Agenda 1998 08-03~- 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 L t 1 1 AGENDA ~pKDVFR Co _~~ ~~~ * ~? ',* ~r. .. ~~/ O~ ~FHORTH~' ~~ August 3, .1998 ' WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROSERTG. GREEK VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD 6:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman. William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IVON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 6:.45 p.m. 1. Consideration of Proclamation Designating August 4, 1998 as Coast Guard Day in New Hanover County 6:50 p.m. 2. Consideration of Amendment to an Ordinance of New Hanover County, Chapter 3, Animals and Fowl 6:55 p.rri. 3. Consideration of Resolution of Joint Statement of Vision for. Fire Service District Interagency ~- ~ ~l o o~~R e-ech~ 7:05 p.m. 4. Consideration of Southeastern Center Space Needs. 7:15 p.m. 5. Consideration of Approval of Privatization of Child Support Services 7:25 p.m. 6. Consideration of Mayor's Program Objectives for FY98-99 Public Hearings: 7:30 p.m. 7. Community Development Performance Close-out Hearing - Vision Software Project 7:45 p.m. 8. Street Renaming of East Ramp Road to Control Tower Drive NEW HANOVER COUNTY BO ~RD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 2=l North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmingto~t, NC PAGE N.O. 1 3 9 15 19 23 29 31 Plannina.Items: 8:00 p.m. 9.1 Item 1: Rezoning -Request by Raiford Trask, Jr. to rezone ~ .33 85 + acres on the east side of Military.: Cutoff and south of Lucia Point to O-1 Office and Institution from R-15 and R-20 Residential. (Z-269, 6/98) 8:15 p.m. 9.2 Item 2: Rezoning -Request by David Barefoot for. Trask .and 45 Goff to rezone 30+ acres in the 4200 block of Blue Clay ' Road to I-2 Heavy Industrial from R-15 Residential. (Z-630, 7/98) 8:30 p.m. 9.3 Item 3: Rezoning -Request by Leo Nowak for J. Bullard to 51 rezone 4.67 acres at 8133 Market St. to B 2 Business from, R-15 Residential. (Z-631, 7/98) 8:45 p.m. 10. Consideration of Courthouse and Administrative Space 57 Needs -Options 8:55 p.m. 11. Discussion of Removal of Southern Outer Loop Proposal 59 9:15 p.m. 12. Committee Appointment:Board of Fire Commissioners ~ 63 9:20 p.m. 13. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 75 ADDITIONAL ITEMS ~ ' County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 10:00 p.m. ADJOURN ~` ~y _~` - MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ' 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 . - AUGUST 3, 1998 ' - ITEMS OF BUSINESS . PAGE ~ NO. ° l . Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes - ~ 75 _ ' 2. Approval of Minutes 77 3, Consideration of Acceptance of Hazard Mitigation Grant for 1998-99 79 -,~F ' Ad ourn ~~ ~' - - ~} ;~' ;~~ - - ~~~ R :~ ~ ~ .. "~. ~~' ` ~~~~ '~s - ry,~ 1 2 3 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 ~°~ (1rr 12 13 14 15 • ,CONSENT AGENDA ;• , NEW:HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • AUGUST 3, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes Approval of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer of Two Lots to Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development Corporation Approval of Request to Waive Fire Inspection,Fee for DSS. Sponsored Foster Homes Adoption of Schedules, Standards, and Rules for the 1999 Revaluation of the County Approval of Contract # 98-0331 with Kruger, Inc. for a Tertiary Filter Approval of Grant Submittal by Community Boys and Girls Club to Governor's Crime Commission Approval of Payment Structure for Transportation Private Operator Contract Approval of N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant Approval of. Grant Acceptance from Governor's Crime Commission Approval of Reclassification Request -Assistant County Attorney Approval of Adoption of Resolution Requesting the NCDOT' to Add Roads to the State Highway System Approval of Recommendation for Computer System for Animal Control Approval of Budget Amendment # 99-04 Approval of Budget Amendment # 99-0006 Approval of Budget Amendment # 99-0007 PAGE NO. 83 85 91 93 95 99 101 105 113 117 119 135 137 139 145 '~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item#: 1 Estimated Time: •~ Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster ~. ;~ Contact: Lucie. Harrell SUBJECT: ~~ Proclamation:` Proclaim August 4, 1998 as Coast Guard. Day in New Hanover County ,~` BRIEF SUMMARY:. The United States Coast Guard will celebrate its 208th birthday on August 4, 1998. The Proclamation expresses appreciation to the highly professional men and women who make a tremendous contribution ~~ i to New Hanover County.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~, Adopt Proclamation ~t. FUNDING SOURCE: ~~` ~~ ATTACHMENTS: .Proclamation ',~` ITEM DDES NOT REQU/RE REVIEW ~' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT ND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider adoption of proclamatio . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COM TS• - 1~. '~~ ~:. ~, ~~~~ ~I~~ aPPR©vrEla c~ -:. R~~erI~Q ~ POSTPQN~p ~ a HEARD i}ATE ,.~..,~~:~~ NEW NANO vER ~ CO UNTY 13 0A RD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the United States Coast. Guard, founded by Alexander Hamilton on August 4th 1790, is our Nation's oldest continuous seagoing service; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Coast Guard is today the world's premier maritime safety and marine law enforcement agency; a versatile branch of the Armed Forces, and one of our country's most productive agencies, returning four dollars in service for every dollar invested; and '' WHEREAS, local Coast Guard men and women also ,volunteer hundreds of hours in 'our community, conducting beach cleanups, coaching. teams, serving in emergency rooms and emergency vehicles as Emergency Medical Technicians, donating blood, and as mentors and role models in Partnership in Education Programs withiri~our local schools; and .- WHEREAS, the United States Coast Guard will celebrate its 208th '.birthday on August 4th, 1998; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners officially designates August 4, 1998, as "COAST GUARD DAY" in New Hanover County and urges its citizens to express their appreciation for the highly professional men and women who make a tremendous contribution to New Hanover County. `Semper Paratus' Adopted;this 3rd day of August, 1998 ~~us r-~f.. i-.5^~t.. ATTEST: ~~ 1,v;_;v~,~~~r ti~ r a i h~,~. Clerk to .~ Board ~~~~~ William A. Caster, Chairman 0 ,~~. µ` ~l t ^~~~ ~. -,~; f~ ~, '~~ ~s. *~;. :~'~~~ 1^1 „~, ;t', ,~`~ ' `? {~' ~~~ t~~ +~~ ~~. ~~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Tirne: - Department: Health Presenter: Ron Currie Contact: Ron Currie SUBJECT:. Consideration of Amendment To An Ordinance Of New Hanover County, Chapter 3, Animals and Fowl ; BRIEF SUMMARY: ' At the June 3 Board of Health Meeting, the Board of Health approved amending the county ordinance, Chapter 3, Animals and Fowl (attached Draft from Kemp Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney) to change language used in Section 3-3 and 3-23 from a "criminal" to a "civil" nature. The current language was questioned by a local attorney during a civil case involving Animal Control and was referred to legal for a recommendation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve Amendments to Chapter 3, Section 3-3 and Section 3-23 FUNDING SOURCE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider amendme o dinance as noted above. Two readings are required if the initial vote is not unanimous. COMMISSIONERS A TIONS/COMMENTS: y COUNTY COMMIS~1I APPROVEp ~~ REJECTED Q REMOVED ,Q POSTt'ONEU G1 HEARp p I,a~l~e - ~~ J NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE I ~l ~` I Z O ::.\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A\\ \\\\\~\C\nt 1\ZZ\\\\ V~J . ~ To: David Rice, Health Director ~ From: Ronald Currie, Anunal Control Services ~~~ Date: May 15, 1998 Re: May 26, 1998 Executive Board Meeting )n Small Claims Court, a local attorney questioned our current reading of Section 3-3 and 3-23! The attorney indicated -that the County ~'as charging his client with a "civil" issue. However,: the language used in these sections of the County Code was "criminal" in nature... 'After discussing the issue stilth the County Attorney's Office, the attached recomuzendations were submitted. Please Have the Executive Board review and make a recommendation. ~,-nn o.vr.»~ r CJ' -~~J ~/~LY~ ~\ ~' AN ORDINANCE ,, OF THE `~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~` t. `~: ;~~. t~ t t r i DAFT Revised 06/22/98 The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 3, Animals and Fowl, amended as follows: 1. Amend Section 3-3. Duties as follows: a. Add to the last sentence. of the last paragraph of Section 3-3(g): The citation fines may be recovered by New Hanover County in a civil 'action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within e ,seven (7) days after being cited. ' b. Amend Section 3-3(h), such that the first sentence is modified to read as follows: h) to addition to and/or in lieu of the above civil citation, the Animal Control Director may forthwith have a criminal complaint entered against the violator and secure and issue a warrant for his or her arrestor issue summons against such person to appear in Court. The balance of Section 3-3(h) shall remain unaltered and in full force .and effect. 2. Amend Section 3-23, Violations as follows: a. Pursuant to state law, it is a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed . Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to violate any provisions of this chapter unless otherwise provided herein. b. In addition to and/or in lieu of the above criminal sanctions, New Hanover County may issue civil citations, in such amounts as established by the New Hanover County Board of Health, for any violation of this Chapter. Each separate violation hereunder shall constitute a distinct offense under this Chapter. These civil citation penalties may be recovered by the County in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty after being cited as set forth in Section 1-19. This day of , 1998. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] ATTEST: William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board ... ` ~ ..ANIil4A.LS ~`TD~FOWL . .. f.. § g-y .(b).,,Investigating.cruelty, animal, abuse or neglect with, regard to dogs; cats:and other animals. ' (c): Making 'such canvasses of tfie- county,' ii7cliiding homes in ~• •"= "ahe county, as deemed necessary for the' purpose• of ascer- ' ~~ taining. that all dogs~and cats are~duly and'properIy~listed ' for licensing purposes and that all dogs and'~cats. are~~ va a a .:': .. ~ ._ ccinated gainst r bies. ., :~ :,.. , . . (d) .Operating the county animal shelter pursuantita reguTa-~'~ .: = tions~adopted by the~board.ofhealthr'_ ~`:. 3:~i;~~aiL _:~~;.' ~-~' • (e) Listing for licensing for dogs'"and cats and"mai'ntaining=a . ~ reference file, in connection: therewith;.:all; in: accordance, ~- with.the provisions of this: chapter and the•policies o£_th~e board. of. county~commissioners:•~? ._. ..... '~_1;:.:~a_:,;! . _ : - '-- (f)~ Issuing to the owner a citation for rabies vaccination. at`tfie,~ ..... ~ .. ~~ ~ ' .. ... '• ' time'of redemption for any unvaccinated dog or.~cat four (4) ~' ~ ~ ' '~~~~+ months of age or older. The aiu"mal'shaIl'be vaccinated~~.by_ _ a licensed' veterinarian and proof returned' to animal'~~ -' ~ control by the owner of the dog or cat. within three (3) .~ . ~ ) business days. If the rabies vaccination is' administrated' "~` ~ ~ within seventy-two (72) hours,. the citation_ shall be void. "".'." Individuals who fail to vaccinate their pet within the seventy-two (72) hours shall~~ be issued another citation~'~ (g};~ The, director..and. all animal.. control .of'ricers.are~•hereby,_ ¢~~ . empowered. to. issue citations:_.to any person.`if.: there-.:is_.;1 ... .. .., :: ~.: :.: r C..J . probable cause to believe. that such pe son has violated ariy ,~ .... •-of`the-provisions of this chapter. ~ ' ' Citationsso issued'may be served in person upo7itheviol~ator .tiy the' director or°.'an ~aniinal controT~offi~cer or they ma : tie: ~` y ,., 1~~ mailed"by registered mail if ~sucfi: person cannot: be~ieadiIy: ~~ found.~Any citation sQ served or mailed shall direct.the alleged ,~ violator to make payment.of the fine~provided thereia to animal control, on. or before ~ specific day,=_and hour. stated: on_ the `' ~ citation, and .the period.. so specified..shall.,not_. be. less::than seventy-two (72) hours after service or delivery. to the violator_ If the violator is served by mail, the violator shall have seven ~,J ,. ~ .. (7)'d'ays after the return receipt date to paythe citation. '- '~,:{~)_ If the violator. .does not.appeaz in response to~the.citation ~'`'~'`` the animal control director shall forthwith have ~a com~ Supp. No. 25 357 _ ~, ---= t } § 3'3 ~ ; ~` NEW F~INOVER COWi TY CODE plaint entered against such person and secure and issue a warrant for his ~or her arrest or issue suiiirrions= against such person to appear in court. The arrest. or'suirimons shall be -for the violation of the section.. of this;.chapter charged in the citation, .and, upon. conviction,..the;;defen- dant. shall, be~ subject to the penalties prescribed: by this chapter. • (i) All citation forms shall be serially numbered in triplicate, and all records with respect. to the citation forms-and the disposition of the same shall be maintained so: that all such forms shall be capable of an immediate accounting. The county finance officer or. his representative shall. period- ically investigate the records of the division foi-the purpose of determining the disposition of said citation forms. and shall report the result of such investigation to the county manager. For the purpose of making; this investigation lie; shall; have access to the records of~the division. ~ ' (Ord. of 11-21-94) Sec. 3-4. Definitions.. ~ "~' As' used in this chapter, the following terms mean: = ~ . (a) Owner: Any. person, group of persons, firm„partnership or corporation owning, keeping, having charge •of, slieltering,~ feed- ing; ,harboring or taking care of". any arifinal ` TFze= owner is responsible for the care; actions• and behavior of liis• animals. (b) Kennel, dealer, breeder, pet shop: Any. person,. group of persons,. firms,. partnership or corporation- engaged. in buying, selling, commercial breeding,. hobby breeding and.. boarding- pet animals not otherwise..covered by the Federal Animal WelfareAct • (P.L. 89-544), or the North Carolina Animal Welfare Act. (General Statutes section 19A-2Let seq.). (c) At Iarge: Any animal shaIl be• deemed to be' at:Iarge when it is off the property of its owner and not under the restraint of a competent person. (d) Restraint: An animal is under restraint.within the meaning of this chapter if it is controlled by means of a leash, or is sufficiently near the owner or handler to be under his direct Supp. No. 25 358 :.'•, '~ . AIYIlI-LEIS AND FOWL § 3-23 . 4 = (d) Said gifts, grants and awazd j ~ private donors shall be deposited in the e1AnemaloControl Z}ust ' Fund Account, herein created, 'and: shall at all times be kept; .separate and apart from the general funds ofsuch that they wilt ensureao the use and benefit of animal control: (e) Gifts, ,grants and awards not immediately used shall be, invested in'accordance with the county's investment policy. ' (fl' Funds not expended at the close of th_e fiscal year shall be camed~forward into the negt.year. (g) Gifts, grants and awards to the Animal Control must Fund ' Account shall be received by animal control and delivered to the ,j:.: finance office;- who shall deposit them as determined by subsec- "~, p. . tion (d) of 'this -section. Said gifts, grants and awards shall be "'---~~~ upended by the finance director only upon receipt of aresolution duly adopted by'the New Hanover County Board of Health_ (h) ~y gifts, grants or awards received subject to a condition - shall be" expended strictly in accordance with such condition. (Qrd: of 17.-21-94) ~ 5- Sec. 3-22. Records: It. shall be the. duty of animal control to keep, or cause to be kept, accurate and detailed records of: (I) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into animal control. ,, (2) Bite cases, violations and complaint investigations. ~~ . (3). All monies belonging to the county which were derived from- impoundment fees, penalties and adoptions of ani 8 •maLg:. - ` (4) . `All oilier records deemed necessary by the. county man- 3 ager: (Ord. of 11-21-94) ,~, 5ec`;3 T Pola ,,T~;~,`223: Lions; misdemeanor. Pursuant to state law, it is a misdemeanor punishable bya fine not to exceed five hundred dollars (500.00) orimprisonment not - to exceed thirty (30) days to violate any provisions ofthis chapter, . unless othei-wise~ provided herein. (Ord. of 11-21-94) Supp. No. 2s 377 :,-. '~F NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~!' ~ Meeting Date: 08/03/98 .Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: /~ De artment: Fire Services Presente P r. P. Kouwe Contact: P. Kouwe .~r SUBJECT: ~'~' Resolution of Joint Statement of Vision for Fire Service District Fnteragency Committee ;~ BRIEF SUMMARY: This is a resolution jointly adopted by the Fire Commission which endorses the concept of functional consolidation of the County Fire Service District's fire protection agencies in order to improve efficiency ' and effectiveness, .leading to reduced insurance rating and, thus, reduced insurance costs for taxpayers. ~~ Also approves participation in an Intera enc Committee whi 9 Y ch will work to establish a potential implementation plan for such consolidation which will be returned for further consideration. f ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approval of resolution {~ FUNDING SOURCE:. ~~ ATTACHMENTS: , resolution inviteCBO ,~ Joint Vision ResolutionCB REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ,~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Recommend approval COMMISSLONERS' S/COMMENTS: .>~ ~~~ CAIVII~Ii~StQNF APPROVED C../ ~~ .,,. - REIECTEd ir! .~ REMI~VED ~ >-;; POSTPQNEQ L7 . HEARD C ~ DATE ~.[~ - ,. " ``~ PIIII, KOIJWE ADMINISTRATOR email: pkouwe@co.new-hanover.nc.us Allen O'Neal, County Manager County Board of Commissioners July 1S`, 1998 RE: Resolution of "Joint Statement Of Vision" ,_. ` Recently, the final report from the Emergency Services Consulting Group was presented to the New Hanover County. Eire Comrriission and the Board of County , Commissioners. This company was selected by the County to conduct a thorough review of all aspects of the fire protection system serving the New, Harouer County Fire Service District: Among other objectives, the consultants'. were asked fo study the feasibility. of some form of unification or consolidation of the district's eight individual fire departments and whether any such effort could improve our efficiency. ' The report from ESCG contained a wide variety of recommendations and suggestions, ranging from issues involving equipment and stations to strategic planning and capital. improvements. On the issue of unification, the consultants were quite clear in their belief that the community would benefit from a fire protection system that functioned as a single operating organization. In addition to the consultant's opinion, the research survey conducted as a part of the study indicated surprisingly wide acceptance of the concept by those county firefighters who responded. It is important to recall that ESCG considered various forms of organizational unification in the study; rariging from simple automatic'aid agreements to a full-blown merger. The specific course of action recommended, however, was a functional consolidation. The consultants note that such an arrangement differs from a, full merger in that it offers a wide variety of efficiencies and advantages of a larger organization, improved planning and ' administration, and better utilization of resources and personnel while still allowing the various agencies to retain many aspects of their individual identity and autonomy. ~ Giveilftlie strong recommendations of the consulting firm and following f t~1 UL•3~A ~~~ ~, ~,~.;,~. y~~~~~ ~ a revlew o material presented m the study, the Fire Commission has embraced the concept of a more ivied fire prlotectii~~. ~t~e~m and determined to take the next step in the process of examining tether functional consolidation is right for New Hanover County. This step involves the t, ~~ l~.e~~a1~~i! anon of a71 Interagency Committee For Implementation which would include {~ ~ a~~u~4~t~1 ~, sen~atives of all fi~~~~partments involved, including your New Hanover County Fire partment, and would be tasked with the responsibility of developing a specific w NEW ]FIANOVER COUNTY FIRE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION , 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 ' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4045 {PHONE (910) 341, 7420,. FAX (9I0) 772-7812 ~:~ . "~ ~~~' ,~ ~. ~' i i 1 1 i 1 T implementation plan for functional conssolidation which could then be considered for adoption by the agencies 'and County Commissioners. It is the work of this Interagency Committee, and the resulting implementation plan, which will ultimately determine whether functional consolidation can be made to work here and whether it will, in fact, accomplish an improvement to our system's ability to deal with impending growth and change. The Fire Commission's action took the form of a "Resolution of Joint Statement of Vision". The Fire Commission would like the Board of County. Commissioners to consider .the adoption of a similar resolution. An example resolution has been included for your convenience, but please feel free to make changes or modifications as necessary. The resolution does not commit to ANY specific course of action, but merely indicates your commitment for New Hanover County and its fire department to fully participate as an active part of the Interagency Committee and the effort to develop a viable plan that we can all consider on its individual merits. Thank you for your time and consideration. As always, I look forward to working with you toward a great future for fire protection in New Hanover County. Sincerely, 'lip A. Kouwe Fire Services Administrator enclosure: Resolution of Joint Vision Statement sample County Commissioner's resolution 11 .. . .~l R.esoCution of the ... ~ " Netiv 3-fanover County Board~Of County Commiss~aners Regarding a. "jointStatement Of `Vision" for ;Fire Service Whereas, .the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the Board of Fire Commissioners is a duly authorized advisory ~board~ to the' County Board of Commissioners charged with the developmenf''ofglans and programs~involving the provision of fire protection, to the, citizens living within the New Hanover County Fire Service District,. and; Whereas, the Board of Fire Commissioners',has adopted a Resolution of Joint .Statement of, Vision~for the functional consolidation of the` County Fire Service District's fire protection system, and; Whereas, the various fire protection agencies within the New Hanover County Fire, Service District have traditionally worked to provide high-quality fire suppression services, and; Whereas, these various fire protection agencies have, in the past, entered into mutual aid agreements and automatic aid agreements or other cooperative ventures to the benefit of the citizens, and; Whereas; this.Commission desires to provide services at a reasonable cost by eliminating duplication where feasible and making the most efficient use of resources, and; Whereas, it is desirable to coordinate programs and provide established service levels to all citizens of the Fire Service District, and; Whereas, the functional consolidation of certain fire services has been demonstrated to provide improved fire protection and increased efficiency in various jurisdictions, and; Whereas, there is a desire such improvements in fire protection and system efficiency to result in significantly reduced insurance costs to the citizens of New Hanover County; Now, Therefore, be it resolved as follows: 1. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts a vision for the future of fire protection in the Fire Service District which includes functional consolidation of the various fire service agencies into a single fire protection system. 2. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby commit to the establishment of, and participation in, an Interagency Committee For Implementation which will consist of representation from all agencies involved and will be tasked with the creation of an implementation plan to carry out the vision of consolidation. 12 ~' ~, ,~ In Witness Whereof, the undersigned parties have executed this resolution on the date indicated below. . 3. That the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby recognize the .accomplishments, commitment, and rich history of the various fire service agencies involved and will, therefore, work to uphold and enrich the existing history and tradition.wherever possible. This the 3rd day of August, 1998. t 1 1 (SEAL) ATTEST: NEW HANOYER COUNTY e Clerk to the Board William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners 13 Tlazs page intentionally left blank '14 ,~ r~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION `~- Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Department: County Manager Presenter: Art Constantini, Ph.D.., Director, Southeastern Center ,~ Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: ~~`' Consideration of Approval for the Southeastern Center to Purchase Land BRIEF SUMMARY: ;~; Southeastern Center has the opportunity to purchase 12 acres of land on Medical Center Drive for $2,612,900. Mental Health facilities will be constructed on the property. No additional funds are required: Please see the attached letter from Dr. Constantini. ~, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval for Southeastern Center to purchase the property. Approval is required from all ,~, three counties. FUNDING SOURCE: ,~k ATTACHMENTS. Letter REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ~~' COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~~ COMMISSIONERS' ACT ON /COMMENTS: 1~' t J~~ COUNTY COMMISSI~IN~RS-i - APPROVED {~~ REJECTED Q ,, REMOVED D 4 POSTPONED HEARD ~~~ DATE 3~gG~~ ~' ,~ Southeastern Center For Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse Service ~'~ BRUNSWICK CENTER ~ NEW HANOVER CENTER PENDER CENTER Governmental Complex P.O. Box 246 2023 South 17th StreeC 803 South Walker Street Bolivia. NC 28422 P.O. Box 1230 P.O. Boz 962 (910) 253.385 ~~'ilmington. NC 28402-1230 Burgaw, NC 28-t?5 FAX (910) 253.7871 (910) 251-6440 ~ '' (910) 259-5-176 FAX (910) 251-6557 FAX (9I0) 259-35-i-3 J Arthur F Costantini Ph D; - I-800-293-6-1-10 1, . . , . - ~ Dr. Gregory B. Camp Area Director Medical Director June 30, 1998 Mr. Alan O'Neil. ~ ~ ' New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington,. North Carolina 2840,1. Dear Alan: Southeastern Center for MHDDSAS is in need of •additional space in allt three (3) counties (Brunswi`ck,. Pender. and New Hanover) .. ' In Brunswick County we are sharing with the County the cost •~of building a facility on the Governmental Complex, and in Pender County we have recently added a mobile office unit t,o our .facility on the Governmental Complex. In New. Hanover County, we need additional space=~~'for our administrative programs, for the County shared programs, such as substance abuse and developmental disabilities services; and, for clinical staff and services. In order to resolve our space needs in New Hanover County, ..SEC is attempting to purchase .twelve (12) acres of land on Medical Center Drive in Wilmington. The cost of the twelve (12) acres is $2,612,900. The land is in an ideal location for SEC, i.e., it is. in the expanding medical community and in close proximity to the hospital and ou.r current facility. As we obtain additional ,funding for construction; we plan to build in phases and anticipate that in six (6) to ten ;(,10) years .all' or most of the New Hanover County based services will be located at the new site. Southeastern Center will be responsible for purchasing and paying for the land, and will hold title to the land. GS 122C-147 requires SEC to obtain the approval of the Boards. of County Commissioners of all the counties that comprise our catchment area, when we wish to purchase and hold title to real p%perty,..,~ ,.T~h-us, we are seeking approval from the County Commi~s~s'io ers~ fro#mNew Hanover County for SEC to purchase and hold title to t)'he~lfa~n~d~described above. Please note that SEC is not requesting`~an'`y~~addFi~tional funds, and is not requesting that 'the New Hanover Counft~ycO~FCommissioners accept any additional financial responsibi~l ~t~~es"Qa~SEC is merely requesting approval to purchase ~)~~` land ~b An Equal Opportunity Employer end Servica Provider t 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Through this letter I am requesting that our request for approval to purchase the land described be presented to the Commissioners, and that approval be given by a resolution of the Board of Commissioners. I will be happy to attend the Commissioner's meeting and respond to any questions they might have. Thank you for your assistance with this process, and please let me know when this request will be presented to the Commissiners. Also please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. i Sincerely, Art Costantni, Area Director AC:mlf File: AO'Neit 17 Tlzis page intentionally left blank 1~8~ t 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Department: DSS Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: . Consideration of Approval of Privatization of Child Support Services BRIEF SUMMARY: This matter was considered by the Board at your 7/13/98 meeting. A tie vote occurred and I was directed to place this on the agenda for the 8/3/98 meeting. Please see attached material from the 7/13/98 meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Reconsider this matter. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: NIA HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGE Recommend appro~ COMMISSIONERS' 'S_ CgMAQENTS AND REC NTS: DATIONS: COUNTY COMMISSIONEl~~ APPROVED C~~ REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ '~~_ POSTPONED D NEARD~~~ DATE ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR,BOARD ACTION '~ ` ~ ~ Meeting Date: ~ 07/13/98 Consent Item #: 26 Estimated Time: - ' Department: DSS Presenter: Derrick Anderson, Chairman Board of Social Services Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Privatization of Child Support BRIEF SUMMARY: On April 20, 19,98, the Board of Commissioners authorized the negotiation of a contract with Service Designs Associates (SDA) to privatize the Child Support Program. The contract,,as proposed,. will guarantee that the county will receive revenues over expenditures of no less than $175,00.0 in each year of the contract: SDA will offer employment to` alt current Child Support staff with a raise of 20% in their salary. Staff who have expressed a desire to stay with the DSS-have. been offered other positions within the department. On June 24, 1998, the Board of Social Services,voted,unanimously to recommend the. approval of the contract. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the attached contract to designate Service Designs Associates as the Designated Representative to operate the Child Support Program in New Hanover County. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal, State and if necessary, Service Designs Associates. ATTACHMENTS: - ,. Contract.wp ~t ~. REVIEWED BY: '" LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COI~€N,TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval OMMENTS: ~~T~~t~> ~ fl Cll~t4~~"c 2 0 ~ ~~, f: ~----- ~Y' COUNTY COMMISSlONI~RS ~ fP_ APPROVED D ~.e U REJECTED ~~ o ~ REM fl ~ ~/~ ,~ ~~ TPONED fl HEA~t~ GATE ' ,u ~i Li ~... • r. uc July 12 1998 : , `~~u _ . ~- Mr. vVitliam a. Caster Chairrian ~ ~j~--- , New 1-??ngvPr County E~oard of Gommi~ioriers 0 9 32 Chestnut Street Wilmington; NC 28401 ' ` De M _ ar r. Caster: ( an; acp2afi^~ tO your S^t^+ r ' .. ~ cf ,ai,r~,eSS and aSn ii .a`. th2 °Ccrd Cf CCrnf ~7iSSIC~'icrS -;lter~2d2 On ;7;y i behalf. - ~ 1 am currently employed as a C;~i~d Support Supervisor for New .Hanover County Departmerrt of Social Services. Upon your approval of consent agenda i;er„ 26--Privatization of Child Sup ort, ositi 4`/!11 ~'° pri„aT:Zad with thS tr~n5i°f cn ~:.`tC`Jef 1, 1GGR c rr_n ro p ~ p On I nl., S; ..r witf h?be 8 ne~att;..r e~eCt On my _ fetir2ment StatUS. ~~ Throuy„ ; ~c mutt of m cam m~ re+ir~r~~ ., .;+ , , Y ~ ,~ ~ _ ~,,,nt ~e„e,,,s s~an~ ,o be substantlatly reduced. a^d 1 wanted you _ - to be aware of this situation. I would ;ike tc remain in c^ild support. I feet that my continued services in child support would be valuable io t~? program. However, I need T e ~' COtiiir7uC t0 CpniiltJUi2 tC the rctrc:i,Ent stem f - -O r„maln a county employee and Sy O, app, cXlr natt'•ty 22 , i,ontt~?s afier t; rc t, arts;er ir1 Order to tae eligible for full .retirement bene=rfs. I v~i(I be 60 on September 12, 2000. I will accrue my 25 years cf service goal around Aua~ Est 2nR0. At that t; ~ 1 (~^., 1 Wi!I Oe cllC~'IDIe t^. rS~.-ciVc iL~ii retirement ben°f,~}S. I am requesting that l be allowed to remain a count`, empieyee and that my services be contracted with Service Desicn Associate; until !reach this goal. I torwzraed you a copy of my fetter tc the County Manager, Alien O'Neal, in which 1 mace this request. In his !eater to me dated J~_me 25, 19°8, nlr, p'Naa! slated that e had received similar requests from viiler Sia` ~rtiG needed di;fercnt arounts o. i(mc. i~r. C'~iSQt further ~latCd. "The question Thai 15 t0 be answered is, at what point do we say .that the .requested amours accommodation is too l^n^? ~ ~ l~:a~ e t of time needed to effect the ~ . C. ~ 3spn, anal in the epiril .^.( fZ!r!?aCO we deciC'ewl ;-'wt tNe w'J',:'ld make no accommodation Fo qual~rfy individuals for rtrement purposes." SPIRIT 0;= ;=,^.t;?;~i~S:,? t~G;~,~:T p` - ^EL ~ LI.A; ~ H(S `~`CtSiCN iS R`~~r=CTt'~` ^f= i H` SPiRI ~ C~ t=AIRNCSS TO A VEi Ci=~r,N CCUN~; `,yiFLOYE~. ,l It is ,my understanding ihGt thz,~ are only lour employs who need some time to react-, a signi"cant retirement milestone. My situation is unique in that I alone will t~ eligibl= for full retirement benefrts in "~` Tess tha^ ;-wo years 5ec2use ! em the oiess;. ! am not :co °xc(tA ~~•,, Phan two years, but alas. it is True. Because i expect to rei;re at a ~ ..:...ut admit~n9 I'll 5a 6Q in less g-- 60, i ~,•rill not nave the opportunity to earn enough with Service Desion Associates to ccr; ~pensate for the loss in my retirement benefris. Thank you for your consideration of my request. I weuia appreciate ii~ if you would discu with the 3oard. ~t plan to present my case at the duly 13; 1998 .Board Meeting during the t m ai~icwled` for unscheduled agenda ,iems. l; you „cod to speak 4vith ,,.?e; piecse dor 1 i ~ ;esrtaiz io Call .me at i rome '~ tonight at 791-9611. My e-mail is Wilanget ci~3iaof.com. Fly telephone number at wori< is 341-4797. _ Sincerely, _ ~~ Bonnie Sibbett CC °obert G. Greer, Vice-Chaim?an Bum ~i,<e- ;,:~, Con'nissioner Ted ?;a~^S. ,;r., CCmmISSlOner' Charles R. Howell. Commissioner ~~ ~ 21 i 22 ~~„~, f t t r r r r r i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08!03/98 ~• Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bill Caster Contact: Bill Caster SUBJECT: Mayor's Program Objectives for FY98-99 BRIEF SUMMARY: Chairman Caster will bring to the. attention of the Board the Mayor's program objectives for FY98-99. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R ENDAT Consider Chairman Caster's presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• COUNTY COMMI~SlONEI~-, APPROVED Q REJECTED ~ REMOVED D ; POSTPONED ^ HEARD ~~ DATE GC.~-G.~prd~rn ~ ~ .~~. HAMILTON E. HICKS, JR. Mayor KATHERINE B. MOORE Mayor Pro-Tem COUNCIL MEMBERS FRANK S. CONLON J.C. HEARNE, II HARPER PETERSON JIM QUINN CHARLES H. RIVENBARK, JR MARY M. GORNTO City Manager THOMAS C. POLLARD City Attorney PENELOPE SPICER-SIDBURY City Clerk June 19, 1998 i ~~~~ ~"p ~ ~ ~r.`' ~~u...,~!~] .Bill Caster Cl'ialLTitaII , ~. New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut S~freet, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Bill: The Mayor asked me to pass along a copy of his Program Objectives to you, as per your discussion. If you have any questions; give us a call: 341 ~ 7815. Thanks, ~ " _ . . L c~Ec~i~~~ Scott Czechlewski Mayor's Office ~ o c "/b~bifv'J~o~FvtyYld a f~~V~~~wat!' 11eJYY Y yrp~ ~~. City of Wilmington ~ ~1f~~`4 City Hall Post Office Box 1810 ~~~ Wpilmingt. n ~Norfh Caroliha ~~ 20402 ~. i; 910 341- 15'~ ' '~~~ ;, lUi~ Z 3 1998 ~1fnn>y1„~ii r i~ L~r;.,T 1 t 1 i 1 `~ 4 HAMILTON E. HICKS, JR. Mayor KATHERINE B. MOORE Mayor Pro-Tem COUNCIL MEMBERS FRANK S. CONLON J.C. HEARNE, II ROSE ANN MACK HARPER PETERSON CHARLES H. RIVENBARK, JR. MARY M. GORNTO City Manager THOMAS C. POLLARD City Attorney PENELOPE SPICER-SlDBURY City Cleric TO: City Council FROM: Mayor DATE: 5/14/98 SUBJECT: Mayor's Program Objectives Since my election I have planned to address programs and issues upon which we need to take action. Because of the uncertainty of the last remaining elected seat, I have delayed this letter until now, as it appears we're finally close to a fully elected body. Please understand that as the Mayor it is proper to provide guidance and direction to the Council on programs and issues. 1 strongly suggest we address the following program subjects within this calendar year: 1) District Elections: I have had staff do some preliminary work and it is felt that a combination of district and at-large elections would work best. After we discuss this, I plan to introduce a resolution directing the City Attorney to put together a draft plan since it would require a charter amendment. 2) Ground Water: We should proceed with directing staff to plan for one or more wells in the Sweeney Plant area that can he used to supplement our surface water storage. In case of an environmental spill upstream, combined with certain factors, we would have to stop pumping and our reserve capacity would be challenged. 3) Combining of City and County Planning: Some segments of the two departments should be combined for overall efficiency and improved citizen service. They were once combined and we should formally accelerate current staff level discussions of such work. City of Wilmington City Hail 4) Combining of City and County Parks (not recreation at this Post Office Box 1810 wiimington, worth Carolina time): With the current Legion Stadium Commission discussion of 28402 the future ownership of that facility, the Council should conside~~ 910341-7815 } i combining of the Parks function to insure a more equitable tax cost sharing. arket treet ~Overla We once .considered such ari o' tion 5) M Y r during discussions of the rezoning at 10th and Market. ~L.have seen no aesthetic improvements, although we were led to believe some would be made by businesses along Market Street. The money that was spent on improving the median justifies stronger control measures. 6) Neighborhood Joint Action Teams: I believe that a 2 to 3 block ~ r" walk-thru tour by council members, city manager's staff, .planning, code enforcement, police and fire, would result in documentation and attention to improvements that would greatly increase neighborhood. quality of life issues. 7) Legislation on Sharing of Telephone Communication Towers: With two cellular services and one DCS service in our city, tower ~ l,-! proliferation has increased, We're restricted as to what powers we do have to control tower construction,. but I believe that legislation;, re uirin future service roviders yes there are more to come ,to - ~-% q g P (} ) :share existing towers would be in the best interests of the community. Wilmington should be a ,model for such control. 8) Fass~nger Rail Service:.;We should establish a policy in support of such, service and formally document the protection of the abandoned rail line that terminates at North Front Street. .~ 9) Annexation. Law Changes: We should support the League of Municipalities' suggested modifications to the annexation law in order` to correct inconsistencies that have arisen due to urban sprawl. 10) Sidewalk Program: We should establish a formal Council . policy on where and how to build sidewalks. Methods of payment also need to be clarified. Certain neighborhoods, such as Pine Valley and Glen Meade, critically need amajor connecting strategy in order to provide paths for children and recreation for adults. 26 The other major issue of City-County Water/Sewer utility service is being discussed at the Utility Committee level and should be coming_to Council for consideration This month. .. ~. The opportunities I have listed can stand by themselves or serve as abridge to other ideas. Whatever the path, I believe our citizens ,~ will be much better served if we act favorably on these programs. Sincerely Hamilton E. Hicks, Jr. Mayor cc: City Manager City Attorney City Clerk t 27 This page intentionally left-blank 28 1 i I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Department: Planning Presenter: Wanda Coston Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Public Hearing -Vision Software Performance Close-out BRIEF SUMMARY: In compliance with the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), a public hearing must be held to receive citizens' comments concerning the County's performance in administering the Vision Software economic development project. The award from the state consisted of a $225,000 grant to the County for the construction of sewer improvements to the property and a $750,000 loan to Vision Software administered through Centura Bank. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Hold Public Hearing and close-out project FUNDING SOURCE: Small Cities CDBG, economic development category ATTACHMENTS: Yes, 2+ pages, More information is forthcoming from Vision Software REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct public hearing. ring is a requirement in order to close-out the project. Wanda Coston will report on the project. COMMISSIONERS' AC(T'IONS/COMM COUNTY COMMISSIQNEI~~ i APPROVED O REJECTED D REMOVED O POSTPONED O HEARD B/~~~ ~~2~ DATE -~-~?` ~ .~ This~page intentionally le t blank .f ., ,. ,, .. ~ .. - U 4 6 ~i~~3~' `~r'~~~~~ ~ VV 4,~ l.ww~ ~~~' { lf ¢ r ~ p 7 { ~ YCF r~~y~ '% ~. ~ ~ ~ II '' ~'} (~y7 ~ i.wA `sz'GSE~~Wdz~~ ~~' ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: 5 minutes Department: Plannin Presentee g .Dexter Hayes Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Public Hearing -Street Renaming of East Ramp Road to Control Tower Drive (SN-79, 8/98) BRIEF SUMMARY: Applicant Ed Cox on behalf of the Wilmington International Airport has requested that East Ramp Road be renamed Control Tower Drive. This private road renaming request is located on the eastern portion of the airport property intersecting with North Kerr Avenue, west side (see attached map). The applicant indicates that the current road name does not lend itself to the activities that take place along the road. Control Tower Drive has been recognized and approved by E-911. The County will be responsible for placing new street signs along the road if approved. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning staff recommends approval of the road renaming as requested by the applicant. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 2 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R COMMENDA Conduct hearing and receive comment COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMEN S: t r A COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, APPROVED CYO REJECTED REMOVED D POSTPONE© y' HEARD ^ DATE --~'~ ~ ~ . ~~::~::.ME1V1 To: Allen O'Neal, Manager From: Sam Burgess, Staff Planner ~3 Re: August 3 Commissioners Agenda,Item Date: July 21, 1998 . ;, . Please place the aftached road renaming request by Wilmington International Airport as a public hearing item on the-County Commissioner Agenda for August ord. Technical support information is included. - ' Contact me if you have questions at extension 7441. _4 . . ~~ ~~~~ ~t~01 ~~~ .. ~ +~~ 32. ~ ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE t 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOWER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #: 9.1 Estimated Time: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Pete Avery .SUBJECT: Item 1 -Rezoning, continued item (Z-629, 6/98) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Raiford Trask, Jr. to rezone 85+/- acres on the east side of Military Cutoff and south of Lucia Point to O-I Office and Institution from R-15 and R-20 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board was deadlocked on this matter. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 13 ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMlSS10NQt~~ APPROVED t~~ ~~ REJECTED Ll r REMOVED C] POSTPONEQ D HEARD DATA .~~ ~ ~ I 3 ITEM 1 CASE: REQUEST: ACREAGE: LOCATION: X629, 6/98; Applicant: R Trask, Jr. R-15 to O-I . 85+/- Military Cut-off Road south of Lucia Point LAND CLASS: Resource Protection-Encourages low density residential development, typically 2.5 units per acre. Non-residential development is permitted provided important natural resources, are not impacted. Planning Board Summary After hearing lengthy comments from the public, `the Board could not reach a consensus.'Their vote ended in deadlock. (3 to 3) Those supporting the petition argued that the longterm use of the property given current development trends favored some form ofnon-residential use. Those in opposition felt the site was too large for open-ended zoning and feared rezoning would open the door for similar zoning across the street on the Parker farm tract. The Board. also asked the applicant if his client would be willing to consider conditional use zoning. He declined, saying the added expense without any real assurance for approval made that option unrealistic. The applicant's attorney argued that current development trends made the site unappealing for development under current zoning. He also pointed out that State stormwater requirements.and NCDOT policies for curb cuts would mollify concerns about run-off and traffic congestion. Several neighborhood associations spoke in opposition.:They told the Board that rezoning was . inconsistent with the Land Use Plan, was too open-ended, and would undemurie efforts to maintain Military Cut-off as a scenic highway. They also felt the applicant had failed to demonstrate a compelling need to rezone the property. Staff Summary This property or portions thereof has been the subject of six previous rezoning petitions since 1989, with the most recent occurring in June 1997. Those cases are summarized as follows: Date Case 7/89: R-.15 and R-20 to PD: DENIED 11/90 R-1~S andRj2Q~'~`to~PD~~DEI~IED, Withdrawn 7/92: RJIl S and R-20 to'~B'=~2~and~0-I: APPROVED small area of O-I only. N ~,.~_A_ 5/95: 0-I to B-1 APPROU4E~D`~'~ 8/95: R ~15 to B 1 nd ~ I~:I~APPROVED with slight modification to the B-1 line. ~7,; R-1,~5 to OI a~ci-~1~DENIED L~, r. t4~~.i~l ~9~'~~ In the 1995 etition for B-1 and O-I the Board concluded that the re P quest would be consistent with the Land Use Plan and the emerging land use pattern in the area. However, it also decided that continued linear expansion along Military Cut-off might be difficult to justify under current policies aimed at limiting strip commercial development. As a result, the Board decided that the northernmost commercial expansion should end at the boundary line of the County library ~~ property. (See Map) It also decided in that case that the land adjacent to the library (south side) should be zoned O-I instead of B-1 as requested by the applicant to promote a smoother land use .transition. The stance taken in the 1995 petition was the primary reason the County denied the applicant's petition in June of last year. Since that decision last year very little has changed. The rezonings to the south of the subject property paved the way for new retail facilities now being constructed on adjacent property A special use permit was granted for property in neighboring Landfall to construct a 200 unit assisted living care facility but to date no construction has commenced in that project. The Land Use Plan does not establish any clear limits on the ultimate size of the commercial node formed by the intersection of Military Cut-off and Eastwood Road, but certainly the node would be exaggerated or severely distorted if additional non-residential zoning, which alread occu ies y P nearly '/2 mile of road frontage north of Landfall, is allowed to expand another 1600 linear feet. Current Policies for Growth and Development strongly discourage strip commercial development and land use atterns that disru t the function of the ad~acent hiahwa -- a P p I ~ y movm~ traffic with limited interruptions. It is clear that the application as presented would have a difficult time complying with that limitation. While O-I has been frequently used to establish transitional land uses between heavy commercial uses and established residential uses, there is no demonstrated ~ need to establish such a large area of transition. The applicant contends that the property is not particularly suited for development under its current zoning due to its proximity to the Landfall commercial node and the main highway. Military Cut-off no doubt makes some residential development less appealing due to heavy traffic and the ill effects associated with that. And it may worsen when the highway is widened to four lanes. While there are certainly some negative aspects associated with residential development along busy thoroughfares, there is ample evidence in the County to suggest that residential projects can be done successfully along these roads. Higher density projects seem to have the most success, but lower density has been successful too. Two recent examples of that are Lucia Point, a new 53 lot subdivision adjoining and north of the subject property and Seaspray Landing, a patio home community on the west side of Military Cut-off approved for 109 lots. There is no reason to believe this property couldn't have similar success. For the tract in question, this is, particularly true because of its overall size. Encompassing about ~5 acres, the site would be eligible for about 212 dwelling units. Also, the site is large enough to accommodate needed density while allowing room for screening and buffering to mitigate the impacts created by the adjacent highway. In addition to the strip development issue, another problem raised by this petition is a total lack of site control The request is for general use rezoning, which means the County will have little control over the number of access points, the general traffic circulation, or the site's ultimate n~~ of land uses: Overloading the adjacent hi hwa . with a curb-cut eve 50 to 10'0 f g Y ry eet will destroy the •road's,primary .function to move,traffic efficiently: A final issue of concern is the unknown im 'ac r p t a la ge impervious area generated by rion- residential development would have on-local water quality. A large part of this`'property is located in the Howe Creek watershed, :.one of the County's higher quality rated creeks. It is classified SA(ORW). . , ~ ... For these reasons, Staff recommends denial. `" ~ ,~ ,. 1' r . ,. ,. .... . f • i t. ~ f F 36 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the Count}''s Policies for Gro~S•tlt and Development? This propcm• proposed for re-zoning fronts the Earl side of Militap' Cut-0C(Road in Utc Special Hight~;ry Overlay District adjacent (o the C.andC,~ll Dcvclopmcnt. The North side or the propcrt}' adjoins a proposed corucrvation area Utat will scparntc the property from the cxistingsing1e-family homes oC Lucia Point. Tlrc Northeast side of the propcriy adjoins Urc equipntcnl and tnaintcnancc facititics proposed for Urc Landfall Dcvclopmcnt as a part of the L.•urdfall Village assisted living project. Tlrc Southeast boundary oC Urc property adjoins Urc perimeter fence and buffer pl.•trtncd for Icn golf course residcntial lots proposed by Landfall. Continuing along Urc Southerst boundnty, Utc property adjoins Ute Landfall conservation area and CP&L transmission line. The Southt~rst side of the property is currently under dcvcloprcnt for business and oCliee uses. Tlrc requested change is consistent with the County's Politics for Growth and Dcvclopmcnt because it allows the property to achieve its highest and best use of office and institutional white also being compatible with Urc surrounding land uses and not adversely impacting Ute natural resources. See Figure 1. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification \•Iap? The 1993 updated Land Classification Map classified the property as Resource Protection. According to policy 3.2(I) OfTice and institutional dcvclopmcnt is considered appropriate land usage adjacent to residcntial dcvclopmcnt provided that design, scale and uses arc compatible. Resource Protection as described in the Land Classifications section of the Politics for Growth and Dcvclopmcnt allows commercial (and industrial) dcvclopmcnt within the Resource Protection class as long as important resources arc not adversely impacted. Urban services such as water and sewer arc present at the property, No important resources will be adversely impacted by this rezoning. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to male the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Since the land was originally zoned R-15 and R-20 in 1972, significant neighborhood 'changes have occurred. The dcvclopmcnt of the Landfall area of the County has occurred. ~~ratcr and sewer utilities have been cstcndcd to the property. With the commercial activity along the South side of the property, the contintfcd widening of lvlilitaq' Cut-off Road, the natural buffer and wetland protection along the North side at Lucia Point, the cquipmcnl and maintenance facititics on the Northeast side and the manmade and natural buffers along the Southeast side, the propcrt}' is no longer suitable for residcntial uses permitted undcrthc existing zoning. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- glint out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ~~~ ~ 37 .~_ _.. Signature of Petitioner and Owner Q PETITION SUMMARY SHEET ~'etition Number: G*-bLy Owner; ~ Raiford Trask Request:,, R-15 & R-20 to 0-I q'ax ID Number: 5100 representative; Sarre Acreage: ~ 85 Location' __ Military Cutoff ' .' •', LAND., USE, ZONING, UT1L1T1ES; and SERVICES .Land Classification: ~ Resource Protect; on Hxistin.g Land YJse: vacant t- 7foning $istory: .See chronolocty in sta~f ~~,r,nar~, _ ~ -- '4~'ater ~'yp~e: _ ~•ire;7~is#rict: ~2oad Acccss:_ SchaoI District.: City of Wi1rlington Ogden/Seagate i~ilitarv Cutoff 6drightsville Beach Scr-per Z'y'pe• County (~ Recreation: Ogden Park VoIumc: 25 465: 37 ADT 1 RrIISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater uali Classificafion• Howe Creek Sa (Ora) Q tY Aquifer ,RechargeA.rea: Frinae of Primary area Conservation Rcsource5: Small areas of swamp forest Historic Zandmarlcs and Archeological Sites': , NOT,P ,k„~w„ Soil 't'ype{s) and Class:. Septic Wank Suits~bility:~ N/A' ~'rimc A.gric~ltural Soils: Onslo;a aril 6~~rightsboro 38}3uilding SuitRbility: _ Few limits except- i n ~ multiple soil types: Class I to Class III County Sewer 1 ~ f . ~~~ ~~ LAWRENCE FRIED 106 VISTAMAR DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28405- TO: New Hanover County Planning Board From:. Lawrence Fried., President, Pepper Tree HOA , S t b Milit t C ff R i u jec : ary u o ezon ng Request Our community is against the requested zoning change from Residential to General use O&I. This property is in a Resource Protection Area and also includedin a Special Highway Overlay District. The assignment of low density residential to this and the " adjacent areas was considered the best use for this land when originally zoned. The recent development of Lucia Point,. a 53-lot subdivision and SeaSpray a 109 lot subdivision clearly demonstrates the suitability of residential zoning along the Military Cutoff corridor. Thee success of Covil Estates containing Key Colony, Snug Harbor, Pepper Tree, Wessex and Vantage Point developments", in excess of 250 homes also demonstrates the successful. use of the land for residential purpose. The owners that purchased in these developments have considered the zoning in the surrounding areas as part of their purchase decision.. They have a right to believe that the zoning will remain unchanged. Our communities support the current County policy for limiting strip development and land use that would disrupt ..traffic flow on mayor arteries. Military Cutoff is clearly .a major traffic artery and would undergo severe bottlenecks with development of properties with many entrances and -exits on the road. We also believe that it would be in the best interest of the County to hold off approving zoning .changes while the Joint City and County 1998 Land Use Plan is in work. The requested general use zoning will limit the control the County will have for use of the land. This property is situated within the"Howe Creek Watershed, one of the higher quality rated creeks in the County. The impact of large areas of impervious surface will-have a detrimental effect on the water quality. ~. ~~ 39 The County has denied the applicant's petition for rezoning on several occasions and little has changed since the last denial in June 1.997. We strongly .urge the Planning Board to reject this proposal. On behalf of the communities within Covil estates,' we thank the Planning Board for providing, us ,t his opportunity to speak against this rezoning. Sincerely, Lawrence .Fried 40 ~' ,. OFFICE: 1.985 EASTWOOD ROAD, SUITE 102 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 '~ (s1o)2ss-asst FAx{s1o)2ss-~ss2 a ~i . COUNCIL OF ASSOCIATIONS, INC. ' June 1, 1998 .~ New Hanover County Planning Board 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ;~ Dear Board Members: MAILING: 2025 PEMBROKE JONES DRIVE WLLMINGTON, NC 28405 This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the property owners of the Landfall residential community. We are asking-that you deny the request, to be heard on June 4, 1998, to rezone 100 acres of land on the east side of Military Cut-off Road from residential to office and institutional use. . Rezoning of this land would seriousl demean the land u e ~ a -~ y s mte~itty of the surrounding area. Further unneeded proliferation of commercial interests in the area will continue to adversely impact the geographical aesthetics that are desired by residential property owners. ~` . Therefore, we ask for your support, and denial of this rezoning request. `~ Respectfully submitted, j'i ~~ John Page, President Landfall Council of Associations, Inc.. ~~ Pc: New Hanover County Commissioners ~~ ~- 41 4 .7une 1998 COUNCIL OF NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATIONS 'Tremlormellon through Co1leDontlon' Memoerlhlp Audutwn Neiyhtoomood Aaaxiation Carolina Heights Aaaxiation College Acres Homeowners Association Crooked Creak Homeovmen Association Dawaon.Greenfie/o Neignoomood Asaxrecon Ecta Farrm Raitlenta Asaxiauon Gorman Plantation Garden CIUE Hearths~de Hon+eownan Asaxiauon Key Cobny Hortxownen Aaaociation Lanetell Council of Aaaxiauons Laurel Ridge Property Owners Asaxiauon Longleal Pane Good Neighborhood Aeaxiation Pepgr Tree Homeowners Assx~ation Ptantanon Village Aasxmtion Porten Neck Quality of LAe Aaaxiation Providence Homeown n.ASSxiation RevdenU of Old W Imington Suncoun Vd4a A «iation Sunset Park Neighborhood Asaxintion Timber Creek Homeowners Asaxiauon Wrfgnbvdle Sotind/Airtia Road Association Jewell Ann Oiehn Cagey Haines DaRick end Virgihia Sherrtan North Carolina Coastal Federation Ncnh Carolina Homeowner Aaaxiation Bwrd o1. Glrsctori Curtin J. Wright President gill Han Vice President Mr. Kenneth A. Shanklin, Chair New Hanover County Planni.na Board 414 Chestnut St'ree`t Wilmington, NC 2840.1 Dear Mr. Shanklin: Z,~z9 A r.eaular meeting of the Council of Neiahbo.r.hood Associa- tions, Inc. (CC)IYA) , held in Cameron Hall . Ctni.~rersi.ty of North Carolina at Wilmington on 28 Mav :1.998°. ]7uri.na the f meeting it was moved by the Desi.anated Representative of_ thE- Landfall Council of Associa.ti.ons. a Vot.i.na.Member.. and seconded by a Voting Member, that their onnositi.on to a proposal to rezone ].and cur. r.ently in a .resi.deriti.al..,zoni.na district to an Office and Institutional ` di.stri.r.t he 'support- ed. The motion was unanimously passed. Therefore, I will apprer.iate it i.f this .letter;; r.epresenti.nc' a formal position of t:he CONA opposi.na t:he .r.ezonina, be entered. i. n. the for.maJ. r.ec.or.d when the 13oar.d hears the appl.i.- ' cation for th'e rezon,i.na. Our associ.atiori has long been interested. in land. use issues ~~'~ associated with Militar.v Cutoff_ Road. T.he interest stems from the need to inter.pr.et the PO].1C1eS contained.i.n the dta] y ~ciopted 1993. Land T.)se Plan . Speci fir.aJ. 1 y, the poJ i ciPS 5.n question are the meaning of the sceni.r. hi.ahwa.y over.la.v dist.r.i:ct a~rad th? real meaning of the ai.mitation,nlar_ed on commercial. c~.evelopment to the inter.sect.i.ons of ma.-ior arter_i.- a] hiahwavs, Ma SBrethLR~wan In the case pf tl-.~e 1 at er inter. est i:~t was ou.r. under. standi na Boo N/allen that. when the Board of County Commi.ssi.oner~s -approved.- a. T'~'"`°` simi ] ar .r. ezoni.na i.n the case of Swain Assnci.ates , that the LOIS FUR Johnnie Henagan development so proposed rep res ent.ed the n'ort hwa rd exna:ni.on. SJm Medliiog af~ commer. ci.al level onmen t. from the Mi :I i tarv Ci~tof.fi-Eastwonri. Dwgnt Waaaar . Road. intersection. Conti.nu.ina the process for. a.tint.her. ]. c)0 a r.r.es means that the policy statement. :has nn m?anina anri commerci.a]. development. wi.l.l. extend. ttnhrn{~.Pn t.o Ma. r.kPt. Street. ~ ' Q.o.aoxaass The mattP.r. of the hi.ahwav over.l av d.i stri.r.t i.s cnnner.ted , hut~ Wllmingion,NorthCarollna aOP_S further. On the basis of. the stated pol.i.r..y, the COMA 205 has peti.ti oral the Ser.r.eta.rv of the N. C. l:>enar. tmPnt of voice Transpor. t.ati.on t.o reconsi.d.er p I. anni.na for. the r..orr. i.d.or.. (910) S86 - 9405 Fax (s7o)~s~a7a ~ ' ~ } . ~ ' . ~ , ' Kenneth A. Shankli.n 4 June 1998 ]?awe 2 Secretary Towson has acquiesced to t:he request. A meeting of ~- department pJ.anning and envi.r.onment staff with-county staff. and s'i.x CONA voting member or.aan.i.zations to consider the use of a w.i:dened right-of-way for natural vegetation pl.anti.na, bicycle trails, and other uses is to take plar_e on :11 June_].99H. In view of the commitment to~limit the creep of commercial. development from the intersection and the pendi.na consider-ati.on of special. treatment for the Military Cutoff corridor, our. association believes that the opposition of the Landfall Council of Associations is justified and urges denial of the app J.i.ca.tion, Sincerely , - . ' WILLIAM ~7. HARP • Vice }?resident and C;hair. ` ~'echni.caJ: Review. Committee ~~ • ~' ~ ~ 43 . . July 1, '1998 Mr: Walter "Pete" Avery,. Jr: ~ - New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street Room 304 I/Vlmington; NC 28401-4027 . . . Re: Rezonirig request by Raiford Trask, Jr..to.rezone approximately 85 acres on the east side of Milit .Cutoff-Road to O-I Office and Institution from R-15 and R-20 Residential (Z-629, 6~aR~ Dear Pete: This letter into inform the Plarin~irig Department that my husband and I; who are contiguous property owners to the above tract, are not opposed to Mr. Trask's request. The proposed use.seems to.be the.appropriate classification in light of Military Cutoff-Road-being so heavily traveled, the continued growth projections of the area, and the future planned expansion of the road. It is our opinion that as a consequence thereof the Military Cutoff corridor in the requested area will not be desirable for R-15 and R-20 uses in the future. If any further information is requested., I will be glad to provide. Sincerely, Debra C. Cobb 700 Military Cutoff Road P. O. Box 1064 Wilmington, NC 28402 44 .. ., .:. . t .. .. k. ,• .. . ,. ., . , • ~ ~. .- , ... , .., - ~:-OFFICE.,. : MAILING.: . 1985 EASTWOOD ROAD., SUITE 102 ~ ~ 2025 PEMBROKE JONES pRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 ° ' ~ ~ •~ ~ ' • ~ WILMINGTON, NC 28405 - (910)256-7651, .', FAX.{91,0) 256-7662 ~ _ • E~ - ,- • +. T ~ .. ~ } COUNCIL OF ASSOGIATIGNS; INC. ~ . ,. ~ , ,. , .. . . ~_ . , .. , • New Hanover County.Board.of Commissioners .~ ~ • ~.^ _ ~.- 320 Chestnut Street- ., ,, ~. Wilmington, NC 28401... : ~ ; -Dear Board Members: ~ _ .. ,. ,. .. . ., , . - ...;. .•~ . "' Tlis letter ~~s being`sent to you oii behalf of the property,owriers of the Landfall residential `~ . ~ ' ' `- community. We are asking that you-deny the request, to be heard on August 3;1998, to rezone ~. ,~ .approximately 100 acres of land oz the, east side of Military Cut-off Road fiom'residential to ' - ~~- `• office. and institutional use: - _ ,. To i=eite'rate the points. made in the letters dated Jtine 1, 1998 and June 29, 1998, that were • submittedao the Planning Board by Landfall Property Owners Association, Inc. (copies' of which' were also delivered to the Commissioners), we feel that rezoning this land would seriously . demean the land use integrity of the surrounding area. Additionally, we believe that further " . , uiiileeded proliferation of commercial. interests in the area will .continue to adversely impact the - ,geographical-aesthetics that are desi.red by residential,pro'perty owners. Finally, we think that the • ~ ~ split vote (three for anal tlu~ee against) on this issue by the New Hanover County Planning Board . : illustrates that theysliare o,ur.concerns. ~ ' . ~. '?'For these reasons;=we aslc for your support; and denial of,this rezoning request: .r ,_ .Respectfully submitted,. ~ - .. . ..- , ,. , ,. ~ .. . • , . • ~~ ~. . ,'. John.Page; President ~ - ..: M r ,~ ~ Landfall Council of Associatoils,•.Inc. ~ -. ~ ~ ' . ~ - ~ ' . ... . - ' ` - ` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r r i ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular item #: 9.2 Estimated Time: Department: Planning Presenter: D~xter Hayes Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-630, 7198). BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by David Barefoot for Trask and Goff to rezone 30+/_ acres in the 4200 block of Blue Clay .Road to I-2 Heavy Industrial from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with modifications. FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: 6 ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• COUMY COMMISSIQN~ APPROVED REJECTED . p REMOVED p POSTPONED ^ ~~ . NEARD ^ DATE _.., b-i tilor{.-4 pa,-+i~. ~v~~cr~~, 't ' 2 Snw•F~. ~ ~r4ti~.~~~ .' _ I ~~, n-E ai Dc.wp,/ ICa-Fu~ a W i I ~ul~ Esr- ~' f$ss ITEM 2.. ~. ~ . ~ - CASE: Z-630, 7/98; Applicant: David Barefoot for Goff and Trask ~4 REQUEST: R-15 Residential to I-2 Industrial ~ . ACREAGE: 30+/- LOCATION: 4200 Block of Blue Clay Road LAND CLASS: Limited Transition- Identifies areas where increased development is likely to occur. Residential density should be no more than 2.~ units per~acre. The use of clustering and planned developments is,encouraged. Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of'a modified. version of the petition as submitted. Specifically, they recommended that only the land north of the planned Wilmington By-pass be rezoned to I-2. The balance of the tract located south of the new .road and north'of Northchase was recommended to retain its current R-15 designation. The petitioner's attorney asked the Board to include the Trask property south of the planned road because it wouldn't be landlocked like the neighboring Goffproperty. The Board declined, noting that establishing industrial zoning adjacent to established residential uses would encourage land use conflicts that do not now exist. ; , . , Two adjacent property owners told the Board they were very concerned with the establishment of heavy industrial zoning contiguous with residential-uses. They felt the property south'ofthe planned road should be developed with compatible transition uses, such as offices or residential. However, they were less concerned with the type of zoning north of the.planned road, although one owner said he would be more comfortable with a lesser intense zoning classification. The applicants' attorney told the Board that the existing I-2 boundary was arbitrary and that it would be consistent with the Land Use Plan to change the zoning as requested. He also noted that. it wasn't until recently that the current owners knew their property wasn't zoned I-2. Staff' Summary The existing I-2 Heavy Industrial District located to the west was established in July 1972 as part of the or~g~n~l zorr ng for the area. Prior to that time, the area was unzoned. The easternmost ~ ~~~ ~ bo;undary,'~t~o~the~I 2~aiea~was established by drawing a line 2500 feet from and parallel to N. College Road. ~a~i`esu~it of that method, the district excluded a onion of the Trask ro ert which has been included in this petition. The Trask property encompasses the majority of the ~ ~ii~4t~A'~1311 larger I-2 District to the west. Although much of the land has been zoned I-2 Industrial for ~ ~~~ twenty-six y~ars, it.~ha~s~~~mained undeveloped due to a lack of public services and the lack of demand foi- industnal,~si.tes. Presently, portions of the district located along the north side of T~t!~~T,err A en.. u a~e being developed for commercial services and related uses. ..~ 1 1 1 1 1 .Policies for Growth and Development encourage the development of industrial uses and related activities because they can increase and diversify the area's economic base and work force and. they provide opportunities for greater upward mobility. However, the polices seek to limit industrial activities that are not compatible with residential and commercial sectors as well as sensitive natural areas:. For the most part, the area proposed for rezoning does not appear to involve wetlands or other sensitive environmental features. However, NorthChase, a Planned Development located to the south, represents the largest residential presence in this area. Any major industrial enterprise at this location could result in many negative impacts for-those neighborhoods.. The single largest impact on the area in the near future will be the construction of the Wilmington By-pass (a.k.a. the Outer Loop). This planned road crosses the subject properties, leaving the southern portion of the Goff tract cut off from its current access to Blue Clay Road. As a result, . some of that property may be purchased by the State. A road stub to the south from NorthChase would provide a potential access, but that isn't likely to increase the development appeal of the tract. Amore practical use of this area would be as a buffer to minimize impacts on the residential development in NorthChase. Construction on the By-pass interchange at I-40, which is located to the east, is expected to start this December--right-of--way acquisition is already underway. - While the proximity of the subject properties to existing I-2 Zonirig and the proposed By-pass seems to diminish the appeal to develop under current residential zoning, that shouldn't be the sole reasons to rezone the land. Too often the County has rezoned property,' sometimes for a singular purpose, without more carefully considering how the general area might be affected. The resulting land use pattern is usually nondescript, further fueling the approval of similar zoning. This is a difficult cycle to break and leads to long-term land use conflicts. . Obviously, there is an ample ..amount of vacant I-2 Industrial property already available along Blue Clay. Road. In light of the pending by-pass construction and not knowing where the exact boundary of the right-of--way will be located, the wholesale change for all of this property is probably premature. When the right-of--way is identified, Staffwould recommend that the I-2 District stop at the northern boundary of the constructed road'. 47 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE. OF ZONING OF PROPERTY , Your intended use ofpropcrty upon rezoning is completely,irreleVant, except -for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Stattites require that zoning regulations shall be made in. accordance with.a.comprefiensive plan. Since~ainendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how.your request-satisfies eacfi of the following requirements. . ® How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Devel- opment? PROPOSED ARI:A'TO BE REZONED ADJOINS PRESINT.I-2 ZONING DISTRICT AND IS A LOGICAL EXTENSION OF SAID I-2 ZONING AS~BNCOURAGID'BY•THE POLICIES-FOR GROWTIi AND DEVEL~OFMEIVT. x.,- .' ® How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? THE PItOPI~tTY. IS ,CLASSIFIED. ON THL• LAND CLASSIFICATION 2•IAP AS LI2fITID' TRANSITION -WHICH IDENTIFIES AREAS W):IERE INCREASED DEVELOPMENT IS EXPECTED. i . ® What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make t}te original zoning inappropriate, or ho~v is tl~e land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? THE PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY UNDEPIIAPID BUT ADJOINS PR);SENT I 2 ZONING DISTRICT. TES TRANSPORTATION IMPROVI2fENT PROGRAM WINCH WILL ESTABLISH NORTH OUTER LOOP ALONG TH1; SOUTHERN BOUNDARY. OF PROPOSIiD EKTI;cISION OF I-2 ZONING WILL CONSTTTUiT; A NATURAL BOUNDARY BETWEIN THE SUI3.TFX'T PROPERTY AND THE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO TIC. SOUTIi. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I leave the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of.my knowledge, information, and belief. 48 Signature of Petitio icr w~t~r t 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Z-630, 7/98 Petition Number: Trask & Goff Owner: Request: R-15 to I-2 Tax TD Number: 26 LAND USE, ZONING, UT1L(T(ES and SERVICES Land Classification: Limited Transition Existing Land Use: Vacant , cemetery 7loning$istory: ~' Area originally zoned July 7. ,, 1972. P.D. District to the south established in 1987. 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 Water Types: ~^Te~ll ~~~~ Fire District: _ Castle hayne ~2oad Access: Blue Clay Rd. Johnson School District: Representative; D. Barefoot . ' Acreage: 3 0+ Location: Blue Clay Rd. . Sc~cr Type' Septic - Rccre.ation: _ mra ~k ~Volumc: -- 400 (' 97 countL MISCELLA1~lE0US PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS '4~'atershed andl'~ater Quality Classification• Prince Geo_rc~e C'rPPk (Su~~ Aquifer Recharge Area: Transition between Primary & Secondary Conservation Resources: None $istoric Landmarks and Archeological Sites: A sma> > Tam;; ~ ~~ „om back to the late 1800's is located on the Trask property. Primarily Lynn Haven (Ly) Crass III Soil Type{s) and .Class: Septic Tank Suitability: Poor ~~ Prime Agrici~ltura] Sails; None ~ ~ ~ . Building Suitability: _ Som ' m' ,T - _ ~o ' ,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item#: 9.3 Estimated Time: Department: Planning. Presenter: Dexter Ha es Y Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-631, 7/98) . BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Leo Nowak for J Bullard to r zone 4 67 t 8133 .. e . acres a Ma rket St. to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 5 ` ITEM DOES NDT REQUIRE REVIEW . , . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• C Ol1NTY COMMI , N % ERS APPROVED ~I REJECTED p REMOVED p AOS'fPt1NED D ~ D~~'~3 1 ~~ ~ ~ . ITEM 3 a CASE: ~-631, 7/98; Applicant: Leo Nowak J. Bullard; , REQUEST: R-15 to B-2 - . , ACREAGE: 4.67 LOCATION: 8133 Market Street ~. LAND CLASS: Rural- Encourages low density residential development not to exceed 2:5 units per'acre where urban services cannot be economically provided except'for ` ' industrial, agricultural and forestry activities. The classification does riot discuss the development of business and commercial services. Planning Board Summary Citing current development trends along this stretch of Market Street and surrounding•and nearby zoning, the Board voted unariimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. The applicant told the Board he had been named Commissioner of the property by the Courts and would be overseeing its sale. He noted that adjacent commercial and light industrial uses and the long-term development trend along this area of Market Street had made the cuirenf R-IS 'zoning' designation undesirable. He said the highest and best use was commercial. One citizen said she wasn't sure if she' was for or against the request because the applicant had failed to describe the site's intended uses. She did say that if the use resulted in the typical unsightly commercial uses that routinely appear along the County's main highways, then she would be opposed to the request. In rebuttal, the applicant said the property's high cost all but eliminated someone from developing an unsightly use. He also said the SHOD requirements would provide additional site design standards. Staff Summary ~~ The subject property is currently located between a B-2 District to the north and CP&L's regional transmission and service headquarters. The CP&L property is zoned R-15 but was permitted through the issuance of a special use permit. Recently, CP&L petitioned to rezone the property to I-l, but that application is currently on hold as the applicant considers revising the petition for consideration under conditional use zoning. To date, a revised application has not been received. Neverthe-'less;~thetr power ~l~,y~s presence on the site appears to be long term. Communications to Staff, by the cornpany~indicate that they plan to phase out other service sites and use the propert°y adjacentto th~`e prop rty petitioned for rezoning for their regional service headquarters. ~~ The B-2 District to~then o tl`a: consists of a plumbing company, mini-storage and Porters Neck ~~~ ~;~ue.~-u r,a mid-sized shopp~~ng center. The shopping center was recently built. Lands across the ~~~~~~~ s r are zoned B-2 and I-lhL~ight Industrial and are predominantly vacant. Other nearby ` e~i`vrr~..~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i development inoludes a medical office, Light manufacturing and a retail nursery. While the Land Use Plan seeks to limit the haphazard expansion of commercial districts along the highway, it is clear the subject property's proximity to similar zoning and other non-residential uses has sharply diminished its appeal for continued residential use. Currently, the site is occupied by a single dwelling and because of the tract's size, additional dwellings could be built. However; that option seems remote in light of the existing land use pattern. Much of the surrounding property has been recently rezoned in anticipation of the interchange for the 17-Bypass. A critical question is the size of the commercial area being established and whether additional commercial land is even needed. Regardless of.the outcome for the pending rezoning of the adjacent CP&L property, and based on the. existing development pattern, rezoning seems appropriate. Staff routinely recommends denial of petitions that are inconsistent with the Land Use Plan, however, it would be impractical in this case because of the development trends that have been sanctioned for the area. .. 53 WHAT YOU ZVIUST ESTABLISH .TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF' PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for coriditioriai~use ~' district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also.be based on a ~ ~. Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below'how your request satisfies each of the.. following requirements. © How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Devel- opment? The. adjoining properties to the.'right are-already zoned B-2. The properties directly across the street are zoned B-2 and I-1. The adjoining property to the left, vhi~le zoned R-15 ,' is oiined by Carolina Poc+er S Light with the back side of the property being used as a sarehouse/distribution center. ~Rezoning'the subject property to B-2 would be consistent c+ith the Counl'y's gr.ocith plans for the area. ® How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? Rezoning the subject property to B-2 s~ould match the current zoning of the properties located to the right and across the street from the subject property. Rezoning the site crould provide a more consistent.Land Classification Map since the property currently abuts a B-2 zoned property. ® What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? a. Rapid residential and commercial'grouth to the northern end.of the county has created a need for commercial uses along the Market Street corridor to the point ~+here the surrounding properties Dave already been 'rezoned to I-1 and B-2 zoned uses. b. To continue to use the site for residential purposes ~+ould not be in the best interest of the land oc+ner since the properties to the right and across the street already have a commercial/industrial zoning, and the property to the left is being used for a distribution/Warehouse facility. The "highest and best use" of the site Would be those uses permitted on a B-2 zoned site. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I ~ have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is .accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 54 i ~---... .. ~ .L '1 ' t ~ 1~ ~. ~gnature of Petitioner and/or Owner 1 1 1 1 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET 3.'etition Number: Z-631, 7/98 Owner: Bullard Request: R-15 to B-2 Tax TD Number: _ ~6 Rf;presentative; L • Nowak Acreage: 7 Location: .~Sarket St. LAND USE, ZONING, UTJLITIES and SERVICES Land Classification; Rural Rxisting Land TJse: Resi den ; al 7,oning History: _ Area originally zoned July 6 , 1971. Several nr~arhv narr~~1~ rP~nnPr~ to R-~ .and B-2 1n last reW years. ~'atcr Typo: We 11 Fire District: Ogden Road Access: US .17 School District: Blair Scwcr Type• Se tic Recreation: _-nn~~o„ parr yolumc: 32, 500 (' 97 count) R~IISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 'W'atershed andWater Quality Classification• Smith Creek. C (Swj .Aquifer Recharge Area: a Primary None ;Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Primarily Leon & i~Iurville; Class III Soil Type{s) and Class: Septic Tank Suitability: Poor Prime Agricultural Soils: None Building Suitability: _ Some limits due to~P~~ 1 1 1 1 t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Regular Item #:. 10 Estimated Time: . Department: County Manager Presenter: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Courthouse and Administrative Space Needs -Options BRIEF SUMMARY: Copies of BMS report have been provided separately showing the latest set of recommendations for alleviating the critical space needs of the courthouse and county administration. Bruce Bowman with BMS Architects and Andy Atkinson will be available for answering any questions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• See manager's comments below. FUNDING SOURCE: Certificates of Participation ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Request the Board of Commissioners review the available options. After considering the options, give staff direction concerriing the option of their choice, and direct staff to move ahead with impleme anon. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY CdMMIS$lONQt~ . ~ ~ APPROV~DC~•r--~"" REIECTEO p REMOVED p POSTPONED Q . HEARD ^ j .~, oA~E 8.3_ ~~~rr,, ~tre.c-(- s ~o rw~e u~rd u~d~ve,(o~ p~l;lm'~2 ... ~ .v p /~ ~"""~ ivuc1771d "Li~~1~~ 58 ~7 ~~ ~~~ y .. ~,. - . . ,:; ,~..; x -. ...~ ,,.BMS ARCHITECTS; PC_ ,.. .- . 514 MARKET STREET , PO BOx 3667 . - - . 'WILMINGTON, N.C: 28406-3667'. v ' ~ ~ + PHONE 9T0 762-2621 ~ FAX 910 762-8506.., ~ ~ . ~.. July i 5, 1998 . ~ ~ ~ '~ _ °Pr~oject: ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .. , - RENOVATIONS TO HISTORIC COURTHO-USE ~ ~ ' Meeti n a n d Conferen 9 ce Call wit ' ~ ., h David .,Joiner ~ .. ~. ~,. Present: Duncan McFad en Y ~. ~ , ~ ~ , Emily Freeman ° , _ .. ., 9 . . ,Jennifer FranrQ . . . .. Bruce Bowman ; . - -, ~ . . Greg Thompson ~ - .. ... , :, Minutes:. - ` , .. ~ _ , . , . ~ ,, ~ .BUDGET.. ~. - _ ; .. .~ n . The budget- for- this project is $500;000 which is to be inclusive of professional . ~ ' ~ ~ ..fees at 12% of construction costs and sound equipment; but is exclusive of any. - video or .display ' equipment. ~ ..However, all necessary, cabling and conduit related to video or display equipment shall.be included in the project. David's . ~ rough .estimate of. the sound equipment cost and cabling is between $75,.000 - $100,000.~ This. leaves approximately $346,000 - $371,000 remaining to cover .~. , . .. construction costs. Greg will contact the C.U.B. to see how much ,scope and - budget they may wantao add to the .project. ~ ° . .., • SCOPE OF WORK AND PRIORITIES Greg statedthat he only wanted the .designers to consider realistic alternates, ~ ~~ ' we therefore will try to get the median cost of the alternates when combined with the base bid to total the budget. Greg clarified that the commissiori~ers `~ "were not interested in moving;, quickly;on the-broadcast aspect of the project. } ° - ~ Hey stated that the estim atEd timefrare vas hetweerl a-8 years io im~,iemcrit . _ this. , The cabling and conduit for this will be put in place since ~we will 'have ,' work in these trades at .this time:.. David indicated that we can plan for present ' and future requirements andthat these provisions would nat become obsolete - h ~ °:for the stated time frame. ' . ~~ ~~~ . ,- ,. .. , . a . . z :- ,. .. - .- ~ ' . ,. ., ~. .... ; ... Page 1 .~_._.. HERBERT P. McKIM; FAIA ROBERT W. SAWYER,.FAIA - BRUCE F.'BOWMAN, AIA JOHN D. MURRAY, AIA GEORGE C. HEMINGWAY; AIA. ~. LOUIS P. DAVIS y` ,~ ~ . - - ~ The priorities. for this project seem to be as follows: ~ ~ ~ ~ " ,....: 1: Commissioners.room ~:_ . . .: ~ .. .. T . ~ Roof inspection -Leak- repair - - '. - - . ,.: New dais; chairs ;and podium . . tVew ,audio system ` ._ . Cable and conduit for communications and power - -, . ~ . ~- Video/projector presentation .provisions Sun control -Blinds/shades, motorized ~ _ _ Reworking of press boxes , >; ~ ~, :.. " . Carpet/area rug(s) - , " ~ Reassignment of break/conference rooms `. ~ ~ .. . ~ ~~-. . - ~ New wall finishes s... , . Seieet lighting and .dimming upgrades ~ ~ - - " ~Mechanicaf sound isolation. -attic . - ,_~ _. . ... , ,. .. ~ ~ Draperies . - - New sea#ng -audience . F 2. HVAC upgrade or sun control on south porch - ~ ~ ~ ~ - 3. .Interior design for the main level including the: upper landing ~ - - ; . Area rugslmats/runners ` . ~ ~~~ .- ~ . a ' - ..New. wall finishes . .Lobby furnishings - ~ - ~° - _ 4. Exterior signage;~ lighting and painting - -, . :: 5. Lever one upgrading ~ - " - . Even though the. video. broadcast function wilt not be on-line right away, provisions for .video ~~montor presents#ions should. be considered and incorporated to the project. : David suggests using a central dual monitor approach at the podium location for the -- commissioners and a larger monitorJscreen for the audience which .provide better site: ~- , ~ .angles than the present arrangement . The above, priorities may shuffle depending on - `cost and design importance. There will not be enough budget to cover alt of the work . ..listed. Landscaping- was discussed and will be provided, in -the design scope, - . however; installation may be provided by county forces per an earlier conversation ~ . with .Allen ~'Nea[. Emily is to explore two levels of landscape design; immediately . j`` -around. the front ~arid north side of the building and extended to include the east and the south sides: ~ ,. ., , . - f. . „Each. person shall. explore preliminary budgets or ranges for each -major item _ ~ in their trade and report these to the architect. Based. on this input we can . .:~, . more .realistically structure the priority fist. Consultants are to also. submit: fee " :..: 'proposals if not already on file. ~ "" , .. ,~ .. .. ~, . ~ _ ~.. .. ~ . v - - Page 2 ~ .. ~. ' - . ,, ' SCMEDULE~AND-TIME LINE .. ~~ - -'Bruce, :Greg, Duncan and Jim Benson will arrange a meeting. wi#h property -. management to look into sound isolation of mechanical noise in the attic. This a `~ is to take place the week of July 13. - David ~wi11 arrange his next trip to include monitoring of .the August 3 commissioner meeting at, 6:00: The tentative schedule is for David and' Tony Di Giosia to arrive Sat. August, 1 and stay through Tuesday August,. 4. Greg ~.: ~• ~ ~ : ~ wilt tryto.arrange some time for the designers to meet with the commissioners ,~ ~ . gas either a group or on an individual basis during David's stay. o a ' ' - Electronic files. of the floor plan base sheets for levels 1-3 and attic will be . ~ - available at BMS by ,July 17. - The. planning team will .reconvene the week of ;July 27th:.. Meeting. time T.B.A.. ~, .~ ~- Production of the documents will be set for the month of August. . -~ Construction activities are to be scheduled with continued use of the facility in . ,~ ~ . ,~ ~mind. = IE: ~ ~ ~ . .... ~ ,. • Coordinate notice to .proceed with long lead time items. ~ ~ ~' Coordinate construction activity in cammissione~s room . to allow public ` ' ~ ~ : ,hearings field monthly to continue to be held in this room. ~~ - See the attached draft of the projectaime fine, . . a Ttie ,meeting ,was adjourned. .. ~ ;. -Prepared tiy;, ,. . ~ . __ .. ~ Bruce Bowman; AIA ~ •, . . .< ' F- _ BMS ARCHITECTS,..PC ~ ~ ~ , Eruce. Boraman, H1A ~ .. XC; Jim Bensori .. - David Joiner ; . .. ~ . . Ed Turberg ., ' .Mark Boyer . ' ~ -~ , u - - . , ~ ~ Page 3 ~ .. .. . ;, /~ ~t '" NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION y~ ~ Meeting Dater 08/03/98 . ..Regular Item #: 11 Estimated Time: 1 Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Ha es . Y '~ ~ Contact:. Commissioner Howell/Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Continued Discussion on Removal of Southern Outer Loop Proposal. t~ BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board considered and discussed this matter at the 7/13/98 meeting. I was directed to place this matter on the agenda for 8/3/98. Please see attached. `~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS° -~ FUNDING SOURCE: ,~ ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: "' LEGAL: FfNANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ~~ COUNTY MANAG COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Discuss matter. COMMISSIONER ' A TIONS/COMMENTS: ~~ • `, ^~ ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ APAROVED~ ~ REJECTED D REMOVED ^ ~ POSTPONED ^ '' HEARD $ p ~ 5 g DATE ~_ C~.-~~ b~ ~ .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS p REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , Meeting Date: ~07J13/98 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time`. Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Contact: Commissioner Howell/Dexter Hayes . - r°-1 SUBJECT: Discussion of Removal of Southern Outer Loop Proposal BRIEF SUMMARY: ' r Following several recent meetings concerning the Southern Outer Loop and a decision by the , Transportation Advisory Committee not to.pursue an Environmental Feasibility-Study ,several members have requested that the Southern Loop be removed,from the Thoroughfare Plan. Since the_ Transportation Thoroughfare Plan Update is already underway, other alternatives and improvements should be studied as a replacement for the Southern Loop, . - , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board may discuss the proposed action and make the appropriate recommendations to the Transportation Advisory Committee and the N.C. Board of Transportation. Proposed action will require an amendment to the Thoroughfare Plan. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: _ LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A ' 'BUDGET: N%A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AN Hear presentation.. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIbNS/COMMENTS: ~YV ~,~~~?~ ~~~ ~~~ t~;,A ~~ 60 ~ ~~ OMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMISSiON~RS APPROVED ^ ~~- REMOVED ^ (~ POSTPONED © I~1 ~1 ~ ~,~~" HC~RD ~--~ DATE ' ~'/~l~i/19°E 14~~4 FRCM STNTEWCGE PLP,t~tJING TO Wilming:ors Flan P.G^1 ~r"VRJi~H.'~4~ViC iV, ~ ~~ ~~p pagp 3~ 1 AfJO~pl. CO. ~ ' ~ FTtOfl9 / P1gr~ • ( F~7C ~ 1 ~ ' ~ 1 ~ F~ ! / ~ _ r // / lG)~ ~~ STAT1/ OF NORTH C~ROLL'~tA bEPARTMENT OF T.R~.NSPORTATTON LAMES B. HUNT JR. P.O. AOX 25201. RnLEIGH. V.C. 2761 I-S2pJ lr: NORRIS TOLSOi~J CTOVE+~NOR SECRETARY - - July 1 G, J 998 Wilmington Ciry Council - -' New Hanovez' County Commissioners Waltnington, NC 28402 Subject: Thoroughfare Plan Project -Southern Outer Loop Dear $oard NZeznbers: '~ Tne Wilmington 11~Ietropolitan Planning Organization (MPO} in coordination with ' NCDOT Statew;de Planning Branch is in tl~e process of updating the Greater Wil:ninb on >;Jrban Area Thoraughfare Plan map dated October 25, 1993. ~~ A plan updatz consists of several steps: t} eti'aluating past and pro,ent gro~hth trends in Y population, employment, ;and use and traffic; 2) projecting future growth trends; 3) ' aceessimg the capacity and trawl deficiencies in the existing highway system; 4) is ,. , appraising the existing thoroughfare plan; and :5j developing a revised thoroughfare plan. '~ The Southern Outer Loop corridor will be s;udicd closely in steps 4 and ~. Thus will involve eval~sating-the need fQr the project haled on the existing highway system with the ., . pz'ojeeted growth; comparing the current xc,>cial srd environmental damages with the ~ need for the condor; snd anal}'ze other corridors or a road's widening to determine their _ fe~sibilzty. Federal and State law requires that the Greatcr•Wilrnington 1;J1-ban Area flan be updated every five years. The plan must be mutual!v adopted by all the entities in the MPO. State .. law General Statute 136-66.2 murld~;tes that this plan ba adcauate and sound for a s .~ pecified future design year. If a request t%> re;mcwe the Southern Outer Loop _ thoroughfare plan corridor is made before the plan update can analyze the repercussions of removing the corridor, the Wilmington i\;}~tJ thoroughfare plan might drop to an inadequate status. (9'19) 715-Si3'1 fit: (919) 71-1 l50 ~ -- '• - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 'Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell ' ,~ SUBJECT:' . Committee Appointment: Board of Fire Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: There is one vacancy on the Board of Fire Commissioners. The Commissioners are requested #o make . an appoihtment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Appoint member to the Board of Fire Commissioners FUNDING SOURCE: i - ~ ATTACHMENTS: Committee Information and A lications pp ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' COUNTY MANAGER'S C AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointment.. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO /COMMENTS: - a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ~ REJECTED REMOVED per- POSTPONED C3 _~ HEARD , DATE 3_ 5~.. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1 VACANCY - At-Large Community Representatives - _ . ,. r AT-LARGE-COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES ~ ' APPLICANTS Michael S. George Michael H. Moran Thomas R. Mull Ronald K. North Attachments: Committee .Information Sheets Applications ~f~~'r`~~1,`y~;'~ ~~l~A ~~t~~4 ~1~ 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Lame Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service. District Tax and have no aft~liation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with no one serving more than two full terms. Re~ular A•feefings: Fourth ~i'ednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Emergency Operations Center of the Law Enforcement Building. Statute or cause creating .Commission: Resolution adopted by County Commissioners on January 6, 19S6, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURREr\'T riE1~iBERS SERVING EXPIRES At-Large Community Representati~•es Brznda "$en° Brow Unexpired 4?6 Tanbridge Road ~i'ilmington, NC 2S40~ (Appt. 11/3/97) 799-075 (H) 4~2-79SS(~V) Mike Dennist (Resigned 6/15/95) Unexpired 7/1/98 =104 Sierr rivz ---- ~\'ilm' ~ on, NC 2S409 (Appt. 11/03/97) 3 -11S0(H) 791-2?22(W) ~~'ayne L. Hartsell, Sr. .First 303 Tenneesc~ t\venue C.tn~lina B~<~cli, NC 2S4S0 (Appt. 5/16/94 to unexpired term) 45S-=1146 (H) 655-3556 (~\') (rlpl~t. S/19/96 to 3-year term) James ~V. Srrwye•i' Second 22? Inland Greens Circle 11'ilmingt~~n, NC ?5405 (Appt. 11!20/95) 7/1/99 7/1./99 7/1/2001 65 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS ~ SERVING EXPIRES AT-LARGE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPART MENT REPRESENTATIVES: ` Dominic .A. Bianco, Chairman Second 7/1/99 104- Michael Drive ~ ' Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Ratified 6/21/93) 675-0524(H) 341-7846(W) Reappt: 8%19/96 Wilbur Davis First 7/1/99 615 Piner Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/19/96) 791-2231 (H) 675-5430 (W) ' Michial W. Rhodes Second 7/1/2001 2000 Chair Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Ratified 11/20/95) 675-3198(H) 799-1232(W) (Reappointed 6/15/98) Jonathan A. 'Wrenn First 7/1/2001 203 Hepwoth Way Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 11/03/97, Reappt. 6/15/98) 793-0674 (H) 793-0201 County Commissioner Charles R. Howell 6/98 file: /fire ~ ' 66 ~- ~ - ~ ..f - 1 0` r~ v n .i. o= 1 ~ H 1' LAN T I C HARD W A R E ~~~ ~ ~ Y ~` . ;~ iQ Ob/I 5/98 TO: TIrItESA ELI~IORE THIS 7S TO INFORM YOU' THAT TWILL NOT BE REAPPL PING FOR COUNTY PI~tE COMIVIISSIONE.It 1VHEN MY TERN) :IXPIR$S 1N JULY 98. TTIANKYOU. ! MICHAEL G. DENNISTON ~~rG; I' i. r 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 P ~ 0 1 . 1V~'W Hl•~1110VER ~oUIUTY .~oaRa o~ ~on~~rss~oN~r~,~ 320 Chestnut St>+eet, Rovm 305 Wilmington, itilC -~~~0 ~-.4033 7'elepficn8 (9 101 34 1-7 749 FAX (9101 341-4.130 Applic2tipn far Board of fire Commissioners 14 t-l arg~ ~~mm unity Repres~n to ti v~ _--_~ ~~ ~ 11991 Pi rl N~,`lOY~R CD. Ems. ~~ ~~~ ~;c,;G,';~ ~ itf. Horne Novo long have ynu been a Address: y1 ~ ~,~,~,~~ ~;~ i ~~, `.Y resident of New Nanaver Corinty? M ,~~ ~w ~~ u Mailing Address: /~9• ~: ,~,drJ J ./ - ~,t~ _ _ City and Stata: G~,~i n r~ ~,J J_~C ~Id Cede; ~v.~°^~ ~o~ Telephone: Nome; ~ ~'~ ~ ~ 7~ Business; ~ az - r//9~_ _ h "Sex: ~ «Race: L.J "Age: ~~ 'This intoMlstion fs rpgt~ested fpr the sole purpose of assuring rhef g crosssactron of Me co/mtt1 ullity s epppftl fod. «*Emp/ayed by: _ f r'.r~ ~ dr r--~J ~ "" f~.J[ 1,.~,~/.,.~„~ „ 7---~ .mac, ~ _ "~Apor~pp~urrenlyemployedbyth8ag nce y0/tld0artmGntfor whichfhlsanpJicatlonismsde,mu$trosipnhls/harp 1lpnMVifh New Hsnovnr County upon apDDbYtment, i~1 aCC~rdsnca with Artic/arYl,1Sec, 4 a! the'New f-lan`dv&I Gounty Person el ~'olicy. Job 7/tie: ~ urr ~ ~i~c~d~n-~ ~l~`,~~a/ S~ ` ~c /~ ~ ,~ ProfessronaJ.Activiries: ~CF~ ~ ~.tC. ~i~'/ nJ~~'[~'T~ -- .~.-f/~~,.,:~ .+.Jit~'c5ats ~ ~S'.,~r' ;,t/ nlx~.., r+,4ad,.G,c u.•w. RGri~c WolunteerActivities: ,( ~~ ' _~ ,~»'~, r+~iJ£~ P~~c~~-: p6 b~ :1~-^c~ ~4u• C° S.~ • L" Why do you wish to serUS on the Board of Fire Comn~issionersl ~ _r/~, ~,~„~ ~,~~} ~~ _ ~ Y .~ ~ Wlrat do you f8e1 are your qualiflCatiops for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners _~%`,~cG~T~~~, ~ ~..~"~~/ - Wf~at areas of concern wvu/d you /ike io see the board of Fire Commissioners 6ciCfress? ~/(/7) //n 7/' ~. .ors you currently serving o~~ another board pr committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /1 se, p/ease list: D ~ ~' O fngrenyc~ernry tai l pay tha Naw Nar~avar CounfyFira $arvica District 7axand that Ihavv nfl 8h~liabbn with s,~y/ddat Ynlurit9~r fire service oigarlizat~"an, n~f hav© been an afi4Jiatetl mvmbcr ~f such or9~nlration fflr ih~ past Lhrtire years. Date: /r Si9nalUY~ ~~ -~~ 9~ ,~ -~ ~ ~~. lA'aas• cu• rov,bse s/de for ada<r;onsol commen 1sJ ---- ._ NEW HAND VFJq COUIUT Y Bt~ARD QF ~p/~~/SSII~IIIFRS 32Q Chestnut Street, Roam 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 . fAX (9 101 34 1-4 13p Application for $oard of'Fi~ Cnr»missioners At-Large Community Represe»tative iL'h~EG ~~ /~o, ~Q 2 ] 199]_ c~,~~v ~.atiovt~ Co. E~. CF CC~~,I~ISSIOdURS Home ~r• ~~ ' ~ How. long have you been .g Address: ~D~~ S~Nt G ~/(2-~L~, ~IL p~ t,v~~~ resiUent of New Hanover County?, •j ~-oXt,~S'' Maiiin~Address: ~.~(E - City and State: G~,~, tr ry) / •U 6 m rU. - /~ , ~C . Zip Code: ~ 8 ~D 'S . Telephone: Home: ~/D - G ~'to - 3 SS/7 Business: L} / y ` (a ~'~ -'Qd O 5! +Sex: t~1~~ "Baca: ~r'~ *Age: y~ 'Thyr infarnwtion is ro7~.~~led for !ha inla p~nsa of esaurrhg that a crow-section of the communky b appo/nted. "Emplo yed b y.• t9.:f J'7g-G ~i¢~aL / ~i9 h17` ~~' A poison ctarentty emp/o ysd b y the aQeneyor depertniant for whith lhts apptlcat/onls made, must ras/gn h/s/her position with Nsw Keno vier County upor~ eppoinhnsnf, in accordance yy/fh Articty VJ~ Sdc i oY the New NeROVer Cauq ty person»ol PoLrcy, Job Title: _ S~ R. N GF /l~f}~ ~/AR~D ~P t?x/~f-6 ~~ - -- i ProYessianal Activities: ~/~f~~''j.!/~ -~14,LEZ7" -ff-ry~ -~~,e.vic4c ValunteerActivities:_ ~/~'E~7Z~St:'J~.~,pr~~/e ,~~}{ET~/ Witt' do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Cnmmissioners7 ~~ /tf}r ~j~~1 E/~'/ ~E'.(,L~~ ~"' g~-~ /~~ T ~~ Cotv?~,scr~~ ,e~T~W 7y 7i3'~ /S~~z~ s~ls•- ~.o (,~ictG.~a~~- Whet do ynu teal are your qual;Tications far serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? © Erb . ~ ~~ What areas of co»cern would you like za see the Board of J-ir$ Commissioners address? a.~~i¢~j~'. .s'E,er~ic~s ?~~.~~ ~~.uc S.~~rs~ . Are you ctr~antly Serving on anothor board or committee appointed by o municij?ality or a county? /f so, pled5t3 1/St; ~Q ~harsbyo~fy!/~Blll~syfheNowNanoverCountyFlreSe~vicvDistrictTaxandthaf(heva~af/filartyDrl ry~rh~t~./oc~/ volunteer fire deNI~CB 0I'g9ttirdtian, not have begs an affJ/laced r»amby~ of scr~h organlse~on fur thv pest throe years. /A~ate .cam rover~i s%de~dltianr/ corrxnw7fsJ 1 . 70 p~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. p~~ y,~x~r~; y~~ -~ Diu y s,~s ~ ~L~ ~- cap>oy NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS a 320 Chestnut Street, .Room 305, Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 1Ut 1 0 r ; . Telephone (9101 341-7149 ; ~ -~ FAX (9101 '341-4130 App/ication for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name: ~Om2~L ~ , rrn.,,/~ Home _ How long have you been a Address: 00 ~~_ C/ resident of New Hanover County? G s Mailing Address: City and State: ~ ~ Zip Code: p2 g~0 S Telephone: ~ Home: 'Zg/- ~ ~~ S^ Business: H S 7 - v2-g~~f "Sex: yV1 _ "Race: ~' Age: ~ Jf 'This information is requested for fhe so% purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. • •A person currently employed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment,. in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Pb/icy. Job Title: S~ h to }~ .~/>~,2 ~ S~ ~/ 1-~ ~ ~~' l~G ~~ /c ~ Professional Activities: ~-„-~~ ate` ~~Q~~ ~, VolunteerActivities: ~~ ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ^ ~ f~1 i -~ ~ ~ I v Wit/ ,art C.~~ ~~ ~r~ What do you feel are your qualifications for, serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ~.,~ S ~j~~ S ~~ n % ~~Q~;~^ tom! ~1.~ ~l~s G/ 7~i ~~ /~/~~~~~-~, , -~%6 ~ ~ s c~'~ ~' L What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? /}/D ~ ~,pr, n ~ .P -fl-- - /T. 1 J ~ /~O ~r ~.-, i L, .' C /Y ~ i 7.0 it iir.i~ ~ t. /O ~ 0~~~ T~ .1.~ ~ // O i ~ l ~l !~,( /~n.~.-. ~ n „ .. r- Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /hereby ~ that /pay the New Hanover County Fire Service Disbict Tax and that /have no aftl/iation with any loco/ volunteer tr ervice organization, nor have been an affi/fated member of such organization for the past hree years. ~ ' Date: Signature ~~t /Please use re arse side for additional comments) NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~li~~Cf~~~;? I Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 ~~ ~ 3 1991 FAX (910J 341-4130 t~e~v ~NOV~I~ co. App/ication for Board of Fire Commissioners ~~• CF CdMM1SSIC`aiRS At-Large Community Representative Name: ~~d ~ti ,~ /~X ~~ %~o /~ i N • Nome How long have you been a ~~ Address: y0 ~ //~ ~ ~~~~ ,/,~ resident of New Hanover County? /.~ / "` ~.f . Mailing Address: ~« J G~( ,D /~,/ ~ f~,....r „~ P " ? ,- City and State: _ [~, ~~,., , .y ~ .~ .,J /cam ~' Z'p Code: oZ ~~L~ J Telephone: Home: ~~17~) ~ ~b 3a?3 h Business: '~/t 'Sex: n'I "Race: /~t~ `Age: ,~ ~ . 'This information is requested for the sole purpose ofnassuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed bY: _ P [-r i P .~ ~ Y''I ("o "A person current/y emplo yed b y the agency or deparbnent for wh,ch this app/~caUon ,s made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: ~e t-,i'~ ~ ~~-- ~ 5~~~, t~. J' ~? Professional Activities:.~~~, ~/-~.~-/~ ~~ ,~.,,, -~,,,~,,~~, ~~y.j ~ j171z~ /~~~ r P ~*-~ f 7 .,,~ ~ C s ,// .- n n - Vo/unteerActivities: U~ ~ {-..!'Y-~r.rdc.,•rrY~~G%' ~~ - /la r ~~~~ ~ ~ z ~, 1 i.~e ~ ~ ~/~~ ~1 / ~~ Vo~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? -,J~,~ , ~~ , c.t , S f-~ r? i'~n ~~ r' ~' ~ ,zJ 377",4 , -v T-{ r What do you feel ~ar~e~our qualificatio for s~lVin~q the Board of Fire Commissioners? ~~~; ~s ~ G~ /. L7f~ ,, z~ !f-~ O '' ~c • -<J S 1. h/ v ~ c j~ // .E! c' ~'S-r' r.C~ p L D ,-sue ~+- i S S i ~v -u e i ~ ~7 P ~'d J i ~~~ '-? -~ 4--_~+-_? ~.s 7D D / ~ i c~4' S ~ P ll /~ / ..~ <./ T r r , tl ~i < c e ~ ~ . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board~of Fire Commissioners address? `'I tou> r'~ ~„1 C~'or~.,~,¢..,7~,J ,./ i ~c h A ~' ~' .4-S C~ Y ~/1 p `1 d ~i7~-,} : O .cl Cj- ~c~ a.rl ' `! L O ,/ i ..i, ,,c s~- ~ ~rtJ e,/ nv.J ~ ~~~ ~ ' ~P'v~,~ct n.~a,v r" p ~ ~L`, ~~ I v i J n ~, N T.~ .~ t fs- ~ ~. r, i t f 7Y.,~ / ,c. i T-~ ~ 1 n u .~ x~/ J i Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ~0 /hereb y certify that /pay the New Hanover County Fire Services District Tax and t at /have no affiliation with cal volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of suc rganization for the past thre~ rs. Date: ~%~,Z /5' ? Signature /~ ~- /Please uses reverse side for additional comments) ~.L•._ ~ ~ ~/e,u r~Y 6e ~~,,.-, .~5 ,~~e`~~ „~ ti2W /~ti~~er C.~u,~ _ ~ C~ PrS ~ ~ c5 / ~! ijrtl ~ z ~. e ~ T.. ~~'K ~ ~ ps~ ~ Z ) n oki~ F R~~S .~ Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number Q l~ 0 Tlzis page intentionally left blank _, ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS '~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: ' , Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ,' Contact: Lucie Harrell ' SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer District Meeting Minutes of July `13, 1998 ' BRIEF SUMMARY: '~, ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes ' FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Minutes of July 13, 1998 ITEM-DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ' ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: .' COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ' ~. 1 .'' COUNN COMMISSIONERS APPROVED L~~ . REJECTED ^ REMOVED p POSTPONED ^ HEARD . ,~ DATE ~ 3 __~~ r ' 77 Tliis page intentionally left blank .i~ta~:~Y~~1S! ~ ~~~o }~ I I ' ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ 78 ~` .~F, ~~ ~ NEW HANOVER C . OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,~~ Meeting Date: 08/03/98 "Water & Sewer Item#: 3 Estimated Time: ~, Department: County Manager Presenter: a~ „Contact: Allen O'Neal .SUBJECT: - Approval of Acceptance of Hazard Mitigation Grant for 1998-99 ., ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has successfully applied for $54,000 of Federal (x40,500) and State ($13,500) funds to install manual transfer switches for 12 pump stations and six well houses in order to facilitate generator hook-ups during emergency power outage. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` The Board should accept the grant. . FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ J ATTACHMENTS: Letter (Copy.of the grant is available in the County Manager's Office for review.) ITEM DDES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , r~ - ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDA J S: The Board should accept the grant. I ~ ~ ~ . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• '~ ,~ - ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . APPROVED [D/ REJECTED ^ REMOVED O POSTPONED O - J HEARD DATE ~~, m 7 9 ~. i v ,,. St^TF ~' , 4 ~~~ ~{ Ir JV ~ ~Y~~~ North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Division of Emergency Management James B. Hunt Jr., Governor July 16, 1998 Mr. William A. Caster ' Drew Hanover County 414 Chesnut Street, Room 101- Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Caster: Richard H. Moore, Secretary Your application for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program project in New Hanover County (HMGP-1134-0026) has been approved. The total project amount of $4,000 is approved with a Federal share of $40,500 and a State share of $13,500. Subgrantee administrative expenses of $1,080 are also included in the total allocation of $55,080. Enclosed are two originals of the Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement. Each document should be signed by you, witnessed, and returned to this office. V~Then the remaining signatures have been obtained, one original of the fully executed contract will be forwarded to you for your records. Copies of the Progress Report form, Cost Report, and Request for Advance are included in the grant agreement for your use. You are reminded that monthly progress reports are a condition of this grant and should be submitted no later than the tenth of each month. The cost report fornl should also be attached. ' Congratulations on approval for funding through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. We look forward to ~~-orking with you in the successful implementation of this important project. f~ ~~~~~~'~~ ~ ®~~~3i,3f~ ~ Q~~i~9QRA~~ C~ ~~~ F~}~sures ~ ~~~ Gavin Smith Mitigation Chief `_ _ JUl Z 1 1998 _ .. ". ~, 116 Nest Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-1333 • Telephone (919) 733-3867 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Emplo}'er . .. _ ' , . ~~~` • ~ .. _ . ,.u , , : CONSENT AGENDA. ~~- ~ ~ ~ `- . ~ r, NEW HA~'OVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiVIiVIISSIONERS ' .. AUGUST 3, 1993 ~ i r ~ - ~ ,, .. ITEMS OF' BUSYNESS ~ ~ ' ~ _. .PAGE ". _ ~ ~ - _ - - jar 1. Approval of Minutes 83 . ` ' ~ . - _ ~ 2. ~ :Approval of Resolution Authorizing the No Cost`Transfer of Two ~ . 85 ~ Lots to Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development ,Corporation ,.. . . - 3: ' ,Approval of Request to Waive Fire Inspection Fee for DSS gl ~~ - . Sponsored Foster Homes . ,,. '-4.- : :Adoption of Schedules, ;Standards, and Rules for the 1.999 ~ 9J , - ~~` - . • ~ , Revaluation of the County - „• S. Approval' of Contract # 98-0331 with Kruger, Inc. for a Tertiary ` 9~ • ,~ Filter ~ ~ ~ , , ~; ~ _ ~ 6. Approval of Grant Submittal by Community Boys and Girls Club ~ ~ 99 • ~ _. ~ '. _ `to Governor's Crime Commission - ~ - ~, ~° ~ ° 7. - ~ Approval of Payment Structure for Transportation Private ` 101 * ~ ° ~Operator Contract- ~ . , •~~ - , . ~8.' Approval of N.C.. Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant ~ 1 OS , .> • ~ 9. Approval of Grant Acceptance from Governor's Crime Corrrriission 113 . ~~ ,. 10 v : .. .Appro al of Reclassification Re uest -Assistant Count Att ~ q y orney 117 ~ ` ~ 'l h. Approval of Adoption of Resolution Requesting the NCDOT to Add .119. ' 'Roads to the-State Highway S stem ~ Y ~ - , ~ ` ' •.~~.~°~12. ~, ~ Approval of Recommendation for Computer System for :Animal • 135'. ; Control " ~~; • q 13., Approval of Budget Amendment # 99-04 .. 137 ~, - •14: ~ :Approval of Budget Amendment # 99-0006 ~ ~ ~ 13'9 ` ~. .. . ` 15~. ° - Approval of Budget Amendment # '99=0007 ~ ~ .145 ~k .~- ~ .~ .~ . 1 81 .. ._.,. i~ .. _. ~ ~ ~ w. , This page intentionally left blank 82 ~~ ~, . ~' v o . ~ ° " ~; ~y a ~ . ~ f...~ ~ ~ ~ a. . ' .... ~ ~o ~ 4. ~1. ~~ ~ ro ~ti 0.. ~O O ~~ i .. F ~' . . - ~ - .e . IO ~ ~0 $ ~o •~ 3 ~ f t s ~Y ~: .O . r ~ . O O . ;.v ' 4p d •. o ~ .- s ' Q ', '' ,o ~,o. ,~ .~ .~ ' m ~ . ~~ .~ ' - '_ ~ ". ~ - ." •o~oe 6 of 00 ~ e. _ ' .:. !. oo f ~. - O . ~ ~ _ < t. ~ ~ o ~' Q ~ ~$ ' - ~ ~ m D ~ 0 o e c ~ o .Ft • i ~ s ~ ® : 2 a ~ ~ ~ ow omnin x ~ I . _ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ .. U 8 w - ZO ~. .Z Z ~ ¢ " G 2=~= (O w ~ ZO > ¢ J ~ ~ ~O"b 3 ¢ N¢~ Z o.WZgz o N~¢zx x ' o ~ [V H . Z. p Z .1 r m;.: oZ=~LLw ~ m r ° ~ ~o~JmY ' M .~ QCLJ W ¢U lfl---UQLLI_LL~ - ~ r~ N U Y Y C7 m - ~ ~ - - N ~¢ Gmti~wu: JUU-28-1998 4657 TIM h~iICHUUS .~ ~_^~ ~~~~~~_ r ~ ~~-` ~ rr' :f r~ P.02 ~' ~ ' ~.'.. _ ~ ~ .~ _:. ~- 5601 Barbados Bivd., P.O. Box 9000, Castle Hayne, NC 2s~29-8000 t~i"s (910) 675-9117, Main Office 800-8 2-2108, fax j910) 602-6190 E~ceautive Sum Vision Software, Inc. Is a software company that provides "The ~P~1ublic Safety Suite" of integrated software products, to the public safety industry. We have over 500 systems installed in over 23 states and approximately 200 emplo~yees~ mostly located In our new facility In New Hanover County. 11; Vision Software coaid not have reached our cu1'rent level of operations without the CDBG grant. In late 1995 we subm[tted bids for a new facility to be built In - New Hanover County at the 140 exit In Castle Hayne. The prnject way awarded to` a Miller Builders a local builder. The overall project was 52,520,000 ~roject with the following pat#ies contrtbuting. • New Hanover County S 290,000 , • CDDG~Sewer-Grant S 225,000 ' CDBG-building-Loan 5 525,000 . CDBG-Building E}cpanslon-Loan. 5:.225,000 • Vlslan Software S 990,000 • Dept: Transportation S 715,000 • Land Donation-Value S 150,000 • Tvtai 52, 528000 The canstru+ction of the building was started January 2, 1996, completed August 15, 1996 and occupied September 1, 7996. The cost o! the building was . $1,965,000 of which 5975,000 is the CDBG loan outlined above. Vision Software, inc. financed an additionai 5765,000 with Cantata Batik. In exchange for the grant to New Hanover County and the toanis to Vision Software, lac., ,Vision contractually committed to hire fi5 new employees, of which 609'0 or 39 employees, would be low to moderate Income. ff Vision Software, Inc, did not meet this criteria the comparry would have ben liable for repayment of the loans and tt-e'grarrt to the NC Department of Corrlltnerce. The new facility provided Vision with the infrastructure to employee 88 new positions of which 59 met the low to moderate requirements. The hiring of jthe 8$ new employees reported occurred between January 2, 1996 through Sept I tuber 1997. ~~ i w w w v i s i o n 9 1 1 c o ~ r ... - _ . , . ~~ . .~ ~. " ,JUL-28-1998. 1658 TIM NIGH~I.S P.83 a. S .. ~- - Since finalizing this report we have hired an additional 50 people bringing the total. new etnploymettt since beginning of project to 138 new hires. This project was a total team effort ;The CommHtee- of 100 coot+dinated the project; New Hanauer County Planning worked diligently and professionally through the ee~lre process and financing of 3290,000 for the sev~'er; The NC Departr»ent of Transportation provided the access road; CPB~L. provided comtnunlty underground power as part of the community devetopmjertt project; Auta Park Associates provided 4 acres of land for the structure to be ibullt on; NC Commerce Department provided a $225,000 grant and a 3975,000 1dan; Centwra bank provided the addlttonal loan to Vision Software, Inc. and the adtnlnistration of all loans; and Vision Software, inc. provided capital of 3225,000 ahd the need for the project. TOTAL P.83 r d. ~- ~ . r This page intentionally left blank ~~~ll"~=~1~fr~ ~, ~ ~~ 84: ~~ ®~~ ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~- - Meeting Date:. 08/03/98 ` - Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Department: County Mana er Presenter: 9 Contact: Allen O'Neal ~ . ~~.. SUBJECT: . ~, Resolution Authorizing the No Cost Transfer. of Two Lots to Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development Corporation ' ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: This resolution is in accordance with resolution adopted on April 19, 1994. Properties are owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. Lots are currently vacant. Wilmington AME Zion Housing ' Development Corporation plans to place or build a house on each lot, to be completed within 18 months in ,1 ~ order to retain properties. A similar resolution was approved by the City Council on July 14, 1998. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• J~ ' , FUNDING SOURCE: ~~, ATTACHMENTS: ~~, Letter, Resolution, Maps REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN. RESOURCES: N/A ' - COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ?.. Recommend; approval ', ,~ .COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: , ;I ~f- .. '. (~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ~ APPROVED !~~ ' 1 REJECTED ^ REMOVED !] ~, POSTPONED D . O l ~ HEARD p ' ~ ~, ' ~~ 4~•~~ .,.. ~ ~',.y i .w ~!~ ~ ~~.'~z~`~ CITY of WILMINGTON ~ .= ~~~"' - North Carolina 1739 ' P.O. BOX 1 S 1 O ADMINISTRATIVE SERVI~! I ' 28402 Too Is,o~ sa, j; (910)341-7330 July 21, 1998 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr..0'Neal: Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of two (2) lots to Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development Corporation, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Commission on April 19, 1994. These properties are o~zned by the City of Wihmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution was approved by the Wilmington City Council on July 14, 1998. These lots are currently vacant. Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development Corporation plans to place apre-built house or construct a house on each lot. Construction must { be completed ~«thin 18 months in order for Wilmington AME Zion Housing Development Corporation to retain the properties. ,~„ Please place this. item on the County Commission Agenda for August 3, 1998. ~`~ Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, St en D. Bridges Purchasing Agent SDB:sws ~~9'~~u.~~ }l1 JI ~'~ ~ ~t9~R~:~S~ 8 ~ ~? ®~G'J~T~~ ~~ ~; ~ ~~b 'A x a ~a-~a 1 r. ~ I , ,.I .l X32.. •~ I .so ~ .., ~ I. 3 acs o -~z_''3 l ~o ~ LIrJ. 2 ,^ 'J 17 2 rz~r _ y yroox ~ .t~.r_ _' ~ I~ rsl6 6 ; ~, a1 ~ - 5 v / _'r77 I 8- . 4- `.. =-' r 6. _! 17~ r, z~9.:. I., o) t, 4 zi° g ¢ -_, s., i'.. .~-s"` _ b ? _ ~ 6 r,J I ~:~~.o~•z- •5 °I se'.o r~~Jlys ~,7 ~y}1 :ZS ,J, Q ~5-~ E - s9 ~.~' r a 9 eft 1 - JI~•' STFc~T y .. ° ~ o rl. t `~ Ir",.•' Grace Stree .10 ~•~ ~''`~ ss r.Z y :~~ v I r.zl '~ ,~l< I t ~ I r:^ 11 3 1a nz ~19.ro ,~ •' )• `'t, v-'S Sr _ _`~zs may- ~' I l for 1ozl,l nJ .~.'..f, r3.5 Ss » e,, ). s: - L_1..~ y1 - ~ :81' ~ rif 13'' ~ ~ 'n .'f ,r , ~' 27 •'~ le. Z Iz° S ~~ _ _ 2 ~ „° 29 29~ ~ ~ 3 o :8 .o roz ro~z)a _ r:z ~ ~4 ~. ~ _ ! .t 2{i Z5;' _ 1T° 3.a ~~l SS ~ 1iO ^~2 V °__.,,~~ ~ e~ ~-:~ ISZ = 123 4 71 .. •~ "Iy lcs 17 m ~ ~~ 3 r,z i. 12 ~ ~ `-, _.:• 3 b ~. ~ 5:. =1 X10.; ~•° ~ ~L 4 !~!° 2 1] o ar3 '~ l'~04~ 1O I~22 s .I _ 12 -16--, ~ 111 11 ~ ~' `,~+ z~ ,.~ ~~'''~~~ 5 r.J •-1 ~ 4 •JI° sl ~ •0l0 ".. :))~ 'Br-e~ 's. ~ 6 :~•~=SE°icl!-.. ~ 1ts 5 s. o.J •, ~ 8. 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L 4a~ _ _ _ 3 r + - . I O ~ e u m .- . `~, + .~ at zurfar a/ rl~ ~ ~ I~ e~'7~ )o_)yq jii :. This page intentionally left blank 90 ~~~~ ca * '~ ~'~NORTN~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4045 TELEPHONE{910) 341-7420 MEMORANDUM TO: Allen O'Neal, County:Commissioners FROM: Phil Kouwe, Administrator . DATE: July 15, 1998 SUBJECT: Agenda Item- Fee Adjustment Recently, the County Commissioners approved an amended fee schedule for-fire inspections and permits utilized by our Fire Marshal's Division. Included in this amended schedule was a $35.00 fee for required inspections of foster care homes. We are now asking the Commissioners to waive this fee for those foster care homes sponsored by the Department of Social Services. While it is our opinion that this fee fairly reflects the expense involved in performing the required inspections, it has resulted in a situation in which DSS is being asked to reimburse their sponsored foster care homes for this fee. This, in effect, ,creates a payment from one government department to another and was not`the intention of the original fee schedule. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ' Q ~~' ~ 6l~A~W 92~ ~. - ~~ This page intentionally left blank ~~2~~p~M~i~ ~I~~~9~ ~~ ~~~ 94. - ._ . , ,H .. . r .~ ., - ~- ' ~ ~ : _ . " } . -' _ . . ~. ... . .. • . ,. , • . • '~- ~; NEW HAN`OVER COU r NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, Y`~` ~'- :REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .° ' . MeetingDate; ~ 08/03/98 ,° - , . -< ~ Gorisent item #::. 5 Estimated Time:: :. ~ ~ ~ ,. ... . ,_ :.. ,Department: Environmental Managemerit Presenter:. - .._ ,, _ ;' °. t . ~. ~. - ; ' - Contact: Ray Church-orAmy Akin ~. • ,., . ~ ~. '.SUBJECT: ,.. .. ~ .. _, ; Approval.of contract # 98-0331 with Kruger, Inc: for a tertiary filter. ~ r ,.. . . • BRIEF S gMMA gY:pp -Staff is re uestin a royal of contract # 98-0331 with... Kru er, Inc. as a' ,~ ~ 9 sole source purchase as allowed .=.' in..General Statute 143-129(f). Cavanaugh. & Associates, an engineering firm familiar with the county's _~ _t ,, wastewater treatment processes at the landfill, completed an evaluation of the products available and the ' , ' -.`~ required applications at the landfill. After completing the evaluation; Cavanaugh & Associates.. ~^, ~ .' recommends the Toveko CS Model S-150 tertiary filter. as the equipment that best meets the count 's ,:, rieeds and application requirements. The staff has explored options and, has-been able to firid the Y ~ , '` " ~ _ - equipment available only from the manufacturer. a - -. ~ ' ,. .. . • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: •., ~: Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution awarding contract # 98-0331 to Kruger, Inc: for a~ ,,~r .tertiary filter, Toveko CS Model S-150•, in'the amount of $44,950.00. • Contract approval .made under her. sole source. provision of Generaf Statute 1.43-129(f). Draft contract attached. `° FUNDING SOURCE: , /~V, ~ Funds for,the purchase of the fitter are available ' _ in account # 700-480-41916400. Additional funds will be • • rolled overfrorn prior fiscal year as part of this project.' Roll over of funds to'be included in the countywide y ~" ~' roll over budget amendment to be presented at a later date. ~ ' .• ' . - ATTACHMENTS':' ~ • . _ . .. ' As,part of,this transmittal, the resolution is being sent as an attachment. The -contract is available in the • ; ' County Manager's Office.. _• - ~ ~ .. w ~~'. 'REVIEWED BY:., , ~..., ~ ~ ~ . _ ,. ~' . ~~`' ~, LEGAL: Approve': FINANCE: Approve BUDGET:` HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A - . • ~. :~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS.AND R€COMMENDATIOIJS: • Recommend approval... - . • MMISSI . • y ~ COUNTY CO QNER~ • APPROVED- •COIVIMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: • ' .l~`. ,REJECTED - ~ :' , . .. REMOVED ID ~ . OSTPON D ~ . .• .~ ~ P ~:~~ ~. .. :. 95: ~" ~ . - P . _ t . .. •<~ . • _ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ` WHEREAS, a tertiary filter is required for the wastewater treatment processes at the landfill; AND WHEREAS, Cavanaugh & Associates, an engineering firm familiar with .the county's wastewater treatment processes of the landfill, completed an evaluation of the products available and the required applications at the landfill; ~ _. AND WHEREAS, after completing the evaluation, Cavanaugh & Associates _ recommends the Toveko CX Model S-150 tertiary filter as the equipment. That best meets the County's needs and application requirements; AND WHEREAS, the Toveko CX Model 5-150 tertiary filter can only be°obtained from Kruger, Inc.; AND WHEREAS, General Statute 143-129(f) allows an exemption from formal bidding for purchase contracts when a rieeded product is available from only one source of supply; AND WHEREAS, the staff has ex_ plored options aril has been abie,to find the ,. equipment only from the manufacturer; . AND WHEREAS, there are available funds in the current budget in account number 700-480-4191-6400 to cover this contract and additional funds'wifl be rolled over from prior fiscal year as part of this project, contract amounf of forty-four thousand, nine hundred fifty dollars ($44;950.00); AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Kruger, Inc., the sole source for this equipment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract # 98-0331 for tertiary filter for the Landfill of the Environmental Management Department, be awarded to Kruger, Inc. in the amount~of~~fodrt ~~~~fou(('{r'~ tvh~Yousal~nd nine hundred fifty dollars ($44;950.00); and that l.~k VJ ~,a~ f~~~l:` ' the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute contract # 98~=0331, contract form to be approved~by theCounty Attorney. ~ ~~clftah+r.~~+ ~.~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ This page intentionally left blank 98 t. . ~~ - . , NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~' ~ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTLON ~~ - ~ a ,Meeting Date: 08/03/98 .. • Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: - • ' • Department: County Manager Presenter: . Contact; .Andy Atkinson . ; .'~, • • , • ~ .. ,. ~ SUBJECT: , . z , Grant Submittal by Cornrnunity Boys and Girls Club to Governor's Crime • ~` Commission • , ',. .. , . I .. , - - ~• ' , BRIEF SUMMARY , Carolina Children's Initiatives was pilot tested at Bradley-Creek School last year. It was~well received. ~. The Crime Commission has requested the Community Boys and Girls Club be the implementing agency • '~ for expanding the program into five additional New Hanover County elementary schools. The "prograrri .provides an innovative violence prevention program for children in grades three through six.. There is, also _ a ",Strong Families" component which seeks to develop parent skills indiscipline, supervision, setting, ' . _• i limits, and problem solving. The grant request is for $90,000 with the Jordan Family Institute and the Boys . ?and Girls.Club~each providing an additional $15,000. There are no County funds re nested. q RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• s ~ , ~,. Authorize the grant request to be submitted to the Governor's Crime Commission. If grant is approved authorize the county manager to accept grant and approve related budget amendment: .. , _-. . ` FUNDING SOURCE: ;.. ~` .: Governor's Crime .Commission $90 000• Jorda n Family Institute X1,5,000; and the Boys and Girls Club .. ... X15;000. ~: ATTACHMENTS:. - >. , ~. ' ,'scan2.wp ~` ,~ 4. REVIEWED BY: - :.. - ,. ... ,LEGAL:'Approve PENANCE: Approve, BUDGET: App;rove_ HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A , c • , f • •, .:.COUNTY-MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:.: ~ ' ~' ~ Recommend approval. - • ° ~ COMMISSIONERS'. AC 10 S/COMMENTS• .. = - • ' . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . . • ~~ . • , -.. . •:,~ APPROVED (Y- . ~, `. ~. REJECTED. 0 • REMOVED - ^ } - ~ ~ ~ POSTPONED C3 ~± • ~ _ - -_ - .. HEARD ~ '~ ~ . DATE - --3 - - -~'"`~ __.. ~ _ 10L-2-98 Fri 3:2~ PM idHFMC M~Fi;E~IdG FAx PdO. 9:0:55858 P. 2 The Community Boys and Girls of ~Vilntington, l;nc., is requesting funds from the Govecnor's Crime Commission to expand the program, Carolina Children's Initiative. The Corrtxnunity Boys and Girls Club of~~ilmington, Inc. requests approval from the New Hanover Cottnty Commissioners, The Applicant must be New Hanover County, the Implementing Agency would be The Community Boys and Girls Club. In I996, the Carolina Children's Initiative at ~CTNC-CH,-with funds from the Z Smith Reynolds foundation, developed hvo research based curricula. The innovative violenc prevention program employs multiple research.-based strategies through in-school groups for students and in-home services for families. The Making Choices curriculum for children in grades three through six, and the Stt~ottg Families; a trainitg manual for. human service workers to deliver in-home to the parents of children participating in the school-based Itilaking Choices program. The Strong Families focuses on developing parent skills in discipline, supex-vision, setting limits, and problem solving.. Bradley Creek.Elementary School worked with the Jordan Family Institute, ZINC-CH to pilot test these cutrict~la in the 1997/98 school year. The Community Boys and C7irls Club, in collaboration with Bradley Creek Elementary School, and at the request of the„ Govenaors Crime Commission, plans to expand this prograrft. The program will be revised to address some of the barriers addressed in the first year, Stich as staff training, offering the prograrn as an after school program, and improving parent and staff communication.. ~' This research program will provide the following services to students: Making Choices and Strong Families programs to 30 at-risk students Making Choices program to 45 prosocial students' There Zvi II be a control grottp of 35 at-risk students that will not participate in the educational program, but who will be tracked for research purposes in the areas. of grades, discipline reports, and attendance. To date, the following schools are interested in participating in Carolina Children's Zt~itiative: Johnson Gregory Forest Hills ~~'rightsbo.ro Snipes Bradley Creek Tlae grant request will be for approximately $90,000. The Jordan Family Institute will ~ } provide matching funds of $15,000, the Boys and Girls Club will provide matching funds,~~~o~f~at~tleas-~DJaS~ O"Q0?~i ' l~ ~~ Q~~~I~A 100 ~~ ~~~~- ~~ ~~ . , . ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION.. . ~. Meeting Date: 08/03/98- - ., ~, ' Consent Item`.#: -7 Estimated Time:.. ", Department: Transportation Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin , Contact:: Patricia A:•Melvin . ~ • :. SUBJECT: , 4• : ~ Approval, of Payment, Structure for. Private Operafor Contract ` .' ' .~,BRIEf SUMMARY: New Hanover Transportation Advisory Board requests approval of change in.contraet with .private operator ,~'~~ to change th'e current er mile a rnent structure to a c P P Y ost-plus structure. This structure .provides more. cost-effective and efficient-services, as it eliminates the concept.of increased revenues to the operator, . basedon'.increased miles in the system. It also allows the system to participate in the planning and ,~ ~ oversight of actual costs incurred for services The private operator (Progressive Transportation Services ,•' Inc.), County. Attorney's office and the Finance Department concur with this process, and have.worked`- ' ~ with: us to develop the mechanism for using the proposed payment structure. '~:° , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ` Recommend approval of the change in payment structure, which necessitates a change:. in the. contract for ~' - services, through December 31, 1.998; authorize the County .Manager to execute the Conttact #99-0059; ` ~~` - and:approve~budget amendment #99-0014 to account for contrib ' . utions from participatrng agencies in the` - :Human Seniice Transportation budget. No additional funds are required of the County. .' t , FUNDING SOURCE: ~. ATTACHMENTSs ,, , transportati - ~ ~ - • . . ~ _ . Contr`aet.is available in,County Manager's Office for review. - ~ - REVIEWED BY`. .' ,..° - ~. ~~., LEGAL: - FINANCE:. BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: -;.. ;. r ` •~ _ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- , . Approval of recommendation of Transportation Advisory Board. ~ , .. , • COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/C:OMMENTS: ;. , ..• ,' ~ ~ COUNTY C~MMISSI ~~1 - ~ <:~~~ . APPROVED REJECTED ~~ :. .: . _ .~ 3 REMOVED 17 ` i ~~ ~~n,n,~t . ~ ~ •, _ 0 POS~"PONED.^ ~ . .~ .. . f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Budget Amendment Item #: Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: Human Service Transportation BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 99-0014 ADJUSTMENT Contributions from participating agencies Contract Services DEBIT $180,000 CREDIT $180,000 EXPLANATION: to increase budget for anticipated revenues ($36,000/month for five months) from agencies participating in the transportation system APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• v ~uuar~~' ~~~ ~~~~ 1 ~ ~~COMMISSIONER~ ~P~P~ROVED G''~ ~"~~ECED ^ 10 2 ;" ~ ~Rl~EM01lED ^ P,0$7PONED ^ HEARD ^ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/03/98 Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Appraisal of Cape Fear and Quality Water Systems Contract#990052 BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has received proposals for the referenced project from three (3) engineering firms. Even though all firms appear to be well qualified, based upon experience and fee proposal Hartman & Associates, Inc. appears to be the better choice. The proposals are as follows: Hartman & Associates, Inc. $ 7,800 HDR Engineering, Inc. $ 9,600 Arcadis Geraghry & Miller $ 9,900 The above costs are for an appraisal based on the inventory initially presented by W.K. Dickson. We asked for any additional cost to evaluate Phase 2 of the system installed since the original evaluation. This figure is $2,700. The total cost are as follows: Phase I $ 7,800 Phase II $ 2,700 Total Cost $10,500 Hartman has agreed to respond by no later than thirty (30) days from Notice to Proceed. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the Contract is awarded to Hartman & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $10,500 with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: COl1PITY COMMI RE.1L~ :"~D p REMOVED d f~OSTPONED t,3 l~EARD fi~1~fiE »,+°~-k~~- r ~-4, ~~~ P.. ~~``'1 {,,< <..