Agenda 1998 01-05i ~ AGENDA NEW Hr1\'OVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~I~~IISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hairover County Courthouse ?~~~pNOVeR coGy~~ _ 2-l North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmi~rgtar, NC t ~* I ~ r% t - p~ WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN f~ `r0~- -•••~•~ GHQ' BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL. COMMISSIONER !I NORTH ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANOA M. COPLEY,000NTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL CLERK TO THE BOARD I ~I } January S, 1998 6:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 6:45. p.m. 1. Public Hearing: to Receive Public Comments or Suggestions 1 `~ for the County to Include in Its Welfare Deform Proposal 7:00 p.m. 2. Presentation of Plaque to Robert G. Greer for Service as 3 Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners 7:05 p.m. 3. Consideration of Resolution Commemorating the Centennial 5 Year of the Cape Fear Museum 7:15 p.m. 4. Consideration of Approval of Amendment to the New Hanover 7 County Code to include Wrightsville Beach as a Member of the i ~ New Hanover Human Relations Commission 7:25 p.m. 5. Re-consideration of Approval of Grant Application for "Project 11 for Happier Lives" to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation and if ~' - Awarded Accept the Grant 7:30 p.m. 6. Public Hearings: tem A: Rez nin - Re west b June Andrews to rezone 5.2 acre -t--C ~ Y s 1 ~ on the east side of Carolina Beach Road (5600 block) to Office ' and Institution from R-15 Residential (Z-611, 12/97) ~' 7:50 p.m. Item B: Special Use Permit -Request by Ballantyne L.LC. for 25 approval to construct a 54 unit townhouse project on the south side of Allen's Lane west of Military Cut-off. The site is zoned R-15 Residential. (S-420, 11/97) 8:50 p.m. Item C: Rezoning. Conditional Use Site Plan Revi ion- Request 29 by Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care Center to convert the existing manager's residence into an adult day care service for up to 15 adults. the side is zoned Conditional Use Office and Institution (Z-454, 6/97 Site Plan Revision 12/97) 9:00 p.m. Item D: Text amendments- Revisions to the penalty sections 33 of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances (A-288, 12/97) 9:05 p.m. Item E: Road Closing- Request by Douglas Potter to close the 39 northern portion of Danie Street located north of Carl Seitter Drive and approximately 1500 feet west of Castle Hayne Road (SC-73, 11/97) 9:15 p.m. 7. Appointment of Commissioners to Various Boards and 41 Committees 9:20 p.m. 8. Committee Appointment ~ ~ 45 9:30 Op.m. 9. Meeting of the' Water and Sewer District 65 ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 10:00 p.m. Adjourn '~ I~ I~ - MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 JANUARY 5, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Resolution Accepting 50,000 gallons per day of wastewater from Pender County/DEL Labs ADJOURN PAGE NO. 65 67 69 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JANUARY 5, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 77 2. Approval of new positions for the Register of Deeds' Office 79 3. Award of bid and approval of contract #98-0187 for a wheel 81 tractor scraper and approval of sale of existing equipment as trade in - ' 4. Approval of application for Department of Health and Human 109 Services Grant for "Smoking is Not Your Friend" 5. Approval of application for Department of Health and Human 113 Services Grant for "Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program Enhancements 6. Approval for Department of Health and Human Services Grant 119 for "Buckle up Kids in New Hanover County" 7. Approval for application for A Community Health Improvement 125 (CHIP) Grant for "Firearm Injury Prevention" 8. Approval of bid #98-0186 and approval of contract #98-0186 131. for the purchase of a custom fire apparatus/chassis for Castle Hayne Station 9. Authorization to submit a letter of intent concerning Work 133 First Proposal 10. Authorization of submittal of Rural General Public Operating 157 Assistance Grant 11. Approval of Deputy Sheriff position for Community Alternative 163 Education Center 12. Approval of transfer of funds from General Fund Balance to 165 Parks for development of Pilots Ridge school/park site 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~ 13. Ratification Denise Matromic, Lower Cape Fear Personnel 167 Association and Glover Melvin, NAACP Representative, as members of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission 14. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-0085 to adjust budget to actual amount of grant 169 award and to move all funds to Contract Services B. #98-0089 to budget proceeds from the Certificates of 170 Participation (COPS) issue for purchase of one floor of the Bell South Building located at Fourth and. Princess Streets C. #98-0091 to budget additional State funding for medical 171 and office supplies and to enhance the data entry system ~ 15. Approval of Resolution in support of the reformation of the .175 Internal Revenue Service. This page intention~clly left blank ~~ I~. I~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/0~/98 Regular Item ~: I Consent. Item #: Additional Item ;Y: Department: Presenter: Vice Chairmanm Greer/Andy Atkinson Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson " Welfare Reform Public Hearing BRIEF SUMMARY• As an "electing county" a public hearing must be held prior to the submittal of the County's plan to the State. The plan must be submitted by February 1, 1993. The plan, of which a copy is attached, is in "draft" form. There are many. questions still being worked on. Until those questions are answered, no cost of the plan can be estimated. RECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFCZUFgTFD ACT[ONS• Hold public hearing to receive input from the public. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYcw Appropriation Rcqucst: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD• HR• s;VUiv"1'Y MANA FR'S COMMF,NTS AND RFCOMMFNDATI( Hear public comment and consider the comments for inclusion in the pl C c. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~UN'iY COMMISS(ONE~RS APPROVED p REJECTED p REMOVED p PQSi'F'ONED D H~AFiD r~E ~~ This page intentionally left blank ~ ~~v~~~~ ~ @~~a~~~ a~~~~~ .~~ .: _ .. t t i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: O1/0~/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Chairman Caster Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.[ECT: Presentation of Plaque to Commissioner Robert G. Greer for serving 5 years as Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMiy1ENDED IV10T[ON AND RFO 1ESTFD A T[ONS• rvtvut[vG SOURCF• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HIS: BOUNTY MANA .FR' OMMENTS AND RF OMMFNDAT[ONS•. Present plaque. COUNTY COMMISSIQNQZ$ APPROVED ~-, REJECTED O ,. REMOVED Q ~ y,~ POSTPONE© (~ ~`` HEAt~Q ~: Rcfcr to Office Vision Dullctin Doard for Disposition ~~~ This page intentionally left blank a~~~"ti ~ ~f~`~~ ~M~p ~~~~~~ i; ~ ~ ,. `~ `~ ~~ ~. t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/0~/93 Regular Item #: 3 :Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Cape Fear Museum Presenter: Seapker, if needed . Pa e Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: Sea ker ' SUR.iECT: Proclamation recognizing Cape Fear Museum's Centennial BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Museum, the oldest history museum in North.Carolina, will celebrate its 100th anniversary in January 1998. We would like the Board of Commissioners to recognize the event by issuing a proclamation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACT(ONS• FUNnrNC SOUR .F• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Othcr 5: IYew Appropriation Request: Money [s In Current Budget: Bud of Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWEn I3Y• LGL: FIN: COUNTY MANA R'S COMM Consider adoption of proclamation. ~, BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: F,CnMMF.t\InATin1V~~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Eiullctin E3oud for Disposition COIJ~VT1( COMMISSIONERS ~-~~pv~~ r~ , . RE;lECTE© D R)sMdV~C? D POStf~QNEI~ O HEARD ~ ~ C} GATE -~=/,~:~~~ ~~ NE~V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COivlivllSS[ONERS PROCLA~IVIATION WHEREAS, January 19th marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment by the Daughters of the Confederacy of what was to become Cape Fear Museum; and WHEREAS, the single room and one display case of the original museum has grown into Cape Fear Museum, a major cultural and educational element of our community; and WHEREAS, Cape Fear Museum, a department of county government, is a steward of the cultural and scientific heritage of the Lower Cape Fear region; and WHEREAS, Cape Fear Museum preserves and interprets the history, science and cultures of our citizens; and If~HEREAS, Cape Fear Museum, the oldest history museum in the State of North Carolina, is celebrating a centennial during 1998, and wishes to attract attention of the citizens of New 1-Ianover County as a major education center; and frf'HEREAS, Cape Fear Museum contributes.to the social and economic well-being of the County and is an attraction in the promotion of heritage tourism; and IVHEREAS, during the 1998 Cape Fear Museum will celebrate its 100th anniversary of splendid service to its constituency with special activities, events and ceremonies highlighting its history and future; NOIV, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby commends Cape Fear Museum for its centennial, congratulates it for commemorating a century of service and education and proclaim 1998, Cape Fear Museum's Centennial Year. Adopted the fifth day of January, 1998 New Hairover County Board ojCommissioners William A. Caster, Clrairman JSEALJ ~ [~! ki .% ~ cie F. Ha el1~~Clerti~~o 11re Board l `'#r ~, ~, ~~~ x~ ^:~. _: 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ~'. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/05/98 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department:Human Relations Presenter: Anthony/Jack Manock Pa e Count In A enda Package: 1 Contact: Anthon Wade, Director Human Relations SUI3.TECT: Inclusion of Wrightsville Beach into the Human Relations Commission [3R[EF SUMMARY: Wrightsville Beach has adopted a Resolution .Committing Wrightsville Beach to participate in the Commission RECOMMENDED MOT[ON AND RFO 1FSTFD ACTIONS• The Human Relations Commission is requesting that the Board of Commissioner amend the New Hanover County Code to afford appointments by the Town of Wrightsville Beach in order for Wrightsville Beach to become a member of the Human Relations Commission. The amendment will increase the Board's size by one additional member to be appointed by Wrightsville Beach. r~utvu[NG SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: Uscr Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANA . R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDAT[ONS• Recommend amending the New Hanover County Code to include the Town of Wrightsville Beach as a member of the Human Reaations Commission. ~ ~ l~ll',~od~~: ,. ~ 7 Refer to OCtice Vision Eiullctin Board for Disposition _ AN ORDINANCE ~~~" OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (~ The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 6.5, Discrimination, of the New Hanover County Code, be and is amended as follows: Amend Article II, Establishment of Human Relations Commission, Section 6.5-4, U Membership: , a) The Commission shall be composed of seventeen (17) members. b) Thirteen (13) members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, ~} three (3) members shall be appointed by the Wilmington City Council, and one (1) member U shall be appointed by the Wrightsville Beach Town Council, consistent with county and municipal policies governing appointments to county and municipal governmental commissions, committees, and boards. Amend Article III, Bylaws of the Human Relations Commission, Section 6.5-11, Membership: a) Terms: 1) The Commission shall be composed of seventeen (17) members. Thirteen (13) shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, three (3) members shall be appointed by the Wilmington City Council, and one (1) member shall be appointed by the Wrightsville Beach Town Council, consistent with county and municipal policies governing appointments to county and municipal governmental commissions, committees, and boards. Except as specifically amended above, Section 6.5-4 and Section 6.5-11 of Chapter 6.5 of the New Hanover County Code, shall remain unaltered and in full force and effect. This the day of January, 1998. S (SEAL] _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST' William A. Caster, Chairman ~,~~ Board of Commissioners 4 ~' k 1cJ~ :,lerk too tt~e Board' ?~~:-1c-9? iaU i~ .5 P,I iC~nti ~~c `~;IG~:S~Ii~..., cGa :n~ f~C. ~102~oi0:0 ~, MINUTES BOARD OF ALDER~titEN ' NOVEMBER 20, 1997 PAGE 2 2 uests as follows ov activit rou re A d . p y q : ppr e g a. Private wedding April 25, 1998 Gazebo at South End of Beach Strand 'b. Private Wedding May 2, 1998 (10:00 a.m.) Beach Strand at South End c. Fox Kids Fair '98 May 9, 1998 .(10:00 a.m. - 4;00 p,m.) _ Rain date - May 10, 1998 Wrightsville Beach Park d. 20th A.Znual YMCA Triathlon September 21, 1998 Start at Blockade/Finish at WB Park ~3. Approved Budget Ordinance No. (1997) 104-B appropriating funds for salaries and training for ~ ~ COPS Grant. .4. Acknowledged receipt of report of sale of Town Surplus items at Auction of November 1, 1997. ~S. Accepted donation of equipment and training material from the Wrightsville Beach Volunteer Firefighters Association to the Wrightsville Beach Fire Department. ($3,500). 6. Approved Budget Ordinance No. (1997) 105-B appropriating funds to pay legal fees to Poyner and Spruill. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO OBTAIN PIIBLIC COM.'KENT ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A BOATOMINIUM AND BOAT SALES & SERVICE AT 130 SHORT STREET. THE APPLICATION WA5 WITHI~RAWN BY THE APPLICANT- Mayor McKim noted that the applicant had requested the conditional use permit application be withdrawn. j . MR- ANTHONY WADE, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COA4IZSSZON, AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY CO!-4fISSZONER BUZZ BZRZENZEKS, TO REQUEST TtTE BOARD'S CONSIDERATION OR BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION, 9 iii 1~1:- I ~~-c ~ - ~ -. .. - c .,. T'l~ !_ .~ i't! fCni1 ~J 'ry,iU~:SViL__ EGii .~.~ liC. ~liJ2~6i~:0 ~ "~ .. J MINUTES BO.aRD OP ALDERMEN NOVS~iBER 20, 1.997 PAGE 3 Mayor McKim introduced Mr, Anthony Wade of the New Hanover O County Human Relations Commission and County Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks. Mr. Wade explained the history, current make up and U functions of t:te Commission. He stated that the main purpose was to strategize for possible changes that would improve the quality of life for all citizens with the two main issues being fair housing and fair employment. He said that the Commission also served as the enforcement agency to insure that citizens are treated equitably and fairly. Mr. Wade explained that ~} because Wrightsville Beach was not a member of the Commission, U they had been limited to training and advisory services and cited the recently completed training seminar. Mr. Wade stated that Wrightsville Beach was currently covered by federal law for housing and employment discrimination and if a person filed a complaint, it would go to Raleigh or Charlotte. Most people would rather have issues resolved by people they know or who understand the culture of New Hanover County. Mr. Wade also explained that if members wanted to'find out the status of something,.they could call his office for personalized service - something the Commission wanted to provide - free of charge. Mr. Wade stated that this was a service of County Government and they were extending an i..^.vitation for Wrightsville Beach to join the Human Relations Commission. Mr. Birzenieks concurred with Mr. Wade's statements. Upon questioning, Mr. Wade stated that dual filing exists and if someone filed with the EEOC, it would be referred back to the Commission. Following a brief discussion, Alderman O'Quinn made the motion that Wrightsville Beach become a member of the New Hanover County Human Relations Commission. The motion was. seconded by Mayor McKim. Mr. Wade stated that other beach communities would be invited to join the Commission also. As this would be the first municipality to join the Commission, he would ask the County and Town Attorneys to discuss representation on the Commission. Concern was expressed that Wrightsville Beach would have little-say on the Commission. Following a brief discussion, the vote was taken and recorded as ales by Mayor McKim, Alderman Roberts, Alderman Miastkowski and Alderman O'Quinn and nay by Mayor Pro Tern Sandln., ,. ~o a - ` - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/05/98 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle/Judge Burnett Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 14 Contact: Bett Jo McCorkle .~ . • SUB.TECT: . Re-consideration of Grant Application "Project for Happier Lives" Cape Fear Memorial. Foundation '~ BRIEF. UMMA Y: R The Board of Health approved the "Project for Happier Lives" grant application at the Board of Health, November 12, 1997 meeting. This is a grant application to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for $79,200. The,goal of the "Project for Happier Lives" grant is to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate and reduce the - `.problems teenage pregnancy creates. - ~. - - - RE MMENDED M TI NAND RE UE TED A Ti NS: + Approve grant application for "Project for Happier Lives" to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation and if awarded accept grant. - ~• ~ . FUNDING SOURCE• ..~ Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other S: 25,000. - . Money Is In Current Budgef: No - New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: No - REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA .FR' COMMENT AND RFCOMP/IENDATIONS- `. Recommend the Board of Commissioners hear the presentation. There are components of the grant . application for the proposed program that break with the mainstream in terms of rewarding behavior. The Board heard this item at the last Board meeting and asked that the-,i~t m be rescheduled.for the 1/5/98 meeting. t+UUw~g Zi~cvnvn~aiulvttta 1 ~ APSRGVED ~ , - ~O R1rJ~Ct~~ Cl .. r _ - . ~ R~~oV~Q o .1 ~ . ~ p~S~~aN~©~~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HIA~Q ~ tr ;. flAT~ - .. ... ~~ The Partners Program ~~~ .HIP - - . b.e ma....o .b,r~ - a component of the Community Health Iinp,rovement Program of ' New Hanover Regional Medical Center .- J PROJECT FOR HAPPIER LIVES a .- a "Snapshots" for Proposed Project See Attached _ ~ _. _ _. - .• ~~f~ • { - ~~~~ f ~ ~ 33 The New~Hanover County Department of Health provides quality health care, preventive medical ,and dental services, and environmental protection for the citizens of New Hanover County, The Women's Health Care Division; specifically, is comprised of two separate areas of care: Women's Preventive Health (family planning), and Maternal Health. The mission of this division is to provide primary and preventive health care, counseling and education. to females of .reproductive age and beyond; through a holistic approach; to improve and enhance the quality of life for themselves and their families. Specific clinical services for women's preventive health (WHC) and prenatal patients includes complete physical exams; labwork, diagnostic studies; education, treatment and referrals as indicated. Health department staff consists of registered. nurses, social workers, health educator, nutritionists, and clerical support personnel. Women's Preventive Health Services are housed at the health department. Maternal health services are housed at New Hanover Regional Medical Center via their ob/gyn residency training program with collaborative participation from hospital and health department staff. Health department services are provided on a sliding fee scale based on income and one fee is inclusive of all services. Hospital services are charged to patients according to established fees. Medicaid is accepted through both the health department and the hospital. ". Describe your organization's structure and attach a list .of your officers and directors The mission of the New Hanover Counry Health Department is to protect the public health~and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the :quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services. The health department was establishcd in :1879 and has functioned with a Superintendent (presently called a Health Direztor) and a hoard since that time. The "committ,ees' of the 1879 health department have currently expanded to . eleven (11) divisions. These divisions are Administration, Animal Control, Child Health,: Communicable Disease, Community Health, Dental Health, Environmental Health, Health Promotion, Laboratory, Nutrition and Women's Health Care. (See the attached list of Board of Health Members.) 1. Describe the problemineed'that the program/project will address.. Teenage pregnancy in New Hanover County (see slats) .. ~~ Lack of commitment by teens to access services available to them which would help with the problem of teenage pregnancy Teeri ideology that pregnancy and parenting is desirable as a means of establishing . independence and maturity; guaranteeing unconditional love, etc. ,, 2. Describe the objective of the projectlprogram and indicate how individual lives of the . 13 ~~ 34. '~ " recipients will be changed and what benefits are expected to result. The objective is to prevent teenage pregnancies-among volunteer participants (ages 13- 19) for a minimum of one year. This program will be offered to any and all participants in this age range. It is hoped that the program will be expanded in subsequent yeazs upon documentation ofits success in reducing teenage pregnancy rates in New Hanover . County. p'rl Pregnancy prevention, not pregnancy termination, is the objective of this program. This program does not endorse abortion as an appropriate means of pregnancy prevention. Therefore, abortion during the project year will disqualify that participant from the monthly•drawings and the end-of -year drawings. Human life is of the highest value and will be emphasized with this project. A secondary objective is to educate teens about the advantages of delaying pregnancy past the teen years which will provide additional time for~the maturity process to be complete and will increase the chance-for life successes such as completion of primary and/or secondary education, wage earning capacity and productive citizenry. Decreased health risks are also associated with delaying pregnancy past the teenage yeazs'such as premature delivery, small for gestational age births, child abuse, juvenile delinquency, sick and disabled babies, etc. It is hoped that the educational efforts wilt stimulate and motivate the teen participants to delay pregnancy past year one and into subsequent years: Other benefits include the exposure. of positive role models (volunteer career women, etc.) through monthly planned health education topics aimed at positive behavior modification; improved health priorities such as~ cancer awareness, feminine hygiene and health promotion strategies to include improved skills in the areas of decision-making, refusal skills, and goal setting. Creative strategies will be utilized in order to entice teens to participate in educational offerings, programs, etc. The "sweepstakes" theme may be employed in order to present concrete information in a "package" that is familiar, exciting and motivational for teen participation. Monetary' incentives will be provided through a drawing for those participants who follow sweepstakes instructions. In order to validate the honor system involving maintenance of apregnancy-free -state throughout the yeaz long program, pregnancy testing (random) will be available at program director's discretion to be conducted at the monthly meetings. Describe the strategies you will develop to accomplish the objective. L 14 • 35 .; •' -INCENTIVES A- Monetary incentives will include monthly drawings for participants ($25:00 cash or equivalent gift) . ~ _ B- End of year drawing for five (5) $5,000.00 "success grants" ~ *** Option: Bonus drawing for the $5,000 could be awarded ten (10) months . following the end of the project year- if no child has been born to the successful • individual. If a child has been born within the ten (l0) month period, the $5,000 will be awarded to the runner-up if no child has been born to her during the same period. An additional.monetary incentive. could be identified for the male °partners" through • • allowing the female participants to "split" the $5,000.00 with their boyfriends to share in their yearlong pregnancy-free success. EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Meetings will be held in geographical locations throughout the county in response to the residences of the participants. Content of the meetings was Briefly outlined in the objective section of this proposal. The emphasis will be on ' holding meetings in a neighborhood setting in order to create an envirorunent of non- ~. ~ threatening warmth. Times will be chosen to meet the needs/schedules ofthe teens and sessions may be repeated in order to reach all participants. Depending on the response, four (4) or more sites may be established throughout the county to be held each month. It may be necessary to conduct'separate sessions to accomodate the difference in ages. . Trans ortation will be rovided, and/or arran ed ini order to decrease an trans ortation P P g Y P bamers for participants to attend all monthly educational sessions. ' ' tte w ta lished to assist the "winners" with a.wise-s endin A c ommr e ould be es b p g ~, plan for the 55,000.00. This would be a ongoing process from the beginning of the program through the educational sessions and discussions ofgoal-setting, decision-making, planning for the future, etc. More specific assistance would be 1 given following the announcement of the "winners". ~ - . Utilization of the New Hanover County Health Department Agency and some of ` its staff would allow for a quicker start for this program. Considerable time would be saved without the need to establish an organization, immediately hire staff, ' etc. The health department is swell-established and sound organization with well . ~_ ~ qualified staff who have long-standing experience in the area of pregnancy prevention. - Volunteers would also be utilized as program participants. 4. State how, when, and who will conduct an evaluation to measure how well your project is • meeting its objectives. . . y Several options could be utilized for the evaluation of the program: w -I 36 .~ ': Compare teen pregnant' statistics from another comparable county which does not have a similar program _ -- Compare the birth rate among participants at the end of. the project year. + ten (l0) months with the birth rate in the general teenage population for that same time period. -- Conduct surveys throughout the educational sessions in order to assess knowledge -pre and post testing Contract with an a enc to conduct on oin and end= - ear~ev g y g g of y aluations -Suggestion: Coastal Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Research Department -- A int an.Adviso Board to meet re ularl with lea ppo ry g y program ders and participants in.order to conduct ongoing evaluations and to offer guidance, support and direction to the program. This board would. consist of the New Hanover County Attorney, a psychologist, a marketing representative, program, leaders-and program participant. q' . a . a .• - . . ~ . _ _ .. ., ~~ 16 • 37.: ~:{ BUDGET ~~ ~ - = CHIP .Grant Proposal Grand Prize Incentive . $25,000 --$5,000 x 5 'Public Relations 8,500 ' Monthly incentives @ $2~ each 2,500 Staff(1 full-time facilitator/ organizer/ planner) 30,000 Space rental -monthly education sites (if needed) 5,000 Food (monthly meetings) 2,500 = Postage ~ 500 Computer/supplies 3,000 a V,an rental 2,500 _ ' -- ($50/day, 4x/month/12 months) .Evaluation 5,000 Field Trips 5,000 ~' . GRAND TOTAL ~ $89,500 `, Application to Cape Fear Foundation ~ - BALANCE REQUESTED 525, 00 n ° V In-Kind Expenses ~ ' X25,000+ Health Department staff time, building use, telephone use, Wilmington Housing ~. Authority staff time, various volunteer time ~ ° -. #i - ~ ±~ ... ;~ _ 17 38 - . ,~. This page intentionally left blank ... ~ 8 . ,. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION.. Meeting Date: 01/05/98 .. . Regular Item #: 6A . Consent Item #: Additional Item #: .. Department: Planning .. Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count, In A enda Packa e: S Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: m ~!~ ~ Rezoning (Z-611', 12/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by June Andrews to rezone S.2S acres on the east side of Carolina Beach Road (5600 block} to Office and,Institution from R-1S Residential. ~-z y RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFO FSTFD ACTfONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with modifications. ~- • . . ~. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: .Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre arcd: REViE~VED RY: . ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: BOUNTY MANA R' CONiMFNTS AND RF OMMFNDAT(ONS• r ~: . _ ~ CQIlNTY COMMISSIONERS APPRt3VED @~~ ~ ' • : REJECTE® L7 f ~ REMOVED C] POSI'A®N~[3 Q . HEARD ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin E3oard Cor Disposition DAT~ ~/.. ~..,.... ~~Il ITEM A CASE: REQUEST: LOCATION: ACREAGE: X611, 12/97; Applicant: June Andrews for Dottie Kilpatrick R-15"and B-2 to O-I Carolina Beach Road, east side; 500 feet north of Rosa Parks Lane 5.25 LAND CLASSIFICATION: Resource Protection- Seeks to preserve important natural, scenic, wildlife and recreational resources. Residential density greater than 2.5 units per acres is not permitted. Compatible. commercial, office and industrial development maybe located in these areas as long as important resources are not impacted. Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval with modifications. Specifically, the Board recommended that the depth of the extension should be limited to the easternmost limit of the B-2 District located to the north, or about 950 feet in total depth. Two nearby property owners told the Board they were not necessarily opposed to the request but had concerns. One owner felt the depth should limited to about 300 feet. The other wanted assurances that adequate buffering and setbacks would be employed to protect an adjacent residence occupied by senior citizens. Staff Summary The proposed rezoning includes two tracts land. The northwest corner is zoned B-2 and is currently used for a real estate office. The remaining property is zoned R-15 Residential and is undeveloped. In December 1995, the County denied a petition to rezone these tracts to B-2. The Commissioners noted that continued expansion of the B-2 District southward. from the primary commercial node around Monkey Junction would be'inconsistent with Policies for Gcowth and Development~aimed at limiting strip commercial development. The Planning Board also recommended denial, noting that expansion of the B-2 District would worsen strip commercial development in'the area. The Planning ..Board also discussed zoning the property to O-I and variations to the B-2 District line, but no ,.consensus was reached. .. The Planning Staff suggested several options, but emphasized that a decision had to be made to establish defined limits. for the Monkey Junction commercial area. The 1995 petition lead to spirited opposition from property owners from nearby Rosa Parks Lane. They~a~g~ e~d~~a~hare-~ ~o ~~g~ the site to B-2 would add to traffic problems in the area, create encroachment,c~.oncerns`and~l~ad to the eventual loss of wetlands,. particularly at the rear of the tract. l~ ~~ ~~~ `mstanceslhave~chan~;e~!`little since the 1995 etition, exce t that the ace of develo ment in the P P P P istrict to~the~noctti ~ha"s~increased sharply. That growth underscores the immense commercial ~Y ~~.. w r 1 1 development pressure affecting the area. As a result, a great need persists to define the outer .limits of the, Monkey Junction commercial node and how the County should deal with similar situations Also, similarly situated parcels along major roads have lost or are rapidly loosing their appeal for new home construction, placing more and more pressure on the County to.rezone. The proximity to road. noise and the glare and glitz of commercial activities are the primary culprits for this diminished appeal. The Land Use Plan offers'some guidance.. It clearly states that linear expansion of commercial Toning is an undesirable land use pattern and should be avoided, but falls short in determining~how the nodes are ultimately defined. Nevertheless, it would be obvious. that extending the B-2 District further south would undermine those development policies. ` A possible alternative to this zoning dilemma is the placement of a transitional zoning district that permits land uses which have less impact on nearby residential uses yet are more compatible with adjacent commercial activities. The Land Use Plan is specific on this point..It clearly promotes office and institution uses where a transition in land use is desired, particularly between established commercial uses and established residential uses. This technique has been applied in several areas of the County, though it is too early to make conclusions about its overall success. A recent application of this~approach occurred in 1996 across the street from the subject properties. The idea behind that rezoning was to limit commercial expansion but to allow the owners reasonable development opportunities for land that wasn't likely to be utilized under residential zoning. Staff recommends approval but suggests limiting the depth to coincide with the drainage tributary on the site's western side. Also, rezoning these properties to O-I would leave a strip of R-15 zoned property to the north sandwiched between two non-residential districts. To avoid that, staff would . recommend. they be rezoned to 0-1 as well. ., 21 PETITION~SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number:' Z-611, .12/97 Qwner•.-- Kilpatrick/Grimes Representative• J. Jones `` Request: R=15 to B-'2 `Acreage: a _ 52 Tax ID Number: 76 Location: 5653, 5657 Car. Bch. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: ~ .Resource Protec inn Existing Land Use: tae~identia Zoning History• ~' Area or~q~in'ally zoned Aoril 7 . 1 971 _ ~AyPra 1 nPa rhv~ parcels rezoned commercial - the most recent~in:89.' ,. . Watcr Type: ~ well i. Scwcr Type' Septic/County Fire District: I~lYrtle. G-`rove ~ Recreation: Arrowhead p~ k Road Accus: US 421 `- ~~ Volume: 22000+ ADT School District: Bellamy MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Motts Creek C (Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary ,None Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: Primarily Kureb (Kr) and Leon (Le) L Soi! Type(s) and Class: `' Kr: few~~lmits; Le: limits due to wetness 2~eptic Tank Suitability: None Prime Agricultural Soils. Building Suitabiiity: _ Kr: '...none; Le: limits due to wetness . L • ~ ~ t • • WHAT XOU 1VtUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use. ., district~proposals: The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a,comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements: , t Howjwould the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Devcl- tS ~~11~ Gj-114NL~E WoUI.D G c111i "t}}C (;y;/c-wP~-' '-N t~ ) tit ~eN11`1C "ro D~lGnl 1 ~ Z-STeRY DFF-t GC Lo~n/lI fJtun~t ~~7-c1~~u~r3z 7'e b~ ~o.u~p~1-r~ c,~ I~t1 su~c.t: aN~ t-oul -iM PAGT ~.~ Wt ~N TT/I~ Sut2t.-o utJO~ nJG ti~sro~xl~'i/-)c~rYC~`3~~ "fHE P(~t~t' t5 NoT P(~Jt-z:-CL~ To IM('AG"T '1-tG To A1U /'~f'PR~I~O~ DEG~EG AS-fD (L,Eq~I~"~tD~-SI-1R(~•~~©r/.~.~t!`~ UIG P-'~e6P~scf. ' al.TrbcIGN T~ DC-Vt?,O('~vt'l~tj" IS ~tsT h~A!'f-G~'i~-P ~b (rtC~Ul(LG A ADD r-oQ~ Mass Tr2ASttruT ~l-v~lc~biu~Yl 7r-+E c~=~c.oP~- Wou.o c-nY~wt~~ use. ' ol/ SucN Moor=~ SNotlt.a 7}+EY t~~'ulE ,4rvq.1 t~~..e.. © How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? ' . A ^~o~hv~ el-f~NC~ F¢on,t a-1 Arun 1e--15 of '~-{r: SrTE 'ro 0£} L(,.a1~Flc~ ~- ItJSTITlr1aNAL~ Wot/1.D ~u.aW THE v~YUO~eti ~ Mh%~ ~l1~YV Sil'h.'t•-It~~ ~~ ~~ c~fTE 7a i?4•KE ~OV~lTAGfi OF THE tlNlqu~ d~OUPt~}6 dF ou-SIB ~6S /Nile Foe-1RCEl /~S wEt,t, /~s l1pD(>filUG a LES76A5 T1~14T V~OUl.d~ g}~ R'>7 ~~-~i`~-[ ~ o F T}~ ~ ~ ~l T~ a -~K- " ~ ln/ -ca vnr; rv,~" o r~- "Cd ~-~.t;' i~tL. o ~ ~~ F X I S~-I N 6 s`1'~~tJC~`(c1 roc: ~S tom, f4~ -7?~G s u lN~t~ vnmJ ~l b /~Y~~ SftOUlp T~Ir ptrVCt,aP7~ G~uDS" )T ~1t~SSARY -Tp 1r(ct.t~Y~ /'}N~ . (zc.~oErrri~„ D~tl~t,a prvt~-~11r I~ T}}E pl,,~}l~ l=tsfL-`Sly ~ FU'71,~'-c ~4 t~,~wTy o r 2. S v n1rC's//~c(LC W I u.. F3E ~4 t~ H sf1~'0 ~ . © What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or ` how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted undo the existing zoning? ~~- Ta ~PE,oPIWG ~MMs<KlapL 6?OWTN -TO T~-I>/ IMMEtxA1~ MI~H ' o~ TH>r ~~~ IN THE ttMo~llr~`( JuucclonN' /il~A l.~rn/r~ ~o~li~.n R-!5 io ~k-IE EASY ,qNp ~v-T}-~ O-F -~}-I~ ~d('~x-YY tS t~1tC A~nr(lG7Pl~'T-EU Ta BE ` ~, ~T/3~ FtrfL P-~SIG~NTIR~ .G(1.flwZN 1n1~"tl-!rnr( /~, "~UFf.>~-n ofLT~4~},tTle~ f~Q~. TF1EREl Ot2~~ A)J O1`FlG~ ~(=~0~~_Zor11hIG~ ~ovlp ~5E t°~T" Itii pt,A~~. . ~ 70 "So>~rl K -fH~- ~F>~t~Y F2oM foMM~3-ti1Rl. 70 ~SID~aVT1At.. ~'~~45. . ... • ~ In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that'I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that ttic singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ . 4 . ~PCN~T P.G. Signature of Petitioner 23 This page intentionally left blank ' ~ 24~ Regular Item #: 6B ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: S Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Special Use Permit (S-420, 11/97) BRIEF SUMMARY• ~ - Request by Ballantyne LLC for approval to construct a S4 unit townhouse project on the south side of Allen's Lane west of Military Cutoff. The site is zoned R-1S Residential. ~: RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• ` The Planning Board recommends approval with modifications and conditions. '. ', FUNDING OUR E• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Mone Is In Current Bud et: Y g New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: "REVIEWED BY• ~ ~ LGL:. FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA .FR'S nMMFNTS AND RE (~MMFiYDATIONS -~ , . COUMfY COMM(SSIONF.~i ~' APRRC#Y~i3 [? . ~~IwcTtw~ ~-! ~os~lv~a ~ 5 r~~~~ :z Rcfcr to OtFce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~+~ / ,, ... r ~ Item B S-420, 12/97: High Density Residential; Request by Ballantyne L.L.C. to Construct 54 Townhomes on the South Side of Aliens Lane West of Military•Cut-off Planning Board Summar-Y The Board voted 4 to 3 to recommend approval of the project with the following modifications: - Reduce the overall density to 49 units from 54 units -Provide a 20 buffer utilizing natural vegetation and augmented by fencing and additional evergreen plantings along ,the south-side Allen's Lane -Move planned entrance on Aliens Lane approximately 260 feet to the east opposite'unit 12 and 13. The majority felt the project if modified as noted above would be a good use of the property. Members voting against the proposal felt the project was incompatible with established single family uses on the north side of Aliens Lane. Moreover, they felt it would aggravate existing drainage and traffic problems already plaguing the area A number of adjacent property owners spoke in opposition. They told the Board that the project would be incompatible with existing land uses,. would make existing Traffic and drainage problems worse, and would diminish their overall quality of life. NOTE: The subject property is in lire City of Wilmington's Phase I Annexation Area. Preliminary Staff Findings ' 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. _ . A. The site will be served by County sewer and community water. B. The development will have direct access to Military Cut-offand to Aliens Lane. NCDOT is preparing to pave a section of Aliens Lane that includes the frontage of the subject property. The developer plans additional improvements to Aliens Lane not contemplated by NCDOT, primarily curb and gutter. C. The p°roperty is located in the Seagate VFD District. D.' The planned units are not in the 100 year flood plain and do not impact any known conservation overlay district resources. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Hi~'~h`:'densitysi's"pernitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. B. The property~s c(a`'ssified Urban Transition. ~ ~~f~~~ ~~e~ C. ~, The development~wull be served by County sewer and Cape Fear Utilities. The ordinance 2 ~~ requires high density projects to be connected to a public or community water system. ~~a~~a ~ ~~ . ~u~~ _ ., ,, D. A site plan pursuant to the ordinance has been submitted: E. The plan complies with density limits, impe[vious coverage limits, access standards, drainage requirements, setback standards and buffer standards. ,. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or . abutting properfy or that the use is a public necessity. ~- ~A. The project's eastern boundary abuts commercial uses (either existing or planned) along , Military Cut-off. Scattered single family units are located to the north, west and south. B. High. density projects are also located nearby. ~. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to. the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of develo ment for New Hanover Coun P h' A. There is a wide mix of land use in the general area, including single family dwellings, office uses, commercial services, wholesale distribution, and multi-family. ~_ ~j ~~ :~ ~ ~ .. . _. ~, i . 27 __ - ~ ... ~ i PETITION SUMMARY SHEET ~, Petition Number: S-420, 11/97 dwner: Marsden, Bellamy Et. A1. Request• Townhomes, High Density Taz ID Number: 5612 Representative: _Bal lantyne LLC Acreage: S . 4 3 Location• Allens Lane • LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ ' • Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use: vacant • Zoning $istory: ~' Area originally ~onAr? z~~,~,~+- i a, ~ g~i ' ~ O-I to north established 4/94. B-~ r~ west Pct~hllc}~Pd 11/73 and expanded 8/90. P.D. ~ Pcta 1' P sh 1 Community County Water Types: Scwcr~Type• Fire District: Seagate Rccresttion: Ogden Park Allens Lane, tlilitar 18.200 ADT (95 co~~ Road Access: Y Volume: Cutoff School District: Col1eQP Park •. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Bradley Creek (SC) ' Watershed andWater Quality Classilication• Fringe of Primary Area Aquifer Recharge Area: None Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: '• 28Soil Type(s) and C1a3S: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prinnc A riculturxl Soili~ Primarily Leon (Le) - Class III N/A: County sewer None g Building Suitability: See wetness . Regular Item #: 6C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Rezoning -Conditional Use, Site Plan Revision (Z-454, 6/92, Site Plan Revision 12/97) BRIEF SUMMARY• Request by Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care Center to convert the existing managers residence into an adult daycare service for up to 15 adults. The site is zoned Conditional Use Office and Institution. ~~ . .r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE UESTED ACT(ONS- ' The P[anning Board recommends approval. . . ~: FUNDING SOURCF• - Federal S: State S: .County S: User Fees S: ~ Other S: Money Isdn Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ', Bud et Amendment Pre ared: __ RF,ViEWED BYs ` LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: . S~QUNTY MAI`1A . R'S COMM NTS AND R OMM NDAT[ONS `~' ' COt1NTY CaMMiSSiQNERS I APPR©VEa ®~ REIEETED D . F'OSTA©NEL? CI ~: i 29 . _ s ~" ~ ` Rcfcr to OlTicc Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition~T~ _ - ~. ITEM C 2-454, 6/92; Revision: Request by Davis Health Care for Eldershaus to Convert an Existing Administrative Office for Use as an Adult Day Care Service. ~ - Planning Board Summery With little discussion, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. The Board deternuned the planned conversion would be consistent with existing land uses nearby and create few if any impacts. NOTE: The Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care Center ("the Center") was established in 1967, nearly 4 years before the adoption of zoning in the area. The facility, a one story masonry structure, has approximately 100,000 square feet and currently is licensed for 199 beds. In June 1992, the Center added a geriatric clinic in an existing one story 1300 square foot building located in the southeast corner of their campus. To accommodate the clinic, the owners had their property, including the Center, rezoned to Conditional Use Office and Institution. This action not only permitted the clinic, it also brought the Center into compliance with local zoning. The only other building identified in the conditional use plan was a manager's residence, a 2000+ square foot structure located about 200 feet southwest of the geriatric clinic. The applicant proposes to revise the approved conditional use plan by converting the manager's residence into an adult day care center. The adult care center operation would be small in scale, accommodating a maximum of l5 adults. It would be operated by Elderhaus. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The existing building is already served by water and sewer and no upgrades to those services are needed. B. The site is located in the Ogden VFD. C. The site has access to private internal drives that are connected to state-maintained roads: 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. ~h~eil~~e~t'~°on++se"d~C~o~~tional Use O-I Office and Institution. Adult day care is permitted by special~;se~pe~m~~t: B. `Ofd street~parki~ng~w,~,~ill~be provided at existing parking facilities on the site. Employees of 4the day cage wi~,Il"~p~ar~k„;to the rear of the Center. Patrons of the day care will use a van 30 service opecated;by~Elderhaus. Also, adequate area exists around the building to accommodate addtio"ria~l~parking if needed. k C:C~ibk~WAI!L'.~"..t'::5-'F6..o';-i7Y.C^7 ! ~ C ~ N i i , . o new construct on w ll be needed. . 3..The Board must find that the use wilt not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. , A. The day care will be located in an existing building on the health care campus. Adjacent lands are sparsely developed. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to th l e p an as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be , located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The day care facility would be housed in an existing building on the health care campus. No new construction is needed. B. Land use in the general -area consists of single family uses, a retirement village with a variety of housing options, and a private country club. C. A satellite fire station is under construction to the west. . ;. _` . ..~ ~ ~. L .. ~. r - :. _ _, r 1t 31 ~ I 1 •~ ~ VYhat you Mush Establish Por A. _ • Special ~.Jse Permit . Authority to grant a Spccial Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The ' Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicanl. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicablc, how the ""• . proposed use satisfies these rcquircmcnts:,(Attach additional pages if necessary) - ,' • ~ General Requirement #i ~' '.. . I The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health oc safety if locatcd where pro- posed and dcvclopcd according to the plan as submittcd and approved." ' StatunentbyApplicant: An adult day care .facility would•not endanger the • ~ ' public health or safety at the proposed location. . ,. Cenerai Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance.:' ' Statement by Applicant: We propose to meet all required conditions and specifications. General Requirement #3 s • The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or chat the use is a public necessity." Srat~~necrt byAppliccr~ft: ~ The ad~oininq property includes a skilled nursing facility and a geriatric clinic. An adult day care center will ccrcplltnent the current Cornelia Nixon Davis campus. ; - ~ ; General Requirement #4 ~~ The Board must f7nd "chat the location and character of the use if dcvclopcd according to the plan as submittcd and approved will be in harmony with the arcs in which it is to be locatcd and in general conformity with'thc plan of development for New Hanover County." '• •, , Statunu:t by Applicant: In addition to Cornelia Nixon Davis, the Porters Neck Area ••; also includes Plantation Village; an independent living retirement • ecznni,iitity. Adult day care services add to the harmony of the area it will be located in. •' •. •• The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposts additional specific rcquiccmcnts on the use requested by 'the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to dcmdnstratc that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in scctjon 72 , (as applicablc). HdShc should also demonstrate that~the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and politics of I`1cw Hanover County.:Thc Board of Commis- sioners may impost additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Spccial Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion,and belief. . ' ignature of Applicant nd/or Owner ~, N. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/Os/98 ~. Regular Item #:6 D Consent Item #; Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes . , Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 Contact: Pete Ave , SUB.TECT: Text-Amendments (A-288, 12/97) ~. ~ BR[EF SUMMARY: Revisions to the penalty sections of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. _ ~, • ` ~: . ". ,~ RECOMMENDED Iy10T[ON AND RFQCIFSTFD ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval ~, FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: Money is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ,~ REVtEwEn BY• ~° • LGL: FIN: BUD: HR• ~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMFNTS AND RF~QMMENDATIONS• ~~ COUNTY COMMfSSI~ERS L` .. APPROVED . R~.l~~fiED CD 5 REMt3VE© H~ARa Ct Refcr to Onice Vision E3ulletin E3oard for Disposition _ .f .J . ~ d d~T~ " _ _. ~" U Item D- Zoning Text Amendment- Revision to Penalty Section of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, A-288, 12/97 ~ . . Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendments as written. There was no discussion. Planning Staff Summary Attached is a memo from Assistant County Attorney Andrew Olsen that explains the need for the revisions to each ordinance. Current Language- The language set forth in each ordinance is exactly the same with the exception they are numbered differently. Both read as follows: This ordinance may be er forced by any one or more of the remedies arrthori~ed by G.S l53A- 123, including bu[ not limited to the following: -Violation of this ordirrarrce is a misdemeanor as provided by G.S. 14-4, as amended, which specified punishment by a maximum fine of fifty dollars (50.00) or imprisarment for not more than 30 days. (Section 68 (1), Sub.Or~L; Section 132-1 Zon.Ord) -Violation of This ordinance srrbjecls the offender to a civil penalty of fifty dollars (SSO.00) 1o be recovered by the County in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does riot pay the penalty to the County Finance OJf ce within ten (!O) days after the offender has been cited for violation. (Section 68 (2), Sub. Ord; Section 132-2 Zon.Ord) -This ordinance may be enforced by air appropriated egr~ilable remedy issrrirrg from a court of competent jrrrisdicliorr. (Section 68 (3) Sub. Ord; Section 132-3 Zon.Ord) -This ordirrarrce may be er forced by it junction, order of abatement, or both„ as provided in G.S. lS3A-123 (e). (Section 68 (4) Sub. Ord; Section 132-4 Zon. Orrl) -Each day's continuing violation of this Ordinance is a separate and distinct offense. (10/07/85) (Section 68 (S) Sub. Ord; Section 132-5 Zon.Ord) .~.. The proposed revisions would combine sections 68(1) and (2) and 132-1 and 132-2 respectively and rewritten to read: 132-1 and 68 (1)- Violation of this ordinance subjects the ofjerrder to a civil penalty of o»e hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, three hundred dollars (,300.00) fora secoird offense, acrd five hundred dollars (.500.00) for a third and subsequent offense to be recovered by the County in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty to the CountyFincrnce~~Off cer~lhpten (10) calendar days after the offender has been cited for a violation. Violalion~of fro dnance shall result only in civil penalties and/or civil action set forth herein and sha~lhol~e tail criminal sanctions. ~ ~ ~~~~' u sections 68(3) (4) (~) and 132-3 132-4, 132-5 would be renuntbered as jollofvs. There ' ~~E~~~ ' ,.., rq~ ~~ ~ . ~, ~ would be no language changes ~ 68(3) to-68(2) 132-3 to 132-2 ~ ~ 68(4) Yo 68(3) 132-4 to 132-3 68(S) to 64(4) 132-5 to 132-4 ~~ St ff d a recommen s approval. ~~, ~, -. ~- '~. c . ,~ ~~ ~. ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .... .. MEMORANDUM- ~ ' TO: 'Pete Avery, Senior -=-~t Planner FROM: Andrew W. Olsen, Assistant County Attorne~ _ RE: Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Penalties Section DATE: November 13, 1997 In June of this year the Board of County Commissioners passed amendments to several County ordinances having to do with penalties for violation of nuisance, litter, noise, building and fire codes. The amendments increased the amount of the maximum fine from $50.00 to $500.00 in conformance to new authority under state law, and a new progressive and uniform structure was established providing for fines of $100.00 for a first offense, $300.00 for a second offense and $500.00 for a third and subsequent offense. As part of this package, an amendment to the penalty section of the Zoning Ordinance, section 132, needs to be considered by the Planning Board for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. A copy of the proposed language is attached.. Thank you for your assistance. ' /awo '~ 36 DRAFT ~; AN ORDINANCE OF THE . ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . . The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Section 132 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance dealing with enalties is P .hereby amended to read as follows: .~~ Section 132. Enforcement of Ordinance. ~~ This ordinance may be enforced by any one or more of the remedies authorized by G.S. . • ~ - § 153A-123, mcludtng but not limited to the following: _ - ~ d • . 132-1. Violation of this ordinance subjects the offender to a civil enalt of one hundre P Y dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, three hundred dollars ($300.00) for a second offense, and five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a third or subsequent offense to be recovered by the County in a • civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay .the penalty to the County Finance ~ Office within ten (10) days after the offender has been cited for a violation. Violation of this - .ordinance shall result onl in,civil enalties and/or civil action set forth herein Y P and shall not entail criminal sanctions. 132-2. This ordinance may be enforced by an appropriate equitable remedy issuing from ~' a court of competent jurisdiction. , 132-3. This"ordinance may be.enforced by injunction, order of abatement, or both, as • ;~ provided in G.S. §153A-123(e). _. 132-4. Each days' continuing violation of the ordinance is a separate and distinct offense. - I " " This the day of , 1997.. ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners " Clerk to the Board ~~ This page intentionally le_ ft bkrnk 38:~ .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: Meeting Date: 01/05/98 ~~ - - Regulaz Item #: 6E Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~' ~ Department: Planning .Presenter: D. Hayes , - Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Sam Bur ess ,~ SUB.TECT: _ Road Closing (SC 73, 11/97) 1, BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' Request by Douglas Potter to close the northern portion of Danie Street located north of Carl Seitter Drive ~, and approximately 1,500 ft. west of Castle Hayne Road. ~~ , .. ~, , . ~ ' ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RF UFSTFD ACTIONS• `~-. ~. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~. . Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: - Bud et°Amendment Pre aced: ,~ REVIEWED BY• ' . LGL. FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA DER' COMM NTS AND RF nMMENDAT(ONS ~I , COUNTY COMMfSSIONE~S APPROVED ^ ~'~=.~;/ ~ ~~ Rt=.IECT'E~ ^ ,~dv moo' , Urv ~r~e ~~~ ~ . . ; - A~ ~~ ' Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ . . AGENDA INFORMATION COVER SHEET Agenda Item: E Meeting Date: January 5, 1998 Subject: Road Closing- Portion of Danie Street (Seitter Acres Subdivision) Summary Information: Applicant Douglas Potter has requested that the northern portion of Danie Street in Seiner Acres subdivision be closed. Danie Street is located approximately 1,500 feet west of the Carl Seitter-Castle Hayne intersection, north side of Carl Seitter Drive (see attached map). This improved right of ~vay is 60 feet in width and 200 feet in length and serves access to four platted lots- two on each side of the subject request (owned by the applicant and adjoining landowner). Davie Street along with three other streets in the Seiner Acres development run south to north from Carl Seiner Drive. All four streets terminate at Wildcat Branch and 'could serve as potential access to the Jordan property labeled as "A" on the attached. When the Jordan property becomes fully developed, the need for utilities, and improved access will be realized. An examination of aerial and topographical maps indicates that if Danie Street were extended into the Jordan property, a pipe or large culvert may be needed to cross Wildcat Branch. The two roads east of Danie Street that run south to north appear to hold more promise and may produce less of an impact if extended into the 3ordan property in the future, however, County Engineering staff has indicated that a 30 foot utility easement will be needed on the western side of Danie Street (from the centerline of the. road to the western right of ~vay) to facilitate extension of the County sewer system. Staff Recommendation: Due the topographical nature of Wildcat Branch and the potential expense involved if a , ~ L piped crossing or culvert were installed at the northern terminus of Danie Street and also realizing that two roads east of the subject road hold better potential for access to the Jordan ~~ property, the Planning staff recommends that 30 feet of the road be closed (from the centerline of the road to the eastern right of way) and the balance of the right of way be converted to a 30 foot utility easement as recommended by Engineering staff. , Cl ~~~~a~ ' CJ ~~~~~t:ri` t ~i~r~° r ~; ~~-~w~~w~ku~ fi~e+a~ , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/0/98 Regular Item #:7 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: .~ Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ,~{ SUB.IECT- Appointments of Commissioners ;~. .BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board needs to make the yearly appointments to the various boards and committees requiring a County ; Commissioner as a member. •,~ . , ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTFD ACTIONS• -Make the appointments , ` .. , ~~ ' . ,~ . FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: VIEWED BY: LGL:. FIN: BUD: HR:. ;~{ BOUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND R OMMENDATIONS- Make appointments. ~: CaUNTY t'AMMiSSIONF.RS ~. ~ APp4dVED C~ RE,lECTE1~ O _ R~MOVEI? D PC3STPt~NEt3 D :'''e 1 Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ®~~~ ,, 1997 APPOINTMENTS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO VARIOUS BOARDS Bellamy Mansion Board of Directors Cape Fear Community College Long Range Planning Committee Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Cape Fear River Corridor Study Committee Chamber of Commerce City\County Water and Sewer Services Unification Committee Convention & Visitors Bureau Council of Governments -Executive Committee Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board DARE Board of Directors Fire Commissioners Groundwater Task Force Health Board Human Services Transportation Advisory Board Human Relations Commission Keep America Beautiful Legion Stadium Committee Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority Military Affairs Committee NHRMC Board of Trustees Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Partnership for Children Port, Waterway & Beach Commission Program Area Committee for Kirkland Revitalization (CDBG) Soil Conservation RC&D Southeastern Center (Mental Health) Transportation•Advtsory Committee Urban-Planning and Growth Ad Hoc WASTE,C Commission Wilmington H~~usng~t& ~F~~ance Development Wilmington Industrial Commission IJ ;~~'a~a~~.~~~ ~~~~ ~a 42 ~~ ~~1~'~c >~ ~~~~ .~:~ ~~~~ Commissioner Howell Vice-Chairman Caster Commissioner Davis Vice-Chairman Caster Chairman Greer • Vice-Chairman Caster Chairman .Greer , Vice=Chairman Caster Commissioner Howell Commissioner Birzenieks Vice-Chairman Caster Commissioner Davis Commissioner Birzenieks Commissioner Howell Vice-Chairman Caster Chairman Greer Commissioner Howell Commissioner Birzenieks Chairman Greer Vice-Chairman Caster Commissioner Howell Vice-Chairman Caster Vice-Chairman Caster Commissioner Birzenieks Chairman. Greer - Commissioner Birzenieks Vice-Chairman Caster Chairman Greer Commissioner Howell Commissioner Davis Commissioner Howell , Chairman Greer Commissioner Birzenieks Vice-Chairman Caster Chairman Greer Chairman. Greer t A 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 w r m w ~ . H . o a C, a a c ~ ~o ~ ~ m v O ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ . O~ H :. O ~+ Y Y ~ ~ Y X Y _ Y ~ d ~ N .~ ~ :~ m 'C m ~ N 'C m ~ N C O d ~ ~ C C m O m d 'C m F 3 m •s m ~ m 3 °' u"a •S ° 3 <n 3 ° in 3 ~n u~ m °~ N 3 'S 3 °' in H =UpU ~UUZ° ~m UU~m2U ~.Z°apU=UUop ~-apU ~._~_ ~,mU ~ ~ Q~~ C ~ C O C C~ O~ C C~~~ C m~~ C~ C C .` O ... C m~~ ... ~~ C d d GL m cv m cv ' m to cv m o m m m m a~ a~ ca ~ m a~ m m m m a~ ~ m m v m m a~ ~, m to O p,, o E o EC9 E E oC~ o E E o 0 o EU o o E o E E oC~ oc ECG o o.oC7 o Ec~c~ V ,_ •N •~ •N •~ c .~ .~ .N c .N .~ .~ .~ .N .y .~ c .N 'N ._ .N .= .= .N ° ._ ._ c in '~ °N c 'v, •- c c .N L .N L ~ L L N ~ N L L .y .N N L O .N .N L .N L L .N O .~ L fC ,Vf .N .N (4 N ~ (9 f4 ~ Eck EU E~?c?~E E~E Uv E E Ec? E E EU EUU E E EU E E E E E~EU E E ~' EmEd'~ommE'~E ~mEEE~'~EE~E~a~E'~oE~'~EEE'~E~'~o'~ C~ O U O U L U U O L O U U O O O U L O O U O D U O L O U t O O O .C O U L L -+U5U5vS~5000 550005UUU~U55UUU5U~UUUUSUU O U G~, _~ c C N m C m m .. f9 m a ;~ : E ~ m E .p p ~~~ ° ~ m ~~oE c m o ~~m E ° ~ ~ N ~ C'~ O a m o .5 oJm N T~ v .~ 'S Q W mmm'Sam'c a c py ~- rnrna~ c ESQ o c p m mQ o~ ~: ~ E~ n -~ o .. °UU E o.~ 3 ~'` ~ NUw ~ Ln m a'~~ ca`o~'~'v`,c Ecii ~m ~~~ ~° o c E E c E'E ~.... m E N E m ~a~ ~ N N NU ° E E m mNiv oy >~~ cmi`o•-°F~- ~,~co E 'rn o o .2 .2 b ~m`'m`m`m`Zc °ocoU0U0-°ioEROma~m a~mma~ E3m ~ Eta. u., ti ti o= .a c - m U _... `-° n.an.a U m c~ E~ m o m E E.o m m m m ca ~' too 'cQ ~. ~. m > ° m eDUUUU U UUU U~LLC~ZS1'J c~ . m 0 U ~. c a O O R N d7 cv ~ E m m E E ~.. O ~ o a ~ c 'c ,. U Q v °m .cmQ ~ ~ m ~x amid= ~ o 3 m E~ ='Ea m N j ~ m Z o ° R oE~: ~.E °n m a~ ~°, U. m ~. U~ c E ~~?~ ~ ~~~~ o~ c~U .h E ~Q~ m EU •- N O ~. ~EF-oLmE~~•S~ ~~~•~~ ~U-o mU rUaUQ rn E ~ ~ u. ~n ~ ~ 0 22m m ~ a.c of='ti Off. m 'm O ~~ C~ Z~ a o c co~m~s °'Q miinr ~ U o O ~ UQU,~Enf4Ecco04 wvrnQ, m~~Y~~~,~~~~~ ~__~43 o-=~~oo.oo~~ QEE ~~zn.aaacnv~--~ 3~~ 'This page intentionally left bin-nk ~~ 44 .. ~ ,.. ,. ~~ - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: 01/05/98 ~~ ~~~ Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #; Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ~~ SUB.iECT: ~ Committee Appointment '~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: Board of Health -General Public .- J~t~~~r~{ li `till"Fs~ e '~: `~ ,. ' ~~, RECOMMENDED MOTIOiY AND RF UESTFD ACTIO'NS• Make Appointments ~~ rv(vul[vC. ~c URCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User trees S: Othcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: (Yew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~FYiEWED BY• ~, LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: .. COUNTY MANA ,FR'S COMM NTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• ~` . . tAUNTY COMMISSIONERS .J APPR©VED L~ _ ~ REJECTED I~ REM(3VED ~ ' - ~ POSTFQNED ~ ;' . i HEARD a ~ 4 5 p e Refer to Office Vision E3ullctin F3oard Cor DispositrofnjTE COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF HEALTH 1 VACANCY -THREE-YEAR TERMS ;, CATEGORY: GENERAL PUBLIC APPLICANTS: GENERAL PUBLIC Donald P. Blake John M. Coble Lana Woodbury Corbett James P. Economou ~ Henry "Hank" Estep Leon John Mavrolas , Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications , N~M4aYJfE a~k'~4 N,fVI~# L~ "~~ ~~~~ C~ ~9~-.~l~~ 4 6 ~ ~~~ga I ~, • ~' BOARD OF HEALTH - _ Number of Members: 11, appointed in categor ies as follows: 1 Licensed Physician ~~ 1 Licensed .Pharmacist. 1 Licensed Dentist ~~ 1 Licensed Optometrist 1 Licensed Nurse 1 Licensed Veterinarian 1 Professional Engineer 3 At-Large/General Public 1 County Commissioner ~.~Terms: 3 years - maximum of 2 consecutive 3 year terms Compensation: .Chairman. $25.00, other members $20.00 per meeting. ,~ l . Regu ar Heetin s: First Wednesda each mont at g y h 8.:00 a:m. at the - Health. Department . ,~ statute or .cause creating Board:` NCGS Art. 3, 130-13 (c) Brief on the functions: State law requires public health services available to its resi each county to make dents Th B . e oard of Health ensures the provision of these servi ces and performs the policy making and rule making functions for public health in New ' Hanover County.. . PRESENTLY TERM ~ CIIRRENT HEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES , Gela N. Hunter Nurse First 12=31-2000 126 Quail Ridge Road ~ - ;~ Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 12/8/97) . 79.9-0723 (H) 763-2072 (W) Thomas. V. Clancy, M.D. Physician Second 12-3T=98 1624 S. Live Oak Parkway . Wilmimgton, NC 28403 (Appt. 12/21/92) ~ 763-6716 (H) 343.-0161 (W) (Reappt. 12/18/95) > Ma ry King Dean General second 12-31-97 2117 Gillette Drive Public . Wilmington, NC 28403 {Appt. 12/16/91) ., 7'62-4825, (H) (Reappt. 12/19/94)' ~ ' W. Edwin Link, Jr. Pharmacist First 12-31-2000 . 306 Colonial Drive ,. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 12/8/97) ~ ~ 343-1244 (H) 763-0845(W) . s i . 47 .f BOARD OF HEALTH (CONTZNIIED) CURRENT MEMBERS Dr. Michael Goins 5030 Randall Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 392-0270 (H) 392-0270 (W) Dennis L. Jackson, D.V.M. 4012 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 458-3203 (H) 452-4093 (W) Wilson:o'Kelly Jewe11,~~D.D.S. 218 Pine Grove Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ?91-6113 (H) 791-2401 (W) Anne Braswell Rowe 2216 Acacia Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 762-42425(H)~ William T.°Stewer 6228 Fox Run Road Wilmington, NC 28409 799-2144(H) 395-5585(W) Estelle Grady Whitted 1611 Rock Hill Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675-2179 (H) 343-2889 (W) Robert G. Greer 320 Chestnut St., Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7149 David Rice; Director County Health Department 2029 S'. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28403 343-6500'. 12/96 File: Health PRESENTLY TERM CATEGORY SERVING E%PIRES Optometrist first 12-31-98 (Appt. 12/18/95) Veterinarian second 12-31-98 (Appt. 12/21/92) (Reappt. 12/18/95) Dentist first 12-31-99 (Appt. 12f 16/96) General first 12-31-99 Public ' (Appt. 12/16/96) Professional first 12/31/99 Engineer (Appt. 12/16/96) General first 12-31-98 Public (Appt. 12/19/94) (Reappt. 12/18/95) County Commissioner 48 J NEW ~IANOV~'R COUNTY BOARD 0~' COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 r•/~nofr® tsra 34r-rras FAX (81 Q1 341 ~ 130 NOV 2 4 1991 N~,Y f{rL~IOVR CO. E~. Or CC'dtd!aSiCilE~ Appiicat(on for Appointment tv 8oa~ds, Committees, and Cammiss%ons AppaTntAd by the New KanavQr County Board or Cammtssionets. Revuest to~Appolrfrmrnt m: ~ o A e p ~ o f uc~-L7 f-~ ---Y~~~y'~,.,..,.~_~~~ 1Vame: ~ ~ v A ~~ ~. ~ 1.. A 1~C Nome ~ ~ ~ `_ ` ~ ~ ~ M ~ Q.C. Kaw /onp fwvc you beer H Address; _ ) T~Af~p resldont efNew Nano~et CeunryT Mar'TnD Address: Gty and State: ~ ~ 1. ~ ( (~ -G TO~ } ~ ~, Z;p Code: ~- g ~' 05 Telephono: ' Kame: ~ Q ~ ' S ~ O Business: •S~: n1 A Lc 'Race; L°.~ J rl 'Asr: ~ 'This ie/armsdon r~ rogwahl /or the aofi p,.po.a• et •uu~fny th~r ~ craaf~eelfan o(fM communiry Lt ~ppoin cad. •'f/nplayed by: I~G"1'lQ.~ D ~• Perron curnrt uy irrp/o ytd D y y,s ~ p~ncy ar deptiv„.n t for whicA ws .pPGudon is made, must resign hfs/f1 apari cia., a,;rh No-r H.ew~r Cocnty up~,ppo,GrLna,fi ~ iccorz'MCa wrtAAldc% N, 3~:. f of Ne Now Ner+O~~r COtmry Por_Cnnat Pblry. Jab Title: ~~ Pro(essione/A~~/fles: ~Ar~y VolunteelActlvltles: M p'+ ~ . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Cammlt;ea, or Cammiss%on ieQuostedT _ ~ }~Ay E. ~. O 1~ ~,, '~ ~D C~AI~Mfl~.1 p~ a~ H~ l,t~, 11~~~~ ~c ~ER1~~' Cc. What da you Iccl ere yon qualrlicerlons fot aervinp on rho Board, Corrrm/tlee, or Comm/s;ion ~eQcrestedl ` o~ $~o~{. ~~ ~ m Qc~ ~ L i?TER r45 mE~~~ , What areas olcancein wot,ld you like to fee the Baerd, Committee, of Cammisrion edd~assl C~ER.~~ CAC - R ~c~ t-.1c. ~~L-~N' Are you cu~rendy serving on anothen board of eofrunfltea appalnted by a mun/c/polity or a county? !l sa, p/ease Fsr. Dare: ~ ~-- ~~ -- ~ ~ ----._. l~L.sture $lan9t4r/D~ ~ ~ Iovors• aide (or fddi~cnd cemmenfsJ ~QV~~ . L EF.EERE- NC'ES ~ Please provtde th~ve /oval parsons/ ~ete~ences: ~i Narne Phono /Number ~~.. ~1tC~F~C~L Goti~S ~ q ~ - ~ ~I ~`~ • zl Jola~ o~3LG - 1q 1 - 2a~ 3i ~ ~ m~~ N 3,k ~ - `Sao ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ `- - ~~ ~~ .. ' NFW HANOVF'R COUNTY ~~~~~C~;Lv; BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ti . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 N4V ? 6 1991 Wilmington, NC 2840 Z-4093 c. ~~ t-~,VOVER CO Telephone (9101 341-7149 ": r, r:•+'+fl:S1a~~J~~.S FAX (910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request (orAppoinfinent fo: _ .yam} d i,~it~ - o ~. yc~~jG~ v ' Name: ~/ ~~ /L ..: `YI ~f~. ~~- Home How long have you been a Address: / 8 W , U~' ~ 2~~ ~~ resident of New Hanover CountyT Z. ~g ~. .~ --~ Mailing Address: / r' ~/. L~~->Z„t~/ f~ ~~-;~. ~~.~- /,.~ ' City~andState: G~/I-•~~L,; ~,~~ ~~h~/ ~ ~ Z;p Code: ~ ~~~`G v Telephone: Home: _ ~j / ~ - Z .I-L- s~`~o Business: ~ /G - 7 S /- Z ~3 Y 'Sez: I'1'7 'Race: .Age: ~-~ 'This inlormefion rs requested /o/ the so% purpose o/ essudny (he(e cross-sscfion o/ (he community is eppoinNd. ' ..Emp/a yed b y: _ ~ /J.' ~J /_'.•-~/ f fail/r /y`o ' J F "A person currently emp/oyed by fhe egency o/ dipartmenf /o/ which )his epp/icerion rs med~, must rasi9n Acs/her position wi[A New Henovsr Caunry upon eppointmen/, in eccordence wi/h Ailic% V/, Sec. ~ of the Nsw Nenovsi County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: G.J ,v e/Z Pio(essiona/Activities: _~ill~~i( .~- ~~ QC>~g~-.~A-i-,~ /¢Jf e~/4 T~ta.~ ~' VolunteerActivities: / / // fem. ~1 ~[ / ~/~~ ~/c...... R t~ J~. /~ as2"~ ~--%4... /t..~ T'i ,S yR~'~ ~ P~~l~c.ir~J~~ /1 a c .~*J-': OIL P~,•cIP...i7~ E~G c'7~ ~ r ~ ~ .tip G.4~ Q oq~~~ / ~A f Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) /~i7 ~ t J'i ~ ~ r,,,,~~ ---~ ' ~ /~/ iTd l'~t"i%Z ~ 4 ~ What do you lee/are your qualifications (or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT />~1~,2. 'G ~ive:.~P~ •R ~r .:,'iC. 4 ~, ~' ~ P u ~~G ~e'~~/.t. ~G'7/C'/1 ,f ~IQ v1~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessT %~ a - v ~' ~~.4'/ LO~/r7C O you current/y s1erving on/~another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? It so, p/ease list: ate: //fZ~/J^~ ~eese use rsverse side or edditione/ commsnls/ Signature ~lJ', L~~ (OVER) P/ease provide three local personal ~efe~ences: Name Phone Number . ~, . `~ 52 • - .. .. x _ . • ~ ~ NFW NANO 1/ER COU/VTY ~ ~ ` 80.4RD OF COly1M/SS/GIVERS , ~,f~~ , ~". •.~ 320 Chesinlr Srreet, Raorn 305 _ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 DEC 0 5 144? ._ . Teltphorre (9101 341-7149 ,. ~ ' .. • fAX f91Q1341-4130 ~ ~`~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~. -r G~ CjV1~ue~ J..SU •~•~ A licatlvn fnr. A C~. li ,' . ~ " ~ PP ppoiniment io Boards, Committees; mad Conuv; ss~orrs ., ' Appairrted by ~~ New Ha,~over Minty Board o1< Commissioners..: ' Request forAppointmerrt to: -. • • Name: -' .. .. . Home -- __ •_ Haw lane hove you been a. .. Addross:_ ~~QQ: ~' -~~~ '/ residenta~XewHanoverCo ' _ ~` N Mailing Addiess - .Gty and State:'~/>1 • i~Sjed ~~ ~ Zip Code: ° ?~ ~D e • Telepfiarre: Home: C /~l ~' ~`~'- S/ ~ S'/'-~,~t.~ .. , . ~' S~ Business: o!, 'Sex: _ ~` 'Bete: ~~_Jh ~ ~~G 'A~e: y~ :Th:c:nlvrrr.etion io rpvW[~d /ate tha ao% pwyoso of azst.raty llwf ~ crou~sctan pl l~+• cvmmw~Iry k apporntrd -''Employed by: SJl/ ~o~/P /0~,'aG . S~k9~/Yi~,p NPKj~r' sipe~ancurrnUY~~7~blih+ay~ncywd~perane.~rlbrv~ucAthar+vOrrc.acnurnid. ~rxatrspnho/harposiGonwidi Nuw Honov~r Co<.,ry ~+awpoMtm~rrL m eczwdanc~ wrthArtrc~v V/, Sic. 4 a(Ne N~svNmwverGounry Pw'sonn~/PoGcy. ,, ,:166 Title:: ` ., . Professional Acfivir;eS: ~~ ~ ~r~ ~A,o~ ~~~~ `' ~ ~ ~ VolunleerActiviries: %1~~1 J Why do you wish to salve on the Board, Committee, or Commixuon rcQUUfcdT _ ~ ~ ~. , " What do you fee/ ar`e your quali{rcatioru for serving o~ the Board, Committee, or Commisslan repuestedT r `What areas o concern would you ike rv see t/u Board, Comm/rree; w Commission addressZ ~ ~.~ ' " ~ ~ • Abe you-clrrrerrdy serving on another board or commi ee appointe by a municipality or a counly7 /f so, please lisC u. • 'A Dale:. .. Spn ' . rlfuaarr ~c~ inw~s~ sd. (o~ .daft on.I aamrn.nr~r/ . - . ' CovER) I "• _ ~ _ ~ - ~. ~ _ _ • ~~ ~. .1- , i Please provide three loco! persona! references: ~~ Name Phone Number 21 ,[ 3/lam ~.~/'L.~, " ~'~~'.~"_?~ 31 A ~-- .:_ - :~ .; - -- 76 ~~ ~~s- i~~ .,_ ... .,., ~~~ ~ ,.. . ~ _ ~ ~. ' ~1 ~ ~ ` ,~ . .. ~, . .. ~. - . _ _ ': ~' -~ - - •. ., ~ .. . _ :; II ' ' ~ , • • ' `~ 54 TOTAL P.01 (~ L ,! .. n, .. ~ - - " - LAIYA WOODBURY CORBETT ~ . " ". ,- - , . 63;00 S. Bradley Overtook ~ Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 ~ , ,• • ; . : . (910) 256-4849 home :. . ~ (910) 251-8930 work ~ ' '` OVERVIE W: . Confidant, self-motivated individual with extensive back ound in '~ . management, cduaation, salts, and' public trlaiions. Possesses ' ~ .~ e~'ective skills in supervision, planning, coordinating, follow-up. . decision malting, team budding, and problem solving. Excellent- . communicator and people skills. • • ~' " ~ EDUCATI ~ • ON: ~ Nova University- Fort Lauderdale, Florida . , Doctorate in Higher Education - 18 Hoeirs ~ . _ W t ' ebs er University - St. Louis, i~ssouri _ _; _ ~ ~ _ .d Master's in $usincss Administration - 1984 o ` ° : ~~ ~ • . Coker ColleDc -Hartsville, South Carolina • ` • , . < ~' ~ Bachelor of Science in Business Administration- l 976 . . '. : .. _ EXPERIENCE: - . . -' • •..]994-Prescat SENCIand Alumni Association, InG ~ . .. (Substance AbuselResiderrtial Living Homes) • .. - Executive Director: ' . -Plan, organize and direct the overall opaafion of the agcricy • . " -Supervision of all agency staff and cliznts (23 staff & 30 •:dients) ,. • . - -Answer-to Board of I)ircctors ` -All public relations/ communication-presented to local . . ~ • businesses and industries -Rcsporrstblc for prescntations to United Way ,local bus~ncases • and industries. . ' 1993-1994. Cape Fear Community Co[lccrc, Wilmington, NC. (Part-time) . Evening Instructor-i~farketing • • 1989-1994 , .-" , .. Bowman Beauty Supplies, Wilmingtan, NC ` • • °. . (Part-time) ..: Se1e~ MPSC~bnndising and Buying (910) 256-5113 .' . ' ;• - ; " 1989-1994 .. -. ~ •. Pendcr High School, Burgaw, NC Instructor-.. Keyboarding, Business Management, Business X,aw, . ' - Marketir~ . -Presented a proposal to Committee l 00 for provision of computer equipment valued at $42,000 for total high school. ~ . ~' . ~' •.. - • . . • •, . 1938-1989 14lidlands Technical College, Columbia, SC (one year Fashion Merchandising Dcpartmrnt, Hcad/ Coordinator/Program position} Developer: -Developcd a fashion merchandising program coordinating it with job placement within the community -Created and implemented politics and procedures for the departmcnt Public Relations: • -Intcgratcd cducaiional components of fashion mcrchandis~mg program with local comriwruty and industrial needs Recruiter. -Recruited .students for program -developed an articulation with local high schools and industries . __ Supervisory: -Supervised and evaluated part-rime instructors 1982-1988 Darlington Caretr Center, Dariingcon, SC Insm,ctor : Business Law, Business Management, Office - -Management, Typing I ~ II, Rccordkctping and Pre- ' Vocational Education-Developed a typing program for deaf _ -students -Solicited and rcccived funds (512,000) to purchase equipment des~cxi for hcaring impaired studcnts from the South Carolina State Department • 1982-1986 Dartingtoa Alterative Shop, Darlington, SC (Part-tune) Owner -Interviewed, hired, and supervised staff -Managed all aspects of alteration shop Summer/1982 Bruce Hospital, Florence, SC Agsi6tant Personnel Manager: -Interviewed and tcstcd applicarrts -New employee training and orientation -Developed job dcsaiptions and cnrployoe progress reports Wrote and developed cmploy'cc training manual 1980-1982 Florence-Barlin~on 'I'echaicai Coil bc,l=lorrnce, SC In.4tructor. Business Law, introduction to Business, Business • -Management, Eng]ish, Economics, Markcting and Fashion Merchandising ] 976- I980 Thomas Hart Academy, Hartsville SC . instructor. Engiist~ Reading, Anti, and History grades 3-7 56 i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 ,L . -~1 : =' l ~ ~ r 1, ~~. (~~ LY' ~~ Vr ~ OEC 0 2 1Sr~ ..,, „~~,i-Z ;,J, N..,r ~~,,,~,~.... _s ... ~ .,, EJ. Ci C,t:.li~:.,,,~. App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions U Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: R„ a rra ~ f uA~t h Name: James P. Economou Home 28 Aeauregard Drive Now long have you been a ~ g yrs Ac'dress: reside.~t of Nevir!enovar County: Mailing Address: 28 Beauregard Drive a City and State: _Wilmington, N.C. Zip Code: 28412 Telephone: Home: 7 91 - 2'SS 4 Business: 3 S 0 - 0 018 'Sex: Male 'Race: Caucasia°n 'Age: 61 'This in/armelion rs requested for the so% purpose o/ assuring lhef a crossaection o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: se 1-€ eshP lamed "A parson current/y employed by the agency o/ department /ar which this app/ication is mode, must resign his/Aer position with Nsw Henaver County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, sec. 4 0/ th• Nsw Nenover County Personnel PO/icy. Job Title: Owner & Operator of The Original Salt Works Restaurant Professiona/Activities: ~(ene VolunleerActivities: None Why do you'wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To contribute input from a small business owner's perspective. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? F~auta Zn aXtensi~ ar-krrrnnnri ; n tP['hni r-a1 dPV 1 ex~ment and cuGtomer relati~ What areas of concern would you Jike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? P 1 a u s i b 1 e development and direction regarding communications. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? l(so, please list: .. '~ Date: Ncw _ '~ 0, 1 9 9 7 Signatui /Please use reverse side /or additional comments) ° ~ .. ,. JAMES P.`ECONOMOU - . . 28 Beauregard Drive ' Wilmington, N.C. 28412 , •~ „ .. Phone: 910-791-2554 ' ~ OBJECTIVE: Seeking a challenging position which will utilize my education and experiences. Y ' ~,~ ~ ~ . to he benefit of my community, and my long term goals. . _ SLTNI1~fARY OF .EXPERIENCE: ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,~ - . _ Experienced in all aspects of business, including sales, warehousing, product , . development, production, plant management with profit and loss responsibility. ' . My ability to grasp situations and implement solutions through."hands-on" ' involvement has.resulted in quality improvements. EDUCATION: -. ~ 1957 Advanced Leadership School (U.S. Army); ~ • ..1962 Bachelor of Science (North Carolina State University) ~ - .1963-1980 Seminar Courses: (Kent State University--Industrial Motivation) ~' (North Carolina State University--Industrial Motivation) niversi of Wisconsin--Technical Worksho -, ~ . - tY P) EMPLOYMENT: - . 1987 TI-IE ORIGINAL SALT WORKS . a to Owner and O erator of a 60 seat restaurant. ` Present Successfully serving the Wilmington area quality food products for ten Years - . while maintaining compliance with all area health codes. Have increased the. profit margin 500% in that time. ' 1985.: ~_GanQ Nail: ~ ~ _ ~ - to Production Suvervisor Responsible for initial stafEng ,training and startup ~ 1987 ~ of plant personnel. Other dutie's included inconung quality control checks. , . . ~ - and shipping. _ 1.983 - Corbett Packaging Co. - ~ to ~. • Production Su erintendent: Res onsible for overall im roveme - ~: p p p.. ntof ' _ 19.85- production quality and quantity, personell scheduling and training.; "~ .. Su wised 25 to 55 eo le de endin u~ on - pe P P P g P s~PP~g schedules. ' 1977 r to Kaiser A~ricutlural Chemical Co.. Division of Kaiser Aluminum ~ - Shipping Superintendent: Responsible for reduced lost time of mechanical - l°982 d . break owns of bagging and bullung operations. Also responsible for over-all improvements of scheduling, shipping, and cost reductions. ~ - . . - Prepared departmentah budgets and interfaced' with other departments. - • Supervised 12 to 38 union members depending on volume. - . ' . ` ~ ~ .. - . ~ . ~~~ ~ 59 - ~ ~. ~ - , _ . JAMES P. EC0IYOMOU 1974 Marlite: Division of Masonite Corporation to OuaGty Control Supervisor: Responsible for the management and 1976 development of a small manufacturing facility, primarily a board conversion ~ ~- operation. Original responsibilities in 1974 were to establish incoming. and production quality control checks and measures.. Promoted in 1975 to Production Manager, Plant #3 with complete control over plant~management and .product control of- - ~ 1. Post Embossing:: Utilization of reject hardboard into first quality material. 2. Thermal Transfer: Dry finishing process ofprinting to panel,and fiberglass. - In addition to project development there was considerable interfacing with sales and marketing. 1969 Georgia Pacific Corporation ' to 1972 to 1974--PLA1~1T MANAGER: Supervised Product Development 1974 and Quality Control for a new plant in Whiteville, N.C. Produced . continuous Mende particleboard' including prefinishing. Supervised 1 17 employees. Also-defeated unio~..~atio~i attempt by employees. Handled arbitration and complaint matters: 1969 to 1972--Technical Director: of plant in Conway, N.C. Responsible for Quality Control, Product Development and Customer Comp~aincs Dept. Promoted in 1971 to include PRODUCTION MANAGER. Super Wised production .last year in addition to other functions with 90 employees. Accomplished a reduction in resin costs of 20% in three years. Also improved grade outs from 88% to a high of 95.5% with improved board quality. Other major cost savings were in the area of complaints which was reduced from 1/2 of 1% gross sales to $200 my last year there. 1967 U.S. Plywood Corporation, Catawba, S.C. to Teciuiical Services: In charge of Technical Services, Testing' and Quality 1969 Control in the manufacturing of hardboard. 1965 Southern Pines Association, New Orleans, LA. to Technical services representative: Responsible for the promotion of 1967 lumber and giving technical services to promote lumber uses. Midwest States = - 1962 Lesco Homes Martinsville VA. Division ofNational Homes ~~, (~to~ Manufacturer's Representative: Selling, erection and financing of homes. L~ V V- .1 U! - NEW NANO VER C4UJV7Y ~~ . . ~ BOARD OF COlUllfif/SSIOtVERS ~ • _ ~. ~ . `3Z0 Chestnut Street; Roo/n .305 ' • Vlliirtlington, NC 28401-4093 r . Telephone (91013,11-7149 . , , , , o FAX 13 101 34 1-4130 .. App/ication fvr Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . .APPoint~d by the New Kanover County Board ot'Commissioners. - Request /orAPAointmentZO: ~ ~ ~,,~ ~ 1.. n ~ Koine . , ~ ~ ~ ., , . ~s'oa MSC. Address: i S S A ~. T 2~ ~~ f~a w /on p have you been a ~ ~ resident of New Nanw;er Cauntyl Z • ~ Lt ~~ f A ' _~ . Ma,T,n~Address - •~ Sb0 ~ Lf ~s~ C T ~ ~ M• +Y C. ~. ,Piy Cl q • GryandState: W t m' ~ ^f .Tip Code: _ ~. ~ U 7e(ephoriei ' Xame: g l ~~ 7 Q 2 ~~~ Ape: , . . '77At inlomierron is nQvsted f/o'r- th. w/t p~rpcr• ~larssuni,y It,•t a uoo7 sscncn o! m. wmmun' is l1 e C.... Q2 ~ S 'O' ~avo7../-1 ••~~oYedbr S ~luC .S ~~•~~~ ~-~ ~~ , • :lprmnusrsdy'„rWIaY+QDyrh.•gp+~7'o~dn+rtraenrfarti.{fd~r~1v NewXewrrLbe t~on~yDonrmertLhrs~cat~ou..,lhArOds ~'~`~trarrcn.ed~,in.~rt..~r:O,•AwA.ipanow~rwiol ' ` vLSae'A'ofM~K+wXano•w-Co~~.P•r:virfdibicy, dab rte: ~ o hl L. M ~ N ~ t=.2 ProfeSSlgng(ActNiti~ ~ _ C ~ H t3 , ' W ; [ •,,t t tV 4~~ ' Jy GA ~ ~ .. ~ r `r`tc J i It ~.: -IC ~~ NZ'TJ~. ' ua!unleerAr,;vt,•rs: ~ '~'f~t~ W Yid '~, ~ . a C u 5 , ch A t ~.ti, ~, ; ~ - l~ttsT tcs, +nmy do you w(sh to servr an.tlie Board, Co,nm,2tee, or Convr,issien i . What do you tee/ are your pua/,•fcatlons for serving ea the £word, ComtniiteA or Cammhsio,~ request¢d1 ~ ~ -mac tt ~ 5 . J -----~~'~E- - LE C ui I~-t~.~ C14'.~+~. N Git.JC~ lNc c~ ~t~~ pa.~,u~ •Whaf areas o/ tantetq wou/d you rke to sav the Bo©id, CommiKe~, 0I Cornn~ssloq ~rrul ~j f r G, I G ~ INGS,S CAMS ~ NI~. _~/CIO M~ • ~SSi 57~,vcB ~ I ~ .. .Are yov currently servnp as another board of eomrn; /~ rtes ~pAoiated by a mvnfcipa//ty or a counryl //so, place ~ f. . d' ~' . =• Oete: ~O ~/ ~ ~ ~ C~ tA~si• urn /IV•rt1 -ids ror .a - S%QnatCd'e • ~ . !fond ro/,VAMIlf ." - .. - I . , ,. , .. ,. ... - d~ } ... ,-. n _.. . ;. .. NOV ? 6. 1997 61 '~ ` +.1 , r, uc I BFFcR NrF4 y Please provtde 1hrQa local persona/ a references: Names Phone Number tJ ~ T Ow Ar2c~ • ~,e N ,~ ~~z.. ~ 7 3 y~sr u ~ta• 2 k ~s t... CxL ~ ~~; r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 t Q ~ ~t ~ Q f 0 • • ~ a • ~ •o . ~ a •~_• • . ... •. . . , • • • ~, .~•~ •e •~.•. ,.•~~ • ~ ~~ NEtN HA 1.~ r u~ ~~ I11OVER COUNTY BOARD QF' COlv1/N~SS/ON~'RS 320 Chestnut Street, Rvom 305. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 :~ - Te(vphvne 19101341-7149 .. ~ FAX 19101341-4130 Apppcetlon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Appointed by th• Ndw Hanover County Board of Cvtnmissoners. , ROCUf1t t l o Appa/ntm.ntto: New Kanover Count Board of Health - C;eneral Public Catety: ' Nanrai l e_Orv - a M u o • ,Home - Addr~~s; /~ _ ! ~ Now /one heve you been a 'TC~' tros~dent of New Hanover County? - M~/yt~o Address: . CitYnd Sutt: ,~ . ~~' '. Zip Cade: _~ ~'" ~ O --~ Telephone:. Nome: ?C1 / D ~ ~ l Business: _ _ 6 t9 ~ Q ~O •~ •Stx: - . •Race: ~-~. . - ~~ t Ape: ~~ 7 '~1-v'^/o~~tion is /•quesld ~br tM •e% /upar. ol..r,wi..p Her a aeia•i•cl~on o/ rh• Corfu*u++fif is e ~'E~Afoy fd b _ ` r vva~,t.a. Y~ ' •./ person awr•ntly wrfpbr.db~ rA• ewn~yor ' p~rrmprfl for wfi~ch !lw •pplicitivn is made, mitt r•~ipn hh/t+•r poririon wrJ1 ., IWw Nenover Ccunry upon •ppo:n/mml, h eoca~dr.~o• wr'rA A/dc% Vi, 9ec..1 0/the N•w Hi.,a ver Covn/y Ovson d AoGcy. .Job Title: y- ,,,~ ~ I .-. P/Oloss;ana/ AClivil(OJ: ~ - ;e Volun(eerActlvlttet: ~ ' . - - ~ ' ~'hy do you wr'1h to serve on the Board, Cornm/ttQe; or Comm/ssa~ ~e0uestedl -r~~.c Q - r ~ot do you /i~l N~ you/ pea/ilicarions lar=ervrnp an lho Board, CarnmirrBe, Or COnlmisslorr /vp~es Bd7 f ` ~_ a_ ~, ~h~t Kies of conc~,n would you I(ke to Joe the Board m ' Co m~tree, Or Commission addrosST ~ you tu>•c~t/Y sdrvin . d on »othK board or camm;tt~e aQppinMd by a municip~li/y ar o counryl /l so, ~/_ te: . ~ Jl. . REFERENCES Ptease provide three local personal :references: Name Phone Number ,. -~" ~ ~~ . l.edh .~. MQ,~ro~5 Appilcant ~oa~d o~c . ~ e.al~ ~~ ... 64 ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: Human Relations Presenter: A. Wade Page Count In Agenda Package: 0 Contact: A. Wade SUBJECT: Human Relations Month Event BRIEF SUMMARY: Request $2,800 for a National Coalition Building Institute dialogue program to be held on February 14, 1998, during Human Relations Month. The Purpose of the program is to facilitate dialogue among a multi- racial group of leaders in our community (elected officials, educators media, business, non-profit, etc.) that contributes to coalition building and a greater awareness of human relations in our community. This event allows a County entity to hold an event that allows individuals to celebrate their similarities and discuss differences in a safe and nonthreatening environment, thus increasing our sensitivity and awareness to all groups in our community. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:' Recommend that the County Commissioners approve this request and related budget amendment #98-0101 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: 2,800 User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: yes I LGL: FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~ ~~~ APF'ROVEb tom' ~tEJECTED p REMOVED C! ~STPON~! ~ ,t N£Alit$ , ~~ L yF f ~ :tA~ (J~~1. a ~... a r~ Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Non-Departmental Human Relations 98-0101 1-20-98 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Non-Departmental Contingencies $2,800 $2,500 $ 300 EXPLANATION To transfer funds from Contingencies for a National Coalition Building Institute dialogue program to be held on February 14, 1998, during Human Relations Month. With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $187,389. Human Relations Contracted Services Departmental Supplies COUM~Y C~,y APPROVED !~ REJECTED REMOVED POSTPpN~#~ ~ HEARD ~{ '~ DAVE , °~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting dnd enter in minutes. `To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. 0 ^ ~w REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/05/98 E~egular Item #: w&s#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~~~epartment: Water and Sewer Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Accepting 50,000 gallons per day of Wastewater from Pender County/DEL . Labs BRIEF .SUMMARY: The County of Pender is requesting an allocation of 50,000 GPD for wastewater treatment from the County } of New Hanover and the City of Wilmington. The attached resolution delineates the conditions. The City ' of Wilmington will consider a similar resolution on the 6th of January RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ;~, ~` FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of resolution. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUMY COMMISSIONQZS APPROVED ®~ REJECTED O REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ HEARD DATE ~' ~~~' e~~~~~~~ ~, E~ Ct3~~~dl CI Ci3~f~1i~1~~ k ~ Q3'J6t,~3T2~~ ~~ ~~"AC~ FROM PENDER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE PHONE N0. Dec. 19 1997 (d9:56AM P1 k t OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS * '- POST 01=F1CE BOX 5 •'~. }, BURGAw, NORTH CAROLINA 28425 p~ND~~ TELEPHONE (910) 259-1200 FAX (910) 259-1402 December I9, 1997 Ms. Mary Gronto, Manager City of Wilmington PO $ox 1810 Wilzinington, NC 28402 Mr. Allan O'Neal, Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 2840I RE: Draft Resolution 50,000 GPD Wastewater Collection & Treatrr-ent --- Del LabsJPender County Dear Mary/Allan: In September, T sent each of you a resolution approved by the Pender County Board of Commissioners (copy enclosed) which requested 50,000 GPD of wastewater calsacity from New Hanover County/City of Wihnin,~ton. I am formally requesting, on behalf of Pender County and the Pender County Board of Commissioners, that this issue be considered by your respective governing bodies at your first meeting in January, 1998. I have drafted a resolution for your consideration. Obviously, you can modify it. I thank you in advance for your assistance on this matter. Merry Christmas. xc: George Rountree Rick Biberstein Scott Satterfield Charlie Nehrig Jim Lawrence Pender County Board of Commissioners Respectfully, Jo Bauer County Manager Post-it°` Fax Note 7&71 t7ace PH9~~.. TO From Co./Dept. Cfl, Phone S Phone a Fax.#' Fax #' FROM PENDER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE PHONE N0. Dec. 19 1997 09:57AM P2 XN"~'~tODUCED BY: Sohn B tier County Manag er DATE: 2/97 ITElV1[ NO 1 7 _ Resolution Requesting 50,000 GPD of Wastewater Treatment Capacity from New Hanover County/City of Wilmington SUB.TECT .AREA: economic Development r ACTION REQ1rJESTED: The Board is asked to req'-test 50,000 gallons per day (GPD) of wastewater treatment capacity from New ~~' ~~~'/~t3' ~ W~ngton to provide vastewater treatment service to Dcl Labs and other potcntiai industries. HISTORYlBACKCROUND: As the Board is aware, the county is committed to providing wastewater treatment service to Del Labs through the construction of a small, package treatment plant and a dedicated spray irrigation site costing $750,000 exclusive of land costs. As an alternative, a pump station artd force main under the river and connecting to the. New Hanover County sewer collection systexrt would provide a step toward regionalization of sewer service which may have economic and environmental benefits for all local governmental units. EVAX.,UATiON: The capital cost of this option (pump station/force main) may be slightly more than building a WWTP, but there certainly would be greater anticipated economy of operation and maintenance costs by treating 50,000 GPD ixt a 8 MGD WWTP. Certainly, it is a more secure option. -.~ 1VIANAG~I2'S RECOMMENDATXON Respectfully recommend approval. This alternative could prove fruitful in making regional approaches to problems more commonplace, if cost effective. • - TIALS RESOLUT><.ON: NOW THIEREFORE BE li'T' RESOLVED that the Fender County Board of Commissioners respectfully requests the N'ew Hanover ~5unty Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council to. allow Fender County to convey 50,000. GPD of wastewater to the New Hanover County system for subsequent treatment at the Northside W"WTP; and 1F3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the wastewater coxtveyed shall meet City of Wilmington sewer user ordinance standards, and BE IT FURTHER lE2ESOI.,VED that the County Manager convey this resolution to the ivew Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council as expeditiously as possible. AMENDMENTS MOV>D ,7ust~ce SECONDED Rivenbark APPROVED ~ DENTI/D UNANIMOUS - YEA VOTES: Simpson ~ Justice ~ Holland ~ Rivenbark Strickland J,_, ~/ 929 • Cleveland Situps n, Chairman Date 92 Date ~' . ' . MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT . ... ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ~ ` 24 NORTH. THIRD STREET,. ROOiv1301 . JANUARY 5,.1998, ~ k ,a a. . . . ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ,.. . PAGE ~ NO. „ ~ ~ I Non e d I li i e , . Ag n a tems ( m t thre minutes 6j . `; . 2. ~ Approval of Minutes '. 67 ,3 Consideration of;Resolution Accepting SO,000 gallons per day of 69 ,, ' :wastewater from Pender County/DEL Labs , ,. t -- . „ . -~ ADJOURN _ _, . .~- . _,. , . al , r _ ..: , :~ .. . , .1 .. - . ~~ 1 - _... J . ._ . . ~. .,. ~ . 65. , ,~ - . .. . This page intentionally left blank Regular Item #: W&S #2 . Consent Item #: Additional Item #: `. Depaitment: Governing Body - Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In,A enda Packa e:. Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ - '. .FUNDING SOURCE: - - Federal S:~ ,,. State S: County S: User Fecs S: - Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: , , ~~ Bud ct Amendment Pre arcd: - , .. REVIEWED RY: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMFNDATIOiyS- Approve Minutes - - ,. CAUN~'ll COMA~ISSIONERS ' _. .. - APPROVED [ ,. - REJECTED ^ .. .. ~ ~ ~ REM4VE© ^ , ~ 7 . POSTPONES CO „. ReCcr to Once Vision [iul{ctin [ioard for Disposition HEARt3 -- ~ ~: This page intentionally left blank ~~~~~~~~ ~~s Regular Item #: w&s#3 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #:. . Department: Water and Sewer Presenter: Allen O'•Neal ~. Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal ;~ .SUB.TECT• Consideration of Resolution Accepting 50,000 gallons per day of Wastewater from Pender County/DEL. .. Labs ~ " , . :BRIEF SUMMARY. The County of Pender iS requesting an allocation of 50,000 GPD for wastewater treatment from the County o~f New Hanover and the City of Wilmington. The attached resolution delineates the conditions." The City of Wilmington will consider a similar resolution(on the 6th of Januarys. °.. . ~. o r RECOiV1MFNDFD MOT(ON AND REOiJFSTFD ACT[O,IS• •~ .. R~ . FUNnING SOURCF• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S Other S: ` Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ` z~ Bud et Amendment Pre tired: _ REVIEWED I3Y. LGI;:. FIN: BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANA .FR'S OMMENTS ANA RF OMMENnATiONS ~ ~ ' ' ~ Recommend approval of resolution. ~ . •_ ~ COUNTY COMA~ISSIONERS . ~ APRROVED ~/ ~. REJECTED- ^ . REMOVED ^ 1. ;.. .. ' _ POStPONED L~ _ . - ~ ~ MEARD D 6 9 ' ~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Eiullctirt Board for Disposition ATE' ~ Y 1 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING 50,000 GPD OF WASTEWATER FROM PENDER COUNTY/DEL LABS WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington has available wastewater treatment (1~VWT) capacity at its Northside (Loughlin) Plant, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County will have wastewater collection facilities constructed within the next twenty-four (24) months and these wilt extend close to the border of Pender County and New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, industrial development in one county will provide"private sector employment. opportunities for all adjacent local government jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, a regional cooperative approach to solving problems may be more cost effective than individual single jurisdiction solutions; and WHEREAS, Del Labs will eventually provide significant private sector employment opportunities to residents of multiple jurisdictions, including New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington, and Pender County; and ~YHEREAS, Del Labs and Pender County agree to comply with City of Wilmington Se~t•er Use Ordinance Standards and Pretreatment Regulations; NOSY THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the (New Hanover County E3oard of Commissioners/Wilmington City Council) that. (New Hanover County/City of Wilmington) accepts and agrees to collect and provide treatment for 50,000 gallons per day (GPD) of wastewater conveyed from Ponder County/Del Labs subject to such wastewater meeting City of Wilmington Sewer Use Ordinance Standards and subject further to such wastewater treatment being approved by the appropriate environmental regulatory agencies of the State of North Carolina. Bobby Grccr Chairman, Water and Scwcr District Lucie Harrell Clcr~k~ o~ ~hQC,.B~oa;rd of-Com"missioncrs ~,tX~ B Brt~o,~l1 w~ ~~~~~ ~~, ,: R Q~^ 70 l~_1~~~ l~ _~::.... NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT PROJECT DRAINAGE .PROJECTED YEAR AMOUNT ' BAS1N NO. OF COMPLETION OF PROJECT Ogden Interceptor 7 06/30/98 6,774,500 North Chase Iritercepto 7D 06/30/99 2,800,000 Middle Sound IC ' 9B 06/30/99 10,282,000 . Northside WWTP ~ 06/30/01 12,000,000 Castle Hayne IC 1,2,3 06/30/02 6,042;000 Wrightsboro IC 37,7E 06/30/03 8,374;000 Molts Creek IC ~ 18 06/30/06 10,600,000 Southside WWTP 06/30/06 13,900,000 Kings Grant IC 7A 06/30/09 19,080,000 Silva Terra IC 35 06/30/.1.0 1,590,000 Gordon Road IC 7B,7C 06/30/11 5,300,000 Brierwood IC 7D . 06/30/12 9,.752,000 Ness Creek.IC 6 06/30/14 7,526,000 Wrightsboro North IC 36 06/30/14 , 403,000 Smith Creek. East IC 7E . 06/30/15 5,936,.000 Porter's Neck IC ~, 9,9A 06/30/1.6 6,890,000 Oyster Bay IC 38 06/30/17 848,.000 Channel Haven IC 31 06/30/17 1.,5.37,000 .Myrtle Grove East IC 33 06/30/17 382,000 Myrtle Grove IC 19 06/30/17 2,120,000 .Shannon Road IC 34 06/30/18 1,166,000 Indian Cove IC 26 06/30/18 922,000 Pilot's Ridge l 20 06/30/18 ~ 784,.000 Everetts Creek IC 21 06/30/19. 5,925,000 Lords Creek I 22 06/30/20 392,000 Snow's-Cut East IC ' .. 24 06/30/21 7,526;000 Futch Creek IC 8 06/30/21 2,385,000 Island .Creek I 5 06/30/21. 551,000 Prince .George et al 1C 1,2,3 ~ 06/30/25 30,136,000 Snow's Cut West. I 23 06/30/26 '.196,000 Snow's Cut South f 25 06/30/26 201,000 US 421 South IC 27 06/30/27 1,590,000 r Total $183,910,500.00 ''All cost are based on the. year 1.995. .. - .. , . ~ f NOlStIH '.13dS3 MI 4 - ~ .. h'~ f /~' .. ~ - • )SBtf.'8 XOJ '1H3ff1f11 ~. s8s~ 7raad ~---- ~-~ ~ ~ .. Nt11d ~1111I~d~ IOZ. `, ~ ,,-. ~. ~, ~3n~NdH M?N ~. - ~ _ rvrsbe 39t1Nrdarl~ ~ -~ -~ ~: ~~'~ .~ -~ . ~~J. (~ / -s ~ Q ~ ,~, .~ N ;~. .. .. ,,' • ~.~~-~-- .a.- :... ~ , fi=r- ~: ~ - ,. .... ~ - ._ Y n ~ G7 t- R ~ ~ ~ jC~ C .~, . t -~ ~ ~ .l ~ •: " - ~- 1 I~ , ~, ~ i -t~ - o I _~ ~ .~' ~ ` ~ y `Wi't .x ~, t ~r ~ I ~ _ ~ ~~ _~ ~- _ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~~/ \ ' ~ ''ate-,,~.. ?" <' a .' `` \ 1' > y ~ ~ y ~ ~.'~ ~~ 1 . - ~ f• \~ ~~ :~l ~ ~ D D' fTT . e .-~ 4 a ~. Z 2 r~ ~~ ` - - .. ~ i d ~ - ~~ - , f N ~ ~^ - I _~ z ~`. - t ~ 0 ' ~ m• - ,. , _ , .. ,.. . , - ,. .. i~ . , PENDER COUNTY ? FROM h1ANAGER' S OFFICE PHONE N0. • - - ~ Dec. '19 1997 ..09: 56Ah1 P 1 - ~. _ uNT1- G ~~. ` . . . ~ ~ ... - t ~Ext~Pr (~l~untg * * OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' • » POST OFFICE BOX 5 ~ ~, ,, - .. „ t t. ~„ BURGAW, NORTH CAROLINA 2Ks2S TELEPHONE (910) 259-1200 FAX (910) 259-1402 PE+NOEa ' .. December 19, 1997 Ms. Miuy Gronto, Manager . City of Wilmington PO Box 18.10 ~ . Wilmington,,NC 28402 - ° ,_ :. ' Mt. Allan O'Neal, Manager ' ~ - • New Hanover County - ~':. 320 Chestnut St:. - - _ Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Draft Resolution ''~ .. • - ~ 50,000 GPD Wastewater Collection & Treatment -Del Labs/Pcnder County Dear Mary/Allan: , ~, : In September, J sent each, of you a resolution approved by the Ponder County Board of Commissioners (copy enclosed) which requested 50,000 GPD of wastewater capacity-from New. Hanover ` ~~ ; - ~ ;County/City of Wt~mington. ham formally requesting, on behalf of Ponder County and the Ponder County ' .Board of Commissioners, that this issue be considered by your respective go~~erning bodies at your. first meeting in:January, 1998, l have drafted a resolution for your consideration.. Obviously, you can modify it. ; I thank you in advance for your assistance on this matter: ' . Merry Christmas. ~ - Respectfully, , . ~ ~_ ~ n- ~ ~ , i ~: '~ , xc: Geor e g Rountree Rick Biberstein . ' ~ Scott Satterfield- ' ' .Charlie Nchrig ' ' ,. Tim Lawrence ~ j : `Ponder County Board of Commissioners , ' ~ • Post-iY FaX Note 7671 p5ce ~~~ To . - itom - - - - ~ . CoJDert Co, PIwf1Q r Ptrone •' - Fax r Fox r FROM PENDER COUNTY MANAGER'S OFFICE PHONE N0. LNTRODUCED BY: joh n Bauer ('ounty Manager DATE: 2/97 Dec. 19 1997 09:57AM P2 Resolution Requesting 50,000 GPD of Wastewater Treatment _ Capacity from New Hanover County/City of Wilmington S~.IECT AREA: Economic Deveiooment ' !. ACTION REQUESTED: The Board is asked to rrquest 50,000 galloru per day (GPD) of wasteaatcr treatment capaciry firm New ~"r Coutrt3/Cyty 6f Wilmington to provide r+astcwater trEatment servioc to Del Labs and other potential industries. HISTORY/BACKGROUND: As the Board is aware, the county is committed to providing wastewater treatment service to 'Del Labs throush the construction of a small, package treatment plant and a dedicated spray irrigation site costing $750,000 exclusive of land costs. As an alternative, a pump station and force main under the,river and connecting to the New Hanover County sewer collection system would provide a step toward regionalilation of sewer service which may have economic and environmental "~ benefits for all local governmental units. EVAx,tJATION: The capital cost of this option (pump station force main) may be slightly more than building a WWTP, but there certainly would be greater anticipated economy of operation and maintenance costs by treating 50,000 GPD in a 8 MGD WWTP.. Certainly, it is a more secure option. 7~~ ~ ~ approaches to problems more commonplace,. if cost effective. . ~ S . . ~~ RESOLUT)ON: NO~V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that ' ` the Pender County Board of Commissioners respectfully requests the New Hanover ~olmty ~. " " - . Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Councd to allow Fender County to convey SO;000 _ ~GPD of.wastevvatec to the",New Hanover County system for subsequent treatment at the Northside . WWTP; and BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED that r- . .; the wastewater conveyed shall meet City of Wilmington sewer user. ordinance standards, .and BE TT FURTHER. RESOLVED That _ '_ ` . 'the County Manager convey ,this resolution to the New,. Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council as expeditiously as possible. ~. ~; >.~ a ,. ., s ,. - AMENDMENTS - ,.: . ;. MOVED Justice SECONDED Rivenbark " ~, `" :..APPROVED ~ X DENTED UNANIMOUS ~" . ' " YEA VOTES: Simpson ~ " `Justice Holland Rivenbark Stricklan .. a ~. _ - ~ x!2/97 - - Cleveland Simps n, Chairman Date 9,~ ~ ~ - 73 ATTEST .. Date This page intentionally left blank t. 74 "D9Tj~. ._ ,.. .__ FgsT ' ~y' ~ CASTLE~j •)"" j HAYNE C ~ r Q Q W ~o I LYN ~, ¢ I ~ I . ASP Q .~ oq~e' h r O C '~ ~ ' ;V ,i i -- - --___ _ - - , - o, ~ ' DAVID ~ ~ CT z ~~ -. . 0 a i ,, j ~q ;.. F B UNNYEMEADE cF ~"q i o~mcm LOROSHIV LN ~ NGnTE'CT Q,FO F o ~P~ 4 ~ PP ~ P QO AiEe¢ .Fro yd- w w ¢ QQ" 02 (, 0 /. ~. ui~ 9 P 29 . -~ 0 3 ~ a pR ! ~ s woo ~ ~ ~' _DR WITCH CT f"' , _..~ IN _~<',IS ~ V ~ s-~ /~ / ..-.. ' O . - -- p-- Z o ?: ~ r, , o A 11 1 ~ `. 9 O '~ IRY ~~~ ~ ``, ~ m ~, J ~ ~~ x O ICK 7R Z 1V~.r" I M. ~~ :. -_ - --- -- NORTH ~ ~ CHASE TREATMENT e PLANT ~ ,n` . ~ • CONSENT AGENDA , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' JANUARY 5, 1998 • r ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE ,. .. .. " NO. • 1. Approval of Minutes 77 ,. 2. Approval of riew positions. for the Register of Deeds' Office 79 3. _ Award of bid and approval of contract #98-0187 for a wheel 8 t - tractorscraper and approval of sale of e:cisting equipment as trade in .. , 4. ..Approval of application for Department of Health and Human 109 Services Grant for "Smoking is Not Your Friend" _ 5. Approval of application for Department of `Health and Human 113 °. Services .Grant for "Breast. and Cervical Cancer Control Program Enhancements - .• _ 6. ~ Approval for Department of Health and Human Services Grant ~ 119 , for "Buckle up Kids in New Hanover County" " . 7. Approval for application for A Community Health Improvement ~ I25 ~ . . CH ( IP) Grant for Firearm Injury Prevention . ~ 8. Approval of bid #98-0186 and approval of contract #98-0186 -131 : .. ., for the purchase of a custom fire apparatus/chassis for Castle. , ` ~ Hayne Station - ~. _ 9. Authorization to `submit a letter of intent concerning Work 133 First Proposal • - ' ' .: 10. • Authorization ofsubmittal of Rural General Public Operating 157 - Assistance Grant `. 11. Approval of Deputy Sheriff position for Community Alternative 163 Education Center a. . " _ _ 12. Approval of transfer of funds from General Fund Balance to 165 ". Parks for development of Pilots Ridge school/park site ~~ B. • . . ~ ~ 75 . 13. _ Ratification Denise Matromic, Lower Cape Fear Personnel 167 Association and Glover Melvin, NAACP Representative, as members of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission 14. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-0085 to adjust budget to actual amount of grant 169 award and to move all funds to Contract Services B. #98-0089 to budget proceeds from the Certificates of 170 Participation (COPS) issue for purchase of one floor of .the Bell.. South Building located at Fourth and Princess Streets G. #98-0091 to budget additional State funding for medical 171 and office supplies and to enhance the data~entry system 15. Approval of Resolution in support of the reformation of the 175 Internal Revenue Service. 76~ ~~• *~ FUND[i~IG SOURCE: - Fe~ieral S: Y State S: County S. User Fces S: Other S:' Mone Is [n Curre Y , nt Budget: New Appropriation Request: Qud ct Amendment Pre ared:• .. °= LGL; FIN: BUD: HR. T ` .ER' FIYT Nn RF, F, nAT[ N ?PProve minutes. ~. _ - .. .. ` ~ ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . APARgVED [Y_ REJECTED . -~ REMdVED: O e • ~ POSTPONED © ~~,7 MEARD Q Rcfrr to Office Vision Dullctin [3oard fob Disposition DATE . ~ ~ - .. This page intentionally left blank ._ . t ,. ~ag~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~a~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Regular Item #; _ Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: ~.' Department: Human Resources Presenter: Andre' R. Mallette " : Pa e Count In A enda Parka e: Contact: Andre' R. Mallette SUB.TECT ~~ .New Positions for the Register of Deeds' Office r_ ~ ~ ~ BRIEF SUMMARY:. } " :The Human Resources Department was asked to look into the staffing level of the: Vital Records Division " of the Register of Deeds' Office. There are currently two. temporary employees assigned to that division along with three regular staff members. The temporary employees have not been deputized and are .limited in the duties they perform. While their presence aids the staff in some areas, their inability to function as deputies limits their overall value. The Human Resources staff person assigned this responsibility concurs ~- ~ ~ with the need .for additional staff. The factors considered in Makin that recommendation were: uantit g .. 4 Y ofwork performed; current staffing level; comparable situations in the county; and, physical office space.. .. ~ r" .., 1RE OMME1yDED MOTIOiY AND,RF,QUFSTFD ACTIONS• Recommended.the Board of Commiss>oners approve two new Deputy Register of Deeds I positions with the stipulation that they be funded from revenue generated by that department. Recommend approval of budget amendment if needed to fund benefits for positions for remainder`of fiscal. ear. Y " .." ' ~, ~ _ _ " - FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~' . Money [s [n Current Budget: - New Appropriation Request: , 'Bud ct Amendment Pre ared: .k, REVIEWED I3~ ~ ~ = ~LGT;: APP WCOPLEY FINN APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGIZIFFIN HR: APP AMALLETT "~ . u , T FR' 'ViF,NT D R, M D T[ ' Recommend approval. Contingent upon revenues. ~ ,. .~. , "_ _. .. . COUNTY COl•/lft4!SS!ONERS " ' , : ' .. ~ APPROVED ~'"~ " " REJECTED ^ . REMQVED ~ :. ' T9 .. HEARD 9 4. ' ~ Refcr to Ofiice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition DATE _ _.- .._ .' .. ~ o m m m ~ ~ D N ~ m -~ Z O ~ ~ cn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~n N~ d ~ ~I N ~ l,_l rn ~,,, ~ o ~ m D ~, ~ . ~ r ~' ~' m -C ~\ ~ Cn ~ <" "' D ~ D °' Z ~" O ~ o . T -~ ~ m. O ~ m ~n ~ x ~ ~ m Z m `_D _ ~ u, 3 ~ ~ m ~ o o Z cn rn o rn cNii ~a -~ ~ ~ ~ 'v C "\ , N ~ ~ ~ ~ O n ~ ( - ~ O O Vl ,~ w D A ~ r ~~ ~~ O ~ O ~ ~ zo . .. _.. _. _ ..... `ti,, o ~ ~~ p 3 Pv .. ... ~ N ~ , ~ ~ ~ D cn r- C~ ~ttd6~~'~, 8 ~~~w 1 ~ ~r Regular Item #: ~ - Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: ,Landfill Presenter: Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Am Akin SUB.TECT: '. w _ A and of btd and approval of contract # 98-0187 for a wheel tractor scraper and approval of sale of existing equipment.as trade-in. BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Bids were solicited for a wheel tractor scraper with the proposal being requested in two formats. Option # 1` being termed the Single Price Method and only requested the gross equipment price less the trade-in price . , resulting in the net equipment price. Option # 2 was termed the Total Cost Method and requested a maintenance repair cost guarantee and a guaranteedbuy back price. The County has the option of awarding by either option; staff's recommendation is to award by Option # 2, the Total Cost. Method. The County will ,~- ~ ~ actually pay the net a ui ment cost of $414 500.00 for the a ui ment: Re air,and maintenance cot w' ' q P q P P ss tll be paid as incurred over the next five years up to the guaranteed maximum; any expenses over that amount wi{l be absorbed by the vendor. At the end of the five year period, he County has the option to sell-thee , equipment back to Gregory Poole for $85,000.00. . . .~ ~ RECOMMFND D MOTION AND RFQUESTFD ACT(ONS~ Staff recommends adoption of resolution: ` ' 1.: awarding bid # 98-0 I87 ~~ .. .: ,2: approving contract # 98-0187 3. approving budget amendment#98-0088 recognizing ,sale of current equipment as a trade-in and budgeting COP proceeds for this purchase. (Note: Itemwas approved to be purchased in this year's budget. ~' ' ~ as a debt service item. Budget amendment is for accountin oses to record COP roceeds and.to record g PAP P the additional revenue received through sale of current County equipment as a trade-in.) FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: 499,500. . _ _ Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Yes Bud et Amendment Pre ared: Yes . REVIEWED BY• _ . ~~ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA .ER'S OMM NTS AND RF OMMFNDAT(ONS Recommend approval. This is the transfer of funds from the COPS proceeds to the Environmental °Managernent fund.. .. . . _ COUNTY CQMMISSIONEI~S . APPROVED C~''~ _ . REJECTE© fD REMOVED C] Q . .. ~ POSTPONED Cl w~Q '~. . ~`. ~ U HEARD Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition QATE - ~ 9~ ~ ~ _ RESOLUTI01~1 - OF THE- BOARD OF COMi~tISS[OiYERS ~ ~ - OF MEW HAI~tOVER CO.UiYTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the. Finance Department at 11:00 a.m., on the 9th day of December, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received fora wheel tractor scraper for the New Hanover,Counry Landfill and the sale of a 1986 Caterpillar C27-B wheel tractor scraper as a trade-in, Bid t# 98-018.7: Gregory Poole Equipment Co. -.Option # 1 .Single Price Method Gross Equipment Price $499,500.00 Less Trade-in Price $ 85,000.00 Net Equipment Price $414,500.00 Gregory Poole Equipment Co. -Option # 2 Total Cost Method Gross Equipment Price $499,500.00 Less trade-in Price $ 85,000.00 Net Equipment Price $414,500.00- Plus Repair and Maintenance Expense Guarantee $59,608.00 Less Buy Back Price: (If County. exercises the Buy Back Option) $85,000.00 . Total Cost $389,108.00 AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommends that -the 1986 Caterpillar C27-B wheel tractor scraper be disposed of by means of trade-in on the purchase of a wheel. tractor scraper, trade-in amount. of Eighty-five Thousand~(,$85R,000.00) Dollars; ~. ~~~~~~1~~~~P~ ~~ AND WHERE~A~She~sEnvironmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend~that the contract be awarded to Gregory Poole Equipment Company, CJ ~~Vt311~~~ .. 8 2 ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~1~ ~~ ~~~ . ~." ,. , .. . - _ I - 'the only bidder, by the Option # 2 Total Cost Method in the amount of Three Hundred,.Eighty.=nine 4~. , . -.Thousand One Hundred Eight Dollars($389;108.00)'; .. ` i AND WHEKEAS, through approval of the attached budget amendment, funds have been ~- a ro riated and are'now in Account No 700.-480-4191-6400 c ver thi contract' ' PP P to o s ,.. - . - ... . 'NOW, THEREFORE; BE. IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New - ~;. Hanov er County that the contract for a wheel tractor scraper for the Landfill, Bid # 98-0187. be aw - aided to Gregory Poole Equipment Company in the amount of .Three Hundred Eighty-nine Th ~~ ousand -One Hundred Eight Dollars($359,108.00); the corresponding budget .amendment is ' approved; and that the County is. hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract; contract form to be "approved by the County Attorney. ` ~_ .. ... . ~.. This.Sth day of January, 1998. ~ .. `-~~ _" ~ ~ ' ~, (SEAL) ~ ~ ~ ~ _ .. _. ' ~ Chairman; Board of County Commissioners ~. ` ATTEST: ` ," ~ . ' Clerk to'the Board - . e . ~ ' . .. . , " "- ~ ` { A " ~ .. d .' ~, ~{,~ . ' U`;c~ . ~.~ ~~fu _ ~~~ ~ ~~. . ," ~ - '" Budget Amendment ,~. +~`~~,'i'L'i."-'S~'°"'~D', •~-~`- ~-~ ~:~:,~. ~ ,zS.,...~^7^~--A~~-~( :?;;f •,~',, -•+C• ~.r- ~:r~si-- "r IJ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE: Environmental Management. 98-0088 1-5-98 ADJU STMENT DEBIT CREDIT Environmental Management Installment Proceeds $414,500 Sale of Fixed Asset $ 85,000 '~ Capital Outlay -Equipment $499,500 ~' EXPLANATION To budget proceeds from the Certificates of Participation (COPS) issue and sale of equipment as trade-in on a new wheel tractor scraper. _ For Budget Ofticer's appro~•aI; then report to Commissioners at nczt regular meeting and toter in minutes. GOU~'1'Y HERS To be appro~•cd by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. APPROVE~1 ' R EJ ECT r;',?~~OVEt3 .. 84 ~c~~-P©l hi CARD DATE - ~' ± ~ .: '.~ ~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA . • . • - INVITATION TO BID ON • ONE (1) SANITARY LANDF[LL COMPACTOR WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER.. FORTHE • ~• NEW HANOVER COUNTY.LANDFILL .. . - - ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. • .. . . . ~~ Pursuant t ec ' ,- o S .lion 14~ 129-of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to. Amy J: Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, ~.' Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID:FOR ONE (1) WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER, -BID # 98-01.87" will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 9, 1997. ~i, _ ~. Proposals for the sale of a,1986 Caterpillar CZZ-B Wheel Tractor Scraper, serial number 14S01245 ~ • as a~ trade-in on the purchase of the Wheel Tractor Scraper will be received as part of the proposal' • for-Bid ~ ~98-0:187. Equipment for sale can be examined at New Hanover County Landfill, 5210 U.S. - . Highway 421.North, Wilmington, North Carolina.. ' The bids.will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for'receiptof bids in • ~> ~ the New .Hanover County. Administration Building, 320 Chestnut, Street, Room 618; Wilmington, . 4 North Carolina: ~ - _ _ ~ . ~' _ Instruc_tions,for-submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Oflicc~durin~ regular office hours. The Boar ~ '~ • ' d of County Commissioners of hew Hanover County reserves the n~ht to accept or reject . any oY all bids and to, make dhe purchase which will be in the best interest of the County:`' ~.' .. • • • Amy J. Akin . ` Purchasing Agent. ~, - ~ New Hanover County "~ Advertised:.November 16,.1997 ~~' ~' '•- .. ~. . . • ~ . , " _ ., ~: •• ,. . 85 •. v ~ • INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (' NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA u BID # 98-0187 ONE (1) WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER New Hanover County Finance OfTice Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (91A) 341-7190 Bid Deposit Requirements No proposal will be considered or accepted by the County unless at the time of its filing the same sha{I ~be accompanied by cash or cashier's check on some bank or trust.company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to and not less than five percent '(5%) of the Gross Equipment Price. In lieu of making the cash. deposit as provided, such bidder may file a bid bond executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds; conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to County as obligee upon said bond if the bidder fails to execute the contract in accordance. with the .bid bond.. This deposit shall be retained if the successful bidder fails to execute the contract within ten (10) days after. the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Performance Bond Requirements A surety bond of one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the guaranteed repair and maintenance costs shall be required for the faithful performance of the contract and to indemnify the County against loss, premiums to be paid by the Vendor. The surety must be licensed and authorized by law to do business in the State of North Carolina. This bond shall remain in effect for the five (5) years period. Question Procedure All questions must be in writing. There will be one deadline for receipt of questions. The deadline for questions is 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 1, 1997. Questions should be faxed to the attention of Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent at (910) 341-4025. ••• Q ~ I-1 of 6 .Advertisement ~ Noremher IG, 1997 ~ ' Deadline for County's receipt of Questions December I, 1997 , from bidders .. FAX # for questions (9l0) 331-402 ", County's Responses to,be senLto bidders of December 3, 1997 , record b}• this date r Deadline for Receipt of Proposals December 9, 1997 at 11:00 a. m. New Hano~~cr county finance Office ` . 320 Chestnut Street, Room G02 '" Wilmington, North Carolina 2840 - (Opening to be held in Room 6l8 Conference Rooin) Award'of Contract January ~, 1998 .. :. -- .: " Preparation grid Submission of Bid Proposal - ~, Completion of Qid Form: Bids must be on bid .proposal form contained in this bid ackaRe; . P :the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of.detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance ~- : - - with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in inl or t ed. Changes YP ` or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual sigriing the bid. No ', corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened.: ~* ~ . ~ , °~Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed-specifications.. ~ . :for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shalLbe in strict accordance. ~~ .with the.Count 'ss ecifications: An .bid which is not in stric ace r ance wi h ' . y p y t„ o d t the County s specifications.must lise each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the ` Bid Proposal. Any item marked "Do Not Comply" by the bidder in ehe Response Section of the-Bid Proposal Form. must also be addressed iri the exception letter. .. ~, ~ Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations ._ . ~ , ortechnicalities should the County deem it fo be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County. shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or , ~- . ~ . ..: technicality. - Warranties; Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects., and shall ~` °~ conform.in all res eels to the technical s ecifications established b the Count : Bi ! - - P P y y dder ha I . ` submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering .the ' goods bid upon. ' ~, _ ` of 6 . _ . . ~~ . If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. Refer to page T-4 of 8 for additional warranty requirements. Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID ,FOR ONE (I) WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER, BID # 98-0187", and shall be addressed to County at the following. address: .. ~ New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent ~.! 320 Chestnut Street, Room'602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Condition of Goods ~ ~;~; All goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record .and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 13? - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid .may be kept confidential ifthe bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as .possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. Time For Opening Bids Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to tfie bidder, unopened. Withdrawal of Bids Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time prior to the closing time for receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. . O 4 I-3 of 6 ,, . , , Award. of Contract 1 . ' The award of any contract resulting- from this-.bid will be made'fo the lowest. responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance - ~' ! . of the coritcact. ~ , Award shall-be made by Option # 1, Single Price Method or Option.# 2; Total Cost Method, '~~ whichever i in s the best interest of New Hanover. County, ,~ ~ ~ - . A •Coiasderations in.Award of Contract ~ • ~, ~ . In detei-minin~ . the lowest ~ responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 143=129, the Board of Commissioners will. consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and " performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the . ~t manufacturer),. - , . . . , .. Federa[ Taxes .~. , . -New Hanover County, is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Tares or Transportation Taxes. - - ~: North .Cacolina.Salcs Tax ~ ~ .. ., If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not :include it ` as part "of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when - 'invoiced: ~ '. ~ ,. .. . . Price , - .: ~ .. Bidder shall,guarantee,the prices quoted against any increase .for whatever delivery date.is specified. . and contract period .required. ., Trade-In -, :, Goods listed by the County for .trade-in if any; .may be examined at the New.Hanover County ~ . ' . •- :. Landfill. Bidders should contact the~Landfill Manager, Steve Edens,.at (910).815-3580 to. arrange an appointment to inspect the equipment being offered as a trade-in. Goods listed for trade-in are ~ ~. re resented "as is" and "where p is". Such goods will be released to the successful bidder in the same .: ~ condition.as whemexamined, excepting normal wear and tear. County reserves the. right to retain goods listed for trade-in if it is deemed to be iri the best interest ~~ of the County. , + - -: , I-4~of 6, 4 ~ ". U ~_ - ~ ~ • ` Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County Landfill, 5210 U.S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington; North Carolina and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. . Instruction in Use of Goods; Demonstration County may require a demonstration of the goods bid upon; the demonstration shall be at no cost to County. 1f bidder cannot make a demonstration within 20 days of request, bidder's bid may be rejected.• Performance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a factor in-the award of the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment as that bid. The County may require the demonstration at'the same time competitive demonstrations are made. The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and maintenance of the goods. Refer to page T-8 of 8 for specific training requirements. Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, erivironmenta{ and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred to in 'the bid documents. Indemnity .~ ' ' Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents,~employees and subcontractors. Insurance Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to~New Hanover County of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. Certificates and tYotice'of Cancellation Before commencing work under this agreement, Vendor shall. furnish New Hanover County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered; effective date and expiration date of all policies, and .shall contain the following statement: ~• I-5 of6 .f ~ . ~ ~ : . ' ''The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except ~- ~~: ~ ~ after (30) days written notice has been received by New Hanover County." ~~' ,~ Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurarice Covering all .of the. Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers. liability ~~° ~ insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims ~ " due to bodily injury by accident o,r disease. ~' ommer * E "~ C cra General Lrabrlrty ._ ~~ Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the. • ` provisions of-this contract, products completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards ; ',~ ~ are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shaif provide liability limits at ' least in the amount of $ * per occurrence, combined single- limits; applicable to claims. due to bodily . injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under. :this policy. ' Automobile .Liability Insurance - '~ .° , ,. e _ Covering all owned', non=owned and hired vehicles, providing lability,limits.at least in the amount of ~} S * per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage.. . .. Addcndvm . ~, ,The bide package constitutes the' entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be ,~ responsible. for ariy other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are .listed ~~`` with-the Finance Office as having received the bid package.. t it ",Compliance With I3id Requirements ~ ~ • . Farlur" ~ -_ , . ~. ~ e to comply with these provisions'or any other provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina. will result in rejection of bid. ~ " ~~ •. ~Riglit To Reject• Bids ' The County_reserves the right to reject any or a{l~bids. ~ ~ ~ • ~~ " r - . ~ I-6'of 6 . 91 ~; ,? ~ . ~ ~ ., TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OiVE (!) W~iEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER I. 1. General The unit shall be new and unused, the latest current model in production and shall have all standard equipment normally furnished on such model for a wheel tractor scraper. ~ The successful bidder will be responsible for fully mounting all components necessary to complete the unit and for delivery of the fully completed, serviced and "ready for operation" unit to the purchaser. The equipment called for in this specification shall be a new, four wheel drive, rubber tire, dual engine tractor scraper equipped for use in a solid waste landfill. application. All components and/or optional attachments shall be factory installed, not one time or dealer modifications, detailed by manufacturer's specification sheet attached to this bid. "The seller/dealer shall-provide the parts and service facilities to service the machine and all of it's components, and assure it's performance. 2. Engines Both engines shall be a minimum of six cylinders, turbo charged, water cooled diesels. The tractor engine shall deliver a minimum of 325 net S.A.E. horsepower al not more than 1900 R.P.M. The scraper engine shall deliver a minimum of 220 net S.A.E. horsepower at not more than 2200 R.P.M. ' Both engines shall be equipped with direct injection fuel systems, full flow oil filters, engine oil coolers, 24 volt electrical systems with 7~ amp alternators, minimum. Engine air cleaners shall be two-stage, dry type and equipped with Sy-klone pre-cleaners. '3. Transmissions The tractor transmission shall be automatic, planetary powershift design with a minimum of eight (8) speeds. It must be equipped with single-lever shift control, torque convertor, direct drive in 3rd - 8th near and push button switch on bowl control to hold transmission in any gear. The scraper transmission shall be a planetary type and full torque converter drive with four ranges. Shifting of the scraper transmission shall be synchronized to the tractor transmission by solid state switching. ' 4. Radiators The engine radiators shall be of heavy duty construction, modular design to allow for individual module replacement. 92 T-lofs ~. ~ ~ ._ ' : 5. Differentials ., '~, The tractor differential shall be equipped with a differential lock to be engaged by means . • . of a -foot pedal: ._ . The scraper differential shall be "an automatic lockirig"type. . ~• :.,- .. . 6. Final Drives • -~ •The final drives shall be of planetary design with full-floating axles. ~_ ... 7. ,Hydraulics _, , ~, i ~ .. The unite hydraulic system shall be dirt-free, closed-type design.with full flow, filtered " circuits: Hydraulic reservoirs shall be equipped, with oil level sight gauges. ~ _ _ - ... '.. 8. Steering ~, - ~ -' The unit shall be equipped with fully hydraulic power steering capable of 90 degree.. steering in either direction as well as an emergency ground-driven supplemeneal steering system. -. .. ~; 9..Brakes _ . ~ . •' The unit shall be equipped with four wheel air applied service brakes and manually`applied '~ arkin brakes " p g .The system must include operator warning m the event of air pressure supply , failure. Brakes must also be capable of automatic application when-air pressure drops below .that ~, , required for safe operation. All brakes must meet OSHA specifications. - 10. Cab • " ~ " .. ' ~ The unit operator cab shall be ROPS .(roll over protection system) design to meet all OSHA. requirements.: It shall be sound suppressed- and pressurized for operator hearing safety. ,~~ : All windows shall be constructed of tinted safety glass, with aswing-oucfront windshield. The ' operator seat shall' be amulti-adjustable hydraulic suspension type with safety belt. , „:. ... . .. _; . 11. C~ugcs y The unit shall be equipped 'with a full range of gauges/indicators, including but not limited ~t ~ to: en ine coolant tem era g p cure, engine oil pressure, transmission torque converter temperature, _ hour. meter, amp meter, air pressure, air cleaner service indicator, and any which manufacturer ' deems•necessary. .~ • A multi>level warning system to monitorcritical functions of the unit is also required. ' ., ~ T - 2 of 8.,. ~ . • ~ ~ .. ~93 ~. ~ ~ • . . , . 12. Guards The unit shall be equipped with all guards, hoods, doors, fenders, etc. which are available for protection of all unit components in a landfill application, including power train and crank case guards and brake shields. 13. )Mitch and Gooseneck The unit shall include a cushion hitch with cushion ride lockout control. 14. Bowl The scraper bowl shall have a minimum 20 cubic yard capacity when heaped. The apron and ejector shall be fully hydraulic. Heavy duty cutting edges are required on the bowl. 15. Tires The unit shall be equipped with 29.5 x 35 X RB Michelin radial tires only. 16. Unit Operating Weight The unit operating weight shall be a minimum 50,000 lbs including lubricants, hydraulic fluid and full fuel tanks. 17, iVliscellancous Rcquircd Equihcncnt . a. Heavy duty batteries _ b. Halogen lights c. Backup alarm to meet OSHA requirements d. Rear view mirrors e. Throttle lock f. Fast oil change system g. Vandalism protection kit with padlocks h. Windshield wiper and washer i. Cab air conditioning j. Cab heater and defroster k. Fuel priming pumps I. Mufflers with rain caps and/or deflectors m. Air horn n. Two 20 Ib fire extinguishers o. Engine block heaters with plug in p. Fast fill fuel system T-3of 5 94 _ q., Ground-level engine shutoff ~~ r. Tilt/telescoping steering column ' s. Hydraulic retarder , t. Two complete parts, operator, maintenance & repair manuals II. 1. Warranty a. The unit shall have a unconditional twenty-four months warranty in addition to the six months manufacturer's warranty =thirty months from date of delivery. b. The unit shall also have a five year or 7500 hour power train warranty. All above listed warranties shall include the following: a. A 100% warranty shall be provided on all labor, parts, shipping, transportation, and travel costs. b. The only exceptions to the above warranty are; tires, fluids, cutting edges, fire, theft, accident, misuse, negligence, vandalism, or acts of nature. ` c. The expected usage of the unit is 1500 hours per year. 2. I\Iachine Availability Guarantee ~!!t In the event of any warrantable failure including power train, the bidder shall guarantee to repair the machine to an operating condition within 72 hours, including weekends and holidays, from the time of notification to the bidder during normal business hours. If the bidder cannot comply with this clause, a comparable machine will be provided at no cost until repairs are complete. If no comparable machine is made available by the bidder, daily rental credit payment ~~ at the prevailing rental rate of an equivalent piece of equipment will accrue until. repairs are completed. 3. Parts Availability Guarantee . If the County orders a new part necessary to operate the machine and the bidder does not have the part available, or give notice the part is available for pick-up at the store from which ordered within 72 hours, the bidder shall upon request, furnish the part at no cost. Parts covered by this guarantee must be ordered from the bidder's parts department during normal working hours. III. Total Cost Bid Total Cost Bids shall be subject to the following provisions in addition to all the aforementioned provisions: Bidders shall guarantee parts and labor costs for a minimum period of 5 years or 7,500 hours, whichever occurs first. All parts and labor costs will be accumulated from the date of delivery. Since the intent of this agreement is to cover repair costs and regular maintenance costs and not normal wear items, the purchaser assumes at its expense, all costs to repair or replace all parts and supplies normally consumed in day-to-day operation. See "Conditions For Total Cost Equipment Acquisition" for detail on Total Cost Bid. T-Sof 8 .. 96 t ~" CONDITIONS FOR TOTAL COST E UIPMENT AC UISITION Q Q 1. Evaluating Bid The Total Cost Low Bid will be determined by adding the equipment cost to the Guaranteed Maximum Repair and Maintenance Cost: 2. Operation of Equipment Equipment will be operated only by County of New Hanover personnel primarily for use in the County Secure Landfill facilities. 3. County Responsibilities '~, a. The County will assume responsibility for all repair costs resulting from damage due to fire, windstorm, flood and rising waters, lightning, theft and pilferage, ~~, vandalism, accidents and operators' negligence. Total cost of the repairs due ~. to the above circumstances will not be included in computing the. guaranteed total cost of repairs covered under the contract. ~~ b. The Count will assume at its ex en - - y p se, all. costs for day to day operation including lubricating oil, grease, fuel, antifreeze, cutting edges, lights, cleaning and painting. All other items are the responsibility of the contractor. c. The County will pay all wages of operators employed to operate and perform daily and weekly maintenance of the equipment and all worker's compensation, benefits, insurance, etc. d. The County agrees to maintain equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations which shall be supplied by the contractor, except for the use of brand name lubricants. 4. Contractor's Responsibilities ~a a. The contractor will guarantee the maximum cost of repairs and maintenance to the County. Hours of operation for the equipment will be recorded by an engine hour meter (7500 hours) or for five years from the date of delivery, which ever occurs first. Repairs include all necessary work not included in Item 3, County's responsibilities. T'-6of 8 ~- ~' ~ 9 7 b. At_ termination of this contract, the Contractor will pay to the County the cost of repairs and maintenance incurred by the County on the equipment which are in excess of the Guaranteed Maximum Repair Costs. In determining the total cost of repairs, the cost of repairs (including parts and labor) made during the full warranty period shall not be included. c. The Contractor will assume, at .his expense, all freight costs incurred in moving the machine to and from the Contractor's shop for repairs. d. The Contractor shall pay for all repairs including parts and labor to the equipment covered under the Warranty, and these costs shall not be included in the Guaranteed Maximum Repair Costs. 5. Inspection of Equipment a. The contractor retains the right to inspect the equipment at any reasonable time and may make recommendations for repairs, improved maintenance, etc. b. Vendor equipment inspections will be accomplished on a quarterly basis or 250 hours, which ever comes first. Inspections will .consist of the entire machine for operational condition, to include pressure testing both transmissions, hydraulic systems and steering components for optimum efficiency. Each inspection will require a report which will be provided to the County of New Hanover, Landfill Manager. 6. Notification of Repair Work The County shall perform all routine daily and weekly maintenance items as' recommended by the manufacturer's maintenance manual. All other maintenance shall be performed by the Contractor. 7. Records The contractor shall have the right to examine the County's cost records at the equipment location at any reasonable time, provided two day notification is given. At the end of each machine operating year, the contractor will have ninety, days to contest the preceding year's repair cost. If no action is taken by the contractor in the ninety day period, the records for that year will be acceptable to both parties. Settlement of any such challenged costs may exceed the ninety day period. T-7of 8 98 1 f l 1 1 1 1. 1 l 8. ~ Contract Disagreement In the event of a disagreement as to the interpretation or application of this contract, it shall be the responsibility of both parties to take whatever action necessary to reach a satisfactory settlement. 9. Training Upon new equipment delivery, selected vendor will furnish specific equipmentLL • training, on daily and weekly preventive maintenance to include operator(s) indoctrination. Minimum training will consist of at least ten (10) hours. 10. Buy Back Provision Under this contract the County is requesting abuy-back price to be effective at the end of 7500 hours of operation for the equipment or for a five year period, whichever occurs first. The price in no way obligates the County to accept it. If the county elects to sell the equipment back to the contractor, the contractor shall pay the amount guaranteed, in cash; within thirty days of written notification of the County's intent to sell the equipment. T-8of 8 99, Vendor's Quote X02 iGtNR~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA BID PROPOSAL FORM BID # 98-0187 -ONE (1) WHEEL TRACTOR SCRAPER December 9, 1997; 11:00 a.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. 'I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal Option ~ 1 -Single Price ltilethod Gross Equipment Price ~ ~ S 499,500.00 Less Trade-in Price 5 85,000.00 Net Equipment Price S 414 , 500.00 Option n ? - Tutnl Cvst <tilcthod Gross Equipment Price S 499,500.00 Less Trade-in Price S 85,000.00 Net Equipment Price 5 414 , 500.00 Plus Repair and Maintenance Expense Guarantee: (Guarantee as to the mQrimum amount of repair and maintenance expense for r~•hich the purchaser i~•ilL be responsible for f ve years or 7,500 hours of operation, i.•hiehever occurs ferst Details o(this $ guarantee shalt accompany the bid) 59 , 608.00 Less Buy Back Price: $ 85,000.00 TOTAL COST (Ne! Equipnren! Price, plus Total Ntaintenarree E.Ypense Guarantee, $ 389 , 108 .00 less Totul l3ut• Buck Price) 100 B-' of s r f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. e Guaranteed Delivery Date: 120 consecutive calendar days after receipt of purchase order. Location of Technical and Service Representative: Attachments to Proposal 1. Bid Bond 2. Complete specifications of equipment proposed 3. Copy of warranty 4. Exceptions to bid (if any) Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the one (1) wheel tractor scraper listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Response Section " -The following numbered list corresponds to the required features listed in the Technical Specifications. Bidder shall note whether proposed equipment complies ~ti•ith the required features. Any item marked, "Do Not Comply" must address each non-coniplying item separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to~ tl~e Bid. Detailed specifications of the equipment shall be submitted as part of the bid. Do Not Comely Comply Section I ~` 1. General = p. T-1 of 8 * 2. Engines - p. T-1 of 8 • 3. Transmissions - p. T-1 of 8 4, Radiators - p. T.-1 of 8 B-2 of 5 101 Do Not Comply ~ ComplY * 5. Differentials - p. T-2 of 8 - * 6. Final Drives - p. T-2 of 8 * 7. Hydraulics - p. T-2 of 8 * ~ ~ 8. Steerin T-2 of 8 ~ S-P• * 9. Brakes - p. T-2 of 8 * 10. Cab - p. T-2 of 8 * 1 1. Gau~es/Indicators - p. T-2 of 8 * 12. Guards - p. T-3 of 8 * 13. Hitch & Goose neck - p. T-3 of 8 * 14. Bowl - p. T-3 of 8 * 15. Tires - p. T-3 of S ~~ 16. Unit Operating ~L'ei~ht - p. T-3 of S -i~ 17. i`fiscellaneous Required Equipment - p. T-~ of S Section I[ '~ 1. Warrant T-4 of 8 Y-P• •* 2. Machine Availability Guarantee - p. T-4 of 8 * 3. Parts Availability Guarantee - p. T-4 of 8 ~~ Secti on II[ '~ Total Cost Bid Provisions - p. T-5 of 8 to T-S of 8 ~' • 102 B-3 of S • ~- ~-~ .~-~ ~ c - ~ u ~ i r r,ui~i V r-UULC ~~~ l L.f~l 11V1.~ 1 l.;l`l J I U i / I b_~<i~ {?. G • 1 fiidder Information Please Check as appropriate and complete the items below. i The Bidder is: An Individual ~ • A Partnership bchYccn:' A Joint Venture consist;rig of: ~A Corporation orSani2ed under the laws of the State of 17E~A waa.~ (List name of state appaarin3 on the corporate se:2l and affix seal .below where indicated.) ' I (name as auo~~c printed) ' TITLE: l~• P' ~7 ee ~o4t ~ aO l-E, (~-~ , Co I CU(~iPANY: ~( ADDRESS: ~ d. ~ i3cc 4~~i At...Erb4 1`~.G. Z,7L.OZ i TELEPHONE: 9!9 -890- ~z~ SEAL-IF BID IS BY A CORPORATION ATTEST: By ~u/ ,~s.r ~{tc. ; B-5 of 5 104 .~ :t. ~' Gregory Poole • ~~ - . • Gregory Poole Equipment Company 151 Backhoe Raad N E. Leland. NC 28451 ,~ ., • Exceptions to Bid . ~ I(.1.' Warranty We do not expect to be able to provide a 627E Scraper when needed. , Therefore, a 613C, 615C, or other model in inventory will be utilized. ~ Conditions for Total Cost Equipment Acquisition • . S.b. Pressure tests will be performed as required by maintenance manual. Attachments to Proposal Warranty meets all items in section IL I. A brochure is not available to cover all details. • • - i • ,. t i I i 105 i Raleigh Fa ertarilla Washington Wilmington 480) 8ery1 pd. US Highway J01 S. 6 NC 59 US Highway 1) a Springs Rd. 151 Bacthaa Rd N E i . . RaI6gA, NC 29606 Hope Mmz NC 28J48 Washington, NC 27889 Leland. NC 28451 800 451.7278 800.762.7278 800 645 )278 800641.7278 ~ ~ 1f :'ice ~~~.~~:r~•~ - `,: :.',.' ~'::.. •~y. i'•~ -'C j'~`o~ it ~~~~r~ ~-:`:j •C~ C7 3 ^~~,.:~;.•~m:~'.m:T.. m D' =?, •' .C~'~Y• ''`a`---•a»aS ~ GFm-~:m~ GL m (~.3 m.~; ~~ 7 w t0 n m :`~~-"=•L'. ~ y:ifst,~v -~<m.:. m n C. ~. • to .•= •.• ~ a~ m .o • c n m fir' o ~',..: _ .: Q ° .. , :.:.~ T o m .v cn ~- J m m o..~s p.o m °- m ~ a 7 x...73'7'-_~. ~.:, a, .~~x op =~ ~tn.'=: 3't o;~':~o~'-f:•<~an c10i m u, m o~ J ? D'~-'nV'CL'm'.;.- ©.~~....•7'J^O n mn7 pm a:~'cs.~' m.o' ;;•©m ` o o cn J pa j to ©a °' o J - ?f ~'.3.'~n c•• ~ m~~5m ~5 ',~ ~;' ., '. -nr --1Dm~ = ...• r ~c OD=mx2' ~ o `n ~o~n~~v, .... ~ o 0 QD~O~~~• •' w Q Z~DT=7A=c+r`- rD-n~m ~'.•. •. • I. .. ~ _ OT~~rcn::. • .' l ~~ZD~7Z' m~_. .. o ©~.cm m _ om~ j 3~ a~.. m Jo -~3: m m m ° ~m ~•o~~ om ir? . m m• m fo - ~ N ~~~a b ~ o ' m m p . m•. m mm v a~~ j• © ~ ~ J a C m ~ (Cj Z N c~~ ~ m G7 m ~ m o n o C7 j ~ o_ O z ~, ~ (~ o m Q J R' n m ~ x mrp m © ~ ~7 C ~ Rl o ~ '~ ~ o ~ ~ N ~ ---1 0• O O n ~ o _ ? ~ s- 3l =-°- ~ ~ ~~ h 3 ~ n o ~ ~ m o -- j ~ C S o N m ~ O m ~? ~ _ r a - o 1 a z ~ 0 0 r b O 1 • ` ` . Y . ~ : ~ - ~ c;, . fl a • ~ ~/ c _-1 ~~m Aso 0 0 ~ ~' ••• ~ ' a± J o m ~ ~mOOmo~-•. m p ,~:,; •'~• _ rj'O l/~ b C ~ o m ~ ~• ~ ~ • ~ ~ , ' • /•• p ~ ~ G "~°on~ °32 • • v~. ...~ • C . c N ~ p ~ ~ m • ~ •: f'•••• -- O~ o j QC~ m Q . ~ 0 wa~~o~= j D ••j•• o o ~+ o R o R ._ .. Q • v ~ n ~ H m•1~.-o J N N •. ~O m 7 m n= m m . ~~C~C o 0 0 1 m~~o°o ~ . :. ' ' p n~ x n Q , ~; :; . p .d7 ~o~ ~p-s i. s i::~0r !1 ' ,• , i . V •, ~ cn - .. .. n ~- -7 ~ U 0 .. ....., m Jm oo7o m ~ •, r-. -.: 'U :.: •:_ 3Q ~ -:= :: ~ m a O o o Qj ~Z? . .. ~ f:; ©m 1~ '~ Z Cm-•.•-1--~.D~' .~~m.©.' ~~.7 7 _~ v =m m o . ~~~-'~ m ~m ~p (° omi uTZ+ ~'Dmm~Zm•%~~::.. ~o a'~ H S~ o m m ao ~, m© g m Z~~;. •~p. ~ n o. ~ _g ..;p m is -.~~. =.~4~J'1~;.~~• ',~ J J < Gregory Poole Issued To Model Serial No. Attachments & Serial Nos. Location Delivery Date Customer Signature Gregory Poole Equipmrnt Company provides the following guuantea on your rcgistacd Catcrpillu machine from the originat date oC dcliycry until (l) the machine hu been opccstcd for 3000 service meta hoots a (2) 36 months, whichever occurs Oust These guarantee .. are supplcmrntal to Catcrpillu Incorporatcd's initial wuranty. Each guatantce is subject to the following conditions and limitations. E:tended Poxer Ttvlrt Warranty Gregory Poole Equipment Company warrants your ne.v Catcrpillu rttachine i power train eomponrnts listed below to be free Gom . mechanical brcakdo~vn due to manufacturers defects in material and workmanship under normal use and scsvice from the date oCthe original delivery until (1) the machine hu accumulated 3000 sctvice meter hours, or (2) ]6 months, whichever oecun lrst. Englne(e:eluding rvdiator, fan, fan drive accevortca, P.T.O. and hydcaullc pumps) Torque Converter Ttvrumisslon E[ydroatatle Poxer Control Unit Drive Shags 6c UJolnb BcvciGtan6cPlnlons DIflcrentlals Steeting Clutches and Brakra (e:cluding rubber tired modcts) ~ O Final Drive Tnck Drive ~lotors Piston Puntp for Tnck Motor Functions. DtiTerentlal Steering Pump, Motor, and Control Valve ICht TtsrurnLvlon Electronic Control Bur The warranty is limited to the «pair or rcplaccmrnt (including both Parts and Labor) of itrnu Gregory Poole Equipmrnt Company shall ddermine upon inspection to have barn defective in material or workmaruhip. All repairs performed under this e:nrndcd power train wuranty must be performed at a Gregory Poole Equipment Company branch or other location authorized by Gregory Poole. This srarrnnty does not Include ttansportadon to or lYrom any Creeory Poole Equipment Company branch. It is mandatory that reasonable maintcnartce and operation practicr=s regarding lubricatior~ filter changes, oit changes, etc., be followed as outlined in the Caterpillu Maintenance btanual. Gregory Poole Equipment Company will supply at no ehuge to the customer an SOS starter kit that includes a sample gun and 10 bottles. (It is tha customer's raponsibiliry to take oil samples at the intervals noted in the Catespillu Lubrication and Maintenance Guide (with a minimum of one sample fom each compartmrnt every six months) and «tum them to Gregory Poole Equipment Company). Fallure to do ao will void the warranty. Warrzntable customer «pairs noted on the T/A inspections and SOS repoRS must be pet{orned by the cuttomcr within a reasonable period oCtime of the contact is void. Should it be found at any time during the contrail that reasonable maintenance nail operation practices are not being followed, this contract is also considered void in accepting this contract the purchaser agree to allow Gregory Poole Equipment Company personnel reasonable access to the machine during narnal working hour Cor the periodic inspections or Cor warruttable-type rryairs courted under this contras at the discretion of Gregory Poole Equipmrnt Company. This extended warranty is also subject to the following condition and limitations: 1. Repairs made pursuant to this ivarrartty eoveraee shall not ertend the salted warranty period. 2. The rrrachlne may not be altered or modl>Sed In any manner from the orlelna! Caterpillar Inc conlleuradon ezcept by Creeory Poole Equipment Compuny. 3. Gregory Poole Equipment Company shall not be obUeated to male rcpaln resultlne from ml+use, abuse, accident, neeUeence, or use of the machine beyond the manufacturer's stated capacWet Cenetvl Condldon and Llmltadons The extrndcd power train watrartry decribed herein maybe trartsfcrred with ownership of the machine provided Gregory Poole Equipmrnt Company is givrn 30 days writtrn notice oCth change in ownership, and this ecrtificate is retuned with the appropriate new owner informution to Gregory Poole Equipment Company. No such transfer shall eatrnd the remaining periods oCth guuantcc or warranty. The eslrndcd power vain warranty zhall not be applicable to Cetcrpillu Incorporated Product Gnprovemrnt Programs. Remedies under the above ertcnded power tralrr warrutty are espressly Umltcd to rcpaln spcclilcally pro~idcd. Creeory Poole Equipment Company shnU In no event be Uable for any other losses, dama~cs, cosh, or ezpenes claimed by you (Includlne loss from (allure of the machine to operate for any period of time, and all other direct, Indirect, special Incldcntail or eonsequentlal duru_es Includlne all personal lnJury and property damn_e due to alleecd neeUeence or strict UabWty of Creeory Poole Equipment Company} The ertended power train warrnnty set forth herein V In Ueu of all other wamntla by Creeory Poole Equipment Company, whcdicr c:pressed orlmpUcd by law without Umltlne the eenerallty of the forceolne. Creeory Poole Equipment Company nukes no warranty of mcrchantabWty or ~tncv of the machine for any particular purpose. The grneral condition herein constitute the rntire egrccmrnt b4wcrn Gregory Poole Equipment Company and the curtomcr u to guuantee and wuranty, and no represrntstion or induccmrnu have bcrn nude other than those cxpratcd herein Nothing herein scull be construed so ss to obligate Gregory Poole Equipment Company under manuCacturc~s wuranry, and Gregory Poole Equipmrnt Company doa not adopt such warranty ss its own The owner acknowledges that the cquipmrnt covered by this extrndcd po.~a vain warranty is not a consumer product or eonumcr good and is intrndcd Cor eommaeial use. The owttcr acknowlcdga that he hss had a tessonable opportunity to irupcct and hit inspcaed the cquipmrnt covered by his instrumrnt The undcnigncd acknowledge that he hss read and understands that grnaal conditions and limiution. (~`vnR) In.the evrnt the machine covered by this program is sold, the items below must be eomplctcd nail signed within 30 days oCthc dart of sale. The buyer should rctum this eertificatc to Gregory Poole Equipment Company to have a certificate «issued in his name. The machine identified in the documrnt has been sold and tranCcrrcd to: (New Buyer) (Address) Date '~ 108 IIy (Seller) 1 n REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/0~/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Creech Pa e Count In A enda Package: 3 Contact: Bett Creech SUB.iECT: Application For Department of Health and Human Services Grant for "Smoking Is Not Your Friend" BRIEF SUMMARY: 'The Board of Health approved the grant application for "Smoking Is Not Your Friend," a grant through the North Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services,•to target youth and families. The goal of ~o ~~ t e the program is to prevent children from starting smoking. The amount requested is $14,214 RF,GOMMENDED MOT[ NAND RFQi1FSTFD ACTIONS- Approve Application and authorize approval ofgrant-contract and budget amendment if grant is approved. r utvuiNG SOURCF,: Federal S: State S: 14,214 .County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYo Bud~ct Amendment Prepared: No . REVIEWED BY: • n LGL: FIN: IYcw Appropriation Rcqucst: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMM NTS AND RFCOMMF,NDAT[ONS• Recommend approval. No County funds are re d. COUNTY COMMJSSIpIy~tS APPROVEG- !~ REJECTIp , REMOV~Q Pose ~ 1' 0 9 M ++~ !~ Refer to OfTce Vision E3ulletin Doard Cor Disposition-A7iG ~ ~ ~(~„~>~T FORM _Q DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS PROPOSAL ORGAN(ZAT(ON: New Hanover County Health Department PROGRAM NAME: community Health Division -..SMOKING [S NOT YOC1R FRIEND PROGRAM OR SERVICE CATEGORY:.. Youth and Families SELECT ONE: (l) OLDER ADULTS; (2) ADULTS WITH DISAB[L[T[ES; (3) AT-RISK CHILDREN; AND (4) YOUTH AND FAMILIES. ([3ricfly describe how the requested funds will be uscd. The description should indicate the major goals and objectives oC the program/scrvicc and any other information that would be pertinent to provide a clear understanding of the project Cor a rcvicw~cr. If the funds arc to be uscd for nay type oCcquipmcnt or capital cxpcnditure,justiCy how such an expenditure would be in Curthcrancc of the service to be provided in its respected agency.) I robram Gods: Prevent children from starting smoking Reduce or eliminate parent and sibling smoking Reduce or eliminate childrens' exposure to second hand smoke ct[t d: Cigarette shaped characters will be used to introduce Kindergarten, I ° and 2nd grade students to the harmful affects of smoking. Each character will be designed to represent a bad effect of smoking that a child can identify with. The characters include Main Character -Smoking, Yolanda - Yellow Teeth, Bubba -Bad Breath, Sammie- Smelly Clothes, Came - Cougher, Susie -Sore Throat, and Eddie -Ear Ache. SMOKING IS NOT YOUR FRIEND will be implemented in the county's elementary schools. This will meet a need in our county for early education regarding the harmful effects of srno~k`in~g~[t~w~l'l~h~avrelainformative but cheerful format. Each of the characters will be presented with information regarding the specific aspect of the harmful effects of smoking that character ~ ~l~'a.~~i ~,., represents. Students wil'l.be taught a song with the message that smoking is not their friend. The t3~Y~w,~~~~ 110 ~~~~ students «ill be given incentives, such as refrigerator magnets, which will continue to remind thzm of the harmful effects of smoking. Literature regarding the harmful effects.of smoking will be gi~~en ' to the students. Portions of the literature will be intended for the students' parents and siblings. The students will be ask to take the literature home, present it to their families, and also verbally share the message that smoking is not your friend. Funding for this program is being requested for salary, supplies and printed materials. The salary is for a professional (nurse or health educator) to assist with program development and presentation in the elementary schools. Supplies include materials to make the. characters and 1 incentives for the students. Printed materials include posters, and age appropriate (child, adolescent, adult) handouts. SMOKING IS NOT YOUR FRIEND will be an extension of the Community Health Division's goal to begin promoting healthy living at the earliest age possible. We will collaboratz with Project Assist regarding current information and resources on the harmful effects of smoking. This is not a program provided through Project Assist nor a duplication of their services.- t e FOR:~t Oz - : ~ : ~ ::,STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . :'::..:. _ .: - .~:~ • ~ • ...:; ::.. =, ~- -. : DEPARTM1tENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ' •'~• _ - . - ~_: LINE ITEI~1 BUDGET L\'FO_Ri~1ATION _ _- r ~ ~ _ '.~~~,'~,,,~....-~- •_;'. STATE FISCAL YEAR 199~7.~-,1993• --,- ~ ~:-~' ~'=~ ~~ '; ~ ;: . IORGAitiiZATION NA~ti1E: New Hanover County Health Department IOB.IECTS OF EXPEti'DITURE r~~IOU\'T SALARY A~\D FItI\GES S ~31~3 SUPPLIES A`D OTEiER OPER.aTI~G COSTS S-ip~ ~ EQU[P~IENT CAPITAL OUTLAY (TOTAL BUDGET ~ 14.214 ~ Notc: The total amount of the Grant Award must be rcQcctcd on this form. 112 '. • " Regular Item.#: ,., = Consent Item #: 5 '°• Additional Item #; ; Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle Pa e Count In A enda Package: 4 Contact: Bett Jo McCorkle. SUR.TECT: ~ ~ . ;Application For Department of Health and Human Services Grant for''Breast and Cervical Cancer Control ": Program{BCCCP) Enhancements • .. ., , . BRIEF SUMMARY: .The Board of Health approved the grant application for "Breast and Cervical Cancer Control (BCCP) Enhancements," a grant through the Norih Caiolina State Department of Health and Human Services to ~. target older adults: The goal of the program is'to reduce death and disabi,lity~from breast and cervical cancer. The amount requested is .$11,686. See attached application. ~ ~ " • " ' . ~. .. .. " ,., • '~ RECUMMENDFD MOTION AND REOUE.STF,n ACTIONS: "` ~ Approve Application and authorize approval of grant contract and related budget amendment if the grant is approved -_ , , • _ . .. .. , FUNDING SOURCE,: ' Federal S: State S: 11,686 County S: User Fccs S: Other S: ~'- `. .Money is iri Current Budget: tYo ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: IYo - `' ' .° 'REVIEWF,D BY: . - LGL: - ° FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: BOUNTY NiANA .ER' COMMENTS AND RFCOMMCNDATIONS•• Recommend approval. No County funds are required. ~~ C01.11~1TY COMMISSl~+IS t - ~!,F'P?OVEd l R EJ ECTEt? REMQII #~ ~ : .,. N ~ 1;13 ~. . ° " ~ Rcfcr to O[ticc Vision QullctinBoard for Disposition~~~', `~' ' .. " I Fo R~tii t- ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERV[CES ' HUMAN SERV[CES GRANTS T[TLE AND AUTHORIZATION PAGE Program Name: Women's Preventive Health Division/ Breast 6 Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) Enhancements Organization Name: New Hanover County Health .Department Organization Tax [D Number: 566000329 Address: 2029 S. 17`" Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 List County or 1~{ulti-County: New Hanover County Program Director/Contact Person: Betty Jo McCorkle Title: Director, Women's Health Care Division Phone Number (910) 343-6660 Address: Same Total Eunds Requested: 511, 686.00 AUTHOR[ZATION: Well, the undersigned, have read and understand the rcyuiccmcnts contained in the grant and hereby make application for the fundx All expenditures shall be in compliance with grant rcquircmcntx Chairm''~~aggn/P°resi~ldcnt of the Board ease iJ° Treasurer/Finrnci~alj~Ofn^ficcr of the Board ~~~~ 114 ~a~~~ Approved by.' Depa_ rimcnt~of~H~c~ Itha~ ~H,v"uman Scn•iccs , Date Date Date EORi~i 02 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HU(v1AN SERVICES GRANTS ' PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION: New Hanover County Health Department PROGRAM NAME: Women's Preventive Health Division / ,Breast S Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) Enhancements PROCRAAI OR SERVICE CATEGORY: ~ Older Adults SELECT ONE: (1) older adults; (2) adults with disabilities; (3) at-risk children; and (J) youth and families. ~1~rlEJly describe ho+v the requested funds Hill be used The descriptiun~should indicate the majors • buuLs undohjedives oflhe prubrurrdservice and any other information that -vuuld be pertinen[ to provide a clear underaYundinl; of the project jar a reviewer. !f the funds are to be used fur any lppe of equipmenl or capitol erpcnditure, jus7ifj• hoiv such and expenditure n•ould be in furthrruncc of the service !u be provided in its respcc7cd cute!; ur}•.) Goals: provide increased comfort during exams for women participating in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) clinics provide improved efficiency and improved patient rapport for practitioners examining BCCCP patients • improve quality of services for, and thereby increase number of patients screened in New Hanover County The BCCCP Clinic targets women over the age of 50 for breast and cervical cancer screening. Clinics at the New Hanover County Health Department are held monthly where appointment slots are available for 20 women. The show rate for this clinic is 90-1003. Appointments are currently being made for three (3) months in advance. This clinic has operated since January 1997 and has served 174 patients. The clinic has performed 172 clinical breast exams, 153 mammograms, and 125 pap smears. Abnormal findings include: 10 mammograms, two (2) of these resulted in mastectomies and one•(1) is pending surgical arrangements. Five (S) abnormal pap smears were reported. 115 EORiti1 02 Continued Utilization of an exam table designed for the older adult population would greatly enhance the services we provide to this population. We are proposing to purchase two (2) of these exam tables. The power female procedures chair system adapts to the older woman. It provides precise positioning and maintenance of position with less strain for the patient. It provides lower lumbar support in the lithotomy position. It uses unique foot supports for elevation and separation of the legs. Practitioners are able to perform examinations faster and more efficiently. Built-in capabilities include establishment of eye contact and beginning of an examination with the patient in a relaxed, unthreatening, seated position (no more scooting down) due to the features of toe touch controls. It provides extra support for larger patients. Lighted speculums provide for greater visibility with cervical exams. The older`BCCCP population presents new challenges for visualization of the cervix. This speculum would assist the practitioners during exams and would provide for optimal assessment and diagnosis. We are proposing to purchase two lighted speculums. ("'} Two nurse practitioners utilize two exam rooms simultaneously and I~--J~ justify the need for two of these exam tables and lighted speculums. 116 ~ ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES LINE ITEM BUDGET [NFORMAT[ON~ ' STATE FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 ORGANIZATION NAME: New Hanover County Health Department QB.IECTS OF EXPENDIT JRE AMOUNT SALARY AND FRINGES SUPPLIES AND OTIiER OPERATING COST • ~ EQUIPMENT 486.OOI Slx-culums - 9 boxes (~ 53.3 each = S30G Illumination seas - 2 ~ S 12~ each = S 150 Re~laceme-nt bulbs- 2 ~ S I S each = S30 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 1,200.00 Exam chairs - 2 Qa SS000 each = S 11,200 TOTAL BUDGET NOTE: The local amount of the Grant Award must be rc[lcctcd on this form. 117 This page intentionally left blank `~ 118 -. ' ,Regular Item #; - ~ Consent Item #: 6 - ' . ~ Additional Item #: . Department:.Health ~ ~ -Presenter: Denise_ Houghton e Count-In A enda Package: 5 Contact: Denise Hou hton SUR.TECT: - , , - :. A 1'ication •For be artment of Hea a pP . p lth nd Human. Services Grant for- Buckle up Kids .m New Hanover. . County.. -`- ' , - ,. BRIEF SUMMARY: - -~ The Board of Health approved the grant application for "Buckle Up Kids in New Hanover County;" a•grant through the North Carolina State Departmentof Health andHuman Services to target At-Risk Children. The'; goal of~the program is-to provide training on child passenger safety to personnel in all agencies where children are transported.,The professionals-will then teach parents about car seats and child passenger safety: - The amount requested_is $4;000. See attached application. ., '. , RECOMNIEIYI)ED NinT[Oiy ANn RFOUf~ STFn ACTInNS• ' Approve Application and authorize approval of grant contract and related budget amendment if grant is approved., `- .~' FORA ~L DEPARTI`iEi~1T OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES GRANTS TITLE AND AUTHORIZATION PAGE Program Name : Health Promotions -Buckle i`j~ Kids in New Hanover County Organization Namc: .New Hanover County Health Department Organization Tax [D Number: ,_„5000-324 Address: 2029 S. 17'~ Stream Wilminaon. NC 28401 List County or Multi-County: New Hanover County Program Director/Contact Person: Detise_ T. HouYhton Title: -Health Promotions Director Phone Number: (91QZ343-6FS8 Address: New Hano~•er C~4un Health Department 2020 S l7`'' Street Wilmington- NC 2$401 Total Funds Requested: 54 044 Authorization: Wcli. the undersigned, have read and undcratand the rcquircmmts contained in the grant and hacby make application for the funds. All ezpcnditura shall be in compliance with grant requirements. trhairman of the Board Trcasurer/Financial Officer of the Board ~~~ ~~ ~u~~. Date Date .~. ~ ~ vcd b ~':3 ~d',~~~G.~aare Datc ~trncnt of F{calth and Human Services ~~ ~ FO~,~i ~Z ORGANIZATIOtY iY~tE: New Hanover County Health i~en~rrmenr ,SALARY Ar'D FRL'ti C ES S-~ ~SUPPL.IES AIYD OT~R OPERATI.~1G COSTS 4 EQUIPi~tENT 4.004 Purchase approximately 100 safety scats CAPfTAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET ~ 4.040 Note: Thc total amount o(thc Grant Nward must be rc(Icctcd on this form. 122 ri • . u ~ • 11~. .. n uckle U Kids in New Hanover Co B p ty . . The New Hanover County Health Department has actively been involved in Child Passenger Safety through the North Carolina Buckle Up Kids Program. for approximately , . ~ ~ ~ one :year -now. During this, year, staff tom the Health Department have undergone . extensive training in Child Passenger Safety to ensure that mothers arc taught properly-how " to install child safety seats. Training has not been limited to Health Dcpartrnent staff:.: Staff 5rom the Department of Social Services, Child Advocacy Commission, Wilmington City. Police Department, and the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department have also rrccivcd " ~ extensive training. Our goal is to provide training on child passenger safety to personnel ' in all agencies where children arc transported. • These professionals will, in turn teach , parents about car scats and chld.passenger safety: _ . ' i d li i o i th a m te ded the Health Department w gram has prov The Buckle Up Kids Pr number of free safety scats on two occasions. These seats havc~becn distributed cautiously ~, , to low income families'with at risk children. Along with. the scat, our trained staff gives ~~` each family detailed hands on instructions on use and installation of the scat.- We have. . learned ,that funding for the North Carolina Buckle Up Kids Program will more than likely „ . be discontinued because of lack of rrsour~ccs at the state level. Since-starting the safety' .: ' ~ seaf ro in New Hanover Coun , we have found that the need -for car scats in our ` P 8~ tY ~ • community far exceeds the. seats we arc able to provide. We arc requesting grant funding t s ~ . :. - aving program _ inue this life from the Dcpartiment Of Health and Human Services to, con . , that we have initiated in New Hanover County. , Car~scats arc very effective in preventing injury. and deaths and, of course, usagc~is : - ' the:law. All children up to 4 years of age must be in a car scat. We have participated with r ' local ]aw enforcement in two ".Click. it or Ticket" events in the past year. We have found • -~ ' . children not in car scats,"n car scats incorrectly, and in recalled scats. In most cascs,.thc ' • family.could not afford a scat or was not knowlcdgcablc about correct usage or the law.. -: _ , ' Important Facts on Child Safety Scats Include the Following: ~ ~ : . ~ Child safety seats arc extremely effccUve when correctly uLStalled ` '~ . ~ and used, reducing the risk of death by 71 percent for infants (under ~ age 1), and by 54 pctccnt for toddlers (ages 1 to 4), and reducing the • ~ ~ need for hospitalization by 69 percent for children ages 4 and under. . .. ~• From 1982 through" 19'95, it is estimated that 2,934 liycs were saved =Y "' by child restraint use. Nearly 280 children ages 4 and under were ;' . . ,. saved as a result of child restraint use in 1995 alone. . _ . ~~ - " ,. . ,. .:~ ~ 3 ~~ .. • if all child passenger ages 4 and under were restrained, an additiona1.200 lives .could be saved and 20,000 injuries could be prevented annually. • Child safety safety seats and safety belts not only reduce health care . costs by preventing injury, but among children hospitalized for motor vehicle=related injuries, those unresuained are more severely injured and incur'60 to 70 percent greater hospital costs. The statistics are alarming, but at the Ivtew Hanover County Hcaltli Department, we do feel that we can make a difference if funding is provided. We arc requesting S4000 to purchase approximately 100 car seas directly from the manufacturer at discounted prices. We do hope that you will look favorably upon our request to help children in our county that can ^ot help themselves. 124 w . . p,:: Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 7 . Additional Item #: ' Department:.Health ~ Presenter: Denise Houghton x Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Denise Hou hton SUR[ECT: Application for A Community Health Improvement (CHIP) Grant for "Firearm Injury Prevention" ", • ,. . . ,. I3R[EF SUMMARY: "~ On December 3, 1997, the Board of Health approved. grant application for "Firearm Injury Prevention" to ~ Y. be submitted to the Community. Health Improvement Program (CHIP)-.and the ,Cape Fear Foundation. If . both grants .are awarded the progi-am _can run for two years, if both are -not awarded programs will run for . 'one year only. The Health Promotions Committee of the Board of Health. voted to conduct a "Handgun m = ~ Awareness Campaign" to reduce injury from firearms..The goal of the grant is to provide educational .` W. . opportunities.to the community on "Firearm, injury Prevention." The amount of each°grant is $6,700. . .. . ., .. - . .F . RECOMMENDFD MOT[ON ANn RFOCIFSTFD ACT[ONS• ~ ~ , Approve Grant Applications and~authonze approval of related grant agreements and budget amendment if grant are awarded. ~~ ., . ~' .. •. ~.. ,: ,` FUNnING SOUR£E: Federal S: ~ State-S: County 5:. User Fccs S: •; . OtFcr S:`ti,700 ~. ..,. . Money Is [n Cucrent Budget:. No New Appropriation Request: .' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: No .~ ~ - ~ . REVfiT/WED I3Y- - . LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: APP CG~RIFFIN HR: (; . " . COUNTY MANA .FR" COMMFNTS ANn RF OMMFNDATIONS• . Recommend approval.. No County funds are required. The New Hover County Sheriffs "Department and ' the Wilmington City Police Department will conduct the trainin . ~ ~-~J U 1~'TY COMM~SS1flNE~S '.. ~-ROVED tY REJECTS CI . REMQI~~Q d 1~:~ 5 - .. .:. - P~~li~>w .. j!~~~ Q . ~ L. ~ Refer to Off cc Vision Bulletin Boardlfor Disposition . ~j. ~ - ~.. - - a• .. M t _ Cortrn+nry Ffcald~ lay.o.ea+a+[ PtoQun The Partners Program of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Plcarc rLSC a point si;c of 12 points or lmgcr and ,gyp mmguts at 1 /2" or morc. Applicakonr marl be ~pcd or computrr gcnnatcd. Applicant Organization A.. In the space below, plcasc provide the name oC your organization, as it appears on your fcdcral tax cxcmption letter. New Hanover County Health Department. B. Organization's strcct address or post off ice box, city, county and zip cods. 2029 S. 17th Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 C. ~Vho is the primary contact. Cor information regarding this application? Provide Cull name, title and an oRcc•hours tclephonc numbcc Denise T. Houghton Health Promotions Director - 910-343-6658 D. In one or two scntcnccs, plcasc dcscribc the purpose or mission of your organization and how long your organization has been in cxistcncc. The mission of the New Hanover County Health Department is to protect the public. health and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventive, 'restorative,. environmental and educational services. ~~f~: ~ ~~~~~:: " E. e~will your organua~on perform the project you propose? I'~ Thehealth department,~:rin conjunction with Wilmington City Police and New Hanover County Sheri~f~f's Department will. provide educational opportunities to the community on Fir.ear<mo+I~njuy*=~Pr~even[ion at the health department followed by supervised firearm shooting at the Police Range. Educational materials will also be distributed to pawn and retail ~~,nns that sell firearrc. .The. Partners Program :._ . HIP ~ ~. ., ~ ~ ~~ . :. . " a component of the m ~ Community Health Improvement Prograrin of y 1U ? , ~. New Hanover Re 'onal Medical Center ~ . ~' I\lamc of'AppGcan[ Organization New, Hanover County Health Department . NHRMCF File # . ~ Total' funds requested: $ 6.700.00 r ~ . IF. funded w ~ ,. ~ ' e intend to request Partners Program support Cor: Year 2 [. ] Year. 3 [ ] ., . . "Snapshots"~of Your Project . A. Bric~a~ ncribe the health problem you intend to address.: Clearly idrntify and quantify your target ~~ n po Thete~ar.e m~re guns and gun violence in our country than in any other modern industrialized nation.There are more than 77 million handguns in the U. S. and handguns are responsible for 757. of all. gun related homicides. Every day 16 children age 19 an'd younger are killed by~guns. Guns kept in.the home for self protection' are. 43 times more likely. to kill .a. ..family member, friend,, or acquaintance than to kill an intruder. Closer to home, North m Carolina ranks ninth highest, in the nation in gun homicides.per.capita. In 1994,.8$. !U children~were.kil`led by firearms (38.suicides, 37 homicides, 12 unintentional deaths). must increase education to the communYty about firearm laws, storage and safety to m '_event death and injuries.' The New Hanover County Health Department along with"t:he ' ~" Wilnington Police Department and New Hanover County Sheriff's Departmen will provide a ~+. Firearm injury Prevention class open to the general public quarterly, followed by supervised shooting a't' the,lav enforcement gun ranges. Also. literature on gun safety will be distribui to the community. ~ _. .. , - _. .. E B. Please write a-one paragraph summary oC your project for the Partners Program R.cvicw Board. You mightfind it helpful to ask yourself' this: If you uxrcgirxn one minulc to ducribc lfiis projccl l01Iu board in person, nuhat basic; bu! important, information would you conury? We dill promote Firearm Injury Prevention in the community with assistance from the Wilmin'g[c~ Police. Department .and Sheriff's Department through education and instruction.' The .public should know the dangers of guns, the need to keep them-out of the wrong hands and the care _that must.be.used'to prevent harming family members or oneself.. A three hour class foz 25 people which stresses firearm storage, safety and handgun laws to `prevent- deaths and injuries.. will be~taught quarterly on a Friday night. Participants taking the class will then,be~"given the oppor"tunit.y to practice shooting their own firearm at the Police Range ~. on Saturday.. As a means of promoting Firearm~Injury Prevention each. participant will " receive a trigger lock to secure their gun in their home. Pawnshops and retail store`s that sell firearms will be also fargeted to receive educational materials to display on °+.rearm Safety; ~~ '. .. . ._ . .: 127 .. ~ ...:~ - - .. .. . The Part7ners Program - HIP a component of the Community Health Improvement Program of New Hanover Regional Medical C t en er BUDGET a Firearm Injury Prevention Trigger Locks 100 @ 56.00 each 5 600.00 Overtime Pay for WPD 13 Officers x 11 hrs. 55,340.00 (repeated each quarter) Instructional Materials Printing - 100 Participants $ 300.00 Brochures on. Gun Safety General Distribution $ 300.00 Refreshments for Class Quarterly Class S 160.00 - Tot al $6,700.00 a a ~ 128 ~ r ... - . ~.: ,, .. :. ,, ~ ' IU ' ~ " NEW HANQVE~R COUNTY , m ~ .%., ; ~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT W ~ ~ rt i : _0_9 SOUTH 17 STREET . 1~VILhiI`'GTO~t NC 2.840-49-36 _ °:. , mm ~ TELEPEiONE (910)-;=i;-600. FAX (9l0) 341-4i~16 .. , .IU LY~D.-t f.S~11TN ., - m - 'Acting Health. Director ~ '. ' " .. ~11 " - `November 1.9, 1997. - ,` .Gary A. Garris, President -~ Gape Fear~Memorial~Foundation ~' ~~' 53031Nrightsville Avenue - Wlmington;,NC 28403 ., .. . Dear Mr. Gams: . ,: ~. We~ are inquiring about Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Grant funding. for a-Firearm Injury Prevention" project in New Hanover County. The New Hanover County .Health Department is .dedicated to.injury prevention as part of our mission to protect the public's health. Our department has always been innovative in providing new programs.- ~, `The problem of handgun injury is an overwhelming one, but we must. start somewhere:.. North ,~ .Carolina ranksninth highest in the nation in gun homicides per capita `Guns kept in the home for . self protection .are 43 times. more likely to kill a family member, friend or acquaintance than an ' intruder. In 1994, 88 children aged. 17 and under were killed by firearms, 38.suicides; 37 ' ,homicides, and. 12 unintentionally! ~~ . ~. 1/Ve are partnering with the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department' and Wilmington Police ' . Department to provide handgun safety classes quarterly for the gerieral public. After attending the class, the participants will be allowed supervised shooting at'police and' sheriff firing ranges. The ... ,classes will cover: handgun laws, safety issues, and proper storag"e and handling of guns in the ` ' .`home.- Trigger locks will be provided. Brochures on gun safety will be distributed of places where " •'~' guns are sold., . , . We are requesting funding for $6,700 to be used over a year to provide. quarterly handgun safety ", classes as well as to promote Firearm Injury Prevention in our community. " - Sin ~ . cerely; r .. m . . Janet McCumbee, R:N: - Child Health Director- .. - e, ,. .,.-` ~ . J ~' ' ^~ • . . e Hough on Health Promotioris Director. ` -_ 129 . ~ .. Your He3/th - Cur Priority ' f _ CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION B DGET Firearm Injury Prevention Trigger Locks 100 @ $6.00 each $ 600.00 Overtime Pay for WPD 13 Officers x 11 hrs. 5,340.00 (Repeated each quarter) Instructional materials Printing - 100 Participants 300.00 Brochures on Gun Safety General Distribution 300.00 Refreshments for Class Quarterly Class 160.00 Total S6,700.00 ... 13 0 .. .Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 ~ ~ 'Additional.Item #;, m ,' Department:Fire Services Admin. Presenter: ' .' W Pa e° Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Am Akin :. m _ ` SUBaECT•' . Award of ~ bid # , 98-0186 and approval of contract # 98-0186 for the purchase of a custom fire ' - apparatus/chassis for Castle Hayne Station. BRIEF SUMMARY: - .. ~. The Fire Services Administration Department received approval in this year's budge't'to~purchase a custom fire apparatus/chassis for the Castle Hayne .Station. 'The formal bid process was followed and three bids. were received:. Staff is recommending. award of bid to Sutphen Corporation, the lowest responsible bidder;. ~in~the amount of $238,366. Attached is a resolution of.award for adoption by the Board of Commissioners. Staff had requested additional features as options to the bid but, the staff is not recommending award ofany- `of the options. Recommended award is only for•the Base Price less a discount offered if the County prepays -, 'for the chassis portion of the unit with the remainder of the cost to be paid after delivery, .inspection, and `acceptance.. ~ . x,. ~; RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFO FST1/D ACTIONS• . Staff recommends adoption. of the attached resolution and approval. of contract draft # 98-0 l 86. .:• -The contract is'volumious. It is available in the County Manager's Office for review. ,. _ . _ •.` ~~ . .. ,- _ -' ,. f FUNDING SOURCF: - Federal S: State Sr County S: 238,366 .User'Fecs 5::~ Other S: ., Money Is [n,Currenf' Budget: Yes . New Appropriation Request: No - Bud et Amendment Pre tired: No ' • ~ ~ - ~, ` m- ~ - ~ .~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF'CO1iM[SS[ONERS OF NEW f-[ANOVER COUNTY WI IEREAS, alter due advertisement, bid., were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 9th day of December, 199.7, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid, were fl:ceivtxl for a custelm tiro apparatuJchassis for the Fire Services Administration Department, Castle I-fa}ne Station, Bid # 98-018G: . Sutphen Corporation 4 Guys, Inc. Slaglc's Firc Equipment Banc Price for Unit ~ $242,994.OU $244,331.00 $245,22.00 /.ess Diccuunt offered if Counts prcpa~•s for. chassis portion and with remainder of cost paid aftCr deliver}•, inspection, and acceptance. $ 4,G28.00 $ 5,391.00 -• 0 -- Adjusted Base Price - 5234.3CCr.0tl $238,940.00 $245252.00 Options to Bid: Additional coat to be added Cor Front Bumper Suction $ 5,300.00 $ 5,288.00 $ 5,540.00 Additional cost to be added for Rear Suction $ 4,000.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,167.OU Additional cost to he added Cor Fuam $ 12,000.00 $ 10,4 f 5.00 $ 10,7GG.00 AND Wi IL•REAS, the Fire Services Administration Director, the Finance Director and the Count}• Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Sutphen Corpuralian, the. lowest rosponsihle bidder, at the adjusted have price (pre-paid chacis) in the amount oCT~~•o E lundred Thirty-eight 1'hc~uwnd'Chrce I lundred Sixty-six Dollars ($233,3GG.00), no additional option., to be added; AND WI'[EREAS, fund, have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 130-43G-4340-6450 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a custom lire apparatus/chassis for the Fire Sen•ices Administration Departmcrtt, Castle F[ayne Station, Bid # 98-018G be awarded to Sutphen Corporation in the amount of Two I fundred Thirty-eight Thousand Thrcl: Hundred Sixty-six Dollars ($238,3GG.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the: contract, contract form to 6e appiovcd by the County Attorney. Phis 5th day of January, 1998. (SEAL) . 'tJi 44:.14 i'J k t~.d+~.a J~~ . ~4,!{~d ~~i4a ~ . ATTEST: ~ ~~, 132-}~ ~~ ~-~,:-~r . Clerk to the Board `'" """";'"' `~" s ~ t Chairman, Board of County Commissioners - - 'Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item.#: 9_ , . Additional Item#: Department: New Hanover Transportation Presenter: Patricia Melvin ` ~' _ Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Patricia Melvin ` •- m SUB.TECT: ; , ~1l~ - 'Work:Fi"rst Pro osal P .: . , BR - ~: IFF SUMMARY:. - .. New Hanover County has received notif cation that $12,407 has been allocated by the N:C. Department of Transportation to be used to subsidize transportation services for Work First participants who are employed " and ineligible for cash.assistance from the Department of Social Services. Fonds are to be used for operating expenses, i:e. driver wages, vehicle insurance, fuel, purchase of bus tickets, etc. Funds must .be uszd during . the.period of January 1 -September 30, 1998 Based on information obtained in the County's Welfare Reform e ~- • meetings, such.funds may be utilized to be in addressing Work First trans orta-lion issues. Additi n ' . g ~ . p o al funds.... -..may be made available during the fiscal year..A letter of intent to submit a proposal must be received by - the N.C. Dept. of Transportation --.Public Transportation Division, not later than February 2, I99&. Thz - . actual`proposalrnust be submitted by February 27, 1998.. - RECOiytMF.NDFD MOTIOiy AIYD RFO FSTFD ACT(OiyS~ - Request authorization to submit.a letter of intent, a proposal for the $12,407 allocated for New Hanover " County, and to submit subsequent proposals for Work First transportation assistance funding, upon a notification from N.C. Dept. of Transportation. ~t~r~Q.,, ~ ~,, ~~~~ ~ p- ~~~~~,~~,~ -~ ~U .. IU~ _ _ - , FUiYDIi~LG SO~URCF. . • Federal S: • State S: County S: User Fccs S: •` Other S: ' ,, ~ . •• , . Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation~Requcst: ' -Bud et Amendment Pre aced: " REVLEWED BY: LGL: ~ FINN BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT . T R, 1~i F D R i F D. [ Recommend authorization to• submit letter of intent. ~ - ~ . ~. ~. .•. . ~ ' : - :, ~ ~- ° ~ ~!iY COMMISS{QNERS ~. ~ . ;.. ~,wED . [~~ ~' ~ ~. o . REMt3~~ ~3 ~ 33. . Pt,STP~?~~ D HEAi;fl -' Rcfcrto Office Vision Dullctin [3oud for DispositiouA~.~. :. ^, _ .. ' t a,,,z_ ~. ~ l ,``~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - DirPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Jn,~nES B. HUNT~R. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DMSION GARI1wD B. GARRETT J1Z GOVERn+OR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C 27611-5201 SECRETARY {~j December 8, 1997 Memorandum To: County Managers Community Transportation System Coordinators Department of Social Services Directors ' From: Charles Glover Assistant Director for Plannin and Pro i~"'~~ g ~mg Public Transportation Division North Carolina Department of Transportation - Pheon Beal, Chief, Economic Independence Sect) .. Division of Social Services North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Re: Proposal for FY 1997-98 Work First/Employment Transportation Operating Assistance The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Public Transpottatio(1 Division (PTD) is pleased to.be.able to provide each county in the state .with operating assistance funds to help meet Work First and employment transportation needs in FY98. - These funds can be utilized to support transitional transportation needs of Work First participants after eligibility for cash assistance has concluded. Funding can also be utilized to meet other community employment transportation needs..Additional funds can be used to support demonstration projects for Work Fint and employment transportation services. The availability of these funds should be considered in the development.of the . . county's Work First Block Grant Plan. • ~ , Through the Transit 2001 initiative, $1.75 million was made available by the North Carolina General Assembly to NCDOT to enhance Work First and employment transportation services across the state. To meet these needs, the apportionment has been divided~~to`rivo~`components, a S 1 million formula-based allocation to be made available to each county and al~eparate $750,000 allocation for local, regional, and statewide demonstration p ojeets~to,,provide Work First and employment transportation services. ~ ` ~ 134'£ ~ ~~~~:~~: ~~~~ ~~~u c:wr,~E ~ ~ PHONE (919) 733-4713 FAX (919)733-1391 r - " ', ~ . 1 , d -. ` ~, ~ ` - We have enclosed foryour review an outline of the Work First and employment . ~ transportation program and a copy of the $ t million formula allocation table. The ,additional $70,000 will be allocated separate from the formula amount. . 'The NCDOT/PTD has attempted to incorporate many recommendations that were ieceived fiom transportation programs at the 1997 Community Transportation Conference on November 18 in Southern Pines. The NCDOT/PTD believes this,proposal . ,:. . to be equitable, satisfies legislative provisions, and allows us to show adequate. progress, ~' ~ to the Trans nation Oversi t Committee that «Z1l result in providing additional public P~ ~ , " transportation service(s) to meet Work First and employment transportation needs. We solicit comments on this ro sal. Comments should be•submitted to he . " P Po • ~ NCDOT'/PTD by Wednesday, December 17, 1997.: Unless there are significant _ ~~ '.. ~, concerns with" this proposal, the NCDOT/PTD intendsto present the allocation .plane to the ` ~~ ~' North Carolina Board of Transportation at their January 1998 meeting. The NCDOT/PTD needs to adhere. to this tight schedule to be able to show progress to the . Transportation Oversight Committee. in February 1998,. If you have any questions or , ~" : - comments on our ro sal • lease contact Todd Allen, NCDOT/PTD Rural and Small. • P Po ~ R •: Urban Section Manager, either by telephone. at (919) 733-4713,. Extension 238, or a-mail :, .. at tallen.~a dot.state.nc.us in the NCDOT/PTD. ' ~ - , . . .. , .~ . . , - , '~ ~ - ' _ ~ .. CG/PB/tma ..•. ". .- ~. - . Enclosures ." .. ~ ~. . . ~ „~- ".• •cc: Jim Blackburn, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners ~ ~ " _ Sanford Cioss, NCDOT/PTD • • ~ ~ .. '` ~ ` . Todd Allen, NCDOT/PTD . Petec Leousis, NCDHHS ° •~ ` ~ '- " `Kevin FitzGerald, NCDHHS/DSS ~ ~ . ~• - . ,; . ~ r Kathy McGehee, NCDI-IIiS/DSS • ~~ : " lU _, - - mm ~~ ,U ~ - . .. , , , ~_. - . ,. " . .. ~.. - " ~. -: 135 - ~ ., Work FirstlEmploYment Transportation Operating Assistance Community Transportation Program In August 1997, the North Carolina General Assembly approved an additional $7 million. in FY 1997-98 Transit 2001 Rural and Small Urban public transportation assistance funds. Within the appropriation was S 1.75 million in rural operating assistance funds to meet Work First and employment transportation needs. To develop programmatic guidance and to meet legislative provisions, the Public Transportation Division (PTD) received public comments at the 1997 Community Transportation Conference. The PTD seeks to provide Community Transportation Program operating assistance for Work First and employment transportation to all North Carolina counties for the period of January 1, 1998, through September 30, 1998. The operating assistance will be offered through the following methodology. ' Distribution Methodolorav: S l million.in operating assistance will be provided through a formula allocation. The formula includes a base allocation of S 100,000 equally distributed, 5450,000 allocated by the population of each county compared to the total state population (not to include the urban population for counties with uruanized areas within their boundaries) and the ~cemaining 5450,000 is allocated by the number of Work First cases in each county compared to the total state Work First caseload as'of Novcrimbcr 1, 1997. Scc the attached table. 5750,000 in additional operating assistance funds is available for demonstration projects based on local, regional and statewide activities to provide Work First and employment transportation sen•iccs. Counties or Community Transportation Systems can apply for this assistance to the PTD independent of the special formula allocation amount referenced above. Elieible Reciyients: For the St million, all one hundred (100) North Carolina counties will receive a formula ~ based allocation. Funds will be disbursed only to the county` . Funding will be provided with.one hundred percent (100%) state funds and no local match. The County Manager, Department of Social Scrviccs and the Community Transportation System will jointly determine the appropriate local cntit~~(s) designated to receive asub-allocation of funds from the county. In addition, each county's board of commissioners arc requested to authorize the local entiry(s) designated to receive the operating allocation for Work First and employment transportation (i.c. the Community Transportation System and/or Department of Social Scrviccs). For the 5750,000 allocation, counties or Community Transportation Systems can submit proposals for. this assistance. X36 a .. . , . F. S m • Employment Transportation Assistance, continued.• ~ . :.. , Elieible Costs: . . ' O rating expenses associated with Work First or employment related vansportation. ,. - ' Pe - . Examples of operating expenses are driver wages/fringe benefits, fuel, vehicle insurance, and - ~ _ - ` . through this assistance: vehicle maintenance. No administrative expenses will be eligible ` • ~ , ~ Innovative Work-First or employment transportation through deviated fixed route, demand _ °-; response, vanpool, carpool, volunteer reimbursement and other services. , • °To meet Work First transportation needs for program participants_ following termination of . ; cash assistance. ` e ~u ~ Period of Performance: ~ :, ~ .., , •. January 1; 1998 - September30, 1998 `• A commitment of intent letter to provide a proposal for service(s) must be received.from " ' ' each. county to the NCDOT/PTD by February 2,.1998.. Proposals for scvicc{s) are due to the , .. NCDOT/PTD by February 27, 1998... _ ~ ' :. ~ Funds will be provided directly to each county administration for local disbursement once ~ • * service has commenced. ' • FY99 programmatic information will be made available in the Spring of 1998. Each county • •~ ~ 'should- plan to continue sccviccs into FY99, unless changes in the scrvicc{s) provided arc . necessary. Reference the formula allocation amount made available in FY98 for budgeting '. , purposes in FY99. . ` • Remaining funds unexpended at the end'of the period of performance (September 30, .1998) ~. ' 'must be returned. to the NCDOT/PTD. . m ' W ,Data Information Needs: ,~ • ` " :5 - °" ~ ' Each .recipient of the emplo}Trrcnt operating assistance funds will be required to compile data that must be kept is the number of Ridershi n ti d ' h f - p ura o . e project s or t . ridership data one-way passenger trips, service hours and service miles provided. In addition, financial ' _ • • documentation must also be kept by the county and eachsub-recipient in accordance with . ~ state.law,,' • ' • Once service(s) have commenced, each county mustprovide vti•rittcn quarterly reporu on the ., following information: ~ • mm ~ 1. Numbcc ofone-way passengers transported; ~1l : 2. Number of individuals served; ~ - ' q., 3. • Numbcc of service hours provided; • ` " • 4; Number of servicrmilcs providcd;~ . . 5. Total ezpcnscs . 6.' Total number of Work First participants served {may be .included within #2); ~ . " ,• ' - 7. Documentation forusc of chest funds allocated for Work.First transportation as support , ~ . ~ services; and " 8.' Other information, as requested. :• .- A reporting form will be provided to each counfv requesting this operating assistance. •. ,. . - . _ . ,, - ' Employment Transportation Assistance, continued: Service(s~ Proposal Information to be Provided: • Complete a cover letter. • Submit a proposal for service(s) narrative description that addresses the following topics: 1. Proposed Work First and employment transportation service to be provided; 2. Marketing/Advertising plan fo educate po{ential passengers, ifapplicable; 3. Proposed service provider(s) -tither the Community Transportation System or Deparunent of Social Services; 4. Proposed county allocation(s) provided to the proposed service provider(s); 5. Proposed wunry administrative contact name and telephone number. 6. Signed statement illustrating county manager, department of social services and community transportation system involvement in. the recommended allocation of funds. • A resolution from the county board of commissioners authorizing financial assistance from the NCDOT/PTD to the county for Wort: First and employment transportation services. • Letters oC intent to submit proposals si-c~due by February 2, 1998. • Service(s) Proposals are due from tech county by February 27, 1998. 138 •. • .. .. ~ pperating Assistance , -t .. • > „~ $1. Mill ion Allocated by a Base Amount, Population Distribu ion and Work First Cases T. ~ ~ , . Saso,ooti , ' ' 000 .:5100 5450 000 ~ . Allocation 5100.000 5450,000 Allocation . Base , Population based on WF . Total 1 M Base Population based on WF 7ot~l 1 M County . Allocation Allocation Cases Allocation .County Alloption Allocation Cases Allocation . .. Alamance 51,000 510,433 53,761 515,194 Johnston 51,000 58,803 4 54,360. 5323 514,163 52,156 . _ Alexander - .51,000 52;729 51,171 54,900 Jones 51,000 51;000 583 179. 34 .52,369 ST,548 Alleghany 51,000 S837 5129 51,966 Lee ir L 000 51 , 55,290 58,176 314,466 p~~n 51,000 52,107 51,963 . 55,070 0 eno ln Lin , 000 .51 55.050 S2,1t1 58.161 Ashe 31,000 , 52,051' . . 5949. 01 54, , co . 000 51 372 ';52 5691 54;063. ~ Avery 51,000 ' 51,341 878 53 5461 337 53 52,802 215 58 Macau Madison , 51;000 , S1,592 51,226 53,818 ,. • Beaufort. :51,000 • , , , 000 51 52;295 52,682 55,977 Berne ' _ 51,000 ' `_ • 51,831 32,406 55,237 3 Martin Dowell M , 000 51 53,348,- 51,549 .55;896 Bladen i k 51,000 000 51 52,667 55 583 53,226 655 52 56;89 238 59 c Mecklenburg , 51,000 512,210 538,347 551,557 " , ~ c Brunsw Buncombe , 51;000 ' , 57;244 ; ~ 59,025 , 517,268 Mitchell " 51,000 51,311 5258 (2,569 ' " Burke 000 51 57 377 53,945. 512,323 ` Montgomery 51,000 52,134 51,659. ~ .24,793 , " ~~ Cabarrus , 51,000 , St0,069 52,931 514,000 Moore 51,000 000 21 56,116 908 55 53,208 54,886 510,324- 511,794 ~Caldwell 51 000 617 '56 52,618 510,234 Nash , , ' Carnderi , 000 51 , 5560 5424 51,964 New Hanover 51,000 53,793 57,614 512,407 ' Carteret , 000 51 209 55 52,074 , . 58,283 Northampton 51,000 51,833 _ 52,600 55,432 Caswell , 51 000 , 886 ~ 51 51,530 ~ 54,416 Onslow "5.1;000 513,430 56.987 521,418 ` Catawba ~ , 000 51 ., 161 55 55,743 511;904. Orange 51,000 54,310 52,535 37,845 Chatham , 000 51 , 884 53 51,788 ~. 56,673 Pamlico 51,000 51,053 5922 52,,974-. Cherokee , 51,000 , ` 51,969 51,0'97 54,066 Pasquotank ~ 51,000 000 31 52,933 176 33 53,613 065 52 37,547" 56;241 Chowan • 000 51 ~ 51;24S 51,927 54,173 Pender , , , Clay , 51,000 • 5686' 5249 51,935 Per~uimans 51,000 ~ 5941 51,383 53,323 Cleveland 000 ~ 51 019 58 56,370 515,388 Person. ~ 51,000 • 52,894 51,115. ~ 55;009 Columbus , 000 ~ ° 51 , 54 584 54,572 510,156 Pitt 51;000 55,640 511,569 518,209 _ Craven , 51,000 , 727 57 55,199 513,926 Polk 51,000 51,406 5332 52,738 - Cumberland . rrTt ck C 51,000 51 000 ' , 55,074 435 51 523,693 5544 529,967 52,979 Randolph Ri~mond 51,000 51,000 510,459 54;054 52,480 55,356 513,938 510,410 u u Dare , 000 5.1 , 350 52 5360 53,710 Robeson 51,000 59,967 ~ 512;804 523,771 Davidson , 000_ ~ 51 , 341 512 54,369 517,710 Rockingham 51,000 37,955 (5,411 S1<,366 Davie ~ , . 51;000 , 679 52 5765 54,444 Rowan' 51;000 58,252 55,872 515,1.24 Duplin. _ 2].,000 , 53,858 53,429 58,287 Rutherford 51,000 ,55,291. . 53,789 510,080 Durham- ~ 21;000 342 . ~ 24 517,745 523,086 Sampson 51,000 54.550 ~ ,23,521 59,072 Edgecombe. 51,000' , 33,909. 59,439 514,349 Scotland 51,000 53;100 54,323. 58,421 - Forsyth. • ~ ~ 51,000 58,814 ~ 520,225 530,039 Stanly 51,000 54,829 51,945 S7,T74 Franklin 31,000 786 53 3.1,825 56,611 Stokes 51,000 53,745 51,088 " , 55,832 ' Gaston - 000: 51 , 817' 55 514,426 521,244 Surry 51,000 55,883 2986 57,869 Gates , 51 000 , 2862 5664 52,526 Swain 51,000 51;025 51,106 ' 23,131 Graham , 000 '21 5659 5230 51,889 Transylvania 51,000 52,433 ~ 2986 yt,420 , ' Granville. ~ , 000 31 23,689 52,563 57,252 Tyrrell, : 51,000 ~ 5319 522.1 51,541 Greene , 000 51 511 21 21,189 53,700 .Union 51,000 ~ • 59,040'. '53,374. • . 513,!14 GuilforC , 21,000 ` , 664 ~ 36 525,366 533,030 Vance 51,000 ` 53,580 55,199- 59,779 Halifax. ~ 000 51 . . , SS,T32 510,020 516,152 Wake 21,000 220,70.1 319,644 541.344 Harnett, , . 51,000 ~ 57,030 56,010 514,040 Warren 51,000 51,620 52,387 55,007 4 96 Haywood ' 51,000 24,485 52,821 • 58,306 Washington 51,000 51,205 _51;991 ,1 5 Henderson 000 31 903 .56 53,162. 511,065 Watauga 21,000 - 52,455 5774 54,229 Hertford , 51;000 , 980 51 52,682 55,662 Wayne 51,000 510,006" 510,011 ~ 521_,017 Hoke 51,000 , 52,530 23,494 - 57,024 Wilkes 51,000. 000 51 55,555 54,157• 24,019 , 462 56 ~ S10,574 111,619 Hyde 000 51 5440 2489 51,929 Wilson , , ~ " .,Iredelt . , 51,000 59,437 53,789 512 514,226 107 55 Yadkin Yancey 21.000 51•,000 53,059 51,437 5830 54,889 : ~~~ 53,174- Jackson 51;000. 52,596 51, , 0 " . t .000.00 m ^~ ,. •, DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 .Work First Family Assistance Welfare Plan New Hanover County ,January 31..1998 Andrew J. Atkinson Deputy County Manager 320 Chestnut Street, Suite 502 Wilmington, NC 28401. (910) 341-7184, FAX (910) 341-4027 14e0 e t t t r e s s . DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Conditions within the County of New Hanover ........... ............ .. 3 Planning Process :......................................................... .. 5 Outcomes and Goals of New Hanover County .... ...........................:..................:... ...... 6 Plans to achieve and Measure the Outcome Goals .....:......:.............. 7 Administration . : : 9 .. ........ .......................... . ............... Eligibility Criteria ................ .. ..... .... ..........:. ............ 11 Innovative County Strategies ............................................................. 15 Speciallssues ............................... 16 ....... ............... Certification 17 ............................ ............ ............ 141 DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Conditions within the County of New Hanover Part A: Brief description that builds the case for the ounty Plan 1. We wish to eliminate barriers for those needing work through better day care and transportation services. Due to the service nature of our economy we are faced with significant problems in those particular areas. The number' of people ("~] employed in the area of services was 17,195 or 23.9% of the County's lJ employment. In addition, 18,348 or 25.6% were employed in the retail trade area. This amounts to almost half our employed population working in areas that do not have traditional 8 to 5 work schedules. Combine the number of jobs in the services and trade areas with the cost of living index that shows New Hanover County at a composite index of 105.2, and it is evident the poor or low-income citizen struggle to make ends meet. Other factors contributing to our unique economic status is the fact that between the years 1990-1996 population increased by 19.8% while the State grew at a rate of 10.4%. Inward migration from 1990-1995 was 13.2% as compared to the State average of 5.2%. New Hanover County is the 2nd most densely populated county in the State and is very urban in nature. The problems of an urban community play into many of the problems we face with welfare reform. One of the major problems is substance abuse. The result of this substance abuse could be one of the reasons why our "child abuse and neglect" rate per 1,000 is 89.25 as compared to the Statewide rate of 59.88. 2. Vision Statement -All residents capable of working, will be employed in such a manner that they will be a contributing citizen. Those citizens that are not capable of working may be provided assistance as determined relative to their specific circumstances. 142 ~ r n m 0 A 0 a r ~. DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 ` Part B. A description of the economic conditions in your countx . - Per Capita Income 1994 ......... ........ ...... ....... . $19,887 -. - Poverty Rate 1990 ............................... ......... Average annual wage 1995 ...... ......... ... , „ . , , , , , , , . . 14.0% $23,298 - Total employment 1995 ..................................... .71,810 - Unemployment rate 1997. ............ .. ................. .. 3.4% - Travel Spending 1995 ................................. $220, 910,000 - Median Income 1995... ...............:................... $37 600 - Median income 1996 :..................°...... ............'.. , $38,800 - Total number of poor persons 1993 .............................. 21,032 - Percent of persons below poverty ............................... 15.6% - Number of poor children between ages of 5 -1.7 .................... .4,038 - Percent of poor children between ages of 5 - 17 ........:.......:... 17.7% - - Number of poor children between the ages of 3 -5 (1997) ..........:.. .1,281 - Total Work First recipients (November 1997) ............. ...... .4,756 - Number'of Children eligible for Medicaid (1997) ... _ ................ .8,898 - Percentage of the population receiving Medicaid .......:........... .. 12% - , Number of persons uninsured (1995) ................. .......... 15,384 - _ Percent of a $15,000 annual salary on child care ................... .. 28% 143 DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 a Planning Process New Hanover County local planning Committee members are the five sitting County Commissioners, two members of the Board of Education, two members of the local DSS Board, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, a member of board of Southeastern Mental Health, and a representative from the local United Way. One member of the Board of County Commissioners is also a member of the Board of Health. In addition to the members of the committee the following have provided input and guidance at the planning meetings: Local representative of the Employment Security Commission, the Director of the Local Partnership for Children, and staff members of the Department of Social Services. The committee has held meetings, open to the public,, twice monthly since the beginning of November 1997. The local media have covered the meetings extensively, but there have not been large numbers of people from the general community attending even,though we have held the meetings from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. in order to make them more readily available to the public. Extensive discussions have been held between the staff of DSS and the committee. Seven different "case scenarios" were studied that helped define the complexities of those in the welfare communities. 144 -. J~ ~ DRAFT.AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 IU: ~ ~ .. ., _ ~ ~. ... . Outcomes and Goals of New Hanover County } A. Statewide Work first goals:.. Reducing the Work-First Caseload -Our goal will be to reduce the Work First caseload in New Hanover County by 15%. - Putting adults to work -Our goal will be to place a minimum of 588 adults in full-time employment. Staying off .welfare after oin to work - At least 85% of the adults locatin ~ . 9 9 9 employment and leaving the Work First rolls will remain off of assistance for a minimum of twelve (12) months. ' • ~ Meeting the "all anent" artici ation rate - A rninimum of 35% of all Wor . P P P k First cases with the exception of °child only" cases' wi11 be. involved in .' . . _ acceptable work activities: '~' ~ ~ Meetin the "two anent" artici ation rate-`In ew 9 P P P N Hanover County, 90 /° . _ of ali Work- First "two parent "households will be involved. in acceptable ' : . work activities. - .: • Avoiding welfare through diversion, assistance - At least 20 families wild be . ~. diverted from the Work First`caseload.thcough,the-use of diversion ~' _ strategies. .Increasing child'.support orders and collections~for Work First Families - New Hanover.County wilt experience an increase in child support orders . ~~ ~ .and. collections for Work First families of at least 10%. ~ .~ . Child wellbeing - 100% of ali New Hanover County children receiving Work First assistance and involved~in our child welfare system will have~a . . ,~ protection lan. ~ ~ ~ ' P . ., .. B,... County developed outcome goals: °- We.believe the Statewide goals.contain all the.goals that the County would like . ' ~ ~ to achieve.. We are defining strategies that help to achieve .the goals. ~ - ._ .a ,: . ~ , ,.. , _ ,. 145 ~. .: . . . DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Plans to achieve and Measure the Outcome Goals ~"i Reducing fhe Work First caseload Transportation strategies in the following areas will be developed: 1) Any public or private vehicles that are identified as surplus will be donated to individuals with identified transportation problems. 2) We will work with employers to coordinate transportation options. 3} We wi11 work with the NHC Transportation System and Wilmington Transit Authority to make sure. needed routes are identified and established. 4) Subsidies will be provided for transitional transportation assistance. Day Care strategies~to be developed: 1) In order to insure day care is provided for parents working second and third shifts, a supplement will be :provided to the participating day care center. 2) An additional supplement will be provided if the day care center provides transportation for participants. 3) In order to provide parents' child care when a child is sick, supplements will be provided to those facilities~offering sick child care.. 3) Encouraging local businesses to provide on-site day care services, or provide funding for day care. 4) Explore model for sick child care wi h New Hanover County Health Department and' New Hanover Regional Medical Center. 2. Putting adults to work In addition to the strategies listed under #1 above: The County will work with the Chamber of Commerce, the Committee of 100, and the Employment Security Commission to create job opportunities for work first recipients. A mutual responsibility contract will be required whereby the . recipient will agree to the goals under this program. If the recipient does not fulfill the contract~they will no longer be eligible for welfare assistance. A job developer position will be created in the Chamber of Commerce to coordinate the development of employment within local businesses for Work First participants. The county will develop a work program to provide county employment with county benefits, in a variety of county departments using supervisors to encourage full attendance, provide on- the job training, and help to address barriers to long-term county employment. _ In order to facilitate increased employment among Work First participants, ~ employees of the ESC will be stationed in the DSS facility to provide opportunity for required employment registration, job location and job placement. 146 . - , . . .. , . . . .. ..DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 ., ' ~ 'We will work with Southeastern Center to provide an on-site substance abuse, counselor. If there is a refusal to comply with the mutual ~ ~ - ~. ~` responsibility ,the Work First.recipient will be referred to the counselor ~ ' for assessment and if necessary, formulation of a treatment plan. If the '- ~,.. participant goes .for assessment and any treatment is needed, a plan will ' ~ be developed for that~t~eatment., As long, as the participant follows the - treatment plan they remain in the program. If they do not follow the ~ ' :, program, they will be subject to a sanction. If the continue to fail. to' y follow the plan they will be disqualified from. receiving benefits. his., section still being discussed - waitinq for information from ' ' , Southeast Centel . " • . ,. - , Many'recipients have Little or no workexperience. In addition to having . ` -no'idea what job they would like or. have an aptitude-for, they .have little ~ • . - . idea how to act at work. We have job readiness programs in the ' ~communit but we do not have a Y. dequate short-term fob trainrng ,Progra_ms. We will work with Cape Fear.Community College to establish ~ ` a Pathways to Employment initiative in our.County to provide the short- term job training... , _ , 3.[ . . ' .. ,, Staying off welfare ...~ . ~ - '~ after going to work • ~ `'. ' . In addition to continued child care, and transportation supports; we plan 'to develop an Adopt a'family .program with the assistance.of the. faith `~; ~ .. ..: community to provide an individualized tnentorin and su ortive ,. 9 PP ° ~ services component to families with ongoing problems impacting on their ` . continued successful•employment. `.- -. .~ Case management from Work First staff and the Job Developer will be continued ' after.obtainment of employment as necessary. ~ ~: .. ". 4. Meeting,-the "all parent" participation rate . ~ `~ All strategies listed above will be utilized in order to ensure the meeting. of the . participation rate for."all parent" households.; ~ • ~ ~ ' r 5: ~. Meeting the "two parent" participation rate ~ ~ ' . . ~' ' `` In addifion to all strategies listed above, New Hanover County will "pay for . µ .~ ,~ performance" in any two parent households .participating in the Work First :~ program. _ _ . 6.' Avoiding welfare through diversion assistance -'Any family applying for Work First financial assistance ' . will be :assessed to see if Work First participation ` .. . ~~~ ° could be avoided througha one-time financial allotment, referral to com ~'~7 ~ . . ., , DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 human services programs(including the Adopt A Family program,'the Surplus Car program, or Child Care subsidy program) or problem solving-with a case manager. 7. Increasing child support orders and collections for Work First families - Requiring participants of Work First to cooperate with Child Support services will be a component of the New Hanover County program: In addition, we will investigate the possibilities of additional privatization of Child Support activities beyond our current private contract. 8. Child well being -We will continue to provide child protective services as we are presently providing them. Tracking will be accomplished through the County's internal computer capabilities and through maintaining connectivity with the State's automated tracking systems. Administration A. Board of County Commissioners have the authority for the admiriistration of the Work First program, and the program will be administered by the Department of Social Services. ' B. We currently have one employee co-located at the Job'Link Center on a part time basis. We will consolidate the employment an`d eligibility services -and use an automated single application. _ DSS staff will assess~applicanfs and refer to appropriate in-house and community services to obtain employment opportunities. C. We will have ESC employees located at the DSS building to provide employment registration, job location and placement services. (See Memorandum of Understanding attached.) u D. Community service program: The County intends to develop a jobs program where Work First participants will be employed in various departments of the County. They will have benefits as part of the program. If the Work First participant is terminated or quits his job without °good cause" he cannot qualify for welfare benefits. It is also the desire to have a commitment from the business community through the Chamber of Commerce to hire Work First participants. A job developer will be hired by the chamber to educate the business community on benefits of hiring. Work First participants and assisting business'with obtairiing on the job training and. subsidies and available tax credits. The County ~-- , . ~ ^ pwill establish a Job Coordinator to provide coordination and support for `t C7 ~~ ,. ~ ' _ . DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1`997 ~` increasing the chance of long-term employment success. ~ _ The: Community Services Program will be designed around a skilled . .. learning-concept. Job readiness and job training will be the first avenue, - if there is no other alternative then a limited volunteer placement will 6e ' available until such time the individual can be placed in a training or . dp readiness program or paid employment. ~~ -- E. 'Child care,- transportation, and substance abuse: ~ ~' Specific programs for these areas. are listed above." The :.County will ,~ prioritize i s-child care funds in the following manner: Work First eligible clients, child protective services, low income working, families in training -: . ,.. j -and education, families in crisis, and,families with special needs children.. ' ~~ ., Criteria for transitional transportation assistance are ~ . _ ~ ~~) Attached is the Memorandum of Understanding-from Southeastern Menfal. ' Health: concerning substance abuse and mental health assessments and ' " , treatment. ~ . .. . ... F. °~ See strategies listed under "Plans to Achieve and Measure.the;0utcomes and ~ . Goals. - .` ~ ~ .. ~ . `~. G. Appeals process Board of County Commissioners. will appoint five.members to serve as an - :appeals board. All. other ste sin the a eats rocess will be car ie P PP P r d out , in accordance with G.S. 1.08A-79. .. ~. _ . .. `: ,~ '; ~. .~ ... , .: . ~ - , .; ~ ~ - . . ,,- .V 1:49.' ~_ ~ . DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Eligibility Criteria A. We wily adhere to the Standard County Plan eligibility criteria with the following exceptions: 1) Treatment of earned income: Give clients a three month one-time job transitional benefit when they get a job. Beginning with the first full month of employment, do not count any earnings received. Once the job transitional benefit starts, it runs for~three full months regardless of any changes in .income the client has. They are not eligible~for the benefit again. After the three months, exclude 55 % of all earned income. This job transitional benefit will give the clients time to get on their feet with a newjob. It will be an:incentive to work all they can and earn all they can in those three months. 2) Administrative Reo enings: If a case has been closed because the client does not sign Part II of the Personal Responsibility Contract, it cannot be administratively reopened. Clients will have to come to the office ao.reapply and be assessed by an employment services worker. Benefits will be prorated from the date the client reapplied and meets the requirements. 3) .Verification of deprivation: We will accept the client's statement of absence of a parent unless questionable. 4) Treatment of self em,oloyment as a Work First Activity If a client is working the required number of hours but that employment does not pay him/her minimum wage, the recipient must work with the Work First Employment Services to explore whether the self employment is a viable business or a hobby. This is to insure the self employment is a viable source of income if it is to replace wages. 5) Financia/.resources: The total asset limit of $3,000 will remain; however, only liquid assets such as cash, savings and checking accounts will be counted. This will allow clients to own a reliable vehicle for transportation to and from work. 6) C,~uarterly Re orting: This will be eliminated. Clients will be required to ~ report changes between reviews according to the change in situation . ~.. policy (See below) / ~~ ~~` 1 • - . .DRAFT AS O,F DECEMBER 19, 1997 7) ~hanQes in situation -reporting requirements: We wild adopt a 10-10-. ' 10 rule as used in the Food Stamp program. The client will have 10 calendar days to report a change; the agency ha's 1 O calendar days to .. - verify information and determine eligibility; the client is then entitled to a ' ~. ~ 10 workday notice before benefits are changed. No benefits have to be repaid as long as the entire process is completed within this time frame. ' . ~ - ...The client will also receive the job bonus or the 55% deduction, as ~ - ~, appropriate, even if the change is reported late. A change is defined.. as a new job, a change in the rate of pay, or a change in the agreed upon ~~[[`` - ~ number of hours worked. INS,' - - ' ' ~ 8) Treat income of significanf other in the home as stepparent income This will remove the marriage penalty. ~ - '~- . 9) P~ymenf calculation: Countable earned and unearned income will be deducted from the payment staridard and a check authorized for the - difference. This ro osal will sim 'f ~ ~ ' p p pli y the budgeting process and will be . fairer for clients. ~~l 10) Pending AR~Ir'cation~: In order to simplify the eligibility process, . applications will be denied on the 45~' day if the client has not provided . information to determine eligibility unless there is a legitimate reason for .. the delay. ~~; ~ _ B. All. of the benefit changes and eligibility criteria we are making are bein 9 proposed to simplify. the application and determination process, make the system more equitable, and provide better iricentives for self sufficiency. The specifics ~~ : ..are noted in A. above. C. . If our proposed changes eliminate the possibility of automatic food stamp - determination we request a federal waver to allow us to implement the simplified food stamp application ,process. ~ ~ ~ •• Flexibility is greatly. needed when making changes of this nature. We .. _ must be able to respond to what are now unknowns when they become - knowns. We ask for the flexibility to make changes to our plane as needed - - ~- . - as we work through the development and implementation of our Electing ~ , ' ®C County Proposal. 1~1~~ ~ • , • •, .~ ,. .. ... _ ~. . 1.5.1- . :- ~: . , ~ ~ . DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Emergency Assistance The present policy is - Must be a minor child in the home who lives with a relative - Assistance may not be provided for medical care regardless of whether the participants are covered by Medicaid. - Only on a once per year. basis. - Maximum amount is $350. - Total amount budgeted 97-98 $216,311. (This needs to be discussed and a determination made as whether or not to continue, reduce, expand etc.) 152 • _ .. ,.. •. . - ~ ~~ - . • - ~ , .. DRAFT ~S OF DECEMBER 19,.1997. ~ ~ , • Funding Requirements , . ~ . • ~ 4 `. A. .~- Budget•- (See attached Budget sheets:)' • • B. ..Amount of. Block grant etc. ~ ~ ~ - , . _. • ~ . . .. ~, j . .. ._ . ,, ,. . ~. '' . ~~! ,, . ,. _ .. . •. ,~;^ - ~• • ~. ~ ~~ :~ • ~~~ _-, .• ;, _ , ,. .. • ~ • 153 ~. ~ _ . ~ :. DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 Innovative County Strategies New Hanover County is proposing many innovative strategies to help us reach and exceed our Work First goals. The strategies (identified earlier in this plan) include: County work program, liaison with Chamber of Commerce, Job Developer, transportation program, subsidy of evening daycare, infant care, and sick child care. 154 ~ DRAFT AS OF DECEMBER 19, 1997 ' Certification This plan was adopted by the New Hanover County Board,of Commissioners on the day of January 1.998. William Caster, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners ~~ 156 _. .. - Re ular Item #: - g Consent Item. #: 10 - Additional Item #: ,~ Department: New Hanover Transportation ,Presenter: Patricia Melvin - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Patricia Melvin . ~SUBaECT: r' .f FY 1997-98 Rural General- Public Operating Assistance Grant •, . • ~~ BRIEF .MMARY: FY '1997-98 Rural General Public operating assistance allocatiori for New Hanover County is $10,332. In h • . order to receive the allocation, New Hanover County must submit a request to N,C. Dept., of Transportation - by January 30, 1998. New~Hanover County has .received Rural General Public o eratin assistance funding P S ._ for three years. The receipt of such funds was included in the Human Services Transportation budget for FY 1.997-98 and was approved by the Board of Commissioners. These funds are used for public transit • ~' - .services to the Wri htsboro/Rocl:hill/Castle Ha ne communi g y ty. - . ~, ~ - .. -, :. ~. .~, -~ RECOMMFNDF'D MOT[ON AND RFOUFSTFD ACT[ONS• Authorize submittal of request for Rural General Public operating assistance funds totaling: $10,332; and approval of all related grant-agreements and budget amendment, if additional funding is approved by the State.- .. , . ~ . .. . , ~~: t ~ - .. - , .. - - .. FUNDIN . , . ~ , SOURCE: . Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: - Other S: - `~ ~ - . . Money (s in Current Budget: - IYew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: .. ~. REVIEWED BY• ', LGL: FIN: BUD:... HR: ~~ - COUNTY MANA ..R'S OMMFNTS AND RF nMM NDAT[ONS•-.'.. ' .Recommend authorization to submit letter of intent. . ~~: ~:: . . ~ COUNTY COMMiSS10N~i$ . -~ - APPROVED ' ~' ..- .- • REJECTED Q • •1 - .. REMOVED p ~ .~~ • P©STP~)NE[? t7 Refer to O(tice Vision E3ulletin Eioard for Disposition `QA~"E -- , ~./ - F, . _ _ , l r. j~~~^.. ~S~IR'Lf:. ~~ .,.` y ~ ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTNtFNT OF TRANSPORTATION JAnnES B. HUNT JR. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION GARLAND B. GARRFTT JR. GOVERNOR P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH. N.C 27G11-5201 $ECRE7~RY December 15, 1997 Memorandum To: Community Transportation Program Rural General Public Operating Assistance Recipients From: Todd M. Allen, Manager ~ ' Rural and Small Urban.Program ~~ Re: FY1997-98 Rural General Public Operating Assistance Enclosed is the FY1997-98 (FY98) Rural General Public (RGP) operating assistance allocation table. The funds are allocated according to the same methodology that•was utilized during the prior three years of the program which includes an equal distribution of funds through formula allocation based on an equal amount per system and the county's rural population compared to the state's total rural population. Note: For counties with urbanized areas µlthin their boundaries, the urban population ~•as excluded from the formula. As referenced on the enclosed allocation table, many FY1996-97 (FY97) RGP recipient counties expended considerably less funds in FY97 than was disbursed to them. Therefore, in an effort to not obligate more state funds than needed to provide rural general public services, FY97 RGP recipients are eligible to request FY98 RGP funds up to the amount of funds expended in FY97. The division well consider disbursing funds , beyond the FY97 expenditure level if adequate justification is provided. If each system so determines, you may request an amount less than the volume of funds expended during FY97. Based on these guidelines, to receive FY98 RGP operating assistance, you must provide your RGP operating allocation request, RGP plan changes (if a previous recipient), and . . certified statement to the Public`Transportation Division (PTD) by Friday; January 30, . 1998. FY98 RGP funds have a period of performance from July 1, 1997, to June 30, 1998,~G~eneal;publ`ic se.n ice provided during this period that meets the intent of the program and~i~s c n`s`ist"ent 7th the respective General Public Service Plan are eligible for funding. The`~disbursemen`i of FY98 RGP funds will occur by February 27, 1998. ~~, PHONE (919) 733-4713 FAX (919) 733-(39( .., ... ', , .~ ~ ~. •~ . For F.Y97 RGP recipients, the'unexpended portion of each count:•'s. FY97 disbursemz~nt ~. - will be deducted from the FY98 disbursement.. Also, if FY98 RGP funds «•ere used in - excess ofeighty (80%) of the fully allocated cost of the general public passenger trips, the , excess amount will be deducted from the FY98 disbursement. Therefore, each county's ~ ~ actual disbursement could be less thari the. amount requested for each~county by the respective system. Note: This disbursement information does not apply for new FY98 ,. recipients. - ., .. - The state RGP operating assistance may be used to~provide up to eighty pe~c~ent (80%) of ' ~~ the fully allocated cost of the general public trips. The remaining twenty percent (20%) " must be rovided from fares- local funds or a combination of the hvo. Note: Consistent P , ~ .. . ~ - ' with Community Transportation Program (CTP) Policy, the state share-will change to a ~ - ~ ° 99 . .maximum of ninety percent.(90%) and the local share to ten percent (10%) in FY1998 F (Y99). ,. ,~i Along with your request for FY98 funds, former recipients must submit a copy of any ,: revisions in 'the system's current Rural General Public Service Plan. See the enclosed `. r guidance. Each system should .evaluate the effecti~•eness of the rural general. public . ~`• • ~ service.and revise the service plan to reflect service changes to better meet the intent of ... the program and the.general public needs in your area. ~ ~ ' The intent of the RGP operating assistance. is to provide transportation service to ~ ' ~'- `~;tndividuals who are not human service agency clients. You should continue to utilize the ' . - .fo'llowing service modes based on the definition. of a general public rider. r r ' a ~ ('1) Subscription -.Trip is arranged. by private individual, advocate or ~~~ group not affiliated «•ith a human service agency (i.e. civic organization). ~` ~ i Individuals are picked up at home (not a common pickup point) and •~ ~' - ' . destination is not a human service agency sponsored facility. Individual, , ' advocate or group pays one-hundred percent (100%) of the fare in'cash.or ,~ . ~ ~ , : pce-purchased ticket. . ., .. , ~~ ~ .. ..~, , .- -.~ .159 ~r .. ., ~ .~ ' , ~~ ~ . (2) Demand response {dial-a-ride) -Trip is arranged by .private individual or advocate calls and not a human service agency. Individual does not qualify for agency sponsored trip and destination is not a human service agency-sponsored facility. Individual or advocate pays one-hundred percent (100%) of the fare in cash orpre-purchased ticket. ~ • (3) Deviated fixed route -Regularly scheduled route with designated stops which is accessible to anyone, not solely on space-available basis. Rider pays one-hundred percent (100%) of fare in cash or pre-purchased ticket. Through the initiation of the Community Transportation Program in FY99, the division will transition RGP into the CTP grant application as a supplemental mailing in the spring of 1998. Due to anticipated additional requests for RGP funding in FY99, the PTD will revise this operating assistance program to address the additional needs. The limited funding availability may reduce current allocations for RGP services. Please plan for this potential change in your FY99 system budgeting process. However, to meet employment and/or Work First transportation needs; additional operating assistance funds will be made available for employment and/or Work First transportation services commencing in FY98. _ . _ We look forward to receiving your`RGP operating assistance by January 30. Systems- • that submit requests after January 30 will not be elicible to receive funds by the disbursement date. Funding disbursement ~•ould occur_at a later date. Please contact your regional transportation program consultant or me at (919) 733- 4713, Ext. 238, if you have any questions concerning this operating assistance program. ,, Enclosures ~~ 160 _ }, ; .~ , _ .. ~ . , FY 97-98 _ ~ v . - .. RGP Allocation , r. r r i 'County. FY 97 Total Allocation FY 9T Total Expenditures FY 97 Unexpended Balance fY 98 Total . .Allocation Alamance 13,157 6,361 6,79fi 13,157 Anson 2,474 2,474 0 2,474 Avery 9,577 9,577 0 ' 9;577 Berne 10,601 10,601 0 10,601 Bladen 12,137 12,137 0 12,137 Buncombe 48,480 48,480 0 27,824 Camden 7,914 7,914 0 7,914 Chowan 9,324 9,324 0 9,324 Cr-aven 21;962 21,962 0 21,962 Currituck 9,367 9,367 0 9,367 Davidson 32,371 26,766 5,605 27,321. Davie ' .11,987 11,987 ~ ° 0 11,987 Franklin 11,000 11,000 0 11,000 Granville 8,000 8,000 . 0 8,000 Guilford 0 0 0 0 Halifax 17,119 17,119 . -0 ` 17,119 Haywood 15,528 15,528 0 15,528 Henderson 12,500 12,500 0 12,500 Hertford, 10,997 10,997 0 10,997 Jackson. 11,799 11,799 0 11,799 Jones • 5,582 5,548 34 5,582 lee ~ 10,000 5.303 4,697 t0,000 Madison 15,000 14,376 624 ` 9,964 Mecklenburg 18,034 6,733 11,301 18,034 Mitchell 9,496 9,496 0 9,496 Moore 17,768 17,768 0 17,768 New Hanover 10,332 10,332 0 10,332 Northampton 10,667 10,667 0 10,667 Orange- 15,111. 15;111 0 15,111 Pamlico .. 5,134 5,134 0 ~ 5,134 Pasquotank 12,626 12,626 0 ~ 12,626 Perquimans 8,757 8,757 0 8,757. Person 8,000 8,000 0 8,000 Polk 8,771 8,771 0 8,771 Stanly 21,t525 17,736 3,889 16,423 Stokes 12,400 10,534 1,866 12,400 furry 17,600 17,600 , 0 1.7,600 Transylvania 2,207 2,207 0 2,207 Vance ~ 14,000 14,000 0 14,000 Warren 7,000 7,000 0 7,000 Watauga 8,078 8,078 0 8;078 Wilkes ~ 17,839 17,839 0 17,839 Yadkin 12,475 . 12,475 0 `12,475 Yancey . 9,679 9,679 0 ` 9,679 Totals,: 5554,475 5519,662 534,813 5518,581 ~ 161 ~` . , . 'Denotes counties that received an additional allocation „ ~ .. ~' ~~ This page intentionally left blank 1~ ~2 . ,:::. ~- Regular Item #: - ~ Consent Item #: 11 Additional:Item n: Department:;Sheriffs Department Presenter: . Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: And Atkinson SUB:IECT: ~ .. '_,, NewPosition for Communit .Alternative Education Center Y ' .. 7 BRIEF SUMMARY: . Included in the grant awarded to the County by the Governor's Crime Commission were funds to hire 'a ' School Resource Officer. Since the program has begun and students are .being assigned to the program, ire ~, need to hire the SRO. The SRO will be supervised and part of the NHC Sheriffs De artment. In addition .. p to the SRO duties,. this position will also work with the young people assigned to the program ihrou~h various educational programs. There are no county. funds required. And the Sheriff does understand that if '~,~ ~ grants funds are not on-going this position will not continue without a separate approval by the Board of . County Commissioners: '~,, - n ~~ .RE MMENDED M T[ AND RE F TED A Ti (Y.: . Approve the establishment of a Deputy Sheriff position in the NHC Sheriffs Department at the appropriate- ~` pay grade as established by the Human Resources Department. Money is already in the current budget. ~R ~~° ~ . ,: ,. .. , . ~~ .. ~ Frrivnr~r~ :c~rrRr~. _ . --__._.... secs s: VthcrS: ,. . . • ~ Money Is In Current Bud et: Yes g . New Appropnatton Request: No .Bud et Amendment Pre ared: no ~ , . _, REVIEWEn BY• . LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR:. ~, ~ _ COUNTY MAMA .FR'S COMM (YTS AND R nMiVi NDATIONS ~ ~ ~ _ . .Establish new position in the Sheriffs Department. If grant funds are not continued position will not '~, . ' continue.. ' CQUNTY CO~11M1~{~N~RS pFPRpVEU ~ • _ REJECT~i3 C .~ ~ _ REM~V~I~ ,D t ~ ~ ~ PDST>~'QN ~ ~ ~ ~~ 163 ~_ , .. ~ HEARD ~)~,,,~~~ Rckr to OfTicc Vision Dullctin IIoard for Disposition E ~ ~~ .~~L: - ' m ~' _ . . This page, intentionn-lly left blank „r • ~`~~~~ Pa~~r ~F ~ ~~.~ .~_1~'~ **~~~'~,,.:~ s . ... _ . . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 12 Additional Item #: ~l ~ Department: County Manager's Presenter: Dave Weaver .' Pa e Count In A ender Packer e: Contact: Dave Weaver. SUB Tran'TECT: ~~~~ ~ sfer of funds from General Fund Balance to Parks for development of Pilots Ridge schooVpark site ,. •. F~t _ BRIEF SUMMARY: The development of the Pilots Ridge school/park site, which is over 200 acres, needs to begin immediately ~, with. site studies. and planning in order to ensure timely completion of a high school. The County and .Schools will share-in the cost of these studies, including geotechnical assessments, wetland delineations, and topographic: surveys~as necessary. The County will also require funds for contracting with a site designer to produce a master plan: The amount of funds requested to transfer from General Fund balance "to Parks for `'~> this project is $150,000. At this time, it is difficult to determine the specific,amounts that will be required for the different studies and master design. ~~ ~~ - . - . - RECOMNiFNDED MOT(ON AND RF'OUFSTFD ACTIONS• ~ ` ~, ~ The Board sh ould consider approval of the above transfer of $150,000 and the associated budget amendment .. #98-0093. ' '~. .. - ~ J~°: k~% ~ ~ ' - ;~ - .. - ~r - FUNDING~SOURCE: Federal S: State;S: County S: 150,000... User Fces S: Other S: ~ . ~i Mone' Is In Current Bud et: Y g New Appropnatton Request: Bud et 'Amendment Pre erred: Yes .. ifZEVIEWED I3Y: .. _. _ LGL: ; FIN: ... BUD: - HR: .~ . ~y COUNTY MANA =ER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIOiy - .s Recommend approval of budget amendment #98/009 °. rv.l _l rM .~ ~ ~C~f~NTY'~OMt~15SlONERS ~ ~ ~ ~~ APPf~~C~il~© ~~: ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~f~EJE~TED r- ~G3 ~ . _ .. ~ ~~~~~~, .. 0 165 °FOSTPDNED~tp .~ r HEARD ?~,~ Q - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Tor Dis,~wsiuoiJATlr .~ S ,.. .. / Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET ANIE D~ . N ~ LE NT # DATE Commissioners' Office Parks/Pilot Ridge Site 98-0093 1-5-98 ADJUSTMENT DEQIT CREDIT Commissioners' Office Appropriated Fund Balance $150,000 Parks/Pilot Ridge Site Contracted Services $ 150,000 , .. EXPLANATION ~ '- To appropriate fund balance for the development process of the Pilot Ridge Park site.'- ,, ,MMiS~dQNE~$ ~,~ COUNYY P ~ r ~~~... `~~ i : ~•AFF~2~Yl~?`~`1f~ f~ , ~ftEJ~~C3'4E`~` d'3~ ~~'` t}n~ ~g ~., atiE~~~/~~" ~ "~' ~wz- " ~ For Budget OCliccr's approval; theft report ` " ' 1 6.6 ' ~r ~,+. ^ ~ r• ,3 ~~ ~; to Commissioners at next regular meeting /and cntcrin minutes. r T ~l~rl ~ ~~ To be approved by Commissioners. ATE To be entered into minutes. °: ~. Regular Item#: Consent Item #: 13 Additional •Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Anthony Wade%Jack Manock . ;~: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e, 1 Contact: Anthon Wade, Human Relations Director • ~ SUB.TECT: ,, . '~~ ~ Ratification of Lower Ca a Fear Human Resource Association member to the Human R p elattons Commission . '` ~ ~ ; ~ `_ ~., BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lower Cape Fear Human Resource Association has appointed Denise Matromic as their Representative to the Human_Relations Commission. ~' • Mr.,Glover Melvin has been appointed by the NCAAP as their Representative-to the Human Relations, .. • .. ... Commisston .. ., =. . . ~, , ~ .. ~; RECOMMENDED MOT{ON AND REOUF'STED A~CTIONS• r" , f " ~ The Human Relations Commission is requesting that the Board of Commissioners ratify Device Matromic ~` and.Glover'Me_lvin as Representatives to the Commission. .. • ~" .. ., t~: . ~, _ ., ~~' . ' _ ' . ~- FUNDING SOURCE• .. Federal S.; State S: ~ County S: 'User Fccs S: ~ Othcr S. • "~ •. • • Money Is [n Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: ' , • - Bud et Amendment Pre ared: , .:r • .. DRAFT _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ; The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 6.5, Discrimination, of the New Hanover County .Code, be and is amended as follows: Amend Article II, Establishment of Human Relations Commission, Section 6.5-4, Membership: .. a) The Commission shall be composed of seventeen (17) members. • b) Thirteen (13) members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, three (3) members shall be appointed by the Wilmington City Council, and one (1) member shall be appointed by the Wrightsville Beach Town Council, consistent with county and municipal policies governing appointments to county and municipal governmental commissions, committees, and boards. Amend Article III, Bylaws of the Human Relations Commission, Section 6.5-11, Membership: a) Terms: 1) The Commission shall be composed of seventeen (17) members. Thirteen (13) shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, three (3) members shall be appointed by the Wilmington City Council, and one (1) member shall be appointed by the Wrightsville Beach Town Council, consistent with county and municipal policies governing appointments to county and municipal governmental commissions, committees, and boards. Except as specifically amended above, Section. 6.5-4 and Section 6.5-11 of Chapter 6.5 of the New Hanover County Code, shall remain unaltered and in full force and effect. This the 'day of January, 1998. [SEAL) ~ ~. _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ATTEST.-:~ w ,~,, r.Jt~~<~;~ ~? ~, 168. ~;~ ~~^:.4~~~. b Clerk to ttie Board e.r<~!~ William A. Caster, Chairman Board of Commissioners w' DEPARTME NT `, Sheriff Department ~'~ ADJUSTMENT ~~ . Sheriff s Department ~~ Installment Proceeds Building ~~` . ;~' ;~' ~„ ~, Budget Amendment BUDGET AMENDMENT # 98-0089 DEBIT $1,002,000 CONSENT AGENDA January 5, 1998 Item No. 14A DATE: 1-5-98 CREDIT $1,002,000 ' ~, ~ EXPLANATION ~~ -~ To buet proceeds from the::Certificates of Participation (COPS) issue for purchase of ~' • c~ ~ one-floor of the Bell South Building located at Fourth and Princess St ts. ~..~~r ~ '--~_ = . ~ t - For t Rccr's approval; then report ~ to mmi loners at next rctular mcctine I ~ ' ~ and enter in minutes. ~ ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To be approved by Commissioners . APPROVED t1~ To be entered into minutes. , '~` _ RCJECTED D ~ REMOVED O ~ ~ ~ ~, POSTPONED ^ ~ ~ ^ ~} , ~. HEARD C7_ y 9~ ; .' . DATE .._ , i ~' ' / `~ ~' I - ~---'° B 1,1d e t Axnendxxtent CONSENT AGENDA January S, 1 998 x DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# Juvenile Day Reporting Center 98-0085 ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: Juvenile Day Reportint Center Juvenile Day Reporting Grant $ .243 Contract Services Supplies $ 10,875 Travel 5,000 Capital Outlay 148,500 DATE• 1-5-98 . CREDIT• $164,618 L EXPLANATION ~ COUNTY CQMMISSIONQ~ APPRQ~'C: '/ REJEG t ~'" ~ ~ ~osTr-4::~~>, u HtAF;~ a DATE _ ~ l5 R FJ" 615 <:+li~'it~a-t d.di ~ ~}{r~~i*~a~ To adjust budget, to actual amount of grant award ndto~~move all funds to Contract Services. The contract is wi The Community Boys and Girls Club to provide services. For48u'dgct O!liccr's approval; thcn tcport to Commstoncrs at ncxt rcguhr c~eeting Kt zn6 -- ~a,~d~;en~cr;in minutcs. _1_ 7o be ~pprovcd by Commi.sioncrs. To be cntcred into minutc~. ~~ .' ~, `~;; Budget Amendment . CONSENT AGENDA January 5, 1998 Item No. 14C '~*'r.~~ ~ ~ ~~-.:sue ate;.-~.~,;<-~::,:~' -, DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # . Health/Epidemiology 98-0091 ~~ ;~~ ,. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Health/Epidemiologv "~~ State Grant $9,761 Contracted Services ~~ Departmental Supplies ;~~ ~~ .~~ DATE: . 1-5-98 CREDIT $6,000 $3,761 - EXPLANATION To budget additional State funding for medical and offices pplies and to enhance the ,~_ data entry system. '~, For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting . th~~ COMMISS~ and enter in minutes. ,,,~, ~To be approved by Commissioners. ',i"~ 0 "~."" To be entered into minutes. + i ~~ ^ ,f ~. ~ i •. ...~ 0 - .wti F~~--,-~~~~o 0 171 ~r HEARD p OATS t NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE t .\~ t -MEMO ~ z w ~~ .~ .~ ~ ~ ~~~,~~~ , ..~~ ~:.~. , ~ , u ~ ~ '~ ~ TO: Lynda Smith - ~ - I ~ d~.a.`~.,h-t 1~1t c~~ cam.-e-aa ~ ~~-~c..c.. , FROM: Beth J `~ ate, ~.Q~~~ ~~~ ones ~ (~ t.tti. ~-c.AR-rt. [..alt c.~- 1.~--a-c. DATE: July 9, 1997 The State Immunization Program has additional funds for 97/98 fiscal year and our program is eligible for 59,761.62 based on our use of at least 90 percent of 95/96 funds and our performance in the last program review. Suggestions on how these funds are to be expended were included in a letter and are attached along with the memorandum dated May 8, 1997. ~" The state budget revision has already been submitted. The local revision should reflect the same budget. Our plan is to put ~~~:0.4~,fi~time`gta{~`~~"' ~.puichasc needed ' medical - - ~~` -- s, .....,, ....... ' an~.office _sulipTies~Siz:t~oitsa~d dollar~.(S6,4(1~ts a~ia.thc~contracfcd ' 'services line itern,~in'nr i4~ ce.: Qtii' data c ~ , ~ ~ stem _06jt~ - - - Y .~ ,. infoc~iati~tTwith ~ifficrPti~gi~ms :QO.imet~_w~:outsid,e'F~V~t3~.Pgssibk.:~ Mr. Clontz and I have discussed options for the use of funds and plan to work together to integrate unmuruzat~on information on other program screens. By developing a search function, we can avoid missed opportunities without creating labor-intensive efforts for personnel providing other services. In addition, we hope to retrieve information from NHItMC and Columbia Cape Fear on first doses of hepatitis B vaccine given in the newborn nursery to New Hanover County residents. His suggestion was to put 56,000 in purchased contract services to develop the software programs necessary to achieve this network. r ~'' ~ a .. ~ ~, ,~- is 172 ~ ~1 y ~f+l _ ~ /~ ~ .State of North Carolina department of Environment, ~- .Health and Natural Resources Division of Maternal and Child Health ~~ ~ James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ~. Ann F. Wolfe, M.D., M.P.H., Director MEMORANDUL~ ~w TO: ~ Mr. Robert S. Parker, Director 1~~ EHN ,~~ May 8, 1997 I l ` S ~~• ~~ i b ~` r~ New Hanover County Health Departm t V FROM: Barbara Sterritt, R.N., M.S.N., Chief Immunization Section Y4r SUBJECT: Additional FY 97/98 Immunization Action Plan (IAP) Funding ys ~~. ~~ ,~ ea, ~: ~~ An additional $750,000 in FY 97/98 Immunization Action Plan Funding has become available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Immunization Section is allocating these funds to local health departments that expended at least 90 percent of their FY 95/96 lAP funds. Local health departments may expend .these funds for the following activities: • Tracking and follow-up • ~ Assessment and referral at other childhood services (e.g. WIC, CSC) :~ - . Data entry and quality assurance of information into the North Carolina Immunization Registry -- • Pmatc Provider Collaboration/Assessmcnt; FceGback,-Iricentivc dr~"£^~change (AF(X)-:•= =~ Improve immunisation coverage fora defined geographic area(s) where sub-populations at fiigh risk for under-immunization reside More sNecific information regarding these activities is attached to this award memorandum. ' Local health departments that expended at least 90 percent of their FY 95/96 IAP funds will receive a baseline a~~•ard of $3,000 per county. Half of the remaining award will be distributed to local health departments bated on.their performance as measured by the most recent CASA review. The remaining funds will be distributed to local health departments based on the number of children who arc not receiving immunization services ~~. from the local health de artment p .Those numbers were determined using data from the Mini-Territory Immunization Tracking & Follow-up Initiative. According to these criteria, your health department is awarded S9,761.62. If the budget sheet for the FY 9.7/98 IAP,award has not been finalized, please add this new award to the total amount. If that budget sheet has already been completed, complete the enclosed budget sheet as a revision to your IAP contract budget. The budget revision should be returned to DEHNR Purchase and Contracts by Lune 30, 1997. Contact your regional consultant or Mary Bcth Lister at 919-715-6761 with questions regarding how your award was calculated or for assistance in planning the activities to be funded by this award. Thank you for your continued support of childhood immunizations. Enclosures - •. c: DMT ~ Regional Administrative Consultants ~~' ~ Regional Immunization Consultants MCH Nursing Consultants - . .._ _ Immunization Central Office Staff ~ .. ... ,,~, , : ' 173. ~~ . P.O. Box 29597 - Raleigh, North Carolina ~~ An Equal /AfsrrrbtNe Ac 27626-0597, State Courier 52-01-00 ~ flan Ernpbyer . 50°.K recycles/ 10`~ post-coruuTtier paper ` ~ Description of Possible Uses of Additional FY 97/98 IAP Funding This funding may be used to conduct any of the following activities in collaboration with other immunization providers. A. Tracking and Follow-up Immunization tracking and follow-up of children who live in the county regardless of source of care. B. Assessment and Referral at other childhood services Assessment of children receiving other childhood services within the county, such as WIC, and referral of those children to their current source of care. Assessment must be based on documented immunization records. A consistent mechanism for recording immunization history information and documenting referrals must be established throughout the agency. C. Data Entry and Quality Assurance of Immunization Information in the North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCQZ) All local health departments have the ability to enter information into the registry and to access those records through the HSIS system. Critical to the success of the NC[R as an immunization assessment tool is establishment of protocols which include the following: • creating a record for every child in the county • updating incomplete records • eliminating duplicate records • assuring the accuracy of data in.existin~ records. D. Private Provider Collaboration/A.ssessment, Feedback, Incentive and Ezchange (AFI?C) '= Establishment of regular communication and consultation with private providers and their professional { organizations. Communication/consultation should include: ~ s~e~ - promoting implementation of the "Standards for Pediatric Immunization Practices" ~~~ prk ~ ~~~ conducting coverage assessments in private practice and managed care settings ~ ~ ~¢J ~ ,~ assisting private practitioners to self-assess immunization coverage. The Clinic Assessment Software Application (CASA) is available from North Carolina Immunization Section to conduct coverage assessments. The AFIX components recommcndcd by CDC in conducting provider-bascd assessmcnts are: Assessment, i.e., standardized, routine collection, analysis and summary of information from immunization records, Feedback, i.e., sharing of diagnostic and pcrformancc information with front-line staff and decision makers and detailed discussion with them about the findings; Incentives, i.e., use of extrinsic motivation to improve service and achieve coverage goals; and eXchanee of results, i.e., periodic comparison and discussion among peers to suppoR change, stimulate competition and encourage sharing of best practices. ' E. Improve immunization coverage for a defined geographic area(s) where sub-populations at high risk for under-immunization reside. I. Identification and collaboration with immunization and other medical providers, community ~„ organizations, child care providers, social service agencies, etc., in the targeted arcs to assure success of e project. 1 ~~mplementation of measures including A-D above in the defined areas to achieve high coverage among the high-risk groups in these.arcas. s ,: t t r r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/05/98 Regular Item #:' Consent Item #: 15 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa a Count In A ends Packs e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.IECT: Approval of Resolution in support of the reformation of the Internal Revenue Service BRIEF SUMMARY• The County of Brunswick has requested the County consider the attached resolution. If the resolution is approved it will be tailored for New Hanover County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACT(ONS• r~U[vU[NG SOURCF• . Federal S: State S: County S: User Eecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud ct Amendment Pre arcd: ~ . ~tEVIEWED BY• LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: .COUNTY MANA ,ER'S COMMFNTS AND R ('nMM NDATiONS Adopt resolution. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, APPROVED ~` J(N REJECTED O REMOVED p ~ ~~ PG~7PONED p HEARD _. Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boud for Disposition'~'T'E / CIJOC!/![.!/If~ ~ c ~~[J'LC'!/lZl1Lf/-Ll~i• l-~~lY' ~ ~~/% ~(~YfIG~JL ((JOI/C4/lCJ1C07(fL) J~SWtCK ~~G~ <eQ i~~ t.. i~ ~' 1 i ~ O,grM CtaaOt~~= RESUI.(rrl~~ I\'s(n'roR•roF•rIIP: RF:F'URi\IA'rlON OI' TI{H: If~'7'ERn'AI, REVEN(!E SER~'ICF: ~ViiGRr~~S, rite United States of Amcnca was founded on utc nghts of its citizens and the premise that all persons arc innocent until proven guilty; and 1~'IIGRrAS, testimony by employees of the lntcrnal Rcvenur Scrvicc at the Scnatc Fiuanec Cotnnrittce Ovcrsi~ltt Ilcaring revealed an agency that has lost its original vision and no~~~ believes it may be pcnttissihlc to mislead the public as long as it accomplishes the goals anti mission of the agency, and to treat taepaycrs with an arro~~ant and indifferent manner, \l'llfiRr:AS, Americans have watched ~~•ith disdain in recent weeks as hearings in the Serrate and ll~use have uncovered dozens of ducuntcntcd instances of ends intonrpctencc, harassntrnt, and abuse of authority by agents of the lntcrnal Rcvcnuc Scrvicc and ~'IIGRI:AS, tltc current Internal Rcvcnuc Scrvicc system appears to be grossly incflicient and out-of-control and needs to be rcfomtcd as evidenced by over tour billion dollars (5.3,000,000,000.00) wasted on a computer system over the last 1 !years that has now been discarded. NOW, TliIiREFORG, I3I; I"r Rf_SOLVI:!) that the Brunswick County 13oard of Commissioners crtd~)rscs tltc reorganization and restnrcturing of the Internal Rcvcnuc Services and encourages its legislators to vote to thoroughly and eontplctcly overhaul the Internal Rcvcnuc Scrvicc management structure to assure that the tiS Taxpayer receives hich-quality, courteous and professional sen•ice from the Internal Rcvcnuc Scrvicc, including the shifting of the burden of proof in taxpayer Itcarinbs away from the lnxpayer to tlrc Internal Rcvcnuc Scrvicc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVL•D that copies of this resolution shall be transmitted to its legislators, tltc North. Carolina Association of County Comnrissioncrs, the National Association of Counties, and the otltcr 99 counties in the State of North Carolina. Adopted this the 1"day oC December, 1997. ' ! Ann .Simmons, Cltair r~~~'lnK~\i\,) runswick County Board ofCommissioncrs ATTEST ~~I,r,nfi~ ~d~="-c~"%('\,_. %.«n.:` t, 1: ' John ~ ~«.~~„ ~".•CC`_`L~~C-[-,.': .,~ son, a~lcrk to the f~oa d) G;; ,~' • _; ~-:f