Agenda 1998 02-02~- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'J I~ AGENDA ~~'NOYER CO G Z'V ~~a * ';. ~, f w 7r ~~ o`' f~~NORTNE'~~ NEW I-~I~'OVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~I~IISSIO\'ERS Assembly Room, New Hanover Co:inty Courthouse 2-J North Third Street, Room 301 • Wilmington, NC WILLLAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G. GREERVKE-CHAIRMAN $UZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER • CHARLES R. HOWELL COMMISSIONER ', ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY • LUCiE F. HARRELL CLERK TO THE 80ARD February 2,1998 -6:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALL EGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED - ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 6:45 p.m. 1. Recognition of Amanda Gotthardt Human Relations Month Theme winner for providing the theme "Let's Come Together and Make a Difference for the Future" 6:55 p.m. 2. Presentation of the Human Relations Annual Report 7:10 p.m. 3. Consideration of Adoption of Proclamation-declaring February as Human Relations Month 7:15 p.m. 4. Presentation of Resolution in Memoriam to Meares Harriss, Jr. a Former Member of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 7:20 p.m. 5. Presentation by Churchill Estates Homeowners Concerning Housing Development Project 7:30 p.m. 6. Consideration of Approval of Project to UpFt and Improve , • Historic Courthouse 7:45 p.m. 7. Consideration of Resolution for Selection of Design Engineer for Wilmington/Hanby Beach . PAG E NO. 1 3 5 9 11 17 21 7:50 p.m 8:00 p.m. 8. Committee Appointments Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 23 25 8:15 p.m. ADJOURN ,• MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT . ASSEMBLY ROOM ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 FEBRUARY 2 1998 , ', { ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ PAGE NO 1. Non-agenda Items (limit three minutes) 25 2. Approval of Minutes 27 3. A royal of Contract #98-0260 for En i PP g neenng Services PA 29 and associated budget amendment #98-29 ' Ad ou ~ rn -- ' . . - .. ', '. ' CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 2,1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 61 2. Approval of Grant Application -CHIP (Community Health 63 Improvement Program of NHRMC) 3. Approval to establish six (6) deputies to serve as School Resource 73 Officers in the Middle School and approve related budget Amendment #98-0109 4. Approval of award of bid #98-0200 and contract #98-200 for 79 the purchase and installation of four manufactured homes through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 5. Approval of contract #98-0041 with Vision Software, Inc. for the 81 donation of software products and approval of budget amendment #98-0106 6. Approval of Juvenile Justice Grant Application 83 7. Approval of use of Internet Policy 91 8. Adoption of resolution adding the following road to the NC 93 DOT Roads 9. Committee Appointment of Patti White to serve on the 97 Child Fatality Prevention Team 10. Approval of waiver of tip fee for disposal of demolition 101 Materials from old American Legion Building 11. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-27 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 103 B. #98-0100 to increase budget for FEMA reimbursable items 105 For Hurricane Preparedness C. #98-0107 to budget aone-time State grant for immunization 111 Screening and referral activities ` D. #98-0108 to budget cone-time State grant to expand Health 113 Check services to children through age 20 12. Approval to apply for funds from the Governor's Crime Commission 117 for position for the Gang Task Force 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . - ~ Meeting Date: 02/02/97 - Regulaz Item #: I Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Ruth IGng Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Anthon Wade SUBJECT: Human Relations Month Theme Winner BRIEF SUMMARYi A school contest is held in the fall each year to provide the theme for Human Relations Month. Amanc Gotthardt, a ninth grader at Laney High School, provided the winning theme, "Let's Come Together an Make a Difference for the Future" ~ ` I'2FCOMMFND D MOTTON AND R QUESTED ACTIONS Recognize Amanda Gotthardt for the winning entry kUtvutivG SOUR F,• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVTEWF,D RY• LGL: FIN: ~ BUD• APP CGRIFFIN HR• • COUNTY MANA(`FR~ OMMENT AND R COMMFNDATTONS . Recognize Am a Gotthardt as the winner of the theme for Human Relations Monih. Present Amanda with the.plaque. . BOUNTY COMMiS. APPROVED L~~ - REJECTED > . ~ REMOVE© # r'0~~'pQN ~; '~ Refer to 0(rice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~'- This page intentionally left blank ~~R~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ . 6 i i r i '~ '~ '~ ~ i ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/02/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Jack Manock ,Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Anthony Wade ~ .. ~UB.TECT: Human Relations Annual Report BRIEF SUMMARY• Mr. Jack Manock, 1997 Chairperson of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission will present th Human Relations Commission Annual Report, RECOMNI .N FD MOTION AND R OIJFSTF'D ACTIONS• Accept the New Hanover Human Relations Commission's Annual Report FUNDING SO 1RCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud' et Amendment Pre ared: )FtEViEWFD BY• LGL: FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN S'OJNTY MANAGER' Accept the Annual Report. i .. i I ~: ~~' coun~rv coMMissty: APFF;OVED Q~ REJECi'ED p REMOVEq q 3 P4STRt~N~i~. Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition i~+~~ ,~,~jj ' ._ _. _ ..._ _ _ ~7 .. ~ a This page intentionally left blank 0 Q D a Q 0 a ~~ a ~~~~~~~ • ~ ~~~~av~~~Y ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ Meeting Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Jack Manock Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: '1 Contact: Anthon Wade SUBJECT: ,. . Human Relations Month BRIEF SUMMARY• The New Hanover County Commissioners requested to proclaim February 1998 as, "Human Relation Month" RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTFD ACTiONS• Adopt the Proclamation Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANACFR' COMMFNTS ANn RF OMM NDATIONS• Adopt proclamation. C~, ~^: ~" ^,~"iAn%11SSIONERS F;i 4f ~~- . REiVIOVED p POSTPgN~p Q Refer w Once Vision Builctin Board for Disposition ~~ /~ ~~~ ~~ 7 _ ~~-w~» This page intentionally left blank { k ~~ ..._ .. _. _ . ,_ ~' ~~lU ~ttI~~U~~ (~ULLrTf ~Dttrd Df ~C~nmmis~innl;rs ~rocY~~~~rr~a~io WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission, the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, and the Fnends of Human Relations are sponsoring Human Relations Month, and G 1 i 1 WHEREAS, the theme for Human Relations Month is, "Let's Come Too et/per and flake a Difference for !/re Fulure. " WHEREAS, we encourage all citizens to respect and work to establish equal rights for all persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, or familial status; and WHEREAS, through practicing the principles of Human Relations Month on an every day basis, we help to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the rights of each person to freedom, liberty, and justice. NOW, TIiEREFORE, The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim the month of February, 1998 as HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH in New Hanover County, North Carolina. I call upon all citizens of the New Hanover County area to sincerely join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of fellowship with all citizens and resolve to accept a personal challenge to improve the status of all people through assurance of the basic human rights of justice, freedom, and dignity. ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Bvard William A. Caster, Chairman ~~ New Hanover County Board ~' of Commissioners 7 i~ This page intentionally left blank 8 1 I f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ,Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: Presentation of Resolution in Memorium to Meazes Harriss, Jr., a former member of the New Hanovc County Board of Commissioners. BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED NiOTiON AND RFOUESTFD ACTIONS• Present adopted resolution to family members Ir~t~url~~. avuKL~;• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: • i.Gi.~ FIN: BUD: HR: T R' D F F D I~ Adopt resolution and present to family members. COUNTY C~~IMJ"` _ _ _ _ APPROVED ~ ~~ REIECT£p REMI~Vt less . ~ Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Dispositio`~ni ~' 9 This page intentionally left blank ~~ ~~~ ~ 10 ~ ~~ ...: i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/02/98 ~. . Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Arthur J. Jecha tRR<:PRS<nt;~8 Churcniu ~nt~:~ Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: ' ~ Contact: Allen ONeal ~UB.TECT: Presentation by Churchill Estates Homeowners Concerning Housing Development Project BRIEF SUMMARY• Residents of the Churchill Estates Neighborhood will appear before the Board to ask for relief horn th construction of the development now occurring in Deer Brook, which is located on the north side c Grathwol Drive. A map of the area is attached. The project was originally approved in 1987. A mar detailed history is attached in the form of a memo from Dexter Hayes to Chairman Caster. Dexter wi: attend the meeting and will be prepared to respond in full detail to your questions and~inquiries and thos of the public. The neighborhood has also expressed concerns about the pump station site located bet~vee: Spring Branch and Smith Creek on the west side of Kerr Avenue and has suggested that it is on wetland and improperly sited. The pump station site is not on wetlands and overall approval for the project has beef given for the Corp of Engineers. A memo from Wyatt Blanchard on this matter is attached. Wyatt wil attend the meeting and respond to inquiries. ' RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND RFQ~IF4T>: n At^TiONS• ~- FUNDIN .SOUR F• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: ' Mone Is In Curren Y t Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~- REVIEWED BY• LGL: FIN: BUD• HR• COUNTY MANA ER' COMMENT AND RF OMMFNDATiONS Hear citizens concerns. C~ i~ovG® o ~~r~n o . ~t~MOVEO a 11 1~STPQNED C} Refer to Oftcc Vision Bullctin Board for Dispositior~~~D ,~qT>r _ .,y /~'es~/cr~;~ar, r ear-debelo ers ',, ~ ~st $o ~ ~ ~/tc~, hrc~ /Ut; ~~nc ~~ This page intentionally left blank :; ~ ~~ 4~°~ ~~ ~~~ ..1. .~ , t ~ Dexter Hayes 01/21/9811:25 AM To: Bill Caster/NHC®co.new-hanover.nc.us cc: dweaver®srvntl.co.new-hanover.nc.us, Allen O'NeaVNHC®co.new-hanover.nc.us Subject: Churchill Estates High Density Project Per your request I'm providing you with a short history of the mufti•family units presently being constructed at the intersection of North Kerr Ave,-and Grathwol Drive. Project was originally approved in March, 1987 as a High Density Subdivision with 260 total. units. The plan as part of Churchill Estates was submitted by Bill Grathwol and included a combination of mufti-family and single-family homes. Over the past ten years numerous Fnal Plats have been approved and recorded. Most of the development that has been constructed to date consist of detached dwellings along Jason and Cheryl Lane totaling 50 single-family lots. Amufti-family section on Reed Court known as Heathfield Hall was approved for 36 units and sold to Hansen 8 Tucker Properties. Twenty-tour of those townhouses have been recorded to date. In November,.1996, arevised preliminary plan was submitted (or G 8F Construction salting the project Deer Brook. This latest revision for the balance of the project consist of 150 attached dwellings and 24 single-family units. Some of the multi-family dwellings are presently under construction but none have yet been recorded. Though numerous changes have occurred with the development as well as our own regulations since 1987, the fact that the project has remained active has allowed it to continue without any special approvals that are now required for all High Density projects in the County. hope this information is helpful, if you have additional questions or would like to see copies of any of the approved plans please let us know. 13 - -- .-~ ••~ ~~. ~~ ra.~ ~tv c7u LJLy I:~La.~D !(ORTC:IGE Arthur J Jecha. 828 Grathwol Drivc Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Phone Number: 791-6609 January 23, 1998 Mr. AIIen O'Nei1I Manager, New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Re: New 1-ianover County Commissioners Meeting February 2, 1998 Dear Mr. O'Neill: We the homeowners in Churchill Estates plan to attend you next Board of Commissioners meeting on February Z, 1998. We would Like to be placed on the agenda and be heard concerning the attached petitiott. Our spokesperson will be the undersigned. Your consideration and approval of this request is appreciated. Sincerely, l~ Arthur J. Jec cc: I3i11 Caster 14 1 1 1 ~I ~ ~~~ ~~i no rttl u7: Js t~.-~.~ ylU Z~G Z~29 INL•L\D 5(ORTC:\GE PETTTON We, the homeowners in Churchill Estates, petition the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to stop immediately the construction of 144. low cost, one-bedroom, 700 sq. ft. per unit condominiums and 32 low cost patio homes. Thcse units are to be located in Deer Brook, which is located on the north side of Grathwol Urive and bordered on the north and east by Jason Court and on the west by Kerr Ave. We understand t11e .selling price fora ?00 sq. ft. unit will be $50,000.00 and $50,000.00 for a patio home, We feel strongly that the value of our homes will dccrcasc 25% to 30°6, or more, if this low cost housing is allowed to be constructed. We also undersland that there are no provisions to relieve the mass congestion of traffic that will prevail at the only ingress and egress front Kerr Ave. into Churchill Estates, where Deer Brook is located. 15 d 002 NEW Ht1r1pVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMO January 20, .1998 TO: Dave Weaver U Assistant County ivlanager FROM: Wyatt E. Blanchard County Engineer ;,~ ~~ Wetland Delineation I{err Avenue Pump Station Ogden Interceptor The pump station site located between Spring Branch and Smith Creek on the west side of Kerr Avenue has been checked by the Corps of Engineers for wetlands. The portion of the site on which the pump station will be located was declared to be outside of the wetlands. This site is an area which was filled with brick from an old brick plant many years ago. The only area on the site which is wetland is on the southwest corner which is being isolated with a silt fence. This area will not be filled. ~`} Since the pump station and fill will be outside of the wetland, a permit is not required. We have a Corp of Engineers' permit for the construction of the overall interceptor system. If you have additional questions, please call me. cc: Allen O'Neal Bill Caster, Chairman, NHC Commissioners WEB/aj ~6 a ,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/02/98 '~ Regular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: •~ Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen OT1ea1 Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: •• Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB iF.C'T; . Consideration of approval of Project to Upfit and Improve Historic Courthouse BRIEF SLIMMARY: As has been discussed there is a need to hire an architect with sensitit~i~to historicbuildings to plan, prepay ~~ specifications and oversee an upfit and improvement project for the historic courthouse. Staff has identifie the interior/exterior needs as outlined on the attached summary sheet. RECOMMFNDED MOT10N AND R OIIFSTFD ACTIONS ~ (1) Recommend the Commissioners authorize the development of an RFQ process for the selection of a, architect with sensitivity to historic buildings. (2) Approval of the attached budget amendment #98-011 for the purpose of hiring an architect ~. (3) Appoint a committee for the purpose of selecting an architect and to serve as the pFoje~ct~~ommittee. recommend the following person or positions for the project: One (1) County Co~mmtsstoner, Lucic Harrell, Clerk to the Board; Janet Seapker, Museum Director; Judith Grizzel, CVB Director; Wyatt Blanchard, or designee; County Manager or designees. Di R C ' Federal S: State S: County S:50,000 User Fees S: Other S: 1 Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request:yes Bud et Amendment Pre ared: es ~LGL: FIN: _ BUD: HR: ' COUNTY MANA(:FR'S COMM NT AND RFCOMMFNDATIO_NS Same as above. v ~~ ~OMMlSSt© v~o ~. 3ECTED ^ REMOVED p PbsrPO~IE~ o Rcfcr to OtT'ice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~'3 17 B12IEF SUMMARY * Update phone wiring * Install computer wiring * Upfit and prewire for future automation * New sound system for commissioners meeting room * Acoustics.'for commissioners meeting room , * Prepare commissioners meeting room for broadcasting * Lighting and lighting.control * Carpeting and window treatments * Commissioners meeting room and hallway furniture (chairs) * Interior painting and wall covering * Redesign of lower level to make more efficient use of space. to i r * Landscaping * Signage * Painting * Lighting Role of Convention and Visitors Burcati The Convention and Visitors Bureau has identified a need to install display cases, counters, furniture and accessories. Their need should be incorporated into the planning and specifications with the Convention and Visitors Bureau paying for any actual "personal property" (i.e. furniture, display cases, etc.) All painting, wiring, etc. should probably be considered as countyexpense. ~.4b1 - ~i~~}T~\ (4~ p~q ~:i U`l~gSt ~Qt 1 V i...t ~~ V 93v47~ . ®~tf~~~ir-' ~, .._ ~~ .. w i j~ '; ~ i~ ~~ Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT Governing Body #98-011 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Ion-Departmental Contingencies $50,000 Governing BodX Contracted Services DATE: 02/02/98 CREDIT $50,000 EXPLANATION To transfer funds from Contingencies for a consultant to design improvements for the Commissioners' Meeting Room. With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $137,389. ~~ courun ~oMMiss APPROVE~~ J REJEGT;__. J REMO~:~':_ _. POSTPC3f~~~ ~~ HEARD p t?A7E ~ a For Budget Ofticcr's approval; then rcport to Commissioncrs at neat rr~~r meeting and entcr in minutes. 1(`,/~ To be approvcd by Commissioners. To be entered into minutcs. This page intentionally left blank 20 ~~~~,~~~AA~~c~ ~~ .'~~ ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting' Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver. Page Count.In A enda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUB.TECT: . Award of Contract to .SRC, Inc. for removal of hurricane debris from drainageways in the County and approval of resolution for access: ~. -BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County, through funding primarily from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), is moving forward to clean hurricane debris .from a number of drainageways scattered throughout the County. On January 27, County staff opened the following bids to perform the work: L & D Contracting, Inc. $130,000 - ----- -. Storm Reconstruction Services, Inca $106,820 The Board should award the contract to-Storm Reconstruction Services, Inc. The attached resolution needs to be extended from the existing deadline of March 31 to December 31, 1998, as marked. This extension ,. is needed in order to ensure adequate access not only for this drainage protect, but also for the future "snag and diag" drainage project to eventually be done using HUD funds from the $1.8 million. disaster recovery grant. .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Board should award the contract to Stormwater Reconstruction Services, Inc. for $106;820 and approve . the attached budget amendment to allow for eventual reimbursement from the NRCS. The Board should also. adopt the attached resolution extending the period allowed for access. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: ~ . ~FIM: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUNfiY G1~I ~ ..,_ Rr=~,:~~,~`D PQSTPONE~ Q BARD ~ .. -~__ .,. .~ , _ _ _ ~''~y~~ tr1~ ~ r•. 7~ ~ ~ : .~ Q~ f~1V3Ci~Y~ ~ 4 'New Hanover County Contract ~ 98.- 0169 .NORTH CAROLINA -. . NEW HANOVI~ COUNTY THIS CONT~RCT, made and entered ; into this day -of ' .1997, by and between NEW HANOVER COUN'T'Y, a political subdivision of the State of North `Carolina, hereinafter referred to as 'Count}~• _ and a. North Carolina corporation, hereinafter ~, . referred to as 'Contractor". ~ ~. ' ~ v~1IT1`iE~~ETH: ~ ^ That the Contractor, for the consideration-hereinafter fully set out, hereby .. ~: agrees with the County as follows: - . .._ . . . AR'I~CLE I ~ - .. . GII1~AT. PROVISIONS _ _ 1. Perfor~ncmcP. Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment and. shall perform all work in the manner and form as provided by the ~ . , . .following enumerated specifications and documents, which aie attached hereto and made. a part hereof as if fully contained herein, for the project more fully described ..therein and more generally described as stream debris. removal and disposal within ` New Hanover County, as more specifically described in. site maps "A", attached . hereto :and incorporated.,.herein: Advertisement for Bids, ,Instruction to Bidder, Specifications, General Conditions, cmd Special Conditions cad the Contractor's . .Proposal attached hereto. - 1.2. l Igo Privity wi h Q h rs. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create, or be interpreted to create, privity or any other contractual agreement . . between the Owner and any person or entity other than the Contractor. . 1.2.2 successors and' AS~igI1~. ;The County and- Contractor bind T ' ~ ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 themselves, their successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other Pity hereto and to successors, assigns and legal representatives of: such other pai;y ~ respect to covenants, agreements and obligations contained in .this Contract. The Contractor. shall not assign this: Contract without written consent of the County and any surety to this contract. 1.3 The. Contractor shall have a continuing_duty to read, carefully study . and compare each of the contract documents, the shop drawings cmd the product data and shall give .written notice to the owner of,.any. inconsisten ~ ambi . L cY, _ guity, erTOr or omission, which the Contractor may;:discover with respect to these documents before proceeding with the affected work. The-;issucm~P ~,- ~+~,o~ o„~,_;,..~ ,_ :_-,. , approval by the County, the Contract, Documents, Shop .Drawings or Product Data shall not relieve the.Contractor of the continuing duties unposed hereby, nor shall any such approval. be evidence of the,Contracfor's compliance: with this, contract. THE OWNER MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR .. WAF~RA.NI'Y ~ OF ~y NATURE .:,WHATSOEVER TO THE CONTRACTQR CONCERNING: SUCH DOCUMENT'S; By'tt'e execution hereof, the. Contractor ackngwledges and representr~. that it has received, ,_ reviewed and carefully examined such, documents,- has found them to be complete, accurate, adequate, consistent; coordinated and sufficient, for construction, and that the Contractor has not, does not,- .and .will- not .rely upon any representation or warranties- by the County concerning .such documents as no such representation or. warranties have been or are hereby made. - . 1.4 Neither the organization of any of the Contract Documents into divisions, sections, paragraphs, articles, (or other. categories), nor the organization or arrangement of the Design, shall control the. Contractor in dividing the Work or in establishing the extent or scope. of the Work to be performed by.Subcontractors. 2 .. ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 1.5 ~ rs ip of Contract T~rx-~1mPnts. .The Contract Documents, and each of them, shall remain the property of the County. The Contractor shall have the right to keep one record set.. of the Contract Documents upon completion of the Project; provided,however, that in no event shall Contractor use, or permit to be used, any or all of such Contract Documents on other projects without the Count}~s prior written. authorization. 1.6 . The Work. The Contractor shall perform all of the Work required, .implied or reasonably inferable from, this Contract. 1.7 The term "Work' shall mean whatever is done by or required,.of the . ~ Contractor to perform and complete its duties under, this .,Contract, including the . `following; performance. of the whole or a designated part of the Project; furnishing of any required surety bonds .and insurance; and the provision or furnishing of labor, _ . `supervision, services, materials, supplies, equipment, fixtures, appliances, facilities,. ' tools, transportation, storage, power, permits. and licenses required of the. Contractor, fuel, heat, light, cooling and.all other utilities as required by this Contract. The Work to be performed by the Contractor is generally described as follows: Stream debris _ • removal and disposal at several designated sites within New Hamer County. . ' 1.8 Inde~2endent Con ract~r. It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Contractor, his, or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any C,~u:-~ty employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. . . ARTICLE II TLlviE AND LIQUIDATID DAMAGES 2.1 The Contractor shall commence the Work upon receipt of a Notice 3 New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 to Proceed and shall _achieve Substantial. Completion :of the, Work no later thcrri s' ~, (60) days hereafter. The number of calendar days from the:date on which the Work is permitted to proceed, through the, dafe set forth for .Substantial .Completion, shall constitute the 'Contract Time.' . 2.2 ..Substantial Completion. , 'Substantial. Conipletion' shall mean that. stage in the progression of the Work when the Work is sufficiently complete in accordance' with this ,Contract that the County can enjoy beneficial use or occupancy ~: of the Work and can utilize the Work for. its intended purpose.- ~~~ . 2.3 Time if of the ~SPnrA. ~ limitations of time set forth in the Contract Documents ,are of the essence of this Contract.. _ ~ AR'IZCLE III , ~ ... 3.1 Changes Permitted. Changes in the Work.within the general scope of thus Contract; consisting of additions, deletions, revisions, or any. combination thereof, .may be ordered .without invalidating this Contract,. by Change Order or b Y Field Order. 3.2 Changes in the Work shall be performed .under applicable ~~ provisions of this Contract and the.. Contractor shall proceed promptly with such changes. 3.3 Sege Order T~P~;n~,-a. ~~ge pj.der shall mean cc written border to the Contractor executed by the County anti the Architect, issued after execution of this Contract, authorizing and directing a change . in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, or any, combination thereof. The Contract Price cmd the Contract Time maybe chcnzged~only;byChange Order. 3.4 Changes in the Contrcrc-t Pr;~A, ~y change in the Contracf-Price 4 New Hanauer County Contract # 98 - 0169 ~ . resulting from a Change Order ,shall be determined. ` as follows: (a) by mutual ' agreement between .the County .and the Contractor as evidenced by (1) .the, change in the Contract Trice being set.-forth in the Change Order, (2) such ,change in ..the Contract Price, together with any conditions or requirements related thereto,. being . initialed by both pairties and (3) the Contractor's execution of the Change Order, or (b) ' if no :mutual ;agreement occurs, between the County and the Contractor; then, as provided herein:.. ~ , . e 3.5 ' If ,unit prices are ..provided in the Contract,: and if the qu~tties contemplated are so.changed in a proposed Change Order that application of such unit prices to the quantities of Work proposed will cause substantial inequity to the County or to the Contractor;. the applicable unit prices shall be equitably.adjusted. "3.6 Effect of x . ~ted Change Order. The execution of a Change Order by .the. Contractor shall constitute .conclusive evidence of the Contractor's agreement. to the ordered changes in the Work, this Contract as thus amended,. the Contracf e 'Price`and the Contract Time.. The Contractor, by executing the Change Order,. waives ` and. forever releases any claim, against the, County for additional time ~ or compensation for matters relating to or arising out of or resulting from the Work included within or affected by the executed Change Order. _ 3.7 hlotification of Surety. ~~ Change Orders shall require. written consent -.: of the Contractor's surety,. and the amount of applicable bonds shall be adjusted accordingly. ~ At the tune of signing a Change Order, the Contractor shall be required to certify as follows: "I -certiiy that all 'sureties will be notified that my contract has been increased by the amount of this Change Order, and that a copy of the approved Change Order will be mailed upon its receipt by me to all sure~es." No payment to 5' . ,New Hanover: County Contract; # 98 - 0169 ,, the Contractor on :account of , any. Ghange.;C7der. shall be~=come due •or "payable until . written evidence of the suret}~s..conserit; to the. Change Order has been furnished to ~~ ~ ,~ .the County and the furnishing, of such written consent is a condition precedent to such y `payment. Contractor shall notify .its sureties of any changes c~fecting•~the general scope of the. work or. change in, the contract price (and the amount of .applicable ,, .~. ,. bonds. shall. be. adjusted .accordingly)....,. The .Contractor ~ shall' fiarnish~ proof of such adjustment to the County. ARTICLE IV „.4.1 The ntrc~ct R-+~A, 'fie County shall :pay, ~.ind the Contractor shall accept, as full and. complete payment. for•. all of the ..Work regtureci herein, the' fixed sum of , . ($ .: ~ ) .Dollars, said Burn ~ set' forth ir. this Paragraph Ishaxll constitute the Contract. Price which shall not be modified except by Change.Order as provided in this Contract. ' 4.2. ached ~1P of V lvP~. Wit~.ten (10) calendar days of the effective date hereof, the Contractor shall submit to :the County a Schedule" of Valuesallocating the Contract Price to the various~portions of the Work.` The Contractor's Schedule of Values shall,be prepcn•ed in such form,, with,~such:detail, and supported by'such data as the County may require to ;substantiate ,its accuracy. The Contracfor~'sliall not imbalance its Schedule of Values nor artificially inflate any element thereof. The violation of this- provision. by,the Contractor shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. The Schedule of Values. shall.be.used :only. as" a basis for theContractor's Applications for Payment and .shall only_ constitute such ..basis` after it has'been .. -~ 6~ . New Hanover County Contract ~ 98 - 0169.. . acknowledged in writing by the County.. ~ ' 4.3 Pav*nent Proced it . -The County shall pay the Contract Price to the Contractor as provided below. 4.3.1 Proare~~ P exits: Based u .-.fin pon the. Contractor's Applications for . .Payment ;submitted. to the County, .the .County shall make .appropriate progress payments to the Contractor on account of the Contract Price. 4:3.2 On or before the 10th day of each month after commencement of the Work, the Contractor., shall submit azi Application for Payrrient for ,the period ending the last day of the previous month to the County in such form and manner, and ..with such su PPorting data and content,. as the County may require. Therein, the Contractor may request ent for' nine r paym ty percenf (90 /°) of that portion: of the Contract Price,properly allocable to Contract regiurements .properly provided, labor,. ..materials, cnd equipment properly incorporated in the Work plus ninety percent. (90%) _ of that .portion of the Contract .Price properly allocable to materials or equipment t .. properly stored onsite (or elsewhere if approved in advance in writing by the County) for subsequent incorporation in the Work, less the total amount of previous payments . received. from the County. Payment for .stored materials .and equipment shall be conditioned upon the Contractor's proof satisfactory to the County, that the County has . ' title to such materials and equipment and shall include proof of required insurance: Such.. Application for Payment shall be signed by the Contractor and shall constitute the Contractor's representation that the Work has progressed to the level for which ` _ Payment is requested in accordance with the Schedule of Values, that the Work hc~s been properly installed or performed in full accordance with 'phis Contract, and that the Contractor knows of no reason why payment should not be .made as requested. Thereafter, .County Engineer will review the Application for Payment and may also 7 ' ~ . .New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 review the` Work at the project site or elsewhere to determine whether the quantity and 4u~ty of the Work is as represented in the Application` for Payment ~ d is as reQLUr'ed by this Contracf.. The Counf~, Engineer shall determine the amount ~ro owing to the Contractor. The County shall make P perly . partial" Payments on account of the j Contract Price^ to the Contractor within.thirty` (30) d s foIlo ' , ay Ong the Count}' Engineer's receipt of each. Application for. Payment. The. amouiit~~ of each be the amount certified for ~~~ Paymenf shall .. _., :. payment b the Coun Fn .. ;. ', 9 - - . y ~ amounts, if any, or v; eer ess~such , :otherwise owing by:the Contractor to the Coun . ~ tY .hick the County shall have 'the ~ . right to withhold as authorized by this.Contract., , ~ .. ' ,I . 4.4 The Contractor warrants .that upon submittal of czii Application for Payment, all Work for, which - f. PayInenfs have been received from the, County shall be ree and clecir . . of liens, claims, _security interest _or other encumbrances in favor of the Contractor or any other person or entity. whatsoever. ~ - '„ ~ . . f ' 4.5 The Contractor shall,promptly .pay each Subcantractor out of the cnnount paid to the Contractor.on account of.such Subcontractor's Work; the amount to which such Subcontractor is~enti;tled.. In the event the County becomes uiformed that fhe Contractor has not pmd a Subcontractor as herein provided, the Courtshall _ have the right, but not the duty, to issue future checks in ~ " payriient~to the Contractor of amounts otherwise due hereunder. ncaning.,the Contractor cmd such Subcontra ctor as joint, payees. Such joint. check procedure, if employed by the County, shall creafe no rights in favor of any .person or entity beyond the right of the named •' payees to .Payment of the check and .shall. not be deemed to ,commit the Couii ~ to re ty peat the procedure in the future. .: - .. - 4.6 No progress payment, nor any use or occupancy of the Pro`ect the County, shall be interpreted to constitute an acceptance of , by. ~y Work not in strict 8 . ~ New Hanauer County Contract # 98 - 0169 accordance with this Contract. 4.7 Withheld Payment; The County may decline to make payment, may withhold .funds,. and, if .necessary, may demand the return- of .some or all of the ' .amounts previously paid. to the, Contractor, to protect the County from loss because of: a) ,defective Work not remedied by the Contractor nor, in the opinion of the.County, likely to be remedied by the Contractor; b) claims of third parties against the County or the Count}~s property, c) failure by the. Contractor to PaY Subcontractors or others in a prompt and proper fashion; . d) evidence that the balance of the Work cannot be completed in accordance-with the Contract for the unpcrid balance of the Contract price; ' e) evidence that the Work will not be completed in the time required for' substantial or final ,completion; f) persistent failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract; g) damage to the County or a third party to whom the County is, or may ~~ be, liable. , In the event that the County makes written demand upon the Contractor , for amoun4s previously paid by the County as cc!Rte:aplated in this Subparagraph, the Contractor shall promptly comply with such demand. 4.8 1lnexcused FcdI rrP to Pau. If within ten (l0} days after the date esfablished fiereiri for payment to the Contractor by the County, the Count};, without cause or basis hereunder, fails to pay the Contractor any crrnount then due and . . payable to the Contractor, then the Contractor may after seven (7) additional days' written notice to the County, and without prejudice to any other available rights or 9 _. . NevP Hanover County Contract # 98 -, 0169 remedies it may have, stop the Work until payment of: those amounts` due from the County have been received. ;Any Paynient~not made within ten (10)'days after the date due shall beta interest at the rate of eight percent (8%) per cmnurii~ i ~~ 4.9 Substanti t C'' m~1~±;on.:When the Contractor believes that the Work is substantially complete, the Contractor shall submit to the County Engineer a list of items toy be completed or corrected. When the ,County Engineer on the basis of an inspection determines that the Work is.in fact substantially complete, it will. prepare a :.. ......a.. Certificate of Substantial Completion-which ~sha11` establish' the date of Substctritial .~ ~: - - ~ . Completion,: shall state the responsibilities of the County ~d the Contractor for Project security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage.to the Work, and insurance, and shall fix the time. within which the Contractor shall complete the items-listed therein. ,_ Guarantees .required by the Contract :shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the Work. The Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be submitted to the County and the Contractor for their.. written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in such certificate. Upon Substantial Completion of the Work, and execution. by both the County and. the Contractor of the Certificate ~of Substantial Completion, the County shall pay the Contractor an amount sufficient to increase total payments to the Contractor to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price less. three hundred percent (300%) of the ..reasonable cost as determined by the County, for completing all incomplete Work, correcting and bringing into conformance ~ all defective and nonconforming Work, and handling-all unsettled claims. 4.10 Completion and Fn 1 PavmPn+, When all of _the`Work fs 'finally complete and the Contractor is ready for a-final inspection, it shall notify'the County thereof in writing, Thereupon, the County .Engineer will .make final inspection of `th'e Work for purposes of final payment. of the Work is complete in full accordance with 10 New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 this Contract and this Contract has been fully performed, tl,,e County. may proceed with payment. 4.11 If the Contractor fails to achieve final completion within the time :. fixed therefor b the Coun , Y tY in its Certificate of Substantial.Completion, the Contractor shall pay the County the sum of Two Hundred .and Fifty Dollars .($250.00) per day for .each cmd' every calendar day of unexcused delay in achieving final completion beyond the date set forth herein for final completion of the Work: Any sums due. and . payable hereunder' b the Contractor shall be Y payable, not as a penalty, but .as ~ ~~` . liquidated damages representing an estimate of delay damages likely to be sustained ,... by the County, estimated at or before the time of executing. this Contract. When the County reasonably believes that final completion will. be unexcusably delayed, the ' County shall be entitled, but not required, to withhold from any amounts otherwise due . `. ~' the Contractor an amount then believed by the County to be adequate to recover ~` quidated dames es licable to such del g app ays. If and when the Contractor f' overcomes the delay in achieving final completion, or any part thereof, for which the County has .withheld payment, .the County shall promptly release to the Contractor t those funds withheld, but no longer applicable, as liquidated damages. ~" ' 4.12 The Contractor shall not be entitled to final., payment unless and u.~tii it ~suhmits to -the County Engineer its affidavit that all pay:~olIs, invoices .for - materials and equipment, .and other liabilities connected with the Work for which the County, or the Count}~s .property might be responsible, have been fully pced or ~. otherwise satisfied; releases and waivers of lien from all Subcontractors of the `Contractor and of any and all other parties required by the Architect or the County; consent of Surety, if any, to final payment. If any third party fails or refuses to provide a release. of .claim or waiver of lien as required by the County, the Contractor shall 11 u . •~ .New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 However, final acceptance shall. not preclude or estop County from correcting vn measur'emen#, estimate, or certificate made before or after co Y mpletlon of the work, nor shall County be precluded' or estopped~ from 'recovering ove ent rpayin s from Contractor or his sure . .. _ ty, or both A weaver on the .. . ,,, . part: o{ the County of cmy breach of . , ~Y Part o ,the- contract ,shall not :be; held to be a -weaver `of an other or subs ~; ;. ; • ~ . Y ~ eatuent :breach:. . ;' .. , . . 5.8 ,~>>ntv Merv A moot Defective or t~1on~nn~~,•~,,,, Tx~ , . , If the ..,_ , . _.__ chooses. to acce f 'defective or nonconformin Work; ' P g' the County may`do so. In such event, • the Contract Price. shaIl be reduced by the gI'eater of (a) the reasonable cost of removing said ,correcting the defective or nonconforming Work, and (b) the differen ce between he fair market value of the .Project. as constructed and the fcnr ncaket val :.. of the Project had it not been. constricted.in~such a manner as ' to~uiclude ue defective or nonconforming Work. If the, remaining portion of the unpcrid Contract Price, if an ' is Y, .: insufficient to compensate. the .County.. for ~ its acceptance' of defective or nonconforming Work, the Contractor shall, upon:written deinand~from,ihe Coun• tY PaY the .County such remarining compensation :for accepting defective or nonconformtn Work.. 9 ~. AR'ITCLE VI . ., 6.1 Consistent with- the Contractor's continuing duty set forth: herein the. Contractor shall perform no pcr't of the Work at-cmy time without adequczte'C,ontract Documents or, as appropriate, .approved Shop, Drawings;'~Product' Data or Samples for such portion. ,of the Work. If the Contractor performs, dry of the Work kn owing it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission in -the Contract Documents without such notice to the County Engineer; the Contractor shall bear responsibili for ~' 14 15 . _ .New, Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 So long as the individuals named. above remain `actively employed or retained by the .Contractor, they .shall', perform the functions indicated next to ,their .names unless the County agrees to-the contrary in writing, In the event one or more '.individuals, not listed. above subsequently assume one or more of those functions listed above, ~ the Contractor shall be bound by the provisions of the above Subparagraph as though such individuals had'beenasted above. :. ,: , _, 6.7. The ,Contractor, .within fifteen (15). days of coriimencing the Work, ,- shall _: submit, _, to._~athe.~ ..Coon for. their uzformation, the- Contractor's --schedule --for-- mpleting the Work. The Contractor's. schedule shall be -revised no less frequently o ..t.. .. ,....than monthly furless'the . , parties otherwise .agree in writing) and' shall be revised to reflect conditions. encountered from dime to time and shall: be related to tle.entire Project. Each su .ch revision,.. shall. be .furnished: to the County. Fair :~ ore by the ' ~ , Contractor to ,strictl com 1 with the revisions, of, this Para Y,. P y P graph •ashall,'constitute a . , .., , . 'material breach of this Contract...... r.r. ' 6:8 The Contractor shall continuously maintain at"the site,'~for the benefit of the County; one record copy of this .Contract marked ~tq record on a current basis changes, selections and modifications. made during constriction. Additionally, the .~, Contractor shall maintain. at the site, ,far the County the approved Shop Drawings, .. Product Datq Samples and other similar r equired .submittals. Upori final completion of the Work, all of these'record documents shall be delivered to the Coun , . _ ty 6.9 The Contractor .shall not perform any portion of the Work requiring submittal and review of Shop Drawings, product Data or Samples unless and until . such submittal shall have been approved by the County Engineer. Approval by the County Engineer, however, shall not be evidence that Work installed pursuant thereto conforms with the requirements of this Contract. 16 ` ~ -New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 6.I0 Meaning t=he Site and the PrQj.~t. The Contractor shall keep the ` site reasonably.clean during performance, of the Work. Upon final completion of the; -Work, the Contractor shall clean the site and the Project and remove all waste, ;, , together with all of the Contractor's ro therefrom. P Pem' ~. 6:11 Access to Work. The County shall have access to the Work at ally times from' commencement of .the Work through. final completion.. The Contractor shall take whatever steps necessary to provide.access when requested. 6.12 Permits and icenSes. Contractor shall procure all applicable permits } and licenses; ,including permits .and licenses required pursuant to applicable patent and .copyright .laws,. shall pay .all charges and fees,. _and shall give all notices ;necesseuy and incidental to the du~.:~,d lawful prosecution to the work. There will be- no charge for County building permits. ~~ 6.13.1 To' the fullest extent . I~o.~mn1~Y• permitted by , law, the Contractor shall indemnify and -hold ~ harmless the .County fiom and against ,liability, claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys'-fees, arising. i. .. ~ ~ .. out of or resulting .from performance of the Work,, provided that such liability, claims, r E t damage,.: loss or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease. or death, or ,~ to injury to or destruction of tangible property lather than the Work itself) including ' . loss ofd use resulting therefrom; but only to the extent caused in whole or in part by negligent. acts or omissions of the Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone, directly or .indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such liability; claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a . party indem*lifiec3 hereunder. 6.13.2 In claims against any person or .entity indemnified under this _ Paragraph j;l~tx, by an employee of the Contractor, a`~Subcontractor, any one ~. . 17 u New Hanover-County Contract # 98 - 0169 delay becomes critical, as the sole result of any act or neglect to act by the Coup o ty r someone acting.in the Courit}~s behalf,. or by chcuiges ordered.in.the Work;`unusual delay in transportation, unusually adverse weather, conditions `not•~reasonabl Y cmticipcrtcrble, fire or any causes beyond the Contractor's control,' then the date for . . achieving Substantial Completion. of the Work shall. be extended.rupon the written .. notice and claim of tYie Contractor, to the .County,,-fors such reasonable 'time as°'the COUnt`I Engineer may deterrrune by written change.order:.lAny notice and clcrim for an extension.. of time by the Contractor shall be made. not more than seven (7) days ~~ ~ ~ "~ . offer the occurrence of the event or the first .appeargnce.of the, condition giving rise, to the claim and shall .set forth ,in detail the Contractor's basis for requiring additional time in ~which~ to complete the Project. ^,In the event the. delay to the Contractor'is a • ` continuing one, only one notice and. claim for additional tune shall. be necessary. If the Contractor fails to make. such. claim as required. in this Subparagraph, any claim for extension of time shall be waived. 7.4.2, If the Contractor alleges, delay by the ,Owner or 'any Agent or ,._ employee of either, the Contractor's sole and .exclusive:-remedy, for the d lav shall be to request a time extension for completion;of the Contract and,not damages... ~' . . ~.E'I'ICLE IX ~ ~ ~ , 8.1 icon rcx .tQr~., A Subcontractor.; is an.entity which. has a direct contract with the Contractor_to perform a portion,of the Work: _.. ,. . 8.2 Award of St~brnntrrrr-f~ • Upon .:execution ,of the Contract, the' ~... .~. Contractor shall .furnish the County, in writing,: the names of .persons 'or entities proposed by the Contractor to act as a ;Subcontractor on .the Project. ~ The County- . , shall within ten (10) days reply to the Contractor, in writing, staffing cmy objections the ' 22 , ., . New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 . County, may have to such proposed Subcontractor. The Contractor shall not enter into a Subcontract with ci proposed Subcontractor with reference to whom the. County has. made timely objection. The Contractor shall not be required to Subcontract with any pcu-ty,to whom the Contractor has objection. ' 8.3 A11 Subcontracts .shall cdford the Contractor rights. against the .Subcontractor which; correspond to-those rights afforded to the County against the ., Contractor herein, including those .rights. afforded to the County hereunder by. the ~. . Subparagraph captioned,. Termination by CwynPr. . CLE X ^ 9.1.1. Termination by the Con resrtnr_ If the Work is stopped for a period . - of ninety (90) days: by an order of any court or other public authority, or as a result of . an~ act of tha Government, through no fault of the Contractor or any person or entity . i working directly or indirectly. for the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon ten (10) days' written notice to -the County terminate performance under this Contract and . .. recover.,from the County payment for the actual reasonable expenditures of the Contractor for all. Work ,executed and for materials, equipment, tools, construction F equipment and machinery actually purchased or rented solely. for fhe Work, less any - E ' salvage. value of any".such items. ~ ~ 9.1.2 If the County shall persistently. or repeatedly .fail to perform. any material obligation. to the Contractor for a period of fifteen (l5) days after receiving ,. written notice from the Contractor of its intent to terminate hereunder, the Contractor . may terminate performance under this Contract by written notice to the County. In such event, the Contractor shall be entitled to recover from the County as though the ..County. had. terminated the. Contractor's performance under this Contract for 23 New Hanauer County Contract # 98 - 0169 .. Contractor shall not be entitled to receive an further .. '. ~ . Y payment, until the .Work is finished. . If he unpcrid balance . of the Contract.-Price .exceeds the cost of finishing the work, including compensation .for .the County's additional services and expenses made necessary thereby; such .excess shall be paid to 'the Contractor. If such cost exceed- the .unpaid balance, ,the 'Contractor shall pay the difference to the County. This obligation for payrnenf shall survive. the terniina~on of -the Contract. 9.2:2:3 In the' event the :em_ 'lo .. ~_ ., ` .. ; p yment;of the' Contractor is terminated by .the County for cause pursuant hereto and it'is subsequently determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction that such termination :.was without cause, such termination shall thereupon be deemed a Termination for Convenience under first pcaagraph and the .provisions of such a ~ ~ .' . Par'.. graph. shall apply: ~ • ... .. ., . ARTICLE XI , • COMPi to NCF WI'I'Fi J A Lx~~ • , - r 1.0:1 Iz~rws To . Ob~Prv~, , ~n~actor shall observe and comply with all Federal and State laws, including Department ~~ of Labor - Health and Safe . tY . Regulations, and all local laws,.;ordinances and regulations which' in any way affect the conduct of the contract work. 10.2' Contractor shall comply with N.C.G.S; Chapter 87,` Article 8 and provide all notification .required. by statute.. andContractor shall be responsible for cost of repair to all utilities damaged during. construction. 10.3 Taxes. Contractor,shall Pay all .applicable Federal, State. caZd local taxes, including sales taxes. on .all equipmenf and materials .used in the project. County is qualified to receive all. sales taxes .paid- on -the project as a rebate. Contractor shall submit a statement showing. the invoice, sales ••tmces paid to State, 26 ' 1Vew Hanover Co~uaty Contract # 98 - 0169 sales taxes paid to county of vendor's location, and name of county of all material and . equipment used in the project. A tax statement shall be submitted with each pcy - . - request and shall be accompanied by an affidavit verifying validation. , 10.4.1 Nondis . 'minrrtic~n. Contractor will fake affirmative action not to ~~ discriminate agcrinst any employee or applicant, for employment or otherwise illegally " 1 deny any person participation in or the benefits of the activities which are: the subject of this contract, because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin.:. _10.4.2 -Goal for Participation-~bv I~~inori Businesses.. It is 'the policy of the -~-- County that minority businesses shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in -the :.performance of contracts financed with public money including contracts . ativarded pursuant to the requirements of Article 8 of the N.C.G.S. ..New Hanover County, has adopted a ten percent (10%) verifiable goal i for participation by minority businesses iri the total value. of work required- by the. ferms and concitions of this contract. ' Contractor. covenants and agrees to comply with said policy of the F e County cmd the provisions of N.C.G.S. Article 8 and shall follow County guidelines - specifying .the actions that Contractor must take to ensure a good faith effort in the " 1ecruitrnent and selection of minority businesses for participation in this contract. 10.5 Conflict of nt .rest. No party hereto shall acquire of possess any interest, either. direct of indirect, in any aspect of the subject property to be constructed or renovated hereunder. ", CIE X1T ~3PREI'ATION 11.1 Intent and Int -~rPtcztion. The intent of this. Contract is to require complete, correct and timely execu+son of the Work.. Any Work that may be required, . 27 ~> . ,New Hanaver,County Contract # 98 - 0169 implied or inferred by the ,Contract Documents, or any one- or more of them, cis .. ^ necessary to .produce the intended result -shall be .provided by'the Contrdctor fc~ the contract. price. . 11.1.1. I~w_g,~~,. ~ of the,terms and conditions contained in the contract documents sh . ,all be interpreted in. accordance with the laws of the Sfate of North Ccu~olina. 11.1.2" Arbitr inn. Arbitration :of claims, .disputes and• questions arising under this. contract :may , onlyw be usedwhen ; ;both . ~ pcrc'ties agree to arbitrate. ~AI'bitration shall be in accordance with the. Constriction Indus"try Arbitration Rules of . the American. Arbitration Association then obtaining.a: In no .event= shall fewer than three (3) .arbitrators be used; . County and Contractor .shall each 'select. one (1) arbitrator and the two (2) .arbitrators .shall select a thud. The award rendered b the .- y arbitrators shall be final, specifically enforceable and recordable as a judgment in any court having jurisdiction thereof. F~ntire Ac~eement, This agreernen# cold the noted documents and specifications constitutes .the entire .understanding of the parfies. '.The. contract documents shall be given precedence in. the followin ord . g er. Agreement, Modifications, AddendaY Supplemental, Conditions, Special Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions;, Specifications-and Drawings:.. 11.2.2 ,As between numbers and scaled measurements on the Drawing's .and in .the Design, the numbers shall govern; as .between larger scale and smaller scale drawings, the larger scale shall govern:. . :.11.2.3 This contract is intended ~ to be an .integral whole and shall be interpreted as internally consistent. What is required by any one contract document shall be considered as required by the Contract. 28 ;~ ATTEST: ecretary esi ent 30 ,,~ . NevP Hcmwer County Contract #` 98 - 0169 11.2.4 ~hoD D_ rawing~ P,-~;,~t t~„+n ~,,,~a Smnpl~• Shop Drawings, Product Data, Scunples..and other submittals fromL.the .Contractor do not constitute Contract Documents. Their purpose is merely to demonstrate the manner in which the Contractor intends; to implement the. Work in conformance .with information received from the. Contract Documents. _' 11.2.5 When a word, term or phrase is used in this .contract, it .shall, be interpreted or construed,. first, as defined Herein; ~ second, if not defined, according to its generally accepted meaning in the. construction industry; and third, if there is no generally accepted meaning in the construction industry„according to its common -... - and customary usage. 11.2.6 The words. `include', 'includes', or 'Secluding', as ...used in this contract, .shall be deemed to ~be followed by the phrase, `without limitation'. ' Words or terms used as nouns in Phis contract shall be inclusive of their-sin .~ gular and plural. forms, unless the context of their usage.: clearly realurres a contrary meaning. 11.2.8 The specification herein of any act, failure, refusal, omission, event, .occurrence or condition as constituting a material breach of this contract shall not imply that any-:other, non-specified act, failure, .refusal, omission, event, occurrence or condition shall be deemed not to constitute a material breach of thin contract. _11,3. No ices: All notices required hereunder to be sent to either pa: ~y shall be sent to -the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such cha:;~e of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: 29 New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0169 . This mstnunent has been pre- . audited in the manner req~.ured by the Local Government Budget . and Fisccl Control Act. ~ ,Approved as to form: unty mance ector unty ttorney NORTH CAROLINA . NL~V HANOVER COUNTY T~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board o{ Commissioners of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly given and cs the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its ncme by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal. and attested by herself as Its Clerk. '. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this -day of , 1997. Notary Public ~. . My commission expires: , t - .NORTH CAROLINA - NEW HANOVER COUNTY I' a Notary Public of. the State and County aforesaid, certify that came before me this day and acknow]edged .that (s)he fs Secretary of " corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporationhe foregoing instrument was signed in its-name by its President, sealed with its corporate. seal and attested _ by him/herself as its Secretary. WI'T'NESS my hand and official seal, this _ day of 1997. My commission expires: Notary Public 31 ,~~ r ~~, , _ Budget Amendment ' " ~//i/%%~~%/////~%%%%~%/~~~ ~%%~%%~%///////////~////////////%~//%%~%%/%////////%~///////////////////////////////~~///// DEPARTMENT... BUDGET AMENDMENT # • DATE Emergency Management/ 98-011.6 2/2/98 -. ; :Hurricane Preparedness .. .,. ADJUSTMENT .. .. DEBIT CREDIT ~ " . EmerQency Management/ `' - Hurricane Preparedness _ .. ~. Natural Resources &"Conservation $130,000 ' ". - . , Services Contracted Services $130,000 EXPLANATION " ` To . budget Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) funding for contracting to clean hurricane .debris from. a number of drainageways scattered throtaghout fihe County. ~. ~~Lirl~l'i"~''' APPROVED , ~. _.__. - . " REJECTED . ~ J L; t) ~- ~ }' i ~ ~~MQ~/E~ [~ or Budget Officer's approval; then report ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting , ~ -~ ~ ~vs~rPOrvl~p i J~ ~ $ ~i ~ ~~~ ~ and enter in minutes. i /' To be approved by Commissioners. ~~ ~ To be entered into minutes. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ - ~~. :.:.. - . ., ~-.. ". AN_ EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION OF THE _ ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County suffered a "major disaster" September 5 and - .6; 1996 when. struck by Hurricane Fran; and WHEREAS, severe property damage occurred within New Hanover County; creating drainage obstructions on public and private property; and ~ - ~ , : WHEREAS; pursuant to Chapter 6.7-23© of the New_Hano~er County Code, ° an emergency proclamation may be issued to maintain"order and protect lives- or ° property during. the state of emergency; and . ~ WHEREAS, the County still has sewer drainage obstructions on public and ~ : private property, . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS PROCLAIMED by the:Chairman of the New ~ . . Hanover County Board of Commissioners that. it is necessary to authorize County ` officials; their agents, or assigns to continue entering onto private property within New - Hanover.County for the purpose of removing drainage obstructions. " IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED that this proclamation shall take effect upon its execution and shall remain in effect until December 31, 1998. " This the 2nd-day of February 1998. NEW HANOVER COUNTY o : [SEAL] William A. Caster,Chairman - ~ Board .of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~OCIIIfTY CtlMM~~ APPRi~`/ED ~~ - . C~EJECTED # ° Clerk to the Board REMOVED ~'G1STP+DNEd Q ~fEARD ka i --- ~ a / .~ ' r ^ a e ~ 6 1955TKT=::==y ~ T - I ~ V ~ - ~[Yr:[C Ce:7d °c!=q:"v=%=k":k?k%'vSr5 k5ixs!!r_Y.ye!.x%%55r N 'YfR ~ _ i .i5 oiSR%~q.9i!Klk9%~ ' ~ - rfNUE- - ..,, e:eT:erceiab •••^ _ 9 ~ ==rT `- Rp te.n:%rcr,5i'cepo:;aee % - w " ~~ ~ g~:'-eeiG+ee Ck°ta CY~Y.Ya8C6ir4:4k r /. ~\` \ I 1~ ° Q ! \ ' ~ I ~ l ~l ~~~~ l ~ \ ,\,\ \\ 9 R~fgr I r(i ~ ~ a A e , ~ '~~~ ~ ~ ~ Z. "f I ~ f; ~ ,. .. - --- ------- ---- ~ 1 -- ,tea %` _~ - ' ~ ~~ \ I i 1 __ -- ~° Jai: r d ,_/ -~~ a I ~ \. ~ ' ,5 ..... _ 1 r ~ _ ~/~ e~ a a/ ~ d• I ' I. ~ ./\Q~ ,~ ~~~°t~ \ 11'1 ° ~ I ~ ~ (! ( r % ~yna' ~ ~ ~ III ~ I / ~{`, \ \ / ~ / ' ~ ~ %: \ ~ g Q 1 _'i 1 ~,t~.6,\\ ~ \ ~~~$ ~ ~' o =may ~ ~ ~ 1 c1 •\ .I . s ~ obi 2 h ' 1. 5 ~ 2 ~ C N ~ J y O I ~.. -'i 1 O ~ ~ -i o ~ O ,1 ,u/a~ yoao --_-. ., ,aRp n wsrr TcY~c4'" ~ ~ ~S ~ ~ i~~~R~~?a~ g~ !# Id} , o Z ~l rli e'~~~'d~ ~~j~ ~ T n o n 1 D pp ''pp yy@@4 3 ~ e E _= ~ s5 eF~ [g[g ~ega~ 3 F ~ i* ~ ~~~ m ~ R6 ~ T!E ~ 4~ d¢d p %° ate' £ R ~ d~ ~t 'kE ~ ~ m d 9 ~ ~ ~ s z ~ ®~~ ~ o e eb i a ~ _ _ _<. I'! II$ 1III -_o ~ C m >;=~- I:r---I I.a{.! ~~r ~''ll~ ~ , ~ I~II_ Ile~~ v ~ e~ . i _ -- 1.. b I r~-rte// , d~ f .~ Ji ~ Ia. !' y\, ~.~~ _~ .~J I,. ~~ !, 1..' 1f~.,~ _..~~::~= /~~ II :. ~ lei. roi ~ I ~. ~ YYY 13 ter -~`~ .:~_:: ~ =° ~• ~--~° ~ r-- ~ ~ 1 ; 4 q - .. °e~ ~' ~` _ - ~ ~: ,WHIG? S ~ ~ 1,4~, ~ h. 3 •_ ,~ I i li I r~ i s \'9 ~ ti 1 l - __.~ >~°~ / ~j'c,ro ~ ?3e Y-j pry lei ~~,~G/f <<~.~ 1f~/-a'~;~ ~ ~ y/•~ Y ~ I`~ ~, - I~~ ~- = 1 ~~ / .r, -,' .. :~ "5' ; / ~ ~` .fie; I , ~' ,, a ~}r z~ a ° x ` Dm £ I 1 l ` 1 w I / i^. ~ ~ fir. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ j'~ G O i ~ /~ F ' ~ R ~ m0o z ~`' EI Z . ~ ~~ .a sst __-.. ,--- '~ - ~ .. . . ~ '~ ; ~ .. ,- ~ ~ - ~ :_~ t ., , i . `~ 1, h 1 .. .. r ~ ` ^ , ~.. ~ ~.G. -, ~~ .. ~ 1 .. i .. ~~~~ ° 3 4 S~ I 9 s , ~}` ~--- ' 6;y- t ~ : ~~ ~~ C~~ F 3 •~~ °"~ .~~T\ i i~ i ~ 1 t l 8 1 ~ ; S ~ t r ;. ^~^~ro,. ,,,. ~a , f` L d .~ Y (t f ' , F ~ i/ 1 r~ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ;~ ~ Meeting Date: 02/02/98 _ Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional .Item #: ~~ Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: W att E. Blanchard ~ . . SUB.TECT: ~ . ~ - Resolution For Selection of Desi n En ineer Wilmin ton/Hanb Beach g g g y ~~ - BRTEF SUMMARY• In accordance with I1.C.G.S. 143-64 (b), New Hanover County' Water and Sewer District may exempt. itse r~ from the normal requirements for obtaining the services of an engineering firm. Staff recommends fakir this approach, since some relimn work has been erformed b En ineerin a 'c P ~T P y g g S rn es, PA; which ~h result in a cost savings to the District. In order to do this, the attached resolution must be approved. Plea:: ,~ note that an agenda item for the Water and Sewer District recommends awarding the contract to Engineerir. Services, PA. -~ . RECOMMF.NDFD MOTTON AND R OUF4TFD ACTiONS• . Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution with authonzation for the Chaitman_to execute. ~., °"Rf . ~ _ . ' _ ` ; - -UNDTNG SO R F• f°~~ . Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: . Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~~ RFViEWED BY• ' LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGFR~S COMM NTS aNn R OMMFNDATION LW . Recommend approval of resolution. Engineering Services PA is the engineering firm for Ca ling Beach and the firm has done work in this area in conjunction with a project they re ared for Caro • ~ each. P P COl1f~lT~' COMMISSIONc~' i ~~_~~~.~EO ~ a 21 R~iUOVEp 1~ ~{~~' Refcr to O(Ticc Vision Bullctin Board for DispositionP~STp©~~ ,` H EARL ~ ' ~~~~ RESOLUTION OF THE - - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County is undertaking to-provide sewer to tk~at-`~ unincorporated portion of the County situated between the Town of Carolina Beach and the Town of Kure Beach; and WHEREAS, the project is estimated to cost between $1.56 million to $2.0 million; and - WHEREAS, one qualified engineering firm has previously completed, a significant portion of the required engineering work as part of a previous project; and WHEREAS, the County can significantly reduce project completion time and engineering costs by contracting with this qualified engineering firm. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, pursuant to N.C.G.S. §143-64.32(b), that the referenced project be and hereby is exempted from the requirements of Chapter 143, Article 3D. This the day of 1 ggg. (SEAL) ATTEST: ~:C.,~le~o~the~~ , „ ~[ 22 ~~ ~:~ ~~~~~~~ »~ '~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION D~~~~ . OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, various representatives of:New Hanover County and the Towns of Carolina Beach and Kure Beach have from time to time met to discuss providing sewer to certain incorporated areas situated between the referenced municipalities; and WHEREAS, at the Board of County Commissioners meeting held December 8, 1997, County staff was directed to prepare.an interlocal agreement, New Hanover County Contract No. 98 - 0054, to make possible construction of a sewer to service the above-referenced unincorporated areas, setting forth the respective rights, duties, and obligations of the County and Towns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that New Hanover County Contract No. 98 - 0054 be and is hereby authorized and approved. This the day of , 1998. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board C~ ~_/ t 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1. t 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/02/98 ~ . Regulaz Item #: 8 Consent Item #:. Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ ~ ~ • ~~UB~Tr T: ~ .. ~. Committee Appointments . Rr'ad~.rd ,~'caG'ffi ~o~°~"/ G.. lamb, Tie rA . AieA BRIEF SUMMARY• Ih:ed~ae/ '~ L"'S~'`' Jose/<t~.~e ~~y/e Carn.ce ~,e.~y . Fve,d S(x~~bt, ~or~.s L • ?ka~F+s~~ Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee S••OdAi9e s,dwrn,, .:~r,c.Tof-i-so~n, ~-/4•~~-n~r;~4~~ 1/ Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee- <e.~~,. 6,ordsf~.~,, ~r„st `••~, Plus it appr,• RECOMMFNDED MOTION AND RF(ZUFSTFD ACTIONS. Make Appointments _UNDiNG SOi1RCE• - F'edera(S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: .' Bud etAmendment•Pre aced: REVIEWED BY; • LGL:. FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGFR~S COMMENTS AND R n1~IMENnATIONS• Make appointments. • CO4.tr'-rr CCIMMIS$IQi f;FFr~,u'Js:~ Q RCJECTI~ ~ °~ ~ ~ ~ . • REMSV ,: 2 3 . POST~'l . . Rcfer to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition}{~f~~ DATE __ ; ~~ ~~~~ ~~`~~M I Y - j MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ' ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE . 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 FEBRUARY 2,1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO 1. Non-agenda Items (limit three minutes) ~ 25 2.. Approval of Minutes ~ 27 3. Approval of Contract #98-0260 for Engineering Services PA 29' - and associated budget amendment #98-29 } Adjourn ~ r i t i , i ' 25 This page intentionally left blank ~~. 2 6 :~ ~ • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION :~- • - Meeting Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ • • SUB.TECT: A rov pp al of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY• • Approve the minutes of January 5, 1998 and January 20, 1998 • '~ ~. ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQUFSTFD ACTIONS Approve minutes • ~` • FUNDING Sni RCF ~ ~ .Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~ Mone Is In Current Bud y get: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED i3Y: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR• . 'S F D F D ~' Approve minutes. ~. " ~4UNTY CO~tAR~~ l , ~, PPROVEp ~6~~ ~ ,~:" : , REJECTED .. 27 ~ a~MOV~p ~. , ~~ POSTPQN€.~ 1~ ~ ~~ . ~ Rcfcr to OtTice Vision Bullctin Boazd for Dis sition "~ ' t~ HEARd ~ ; . Y This page intentionally left bl~rnk ~~ t~ ~~~~~w ~~ , ?~~~~ iu~ "fl ty} ip . ~6~~-~t ~ ~F JJ 4SS jN M _ t i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/98 Regular Item #: W&S #3 Consent Item #: - Additional Item #: Department: NHC Water & Sewer District ~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchazd Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: W att Blancliazd ~ . SUBJECT: .. Engineering Services PA -Engineering Contract #98-0260 Sewer Collection System - Wilmington/Hanb: Beach BRIEF Si1MMARY• . The County has agreed to construct a sewer collection system in the Wilmington/Hanby Beach area. Staf .has been in contact with an engineering firm which has already performed a significant amount o engineering work for this system. The attached contract would allow the firm to complete the. desigt services for the Wilmington/Hanby Beach sewer system.. See attached memo for additional information. RECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFQiJFSTED ACTiONS• Staff recommends that the contract be awazded to Engineering Contract Services, PA in the amount o: $85,000, with authorization for the Chairman to execute. In addition, adoption of the capital projec~ ordinance and approval of associated budget amendment 98-29 is recommended. ..Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget:.. New Appropriation Request: ' Bud et Amendment'Pre aced: j REVIEWED BY• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGF.R~4 COMMENTS AND R OMMFNDATIONS• Recommend approval of contract #98-0260 with Engineering Services PA. Engineering services PA is the engineering firm for Carolina Beach and the firm has done work in this area in conjunction with a project - they prepared for Carolina Beach. COUNTY COMM1SStQN . F< {t `~i~l7 Q ~; ~~~'r`o ~ . 2.9 FG~TPONE® [~ ~ .. ' ttefcr to Oftice Vision 8ullain Board for Disposition F . Hcaho~ RATE a? _ .~. • . , ~ ., This page intentionally left bl~rnk ~i+~+t-'~'~yY=Uv+ . ~, `". ~. - ~ ~ 3 0 ~~ ~,~,,, . ,~ ~~,~, t ~~ ~~` 9 ~~ ~~ PROJECT ORDINANCE WILMINGTON-HANKY BEACH SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM CAPITAL PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and, Sewer District.: . 1. New Hanover'County Water and Sewer District(District) is engaged in the Construction of the Wilmington-Hanby Beach Sewer 'Collection System, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition~of capital assets. 2. District desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant. to North Carolina~General Statute 5159-13.:2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary f_or the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 5159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Constzuction of the Wilmington-Hanby Beach Sewer Collection System, which project is herewith authorized. , 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Proceeds from COPS S 1,750,000 Total. S 1,750.000 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense S 1,750,000 32 Total S 1,750,000 f , . . - ` ,, '; . ;~<. ~ . .~ . ,. - , 4., ~~' . . ~ ` 5. This project ordinance shall~,be entered n -~ '•the minutes of _' y `~ ~ i fh'e Board ofCommissioners ~ of the New -Hanover Co unty Water -and. . . ~~ -- :Sewer. District. Within five`:days hereof; copies of this ordinance., ~~ ~' ` ' ~ shall be filed with the finance and budget offices ] in New Hanover ~ ! . ' Count. and wi h the Clerk to .the. B a . Y o rd of Commissio ners. of: the-New ._ , .. ' ,, ,. ., Hanover County Water and Sewer District. ~ ' ,, _. , p,dopted this ~. day of ` ° . -. .~. ' - 1998. ,,. . , .. . , . -. - .. .Clerk t ' th B d o e oar Robert G. Greer, Chairman ' `~ Board of County Commissioners °. ~ ~~ Water :and Sewer District.:; l p. - - ~, _ ~ ~ ~ , . F .. . ,: r .. .. .; ~f .. . ., - .. ~~ . ... _ ~ - . . ~ 3 3 ~ _ ~ _ ~ . .. .. / .. „ -, . DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 1998, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body political and corporate of the .a State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "District", and ENGINEERING SERVICES, P.A., hereinafter referred to as "Engineer";,for services described below to ~be rendered for the following Project intended to provide public sewer to' the unincorporated areas situated between Carolina Beach and Kure Beach; design, develop specifications and construct documents, prepare a final cost estimate. The Engineering Proposal marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference to the extent not inconsistent with the express Articles set forth herein. Construction services/administration may be requested through Change Order. The District and Engineer hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE ENGINEER'S BASI DTTTF,S TO COUNTY 1.1 By executing this Agreement, Engineer represents to District that Engineer is professionally qualified to act as the engineer for this Project. Engineer further represents to District... that Engineer will maintain all necessary licenses, 34 " , . . ~• . ` New Aanover County Contract # 98-0260 °~:~ - . _ ~, ` ~ '~ .permits or other authorizations necessary to act as `engineer for ~. this Project'-.until_Engineer!s .remaining ,duties hereunder hale. been-satisfied`.. Engineer assumes:fullresponsbility to'District . LL `, , ., _ • ; for the `improper .acts and omissions of'its consultants or others ,/ employed .or retained by ,Engineer. in connection with this Project. . ~. ~.1.2 Execution of this Agreement-by Engineer..constitutes:'a representation' that Engineer has become _ familiar 'with the Pro ' ec_t ,: ` 7 . site and the .;:local conditions under -which the" Project .is to', be - . , ..;. implemented'. 1.3~ ~ Preliminary Design. - ~ • ~, ° ,. '- ~ 1.3.1 Erigneer shall review and examine the-:information, ; .- . ~- including an.y desired schedule .and `budgetary requirements;" .. ," Y ~. - ~ furnished = b ~ District to understand the requirements of the`- `` ~ Project and shall review the und'erstandin of . s~ h .~ ,g, uc requirements ~:. ~`` ~.. with District. ~ ~ ' . ~~ ~ ~ 1: 3.~2 Engineer shall, furnish" to ~ District , a, Jpreliininary k. - -,. •,. - • , . g t o f .any Project " .' written evaluation of such information in.li h .. • ., budget requirements. :. ~~ -. ~. ,~ ~ ~ .1.3..3 En ineer shall review - g. and discuss ,with District any }. alternative approaches to design and `construction .of .the'Project., ,. .,; . '... 1.3.4:. Engineer shall -prepare and, submit -to District. f.or•- ~. °~. review schematic ~ design documents .consisting of drawings and `~ , µ -~ other .documents illustrating the. .scale and .relationship ,`•of .._ ~- .. • ~~ proposed Project components . :. ~~ ~ .. . t1~~ -~ . " 1.3.5 Engineer" shall -submit to~~Ditict ~a~~stimate of ~ . ,• .. . APPFtDVkI~ '~' C,~ i - • .. .. p .35 ~.~_ - . R~JiPONEa Ct . HARD ; ~ '~ • •` DATE _ , . _ ~ ~ ' ~' ' New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 _~ probable construction=costs. .1.3.6 Engineer shall furnish five 5 co ies ( ) p of drawings, , sketches, forms. and reports as appropriate and necessary for District s use. . 1.3.7• Engineer. shall examine and/or investigate existing . conditions of the Project site and/or make any required measured drawings. thereof: _ 1.3.8 Engineer shall secure and provide all required soils and material investigations including test bo-ring, laboratory testing of soils and materials, related analysis, and ~~ recommendations. 1.3.9:.Engineer shall rovide an re uired P y q engineering surveys (for design and construction) to include topographic ~'j surveys, cross section 'surveys, utility surveys, etc. (~ 1.4 Detailed Design 1.4.1 Based on the preliminary design documents and any ,- adjustments authorized. by District in its program, desired schedule or Project budget, Engineer shall prepare and submit to . .District .for review, detailed design documents consisting of ,drawings and other°-documents to fix and describe 'the size and character of~the Project. ~' 1.4.2 Engineer shall review its estimate of robable P ~constr.uction costs, shall make any appropriate revisions thereto and furnish same to District. ~~ 3 Engineer shall .furnish as many copies of drawin s, _ 3 6 ~~~. ~, ~' 3 ~~ ~ :.:.~ "; ~~~ -~. .. - : . ' . ~ New Hanover County. Contract # 98-0260 . , .? ,:~ - ~` sketches,- forms and reports as appropriate and necessary for ., ~ . ,.~' ~. ~ District's use. y - `- 1. S ~~ Bidding and Award _ - . ~ ~ 1:5.1. U ` pone the Distr.ict's .authorization, Engineer .shall - .- prepare construction: documents, consisting of drawings and ~~ 4 . .. '' ~ specifications setting .forth in` detail the "requirements for. , ~' '~ construction of .the Project. Such construction documents shall be reasonably accurate., coordinated and adequate for construction ~~' ~ °and shall be in conformit and com 1 with a licable law . ,- Y P Y PP ,.codes -- and: regulations. Products specified for. use shall~be readily ~' available unless written authorization ~to the contrary is.~given.~ ~- ~ - - by District. . 1.5:2 .Engineer shal-1 review its.-:most recent. estimate of- ,_ . , . . ,. . - probable construction costs, shall make any. appropriate~revisons ;, .thereto and furnish same. to District.. -~ - ~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ , ' ~ - ~ 1.5:3 Engineer shall assist District ~ i`n preparing and filing : -~ . ~ •. documents`` required for. he approval :of 'authorities. having: : ,jurisdiction over ttie Project. ~. - ~' ~ .- 1.5.4 Engineer shall .furnish District-with-two - . - ,. _ f2) ...copies °of all completed .drawings;, 'specifications, repor-ts; estimates, °.and - -, ~ , contract_ documents. _: .: , ~~ . ~ 1.-5.5, Engineer, following .District's approval -. of the. ~ ' _ construction .documents and of .the latest , prelimina-ry .estimate 'of ±~` construction cost, shall assist Di r'~ . st ict in .obtaining. bids of `. :. negotiated proposals and assist in awarding and preparing . ~. - , w v .~ - . .. . .. . 5 ,. - e. - ,~. .. • ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 ,~ contracts .for, construction. T.5.6 Engineer shall issue bid documen ., is to bidders and maintain a record of prospective bidders to whom Bidding , Documents hav "-' e been issued,. attend pre-bid conferences and ,. receive and process•deposits for Bidding Documents. Engineer .shall furnish twelve (12.) sets of bid 'documents. ' 1.5.7 Engineer .shall issue addenda as a ro 4--~ pp priate to •interpret, clarify or. expand the Bidding Document's. 1.5.8 En i ,g neer shall consult with and advise District as to the acceptability of subcontractors; suppliers and other persons ;and organizations proposed .by the prime contractor(s) (herein called "Contractor(s)") for those portions of trie work as to which such. acceptability is required by the Bidding Documents. 1.5.9 Engineer' shall consult with Di strict concerning and determine the acceptability of substitute materials and equipment •~ proposed by contra•.ctor(s) when substitution prior~to the award of contracts is allowed~by the,Biddinq Documents. 1.5.10 Engineer shall attend the•bid opening, prepare bid tabulation sheets and assist District in evaluating bids or :- proposals and in assembling and 'awarding contracts for construction, materials, equipment and services. ` 1.5.11 Engineer shall perform additional work as described and required by work authorizations. 38 S .. r • . ~... _ , _ -. r • ~ ~ . • 'New Hanover County Contract~# 98-0260 ` ; ,~> 1.7 Construction Administrations ~ONSTRUGTTON DMTNISTRATTnN - ~ ~ ,. 1.7.1 Engineer ;shall provide administra•tion.~ of the construction contract asset forth below and 'shall perform those - - -. ..duties and discharge those responsibilities set forth. herein and ~~ ~ - . - ~~~,in they Agreement between. District and Contractor hereinafter . ~~ ' ~ . .~ . .~. ~ xeferred to as the "Construction Contract". ~~ - ~• ~~ `• 1.7.2 Engineer shall represent District durin~g.:constructon.~; ;N , . - ~ ~ Instructions`.~arid .other appropriate: communications from District ~~.~ to the Contractors shall be communicated through Engineer.. The ,.:~> Engineer shall .act.-on behalf of District only. to .the extent- ,. :. ~,~ ~ provided herein, .and in the Constzuction Contract.•,'~ "' - ~, ~ 1.7 .•3 Upon• receipt, Engineer shall ca~refull:y review and - , examine the, Contractor's Schedule ~of Values, together with any ~, - s:uppgrtng documentation or data which the District or Engineer _. may.~requre~from the Contractor. The .purpose of;'such review -and ,~ •examinaton will be ~to protect- District from an unbalanced - Schedule ofValues which allocates; greater value~•to certai-n~ • ._ t ~ elements of the work than. is indicated by ..such supporting , documentation or data or, . than , is reasonable under the ~ ` ~= _ • ~ circumstances. Lf the Schedule of Values i`s not found to be J ; ;' • ~~- appropriate, or if the':supporting documentation or data is deemed to Abe inadequate, .and unless District directs •the Engineer, to. the , .• x -. ~ ., ~- _ _• :contrary in writing,, the: Schedule of Values shall be returned~t~o ` ~ ~ "° ~ they Contractor for revision or supporting documentation _or data. ~'. . - ~ 6 .~ 39 .- .• • ,. . - New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 ~" After making such .examination, if the Schedule of Values is found to be appropriate as..submitted, or if necessary, as revised, Engineer shall sign the Schedule of Values thereby indicating its informed belief that the Schedule of Values constitutes a . reasonable, balanced basis for payment of the Contract Price to the Contractor. Engineer shall not sign such Schedule of Values in the absence of such belief unless directed to do so in writing, by District. 1.7,4;.' Engineer shall carefully inspect the work of the Contractor whenever and wherever appropriate. The purpose of " such inspections. will be to determine the quality, quantity and progress of "the work in comparison with the requirements of the Construction Contract. In making such inspections, Engineer shall exercise -care to protect District -from defects or deficiencies in the work, from unexcused delays in the schedule and from overpayment to the Contractor. Following each such inspection the Engineer shall submit a written report of such inspection, together with any appropriate comments or recommendations, to District. 1.7.5 Engineer shall at all times have access to the work ;.wherever it is located. 1.7.6 Engineer shall. determine amounts owed to the Contractor based upon inspections of .the work as required herein, evaluations of ,the; Contractor's rate of progress in light of the remaining Contract. Time and upon evaluations of the Contractor's 40 ~, " ~ ~ ".New Hanover County Contract # 98 0260 t. ~'applca.tions for payment, and ;shall ' issue ~ certificates fore ~` ~ payment to District in.such amounts. ~ ~ . F~1r7.7. The issuance of a :certificate~fore,payment shall `'constitute a representation by. the 'Engineer to District that ._ , :Engineer has made'- an inspection of the work as prbdided herein 5~*.. ~ - - `~° sand,' that the work has progressed to the level indicated, that ~' the quality of the work meets or exceeds the requrements~:o.f the Construction Contract, and.that, 'to the. best of .the knowl-edge, :, .~ information' and. informed.. belief of Engineer, theeContractor~s entitled to payment of ..the amount certified. ~ - ~~ - 1.7.8~Engineer shall be the•~ini ial interpreter of the ~. :. . ~f `. requirements of the drawings and specifcations~and the judge of . ,the- performance thereunder by the Contractor. Engineer shall render written or ra hic inter r -: g p p. etations necessary for .the, .~ ~ - ~ .~ . proper execution or progress .of, the work with reasonable ;.~promptness•on request of the Contractor.. :. -,~! 1.7.9 As to any disputes between the Engineer and any . ,~,. - . . .. ~; .. ~. Contractor, Engineer's decisions in matters ,relating :~to ~ aesthetic ~~ - .. .' ~~ effect :shall be .final if consistent with. the; ..intent of the .. . . -`' Construction Contract. ~ - 3• ~ . 1.7.10. Engineer .shall reject -work which does 'not conform to 'l the contract documents unless directed ;by Di trct,~in writin ~' g~ not t,o .. do so. ~ Whenever, in - the, ~ LEngineer's .-opinion, ~ it ~'is ~~`~ necessary or advisable En in ~::, ,~ , g eer.shall require special inspection or testing of the work, in accordance with -the provisions of. " ~, the . .~ ,. . .. . 8 ~ ~ ~ 41 ~~, ,. .. , -. ~ ~ . New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 Construction Contract whether .or not such work is fabricated, installed or completed. 1.7.11 Engineer shall review an'd approve, or take other appropriate action upon, the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data~and Samples. Approval by~the Engineer of the Contractor's submittal shall constitute the Engineer's . representation to District that such submittal is in conformance _ with the Construction Contract. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay to the Contractor or the Project. 1.7..12 Engineer shall review,- and advise District concerning, proposals and requests for- Change Orders from the Contractor.. Engineer shall prepare Change Orders--for District's approval .and execution in accordance with 'the Construction ,Contract,~and shall have authority to order with the consent of the District, by Field< Order, minor changes in the work not ..involving an adjustment'in the Contract Price or an extension of . the Contract Time. 1.7.13~Engineer shall conduct an inspection~to determine the date of Substantial Completion and the date of final Completion, shall receive and forward to District for the District's review .. written .warranties and related documents required by the construction contract and assembled by the Contractor, and shall, when appropriate, issue a final Certificate for Payment. .. 1.7.14, Engineer .shall, without additional compensation, 42 9 a . . .. ~ , t _ . ., ~~= ~ . ~ 'New Hanover County Contract #.98-0260 _ . promptly correct airy errors,`omissions, deficiencies or conflicts , L . ~ ~ . „ ~ ~ in En i e 's . - , ,. g ne r work product. ;, ., / ~ =~' ~ 1".7.15 Engineer shall indemnify and"hold-New Hanover County ' ,. , - and New Hanover County Water and Sewer~District, their agents and. t ' y ~ employees; harmless- against any and all claims, demands, , .causes -~ " . e .` of action, or other liability, including attorneyfees, on~ ~ r ~ ~, .. . ~. . -account. of personal injuries or death or,,on accoun"t of property. ~~ ~~' ' ~ ~ damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Eri~,g`ineer hereunder, resultin from the .ne li fence .. g g g of or willful , Q '~ . act ; or "omission' of Engineer,, 'his- agents, employees and _ , a subcontractors.. ` ~ ,. _ , .: ~ ~ . _ '~, ~ ~ 1.8 r Engineer shall perform its se'rvices~expeditiously. • ,' - ~ . Upon request by' District, :Engineer shall .submit for Dis.trict's - ' approval a schedule for the performance ~for` the ,Engineer's ~( ~ services which shall include allowance for time required `for ~ ^ ' ~ District's .review. of aubmiss,ions and for approval"s of authorities - „~ ~: ~~ ~ ~ . . ' ~ Navin ~ , ,. urisdiction over the.Project. ~' 5 J ~~ _" 1.9 Personnel ~ ~ - . ~ 1.9,1 Engineer shall assign `only.:qualified :personnel 'to '. - ' ~ „ ~ perform any service concerning. the.- Project. ~ ~'At `thee time of . .. execution of this Agreement,:"the parties anticipate:- that the`_ - -. . ~ - foYlowing named. individuals will perform those functions ndcated• - . .~ , .. ~ ~ : , ` N . AME FUNCTION .. . .. - . .. .. - . - . - w, ,~ ~ .. _ .. 3 . ,. 4 . ~f~ .. New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 . 50 long as the individuals named .above remain actively employed or retained by the Engineer, they shall perform the functions indicated next to their names.' ARTICLE II DISTRICT' BASI T)TJTTFS TO TH EN ,TNFFR OTH R T AT1 ('OMPFriSATT(~r1 2.1 .District shall 'provide the Engineer with adequate information regarding. District's requirements for 'the Project including any desired or required design or construction schedule, or both, and any budgetary requirements. • 2.2 District shall review any documents submitted by the Engineer requiring the District's decision, and shall render any required decision pertaining thereto. 2.3 If District becomes aware of any fault or defect in .the Project, .nonconformance with the construction contract, or of ,any.. errors, omissions or inconsistencies in the drawings or - ~ specif.ca.tions, .prompt notice thereof shall be given by District to the Engineer. 2.4 The Engineer warrants that the specifications prepared by the-Engineer will be ade uate and sufficient to ac 9 complish the purposes of the project,-and further, that any review or approval by the owner of the plans 'and specifications shall not•be deemed to diminish .the Engineer's warranty of adequacy. ARTICLE III ASIS OF COMPENSATInN 3.1. Compensation shall be paid in such amounts as set - 44 ~~ _ . ~ ,. .... - New Hanover County Contract #-98.0260 ,. ~. . ,. .: - ~ '-: •- forth. inSection C of Exhibit. "A". Design services "are not , to- ' '" .~: • , :exceed -Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars,. ($85,000.00.), plus a11' ~'~ . . • ` 'eligible outside reimbursable expenses. ~If 'requested through. .. .. .. , -Change Order, the totalcompensation ~ for 'construction .. - ' .observation and •oversight shall not exceed Forty=Two Thousand ~~ ~ ` °-," ,; '.Dol-lags" ($42; 000.00) , plus all eligible outside ;,:reimliursable ` . ~• ~ , ;. , ,. .' expenses . , l+ ' , ". ~, ~ ~,. ,. ~ ARTICLE IV ' . - .. ` ~ ~~~ PAYMENTS TO THE EN ,TNFFR °, ~, ~ - . 4.:1 = Engineer's Invoices . _ - 4.1_.1. On . or before .the 10th day , of. each~_,-month,, '.unless ' otherwise agreed in writing by Engineer and•Di~stric~t, Engineer~_ shall submit aninvoice to District .,requesting. payment for- . ~. services properly rendered. Reimburseables as defned~her~eunder, .~~ ~ are .included in the fee-..proposal. Engineer's invoice shall ,~' - . -_ describe with reasonable particularity, .each service rende-red,~and ~~ ~ - - - :.: ~,. the date thereof. ' 4.1.2• If -payment is requested :for services rendered by' .. . - Engineer, -the invoice shall additionally reflect the allocations,. ' as, .provided in .Article III and. shall state the percentage of --``~ ~ completion as to each such:~allocation. The.. invoice,shall.bear- ~: ~ the signature of Engineer, which- signature shall .constitute Engineer's representation to. ,District that~the services indicated ~'. in 'the invoice have pro ressed to the level indicated` h `` g , ave been ,. properl .. ~ , y.and timely performed as :required herein, that the .~ (: ~ ~ , p- ~, ;, . ,, . .. 12 , . 45 ~ _~ • . New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 .reimbursable expenses included in the invoice have been reasonably incurred, that all obligations of Engineer covered by prior .invoices have been paid .in full, and that, to the best of Engineer's knowledge, information and informed belief, the amount requested.is currently due and owing, there being no reason known to Engineer that payment of any .portion thereof `should be withheld. Submission of Engineer's invoice for final-payment and .reimbursement shall further constitute Engineer's representation to District that, .upon. receipt from District of the amount invoiced, all obligations of Engineer to others, including its consultants, •incurred in connection with the Project, will be paid.n~full. 5.,2 Time. for Payment . „5.2.1 District shall make payment to Engineer of all sums properly invoiced as provided in Payments to Engineer paragraph, within thirty (30) days of District's receipt thereof. 5.3 Owner's Right to Withhold Payment . • 5.3.1 _In the event that District becomes credibly informed that any representations of Engineer, are wholly or partially inaccurate, District may withhold payment of sums then or in the future otherwise due to Engineer until the inaccuracy,`and the • cause thereof, is corrected to District's reasonable satisfaction. • ~.5.4 Reimbursable Expenses • 5.4.1 Reimbursable Expenses shall mean: expenses incurred 46 ~3 „. , . 3 ., t . , .. . , • ,. ;, ~ . _ - ~K ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract #.98-0260. by Engineer .and Engineer:'s consultants in the. interest of;;the~ . ~ ~ r. ~ Proj ect, as fol ows : .. ". 5.4.2 Reasonable expenses'of: transportation in connection ,~~ . • `-.with the Project; long-distance communications; actual cost. of re roduction • „~~~ p , •postage and handling of `.drawings, specifications :'• ~ and other documents; renderings, models and mock-ups requested by District; •additional insurance. coverage of .limits, including ~• . '` professional liability insurance, requested by District {in `excess " of that 5 ecified in Para r 7 ~. • P g aph .1.2 of this Agreement. .. , - •• 5:4.3 Reimbursable expenses are included:'in the fee: ~No ~` additional, compensation will be paid for Yeimburseables. • .~ _ ~~. 5.5 Engineer's. Records _ • 5.5,.1 Documentation accurately reflecting the time expended ~~* b En ineer and his er onn • - Y g p s el and: -records of .. Reimbursable . ~~ _ . ;Expenses shall be~ maintained by Engineer and shall be available ~';' , _f ~ - . : •. to District for .review .and copying. upon request'. ~. • i - ,. v 5.5.2 The Engineer shall maintain books,"records, documents-. , -..._ • -~ and other evidence directly pertinent to the work under this _ . . Contract in accordance with generally ~ accepted accounting ,.. .," •Princi les and ~~ P practices. The District, or any of their "duly ~a . " . - '. authorized representatives".shall. have'.access=,to any books,, ~~ ~- documents, •papers, records and. other evidence which relates ,., , .- drectly:to the Project for '.the purpose of~_examination, audit., • ~~':, ex . cerpts,and transcriptions. r 5.5.3 Records described above shall be maintained and made "~ - .. ~~` ~ ~ ~ ~ ., . • ~' " - New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 available during the performance under this Contract and for a ` period of three years. after the District makes final payment and `-~ all other pending matters are closed.. ' .. . .- ARTICLE VI TERMINATION 6.1 Termination for Cause ~~~------~~~ ,6.1.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice to the other should such other part ,fail su Y bstantially to perform in accordance with its material terms. through no fault of the party initiating the termination. 6.2 Termination by District Without Cause 6.2.1 This Agreement may be terminated by~District without ~j cause upon seven (7) da s' written no ~ ~" Y tice to Engineer. In the event of such a termination without cause,' Engineer shall be ~° compensated for all ~~services performed prior to termination, together with. Reimbursable Expenses incurred. In such event, Engineer shall promptly submit to District its invoice for final payment and,. reimbursement which invoice shall comply with the provisions o.f Parag-raph 5:1. ARTICLE VII M15CELLANEOT PROMS ONS. 7.1 Insurance. Engineer shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County and New Hanover County Water and . 48 ~5 _ , . ,. ;- - a ,- . ' ~ _~ .. . ~~ r ;:, ~ , ~. ` ~ ~ - ` ' ~ , ~ New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 ~ ', ' ~~ `Sewer District, ~ ~- of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. ~' ~- ~` 7.1 1 C tifi n . ..--~ .. er cates a d. Notice of Cancellation:. Before . • ,. ` - - commencing work under this contract,Engineer shall furnish ~_- ' - District with certificates of `all insurance required below.' ' ,~• Certificates shall indicate the-type, amount, class of operations .~ ~ covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and ' ~. 'shall. contain the following statement: _. . "The insurance covered by this .certificate ' . will not be .canceled or materially altered, ° ~ ~ .. :except after thirty. (30) days .written notice ' has been received` by District" . - ~ . ' - '- ' 7.1,2 Workers Compensation and Employers Liabi`lity~ '~ ~' - ~. ,~> _. Insurance.. Covering all of the Engineer's employees to ;be ' " ~ ~ ° engaged in theework•under this contract, providing .the `required ; ~ p~ statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, ~ ~ and employers liability insurance~providn~g limits;.at least in ~ ~ . . . ~ the amount.of $500,000/500,000/500,000. applicable to claims due - I; _ .to bodily injury .by~accident or disease.. ~ ~. - ~~ `. ~ ~ 7.1.2 Professional Liability.Insurance.-.The Engineer will be required to°takeout and maintain Professional~~Labilit,y ' .~~ , ~_ Insurance providing liability insurance limits at~least in the. ;. ~ , amount of.$1000,000Dollars.. TheEngineer will. be required to } ~~. maintain this coverage for a period of at least-two (2) years ~~ ' beyond substantial completion of the contract..' :. : . ~ 7.2 Independent Contractor ~~ ' ~~. ~ ~ 7.2 1 It is mutually understood and agreed that Engineer is. ~; - ~ ~ . .. ~z . New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 , an independent contractor and not an agent of District, and as such, Engineer, his or„her agents and employees shall not be entitled_to any. District employment benefits, such as, but not Iimited_to, vacation,...sick.leave, insurance, worker's .compensation,, or pension or~retirement benefits. . 7.3 , Nonwaiver of Rights 7.3.1 It is agreed that District's failure to insist upon the strict performance of~any provision of this agreement, or to exercise .any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during .such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights. under this agreement. However, specific written waivers signed by. the authorized District representative ,shall be binding upon District. .7.4 ~ Conflict of Interest 7,.4.1. No paid employee of"the District shall have a personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in-the performance of this agreement.. .. 7.5 Subcontracts 7.5.1 Engineer shall utilize no subcontractors for carrying out the services to be performed under this agreement. without the written approval-of the District. By the execution of~this agreement, District-grants prior approval to the following subcontractors: ~~ 50 ~~ ._ '~' ~ - - `` . _ New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 -. . ;. .: ._ 7.6 Farther .Actions . - - • . t ` ~ ~.' 7..6.1 The parties will•'make and execute, all further ,.., . ..~ ' instruments .and documents .required to carry.out~the purpose's. and ~~ ~ _ . , l ~ ~ intent of this agreement. ` _.7.7 Inclusive Terms ~~ ~ j .. _ 7.7.1 Use of the masculine herein shall .include'~the ~_ .- • ,. feminine` and neuter, ,and .the ingular shall. include the plural. -.r, . .._. _ 7.8 Governing Law: ~~_ 7.8,1, All of the terms and conditions ~ contained'° herein ' ~ 'shall be interpreted in~ accordance with the laws ,of the State of ~" ;_ _ .~ _ •~:.North~ Carolina. . .:,,. ~ ~ . '. _ . ..7,9 Time is of the Essence - - ~w ~ ~ .. _: ~''~ ~ ~ :~~~ .7.9,1 Time limitations contained herein, ,,or„. provided for .. h. - ., ~, ereby,_ are of the `essence of .this Agreement. 4 - ' 7`.10 -. ,- Use and- Ownership of Documents ' ~' ~~ ' 7.:10.1 The. drawings, specifications and other. documents or . ~ , ,. th~ings prepared by Engineer .for the Project shall become and be .. - _ . the soae property of District., Engineer shall be permitted to _ re~tan copies thereof for its records ..and .for. its future ,k . ~r~ ;_. professional endeavors. Such drawings,~specifications~and other ~f ~N ~ ~• ~. documents' or things are not intended by Engineer fors use on other r ~ ~ ~ - projects by_District or others. Any reuse by District- or by.'.•.- ~: , ". . . ~` ~ ~ third parties without the written approval o£ Engineer, shall' be : ~ , ~' ~ at .the' sole ~ risk of District and District .shall indemnif . _ Y. and '. _save~harmless the Engineer from any~and all liabihity; costs, ~` . .. , ~. - ; . . _, ._ '~~ _ New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 claims, damages, losses .and expenses including attorneys' fees arising out of; or resulting from, such reuse; provided however, that this agreement to indemnify and save' harmless shall not apply to an reuse Y of documents retained by, or through, the Contractor. 7.,1.1 Successors. and Assigns 7.11.'1 Engineer shall not assign its rights hereunder, excepting its right to payment, nor shall it delegate any of its duties hereunder without the written consent of District. Subject to the. provisions of the immediately preceding sentence, District and Engineer, respectively, bind themselves, their succes"sors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement -and to the successors, assigns and legal representatives of~such other art with res ec P Y p t to alI covenants of this Agreement. 7.12. No Third-Party Beneficiaries 7.12.1 Nothing contained herein shall create a contractual .relationship with, or any rights in favor of, any third party. 7.13 Entire Agreement 7..13.1 This Agreement represents the entire agreement between .District and Engineer and supersedes all prior communications, negotiations, representations or agreements, .either written or oral.. This Agreement may be amended only by ~, written: instrument signed by both District and Engineer. 52 ~9 ,. New Hanover County Contract # 9&0260 ~I. ~. 7.14 Notices 7._14.1 All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated :addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address,' by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: To District: Wyatt Blanchard, PE County Engineer Department of Engineering 414 Chestnut St., Room 101 . Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 To Engineer: L. Harry, P.E. Engineering Services, P.A. 518 Village Court P.O. Box 1849 Garner, North Carolina 27529 7.15 Non-Discrimination 7.15.1_ Engineer will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or. the benefits of -the program which is the subject of this agreement because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Engineer will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules,. regulations, 20 53 New Hanover County Contract # 9&0260 including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, orders, instructions, designations and other directives. promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this rovision after notice shall be a material P breach of this agreement and may result, at District's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ($F.AT•~ ATTEST: .Clerk to the Board [SEAL] ATTEST: Robert G. Greer, Chairman ENGINEERING SERVICES, P.A. President Vice President 54 ~ 21 0 .~ , • New Hanover County Contract # 98-0260 . ~` 7~` This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner"required by the Local Government Budget. and Fiscal Control Act." Approved as to form: ~~ C t Fi . oun y nance Director County Attorney ~ NORTH CAROLINA • ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the .Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the. foregoing instrument was signed . in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and a ttested t, by herself as i"ts Clerk. ,WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ~' 1998 . Notary Public, ^' "~r My commission expires: •~' " STATE OF " COUNTY OF I, , "a Notary _Public of the State and .County aforesaid, certify that _ personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Vice President of " ~, . and that by authority duly given and as the act , of the professional association, the foregoing instrument was " ' signed in its name by its President, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself/himself as its Vice President. " WITNESS. my hand and official seal, this." 1998 day "of . Notary Public My commission expires: ~I ,~F 22 - ~ 55 This page intentionally left blank 56 • ,. , /=' . • • - ,:: , _. u gef Arxtendxnen~ - ~ .. ~, - ~- ~ y ka.•'.w.w:~:i:t:icwa:..:.: ~ ~ N ~ Y ~ ° a ~ a S ~ a ~ ~ s `' . a ~ 3` S f ~> _ - a Z < ~- Y _.1 ` h r•x:£........~i:u.~.,..:.~,u:;d:..~.w.....~w. a «c ~rk . k:: i : = : '~ ~ . . ». .. ....oa :... a.....u .....u. ...:.::r.:`.... . ...: :o~. .~...+.: :. ...t «a Y:k::i.:... ... ........,.ii... ~. :.3.,...._2~r» • •fli1DGET AMENDM .Nmit ' _ • Wilmington-Hanby Beach 98-29-29 ~~ ~ . 2-2=gg . Sewer Capital Project _ .. - ~DJi1STMENT• : ~ ~ Lw. _ , nFAZTi ~ Wil_ mi>~tori-Hanh~ At?ao}i_,SewPr f a~~a_ 1_ pry Prr • ~ CREDIT: _ >• Pr.oceeds from COPS $1,750,000 -- ,~ -Capita Project Expense _ . ,$1,750,000 f~• . . _, ; ._ ., , . i ^ ~ .. ... . . - - ,. .. . ~' f .. - -c_ ~•~ o .. _ • v a ~. ~. t .. ,' .. ~ • - ". ~ :' • ~ •' .. ' •- `i EXPLANATION . - COhNTY Ct~NfN~i~ " , i 'To establish project bud et accz~rdin g to Capital Ai'FK V~ ' . Project ance U #~r . ~ •, - - R JEGT .. '' ~. ~ REMdY' t , ~~ PiJST~'~ _ ~7 e o v ' .. , ~ ~, r F udgct ((iccr al; then report s ppro • F;,F~~RQ "' • to Commissioners ~t neat resvhrmeeting ' and cntcatn minutes ' Tobe ~pprovcd by Comm,«ionc:s. • Tobc entered info minutc~ This page intent~o~ally left blank .: 58 ~~~~~~ ~"~~~~~ g~~~ ~~~~ 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 2,1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Grant Application -CHIP (Community Health Improvement Program of NHRMC) 3.. Approval to establish six (6) deputies to serve 'as School Resource Officers in the Middle School and approve related budget Amendment #98-0109 ` 4. Approval of awazd of bid #98-0200 and contract #98=200 for the purchase and installation of four manufactured homes through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 5. Approval of contract #98-0041 with Vision Softwaze, Inc. for the donation of software products and approval of budget amendment #98-0106 6. Approval of Juvenile Justice Grant Application 7. Approval of use of Internet Policy 8. Adoption of resolution adding the following road to the NC DOT Roads 9. Committee Appointment of Patti White to serve on the ' Child Fatality Prevention Team 10. Approval of waiver of tip fee for disposal of demolition Materials from old American Legion Building 11. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-27 to increase budget for additional revenue received. B. #98-0100 to increase budget for FEMA reimbursable items For Humcane Prepazedness PAGE NO. 61 63 73 79 81 83 91 93 97 101 103 105 59~~ C. #98-0107 to budget none-time State grant for immunization Screening and referral activities D. #98-0108 to budget aone-time State grant to expand Health Check services to children through age 20 . 12. Approval to apply for funds from the Governor's Crime Commission for position for the Gang Task Force 111 113 117 60 This page intentionally left blank ~; ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~'p X62 ~~~~~~y ~~. ~~ . .~ ~ • , . .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTIO_ N".: Meeting Date: 02/02/98 _ . . .., . , ., .. .' :~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 ~ _ Additional Item #: Department: Cooperative,Extension Presenter: Bruce Williams :. ~, Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: 9 Contact: Bruce Williams ..,, • SUBJECT: . ~. Grant Application -CHIP (Community Health Improvement Program of New Hanover RegionahMedical - Center.) . ., , . ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: . The' New Hanover County Extension Service requests $25,000 to develop the "Ability Project" for. " individuals with physical~disabilities or limitations. The program will introduce basic horticulture principals .` and barrier-free ardenin conce is to Master Gardener and Arboretum volu g g P nteer partictpants. Participant r . " volunteer experiences will encourage social and community involvement. For people iving with disabilities.. or physical limitations, the use of special. equipment, devices or techniques may lessen the impact of the ~~ disability in gardening or outdoor activities. The "Abilit Project" .would be develo ed and su ervised b Y J p p y North Carolina Extension Service personnel and would be a unique contribution to a higher quality of life " ~ to all citizens of southeastern North Carolina. Budget Amendment will' be prepared if grant awarded: :. ., _~° IFtECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFQLIF4TFD ACTiONS• " Request the Commission authorize the submission of the grant application and authorize the .Chairman to -execute the agreement upon award: Request the Commissioners approve related budget amendment if grant ' _ , `'is approved. ' FUNDLNG SOURCE: ~ - FederaF S: State S: County S:, User Fees S: ~ Other S: 25,OOQ Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Requests"yes . " Bud etAmendment Pre ared: no ~. . ~ ~ - . a . REVIEWED I3Y: . . . ~. ' LGL: FIN: BL1D: APP CGRIFFIN HR: " - .. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NTS AND R OIVIMFNDATIONS• ' . Recommend approval of submission of grant request to the Community Health Improvement Prograrri of :New Hanover Regional Medical Center: ~PPROV 0~ ~ . " . .. REJECI`E~ l'r7 ` ~ - REMOVED l~: ~& . PO$TPQN~p ! Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HEA~~ ~ ' C ` /1I~ ~\~J``~"~f''~ Nol-th Carolina ~~• Cooperative Extension Service Y NORTH CAROLINA STATE UMVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES New Hanover County Center o 620.6 Oleander Drive o Wilmington, NC 28403 • 910/45?r6393 o FAX - 910/452-6398 . January 15, 1998 New Hanover Regional Medical Center Foundation 2259 South 17th Street Wilmington, 'NC .28401 ,Dear Partners Program: I am enclosing a grant application for the Ability Project at the New Hanover~County Cooperative Extension Service for your consideration pending approval of the New Hanover County Commissioners. This exciting new program would be a valuable opportunity for many area residents and improve the quality of life in our community. Please contact nie if you would like more information or if you have questions Thank you for your time and consideration. cer r . Bcuce Williams, PhD: .. Director New Hanover County Cooperative ..Extension and Arboretum . CBW/sb Enclosure cc: ~~ D~r~ ~Joe~Zublena David~Weaver ~~~~~~' ' Employment and program opportunities are offcrcd to all pcoplc rcgardlcss of nce, color, national origin, sex. age, or disability. ' ~€-•~rri3ta ' -North Carolina StatcFUriivcrsity, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Dcpartmcnt of Agricvlturc, and local govcrnmcnts coopcnting. J ;~_ vz _ ~ * , . . • Camweitr Hmlih Im~.u.~me~l Poopan " roa Houle use oNu ~. ,: ., . ~ The "Partners Program , .: . " . of e .~ ~ ~ •~ New Hanover Regional_Medcal Center ~ ~~ = . "~ ~ ~ - - Pleast rrtt g point :rile. of 12 poin[r or larger and ~tp margins at 1 /2"or more Applicatio,u mu3[ bt yp~d o~ tnmpuingrncral~d. -.: _ • ~ .. ~ .°' .. Applicant .Organization. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ' ~A. In~thc space below, please provide the name of your.organization, az it appears on your fcdc~al tax, _ . ,~' exemption letter. , " New Hanover.County Cooperative Extension Service ~ - ' B. Organization's, street address or post office box,. city,. county and zip. code.. _ - ~ .t 6206.0 ~ ~ ~ - ' Leander Drive , Wilmington, .NC 28403 • .°. . - . .. ,, - C. Who is he .primary contact for information regarding this application? Provide full name, title and an.olTcc-hours telephone number. Or. C. Bruce Wi 11 rams' ~ ~ - Di rector _, ,New Hanover County Cooperative Extension .and Arboretum ~, 910/452-63.93. .._ _ ~ ``D.~In one or two sentences, please describe the purpose or mission of`your organization and how long your organization, has been in existence. `.. j . .. ." ' The mission of New Hanover County Cooperative Extension Service is to help people improve the quality of their life by providing research-based .. .information and- informal educational opportunities focused on issues and " .° needs. This organization is an extension of North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service established in 1914 through North Carolina State University -. ~ College of Agriculture and LifeSciences. .. ~, ~, .. ~ ~ . • .. • _~ ~ ~ ~. ~. E'. Where will your organization perform the project you propose? ' •. :The New; Hanover County Extension Service & Arboretum . ~ ~~ - - 6206 Oleander Drive .~ ~ . Wilmington, NC~ 28403 - . ~ 1 .. ~ i _ ~ - The Partners Program ,. .~ ~P -•~ a - - a component of the • Community. Health Improvement Program of New Hanover Regioaal Medical Center Name oC Applicant Organization New Hanover County Extension Service 1~l~tMCF File # Total Curds requested: $ 25 , 000 ~ • If Cundcd, we intcnd to rc uest Partners Pro ram su rt Cor. Year 2 • Year 3 X q g PPo [ ] [ l "Snapshots" of Your Project ~ v A. Bric(ly describe the health problem you intcnd to address. C(eariy identify and quantify your target population. . For people with disabilities or physical limitations, the use of special equipment, devices or techniques may lessen the impact of the disability. Active gardening for olde r adults, the disabled and those going through rehabilitation offers many avenues to exercise escape from the stress of everyday life, opportunities to socialize and to feel productive. New Hanover's adult population is one of the fastest growing groups, 25,855 people (55 and. older) which accounts for 21 percent of the county's population. With the help of volunteers, adaptive equipment, and informational resources available through the New Hanover Cooperative Extension Center.,~•gardening can offer recreation,. satisfaction, peace of mind and a sense of worth to adults and disabled people. Researchers increasingly point to the physical and psychological necessity of connecting our human well-being with nature and the outdoors. The New Hanover County Ability Project's educational objective is to involve the elderly and disabled in successful gardening experiences. In collaboration with the New Hanover County Extension Arboretum ABILITY Garden, New Hanover County Extension Center will be coordinating the recruitment. training, and development of activities for the disabled and physically challenged individuals interested.., in becoming Master Gardener Volunteers. New Hanover County has the. largest Master Gardener volunteer program in the state with 277 volunteers with an annual volunteer commitment. of 11,800 hours. • B. Please write a one, paragraph summary of your project, Coc the .Partners Program 1Zevicw Board. You might [ind it helpful• to asl: yoursclC this: If yore wacgiacrc one niinulc to ducribc lliit prvjrct to du board it pcrton, what basic, but important, information tuouldyou tonory? the New Hanover County Extension Service requests $25,000 to develop the Ability Project for individuals with physical disabilities or limitations. The program will introduce basic horticulture principles and barrier-free gardening concepts to Master Gardener and Arboretum volunteer participants. .Participant volunteer experiences will encourage social and community involvement. For people living with disabilities or physical limitations, the use of special equipment, devices or techniques may lessen the impact of the disability on gardening or outdoor activities. The Ability Project a would be developed and supervised by .North Carolina Extension Service personnel and would be a unique contribution to a higher quality of life to all citizens of southeastern North Carolina. P"1 .~_.; .. _ ~ .. ~~ r i ,: . ~ 'ABILITY PROJECT - - ~, - as Proposed by the .-. ;NEW ~iANOVER COUNTY EXTENSIONSERVICE `~ ~ ~ _ • ~ -The New Hanover County Extension Service requests $25,000 to establish the Ability •Project ~to enable people,. regardless of their physical limitations, to participate in the gardening .... ~ ' ~ ' ' ;, . expenence. . . ' ~, ., .. Brief Description of Project and the Need;. _ - ~ - ' The: Ability Project. is designed to .enable the h sicall challen ed to ., artici ate in a ~ . PY Y g P P ., ° successful gazdening and volunteer experience. In-cooperation with the Ability Program at N. C. State University; New Hanover Extension Center is proposing to coordinate the recruitrrien trainin and develo went of activi 'e >; g~ p h s for .disabled and physically challenged -individuals interested in becoming Master Gardeners or Arboretum volunteers. Master Gazdeners are trained to be knowledgeable about horticulture, and gardening. Upon completion of the r'ogram, the volunteer their knowlcd a and ex ertise ' ~ ' P Y g p >n the Arboretum, . '~ ..Plant Clinic, or Garden Hotline to -help New Hanover County citizens. New Hanover County has the largest Master Gardener volunteer program in`the state and is pioneering the fast ' program in the state to expand the Master Gazdener cumculum~:tosupport activities to - accommodate disabilities in gazdening. The Master Gardener Program is not only a.great ` ~ .opportunity for individuals to learn, but it also carries significant volunteer involvement., ' - Today, the New Hanover County Extension office has 277 volunteers with volunteer hours. . ~... .: ~ totalling 11,800. ~ - ~ . ...Active d gar enuig for older adults, the disabled and those going through rehabilitation offers many avenues to exercise, escape from the stress of everyday life, opportunities to socialize -~ and to feel productive. With aging "baby boomers" the number one hobby in the U. S.' today is gardening. New Hanover's adult population is one of the fastest growing groups, 25,855 ~ . - people (55 and older) and accounts for 21 .percent of the county's population. An educational ' program to help individuals get involved in gardening and continue` for a lifetime is a valuable . ;' ~ contribution to the county as well as the individual. ~ - '' Total Amount Requested: $25,000 ~ ~ ., Project Objectives.: ~ ~ ~ - - ~. ; • 1. Initiate and develop a model program in New Hanover County introducing gardening concepts that can be used regazdless of any physical limitations. . ~ ' 2. .Introduce participants to commercially available and non-commerciall available tools ~ . Y and equipment to accommodate disabilities and increase. access to gardening areas. , e, 3. -~ Increase the volunteer use and participation at New Hanover Arboretum for older. adults and the physically challenged. ~, ~ 4. Provide an alternativ c . _ . , e ontmuing education expenence to the New Hanover Regional ' - ~ Rehabilitation Hospital. •` • 67 . .. - . . ~ - Description of Strategies-to Meet Objectives: A community educational partnership project to help individuals get involved in gardening and continue for a lifetime regazdless of their physical limitations and disabilities will be named the New Hanover. County Extension Ability Project. In its fast year the coordinator will establish a partnership to ensure participation of key agencies and groups in the county. Members of the partnership will include: N. C. State University, the Master Gazdeners • • Association, Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital, the local chapter of the National Association for the Physically Handicap, and the North Carolina Assistive Technology Project. An Ability Coordinator will be housed at the New Hanover Extension Arboretum. Among his/her responsibilities is to: 1) Coordinate the development of a curriculum to introduce disabled and people with physical limitations to gardening .activities. The project coordinator will be supervised,by a Horticulture Agent employed by the Extension Service, 2) Collaborate a plan to develop gazdening areas at the Arboretum to accommodate disabilities ,.and increase access. -3) Coordinate training and educationalefforts with input from the New Hanover Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital. Program Partners and Description of Roles:. 1. N. C. State University Dr. Nolo Martinez, Duector, Ability. Program Financial, support, Resource support, Training, Assistive Technology Tools .. 2. Master. Gardener Association of .New Hanover .County Volunteer Support 3. Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital Technical expertise, Client referral 4. Locale Chapter of the National Association for the Physically Handicap Client referral 5. The North .Cazolina~Assistive Technology Project Technical expertise, Client referral Evaluation: • To evaluate the effectiveness of the Ability Project, outcome documentation and project accomplishments reports will be collected. The evaluation will consist of three components: 1. Monthly reporting by the Ability Coordinator of activities completed toward ' achievement of the Program's objectives. ,Some of these activities include: number of individuals trained,. number of volunteer hours worked by Master Gardeners trainees, and number of coordinated educational activities between Project and Coastal' Rehabilitation, Hospital, etc.. 2. An assessment, of the Project's impact by conducting a satisfaction survey. What were the benefits to participants, family members, and community? 3. Annual .Report to include summary of communi un acts and client survey results. U h' ~ P 68 :~' ~~"' .~ ~ .: ~, ' ~ Budget. : • .. .Th` ~ e New Hanover County Eatensi .:,. on Ab~hty Program. ~~ ~ " June 1, 199810 May 31, 1999 ~ , ~ ; • . ,~. Partners Other Source - Program Support - Pro'ect coordinator 30 ,1 hrs/wk x 50 x $12/hr , l 8,000 _ Assistive technology equipment . . _.~ Office supplies 2,500 2,000 1.,000. Ability Program • . • Printing and duplicating ~ . 500. ; . ~ - _Telephone/Fax 500 • ~ ~ ' .Postage . 500 - County Extension ~. ... Travel - 400 . , , ' In-kind Contributions: i . ,Training Master Gazdeners ~ .750 ~ Horticulture Agent - AT Demonstration Coastal Rehab ~ " , AT Technical Consultation `. 1,920 ' ' . HBILITY Program , ~.. ~ AT Technical Consultation Assistive° Tech_nolo . Pro am . Educational Materials l , l 00 750 County Extension Total ~ 25,000 4,920 ` - _` '' . . . . _. r .. . ~ ~ ~ `. ,. ~ _, ~ . ~- ~ n , . s „~ '. .. , , .t .. .. ^ .. - - . . 69 . ~•~ . . I~JUU~ ~~ N ,. Coastal Rehabilitation Services Dr. Bruce Williams New Hanover County Extension Director ' 6206 Oleander Dr. Wilmington, N.C. 28403-3822 7anuary 12, 1998 Dear Dr. Williams, We would like to submit this letter of support for the New Hanover County Extension Bamer-Free Project. This project would be of gnat value to the patients that we serve. Our program, Coastal Rehabilitation Services, provides comprehensive rehabilitation services, to individuals with disabilities in the Cape Fear region. Pari of our mission is to return patients to functional activities within their home and community. Currently, we do not have access to gardens that are totally accessible to individuals with physical disabilities. Many of our patients, whether from rural areas or the city, have been active gardeners or farmers. ORen they are unable to resume these activities due to bamers related to mobility, adaptive equipment, and knowledge of alternate gardening techniques. As stated in the proposal, Coastal Rehabilitation Hospital would like to set-up a program through which our patients could be educated about bamer-free gardens and gardening techniques. We would possibly be able to transport patients to the garden as part of a therapeutic outi~g/activity and' support training and education efforts. We support your proposal for the accessible gardens and look forward to working closely with you to make this program a success. Sine ely/ LyQia Garter, Outreach Manager ^. Cheryl H 's, Ph.D., Director New Hanover Regional iVledi<al Center P.O. Box ~J00(1 / 2131 5 l IUr Suet / V'/dnungtun, N.c:. 2L~r1Z•9Gfp 9L0 3=13-73x5 / Fax gtq 815-5510 / F,UU 773 7Q3; '. ~ 0 This page intentionally left blank ~~~~~?~~ _ ~ 72 r ~ .. • . .. . '" REQUEST FOR BOARD .ACTION • ~ '; Meeting Date: 02/02/98 .. ~ , ~. Regular. Item #: Consent Item #: 3 ~ , ~ Additional Item #: • ~ Department: Sheriff , ~ ~ , .. Presenter: Sheriff McQueen Pa a Count In A enda. Packa e: " Contact: Sheriff Mc ueen ~ ~ ~ • • ~ SUBJECT: " ~ ~ To establish six 6 de uti } O p es to serve as resource officers m the middle schools .. ;, ,. . .. . R B IEF SUMMARYs .~ , Staff from the Sheriffs Department and Board of Education have been meeting to determine the best way ~ , to address problems in the Middle Schools. The attached. letter of agreement between the Schools and the . -~ ,, County. is a result of these discussions. The Board of Education will •reimburse the Count for. ten months' " Y -•, salary for six~deputies to be assigned to the middle schools as resource officers. The Sheriff will absorb- the additional expense in his current budget. The deputies will be employees of the Sheriffs Department.. The 'School System is usin State mone ,which is ex ected to continue to fund these de utie g Y p p s . .. .. ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQUESTFD ACTIONS• " ° ~_ Approve establishment of six deputy positions in the Sheriffs Department to serve as School Resource ~ 'Officers in the Middle Schools. Approve related budget amendment #98-0109 budgeting the contribution " from the school system for the resource officers. V .. . . ~ '. . ~~ ., ItEViEWED BY: . , - . ;'• LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT . . ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NT AND RECOMM NDATIONS Recommend approval of letter of agreement and related budget amendment. #98-0109. • ~ .. R - _~:~~ ~OUN7fi( f~'',vi'~;'~,~'' a ~. - _ ~1 "~J APPROVE ~°. ._ R =MOVE~J ~~ 7 >~..; - STPQNjrI~ C - ~ ~ ~EA~ - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board foi Disposition ~'S~~'j /~ C ~ ~/ ~ `_ ,_ / ~~ ,. ~ ~ - t~ r•-~-...~ ~si*-.-- ~.. q~~4+'P4~G s.b!~r!w N_r. ~~J . , ~_ } -~ w ., ~ - , ~' ~. ~ . Budget Amendment ~ ///O////////////O////////////////////////////////O//~//'///////////~////////%//////////O///////O/////////////O//////////////////////%~~%////%~%~~~///~////~%~%%~%////%% - DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Sheriff/Administration 98-0] 09 2-2_gg ~ • ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Sheriff/Administration 4 Contribution from Schools $78,694 ' _~ Salaries & Wa es - 9 $54,392 ' ~ FICA ~ $ 4,160 Retirement' - $ 2',685 a 401(Ic) Retirement $ 2,717 Medical Insurance $ 7,912 Uniforms $ 3,414 Departmental Supplies $ 3,414 U EXPLANATION To budget contribution from the Schools for six deputy positions to serve as U resource officers in the middle schools. - ~ • . .. .. ,, ~ °~~U~4~' ~ ~rtTY~C~gOM :: ~~i~~~~~~PPRv/yi~! r. ~~~~~~.~I~~ ', For Qudgctoflicc>'sapproval; then report - ~~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ~3~~s R ~: and enter in minutes. ~ ~~~'~ - ~ To be approved by Commissioners. ~~~ ~ ~ To be entered into minutes. .~ z ..' , , NEW HANOVER COUNTY - ALLENO~NEAL County Manager `n OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM SO2 ANDREWJ.ATKINSONCPA Deputy County Managcr WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4093 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7184 navtD F. WEAVER ' • "FAX (910) 341-4017, a Assistant CountyManagcr ' ~ 4 4 Chestnut Street Room 10 r 1 1 C GI ; I~ 11~ + ~ ° . Telephone (910) 341.7139 ' Fax (910) 341-4035 . New Hanover County Contract # 98 - 0174 • ,JAN ~ ~_:~~ ~ Revised .. ~ - ~. '•.,• NEw NANOVER CO. ' . ~ ° BUDGET. DEPT:. }4306f _, 1998 . ' ; Dr. Dale Martine- ~ • , `Superintendent of New Hanover County Schools 1802 South 15th Street Wilmington, North. Carolina 28401 - _ ,., Re: 'School Resource Officers - Letter of Understanding ` .: a _, . Dear Or. Martin: _ This Letter of Understanding set forth the terms and conditions under which New Hanover County ,' • . shall-make available to the Board of Education-six (6) deputies to service as School Resource Officers , -~= 4 1..The six (6) deputies provided hereunder shall each work as full-time SchoofResource Officers , `durin the school academic ear 9 y ' ,' 2. The Board of Education hereby agrees to reimburse New Hanover County an annual sum of A.. ~ One Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars and.Forty-Three Cents. ' , ($157,387.43) for services of the above-referenced persons. Said-costs are more fully set forth in Exhibit `A,' attached hereto and incorporated herein by- reference. ~ ~~ C"~s =~`- `~' ~= ~' 1 ~K ~•"• 90 equal, . . ~ ,. ~rnnthly installmerlts.q,~ri ~ _ ~ . • 3. The Deputies provided hereunder shall be employees of New. Hanover. Countyand .not the • ~ Board of Education. ~• ~ ~ . . Sincerely, , .... -.~ .. .. ~. . : .~ ' . -. , ~' _ , . '- .. E ~: Allen O'Neal- . ' ` ~. - New Hanover County Manager _ • .- ' CONSENTED TO: . , . . . ,. . .. _ ~' . ~75 . ,'Dr. Dale Martin ' :Superintendent of New Hanover.. ~ - ~ (~ (( ``~II nn -. °~ : ~~` County Schools O ~ I ~ I ~V ~1 .,. OCT-15-97 WED 11:14 *, . E}{FffBIT A ~T~ ~ OR12EpUTy IFrIl~FOBMS-AL~-~.QU~PMELIT ~SSJrFn YTNiT O,~ ~UE C_QST~ACH SHOES, BLACK 1 PR $ 46 00 SHIRT; LONG SLEEVE . W/PATCHES 3 EA $ 20 95 COAT, CAR W/PATCHES 1 EA $ . 94.95 COAT, WINDBREAKER ~W/PATCHFS 1 EA $ 49.95 COAT, RAIN W/LEGGINGS 1 EA $ 49 95 TROUSERS 3 EA ~ $ . 24 9 JUMPSUIT W/PATCHI;S 1 EA $ , 41 95 CAP, BASEBALL 1 EA $ . 7 50 HAT, CAMPAIGN 1 EA $ . 31 45 HAT BADGE 1 EA $ . . 55 00 HAT COVER, RA1N ] EA $ . 1 95 CAP, TROOPER 1 t;A $ . 15 95 BADGE, SHIRT 1 EA $ . 64 00 BAllUE; SHOOTERS l EA S . 9 95 COLLAR EMBLEMS 1 EA $ . 15 10 W1~IISTLE, C1~iAIN d; CLIP T SET $ . 21 00 ID CASE 1 EA $ . 14 95 T1L4FFIC; VEST . 1 EA $ . 7 95 BALLISTIC VEST & COVERS 1 SET $ . .. 240 00 ~ 2 EA ~ $ . 3 95 TOTE BAG 1 EA $ . 18.48 HOLSTER PISTOL 1 EA $ 52 66 HOLSTER, STUN GUN ~ 1 EA ' $ , 26 95 PISTOL 1 EA $ . 411 60 STUN GUN 1 EA $ . 145 00 NIGHT STICK c~ RING I IiA S . 24 95 HANDCUFFS i PR $ . 15 95 NAM; TAG 2 EA $ . 6 95 RANK DEVICE I PR $ . 4 95 HELMET 1 EA $ . 75 00 GAS MASg ; 1 EA $ . 139 95 RIOT BATTON 1 EA $ . 15 00 PORTABLE RAnrp 1 EA $ . 400 00 SO RDS AMMO $ . 15.00 TOTAL TOTAl• C~U~ $ 46.00 S 62.85 $ 94.95 $ 49.95 S 4995 $ 74.55 5 41.95 $ 7.50 $ 31.45 S SS.00 • S 1.95 S 15.95 $ 64.00 $ 9.95 $ 15.10 S ~ 21.00 S 14.9 $ 7.95 $ 240.00 S' 7.90 S 18.48 $ 52.66 S 26.95 $ 411.G0 $ I4S.00 $ 24.95 $ 15.95 $ 13.90 $ 4.95 $ 75.00 $ 139.95 $ 15.00 $ 400.00 $_-ISO $ 227259 76 P. 03 E?{F~BIT A aQd' T !BENEIIT~ SALARY $21,757.00 FICA $ 1,664.41 FETIREIv1E?`IT 3 1,Q74.80 MEDICAL $ 2,979.84. b~T~ $ 186.48 401 K $,~,08Z$5 TOTAL S 28,75038 0 0 $ 23,958.65 2 TOTAL - UNl~'ORMS/EQUIPNIENT, & SALAR'YBEIYEFITS $ 26, 231.23 z~6).D .piT~TES _ 5157,387.43 2 77 This page intentionally left blank ~. 78 ' ~; ' - ~ . .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: Meeting Date: 02/02/98 ~" . . ,. Regular Item #: ' °~ Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: . ' Department: Planning Presenter: ~ - ~~ . ~ . - Pa a Count In A enda Parka e: " Contact: Am Akin/Dexter Ha es SUBJECT: . ~~ _ w - A and of b>d # 98 0200 and approval of contract # 98-0200 for -the purchase and installation of four . manufactured homes. . " ~~ ." BRIEF SUMMARY: - " ~ Bids were received .for the"purchase and installation of three manufactured homes through the Kirkland Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Two bids were received and staff is recommending a~ti~ard of bid to the lowest responsible bidder. The need for one more unit in the same community has developed ' ~ ~ and whereas the bid .allowed for the addition or deletion of quantities, staff is recommending the,award be made for four units instead of three. The total amount of the award for the four units is $177,448.00. (Note: °: :~ This transaction is considered a urchase and can be awarded without'three bids bein received. P g )The ._'. ~ .. . ~ residents that will live in the manufactured houses are all elderly,. "The houses they are now living inure in such a state of disrepair that renovation is not cost effective. Relocation was not. considered as a viable ~" ~- ~ option "due to their a e. This involves onl Federal move ~ Y y ~ - - +~ ' ', RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution and approval of contract awarding bid for the purchase and . installation of four manufactured homes to Coastal Brokerage, Inca in the amount of $177,448.00 ._ . ; - The:contract is available in the County Manager's office for your review. . " ~. ~ ... - . - FUNDING SOURCE: , .Federal S: 177,448 State S: County S: ~ . User Fees S: Other S: ~° ~r Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No . Bud et Amendment Pre tired: No r, REVIEWED BY: ~ - " " LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR:.N/A AMALLETT ~.. f `~ ~, ~ COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND R COMMENDATIONS• ' -- , Recommend award of bid #98-0200 and approval of contract #98-0200 for the purchase.arid installation of " ' °. t ~ four manufactured homes. . -•~ . v ~ APARt:ll~~l~ ~~,~.~~ , RCM©VCI~ C~ " .: , .. " ~ ". FQ5TROf~ 1`3: : ~ HEARa C. " "" Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ,~~'~'~ N.~~~~! S L ', . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS • OF N>rW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 15th day of January, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received fora three (3) manufactured homes for the Planning Department, Bid # 98-0200: Coastal Brokerage, Inc: $132,336.00 ' Albemarle Builders $178,849.00 AND WHEREAS, the need for one more unit in the same community has developed~and whereas the bid allowed for the addition or deletion of quantities, staff is recommending the award be made for four (4) units instead of three; AND WHEREAS, the Planning Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded for four (4) units to Coastal Brokerage, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the. amount of One Hundred Seventy-seven Thousand Four Hundred Forty-eight Dollars ($177;448.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 835-470-8000-6000 Project:#.KIRKY02G to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for four (4) double-wide manufactured homes for the Planning Department, Bid # 98-0200 be awarded to Coastal Brokerage, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Seventy-seven Thousand Four Hundred Forty-eight Dollars ($177,448.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 2nd day of February, 1998. Ae (SEAL) , ' ATTEST: a~ ~~g~°tt~~~n Clerk'-to the4Board; ,: ~.:~ a ass ~: ,,... ~~'' ~~~ud3P~~~1 x,± a ,l ~, ~`' - t.. ~~~ti~ - ~ 6.:3 Lr '..:YY ~. . t a4~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners - - „ ~ , _:. . ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD-ACTION ~ . :. - -'~ - :Meeting Date: 02/02/98. .. ' ~~ : ~ ~ ~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 ;.Additional Item #: ` Department: Sheriff Presenter:. _~ ..: ` Pa a Count In A end . - a Packa e: Contact: Am Akin . ' . ~ SUBJECT:, - ~ . A royal of contract 98-0041 with Vision Software Inc. for the donat• o PP ion of software products and approva= `' of budget amendment #98-0106. `, . .. BRIEF'SUMMARY - - - . . ~, ~ ~ The Sheriff s Department is in -need of an automated Consolidated Records System,; the current record: ..operation in the department is manual and requires enormous effort to retrieve information when needed. .. ~ This-item was previously bid but the bids were rejected at the September 2, 1997 meeting because one big exceeded funds. available and the other-bid did not comply .with the specifications as written. Since tha: , time, Vision Softwaze, Inc. Has offered to donate to the County.all software for the consolidated Record: _ - ~ .System. -The only charges -to be incurred this year would be conversion chazges of $45 per hour not tc .~ exceed $13,500 and training sessions at a rate of $300 per class of twelve. Thevalue of the softwaze being ' '' -donated is $186,680. A resolution approving contract #98-0041 and budget amendment #98-0106 is attached. (Note: Budget amendment recognizes the donation being made:) ~_ RECOMMENDED-MOTION AND RFnUESTI~ D ACTIONS•~ .,. Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution: ~ ~ . :. - 1. Approving contract #98-0041 ' • ~2. Approving budget amendment #98-0106 ~ - ",.. :. . Contract is available. in the County,Manager'snffice for your review. , - UNDING SOURCE: - - ` Federal S: State S: County S: - User Fees S: Others: - _. ` - , i Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request:• Bud et Amendment Pre ared: :. ,: .. .. REVIEWED BY: , LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AIv1ALLETT ~- ~ -~ '~ ~ COUNTY MANA =FR'S COMM NT AND R OMMENDATIONS~ ~ ~ • ,:. . .:. Recommend approval of resolution and contracts as noted above. ~ ~ ' ~ . ~' . ~ - _~ . . _ ~. ~~~. ., . - - ". ., - ~G ~~~, _ - ' Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ~ ;,~ . ~ .. ~_ ` ~ ~ ., • RESOLUTION . - .. OF THE .. • BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF . F NEW HANOVER COUNTY WI-~REAS, the Sheriffs Department is in need of an automated Consolidated Records System; the current records operation in the department is manual: and requires enormous effort to retrieve information when needed; AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff has funding for this project from grants and federally forfeited .property sources; a ~ • AND. WHEREAS, this- item was previously bid but the bids were rejected at the September 2, 1997 meeting of the Board of Commissioners because one bid exceeded funds available and the otherbid did not comply with the specifications as written; AND WHEREAS, since that time,. Vision Software, Inc. has offered to donate to the County alt ,software for the Consolidated Records System, the only charges to be incurred this year-would be • conversion charges of $45.00 per hour not to exceed Thirteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($13;500.00) and training sessions at a rate of $300.00 per class of twelve; AND WHEREAS, the Sheriffhas reviewed the system and recommends acceptance of the Vision Software system; AND WHEREAS, the value of the software to be donated is One;Hundred Eighty-six Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Dollars ($186,680.00) and budget amendment 98-0106 has been prepared to budget the donation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that contract # 98-0041 with Vision Software, Inc. and budget,amendment 98-0106 be approved; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the .County. Attorney. This 2nd day of February, 1998. ~, (SEAL) . ATTEST: ~"- ~ ~,V .. I Clerko the?!B~o~id 82 ~~ ~? ~ . ~.. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners 'i ~~ ~. r' .. .' . , Budget Amendment r. ' DEPARmMENT • Sheriff's Dept. CRIMS Upgrade HtrDCET MF.NDM .Nm~ ~ ~ 98-0106 ~` LL 2-2-98 - - j- AD~T: TSTM :NT • ~ - ,: DEBLT r CREDIT s She '{ i S DP>7t - -t^RTMS il~grarla _ . Donations from Vision- . ~. - .:.Capital Outlay Software $186,680.' ~ . ~ $18.6,680 - - _. ,, . . . ` .~ - . . . ~" ~ . - - _ . ._ .. , - ~ . .. ,. ~-' . - . - . - ~- : EXPLANATION , ,., . To budget to reflect donation of software. from Vision.... tware,' Inc. ~ - - .r ,-. ~ ..° -. ~ ~W~Y COMMISSIONERS ~~`3VED ~~ . . . a ; - ~~I*C1`EC~ ;~ - ' .. kEMOVEr ~ ~ ~- ~; ' '-: ': HZ-E~ PO$TPONEp ~ HEARD (,~ ~ y ~ for Budget Officer's approval; then report - to Commissioners at next regular meeting and enter In minutes. - - DAj~ -.- `.~, t A ~/ To be approved by Commissioners. }--_r. ,.,,, To be entered inlu.minutcs. This page intentionally left blank ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ !'e~Q ~~~~ ~s~ REQUEST FOR BOARDACTION ' . ~~ ~. _ Meeting Date: 02/02/98 _. ~ , .. ~ Regular Item "#: Consent Item #: 6 ~ Additional Item #: ~ Department: County Manager Presenter: . " ~ ~ ~ ' , , , Pa a Count,In A enda Packa e: Contact: And Atkinson ~ - ~... . . SUBJECT: . Juvenile Justice Grant A licati ~ - pp on = ~~~ ~" ' E BRI F SUMMARY: The grant will provide positive role models and self-esteem activities for the youth in Dove Meadows. .. _ There are no County funds involved. The grant will flow through a' County escrow account with the County ~~ responsible for f scal controls of the funding. .. - ' . ~ ~ .: RECOMMEN DED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTIONS• . ~ It is recommended the Board of Commissioners approve the Juvenile.Justice grant application, accept the ` grant if it is~awarded, and authorize the County Manager to~sign the grant as authorized County official.. ~~` . ., .. .. REVIEWED BY: - .. LGL:. FIN: APP BSHELL ~ BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~. .~ " Y R, ~ F DRE F D'T Recommend approval. - . ; - W .. i COUN~ . ~ APPROVED ~:~ ,. . , ,. REJECTED ® ~ b ,~ . REMOVE© ~ 8M3 ..~ , PDSTPONZ~D 1r3 . ' Refer to Officc Vision Bu~lctin Board Cor Disposition HEARD' - ~ ~ - r~Tt f2 ~'r ~~~,/ . ~ ~ . ~ , ~ ~ ~~~""'iir"'-"' •, C~ Governor's Crime Commission Grant Nu~m~ber ~•° %~'''t~ 3824 Barrett Drivc Suite 100 -~ _~; • ~• ,,.•~ ~_ ,~ .. __ - t : K a ~^wst"lE . . y crs r. Raleigh, NC 27609 ' ; z ;-: ; ~; `~ r , phone: (919) 571-4736 fax: (919) 571-4745 '~~-°' 1998 GRANT PRE-APPLICATION 1. Applicant: (name, address, telephone and fax) 7. Name of Project: - SMART Moves • 8. Implementing Agcnry: (name, address, telephone and fax) • Brigade Boys & Girls Club 2. Authorizing Official: name, title and telephone) 2759 Vance Street I Wilmington, NC 28412 _ (910) 392-0747 FAX: (910) 792-0280 I~ 9. Project Dircaor: (name, title, telephone and fax) Derrell Clark 3. Committee Assignment: (circle) Executive Director Law Enforcement, Corrections, udicial, VOCA, (910) 392-0747 FAX: (910) 792-0280 VAWA, Information Systems, uvenile ustice 4. Type of Funds Requested: 10. Requested Budget Totals: ( } DCSI (3~ JJDP 1" Ycar 2nd Year VOCA ~ VAWA Personnel: 61, 9 8 2 61, 9 8 2 S. Type of Action: ~ • Contnauzl.: ------ ------ ? First Application (X) Continuation O ~ Travel: S , 200 5 , 200 Supplies: 3 , 080 2 , 780 6. Agency ProfJe: Equipment: 4 , 000 •a. Numbcr of people working in agency: 12 sworn /non sworn Total Budgct: 7 4, 2 6 2 6 9, 9 6 2 b. Annual agenry budget $288,174 Subtna Match: c. Population served 1, d. UCR Statistics FEDExnt. REQUEST: 7 4_ ,? 6 2 6 9, 9 6 2 11. Project Summary: - The SMART Moves program of the Brigade Boys & Girls Club proposes to Q involve the kids of Dove Meadows in the following activities: (1) Drug/Alcohol/Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (2) Talking t,~ith TJ Program (Dealing with anger & learning to cooperate) (3) Afterschool Homework Help Program (4) Job Search/Job Training Program (5) Jr. $t,aff & Toreh Club Program-(youth leadership programs) (6) Athletic Programs (basketball, t=ball/softball, football, cheerleadi (7) Over-all "character development:'. program of Boys & Girls Clubs These programs and activities will be provided for the youth of Dove Meadows, with a'majority of the activities being conducted on the property site of Dove Meadows. The remainder of the activities and ~p'~g.r~a~msj,~w,isl'~l~~b~e conducted at the Brigade Boys & Girls Club and those partici~pan;taf~r~om Dove Meadows will be transported to/from residents to the ~Boy~s,&~G>i~rls Club. Positive -role models and self-esteem activiti s ~w=1~~e~~th~eF,~f~otc•;a~1 points of .this program. Teaching kids to resist peer ~p ,.e s re~a~d~a o~~make good deci~si. ons .will be a theme carried through every apec t,;~,o~f~~ the program. .,.. ~ ag. r a E ~ yscsz~,a _ ;~.~,- +~ t i w .r, ze Problem._. _ _ _._ ._ _.. .in... .r.r. ,.,,.d t._.~...~. .m.... ue_i.u a.4~L ~.._L_... ..,. i..y.~ .r ~'__.. .. ~: 1:L.. ~..~.. ....ti.:-~r~i ' ~~3aCi~:~1 Dove Meadows is a semi-owned housing development located in the southern part~of Wilmington. The development is comprised of 474 units with an excess of 600 boys and girls residing therein. Approximately 98% of the units are occupied .by single mothers; approximately l00 of these .single mothers are between the 'ages of 18-24•years. The average gross income• • of this housing development is $4,382 per family, and the average~~'adjuste gross income is $3,542 per household. There are an average of 5 police calls per day with approximately 2 of these daily calls being domestic disputes. The remaining calls are drug/violence/prostitution related. There is a lack of moral teachings available on site and very limited parental involvement with youth. Young kids are forced to play outside and at times, close to the proximity of violence and gunfire. Drugs are distributed on street corners, within clear view of the young children, and many of these children are pressured from their peers to be subjected to the involvement of drugs and its influences. Even prositution runs rampaged on various street corners, even though police involvement tries t:o curtail these activities. With all of these vices and crimes being played out in front of these young people of Dove Meadows, it is clear as to the proper influence that needs to be imposed upon these kids. The Brigade Boys & Girls Club has been an influence in the lives of the Wilmington youth for the past 102 years. Many lives have been touched and turned-around during this time, and many of these lives have develope into today's leaders and business leaders. The Brigade Boys & Girls Clubi is "The Positve Place For Kids!" Project Operation: __ ~.. _ _ ~ . - ~. ,• _ .. _ ~. .._. .. ~..._. _. .....~.. _.. .. ._~~i_. ... ~. ... a .... _ _. .. _.. ..... .... l.~'.. M~J ..... ~1. ...r :lr ~. The Brigade Boys & Girls Club proposes to provide activities and programs for the boys and girls of Dove Meadows through its six core program: (1.) Health & Physical Education (2) Personal Adjustment (3) Cultural Enrichment (4) Social & Recreation (5) Citizenship & Leadership (6) Out- door & Environment. Using the-youth development strategy of (1) a sense of competence (2) a sense of usefulness (3) a sense of belonging (4) a sense of power and influence, the self-esteem of boys and girls is en- hanced and an environment is created which helps youth achieve their full poEential. Staff will be hired and trained to motivate kids to be more involved in positive activities which consist of "saying N0 to drugs and -early involvement of sexual activity, being better equipped to become employable, dealing with anger and violence, and learning to live in a world where are kids have a right to succeed. While at the Boys ~ Girls Club, the young people will have the opportunity to learn bas~:c computer skills and to enhance their education knowledge through the personal guidance and help of homework tutors and aides. The young people will be able to build a brader sense of competence through athletic competitio .where winning will not be stressed nearly as much as sportsmanship and just doing the best one can. .The young people will be taken from an un- safe environment into a safe setting where kids can really be kids. Every effort will be made to involve the youth in each facet of the Boys & Girls Club's progaas, with special empasis being placed on character development. 85. Pars 3 I ~i1 Bud t Cate one car onl = -` .- ..~ ; - : :: ~ - -~ Cate ry Totals P k o A. PERSONNEL 1... Salaries: List each position with yearly salary" rate. Position Title Salary Rate 96 of Time Devoted Smart Moves Coordinator $9.00/hour 2080 hours Program Aides (2) "$6.50/hour 1680 hours Educational Aide $7.00/hour 1100 hours 2. Overtime: Group u 'N' new Positions, and/or 'C' current Supervison & Bookeeping ~ $500/month 3. Fringe Benefits: Itemize percentages applicable for cacti benefit. for all positions. FICA - Retirement - Hospitaliution - Other $18,720 $21,840 ~~ $ 7,700 $48,260 $ 6,000 Salary Subtotal: I~ 5 4, 2 6 0 ;'$ 4,151 $ 1,872 $ 1,.699 Bcncfiu Subtotal: ~ 7, 722 Total Pcrsonncl: nnsfer to Page S, line I., A) B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, me of pay and time required Position Title Pay Rate 'Time Required Individual Consultant Subtotal: ~ ~ 2. Agenry: Lut by name of agenry, rate of pay and time required Aeency Pay Rate Time Required Consultant Agcnry Subtotal: ~ ~ Total Contractual Scrviccs: nnsfer to Pa a S, line I., B C. TRAVEL: Lut cost for transporting clienu and cosu for tnvel and rubsistence of project personnel. Transportation use of van (includes insurance & fuel) on a daily basis to/from Dove Meadows to Boys & Girls Club (est}~r~ted $100 per week) b Total Travcl: _ (Transfer to Page S, line I., C) 61,982 ~?~ 5,200 ~0 ,~,; r ~~ I~ 'I ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .:. .. ... ,,. Bud et Cate o one ear onl - ~~ f Ca o Totals ..~ u.: .,_~,..~ ,.• ,. D. SUPPLIES AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES • (office supplies, field rupplies, printing; computer software, office rent, registration and individual training costs) .. i i Office Supplies ~ ~ $ 520 •' Printing & Publications $ 260 Recreation Equipment $1;000 .Awards, T-Shirts, Snacks ~ $1,000 Training Registration & Fees $ 300 Total Operating Expenses: $ 3, 080 . (Transfer to Page S; line I., D) E. EQUIPMENT I: Purchase Item Description Unit Price nuantity • 486 Computers $2,000 ~ 2 (Internet Capable) (Monitor, Keyboard, & CPU) Software included $4,000 Purchascd Equipmrnt Subtotal: S 4 , 000 2. Lease or Rental Item Description Unit Price Quantity . Leased Equipmcnt Subtotal: ~ Total Equipmcnt: $•. 4 000 ransfer to Pa a 5, .line I., E ~ TOTAL PROJECT COST: Add totals from Pa es 3 and 4, transfer to Pa a S, line L, ~ 4 , 2 6 2 I Budget Categones ~ • - ~~ y~ ' :Antidpated Second Year A. Personnel $ 61, 9 8 2 $ 61, 9 8 2 B. Contractual Service $ ______ $ ______ G Travel $ 5 , 200 $ 5 , 200 D. Supplies /Operating Expenses $ 3 , 080 $ 2 , 780 E. Equipment $ 4 , 000 $ ----- F. Total Budget (the rum of lines A - E) $ 74 , 2 6 2 $ 6 9 , 9 6 2 G. Subtract Matching Funds _ $ ______ _ $ ______ H. TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST $ 74,262 $ 69,962 II. Description of Match for VOCA, VAWA, and DCSI Grants Matching hinds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Victims of Crime Aa (VOCA) 80% federal / 20% match Describe source and amount of cash or in-kind match: ~~ . , ~:J B. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (Check one and describe bclow) ( )Nonprofit, nongovernmental victim service program -exempt from match ( )All othcr applicanu - 75% federal / 25% match Describe source and amount of cash or in-kind match: C. Drug Control and System Improvement 75% federal / 25% cash only match Describe source and amount of cash match: III. Projected Assumption of Project Costs: ( )The project director MUST state plans for the assumption of projcct cost after fedcral funds are no longer available to the project and describe how the project will continue to address the problem after the grant ends. At the end of the two-year program, it is expected and hoped that the Brigade Boys & Girls Club will be able (with the assistance of the United Way and other community support) continue this program :atn~e same rate and basis as described above. The Dove Meadows H rag Development is clearly within the service area of the Brigade Boys & Girls Club. - ~o 1 i 1 1 1 1 i it II ~1 ' ' i,- '' A. Ccrtification of Non-Supplanting: (X)~The applicant hereby certifies that federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Drug Control and System Improvement, Victims of Crime Act or Violence Against Women Act projects. ~ ~ .. . B. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: (X) The project director certifies that they will submit progress reports in accordance with the instructions provided by the Governor's Crime Commission and u outlined in the Grant Award Packet that is distributed to all new grantees. The Governor's Crime Commission will AUTOMATICALLY place projects on financial hold for failure to submit progress reporu by the specified deadline. C. Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal Funds: (X) The project director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any.of its officer, director or consultanu aie presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal funds. (Tf the director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an explanation is provided, the application will be iejected.) - . - AVAILABLE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ~. If you need assistance in completing this grant pre-application, please call the Governor's Crime Commission at (919) 571736. Be ready to state the specific area in which you need assistance (DCSI, VOCA, VAWA, or JJDP). 89 ~ 1 • • Authorizing Official* ~, I certify that all information presented is correct; that there hu been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; ~j that I am duly authorized to commit the applicant to these requiremenu; that cosu incurred prior to grant approval ~f will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agency; and, that all agencies involved with this project understand that all federal funds are limited to a twenty-four month funding period. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 requires that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrant funds will not be used to supplant or replace local or state funds or other resources that would otherwise have been available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. In compliance with that mandate, I certify that the receipt of federal funds through the. Governor's Crime Commission shall in no way supplant or replace state or local funds or other resources that would have been made available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. Name: _ -Title: (Please Print or Type) genry: _ Date: Signature• `~' ~ NOTE: THE AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL AND THE PROJECT DIRECTOR SHOULD NOT BE THE SAME PERSON. ~. Project Director I certify that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; and, that any cosu incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agenry. I also certify that u a condition of accepting this grant I agree to collect information required by Governor's Crime fl Commission staff to monitor and evaluate this grant program and failure to submit that information will result in my project being placed in a financial hold status. Derrell Clark Executive Director Name: Title: (Please Print or Type) „~.~ Agenry: Brigade Boys & Girls Club Datc: January 21, 1998 Signature• Q~~ FOIL REVIEW ~.. 90 1 1 r i r r r .. Sr REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/02/98 - Regular Item #: Department: County Manager Pa a Count In A ends Packa SUBJECT: Use of the Internet -Policy Consent, Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Presenter: - - 2 Contact: Andy Atkinson BRIEF SUMMARY• With the continuing expansion and use of a-mail and the Internet, staff believes it is prudent to establish a policy for using the New Hanover County Network which includes the Internet and the NC Integrated Information Network. A proposed policy is attached for your consideration. The most important aspect of the policy is the understanding that, "any a-mail produced in~connection with the transaction of public business is a public document..." - RFCOMMFNDED MOTION AND RFQtJFSTFD ACTIONS Approved the "New Hanover County Net Use Policy." rvtvulNG OURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: IEtEVIEWED BY• - LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT CUUNTY MANA R' COMM NTS AND RE( Approve the "New Hanover County Net Use Polisjc._' Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition 1 COUN~'Y Ct~M~M .~~. . APPROVED RFJEC~Et~ ~ ;~~ R~MOI%~Q ~os~ 9~1 N~tR1 ©A'~~ .. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY NET USE POLICY Definitions NET: Refers to the New Hanover County Network, NCIIN and the Internet. ~E-Mail` Electronic Mail -The capability to compose, address, send and receive messages and attachments electronically. NCIIN: North Carolina Integrated Information Network -refers to a web of interoperable networks, within the state, that transmits data, text, images, voice, and video. World Wide Web: The integrated world wide network of computers based on the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), and Transmission Control Protocol. Scope This policy applies to all users. of the NET. Policy Any e-mail produced in connection with the transaction of public business is a public document and must be retained in accordance with the State retention guidelines; and therefore, must be made available to anyone requesting access to such transaction. While in performance of work-related functions, while on the job, or while using publicly owned or Publicly provided information processing resources, Public employees are expected Po use the NET responsibly and professionally and shall make no intentional use of these services in an illegal, malicious, or obscene manner. Public employees may make reasonable personal use of the NET as long as: a. The direct measurable cost to the public is none or is negligible; b. There is no negative impact on employee performance of public duties; c. The policy is applied equitably among all employees of the county. When sending or forwarding a-mail over the NET, public employees shall identify themselves clearly and accurately. Anonymous or pseudonymous posting is expressly forbidden. All a-mail is subject to morntonng and may be disclosed without users permission. Public employees have a responsibility to make sure that all public information disseminated via the NET is accurate. Employees shall provide in association with such information its source and the date at which it was current and an electronic mail address allowin the recipient to contact the public staffs responsible for making the information avai~able in its current form. All files downloaded from an external source must be scanned for computer viruses. This includes files obtained as a-mail attachments and by an other file transfer. mechanism. This requirement applies to files loaded from tope, diskette or any other media diskette. It is the responsibility of public employees take reasonable precautions to prevent the introduction or propagation of computer viruses. The Internet provides easy access to software distributed by companies or individuals on a trial basis. This free access does not indicate that the software is free or that it may (~ be distributed freely. All applicable software copyright and licensing laws must be ]J cy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the County's lie Board of County Commissioners on (~'~ t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • a, ~ _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body . ~ .Presenter: Lucie Harrell . Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: '• Contact: Lucie Harrell . SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Additions . BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution to add the following to the State Highway System Snapper Lane of Wilmington Beach Roads in Vineyard Green Subdivision RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQUFSTFD ACTIONS• Adopt resolution r ulvuilvCT SUUKCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: ~ • LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NT AND R OMM NDATIONS• _ Adopt resolution. COt1NTY COMMlS31(~lli AFr'rROVED tzi REJCCTED Q R~+t~rOVED Q ' '~ Fu~TPON~o o ~.~9 3 HEARD `' Refer to Off ce Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ~ ~'' DATE ~I~ (s9' ~ ~ ---.---_____ =--... ___. w__.._.... _..... AROLINA STATE DEPARTMEN pOF TFIANSPORTATION / NORTH C DIVISION OF HIGH`NA ~ S • RITZ North Carolina New Hanover County of Petition request for (check one): • Addition to State System Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) U ~ 1 6 1999... ~ N:~Y NA,YOVE? CO BA OF C0,1f!~ISSICNE?c~ L~ - ~ owners on Road We the undersigned, being grope Describe or give local ame or Secondary of the ~ I • I , ~,,a ~EAch '`~~ ' ~ do hereb request the Division of Highway New Hanover ~~~"'y ~ the above-described road. Number) in MAC ,J.~A;,J n~~ ~~ 1 Department of Transportation to J $ o miles in nested to a We further advis{time thereoare fre~/-occupied homes located on the road and having length and at the presen ~~~°'~`~~,~r/ , ~D ' entrances into the road. ~~'- e to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary Finally, we agre a minimum construction standards required by the Division of onstruct the road to th ire len h of the road that is requeste esoand Q width to c ht-of-way will extend the ent 9t Highways. This rig ht-of-way for cut and fill slop ~ In the ublic road intersections for improved and will include the necd sate add'i onal right of-way P a reement forms that will ~} e. Also, we agree to d xecute said right-of-way 9 l.,,I- ~ dramag ur oses and toe hwa s sight distance and desfenresentatives of the n~vision of Hig Y be submitted to us by P REMARKS ies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. Four cep __~ PROPERTY OWNERS f TELEPHONE U ' NAME MAILING ADDRESS ntact the first petitioner listed below: The Division of Highways should co 9is _~,Ls. a ~ , C..~Sr~ S ~- s / ~ r ~I ~l1C:°' ~ 94 ~a ~ ~.. -,~ ~~ ~~~ro ~ : ~ ~; ~~~.~ y.. ~~~~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obso a e. '~` ~" ~~~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT. Of TRANSPORTATION ,.. ~` ~ ~ '. ~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION ,~ `tlortfi' Carolina ~ ~ ~ , ~ . " ' ,..,County of New Hanover ,Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System ~(x) ~~ ~ .. . Paving ( ) . , . Maintenance Improvement ( j r . .. , ~~~ ~ ~~ - '" ~ `We~ the undersigned, being all of the 'property owners on Vineyard Greens ~- sections 1-2-& 3 (Describe or give local ~~~" ~ name or Secondary Road Number in County do hereby request"the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to add to system . .". the above described road. .~ {~~ ' We further advise that the road requested to is - miles in. length and at the present time there are occupied fiomes located on the;.road and having Entrances into the road. ,• •Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-w_y sixty (60.) feet in width extending the entire length of the road that is requested .~ •to"be im roved alon with the necessar areas for cut anal fill sloes and drains e. P 9 Y P 9 .. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in~the public road intersections. for. sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement ~~ forms that will be submitted to us by re resentatives of the Division of Hi hwa s P 9 Y ,~' in order that the Division of Highways fulfill the requirements of Chapter 1244.,,. 1959 Session of the General Assembly of North Carolina.. - . ~_ ~ ~ - ,.. ~,. ~ .., REMARKS " ~ ° , ~ ~ , . Two copies of recorded subdivision pl"at enclosed if .applicable - • i. _ . . ~ ~.~ ~ ~~ ". PROPERTY OWNERS. , ; ~ .. .. , NAME ~ ~ ~ .:ADDRESS - - ~' The'`D.vision of Highways should contact the first etitioner listed b ows . p el . _. ' _ `,Jim Hunter P.O.Box'15156 Wilmington N G 28408 910-792-1570 ` ~ Masonboro Associates _. . ,~- Revised Form SR-1 . (6-18) A11 previous forms obsolete, ~ ~ - . .. - . . / - J .. ~' _ ; • L. J ~~~i .. ~ ~. M ~~ ~ Gds "r~r. i`1 cR p .:r Witt vh pQ N- FN ye,t ~~ ~ ~ , N ~` Y. >2a. ..1 m ~ ~ ~ S1 ~~ ~ 7-~ as 0 ' RiaQ ~ '`.~`~ ~ ~ M,~~ ~ ~, - ~~4 `~NE~ K'OAp G~`T"l OI`! ~~~ O -TO SGAI-E ~~ .. i r __ J . NEW t{AIVOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ' THE FOREGOING CERT/fICATE OF EVONNE M SMITF~ N07ARY PU8(.1C Or NEW NANOVER COUNTY 15 CERTIFIED TO BE COR SECT. I~ ED FOR REGISTRATION ON TNE__~___DAY ~ AJN/PM AND DULY RECORDED /N MAP 800K - AT PAGE-• .. MARY SUE DOTS ~ ~ ~ REGJSTER OF DEEDS I + 9Y.. I I . , .. _ A~ E Q I N LOTS 1_D-T'..I~Q SG?. FTC.. /~Gt2E~~ - ~ .. ~~ .~ r' ;. t 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/02/98 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 ~ ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: " Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointment BRIEF SUMMARY: Appointment of Patti White to serve on the Child Fatality Prevention Team... Vacancy was advertised in- January. Only one application was received. RECOMMFNDFD MOTION AND RFQ(JFSTED ACTIONS• Appoint Patty White to the Child Fatality Prevention Team rUl~ull~h aVUK(;N,: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RF OMMENDATION .. Make appointment. -~ COUNTY IMI APPROVl~C1 u REJEC`tEt~ REMOYI+D' i'3' POSTPEJPI ~ - ~ HEAItCh DATE ~~._..~. .~,__~~ Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition .NEW IYANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone f910J 341-7149 FAX f910J 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request torAppointment to: ~ ~L, ~ /.,~ Z Name: Home How long have you been a Address: .resident otNew Hanover CountyT _ f ~ c~its --~, Mailing Address. City and State: . ~ ,-,~-~ ' ~~~ ytk. Zip Code: ~_~ c/p Telephone: Home: _ ~~9 ~_ {tJ 5 U Business: _ 3 y 3- a G 9 'Sex: _ ~,rr.~l 'Race: ~o.,v,c ~ t ~~a. 'Age: / Q 'This in/ormetion is repuested for fhs so% purpose o/ sssuriny /hat ~ cross-section of the community is eppointeo. .'Employed by: _ Y7 ~lZ. yY) C• _ -'A person cunsnt/y imp/oy~d by !h~ eysncy or d~pertm~nt for which tA~s app/~cetion ~,s med~, must resign his/hirposition witA Nsw Nenover County upon appointment, in sccordence witA Artic% V/, See. ~ o/ tAe New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: _ ~ u. rS ~~~~~ o._~c~YT ~ Yf /L7 / C ~ 17 L° cj Protessiona/Activities:~lr~_n ;~ ` ~(' ~s.~ 5-F ' ~~_sT ~ c t-~~P ~.,~ -t- ~i .~i~y VolunteerActivities: ~ ~~d a v Why do you wr'sh to serve on the Board, Committee, or omm~,l'ssion req stedT . ~ ~ e I .~-1 ~-- -r ~,~._,. 1 _ _ a t r, r,.. ~v.,C~~t, ~tQC~,a.,ow (~'c.v~d: e~-~ 1, . ~ ;,1 Oy,, ~., ~1; S cl.~.s ice, 'sd~ ~.r hat do you eel re your qualifi a ions for serving on the Board, Committee, or Cdi~nrfilss/on requestedT ~' ~~( ' ~l 1 o tp~A~o~~° c~ Q~~• ~1U 1 C~A ~k N ~ ~.,r~ C' ~.l}"r2 IA vs.,e -~- ~ w n Cr• 1 ~f C ~ What he s o/ co~Cejn woue you~lce t~~e th1 e B rd~ ommittee ommission addressT .-, 1 Are you current/ervin''g~a'n"'o'thev board or committee appointed by a municipality or a count T l/so /ease lis ~. Y , P t. ~' p Date: . '~'`' _ ~ lA"1 2 1 1998 Signature (Please use re ~„ i ~f/or sddih`one/+commentsl ~ ~~~~ -,., (OVER) ' .r ~.. ~/..'~ •J ~ ~ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Local Child Fatality Prevention Teams (CFPTs) ~,, ~'Irat do local CFPTs do ~ ~ ~ ~,, Local CFPTs review medical examiner reports, death certificates, and other records for deceased county residents under age 18. Members discuss outcomes of services and circumstances surrounding the child's death. .~v do local CFPTs rP,,;~„ child d n1 ~? ~ The purposes of the local CFPT are to: _ I.~ D Identify deficiencies in the delivery of services to children and families by public agencies, D Make and carry out recommendations for changes that will prevent'future child deaths, and _ D Promote understanding of the causes of child deaths. Local CFPTs and state agencies can use CFPT review findings to determine trends, to target prevention strategies, to identify family and community needs, and to support community agencies in their services to children and families. ~'h o serves on th e local FPT ~ Each local CFPT consists of appointed representatives of public agencies, non-public agencies, and the community, including: • County department of social services • Local law enforcement agency • District attorney's office • Local community action agency • Local schools • County board of social services • Local mental health agency • Guardians ad litem • Local health care providers • Local department of public health • Emergency medical services • District court • County medical examiner • Local day care • Parents The board of county commissioners may appoint a maximum of five additional members to ~' represent county agencies or the community at large to serve on the local CFPT. :100 Srction I Pagc t ;Coastal Precision Machine, Inc. .:Quality and Service January 15, 1998 ~ ' Mr. Bill Caster, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Bill, I am certain you and the Board of Commissioners are aware of the scope of American Legion's project. Due to funding, this project has taken much longer to complete than we anticipated. This resulted in higher cost both in construction and compliance. Our budget has not been sufficient to cover these increases. The projected cost to remove our old building in $ 15,000.00 - 18,00.0.00. Tipping fees are estimated to be approximately $ 8000.00 of this figure. Considering our service to the community and its veterans we ask The County to waive these fees. Thank you for your consideration in the request. Sincerely, ames C. McDonald Building Committee Chairman ~ ~, ~~~~~1 . ~, f~~V~~~~~ . 102 ~ ~~~~ ~s~~~ ~~ Phone (910) 799-9519 • Fax (910) 452-7148 ....... 2010 North Keri.Avenue ~~.. Wilmington, NC 28405-1044 - -, J~r~. ~~d et AI11eIl.C~~11eI1~ CONSENT AGENDA: g . February 2,1998 a t <t . y C - ~. - k yv r Y..:.'~ w.+.~<::x:t.Y......•~tis,w.•n.G::::'tk~~3~~.::.a..'~i. i.::::a.......;a....a.. .•.........w. ~.~w :.2..a....,..<.~ ~~ K ~ ii ~ ti. :.. • •~ -. - 2.<.... ~ +1~. ...... , ......ti::a:lc......a~.ti.t+. .. .. ,.~.uii..:•:.x u......ti::. i...:tw,ue...xt... "G..~?..i:i :... ~' r - ~ ~ .. . DEPARTMENT : $IJDGET AMENDMENTtIk I~TE Controlled Substance :~~ Capital Project Tax 98-27 2-2-98.: _~ , . ~ ~,• - . ~ AD~TtiSTMENT :. , . Control l d Substa c . DEBIT: [__REDIT• Ta C i t t P ` u ~ _ n e Controlled Substance ~ ~ `Ca i;tal Pro ect P j x gn ro~ect a Tax $6,452 `~ Ex ense 6 4 2 P $. 5 .. . . • ~. . , ,~ .. .. _ . ~• t _ ~ e . ~- .. , ~ ~ • . -_ .. ~: ~ • • '~ . ~ _ EXPLANATION ~~ :.To increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled ~ . Substance tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for 'law •, enforcement activitie s as the Sheriff deems necessary .. , ,: ' . COUN'~1f {~MMISSIONERS. APARCIVE~ Cam' ~ • ~ ' For Budget O!luer s ~ppr~~h~ rcpor,t RcMUVED - C, to Commtssioncri >tt next ~?- eeting ° ' ,.. .. POSTPONED D' ~ .and enter to minutes.. . ~ crs ._ HEARS ^ ~ To~bcen~rcdcii uym nutcs~sion , / . DATE 1, - __ ' ~ . ~. •• F , ~~ This page intentionally left blank .. .~ ~~;~~ 104 ~ ~~~~~~M~~~ _ oa ~~~~~~ - -~_ 1 . ``~~ , IVOrth Carolina Department of Health and Haman Services Division of Women's and Children's Health 1330 St. Mary's Street • Post Office t3o:1004x• tta]etitiF, NortTt Grotiaa 2'7626-0347 ~~ Coarkr 52-01.00 James B. Hart Jr., Governor Ain F. Wolfe, Mme., M.P.H., Director , $ David Bmtan, M.D., Secretary November 13,1997 TO: Local Health Directors ATTENTION: WIC Di FROM: Barber Stcmt*., Chie ~ ~~~~ ~-~-~ ~ ~~~~ Immunizatiozt Scctio .~ Alice Lenihan, Chief ~, Nutrition Services Section SUBJECT: Funds to Support WIC/Immunizaiion Activities We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts to increase the number of young children who arc age appropriately immunized. Your collaborative efforts in developing working partnerships between WIC, Inununization, and Child Health Services have been excellent. Without those relationships we can not be successful, We recognize that the additional requirements for WIC staff to scrccn and rcfcr for immunizations arc adding to an already full workload. To assist in this effort, the Immunization Section has identified one-time funds which will Vii" be allocated to local WIC ro s to azsist in the and rcfcrral Funds orated include a base of S 1000 to each local agency and S7.90 for each infant participating in the loca] agency WIC Program in May 1997. The attached table illustrates the funding for your agency. We will be measuring the impact of the special funds through review of screening and referral activities during annual assessment and monitoring visits. • The North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCIR) is an important toot for WIC staff to screen and identify children in need of immunization Several training. sessions have beta scheduled across the state to train local WIC staff ou use of the NCIR All WIC staff who have been trained will be able to document the irnmunization history of WIC eligible children in the • NCIR and use it to determine the immunization status and referral needs of young children. We encourage local agcnc~es~u~~sng~proprictary~systems for their WIC and public health :F~~. .. Ik~fF. tf ~~~'4F iA,y management information systems to train WI'C'staff{'in;thc use of their local immunization 3 ~~191''f`1il^l s~s~. .The. immunization data frorri thcsc•tsys~tems~~b~come a part of the NCIR. ~"} fMai ~ w P - hid~^;!Y Y (~y~ 4~.~1~~7i ~~ ~dP Till ~lY Noma Coo!lwt: Xou o tat I\\~ „"`"n ,~ ,/ SP~Jsa~plt WodlSauw+wer C.wet BASE INFANT BASE PER INFANT TOTAL CASELOAD •. • PARTICIPATION FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS May 97 ~ . . REGION 1 • PPCC _ 2,392 620 1.000 4,898 ~ 5.898 Gn,ane 621 185 1.000 ..1,462 2.482 AAartin-T-W ~ 1,757 .. .420 1,000 ~ 3,318. 1,314 Pit! 3,853 978 1.000 7.726 8.726 Bert;e t,o6~ 221 1.000 1,no 2,no ~~'~' . - tzr7 263 ~ 1.000 2.078 3,078 FtYOe 216 30 1,000 ' 237 iZ37 Dare ~S3d 131 1,000 1,035 • 2,035 Wayne 3.551 968 1.000 7.647 8.647 Beaufort 1,364 . • 323 1.000 2.552 3,552 Subtotal 18.657 4,142 10.000 32.722 42,722 REGION2 Jonsa 382 85 1,000 672 1.872 Crawn 3.098 918 1.000 7,252 b~S2 New t!laraver 3.044 866 1.000 6.841 7,841 Grtarei 1,277 ?92 1.000 2.307 5.307 LanoQ 2,015 572 1,000 4,519 S,S19 Bnmswic~c _ 1,475 4d3 1,000 3,816 4,816 Cok,mbus _ _ 2,332 574 1,000 4,535 S,S35 ~cnder _.... __-. . .-_-- _ 1212 - 308 1.000 2.433 3,433 ~~ :. _ :_ _ _ . ..__ - 7,027 ---r...... ~ 2,041 1,000 16,124 . _ 17,124 OOP Service 2:045 - 567 1,000 1,179 S,<79 Pamlico 326 81 1,000 640 1,640 Subtotal 24:233 6.787 11,000 53,817 64,617 REGIONS JoAnston 2,338 676 1,000 5,340 6,340 Robeson 5,344 1,464 1,000 11,605 !2,805 wand 1.522 4pS 1,000 3,200 4,200 BlaCen 1,110 295 1,000 2,331 3,531 Sampson 1,407 409 1,000 3,231 431 CumDertanC 11,186 3,492 1,000 T7,S87 28,587 ~e 1,410 ,347 1.000 2,741 3,741 /1r,son 1,048 233 1.000 1,841 2.841 Ria,mor>d 2.181 491 t,ooo 3.x79 4,879 Tri-Co 615 176 1,000 1.390 2,390 Subtotal REGtON.41 0 8 ~ 28,165 7,993 10,000 ' 63,145 73,145 LCNC 4,768 1,109 1.000 11.131 12.131 PiaCmortt 2.789 ~. 720 1.000 5,6dd 6.688 - .,. ' ~ • - - . ` ~ BASE INFANT ~ •. BASE PER INFANT _ TOTAL. . .,. . , • • CASELOAD PARTICIPATION FUNDS" FUNDS ' FUNDS _. - • ~ May 97 - ," :; ' REGION 4 - ~ - ' , • - ~C ` 4,768 1,~ 1.000. `~ ~ 11,131' : + 12.131 • . ~,. Piedmont :. 2.789 T20 1:000 5:688 6,688 , :. . 1Aoorv ' '1.660 S17 - `1'.000: _ 4,084 . 6084 n.. .. wake _ 8.500 ' ` 2,576 1.000 , 20.350 21,350 : ' 1Aonepomery . 1,029 ~ 264 ~ .1.000 ,. 2086 ~ 3086 .,. . , Hrnett' _ •. _ ' 2.452 -. 60S . ~ 1,000• 4,760 - • 5.760 . ,, `Person. 963 243 ~ - 1.000 ' , .. 1.920 • ~ 2.920 .. .~ 1.424.. ~ ~ ..368 1,000 • . 2.907 3.907 ' ~.: Subtotal ,. 23.785 4,702. 8,000 52.548 - 60646 . ~ REGIONS ~ . ' W'arten • - 840 - 1S2 1,000 '1.201. 2.201 , ~ .Gran-Vance 2 741 '779. 1.000 6,iS4 7,154 ... • `' '~ ` Nihtson .,. Fra kli 2.266 1 d33 1,000 ~ $.001 ' 6.001 n n .024 2tiS 1.000; ., 2.094 3.044. • ~' Northampton .. :. W3. , 1161 1.000 1,430 2.430 . Nuh . _ - 2,116 ~ 397. 1,000 .. 4,715 5.716 . Ed9ecombe • 2.500 . dS1 - 1,000 ~ 6,143 6,143 . ..Twin Co. ,422 2 673 .. rood =4sn - s.sn _ _ .. subtotal - ti,8s2 ~ 3,81 8,000 , 30.266 38.265 -- ., REGIp.N 5 ---- . • ~. . .:. Ra noids_ r ... - :: 6,996 ... 1;1107 , . ~ t,ooo 1:~7s , - ~ ~.:.~ ~szrs t , .Caswell, . S12 132 1.000 '1;04 `. 2043 -: ' ~ . >. Rodcin9ham . ~ , . 2.086. S77 1,000 - ~ I,S58 _ ,. - S:SSB . > .- . Surty - . • ' i,S23 603 1,000 : 3,974 ~ , 4,974 Alamance ' _ - .2,157 710` 1,000. 5,609 8,609 Stokes . ~ 863 219. 1.000 1.730 • - 2,730 • , `/1DHD ~ 3.632 ~ 773 1.000 0,107 '-7.107 ~;, Subtotsl 18,768 ` 4,721 7,000, ~ - 37„296 ~ .41,296 ,. - ..REGION? , - , ~; Yadkin - ... ' . 937 21a 1,000 ~ 1.708 .. 2.706 • Davis:. 626 140 - 1.000. 1 1013 2.106 .' ; - : ' ` Randolph • 2,57@ . 778,.. - •. 1.000. ~ .4.130 .: 7,130 ~~ ' .GuiMord - 7,294. _ 2,084 1,000 '14,464 17.46! .~ . ~ Gtawba ~ ~ ,: 2.481 76S •1.000 `- ,. ~ a,04d 7,~ ,., R It Alexander •' , ~ d97 •- 211 1.000 ~ .,.1,687..: 2.687 , - ..Rowan :~ - .2.737 72S 1.000: . 5,728 - ~ . _ ~ Davidson ~ 3.177 917" 1,000 ,7,244 e~ - ° - SubtoUl 20,528 5,834 8.000 48.089 yt 089 ~ - ~- REGION 8°, ~ .•• - . ' • . BASE INFANT BASE PER INFANT TOTAL CASELOAD PARTICIPATION FUNDS • FUNDS FUNDS May 97 . ~Aadcknbury ~ 4,986 3.220 1,000 2S,Q8 ~ ¢ 26.438 ~ ~ 3,926 1,159 1.000 0.156 10,156 °~ 2.337 739 1.000 6,638 d ~ Union 2.081 638 ~ 1.000 6,040 , t 6 040 CaJsarrus 1,910 414 1.000 4.~1 . s es1 {~ ~m t,o7o 326 t.ooo 2,591 , ~.! 3 591 ' MadeO 2,121 448 1,000 5,119 , 4 119 Stanly ' 1.121 374 1.000 3.560 , 4s6o ~ subtotal 24,es2 7.720 e,ooo 61,594 u 69 594 REGION 9 . 6Aacon e21 159 . 1,000 1.2~ 2 256 Haywood 1,171 283 1,000 2.236 . 3.236 Jackson 710 146 1,000 f,iS3 2 153 Graham/Swaln ~ 751 . 124 1.000 980 1.980 Clay 197 37 1,000 292 1 X92 Cherokee 682 1 S2 1,000 1.201 2.201 I'tenCerson 1.765 - .412 1.000 3.255 a~SS ~Aadison ~ ..122 1.000 ti64 Qg4 t TransyMnia 629 160 1 000 , SubtoLl . , 1 ~ 2264 7,248 1,595 p,000 12;601 21,601 REGION 10 Bunwrnbt 3.848 1,043 1,000 8.240 240 -; t 9 Burka 1,e67 SS1 1,000 4,353 , ~ 353 5 Caklweu 1.747 483 1,000 3.e16 . 4 e16 Toe River 1.et0 321 1,000 2.538 , 3.536 SaluOa 3.433 788 1,000 7.502 8.502 Subtotal 12.SOS 3,186 .. 5,000 26,44a 3t,44s STATE TOT/LL 189,593 52;511 . . 41,000 • 414,719 500,719 110 N ~. • .. t 1 1 1 1 1 A 1. 1 1 9 ~. s 4 L D Y - Budget Amendment CONSENT AGENDA /~/ February 2,1998 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # ~ ~ ~ DATE Health/WIC 98-0107 2/2/98 ' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT `CREDIT WIC Immunization State Grant $7,841 Contracted, Services $7,000 Departmental Supplies ~ $ 841 EXPLANATION To budget aone-time State grant for immunization screening and referral activities. COUAi~Y ~44f~30NE~,S APPR `~~ RE.,1~~ REMb D POSTPEINED ^ HEARD- ^ u DATE ~~ ~ ~ For Budget Officer's approval; then rcport to Commissioners at ncxt regular mecting and enter in minutcs. ''~~ 11 To be approved by Co~mi~sidners. To be entered into minutcs. This page intentionally left blank ~~t ~ r~ s •~ -~ ~_ ~ •.` • North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Women's and Children's Health 1330 St. Mary's Street • Post Office Boz 29597 • Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0597 Courier 52-01-00 James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Ann F. Wolfe, 1VI.D., h1.P.H., Director H. David Bruton, M.D., Secretary • November 21, 1997 MEMORANDUM To: Janet McCumbee, New Hanover County Health Department From: Carol Tant; Preventive Health Program Manager, Children and Youth Section Colleen Bndgef;"Health Check Program Consultant Children and Youth Section Subject: Funding for Health Check Projects Thank you for your letter of intent to use one-time funds t Health Check services in your county to children through asze 20 Your collaboration with Smart Start on this project is commendable. In order to assist you with this effort we have enclosed the re~7sed Health Check Program Policies and Procedures, as well as a sample job description for your review: Also, the New Hanover County Health Check Outreach Project has been put on the State Health Check mailing list which will enable you to receive notification of all State-wide Health Check trainings and in services. In order to receive these funds, please submit a revision to increase you child health budget in the amount of 55,000. Please notify Carol Tant (919-715-3424) when you have hired your Health Check Coordinator. Best of luck and call us if you have any questions. c: Jayne Davis, Partnerships for Children Kaye Holder Brenda Williamson ~~~ ~-~r~ s~ '"'1 ~-~ ~ ~ ~~ y..,.-•~tCiF~s4AFIr~.i,'i?~xbs.Y ~;@.W~ North Carolina: Nost ojtlre 1.999. Special DIympic iYorld Summer Games- •- NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ ~ ~ - HEALTH DEPARTMENT .. _. ~. - ~ . ~ : 2029 SOUTH 17 STREET . N v ~ `WILMINGTON, NC 2840-4946 ., ` - TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (91.0) 34I-41.46. ' DAVID E. RICE . „ ~, f~~ Health Director • LYNDA F. SM[TH ~ ... 4 Assistant Health Director. - ~ ~ . ~' .. ~. ' ~ To: Jayne Davis, Executive Director, Partnerships For Children .: ;~ . •~' ~ ~ From: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director ~. .... Re: Health Check Money ' . . . . ~, .. . Date: 11/13/97 _ • . ,. ~~ ' ~ After talking with you and Colleen Bridges, I wanted to let you know'that we are interested ~in . . ..fit. ~ ~ •receiving the additional Health Check money ($5000)., We would use this money to expand the.. : .Health Check Coordination Program to include all children under 71. Our first priorify would be to purchase a personal computer for data entry ,'using the software supplied by the State. - _ t ,. ~" Colleen stated she would like for us to do this in order to be similar fo the other Health Check •, Coordination counties, in our statistical reporting. Secondly, I anticipate better show rates in Health Check clinic once the outreach begins. This may necessitate additional clinic hours and . ~ 'Znoney can be used to pay our contract Pediatrician to do the physical's. {$60 per. hour). i~r Contracting for 20 hours of his services would cost 12 0 • , $ 0 . To expand the outreach to all F , ~. ~ :children, rather than just 0-5 years, we may need additional staff support: This could be in the form'of a temporary clerical position with the remaining money. This clerk could enter data,: ~' ' ~: ~haridle~the hone • roduce and mail letter w ' `. _ P ~ P s htle the Medical Office Assistant, Health Check . '. •~ Coordinator, is malting contacts with families. Please let me know if your need additionalf . .: formation, I look forward to hearing. from you oc Colleen. ~ - to • • . , ;. Budget ~- ' ., .. $2500 . ' , . Computer, Printer. Monitc~r_ Software ~ • ~ ~ - ,~ ~ . ~ ~ $1200 ~ Contract.Ph sician ala k Jan:-June $1300 ~~' Tem Sal -estimate $10.00. er hour for 1.30 hours •, . v ..~ _ . ~; ,. : _ . . : .. . . ~; ,. _ . . . . ,. .. ~ . - '115 ~ . • . _ ~..• '~. . .. -~ :I r : Your Ilealdr -Our Priority ~` . ~ . . r . ,_ _ _ .. This page intentionally left blank _116 t • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION } ' Meeting Date: 02/02/98 •• ~ - ' ~ ' ' Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 12 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Sheriff • ~ Presenter: .. Pa e . . ` . Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Shenff Mc ueen SUB TEC'T: . :Gang Task Force Grant Application to the Governor's Crime Commission. - .. _ ' ~;' ~ . _ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ' In conjunction-with the Wilmington Police Department, the New Hanover County Sheriffls Department is .~ j . requesting permission to apply for a gr grant to establish a Gang Task Force. This task force would consis. ~" ~`of three (3) Wilmington City Police officers and two (2 Sheriffs de uties. The task force would o erate P p '` under the authority of the Wilmington City Police Department. The task force will monitor all gang activit} ' throughout the County. -The establishment of this task force will enable .officers that are presently assigned. ~~ to the area of gang activity to be reassigned to other. areas. The task force. will o erate out of 8th and' Red P. . ° Cross Streets.' No County Funds are required... - • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUF'STFD ACTION _. ' . • Approve filing of grant application with the Governor's.Crime Commission. ~Y . ,. . , ~~~ .. • ..~ IFUNDING SOURCE• ~. - •' Federal S: State S: County S: • User Fees`S~: Other S: ~ ~. -~ ;,, . •. _ . _ „ _ - Money Is In Current Budget:' New Appropriation Request:• ~` Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~ • " f .. ~' ~ ' REVIEWED BY• '. LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ` ~ BOUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND R OMMFNDATION . Approve filing of grant application with the Governor s Crime Commission: No County Funds are required. ~~ , . If in the future the rant is not continued the Board of Commissioner g s must approve continuing-the •positions with County funds. ' ~ 4 _ CC1ltNTY COMMISSiQN~$i ` . r=, - =,.~tJVED ..• ,. .__ ;~' - - ~ ~ PaSTPDNEII C~ 1. •y°` . Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ;~~~~ ! ` .; ~, ~~~1 ~Pfn ~~znnher (1launfg ~~EXt#~ 8 ~##tLE Jasepll ~c(1~uPen, Jr-, ~llPriff ~ilmingtan, ~nrtlj fL~aralin~ 2R4L11-4591 ~Il~nne (91D) 341-42II0 ~ttx (91II) 341-4Q39 January 22, 1.998 MEMORANDUM TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Sheriff Joseph McQueen, Jr. RE: Gang Task Force Grant I am hereby requesting approval from the County Commissioners to apply for a Gang Task Force Grant from the Governor's Crime Commission. This grant would be applied for in conjunction with the Wilmington Police Department and the proposed unit would consist of three (3) Wilmington Police Department officers and two (2) New Hanover County Sheriff's Department officers. With reference to funding, the prospective grant would provide 100% of the cost involved. There would be no need for matching funds from the county. I ,feel that the, implementation of a Gang Task Force would have a positive impact on the quality of life for the citizens of this county. Thank you for your consideration of this request. JMcQ/sad 118 ~~ ~ _ ~; ~~~~ ~~, .,y MEMBER