Agenda 1998 01-20 - . • ~ i AGENDA NEw HAI~ToVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~I~~IISSIONERS . MOV¢R Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ~~~, ~oG ~ ~ l-1 North Third Street, Room 301 ~~ -~ "'... ' •. • Wilmington, ~ NC . " ~. • . ~fP ..~~'.~loJ prNORTNC'~ WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREEA VICE-CHAIRMAN BlR2 BIRZENIEKS. COMMISSIONER • TEO OAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL: COMMISSIONER ' ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA M. CpF'LJ=Y, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCIE F. HARREIL CLERK TO THE 80i1Rp • January 20,1998 9:00 a.m. ' MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION - PLEDUE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) ' APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS ` PAGE . NO. - 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of "Class Act" Award to Mr. Edward Young, Jr. 1 " 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of Toni Shields and Harry Tuchmeyer for 7 Their Leadership in the Successful. United Way Campaign 9:25 a.m. 3. presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 9 9:30 a.m.~ ~ 4. Recognition of Newly Hired County Employees 11 9:35 a.m. 5. • Update on New Hanover Regional Medical Center and ~ 13 Plans for 1998 :50 9 6 , a.m. . Presentation of Annuat Re ort b the New p y Hanover Commission : 15 for Women 9 55 . : a.m. 7 Discussi on on the Establishment of a Task .Force on Crime 17 10:10 a.m. 8. Presentation by New Hanover County PTA Council Concerning 19 Character Building Program in the Schools 10:20 a.m. 9. Continued Consideration of Projects for Use of $1.8 million 21 . Grant 10:30 a:m. 10. Status Report on Northeast Branch Libr Pro'ect ~Y ~ " 31 '' " • 10:45 a.m. ~ 11. Consideration of Support for Boazd of Health Resolution in 33 Support of "...organizing/starting of Programs in Environmental Health at the North Carolina State Government Level" 11:00 a.m. 12. ~' .- ,Committee Appointments ~ 45 11:10 a.m. 13. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 73 11:40 a.m. 14. Closed Session -Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(6) ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager Noon Adjourn a: - -' MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - ~24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 -JANUARY 20,1998 - _ _ 1 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-A e g nda Items (limit three minutes) 73 2. Approval for North Kerr Avenue Water Main Extension -Proposed 75 Contract #98-_0191 to Serve North Cazolina National Guard Facility and F.A.A. 3.. Approval for Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewer-Line Easement 79 4~. Approval of Sewer Construction Reimbursement Contract #98-0106 ~ 83 and Authorization for the Chairman to Execute 6 . A royal of Contract #98-0180 -Andrew Kuske Greenbriaz w PP Se er 93 Collection System Capital Project Ordinance . ' e Ad ourn J - - -. - . '• ~ . ~, ,` - _, . .~' CONSENT~A~GENDA ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ~ JANUARY'20,1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of contract #98-1059 with Printrak International, Inc. For an 117 automated fingerprint system for the Sheriff s Department 2. Approval of additional State Aid to Public Libraries 121 3. Approval of Statewide Elections Information Management- System 133 4. Approval of additional $25,000 for aerial photography as part of a ~ 135 comprehensive mapping project and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0099 ~ .~ . 5. Approval of request for funding by Mercy Men's Shelter and Substance 137 Abuse Program. .. ~ ` ~ ~ ~ . 6. Approval of Resolution authorizing County Transportation Program 143 grant application for FY'98-'99 7. Approval of Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Contract with 145 the City of Wilmington and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0095 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 161 District Collection Reports 9. Approval of Release of Value 165 10. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-0097 to budget a' contribution from Good Friends for 167 emergency assistance plus additional adult day caze funds, and addition Smart Start child day care funds. ' '. f ~ . • .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ~ Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #:1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources - ~ -.-Presenter: County Commissioners Pa a Count In A ends Packa e:' ' Contact: Andre' Mallette ' ~1 ,IECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Class Act Awazd ~_ - RIEF SUMMARY: . For excellent service in job performance "Edwazd Young"'has been selected to receive the County's Class Act Award. Full Name and Job Title: Edward Young, Jr., Mechanic II -Property Management Department (Vehicle Services Division) r_uiv[~[NG SOURC .Federal S; State S: County S: User Fees S: Othcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REViE~VED B~ . ~L~L: FIN: BUD: ~ HR• ~~. COUNTY MANA ,FR'. COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Present award. . ~ C~UN"iY C4MMtSS{QAi ~' ~ APPROV~© C~~' REJECTI4D C REMQYt~© C1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ pas,~l~N~I~ l~ ~ . ~ 1"~~a . _ ~,•~ Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition - ~~ WIIIk7m A. Castor Chairman Roborf G. Grocer Vke-Chalrman duce Blrzonleks' Commissioner F Tod Davis, Jr. ' Commissioner Charlos R. Howoll Commissioner _ _ (~fficP af' ~.Q~YX.~ .~~ C~.~YItxItt88tIIYYEXB . ~Pil1~ ~ttnafiPr fllauntg 32Q (Ilfiestnu! ~4trPPt, ~Kaam.3D5 . ~ilmingtan, ~arth (IIttralintt 284Q1-41193 ~PjPlJhaliP.(91II) 341-7149 ~:zx (91Q).341-413Q November 24, 1997 Mr. ,Edward Young, Jr. - .. Route 5; Box.393 DA - Leland, N.C. 27451 Dear Mr. Young: 3~ ^~... Q, N pTH wana~ M. wl•r ' ' County Attorney Agin O'N~al •.. Counfy Manoper lucN F. Harr~O Clerk to the Board On behalf of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive a new Hanover County "Class Act" Award. The purpose of the Class Act Award is to recognize employees for instances of excellence in their job performance. Based upon the information provided in your nomination, you are most deserving of this pecial recognition.... ~ ~ .. In order to formally recognize you and present the award, you are invited to attend the January 20, 1998, meeting of the New Hanover County Board of commissioners to be held in' the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County courthouse at 9:00 A.M. Please contact the Director of Human Resources, Andre Mallette, at 341-7178, to confirm your attendance. Also, this award allows you to choose a day off or a $100 savings bond. Please notify Mr. Mallette of your choice when calling. to confirm your attendance on January 20, 19:98. Congratulations on winning this special recognition. Your willingness to perform beyond the calf of duty is very much appreciated by the Board of County Commissioners. Si rely, ,,(~ _ - ` . ~~ . Robert G. Green ~ . , ;' _ ' Cfiairman • .,.,. I}~~~°wur~,ay vo~mrn~ss,~oers Allen On,Neal;~Co~unty Manager Winfred;Simpson;~Dpirector of Property Management ~~~ndre ~[qMa{{~~rgqllette;~Dlre',ctor of Human- Resources .;. V'X 1 u 4 ~v.T~1' __ t . t. , `+ " ~ CLASS ACT ~. ~• .~ ^t„ ~pF ''~~~ ~`~ °': .AWARD NOMINATION 1^ORM ,. . 1 1 1 The purpose of the Class Act award is to give recogniticn by the Board of Commissioners to deserving bmployees for instances of excellent service to the public or for a history of demonstrated high quallry and enthusiastic job performance and, thereby, encourage feelings of team and public sarvice among County employees. INSTRUCTIONS Comp/©te this Corm, attach the required na~~ative, and submit the written nomination to Andie'Mallelte, Human Resources Director; forconsideration 6y the county manager's management team. F/ease do not intorm the employee of his/her nomination. NOMINATION CRITERIA ~ • Employees must be nominated by supervisors or department heads and nominations must be signed by department heads. _ • In addition to completing this form, you must submit. a narrative which adequately describes the reason for the nomination. If the nomination is for a specific instance, you must give details concerning when, where, who and any other circumstances. If the nomination is for overall long-term job performance, you must include information about the employee's attitude and typical work output. • The nomination must Include a statement of how the employee's actions have benefited the County.. • If available, a brief biographical sketch should accompany the nomination. NOMINATION 1 1 Nominee's Name: Edward Young, Jr Position Title: Mechanic I I OepartmenVDivision: Vehicle btanagement Length of Employment: 1CP years Nominator's Name: Jerome Fennell Assistant Property. Position Title: Aianagement Director Telephone Number. 341-4320 Nominator's Signature: _ Department Head's Signature: ~^„ HR•CISACT.9a ..'a .~ ~Z>r~i~~o1s 'oft xY~ Data: /I / ~ CI 7 Date: / / ~ / $'~ ~ "] '9',W'A~A 'n'.1 'A '11' ~ Wy FC:ft' any Qs: _c •_}tyr cf.ASS ~cr - . AWARA TIOMINATION , , : - On October 13, 1997, there was an accident involving a~ sheriff's patrol car with • ~ two other vehicles. One of the vehicles overturned on top of the sheriff's car. The hood and part of the roof was completely demolished. However, a section of the roof directly aver an area behind the-driver held up because the cage was,, strong enough to support that portion of the vehicle. ,Several years. ago Mr. Eddie Young, Mechanic II, redesigned the cages at the request of Sheriff Joseph McQueen. At that time, the cages did not provide adequate protection for the deputies sitting in the front from persons riding in the rear. Mr. Young's re-fabrication not only .provided needed security but added reinforcement to th'e roof. He also fabricated the cage at a lesser cost than an outside contractor would have charged. ~: ., , I have had a body shop owner and an insurance adjuster look at the vehicle. Both have~complimented Mr. Young's design and commenfed.that the cage prevented roof collapse and possibly serious bodily injury or death. The vehicle was totaled but the direr did not sustain any i•~juries to the best ,oi my knowledge. .It must be noted that this redesign work and installation is not required under Mr. Young's class specification of Mechanic II. But his willingness to offer his skills in design and welding in order to save the county money coupled with the above incident warrant his nomination for the Class Act Award. . t 4 .Z •d ~~ ~7,7,~6'~~fl'F ~ 7111 Y~1~1 - .. ,_, :•n~w'u~.~ •: •n •util ur4 n~,•n~ ~n• ~e_e•_,rve i .. ~ . a „. ~. CLAS S ACT r. . AWARD NOMINATION ~ .. , : . a . Eddie Youn ,Mechanic g II• has been a county employer for ten years. He not only works on the standard automotive equipment in the county fleet but is one of the mechanics that is asst ed the maintenance 9n and servicing of EMS ambulances. ~. .4 r: f , ~, r ~~~a : ~= ~- :~, .. ~. • ~ :. 1~ . j ~~ ~~ ;. . ~ ~~ ~~i~ . ~~~ ~~~ . i / /~/. `._:...r_. _ _ ~:. . ~. .. ~ _ •' 1 ~ -~ „ 5~ ~ .d ZZE6'~E0:6 'Ot1 Xb~ .n?w ~a~ ~~ •~ 'u ~r u~ n~ ~nr on• o~_c•_,ryr This,page intentionally left blank :u~:~ ~ R6 -.. . , ' .. A , i .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01%20/98 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item.#: $ Additional Item #: Department: County Manager ~ Presenter: Chairman Caster Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: ' Contact: Allen ONeal ~ ~ ~~ SUBJECT: Recognition of Toni Shields and Harry Tuchmeyer for Leadership in the Successful United Way Campaign. Toni Shields, Administrative III, Budget Department and Hang Tuchmeyer, Assistant Director of the Library, served as the leaders of the 1997 county employee United Way Campaign. Their leadership produced the most successful campaign in the history of county government with total :pledges and contributions of $42,866. RECOMMEND D MOTION AND R QUEST D A('Tir7NS• FUNDING SOtTR E• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: . Other S: Money Is In Current $udget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LLGL: _ FIN: BUD• _HR• COUNTY MANAGF,R'. COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recognize Toni and Harry with the presentation of certificates of appreciation. CAUN~1t' CQ~IMIS5i0N ~ APPROV~p ~"'~ RE,1~CT1`I~ REMC}V1wD I _ Posxpal~llt~ l~ 7 H~Rp Refer to Otria Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ©~~E REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources ~ Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count Iri,, Agenda Package: ~. ' Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant ~ ~ • .SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awazds BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR: James E. Jones -Prop. Mgmt.; Terry J. Leach -Sheriffs Dept.; Jeffrey B. Markley -EMS; Daisys S. Brown - ealth; Hazel Hewitt -Health; Carolyn D. Jackson-Smith -DSS; Debbie S. Lanier -DSS; Wendy W. Laursen -DSS; Rebecca S. Howell -Legal; Tommy ~L. Grady -Sheriffs Dept.; Horace C. Johnston -EMS; Pamela K. Stewart -EMS; -Richard G. Lang - Inspections; Teresa A. Horsboll - Envir. Mgmt.; Linda M. Mayes -DSS; Howard R. Lowdermilk -Parks; TEN (10) YEAR: Eward Young -Prop. Mgmt.; Barney W. LaCock, III - Sheriff s Dept.; Sharon F. Walters -Library;. Bruce T. Shell -Finance; Leslie C. Buis -DSS; Lisa T. Kesling -DSS; Richard A. Hinson - Prop.- - ~.,,~, Mgmt.; Toni W. Moser -Inspections; FIFTEEN (IS) YEAR: Lucie F. Harrell -Governing Body; M. MmryPie Cameron Griffin -Budget; David Weaver, County Manager's Office. This is a continuation of the service awazds during December 1997 and January 1998. Please note the list is longer-than usual because there was not`a day meeting held in December. FIFTEEN (15) YEAR (CONT'D): Ernest Gordon -Prop. Mgmt.; Margaret R. Horton -Health; Susan T. Barfield -Health and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Hoyt E. Smith - Inspections; Cynthia_S. J_ohnso_n -Health. Tw -~~d~ ~ ~.~ba~-~~~f~,+t-- ~s DING SOURCF• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: r LGL: Present. awards. .FIN: BUD: Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition HR: CQUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C9~'~ REJECTED p REMOVED p ~~ P©STFt3NEt3 Q ~"~ MEARQ Q ©A7'~ ,,. ~ ~' .. -- r _ i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: ~{ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources ~ Presenter: Allen ONeal Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: ' Contact: Marlene Carne . SUBJECT: ~' e Recognition of Newly Hired County Employees BRIEF SUMMARY• A list of newly hired County employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting: ItECOMMFN DFD MOTION ' AN D RFOt~~TF D ACTIONS FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S:. County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ^ REVIEWED BY• t. LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA R'S COMM NT AND RFC(~MMF'NDATIONS _ Recognize new emploeyees. , COU~iTY COMMISSIONERS F~PRROVED C~/; - REJECTED p . REMOVEp G7 1~-'~I POSTN4NE n Refcr to Office Vision 8utletin Board for Disposition H~RI ~. / ~ G,~ ~.t~ ~ ~~~` u F 'Y' ~~~~~ .12 ~~ :j~~,,~s~4~~~ s ~y~~u -° ~~ C~ _ _. .~; :REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ' Department: ~ Presenter: Dr. Bill Atkinson Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJF.(_T; Update on New Hanover Regional Medical Center and Plans for 1998 1 R _ Dr. Bill Atkinson, President and CEO, New Hanover Regional medical Center will provide the Board with a brief update on the activities of the Medical Center and plans for 1998 ,. D D F L S ) ACT10N~ REVIEWED BY• LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGF.R~. COMMENTS AND R COMMFNDATION4• Hear presentation. No action required. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ APPROVED 0 REJECTED C7 .: ..~ REMaVED Q ~~F.~ - po~~~~~~~ o /"~ 13~ HEARb @~ Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ~A~E ~~/~~~~ i ....~ . ~ vv . v:. . V ~ J ~ :.i: 1'1:7C~w~~ P,L'::1'l. r n:~ 1~~~~. ~. ~!,; : J ~.,,.~,.~ ., .. ~ ,. .. r .:. .. e~ .. .. . _ - Jwuary 7,1997 _ .. ~ ~ ,... . Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager , _ ..; New.Hanover County, ~ . 320 Chestnut Strcct ~ , Wilmington; NC 28~t01 Dear Allen: I am seeking your assistance in securing 1S l0 20.minutu on the County Commissioners' agenda on January 20. This time would be usod to update the Commissioners on the Medical Centec and our plans for 1998. It is my understanding that this meeting will be held in the Courthoux Asscrobly Room and the meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. 'Il~ank you for your assistance. if further information is needed, place do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ` .. ~ ~ - %~' l William K Atkinson, Ph.D. President and Chid Exccutis'e Officer WKA/lme pc: Mr. U. Birzcnicla , '~~~8~~~ ~ New Hanover Regional Medical Center ~~~aWillam K. Atkinson, Ph.D. -President &,Lhief Executive Officer +~a~~~~P~O. Box 9000 ! 2131 S. 11th Street / Wilminflton, NC 28402-9000_ ,1~~~; Main: 9t0-343-7000 /Fax 91t)-343-7220 /~ ,_.t ~,;,,r.,,,`,s„- President's Office: 910-343-7040 ' ~ ~ `t ~ ~~' ~~~%-~~~ Home Page: httpa/www.nhrmc.org c~~^~1~ 3x~>~t~ . -, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/97 Regular Item #:6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager ~ Presenter: Delores Williams Page Count In Agenda Package: ' Contact: Allen ONeal ~ ~ ' Presentation of Annual Report by the New Hanover Commission for Women Ms. Delores Williams, President of the New Hanover Commission for Women will present the Fisdal Year -ytir 19-97 annual Report. ~tECOMMEND D MOTION AND RFQTIF4TFD ACTION~• FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: __ BUD: HR: Hear. presentation - no action is req Refor to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUNTY COMMiSS10NERS APPROVt:p p REJECTED p . " REMOVED ~h POSTP0IV~D p 1+''; . HEARD , / ~~' n"~` DATE ..1J ~.~9.~.<~i ~' ., ~`xa~~~ and ~m'vZauorr~ ~e ~cca~ ~~'~~ ~on~z. ,~: December 4,1997 VIA HAND DELIVERY Allen O'Neal, County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~~ .. OED 0 c i _, _-. ter, Dear Mr. O'Neal, Please include the New Hanover Commission for Women at the beginning of the agenda for the. January 20, 1998 meeting of the County Commissioners to deliver its Fiscal Year July 1, 1996-June 30, ]997 Annual Report. The presentation should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Dolores Williams, president, will make the presentation. Sincerely yours, ~ _ . ~l .L ~}" .. ~ Dolores M. Williams; President ~ . ~a.~.~~~~ V+~Ru 1~ 1~tll ~~~'~] -16~ ~~G~~ K~ ~a ~~~~~ .~_._ ~ ~~ ~.~_ e! SEW HANOVER~VOMMISSION Q,~,C~~OMEN ~" P.O. Box 15056 • Wilmington, NC 28408 . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/97 Regulaz Item #:7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Commissioner ~ Presenter: Chairman Caster Pa a Count In A ends Packa e:' " Contact: Chairman Caster - f SUBJECT• . Discussion on the Establishment of a Task Force on Crime _ R I F SUMMARY: There are several efforts underway in the County dealing with the issue of crime. The establishment of a Task Force on Crime has been suggested as one way to bring more attention to the matter and perhaps more communication and involvement from various business, citizen, victim and government sectors. D REVIEWED BY• LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ HR: ~~~ BOUNTY MANAGFR'S COMM NT AND RECOMMFsh1I)ATIONS• - Hold discussion. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C _ APPROVED Rt:JECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED D 1~7 ;` HEARD p Refer W Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition pj~'~'E~/~~~n~ ._ . ~,. This page intentio~r~lly left blank. Q j._ - tc~i cl 2. I a.-2-~2. I-Tn-c¢~ ~ ~~'~1~~-.~.c-¢•2~-~-~' - ~f-~~~:rc~_~E /-~ f~/e ~~uz" ~} Cam/ L~I~-~`~ ~ ~ C; ` `'~- lJ ~~` j ~. .- ~.`~' _: _ Q Q .. ~ ~, .LL :. ~ 0 ~~ ~~~~~ Q ~~ r ~~~ 8 ~ ~~~~~ t _. ~~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/97 Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Commissioners Presenter: Tina Jackson, PTA Council President Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: "Contact: Commissioner Greer . . SUB.TECT: Presentation by New Hanover County PTA Council Concerning Character Building Program in the Schools BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Council of PTA's adopted a resolution supporting infusing character education into the current school cumculum. Ms. Tina Jackson, President to the Council of PTA's will make a brief presentation and request the Board of Commissioners endorse the resolution and support their efforts to have the Board of Education adopt a formal policy to implement the. program. RECOMMEND D MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTi()NS• k-UIVUtNG SO R E• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: n ~LGL: FIN: BUD: H1Z• COUNTY MANAGER'. COMM NTS AND R OMMFNDATIONS• .Hear pesentation and take action as you deem appropriate. n ~ _ COUNTY COMMfSSfONF~S C~ APPROVED REJECTED D REMOVED O ' " POSTPONED C7/ ~; .1 9 HEARD p . Refer to Once Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition SATE ~ Q ~ Thursday, January OB, 1998 05:28:50 AM i~ Una Page 1 of 1 ~TEW ~ANOVER.~;OUNTY, ~L;OUNCIL.OF ~~C~;S _ ~ .... ~~ ~ ~ T'ma Jackson, President' 3141 Kirby Smith Drive Wilmington, NC 2841)9 (910)`395-5048 r . ~ January 8, ° 1998 ' ~ ~ . Mr. Bobby Greer _ New Hanover County Conunissioners _ ~ ' <, 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401. .~ Dear Mr. Greer: - ., The New Hanover County Council of PTAs adopted a resolution in support.of infusing character education into our current school curriculum. We would be most apprxiative if the County Commissioners would caruider endorsing this resolution and supporting our efforts to .have the Board of Educafion adopt a formal policy to implement this program. We were so v~ecy pleased (fiat our state senator, Patrick Ballentine, spoke at the Board of Education meeting this week and appealed to them to'adopt a formal character education policy and consider requiring•;the teaching of the~.eight traits identified and defined` in ;Senate Bill 1139. Senator Ballentinc was a co-sponsor of this bill. If you feel !fiat the County Commissioners would be willing to consider endorsing our in resolution, I would be happy to Dome to your January 20, 1998, meeting and officially present our resolution I have included a copy of the resolution for your review. "C`fIAI2ACTF.I2 EDUCAITON RESOLUTION The New Hanover County Council of PTAs supports the infusion of character education into the current curriculum and requests that the Board of Education appoint a committee composed of parent leaders, teachers, and administrators to identify those general a traits of good citizenship, such as:respect, honesty, responsibility, and/or otfiers which'may be .. ,identified, that this canmittee feels our community dc'sires to promote. ' Further, we encourage the Board of Education to implement a policy statement that would reflect their support of character education and provide staff development and/or materials to assist teachers to implement this policy." ' I look forward to hearing from you. - Sincxrely, _. ,... _ .. _ ., r%na.,la~c,k.Jasv .. ~j Tina Jackson ~ ~ LJ ~r tt ~w~~~'~i "t~`P~UI ~ ~~~t~1~~~s ~~~ ~' ~ w . ~A .. ~ r , 1ZEQUEST FOR BOAS ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: 9 Consent Item #; Additional Item #: . \' . Department: County Manager's ~ Presenter: Dave Weaver ` ` Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: '' Contact: Dave Weaver . SUBJECT: - Continued consideration of projects for use of $1.8 million HUD grant 1 BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board's December 8 meeting, staff presented project options (Attachment I) for the use of the $1.8 million HUD grant. -The Board directed staff to move forward with the following projects: ` Purchase. of land at south end of Wrightsville Beach = $300,000 .Construction of new Fire/Police Building at Carolina Beach $250,000 Debris removal (snag and drag) fordrainage $250,000 TOTAL _ $800,000 Staff suggests that the revised attached list of project options (Attachment 2) may be satisfactory to the Board for use of the remaining funds and satisfy the HUD requirements for eligibility of funding. It is .important to note that before the County can apply for any of these projects that a Disaster Recovery Action Plan must be developed and approved by the Board. This Plan, which will take several months, cannot be prepared until direction is given on what projects are desired. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R QUESTED ACTIONS• The Board should consider directing staff to proceed with the project options listed in Attachment Two. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: ~LGL: FIN: BUD• N/A CGRIFFIN HR• COUNTY MANAGF.R~S ~'OMM NT AND R ~'nM1VIFNDATIONS• Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider the pro' s as proposed, in attachment two (2), and direct staff to develop a Disaster Recovery Action Pl COUNTY COMMI~NERS AP Refer to Once Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition PROVED ~ REJECTED U REMOVE© Q 21 POSTPONED HEARD C~ DATE ' ~~A / ~l ~-~~~~ Attachment One (December 8, 1.997) OPTION FO.R USE OF $1,853,170. HUD GRANT . The list of projects below would allow for a distribution of funds to a wide variety of projects, including to Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches.. -`This option is ` only one of many available to the Board of Commissioners, however. In addition, the Board may wish staff to pursue projects not ,outlined in this Attachment: For ,instance, the Board may wish for staff to prepare a project to continue drainage planning for the County as has been initiated in the -Pages Creek area. -Staff is seeking direction on these projects in order to develop the required Action -Plan for Disaster Recovery and to move forward with applying for project funds. The application for funds needs to be completed by September 1.998. Again, all projects must comply with the..purpose of the Disaster Recovery Initiative and meet at least one of the three national objectives as discussed in the Program Guide. PROJECT = ALLOCATIOi~t Drainage improvements in Ness Creek $ 700,000 + Provision of sewer to Wilmington/Hanby Beach $ 258,170 Establishment of a Housing Rehabilitation Program $ 225,000 Acquisition of a Mobile Incident Command Post ~$ 120,000 o Project #2-Purchase of land at South End $ 300,000 (Wrightsville Beach) ., " , s Construction of Fire/Police Building ~ ~ $ 250,000 (Carolina Beach) TOTAL ~ ~ $1,853,170 ti ~~~~°"`11"~fi~ ~1 . ~ ~Q ~~~ {r~ (~~V~~fl3~ 2~~ ?~}y ~f~'~q+~p~ t Attachment Two ' ~ (January 20, .1998) REVISED LIST OF PROJECT OPTIONS FOR~USE OF $1,853,170 HUD GRANT Project (See attached sheets for detailsl 1) Purchase of south end-Wrightsville Beach 2) Construction of police/fire hall- CarolinaBeach 3) Debris removal (snag & drag) 4) Housing rehabilitation (~(cu~la`a,y ~p~y) 5) Castle-Rayne sewer and revitalization TOTAL * HUD Criteria Allocation HUDCriteria* $ 300,000 C (approved by Board) 250,000 B (approved by Board) • 250,000 C 250,000 A 803,170 A $1,853,170 The project must benefit at least 5~1% low and moderate income households. The project must eliminate slums and blight. The project must meet an urgent need due to the disaster. 1 s: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Each project must meet at least one of the above three criteria: In addition, at least half of the $1,853,170 grant funds must be used for projects that satisfy HUD criteria A. The above project options would do so by funding projects 4 and 5 for a total of approximately $1.053 million. . . 23 December 8, 1997 PROJECTS: Wrightsville Beach Five (5)~proposed projects listed below COST: Total cost of Five (5) projects $1,082,824 AGENCY.: Town of Wrightsville Beach ~ ~ - DESCRIPTION: The Town of Wrightsville Beach, in the following excerpt from the Town, .has suggested use of the funds for the following projects. Please note that the Town of Wrightsville Beach has been led to believe by the State that at Least some; of the $1.8 million HUD grant. would be available for the~:Town's use. "Project #1 $92,824 Expenditures which are not reimbursable from either FEMA or our insurance. This includes some items as lost water and sewer revenue, the cost of the new Public Works facility and its contents and miscellaneous expenses. ~ ~ . Project #2 .$600;000, Purchase of land at the. south end .of, the beach: The individual dots have been appraised at between $50,000 to $150,000 each. The actual purchase price will depend.on which lots are targeted. This project could provide valuable beach access which can be of benefit to low and moderate~inc.ome households. ° - Project #3 $300,000 The Town's portion of an interconnection with the City of Wilmington's water system. ' Project #4 $ 30,000 Purchase of 800 MHZ radio system for the Fire Department. Included in the purchase will be hand-held radios and mobile stations for trucks and vehicles. 24 ^ Project #5 $ 60,000 Reconstruction of Animal Control Shelter and administrative office. Current facility is in dire need of renovation and may be best suited in an alternate location." " . ~. ~' ~; _ 25 Deoanber 8, 1997 PROJECT: ~. Construction of Fi~re/Police Building COST: $2.5 million AGENCY: Town of Carolina Beach DESCRIPTION: The following is a excerpt from a letter from George Rose, Carolina Beach Town Manager, to Chairman Greer and describes the Town's desire for the County to contribute to construction of anew Fire/Police Building: "The Town of Carolina Beach Fire and Police Departments are co-located in the former Town Hall building located at 207 Canal Drive. The building was constructed by the Federal Public Works. Administration in 1942 and since that time has experienced flooding from astronomical high tides, storm events of five .inches or more, and hurricanes striking southeast North Carolina. During, flooding of the building, both Fire and Police Departments are forced to abandon the .structure resulting in discontinuities in fire and police protection services. Flooding also results in power outages in the vicinity of the building and sewage lift stations become inoperable with untreated sewage consequently flowing inside-the building and on surrounding streets creating a public health and safety risk. During hurricane events, substantial roof and flood damage occurs for which FEMA in the past has reimbursed the Town for repair costs. However, following hurricane Bertha, FEMA rejected our request for reimbursement for both flood and roof damage. The flooding issue is exacerbated because the entire building. is located in a topographic depression adjacent to Myrtle Grove Sound, a saltwater extension of the Intercoastal Water Way subject to storm generated tidal surges and astronomical high tides. In terms of providing a long term solution to recurring storm and tidal damage, and in response to FEMA's rejection of our request for storm damage reimbursement, the Town of Carolina Beach is currently in the process of identifying possible project (~ site locations for a new Fire/Police complex. The anticipated cost of a new U Fire/Police complex is approximately $2,500,000.00 of which $250,000.00 has already been set-aside by the Town in a Capital Reserve Fund. Town staff are currently engaged in conceptualization of the project, location, and in the near future, :. ~26 ~. both architectural and engineering design, construction cost estimates, and project scheduling." ~~ ~ ~. January 20, 1998 PROJECTS: COST: Debris removal (snag and drag) drainage $250,000 DESCRIPTION: This project would remove hurricane debris from 15 miles of drainage ways from across the County that have not been covered by previous Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) projects funded through the Emergency Watershed Program. A map will be available at the meeting. 28 December 8, 1997 PROJECT: Establishment of a housing rehabilitation program .~ COST: $225,000 °~ n AGENCY: New Hanover County Planning Department DESCRIPTION: The County Planning Department has a list of approximately 25 `~ very low and low income households with unmet housing needs in the unincorporated County. The problems of these and other ~. households were further worsened by Hurricane Fran and Bertha.. The average rehabilitation cost per dwelling unit -is likely in the range of $20,000. It is suggested that a revolving loan fund (not a grant fund) secured by liens be developed with an initial start-up contribution of $225,000. It may be possible to work out a cooperative effort with the City of Wilmington in the management of this project. ~' _. Q .. .. . - ~~. ~'. - - _ 29 ~. January 20, 1998 lJ PROJECT: Castle Hayne Sewer and Revitalization COST: ~ $803,1..70. Q DESCRIPTION: An older part of Castle Hayne has been identified as~ having more ,than 50%-low and moderate income households. This area is in need of sewer, drainage~and housing rehabilitation: Once the _~ ~ ~ North Chase sewer line is~rever-sed in the next 18 months so that sewage will flow from Castle Hayne to the Northside Wastewater LJ Treatment Plant,.the County,will be able to~install collection lines . ~ .in ahs.Castle Hayne area. This HUD money can be-used to ,, - improve. drainage and repairlrenovatehousing stock that has been - worsened due to humcanes. ~ ' Approximately $650,000 could be used for housing rehabilitation for over 50 dwellings that qualify, with the remainder of the funds to be used for drainage improvements. The work could be done in coordination with the $3,091,000 sewer collection system planned for the area by the Water and Sewer District. A map of the area will be available at the Board's meeting. ~a ~. .~~ o a ~~~ ~~ e t r ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ~ Meeting Date: 01/20/97 .Regular Item #: 10 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager ~ Presenter: Allen ONeal Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: ' " Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: Status Report on the Northeast Branch Library Project BRIEF SUMMARY: - ~ • At the writing of this agenda item all the necessary information for the status report on the Northeast Branch Library Project was not available. A written status report will be available on or before your meeting on January 20, 1998. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOUR -F• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR• COUNTY MANA .R'S OMMENTS AND RF (~MMFNDATION Heaz status report,on the Northeast Branch Library Project.and take action as neces COUNTY COMMI~a10»t '~tv APPROVED fD REJECTED ~ Nr REMOVED © 31 POSTPONED ~/ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 'HEARD / / [a/ DATE }. - • #~ ., ,. .- . This,page nlenfonally leff f~lank~ Q ~.~.1.~'i c:,t.C: ~GfrYt-l~u. - c~ ~ ~-r,m, _ ~juz2,G°([.~l'~l~ ~~ (r' , ~' C ~° ~ ~~ 6 :(~.~,rd tc.1~ . U aJ ~ v~ eve cep 1~, vx,~c,,,~' . G.+~6 _ ~ ~. ~ .. • _ ~. ~, ., . _ ~. .. _ ~. ~~~;~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ 1 ~ ~~~ U ~~~ , , . ~'a s 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: 11 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Health ~ Presenter: Dianne Harvell Page Count In Agenda Package: ~' 8 Contact: Lynda Smith SUBJECT: Resolution: Organizing/structuring of Programs in Environmental Health at the North Carolina State Government Level BRIEF SUMMARY: At the December 1997 Board of Health Meeting, the' Board passed a resolution supporting the recommendation of the "WHITE PAPER",FOR ORGANIZING/STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL. The "WHITE PAPER" supports bringing Environmental Health Programs together with other Public Health Programs. into the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). In-July 1997, the Environmental Health Programs were retained in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The 'recommend. ation is to give local Environmental Health Programs responsibility for evaluating and permitting small waste water systems and leaving these under the Department of Health and Human Services. The responsibility for systems of more than 3,000 gallons daily would be left under DENR. The resolution supports Environmental Health remaining under DHHS and a part of the Public Health Department. RECOMMFNDED MOTION AND R O TED ACTIONS• Support Resolution P UIVUIIVC: SUURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: No LLGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R ('OMMFNT)ATiON4• Staff recommends support of the resolution. The Board of Health voted unanimously on this mat GOUNTY COMMISSION€k, APPROVED Q/ • REJECTED ^ _ REMOVED o 3 3 . POSTPONED ^ f~ HEARD ^/ Refer to O(Tice Vision Bulletin Doard for Disposition DATE A/ RESOLUTION , OF THE ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ' WHEREAS, various organizations and .groups have recognized the advisability of reorganizing the. State Environmental Health Programs, to facilitate service and.enforcement, and to promote public health and safety; and - WHEREAS, the product of the above endeavors has been set forth in 'a "WHITE PAPER" dated November 4, 1997; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Health has. endorsed and recommended those findings and suggestions set forth in-said "WH1TE PAPER"; and - ~ WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to endorse and recommend those findings and suggestions setforth in said "WHITE PAPER." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by~the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the "WHITE.~PAPER FOR ORGANIZING AND STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GOVERNMENT LEVEL" be and is hereby endorsed and recommended to the General Assembly as a basis for legislative action. This the 20th day of January, 1998. NEW IiANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) - William A. Castcr, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. ' ATTEST: ' Clerk to the Board ~~~~ lftA l ~, ~~~ O ~~ ~~~ a 0 e r b , A Resolution of the New Hanover County Board of H WHEREAS, various organizations and groups have exercised the advisability of rganizing the State Environmental Health Programs, to facilitate service and enfo cement, and to promote public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the product of the above endeavors has been set forth in a "WHITE PAPER" dated November 4, 1997; and V~'I~1:REAS, the New Hanover County IIoard of Health desires to endorse, adopt, nd recommend those findings and suggestions set forth in said "WHITE P~'1PER". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ncw Hanover County t3oard o Health that the "WHITE PAPER FOR ORGANIZING A'VD STRUCTURING OF P OGRAMS N ENVIItON.~'NtAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLII~ A STATE VERNMEYI' LEVEL be and is hereby endorsed and recommended to the General Assem y as a basis for legislative action. 'I'his.the 3rd day ofDecember 1997 .•`~uNYY eoq'•. ~.~Gp ,......,•• q •,, ~' •''•~N G T~, •.• O '~ (SEAL) wQ's,..,`t' ~~ .~ o s =o ; EA S L<:== .z' z' m; -4:0 ~~~: :y.9 0. ~~r: ' ••rHCA ,'I'~~~~iu~~NN`',~`,` ATTES~~:e~:~Gs~QJ d. ~~~ Clerk to the Board W. Keith Iv'ew anover County Board f Health Chairman 3~ Z0 'd 4ntntnsnta~ •nfl uHa N I'INau n.'1 }IannRMU M~til ~ ~ 'i c • c t nu i oa_on_~,rur DRAFT A Resolution of,the New Hanover County Board of Health WHEREAS, various organizations and groups have exercised the advisability of reorganizing the State Environmental Health Programs, to facilitate service and enforcement, and to ' promote public health and safety;. and , ~, WHEREAS, the product of the above endeavors has been set forth in a "WHITE PAPER" dated . - November 4, 1997; and - ~ ~ ~ , WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Health desires to endorse, adopt, and recommend those 5ndings and suggestions set forth in said "WHITE PAPER". NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Health that the ' ~' "WHITE PAPER FOR- ORGANIZING AND STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN - ENVIRONMENTAL F1EAI.TH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GO ' ~ LEVEL be and is hereby endorsed and recommended to'the General Assembly as a basis for legislative action. ~ ~ - This the 3rd day of December 199"7 (SEAL) ATTEST: .Clerk to the Board ~36 New Hanover County Board of Health W. Keith Elmore, Chairman SUMMARY OF THE "WHITE PAPER" The position taken in the'WHITE PAPER" is that of bringing environmental health programs together with other public health programs into the Department Of Health,tAnd Human Services. Environmental health programs were retained in the Department Of Environment And Natural Resources until it could be determined how to appropriately separate environmental health from programs that were not directly charged with public health responsibilities. The delineation is made by giving local environmental health programs responsibility for evaluating and permitting small wastewater systems and leaving responsibility for systems of over 3000 gallons daily flow to the state (Department Of :Environment and Natural Resources). This is a return to division of these responsibilities as they ezisted before July 1981(approzimate date). Examples --- 3000 gallons daily flow would be a restaurant with 75 seats or an office complez with 120 employees. Fewer seats in a restaurant would reduce the daily flow by 40 gallons per seat. In order to be functional and have a reasonable life . expectancy, wastewater systems receiving 3000 gallons or more per day must have more complez design features and the techgical ezpertise of a professional engineer. The Administrative, Environmental, and all other Divisions of the Health Department endorse the recommendations set forth in the "WHITE PAPER.' -~ 37 ~. WH1TE P.lPER FOR ORGANIZING,l1VD STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENi?R OMKEMAL HF,;lL,TH AT THE NC STA TB GO f'ERNMENT LEVEL . ~ .. - The nm ` p ~ ary mission of all Environmental Health ,Programs is the prcveadon of disease ' through the control or elimination of pathogenic agents before they cause- as illness or adversely affect the health of the public. To understand where you arse going, fast you must understand where you Gave been. Public and environmental health programs werc.developed"to combat real disease problems that wen affecting the citizens of this state. ~ This White paper is an-effort on the part of the organizations listed below to rcvisiCthe reorganization of state Environmental . Healtfi Programs.. InfoRnatioa gained from this discussion will establish a fiamework on how environment,' health ind natural ttsourcts programs can be structured to insure services are provided. It will also address the.eaforcemeat of such programs oo increase the confidence of the public. It is criti~ca! that thapublic health and saferyare the first and foremost:coasiderations in this matter. ~ .. .. ' izations and u Organ gro ps.participating: NC Environmental Health Supervisors Association" ~ ~~ , ' NC Association of Local Healdt Director3~ . • NC Public Heahh A societion (NCPHA) . . , ~ : ~ ' Enviroam~ntal Healtfi SectionofNCPHA . ~ - • ~ NC Board of Sanitarian Examiners ~, ~ Environmental Heahh.Educatioannd Academia ~ . ~It was tfie intent of the Committee'to,discuss the existin - g envirorunental programs and request input and consultation from concerned sources inside and outside the regulatory realm: This discussion included program leapkmentitlon, structure and eomisttacy of regulations ind thzssaflewide tafoccemest of sud~`~igalations. Tho Canraittre's dh~Ileage was ~ bri6g fogcthcr - - all interested parties to discuss different issues and set Sight: ott 6arvrtb address thisifipbcunt subject using the knowledge. and experience of those involved. The Committee aitemp0ed to address the confusion that exists with the public and customer entering and exiting tfie +-~ environmental permitting process. ~ It has been very apparent for, many year: that the amount o! tirnding for stare envirocunenW management programs has proves to be lsdting; therefotq personnel and equipment are~inadequate ausin~ backlogs, insufficient monitoring~d little-pco:npt enforcement. Many pacluge and spray wutewater rystems go years without a set of regulatory eyes at the site. Self-monitoring Is the-rule. Files exist oa water supply watersheds, but no one has ever been on site to look u what is actually being done. State agencies seek more funding, county health department environmental health . programs seek .more financial support, and yet it is quite-apparent that out system has not wotlced very well. ~ Staffing and coordination could be handled much more efficiently than it is today. No one has adequately studied the issue in order to decide what and how it can be organized for better environmental protection, or the protection of the public health and safety. This should be done, keeping in mind acussibility to the system by the public, contractors, engineers, builders, developers and anyone requesting services. Taxpayers of this state deserve the most efficient and consistent environmental ~~ protection mnd environmental monitoring system possible and it should also be effective. Currently, minimal funds are forwarded from the state to the county level for environmental ~~ health or environmental programs of any kind. County funding is allocated by the Boards of 11/4/97 r t - Commissioners in the respective counties or by feu that can be assessed u the county level. Thera exisu a lack of understanding, experience, and expertise u well u poor communicuion between state regional environmental office staffand county environmental personnel. State regional office personnel enter and leave countiu without any discussion with local staff about why they are present or what they found while theywen there. If enforcement action is initiated, many times the local staff is unaware of exactly what is taking place. There were three areas on which the Committee focused and spent a great deal of time discussing. Control aced gnality of permib County environmental personnel must make sun that permitting is dose in a responsible manner and that controls arc in place t0 see that conditions specified are adhered to by the permit bolder. If enforcement action is necessary, it should be prompt and adequate in order to detu the violator from repeating the occurrence in the future. Benefactors. Who benefits the most? Which is more important - the protection of the environment or the protection of the public health? Environmental staff must swept the responsibility of tt~e welfare of the stile's citizeru and rrsourca. With a strong permitting process and an enforcement program that is imtnediue and firm , we ua make-sure~at-botb~ffii-environmeat and public hulth are protested statewide. The benefit will be m all concurred. Protection of the Public ~ The foremost issue is the protection of the public..Citiuas first contact is uiually made ai the county level with the local eavironmentaJ 6ealtii office ottbe comity huhh department 'I~e system we establish or the organization we construct must be oars friendly for the individuals within the system, and most of all by tfie gcnertl public. I ~. i 'Ibis White Paper offers recommendations about bow tt~e programs should be strucztiurd at the sate lave(. There are certain snvironmenal 6cihh programs wt>en a cku delineation exists for halth and clot list is u follows: ... - • Food ProttcNon - • Lodging Facilitiu • hutlturlonol Smrirarion • Lead Ezposrvt Program Jor Ch/ldrtn • Tattoo.lrtist Evalucrtlon .• . Gsadt A Dairy Inrptctlon ~ ~ LL ~ Public Xta11h Put lbfanagcmtnt • Bidding Insptctlon _. - - ... . -- ~ ~ ~ 39 11/ar~7 ~~ The White Paper Committee sought to focus on the two•subjcct areas, W~ and Wastewater. An attempt'has been made t b w o component and an EYVIROI~IMEN't com reak these.t o subject areas down into a 13EALTl3 ponent. The Whig Paper `Comnirtee:'s recommendations are: rate Leve rate ` vel. ~ . HEALTH - NCDHHS ENVIRONMENT -NCDENR WASTEWATER wASrEwATER • Systems less than 3000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ..Package plants, residential - gallons {delegated and enforced through local health depart ent . iprays. vvasuwatzr systems greater than 000 m program.. Funding may come in 3 allons en neeria 8 ( 6i g review at the state ~ level_and state enforcement. engineering at the the way of state assistance with a state Level and local enforcement and/or fee program to administer , delegation of the plan review and enforcement . necessary program functions) is an option fora local environmental health ' Program if it is tequcstad. Funding should be forwarded and/or a fu mechanism established to, wpport such-a Proogram•) WATER WATER • Well and drinking water programs - (private wel! construction and ao iW i • Groundwater Resource Programs n t r ng ' implementation at the local level with • Monitoring wells by the Waste Management . , ,;Division state funding.and/or-fee schedule.) . •. • Watershed Planning • • Design of water treatment systems , • Wuershed Protection • System opeiation~requirements • Sine Environmental Policy Act • Funding to support plant upgrades or Coordination ' System upgrades (construction) ' • Balancing competing water resource needs • Well contractors - • Public'swimming pools ~ . • Recreational water sampling (coastal as well u inland streams or lakes) • Shellfish meat sampling ~ ' • Inspection of shellfish packing plants •Authoriry to embargo shellfish • Outbreak investigation and assistance°to local environmental health programs on illegal sales and tagging of harvested shellfish 40 11/4!97. C G' ~. This document will be shared with and adopted by the organizations listed at the beginning of thi. paper. The following organizations will receive this White Paper and be asked for support. NC Association of County Commissioners NC League of Municipalities NC Boards of Public Hcalth ~' Boards of Health ~~ Boards of County Commissioners F The information included in this document is compiled in order to offer suggestions on how to prc ~~ environmental permitting services to the public and to insure prompt enforcement utivities for such prog: This paper outlines a structure that would provide an organization for the administration of such program the state level. ~' The Committee is available to discuss this proposal further if them is a desire to be more specific - . particular items. ~. Members of the Committee: Dr. Trenton Davis -ECU, Greenville • Environmental Health Eduurion and Academia Dr. Newsom Williams -Craven County • NC Public-Health Associadoa Mr. Doa Yousey -Brunswick County • NC Association of Local.Health Directors . Mr. Ken Ring -Madison County - NC Association of Loul Health Directors Mr. David Rust • Burke County - NC State Board of Sanitarian Exunincrs Mr. Thomas Ward -Union County -Environmental Health Section, NCPHA Ms. Carol Ann Gibson -Anson County • NC Environmental Health Supervisors Associuion Mr. Donald Stevens -Davidson County - NC Environmental Health Supervisor Association Mr. Rick Rowe -Wake County -Chairman, NC Environmeaal Hulth Supervisors Association l ~6A~~ br N~ALI N ~FcF n.3 ~ ~= rn, rv~. i ~ S ~4~~ Judge Burnett explained the~~CHIP "Project For Happicc Lives" and the CFF "Project For Happier Lives "Grant Applications request is .for a-term of oae year. Dr. Jewell inquired regarding the budget and` term of budget. Mr. Elmore explained the ucst for 525,000 will 'be an addition to the 579,200 ~ a for ~ "Pro/ux Far Noppicr Lives~CFF Grant Application. No county funds arc 'The CHIP grant proposal is to fiord one staff position, educational materials and sites, cld trips,' supplies, and pcwe incentives. Mr. Greer asked the numbs of people this grant would reach? ]edge Bu~ndi the project will deal with any girl .who ,m intrmi in p~ti~apatiag ~ tha~~For Happier Llvrs. " He stated the one: aitcna is that ,the prls ~ do~ not :ct pregnant Mrs. Dean ezpresscd her objection to paying participants not to become pregnant and to prizes and cash benefits. She rcitcrat~ ~accptiva have not wadcod m tht past to prevent Prrgnancics. Mrs. McCorkie, Women's I-(rnlth D~inoctor, concluded monthly moctin~s with ~uticipants are to include goal. setting, money mss rn~eat, sad pregnancy w~ch, would allow students to remain in school. Judge Buinctt rcita~atnd the I+em of t~~e ~~ to be addressed and dollars do aot coed m be` wasted od aituatioo: ~cntable teenage prcgnatbcics. ~ - - - , ,. . ..;'"~„ . Mi. Elmore r+ccomnnerded from tt~e F.~ca~tive CoQ~mttee foc.tfie Board of Haulm to accept and approve the "Pro/tct~ar Xappl~r Lhw' -CHIP Gram Applicatioe (22S.ppp), M4TI4IY: tiir. -Elmore, Chairman, moved from the Fxautive 'Committee for the Board of Health ao accept and approve the . "Project Jor Happlrr L#HU' -CHIP Grant Application (S25,000). and. to submit, this application to the Ncw Hanover Coumty Commissionaz for their .consideration.. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED. ~.. - ° Aye _.3._ Nay (Mrs- Alford, Mrs. Dan, sad Mr. Steaer) Mr. Elmore, Chairman, rccoauneaded from the Fxccudivc Committ~ct foe tbo Board of ~atlth to a Resolution "O RGC7UlDNC3 QR r~!'rOiGR~U46 DV ~ON,IL HF.l.L~~HE NORTH CdRO11N.! S?Al E ti0 LEYEL." Mrs. Dianne Harvell, Environmental -Health Director explained 'the position taken in the "WHITE.. PAPER" is that of bringing Environmental' Health Programs togctha with other Public Health Programs into. the Department of Health and Human Services. In July 1997 the Environmcnta! Health Programs were retained in the Dcparmicni of Environment .and Natural Resources (DENR). She advised the dclineatioa is made by giving local Environmental Health Programs responsibility for evaluating and pcm~tong small waste water rystuns and leaving these under the nt of Health .and Human Services. The responsibility for systems of more than 3,000 gP~daily would be left under DENR Mr. Elmore staled the resolution supports Environmental H~lth staff trmaining undo the Department of Health and Human Services and a part of Public Health and the Public Health Department 42 ~~' MOTION: Mr. Elmore, Chairman, moved from the Executive Committee for the Board of ~~ Health to pass and support the Resolution endorsing the RECO~IDATIONS OF THE WHITE PAPER FOR "ORGA,MZING/STRUCTURING OF PROGRAMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AT THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE GO LEVEL" and to submit the resolution to .the New Hanover Countyty Commissioners for their consideration. U n vote, .the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO~JSLY. (Attachment ~ 1, a SPY of th'e resolution, is attached and incarporatcd as a part of these minutes.) ~ ~ " ~/ Animal Control Services Advisory Committee Agno Mr. Elmore presented from the Exxutivc Committer the following list of four applicanu to ~~, serve thra-year terms on the Ncw Hanover County Animal Control Services Advisory Committee: ~i111~ ~YQ.DC ' Eddie F. Spencer Hunter John R Boozer, III Hanover Kennel Club Rcpiesentative Tunmi Evans New Hanover Humane Society ;~ ~ Cheryl A. Fiste Azalea Dog Training _ . Mr. Elmore rccomrnendod from the Eaceeutive Committee to approve the appointment of the above applica~ to serve on the Ncw Hanovca County Animal -Coatrol Services Advisory Committee. There were no nominations from the floor to serve on the oommittcc. . MQSIQ~Y: Mr. Elmore, Chairman, moved from the Executive Committoe foe the Board of Health to approve the appointment of the about nominees to the Ncw Hanover County Animal Control Services Advisory Committee effective January 1, 1997, I'or a term of there years. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNAMMOUSLY. ~' ~ Mr G i i d h CS d i i . rccr nqu re ow many serve oa A v A sory Committee and if the r terms arc staggered. Dr. J ackson.rcsponded there are nine members on the committee and the terms arc _ not staggered. Mr. Grrcr suggested that the Board consider staggered terms for the ACS f Advisory Committee. ~~ Reco~tion of De a n~,Bo rd of Halth Memben ° On behalf of the Bond of Heal Mr. Rice atsd th, recd ptaeatod plaques to the ettlnng. Board of Health membm fo ir out ta th di th B d f H i l h f h e s n r ng sernca on e oar o ea t or t e past s x yam. Mr. Keith Elmore, Chaurman ~ Mes. Mary King Dean, Vice-Chairman ~ ; Mrs. Mary Lou Alford . Mr. Rice commended the retiring members for their accomplishments, committer assignments, and services rendered to Public Health and to the community.. , ~I Nominating Committee Report and Election of Board of wealth Officers _. ~l~ Mrs.. Alford, Chairman, Nominating Committee, submitted the followin nominees for the 1998 g Board of Health Chairman and Vice-Chairman: Dr.Michael Goins, Chairman Dr. Dennis Jackson, Vice-Chairmaa ~`. - 43 I~, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 , ,~; Regular Item #: 12 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: ;~ Department: Governing Body ' -Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa a Count In A enda Packa e:~' Contact:Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: -. Committee Appointments c'~ ~, EF SUMMARY• ABC Board ~ S,vrt ~~~''~~ ~~ Solid Waste Advisory Committee ~;~~ ,~~ ~- F MF DFD D RF F FD Make Appointments ~` ;~~ . - t kvNniNG SOUR E• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REViEWFD i3Y• LGL: t COUNTY MANAC ' Make appointments, BUD: HR: COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS APPROVED D REJECTED D REMOVED D POSTPONED ~ HEARD , Q/ f ;/~~~y,,~ ~ Refcr to Omce Vision Bulletin $oazd for Disposition DATE ~/~„~i ~-,~~,~yS"~ COMM1 EE TT APPOINTMENTS . ,.~ .. ~~ ABC BOARD 1 VACANCY -UNEXPIRED TERM EXPIRATION 6/30/2000- - ~~J ELIGIBLE FOR A_ PPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT ~~ James C. Ballantine Stephen E. Culbreth Mary K. Mason Dana Page ... Attachments: Committee Information Sheets - ' . APPlications ., H _: _ , ~, `~"y~G'"~"~~"~~`"~^ 1'fJ C~r~r~4 ~ 1vY ~u g~ ~~~~~ t dd `kS~~x,Xd~Ytl ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~f ~ ABC BOARD Number of Members: 3 - Chairman designated by County Commissioners Term of office:' three,,years - may be reappointed Regular meeting: third Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the t~. ABC General Office. Compensation: Compensated by profits with amount set by County ,~, Commissioners. The last increase occurred on October 1, 1986: $150.00 per month for Chairman and $100.00 per month for members. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 18B-700 ~~ '~ Qualifications: appointed on-the basis of appointee's interest in public affairs, good judgment, knowledge, ability and good moral character. t Brief on the functions: 1) Establish stores and adopt local policies. 2) Set budget including employees' salaries. 3) Employ local ABC officers. 4) -Hire general manager to oversee day to day operation of the system. 5) Buy or lease property for the system. (6) Review reports and perform other duties in accordance with 18B-701. 7j Board is an independent entity of the State. TERM PRESENTLY CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING TERM EXPIRES Howard L. Armistead, Chairman Second 6/30/99 2108 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 6/21/93) 762-7776(W) Lawrence Murray - Second 6/30/2000 109 Trai -in-the-Pines Wilmin on, NC 28409 ~/ 0~4 (Appt. 6/20/94) 791- 13 (Reappt. 6/16/97) Donald Zearfoss First 6/30/98 104 Middle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/19/95) 686-9034 (H) 762-2702 (W) Administrator: W. R. Williams (9I0-762-7611) P.O. Box 3036, Wilmington, NC 28406 6/97 file: /abc - - 47 vl/1Z/98 15:45 $'910 815 0696 TAD JAN- 8-98 'fHU 1~0 ~ 50 ~ . .. ,. NL~W HANOVER. COUNTY ~. ~BQAK~ QF COMNIISSI p/VERS 320 Chestnut Sheet, Room 3a5 . Wi/rt~Ington, NC 28401-4093 r~reprar,e ~9to13~~-yr49 ' fAX (910134 f •4130 Application for Appointment to 8o~rds, Corrrminees, and Cvmmisslons , 1, ' ,,Appointed by the New ffa~over County Board of Commissioners. , Rtpuest /or/1ppoTntrnent to: wRf' nn Name: James C. Ballantine X002 .. - P. O1 HO"!0 1406 Old Lamplighter far Nowlonuheveyovbeene 25 Tears Address: ~ resident olNcw'Hanover CountyT Marlin~Add/ess: same tityandState: Wilmington. NC 2,p Cpd~ 28403 Telephone: flo~ne: 392-1475 -Business: 815-0411 ~ - •S~ Male ~ •Race: White - •ADe; 56 '77~a Inromw~Jan 4 nOwrl~d tar N. svl.~pss• d ~.+e..ar~.de.f ~ o~ers-~•efiOw N 1M r~m~~ry er ~oDe:wr.~ •'EmDloyed by: •'AP.rYda earMtlyM~fayreby iR~ 19sntr o16~r~n~ntlor wAkA ~ wok~~bn (s rruC•, nwst ~.s%y~ his/lior~oaioo~ -ritA New H.no.-r Caunlr Vpan ~w+~~+t, b t~oord~+cr wr~A Ilioch t/Z S.a ~ d d-~ 1-4•r Haao.•r C,w.ry prseti.d PoXry. .kb Trtlc: President ~, . Pro(tssionahActivlties: International Bneineas Brokers Association Investors Roun to l~~ Coastal EntreDeneurial Council. Voluntee~rAellvitles: Chae~ber of Commerce =State Government Rotar , NC Azalea Festiva - ommittee airman, NCW Seahawk oar ~-• Why do you wish to serve on ttie Board, Cpmntrttee, or Ocmmr'ss%on /CgvasteDT . ~, - . To give m~ time and talents beck to the community • ~ ~. What do yod ted era your quaGlicatrons Ior servTnD on the Board, CoalmiRSC ~ CommrCsston reQuestedT ~_ Strong financial and business background ~ .~ What areas of concern would rov G1Ee to see the Board, Committee, or Corrxnlssioa addressT Maintain and enhance a Drofitable operation A/e you currently aervind on another board a cvmmdrtee appointed by s munlcipaGcy or a counryT /I ro, please /1st: N o --- ~~ •~ Date: ~2 ~ ~ Slpnatus 'i-Y• i~~~l.L1 (Place 4s~ /dYKS~ sr0 Jar Od Gogd coeartMCrl (avER) 01/12/98. 15:45 $910 815 0696 ' TAD .~ ~ f~] 003 . ..IAN- 8-98 THU ]0:50 ~ P. 02 . ,~~ .. ~ ' . j ~~ Please provide Yhree local personal references ~ ' Name Phane Nvmber ~ ' ~ 1) Lzz Btx enieks ~~ 256-0074 r ~ ~ Ted Davis - `7620914 s - a~1 Rj~t (`n at Pr ~ 452-1282 ~- .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ r> ~ • • - ~ ~ . . ; ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ -.: ~' ~ , r.. ~~' ,~~ i•. ,~ ~' r '. ._. NEW NAKOVfR COl/NTY 80AR0 OF CO~NMlSSlONERS 320 Chestnut S'neaL Room 303 VYrlmh~tor~ NC 2840 t-4093 d Ta..eow nra Nraui fAX.(~iQ17~1JN0 i1pJo~Pcer/ar torllApo/nb+aprf ra 9oorthr, Conwnrtree,, ono Corn+n~ta,lons ~PD~+rs br Mr AA/.Jw N«/~wrw County ~berd'o/ Cew~•+/is~oneri. ~• ~~t c. o ti Q ~ E'• ~'c.. ~ht c f ~ '.~ ,~. _.~,1?.t1vt...~.~7MrnrNMewNanonrCawltlS%Nr~~_ /~y~ ~c,r6s• ~/ Mwo;,.es,..x D x ~/~~ rti~~ Jam.: a.~...: 76.E 34//! •rbcr r'~L oaf s, Q id •AOc •wy..:a~r w. wr ..wi....r ~...r,t I.~ -r...~wr..Y ~../ M MAC ~ •++.r ~rw.rr L ~..~.. -r...~..:w.~~..w.. w wM r«r., t..y.. w« r-~r..+r... w ..w....r ..w i.r.r va t«. ~ rr ti r....~...r t.....r w....i wwr .JeO ~N.r ' f L~ p ~1 •~D ~ /tio/a*r/endAcaMlrae ~G' J ~6~c /JG Y N` ~C6~L~-•% ~iic / ~c c/ <~ /G S J~ .! T ~'4S ~~ (l/,$ ~• ~Q _ Yb4reerw~wce4;a.,: ~~_~,. ~ l ~.(~ . 4 0~_ ,~d o'j' "D: k!t'.r.~ ,C ~7~ ~-/ .~C•-i-_" , fr "Lw fir. ~r • f~ ,. ~r.b reu wi,h r0 •,r~v M Me load Co~~rt,r, a Can.r~u/a- tio~+iu/J ~/' i ~ f .yv,..~~,~ a LrDlte'{'Y ~`•r h rd+~ /../ ~n yrrr e~.WrC~Nn. br irwv o~ MN B.rf. COAYw'lftt, or Gaiw.vr.~n r.owsrll- ... __n?v e,cr~ r; ~ ~~ ~ ~¢ ~ ~OroSQss one /1 Mrgf Nr .1 ae+t.rw w«.r/ yw ~ h ... N. ?o..{ G~••.•itR w C~.r*br1~ dar.w J ~/ GJ D~•~C 1.'1(c fD SQL W~I~'f" ~~ rsr• ~>< ~i. to ~t~y ~~GAul:rs ~c~'4 r6 u~.4rc3t ~/r~J Ar. rar cui«uy,svho on onotna Oe.id a cc~vr-1rN /,goo•i~nd 1 y • ~u+:ccsKr r. t.untr~ A'te. o4ut qtr. G~ Ow,: ~ `~ ~ s~„o,,, .~.... _ ...e...,..,...,.,, l:•~-- .. ~~r'+~ ~L 1J1! 0 4 1991 .} r t' ., . 0, 50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS • 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 • Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • • • • Telephone (910134 t-7149 `, fAX (9101341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commisslorters. Request for Appointment to: ~' iFJ Gcd ~J• K~ Nome ~ _ ~ ,, How long have you been e Address: t~o2 0?~ B-y~r/ cL,( G~•~ • resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailing Address:- c~CL~yyz,O~ • City end Stater ~/~yyy~ . ~~ Zip Code: r2 ~ j~4 S~ r Telephone: Home: ` ~~ 902 - ~ (p ~.$~ Business: 'Sex: ~ `Race: l~ 'Age: f/y~ 'This lnrarmetion b ngwst~d for the sob propose o/ usurinp that o eras:-:~erion of t/u. eomm~ly ds sppoinl•d. ''Employed by: _~C1ly-y~.t.e_ ~ "A person ewrvnt/y emptayed by the ~yency w deputmenllor whah thrt eppliution is msd~, mwt resiya his/herposition wiU New Hsnovsr County upon sppolnfmsnl, !n iccordanee with Ardc% V/, Sec. ~ of No Nsw Hanover County PsiJOnnN Poser Job Title: Professional Activities: ~, /V .. VolunteerActivities: (~~~~, ~~-~Qe~ ~~ ~,e.~-y--~,~ ~~ _~,~ r?/K ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~ ~ Sao What do you fee/ ere your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, o Commission requestedT 1 1 What areas o/concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessT ~.G u~~~i prv~ ~1. _' L _ _ .. _1 _ --_ Y_ Ara you by a municipality or a countyT /l so, please list: Date: ~ ~ y~ (Pt~ssa use r vets ids /or add(i nsJ omm•ntsl Sipnatuie ~.. NEW yANO1/ERCOUNTY .BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS :320 Chestnut :Street, Room 305 .Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' ~~ Telephone (9101341-7149 FAX /9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions A, ppointed b.y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _ ~ ~i~~- 1.3~ti"! ~ ' Home ~: }-1 I~ i ( How7onp have .you been a :Address: I f -~ ~ ~7 ~'t' ~ `v~~~'~.;~ ;,~1r ,• resident of New Hanover County? ~ l~ I-~ ~'/ ~ ++ V ` MailinpAddiess:~0~~. ~.~-'L:~.~ • L i ~ ate: 1 ! ,~,'• ~ •~ ~~~ ~ ^, i , ;.~,T•_ .~. :' C ty and St ~ ' ~^~ ;~ , j'•!; t~ ~ Zip Code: Ci~• ?~ ~' u .: ~.' J ~ I Te%phone: , tHome: ~ - ~ Business: ~-I i.-~r ~ 1 j17" 'Sex: `fir 'Race: ~} ~~ Ape: ~ I V 'This inloimetion is r~questsd /or the so% urpose o/ essuriny that • uoss-section o! the communit is • ~'J' Y pPo~nte . '''A person tuiient/y imp/o ysd by lh~'syency of dspsifinent /or which t is epp/icstion is mods, must i~siyn Ais/h'~i position witA 'N~w~Hsnover County upon appointment, in eceordsnce with Artic% Vl, See. I of the New Honovei County Personns/ Po/icy. Job Tit/e: ...(~ rJt) ': Protessiona/Activities: \~ I, r'~i ~p^ ~ d ?^.~ / ~':'.';~i'{,~~• Nl 11,1'0`' }"~h-.~r!/ f ~~,: ~;'}'~:~ ~~-~ Vo/unteerA, ctivities:S.Y 4 `~ ~'+~~~~-~ Il:~l ~~ vY~~.:.~ - ~Y~Q~'~~~~,.! ~ , n .Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ;i L4l'~J~ ~' 1.;~,9Q '~~ ~. r Gt ~,~ ,~ ,:, What do you fee/`are'`your quali~icati~ons tor~serv;np,on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ET{~~ t Y~ .~~ ~~ ~?~ ~ ~~,'! F~ ~~~~,r~.~;•: {; ~1 ~~~~~-r~55 ~~a¢~c. En ~i~~/l' I;~l~'tt~{~p~ G ` ; ~ ; r . ~ What aiearol concern wou/d you /ike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ ~J1~1` lt/ ~~• , . (. ' . 'J ,. Are you curent/y serving on another board or commt'ttee appointed by a municipality or a county? // so, please /isr. 1~ i ~ ~~ ~,nR ~ $ ~ 99~ ~ ~ ~ Date: , ~ ~ Signature ~~~ ~' /Please use reverse lids Jor sdditiona/ Comments) J t t 1 ,~ i 1 1 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD APPLICANTS: Robert M. Deacy, Sr: Herbert T. Fisher Ed Fox Randy T. Gainey • w~-e s Kyle H. McIntyre Chris McKeithan ~~-~ ~-e~'s Claud "Buck" O'Shields, Jr. Nancy Pritchett Tao bby G re~~ C~'Jp. Iii ~~ ~~. Attachments: Board Information Applications 53 RESOLUTION ~' ESTABLISHIlYG A CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely developed coastal County with sensitive ~ ~ ~~~ environmental conditions; and ~. ~, WHEREAS, the County has developed innovative and integrated technological systems for the disposal of solid waste to provide environmental protection; and , WHEREAS, the County desires to continue planning for sound, efficient, and economical solid waste collection and disposal services; NOW; THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED: That the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners does hereby establish the New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as "Advisory Board", and charges it with the following purpose. Special emphasis will be placed on providing direction on how to most effectively manage the increasing solid waste-stream: . "The New Hanover County Citizens Solid Waste AdvisoryBoard is hereby charged by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to review the New Hanover County Solid Waste Planning Area Solid Waste Management Plan, and to recommend sound, sensible and practical strategies necessary to accomplish the solid waste management goals contained in the 14-Year Plan." In so serving, the Advisory Board maybe expected to perform any the 'following: 1 _. To review with County staff all information relevant to solid waste collection and disposal; 2. To evaluate and recommend short- and long- range plans for waste disposal, including expansions or additions to the existing County solid waste management facilities WASTEC, Landfill and Recycling, with considerations given to any economical alternatives including transfers of waste to out-of-County facilities; 3. To also evaluate and recommend reasonable alternatives for assuring revenue necessary to fund the existing solid waste facilities debt service; and 4. To evaluate and recommend public service programs for litter control. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall consist of 15 members, .approved by the County Commissioners as provided in the Advisory Board Policies and Procedures. BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Advisory Board shall operate in accordance with the Policies and Procedures as established by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and ;~ sling to the following guidelines: L~ { _`Y i~.. ~~ 1. The Advisory Board members shall serve without compensation, bui may be refunded necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties consistent with the adopted budget. . 2: A majority of the members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the , „ transaction of business. An affu-mative vote of the majority of members present at a meeting of the Advisory Boazd shall be required to constitute action of the Advisory Board. 3. The officer of the Advisory Board shall be chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary. The chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary shall be elected by the Advisory Board from its membership at the organizational meeting. 4. The organizational meeting shall be called by the Chairman of the County Commissioners - and shall be held within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the Advisory .Board. All appointments to the Advisory Board shall be completed within ninety days. 5. The Advisory Board shall continue until such time as the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declares the Advisory. Board to be dismissed. The Board of Commissioners shall review the fiuther need for the Advisory Board no later than January 31, 1999. 1 1 1' f i 6. The Advisory Board may utilize officers, employees, agents, and facilities of New Hanover County as needed to carry out the Advisory Board purposes. , 7. The Advisory Board shall have the authority to appoint such subcommittees consisting - of its membership as well as other citizens as necessary for the accomplishment of its purposes. - Si ed this the ~ da of ~--~ 1997. ' Ln .Y 55 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 u iL.~~.:i• ~ ~ •..••. !: ~L'~r'~'~r-' DK 0 E 1~~' Wilm/ngton, .NC 28401-4093 ~ . p~,~ ~,~,•{~;~~ C~. - Telephone (9101341.7149 ~ '!""'''"'"' + fAX (9101341.4130 - T, *` App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ,. Appointed by the New Hanover County Board ofCommissioners. Request torAppointment to: Name: ~ l~~'~i !~1 ~! ri4C ~j S,~ ,`J ..- !~ Horne . ~ How long have you been a Address: ~~~~ ~n ~, L; a ; ~ ;. /~t4 G~/a ~~~ ~ resident o/New Hanover Countyl ,C Mailing Address: - - City and State: __~G'r ~ /h r;~: .~ i ~.~ /V. C ~ ~' • 'Zip" Code: Z ~1/D ~ ' Telephone: Home: _ ~ /(~ - ~j (-~ _ c/ ~; ~ Business: _ l /Q - L/J 7-~ 6 S' J f •Sez: , . , , 'Race' Vii/ .. ..Ape: U 'That in/ormstion ii ~egwst~d for the sole purpose o/ assuring thst ~ cross-section o/ tAe community is appointee ', ''Employed by: _ ~ f ~c. ~, A person cuaent/y amp/Dyed bythe iyency or depsrtment /or whicA tA~.t ipp/iutron is made, must resign Ais/herposition witA . New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. s o/ M• New Hsnovei County Personnel P~/icy. Job Title: _ ~A,z-/l ~' . ,r• . - . _ I Prolessiona/Activities: VolunteeiActivities: _ `t/~, j ~ /~= ~ ,~'D ~~ ,~'~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl ~O ~ f,,'„ ~ _~~~ t ~ ~ N GOIy<~ttv~ u S a. Ci f''t ..~ !,, , r~J rivJ~rt= ~:~~ // ~ - ~r .~ G' ova (r ~ ~h./ What do you lee/ are your pualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission repuestedl ~!''f~~ T i~7fiYJJi+ir ~(//~J/c~'C l'e~-rr ~yn /.~ /h~l' 1,.., ~~ Cr~L - What areas o/concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessl G- ' , F ' Are you current/y servin on a 9 pother board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyl /t so, p/ease /~st: R.J ~, . Date: ` ~ Slpnature ~ u (P/~ase ash revs se ~ de for additional commsntsJ (OVER) _ . l.rJ OC1'-18-97 10x26 FRQM.tIILMINOLON ABSOGOfREAL6OR ID.9l0762966O PAGt: 3/5 • . •n~EVrrt~aNVv~~ caunrrr .. G3C~~C~OC~C~D , .. 6D~1~0 OF COM1GflS5IO1SI~RS ' 3,~0 ~Iresmur SY~eet, Room 305 ` . . ; ~Cf 1 6 1991 ~ .. :~mJngta~, NC 2840f-•4093 ?'~phana (9!0/ 34l-r~¢9 NEW NANOVER CO • fAX fsto134t-4t3O. - EO. CF COM~4fiSSfONERS . Application forApponarr~ent to Baards~ Cnmmjttees, acrd Commissions Appalnled by the New Nano~er County Board of Comm~sstoae~s. Repusst ~o~Appolntmerrt to: Solid Was t~ ldi- Name:_Kerbert T. Nisher_ Hcrt'tP - - - Howlaa~ here yvu seen a Address:i951 Brookhaven Rd. ________,tesidaltolNewNanaverCountyT, 6S yt~Br M~+~p AGdies~: ~Q8 _, I~,~rke t Street •-••- ~-~ Gty and Slate: ~p~ggto~ NC tip Coder 28401 T~tephovle: Xoma: 91^,762„,3351 - Busincsx:910-763-5411 Sex: Hale "Ract: S~h_i~_P__ - ~Apct 65 '7Lh lnla~nwron i~ •.pwstsl /o~ il•. so1~ Base a~ ~~ alas a srosrs.Qaos o! tb. ooerxo+~ey b .r=~fe~ "Emptnyed~p-Dunes Coastal Realty Co. ••Aponoeeari«+(M~mD~bl~d'~'d-~a~crerd~v^rlart~rCh~~PP~~&mvd. mwt~~A~••po,~nbewurt IVirv Nro..r ~~y w•~%Pp•-~+~•t le.ee,d~c1 wr1A Iir6dv N, &4 ~ d rht K•WN.nov4r rbp+N P,rYV+vr.lPo~: .lob rtfe.• Broker - Ca^o~tner ,,, ~ ~'-'--' ~- Pro/tss%oeal~cwa/cs:Execu e C 1J in' fY.Un ~nrLal Ana;.r~,nf itaaltprs Past Director o i ni~gton and of Realtocs VorcMtecrAeri~~ue~'~dvi„~9r~+ .Board _ a ~~r,~~ID,~11,ni,Ly...Co~].lsg~-~eal Estate Div.) W15y do you wish to serve an tke Board, Cv~m~ ~ ~~%~'~ requested the beet interest for the vub 1 ""- '~' U? ..._...~.r..~_..,,..---.~.. what do you !aa/ an govt peralTl?'ca6oA~ for dervrrfA oR Ne Board, Ca+nrrn'tue, or Comrnlsriot: iequsstedl „____._._. Tex aZrer, rove tor, busin~Qp~an -e~p~T.tr ^~•^~* • e•a1.L9-L---- . ,~y~,; spit sddross? Nhe ~~ ' What axone of tnncem wou/d yvu l~~e to see the Q~d, Carrvnlttc~ «' Co s this service is n eded in ew~yar ~^++~w w ere_ qo~,3-e ~Ga~""Lo ro err and to he prevent problems iron occuring. P P Y P ,are yav cvrrentN servrn8 QR'anom~ bAard er co~rrytrto appv%-~tee by s rrtuniciAapry or a countyt 1l so, p/ease 4sr: Advl~Or~ Beard Real Egrets D~caAP Fpar r•nm,.~~n,i,y_Co ede-----'•- _."~"""--'~~ ._......._.,. ^_.._ ~ ~ ~t,~l Date - y// .~ ~a (proe~ ea• iev aside !Or i~~mmirttsJ \~~~ ~~ ~ OC?-1C-97 20.26 FROM•hlIL~HINOtioN A66OCOlREALf,OR ID.920y629660 ..... .. v. .... .. ...• _ RfF£RF C.'F S' Please p~ovlde three local persar~al retere~ees: 't ~S' ~ Name Phan Number' 1 f Dr. Mike Queen _,~~ 515-02141J~3-?471 • „_.,. ;~~ - -,. . ZJ Dr~Calvia Rosa - - ~, 31 Jim HacDonald - A.ttorney~_ T62-6694 - _ ~ ~ ~• r • .~.. - ~, l .~, • L • -- ~~,.5 .. .:~ ~~ i ,~ • w • , 1~~ ~, ' J' ,~1 • • , ~' • ~ ~ ~ ~ ,t ~ ~~, ~ , ,~`~ ___ ,;~ ~` PAGg 4/S ... 59 NEWhIANOVFR COUNTY ~ ,t ^~;,, ~-~ BOARD OF CONIM/SS/ONERS ~ ~~~~~ ~+~ •~ ~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~f~ 0 7 ~~~~ Wilmington NC 28401-4093 ' Telephone l9 f 01341-7149 ~ ~~ ~ r^v ~~Y ,~ - FAX (9101341-4130 - ., App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions ' - Appointed b y'ttttie New Ha~o vet Count y Board of Commissioners. Request lorAppointment to: __• ~)pfld ~ ~~ ; ~+f]V~i SOr r?YY2 V•~ ~ • Name: F ~( ~ ~ _ .~ ,.. 1 y ,L_L Nome Z ~ ~ How long have you been a Address: .~ Z .S ~/~ ~~ ~/ ~ ~ resident o(New Nanover Count l 3o is ~ y Mailing Address: S. s ~Y ` City and State: _ ~/ yy/ /yi q ~[lh N C L'p Cade: Z S"~~.3 Telephone: Home: _ ~j0 TG ,3 ~~~~ Business: n i ~ -o 'Sex: 'Race: ~~ - '~" ~ 'Age: T!> 'This in/orme[ion is requested /or tAe so% purpose o/ usuiiny thst a uosa-section of tAe community is appointed, "Employed by: yy -A person currently amp/Dyed by the agency of depsrtmenl for which Mss app/~cat~on rs made, must resign Ius/her position with New Hsnover County upon appointment, as eccordsnce with Arrc% V/, See. ~ of the Now Hsnover County personnel Po/icy. 1~ Job Title: f Protessiona/Activities: Brx ~~/ T i!/q y~,p .~ a p„ / Yaq~ Vo/unteerAII~I c• Ctrv~t/es: .Jaw I~Krch ~! aSurPr CrUit14H (~~ul ~ytbSvrPp •v ~ d~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _~ ~,P a /b y s vP cc~ ~on a~~H What do you tee/ are your qua/i(ications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission ~questedl BPw-p oh 7~.e ~ w~rtc Sr1ci h ~ vt~~/ 13..~d • ,yd rs s~ h ys ~ ~1 ~X~~r~dn ro s' t o O ~~- tl-a ~ a r car r C What areas o(concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT /~,1 o Goa v~ -+- ~ v e~ ~ ~.~ c• ~~ ~1" Are you currently serving on another board or committee a ointed b a munici li r pp Y pa ty o a county? l(so, p/ease list: W~~ ,e may, _, ~ eYQ ~/ ~Q ~d Date: ~~ 4/~ 1 1 q~~ Signature /Please use reverse side to dditions/ comments/ (OVER) ,, ~~ ~ • 1' P/ease provide three local persona/ references: Name • Phone Num r be • ~ 1J - , ~u~ac':° 1`lu/c~i,se~ ~ 7G Z - Z 7~ . . , ~ ~~- 7 , _ ~~• ~ '~ •• • • 1 ~.. ~ ~ • '~ , ~ ~ .tt t • 1 f \ , _~ ' +~ : ... ., r ~~ ''. ',y .., .., :L ,, ~~~ . .. 4 I t 1 t t1 ~ ~~ :~~. . ~~ NEW NANO V,ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~' Telephone (910134`1=7149 fAX (9101341-4130 l Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~~ ((i WQ,St~~ . /(, ( ~~ Name: Randy T: Gainey ~ ,~, Home _ - - How loop have you been a ' Address: 201 ~ S.8th St..Carolina Bch. ,NC residento/NewHanoverCountyl 40 Years 28428 I4lailinp Address: ~ 15 S_ W a h: P r S t r P P t Cr'tyandState: Wilmington, NC ,71pCode: 28401 Telephone: Nome: _ q1 0=45fi-977] Business: ~1 ~-?51 _t1gF~6 'Sex: rra ] e 'Race: w], i tP 'Ape: a4 'This in/oimsrion is i.pu.sf.d /oi fh• sot. puipos• o/.ssurinp th.f • doss-s.clion o/ IA• community is .ppaint.d. "Emp/oyed by: WaatP Tnc]ust ri Ps, Tn~ "A p.ison cvir.n(/y.mp/o y.d b y lh..p.ncy o/ d~p.ifm.n/!or which lhit .pp/ic.fion it m.d., must r.sipn hit/h~~ potirion wirA N.w N.nov.r County upon .ppointm.nt, in .ccordnc. wish Aific% V/, S.c. ~ of th• N.w Ksnor.r County P.isonn.l Policy. /ob Title: RPQiona] Fi ] d SL~nnrt Mana~Pr Pro/essionalActivities: _ MaintPnan P 2Qnn. C'ommi t_tpp _ Wac~p .Tnri~~st_ri pc ~ Ls Vo/unteerActivitr'es: Tit .1 a agylP Ra aPba 1 ] t'riar-h Why do you wish ro serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesfedl, 1) Represent private- sector. 2).Assist County in formulating sound, effective, and an efficient Solid Waste Plan. What do you Teel are your qualifications for servinp on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesfedl Eleven-years experience in the solid waste industry in New Hanover County. ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl Responsible, cost efficient disposal. . Are you currently servinp on anotherboard or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyl .If so, please list: Date: ~ ~ ~ .S' 9 ~ Signature G~'~'`y ~ - Jpl.s• us. i• . • tid. rot iddilionel comm.ntsJ 1AN 0 6 1998 (ovER) ~..,., .,,,~~~ ~4 CO. ~ " ^ • •,.~ Q - ,~~ .•Va•~7p.Jl OI~L,Y~7 ~'k. ,~{. REFER N S ~. ~~ Please provide three %cal personal re~e~ences: . ~r ~~ Name Phone NumLer . .. ~~ Dennis Barbour h'ork~675-5858 Home 458-5043 ~,. ~j 2f Ray Church r 341-4340 31 Jim Auten ~ 251-0966 ~'~~ • ~ ~• .. ~. 63 . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • ~ ~ Telephone (9101 341.7149 .FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: SOLLD .WASTE ADVISORY BOARD - ' Name: , Home 328 E RENOVAH CIRCLE How /onp have you been a Address: resident of New Hanover County? 12 MailinpAddress:~~E RENOVAH CIRCLE City and State: _ wrr,Mr~r,mn~, ~,r Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: gi ~_~~~_4~~4 Businesr._W7t1MTNGTON MAT .RTAT INC 'Sex: S A D & nnnr.F Race:CAt1C'ASTAN Ape: _ 47 ~ N GRAVEL) 'This in/oim~tion Rs nqu~srsd /oi tA• sob puipos• o/ ~ssuriny. (hs/ ~ uoss•s~ction o/ 1h• community is ~ppoinhd "Employed by: LMINGTON MATERIALS INC "A prison cu~nn(/y imp/oy~d b y fh~ ~y~nty o~ CipeiUn~nf /oi which ~hrs ipp/iubon u irud~, must i~siyn his/A~i positan with New N~nov~i County upon ~ppoin(m~nt, in ~ccoid~ne~ wifA Ailit/~ V1, Sit. ~ o/ [h• New Henov~~ Caun~y P~rsonnd Po/;cy. Job Tit/e: PRESIDENT Professional Activities:~~ING nScnr•TnTTn~? nF ~nrtmu CARnr TTQ~ Vo/unteerActivities: ST JOHNS MUSEUM OF ART = BOARD OF DIRECTORS Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT I BELIEVE MY KNOWLEDGE AND PARTICIPAT~DON IN THE WASTE BUSINESS .PUTS ME IN A POSITION TO HELP OUR COMMUNITY MAKE RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS CONCERNING WAST E What do you tee/ are your gvalilications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ I AM A BUSINESS MAN WHO HAS BUILT A BUSINESS FROM SCRATCH What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee,' or Commission address? _RESPONSIBLE UnN-PnT.7mTr•aT. T1F.r`TCTnrTC ARnrIT TH ~WASTF STRFAM Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT /f so, p/ease list: N0. Date: ~~ .~ ~ „., Signature /Pl~~s~ us• nv~rs. sid~/oi ~d drone/ common/sl (OVER) s n 'l ~S~~~P~~ ~~ DE( 0 S 1S9) ,~ ~~•«. ~::y N.ru.L~~ ca ~`, S ~` ~ ... Please provide three local personal references'. ~~4 Name Phone Number 1J DANNY McCOMAS .910-343-8372 ~~r ZJ MICHEAL MURCHISON ., 910-763-4426 ti~, 3 HAM:cHICKS 910-763-7220 1 . X ~ ~~ ~~: ~` - . ,, ~' ;~' ~ - - . ,~~ ~, .. ~ . ,~~ _ . .~~ "~` - - 65 . ~, „ ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ ` Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,: and Commissions i~,, Appointed b°y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ILJ~' Request for A - - ' ppointment to: ~ I ' yr arc ~ ~'j Name: Chris McKeithan Home ~ ~ How long have you been a Address: 6600 Towles. Road '~ SO yrs resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4730 City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28406 Telephone: Home: 793-9535 Business: 799-8673 Sez: Male 'Race: White •Aqe; 50 'This in/ormstion is rapuastsd /or fAa so/a puiposa o/assuring thet a cross•saction o/ tAa community is appointao: • 'Employed by: Waste Mana ement Of Wilmin ton A parson cuirant/y amp/oyad by tAa agency or d~pertmant /or which this app/ication is made, must tasign A.s/Aar position witA Naw Henovar Cavnry upon appointment, m accardanca wi :~ ,GrtrcJa Yl, Sac. i o/ tAa Niw Nsnovar County Parsonnd Policy. Job Title: Div. President and General Manager Prolessiona/Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedll feel that the Board should Piave a reore entative from the solid waste collection comyanies What do you feel are your quali/ications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have 25 yi _exyerience in solid waste collection, disyosal, and recyclintt I feel that my e~cyerience will be an asset to the board. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Prover lons~ ranee _disvosal and collection vlans. Are. you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? It so, please list: :; ..::~i~llil~~i • .. ~L a i.~1.'1 Date: -~~.~ 7 ~j' ~ cp7 (Plessa ute reverse side /or additions/ commsntsl GEC ~ ~ ~11/ • - , : •,.,.. `, CO. Sipnatwe (OVER) ,~ ~' .. . ~ ~ f~EFER NG S , .. ~~ .. .. Please provide three loca/ ersonal f p re erences: ~ N 1 . ~ ame ... Phon e Number '~ 1J _Bobbv Greer 763-5961 ~ 21 Don Betz - 815-0600 ,~ Allen O'Neal ~ ~ ~ . 3 1 341-7184 ~. C . ~ ~~ ~ / C/C ~~~~ n 67 - NEW HANOVER COUNTY C~~~r~~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS DK 0 1 1991 320 Chestnut. Street, Room 305 Q Wilmington, NC 28401-4093, N~+V FlANOYER CO. Telephone (9101341-7149 E~ CE CCMMlSSICNrT,S fAX f9 f 01341-4 f 30 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and ,Commissions ` Appointed by the New Hanover County`Board of Commissioners. Request torAppointment to: r Name: Claud "Buck" O'Shields, Jr. Home ~ How long have you been a Address: 7522,. Dunbar. Road ~ resident of New Hanover CountyT 56 so far Mailing Address: 7522 Dunbar Road City and State: _ Wilmington Zip Code: 78405 Telephone: Home: 686-4163 /fax 686-2126 Business: same ` 'Sez: M 'Race: W 'Ape: 56 u 'This in/ormetion is repuested for the so/e purpose o/ essuiiny thet adoss-section o/ the coinmuniry is eppointes "Employed by: Self-em to ed .Residential. buildin contractor A person cuirenUy emp/o yed by the eyency o/ d~pertment /oi which thct epp/~cetion is med~, must resign Aas/herposition with New Henovei County upon appointment, in eccordence with Aitide V/, Sec. ~ o/ the New Hanover County personnel PoGry- Job Title: owner Piolessiona/Activities: National Assoc. Of Home Builders. National Association of Realtors Vo/unteerActivities: Optimist Club of Winter Pask, Seahawk Cub Board of Directors, others Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Have extensive background in solid waste programs, both locally and statewide while serving as a ew anover ounty omm. from 1974-1986. Was appointed Chairman of the Governors Waste Management Boardby Governor H~~~ in 1931 to establish a plan for managing Nort Caro inas azar ous an ~~ow eve oac ve~ Waste., Realize the strong need for New. Hanover County to be in control of its future solid waste disposal options. What do you lee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) Mostly stated above. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, of Commission address? future disposal opt; landfill capacity, controlof waste flow-for disposal purposes and liability. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /t so, p/ease list: Not at this time Date: 829-97 /Please use reverse tidy /oi sdditione/ comments! (OVER) . ~. ,- ., . ENG S ~.. :. . . P/ease provide three local personal references: Name _ ~ Phone Number ~f Charlie Howell ~~ 4 Zf Ted Davis - ~~~ 3 Buzz Bier k i ! zen e s ~. • •- ~' .... ~. ~~ ~: ~' .. ~. ;~' !~_ . • . ~: ~~ . 69 ~* NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~ ~~ p~C~C~O'~~D 320 -Chestnut Street, Room 305 OK Q ] 1998 Wilmington, NC 28401-.4093. Telephone (910/341-7149 NCrI HANOVER C0. FAX (9101341-4130 . , ~ OE GQ~ldlSSiONFTS App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by. the New Hanover County Board~of Commissioners. Request /or Appointment to: __ Solid Waste Advisory Committee Name:_Nancy H..Pritchett ome How long have you been a Address: 637. Robert E. Lee Dr. resident o1 New Hanover Countyl 29 Years Mailin Addr Kee America Beautiful 24 g ess: P N. 3rd St. , Room 304 City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28401 Telephone: Home: 791-2827 Business: 762-0965 'Sez: F 'Race: W ~, 'Age: 63 'This in/oimetion is i~pu~sl~d /or fh• so% purpose o/ ~ssuriny fhsf ~ cioss•s~ction or !h• Coinmuniry is ~ppoint~d. "Employed by: Department of Environmental Management, NH Co "A person, curr~nlly imp/oy~d by th• ey~ncy of 0~p~itm•nt loi whicA (Ars ~pplic~tion is m~d~, musl i~siyn Ais/hi~posi~ion wirA New Henov~i County upon ippointm~nf, in iccoidsnc~ witA Artid~ V/, S•c. ~ of th• New Henov~i County P~nonn~/ Policy. Job Tit/e: Director. Keep America Beautiful PiolessionalActivities: Environmental Educator for Department of Environmental Management VolunteerActivities: Excan a Club Lower Ca a Fear; Wilmington Choral Society; Cape Fear Camera Club; nvirorru~nta ucators o ort aro ina, i m. aster ity ommission Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission repuestedl To further expand the a environmental education programs in New Hanover County What do you lee/ are your quali/ications /or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Have completed requirements for N. C. Certified Environmental Educator What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl Additional recycling programs Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a munr'cipa/it or a count t Y yl / so, p/ease /~st: Staff, Department of Environmental Management Date: 29, 1997 Signature ' /P/~ss• use n sn• side /oi sdditions/ comments/ OVER REFERENCES . „ ~ . Please provide three local personal re/erences: Name . , Phone Number 1J ~ Glen Ivey 458-4972 2f _ a Newton 7 ~~ ff25 . 3J Matt Mathews 790-5500 N P ~,~-- 71 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITIZENS SOLID WASTE ADVISORY BOARD COMMITTEE VACANCIES - - ,~, - In an effort to plan for sound, efficient, and, economical. solid waste collection and disposal services, the New Hanover`County Board of Commissioners has established a Citizens Solid Waste Advisory Board. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide direction on the most effective way to manage the rapidly growing solid waste stream. The Advisory Board will be expected to perform the following duties: 1. Review with County Staff all information relevant to solid waste collection and disposal. 2. Evaluate and recommend short and long-range plans for waste disposal, including expansions or additions to the existing County solid waste management facilities with consideration given to economical alternatives, including the transfer of waste to out-of- county facilities. 3. Evaluate and- recommend reasonable ways to secure the necessary revenue to fund the County's solid waste facilities, operation, and debt service. 4. Evaluate and recommend public service programs for litter control. The Board of County Commissioners will appoint seven (7) citizens at-large members and two (2) members from, current solid waste hauling companies. All. persons interested in applying can obtain an application at 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 or call 341-7149. The deadline for receiving applications is Wednesday, January 7, 1998. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board 72 ~ ~~' MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM,.NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 JANUARY 20, Y998 ~, - ITEMS O ~ F BUSINESS PAGE . NO. 1 N . on-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval for North Kerr Avenue Water Main Extension -Proposed . ' Contract.#98 0191 to Serve North Carolina National Guard Facility ~ . and F.A.A. 3. Approval for Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewer Line Easement 4. .Approval of Sewer Construction Reimbursement Contract #98-0106 and Authonzation for the Chairman to Execute ' ~ 6. Approval of Contract #98-0180 -.Andrew Kuske Greenbriar Sewer Collection System Capital Project Ordinance d' : A ourn J .. ' - _ ~. ... . , ~~1 f 73 1 . ~Y. ' 1 i~ v L~ This,~age intentionally .left dank r ;. ~ 74 . " ~ , . ~ , .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01,/20/98 Regulaz Item #: W&S#2 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: NHC Water & Sewer Dist. ~ Presenter: James S. Craig - Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: ' Contact: James S. Crai ' SUBJECT:. .North Kerr Avenue Water Main Extension -Proposed Contract #98-0191 to Serve North Carolina National Guazd. Facility. and F.A.A. ,. BRIEF SUMMARY: In accordance with NHC Contraci #97-OOSSR staff has designed a water main extension along North Kerr Avenue from the existing City water main to serve the NC National Guard Facility and Federal Aviation Administration. We advertised for bids and received-four in response to the advertisements. Heath Construction ~ $ 274,870 T.A. Loving Company $ 292,850 State Utilities $ 325,028 -Multi-State Contracting $ 420,400 . The ow 1 bidder had to be rejected since his bid exceeded his contractor's license allowable maximum - . amount. The money for this work will be federal dollars from the National Guard and FAA. RECOMMENDED M O • ^ OTI N AND R QUFSTFp ACTIONS Staff recommends that the contract be awarded to T.A. Loving Company in the amount of $292,850 and. approve associated budget amendment #98-26. In addition, the Chairman should be authorized to execute the contract. _. - ^ ~ ~9~T~~ REVIEWED BY: ~i7tW LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL '°~'"`BUD'~-PP"CG'RI'FFI'N HR: N/A AMALLETT F p y Recommend approval. ~ " ~~ COt1NTY COMMISSIONERS . ~ APPROVED ,® " REJECTED O - REMr7VED p POSTPONED ~ ', " HEARD p, " 7.~ .- DATE 0 /~.~~ i Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition -~ . Budget Amendment ~:. ~- .. - O DEPARTMENT • $III2GET AMENDMENT~t I~~TE . General Sewer Capital Projects 98-26 1-20-98 j • ~EIIT. CaEDIT. (General SPWPr aDital Arniar•tc Contribution from N.C. National Guard $292,850 ~ ~. Capital Project Expense • $292.,850 a .. ~~ ~ .. o _ o COUNTY COMMONERS ~ - APPROVED (~ ` REJECTED O 'REMOVED D - • POSTPONED O HEARD CI ,~ DA7E:.!~,...~ .~~. EXPLANATION To increase~budge~t~,,~-.~ffor sewer project the County will be construction, but will be~rei ~b~lr%%s~e{d by the NC Nationa'1 Guard. ~ ~a~~iu~=+r.,~~ . `~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report ~~6~ to Commissioners at next rcgulu c+eeting / and enter In minutes. ~/ 7o be approved by Commissionca. To be entered into minutes. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 io'~ ~ .11 i Y2. 'l: ~ 1 • F CAF y tamp , ~,_; Oq ~x ; j ~ O~ F ~ t~~NE I ~ ~ ~ ~ tiq<< a0 ~ 1 V ~o = UI~ ~~ '~ ':`•~o/ NEW~ETf ~ v Oq AIRPORT "~ VI 0~,~0 ~ ~ ~, AIRPORT , / ~ ~~ i• -._., ; ~--~ ~ ~., `~ i ~~.~ ~, ', ~1 / \vJ i 1 ~~ , ~; ~~. .~ ~ ~ SM~ I~TH- :EiC Bl t SST ~ PA Fi08ES N T<u MCC MMY~.Q ~~STYo Z ~+ ~~ N_ I ''Ar c~~' _~-- .NNEpy 0 1; c: dHVAS oa ~ QI z' - wcSTtiu~Ar~~_-~ N i7011~~~•~ -• W~ YTON ~ $Hifif.,•t~z= C:':E'?AY PL Ga n '~}r..-. N. SNIPE j NOON 0 < ~/ 2'N ~ Yil~\11NGTQp ~..... V AO = Fr: V OEa AOYENT15T SC:+OC~'~~ N ~q oa PLACE '_ ~ z II Z t 00~- ~ ^' NWIIIOW ~ . vll . ~~~' Q S = RIN ~ ~,~ }{ ZNTT Q °'1YN00~ ~ IIEY -' > d Av ~ 74 4NI°_:= MARKET .YM ~-~ ~ aal ~t' '~Si+IVes r-~' 0 0, '~ T AAx<,,ro < .P~ ON tlF P cv ~"" me au' h, n! o~ ~ ~, ~ ~Cp~;O >; 2 ~~ PRING s wl ~,AM ~T=ARY ll\ l0uls C. ~ a' G- ~• aN~ a t RA J T t: SxmGOyE•N • I N 2~C I.'~a-oa iN~Alc-ie OF C;C S~ 3~p ce - R ...oR ~y~~~cct NT ~~?Oq~i. t'. / .' „ ~"t j~2:C ~~, ( ~,~C~ Q, 1 ~ t l ~`~~ ~ •~-'~' .' •~ FCT.r r. ~~ \ G ~ ~. i • yGP Py \ ~ .. ~'~ ~ r r ~ } vEIOC PPG O`~ ,9~~ uNrvE~Srt'Y . CENTRE ~ AY A`/~'~~ .. ~..co~~scE I ~ ~"..,v~ ~ ~a'o,.,,' ~}~ ~~,• e 1 Q `~ Ba~fli / '\~. _ q S dPR R - R t3~;~ "17 ' COVEATRY R~ C CEf"`a~---- Q.Q~' W~CCO .a Wj - c O i ma ~~ DR TEDR ti:w o, ; Y:Ba~CK o~ •J •' ~ ~IC~ r a p ~o~~P09~' / mC981S < W _. RDI ~' D / ' ~ I N o ~ oP 9 CHURCHILL ~ vI ~ url ._ .~ii ~~ '9L ~c~` ~~ ~. ~~ ~S , C"°~ 5„til. ~ ~ , 1~ i ~ t INc oR -~'':- -CREEK ' r-i' MAIDS 1 ' }::~ PAAK l.' Q' Z ,•. - lV T O ~~ Q TIF~FAI ~wN <o F I R a } OR c y c N~I >; r ST -II ~ o ~,ao o.c f-Ir- Q..10HNSOV .`~ r O,c $ ~~N $TI ~I ST W ._. V~j • 1'~CCIEII.~tip pq N }NIPAICE LNO r; ~`+ CL Z ~IZa~w u ~,,, z <I IL > ~luna:> ~> W / ~ c W w.c~l=:~:a ~ <¢,Q ~ Flo Y - n x•~+ cIO m wi Dfj w. N. j rlZ~33 OIOI'NT ~ ~~ Z 4 [lEu. tZi~~l~~,t SCNCOI j. ~ > ~h ~ \• ~ NOOTN 19 i ~~p SNOPPI:IC .,. ~~;; CENT_A Rlir GE z I Sc~ ~BR o c Ro I ~ SL ~ R ~ . 1 E> NEW"~-IANOlJERCOUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT .KERB AVE. WATER LIN E17 EXTENTION MAP-NOTTOSCALE DECEMBER 16,1997 I W U t S ~ G, 1 ~AYE << aR ~ ~ ole ~`~l~ 9 ~ D e 3 a, ~/A4 N E 7 A ,, t TNOAIAS ~ .f'CO _Q\ Q, 1 n V PAPK wucrul S ' 9 ~9 ~ ~ . Fq v 9F i f y~, °" .~ N ~~ niE o ~,o c~'C P ~ ff0 MBi q e° ~ E 1 ~'MI10f , i p~ n10a7 .: _: REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 .Regular Item #: W&S #3 .. Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department:- Water~and Sewer District '- ~~ .Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Pa a Count In:A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Kem P. Bu eau SUBJECT: . Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewer Line Easement. Ri ' Staff has been working with landowners in order to acquire this easement for a sewer line servicing the Kirkland area. We have agreements for all necessary easements except-over the Reddick tract. A great amount of effort and time has been utilized in an effort to obtain the easement. Attached is additional . ~ information concerning the parcel and a resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUF,STED ACTIONS: ' Recommend. the Commissioners authorize the County Attorney's office to proceed with condemnation. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: „ , REVIEWED BY• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ,FR'S COMM NTS AND R COMM NDA'fION :. ,Recommend the Board authorize the County Attorney's office to proceed with condemnation. . CoUn ~ : ,ON,~I~ONERS ' APPr- ~~.~~ ~ o REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ 79 . POSTPONED ^ ~ HEARD / ^ Refer W Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition DATE ~`~ ~ ~CI ~~~ i CHARLIE McINTYRE i • I 0.6. 472 PG. 278 W ~., ~ j NI 1 i • ° ~ . ,~ .. . ' HOWAR[ 1 ' • . ~ N~ ~ N... .. ~ ~' • ' , . • SE6Rla I ,~ .~ O W ... z RAIFOR • I • , ~ l I z ~ I ~ N . ...- RICH - . .. . . ~ .• vi ' ~- ~ CHRISTI;. ~ • I ' .. ~ n ( (. 0 ~ LN. D.B. ~ ..~ 5:00 ' ' ~ ' z , +. ., ... ~.; -----1------ ------- _ 5 aT 18' 36" E ---- . E.LP. I . a . - ~ ----- 30' UTILITY EASEMENT 20'. ~ ., ' ~ . .. _ .' . • ICI' ~ .. I ' I' .. 1.! ~ ~ ' •f~. ~ • - l ~ .. . •~ ~ ~ m ln h I CL7 • ' N m C) N I I W I MACY GOOD WIN ETAL W ''o w.D. 9901 PG. 176 .N N II~ I .;-, ~ ' v ,Y ll Z I • ... ~ I II I I •I I •W \ ~ ~ . • + Y N . \\ \ \ II I \ ~ • . ~ I N r ,'t ~ I W - - - , ' ~ ~ ~ E.I.P. 27.20 ' ' 77.80 1 in ~ ~ ~ N 4?•11'0a'WIZ ~~ 6 103 ..._ . -~ ~ ,. ~` ~ ~~ 4,413 S.F_ o• .7 : ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ 55.90 ~ - -"~ _• - ~ . • \ ~~ N 42' 1~'0'a~--•~._ `09.28 ~_~ ' .. ~ I ~ N . 4y 11 • ~, ~ .~.. ~,~/ . . , . ~ ~ ,. 1 ' ~ \ ~~ ~ 1~ . 1 i ~ .• j.,7 . Su3~ 1 „ ~ W.. ~ j f i 'r .. ~~ ,. •J • .~.. ., r ~~~ _ } .. . . . • ILVJ . ~` .. RESOLUTION `~ OF THE ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT e : ~ BOARD OF DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS ,. WHEREAS, an easement over property described in Deed Book 1084, Page 284, New Hanover County Registry, owned by Doris G. Reddick, Theodore Reddick, Edna Reddick Simmons,. Sadie Reddick Robinson, Phoebe Reddick Moore, Annie Laura Reddick McMillion, Robert Reddick, Jr., and Macy Reddick Goodwin, is necessary for construction of sewer utilities; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to utilize the District's power of eminent domain to 1 ~ acquire the above-referenced easement in that negotiations to acquire said easement have been unsuccessful in.obtaining property owner's consent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby resolves that the necessary easements on, over, and across the above-referenced property, Tax Parcel No. RO2900-003-032-000, described in Deed Book 1084,. Page 284, New Hanover County Registry be acquired by condemnation. County staff is hereby authorized to take any and all actions, including suit, necessary to obtain said real property interest. This the 20th da of Janua 19 y ry, 98. New Hanover County Water and-Sewer District (SEAL) '-~ ~ i :. Robert G. Greer, Chairman .:ATTEST: ~ ~: -.. i ,. . Clerk to the .Board 81 1 ~: NI IN lO \,I~ ~ ~~~A U ~• ~+ V ~ •~ I~ QO `~~ Gq~ ~I i N ~ ~, _' ' Z ~ ~ +. . - ' '... ~~ 17 \~G ~ SPA ~ N . ~-_ - ._ .. -- / J s.oo- .. I Z ~Q~~ ~ \ ~o G~~o~, L f I . ~ ~ SITE •~ ..~ - I 30' UTILITY EASEIAENT .ti ~ ~-- . ~ I 10' ~ ,_ . ~ ~o ,~ I NI ~~ ~ ~ ~ LO ATION ~ MAC °°• 'N NOTTO~CALE GooDwnv • ~ I EDDIC$ ETAL . ~ I ~-~ .. N .;, I .. ;~~ IZ . I z~ l I ~ I I ~~ °~ II , IN N ~ Oi W z N 49' 44' S6_M~ _ • E.I.P. I - - - 77.80 ~ , '~ ' 27.20 (;~ \ ti ~ ~~o e • OB, p c ~o \ \ ~ ~2' t1' 04' -~y ~ 2 ~ • \\ `\ O~dJ` 09' ~ ~' ' ~N 42'.11' 04` W / / \ \ B' td. ~ 45.91 ~. _ \ \ \ ~~ ~~ 6 4, 413 S.f, o 103.72 ' -~ / ~ 9• _ o' ~ .. \ \ \ ~' ls-~ 55.90 -~~~_ _ . /ti \ \ N 42' 04' W .~ _1.09.28 / \ \ \ ~ ~ N 4Z' 11 ' 004 yy ` ..tee/ ~ , ~ DITCH ~ ~~ ~ ~- ~~~~ I NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT • ~ LOCATION OF EASEMENT ON THE REDDICK PROPERTY tw MAP~IOT-TO~CALE JANUARY 12. 1998 . ; REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 01/20/98 ' Regular Item #: W&S#4 Consent Item #: ,Additional Item #: Department: NHC Water & Sewer District ~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard i Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: ' Contact: W att Blanchard ~ ~ • ! SUBJECT: - .Sewer Construction Reimbursement Contract Number 98-0 T06 ^ I3RtEF SUMMARY: In accordance with Section 15-94 of the New Hanover County Code, a developer may be reimbursed by the District and/or other developers for the construction and oversizing of a sewer line. Lobos Development, Inc. will extend a sewer line through property owned by Maurice S.-Emmart to serve a project called Brenwyck Subdivision. The estimated"cost of the sewer line extension is $25,000.00. The attached contract will require Maurice S. Emmart to reimburse Lobos Development, Inc. a portion of the cost based on the number of his lots utilizin the sewer line. The Distric ' g t s cost for overslzing the line will be $2,000 or less. The oversizing of the line will allow the District to serve an existing area beyond Brenwyck Subdi~7sion, in they future. RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTIONS• ~ ' Staff recommends approval of the contract with authorization for the Chairman to execute. .. REViEWED.RY• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA =FR'~ COMM NTS AND R COMMFNDATIONS• ' Recommend approval. COUNTY COMM(SSIQNERS APPROVED per" ~_ REJECTED L3 REMOVED D PQSTPONED D 83 ~~ ~ HEARD t7 ~ DATE ~ ~,~ k J . r Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition i THIS CONTRACT, dated this day of , 1997, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body politic and.corporate of the State .. w. ` ofNorth Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "District".; and LOBOS.D,EVELOPMENT, INC. and .; w MAURICE S. EMMART; . wr~r-tvFCC~TU• ,. WHEREAS, Lobos Development, Inc. is the owner of Brenwyck Subdivision, and Maurice S. Emmart is owner of Greenbrier Subdivision; and, ,. , - ~ ,. WHEREAS, in order to allow the eastern portion of~Brenwyck to connect to sewer, a sever extension across the Greenbrier property will be necessary; and WHEREAS, Lobos Development, Inc. has agreed to undertake sewer construction and pay cost thereof as set forth herein, with Emmart to pay to District a pro rata cost upon utilization of the sewer and the District shall then make certain reimbursements'to Lobos Development,~Inc.`.upon receiving such payments from Emmart. , ' WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that construction of such sewer lines shall exceed in size • and capacity that which would be required to"provide service only'to the Benwyck~Subdivision; and - WHEREAS, the parties have, pursuant to the New Hanover County Code, agreed, ,therefore, to ascertain extent to~share res nsibilities and costs associated with the construction of such se~•er a cvltltr~~;rt~ ~ r ~+sa~a,cu ~~~~~i$'~~ ' lines, as more fulh •set out hereinafter. ~ ,,,~Y',,~.,~,,. ~~~ 84 NOW~THE'RE-F®RE, the parties hereto agree as follows: ,, r ~- ~ . New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 ~~•, 1: .Project and Reimbursement. ~ Lobos Development, Inc. shall retain a .contractor to undertake the~Project, with alt work to be performed pursuant to New Hanover County Water and ~~ Sewer District a roved lans ands ec' icat' e pp p p if ions. Th parties hereto agree that the construction of the sewer from the intersection of Coronado Drive and Lone Eagle Court (approximately 220 feet) to Brenwyck shall be paid totally by Lobos Development, Inc., except for oversizing required by the District, specifying utilization of a ten inch (10") line rather than an eight inch {8") line. -, : All those costs associated with that onion of sewer from the end of the existin line on. P g Coronado Drive to the intersection with Lone Eagle Court shall be pro-rated between Lobos Development, Inc. and Emmart based on the number of lots served in each subdivision with the District artici a ' p p tang therein only to the extent of the cost differential resulting from use of a ten inch. (10") line rather than an eight inch (8") line. The formula for pro-rata shall be based on thirty-five (35) lots to be served within the Lobos Development, Inc. subdivision and nineteen (19) lots within fhe:Emmart subdivision. The District shall require actual paid invoices to establish costs for installation ofsewer. - Emmart shall pay the District its pro-rata share of construction costs upon utilization of the sewer, which shall be prior to recordation of the final subdivision plat of the relevant section of Greenbrier. The District shal 1 then make reimbursement to Lobos Development, Inc. based on actual ' invoiced costs upon receiving said,payment from Emmart, pursuant to Section I5-94 of the New Hanover County Code. Any payments of said development fee reimbursement shall terminate 1 _, - fifteen (15) years following the date of execution of the agreement. 2 ~ "U 5 1 ~ , ~ ~, ~ J~~E~'E~,~~L 1 ~` ~ . ~~ - ~ 'New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 -~ Construc`tion of the sewer shall include-select backfill in the sewertrench where the in-place -material is not suitable for backfill. ~ Any additional undercut and fill beyond the-trench requested by Emmart shall be paid by Emmart upon completion: Services required by Emmart for Greenbrier - 'Subdivision will be partially constructed~A wye~and all'necessary fittings are to be constructed to ..; . within- four feet {4') of the surface and shall be~glue capped. An iron pipe shall be~driven above the service~for location. In addition, accurate measurements shall be recorded by the Engineer ietained b Lobos Develo merit, Inc:. ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ - - Y p - - • Lobos.Development, Inca shall provide to the District: " - a, Waiver of liens signed by all prime contractors;, ' b: Affidavit with actual invoices'or other documentation acceptable fo the District; c. Appropriate warranties as required~by'the District; d. Performance of'all functions normally associated with'~the role of owner~or construction . manager relating to the construction of the Project. - '°~ ~ ' 2. i it v e ~ - a - . ~ Lobos Development, Inc: shall be `responsible for the following: Payment of all costs associated with the Projeci, as set forth herein, including, but not a -. limited to engineering costs and construction. costs, subject to the obligation of the'District to . ~ reimburse a portion of construction cost as set-forth in Section.l. - - - . -Lobos Development,.Inc. and Emmart{~shall provide all necessary easements to District on their.respective property, without costs,~includirig but not limited to a'thirty foot (30') `U 6 3 C;~IhIA~ -- ' ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 easement that may also be used by Emmart as a street right-of-way. . ~ 3. Costs. Final total Project. costs shall be established as certified by invoices. Provided, . however, final total costs shall not exceed Twenty-Five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars. 4. Responsibility of District. The District shall provide reimbursement to the Developers in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. ~ - '. . 5. nde nit Lobos Development, Inc. shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County - and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, their agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the~work - to be performed by or on behalf of Lobos Development, Inc.-hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act, or omission of Lobos Development, Inc.,. their agents, employees and -subcontractors. 6. aul . If the parties hereto persistently or repeatedly refuse or-fail to prosecute the - Project in a timel manner or otherwise are uil of a substantial violation Y g ty of a material provision . of this Contract, then the District may by written notice to said parties, without prej udice to any other right or remedy, f nish the Project by whatever methods the District may deem expedient. . . 7. Force Majeurg. In the event that any party is delayed or hindered or prevented from . ~ . ~ performance hereunder by reason of strikes, labor troubles, rohibitive ovemmental laws or P g regulations, riots, insurrections, -war, or natural disasters not the fault of the party delayed an . performing work or doing acts required under this agreement, then performance of that act shall be • ' - ~ ..New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 excused for the period of the delay, or, in the event of a force majeure or governmental action prohibiting performance, then such performance will not be required hereunder. 8. Insurance. Lobos Development, Inc. and/or their contractor shall naincain insurance from companies licensed to-write 'business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. • . ~~ 9. Certificates•and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Lobos Development, Inc. shall furnish New Hanover County and the,New Hanover County Water and Sewer District with certificates of all insurance required below: ~Cectificates shall indicate the . ; ~ type, amount,.class of operations covered; effectivedate•and expiration date of'all policies,-and shall . .contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or` materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County and District". 10. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Sur nce. Covering all of the Lobos Development, Inc.'s Contractor's employees to be engaged in the work under this . .contract, providing the required statutory benefits under.North Carolina.Workers Compensation Law, and' employers liability. insurance providing limits at least in the amount of ' $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicableao claims due to bodily injury-by accident or dasease. l 1. Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor 'operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed~operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance 88 5 C'~:~~~I~!~~ . - ~ I - ~ '. - . - _ . ! , - , .1-_ ~- •..~ ..,, C C t # -, New Hanover ounty on ract 98 - 0106 '', ~ 'coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be ~. . .... `deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least` ' h ` t m e amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to • ~ - ;. , bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County and New Hanover County Water ' . ` ~, and,Sewer District shall be named as additional insureds under this policy. • , 12. Automobile Liability insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, - ' , v . ro idin liabilit limits at a p, g y le st m the amount of $300,000. per occurrence. combined single . _ 'limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. ` . .. .13. Entire Agreement. This Contract represents the complete agreement.of the parties. ` . relating to the construction of the Project. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing, and shall. `' be executed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by j - _. authority duly given and on the day and year first above written. ` i • [SEAL] ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND` ", ~ , - SEWER DISTRICT , . _ . - ` .. - William A, Caster, Chairman , . • • < < ATTEST:.. . , • , Clerk to the Board ` ,. 6 .• _~ i (`I _ O 1~V11`V _ .. New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 n .,. (CORPORATE SEAL) LOBOS DEVELOPMENT, INC. (SEAL) President ATTEST: !~. ;~ ~ ;., ... orporate'Secretary ~(Ql.rd.~. (SEAL) MAURICE S. EMMART . This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Approved as to form: County Attorney I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority 90 ~~ ,._~~ _ . ~': ' . :New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 dulygiven and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in.its name by its.. ~~ ~ , Chairman, William A. Caster, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. ~. . . ,_ - . WITNESS. my hand and official seal, this day of ,~ , 1997. ~ . . Notary Public . : .. ~~,. :: My commission expires: ~ ~ . . . . ': , ~. . NORTH.CAROLINA ' . `... :NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ ; ' r _. t I, ~ 2 0 ~yJ ~ y Sf~ , a Notary Public of the State and County - aforesaid, certify that Flo~e~uce S . Soho/ -came before me this day and acknowledged ' ~ that (s)he is Secretary of LOBOS DEVELOPMENT, INC.,. a /y C corporation, } ~ and that-by authority duly given and as the acf of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was ~ signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. ,' v _ WITNESS my hand and ofFcial seal, this ~ day of ~ NO /em 6e~ ; 1997.- :, '' . ~ ~ ~ :. - Notary Public . ~ ~ My commission expires: ~~'aS '9~ ~~ - ~ . ~ .. . ~ , . . .. _. . ;. ,, _ _~ 8 . ~ ~. ' , . ,1 New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0106 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ~ c.BG~?Jt~ _ ' I, ~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that MAURICE S. MART personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~ da of , 1997. otary Public My commission expires: ,~' ~'aDod ~, ~ ~ .. - .. REQ~JEST FOR BOARD ACTION - .. Meeting Date: O1/20/98 r~ ~ , .. Regular Item #: ,W&8 #5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: NHC Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard" ' - Pa a Count In A ends Packa e:~ '~ Contact: W att Blanchard ~~ ~, .; SUBJECT: i Engineering Contract #98-0180 -Andrew and Kuske Greenbriar Sewer Collection System Capital Project ~` Ordinance - - ' ~ BRiEF SUMMARY: . At the November 6, 1996 meeting of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District, the Commissioners - _ :agreed-to install the wastewater collection system for the residents of Greenbriar which do not have sewer service. Staff has negotiated_a .contract with Andrew :& Kuske Consulting Engineers,, Inc. to provide. - engineering services for the design of the Greenbriar sewer system: As indicated in the proposed Contract, Andrew &Kuske .has agreed to provide the design, contract administration; .and limited construction °observation for $36,645.00. This is an appropriate fee based on the size and scope of the project. A map is attached indicating the project location. The capital project ordinance and budget amendment ispresented for approval for construction of the Greenbriar collection system. The estimated project cost is $1,000,000- with revenue coming from Certificates ofParticipation. - - ~ . ~~ I2ECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFOi1FSTFn ACTIONS• - Staff recommends approval of the Contract in the amount of $36,645.00 and in addition, authorize the -Chairman to execute the Contract..Please adopt the associated capital project ordinance and appro~~e budget, amendment #98-25. - ,~. ~~ ' ~ - - _ ~ , LGL: APP WCO Recommend approval +~vY~i.Jg1 U~}~yU .. .. _ ,....,. *-i 1~ f3~C if - ..- FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AM, >_C0MM1:•;NTS AND RFCnMivrFNnATtnwc~- COUNTY COMMlSSIQ~ERS ARPROVED ~/ . ~ REJECTED t3 REM~VE~ ~ °'"~~ ~;_~ 3 POSTPQN~D Q '' . HEARD q Refer to O(Tice Vision Bulletin Board forDisposition D/~TE !S~ ~,. Budget .Ad.mend~nent g_ `"""'r a: .r~`T`~"`~'-r++"v`~ ~~wvw.+~~wKww..~sr~ve~.•~.,r..Zw...T..h,.~.....w..w~».+~~.~...+v.»r +..•«,.~.~+..yr...w.w~; , ~ } w~v.. ...+~....-.~...w F - i ~ '~~ ...:.. .w. ..<.:.:ct;.. .:.:..r:.:.~a.... ~.....23 ............:a........•c.........a :.«:v.:....•...•:u..::!.•....,,t,.........i ~........,:..::..,..~..x:.. .i:~.tl..li... :i....- ..1..~.w,...i..~ .a.:........ .~~.w. w-..w:.l~.i........... ...w.:...•~{ DEPARTMENT:- BUDGET AMENDMENT~k~ ~~ Greenbrier Sewer 98-25 1-20-98 ..Capital Project ~ ~ . ADJUSTMENT~:• ~$j~ CREDIT • Greenbrier SAwPr at~i al Protect. • Proceeds from COPS $1,000,000 • . .Capital Project Expense $1,000,•000 . ,, .. COUNTY CUMMISSI4NERS APPROVED t~ ~ ._,._.. ~_._...__.._ REJECTED . D REMOVED D . POSTPONED D - Q • HEARD C] /9~ . DATE ~ ` _ lJ EXPLANATION To es ~~ tablish protect budget according to Capital .Project Ordiannce. • R3'.~d 1 ~~Y'1 :94 ~~~~ ~~~~ For Budget Otlicer's approval; then report D~4$ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ~.J +~~~ and enter In minutes. `.~ ~ {0~"' ~/ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered tutu minutes. :.~ ®® :.*. ®~ /"~~,~ `~ . . :. ~ ' .. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0.180 ~ . NORTH CAROLINA - ~ . v ~ .. . AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY , . . ~_ ,~ THIS AGREEMENT, made and .entered into this day ' of o ~ .1998, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT, a body political. and corporate of -the -State of North Carolina hereinafter referred .to as "Di§trictN, and ANDREW .& KUSKE :CONSULTING. ~. - ~ ` ENGINEERS, INC., a ,North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as ~ , "Engineer"; for .services described below to be ..rendered for the following Project: - Preparation of construction plans, specifications, project design, and oversight for ,' 5 the project~generally described as Greenbrier Subdivision Collection System, .and - more specifically set forth in Ezhibit "A, "~ attached hereto and incorporated herein ~. . by reference. . ,, .. . The District and Engineer hereby agree as follows:. . ~R'IZCL.E L . ~ ~ ~ ~ , - . T~I1= ENGINEER'S BASIC Dtl'T'~ES TO DISTRICT ~ . 1:1 By executing this Agreement, Engineer represents to District that Engineer is professionally qualified to act. as the .Engineer for -this Project: Engineer further - - represents to District that Engineer will maintain all necessary licenses, permits or other ~ authorizations necessary to act as Engineer for this Project -until Engineer's ._~ ~ 'remaining duties hereunder have-been satisfied. Engineer assumes full responsibili tY . - ~ to District for-the improper acts and omissions of its consultants or others employed or . _ , retained. by Engineer in connection with this Project, . . ~ 1,2 ~ Execution of this Agreement'by Engineer constitutes a representation that ~. ` - Engineer has become familiar with the Project site and he local conditions under . ti l ; e 95 ~- t . 1~C _ - New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 which the Project is to be implemented. 1.3 Preliminary Design 1.3.1 Engineer shall review and `examine the information, including any desired schedule and budgetary requirements, furnished by District to understand the requirements of the Project and shall- review the understanding of such requirements with District. ~ ~ . ' 1.3.2 Engineer shall -review and ~ discuss with ~ District any alternative -approaches to design and construction of the Project: 1.3.3 Engineer shall prepare and submit to District for review schematic design . documents consisting of drawings and other documents' illustrating the scale and relationship of proposed Project components. g 1.3.4 Engineer shall submit} fo District an estimate of probable construction costs, based on schematic design documents. 1.3.5 Engineer shall furnish two (2) copies of drawings, sketches, forms and reports as appropriate and necessary for District's use. 1.3.6 Engineer shall examine. and/or investigate readily .accessible existing conditions of the Project site and%r make'any required measured drawings thereof. 1.4 Detailed Design 1.4.1 Based on the schematic ~ design documents and any adjustments authorized by District in its program, desired schedule or Project budget, Engineer shall. prepare and submit to District for review, detailed design documents consisting of drawings and other documents- to -fix and -describe the size and character of the Project. .. 96 2 - . _. . . - ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 ..~ - 1.4.Z.Engineer shall review its estimate of probable .construction .costs, shall .., make any appropriate revisions thereto and furnish-same to District. ~' "" "1'-.4:3 Engineer aha furnish as many. copies. of drawings, sketches, forms and ' 'reports as appropriate and necessary for District's use. '~ - 1.5 Construction Documents 1.5.1- Upon the District's authorization, Engineer shall prepare construction ~~ `~ documents consisting of drawings and specifications setting forth in detail the ,. - . ,' . ~~ - iequu'ements for construction. of the Project. Such. construction:documents shall be - reasonably. accurate, coordinated and adequate for construction and:. shall be in- - conformity and comply with licable law,. codes, lication and ac 'sitions of all' aPP aPP q~ ,,applicable permits and re ations. Products s all be readily .~ gul pecrfied for use sh - available unless written.authorization to the contrary is given by District. - 1.5.2 .Engineer shall review its most recent estimate of probable construction - . ;. costs, shall make any. appropriate revisions thereto and furnish same to District. -: - -1.5.3 Engineer shall assist District in preparin and filin documents r tired .. g 9 ~ ., for the approval of authorities having jurisdiction~overthe Project. ' - .. 1.5.4 Engineer shall furnish District with two(2) copies of aIi completed drawings,. 4 specifications, reports, estimates, and contract documents. - ~ 1.5.5 Bidding and Award. - Engineer, following District's royal of the~construction documents and o aPP f . the latest 'preliminary estimate of construction cost, shall assist District in obtaining ~' ~ ~ . bids .of negotiated proposals and assist in awarding and preparing contracts for' - ~ .construction. ~ , ' ,~ .. - 1:5:6 Engineer shall issue bid documents to .bidders and maintain a record of .,,, - .. . . 3 . ~97 e r- - - - ..New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 prospective bidders to whom Bidding Documents have been issued, attend pre-bid conferences and receive and process deposits for Bidding' Documents. Engineer ~~ shall furnish bid documents asnecessaiy. 1.5.7 Engineer shall issue. addenda as appropriate to interpret, clarify or expand the Bidding Documents. ~ " 1.5.8 Engineer shall consult with and advise District as to -the acceptability of subcontractors, suppliers and other" -persons .and organizations proposed by the prime contractor(s) (herein called "Contractor(s)") for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bidding Documents. 1.5.9 Engineer :shall consult with District concerning and determine the " .acceptability"of substitute materials and equipment proposed" by contractor(s) when substitution prior to the award of contracts is allowed •by the Bidding Documents. . 1.5.10. Engineer shall assist District in evaluating bids or proposals. 1.5.11 Engineer shall ~ perform additional work as described herein and required by work authorizations. ~ - . 1.6 Construction Administration 1.6.1 Engineer shall provide administration of the construction" contract as set forth.. below and shall perform those duties and discharge those responsibilities set forth herein and in the Agreement between District and Contractor hereinafter referred"to as the "Construction Contract": - ~ ~ - 1.6.2 "Upon . receipt, .Engineer shall carefully review and examine the Contractors Schedule of Values, together with any supporting documentation or data which the District or Engineer may require from the Contractor. The purpose of such review and examination will be to protect District from an unbalanced Schedule of 9~ 4 `~ Values which allocates greater value to certain elements of the work than is "indicated by such supporting documentation or data or, than is reasonable .under .the - ~ ~~. ci s rcumstance . If. the Schedule of Values is not found to be appropriate,. or if the ~ ~ . supporting..documentation or data is deemed to be inadequate, and unless District - , : , directs. the Engineer to the contrary in writing, the Schedule of Values shall. be . ~'~ returned to the Contractor for revision or supporting documentation or data. After. . making such examination; if the Schedule of Values is' found to be appropriate as - ` . ub itt d if a n d ~ ~. s m e , or necessary, s revised, Engi eer shall sign the ..Sche ule of Values ,thereby indicating its informed belief that the Schedule of Values constitutes a reasonable balanced basis for enf of the paym. Contract Pnce to the Contractor. . • Engineer shall not sign such. Schedule of Values in the absence of .such belief. unless directed to do so in writing, by District. ~ ' 1.6.3 Engineer shall carefully review the work of the Contractor whenever and - wherever .appropriate.. The purpose of such inspections. will be to determine the - quality; quantity and progress of the work in comparison with the requirements of the ~- Construction Contract. In making such inspections, Engineer shall exercise care to . protect. District from defects or deficiencies in the work,-from unexcused delays in the schedule and from overpayment to the Contractor. Following each such inspection: the Engineer shall submit a written report of such inspection, ~ together. with any ro riate comments or recommendations - aPP P , to Distnct. " . , '1.6.4 Engineer shall at all times have~access to the work wherever it is located. ,. 1.6.5. Engineer shall determine, amounts .owed to the Contractor based upon observations of the work as required herein; evaluations of the Contractor's rate of ;progress in light . of ~ the remaining Contract -Tirne.. and upon evaluations of the New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 _ Contractor's.. applications for payment, and shall issue certificates `for payment to District in such amounts... 1.6.6 The issuance of a certificate for payment shall constitute a representation by-the Engineer to District that Engineer has made a review of the work as provided herein and to the best of the knowledge, information and informed belief of Engineer, that • the work has progressed to the level indicated, that the quality of the work meets or exceeds the requirements of the Construction Contract, and that, the-Contractor is ~,, entitled to payment of the amount certified. - 1.6.7 Engineer shall render written or graphic interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress of the work.witll reasonable promptness on request of the Contractor. 1.6.8 Engineer shall reject work which does not conform to the contract documents unless directed by District, ' in writing, not to do so, Whenever, in the Engineer's opinion, it is necessary or advisable; Engineer -shall require special ' inspecfion or testing of the work in accordance with the provisions of the Construction . Contract whether or not such work is fabricated, installed or completed. ~ ' 1.6.9 Engineer shall review acid approve, or take other appropriate action upon, the Contractor's subrruttal such as ~ Shop Drawings, Product Dafa grid Samples. Approval by the Engineer of the Contractor's submittal shall constitute~the Engineer's representation to District that such submittal~is in conforrriance~with the Construction Contract. Such action shall be taken `with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay to the Contractor or the Project. ' 1.6.10 Engineer shall review, and advise District concerning, proposals and requests for Change C7ders from the Contractor. Engineer shall prepare Change 100 s ~ ~..' - ~. New Hanover County Contract ~ 98 - 0180 ~. - ~~ C7ders for District's approval and execution in accordance with the Construction ,.. ..... Contract, grid shall have authority to order with the consent of the District, by `Field ` C7der, minor changes in the work not .involving an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time. ~. 1.6.1 . 1 Engineer shall conduct a review to determine the date of Substantial . Completion, and the date of final Completion, shall receive and forward to District foi . the District's review written warranties and related documents required . by the , construction contract and assembled by the Contractor, and shall, when appropriate, issue a firial.Certificate for Payment. .. :1.6.12 Engineer shall, without additional compensation, promptly correct any errors, omissions,. deficiencies or conflicts in Engineer's work product. ~ - 1.6.13 Engineer shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, their agents .. ~ and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of .action, or .other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or .death or on ,~ ,: account of proper dama es arisin out of or relatin to the work to be rformed b tY g 9 9 Pe Y Engineer. hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or wilUul act or omission ~of a ~. Engineer, his agents, employees and subcontractors. - , .1.7 Additional Services - ~ . Any additional services will be negotiated with the Engineer to be paid ~- - ~ ; on. the basis of the Billing Rate Schedule attached herein (see Exhibit "A'`). -: 1.8 Personnel . ,.. 1.8.1 Engineer.;shall assign only qualified personnel to -.perform any ervice ~- n concerning the Project. At the time of execution of .this Agreement,, the parties ~ - anticipate that the following named individuals will perform those functions indicated: . . .... 7 _101 . ~~ _ 1 - - : ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 NAME , ~ . , FUNCTION John A. Kuske, III J. Phillip Norris, P.E. ;So long as the individuals named above remain actively employed or retained by the Engineer, they shall perform .the functions, indicated next to their names. ARTICLE II DISTRICTS BASIC Dt1TTES TO THE ENGINEER OTHER THAN OMPEIVSATiC)N 2;1 District shall provide.. the Engineer with adequate information regarding District's requirements for the Project including.. any desired or required design or construction schedule,: or both,_and any budgetary requirements.. 2.2 District shall review any documents submitted by the Engineer requiring the District's decision, and shall render any required decision pertaining thereto. „ 2.3 If District becomes,. aware of any fault or defect in the Project, nonconformance. with. the construction contract, or of any errors, omissions or inconsistencies in the drawings or.specifications, prompt notice thereof shall be given by District to the Engineer. 2.4 ~~ ,The Engineer warrants that the: specifications prepared by the Engineer will be adequate and sufficient to accomplish~the purposes of the project, and further, that any review or approval by the owner of the plans and specifications shall not be deemed to diminish the Engineer's warranty of adequacy. 102 8 ~~ ,~ ~ ~ _ ~ . - New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 .. ~- ; :~ - ~ ~ ... AF3'I'ICIE III .. . BASIS OF COMPENSATION ~ ~ ' :. - ,. - ~, ~ An .adjustable fee as more .fully set forth in the Fee Proposal, marked . __ ~ :Exhibit"A",,and incorporated herein. ~ ` - ~ ARTICLE N . ~ ~ PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER . 4.1 .Engineer's Invoices.. 4.1.1 On .or before the loth day of each month, unless othervise agreed in :.: writing by Engineer and District, Engineer .shall. submit an invoice to~ .District requesting payment for services ro erl rendered.. En tier's invoice shall describe P P Y 9~ unth reasonable particularity each service rendered, and the date thereof: - - 4.1.2 The invoice shall bear the signature of Engineer, which signature shall . ~; constitute Engineer's. representation to District .that the services indicated in~ the. -invoice- have progressed -#o the level indicated,- have been `properly and timely. ~~ performed as required herein, that the reimbursable a enses included in.the invoice xp have .been reasonably incurred, that all obligations of Engineer. covered by prior ,. . _ invoices have been paid in full, and that, to the best of Engineer's knowledge, ~ . v information and informed belief, the amount requested is currently due and. owing, , :: there being no reason known to .Engineer that payment 'of any portion thereof should ._ be withheld. ~ Submission of Engineer`s invoice for final payment and reimbursement shall further constitute Engineer's representation to District that, upon receipt from District of the amount invoiced, all- obligations of Engineer to others, including its . _ _ ~~ "consultcmts,~iricurred in connection with the Project, will be paid in full. . . . 4.2 - Time for Payment. .. 9 i ^ ~ ~. - ~ , New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 ~' 4.2.1 District shall make payment to Engineer of .all sums properly invoiced as provided in Payments to Engineer paragraph, within thirty (30) days of District's receipt thereof; 4.3 Owner's Right to Withhold Payment 4.3.1 In the event that District becomes credibly informed that any representations of Engineer,. are wholly or partially inaccurate, District may withhold .payment of sums then or in the future otherwise due to Engineer until the inaccuracy; ...and the cause thereof, is.corrected to District's reasonable satisfaction. - 4.4 Reimbursable Expenses ~. x.4.1 Reimbursable Expenses shall mean: expenses incurred by Engineer and Engineer's consultants in the interest of the Project;. as follows: 4.4:2 Reasonable expenses of: transportation in connection .with the Project; long-distance communications; actual cost of reproduction, postage and handling of . drawings, specifications and other documents; renderings, models and mock-ups requested by District; additional insurance coverage or limits, including professional liability insurance, requested by District in excess of that specified in Paragraph 7.1.2 of this Agreement. 5.1 Engineer's Records 5.1:1 Documentation accurately reflecting the time expended by Engineer and his personnel .and records of Reimbursable Expenses shall be maintained by Engineer and shall be available to District-for review and copying upon request: 5.1.2.. The Engineer -shall maintain books, records, d~uments and other evidence directly pertinent to the work under 'this Contract in accordance with 104 to ~~ .. ,. x '.. . _. :New r Co 98 - 0 . • . ~ Hanwe unty Contract # 180. ~, , ` generally accepted accounting principles and practices.. The~District, or-any of their a duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books, documents, papers; .: . records and other evidence which relates directly to the ,Project for the- purpose of examination, audit, excerpts and- transcriptions. ~' ~ • 5.1:3 Records described above shall. be mamtcnned and made available during the performance under this Contract and for a period sof three years after the ~ ~. ~, District makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed., ~ ': ,. 5:1.4 Reproducible Record Drawings. Upon completion of the construction ' phase and formal acceptance of the Project by the District, the Engineer shall furnish ~ " ' ~ District one re roducible set of the on 'nal drawin s corrected to show actual ' P 91 g ,~ - construction certified, as-built by the Engineer or, :at .his option, one„set of certified as- built. Iviylar archival reproducible record drawings of the .complete Project. The. ` Engineer shall also provide,. to~ the District in, an appropriate format, 'an electronic - copy of the CARD file, preferable in dxf format.. , , ~, . , ~ ARTICLE VI .. - - . . ~" .. '. TERMINATION . .. ~ - : .. . . - ~ ' 6.1 Termination for Cause - 6..1.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (~ days . > . ' :written notice to the other should such other ..party fail ,substantially to perform in : ~ •, ~-" accordance with its material terms throw h no :fault ' of the initiatin the ~ : - . 9 Pm'tY g . ~ ., termination. , . _. ` . .. 6.2 'Termination by District Without Cause ~, _ 6.2:1 This Agreement may be terminated by District without cause upon seven ' (7), days' written notice to'Engineer. In the event of such :a termination without cause, - - . _ .11 . . ~: 105,: .4 ., :~ ~~ ~ - ~ . e New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 a Engineer shall be compensated for all services performed prior to termination, ~. ogether with Reim}jursable Expenses ~ incurred. In such event, Engineer shall ~~~ promptly. submit to District its invoice for- final payment and reimbursement which invoice shall comply with the provisions of Paragraph 5.1. ARTICLE VII MISCEi T ANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 Insurance.' Engineer shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina` and acceptable to New Hanover County . and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. ~ - - 7.1.1 ~ Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work - under this contract, Engineer shcYll `furnish District with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective) date and expiration dcrte of .all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days .. written notice has been received by County". - 7.1.2 Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Engineer's employees to be engaged. in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers .. Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at -least in the amount of $500,000/500,000/500,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injwy by accident or disease. 7.1.3 Connmercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent .. 106 12 fl ' ~ ~ . "' _, .. New Hanover County Contract ~ 98 - 0180 ~: '~ ~ contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under.-the provisions of this ' ' contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and . underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The .. i ~ ~ _ ~: policy shall provide, liability limits in at least in the amount of $1, 000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injuryand/or property damage. New,Hanover County shall~be named as an additional insured . . . ,, under this policy., ' 7.1.3 ;Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned; non-owned :and hired vehicles, rovidin liabili limits at least in the am un P g tY o t of $1;000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or ~:- property damage. ~, ~ 7.1..4. Professional Liability Insurance.. The Engineer will be required to take out and maintain Professional Liability Insurance providing liability insurance limits at~ least in the cunount of $1, 000, 000 Dollars. The En eer will be r ' ed t gin equu o maintain . ' ~. .this coverage for a period of at least two (2) years beyond substantial completion of the contract. . ~ ~ - 7.2' Independent Contractor . . 7:2.1 It is mutually understood and agreed that Engineer is an independent ~ - . ~r contractor and'not an a ent of District, and as such £n eer his or her g gin agents and employees shall not be entitled to any District employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or ~, re#irement-benefits. . _ 7.3 Nonwaiver of Rights . ~ . . ,, ,~ ~ 13 ..,~:07 ~ " ~.: ~ . . ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 7.3.1. It is agreed that District's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any-provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or-the..acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a .waiver of any rights under this.agreement. However, specific written waivers signed by the authorized District representative shall be binding upon District. 7,4 Conflict of Interest .~ .. 7.4.1 No paid employee of the District shall have a' personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance of .this agreement. -a ~ . 7.5. Subcontracts ~ .: ~ • :7.5.1 .Engineer shall utilize no subcontractors for ccQnying out the services to be performed under this agreement without the written approval of the District. By the execution of this agreement, District grants prior approval to the following subcontractors: _ ' 7.6 Further Actions . . ~ 7.6.1 The pcQties'-will make and execute all further instruments. and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this agreement. 7.7 Inclusive Terms .7.7.1 Use of .the masculine herein shall include the feminine and neuter, and the singular .shall include the plural. 7.8 Governing Law . 7.8.1. All of. the terms and conditions contained herein. shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 7.9 Tune is of the Essence os ~4 D ~.. _ + ' New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 - ... 7.9. l Time. limitations contained herein, . or provided for. hereby, are of the . . ,,. essence of_this A e gr ement. - _ ~. . . ... . 7.10 Use and Ownership of Documents ~ .. ,. 7.10.1 The drawings, specifications and other documents or things prepared ~~ ~ ' by En eer fore the: Pro'ect shall become and . be the so . gm ) le property of Distnct. Engineer shall be permitted to retain, copies thereof for its records and for its future ' ~` - ' professional endeavors. Such drawings, .specifications and other documents or . ~,i things aTe: not. intended by Engineer for use on other projects by District or others. - Any reuse by District or by third parties without the written approval of Engineer,- shall '` be at the sole. risk of District and 'District shall inde and save harmless the mnify Engineer from any cmd all liability, costs, claims, damages, :losses 'and expenses _ '~' - including attorneys' fees arising out of, or resulting from, -such reuse; provided - s~ ~~ however, that this agreement,to indemnify and save harmless shall not apply to any reuse of documents. retained by, or through; the Contractor.. ._ . . -7.11 Successors. and Assigns ~ ~ ~ . 7.11.1 Engineer shall not assign its rights hereunder, excepting its right to payment,. nor shall it delegate any of its duties hereunder without the written consent ~~ - of District. Subject to the provisions. of the immediately preceding sentence, District ;and Engineer, respectively, bind themselves, their successors,. assigns cmd 'legal - ~e.- ~ representatives to the other party to this A Bement and to the successors assi s 9z' ~ gn ~d legal representatives of such other party with respect to .all covenants of this °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ._ . , Agreement. ~ ~; . ~ ~ '~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. .. ~ . . .. _ ... . . .. 7.12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries . 7.I2.1 .Nothing contained herein shall create a contractual relationship with, or . . :. _ . . .: Is .109 ~ ~_ ,. :, ~ . ~, t - ~ ~~ .New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 a any rights in favor of, any third party. 7.13 Entire Agreement 7.13.1 This Agreement represents the entire agreement between District and Engineer and supersedes all prior communications, negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument-signed by both District and Engineer. ~ ' 7..14 Notices .7..14.1 All notices required hereunder to~be sent to either party shall be-sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other. address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either~party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: To District: Wyatt Blanchard, Director . New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut St., Room 1 O 1. ~ - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 To Engineer: John A. Kuske, III and J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Andrew & Kuske Consulting Engineers, Inc. 902 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4733 7.1 S Non-Discrimination 7.15.1 Engineer will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the program which is the subject of this agreement because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. ~To the extent 110 16 .New Hanover County Contract #` 98 - 0180 ~' . applicable, Engineer will comply with all. provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the - Civil Rights' Acts of .1964 (P.I. 88-352) and 1968 (P.I» 90-2$4), and all applicable ~ ~ ~~ d ` ' ~ al ' Fe er . , State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, including all Federal is - and .State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA} requirements, orders, , S in tructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrunuiation. ~.: Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at District's option, in a~termination or suspension of this agreement in ~: whole or'in gait. . - -, ,Incorporation. Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated .herein '~ . by.reference. ~., _ { ~ ` =~ -, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties .have hereunto set their hands acid ° . ° , ;seals, the day and year first above written and by authority-duly given. i~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NEWHANOVER COUNTY - .~ , . (.SEAL,,. .. ~ n 1 . , . . o ert reer, airman . ~,.. 4 ~ ATTEST: - _. .~ _. 4 ~ ~. ~ ~~ , . ' er to a oar ` ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC: ~. ~ [CORPORATE SEALS . . ~ ~ - - ~ BY: . ` esi ent _ 17. ~.~ ~ . ~ ~ - New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0180 ATTEST: , ecretay This instrument has been pre- audted in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: ounty finance uector ounty ttorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesai cer at ucie arrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that,.~she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chcrirman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1998. - otary is My commission expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County orescn , ce at ,personally came before me this day and acknowledg at s e is ecretary of ANDREW & KUSKE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand-and official seal, this day of , 1998. otary c My commission expires: 112 l8 f. e i s ~ ~ -, . /• FOX RUN ~~ ~" ~` . `~• SILVER ' . P,NF r. ca NRNEMis cr CREEK ~ Ho4p 2 CHAMBEALAIN w ~~i~.~ • ^' ~ 4r S W Oq 3. HAMMOCK Pl !'7A M ~ ~ O B O R ~i~y =~'~ ~~ C Ov ~OTAIPLETT WAY ~~ .1Q' P ~ , , , ~°o~ j°''t~VAY. HICAI ~ IQ~ ,. ~RO s RRA S~~'PP~ a~ ~~ - ~ Cq S G E `~~ ~ JOHNSON ~ ~ ~. cu ~ ~! C~ ~~ ~ ~ ,' ~.~.~ ~ ~ 1. WINDJAMMEA OR '~ ~ C `~ ~~~~~~i L O ~ X09 ~sr 2. BRENWOOD CT ~ . NICC O~ ~ 'Y,9~GO ~~ ~' 3. DEER GLADE CT` (I] EM V o y y y 9 BR-9 421 Pa~~~ I C3` ~'~ W00 ~ P9 . ~ ~ ~ S~P`6 (vIYRTLE W ` °'"' o E ZQ Q` y Q ~ GROVE ~ J n ~ CEO :O9 ~ ~~ LIBRARY J ~ rant ~ Q: ~ ~ W ~~ ~ O~ X09 ~P I LAKE r U.. , ~ j , %~ '~ ~ ~ o~ ~~~09 y~~ti~~ 32 ~ ~ ~~~ S o G GREEN-, ~I r ~N .~ om ~ ~~ t v ~ TRH ? ' C CI C J bt/IND~ ~Rp SAUCE H/DDE( VALLE ~ 9 ~' w pFl O Rps ~1~. s'~Q- C w N. ~pRRgitiRH1EM ~`~ ~ y 1- ,~~ . ~ ~ = Oqs/N~ pC~j,O eRi O qqt Q ~ c/ m wA~c~~ c ~ ~ •i. 1 ~ ~ ., Q _ WDOD DUCK ~P stir q~s o -~.0 9 I~ ,~p~~/. ~v~0 ~ FOREST~Py~ ~~Q a¢~ O'~qR~ ^ ~ ~L ~P ~ F . M'f~iTLE ~YRTLE O MARY C. N ~Q" 9M. "°~Y y ~~ i `^I G pAAIC GROVE pQ Lu D,c~ ~fYN :MYRTLE .. MIDDLE VV 'C ~ ~~ EILEMM Ct J~CJ p( 0999 I• GRZSV~ ~ ~SCHO L ~ .` v \SCHOO i y~~ ~ ~ /'~G ~ ~ ~ SHOPPING MYR, }A 2 w~ ~ ~ ~ -' CENTEF~ 7'LE ~ C ~ < ~, ~~ .~-! I ,, ; IvHR1STIAN ~ ~~ ~:- ~ ;, a SCHOOL I =~ vo GR~ "'~-- ~ I _ 4 ~ F MYRTLE ~O R ,A EQUESTR/ANESTATES ~ MYRTLEGA D ~~ ,9 ARK ~ ~ L I ~~ co Ros GROVE o~? . . ~N ~ q I ~ D KS~V ~~,~ v Qo v ~ ,yy '. ~~I P ON RD ~Qt<o 40= ~ ~~ GARDEN o . GA,ptJD CN ~ ! ~~ Q ~ cc, STq y '~ HEYWARD~ BELLAMY PROPOSED SEWER SERVICE. TO THE ELEM. scH~ REMAINING AREA IN GREENBRIAR ANp~RS • I SUBDIVISION NOT PRESENTLY. SERVED. S ~ ~ ~ BY EXISTING SYSTEM. B ~ j. i QC MAP-NOT-TO~CALE ~.~_ . JANUARY 5. 1998 . b. ,1. CONSENT AGENDA F _ ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~ ~ JANUARY 20,1998 ' 4 ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ PAGE - . NO. 1. Approval of contract #98-105.9 with Printrak International, Inc. For an ~• ~ automated fingerprint system ..for the Sheriff s De artment P 2:. Approval of additional State Aid to Public Libraries, _ ~- - 3. Approval of Statewide Elections Information Management System ~ ~ ' ',. 4. A royal of additional $25 000 for aerial hoto rah .. PP P g P Y as Part of a comprehensive mapping project and approval of associated budget ` amendment. #98-0099 S. Approval of request for funding by Mercy Men's Shelter and Substance" . _ Abuse Program. ~- Approval .of Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Contract with ~~ the City of Wilmington and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0095 . - ~. Approval of Resolution authonz~ng Couniy Transportation Program e . grant application for FY'98-'99 ''. ~ ~ _ 8. Epproval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports ~~ ~ ~ _' 9.' ,~ `Approval of Release of Value . 10. Approval of Budget Amendments: ~ ~ '' ~ ' A. #98-0097 to budget a contribution from Good Friends for . emergency assistance plus additional adult day care funds, and , . ~ addition Smart Start child day care funds. . ., ~- .:..11.5 . ~`. _ .- ~ ~ .. ~~ This page intentionally left blank *~~~, ~ 116 .. ~. ,. _ . . _ : REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,~ ~. Meeting Dafe: 01/20/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #; 1 Additional Item #: Department: Sheriff _ ~ Presenter: ' ' Pa a Count In A enda Packa e:" Contact: Am Akin . ,;, 1` , BUBJECT: Approval of contract # 98-0159 with Printrak International, Inc. for an automated fingerprint system for the , I: Sheriffs Department. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: ' ~ ,The Sheriff s Department was previously approved. to use grant funds to purchase an automated fingerprint ' " 'system. The City of Wilmington recently went through the bidding process for the same system and. awarded ~ - the contract to Printrak ~Intemational. Printrak has extended the same contrac t pnctng to the County. Staff ' is requesting approval of contract with.vendor through the "piggyback"'option as allowed in General Statute ~ .: - • 'T43-129. ~ . _ , . . _ .. ' ,. ~ . . . .. _ .. n RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTiONS• :Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution approving contract #98-01:59 with Printrak International, Inc. in the amount of $80;000.00 for an automated fingerprint system. Contract approval made under the "piggyback" option allowed in General Statute 143-129. The contract is voluminous and is therefore not.. included. It is available in the County Manager's .office for inspection.. - t i' ~ . { . ^ , . .. REVIEWED BY• ~:. - LGL: FINN BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGFIt~ CnM1yeFNTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• ~... Recommend approval. '. - ~ , ('r~ 3~nIT`~ COMMISSIONERS ,. REJECTED D . REMOVED p ,~ .. . POSTfONEIp Q . - - ~ ~ ~ . HERRa ~ 1J ~ ~ ~ ~ ., - DATE ~yS ,tom ' Refer to O(rice Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition .. .. ~ , RESOLUTION O OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF •NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, G.S. 143-129 allows local governments to buy' off of another .government's contract if the vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price; AND WHEREAS,.. the City of Wilmington formally bid an automated fingerprint identification system and awarded the bid to Printrak International, Inc. and entered into a contract with Printrak ' ~ International, Inc. on March 14, 1,997 to secure product; AND WHEREAS, granf funds are previously approved to purchase an automated fingerprint identification system for the Sheriff s Department and Printrak International, Inc. has offered to allow New Hanover County to purchase the equipment needed at the same prices as in city contract # 92- 1296 detailed as follows: AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract for :an ...automated... fingerprint identification system be awarded. to Printrak International, Inc. based on the prices as contained in the City of Wilmington contract # 92-1296, in ~theramount of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($73;000,00); ~avw~ &`a oo® ~,. ~ r A1vDt~'WHERE+AS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-4314314'-64'00~`tio cover this contract; ;., 118 ,,;~ ~~°~ Onc (l) Livc Scan Station (LSS2000), including: One (I) control computer, Unc: (I) Touchscrce~n/1Ce~}•haard Data Entry, lockable k~~}•board, integrated mou.,e, and 1~7' high resolution monitor One (I) Fingc.~rprint Acquisition Syst~~rrt (live-capture), scannw plattc~n Onc (1) Ruggedizcd Cahinct One (1) Double-Sided Tcnprint Card Print~7 Onc (I) AFIS Application Salhvan Package, SmartScan Solh~•arc Onc (I) Printrak AF1S-to-LivcSc:an Interface Package One (I) Unintcrruptihlc pcnv~v supply (UPS) X40,000.00 One (I) FP2000 Fingerprint Pra:c:ssor (20005) S 10,000.00 Rcmotc Communications which includes equipment and soR~~•arc for connection with SI3L S 10,000.00 NCSE3I Intch-tacc No Charge Interface tkawc~~rt LSS2000 and Criminal I Iistory Systwn ~ $10,000,00 Two (2) Laser Doubl~~sidcd Tenprint Fingerprint-Printers $ l p,00p;00 TOtal (to be purchased bayed on exi~tin~ contract with City of Wilmington) $80,000.00 DRAFT ~7 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of , 1998, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; .and , PRINTRAK INTERNATIONAL, INC., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, G.S. ,143-129 allows local governments to buy off of another government's contract if the Vendor is willing to provide the item at the same or better price; AND WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington formally bid an automated fingerprint identification system and awarded the bid to Printrak International, Inc. and entered into a contract with Printrak International, Inc. on March 14, 1997 to secure, product; WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the proposal submitted by Vendor, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor- covering the purchase, delivery and installation of an automated fingerprint identification system, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. exhibits to Contract. The agreed terms, marked Exhibit A; is attached hereto and made a part of this contrac# as though fully written herein. New~Hanover County Contract # 98.0159 120 ,v r. , a :., f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ,, ~ ._ Meeting Date: 01/20/98 ~~ . ~. -~`. ` ~ ~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: ~ , • ~ Department:.library -Presenter: ~ ~ i. i. Pa a Count In A ends Packs e: 7 Contact: D. Pa nter ,, -SUB.TECT: .. State Aid to Public Libraries !' _. _ RI F ~ - .~ _ The New Hanover County Public Library has received an additional. $35,326 in recurring. money from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. We will receive $196,326 iri lieu of the $161,000 which was anticipated: Since this increase is permanent, the library ~is recommending funding one support position: a Clerical Specialist to assist the Administrative Assistant and circulation staff, some additional temporary hours-.for shelvers and substitutes; and asmall-increase in the 'training budget. These funds must be expended for . libr u oses and these areas are our hi hest needs. New Hanover Count currentl ranks ni ~Y P rP g y . y nth ~n activity and 44th in staffing/1000 population compared with other North Carolina libraries.- ,, ~ECOMMFNDFD MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTION~• ,. , `" - _ ~ - - _. - f .. .. - ' ®I .: .. , . 'REViFWED 13Y• . LGL: APP, WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT °" ,. BOUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND R OMM NDATION : ~ ~~ I have reviewed this matter very carefully and concur.with the request from the Library .Director. ~Thc ` funding is "permanent." However, if the fundin is eliminated the ositio will be eliminated. Rec mmend g _p o ~approvalof position and the attached budget amendment #98-0090. ~ AUNTY CONLMfSSIONERS ., ~. _ E . r'rE© O . - Rt, ~ovED ~ ;12 ~.: . . . _ , POSTPONED ~ - • ". Rcfcr to Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HEARD ^' tGi -..~!~+. . - . DATA ,.~,,./ ~ _ ,1q . ~' r / ~nt~rof~~co M E M O RAN D U M to: Array Atkinson . from: David M. Paynter~r' subject: Clerical Assistant Notes data: December 22, 1997 Attached is a revised..memo- i had forgotten to include the most important function of the clerical assistant- nainciy the use of the position for handling the overdue notification process. You will notice that the estimated time to complete all the tasks is 60 hours/week. 'j he position will concentrate on the first three areas and we will use , as needed, the additional temporary money to -help with~the rest. The job rate for a clerical assistant is`520.301 and that of a library assistant is $22,422. >ay using the clerical assistant, the County actually saves money. I have an 18 inch print out of long ovei~diu materials, which I will be happy to send Allen. They represent 15,000 items over a five ytar, period. But_ it does illustrate well the extent of the problem. I thought the excerpts from the stafl'sun~ey would be useful: There is adegr~ate sfirJfing in my dept or twit: St Ag Ag Dis Ag St Ag %FAV Non Exemp 0 11.11 38.88 50.00 % 11.11 Exempt 0 9.09 9.09 81.81 % 9.09 1 thingrelated to this is tl~e issue of library m orale, although I realize there are other factors working here. I Jeel that morale in my department is good . Non Exem S.S 38.88 33.33 22.22 44.44 Exempt 0 9.09 9.09 81.81 % 9.09 Sorry for the rather disjointed nature of this note. 4drf AII+`M../~~~Y~qp{Y i~,~Syt/gljl~~~'N~(M I~ 4)~~at"t~~a~ 122 ®~ ~~~~~~~ ~ll~ ~~s~ ~~~ ~ B r 0 _~~;~-~~=9?.~+IO~i~~ ~5~53 rid ~i~i: H.~C':~. L:BFnF`! ni~~,I:ri.~~°_ ~~F~.~ iii). 903,~_~~~; ~~ t. . ~~ t . :~ fi - • ~ .. .:. ~ ~~~ ' =~ ~ - ~.To: ~ Andy Atkinson ~ ,.~ ... From: David Paynter . '-' ~ Sub'ect: ~ Clerical Assistant` ~ ~ , . J , ' ~ Date: December 22, 1997 ' `~~ -~ ~ I . ' ~ . w much better the 9ibra is rennin ' , I hope the. followinb wiU be sutTiccent. it cs truly amazing ho ry g with this position. . ,.: Areas which this position address which were not being done: ~ - . ~ -. Overdue notices -the position. has assumed all clerical activities associated with overdue notification. This will free a Library Assistant to work directly with the public.. This will. , result in some salary savin5s since the Clerical Assistant is paid at a lower rate than a Library' Assistant. Estimated time - 20 h~ week. . - ~4 n,. . Telephone notification -the position now telephones delinquent borrowers after our first • notification and before we send the atron to Le al. This has resulted in a much hi ,her. . P 8 P , return of materials (75%). We estimate the Clerical Assistant will recover S 1 S-20,000 worth of materials in a year. Estimated time - 10 hours/week. ~- _ ~ . , Records Management - Aeverly Tcttcrton spent 10-15 hours per week managing County records. The-Clerical Assistant,is working with the AdministrativeSecretary. in better managing this process. It has freed ~1s. Tettert~n to work with the Local history Room ` ~ -clientele and various research ro'rcts. Estimated time -10 hours/week. - P J ----- ' ' ~ ~ Telephone coverage.- This had been a major source of public.dissatisfaction. Katl-y . provides coverage on lunch hours and the time when Ms. Oliver is out of the office. The' - ~ Assistant Director and Public Services Librarian in the past provided backup.` Estimated - time -~ urs per wcek: " ~ ~ Fund raising activities -The Clerical Assistant is responsible for compiling and mailing out fund raising packages related to the Capital Campaign.. She also assists the Administrative Assistant with routine correspondence in other areas. Estimated time - 5 hours/week. ~- , Substitute work -The Clerical Assistant has been trained to coverall public service desks . at the Main [..ibra In the ast;1'echnical Services stafl'were ulled for emer enc • rY P P 8 Y coverage. 'i•his has allowed them to concentrate on cataloging book. processing.,..:,, Estimated time - 8 hours/week... `. ~ ~ .• _ ~ ~. GO ~.Ls w . - .. ~~ -• .~ - - - ~ .123n . 1 _. a This page intentio~tally left Gl~nk a ~~ . ~. - . Budget Amendment. . - . ~ ///////////////////%////////////////////////O~%///////////'////////'/////~%%%%%%///%/////////////////////~%//'//~%%/////~%//'///////%//'/%////%~%%%% ' "% - :~ .. rt~ DEPARTMENT : BUDGETAMENDMENT# DATE: Library ~ 98-0090 . - 1/20/98 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT ., Library Aid to Public Libraries - ~ $35,326 Salaries and Wages - $ 8,913 _ ~ . Temporary Salaries $20,000 - `. Social Security Taxes ~ $ 2,212 ` ~ . > . Medical Insurance ` $ 1,638 . ' ~ Disability $ 21 , Training & Travel _ $ 2,542 ., ~. . i ~ .' 1 ~ - - .- } ~ _ , EXPLANATION '~ ' To budget additional funding received from the Aid to Public Libcar' _ •und ~ ' ~, COU1\TY COMMISSIONERS . .. ` /~PPh3VED 0~ ' 'or'BudgetOCticer'sapproval; thrn.rcport . ' REJECTED ^ .~ - ~ REMOVED ~ ^ ~ to Commissioncrs a ,,r mccting andcnterinminutcs~~~ - T b o e approvcd by Commissionrn. . POSTPONE© C] ~ To be entereJ into minutcs: HEARD ~ ~ ,.. ~. 9 ~ DATE / I __. .. - JOI; DESCRIPTION Title: Service Objective Responsibilities: Clerical Assistant To assist the proper functioning of the library administrative office and to assist in the recovery of overdue library materials. 1. Answers and transfers calls coming. into the library, 2. Assists in the booking of the library meeting rooms. 3. Assists .Administrative Assistant in making deposits of library funds. 4. Contacts library users regarding overdue materials. 5. Prepares routine correspondence for administrative staff. 6. Assists with the maintenance of library administrative files. 7. Assists Administrative Assistant in preparation of board agenda. 8. Substitutes for_rebular staffon the circulation desk. g. Prepares petty cash deposits. 10. Assists other library staffin preparation of specialized reports. Qualifications: ^ Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously ^ Familiarity with basic library operations ^ Pleasant speaking voice and good customer service skills ^ Ability to work independently ^ Basic clerical skills (word processing, spreadsheets, filing, etc.) Training and Experience: High school degree required and two years post secondary education. Experience in a work setting involving significant public contact in person and on the phone. Supervisor: Administrative Assis~an~t~~l~~~~oh o~•:P, ~~,~ Q Q; .. ': Jo~t?'~~cation: Clerical Assistant ~ ~~-~~~;~~°.; .~, Cl ~~V~i`~~A V1t~T~t~1 ~1 JCf-C~_U1 l1UIR lU~4U. C1UllY11Y ISGJVUICUGJ ~ fC1A qU. 1~1UJ41tiCUJ ~ ~.UC . .. . . ,, ' 1 , .. °""` ~ ~ NEwHartov>rx Covtv~r~r - ,~ ~. '. ~ • ~* ~ ~~ =~-~~ YNTER-OFFICE NiEMO~NDUM . D ~ ~ ~. DATE:, September 29, 1997 ~ - , . TO: David Paynter, Director ~ ~ ~' ' ' Library ~ .,. ;. ... ;. . _ FROM: Catherine C. Morgan, Personnel Analyst . `Human Resources ' .' ~ ': .. a _ THROUGH: Andre R. Mallette, Direct~~~f~/ ~ . . Human Resources .SUBJECT: Classification of Requested New Positions a ~ .. - a' ~ I have reviewed your descriptions of the two (2) positions you are proposing to add to.your staff: Based on the submitted descriptions and our discussions, 0 recommend the clerical - ~ ~ position be classified. clerical asslstant"~ (pay grade 109) .and the courier posfion be D ~ classified "courier" (pay grade 107). ~ _ `- The clerical position as described is consistent with other positions in the county classified ' ~ ~ "clerical asslstant." The courier would be a new classification., ,You niay submit this recommendation with your request to the Board .~of County s Commissioners. 1f you require further Information or have questions, please contact me ' - at x7324.. .~ ~ Y - . . ,. .~ cc: Allen O'Neal, County f~lanager Andrew J. Atkinson, Deputy County Manager ~ LL ~. . . . ~ ~ - ~- ., :127 - ~ ~ .. .~: ~ ~ - _ ~ ~ . ~~.~ ~~o ~r e~,.e~ri~i tiihit Ll~tHKl" H~'111Y. `~'r ~R ~~ ~~ ~' ,. ~ '+.w~ P. 22 ..North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street ..Raleigh, North Carolina 2?601-2807 Phone: 919-733-2570 "Ibtefacsimile: 919-T3:~8748 James B. Hunt jr., Governor State Library of North Carolina a Betty Ray McCain, Secretary October 6, 1997 Sandra M. Cooker, State Liberian .. MEMORANDUM ?0: David Paynta,_Director O FROM: Cal Shepard, Chief, of Library Dcvelopmerrt ~... SUBJECT: 1997/98 Aid to Public Libraries Grartf Funds This memorandum is to inform you of the amount your library will receive from the Aid to Public Libraries fund during state fiscal year 1997/98. The certified budget confirms that the State Library can distribute 514,949,669 fo libraries; qualifying for grants. . The total amount that your library will receive from thc,Aid to PtibGc Libraries fund is listed below. Please contact Cal Shepard at 919.733.2570 (faz 919,733-8748) if you have any ~1 questions. - ~~ Department.o~f Cultural Resources State Library of North Carolina ...~ _ . : ~ r ~,r `:, , ~' ' APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO PiTBLIC LIBRARIES„ ~. ~. :.. - ~ State Fiscal Year 1997-98 ~ - - ~ ~_ (Submit one form only) _T , • 1, / ceaify that the I~eu Hanover. County ?ut:I is Tai cr_•: _ .._ : . , Signature, chair of governing body (Name of Library) - y - ~ .having met the following requirements, he: ebv applies for funding from the Aid to Public Lioraries Fund. ~ a (1) Be le?ally established as required by worth Carolina statutes. (2) ', Provide Library services Basil available without discrimination to all residents of the olitical Y P subdivision supporting the library. {,) Employ a director having a valid North Carolina public librarian certificate and successful. experience as -. a public librarian or administrator. ' (4) Secure operational funds from local government sources at least equal to the~amount budgeted the - previous year. A scant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall not be ' terininate3• but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department of Cultural Resources if the local fiinding for a public library was reduced by the local governing body as par. of an over all general budgetary reduction re9ecting local economic conditions and local government fiscal constraints. S-a;e , ~ funds shall not replace local funds zppropriated for public library operations.. ` - .. (5) Expend funds as authorized in the adopted budge:. Any library having an unencsmbe:ed operationzl '~ e , balance of more than seventeen per teat (1 i°'o) of the previous year's ope: atinQ receipts will ha~•e the ' diIIerence deducted from its state allocation. ~ ~ ~ _ (6) Obtain aggre?ate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. (7) Pav salaries for rofessional ositions fi:rded from state aid that are no e P P 1 ss than the scale.requtre3 b~• tree . division of state library... • - .. a..Each professional position funde3 with State Aid must be supposed by two full-time ~' equivalent (FTE ara rofessional ositions. .. )P P P . ` b. Professional librarians who are paid in whole or in par from.State Aid must have a valid Norh Carolina Public Librarian's Certificate. • ~ {3) Obtain an annual audit of library accounts according to generally accepted accounting principles and submit a copy of this audit to the Division of State Library. `~ (9). Submit a-copy of bylaws and personne', policies to the division of state library. (.0} Compile an assessment of the library needs of the commur~ty, prepaze and annually revise.. along-range plan of service, and submit copies of needs assessment and long-range plans of,se:vice to the di~isiet: of a .. state library. ' {l l) Submit a copy of the agreement establishing the rezional or county library, if composed of more than - one local governmeatal,unit. , ~ ; (12) Lfeet the following stipulations when establishing a new library or withdrawing from a larger rysteaz: , (a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries .program on July l of the year prior to the . . n fiscal year that the library plans to receive state aid, ' ~1 T (b) continue to meet all ualifications for q the state aid. to public libraries program from July 1 to June 30 of that year, which shall be k.~ow~n as the demonstration year, . (c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in - _ y ` order to receive state aid in the next fiscal ear. ~ ' ~- SL/PLD -Rev: 6/97 129 Additional Sfate Aid for New 1(anover County Library a 1997/98 Appropriation $196,326.00 Anticipated ~~ $16.1,000.00 - ~ ... Additional Funds $ 35,326.00 fl Reduested Use: ~ ~'~ Office Assistant. (I 09) $ 8 913.00* LJ Temporary $ 20,000.00 Benefits $ 3 871 0 .0 . Training $ 2 542.00 ~ - .Total $ 35,326.00 *1/2 ear sala onl Y ry y -, - - U . - l._J ~,, 130 ~~ - .. . T ~, S TAFFIN G LEVELS OF THE E/GHT ME TROPOLITAN LIBRARY SYSTEMS . , ,. - Total Population) ~ . Library System tall , staff Member ~ Asheville-Buncombe 73.35 ~ . ~ 2,573 - Cumberiand . - . ~ 124.68 2,358 Dufiam ~ 99.61- Forsyth 106 00 1,923. ~ ~ 6 . : , . 2, 4.1 Greensboro 133.50 2,254 . Mecklenburg ~ ~ 342.30 1 687 New Nanover ~ . 42.35 .: 3,296 Wake, ~ 152.33 3,402 . North Carolina ~ 2540.7 , `: 2,831:60 . ., -Note: Except for Wake County, the New Hanover County Public Library has the fewest number of staff for the population served. The level . of staffing at NHCPL is approximately 16% less than .the state average. - ~ ~ . .. .. . , .. , ., ~~ .- ... .. _ ,.. .. 1 ~ _ - ~ 1:31 .~ . 1~ 7'liis,~age intentio~rally left blank .,..1.32 .. . .. ,. ,. , _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ '. " " ... Meeting Date: 01/20/98 ~. .. - ::~ - ~ Regular Item #; Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: ' Department: Elections Presenter: ~ - Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: ' "Contact: Bill Clontz . SUB.TECT: ~ ,. Statewide Elections Information ManagementSystem ' ' ' ,. .. . - _ Rig ~. VI There is a State deadline of February I for submitting a form indicating if the County accepts/or declines ~ the Statewide Elections Information.Management System for local processing. The decision the County ` makes will im act the Elections and Iv1IS De art is ' P p men There has been difficulty getting requested information from the State so the best decision can be made. Elections and MIS staff are-currently visiting i s tesrto help make the correct. decision. ~ ~ - ~- - _ _~ ,. F F nFD ~ - ' D R F FD Recommend the County Commissioners authorize the Chairman to sign the required State form based on - the recommendation of the Elections and MIS Directors so the February 1 Deadline can be met. - "`,,. _. ,~ ~ ~ .. ~ . DECISION FORM STATEWIDE ELECTIONS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ^ YES, .~ ' County accepts the Statewide Elections Information . Management System for local processing and understands and agrees to the following: • Provide any necessary electrical wiring and network cabling {specifications to be provided by the State Board of Elections; • Be responsible for converting records, other than voter registration, to be compatible with ;SEIMS; Maintain the Wide Area Network (WAN) connection.. ` Chairman, County Board of Elections Chairman, County Commission ~ NO, County declines the State Elections Information Management System for local processing and understands it must do the following: - Provide any necessary electrical wiring and network cabling according to SEIMS requirement; • Conform to SEIMS data transaction standards; • Maintain the Wide Area Network (WAN) connection; ' Chairman, County Board of Elections ~°~t~~~IR~1~4~ ``,,1..: ,~ , ~. ~ Chairman, County Commission t~ t~~'~'3; ; •..~ ~~v~3I,A ~: -134~~~~~'~' { ~~~~i' ' i:\seims\goody\ynfonn - SUBJECT: - . - '.. ° ~ .Orthophotography _ - II ~ ' : BRIEF SUMMARY: Every four years New Hanover County has contractedservices~for aerial photography. The last time the a - County was flown for this purpose was. in March 1994 as part of a comprehensive mapping project. Aerial . photographs play an essential role in many governmental processes including engineering, drainage,,land use studies and analysis, transportation planning, police and fire protection.- With the advancement of ' computer technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) aerial photographs can now be obtained _ in a digital format as was done in 1994. Di ital ortho hoto rah allows cit and count de t g p g p y y y partmen s to .: - view, analyze and print this photography at any scale on their office computers. In reviewing proposals from a four aerial mapping firms, we have been able to negotiate a price of approximately $65,000 to provide the same mapping coverage that was.done in 1994. +''~' ~ ° RECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFOUESTFD ACTIONS• The County has already budgeted $40,000 toward this project and needs an additional $25,000 to get the - ~~ - - project underway in February. Recommend approval of budget amendment'#98-0099. U - ~ - - . - - - ' FUNDING SOURCE: . Federal S: State S: , . County-S: 65,000 User Fees S: - Other S: ° Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: es Q - ' ~ ~tEVtEWED BY• ~ - ° ~ . - ' -- _ . LGL: F1N: BUD: HR: .: D F D r ., ~ _. - Recommend approval. ~ : ~ - - ~ „=?~,'~1~~~~' ~,~;,, ; ~~t9iG~ISSiONERS ~ : - - .- .. i~ ~~# ED ~~~~~~oV ~ - 135. - ST - A ~ f~ ~~F~Q PONED CI. , ~~HEARD __:,~ - Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition SATE JAN-13-98 TUE 04:55 PM COUNTY MANAGER FAX NO, 9103414027 P, 02 Bud et Amendment ~ ADJCJSTMEN~ ~~l~cparimental Contingencies $25,000 Planning Contracted Services ` EXPi,ANATION (' ~ To transfer funds from Contingencies to update 1994 aerial photography as a tremendous amount of new development andland use changes have occurccd over the last four years. Total cost. is $65,000 with $40,000 already budgeted and approved in the FY97-98 budget. . , a royal of this budget amendment, tho remaining balance in Contizzsgencies will be With pp ... $190,189. ~ . .. - . ,.. _ .. . ~: .. . ` a Yt aad re . COUNTY COMMISSIQNE~S ^' ®~~na~ ~~ ~:~v~~~~~~ ,,, / lar sncdir~ ~}~i~.$'~ `~'': ' .~ ~ .APPROVED Imo' ~ ~ and enter lnmiaatet. ' ~ RE.lECTED D ~~'E'oboapprovedbyCommis4iotters. _-~ REMOVED ^ - To be entered into mutes. ~ ,~ t~Plit1T~H' ARD ^ .. DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # Non-pepartmeutal ~ 98-0099 Planning - / - 4~ ~ .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ' D. - - ~ ~ Meeting Date: 01/20/98 - s D Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Budget ~ Presenter: - Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: ' Contact: Cam Griffin - a SUBJECT: ,Request fore Fundin b Merc Men's Shelter and Substance Abuse Pro ram g Y Y g - ` I3RTEF SUMMARY: , The Mercy Men's Shelter and Substance Abuse Program has requested $1,000 to help keep the facility open which provides night shelter and substance abuse programs for men. The Shelter operates as part of the Bethesda Christian Life Church. The shelter serves some clients at night who are clients of the Good . Shepard House during the day. Some DSS clients also use the facility: -~ - , a - .RFCO~iMENDFD MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTIONS• ' Recommend denial of request. The County does not fund organizations with religious affiliations. ~~- ~pp~.c~trap - . 8 -. ,. - - h - v _ ,. RFVTEWF,D I3Y• LGL: APP WCOPLEY ~ FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT . COUNTY MANAGFR'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ~ ' ' - e ~ The Budget Director and I have discussed this matter at len th. I recommend denia g 1 to there a to fund. . .. - ~ COUNTY COMMI$SIB~!~~,$ .: -. APPROVED D-'" ,. REJECTED ©~ ~ ,, ~ REMOVED Q ~-~ - . POSTPONED ~ ~ ~ . - Refer to Once Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ~~Tl l~~,y °.- D Me rcy Ho use S he-I ter 411 Red Cross Street,. P.O. Box 606 Wilmington, NC 2-8402- January 01; '1998 New Hanover County Commissioners s: Cam Crl/rin. Bader l~eclor 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Ms: t3riflin: Please accept this letter requesting support on behalf of Mercy IIouse Shelter anti Rehabilitation Program. Mercy House is a nonprofit night shelter and substance abuse program for n~en. We currently service Bnuiswick, Pendcr, and New Hanover counties. No matter what the circumstances or reason, Mercy maintains an open door policy to all in need. Mercy's program is designed to provide sheher to homeless men who suII'er from dual diagnosis' such as mental illness, I`i1V/AIDS, substance abuse, and developmental'disabilitics. Currently, our program can house 40 • SO o k ~ °m' ~~Y• The nightly average is 25 - 30 people. We oiT'er clean beds, hot showers, aui ~a safe environment to these persons. ~' ~ Past year, our doors have been on the verge of closing due to the lack of fundin .Mere 's ~°>~ ~ Pri~'i1Y run by volunteers with a staff of 3 part tune workers. We respectfully reque t errter8er~cy funding from New Hanover County in_order to keep our program operating. In addition to our current operation, we intend to enhance our ~~~ abuse program with Case Management, job and housing placement services to our clients. We would .Wee .our request to be placed on the agenda for the January 20, 1998 County Commissioners meeting for your cor~ideration. If additional information is required, please feel free to contact me at Mercy House, (910) 343-0707, or (910) 343-0330. ~B~Y,Q,~ ~~ "dvance'~~for your thoughtful consideration to our request. ., . "~ ~~VtIR9~A Regpectfully~submit ed~ ~. ~ '~l ~ °~ ,~~I°cq ~b~ M ~a~.O¢wens "~ Program Director ~ 1 0 o O ,, 'ti" .. ~x._. ,s3 O ~~~ * ~ ~Mny~n ~CjMn YF ,'~~~nC v \H ~ \H Y~7Rn Nn.6Q.G .~. /~A~ ~.AC ~. V/ ~• ~ ~ ~~" agz 3~ o~ St,arTSZ~~~ M ax n O O ~~ T t 3 ~~~N^~~«'~ 3r~-CAN ~~^gn ~" ~ ~_ N. C r7r ~ ~ ~M1 Rp f7~ MM 9~3^ 3 C '_JQ.~~7'fp~[ Y \ ~f. I11 A .. _. % = ~ ~ r 3 T n Q. y 6 ~ l7r M= O M~ QR. ~ ~ A r y++ ~4 o'~Ng~r7~ ~ ~Ty7c°YnS~~°N ~ ~~' . R c ~a.t 7.flq~ ~ 3 X a o !Q c n 3 s=~~ LT o N.^a ~ 3^ R R M~ ~ t .i N ^ ~y jC ~ N C ~7. U f = i 6 v i ~ ~ 7 ! M __sc v r 3 SZ~R.cc ~-~~ ~ - ~ . y ~..8 0~ " ~"3 6 ' ~ 3 Gf ~ N 1 M 'J ~ r < ` ~_ __. % 7~ C OC 7~~, N Y~ r Y T. SL 6 If yO~~~ 00 -..~ ?? ~ s i1 ~ <r 3p pp ? N' ~ ~.i A ~ €xE ~~ ~r~~~ i•~="3' ~ MreK X77« t ^ ~ r _ r: ier=X 3~ ~3e'RyQQQ pmt=4a,,o ~~=d ~ . ~~ ~o -. 139 - ~C y H d :. --~~~ ,: ~ gi c." ._ .• ..__..._ ~ .r ~ 'Z'3 0. p ~? ~~ z O 'Z! ~ ~ •y ~ ~.. h ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 W v~ + s N a~ a~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 O C~. ' n '~ .r u '~ ,a .c° ~ ~ ~~ . o C .~ ~ + "O a~ •.. -O .~ ° ~- ~ U w~ ~ .; .,~! a`i ~ o w O H. H ~ ~.. •4~ ~ a - 'd ~ ~ ~~ ~. '8 a ° ~° .c ~ o a d . ~.. . ~ ~: N a c' ~~ n . o ~ tr ~ 3~ ® ~ U ~' W ~ a a ~+o ~ o° ~ ~ x c ~ •~ [ .~ S ~ ~ •~ . > o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a H ~ ~ c c U ~ '~ ~ S > ~'' " . ~ ~ •~ o ~ ~ ~ ~6 .s ~ .. • • u ~.C • ~ ~.-. o 'O 'C p .. `+ ~ _ ~.,. ~ ' r '.C c~ . ~ 0 •'Q U .. O ~ ~ 'U N cn Q~ C C O ~ o .~ N~~ ~ O •~ rn a~ ~ .S ~ ~n 3` o ~ 3 ~, ~, .a o y u Cd ~ v a O 'L7 > ~ 3 '«+ o u ~ ~-o ~ ~ ~, ... o •E ... _ +' .C cti C Gr .,h, .'L7 0 ~ p C ~ . S ~, v1 ~ U ~ .C d0 ~ E" ~ °~.' E~ 5 ~ ~ . h E° w :~ o .~ u as •~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ H• ~ ~a ~ !.o a i ~..+ ~ .o ' :'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~~yy G-i ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ U H H -~'i ~ r7 ~.y ~ ~ ' ' a' ~y ~ N 1 O ~ L7 01 ' :+ „p c ~+ > ~ C ~ ~ ... ' c a~o~' ~c co: -asN = L.1 U ~ Q `rw ~ RS ~ ~ fir ~ .~~.. U ~ ~. ~ ~ H ~ ~ S ~ .~ v~ , '° ~ ~ °° ~ W ~ u• S~~ , c." c a~i o~ ~• `~ C i' N ° °~ °~A~v u• .~ ... -o °, ~ ~ c~ a. ~, ~ u _ ~c ~GQ~~.c~~x ~S oo ~~ c'r'v3~ C ~ v :c -'~~~ 3 a~ a ~ ~ v~•h ~ ~ o b ~_ C y.~ .C .°Z ~ -~o .~~-.'C7 y ~ ~ d! ~ ~ >°~vaS~~ ~+ ~ U H ' ' .a ~ .. >, . ~ 'o ~: v > ~ u ~ ~ :C > ~ C C t ' ~ k ~: ~ ~_ - N "~ .' ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ,~ ~ Z M ~ ~ ~ ~ ti~Q U C M ~ ~ _ .. ~ ~ ~. ~ , "' ' ~~ .+ .- - a- - ... ~, u .fi_. ~ ~ ". ~ $v~ '~3 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~.$ a e;~ q~, .. _ ~~ D ~. ~ ~: . . - .. .~ . 4~ 'p~' v~ . ~ 'r .... .. W y,~ ~ ~ .~` 3a::~y oo OyV4 a~~ ~ ~. O o o ~ ~~ a~~ ° o. ~° W~'C~ ~ o~ .b . ,,, . ~ .r ~ ~ °~ •C ~ c~ ~ o ~ ~ w ~ [ ~ a. 'o a a, ~ ~,, _ ,. U ~''liis page inlenlionally le t dank .f ~-, S ~ , - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. : . a ~ . Meeting Date: 01/20/98 ~ - - . :~~ . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: ;6' Additional Item #: Department: New Hanover Transportation ~ ~~ Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: ' Contact: Patricia A. Melvin ` .. D SUBJECT:4A . Request Board approval to apply for Community Transportation Program funding grant for FY 1998=99 :. ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY• ,Request approval of ap plZca tso n for Community Transportation Program funding for FY 1998-99 The i ~ ~ . application, totaling $1.5;938 represents a request fo.r $81 788 in administration funds ~to support the` ~~o Ss~ administrative cost of providing services, and $1-1~4~-15Q-for capital expenditures, which includes the' . n ~ purchase ofthree lift-equipped, replacement vans equipped with two-way radios. These vans will replace . ~ three vehicles which currently have more than 120 000 miles on them and a ec m ded f c , re r o men or repla ement by the N.C. Dept. of Transportation(NCDOT). Although, our current Transportation Development Plan Update, recommends purchasing two (2) expansion vehicles in addition to the replacement vehicles, ~t•e ~~ill not seek expansion vehicles at this time. Funding is distributed as follows: $172,-253 NCDOT; and $23;633 - local matching funds. - t ~ 9,~t, . z3, ~3 : ` a ~ ~ `. .- RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND RFO IFSTFD A TiONS• Approve application for Community Transportation Program funding for FY 1998-99. a n . ~ ~ o .. ; - - _ . _ _ REVIEWED BY•~ - n LGL: ~ FINN BUD: HR: Recommend approval. ~, ... . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C1~'- , - REJECTED . ^ . - REMOVED p ~ L~.3 POSTPONED. ~ Refer to Office Visioel3ulletin Board for Disposition HEARD DATE /~~~~~~$ .~ a~ ~ - ~, _. • F399 Communih• Transportation Program (CTP) Grant Application SECTION 2 ' 'RESOLUTION Q Applicant Seeking Permission to Apply for CTP Funding, Enter Into Agreement With The \orth Carolina Department. Of Transportation And to Provide The Necessary Assurances. " A motion Was made by (Board.~lember's;\'ame) ` . and seconded by (Board Alember's A'ome) , - for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote ~•as du1}• adopted. WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of Noah Carolina have designated the Noah Carolina Department of Transportation (Ir'CDOT) as the • agency responsible for administering federal and state public tnartsportation funds; and ' • ~ WHEREAS, the North Carolina-Department of Transportation has received a grant from the US - Department`of Transportation. Federal Transit Administration and funds from the Iv'onth Carolina ' General Assembly•tni provide assistance for nualpublic transportation projects; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportaion funds:is.to provide grant monies to local agencies for the pro~•ision of rural public transponaiion sen•ices; and ' ~ WHEREAS, (Applicant"s Fame) ~ ~ ; ~ hereby assures - and~certifies that it will comply Hith the federal and... state Statutes. regulations, executi~•e orders, Section 5333 (b) Warrann•, and all administrati~•e requirements which relates to the applications made to and grants received' from the Federal Transit Administration. as Hell as the pro~•isions of Section 1001. of Tit]e 18, U. S. C. ~ _ ~ , • NOW, THEREFORE, be it resoh•ed that the (Aurhorired Offrcia!'s Tirie)• ~} • ~ of (.\'ame ojLoea! Governing Bodv) U is hercby authorized to submit a grant appli:aion for federal and state funding. make the necessan• assurances and certifications and be empo~~ered to enter into an agreement t~•ith the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation scn•iccs. ' 1 (Cerrifi•ing O~eiai's 1~'ame)• Trrie) do hereb}• certify that the above is a true and correct cop}' of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of 4 the (:\'ame ojLocal Governing Board) ~ ~ - duh• held on the ~ day of . 19_ Sigrrarure of Cerrifving Official . ~ .. ~• :\'ame ojLoea/ Governing Bard - • Subscribed and s~•orn to me (dare) ~ ~ a S'ea! Addrecc ~~~~~~~~ My commission cxpires;('~fo(r,) 6;.1 a.., a ..r • ~ r al t a o/fi ar ar~~Aga~~rc~ao n~b~nir !Aa ~.o~t apprication, eoujrmp official, and notan• p~6lr ~hau/d Se thru upmor• lnen•idua/t. Q f~i ~ a!~ 4'1 1•Y.9,~9AP,P.-LIC/1TlOti* ~tta~a NCDOT-PTD11/Id/97 .. , ,. .. . ,_ 4 , . ~ ~ •' ~ . ~, .: - . ~R]EQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION, - Meeh ate: 01/20/98 - ~ ~ •ng D ..: , Regular Item #: Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: . ~ Department: Fire Services ~ ~ Presenter: P. Kouwe i " , Pa a Courit In A ' enda Packa e; Contact: P. Kouwe SUBJECT• .. Hazardous~Materials Emergency Response Contract with City of Wilmington This is a revision of an existing agreement with the City of Wilmington for response of the Wilmington Fire :Department's Hazardous Materials Team to emergencies involving hazardous.chemicals in the'New Hanover_ County Fire Service District or ai ort ro ert .The revision reflects a si nificant inc _ rP p P Y g rease ~n cost from the amount of $8000"on request of the City to $15,000. It also reflects other changes in operating protocol. including atwo-tiered.resporise system intended to reduce costs and a clause to reduce the annual fee ~~"hen the County's volunteer firefighters have become better trained and equipped to handle certain activities ' involving hazardous chemical response.$8000 was budgeted for this contract. The attached budget ..~1 _ - amendment #98-0095. would move the additional $7000 from fund :balance to cover the increase. ' RF,COMMENDED MOTION AND RF,~IFSTF'D ACTIONS•~ ~ ' Approve the contract. and associated budget amendment #98-0095. ' .. . ' , n ~~ ~ - ._ ~~ . . RF,ViEWFD I3Y: ~ , LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT a:. . a Approve contract,and associated budget amendment #98-0095.. ~ - A .. . ~ ~~:,~ 3~'~°~nn.~ • ,r r ~ . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - ~ ~ ~~~~L~q~ APPROVED per" - _ _ ." ~~?~~~t~~ REJECTED p . ... I ,~ REMOVED p ~ • - ~~~~~~~~ 145.. .. a ~I~1~~~7~0"~ POSTPONED HEARD _.. Rcfcr to Oftice Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition DATE _ ~/A/~~~1~°~ .~.~.~} .'.•. _ a ~ oa , Budget. Amendment DEPARTMENT ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE • " ~ Fire~District/Fire Departments 98-0095 1-20-98 ,. .. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Fire DistrictlFire Departments Appropriated Fund Balance ~ $7;000:. Contracted Services ~ ~ $7,000 a ;, __ EXPLANATION To appropriate Fire District fund balance for the additional cost of revising the existing agreement with the City o'f Wilmington for .response of the Wilmington Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Team to emergencies involving hazardous chemicals a in the NHC Fire Service District or airport property. i!~Ql~l~~1U1 Y$~U00 p Cl~~f43~9~9~, 4~ ~TO~~ O 04~A:~0~1 3'~ACI COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED O REJECTED REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O HEARD ^ DATE ' ~. or Bud ct OAicet's a roval• thm r R s pp ~ to Commissioncrs at next regul:u merting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. .. . ,. f . ... _ . .~ ~ ~ ;; '• - - ? 4w~•E;'F~` . , . .. _ ., , .•., .. ~~~ CITY of. WILMINGTON.- . • "~ • ~' ~ North Carolina . ...1739 • ` `~~ ~ P.O. BOX 18 ~ O ~ LEGAL DE?ABTA ~ 7DD (910) Sat- .~ 2$402 'December 12, 1997 ` (9to)s4~a8s . FAX (910) 311-182 ~: I ~ w . Mr. Philip A. Kouwe , •~ Fire Services Administrator . New Hanover County _ ~• 414 .Chestnut Street, Room 307 Wilmington,.-North Carolina 28401-4045 - r . . Dear Mr. Kouwec , .~ ~ This will res and to our;-letters concernin potential P Y g revisions to the proposed contract for Hazardous.. Materials '~ Response between the-City of Wilmington and New Hanover '..County.. I apologize for.takinq so long to respond to your. letter.- .Enclosed please find a revised draft of the. agreement that. tries to address the revision suggested in your"letter of July 11, 1997. These changes are set .forth in sections -2, 3~and 6 of the agreement. Witha copy of ~. this letter, I am providing a-copy. of the-agreement to Wanda Copley, County Attorney. If ..you. have. any questions,",;please let me know. • _ 4 _. ,Sincerely .yours,. .. ~ - ~~ ~L- f- ~ - ~ ~ ~" Co noylard . Thomas City Att r e ~. TCP/ j'f ~ .. ". .' Enclosure _ ~cc:, Wanda M. Copley, Coianty~Attorney " a. ~ Sam Hill Fire Chief ~ ~ . Susan Dankel, Director of Administrative Services D , . ., __. ~. 147 ~ ., .- ~ .. a ®~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ New Hanover County Contract #" ~{ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA iNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT U HAZARDOUS MATERIALS . COUNTY OF. NEW HANOVER ~ RESPONSE SERVICES , THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this the day of 1997, by and between the CITY OF WILMINGTON, a North Carolina municipal ,corporation hereinafter referred to as "City"; NEW HANOVER COUNTY., a political subdivision of the-State of North Carolina; hereinafter referred to as "County"; and NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, a body corporate and politic organized under the laws of, the .State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as ~".Authority". W I' T H E S S E T H WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington Fire Department has 'arga~niied a Hazardous Materials Response Team ("HAZ MAT" Team) trained in responding to fires and incidents involving ~,.. hazardous materials; and WHEREAS; the County through the New Hanover County Fire Commission requested tYie City to provide hazardous materials response capability in the County as may be needed from time to time; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized by G.S. ~160A-293 to send its firemen and equipment outside its corporate limits to provide fire protection to rural or unincorporated areas 1 4 ~ursuant to agreements between the City and the County; and ~} U .., , .. ~ r , ~. ... , W u HEREAS, the City, Co nty and Authority: have previously D .. entered-into agreements relating to the City's provision :of , ,. hazardous materials response services and the parties desire..:,. p to modify such agreements; and. ~ ~~ WHEREAS, the City and the County are authorized to ' . -i i h f ~~ t i t any n : enter o an agreemen ,concern ng t n e exerc se o . . ~ • -power°, function, right, privilege or. immunity of local .. government'pursuant'to'the provisions of Article 20 of , ' Chapter 160A.of the North .Carolina General Statutes. - NOW, THERE FORE, ,in consideration of the foregoing and e a a th ined; herein, .the p rties do hereby .mutual covenants cont covenant and agree as follows: • 1. Purpose of Agreement: Thee purpose of this • agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions for the - provision; of .hazardous mate r.ials'response by the Wilmington ,. , Fire Department to County or Authority during any emergency involving hazardous materials. This agreement does nat ' ., cover services by the Wilmington Fire Department acting as• Q ~ - the Regional Response Team.for the North Carolina Division v of. Emergency Management. .This agreement modifies and• ' • su ersedes all existin a reements relatin to the sub ect P g g g J ~`,, ~ matter-hereof between the parties. 2. Response.. Official request for: the City of .~ ~' Wil i ' i l h ld e e . m ngton am s ou come-from the s Hazardous Mater a s T .County Volunteer Fire Department's Officer in Charge (OIC) ~~. via the NHC 911 communications center. The County OIC may request the,Haz Mat Team to provide either a First Tie~~~ a ~ ' .` 2 Second Tier response as defined in Section 3,'' The County's a Fire Services Administrator and/or Emergency Management Director shall be notified and respond to the scene to , provide technical support. .-z 3. Responsibilities of City. . (a) Upon the request for assistance by County as described in section -2 above, and upon a determination by the 'OIC of the Wilmington -Fire .Department ~~Ha-z. Mat Team that the request may be honored without impairing .the .capacity to provide fire protection within the City, the OIC of the Haz Mat Team may take such steps as necessary to provide the requested. response. If a First Tier .response is requested, a Hazardous Materials Technician shall be dispatched solely to assist the County in evaluating .the. incident and- determining the appropriate action plan, including the initiation of a'Second Tier response. If a Second Tier response is requested, the OIC of the Haz Mat Team may furnish necessary apparatus,-manpower and assistance to the County to respond to a hazardous materials emergency. The City shall make every effort to respond with the Hazardous Materials team even to the extent of calling in additional personnel should the Hazardous Materials Team be on-scene of another incident. Lf the Ci.ty's Hazardous Materials Team is on-scene of `another incident when the County requests assistance,~the City shall at a minimum.. dispatch .to the rovide technical Count-y a Hazardous Materials Technician to p U / ~~ 3 ~I _ _ ,_ " D n . ~ ,, ~ p th i Cit e s c t ur d e , ,. . , u ene o comm y r so port an assess e s t , c s to the . ~ .. ~ - .scene. ~ . ~ ` .. .z;(b).The City shall provide all-necessary certified. `Q ~ personnel to operate and use all hazardous materials :~ .. ..equipment as described in OSHA 1910-120. Only certified. - . ~ ' ;. a w h d at ll d t o t i l ~ p ill b l : . : az r ous m er w o o pera e: a ersonne e a e equipment exclusive of-hazardous material equipment unless ~ - . specifically requested by the OIC under the-existing . - ~ ~_City/:County mutual aid-fi,re..serviceMagreement.~ °(c) 'The City shall assume ala costs of salaries, wages, ~ ' . er n f its l th b i u a .. own. p sonne . or - at on o ses or. other..compens t ' ~ provide response under the terms of :;this. agreement. ~ ~.. ' ~ - ~ ~ ~ (d) The City shall provide a detailed Standard -~ ~~Operating Procedure and updates to the Department of Fire .Services Administration, NHC 911 center and .each of .the ' V O ati d n r F olu per ng Proce ire Departments. :Standard ures -., tee ~ - are~'to be.signed as official documents.. from the Wilmington . , ~ . . - e. ..Fire ,Department. a ~ ~ -~(e) The City shall maintain an officer on ,the scene ,, until . such Time that. the incident is terminated or another . . ~. . ~..- , ,:party assumes responsibility for the scene. - .~ . ~ ,4: Responsibilities of County. - ~. ~~ ~ : .... (a) The County will. provide. firefighters trained at .the - ` ~~ . a ~ ,. . ~ - : , "Operat.onal ,Leve1'° as defined in OSHA 1910.12D to assist in -.. - - ~ funct-ions -, that . would be .re'quired to be done in .,the..., WARM ' 2OIJE ~ ~ - -- .. Hof ,an~ incident.. ,. If the County .canno.t provide these'. fire-fighters, t-he City will provide .them as needed to~_ ~~te V . - ~ ~ r the functions will be carried :out.- These functions would include but not. be limited to decon setup, decon station functions, donning and duffing functions. "(b) The OIC of ,the County fire department who places ' the request for assistance shall in all instances be in command of the".emergency as to 'aspects of strategy, fire control tactics-and overall-direction of the operations. All orders or directions regarding the operations of the City shall be•relayed to the chief firefighting officer in command of the= City's 'Har Mat Team. 5. Term of Agreement. Unless sooner terminated as provided herein,-this agreement shall extend .for one (1) year from the date hereof. Thereafter, the .agreement may be extended from year to year upon mutual agreement of the parties . _ •6. Financing of~Agreement. ` (a) fihe base fee for services provided under this agreement shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars (515,000) per year. At such time as•the County has trained personnel and. resources equal "to `the'"Operations Plus" level of response and has so`notified the City as required hereafter, then the base fee for services shall be adjusted to. Ten Thousand {~`( Dollars ($10, 000) per year. ~ -Charges-for technical support (~ •for First Tier response to Haz:Mat incidents. are included as part of the•base fee. For Second-Tier responses, the County shall-pay the City Five Hundred (5500.00) Dollars per hour ~~ 1'~~rom the time that the equipment was in route until the time 5 ~', - - # .: ~' ` r t' h ' e o 's scen f r es onse . ~ , tha :t e a u ment_ was released from the . .. 4 P P ~: _ ~ "~E ~to chemicals as listed. in the current,'Code of Federal ' Regulations as extremely hazardous substances and/or as ,; . Q .. . t - defined by .the Code o.f Federal Regulations Superfund. . Act.Secton'313: The County -' 'Amendment and Reauthorization O = ~ . d u t o ipmen Nan /or. st of eq ~ shall .reimburse the City for the.c pp incidents requiring Leve su lies-for Hazardous Materials - A~, B or .C entry- as def-fined by OSHA 1910.120r•~ The -Cityywill - ,_ ~ be~ reimbursed at- the rate of Fifty Dollars (SS-0.00) per hour .. . - - ~ • per ;person for each firefighter the City provided for a' - l " . These additional firefighters wil be . ~- Second .Tier response .~. - ~ non-Haz-Mat personnel,:. but will be trained at the ' - ' "Operational Level" as defined in OSHA 1910.120. ~ - ,. a. Reimbursements from'companies.and/or individuals associated - ' will be the responsibility. of, the County. with ths--incident . . ' ' -For any services provided the New Hanover County Airport - , ~ ~' Authority under this agreement, the Airport. Authority shall ~ - .. -' 'be solely responsible for payment therefor,,. at .the same `above mentioned hourly rate, and equipment/supplies - ~. reimbursement terms afforded the County. , ' (b) The annual fee shall be aid~in four equal - ~: P - -~ amounts with the initial payment being due within thirty y °. = a ~.~. ~ (30) days "of the execution of this .agreement, and the° ' ~~ c , r i ws i ll l a a 'f b t t b d O t t . ema n ng=quar o er y p ymen e ma s : er. s o e o c o . ~l, 1992; January 1, 1998; Apri'1 1, 1998. ~ The Ci'tyv hall ~ , ~ ~ ~ . . .~. provide invoices to the County for any response hours and ~. ' - l any equipment used under this agreement Such invoice$~~ . ~ - , ~. .' - ~ .- 6 A shall be due~and payable within thirty (30) days of issuance to the County. -For any services provided the New Hanover- County Airport Authority under this agreement,-the City ,. shall bill the Airport Authority, invoicing response hours and equipment/suppl.es used. Said invoices shall be due and payable within thirty (30).days of issuance to the Airport Authority. (c) At such time as the County has tra-i~ned personnel and resources equal to the "Operations Plus" level of response, the Fire Services Administrator shall file a written notice to the Chief of the City Fire Department. Beginning with the next due quarterly payment, the installments shall be reduced to $2,500.00 7. Personnel. All personnel provided by the City under this agreement 'shall be and remain employees of the Gity of'Wilmington. The jurisdiction, a'uthority;. rights, privileges, and immunities (including coverage under the Workers Compensation laws) which the employees of the City enjoy within the City of Wilmington shall also be enjoyed by them outside the'City'when they are acting pursuant to the terms of this agreement and within the scope of their `~' authority and the course of their employment. 8. -Equipment Provided`Under Agreement:" (a) All hazardous material .equipment provided pursuant to the terms of this agreement shall be and remain the roperty of the City of-Wilmington. 1~5~ a '. ` ~. ~ .. _ . ~ '. ~` . . (b)..~~ The. City of Wilmington shall .provide a 'bi-annual ~~ accounting of equipment, pe-rsonnel, and-training.~records to • _ ..` the County so as to monitor response capability. with ,._, ~, y community hazards. `' . ~ 9. Liability of City. Pursuant to 'the terms of G.S. ~. ~ ~160A-293, the City and no officer. or employee thereof shall • ~° be held liable to answer~n any civil action or~proceeding ~~ , for failure or delay in answering calls for services under this. agreement nor shall the City be held to answer in any,-. ~, civil action or proceeding for the acts or`omssions of its-. . ~ ~ officers or employees in rendering services under this agreement. ~_ . ~: ., ~. This agreement; is governmental in nature, ;for the ,benefit of the. public, and is not intended to be~ for private _ . ' ~ ~ profit or- :gain. Any• amounts. charged in connection °with the -;.~ services hereunder .are intended 'to zeflectas closely£as ~ ' possible the City's actua cost, and the ;City does not' ~, - „ - . intend. to;waiv.e its sovereign. immunity by reason of this ~ ~. . °.. `agreement, '. `• •: ~ _ . :. 10. .Termination. Each ,party.. shall have the right to O~ ,."aerminate this agreement at any time. and without cause upon . ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. ~~ ~ •. . 11. Amendment. .This agreement .shall not .be. modified -. •e• ;- _ or otherwise amended except in writing, ,signed by the ' ..~. parties.. ,. l , 12. `Conflict ~of In' ' terest. No paid empl'oyee.of the ~. ~; ~~ ~ 'City ~ shall have a personal or financial `in'terest, diredt~~ .~ ~ s M _ 8 .. -. . . t indirect," as a contracting party~or otherwise, in the performance of this agreement. ~ ' 13. Entire Agreement. The agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties.. 14:~ Reference. Use of the masculine includes feminine and neuter, singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not define, describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 15: Interpretation. All of the terms and .conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail. over the general and the more stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or lower standard.. 16: Savings Clause. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of .this contract~s~for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such ,holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 17. Execution. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an 1 ~ ~riginai and all of which together constitute one and the This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control -Act . County Finance Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Attorney NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Chairman ATTEST: Director APPROVED: Business Manager NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that City Clerk, came before, me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk of. the City of Wilmington, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the City, the ,foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor, Don Betz, Baled with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. Notary Public My commission expires: 15R 11 y :• .. . , . - y „ NORTH CAROLINA , ,. .: } ~: .'NEW HANOVER COUNTY , ,E r • • ,,. I~ a, Notary Public of the. , • . • • ~- State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell: came before me .this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk : ' to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and • ~: that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board•~ " ' - the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its '. ~~' Charman,'Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate. seal: ' _ '°•• and attested by herself as .its Clerk. _. . ' ~~ ~ WLTNESS my hand• and official seal, this day of '- , _ 1997. '~; ~ - , :. ,. Notary •Public -. • ~ My. commission expires: ~ • ~ ~ • ,. ~' . .NORTH CAROLINA •.. .. ' '. :. . - NEW HANOVER COUNTY .: , . ., _ I, ~ - a. Notary Public of the State •~; •and County aforesaid, certify that ' • personally came before me this day and acY.nowledged that he ~~~ is .Director of the New Hanover International Airport AutYiority, a body corporate and politic organized under the - laws of the .State of.North Carolina, and that by authority-: ` duly given and.as an act of the Commission, the foregoing ~. ` instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman,-sealed. ~ ' `with its corporate seal and attested by himself as its ,Dir_ector.. ~ . ,~ . ~ ~ ' W I THE - SS my. hand and official seal, this day, of .. . ~ 1997: • ... ,, ,, .. ~ _. Notary Public.. . - ,., ':My Commission Expires: . _ ~, .. ~ ~ • • . •OSO'796LGF/IAFPtRS/C:WOtd . ~ -P"~ ~~ . . _ , ,~ -. - 1,2 ;. 160 1 CONSENT AGENDA • DATE'--------- ITEM N0.____~ NEN HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THR U 12/31/97 CURRENT _TAX YEAR --1997 - AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL : 56~737~366.65 S 4~329~447.39 DISCOVERIES AOOEO 4 2~660~680.92 27431.58 LESS ABATEMENTS T5~365.02- 57~560.42- TOTAI TAXES CHARGED .! 59~322~682.55 t 4~299~318.55 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 48661.59 .00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE t 59~371~344.14 35~783~287.33- f 4~299~318.55 3~122~360.19- OUTSTANOING BALANCE s 23~588~056-.81 f =1~176~958.36 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~ 60.27~C* 72.62X* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY i 2~469~667.19 CHARGES AOOEC 68538.85 LESS ABATEMENTS 40~295.13- TOTAL TAXES OUE f 2~497~910.91 COLLECTIONS TO GATE _ 545524.35- . OUTSTANDING BALANCE s 1~952~386.56 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 21.84X ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS OEC 1497 105621.84 591.88 .00 FISCAL YTO 1~352~925.49 14124.63 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR-NEN HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF 4iIlMINGTON MRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO GATE - i5/i~200~887.68. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING~JUIY 1~ 1997.. R CTFULLY SUBMITTEO~ C~.~r1 c ~ ti 1~,~ ~'1tN PATRICIA J. AY OR J COLLECTOR GF ENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 61.10'G c.;. o7B Fy~~,B: xi!k y ~~ ~C'IV~~~Q U<~! ~b~~ 162 ~° ~~~ _ C ONSENT AG A ENO OATf', . ' ., ,. •. ~ - ITEM N0. ~ , ' NEi~ HANOVfR. COUNTY F IRE OI STRICT TAX COLLECT IONS ` ~ '. - ~. , COLLECTIONS T.HR U 12/31/97 . ,,~... . CURRENT TAX YfAR,- 1997 _ ORIGINAL TAX - . - .. A0 VALOREM .. MOTOR VEHICLE' ' LEVY PER SCROLL Z 1~239~942.4T .f 10.0885.76 DISCOVERIES, ADDED ~60~297.09 784.20 - . -LESS ABATEMENTS - 23393.02- 1597.19- ~- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ ~ f 1~276~846.54 S , LOU~0,7Z.77 -LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED - 1 X042.13, ~~ ~ ~ .00 , .TOTAL aEVY '- COLLECTIONS-T0 GATE S -1~277~888.67 `f 813205.10- -__-100072.77 75683.59- - •OUTSTANOING BALANCE - f 464683:57 f ~ 24389.18 ~ PERCENTAGE .COLLECTED 63.b4X~ 75.63'G+~_ • ~ $ACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ ' •f 46~80'S.92 • CHARGES AOOEO 4481.78 • ,. LESS ABATEMfNT.S _ 5739.37- ~ TOTAL TAXES OUE f 4 COLLECTIONS TO OA7E ~ 7 924.76- OUTSTANDING BALANCE ' ~ 37 623.57 , PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~ ~ ~ 17.40x-' .~ r THfiS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1:997. R „CTfULLY SUBMITTEO~ -- • .. .. , ® ~1~ . . ' ~ PATRiCIA~.J. Y OR ~ *. .. COLLECTOR OF ENUE •. COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE ,-- _ 64.S1x i . .. . ~~ ` _ '. :. a a . ' .. 1 ~ . : ~.. , ~ :. , _~ - , . . , .: _ • ,~ . •.:_ ~ - , ,., ~~ . •, • .. . _ .. ;, . . ~ i .. 164 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/20/98 Regulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 9 Additional Item #: Depaztment: Tax ~ Presenter. None Required Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: 2 Contact: Roland Re ister SUBJECT: 'Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: IZFCOMMFNDFD MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTIONS• Recommend approval of these releases. r uivullvG SUURCF• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: V REVIEWED BY• LGL: COUNTY MANA F Recommend approval. FIN: BUD:. HR; D RF F D ' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED Cl' REJECTED ^ REMOVED POSTPONED ^ 165 HEARD ~ l~~~/ ~, Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition DATE ~/"~ Consent Agenda Page 2 January 20, 1998 Request the following certification penalty be released as the taxpayer listed on time in another county: Powell, David Louis e i nn nn Request the following late listing penalties be released as this was the taxpayers first offense: Glynnwood Water Systems $ 15.18 Williams, Robert Jr. Elizabeth 4.09 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Canty, Louise Hrs. $ 20,000 Roberts, Erma B. Life Estate 20,000 Smith, Rosetta 20,000 Webb, Ray Bell 20 000 :sw Copy: P. Raynor P. Susie Listing Ca ~~ftf~~~A Cl &~~F7~1~3~ 16 6~ ~~~~Y~~ ~~~~ ~~® . - D CONSENT AGE~'DA B UC~ et Amendment Jariuary 20, 1998 Item No. 1 OA ~; ,~ f~ ~. ~. ~~ ~- .~ '` DEPARTMENT ' 'BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Social Services 98-0097 1/20/98 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT DSS/Good Friends Good_Friends $ 10,000 Good Friends $ 10,000 DSS/Administration Administrative Grant $ 10,572 DSS/Adult Day Care -Adult Day Care ~ $ 10,572 _DSS/Child Day Care Smart Start $380,679 Smart Start $380,679 EXPLANATION To budget a contribution from Good Friends for emergency assistance Rlus additional adult day care funds, and additional Smart Start child day care funds. V^ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED p~ REJECTED ^ For[3udgctOf[icc~sa proval•thrnrcport REMOVED ^ to Commissioners at~~~;u mecting POSTPONED D and enter in minutes. HEARD ) ~ ~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners. DATE ~ /~C~~~" To be entcred into minutes. ~ G JAtd-.12-98 MOtd 02 ~ 59 Pi~i -.::~ooa rlends, food •..:• • .: • • 'cause ~ •~ • Br TRICIA VANCE ~smg wok. .. '; •A group of women is launching -'an effort to help New Hanover County's needy families through fi• nancial emergencies when they have nowhere else to turn. Good Friends of Wilmiag;ton, modeled after a similar organiza• lion in Charlotte, will hold its 5rs1 Christmas luncheon Ike. 2 with one goal in mind: reia~ng a~ mucb money as possible in one day. The intent is W bring tugethet wumt.•n of diverse age, raaal, social and economic groups once a year to help others. said Nina b1cL~an, who brought the idea with her from . Charlotte. She is co-chairman o1 • .the fledgling group. • • "It's an easy way to give mon- ey," Ms. Mclean said. "One hun- dred percent of the money goes to ;the needy." • County welfare officials wel- •-come the approach. ' • "Everyone is saying with wcl- fare rcfocrrt, churches and civic or• • ganizatioas are going to have to • take mote responsibility," said :Lynn Sinithdeil, community ser- • vices consultaat for the New Han- over County Department of Social "Services said. '7his is a good ex- ample of the community trying to •' do that." As in -Charlotte, Social Services ~' will decide how to use the money and report quarterly to Good Friends. That saves administrative •• costs, allowing all the money to be useA to help others, .Ms. McLean :said. • . • . -There are few restrictions on how the money can be used. BuL it • will only be tapped after other • • munry sources have been exam- ined and exhausted, said Beth Cherry, ca-chairmaa of Guod Friends. A 53501imit per family per year can be waived vYith approval of the Good Friends board. "It's really meant to be a one- time thInK to help someone get through a crisis," Ms. McLean .SBid_ Money could go for medication or to make a rent or mortgage pay- W~~Ms. Smithdeal, who has 1 sely with the Good . Friends chapter since it stated rsrliK hie v~~ •' "In Cl~arlulte, ft was used quite a bet when, people needed a used air ~.condltioner. or refrigerator or . • tstove; ' she said. With the push to - } get•welfare redpients steady em- ployment, the money also might come 'In handy for things like repairing cars, she said. The thec3c will glo directly to the vendor, not the client. sloe said. -Charlotte's Gocxl Friends group was an offshoot of the Good Fel- lows, a Century-old man's organi- zation that's been collecting money for the needy for years, • Ms. .McLean said. About a decade ago, women asked to join the arg;aniza- tiou but were turned down, she said. She said the men knev~ the • women could raise more money by forming theft own organization. Each year, more than 1,000 women come to the annual Christmas luncheon in Charlotte, Ms. McLean said. "1 think they raised almost 5250,000 last year betwcea the two groups," his. McLean said. The luncheon is scheduled at Christmas because that's when people are the most generous, but it's a nondenominational event, i Ms. McI.can said. It will be the + oup's only organized fund-raiser, ~ut Charlotte's Good Friends ;chapter often bcn~ts fioui other donations throughout Ne year, she 'said. j Please sa FWENDS on pggic 4H •~'riends • • • Continued Jrom page IB _ There will be no cost fur the • simple, brown-bag luncheon at the Bridge Tender at Wrightsville Beach because an anonymous donor is paying fur the event. It's open to any woman Mho's inter- - ested, Ms. McLean said. The only requirements for attending are to makcf reservat ons through Good Fricn"ds~and~tocons der Lavin pry !z E gen• ' ®s~~CRt9~T~f ~ ~~ t~*~h~!1 Y G;.~d P, 02 erously. she said. Beaux of space limitations, ao 'more than 250 people can attend, but Ms. McLean hopes to pack the restaurant with women ready to give what they pn. In Charlotte last year, individual Rifts fanged from $35 to more than $1,500, she said. For i'nformati'on about Good Friends uj Wi/mington, contact Nina Mc!<ax at 2513604 or Bstb Chmy a[ 343-9608.