified Legal Investigatorcxamination? VoI, umes. I approached the CLI exam. with some trepidation when I first inquired about it shortly after joining NALI in 1986. At that time I had been self-emgloyed as a private investiga- tor, running my own agency since 1975. I knew that I was capable in my field and thought that I did not require a CLI designation to confirm thatfact. But after talking with Dave Watts, When former Region 1 Director Joe Thornton took the CLl exam, he learned more than he thought he would about his profession as an investigator. CLI; Alan Hart, CLI; and Dick Day, , CLI, I decided to take the plunge. Although I pride myself in my written reports, I had not written a white paper for some .12 years (since those dark days ~as a law student). I chose a subject, researched it and. wrote the article, which was unin- spiring and very rudimon.tary. I am §urc that those who graded that article had a similar assessment of it. Familiar Topic I chose a topic, photography, in which I was interested. I had a lot of practical experience, but very little technical knowledge ofequipment and methodology. I learned something writing the article, which is an impor- tantpart of the CLI examination pro- cess. Learning iVlore Then, I wa's provided with a syl- labus that consisted of four or five book's'about investigation. I diligently read them and, in the process, brushed up on some areas of the law and inves- tigation with which I deal only infre- quently. Again, I learned something through this effort. Finally, Dick Day provide with a sample exam to review. I i~t prepared, buttraveled to Denverwon- dcring how I would do on the exami- nation,particularly the oral part, about which I remained vague (probably by design on the part of the examiners). The examination tivas fair, compre- hensive, long and tiring. I actually enjoyed the process despite my fears and the natural re- luctance of all of `us to cram for any- thing at our advanced ages. Friendly Interrogators During the oral portion, I was asked to take a statement from a ~vit- ness pursuant to a hypothetical fact pattern. Having taken thousands of these during the course of my then 11. or 12 years in business, it was not a terribly daunting task. The ethical problems posed to me by my examin- ers, the late George Posner, CLI, and 8, THE LEGAL INVESTIGATOR, NOVEMBER 1993 ,. .. Lynne Curtis, CLI, were complex ~~ B ,, ,. ~ ~' e ~ ®' ~ ~.,5 ~, ~ ~~ oth made me feel very comfortable - - . ,. during that process. Presumably, since _ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e I passed the examination, I answered ; . F ihcir ethical questions with some de- .. ~" 1Val CLI M W S 4 , gree of candor.. .•~, y, c . By teue~z " ~ ` ,Schol`arship~ Committee. G~hairperson . the word : s read~n ~ ~ The CLI,designatiori confirmed ~. , Scholarship applications will be ~ from twa o four $1,;500 awards. 'Ap-" ` that a parochial Irish Catholic kid , accepted starting Feb. 1, 1994. Dead- plicants can be children or grandchl- ` from a -rural state in the Northeast line for application, with al} required dren o('NALI members (in good stand- ;' _- could:hold his own with the bright, : .attachments, will be May 20, 1994. '~.. ing,~whetliei•.active or retired): Since ` articulate membership oftheNational youcanobtain the 1994 scholar- the purpose of the award is.toprovide =. Association of Legal Investigators' : ship applications from any Regional ,recognition of achievement, .the can-~ ~~ from coast to coast. When I returned Director, national officcr,,thc Execu- didates' financial ability shall not 6e to Maine, ,initially'I was reluctant to ., tive Secretaryorthe Scholarship Com- , .a factor_ in the selection process:: .use the CLI designation,thinking that ~ mittee Chairperson '(Steven .W. The next committee report will no one else in my state would know ; McNally, CLI, c% IntelQuest Inca,. describe"the scoring criteria and pro- ' .. what it n~earit: I overcame that reluc- 10025 S. W. 91 Terrace, Miami, I'L' ccss. It also will identify the commit- ' ' . tance and began touse it. I am educat- : .33176). ' `' tee members who have devoted their' ` • ~ ing the-trial lawyers in the. state about Remember, the number ofavail- time and effort to' making the NALI ` - the designation and' encouraging other ` able scholarships has been increased scholarship program a success. ®°. P: :' ' . investigators o joinNALI and to com- ' ` plete tlie.Cl:I exam.. y.._ ~„~. '•71 ~ :'Consider applyingto.take'the a ~,.t*. ~ << ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ . _ . +'_ exam at our Mid-Winter Seminar in ' - K .. ` `~4' ~° Dallas or at our 1'994 National Con- ~~j ~ ~ v'ention in Buffalo, N.Y. In our capac= ... ~, ~' ,' ~ ityas;co-chairs.oftheCLIComrriittee _ ~.` " this year, Lynne Curtis and I will try ; - ~ ~ :. o ,, to make the experience educational . ' ,r , - . and relatively painless (unless, of ~ `~, ..._ ,. - -course; a prospective candidate has - -- ~ `. 'bested me' iri a NALI golf tourna- _._ . - mcnC). ,,/. By,-'the way, the population'of , . Maine remains the s'ame,' some 25 ~, :years later, but within:it, there is only ` : (Lett)1993 scholarship winner Misty Hackettand NAL1 memberAl Wolfe (Right) Region ' " one CLI ®. VII Director Gary Vencilt awards a scholarship checkao Leigh Anne.Whitney.; : . . , t ~' u ~~ _ Inside: ~.:: ,; ~ ... The, arts, .~ , . .o . ~ _ reviews, gardening, and • calendar of events -~ ' -JOE THORNTON, P.I. . ~'ou don't a ' want' to know whaf he knows: _ . _ Joe Thornion says he,is essentially interested in answering just one question -- wh'a( bappenedl Guil( and-inno cence are for the courts to decide; he's interested in the facts. , . • HE DAY TRUMAN DONGO and Herbert Schwartz were acquitted of thatwillatandupincourt.No,Idon'twanttoknow~.. any2hr'ngJoe Thornto k inaists.Ineatr ~ ange"way, that's what he does for a murder and being an accessory before the,'! fact of murder, respectively, in the 1973 shooting death of Fil di n nows. Jce Thornton cut his investigative teeth on the Pownall murder case. At the conclusion f th living now. ' u B ke care ~a d m rector Jon Pownall, I was sitting in a Portland lounge with Jce Thornton, one C o e . Dongo-Schwartz trial in May of 1975, he eatab- liahed ~Lawyere Invest tin Se of b meelf, b he of a bull not'a toa h Y, B 8uR AC 38, be is a boyishly hendeome articulate ers o the private detectives who had worked on the save for the defense. As the post-trial victory cel b i iga g rvice, a in criminal andirisurancedefeneework.Hedoeafog defense attorneys what the li e d , , p on- defiantm atacheH~at88jkhC' d of dark ha~r'and ~ B Y iconoclastic touch e ret ori went on around ue, we eat talking about the good old days, buCCnevitably the conversation t po c o for rosecu= tors. (IC is mete coincidence, he as p window !Doke di l to ~ otherw,se cronaervative appearance -tan 1 urned to the crime. Would the murder ever be solved, I wondered. Would weav k rect y across the Portland Pu61ic Safety Building parking lot aLthe police de art etreetao fdowntownPortl de hemightbetakenfor , i er nowwhodidit? lhonestlydon'~re~~llwheth h d p _ ment detective bateau.) Apperently.Joe is good at h f h a prosperous nvestment broker, a junior bank' ~ ezeeutive, perhaps as up-and-coming attorney. erw atJ ) came in response to my silence, the look or e ue ti f oe eaidnezt, n my Cace„ lled upon to inveatigata 30 murdaxa anfl his ee (S50 an hour) ie almost double h t f be Die be vwee~rea lurc w 6 co a th~irat jice'naed q s on rom me. All I remember "You don't want to know," he said the chill. t a o some of hie competitors. Not bad for a farmer, Cheverua High d ' private investigator in Maine without a law en- forcemeat background . Jce wee right. I didn't want to know. the. kind of knowledge I could li list's not ebater and one-time Columbia Supermarket bagboy. ~ . Ater graduatiDg from Cheverue in 1967; Jce t d d ve month: $ut Jce a ehigmstic wards have stayed with me. In the dozen '~-Years n h When I first met Jce Thornton he was a student at Cheverus High School in Portla d d e a ten Boston College, graduating magna ctfta laude in 1971 with a double major in English and si ce a spoke them, whenever I run into Jce, I think, "you don't want`ta know," Those words h , n , an one of those hendeome-young-Catholic-bo and-Cie Cor which the scho l i f l Philosophy. Having distinguished himself academ- tcally all his life, he then entered law school where ~~[ ~in, iclrllgf,~ t k~ Imaginary balloon above his head. And ~twhokilledJon Pomona!! thatI don'twant I o s amous. He was an outstanding scholar and debater, but I still tend to think of him as a gentleman rowd W ' be discovered he did not enjoy either the subject matter or the discipline. Alter one semester at the w. or have to assume that if Joe thinks he knows, law enforcemantauthorities also think they k ' y. asn t he always getting into fights back then! No, that was his best Iriend now a romin t l l University oC Maine School of Iaw, Joe quit and - "'ant off to sell advertising. Eventually, wnvineed now, the burden being ltnowfedga without proof , p en oca attorney. ~ "I just want along to clean u aft d " ~' friends that he hadn't given law school a chance, p erwar s Joe . (Continued on the nett page) j. , MAINE TIME; FRIDAY, M.~Y ~, 7fa7 IS .. _:~~~. ~ gym.:, _. . , r . -. ,~ ~ ~. , , ..-, ., , _ k , ~ ~ .. . • ... ' 1 .. •, ; -, , , MAINE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 £ . :. r ~` - , ~. ~ - {Continued from the previous page) ., •, .. .. ~ .. >- -' -- •= ., , ~, ~ .. '. , ' -. ~.. ~ .', - ~ ~ , • 'hereturned'forthreemoresemeatere;droppingout. _. what the truth is, only then are you back into fceusedtheireunpicio~onPelletieratthetime,but ' again in 1974. Dating law school, however, Jce got concepts oCguilt and innocence." Pelletier wasn't charged with the crime. _ hie Cunt exposure to detective work. Beyond good and evil? Well,. yes, in e' certain ` In 1980; .the attorney general convened a grand "I guess my desire to do investigative work sierra .sense Jce dcea take a velue•neutral approach to jury to hear new evidence in the Murphy case; but f " from reading the Hardy Boya series, ea corny sa that information. In fact, he says objectivity ie one his the jury was not asked to vote on an indictment, ' ' . -- might sound," ezplains•Thornton. "When I wsa in ,most valuable investigative assets. ,, . Then last year; Lhe grand jury metagainnnd Cmally . • . my second semester of law school, I sought outDen "1 have a great tool," he says oC hie point of view. , 'indicted AlanPelletier for the 14-year-old murder. Lilley '.(one of Maine's, top criminal detenne' "I'm s fact finder: I don't care how I come down on The'decidinq factor in the :1966 indictment ap• `. attorneys( and asked him how to get into criminal any side of an issue. Someone might tell me, 'We peered to be an eye witness whose identity was not ' investigation. He put me in loath with Lee Jobin, ' went to prove something,' but people in hell want disclosed. The mysterious witness claimed to have who wen doing a lot of work for Lilley at the time. ~ ice water, Coo. I'm juatoutthereeakingthequeation, been with Pelletier the.night Katherina Murphy" For 18 months, three aemestera, I worked for Jobin 'What happened?'." ..:was killed.. ` = doing -basic .legwork, grunt work; surveillance,, ` The case that Jce !tats as his "biggest achieve- . • ', tracking down !soda ea remote they wouldn't resulf~ mane" -the recovery of a. Rodin sculpture stolen in anything Eruikful" from the Falmouth estate of Charles Shipman ,, HENDanLilleytookonAlanPolletier'a • ~ T THE TIME, in order to get a private ` ~i ' t ' c Payson - illuatratee the value of neptrality to an ' investigator ... as,wel6 as the value of luck. ~ detenae, be .hired Joe Thornton to in- veatigate the new develo manta. The P n veatiga or s li ense in Maine an, ap• ~~ 11 It seems that Jce had been hired on behalf of the key witness turned out to be a friend of the accused ~~((, ((. 11 plicant had Lo be 18 years old;,not have been convicted of s felony, and had to have served , , ~ defendant in the 1976 murder of Anne Holt Payson, the stater of Charles Shipman Payson, In the course who had previously testified that he knew nothing of the murder. Apparently, ae a result of witnessing • ' one year. es a law enforcementofficer. Joe managed ` of hie investigation, he met Mt. Payson's caretaker, an accident in Florida in which a gal wesetruck and to.cohvince the governor's siecutive council` (the who asked Jce to kelp, hie eyes and care open killed, the witness had flipped out and confessed to ' now-disbanded body which then controlled the , regarding the stolen sculpture. As luck would have Florida authorities tbathe knew all about the death licensee). that. hie two yearn o[ law school and hie ' it ("pure coincidence; I can't Lake any real credit"), of Katherine Murphy. Aa Joe tells it, the key •. experience working with^Lee Jobin made him`at •Jce was' meeting with a client in an. unrelated witness now claimed that he and Pelletier and a - leastasqueliGedasarookiecopto6ecomeepriveto criminalteas,atandingineparkinglot,whenealeek third man had been driving around drunk, acct- ' detective. But Jce Thorntona teal qualifications ~ sports car drove in. Thornton's client casually dentlyhitthecced{aethepolicehadavrmiaed),and ' ., are inherent: " mentioned that the driver of the aporte car "has a the third men had jumped out and beaten the girl " I -think Joe's greatest asset; •' Dan Lilley says bronze buried in the ground and is afraid to move it.•, . to make aura she was deed end would not be able to ' today,"isLhat hedoes'gethismen'orwoman,sathe It's too hot." ~ .identify them. Jce Thornton heard.this_story for ` ' case may be; in the sense tbathe ie able to interview l ' "I asked my client,'Do you think the guy wants ' himseltwhen he traveled toFloridatointerviewthe e I don t think any otheY investigator, any heop toaellitbacktoPayeon? Hesaid, Idon'tknow,but newatarwitneas: .: ttorney,,even (Ij myself would have been ably to ~ ' I can find out."' . ~ Thornton says the man he'talked to in Florida interview.' You take a rape or aezua! oboes case. ~ was a cocaine user and dealer who had been in and .where. tfie victim is Jery reluctant to talk to anyone , out of psychiatric hospitals and drug deco=iGcntion on the defense team: Joe Thornton stands alone HUSTHORNTONaaangedforPayaon . : centers:HetoldJcethathe$adconfesaedbecauae among investigators - and I don't know whether it's his tenacity or his personality theta hie secret to buy back his Rodin "at a fraction of what it wea.worth." Naturall authori- `of a recurring nightmare he had been heving.But , in being able to get in, aitdown, and talk to people. y, ties wanted to know who had stolen the work of art, whenJceaeked the witneaswhetherhehadectually' beenwith Pelletier the nightof the murder; the man who, bythe very natureoftheeituation,can'tatand but Jce wouldn't say. When subpoenaed before a answered, "In my mind I was." anyone from the deCenae team.- ~ -. •• - "His second greatest asset is that he is excellent. federal grand jury, be refused to testify. "When you buy me,you buy my eilsnca; ' be Bays. "We don't normally ahere interviews-with the ` prosecution," nays Dan Lilley, "but in this cane I' ' as a witness on thestand. Hie image portrays him and tightfullyeo - u an honest, truthful He , ' guy. .~ "Query: How many atatuea am I going to recover if ` I s ~lled m p• y gate to a federal rand 'u ?" . , "told thern,'We can't wait for you to put this guy on d 'J h h e ' calls 'em as he sees 'em. The jury believes Him." g 1 ry + A year later, the culprit was arrested on another t eetan . cegot imtoopenuptothepointwh rc iL was obvious he was crazy." j When Jce began his career as an investigator,. Dan"Lilley and Caroline Glassman;-now a juBtice of charge and confessed to the art then as well. "I'ho reason the police weren't Finding the The state'satarwitnesawasnevercalledtoteatify during the trial. Alan Pelle6ez was found not guilty , the Maine SupremeCourt,wetehiaprimaryclienta; sculpture," says Jce,"is that their motive wee inJonuaryofthisyear. " ' , • 'Justice _ Glassman ,has a similar 'appraisal of `- ' prosecution. My motive wan recovering the object." "We're tryin to find out what ha ` ' g ppened," Bays Thornlon e skills. , ; „ Jce believes that the exceedingly [ne line bet- .. Jce Thornton of hie criminal defense work. "If my "He did a marvelous job of investigating,which ' ' `weep Justice and Truth is wide enough to trip up client is guilty, it's up to the state to prove it. Inen frequently ' required fitting himself into an law enforcement authorities. In hie view, the egregious murder where someone is caught red- ' .environment," says Justice Glassman. "And be anxiety to arrest and convict sometimes blinds handed, all my role ie to nee, along with CHe defense y ,; certain! made a good witness onthe atand.Ireally ` police officials to the big picture, lawyer, that the person gets s fair trial: The rub ~ ' .think he to e.top investigator.". "The. police sometimea'take a myopic view;' he comeswhenyougatacase that'snatobvioualyclear Justice Glassman recalls that the fast case she soya. '"They tunnel in and focus on a suspect toq and rho state ie trying to prosecute someone.-My hired Thornton to investigate involved a woman quickly to the ezcluaion of more credible, valuable, _ role Shen is to find and. present exculpatory . ' who had been fired after being accused by a fellow and quality evidence elsewhere." evidence.To theeztentthecopsdon'tdoagoodjob, employee ofdstealing money from her employer. '. As an example oCoCficial myopia, Thornton cites I have something to de." . ' - What impressed Glassman, was how exhaustive ` the unsolveddeathafColby(JollegecoedKatherine Still, Jce seems to pride himself more on. the , ThorriWn'e investigation was.Jce even interviewed Murphy. Katherine Murphy was found beaten to thoroughness of ,an investigation than on the the. doctor who had delivered the woman. On the 'death on the edge of the Waterville college campus'„ { outcome bf trials. • ~ Basis of the character profile Thornton wan able to in 1971. At Bret authorities iheoriud she had been Pve worked on;" he~ • "There hasn't been s case ensemble, the slander case resulted in "a reasonably hit,by a car and launched a search for shit-and-run .nays, "where someone'n sprung n'eurpzise witneae I • .good settlement." "Informationiaasaciedtruat,"says Joe."People driver. The day after the murder, however, a young local man named Alan Pelletierappeazedatthethe should have uncovered in the coons of an investigation:'Andherehestopatokaockonwood. ' don't bare theiraoulstoyoulightly.Youneed,the' WatervillspoticeatationtoconCeaathathehadeeen ListeningtoJce'etalesotmurder'andmayhemil - ' ability to talk to people, the ability gel'people to a man attacking'the woman the night, before and. ~ at once taacinating and repulsive. Of counu, law trust you, to believe'in you. The t th is a .great returned to the scene of tba crime where he found" ` ' motivator. I am generally internate ,in tending out tho body,. panicked, and fled.;, Police otficiala •, ` .. ,. . ... ~ ~ . _ _ , ~. - • . „ _ . , , 5 ` , d MAINE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1987 Joc Thornton says he first became inters;red in dclectivc work•asa , boy reading the Hardy Boys mysteries. The hooks behind him"run the invesrigativc.gainut c from hard-core realism - Investigation and Prcparalion of Criminal. Cases and Elccironid Survcillancc - to hard-boiled romanticism -Thee Novels of Dashiell Hammett, Shades of Travis McGee, and Farewell, My Lovely- .~ r r _" enforcement officials and prosecutors have to deal' '' with the name desrierate characters daily, `but enforcement officials and proeecirtora are the good guys. Dcean'C it•geEto him, constantly working on behalf of people acciraed~of vicious crimea7 "You can't help representing the damned with- out being east in the black hat role;' Joe replies. °Some of the nicest people I have met, genuinely' sensitive people; aro .criminals. There are+ good' criminals end bad criminals just like there are good cops and bad trope. They're human beiriga, you ' know." OE course not all oC Joe's work is laboring for the ' damned. Joe Thornton is a good guy and as ofteh'sa nothagetatoweartihawhitehat.Sfiadowinghim[or, a day last week offered me some inaighL into, the "• variety and range o! work that comae his way. The Coat off icial' business this particular day was e meeting with'hia partners in Hallmark Security` Inc., a recent spin-off from I:awyers Investigating Service. Hallmark provide'a plainclothes protection for commercial, reeidential, and construction sites-1' On the agenda today fie a diecuaeion of the need to upgrade radio communications at Orford Plains Speedway, one of Hallmark's major aecuri ty dienfe. ' Nest Joe phones a man who hse hired him to find ' ' out who has bean watching him and why. The client ~ suspects a conspiracy. Joe's investigatioq: which includes running the license plate numbers of care ' o frequently spotted in the areaq and interviewing, neighbors, auggeeta_ that the man is paranoid. Jce ' ' politely fella the man 6e here "an over-active t,.,ae;.,.tion." Thia one is a fxna~ie, pro 6ono. I '66 ~, Then there is a phone call to a local attorney who in trying to find a client who skipped out on him without paying the bill ,after the attorney had cleared him of drunk-driving charges. Joe's aeais- tant has found the man's, estranged wife, but the man himself fie now somewhere in Florida. After dictating a letter to .the head of a major ,corporation who has hired him. to inveatagafs a 'suspected embezzlement, Jce calls a Louisiana , private eye to report that he has not yet been able to locate a workara' compensation elaimantwho has moved to Maine. Catching workers' comp frauds fie the bread and butter of moat private investigutorn in Maine, and Joe does lira share. His favorite case • involved bushwhacking through two and a half *milea of swamp in camouflage gear carrying video , 'equipment in order to nail an employee oCBath Iron Works who was collecting disability checks for a ' bed back.' Joe ~ and a partner filmed the ,man,; operating a ekidder and a chaineaw at a logging ails.. "The guy doeen't get;comp anymore:" Just about,the only investigative work Joe., dcean't take on is divorce work. Trying to catch unfaithful spouses with their pants down doesn't appeal to him anyway, but early on ho discovered', that divorce work wanunzewarding. Clients aren't , happy if you don't catch their spouses in the act, , and they aren't happy if you do. , After lunch, Joe meets briefly with a local police officer to discuss the poeaibility of setting up'yet a' third company under the Lawysrs Investigating Service umbrella. This 'company would offer lase and crime prevention programs Joa sayehe can nee himself doing investigations for another 12 or 15 yearn, but after thathe'd like to atop back, manage • his buaineasea, and work on improving. his golf game. The only [field work of the day taken Joe a long way from Portland to a ttmota jail where he is to„ interview an inmate. The inmate has sent word to e colleague that he wants to talk to him, but the colleague dcea notwant to visit the jail in peraan. He .hen hired n lawyer who 6ea hired 3ce.to ¢o see what 'the man In custody wants: doe will only tell me Lhat; e lot of people are worried about what the inmate might be telling police. He sake me to waitin the car tailed ahead to let the authorities oz the inmate know he is coming. Cold calla era standard oper- atlnq procedure in criminal defense work. Sitting in the car I can't help thinking about what seems to me to be the moral ambiguity of Joe'aline of work. I keep telling myself that under our system oE.juatice everyone, is entitled to'thebeat poseibla defense and Jce fie just part of that defease'team. But here is Jce, this educated, successful, law- ' abiding family man, acting u a gd-between Eor 'suspected 'criminals. I have not resolved the di- lemma (clearly mine, not his) before he return from the jail. "Good news for my client," Joe reports. "He just wants to tell him 'I can't hurt you."' For just an lmtantlt oavn to me to oak Joe who hie client fie, but then I remember those words"- "You dan'Cwant to know." , ' , by Edge Alleh~ Beam Photography by C6riaWpher Ayres i • . .. • ~ ~ \\ \.. _ .. NEV'~ ,f~ANOVER COUNTY. .,, .. o ~ _ ~ ~ ~ BOARD OF COMMlSS1ONERS ~ ~ ~' 32.0 Chestnut Street, Room 305 _. - ; ' iNilmington, NC 2840 ~-4093 ;. ,. ,Telephone (910J 341-7449'_ - . .... ` ` ~~ FAX (9101 341-4130 ~ • ' s'. ss - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ; Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. . • Request for Appointment"to: ~"t ( • (~tuY~.-Li ~J' C.-r. ~t.c.i~~-c.. ~- C~ '~~-cup--2~- ,~ ~u~~, Name;~~-t11~3~ ~~ ~ ~a~:.~S~K..r ~ ;r~l/l ~ .~ " " Home ~ ~ Now long have you' been a /~ , Address: ' ~ C 1 ~L/tk ~ 'lJ2c-L`-~ fesiden,t of.New Hanauer County? ~ >' ~~ t~~ .. 1 .:.• /Llaiirng A'tfdrass:° .Sti~7~ .. • ., .. " ~ City'and State: h~ ;~.Q-m- ''~ ~/r' Zip Code: ~ c`~ S`- U °I Telephone: _ Home: ~ ~C) ' - '~ y. "~j -- ~ / ~ c Business: ~ / ~( %` ~/ ,~ .. ~ _ ' _ . "Sex: • "~ "Race: °~~~~.,LC:~~ "Age, ~ . " 'This information is requested for fhe sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed . '' , p Y y: ' ''A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County.Personnel Policy. . -, Job Title: `~~.r?l~.r,~!2~-~ ,Ceti ~;L1~-,t-c~-.e'J .. - , • , . Professional Activities: 1~~1~~f•~.1. ~~", •-~(~,~hr~,~ ~~~ ,'~. ,,~ , `° VolunteerActivities: .(-~ ~ ~--~ r Y T'l -~-r~ .-~~.~-;~l~~~r~~u--~ , - . ~~ Wliy do` you-wish to sewe on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .~ G~~~LC~~~~-~G,~~ ~ ~i1~~.~..~: I . , ~+ `. ~ , ,. ,, . _ , ., ,: - ~• What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commt'ssiori requested? ~? ,(~ ~ ;iy'G4 ;x1,tiLL .rLr~u,L+~~=V`t.~.i%~ ~~-~"~ ~1"G~~> ~~ rL 'y.7LE~7..C~L~ ~ (1L /U~Ct"4.J Y~FC!/!7'u'Li ~-~.~" ~G'[,v~, a' i -- - /~.~il"-[-p-G~1-ti,j .~.~0 'Zit.a~ ~.'~?~~ic~.-'~ ~' ct.~.: • What areas of concern would .emu like ,to see the Board, Committee, or Commission" address. ~d ~7Lf7^-f-GC.~~ GL/ .~uy,-'-~•.~e.~t~ ~''7 ~. '~/"G-"' •,Ff'C.,G-~~ lG~,r~~4- /Gic-G:.L' c ,~c: , . l'~ a.i .~/_yG,.. ~~~C~-z.a/ ~~~~ CL~iw .. L/~L~~/i2.c,c,('iT- ..~J7.11~' CGf.G- °~ ,//'~ L.`'~=~,,-~-~-~ tL->c~l/ ... ~ G °' Are you currently;serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~~~ _ , ,, ~. ~ - , ~,~m ,, Date: (v ~ /I ... - Signature - (Please use raver a side'far additional commenfsl , . ~. . _ _ .. - " ~ . -.. -. 1 b .. ' I r P . ~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ~'. .~ ~ - . •~ _~ ~ ~ ~ ASSEMBLY ROOM ~ ~ . ' .HISTORIC NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ' _ • .. ~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET ~ , •. WILMINGTON, NC . - • NOVEMBER 15, 1999 9:00 A.M. - , .: , • ~ ~ : ~ . . << ~ . , ~. ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS .:. PAGE • . • _ NO. : ' . l . ` NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) .~ 69 ` . 2: Approval of Minutes ~ 71. • , - S = 3.:i Presentation of Update of Status of Wastewater Treatment. ~ ' , "73 ` .Plant Expansion by McKim and Creed - .. - . .: ' ,' 4. <.. Consideration of Request for Sewer Service for Avori Court; ., -: 77 ; . Kings Grant Subdivision : . ~. - . ~ . , ADJOURN - , ,. . ~, -. ., ,, w . °~ . .. , .. . .. . 69 ` . . ... - .. , - { Thi,~ page intentionallyleft.blank} 70 ~ '.• ° ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION . ~: . , . Meeting Date: 11/15/99 . ~~ ° ~ ` _ ., . ,Water & Sewer 14ein #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number::. • , , ~ ~ ` ~ ` Department: Governing Body Presenter:. Lucie F. ,Harrell t ,.. . • ' . ~ K. Contact: Lucie F. Harrell - ~. ' . - ,. - . SUBJECT: ~ ' ~ . ~ ,., Approval of Minu#es -.Water & Sewer Agenda ~ ~ ~ °~ ~ ~ " ' ` BRIEF SUMMARY:. - ~ ~ `. . Approve the following sets of minutes: ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ~. Reguia~ Meeting; October 4,' 1999 „ - , Regular Meeting, November 1; 1999 ~ . ~ ~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ~ '' , .. Approve minutes: , ' ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - ~. ~ ~ ~ : ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ , . - - .. ~ ~ ; , .. ~ ITEM DOES-NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~ - ,: , , ~ ~ .; .. _ , . - UNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ ~ ' Approve minutes:;: e ,. .... COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ . 9 - ., _ . a• _ .. ' ~ - ~ , ., ~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' , ` . . _ . _ ~ ~ . APPRO~/ED ..^ REJECTED ^'. - ,. . '.. _ ,, _ REMOVED ~1 ~. STPONED D PO .. ,. HEARD C~ . . . a. ~. , : a. . ; . {This page intentionallyleft blank} ~; ~> 72~~ ~.~~.4a, ~ i~ ct~~9~f `~ ~ ~'~~ ,. ~') -, " .~ , M M - - ~.. _ _ . . . C1 ~ .. , .. O .O •, ~ .. .. ,. .. :. , M M N ry .' . t. ~ ,~ N ~ - , ., ,. .+ ~ ~ .. _ •• O .N N O . ., ..~ . ' ,. _ _ _ N d O . ~ O ' ` ~ Y m ~ ` Q ~ F- ~r ~ , ,~ ~ ~ ., ,. ~ ' ~ r .. , ,.. ,. . ° '. . ~ = o ~ ~ ~. x , . a r , ~. W o~ °" - ... .. M .. - ~ . . ~ ~ (V CV~ ~ ' ° .. _ M. O ~ w ~ ~ _ O ,d ~ N ~ ~ «. O _ . t ~ a, r - ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~O' ~ , .. ,. E N N ~ . ~.j ~ t~7 ~ ~ k ~ Cn ~ ~ ~ , O _ ~ ,~ , N d .~ M.. • . . 0 O 0 ~ ~ _ _ .. _ ~ _ , ~ , , ~ _ •,1' m m ~ ~ , ' M ~ d .. ~, y, ~ y. .. y - ~ ' W d> N d , ~ ~ o U ~ = o o ~ y. .~ ~ N a ~ ~ m > °~ ~ o. o _ : . , 1 ~ Z a Z' a~ , o ~ U _ a ' .- Z a ' ~ o >' ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 0 `9 ° ~ Q ~. U O ~ ~ U U. 3 U ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 • U, _ . . , t , , i , ~ : _. • . r . , { This page intentionally left black} r; .. • . „ ~` ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. L ~ ~ . ,Meeting Date: 11/15/99 ., .~ . - -Water &-Sewer item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number:. - ~ ~ . -, : ~. Department:- Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard .a ~- .. Contact: W a • y tt E: Blanchard' ~ _ ~ ~ .. . ; ;. .. SUBJECT: . • ~. ~ ~ - . .' Request for Sewer Service ~ ' . ' - ' ~- Avon Court -Kings Grant Subdivision :. .. . ,. BRIEF SUMMARY: - - - ` " ~ Staff has received a.request from seven homes and one church for extension of a sewer collection line to serve a portion of Avon. Court (map attached). According to the request, these homes .have septic tank , pi•oblems~ each time we experience significant rains. This has been confirmed by the Health Department.,,'.. " - This area is located adjacent to the Ogden Outfall which was recently completed. A copy of the- request is ~` .:. .: ...attached. : , . _ .. ` -- The estimated cost to construct this section of sewer line is $ 57,250.00. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ - `~ " -, ~ - ' ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 4 - I recommend that the request be approved since the houses are existing and are adjacent to th'e Ogden Outfall and.can be connected for low cost.. .. FUNDING' SOURCE: . Water and Sewer Operating Fund . ~ ~ ~ - E ATTACHMENTS: ' - :.. - L' ocation,Map • , ; .. , . e ~ , „_ ~ , . ' .. L"titter of Request - - t . ,.. . REVIEWED BY: '~ .LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:. .HUMAN RESOURCES:.N/A - ~ ' { I .. ' ~~, COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,,, . Recommend approval... {~~'~~',~' _ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • . . .. ., . . - . . ~ e. ~ • .. .. ... - ~ , . - .. .. • ~ r~OUIVTY CO~MISSI~NE~ , - .. cam" ,. - APPROVED + ' .: _ • .. REI?~4C)ti~~D . `~..~ .. ~ 7..7 Pty i PONFD• ^ '~ .~ HEART) `. ~}, ~~ ~ • :- f " .: . .. . ~ . , .' - _ _ October 13._, .1999 -. ~ ~ ~ . Mr . Wyatt .Blanchard, County F1ngineer New Hanover County Administrative O.f.fices 414 Chestnut St. - Room 101 - Wilmington •N.C. .28401 .., Dear Mr..~Blanchard, ~ , We ~ desp~erat~ly need your assistance with. di sposal off ., sewage., Every time it rains more than _a hard sprinkle we cannot flush our... commodes,. wash clothes or complete any other household activity that requires the disposal of liquid or semi-liquid waste. When it rains we are forced ~to go to restaurants'and other public places. 'to use the bathroom. We must go to the laundry mat to do our washing. We must delay other activities requiring .. 4 water disposal. Our homes are located across the road from a county, sewage Line.. As a matter of fact., the vent from the line is so near our homes we must smell the sewage. On behalf of the indivi~lual~ 1i~te~ on the att~~he~ page, who are affected as_we are, we earnestly request to have our homes connected to the county. sewer,,: system now. Our situation is critical. . Thank you in advance. radshaw Larry and Barbara B \ ~ ,W~`~`i r ,r , ,y. ~ r- ~-~~, cc : Mr L.~,Allen ONeal, County Manager 78 ~~. ~ ,:. ~~ b a .J {This page intentionallyleft blank} 80 CONSENT AGENDA " ~ NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' ~ ' .:. _ NOVEMBER 15, 1999 ~ ' ~ ~ ' _ • ITEMS,OFBUSINESS~ ~ .. PAGE . ... . " NO. 1. ` Approval of Minutes 83 " ~ . '" r-, 2 ": . Approval of Contract with Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting (GGW&C) 85 ~ • ` - ~ ' 3. .Approval of New Hanover. Regional Medical Center Leases 105 .. , f:. = 4. ~ ; Approval of Rejection of Bid #00-0022RB for a Data Acquisition-System - 109. ; ". ~ ; {.5. .., •Appr'oval of Resolution Authorizing the 800 mhz.~Project'to be Undertaken 111 ~ ; ~. . ._ ~ .. ~, Without a Bid Process Due to State of Emergency ~ ''• ~ r . .. . ._ ..: 6 Approval of Hurricane Floyd Disaster Relief Grant from N. C. Division of 115 Aging.in the Amount of $1,000 and Associated Budget Amendriment ' `• ~ ` ' ~~ 7. ~ _ .: ' Approval of Healthy Carolinians State Grant Application for $10,000 ~ ~ .. ;; .. :.117 ' ~ 8. Approval "of Amendment to Contract #98-0011,. Agreement with Attorney . .: ~' 123 ~ ~. ~~ .Paul A. Newton for the Collection of Delinquent Property Taxes .. 9 ': ~ ~~}I c~~:~ Approval of Denial of Exemption St. Marks Freewill Baptist Church,' ' ,127 _ . 1997,. Dodge Van - . : ~ ~ ~~z~:~c~=Y 10: J r ~ . Approval of Denial of Exemption -.Cape Fear Ruby Football Club, ~ ~ " 129 . ~~ " ~~v5~ R04815-017-039-000 and R04815-017-007-000 " '~ 11~. . Approval of Releaseof Value ~ ~ :.~" .. 131., " 12: ..-. .. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire ~ 133: ' " ," .. "District Collection Reports. . ~ ~ ' '" ". x.13: "Approval of Resolution to Request NCDOT to Add Roads. iri Silver Creek:•` '137 ' ~_ ... Village and $un Coast Villas to the State Highway System RJ`~~_. .14. Consideration of Resolutions Regarding Student Violators of Smoking 139. " ~ Regulations and a Resolution Authorizing New Hanover Sheriffl s - ~~ ~ - Deputies to Enforce Section 506.1.2 of Volume V of the N. C. State ' , - "' • "- ~ Building. - , "~ 1~5. _, ,: . ~ Approval of release of funds from Cape Fear Council'of Governments . " , .. . ~ 143 ' _, , ._ ;. : '.. -. 16. Adoption of Law Enforcement.Center Capital Project Ordinance 147 17. Approve Budget Amendments _ 17.1 00-0060 Social Services Administration/Crisis Intervention Program 151 17.2 00-0061 Human Services Transportation to Budget Additional Funds 152 Received From the North Carolina Board of Transportation for the Purchase of Three (3) Additional Vans 17.3 00-062 To Transfer Resource Officer from Pathway to Sheriff 153 17.4 00-0063 To Reduce Expenditures and Revenues for the Teen Aid 154 Prevention Program from $55,000 (grant amount applied for) to $35,000 (grant amount awarded) 17.5 00-0067 Social Services/Hurricane Floyd Relief.- to budget additional ~ 155 funds received from the Governor's Office to assist victims of Hurricane Floyd 17.6 2000-11 Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project 156 18. Request for adoption of Resolution supporting equal access to media 157 resources.for deaf and hard of hearing. 82 J ,~ ~~\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION • . Meeting Date: 1.1/15/99 Consent Item #: 1 . Estimated Time: Page Number: • Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes -Consent Agenda. • BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting, October 4, 1999 Regular Meeting, November 1, 1999 ~ , • Board of Education Joint Meeting, August 24, 1999 , Conservation Text Amendment Work Session, October 18, 1999 Hurricane Floyd Emergency Sessions- September 14, 1999 September 15, 1999 , September 16, 1999 • September 17, 1999 ~ • •September l8, 1999 _ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Approval of minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. dL, _/ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , • (COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED.. L1i REJEGTFD ^ • REMO\'ED ^ POSTPONED ~^ ~ ~' > > HEARD _© '.' . ®ATE I ~ -~=~- - ` I I it _1 - .. ' ~ :~ ~l ;~`x,~~~ ~; ~ This page Intentionally left blank} .> ./ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/15/99 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: " Contract with Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting (GGW&C) BRIEF SUMMARY: For many years we have been unable to adequately compete for federal grants due to the lack of- expertise in the area of grants awards. The many complexities and the time frames for seeking grants have led to lost opportunities to fund needed programs and projects. GGW&C gives us the opportunity to tap those resources. GGW&C,will act as our grant writer. Not only will they prepare grant proposals for us, they will -also notify the County when potential funds are available. They will make sure we don't miss opportunities to apply for grants that could benefit the County. Instead of trying to get a grant submitted by a deadline, GGW&C will make sure grants will be submitted early in the funding process. We have checked references and the response has been excellent. In order to contract with GGW&C, the County would be required to pay a retainer of $95,000 for a two (2) year contract. In return GGW&C will guarantee grant awards to the County in the amount. of $1,000,000. We can require GGW&C to give the County a letter of credit to cover our investment..lf GGW&C secures grants in excess of th"e $1;000,000, the County v~ould be required to pay an additional 10% for grants over the $1,000,000. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize the chairman to enter into a contract with GGW&C for their services and approve attached budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ba~00.0052.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: r~.v,' Recommend approval. ~ ~~~..~~~~.~~^~y~COUNTY COMMISSION ~ ~~?APPROVED~~;~~~. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: y . `°REJ-ECTED ?1~0 Q aREM.OVED,'~~if~0 V R05TP.0:1~1~t~ HEARt) ;;,4i~p;~ , ..y ®ATE ~ ~ ~=~~~~= NEW FIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/15/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Non-Departmental -Miscellaneous/Contingencies BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0052 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Contingencies: $95,000 Contracted Services $95,000 EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from Contingencies for atwo-year contract with Griffin Grant Writing & Consulting (GGW&C) for grant writing and associated services. With the approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $208,417. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Grants received from the GGW&C contract may impact future budgets. Also, the County would be required to pay an additional ten percent for all grants over $1 million. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~~ ;~'APPROVED~t': I:~REJECTED •^ , ~~ ~"REMOVED O 3_ '~~'POSTPONED O x ~ 'HEARf~ ^_, ~:. _ _M~. -.r ,.DATE ~ ~ i =1-5~~~i -. ~, d 1 INC. GGW~C GRIFFIN GRANT WRITING ~~* CONSULTING "Partners ~or Change" PROBLEMS WITH CURRENT COMPETITIVE GRANT EFFORTS The. Fiscal Plight of Cities and Counties, and the Role of Competitive Funding City and county budgets are under enormous pressure from declining tax revenues, escalating service demands and costs, and cutbacks in state and federal aid. With general funds under unprecedented pressure, the role of competitive grant funds has become more critical than ever before. Communities of all sizes are looking to federal, state and even • ,private philanthropic grant makers to sustain existing service levels and launch new initiatives to address acute social problems. In a span of a few short years, the relative effectiveness of a city or county's grant writing efforts has become a matter of fiscal and political life or death. Formula funding distribution mechanisms and giant categorical programs are on the wane. The fashion in Washington is "winner take all" targeted and competitive funding, in which some local governments enjoy massive infusions of federal aid in specific program areas, while others come up empty handed. Unfortunately, in most cities and counties, the administrative infrastructure for external fund development is at a primitive level. Systems for securing external funds were developed in the days when many grants were awarded on a formula basis and bigger communities could always be sure of getting "their share" through political pressure. Grant writers were important only in the margins of local funding. Billion-dollar funding streams are now entirely competitive and major cities and counties are regularly excluded. Meanwhile, these same local governments are suffering from a host of outdated approaches and serious deficiencies in competitive grantsmanship. expertise. The most common problems found in local government grantsmanship today are: • a decentralized process, "every-department-for-itself ' parochialism and. departmental hoarding of funding information; • lack of funding resource information and inability to obtain a "big picture" of the . annual federal .funding cycle; ~ . • loose or non-existent integration of cross-departmental and community-based organizations' resources; ~7 ••••.~••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••~••••e••••••••e••••. b55 Redwood Hi~lZway, Suite 241, Mill Ualley, California 94941 Tel: 415.383.9635. Fax: 415.383.5947 ; . • weak understanding of the dynamics of funding leverage, meaning the use of one grant to obtain another; • poor tracking and grant information systems, resulting in missed opportunities and insufficient lead time on major grants; • uncoordinated deployment of grant writing resources (e.g., small grants receiving more attention than large grants); . • inadequately trained staff grant writers who may lack sufficient program knowledge and/or technical expertise in federal grantsmanship; • interdepartmental competition resulting in submission of multiple grants to one funding source from the same city; ., • lack of an independent authority to coordinate and integrate city- and county-wide program planning. and funding efforts. GGW&C, Inc. can address these issues through the use of one or all of the following: Strategic Fund Development Planning, Research Subscription, Electronic Tracking System, Comprehensive Training and Workshops, Proposal Writing Services and Packages, and the Coordinated Funding Assistance Center. We are prepared to meet and assist you in meeting your city's or county's funding needs. Please contact me for an appointment. Remember that many grants will soon ~be released and this will rekindle the "reactive" grant seeking which inhibits your municipality's ability to access vital funding streams. Call today to secure a. proactive, efficient, and effective grant service for your city or county. We look forward to hearing from you. JAG/af ~~ ~/ • IN . ~~ GRA.NTWRITING ~ CONSULTING "Partners ~or C~ian~e" Professional Services Summary • • Who We Are: GGW&C, Inc. (Griffin Grant Writing & Cohsulting) was founded in 1990 with one purpose: to assist city, county and state governments in researching, tracking and securing competitive grant funds..City and county departments often experience less success in their pursuit of grant funds as competition increases. John Griffin, founder of GGW&C, worked for many'years as a highly successful independent grant writer with city and county governments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. He watched as cities and counties scrambled to increase their own grant writing efforts with existing staff. Often these individuals had little or no training, competitive grant writing experience, and typically no legislative background. They viewed grant writing as another task-added to their ever-increasing workload. Furthermore, departmental ..parochialism and lack of coordination or planning of grant funding initiatives produced disappointing results and increased frustration among city and county internal grant writing efforts. With this reality in mind, Mr. Griffin founded GGW&C to help local governments improve their competitive grant writing process; and increase their success. In June of 1997, GGW&C expanded its new. client development effort to the extent that we now offer a national #ocus and approach. Services Offered: GGW&C,.Inc. distinguishes itself when compared to other grant writing firms and individuals in several important ways. Through our Coordinated Funding Assistance Center: • We are the only grant writing firm (or individual) that guarantees its ability to secure new grant funding for our clients. This performance guarantee is in excess of a client's prior year competitive grants success. If GGW&C does not meet this performance standard, the firm does not get paid. • We insure that. each of our. grant writers has developed expertise in a variety of fields. • We implement a proactive design and needs assessment and planning process to reduce' the reactive approach to competitive grant funding. • We implement a program design process that formulates effective cross-functional collaborations that help to maximize returns. We structure this approach with the goal not to~exceed four hours of your staff time for'any given grant. This specialized approach works _to help breach parochial walls and demonstrate cross-departmental program solutions. • Our dedicated grants research department provides our clients with a weekly Federal Grants Alert. This information resource identifies available competitive federal. grant funding. • We offer in-depth legislative knowledge that provides our clients with information to help maximize the amount of funds secured, and mechanisms that help to mitigate matching requirements. GGW&C Professional Services Summery Additional separate service offerings include: _ Strategic Fund Development Planning -Creation of one to five year strategic plans using our Funding Matrix System. Research Subscription -Weekly or monthly notification of potential funding sources. ~' Program Design -Develop sophisticated grant program plans to ensure proposal fundability for single or multiple projects. Electronic Tracking System -Comprehensive electronic "on-ramp" to federal 'funding information via the Internet which also provides Request for Proposal (RFP) information the day it is released. . Comprehensive Training and Workshops -Seminars-that provide extensive training and a thorough understanding of grant writing strategies including technical writing, program design, proposal writing, collaborative. development research skills and others. Proposal Writing Services and Packages -Complete start to finish professional proposal development. ' Track Record: GGW&C has raised over $106 Million since October 1998, and $655 Million since the Company's inception in 1990. This success has been made possible by employing . leading edge fund raising methodologies. We have developed unique insights into the strengths ("~ and weaknesses of existing grant writing processes, and an in-depth understanding of the need ~ for coordinated action among departments, governmental units, and community-based organizations. Our success includes funding for technology, criminal justice, education, employment preparation, training and placement, battered women, youth sports, substance abuse treatment and prevention, health education, gang prevention, housing and project management; HIV prevention and treatment, public works, transportation, environment, and many other areas. A Successful History:.The following is a representative summary that demonstrates GGW&C's successes in securing competitive grant funding. •:• County.of :Prince Georges, MD: In 1998 GGW&C won an award to fund police technology in the amount of $12.2 million. This award .also included a waiver of 90% of their matching. funds requirement. . •: County of Oakland, MI: In 1998 GGW&C~won a significant award for the county to fund a variety of public safety needs. This award totaled in excess of $17.1 million. , :• City of Providence, RI: In 1998 GGW&C won an award that totaled $3.8 million for a Welfare-to-Work program and won a $100,000 OJJDP grant that the city had been trying to win for the past three years! :• City of Hartford, CT: GGW&C recently wrote the grant application that won a HUD Brownfield EDA grant worth $2 million plus another $5 million in related loans. •: San Francisco Housing Authority: GGW&C won competitive grant funding for areas that included HOPE VI, Economic Development, Supportive Services, Youth Sports programs and Drug Elimination programs, resulting in over $30 million in new funding. 90 ,GGW&C 2 Professional Services Summary >~ ,. .. ,. .: 4 . ~_ .. .: ` .: •.•County of Yolo, CA: In 1996-1997, GGW&G secured over $1 million iri law enforcement ~ ' funds.for a criminal justice consortium in the County. ~_ ` `•3 -City of :Sacramento, CA: GGW&C contracted with this client on July 15; 1996, and within 90. days secured $9.5 million in funds. .. •:•.~`County of Solano, CA: In 1996-97, GGW&C secured $5.3 million iri law enforcement ~ . funds arid. $600,000 in Drug Court funds.for the County. ~,. , •:• County of Placer,°:CA: During the period of 1996-97, GGW&C raised over $1 million in a: ~. ' variety of areas including prosecution services;aeen pregnancy prevention; SAFE K1DS;~ ~ ' - ' ~. -and victim witness services. ~ ~ ~ - •3 Consortium of Contracting Agencies:. The Consortium includes the following community 3 based organizations in San Francisco: Ella Hill Hutch Community Center; South of Market ,u. Employment Center; andYoung Community, Developers.. Over a, four-year period,: GGW&C raised close to $3 million for these agencies for employment training and social services. ~ . ~:~ County. of Stanislaus, CA: In 1995, .GGW&'C raised over $250,000 to implement a .county. ' • ` : Immunization Registry Service that would be used by a number of .County depa~ctments, ..and •, : private and' public health services.. - ` •:• Battered Women's Alternatives .of Contra Costa County,.CA (BWA): In~1994,.GGW&C ' raised $1 million for` programs directed at the prevention and interventioh of domestic violence; and to build anew shelter for BWA..In 1995 GGW&C wrote a successful federal . ' ~ . °. ~ ~ . domestic violence grant worth $200,000 to support a partnership between BWA and the "` . . '~; ~° ~ Rich"mond Police .Department to provide direct services to battered women. ~ :~ ` San Francisco Police Department: In Fiscal Year 1993-94, the Department hired GGW&C ~~' ~` ::, to.address.a legislative mandate to find funds that would increase staffing during an $80 million city/county deficit.' Through GGW&C's efforts $11.5 million in'new funding was ' :` secured, .meeting the goals for: the hiring, and redeployment of officers and' deployment of technology. GGW&C also raised $750,000 for the Youth Gang- Prevention Project, a ' . ~ collaboration between the Police Department, the MUNI transit system, the Public Health , system; Juvenile Probation, and community organizations. ~. .~:.: ~Marin County, CA Housing Author..ity: During atwo-year period (1993-1:994), GGW&C raised $800,000 for multiple programs in DCug, Elimination and Youth Sports. ~ ~ ~ , '~ ; . ''Our Compensation: Our fee structure has been developed from the prospective that we area '~ z; : performance based professional services provider, and insures that we maintain an investment • ~. in our clients and their outcomes. An initial retainer provides us with the ability to conduct a full ~ , design assessment, a grants database fuhding search, and assign a team~of professional ~ . ~~ writers who write as many grants as possible for the duration of the contract period (twenty-four. "months).` This approach serves to assure our ability to secure a maximum amount in grant . ~ " .. •, .: ' 'funding. If:we fail to produce the agreed to "goal" amount of new grant funding in excess of ' whatever you. received the previous year in identified grant(s), we will refund the entire', •~ ,- ` *, retainer amount. In addition, we negotiate an incentive fee based on a percentage of all '. .. ,;, awards you receive in excess of the goal amount. 'The retainer fees cover our costs for the . ,initial process:.The incentive fees serve as :our profit margin and. are earned based on our ' 'performance. .. - .. .. ... .. ,GGW&C is prepared'Tto~~assist you in meeting your city's or county's funding needs. We can be ,. ~ ~ ,..reached at 415/383-9635.. ~ ~ E, _~ .. GGW&C E. .` ' . ~ ~ 'Pro~essiona! Services Summary ~ - ~ . . _ - 3 ' ~ a.. V ~l ~,o , ~. .. 111 1 ~V ®J ' ~; `i it :, 9~ ~ ~ ~ V • V ~ ~ 'N •- i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ (fj ~ ~~ ~ca ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~- c~ ~ -~ ~ . O ~ O ~ ® 41 p ~ ~ (~ ~ _ ~- ~ r-~ W L1J ' V ~. 4~ ;~-, ~ p ~ ~ .~.~ ~ ~ ~ . ~. ~ ~ ('~ n '~' . V , V ~ _ •~ ~ ~ O ~ .. V O 4J •- L ~ - O [a , ' ~.- c~ ~ V ' ~ I- U _ F-- ~-+ w ~ ~.. - ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~~ ~ h s'~ .~ •' v] ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ra ~~ ~ Q ~ ~ o ~ '~ ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L I--a ® ~ O ~~ ~ ~ V ~ J ,,\ ~\ w~". -- U ~i a LPL O .~ H O F--i N ,~` ~ ~~ ~ ~ N O J C71 U ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ I `~ ~ cf, a ~ -~-~ v L Q i ~ p ~ ~ ~ o ~ \ ~~ ~~, ~~ ~ p Q ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ®•~ :.a v a ~ c r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C7 ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~.~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-~ ,~ ~ ~ ;v o ~ ~ ~ O l~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ o ~ v V 95 b a~ 4 1 4® 9~ 's .~ s 0 ~ ~ _ ._ c~ ~ 'Ln Q. V ~ ~ •~ ,~ O ce i. O C~ Z W ~~ O ~\ rr~ ~d V ~ c ~ a~ _ ~ -U Z ~ ~. L ~ ~ L , ~ o ® ~ nN ~ ~. 6~. L N o ~ ''^ V L `V O N N - L6. ~ ~ ~ N co i~ t~ O ~ v . ~ ~ L Q / ~ V Q i V ,A x ~_ 9~ -~ ~ ` ~ ~ .® ~ ..~ ~~ ~ Q e e ®` ` ~ . ® .Q ~. ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ® o~ ~ . ~ ~ cn o ~ , . c~ ~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ r~°~3 ~ oC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .o, ~ ® c~ ~ ~_, ~ ~ o a® ~ o ~ ~ M ~ V ~ -~}- (~. -Eft-. ~ N ~ .~ .a s ~ b V ~. C~ .. C7 a \,° ~' ~~ n V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~.J~~,~ ~ ~, ~ ~. ~ .~ .~ ~. ~ ~~ V ® ~~ ~. Z - -~ ,, e ~~~ V~ ~ • V V V ~ V ~~ ® ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ V _ .~ ~ ~ o ~~ ~: . a ti ~~ ~ ~ o r~ ~ o ~ ~ ° ~ ~~_ ~ o c W ~~ dS N ~ N ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~ fl- D , ~ p c 0 ~ ~ ,L ~ ,U w ca ® ~ _ ~ ,~, C O .~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ A~ ,~'Q=~ ~~w j0 n.aQ ~ ~ c ®® .. ~® ~ ` ~~ ~ "~ 1~ ~ ~ V ` ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ ~ fl- ~ ^ ~ C ~" ~ ~ N 'V "Ir1 '~ ~ ~-- C . ~' ~ ~ u- 's_ ~ C Q t0 ~ ~ °' p F- V Om o-° OO Q' ~ ~ ~~~ cn °o a' o- ~ ~ a- v . Q ~ o- Q p w o cn ci ~ ~~ ~~ p ~ ~~¢ ~ ~... Q _ ~ ~ • • s • s • • . • • • ~ ~:' - p h ~~- i ~ • ~ 1 V J X.. ;r 1 ~ ~ N . N Q1. ~ ~"' ~ a~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ a~ a~ ~, o., c c~ ~ U . .n ~ c~ o c~ W fl- ~~ i •1 ~ N O ~ c~ U c0 ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~ J ~-+ C ~ ~ d '` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ O U C .+-~ U ~ pl (n C ~O ~ W LWL W ~ ~ W ~ ~ . ~~i (n O Q ~ ~ ~ Q U N ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • o v • ,~ s ® • e o • • ~ • ® • ~ e • e ` ~ ~ ~ ~ , . . c~ '® ,® X ~ C N ~ ~ ,~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ UU ~ > O O d ~ ~ O ~ ~ a~ U (~ ~ ' a~ ~ U Q p~ J ~ ~ c ~ ~ c C c ~ ~ ~ ~ .O Q (n O .U ~ O. p -v ~ ~ Q ~ , c_ >~~ ~ ~ O `L ~ ~ ~ ~ Tacn ca a. v~ ~ ~ O a ~ ~ c~ cn ~_ ~~ m ~ O N ~ O ~ ?~ "O O ~ rv N f ~ `C O ~ O OU N O . v ~ • e •. • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • . . `~ . ~ • N ti U V 103 . . {This page intentionallyleft blank} /1 104 ~ .; October 27, 1999 Andy Atkinson Deputy County Manager New Hanover County Government Center 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Andy, It is our understanding that the New Hanover Board of Commissioners would like to be informed of any real estate the Medical Center proposes to lease to other entities. In accordance with this, the Medical Center has proposed leases that we would like to present to the Commissioners. It is my understanding that these leases maybe presented on the Consent Agenda at the upcoming Commissioner's meeting. _ New Hanover Regional Medical Center is proposing the following three leases. The first proposed lease agreement is with Wilmington Orthopedic Group and is located at 5302 Oleander Drive. Wilmington Orthopedic Group wishes to lease appproximately 6,664 sq. feet of the medical office. building on Oleander Drive. The lease agreement will be for a fair market lease rate and will be leased for three (3) years. The second lease proposed is for the New Hanover-Pender Medical Society. They are presently leasing the property att5300 Greenleaf Drive.and would like to continue to lease that location. This lease agreement will be for a fair market lease rate and will be leased for one (1) year. The third lease proposed is for Coastal Rehabilitation Medicine Associates. They wish to lease approximately 3,000 sq. feet at 5302 Oleander Drive which will be vacated by the Wilmington Orthopedic Group. The term of this lease agreement is for eighteen (18) months at a fair market lease rate. Each of these lease agreements were approved by our Facilities Committee and the Board of Trustees at their October meetings. Please let me know if you need any ~" f t~ i; ~ New Hanover Regional Medical Center ~.,~ P.O. Box 9000 / 2131 S. 17th Street /Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 `' ~---=-'=-= -' <?`:~""" "" 910-343-7000 {This page intentionally left blank} ~; - ,- RESOLUTION OF THE ~ C BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY k WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 27th day of October, 1999, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a data acquisition system for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 00-0022RB: Price Forney Corporation- . $80;029.00. AND WHEREAS, the bid received exceeded the amount budgeted for the purchase and had deficiencies in their proposal; ~ - AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the bid received be rejected; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by.the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the bid received for a data acquisition system for the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 00-0022RB be rejected. This 15th day of November, 1999. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~, ,, ~ ._ . Y~ S+ Y 110 ~. b ,~ A RESOLUTION OF THE - ~ BOARD "OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover duly declared a State of Emergency in response to Hurricane Floyd impacts, pursuant to Chapter,6.7 of the New Hanover County Code; and WHEREAS, the County 800mhz radio system and related housing and components were significantly damaged by Hurricane Floyd, detrimentally impacting performance abilities; and - WHEREAS, the Emergency Restoration Task Force authorized County staff to proceed with .emergency repair and restoration of the 800mhz radio system and related housing and components; and ~ - . ,. WHEREAS, given the critical nature of the 800mhz radio system for ongoing emergency service, time is of the essence in restoring the:.service~to full capacity , performance; and ~ ~ ' WHEREAS, Local governments are authorized to exempt specific projects from the public procurement requirements of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes in cases of special emergency involving the health and safety of the people or their property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that; having found a special emergency to exist attributable to Hurricane Floyd, that the procurement of a 800mhz radio system and related equipment components and shelter is hereby expressly exempted from requirements of the bid laws set forth in Chapter 1.43 and Chapter 153 of the North Carolina General Statutes. This the day of November, 1999. NEW HANOVER COUNTY jSEAL] William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST:- ' . ~7 ;' ~'~ :.~`~~~~ • ' ~~~, _~ Clerk to the'Board 112 .. . .. .,,. •` ,. ~• - - ..., t ~ . . - N~~ HAN~VEI~ C~ITNTY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY.?MANAGEMENT . ~ P.O, BOX 1525 a . .. " 20 NORTH FOURTH STREET z ~ ~ ~ ~~' , .~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 1525 : DANE:SUMMERS :~ -TELEPHONE (91OJ 3d1-d30o : ~ r >jizecto.c ; -. ... ~ ~. .. ~. '.: ' ° F,4X (~10J 3d1-4299 y ~ MEMORANDUM . . . ~TO:~ : Allen O'Neal;`County.Manager ., •. , . .. :.. Dave; Weaver,. Assistant. County Manager _ ~ ' - • .. ~~ :: ~ FROM: ,'~ ~ Dan E. Summers, C7irector .~ ~` .. - v.,,... ,. , e - ~ • DATE: {dovember 7, 1999 , .~ . - , . , .R~ 'Flemington Tower Site =Hurricane Floydllrene " ~~ `. Stdtus. Report Repair. and'replacement~ofthe damaged tower building and 800mhz radio , • equipment continues'to be one of the top priorities-for the on-going recovery efforks. The. following :work is in ,progress-, ` :•. '.~ _ • ~Rumping offload water away from the site foi` construction, :".~ .decommissioning and;salvage work. ® Removal or relocation of utilities .Pre arati n of ild"m f r d m iiti n ~ ~ . p o bu g o e o o . . .. ~. . . , o y Removal of standby generator and-fuel tanks. ,. • ~~~ " . _ ~. ' ~ • Removal of coaxial .radio transmission lines ~ ~ ' • ~` Removal of telephone company modems and alarm'system . - ~~ ~ ~ Removal of transmitter rack systems, wire trays,. and re-useable electrical •~ ~ . , :~ ' . ~ ~ ~ equipment . , .. . '~` Receipt of bid for building demolition;:,site backfill, grading; and " ` preparation for"pre-fab building slab'` • ', ~ . >, . - "• Coordination of site details for tower building afif-loading and set-uip- - ' ~. Coordination of 800mhz radio equipment delivery and installation details ` • ;~• Coordination with tenants for future use ~ - , " 0 Standby generator sizing and acquisition . ... . ,. CQnce the water was: pumped from the tower building it is clear that the floor of the..` building did it fact fail in the area near the doon+iray_" Spray and splatter marks:- .~ ' ~ -:clearly. indicate how the radio equipment was damaged. ... ,. , -~: . The'projecE is on-schedule with new building and ratlio equipment planned for - - • ~ ,shipment to Wilmington on, November~3a,1999_ " - - 'hank-you. a ` - . . . . . ,. ., . ~; ~ , , 114 ;. , ... ; . ° . ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS `~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION:,.... •Meeting Date: 11/15/99 ' . , . ~ ; ,.. ~ ~ ` .,. .., - '~; Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ =~ „ ~ ,~ ,.. ..:~ ., - ~~ Department: Aging Presenter:. Annette Crurnpton ,, ,: • .... .:. . ` ~' Contact: Annette;Crumpton " • - . ," SUBJECT:- . ,. ~ , h '* ' ;° Request Approval #or Ffoyd Hurricane Disaster Relief Grant from NC Division of - ' ~ ..~. ` ~'°Aging~~in. amount of $1000. °~ •.~: ~~ ~ ~. ~ .:. • .. .. , 5 , ,. .. B, ' 2 ..-- .. .BRIEF SUMMARY:- The Department of Aging is eligible fora grant in the amount of $1000 torprovitle advocacy and oufreach ." ` - ' ~ services to seniors.who are victims of hurricane Floyd. Monies may. be used to pay, for a temporary . . employee to perform outreach & advocacy activities related to the disaster. Because of the timing of the i grant notice ands he need to .get a person in the field .immediately, ,I asked the County Manager to sign;the _ ~.' - grantwith the understanding that I report the grant opportunity to you on the 11/15/99 meeting. , °, `I-have identifed a temporary staff person who has begun work in the Castle Hayiie community: Tasks will A. _ include: Meetings to inform seniors of recovery resources, assisting one- on-one with applications to .- FEMA/other insurance companies, and linking the.elderly with the appropriate resources. ~~` .,. '• . - g time grant and requires no County match. ~ ~ ' The rant.is a one. _ :,, tr ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED. ACTIONS:. ~ ~ `" ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ° - ..' ' Recommend Commissioners accept Floyd Hurricane Disaster Relief Grant and approve the associated budgef amendment. ,e. ,- - r FUNDING SOURCE:. • - : - ` :.State $1000 ' . . , , A - - - - . ,, , , a - "ATTACHMENTS:. - r a ~ ~ " . ,. .. - ' ~ r '.. . BA#00-0068: ~ - ~ ~ ; , , .. -. _' ,~'~Copy of Disaster Relief Grant signed by County Manager is availabe for review in the County Man•ager's - ... " . .Office. = . - , ~; ~ - . REVIEWED BY' ~ • :. , LEGAL:. ~ ,FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: A-pprove HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve ,.. ;. {~ "COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:"` t •, - • ° ~~ 'Recommend approval ~W : . .. ,. .. ~ ~ ~ ,. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ..~, ~ r,..~ ,~,,,k~yR ~ _ ,. +` ~ .... - . , . ~ ' , ,: c,~, _,~~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS .. ,< . µ ° REJECTED , .• ~^ ~r ,. . , z , , ~, o ,- POSTPONfD ; .t w . ,. .. = •: Y , ., - ,- ' HEARD ^ p~° 4, , ,. • , h .: - s _ ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1.1/15/99 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: AginglNutrition-Congregate BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0068 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Aging Title 1V Disaster Relief Grant: $1,000 ~ , (State -Hurricane Floyd) Temporary Salaries $1,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional funds received from the North Carolina Division of Aging Title IV Grant to provide advocacy and outreach~services to senior Hurricane Floyd victims. No additional County funds are,required... ~, ,. , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COUNTY COMMI'' y~ONQ~1 ~:~'a`~v ~APPROV~~3~ ~~ ' 'ir'~'~~I~, REJEC fED~~' p REMOVED~~p~~' 116 ~ ~.A.,r~R~ POSTPONED`O'``~" ®ATE ~ _i~_i_ . ~ 5~ c. I~' - D i n f~ _, - .. J ... `, NEW. HANOUER COUNTY BOARD :OF COMMISSIONERS ~- ~ , . REQU:EST.FOR BOARD ACT10N Meeting Date:, 11/15/99 "~Corisent Item #: '7 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ - ' _ _ Department: Health' Presenter: David. Rice,, Health Director - ~ - - Contact: David` E. Rice- 343-6591 ~: , . - `: - J SUBJECT:.. . _ ~ ~- " .Healthy Carolinians State Grant Application for $10,000 to support New Hanover . 4 County Healthy.Carolinians Task Force. - BRIEF SUMMARY:. ;, ~ . . r.... The New Hariover County Healthy Carolinians Committee is applying fora $10,000 State Grant through . ; . ~ Healthy Carolinians which must flow through.the local Health Department. We have worked with Janiiie_ - Bilodeau, Chair of the New Hanover County Healthy Carolinians Committee, to complete this grant. application and have submittedLL a letter of support (attached). for the grant, . , . .The $10,000 grant-will be used to conduct a comprehensive community needs assessment in conjunction. s:., :.with the Health Needs Assessment Committee (representatives from New Hanover.Health Network, ~ , lJniversity-of North Carolina-Wilmington,. Local Health Directors-from New Hanover and surrounding ', counties, aril other stakeholders) which has' also applied.for a Model Assessment Grant for the purpose of , '' _ 'conducting the~corrimunity needs assessment. A.~- y The additional $10,000 will supplement the Model Assessment Grant and will provide resources to~ _ coriduct the needs assessment in a manner to allow the greatest impact and gather the most information - (see attached detailed grant.with budget breakdown). Lt will also allow a greater level of data interpretation _ and add an assets mapping component to the projectz ' y The Healthy Carolinians Grant requires,a 50% match which will be met in the form of in-kind contributions - from both New Hanover County Health Department to administer grant funds, participate in focus groups- and assist in data ;collection and from New Hanover. Health Network through existing staff services.to .. collect secondary data., , . ' : No additional money will be required. All of the 50% match will be in the form of in-kind contributions as `described-ir this paragraph. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ .,' ` ~ ' :.`;,Approve. grant application, and acceptance of grant and, related budget amendment of $10,000 if .grant . ,; approved.. ~ . " 'FUNDING SOURCE: . . ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ .. ,, ~.d yes'4 pages . ~ °. ' REVIEWED BY: pP - - LEGAL: N!A FINANCE:. A - rove ~ / ~~ol>\~ ^^~"R~9~~SIONER.~ ,. ' e BUDGET: Approve HUMAN ~~ ROVED S. N/~_ - REJECTED '. ~ 1 '~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ; COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: REMOVED ~ (] Recommend approval. ice' ... POSTPONED ^ ~ , , ~ , HEARf~ D, ~.. , ,COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:' . fAATG ~II -~-~ ~~I ~~~!h1~ . ~-~--~ . APPLICATION/CONTRACT ADDENIDUM Certified Healthy Carolinians Task ForceslAbout to be Certified 1. COUNTY: New Hanover ' CONTRACT #: ~l 2. NAME OF HEALTHY CAROLINIANS TASK FORCE: New Hanover County Healthy Carolinians 3. MISSION OF TASK FORCE: To improve the health of residents in New Hanover County through collaborative community partnerships. NOTE: The 19 Counties that applied for certification or recertification in 1999 do NOT have to complete items #4, 5 and 6. 4. Brief description of your Healthy Carolinians task force activities for the past 12 months (no more than''/z page). The New Hanover County Healthy Carolinians Task Force, in December of 1998, met to discuss the current goals and to review community needs. The Task Force had focused on the following areas; Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Maternal and Infant Health, Substance Abuse and the implementation of an adolescent healtliMcenter,-Wilmington Health Access for Teens. David Rice, Neva Hanover County Health Director began a dialogue on the need for.an.updated, comprehensive community needs assessment. As a result of that meeting~in the Spring of 999 a collaborative group began to' discuss in earnest the need for an updated and expanded version , of:the 1996 Coastal Carolinas Community Health Needs Assessment. It was decided at this meeting that the collaborative group, .along with the New Hanover County Healthy Carolinians Task Force would focus implementing a comprehensive health and human services needs . assessment that would be replicated every two years. The Needs Assessment Committee has.,.' been meeting monthly to work towards that goal: 1 . ~ .: ' 5. Names of collaborating agencies/organizations/businesses/churches/etc. that play an active role in your Healthy., Carolinians task force. You can attach your membership list. New Hanover'County Schools ~ Wilmington Boys and Girls Club NH Healthy Carolinians Task Force - NH County Health Department ~ • New Hanover Health Network American Red Cross UNCW Cape Fear Area United Way Southeastern Mental Health Coastal AHEC~ ~ •'~ " ,~ New Hanover Dept. of Aging Wilmington Health Access for Teens " Girls, Inc. Cape-Fear Community College . Catholic Social Ministries •' Coastal Horizons Center Wilmington Police Dept. New Hanover County Sheriff's Dept. Communities In Schools NHC Community Action Good Shepherd Ministries HOLA Amigos International Domestic Violence Shelter & Services Family Services NHC Community Health Center Shaw-Speaks Child Development Center Child Advocacy Smart Start Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce YMCA Wilmington Housing~Authority East Coast Solutions -- YWCA ~~' ~~~"~}~~9G~ 118 ~~~~~ -~~~~~ ~~~ _ . r~ p. ~; ~. . , ,.... .. ~ - • 6. Description of current objectives of your Task Force (you can attach ea~tra sheets) r ~~• F _•, Objective:.To gather ' Target population: Strategieslintervention: ChanneUsetting: "~' primary and secondary Residents of New Focus groups, one-on-one • Community settings data from'the county Hanover County interviews, telephone • .. Mailed surveys ' regarding the health and surveys, state and local ~ ' ,, . Telephone surveys human service needs: ~ r - ~ ~ . datasources.' _ . ~, Objective: To provide the • Targefpopulation: Public Stiate~~ies/intervention: ChanneUsettinu: . completed needs officials, organizations,, Distribute.completed Print document assessment data to the . • agencies, and the public • needs assessment to the ` . Web site •public. public and local, ' • Care to Collaborate ' government, agencies and. Expo.. ' F organizations • Obj ective~: To .develop a Target:population: New Strate~ies/intervention: ChanneUsettin~ _ 1cost-effective needs Hanover County residents The Needs Assessment . .Healthy Carolinians , ' assessment process that :: Committee and the Task Force Meetings can be replicated every. ~ Healthy Carolinians Task ~ • Needs Assessment -two years. Force will develop a Committee meetings. .. . model for replication. -. . Objective: To develop a Target population: Public Strategies/intervention ChanneUsettin~: needs assessment that and-private Include information on Needs Assessment meets the needs.of many ~ organizations/agencies, health and human service. Committee - org'anzations. •: , ., ' local government needs. . ~ •~ Objective: `To.mobilize Target population: Strategies/intervention: ~ CharmeUsetting" ', ... available resources Members of the New Involve multiple ' ` •_ • throughout the"region to' Hanover County Healthy.. agencies,. churches and ® Community assist with~the completion Carolinians Task Force local organizations in ~ Sponsored focus of. the, needs assessment, ' and .Needs Assessment hosting focus groups-and groups .. thereby building new , ~. Committee members train above in conducting . Person on the street . collaborative - person "on the street . interviews ' relationshi `s.. °, interviews ~ ~ _ Obiec;tive: To provide Target population: Public Strategies/intervention; ChanneUsettinQ - infonnation about and private organizations, Distribute information on .. Local government • . ~eontacts for technical local officials how to interpret the data meetings assistance in to local officials, public • Care to Collaborate interpretation & and private organizations Expo- utilization of needs .. . ~ Web site ~ ~= ~ assessment data... ; ~ `.. . Objective: Identify assets Target population: New Strategies/intervention: ChanneUsetting: available: and determine Hanover County service Survey all current local • Mailed survey .where there are gaps in providers.(public and and regional resources..- • - .Follow-up phone _services, priority areas °._ .private) and assets... , `~ calls ,: • 'and needed-interventions. ... ` , ~ • Existing First Call . .. for Help Resource. i .. Directo Objective: To determine Target population: Strategies/intervention:. ChanneUsettin~~ - ° - 'expressed needs of the Agencies/organizations Compile data from. First • . ,Data compiled and county. providing emergency Call for Help, Salvation reviewed by Needs ., ,.. ~ . assistance to area Army, United Way, DSS; Assessment _ ~ residents:x. and other organizations Committee . - providing aid. ., . 8. Description of how local Task Force proposes to use State Funding to further local Healthy Carolinians activities/initiative and contribute. to the task force's overall mission and goals. The funds will be used to conduct a comprehensive community needs assessment as outlined above. The New Hanover County Health Department, in conjunction with the New Hanover Healthy Carolinians Task Force has applied-for funds through the Model Assessment Grants Program. The additional $10,000 will allow us to supplement that application and to provide greater access to the public of the findings from the needs assessment. The combination of funds will provide the necessary resource to conduct the needs assessment in a mariner that will allow for the greatest impact and will gather the most~information. This funds will also allow a greater level of data interpretation and a higher level of data collection arid' will add an assets mapping component to the process. Assets mapping will allow the group to identify current assets in the community, determine where there are gaps in services, set priorities and develop interventions to meet the needs of the community. - ~ ~ -, 9. Budget Give a detailed description of how these funds will used (personnel, contracts, operation, travel; training, etc.) These funds will be used to conduct acommunity-wide needs assessment for New Hanover County. The requested funds will supplement the.Model Assessments Grants Program and will ~. allow a greater level of data interpretation and add an assets mapping component to the previous grant. - .. Contract Services (budget line item 3700) $6;000:00 Contract with Coastal AHEC to conduct Focus Groups, interpret data collected and .develop assets mapping process and report. Postage (budget line item 3810) -- $ 500.00 Postage to send meeting notices, meeting materials, and training materials to New Hanover Healthy Carolinians Task Force members and Needs Assessment Committee members. Postage to mail completed needs assessment reports to local government officials and other organizations/agencies unable to attend Care to Collaborate Expo: ~~ Printing/Copying (budget line item 4100) $1,500.00 Print additional copies of completed needs assessment and produce assets mapping resource directory. Meeting~Expenses (budget line item 5200) $2,000.00 For meeting,expenses (meals; mileage and meeting space if necessary) for committee meetings (New Hanover Healthy Carolinians :Task Force and Needs Assessment Committee) . Describe the dollar match or in-kind contribution. Source'. (a) New Hanover County Health.Department- in-kind contribution to administer grant funds, participate in focus groups and assist in data collection (b) New Hanover Health Network- in-kind contribution of staff services to collect secondary data. ,~ Application/Contract Addendum approved: . , " 120 a~ Signature -Health Director Amount , . $2,500.00. $2,500.00. Telephone number: (910)4 343-6500 J Pl {This page intentionally left blank} 122 .. .. __ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ~ , :. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ . . , ~. r ' ' -- t D - Mee ing ate: 1111.5/99 . ~_ ~ , .• ,` ~ ~. .Consent Item.#: 8 Estimated Time:.. Page Number: „ ` ' ~ ~ ' -{ Department: TAX Presenters None Required ~` ~~ ~ . ` ~. ~ . ,,~ ~ ~ Contact: Pat Raynor/Kemp Burpeau ,: -.. - SUBJECT ` , ~ ' Amendment to Contract #98-0011', Agreement with Attorney Paul A. New#op -for . the collection of delinquent property taxes.. ~ . .. , . .. .. . . .. .. <. " BRIEF SUMMARY:. ,: '~ The amendment to this contract would increase the maximum attorney fees charged for the collection of ~ ' delinquent property taxes from $350.00 to $400.00. The minimum`charge for establishing each new file, ' ' contacting the property owner,'and collecting.the money would change~from $60.00 to $75.00. 1n addition, ' • the.amendment would allow fora $10.00 charge for processing each payment and fore each-follow-up . ' , • - ' -letter required in extended, payment a'rrangementsituations authorized by the Tax Collector: ~~' . ~ . These fee increases would be the first since'the initial contract was signed in October, 1986. Since then, ' the Newton `firm has skillfully performed•these services, handling 7,395 delinquent files and collecting over ; _ ~ $7 .million. As the General Statutes allow legal costs to be charged #o the property owner, the county .has incurred no additional costs in the collection of these delinquent accounts. ` . .. ._ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. ` ~ ~ ` ~ ' A rove Nevv Hanover~Count Contract Amendment #98-0011A,~ and authorize the Chairman to execute Pp Y the amendment. - ~ .: ~ , " ~ ,FUNDING SOURCE: ; ~ ~ :, ,. . ~. ,. . -. ~ . .ATTACHMENTS: ~ ,. .. . _. , . '.. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW J ~- . ~ ,. .:.. _ ' `. ~„ ' ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANDRECOMMENDATIONS:... -~. = '° ~,,, ; Recommend approval. ~{,,- ~ - ~' :COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:` ' ,.. , . . ~ ~ :. . ., r~ I~ • V T ;. ... , _ _ APPROVEDO ; . - ' . REJECTED - p ~ .~ .. EM OVED L7 .. - POSTPONED ~ ' ., . 123 .. 4. ~ ~.. ~.,~ _ _ . : ~~ . ,:. .. ,. ~, .. ... ~. DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 98 - OO11A NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT AMENDMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT, made and entered into this day of 1999, by and .between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina; hereinafter ~ referred to as '"County" and PAUL A. NEWTON, Assignee of LOUIS K. NEWTON, Attorney at Law, 20 North Fifth Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Attorney"; ., ~ . WITNESSETH:~~ WI-AREAS, New Hanover County and Louis K. Newton previously entered into an Agreement for collection of delinquent taxes dated August 20, 1997;_ ' WI-AREAS; Louis K. Newton assigned said Agreement to Paul A. Newton by an instrument executed January 13, 1998; WHEREAS, the parties hereto now desire to amend the Fee Schedule set forth as Exhibit "A" to the Agreement dated August 20, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, the Attorney, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby agrees with the County as follows: 1. The Fee Schedule referenced in Section 4, Payment, in the Agreement executed August 20, 1997, as Exhibit "A" is hereby amended as more specifically set forth in the document captioned "Amendment to Contract Changes". attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. Except as expressly amended above, New Hanover County Contract #98-001 l; as amended January 13, 1998 ,shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first:aboue~written and by authority duly given. 124 ~_~ ~~~~~~~ ~:~3~~?~~1` ~,~~ ._ AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT CHANGES Paragraph 4 of 8/20/97--Contract Exhibit A attachment (9/12/86 letter to Bob Pope) Paragraph (1) Total fee increased to $400.00 per parcel (a) Provided, that in those collection files where the taxpayers are granted extended payment plans by the 'Tax Collector for reasons such as, but not limited to, disability and fixed income because of Social Security or impaired earning ability, I will be allowed a $10.00 charge for processing each payment made through my office, even though the aggregate of these additional charges may exceed the $400.00 per parcel charge stated'"above; and furthermore, I will be allowed a $10.00 charge for notifying taxpayers of their failure to comply with these approved payment plans, even though the aggregate, of these charges may exceed the $400.00 per parcel charge stated above. I will not need court approval to collect these additional processing and notification charges. Paragraph {2) No change Paragraph (3•) $75.OO~per~parcel for opening: each new file, writing taxpayers concerning delinquent taxes, along with handling, collecting-and remitting delinquent taxes to the Tax Collector. Paragraphs (4-13) No change r Tax Disk #5 a:\contract.chg - 12~ ~~~,,,//f . . ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ° - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ~ ' .. Meeting Date: ,11115199 ~ . ~~ " Gonserit Item#: ,9 Estimated Time: Page Number:. _ Department: TAX Presenter:- Robert Glasgow/Rev. •James Randolph . ~ Contact: Robert Glasgow ~ ~ . - - . •,. SUB:fECT:~ ~. ':~. -Denial' of Exemption - St.''MarksTFreewill Baptist Church - 1997~Dodge Van ' .~ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~.. ;, , -~ Pastor James E. Randolph applied for an exemption fora 1997 Dodge van used by St. Marks Freewill'- $aptist Church. The exemption request was denied by the Tax Departrrierit because the van is registered in both Pastor Randolph's name and the church's name. .General Statute 105-278.5(a)(1) refer's to real , y .and personal property which must be "owned by a religious educational assembly, retreat, or similar ~ • organization". In March 1.999, The Institute of Government published "Property Tax Bulletin" -.The ' exemption or Properfy usedfor.Religious Purposes." Under ownership and use requirements it states "real. and personal property, must be "wholly" owned by one of the .religious organizations listed ,: .above to qualify for.exemption". Since the 1997 Dodge van is nofi"wholly" owned by the church it would. ... snot-qualify. _ ~,~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUEStED ACTIONS:- '` ~ • „ ~ Denial of the exemption be affirmed. If ~t some later date ~the'ownership is changed to .reflect only the ' church,.a request for exemption could.:be approved. °. - . t. • FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS:: .. - - ". ~ ~ ~ , . a . . '.ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW . ~ •: ~ - . , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ - - ~ .Concur with Tax Assessor and recommend denial of the exemption .. "• `, COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ • ~ _ ~ ~ :. .. , .: ~ . ~: - COUNTY MMI3SI0~1ER~, - CO . ~. ~ - - ~ APPROVED ^ ~ ~ . .^ , - - REJECTED= . REMOVED O ., ,, _ . - ~ POSTPONED -: . .,.` HEARD ©- .. - , I . ®AT~ ~-- - .-..- m .. - . . ~. ~ , • .. ,~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 128 ~ ~~~~~~ r , .. r , ' 4 ' ;~ NEW'HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` ' ~ -. ~ ~REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: .° ,. -. - - ` ' ~ - Meeting Date: 11/15/99 - - - • .: ' Consent Item #: 40 Estimated Time: Page Number:.. ~ ~ ~ a ... ,. .. . .,. . Department:. TAX Presenter: Robert Glasgow/Mark,Irigham; Cape Fear Rugby Club ` ~' ; z~, •• ~. ". . , Contacf: •Robert Glasgow,, ~ ": SUBJECT.. • Denial of Exemption.- Cape` Fear Rugby Football C]ub - R04815-017-039-000 and , ,, R04815-017-0.07-000 _ ~ , . - ,BRIEF SUMMARY: . ~ , ,_ .:Cape Fear Rugby .Football Club requested an exemption for two properties = R04815-017-039-000 , containing approximateiy,5.75 acres with an appraised value of $103,500 and 804815-017-007-000 - . - containing approximately 3.91 acres with an appraised value of $70,380.. The request for exemption was denied by-the Tax Department because the property does not appear to qualify under the North Carolina ~ ~- General Statutes.. - . ` ' ; • - G.S.~105-275-Property classified and excluded from the`tax base a. "Nonprofit corporation formed. .under Chapter 55A of the General Statutes or a bona fide charitable organizaiton and either~operated by .. -. :., , ' .: such owning organization or leased to another such nonprofit corporation .or charitable organization, and. ;' '° b. appropriated exclusively for public parks and drives.. G.S. 10b.-278.6(b) Reafand personal property used for charitable purposes..A charitable purpose •j ~ ~'. ~. .within the meaning of this section is one that has humane and philanthropic objectives; it is an activity that ` ~ benefits humanity or a significant rather than limited segment of the community without expectation. of - ~ . , =- 'pecuniary profit or reward. ... ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' ~ It appears that the current and pasf use of the property was and is to a limited segment of the community,.- • ratherr than a significant segment of the community and the denial of the exemptin.affirmed. Should the . - , _ ~ _. Gape Fear-Rugby Footbal Club enter into a contract or agreement with the City of Wilmington,to conform `. :, ~~ ~ to G.S. 105-275(b), which would allow the property to be appropriated exclusively for public parks and drives,.: an exemption would be appropriate..,,', ~ ~ ~ , ., :. ,. . _ f - .....FUNDING SOURCE: ' `"• _. ATTACHMENTS:., _ . ..: -ITEM DOES NOT.REQUIRE REVIEW ~ ~ . , : ~ ;;. ' .~~ . .~ - _ _ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ` Concur with Tax Assessor and' recommend, the. denial of the exe`rn , tion~~'~' D ~ . gip.,,,; ® •,G~~iVl15SION F€ ~ . .- APPROVED p , •_ ~ - • •. ~ ~ `COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:,.. ~ REJECTED D - o .. ~ ~ REM .. _ - , OVED ~ ~~ . ~. 29 , - ~ , ,. ROSTPONED G- . -. .. - ~~e-~-- . -:` ., '~iEARf~ - . ~ ,. ®ATE - - - - ~.~ - .. - r ~ ~ { Thi,~ page intentionally left blank} 130 ,,r}~v~b T J` . y... -.~-~~ rr ~~ - ~ ~ ~~. .~.. ., . ri~,t<'. ~,~., .. ., ~,, . . °~ .` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD~OF COMMISSIONERS + . ~ REQUEST FOR BO ` ARD "ACTION ~ - . ~ ., .: , Meeting Date: 11/15/99• . , ".. .. ,Consenf Item #' 11 Estimated Time: -Page Number: ., , , _ '" ~.~ ~,," t~, '" Department:,,TAX • Presenter: None Required ~. , . ` ,, . -Contact: Robert Glasgow , , . ; . ,. _ . . .. :, - . a ... - ... ;: .. SUBJECT;. ~` ,,. , . ,. . . 5 , .. .. ,, . , ~, •Release of Value a ` e Y, ,BRIEF SUMMARY:' . . , . • f Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior C itizen/Disability. Exclusion: (application, and letter. ..• explaining late filing. available upon request): ,.:. ., " .:, ~ ` , , . ' Arp,~-Rose M. Etals. :. ._ . `, $ 20,000 . , : . .. , . Bethea, Elease Etal. - ~ ~ 20;000. Y ,. .. ,. ".,. ..Cerro, Sudie M. Life Estate ~ - . ~' 20,000 "` . "'.. " ~ Finley,,Kafherine . •.: '.. : 20,000. ~ _ <. ~ .Jernigan, Minnie G: - ~ .,. ~ " . _ ~ 20,000 : , ~ ~~ ' • Jones, Andry Ati _ . ~. u . f ,~ , , , . 20,000 ' . .. .. ,. Kelly, Edward .", ~ 20,000 ~ ~ ' ~~:` ` L Kelly, Mary E. ." _ • ~ 20,000 ~ " -Nixon, W. E: Hrs. ~ 14,220 . Rivenbark; Horace R..Margaret A. . ~ 20.,000 ~ . . .. ` Russ, Celeste P.. ._. ,; . .20,000 ,; _ , ~ • 1 ° y Williams; Mattie C: Life Estate ;. ~ ~ 20,000 ~~ ' . .. ... ,;, Request. approval of the following. delinquent applications for. exemption:from property tax for the following .organizations{applications and letters explaining late :filing available upon request): ~ ~' : •:~~ ~ '' ' . .. - .;' ~ 'Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity . ` - ~ R04813-013-011-000 " . . Southeastern:Cntr/Meet H D D S ~ R07016-00,1-006-Q00 , R06015-001-01.7,-000 & ~ e R06018-003-047.-000 ' •.. , ~.: .. .. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:- " °~ , ' " , . ~ Recomrimend approval of-these releases. .. ' • - ., .. „ . , FUNDING SOURCE:...' . ',.. `.. - - . ..P .' . 'ATTACHMENTS::-. , d. ~ ,. , .: .. _. .. .. ~ . Na . . ITEM°DOES NIOTsREQU/RE REVIEW ., •. ., .. . ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ~ppROVED~ ®/~ ~ ~ . ' " ~ . Recommend approval., i~v,, , . ~ • .!REJECTED p-• REMOVED ` . O ... . .~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS: P ST ,, . 3 O PONED [7 ~ , - ` F • . ,. .: HEARD ~ . ®, .: ®AT~ . I f ~.~_ 9 .~ ~ This page intend®nallyleft blank} ~~~~~~, 132 ~~~ ~~~~ ; a ... -. ~ , -. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION CONSENT AGEN#~A t3 A T E ~ _~__~~ I T E ~I A~ G . =---=- ~E~ HA~IOVER CI7UNTY TAX CCYL.LECT,I.C3PiS C[3Li.EGTIOiVS THRU 10/31199 Cl~RRENT TAX YEAR ~- 1999 CIRIGiNAL "TAX LEVY PER 5CROLL DISCOVERIES ADO-ED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL SAXES CHARGEC ,4DVERTSING FEES CHARGED CI STING PENALTIES CHARGED CLEANING LIENS CNA€2GED TOTAL LEMY COLLECT IONS T(3 DATE OUTSTANC1i~1C 3ALANCE P£RLENTAG~ Ci~LLECTEt~ BACK T-AXES ,~,~.....~a:®...... REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDE€3 LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES t~UE COLLECTIfliVS TO DATE flt3TSTAt~CING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTEI3 Rf3OM OCCUPANCY TAX CC7LLECTI(3NS PRIVILEGE L3CE~#SE CCILLECTIO~iS A[3 YALOREP~ ~ ?7~39flg208.1b 2y55fl~971.b0 $9~7$b.bl~ aa.rQl~a i's~ ar as sa! ip's arar .~ 79~85.1i393.15 ,0fl 3I3 ~,29fl s 55 i7~~3C}.Dfl >aasam~~~m~m.~~~®,~~. .799898'413.70 4928.89554.13-~ $ 7096099849.57 11.63°~~ 2982~s98bb.85 49704.44 2$'b70.76-~ am ar am sm aaa arts er ~aarasa m Z;E3fl099t3fl.53 bfl7~484.93~ 2914394:10.6flQ Z1.b9.~ OCT 1499 r a~ as ~asmaa+aaoo.. arsasam 186'~-58.28 658.28 ~?~3'I'C3R VENiCLE 3ti69~634.?'9 10?321.bi .. 3.~~fl2.9:~ 24 'v~.s `saa.as~~ Tsars am.s 3'lf?7~427s16 {~ 0 . ,, .Ot3 .00 ;~wara.atrrrrntsvm~~,~ 3~16~~927.18 2~034y~4r0.44-~ ~.:,. ,~,. ~ 4.a<~. ~. ~.. ~.,. ,. a. 191339386.-72~' b4.22~~ FISCAL YTO s a ar aav:ar aso aerswo ao arm 19285~fl53.74 10929b~.1b Ti3TAL 3~ONEY PROCESSEtl THRt~ COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANt~'~ER CLIUNTY9 CITY OF I~ILMINGT~}N 6~RIGHT:SVILLE Ht~ACH9 CAR£ILiNA BEACH AND KURE BEACH ~~ OATF -~ $1~97flfl9847.07, THIS REPORT iS FOR FISCAI. YEAR BEGINNING ,!lJLY 1~ RES L/1TEUtLY SUBMiTTf~17i tom. `'-~: ~ c h ~`~-~ ~ ~~. PATRICIA 3. R1s~~R CaLLECT~JR GF RE1lEftitUE ' ~ COMBINED CDLLECTiON P€RCENTAGE - 13.x,3 134 k~~~~~~~ ?g~fi,, %~~ni ~, > .: . >. ~~ ~; l^I 136 b NEW HANOVER,000NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ {This page intentionally left blank} `rtr. +f- 4 13~~ ~ ~ ; ~ J~~ ~,. ~~, -:~~~ ~~ .. .. .. _ n .,. . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMFSSIONERS ~_ ~~~ •. .. -. ~ ~ . . REQUEST FORS BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:..11/15/99 - ,. , - ~ ~ w . _, ' ' ~ ~ ,;Consent Item #: 14 Estimated Time: ~ Page Number: .: ' ~ ' .~; `. ~ • , ;;. > Department. Legal ' .Presenter: Wanda. Copley, County Attorney • .• °' ` Contact: Kemp,.P. Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney - .. . ,, .. ,• .. ~ - . :SUBJECT: , . ' ~ Corisideration of.Regulations Regarding Sfudent Violators. of Smoking • ' • Regulafions and a Resolution Authorizing New Hanover, Sheriff's Deputies to ~ . ~- Erifor.ce° Section 506.1..2 of Volume V of the N. C. State Building Code. . .~ . n BRLEF SUMMARY: - :~ .~ ~.. , .. l) 1n lieu of paying citations for violations of smoking regulations, students would be ~_ • -' . permitted to'.choose to attend a Project Assist Tobacco Use class for the first two • ~ violatioris.,;4 proposed resolution would authorize County staff to discharge smoking. -° • ~. ~' citations upoh proof of completion'of such a class. ~ - ~, 2) ~ A~secorid resolution clarifies that New Hanover County Deputies serving as School Resource'Officers may be designated as agents of the' Fire Marshal. for ,purposes of .. . enforcing the smoking regulation's of the State Building Code at public schools: . :. . ~ ~ . -, ,RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:.. , .. : ~ Eruct .the two resolutions. ;' ... ,• ~ ... . ~. ~~ • .. , FUNDING SOURCE:: • ::: ATTACHMENTS• ,.: - ..: ., ~ , ,. . . .., . .. Minors-SmokingCitationResolu SmokingCitationEnforcementReso . r. ~, • . REVIEWED BY: ~. _ . ., , . ,- LEGAL: `,:. FINANCE: N/A BUDGET:.N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' '. ~ .. 'COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: `:, Recommend approval. ~. + , ' • COMMISSIONERS'-ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , • ~OUIVTY COMNII~ION~ . ..: APPROVED' ^ • ,;.. • - ~. . REJECTED _^ _ " ,, REM •, , POS'QVED .. ~,. TPONED ~ - .. .. ~. • • .. ~, . HEARD . p.. ~ ., ~ ; . _ .. .. ~. . A RESOLUTION ' ~ OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, smoking by minors at school constitutes both a serious public health concern as well . as a building safety issue; and WHEREAS, Section 506.1.2 of Volume V of the State Building Code makes smoking at schools a hazard; and WHEREAS, Section 8-25 of the New Hanover County .Code provides for legal enforcement of said Volume V of the State Building Code through civil citations in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100:00) for the initial offense, Three Hundred bollars ($300.00) for a'second offense, and Five Hundred Dollars ~~ ($500.00) for the third and subsequent offense; and. WHEREAS, in the case of minors, imposition of the civil citation penalties often may not be the most . effective means of.discouraging the prohibited smoking; and . , WHEREAS, as an alternative to payment of penalties a structured tobacco education program could be made available to minor offenders who might elect to participate in the class in -lieu of paying the citation. NOW, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby authorize New Hanover County legal and financial personnel to discharge th'e initial civil citation penalty and not more than one (1) subsequent penalty upon proof that a minor offender charged with violation of Section 506.1.2 of Volume V of the North Carolina State Building Code has fully complied with all program requirements and successfully completed Project:Assist Tobacco Use Classes or other comparable educational programs approved by the New Hanover County Health Department. - This the jSEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the,Board,~ ,, ,~ ~~~iw~irtf+Y~~v'..F'WRt9a~ '' ~ ~ ~: a Cw~,. ~ ~~ 140 ~ ~-' ~at,~<~~ l~"~ .~:~ ~. day of , 1999. NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman 142 ;' y RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, in North Carolina the Council of Governments (COGs), or Lead Regional Organizations, as designated by the NC General Assembly, serve both municipal and County Government, and have established productive working relationships with the cities and counties across the state; and ' WHEREAS, in 1999 the NC General Assembly recognized these exi~~ing working . relationships and the continuing need of local governments for assistance and support through the appropriation of $990,000 to help each of the eighteen COGS assist local government with activities as deemed appropriate by~their. area local governments; and-, WHEREAS, these funds are stipulated by the NC General Assembly as not intended. to be used for payment of member dues. or. assessments to COGS and will not supplant or replace funds designated for the COG by the member governments; and WI~REAS, in the event that this resolution is not passed by the local government by June 30, 2000, for release of a portion of these funds to our COG, the available funds will revert to the State's General Fund; and ~ - WHEREAS, in Region O, funds in the amount of $55,000 will be used to provide technical assistance to local government; . NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County requests the release of its share of these funds, in the amount of $15,5.99.11,, to the Cape Fear Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in accordance~~with the provisions of State Law. ' ~" Witnessed this the day of Signed: William A. Caster, Chairman ~~t ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~tb _~ ; 3t° 144 ~ ~~ ~Y~~~ :~~~~~ ~~ t,~t Attest: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk (SEAL) ~x <i ~ r , . ,, _ ,. :,. •. . .. ,, .. .. .- . , . - a - ,. - ~1 ~L ~ 3. ~ 1~L SL's ' .. 1 ~' ` ! ... i.. November 1 1999' i; M_ - °" t: 1480.Harbour Dr. .. --WUmington NC ~ . 28401 - ~,vti ~? ~.. ~9i0 395 4553 :Fr17C 9i0 395 2684; Mr: William A. Caster, Chairman :. ~ ` ' ~ ; ~ Board.of Commissioners of the County. of New Hanover' ~ - . , s a c ~ _' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ' ~ , Wilmington; NC, `28401 ~_ ' ~ SUB.T~CT: , LRO Activities funded with 1998/1999 State Planning Funds .' ~~e Crn,; ~~~ - ~ ~QR Y4 a ~ Dear Mr. Caster:, ..V ., .. ~.: ~. .r . t ~ ~ ~, ~_ . ~ .. The purpose of this letter is to re-.acquaint you with,the law and the procedures necessary for the . ~ .COG to receive the state-planning grant authorized by SB 352. -The first point is that the grant will , ~ be cost free to the local governments. All funds will. come from the State of North Carolina directly - to~the Regional Council of Governments. However, prior to receiving these funds each governing - - ~ - the adoption of a resolution body must release their portion to the COG. 'This is accomplished by to effect that release of funds. I have attached a copy of a proposed resolution for consideration by - -- , your governing body.` Please have this Resolution approved and returned to the COG. at your earliest opportunity. If your local government elects to deny the funds ~to the. COG,. then, those funds will ~ - t . revert to the state general fund and not be available to our region. Additionally, I have attached a . ~ • ` -'copy of SB 352 ,for your information: A copy of the Annual Audit Report for the Cape Fear Council :. ' , -of Governments is available at the organization offices at 1480 Harbour Drive in Wilmington for review. ~ ~ - - „ '~ .. The projects/activities shown-below are representative of how Cape Fear Council of Governments ' utilized the planning funds provided by the State of North Carolina during fiscal .year 1998-99. Ii>. all cases the funds-were applied to supplement local funding of the various projects: ; .. . LOCAL GOVE1tNMENT PRO.JEC'T DESCR;[PTION` `~ . r - . Town 'of Atkinson.,: . ~ ~; . ~ Grant Application Assistance ".:, . " .: , ' •; - Town of Bolivia - ~ Prepared Coasfal Area Management Act Land Use Plan - . - .. Amendment.. - '. •~. Town of Bolton ~ ~ r` ' Technical assistance on land use'planning - -Town of Cerro-Gordo -Technical Assistance on Zoning;Ordinance Administration. - ~ ; , Town of Chadbourn ~ ~ Technical assistance on land use' planning ~~ y ° - ' . Town of Kure Beach Technical Assistance on Land •Use Planning ;:. PROGRESS PERATION ~ `,. ' .. - r Town of Lake Waccamaw ~ Technical Assistance on Land Use Planning; To L~ .,. . .. ~ - Boundary and ETJ Map.Prepared; Town Planner, Ari Equal Opportunity/Aff/rmative Acflon/ADA/Employer ' - Town of Leland _ -- ~ Coastal Area Management Act Land Use Plan Update Preparation; Grant Application Assistance Town of Navassa Coastal Area Management Act Land Use Plan Update Preparation; Grant Application Assistance City of Northwest Coastal Area Management Act Land Use Plan Amendment Preparation Pender County Facilitation Service; Technical Assistance on Stormwater. Management Plan Preparation Town of Sandyfield ~ Technical Assistance on Land Use Planning Town of Shallotte Grant Application Assistance ~ ' " Town of Southport Storm Drain Tiles Project St: Helena ~ Discussed Municipal Planning Program with Planning '~~ y ~ Board and Town Council Town of Tabor City ETJ Expansion Projectin Progress ~ `~ Staff served on the following Boards: ~ . '~ , -Coastal Resources. Advisory Council (CRAG}` ~. -Wilmington/New Hanover County Metropolitan. Planning Organization (TCC) -Cape Fear Resources Conservation & Development (CFRC&D) .~ The Cape Fear.,.Council of Governments (CFCOG) provides a regional forum for planners and- ~~ . ,;,~-;. , managers through. regular meetings of area local government managers and the CFCOG Plannet's " ~ Forum. , CFCOG serves as the Department of Administration (Region O} environmental review coordinator _'' ;' and is a NC State Data Center Affiliate Agency and provides statistical information for local, State; ::' ~~,'~ , and federal government agencies, and other interested parties. ~ ~ ~, `;; . #: : If you have any questions or need any further information from me just give me a call. , . ,. Sincerely, ~ , R ., j ~,. , Thomas A. Phillips , ,; ;k:: Executive Director- `' Enclosure ~.~ ~~ 146 . ~ , , .; ..,~, r. -• NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION K ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR-BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater;11115/99 Budget Amendment..- • DEPARTMENT: Law Enforcement Center Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 2000-10 y. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Transfer in from General Fund , { $450,000 , , Capital Project Expense $450,000 EXPLANATION: To establish project budget according to Capital Praject ~'r finance. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: yc- APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners C~`~ I~ITY 'COM~1~~:°` ~~~ ~ A!-~i~RUVEi~ C' +. ~~~: c-q~; Q REJECTED CI t~ REMOVED ~``a~? °'r`'~ .t POSTPONED ^ r ~~~' lOATE . -~-~-1=I-~=~~ ~J hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this ~ day of '~ 1999. Clerk to the Board William A. Caster, Chairman ' ~ Board of County Comm'i'ssioners 150 ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST.FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/15/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Human Services Transportation System BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0061 , ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Human Services Transportation System: DOT -Vans 18-B-2 $90,585 Capital Outlay Equipment $4,700 ` TDP Match $9,865 Motor Vehicle Purchases $105,150 EXPLANATION: To budget additional funds received firom the North Carolina'Board of Transportation for the purchase of three (3) additional vans. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS: .~~~~1~':k~ COUNTY COMMI~'~ON~R~, APPROVED L~ • ,:ad , 152 REJECTED O REMOVED Oft i i'~t'r~y~' { , POSTPONED' 0_ HEARD~~ • J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/15/99 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 00-0063 ADJUSTMENT Public Health/Teen Aids Prevention: CFMF Grant Salaries and Wages Temporary Salaries Social Security Taxes Retirement -Local Govt. Employee Medical Insurance Expense Cellular Expense Postage Expense Printing Charges Departmental Supplies Employee Reimbursements Training 8. Travel State Grant DEBIT $35,000 $2,884 $1,980 $372 $761 '$283 $400 $300 $500 $11,640 ,$130 $750 CREDIT $55,000 EXPLANATION: When FY 99-00 Budget was adopted, it was anticipated that $55,000 in State funding would fund fh~e Teen Aid Prevention Program. The State funding was not awarded. A $50,200 grant application to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation was approved by the County Commissioners on 812/99--$35,000 was awarded. This budget amendment reduces the expenditures and revenues from the anticipated $55,000 in state funding to the $35,000 awarded from the. Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. j}~~ (~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. COUNTY COMMI~IONER.~ APPROVED E/ ~`t RE(VIOUED ^ ~POSTPONED;^ ,, ._. ~:~:..~-EARn ~~ n b NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/15/99- Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 17.6 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~' DEPARTMENT: Social ServiceslHurricane Floyd Relief ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: ~00-0067 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Hurricane Floyd Relief (State) $426,037 Assistance Payments $426,037 EXPLANATION: To budget additional funds received from the Governor's Office to assist victims of Hurricane Floyd. No additional County funds are required. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ~~ APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,. ~, . {COU NT1~ ~CO~f I~(1'~ ~ ON .~ h, APPROVED ~~, ~ REJECTED ~ " ,, „ F REMOVED . ^ . _ ; , ~ 5' ~OSTPONED~ ~. -, MEARfJ r. NEW HANOVER .COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Dater 11/15/99 . , , ~. Consent Item #:~ 18 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~. ~ ~ . .' ..,. Department:` Human Relations ~ Presenter: Contact: P.at Melvin ~.•SUBJECT:. . . : ~. Request for Adoption of Resolution Supporting Equal:Access .. , . to Media, Resources for Deaf and Hard of Hearing. . ~. -BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ., r . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ,~ ~` .FUNDING SOURCE: „ . ..ATTACHMENTS: ~ ,• ~• .~ ~:.- . , . REVIEWED BY:. , ...LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN .RESOURCES: ' ' "° COUNTY MANAGER'S-COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ` ,..Consider adoption of resolution. ~~d~~ ~ - '. 'COMMISSIONERS' ACTLONSICOMMENTS: „ .. .. ~. -• , ~~ 3 ,. .. . ... ., , _~ . ~OUIV~Y COMNII~f®i~i.~' ,. ~ ~ . - APPROVED. ~/ t . _.. - .. ~ RE'1ECTED p REMt~i~E[7. p . : .. ". -. .. ` . POSTPONED ,. s . . . • ~ ~ CIE AR ~ ,. . . ~~ . . ,. ~~,~~~ November 1, 1999 NEVV ~-IANO'~ER.COUNTY Human Relations Commission 402'Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 TELEPHONE (910) 34I=7171 FAY (910) 815-3587 TO: Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover Countq Board of Commissioners Mr. Hamilton Hiclzs, Magor Citq of Wilmington ~ ' FROM: Rev. Ioseph Z. Windleq, Chairman,..-/~~ ' • ~<J'd-~-~+~ l New Hanover Human Relations Co~hmission RE: Resolution Supporting Equal Access to All Media Resources The Human Relations Commission seelzs gour. support of an effort to ensure that aII Local citizenrq have equal access to information broadcast bq area media during disastrous weather condi.t~ons. This resolution has been adopted bq the Human Relations Commission at its October meeting. We hope that gour Board will adopt a similar,resolution. - Reports bq staff and the Human Relations Commission's Committee on Disabilities show that members of the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are concerned because Iocal;media had been una_ble to provide equal access to vital Life-saving information during weather emergencies, due to Iaclz of resources. As qou Iznow, the Human Relations Commission seelzs to promote and secure mutual understanding and respect for the purpose of eliminating discriminatorq practices among aI1 groups and persons in the Countq, without regard to economic, social, religious, ethnic or racial status, age, sex, or disabilitq. The attached resolution, adopted bq the Human Relations Commission, demonstrates our support for equal access to a1I media resources, particularlq those resources providing vital Life saving information during disastrous weather conditions: Such resources include, but are not Limited to Line 21 access, open captioning, sign Language interpretations, and the use of real time captioning during the broadcasting of emergencq situations. Please support this effort bq adopting a similar resolution at pour next Board meeting. The adopted . .resolution needs to be forwarded to Mr. Brian Williams, of the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of i Hearing and the area media outlets. Thanlzs in advanced for gour continued support. __ ___..~ Q~ arri . "_ 15~p , _ ~ ..E . :.. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION . i .. ~. i ,. 402 CHESTNUT STREET "~ _ .. , ' WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA ~~ A ' - - 28401-4027 , ... - . - .TELEPHONE (910) 341=7171: ~ - •. ~ ~_ = PATRICIA A. MELVIN FA,Y (910) 815-3587 ~ - - ; -Assistant CountyManager ~ - ° ` n '. ~ . V~IHERI=AS, ,a~ function of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission is to . - promote andsecure m'utua ~uriderstanding and respect for the purpose 'of eliminating - - discriminatory practices, among all groups and persons in the county, -without regard;, to economic; sociai,_religious, ethnic, or racial status,. age, sex, or,d:isability; . .. _ , ' ~ - WHEREAS, a_ purpose ofi the New Hanover Human Relations Commission into: ~ ~ - ~_ promote an open community inahe county and work toward the erad.icati.on of al1'causea , ofi injuries; discrimination, and domination .resulting from race; creed, color, natioria! origin; ~: s.ex, age, disability, or economic condition, ~ - _~ ' WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission supporks equitable ~'. ~ ,.. ~:` : * treatment of all New Hanover County's citizens, ~ ~ ~~ ., ~ t.. , , 9 ~. -~ 1NHEREAS, the community of the deaf and the hard of he'arin icitizens i:n New .... ~ . -Hanover.-Courity number approximately 8,146 according to the 1991 NC ..Census, ~' ~; , -. .. ,. , . . . t .. , 1NH;EREAS; the deaf and the hard of heacing'should be ensured equalaccess to ', services, information,. and opportunities.via effective communication, } ~ , 4 , _ ... '' - WHEREAS; fhe responsibility of ensuring effective communicafion.forche. deaf. and-. the hard of hearing community is on service providers, , ,. ~ . . ~ ... . ,. ._ ~ . .. ~ _ ; . .. - ,. ~ .. - ,. ;: ~ - a - . T . r ~. .. ~~ . i r . ~. ~,, i ~ , NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED THAT~,the New Hanover Human Relations Commission supports -equal access to all .media resources, and in particular., those resources providing vital life saving information during disastrous weather conditions. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the New Hanover Human Relations Commission recognizes equal access in all-forms including, but not limited to, line 21 access, open captioning, sign language interpreting, and the use of real time captioning during the broadcasting of emergency situations.. ATTEST: f.--~ !---, - R~v~. Joseph Windley, Chairperson New .Hanover Human Relations Commission °1 , 5 l 160 ;. b