Agenda 1998 02-16r - ~ i. - i .. -.. ~ ' 'AG E fV'C~A Io1tE~V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COI~II~IISSIO~~'ERS , ,•. ~ ~ Assembly Room, New Hanover Co:tnty Gocrrthorrse , . ~~~pKOVgR c~°yr 2=f North Third S1r, eet, .Room 301 •< _ , ~ ;,.~ . _ Wilmington,.NC t ;. - ~ - ~t ~'~ o~ ~ • WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT' G. GREER VICE-CHAIRMAN ~~~NORTN~''~ BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER.. • ,., ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER • WANOA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ LUCIE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOAFO -. . ~ . February 16,1998, 9:00 a.m. .. " MEETING.CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) :INVOCATION ~ , , .. , _ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE- - ~ ~ - NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per, item) ~. ~ • '~' ~ ` APPROVAL OF CONSENT:AGENDA , .• ... • ~ " t _ . . ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES .~ _ NO. . ..._ 9:15 a.m: .; " 1. Presentatiogof New Hanover County Retirement Plaques 1 ,' . ". • .y .. ~ .. . . 9:20 a:m. ,~ 2: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awazds 3 ''' 9:25 a.m.. • 3. Presentation by: Music Performance Center Committee ~~~ 5 ' 9:35 a.m. 4. Presentation Concerning the Activity of the Wilmington . ~ 9 ~ -~ 1, .~ ,Film Commission ;9:45~a.m. '~ 5..: ~ Consideration of Resolution for Community Crime Task Force 15 . ~ • 9:SS a.m. ~ ~ 6. ~ Consideration of Resolution Supporting Shell. Island Resort Hotel 17. 10:15 a.m., 7. Consideration of Scheduling 1998 Board, of Equalization and 21 °_ .. Review . ;. . , . ~ 10:20 a.m. - 8. ~ Consideration of Selection of Boney and Associates as the Site 23 Planner for The Pilots Ridge School/Pazk Site ~ " 10:30 a.m. - , 9. Committee Appointments 25 . , -. ~ - 10:45 a.m. 10. IVleeting of the Water and Sewer District ~ • 41 • `_, ADDITIONAL ~ , County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager ^ ' ~ . 11•:00 a.m. ADJOURN . .. ., ~ _ . . ., ~ • ',~ a . a MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT .ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ~ a ' 'FEBRUARY 16, 1998 , . ~. a ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-agenda items (limit three minutes) -- 41 2. A royal of Minutes ~ 43 PP 3. Approval of request to discharge wastewater from a proposed retail 45 Area to the North Chase discharge line ADJOURN ~~ a . ~ ~ ~a Q ._ a a " - .. ~ ~ - . CONSENT AGENDA . .` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS.. ,. ,~ a ` ~ FEBRUARY 16,1998 .. - . - .ITEMS OF BUSINESS' ~ ~ ~ , _ ~ PAGE e~' .~ ~. ~ ' . NO ,: °•. ~ 1. . APProval of Minutes . ~ : 51 ~:.. -' .r , - : . ~ ~ • -~ 2:. -~ Acceptance of grant for $442,000 from FEMA and approval .... -associated Budget Amendment #98-0119 ° ; 53 ~ . " ,, 3: ~ Adoption of resolution awarding bid #98-0237 to Modular Technologies, Inc. for a modular building to be used by the Alternative Education ~ 55.. - ~ ` ' " Program f C • 7 ~ ' 4: Adoption o resolution authorizing County to apply for N Parks ~ 5 ` and Recreatiori Trust Fund Grant for Ogden Park ~ . - 5. Approval of award of bid #98-0217 and approval of contract #98 0217.. 59 For Noxout Reagent for the, WASTEC Facility . 6. Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance to establish the-x$125 Million ~ 61 " ~ Bond Referendum capital project for New Hanover Schools: and approval of associated budget amendment"#98-31 ~ ' 7. ~ Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance to establish the.$38.3 Million 65 ~, - _.~ ~ . . : _ Bond Referendum capital project for Cape Fear Community College - ~_ - . and approval of associated budget amendment #98-30 . - ., ,- , ~ ~ ~ .,, _ . ~ 8. Adoption of resolution to add Northeast Avenue to the State Highway 69 . , , , . System . 9: _ Approval of Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 73 ''. '. 10. ' ~.. . Approval of Release of Value- , . 75 ' ..~ 11: '~ ~ .Approval of New Hanover County and Ncw, Hanover County Fire' - District Collection Re orts 77' p ' ~ " .. ~ ~ 12. ~. Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property . ~ 81- • _ - f . ~ •~ , ` 13. Approval of appointments to the Home and Community Caze Block 83 Grant Committee 14. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-0111 to increase budget for additional Elderly/Disabled 85 Assistance Funds awarded to New Hanover County B. #98-0120 to budget State grant (Temporary Assistance to Needy 86 Families) to reduce the number ofout-of-wedlock births C. #98-0121 to increase budget for additional funds received for the 87 Mitigation Summit held in December, 1997 ~. O This page intentionally left~blank a Q ...~ a ._ o . a o _ ~ a Q ,. o ~y~~a *~~N Y 4 r7#4~ '~~~ ~J ~~~~~~ 0 Q ~. . ., F :. ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/1.6/98 ' ~ Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: ~ - • , Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal .: Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant ~ ,. , ®Form .Does 'Not Need Approval ~ ' ~, _ _ . SUBJECT:. . ' Presentation Of New Hanover County Service Awards ,~ ~ ' - BRIEF SUMMARY: - - The..following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length .of .service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) .YEAR: David D. Mertus - .Sheriffs Dept.; Christopher P. `Edge. - EMS; Michael J. Nave -EMS; Regina D. Randall -~ Health; Lora L. Howard -Social Services; Harriet C'. Page -Social Services; Michele V. Surratt~ = Social Services; Adelaide B. Trask -Social -. Services; .TEN (10) YEAR: .Freddie L. Brown -Property Management; Mildred G. Webb -Property Management; and TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD:. Patricia .B. Wright -Environmental Mangement. ~ ._ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~' FUNDING SOURCE: ', ' - - + -. ~. '. . .ATTACHMENTS: - REVIEWED BY: , .. LGL: .FIN:- BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANAGER'S COM TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Present service•awards ~ ° ,~ ~ COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ~ . COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: , V . ~ ~ # ~ :~ .. .. . ._ . - -~~. . ~ , ~~ i'~pl- ~3' , -. .. . . --~~,! 3 . ~~y~ 1. ~. , . ~ , This page intentionally left blink 4 {~.. .....: .__ , " .~ " , ~•~ ~ , ~~ ~ .., REQUEST FOR .BOARD- ACTION .: ~ = ~. ;. Meeting Dater 02/16/98 , ; :..• .. Regular Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number. ~ ~ . Department: County Manager Presenter: Don Fishero • O Contact: Allen O`Neal ~. ~' C-Form.Does Not Need Approval - ~ , '~ SUBJECT:. ~ . . . ~., Presentation By Music Performance Center Committee. ~ .. ".. BRIEF SUMMARY: , . _ Don Fishero will make a brief presentation on behalf of the Music'Performance Center Committee with ~. `~ - ' „regard. to their efforts to conduct a workshop to assess the needs for a, performance.center for music. The `. Group will also request $200.00 to support the workshop. a _ . _~ ~ A copy of a letter received from Mr. Fishero; on behalf of the ad hoc committee supporting this request, is' attached. ; .. s .~ . ~ ~ ,RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ • 'Approval of-$200 contribution and related budget amendment if request is approved. ~. :, -FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ` , ~. -Consider approving the request for $200.00. ~ ~ ~ - ,x ATTACHMENTS: ~ ,° , . ~ REVIEWED BY: LGC: WCOPLEY App FIN: `BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - . ` Hear the presentation by Mr. Fischero; and consider request for $200 contrib i COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: r ~ 1 ' COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: • ,. r ' , ._ . .~ CO! In17Y COMM1SS14N . ~ F,• ..~VED t3 • A .' . ~ ~ REJECTED t3 . PtJSTP©NEQ ~ 5 ' HEARD i~~, . ~: • .. January 29, 1998 . J ~~ Mr . Allen O'Neal ` ~ 0 I ~ ~`~:J New Hanover County Manager .'•.~ ~9~ 320 Chestnut Street ~ ~';~~ Wilmington, NC 28401 ~'~=•~,~~,,~'~D ` t Dear Allen; ~, . .Wilmington needs a performance center for music. This premise is shared by the City appointed Community Arts Committee, the Wilmington Vision 20/20 plan and the Chamber'of Commerce Community Growth study. Many questions must be answered, however,, to insure that a proper conclusion is reached.. To this end, a group of concerned individuals has-formed to address the issue. We have met twice and agree~tYiat the next step is to conduct an open workshop a,nd forum to expand the number of involved parties and provide the needed input to support a workable decision. We propose to convene a workshop in May of this year. It will be conducted by one of two imminently qualified', professionals 'who will guide us through some of the~intial planning stages. We think you will want to be a part of this process. The cost of the workshop is estimated at $3,000. If each participating organization will contribute $200, we~can move forward. Send your contribution to the Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, P.O. Box 212, Wilmington, NC .;28402, our~~fiscal~agent, and you will be a participant and kept 'informed of the progress. Let us hear from you soon... • Sincerely,' Don W.. Fishero cc: Millie and Seymour Dan Campbell ~P a gGgy~ +Hs g gf~an s Ba,rba•ra, McKenzie John Stike`~ Ruth ~ancl~'~Fr~ank Fun D"r~ Er~F~c•~McKeithan 6 ~ ®~~ Alper Royce Angel Susan and Thad Dankel Hilda and Ralph Godwin Tony Rivenbark Petrea and Deither Warneck k Griff Weld "~-FEB-02,-98 03:33 PM ARTS COUNCIL Q10 762.9312'" P.01~' .. /~-1-~`ti . ' ' 1-L L.~`rV O N~C . January, 23~. 1998 ~.4?1~$RT_.~l~.I+ WORKSHOP .CONTACT L.I ST ~• ' o ', ~t~lea Festival Committee. -Bill Rudisill - • ~e~ Fear, Symphony - Nancy McAllister • ' ~pe.Fear community College.- Bric McKeithan ~~mber-of Commerce - Connie Majure (underwrite) ' chamber Music Society of Wilmington - Petrea Warneck ~1ty of Wilmington -Mary Gornto f.6nventon visitors Bureau - 3udith Grizzell ASE -.Bob Murphrey • ' ~' ~eevnto'wn Merchants Association - Nancy Bullock (?) - ~ • ~'fstoric wiTmington Foundation =Liz Buxton ~ '. • j~tel, Motel Association .- Charles Carver• . . ?tC~Gl`adrey Pullen - Sob .Warwick - ~w Hanover County Schools - Aiane Avery ~w Hanover County -Allen.0'Neal ~th,Carolina symphony -Bob Sherman ie~iali`an Hall -Tony Rivenbark ' ~W - Jim Leutze R =Dan Campbell - ~~5 mington Star .News -- John Lynch ington.concert Association -Thad Dankel ~• mington Choral Society -Gary Cabvender '. _- mington symphony -JoAnne Riesz . j~-Ilmiclgton Boys-Girls Choir - Sandy Er;rante .. . ~ Ikg1~ .R ~ 4: .., .: . .~~.-~- 1 .~. .. :~ • 1. ._ • r ..~ ~ ~ _~ - - 7 i. ~ ,. ~ . . This page intentionally left'blank; 8 ~' . ,.. - ; REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ , Meeting Date: 02/16/98 , .~ s Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: '' ~ Department: Governing Body -Presenter: George Rountree .,. ' Contact: Allen O Neal ~ _ ~ ga Form Does Not Need Approval . .. SUBJECT: ~-, ~ - . _ ~ '. ' ~. Wilmington film Commission - Progress.Update . . , 'BRIEF SUMMARY: , George Rountree will make a brief presentation to-the Board concerning,the activity of the Wilmington Film - Commission. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation - :FUNDING SOURCE:. V - ~ ~ . . . ATTACHMENTS.: . ~ . REVIEWED BY: ~ _ .. tGL:. FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND ECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation.by Mr. Rountree COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: , ~. ^ _ H COUNTY COMMlSSl~Ijl APPROVEp C? REJECTED ~ - - ' . ~ . ,; ~ . REMOVED ) ~ ~ ` ~ P©STPONI~D , ..: - .' ~ N~ARf2 ~` ~ . ~. . ~ ,.. ~ , . This page intentionally [eft blank ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ W~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ 1~0, 02J05/1998~ 19~: 15 ~ 9167635961 P, G GP,EEP. PAGE 01 ti '_ _ ~ ~`' ,. • 4 . tonvses5oii Memae; ~_~ ~~~n ~10RTH CAROLII~CAS ~~~~ . , p .~ T~~A,ST ~ 1 ~ceecareror.jt. ° January 21, 1998 - - • . ' ~ lbOt7i Deese - ~ ~ ~ , -. Pon - . OeM" RANI? DELIVER ;,.~;~ ~ ~orn~, Honorable Allen 0' Neal Hres'aotlts Manager NEW HAN~VER COUNTY • . _ ,, N1°~'","'PNDpS 3.20. ChestnutStreet ` ~~Bo,~„n~.,,,Wilmington, North Carolina 28401: .' ' naaaR~~.A~ae - -.Dear Allen: ~ ,,, 'M'ace 4 Vpemucn : ~. .. -. .; .. rerm~t D. WiA~9rtnon - Enclosed is ~~~ a terse one,-page Report of the significant ~ - ' Financial contributions of film production in this region which, of Ptul G. Burly. Y.. - .~ Dkeccar course., primarily impact. New Hanover County: - L _ I am providing eight copies of the Report to facilitate your distribution .among the Chairman and members of the Board of ; Commissioners. ~• _ ~ - It seems appropriate for me to appear before. the Board at one - of:its regular. meetings to answer any questions about the terse Report to give a. further update to the Cotiunissioners about the favorable and positive impact of film production in the area and my `_ present observations concerning the organization and operation of. the Wilmington Regional Film Commissions as well as~future funding. If you agree, please let me know when the Cotttmissioners would. like me to appear. - ~ . - . c u y urs , • .. Respe tf 11 yo NORTH CAROLIIQA' OiITHSIS.ST ~. WI INGTON RBGI ILt~ ISSION ` ~ Pi licy Boa ~; George Rountree, III ~ , ° ,. • Chairman .: •. ' ` .. GRIM/cs, ~ (i ~l:'l~'i~~ ~; Enclosure ~ ~ 1998°. pc.~/Members, Film. Policy Board (w/enclosure), JAN 7 Z ` Mr. Paul G. Butler, Jr. (w/enclosure) • .. ~ Director,,. North Carolina! s Southeast Pj~yl}id1i;(37ER CO. ~.'~ ~ Mr. Mark L,. Stricklin, Director 3 '6~J.r Gr CO'~l~f ~~510~~F, ~. ~ Wilmington Regional Film Commission ~~,~~_ 466 Airport Rd. h P.O. Box 2556 *t Eli2abethtown, NC 28337 ~ (800) 787.1'333 a' (910)86ZS5t t R Fax(910) 86Z•1482 INTERNET: http://www.ncse.org ~' email: naouth~ix.netcom.com w w' • yoC.em Noirh,Carviina Fkgonal EconomtC De~etoD~T~ent Gommissbn ®Mernbc of the North Carolina Parcnennip for Fionomic Development ~: ' .,,. • _ • ... ° MEMORANDUM TO: George Rountree FROM: Mark L. Strlcklin RE: Progress Update: July 1, 1997 to December 3l, 1997 DATE: January 20, l 998 Per our meeting of Thursday, January, I S...the following will reflect inquiries, commitments, crew/support growth, average pay per crew, and crew categories from July 1 through December 31, 1997. • 204.production information requests • 67 ".green-iit" projects including scripts and/or production break-downs 19 completed projects j285'o of "green-lit" projects) • 358 days of shooting (July 1 through December 31) $72.7 million in total revenues {$41.4 million in direct revenues from feature films and television, and $31.3 million from other film projects, regional commercials, and allied production services) • 5,487 crew employed {from 121. possible crew positions) -..average crew wages per year $50.OOD completed 1998 crew categories/listings attached The above information reflects six months that had a downward trend primarily due to the strong Canadian dollar. The number of total protects In 1997 were just 3 projects less than the previous year, although the production budgets were considerably less. 12 °_ ~ ~ . ., ~ • ,: . , - , e . : . 1 • 9.9 8 CRE1N CATAGORIES /LISTINGS CC NTIN ~ cCOUnting/PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT - A DIALECT COACH Accounting/ PRODUCTION ACCOUNTANT ASST. Accounting/ PAYROLL DIRECTOR ~ • Dlrector/FEATURE AND TV - ' • ANIMA TRAINER / HANQLER Director/ DOCUMENTARY • Animal Trainer/ HANDLER ` . ~ EDITIN ART Editing/ ASSISTANT ` . ~ ~ • Art/ PRODUCTION DESIGNER -FEATURE 8~ TV Art/ PRODUCTION DESIGNER - coMMERCIAI. - :,' ` ELECTRICIAN . _ Art/ AR1 DIRECTOR Electrician/ GAFFER Art/ ASST. ART DIRECTOR` ~ . Electrician/ BEST BOY ` Art/ SET DESIGNER laectrlclan/ ELECTRICIAN Art/ ART DEPARTMENT COORDWATOR v Electrician/ GENERATOR OPERATOR Art/ GRAPHIC ARTIST Electrician/ LAMP OPERATOR ' Art/STORY BOARD ARTIST ~ • FABRICATOR a WELDER• •~ : ~ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR , _ Assistant Director/ FIRST ASSISTANT ` ~ FOOD STYLIST- • Assistant Dlrector/ SECOND ASSISTANT • " . ` ~' Assistant Directcr/ SECOND SECONp . GREENSMAN . ~ ABIf PULLER . AMERA ~ Grip/ KEY BEST BO l G Camera/ DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY - Feafure 8. TV r p/ Y • Camera/ .DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY -Commercial Grip/ DOILY GRIP Camera/ OPERATOR Grip/ RIGGING GRIP .. Camera/ OPERATOR -STEADICAM Grip/ CRANE OPERATOR. . •'•Camera/ FIRST ASSISTANT Grip/GRIP. Camera/SECOND ASSISTANT Camera/ LOADER AIR Hair/ KEY STYLIST _ - CASTING _ HQIr/SET ASSISTANT ' ~ Casting/ DIRECTOR ;. ~ casting/ASSISTANT LOCATIONS ' Locution/ MANAGER • CATERING Location/ ASSISTANT MANAGER . . • Catering/ CATERER • location/ASSISTANT • Catering/ASSISTANT ~ ~ •: . MAKEUP. ~. ' ~.~ ~HO:REOGRAPHER '+ Makeup/.KEY ARTIST . Makeup/,SPECIAL EFFECTS CONSTRI~CjION , ` Makeup/ ASSISTANT: ` ' Construction/COORDINATOR MARINE SERVICES Consiructlon/ fOREMAN Construction/ CARPENTER ~ Marine Services/ MARINE COORDINATOR Construction/ PROP MAKER Marine. Services/ MARINE SAFETY ' ' Construction/ LABORER ' Consiructlon/ PLASTERER MEDIC ' Consiructlon/ UTILITY ~ Medic% PARAMEDIC Construction/ BUYER - , Medic/ NURSE • CRAFT SERVICE ~ MODE MAKER MINIATURES L / 1 ... ' . .• . £0-d LSb£ £b£ 0T6 NOISSIW WOO .W-lId -W'12t1 Wd £0: b0 86-OZ-Ntif page two MUSIC Music/ COMPOSER Music/WRITER AINT Pointer/ LEAD SCENIC Pointer/ FOREMAN Pointer/ PAINTER Pcinter/ SIGN WRITER PRODUCER Producer/ FEATURE ANO TV , Producer/ COMMERCIAL Producer/VIDEO PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Production Assistant/ KEY SET Production'^ssistant/SET " Production Assistant/ OFFICE Production Assistant/ PERSONAL ASSISTANT Production Assistant/ ALL OTHER DEPTS. PRODUCTION MANAGER Production Manager/ FEATURE & TV Production Manager/ COMMERCIAL . PRODUCTION OFFICE Production Office/ COORDINATOR Production Office/ ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Production Office/ SECRETARY PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR PROJECTIONIST -DAILIES PROPERTY Property/ PROP MATER , Property/ ASSISTANT PROP MASTER • PUBLICITY /UNIT PUBLICIST RIP ' Script/ SCRIPT SUPERVISOR Script/ SCRIPT REVISIONIST Script/ SCRIPT WRITER SET DECORATION " Set Oecoratlon/SET DECORATOR Set Decoration/ BUYER SET DRESSING et Dressing/ LEADMAN 1 `fit Dressing/ SET DRESSER b0'd LSb£ £b£ 0T6 adi ar~ssmy/ ors aeT vRe»eR Sound/ MIXER Sound/ BOOM OPERATOR SPECIAL EFFECTS Special Effects/ COORDINATOR Special Effects/ ASSISTANT SjILL PHOTOGRAPHER STUNTS Stunt/ COORDINATOR Stunt/ UTILITY TECHNICAL ADVISOR Technical Advisor/ MARINE TRANSPQRTATION Transportation/ COORDINATOR Transportation/ CAPTAIN , transportation/ DRIVER UT TOR • VIDEO Video/ VIDEOGRAPHER . video/ ASSIST Video/ PLAYBACK WARDROBE Wardrobe/ COSTUME DESIGNER Wordrobe/SUPERVISOR Wardrobe/ COSTUMER Wardrobe/ DYE MISTRESS Wordrobe/ STTCHER (SEAMSTRESS) Wardrobo/ STITCHER (CUTTER) Wordrobe/ SET ASSISTANT NOISSIWWOO W"lId 'W1IM Wd £0: b0 86-0Z-NHt' ti t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Andy Atkinson ® Form Does Not Need Approval SUBJECT: .__ Community Crime Task Force -Resolution BRIEF SUMMARY: A Community Crime Task Force is being established with representatives from all local governments to seek solutions to the current crime issues within New Hanover County. Attached is a resolution detailing the responsibilities of the Task Force. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider adoption of the attached resolution. Also establish time period for the Task Force to complete its task. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider adopting resolution. Also establish date Commissioners would like to have the Task Force report back it's findings to the Board. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: COUNTY COMMIS/°,IpN~S APPROVEDi~/ REJEC7~D X77 - ~2~MOVEp D` PTI~'QN~#3 ~#'~AR'i ~ ~/..!F~s ~ ~ ~ 15 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMUNITY CRIME TASK FORCE WHEREAS, New Hanover County is a densely developed coastal County; and WHEREAS, the Citizens of New Hanover County have expressed a frustration with the apparent increase in violent crime; and WHEREAS, the law enforcement agencies throughout the County have the desire to involve the community in seeking positive and effective solutions to the issues of illegal drugs and crime; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That in order to address these concerns the New Hanover. County Board of County Commissioners does hereby. establish the Community Crime Task Force (CCFT), and charges it with the following purposes: 1. Review Structured Sentencing ,and make recommendations for changes that the CCTF believes could enhance the fight against crime in our community. 2. Review the current issues that are causing violent crime to escalate in our community. After reviewing, make specific recommendations to the respective local governing bodies within New Hanover County relating to short and long term efforts needed to reduce crime. f~l 3. Make recommendations concerning how to impact in a positive manner, preventive measures that can lead .to a restoration of hope in the lives of those that are directly impacted by illegal drugs and crime. 4. Provide economic impact information conceming the recommendations made in any of the areas above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the CCTF shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed as follows: two (2) appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, two (2) appointed by the City of Wilmington, and one each from the following beach communities of Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville. Adopted this day of 1998 ~~'t1~I~~~A ~b~~ s C~ '~~~ ~~, ~ 16 .. William A. Caster, Chairman ~~ ' ~_' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Tirne: Page Number. Department: Legal Presenter: W. Copley/K. Shanklin Contact: Wanda M. Co le P Y, ^ Form Does Not Need Approval ~. .SUBJECT: __ Resolution Supporting Shell Island Resort Hotel BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of supporting measures to save Shell Island Resort Hotel. Ken Shanklin, attorney for Shell Island Resort, will be present to answer any questions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: 0.00 ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL N/A BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider resolution. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ^ Ct7~NTY CO . R~ RO~E~ M41 SS/Q~E~S ECT~Q ~ R~MQ~EI~ f7 EgRp ED y . ~~ uaTE d/~~ ~ ~ 1 `7 ~-~. A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING SHELL ISLAND RESORT HOTEL DRAFT WHEREAS, County officials have reviewed the class action lawsuit filed on January 7, 1998 by the owners of Shell Island Resort Hotel against the State of North Carolina, the Coastal Resources Commission and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the New Hanover County Superior Court seeking, among other things, along-term solution to the erosion effects of Mason's Inlet and challenging the Coastal Resources Commission's policy against reasonable use of erosion control devices to protect private property in inlets; and WHEREAS, the County understands that the erosion pattern of Mason's Inlet will likely continue unabated, and,without the ability to construct a hardened erosion control structure together with other mitigation measures by Shell Island Resort Hotel property owners, there is a serious threat that the Hotel, or a portion of it, will collapse into the inlet shortly after the currently existing sandbag revetment becomes non-functional or is removed; and ,. WHEREAS; if the Hotel is allowed to collapse into the Inlet, this will endanger certain biological life, detrimentally affect the natural flushing of the waters which flow into Mason's Inlet, eliminate the navigational benefits of Mason's Inlet for boating by the public, create debris on the beaches of New Hanover County and adversely affect the health and general welfare of the public in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, some entity will have to bear the responsibility of a multimillion dollar removal if the ocean overtakes the property and the Hotel, which responsibility could ultimately fall upon the taxpayers of the Town of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County and State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the loss of the Shell Island Resort would also create the following unnecessary economic hardships to the Citizens of New Hanover County and the Town of Wrightsville Beach: *Loss of $22 million dollar structure; `- *Loss of over 100 jobs; *Loss of $165,000 in property tax revenues and $115,000 in Room Occupancy revenues to the County, plus damage to surrounding real estate values; *Loss of several millions of dollars in tourist and Resort expenditures; *Negative impact to the overall tourism economy due to negative publicity; ~~~~t~~C~o"sts of~c~~anup of the structure; and ~~~~~~ U WHEREAS,~°current~policies of the Coastal Resources Commission prevent any effective means to redirectythe fo"rces of Mason's Inlet and protect the Hotel; and . ~~~~ ' k ~~ SWHEREAS, theStatelis ultimately responsible for the preservation and development of wa~e~rid air resource""sin the best interest of all its citizens, and the State should take all appropriate measures to prevent the Hotel structure. from collapsing into the inlet, especially because the State v s r • is 'responsible for permitting the Hotel to:be .built iri an~ irilef hazardous. area in 19$5 because of the September 1984 mapping error improperly designating Mason's Inlet's inlet hazard area; and WHEREAS, the State has an obligation to its Citizens to enforce its laws regarding clean water acid air, and protection of the public health, safety and welfare; and ._ ~~ WHEREAS, the County Commissioners have determined that it is in the best interest of the Citizens of this County and State that appropriate measures be taken to_prevent the loss of Shell ~- ~ ~ ,Island Resort Hotel to revent a potential catastrophic environmental event.. . P . ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~. -- OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY THAT: 1. The County Commissioners support the legal efforts of Shell Island Resort Hotel :property owners and its Association to save the Hotel and prevent the Hotel's collapse into. Mason's Inlet; and, .. . ~~ . .: • - 2: The County Commissioners urge the State of North Carolina;-.the Department of . Environment and Natural Resources and the. Coastal Resources Commission to take appropriate measures to save the Hotel; -and 3. The County Manager shall forward a copy, of this Resolution to the Honorable James B: Hunt, Jr., Governor of the State of North Carolina, the Honorable Wayne McDevitt, Secretary of tle'Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the Honorable Eugene B. Tomlinson, .Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. .~ ~ - • This the day of February,.1998. ~~ - ~ . _ .. ~~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ' . . [SEAL] • ~, ~ •. Willram A. Caster, Chairman . ATTEST: ._ • . ~ - • ~ .: ~ - . ~ . Clerk to the Board• .. . , .. . ~ 19 1 1 ~ ~: . This page intentionally left blank 20 ' ~ ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ~ACTION - : ~ Meeting. Date:. 02/16/98 .. ~, Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Time: '.Department: TAX Presenter: Roland Register ... ~y - Contact: Roland Register . ~ ^ Form .Does Not Need Approval ~ ' . ~. : SUBJECT: -__ Convene As Board Of Equalization And Review ' ~, - BRIEF SUMMARY:.. - . No later than the first Monday in March, the Board of County Commissioners may resolve to create a ~, ~ special Board of E&R to carry out the duties outlined in. NCGS 105-322 pertaining to appeals of value. Among other statutory requirements, they may authorize appellants to appeal from the special board to the Soard of Commissioners. Otherwise, the Commissioners sit as-the Board of E&R no earlier than the first Monday in April, ,and no later than the first Monday in May. The Board of E&R must convene to hear taxpayers who appeal the value of their property or appeal with respect to the listing and appraisal of property of others. for many years, the Board of Commissioners have convened as the Board of E&R, and have scheduled the first meeting on the third Monday of April. From 1983 until .present, there ,have V been very few appeals to the Board. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ - Recommend the Board of Commissioners sit as the Board of Equalization and. Review, and schedule the first meeting on Apri120, 1998 at approximately 9:00 a.m. in the Historic Court House, Third and Princess Streets. ' FUNDING SOURCE: ~^ .ATTACHMENTS.: ~ . " ~ " REVIEWED BY: L - ' LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL N/A BUD: CGRIFFIN NIA HR; AMALLETT N/A~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMME DATIONS: , Recommend setting the schedule as noted above. . COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ' - COMMISSIONER S COMMENTS: ~~ . eouNrv ~M~ , .. ~ APPROVEit~ Ci ~ ' RE.~EC~'~~ ,~i - . s1~tEM4V~~ l i~S~'~r~t}~~. ~~~~~ 21 ~~ ' ~~ ~~~, . .., ~~% . - - This page intentionally left blank t ~.~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~d~ ~°~°~~~~ 22 ~~~ . ~ .[ ~ ' . - . `,i. - ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , .. ' ~ - Meeting Date:. 02/16/98 , ~. . Regular Item #: 8 Estimated Time:. Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver A .. . . ~ Contact: Dave Weaver Form Does Not Need Approval ~ , ~_ . , ... SUBJECT:. : ..; Selection. Of Boney And Associates As The Site Planner For The Pilots Ridge School/Park Site BRIEF SUMMARY: , The Site Planner Pre-Selection Committee, which was composed of two Commissioners, two School ~~ Board members, and staff, recommend the selection of Boney Architects from a field of twelve (12) firms . to be the site planner for the Pilots Ridge School/Park site. The Board of Education, at it's February 4 . meeting,. concurred with this recommendation. If the Board of Commissioners select Boney and , ' Associates, .the Committee will negotiate with Boney Architects to develop a contract and scope of work to be presented to the Board. of Commissioners for approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissiohers select Boney Architects and authorize the Committee to ~. negotiate a contract: , ~,~ FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ .. ` ~~ REVIEWED BY: . , LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: , Recommend the Board select Boney Architects and authorize there-selection committee to negotiate a - contract. Once the contract is negotiated,. it will be placed on the Agenda forthe Board's final appoval. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: "" v ~, - , ' ~ COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ~, . _ ., ~. v . ~1APRCIV~~- ~~EC~~~ .: ~EM~}II~F~ . ': . .. .. 1 , This page intentionally left blank i y"k'~:s`'~,. ~~~~ ~~ 24 ~~ ~•~ .~~ .... ; . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . . Meeting Date:: 02/16/98 . Re' ular Item #: 9 Estim ~ ~ ~~ g ated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~. . '~ '~ Contact: Lucie Harrell I~ Form Does Not Need Approval _ SUBJECT: . Committee Appointments ' ~~ ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: , ® . ~ Appointments to the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Make appointments to the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee FUNDING SOURCE: - ~. - ATTACHMENTS: ~ - ^. .REVIEWED BY: ~ _ . t_GL: .FIN: BUD: HR: . COUNTY MANAGER'S MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointme s. COMMISSIONER'S AC ION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ~. . , :. ~' ,' , ~ , ~~ ~I , . ~ ~~UN~ C~M~ ~!~! ~. , . :.. ~ ~ ~ APA ROV£p ,. Ri~MOU~p - POSfiPt?NEL} Q m Hr=ARD~ ~~~ c - 25 t}ATE ... . _ - P"' COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3 VACANCIES APPLICANTS: ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT - Janine Bilodeau Iva Davis Boslough Charles A. Connell Alberto Sanchez Rodriquez (Served previously) William K. Wade Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~i~~~~ ~~ ~~,t{~ua~,~6~ ~~R:A ~~~~iy ~` 5~u~~~Tf~ 26 -~ ~~~ HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY. COMMITTEE ~, , Number of Members: 13, 7 At-Large Members . 6~ Representatives (1 from each of the following agencies): " ~~ :. Health Department Juvenile Courts..', Public Schools- Southeastern Center Department of. Social Services United Way ` ~; . . Term: Three. years Compensation: None ' ~: .. .: Regular Meetings: Held in Room 501,, County Administrat-ion Building at 1:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month with additional . , '~ meetings as agreed upon by the committee members. Statute or Cause Creating Committee: Established by Board of - ~, County Commissioners on July 20, 1987 and August 1, 1988. (Increased membership June 6, 1994 - Juvenile .Courts Representative) (Increased membership .September 16,- 1996 to t `~ include a minority representative.) - Purpose: To advise the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ' on the most effective utilization of resources including Community ~. ~ "~ Based Alternatives"and County General Fund. dollars to address. the - County's.human service needs. ' ,Qualifications: .Interest in or knowledge of- the~County human service system.. " .. ` ~ ~ TERM . PRESENTLY TE " RM CURRENT MEMBERS - SERVING EXPIRES - Richard L. Achilles .Chairman-~ 'Secon - d 6/30%2000 " 8355 .Vintage Club Circle - ". 'Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ - (APPt. 7/18/94) " 686-1.8.36 (H) (Reappt. 7/21/97) • Jerome Allen ~ unexpired 6/30/98 ` 721. Crows Nest Court Wilmington,°~NC 28409 (Appt. 2%19/96) 792-0290 (H) 792-9890(W):~ j .. " ~~, ~ Vacancy ~ unexpired 6/30/98 ' Julia B. Hooper. (Minority Rep.) first 6/30/2000 214 Lehigh Road - W-ilmington; NC 28412 (Appt. 1/21/97) 395-2016 (H) . " " 27 .~~ .. *- . " HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Coley Po sian • ~ first 6408 P vidence Point Road ~~ 6/30/98 ~ Wilm' gton, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/19/95) 686 9603 (H) 256-6967 (W) Vacancy first 6/30/97 Vacancy .,~ first 6/30/97 Cape Fear Area United Way Pam. Eldridge P.O. Box 1503 Wilmington, NC 28402 251-5025 . Southeastern Center Carol Trambukis - Co-Chairman 2023 South 17th Street Wilmington,, NC 28401 251-6567 Health Department Jean McNeil 2029 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 343-6592 Department of Social Services Christine B. McNamee, Human Services Planner 1650 Greenfield Street Wilmington, NC 28402 341-4732 New Hanover County Public Schools Annette Murphy 1802 S. 15th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-1584 Ext. 206 New. Hanover County Juvenile Courts Phyllis Virginia Roebuck P.O. Box 1404 Wilmington, NC 28402 341-4418(W) Staff Support: Cameron Griffin, Budget Director, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 512, Wilmington, NC 28401 .341-7170 CBA Consultant: Johnny Oates 919-522-0511 7/97 File: \HSAAC 28 : ~ : : - -- - _.._ _ . .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 2 6 ._._ . " S~ 320 Chestnut. Street, Room 305 . ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ ' ~' ...=--~ ~ :. ' - ,Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~-~~. ~-.. ~ -. :.. ' " FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 . App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions, - ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ' ~ [ CQ,~ d7~ rr) ~~L ~ , Name: _ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i,~ Q.~t-- _~ ' Home ow long have you been a Address: ~ JC' ~ ~~~ I }fie ~~ . ~lr~ ~hfs~~ ll e BP~(~'~ident of New Hanover County?• l ~ [-~l'S . ~, . Mailing Addiess:~ J~srn ~~ Y City and State: , . W r) a h+51~ I I ~ . 8 QGt ~ ~ ~ Zip Code:: Telephone: Home:. ~ ~ ~~~ 2 ~(~ " ~z OZ ~ , `Business: 3 ~Z - .3 ~ ` _ 'Sex: ~. 'Race: ~ 'Age:. - ~ , f' ~> 'This in/armatioa is requested lor,the s6/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ','Employed by: 1 .(lC~~a ~ ~-Vr~~~~ ~~~r, ~C • `. "A person current/y omp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/has position with ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Nanover County Personae/Policy. Job Title: C-f-~r Pre /l~ on ~ LI n~ ~n ~ u , . ~~ Professional Activitie : - ~Gr Y1~ ~ 4 t!t Y. 171e!" ~h y 5 Volun leer A ctivities: ~P~rn ~ r Inl~ n Q.SS -fie Why, 'do .you wish to s e on t Board, Committee; or Commission requested? ~ ~ -FC ~,~ 1 b)7 .ms ~ ' ~ ~ ~ r ~~ . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the' Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT T ~Ctitl~ ~ h ~;r. ~ ~ ( ~o~ __ _sen~ ~' (~ . mCc n y Dar o~ ~ssl.n~ ~ r C i ~JLehs~~ ~ ~~'.Pd s . What areas of concern would you like to see the oard, Committee, or Commission address? Are you curt-ently serving on another board or committee appointed by a'municipality or a countyT if so, please list: P :. C Date. ~, ~~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Signature (Please uss rev rse side for additions/ comments/ ., _ . ~• ' NEW NANO VER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9101 341-4130. App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Comm/ssrons Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. p Request for Appointment to: Home ~ How long-have you been a } Address: ~ -' T .~ resident of New Hanover Count,yT , Mailing Address: . City and~State: ~~(L1~~~~j_~/~~ , Zip Code: ~F~~~«~ Telephone: ,Home: , ~~`~ ~ ~~ Business: _~~~~.~ ~~ 'Sex: .~/Y~~~~ Race: ~ Age: ~L__~ ' 'This inlormerior~ is requested for t so/e purpose of essuiiny that across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: "A person current/y ployed by the agency ar department for which ~s application is ede, must resign his/her position witA New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% 1, Sec. 4 0/ the New Henover'County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professiona/Activities: VolunteerActivities: --~(~~='~~ l ~ ~ ~. Why do you wish to serve, on the Board, Committee, or i .~/ What do you fe°/ are your mi ion requestedT _ e. l._ __~.__/ __ -L. LI___J n What areas. of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or C _ w Are you currently serving on another board or .. - . it k ~ tee appointed by a municipality or a countyl It so, .please list: Date: ~~N i S i 998 (Please use rev for additional comment '~ Signature ,tom/ (OVER) 9... ,. . ..f- . /f n /' /~ /i-f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF ~'OMMISS/ONERS ~~~~~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 pK p 3 1991 Wilm/ngton, NC 28401-4093 U Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ NEW HANOVER CO. FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 BD. OF COMMISSlONER~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee Name:_Charles A. Connell Home How long have you been a 4 1 / 2 Address: n Ba Circle resident of New HanoverCountyT years. Mailing Address: Sam e City and State: ra; ~ mi ngtnn ~ Nnrth ('arnl i na Zip Code: 28405 Telephone: Home: ql C_?5E~-E~104 Business: None 'Sex: Ma 1 P 'Race: White 'Age: 71 '7his inlormetion is requested ror fhe so% purpose of suuriny the? scross-section of the community is appoint d. • Long island, N.Y. "Employed by: Retired; formerly Superintendent of Schools : Mansfield, CT 'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Arfic% V/, Sec. 4 or the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: Retired Professions/Activities: See Resume. attached. r-~ Board of Directors, Eastwood Village Homeowners Association. VolunteerActivities: Fear Communi t Colle e • New Hanover H. S . St. John's Museum of Art, Wilmington. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT I am interested in all aspects of human services, with a particular emphasis on t e im- ortunities for diverse rou s in the County. I view membership on this Committee as an opportunity to e p of ers; my nurnose is 100% altruistic! What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re vest dT While my entire professional life was devoted to public sc~oof a~t~ college education, my years in administration gave me a background in many other community activities re a e o uman What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT Educational standards in public schools; community health services; the ~rowin~ senior citizen population in New Hanover County. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: None /~ u Date: ~ <e-~ /1x17 Signature ~L/~2~~i .,/ ~~-~-Z .~~%~ /Please use reverse side for additional comments! (OVER) ,, ,. r REFPRENC S ~ _ ' ~, A Please provide three local erson l p a references: - ~ N , ame. Phone Number -. 11 Ms. Celia Smith 256-5348/ 341-4366 (office)-- . .21 Mme;= L~1; ~ R„ph„~k 256-6972/ 341-4422 (Office) ' ~ ri ' ' Mrs. Li o el (Joyce) Fernando 31, 799-3434 .._. ~- _ ,_ , .. .. ~~ .. . , - ~` .: ... ~` ~. . ~~ , ~.. . ~: ~~ . ~: , . . ~: . . , . 33 , ~, . CHARLES A. CONNELL 515-6 High Street Port Jefferson, L.I., New York 11777 Home Tel. No. (516) 331-4489 Office Tel. No. (203) ,429-3350 (Storrs; CT.) Current: 1201 Green Bay Circle PERSONAL .. Wilmington, N.C. 28405 -- Tel.No.: (910) 256-6104 Married. Youngest daughter is a senior at the University of Connecticut. Three other daughters and two .sons all are college/university graduates. Served two years in the U.S. Army. EDUCATION Teachers College, Columbia University, ("ABD," Educational Administration) .1962-69 Hofstra University, (Educational Administration) 1958 State University at Albany, New York (M.A., History/Education) 1951 (Graduate Student in Guidance Counseling) 1956 Siena College, Loudonville, New York (B.A. Magna Cum Laude, History/English) 1950 CERTIFICATION Permanent Certification in New York State as Superintendent of Schools, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, Secondary School Principal,. and Teacher of English/Social Studies Permanent Certification in Connecticut as Superintendent of Schools PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE New York Stare (1951-81) Teaching: Classroom Teacher, Schaghticoke, Hoosic Valley Central, and South Huntington, New York, Social Studies, Grades 7-12, five years; Guidance Counselor, one year. Administration: South Huntington, L.I., Public Schools Assistant High School Principal, Walt Whitman High School, one year. Principal, Walt Whitman High School, six years. ' Assistant Superintendent of Schools, five years. Superintendent of Schools, twelve years. As High School Principal helped plan and administered a new, comprehensive high school, grades 9-12. Recruited and supervised a staff which grew from 50 to 160. School plant doubled in size during my tenure; enrollments grew from 1500 to 3000. Established the academic departmental structure; supervised 15 department heads, 3 assistants, 2 34 deans of students. Revised and expanded the curriculum. Walt Whitman High School established a solid record for discipline, academic rigor and scholarship achievements during my tenure as principal. 1 As Assistant Superintendent and Su erintendent,. administered a suburban . school district in the New York Metropolitan area (9 elementary, 2 n junior highs, 1 high school; 800 professional, 200 supporting staff ). Developed and administered a budget of $3 million. Assisted in contract negotiations and implementation for. 6 employee unions.. Expanded the curricula for gifted/talented students, Title programs for x learning disabled; improved vocational/occupational, adult education and" community volunteer programs. Initiated a successful public relations program, including a Parent Advisory Council. Developed four major • .- ~ building facilities studies that resulted in closing. of four elementary ~•_" ~ schools and one junior high school, with a minimum of adverse public reaction. ,Developed a successful interracial relations programs. ~> Maintained excellent relations with Board of Education, staff and - community. FLORIDA (198.1-82).~ ~ --- _ Co11eQe Administration Dean of Continuing Education, Biscayne College, (Now St. Thomas University), Miami, FL .., one year. ~; • Represented the President, Dr. Patrick O',Neill, O.S.A.; in North Dade Chamber of Commerce, Broward County Administrators' Association, OPA- LOCKA Community Liaison Committee (Chairman). Served on the President's , Administrative Council. Wrote a major section of the college's Re- - Accreditation Evaluation Report for-the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges. Represented the North Dade Chamber of Commerce. in - lobbying efforts at the state capital. • b • CONNECTICUT (1982-S ) ~` Administration, Town of Mansfield Public Schools: fivE ; Superintendent of Schools, Mansfield; CT, fear years.. ~ . Administered, a school district of three elementary schools and- one .. midd w' le school, ith a .staff of 95 professional 'and 57 supporting ~ .personnel; student population of 1600. (District tuitions students, grades 9-12, to the University of Connecticut's campus high school in j. , ~ ~ ~ Storrs, located within the. town of Mansfield..) Assisted. the Board of Educationein,. school district reorganization. Closed an elementary school, redesigned grade assignments. on a K-3/4-8 basis.- Negotiated 'with the University's administration for the transfer of the. campus higfi school (E.O. Smith H.S.) to town ownership/governance, effective 1987. Worked with legislators in state capital for passage of legislation to authorize state property transfer.. Assisted: Board of Education in successful referendum for, $S million high school renovation program. .Wor,ked with architects., legal counsel and ~~ ~. building committees on major renovation work at elementary, xmiddle - school and high school buildings: Employed new directors in • ! building/grounds and cafeteria, with reorganization of those ~ departments. Established an improved public relations program via publications and a Parent Advisory Council. Employed three new building principals, one assistant principal. Initiated a review of curriculum, ~., K-8,emphasizing improved organizational structure. Initiated an i, 2 ~ 35 . f, ~ ~ .. improved Administrative Council organization for administrators and supervisors,. Established a positive, systematic liaison with the Town Manager and Town:Council:-- Negotiated contracts with seven employee groups. Served on the Board of Directors for -the Connecticut Association `of School Administrators, and was chairman (1985-86) of the University (~ Region Superintendents' Association (14 Eastern Connecticut towns). PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Association:of School Administrators New York State Council of School District Administrators Suffolk County School Executives•.Association Phi Delta Kappa, Columbia University Alpha Kappa Delta, Franciscan Academic Society Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Connecticut Association of School Administrators (Board of Directors) University Region Superintendents' Association, CT. (Chairman) REFERENCES Available upon request at Teachers College, Columbia University Placement Office, and other: sources as necessary.. SPEAKER/PANELIST/MODERATOR IN WORKSHOPS OR PROGRAMS FOR: American Association of University Women, Huntington Branch ~~ Hofstra University: Guest Lecturer, School of Educational Administration Huntington Chamber of Commerce - League of Women Voters of Huntington (Cable TV Presentation) Long Island Forum for Technology Mansfield, Connecticut, Lions Club - Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association National Association of Secondary School Principals New York State School Boards Association - PTA Councils: South Huntington, Huntington and Syosset Rotary Clubs of Huntington .Station, Huntington and Northport .(New York) u Suffolk County Organization for the Promotion of Education .Western Suffolk Guidance Association. (~"'J OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES ~JJ Regional Representative,,New York State Education Department Equivalency High School Testing Program. (six years) Member, New York State Regents Revision. Committee, State Education .Department, Albany, N.Y. (Commissioner's Appointment) (six years) Chairman, Instructional. Television .Service Committee, WNET/Channel r 13, Public Broadcasting System NY/NJ/CT Region (three years) Ad Hoc Faculty, Department of Educational Administration, Hofstra University, ("Administration and Supervision of Public Schools") Member,-.Consortium on Competency Based Administration, (Development of Certification Standards), Hofstra University Guest Lecturer, Department:of Educational Administration, Hofstra Chairman, State Curriculum Committee, New-,York State Council~of School District Administrators Curriculum Consultant: Assisted U.S. Chamber of Commerce in the ~~ 36 3 ~1 - development of curriculum:' "Economics for Young. Americans" Member; New York S*_ate Advisory Cemmittee cn heading Effectiveness- - Measures and Applications, State Education Department, Albany, NY - -'(Commissioner's Appointment: Administrative Advisor. on Implementing - Proposed Basic Competency .Program) , . Liaison Representative, from Suffolk County School Executives -~~ Association to School Board Forum, Hofstra University Liaison Representative, from Suffolk County School Executives • Association to Executive Board of Nassau-Suffolk ,School Boards 9ssociation ' ~ Presenter/Panelist-for School Board Forum Workshops on Declining < School Enrollments, Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector Moderator, Suffolk County Human Rights Commission, "Conference to Combat .Racism" - '~, ~^ Member, Advisory Committee, Adelphi University, "Community Education and Adult Education" _ ' _ ~ Moderator, Commissioner's .Regional Conference for Long Tsland ~ Consultant, for N.Y.S.. Council of School District Administrators. - ~ Prepared and delivered Council's responses at Commissioner's _ ~ - meetings, Albany, re Regents position papers on "Gifted and " " . Talented Programs in Public Schools , -State Task Force .~` ~- Recommendations on Regents Examinations", "Goals and Objectives for - New York. State Education" ~ Consultant, Deputy.Commissioner's (CT) Committee on School Program ~,,. Evaluation ~-~' COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES . •. ~ Secretary, Huntington-Station Rotary Club ; Member, Board of Directors, Huntington Township Concert Association ' ~ Member,. Supervisor s Task Force, Huntington Township ' ' Member; Executive Committee,~Long Island Forum for Technology ~ " Committee Chairman, Huntington Township Clean Community Systems ~ - - ~ Member, North Dade (FLA) Chamber of Commerce ', Committee Chairman, Opa Locka (FLA) Community Liaison Committee ,' Vice-President, Mansfield (CT) Lions Club 4 • j` l..l NEW /-IANOVER COUNTY , . C ~~ BOARD.. OF. COMM/SSIONERS ~nr ~ ~` ~•~:v 320 Chestnut. Street, Room_ 305 ~'r ? ZY . Wilmington, NC 28.401-4093 ~ ~ ~aj~'oY~9~ . , Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ~~/QN~~ FAX (9101 341-4130 '`~Y App/icafiori for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County'Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: !//n ~N ~{,e t//e ~' oGd , M ~ Name: /gLl3~/zTo C1fJ~NCI7 7 ,2a~2/4UP 7 Home. ~ How long have you been a Address: (o / (,; ~pti~ ~ ~e ~'f '", resident of New Hanover County? v? 0 y,Q~' Mailing4 ddress: ~} E S 6 .e /,, ,r ~ City and State: ~ ~ /'y ///lf`jt/g~j~/ ~ /1~• e • Zip Code: 2. ~j ~ D 3 Telephone: Home: ~ /~ ~ ~ ~l ~ 1 s b9 Business: ~ /s S O 702. "Sex: /1/IIg~Q "Race: !~ ANIC "Age: •~ ~ . 'This information is requested for the so% ur~ose of assuring that a cress-section of the community is appointed. " "Emplo yedbY: t ~i4• L. E ~'c / G oRA~ •'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this ap lication is made, mustresign his/her position with ,~ New Hanover County. upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personne/Policy.. 1111 JobTitle: Professional A ctivities: VolunteerActivities: N~ At,4LeA >Ces?,`vAL ~ATo ~ - ~ /~ ~~ r • C' • ~SSDeiATiav OF Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT z' ~-c-t~. Tjt}rtT S C'All1 e M 6 N LO .n .+~ u nr ~ N s What do you feel are your qualifications for s~~e~~rving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~s ,Q ~ N W~ ~cSIt,UA s. ~G~ ~. 1 ~eAL~N GJ IFFCCc~ oirmm~N, y D~RNi ATia•vs ~9Nd /YIN t/oLuN c,c,eS. What areas of concern would yfvu like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Ate you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /!/ O •' 3(8 Date: _ ~?~ ~-Z-°ry e IPlease use reverse side for additional comments/ ' el/~~/t~~ts t~:~1 ytbti15by51 - ~" SUSAN PAGE 01 1AN-~2-98.MON 03;34 PM COUNTY MANAGER ~ PAX N0. 01034.14027. P. 02 ~•. N~EI/1/ HANOVL~R COUNTY - - ..~`R . . - BOARD 4F COlV1M/SSId/tIBRS . 32D Chestnut Straet, Room 3Q5 ~ , ~~ , :. , Wil,~ingFon, NC 2840 7-4093 ~ ; • . •Telephane (91 Q134 t -7149 . • FAX f91o13af-4..130 _ •~~, A f _ , pprcairon or Appovntment to Boards, Lbmmittees, and Commissions- ' Appolnte+d by the Naw Hanover County hoard of Comm/sslotaers. ~ . Request far.4ppolntrnertt to: ~WM.ay~ ~ertli •~S M~~ ~ ~d Corn 1{,e,.~ • . ~' Home Kow long have yvu 4een a Addr '~l l..Jup~Q s ~P2 _ ~ resider esx ^~ 3 S „~„ f of New Hdrtvver County? T 7 .'~ tiers . -y--- . MarTrng Addnvsx: ~! q ~ oj' Cc~tO~-3 ~q ~. b2d~, ~ ,_ . ., C1ryand 57ete: _ LJ, ~ w~,r~,.4ati, N 71p .Code: ~-8~iro 9 '~ •. ralQphone: Nome: 3 4 ,~ ; 1 ~, 9 ~ Busi»ess: .?S~/ - ~/~~ ~„ . , •Sex. h'1 •Race: tcJQ,,t'~.~c.. •Ay~ ,Y g , 7AA1 k+tfo-it-stbvt it tagtt~wd for the auto purpas~ al asaurup that ~ anassen,o~ a! th• eantarcrrtry fs ~jwmtocC "Employod by: ~"~~ r •. ~~.4P~IlOr~wa~nuY~P~Y~~~YNllpalCYNdfpr2l'nMt/blWhf~htAFf0~7lort~oRfamnda,~nwtrtrsi&yhia~h.rpaaidon-~:ct~ /1~wN•,row Cpwtry +q,a~ appolntm~t~ /~ ~ea,eirtes with A,o'a(. vt,:,34G t or Mo tvnr Henovv~ Cacrry p~rsonnMPbitry, ,~'; ., ./oil ,77t1e: ~-crir+..n t /~e,~~, O(~'~.ew-~ szl y C~t9 JJ • • PtafesSfonal Actfvhles: - ! ~... Q . Caa.~, ~ sh.,Q~.,,,~.-5~,~~ 7~.,., ~~~`""-'~y S~Q~x11.s YolcmterrAcrivitPes: /g ~ ~ ~WTiy do you wlsJi ro sen!e on me Board, Cotnrnittee, ar Catnmisslon requested? .~ t..,,, ~ ~ •%„ la~,r,,~,, , .~ (~~ •yL~fy~ '~'~+.~i 1."st..- ~J~ ~-~, S-Q..~-tJ d (~C...~~.~ ran ~.~~~ d-~- .. y..1 .. What do you fre! are your qua/tYteations for sertin p on the Board, Committee, or Comm;ss;on requi~stad? ~ o,,,.~ _~..,are e~ f~f .c .„~-~~'»!,e_. h ~a off' at..~- o...,,,.P ~~~t.P~ a-C•~. ~ owd0 .'~ ~- o[tr+.tt.. gp E.~,.r.~ Wh,r areas of concern. woL/d yvv /!ke ro seethe Board, Committee, or Commissfon addressT ~ ~~. _ .. - " Are You etttrently urvlr:g on onafher bOsrd or committee eppoirtfed by o municipality or 8 evuntyT Nso, please fcst: `~ ~ ~c~ Date: ! .2 2 -q g S;gneture _ - ~ D~ ~ ~ L,,._~~ =~._-_ . EPlaas. ,~ iv.rms stile for ~okAVonal aotn,nonb/ O '~~ • r ~ ~ .~ UL/bb/lybli 1b: Lb y1JS15by5L SUSAN PAGE 01 .. '~ .. P/ease prov/de three /ncal personal references: Neme Phone Number 1J n ~ ~~jda~fi n1 ~+~i/ -. iL'.?/ g 2J ~ ~ u_.~ 1 !J • r ~t c.•c: c 137a •- O o 7 y _ 31 ~ ~ • GJ: I (cam 5-f-e~,..~..-f---- ~ S' S; a~ I / ! 1 .. 40 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1' 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 .FEBRUARY 16, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non-agenda items (limit three minutes) ~ - 41 2. Approval of Minutes ~ 43 3. Approval of request to discharge wastewater from a proposed retail 45 Area to the North Chase discharge line ADJOURN 41 This page intentionally left blank 42 '~ ' ~~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~, Contact: Lucie Harrell ®Form Does Not. Need Approval SUBJECT: Water & Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes: • January 20, 1998 • February 2, 1998 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ~.; ATTACHMENTS: ,~' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~~~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: i' COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ~~ 1 ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~: . 43 y This page intentionally left blank . ,. ", ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/1.6/98 . ~ • Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter:' Wyatt E. Blanchard ~, Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard ~. ^ Form Does Not Need Approval ' SUBJECT: ~ _ .. Request To. Discharge Wastewater From A Proposed Retail Area to the North Chase Discharge Line ` BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. Johri Berman is requesting capacity in the.North Chase wastewater discharge line, after the flow has been reversed, for a proposed retail area near the intersection of NC 132 and US 1 t7 in Castle Hayne . (see attached map). The request is for 20,000 gallons per day (gpd). Mr. Berman is offering to construct' a pump station adjacent to Prince George Creek, in a location which .will benefit the District in the future. ' - Mr. Berman is also aware that it will be no earlier than December 1998 before raw wastewater can be discharged into the North Chase force main. The twelve inch force main from Castle Hayne to the'North Chase interceptor, which he wishes to tie into, can transport approximately 700,000 gallons per day (gpd) average flow. This equates to 1,944 three _ - bedroom homes.. Mr. German's request of 20,000 gpd equates to 56 homes. Although this request would -leave a capacity of 680,000 gpd or almost 1,900 homes, staff has not yet developed information concerning future demand on this line. This demand. includes flow quantities from existing residential :. areas and other uses, such as the new Cape Fear Campus and~the commitment of 90,000 gpd for Pender County and tfe Vision Software area. Demand for the North Chase Interceptor will be high. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Staff recommends that a response to this request be delayed until the Board's May 18 meeting, so that ' ` r staff can prepare a plan for allocating sewer line capacity. Priorities for serving existing areas and new . .. growth need to be determined, including the potential for cooperative efforts such as Mr. Berman's offer to ..construct a pump station. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~. REVIEWED BY: . LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: ,. .COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: . Concur`with the requested action noted. above. " COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: CflUN1Y CO~IM}S°, 0hf COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: At~PRQVlaC1 '. ~ _a=1ECT~p , . . ~~~~~~ 45 - . ~~~ . ~ ~~ ~A~ a _ :~ . DAWSON ENGINEERING Engineering 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Land Planning Wilmington, NC 28103 Surveying (910) 762-1200 November 11, 1997 Mr. Wyatt E. Blanchard, P.E. County Engineer New Hanover County Water and Sewer District 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101 Wilmington, NC 28401, RE: Request by John Berman to Connect to County Sewer System at Castle Hayne Dear Mr. Blanchard: Dawson Engineering is assisting John Berman in obtaining sewer service for his property at the intersection of NC Highways 132 and 117 in Castle Hayne. The purpose of this letter is to request sewer service from the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District for this property. We understand that the County will need to complete the necessary sewer system improvements to reverse the Castle Hayne .and NorthCfiase wastewater from the Northeast Cape Fear River to the Ogden interceptor before Mr. Berman can be allowed to connect to the system. However, as soon as possible, Mr. Berman would like to establish sewer service by connecting to the County force main on the West side of NC Highway 132 at the intersection of the, highway and the railroad track. Upon County approval of this' future connection, we will start designing the pump station and force main necessary to connect Mr. Berman's property to the sewer system. Mr. Berman plans to construct this pump station near Prince George Creek, adjacent to NC Highway 117. The location of the pump station and force main should be suitable for the County to use them as sewer service is expanded in Castle Hayne. Thank you for considering this request. Very truly yours, DAWSON ENGINEERING Daniel E. D`aws~on"'~P~E~. ~~ ~~p rl~ i,~,`~i~st3Y~"1'~~"a 4Jy~in Bermans' ~~ ~ 4`~ ~~ ~r~ ~~ ~o ~[~~ad~ D~ ~ ~,~z~ D~ O ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT •~ x .... "09TNFgs ~-- - ~ ._. T Z ~y" CASTLE ~, " HAYNE C ' ~' ~. w( y4 OV ~ q J- Fq~ L~ ~i~ • LYNW.q w I A ~~ ~ ~ GE i Q j 09GE ~ AVI CASTLE Qwa'o III i ~ t'' G. •~\T. ~.- ~ ~ ~ GARDEN ~ c.rin ~.~ l V~ Lr~~~' ~~ O IAKT R 1. ~e ~ ~ ~i .P~. ~ NE.cTKS \~~I hA~ f! ~ ,.~=, I iY/ \ c ~, 9/A, ~ 133 117 v o wZ ~N 7f ~ /' o. J f ~ . ''~ III 0 `-~ , , ..- .~ , ~ ,- ; ~ . ~; ~ , , __ v ._, ~ , .~~ - -- ._._ I ~DrNG BLUFF ~ ~ ~. ~'~ ~ ~.. sr ~ cc~G HILLS PP I ~, ~' ~''f- ILL. cm ~~~ `,J ' ,- v~ =~ :.: O ~o p~^ p Np~~Y L . 1Y f , _ L m Cq; C~ DCREST ~~ of;~ (' 011997 C~STLE -H11YNE Y PARK R ~BLU COVE ~INOU TRIAL PARK 0 °~. `J" ~ nnvln n4- Ine. r MISHOE RD Z _~ ~~~-J' n-~i~._ 2 I ~ p ~~~ SITE ~ ~ BL(, R O EE NORTH- CHASE ' ~ GLAZIER RD. ~~G DLSCHARGE ~ I LINE ~, ~ G4STLE i ~ BROOKDALE DRI ,CO RD Pki ~ w -~;" I 'Q I "~ TtY ~q~ O Z ~ Oq% n ~ U ~ ~ P J ~~~ ~o ~~ O ~ IO ~ ~~ ~o ~~~ m } vi ~ ~ Qw ~ w kcP .,) U ~ Q q~ ~ r ~ POWERS CONWAY ~ ~ ~_ o ~„ 2 cam. W m w HQUNO O p U ~ ~ o EAR CT qR,y i Q' z o tiU \ ' F F Uv 'Q~ "o CT TSM~.. ~ qp _ s LOCATION OF RETAIL AREA IN CASTLE HAYNE REQUFSTING PERMISSION TO DISCHARGE INTQ NORTH CHASE LINE [~, JANUARY 5. 1998 MAP-NOT-TO-SCALE This page intentionally left blank 48 CONSENT AGENDA ' ~ .NEW IIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEBRUARY 16 1998 , ~_ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE ` ~ NO. 1, ' Approval of Minutes 51 ., , 2. Acceptance of grant for $442,000 from FEMA and approval associated Budget Amendment #98-0119 53 3. Adoption of resolution awazding bid #98-0237 to Modular Technologies, 55 Inc. for a modular building to be used by the Alternative Education Program . ' ~ . 4. Adoption of resolution authorizin Count to a l for NC Parks g Y PP Y S7 and Recreation Trust Fund Grant for Ogden Pazk 5. A royal of awazd of bid #98-0217 and a royal of contract #98-0217 PP PP 59 ' For Noxout Reagent for the WASTEC Facility ~ j . 6. Ado tion of Ca ital Pro ect Ordinance to a to li 2 p p ~ s b sh the $1 5. Million 61~ . Bond Referendum capital project for New Hanover Schools and ' approval of associated budget amendment #98-31 7. Adoption of Capital Project Ordinance to establish the $38.3 Million ~65 Bond Referendum capital project for Cape Fear Community College .. ~ and approval of associated budget amendment #98-30 , 8. Ado tion of resolution to add Northeast Avenue to the State Hi hwa P g Y 69 '., System _ . '_ .. 9. Approval of Release of Taxes Bared by G.S. 105-378 ~ 73 10. Approval of Release of Value 75 11. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 77 . ~ ~ District Collection Reports . 12. Approval of Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property ". ,4,981 13. Approval of appointments to the Home and Community Care Block Grant Committee 14. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-0111 to increase budget for additional Elderly/Disabled Assistance Funds awazded to New Hanover County B. #98-0120 to budget State grant (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) to reduce the number of out-of-wedlock births C. #98-0121 to increase budget for additional funds received for the Mitigation Summit held in December, 1997 ..~ 50 - .. ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - .. Meeting Date: 02/16/98 r Consent. Item #: 1 Estimated Time: " ' Department:." Governing. Body Presenter: Lucie HareH ` - ' Contact:.Lucie Harrell ~ R Form Does Not Need Approval . SUBJECT: Approval Of Minutes ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes. • Regular Meeting: January 20, 1998 • Regular Meeting: February. 2, 1998 ~ - ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the minutes , . FUNDING SOURCE: ASTACNMENTS: REVIEWED BY:. ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ' COUNTY MANAGE OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: •, Approve minut ' COMMISSIONER' ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS:, ~ w f '. - ~ . , , t~ A4'tyR4~f~l3 REM©'V~~ C . . P©STF~~Ep D ~ ; °: 5~~ ~~ -- ~ ~ MEARC~ ~ ~ " This page intentionally left blank ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ a o ~~ ~~~~~~ *n~~~~~f~t~~~ 52 ~ df~3~aa~o~Yr~ ~~a~@~ a ' .. ,. ' . ,. "REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' - - Meeting Date: 02/16198. ' Consent Item.#: 2 Estimated Time: Page, Number:. . ' Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Contact: Dan Summers Form Does Not Need Approval . . Y SUBJECT: ~ . FEMA Disaster Resistant Community Grant Awarded To New Hanover County To Assist 1n The Disaster '.Resistant Community Initiative BRIEF SUMMARY: '. .' The County, has been awarded a grant in the amount of $442,000 from FEMA to assist in the Disaster Resistant Community Initiative. The funds will be used to conduct engineering studies and to retro-fit a - :number of schools to help reduce the cost of damages to the buildings under numerous'disaster scenarios. ' and to provide for a safer shelter: environment.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - > , Recommend acceptance of the grant and request approval of associated budget amendment #98-0119 ' .FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $442,000 ATTACHMENTS: ` ' . REVIEWED BY: ` 1. = LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRiFFIN A HR: AMALLETT N/A PP COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ((~~~~ Recommend acceptance of the grant and approval of budget amendment #98-0119.. Q.)'~ ' COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ,, . COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: y . ' ,. , ,. ~~~t~ _ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~' ~` '~ -. ~ ~~`. . ~~ ~ l 53 .,. ~~~ °~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Budget Amendment ____. _.._ __ .................-...-.............,....~...................:.>:o;:o:::v:::.::::::;;:~>::::o:::x:a~:::w•s::::::;:..:::::o:;::r.:::<;:;:::;;:au::~~.~:::::.c::::2la:F<:. DEPARTMENT: Bt1DCET M .NflMFNT$ ~i , Project Impact 98-0119 2-16-98 ADJi7STMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT: ~oj-~st ?mnact FEMA-Disaster Resistant , Community Grant ~ $442,000 ~, Contract Services $442,000 „ ~I . ... ~~ EXPLANATION To budget grant. awarded to New Hanover County to assist in the Disaster ~' Resistant Comm~uniIn~~`~a e. Funds will be used to retrofit a number of schools. ~~s 54 ~~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report ~' / to Commissioners at next regular meeting ,// and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. ' - 'REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 ' Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: ' Department: County Manager Presenter. - Contact: Amy Akin ^ Form Does Not Need Approval SUBJECT: _. Award Of Bid # 98-0237 And Approval Of Contract # 98-0237 For A Modular .Building To Be Used By The Alternative Education Program. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Using Governor's Crime Commission grant funds, the County is purchasing a modular building for the Alternative Education Center Program . While this is a County grant funded program we have contracted with the Community Boys and Girls Club to administer the program. In accordance with the grant, the county must purchase and own the modular building. It will in turn be leased to the Community Boys and Girls Club. The formal bid process was completed and two bids were received. Staff is recommending award to Modular Technologies, Inc., the lowest responsible ' bidder in the amount of S91,364.00. Attached is the following: ' 1. Resolution for award of bid and approval of contract 2 Draft contract RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 98-0237 and approving contract # 98-0237 for a modular building to Modular Technologies, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of 591,364.00. FUNDING. SOURCE: The funding source for this purchase is Federal grant funds. No County Do//ars are required. ATTACHMENTS: ~ REVIEWED BY: . LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN App HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend award of bid to Modular Technologies, Inc. The contract is voluminous and is not printed for the agenda. A copy is available in the County Manager's off' your review. ' COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ~~ COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: APPRpVEt3 ~~~- R~aa ~: ~~ ~ 55 Cosa N~tp f ~3"~ ~y~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00 a. m., on the 3rd day of February, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a modular building for the Altemative Education Program, Bid # 98-0237: Modular Franky Thomas Technologies Inc. Base Price for Modular Building as specified $83,478.00 $77,355.60 Roof: 45 mil. White EPDM $2,953.00 $3,500.00 Decks & Ramps $3,280.00 $10,000.00 Matching Wood Skirting $1,653.00 $1,500.00 Total 59..1,364.00 $92,355.60 AND WHEREAS, the County Manager, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Modular Technologies, Inc. of Kinston, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Ninet}•-one Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-four Dollars ($91,364.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No 110-434-4164-3000-6200 to cover this contract; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a modular building for the Alternative Education Program, Bid # 98-0237 be awarded to Modular Technologies, Inc. in the amount of Ninety-one Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-four Dollars ($91,364.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 16th day of February, 1998. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: C1~ ~ the Board ,, ~' ~` . ~~~ . . ', ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98. Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Parks Presenter: Neal Lewis ` _ . Contact: Neai Lewis ~.~! ^ Form Does Not Need Approval SUBJECT: 1 North Carolina Parks And Recreation Trust Fund Grant For Ogden Park ' BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) matching grant program is available to local governments for development of public recreation facilities. The Parks Department requests . . permission to apply for a matching grant in the amount of $250,000, the maximum amount allowable, for development of facilities at Ogden Parka Deadline for filing the grant application is•March 2, 1998.1f the grant application is approved, work could begin in July, 1998. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Motion to adopt a Resolution committing New Hanover County to providing matching funds in an amount not to exceed $250,000, for the purpose of developing public outdoor recreation facilities on the Ogden . Park site. Authorize the Parks Director to proceed with the application for the matching grant program. Authorize Chairman to sign the grant application/certification and the County Manager to accept grant if awarded and approve related budget amendment. . FUNDING SOURCEt ' _. General Fund ATTACHMENTS:... ' . ;REVIEWED BY: ~ ' LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN:- BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN App HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend. a royal of authorization to a I . If the rant is awarded to the Coun it will reatl benefit PP PP Y 9 tY 9 Y the efforts. at Ogden Park. ' COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ~ { COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: AP~~fl ~~~~~ a - R~~OV 4 ~N~~ a ~ 57 ~~~ l This page intentionally-[eft blank 58 ,'~' Sua~r.}aNw~rres ~~~ ~~ "" - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: ' Department: Environmerital Management Presenter: . ' ~ Contact: Amy Akin Form Does. Not Need Approval. ~, ~ . " - ~ . . - ~ -SUBJECT: ~ _ Award Of Bid # 98-.0217 And Approval Of Contract # 98-0217 For Noxout Reagent. , . BRIEF SUMMARY:. '. NOxOUT Reagent is used in the daily operation of the WASTEC Facility and is a product that is purchased through a County term contract. The formal bid .process was followed to secure bids. Two bids were received and, staff is recommending award of bid and approval of contract to PCS Sales, the lowest responsible bidder. . . Attached is the following: - ,~ .. ~ 1. Resolution for award of bid and approval of contract 2. Draft contract RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ' Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 98-0217 and approving contract # 98-0217 for NOxOUT Reagent to PCS Sales, the lowest responsible bidder at the per gallon unit prices quoted in the proposal, resulting in an estimated first year expenditure of $57,000.00. FUNDING SOURCE: . The funding source for this purchase is County funds. ~ . . ' ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN App HR: AMALLETT N/A " COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . Recommend award of bid to PCS Sales. The contract is voluminous is not printed for the agenda A copy is available in the County Manager's office for your reivew. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ~` " COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: " APFr~4V~~,3 ~ ' r . REJ~~CT~i3 t~' RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00 a.m. on the 15th day of January, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids. were, received for NOxOUT Reagent for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 98-0217: First Year of Contract Second Year of Contract PCS Sales $ .95 per gallon $ .98 per gallon Carolina Eastern Inc. $ .95-per gallon $1.05 .per gallon . AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to PCS Sales, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, the lowest responsible bidder, at the per gallon prices quoted in the proposal resulting in an estimated,f rst year expenditure of Fifty-seven Thousand Dollars ($57,000.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 700-485-4194-4230 to cover this contract; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for NOxOUT Reagent for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 98-0217. be awarded to PCS Sales at the per gallon prices quoted in the proposal resulting in an estimated first year expenditure of Fifty-seven Thousand Dollars ($57,000.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 16th day of February, 1998. (SEAL) ~ ,... _ .. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~ + ~ ~ a .. #~.; ~~~-~~~a Clerk to the Board ~"" ~~~~ `~~~_ . ~ ~~ ~~: 6~ ~ ~~~ ~ '~~ .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 02116198• Consent Item #: 6 Estimated-Time: Department: Finance Presenter: ' - Contact: Bruce Shell ~ . ^ Form Does Not Need Approval ~~ SUBJECT: - _ . . $125 Million Capital Project Ordinance For New Hanover Schools • BRIEF SUMMARY: Commissioners are requested to adopt the Capital Project Ordinance to establish the $125 Million Bond • Referendum capital project for New Hanover Schools .Anytime bond funds are expended the County - Finance Office prepares a Capital Project Ordinance to track those bond expenditures. The New Hanover County School System actually expends these bond proceeds and then request funds from the County to cover those expenditures. We use the Caital Project Ordinance to provide internal and external _ information on use of the bond proceeds. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance and request approval of associated budget amendment #98-31. FUNDING SOURCE: , - Bond Proceeds $1.25,000,000 ATTACHMENTS: - ` REVIEWED BY: ' LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN App HR: AMALLETT N/A . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance and approval of budget amendm 98-31. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: ~~ ~ ~` COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: -. ~. ~U~ CQMM AFtiPRBVE~ Ci R~r~CTf© a R~MOVE~ © . ~ • . Rd}STIaONL~Q e1 . -, HEAR~3 _, , . ' Budget Arnendxnent ~~~ ,C\~ :~:~ ...~~: \~ :~). .;. ~:: ~:J!CMN;~0..~'!\MhMw y`!C`lwttMV vN~\\' w,vst~~ h\.x w'Cw '~M~ ...: T.. ::~... Nv ~. ...~'A. ~~ .~\.yNw ~~..vwn.w~.~r.n.~av..wV ...............v....;w...y~.v~~ .w. d\, n..... ...v ......... .................\:... ........w.., .:............................. ~.:~ .:................J\:~::.. ... ..\ \ .....: ~::: Y::::: y::~~:...:. ~:::.. .. ....................... . ..~................... v:. ~: `~:.v. ..... n..:..' i::::;ii'4..:» ...... .. ~........... • ........ ...v n ....... ....... .......... ... .................... ..:::::::. ~::.v.::::::::: . • ........................ ..~...... ..... ...~......... . .:::::..........~ ..w::::: ~':::. ~..... .. . ..' v:: ~ , . . . v.~.. .. ........... ..........~ . ............. .. ... . ..v. .....~....w. \..~........ ..... ....................:....:: ~::: ~~. ~~.. .... .... .:::: •\~:.::...... ... .. ...... .. \. ,.., a...... ,..,... .... .,.......,................ ~:. > ::.~ .. I1EP~RTr2ENT~ BUDGET AME~TUMENT~ D~T~~ ' New Hanover County Schools 98-31 2-16-98 ~, $125 Million Capital Project . ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT: New Hanover Co ~nty St^_hool G $125 Mi 11 inn C'anital project Bond Proceeds $125,000,000 Capital Project Expense 1 ~ $125, 000,OOOr t >- .. '~~"";~,~~; EXPLANATION . -- ~:%~ %S.~Y/ QAu 4 V cJ Y . ~~ ~IS `.i~`~t f;'f~ ~~ T t bli o es a sh pro.ject;~budge,t; according. to Capital ~ Project Ordinance. ~~ g~~a~ ~-~~# 62 ~~~~~~ `~~ t l h ' < 3 .: ~~. o .' s~~ ' w en repor ; t s approva For Budget Officer . . ,:~ ~. ~r ~~ ~G fd : to Commissioners at next regular meeting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. Tobc entered into minutes. . ~ : PROJECT ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS 1997 $125 MILLION BOND REFERENDUM . CAPITAL PROJECT . . BE .IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners .of New Hanover .County:... .~ 1.. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the Construction "~ of the $125 Million New Hanover County Schools Capital Project, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition, -,~ of ~capfital assets. .~ 2.. County desires. to authorize and budget for said project;in _- • a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General ~~ ,Statute $159--13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary"for ahe,completion of said project.. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: ' ® - 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to .North i Carolina General Statute $159-13.2,. 2. The ro'ect undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the P J `Construction of the $125 Million New Hanover County Schools Capital j Project, which project is herewith authorized.' ~ ~. . I 3. The revenue that will finance said"project is Bond Proceeds $1.25,000,000, .", : ~ ~ Total $125,00.0,000 t 4. Tfie following appropriations necessary for the~.project are ~. herewith made from the revenue listed above: Ca ital Pro,'ect Expense $125,000,000 . P J Total $125,000,000 63 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this day of 1998. Clerk to the Board William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners 64 . - ~ ; .~ ~ ~ REQUEST FOR .BOARD ACTION r ~ . Meeting Date:. 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated .Time: Department: Finance Presenter: JContact: Bruce Shell - ~ . n ^ Form Does Not Need Approval , SUBJECT: -- CFCC $38.3 Million Capital Project Ordinance... . ,_ , BRIEF SUMMARY: . ' Commissioners are requested to adopt the Capital Project Ordinance to establish the $38.3 Million Bond ' _ Referendum capital project for Cape Fear Community College . A Capital Project Ordinance establishes a multi-year budget for a construction project. We establish a capital project ordinance anytime any bond proceedsare being' expended. This allows the County Finance Office to properly track how those bond proceeds were used. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend adoption of the Capital Project Ordinance and request approval of associated budget ` amendment #98-30. FUNDING SOURCE: . Bond Proceeds $38,300,000 `ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN App HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY. MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: _ Recommend the Board adopt the Capital Project Ordinance and the related budg amendment number 98-30. - COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: - ` COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: -' ~.. ' v , .. ~ouN~r ~-~~~~~ . - APFRt3V~D Rir.IE~TE~ ~J ' REMOV~~ PaSTPQN~l~ ~ 65 . , . ~~~~ ~ B Widget A.mendi~~nt nF.PARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# CFCC $38.3 Million 98-30 Capital Project AD,7iI S THE NT : DEBIT t^F( t"' $"i8 'i Mi 1 1 ion _api .al ojeCt Bond Proceeds $38,300,000 Capital Project Expense EXPLANATION To establish budget according to Capital P lYtii _ . ~e~{~t6Ys~~'t9t 'tF'~C dV ~~ ] h ~Y~("ti4'0 1~ . ~4:~ V p~ yy pqyy ~ RL ~~~CJ~4~~a/!7 ~:t'~ +~ ~'~ ~ ~~ ct Ordinance. For Budget Officer's approva-; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting / and enter in minutes. ~/ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. PROJECT ORDINANCE CAPE FEAR CON~IUNITY COLLEGE 1997 $38.3 MILLION BOND REFERENDUM _ CAPITAL PROJECT BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: l.~ New Hanover County(County) is engaged in the Construction of the $38.3 Million Cape Fear Community College Capital Project, which capital project involves the construction and,,/or acquisition ' of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General ' Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the - Construction of the $3.8.3 Million Cape Fear Community College Capital Project, which project is herewith authorized. . 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Bond Proceeds $38,300,000 Total 538,300,000 i 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed .above: Capital Project Expense $38,300,000 t Total $38,300,000 6 7 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Adopted this day of 1998• Clerk to the Board William A. Caster, Chairman Board of County Commissioners 68 '. .' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 8 Estimated Time: ` . Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell - Contact: Lucie Harrell ® Form Does Not Need Approval ~. SUBJECT: _ . NCDOT Road Addition ~. ~ . BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution to add Northeast Avenue to the State Highway System RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Adopt-resolution FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ '. ., REVIEWED BY: , °~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ,. ' COUNTY MANAGER'S MENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Adopt,resolution. - • - - COMMISSIONER'S A TIO - A ~ ' COMMISSIONER'& COMMENTS: .~ ~ . ~r _. '.. . .' i~ ~~I~~~ '. Apt~~tdV>vE3 _ ~ pos~r~~t~~ . '. HEA~l~ ~ . 1 -~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County of New Hanover Petition request for (check one): We the undersigned, b Castle Hayne Number) in New Hanover Department of Transportation to _ ~;rra~~~ ~pN 2 8 1998 J~'~'~Yr',~'a~b~R C~. Addition to State System ( ) Paving () `~. L'F ~G'r'»;~lGA'~;$ Maintenance Improvement (x) eing property owners on Northeast Avenue (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the add to State System 'the above-described road. We further advise that the road requested to ; ncl „~P is 112 miles in length and at the present time there are ~_ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways. aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. Approximately 1/2 mi (~) at end of paved road on Northeast Ave. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: C'harlPS PPtP~ Sr 3512 Northeast Ave,Castle Hayne 675-0544 Charlene Pete 675-9780 Ted Kalnen '~ 675-2141 iinl~nnwn 4 . -~,~ ~ ~~ Revised Form S~R'~1~(5=83)~All~prevrous forms obsolete. . - i ~~ ~ (v~ Mp ~0 ~~~sr J / • \ 2 .~ ~ 2 / ~ ° F /~ /' ~ c p / OP + W / // /+ // ~~ j ~: 0 1 ~ LINYILI[ A ..' // Y~frL CT mW ~ ~ ] Or~ M~LL~ f W ~ E N + ~ ~ , ~. p~W ~~ w ~a U OE RD t ~ `Ri,~, rp 7 v i 4H+ IN F • a Q~E t S G ~' Q Ip j ~I 5O~ v I Q 3 3 I B M 1-VIM[ ST G q t-R07[Y/IRY !T J J ~ROEN PUt:.E S--OVUR 7T % % ~~ M4 lNOM ' _Y 6-Cl7TL[ AV[ 7- NOL Lr ! r °O ~ [-NICRORY 7T ? ~. / ~C11[11RY n / / y = Q' .yF. ~ 10-111 TT • c7 q ~/ / r ? VO ~ O 'L 4 C !. 0 a .. t D ~, / y-r e^ '• ~ , ~ fDR C~c o ~ 0 sa / 0 ~ h C ~ ~ O /Q~ . //// ~ ~NOEY 4bc ~ ~ ~Cti = e Q /. s ~ D ~, ~- M > f~f // < k~~0 P E r / ` Rs oa. / / o ~ R •/ / ~ o ~, h / 13 p ~`,P 33 a ~ W ~ j foA C7 p4R t O ., ~ UW 6. 4N WF~F 9 CT. 117 O sa ~ i u \ cy~ T~oJ tP s+~ VL ~r ~f: T HOA•~ e ` '~ISOry Si NERM174OE RD. _ w ~~~ C~TEn•IV/,.~ 0 . • °~` ~ q0 ~..,u~ ~'• NORWOOO OR. O ~ ~` ~ ~r i~ ~ W J `~ t W .. / y G~'D ., ~ -~ P RpvF _ .. .. A J~ 71 ~ 9 ' s m NIpfORY R ~- ~ NEMI K RO. g This page intentionally left blank 72 . , ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: Department: TAX Presenter: ' Contact: Patricia Raynor ~, ^ Form Does Not Need Approval SUBJECT: . Release Of Taxes Barred By G.S. 105-378 BRIEF SUMMARY: See Attached. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED 'ACTIONS: Release .charges for 1987. FUNDING SOURCE: ` ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ' LGL: WCOPLEY App .FIN: BSHELL N/A BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C ENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend appro COMMISSIONER'S AC O ,- COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ~, ~;. o COUN'f`~ CAMM t,' APPRQVEO ~,, R~JECTEp REMQV~a ~ ~$~~,. ~~ ~.~..~ 73 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ...:::,.::::::.:;,: v .,.. ~. MEMO ~: .:::::::::::::::::~::::::~::::::::~µ:~::~~: . z . . TO: Allen ONeal County Manager ~~ FROM: ~ Patricia J. Raynor ~ ~~ Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Release of taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 DATE: February 4, 1998 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1987 charges be released: New Hanover County $122,797.75 Fire District 3,281.42 City of Wilmington 53,193.76 Wrightsville Beach 2,555.47 Carolina Beach ~ 4,390.37 Kure Beach 4 24 Total $187,162.01 These uncollected amounts are .39% of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1987 in the amount of $48,056,837.04. A total of 309 accounts amount L to $100.00 or more. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February 16, 1998, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. PJR: sw Copy: R. Register B. Shell B. McAbee A. Caudle F. Jones B. Mac-~Clur~~e~~~~~A" ~,,~ G. Rose ~ ~~y~,~~ {~' L 74 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ s 0 t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 10 Estimated Time: Department: TAX Presenter:. Contact: Roland Register - ^ Form Does Not Need Approval . SUBJECT: __ Release Of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: , Request the following taxpayer be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request) Johnson, Greta B. $20,000.00 ... RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval of the release . FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS:.- REVIEWED BY: LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL N/A BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of the release of value to Greta B. Johnson as requested by the T administrator. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: APPROVED REJECTED C;`1 REMOVED Cl .~ ~ ~ POSTPONEp (~ . _ HEARD ^^// DATE ~~ ~S~ __ COUNTY CpMMI pNEp$ APPROVFn 75. This page intentionally left blank (~ ~. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 76 ~ ~~v~s~~~ ~~~g~~~ ~~~~a~ ,~° 3YAt~ a ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #: 11 Estimated Time: Department: TAX Presenter: Contact: Patricia Raynor ^ Form Does Not Need. Approval ~- ~ - ~ ~ - SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports. _ ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of January 31, 1998. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports. FUNDING SOURCE: ' ~, ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: - - i LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A ', ~ . ' COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: ~. - ~ t~aul~mr a~MMls~~ ~. ~ _~ Ai?pt?4V~Q ~ _ 2 '. 77 CONSENT AGENDA GATE' ITEM N0.______ NEN HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS TFiRU C1/31/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 ----------------------- -- AO VALOREM ~ ------------- - MOTOR VEHICLE - ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ~ 56~737~366.65 E ------------- 4~872~304.53 DISCOVERIES ADUEO 2~6E9~295.72 29~SL'3.4E LESS ABATEMENTS -- 80472.22- ------------- - 64~5:4.79- -------------- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED S 59~326~190.21 S 4~837~353.20 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED -- 48319.95 ------------- .OC TOTAL LEVY ~ 59~374~510.16 - E -------------- 4~837~353.20 COLLECTIONS TO GATE -- 56~900~521.66- ------------- - 3~662~803.83- -------------- OUTSTA~DING BALANCE E 2~473~988.SC S 1~174~549.37 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 95.83°G* 75.72~6* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY E 2~464~667.19 CHARGES ACGEC 73~684.9C LESS ABATEMENTS -- 41073.97-- ------------- TOTAL TAXES OUE E 2~502~278.12 COLLECTIONS TO DATE - 618~908.00- -- - OUTSTANOING BALANCE - ~ --------- - 1~883~370.12 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 24.73"G JAN 1998 FISCAL YTD RCCM GCCI:PANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 74172.3? 1~427,~C97.82 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 330.00 14454.63 EMS COLLECTIONS .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEN HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF MILMINGTON I~RIGHTSVIILE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH AhC KURE 9EACH TO CATE - 38~~892~032.23. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR F3EGINNING JULY 1~ 1997. B~ECTFULLY SUBMITTEO~ PATRICIA J. CR.b/IfNOR 11 COLLECTOR CF REVENUE * COMBINIE© ~G~O~L-~L~E;C~T~I~©N~,Q~E~RCENTAGE - 94.32% .. ...'~" 78 ~;,~ s r . CONSENT AGENDA - ~ DATE: ITEM NO.------ ~Eh HANCVER CCt;NTY FIRE CISTRICT TAX CGLLECTIChS - COLLECTIONS THRU O1/31/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL E 1~239~942.47 ~. 113346.08 DI SCCVER IES.. ADDEC - 60 X685.24 843.34 LESS ABATEMENTS 23555.45- 1.750.72- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED E 1~277~072.26 s 112438.70 LISTING. PENALTIES CHARGED 1031.51. -- .CC TOTAL LEVY ~ 1~278~103.77 ~ 1.12438.70 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 1~229~424.29- 88505.61- OUTSTANDING BALANCE E 48679.48 f 23~933.C9 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 9.6.19~* 78.71X* SACK TAXES REAL.ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY L 46805.92 CHARGES ADC ED 4748.08 LESS ABATEM ENTS 5~761.05- TOTAL TAXES DUE. ~ 45792.95 COLLECTIONS TO GATE 10~105.71- OUTSTANOING BALANCE E 35687.24 PERCENTAGE COLIECTEO 22.07X THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1997.., R PECTFULLY SUBMITTED GL~r1 c ~ ~, ~u'~~ PATRICIA J. RA SCR 1 COLL'cCTOR OF VENU *. COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 94.78X 79 This page. intentionally [eft blank 80 e r t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting -Date: 02/16/98 Consent Item #; 12 Estimated Time: Department: TAX Presenter: Contact: Patricia Raynor ^ Form Does Not Need Approval SUBJECT: Advertisement Of Tax Liens On Real Property. BRIEF SUMMARY: See attachment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve advertisement of tax liens to be published on March 11, 1998 for all delinquent real estate accounts as of March 3, 1998. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LGL: WCOPLEY App FIN: BSHELL App BUD: CGRIFFIN N/A HR: AMALLETT N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve advertisment of tax liens as requested by the Tax Collector. COMMISSIONER'S ACTION:. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: COUNTY.COMMI ~ ONE APPROVED C REJECTED Q REMOVED POSTPONES Q MEARD =`t 81 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~~ ..,:.: ,..:..::::MEMO.,:.......,.::....: .:::..:::.............. ~~~ ~. TO: Allen O`Neal County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ~~~ Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February 4, 1998 In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the unpaid real estate taxes for 1997. The outstanding amounts, as of January 30, 1998, are: Governing Jurisdiction New Hanover County New Hanover Co. Fire District City of Wilmington Town of Wrightsville Beach Town of Carolina Beach Town of Kure Beach Total -All Jurisdictions pelinguent Taxes $ 2,163,159.01 42,192.62 620,149.63 45,030.81 110,472.27 21 505.04 $ 3,002,509.38 It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens. I recommend that the advertisement be published on March 11, 1998. All 1997 real estate accounts not paid by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 3, will be advertised. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February 16, 1998. PJR: sw Copy: R. Register '~'~~,ry~9psC ~ ~rRt t!~~ ~JY ©~'~ .Y- . c1~ ~~~~~~ ~H ,~ ,~' • ~ • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: • :. ~ Meeting Date: 02/16/98.. -. ~`' ~ • ~. `•Consent Item #~ 13 Estimated Time:. Page Number: '. "•: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton~ :- °~ ` ... ` Contact: Annette Crumptori .. - ., :, ® Form Does Not Need' Approval = ~. • „. :. , SUBJECT: ; Appointments to the Home and Community. Care Block Grant Committee ~•: - BRIEFSUMMARY: .. _ Request appointment of Rev. H. H: Parker and Nellie Parker to the-Home and Community Care Block `, ' ~ • Grant Committee. The Home and Community .Block Grant Committee (HHCBG) acts as an advisory board "- ~ . ; to the. pepartment of Aging for theHome and Commuriity Care Block Grant funds. These Federal and State funds are. used to support the Department of Aging's Senior Center ,transportation and in home senr ices programs. The board, composed of representatives from the senior adult population,-makes recommendation as to the distribution of funds among service area's. .. :. ' At pre_ sent the board :has only 5 members. One position will. replace Bill Hepfinger. The other position, is a ` position that was never filled: ~~. ~ ~ . . • -- ~_ Rev: Parker is a minister in the community: His wife, Nellie, is a part ofthe.Foster Grandparent program. ~' I/' _L °.. r f - , '~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Recommend approval of Rev. and Mrs. Parker to serve on the Home and Community Care Block Grant • Committee. ; ,' FUNDING SOURCE: `, . . ~ , • ~ ~ ~, ATTACHMENTS: ,. .. _ , ., • = . . ~. REVIEWED BY: ~ , . /`.` LGL: FIN: BUD: HR; , ,, _' ~ . • ^ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with the above recommendation. ~ •' - ,. ~ L .. •. v COMMISSIONER'S ACTION: '. _ _ COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: _ ' ,~ .~ C4UN1Y COMMI dNS . _ APPROVED. ' : ~ , : - _ . • . - REJECTED ©' . REMOVED . IEI .. . ; - FOSTP®N~~~C~t - ~ w~~o ~ 83 • ...... ~` - ~ . ` _ • ~i ~~ This page intentionally left bl~rnk ~~ . ~ _. µ~~~ tia~ ~~U~ ~~'~n~9~ ~~~~~ 84 CONSENT AGENDA February 16, 1998 B~dge~ dxneilt Item No.14A Amen . rY\ _M\ ~ ~ \ M `MO`M M'• ~ t .`f _ \ < C C r \ { ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .. DEPARTMENT: St1DCET A T t tion 98- i H S MENDMENT# DATE 0111 2-16=98 erv ces ranspor a uman ADJUSTMENT: DEB IT: CREDIT: H rman ~ ryi _s Tran~r~or a -ion -- ~' Trans. Asst. (Elderly/Disabled) $26,389 Elderly ~ .$10,556 ~! Disabled 15,.833 ~~ ~~ F LN~ ~:~. " j~ 1 ,~y ~ ~~ _~ ~ " ~~I ~t ~1 { ~`y }Q ~y '~..J FJ~~ `e`9Y `~4 - tl~ SVt~/~~~~~?~l~ ~~~ ~~ _ , ~~.- ~. ~, CQl1Al7y COiMMI SStON~'Rg Art; t~ ~:,/- ~ ~_ REJECTE ' Q r REMOVED p , . - ._ POSTPpN~ Q ~` ..~ ~ EXP ~ ~ LANATION , ~~ I +..' To increase budget for additional lderly/Disabled assistance funds ~ ,awarded to.New Hanover County. i • ~85 For Budget O((icer's approval; then tcport~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ~ / and enter In minutes. v To be approved by Commissioners. ~ To be entered into minutes. ~ CONSENT AGENDA February 16, 1998 ~ j ~ ~ Budget Amendment Item No. 14B DEPARTMENT Health/Family Planning ADJUSTMENT Health/Family Planning State Grant -Temporary Aid to Needy Families Temporary Salaries Advertising Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay -Equipment DATE 2/16/98 CREDIT $ 4,017 $ 500 $22,857 $ 1,000 COUNTY COM~~ONERS APPROVED REJECTED ^ REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ~ . e': h~~ .~ {- ~ I ~~d®'1:~~~ _To b get States"rarity' w N "RT ~ out-o~we~dlock births ~ W ' p~ - ~`~A~ >C~> v ~ ~ ~~WOF_~W p a w w 0 Q v Q~~ a s 0 86 emporary Assistance to Needy Families) to reduce the number of MEARD O~~ ~~ ' DATE~'7..~.v DEBIT $28,374 EXPLANATION BUDGET AMENDMENT # 98-0120 For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. „/ ~ CONSENT AGENDA _ -. ~ u ~ . ~ ~ ~ a February 16,1998 ' t7 A e~.dI~1~21t Item No. 14C .....n}...~.. w.........'... >~~ w ~e+n.•x.a ~~M.....y......~.yw;..,...:,.;..y~yw..~,~...~.no~~~. r.......... .,.a .~............w.,...;.. ~. ....... ... . ... ~ .. \ ... ",......, t ............ .,.... ...... ...... "". ... ~ ... .,. .. ,......" , .a..,...~ DEPARTMENT: Bi1DGET AMENDMENT# DATA:. Emergency, Management/ 98-0121 2-16-98 Hurricane Expense ADJUSTMENT : ' • DEBIT : CREDIT ,- FEMA-Disaster Resistant Community $25,000 -- ~` (Mitigation Summit) Contract Services $25,000 ~, .. ~` ~- .. ~: . ~, i counrr coMMis NE~s APPROVED REJECTED ~ - REMt?V~ A ~ {' EXPLANATION ~ .~ ~ ~E~ DATE I To increase budget for additional funds received for the Mitigation Summit held in December, 1997. . i .For Budget O((icer's approv$t}~n rcpo~t I ~_ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ~ " / and enter In minutes. j . - _ ` To be approved by Commissioners. . , To be entered in[o minutes. l~ This page intentionally left blank ~v~0~'?G~L~lvirtnf~~' L.S~r -. ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~'~