Agenda 1998 10-05~~ AGENDA ~~pKOYFR ~.~ a ~ D ?~" y~< t ~.,~_ • - 9r ~;~% f" ,....... Q~ ~F NORTH ~!• NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OAF CONINIISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 - Wilmington,°NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREEK VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TEO DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER AtlEN O'NEA COUNTY M - k ANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE.F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOARD. . . October 5, 1998 6:30 p.m. ` 'MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per .item) ' APPROVAL OF C ONSENT AGENDA • . ESTIMATED . ~ - ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES NO. , 6;45 p.m. 1. Presentation of Plaque to EMS Paramedic Larry Gurganious 1 6:50 p.m. ~ 2. Consideration of Presentation on Incorporating Wetlands. ~ - 5 Considerations into the New Hanover County Planning ' ..Review Process • 7:00 p.m. 3. Consideration of Changes to Lease With New Hanover 11 Regional Medical Center ..Public Hearings: ,. .7:30 p.m. 4.1 Item 1: Special Use Permit -Request by William Mayo to 15 , - ~ expand Highland Pines Mobile Home Park by adding 18 new spaces. The site is zoned R-15 Residential and is located at 6324 and 6326 Gordon Road (S-434, 9/98). .7:45 p.m. 4.2': -Item 2: Zoning; Text Amendment -Request by Ernest Puskas - 21 ' to amend the zoning ordinance by eliminating attached . ~ housing as a permittee use in the RA Rural - . ~ Agriculture District. (A-291, .9/98) Planning Items: . •. 8:00 p:m. 5. Consideration of Authorization to Submit the Draft 25 - New Hanover County Comprehensive/CAMA Plan .Update to the Division of Coastal Management for - 5 ~' ~~. Review and Comment • 5. - .. ' - I _ . - ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES . ~ NO. 8:15 p.m. 6. Consideration of Land Use Design Charette 27 ` ~ 8:30 p.m. 7. Consideration of Discussion on Possible Bond 29 - ~ Referendum for Acquisition of Greenspace . 8;SO p.m. 8. ~ Consideration of Drainage Piogram (continued item) 31 . . - 9:20 p,m.. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 35 9:30 p.m: ADJOURN ~ - - ~. '• CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 5, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 39 2. Approval of Ratification of Resolution to Allow Contractors to 41 Enter Private Property and Roadways within New Hanover .. County for the Purpose of Removing Vegetative Debris -After Hurricane Bonnie 3. Approval of Adoption of Drug and Alcohol Policy for Transportation- 43 . Related Services 4. r Approval of Award of Bid #99-0096 and Approval of Contract 45 #99-0096 for the Purchase of Three (3) Full Size Four-Door Vehicles 5. Approval of Acceptance of Grant for New Hanover County ~ 47 Urban Forestry Education Program for $4,884.00 and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #99-0029 6. Approval of Amendment to BMS Contract for Space Study and Approval 69 of Associated Budget Amendment #99-0032 7. Approval of Funding Match For Multi-Modal Transportation 73 Facility Study and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #99-0033 8. Approval of Contract #99-0122, an Installment Purchase Contract 85 With Heller Public Finance, LLC for Financing of Equipment and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #99-0034 9. Approval of 1998-99 HUD Contract and Approval of Associated Budget 89 Amendment #99-0036 10. Budget Amendments 10.1 Approval of Budget Amendment #99-0031 93 10.2 Approval of Budget Amendment #99-0035 94 . 10.3 Approval of Budget Amendment #99-11 ~ 95 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Chairman Caster SUBJECT: Presentation of Plaque to EMS Paramedic Larry Gurganious BR1EF SUMMARY: EMS Paramedic Larry Gurganious saved the life of 4-year old Brandon Laws by using Magill forceps to remove a cherry tomato from his throat. His quick response and ingenious thinking made this a successful rescue. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: On behalf of the Board, Chairman Caster will present a plaque to Mr. Gurganious in recognition of this special rescue. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: News Release ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE' REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Present plaque. The "cherry tomato" event occurred while EMS was still a county operatio COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: • COUNTY Ct3~4M~$Si~h; ` APpROV~~ REJECTEd ~ ~~ ..;~ REMdVID ~ ~~,', POSTPt?ly, ~ fires ~tfe°(~ ~~~ f! Nf~r Haeovfr itfylenal MfdiulCfntrf Contact: SCOtt WhiSn2nt Media Coordinator (910)815-5876 Fax: (910) 815-5489 ~.~. BQ rows ~L~AS~ Post-it• Fax Note 7671 (~ Phone A co. ~~ Quick-Zhinking paramedic worthy of Cherry Tomato Award ~ilmingtr?n, N. C., ,Sept 10, 1998 -Katharine Laws had just about resigned herself to watching her 4year-old son dying in her arms. Aflcr dinner with her husband and two children on dune 29, something had lodged in Brandon's throat. The child had turned blue, passed out and his eyes had rolled into the back of his head. He had no pulse. Larry (~rganious, a paramedic with New Hanover Regional EMS, arrived in four minutes and saw #hat Brandon's airway was completely blocked. He did the one tiring he could do. He brought out what Mrs. Laws would call "those magic scissors °' EMT Gurganious used Magill forceps, which bend almost at a right angle, to reach below Brandon's throat and into his trachea to pull out two pieces of a cherry tomato. "Immediately his color came back," Mrs. Laws said. "His color was back to normal." To honor his life-saving act, EMT Gurganious u~711 receive the first "Cherry Tomato Award" given by New Hanover Regional EMS. Ted Winneberger, M.D., medical director of Ncov Hanov>rr Regional EMS, said the award will be given periodically to recognize clinical feats by paramedics. The ceremony wdl beat IO e_m. Friday, Sept. 18 at EMS headquarters at Second and Grace streets. Mrs. Laws and Brandon will attend. New Hanover Regional Medical Center assumed responsibility for emergency medical services from the county on June 30. Magill forceps aze not made to remove blockages from someone's throat. A more common use is guiding tubes inserted to help someone breathe_ But Dr. Winneberger said EMT Gurganious was Ieft with no choice other than to try something that had about a one in 10 chance of working. "He just grabbed it and decided to go for it," Dr. Winneberger said. "He realized the kid was going to die unless he did something." He said doctors would hav+c trouble duplicating the save. "Every doctor I've told this to has been impressed and amazed.," he said. _ a~~` ~ ~~~,}~~ (more) :. Sri: ~~u ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ 2 . • ~ r ~ The family had just finished dinner when Brandon left to play with his 6-year-old sister. Apparently he .grabbed a cherry tomato off the counter that lied been picked from . .. the fi~mdy ..garden that afternoon. A few minutes later, Brandon bnisfteti against his ' ` mother, unable to speak . In the nead few moments, she watched him pass our, lose his pulse and havc his .. eyes roll to the back of his head. Hcr husband placed a frantic call to 911 while they took , turns with the Heimlich maneuver and CPR A first responder from the Wilmington Fire Department arrived just before New Hanover Regional EMS. Mrs. Laws said fir Gurganious first tried mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but reaii7xd the airway was completely blocked. He flipped Brandon onto the kitchen table and let his head dangle below. Then he ' took the Magill forceps and told Mrs. Laws she might not wani to watcb_ . She said she wasn't about to turn away. ``Within two seconds, he brought two pieces of a cherry tomato out of his throat," .. she said. . Brandon was then taken to Ncw Hanover Regional, just 17 minutes after the call ~ , for help and 12 minutes after paramedics arrived. . Mrs. Laws said EMT Gurganious checked on her a few times whde she waited at , the medical center and called her about a week after the incident. ' Brandon suffered no neurological damage, his mother said. "It's like it never even happened to him," she said. "He has no recollection of it." • .. ;. . - ~. ~ .. .. t 3 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 • s Regular item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Presentation on Incorporating Wetlands Considerations into the -New Hanover County Planning Review Process BRIEF SUMMARY: As discussed in the attached letters, the U. S. Corps of Engineers wishes to present a proposal to the Board for incorporating wetland considerations into the subdivision review process. This item initially was brought to the Board in February 1997, with afollow-up workshop. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Board should hear the presentation. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Letters from the Corps of Engineers REVIEWED 13Y: LEGAL: NIA FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation and direct staff. Staff direction could include the following: 1) do nothing; 2) present possibilities/options forincorporating wetlands considerations info the subdivision review process; 3) incorporate wetlands considerations discussions into the current comprehensive planning process. Please see the attached letters from Colonel Terry R. Youngbluth. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CaMMISSlON~RS' APPROVED LT iREJEGTED' D' REMOVED Ca POSTPONED .( ~k1EARD [~' ;DATE .,_ D_, ,, ~, 5 ., DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 July 15, 1998 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Division Mr. Bill Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Ms. Caster: I Ju~ 7 ~ ~Siu ~1 • -..- In February 1997, Mr. Ernest Jahnke of my Regulatory Division spoke to the New Hanover County Commissioners about incorporating wetlands considerations into the New Hanover County planning review process. Because the Commissioners expressed a desire to learn more about wetlands issues, afollow-up workshop was subsequently held at the New Hanover County Public Library. At this workshop, Dr. Courtney Hackney of the University of North Carolina- Wilmington spoke about his experiences as a wetlands consultant working with environmental and development issues in Florida. Our Jul 1997 letter co encl e y ( py os d) summanzed the benefits that early wetlands identification in the planning process would provide to both the Ne~v Hanover County Planning Office and to my Regulatory staff. These benefits include: 1. Providing assistance in reviewing the adequacy of the developers plan to deal with drainage and flooding 2. Saving taxpayers money by avoiding the need for costly and controversial drainage improvements after the development has been completed 3. Assisting in making density determinations 4. Helping to assure buyers/owners that development is optimized for flood and storm surge protection ~~ ~'~S~,j~~,In~creasing~tl~e salability of property If flies topic~'can~be brought before your August 1998., meeting, we would be glad to provide staff siippor"t~`tfacilitate a discussion. Mr. Jahnke would welcome an opportunity to summarize•_tY~'e~.proposalhand to answer any questions you may leave to assist you in making an informed ecision~~-#''~ n ra, NpaaK.w~,r~yXeji`~AS,,,,S..^atp~~tb-,~. }~.'~i 's`,~''. 6 j -2- If you have questions, please call Mr. Jahnke, Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Manager, telephone (910) 251-4467. Sincerely, . C Terry R. Yo gbluth Colonel, U. .Army District gineer Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. Dexter Hayes, Director New Hanover County Planning Off ce . 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Mr. Allen O'Neal . County Manager 32'0 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Mr. David Weaver Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 • 7 ~-~~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch New Hanover County Commissioners - Attn: Mr. Bobby Greer, Chairman 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wiu-nington,-North Carolina.28401, Dear Mr. Greer: July 18, 1997 Back in February, i14r. Ernest Jahnke of my Regulatory Branch spoke to the New Hanover County Commissioners about incorporating wetland considerations into the county's planning process. We propose that preliminary and performance development plans submitted for approval to the County Planning Office contain a surveyed delineation of Federally regulated wetlands verified and approved by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District. After discussion, the Commissioners decided to postpone the vote on this matter to allow time to gather information. We believe that this proposal, already adopted by several other counties in the state, will help address. the drainage and flooding problems in the county and, in the long rung lead to savings in tax dollars. This proposal also will potentially save developers time and money, as well. I think you will see that this proposal requires no additional work by your planning office or other county agencies. Our goal is to streamline the permitting process arid work towards our common interest of fair and equitable stewardship over the resources of the county. Flooding due to poor drainage has been a frequent complaint from some of our county residents. The smart use of wetlands could help. Developers could incorporate naturally occurring wetlands into their development's drainage design. This way, wetlands could aid ~in storage of storm runoff and, at the same time, continue to benefit the environment. Wetlands are where water naturally seeks to collect (even when ditched and drained), and, unlike ditches, release water slowly and thereby lessen the effects of heavy downpours. This natural flood storage also acts as large, natural filters and enhances water quality. Early identification or delineation of wetland areas by developers avoids or minimizes their use for other purposes and allows this incorporation into the developer's drainage plan. 8 . -2- :Upon submitting these preliminary plans, county planners can make more info about a developer's plan to deal with drainage and protect against flood' need decisions the future need for costly and controversial drainage improvement ro' mg Moreover, it saves taxpayer's expense, to address these issues after-the-fact. We see other be' generally at the nefits: 'r` Assist in making density determinations * Help assure buyers/owners that development is optimized for flood protection * Increases the salability of property For the developer, early identification or delineation of wetlands would be beneficial well. It would avoid costly plan revisions and time delays from the requirement to inc as wetland considerations. It would promote better drainage and flood protection b incoIporate Y rporating wetlands into his plans. And, it would reduce or eliminate the need for Department of t permits and avoid unintentional violations of the law. he Army We look forward to working with you in partnership towards our corrunon Qoal improving the quality of life of our citizens. If you have any questions, lease ca P 11 Dr. G. Wayne Wright, Regulatory Branch Chief, telephone (910) 25I-4630, or Mr. Jahnke, Wilminoto Regulatory Field Office Manager, (910) 251-4467. n Sincerely, Terry R, youngbluth Colonel, U. S. Army District Engineer Copy furnished: Mr. Dexter Hayes, Director, New Hanover County Planning Office 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~~ ~..J 9 This page intentionally left blank 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenter: Sylvia Rountree, Chairman and William K. Atkinson, President & CEO Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: ' Proposed Amendments to Lease Agreement between New Hanover County and New Hanover Regional Medical Center BRIEF SUMMARY: New'Hanover Regional Medical Center requests that the Lease Agreement with New Hanover County be amended to extend the term of the Lease to ninety-nine (99) years and to further amend the Lease by deleting Section 3.03 from the Lease. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTiONS• Request that the Board of County Commissioners consider the proposed amendments. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COM Consider lease amendment Trustees. _ /, BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA RECOMMENDATIONS: by the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of COMMISSIONERS' ACTIbNS'TCOM n ^,~~oUe~ r~KT~c~sio~n OT W ; t 1 rGS c.-I~ ed,~.l.e. d ii}/s-C tASS ~ ~ O~ t~ f V1'1 ~ Yl 0. ~1 O N ~ 1e~5~--. • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ARPROVED O REJ ECTf D t~ REMOVED 0 pOSTPONEp [7 HEARD ~ ~/~. DATE M~.RSa~L, Wa.LZAMS & Go~~ A ~-~r, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ALAN A. MARSHALL (1908-1979) LONNIE B. WILLIAMS A. DUMAY GORHAM, JR. JERRY C. WOOOELI WILLIAM ROBERT CHERRY, JR. RONALD H. WOODRVFF LONNIE B. WILLIAMS. JR. JOHN D. MARTIN CHARLES D. METER JOHN L. COBLE wILD~GTOX, S~ORTH GAROLLI-A MAILING ADDRESS P. O. DRAWER 2088 WILMINGTON, N. C. 28402-2068 September 24, 1998 Ms. Wanda M. Copley County Attorney NEW HANOVER COUNTY 320 Chestnut Street, Room 309 Wilmington, NC 28401-4095 Re: New Hanover Regional Medical Center - Proposed Amendments to Lease Agreement Dear Wanda: TELEPHONE (910) 763-9891 FACSIMILE (910)'343-8604 OFFICES 14 SOUTH FIFTH STREET WILMINGTON. N. C. 28401-4539 I am enclosing a copy of sections 3.02 and 3.03 of the existing Lease between the County and the Medical Center. It is the desire of the Medical Center that section 3.03 be deleted from the Lease, and that section 3.02 be amended to provide substantially as follows: Term of Lease. The term of this Lease shall be extended so that it terminates on the 99th anniversary of the effective date of this Second Amendment,' untess sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of Section -10.03 of the Lease. I am also enclosing the Request for Board Action pursuant to your request. It is my understanding that you will try to have this matter placed on the Commissioners' agenda for October 5, 1998. Thank you for your good assistance in this matter. ~9 +,'tl~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ADGjr/it Enclosures Very truly yours, MA ALL, WILLIAMS & GORHAM, L.L.P. By: A. Dumay Gorh Jr. 12 /: SECTION 3.02. Term of Lease. The term of this Lease shall commence on the date when this Lease shall become legally effective as provided in Section 12.18 of this Lease and terminate at 12:01 A.M:, Wilmington, North Carolina Time, on the fifth anniversary thereof, unless terminated sooner pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.03 or Section 10.03 hereof. The Prior Lease is hereby terminated. The Corporation may, at its option, renew this Lease for additional terms of five years beginning at the expiration of the five-year term herein provided for, and in each successive -.five-year term, it being understood that this Lease shall be renewed for additional five-year terms unless the Corporation shall give notice at least 120 days prior to the expiration of each such five-year term of its intention not to renew. SECTION 3.03. County Termination of Lease. The County shall have the right to terminate this Lease upon ninety (90) days .written notice to the Corporation which notice shall be given after a public hearing thereon. If the County exercises. its right to terminate this Lease, the Corporation .shall discontinue its occupancy, management and operation of all or any part of the Health Care System, shall allow the County or its designee to assume such occupancy; management and operation and shall deliver to the County or its designee, as required by Section 12..11 hereof, all property and money held by it hereunder. If the County exercises its right to terminate this Lease, the Corporation shall do all such things required by the County to fully and certainly vest in the County or its designee the rights and powers of the Corporation with respect to the Health Care System,. including those respecting~accreditatiori; arrangements with insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, governmental units, agencies and instrumentalities and .prepaid health organizations; Accounts; gifts, grants, bequests, contributions and donations; maintenance and use; and insurance coverage. S-ECTION 3.04. Rent and other Amounts Payable. The Corporation covenants and agrees to pay to the County as rent for the Existing Facilities for the term of this Lease, and any additional terms, the sum of $1.00 per annum. The Corporation shall also pay, when due and payable, certain costs and expenses, exclusive of costs and expenses payable from the proceeds of the Bonds issued by the County under the Bond Order and any Series Resolution including, but not limited to, (i) the fees and other costs payable to the Trustee; (ii) all costs incurred in connection with the purchase or redemption of Bonds to the extent money is not otherwise available therefor; and (iiij the fees and other costs incurred for services of such attorneys, engineers, Architects, Management -11- 13 This gage intentionally left blank 14 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST ~'OR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 . Regular Item #: 4.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Special Use Permit (S-434, 9/98) 8RIE1= SUMMARY: Request by Wlfiam Mayo to expand Highland Pines Mobile Home Park by adding 18 new spaces. The site is zoned R-15 Residential and is located at 6324 and 6326 Gordon Road. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. 1=UNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 5 ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER`S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ COUNTY COMMIS _QN~RS gPPRgVED REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONED O: °HEARD .r..,..- OATS ~A _-_ ~ _ 15 ITEM 1 Special Use Permit- Request by William Mayo to expand Highland Pines Mobile-Home Park by adding 18 spaces. The site is zoned R-15 Residential and is located in the 6300 block of Gordon Road. (5-434, 9/98) NOTE: Highland Pines Mobile Home Park is an existing facility consisting of 43 spaces, with only 37 spaces actually being used. The current owner purchased the parkin 1982.. At the time it consisted of 17 spaces. Nineteen additional spaces were approved later that same year. Finally, in 1984, authorization was granted to expand the park again, this time 7 spaces were added. See attached site plan for latest expansion proposal. Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval subject to Staff's recommendations to provide a road connection between the main park and lots 1-12, and.the placement.of a turn- around at lots 15e and 15f to accommodate emergency vehicles. In support of their decision, the Board noted the expansion would be consistent with the existing land use pattern and would not impact property values in the vicinity. There was no public comment except for the applicant. A revised site plan has been submitted. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. B. C. D, The site will be served by an on-site private water system and county sewer. The site has direct access to Gordon Road. The site is located in the Ogden VFD District. None of the spaces are located in the regulatory flood plain. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. A site plan pursuant to local requirements has been submitted. B. The site is zoned R-15. Mobile home parks are permitted by special use permit in this district. C. None of the spaces are located in the 100 year flood plain. D. The spaces are also located beyond the boundaries of the swamp forest resource that runs parallel to the creek along the tract's western border. Applicable setbacks can easily be 3. The Board must!-find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting~pro~p ~,o jo that the use is a public necessity. A. The area.planned for expansion is within the boundaries of the parent parcel that now on~t~ains thet~existing mobile home park. ~~~~~i~' z •, 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to 16 the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The development pattern of the area consists of mobile homes, double-wides, single family dwellings and a church. B. Mission Hills, a double-wide subdivision, borders the mobile home park to the east. C. Land along the site's west side is heavily wooded. The border is formed by a small creek that is part of the Smith Creek watershed. The county maintains a sewer line and easement along the creek. ISSUES -The Fire Marshal has sugges#ed that turn-arounds be constructed at lots 6 and 7 and 15f and 15e to facilitate more efficient access for emergency vehicles. -He also suggested the placement of a fire hydrant at lots 11 and 12, but due to water line size and the absence of overhead storage, this is not practical. -Staff wonders why the owner has chosen to isolate Lots N1 thru N-12 from the main body of the park. As proposed, a separate entrance would be built to provide access directly to Gordon Road. Some sort of interconnection seems more appropriate. Based on a field visit of the site, a connection is possible over to Lot 26. • • 17 What You Must Establish For A ' Special Use Permit Authority~to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to scction 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Un each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans; where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary)' General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Applicant: l~es lc~e~lfia,P ~ rtestdz..;f1eL General Requirement n2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statement by Applicmu; t.t)ll( rol~cttt A~I Y'e~~.~vZ/Y1c.J1 ~Ol 1'~oOi~C• ~orMC ~f;Y~S General Requirement T3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Statement by Applicant: ~~2 ~/ta~dtTy ~i~ g ~ee•J ~ Yj9obr~2 Ylein~ ~1lar1C ~Q.rir7.4~`. ~ ~- 7~ rS - 7-h~ e u~ ~ ! ( b 2 ct_ ~° ° ~ .6 ~.. ~~~ ~- Q Y e k. o ~ m ~ ~.~ r o Q c.r`! cj ~j 2`I L.~1 2.2.J P {^ o ~ CS ? C{ Q. ~ ci 2. ci S ~C~G C ~ Q~GY ~^2 c has E' ~~ G; 4~~1.~..J~;/c _4/ r ~~ ~ R r ~' Ll General Requirement T4 / J . The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." Statement by Applicant.' - 1,J Gt~c~,T.~l/ -~-o ->L~tff~s mo6;~u ho„..~ ~ct.v,~/ 7'lierc- QY~ rncLti1~ mo~~~t I~orn¢S )~ `f-hiS Q,YCG- 7~e i.JGIc.dC ~- ~aYk',oo.J 'f"~2 ~As~ald¢.,~ J'i'~?ob~l2, ~iorntS Cc-~7oSS Gov~:r.l RonC~ Qi1'l Cl~ ~•~L S C O ~ ~~1 S' L I~O ~2 The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). HelShe should also demonstrate that the land will be ttsed in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The $oard of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to tl~e best of my knowledge, informa- tion,and belief. ~J~l ~ ~ Signature of Applicant and/or Own ~H ~. ~ PFTITlON :SUMMARY SH1=E.T. S-434 , `Petition Number: Qwner: William Mayo Representative; Same Request; ~ =Mobile Home Park ~ Acreage:. 20.4 , Gordon Rd. Tax ID Number: 4300 Location: . - ~ LAND USE, ZONING, UT1LiTlES and S~RVIC~FS ' Conservation and Urbari Transition Land Classification; .,. Mobile Home Park . Ezistng Land Use: ' :Zoning History: ' _ `Area originally zoned July -7 . 1 9.72 _ No r zonincis nearby. ,, ~ ~ Watcr Type: Community ScR•cr Type'_ ~o,,,,ty " Fire•District: Ogden Recreation: Ogden, Park ,.Road Access: ~ Gordon Ro"ad Volume: 12-• 400 1997 count Blair . School Districf: - `. ~ MIISC~LLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTER,iSTICS '- ~ " = Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Srni"-th .Creek C (6w) ..._ Primary.. Aquifer.RechargeAreg: . ' .. Swamp forest to the west .Conservation Resource3: ' $istoric Landmarks and Archeological Sitt<s: ~ None. ." Baymeade (Be) Class II;.Johnston (Jo): Class I " ~ Soil Type(s)`and Class: " ._.__ . Septic Tank.Suitability: Be : suitable ; Jo ": not: suitable 1'rimc Agric~ltursd Soils: ,: None. _ , $uildin Su:tabili Bei few limit; ~n• n~ 1 g ty: .. ~~~~-ab-l 19 ~20~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/08/98 Regular Item #: 4.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Zoning Text Amendment (A-291, 9/98) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Ernest Puskas to amend the zoning ordinance by eliminating attached housing as a permitted use in the RA Rural Agriculture District. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUI/STED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends denial FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 3 . 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGI=R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNT1t COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C~?~ REJECTED REM4VL© POS~'RONED p HEARI3 D BATE ~ q 8 .._ 21 ITEM 2 Zoning Tegt Amendment: Request by Ernest Puskas and others to revise the requirements for the Rural Agricultural District by eliminating attached dwellings and cluster developments as permitted uses. (A-291, 9/98) ~ . Planning Board Summary The Board voted 5 to 1 to recommend denial ofthe petition as submitted. The majority.felt the elimination of performance development and attached housing opportunities; even in the Rural Agriculture District, would deprive the County ofuseful development tools, especially for sites with sensitive environmental areas that could be conserved. They also felt it would be generally inconsistent with the Land Use Plan's residential policies that promote a wide variety of housing opportunities. They also seemed to agree that density limitations in the RA District were sufficiently Low to preserve the area's generally rural character. One property owner spoke against the proposal, saying the elimination of attached housing, such as duplexes, didn't make sense because the minimum lot size was 50,000 square feet. ,The petitioner argued that the definition section of the RA District, which promoted single family uses, farming and a rural lifestyle, was contradicted by allowing .attached housing in the area. Proposed Revisions By Applicant (noted in boldface italics) 59.5-1 Rural Agriculture District (7/1/85) ~~ The RA Rural Agriculture District is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for low density single farruly residential purposes. The regulations of this district encourage rural farming activities, the preservation of open space and permitting development compatible with the preservation of its rural character and providing limited growth. The district is designed to promote exurban, low density residential development not requiring urban services while maintaining prime farm land and a rural lifestyle. Duplexes, residential clusters, attached residential, and high density attached residential uses shall not be permitted Staff Summary The RA Rural Agriculture District was established in July.1985 concurrent with the adoption of zoning for the Castle Hayne area. Prior to July 1985, this area of the County was not zoned. The RA District was specifically crafted to take into account the Castle Hayne areas's long-standing fam ng~~t~radrtions, the. area's existing rural character, the large number of undeveloped acreage trtacts sand °<theabsencet' of urban services, notably water and sewer. One key result of those regulations was the,~es~ab`1?shment of a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet for a single dwelling, which equates t~o~~114~dwelling units per acre. The purpose of that limitation was to create sufficientlylowd~en 7t~~es~o ensure the rural character was preserved. ~~~~ The.RA.Districtwis consistent with permitted uses in other residential districts except the R-20S »'•~='"~ Y}*^ntcR"'!=~aw~tormeiw.cyyr ,y7r #:t'11SA. District, wliich`per~nits only single family dwellings. For the district, the County also decided to 22 permit~duplexes and performance residential development but only at densities thought at that time to be consistent with the rural nature of the area. Thus, duplexes were allowed on lots at least 50,000 square feet in area and performance developments couldn't exceed 1.0 units per acre. High density was never considered due to Land Use Plan prohibitions. . To date, the County has not been besieged by requests for attached housing and/or performance developments in the Rural Agriculture district. The primary reason is the absence of public services. That could change with the provision of those services, but that won't be soon because public services are not scheduled for some years to come. In many ways, the proposal by the applicant has merit. As stated in the purpose and intent section of the RA District, the primary land use promoted, except. for farming, is the single family dwelling, not attached housing or performance projects where smaller lots and clustering is typical. A similar prohibition already applies to the County's R-20S Residential District. Under that classification, attached housing, high density and performance developments are not permitted. The stated purpose of that district is to promote low density development single family dwellings only), the preservation of open space, and the protection of important natural resources. Also, that district goes one step further in its exclusivity by not permitting mobile homes. The County has two basic options. One option would to amend the "purpose and intent" section of the. RA District to clarify that the placement of attached housing and construction of performance projects can be consistent with the rural character of the area provided density is kept sufficiently low. That may necessitate lower density limits, but its hard to see why the current allocations aren't sufficient. The other option would be to modify the text as suggested. This would clearly indicate that the area's rural heritage can only be preserved and enhanced by limiting housing options to single family dwellings on relatively large development lots. A potential downside of the latter change is that a useful tool for developing sites with sensitive environmental constraints would be lost. Performance development was initially conceived to . encourage developments to take into account the site's natural features and environmental limits. The end result was to locate housing on the most suitable land and encouraging the remaining land to be set aside as open space. Moreover, the maximum density of 1.0 unit per acre for the RA District seems consistent with rural settings, especially in this County where much of the residential development in recent years has been placed on lots less than 15;000 square feet in area. But again, even though the density allowance is low, that method would permit higher concentrations of cluster housing for larger tracts of land, giving visual impressions that the development pattern and style is out of step with the rural character of the area. For example, a 100 acre parcel could have . approximately 100 units. Under performance zoning and assuming there are physical constraints on the site, those units could be clustered or attached in various forms on a portion of the tract, possibly leaving a large area of open space. That isn't an undesirable end-product. However, the question is whether that product is consistent and more importantly compatible with a rural setting. Probably not. Under ordinary circumstances, one is not likely to encounter clusters of or high concentrations of housing units or attached housing in areas that are predominantly rural 23 Another downside to this proposal is the elimination of housing opportunities. The County has already zoned large areas of its jurisdiction R-20S, effectively limiting housing to single family dwellings. A similar prohibition for the RA District would further eliminate housing choices and opportunities. That is somewhat contrary to the Land Use Plan. It states in part that "innovative and flexible development standards and incentives shall be developed to ensure the continued availability of a wide range and sufficient supply of affordable residential housing types." Eliminating the uses suggested by the applicant will make it harder to achieve those land use goals. Should the Board agree to revise this section, Staff would suggest that the following language be used. It is not demonstrably different from that proposed by the applicant but achieves similar results. Section 59.5-1 The Rural Agricultural District is established as a district in which the principal use of.land is for low density single family. residential purposes. Attached .housing and performance developments shall not be permitted. The regulations of this district encourage rural farming . activities and the preservation of open space. This district is designed to promote exurban, low density residential development not requiring urban services while maintaining farm land. and rural lifestyle. 24 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Dexter Hayes, Patrick Lowe SUBJECT: Authorization to Submit the Draft Wilmington-New Hanover County Comprehensive/CAMA Plan Update to the Division of Coastal Management for Review and Comment. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has completed their work on the draft City-County Comprehensive Plan, which also includes our CAMA Land Use Plan Update, and it is now ready for submittal to-the State for review and comment. Comprehensive/CAMA Pfan Update activities completed to date include: technical/background reports, subcommittee & steering committee meetings, public forums, land classification map, policies for growth and development, and implementation actions. The draft Comprehensive/CAMA Plan Update will come back before the Steering Committee, Board of Commissioners and City Council for public hearing consideration in early 1999. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize County Manager to submit draft Comprehensive Plan to State for review. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Draft Wilmington-New Hanover County Comprehensive/CAMA Plan Update REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Consider authorizing submission of the draft Comprehensive Plan to the State for review. This item will comeback to the County and City for public hearings and further consideration. A public forum on the plan was held on September 24, 1998. The forum was f ~rly well attended. There were mixed reactions among those attending. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMISS{ON£RS . _ APP}20V~Q! ~ . REJECT~U'~ C7i REMOVED: ~'. POSTPONED p; HEARD C3 ~DA?E ::1-~=---~- 25:~~~ This page intentionally left blank ~ f +~, r, ri~,+~e ?,. y4 r ~1 ~~(c1 ~,v t 4.~s.~;~ ~a b ~' ~ C k,:.'~~' 26 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 Regular item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes, John Jefferies Contact: John Jefferies„ Chairman City/County Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee SUBJECT: Land Use Design Charette BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee meeting on September 18th action was taken to request partial funding to hire a consulting firm to conduct a land use design charette (an intensive work session) for Wilmington and New Hanover County in November. As outlined in the attached letter the design preferences determined by the charette would be used in the preparation of regulatory tools and performance requirements that would become part of the City and County's new development ordinances. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Steering Committee recommends that the City and County commit up to 535,000 (517,500 each) to partially fund the Charette and authorize approval of budget amendment for amount approved. FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund-Contingency ATTACHMENTS: Steering Committee Letter REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval of proceeding with selecting a firm to conduct a design charette. Funding for this project would need to come from the general contingency fund. The design charette is an opportunity to "visually experience" the components of the plan. It is aun~ique opportunity to understand fhe impact of specific components of the plan. As I understand i~ lering committee had mixed reactions to the proposal to conduct a design charette. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~~`~ COUNTY COMMISSIONEttS AP{?ROVED REaECTED ~ ~: REMOVED ~ . POSTPONEQ Cg: HEARD DATE:- $._ ,_ 27 W Il..titINGTON-NEW ~NOVER COUNTY COtiII'REHENSIVE PL..~~ STEERING COl~1~i LITTEE DATE: September 18, 1998 TO: Wilmington City Council New Hanover Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County School Board FROM: John Jefferies, Chairman City/County Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee SUBJECT: Land Use Design charette G°~C~~~D~~C SEP 2 3 ~ 4'"`~ NEW HANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFFICE As indicated in the Steering .Committee's interim report to you last month on the Comprehensive Plan, the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). is seen as a key implementation strategy of the Plan. This planning effort has heightened awareness of the need for visual forms ~to be incorporated into development regulations. A charette process is frequently used in communities as a means to broaden the policy level concepts of the comprehensive plan to the detail level of regulations -and assist in resolving specific concerns regarding .natural resource elements. Charettes are typically two-day, concentrated, highly interactive sessions focused on identifying the design characteristics appropriate for the community. The visual (diagrams) and narrative products of the sessions provide the basis for performance requirements to be incorporated 'into development regulations. At the request of the Steering Committee, staff investigated the availability of consulting firms to conduct such a session locally. Of the six firms contacted, fees ranged from 525,000 to X150,000. $ased on review of the proposals, the Steering Committee requests that the City and County commit up to $35,000 for costs associated with a land use design charette for Wilmington and New .Hanover County. It is proposed..that..Urban..Design Associates of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, conduct the charette during the latter part of the week of November 2nd. Private funding will be pursued by Steering Committee members and through groups such as Cape Fear Tomorrow, 'the Community' Growth Planning effort, arid Wilmington Excellence. Any funds raised through these efforts will offset the City and.. County commitment of funds. I can be present at your first meeting in October to answer any questions that you may have regarding our request. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me at 256-6633, if you need anything further. Copy"'~~' Steer~ing~,Committee Members ~ ~ ~~~~r iri°`"w iVlary,lVl Gornto, City Manager . ,~„~~'a~..,,~'~ ,Allen O~~ ~eal~ County Manager ~`D Jo n. Moires, Jr., Superintendent of Schools ~~~~' << C: i i Or `L~:L~Ii\G-0\ PLS.\XI\G 9'.U.~~ 1.-GAG NE~r H:wo~•e~ Coca~• PL~~xixc 91U.~>l.-lG= 28 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Discussion on Possible Bond Referendum for Acquisition of Greenspace BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has the option of offering a bond. referendum to the citizens for acquisitions of greenspace. The greenspace program could incorporate the following components: * park space, passive acid/or active - passive space may include natural areas with no development of any kind, picnic areas, bike trails, walking trails, nature trails, etc. * possible multiple use on drainage retention facilities * aesthetic buffers, conservation easements RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: If the Board directs the staff to continue pursue this project, the following steps should be taken: * Prepare abroad-visioned plan, indicating possible acquisitions, that would provide a strategy for development of up to S40-b0 million of bond referendum proposal. For this, you may wish to consider appointing an ad hoc committee to further develop the proposal/plan. The committee could consist of: -Interested citizens - County Planning staff - County Commissioners -Parks representatives - Land preservation proponent such as Camilla Herlevich * Poll/survey the community prior to a bond referendum to determine the community's preference and willingness to pay; staff could develop a request for proposal for . this poll/survey to be performed. FUNDING SOURCE: Survey could be funded from General Fund contingency ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURC~^ES~ N AOMMI$ QI~ER$ ~. ~,, r~J REJECTED L7 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• 'REMOVED ^ Discuss and consider the possibility of proceeding with the acquisitor of green ace. POSTPONED O NI`ARD COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: rDA'fE_..L° ~7 ~... 29 This page intentionally left blank ~~' ~v~ ~; ~~ ~~~. A a~~ j~p~~'„~~ ^Q#'JF'r -~k'c .u~'Sii~"•<;:tl~Niy E~!"~P?"5': 30 .~ _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of Drainage Program (continued item) . BRIEF SUMMARY: The .Board at its September 8 meeting, directed staff to prepare an outline of possible actions to pursue under the categories specified in Dawson Engineer's "Pages Creek Study." In response, staff prepared the attached drainage outline and discussed it with Chairman Caster and Commissioner Howell. -t was suggested that staff do the following: 1) Develop a case-by-case approach in solving specific existing drainage problems: - Determine who benefits from solving this problem. - Determine the best solution to the problem. -Assess the people who benefit and implement the solution. - Use outside firms to perform the above analysis and to manage each project. - For a first case, analyze the Hidden Valley/Crosswinds problem. - Legal is looking at existing State statutory options under which we could follow this procedure. 2) Hire a consultant, as discussed in Action 2 of the attached outline, to prepare a drainage ordinance and manual 3) Modify the County's existing drainage ordinance with regard to such factors as requiring engineer's certification of as-built drainage improvements, and to possibly increase the design storm size. RI=COMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should consider further directing staff to take the above actions and to consider action on the attached outline: FUNDING SOURCE: Property owners assessment ATTACHMENTS: Drainage Outline REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommend proceeding with the outline and action items noted above. • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS. iONF~tS APPROVED REJECTED REMOVED O 'POSTPONED D HEARD DATE..,, ~ _ . g 31. DRAINAGE OUTLINE The Board of Commissioners, at its September 8 meeting, requested staff to prepare an outline of possible actions the County could pursue that fall under the following categories specified in Dawsons Engineerings' "Pages Creek Watershed Study": • Ordinance and Policies • Drainage Master Plan • Storm Drainage Manual • County Stormwater Database • Training and public education programs • Financial Management Strategies 1) Action: Formulate and adopt drainage policies The County, before any other actions can be taken, must establish policies and funding. strategies to set direction as to what the County drainage program should accomplish. These policies should address the following subjects: *Existing drainage problems: - Is the County willing to expend general fund revenues for other than technical assistance (which we already provide) to correct existing drainage problems where no other solution exists? - Is the County willing to hire additional staff to handle existing problems? - Is the County willing to assess property owners in certain areas to solve specific problems? - Is the County willing to condemn property if necessary? *Future drainage problems caused by new development: - Does the County wish to strengthen existing regulations to hold downstream property owners "harmless" from all but the larger storms? - Does the County wish to place less or more emphasis on water quality protection in controlling new development? - Is the County willing to consider charging impact fees for drainage?~ Would the County be willing to develop regional drainage facilities, e.g. ~`'~'1~~'~«~rl~ ~~~s~water retention ponds, to serve multiple new development with the ~~~o-~~~~knowledge that the County would be committed to maintain these ~~facilities? ~. T~h~e~lon of formulating these policies could probably be done by the County £.«r~~.aa~ no~c~ost within several months. 32 2) Action• Prepare and adopt drainage regulations and drainage manual Once policies are adopted, the County can move ahead with developing an appropriate drainage ordinance and associated design manual. Staff recommends the following procedure for this action:. The County should hire a consultant outside of the County to develop the ordinance and manual, including software. An outside consultant would have no allegiance to existing interests in the. County. In addition, certain consulting firms specialize in this type of work and are familiar with instances of successful drainage ordinances in other coastal areas. The cost likely would be in the neighborhood of $50,000 to $100,000 for an ordinance and a manual. The process could probably be performed within six months to a year. The County should involve all County interests by several means in the formulation of an ordinance and manual. One, a review and advisory committee representing all interests could work with staff and the consultant. Two, multiple public meetings and hearings can be held to ensure that all people are heard. 3) Action• Prepare drainage master plans, including a stormwater database for the different County watersheds The Pages Creek Watershed Study serves as a prototype of a hydrologic analysis of a watershed for performing similar studies of other watersheds. Although certain elements, such as water quality, could receive more emphasis, the study can be replicated for the other estuarine watersheds for significantly less-than the $80,000 expended and in less time than the one year for Page's Creek. These studies are necessary for the following functions: To analyze existing drainage problems To look at the impact of future development Possibly to serve as a basis for a ne~v,ordinance 4) Action• Involve other agencies in the County's drainage program Other agencies are critical to successful development of a County drainage program, including the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT), North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and the U.S. Corps of Engineers (COE). DOT needs to be involved because many of the flooding problems stems from inadequately sized culverts and a DOT focus only on road drainage with little concern for flooding of residential and other property. DOT ditches' often serve as the only drainage system for an area. 33 DWQ and COE need to be involved because their environmental regulations often limit drainage options, even when those options could result in environmental enhancement. These agencies, however, can be cooperative and "think outside the box", such as their permitting of the mouth of Futch's Creek to improve water quality. These agencies should be involved in development of the, ordinance and manual, and the master drainage plan. 5) Action• Examine long range drainage planning needs Long range planning needs for drainage include the following: *Public education and training - Implementation of the previous actions will require a different mind set for the public, staff, the development community, and other interests. This effort can be done through such agencies as the Cooperative Extension Service and outreach to various interest groups. *Analysis of impact of NPDES Phase II stormwater requirements - This program is still under formulation. Staff will closely monitor it and .keep the Board informed of its impact on the County program. 34. " - CONSENT AGENDA . . NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OCTOBER 5, 1998 • . ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ PAGE. - NO. - ~ 1, ~ :.. Approval -of Minutes .:: 39 .~• ~ ~ 2. ~ ~ Approval .of Ratification of Resolution to Allow Contractors to ~ ~ • 41 . - Enter Private Property and Roadways within New Hanover ~ - County for the Purpose of Removing Vegetative Debris After Hurricane Bonnie " . ~ 3. . Approval of Adoption of Drug and Alcohol Policy for Transportation- r, 43 Related Services . 4. `Approval of Award of Bid #99=0096 and Approval of Cortract 45 #99-0096 for the Purchase of Three (3) Fu11 Size Four-Door Vehicles 5. Approval of Acceptance of Grant for New Hanover County 47 Urban Forestry Education Program for $4, 884.00 and Approval of ± Associated Budget Amendment #99-0029 6.. ' Approval of Amendment to BMS Contract. for Space Study and Approval 69 - of Associated -Budget Amendment #99-0032 ~ ~ - " 7:: Approval of Funding Match For Muiti-Modal Transportation 73 " Facility. Study and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #99=0033 8 .Approval of Contract #99-0122, an Installment Purchase Contract ~ gs ~ With.Heller Public ~'inarice, LLC for Financing of Equipment and ,- Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #99-0034 - 9. Approval of 1998-99 HUD Contract and Approval of Associated Budget g9 Amendment #99-0036 . 10; Budget Amendments , 10.1 Approval. of Budget Amendment #99-0031 ~ ~ 93 10.2 Approval of Budget Amendment #99-0035 ~ :94 •, 10.3 ` Approval of Budget Amendment #99-11 95 " 37 3~8 - '- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD,OF COMMI SSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' . Meeting Date: 10/05/98 ' Water& Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated. Time: Page Number: :Department: Governing Body, Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ~: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ~' ~ SUBJECT: ~ , ., ' Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes ' BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' Approval of the minutes for the Regular Meeting of.September 21, 1998. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• 1 Approval of minutesas.presented. ~ ~ - FUNDING SOURCE: _ . .. y 'ATTACHMENTS _ : ..~ ~ 1TFM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEVi/ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ a ~ - . COMMlSSiONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~' '- _ ~ i . COUNTY COMMI 1V~$~~ .. ~V APRROVED - . REJECTED D' REMOVES .: ~ ,.POSTPONED C1 - : ~ ~ ~ HEARD . t?AT~ .,! °~~ 39~~ This page intentionally left blank r ,~ .~.~„b.~,.y r~ fy /~^^'1 /i. 4,s ;~~~J arv`~r'ir's p~ -.~ny.aaq,yy r 1 iy ~-, ~~~~~~ F k~ ~ ^~ 40 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQU EST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ' SUBJECT: ' Approval of Minutes • BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following sets of minutes: . ~ Regular Meeting September 8 1998 , Regular Meeting September 21, 1998 Land Trust Work Session . September 3, 1998 Hospital Work Session September 17 1998 , Land Trust Work Session September 2l 1998 , Closed Session September 21, 1998 ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIO NS: Approve minutes as presented. FUNDING SOURCE• .: ' ~ ~ ATTACHMENTS: ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' COMMISSION€RS'ACTlONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS .ONERS a ' APPROVED r 'REJECTED 0 REMaVED ~ ' - POSTPONED C!' HEARD ~ _ ~ .__ . . - fe, b . S `DATE. , _ _... ~~ This~age intentionally left blank ~; ~~ L'~id L~l',i v~'J~li~+1 r-~ y~ ,~r~ c-~ ~Vr's ^S 42 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~, REQUEST FDR 80ARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 ~ . Consent item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: - .Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' ~ Contact: Lucie F. Harrell ` ~ .SUBJECT: . - Ratification of Resolution to Allow Contractors to Enter Private Property and Roadways within New Hanover County for the Purpose of Removing Vegetative Debris After Hurricane Bonnie -~ SR1EE SUMMARY; , When a resolution was adopted at the Emergency Session held on September 3, 1998, to allow - .contractors to enter private property and roadways, the resolution "only"addressed the removal of ..construction and demolition debris caused by Hurricane Bonnie..Vegetative debris was .not included in the resolution. `_ After recognizing this fact, the County Commissioners were polled by telephone on September 8; 1998, and. approval was granted to prepare a resolution and authorize the Chairman to execute the resolution. so County contractors could enter private property to remove vegetative debris. (See the attached " _" ~ . L ~esolutiori '. ~ „ 'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify the. resolution as approved. on September 8, 1998. FUNDING SOURCE: + .ATTACHMENTS: - .. JTEM DDES NOT RFQUIR~ REVIEW ' C011NTY MANAGER'S CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS,: - Recommerid approva COMMISSIONERS' ACT10 S/COMMENTS: ' " COUNIY COMM{S,~tONERS ` " APPROVEp ~ G// ." aREJECTEt3 C.7 .. RENIOVE~ POSTFO~"ED Q . HEARD D' ~ ' `DATE .~ ,~ , . ~43 AN EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION OF THE ~'~'~' HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County„suffered a "major disaster" August 26, 1998 when struck by Hurricane Bonnie; and WHEREAS, the President of the United States has authorized federal agencies to provide disaster relief in North Carolina and New 1'Ianover County; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County, as a part of this disaster relief, has agreed to provide vegetative debris removal through contractors operating on its behalf, from the public and private right-of--ways within New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has. determined, in order to preserve the safety, health, and welfare of people within the County, to allow the County's contractors to enter private property and roadways within New Hanover County for the sale purpose of removal of vegetative debris. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that a State of Emergency exists in New Hanover County pursuant to N. C.G.S. 14-288.13 and Chapter 6.7, Article JI of the New Hanover County Code. The; Chairman, in conjunction with the other members of the Board of County. Commissioners, has determined that it is necessary to authorize the County's conh'actors.to enter onto private roads and property of the people of New Hanover County for the sole limited purpose of removing vegetative debris caused by Hurricane Bonnie. IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED that this proclamation shall take effect upon its execution, and shall remain in effect until November 15, 1998. This th~_ day of September, 1998. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~x, ,~, ~ .~,''~~~~%I ~,; ATTE~ST~=`~-~~`~~~~~`~ ~~ erk'to the B;o'ard{ "tom/ C,: William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners c-; 44 . ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM ~ ~ . ~~ ' REQl1EST fOR BOARD ACTION MISSIONERS . .. ..Meeting Dater 10/05/98 Consent Item #c 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ " f Department: County Manager Presenter: Pat Melvin - ~ Contact; Pat Melvin ' . ' SUB-- JECT: - _ Adoption of Drug and Alcohol Policy for Transportation-Rel _ ated Services BRIEF SUMMARY:' ' New Hanover County is required by Federal Transit Administration to update its.dr for its public transportation service (New Hanover Transportation. Services). New Hanov currently receives Section 5311 fundirig and must com I with ~9 and alcohol policy P y this regulation. (49 CFR Part 653, 654), The policy has been updated with assistance from the N. C. De t. of T er County the policy wiil have to be adhered to by the private operator with whom the Couri transportation services to County residents. T P ransportation. The requirements of own expense.. he contractor will insure that the policy istadhered to a~ is " ., , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQU~ST~D ACTIONS: Adoption of the updated drug and alcohol policy, effective October 5, 1998. - FUNDING SOURCE: " .ATT'ACHM~NTS: REVIEWED_BY: LEGAL:. ~ FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES` " o '. COUNTY MANAGI=R'S CO MENTS AND.RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval . ~, . COMMISSIONERS' ACT ON /COMMENTS: - ~ COUNTY COMMISSI{~IdIRS; :. ' . APPROVED G~ . REJECTED' o REMOVED Cl , e FOS7P,ON~D !] HEARD ~ ,oi~ ~g DAT M „ .~sYe!!~Ai-. ~leil~!INa~iil 45. , :. t•~ d....~.n':'~a°~ pb i1c]]. -.~ ~4.i.' yy,J 44))JJ 'W.c}~',~.YV~~t 1"L ~y ~'(~rt~.., ,q-r. '7f* (.fYjriQ~. v ~~ . t , ~ __. _ ~'~ ~t a4,,..a=x ~ .~ 46 ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSLONERS . REQUEST 1=0R BOARD ACTION . - Meeting Date: 10/06/98 ~ ~ , Consent item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: ~ ~ . Department: Sheriff. Presenter: Contact: Array Akri ~ , . SUB- JECT: Award of bid #.99-0096 and approval of contract # 99-0096 for the purchase of ' three (3) full size four-doorvehicles. BR1EF SUMMARY: " The formal" bid process was followed for.the purchase: of these vehicles and bids were received. from two . 'local vendors. Cape Fear Ford submitted two proposals; the lowest proposal was for three mid-size cars and not full-size as required. Therefore, that particular proposal was: not considered. This resulted in Bob " `` King Pontiac .GMC, Inc. being the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $47,400.00. Attached is a resolution awarding the bid and approving the contract. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: `- , ,Staff recommends adoption of the resolution awarding bid # 99-0096 to Bob King Pontiac GMC, Inc: and approving contract# 99-0096. FUNDING SOURCE: . ,. Funds for the purchase of the vehicles is available. in the federal seizure funds in account number .348-431-7300=6000-Job#FFPSH060. 4 ATTACHMENTS: . - As part of this transmittal the resolution is being sent as an attachment. The contract draft is being , submitted separately. ', REVIEWED BY: ,. L€GAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A •COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ~ TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval ~' COMMISSIONERS'.ACTI N !COMMENTS: COUNTY CUA~M~~a~.S1Ir APPROVED _._ ." , , ; ,, :REJECTED C'1 . .. .. RE{V©VCt7 C] . ~ ~ F05T-PANED t~' ,.. . - HERRD :. _. SATE •i:° (~' - '~ .. _ . e .. - 47 NEW HAhIOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSSlONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/Ofi/98 Consent Item #; 5 Estimated Time: Page. Number: Department: Cooperative Extension Service Presenter: C. 8[uce Williams, Ph.D., Director Contact: C. Bruce Williams, .Ph.D., Director t ~ SUB_JECT; .Acceptance of $4,884.00 Grant ~ ° ~~ New Hanover County Urban Forestry Education Program _ BRIEF SUMMARY: The lack of educational information on Urban Forestry and accepted arboriculture practices has . been identified as a major need after recent hurricanes. Cooperative Extension is striving to develop a ..premier urban forestry program through education of the community at large, and private tree services, es well. as the development of accepted arboriculture practices, tree preservation and care of our urban forests through use of appropriate educational materials. Cooperative Extension applied to the state~for funding through the North Carolina Urban & _ Community. ~"orestry Grant Program and has been awarded $4,884 for this program. An educational " campaign is being initiated with brochures, staff training, tree give-away, new literature and workshops . which will raise the awareness and promote proper maintenance of the urban forest. For example, New Hanover County Cooperative Extension will hold a Certified Arborist ExamlReview and co-sponsor a TreeFest in. January, 1999. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Recommend the Commissioners accept the grant awarded by the North Carolina Division of Forest f~esources' Urban and Community Forest Grant Program, approve associated budget amendment #99-0029, andauthorize he Chairman to execute the grant documents. ' . FUNDING SOURCE: .North Carolina Division of Forest Resources' Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program. ATTACHMENTS:. • Grant Documents for Execution by the Chairman ` . -• - Letfet of Award -.James B. Hunt; Jr. Governor Grant Application ~ ~ ~ - October 7, 1996 Commission Action 99-0029.wp , REVIEWED BY: ~ . . COUfVTY COEVtMlSS10NERS' • LEGAL: N/A RPPR~VED' _'FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A ,HUMAN RESOURCES:. N/A ,. REJECTEL3 C.l _ ~ REMOVE[? [a COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: -- Recommend approval F'OS~'PON,Et~ ~3 " HEARD .4, ~ ~ ~ ~49~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 Budget Amendment Item #:Estimated lime: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Cooperative Extension BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0029 ADJUSTMENT DE81T CREDIT Urban Forestry Grant $4,884_ Cooperative Extension Expenses r $4,884 EXPLANATION:. To budgetgrant awarded to Cooperative Extension for the Urban Fo"vestry Education Program. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTION5ICOMMENTS: 1 ..1.4u a ~~i..~~ ~'.;! 4a ~Jti~a9c; ~.. va r~ !~ c1 r,~ ,~, ~ ,.i> c.~r, ~;, v ~, ~;~~.•. ~,« ~. 50~ North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service " ~ i i i I_ College of Agriculture and Life Sciencia ' ' , F New Hanover County Center , ' i. North Carolina Cooperative-Extension Service ' i . College of Agriculture and Life Sciences . • MEMORANDUM 5206 Oleander Drive Wilmin,on, NC 28403 . (910) 452-6393, Ext 202 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager . . ` '. Carol Barkley, Admin. Asst. . lTil;~ ~ h ~ ~~ D D . • ~ ~ FROM: C. Bruce Williams, Ph.D ' ' ~ '' Director' ~ ~ ~ ~"0R - L ~: October 5, 1.998 Agenda ~ - ~1E1+V HANOVER CO. . tw~rvAC~R's oF~icE j ' DATE: September 15, 1998 Enclosedare the attachments for the October 5, 1998 agenda .item submitted. by ' ~ . ~ Cooperative Extension. ,~ j Please contact me or Jane if you have any questions.. . Enclosures r cc: Dottie Ray, Grants .Coordinator .. . . i ~ . i l .; ' "' - ~ Empldyment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. ' i ~ North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University. U.S. Department of Agriculture,.andlocal govarnments cooperating 51 . ;. _ ~~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL ,RESOURCES DIVISIOtV OF FOREST RESOURCES NC Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program Conditions to Grant Proposal . YLZ-'~~C ~:'i ..~i _ ~-~ '. .5 ~~JAM ES B. HUNTS " '-'~1.+OVERNOR -- ~1~r1C ,. .. 6 - .'i +r P~ ~f` ~,~-c Date: September 4, 1998 Grant Number: ATB 99-15 Project Title: "New Hanover County Urban Forestry Education Program" Applicant: Cooperative Extension Service, New Hanover County Grant funding for this project is approved as submitted in the grant proposal, subject to the following conditions being met: Funding Requested: $4,884.00 Funding Awarded: $4,884.00 . 1. Educational materials must be purchased on or after October 1, 1998. I agree~to comply with the modifications and conditions indicated above: ~, Name of Authorized Representative . Title Signature Date Return with other required forms to: NC Division of Forest Resources Urban and Community Forestry Grants PO Box 2981 Raleigh, NC 27626-081 P:O. BOX 29581, RALEIGH, NC 27626-0581 X1;1?. r .PHONE 919-733-2162 FAX 919-715-4350 7~C' IN- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - SO% RECYCLED/1 O% POST-CONSUMER PAPER ` ; • OMB Approval No. 0348-0040 - ~ Standard Form 424B ' ASSURANCES'-NON-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS ~ ` Note: Certain of the assurances may not be applicable to your project or program." If you have questions, please•contact the • awarding agency. Further; certain Federal-awarding agencies may require applicants 'to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representafive of the`applicant I certify that the applicant 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal .assistance, and the institutional, managerial and fmancial ca abiIi p ty (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) 20 ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in ihis application. ' • 2: Will give the awarding agenry, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any .authorized representative, access to and the right to:examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award;. ' _ and will establish a proper accounting rysiem in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. , - 3. 'Will establish safeguards. to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personnel or organizational conflict of interest,-or personnel gain.' 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. ,. 5. Wil! comply with the Inter-g'ovemmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U:S.C. -4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for • merit systems for programs funded under one of the nineteen statues or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). . ' 6. Wil! comply with all Federal statues relating to nondiscrimination. These include but ate not limited to: {a) Title N of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act. • , of 1975; as amended (42 U.S:G. - 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of Vie; (e) the Drug Abuse Office 'and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to non-discrimination on the basis of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treament and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-616), as amended relating to non-discrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) -- 523 and 527 of the Public Health • Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290 dd-3 and 290 ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse _ patient records; (h) Title VIII, of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. - 3601 et seq.), as amended relating to • nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other non-discrimination statue(s) which may apply to ' • the application. - , 7• Will comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Title II and III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and - Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide for fail and equitable treatment of persons displaced or,whose property is acquired as a result Federal or federally assisted programs. These requirements apply 3o all - interests in real property acquired for project regardless or Federal participation in purchases. `~ 8: ~ Wild comply ~i•ith the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S:C. - 150.1-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political , employment activities are funded'in whole or in part with Federal funds. 9•; -Will `comply, as applicable, with'the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act) 40 U.S.C. 276a to 276a 7), the Copeland Act {40 U.S.C. - 276c and l8 U.S:C. - 874); and the Contract Work Hours and Safety? Standards Act (40 U;S.C. - 327-333), regarding labor standards forfederally assisted construction sub-agreements. - 10. Will. comply, if applicable,. with-flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102 (a) of the'Flood Disaster Protection - • Act of 1973 {P-L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the proaoram an fo purchase-flood insurance if the total cost of insurable construction. and acquisition is SI0,000 or more. . ` l~ ~ . '. 53 ~~ ' SF424B (4-88) Back \ I1. Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the followin a \ g: () institution of :• environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) executive Order (EO) 11514; (b)' notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO :11988;- e ' approved State management program developed under the' Coastal Zone Management A ~ of 1972 (61U.S C. W1t1451 eLscq.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clear Air) Implementation Plans under Section' -176 (c) of the Clean Air Act of 1.955, as amended (42. U.S.C. - 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of under Drinking Water Act of 1974, as ainende 8round sources of drinking water under the Safe d, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species -under-the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, P.L. 93-205)., 12. Will comply with .Wild and Scenic River Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. - 1271 et seq.) related to protecting 'components of the national wild and scenic rivcrs system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency of assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended•(IJ.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection ofhis[oric properties), and the Archeological and Historic • - ~ Preservation Act of I'974 (16 U.S.C:469a=I et seq.) , 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regarding the protection of human subjects involved in research,. development, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 1 d. Wili comply with Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (1'.L. 89544, amended, 7 U.S.C 2131 et. seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research; teaching or~other activities supported by this award of assistance. l 6. WiII comply with the Lead-$ased'Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. - 4801 et. seq.) which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction or re-habilitation of residence structures. i 17. Will cause to be performed the required fmancial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. 18. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all- e program. f deral laws, executive orders, regulation and policies governing this ' ~ ~ t ~ .. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official ' Title Applicant Organization „J ~'w ~~-t,1 Z ~~- ~ ~~~ Date Submitted ' 54. . Instructions for Certification °1• ' By signing anal submitting this foam, the prospective-lower tier participant is providing the ce ' set out on the reverse side in accordance with these instructions.. rtification ~~ ~ `; ". ?•' The certification in this. clause is a material representarion of fact upon which reliance •was this transaction was entered into. If it is laterthan determined that the prospective lower tierpartici antll~ d when P owingly rendered an: erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Gove` ... departrrent or agency with which this transaction originated ma rnment, the suspension and/or debarment. Y pursue available remedies, ncludinb ` • ~ ~• The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to whit proposal is submitted if at any time .the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was • erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.. . 4• The terms <` covered transactions,'..' debarre - • transactions," ~" "suspended," "ineligible" <`lower tier d " _ articip ~,~ « ~, « ~ covere , . P an person, prmzary covered transaction," "prthcipal," "proposal," and "voluntarily excluded " ~ , M used in. this' clause, have the meanings set out in the .Definitions and Coverage sections of rules im le g p mentm~ Executive Order 1254.9.. You may contact the person to which .this proposal is submitted for assistance in j obtaininga copy of those regulations. ; ' S• '. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this form that, should the proposed covere transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingl d who • is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible,Y o etvoluntanlyY excluded fromered transaction with a person transaction; unless authorized b the. de Participation in this covered Y partment or agency with which this transaction originated. • 6• • The prospective ,lower tier participant further agrees 6y, submitting ` • clause titled "Certification Regarding ~ this form that it will include this ` . ',Tier Covered Transactions," without mod'fc a eon, in all lower tilenc~ovlered antr~a~l~~ Exclusion - Lower ..for Iower tier covered, transactions. coons and in all. solicitations. 7. ' ~ `__ , •. • A participant _in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective. participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended,. ineligible, or voluntarily .excluded from the covered .transaction; unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. Aparticipant-may decide the me • .and frequency by which it determines the' eligibility of its P P shod to, check the Nonprocurement List. Principals. Each artici ant may, but is not required . - 8• - I`Tothing contained in the foregoing ~ . . ~ shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in~order.to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The. ~owledge and info •. a participant. is not. required To exceed that which is normally possessed b a rrnation of course of business dealings.. Y prudent person .in the ordinary. • 9•. Except for transactions authorized under para~aph 5 of these instructions, if a artici ant ' ,transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended debarre d mehgible, or voluntarily excluded from. participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies availabld e to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which .this. transaction originated ma . available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. Y pursue ' , ± `•~ ~ ~ •_ ` Form AD, 1048 ~. 5.5 U.S. DEPARTMENT Of-AGRICULTURE - - CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION,.INELIGIBILITY -_ AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION -LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS This certification is required ,by ahe regulations implementing Executive Order.. 12549; Debarment and - , .Suspension, 7 CFR Part 3017, SecBon 3017.510,;Participants' responsibilities.. The regulations were published as.Part IV'of the January 30, 1989, Federal f2egister'(pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contactirig the Departmerit of Agriculture agency with which this transaction originated. . (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) (1) .The prospective lower tier '.participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that ''neither it not its - principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. {2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to ,any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal., „ y .. .~ Name(s) and Titls(s) of Authorized Representative(s) , 5ignature(s) Date 1 56 ~~ Form AD-'1048 ('1192) ~. . r . ~l. i . - .. •. APPLICATIOn FOR 2.Date Submitted Applicant Number • e FEDERAL ASSISTANCE ',: :. ATB 99-~' ,.. ~ .. -' ~< L Type of Submission: 3. Date Recd. b State "° Application Pre-Application y State Application ID ` (')Construction ( )Construction NORTH CAROLINA (X) Non~onstiuction O Non~onstruction 4. Date Rccd by Federal Agency: NA _._- _:. 5. Application Information :. . Legal iVame ~ (v P.L.; }}4MDye(- 'C~~.lr~~t,t, co • Organizational Unit .. ~ N1 --- • A L(.r6a-,~ Fortes ` ~ ~ ' Address {Give Ciry, State & Zip Code) Name and Telephone Number of person to be contacted on matters . Y ~y ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ D r . involving this application (give area code): A -. . • . ~~ ~~ rat -~ ~ (~ G ~~ ~ ~ 7~~ /t'l ~~ ~ . . 13. ' ~ 6. Employer Idcnuficaiion Number (EII~ 7. Type of Applicant (rnter appropriate letter in box) B) ` ``~- State H. IndependentSchool n 8. T e of A licatiori X New B' C°~~' I• 'State Universi ' Yp PP ( ) ( )Continuation h' C. Municipal L "Private University ,~ •( ) Revision D. Township IL Indian Tribe If Revision enter appropriate Idler(s): ( ) ( ) E. Interstate . L. .Individual '. : A. Increase Awazd B. Decrease Awazd' F. Inter-municipal M. Profit 0iganization C: Increase Duration D. Decrease Duration `'• Special District N. Other{Specify) -Non-Profit ~ ' . Other (specify) ' ' - . 9. Name of Federal Agency: ~ , USDA FOREST SERVICE -REGION 8 ` • i 10. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistant No. - I LDescriptive Title of Applicant Project 1 0 6 6 4 ~ tti2-/l, tTV~f- l~ A ,K ~ n ~W ~ ct~ , Title: URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY Yx 5 ~r-g~M~~ • lJ ' ~ ; ' ]2. Areas affected by Project (cities, counties, states, etc.) , . ~ 2t~.t ~ri U V per(- ~ U .: ' ~ ~ 13. Proposed Project Start Date: 10/1/98' 14, Congressional District Of: ~ • . t _. Ending Date: 9x30/99 a. Applicant J b. Project >- _ _ T ~ - . 13. Estimated Funding° - //~ ~~ ~ 16. Is Application subject to review by State Executive Order a Federal S -1 g `~. 12372. Process? ~ . • ~. b. Applicant S _ ~ 8 ~ ' c. Slate S ~,A ( )YES thispreappl~caiion was made available to the State Executive Order 12372 process for review on d. Loca] S NA Date: e. Other ~ S NA. (X) NO: X Pro ~' f. Program Income S ( ) gram is not cover-d by EO 12372 g: TOTAL S ~ ~ ( ) Or Program has not been selected State for review . f ' 17. Is the. applicant delinquent on any Federal Debt? ( )YES If"Yes" attach an explanation. ' _ (~T'O . 18. To the best of my knowledge and belief. All data in this application pre-application are true &'corrcct The document has been duly authorized, by the governing body of applicant and the applicant will comply with the. attached if the assistance is awarded'. . x a Print Name"of Authorized Representative b. Title c: Telephone Number Include aiea code) , d. Signature of AuthorizedRcpresentative ~ - Date Signed: -. ~ .. SF-424Rcv.1B8 - ~~I . ~ Ohffi Approval No. 0348-OOC7 . :~ ~ Q o `n y =., ~ o ~ '~ ~• J ~ n A A `~ N_• O i3o c ~~ ~ p n ~. Oo (~ H n y. n. L1 0 a ti a 1 R ~. R" o- ~, o y _o' V7 H ~ ~ ~ G ~ ' [ a "'~ U W J ~ - --~ ~ ~ - o -, ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ z n m ,..~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ . ~ > ~ r , ti ~ ~ ~ o o o ~ ~ • N y N N• ~ n ~ ~ A to ~ p ~ c o ~ i ~- _~ n O~ O d a~ "b'9+ ~b9" 69 ZR~.` ^' X69; _ ~ '. +'7 ~ C R , S "' `~ ~~ ~ 4 _ ~'' F ` -?`~ 'h`iG~` ~~ :.~C~ j r% Z p ~ o G"? G` EJ;' ~~-? T J ~. N a _ ~ ~. a Op -_:9; n o ~~ n <~ ~e ~ ~_ 0• r~ Q n 00 ~' O m -' . --~ n n n n z~ C 0 ~ O .n. ~ n n ~ i ~ ~ ~~? „~r3a"~ 3L .,,] r .. ,... ... _ i ~. z a' C ~~ ~~ $~ r Z o ~' C r c t~.t _ J _ 1 ~ ' n ~ _ ~ o ~ o ~~ f+4S _~ _~, ~. ems, o• ; ?. ~ a „: ~ y b9'. 64 04 69 b4. c ~- _ z a. 4, ':;# ? '~ fl: r"i .tom ~~ ~ C ~ ~.. r 1 n• ~Si ,, ~ _ _ a --- °, -_ _ i b?; - 69 69 69 69i- z ' ~ ~'-' y _ n ~ ~ < '] ~~t ~ o _v'(-. ~. ~ ; z ~~' ~ ~' ~' 1 ~ c r ~- j G ,r~ ?; _~ - -- l ~ ~ ~~ q , ~~ ,s f ~~ 58 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SF- 424A General Instructions 'This-form is designated so the application can be made for funds from one or more grants programs. In preparing the budget, o~ adhere to any .existing Fcder-al grantor agcnry guidelines, which prescribe how, and whether budgeted amounts should be separately shown for different functions or activities within the program. For some programs, grantor agencies may require . budgets to be separately shown by function or activity. For other programs, grantor agencies may .require a breakdown by_ ~• function or activity. Sections A, B, C and D should include budget estimates for the whole project except when applying for : ':. . assistance which requires Federal authorization in annual or other funding period increments. In the latter case, Section A, B, C and D should provide the budget for the first budget period (usually a year) and Section E should present the need for Federal assistance in the subsequent budget periods. All applications should contain a breakdown by object class categories shown in. Line a - k of Section B. Section A -Budget Summary Lines 1 -4, Columns (a) & (b) For applications pertaining to a sinele Federal grant program (Federal Domestic Assistance Catalog number) and not re uirin budget amounts by multiple functions or activities, enter the name of each activity or function on each line in Column (a), and enter the catalog number in (b). For applications pertaining to multiple programs where none of the programs require a breakdown by function or activity, enter the catalog program title on each line in Column (a) and the respective catalog number on each line in Column (b). For applications pertaining to multiple programs where one or more programs require a breakdown. Additional sheets should be . used when one form does not provide adequate space for all. breakdown of data required. However, when more than one sheet is used, the first page should provide the summary totals by programs. Lined -4, Columns (c) through (g) For new applications, leave Columns (c) and (d) blank. For each line entry in Columns (a) and (b), enter in Columns (e), (f) and (g) the appropriate amounts of funds needed io support the project for the first funding period (usually a year). For continuing grant program applications, submit these forms before the end of each funding period as required by the grantor agenry. Enter in ~coiumns, (c) and (d) the estimated amounts of funds, which will remain Unobligated at the end of the grant-funding period only if the Federal grantor agency instructions provide for this. Otherwise, leave these columns blank. Enter in the columns (e) and (f) . the amounts of funds needed for the upcoming period. The amount(s) in Column (g) should be the sum of amount in .Columns (e) and (~• For supplemental Grants and changes to existin is do not use - ~ :~ Columns (c) and (d). Enter in column (e) the amount of the increase or decrease of Federal funds and enter in Column (f) the amount of the increase or decrease of non-Federal funds. In _ Column (g) .enter thenew total budgeted amount (Federal and non-Federal) which includes the total previous authorized _ budgeted amounts plus or minus, as appropriate, the amounts shown in Columns (e) and (f). The amount(s) in Colutnn (g) should not equal the sum of amounts in Columns (e) and (f). Line 5 -Shown the totals for all columns used. Section B-Budget Categories . • In the column headings (I) through (4), enter the titles of the same programs, functions, and activities shown on Lines I - 4, Column (a), Section A. RThen additional sheen are prepared for Section A, provide similar column headings on each sheet. For . each program function or activity, fill in the total requirements for funds (both Federal and non-Federal) by object class categories. Lines 6a - I -Show the totals of Lines 6a to 6h in each column Line 6j -Show the.amount ofindirect cost. • Line 61: -Enter the total of amounts on Lines 6I - 6j. For all applications for new grants and continuation grants the total `.amount in eofumn (~). Line 6k, should be the same as the total amount shown in Section A, Column (g), Line ~. For supplemental grants and changes to grants, the total amount of the increase or decrease as shown of the amounts in Section .A, Columns (e) and (f) on Line 5. Line T-Enter the estimated amount of income, if any expected to be generated from this project. Do not add or subtract this .amount from the total project amount Show under the program narrative statement the nature and source of income. The estimated amount of program income may be considered by the federal grantor agency in determining the Total amount of the grant. 3 SF-424A (4-88) 59 INSTRUCTIONS FOR URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY ASSISTANCE APPLICANTS . j SF-424 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE This is a standard form used by applicants as a required faceshect for pre-applications and applicatibns submitted for Federal ` assistance..If you will be used by Fcdcral agencies fo obtain applicant certification that States which. have established a review and .comment procedure in response to Executive Order 12372 and have selected the program to be included in~their process, have been given an opportunity to review the applicant's submission. Block 1 Type of Application: Non-Construction Block 2 Dafe Submitted: enter as month/day/year Applicant ldentifier: Applicant's own control number Block 3 State Application ldentifier: Leave Blank Block 4 Federal ldentifier: Leave Blank. Federal agency will assign. Block 5 Applicant Information: Applicant's legal name; organization unit undertaking the assistance activity; applicant's complete address, name aril phone number or person to contact regarding the application. Block 6 Emplover lD Number: This is the IRS assigned (EIN Number) Block 7 Tvpe of Applicant: Enter the appropriate letter in the space provided. Anon-profit organization would use "ICI" Other and specify "Non-profit" Block 8 Type of Application: "1\'EW" for initial application, "Continuation" for extension for additional funding/budget period fora project with a projected completion dale, or "Revision" for any change in Federal Government's fmancial obligation or contingent liability from an existing obligation. Block 9 Name of Federal Agencv: USDA Forest Service _ ~~/ . Block 10 ~ Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: Number = 10.664, Title= Urban and Community Foresfry. Block 11 Descriptive Title of Apolicant's Project: A descriptive rifle and a brief description df the project being funded.by the .assistance award. Block 12 Areas Affected by Protect: List largest political entities affected (state, county, city, etc.) Block 13 Proposed Protect: Project would start af4er grant has been awarded and run through proposed timeline for completing ~,` the project. Block 14 Congressional Districts: The Congressional district of the recipient and the districts that are affected by the project. `.u }~~~~,~ Block 15 Estimated Funding: The dollar amount requested or contributed for the assistance award. Value of in-kind contributions may be included as part of the total cost of the project being funded. (Must be sure these figures agree with ones that come from the Budget Information for 424A). ~( Block 16 Executive Order ]2372 Process: Applicants should contact the State Single Point of contact (SPOC) for Federal ((~ Executive Order ]2372 to determine whether the application is subject to the State infer-governmental review process. (Applies only to stafe governments and universities under the state system.) ~( Block 17 Federa] Debt Delinouencv: This questions applies to .the applicants organization, not the person who signs as the ~1 authorized representative. Categories of debt include delinquent audit disallowance, loans and taxes. ` Block 18 Authorized Representative: To be signed by the authorized representative oftheapplicant. A copy of the. governing body's authorized representative of the. applicant A. copy of the governing body's authorization for you to sign ,ibis application as official representative must be on file in the applicant's office. (Certain Federal agencies may require that this autlIhorization be submitted as part of the application.) 60 ~~ ` .. •-T~ . ~ h.~ ~• - s ~ ~ ~ ~•~~ s RFCE11/FO SFP - 3 a9,~ ~ = ~- ~ ~ ~ ~~ `STATE 01=' NORTH CAROLINA • OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR . RALEIGH 27603-8001 JAMES B. HUNT JR. ,. GOVERNOR , : August 31, 1998: ,~ Ms. Mary Ann Metcalf 'Extension Agent Cooperative Extension Service, New Hanover County • 6206 Oleander Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Ms. lvletcalf: I am pleased to announce that the Cooperative Extension Service, New Hanover County has been selected as a recipient under the.lVorth Carolina Division of Forest Resources' Urban ~. and Community Forestry Grant Program.. ' Your project titled "New Hanover County Urban Forestry Education Program" has been awarded. $4,884.00. The North Carolina Division of Forest Resources will contact you in the . next few days with further information and instructions. We share your pride that "New Hanover County Urban Forestry Education Program" reflects the purposes and goals of North Carolina's Urban and Community Forestry Program, - My warmest pezsonal regards. , icerely; . t r James B. Hunt Jr. ~ ' 1999 APPLICATION FORM . North ,Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Grant ~iect Title: ect Location (City): Applicant (~Organizatia New Hanover Coun Address: Name: Extension and Arbo State: Zip Code: Contact Person(s): Daytime Phone: Mary Ann Metcalf (910) 452-6393 Fan: E•-mail: (910) 452-6398 Ma ryann_Metcalf@NCSU.edu Applicant's Federal Taz ID Number (Required): 56-6000324 ~. Brief Description of Project: i An educational campaign is being initiated with brochures, staff training; tree give-away, new Iiterature, and workshops which will raise the awareness and promote proper maintenance of the urban forest. Grant Funds Requested $ 4 ; 884 Local Cash Match $ ~ ~ 000 Local In-Kind Match $~ x,;782 . ): Site Specific/Demonstration X Education/Training . Total Amount ofProject $ 13~ 5fif Volunteer/Non-ProfitDevelopmeat Applicant Description - , ~_ local govt. non-profit _.. educational institution state govt. other (describe)_ Is this community a Tree City USA?~_ r W' Name Tit Autho e enta~ Signature of Authorized Rep Grant Period: October 1,1998-September 30; 1999 Has this organization received an U&CF gran# in the past? Yes No X ate Upon notification of approval, for financial assistance, grantees will be assigned a grant number and a maximum dollar amount to expend Applicants must submit a completed "Application for Federal Assistance" (SF424) and "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Inelligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transactions Form" (AD 1048) by September 30, 1998. .. Project Type (check the one that best applies) Program Development 62 . New Hanover County - - ` BACKGROUND: , ~. _ - Iri-New Hanover County the lack of educational information on Urban Forestry and accepted arboriculture practices was identified as a major need by elected and public officials. The New • Hanover Coun Urban Fore tY stry Extension position was established in January. 1998 through a joint funding of City,. County and State as a result of this need. ~ - PROJECT OBJECTNES: - - :New Hanover County Cooperative Extension strives to develope a premier Urban Forestry • Program. Extension hopes to .educate the eommuni at-lar e ty- g ,private tree services, and the development .community on accepted arboricultural practices, tree preservation, and care of our - urban forests through , by using appropriate educational material. To develope a quality reference book resource for all to utilize. . STRATEGY: - - ~- - - ` An educational campaign is being initiated with brochures, staff training, tree give-away, new literature, and workshops which will raise the awareness and promote proper maintenance of the' ' ;, 'urban forest .This year, New Hanover County Extension will host the Certified Arborist Exam/Review and co-sponsor TreeFest in the winter of 1999. Certified Arborist Review and. Exam -The International- Society of Arboriculture's. Certified Arborist Exam will be held at the New Hanover County Extension Service October 15, 1998. • 'An in-depth review of the guidelines will. be September 16,23,30, October 7; and an intensive one day review is scheduled for October 14. The reviews will be conducted by Mary Ann Metcalf, - - , .New Hanover County Urban Forestry Agent and Dr. James- McGraw, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Urban Forestry Specialist. Additional information to be included - with :review material is: • ~ National- Arbor Day Foundation, -Trenching and Tunneling Near Trees. • ~ 63~ New Hanover County Page: 2 • International Society of Arboriculture, Tree-Pruning Guidelines • ANSI A300 Pruning Standards • ANSI 2133.1 American National Standard for Tree Care Operations TreeFest =Since the ,loss of many trees from hurricanes in 1996, New Hanover County residents are hungry for this annual tree give-away. North Carolina State Nursery grown tree seedlings will be purchased. -Five. seedlings will be given per participant on January 22 and 23, 1999 from 11 AM to. 6 PM. A "Meet the Experts" table': will also be set up to answer questions on tree selection, planting and. care: Plant Professionals will include Dr. C. Bruce Williams -Extension Director, Mary Ann Metcalf, Urban Forestry .Agent, David Barkley -Horticulture Agent and Karl Busick - Forester with Carolina Power and Light. Funding to distribute National Arbor Day Tree City USA Bulletins will be needed. Current Urban Forestry/Arboriculture Literature. - A need to update reference books on Arboriculture at New Hanover County Main Library. Reference books are also needed for the Master Gardener's Hotline/Plant Clinic. National Arbor Day Foundation "Tree City USA Bulletins" and "Trenching and Tunneling" which address tree preservation, will be distributed to the 900 members of the New Hanover County Home Builders Association. References publications needed include: • .Harris, Arboriculture: Integrated Management of 7'rees,~ Shrubs and Vines • .International Society of Arboriculture, Tree-Pruning Guidelines Matheny" & Clark, .Trees and Development • Shigo, A New Tree Biology • ~ Watson & Himelick, Planting Trees and Shrubs • National Arbor Day Foundation Tree City USA Bulletins: 64. # 7 How~to .Save Trees During Construction J • • #20 A Systematic Approach to Building with Trees #21 How Trees Can Save Energy (. ;_ Staff Training and Reference Material -The. Urban Forestry Agent will attend Dr. Alex Shigo's' - . , . ', ; Tree Anatomy. Workshop in Boone, North Cazolina, October 28 through November 1, 1998. The information gained from this- intensive tree anatomy workshop -will be presented as one of a series of lectures winter 1999. Reference books by Matheny & Clazk, Trees and Development and . Watson & Himelick, Planting Trees and Shrubs aze an important addition fo the Urban Forestry Agent's resources, especially working with the development community. COOPERATION:- ~ . Cooperative partners for these programs include New Hanover County Cooperative Extension, America the Beautiful, City of Wilmington, New Hanover County,. North Carolina _ State Forest Service -New Hanover County, Margee Herring & Co., Carolina Power and Light, •Nor-th Carolina Coastal Land Trust, Cape Fear River Watch, International Society of Arboricuifure.. ..- . Southern Chapter. Volunteers for all ro p .grams include 4-H youth, Boy Scouts,: Master Gardeners, City of Wilmington Tree Commission and Hoggazd High School Environmental Club. VISIBILITY AND IMPACT: ~ ~ , New.Hanover County and neighboring communities represent over 200,00 people. All programs will` be highly visible in the southeastern region of the state and .eastern South Cazolina through . . . mass media.... All programs will have press releases. The TreeFest event will be held at - Independence Mall. in New Hanover County and will receive television, radio and , newspaper support. People from neighboring rural counties come to TreeFest since the New Hanover County shopping mall is the only one in the area. This is the first time the Certified Arborist Exam has been offered east of Fayetteville. In addition. fo press releases and professional 65 New Hanover County Page: 4 newsletter calendars, all Extension Agents_ will be notified for their mailing lists. Small communities in New Hanover County that will.. benefit from this educational campaign include Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Castle Hayne..Some small communities in neighboring .,counties that,.will benefit include, Leland, Southport; Hampstead, Whiteville and Burgaw.Municipal, . ...institutional, private tree service companies .and landscape companies will benefit from training. Homebuilders .will be.given the educational tools needed to guarantee tree preservation. Homeowners and small: tree services will have increased .access to current arboricultural information through New Hanover County Extension- Service and library reference material. STANDARDS: All programs will be held to the highest professional standards set forth by the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and New Hanover County Government concerning program presentation. The correct professional information and content will 'be held to the 'standards" of North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Service; International Society of Arboriculture and National Arbor Day Foundation.., - . END RESULT/PRODUCT: - ` . The anticipated, result; is ;that 75% of those who takes the arborist' certification exam pass. Many will adapt their services to professional standards represented by the certification exam. Everyone who receives a tree. at TreeFest will be~ informed on 'proper planting and pruning of young trees. Master Gardeners will become knowledgeable-and confident to answer questions about trees. Home builders will desire additional information and workshops on tree preservation practices so they can learn better "tree friendly" construction techniques. Awareness is the first. step in educating the community about the importance of proper tree selection, care and pruning.. These funds will provide some of the .educational resources to help unprove community, tree awareness. 66 North Carolina Cooperative Extension ServicE • MARY ANN R METCALF URBAN FORESTRY AGENT Brief Resume ~'orinal Education College of Agriculture and life Sciences Ncw Hanover County Center Norifi Carolina Cooperative Fxirncion Ser College of Agrialhu~c sod L.iir Sciences 6206 Oleander Drive ~~mmghon, NC 28403 (910}452-6393 Faz (910}452398 AAS 1978 State University of New York at Farmingdale, Farmingdale, Ny _ Horticulture BS 1980 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY -Plant Pathology Professional Experience 1980-1982 Research Technician, Dendropathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY • 19841986 Office Manager-/Consultant, Boulder Tree and Landscape Company, Boulder CO 1986-1988 Supervisor of Insect and Disease Control, Mountain High Tree Services, Edgewater, CO 1988-1996 Urban Forestry Specialist, City of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 1998 -Present Urban Forestry Agent, New Hanover County Extension Service, Wilmington, NC 1~-o{essional Licenses Certified Arborist (SO-0172), International Society.of Arboriculture PubLc Pesticide Operator (#5796, North Carolina Pesticide Board • I Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, rotor, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University. North Carolina A&T State University. U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. 67 Brief Resume . `• ~. Name: James R. McGraw ~ _ Date of Berth: 9!24/43 Place of Birth: Winston-Salem, NC ' Trde • . Extension Forestry S~eciaGst !Urban Forestry & Forest Pest ManaQemer~ and Professor of Forestry f=ormal Education• HS 1965 NC State University, Raleigh, Forest Management MS 1968 NC State University, Raleigh, EntomtSlogy+ Ph.D 197b University of Florida, Gainesville, EntomoloQyr Professional Exnerience• Academic: Assistant Professor and Extension Forest Resources Specialist, NC State University, Raleigh, Forest Protection, 11 n5 to HBO, Associate Professor and Extension Forest Resources Specialist, NC State University, Raleigh, Forest Insects, Diseases and Pesticide Ed., 7/80 - 7/87, Professor and Extension Forest Resources Specialist, NC State University, Raleigh, Forest Insects, Diseases and Pesticide Education, 7/87 to 10/91, Professor and Extension Forest Resources Specialist, NC State University,' Raleigh, Urban, Forestry and Forest Pest Management 10/91 to date Professional Licenses• ~ Certified Arborist (Std-184), International Society o(Arboricukure • Public~'csticidc Opcrator (rt'178~, North Carolina Pesticide Board Registered Forutcr (llr982), North Carolina Board of'Registration for Forestcrs p ~PIDYn~ and program opportunities arc ofTcred to all people n=gardless of racy, color, national origin, scz, age ar handicap. 6 O Nortfi Carolina State University, Nash car°lina A&T State University, Us. Dcpartrrtiol of cvl Agn tore, and local govanmcats ~pcating Ezwasoa Fotcstry • ~•ttmeat °[ Foeestry • Boz 8003 • ~, I`1C n695-8003 . Td: (919) 515-5636 . FAX: {919) S1S-b8g3 3 ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dafe: 10/07/96 Regular'Item #: 3 - ~ Consent Item #: Department: Cooperative Extension Additional item #: P e Count in A ends Pac e: 2 Presenter: Bruce Williams Contact: Brice Williams 5 r Consideration of request from Cooperative Extension for exceptions to grant procedures BRIEF SLTMIW'Al~y . ' ~ Cooperative Extension has man o Y Pportunities to apply forsmall grants during each year.. These for such things as specialized education programs for youth, human nutrition, housing, tree plantin and ' others. The application period for these grants is usually very short. The Coon 's g more time than is norznally available to apply for these grants. ~' lit Procerlures:require • RECO NDED MOTION AND ItEOUE, TED ACTIONS Cooperative Extension request the Board of Commissioners allow them to submit of Co sinner's approval as long a~ the its vvithoutprior Board ~Y ~~finaricial commitment from~e~ for no more than $5,000. These grants would not require County. The Board of Commissioners would make {~ approval on all grants prior to final acceptance. FUNDING SOURCE Federal $: State S: . County S: User Fees S: ' Other $: Money Is In Current Budget; Bud et Ameadmeat Pre aced; ~ New Appropriation Request: REViFwFn uv. LGL: FIN: BUD: ~: .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMF DATIONS Request approval oftlus exception to-the County's grit •the opportunity to a rove the Y• The Board of Commissioners will still have PP grant if it is awarded. . RfJVED @-- . REMO~~ ~ Rcfer to officc Vision $ullctin Board for Deposition DA~f~ s~ .~ 69 This page intentionally left blank ~ o 70 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST i=OR BOARD.ACTION 1 .Meeting Date: 10/0/98 "Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Andy Atkinson _ f SUBJECT: ~ ' Amendment to BMS Contract for Space Study ' . BRIEF SUMMARY: The scope of work increased from the original contract for $15,000 due to expanding the number of sites that were evaluated for a new County Administration ,Building. In addition, the prospect for purchasing the - site at 138 N. 4th Street became an option that had to be explored, as well as an additional site that came available on Princess Street. There will be additional time required to complete the project, including meeting. with BellSouth, completing review of Option 2 of the original set of options that was presented.: . , ' earlier to the Board, and the final presentation of the Plan. In order to cover the additional expense a contract amendment is necessary to increase the contract price to a maximum of $24,500. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Authorize the County Manager to execute a contract amendment to increase the contract price to a maximum of $24,500 and approve BA#99-0032 increasing funding for the contract by $9,500. FUNDING SOURCE: ` ATTACHMENTS: ' °~ ~ ~ BA#99-0032BMS . ' REVIEWED BY: ' LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend approve 'COUNTY CQMMISSI.ONER~` COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMI=NTS: APF'ROV~D ~~ `REJECTED tO REMOVED CJ POSTPONED p HEARD L7 ~t?A1'E ~ ~ ~ _ .. 7~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Date: 10/08/98 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Contingencies/ Non-Departmental BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0032 ADJUSTMENT ' Contingencies: ' Contingency-- Non-Departmental: DEBIT :, CREDIT $9,900 Contracted Services $9,500 EXPLANATION: To amend the BMS space study contract by executing an amendment to increase the contract price to a maximum of $24,500 ($9,5D0 increase). With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in the Contingency account will be $290,500. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissions ~~ ~s ~,~ y,~,~~~rE+~l~~5.1 ~~~u~1 ~`;"!, CS:F B't~ ,~:w's.~'P ~~G'`~,' ;~6s ~ r - 551 +, nr ~ ,a t ~u~~~ 3~~~~'~ r r~ .~ ~-~~il~i,n`al,' y ~f ._. .,yl~4.~~i 72 $MJS ARCHITECTS, PC 51'4 MARKET STREET ' PO BOX 3667 - WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406-3667 PHONE 910 762-2621 FAX 910 762-8506 I ' . ~ September 8, 1998 • ` ~ Mr. Andy Atkinson ' Deputy County Manager New Hanover County Administrative Building . 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC.28401 • Re: New Hanover County Space Plan Update Additional Services Contract #98-0144 ' ~ Dear Andy, ~ _ - ~ Our contract for space planning services was to be based on an hourly fee schedule with a fixed cap of - ..$15,000. :We have exceeded this amount by $6,435. through August 1998. I know we have made you aware that we have exceeded the cap because of scope change, however I'm sorry I haven't quantified it ,for you until now. The scope increase primarily had to do with the number of sites and existing. structures considered as well as presentation effort on these different options. The anginal proposal . was prepared with a more limited number of departments and sites in mind. To date we have studied seven. different sites and as many different staging scenarios. , •Shipyard Boulevard ' - : : •Market and Second Street •The Annex Site • •Third and Market ~ , • •Seventeenth Street (Hypothetical Site) _ •132 N. 4th Street -Coca-Cola Building (Limited Review) We have some additional work to do to complete the project, including; meeting ,with Bell South, flushing out option two, final presentation. We estimate that the total fee with the amended scope will , not exceed $24,500. . We would like to therefore amend our contract to be able to provide you complete services for this project. Please call to arrange a meeting where we can discuss this if you find it necessary. We attach invoice #3 with payout to fifteen thousand dollars with a contract amendment pending to be negotiated. " Sincerely, , BMS Arc 'tects, PC ~~ Bruce F. Bowman, AIA 'BFB/jp .. XC: Allen O.'Neal .HERBERT P. McKIM, FAIA ~ ROBERT W. SAWYER, FAIA - BRUCE F, flOWMAN, AIA JOHN D. MURRAY, AIA W. STEVE MARTIN, AIA GEORGE HEMINGWAY, AIA LOUIS P. DAVIS . ~ 73 This page intentionally left blank 74 ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 - - Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Page Number: . Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes ,Bill Austin.. Contact: Dexter Hayes, Bill Austin, Charlie Howell ' SUBJECT: . Funding .Match for Multi-modal Transportation Facility Study 'BRIEF SUMMARY: As recommended by the Transportation Advisory Committee at their September 10, 1998 meeting, a Multi-Modal Transportation Facility Study should be done at a cost of $69,800 with New Hanover's share at $2,694. The City will be requested to provide approximately the "same amount at their October 6th meeting. 80% of the total funding will come from the State. A scope of work is attached. The study will . look at passenger rail service, downtown transit facilities, pedestrian connections, tourism, the coordination and location of parking facilities, and the identification and evaluation of potential sites fora.. multi-modal transportation center. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve recommendations of the TAC and BA#99-0033 for $2,694 as the County's funding match. _.. FUNDING SOURC€: , General Fund Contingency ; . ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Work ., - BA#99-033.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A = COUNTY MANAGER'S C TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTION JCOMMENTS• . COUNTY COMMISS~NEt~S APi'ROVED pp/~ - - - REJECTED REMOVED PQSTPQNED p HEARD 4~ • . DATE ° . . 75 NEW NANO ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~,~_.~ . Meeting Date: 10/0/98 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Contingencies/ Outside Agencies -Economic 8~ Physical BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0033 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT, Contingencies: Contingency .. ~ '. $2,694 Outside Agencies/Economic 8~ .. City of Wilmington ~ X2,694. . .. EXPLANATION.: To budget the County's share of tfie cost for a multi-model .transportation facility study. With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in the Contingency account wi11 be $287,806. APPROVAL' STATUS: To be approved by soard' Of Commissioners ' +r~ya~`~.~~.ryP{~~ d' '~q ,..,- ~w`~~D~ i'~~`~ ~~:~ \ 76 Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization ~~ , . September 14, 1498 ' M11ember Jurisdictions: City. of Wilmington Lead Planning >~ency , 6runswick County New Hanover County Town of Belville '. Towrrofleland Town of Navassa ° , Town of µJrigStsville Reach . • Mr. Dea-ter Hayes, Planning Director New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street Wihnizigton, NC 2801 Dear Mr. Hayes: This letter is to act as an invoice for New Hanover County's portion of the local match required for - the Multi-modal Facility Study approved by the Wilmington Urban Area Transportation Advisory Committee at their September 10, 1998 meeting. I am enclosing a copy of the Study's Scope of Work for your information. We anticipate that the contract for this Study «ill be considered by the Wilmington City Council at their October 6, 1998 meeting. . The total cost of the Study is approximately $9,800. i~,Tew Hanover Count_y's portion of the. required match for this Study is $2,694. This invoice is in accordance «~th the Netiv Hanover County L'oard of Cor.-~tnissioners agreement to provide a portion of the required match for the operation of the Greater Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO): Please make re-nittance in the amount of X2,694.00 for this Study. Payment should be made to: Collections City of Wilmington PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 284.02 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if I mav_ be of any assistance or if you have any questions concerning This matter. . Sincerely, Bill Austin 'Senior Transportation Planner Enclosure cc: Brent McAbee; Director of Finance, City of Wilmington ' Curtis Faircloth, City of Wilmington Collections Frank Rush; Budget Analyst P.O. L'ox 1810, Wilmington, North Carolina ?8402. Phone (910) ;41-4641 77- ., CiN ojGt'ilnringto~r alultinta:Ql Transportalio~r Ce~tlerStudy . c~pPF. OF ti~'ORK PROJECT O~ER~iE`'4' The purpose of the stud}~ is to investigate the feasibilit;' of developing a multimodal transportation center. At the same time; studies of Do~vnto~~~ parking needs and passenger rail sen~ce between Charlotte and Wilmington are being undertaken. The multimodal study must first examine the need for a transit transfer center as a means of enhancing transit ridership and operations efficiency'. In coordination with the other studies, this study will examine whether it is feasible and/or efficient to coordinate a transit transfer facility tivith these other modes. 'Some of the ke_v issues that will be investigated as part of this study include: • Future passenger rail regtirements Improved transfer facilities for Wilmington Transit Authority (WI'A) users. Connections v~~ith the Do«nto«~ core; particularly for pedestrians The needs of tourists and the tourism industry in ~~'ilmington . • Coordination u~rh assessment of parking needs and locatign of parking facilities. ' ~, ~ Trade-off among the vas ious fi:nctions and locations. If the earlier Dhases ~cf t'rie study determine that an integrated rail and «~TA transfer facility is not feasible or desirable, the stttdv i~-i11 identify feasible sites for aseparate m=~itin~odal transportation center, which includes passenger rail, intercit}~ bus, some WTA services and other modes, and sites fora 1~'TA transf r center DESCRIFTION OF STUDY TASKS GF.ti1F.~ a r APPROACH The scope to achieve the study objectives is presented below. It~is structured so.that the technical conclusions of each phase become a decision point for continuing with the study. The study process also anticipates close interaction and regular.meetings with a steering committee to be appointed by the Cit}~. At a minun~un; it is expected that this committee will comprise representatives from the Cit;-~'s Planning and Engineering Departments, «TTA, NCDOT Public Transportation and Rail Division; Greyhoiu~djI•railways, the tourism industr}<; and Cape Fear Community College. The meetings will be structured, so that the decisions that need to be made and are critical to the timely progress of the~stlid~~ are clearly tmderstood: .411 necessan' information ~~~i11 be mailed in advance of each meeting. 1 09/ 11/98 78 • Cin~ of Li~ilnii~rgtar :l h~ltinrodal Trmapo:•tatiat Ce~uc:r Studi• ASK 1. FACILITY i1EEDS ASSESSMENT Purpose: Tn determine the advantages, disadvantages and issrres regarding n multimodal transportation,facilih~. The findings of this task }vill determine whether the facility is potentially ` {easible and beneficial. PB «~11 develop a list of advantages, disadvantages; issues and prerequisite decisions for a combined facility. This will involve the follo~~ing: Re~rie~~ing WTA ridership data and any other information available on the travel patterns of riders. PB will visit the location ~~~here most transfers are currently occurring in the Downto«~n . area to observe the level of transf r acti~zty, any convenience or safety problems associated kith those transfers, and any other issues that can be observed. No surveys are proposed. PB .also «ill meet «•ith the WTA Director or Manager to obtain additional information and insights, v -• Meeting «~ith the NCDOT Rail Division to Te~zew its findings to date and discuss options and, issues regarding a passenger rail connection to tiVihnington, including possible locations for • the Wilmington Station. It is assumed for this study that the functional requirements for the • rail component of the multimodal facilit}~ «-iL be provided by NCDOT. • • Contactilzg representatives of GreyhorLnd/TraiiSVays to ascertain the c~~tent of their interest and requirements in relocating into a multimodal center. • Re~~ie«-inQ relevant sections of other studies, in particular the Wilmington Do~vnto«-n Plan and technical memos for the Comprehensive Pian. PB wilt also contact and coordinate ~~ith the Do~znto~~,n Parking Study cons~zItant team. • Meeting ~z°ith County representatives to determine County transportation needs. As part of the needs. assessment; the perceived benefits of a combined passenger rail and bus facility for to~irists zlso tell be e~a_mined through discussions tiv~th a tourism industry representative. This examination gill assess the advantages and benefits of locating the facility (,or even just the rail station) «~thin walling distance of the Do~~nto•~~m attractions to the steering committee. It will also determine the need to accommodate taxis. hotel shuttles and other Drivate services in a fa:cilit~~: Finally; the relative merits of separate facilities for WTA and a rail station will be addressed . A. brief report «ill be prepared dociunenting our findings and recommendations regarding the need and benefits of a multimodal facility. The report «-i11 be distributed prior to the first Steering Committee n~eeiing (Meeting ~1). The agenda :or the meeting «~ill be struch:red to discuss and address issues and questions in order of priorih'; so that by the end of the meeting; a go or no-go decision is clearly evident. . PB also ~~~ill provide photographs from its library of multimodal facilities from around the US. This ti~~ll pro~~ide Steering Committee ~~~tli an tu~derstanding of the various designs and concepts ==,o,, 2 ~ 09!1:~i9s 79. Ciry of li'ilmiitgtar .~lultinralc! Transpo~7atia~ Ce~rlcr Stuc~t' for such facilities as ~t~ell as their integration into the urban environment and their operational characteristics. TASK 2. FACILITY FEASIBILITY Purpose: To determine those f7rnctions that would be accommodated in the mtdtimodal center. Spnce and associnted needs for each. function nlso will be estimnted, and locational requirements identified. This task will identify and quantify the functions that could be accommodated in the multimodal center. It wilt focus on collecting and summarizing information that. may influence the location, functions, size; and ]ayout of a multimodal center. Sufficient information will be collected to provide an overview of existing and future transportation services, and identify the facility requirements and preferences of each potential user or tenant. From interviews with prospective users of the site, and anal}~sis of their existing and projected requirements, the demand and approximate associated_space needs will be estimated.for the following site or building components: • Local, county; regional and intercity transit vehicles (loading areas, train storage and platform needs, parking and servicing, circulation). e Taxis, limousines etc. (e.g., airperi senores) a Car parking (long and short-term). Order of magnitude parking needs for the passenger ~./ rail station w-i11 be estimated from any ridership forecasts to be obtained from NCDOT. • Package delivery a_nd handling. • Office; restrooms; and storage. • Passenger waiting areas, ticketing and baggage facilities; and pedestrian circulation areas. o Bic}~cle storage. Potential amenities and services that are compatible «~th a transportation center and could be used by the general public also could be determined (e.g., dr~~cleaners, child care, city and county services). Based on the total functions, the approxmate dimensions and layout «~11 be developed for the purpose of selecting and evaluating the suitability of alternative sites (in conjunction ~i-ith other pertinent criteria). The layout will consider the spatial relationslvps among all the proposed functions, vehicle and pedestrian circulation and access; and parking requirements. A beef report will be prepared to summarize the findings. In addition to space and related requirements, we w~lI comment on findings that-have locational implications (e:g., if bus transfers should remain in the Downtoti~-n area for operational and ridership pattern reasons, then this will be ~~~>~~~ . 80 .. Gin' of [f?(nti~rgtat A(trltimodal Transporto(ion CenterStiu(v noted). As in Task 1, the consultant «ilI offer opinions on whether the concept of multimodal facility still has merit in light of the additional data. A Steering Commttee meeting (Meeting ;T2) ~yiIl be held at the completion of this phase to confirm - the findings of this task. In addition, Steering Committee members ~yili be invited to suggest any •, potential sites based en information presented to them thus far.. TASK 3. POTENTIAL SITES IDENTIFICATION AND EVr1LUATION Purpose: To identify and evaluate potential sites and select ~ prefer, ed site for a - mitltimodal transportation center. - The results of the previous tasks «ill enable potential sites to be identified. For obvious reasons, it is anticipated that these sites ~z~ill be adjacent to railroad comdors. Potential sites will be identified in conjunction «zth the Steering Committee, the City; NCDOT, and from field reconnaissance - trips, maps, and aerial photography. Analysis of fivo alternative sites is included in the budget (though additional sights may be initially identified and broadly screened for suitability). If separate sites are proposed for WTA and a rail station, then a preferred site for each service «~ill be identified. Identified sites «711 be evaluated and compared. The results will be presented in a matrix that w-i11 - b:: structlrred to clarfy issues, illustrate advantages, disadvantages and tradeoffs etc., among _ a_'•iernatives,.ard to facilitate discussion and decision-making. inf ffi i i ill b S ' c ent ormat u on w e collected on promising sites so Lhat in the. event that the referred site P ,proves to b: infeasible, enough information will be available to select a second site from this study. ° The alternati-,~~ feasible but ron-selected sites ~~~ill therefore be analyzed sufficientl~~ (except for the environmental analysis) for this purpose. The.intial. step in this task will be to establish criteria for assessing and comparing objectively the alternative sites. Criteria could include: • Ability to satisfy the transportation functions identified in Task 2. This «'ill be a key and essential evaluation factor. • Vesicular access and impacts on traffic circulation. • Impact on WTA bus operations and current transfzrs. • Pedestrian access. to major activity centers in the Dotirnto«~. Pedestrian convenience,.. comfort and safety ~t-il1 be considered. Compatibility with existing land uses, Downto~~n plans, and other land use development objectives for the area surrounding the site. • Potential to stimulate desirable development or redcvelopn;ent in the surrounding area` • ~r~~~~~~~~®~~ ~ . _,°° 4 09/1~/9S O~ Crn~ oj[!'ilntiitgtat ,l(ultrnralal Traiispa•tatiar Crnter Stuc~v • Potential negative impacts on adjacent and nearby land uses. • Opportunities for joint public or public.tprivate development. ' • Land ownership and availability-(to be pio~~~ded by the City). ~ ' • Image and public visibilit}'. • Environmental issues (see Task 4). Other criteria may be identified during the study; including possible concerns and considerations raised by the Steering Committee and City planning staff. A Steering' Committee meeting (iVleeting ~3) will be held at the completion of Tasks 3 and 4 to review the findings. The Steering Committee will also decide whether the concept of a multimodal center should continue to be pursued, and what'items should be addressed in the final report. The forrnat for the first Open House a-ill also be confirn~ed. ' ' TASK 4. PHASE I ENVIROi\TMENTAL Purpose: To undertake a Phase I Envirerinentcrl stud-v to aia' in the selection o f ci preferred site. 7'l;e study should provide suf icient irlformntion to determine whether or not a Categorical Eiclusion.or a Emironrrental Assessment should be prepared for the selected site. The Phase I Environmental requirements are adapted from NCDOT Stat;:~vide Planning's Phase I `~`,,~ En~~ironmental Study process. This is a screening level comparison of alternatives to aid in the selection of a preferred site, or reasonable alternative sites. It does not provide the level of impact assessment required for an FTA~VA Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement. Based on our past experience, this information should be adequate for the FTA or FHWA to determine whether or not a Categorical Exclusion or a Environmental Assessment (followed by a Finding of No S ~~nificant Impact) should be prepared for the selected site. Analysis of tlvo zlternative sites is included in the budget (one for WTA and o:,e for the rail station if separate sites are proposed). Tasks ~~Zll include: 1. Gathering existing data and observing for each site and its immediate ~~cinit}~ using persons of the appropriate expertise: ~ ' o Land uses sensitive to noise and hi~,h levels of activity Land use plans Listed and potential National Register-eligible sites (historic and archaeological) • Public parks • Floodplains • ~~~atern-ays ai:d their quality classification • Habitat characteristics, wetlands and unique natural resources ..Y.. ~ 82 Cin~oJ(f7lnrArgtou:llu?timafnl Trmuponanon CenterSturfv TASK 7 RENDERINGS Purpose: To prepare renderings of the m:rltimodal facility on the preferred site that rill ~ ,,~ show its visucl impact and setting within surrounding development. Schematic design drawings will be prepared for one selected design alternativefor one site only (i.e., either the multimodal faciliR~; or the WTA facility or rail station if separate sites are proposed). The follo~~~ing renderings will be prepared: • A conceptual site plan at 1 "=40 feet .depicting the organization of facilities for the multimodal center. The plan «-ould also show the relation of the center to the.. adjoining land uses/structures that may be tied into an overall development concept, and connections to the transportation network. _ • Street level perspective or an elevation to represent.the pedestrian level impact of the center. The choice between the perspective or the elevation ~.-ould depend on the location and character of elements on the site de~~elopment plan. TASK 8 SUiV~1iV~IARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Purpose: To summarize the conclusion of the studies, and ideniijry the next steps and requirements for imple~iientation. Follo«ing input from Meeting ~4 and the Open Hous:.; the consultant «~ll ,prepare a ,draft final ~..-.~ report documenting the findings. ~1~his «~ill also address (for either tt~.e multimodal facilit}~, or the WTA faciliR~ or rail station if separate sites are proposed).: • Order of magnitude capital and operating and maintenance (0&~T) costs. a Funding options. This could include local, State and Federal grants. Oppommities for private sector funding participation in capital and operating costs will also be identified. • Environmental requirements (from Task 4), including a determination of the likelihood of an environmental assessment being required pursuant to 23CFR Section 771.11 and 771.117 (Federal Department of Transportation En-~~ironmental Impact and Related Procedures). A step-by-step implementation plan and schedule. The implementation strateg}~ will include timing of the various steps leading to construction, and phasing if applicable (e.g., some modes or private uses may not be operating or be f asible to include at the time the center opens). Descriptions of the. types of additional studies needed with estimates of costs. A summary of a draft report «-i11 be presented at the last muting ~tiith the Steering Committee (iti~leetin~ r~). The draft report ~t~-ill be available for circulation one ~~-eek before the presentation. A$er review of the draft report, the final report «-i11 be prepared and ten black and «-bite bound copies submitted. Feedback and comments from the draft report ~~iil be i~,corporated into the final !~ ~i~~~~~1~~~~i~~ 7 09/11i9S 84 Cin~of'1!'itmirt~tar;IlrrhimorlalTrarrsportatiouCotterStutw 7ZpOrt. '~ TASI: 9 OPEN ?-IOUSE ir1EETING ' . Purpose: To inform the public of the finnl recommendations and next steps. Ari open house ~~•ill be held at the end of the study to present the recommendations to the public: Thz City t~~ill be responsible for obtaining and paying for a venue and audiovisual equipment, mailing out the newsletter/notice and registering attendees. PB will: °_ Prepare and print up to 200 copies of a brief.black and white newsletter. a Prepare and make a slide presentation. \1R_4LFtPROJECTS\Tr~cIPROJECTS\\~'ilmington~scope.da: ' ' i _, . t . r~~y~~~yy~pee~~~v~~~ ,~~cc~~pp =-~o0 8LJ8'~gB~Cr~~~C~~.O~l~ .. S 09/1=4/93 • ~ 85 8,6 .~ This page intentionally left blank NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 Consent item #: 8 Estimated Time: .Page Number Department: Finance Presenter: Contact:. Amy Akin ~, SUBJECT` Approval of contract # 99-0122, an installment purchase contract with Heller Public Finance, LLC for. financing of equipment and approval of associated budget amendment # 99-0034. BRIEF SUMMARY: -Through the adoption of the current budget the purchase of equipment (800 mhz radios for Sheriffs Department, bulldozer for the Landfill, and dump trucks for Environmental Management) through - ~ -installment purchase financing was approved. Staff has secured a finance rate of 4.39% for three years and 4.43% for fifty-nine months. The finance and legal staff have review the contract documents. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ' Adopt resolution: 4. approving contract # 99-0122 with Heller Public Finance, LLC for financing the purchase of equipment, and . 2. authorizing and directing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Finahce Officer, and - County Manager to act on behalf bf the County in.regard to contract # 99-0122 and other actions not . inconsistent with this resolution, and 3. approving associated budget amendment # 99-0034. FUNDING-SOURCE: Funds for repayment of the portion of the loan due this year are budgeted in account #110-420-4256-5940. For accounting purposes, proceeds from fnancing will be budgeted as detailed in the associated budget amendment # 99-0034. ATTACHMENTS: As part of this transmittal, the resolution and the budget amendment are being sent as attachments. The contract documents are being submitted separately. ' CDUNTY COMMlSS1 N~RS' l ~ l l RpPROVED _'~ Iprs.wpd .QEJECTED REMOVED O P©STPONED O BA99-0034.w H~A~tO ~ REVIEWED 8Y: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A . 87' COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro I. COMMISSIONERS' ACT ON COMMENTS: ~,., m.., , xRr~ ;ii?..~. ~~ ~~~cyp~r w~~ 'GSI ~.1~ J 4Y ~F~ :~ ~~ u ~ ~'` rs~ ~2,,- ,r>re<,>, b. i..tN 88 . ~ RESOLUTION OF TIC BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY • WHEREAS, New Hanover County previously approved through the adoption of the current budget. the purchase of equipment (800 MHZ radios for Sheriff's Department, bulldozer.for the Landfill, and dump trucks for Environmental Management) through installment purchase financing; AND WHEREAS, staff is requesting approval of Contract # 99-0122, an installment contract with Heller Public Finance, LLC for the financing of the equipment as authorized by North Carolina General Statue 160A-20; , AND WHEREAS, all equipment to be financed through this contract will be purchased in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina; AND WHEREAS, budget amendment # 99-0034 has been prepared and is submitted for approval as part of this request; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover :County that Contract # 99-0122 with Heller Public Finance, LLC for financing the purchase of equipment (800 MHZ radios for Sheriff's Department, bulldozer for the Landfill, and dump trucks for Environmental Management) is approved and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Finance Officer ,and County Manager of New Hanover County are hereby authorized and' directed to act on behalf of the County of New Hanover in regard to Contract # 99-0122 and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution, including a commitment letter with Heller Public Finance, LLC relating to said financing; and associated Budget Amendment # 99-0034 is approved. This 5th day of October, 1998. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to the Board Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. 8 9 ~'~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Meeting Date: 10YOv/98 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: Various ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0034 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: Sheriffs Department/Administration: Installment Loan Proceeds $920,000 Departmental Supplies $93,300 Capital Outlay -Equipment $826,700 Environmental Fund: Landfill Operations:. - Installment Loan. Proceeds $380,000 Capital Outlay -Equipment" $300,000 WASTEC/Operations: ' Motor Vehicles ~ $80,000 EXPLANATION: To budget installment loan proceeds for 800 mhz radio equipment (Sheriffs Department), 2 dump trucks (WASTEC Operations), and a bulldozer (Landfill) . These items were approved in the current budget to be purchased through installment financing. The budget amendment is for accounting. purposes only. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Soard Of Commissioners NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~. REQUEST 1=0R BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/05/98 ' ~ Consent item #: 9 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Human .Relations Presenter: Anthony Wade Contact: Anthony Wade SUBJECT: Approval of 1998-99 HUD CONTRACT BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover Human Relations Commission has been awarded a HUD Cooperative Agreement Continuation Grant in the amount of $25,200. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend acceptance of the grant and request approval of associated budget amendment of #99-0036 to adjust 98-99 budget to amount of 98-99 award of $25,200 plus rollover from 97-98 of $850. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $25,200. ~ . ATTACHMENTS: Form HUD-'1044 `. 99-0036.wp ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER`S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' -, Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS ~ ' • COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVEp REJECTED p' REMOVED ~] POSTPONEp' ® f HEARD ~; UA7'E .~/J~ 9 8~ 91 Amendment ~ and Urban Development Office of Administration 1. Aasistance Instrument 2. T~e of Action ~~ Cooperative Agreement n Grant IX I Award n n....._~___. 3. Instrument Number FF204K984005 4. Amendment Number 5. Effective Oate o this ction ~ 10~01~8 6. Control Number 7. Name and Addrasc of Recipient NEW HANOVER HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION 8. HUD Administering Office ~../ HUB DIRECTOR SE/CARIBBEP N 402 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28401 , . OFFICE OF FHEO GEORGIA STATE OFFICE,RM 230 75 SPRING ST., S.W. , ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-3388 75 Spring Street Ba. Name of Administrator 8b. Telephone Number GR£GORY.BERNARD KING {404)331-5140 10. Recipient Project Manager ANTHONY W WADE DIRECTOR 9. HUD Government Technical Representative . , FANNY CHESTNUT-HAIRSTON 11. Assistance Amengement Cost Reimbursement 12. Payment Method Treasury Check Reimbursement 13. HUD Payment Office U. S . DEPT. OF HUB, SEATTLE FEDERL OFFICE BLDG Cost Sharing ~ Advance Check . 909 FIRST AVENUE„ SUITE 200 SEATTLE, WA 98104-1000 Fixed Price ~ Automated Clearinghouse 4. A6i~rtan CO .Amount Previous f-IUD Amount $ HUD Amount this action $ Total HUD Amount $ Recipient Amount $ Total Instrument Amount $ 15. HUD Accounting and Appropriation Data 15a. A propriation Number TSb..Reservation Number 25 200.00 86890144 FHEO-98-4005 25 200.00 Amount Previously Obligated $ 25 200.00 Obligation by this action $ 25, 200.00. Total Obligation $ - 25, 200.00 16. Descriptiwt ,, i ~. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR FAIR HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FHAP) This agreement consists of the following, which incorporated herein and made a part hereof: 1. Cover Page, HUD-1044 2. Schedule of Articles 3. Statement of work 4. Section 3 Clause 5. Assurances 6. Criteria for Processing 7. Administrative Ret3uirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements Order of Prededence: Notwithstanding any prevision to the contrasyyt in the event of a conflict among any of the documents pertaining to the duties and res onsibiTities of the, parties, the Statement of Work shall take precedence over the Schedule o~ Articles. 17. ~ ~,~~. ~~ a,.~~~,~ Recjpient Is require,d,to, of this docunent~to~the~ 19. Recipient (By N ~ ;;, i"~?( v+i' is~ Signature 8 TiU ~a'3'~d1 Director Previous aditions are obsolete ~ and return three (3) copies I ~ 8• ~ Recipient is not required to sign this document. D Administering Office. _~ 20. HUD (By Name): __-~ Data: Sip & Title: j~j~ Date: 9/23/9b v `"~~~ Gxegor/y B,er and King, CAO G~ Y I form HUO-t04.q (81901 ref. Handbook 2210.17 92 i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ RE UE Q ST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1 U/0~/98 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: HumanReiations BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-003fi ADJUSTMENT DE81T CREDIT HUO Grant $950 Human Relations-Contract Services $950 EXPLANATION: To adjust budget to correct amount. 1998-99 HUD Grant award is $25,200; rollover from 97-98 is $850. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• This page intentionally left blank 9~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0198 Budget Amendment Consent item #: 10.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Library BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0031 ADJUSTMENT Partnership for Children Grant Salaries PICA Supplies Travel . Telephone Printing Books DEBIT CREDIT $23,100 $14,400 $1,150 $1,100 $850 $72 .$300 $5,228 • EXPLANATION: To budget 1st quarter allocation of grant funds for the Library's Partnership for Children grant. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners r COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~~~<A!'r~~ROVEDy~ E REJECT_gD~~~f C~~~' P~~STFO<~IRI~~ ~~~ HE~hO-Y~ 95 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 'REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0$/98 Budget Amendment Consent item #: 10.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: DEPARTMENT: Finance ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0035 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Hurricane Bonnie FEMA-federal $3,500,000 Salaries $400,000 Contract Services $3,100,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for anticipated expenditures/revenues related to Hurricane Bonnie. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ,~:.~r w~ ~`~&n~+~r lP '~ti :~:. ~A'Y'+'Y ~'Mx4y~ '~ ~~y::, CO,I~NTY~,~CO,~MMISS~,ONERS A~~E~~~,.~~ 'R~Q ..'~~'PON~D,,C7~ :HATE _~ ~` 96 _ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0/98 . ~ Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 10.3 Estimated Timer Page Number: f DEPARTMENT: Engineering/Planning ' BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-77 . ADJUSTMENT DEB1T CREDIT Kirkland Capital Project `Transfer in from fund 800 $46,000 `: ' Capital Project Expense $46,000 Sewer District ' Appropriate Fund Balance $46,000 ' Transfer to Sewer Capital Project $46,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget in Fund 835 (Kirkland Capital Project) for revenue being. transferred from Sewer District for funds necessary to complete the project. In Fund 800 {Sewer District)-to appropriate fund balance to make transfer to Kirkland Project. ` APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMIS510NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMiS~IONF~tS; APP!?©VI[3 ~'~ REJ~C3€a Q RCMOVED C3 POSTPONED o } HEARD 97 Lc ~~r~.~S~~:~S~~.b,;oC~at~ Ur~t~~~ ~1;"9~?~` "~i'i vJ~'i~~~;L: ~'~ ~ar~i~~~x~~~ ~~; ~•,~;~~1~ rut y ~;. w ~~{{;''{{~