Agenda 1998 03-231 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AGENDA NE~V H.aNOVER COUNT' BOARD OF CO~`I`IISS[O\'ERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ~pNaveR ~~p 2-~ North Third Street, Room 301 ~~ , +. ? ",~ < Wilmiirgtorr, NC • ~'-- ;* ,~. ~i~ ~`! o~ WILLIAM A. CASTER CHAIRMAN ROBERT G: GREERYICE-CHAIRMAN fo`•_••. ••^•GfQ' BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS. JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER NORTH ALLEN O'NEAL, COVNTV MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD March 23, 1998 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES ~,TO• 9:15 a:.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 1 9:20a.m. 2. Recognition of Newly Hired County Employees 3 9:25 a.m. 3. Presentation on the Impact Veterans, Military Retirees, 5 and Their Dependents Have Within the County 9:45 a.m: 4. Presentation by Ms. Patsy Miller Concerning Drainage 13 Problem on Canady Road Near Pages Creek 9:55 a.m. 5. Proclamation Claiming March 1998 Professional Social 15 Work Month in New Hanover County 10:00 a.m. 6. Presentation of Workforce Development Education Program 19 10:30 a.m. 7. Committee Appointments 21 10:45 a.m. 8. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 47 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 11:30 a.m. ADJOURN . f MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 MARCH 23, 1998 ~. . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PACE NO. ., 1. Non-agenda items (limit three minutes) 47 2.. .Approval of Minutes 49 ' 3. Consideration of approval of request from Inland Green S 1 _ Homeowners Associates for New Hanover County Water and Sewer District to accept internal sewer system .. -. CONSENT. AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OE COIVIMISS[ONERS MARCH 23, 1998 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAG E NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 55 2 Approval to authorize County to Apply for the.Targeting Grant 57 and accept the grant when offered 3. Acceptance of Community Meeting Space Grant 61 4. Acceptance of Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant and authorization 6~ for the County Manager to sign the grant and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0135 5. Approval of contract #98-0306 to Post, Buckley, Schuh and 67 Jerrnigan, Inc. 6. Award of Bid #98-0621 and approval of Contract #98-0261 to 71 Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. for upgrade to computer system for the Department of Social Services 7. Approval of property exchange with Landfall concerning the bike 73 path 8. Approval of Personnel Policy Amendments 79 9 Approval of Contract for Removal of Metals from WASTEC Ash 91 10. Award of Bid #98-0234 and approval of Contract #98-0234 to 93 Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company for 31 automatic external defibrillators for the Emergency Medical Services Department and the Fire Services District. 11. Release of Value 99 12. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 101 District Collection Reports 13. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-35 to increase budget for additional 105 bond funds available Y ~ ~4 x . - . . , • . ` - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST fOR BOARD ACTION . . 4 F Meeting Date: 03/23/98 .' „ • ' ~Regularltem #: 1 Estirnated Time: 9:15 a:m. Department:, Human °Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal ~ C a .. ont ct: Rosetta Bryant , `: SUBJECT: , , ' Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover Counry Service Awards due to their length of . service with New Hanover County: FIVE"(5) YEAR: Thomas M. Burdette -Engineering; Kathleen K. ' Benson -Health; Pamela R. Cooke -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR: Jan G. Kavanaugh°-MIS; Ruby M. Cromartie -Property Mgmt.; Thomas T. Pickett -Property Mgmt.;' Catherine A. Barger - ' ~ ~ Health; Andrea R. Taggart - DSS; and TWENTY (20) YEAR: Gladys S. Bryant -Human Resources. ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS : FUNOfNG SOURCE: w° ATTACHMENTS: . ~ ~ ° . ~ .. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW'. ., ~ .. " ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS... Y "Present Service Aw rd ~'~ ` a s. ,. ' :COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ ' ~' ., ,y ~ ` ' s ~ - ~ ~~ VV'1'11111 ~~t~~iild ~` o - - / APf?ROVED C3' -.:., , REJECTED C7 , , " ,I'iEMOVED Q . ~' • POSTPONED C~ 1 . - ~ BEARD ' . . ~ 2"fiis,pa~e itltentiofzally left blank ~~VK~~ee ~~'.~. l ~~T~~ ~~~~ ~€~~~ _. Tjiis,pa~ e inte~~fiotzally left blank ~~~~~~~. ,.._ ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. . ` ~ ' ` Meeting Date: 03!23/98 , ` ' - -Regular Item. #: 3 'Estimated Time: 9:20am Department: Veteran Services Presenter: Bob Angeli " . "...Co t t b ` n ac :,. $o Angeli , _ . , ~ ,. SUBJECT: - . First Annual. Veterans. Briefing ,, BRIEF SUMMARY: , Will brief Commissioners on the impact veterans, military retirees, and their dependents have within the County. 6 ~ R a . ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. No action required. , „ _ FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ , .. , ' ATTACHMENTS: ~ ,. ~" COUNTY BRIE, .. . . REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ,. ~ . 000NTY MANAGER' MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: No action require r p COMMISSIONERS' C NS/COMMENTS: . , ,, . r .. ^ . ' _ . . ~QtfNTY G!3lNMi~Si4Nr~ .,:. r a ,~ APPROVED C,l _ ., REJECTED p L REMOVED © ~ .: . _ ~ POSTPONEf~ a ~ . . . .. . NEARD ~/ . .. , DATE .,~,~ ~ 4~ , 1 TO CARE FOR HIM WHO SHALL HAVE BORNE THE BATTLE AND FOR HIS WIDOW AND HIS ORPHAN AbYC1jIC1ffZ LIf1COlf2 t~3%~~ ~ ~"~ ~~; ~~a~ ~~ ~:~~~~~ t~~ ~~'L •~ ' 4. - ~ - ' - ~ . .; . ~ ~ ' .- . ~ . - . ~~ ,, - - - _ V ETERANS POPULATION NEW HANOVER . ,.~ T COUNTY _ , v •. . PEACE TIME 3620 a ~V~V I (1) ; ,. ~ ., ^ .~~ W~V I[ 38-10 •. 9~ , s . OTHER 90 8 , ~. ~ _ t -` PERS[AN L KOREAN • ' a GULF, 1230 ..- .2-160 , p VIETNAitii.~360 . - ~, J TOTAL VETERA~ti'S 15600 ~ _ ~. - . _ , . ~• ~. -. ' • :~ .;, ~ . ,.. ,, . a , .. , - 7 ~ ' . . .~ r . .. ~ - .. ~~ ~ ~IIS( 680 ~ L\SCRV 61 TOTAL OFF7CE V1S fi5 & TEI.FP(IOtiE 4~QC7Rt6 FOR Cl' 1997 ~CO~IP &P~S(ON 3322 TOTAL- [tiQUIRIES 6212 AL i~ 8 ^ ~`~'~S ^ EI)l;CA710N 117 101 ." • .. ~' ~ r - ~ - ~"° VA EXPEIYD,ITURES [IY NEW HANOVER , . COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1.996 . ti, •' .. ~ . a . ` ., TOTAL ~ COMPENSATION Kt.,\UJCST>tEYf INSUIL\~CE CO~tiTKCCTIOV 'MEDIC.\L ~ EXPENDITURES & ffi YOC.\TION:\L 6 S Sf.ItvICES & ' .. ~ ~ PENSION RF:11,\ItIUT.\TIO.N IN Dt:MNI"llta RFLA"fED COSTS AD~IIVISTH.\;pOV ,,. s ~. \F.~Y IL~:VOVEIt" SIG~59,2J1 513,330 Y111 S1,3G?,I7J 51,1157,7'3 57,7011 . $iU,3?') ~,' QISTR'ICT I $„(7?,J7G SI,R52,519 5131,79) S,IJI,IG3 CO ~ C R F.SS I ON,~ L ' piSTK'ICT 7 ` = , , , SIJ,133,7G~ SI_,U_3,_)i 51,18U.33U S9ILSGS S7,7U0 , ' ' 550,3?9 • • ,, , _. _~ ~~ - ~ ~ . .. L .. , 9 ~ , .: , -. ~~ ~ ~. MONTI[LY EtPEND{TURES FOR I~tIL[TARY RETIREES ~V[TH[N NEW HANOVER COUNTY E3R~INCEE # OF RETIREES GROSS ti10~'YTHLY PAY A[R FORCE 459 577.3,195.00 AR~ti1Y 432 SS42,S-10.00 (~IAR[iti'ES 2-16 5412,556.00 NAVY 291 5-17(,E03.00 COAST GUARD 139 S23S,109.00 TOTAL S2,73S,S03.00 10 - ~- : ,. • . ~' • ANNUAL DOD EXPENDITURES FOR SURVIVORS BENEFIT PLAN SBP • ~ ) W[TEi[N NEW HAIYOVER COUNTY ~. ~i .. • • BRANCH # OF ANNUITANTS ANNUAL E\PEND[TURE ,. .. A'Ri~1Y 965392,912.00 r - AIR "FORCE JG S3~1,303.00 . ~" 1titaRtNES 37 S-tt2,>~7.00 - ~ iYAVY =19 5-il t GGG.00 -~.. TOTAL .: 223 ~ S2,OG3,-13.1.00 • . ~. •F . . - .. . .. , .. - . - . .~`, - '~ - - ~.. ' . 11 TR[CARE E[EALTEi [3ENEF[TS ' FOR M[L[TARY RETIREES TOTAL DOD HEALTE[ CARE E\['EiVDITURES ~V[Tf[L\ NE~V E[ANOVER COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997: S 1, [ 99,307.00 12 February 24, 1998 From: Patsy Miller _ 1721 Canady Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 686-0555 Ref: New Hanover County Commissioners Meeting To: New Hanover County Managers Office 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Sir: This is a request that I, Patsy Miller be put on the agenda of the County Commissioners Meeting - March, 9,1998 I will be representing Linda Rodgers, Gladys Williams, and myself as property owners on Pages Creek,. in the Middle Sound area. - I would like to address the meeting about the deteriorat- ing condition of our property, due to:the States digging- drain-ditches and routing them to drain on our property. About 6 to 8 years ago a very large pipe was put across Canady Road to drain water from the other side of -the road from us. Now we know the damage that did to our land. Again last week Feb. 18, 1998 the State dug another ditch to run on our property from=:our side of the road_ I have spoken to four men from the D.O_T. With only one real answer, they are not responsible for water any farther that 30 feet from the center of the road. And that Z should call the county to see if they could do any- thing to help. I have. talked to Mr. Bowers, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Justice, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Ennett all D.O.T. men. I also spoke to Mr. Rayhall with the county water and sewer maintenance. Mr. Rayhall said, "there was no money or equipment to dig ditches n_the county." I have also talked with Bobby Greer, My hope is that he will come out to see our problem before the March meeting. 4 ~~ ~~ S ' cerely,~L~~ fi~ '3~135~~1~~ ' 14( e~qt ~A~~.NJ'yY~Yq .~ s P /-'/ JA~~j ~r Patsy Miller .~~~; .: .. ... - '~ ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST .FOR BOARD ACTION ' ... ' Meeting Date: 03/23/_98 x ~ Regular Item #: "5 Estimated Time: Department: Health Presenter. Deborah Maxwell Contact: Deborah Maxwell -Ext. 6692 . . _. .. ,, . ~ SUBJECT: - Proclamation: Claiming March 1998 Professional Social Work Month in New ,Hanover County . ~,: I ..BRIEFS UMMARY: .Please proclaim March 1998 as Professional Social Work Month in New Hanover County. (Gov,ernor Hunt ~~• has proclaimed March 1998 Professional Social Work Month in North Carolina.) ' We're celebrating 100 years(1899 - 1998) of Professional Social Work. Social work developed in the middle of the 19th century in response to social injustices. Social Workers led the way in the development ofi•private and charitable organizations to serve those in need. 'RECOMMENDEO'M0710N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ' .~ Proclaim March 1998, Professional Social Work Month in New Hanover County FUNDING SOURCE: ' `N/A ATTACHMENTS: < . ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW - - .. COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS ANO RECOMMENDATIONS: /~ ~. :Accept proclamation. ~/~,i ` .., j COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONSlCOMMENTS~ ~ - a ~' - _ COUNTY t~MMISSlt}NEE~~S air}ROVEt1 c„~ ~'~ ~ ~ ; REJECTED D ,. :: ~ REMOVED Q .' ~ , ~os7PONEls ~a ~ ~ 5 ' , . MEARp ~ ~ . ~. ~ • PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, professional social workers work on the front lines of human service delivery to help real people solve real problems, and WHEREAS, social workers strive to enhance the quality of life residents of New Hanover County in various agencies. WHEREAS, the professional social work profession works to eliminate institutional violence, poverty, neglect, prejudice, and discrimination,. and denial or opportunities; and ~'VI-IEREAS, professional social workers help real people solve real problems and settle differences amicably. WHEREAS, this is one hundred years of the social work profession i'n America helping people solve. problems and find resources with a positive manner; NOW, THEREFORE, in recognition of professional social tivorkers and alt that they do to help families and individuals achieve lives of dignity and purpose, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaim the month of I~iarch 1998 as Professional Social Work 14tonth, and call upon members of the community to join with the social work profession in support of appropriate programs, ceremonies, activities designed to achieve its goals. Adopted this the 23'~ day of 1Vlarch, 1998 j'AT'TEST] ,. _ i,~npn}y ~`~ }~ 1~8 ~~uFt3391~~, 13'6 ~~l~~ F. Harrell~Cl'eck~tc l~ ~~~~ 11 W~ `~~~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners William A_ Caster, Chairman the Board . i . .. . .. , . ., We're Celebratling~ `1898 - 19:98: 100 Years of Professional Social; Work.. .. Th e History Beh to d Tlz e 1 ~ ~- ~ . Celeb~atlon :~ ~ . Social wort. developed m the middle of the 19th century ~n response to - " ~ ' social injustices, among them care of prisoners, the treatment of mentally-ill r e h li f h h h ~ pe sons, t e p ght of orphans and ~~-idows, concern or t e omeless, t e poor and-the use of children in sweatshops. As they helped individuals, i l k di Th h i d f i soc a wor c reme ers recogn zed the nee es ey soug t or system social justice for those who had little voice in public policy and eventually gained better conditions in institutions, in the workplace. and in the home 'and community. ~ T ~- .- he Social Work Centennial dates from the summer. of 1898 when the New York .Charity Organization Society established a summer school for v l t wh e di h l d i d h un o eers o wante ng of t to eepen t e r und rstan e poor peop e: they were dedicated to helping.- This was extended to a one-year program in 1904 d f ll i h i k d i 0 (an . a u er ~~ t . a two years de a wor equate n 191 ) to prov s training for .managing charitable institutions or advising. families about their .. - ~ complex needs. Originally called the New York School of Philanthropy, it :was renamed the New York School of Social Work in 1.917 and the r 'Columbia University School of Social Work in 1963. r Social workers led the way in the development,of private and charitable i o io i n r h rgan zat ns to se ve those in need. They also foug t for the recognit of o public responsibility to serve those who. lacked the opportunity or means to aftain minimum standards of care for themselves. . History of the Celebration NC Social. Work Centennial Fundraiser NAS W-NC Centennial Update 17 ,:. +.. ~'jiis,~a~ e intetltotially left blat7k 18 a ~~ ~ ~ ~ .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~. _ _, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , ~ ~ _ , Meeting Date: 03/23/98 ,~ '°Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: `. - Depa~rtment: County Manager Presenter: Mr. Macy McRae, Dir. off Workforce Development, NHC ~ ~ ~ Schools ~ ~~ - . Contact: Allen O'Neal: ' -. .. . SUBJECT:. - . 'Presentation of Workforce Development Education Program . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ New Hanover County Schools has developed a workforce Development Education Program preparing - students with skills for lifelong learning for middle and high school. This program includes student _ apprenticeships, internships, cooperative education and career focus for career planning. Mr. Macy McRae will. make a presentation on this program. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS : - '. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ~ , ` ~. ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' Hear the presentation. Chairman Caster requested this presentation in order for the Board to be informed ' ` of the workforce development efforts of the schools. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS:. ~ ' ~: . -. ~ Cn~ ~~~II~IQhIQ~ . ~ APPROVED D REJECTED p REMOVED O HEARD ;. C~ .~~ QAxE ~.~., .,,, , 1 2"hrs,pcrge ijztentiofzally left bltttzlt ~P~+~ ~ `QRa~ ~v~ ~~~~ ~. ~ ~~~~~ °~ , ~~°~ .~ • • . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . , ~ ~.. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION " ~ Meeting Date: 03/23/98 • Regular Item #: 7 Estimated Timer • . • Department:.. Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~ ~ C n H , o tact: Lucie arrell . ~ SUBJECT: . - ~ ;Committee Appointments _ _ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ • - . Appointments are needed for the following: .Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority -- l~avYc,l ~ /~ ~ ,, • Porn, Waterway, and Beach Committee - I,.aUJYGw~ S ,¢.rs - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND.REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments FUNDING SOURCE: '~ - ~ ~ F.. _ ATTACHMENTS: - Committeelnformation and Applications , ~ ITEM DOES NOT ' , REQUIRE REVIEW • COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , ~. • ,~ ~ , ~" • CpUN'i1i COMMISSIONk.RS • ApPR4VED ~~ - - RIrJECTED REMOVED C1' • . ` ` 2 ~, ~ POSTPONED CJ ' COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY 1 VACANCY -- 3-YEAR TERMS (Term to expire May 13, 2001) APPLICANTS: Darryl T. Langley ~ Ronald J. Vigneri Attachments: C-omm~ttee~ Information Sheets ~pplcat ons'~ t ~'~~~t~ r~I ~3ltt3~~13~ 22 ~., ~~~ ~~~~t ~C;~.~'.:+erovR~ia6,F'~,r zGs...n^=- at~`.7~..ilG'I~'6. .j . ~. ~ °. LOWER CAPE FEAR WATER AND 6EWER AIITHORITY ` Number of~members: 13 - 2 a ointed b o , pp y C unty,Commissioners .. .Term:-~. three years . . Regular fiieetings: Second Monday of each month ~~ Statute or cause creatinq`Authority: General Statutes 161A • Brief on Functions: .The purpose of the Authority is to provide 45 , million gallons a. day of raw water to -the Authority's Membership which includes the City of Wilmington, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, 'New Hanover and Pender Counties. The Authority functions as a' • water utility in providing the sale of raw `water to any. member government of the Authority that requests such service. The Authority. can sell water directly to industries in the region upon request., The Authority initially provided water service to.. Brunswick County. As of April 1991, the Authority is expanding its ~? pipeline to. provide water service to Cape Industries on US highwa Y 42,1, in New Hanover County and future water supplies to Takeda Chemical Products, USA and the City of Wilmington. Zn general, the FAuthority operates under the same powers. and guidelines as do cities-and-counties. _ TERM - PRESENTLY TERN ,CIIRRENT HEMBERS SERVING' EXPIRES ~, ... ~.^ William A. Caster First 12/31/98 County :Commissioner Appt. 12/96, Reappt~..12/_97r -(Appointments of Commissioners are made ' for one .year at a time in'December) - Dan W. er first- 3-31-98 1723 irway Drive Wil ngton, NC 2840+ d~5^~«.~(Appt. 9/21/92 to unexpired term.) ' " 7 -1364 (H) ~oe~~~~Po~ (Reappt. 3/20/95) . ~ Other Hembers: , Frank_Belote,.Bladen County Billy D. Carter, Sr., Brunswick County ~ •- ~, James .Smith; Brunswick County . . . Alton Milliken, Sr., Brunswick County ~• Richard :Marshall, Brunswick County Lynwood Norris, Columbus. County - ~. Ro Lowe Col Y umbus , Cieveland'-Simpson, Pender County ~ ~.~ ~~~ Robert Forand, Jr., Pender ' John R. Andrew, City of Wilmington Mayor Hamilton Hicks, City of Wilmington ; Director: Kurt Taube, P.O. Box 1673, Wilmington,. NC 28402 762-2065 (W) -~ ~LCFW&s 23 ~ , ,~ N~'UV NA~N(~V~"R COUNTY BOARD OR COMIVII'SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Sheet, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone 19 1 01 34 1-7.149 fAX !9101341 ~ 130 Application for Appointment to B.~ards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Nenover County Board of Commissioners. '~-t~ l Repuest torAppointment to: _ r.d~~~' ~0~ c~ ~~Y- ~,/~~~ (~~ /~ / ,, - _ - l o ~-r Name: ~ ~Y'Y'T,! ~ ~ ~ ! C~, V ~~ / l ~---~'~`!~-~ ~"~-~\ Home / r Address: t Za.3 ~. ~,, ~~a Mailing Address: 0 ~ x f ~ ~ 1 KOF'J long h2ve you Seen c resident o(tYew Hanover County? Gry end State: t~LJ ~ 1 rn ~ oY~~ ~~ Lp Code: ~ ~~ ~~ Te%phone: Name: ~ p b ~' d ~ Business: ~~ 3 - -sex: VY\ -Race: `~J ~ _ •Agv: y- . '77t[1 in/Orrnetion if raquesrcd /G~ the cols ptrrpooe of avarnp fha! a uosra.ction o/ G1~ tom unity a ~ppointsd. ..£mplo yed b y: Y' a. ~ S-~ `~~ r O ~ ~Ciq S ~ ~ _ taro . •'-Aparron currvndyamptoyodbyiAeog6ncyorCbparfmanf/orwAichthin~ppliulioni maJ.,mustras%?nhisJ~orpo idonrvrt~ New Henoval Cou~rlY upon ~pDO+ntm~nr, in ~ccordsnco wide ,4iticlo V!, Spa 4 nr tl~. Nvw Hanover County Poiso~n~r Ppp~y, Job Tit/c: Professional Activities: NC'1'7 /~megrA~tivitiBS~ -lZ. ~0.ZS ` ~ d C~ ~ b~ Why do you wish to serve on the L~, rn~ ~' O'Y' rrAmittee, or Commission reQuestedT C, > ~j ll w ~. ~? ~~ O,rh C.. ~1 fir' I v1 ~ Q S~, Co V '`xM ~ ~ ~ r ~-ti„r, ){ ..a yr, ~..~ _e ~ --~ ~ ,s-Y~ Whaf do you /eel ere your puali/icadons /or servinp on th°e-'Boar, Committee, or Commission revuesledl ~~ ___. ~ 205 V r.-~_~c~- What areas o/ concern would you /ike to see the Boaid, Committee, or Commission addressT •' r Are you currently servinp on another Coed or committee appointed by amunicipality ar acount T /f so, p easo /ist: . r V c~ L.~ Dale: //~~ --r `~ ~~ r ?y ~ ~Pr. ~=1 r-i L_-.... - ~ c_ Signature i~ tPl~ors ufa ivvarsa lido faradditionel comma 1 ~~~~ ~ L 24 0 1997 • ~ •i ~ X17. •' , -~S ~~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ . _ Da~~~! ~f ~ ~ ~ ~, ;, ~~ .. .~ P( v eese pro ide three (oca(personal references: ~ . Name ~ ~ Phone Number . ,~ S~.~pe ~ SAY l~ ~ `~ ~ -t~~~ ~. . 21 ~ Q JY~~.. ~ h.d -Q rS~ ~ --7 ~, ~ 31 L;sg ~s~, - ~' ?~~ ga7~ - . ~.: . , . - .~. ~ , .. ~ - - . - ~~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~~ ~: -~. . ~~.~ . v . . - :~ ~ ., - ~ . , . e ~. .n ' t ~ - . /' - ~ 25 „ ~- - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 J r"^r:'-~ !:^ C _ =:.~~.~5io ~'~~07 95 h~;7 E:..:~VE~ CO. 80. c; cam`.:+4~:SS:ON~RS App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~Ln~,;er- L„ ~~F 1 ' ~+r ~~~Q r' o;Y,~ ~c~~,,;.~Y' /-1c,~T-hori Name: Ko Home How long have you been a Address: _ r o; 0.rc~ c~ , v ~ resident of New Hanover County? Mailin ya ddress: 5 c~ w~ P S o` ~ o y City and State: ~ ~ i ~ ~'y~~ -}-o,,~ ~JC. Zip Code: o? 8~-GS Telephone: Home: ~ l D - ~ ~ (n - S 2 ~ ~ Business: 9 l D - 2 S G, - ~ 9 C~ lJ 'Sex: l ~ l~ 1____- 'Race: ~ G ct S .~ 'Age: .r s 'This information is requested rot the so% purpose of assuring that((a cross-sectio of the community is appointed. .'EmployedbY: C ~~r~X Chvt~Y'onrv~~,n~-o~l S~-rvice.s ~hc "A.person currently employed 6y the agency or department for which this application is made, mustrosign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. JobTitle: ~r. Uc•c~ ~r~.S c'~.z.~~` ~~ ra-}-i~or~ ~' ~ ~ ~ co~rc~ ~e y~l opy~~,~'~' Pro (essionalActivities: _~~ A ~~~; ~SM . I~~E ~-~-'~ 7 VolunteerActivities: ~ ~ TA Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Z (1n., ~, So „„p c.o ~ ear.. s ,,, ~~ ~ ~h o -~-~~r k o k S l o w ~, ~ ~a c ~c.~ /p tc Cr«k sot .~ ,t- n r o 6 ~~~... s What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _~ ~av~ 2G. r i e r ' ~v~« o ~ Y~G~ 'o n ~ .i rt '~ S ~: ~ ., S-. 'o ~ vim' k C0.{}-G~e...~ G.o~' y What areas of concerh wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? reSc~'f' o~,~ ~-}u Are .you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: t c ; s c~ ~ L oSc--d Dare: 3 f 7 ~J S Signature (Please use reverse side /or additional comments/ ~(q(~$ ~~ ... ~~ ~ . ~ . . . REFERENCES Please prov/de three local persona/ references: Name Phone Number . :1J . ~~-. /~ ~ ca.Q.e~ ~, c.K~rw~o~ pk ~ 2 $ ~ - 1 l s ~ ~.~ 21 -~ c S o.U Y-Q. I.tic . ~o,~.~" 3 ~-~- 3 - 9 9o n 31 ` 17a.~, c~ ~~y „`.-~-~,c- ~ ~' ~ ~ i'r, 3 4 f - '~- 3 S `7 ._ - .. .. .. .. . , . ., ~ . . . ^~ ~ ~. ~' r . .. . , - ~ 27 ~: .[ _ ... ~~ ~ r- v J Ron Vignerf 1723 Verraziano Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910-256-2920 Personal References 2/9/98 Local Dr. Michael McKenna, PhD, fmu. PPD Pres., known 4 yrs. 161 l Dijon Dr., Wilmingioq NC 28405 256-i 156. James Sayre, Ins. Agent, known 4 yrs. NC Farm Bureau, W~7mington, NC 343-9900 David Poynter, Library Dir., known 1 yr. NHC Public Library, Wilmington, NC 34I-4389 Lisa Tabor, Geologist, known 4 yrs. Groundwater Sec., NC DEfiNR, Raleigh, NC 919-733-1325 Jeffr ey Smythe, Budder, known S yrs. 146 Bradley Place, V1/ilmington, NC 28403 799-8446 ~. Stick Blocher, Bus. Owner, known 5 yrs. 209 Quilon Cir., Wilmingtoq NC 28412 392-0504 Thomas Dergay, Bus. Owner, known S yrs. 6309 Hawksbill Dr., Wilmington, NC 28409 392-2410 I?istant wlliam Morrison, Esq:, Houx Council, known 23 yrs. Columbia Savings BarilS Fairlawn, NJ 07410 201-797-1936 Marty Cohn, Bus. Owner, known 20 yrs. Butler Lumber Center, Rt.23, Butler, NI 07405 973-838-1855 28 ~. .. • '. ~~~ ~. t ROY.9L0 J: VIGYERI 3f 9~ 112.3 Yerrazzanc Drive ~ Home: 410-2S6-Sd3i ailalagtan, ItC 28405 - Bus: 9!0-ti6-192I EXPERIEIfCE•~ CLE3flOX EHVIROY,4ENTAL SERVICES IYC, Hoast~n, TE 1992-95 Sr.V?/Operations, RSD. Purchased•CleaaOR and PareOX ~. Divisions of Ventnte. Used Vigneti pateR`'ed :ra•:ess far .. in-situ groandvater remediatien cantractiaq and RbO. Hdnufacturinq 9I high-purity chemical systems. Caaoany financial and technical developaent respansibi!ities. Sale . ~ of assets under contract to Large international syndicate. VEYTUnE ENTERP3IS~S, Kinne(an, HJ. 198S-1S91 Owner and President. The: three scientific divisions all utilize special_hydragen perozide chemical techaalogy. CleanOX Division: Invention and development of a patented - process far cantaninated greund~atec and sail ceoediatiea. Sold division with patent rights. ,~ ~ureOX Divisien;. Manufacture and supply of high purity c(cseH loop chemical dispense system (<30ppb purity). Sold division vitF design rights. ?alysciences Civsion: eodegreadable plastic RbD an a I~' ~rccess far eztrudinq starch based polymers. 'urged RbD ' ~ iatc 5cerigq fermentation enhancement technique.,.sold. . • Ceaeral`Cantractar, HJJNC/Hi{ 1930-,1989 ` ~` ~ Radical Center at James St. o 'stow H crl n, ;(J Hed. bldg. • Oalsaa Creek ¢states, Arapahoe, HC Steel framed homes (2); ~' Dak•riew Estates, AoadclifE Lake, R7 Canveatianal bones (3). Island Office Center, Ramsey, HJ 23000 SP (11). ~iaaelon Praf.Campler, Kinnelan; !(J 64000 57 (40). American tennis b CC, Kiaaelan, KJ 9A, SS000 Sf. ,~. - Nhite Birch RC/King Ridge, ;larth Sutton, AH . 45900 5? ~THERHOX CORPORA?fOtl, Kianeian, RJ, 1981-1985 Pouader~and Chairman. Inzented, built, and sold patented ` enhanced ail recovery systems fnr ail yell fractucinq ar recompletion. Additional products included computerized, oil field analysis'aad aperatiaa. Rational campariy. easiness ~... sold to Onited`.Casiaq Incorporated of Tezas. ROCKET HAH ,IHC., Kinnelan, HJ 1919-1982 Designed, built and raced hydrogen perazide racket powered :acing cars, set Cuiness record for speed on ice (248mph). . ~'~ HOLOdE9!{, IHC., Paramus, YJ. 1969-1912 Director, Systems Divisien. Design, R6D, production, physical plant cespansibiIities .for one of the first high-tech public companies. Products vise state-of-tae-a:: . commercial and military .laser systems. NORTH AH~R[CAY PHILIPS, Hagnavcz Gavetnneat Systeas Division, Hahvah; HJ. 1461-1909 and '.9'•?-19TS. Ccas: " a::: thcaug;, 14?8. Infrared Iabaratcrf. technical Director. Ce~ercial and 9ili:ary systems R~) ;:,d produc:ier. for night vision, guidance, szasiag equi:~e_:s. 3EHDIX ':03?OR3TICY, Yavigaticn and Coat:al Div., r~.e:_. , Y.J. L95?-!?~' ?`COgrpdm D1Cector. P;u,L::"~ irJ*~ ?;, ^yl:~'e::4g Alde thru P:Cjart Ledd~r d:'.d SySt'.15.:,1~lae'_•: Sat4ra R~C`•:'_:'a=. ??CSh1nQ 415511°_ QU1~dLC' Gjjtai, Drodu~::Cn aad tar' engineeriay. In rented Laser Giro aad Ele:rranlc Ta.b:_e:e:. PRO?ESSIOYAL ASSOCIATIOYS, LIC9SS ASHE Beo't Reviewer; Interna`iendl Chenical Ozidatie~ _ Assoc.; RC General Con L actors License; Society of Petreleum Znginezcs; YJ OE?E UST Cectificatien; 9~ ' iI':,s Association; OS Professional Tennis Assccidtiaa. ~eoocATlG.r 9ev Jersey Institute of Technalagy, ;(evark, 9J. '!a~`!~~i. RASTER 0? SCIE9CE - G!RCiRICaL E9GI;fE"~3ISG ~ , Pairleigh Dickinson U^iversi.ty, ?eanect: 9J. Hof 19:5. BACHcLOR 0? SCI~9C°_ - EL=CTRICAL E!(GII(E_3INC Cua 6auce. Ridgewood High Schaal, Ridgewood, !(J Juae 1460. PAT?NTS b A??LICAT(OHS Applications: Pcacess b Apparatus far Groundwater aad-:ail Reaediatic.; Process b Apparatus for 9rewinq PerWentaioa Eahaaceneet Pcacess for Cellalar Feam Orgaair ?!astir Production is an Eztruder Barrel Hethad b Apparatus for Stimulatiaq H!dcocarboa-eeari~q Parnations High Parity Closed-Loop Che~ical Oispensiaq Systen Hethad S Apparatus to Stiaulate, Practur~ aad Sanitise a. Hater Kell Special Purpose Pire Fighting Equipnent ' .Issued: S,?86,141 Hethad and. System for Rem_dia:iag. - Graund~rater Cantaminatibn 4;456,069 Process and Apparatus far ?rearing Hydracarbea-aearinq NeII Pocmatieas 4,423,190 Hethad and Apparatus far ?ractRti,~ 9 Hydcacacbea-8earinq Ae11 Pacaatians ~ ~ 3,535,040 angular Rate Sensiaq and Inertial Oevic•_~Dsing a baser Ring. ~'3 s ~~°'~ - •~~~ State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Rcgional Officc James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Division of Environmental Health Bob Jamieson Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Riblic Water Supply Section Regional Manager June 24, 1994 Mr. Ron Vigneri Venture Enterprises 1723 Verrazzano Drive Wilmington, North. Carolina 28405 Subject: Water Supply -Landfall Extension of Wilmington Water System ID 04-65-010 . New Hanover County Dear Ivir. Vigneri Thank you for your 21 June 1994 letter and laboratory test data regarding water being furnished to you by the City of Wilmington. The presence of all disinfection by-products (DBPs) is a health concern in drinking water. At the present time, only four compounds are regulated which are collectively called trihalomethanes (THi~is). The US EPA has set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for the total of these four compounds at 100 ppb. It is anticipated that the US EPA will set new lower limits for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and limits for some of the individual compounds. In additon,~limits may be placed on other DBPs. Samples of water obtained to determine compliance,of the THM rule must be collected according to section .1513 of the "Rules~Governing Public Water.System." Please note that at least 25 percent of the samples must be taken at locations. within the water distribution system .reflecting the maximum residency time after the addition of a disinfectant. TIT1Jv1 levels are generally higher;further away (longer contact time) from the chlorine treatment stations. The "Rules Governing Public Water Systems" require that a minunum disinfectant residual be ~` ~ present in the water distribution system when surface water is used as a source. The risk associated with U providing adequate protection against microbiological contamination (acute problems) must be compared _ with the presence of DBPs (longer range problems). The City of Wilmington is in compliance- with existing THPIIvis regulations and provides an adequate ~ disinfection residual for protection against micro~gical contamination. 127 Gcdinal Drive Extemion, Griltningtoo. N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910.350-2004 . . An Equal Oppottuniry Affirmative Action Employer • ~ . Mr, Ron Vigneri June 24, :1994 ~- Page Two ~. ' The City of Wilmington currently proposes to construct new water treatment facilities in conjunction with the modification of the existing plant. The combined work when completed will provide for new strategies and treatment techniques in order to meet anticipated regulatory changes with respect to water ' ~; quality.. , I have enclosed a copy of the above cited regulation for your information. If you desire additional ~; information concerning this matter, ..please contact me at telephone (910) 3.95-3900. Very truly yours, ., . ". ~ . Ralph B. Harper Environmental Engineer RBH:jp '~ Enclosure . ~ cc: W.E. Venrick 1V1. P. Bell , .Velma Hapans b ... .. ~~ .. i . `~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~ „ _ ~, ~~ ~ , " 31 ~. ~~~ -.. June 22, 1994 nndfi~ Fr.nk H. Ken.• Weyerh.eu.er Com p.ny A p.rtner.hlp committed to Qu.llry Mr. Ralph Johnson.• Water Treatment Plant. • City of Wilmington, P. O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 RE: Landfall Water Quality Dear Ralph: . Enclosed is a letter with laboratory results of water sa~-Iples taken at 1723 Verrazzano Drive on Flay 27, 1994. ns you will see from the homeowner's letter, the concern is trihalomethanes. We would appreciate a written response from the City on how these contaminant levels are monitored and reported. Also,`what if any action is being taken to address the situation of elevated THMs. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, s rR ~ C~~, S. Keith Cooper Director of Land Development SKC:ls enclosure cc: Hugh Caldwell, Director of Public Utilities (w/copies) Ron Vigneri Scott Gilbert (w/copies) 32 .....+.... .ee~~..TCt ~ o n onv cico u •~.nvro I-cVTCO CTATIII~I • WII MINI:T(lN NORTH t^A R(lf IN4 ?R2111 • 914-2 Sf.-1.111 VENTURE ENTERPRISES ~1 1723 Verrazzano Drive . . Wilmington, NC 28405 9I0-256-2920 Ph/Fax ,~~ June 21, 1994 ,. .. Mr. Ralph B. Harper, Env. Engr. Public .Water Supply Sec., NC DEH ~. 1.27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-38.45 ' RE: Landfall Water Supply ~. ~ ~ Your 5/27_/94 letter. Dear.Mr. Harper: ., After my earlier inquiry relative to the quality of the local.drinking water, I proceeded to test for VOCs, lead and iron. The results are enclosed for your information and ~~ comment .. .. The data shows trihalomethanes~(THMs) to be just below the State limit. Considering volatilization 'effects in ` ~, collecting samples from a flowing household tap., I think the .~ THM level is of concern. In fact the State limit of 100 ppb total .THM and the World Health Organization limit for .~ ----chloroform is 30 ppb. I would anticipate that THM levels are higher closer to the chlorine treatment station. The sample 'from my kitchen. tap measured 86.8 ppb total THM and '64.2 „~ ppb chloroform. The US EPA goal is a level of 10 to~25 ppb total THM. As Senior Vice President'of C1eanOX Environmental Services, Inc., I have years of experience with many types of contami°nation. These chlorination by-products are formed by the reaction of free chlorine with certain organic compounds ~. in water. The major cause of THM formation in chlorinated drinking Water is believed to be humic and fulvic substances ~~~ and simple low molecular weight compounds not removed by ~ conventional filtration treatment (all referred to as ~~ precursors). The reaction is dependent on chlorine dose, pH,. 'temperature and contact time. Prechlorination with long contact .,periods and sunlight increases the formation of THMs-, as does increased chlorine dosage, acid the addition of chlorine prior to coagulation and settling. The point of chlorination, to avoid precursors, is critical in drinking ~' ~ water treatment to minimize the formation of THMs. Filtering using granulated activated charcoal (.GAC),filters is not efficient for the removal of. THMs once formed.. The reference ~' 33 ~. I use: "Policy Statement on Trihalomethane Removal and Control for Public Water Supplies", RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR WATER WORKS, 1987 Edition. Thank you for your consideration of this matter, I look forward to your response. Please feel free to contact me for further discussion, I am available at your convenience. Sincerely, ~!~ Ron Vig~e i 34 RILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY ~ BEACH COMMISSION Number of Members: 15 5 appointed by County Commissioners, including a County Commissioner Categories: 1. Shipping 2. Commerce and Finance 3. Terminals and Industry 4. Environmental Concerns 5 appointed by City Council, including a Council member Categories: 1. Engineering and Development. 2. Business 3. Transportation 4. Member at Large 1 Wrightsville Beach (Mayor). . 1 Carolina Beach (Mayor) 1 Kure Beach (Mayor) Ex-Officio Members:- N.C. State Ports Authority Executive Director and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Term of Office: three years Regular Meetings: called as necessary, usually at 4:00 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Office. Statute or cause creating Commission: .County Commissioners endorsed the formation of this Commission on 12/16/74. Minute Book 16, page 67. The County Commissioners assigned this Commission the responsibility of studying and preparing recommendations for the best use of the 3v Occupancy Funds to be presented to them for approval and expanded the membership by adding the Mayor of Kure Beach on 4/16/84. Minute Book 19. Purpose of Commission: To investigate, initiate and support general water resources development projects to include (but not limited to): (1) Port Improvements and growth of the shipping industry, (2) Beach renourishment and conservation; and (3) mitigate declines in water quality. The Commission will weigh the benefits of these water projects against the possible detrimental effects on the area's environmental quality enjoyed by area residents. The Commission is constantly studying and staying informed on various projects trying to obtain new and beneficial projects for this area. The main projects for the area deal with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in requesting studies, seeing if a project is beneficial from a cost benefit ratio, and attempting to obtain approval and then funding~in the U.S. Congress and on the State level, but this mission is not carried out in isolation. -The Commission maintains an awareness of project effects on the quality of the waters and their interrelations with natural resources. Brief on Functions: The Commission works closely with the N.C. Department of Resources Commission for assistance in obtaining a val of state funding and projects. An annual meeting is held inshington for the purpose of lobbying. . . ~: :~' . i '. , ' ~, .,.WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY ~ BEACH COMMISSION ' ,~" (CONTINUED).. .r.. TERM . . TERM ~1 PRESENTLY _ CIIRRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING' E%PIRES ' Wayne-A. Hanson ~ .Shipping first ~ 2/~28/9~9 ~~ 246 Inlet Point Driwe Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appointed 2/1,9/96): 392-2715 (H) ~c Robe t L. Ra r ndall Commerce & first 2/'28/2000 . 314 E. Renovah Circle Finance. - W,lmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 1'/21/97) ~' ~ 762-7499 (H} . - Lawrence W. Saunders Terminals & first 2/28/98 ^ 105 Chimney Lane Industry Wilmington, NC 28409._ .~91-7642 (H) Q } Richard G. Catlin Environmental fourth 2/28/99 Chairman 6417 Providence Point Road ~' Wilmn ton NC 28405 g 686-9128(H)_452-5851,(W) " t~. William A. Caster, New Hanover County Commis"sinner ,~ Cit A ointees Y PP ~, ~ Engineering & Development John Van B. Metts Business Transportation "H. Uan Reid Member at Large Mayor-Don Betz, City of Wilmington "' Mayor Herb McKim, Wrightsville Beach ~\ Mayor Anthony Loreti, Carolina Beach Betty. Medlin, Kure Beach ,~ Ex-Officio: ~-Erik Stromberg, NC State Ports Authorit Y - Howard Loving, Chamber of Commerce f Special Appointees: Joe Augustine, Chamber of. Commerce- - Dave Weaver, .New Hanover County .Contact Person: Richard Catlin, Chairman ~' file: -Port ~ ,1/97 . .. . 37 ~~ ~ . .~ . J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 _ Telephone (9101 341-7149 '~ FAX (9101,341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request !or Appointment to: Name: Q~CN Go~ry)ISSIO~j Home ~ 2 (~ ~ R I l11 S /4 ~L, ~ /~/~~ How long have you been a i Addre / ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ /~'J~~Z~_..1 ~.v~ c./`rj•-vGTC~it/ it/-C . 2 8y1 Z Mailing Address:-=~.~-= - ~ ~ - - ~ ~ .. - `~ City and State. i ~ ~•,,~ ~/ Zip Code: Z ~'1Z Telephone: Nome: ~9 - ~9 ~~ Business: 'Sex: _1`7r`t ~ ~ 'Race: w ~1' lam- 'Age: S S lll~~~--~~~ 'This in/ormetion is requested for the so/e purpose al essuriny /hel across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: N/•4 -'A person current/y amp/Dyed by the egancy or department for which this app/icetion is made, must resign Ais/her position witA New Henaver County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, $ec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: 444~~~JJJ~~~ Professional Actrvities: _~ ~ VolunteerActivities: ~~• Why do you wish fo serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission r e~ueste~? ~ ~ N d ~ C~ f~t'l~~i•~ ~/G~2 / i,y ~I.P~7~-s~G~ ,are ~' ~f /~~ 6AC~G/2av,~~ cov// What do you fee/ are your qua/i/ications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~-. ~ . _ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? R~ A/iP n F Op O/?Tl1r~T1~ -fie .P .V ~ .c/ !!S/ /u°SS ~ G o/~7 ~-Q,s~/~S ~ ~_1~..~ ~ ^r ~ ~ Th'G- f 'mil ~ .l lT•t~.v/rres nor .O ff fr i.~/G L/i47t/2 ~,".,`°~'~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?v/f so, p ase list: " O ~ ~n^r"iL.1~n ~~ ~~ ~-~..vuu l: Jl°J Date: _~?'~u`~"3 - ~ la~l 2 3 1991 !Please use reverse side for additional comments = r;~,v NaNOVER co. cam. Gr CO :71S.;IONERS Sign ure . ., ;.. ~~ Qs eve ~ ~- I~DrT ~ ~ ~-'~\ ~; `~ Y.. REFERENCES • ~'. - P/ease provide three-/oca/persona/ references.• ~, ~ Name Phone Number ' ~ a 7:. : . 2; -~ oh u~r/~ ~~Y~s ~~10~ 3J2-4 - o17 ~ , :3 _ ' ~a ! ,~ CQ ~. ~N.IE 1~~u~T ~~~Q ~39 - ~~`~507 ~? j • . - _ ~~f~9~~ Cft~yGE 1~0 ~//Z f /DES - a ~ ~v~~E~s ~~ i./I>/ c~1 f~~LD Lr/_ ''~ ` DEV0600 2e~121013 1847 O6 02/04/98 NOTIFY SENDER, OF NEW ADDRESS ., DEVOLES • - ~j ,T~ ` ~ ~ 8215 MAINSAIL LN l/J~, WILMINGTON NC 28~i12-3218 _ ~• ~ •- I~~i~ll„l~~L~i~~,ll~~l~l~~ll„~i.I,~~111~~1~~~~II,1J,~~i1,! - - ,,, - • °~ . • •. ° . ~: . ` . , . fE3 2 3 1498 - - • ~~. • •~ ~ - ~ • : .. 39~ . January 20, 1997 600 C-5 Linksider Drive Wilmington, NC 28412: To the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401- Enclosed is an application for appointment to the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission. Since I was with the Canton Company of Baltimore, Maryland, I am familiar with. port problems and the shipping industry. (Please review my resume attached.). The Canton Company was deeply engaged in the areas of shipping, export. packing, freight forwarding and development of the lands and areas surrounding the port of Baltimore. One. of my areas of:responsibility was to try and attract business to the port. The Canton Company also maintained extensive facilities surrounding the port devoted to public warehousing. My experience should be an asset to the Commission. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerel , ~~ Nic olas Devoles Encl. ' 40 .~ • RESUME OF ' - NICHOLAS DEVOLES - • 600 - CS LZNKSIDER DRIVE. ` WILMINGTON, NC 28412 •. `- ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: ' '_ . • Virginia Polytechnical Institute Blacksburg, Va. BS in Business Administration and Economics ~- Graduated first in the class. Old Dominion. College (Formerly William & Mary, - - Division of VPIj: Norfolk, Va. ~ General Engineering. ~ , -Graduated seventh in the class. ~, ` Georgia Technical Institute Atlanta, Ga. -` *! Electrical En ineerin :Transferred • g 9 - credits to Old Dominion College. ,~I , , • ~ ADDITIONAL SCHOOLING OR TRAINING: o Catonsville Community College (Maryland):- Real Estate Broker License. o Continuing educational courses leading to the ' designation of MAI for Real Estate Appraising. o Candidate for CPM (Certified Property Management)., o University of Baltimore: Real Estate`Agent License. ~ o •Chicago Technical Institute: Correspondence Course in T , Engineering Drafting.. - o Reynolds Aluminum Company: Become licensed as home improvement salesman and contractor. - o Franklin Life Insurance .Corporation: Attended school for Life Insurance Agent. • '~- MEMBERSHI P ORGANIZATIONS, CIVIC PARTICIPATION AND VARIOUS BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND AFFILIATIONS: • 9 8 - 7 1 ~ Co-chairman of Bulk Ticket Sales Committee for the - James M. Swartz Medallion Awards Foundation. .. .~, ' _1977-78 Company Chairman for the United Way-campaign. ~• .1973 'Organizer/Treasurer .for the James M. Swartz Testimonial Committee. Committee organized to honor one f , o r '~; .: ,. ~ i L • Maryland s leading citizens by inviting dignitaries and guests to attend dinner and reception which 1,200 people attended. `~ 1967-69 Developer of complete "package" to build mobile home community park in Maryland. Secured the land; equity partner; feasibility study; prepared complete marketing study; interfaced with businessmen, legislators and other officials at all levels to accomplish project_ 1960-61 Assisted in organizing and sett~a.ng up the co-operative engineering program between Bendix Friez and Virginia Polytechnical Institute (VPI). Program was extended to Drexel University. Object of Program was to assist engineering students financially, acquiring on-the-job training with pay by alternating studies and work I worked the program prior to attending VPI in 1962. Prior Affiliations: o Member of Professional Engineers Club of Hampton Roads. ~' o Business Manager of Radio Station WWT. o Vice President of VPI Publications Board. o Vice President of National Honorary Fraternity of A.K.Psi. o Elected to National Leadership Fraternity, O.D.K. o Elected to Who's Who in American Colleges & Universities o Recipient of•Wal.l Street Journal-Award for outstanding senior of the year in the School of Commerce. o Institute of Real Estate Management o Ad Club-of Baltimore. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 1986-11/96 Centurion Fidelity Network, Znc. '~ Position President and Owner My company started as a commercial sales and leasing real estate firm that branched out to residential sales under a Century 21 franchise. In 1989 my company began managing rental properties for owners. The property management business increased to over 50 properties. At that time, the residential real estate market in this area began to suffer a severd decline. At that point I turned my company exclusively into a total property management company. Thus providing a full range of services; such as maintenance, landscaping, rentals and producing monthly statements of activities to all owners. Z sold my business when I moved to Wilmington 4 2 in November 1996. ;~~ ,. ~ 3 ` 1984 - 1986 : Loverde & Associates, Inc. ~ P ti ~ osi on Sales Representative Commercial sales and development, primarily r '~ - shopping centers and office space. . % _ 1.979 1983 Perzy &. Associates . ~ Position Sales Representative ; _ Commerc~a_ leasing and sales. including export sales ~.`_~ity. 19 77 - 197 , 9 Canton Company: ~' E,osition ~ i Sales Manager . Canton Company services include public - warehousing, export packing, freight forwarding, ~ customhouse brokerage, transportation and ~- - , commercial and industrial real estate .leasing. ` ~ My activities were in the marketing, sales and services o~ this diversifizd transportation and distribution com an . p y I obtained mayor accounts for them throughout the United States. I secured ~ .~ new accounts that totaled in excess of $2 million ~ .- in revenues. My commercial and industrial real " estate activities .included leasing of } = - Constellation Plaza (700 of the. space), leasing ,~, commercial space to Conrail in the Belvedere ' Hotel, leasing factory site on Southwestern Boulevard to manufacturer, and 'sale of industrial ' park site zt Canton Center to Chrysler ` Corporation. (The Canton. Company was bought and - - . disbanded in 1979.) ~~, 19..76 - 1977 : Chesapeake Homes ~ (Formerly Maryland Homes ,~. Division of Olin Matheson)., Position Real Estate Sales _ ,~ Sold homes in Kin s Cou g rt condominium development -, ' in Baltimore, In this short period, I sold all ~ available homes. r r~ -. ~ _ I - . .. 4 3 . _ .. ., NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910J 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _ f D /' T-~ ~~ ~?~'. J ~ L~ ~ L°/~ ~~~"~ ~ ~j~~~j~~~ Name: ~~Cy/L~~jC2 ~, SrQlJitIOGRS .. Home How long have you been a Address: ~~.; CG~i~r~ey ol/jl~ / resident of New Hanover Couniy? 2~ rs Mailm~ ddress: ~~ C h~l~J ~ City and State: ~`-' f ~'1 //~ ~C Zip Code: 20 D Telephone: Home: ~~~ 7`Z ~ ~ ~~`~f ~ ~ Business: ~77/'z~C~ ~~' ~%~P ~G~S'r 'Sex: ~ 'Race: G~U 'Age: J J '7his information is r~u sted for [he sy /e pur se of essuiiny fhat a Bross/~action of the community is appoints "Employedby: /GJD/~~~~ 2°tY/'eQ~ ~fy! ~`D5 ~- ~i~~rQ ' "A.person Curren!/y employed by /he egfncy or department for which this application is made, dust resign his/her position with New Hanover County .upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. JobTit/e: ProfessionalAct~ VolunteerACtivities: ' WhV do You wish fo Serve on the Board_ Comrittee_ or Commission rPnupctarl~ / hc?ll~ a Qn°~~ ~ ems- ~~ ~~~ ~~~f ~u~~l~ 2 P !Gb ~ w~ GI ~lLl~lsSoy~ ~'~'Llr h~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / _ ~~, n!~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ ~9 e~ ~ ~ ~ l~ - ~ s LU%Se a~~ ~ ~ , Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a munr'cipality or a county? if so, please I/'st: -.~___-.--- ~ 1 ~ ~ -~~ c/ ., Date: /l ~z~ ~s ~ 8 ~J~ignafu I: (Please user verse side /or additions/ comments/ ~ `~. 1. ~ _ .. . _ ~. ~~. ~ /~.~..- f- C.~+~-~'---- --vj Lawrence W. Saunders - ;~: • ]03 Chimney Land Wilmi~agt~onQ, NC 28409 910-?91-7642 . i `~'~ ~ . Objective' , - ~ My objective is to asst other countries level sr o to op pr gram stddress them wader resource development aad/or environments! restoration needs. . ~~ Experience - October 1994 IIori~on PtunninQ Group Wilmington, North Carolina to Yrcaent Yrincipallnvestigalur Established an econorr>je consultin ein_s bu H e m l d o _ g . : ve co p ete a c ntrad tfist asxsxd [he ttarional and regional economic benefits associated with a 5100 million dollar v.atar resource development project 'I7tia rLSStsszn~t way compfacd on font and within budgd. It i d cons ste of identifying the net incrensc in rcgioeal iacomc flows generated by the project and analyzing those flows to determine the pnurary .and sewn 'ohs the ~Y J f income flows would create and how these new jetbs ;~.ffect regional unemploymrnt and ~ tinder employment rates. . . ! am presently rdnirbcd by a major North c:arvlinn 1'radc r~sociation to analyze the contributions mado to stnto mtd local economics by the industry, rCprGlCitiCtl by the ' ` ASSOCIQttOR• ', ,' l~eccmber U. S. Army. Corps of Engineers Wilmington North Carolina ~ ~ :,~: ~ 1986 to ~ Director of Plann(nR Uclo6er 1944 As Director of Planning t managed the water rese~urccs l i m f t C , p ann ng progra or t -c orps ~ of Engineers in North Carolina and South-Centzal Virgnin: 1 was.responsiblc for developing and mmtaging one of the largest water resource planning programs in the ~} South-cast Region of the country. T~rc progrRn involved evaluating the engineering„ ': economic, and envirtnurtmisl feasibility of flood control meslass-cs, deep drab hsrrbors ~ and connccting charnels, water supply sources, water quality tnea_sures, and ~1 enviranmental restoration urcasures. In additioq the pro~-arn includod ^tilitsuy facility - . tnasetr planning, watex based rvaration matter plaiuring, nattsrnl diss_ster evacuation planning. and EfI'RW evaluations, Provided support m other office elements in turns of obtaining accessary state std federal cavirontncntal and cultural resource clearances or ' ~ pennies for project ooti~uction, opcrsriorL or maintcnartce activities.. t txurketcd t txgantzational e~tisc to local, stare, and other f••edcral agrncia and developed a fat ' reaching, challenging, diversified worldoad ;. ~' 1amnry J980 U. S. Arm Co y, rpa of Eapaecrs • Wilmington, North Carolina to bece~»ber Asst Director of Planning /(;turf Study Marra emcnt B h ~' , g ranc 1985 A9 Assistant DircctOr of Planning, I performat many of the dudes dcxetibcd above in the ~ ~~^ abxnce of the Director. As Chief of the Study l~.am u=ncut Brant 1 was r le $8 >~ aponstb 'form anaging the siudy~progrsurt in Planning Division. Directed a stiff of 8-I0 study managers sad project managers in the conduct of water rzsourae dcvclopmrnt sttJdics by • multi-disciplinary teams. Ways PersvnallY rosponsible for managing two projects with a . ` .+y construction value in occs~ss of 5250 million dollars, ~ 45 I 7'his,prrge rntenlionally left blank 46 1 l 1 l 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 A 1 A I 1 NIEET[hIG OE THE WATER AYD SEWER D[STRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, IYE`V HAIYOVER COUNTY COURTE{OUSE 24 NORTH TH[RD STREET, ROONt 301 NtARCEt 23, 1993 [TENS OF BUSINESS PAGE \'O. 1. Non-agenda items (limit three minutes) 47 2. Approval of Minutes 49 ~.. Consideration of approval of request from inland Green ~ Homeowners Associates for New Elanover County Water and Sewer District to accept internal sewer system 47 'his pad e ifitentioflally left bla~zlc .. t 4S ... 3 1 .. a ~1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes ~ Regular Meeting, March 9, 1998 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Approve minutes. ~ COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: , ~1_ ~~ CAUNTY CpMMi~IQNERS APPROVED E.~'. REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED p '- ,~ HEARD p ~~ ,., DATE .,.~~~~3,~~ ~~ 49 T~irs,pa~ e infentiofzally left blank ~~~~~~~ ®~~~~~~ ~3dOM3R ~= '~ ~9~~l~Ti ~4~i ~, _ ' ~~~! . ~~,- ~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 Water 8 Sewer Item#: 3 Estimated Time: Department: Water & Sewer District Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Consideration Request From Inland Green Homeowners Association for New Hanover County Water 8~ Sewer District to Accept Internal Sewer System BRIEF SUMMARY: The Inland Greens Homeowners Association has requested that the District accept the internal sewer system within Inland Greens for ownership and maintenance. The District's policy has been not to accept sewer lines within multi-family projects unless a given sewer line will serve other areas beyond the multi-family area. This system has approximately 4,300 feet of sewer lines and serves approximately 144 units. A The lines in the streets appear to be in good shape, but the locations of most of the services are not known. All services must be located and mapped to be able to provide proper maintenance. There is also one manhole which was not completed and was not raised to the surface. This system was not constructed to District standards and was not inspected during construction. It is important to note that acceptance of this system may set a precedent for acceptance of other systems. See attached map for location. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Staff recommends that the Commissioners consider the request. If the request is granted, the Homeowner's Association should be required to provide detailed information on system construction, condition, and engineering as.requested by the County Engineer before the system is taken over. The Association must also make repairs and system changes as requested by the County Engineer before takeover. FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: 1 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S CO T D ECOMMENDA See recommendation above. 1 COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ~ REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED D ©ATED~/~%1 ~! 1 • w. ` ~. i \ _ a~ _ ~ ~'° •• v` PEA ~ ~ ~\ ' ~ SZ \ ; ~~P~ ~ ~ \ 9 r, \~^ ~\ `\'. `\ -\,~ ~+ t d,. \ ~, ,~ .~~ e '/ v / ~y NORTH )2 ~ ~G~r~~~~ ~~~?~ --" ~I .CC~ l~ ,- NEW. HANOVER COUNTY l LOCATION OF INLAND GREENS SUBDIVISION MAP-NOT-TO~CALE MARCH 11, 1998 W ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ q art / ~ ~.~ 1 . ~ -'c...a.-i ~,~ t ~~o~~ ~ ..i ~..~~`..•f ~::1 ~• • '/~rl %' ~~ ~` ~. /~~ ~_o~ . ,. _ ,. , .. .. .. _ .. • , • ~ , - e _ : ~ ~ } + . - ~ . ., ~ - .. CONSENT' AGEYDA . - ~ . - . ~ NEW HAIYOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO~[MISS[O~'ER S , . -: _.., , - F . ' MARCE[ 23, 1993` ~ , '~ ~ _ ; :. ., ~ . . - ~ [TEh~tS OF BUS[iYESS PAG E ti'O. . _ 1. ~ Approval of Minutes' 55 ~~ 2 . `J Approval to authorize County to Apply for the Targeting Grant 57. ` and accept. the „grant when offered-. • ~ - '`~ 3 ~. ~ A pt n f C m i c i S t . . cce a ce o om un ty iVle a n~ pace Gran 4. ~ Acceptance of Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant and authorization 6~ , , - . _, r ' for the Count (Viana~*er to si<~n the rant and a r v y ~ ~ g pp o al of associated ` . ~ . _ ~ , •. bud~etamendment K93-013~ . .~ . .~ .: pp l of contract T9S-006 to Post, $uckl~y, Schuh and 67. ., ;. ~ " `lerrni~an, Inc. , , ' rd of Bid K9S OG_ I and approval of Contract ..95-0_G I to 71 . = . Eastern Techno o~~y Associates; L.L..C. for up~rad~ to computer °'< ~ , `system for the~Department of Social Services a • - " . , r ... ~ ~ ~ 7i . Approval of property exchan~c; with Landfall concerning th bi1e. 73 .~ ~ ath P ' ~ r~ . . S.. :. `. ~ Approval of Personnel Policy Amendments 79 .~ ,• ~ " 9 ~ . Approval of Contract for .Removal ~of tiietals from WAST6C Ash . 91 ~.. ' ~ .: - 10. Award of Bid ~9S-Q234 and approval of Contract #93-0234 to 93 • ' ,.. Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company for 3 t automatic • ~ external defibrillators for the Emergency Medical Services Department _ ' . ` ~• ' ~ and,the Fire Services District. • 1 1 ~ . R l ~ f V l e ~ 9 . ,I e eas,e o a u - 9 . ~ 12. f A rovai of New 1 [anover Count .and PP y New Ffanovec County Fire 10l , ' ~ District Collection Reports . ~. - ~ 13 . ' `~ Approval of Budget Amendment #93-35.to increase budget for additional 10~ ~ ' ., ~. bond funds available . _ . .~ _ . _ ,. ~ ~ ~ - 53 . . . . : ~ . . • • . . . 14. Approval of Budget Amendment K9S-0130 to budget a one time mini-grant from the State to assist Maternity Care Coordination/Child Service Coordination (MCC/CSC) families in obtaining their GED/high school education 1~. Approval ofBudget-Amendment #9S-36 o budget a State grant for the Library's Northeast Branch renovation l6. Approval of Budget AmendmenC #95-0135 to budget funds for the projected Jail Health budget deficit 109 1 l3 11~ 54 ~"~iis page rnletltiot1a11~ left flank ~~~~~~~~ ~~~: ~~~~ 5'.6~ ~~ ~~~~- ~~ _ ~ ~~ ~~,,~~ ~~ .~.r ~,,.,:. _ `1: ., -. .. : ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ~. . , ~- - ' , : ...REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ~ Meeting- Date; 03/23/98 . , `^'Consent Item ~#:.2' Estimated Time: .,. -~;:Department: County Manager Presenter: " - .. ~ _ . -. -, ~.,. - - f - "_ _ " ~: ..:.Contact. Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager -~ . ~ ... `, . ~ . - SUBJECT:. . N . Oriminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) Targeting Grant Application -.' - - , ~~. ~. , BRIEF SUMMARY:. At the request of the State CJPP Director, the County applied for and received a 525,000 grant to have a ' " • _consultant review the "targeting" process for the. CJPP. This review is to help insure'the proper, offenders,_ - ~ - " are being sentenced to the:Day Reporting Ceriter: It was anticipated that the review would be complete ~" ~~~, by, the end of this fiscal.. year,' In order to insure we have funds to complete the review, the. State has, ; :. - again, requested we apply forS12,500 in case the review is.not complete. If all the money is not needed; .;';it will revert to the State: The total _arriount of the grant will still not exceed the ,original amount requested. ~.. - of S25,000, . - ' . , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. •. ~ .Authorize the County to apply. for the Targeting Grant in the amount of S25,000. Authorize acceptance of , ' , ; , • the grant when. offered.. No budget amendment is necessary. r ' .- ~ - "FUNDING SOURCE: y.• - _ . ~. r. - .Funding is entirely State CriminafJustice Partnershi rant move No Coun match is re wired: . P 9 Y tY q ~. ATTACHMENTS: ~ - - - „ , ~. ~ .' ,. ~' :a .. .. ... .- ~ . Raecove~.wp _ - targeting Grant - 98-99 appfcati ' . ~l{ REVIEWED BY *, ~ • ' : "`LEGAL: N/A FINANCE:,Appcove BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NlA: . . - - .. . COUNTY MANAGER S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _• ~"Recommend approval. ~ ~~ v j '~ ' ~ - COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS; ~- ~• ,. ,- - .. a - ,. ,~~ .., T .4 .-~ .. ' - .. ~ -. v -• - • . i _ - i ".. . . , : - .. 4 . ~ - :~ - .. ~Y. - ~ n ~, ~. r ., _ , :C4UN71r C~MMfSSlONERS .. . , APPROVED C?~' i • - REJECTED C7` .. ,,~ REMOVED [~ , . ' POSTPONED ^ ' ~ HEARD ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ .. fl ~ ~ i . . -. ~ •~ ; DATE ....3„~~ 3/..~,aM-.ww, _ ~ _ 5Y ,., .~ • _ - e . .- ,, ,. _ . .- , " ... - ~ CJPP Community Corrections Plan APPLICATION FOR DISCRETIONARY FUNDING County or Counties: New Hanover County County Contact Person's Name, Address,. Telephone and Fax Number Andrew J. Atkinson, CPA 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: 910/341-7185 Fax: 910/341-4027 Fiscal Agent's Name, Address, and Telephone Number Bruce Shell, CPA 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 , Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: 910/341-7188 Fax: 910/341-4025 Project Start Date: July 1, 1998 Project Endl Date: Project Type/Project Name: Targeting Funds Requested: 512,500.00 June 30, 1999 Authorizing Official's Name, Title and Signature Andrew J. Atkinson Deputy County Manager CJPP Board Chair's .Name, Title and_Signature Mr. Ted Davis. Jr. New Hanover County Commissioner t~.e+gsYt#~F•AP4'2'AElhl'!r'~!L ~l~~}~,~ ~l..n ;i~ig$"~?'+~+kFFpi1~Y' w vvr+wvw * ~~ Ws 7.i rd~~i~ This isrcontmgentupon approval by New Hanover County Board of ~,S Comm is,~s~on~erts~at~ their meeting March 9, 1998. ASH :, • .., 1. Describe the program and how the funds.will be used. ' ' ~ Iq 1995.New Hanover received funds from'the Criminal Justice'Partnership Program of the North.. Carolina Department of Correction to establish a Day Sentencing Center for Intermediate offenders. _ Similar. programs have been`implemented in counties across the state.. ~ '' ' • °, . The purpose of Day 'Reporting/Sentencing Ce • • nters is to provide a high level of supervision and structure, as well as intensive programming for offenders who are borderline in terms of.whether • . . ~.' they are sent toprison or are kept in the community. So far, information indicates that all too often ',, ahese are not the individuals being:referred to the programs. Instead, these costly resources are being ~ • ,., • used for lower level offenders,who do not need the same degree`of supervision and programming. _. If we are to realize our objective ofsaving costly prison space by providing innovative programs like, Day Reporting%Sentencing Centers we must ensure that we are targeting tha appropriate offenders ~ ° _ . . t. to;participate.... ` ;'~; ~ Because of the exemplary leadership of the Criminal Justice Partnership Board and the Citizens' Crime Commission in New Hanover County; the CJPP has encouraged the county to serve as a pilot project for the state to addressahe following questions: '-~ ` i ~ What types of offenders`are being referred to the Day Sentencing Center? 1~Vhe .< re . ° : ~ do they'fall on the sentencing grid?~ - , " 1 A e m t ef r ~ • , ,, ~ . r os r er als coming from Probation? How many are probation violators who would.be taken back, to court for revocationif they ~~~ere not sent. to the ~ . t , DSC~ • `What percentage are coming directly from court? On what basis is the ' .judge making the decision to send the offender to the DSC? How often is the .. 'ud e , J g choosing an Intermediate sanction when he.has a choice between- - ' ' lntermediate and Active because the Day Sentencing Center is an available. : , ,' resource? • ,. • - - What percentage of the referrals have substance abuse problems? Are referrals ;being made solely for this reason? ~ ~ ' ' ~ , :The~New Hanover CJP Advisory Board wishes to apply for a discretionary, grant to acquire the ~ , ~ , services of a consultant who will assist the Partnership. Board in addressing these questions. The consultant will work extensively with the Chief Superior Court Judge, the Resident Superior Court 'T Judge,-the Chief District Court Judge,. all levels of Probation personnel, the District Attorney and • his staff, Community Penalties and others in the criminal 'ustice` communit in New Hanover o J Y :. ` County. -Once the questions are answered, the consultant will assist this group in finding a better • • -means of assessing the supervision and program needs of offenders and will work; with these . a .., decision-makers in refining .the targeting process.. This may also lead to recommendations for .... . a , ~.~changes in the operation of~the Day Sentencing Center. • 59 . . ;. .. : ~~ .. . . .~. .~ • . ~ o ~ , . . _~ ~ ~. ~ { ~"his,page inle~rliofzally left bla~rk .. ,. .. a .: • • .. ; .. , „ ,~ ~:. °' . •: • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` ,. ~ ~ • ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~ " ' ' _ ~ ; Meeting. Date: 03123/98:... ;• ,.. :, • Conseht Item #:. 3 Estimated Time: ~ • . ~ D'epartment: Library ~. Presenter: _. ~ - . i •. ,Contact: David Paynter _ • ~ ` ., ': ~ ~•~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Community Meeting Space Grant ~ - - ., , I`;. °. ~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: _ ~ The Library received S20,000~from.the State of North°Carolina to be'used for the renovation of the •:Hannaford building.. The funds would be used. to provide meeeting space within the building for use by • •'t ~~ ,community grogps.' ~ ~' . • ~' ~ - . _ . ~ ~~ .. , ' ~ ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I • _• _ r, A rove recei t pp p of grant funds and associated budget amendment. ... ~' ~ ". t . ~ FUNDING SOU a ,,. ~ .. , . RCE:. 1 V ' State , k., :.ATTACHMENTS:.- ~• ~ • ~ ~ :-, i t y :, Y library ba.do . ~ G. I . .' ~ `REVIEWED BY:. , LEGAL: A rove . FINANC :,'~ pp E: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A . ~• . -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- `• . , ~ Recommend approval. _ ° ~ ~,,, . COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: ~ +`~ ~ ~~ ti`fx'f +4 ~`'~ • , • ~~Lf~J• ~ vi~~ __ . 4 .. i, ... , . ~. I i} ~, - ... . , . COIJNfTY COMMISSIONERS ~ • APPROVED ~~ •` - _ .: • • ' .: • REJECTED ,D , , t .~ . . _ - REMOVED ~ ~;~ ' ~'~ • ° _ POSTPONELI CI • •~,; .. D hiEAR ~ - a3/yg • DATE _.,r.~.,,.,, • . ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .REQUEST FDR .BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03123/98 Budget Amendment. Item #: Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: Library -Northeast Branch Capital Project BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-36 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT State Grant 520,000 Capital Project Expense COtJN1Y ~AMM~~f~~S/~",'V Apl'~ov~~ G/ REJECTED CI REMOVED O POSTPONED O HEARD ^ DATE ., 3~ ~$Q~ EX"P~~LANAT~LON: To budget a State grant for the Library's Northeast E G,Ia4~cI:j+r'as'Y~r~.ci ~~~mi3'u`~ APPROVAL STATUSTo~be approved by Board Of Commissioners 6~2 ~~~~~ ~~~ I ~~~~ ~ :~ ~~~ 520,000 .: .. • ., y `. . ~- r ,.: ,. r , 1~'orth Carolina Department of Cultural Resources ~~ .. • O , -.. ffice of the Secretary . • _ .: ' James B. Hynt, Jr., Governor - ~ B ~ cCain, Secrets . March ~, ,..1998. ctry, Rsy tit ry ~, ' .,` .' Mr. David Pa~-nter N New` Hanover.Co. Public Library ~ ~ ~ , -~ ~ ~ 20l Chestnut Street - - ' _ ~ ,.., . ',Wilmington,. NC 28-301 , Dear i~ir ~Pa«t ter: ~ '.. .. ~, The 1997 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly allocated eight million dollars (S8 million) to the North .Carolina Dz arnrient of p Guttural Resources to be a~yardzd to nonprofit orgaruzauoru and local government entities .for cultural, historical, or artistic projects and museums: We'receiyed a total of 810 '. • applications requesting over S3ti million. • - ' [ am pleased~to inform ~•ou that a grant for 520,000 is being a~yarded to ~~our organization. Before a . • . check-~eill be issued to you you, must complete and return the original (notarized) enclosed forma You are also .t -required to-submit an organizational conflict of interest olici' statement and other p documents listed at the bottom ' of.the' enclosed form. If your organization does. not liaye a contlicrof interest policy in place, you may «ish to • model your o~zn from the enclosed sample. After ~~e rec~iye all necessary documentation. a check will be issued ,to your organization: . . _~ ~~e thanl: ~~ou for your dedication to the arts and to our. state. Congratulationsl dye fool: for«~ard to ' ~, hearing about ~ourefforts. , . ®. , . ., - Cordially ~I ~ . . ., • ~ .. .. `~ ~ Cam. . Betty Ray hfcCain , .. ,e Secr~.an~• . ,' .• n . . • `.. ,' BR.~Ic lsb .. Enclosures~~ "REQCTEST FOR PAYMENT OF APPROPRLaTION" form • `.~ , ° "CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY" sample statement ~ , • .~ (the original must be•on your organization's letterhzad) °' ~ • ' • • .. .: ,, . ~. cc~ ~ : Elizabeth F. Buford .. IVtary B. Regan _ ` Renne C. Vance - . `~ ' ,Donna B. Rosefield . .. . ,. - 109 East Jones .Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-807 I • .. • '• `. ~ (919).733-867 D .•~ REQliEST FOR PAY`IENT OF APPROPRIATION FROM \ORTH CAROLINA GENER.~L FL1D This form and attachments must be submitted prior to check being issued. Netiv Hanover County Public Libra - ry 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28-!01 Attention: David Pavnter 1997 Appropriation 520,000 ' Purpose: Local CulturaUArts/Historical Grants: 1997-98 Renovation Part A. TO BE C~O_~IPLETED BY' ALL RECIPIE\TS 1. Contact's Name ravic? ~ . ? ~t=. .f av, Telephone (910) X41-43~C9 2. Contact's Position in Organization D~ -ecLcr ~. `Kind of Organization: \on-Profit Corporation Co.'ernment X Other -1.Organization's Federal Tazpa}~er LD. Number 55-500032 Part B. TO BE COMPLETED BY aLL \O\-CO~'ER~~tE\T.-~L RI/CIPIE`TS Please enclose the follo~~~ing: `~ (1) Articles of Incorporation and b}•-laws. X (2) List of Board of Directors~I'rustees. X (3) Notarized Conflict of Interest Policv~. (-1) Leiter of :as ~xempt status, from the :sternal.~ever.ce Sen'ice (You do not need to send - it is already on file.) _____________________________________________________ U Part C. TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL RECIPIENTS. THIS FOR:~1 ~IliST BE NOTARIZED. Signature of in i~•idual making request ~ ~~' ~~'otary Public (Offici~i~~l~ •~~. :. Pad' :~=z'= Date Notarized Z~ -' ~.. ,. ., p~R'~p ,. ._ ,. .. . NEW HANOVER CO UNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ .~ '+ - M , : ; REQUEST FOR BDARD ACTION - .. - MeetingDate: 03/23/98 ` -~. • ' 4 - ~ Consent Item #: 4 YEstimated Time: - ~~~ . ,. ° . "r Department: Emergency Management .Presenter: _ ~ , `` - -Contact: Dan Summers ~ , ,, - SUBJECT: - .. ... ~" - .' 'Accept Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant '• ~:' ~' - ' • BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . - ~ _ ' Emergency Management hasbeen awarded a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. and the N.C. Division of Emergency Management . The proposed project is to`establish a partnership of . •' `"governmental, .business and public interests, and initiate an ongoing., process for~preparation of a .. .. ' -mitigation and post-disaster redevelopment plan. The amount of the.. award is~5266,668 , :: '' ; (5200,000-.federal; S66,668-state), plus an additional 56,333 for administrative expenses: There is no ' ''{cash match required from the-County. All contributions will be in-kind. The length of the project is 24 ~ ' months. The Hazard~Mitigation Grant Award will consist of a technical assessment process and a ;partnership development activity: .These combined.. efforts will greatly enhance 'New Hanover County's - - ~ ~` ~~~°post disaster recovery activity and mitigate the cost of future disasters. Contract personnel will be Used for various phases and specialized program activity. The activity is integrated with the. Project Impact ` ,Initiative approved' by the County earlier this year. Numerous private and public agencies -will contribute ~~ to the community wide mitigation effort. A steering committee has been, identified as-well as Federal ' ;.... ~' rs to assist in this unique and exciting. initiative. ' ;Partne - ' ,:. , ,'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND'REQUESTED ACTIONS• r ' -Recommend acceptance of grant. Request author document; request approval of associated budget ization for the County'Manager to sign the grant amendment #98-0135. ,, ' ;, ~ °.FUNDING SOURCE: ,- ~ ° ' ;5200.,000-federal S66,668-state ' 56,333-federal (administrative expense) ~ ' - ~ >ATTA`CHMENTS •, ' hrngPba.wp "' ~9 ~~-~~ . . ,~ ~' ' • ..: ~~ PREVIEWED BY• '~ ~°"~,~*~ .` LEGAL:. N/A FINANCE: BUDGET:,Approve HUMAN~RESOURCES„N%A„ ~~~- °. ~~ , ' COUNTY MANAGER'S'COMMENTS' AND RECOMMENDATIONS; 'Recommend approval. .,. . , COMMISSfONERS' A TI S/COMMENTS: .• .; ,. s , .. - ~ _C~UNTY COMMISSIONERS _ .. ~~I:c-rEl~ ~ ' . r ' •, 13EMOVIrO ~, I p :~ ,, • , ~ D ,, .,• _ Q / HEAR (C 3 a.3/yY ~0~1?E .~.....~~.w..~..--~ ~r~ ,. I ,.' ~ ~ --. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 E~u~#~et ~mendr~ent DEPARTMENT: Emergency Management BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-0135 ADJUSTMENT Hazard Mitigation Hazard Mitigation Grant-federal Hazard Mitigation Grant-state Contract Services Supplies Advertising Capital Outlay ~~~ ~~~~ APPRQVEQ REJECTED REMOVED ~ POSTPONED I`I WEARD D DEBIT CREDIT ' ~ , 5206,333 566,668 5145,000 _ .' 568,001 530,000 530,000 EXPLANATION: To establish budget for HMGP (Hazard Mitigation Grant Program) awarded to Emergency Management. APRR~OU"AL~xS3T%~+T~US~To.~be approved by Board Of Commissioners ~ ~~~o~, ~$ ~t~7'i~~a _ , .~~~:ii~„ .. .. , - .. , ` ~ ~ ~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION: ~' ,~ . ~ .± ~ Meeting Date: 03!23/98 ~ . . ,. .~ " Consent Item#: 5 . Estimated Time: : ~ ` ~ ` ~` ' •:~ Department: Environmental Managemeht ,Presenter: Ray Church= Contact: Ray Church :. ~ ~ _ y_ - ,. , SUBJECT: . . - • . -~": `•° Contract # 98-0306 Post_,.Buckley, Schuh, &Jerrnigan, lnc. ~ , BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ . . 'J . Landfill' Cell No. 1, re-opened to receive Hurncane~ Fran debris, has reached final elevation. State solid ,waste rules require.thafcells reaching-final elevation be closed within one year with an impermeable caps.: ~~ ~ ,.LLAn engineer must certify closure in accordance with the closure plan through an experienced'Landfill Liner ' Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Manager.. The engineering firm of Post, Buckley`, Schuh; 8 Jerrnigan,lnc: has completed the closure design. for the ceA which has .been submitted fo the Solid Waste ~. Section for "review. This contract will provide for the required CQA documentation and engineering 'services during the closure construction .project. Completion of the project is tentatively scheduled for lata ' - summer.and early fall of 1998. , . ~: - ,. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . _ ~ :Staff recommends approval of the resolution and award of contract#98-0360 to Post, Buckley, Schuh, & - Jerrnigan, 'Inc:- , of Raleigh'; North Carolina,, in an amount of 566,510.00 for Cell K.t Closure Construction ' •'' ,' and Liner Construction Quality Assurance Services. Funds were made available, in the cur~enLlandfill • budget in account. No. 700-480-4191-9020. I have recently been advised that these funds along with the - • engineering design services-and closure construction costs are to tie reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as a portion of the Hurricane Fran response costs. FUNDING SOURCE:, - 1 v. ' Emergency ManagermenUHur~icane Expense, 110-433-4329-3700 • ATTACHMENTS: ,. _ .. ° ~. , _. .. '~ _ , Resolut.wp REVIEWED`BY.. . " . .. , ~~ LEGAL`. Approve EINANCE::Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN-RESOURCES: NIA I , ,, .. . ., , ., • COUN TY MANAGER'S CO TS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,~ ~. •, Recommend approv ,. ' - + COMMISSIONERS' ACTIO S/COMMENTS: .. '. _ ., COt1NTY COMMISS~NERS ,., V , , . , . , ~ . , ,APF~ROVED , ' ~ ~ REJECTED .. p .• . " ; REMOVED p F ... .. POSTRONE©q , ,,. 6 / - .HEARD. ~ ~ , .. .. •~ . DATE o.....-~~..,3 cli,.~r ,~ . " RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COiv1N[[SSEONERS OF IvEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the State- of North Carolina Solid Waste- IVtanagement Rules require that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills be designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice engineering in accordance with G.S. 89C and the Administrative Rules developed thereunder; AND WHEREAS, the Engineer shall perform site inspections to certify that the construction was, performed in substantial accordance with the project plans and specifications; AND WHEREAS, North Carolina Rule T 1 ~A:13B. 162=1(b)(1 ~) requires certification stating that the landfill cell 4vas constructed in accordance with a DENR approve CQA Plan and be signed and sealed by the Project Engineer, AND WHEREAS, .the engineering firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh ~. Jerrnigan, Inc. has prepared design and construction documents for the closure of Ccl l Number One at the Ne~ti• Hanover County Landfill; AND WHEREAS; the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. has demonstrated it's ability to meet the design criteria by previously designing cell closure systems acceptable to the State Solid Waste Division; AND WHEREAS, the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh, &Jerrnigan, Inc. Has submitted a Scope of Services to provide liner construction quality assurance (CQA) services for Cell (; AND WHEREAS, the Director of Environmental Management and the County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh, &Jerrnigan, Inc. in the amount of Sixty-five thousand five hundred ten dollars ($GS,510.00}; AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are no~v in Account No 700-480-4191-9020 to cover this contract; tJ~V1~"-t 4~1I'pNl 68~ ~~ ~~~~~~- ~~ ~~~ , . ~ ~ { . NOW, THEREFORE :BE IT RESOLVED by the Board ~of County Commissioners of _ . ~~ _New Hanover Count that the ont act f r y C r o Engineering Inspection Services du_rtng construction of.~ .' ~ ` - cell closure of cell number i at the New Hanover County Land'fi{I be awarded to Post, B'uc~ley, Schuh; ~& 7ercni i I f amou it t t d $6 hat 510 00 a d h C i H b ,.. , gar , nc. or an r no o excee , : ; n t e ounty t s ere y _. , - "authorized and. directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved' by ttie. County .. ~ Attorney.,. ~„ - _ . ,. .. . ~ ,.•; y , . ... Larch; 199S:. This t1Ye 2~rd day of ti ., ~ ~, . ~, a +-. .. ~ , . .. OVER COUi~1TY - NE~V=HEN .~ ~ ~ - . , William A. Caster, Chairman ". ... , Qoard o;f Count Commissioners ` y .. ,.ATTEST,..,. _ ,_ ,.. Clerk' o the,Boaid _. - . ~ .: _. .. . ' .,. ~ - - - ` . ,. . , :, . „. .a . ,. . , . ~ .. .. a . ~. - . . ... .. ... . _., , ,_ ,: .. - n. -; _ - - . . ~, ,. .. ; .. ~ `'. .. - ~ '~ ~ ,, , ,. " _ _ .. ~. ~~'firs,pa~ e nlentio~lally left blank 7:.0 .NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 . Corisent Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Department: DSS Presenter: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award. of Bid # 98-0261 and approval of Contract # 98-0261 to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. for upgrade to computer system for the Department of Social Services. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: .Attached is a resolution awarding Bid # 98-0261 to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., the only responsible bidder, in the amount of 590,950.00 for the upgrade of the computer system for the Department of Social Services. Contract # 98-0261 is on file in the County Manager's office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS' .Staff recommends adoption of attached resolution: 1. Awarding Bid # 98-0261 for an upgrade to the Social Services Department computer system to ' Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., the only responsible bidder in the amount of 590,950.00. 2. Approving contract # 98-0261. ' FUNDING SOURCE: County funds are appropriated and budgeted for this item in account number 110-530-5310-6400. When the current year budget was approved 537,659 was budgeted to upgrade the DSS disk storage space. ' When the time came to actually order the upgrade it was evident that due to the increased utilization, the processor also needed to be upgraded. A budget amendment was made in January 1998 moving the additional needed dollars from the OSS salaries account. ATTACHMENTS: ' 98-0261.wp REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ,Q~~ V,l~- COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: i COUNTY COMMISSiONE~ APPROVED REJECTED C/ I~lo nn,~'cm ,; REMOVED ,F3 POSTPONED p HEARD ,~ ',~ . DATE ~.~~:/y~~~~,J RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS O F ~I NE`V HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance U Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 17th day of February, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for an upgrade to the Social Services Department computer system, Bid # 9S-0261: Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. $ 90,90.00 AND WHEREAS, the Social Services Director, the M.(.S. Director, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder; in the amount of Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($90,90.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account Number (``~ 110-X30-310-2000-6400 to cover this contract; ~ I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Efanover County that the contract for the upgrade for the Social Services Department computer system, Bid # 9S-0261 be awarded to .Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C.. in the amount of Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($90,90.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 23rd day of >Vlarch, 1998. (SEAL) - ~. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ee'l'+~ ~ii,~t~ a~~r~ ~~~~~~~ ~~, ~~r~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 Consent Item #: 7 Estimated Time: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Approval of property exchange with Landfall concerning the bike path BRIEF SUMMARY: Landfall Associates approached the County with the attached offer to give to the County the 50 foot wide. strip of land containing the bikepath. The County presently owns only a 20 foot wide strip centered on the paved bike path , as described rather vaguely in the present deed. In return for the County receiving the 50 foot wide strip (1.1 acres), the County will give to Landfall Associates a 653 square foot area behind Lot 33 as shown on the attached offer and map. Landfall Associates will pay the legal costs associated with the land transfer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Board consider approving the land transfer and the attached resolution. Approval will; 1) clear up a rather vague existing deed concerning the bikepath; 2), give the County control over a wider strip of land along the bikepath; and, 3) assist Landfall Associates in a property matter with the owners of lot 33: FUNDING SOURCE: ATTACHMENTS: Offer, Resolution REVIEWED BY:. - LEGAL: Approve FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: N/A COUNTY MANAGER'S C M ND RE See recommendation above. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: TIONS: ~~~~co>~>~,~o~~~ AF~F~RpVEti Ci ~EJEC"r~Q p REMOV~© © ; POSTPON ~p C~ G.«.~-r" r~7 HEARS ~7 ~`~-"'~'~ DATE ._..-'~/ Z3~y~ ~~~ ~+~~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~an fad February 3, 1998 Mr. Dave Weaver Assistant County Manager 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28405 ~: Summers Rest Bike Path Dear Mr. Weaver: Th~n}c You for meeting with me and Scott Gilbert on January 13. As discussed at that time, we are sending this letter as an offer to obtain a parcel of land that is part of the bike path property owned by New Hanover County. The land we wish to obtain encompasses 653 square feet (Tract "A")- In exchange for Tract "A" Landfall Associates proposes to deed New Hanover County approximately 1.1 acres of land adjacent to the bike path (Tracts "B" and "C" )- willhhavexchange is accepted by the County, Landfall.Associates its legal counsel, Murchison, Taylor, Kendrick & Gibson, work with the County Attornex's office to prepare the necessary documents. Landfall Associates will pay the costs of deers, recording LCCJ and any other documents normally associated with land transfers. Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information concerning this matter. Sincerely ~• ~~ S . Ke.t~h Coo ~'e'~ Dre~cto~rOf'a~na Development '` S KC : 1 s~ ~~~'~' 74 ~ ~ S" ? ~` ~ ~~~ l..~^~ra r°r.:~~v~r ~ PLC O lS ~ ~ ~ U l.S FEB - 5 t9~8 ENGINEERING OEPARTr~1ENT L.~NpfALlA550C1ATE$ P.O.BOX5368,H^NpvERCFNTER57^TIpN ~ wn..~i.~~rnN.~nor-+~aon~..,..o,,., _ ,,,,,~,,.., I . - ~~ ~1.jDJ ~~ir.vtY lrtS W 1 ~ ~ • ,, , ;. ~. • ~,. : . # , . " , `` 10, PRIVA . TE ~R~uN,~c~ Q `~ EAS~ENT Ft'3Ft l0T 3 .. D ~a 1 OBBS SURVEYING COMP i _~ ~ . ~ ixc _, ~` / ~.~ „~ ~e rasmcivr ~¢is c~aotar~ ei..w ~s.t (m~ ,. , 8 ~: ~~ ~ LOf 34 . .. ,... ,~ oq~ ~ `• / / ,.~.~~ d, . ,;' Map gook 31, Page 1'54 / .~ , . .~ / ~ • ,. y. ~ - ~ / `~' ? /.. ~ ~9J*. a •. . / ~ ~s_ y `. ~ ~ -9 ,: .~ -~ a ~ ~.. % cue ~ ~.. ~ cat 3,~,,, .. ~~,.. ~\ ~.~6 ss ~ .. ' EOSQ J` . ~ ~f ' ., .. - , .~... ~ Lot R _ 33 _, .. r f " n ~ ~` ~\ .~ ~ 18, 850 S: F: .. ~r sr r h ~ ' ~ - ~. . ~ '~ '~ I ,~ Q~ ~ ~~' `~ . ~ _ ~ ~b%, ~~ Landfall ,.. ~,. ~ ~- O~ o ,. .. • . ~ ~~ .~, rlve ... I `• :: .. ~ .,, . ~. ~ . - _, . ~ , ~ ~ - . ~~_ s / / ~~6 I ~ _ • O\ ~~ '~ S. .' ,.. '•\ ' / . O ~ / ~ ~, /.w . ~- ~ ` 8~k . ~ , /..~ .. c / S • .. . -~ Y • ~,. :. ~ '~ s ~~ - • . ,M -. ~ ~ . Ca \ - 16S .SF.~' Edwin & :Kimberly .I~ehinger- // . . ~~. ,~ .. ~' ,:Deed `book 1,402, p e 801 V -/`h ~ LO~ 32 _. ~ ~ ~. _- --.. 9 ~~ 2 z ~`c.'.. . \ ~ /y u~ Boa4 7, PogQ.l21 s~ \ . J 1N . ,~ * Exhibi ,. ~ ~ J~~ \ . :n f Ma . ~ d :.~ ~_ lot`33R V111as of nndfall \ Q •• January 27..'1998- . _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ 75 .. . _~. ., .._.. d u . ~~ 1 • ~~ ~.~ ~ .. i •1g4S~~V~~~a:~YYY~YI~+ ~~ .. ~' ~y ...... c s ~ r+ z~~iisncsssY~tis~~tuYL 5 Y.a~~Q~s,~sacaseassa~~,I~ ~ _..._-°^' to ~ ~~~ \\~ _ -.~ -. ,n u \ \~\ ~ .\ \ ~ ~' ~\ J ~ OJ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~\ ~~ l ~L 1 2T ~ M.C. ORlO MAO Z ~ ~~ \'\ ~\~ ~~ \\ \~ /U ~ , ~~. ~ .~ /~ s 1 -O/ v/ ~ ./ o~~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~s~m~/~ ~ ~~ ~ ,ar . ~, _ r~i ~ . ~i t~ ? ~•} w~ `off ~C/ ~1/ ~1 'j a add ~ / `~, /\ f ~ L' ~ ~. f/ ~ i ~ C `;.. \• ~ /~ i \~~/ `p~ ~ :.Q~. 4 ~~ ~ / r ~ g~~ ~~ , a ~~ $ ~~ a. O ~M ~ f M: ~ Io• • ~ ,p f V :° ". .y ~~~ I :\ ~~ ~ \~ ~~~ 76 ~N~- ~Li 8~ s ~. z 4r b/ I ~ ~' ~ r ~ c-, - ~ /~ ~ ~ ;R '~ ~ ~ `'' ~ ~ ~, ~ -~a . ~ ~ ~`~ ~ o Q i '~'/ . ~s~ ~GF ~ O o // ~ ~'~ \/ :S / ~ --.o . /./ ` / / z ~ ~ _ .~ a~ ^/ ~/ \ ~~j Q b~ ' `~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~~, :/ /j ~_ 1 z ~K~~~ ~o•I 7 . ~ ~. ~O M r 1 '~~ pp~x_ i`~ ~ 6 ~~ Z 9 . ~ ~^yZ . \\1 C V ~t~F {y,~' k'4 Y - ° . .. . ,. ~ :. , ' `~ RESOLUTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~° .. .. , , OF THE . ' , .. ' . •~ : " NEW HANOVER COUNTY •. :t,; BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ._ . ,: ~ WHERE , AS, through instruments recorded in Map Book 31, Page 235, and Deed - , • Book 1520,- Page 808, a twenty foot (20') wide.Bike Path in Ham~etf Township was ' , coweyed-by Landfall Associates to New Hanover County;. and. . •, WHEREAS, an exchange of certain property adjacent to and adjoining said Bke .Path.-will create further buffering; and result in a more uniform design by fee simple conveyances; and° . a~ , ~; , ' .WHEREAS, . N.C.G.S. §180A-271 permits such excharge of r©al property; and a • °~~ ~ WHEREAS, the County, would convey to Landfall or its designee a six hundred • _. ~ - f fly-threes uare foot 653 arcel ad'oinin and abuttin Lot 33, Vllas at ; q ( ) p 1 9 g Landfall; and ... : • ~ . ~ _WHEREAS, . Landfall`would convey in fee two (2) parcels with square footage e several times greater than the above-referenced six hundred fifty-three square foot ` (653') parcel, so as to encompass all that "Fringe User Area" as more fully shown in Map. Book 31; Page 235, New Hanover County Registry, except;ng the above- •- : i ~ • -.referenced six.hundr+ed frfty-three square foot {653') parcel; and - ' - - ~. ~ ~ . WHEREAS, the proposed' an'angement will constitute full and fair~compensation ' . in exchange for the:County conveyance. ~ ,. ~ ~ " . _ s -~ ~• " . NOW, THEREFORE,. BE ~IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of .New ~ - Hanover.County hat the proposed exchange be accepted and approved `pursuant to • ' , Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina .General Statutes . . n ,. F . , . .. _ ~ This. the 23rd day of March, 1998. ~ • • ;, ; • ° -. ~ ... r., _ (S~). ~ New Hanover County ~ _. • t ~~~~ ~~ . ° ;, William A. Caster, Chairman°F ~ ~ ~' ~• ATTEST: ~ ,p~ - Clerk to the Board .: r 1 • ~~ 77~ .. . ,. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~"liis pab e intentiotzally left blcr~zlc ARTICLE I SEC. 3 Position Status Definitions (a) Regular: A budgeted position where the duties and responsibilities are required to be attended on a continuous and probable annually recurrins basis, requiring part- time or full-time employment of an individual. Employees occupying such positions are entitled to alt employment benefits commensurate with the number of hours worked. (b) Regular-Probationary: A Regular position where the duties and responsibilities have been diminished for a period not to exceed twelve (I 2) months, to correspond with the performance expectations of a newly appointed employee. [ndividuals occupying such positions may 6e dismissed at any time the appointing authority determines that sufficient progress is not being made. (c) Temporary: Generally, a position funded for a specified period of time to coincide with projects or programs of limited duration, limited funding, or with other time constraints. In some situations, temporary positions may last indefinitely due to a need for intermittent work to support a department's operations. (d) Grant Funded and/or Contractual: Positions which are supported by financial grants or other special monies. [ndividuals occupying these positions are appointed for a specific period of time to perform particular services on behalf of the County. Employees may or may not be entitled to benefits, depending on the provisions of the grant. These positions may be of longer duration due to the renewal of the grant or special funding. (e) Section deleted - no relevancy (~ Section deleted - no relevancy Purpose of Revision: The definition of "Temporary" had to be revised to address Ions term temporary-positions such as Library substitutes and shelvers, and extended grant funding. ARTICLE t[[ u SEC. 4~~ ,~~~lU'sc~~o~f~S'a~:la~r~,~Ranaes for Performance-based Pav increases ~~~~ ~Employees~whose~performance is rated below "expected" are not eligible to receive a merit in ~z Employee~whose~c°uiTent salary falls within the development range and whose performance ~.~~~ Q ~,:_ ..__ Q ., ~. ..- . , - . . ,, ~;is rated "expected" are eligible to receive an increase of 0% - 5%, except that they cannot move past job. rate-with an "expected" :rating. . '~ ~ SEC, 9 Pa -in Recl~~ssifications Pro _ Y motions, Transfers, Demotions,' and . ,; t . . Trainee Status . (i) Reclassification upward: Employees reclassified to a classification `, ' - with a higher pay grade normally will .move to the minimum of the .. new pay grade, except in those cases where the .employee must be . ~ . appointed- as a trainee or where unusual circumstances. appear ,to , .. ~ warrant appointment at a higher rate (as in Sec. 7, .:Pay for New- i ~ Appointments), wherein the Director of Human Resources shalt have .. . . the authority to approve appointments made above the minimum -rate Y of the grade up to step i0 and the County Manager will have to approve appointments above step k0. E\CEPTION: Emplo};ees "'- whose current salary is greater than the minimum of the,n"ew pay ~. '~ grade and who are-not appointed: as trainees may receive a S%, ~ - , ,~. - - pay increase with approval by the Director of Fluman Resources, , ` ~~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ " e~•en if the rncrease results in an appointment over step 1U. ' - _ b Promotion: Em to ~ees r m ed I ~ _' , O p y p" o of to a c ass~ficat~on wrth a -' '" ~ , ~' "higher pay grade normally will move to the minimum of,the - ~ new pay grade, except in those cases where the employee - must be appointed as a trainee or w~he,re unusual circumstances :~ - ' ~ appear to warrant appointment at a. higher rate (as in Sec. 7, Pay for New Appointments), wherein the Director of Human °',; ~ Resources shall have the authority to approve appointments ' • ~ ,made above the minimum -rate of the grade up to step l 0 and - ` ,. ~ " ., the County I~lanager will. have to approve appointments - ~ above step 10. E\CEPT'lOiti': Employees whose current - " ~=. salary is greater than the niinimum of the new ppay grade - , ~L ". and who are not appointed. as trainees may receive a 5% pay increase with approval by the Director, of Human.. . ~ Resources, even if the increase results in an appointment ~' _ over step 10. ' . - Purpose of Rc-~ision Clarification and consistency..., °' .. , . 3 . .. ,. ARTICLE. VI _ . -~ ~ ~ l ..~ ' , .:, . SEC. 4. Outside Em~lovment and Related Activities' ~. ~. ~ :. .. A.. ~ I Outside Employment . . .. - ~~ ~ ~ - .- . _ , The w - or(. of the County will take precedence over other occupational interests of employees. All outside employment salaries, wages, or commission and self-employment must be reported to the employee's supervisor, (Register of Deeds and Sheriff) who in turn will report to the County Manager. The County .Manger will review such employment o determine the County's liability. Conflicting outside employment will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 1 I B. Prohibited. Activities Persons employed by Mew Hanover County may not serve on any Board, Committee or Commission, established by resolution or State statutes, in the agency or department for which they work and receive wages. Prior to accepting such an appointment, the employee must terminate his/her employment with the respective agency or department. C. Patent and Cop~ri~ht Procedure (I) [n General: The County has an interest in all inventions of County personnel that are conceived or first actually produced as a part of or as a result of County research, activities within the scope"of the inventor's employment by the County, and activities involving the use of County time, facilities, staff; materials, or County information not available to the public. f (2) " Responsibilities of County Personnel (a) County personnel who, either alone or in association with others, make an invention in which the County has or may have an interest shall disclose such inventions to the County titanager in writing. The inventor will be notified in writing of the decision of the County Manager as to whether the County will accept the im•ention for patenting or licensing. If the County chooses neither to file a patent application or otherwise make available commercially nor to dedicate to the public an invention in which it asserts its rights, the invention at~the County Manger's discretion may be released in writing to the inventor. As to any invention in which the County .has an interest, the inventor, upon request,-shall execute promptly all contracts, assignments, waivers or other legal documents necessary to vest in the County or its assignees any or all rights to the invention, including complete assignment of any patents or patent applications relating to the invention. (b) County personnel may not: 82 sign patent agreements with outside persons or organizations which .. .-. ,~ ~ .. ~r , may abrogate tEie. County's. rigEits and interest as stated in the. Patent .; .' .' Policy or as provided in .any. grant or contract funding the~invention, - ~ nor without-prior authorization use the~name of the County or any of its .. ` ," ~ k - units in connection with any invention in which the' County as an °:~ . interest.: ~ , .. ~. . .. . `„ ~ ~ •'(3) ,Inventor Requests for Waiver of CountyRights: of the inventor believes that the invention.was made outside the general scope of his'or her County duties, and if the " inventor does not .choose to assign the rights in 'the invention. to the Count ,thee- .- Y inventor shall, ~in the invention disclosure, requestahat, the County Manger determine ' ~ "~ the respective rights of the County and the inventor in the invention, and shall also'' M1 . include"in the disclosure information on the following points: :. ` (a)' T,he circumstances under which the invention was'made and developed~~ ' .~ (b) Whether he or she requests waiver or release of any County claims orhis or her representation that the County has no claim; - ~ .. `~•~ ~ (c) ~ The extent to which he or she would be"willing voluntarily to assign domestic ' ' and foreign rights in "the invention to the County if it sfiould be determined that.an assignment of the im•ention to the County~is not required under the ` ~ Patent and Cop'yri~ht Policies. ' e - 1. Purpose ~,f Rc-~isiun: Addition. ofa County Patent and Copyright Procedure. ,. . "' W . _ ARTLCLE .V1[. - .. SEC.- 3 Holydavs . . , ., ~ ~ ' ~" Holida Timc: The amount of time allowed for holiday usage shat , (a) y t be . 1 - based. on the number- of annual hours the position .is budgeted .for. - ,.. >. ~. , . . ., (b) :, When Work Required.- Exempt employees required to, perform work on ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ regularly scheduled holidays will receive their salary for the hours actually worked, and may be paid for the holiday or, granted compensatory time off at `~ a later date." Non-exempt employees, with the exception of certified . ~ ~ Emergency Medical Services and Fire Services personnel, must be paid'for ~4 - all time worked in addition to any holiday pay to which they may be entitled.. ~ .A ~ (c) Certified Emergency Medical Services and Fire Services personnel who are .; '' assigned to a shiftwill accrue Holiday Comp. Time at a rate consistent with ® - ' ^. . the number of annual hours the positions are' budgeted for`. Full-time ' . ~"employees will be credited with twelve (12) hours of"Holiday Comp Time~f3 M ~ . 'I a . I .. . ~ - each holiday; less than full-time employees will have this prorated. Holiday Comp Time may accumulate to a maximum of 132 hours. When the maximum has been accumulated, no additional Holiday Comp Time will be earned until -some of the accrued leave is taken. When Holiday Comp Time is taken, Emergency Iviedical Services personnel will receive straight-time compensation for the first forty (40) hours, and will receive compensation at the half time rate for all hours taken in excess of forty (40) hours; such excess • hours shall correspond to the employee's work schedule for the week in which the leave is taken. ,Purpose of Rc~~isinn: With increasing numbers of flexible work arrangements came a need to define how much holiday time an individual can accrue and use. Basing it on budgeted hours appears to be the most fair way to manage this problem. Additionally, Fire Services needed to be incorporated into the policy. SEC. ~ Personal Leave - iti~lanner of Accumulation (g) Eligible employees who regularly work more than the standard 2,OS0 hours in a year and whose workday hours exceed the standard eight (S) hours, shall earn personal leaveat the prorated amount ind'+cated below: (I) Certified Emergency ~~iedical Services and Fire Services personnel who work 2, 974 annual hours and 24 hour shifts shall earn personal leave at l .43% more than the Standard accrual rates. (2) Employees in departments who work 2,223 annual hours and 12 hour shifts shall earn personal leave at 1.07°io more than the standard accrual rates. Purpose of Rei~isiun: There_ was a need to include personal leave for Fire Services personnel and to correct a typographical error. SEC. 11 Sick Leave -Manner of Accumulation B: Accrual of Sick Leave Eligible employees who work the standard 2;080 hours per year will earn sick leave at the rate of 3:42 per pay period, or 96:12 hours for each completed year of service. Employees who work other than the standard 2,080 hours per year, shall earn sick leave at the rates indicated below: (1) Eligible part-time employees of the County who work a minimum of twenty (20) U 84 flours in a work-week shall earn sick leave at a prorated amount based on their ,. - " ~ _ ,: ;.. . - . " , ~~ „ . ,: , . ~ annual budgeted hours.. (2)~ Certified Emergency Medical Services and Eire Services personnel who. work 2,974 annual hours and 24-hour shifts shall earn sick leave at 1:43% more than the standard. ~': ~ '•-` . ~. ~::. ~.~ accrual rate. 4 , ' .. .. :. ,, 3 Personnel in de artments who work. ~,22 ~~ (,) p ~ ~ 3 .annual hours and 12-hour shifts shall earn ' ' '~ '~ ` sick.leave at, 1.07% more than the standard accrual rate. . ._ - .. _ • L . ` ~ Purpose of Revision: : With' the increasing, number of flexible work schedules a need emerged to , .c4 ~:.~ more tightly define how Positions using varied schedules accrue and record lea~~e time. The decision ,was made to base leave accruals on annual budgeted,hours. Secondly, Fire Services leave needed to ' •'' be included in the .policy, . ~. 4 - . ~. SEC. 14 • , . ~: Sick Leave -Leave SfiarinR ~~ °-~ . < .., A. Pacpose Statement ., .:. ti ,, , . ~ ~, . ~, The'County realizes that,"in extreme catastrophic situations; employees may be in a ' . - '`situation ,where personal or family.illness redui~es they be away from work to-the point.of exhausting- ~ : -' ~ all-sick and personal leave. If is the desire of the County to establish a policy whereby employees may . , donate a-given amount ofaccumulated personal and sick leave to the employee in need of additional • d leave. ~ :: .. : " ` ~- •" . . ~ {6) A notice from the Director of Human Resources will be distributed to ail .,departments . _ addressed to -the .department head, with the purpose of no(ifyin~ staff of the ., _. . •... ' - employee's need.of sick leave. Employees wishing to donate' leave may donateup to the. maximum of 16 hours of personal and/or sick leave .for a' given employee per Leave Share- request: Unless specified by a signed Waiver, the .name of.the employee requesting''leave donation, will be kept in strictest confidence.. . - ~ . 9' ... : (9) ,The maximum amount of leave that may be donated shall be ._192 hours per Leave ~ `. ~, ",~.. .' Share, request. .; , , ,. r ' ~ (12) "- ` When the initial donated sick leave has been exhausted, fhe employee may make a ~, second .request for advanced sick leave through the promissory note provision. The . ~- amount of advanced leave shall not exceed .twelve (12) days per request, nor two (2) ' • promissory notes per calendar year. When that advanced sick leave is depleted, 1 ~ the employee may submit a second Leave Share re ucst. The number of leave ", q ,. ~° - share requests shall be limited to two (2} per, calendaryear: _ .. ,~~ " ' Purpose of Revision: This policy is revised to compare more'favorably to'the advanced sick le4?v Cv~ :~ .. ,~ _ . .. ,. , .. '. - ~ _ policy. The original purpose of the Leave Share program was to help sick or disabled employees and their families pay off promissory notes approved for advanced sick leave. Under the current policy an employee will end up owing for advanced sick leave while they are in a leave without pay status. This change will enable an employee to end up with a lower debt to repay the County. .SEC. 17 Leave Without Pay - Policv A regular full-time; part-time or probationary employee may be'granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one year by the County Manager, except that temporary employees will be granted leave without pay, if necessary, while on Workers' Compensation leave. The leave will be used for reasons of personal or family disability, continuation ~of education, or special work that will permit the County to benefit by the experience gained or the work performed, or such other reasons for which the County tl~ianager deems appropriate. ~n employee may alternate the leave without pay with working time, but no employee will be pcrmittcd to rotate in and out of a leave without pay status and a paid leave status. PurJ~osc ujReti~ision: This policy revision is recommended to better accommodate employees who are returning from disability leave on a reduced work schedule, and those who desire to pursue civic, educational, and other extra-cumcular activities on a temporary basis. Allowing the rotation between .work time and leave without pay will also better meet department'operations when approval for leave without pay is granted. , SEC. 32 Community Services Leave New Hanover County wishes to encourage its employees to become more involved in supporting student education and community service in New Hanover County or, the employee's current county of residence. [n support of this effort, the County will allow eligible employees up to eight (8) hours of Community Services Leave per calendar year, to be used for participation in school activities or in volunteering their service to their community during normal working hours. Examples of acceptable services under this policy would include, but not be limited to: attending teacher-parent conferences; attending school assemblies; attending school special events; participating in an established progam as either a tutor or mentor; volunteering foc special projects in a United Way agency or other community based program; participating 'in emergency management activities; and other activities that serve, promote and enhance the community. Only employees budgeted in regular full-time or part=time positions as of January 1 of each year are eligible to participate in this program. Eligible full-time employees will be permitted to use up to eight (8) hours of leave between January 1 and December 31 of each year.' No leave balance will be carried over to subsequent years. Employees budgeted on a part-time basis will have their leave prorated based on the amount of time for which the position has been budgeted. All leave requests must be approved by the supervisor prior to the employee taking such leave. Community Services Leave is noncumulative and an employee will not be paid for any o~t~ding balance of this leave upon termination. ` . " :, ' .~~ - "•Purpose•"of Revision: To expand the types of activities all employees may engage in instead .of . 'targeting employees with children in school: The previous-requirement that leave had to be in fifteen. (15•) minute intervals was deleted`as the payroll system recognizes:one (l) minute intervals. ~ , 4` w '.~::. a ' ARTICLE I~t ., ° . ,.. ~ .- 'SEC, 1 ~ Insurance• Benefits ~ , ' +~ ., • ~ The County may make group health and dental insurance programs available for its employees • °and retirees. Benefits"provided are subject to the approval of the-Board of Commissioners on-a yearly ~ . " . ; ~ basis. ~•" ~ _ . . ~ ~,: ": ; ~ :. ~,~tiOTE: ~ Unless expressly excluded, employees include those individuals who hold regularly ° ~r' • "~ bud eted ositions and all elected officials eli ~ibl"e to receive" count benefits." .. ,.,; -. g P - g y , " ~ •" ~ °, County Commissioners, Sheriffand Register of Deeds: '. ~ " .- ; . .. ~`." A Continuation f Health and D n zl ~ n ° " ( ) o e t~ I surance Benefits.. , • ~. a .~" ,; (l) `Retiring employees may qualify. for continued coverage, under the County,'s ,., " `u - , ~ group heaifh insurance program as outlined in Section $ of this policy, until ' ' ~ ~ they becomeeligible for ivtedicare benefits. Employees- may maintain tfie type .,. . _ ~ ~ of coverage in effect at the time of termination, houvever they will~"be required „ ry ~- ~ ~ ~ to transfer"to the "County's managed care health insurance. product: ° ~. • , " iti`OTE: T e of health.covera ~e shall"mean individual, em to ee s ouse,, ' ' ' . YP S P Y P ,. employee/children, employee%child or. family: .. . ~. .. , r -_ ," ; t. (2) Retiring.employees_may qualify fog continued under the County's group ,. " dental "insurance program, as outlined in Section B"of this policy, until the ' ~ ~ termination of such policy by the covered individual or the'County. .- ,. , " ~y' Em to ees ma maintain. the t e of covera ~e in effect at the time. ' P Y Y YP S of .. termination.- -. , , ° - • ~" -' ~~ ' NOTE: -Type of coverage sfiall mean individual, employee plus one and: ., "' - family. ;. (3) Employees who do,not qualify for continued coverage under the County's ' " • ~ ~ group health and .dental insurance programs, will be afforded continued ~,;. _ .. ~: ~ ~ coverage in accordance with the plan contract or any legislative mandates r -~' ;~~ . ~ ~ governing the continuation ofgroup health and dental insurance benefits. . ~ . e (B) ~ L ualifications for Continued Covera e ~ ~ '. • .. . n ,. . . .. ,. ~ ~ - An employee must meet the requirements for one of the categories detailed below in order to qualify for continued coverage under the County's group health insurance program. .. G (I) An employee, who retires under one of the provisions of Local Government Employees Retirement. System, with at least fifteen (1 S) years of creditable service with New Hanover County. The service need not be continuous. MOTE: The County defines creditable service as full=time or part-time employment in a regularly budgeted position. (2) A County Commissioner who was elected to serve one (1) or more terms in office. (3) An employee appointed directly by the Board of Commissioners, who retires under one of the provisions of the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System and has at least fifteen (l S) years of creditable service in that system. (C) Rates (I) An employee who retires ~ from New Hanover County, based upon the eligibility criteria for any type of retirement established by the Local Governmental Employees Retirement System willpay for continued coverage according to the following schedule: ~ti`OTE: Employees not choosing individual coverage will pay the difference between the cost of individual coverage and the coverage type they select. „. (a) Employees with at least fifteen (I S) years but less than twenty (20) years of service,. will pay 7S% of the total cost for individual coverage. (b) Employees with at least twenty (20) years but less than twenty-five . (2S) year of service will ..pay SO% of the total cost for individual coverage. ~ .. (c) Employees with at least twenty-five (2S) years but less than thirty (30) years of service will pay 2S% of the total cost For individual coverage. (d) Employees with at least thirty (30) years of service will be allowed to continue individual coverage at the prevailing employee rate. (e) County commissioners who serve at least one (1) elected term will pay SO% of the total cost of individual coverage until they become eligible for Medicare 6enefifs. 88 ''his ,page inlentiotzally left bla~rlc ~~~~~ - .. .. - .: ,. _,. . ~, .s,.. . ` " ~ ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS { ' ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD .ACTION ' - - _ Meeting Date: 03/23/98 ... .. ~. . , .. , • :; Consent Item #: 9 Estimated Time: , ~' ~ . Depadment: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church ~~ ; -~ ' Contact: Ray Church - ;. . - ,. ' SUBJECT: ~: ~, ~ Contract for Removal of Metals from WASTEC Asfi ~ ~' . ' ;:BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~. , :.. . .. _ State Line Scrap Metaf 8, Demolition. (Charlotte, N.C.) proposes to (i) remove.metals from WASTEC ash at y the County.Landfill, (ii) ma - ~ ~ ~ Wage and purchase the appliances received at the Landfill including recovering , freon from refrigeration units,. and (iii) purchase scrap metal collected at the Landfill and WASTEC. - -State Line will riof pay.for metal removed from the ash because of the heavy investment required in ' processing equipment (approximately 5500,000) and the costs associated with daily operation and .° . ' .maintenance and transportation. State Line will pay S12~per ton for appliances (including freon removal] - and scrap metal. - ' " e. . + ~. State Line -has operated a pilot project at the Landfill since .February 24, 1998, to determine the feasibility ~- of tfie project. The pilot project has recovered between 30 and 60 tons of metal on a,daily basis. The first .amounts of recovered steel have been shredded and processed into reinforcement bars for use in :`constructing the upgrade to U.S..Highway.74, ~ ' Contract details .are currently being finalized. Copies will be provided for review prior to the'March 23~ Commissioners meeting. - ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . 'Staff requests approval of the services.contract. ~ ° - ,. ... - FUNDING SOURCE: ' _ .Not Applicable, . f,u `: _ - r _ 'ATTACHMENTS: . .. , ~. ..~ ` ~' .REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:, FINANCE: Approve BUDGET; N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA - 't ' .. - t ~ .. . , .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:-. - Recommend approval..• - ~~ ', + ~ ., -~: COMfVfISSfONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS' ~ . :.. - . `~u~ COMMISSIQN~RS i . C!- . O ~ - A<>PROVED , - REJECTED I _, p , ,. ~ . REMOVED. L7 ;~~~ ,. . . . _ POSTPQNEtl Cl - HEARD Q; ',,, . , DATE ...~ ,~.., ,.moo ~ , j ,. .. ~. - ~ -. ' .. q ' ~"jiis page inte~z~io~TCrlly-left, f~lanlc . Q . Q ~~~. ;w ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~v®~~~ 9 „~.'; E kdw~ ~~~ U -~ .. _ • . ,. _ , • ~ ~ " NEW HANOVER COUNTY- BOARD OF COMMlS510NERS . .~~ • REQUEST FOR-BOARD ACTION , • ,•~ . ~ Meeting Date:. 03/23/98 ` :. Conseht Item #: 10 Estimated Time: ~~ - • ,Department: EMS Presentert• • • ~ Contact: Amy Akin,. ',tr _ 4 • .. •• SUBJECT.. ' ~= . . - ~.. Award of Bid # 98-0234 and approval of Contract # 98-0234 to Southeastern .Emergency Equipment Company for 31 automatic external defibrillators.-for the ± .. 'Emergency Medical Services Department arid the Fire Services District. BRIEF SUMMARY: .. ~ ~ . ~ : , , •~• At°ahe Board of Commissioners Meeting on December 8, 1997,. funds were appropriated to purchase , 'automatic external defibrillators for the Emergency Medical Services Department (20 units)-and the Fire. Services District (11 units). Staff was directed to proceed with the purchase: The formal bid process was followed and bids from three companies were received. Only the product offered from Southeastern. ` Emergency Equipment-Company met the County's requirements. Documentation. is provided in the ' ' attached letters from David~Nobles, Interim EMS Director, and Dr. Ted Winneberger; M.D., County, ' • ~ Medical Director. ' ~~ - . • V 'Also attached is a copy of the resolution recommending award of.Bid # 98-0234 and approval of Contract, - ,.. . . `. • # 98-0234. . ' .. { , `~• RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R ~ `. . E~UESTED ACTIONS: _ ~`., Staff recommends adoption of resolution: ` .1 .. Awarding Bid # 98-0234. for'31 automatic external. defibrillators to Southeastern Emergency Equipment ,`. ~- ~ Company, the only responsive bidder in the amount of 5 99,913.00; °~ - ;. 2. Approving Contract # 98-0234. FUNDING SOURCE: . . Funds (593,000.00) were appropriated by the Board of Commissioners on December 9, 1997. The - ` additional funds needed for the purchase are in the EMS and Fire Services District accounts. ~ . . .:. ~ , - , ,`ATTACHMENTS: ., , • • ~_ , .~ , 98-0234r.wp ~ • . , , REVIEWED BY: • IEGAI_:~'Approve "..FINANCE: A rove BUDGET' A r v pp pp o e „ .HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA ' - . , .' .. , COUNTY MANAGER' MENTS AND. RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend a rov ~ ` . ._ PP a • ' ~U~ CQ~M~Ql~lEl~S ,~~` COMMISSIONERS' ACTT NS/COMMENTS:. ~ APPR©VED('; ~E~~crE~ a , ~~ •. .• • ~ ~ :~_ REMOVED Q ~., - . w ~9 3 HEAR . - .. ,. a a ti §~ ~ . DATE ~.,. ~.,, . r. _• • . . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW EiANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 1 1:00 a.m., on the 24th day of February, 1998, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for automatic external defibrillators for the Emergency Medical Services Department and the Fire Services District, Bid # 98-0234: Physio-Control Corporation $78,37.00 SurVivaLink Corporation $87,94.00 $9 I , (92.20 Southeastern Emergency Equipment $106,3>9.00 Company. AND WHEREAS, after review by Dr. Winneberger, the County Medical Director, and David Nobles, Interim EMS Director, it was determined that only the bid .from Southeastern Emergency Equipment met the County's required specifications; AND WHEREAS, the County Medical Director, the Interim E~~IS Director; the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Southeastern Emergency Equipment, a North Carolina Corporation, the only responsive bidder, in the amount of One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars ($106,39.00); AND WE-{EREAS, Ninety-three Thousand Dollars ($93,000.00) was appropriate by the Board of Commissioners on December 8, 1997 for this purchase and the additional funds needed are available in Account No. l 10-433-433 (-3000-6400 and ! 30-436-4340-3000-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the. contract for automatic external defibrillators for the Emergency Medical Services Department and the Fire Services District, Bid # 98-0234 be awarded to Southeastern Emergency Medical Services Company in the amount of One Hundred Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars ($ (06,359.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 23rd day of March, 1998. (SEAL) 0 ~~^^~;~~ r n t ATTEST: ~ ~~~'~ ~~ ~ ~+. C~erk o the Bo`acd~a~~~`~t~cr~ ~` ~~ 'yf~ .`' ~. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ;, NEW HANOVER COUNTY ` ' ~ ~5g . _ INTER-OFFIC E ~ .~ ~ .. . "~~ ~-1VIEM0 ..F . ' ~. ~~ March 10, 1998 To :: Am Akin Purchasin Agent Y ~. ~ - From: David Nobles, Interim EMS Director G~~. • ` . '- Re AED Specifications ' ~ .." - Since the bid o enin~s on Februa 24`h 1 have gone throw Th the three bidsthat we ' P ~ rY ~ ~ ~, received. and-have, pulled out the exceptions for each company. [ wouid• like to note-that ` the vendors with exceptions did not specifically note them as instructed. A ist of the • 1 ~' ~ ' ~ exceptions, was' forwarded to Dr. Ted Winneber~er who serves:as the Mew Hanover ' -' County Advanced Life Support Medical Director. We believe that Dr. Winneberger, as ~ . - the Medical Director, should play, a key role in medically. related projects. Dr. " - " Winnebergec has been instrumental in getting the, AED program going and has remained ~, .- acti0e in.the project., .. .. .~ , ~.. ~ "~ ~ , ` Attached is a letter;that I received from Dr: Winneber~er earlier today: This letter states . his support ~of Heartstream as the vendor that most closely meets the specifications. that we develo ed for this ro'ect. P. R J ~ , , . .. , ., . Dr..Winneberger has stated to me his belief that the EKG display screen is an important ~ ` A ~- o lion in a medical{ oriented`c mmunit h w v p y o y suc as Ne Hano er County. Only j ~;' Heartstream offers this option. He also points out in his letter that NHR~~1C will possibly be purchasing Heartsream units and that it is important that the community be exposed to ~` the fewest number of brand"s as ossible. UNCW i current{ usin ~ a ea r . p s y ~ H rtst eam unit.. Operationally, I was concerned that only Heartstream units could~be put into anon- ~~ ~. .operational,: training mode . While all three brands included a trainmg unit with their bids, I see it' as important that we have the option of training with the individual units,; especially considering that they will be placed in many different areas and that private '" ~ purchasers may'desire to train at times that the training unit is not available. ' ., .: * HEARTSTREAM 9 -~ " bid....-- $106,3.59, . ~ ; . each - $3223 - . - ., .Exceptions: This unit only delivers 1.50 Joules instead of the traditional 200, 300, 360.. The competitors like to point out that this is not by AHA guidelines.- Heartstream says.. ' • that 150 J is: ade irate for bi hasi ni - " q p c u ts. They cite mternai defibrillator technology., , ~ . . .e _ • .. s ~ ., .. , *SURVIVALINK bid -- $87,945 each,- $2665 ,. Exceptions: 3.3 Waveform duration is 25 milliseconds instead of 20 as per specs. 3.3 The voice prompts and CPR intervals are set to current AHA guidelines but are not locally adaptable ie., length of CPR until reanalyze sequence. 3.3 Unit does not offer an EKG screen. 3.3 Each unit cannot be put.into a "training mode" individually. A "trainer defibrillator unit" is provided by each company as part of the bid. With a widespread community program [feel that it is important to be able to train with each unit. 3.3 The defibrillation pads are 76 sq. cm. instead of I00 sq. cm. as per specs. . *PHYSIO-COti~TROL bid - S7s,375 each - 52375 Exceptions: 3. I This unit is not self calibrating. 3.2 This unit does not have an EKG scope. 3.3 This unit does not have an audible warning if it fails aself-test. (Visual only): . 3.3 Analysis of the cardiac rhythm requires the user to .press the "Analyze" button. 3.4 Each unit cannot be put into "Training mode". A separate training unit is provided as with Survivalink. 3.5 Defibrillation pad size was not identified by the vendor. 3.6 It appears from the bid that the.Lifepak units wilt not have an additional battery provided . If so, an additional $6435 will have to be added to their quote._ It appears that the lack of an EKG screen is one of the more significant variances from the specifications for both Survivalink and Physio. Both companies also appear to have failed to meet the requirement that the units be able to be placed in a "training mode". The City of Charlotte purchased 75 of the Heartstream units this past year. Their decision was based on the opinions of a board of cardiologists. I do not wish to object to the reasoning of such a board or of Dr. Winneberger. It is my opinion that for the overall good of the community that the quality of this decision be deemed more important than 9 tie quantity of units. Ideally, we will purchase the number of units originally planned for, .. ..x ~ - ~. i V ~ .: ,. 'but if that is not .possible then we may be better off.buying fewer units and still allowing ' ., for'consistency within the.community. ~, ~ If I can be of any further help. please do not hesitate to contact me. Dr. ~Vinneberger will, . be~ available on the 23'd if needed. ~ - ~ . . . , s l ~ ~ ~ - .. . ~- 1 t ~ .. ~~ r e . ., . .. . ~~ = ~ ~ • . .~.. . • LL _ • . . y s 1' . .. ~ a ~ ~ ~_ i o: ivH~;tr~i~ «s«sn» 910-3928109 910-39236`_From: Ted LVinneberger 910-3928109 Sent by the Award Winning Cheyenne Birivare I~farch 10, 1995 To: David Nobles Frvm: Ted ~L•inneberber ~iD 3110198 9:07:48 Pa~ye t cr t ~~~-- u~nO~ ~- ~ ~.. ~~ . .. ~J,~ Ke: AL••U opinion 1 Certainly after looking at the informative from each of these companies, the glaring leader has to be the E{eartstream. h7ot only, does this model more clvsel}' fit the necessary specifications we need in this system, but it is also the most recogniz.-thle and simplest units made. As yvu•re aware, simplicity, and reco~izahility are the 4;evs to widespread public and private acceptance. These Cactors kill lead tv their use and lives raced. Please pass on my unqualified support tier the Heartstrram model to the county commissioners. As a final note, also remind them that other agencies in this state are urine them and, eun•ently iVf IF.i.I(.' is alsn loolang at Ll1C pOSSIhIIItV of pUfchaStng sOmt Of LhCSC CUr the fCTUfC .fell less C(II~CaI p:lllent Cart areas Of IhC fli)Splt.ll The murc standardized and «•idcsprcad this becomes, the murc cumfurtahlc cecryonc trill be with using them. the public will eepect to hate them aeaiLthle, and there will he lives saved. Tharil~s for },our oneoine efforts in this must important health care issue. Let me }:now if there is antZhinc else [ can du ur prucide that may, help in speedink this :dungy:. 98 ~ F * _ F - NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' ~ ~r .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ ' . - ~ Meeting Date: ,03/23/98 ~~ Conser4t Item #: 1.1 Estimated Time: ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ . Department: TAX,.. •Presenter: • ' .: ~ - .~ - ,. Contact: Rolarid R i t . _ eg s er, - , ~ '., -. ,SUBJECT: _. ~ . Release of Value - ~ ~ •. . ~` ' BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ - • ~. , . , . ` Re uesi the followin lat li ' . 4 g e sting penalty be released as the taxpayer listed this-property, on time in another . ` - - . county. ° , ~' • Centura Leasing 860.79 . . ' °` `RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - -~Recommend approval of the release .. - .. - FUNDING SOURCE: . ~ ,. ~ A . , TTACHMENTS: « °~ ; , REVIEWED BY: LEGAL:Approve f1NANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: NIA - ' , ._ ' F .. .. • COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ -` . . ..Recommend approval. ~-,~ .. ~ D ., CO ' ~' . MMISSIONERS ACTIONS/COMMENTS• ~ ~ .. . ,• ~~ ~ _ ' ` ., .: , , . .. .~ - ~ ~ N'I'Y CO~Mt~S14N . . ; .. . EJ ECTED, ~3 - - `. ~ ._ . REMOVED Q . ' ': .. POSTPONED ® .. - ~ ~ ~ ~ HEARD ~ ~. ~j g -~~'-~ s, .3%3 tiby. a~ , ..~,,~ ,..~„ . ., - ; - _ .I ~"lzis,page inte~7tiotially .left flank r ~~~~ ~~ 9"~ 100 ~. e~ra~~~G~~ ~~~~~ COfvScNT AG~NOA OATE__________ ~, ~~ ITEM hC.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THR U 02/28/98 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 ______________________ AO VALOREM MOTOR V H E ICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AOOEO _ E _____ _ 56,737,366.65 _-____-_ - S 5,345,783.64 LESS AcATEMENTS 2,670,931.06 140,99`7.34- 32,835.50 72,026.T0- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED E 59,267,300.37 f 5,30b,592.44 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGEC .00 00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 43,,129.47 . ~ .00 TOTAL LEVY COLl~CT10NS TO GATE L _ 59,315,429.84 _57,713,602_67- f 5,306,592.44 4,171,198_48- OUTSTA~tiDING BALANCE PERCE~~ITAGE COLLECTED E 1,601,827.17 _ - 3 1,135,393.96 97.30%* 78.60%~ 3aCK_TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY i 2,4b9,b67.19 CtiaRGES AOCEO 74,257.04 LESS AEATEMENTS 165,040.01- TOTAL TAXES OUE S 2,378,884.22 ~.J COLIECTICt\S TC CATE o67,491.06- OUTSTaNOING BALANCE S 1,711,393.16 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 28.06X '' FE.. 1998 FISCAL YTC ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 74,701.68 1,501,799.50 PRIVIIcGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS' 475.00 14,929.63 EMS COLLECTIONS .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU CCLIECTIC~ OFFICE FOR NEW HA~CVER COI:hTY, CITY OF 1aILMINGTON NRIGHTSVIILE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH A(~0 KURE BEaC>-~ TO DaTE - S8b,898,353.33. TNIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1997. R~:; pkCTFULLY SUBMITTED, G~~n c ~.~, ~ •~cN PATR IC IA J. ~~~OR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 95.76% ~ ~~~~~~~ 4. ~ ~ ~~~t~ ~G~ 1'U2 ~-sw~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~.. • - CO~~;SEN,T AGENCa . C TE= _ 3 . ~ ~ ITcM N0. __ - -_ ,. r - ~.. -NEW WANOVER COUNTY FIRE-DLSTRiCT TAX COLLECTIgNS ,~ ., COLLECTIONS THRU 02/28/98°' ,.. 1 ~ .. . ,CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 AC VALO'REN - MGTOR VEHICLE u` ORI'GIN'A.L TAX. LEVY PER SCROLL S 1,23,9,942:.47 ~E 124,199.2'4 •. •~ DISCOV-FRIES ADOEO . ` 60,734..53 926.98 .. LESS. A6ATEMCNTS 2.4,020.63- 1,905:40- ' TOTa~ TaxES CNARGEC # 1,276,656.37 f~ - ~ 123;220: 82 - LISTING PENALTIES CHARGcO 1,025.86 ..00, ' TOTAL LEVY S `1,.277,682.23 f 123,220:82~ CO'L1CCT IDNS TO DATE 1 ,245,629.13-' 100,3ES.E1- ~, ~° t CUT STANDING. $ALANCE S 32,053.10` ' f 22,835.21' .. •.`P.ERCENTAGE COLIECTE.O 97.49/ 81.47~~ `.BACK TaxES .. • REAL„ESTATE An0 PERSONAL PRGPERTY I 46,805:9~2 ~GHA'RGES ADDED 4,760.29 ` LESS AiiATcMENTS 9,064.22- " .. '. ' .. . :' - • TOTAL TAXES CUE • f -42, 501.99. , • _ CGLL:ECT ICr,S. TC CATE - 11,044..74- • OUTSTaK01NG' BALANCE '` S - 31,457.25 ." ' -PERGEN'TaGE COLLECTED 25:99~G '~~ ~. e , `` :THIS RcPOR.T ..IS .FOR~FISCAI YEAP 9EGIr:nIr;G -JULY 1~, 1997. , E-CTFULLY SUBM[TIED, • ,~ ~ .- ,PATcICIa J. C~NOR . ~' COLLECLOR OF REVtNUE ~ - COMSINEC COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 96.08~C ~~ . . ,, ,. • ~ , ~. .. , . ,: ' • ~~ . ~. ~~ ~ ~ . 4 • - i a "' - 103 .- - •- .• .. .. ~''his,~crge inte~rtionally left blank 104 ~ ,«:a March 9, 199S NEW HANOVER COUNTY a INTER-OFFICE TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager FROG`'[: Bruce.T. Shell ~-,--~, Finance Director ~ RE: State Bond Issue As you know, the voters of North Carolina approved a S 1.S billion Statewide School Bond Issue in November 1996. The State determined that New Hanover County was eligible for S20,34~,S~6, however, New Hanover County initially qualified for S I7,4~5,4G4. The passage of the local 512 million issue has increased the County matcf~ t}~ereby qualifying the County for the full 520,34~,S~G. The enclosed budget amendment enables us to increase our funding level for this capital project. The Board of Education has not determined ho~v these additional funds will be spent. I will keep you informed as more is known. Please call if you should have questions. BTS/ct Enclosures cc: Julie Griffin, Deputy Finance Director Dottie Ray, Accounting Specialist t[ Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Mary Haze( Small, Board of Education i~F ~«~ ~ V~67~ ~ ~~~~ F ~~a~l T'fiis,page intentionally left blank ,. STn.T v ~, '- 3. J ~ ~`. ~~5 y •,~ -...~ North Carolina Department of Eiealth and Human Services Division of Women's and Children's Health 1330 St. Mary's Street • Post Office Box 29597 • Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-097 Courier 52-01-00 James B. Hunt Jr., Governor H. David Bruton, t`1.D., Secretary January 14, 1993 MEiytORANDUiyt ~~4 u Ann F. Wolfe, h1. D., iti1.P.H., Director TO: David Rice, Director New Hanover County Health Department a -~ FROiVi: Ann Wolfe, MD,~1~H, Director, Women's and Children's Health Division Dennis E. Williams. ~yAssistant Director for ~titedical Policy Jim Bernstein, Dirr' ~i r for Research and Development RE: MCC/CSC Mini-Grant Awards It is our pleasure to inform you that your agency has been selected as a recipient of a one time mini-grant award in the amount of S 1,000 to assist MCC/CSC families in obtaining their GED/High School Education. Funds will be distributed to your agency within the next month. Enclosed is an advance copy of a final year end report that will need to be completed at the conclusion of your project (no later than December 3 I , 1993). It asks you to describe your success in assisting families in obtaining their GED/High School Education with these funds Please note that the funds awarded to your agency cannot be given directly to families. Funds can be used as described in your proposal but must be paid directly to the vendors (i.e., day care, transportation service, etc.). Should you have any questions regarding implementation of your program, please contact Kelly Spangler, Asheville Regional Social Work Consultant, (704) 291-6761, ext. 317. Good luck with your program! cc: Betty McCorkle Kelly Spangler Linda Dodd Lynda Dixon ~~Do"cgLh~y~,Cilente'-~1,~ Judy Howe119~1~t~1~9~A ''~~~x~ >~ CI3T~3l~A E~clti~5` re ~9~V:~;~~~5~ ' Cl~t/Jp~~'~~~ North Caro/ina: Host ojthe 1999 Special Olympic World Summer Games ''. - ,. : s . w e . ... ~ 'BABY LOVE ADULT EDUCATION .. . - MINIGRANT APPLICATION . , . ~, I . : ,. .. AGENCY INFQRMAT[QN ~ ~• A.- A licantlA enc Name: w ! Y Ne anwer County Health ~elartment ~, B. Agency Address: 2029 South 1 T" Street 1IVlmington NC 28401 .. _~ ' ..~r C. . 'Agency Phone Number: 910-343-6500 , - . -~ , . 0. , , . County: - New Hanover ~' E. , Project Coordinator's Name and Phone Number. Betty Jo McCorkfe °~ , .,. ~ ~ 910-343-66§0 . r * . F • , # of AACC/CSC P ici s ~ • : art pant familie to Be Served:. A r xim I v r ~ j - ~ one veer -fourteen (Z4) MCC/CSC workers x aDprox 7 families /year ~ - °. G '. :Total.FUnding .Requested: - $1:000.00 . . • :: 1L PROJl;CT DESCRIPTION AND NEED ~ :. ~'Y A. i Describe barriers to adult high school.educafion (High Schdol .Diploma or GED) in ;. ~ .: .your county: ,~,, .. _ -Trans station es Po . _ ( penally at night when city. buses are riot available) ' ,~ ..Child Care.. ~ ... ` ~ .. . GED Costs. (exam fees) ~ ~ • .. ~. • B. Describe your proposed project and how these funds will be used: ~' 'I ,, . .' i - The MCClCSC GED Assistant Pro'ed will hef adults ursue their hi h scl ` ~ ~ ' NI • education without the barriers of transportation and child care ~ ` Funds will be used to.pay for child care which will allow adults to attend classes ~ i ' :estimate of approximately i4 day per school session ~ I .~.°' • °= estimate of approximately 2 days/week -total of 16 weeks ~ . , Funds will be used to pay for taxi and bus transportation to allow adults to attend classes . , `Funds wilF be used to pay_for GED exams .i .: f a. . . . _ ., e ~ .. i - ~,. , :: , '~ ., , ` • . ; . - - : . - -~. 1 MCC/CSC MINI-GRANT 1997-1998 YEAR END REPORT 1. How many MCC/CSC families received.assistance in working towards or obtaining their GED/High School education during the grant year? 2. How man MCC/CSC families succ fu Y ess Ily completed their GED/Htgh School education during the grant year? ~. Has your agency identified a way to continue the GED/High School education project beyond this first year? lJ 4. Plelase share any comments you have regarding the mini-grant project, the application process itself, or any other aspect of this project. ` 1 '12 f:\shatcl...\I indad\grantrpt.ye ~`'his,page intenlio~rally left blank r ers~i'~1~~~` ~~ ifa.t€~z A 1 ~ji ~ Y 7 1 ~ ~ e $ i ~}~ ~q / ~ ~~ V V~'II~F~ 114 ~~~~~ ~~~s V~ ~. t e r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/23/98 Budget Amendment Consent Item #: 16 Estimated Time: DEPARTMENT: Health DepartmenUAnimal Control/Jail Health BUDGET AMENDMENT #: 98-0138 ADJUSTMENT Animal Control: Dog and Cat Tags Jail Health: Contracted Services Departmental Supplies DEBIT CREDIT 575,000 556,000 519,000 C~UN3Y COIVIMISSI©N~?S APPROVED C/ REJECTED d REMOVED D POSTPONED G HEARD / Q ~~~~,A, DATE ~/~~~ EXPLANATION: To budget funds for the projected Jail Health budget deficit Due to overcrowding at the Jail, a 599,000 deficit is projected in the Jail Health budget. The budgeted funds for the jail population's medications and required medical services have been expended. Of the shortfall, S24,000 will be funded through the Health Department's available salary fun~.~ The remaining 575,000 will be funded by increasing the revenue estimate for the Animal Con o fees, which are projected to exceed the budgeted amount by 575,000, NOTE:. The County has an arrangement with New Hanover Regional Medical Center to accept the Medicaid rate for provided treatment. Without this arrangement, an additional $14,000 would be needed for treatment costs. APPROVAL STATUS: To be approved by Board Of Commissioners COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS• ~~~ ® ~~~~~~ C~ ~~931~ ~ ~i, . '.~ r . .r _ ~JYatb 116 ~