Agenda 1998 06-15AGENDA ~pNOVER Cp t '~~-.~~.: ~ f~FMORTK~'P NE`V H.aNOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO>tili~'IISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover Corr~rty Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 WrlmiligtOn, NC WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEE;S, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ". ALLEN O'NEAL COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTOnNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD June 15, 1998 9:00 a. m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minute per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA - ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 9:1 Sam 1. Presentation of the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Budget 1 Department for Fiscal Year Beginnin; July 1, 1997 9:20am 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 5 9:25am 3. Presentation of Class Act Award to `~ir. Gerald McDuffie 7 9:30am 4. Public Hearin: Presentation of Secondary Road Construction Funds for 13 Improvements in New Hanover County 9:40 am 5. Consideration of Approval of Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Ordinances for. 2 t New Hanover County and the Fire Service District 9:50 am 6. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing and Directing the County Manager 23 into Entering Contracts with Outside Agencies for Fiscal Year 1998-99 Outside Agency Funding 10:OOam 7. Consideration of: 25 A. Amendment of Franchise Ordinance for EMS B. Second Reading of the Franchise Award and Agreement for Ambulance 10:1 S am 8. Presentation by it~fark Keating Concerning a Proposed Change in the Noise 35 Nuisance Code 10:25 am 9: Consideration of Enactment of Ordinance to Address Obstruction of Justice 4 t 10:35 am 10. Presentation by the"Fight Crime Now" Communi Organization ~ 43 h' .- 10:50 am 1 1. Consideration of Formation of Inspections Department Advisory Council ~ 63 1..1:.00 am 12. Committee Appointments 67 11:15 am 13. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 195 ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY i~-IANAGER Noon ADJOURN . .. ~~ .~ ,; ~_ ~~ r r i r MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HA\OVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 2~f NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ,. JUNE 15, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 19S 2. Approval of Minutes 197 3. Approval of award of contract #98-022SA North Chase Interceptor, Section 1 199 4. Consideration of Approval of Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Ordinance for 209 the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District Adjourn • ~ CONSENT AGENDA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JUNE 15, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS • 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of resolution to add the IC`'1A Deferred Compensation Plan to the employee benefit option package as of July 1, 1998 3. Approval of renewal of Revenue Sharing Agreement with Cape Fear Museum Associates 4. Approval of 1998-1998 Arts Council Grassroots Grant for the Cape Fear Museum 5. Approval of mini-rant application to NC Humanities Council requesting $1,200 to support Cape Fear Museum's Third Annual Join the Jonkannu. 6. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 7. Release of Value 8. Approval of half-cent sales tar budget amend-nent 9. Approval of contract for Interim Assistance Program 10. Approval of audit requirements for outside agencies ; 1 1. Approval of Pilot's Ridge master planning contract ; 12 Approval of resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by New ; Hanover County 13. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0201 for Emergency ~•ianagement Department 14. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0206 for DSS/Child Day Care ; 15. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0208 to appropriate fund balance for payout of unused leave for EMS staff transferring to New Hanover Regional Medical Center 16. Approval of granting "County Free Day" at Coastline Convention Center for Arboretum "How Does Your Garden Grow Show" 17. Approval of authorization for Lowe's Home Safety Council Grant Application :: .: - .. - , ~' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS •+ REQUEST FOR' BOARD ACTION ~~ ~ ~ ` Meetin D ~~ .. g ate: 06/15/98 . ' ~ Regular Item #: 1 .Estimated Time: a ` Department: Governing Body . ~• Presenter: Chairman Caster • . , .Contact: Allen O'Neal ' ,. • • • { .SUBJECT ,. • ~'' P.resentation. of the Distin wished Bud et Presen . g g tation Award to the Budget _ . • .' Department,for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 ' ~, .. BRIEF'SUMMARY:, • . Notification has beeri received from the 'Government Finance Officers Association of the United. States °~ and Canada ,that New Hanover County has qualified to, receive the Distinguished Budget Presentation- .Award for the seventh consecutive year. The award is for New Hanover County's budget submitted for ' - ~ fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental • budgeting. The budget is reviewed by a panel of independent.budget experts who use extensive criteria ~~ • to evaluate the. effectiveness of the budget as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, • and a communication device. Award-winning documents-must. be rated "proficient" in all four categories..- ` ~ • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED°ACTIONS: ~ - Recommend that the Distinguished.Budget Presentation Award be.presented to Cam Griffin, New'., - Hanover County Budget Director, and staff. .` .. a .. ~, .. .. FUNDING SOURCE: ,. • . ., ~ . -' . ~ ~ . :. ATTACHMENTS: , , ' 1. •Certifcate of Recognitiori for Budget Preparation ` ,~ 2. Distmguished', Budget Presentation Award • ., . ... r.. ITEM DOES NOT•REQUIRE REVIEW .. ' .' . A - ~.. - ~: °COUNTY MANAGE MMENTS AND'RECOMMENDATIONS: - ~ - ~ Make presentation. COMMISSIONERS' AC ONS/COMMENTS, ' ., ~'; •' . • ~ ~ • COUNTY COMMI~SlONE~S • , . APPROVED ~ C•--'"R-ese~,fed -' ~9 REJECTED D . ` REMOVED ~ •: . ;• POSTPONED ~. ', f HEARD S -.: ' . , , n .: .. ©AT~ -y=-~~~ Jam. • ~~~ `~ , ~ , .~ ~U C/] V] t--1 U_ .~ U c~ ro V . z o H d' ~ ( -l a W ~ G r h \./ •rl •rl U W W .C • O ~ O ~ "~ ° z .hi S-i O 1/~-~ ,Z l . ~ •~ ~ L7 ' Q7 Q 1S ~ ~ O ~ ` ~ ' F"'{ RS 1.1 ~ ~ U ~ CA O U .~ R ~ ct1 ~ ..-- ~ ~ ~ W U V ~ O .~ ~ x w 3 a ~ z ~ O -~ .~ H .. ~ ~ ~ ~ w r " Q ~^,x~Tj~"n1/P~ V~~WCP"l ' iiuq~ ~~li~llll 1VIUi. Rt.~ <, r w ~.: +r, S~ w.~~~~V ,..~.~,..r. ~ a ~,::~ ~j yF~ ~RVSm a~ i ::~. ors .•.ma ,j.. S:~4iif ~•~~•~ ~~ ~, ~ ~.S ~~~ 4 V~ ~~° . ~ ~~a~ .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~s . v C ao °° 4 > •~ r . .~~~aa . ~~~~ ~ ~. yV ~ ~, ~° -c ~ °p ~ ~ ~ y u ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ . o U .~ 44b ~,.~ ~ a .. O V ~~` ; u O p Y N p~ ' ~O ~ ~ '~ "~ v ~' ~ ~ _ _ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~..v - ~ ~O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~~+ ~~ S v~°a~ p ~ ~ u -. ~ o o d C N E ~ O ~' _ ~- - ~~ _ ~..-r •- - ~, ~ r ~ ' , J~/~~ .. I. ,I i a This page intentionally left blank ' ? . .. ; .. , ~, `~ ~ NEI~V HANOVE,R COU(~TY BOAaD OF COMMISSIONERS - ' ' - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , .. ~ ` ~ ~ , ;~j - Meetin Date: 06/15/98 - 9 ,. ,' .~Re ular ltem #: ~ 2 Estimated Time: ~ ' ~ ~ ~ . _9 .. . ' . ., ~_- ~ .Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal .. .Contact: _Rosetta Bryant . _. SUBJECT:, . ~ .. ^`.° . ~ ~ . „"' . Presentation. of New Hanover Coun Service Aw ty ards BRIEF SUMMARY: - .. • The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their len th of , 9 . `service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR:, Mary A. Carr,-Legal; Donna. S. Pope -Register ~. of Deeds; Milton C. DeLuca -Sheriffs Dept.; William Ratcliff -Sheriffs Dept.; Robert G. Norman, li -. ' ~ °.. WASTEC; James M. Thomas -WASTEC; Robert M. Carter -WASTEC; Sarah D. Smith -Health; Vera. P: Mills -. DSS; TEN (10) YEAR: Teresa B. Lettley -Finance; John Bryant -Prop. Mgmt.; Gene A. .Pulley, Jr. -Sheriffs Dept.; Martha S. Wright -Health;-Ann C. Servotte -Library;- FIFTEEN (15) YEAR: Elizabeth J. Hewett -Tax; Faye V. Outlaw:- Tax; Lisa A. Ruefle -Sheriff; Dianne M. Harwell ~, Health;. and. TWENTY-FIVE (25): ,Betty B. Creech -Health. '- MMENDED MOTION ' AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ ~ , ' RECD _. ~+ ,. ..FUNDING SOURCE: _ , . ;;.. . ;~ `~ ~ ~ ~ . ~: .. ,. :. ATTACHMENTS: _ . , , ` ,: - ` ,~ .. ITEM DOES NO,T REQUIRE.REVIEW . ,. , COUNTY MANAGE MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _ ` ,:. _ ,~ . , :.- Make presentation. ~ ., .. ` ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~~ _' COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~ J .. °. ' ~' - ~ .. ~' ~ ".. . ~ ~ .. , COUNT`( COMMISSIONERS . • ~ ~ ~ • APPROVED C~c-~d ° ~. . : .. REJECTED , .. , .. ~'~ ~° REMOVED ~ ~ . _ POSTPONED D - ~ , .. 5 EARD /,s/ .~ . . DATE ..~. ~ ,~.:, , °: , .: _ ,, _ _ , This page intentionally left blank 6 't fit'.^,qR P^v1 ~yG'~ i{f:'ap ~~r (~~~yi ~e~JY~ t UZ7 ~s}'~"a~ j ~ ~7B,~~G-l3Zt' '. „~~ .i v ~ ~, ~. . l~GI...GI V L.1/ - - - - ci.~ass AcT ~~Y - R X998 -, AWARD N01~IS1NAT1t~`~"~~~~V1 The purpose of the Class Arta warts is to gyve recognition bythe Board of Commissionersto deserving employees for instances of exce{lent service to the public or for a history of demonstrated high qualr~y and enthusiastic job perfomZance and, thereby, encourage feelings of team and public service among County employees. ,v `~ INSTRUCTIONS ~ r~ 111 .ApQ 51 Complete this form, attach the requirednarrative, andsubmiti~he written nomination toAndre`Mallette, Human Resources Director, forconsideration bythe countymanage~smanagement team. Please do not inform the employee of his/her nomination. -' • In addition to completing this form, you must submit a narrative which adequately describes the reason for the nomination. If the nomination is for a specific instance, you must give details concerning when, where, who and any other circumstances. - If the nomination is for overall long-term job performance, you must include information about the employee's attitude and typical work output. • The nomination must include a statement of how the employee's actions have benefited the County. • If available, a brief biographical sketch should accompany the nomination. ~ NOMINATION E Nominee's Name: GERALD McDUFFIE Department/Division: Position Title: RELIEF CRANE OPERATOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- WASTEC t_ength Of Employment: 13 YEARS 3 MONTHS NOfTlinatOr S Name: JOHN H. HUBBARD Telephone Number: 341-4164 Nominator's .Signature: 9'. D artm~ nt Head's~Sigratu're:a Position Title: WASTEC PLANT MANAGER Date: ~ I ~ 8 Date: ~ ~ 9 8 Y.. ~,..~ _ _. HR-CISACT.94 ~,,,~ i n • Employees must be nominated by supervisors or department heads and nominations must be signed by department heads. ,. ; ~ - .. , .. - .: r , , !. - CLASS ACT AWARD NOMINATION: ~, ' • ~ . FOR ~ ~ , ~~` GERALD MCDUFFIE RELIEF ~ , CRANE OPERATOR " , NEW HANOVER COUNTY WASTE-TO-ENERGY CONVERSION FACILITY WASTEC .~ Gerald McDuffie is nominated for,the Class Act Award for sustained superior performance as a ` relief crane operator at the New Hanover County Waste-to-Energy Conversion Facility `~ ~ (WASTEC .The followin narrative rovides 'ustification for hi n m' ~ g P 1 s o matron. .Since Gerald McDuffie began his employment at WASTEC in January, 1985, his primary duty has ' '_ been to operate. the overhead cranes that move the. solid waste from the storage pit into the - ' ~ furnace hoppers. This function is key to the efficient operation ofthe boilers and subsequent ..~ conveyor systems. A good crane operator mixes.the trash•to ensure that the fuel is as consistent as possible. He also communicates with the control room operator to ensure that he is providing the . best fuel possible to maintain furnace temperatures. Additionally, the crane operator is constantly looking for bulky, non-burnable material that may cause problems in the furnace and he removes those. items from the waste stream. For an entire 12-hour shift, the crane operator must be vigilant and .responsive to changing situations. Of the five crane operators employed at WASTEC, Gerald McDuffie is the best. Because he is the best, he is asked to operate the crane. during the most , critical evolutions. Two examples of this are operating through Hurricane Fran and during stack Y ,testing.' ,~, . ~~Over the course of Gerald's employment at WASTEC, the volume of trash has steadily increased. - In 1991 the facility more than doubled in size but still maintained one crane operator per shift. Gerald' ad'usted to the'new demands Basil In • J y. .November, 1995, Gerald was taken off of shift .' ~ ~ work and placed in the relief crane operator .position. Personnel placed in .the relief positions are usually the most adaptable personnel who have demonstrated flexibility, commitment, and' a' variety of skills: When they are not filling in fora shift employee who is not at work, they are .involved in a variety of projects for the betterment of WASTEC. Gerald was perfect for this . :~ ~ position because he.has always been a team player and aself-starter with a very positive attitude. .. - Examples of Gerald McDuffie's professionalism and' unselfishness comes in the form of three -recent letter`s of appreciation. His latest was for the hard work and support he provided in fighting a pit fire. Pit fires usually burrow into the trash creating more smoke than heat and flames. The I crane operator has to dig into the trash to pull out the smoldering trash. Visibility is poor with the large amount of smoke and the crane operator must don a self contained breathin a aratus. It is g PP u;ncomfortable, tedious work but on August 28, 1997, Gerald did it for hours with apparent ease. - ' Gerald also received a letter of appreciation for his crane operations during a successful stack test. ~ - .Another letter~of appreciation was given to him when he voluntarily stayed an extra seven hours _ on shift after.- working his entire 12-hour shift. He did this because his relief had become sick and, ,~ was unable to work. ~ , . .- 9 . ~ ~~ - .~ Rather than complain, Gerald McDuffie asks what he could do to improve working conditions and morale at WASTEC. He has stated more than once that he would do whatever is necessary for the good of WASTEC. He usually does not have to be asked. He looks for areas that need his attention whether they involve upkeep of heavy equipment or sweeping a dirty area. He is mature and. responsible in all of his work. He readily volunteers for special projects and shutdown work. Gerald McDuffie is one of the most respected employees at WASTEC. All WASTEC managers agree that Gerald is WASTEC's best of many excellent employees. WASTEC has enjoyed great success in production and safety in the past five years. Gerald McDuffie has been a key figure in those successes and is, therefore, strongly recommended to receive the Class Act Award. 10 This paa e intentionally left blank 12 . . . ,. , {~ . .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ~ - ' _ Meeting Date: 06M5/98 . Regular Item #:.4 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body , Presenter: Doug Bowers, NC DOT,Division Engineer Contact: •Lucie~Harrell ~ ~ ~ . ~t , ... . SUBJECT: . ' Public Hearing; Presentation of NCDOT Secondary.Road Construction Funds for Improvements. in New Hanover County ~ r .~ r BRIEF SUMMARY: , . The North Carolina Department of Transportation will present the Secondary Road Construction Program. and •receive 'comments from the Commissioners and citizens of the county. .. ~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ' . Hold~Public Hearing and Approve Secondary Road Construction Program LL ` . , ~' FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ' . ,'' _. NCDOT , ~` '. , _ ATTACHMENTS: NCDOT Secondary Road Construction Program °. ~, ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , ~. .. ~ ~` 'COUNTY-MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:. ~ = ,•' , The Secondary Road .Construction Public Hearing occurs one time per yea -r ommerid conducting the public hearing and approve the Secondary Road Construction Program °. COMM1SS10NERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• .~ ". 1 ~ - - ; . . ' • . ~' _ 4 M1 .. . ; ., + `_ ~ ~ Ian CQMMISSI NERS . cap ". APF+du~I1=D G - _ REJECTED ^ . ~ REMOVED ^ - ~ "r :. .. - _ POSTPONED ~ ~~ . ~~ 13 .. w HEARD D ~ . . . DATE _...~..~ .r.,...w..,:~ ,. s.%5WF yJ`^ ` ~ ~~ '~'~.. .~~ b ° STATE of NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. E. NORRIS TOLSON GOVERNOR SECRETARY May 26,1998 DMSION 3, DISTRICT 3, NEW HANOVER COUNTY STAR NEWSPAPER, INC. WILIVIINGTON JOURNAL P. O. BOX 840 412 S. SEVENTH STREET WQ.iVIINGTON, NC 28403 WILNIINGTON, NC 28401 Gentlemen: SUBJECT: PUBLIC NOTICE-EXPENDITURE OP SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUNDS WE REQUEST THAT YOU PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC NOTICE IN YOUR NEWSPAPER ONCE DURING THE WEEK OF NNE I, 1998 AND ONCE DURING THE WEEK OF JUNE 8, 1998. WE WILL REQUIRE A COPY OF THE PUBL[CATION ALONG WITH A CLIPPING AND THE INVOICE. THE DMSION OF HIGHtiVAYS OF THE N. C. DEPARTivIENT OF TR~uvSPORTATION WII,L HOLD A PUBLIC.HEARING WITH THE NEW H~u'YOVER COUNTY COIVT1vIISSIONERS ~uYD OTHER L~tTERESTED COUNTY RESIDENTS Ii 1 REGARD TO EXPENDITURES OF SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR IIvIPROVE~IENTS OF SECONDARY ROADS LEI NEW HANOVER COUNTY. THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 15 , 1998 AT 9:00 A.v1. Pi I THE ASSEMBLY R001~1 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE AT 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, WILi~GTON, N. C. RECOiv~tENDATIONS FOR EXPENDITURES OF THE SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION FUNDS ARE POSTED ON THE PUBLIC BULLETIN BOARD AT TAE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Very trul yours, ~~~~ G~~ D. J owers, P. E. Division Engineer DJB:psj CC: 'Nlichael*Nlills, Board 'of Transportation Member David' L. Thomas,, P. E., District Engineer New Hanover County Commissioners ~~ ,~, __ . 124 Division Drive Wilmington, N. C. 28401 (910) 251-2656 --- --~~ ' h'% ! 1 1 1998 ., -: _ _~ _ .. .. s.w Rio , - ,. ~ ~ - .. .. ~~ STA , TE OF NORTH CAROLINA '. ' DEPARTMENT" OF TRANSPORTATION ' `JAMES B. Huh-r, JR . DMSION OF HIGHWAYS ~ E. Nox~us Tod orr ~ . ' GOVERNOR . . . , . SECRETARY . - .. ~ May 27, 1998 , . ,~ Mr: William A. Caster, Chairman ~ ~ ~ .. ." '~ . New Hanover County Board of Commissioners _ ~ ' "320 Chestnut .Street, Room 305 _ Wilmington, North, Carolina 28401 - %'kY ? ~ . , . 1994 _ . - Subject: :1998,99 Secondary Road Construction Program ., . .- ~ . ~' . Dear Mr. Caster: - .. ~ "_ J . ,~ . As•requtred by General Statute 136-44:5, before. July 1 each calend ar year, the Department of '. - Transportation shall make a study of all state-maintained unpaved roads in order to determine the ~~ unpaved mileage in each county and the total in the. state. Each county's allocation,is determined ~` " : "by dividing the; total allocation by the statewide mileage times the numbe ' . :county. v - r of miles m each `~". Second road con ~ ~ ~ ~ . , : ,, ~' strucrion allocations are based upon the amount of revenue generated by the - ; gasoline tax and moneys from the bond fund. The final total will, not be 1,-nown until the end of the current fiscal ear ending ' ~u Y ~ June 30,-1998. Should therebe a significant change in the county "" . allocation, we will inform you of any adjustments in the Secondary Road Construction Program ~ ~' ' ' `' ~ for 1998-,.1999. I. ., _ Based,on an unpaved mileage of approximately 5.5 miles in New Hanover Coup ` .,unpaved miles statewide, the secondary allocation is estimated at 5129,134.00 that~is expectedtto p be approved at the July Board Meeting. The North Carolina Board of Transportation has elected to continue paving down the same lists , " ~ .used last year. The lists are based on a paving priority-rating system haying two paving priorities in each county, one~for rural roads and one for residentiaUsubdivision roads. The Board now requires a separate listing of roads for each county showing the. roads which have been . previously skipped over-for paving because the right-of-way was not available. Although these. roads will not be shown on either of the two paving priority lists, provisions have been made for _ •any such .road to be reinstated to its prior position at such time as right-of--way becomes .-.. ~ .. available, or as soon thereafter, as reinstatement can be administratively accomplished: A co " the paving priorities,.and the list of roads with. unavailable"right-of--way is attached for your PY °f reference. _ _ , . , .. " , . 1,5 . . . 124 Division Drive W' , ihnrngton, N. C. 28.40.1 (910) 251-2655. ,. . New Hanover County Commissioners Page Two In compliance with our Board's directives, while addressing overall county needs, we submit the following proposals for the expenditure of estimated secondary road construction funds for New Hanover County, for the period through June 1999. This proposal will be presented in a public hearing at your regularly scheduled meeting on June 1.5, 1998, at 9:00 A.M. as follows: Estimated July 1, 1998 Total Allocation • $129,134.00 Highway Fund 560,116.00 Highway Trust Fund 56,706.00 Highway Bond Fund 522,312.00 Spot Stabilization, Paved Road Improvements, Safety Improvements and Bridge Replacements Roads for Trade Drain Base and Pave SR 229, Farm Road From SR 1336 to End System' Length 0.18 Mile Priority 7S 0.18 SR_1471, McCumber Station Road From SR 1409 to End System Length 0:25 Mile Priority 8S SR 2183, Spring Road From End Pavement to SR 2184 Length 0.16 Mile Priority 9S SR 2549, Weeping Willow Lane From SR 1550 to End System Length 0.09 Mile Priority lOS Pave Driveway and Apron Ogden Volunteer Fire Department SR 1402 Porters Neck Road 0.25 0.16 0.09 __~15 28~ 00 5113,82.00 5 ] 0.000 00 5103,82.00 . 540.000 00 563,82.00 5~5.000.0~ 538,82.00 815.000.00 523,82.00 _ 50.000.00 $3,852.00 16 . ,'. ;, .. ' ~~ 'New~Hanover County Commi~soneis Page Three. , 'r ~ . , , Volunteer Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Road Additions $3 8~~ 00 . ., ~ and. Contingencies $0.00 , i ~ Total Miles` 0.68 , .. A copy of this~proposed program is posted on the public bulletin board at the courthouse'for public review. This program is subject to availability of funding, right=of--way, and ` environmental review. ' We wish to point out the amount used in the cost -~ ~• of each of these pnonhes rs an estimate and is .. subject to variations due to inflation, cost of materials, equipment rate changes; and so forth. , We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you, the Board and th e public, to present this program." Recommended deviations from this submission by the Board of Commissioners must . be in compliance with General Statute 136-44.8. ' In the event right of way for any of the proposals above is not available, it is our lan o LO . y wrth th., next priority until right of way rs acquired and funds are expended. You will b enot fied'. . - . of changes in this program. In addition, at the end of each calendar year you will be presented a ~. detailed report of work ..accomplished and funds expended: ~ ' Very. T Yours, ~ - ~. • D. ...:Bowers,. P. E. ~ ` o Division Engineer '. ,. ,~ ;DJB/DLT - . , cc:. MichaelMills, Board of'Transportation Member ' .. . David L: Thomas, P. E., District Engineer. ~ _ - M. F, McDaniel, Highway Maintenance Engineer - - ` ~. ~ .. ' ~ ~ ~ a ca~~l`~ Y co~~~is~, NERs , .~ - ,, [} j REJECTED ^ .. - ~ REMOVE' ~~, . POS r JNED ^!.,^7 . 4. HEARD ~` . a."'~ DATE _ i - -_ ~ ~";~ vnu„ - ~.';;u;P1JlJii/rttJil:iill4,l ~'n:, 1 COUNTY: NEV HF,i{OVER. 1391 S,'R PRiY NAME LENGTH HOM P;H SCH CH BS ;N RF L9 3/R TRAP T/F T/PTS .1151 1F 80WFIN LANE .26 14138 2F ALLEN'S LANE .21 2182 3F NiXON LANE .18 1354 4F HORt{E PLACE D .2S 1232 5F SiGMAN ROAD .08 2258 6F BROOKDALE DRI .39 2259 1F FARM ROAD .18 1411 8F MCCUMBER STA. .25 2183 9F SPRING ROAD .16 2549 lOF WEEPING WILLO .09 2546M 11 WISHING WEII 1.51 16 1SS2 12 CAMELLIA LANE .04 4 Y 456 N 167.9 2660 13 WHITTED CIRCL .06 S N 24 N 624.0 13s'1M 14 MARATHON AVE .89 3B Y 30 N .540.0 1920 15 DAViS LANE .11 10 Y 22B N 494.1 2619 16 HERMITAGE DRI. .12 5 Y 60 N 422.9 1>;0l 11 CHESTER AVENU .04 Y 30 N 290.0 2001 18 UN-NAMED ROAD .11 q 1 N 10 N 260.0 %6~9 19 EMEP.SON DRIVE .24 q Yc4 N 252.1 ' NUHBER ROADS; 19 TOTAL MILES: 5,2~ Y 24 N 134.0 (F) INDICATES FROIEN TOP 10 PniGRITY AS REQUIRED BY GS 136-44.1(8) G'rii~~J4~.rt~a.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~. 18 1- ~ ~ ~o~~ ~Li~a,~..~M ~. p( r{~y;@~ •~(9 L. 544U ~ ,., ~~ ~c nrnv~u .....~~i'~1,ti~',I ;UnOJ :' - ~r,U~~nL ^- ._ rih; - 1 ' ~ COUNIY: _ New HANOVER 1991 t S/R PRTY NAME ~ CENc;TB HOM P/H SCH CH BS IN RF ~B B/R iRAF T;; .T'/PTS - , 1516 ' 1F ~: 'NAVRHO $'Al c'. - ~ ' ~: + 1408 . 2f PROSPECT CEME .30 ~ ~ 138:5 . 3F SAMPSON STREE .43 1318 4F BIUE CLAY. n0A .11 ~~{UMBER 'ROADS.: 4 iOiAl MI IES 1.1.9 `° (F- INDICATES FROlEN TOP 10 PRIORITY P. S REQUIRED BY GS 136-4d.1(B) . . .. . , - ... -` ~ . ,. ' . ' - .. ~ ~ , . .. ~ . . ' . .: .. ~; ` ~ ~ . . . .. _ . -. . - -.. ~ ... .. . , .. 1 . 9 ~ , LIST OF ROADS WITH UNAVAILABLE RIGHT-OF-WAY 1997-99 COUNTY: NEW HANOVER RURAL ROADS SU- MMARI' Number of roads on list 3 Total length of roads 1,10 Total length of roads with 50 or more ADT 1.10 20 SUBDIVISION RESIDENTIAL ROADS . . ~~ ... ~ .. • ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ± REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: . ,. , ' Department: County Manager , ~ Presenter: Allen O'Neal Conta ct: Allen O'Neal ` r SUBJECT:. Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District.- ,. ... '. ` BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal.year~1998-99 budget ordinances for New Hanover County and the Fire Service District. ,. ~- ~ , ~: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ ` Recommend that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 1998-99 budget ordinances for New Hanover County and the~Fire Service District. .: ' ~ ,FUNDING SOURCE: ~ • r _ ~ ~~ -• ATTACHMENTS: ' £.. -~ ' ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .' .COUNTY MA"WAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE MMENDATIONS: `. , Recommend adoption of budget ordinance ~~pi~;~~-.~~- °. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS ., - .., ~ . COUNTY COMMISSION~R$ ~ , , ._ . + . REJECTED ~ p REMOVED p POSTPONED - _ HEARD . '`~ Z ~ ~ .. . - O na , ~ . DATE .,,,,,(, _ S `I~.;B/~,,J ' /~ d -Fed ~ ; n #~ °~' 01' 2 ~' u ~ Ww-D ivtCreEh2i/1 5 ~`~' (.'JvwYllron ~-o bea.~oc. This page i~ztentionally left bla~ik ` ¢~:~,~ E'e~l.SU > +~ t. ~ , . .: ~,x.Y ~ ' ~ 22 ~ ~~~~~'i~~ ~-~. 1~ ,, .. ~ - - # ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' ~ Meetin D g ate: 06/15/98 . , Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: ~ - .. Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin .~ Contact: Cam Griffin • SUBJECT: .... Resolution for Fiscal Year 1998-99 Outside A enc g y Funding ' ~' BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the resolution authorizing and directing the County Manager to enter into the appropriate - contracts with outside agencies for the amount of funding approved in the FY98-99 budget. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of the resolution authorizing and directing the County Manager to enter into the • appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the amount of funding approved in the FY98-99 budget. • ~' ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~. ~ , r ATTACHMENTS: , • ~ A ' 98-99 outside- agency resolution. ., •. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW • , COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS A RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~~~ • • •. Recommend adoption of resolution. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMM NTS• .. 1 ~ .. ' `~ _ . . , 1 ' COIIP~TY Cp;UlMISSI NERS • APpE~GJE~ . C' •. RE~~OVED D _. . P05TPONED ~ '- . • , - _ - HEARD ,~ •• DATE. ~~~/~~ 23 .~ v; ~ •. • 98x99 outside agency resolution.wpd.doc Page 1 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that serve public purposes including economic and physical development, cultural and recreational, programs, human services, industrial promotion, and public safety; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that benefit the citizens of the County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New .Hanover County Board of Commissioners: That the County Manager is authorized and directed to enter into the appropriate contracts with outside agencies for the amount of funding approved in the New Hanover County fiscal year 1998-99 budget. .Signed this the 15th day of June 1998. ~~yy fn.-; w- . William A. Caster Chairman, New Hanover,;County Board of Comrni'ssianers' 24 , . ~~;;f~J ~~- ~~ i , . ~ -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - .~ ~ ~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 . Regular Item #: °7 Estimated Time: ~ , Department: Legal Presenter: .Contact: Wanda M.~ Copley, County Attorney . ~. SUBJECT: ~ .. . .; Consider: A.. Amendment of Franchise Ordinance for EMS ~ - ~ ° .~~ ' B.~ Second Reading of the Franchise Award and Agreement for Amublan ce ' . ~ '. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ~ ~ ' See documents attached ~ ~ ~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: „ ~ - . FUNDING SOURCE: . ., r . ATTACHMENTS: ' .. ,. , REVIEWED BY: ~ ' LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N1A ,HUMAN-RESOURCES: 'N/A' ~ ' . . ,. ., ~~ '.COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ . Coriduct second reading. ~ . . , .COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: .. , _ .. , ._ , . .. - y.,, ., ,. .+... _ f. COCIi~I~fY Co~~n~ls'SIOJVERS ~r / ~,~, .~ ~ i~EJECTED ^ ~ ~: ~ . COUNTY COMMI~SI~N~RS~ APPROVED C REMOVED p - .POSTPONED ^ ~~~~~ REJECTED ~ ~x t . ,~ RCMOVEp ~ ,° '$ HE/aRD p~ '; DATE .,,.~/ ~ /98~ - POSTPON~Q Q J _ HERRD i~. ' . DATE,:., ~0 ~ ~~ ' f ,~ _. a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 06/01/98 Regular item #: 5 Estimated Time: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Contact: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney SUBJECT: Consider: A. Amendment of Franchise Ordinance for-EMS ' B. First Reading of the Franchise Award and Agreement for Ambulance Service BRIEF SUMMARY: A. Amendment of Franchise Ordinance. First, this proposed amendment would remove the clause requiring that the County approve ambulance rates. Second, for non-profit franchises, the notice period for termination without cause would be extended from the present 120 days to 360 days. B. First reading of the Franchise Award and Agreement, New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0368, pursuant to G.S. Section 153A-46. This Agreement would award a franchise for all categories of medical care transport to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. The initial term is ten (10) years, with a renewal arrangement for an additional ten (10} years. The Agreement allows the Medical Center to assist the County through recommendations relating to medical director arrangements, franchise administration, and 911 dispatch arrangements. Provisions also address procedures for re-conveying or transferring monies or properties back to the County in the event the Medical Service ever discontinues EMS Category. I Services. ~ ~ ~ - ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider Amendment of Franchise Ordinance for EMS and. the first reading of the Franchise Award and Agreement for Ambulance Service. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ambulanceordinamdmt 97-0368agr.w REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY~IVIANAGER'S~COMMENTS AND RE Concur with recommendation noted above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENT$~ I~ O e!~ ~ ; ~ i..;~ 26 ~ ~:~~~ ' ~ t`z"~ -. ~ :.~ MENDAT e ;7 'a~ft'e a ; {$~fQft~:. ~r ~`~ ';~ai~~Tcv"a ~~ (AUNTY COMMA APPROVED O REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONED O HEARD D ,.) GATE - ~l , . . ~ ~. 7 ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract#97-0368 Revised 05/20/98 .NORTH .CAROLINA , AWARD OF FRANCHISE ' `' 'COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AND AGREEMENT - ' FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE. ~ - ~~ . THIS- FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, made and entered -into this the _~ :~ day'of , 1998, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, North Carolina, a' political subdivision of th.e State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "County," and• - NEW HANOVER .REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, a North Carolina non-profit ' corporation. witfi its principal office in New Hanover County, North Carolina, f~ereinafter ' called ..Operator," .. . WITNESSETH: _ - .: ' ` ' WHEREAS, Operator has agreed to provide New Hanover County. with. Category I (emergency) ambulance service, Category II (non-emergency) ambulance . ' service, and Category III (critically ill patient) ambulance service; and , WHEREAS, operator has requested the authority to provide Category iV .;.(air transport) ambulance service and Category V (water transport) ambulance service `for the benefit of the citizens of New' Hanover County at such time as it is .feasible for the~operator to do so; and' - ~. . WHEREAS, G.S. §153A-250 authorizes County to contract with a franchised .ambulance operator for the above-described services; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits' inuring to the ~ - . -:~ ~ parties hereto, andbased upon the mutual covenants contained tiere,in and -the . ~ ~ .considerations stated herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree, and, .with the -' :exception of the existing franchise previously granted by New- Hanover County to ., . ~ Medica Transportation Specialists, Inc., New Hanover County hereby conveys an exclusive franchise to Operator, upon the following terms and conditions: - • 1: Term of Agreement. The initial term of this Franchise Ordinance x and Agreement shall be from July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2008. The Franchise may automatically renew and extend for a subsequent-ten (10) year term,- contin ent u - 9 ,. - ~ _ .. New Hanover County Contract #97-0368 Revised 05/20/98 County Commissioner approval pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 153A-46. 2. ,Scope of Services. For the term of this Franchise Agreement, Operator agrees to provide persons located within New Hanover County, with non- emergency (Category II), emergency (Category I) and critical care (Category III) ambulance services. The operator is also hereby entitled and authorized, but not required, to provide Category IV (air transport) and Category V (water craft transport) services. 3. Recipients of Service. Operator agrees to provide said ambulance service for all persons having a medical need for such service who are located within New Hanover County. 4. Franchise. It is understood and agreed that all of the terms and conditions of New Hanover County Code Chapter 6, Article 11 pertaining to a franchise for ambulance services granted the Operator by the County, are herein incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.as if fully .set forth, including but not limited to insurance requirements. 5. Personnel and Equipment. Operator shall equip and maintain all ambulances with staff and equipment in accordance with the North. Carolina General Statutes and regulations established by the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical . Services. Operator's ambulances shall. be subject to inspection at any time by the County Manager or his designee. 6. .Independent Contractor. It is.mutually understood and agreed that Operator is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Operator, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 7. Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, Operator shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, ~. demands,. causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of ,property damages arising out of or relating 28 New Hanover County Contract #97-0368 " ~ ~ Revised 05/20/98 to~the work~to be performed by Operator hereunder, resulting from the negligence of ~. or willful act or omission of,Operator, its agents, em to ees and subcontractors. To the ,. p Y ' extent permitted by law, the County shall indemnify and hold the Operator, .its agents and employees, .harmless against any and- all claims,, demands, causes of action, or other liability, .including attorney's fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or related to the EMS services operated and. ~' ~ administered by the County before July~1, 1998, and resulting from the negligence of or.willfui actor omission of the County, its agents, employees grid subcontractors. - 8. Assignment, Contracting. The parties agree that this agreement is~ not transferable or assignable by either party without the written consent of the other party to this agreement. Operator shall. not contract with any person, corporation, ~~ . partnership, municipality or organization to provide ambulance services in New Hanover " ~ Gounty without written approval of the New Hanover County Manager.or his designee. 9. Termination, This agreement'~may be terminated by either party at any time, upon three hundred sixty-five (365) days written notice to the- other party. ~. 10. Non-Waiver of Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist .upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement or to exercise any right ~: ` based- upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any. performance duringsuch breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement ~~ . 11.. Equal Opportunitx. In .connection with the performance of this ,' agreement, Operator agrees not to discriminate against any employee. or applicant for . , " .employment because of race,. religion, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin: 12. Administration. a) ..Any medical director utilized by the .County to oversee any EMS r . services that may be provided by the New Hanover County Fire Department shall be subject to approval by the Operator, with such i , approval not to be unreasonably withheld:- b) The Operator shall make recommendations to the County regarding the desirability of granting additional franchises for EMS ' ~ services. ~ 29 :' ~ c) The Operator .shall make recommendations to the County regarding. 911 dispatch procedures and protocols. ~~ New Hanover County Contract #97-0368 Revised 05/20/98 13. Property.. Should Operator cease to .provide EMS services pursuant to this Franchise Ordinance and Agreement, then all personal property, included but not limited to ambulances, utilized in'the provision of EMS Category I services, or a cash equivalent therefore; shall be conveyed, transferred, and delivered to New Hanover County. Such property shall be made available to New Hanover County, without any cost or reimbursement to be paid by County, regardless of record or title ownership being in the name of Operator or other entity, and without respect to whatever funding source was used to procure said personalty. Provided, however, the Operator shall not be required to make available personal property or a cash equivalent thereof in excess of the 1998 stipulated value for County EMS personalty, said sum being ($ ), together with an adjustment of an additional amount calculated on the basis of the annual 'CPI through the year that the Operator ceases to provide required EMS services hereunder. 14. Sponsor Hospital Provision.. 15. ~ Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this agreement shall be effective unless evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, by authority duly given, on the day and-year first above written.' ,, ~J ~~ ,~. [SEAL]. .~ . ~ . A TEST T : ~. ~ . Clerk to the Board ~~ ~ 1 . {CORPORATE SEAL] .. ATTEST: Corporate Secretary . _ !' ~. :~ :~ New Hanover County Contract #97-0368 Revised 05/20/98 This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Approved as to form: County Attorney I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that ,Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, William A. Caster, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1998. Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is .Secretary of NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, a North Carolina non-profit corporation, and that by authority duly given and as an act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 32 1998. Notary Public My commission expires: . AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 6, Business Regulations, Article II, Ambulance Service, is hereby amended to read as follows: t. Section 6-29.1. Rates and Charges. Delete existing subsection (a). II. Section 6-23, Term. Amend subsection (a) as follows: ,. .The county may issue a franchise hereunder to an owner of an ambulance or rescue service, to be valid for a term to be determined by the county; provided that as to any for-profit ambulance franchise, either party at its option may terminate the franchise upon one hundred twenty (120) days' prior written notice to the other party. As to any non-profit ambulance ' franchise, as recognized under the laws and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service or the North Carolina Department of Revenue, either party at its option may terminate the franchise upon three hundred sixty (360) days' prior written notice to the other party. After a notice of service termination is given, the ambulance service shall reapply for a franchise if continued service is desired. III. Except as specifically amended above, Article II shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the day of , 1998. 1 [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners 33 Tltis page intentio~zally left blajtk 34 ' 1 NEW HANOVER~COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Department: Legal Presenter: Dave Weaver, Assistant, Assistant County Manager Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Amendment to Noise Ordinance BRIEF SUMMARY: The present ordinance does not directly address the problem of loud or otherwise disturbing noise originating in a commercial zoning but impacting a residential area. The amendment will also establish a violation without the use of a decibel reading where repetitive noise or vibration continues in a manner or duration so as to disturb a reasonable person. - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Consider enacting the amendments. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: „ ~ - _ NoiseOrdAmendment REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve .FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider adioption of Amendment to Noise Ordinance. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• COUr+TY COMMISSIONERS APF~,~~JED p RE3ECTED ^ ' REi~OVED ^ ~+ POSTPONED Cr .i~ HEARD '='~ DATE ~ ~ 9$- -=~~ ~o5-(~wn ~o dE.2PAuJ I rn~°1~ (,' . ~ M • -~ Scams-o r~-~ v~ Nr~ b f e~,,.. q Q~j . AN ORDINANCE ~" OF THE L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,~- The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 11, Nuisances, Article III, Noise, is hereby amended as follows: Amend Section 11-54. Noises Prohibited Generally as follows: (a) Nonresidentiallyznned districts. For-rror~residentiaffy-raned-distriets-lt shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which originates within or impinges upon a nonresidentially zoned district, and when combined with the ambient noise, exceeds seventy-five (75) decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale. If the ambient noise level exceeds seventy-five decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale, when measured in a nonresidentially zoned district, a violation of this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient noise level by three (3) decibels. Between the hours of 10:OOp.m. and 7:OOa.m. the above sound level shall be reduced to seventy (70) decibels. (b) Residentially zoned districts. ForresidentTaffy-zoned-distriets- It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which originates within or impinges upon a residentially zoned district, and when combined with the ambient noise, exceeds sixty-five (65) decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale. If the ambient noise level exceeds sixty-five decibels re 0.0002 ("~' microbars on the "A" weighting scale, when measured in a residentially zoned district, a violation of L this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient noise level by three (3) decibels. Between the hours of 9:OOp.m. and 7:OOa.m. the above sound level shall be reduced to fifty (50) decibels. ~- Amend Section 11-57. Sounds-Generally, Subsection (b), by adding a new subsection (6): (6) The generation of any repetitive noise or vibration with such a volume, manner or duration so as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of a reasonably prudent person. Except as specifically amended above, Chapter 11 shall remain in full force and effect. This day of , 1998. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to theV1B~6/oard_ . r ~9 ~. ~ ~9 ~. y7 ~~ 6~ ~ Qe~+~i~ '' _ ~~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners ~.~_~r~rilivt~ iu •.»,?~ VJV JUI~f VL .+b 11 1J f~lU VV4 r VL . ~ Mark S. Keating . 300 Butterfly Court ' . Wilmington, NC 28405 June 1, 1998 New Hanover County Manager's Uffice Attn: Alan O'Neil} ' 320 Chestnut Street ' Wilmington,. NC 28401 n 1 f] Dear Sir; 1 would like to request the opportunity to present a resolution for discussion and vote at the June l 5, 1998 New Hanover County Commissioner's Meeting. A neighborhood petition supports the resolution. 1 will request that the Commissioners Approve a change to New Hanover County Code, Atticlc ill, Secs. 11-54 and ] 1-57, The change provides adequate noise protection to residentially zoned districts bordering on nonresidentially zoned districts. Specific wordinb of the proposed cl-anges is attached. ' My presentation will consist of a brief (5-10 min) discussion of fire issue and several supporting exhibits. 'T'his issue is the result of problems my neighborhood is having with an industrial park located at 301 North Green Meadows llrive. Noise impinging on my property from this park on occasion exceeds that allowed for residential districts. However, tfie current code allows establishments in irtdusti~ally zoned districts to create noise that is otherwise deemed unacceptable by the very same code for residential areas. My neighborhood believes that this is a double standard of protection. M,y neighborhvod also believes the proposed code changes arc consistent with the county's stated and documented quality of life objectives (rc: the New l~anover County Mission Statement, 1993). Please contact me at your earliest convenience to let me know if my request can be accommodated. Sincerely, / ' 0~.1, S. ~ti~ Mar S, Keating (910) 395-4395 (hm) (91U) 397-8507 (wk) 2 Attachments: i. Current Wording 2. Proposed Wording 37 CURRENT WORDING: "Sec. 11-54. Noises Prohibited Generally (a) Nonresidenticr//y zo~~ed disrridr. For nonresidentially zoned districts, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which, when combined with the ambient noise, exceeds seventy-five (75) decibels re O.000Z microbars on the "A" weighting scale. If the ambient noise level exceeds seventy-five dccibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale, a violation of this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient Hoist level by three (3) decibels. 13e[ween the hours of }0:00 p,m. and 7;00 a.m, the above sound level shall be reduced to seventy (70) dccibels. (b) Iteside~~tiaUy zoned dis•iricts. For residentially zoned distric,Ts, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which, when combined wish the ambient noise, exceeds sixty-fivc (65) dccibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale. If the ambient noise level exceeds sixty-five decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" ~veigtrting scale, a violation of this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient noise level by three (3) decibels. Between the hours of 10:00 p.rn. and 7:00 a.m. the above sound level shall be reduced to sixty (50) decibels. (Ord. of 1-3-89)" "Sec. 11-57. Sounds -Generally (n) Notwithstanding the decibel ranges set fc+rtl~ in section l ~1-54, a decibel level reading shall not be necessary for proving a violation of section l 1-57. (b)1t shall be unlawfiil to carry on the following activities: (1) Operate construction machinery and chainsaws between the hours of 9:00 p.m, and 7:00 a.m. in any residentially zoned area ofthe county. (2) Operate garage machinery between the hours of 9;00 p.m, and 7;00 a.rn, in any residentially zoned area oft}~e county. (3) Operate lawn mowers and other domestic tools out-of--doors between 9:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. in any residentially zoned area of the county. (4) Yelling, shoutins, whistling or singing in such a manner as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of a reasonably prudent person. (5) The playing of any sound-magnifying device, radio, television, phonograph amplifier system, tape deck, tape recorder, or musical instruments in such a ntanrrer or with such volume or as to create vibrations that annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of a reasonably pnrdent person. (Ord, of 1-3-89; Ord, of 9-8-92)," ~L 38 ~.ur.rr_rr'~ lU J:+Jr OJT JUfI U' ~J~ 11 ~ iJ f•IO ,UU=1 !''.U~= • PROPOSf:D WORDING (new wording; in bold type): "Sec. 11-54. Noises Prohibited Generally (a) N(J17r(,•.c1CICITIrClIIy Zl117GCI CIL~'(r%Cl.~'. liar-F}E>Rre3fdei3tia}}y-7.g}}ed--~t5tfiE-t9; It 511111 ;, be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which impinges i,pon a nonreeidenlially zoned district, and when combined with the ambient noise, exceeds seventy-five (75) decibels re 0.0002 microbars nn the "A" weighting scale. if the I' ambient ^oise level exceeds seventy-five decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting; scale, when measured in a nonresidentlally zoned district, a violation of ' this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient noise Icvel by three (3) decibels. Between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the above sound level shall be I reduced to seventy (70) decibels. ~ (b) Residc~rtially zoned districts. Fc3t-resident+ally-;ct~+st~+sts; it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any sound which impinges upon a residentiaily zoned district, And when combined with the ambient noise, exceeds sixty-five (6S) decibels re 0.0002 microbars on the "A" weighting scale. If the ambient noise level exceeds sixty-five decibels re 0,0002 microbars on the "A" weig_;hting scale, when measured in a residentially coned district, a violation of this article shall occur when such sound exceeds the ambient noise level by three (3) decibels. Between the 1 hours of y:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. t}1e above sound level shall be reduced to fifty (SO) decibels. (Ord. of 1-3-89)" • I, " Sec. 11-57. Sounds -Generally ;i ! (a) Notwithstanding the decibel ranges set forth in section ] 1-54, a decibel level reading shall not he necessary for proving a violation of section 1.1-57. (b) It shall be unlawful to carry on the following activities: (]) Operate construction machinery and chainsaws between the hours of 9:00 p.m: and 7:00 a.m, in any residentially zoned area of the county. (2) Operate garage machinery between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in any residentially zoned area of the county. (3) Operate lawn mowers and other domestic tools orrt-of--doors between 9:30 p. m. and 6:30 a.m. in any residentially Toned area of the county, (4) Yelling, shouting, whistling or singing in such a manner as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or' repose of a reasonably prudent person. (.5) The playing of any sound-magnifying device, radiq, television, phonograph amplifier system, tape deck, tape recorder, or musical instruments in such a ' manner ar with such volume or as to create vibrations that annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of a reasonably prudent person. (Ord. of 1-3-89; Ord. of 9-8-92). ' (6) Tl,e generation of any repetitive Hoist or vibration with such a volume, manner or duration so as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of a reasonably prudent person." 39 1 Tliis page intentionally left blank 40 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Regular Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Department: Legal Presenter: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney ' SUBJECT: Ordinance to address Obstruction of Justice. BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Code sets forth several nuisance abatement processes in which the County 'can contract with third parties to remove or correct nuisances where the property owner refuses to do so. The costs are a lien on the owner's property. However, in some situations the owner might improperly hinder the County officers and contractor in carrying out the abatement order. This proposed provision would make it possible for a deputy to be present during the operation and arrest anyone obstructing the abatement process, by charging that person with committing a misdemeanor in the officer's presence. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Enact the Ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: - ATTACHMENTS: ObstructingJusticeOrdinanc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES:•N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend a •on of ordinance_ .Two readings are required if the vote•on the first reading is not unanimou COMMISSION RS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• • COUMY COMA APPROVED .~ 1 REJECTED K~ '~,~; REMDVECi CJ ~':: POSTPONEp O ~'~` HEARD D DATE ~`2~ /J- ~8 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that the following Ordinance be enacted, to be codified as Section 11-11; Obstructing Justice: Any person who, with intent to interfere with, obstruct, or impede any official, employee, agent, or contractor of New Hanover County engaged in the abatement of any nuisance set forth in the New Hanover County Code, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. This ~ day of , 1998. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~f~S~~w-~t~ ~ yip 9M ~~ppyyyyq~~~ ~~} QQ~~ oHW~G~Y~7~ ~~~v 4 2 ~~~ -~ ~, ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners Andrew J. Atkinson Deputy County Manager MEMO TO: FROM: NEW ]EiANOVER COUNTY Office of the County Manager • 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7184 FAX (910) 341-4027 May 5, 1998 . Community Crime Task Force Members Andy Atkinson `~ a I have enclosed a copy of a letter from Nina Brown as well as a copy of her group's recommendations for reducing crime in the inner city. I think you will recognize some of their recommendations. I look forward to meeting with you again on Thursday, May 7 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 501. We will have a draft report for you to review. AJA/sb Enclosure cc: Mark Boyer Lucie Harrell Allen O'Neal ri ,..,-- 1t3r"~ ""~ I~~"~ 44 ~~ ~~~i~~~~ ~~ ~~~.~ ~~ ~~~ Q , E-mail aatkinson@co.new-Iranover.ncus ._ . _ _ ,~ - :.. ' _ a r. y r _ ~ '. n , .. ~ ~ .t ., _ L1 ~ ~ V ~ '' ~ ~ ' ; .. . .' :Nina. C. Brown- ' ~ , MAV 'p 4 ..19x3 l .~ ~ ' .. 413-B S. 6th Street.. , ;. ~~^.. ~ , ~,,~,~, .:\l .- „~;:~ r R C~. ~ . : Wilmington, NC 2840. F~ _ ~~R~s ~Fa~ 9 - -- -- ~ , . _ . (910} 762-611 .~ April 29; 1998. ~ - . _ ., Andy~Atkinson :. ~ ~: _ County Commissioners Office { R .: ~ . , 320 Chestnut Street ~ .. ; . - ,,. , `. ~ Wilmington, NC 284Q1. ~ ' ,. .- Dear Andy, , l - :~ ~° Forgive.me for, the delay in getting this in the mail tq:you~ I-have ' n lo a - . e c sed cop. of the. recommendations which ca - Y me out of:our - ~. ' pub is meetings on crime in the inner city. I hope you will share them . wi h th t e Community Crime Task Force at their next,rrieeting. Should ~' ~ they wish more information., we would be happy to,make. a ~ , ' ', ~ . ~. .. . . presen#ation to them,:. . ~' ., . ° ~ ~~ . _ . Since, our last Fight Crime Now meeting on March 2"d; ~~we've -made ~~ ; - _~. some progress in the areas of olice r l fi i ~ T ; , p e a ons ( .e. new Police . Maria ement Panel'a g ppointed by~City Council) and boarding of vacant fiouses (i.e. resolution to go before. Council next month):. .~ ~~ - ~ .'. We would like. to a ear before the Coun Commissioners in Ma or PP ty y : . . ,June to pr-esent the recommendations which are relevant at a County- wide level. Please contact me about an appearance t our eai•(est ~` ~ a y ~ convenience. . .. - ~ ,y ~ .: ~. .. ~ Y ., Thanks for your interest. Don. t hesitafe to call,sfiould o ,, . u or the . ' Crime Task For b .. . ce mem ers have any questions., .. . F . , .. ..Sincerely, :... _ _ . Y ~ ,~ ,. ,: . Y . ~. ~ , ; n u: Nina C. Br ow . ., . . . ~ - .~ ~. 5 ,. . ~ ~ ~ .. .. ... . . K. - . . ~ ~ ,: d . .. / - FIGHT CRIME NOW RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REDUCING CRIME IN THE INNER. CITY _ SAFER NEIGHBORHOODS PROBLEM: CRIME IN. THE INNER CITY Violent crime including murders, -thefts and muggings, prostitution and drug trafficking occur with the greatest frequency in a well- defined area, the inner city. There is a strong correlation between the majority of these crimes and drug use and dealing. Most any Wilmingtonian living within this area can point out at least one street corner or one house where illegal drugs are bought and sold. In most instances the Police also are aware of these locations. It is extremely difficult for the public to understand how, given this kind of knowledge, the police aren't able to do more to eliminate this kind of criminal activity. SOLUTIONS: 1. RESIDENTS PARTICIPATING THROUGH: a. Joining and supporting the efforts of your neighborhood associations and community watch groups. b. Get to know your neighbors and exchange phone numbers on your block. c. Leave your porch light on. d. Reporting crime to police and Crime Stoppers. e. Reporting police failure to respond to calls to Captain Sharon Pulley (343-3640). a 2. INCREASED POLICE PRESENCE Increased police presence in the recognized high crime areas would be an effective deterrent to crime. This can be accomplished with the following strategies: a.A significant increase in the number of officers assigned to the recognized high crime areas. b. Patrolling of this area to be conducted 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. c. Patrol cars in this area should constantly be circulating through the neighborhoods and iri such a way as to make frequent passes by known hot-spots d,NABS should be established in key trouble spots. e. Establish police "offices" in apartments of housing projects with resident input. f. Create foot patrols to walk the beat. (' g. Increase the use of tactical units,.especially in the surveillance of known drug trafficking hotspots. Get the tactical units out of the IL11 office and onto the streets. • h. Assign 2 officers to each car. This way, back-up is automatic. i. Make use of surveillance equipment, such.as cameras, at drug trafficking hotspots. 3. "ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT" Complaints of how the WPD and the county dispatchers respond_to citizens'telephone calls are. widespread. The manner in which these calls are handled, delinquent or total lack of response by police, and failure to respect the•anonymity of callers not only discour- a age cooperation from the community, but make many fearful of getting involved. The public has been asked to cooperate in the fight against crime; it's important not to cut them off when they try. a. Police officers and the dispatching staff should be instructed to take non-emergency calls seriously. b. The Sheriff should issue a memo to the dispatching staff reiterating the importance of guaranteeing the anonymity of informants. c. Dispatchers need more complete training. They often come across as irresponsible, lacking in knowledge, condescending and even rude. Sensitivity training and instruction as to proper attitude and etiquette in handling calls is needed. f'~l PROBLEM: RACISM IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (law enforcement and hiring practices) 1. Suspicion is widespread that law enforcement is slack in the current high crime areas, because these neighborhoods are predomi- nantly African-American. In other words, it is believed that situations which would not be tolerated in neighborhoods like Forest Hills, are regularly ignored in those where African-Americans are in the majority. 2. There is widespread dissatisfaction with the scarcity of African-Americans officers in our police department, as well as the lack of African-American officers in high ranking positions. - ~ ' 3. Law-abiding African- Americans are regularly treated disrespectfully and with undue suspicion by police based solely on the color of their skin. 4. African-American suspects are frequently treated with unwarranted aggression and belligerence by police and such actions are per- ceived to be motivated by racial prejudice. SOLUTIONS: 1. INCREASING THE NUMBER OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN OFFICERS It is essential that the WPD make a concerted effort to hire more African-Americans. More African-American officers on our police force would go a long way toward dispelling its racist image. More African-American officers on our police force would promote trust and cooperation in African-American communities. The police ford sheu~d reflect the racial make-up of the city. It is illegt,~4 Fc~r cruit employees using race as a specific criterion. Ftor•;:,;er, there are certainly other ways to actively seek out African Americans for the Police Force. For example: a. Advertise and recruit in cities with large African-American populations. b. Spec'rfically recruit officers with crime fighting experience in the inner cities. . c: Actively recruit military police... - ~ ~' ` d Recruit at Afncan-American colleges and universities. -, ~ • '' .: - _ _ . e Send 1 Afncan Amencan and 1 white officer on all recruitment trips. - , f. Require that the interview board be racially balanced , g: Include volunteers from the community(not appointees) as members of the interview board. •~ h.,Revisit hiring policies and job qualification requirements.. ' 2. ~:1NCREASING THE NUMBER of AFRICAN-AMERICAN OFFICERS OF RANK • Encourage ways for police to open up pathways of advancement for existing African Americans officers. The presence of African-. .. • Americans in high. ranking positions will encourage more African=Americans to apply for the police .force by demonstrating that it is • possible for"them to move up. - .. 3.`SENSITIVITY TRAINING Sensitivity training should be a requirement for all employees of,the Police.Department, present and future, at all levels, from secre= taries to patrolmen to detectives and including Captains and. the Chief. As a form:of sensitivity training, African-American and white • officers should be paired, especially when assigned to African-American neighborhoods. 4, INCREASING 7HE NUMBER of AFRICAN-AMERICAN OFFICERS In AFRICAN-AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOODS ' ' it's, important that more African-American officers be assigned to the predominantly African-American neighborhoods. it is believed that they can be more effective than white officers in many situations involving interactions`with otFieY"African-Americans. Their Ares- - ' . " • ence is key to restoring trust and cooperation. .' 5: RECOURSE FOR RACIST'ACTIONS OF POLICEMEN ~ . Complaints of racial harassment and such by.Police officers to Internal Affairs should be treated with extreme seriousness and signifi- • cant disciplinary action taken when warranted. Efforts should be made to make the public more aware of'the procedure for filing com- •. .plaints and. following-upon results. - ,. • °° , • . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~ PROBLEM:.LACK OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS ~ ~ . SOLUTIONS: 1. Increase job.traln(ng programs In Inner city. 2.~City/County/WID to recruit clean industry to inner city. '• • ' -3: Promote develo ~ ~ - - pment of businesses serving community. .. 4. Use loan programs and business advisory groups to assist small-business owners: ` Communi Develo me ty " p nt Corporation (762.-7555) ,, ' . ~ µ. ~. ,, '' Minority/Women'Business Enterprise Program (341-7415) ~ , ,. 'W~Immgton Community Coalition Loan Program (763-1155) • Small Business and Technology Development Center (962-3744) " • ,Small Business Administration (704) 344-6563 ~ , .` ." S.~Create vocational programs,(n the public schools.,:. '' 6. Encoura " • .: ge school attendance and review dismissal policies • `' _ ~,~ •'' ' • . ' SAF,E'AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROBLEM: HAVENS.OF CRIME ~AND`'LACK.OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING • ' SOLUTIONS: GIVE OWNERS TNf OP O • P RTUNITY, INCENTIVE AND ASSISTANCE NEEDED TO FIX UP HOUSES AND PROVIDE - FOR OUR COMMUNITY THE MUCH NEEDED AFFORDABLE HOUSING. I. Immediately evaluate and`improve all current solutions to sub-stendard, dilapidated housing. in the inner-city. .. ,` 1. Review all city run loan ro rams. • P 9 ~~ ~~ `~~a. Look at # of applicants'vs. #t closed loans. •" - ~ - •' `. '~ ~' ~ ~ b: Look at racial/age make up of applicants vs. closed loans.. _ ' c.look into why denial letters aren't-sent: .' ~ " ' ~ ~ d. Check into why some projects are deemed unfeasible before.an application can be made. ` ` .. `".e:l_ook at reasons (by percent) of loan denials. ' '• ,f. `If values/cost estimates make up.a ignificant %~of denials, Took at whether~starting values are done using "tax values' or "appraised values". 2: Restructure and re; open the. Rental Rehabilitation' loan program.. ", • . r ', a. Evaluate-the effect this program would have (i.e.; how many-code cases that eventually `ended in demolition would have, , • ~ benefited cif this program were functional?) • i p y ~.., 4 7 ~r c. Consider removal of matching funds" component (Loan up to 75% of "subject to" eppraisai). ,.. 3.,lnvestigate taz credits/ tax freezes or other incentives to fix houses (especially seniors) , ' 4. Create a comprehensive housing team to work with property owners. ~ _ .. ~ , 5. Use C.D.B.G. funds to locate missing heirs/owners when the legal notices are being mailed to UNINHABITABLE a HOUSES OR VACANT LOTS. Don't consider posting the property as reasonable effort. Engage locator services lies only 'rf found). .._ _ 6. Insist County track annually the "100% senior exempt list". 7. Strengthen home ownership programs ancF encourage banks to lend in the inner-city: `- 8. If an eligible senior is denied a city loan provide grants for home maintenance and repairs to prevent neighborhood blight. II. Prevent abandoned homes and businesses from being used as "havens of crime". 1. Residents to call in problem houses on their streets (341-4622). 2. City to board ALL substandard, vacant housing Have pre-approved contractors ready to board. Use C.D.B.G. funds to cover costs. 3. Do code inspections on all vacant, tax delinquent property. a. track list of code violations b. cross reference with police list (crack houses) c. cross reference with tax violation list 4. Use C.D.B.G. funds to locate heirs, then refer to City loan programs if interested. a. Set REASONABLE BUT TIMELY deadlines for housing renovation. 5. County to foreclose on long-term, unresolvable, tax delinquent properties. CODE ENFORCEMENT SHOULD BE A POINT OF ENTRY TO SERVICES, SUCH AS REPAIRS, LOANS, GRANTS, AND VOLUNTEER GROUPS. DRUG REHABILITATION/SENTENCING PROBLEM: JUDICIAL SYSTEM CREATES "REVOLVING DOOR" FOR DRUG ¢FFENDERS; INSUFFICIENT DRUG TREATMENT SERVICES SOLUTIONS: • 1. Work with State Legislature to toughen drug sentencing. 2.Send more drug addicted offenders to the Drug Treatment Court program. 3. Explore needs for more Prevention and Education services. 4. Provide more treatment abuse programs. 5. Develop and distribute list of contact organizations and churches who are willing to work with individuals who have drug and alcohol problems. 6. Develop community need statement for residential treatment programs (3 months to 3 years) and pursue funding to obtain facilities. The purpose of establishing the New Hanover County Community Crime Task Force is to bring attention to the growing concerns and frustrations expressed over crime in our local community, and to determine ways of effectively reducing the cause of the problem. In establishing the Community Crime Task.Force, the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners adopted the following resolution: • RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMUNITY CRIME TASK FORCE WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely developed coastal County; and WHEREAS, the Citizens of New Hanover County have expressed a frustration with the apparent increase in violent crime; and a, WHEREAS, the law enforcement agencies throughout the County have the desire to involve the community in seeking positive and effective solutions to the issues of illegal drugs and crime; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That in order to address these concerns the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners does hereby establish the Community Crime Task Force (CCTF), and charges.it with the following purposes: Review Structured Sentencing, and.make recommendations for changes that the CCTF believes could enhance the fight against crime in•our community. 2. Review the current issues that are causing violent crime to escalate in our community. After reviewing, make specific recommendations to the. respective local governing bodies within New Hanover County relating to short and long term efforts needed to reduce crime. • 3. Make recommendations concerning how to impact. in a positive manner, preventive measures that can lead to a restoration of hope in the lives of those that are directly impacted by illegal drugs and crime. 4. Provide economic impact information concerning the recommendations made in any of the areas above. 5. Review and address any other pertinent issues related to illegal drugs and crime. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the CCTF shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed as follows: two (2) appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, two (2) appointed by the City of Wilmington, and one each from the following beach' communities of Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville. ~~lopted this 16`h day of February, 1998. 2 Task Force Members: Chairman: ,~Ir. Al Corbett; «'ilmington businessman, former \ew Hanover County Commissioner, appointed b}• New Hanover County. Vice Chairman: The Revrrend Alex i`Iaultsby; Pastor of St. Paul's United iLfethodist Church, Carolina Beach, appointed by the To«n of Carolina Beach. i<ir, Bertrand Cutribht: Retired IRS examiner, appointed by the To«n ofKure Beach. i<Ir. Car! Blaci:: Retired police officer, currently Executive Director of The Family . Resource Center, appointed b~- the City of Wilmington. itlr. Carl Hmstead: Director of Internal Audit at New Hanover Regional i~tedical Center. appointed by the City of Wilmington. ~ . t~Ir. Harold Ding: Retired Engineer, General Electric, appointed b_y the Town of Wrights~•i(le Beach. i~lr. Donald ~Iapson: School Teacher/Counselor, College Park Elementary School, appointed by the City of Wilmington. 3 51 ~~~ • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY What is the problem? Lack of hope was identified as a major reason for the gro~tiZh in crime. The widening gap between the haves and have pots causes great frustration among the have pots. Other reasons included the lack of affordable housing and job training. The task force identified: murder assault involving weapons robbery breaking and enterings as the top four crime issues afflicting our community. We wish to acknowledge the work that is already undent~av to reduce crime; Drug court, cooperation between County/City and Bach Communities, and~the City/County Gang Task Force to name a few. Greater involvement is needed from higher education institutions, New Hano~;er Regional L-ledical Center; the media and the corporate sector. Local anti-crime efforts must be able to tap into these valuable resources. We ~~~ere extended the opportunity to participate in the Wilmington Police Department Ride Along Program, which present.d a first hand account of inner city troubled areas, prior to the group's work. Sei~er-31 members of the ta;k force took advantage of this opportunit}•. In assembling our information, we invited a number of la«~.enforcement officials and others, to present their ideas for crime reduction: New Hanover County Sheriff Joe - McQueen, \rew Hanover County District Attorney John Carriker, ~~"ilmington Police Chief John Cease, Kenny House, Coastal Horizons Center, District Court Judge Rebzcca Blackmore, James, Drug Court participant, Joanne Marr, Day Sentencing Center, Tom. Pollard, Wilmington City Attorney. They presented us-with very valuable insight. We wish to thanl; them for the time and effort they gave to the task force. ' Recommendations are presented in tµ•o categories: Enforcement, and Prevention and Treatment. The number one enforcement recommendation is for additional law enforcement officers to be "on the beat." We believe visibility is the key to making an immediate impact on crime in our community. Other recommendations in this category involve technology enhancements, education, a local crime laboratory, a mobile jail, a local juvenile detention facility, a latent fingerprint workstation, and others. In the category of prevention/treatment, recommendations are to establish a county-wide curfew for youth under 16 years of age, improve/expand recreational facilities and programs, education and neighborhood enhancement activities. We understand all of our recommendations cannot occur o~-ernight, but we believe amulti-faceted approach in those areas listed above should begin, and begin no~v. We stand ready to continue to work with all the municipalities and the County to further define these recommendations. It has been our honor and pleasure to have been 5~rt of this task force. We thank you for the opportunity to serve our community. . ~ ~_ ` ~' RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations are grouped into two categories; First, enforcement, and secondly, prevention/treatment. :r ENFORCEMENT (Listed in order of priority.) 1. Increase law enforcement presence. More officers need to be placed on the street in foot patrols, horse patrols and bicycle patrols in order to more et~tectively police local neighborhoods.. K-9 patrols should also be used for crowd control. 2. Increase minimum prison sentences for crimes committed with a weapon. 3. Improve technology between Courts, enforcement agencies, and District Attorney: ~~ An interfaced computer network needs to be developed that allows a free Clow of information between Federal, State and Local agencies. `~ 4. Continuing education/training for police officers, including sensitivity and diversity training. More bilingual officers, better relations between officers and the citizens `~ they protect. 5. Establish a local crime' lab. 6. Establish a mobile 'ail which would free u officers fro v' R J p m ha ~n~ to transport suspects :.downtown. The mobile jail could transport larger numbers of suspects to the ' Magistrate's office. ~ , 7. Encourage the development of a local juvenile detention facility. 8. Develo a laten p t fin~erpnnt workstation. '. 9. Continue to improve cooperation between all law enforcement agencies. ~10. Increase Salaries for law enforcement and provide a career ladder for advancement that .keeps officers "on the beat". 1 I. Consider placing surveillance cameras in high crime areas. ". PREVE~'TION /TRE~TiyIENT Crrr ew • A curfew should be enacted on a County-«ide basis. Children under the age of l6 should be at home by midnight, unless accompanied by a responsible adult (parent, guardian). ` • The parent or guardian of a juvenile violating the curfew would be ticketed by the local law enforcement officer. • A central facility must be established to take curfew violators to wait. for their parents fo puck them up. ~ , • Parents are held accountable for their child through a (misdemeanor) civil penalty and could include community service after repeated violations. , Recreation We believe there iS a lack of activities for young people. We, therefore; recommend • more activities be offered to children in their neighborhoods. All neighborhoods need to have planned supervised activities. Such activities must be accessible in all neighborhoods throughout the County. , • All programs should be structured and monitored by adults. • Parenting skills could be offered to parents while their children are taking,part in. these activities. • Also, tutoring programs could be offered, as well as job skill/vocational training. Ertucrrtinrr • Requ"ire uniforms for all public school students. • A thorough review of Truancy regulations is needed to determine how we can, keep all young people in school when they are to be there. • Drug education should start at earlier age (kindergarten level), and should become part of the regular school curriculum, continuing through all grade levels. • Character education should be offered to encourage the development of `.traditional' values. Include sex education. • Conflict resolution needs to become part of the peer mediation process already in place in the school system. Nei;lrhorhoorf Errhanceme-rt , • Work with Carolina Power and Light to provide better street lighting. • Community Watch efforts need~to be encouraged and expanded.-~ • Encourage support for more community advocacy programs and recognize and reward initiatives to better the community. • Establish an "Adopt-a-Street" or "Adopt-a \'eighborhood" program similar to the ~A State's "Adopt-a-Highway" campaign. L~ • City code enforcement ordinances exist, but more coordination and manpower may help prevent deterioration of inner city housing. A Countywide minimum housing 54 code should be enacted and enforced. This needs to become a priority. 6 ' i - ' ~a 1 • Neighborhood beautification can lead to pride in our various neighborhoods. Code °` enforcement and agencies such as Keep America Beautiful could be included in this effort. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 i 1 1 55 DETAILED SUMMARY - STRUCTURED SENTENCING We recognize there have been changes made recently in the State's Structured Sentencing guidelines. Judges now have more latitude in sentencing drug traffickers to jail or prison, rather than relying solely on the sentencing grid. Local government, law enforcement and the judiciary need to continue to monitor Structured Sentencing and ,7 seek adjustments as necessary. 1~, ~J Cu rfe~~~s A curfew `'would be a step in the right direction." -Sheriff Joe McQueen. Curfews are catching on around the country as leaders search for new tools to combat growing juvenile crime. Proponents say curfews help parents better mana,e their children and give police a reason to stop ~~ouths they suspect of selling drugs or breaking the law. But critics believe curfews violate constitutional rights and are unnecessary because most juvenile crimes happen during the day. Some statistics show most juvenile crime occurs between the hours of 2:00 p.m., and x:00 p.m., the hours during which teenagers are least likely to be under adult supervision. In their discussions with guest speakers, task force members were urged to consider recommending aCounty-wide curfew for teenagers. However, any curfew requirement would need to hold parents accountable for the child's actions. A curfew would also give the recently formed Gang Task Force more leverage. A curfew, if enacted, must provide a centralized drop off site for offenders, rather than having individual officers spend large amounts of time taking care of curfew breakers. RECOrtif,lfENDA TIONS Ct[r ew • A curfew should be enacted on a County-aide basis. Children under the age of 16 should be at home. by midnight, unless accompanied by a responsible adult (parent, guardian). • The parent or guardian of a juvenile violating the curfew would be ticketed by the local law enforcement officer. • A central facility must be established to take curfew violators to wait for their parents to pick them up. • Parents are held accountable for their child through a (misdemeanor) civil penalty and could include community service after repeated violations. 56 ~ 8 r 1 The Drug Problem "The country has had a `romantic dance' w7th addiction. In the 1880's half the population was addicted to either cocaine or opiates."-Kenny House, Coastal Horizons Dru; Counselor. • Local law enforcement officials say up to SO% of all crimes committed are drug related. Sheriff McQueen told the group that while focusing on the big time drug dealers, small time dealers are realizing large profits by traveling to New York and elsewhere, and bringing the drugs back home to resell. Small time dealers then become bigger dealers. The resurgence in the use of heroin was also discussed. Sheriff McQueen stated. the trafficking route for heroin is a highway route from Mexico to Texas to Wilmington. Drug com-ictions are roughly 9S% due to video and audio ~recordin, of undercover drug buys. $urglary and larceny com~ictions are in the 70% range. Sheriff \•fcQueen sa}'s hers `noticed more drug trafficking is happening at the airport and with rental cars. Sheriff McQueen is going to contact the airport director to determine if the airport would like a drug K-9 to randomly patrol the airport terminal as in larger cities. Mr. Kenny House of Coastal Horizons spoke to the group on drug use and addiction as it relates to the crime problem. i\fr. House Alcohol use is a greater cause of crime than other drugs. Howe~~er alcohol use is tolerated by the community, largely because of the industry's sponsorships of large, public activities. Four out of five cocaine relapses are predicated on alcohol use. Alcohol is a very powerful indicator of other drug use and a powerful indicator for crime. Rarely do police respond to violence where alcohol is not involved. Mr. House talked about heroin addicts being very docile. They tend to bother the community only when the heroin supply runs low. There are over SO heroin addicts in treatment at Coastal Horizons, 7~% of whom, }•ou would not easily identify as a heroin addict. Funding for Coastal Horizons and it's Methadone therapy clinic comes from a state and local match. ,60% of the clients are referred through the justice system. 40% of the.addicts come in for treatment on their own. tifethadone, which stabilizes and weans the addict, is an extreme therapy that is effective only for heroin addiction. IVir. House explained the country has had a "romantic dance" with drug addiction. In the 1850's half the population was addicted to either cocaine or opiates. Addiction tends to be a family.illness rooted in genetics and cultural behavior. Not all children of alcoholics or drug addicts have the same problem. Mr.-House talked briefly about the "MAJORS°' planning grant received through the Governor's .Crime Commission and NC Department of Health and Human Services. " This will allow for planning of a program targeting youth at risk of ;oing to state training school. Coastal Horizons has 22~ patients in treatment including adutts and teens. The organization could treat ~0 to 7~ more youth if the MAJORS "grant is approved. There is r a ten to one treatment ratio. Some addicts get ~t-ell without treatment programs. One problem is lack of programs dealing with under insured and uninsured. There needs to be a residential program «-orking with youth and those in early stages of addiction. The area seems to be lacking in affordable residential treatment programs. One program in particular was looked at by the Task Force. TROSHA of 57 Durham, an intensive residential-treatment proaram;~has a long waiting list. To impact the 17 ,to 2~ age group, the community needs to support the creation of residential and social treatment facilities. In "addition, the local area is starved for. programs that . - specifically target youth and women. RECO~If IIErVDA TIONS • Drug education needs to start at an earlier age (Kindergarten level) and should become part of the regular school'curricul'um, continuing through ali grade levzls. • .Treatment should be.available regardless of insurance•or the ability to pay. " DRUG COURT "Young people need to.feel good about themselves. They need involvzment and to feel good about their talents". - James, a Drug Court participant. Jude Rebecca,Blackmore discussed-the origins of Drug Court. The-program started here Ntay 1, 1997 and is.supported by an'S80,OOO federal ~rarit. Funding ends in September 1993. Drug Courts in other areas ofthe~Statc are funded through the North Carolina Legislature. To enter the program, the defendant must plead guilty to a current criminal. charge, and be a drug` addict. with the.«Zllingness to recover. Relapses may occur as Drug Court participants work to overcome theiraddictions. Some may not completz thz program, and as a result, enter the prison system. ~ ~ ' Drug court is limited to 30 participants due to funding, space, and time involved. The program is less than one year old, so no success rate can be sho~~n as of this 'date. Judge Blackmore requested the task force ask the Legislature to fund-"the local program. `'James" is.a participant in his mid-40;s cvho started using alcohol and d'ru~s at 17. He was in and out o.f trouble with the law unti'I'1980,~when he re-entered Ui\iCW and graduated with a computer science degree. H~ became successful in his career, which later helped support a return to cocaine. "James" was re-arrested last July and tias been in the program,for$ months and now is updating his computer skills at Cape Fear Community Colaege.;"James" said the community needs more options for treatment. "Young people need to•feel;good about themselves. They~need im~olvement and to feel good about their talents."~ ., RECO~IhifErVDA TION • Urge local elected officials to encourage State legislators to include=New Hanover County's Drug Court to be funded by the State. 58 ~o 1 1 1' CO~IMUNITYBUSINESS SUPPORT AND COOPF,RATi(~N '`The commttment to fighting crime needs to be local, and not dependent on Raleigh or Washington." -John Cease, Chief of Police, Wilmington What can the community do to assist in anti-crime efforts? The sheriff and police chief's responses were support and cooperation from the community. The community needs to become more im'olved if any difference in the crime rate ,~ is to be made. Volunteerism needs to be promoted. The commitment to fighting crime needs to be local, and not dependent on Raleigh or Washington. Currently, there are a y~ number of neighborhood based efforts under~yay to address the crime problem. The ~' group "Fight Crime Now" recently made recommendations to the «'ilmington City - Council. . v~ • RECO~bf.~tIENDATIDNS • Work with Carolina Po~ti~er and Light to provide better street lighting. E • Community Watch efforts need to be encoura,ed. ~ Neighborhood beautification can lead to pride in our various neighborhoods. Code • enforcement and agencies such as Keep America Beautiful could be included in this ~ effort. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ .• The lack of street lighting may be a cauwe of some trouble. Carolina Power and ~F Light will be contacted for information on ho«- CP&;L and local government might be able to improve lighting. The need for beautification projects was also mentioned as~ (~` needed. Residents will feel better if they live in a clean community. .~ TECH~'OLOGY . ~ District Attorney John Carriker addressed the group on the needs of the judicial ~ system. He has been appointed by the NC Chieflustice to service on the C-JIN • (Criminal Justice Information ~letwork) governing board, which is studying ways to . improve the court system. _The District Attorney's office has ro~~n from 12 assistants in 1982: to 2 g 9 assistants currently. There are 4,000 cases/year in Superior Court and ;x 000 ;~ , misdemeanors in District Court, but less than 3°~0 of all charges ever go to trial in North Carolina. Most cases are pleaded or dismissed. Mr. Carriker said the community must make a major investment, in terms of law '~ enforcement, training, and technology ~4 RECONL-tIENDA TIONS • Impro~'e technology bet«~een Courts, enforcement agencies, District Attorney. An r"' ~ interfaced computer network needs to be developed. ,~ Establish a local crime lab to do drug analysis, tool mark identification and firearm ~ 59 ~ t ~ . -identification. Sending 'evidence to State or FBI tabs. is time consuming: Such lab ..could handle cases for the Fifth Judicial District (New Hanover and~Pendzr Counties). A Mobile jail would free up officers from having to. transport suspects dow•nto«n: The mobile jail would transport large numbers of suspects to Ma~;isfrates Office. Latent, fingerprint workstation. EDUCATION "The cure for crime is not in the electric chair, but in the-high-chair." -John Carriker, District Attorney, 5`h Judicial; District. ~ ~ . °The most effective way-to deal with crime is through orevention_ ~PATH~VAti'S operated through the Community Boys' and Girls' Club; is funded through the Governor's Crime Commission, and targets long term suspended middle school students. who may otherwise find trouble on the streets after being expelled from school. The District Attorney also urged promotion of programs such as Big Buddy which has`-13 l children on a waiting list, and CATS (Community Alternatives to`Swperision) for short- term suspended students from New Hanover Hi;h School. ' The Task Force recognizes the change in the family unit structure; divorce, more single parents, teenage parents. The communit~• needs to recognize~the changes and provide for more after school opportunities for children of working parents and single parent households. Public school curriculum, beginning in the kindergarten year, should include drub prevention•education, ethics and values training, conflict resolution, and sex education. All grade levels'should continue to tai-het these areas: ~ ~ ' Even though we would like to think schools are not where these topics'are to be taught, thz community must face these issues head on. Schools must take on this responsibility if we are to have an impact on the long term crime rates in our community. RECOitif:lfErVDA TIO~VS Education • Require uniforms for all public school students. • A thorough review of Truancy regulations is needed to determine'how we can keep all young people in school when they are to be there. • Drug education should start at earlier age (kindergarten'level), and should become part of the regular school curriculum, continuing'through all grade levels. ' • .Character education should be offered to encourage the'development of `traditional' values. Include sex education. • Conflict resolution needs to become part of the peer mediation process already in place in the school system. The group expressed interest in finding out possible soucces'of grant money or other funding for summer youth programs. 60 t~ 1 1 1 ''k Recreation We believe there is a lack of activities for young people. ~Ve, therefore, recommend • more activities be offered to children in their. neighborhoods. All neighborhoods need to have planned supervised activities. Such activities must be accessible in all neighborhoods throughout the County. • All programs should be structured and monitored by adults. • Parenting skills could be offered to parents while their children are taking part in these activities. • .Also, tutoring programs could be offered, a; well as job skill/vocational training. FUti'DI~rG "If the community wants a certain quality of life, they'll ha~~e to pa}• for it." - Task Force Member. . Wilmington Police Chief John Cease commented on the need for more funding. One idea he proposes is a county-wide public safety tax, dedicated solely to funding various law enforcement and judicial programs. Discussion was also held on an upcoming proposal by Count.- Commissioners and municipalities to support a statewide resolution on a local option sales tax. The group discussed whether to earmark the estimated S 17.E million to be raised by the one cent sales tax for anti-crime efforts. No recommendation is made. REC0~111E~'DATIONS • Investigate all available Federal and State ~r~..nt sources. • Involve corporate sponsorship of projects including public service announcements, after school activities. '~ 61 ~~, 13 r F Tlris page ijitejttio~tully left blank 62.:s ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ;~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 ,, Regular Item #: 11 Estimated. Time: Department: Inspections Presenter: Jay Graham, Director of Inspections ,~` Contact: Jay Graham ~_ . SUBJECT: Formation of Inspections Department Advisory Council .BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ The Wilmington/Cape Fear Home Builders Association and the New Hanover County Inspections Department propose the formation of an Inspections Department Advisory Council. The Advisory Council would provide input to improve the professional service and to ensure the ongoing continuity behveen all the various organizations involved on a daily basis with the Inspections Department in accordance with the attached Advisory Council Mission Statement and structure proposal. ~~ It should be rioted that in October 1996, the Inspections Department invited representatives from the public and the construction community to participate in an initiative designed to encourage open and effective communications between government and those served. This committee was a proactive effort to solicit feedback from the construction community as we!I as from the public. It was named the Proactive '~` Review Committee (PRC) and included. a membership smilar to the proposed Advisory Council. It is anticipated that the new Council will improve on the effors of the PRC. ?~r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Board of Commissioners fora an Inspections Department Advisory Council ahd appoint members to membership terms as outlined in the attached documents. ~ t FUNDING SOURCE: ~E ~ ~ ATTACHMENTS- • Proposed Inspections Department Advisory Council P,lission Statement • .Proposed Inspections Department Advisory Council Structure Formation r~ REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: " tl ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend approval. '~~i COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS- '~. COUNTY COMMISS~Q .APPROVED ~ REJECTED Q ~~ ~~ REMQVED Q `~ PASTP4NF.,~ L7 ~~~ „ 6 ~~ ~ ~~-,~ 0 4S~ 3 oat, 5~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ + icti `~ be ~Jer~f C'-h.a,~Y~l~c.G--~tk.5' 6 y Corn,n+-~ IvSPECTIONS DEPA,_RTI~IENT' ADVISORY COLTVCII: ~tiIISSIOiY STATE~tiIENT The purpose of the Inspections Department Advisory Council is to provide advice and guidance to the Inspections Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an inte~al part of the department's purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Nzw Hanover County. . The Council is to include one member from each of the following categories: , • AIA/En~neer • Builder/Commercial • Builder(ResidentiaVWCFHB_ Amember • .Electrical Contractor - • Mechanical Contractor ; • Plumbing Contractor • New Hanover County citizen F ~ w-.-n~ ,. , ~,~~r, ` 8~ µt~~ ,.~~!:~..v, ~t ~? ~~~~~~~i i .. ~~ ~.~~~ v~~Y~ r,.~ r ~,rn ~ f~4.A Yr~~~ 4 ~~ Y44~i .C'~we ~.~~~41. t-ei 1 1 , .~ . '~~ ;~E ~` ,~4 . '~` ~~` f ,~ .~j; 1 i 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 Inspections Department Advisory Council . Structure Proposal .. .The Council is to include one member from each of the following categories: • AIA/Engineer . • Builder/Commercial • Builder/Residential/~VCFHBA member • Electrical Contractor • Mechanical Contractor • Plumbing Contractor . • New Hanover County citizen Each member is to be appointed to staggered, ,~6-~~ear terms as determined by the Board of Commissioners. During the first year of the Advisory C3uncil, 4 members shall be appointed to a one-year term and 3 members shall be appointed to a ta~6--year term. At the end of the first year~the Board of Commissioners shall appoint 4 members to a t<vo-year term to. establish an ongoing yvto- year cycle. The Advisory Council shall have appointed by the Board of Commissioners a Chairman and aVice- Chairman. The Advisory Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule.'It shall be the responsicility of the Advisory Council to. establish a meeting schedule that will reasonably ensure a quorum attendance for each meeting. 65 ~ ~ T # This pad e intentionally. left' blank 66 t y 1 1 :~~1 .~ ~` !~ ~t t+~+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 . Regular Item #: 12 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body. Presenter: Lucie Harrell Contact: Lucie Harrell, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: ' Committee Appointments -BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointments can be made to the following Boards and Committees A. ABC Board Board of Fire Commissioners Cape Fear Community College Board of Trusties Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee Museum Board of Trustees Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Social Services Board $. New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIOIVS• Appointments to the Boards and Committees ' FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: r Committee Information Sheets and Applications 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~' '~` j~~~ ,~ ~~ 1 ~` ~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S Make appointments ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACT NTS AND ENTS: MMENDAT COUNTY CAMMI~SIONE~4 APPROVED O REJECTED- REMQVED O POSTPONED O 6 T .HEARD p DATE ~g_-~~,,,k~~- COMMITTEE' APPOINTMENTS ABC BOARD 1. APPOINT 1 MEMBER TO THREE-YEAR TERM ' 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN ~ . APPLICANTS: Stephen E. Culbreth Dana Page Donald Zearfoss ELIGtBLE FOR ' ~ ' REAPPOINTMENT X Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ' ~ ~~.~ ~~ 6 8 ~ ~~~~~ .~,:: '~ ~ .. - ABC BOARD ~~, Number of Members: 3 - Chairman desi nated b Count Commi g y y ssioners 'Term of Office: three years - may be reappointed ~~' Regular meeting: third Thursday of each-month at 9:30 a.m. in the ,r ABC General Office. ~' Compensation: Compensated by profits with amount set by County Y,. Commissioners. The last increase occurred on October 1, 1986: ~, $150.00 per month for Chairman and $100.00 per month for members. Statute o°r cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 18B-700 i ~ ~, Qualifications: appointed on the basis of appointee's interest in public. affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good moral ,~ character. Brief on the functions: ~_ 1} Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget ,~ including employees' salaries. 3) Employ local ABC officers. 4) Hire general manager to oversee day to day operation of the system. 5) Buy or lease property for the system. (6) Review reports and .~~ perform other duties in accordance with 18B-701. 7) Board.. is an independent entity of the State. TERM ~,~ PRESENTLY CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING TERM EXPIRES '~~ Howard L. Armistead, Chairman Second 6/30/99 2108 South 17th Street .Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 6/21/93) 762-7776(W) 1 1~ James C. Ballantine 1406 Old Lamplighter Way. Wilmington, NC 28403 392-1475 (H) 815-0411 (W) Unexpired 6/30/2000 Donald Zearfoss 104 'M`iddle Lane. Wilmington, NC 28405 686-9034 (H) 762-2702 (W) (Appt. 1/20/98) First 6/30/98 (Appt. 6/19/95) Administrator: W. R. Williams (910-762-7611) P.O. Box 3036, Wilmington,. NC 28406 1~ 1/98 fife: /abc ~~ ,~` 69 NEW N.4NOVER ~OllNTY 80ARD OF C~fIf,USSl4NFRS J~O Chestnut Sb'ecL Rovrn 303 Wi7min9toa, tYC 2840 t -4093 TdMhaw /9rp }f r.711d fAX (9tGY 3•II~r30 s~. ilppijc~t/wr for i~olnhne~rf fa Bo.rdr, Conunlrreea, MC COmmosb.,i App~olnaad by bM hVVV Hinovw CourrtyjioHd o/ Corn+~rltalonw~t. Ha~nar ler1J~loeoiu.o~~r re,; ~~ ~~ /~/~O ~ N c!L' IW+a• ~) tG ~0 ~t Q it ~~Gc. /i'jt' ~ ~'` ~~ / / ~"' ~0 Awe vau bee,. • G' p~ ~/ ~ rtd~aal: ,~/ ~(~ ASS ~ ~_ /~ i v ~..._._._-~7Mauro/fWw Na~wri~ Cawh~1 ~//C'f / c _~ t,~CC~~~6S~ 7~ rr~ ..r sue: rn ' ti .c /j/~' u~ coaa:.2 ri'`/U 2 ~~ •~~ l'tlcfc~a S%~~ '~oc~~'~ •~• ~~i.A.•~.....- ..v...w,I r .~...r wrro.. ~+ w~.+~ wr ~ nc.,...e,~:..i T........r.y . ~.,...r.a .. ..~ pwr. •w.•W rybyr~ ~ ~ w..r...~., M err F: ~W+.rw. L .uM. -..i....'.. ~~.'rie. ~w AV•IMM~-VCO~1•`-M~I'.~wVM YYMI~M ~ff1 A/.~+YKlIV. I,/y~1M~.. +r.~.~:~rl ~w~~l4~fy - ~ . JOG rI~'r1/ .//A 1 l n / ~ Q r4orerda•,rAcaMfic _LL_c- S t G~c fJQ~,_.~l ~.~ln./. Sri[ I ~.F_yy<.~lr s~ / ohs, .s~ ~iSf '{~C ice. ~,.rd..~~oti;~:.,: dst' c~~.,. ~ .~.P Aso ti ,6d ~ D;~~ors~~f/ ,~~~•~__,sc:{~~,-• C,~r.. F~ ~``~~ IMrr Io yak with ro fw.v on rM 1vrd. Ccr~s~+!rrae, a Ca.rr~:rr.on n04ute47 /r!• r ~ Sy^~.~ •+}, Wh.e Or *osr /es/ .n yo/ ovwlPCe th.u fb~ terv+~I Gn t1~e Bn~ CMy+Hrev,_ ei Ca ~+nNalon ~~aoKS{14f . _ /Yl y ~~/'<r,•~~ rv~.Q ~ /YIr/ ~/'OS•a.sS%orJ Whef ra^eae el oene:srn ~.ev1! yw !b N Iw N. ~s..d C~++~Y~.y a CLr*+~++bs'wr ddesa! j:k~ fo sew w,l.,-f- Rat, ru • 1 f .Q~, ~'., ~ic~o ~/c.~~l~~~~ ~.6 An rdv currau/y Itrv~tp on afarAd Doerd r c~mi+u?Ma aAoa*rrd 0y a rmar:cmei'ti a e ceunryr lyty. vrcue crr: GUG ~.: ~ y g. .~.. ,M.... •.. ,.,,.s,_.,........d, u.clcr tat GC/•iA~li ~JJJ G ~~~! .~ 4 ~199I • r'~ ~'~ NA,^ro~f ,. ...~..,.•SSIC!~cr?S 70 REFERENCES P/ease provide three local personal references.• N//ame 1l G.9: ~l~- ~,Cj~j Jr 3J J~~i n ~ ~c Yy c ~l'-1~'' Phone Number 2S6 g yi:~ ~ ~i ~yi~ s~-e~h~~ C~~br-~--`~~ ~~ , 71 NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91 Dl 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~ . Name: -~~(l~ ~-- •. ~'~~, ~ . M Home ~ ~) ~ ~ ~ 1 r ~ ~k~~ ( -~ Now long have you been a Address: "[' h J 4~-,~ resident of Netiv Nanover County? ~ ~ ~ `~~ Mailing Address: ~Ox i o 115 Cit and Sta e• 1 0't'~ n` t~ y /I T ' ~ ~ l Y t ~ }'`f1 ~ - `~ Zip Code: ~~ T y J Telephone: Home: Business: ~-i ~r ~ ~ s'`i 'Sex: ~f y 'Race: ~"~ 'Age: - 'This inlormetion is repuested /or the sole urpose of assuring Chet a cr-o~ss`-section of the community is appointed. 'Employed by: 1. - ~ ~~~1~ -t~~ . "A person currently employed bythe ` gency or department for which t is application is made, must resign his/her posiucn with New Nanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanover County Personne/r~licy. ` Job' Tit/e: / Q~ 1 . ' i L I `~ Professional Activities: W 1 ~ Y'~~ iu•"` ~ ~ ~-~( ~~l_7li"Z,'S ~ N~WO~K ~JLv*¢3! ~(~~ ~I (~~ I I ~-- o , ., ',~~" VolunteerActivities: ~ ~' ~~(~~~~ ., ~G~~~- ~~~'`~~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission re nested? Lb~b~ Li~j~~ "1 W q ~l ~5 a I.~,~.~_ r~~ c.ol~~~ G~ h~`Y~~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? E ~"~ ~ ~ Y What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~l L~~1N v ~ ~-~? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~~~ ,.; J r- „~ "'~ 1 8 1991 ~ ~ 3 i'1 ~ ~ y . Date: Signature ~ /Please use reverse side /or additional commentsl ~. """ ..... ~~Grc, ~. I'ag~, h'1~~ ~ .. ,~ . REFERENCE ,, ~~ Please provide three.. local personal references: ` Name ~y >> ~aY l ~3~r; ~ ~z ~ ~o~~~ z~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ _c^~T --~-_~_~ l,I.~Y 2 8 1998 ~,:-~ ~tti~iGY~'J t `~ 73 Phone Number 7~~- ~ ~ ~~ NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, 711C~ 2&401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 .. tit App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Nanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment !o: New Hanover County ABC 3oard Name: Home Address: Donald Zearfoss 104 Middle Lane; Wilmington, N. C. , 28405 HOW /one have you been a resident of New Hanover CountyT 22 Years Mailing Addresr. 10!i Middle Lane - City and State: Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Zip Code: Telephone: Home: •(910) 686-9034 (910) 762-2702 Business: rf 6 8 'Sex: -Race: W •AgA: 'This in/ormetion is reQuested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section a/ the community is appointed. Zearfoss & Associates, Inc. "Employed by: 3150 Wrightsv ille ~ e. , Wilmington, ~;. C. , 28403. "A person currently amp/Dyed by the agency or department /or which this epplicat~on is made, must resign his/her position with Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the Naw Nanover County Personne/Policy. Job Tit/e: President Protessiona/Activities: Real Estate Broker/General Appraiser U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary; Cri.~estoppers of the Lower Cape Fear, Vo/unteerActivities: Wrightsv ille Beach Police Department Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commisst'on requested? To continue to serve the Board and the Citizens of New Hanover County.. During the past three years we hate experienced a continuing growth is sales and profitability, and today are one of the most rofitable ABC perations in the State o North Carolina. We haze added a store in Castle Hayne, are increasing our parking at our Ogden outlet, and arz continuing to explore the reeuirements for a itiona stores in t e County. '' What do you feel are your Qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? B • S . in Management and Accounting (Cum Laude); Owner/Operator of Village Package Store, Inc. Acton, :fass. (Full Liquor License) 196.3-1973. Business Planning Mgr, Raytheon Co.,1958-1969 h/hat areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Enhance^ent of product lines to capture more seasonable business and make buying locally more attractive for our residents and visitors. Continued cost cutting where economically feasible. Continued sensitivity in hiring and management practices including minority hiring. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT !f so, p/ease list: N/A Date: Ma~~, 1998 Std nature (Please use reverse side /or edditianel comments) VER) ~; REF ERENGE~ P lea se provide three local personal references: Name • l~ Mr. George Rountree • ~ ~ 2J Mr. Carter Lambeth - 3j Mr. Robert 0`Quinn ~, `~' ~\ • ~' '~~f ~1 _ - ~A. I~A ,~ ~,~~~ .~~~ Phone Number. •76~ 3404 763-0481 763- 3666 75 I& ~~ ZEARFOSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. May 8, 1998 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street (Room 305) Wilmington, N.C., 28401 Gentlemen: 3150 Wrcntsville Avenue Wilming'cn, N.C. 28403 (91 O) 762-2702 FAX (910) 686-0812 Thank you for the opportunity I have had to serv e on the New Hanover County ABC Board for the past three years. It is my ~ pleasure to submit this request for re-appointment to the Board. During that time we have had a steady increase in sales and ~1 profitability, and are today one of the most cost effectiv e operations ~ in the state. I personally inv estigated our health care program and negotiated a new contract that is saving us some 18% per year w er the former plan, and is providing our employees with core coverage. It was also my pleasure to be responsible for the acquistion of an additional site in the Ogden area. This property was listed on the market at $293,000. After intensiv e negotiations a purchase price of $225,000 was agreed upon and we are set to close next month with no commissions being paid to any brokerage firm or individuals. We, as a Board, also introduced Credit Cards to the system last fall, a mw e that has increased our sales to visitors. These people now spend, on average, about $31.00 per visit to our stores instead of bringing their liquor down I- 40 and into our County. May I then, most humbly, ask for your support to continue my service to the ABC Board for an. additional term. Thank you for your courtesy and consideration, I remain Cordially yours ~~ ~1_• 76 ® •u~mruno x~.ct REA lTO R~ vvv~~~ RESIDENTIAL • COnN~nERCIAt. • INVESTMENT • APPRAISAL • PROPERTY ,~~+.=.NAGEMENT e - ~~ ~' COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS -~ '~ BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS ,~` ~ , 4 VACANCIES f ~, 2 At-Large Community Representatives 2 At-Large VFD Representative ~' I AT-LARGE COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES ,~ APPLICANTS ' . '~ Mike Denniston Michael S. George ~~ _ Michael H. Moran Thomas R. Mull ' Ronald K. North ~~, ~ James W. Sawyer F #' AT-LARGE. VFD REPRESENTATIVE APPLICANTS ~~ ~ ' Armand William D Emilio ' Michael L. Garner Thomas Ray McKay, Jr. -~ Michial W. Rhodes Gary Waters Jonathan A. Wrenn Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications .~ . ~` ~~ ELLIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X X X 77 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Number of Members: 9 4 At-Large Community Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and have.no affiliation with any local volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such., organization for the.past three years) 4 At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representatives (must pay New Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and be a candidate submitted by a Volunteer Fire Department) 1 County Commissioner Term of Office: three years with no one serving Wore than two full terms. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of .the month at 7:OO,p.,n. in the Emergency Operations Center of the Law Enforcement Building._ Statute or cause creating Commission: Resolution adopted by. County Commissioners on January 6, 1986, adopting the Fire Service District Task Force Report and Recommendations-. ~ ~ ' CURRENT ~ ME.tiiBERS ' Appointees: Brenda "Ben" Brow 426 Tanbridge Road Wilmington, NC 28405 799-5078 (H) 452-7988(W) Mike Denniston 404 Sierra Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 313-1180(H) 791-2222(W) Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. 303 Tennessee Avenue Carolina Beach, NC 28480 458-4146 (H) 655-3856 (W) James W. Sa~.~yer .~G 222 Inland Greens Circle \ Wilmington, NC 28405 452-9724 (H) TER~*i ~~ . PRESENTLY TERM SERVI-NG EXPIRES Unexp-fired 7/1/99...... (Appt. 11/3/97) Unexpired 7/1/98 (Appt. 11/03/97) first 7/1/99 (Apps. 5/16/,94 to unexpired. term) (Appt. 8/19/:96 to 3-year term) first 7/1/98 (Appt. 11/20/95) 7.8 r i i I~ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS (CONTINUED) TERM . PRESENTLY TERM .CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING ESPIRES AT-LARGE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Dominic A. Bianco, Chairman second 7/1/99 104 Michael Drive Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Ratified 6/21/93) 675-0524 (H) 341-7846 (W) Reappt. 8/19/96 Wilbur Davis first 7/1/99 615 Piner Road .. Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/19/96) 791-2231 (H) 675-5430 (W) Michial W. Rhodes first 7/1/98 2000 Chair Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Ratified 11/20/95) 675-3198 (H) 799-1232 (W) + Jonathan A. Wrenn Unext~ired 7/1/98 203 Hepwoth Way Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 11/ 03/97) 793-0674 (H),793-0201 . County. Commissioner Charles R. Howell 11/97 file: /fire 79 ' NEW hrANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlY1iS~11S5/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 _~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 QUA ~ Telephone (9101 3-:1-7149 • F.~X (9101 3-:1-~ 130 App/icafion for Board of Fire Commissioners A t-Large Community Represen to tive h'a~r:e: ~y'L /~~<e L l ~~~1 S~~ N Noma / ~~ c How lon have ou been a ^ ~dc'iess: `~ ~ ~ )! e y~ ~~~ resident o,`tVew h'anover County? Mailing Add/eSS: l i . , City and State: GC/ l ~yy~ ~ ~ ~ ~o,t/ J11C{ Zp Code: ~ y0 Telephone: Nctne: ~/ / ~ ~ l 3 - ~l ~O Business: ~ ~G .-' ~ ~1- v2 ~ Z Z `Sex: /" r c 'Race: (.cam ~~ Q ~ 7 _ g-• / _ '7Ais inlcrmation is re,pe~;ad for lha so/: pvpvsa of ass ling that a cress-sacticn oI the community is appcinlad. ~ ~-~. ~ ;~ ..Urployed by: G ~ .. r ~, "A person currandyarra/ayed by the sgdncyor depertrnent or hick ;P.:"s spp/restion ismedd, musl~ssign his/ha/posillon wiG4 Now Hanovor County ~pcn sp oin trnan t, in ac:rordenca with Article 'JI Sec. 4 of the h'ew N.anover Couiiry Prrsonns/ r~]cty. Job Title: Cpl e S 2~. S O ~ ` Professional Acuvi7r'es: Volun to er A cti vibes: N/hy do yvu wish to serve on the Board of Fiie Commissioners? ~~? l//LQ cf ~ S e ~~~ ~~; V'/hat do you feel are your /Iqualifications for ser;in~ on the Board al fire Commissr"crers? ~f U/hat areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Corr;missioners address? p ~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, Tease list.' ~~ __ /hereby cert$r~t/ pay the /Vew Hanover County Fire Service District Tax and that /have no affiliation with anyloc3/ volunteer fire service prganization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization fo a past thrse years, 8~y~~~ _~D Date: Signature G~'G~~ . tPl.asa rsa rwws, std, for edo`iucne! comrnontsl ~~4. ~ t r a t l~iike Denniston 1) Hampton ?illery Jr. - 910/791-2222 2) Mark Edwards - 910/791-2222 3) Bill Rehrey - 910/452-7974 i 3~f~- c~(3o 81 IV~~J f~ANOV~R COI,/NTY .B'OARD OF' ~OlU1M/SSIONE'RS 320 Ghestncrf Street, Room 305 Wilmington, IVC .28¢Qi-.¢033 7'elephcne (9101 341-7149 . FAX (9101 341-4130 r,-----,-,- ~~ ~ 7 1997 r~~.~i x.~~lc' ~ ~ ~ ~~3 co. Applic2tion for goal'd of Fire Commissioners ~ E3. C; CC;;.~;C~,~~ .4 t-Large Community Representative Name://I~N~7FL. S^~~4L4 .~. None ,~ No+rv loop hsve you been a Address: 1~4• ~= .P.4-/p ,~,r~,d~ ~~.y ~1,'-Y resident of Netiv Hanover County? _~_ Maiiinp Address: /~I9• ~.-~ ~;,e~ r C;ty end Statg: G~,~~ ., _~,_~1C Zl~ Code: ~d.~-- ~o~ Telephone: Home: _ C~ ~~ - p~ 7l Business: ~ az ' y~~ _ h •Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ 'r,;,-°' e>7 •Thix in/o~matio~ Ls roQuosred for the sots ptrrposa of ossuring drat a croas,iscrion of the rommunity is eppoin fsd. r•Enlploysd by: fSr4h7 ~~<<<1i.~ ~i'Jic-rS `" ~~/JC ~` ~'~(M~~ _ l • • 'A pcrsoq curren~Io edD th0 e^ nc or department for w•^,ia5 fhls applicafron IS qud9. m '°mp Y Y a Y ust rdsipn hls/harp Z~cn with /Vsw Nanovor County upon apDO/ntmont, u~ aecar6snce wlth Artici+ V1, Sec. 4 oI the New f~fBnOL'A/ Gounty Parson el Rbl;cy. Job rltle: ~ S' -~ P~' J/'r• fn o ir~~d sc ~---C_ ~ Pro/ession8l Activir;es: nJC f~ -- ~c ~~'/ - nJ c~'7" -- ~ /rJ' .~ftde~rs a, ,yi -,y/ _ Voiunteer.Activ;t;es: ~fa,~ ~~;~,~.~' a./y.e~, ~6J~ ,~;~~ ~, oG o~.v :~~~ Ego ,t ~'° S',0. ~,;. / ~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Comn~;ssion~sl v~ ~~~, ~~.~„~ „ ~u~~ 7 What do you feel ere your quahflcafiop3 far serving on the Board of Fire Cvmmiss;onsrs7 ~~%~~' _.,~oc~ What srvas of concern would you like to see bye @oerd ofi"rre Commissioners ~ddres~s? A.a you currently serving on another board or committee aaAainted by a municipality or a county? /I so, please Jist: NqO, tnera4yterurytlt~t/pay thel'JawN~rtovst'Count/fir~$~rvicsDisbirt 1'~xendthallhaY~noefflisb'an withanylaca! Yoluntet~ Gro service org~lliza6on, n0I have been an affiliated member Of such vr9.aRl=anon for the pest thr~a years. Dale: /r~ ~~- 9~ $ignei:ll9 f'`'~ s~ (A'aas• usi rwbso slda for addrtion3/ commantsl "' `) '~ ~ , -- - . E~~~~~~ Please provide. three local personal references: . !Name ~ Phone Number 3- oS9 a+~. _ 3)' ~G~i~.~ ~' ~ /~~° 83 NEW 1`IAIVOVER COUNTY ~.~,~`~ ~, BOARD OF CO/Lflyl/SS10lilFRS ~:_'~~~_~'~~ = 320 Chestnut Street, Roam 305 ~~ ~ J 1991 Wilmington, NC 28401-4Q93 Tefephane (9f01 341-7149. (~~;`( ~;`;01(~r~ C~• fAX (910/ 341-4130 E3• CF CC'='S~(~~Cy:..~S Applice Lion for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name:~(i//L'/~cG ~ /t'/Ot~.9fJ Hame rr~ How fang have you beep s" ' Address: ~o ~ ~L'-E,cJt C ~! r2~LE~ ~(` ~ r v~~~ /esident o1 New Hanover County? 3i~oNY,~1' Mar7in~ Address: ~"~E ~ - ' City and State: GJ, L. M t •(J 6 ~ N`. ~ • C . Zip Code: 2 8 yo ~5" .. Te/tphone: Hame: `~/O - G ~'~o - 3 SI/7 business: 9 / y ~ (o ~(o -~QOO y 'Sex: /7J1GE •Raeo: ~I~' «Age•. ~/Z, •TT+.i in/o^+wfion sr t~.l..nrlad for th° ~n/.0 ~ w~ o{ ~~~y=~ uet a aas'.s/vecllon o! tfie commv.~lty b eppof^ted. ..Employed by: ~QfISTN-G ~t~-~aLttv/9 ~i~G f,~T` 7fi ~/~ A pwson crsren ny a,nplo yed b y the agency ar doper6nenf f0~ wAicA :P.lr sApllcer/o^ !s made, mist ros/~ hlz/her posllfan w,'aS NewHen°ver Co~.nty W°^ ePOO+~^~e^~ ~ ecoorlr+ce w/M Aif;c/.. v{ SeG ~ or the New Herorsr County Personnel Pocky. Job 71Ue: Sc R c!1 eE- ~f3~f~-vF~ ,/yi4s20 ~1 tp-,t/, Professional Activities ~Y,¢G~j'jvG Si4=CEzJ' 'f~-></D -~~yi~~ ValunteerActivities: ~/~ErIL~SC~-~~1~/C J',q-FETE/ Wiry do you wish to serve on the Board o/Fire Cammiss;oners7 ~/~ /tf}r ~}~P/E~'/E.I.~- ~' B~-/./~/~ 1 t'a7c./ ON7R tBCITC ~~AT,C J~ ff~t77+~ S~~ p ~ ~tL.G _~f '~>t ~ L'G/Y1/Yjc{.U/ TY Sfe t4 C ~ S Whet do you Ivo/ arc your quallications for serving on the Board o/ Fiie Commissioners? D(/E',~. ~ y YE~~' ~~ ~E ~i2 £/2E-r~l,« ~i6Lt7 What areas cl concern wou/d you /;ke to see the Bcerd of Fire Commissiof7ets address? a.EE'~,e. SEA///CGS Tb~~e~ ~IB,C/G Si97cElY Aro you currently servi~p on anothor board or committee eppointcd by o municipal%ty or a county? /t so, please USt~ ~Q / bib y cnrtrfy Chet ! p.,s y Cho Now Nano vet County F..o Sendcv Dis C-rcf Tax end the t (he va tro arfXla tfon w/rh~ en y !oc-.a/ vahmfae-lYi9 JBIV/C©'OVgetfiz3tiart, nor have been an ef/1/!sled m.rnb.~. of such orgeti/sstion for the past thioo rcara. Oates //> /7 Q /~~ 5o~ar~.~.,.~~:.%~ lfl.°ie ~• ~•.~ ..nd`° /`o7.d-atr~onl comrnantal / .~ ! . 84 ~ } . ~~f~c~~ £S ~v 2 ~ ~ . ~'71~,h~~ ~ /l'IG,,Q,~ti~ (_~ yQ N~~ !" ~~~ I C' J Cat= ~~~1'r f~ ~ !1 ~f~L.1 ~ Y p~~ ~ 3! 3+o~c~ ~,. ~~ ~'~~~ ~~ ~'o,~J a~~~~,~ 1 Crv~r~ C`~~~,~,~ y,~~,~; ~,~~ ~ ~r~ Y sus .~,' ~ In ~C -C~CIC~~I ,~. .~R-U E. S c' y ~,21~ 3r 3 .-- ~ -7.6 7 ~~ NEW ' ~' HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut _Stre~et Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~~ 1 0 r;. Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 r ~ -~ FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative' Name: Home _ How long. have you been a Address: ~ 00 ~ /~d ~/ ~~~/~ ,/ // , resident of New Hanover County? lj s Matl;no Address: City and State: ~ Zip Code: ~2 ~/f 0 S- Telephone: Home: ~~/- G ~3 $ Business: H S 7 - 02-~~-~ 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~' 'Age: j ~f 'This information is reQuested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed bY: l ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ , "A person currently emplo`ed by the agency ar department for which ;his application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in a/ccordence with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Xanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: ~~ n!~ }, S'/~~c%2l S.T ~/ f-f ~~i~ ~~~ r~ Professional Activities: L VolunteerActivities: ,v-,, Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners? h,,~//e~~ m,/ ~,.~~~„ /cam ~~ - / ~ ~7`~T / ~J ~_ .~ G / /`~ . S i1 .~r ~ ~r7 v ..er`/UC~L1/~/Y~ I ~I /-/!~ SC /P~n ~~ i~ ,Lt~/~ ~i o ~,G7 0 What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissioners? ~.,~ 5~~~/ ~~/~r~~ 1_ / _~ nr; f•C'~/ f~ i~Gr7'y ~Y f>//CP-~~-v ,l'. ~• l~ i/~S C~~~L J What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? D 1-t S~%n c ~ 1 ~~ Q.,v z ri-yl - C/e ~ ~'~ ~ 1~ cam/ e ~c~ tz~~ ~~--r, «n ~ ~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appor'nted by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~' O j` 1 /hereby c~r~i~ that /pay the New Hanover County Fira Service District Tax and that !have no affi/ration with anyloco/ volunteer , rvice organization, nor have been an affiliated member of such organization for the past rea years. Oate: Signature merit (Please use re arse side for additional comments! a t t NEW HA/VOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Community Representative Name: l~0 rv ,a /~,~ %~0 A i G~~ [~C~~~~~ ~Q 2 3 1991 h~~ t~.~vov~ co. L~J. CF CC414!IS`1C`i~~S Home . /, How long have you been a Address: ~e ~ /~~ .r ~~~X •f,r resident of New Kanover County? Mailing Address: ~« J L~~ ~if--~ vC, ~~ , „~ P City and State: t~y , / ~,, .:t~ S ~t1 .-t~ /~ ~' Zip Code: ~ ~ Ste!' J , Telephone: Nome: (~ f~~~ ~ ~~ 3..73 ~ Business: '~~~ .,Sex.• !1'i 'Race: ~ 'Ag°~ J 'This information is requested for the so% purpose of assuring that across-section' of the con•.muniry is appointed. ., - "Errp/Dyed bY: _ ~CP r-r i P Y ~ /') ( " "A person currently amp/Dyad by the agency or depertrnent far which this application is mada, must resign his/herpositicn with New Hanover Caunry upon appointmrent, in/accardanca with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Caunry Personnel f~..Gcy. Job Title: _ ~P t-,i't ~ J i~- ft n, S~cpe~ ,i, ~ a ~ Professional Activities: if-k~~~ ~~ ,~••,, -~,,~,,,~~,, may/ ~ ~j1L~ rD/,~; ~,~ `x ~ / C ~_ - r -~ VolunteerActivities~. ~ i..!~ r ~rtr c „~ rc.% G`'it; . - ~~ r. i~-~,~ t ~' ~ ~ ~: 1 r,~, > r ~~~~' /~ , `/ ~o ~) Why do you wish to serve on the Board ofFiie Commissioners? ,~l~,4,•.." ~/n ? `.~ j-. ~ // , - ~ , .... s,~.~, ~- ~_il7r#.•V~ What do you feel a~re~our qualificatio for s~~rin the Board of Fire Commissioners? ,~- ~ ,• W c r << ~ w.i S L /~ / J ~ c • ~ /7 d! F ~k c.C/ p ~ f~• G 3 yt s .F G ~ ~ L~~ G r What areas of concern would you like to see the Board~of Fire Comm, issioners address? ~~o~ ~'~ i.,i (eor~,rs.r,~,/ i/ ,' _ c~ R /e ~F-S C ~ pd lJ d /.r-T ~ O .v c~ r-v w ' ~i E o ,~-, .u ,{ a-/ ,v • ~l (' ~ .rJ TN_ S' fi. ,~~ `>~~ ~ ~ h TY.~ / r .c~ t 'Y' i r~ ~ ,i1 / rY P/ .f Are you current/y serving on another•board or committee appoin.ed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~C /hereby certify that /pay the New Hanover Coun • ty Fire Service District Tax and at /have no affiliation with an loco/ volunteer fire service organization, nor have been an af{/rated member of suc rganization for the past thr~ ears. , Date:. ~%2,Z ~S . ~ Signature IP/eas• uss reverse side for additional comments! y 6 e ~ ~+ .~.- , .~ 5 i .-~ J4 /;,~ e.~-~ i ,v /~ P uJ ~7~.v a cr zr ~ u ,v r~ C,h Pf S e :~ c //j,t,,~ `7 ~ a, ~. e :v T. ~. ~. ~ - ~, .. . /~ P~ ~ Z ... OR / ~ REFER ~~rFs .. Please provide three local persona! ~efe~ences: ., - -t Name Phone lVum,~e~ .. ~ ~ S ~ r~ 0 .~Z / J /~ ~ ,, 31 ~~C e `~ U ~ ,2 ~r-,~ 02 ~ -Z - G y ~ ~ .. NEW NANO VER COUNTY ` BOARD OF CON1%V1%SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ,~ Wilmington, NC 2840 l -4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 .~. FAX -(9 101 34 1-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . ,~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.. - Request for Appointment to: R~ard ~f i .om~~ G~i nner~ Q~-~~40 ~~ Naine: James W . Saw e r ~.- ~-- I - Home How long have you been a Address: Same as -below resident of New Hanover County? 5 years Mailing Address: 222 Inland Greens Circle ~, City and State: Wilmin ton, NC Zi Code: 28405 Telephone: Home: 910-452-9724 Business: -- 'Sex: Male . ,. Race: Caucasian „ge; 53 'This information is repuested for the sole purpose of assuring thef across-section of the ccmmunity is appointed. ~~ "Employed by: Retired Firefi hter, NYC Fire De artment "A person currently amplo yed by the agency ordepartment /or wh.~ch this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanover County Personae/ Policy. Job Title: P~olessiona/Activities: VolunteerActivitier. See reverse side Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commisssion requested? See reverse side :~ What do you .fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See reverse side ~. What areas .of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? See reverse side Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: L ~ ~_'~i ~:.' t7 _' ' Q Date.• September 8 , 1995 ~~ f ~ ~5 ~ 89 ~~ Signature (Please use reverse side far additional commantsJ `. i....Y, `~ r`~ N.I. ~• ~{ - r .. - .. - ..... \ -.. ~ JAMES W. SAWYER '222 Inland Greens .Circle Wilmington, NC~28405 September .8, 1995 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401.-4093 Dear Commissioners.: I am submitting my application for appointment to the Board of Fire Commissioners, New Hanover County, for your consideration.. ~ ,. I am a retired Nea York City Lirefighte~r with twenty-seven (27) years service and have been a resident of New Hanover County for five (5) years. I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree from the City University of New York-with a major in fire science. Currently I am a director and president of the Inland Greens H.O.A. and a board.-member of the Inland Greens/Cedar Ridge H.O.A. .The responsibilities of these positions include budgeting, maintenance, repair ar_d the general well-being of our communities. New Hanover County is witnessing unprecedented growth. With the upcoming vote on consolidation, it is a time when many questions, problems and unknown variables will have to be .- addressed in the fire service.` I :rant to be involved in these decisions. The level of fire protection presently offered in the' County will have to be expanded. This will probably include the addition of paid, professional firefighters to supplement our - volunteer staff. A smooth melding of~these forces is essential. Should .you have any questions,.you can contact me a~t 452-9724. Thank you. ~ r ' Sincerely,., Lc/ . 1 1 NEW I-~ANOVFR COUNTY BOARD D~ COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wi/mington, NC 28401-4093 Te%phone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Board of Fim .Commissioners At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representative F'_U~ Name: Armand William D'Emilio Home 3601 St. Francis Drive How long have youbeena '~' 4 Years Address-. resident of New Hanover County? A-tailing Address: 3 6 01 S t. Francis D r i v e CitYsndState: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28409 ' Telephone; 'Home: 910 4 5 2- 0 319 Business: 9 10 7 6 3- 9 3 3 1 'Sex: M a l e 'Race: White •A~e; 4 8 •Thas informat~an ie naquastad for Uta ao/o puryosa of ass~inp that a cross~aeetion of the comirwniry it eppoi~ted. ••Emp/oyedby: Omega Medical Blectronics,. L*_d. •A pwrson currently empb yid b y rite epentyor• department for wh;C! mfs app//cedanls made, nx;st reslpn Ais/herposibon wilA. •~ Naw Hartovar Comity upon Bppow~[ment, m accordance with Articia Vl, Sec ~ of the Nvw Nanowr County Personnel f~-~; Job Tit/e: President Professional Activities: i~ VolunteerActrvi ' ~l i n t e r Park Vol . Fire ties: Dept . shy do you wish to sefve on the Board of Fire Commissionersl A s a v o l u n t e e; f i r e f i g h t e r s i n c e I-was I6, I believe my knowledge and experience of fire ground and administrative activities would be an asset to the coamission.. What do you (ee/ are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board of Fire Commissionersl Same as above plus 20 ears experience of running a business. Whet areas of concern woWd you bke to see the Board of Fiie Commissioners addiess7 T o prepare n o v ~ f o r ~~ current annexation ro osals, and the future •f cur Vol. Fire Departments. . Are you currently servmp on another board or committee a ~` ppcinted by a municipa/tty or a county? /f so, please /ist: No /hereby certify that 1 pay tha H over CotvttyFiie Service District x. Oate:..October 27, 1997 StDnatwe ~ tH'.eae tbr~ reverse side for Jdd+ti~W~al corrrmentsl 91 .:~` _~>.~. ~~ 2) 1991 ~i~ y ~.~~~ri~yr ~~ CO. ~ 11J ~ ,r'~C E~ , ~~. . - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ r _ vo Personal refercnces for.A. William D'Emilio 1. Mr. George Hassinger - 4326 Appleton Way . Wilmington, NC 28412 f 910-763-9331 Work ~ ~f 910-799-7682 Home ~, Z. _ _ • Mr. Keith Studt Chid- Winter Park Vol. Firc Department 4601 Park Avenue - ' Wilmington, NC_ 28403 - 910-395-4145 Work 910-392-1073 Home 3 Mr. Lester Pitzer ~ `~ Retired Police Detective 91b i`Sason Avenue Upper Darby, PA 19026 610-449-9842 NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlI~11v11SS/4NERS ~ 1'~' ~'~'~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ? 0 1999 Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 r,~' y ~4~~ ~'C'J~;? ~~. . FAX (9101 341-4130 E~ C~' C~ ;",}~:,~;Cia~ iS - Application for Board of Fire Commissioners At-Large Volunteer Fire Department Representative Name:. MICHAEL L. GARNER Nome How long have you been a Address:5020 CO ~'CF AC'RFS DRT~i~ resident ofNe.~NancverCounty? 4~ YEARS Mailing Address: ~ c ~ City and State: _WILP•IrNGTON. N.C. Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: .Home: 9.10-395=2012 Business: 910-371-4749 "Sex: _ MALE 'Race: WH I TB •;,y e: 4 4 ` 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section.of the community is appointed. ....,Employed by: E t A~~n~r1T •'A person currently emp7o yed by the agency or department for wh,ch this appl~catron is mach, must resign his/herposi~on with New Hanover. County upon appointment, in eccordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel rblicy. Job .Tit/e: v~,,T nrccc no~Q~mnp Professiona/Activities: nr~ n ~~ VolunteerActivities: a~ST rHTFF ~~a C'ATF' vnr r~`iT~Fp FTRF n=pT _ Why do you wish to serve on the Board of Fiie Commissioners? T~ STR I VF TO Fi TFR O JR FIR F ~~- ~ CCDH7r~r. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Bcard of Fire Commissioners? _I HAVE BEEN !. INVOLVED IN FIRE AND OR EMS,PAiD AND ~iOLUNTEER FOR 25 YEARS.' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Fire Commissioners address? - S-I ~`!~ b E U `! I F I ~-- - Oc~''rG~~I~£I'I1~N TO CARRY US INTO THE NEXT CENTURY. Aie you current/y serving on another board or committee appcinted by a municipality or a county? if so, please./ist: IVO Date: /Please use ra(erse ~de for addi iona/ comments/ '~ I hereby certify that /pay the New Hanover County Fire. Service Disbict Tax. (`I~ `~ Signature ~ v h itl/~ . 1 c~PY £axcd ],023 NFW ~IANG1 VEe4 COUNTY r•,, ,~~ .^~ I copy mailed It)/24, BOARD OF COlti11S/17SS10/VFRS ~ : _ : _ _ _: __ _~ 1 copy file 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28407-4093 ~ i 2 4 1~^` Telephone (9101 3:1-7149 i;~'1 ~;~iC~~~~ C4• FAX (9101 34;-4130 ~-~ ~_ „ `,,..,,_ ' . l,i ~.t: i~:'.:~Llt::1S Application for Board of Frre Commissioners - Af-Urge Volunteer Fire Department Represenfafive .Thomas R~ ~tcFCa r Name. y y, J Home How long have ycu Seen a Address: 310 Bodeva Bay Rd. rosidont of New HanoverCountyT _ 25 years '~ MailmpAddress: Sane City and State: Wil~in~ton, N.C. Zip Code: 23412 Telephone: Nome: 910-791936 .Business: 910-251-5792 •Sex: ~ Male 'Race:. White •a,,• 41 'This inrormetran a rogv~sted (or tA• ao(a pvpozP of ~asu-inp Uet + cross~secdai of t/~e c~oirnnw,~ry ;g appcirrted. '"Employed by: North Carolina Dept. of Transportation / Trarnc Services - Sisal Div. Aperanc.~crent'yerrp/oyedbytAoepircyardeparA»Antforwfs;c'tLirsepplreetionismaJe.rrustresiynhis/heipar(aanwith New Hanover CauntY ~r aFFok~trnlnG kr ecccrdanrs wlrh Aitkye :7, SaG 4 of tAe New HerTOVer County Parsonns/ f~h6cy. ;~ Job Title: Signal Tcch. '_ I3'ofessionel Activit,'es: ~. VolunteerActrvities: ~~~ 753 . ~ L'/hy do yov wish to serve an the Soard of Fire Commissioners? _i~ierested in srnlno my conununity Whot do you fea! are your qualifications for serving on the Board of .File. Commissioner's? ~' Ycars Vol. Fircfi~hcer, 5+ years-Vol. E.tifT Whet areas of concern would you like to see the Board of Frr? Commissioners address? Implcazcntaien and ovcrsicc .~, of rofessional file rotection and accouatabLi o£coi:at firc tax funds. - Are' you currently seivin~ vrr another board or convrrlttee app~n;ed by a municipality or a county? >Yso, please list: NO Date: Oct. 23, 1947 (Ream use nverso s/do far sf4iaanal camrrxrrtsl /tereb y certify that l pay tha New Hanovef.County Fire Service DFSb7ct Tax. ,•1~ S:;;natur ~ r ~ /+ Thomas Ra~: ~ (cKav Jr, 1 Michial Rhodes - 67~-319S Chief ~WFD - - ~} 2) Jay Searls - 39_ 436 (~ - -- ,, 3) Dennis Barbour - 4~5-~~-~~ . ;' .. ~ ~ .. .. ... _ 96 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiV1MlSSlONERS ., 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 U Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ . ~~' '~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 Q FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~l .Application foi Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~ V Request for Appointment to: n/r (,P ~ f-~1~,~/'o C.!! /{ ~ n~f~~i` C1` ~'~~ ~i%; ~~' SS-T?,/,=,~- Name: /'}') ~ ~ C ~7 i?-L (~+~ ~ ~ C /~~ ~ _ Home /~ n How long have you been a r Add.~ess: 02 ~ C C ~ `J ~ ~`u /1' // resident o/New Hanover County? ~~~.__ - Mailing Address: ~ ^ -, ~~ ~' ~n tit ~' /~ Q ~ ~~~ ~. City and State: ~ G"~S / ~ ~ ~~k ~ y~/~ ~~/G Zip Code: _~ c~ ~l ~ ~ __ . Telephone: Home: cllc l ~~s - ~/ /~ ~ Business: ~' J -~~ i 1 'Sex: /~ 'Race: !~-~~ 'Age: ~~~ "This inlormetion rs repuested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section o/ the community is appointed c // I ~ ..Employed bY: 1 0 ~- ~ N ~/~-' S'% ~`.~~.~ /%!`~-~~i ~~ ~ ~~/ c " "A person currently employed b y the agency or department of which this application is made, must resrgn his/her position with New Henovor County upon appointment, in eccordancs with Artid~ Vl, Sec. 4 a/ the New Nenover County Persanrel Policy. Job Title: ~l~' ~q ~/ C L' ~~ P,ro(essional Activities: r_ ~ VolunteerActivities: ~/u ~ ~ rL,t ~ f F /~ T I ~~~ ~~n~ 4Vhy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Ccmmission requested? What do you /eel are your qualifications /or serving on the Eoard, Committee, or ,Commission requested? What areas of concern would you hke to see the Board, Committee, or Commtssion address? Are you current/y serving on .another board or committee appointed by a municipalr'ty or a county? !I so, please list: ~; ;~ ~ Date/ ~ ~~ ,,, - S/gnatu~e/~~~~ ~~~ / 95 /Pleese.use reverse side for additional comments/ jw! O i' ~:~~ ~w~l~e v~ NFW HANG VER C-~UNTY ~ E~QARD. df CUMIVIISSIONFRS. V `''~ ~~' ~'~+~1 324 Chestnut Street, .Room 30.5 ~~~ 1 ~ 1991 Wi(mingfon, NC 28401 4093. ,.. TefFAX !9 011341-~ 13049 E~' ~f Ct'.',t t~~ ti Application for Board of Fire Commissioners. At-Large. Vo/unteer Flre Qeparfinent~Representative Name: ~ctri; Ida ~(`S Home t Kow long have you been a Address: / D t ,~ S l ~~ ~ ~ r~ee 1 ~ ~ ~. resident of New Hanover County? Z 7 y ~ s _. --~~ _ Mailirp Address:_ Sa »~ e ~ t City and State: (~ . ~ I rn ; n o ~n N C ~ Zip Code: 2 8 yO s Telephone: Nome: f'-+ t~ 6 ° 91 3 9 Business: 3~ y `~ - 5"0 5 2 .Sex: J'1~ a ~2 ~. .Race: W t~.c.~-e .A~;. 3 ~ ., • 1"h/s b/fG/mat/oA is /~quvrf/Iad fo/ the sole P+nPesa of essu/ing thpt a errs-seetioq,ot !ho Community is appointed, ..Employed by: ~-~d Pc h c ~ CE (a n r°S e Ca r n r ._ • •A per3an cur/anUy ~rnD.bYed >?y the eponayoidepertmantfor which ,;s 1LD7caUOn i~made, m~sf/9sipn his/herpasition Nish Naw Hanover County a.von eDpointment, ur ~ccordancs with slrtic/a V;r,~sC. 4 0l the New Hanover County Parsonne/P~Ycy. Job Title: Co ~ ?Yo (1 ~c ~in ; c r`an Proressiona! Activities: __I1 C'rl9/~c~~ O ~~ I~GG ~./Z. T VolunteerAcUvities: /T1,~r'//~P/ O,c ~c. ~n (/ •~'l1. _ Why do you wish a serve on the Board of Fire Commissioners 1 , c~ ..~ /Lpz_ G~ C /' . 1 /~ ~d.~~ ~t~C-v..tc~rv^ ~~-Ci7! .(cv~~- , In l~ r.f XP _ n /'L~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ;~ - . _ _ /f'~ _ .. / _ ' _ 'c.e ... ~?- ~ ~...~ a~,~. c~ What do you feel are ycur ualiflcations for serving on the BoErd of Fiie ConvnissionersT ,~ _ .. ~ . ~ ~~ . .. ~ What areas of concern would yov like to see the Board o/Fire Comm/ssloners addressT ~_~,.~' ~~~ C F'G c - S ~ ,, ' Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by s municipality or s countyT !f sa, please /;st: ~(JU /bersbyCertfythatlpayihQNvwNanvvorCountyFire Sar~ice 0/strict Tax. Date: / 0 ~ 26 ~ ~ 7 St;,^ature ~.~ lPl.~s• w. nv.rsv side /or eddCons! cammonts/ - . 98 _ _. ~ - - . _ '~ ---~ -------... _. _. ~P rP~ ~ P S --- -- -- --- ----~-~ ~ --- ~- _ . . _.._.~ .__.~~g_rn .~k ~ ^~~. G.t1__l~n_---- - ~-~~= -~ ~ _6-l. .. __ - --.... _.._. -- C ~_ - - __._.._ . --- ---~ -. _.._~e d ~ a r Qn __~. - ~ ,~~ y- . --- --=-- 99 O.:T-27-97 t 2 ~ 26 aM t=L Y TF_'-TRUCK Z NG. Z NC 91 fl 793 SSSS r= H 1 ~T-2t-s~ sex to::~ nrEw NA/VO'i/ER cotl~r~ BQARD O~ COMM/SS/pt1lER5 _ 3~~ Chesrirur Street, Roam 305 Wilmington, N~ ~¢ *~ /-4093 - Telephone 13701 34i-7149 FRX f81o1 34f-4130 P. 41 .~.~..~; Appf/cat/on..far Baard of F.!re Cornmissioners At-Largo Va/unfear Flre IJepartment Represenfativg~ ~Q 2 1 1991 p P;~r'1 N~!;OU~~ CO. G~ Cit Cir~Ii~r~~.~+.~.~Ci1~1L..15 ~~~ Naw long hav9 you beep a / Addrrrs: ao3 Ne u1o r~ ~" _ res%dent of lVew Hanovar Caunry? 6 . u cA.~ MerlinR dddress: ~O ~ H «~ ~~~~ ~~ ~a`~' - Clty ane Stara: ,'l-vt ,~~~~o ~ N ~ ~A Gado: __ ~S y l ~ ' - Talephcne: Name: `I~b - ~`~ 3 - D G 7 ~ eustii,ess: ~L4~~ ~F3 ~ D o1 D •S2x; rI'l,~ ~ >~ _ 'Race: ~ . ~e. ~ •sSae: ,~ -. _ ~~ ~ 7ha mformJtloR rc rcgmo; cad tar the sah pv.~cvc of a~•~•;•,a rAsr ~ :: ass-sa^rlon at tics ccfnrfun,~y Cs epporn: ~d ••&rpldyed by: t'it1~~i(l/t~ /QDc! G. _ - •'s1PoISOtiCUrrentlTcrrphyedby717oDgwrcrnrdcp !manrf~rvYr•:cnt~i,Sip,~~ar.'a,r:s~neya,.~w.~r.rosra7~nls/J+art~uri!It'fw,!+~ Jvc.v Narwvar CatartV ry,on eppa%ntrner+G ar rcaor~snca :wfth Ar7rro Vt, Sac a of the IVar~ Nyrovrr Ca~rvf y PorsCnnvl f~lrcy. lob T%t/e: _ _ re s ~~..G'-~ ~ ~ C E.dn 'PrO~essi0nelslCilv/t/CS:Gl/G.a ~-rrYt ,/9 /.e~" ~r7fk ~ /,G~Ji~'t4g.~_ ~dK 7L/a t l~a%il _ Vot~~rctYAcrrwufcs C.,a ~ ~T ~d"e~/e>/ ~~/T ~ ~~• r- '....~--~--.~..- ~ ~_ Why c~ you wish to serve on the Board al.F%r: Carr7mi~/onarrJ ~ + ~~, r i rp~~~ 2 /il~~ ~.r .z a v c d ~p~ a .-c. flc >~ ~~ L ~iy 74 c ~ ~~ n^,az do you feel are your v-~~r%Fear%ons fw sr~t~Q On the Bca~101 F/re CommissJonara:~ ~_ '_~ / ~~i~,`r~ .~~i~ el/. cG . -P..~` ~i ~ a/v ~~ic c~ i~ /ri..a~t..~= r~_~ -'t7ia~tE/eas of concrrrn would yvu t~~a to tree the Board o/Yr~o Canvnlss'4ners addrzss? ,~ r Are you Currently serving on anQiRei bOt9rd or camn7lttet aFp:.+'nted by ~ aturliG'%~j?Y or g county? ft'SO, f)lBdjC h3 r: ~~~ 5L6mRtrd 6Y: ~ ~ .. v~ ~i~~ ~beraby cert=lY der Jta /Yaw Ncrrvvw ~ty~ Yolunteei ira DepertiriCnt Servlca Dis~rFcr Tar. _. • • rC Chraf S~&RdtUre ~ the ~?. S~ratL7e _ ~--.___-_ Ovr~: ~~ -•Z~~ _ (P.~re.:v vse rmr7~o Iarad.~hJon.t1 car""'~"1~ 100 10/27/97 12:28 T:{/RX R0.0904 P.001 ~ iFdR3l~rofetonces' I ~d I ~ . pe OCB - FieaSd ravTde lA~ p . ,. . Iil~m~ ~ Phone Number .. /~ ll 1 -- r ..., .2~ ~-~ , ..~ c~a/ r . , r _.., 1 ~~ \ ~~,~ ss~ +. _ 1 F `, .. .. ,.., .. . . .. .~. .. .. ..~. .: ,. . .. . ...~- - .., ... ,. - ~,. y t _. _ ... i M. - .: . .. . - ~ ~ ._ ~. ~.. ~ ~ .~ s .. . ~ .~ ~~ ~ . . 4 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS CI l~ CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1 VACANCY (4 year term) APPLICANTS: Andre R. Brillaud ~~ Ann Conner Randy Crow Evelyn F. Doughty Susan E. Hance Leroy Lewis Little William F. Morris, III Robert L. Murphy Laura W. Padgett Robert Toplin ~1 Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 102 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY' COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 13, 4 appointed by County Commissioners 4 appointed by the Governor 4 appointed by the Board of Education 1 CFCC Student Government President Term. of Office.: four years .. Regular Meeting: Third Thursday of each-month at 4:00 P.M., in the Board :Room at Cape Fear Community College. Statute or~cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 115-D-13 Brief on the functions: 1) To elect a president of the institution for such term and under such conditions as the trustees may fix, such election to be subject to the approval of the State Board of Community Colleges. 2) To elect or employ all other personnel of the institution upon nomination by the president, subject to standards established by the State Board of Community Colleges. Trustees may delegate the authority of employing such other personnel to its president. 3) To purchase any land, easement, or right-of-way which shall be necessary for the proper operation of the inst-itution, upon approval of the State Board of Community Colleges, if necessary, to acquire land by condemnation in the same manner and under the same procedures as provided in Article 21, Chapter 40 of the Statutes. For the purpose of condemnation, the determination by the trustees as to the location and amount of land to be taken .and the necessity therefore shall be conclusive. 4) To apply the standards and requirements for admission and graduation of students .and other standards established by the State Board of Community Colleges. 5) To receive and accept donations, gifts, bequests, and the like from private donors and to apply .them. or invest any of them and apply the proceeds for purposes and upon the terms which the donor may prescribe and which are consistent with ' the provisions of .this Chapter and the regulations of the State Board of Community Colleges. 6) To provide all or part of the instructional services for the institution by contracting with ~~ other public or private organizations or institutions in accordance with regulations .and standards adopted by the State Board of Community Colleges. 7) To perform such other acts and do such other.thngs as may be necessary or proper for the exercise of the foregoing specific powers, including the adoption and enforcement of all reasonable rules, regulations, and by-laws for the government and operation of the institution under this Chapter and for the discipline of students. 8) If a board of trustees of an institution provides access to its buildings and campus and the student .information director to persons or groups which make students aware of occupational or educational options, the board of trustees shall provide access on the same basis to official recruiting representatives of the military forces of the U.S. for. ,` the purpose of informing students of educational and career opportunities available in the military. 1 0 3 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY -TERM MEMBER ~ SERVING EXPIRLS Ted Davis, Jr. Unexpired 6/30/2001 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 11/3/97) 762-0914 (H) 763-6249(W) Oscar A. Graham Second 6/30/98 ~/~ 202 North 13th Street ~c Wilmington, NC 28401 (Reappt. 6/20/94) 763-5070(H) 763-9091(W) Robert W. Martenis First 6/30/2000 9004.St. Stephens Place - Wilmington, NC 28412-3532 313-1312 (H) (Appt. 6/17/96) Robert S. Rippy First 6/30/99 136 Edgewater Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 6/19/95) 256-5761 Governor's Appointees: Charles Agnoff Mary Sutton Bell James W. Lea, III William C. Taylor Board of Education's Appointees: Sherry W. Bryan Carl A. Byrd, Sr. William R. Campbell Jon W. Rosborough - Ex-Officio Edwin Schwinn, SGA President Eric McKeithan, President CFCC, (Ph.D.) 411 North Front Street Wilmington, NC 28401 251-5101 11/97 File: /CFCC 104 ~..~ CAPE FEAR =z COiV1~1I_TNITY ~ = - COLLEGE . al t NORTH FRONT STREET • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28a0t•3993 PHONE (9101251-5101 • FAX (9101261-S1a6 April 17, 1998 iV1r. Bill Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Commission 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Caster: OFFIC"c OF THE PRESIDENT This is to formally notify you that the term of Mr. Oscar A. Graham as trustee on the Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees will expire on June 30, 1998.. NIr. Graham has been a very productive and valuable member of our Board since June 1990, and we have appreciated his service over the years. We look forward to the Commissioners' final decision on this appointment. # Sincerely; I ` ~ /~ Eric B. McKeithan ~- President i cc Mr. Oscar Graham Ms. Lucie Harrell, Clerk of County Commissioners I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION / EQUAL OPPORTUNfTY EMPLOYEfl r~rf , __~~,`7 1c ,.+~v r 199 AQ~ t~ ~R >v0. h o ~ti4 la; ~;;;,~ 0Q- 105 .,.. ~., ,.i i ni i~~~~v NEW llA~llt'CVER CC~NTY RCA RD O~ CC1 UIMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Raom 305 WJJ~»ing;FO~, NC 240 ~-4Q93 ' Telephone (9101 341-71ay ' F4X t910134t-4130 Application !dr A i ppointment tp Boards, Committees, end Commissions Appoihtad by the New f/anover. County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppoirttment io; CA ~ ~el~rz ~mlp 7-- ~ j~~ ,~ ~,¢RO of •r, /1 n n Narn$; D /19 Home ' NoW /Ony hav@ you been a Address: ,~~ /NC~'N~l~• ~~ • resident of IVew ffanover CountyT ., - Mailing Address:_ ~ ~' (~ $ P. 03 ~7'~usTE~',~1 ~ ~ r~ Cit and YV 1 llNi ~-~ r I •- Zlp Code: ~ ~'aS ~ ~ _ TalQphane: Home: _ ql a - a ~ ~ - ~lq •a 9uslness: •Sexr _ fill}- I F •Race: ._...L4 v{~~~i` •Age: •Thit inloiae/ion is raryiort.d for tl,e sole p~..p~ o/s,rur;~~/ther a oroca ~acdon of the community it eppai„(rcf. • `Cmplo ye d b y; ~rr~ ~E'A / r t•'1 CA R~ ~nl b (f C~ "A poison currondy ..,~plbyd,/l,y the egen~. m d~wimOR(io, which this approatiart iCs mace, must ~esiQn h!r/tior puslLan w;lh 1Vvw Hanover County upon appn/ntmant. !A 9CtOlderfCe with Attic/~ ~ Soc. ~ al the Now fJ~ovr, County p,.r.m.,n p/ po~~Y Job Title: ~.. ! ~'rotess%onalAclivlt/es: M~/~~~1? O~ l1/vmeRQtres ~i~f,~4~h'/gC~U~tHI ,~~i4~p Qf~!}iV/~~S Vo/ur7tesrACtiviti@s; .~~ 1~~t4~ ~rnm~~t~y CD~~~2~ ~N~~7,~ti ~S~e REsumE' Wliy do you wish to serve on the /o~rr, C~mntlttee-,-~r Commission tcQuestcd? ~S{~r/V ~ T ~i / tJ R g ~ ~t/~~i~ T~~~/~ ~ -y-- - Whdt do you /rel are your gv9lifications for serving on the Board, Committoe, or Commission requested? -~ ~~7~.v 4/ -!~ :`., ~111~N Air ~~v7; cS'c~F.v7i F ~ rnn1,~~~Tv AN n_~ r bv~.~~ ~ ~c~ Wha t arebs of conCS/n would you like td see the Board, Committee, or Commission rrddreyst Are you currently szrving on another board or cumm%ttse appointed by a municipality w acounty? /t so, please list: ~) i Date: ~~~I 07q~ 1q9~ Slpnatue a /Pl~oav use ~~~r'i~.se .vide l~~ addi/lA.ta/ ccl~tAt.nta) - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _r R~.~i-i _~ w~'JUJ r,S~Ut,1 H ~ e5 t_h~, NHUN~ „0. ' 919 256 8117 ~ P©~ CEP-26-97 FRI 10 ~ 07 ~ ~ .P. 04 . ~ . , . RE FEREIVGES ,~ Please provide three iocaJ persona/ references: . Neme Phone Number ' ' r1 ~S~ ~ 0?~ 6- a13~ ~. ~1 ~ ~ }~R~~s a~~`~~ ~ ~ , I ~~ ~. . . ~ l •. i • ~ ,. 107 ~ ,. NEV1/ HANO~/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ u~?~~.~L ~.r 320 Chestnut.Street, Room 305 ~ a Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 h1~Y 1 3 1998 Telephone (919) 341-7149 FAX (919J 341-4130 P~r~/ ~'~~+~ CO. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the IVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forA ointment to: Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees. PP Name: Ann Conner Home 329 Stradleigh Road :,cdress:. . . Mailing Address: 329 Stradleigh Road City and State: Wilmington NC 28403 Telephone: Home: 91 0.7 6 2. 5 7 8 8 How long have ou been a Y resident cfNe~~ Hanove,- Coc:riy? 4 9 yrs .. ' Zp Code: 28403 Business: 91 0.9 6 2.3 4 4 4 *Sex: female *Race: white •Age: 49 `This information is requested for the sole purpose ofassuring that across-section of the community is appointed. *"Employed by.• University of North Carolina at Wilmington "A person currently employed by the agency or deparirnent for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec 4 of the New Nanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professorr Department of Art & Theatre ProfessionalActivities: teachinq, scholarly research, service to community Volunteer Activities: speaker at local & national arts organizations; juror, visual arts; historical research; consultant U/hy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? to serve and offer experience in higher education; to establish a stronger link between UNCW and Cape Fear Community College; a desire to be involved in shaping the educational resources of the r.e io 6 years service as Ca e Fear Mus rustee What do you feel are your qualificat/ons for servln~on ~e Board, Committee, or Commissio Prequested?service on ' -numerous boards/committees: Chair, UNCW Buildings & Grounds; Post-tenure rPVi Pw; TTni vPr~i t-~ RPCParr-h f nm~ SParrh C'nmmi ttPP~ ~ ('nntj pt~i n~ Fr~i~r• f nm~ t-_1 UNCW Landmark Com; Task Force to review Reappointment Tenure, Promotion policy, What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? It is my view that Cape Fear Community College could establish amore vital educational presence in the community. (Please use reverso side for additional commenlsJ 108 Date: ~_~~ ~ g q.8 OVER Signature L~( As a life-long resident of New Hanover County, I am committed to excellence in higher education. ' I have been a member of the faculty of University of North Carolina at Wilmington since 1972. During this time I taken an active role in administrative committees, advisory boards, and I served as Chair, University Buildings and Grounds Committee during 1994-95-a critical time of accelerated growth for UNCW's campus. I am involved also in educational policy committees including University Post Tenure Review Committee in 1997-98. 'Two principles to which I am committed are 1) providing the best quality faculty and educational activities for young adults, nontraditional students, and especially disadvantaged students; and ' 2) providing flexible options for higher educational experiences including flexible academic calendars, increasing options for independent study for all levels of students, and strengthening outreach programs linking the institution with the community and nearby regional colleges and universities. I am deeply interested in serving on Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees at this crucial time for all institutions of higher education. My first graduate degree, MACT, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1972, allowed me to study in depth the community college system within the State of North Carolina-an educational system which offers unique opportunities to all students who desire an education. The challenge today is maintaining quality and at the same rime strengthening job training. The Articulation Agreement established between UNCW and Cape Fear Community College, allowing students who have completed the A.A. degree and who have met certain grade requirements immediate acceptance into UNCW's programs, is an important step. My interest in serving as a Trustee is to continue to strengthen the vital link between Cape Fear Community College and the region and to participate in higher education's expansion throughout Southeastern North Carolina. Should you have any quesrions, please call me at 762-5788 (home) or 962-3444 (office). ' _ 109 Ann Conner 329 Stradleigh Road 4Vilminjton, NC 28403 Home: 910.762.5788 Office: 910.962.3444 Administrative Experience, University of North Carolina at Wilmington University Post Tenure Review Committee: 1997-98 Adult Scholars Advisory Committee. 1997-98 .University Research Committee. 1997-98 - Adult Scholars Advisory Board. 1997-98 Executive Committee, Department of Art and Theatre. 1996-97 Senior Faculty Personnel Committee. 19S4-1996 Task Force to Review Reappointment Tenure Promotion Policies.The committee reviewed all R T P policies and made recommendations to NC Board of Governors. 1995 Chairman, University'Buildings and Grounds Committee. The committee reviews all policies pertaining to university physical facilities. 1994-95 University Library Committee. 1994--95 University Search Committees-Public Relations Position, Fine Arts Chair; 4 Art History Position; 3-D Position; 2 Printmaking Positions; Theater Position. 1979-93 University Flag Committee. Primary responsibility for design of UNCW emblematic flag. 1990 Coordinator, Department Scholarship Awards. 1990 UNCW Continuing Education Committee.The committee established an extension program with Brunswick Technical Institute, the first of many programs linking UNCW with regional community colleges; and implemented a more extensive night curriculum. 19S9-90 Advisory Board, Enrichrrre~rt Program for Older Adults, UNCW Office of Special Programs. The committee sponsors a wide range of educational activities for adults within the community. 1987-90 University Calendar Committee. 1985-57 UNCW Landmark Committee. Consultant to the committee in design of campus map. 1985--86 University Seminar Committee. The committee reviewed UNCW seminars. 1975-76 University Cumculum Committee. Subcommittee Chairman, Creative Arts Proposals. The committee reviews all curricular proposals for the entire university. 1973-76 Community Servi ce Trustee, Cape Fear Museum. Chairman, Education Committee; Chairman, Nominating Committee; Chairman Collections Committee; member, Long Range Planning Committee. 1991-1997 Professional Panel, Community Appearance Commission. The panel recommended approval of outdoor sculptures donated to bilmington. 1986 United Way Campaign Coordinator, Fine Arts Department. 1983-84 Board, Historic Publications Committee, The Junior League of Wilmington. Sole responsibility for research and writing Appe~:di.r, Pacing Materials. for Wilmireston, North Carolina air Architectural and Historical Portrztit.1983 Juror, thirty regional and local art exhibitions including several Seventh Congressional District Art Contests, First Annual St. Thomas Celebration for the Arts, and Star Nezc~s Golden Star Awards Lecturer, various national and regional professional art organizations Member, St. John's Museum of Art Honors;~.~a~s, Citations, Publications Named Outstanding Faculty, University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 1995 Governors Business Award Art Edition. Governor's Business Counal on Arts and Humanities, NEW HANOVER CO(JNT Y BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS I . ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Cq ~~ Fir Co M m cx.Y~ ~`f ~ ~ C.(p~ ,o t Home How long have you been a :,ddress: _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~O cs~Ce~T~(~ ~ ~0.CE, resident of New Hanover County? ~+S Mailing Address: ~Cttm P a ~ Q~ ~ y ~ . City and State: ~~ ~~(,~ ~'l ~ n q~ Z'p Code: _ a ~- ~{. p ~_ Telephone: Home: - ~ ~ rp - `Z ~ `~ -GO'~...c/ ~ Business: 'Sex: ~Q`~ 'Race: -i~~~ ~ ~ -'Age: ~O 'This in/ormetion is requested for the so% purpose o/ essuriny that across-section of the community is eppoinfed. • .Emp/o yed b y: `t'e Ivy ~ ~ (~Gi r t-1 ~ ©~ `-E-_~~ ~ P vti x~ ~ o ~,2P~ "A person currently empYo yed by the e47ency or department for whcch thrs epp/rcetcon is made, mu t resign hcs/her position with New Hanover County upon eppoic,.ment, in eccordBnca with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of tha New Hanover County Personae/Policy. Job Title: ~, ~~ n yr ~ F ; CP_ W Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: _~ S ~ ~ ~~? t~ r-~, o~ e ~. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ '-j-'G,e.,~Q j ~ ~j ~tG ~~~u i ~^ e- ~ ~ i ~ n ,.. 71 i rem ~ ~ft\ ~L c _ _ ~ _ ~.. ~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Q ~ ~ c.~,'f' ~. r n er Q y ; c~ h R~c~ Q 1-- ~ W ~ ~ ~ e ~. e R'E 2 What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? F'~,~c~~ ~,~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by'a municipality or a county? l(so, please list: Date: l (- ~ ~c~ ~ NOV 1 1 (Please use reverse side /or additional comments) --' - Signature 11 S ~"^ ~a~ o Tin o.~ R i Y1 ~j ~ (~ 0.i. (1 S ~° ~ C ~ 0 E ~ (` a ~ IE'M S L (~j ttin~~. ~ i S ~J 4, ~ o Cam' ~-U-2. S `t' L-Q- c~` t` ~ v2 r ~`~10..~ l o a 5~ ~ S ~ Z:.b L S~ ~ L~ D Q ~ S ~ S ~ e wT'"~ l,s L.~`n -~- }.u_ d,. r ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ k 2~}. -~--o ~.a v~ cl.. ~`r ~ ~ Mg,. e f cl` r ~ vYnC ~ c~ a.v, ~ F r a c.i s r ~ ~ ~ 112 NEW NANO VER COUNTY a BOARD OF COMM/SSJONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. // u Request for Appointment to: ~,L1tJt~ ~ ~~IIG ~1,~Y Nome v How long have you been a Address: ~ 1.~ r~~ ~/Lt~~--QJ resident of New Hanover County? ~~,~ ~~~ Mailing Address: o~/~ t~ .~ ~/~_,~~ City and State: ~ ~ , ~ Zip Code: _ ~ ~~ Telephone: Home: ~`~ f °) ~9l /02.~~ Business: n 'Sex: 'Race: Lv.-~c~F a-a--~-*ti 'Age: '7 'This in/armetion is requested for the so~lelpurpose a/assuring that across-sect/ion of the community is app/oin/ted. ..Employed by: ~~-d~; ~,~1~b-c 12~tJ Leo ~~.s-~,~c~ aC-~.a..e-~~i~~ ~1 >~, {V ~1 ~/S~5 "A person current/y amp/oyed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/h position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hjanover County Personnel Policy. p ~ ~ Job Title: ff~l3 ~~~I~?~..~1 J sy-~si~, ~~a-~--v~~~. U , Pr fessiona Activities: /~, ~, ~~-~~,a.e- VolunteerActivities: i ~.~ Wh do you wish to serve n the Board, ommitte ~~. ~~-~~~ What do you~f'ee~l are your qualifications /or serving/ on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? -Q,y~ur~,~~~h-a~J/~jtz.i-~~.-v~ZC~--~i~.~..~-Gr-~/~°"~ ~d--~~--,. `~LS.,.IJ-~-.`v 7~ What areas of concern would you like to Are you currently serving rission address? ~ f'p.,x~A,~.T: ,~ , ,, Date: ~ ~ ~ / ~ / 9~ (Please us re veer side for additional comments) ), / ~.-,, rmtssion requested?'' ~~-,-,.~ Signature it:i 1 another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Hance 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Cape Fear Community College BoarYi of Trustees Name: Susan E.Hance Home How long have you been a Address: 722 Tiara Drive. Wilmington NC 28412 resident of New Hanover County? 3 years Mailing Address: 722_Tiara Drive City and State: Wlminoton, North Carolina Zip Code: 28412 Telephone: Home: 452-3665 ~Business:815-5614 Sex: Female 'Race: White 'Age: 49 This information is requested for the sole purpose d assuring that across-section d the community is appointed, "Employed by: New Hanover Regional Medical Center/Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital "A pennon curemtfy employed by the agency or departrnert for which this appliation is made, must resign hisThef portion with New h+.anovet County upon appoirttrnert, in accordance with Articb VI, Sec, j d the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Titte: Coordinator for Inpatient and Dav Programs . Professional Activities: Master of Science in Speech-Lanquage Pathology from East Carolina Universi Certificate of Clinical Competency from The American Speech Language Hearing Association• NC State Llcensure; Student Coordinator for Speech-Lanquage Pathology graduate students assigned to the hospital• Llalson with Cape Fear Community College Director of Speech Pathology Assistant Program Jeanne Mullins, to implement internships for students at the hospital• Provided input to protocol development for Speech Pathology Assistant student traininq• Member of the American Speech-Lanquage Hearing Association and the North Carolina Speech-Lanquage Hearing Association• State Committee Member Consistent attendee of NC State conferences• Member of the NC Association of Supervisors in Speech Lanquage Pathology and Audiology Team__ Leader for Patient/Family Education Council at Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital; Liaison to New Hanover County Schools renardinn stutientc re_antat;nn tha classroom following head iniury/ presented a workshop to NH schools and to Cherry Hospital staff• served on two panels for community education regarding head iniury Volunteer Activities: Historian at Frst Baptist Church NC Speech-Lanquage Hearing Association Convention Volunteer Special Olympics Volunteer Hosted a Japanese student Write for local publications r'most recently winning the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society Short Fidion Contest) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I believe it is an opportunity to make a contribution to a very important segment of our education system There are many students who would end their educational pursuits were it not for the community college setting Our son recently received a liberal arts degree from Cape Fear Community College and I am grateful for the role it played in his ~ .. ~ .._~ 0 Z 1998 . .......~1hL .~ Ha.RCe 2 What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have always been aligned with education in some fashion (Please see resume) In the early years of my career. I worked in the public schools and in my hospital position I have maintained association with student training. I vehemently support students who want to pursue educatiori to the highest level possible. My husband and I have one son who is pursuing a doctorate and another son who is pursuing a bachelor's degree at this time. I can contribute good communication skills writing skills and perseverance . to the task. I have experience working with teams and councils to achieve a common goal ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? 1. A strong association with the county school system can put the College in position to serve an increasing number of students. This will help support the expansion efforts of the College and meet the needs of students .who might otherwise be underserved 2 I avidly support CFCC's pioneer work in Speech Language Patholoqv Assistant training We have never had assistants in this field and I fully appreaate the fad that this program is one of the first in the nation We have a chance to mold the shape of things to come in Speech Patholoqv so that is extremely important to me 3 I would also support the introduction of other health care opportunities such as Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy assistant training since these are and will be increasingly marketable professions as the population increases in ape 4 I support the. association of CFCC with other agencies such as the hospital industry and business in an effort to provide on site leaminq for students who need to be marketable on graduation Training such as that done for radiology technicans dental assistants and pharmacy technicians is highly valuable experience Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: None 3~ ~ Date:~~ Signature: (O • ~ REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number - - 1). Mr. Oscar Graham Director Wilmington CAPE Shaw University 763-9091 ' 2). Mr. Paul Bonev Architect Bonev Architects 509-9901 3). Ms. Jeanne Mullins, Cape Fear Community College 251-5100 Lead Instructor of the SLP-Assistant Program 1 Susan E. Hance 722 Tiara Drive Wilmington, 28412 (910) 815-5907-Work (910) 341-5607 Pager (910) 452-3665- Home/FAX a PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COASTAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL MAY,~1998-PRESENT New Hanover Regional. Medical Center Wilmington, NC ,,,., COORDINATOR OF INPATIENT AND DAY PROGRAMS Reporting directly to the Manager of Inpatient and Day Programs to: • Coordinate inpatient and day program staffing needs • Evaluate, discipline, and. counsel staff • :Act as team leader"for Professional Education Council and Student Coordinator Committee • Act as facilitator for professional improvement committees _ • Monitor staff attendance and compensation • Monitor staff productivity • Work with other administrators to promote excellent patient care and uphold the mission of the hospital • Participate in professional activities at the state level • Participate in budget preparation • Liaison with Cape Fear Community College Speech Pathology Assistant Program to assist in developing the hospital as a training site. COASTAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL JUNE, 1995-MAY, 1998 New Hanover Regional Medical Center Wilmington, NC SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Evaluated and treated adults and adolescents with disorders such as aphasia, dysphagia, dysarthria, apraxia of speech, and cognitive-communicative deficits. Medical diagnoses include vocal pathologies, cerebral vascular acadent, traumatic brain injury, and other neurogenic conditions. • Provided individual and group treatment to increase specific skills and to generalize functional behaviors for community re-entry. (`~ • Educated patients and families regarding specific disorciers and ways to manage them at u home and in the community. • Served as chairperson for the Patient/Family Education Council that reviews materials to be used in educating patients and families. • Served as Student Coordinator to manage speech pathology graduate student intemships, speech pathology assistant student observation time, and UNC-W communications students' intemships in the rehabilitation hospital. a • Worked in cooperation with the director of the Speech Language Pathology Assistant program at Cape Fear Community College to set up a program for hospital participation in training SLPA students. • Participated in the development of the Day Program that utilizes an interdisciplinary team approach. " • Acted as liaison with the local school system to initiate an information exchange concerning students with TBI re-entering the school system. 1 ~ ~esigned and taught a speechreading class, offered free to the public at the hospital. Af . ~: ~ , . ' . The Center~For Speech Excellence ~ Jul 1992-Jurie 1995 Y, , Pamela H. Bashor and Associates ... Charlotte, Nolh Carolina ,SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST ' ~ ~ •: Evaluated and-treated children and adults with speech and language, voice, cognition, and swallowing disorders in a private practice setting. . .... • Developed and published Facf Sheets for distribution to clients _ ~ ` ' - • `Published articles in various newsletters . ° .. . ' ~ -Developed programs to address the needs of adolescent and preschool populations . ' - ~ ~ Presented' career orientation sessions for students interested in the profession of speech- language pathology .; ~ Fort Mill School District No. 4 - August, 1990~1une, 1992 , Fort`Mill, South Carolina ° ~ ". SPEECH''-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST y~ . ~` ~ :: ,. ':. e; •. . Appointed Lead Clmic~an for 1991-1992. Managed a caseload of up to 60 preschool through high school age children from Gasses for regular education, hearing impaired; developmentally ~ ; . ~ delayed, teaming disabled, and mentally handicapped. Performed evaluations, designed , ,, ,~treatrnent, presented results to the committee and to parents for placement considerations. Compiled reports and case load data. Provided training for parents and faculty. ,. ..Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools August-1989-August,1990 Charlotte, North Carolina ` ~ . . '~ SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Managed a caseload of up to 60 preschool and elementary students from Gasses for regular. ' ,education, hearing impaired, developmentally delayed, and teaming disabled. Performed evaluations, designed treatment,. presented results to committee and parents for placement . considerations. Compiled reports and case load data. Provided training for parents and faculty.. ~• ~ , .~ Fairfax County Public Schools . September, 1985-August, 1989 Fairfax, Yrginia ~' SPEECH.-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST ' Managed caseloads of up to 73 children, in elementary and middle schools, who were placed in programs' for regular, teaming disabled, or severely emotionally disturbed Gasifications. Performed evaluations, designed treatment, presented results to a~school committee~and parents for placement-considerations.. Compiled reports and case load data. Provided training for .' ,~ parents and faculty;° ., . ~: ~ •r 119. ~ ~ ~ - ~~ NEI/V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~~~~JC'~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 OQ 2 ~ ~ i~y~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 ~,`'r~ N~'~'+~+~ A~• ~~ ~l ~i~~i L:.~'.~.iC11~ 1S FAX (9101.341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees; and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Board of Trustees Cape Fear Community College Name: Lego Lewis Little Home How long have you been a Address: 405 Stradleigh Road, Wilmington, NC 28403 resident of New Hanover County) 14 yrs . Mailing Address: same as above City and State: Zip Code: a Telephone: Home: (910) Z63-2992 Business: N/A •Sex: Male ~ •Race: White •Age: 75 - 'This in/ormetion is requested for the so/e purpose o/ essuriny Chet scross-section o/ the community is appointed. ••Employed by: Retired 'A person ruriendy amp/o yed b y the e9ency or depertmenf /or which this app/ica[ion is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccardence with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Her,over County Personae/Policy. Job Title: N/A Prolessional Activities: varied Vo/unteerActivities: Cape Fear Rotary Club; Good Shepherd House Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) To help open the door of job opportunities--skills, skills, skills. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 2 university degrees--BA, Economics; Master's (MCRP) both from UNG-CH; past experience in professional planning. What areas of concern would yov like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Programs in Auto Body Repair, Medical Transcription, Pharmacy Technology, Commercial Ke~igera i~ on, Culinary Technology, and Global Positioning Systems. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: No Date: Oc~~~r 27, 1997 Signature ~ , tP/ease use reverse side /or additional comments) (OVER) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ III Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number.: 1J Barbara S. Schwartz 763-9656 2) Charles Agnoff - 256-2130 3j J.D. Causey 763-2708 +) Oscar A. Graham 763-5070 ~) James W. Lea, III 772-9960 i) Robert W. ifartenis 313-1312 ~) Robert S..Rippy 256-5761 3)' Jon W. Rosborough 395-4726 -„ ~ ~~ ~ - ~~ ~~ V v -f~'-yv~.~-y~, = j ~~u- l~c~ - f~-~ ~ ~7'nt-nua-~- ~-~u- ~`J. (.1-. ~.dv. ~~ ~~c ,~. 121 a .~~~~~~ . - ~- a l~N p 2 1 c?:3 ,.,~;:: , IVEW HAI1lO vFR C~UNrr P-,r',: ~'' ~ .."..,; ~_-. - • B0.4R0 OF COly11~9/SSIDNFRS `~` ~V.. `~ ..., .~ _ ~ . _~ -~ ~.J . ~ 3g0 Chestnut St~~et, Room 3Q5 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 a Tslgohons (9 t 01341.7149 FAX (91Q134t-4130 , Application tar Appointment to Boards, Comm~Yt~s, end CommissJans O AppoJnted by the Afew Hanover County Board of Comm,~sioners. • Revursr forAQaor'rrtmant to: C A ~ ~ '~ '~ f ~ G ~ r- Cr9 r4' ~. 0 ;m y» LI rJ ~ ? r ~ LE't~ ~ l~Qrl ~ ~,•- ~ u ~7'~S ~`p T`~ ~ Ndm@: ~!J ! L ;r //`~ f~i'1 ~ /~1 a i4 i~ I,.S .~=---~-~ID- ~~~ ~ J How -~] [ ~ Ho.~' lonD h~vo you been a c~ a Add~lSS: ~ _f ~ ~r" ~. D rV110 N ~A~~ ~ resident Of New HsnovCr COVnfyl D t'vj • s a Addrsu.: ~ y 2.4- L o rt~A b~/ ~ ~~u ~ Ciry arrd Srare: ~/ f L ~'%1 I i~ b- e ~l ~~ ~ l~• ~ ~ tlp Code: ~~ SOS Trtephane: .Hame.~ ~11ca ~ 2 S G -• ~ ! ~ ~'~A.._._ Qus%ness: `~10 -~Z q ~ ~b e / - c 1CT; 2 ~f a 'Ser: M r•I L °cr 'Bete: ~/3 a cr3 SrAr~ •A~~: ~' ~ • . 'Thlslalwmotlort dr nQwatod /br No soh ycrpot• o/rarwinp bh~t ~ croasv~ao~on of E-~. aenr+uo~ly 4 yrai~eN( •. ~•Fm~0loyQd by: ~ 0 1. ~ ~J /~ I:fJV ~' ~"roV~ S -~'~`~~ -_ • •A p~rton e~,-sn+rlY wRploya00Y LA• Iy~aC y GI d~D~1MN Jhl ~-r1iC1f DsA- sPOWivacn A' nvC~ ~ncaf nsi pw A~~r pouieow w:r- NrM H~norr Corey emo~ ypobfOntAl. N scaon~rtt~ w~11 Arreh Vf, 8~a ~f a1 u~ N-w Ii.M`w G~.+ry Pusvr~*r Pbiayc Job Te7le: l4~ ~ S i Ac'/'-r7"/ ~ G~f~ I IQ~? i5+ ~!/ - .,~ A'atesslvnal Aelhdtfes: 1 /Lr l~ `NUJ ~ 1 C} ~~~ /'J1~ r,C.ff~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ivl~ ~~~'~/~' ~ VvlvnlearActr~r'1%es: Si ~ cro iV s EFL 5 r~ (. Z71~a'4C ~ ~. _ .. ~. ~ , . - 1-i L~ ~~w F~ air r ~ ~s c..,yut ~i/h~~T'f~. Why do you rylsh ro servo on the Board, COnv»%itE~ cr Cvnamiss/on requestedT '1~0 5'~n' ~ ~ r'~ ~a ht vv~_u rv r TV , 7D 5 e e _Va ~ y T'i aNF3 ~ ~ wirnGo)'m ew7" Cr•3R~Rti ~ ~ rrr i r !-~ ~+~oR f.~lc~4 seNs~? A!" 1r~F0a~r3~y~a. '% f~e~l !i ~' UCS~•~t'r/°S". m. What de yov feel are your quali(icatlons forservin~ on the Board, Cammlttee, o/ Comr»iss%an requestedT Bw3i.~S~ •' ~q~ie21JC~ Vie/ ~i..i~io irRey'; AF~~i; f~rici 'r Zo~~i° ~IR~ un1~773r~~S, h1:~~HF~T-+~a'ii;;. ~`~{t3:~~~~: 7 Ti 4vhat areas a~ eaneee'n would yov h"ke !s see the 9aard, Carnmirtae, or CornmJss7an addressT ~ ~ vn ~ N~ 1"Y ,,.fKPPa+P i ~riG (fie:,°-~`~~Y~;,~~N I~ T~cf}Nr~/~L., II~NG ~, ~~s~ U~~r4Tra.vh. t~1J/`~i~• t Aie you cwisnHy senn"nD on anothN boerd o,• co-»mitree pppolnted by a Munrcipal~ty w a Counry) If so, please list: ~'T~~' ~s Date: 6 ~ - ~ ~ `~ D IA`.aa mss i~vw~ a10~ lor.araQrlon~! eoeerrrrxerst '~`. ~~~-- ~~~~~ T ~d S000~ ~..°QI~ ATCH W„~=Gf : bGl QF , x+ r.r~ r ., __ . , ' BEFFRENCF.S ' _ ~. .. ~ k . ,.. ` - .. Please provide three lvta! persana~ refer@nte~: , . :;. -'. Name ~ •.: . ~ ~ _ ' Phone Number . . ' 11. ~ W~~ W i ~' '-- ~62- 9~ 7 I ~ . . - , ~r ~. .. ~J g ~ ~ a is ~' - ' ~ S J ~-~ ~ :2, D ' . ~ ~. . . . 1 ... .. . . - .:. . . - ~ ~ .. , .. .. 1. .. ~ ~ ,. . 1 ~ .y . .. 1 .. . . .. . 3. .. . _ - . '. .. _ . .. ~ ~ .. 123 1 .. . ~ ~ ~ ~ - .:. :, .~z-d . , - Grt f1f1 a ~fTT?I ATl1u 1.4!101 era oc . 7c+ ~.nr ~~_ a ff~ r a .NEW HANQV,~'R COUNTY - S 1991 BOARD C)F COMM/$~/ONE-RS ~~. Ot•+/ ~~;V °~'ER 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ~ C~ ;;d'l csIONEQS Wilmington, /11C 28¢0 ~ _4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 fAX (9101 341-4130 Appl/cation for Appo/ntment to Boards, Camm;rtees, and Cammisslv~~s Appointed by the /Vew Hanover County Board of Comrr~issloners. . Requast /or Appointment t'o: G P6' F~r~-,~ Name: r\o 8 rc`R.T L... M v +~ llome k ~ ~ ~~` Address: ~o . $ ~) ~^ ~ S Xow /onp have you been a ' r ~'~ resident of New Hanover County? (~ ,~S Melling Address: ~-o~ 5 P i !~ ~ n .... ,.r _...~. City enrl Stata: ~ ~ l.N„)/~~i1brJ f~ [~ Zip Cede: 2.8 ~O Telephone: Hama: ~ ! O ? g 9 'O'7 73 'Sex: "Race; 'This /nrormeoon !~ r+ Aj~@: ~~ quo~tOd /ar the lob p,arpps+ o/er~urfny that I Crosa•a.ctbn Af fhs rom~itd?i •'Employedby; ~F E-~IQtO ~~- ryi~.ppo:~r+,~ r~~ c~ ~c~ ~Tc . "/a P+~Jan cv~r.ntfy.rr~p;cyo~ by ind eponcy ar department /orWh/ch thur // - New Nenovgl County upa~ appab~tment, ,» ectordanCe wl °'~°p catianltmedo, mu~t~.sign /tlsiharPos/tFen with fR Artkf. Vl, Soc. 4 0/ th+ Now Ha~+avoi Cau-~ty py~~Re! PotFcy, Job Tirla: T~S t D rN -r-- ` G~ pro/essiono/Activities: ~O g ~~~ jZC~ t/olurlfeerActtvifies: C~.u ~, cF} GG o t 2 why do you wish to serve on the Board, ,~~" R Lo t~.uti 1 rt! yN t-T ~! ~ ~~. r. b.nmittee,~ Cornmiss/an requested? ~ ~4++Y~- T4v~, ~r . L~ ~' ~ vim- $- 5. l.v QvsrNrsS A ~ 57~'L ~ I N ~/,v ~ ~ ~~-t rtv~ rtit ~ r h~ ~ vc ~?~ /a ~ rox. A ~~ ~n~~ rs What do you /eel arv your quaf/(ications for serving on tha Bosrd, Comn7ittce, or Commisslor~ regpCSted~ (uxr,2.vc ~sr -. ~ R T a~ . ~ ~c..~i.E ill ~i /Z. ~ Dv C,e T/ e t-/ E~ ~ (CF.~ 5~')?a!~ L ~/ >J ~ ~ („ >1 !~ ~ u C.t9 T7oN ~ ~XPE7t I `~' N <,~^ What areas o! concern would you Tike to sea the Board, Cot3•Imitiee, or Cammission add~ess7 yi cf1 rro,v a C_.. 'j71f} rvr ~,/C4' j~o (c' ~7L !}c~ri/ ~"S `~~Y9 T- ~ o N T` . / tV4~v ,,..,~ 6,F- Are you current/y see N~ ~ f7Z~N j~ yDrG s c~. s ~ it~o M-o 7>=`I~ . '~Th t S l~ Vr -ryi L- •F-o <~ ! S /i ~-~c"kt i4 N~'c `v,~- C. u nrT7L `t 7 on another board or corn/nittee appointed by a mun/clpality or a county? /f so, please list: oot~: ~ ~ /P/ooro usa iav~ a s=~----~_ • for .ddltlanol commat7ts/ Sigr7BfUre ~~,J -, "' b0/b0'd SbZq WC8T:OT SO-ZO`L66T O£TbTb£: Ol ON 'NOlDNIW"lIM Sb£Z 3~-1: W02l.~ ~. ;. _ " ., ~ , ,~ ~ * ~ ,REFERENCES ROBERT L. rVIURPH'Y ' .," Ple`ase' provide. three loca/personal references:. .. ~ _ _ ~r ~r, " ,Name ~ Phone Number ~ ~ ,4 ' . "/~ ~. ~d .,, /1/11 L~~. ~ 3 g'S - :o /S -7 " ~ . --- ... 2J ~/.A /`'t Es. ~,~ ~ ~ } ' ~ v~r LEY _ ~ 2 ~ OS ~~~ - ~ .~ ~GY" L J. . 1Fn.~~r ,._,~ ~ (~ ^r ~ .~.~:..~,, , . -., ~ i ~ ~ ~~~~si~v~J, ~~c~i~4 MAs ._ 3) 3`~S " 20~~ . - . .^ 4 __ - -. .. ,.. - ~. .: ,. - ~.. _ _.~ ~ • ,. * t ~ ~ ~ - _ ' ,. ~.. ,t '` ... . . ..: - . . 125 1 ~ - , . .~a e ,e `~ NEW f~ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF GONII~IISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Stt-eet, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401--4093 Telephone !9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX !9101 34 J-4130 Application !or Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request /ar~Appointment to: Vic; ryi-~rnit--y--, f ~, ~6 ~ ~ E ~~ E ,Qe ti--~! ~~. T~r Name: ~.CL(-CV' ~ ~ Home ~ Now long have you been a. Address: ~ S r2~ resident of New Harrower County! ~+ . .......:-r ., ... v Mailing Address: ~t~y/r~~ City and Stale: _ l ~ ~) ~}1 I) l~ ~?~ y j /~ ~ Zsp Code: ~~YO 3 Telephone: Nome: _ q~Q- 7h Z - Q J~ Z Business: /(~- ~ - Z ~~~ .~- 'Sex: _ r' 'Race: i~t~ 'Ape: _~~ 'This dtraimelion a i.gwstad /a~ tha sa/~ puryosa o1 assuring that a c~nss-section o/ Ms cammun~ ry is appointed. "Employed by: ~2. ~ ~ ~J'Yi -'slpersancurienUyemp/ayedby eaD tyordepartmentfarwhidtthaepplicetiancrmado,mcat~ari7nA.srharposiGVnwis? Naw Na~ovar Caunry upon eppoinlrtranL to sccntdance with Alticfe V/, Sac. 4 a/the New K^no-or Covnry Pct^y•no/ J'~li_y Jab Tit/e: C9 (..c..7t E- Professions/Activities` ( fit! ! '~L1-t-1 •k ~ 111,5 }e.~ LSit~t. l%(. f r~~-t'1~~G~ E;~ ~J3--cl.t~t ~~i ! Rj ~~~n Pt~SC Gi 2/ ~ `CIS- e'f' L! e (~}tcc%Crc~Y~'t N ~5 J~c.fii.~. YTS ~~.J~1-- VolunteerActivities: _ a-R f,• f,t~ Lwr1 n, u ti ~ > t--/ cct.~rY~ r: cs SS~clutt d ~ t ~ / L' ' ( (~ar~ttU W,,h/ydo.~youw1ish toLserve(on the Board, Commmittee, o/ Commissicn requesled7_ fi-'~yt ~~xze.r e L~~t ~~(.~t.7 ~~~c~-( ~ , t7r~,~/-~'fr~ ,yt G~,ct' ~llY7'tir) cc; clit~ ~1e~i; ~v~ ,~'i._ ~_ f_ lYl p1>,r~',~^^~C. Q/~ T/~ ~t. .. . .. -•` r . `` _ ~•. {,~ ... .,-...~:~•.nP ~s~;z.:r'.~ What do you feel ere your qua/i/ications /or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested! e~. !~ . ~r I ~e: S r7rn ~ nee U,n-.v, ~ ~ ~ rt,~ tit-~clJe.~y~rx~ /yr C~r~~ ry~.u,n.~ ~r~ Ctc_t~ yr {~`eS What areas o/concern would you tike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address! ~ Qtv ~' G~ ~ ~' C'_nm,rvcu.~ z{~,, e-n,,do~ n,a„_t- ,~oa,Cc Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a munr'cipa/ity or a county? if so, please list: ~s - 5 ~. c~ Date: J () - Z ~ - ~ 7 !Please ttre reveiso lido lai eddit~ona/ cornmentsJ ~~'t"rr^c~~ 12 6 ~~ ~ ~ 1991 Signature ~Q~ ~~.:~ .. .. , ,. ,. _ ~ '. Ew HA HOVER COUNTY ~ ~ ~ " . ,~ 3' _ ~ - ' BOARD OF` COMiV1%SS/ONERS ' 1991 • • . SEP . 320: Chestnut Street, Room 305 tiC,y HANOVER COQ, :Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ ` " c; CF CO. ' ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 • ... . FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 .` ~. App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and,Commissions ~ ~ - ' '' %Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~(`{ . ~.~' M ~ ~ , ~ L(c~ t ., .. _ .. - ' . Home. + ' How long have you been a 5,~~. ' Address: j S 3 ~-~Y ~d `'~ ~ C" ! ~ 7~ ` resident of New Hanover County? •; • Mailing~Addless: .r 7~3 ~w ~/ ~~ - . ,. y City and State: f ~ - ~ Zip Code: ' Telephone: Nome:• Business: (~O ~ . 3 3 ~a . - • `. '., 'Sex: 'Race: ' ~~1.'~ .~AgQ• Th~s~informetion rs re nested /off the sole u ose o/ essurin the / 9 , ~ C P rP 9 t across-section o/ the community `is appointed. ' :... N~ . ~.J r , Employed b y:. _ "A person cunenf/y amp/Dyed b y the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/herposition with " New Henover,County upon app(o+intm_ent, in accordance with Article V/, Sec.' 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personae/ Poiicy. ..Job Title: ` ( _ . - ~.. ?rofessionalActivities• ~'t.~r- ~ ,C,1.......,~~.-~~ an '~.~. ~-~s/a C~.o.,...~~~ ~-f(,~i4tU o.,~/~ ,. ' ` Volurltee(Activtties 'fi~r~^cf- ,w~,..~ c ~- ~ Nub -~-1c..no ~-~:r' `Q . ~--•..~ rC. ~co~-~!c~L"6/~ .. - r~ ' Why do you wish to serve on~the Boaid, Committee or riimi Co scion requested. ,. ~~U P(b.~ !-~ O /-f- S -~~-~• ~t L~ C a~......~f ~ ~~o /~'f~ ~. ~-.`C-~--~v /,- a~~C C'l •~z:c,,;,,t` ., What do you °feel a're` your qua/i(ications for serving on the: Board; Committee, or Commission requested? °- ` ,. . c ~. ~., `~ cam- ~+iS 4j.... l o ~~ ~a ~ ... What aieas of;concem would you like to see the'Board, Committee, or Cgmmission addiess. • ~ ' C a`~.r- cc~ z.A--,~s ~ ~ "`?~-sue ~a~ rsd-^ .) 0. ~ S G Co a Ocr~ {~(Q n ~ W i` ~. o ~-~ r` 4 C.~~ .:f-~~./ t " ~ ~1'r~ r~ ~u /~.f~ , Are you~.currently serving on an~oth.er board ~or committee appointed by a,municipa/ity.or a county?. if so, please list.: • t10 ~ ~ ~ - • ~ . ~, ate: ~` ~~~L Z~; ~~~(~ ,, Signature Please use reverse side /or additional comments) 1' . , . _ - .-a ROBERT TOPLIN REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number ~io ~C' ,Fromm ~~, ~, ~ ,.,.~.1 f4-ss; s~ L- ~ J ~e ~~n r~ c ~n~n _ ,~-a -f2-~ (pia ~~ ~ s ~ ~ ..UC w ~ Z 3 I ~ 7 ~~ ~-~'' wu ~~,- Ca „sue-- ~ ~c ~ _ _ .. ~ 2 3 ~'T (z-- 2) > 31~f : S~ ~a, ~~ ~l z fit,-v~a.n~ ~ ~g q Q $~~ HIIMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13, 7 At-Large Members 6. Representatives from the following agencies: Health bepartment Juvenile Courts Public Schools Southeastern Center Department. of Social Services United Way Term: Three years Compensation: None Regular Meetings: Held in Room 501, County Administration Building at 1:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month with additional meetings as agreed upon by the committee members. Statute or Cause Creating Committee: Established by Board of County Commissioners on July 20, 1987 and August 1,. 1988. (.Increased membership June 6, 1994 - Juvenile .Courts Representative) (Increased membership September .16, 1996 to include a minority representative.) Purpose: To advise the New Hanover County Board of~Commissioners on the most effective utilization of resources including Community Based Alternatives and County General Fund dollars to address 'the County~s human service needs. Qualifications: service system. CIIRRENT MEMBERS Interest in or knowledge of the County human Richard L. Achilles - Chairman 8355 Vintage Club Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 686-1836(H) Julia B. Hooper (Minority Rep.) 214 Lehigh Road Wilmington, NC 28412 395-2016 (H) William K. Wade 4939 Woods Edge Road Wilmington, NC 28409 392-2896 (H) 254-4216 (W) TERM PRESENTLY SERVING Second TERM E%PIRES 6/30/2000 (Appt. 7/18/94) (Reappt. 7/21/97) First (Appt'. 1/21/97) First 6/30/2000 6/30/2001 (Appt. 2/16/98) 130 ._ ,. HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINIIED)- - TERM . ,.. ._ ~ ~ PRESENTLY TERM `CURRENT MEMBERS ~. SERVING E%PIRES: Vacancy Vacancy .,_ >. ' Vacancy... . ,, - ~ - :Vacanc ~ - y Ca.pe.Fear.Area United Way ,.' ,Vickie ;Elmore ~ " ,. P.O. Box .1503 ~~ 'y Wilmington, 'NC 28402 251-5020 Ext. 204 . .Southeastern .Center ~ ' Carol Trambukis - Co-Chairman. ' 2023 South 17th Street - Wilmington, NC 28401 251-6567', ' Health .Department ' Jean• McNeil. .. . .„ 2029 S. 17th Street .Wilmington,=NC 28'401• 343-4197. Ext. 207 ~" Department of Social Services Christine B. McNamee, Human Services Planner ~ ' ~ 165"0 Greenfield Street " ' - Wilmington, NC 284,02 .: 341-4732 . - .. 'New•Hanover County Public Schools - ~ ~ `• , Annette Murphy ~ . ' 5802 S . 15th Street - " " . ~ ' ~ ., Wilmington, NC 28401 254-4293 - , ' . .~ ~~ -~ New Hanover County Juvenile Courts Phyllis Roebuck ' ~` ,~ . . P.O. Box 1404 . Wilmng,ton, NC~284A2 341-44 8 W ~ . 1 ~ . -. Staff Support: Cameron Griffin, Budget Director, 320 Chestnut . ,,Street, Room 512, Wilmington, NC 28401 341-71.70 , CBA.Consultant:. Johnny-Oates 919-522-0511 ., 4../98 ~ ~ . . Fiae: \HSAAC ,. 1~3~1 . 1 -: . ~, - • .. NEW NANO VER i ~ = ~: COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS SEP 2 6 ~-~ (~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 U Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' ~~ ; . ~.;:_~._- _ ;. Telephone (9101 341-7149 I:..--. ~~' : -.. a . FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions a Appointed 6y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _~ ~ n C~ I~yiCP ~ ~j I vCa..-~i ~ Cyvn,~-, ! l-t~G Name:_ ~ ~.L {~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 ~~a~~ Home /~ow long have -you been a a Address: 5 ~ ~~Sm 1 }'fie ~~ . b~lr, c~~fs~r ll e ~P~`te~ident of New Hanover County? ~~ /•5. Mailing Address:__ ~~ J~S~ L ~ ~ ~ . 1- a City and State: _ W l 1Q h+5y I ~ ~ gQ,1 ~ r ~~C Zip Code:. ~ ~~ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ l~~) ,2 5~0 ~2 Oz Business:. _ 3 Cz " (rj 93 w 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~'~l •Age: ,~j 'This in/ormetion is repuested /or the so% purpose of assuring lhet across-section o/ the community is appoinled. ..Employed by: _ I~~a ~ r~ ~ 0~ ~~~r, ~C . . "A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made: must resign his/harposition with a New Hanover County upon eppoinlmenl, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: _ ~ I r~C~r ~-F PrZ /~ -h on ~ (,(•151~s LI ne /C~Qn ~o ~i > Professional Activities: ~ I ~°G~ ~4 hr r ~ i ~. ~rI1C'fC ~h,G 5hL l }~ -f~-~ ybc-tf VolunteerActivities: 11'11 T (, I L' `rl ~, , • Q~ ~e ~eta~ ~~ rna ~ ~ ap.~r r _ Wh y do you wish to s e on t Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~, -}{~~1 C 1 brj .l~ n ~ ~ , - ~~~Q~ 1'-b'i,Vl ~ Y'P~1" C~i I,~1,`h~t ~/~ rf 1 ~' fr,~/~ /I ~~ eta r ~,~, t n ~ n D ~nn~Pv What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,. Committee, or Commission requestedT T ~'1CW~ n ~ h ~ ~r ~ f ~~ ~~ Q~? rnCc ny. ~n r ~ f~ssl ~C~ YIQ,Q G't r ; L i ~iT_er,S.. S What areas of concern would you like to see the oard, Committee, or Commission address?. ' 1 /-1r ~~l ~d ~- C ~.~r1 ~ G~ ~ , U~ ~,t~~'t, ~ -~l ~ m l ~~p S Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~ Date: .. ~~ ~l CI `'l 7 Signature .~ (Please use rev rse side for add~riona/ comments! a k ' , . ' - ' . _ ' NEW HANOVER' COUNTY ~ ~ _ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B0.4RD OF C0 MM/SS/ONERS .. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . :``, Wilmington, NC 2:8401-4093 . ~ _ ~ ~ Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ,. FAX (9101 341-4130. . .. , Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' '~ , Appointed b y the New Hanover County- Board of Commissioners. ~ " Request for Appointment- to: ~ C //// ,. -~y Hom ~ . , e How long have you been a ....Address: ~~~ ~~,~~~~~ ~~ .~ ~r~~Dresident of New Hanover CountyT . .: Mailin Address: ~ .., 9. -' City and State: - ~,l/1,~, ~l ,/~/~ ~ . I ,. - . ~ lt/..L~ ZP Code: ~ .Z~ `~i Te%phone:. Home:,_ ~~ =~~ ~~ Business: ' ~~~~'~Z '. ` " /, ..'Sex: ~ .l/~ 1G~~ -Race: . AAe:. .~ ' This in/ormetion is requested /oi f so% purpose o/ esswing that across-section o/ !hs' community is appointed. . ;' ..E/nplo yed b y: . "A arson cun'ent/ ' P y p/oyed by the eyency of department /or which ~s app/icetion is ede, must resign his/herpositian with . New HenoverCounty upon .appointment, in ecco~dence with Aitic% /, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Pa~sonne/ r'b/icy '~ Job .Tit/e: ., `Pro(essionalActiyities: ~ ~~~ ~ Volunteer Activities: Why do'you wish to serve on. the Board, Committee, or Commission iequestedT ~ ~~~„o; ~~ ~ ~ r~~, ..~ ~;._.,,,,_ . ~ tom, .. :. ~ ~-~ - ~~ ~ ' .What do y oc% fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) / ' 1 •. jF~G~~y~ :'.What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commissio address? ~~re you currently serving on`another~board or corn /ttee appointed by a municipality. or a count T If so / Y ,pease list: _ - --- - -. Date: ~ ~ J , I~N ~ S ~~98 Signature Tease use lave a sid /o~ eddrdo~a/ comments/ (OVER) , REFEREN . F S a Please V~' ~ V ! S ~S/ Q ~ l provide three /oca! persona! references: ~ ~ " ~-~ L~ Name Phone Number 2J ;_ . _ . 7 34 ~. NEW NANO VFR COUNTY . ' _ ~ ~ ~~' - - ~ :BOARD: OF COMMISS/ONERS ~ ~ ' ° s ~~' ' ~~~~~,~ .. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . ;: . , .~ ~ .. ~ DEf :0, 3 :.1591 lNilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9101 341=7149. ~ _. ~ f~I~'V HA~1~VER CO. •: FAX (9101 341-4130 ~ F CC,XM;aS10~4~i$ ~~ Q ~.. - ~- Application for~Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~° Request for Appointment lo: Human Services :Allocation Advisory Committee - T.,. .; Name Cha°rles A. Connell , ,' ~ Home ~ . How /onp have you been a 4 1 / 2 Address• ...120. en BaV Circle resident of New Hanover County? years.. :~ .... ~ 'Mailing Address: Same , .. City and State T_: W;lm;ngtnn, Nnrfih C'ar~lina Zip Code: 28405 ~.. Te%phone; ~ Home: 'qi ~-? 5E~-hl 04 Business: None - ,. . ,, ` ... + ~ ,. 'Sex: Ma 1 P '~ 'Race: White 'Age: 71 ' 'This in/ormetion is iequesfad for the'so/e purpose o/ essuiing that a cross•section o/ the community L eppoinf~d.'1 ' .. ` ong s and; N.Y.. _. _ "Employed by: Retired ;~ formerly Superintendent of Schools,: Mansfield, '.CT _ A person cur~endy amp/oyed,by the agency of depeitment for which this app/icetion is made, must Iasi n his ' ~ , g /herposition with New Nenover County,upon appointment, in accordance with Arlic% Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Henove~ County P. ersonne/ Po/icy. Job Title: Retired . 1 _ Protessional'Actlvities:, , -.See :Resume. attached . Board of Directors, Eastwood Village Homeowners Association. VolunteerActivities: e .Fear Communi.t Colle e • -New- ' Hzn~ver.H.S. ., ~~- St :` John's Museum .of Art, Wilmington. •• ` .` . Why~do you wish]toserve on fhe Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I 'am interested in ;,.~e :all aspects of human ,services, with a particular emphasis on t e im-, . 1 o:D ortunities for diverse rou s in the County.. I view membership on this Committee as an opportunity. to e p.ot.ers; •. 100% altruistic! .. , ".What do you feel aie your qualifications for serving on the Board, .Committee, or. Commission ie uest d? ` While my en ire professional life. was devoted to public_sc~ioo~ ate- colle e education, my years in administration ave me a back round ~ s •" in°.many other community activities re a e o. uman se ~Wh'at-areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee; or Commission addiessT Educational ,_standards in public schools; community health services; ~'~,the growing senior citizen population in-New Hanover County . i ~4re you cwrent/y serving on another board or~committee,a . < . ppointed_by a municipality or a countyT !f so; please.list: ~. ~ None = ' .'. ,. ~ . . Date. ~ ~~?-~ ~ ~ " l -~' ~~ ~yl~ Signature ~~ ~~ ease use reverse side /o[ additional cdmmentil _ a •. (OVER)- e ,~ ~ .. ;> . REFEREN<'F S ~- , Please provide Ihree /oca/personal references: ,_ i ~. ~ ~ Name ~ Phone Number ~~ Ms. Celia Smith 256-534.8/ 341-4366 (office) 21 256-6972/ 341.-44,22..,, (Office) J 31 Mrs. Lionel (Joyce) Fernando 799-3434 13~ Y _ :'Fs ~ r V { : ~ ~ ' 4 -_• ~' . a_ , , -^r ;r .. -~~ ~:~: CHARLES A . CONNELL ` ~ 4 s ~ • . • ~~~ ( _ :` ~ 515-6 High Street: , lam„ ~. Port Jefferson, L. I .., ,New York' 11777 j ~ ' , :. '; r Home Tel.. No. (.516). 331-4489 ` ' - . ~" Office Tel., No. 203 .429-3350 • .. ,.,~ ( ) •. ~" (Storrs,. CT.)' ` t - Current: 12.01 Green_°Bay Circle- ~ • i ;., Wilmin t n PERSONAL g o N. C . 28405 --. Te1.No.: (910) 256-6104. ~ .r ~` ,- • Married.. Youngest daughter is a senior at the University of Connecticut. ~ . Three°~other daughters and two"sons all are college/university graduates. " • ~ ; ~ S erved two years in the- U.S. Army. • • ,. .. EDUCATION ,;. k : • i ~~ .._ Teachers College,. Columbia University, ("ABD,`"Educational Administration). _ - ~ 1962-69 :. ~~ • Hofstra University, .(Educational Administration) 1958 State University 'at Albany, New York (M:A., History/Education):195 1~ ' ~ , , - ~ (Graduate Student•in Guidance Counseling) 1956, ..f Siena College, Loudonville,~New York (B.A. Magna Cum Laude, History/English) , , - 1950, , ~ ~, .. GERTIFICATION F ~~ x Permanent Certification in New York°State as Superintendent of Schools, <<~ ~ ~ De ut` Su erinte d ' p y p_ n ent of Schools, Secondary "SchoolPrincipal,, and f Teacher of English/Social Studies ,M ~ Permanent Certification in Connecticut as Superintendent of,Schools - ~ , ,. _ ,. "' ~ ., .. ~ ~ PROFESSIONAL EYPERIENCE - .New York State (1951-81} _ • R Teachin Classroom Teacher, Schaghticoke, Hoosic Valley Central, • and South .Huntington, New York, Social Studies, ` ~ ~' - .Grades 7-12, five years; `Guidance Counselor, one. ° -_ .. ~ year ~ Administration: South Huntington, L.I., Public .Schools ''•~ - .. _,Assistant.High School Principal, Walt Whitman High ~a School.., one year. i. ~. Principal, Walt Whitman High School, six years. •• Assistant Superintendent of Schools, .five years. ~ • "~, . ~. . Superintendent of Schools, .twelve years,. - ~ ,* ^ • As High 'School Principal helped plan-.and administered •a new, comprehensive high school grades 9-12 Recr"uit d_ d ~ , . e an supervised a ;° staff which-grew from SO to 160. School plant doubled in size .during my - ~` ~- tenure; .'enrollments. grew from '1500 to 3000. .Established the academic • departmental structure; supervised 15 department heads 3 assistant 2 .' •~,~ ,. , s, 'deans of students. Revised and expanded the curriculum. •` Walt W n - ,,,. °: High School established a solid record. for discipline, academia ~r , and .scholarship achievements during my tenure.. as principal. s . • _ - 1 a ~ ~ ~ •, As Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent, administered.a suburban school district in the New York ~Setropoltan area (9 elementary, 2 ... ~~1,,,--- 111 junior highs, 1 high school; 800 professional; 200 supporting staff). Developed and administered a budget of X33 million.. ~ Assisted in contract negotiations and implementation for 6 employee unions. Expanded the curricula for gifted/talented students, Title programs for learning disabled; improved vocational/occupational, adult education and community volunteer programs. Initiated a successful public relations program, including a Parent Advisory Council. Developed four major building facilities studies that resulted in closing of four elementary schools and one junior high school, with a minimum of adverse public reaction. Developed a successful interracial relations programs. Maintained, .excellent relations with Board of Education,' staff and community. FLORIDA (1981-82) - Co11eQe Administration ' Dean of Continuing Education, Biscayne College, (Now St. Thomas University), Miami, FL., one year. Represented the President, Dr. Patrick O'Neill, O.S:A., in North Dade Chamber of Commerce, Broward County Administrators' Association, OPA- LOCKA Community Liaison Committee (Chairman). Served on the President's Administrative Council. Wrote a major section of the college's Re- Accreditation Evaluation•Report for the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges: Represented the North Dade Chamber of Commerce in lobbying efforts at the state capital. 87 CONNECTICUT (1982-86) .Administration, Town of hansfield Public Schools: fr/E Superintendent of Schools, Mansfield, CT, fear years. Administered a school district of three elementary schools and one middle school, with a staff of 9~ professional and 57 supporting personnel; student population of 1600. (District tuitions students, grades 9-12, to the University of Connecticut's campus high school in Storrs, located within the town of Mansfield.) Assisted the Board •of Education in school district reorganization. Closed an elementary school, redesigned grade assignments on a K-3/4-8 basis. Negotiated with the University'sadministration for the transfer of the campus high school (E.O. Smith H.S.) to town ownership/governance, effective 1987. Worked with legislators in state capital for passage of legislation to authorize state property transfer. Assisted Board of Education in successful referendum for $S million high school renovation program., Worked with architects, legal counsel and building committees on major•renovation work at elementary, middle school and high school buildings. Employed new directors in building/grounds and cafeteria, with reorganization of those departments.' Established an improved •public relations :program via publications and a Parent Advisory Council. Employed three new building principals, one assistant principal. Initiated a review of. curriculum, K-8, emphasizing improved organizational structure.. .;Initiated an 138 2 r~ C ~~ ~ .improved. Administrative Council organization for administrators and ~ • t " supervisors. Established .a positive, systematic liaison with the, Town ® Manager and Town Council. Negotiated contracts with seven. employee .- " I!I. ,..groups. Served. on the Board of Directors for the Connecticut Association { ~ - of. School Administrators;' and was chairman (19.85=86) of .the University ~'~ Region Superintendents' Association (14 Eastern Connecticut towns).. ~' ~ PROFESSIONAL-ORGANIZATIONS _ . rv ,~ ~ American Association of School Administrators ~1` . ~; New York State Council of School District Administrators . . ~, `:'.. Suffolk County School Executives Association Phi De1ta.Kappa, Columbia University ~ f Alpha Kappa Delta, Franciscan Academic Society ? ..Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Connecticut Association of School Administrators (Board of Directors)~~. ~~ University Region Superintendents' Association CT. Chairman ( ) REFERENCES '_; :. •~ Available upon request at Teachers College, Columbia University .R`~~.. Placement Office, and other sources as necessary. •. SPEAKER/PANELIST/MODERATOR IN WORKSHOPS OR PROGRAMS FOR: . `''~" ~~ American Association of University Women, Huntington Branch ..t~, Hofstra University:.Guest Lecturer, School of Educational Administration .: .~ Huntington. Chamber of Commerce • League .of Women Voters of Huntington .(Cable TV Presentation) ~' ~, Long` Island. Forum .for Technology ' 4 ~,.. "Mansfield., Connecticut, Lions Club - ` " Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association National Association of Secondary School Principals , New York State School Boards Association . PTA Councils: South Huntington, Huntington and Syosset Rotary Clubs of Huntington :Station, Huntington and Northport '{New York) ~_ ~ ~ Suffolk County Organization for the Promotion of Education ? ~ Western Suffolk Guidance Association " .° ~ _ , ;~ ~ ~'- ~ OTHERPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES ~• ,-,' Regional Representative, New York State Education Department G~ ~ Equivalency High School Testing. Program (six years) • Member, New York State Reoent's Revision Committee, State Education ~" ~ De artment Alban N.Y. Commissioner's A ointment . P Y. ( PP ) (six years) , -. ' 'Chairman, Instructional Television Service Committee., WNET/Channel x.13, Public Broadcasting System NY/NJ/CT Region (three years).- "'~ Ad Hoc Faculty, Department of Educational Administration.,. Hofstra ` - University, ("Administration and Supervision of Public. Schools") ,. ~. °Member,..Consortium on Competency Based Administration,. (Development -" of Certification Standards), Hofstra University r Guest Lecturer, Department of Educational Administration., Hofstra .. . Chairman, State 'Curriculum Committee, New York State Council of - ~:< • . School District Administrators ' ~~~ Curriculum Consultant: Assisted U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the 3 ~ ~3g ,- development of curriculum: "Economics for Young Americans" Member, New York State Advisory Committee on Reading Effectiveness Measures and Applications, State Education Department, Albany, NY (Commissioner's Appointment: Administrative Ad-visor on Implementing ~ Proposed Basic Competency Program) Liaison Representative, from Suffolk ,County School Executives Association to School Board Forum, Hofstra University Liaison Representative, from Suffolk County School Executives Association to Executive .Board of Nassau-Suffolk School Boards ~~ Association Presenter/Panelist for.School Board Forum Workshops on Declining. School Enrollments, Collective Bargaining in the Public. Sector Moderator, Suffolk County Human Rights Commission, "Conference to • Combat Racism" Member, Advisory Committee, Adelphi University, "Community Education and Adult Education" Moderator, Commissioner's Regional Conference for Long Island Consultant, for N.Y.S. Council of School District Administrators, Prepared and delivered Council's responses at Commissioner's meetings, Albany, re Regents :position papers on "Gifted and Talented Programs in Public -Schools'-', "State Task Force Recommendations on Regents Examinations", "Goals and Objectives for New York State Education" Consultant, Deputy Commissioner's (CT) Committee on School Program Evaluation COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Secretary, Huntington Station Rotary Club Member, Board of Directors, Huntington Township Concert Association Member, Supervisor's Task Force, Huntington Township Member, Executive Committee, Long Island Forum-for Technology Committee Chairman, Huntington Township.-Clean Community Systems Member, North Dade (FLA) Chamber of Commerce Committee Chairman, Opa Locka (FLA) Community Liaison Committee Vice-President, t~fansfield (CT) Lions Club 140 4 • ..w. rras~ Kul. (~,Zy. 1~ 1959 '7a=1'`q•t .~: ,, . ~ ~. N~1 NANO t1~13 CQU/Y?~ - 80ARD aF COI~l!!/IfSS~013tERS , 320 Chestnut' Slte~4 Ra~ttr 305 ~ •~ .. Wllm/nsto~% NC X8401-dD~3 . ~.: • ~ : .. rm4iahars f~lttt J'4r.r7a9 '. .. - ~4.Y /31 C13i7^J730 ~~ ~PP~.attlCn forQppohlmont i0 Boarrla, Cora tnd . ~. Co~m~s~"4.r~ ApP-°~nr°'d ~ y :~ JV~}v Xaro.v Caugs y Board of CammltslCrlt~s. - ..y • . , , - FepvtdrhrAaarlrY~n.arte, ~.'a~ . - A.a ~ Ad.-s-a r r ~- ,- `~~ .4Cdrr...^^: Now ~ here srJVGe~r a ~7..~.,~iezld..,tolNaw~re.~avNCav~t~7 ~$ ~{4~GGng~CY~ Cldv enCS'sr~ • car COQsr _~~(} ?~ , . ?'~rrpe~c: Bona ~ - 3~- f"~~~_.. aV~~ ! ~ +~ MAf dav~.v nn i ~ir~bn e/rae ~ ~ ' Ilnenrnt~w~Nr~lreMeyw.ey~,p~p~y,,.w/ i+ ~ . rY~ Masvv mrorry alvor bt•^s-~c p newea:er~a.l~ H ~ s ~ ~ ~'~~~~ . • Jr.,b 17tFit ~ ~~` r ~ '" y~alc3~'b+ts/slraiaA~iht, " _ Ydutoar.tety?dsx ;. ~' do ynu wW to s+/re Gn !ho ~ovid. Ca•w~7te., ~~ C~m~QuFto rar*crttre~l) . _~,Z ''~ ~ . , - VS7SZr~dO Yo.r arCY~9U94Kh:Ivr aNV~: cn i!f - Gan;rtH?taG a ~++t.rvyt/an.~a,rtltedP~~.L~cSct '~ LLhf~.+ ~ S~t4tpr e~.a~ cn+;c wr..lo ycK, a ff0 ^/ .89, Os 9'Siott ~r~ j -t ~j~ ~ Yad' +~ ~/y oi'N%I~ on~ om 0r cr,,,,%u7ty. anvdhres BY A mwich~atl}r a• . roWfrl~ !l so, P~la.,t. h~ . Dote: ` ' . ~ _. ~ ~ aSb.]0 4t.,~.~.,,, of cvrn.~-. - ~ - w ~` - (OST~R~ _ _ - ~~ . r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ,. '•_ - . . .~ rn ~1. aa~r rnFntAi 'cap x~r.r tlhtil.Nflfl.`k1H ~n1.1H'ri~d(YlJ bO~~I ~t1 ~-1c~,~J _4 ~y~~ a r ~ _ . ,may. ~7 i77d ~:~~~r~ r~ FFL7'4 r'NQF•~ NCl. M2y. IS 1998 03:12~r r"'1. • .. ~.f_ AF ~~~ ..... . s'irasa provld~ thud tc~oo~P=~aane/ratarQRC4R ~ ~. t plfD/lQ Nt/iNDt~ • -.. . ~., ~... - .; .. . ~ ~ ~ •' 142~a ARFt IbFf1iR( ~nx XK.~i ~JNi.W(10~:1d 3A11~d~ 90;91 ~!1 $B-LZ-d~11 •. :. .• ..~ NEkY HANOVER COUNTY •. `. BOAf~D OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wil~in ion, NC 28401-4093 9 ~. " ` ~ ~ • ~ Telephone (9101 341-7 f49 - •. FAX 19101-341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appo/nted by the New Hanover County Board of Commisstoners. ~~k . // i - Request forAppointmeni to: //~~. /`7U/Yl~i/ ~E,Q[//Ce ~~I iv o,./ ~`~~wg~ ('~~w„t~„T7~! ,~:. L T_ Neme:..~~ ~AN~~GZ- ~a~iPia v e ? • " , Home ° : How long hove you been e .. Address::~~e~~,~~-.. (.a : resr'dent of New Nenaver Countyl P~ t~, Meiling Address: !d ~/jyl N /1/, tf0 ' •- G?y end,State: + Zip Code: ~ y~fQ Sr ' .t~ . Telephone: Nome: '- W Business: ~ 5 ~,- t .. -Sez . N1R1 ~ ~ 'Race: 1YVSp~.t/! C 'Ape: ; ~. t~' 'Thin infomi,tion is r.puhpd (4rr tA, aa-~~pwpos~ oI assur/np that ~ crou-i,ctkn o/ N cnrrrmuniry is ~ppoinNd. /~ / r ~ ..Empro yed b y: _~rE/YE.C,a [~ ~/~ r' ~,e/ C - f~//~C.~i4i~~ ~/ y /S/ o,tl CAr/c /~Y,yC ~: e i A p~rion cunMttly,mpfo y,d 0 y M• ,p.ncy or dp,rtmeM 1nr which this ~pplic,uon is m,d~, mwt r,:iyn his/h,r pos/UOn wltA _ ,~ . N,w N,nov,rCounry upon ,ppointm~nt, In •crorda+c~ with Artit/~ v1, s.c. ~ c/ fA, IV.w H,no~,r County P„scnn,/ Potcr . Job Tit/e: ~ ~[ S - ~ es e~i°rei5~.t~ Ns ec Pi'olessions/Activities: ~ - ;~ Vo/unteerActivities: f ~ ~ ~ r ~~~ °VVny do you w/sh to serve on the' Baard, Committee, or. Commission requestedl iutac..c~' s~G . '~' C~ ~ ~~~~ • r 2 ~~. ~ . ' '' What do`you feel ee .your puali/icafions for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ' ... , Whet areas vt concern would yvu like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl ~O11~ ,~~ ~~ ~-,~~ ~X Ql.(.c. -ff'til_!-s~ ~ ~~st ~ XL-Aha.sJa . Lf~. /f/, ~i ~ , ~4 GL ~~~ i~i~.t L~.rn.~~e.~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee a ~ /n.2. ppointed by a municipality or a cauntyl if so, p/ease list: ~` . Signature X43 P/ease provide three local persona/ references: Name Phone Number 11 ~.+y.t.~ct rho uL.~t2S 670 ~Ree,~t~%~~. ~as~ 3 9z^-S/639 2J ~a P s - ,8 / S 31 L ~~~ ~~~1e //~~ S3~lNQq D•P, w~/,~-~, 39.s" a/3 ~ ~ ~.~o~ 144 MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 12, plus represent the New Hanover County board may recommend candidates Term of Office: three years ex-officio non-voting members who Museum Foundation. (By-laws state to County Commissioners.) Qualifications: Any resident of New Hanover County who shall be 18 years of age or more with the following taken into consideration when '.making appointments: 1) Interest in the museum, °2) willingness to devote time and effort toward carrying out the duties of a board member, 3) boldness of purpose in recognition of the vital force of the museum as a center of community culture, recreation and continuing education, 4) interest in the community, which includes people of all ages, and an understanding of its social and economic conditions, 5) ability to work with others - the board members, the director and staff, and the public which the museum serves, 6) open mindedness which includes the ability to hold strong convictions on any subject, while recognizing the right of others to disagree, and 7) courage, enterprise, mental resourcefulness and expertise to recommend policies for the successful and proper operation of the museum and impartial service to all its patrons.. Compensation: none., but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in perform nce of his duties. Re ular Meet' • G~ g ings. Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Museum, 814 Market Street, Wilmington., NC Brief on the Functions: The Board of Trustees shall have 'and exercise all of the powers, duties and authority necessary for the administration of the affairs and to carry out the purposes of the museum, subject only to the direction and control of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The Trustees recommend to the County Commissioners written policies to govern the operation and program of the museum. These should include: Statement of Purpose, Artifact Acquisition Policy and Operations Manual, construction and improvement of buildings and other structures for the museum, establish, support and participate in a planned public relations program, including concerted efforts to solicit private and other funding to supplement the appropriations by New Hanover County, particularly in furtherance of the. capital needs of the museum. 146 0 .. ~ - . ~,~~ ' r ~,- - . - .•, ~ '. MUSEUM BOARD ;OF TRUSTEES' (CONTINUED) - ~ ~ ~ ,. ' . . j~ CIIRRENT MEMBERS ~ TERM TERM EXPIRES .. SERVING- k.. ~~ ~ Byron Beall Second 6/30/9.9. 2515 .Battery Place ~ ~ - •f Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ ~.Appt. 6/21/93 343-1954 (H) ~ 590-9.004 (W)' ;u, ~ °~ houis .A. Burney, Jr. First 6/30/99 . , PO: Box'816 Wilmington, NC •28402 Appt. 6/17/96 ` ~ `2°56-5347 (H) 251-079.0 ~ ; _ .. ~ •. .. -,?~, Sandra Ray.Criner First 6'/30/2000 ` ~ 101 Seapath Estates `'- ,Wrightsvlle•Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 6/16/97)f 2'56-2138 (H.) .25.1..-8080 (W) ' :~ •, ~ John H. Haley ..~ First 6/30/2000 -4031 Appleton Way _. .. ~.. Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 6/16/97) . v, 452,-3507 (H) 962-3312., (W) ,~; ' Jack~E. t,_Jr. First 6/30/98 ~ ' 311_ M illan Avenue~~O{s ~O ^. • , Wi ington,' NC 28403d'eScYC (pppt• 6/19/95) ~ .: 1-4:099 (H) r~e.a,pPo~ri"~'~rnen~ °~ 'J. W. Hooper Unexpired 6/30/99 ` 2 -216:G lette Drive ,:. Wilmington, NC 284.03 ~ Appt. 6/16/97 + :, 763=6915 (H) ,. - ,. . ,. .. ,~~ Allen P: Hunt,; Jr. First ~ 6/30/2000 302 .W. Klarney Road-. ` ", ~ , o Wilmington,. NC 28403 . A ' 392-434.3 (H) -256-2613 (W)' .Sandy Moskowitz ~ first -6/30/99 '1826 Hawthorne.Road Wilmington, NC, .,28403 ~ (Appt. 6/17/96) ' ': . 763-2275 (H'),395=2000 (W)~ ~~ .Donald Patience first 6/30/98 ~ ~ • ~. 6512 Providence. Road ' -. Wilmington, NC.2~8405 ~ ~ (APPt. 6/19/95) :, 686-7657 (H) .,' John S,ifers first6/30/99 _ . .6332 M:arywood Drive ' Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (Appt. 3/21/94) 1/~~] .. '.:791-5540 (H) `' . ~ (Reappt. 6/17/.969 `t '~4 .r. ~ .. ~, ~ ~~ MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) CURRENT MEMBERS TERM- TERM EXPIRES PRESENTLY SERVING ~ Olga R. Wheatley 315 Pinecliff Drive second 6-30-98 ~ Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 11/18/91) 791-4051 (H) (Reappt. 6/19/95) Ronald H. Woodruff second 6-30-98 406 W. Renovah Circle - Wilmington, NC 28403 A t. 6 15 92 / 763-6236 (H) 763-9891 (W) (Reappt. 6/19/95) :.. .Member representing the Museum Foundation Linda Nance . Janet Seapker, Director 814 Market Street 341-4350 FAX 341-4037 file: museum 148 • `~ - A?R-16,,-99 02:54 PH G~P$,FEAR.rSUSEUM 9193414037 P, 02 . :' - - - - NEW NANOVER COUNTY . ~, - ~ ~ - BOARD OF COMMISSION~'RS .. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305. ` Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 .~"• . - Telephone f91013dt-7t44 . • fAX 19 1 01 34 14 J30 • ' Application for Appointment to da~rds, Commltfees, and Commissions ~~` - A ointed b the NeW Hanover Count Board of Commissioners. Ap Y Y ;-.. m . .Request lorApAoir,rmvnt ta: Cape •Fear Museum Board ~ - ..' ,~' .: • Name:.Dianne S. Avery ' HOmO - How long have you been e _ , i~• Address:"• ' 313 9each Road Plo~*h resident of New Nanovar County) SDt years. ~ ' ,,. . =, .A•lailinp.Add/t SS: same ' . •, :City.r,d State:: 4til~tington. K~~ _ Zrp Code: 2S40F ~k • Telephone: Homr. 91Q-686-77.91 Business: ' 910-25~-4222 . ~ . - ' •StX: FPmr~ l o •Ract: k7ti; r P 'A~t: ,~. . " '>•MJ rrl/ann•uon i. r.qusf.I /N N. tN~ pw'a,• of psuNwp tA•1 • crags-•.erkn o! tn• crommuniry ii appotnNd- . , _• "Employed by: New Hanover County Schools ~ - ,~~ •'.4 pusdn tun•rrtly •rnplay~dAy lh• ep•ncy 0r d~p~rrm•rtt for -vhiM this ippkc~trvn i• m•d~, mwl rs.*Jpn n~rfi.rpoa.tm w~tA ` - New X~rwv~-~ C~u~rty aeon .ooo:nhff•nl, le •eeordMCr wJlAAItkJI V1; Sic: ~ a/ !h• Nwv Hmavr Cavnty 1>N60Md Pohoy. Job Title: Director, School-Community Relations ~ ' ~~ ` Director Media Relations, School business partnerships, Ciarnber Prv/asslona/ Acriviries: - n 1 n-gym ~ ~~ ~~ ~~'. e ' VolunteerActlvitieJ: WHQR Advisory Bd. , St. John's Museum of Art Board W. BQ - ,tea, ~6 noin arc Wilmington Children's Museum, NC Aquarium at Ft. Fishe: ~~viso~y ~oarp . Why do youwsh to Serve on the Goard, Committee, or Commission reouestedl This m~~rtiurr is e~ greQt asset ,~P °to_the ouality of life ,in this area. It is e3oeciglly an_excellent resyurrre ro- s+udPnts - of all ages. I would like an opportunity to enhance the studen`,s' participation 'in museum prc}gra^c. '. Whaf dv yvu foal ere-your ovatiFcatians for aervin~ on ttrt Board, Cammir;ee, or Commission requested? • t havQ ^ served on a numbs= of community committees and am also knowledgeable about K-22 curricula. I am very ccmmitted to~the success of the museum es a community reso~~r e , ~~ ~ Whatareas o/cancem would yvu likt to sit (ne @oard, Committee, Or Commission .ddieas? + - that the .entire community is erved by the rr.useum oroQr~^~~ ~~` . r ~4rti you•cu{randy servlnp on another board or committtt appointed by a municipality or a county) II r~, pl•~sr'lrsr: ` ~ (See volunteer activity abovP.l - • " . ~ . . ` O.ete: ~ l ~1 S~?nature t-1'N•• w, •~•~~• sid• /o, dd~lianaf com,n.nf1J ;~' ~- - , ,: = .._.: ~ 149 ~~ ~'..'.;' 0 4 1998 .., • _ ._-..~ IV~W NANa VFR CO UIV TY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 • fAX (3101341-4130. Application for Appointment to Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the flew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment fo: (~r'X-A-2~ - /~2~~~~- ~~~ ~; Name; rt ~f~u~ ~ C . ~ ~.~~-y Home ^ How long have you been a Address: r~(Q~ Q/1,~ ~x- -• -_residentofNewNanoverCountyl y ~ Mailing Address: ~r~;~ /1 ~~~ l/ Q,~l~ _ (~ City 9nd State: (,( l.~/h %it~ ~ /~lC~ ~A Code: o~ Q~(b j .•. __ Telcphone: Nome: (9!/)~ ~~ -~S ~ ~/ ~ Business: ~~~'~~~ ~1Ga ~ ~3 a 5 '~_~ 'Sex: ~ "Racc: C,t.~ 'Ape: L~ ! 'This iniormetion is r~quettod rot tha rota purpose of essuriny that across-section of the rommunity is appointed. f ••Employedby: (,( /llCi (,(J~//Yti/tS~`, ~ ~'~7 • •A parson current/v amptoyad by the ay ey or dapertment or whitA this epp~icetion rsrnado, must resign his/her portron with Naw Nanovor, CounC/ t¢~on appointment, tnsccordanee with Artiets Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Potsonnal Policy. .Job Title: / Pro/essr'onal Activities: ~~ ~`t'i,t :~..-i .k L~r?~.~~c,~ ~ .l,r.~ cv~'~ VolunfeetAcfivities:-~`~27Q-r, ~-f!11.t ~~~r~- ~~ C~~, ~ /B~t~ ~~~u. r Bu, ' Ba.~-gut /7u-,-}2~ - C2 t~~ ~; rr,.cy-L7-c.. ~tC~,-vim fi ~-~,~-- ,(~, r77y do you wish to serve on the Bvard, Committee, or Commission requested? 7`D C.~ f i /u.c( (~~v--- `~-.~ n.~-- .~'Lt~G • ,(_ 4 ~ a- ~~.~.- Iti7~at do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesred7 ~; ~''~~ ; W~~are of concern would you lik~~e the Board, ~ommittee, or Commission addiessl ~D ~'~" .~ _- ~- ~ ~-m.e-e~ C re you currently serving n another board o ommit a appcinted by a municipality or a county? If so, please list: i -c~~ r/ Date: ~~Y 1 6 1991 S/gnalure !-, ~ ~f l'~ S~ > ~':q~ use revers side w eddrtional commenul / ~ v NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF CO's".';~::;~~"= S ' ~ ` ~~ : .. .. .. REFERENCES , .. /~~~~ ~~%`~~~ ~~` ~ ~ ~~ Please. rovide three local ers nal refer nc p p o e es. ~ !; .... Name . .. Phone Number " . ~~ ,jam ~ ~ ~~~,.,~- ~ ~~ - ~- ~ ~9 ~,;~j . ~ , . 2J, ~i(,/ ~' ~j I- ~ ~L3.~ . ~~~ ~ . .'~." ~ "~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ocl~' 31 ~~3 - ~-~ X13 ~ '~ ~' ~ ' .e C ~ ~. 1 ~T"~ ~- ~~'` ' h'~Y 1 9 1998 1~ Y ~~~ ~ ~ ~. ,a.. - - ~~. - . ~~e .~ - ~. ~,. ~ ~ - _ - - ~ -. . , .. ~. ~~~ ~ - ~ 151 ~~ -~~- - l~ . FROM PF~.ONE N0. May. 29 1998 f-35: ~bPM P2 N~-w Nanro v~R coUNr~ BOARD OF CO1~11191SS/ON~RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 W;Iming~on, ~ NC 28401-4093 Telephone f91 CJ 3~ 1.71 d 9 FAaCl~10J ,9~f-130 ,R.,, Application for Appolntmerrt tv Boaids, Car»innl8es, and Commisslorrs Appalntsd by the New Hanover Coynty Board pf CammisSloners. Request forApAornunent ro: Cape Fad Mine-tm $~csxd ~ ~u.9~ees House Hawlort h v . Address: 5'7/la /~t~~C`TDn1 G.~ ~ ? o a you been a - , res/da-it of New Heurover Caunty~t Z~ }~~1?~1,5 Ma;!!ng Address: ~/~ sal wy4 S~ Cltr and Stare: (~/U~it /~ _'~~J /11 G Zlp Cade; 2 8' p Talaphanp: Home: _ .5~2. - 32.3` `TAli iNawweea /s naen~rha Iar rh..e% p rrp•.sy o! smu~tnp f/wr • ew•r-a.cti~ow d N. ~ commuri rY @ dCOO~7ft.d • -~mAb yeC tr yr ~S~-a~' ~ Eir-> Pc.e y~,~ i,tiCS' v ~~ cC ~4cr-.~~/ T •'APVS9rtetvt?Af1y•mployrdbydh•eC.nryorCrptrtm•.rtfbv~-«b/eAettia.PprFeeoanbrrnede r~atnrf Now HMewr Coe+oty tpart ea~w,a.~ony bt •ecardena wrYA Arlfat• K S•a < oral. New N•nev•r Gewtyy Poraonn~~ wltA Jab Tire: P.QF~Ti~~ G'r1r~Fr~t/ LC~.1J~'/l G/2d V /nlc.... , Profess/ona~Act;v;des: l~dT•it• C~yB [//1/Ct,~ ~/}.,~~.~,/`1yC G.L,UB Vplur~teerAct;vhFeW ~~ T. ~ ~ WAy do you wish to serve a» the Beard, Ccmm;t:ee, or Cornm;~on rapuested~ r~ _~~ Whet da you Rel ere your qua!llicatlorta for aR the Board, Cotrrm;tree, or Cammfsslpr~ repuestod7 - - r -v z vni i ! - r % ~~ What areas of cancer» rvavld yov Ir7rp to a~ ~r Board, Com>rrlrteP, of Comm/sSion address? T ~ „S'""~ ~~ aro 3rou currently sCrvln~ on another board or commr'ttee appohrred D y a munlcfpa/Ity or a countYT If sa, ple~sa 4sr, f~'-nsaut• .vup• • •ddl~io,~l oon+mv~tm! 152 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 r.. -..~ _...... MAR 2 6 1998 ~•3~:~~ i'.-'u'iv'rCl~ CO. ~~ ~f d;~t;~;~~i~1°i~; App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: C~~~ ~~~~ ~ vs~U'~ ~d~~ Q~ /~iZ as%~~~--~ Name: ~~/~ U~ ~~~ c~o/Y,E.S ~ , Home / How long have you been a /~Q~Q/1/~ /~,~/lEQ /,U~ Address: ~~G7t~ Cy7/~/~~~C/~l~ L~''~~ resident of New Hanover County? /isi~ G/y/iir/Gra~t/ L ~~/' fi~4~F_ /~i~T~ /1 L/...r- YES Fd2 tiA v,~~'..1,, Mailing Address: fJVv,E,O /3i¢C /~/L SE/•'T /9rj7 .1 I City and State: ~/1/yG~~1//~G-~~D~/ /1/C Zip Code: __ ~` 8"/f 4 ~ `LJ Te%phone: Nome: Cll ~ - 713 - ~ ~v~ Business: ~/f~~ - ~~~G r ,~9-/L y ~iJr~xi,~;,-~ "Sex: ~ 'Race: ~~ 'Age: ~ -3 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~~ • 'Employed by: ~SEGF ~iQ~T/moo Fiy~~ /~~/~7 B~ ~~fE.,~1'E ~ v. s; ~v9vy~ "A person currently employed by the agency or department Jar which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~7~'a't-/~'/~c / i~ ~/ ~/1TOI~j~'N Professional Activities: W/~~~G~N /~dT/~Y CL v~~ W~NG/> l!//~.~ .~Z ~',~?~i`I~~E/Z,f~ ~s~~' G~~r-~.,~ fG~/9~ C'/diL G/!>2iL .4..+vivOTi9~ VolunteerActivities: ~EG~h//'~2/r'y~ fj'l~jy~ sC(1r~!/L , /~/~'Jj GEf~/~ ~!/c~~2Tif ~~L/Gi/!/~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _~ ~/Sf/ %D 5~`ti//E /k y I~fi T/!i/_-' c~i~r~t v,v~ ry ~¢i0/~r/G .~- hSSTL~~ C o2.6n~Yi~tjl~.~ k~,r/~L~ ~y /~'7c ,~/~iy"T~~~ /9`«lJ,~l~l~/ff/~Glf_iNTS, /9~.~ ~r4d~ESr ~~/~-L S7/~D/tip ~~//~S~ ~'f l~/zr%61J ~n •~~~ ~~r~~F ~v~f~ ~~y What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Bcard, Committee, or Commission requested? l~.c~~-E Fay-~tE/1 ~P-ssiS~,~7 7~D ~.~6Si~Fi~/T FO,t1~ ~~/h/Slv/Ly rte/-/"y~ 'ssl~ /`'r/Th~o/t. B~ yv~~izovs ~va~r-r ~i9/l~rc~rm/v /f/sTvrzY ~ ,O.~F.ENSE 1' /SS U F Si ~ ~ C/ u 2 E/Z' iG`cf~f1E2 ~i+J /J.~ % ~~ j~~r-. ~ GG~6G` ~ UyC Yt/J C~Ti~iN uSv/L (~ E T What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? E~~/~i/1/2// ~/~ Ce~~T~r/j ~av~i.~viyG- ~i~©~ivv- ~~ f~c~~/T<Es;- ccy~iv~yG co~~~.~rry l~J Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /Uo /- -- ''1 Date: o~ / ~~~5 i~%C!7' ~ ~/ 9~ Signature ~ ~/` /Please use reverse side /or additional comments) ~c f~fF/U~TEl~ G~/Try ir//L . N/STCI~G~~G ~ D v2 ~ /i/C, -- G~9Q ~ ~/~2-s TD W W~L. ~i9-ciFIC /~i4TTLF_ ~/ELDS : Ci vii, ~,/A2 ~ w~._L' ~~/NF/ Ec.O~ ~~ h /Lt S/ $'(J/D v 7~V ~l /)` ..~ .; - ~~ ,.: - - ~ ,_ .. WILBUR JONES COMPOSITIONS ~~-^ ~; - ~. .. L,1- "~ , t~~ March 24, 1998. ~";~-Z~~ ~~ .~ ` ' ~+,J ~,1 .. .. . ^ - r ~ ~ .,, ' r , . ~~ ~+ ~ ~, .Honorable Bil=1 Caster ~• . . , Chairman,'County Commissioners .,~ New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Rm: 305, •~~..'`._ Wilmington, NC 28401 - .. ' ,pear Mr. Caster: ~. Enclosed herewith is my application for a position on t'r_e Board"of Trustees of the Cape Fear Museum. Pleasz.ent.er it ir_to ~; the ,.proper hands for review. r,~ I was born .and raised in Wilmington and am a graduate of New .;. g Y Hanover Hi h ychoolofndervecen(theslasto28N~ntWashington) Anter •, more than 40 ears.' the " ~ Navy, ,as a civilian in the Department of Defense, and in national ,~; - and,Cali,fornia staff politics, I moved back to Wilmington in September 1997 with my wife and granddaughter, whom we, are .. raising.. - ~ ,.. ,. ~` Although I am officially retired from the DoD, I am actually busier than ever in my. lifelong avocation and now profession`as a ~~ `^ military historian, lecturer; consultant, and teacher, and author .. ~~' .~ ~of books on ,the Civil War and World War II. My Vita is also enclosed.. ~~~~. ~ I have an exceptionally, strong sense of res onsibilit tom ` P Y Y community. Serving on the Museum board, where I can .engage my~ deep interest .and profession, appears to be a natural and _ '~. productive outlet. I would` be honored and privileged to ,serve New Hanover County in this manner. ` " Thank-you for your consideration. ~`•. . , - ~~. ~ .. ' Sincere y, ,~` ' -~ / v . ~. ; _ Wilbur D. Jones; ]r. , 4700 Chamberlain Lane • Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 ~~'t ' ~ 910-793-6393/6401 • Fax 910-793-6402 • JonesWD@aol;com ' . ', ~ ~- , WILBUR D. JONES, JR. Vita Mr. Jones retired from the Department of Defense (DoD) in July 1996 after nearly 41 consecutive years of service, the last 12 years as a professor at the Defense Systems Management College (DSMC), an agency of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. A military historian and author, he researches and writes books and articles on the Civil War, World War II, and defense issues. The Civil War book Giants in the Cornfield: The 27th Indiana Infantry, was . published by White Mane in 1997. The book Gyrene: The Life and Culture of the World War II United. States Marine, will be published 'by White Mane in July 1998. It began as a grant project from the Marine Corps Historical Center in connection with, the war's 50th Anniversary. Two other books are scheduled for commercial publication by-White Mane in coming months. Both are WWII German mer:oirs he has written/edited: one of a faculty colleague who was a nine-year Panzer artillery soldier, Condemned to Die - Condemned to Live (in 1998); the other of a retired member of the. Federal Republic government and member of the Hitler Youth, Forget That You Have Been Hitler Soldiers (in 1999).~Under contract to DoD, he has written the book timing the Eagle: A History of ' U. S. Weapons Acquisition Since 1775 (scheduled for publication in 1998). Articles have been published in national periodicals,, the most recent in the journal Civil War Regiments (V. 5, No. 6). His photographs have been exhibited and published. He is scheduled to teach courses and lecture at the University of. North Carolina at Wilmington. Through an affiliation with Military Historical Tours, Inc., of Alexandria, Virginia, he leads tours to WWII Pacific battlefields. At DSMC he served as Associate Dean-of Information; Director, DSMC Press; Director,. DoD Acquisition Historical Center (DAI:C); founding Managing Editor (with ultimate responsibility) of the. Defense Acquisition University journal, Acquisiticn Review Quarterly; and speech writer to the general officer commanding the College. He taught nearly 1,300 hours on defense and weapons acquisition matters, and served as advisor and mentor to DSMC`s government military and civilian and industry students. He developed the Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Course as its first director, and conducted numerous consulting assignments to improve the defense .acquisition process. He was a member of the Defense Acquisition Corps certified at the highest level in program management. For two periods in 1987-88 and 1989-90, he served on requested details as special assistant and speech writer to the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisiticn) (USD(A))~in the Pentagon. He authored numerous books and magazine articles for the government on ,I def~~s sues and military history, including four editions of the '(,_) popu7la~~ok Congressional Involvement and Relations: A Guide for _ ~~ S - IVFW NA/VQVER COUNTY ~ ~ - .~ BOARD OF COIYl1L!/S ~ . . STONERS .. 320 Chestnut Street, Raom 305 . - Wilmington, JVC 28401-4x93 ~ ~ . ,~ 7Jephona (97CJ 341-7149 .. fAX (910J 34 t-4130 - ,4PPJrcation for A ppalntmeat M e'o~ds, Commlltees and Cotnmisslons` APPolntad b y the IVaw Hanover County Board of Cafnrnlssloners - ' RaquestYorAppomtmenl to: Cape ~~ ~'~ Botlrcf of Tzvs:ees. lJeme: Jer ~A. r4annen, Jr. ` .' Home, .. ~;~, Address: 1118 Essex Drive Now lore have you been i resident al Naw Neaover Caunty~ 8 years _ _ _ _ `:~. Mailing Addi~sar 1118 Essex Drive, Wilmington, NC 284D3 r City and Stare: ~ W~mngton, NC 28403 - ~P Codt: TNaphone; Nome; (910) 762-1632 . ~' _ Business: (910) 762-2421 , ° • Thu +i+/anrvErerr ft n guard /or rho io- ~ _ A ~~' . ~ P.urA4r• of.sawlnp 1h.r • ~a+v.eLOe c/ eM wn+n+utrry n acpo%nhd .'EmQloyed by; Yow, Fox dc~ hiannen, L.L.P. • •.~: pr+san cwrerfKy •n+vfey.s0y fn..PN+cy or Qtyirtm •ret /or whlcA y+il . Ntiv Hanar.r Cewrry Moen .noa:.L.arrG ,ic ~ •PO~cIGOI! IJ mad., m~srrsc/Dr+ h(sA.rposrtipn wJrA ~++ebnc~ wy?hArGali V~ Sae. 1 orfA• New N~no..r Caunly P~trannNPbwcK Jcb Title: Attorney - ProtesslonaiActivir/esr N.C. Academy of 'I~rial Lawyers, N.C. Bar Association , Vv/unterrAccivitr'es: St. James Church Ducks IInlimited Historic Wilmington Foundation ~` Why do' you w/sh to serve on thi Board, Committee, ~ Commission re I have a keen interest gvosted~ ,~. , ~ in the a preciation of the cultural and historic significance of our region. ~' ,` whit do you 1cNero your ~Gua!!/iCiaarra for serving on the Bo arQ Committee, cr Camm/ss%on repuestcd? I have . exceIlent written and verbal skBLs and a sincere appreciation of this area's rich history. ~~ .. ~ ` . . what aess a! carrcem would you rka to see the Board, Camm~luea, or Commission lddrassl I am interested in the expansion of educational programs for school age ch~dren as well as ad t awareness program ~~ , Ara you Cwrentiy ecru/np on anotAar board Or committee eppoinred py a municiAelity or a ceeuotyl It so, p/eest 6sr. Not.at this time. , ~. , Date: June ~2, 3998 - ~ fP/i.sl uss nrwJt~ lids lor.do>tfoifd cronvn~nuJ SlQndfu ~' ~ OVER - ~ ) !~ - Please 4rovide three loce! perJOrtal re/erences: Name- Phone Number ~~ Allen Hunt (910) 256-2613 ~~ Lionel Yow (9.10) 256-9940 31 Jim Pierce (910) 452-2726 ' - - ~' - .. - ~: _ - '~ - 158 ,, NEl/V HANOVER COUNTY 'n~nr,~~,~r.-~ _ _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 '~~Y i 9 1998 ,~ . „ ~ . ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~~~ ;~~.~~'~t ~'.~ _ Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ~ ~~r ~c ~'~t:.~~..~ ~. ~ - FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ;~ - Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Corrimissioners.~ ' Request. for Appointment to. (~ ~ F~cLY / ~(_,(,(S P1,~yr~ ~' ~ . ~ :Name: QQr1-~ ~ ~ ; f y 0 ~ ~l i~ c7 ~ Q m . " ~ Home ~ How long have you been a '~ Address: ~ - ~ ' x(27/' ~ ~ resident.of New Hanover County? L ~ t q ~ J ~r0 4 . l / --~-~-,~ Mailing Address: ~l/ - :` ~' ~/ Cit y and State: GV l ~i'1') ! YI g 7~ 1~ ~-- Zip Code: a~~/ ~ Telephone: Homer '~,~~ - ~~a ~ Business: - ~ 3 ~ /.$"- ~" /.S ~~ U~`) ~ / -"Sez: F "Race: ~ ~Q C~ "Age: ~q / ~` 'This information is requested for tha so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. t " ,"'Employed by:. - S ~ e.a~~ "A person current/y amp/o yed by the agency or department for ich this application is made, must resign his/her position with ' ''• .New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec.- 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ' ~~ Job Title: l Q c , -; . :Professional Activities: (_~yn m uy~, ~i ~P s r'n ~c-h~c ~S ~7c~~ /r/ '~ bpi VolunteerActivities:. ~/n~~c ~GlVI n ~ L~ LJ(~Q vCl ///PUn ~~~ :~. tNhy, do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ Z ~,,~ ~- ~2 C S "ta .- /fir °U ~~ ~ . S D l~S . ' r ~Sa ~~-, ~ ~~~ ~ esf ~~ . {'~ ~;,~,-m,~ /~~~- ~~ SSA, W ' t do you fee are your qualifica tons for serving on th~Board, Com tee, or Commission requested? ' (~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ What areas o concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ri.(,~ ... ~ ~ ~vnS Q~ c1 ere,. 5~. v Q,L~ - c L>` Are you urrently serving on another board or committee. appointed by a municipality or. a. county? /f so, please list: n~ . 1 9 Date: ~~~ ~p ~ %~ Signature l,~~`~K~2, ~ ~ :; (Please use reverse side for additional comments/ i/ .-. ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91.9) 341-7149 FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Cape Fear `iuseum Board of Trustee Name: Donald Patience ._ Home ~ How long have you been a Address: h51 ? Prnvi ~Pnr`P Rrl resident of New Hanover County? ~± ~,rs~. MailingAddress: Same as above City and State: Wilmington, NC Zlp Code: 28405 Tale hone: Home: (910) 686-7657 ~ 1"~ P Business: . *Sex: Male *Race: White . ~. *Age: ~ 67 ?his information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a :roes-section of the community is appointed. . *''Emp/oyed by: _Retired. 'Part time self-employed nedical~devic consult~n - ~' °A person currently employed by the agency or department for which his application is made, musf resign his/her position with New ~~ Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article VI, Sec 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~J Job Title: Research Director, Surgical & Interne tonal Division ProfessionalActivities: `lanaged medical device R&D facility and personnel. Volunteer Activities: Past member school & library boards in Illinois ~, Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? -Public Service , lifelong interest in history and archaeology, utilize management experience. Hel continue P current museum success. What do you feel are .your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re9uested? Business and Research management experience. /~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Nothing specific at this time. (Please use reverse side for additional comments) 16 0 ~.. Date: Signature `~ ~ Donald Patience ~~ ,, ~ , , ~' . .:~ It is o$en difficult to verbalize reasons for wanting to serve on an advisory board other than a general interest in the facility and the work or service provided .and a desire to use your experience to enhance the community you have chosen to live in. ~ _ . Since moving to.~Vihnington in February 1991 I have participated in the following volunteer " ~ organizations and activities: ;~~ ~ , , President, RSVP Advisory Board. Chairman, RSVP Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors ~` Counselor, SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives) Program Committee, UNCW Adult Scholars luncheon and Dinner Programs Chairman, 1994 UNCW Adult Scholars Program Committee ~' . In addition, ury wife has been a regular museum volunteer and I have been an occasional museum ~• volunteer. We both volunteer via the UNCW Adult Scholars Alumni program for a variety. of " UNCW projects and programs. .. a •, ,_ . . . . .~ ~' ~ ,~ ' ~' ~` ~ . .. .. _ ~ - 161 - ~ , ~ ,~ .~ .- '. .e ~ - ~, ~: Donald .Patience Patents Developed by Don Patience Date January 8, 1991 March 20, 1990 August 19, 1986 November 30; 1982 May 19, 1981 August 26, 1980 May 16, 1978 January 24, 1978 June 14, 1977 August 24, 1976 May 4, 1976 June 17, 1975 April 1, 1975 September 24, .1974 September 24, 1974 September 4, 1973 April 24, 1973 March 20, 1973 January 2, 1973 August 11, 1970 October 1, 1968 June 22, 1965 November 6, 1962 Patent Number Un/ted States Patents Tlt/e 4,983,173 Surgical Sponge 4,909,244 Hydrogel Wound Dressing 4,606,338 Slip Resistant Bandage 4,361,231 Sponge Collection Device 4,268,340 Method. of Forming an Absorbent Article 4,219,024 Absorbent Article (Disposable Diaper) 4,089,331 Surgical Drape with Fenestration Liner 4,069,821. Absorbent Article (Disposable Diaper) 4,029,101 Absorbent Article (Perinea) Pad) 3,976,074 Absorbent Article (Disposable Diaper) 3,954,107 Articulated Sanitary Napkin Pad 3,889,494 Stocking with Compensated Knee Pressure 3,874,001 Therapeutic Stocking 3,837;344 Laparotomy Sponges 3,837,338 Conformable Nonwoven Bandage 3,756,241 Radiopaque Abdominal Pack . 3,728,875 Stocking with Soft Inner Thigh Area 3,720,957 Conformable Disposable Garment 3,707,964 Surgical Drape 3,523;528 Equalizing .Pressure Bandage 3,403,681 Sanitary Napkin 3,190,289 Surgical Sponge 3,062,371 Internally Sterile Composite Package Major Developments 23 U.S. Patents plus numerous foreign fllings • Internally Sterile Composite Package provided aseptic cpening and control of sterile contents. Patented 1962. 55 million in sales and profits plus license to Parke-Davis Company. • Keriix Fluffs and Sponges provided first machine made 3-dimensional sponges. Patented 1965. $100 million in sales and profits. • Disposable Drapes and apparel. Patents 1973(2), 1978. • Keriix Laparotomy Sponges. Patents 1973 and 1974. $d5 million in sales and profits. • Therapeutic Stockings (T.E.D.). Patents 1973 and 1975(2). Standard of industry. $150 million in sales and profits. u • Improved Cast Padding. Patents 1974. $15 million in sales and profits. ~ ' • Disposable Diapers. Patents 1976, 1978, 1980, and 1981. Major programs for parent company Colgate- }~ P~ • V~L X~.J - ~~ ~. Page 3 - ~ • :- NEW HANOVER COUNTY •~ . . /30ARD OF COMMISSIONERS .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ` ' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 ` ~:. FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, -and Commissions - ~~ - Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. .Request for,Appointment to: NEW HANOVER COUNTY C:~PE FEAR MUSEUM • • ., • Name: Allan T. Strange ` • rTOt"e "1922 Ashbrook .Drive. How long have ycu been a 't Address: ,Wilmington, N. C. resideritofNewHanoverCounty? lifetime ^ Mailing~Address: same 28403 City and State: Zi Code: , p "'~ Telephone: Home: 762-6115 Business: ~. ," , . . Sex: m "Race: w •Age; 7 3 - 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ` "~~~ ''..Emp/Oyed by; 'rPti rarl "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personnel Policy: ,~' . Job Tit/e: Professional Activities: none ~` . VolunteecAc;ivities chrtrch - civic club ~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? , have :always been .interested in the preservation of the history of our , :~ community • ' What do you .feel are "your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission requestedT ,~, . .lifetime of activity in community programs including Pres. of United Way,.Pres., of Azalea Festival and Pres. of•Wilmington Civitan Club ~` What areas of concern wou/d you.like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? continue. programs that are a~rected to the school children to enlighten them about ` .our county and area. -- Are.. you .currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: no ~'' - Date: - - ~~' ~ ~f 7 Signature 1, ~` /Please use reverse side. for additional comments/ . _ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room .305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~,r ~,..r..P^~ '' , ~L ' fitly 1 5 199 ~. C_~„i..- ~~'- ~r App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Museum Board of Trustees Name: Catherine Harper Russell STRIBLING Home - How long have you been aBorn here 9 7- of t Address: 1304 Independence Blvd, resident of New HanoverCountyl in 1948; retires here in 1992. tLlaiiingAddress: 1304 Independence Blvd. City and State: Wilmington , N . C . Telephone: Home: 910-763-5136 Zip Code: 2 8 4 0 3 Business: n / a -Sex: Female -Race: White -Age: 70 'This information is requested !or the sale purpose o/ essuriny that across-section o/.the community is appointed. • -Employed b y: "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccwdance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Pro fessiona/Activities:Treasurer, St. John's Episcopal Churchwomen VolunteerActivities:Board of Directors, Lower Cape Fear Historical Society 1993-1998; Vice President 1994-1997) Why do y u wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT I think that .with my exper fence and background and my interest in local history, can serve as a reference person (being a native Wilmingtonian.with 3 generations behind me). I also learned a lot during my service with the LCFHS, and~I spe~nt,'20 years in the Art Department at UNC_CH as a ministra zve manager. . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Twenty years administrative manager art department UNC--CH; 5 years on the Board of the Lower Cape Fear His orica ocie y; avz ory. What areas of concern would ou like to see the Board, ~ An measures that Y Committee, or Commission address. Y would make its collection and archives more valuable and useful to the citizens of_New Hanover County. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Date: _ bia ~~' i 9 9 8 Signature (~~~ ~ ~ ,~~ p~ ~L~i,~ (Please use reverse side /or additions/ comments! (OVER) .. QF_ ER~NCES ., ` -~ Please provide three local personal references: . . ~, • ` - Name Phone lVumber~ ~~ Robert Ma"rtenis, President Lower Cape ~ Fear Historical Society 313=1312, . .;~ . ~ . 21 Cathy Myerow,~Ex. Dir. -LCFHS 762-0492' " The Rev. John James Ormond 791-4022 3 1 ,` ,~ ~ ~~ `~ ...~ ,. ~ . '.. ,~ ~ • ~_. ~. F _. ~'._ ,. .. ~. .. ,. . . `~ 16.5 ~\ . ~;~ . A - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM1tiIISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 WiJmingtrm, NC 28401-4093 ' Telephone (91fI).341-719 FAX (910)3~I-Q130 Application forAppoininrent to Boards, Cotrcmittees, and Cornmission~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board ojCommissioners Request forAppointment to: Cape Fear Museum Board of Trustees Name: Tommie M. White Home Address: 4120 Abbington Terrace Mailing Address: same as above Crty and State: Wilmington, North Carolina Telepharr~ Home: (910 792-9155 JUN p 1 1998 ~~ Q~ (x,~kl~p How long have you been a resident ojNew Hanover County? 2 1 /2~ Zip Code: 228403 Busyness: (910)343-1998 "Sex: Female "Race: Caucasian •Age: 2$ •?7eir i~Ja-»emtion v requeued ju- du rely parrpar. of mauri~; that a oru-fxriuri of dt. caean~aniry it eppointed ""E'inployed by: Self emyloved • !4 Aaron uerremtty eanptoyed by the agnec7 or efepmanr~ for which thin eypricatiett a nwJe; enact resign hivher position ++itk New Hateover Coavq apew appairutnent, tr eaxerdance xvh ,lrticia Y7• Sep ! of rje Naas Xeumver Cea:~• Parotrnei Pa(icy. !ob 7'etle: Consultant -Public Relations Professional Ay~vitier. Fundraisin marketing for various organizations and politico[ committees YolunteerAe~ivitias: Lgwer Gape Fear Hospice: Festival of Trees - Chairman/Public Relations Wiry do you wish to serve on the Board, Comtnid'ee, or Cotnerdxrion requestevl? I have a special interest in hi~ogr and would like to use m~xperience and enthusiasm to maintain the historical inter;uity that c~aradeizQS the Cade Fear Museum. What des yotr Peal are your qualifiratio>QS for serving on the Boarrt, Committee, or Cotnmissiorr re~quesiedl 'I7~rough myprofession I have had a lot of exposure to the local community. I feel that qualifies me to nrpresent their interests by sowing on this board. What areas of concern wvytld you like to see the Board. Committee, or CommisJian addressP Preserving.the local history through exhibits at the museum. Are you eurreatly serving on another board or e:onemittee appointed by a rrysrnletpalizy or a rnuMy? If so, please list: No ~j~ / ~~ ~~ Date: June ] , 1998 Sigaatryr • ` ~ ' f~~~~~t-a`'v trkvre see reverse ride foe add+tiarurt cavnrw.nt:J (aj~1 ~6s ` ~_ ~ ~ REFERENCES - " Please provide three local personal rrfercnces: ~~' ' Namr Phone Number - 1) Parks L. Griffin 7b3-7191 2) Patrick J. Ballantme 763-0673 3) Patti Smittlson 763-b762 ~` ~`~ ~ . 4 .__ ~. " . i ~ .. ~, ~ .. _ .. .. - ~ . ~* . .. , .. ,~., -. - . . . ~~,. .: ~• ~~ . . " ~ 167 .~ l ~.~ . ~^ .~ NFW HANC?VFR ~nUNTY BQARD CAF' GQMNIlSSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wllmin ton, NC 2801-093 9 Telephone f9i0J 341-7143 FAX 19101 341.4130 App/Jcation for Appointment to Boards, CommJttees, and CommJssions Appointed b y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, Request t'orAppointmenr to; ~4'+!~-SF.~LIYI ar Name: O0(~,1'Lc• ~r1n~ . Home Now Ions have you been a Address: ~ Y~{ ~ ~1~G~1') l.Lr~~ resident of Ncw Hanover CountyT ' L- ~ ,~ ?'~~' Mailing Address: ~'SQ,YY1 C. QS ~~~ Giy acrd State: ~ 7'p Code: ~8~"d Telephone: Home: r ~p ~~ ~0~ 3~0 Business: _ ~ ~~ '' 0~ ~ ~ •Sex: ~ernale, "Race: C'~•~t~IttiYl 'ADe: ' 'This lnlormatlon l: requested rot the safe purpose of essurinp that ~ trots-seclion of the comrnun;ly is spporrltrJ ~~~"" . '- a•Errployedby: LcaD~'1 ~~_~l~~n, ~('c.r-tr~ • •A person curnnrly employed 6y rAe agency a dapertment/ar wh/ct5 this app/lcallon h rnede, must raslgn blulror pwilorr wilh New H~nov~r County upon oppolnrntanr, !n accordonco with Articlo V!, Soc. 4 0l tha Now N~nover County Porsoane/ PoNcy. Job Title: Pr~So Gi a~'2~ / +~ro I~e~' ~Qr1GtAP~Y / ~'-rot eta- A-~~.~ r'~e,'~" Ptofesslona(ActrvJties: ~111tY11(14C~'~i'1 tT•~. ~ .. hGWt~ ~~~~~n he ~S W i~. t areas of concern would yov like to see the Boerd, Co .. •~ / t Committee, or Commission rvquasfed'i _,,,_ ~unia~ (,2~ue,-f~ ~ Ca~cncc~ Pns•:L'~'m Q canrnit~ Vvlticrl+ztr. ' 'e, or Commission address? Are you currently serving orr another board ar comm/tree appointed by a municipality or a county) If so, please list: Date: ImGU-~--~--~-~g~g _ .... `~ Slynature - ~ ., Ip/ea~e use raver st aidd !or edJit;une/ cu~pntSl 68 ~~'~~ 1 ~ 1998 i VolunteerJlctivities: ~ .~LItY~C ~~5 ~ ~~, ' Why do You wish to seruvc on the Baa d Committee} or Cominissio~ nested? t 1 i 1 1 1 1 ~,! !1 Il COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 2 VACANCIES -THREE-YEAR TERMS APPLICANTS: William H. Best, Jr. Charles Hicks Joe C. McIntosh Paul E. Ritchie Scott Sammons Gary "Cutterr'gSmither ~ac.~4. ~~~0 ~ ~~~~ ~' Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT 169 PARRS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Number of members: 7 (includes one County Commissioner) Term of Office: three years - may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at~least one year after the last term. Qualifications: County resident 18 years of age or more who has a sincere interest and commitment to the importance of park and recreation services; a willingness to give freely of.time and energy to learn about and to carry out responsibilities; the ability to work well with all other Board members; complete open- mindedness and respect for varied points of view and consideration of all Board business; good judgment,. intelligence and courage of conviction; a dedicated interest in the Park and Recreation welfare of all citizens of the county; the capability of speaking out and articulating parks and recreation needs; the ability to accept and weather criticism gracefully; the strength to refuse to be intimidated by pressure groups and issues which are not in the best interest of the whole county; a strong feeling for team work between the Director, Board of County Commissioners, and other Advisory Board members and a desire to truly know the community and the recreational needs of all citizens. Regular Meetings: First Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. in Room 103 of County Administration Annex Building. Statute or cause creating Board: Board was established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at their meeting of June 20, 1988 and adoption of By-Laws Governing the Advisory Board at July 18, 1988 meeting. Compensation: None - member may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in the performance of duties as long as' such expense receives the prior approval of the Board of Commissioners or its designated agencies and is within the approved budget. Brief on the functions: The Board shall suggest policies to the Department, the Manager, and the Board of County Commissioners; serve as liaison between the Department, the Manager, the Board of County Commissioners and citizens of the county; shall consult with and advise the Department, the Manager, and, the Board of County Commissioners in matters affecting recreation policies, program, personnel, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and. properties related to the total county recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for recreation. The Board shall assume duties for park and recreation purposes as follows: (1) Make recommendations to set apart land for use as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other re tion areas and structures, and suggest improvements of such l~i ~nd for the construction, equipping, and staffing of such bui dings and structures as may be necessary to operate the park :: ~~ ;. • ,. • PARRS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINIIED) ~~ 'and recreation program. (2) Advise in the acquisition of lands and ` structures .through gifts, purchase, lease or loan.. (3) Advise in •~ the- acceptance by the County of any grant, gift, bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made available for park and recreation purposed and which is judged to be of present or possible future use for parks and .recreation. (4) Advise in the construction, equipping, operation, and maintenance ' of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and._all building and structures necessary or useful to Department function, and advise ' in regard to other park and recreation facilities which are owned •or controlled by the County,or• leased or loaned to the County. TERM PRESENThY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING ;EXPIRES 4 James H. Medlin, Jr. Unexpired 6/30/99 4814 College Acres Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/15/97) (H) 791-525.9 ~~ Keith H. Suttle First 6 30 2000• P.O. Box `566 / / 1500 Fishhawk Nest '~ Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480.. (Appt. 6/.16/97 (H) 392-1494 (W) 343-1919 Jack Bragg Third ~ 6/30/98 3316 Amber .Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (APPt. 7/24/89). ` ~~ (H) 791-1171 (W) 675-5751 (Reappt. 6/19/95) William E. Royals Second 6/30/2000 ~~ 725 Windemere,Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/20/94) (H) 799-9855 (Reappt. 6/16/97) Fred Spain First 6/30/99 • 915 Queen Street Wilmington, NC 2840.1 (Appt.- 6/17/96) (H).251-9299 (W) 3.92-2626 E.~ Gehrig Spencer Second' 6/30/98 ` 1002 Midland Drive Wilmngton,~NC 28403 (Appt. 6/15/92) (H) 799-1763 (W) 458-5538 • ~' County Commissioner: Robert G. Greer _Neal Lewis, Parks Director, 414 Chestnut Street, Room 103 e 6/97 ~. .;File: \Parks 1 71 .~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ r~ ^~ ~ ~ ~ , ,. .~.`. e:7 BOARD Cr~`';~~ OF COMM/SSfONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~'~~ ~ 0 1998 Wilmington, ANC 28401-4093 1 ~1 . i~'~~P ~`~•~C~+g~ ~~ ' ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 """'t~ FAX (9101 341-4130 '- App/ication for Appointment to Boards;. Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to.: Parks ~ and RPt-rPat-; r,n Ad ri ~er~, Rna rA Name: William .H. Best Jr. ~ . Home 7401 Anaca Pt . Rd . Now long have you been a Addres 6 ~ Years s: resident of New Hanover County? Mailing A ddiess: 7 4 01 Anaca P t. R o a d City and State: _Wilmington, North Carolina Zip Code: 28405 .~ Telephone: Home: 910-686-0196 Business: 910-389-4617 'Sex: Ma 1 e 'Race: White 'Age: 61 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sa/e purpose o1 assuring Chet across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: KCI Technologies "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with t New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/a V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e:Construction Inspector Professiona/Activities: Recreation, High School, & Colle e Athletic Official N.C. State Games Vo/unteerActivities: N.C. ASA Softball Commissioner Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? See Attached. 2 What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ See Attached ~. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT l/so, p/ease list: No Date: ~ S / S ~ Signature (Please use reverse si /or ed itionel comments/ ~OV -r E: . , - - ~;.: ~ -' °No. l;~ I wish to serve on this'Adviso'ry Board, because I • feel like the County of New Hanover needs someone with my background in doing voJj,~nteer work in the a recreation needs all across North Carolina and especially in the Wilmington, New. Hanover County ,~ ~• area in my life time_ I feel like alot of things - could be done to improve the recration needs of the . :~• • citizens of New Hanover County with the pro-per leadership. I believe I can provide some new and interesting input into the Recreation needs of the . citizens of New Hanover County. - ,~ No. 2; I feel like I am qualified to serve on.thiseommittie •• because of my experience in working with the following • agenceies in the Wilmington area and across North - ~ Carolina. I have worked with kids of all ages at the Local YMCA Church Basketball leagues, .City Basketball, football, softball & volleyball leagues. High School and college basketball, baseball, and .softball. I have also worked with the Special-Olympics. I'am a District Commissioner and Coastal section Umpire-inchief for the North Carolina Ametuer Softball Association. I am a member of the North Carolina • High School Athletic Officials Association. • No. 3. I would like to see more things offered for people in the age group from High school to Senior citizens. ~_ I.would like to see a better County recreation department that meets the needs of all•' I would-like to .see the County spend its money wisely instead of listening to one group and spending our t'ax money unwisely. ~• ~ _ .. ~ . 173 REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number 1J Claude (Buck) O'Shields 910-686-4163 2J Donald (Buddy) Evans - ~ 910-791-8505 3J Jackie Blanchard .910-791-6009 174 NFY,- 1fANOa/~R C~UN/ l { r~~r„P~~ . l 6OARD C1F ~011i11i/1/5SION~RS .._~~ ~_' ~_ ' ~' 320 Chestnut Street, Room X05 )~,y p q 1998 Wilming-con, NC 28401-4093 relephane tslo~ eery-rl49 ~~--.,~,:'.,,-.; fAXt91t7J34t-4l3Q ~ ~.--;._ App ration for Appaintmerrt io Boards, Committees, and Comm~.ss7rans Appointed by the ttlew Hanover County Berard of Corrimissioners_ Parks and Recreation Advisor Boar Re~urrt fi.4~~oir+tment to ,~ Nar~er Charles Hicks Kane Xaw IanQ have you 6ern a Address: .1817 Vincennes Place residerrtaflVCwNartoverCOUnty7 9 years A4arLn8 Address: Same 1 1 Job Tlt/e: president d~ Coordinated the rebuildi*~a o~W; ~ahtS~r,,> >;,_ Beath ~r~rnr,~ ~: ~a£ter Hurricane Fran. Recieved Volounteer of the Year award for 1996-97. ' .: `~~Vokmtt;erActl~rtr'es: Raised $26-,000 to rebu~.ld t.~,_nlayg~2l~n~ anc3 cnnrrl; na+-a.~ .~..mplatio. Wtryda yoU wlsh to serve on the Board. Cvmmltte:;, tuCorrrr»issicr, let7uesred7 To create a workable line of comrnnnication between the numerous leagues and their needs with the board. !~ Establish strong Community support in both volounteering and financial support. ^ Ereate an adept community awareness of our facilities. Wlsai der you feel are your quslir~t:atrons Ior scrrdrrQ vrr the Board, Camm/five, w' t ornm/sslon requested? For'the past 5 years, have been involved in all aspects of the CFYSA. Served ~s c°muT,i ci o r ('n~,j-h ,,, Rc~ar~-_~f i1i rPr•+-nr- ~ ~.~ ^~~rs-mss e~~e~ A~~~55•~Ee~ch . fNTsat areas of concern would yov Ilka to see the 8aaro', Carrtn7ittee, err Commiss/on address? Improved facility management and usage. Maintenance. ~i~ncial support, imeprove ~rzvat~ secto~ c~on~tions ., Pp Y uP hY At you curt ndy serv ng on Snot er oar or committee a ainre4 b e rrrurri al w a countyT /f sv, please list.' No. Date: (A'e+s+ crommeatrl PCY-26-1958 08:51 Gty and Stele: Wil.iui.ngtan, NC ~7dcphone=• Horne: 256-8868 Bp Cadew• 28405 __ 8usr"ness: 4 5 2 -15 0 0 'Sr~c: M `Rar:~ W 'AAe: 38 'This Lrlorrewrloe .s roquesfdd !t)y the sale Aurpesy o1 ap diet s ermrseoubn of th• ccY ~ aalav-red. "Employed by: Nurses Choice Corporation • AFpm+'oun"ontly~atplbyrrd6ydrea9arryo/S~prtrrtnltlerwhkAUiLtcatle»~modbmartre~eltiafiKposltioawrth N.w HaeovN County kpon epptliAt~see cn eeedr~ulvi +•itR Altfde VJ, SK < o/ the IY..v Henowr County Persettnaf Fbie:~G Slynatrre. 96i (OVER) „ a7a~ 5 ' . Please provide three locat personal references: • ,. lllarne . ~ ~ Phone /Number . ~ f 'Robert Rline ' ~ • '~ ' ~' •~: ''' ~'' 256-2'77 Cliff Hester 256-4072 ~ Reggie Stanley 793-0196 . ~• ,.. ,'a . . ~ . ,.. .. .~.:v'.• .~- •~fie can nn. • .. .. ; , • t P•.i~ . 176 TOTf~ P. 02 ~' MEIN HANOVER COUNTY - BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Mailing Address: Request for Appointment to: ~~ti~s ~j'N.7 ~~G~t ~~'To,v ~pU~s~y ,~a~~ Name:_ cJ~f C /L1 ~1N >vS/7y Home . ~ Now long have you been a Address: 8~j Z ~ OGJ''/N~rG L.>~.c./C resident of New Hanover County? Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County. Board of Commissioners. City and State: W / ~ ~`'~ r~ 67d~ ~• C . ' Telephone: Home: d8G a y ~ Zip Code: 2 Ci yd Business: - "Sex: /t'L ~ 'Race: ~-/QVGT S /r9 /t/ "Age: ~ 7 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Employed by: ~~ 7r2~ "A person current/y employed by the agency or department lot' which this application is made, must resign his/her positron with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: Vo/unteerActivities: LHf1i.4h/I~ O~ ~~>~~ Gyic.tiiy~>o.~/ ~C,{,~,urs ~lSs~c,~r~o.~/ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /.y1~x£3y /,y ~,toc.t>.~f ,,~ -- /Q'u4 Lu Tu~Gd ~G~iYUi lf/6 DG Leo ~+~.~' /~FGI ~~7io•~'r1L ~~ci 1~~ S ,. , /~" ~~ S 1 Uf a- dL Cdi4~c•~/> fc'Xll~cES. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~'Ew?. ~c Bvss~,~o~5 S BiE~k6to~,uv ~ Q,c: v.a~.s wo,c~ c~c~ff />:oc.~Sc.tr ~y~6- ~a.fcos wav~o /7i4se~ /-f~ ~ic.~v~~>~vaT. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? f"dc t~ _~QM~/uvi>Y CJS~ dam' `ilG/L/T~~S LG~+'149iy~ ~c~}oac, oc ~y~~. c USA Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed. by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: MAY 3 0 1991 Date: /L1~1' 2 ~ ~ ~ Y7 NEW HANOVER C /Please use reverse side r additional comments O' BBD. OF COMMISSIONERS Signature ~ ~ G~~ REFERENCES Please provide thre e local personal references: Name ~ Phone. Number ~~ ~ L lGG I~t/E(~Tilr2 ~%0 6~~ 2735 ~ ~~ 21 ~~~ R r ~ ~ / N~ 9io 7q9 82 92 3 j /4 N,v~l /-~ f1-/L 7i N 9/n 3yZ J`Sd 7 y. ~Oh~N t~LM Di2c' 9/D ~s~ ~~~~ -~ - =_ _~J ~IdY 2 1 1998 .~, _.. ~ J. .. _ _^, ' ~~5~ :J 178 .. 8828 Olympic Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (910)686-0404 May 29, 1997 Dear Mr. Greer: ~. Having made application for appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, I am writing to solicit your support. For the last year, I have worked to build a local community tennis association. We are now incorporated as a non-profit umbrella organization promoting tennis acti~lties in the Greater Wilmington Area.' With 1300 members our group supports a free bi-monthly tennis newsletter, ~~ will work with the public recreational facilities to offer free tennis activities, and is especially proud to be working with minority groups to get the kids active in healthful, physical games. Currently, I serve as Chairman of the Greater Wilmington Tennis Association. 3 After attending meetings of the Parks and Recreational Advisory Board, meeting with Neil Lewis, and having worked on various advisory boards in other communities, I feel confident that my ,~ business management background will be an asset to this board in fiscal lon; range planning and evaluating our growing citizen's recreational needs and expectations. Earlier this year, in order to find the best use of my volunteer efforts, I enrolled and completed tJNCW's Adult Scholar's Program. Finally, although it should have no bearing on your appointment, I am a registered voting Republican who believes the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is doing a good job. Thanks for your consideration, Joe McIntosh. :. -. _ ~~~~ 3 ~`: ~ 19yI ,,~;r Ua'~,~/ER ,, , co . ~ „~., 'o,v~~s 1 179 ---~ NF'W NANO t~iER COllN7'Y BOARD OF CO/V1MIS~ION,ERS .320 Chestnut Street, Roof 305 Wilmington, NC 2x401-4D93 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 fAX (9 101 34 1-4 1 30 ~~ ~ Application for Appointment io Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed byr thv New Nanbva~ County Aoarr! v! Gomrntsstoners, Reouest fbi;4ppaintment to: /j ~ ~~~,~~~~.~~ N~9!_ ~iA~~JG ~ ,~f •~C f T Home Now long have you bean e Address: ~? ~~ ~l~}/Q frd~¢ ~,~~~ ~„4, _ rQSident of New Hanover CountyT ~ 7 s S MAitinp Address: yd .-~ City and State: ~llGd~i~~)rIQ Taw G .•• Z/p Code: ~~G~~ Telephone: Home: P/o 7S'~ 7G ~ Business: %v s- /G ~ ~ 'Sex: "Race: C' "Ape: ~1C-/ 3 .This !nlotYbation h roquaele~lor the sole p~p0.te o! essuting that a ctosssection o/ rha cc»rmunity !a oppoinled. ..Employed by: ~~~' il,~ a ~~a -- o.y t/~lr4v/`~ ~.wvh~lq ~d . "A peraan cwrsntlr.mplored 0 y tAo egencY or depe.tmant for whieA thin Bppllcetion is medo, must rDSrpn AisAror pos/tfon with New Nenover County Wnon oppoinlmenr, In oceardenet w/th Arllc/s Vl, Sec, 4 O! the Naw Nanowr County Poraonnsl Porky. Job Title: ,~~"3 W,~,~~r Professions/Activities: _ ,,,c~~ y~ ~~r ~ r~,,~~ ~~ ~ ~y~~P ~~~~ ~a~ ~ . VolunteeiActlvities: ~'r•~v y".~ y v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rw ~ ~~~ C Why do you wish io serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission reQuestedT 4 ~ta.P ~ih ~~ What do you tee/ aro your pualificatlons for serving on the Boats, Committee, or Commission re4vested? Nc ~k.t~-~ c i`~lz~iti Ye +~ 7'H What Drees of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission oddness? i Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a countyT l! so, /±lease list: D Date: ~~ ~ ~~~ c~~~L (P/oese use V 'i a !Or edtlitianel comrnenlsJ h1AY 3 0 1951 ..... ii n NEON HA'10~.'~' C?. 1' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 REFERENCES Please provide three local personal references: Name Phone Number j~ Scc~ jJ ~ ~4~,r3citny o?~~ ~ ~ fS ~ 2 j /~i c f~~ ~t.d l~ ~i^~~CS~ ~~ ~ ~ ~' ~Q ~ d 31 f ~d ~~ n- c~: M~ D~ S 3 i 3 -3 c~ o a ~~~-~~ moo,-;may ~. a /~ i~ ~d ~ e ~~ 7o~f:, / X ~ ~~ ~!v fc_ ~/~/ Cil/a ~~ ~~ ~"'lam 1' ° '~ ~ / ~e.~. 181 NEW HAN01lER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone x9101 347-7149 FAX (910/ 341-4 f30 ~ ~~ Application for Appointment Io Beards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover Counly Board of Comrriissioners. Request for Appointment to: % Q r ~~ t ~r ~< ee ~P~-~~a`.-t. Name: SC o {~ S-ayn~o-nt Home !~ / ;~ How lonp.have you been a Address: 3Z.Z ~ lCecY /Jerry 17/'r ye, resident of New Hanover County? 15 y mss. Mauing Address: `-~ Clry and State: [,c~t ~yn %7t4fv~t - /1/C ~ Zip Code: .7880 Q - Te%phone: Home: 1~~0' `l5Z ~6 ~Q Business: 9/D - 71x9 BZOa •Sez: ~a le 'Race: ~l ~t ~ 'Ape: 'Q~ 'Thrb tnfarmet/on is requested for the solo purpose of/a~sruiing that across-section of the community is eppointad. ..Employed by: Fe ~~~~ L7rl dc°S E-~.3o-x ~t /iSia~+. • •.4 psrron currently employed by the epeney w depertrnentfor w/nch Cris application is mode, must rosipn his/her position wr'tf ~~ New Hanover County upon trppo/ntrrrent, In accordance with An/c% V/, Sac. 4 of the New Hnrrover Coup ry Personne/Policy. Job Title: Ql~ra~i~s ~a 7t.~. ~ e~ ' Prefessiona! Activities: 1 ~, s ~i-~7~ t~ /yIa r+a-Qe Y+~G n~ ~c e occ ri~-xft Va/unteerActivities: uar "{ems" G/a y ~7~r~~/ ~d7~o~i~ ~N_~~c~- _ Wh do ou wish o serve on the Board Committee or Commission re nested? .$ e aG~E ~C~er Y Y t + C f'1/lT2t d0 y0U feel a/6 y0U( Quai;i ~tc7t10nS ioT SeYv~ry' On the Ovor~ Cox-m;ai2t!, Or CDmt.":i,^„^.,'L~.^.: °,^+Jecrn~l See ~~ac~.eo/ ,Cef~e~- ar,d ~esurte { What areas of concern won/d you like to see the Berard, Committee, err Commission addiessT ~o t i sc~~ ~, '7'yt a r4 q ». a ~. T 'T'om a~ ~ /n -{u yto~t.u ~ ]/G•.e C'o'~'X ~tru 7t t7r<r YjiPe c~1'. -~ Are you current/y serving on another bosid or cornmittes appointed by a municipality or a countyl /f so, please list: ~R Date: r`l f~~~~ •ZS ~ 1~Q7 St~neture a-~we~J~e (P/eeae use roverse side /or additional twmmenvl 1 82 MAY - 1 l~f' .l ' ~~Anl ~/S -' .2 706 .. 21 ~~ 0!h s ~c . 3) S ~~e ~ ~Df~ 7~~-BZoy q ~~i~ Y ? i 199 . ~"u"Ilj1 ~ ~.`., ~ . ~. s~ a~ cer~,~;~;;c~,~;~~ . . .~ Scott Sammons 3220 Red Berry Drive Wilmington, NC 28109 919--152-161~1(Home) 919-799-8200 (Work) ~. REER SUMMARY Cover 15 years of diversified financial accounting and management e.Yperience in a manufacturing and administrative 1 environments. Exceptional lrnowledge of cost accounting, general accounting principles,internal controls. strategic plannin` along with manufacturing and financial systems. Conscienious,highly motivated contributor with excellent managerial skills. .~.~ FENvE'R DRIVES. EFS!?N ??MSION Operations Manager lYilmington, NC 1995 -Current Develop long range strategies jointly with corporate management and execute strategies by developing procedures and systems to support strategies. Responsibilities include customer service, materials management, information systems and finance. Staffing responsibilities include six direct reports and four functional reports. SIEMENS EtiERGY & AUTOMATION. EYC. Business Unit Controller Headquartered in Raleigh :VC 199? - 199 Develop long range strategies jointly with operations, develop management and financial procedures, along with responsibility for all financial and sti•stems staffing for $170 million business including six manufacturing plants. Total restructuring of plant capacities, manufacturing systems and internal controls. Staffing responsibilities include six direct reports and twenty-one functional reports. Plant Controller Raleigh, 1Vorth Carolina 1991 - /99? Plan, organize and direct the financial affairs of a $150 million manufacturing plant ,including organizational staffing and internal control restructuring to conform to "World Class Manufacturing" techniques. Responsiblities included general accounting, cost accounting along with financial planning and reporting. St: Ong rP~Onsibi!it;es included four direct reuerts and seven functional reports. Plant Controller Tucker, Georgia 1990 -1991 Plan, organize and direct the financial affairs of a $35 million manufacturing plant, including complete organization and internal control restructuring to conform to "World Class Manufacturing" techniques. Integration of total quality management techniques attributed to a 50% reduction in financial overhead support. Staffing responsibilities included two direct reports and three functional reports. Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis Alpharetta, Georgia 1989- 1990 Implementing a financial reporting and consolidation system fora $250 million division with eight reporting locations, along with preparing divisions' annual plans, long range plans and financial forecasts. Plan, organize and direct the financial affairs of a $25 million distribution and assembly plant, including the selection and iylpj~tt~tation of computer systems for manufacturing and finance. Staffing responsibilities included four e rts and four functional reports. ~' Scott Sammons Resume Page 2 .Plant Controller ~Vew Orleans, Louisiana 1986 -1989 Plan, organize and direct the financial affairs of a S3~ million plant, including systems and credit. Completely overhauled internal control procedures. Interfaced financial and distribution systems. Implemented all financial and s}•stem procedures for the closing of the manufacturing facility, including the sale of a product line. Selected and implemented manufacturing and financial s}~stems for the startup of a S25 million distribution and assembly facility. Staffing responsibilities included four direct reports and fifteen functional reports. Accounting Supervisor, Cost Analysis Supervisor, Cost Accountant Wilmington, .North Carolina 1980 - 1986 Managed all accounting functions of a $75 million facility and a remote facility in Mecico, reporting to the Plant Controller. Oversa~r~ major MRP, cost accounting and labor reporting system implementations. Financial representative on the re~~ew and selection task force for mainframe softtivare applications (manufacturing & financial systems). Planned, super`-iced and reconciled annual physical inventory (S 1~ million), presenting results to operation and corporate management. including the review with internal and eeternal auditors. Developed and maintained standard costs for 9,000 items. Other Employment ~ 1977 -1979 Other financial e.~cperience includes positions with The Singer Company (Cost Accountant) and AHEC UNC School of Medicine (Business Manager). Education BS Degree In rcccounting from the Universi~Y of ~'orL`: Ca:oliaa at ~~'ilmi:.~ ;; : (I9?T, Organizations b Institute of iVlanagement Accountants, United Way, United Methodist Church t 185 t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~ '~ ~" ~~7 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ` 1w~ 1 3 1998 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 ~~`~~ F~y~~ ~ ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 B~ Cr CC~Mhf1SS10N~i'$ App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New HaDnover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~L~~XS ~ !1 E~~.~J ~ ~ j~UU{SB~ .[~ r ~ Name: ~' ~'U~>z ~~ l Home n Address: ~Q2~~ /'S FD ~GY~ ~D. .How long have you been a n resident of New Hanover County/ Jam. 5 y,CS Mailing Address: ~4z08 ~~ ~~~~ 2t~, City and State: _ 1/l{ l ~1 !/tlF3T~ ~ Zip Code: _ L Te%phone: Home: _ ~/Q~~ CP~p- l ~,~~ Business: _~9/O~ iZ ~o - ~~jZ 'Sex: ~ 'Race: K~ 'Age: 45 'This in/ormetion is requested for fhe so/a purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ~} "Employed by: ~QNO~U. ~,LUB I I "A person current/y amp/o yed b y the agency or deperfinent for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Nanover County Personne/Policy. Job Title: _ ~/,QFGI /~ ~ ~ ~©Lf' U~~ ~~L~°~11~ Professional Activities: _~~ ~7~. C~OC.F ~~ SUlO7-- ~ - ~~'S7- P2~/mar Vo/unteerActivities: cJUp~~ ~~/ i<j~ ~,/ ~ (,~. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _TEl 5~ ~f .~ ~~~ G/~-tom i ~F Nelc~ ~ov~7e ~o. ~e~ ~ ~~r~uno~ ~7` D~ ~~ A- 7~~l~C 7U 7~~./ ,Y~JD ~ P,elOl7l7 /5 G/U8V 7I~ ?~ COi`l~tU/VG7'f~~! ~- w ~-cue,~rrrrt~tL- ~~5 O~ G[777.~~ /n ~V~7,c> f~ilic.ncJ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? UiyDE~x~~ _~~~8~-t! , rV~Js /~Ce,D6~77/y~ ,1 ~~TS ~~~~~~TA~ GU~~~ ~ ~/C/C1ec77Z~ ,~~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ ~~~C '171 TZt IJF ~- C,Ct2 cav7L. -i E'ZClSTS /~ `f A~,CS ~E~T• ~-u0 7th C<tC~ o ~ LA-7V/(> / /V ~ 5 C! / r1 / , L° N6 - 7Z~ Sl7Zf ~4-770n~5 ~C ~G;~ Are y`o~u current/y sewing on another bo d or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? It so, please list: L~ /V Q Date: Signature (Please use raver a si a for additional comments/ (OVER) : RE. FERENCES Please provide three local personal references: ~. ~ : ~ ; .:.,..' ~ : 'Name ~.-- » ~ ~C 2~ ~ 6~ ~,~ 1~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~. _. . , . . 1~ ~~ ~1 1 . Phone Number gfa ~ ?~~- 9`7 ~q~o) `7l~ 3 - ~4~ l R!o) ~3 -98l~ 187 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1 VACANCY (3 YEAR TERM) APPLICANTS: Sherman Lee Criner Bessie W. Funderburg Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT XX 188 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES Number of Members: 5 2 appointed by County Commissioners 2 appointed by N. C. Social Services Commission 1 appointed by DSS Board Term of .Office: three years - members can only serve two consecutive full 3-year terms. If originally appointed to fill an unexpired term, can serve this term and two consecutive three-year terms. Special provision for County Commissioners. G.S. 108A-4. Qualifications: Must be a Bona Fide Resident of the County. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.a. in the Multipurpose room of the DSS, 1650 Greenfield Street Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 108A-1. Brief on Functions: Shall establish county policies for the programs established by the General Statutes in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Social Services Commission and under the supervision of the Department of Human Resources. TERM PRESENTLY CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING Thomas E. Arthur first 7105 Grouper Court Wilmington, NC 28409 763-0353 Bessie Funderburg, Vice-Chairman first 414 S. 14th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-6329 (H) NC Social Services Commission Appointees: Derrick R. Anderson, Chairman second 1014 Stevenson Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Richard C. Snyder 20 N. 15th Street ..Wilmington, NC 28401 763-4419 (H) DSS Board Appointee: Frances C. Castillo 944 Bonham Avenue, Apt. 1 Wilmington, NC 28403 _ Wayne Morris, Director of DSS first first TERM EXPIRES _ 6/30/99 (Appt. 6/17/96) 6/30/98 (Appt. 6/19/95) 6/30/99 (Appt. 9/2/93) 6/30/98 (Appt. 10/16/95) ,6/30/2000 (Appt. 7/1/97) Q 6/97 File: /DSS ~v i, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington,. NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request farAppointment to: NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD Name: Sherman Lee Criner Nome How long have you been a Address: 327 Wiregrass Road Wilm, NC 28405 resident of New Hanover County? 4- years Mai/ingAddress: Hedrick & Blackwell, L.L.P. ~P.O. Box 1298 City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Cade: 28402 Telephone: Home: (91 0) 7 9 2 -1 9 4 4 Business: (91 0) 3 4 3 -1 4 3 2 'Sex: Male 'Race: Caucasian 'Age: 5/10/66 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose a/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. '•Emp/oyedby: Hedrick & Blackwell, L.L.P, u "A person current/y employed by the agency ar department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Nanovar County Personnel rslicy, ~~jl Job Tit/e: Attorney - Professional Activities: State and Federal bar organizations VolunteerActivities: Rotary, Jaycees-, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis desire to make certain Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? that Social Services is run in an efficient manner and that resources are prudently allocated What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? leadership abilities as a result of civic involvement What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? accountability of expended resources Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: no ,~.nn. ~ ,.,,~ ~- Date: _ f/,t,~ / 9 g ~ 2 1 1998 S~ynature ~~ lPlaese use reverse side /ar additional comments/ ~ `., y~. .. .. .. ~i~: _. ~a7 ^, - 1 1 11 i, t .ty • ~ NEW HANOVER. COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 • FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. l^1 Request for Appointment to: r~ l Name: l / ~' ~'' / ? / , l i 'i ~-? ~ ~ ' Hom ~ ~ - How long have you been a ~~ Address: ~jc~ `jD ~ ~ Y' i ''U ~j.~~P resident of New Hanover County ~. ~.. ~/~~ MailingAddress:~,~,1 ~P, C1 ~ `LtCYj (fly J g , J .~ ,, n City and State: ~,f ~ ~I?'l'lj ~i. ~ `t''n '~ . ~/-~ ~j ~1~~`~ ~t /V U,~zp Code: ~~llL ;^, f -y ~ ~ j Telephone: Home: ~ U -~ i:~ ~ ~' ~,~ ~ Business: ~~'~~~ 'Sex: ~t° :>Yl '1 •(;. 'Race: /~~/`n :f r-;-y!~ F;~r ~~~''{A{ge:~_~ ~~ i ~`%~f f~.,1 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a crUss-section of the community is appoint L > r- / *'Employed by: ~.~ . / ~,v/f.' j~ ~ (z''': ~ ° ~ ; - ; ~~ f~ "A person currently empYyed byi the agency or departmen or which this application is made, must resign his/her posi~on with New ~O~J~. Hanover County upon appointment, in gccordance v~ith Articl~ Vt, ec. 4 of tha Neyv Hanover County P~sonnel Policy. U -~1 ~ / n / f / ----ft r I Pro fession al Acti viti es: Volunteer Activities: U6 Why do you wish to ser use reverse side for ,1695 ~~, r;~, ,,.,"ova COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMUNITY ACTION, INC. APPLICANT: Steve Bilzi 192 I MEMO To: County Commissioners Date: June 1, 1998 From: Lucie F. Harrell - Clerk ` Subject: Appointments to New Hanover County Community Action, Inc, New Hanover County Community Action, inc., provides direct and srrpportio•e services to low-income and at-risk individuals and families living in New I lanover County. Since its incorporation it has operated three programs: Comprehensive Services: This program is an adult self-sufficiency program. Services include job training and placement, career counseling and assessment, and financial assistance for child care, education and transportation. Each participant is required to be enrolled in one of the three components. Ilead Start: 'this program provides qualit}• preschool services free of charge to children 3 and 4 years of age from low-income and at-risk families. In addition to an cducaliunal curriculum, Ilcad Start provides health, rnenlal health, dental, vision, hearing, and speech vrd language screening services free of charge. Head Start provides family counseling and referral. Eight}• percent of head Start's funding comes from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. The remaining 20% is raised through local support of the program, Wrap Around: This program is a before and after school care program for Head Start students whose parents arc working or in school. Supported by funds from the N. C. Uivisiun of Child Development, parents are assessed on a sliding scale fee based on family income. In 1998, New' Hanover County Community Action, Inc. will begin the following programs and collaborations: (1) Anew Assistant Mental Health Coordinator position for the Head Start Progrnrn, funded by the New I Ianover County Partnership for Children (Smart Start). (Z) Preschool Language Development Pilot Project, made possible through a grant from [Jnited Healthcare. i r -' (3) Computer Literacy Program, made possible by the N. C. Department of iicalth and E iuman Services. (4) Summer enrichment program, made possible by.a special appropriation from the N. C. General Assembly. `~ The governing body of New Hanover County Community Action, Inc. is comprised of a 15-member board out of which one-third (5) should be elected public ofTicials currently holding office, or their representatives. Presently, Johnny McKoy is serving; however, he was appointed as the representative for Commissioner William Sisson. Since Mr. McKoy was appointed by Commissioner Sisson, the Board may wish to designate another person to scree. Chairman Caster would like to appoint Mr. Steve Bilzi. This item will be placed under conunittcc nppointmcnts (or the Junc I5, 1998, meeting. The Board will need to appoint four other members if Mr. Bilzi is appointed or appoint only three memhcrs if Mr. McKoy remains op thc.Board of Directors. Also, any Couuly Comntissioncr can serve, if desired. Please do not hesitate to call ifyou have any questions. ''~. Thanks! Ifh -- ~ ~'- 193 \+f'1J I Li\ ' New Hanover County Community Post Office Boz 839 W1latinYton, North Carolina 28402 (910)762-1177 2 ~ ~7- ~ 4 Fez (910) 762fi214 o„^ ~`"'~ ~i '' -,wA`''j February 6, 1998 Mr. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401-4093 Rear Mr. Caster: During the past year, significant changes have been made within New F Cotxuonunity Action, Inc. As a result of those changes, our age~acy has lr its service delivery and is strategically working to increase partnerships community. I am writing to rtrquest a meeting with you to discuss Nev Community Action, Inc. a:ad the changes that we have made. a = I would also like to discuss your desigttation in 1996 of Mr. Steve Bil ~- :' our Board of Directors. Unfortunately, your letter to our former direc i .~ ' :board. I only recently discovered it after my appointment as the into' and as forma board chairperson, I wish to formally apologize for this you are still willing to designate him as your representative, Ican pro' training manual and begin his orientation process. ARer considering this request, please give me a call at 762-1177 to con date with you. I look forward to meeting with you in the near future. Sincerely, /1 . , ~ ~ ~~ ,VEW tlAl`IOYF~ CQ• B0. OF GOM~~~ Cynthia J. gown Interim Executive New Hanover Cot 111C~ ~ O_ r rout bL I •~ p , _ ~!~ ~! ~.v~~- ,F- ~ ~~ ~.v ru.+ ,~-' ` ' ~ ~ ~ ~ J tic ~.~ mover Couzlty _ ; Qp come more effective inin hroughout the Hanover County rs your representative on was not shared with the director of the agency terrtal shortcoming. If e him with a bot3rd a meeting time and Commtan.ity Action, Inc. Head Start Wrap Around Comprebetuive Servi 194 s~ ~' s~~ s~t. w'Im,ngtoo, North Carolina 7.&40) '. , e MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEYIBLYIZOONI, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 2~ NORTH THIRD STREET, ROO:~~I 301 .' ~ JUNE 1~, 1998 ~ , ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~ 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 19~ . ~ : , 2. A r val im , pp o of M rtes 197 3. Approval of award of contract #98-0'23A North Chase Interceptor, Section I 199 ` ~ 4. Consideration of Approval of Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District 209 .Adjourn ~: . ,_ o ~. . .: .~ 195 This page intentionally left blank 196 ~~ J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMiSSiONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Meetin Date: 06/15/98 9 Water & Sewer~ltem #: 2 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ' ~. . Contact:. Lucie F. HarrelF . SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Minutes . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, June 1, 1998 FUNDING SOURCE: _~ ~ . ATTACHMENTS: ' :ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGE C MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Approve minut ' - COMMIS O ' SI NERS C ONS/COMMENTS: ~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AP .PROVED p ., REJECTED p ~~. ~ ~ REMOVED p POSTPONED CO/ Nv A~(~ti ~- . ~ ~ ' HEARD p .! . DATE ..,,,..Ip.~ I S ~~i 7'Iais page intentio~ially left blajtk ~U~ ~>~~~' lC~,~ 1~f1iUt ca t~~~a~~~a ~ ~~~~ 1 ~~ 9 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~::, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ;. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/'15/98 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: , Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Greg Thompson Contact: Greg Thompson SUBJECT: . Award of Contract # 98-0225A - North C - hase Interceptor Section Because the low bidder for this project was released at an earlier Board. meeting. BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff, along with Hobbs and Upchurch, has worked with the second low bidder (Bryant Electric) on ' Section I of the North Chase sewer project to reduce the cost of the project. The original bid amount was . 52,044,505: The contractor has agreed to a contract amount of $1,978,195 which yields a reduction of .566,310. Since the~p1roject was bid, NCDOT has notified us that additional casing pipe under I-40 and Gordon Road o is required. The increased length of casing pipe modifies the contract amount to 52,072,195. Attached is ` , a copy of a breakdown of the project+ cost. . . ,' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• „ 1 recommend that the contract be awarded to Bryant Electric in the amount of 52,072,195 with ' authorization for the Chairman to execute. ` FUNDING SOURCE: COPS ATTACHMENTS: Breakdown of Project Cost REVIEWED BY: _ LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A ~~ , ' COUNTY MANAGER' CO NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• ~' . COUNTY COMMA IONERS~ . APPROVED ~~ ' ~ REJECTED p REMOVED p ~'~, POSTPONED ~ ~ ,, .HEARD C' ~ ~,j`~ :~ DATE ~ ~,~. ~,(,~ , C W ~ t... •C fn R ~ U ~ O s ~ a o r W Z ~ U ~ ~ W c n ~-- 1 N ? U a W ~ to ~ ~ ~ Q O ~ 2 ~ ~ U rs '" '~ Z .Z N (~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d > 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ' q l V ~ ~. n' N O O P O CO N C") O C7 cD .- O~ cO N ~ aJ N 0 ch 0 N 0 O O N 0 P 0 Q) 0 c'7 0 0 N O S 0 0 O 0 0 p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u'7 i! 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M C Q O F- Q) Q U E O --~ Q A ~ O N ~ ~~ t O ~ H H Q = a N y t ~ u m ~ ~ t ~ 4 ~ a rn N x N [D F m x 0 7 L S This page-intentionally left blank ~. '; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,~ ' Meeting .Date: 0.6/15!98 . Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Contact:, Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget Ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, '.~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of the fiscal year 1998-99 budget ordinance for the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. - RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND .REQUESTED ACTIONS, ..Recommend that the Board of Commissioners adopt the fiscal year 1998-99 budget ordinance for the ,`~ New Hanover County Sewer District 11111/~~~ . , FUNDING SOURCE: ~: ATTACHMENTS: ~' ' ITEM+DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW- ~, .. CO UNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE ENDATIONS: .Recommend adoption of budget ordinance. .COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS_ couNn coMMl~~ APPROVED D REJECTED Q *.~ REMOVED Q r " ~ POSTPONEd D 0,. HEARD C't . DATE Tlus pace intentionally left blank ~~~~~~ 210 ~~~~' ~~ ~~ t s 0 e s i ~a CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANgVER COUNTY BOARD OF COi\~IIIISSIONERS JUNE 1~, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 213 2. Approval of resolution to add the [Ci`fA Deferred Compensation Plan to the 2 I ~ employee benefit option package as of July 1, 1995 3. Approval of renewal of Revenue Sharing Agreement with Cape Fear Museum 217 Associates 4. Approval of 199S-199S Arts Council Grassroots Grant for the Cape Fear Museum 227 ~. Approval of mini-grant application to NC Humanities Council requesting $ f,200 237 to support Cape Fear IVfuseurn's Third Annual Join tl~e lonkannu 6. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 2~ 1 Collection Reports 7. Release of Value ~j~ S. Approval of half-cent sales tax budget amendment ~j9 9. Approval of contract for Interim Assistance Program 261 10. Approval of audit requirements for outside agencies 263 1 1. Approval of Pilot's Ridge master planning contract 26j 12 Approval of resolution relating to tl~e sale of surplus property owned by Ne~v 267 Hanover County 13. Approval of Budget Amendment #9S-0201 for Emergency iVtanagement 271 Department 14. Approval of Budget Amendment #95-0206 for DSS/Child Day Care 27? 1 ~. Approval of Budget Amendment #9S-020S to appropriate fund balance 273 for payout of unused leave for EMS staff transferring to New Hanover Regional Medical Center 16. Approval of granting "County Free Day" at Coastline Convention Center 274 for Arboretum "How Does Your Garden Grow Show" 17. Approval of authorization for Lowe's Home Safety Council Grant Application', '~ 279 ,7 Tlris page intentiojially left bla~ik 212 . ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION "_~ Meetin Date: 06/15/98- 9 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body , Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Minutes •~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following sets of minutes: Regular Meeting 5/18/98 .Closed Session 5/18/98 Budget Work Session BMS Work Session 5/28/98 5/28/gg Regular Meeting 6/1/98 ~~ ~~' • .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ Approval of minutes. t - FUNDING SOURCE: ~~ ATT ACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW ~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S ENTS AND R Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS: ~e • '~.. COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS~ APPROVED. C1~- REJECTED Q REMOVED p POSTPONED ^ ~ ,2 ~ 3 HEARD ^_ DATE ._..~P_~!S /S~ i~7 This pale intentionally left blairk ~ ~~ ~~ 214: ~ ~~=1~, ~~~~ _ , ~ C#,t~ W ~' t r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION "_~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: The County .has added the ICMA Deferred Compensa~ion Plan as an additional employee benefit option package as of July 1, 1998. Formal approval by the Board of County Commissioners of the attached. resolution is required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This requires no additional funding for the County. Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS- COUNTY COMMISSI NERS APPROVED REJECTED REMOVED D POSTPONED ~ Z ~ 5 HEARD ~i ~", DATE ^ ~v//-S ~I ~ ~~~~/ SUGGESTED RESOLUTION A: FOR A LEGISLATIVE BODY RELATING TO A DEFERRED. CO~~IPENSATION PLAN Name of Employer: /1~~'~/ ~T~,r/dc%R tno ~ ~/ Title of Program Coordinator: County 1`f~nager (see definition below for duties of Pro,rem Coordinator) , State: North Carolina Resolution of the above named Employer ("Employer") bVHEREAS, the Employer has employees rendering valuable services; and bVHEREAS, the establishment of a deferred compensation plan for such employees sen-es the interests of the Employer by enabling into provide reasonable retirement security for its employees, by providing increased flexibility in its personnel -; management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the Employer has determined that-the establishment of a deferred compensation plan to be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation serves the above objectives; and , WHEREAS, the Employer desires that its deferred compensation plan be administered by the ICfv1A Retirement Corporation, and that the funds held under such plan tie im~ested in the ICM.~ Retirement Trust, a trust estaf~lished by public emplo~•ers for the collective investment of funds held under their retirement and deferred compensation plans; NO~V THEREFORE BE {T RESOLVED that the Employer hereby adopts or his previously adopted the deferred compensation plan (the "Plan") in the form of: (Select one) ~ + The ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust, referred to as Appendix A ^ The plan provided by the Employer (executed copy attached hereto). ~~' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employer hereby executes the Declaration of Trust of the ICMA Retirement Trust, attached hereto as Appendix B, intending this execution to be operative with respect to any retirement.or deferred compen- sation plan subsequently established by the Employer, if the assets of the plan are to be invested in the IG~tA Retirement Trust. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the assets of the Plan shall be held in trust, with the Employer serving as trustee, for-the exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and their beneficiaries, and the assets shall not be diverted to any other purpose. The Trustee's beneficial ownership of Plan assets held in the IC,~tA Retirement Trust shall be held for the further exclusive benefit ot" the Plan participants and their beneficiaries. 6E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the. Plan: (Select one).. , Will permit loan ^ Will not permit loans BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Employer hereby agrees to serve as trustee under the Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the (use title of official, not name) shall be the coordinator for this program; shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. from the IC,~tA Retirement Corporation or the IC,`1A Retirement Trust; shall cast, on behalf of the Employer, any required votes under the ICMA Retirement Trust; Administrative duties to carry out the plan may be assigned to the appropriate departments, and is authorized to execute all necessary agreements with ICMA Retirement Corporation incidental to the' administration of the Plan. I, ,Clerk of the (City, County, etc.) of certify that the foregoing resolution, proposed by, (Council ,titember, Trustee, etc.) passed and adopted in the (Council, Board, etc.) of the (City, County, etc.) of _ thereof assembled this ~.~tt!2~5~t~~~~11~?~~ 4d'4i'1~F6day of AYES: - ._ .. ,... ~ ~14:z~r~1 rA NAYS: ~ ~ ®~' ~:~.~'1.:~5~ ABSEN L ~ V `y t~C3~o~t3~1 (Seal) ~ ~ ~;~ do hereby was duly at regular meeting 19 . by the following vote: ) Clerk of the (City, Count etc.) ,~. • ~* k" • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~•' -_, Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: ~~i ~~ .- . beparfinent: Museum Presenter: Janet Seapker, Director Cape Fear Museum Contact: Janet Seapket, Director Cape Fear Museum '~` • SUBJECT: - ~, Renewal of Revenue-Sharing Agreement with Ca e Fear Museum Associates P BRFEF SUMMARY: ~\ ~ . Since 1.992 an agreement similar to the attached has been in effect. The agreement calls for the ~~ •'associates to be audited every two years and allows the associates to recoup S8000 or one-third of the . admission fees, education program fees and visitor donations. collected by the County, whichever is greater. In exchange, the associates employ individuals who manage programming and volunteer F recruitment and placement for the Museum ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~t Recommend the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approve the agreement, authorizin the g • Chairman to execute it. ' `~"' ~ FUNDING SOURCE: N/A i~'' ATTACHMENTS: Draft Contract #96-0418(A) . .REVIEWED BY: '~` . ~ LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: NIA BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval.. This arrangement has worked well. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• ;j _ .. ~~ - ~` ~ • COUNTY COMMISSi ERS APPROVED ;~ ~ REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED O ~ Z 1 T HEARD ~_ . u. ~~ • ~ l DATE ~,~„ _ y ~ . 1 ~ , ~1~~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(~J _ _~ NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT ~ ~ ' NEW. HANOVER COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into ,this.... day of 1998, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called''County"; and CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ASSOCIATES, INC., anon-profit •corporation; created„arid existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, having~itsprinciPal office in New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereinafter called "Recipient' ; WITNESS~ETH:~ ~ . WHEREAS, Recipient has agreed to provide certain visitor related services for the benefit of the citizens of New Hanover County through the employment of a staff member(s) at the Cape Fear Museum; WHEREAS, Recipient has requested County to assist in the funding of the above described services; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A=149 (c) (6a) authorizes County to provide Recipient financial support for the above described services; WHEREAS, the County receives revenue from (i) admission fees to the Museum, (ii) fees for Museum Education programs and (iii) fees for Museum programs; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the ~~~8~~~~ y'R`P~t parties hereto, ands bas~ed~~'upon the mutual covenants contained herein and the ~~~'~:: ~ tlt3A;1"~I 21:8 - ~ -~~~~ ~~> ,~ " _,~ ..New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(1Ql ~~ _ _~ considerations stated therein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Purpose- of Agreement and Recipient's Use of Funds. The ,~~' " recipient shall employ staff who will be assigned the responsibilities 'of donation ~~;' bookkeeping, "volunteer recruitment and. coordination and other such duties as deemed " ;~ necessary. Recipient's staff shall receive policy direction and performance appraisal from.' the Recipient's board and operational directions from the museum .director and assistant museum director. ~~' From the above described revenue, the County' shall designate a portion of (i) admission fees to the Museum, (ii) Education Program fees and. (iii) visitor ~~, donations as the Source of Funds from ,which to distribute financial support to ;~ Recipient. The County will distribute the Funds as follows: (a) If the Source . of Funds generates Eight Thousand ($8,000.00) . Dollars or .less per year during a fiscal year, the County will pay the sum generatedd to the Reci ient. , P ,~' (b) If the Source- of Funds generates more than Eight Thousand ($8,000.00) Dollars per year, the County will pay Recipient. Eight Thousand ~~ - ($8,000.00} Dollars orone-third of the sum generated whichever is greater. ~~" The Source of Funds shall not include. Reci Tent's memb p ership fees,. event receipts or any other monies not related to Museum. admissions and programs. ' y~, . " The County will provide a cash register for the collection of receipts., . 2. Term of A reement. This contrac s - g t hall "become effective,~p~r}r~ `~ ` New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(~J _ _~ execution and .extend through June 30, 2000 and ~ may be extended by mutual agreement of both parties. ~ ~ - 3: Termination_of Contract: Breach of Contract. Each party shall have the right to terminate this contract by giving the other party thirty (30) days' written notice of termination. In the event oftermination, Recipient agrees to refund fo County all monies received by Recipient under the terms of this contract which Recipient retains as of the effective date of termination. In addition, Recipient shall provide County with a financial accounting; -as required by County, for all funds received by Recipient and on:hand up to the date of termination. If Recipient 'fails to conform to any one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract, Recipient shall be'in breach of this contract and County may ~~ take corrective action as it deems necessary. Such corrective action may include, but is not Limited to: •withholding or reduction of funds not yet paid, recovery of previously ' paid funds, termination of services, and immediate termination of this contract.- ~-`r 4. Recipient.Financial Reporting Requirements. 4.1 Annual Written.Accounting. Within sixty {60) days of the end of Recipient's fiscal year, which.. extends from July 1 through June 30, .Recipient shall provide County with a written accounting (including receipts and expenditures) of funds received by it from County.. The accounting shall be approved by Recipient's .Board of Directors, shall be signed by an official authorized by the Board, and shall report on the use of funds spent and the location of the remainin balance: 9 22.0 ~..~ W J New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 04180 ~~~ ~ - _~ ,~ , ~ 4.2 Financial Records. Recipient shall establish.~fiscal control and accounting procedures in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. ~' The procedures shall account for all funds paid by County to Recipient, and Recipient n ~' shall maintain such records for three (3) years after the date of termination of this contract. . ;~` 4.3 -County Access to Financial Records. Recipient shall a11ow the `~~ County Mana er or his desi Hated re resentative access to and th 9 9 P e right to inspect and copy at reasonable hours all financial records. f~ ~, 4.4 Audit. Within ninety (90) days of-the end of Recipient's fiscal year ,~~ ending June 30, 1998, Recipient shall have an audit performed of the two (2) previous ~~ fiscal years in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and shalt file a copy: of the audit report with County. ~~! 5. Compliance with Applicable Laws. Recipient agrees that - in _ carrying out activities of an kind funded with them ' y onies made available under the ~` provisions of this contract, it shall comply with all local,- State and Federal laws and regulations. 6. Independent Contractor. Recipient understands and agrees that, ~` - in entering into this contract and providing services, it is acting as an independent contractor; neither Recipient nor its employees, members or personnel shall be '~' deemed or construed to be employees of New Hanover County. 7. Non-Waiver of Ri hts. It is a reed that Reci ie ' - ~ g p nt and County s failure to 22.1 .~` i .,New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(iQ) _~ insist upon the, strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during .such breach, shalt not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract.. e 8. Default and Termination. If County or Recipient-fails to perform with such diligence as will insure contract compliance, or if County or Recipient breaches any, one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract and fails to cure said breach within three (3) days of County or Recipient's mailing of Notice of Default, County.or Recipient may terminate this contract forthwith in writing. 9. Conflict of . Interest. No paid employee. of the County shall have a personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the_performance of this Contract. . 10. Governing Law. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 11. Assignability. Lt is mutually agreed by the parties hereto that this contract is not transferable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party to this contract. 12. .Amendments. This Contract shall not be modified orotherwise amended except in writing signed by the parties. 13. Non-Discrimination. .Recipient will take affirmative action not to' discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or, otherwise illegally deny any person. participation in or the benefits of~the program. which ~is the subject of ~„~ 222 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(1Q) - _~ this Contract because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or:.national origin. To the extent applicable, Recipient will comply with all provisions. of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this contract and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this contract in whole or in part. 14. Entire Agreement. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a writing signed by both parties to this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year.first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] William Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Cierk to the Board 223 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(1QJ - _' This instrument has been pre- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ ~ - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: ,. County Finance Director County Attorney ~~ CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ASSOCIATES, INC. [CORPORATE SEAL] 7 President ATTEST:. ~ . . U. Secretary NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ I, , a Notary Public of the State ,, and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Ha~crell personally came before me this day ~~' and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, William Caster, sealed with its ~, corporate seal and attested by fierself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1998. ~- Notary Public My commission expires: ,~j " . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0418(i+Q1 4 \~~ NORTH CAROLINA '~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY " I, a Notary Public of the State and ~~; County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day .and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of CAPE FEAR MUSEUM ASSOCIATES, iNC., a North Carolina corporation with an office in County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing . instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himlherself as its Secretary. ~~' WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of `~. .1998. Notary Public 225 _~ - _ - .~:Tlris pale ~ijrtentionally left bla~rk 226. t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _~ Meeting Date: 06!15/98 Consent Item#: 4 Estimated Time: Department: MIS Presenter: Harry Warren, Assistant Director Cape Fear Museum ~~ Contact: Janet~Seapker, Director Cape Fear Museum SUBJECT: ' `~' 1998-1 999.Arts Council Grassroots Grant for the Museum BRIEF SUMMARY: ~. t 1 i i Cape Fear Museum requests approval to submit a $1450 grant application to the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear to support the third annual Join the Jonkannu program. The grant will pay for artistic fees and for a scholarconsultant. Join the Jonkannu is a based on an 18th and 19th century-event during which slaves celebrated the Christmas holiday. It is a proven successful, family-based program. Attendance in the first two years shows the event's popularity with Wilmington's black and white residents. In 1996, fifty people attended the program. In 1997, attendance tripled to 150. The Museum wants to continue-and expand what is obviously an attractive and fun community event. No additional County funds wilt be required. The match amount of 51,450 can come from the Museum's operating. budget, but might also come from amini-grant request fo the NC Humanities Council. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS- Approve the submission of a grant application to the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear for S1,450 to support the Join the Jonkannu, authorize the appropriate County officials to sign the application, accept grant if approved, and approve related budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: not yet ready. We will convey as soon as possible. °REVIEWED BY: LEGAL`. Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA COUNTY MANAGER'S CO ENTS AND RECOMMEND Recommend approva . COMMISSIONERS' A~TIO~lS/COMMENTS- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED REJECTED O REMOVED p ;,,~ POSTPONED D ;~;_ HEARD p ~~,, DATE ...~~5~... 7 . ~: ~' 1898-1998 ._a _' .~., .~ Art Agenc of Nc-w .tam County June 16, 1998 Mr. Don Fishero Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear P.O. Box 212 Wilmington, NC 28401 ' S14 Market Street.• 4Vilrnirlgton, NC ZS401-473I 910.341.4350 • Far: 910.341.4037 e-mail: cf»Il~wilncirt~to'Il.rlet IUZUiU.CO.riCiU-lisllOJE'Y.Y2C.IlS~Cf7rl~LfIIIIIIairL.{I t1r! Dear'Mc. Fishero: .. . I enclose Cape Fear Museum's complete application for an Arts Council grant. We appreciate the council's previous support. The, monies allowed Cape Fear Museum to offer a variety of cultural programs'to the community. ~ ' This year we are focusing on Join the Jonkannu, a successful, family-based program.. Comments from" 1997 program evaluations include: "[v]ery spirited, and uplifting," "[t]his would be a wonderful outdoor parade-festival." The program allows the museum an opportunity toinvolve the African-American community and share a very important aspect of Wilmington's history . with a broad audience. We look forward to proceeding with this project. If you need further information or have questions, please call me at 341-4350. Sinc Iely, .. Jennie Ashlock Education Coordinator cc: Janet Seapker, Museum Director ' ~~.I~~~ Y~`l~~.JflJ ~ ~~} 22 j , ~~.,~~~ Where the Past has Presence - _,, ~, - Sub~ra.n~ee _=application Form ~~ 1 1 t revised 1998 -_?° Please. Type cr'Print C+ear!y :applicant Data ~`,~r~ C.:;:Mina Ars C~urcii Oepar,.;Iert of Cu(turai ;iascurczs Raieicn, NC 2751-2°^u7 Applt~Q rion deQ~'line is Tune 30, 1998. c ; o ~ v - . ,. zc \. . o S -,. u ~ ~ Name or Grganization Cape Fear Museum ' C:,n;act Person's Name Jennie Ashlock Contact Person's Title Education Coordinator Matting Address 814 Market Street City_WilminQton County view Hannvar State NC Zip Ccde 28401 Area Code, Teiepnone (91(~ 341-4350 Day (9101. 341-6301 Evening Name and Pcsiticn o.:.uthorizing Gf~,cial (i his is the person wnc is legally ac(e :c cbiigate the acoiicantl Allen O'Neal, County Mana'er ~~e1SG ~1Ve d'CCIe: deSC:iCCCa OL VOI:: Cr'y'_'.^_::.?.i1Cu, ll7C:L' 'i^g ~15S:C.^., ~OaIC 3i.C SI1~ C,,.=:DCS1C1oII. ~.___.^.C ar's C)r0_ET3IIS anC Se:vIC~S. 3nC C1L'E1Ce: 3I:C'.U,1C5 OI :?CCCte Sc^:Cd. [~tID1IC SC: CC:S 3: C OCGC: ;arse 3c'.c-.W.ca(:u Cr :.c~~uruCV 3gc^c:CS saouid provide a cesr; crcn ei `:;e:. us . o~aW oaiy ~tbe. !lla :..... _~..:,, _~ c::. Cr __n1Z3C: Y The. museum collects, preserves and. interprets objects relating to the history, science and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear, and makes those objects and their i to ~ n rpretatton avatlable to the public through educational exhibitions and programs. The collection was startzd in 1898 by the Daughters of the Confederacy to preserve Civil War memorabilia. In 1930 the museum came under the direction of North Carolina Sorosis who expanded the collection. City and county support began in 1961, and by 1977 the county had assumed full administrative and. financial ~` responsibility. Cape Fear tifuseum is the oldest regional historic museum in North Carolina.' In 1987 New Hanover County voters passed a $4.2 million bond referendum to expand and renovate the existing museum's historic 1936 Armory buildjng into a museum complex, .tripling it in size. In 1992 Cape Fear Museum reopened, complete with a 6000-square-foot, long-term exhibition, two changing exhibitions, an auditorium, Learning Center and Museum Shop. The Michael Jordan Discovery Gallery opened in 1995. The i<velve-member Board of Trustees is a diverse group of New Hanover county residents who recommend museum policy and procedures to the county commissioners. The fifteen full-time and two part-time staff implements the broad range of programs and services. These include developing the artifact collections, long-term and temporary exhibitions, workshops, classes, field trips, outreach programs to schools, educational -programs within the. museum, lectures, performances, festivals and other special programs. We .expect more than 30,000 people to visit the museum in the 1998-99 fiscal year. `~ Please attach complete income and axcense statement ,art audit ma be substituted)*or our last Sscal ear and complete operat~n .bud ets `or' cur resent ear and reposed next y y y ,~ 4 g 1 p y p year. ?ublic schools and other lar5e governmental or ccmmuniry agencies shculd ar:ach ar-s program budgets only. Cosy the totals. from ::Ie at:acied income and expense statement and budge, in the spaces provided: ~. .: 29 last Year =~ 19'9'6-97 Present Year r~ 1997-98 ,Vex;.Year =! 1998- ~~, Ac:;:al Income S_ 'i14';816 Projected Income S 970, 3 Proposed income S Q06. 186 - .ti_::.laic"xpenses5 714 , $16 Projered Expenses 5 / u ~ ~ Proposed ex^enses 5 906 , 186 Grassroots .mss Program Sub~rantee application Form. - _~ Project Descriprion Plcase provide a c'.car and concise dcsrictioa ot'the projcc: indicating what will hapoc.^., w;;o wiIl be it;volved and why it's important. The projcc: oust takc place bcr~cen July 1 and Jurc 30. ~ , Gcassroots Amount Rcquesud: S 1 , 450 ~ ,, Project Start Date: 12.12.98 Project End Date: 12.12.96 Cape Fear Museum requests grant funds to offset artistic fees for the museum's third annual Join the Jonkannu, a proven successful, family-based program. Join the Jontiannu teaches the community about an aspect of our cultural heritage through scholarly lectures and live performance. _ In the 18th•and 19th centuries, African slaves brought Jonkannu to the colonies via the West Indies. On Christmas day, slaves were given the day off. They dressed in colorful costumes and danced through town and among the plantations. Kooners; as the dancers were called, performed and told stories on street corners and in.front yards.. Wilmington was the site of the largest Jonkannu festivity in the state. ivlembers of both the black and white communities recall their grandparents reminiscing about the celebration. The Jonkarulu program has gained popularity in. the past two years. The first;.in 1996; attracted 7~ people: In 1997,. 1 ~0 visitors squeezed into the museum's auditorium. African=Americans were in the ma}oriry at both programs. The event is an opportunity for the.museum to involve an underserved part of the community. In 1998 we will expand the program with a lecture and an outdoor performance. The activities begin at 1 PM ~t7th instrument-malting. At 2P:~~, North. Carolina scholar Elizabeth Fenn presents a lecture, based. on her research, on the history of Jonhannu. Afterwards, audience members go•to designated street corners outside the museum, with their instruments, and await thz Kooner Dancers. African-American actors lead the Kooner groups;~composed of local high school youth: Performers parade audience members. into the. museum to,continue making instruments. The` ' program is Saturday, December 12,.1998, and is free: ,~ ~ . , 230 a 1 Urassroozs ~-ts Yroaram Sub~rantee application Form Financial Information Please provide a projec:ed budget for your proposed project utilising the format below. Project Expenses Cash = Grassroots + Subgrantee - Expenses Amount Requested Cash Match A Personnel ' Administrative 1, 318 1 , 318 • Artistic 1, 450 1 , 450 Technical/Production ' 8 Outside Fees and Servi ces Aristic Other C Space Rental D Trave( Transportation 100 100 Food 30 30 Lodging 80 80 . Other E Marketing Printing 100 100 Other F. Remaining Operating E xpenses • ,Postage 53 ;~ • - Telephone 20 ~r~ Other Supplies 100 100 Other Oth :r - G Capital Expenditures Acquisitions Other H Total Cash Expenses S 3 ,.25.1 = 1 , 450 + 1 , 801 1 1 1 1 i i 1 f 1 -Project Income Cash Income A Admissions .E Contracted Services Revenue ;• C Other Revenue D Private Support • ~ CCrpOf2Le SUppOrt foundation suppor other private suppor, GovernmenrSuppor, .federal state regional (not including this request- local 1 , 801 r' Applicant Cash ` G Grassroots amount requested 1 , 450 from the Designated County Parner in this application H Total Cash Income S 3.251 (must be at least as much as Total Cash Expenses, Item H above) 231 :~ Grassroots ~~ Proaz-am_ Sub~rantee Applicarion Form i applicant Fiscal Agent ....-_~ ..................................:.. '... If your county's Grassroots Ars Program Designated,Counry Partner awards subgrans oniy :o crganiz3tions with federal tax-exempt status and your or5anization is not tax-exempt, please provide this information. This is the nonprofit Payee to whom c^ecks should be issued it the Applicant Organization is not :ax-exempt. Name of Organization New Hanover County Contact Person's Name Bruce Shell Contact Person's Title Finance Officer .. - i~taiiingAddress 320 Chestnut Stt-eet •~, City Wilmington County New Hanover State NC Zip Code 2$401 Area Code, Telephone 1910) a41-7183 Day ( 1 cvenir,g Narrle and Position of Fiscal Agent ~'+U :, ... :1ny^ CiilClal (I hl ? ^e wh gay __;e C.^, C'_i3 ;le 'ISCaI dge(l i) s is ;.. rsc„ o is le II to ~~ Allen O'Neil, County Manager Iris ;ax determination ie-e:: ~ ~ on ille With file L2S;grl~ted Ccurlty Psrt~er 3i.„=.~ eC Cemfication «e unde~tand that iaiit:,-e to res~rc :o any of :::z aoove items Way seriously hince: ~:c consice:_:iec of this aooiication. We certify that we are co.:.mitted to the ••~mcic:ion of"the proposed project is cocipiiancc •z'i~ !e2ai : _ -:Wcats and s,antir.g procedures. We ce::ifY that the inioa:.atioc'contaiaed in ,his app!ication, including ara~ :.fie^s and scc_rocting Wate^als, s tn:e and cored to the hest of our ;:.owied5e. . r •~ ..~gnature of Authcrizing pffici ~a._ J_ ~ ~g Signature of Project Director ,w ~ ~:~ l°.c. Sichature of Fiscal Agert auth„r,zing Gc~;ei Data (if appiic~ble! Checklist The applicant should retain a copy or hs application for its Iles. ; Pease make sure the application is compie:c by following this checklist. `J1. Acplicant organization information ccmplete and fiscal infcrmaticn a:;ac`led `~ Income and expense slalom=_rt.'or previous year `Operating budget for cur, er.t year l~ Proposed operating budyet'cr next year v 2. Project Description complete /3. Financial Information comolete,ar.c Expenses and Income addition correct ~». Applicant Fisca! ,:gent complete iii applicable! ~. Ceriiication signatures cpmpiete 232' -, .. • . - -~`-~~- ~~u rv UOu 00 Wr-yrr-p0000pOOC OOCCOO I n~ I O .+ y D .O NWNrr O .. .• Cl "9 n O m v G"1 .-. -i m O T C ~ D ! 1 ~ F - .-~ G O -~ 'o \-1D b \2 x2COZ v'Z7S3 V^I CI R. Z7 r27J m-~N I n l O n rD .. - - z •• z G2A p ptn Dtimp.v Cp OmOL, v -imm~,mD I m Iw D x~ ~~~ < mZ C G: -+• N T ~'"R'~'~r7C p. O-Ifl xf I Vf I L 2 mm C n,70., C.f~vmC~vz -~m-i.. p.-...D~oD I c~ 1 m .-, "` C~ fnp \Z p0 \OS Ycmr~ppDTpp C f"~p p 17J I fl rr ~ ~~ -1' 2 G\2 2 nD .p\pcem70 pr022.+.. 11 C~SD v,Dm V1r. I ,-. 11 D 4 -~i C~G: -1 .-.2 -1m NS rtir-, m2mpm.Gf1F -1 r l ND ~"'~- mCl (~fFi-.l/~DIA N OQ+Vi NGI.7 Z-lin •r Dm 1 L 1 ~T WC .. P ut N •vvr ,'N 2m' l1DYCr"` C11n _ r rN I -1 . r U m O. a, n ..<ma,rn -+Ctn-IV ..,~ m ~ N 2.. C1 D I .. 1 CIZ NO r O J -1 0~ fn mmCN m~C D yQ1 m~ to NNp •-. 1 O 1 ZO vir O O Zf A 2 v<nr 121 ... .r p N m 1 1 - -~ m m v m 1 1 P •- ci .a r-1 •rMH rnn J H 1m r0 . d d ~! 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'~ , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION -_~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item..#: 5 .Estimated Time: r. _ Department: Museum Presenter: Harry Warren, Assistant Director Cape Fear Museum Contact: Janet Seapker, Director Cape Fear Museum ' I SUBJECT:. Mini-Grant Application to NG Humanities Council Requesting $1,200 to Support . Cape Fear Museum's Third Annual Join the Jonkannu. ~` . `BRIEF SUMMARY: Join the Jonkannu is a proven successful, family-oriented program. The event is based on an 18th and 19th century event during which slaves celebrated the Christmas holiday. Wilmington was one of three ~; ~ North Carolina cities where the festival is documented. Join the Jonkannu teaches the community about . an aspect of our. cultural heritage through scholarly lectures and live performance. ;~. ~ No additional County appropriation is required. The Matching funds of 51,200 will come from the Museum's budget and, possibly, other grants. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Approve the submission of a grant application to the NC Humanities for S1200 to support the Join the Jonkannu, authorize appropriate County officials to sign the application, accept grant, and approve budget '~ 'amendment if grant is awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ = ' Museum budget and possifjly other grants ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ~ ~ . LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ~~ ` . COUNTY MANAGER'S C MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1~ Recommend, approva COMMISSIONERS' AC I NSlCOMMENTS• . COUNTY COMMISSIO ~ APPROVED ~'s''~ C . r . _~ REJECTED p REMOVED ^ ~~~ POSTPONED ~ ~L ~~ ~ ~ ~ NEARD q ~ ; DATE ~... ~~,~ ..,,~~ •~ NORT:? CAROLINA ::Ji-In:VITISS CSU~7CIL 8/93 425 Spring Garden Street , Greensboro, NC 27401 330'-334-5325 _ _~ GR.aN'T PROPOS.~L ,. 1. Project title: Join-the Jonkannu 2. Dates of project: From 12/12 /98 to _/_/_ i`r~e of grant: Mini 5. Project su:-~-zarr: "Join the Jonkannu" is a proven successful, faaily-based program. ` The event is based on an 18th and 19th century event during which slaves celebrated the'"' holidays. Wilmington *«as one of three North Carolina cities where we find~documentatior. the festival. ~"Join the Jon'.'.{annu" teaches the community about an aspect of o;ur cultnra~~ heritage through scholarl~• 1ec.tures and live performance. 7. Project budget rer,~est ~_ t Outrigct fu_^.ds f=c:~ ~;C C $ 1 , 200 ~ Gift (ra=sen by sp -so_ from 3rd 'par : } $ i • Gift-mate.. ~rom ~;`_ f r4_ = (i; o_ 3 party __~t), $ Sponsor co:;tribu-___. (i..-kind ar_d cases) $ 3,~~1 I . - Total ,rojec~ ~_ ~P~ $ 4,451 ~ i i "~~~~I~ ~ ~d~fi 3. Signatu_es ~~~~~~~`~ r ~$ ~ ~~`~~ . _oject di~ectcr~ t~~i9+~:~.~~:3A _ -seal agent ~ ~ ~~~'~ .._aa sponsor.ngorga _~~~ iron Grant-writer (__ ,rot project director) ~% „ : ~ ~~ ,_ J_,.i C1CHC Grant Pro 0 . p sal _ ~ ~ p. 2 9. Certification Requirement ' _7 The National Endowment for the Humanities requires teat all aonlicants~for federal funds certify their compliance with non-discr~ iaation statutes and their status regarding federal debt, debarment, and sustension. This certification form is to be signed by a responsible officer of the sponsoring organization and submitted with the proposal to NC:iC. a. Certi`ication Recard~nq the Von-discrimination Sta~~~~s. The applicant hereby certifies that, in its programs and activities receiving federal ~,. financial assistance, it will comply with the following non-discri.^ii nation statLtes and their implementing reculations: ~~1. Title VI of the Civil Rights pct of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d e*_ sec.), whi,.h prohibits discrimination and exclusio.^. based on race, color,. or _.national origin; 2. Section. 504 of ~he Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as a,.ended (29 U.S.C. 79Y) , which:~oro:^,ibits discrimir.ation~ on the basis of ha^,dicap; ~, 3. .. Title I:{ of the Education Amerd.:,ents of -1972, as a:;,e.^ded (20 U.S.C. 1581 et seq.), which _~ohibits discrimination on the basis o: sax; and 4. the Age Discr'_..._r.ation Act of '_975, as amended (..42 U.S.C. 6101 a*_ sec.) ,' wh_ch prohibits discrimination cn the basis cf ale. b. Certificatior. Reca_c~1q =~deYa1 De'~~ S`a` s (OM3 Cir •lar .29). Tie applicant certifies to the best of _ts k.^.owledge 3^dVbe??a' -hat it is not delinc~.:ent in the re_ ayment of any federal debt. 1 ` " „ c. Certificatior. Recardic^ Debarment ar.d Susp?nsion =:~ C= ~' " ~- _ ( -R _-~~j . T..e pros DeCt1Ve lower-tier :anticipant certifies, by subn'ssion of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or vcl::ntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal depart-ent cr age.^.ay. ' ~`' ~ , Signature o_ authorised c_ficial Title ~~ Date. ~ , ~~ [Where the p_ospective lower-tier participant is unable .q certi_`y to any of~the statements in this cent°`ication, Such prospective partioinant shall attach an ~'~ explanation. to this- prapcsal. ) ~' . 239 ~ _ . Cape Fear Museum: Join the Jonkanf:u 1 #10: Briefly describe your proje~t. What are its goals and what needs will it meet in your community? What is the history of your project? African slaves .brought Jonkannu to the colonies via the West Indies. On Christmas-day, their masters allowed them to celebrate. Slaves dressed in colorful costumes and masks made of rags and available materials. They danced and paraded through town and.bet<veen the plantations, eating, drinking and making merry. Kooners, as the dancers were called, performed and told stories on•street corners and in front yards.. Three `orth Carolina to«•ns hosted Kooners: Edenton, Hillsborough and Wilmington. After the Civil War, the blacl: community abandoned Koonering; however, white children continued the celebration locally until 1920 when it disappeared. - The value of Join the Jonkannu is in its vernacularism. Wilmington was the site of the largest Jonl:annu festivity. iVlany contemporary members of the black and white communities recall ' grandparents reminiscing about the celebration. Through'Join the Jonkannu, the museum hopes to: attract~members of the .black community; gather oral histories .on the Jonkannu; recruit black youth and artists to perform and; serve the regional African-American community and increase awareness of and visitations to the museum by the community overall. The museum is revitalizing the history and meaning of the Jonkannu through its third annual Join the Jonkannu. The program has gained popularity in the past two years. The first Jonl:annu ,. program in .1996 attracted seventy-five people. Irene Smalls, author of Irene Jennie and the Chri//st~~r-ias Jonkannu, read the children's book and gave a brief history of the event. During the s~n~i ~ogram in 1997, 1 ~0 visitors squeezed into the museum's auditorium. A local black actor,developed and performed a Jonkannu play with youth from the local Girls Club, Inc. In Cape Fear ivluseum: Join the Jonkannu ~. both years, programs ended with audience members making musical instruments from recycled materials. The 1998. program offers the opportunity to expand the program. We combine ~. popular components, such as the instrument-making, with the lecture and outdoor performances in a larger, community-based event., ~, African-Americans composed the majority of the audiences at both programs. The. program allows the museum an op ortunit to involve an underserve P Y d part of the community. At the most recent review meeting, museum staff and performers agreed we need to expand the program and . ~ move some events outside to accommodate the growing audience. #11; `Vhy are you, as the sponsor, suited to present this ro'ect? P J Cape Fear Museum is the oldest history museum in North Carolina. Our purpose is to collect, >~ _ preserve and interpret objects relating to the history,. science and cultures of the -Lower Cape Fear, and make~available those ob~ects and their rote retati 1 nP ons to the publcc through educational exhibitions and programs. We have documentation on the Kooners' importance to the local . ~~~ community: they played a vital role in the city's 18th and 19th century history. Such elements '~, obligate us to host the event. Cape Fear Museum's educationataff will organize community resources..The Public. information specialist will develop publicity, and the graphics designer will create attractive print materials.. We have an involved group ofAfrican-American volunteers who hel ed with a . p p st Jonkannu programs and are willing to assist with future events. . 241 1 2 Cape Fear iVluseum: Join the Jonkannu ' C; #12: Why are the humanities Essential to your project?'Discuss in specific terms how the humanities are central to. the issues and themes addressed ay your project. Join the Jonkannu clearly fits the. mission of the Humanities' Council: to bring people "together to make sense" of our world, in essence, to learn from one another through shared and diverse cultural arts. The program honors an essential part of Wilmington's cultural heritage by bringing together whites:and blacks, both~historically and today; through music, stories and folk art. Join the Jonkannu combines diverse learnin st<rle . g s m the.museum and amulti-faceted cultural program involving music, dancing,: instrument making and alecture/discussion. Learning and culture take many forms. The two are inseparable for «-ithout the dissemination of cultural information, sociery.stagnates. According to psychologist~Ho~vard Gardner, people posses seven kinds of intelligence: linguistical, mathematical, spatial, intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical and kinesthetic. Join the Jonkannu acknowledges the styles through diverse, program aspects. - ' Finally, the. program plays a positive and important role to'the city's racial histor<•. 1998 is the 100th anniversary of the 1898 uprising during which members of the white supremacy movement conflicted with the black community. Lectures, meetings,~discussion groups, classes and programs are occurring throughout the year to create a greater understanding for the event and races involved. Joimthe Jonkannubrings people together in a celebratory'atmosphere; showing that no matter our ethnicity or.background, .we share a common interest in and enjoyment of our cultural heritage. 242 Cape Fear ivluseum: Join the Jonkannu -7 #13: Whom do you wish to attend this project? Please describe specific groups and/or segments of your community's population you intend to target. 4 Join the Jonkannu is for all members of Wilmington's community; however, the event is an integral part of the`African-American community. The African American community has a sense of ownership to which other parts of our community cannot as easily relate. We target the black community in our publicity and program development efforts.. For example, the museum sits on the edge of a downtown black neighborhood; few residents from the area frequent the museum unless we offer a program or exhibit to which they can relate. Join the Jonkannu is such a program. Most of our audiences in the past two years were from the black community. As a result, we have expanded our contacts in this area. We also target families. The museum attempts to increase family attendance through programs promoting parent and child interaction. #14: What form will the project take (for example, reading/discussion, lecture/discussion, exhibit/discussion, conferEnce, etc.)? Be sure to indicate how the audience and the scholar will participate in the program. The afternoon program begins with instrument-making in the museum's Learning Center. At 2Pti1, Elizabeth Fenn presents a lecture, based on her research, on the history of Jonl:annu. Following the lecture, audience members, carrying. instruments, go to designated. street corners outside the museum and await the coming of the Kooner Dancers. Four local actors/musicians perform dances and stories accompanied by youth from local high schools portraying the Kooners. Performers parade audience members into the museum to continue making instruments. The program is scheduled for Saturday, December 12, 1998 at 2Ptt and is fr~ /~ Cape Fear Museum: Join the Jonkannu 5 Schedule of sessions: "' - ~ ~, 12PM-7PM Instrument-making in Learning Centzr - 2PM Lecture with Elizabeth .Fenn for parents and adults. - In child care, children make instruments, listen'to stories, and learn about the Jonkannu through various activities.. Staff and volunteers provide supervision. 3:30P:tit Kooner Dancers • .People unable to go outside, view- a documentary of~the Bahamian Jonkannu festival produced by Don Simmons, anAtlanta-based vidzographer ' ' 4:15PM Performance concludes ~ . #17: How do.you plan to publicize your project? Please list media contacts,- brochure mailing dates, and any radio or TV advertizing, as well as representatives of your project's intended audience who will assist in publicity. ~ . { We publicize Join the Jonkannu through the museum°s established media contacts aril interested community groups. The museum's public information specialist mails press releases to local churches, African-American newspapers, community groups~arid l6~ media contacts across southeastern North Carolina and northeastern South Carolina. She mails press releases three to four weeks before the prog.ram:..,Lo.cal radio stations frequently carry psa's and/or conduct interviews. For example, in 1996, a reporter from the local public radio station interviewed author Irene Smalls about her book and the Jonkannu program. The museum's newsletter ' contains information on programming and is sent to approximately 3300 households. Word of tno~rlh i~another powerful publicity tool. Join the Jonkannu's growing popularity is due fo its continued' presence in the community, both historically and in the collective memory. Involving local youth and actors facilitates distribution of information about the program. Cape Fear iVluseum: Join the Jonkannu 6 _~ . #18: How will you evaluate your project? The museum distributes evaluation forms at atl public programs. We will distribute forms and pencils after Dr. Fenn's lecture and collect them following the Kooner dances. We also hold an ~~ assessment meeting with and/or solicit comments from the performers, scholar and involved ~' staff. Such a format worked in 1997. Comments from the 1997 ro~ram are inco orated int P ~ rp o the 1998 program outline. Examples of some comments include: "(v)ery spirited and uplifting", "good research in and revival of a fun festival" and "[t]his.would be a wonderful outdoor parade- festival. You °~ should expand it to downtown... i #19: Please list other possible sources of funding for your project to which you have applied . or will-apply for assistance. ~~ Two. ossible third- art s onsors P p y p for Jorn the Jonkannu, both of which supported the program in ~' the past include: - Arts Council of The Lower Cape Fear (1996) - Ca a Fear C p ommunity College (1997) ~' .. #2D: Has your organization received funding from NCHC before? New Hanover County Museum of the Lower Cape Fear: - ' Grant #RG80-1 ~, Janet Seapker, "Work and Leisure in the Lower Ca e Fear " / - ~, . p 9 80 9/81, $2,x,6 Grant #84-1.40, Beverly Smalls, `'Common Threads: Quilts as Social and Artistic History," 10/11/85-10/12/8, 51,000 245 Cape Fear Museum: Join the Jonkannu Planning Grant #89-93, John W.1~Iyers, Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, Inc. Through this planning,grant a group of humanities scholars determined the conceptual approach for the project "Time, Talent and Tradition." Cape Fear Museum: ~ , . Grant #91-02, Janice.Luth and C. Reynolds.Brown, `'Time, Talent and Tradition," FY'90/91,' $40,131 (used $36,943 and refunded $3,.188) - 246 ' NCHC Grant Proposal P• 5 ~~ 15".~ Planning committee _ - _~ Name Degree "~eld T_nstitution o` emolovmeat Jennifer Ashlock M.A Education Cape Fear Museum Amy Hooker., BA Communicat"on Cape Fear Museum - 16". - Program" participants (?:oposal mill not be considcrod u.~css nddresscs atc complc:e; use an addidoeil shccc if necessary.) . SCHOL~S N ame Decree "'_e1d Institutional address Gac'.1Cezioce~'.el -.Role n 107 N. Wa'.~e St. Elizabeth Fen I MA History Hillsborouzh, NC 2727S Scholar/Advisor- t ' - NON-SCHOLARS Name :,ddress Citv .State. Zincoce Role Lloyd Wilson 610 Queen St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Performer De Lubby 660 Beas~ev Rd. Wilmington, NC 2$409 Performer Mac Bed d 0 ar 11 8 S. 9th St. Wilmington NC 28401 - , Performer :~ ` ~' . NCHC Grant pro o p sal 21. Project budget--Fill-out the worksheet below with p. 9 rounded off. instructi Attach to' or.e amount per the proposal a hudget explanatio box, cents ons ,. _ to detail p n as desc roposed expenditures. ribed in the EXPENSE ITEN.S NCHC OUTRIGHT NCHC SPONSOR CONTBI3UTION. GIFT/MATC'ri IN-KIND I CASH TOTAL a• Salaries • - ~~ 1,170.00 1,170.00 b. Employer's . _. . ~. retirement - - - •- -- 58.00 . 58.00 _ c. Employer's . FICA 90.00 _ 90.00 d. Speaker , stipends _ 1,200.00 1,450.00 .. i 2,650.00 ' e. Supplies . ~. 1 • .. ~. _ ... v . .. ~. 100.00 100.00 .. -.. f. Travel, meals, and lodging 210.00 ~ ~~ 210.00 q. Facil' sties .and rental of equipment. , _ J l - h. Printing • s ; ~ fY.~ and publicity 100.0 I 100.00 i. Other i ; (please J itemize) Postage:53.00 ~ ~ 73.0 Phone:20.00 I ~ TOTALS, 1 , 200.00 3 , 251 .00 . '. - ~ I ' i 4,451.00 248 .. _ _ _._ _ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 ~` Item #: Estimated Time: Department; Museum Presenter: Warren, if necessary 'Contact: Sea ker p through .June 10 ~` SUBJECT: ~ - Mini-Grant Application to NC Humanities Council Requesting $1200 to Support Cape Fear Museum's Third Annual Join the Jonkannu. BRIEF SUMMARY: Join the Jonkannu is a proven successful, family-oriented program. The event is based on an 18th and' ' ,~ 19th century event during which slaves celebrated the Christmas holiday. Wilmington was one of three North Carolina cities where the festival is documented. Join the Jonkannu teaches the community about an aspect ofour-cultural heritage through scholarly lectures and live performance. No additional. coun a ro riation is re wired. The mat hi tY PP P q c ng funds wdl come from the museum's budget and, possibly, other grants. Carol, Allen, Andy--If you think there will be a problem with this, please ut it on the.Jul 13th- P y agenda. I will be back and attending that meeting. Thanks RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS' Approve the submission of a grant application to the NC Humanities for X1200 to support the Join the Jonkannu and authorize appropriate county officials to sign the application. FUNDING SOURCE: Museum budget and possibly other grants . ATTACHMENTS: Carol, these are coming as hard copy, cause there are various forms we do not have on the computer.. REVIEWED BY: ~ . ~~ LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: ~' COUNTY MAN . AGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONStCOMMENTS• ? i ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ~~ REJECTED: p RE11/IOVED D _. - ,49 POSTPONED D ~ . HEARD p 5 ~ r DAi'E ,.,,,lo ,~/G~~'~ _ _~~ .. This page intentio~ially left blank _ .~ ~ ,. . 2 5 ~ ~ ,~~ ~ ~~~~ 4 ~~, ~~I~~:~~~ -T.--y ~ ~w~. ~ .rte 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION -_~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 , Consent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Department: TAX Presenter: None required Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection. reports as of May .31, 1998 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Request approval of these reports FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1TEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COM SAND RE Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: TIONS: COUMY COMMiSS10 • APPROVED ;r REJECTED p ~; REMOVED D EARD NED ~' DATE _.,~~0~~~~4,. ~'~~/~.'11'~ CONSENT AGENDA DATE. ITEN NG. _~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT .TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 05/31/98 ' CURRENT-TAX-YEAR-__1997 AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCRCLL DISCOVERIES ADOEO --------------- S 1~239~942.47 - S -------------- 169950.35 LESS ABATEMENTS 61217.81 24634.00- 1216.94 2~789.74- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED E 1~276~526.28 f 168377.55 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 992.68 .00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE S 1~277~518.96 1~263~027.39- 5 168377.55 138~563.43- CUTSTANCING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED S 14~498:87 t 29814.12 ~# ~ 82.29% BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADCEC S ~ 46805.92 LESS ABATEMENTS 5390.92 9~116.40- TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO GATE S 43080.44 14~662.22- OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ S 28418.22 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 34.03X THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,.1997., F ECTF~ILY SUBNITTEC~ ~~ PATRICIA J. A NOR COLLECTOR OF VENUE # COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.94° ~^Ff4~^~rnrn ~~~j 4 ~ Lyw,s%M+e~~.~y.~+.r 1`i/~v/~{ 1u ,V~V~!'~~'j`aC~9i/:~/ ~~ UF~~?~~ 2 5 2 ~~::-~~~ ~u~~'JW {. CONSENT AGENCA • ~ ~ GATE' ITEM N0.______ _~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 05/31/98 CURRENT-TAX_YEAR__-1997 --AC-VALOREM--- -MOTOR-VEHICLE_ ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 56~737~366.65 $ 7~270~054.18 DISCOVERIES ADDED 2~687~025.53 40795.65 LESS ABATEMENTS 163671.23- 105~442.15- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 59~260~720.95 $ 7~205~407.68 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 7273.00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED ------46771_76 .00 TOTAL LEVY S 59~314~765.71 $ 7~2C5~407.68 COLLECTIONS 70 DATE 58~638~234.41- 5~779~311.95- --------------- --------------- OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 676531.30 $ 1~426~095.73 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 98.869* 80.219* BACK TAXES ' REAL ESTATE AN0 PERSONAL. PROPERTY $ 2~~469~667.19 CHARGES AODEO 96157.02 LESS ABATEMENTS 224~911.66- TOTAL TAXES OUE $ 2~340~912.55 COLLECTIONS TO GATE ~ 769~287.89- --------------- OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 1~571~624.66 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 32.869 MAY 1998 FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 171897.58 1~875~401.65 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 213.75 16803.13 EMS COLLECTIONS .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF NILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH ANO KURE BEACH TO DATE - $9i~130~390.64. THIS REPORT IS FCR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1997. R S~jECTFULIY SUBMITTEO~ PATRICIA J. ~~-rYYNOR• r COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.849 253 _7 . ~ Tliis page, intentionally left blank 254. ,. .~ NEW HANOVEFt COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' _~ Meetin Date: 06/15/98 g ~' Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: ' Department: TAX Presenter: None Required Contact: Roland Register ~~ SUBJECT: , Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: `. Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following organization: (application and letter explaining late filing is attached).. Health Sciences Foundation, Inc. R06007-004-030-000 . RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS' Recommend approval of this release. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: LTEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW , COUNTY MANAGER'S CO MENTS AND'RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' A IONS/COMMENTS: . COUNTY COMMI~IONER~ APPROVES C..~" .,= REMOVED p ~ ~~ POSTPONE©O {~ HEARD p ~' °' 5 _ ii DATE ~,( s~9 ~ . ~ / -- J - '~ ~~'~ 1-1e~lth Sciences Foundation, lnc -~~-=;:~ Coastal-U,~:.-f-~`~~ COASTAL AREA HEALTH,EDUCATION CENTER lJN`IVERSiTY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AJ, l~C - 2131 Soutn 17th Street Cameron Building Post Olfice Box 9025 Wilmington, NC 28x02-9025 -~ ~ (9i0)3n3-0161 -FAX (910)762-9057 March 12, 1993 ~-~~-~' ~~., ~%q~ U-~~~ v_~f--• New Elanover Board of County Commissioners c7o Roland G. Register, New Hanover County Tax Administration ~'~ -~ ' 320 Chestnut StreeC ~ ~ ' Wilmington, NC 23401-4090 - RE: Delinquent 1993 Application for Exemption of R06007-004-030-000-Unit ~C Dear Qoard of Commissioners: ~ _, ~ - Due to an error in filing for exemption status, the above rzferenced property .vas overlooked. We would like to submit a delinquent application for exemption for 1993. We would appreciate your approval. Sincerely, ~i~f~ i~ Vincent (.- ~1cKnight ` ' Director of Accounting ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J6~ J/ • `; ., ~`~ c ~,9!/~' N ~ ~^ tom- A r~~.-`.-; ~ '~-; ~ J S~ ~ ooh ~y Oti ~~ ~~ G~6? ~1~L . r' 1/~~~ 2 5 6 ~ ~:~~~ -- ,. t:: _~~ h r r rJl i(ir r1 it ,r r t t •irf r !I rr 1 'nirr •r ~ilr ! r ,/ .\'r n!h t .i rn .bnr r ~ l r. ~ ,1 „I .~ G •r b, u u - r rr r 'hr q ,r •I I hlI Form r` V-{ 0 (Rev. _4-903 ~~ t - ~[' i ' . ' >ti,YEAR 98 APPLlCAT10N fOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMP710N County .New ~~~' Town or City Wilmington ' - _~ Owner Health Sciences Foundation, Inc. DBA.Coastal Area Health Fduc Center (Coastal AHD) .Addressp•O. Box 9025 Wilmington NC 28402 (Street or Route) (Town) (Butt) (Zip Codc) 1-_•Savannah'C'nnrt R06007-004-030-000-Unit S L.ocatton of Propcrty ' ' INSTRUCT [O!`t.S . Under the provisions of G. S. 105-282.1 every owncr or property claiming excmption or exclusion from•ptopcrty taxes must demonstrate that the property meets the rtatutnry requirements for a:cmption ar elassiticatioa. Clnims for excmption or c:elu- sion must be fled with the tax supervisor or the county in which the property is located. (sec reverse side) Claims rot exemp- tion should ineludc all land and improvements and persoaal property situated thereon and complete information regarding its use. ' The undersignedowncr or authorized representative hereby petitions Cor excmption oC tftc foClowing described prop- arty: ' 2. Give complete description oC property: A~ar"t7T~Slt Ufllt dt Savannah Court Land: ' '` Improvements: Personal Property: 3. List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: Land: Improvements: riOUSe mGalCal ana pnartnacy studennts from Chapel Hill for ~ mica rotation at Coastal AI-IDC an New Hanover Regional Medical Center. .Personal Propcrty:_. 4. if any organization other than the owncr uses the property, give the name of the organization, full par[iculars re garding its use of the property and the amount of arty income received for such use. HOllSe ITledlCal and pharmacy students as noted above. Rent or a fee is not charged to the students. S. Give your estimate oC the true value in money of the property: Land Improvements ~~ ~.~(~(1~ Personal Propcrty: '~ 6. List the insurance value oC the property: xxxzxxzxxzxxxazzzxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *~ G. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for excmption? Charitable ( ); Religious ( ); Educational Q(x; Literary ( ); Scientific ( ); Other 7. Give the specific statutory authority upon which this property is claimed as exempt: 10 i_?7~_r) fFul! tezls of all exemption aru! classification statutes are available at rheoffice of the courtly tax slrpervisor.) i _ nt'FtR,rtn•noN Under penalties preseribcd by law, (hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge and bclict, the statements and inrortnation in this - application arc true end correct, and arc made (or the purpose of exempting the property Itercin describcC from taxation. .~ March 12, 19 98 .,:. ~l ~1 gn7lU lG Ot O~/ne! O! 7 Of11 ~ f (CSenta tl Ve • Director of Accounting (910) 343-0161 rltle Telephone No. 1 1 1 J 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . - -_~Meeting Date: 06/15/98 - Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Contact: Bruce.T. Shell 'SUBJECT: 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Budget Amendment #98-0205 BRIEF SUMMARY: The revenues and associated expenditures for sales tax for fiscal year 1997-98 have, as expected, come. in greater than our beginning of the year conservative estimate. The fourth quarter receipt and subsequent expenditures will take place in August 1998. As we do every year, budget amendments must be approved in June so as to avoid technical overpayment of budgeted expenditures when the 1/2 cent sales tax is distributed to the Schools Fund and Water and Sewer Fund. The attached budget amendments serve to facilitate that requirement. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS' Approve budget amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: sales tax.wp REVIEWED BY: t_EGAL: Approve COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend approval. ISSIONERS' A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA NTS COMMENDATIONS: counmr coMMi~slolu s ~~ };;.APPROVED C - wy,.n ~,+,. !n ~ .~., ~,........,- ~~ ~~RE~JECTtED "C] ;~ ~,R„~t1~0UED O °"~ ,,~ ~~PO~>_u o ,~2 5 9 r , M~R4 _f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REP.~UEST~FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:.06/15!98 . ,.. Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: One-Half Cent Sales Tax/Revenue/ One-Half Cent Sales Tax/Undesignated/One-Half Cent Sales Tax/Schools BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-0205 ' ADJUSTMENT One-Half Cent Sales Tax/Revenue: One-Half Cent Article d0 Unrestricted One-Half Cent Tax Article 40 Schools One-Half Cent Article 42 Unrestricted One-Half Cent Tax Article 42 Schools One-Half Cent Sales Taxl DEBIT ,$37,5,000 x$185,000 $210,,000 . $315,000 Undesignated: Transfer to Other Funds/Sewer One-Half Cent Sales Tax/Schools: Transfer to Public Schools Fund CREDIT 5585,000 $500,000 EXPLANATION: To adjust budget for anticipated increases in the one-half cent sales tax revenue. The one-half cent sales tax is transferred to the Schools Fund and Water and Sewer District; therefore, this budget amendment is required prior to June 30, 1998. r~ ,.^.;~ 7~ ,~-,,,~n,~, APPROVAL STATUS: ~+o~(b~~"a`_p`p~o~ie~d~by~B,bacrtd~Of Commissioners ~, C~ CR~J~C°TE'D ^ ' (~ PasrpoNED p ~~ '~ DATE ...-m.:. d t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOf2 BOARD ACTION '_~Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #; 9 Estimated Time: Department: DSS Presenter: Wayne Morris Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: Renewal of Contract for Interim Assistance Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Since the mid 1980s, the county has participated in the Interim Assistance Program (IAP). At times, the DSS provides emergency assistance to applicants for the federal Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI) while they are awaiting a decision on their eligibilty from Social Security. The IAP allows the department to recover the cost of this assistance from the first SSI check payable to a recipient whom we have assisted. RECOMMENDED MOTION. AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Execute contract renewal. FUNDING SOURCE: Requires no expenditure. Continues a source of revenue. . ATTACHMENTS: ` Three originals of the contract are being forwarded to the County Attorney REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A CO i Recommend appro~ COMMISSIONERS' 'S CS,}MAIIENTS_AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ONS/COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMlSS10Nf,RS -APPROVED` C~~ REJECTED D REMOVED O ~ POSTPONED ^ ~ 6 1 HEARD n DATE ~O/l5~/~.~y~.M'`'"... / , ~' FyT".~.1'tA~t n.'%+vk MyN+a~:I'G ~~ $ ~~~~~ 2,62 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~.z-, ~a~ r .,, w ,~~ ,.=~: , .. ,...w.v .._, 4 .. ni~i F#~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: ' ' De artment: Couh p ty Manager ; Presenter: i Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: _ Audit Requirements for Outside Agencies BRIEF SUMMARY: Current county policy requires outside agencies receiving 51,000 or more in county funds to obtain an annual audit from a CPA. Agencies receiving funding between $1,000 and S2,500 may waive the audit in the first year. -'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend policy be changed to require an audit for agencies receiving over S5,000 in a fiscal year. Further recommend that waiver be discontinued. FUNDING SOURCE: • ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY• . LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: NCGS permit the county to require agencies receiving S1,000 or more in any fiscal year to obtain an audit for that year. Recommend a al of the increase to over $5,000 to better enable non-profit agencies to utilize their funds. COMMISSIONERS' CTI SICOMMENTS: CQUNTY COMM~SIONEI~S REJECTE© p REMOVEd p° ,' POSTPONED D , ~ (~ HEARD v SATE ~o /S_~ J _~ This page intentionally left blank ~f.^ 1r"' '~ "~'~'~ 264 ~T~~; i ~ ~~~ ~ +~.'.`f'4~ , ~ t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: ' Department: Parks . Presenter. Contact:.Neal Lewis, Greg Thompson, Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Pilot's Ridge Master Planning Contract. :' BRIEF SUMMARY: Boney Architects, Inc. has presented a proposal to complete Phase I and Phase II of the Master Plan for the .Pilot's Ridge Park/School site. The proposed price is584,000 for Phase I (planning,, infrastructure . design, public hearing[s], phasing and budgeting and conceptual drawings), 6% of construction costs for Phase II planning construction documents, bidding), and 2% of construction costs for construction management. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approval of the Contract with Boney Architects, Inc., fog Master Planning of the Pilot's Ridge Park/Schoo{ site. FUNDING SOURCE: Budgeted in FY97-98 Budget ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ' COUNTY MANAGER'S C ~ NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approv COMMISSIONERS' AC IONS/COMMENTS• . ~~~ COMMISSI _ APPROVED.. L~ REJECTEC? ©~. ~' ,. ~; .. REMOVED- PQSTPONE®~ ~ 2 6 5 HEARD ~~ .: . ~~4 .~41F ~i~#.J...uvM~e;M4i'..i:.e}y( * Y f wiW l Y~J'~~ p~ ~y ~ ' i~J ~/ ry {y~~+ :.,l ~ ~1~~ ~~. r' '. 1. t ~ t~ru ~~~:~ F~ 2 6 6 ~. ~n ~. ~~..._~ - '. :. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 12 Estimated Time: ' Department: County Manager, Presenter: ' Contact:. Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property. BRIEF SUMMARY: . '• Parcel No. R03127-15-6212-000, 714 South 10th Street Amount of Offer is S1,500. The property has an ad valorem ,tax value as of 1989 of 5600.00. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S CO SAND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval ,.. COMMISSIONERS' AC ION /COMMENTS• • • . ~ COUMY CONlINISSIONERS . APPROVES L-''/~- ,~°~' ` REJECTED .. ; REMOVED O '' POSTPONED CI ;~; ' HEARD f]_ /la • 267 9~~~~~ }M ~~-~^ ., a ~ ~Y Y ~ IY! 't~ 1739 Mr. Allen O`Neal, County. Manager New Hanover County. • 320 Chestriut.Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. ONeal: CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina P.O. BOX 1810 - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 28402 TOD (9,0) 3G,-78 • (910)341-78{ June 3, 1998 ~~JJ ., #_~ n ~. •.. The attached resolution relates,to the sale of su lus roe n rp p p rty o~~ned by New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: • Parcel Number '~ Address _ Amount of Offer R03127-15-6212-000 714 South 10th Street • $1;500.00~ ~~• This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment hereto. Th,s propert}' has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of $600.00. Please .place this:item on the County's Commissioner's Agenda. for ~y June 1~, 1998. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. - { Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. - Respectfully submitted ~ ~~~~ v'' Steve D. Bridges Purchasing Agent SDBaws Attachment r ~' f ~ 268. •, ~~ ~ 3 ~~;~ ~~~ .:, n n 1 ' - INTRODUCED BY: Allen ONeal, County.Manager DATE: June 15, 1998 ~;,, ~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE.SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 714 SOUTH 10TH STREET ~. LEGISLATIVE hi 1TENT/PUR.POSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value Market Value 3127-15-6212-000 714 S. 10th Street $1,500.00 $600.00 $1,500.00 Offerer _ Property Dimensions George D. Peterson ZO' x 98' 268 Carrolton Road, Annapolis, Maryland ~~ This property has been offered to all eligible non-profit organizations. None of the organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has,been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. .RESOLVED: _ - 1. Tha _ t pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A 269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. 2. - That New Hanover Coun reserves the ri t to re'ect an and all offer tY ~ J Y s• 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. _ b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conve `ante. y 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. ' S. .That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. Adopted at a regular ,meeting on . 19 ATTEST: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 2 ~ (~ Clerk to the Board Chairman 'l I, ~' .,o aaltr .~.~ ~ STflCCT --_T-'-,"-_~_"1 _-i-- 1~ I to I I I ~ ~ t ~f 'S?~- - n b t a 1 ` t1TH ~ 1 c 1 I t ' I 1 { I ItEE .,7 'v u11 I I ' f 1 , , ; I t i ' 1 ~ - NI ;,r 1 - m r .T. I .. ,~ t- I I I, ;l 'f 1 - , ~ I 1_ ^i1 _'~ - - ~ _ 1 L`I ~.; •'~ wlwNw W ; , I ] ~ , I 11 ni,^' -~ - +_+`_d T w ~- ~-- ~ tt 11I a.~y[,t)t_'_"Lr`: O ~ I 1 1 1 ' t ~ l~-•--- .. d •' r •, t --~ f t f I ~'• ~ I IL! ~r I. f t 1 1 f 1 ,7t ~ a~-- •-- ..''i •fl t -' I. 1 ~N~, ,I 1 , , 1 ' I , 1 ' O, ` W _ , ,. 1 , y _ _• ' ~t I: , f~ I ~ , , - t I , , II~~''11II i ,.1 ') ~ W ~~ --- C, = , I ~ ^ ! _ Iv ''f ~ I I f m - ' I ~ , f , o , . l I ' a r ~ `.gym ~- I ~ nw•` f ~4i ~f~~. 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I i f ,., t ~ ; j? tl` O _1~~N.. 1,„1(0_ - •' I~i~ ~~:N NI 1 1 1 1 1 t 1- ,u,.. 1 ~! ,,,, 1~~ - -~ . ' ~ t;ol ~^ ~ ~;, 1 /a to 71'1 ' 1 1. II 1 1 n n n n n n w n n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 13 Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: 98-0201 BUDGET AMENDMENT #: Emergency Management ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Hurricane Expense (4329) FEMA-federal $186,370 Maintenance/Rep-Bldgs 8~ Grounds $100,000 Maintenance/Rep-Equipment $16,370 . Contract Services $70,000 EXPLANATION: To increase budget for revenue received over budget of $45,860 plus anticipated revenue of $70,510 related to mosquito spraying and landfill-closure of cell #1; and to budget final payment to D 8~ J Enterprises for debris removal. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissio COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• ~~ .u, a +.,~~ } u~.~r~ r ,,~ +~~ ~ rt ` ~UItl1 T W~~I~1~ ~~ ~~'~~'~°~~ t°~ APPROVED G , - ':~ ~,: . ~a ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ,"~ `~ REJECTED p ~~>~ U ~ ~~~~ REMOVED O ~ :, ~~~ °~~ f-i POSTPONED D w ~' ~ ;.r HEARD ~ ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY -BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD.ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Budget.Amendment Consent Item #: 14 Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: Social Services/Child Day Care BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-0206 _ ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Smart Start Child Day Care $150,000 Smart Start Child Day. Care S150,000 EXPLANATION: To budget additional~State funds received for Smart Start'Child Day Care (no additional County funds required).. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , ,,. ~ ~~ a~~4 ~, i,..,.,.,~~, ,.~...,~:......~~ ..~u~:,.r~~~~~.~ .f L~~~ '' 272 ~u} ~~~:~~~,~~~~~ ~~, ~~~ COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED C REJECTED D REMOVED 0 POSTPONED O HEARD S] /q~ ~j , DATE -(o_~ 5 ~ _tl ~UU~` II n n n n ~i i n n n n r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQI}EST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 06/15/98 . • Budget Amendment ;Consent Item #: 15 Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: County Commissioners/ .Emergency Medical Services BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-0208 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT '.County Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance 5459,000 Emergency Medical Services: Salaries and Wages 5459,000 EXPLANATION: To appropriate fund balance for the payout of unu r EMS staff transferring to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSICOMMENTS• . __ ~'~~ CouN~r,~coM~I~i~N~~ ~~j le_ ~~:. # APPROVED t~REJECTED ^ ~REN'f~Vl'D Q ,~~_~~ :, POsOIVED ^ t ~~HEARb p .. _~ ~~~~~~ fo//5 _~9~~~a 73 NEW HANOVER COUN"TY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 0.6/1.5/98 Consent Item #: 16 Estimated Time: • , Department: Governing Body . Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Chairman Caster SUBJECT: Use of one County free day at the Coast Line Convention Center for the 4th Annual "How Does Your Garden Grow" show. BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Extension Service Arboretum Foundation, Inc. has requested the County to allow the Arboretum to use one of the County's free days at the Coast Line Center to hold the 4th annual "How Does Your Garden Grow" Show. This is a major fund raising event for the Arboretum, and a great deal of the proceeds collected have to be paid for rent of the facility. The Clerk to the Board has checked with the Coast Line Convention Center and New Hanover County has four unused free days. There will be no problem with granting one free day to the Aboretum. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider the request. FUNDING SOURCE: . ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/ MENTS: ~:~~;~~ ~~~COUf~TY<CO,M~I$SI~. ~~ ,AP~PFt~VED ~~~Li I~ ^', x~. ~w sw RElEGT~ED;; _. D REMOVED ~, ~~^ 2 ~~ . . POSTPONED t~J ~~ HEARD ~ :,D . RATE ~ `~.~~~?-~ `C7.~~ . /. ^ - "HOW ' DOEI YOUR GARDEN GROW?" IHOW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 May 28•, 1998 Mr. William Caster Chairman, New Hanover County Board •'of .Commissioners • 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Caster; ~• Last May the chairman of the New Hanover County • 'Commissioners, Mr. Bobby Greer, responded favorably to a request for .use of one of the county's "Free Days" at the' Coast Lire Convention Center. The use. of that free day allowed us to keep the "How Does Your Garden Grow? Show at the Convention Center. -The rent money saved goes to augment county support for .the New Hanover County Extension and Arboretum by contributing to the Foundation budget and capital funds. Over the past five years the show has become a fixture in Wilmington during the first part of February and the .Arboretum Foundation would like to continue this association. Once again I respectfully request your consideration and granting of a county free day to help us stay at the Convention Center and support the annual Arboretum fund raising Garden Show. NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE ARBORETUM FOUNDATION, INC. ' 6206 OLEANDER DRIVE .WILMINGTON, NC 28403 910-452-6393 FAX 910-452-6398 275 "H01~/ DO EI YO l.! R G~RDE1~1 GROW?" .IHOW I have attached a copy :of last year's letter stating the financial rational. . Your support and assistance•is greatly,appreciated. Respectfully, e 1 P trick Chairman ., .Arboretum Foundation rundraising Committee NP/j f Attachment cc: C.Bruce Williams, Ph. D., .Director Allen O'Neal, County Manager 276 NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXTENSION. SERVICE ARBORETUM FOUNDATION; INC. ,6206 OLEANDER DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28403 - 910-452-6393. fAX 910-452=6398' ' „HOW DOEI YOUR GJ~RDEN GROW?" IHOW 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mr, Bobby Greer, Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners May 19, 1997 After the fourth annual "How Does Your Garden Grow?" show at the Coastline. Convention Center in February of this year, the director, Douglas Gooch, presented the contract for the 1998 ..show with a $ I,OSO rent increase. The increase was subsequently negotiated down to $800. Wth the rent increase for 1998, the Arboretum will be paying close to 20% of net proceeds to the convention, center for rent! The past years shows have each experienced increases in rent. The large increase this year will:~force the Arboretum Foundation to move the show to another facility a1Zer the 1998 show in order to sustlin operations and the current building program: To my knowlcdbe the Arboretum is the only county building program that is providing some of its own financing. ~ , . The Commissioners could recognize the Arboretum's unique financial status and the need to support the building program and expanded service to the community by allocating ~ of their free days each year for the Arboretum's annual fund raising garden show: Assuming the rent for one day remains reasonable, we could continue the show at the convention center building on its reputation and past acceptance by the Wilmington community. Your guidance and assistance in helping us stay at the Convention Center will be very much appreciated. Respectfully, . Neel Patrick, Chairman, Arboretum Foundation Fundraising Committee NEW HANOVER COUNTY EXTENSION SERVICE ARBORETUM FOUNDATION, INC. 6206 OLEANDER DRIVE WIL,ti11NGTON, NC 28403 91.0-452-6393 FAX 910-452-6398 277 278 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 I 1 1 1 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/15/98 Consent Item #: 17 Estimated Time: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Dan Summers Contact: Dan Summers SUBJECT: Lowe's Home Safety Council Grant Application BRIEF SUMMARY: By County Ordinance, New Hanover County Emergency Management is the lead agency for search and rescue. The Department is requesting a grant for the purchase of specialized land search equipment to enhance search & rescue operation capabilities. The equipment requested is as follows: All-terrain vehicle (Kawasaki KLF) $4,800, Transport Trailer $600, Helmet and protective clothing 5180, Portable Generator for Field Use $2,600, Night Vision Infra-red camera with pan and tilt S9,300, Night vision . monitor 5650, Night vision binocular S799 for a total request of 518,929.00. In-kind County contribution of 1,000 volunteer hours at $15.00 an hour and an estimated 200 staff hours at 528.00 an hour, estimated equipment/maintenance, repair and operations including insurance at $2,590.00 far a total in-kind of S23,190.00. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• We request authorization to apply for the grant and acceptance of the grant if awarded. Request approval of budget amendment if awarded. FUNDING SOURCE: Lowe's Home Safety Council . ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER' Recommend- approval. COMMISSIONERS' Ac S/COMME TlONS: BOUNTY CONINIP~!^e1~~ APPROVED IJ ,~N. REJECTED t7 REMOVED p r• ` ~oszs~olv~~ o ~ '~ 2 7 9 HEARD p ®A~E ~.~l~s 19~s~ •.- 1`:1:1' *b<~;1'iv ~~ ~~z~ 280 v~~~~~~ ,~~~:~ <~ ,~ , ~~..~.~^ ix b ,.~ ~yyp hril eeR ~f i~rrr~~. ~'I, ~~y//~~]r P'p) ~ ~'pl. S~~kY~~:~Y~A4j%Au rIL>ti};l j~ {L~1!'~~i tf, l c:..c,:.yt~,f~nhr fi ' ~ ~.. "vya ~> ~`.~".. j ~ 3