Agenda 1997 01-061 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 II '~1 AGENDA ~pNOVE/{ C~ G • ? ~ +~ ft• 7r %~~ P " ,...:.:. Po ~'~NORTHGp January 6, 1997 NEW HA1~10VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, Netiv Hanover County Coz~rthouse 2=l North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, [VC ROBERT G. GREER CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOARD 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 6:45 p.m. 1. Presentation of the Airlie Road/Wrightsville Sound Association 6:55 p.m. 2. Consideration and Adoption of Citizen Participation Plan 7:10 p.m. 3. Consideration of Approval to Apply for Section 5311 (formerly Section 18) funding grant for Human Services Transportation for FY 1997-98 7:15 p.m. 4. Consideration of Sale of Property Adjacent to the Department of Social Services 7:20 p.m. 5. Consideration of Resolution Requesting the N.C. General Assembly Amend the Laws Governing Annexation 7:25 p.m. 6. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 7:30 p.m. 7. Public Hearings: Item A: Rezoning -Request by J. Lewis for C. Harrell to rezone .81 acre at the southeast corner of Crowatan Road and US 117 to Conditional Use I-1 Light Industrial for a used car sales lot and office from R-20 Residential (Z-582, 11/96) PAGE NO. 1 5 21 29 73 31 ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES .. NO. - 7:40 p.m. Item B: Rezonine'- Request by Stuart Egerton, Attorney for 37 • - • ~ • CP&L to rezone 12.15 acres at the southeast corner of Eastwood _ Road and Military Cut-Off and north of Allen's Lane to O-I Office and Institution from R-15 Residential (Z-583, 12/96) 7:50 p.m. Item C: Special Use Permit Revision Request by United Cerebral ~ 43 Palsy Center of North Carolina, Inc. To construct a 1500 square foot addition to their existing building located at 500 Military Cut-off. The property is zoned R-15 Residential (5-324, 10/90: Revision 12/96) 8:00 p.m. Item D: Special Use Permit -Request by Bell South to•erect a 180 51 foot Monopole communications tower with support equipment at 6815 Gordon Road. (S-402, 12/96) - 8:20 p.m. Item E: Special Use Permit -Request by Jimmy Fowler to locate a 57 single wide mobile home at 5221 Castle Hayne Road on property zoned RA Rural Agriculture. (S-403, 1/97) 8:35 p.m. Item F: Special Use Permit -Request by Charles Harrell to locate 61 2 single wide mobile homes at 405 Madeline Trask Drive on property zoned I-1 Light Industrial{5-404, .1/97) ~ • 8:55 p.m. Item G: Zoning and Subdivision Text Amendments -Recommendation 65 by the Planning Board to revise the drainage requirements and standards for new residential development (A-276, 12/96) 9:15 p.m. ADJOURN ADDITIONAL ITEMS: .. . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER . ' . .•. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM,RNEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 3ANUARY 6,1997 ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit. three minutes) 73 2. Approval of Minutes 75 3. Approval of change order -contract #97-0383 Hidden Lakes 77 Mobile Home Park and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0097 ADJOURN -' _. ., ~ ~ . CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiVIMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes ~ ,. 2. Acceptance of donation of greenhouse by the Arboretum Foundation and authorization for Chairman to execute required documents and approval of associated budget amendment #97-009 .. . 3. Adoption of resolution adding the following road to the state highway system: Peters Spring Road 4. Ratification of appointment of Mr. Wayne Hartsell, Sr. as alternate member of the Carolina Beach Board of Adjustment for an unexpired term 5. Award of Bid 397-0244 and approval of contract #97-0244 for a pumper tanker truck for the 421 Fire Station 6. Adoption of resolution "Stop Tobacco Sales to Minors in North Carolina" 7. Downtown Wilmington Planning Effort 20/20 Vision and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #97-004. With approval of this Budget Amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $223,471 8. Approval of Budget Amendment: A. #97-18 to increase budget for additional revenue received 12/5/97 and 12/10/96. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary PAGE NO. 85 87 91 95 97 101 107 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: 1 • Consent Item tt: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: . Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: ~ ~ • Presentation by the Airlie Road and Wrightsville Sound Association BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The Association wishes to present to the Board their concern regarding water runoff and the Landfall retention pond and its effect upon Allen's Lane and Airlie Road. Dr. Anne Russell will present excerpts of a video. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOtJESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: + Y REViEWF,n RYA LGL: FiN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• I advised Nan Graham that the Board of Commissioners were aware of the concerns by this group and others and that steps were being taken to address problems. Both Ms. Graham and Dr. Russell still expressed strong requests to.appear before the Board. No action required. No recommendations. This group was • scheduled to appear at the November 6, 1996 meeting, but asked to be reschedul d for January 6, 1997. COUNTY COMMISSIO~IE . d t~nne~ `V ~ Q~SEA.J7"~ REJECT~~3 p REMOVEfg ~ ~ POSTPQW ~ Refer to OBice Vision B~ullctin Board for Disposition DATA -.~.'-I-~ 9 7 ~ u ~/ /! / / . ~.:.. .A . . ... / ~ w ' n_J/i'~ / / A U . _ C_ eke.u~ , _ ~~ - .F. U - ~ /ate ~_ __ _~'2~-~~2- <~~ . ` . _ G'~ (° -- -- --- - -- _. ._. _ .. _ . .. ~ :r_ .. a ~ ~ . . .. _ . .+e ^ ~nne ~usse~~ p~~ 6a2 Bradley Creek Point Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (910) 256-2387 October 22, 1996 Allen O'Neal, Mana er 9 New Hanover County ~ . 4th & Chestnut Streets " • •VVilmington, NC 2840:! Dear Mr. O'Neal: Please include in your agenda for the next meeting of the county commissioners, to be held. on November 6, a presentation from the Wrightsville Sound Association on the matter of~;a_crctical need fora countyr~gulation concerning water runoff. Specifically, the Wrightsville Sound Association will be dealing with the problems with the Landfall retention pond, recently in the news,. and with a retention pond at Airlie Place which has been pumped and dumped upon Allen's Lane and Airlie Road almost on a daily basis. Both situations have caused damage and hazard to property and to people. We would like to show excerpts from a video made by local historian Dr. Anne Russell which demonstrates the Airlie Road problem, and we will make the entire (45 minute) video available to the commissioners should they wish to view it at a later date. Dr. Russell will speak on behalf of the . Association, and we would estimate a total of ten minutes for our presentation. . The absence of a county regulation controlling water runoff allows property owners and developers to create water damage and hazard. The recent hurricanes (Bertha and Fran) brought to the forefront the drainage problems created by the massive amount of development in the county in recent years. County regulations must be updated to deal with .this situation. Thank you for your attention to this matter for the November 6 agenda. Sincerely, Anne Russell, member Wrightsville Sound Association 3 Tli~s page intentionally left blank . ... ~- .. ~ ~ ., - . ~, :. ;. .. ,. ... 4 ~ _ w. 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Zegular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Consideration and adoption of the Citizen Participation Plan for the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Citizen Participation Plan outlines the elements of the public participation process and the estimated schedule for the Wilmington/ New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update. Its purpose is to insure that a variety of educational efforts and participation techniques are used to seek out and incorporate all segments of the community in the formulation and development of the Land Use Plan Update. The County and City Planning Departments will be responsible for the administration of the planning process and will serve as the primary contact agencies for the Land Use Plan Update. The attached Citizen Participation Plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the N.C. Coastal Management Program Land Use Planning Guidelines. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• rvtv~iwU SOURCE: Federal S: State 5: County $: User Fees S: Money Is In Current Budget: Mew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: Other S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Approve P i . .. COUiVTI~ COMMISSIQNE • APPROVED ~" REJECTED ® ~• REN{OOIED POSTPON DATE -/ -~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 5 }7: ! z Wllmlrr~ton-New Hanover County ~~ ~` ~~, ,~ ' " ~ ~ ~'L.~`and Use Plan Update _' ri~c:~ ~~ u V ti ~ 4, R ~~ 1- IIaQ a r ~ ~ F YY l 4~. 6 ~NN~ iC a }f ~ wF~ ...l~~~nnn' 1 Citizen Participation Plan I. Introduction r-~,,~~ ~~ w; ~'~ ,, Public participation is an important part of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update. It is intended to provide citizens with the opportunity to be an integral part of the process of planning for our community's future. ~ The public participation process helps to identify and define issues of importance to the community, and to prioritize the relative importance o1'these issues. Continued public involvement is also critical in building community consensus and helping to ensure effective implementation of chosen policies. The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are committed to ensuring that all economic, social, ethnic, and cultural viewpoints are represented in the public participation process. The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Planning Departments will be responsible for the administration of the planning process for the Land Use Plan Update and will serve as the primary contact agencies. II. Public Participation Process The following outlines the elements of the public participation process and estimated schedule for the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update A. Informational Brochure An informational brochure will be prepared to explain the purpose of the Wilmington- New Hanover Land Use Plan Update and the requirements of the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA) to provide for the protection, preservation, orderly development, and management of the coastal area of North Carolina. B. City "iVlessage" & County "Planning News" An article will be written for publication in the City Message and the County Planning News explaining the purpose of the Land Use Plan Update, the various opportunities for 1 public involvement, and contact persons for the City and County. The City Message is mailed to all property owners that receive a water bill and the County Planning News is mailed to persons that have expressed an interest in planning issues or requested to be on the mailing list. Each of these publications provides an excellent means of conveying information to the public on the planning process. C. Graphic Displays Portable graphic displays will be produced to provide mapped and other relevant information on the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update for display at various public meetings and at public areas such as the New Hano"ver County Library, Senior Center, City and County offices, and others. ' ~D. iVlemorandum to DepartmentslBoards/Commission ~ ' ' A memorandum will be distributed to all City and County board and commission members, and to all departments. Appointed board and commission members repi-esent an existing body of concerned citizens already involved in an active role with the City and `County. Their experience will help to disseminate information throughout the community and encourage others involvement. City and County departments will also assist iri providing information to the public. _ , E. iVledia Coverage ~a All radio and television stations will be contacted through news releases regarding the various public forums that will be available for citizen participation du_ ring~the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use. Plan Update. These will include Land Use Issues Week, Land Use Plan Week, and numerous public meetings with the Steering ~ ' Committee, Planning Board and. Commission, and the Board of Commissioners and City Council. F. Citizen i\Iailing List The City and County Planning Departments will keep a mailing list with the names and addresses of all citizens that inquire about or express an interest in the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update. They will be provided with notices of public meetings and other information. . G. Presentations to Citizen Groups ~, v ~~ , The City and County Planning Departments will inform local citizen and civic jroups that staff are available to make presentations,.on the. Wilmington-New Hanoyer.County Land Use Plan Update at their meetings. H. Steering Committee h'Ieetings .. ,. ~'~ The Wilmington-New Hanover County Ad Hoc Committee on Urban Planning. & Growth was appointed by the City Council and Board of.Commissioners to serve as, the Steering Committee for the Land Use Plan. Update. The ~Steer.in~ Committee ~is comprised of elected officials, Planning Board/Commission.chahmen, and- business,. neighborhood' 8~ .. .. 1 i minority, school, and environmental representatives. The Committee will. meet on a regular monthly basis and additionally as needed throughout the course of development of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update. The Committee will seek out and incorporate a broad cross section of community input in the formulation and development of the Land Use Plan Policies, through the use of subcommittees, public forums and. meetings, and other means of public outreach. I. Public Opinion Survey A public opinion survey of registered voters will be conducted to help identify issues of importance to the community. This information will be used in the development of policies for the Land Use Plan Update. A telephone or mailed survey will be used. J. Presentation of Technical Studies A series of technical background studies will be conducted to provide information that will be needed in the formulation of draft Land Use Plan Policies. These will include a Summary of Plans/Policies/Regulations, Implementation Evaluation, Environmental Resources & Constraints, Existing Land Use, Population, Economy, Future Land Use Needs, Fiscal Impacts, Hurricane Mitigation, and others. These studies will be presented to the Steering Committee and Elected Officials, and made available to the public for review and comment. K. Land Use Issues Week The Steering Committee and the City and County Planning Departments will conduct a series of public meetings for Land Use Issues Week to solicit public input for the Land Use Plan Update. This will consist of a televised public forum in the City Council chambers and other public meetings held throughout the county. All meetings will be advertised and press releases will be distributed to newspapers, radio and television stations, citizen groups and other interested parties. . L. Land Use Plan Week The Steering Committee and the City and County Planning Departments will conduct a series of public meetings for Land Use Plan Week to solicit public input on the draft Land Use Plan Update. A format similar to that used for Land Use Issues Week will be followed... M. Public Hearings Formal public hearings on the draft Wilmington-New Hanover County Land Use Plan Update will be held before the County Planning Board, City Planning Commission, Board of Commissioners, and City Council. These hearings may be held jointly by the City and County. III: ~ ~ Public Participation Schedule The following schedule provides the approximate;dates of citizen. participation activities U for the Wilrnin~ton-New Hanover County Land ;Use Plan ;Update. ~ ~ . - ~ ". Activity Date A. Initial Public Hearings ~ ~ " A j-~. .. ~. Board of Com rnissioners .:....., ....................................__.....January, 1997 . .t , " City Council ..............:...........:......................:....:..::......,....J,anuary, 1997, B. Public Opinion Survey ..: ............................~.............................April, 1997 C. Land Use Issues Week .................:..........................................IV1ay, 1997 '~ ,. ~~ .. D. ` Land Use Plan Week .:.....: ....:...::...: ~ ' ~ ' .: ' .:'::..... ...October, 1997 J E: Land Use Plari Public Hearings ~ ` " ~ ` r. .. ' ~ City'Planning Commission....:.....:...:.....:... ~ ... ..November, 1997 County Planning Board ...................................................... November, 1997 Board of Commissioners ....................................................December, 1997 City Council ................................:......................................December, 1997 ,. " ... " :... F. "Technical Studies ....:.:..............:.~....:..:....:..:~:......................:...`...On-going 1996-97 The. public input process will be continuous as studies are prepared . and'presented f rom the end" of 1996, "and throughout 1'997. `' _.. G. Steering Committee .................:.`.~.:....:....:.......:..::....................On-going 1997 The Steering Committee for the Land Use Plan Update will meet monthly, and additionally as needed, throughout 1997. The'Committee ' will seek out and incorporate a broad cross section of community input in the formulation and development of the Land Use Plan Policies. .. _1° 10 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: ~3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Service Transportation Presenter: Tom Townsend Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact:. Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Request Board approval to apply for Section 5311 (formerly Section 18) funding grant for FY 1997-98 BRIEF SUMMARY: Request Board of County Commissioners approve application for Section 5311 grant funding for FY 1997-98. The application, totaling $93,105 represents a request for $56,250 in administration funds to support the administrative cost of providing services, and $36,855 for alift-equipped van and two (2) mobile radios. Grant funding sources and required match amounts are: $60,066 in Federal funds; $14,714 in State funds; and $18,325 in local matching funds. The FY 1997-98 funding request is twenty-four percent less than that approved for FY 1996-97. The system is purchasing one (1) van this year rather than two (2). The current Transportation Development Plan (TDP) was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on January 3, 1995. This system provides coordinated transportation services to elderly and disabled cotuity residents, and human service agency clients. RECOMMENDED MOT>(ON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve application for Section 5311 funding for FY 1997=98. (Note: Figures recorded under "funding sources are 1997-98 figures.) - LFederal S: 60,066 State S: 14,714 Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: 18,325 User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: ~c,vi~vv~u tsx• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• .Approve application for grant funding and resolution. C06~~~~ ~flP~MiSSIONEi~i . fiPPR~3VED C~~ _ . Fi~3FCTED . C3 REMOVED ~ POSTPONED) DATE - - 7 ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~d FY97-98 _ : APPENDIX A RESOLUTION - ~ - ~ ~ -Applicant Seeking Permission To Apply For Section 5311 Funding, 'Enter Into Agreement With The North Carolina Department of Transportafiori ~ ' _ ~. ~ . And To Provide The Necessary Assurances.: _ ~ ~ . - Amotion-was-made by (Board Mcmba's Namq • • ~ ' _ ._ __ •. .. and seconded by, (Board Mrnr6a's Name) ~ _ for the adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put~to a vote~was duly adopted. ' WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has received a grant from the US Department of Transportation authorized by Section. 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as ry `amended, to provide assistance for rural public transpoi•tationAprojects; and ~' . . ~. ~ _ ~ • ~, WHEREAS, the purpose of these~fran3portation..funds is-to provide grant monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transportation services; and ,i .. .. .' , ' ` WHEREAS,~Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Caroli'na' Geneial Statutes and~the Governor of North Carolina have designated the North Carolina' Department of Transportatior (NCDOT) as the agency responsible for administering funds received through Section..5311 of the Federal Transit Act . of 1991; and . . ~ , _ ,y ._ ' , WHEREAS, (Applicant'sNamc) New Hanover County I• ,hereby assures and certifies that it will comply with the Federal Statutes, regulations, executive orders, the Special Section 5311(f) Warranty, and.all administrative requirements which relate to the applications made to and grants received from the Federal Transit, as well as the provisions of Section 1001 of.Title 18, U. S. C. ~ • ~.- NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the (Aut>torizcdo(ficiai•srrlc)' Robert G. Greer of(Namco~LocalGovcmingBaard) New Hanover County Board of Commissioners --°-is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for funding under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, make the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation services. =I (Ctrti(yingorj5ciarsName)' ~ Allen 0' Neal ~ ~ ~-° - °~ -(rug) County M'anaQer do hereby certify that the above is a true and coriect copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the (Namco~LocalGovmiingBoard) ~ NPw HannvPr.:,Crninfi~ Rnarr3 of C'nmmi~ssi nnQrs _duly.held on the F t-hday of.7a n , 19~ _ _ .. ,. .._. r ~.. _ .. - . - SignaRuc o(Ccm~yi~g 0(j5cial U l~'amc o~Loca! Govtming Board Subscribed and sworn to me.(daa) .~+f3~ 3s'i rxti.~.sm ~a .sn..e d r ~'+.~,.. Notaiy~%'ufil~c~ r:P x~k ~ U :,. Address ~ ~ ~~ ~"?~ L k ~~ ./Elf ~M1 ..,~il'p My , 1SSlon eXplCeS (date) ; 4~-",.mck. .a...>.:-tom a ~':~ ~:. 'Note fha! tAr o~cia! authorized to submit the Brant application, certifying a~ciat, and notary public Should be [hrce (3) separate individuals. r .. .... ~ . FY97-98 APPENDIX G . - . -PROJECT BUDGET •~ .. . z. r - ~ ' ' Note: , _ Any questions regarding the project budget ones should be directed to the Public Transportation Division's Financial - ~ . Management Unit. - ~ e f ~ 13 ~ ` APPENDIX G ...__ - _ FY 97 -. 9.8 ... . _...... . Section 5311 Administrative Funding Levels ~ FY 97-98 Federal FY 97-98 State SYSTEM Section 5311 Admin. Section 5311 Admin. AVERY 565,830 514,106 ALAMANCE 541,584 58,910 ANSON 552,206 511,1 B7 APPALCART 5142,615 530,560 BLADEN 562,670 513,429 BUNCOMBE 553,827 511,534 CARTS 557,970 S12,422 LFE 537,459 58,026 ' DAVIOSON ~ 553,410 511,445 GUILFORD ~ 534,035,. 57,293 HAYWOOD 539,923 58,554 JACKSON ~ 539,317 58,425 KARTS • 5107,990 523,140 LUMBERTON 516,331 53,928 MADISON 552,985 511,353 MECKLENBURG 285,503 516,322 MITCHELL 551,609 511,059 MOORE 539,404 58,443 NEW HANOVER ~ 234,268 ' ' 57,343 ORANGE ~ 572,808 515,601 POLK , 543,342 59,287 SALISBURY ~ 568,332 514,642 STANLY 270,004 515,000 TRANSYLVANIA 54b,660 59,998 HENDERSON 547,857 510,255 WILKES 545,013 S9,645 WILSON (City oij 5125,484 ~ ` • 526,889 YANCEY '`' ~ S56;644. ~' ~ S12,138 YVEDDI S183,215 ~ ~ `539,260 CPTA S124,966 526,778 (CPTA 5109,059 523,369 . GRAND TOTALS ~ 52,064,320 5442,339 14 Noce: FY 97-98 bderal and state ~X7 levels reQaaon(muini+n partiripr'.ion d 7QX (edersi rd 15X tale. k'>Qeaaes in tl+e adrni~irative lx,a~et ~b tt» .pv~wea cdal a~0ei ..iil W prw+ded x, local Mds. ~~ ~ ;APPENDIX G FY 97 - 98 Section 5311 Operating Funding Levels rant 7- a era 7-9 fate ecipient ect~on Aerating ectton Aerating APPALCART 589,511 SO LUMBERTON 54,878 SO SALISBURY 581,390 50 WILSON (City of) S112,332 SO GRAND TOTALS 5288,111 SO 15 Rev. 11/7/96 u .. APPENDIX G NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - `-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION- ~_. -- - ~ - fY 98~ SECTION 5311 PROGRAM ~ ' _ _ _ _. ... PROJECT -BUDGET SUMMARY . - - .: Project Sponsor- - -New Hanover -County- I. Total Project Expenditures ~ ~ - ' Administration (from page 7, line (2)) $ 5 6,2 5 0 Operating (from page 10', line (3)) ~ o Capital (from page 13, line (6) $ 36,s55 ~~ II. Funding _~ .TOTAL SECTION 18 STATE LOCAL (100A) (61Q) ,;h 3A) (2~) ADMINISTRATION g ~ 5 g ~ LJ (pg.I.In.Z) (345 261) (345 361) (345 371) . TOTAL SECTION 18 STATE LOCAL (100) ( ~) (-0-) ( ~) OPERATING $ o ~ 0 5 o g o (pg.l0.ln.3) (3452 262) ~ (pg.l0.ln.5) (pg.l0.ln.4) TOTAL SECTION 18 STATE LOCAL (100A) (70~) {20~) (10~) CAPITAL $ ~ ~ ,~ S S ~~~.8 ~ g U (pg.l3.ln.6) (3452 263) (345 363) (34 2 373) 1 ~ TOTAL $ 9 ~ , 1 o s 6 r~ , ~ ~ 6 ~ 1 a , ~ ~ a g1~2~.. -1- CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES FOR SFY 1997-98 ~; Name of Applicant: NPw H~nnvPr C'~>>nt 4 ~ Name of Authorized Representative: Robert G. Greer Relationship,Ttle of Authorized Representative: rl,a ~ ,-man Rnarr3 ~f County Commissioners BY ENDORSING THIS SIGNATURE PAGE, Robert G . Greer (name) declares that he or she is duly authorized by the Applicant to make the certifications and assurances on behalf of the Applicant and bind the Applicant to comply with them. Thus, when its authorized representative signs this document, the Applicant agrees to comply with all Federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and administrative guidance required for any North Carolina Department of~Transportation (NCDOT) statewide Section 5311 application in which its projects are included and submitted to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) during Federal Fiscal Year 1997. FTA and NCDOT intend that the certifications and assurances the Applicant selects on this form, as representative of the certifications and assurances in Appendix A, should apply, as required, to each project for which the Applicant seeks FTA assistance through NCDOT now, or may later, seek FTA assistance through NCDOT during federal fiscal year 1997. The Applicant affirms the tnrthfulness and accuracy of the certifications and assurances it has made in the statements submitted herein with this document and any other submission made to NCDOT for inclusion in a submission to FTA, and acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, 31 U. S. C. 3801 gt se°., as implemented by USDOT regulations,."Program Fraud Civil Remedies," 49 CFR Part 31 apply to any certification, assurance or submission. made to FTA. The criminal fraud provisions of 18 U. S. C. 1001 apply to any certification, assurance, or submission made in connection with the FTA formula assistance program for urbanized areas, and may apply to any other certification, assurance, or submission made in connection with any program administered by FTA. In signing this document, I declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing certifications and assurances, and any other statements made by me on behalf of the Applicant are true and - correct. Date: t Authorized Representative of Applicant 17 . ~ ~ ~ / . _ AFFIRMATION OF APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY. for New Hanover County (Name of Applicant) As the undersigned legal counsel for the above named Applicant.hereby. laffirm that the Applicant has authority under state and local law to make and comply with the certifications and assurances as indicated on the foregoing pages. I further affirm that, in, my opinion, the certifications and assurances have been legally made and constitute legal and binding obligations on the Applicant. I further affirm that, to' the best of my knowledge, there is no legislation or litigation periling or threatened that might adversely.affectthe validity of these certifications and assurances, or of the performance of the project. Furthermore., if I become aware:of circumstances that. change the accuracy of the foregoing statements, I will notify the Applicant, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and FTA.. ... : Date: Jan _ F+ 1 997 .. Applicant's Attorney k . t ~ ~ 1. r. ~* _ - _ .. • t ., ' .. .. ~. _' 1- i 1 .. '..i' _ t 1 /13/96 . u:ftacertl.doc ~ .. _ r ' r ~i • ~ i 18~ 3 t r FY97-98 APPENDIX L CERTIFICATION OF EQUIVALENT SERVICE The (Name ofAgeitry) IVew Hanover County -hereby assures and certifies that its demand responsive service offered to individuals with disabilities, including individuals who use wheelchairs, is.equivalent to the level and quality of service offered to individuals without disabilities. Such service, when viewed in its entirety, is provided in the most integrated setting feasible and is equivalent with respect to: (1). Response time (2) Fares (3) Geographic service area (4) Hours and days of service (S) Restrictions on trip purpose (6) Availability of information and reservation capability (7) Constraints on capacity or service availability In accordance with 49 CFR 37.77, public entities operating demand responsive systems for the general public which receive financial assistance under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act must file this certification with the appropriate state program office~before procuring any inaccessible vehicle. Such public entities receiving FTA funds under any other section of the Federal Transit Act ~` must file the certification with the appropriate FTA regional office. This certification is valid for no longer than one year from its'date of filing. ;. Name ofAuthorizcd Off~ciai I~~ i, ~ i~ Signature Chairman, Bd. of County Ticie Commissioners ' Datc 19 ~ ~. t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Social Services ~ Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: AAtkinson SUBJECT: Consideration of sale of property adjacent to the Department of Social Services DRIEF SUMMARY: The City closed Primrose Street, a street adjacent to the County's DSS facility. By closing the street, the County received a tract of land measuring 33 x 330. Russell Gay, the property owner to the south, has made an: offer to purchase the property from the County for $19,500 and pay all costs associated with the sale. After discussing the offer with Jim Bethune, Appraiser Supervisor, in the Tax Office, it was decided to recommend acceptance of the offer. This item was discussed at the December 16, 1996 meeting. The Board requested staff determine whether the property could be used for future parking spaces by DSS. It has been determined that the property would accommodate future adjacent parking as outlined by the Planning Director in the attached memorandum. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Board consider sales offer by Russell Gay in the amount of $19,500. If the Board does not desire to sell the property, there may be an opportunity to investigate joint development with the adjacent property owner. If the Board chooses not to sell the space, but develop for parking - 17 spaces could be developed at a cost of approximately $18,000. r uivuu~u ~~utcc:t/: Federal $: State S: County S Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: User Fees S: Other S: New Appropriation Request: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR:APP AMALLETTE NTY MANA R' M N .AND RE 'VIME DATI ~t Consider sales offer for $19,500. }~~~ Cpiv~~11SS10N ~„~`~tit~L~ L7' i'.. ~~ ~TE® ~ ~~ ~w~,~~lr~ ~ '~ 21 . POSTPONE [~! DATE / -~' ~-`~~~~~".. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition :~` JO tiff t4.dG ~.~'P`r~f i r1 ~ ~!~ in~ , Atkinson, Andy ~ U From:` Hayes, De:der .., 1 Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 1996 10:37 AM 1 To: Atkinson, Andy ' Cc: _ ._. -- Weaver, David . _. _.• _ ._. ':` - . '~ - Subject: DSS Facility Parking , - . I'm returning you the site plan showing the parking revisions that maybe possible within the old Primrose St. WW. There is enough land to add another row of parking by providing a one-way access along the perimeter with about five feet of buffer and landscaping remaining. .:..The. revised parking arrangements would result in a net gain of 17 spaces at'an appro~amate .costs of 518,000 for ., paving and curbing improvements. ,, . A 2" inch gas line in the old F2/1lVwould not conflict,with the-added paving.. ~ , ' ~ The City~as a condition of the street closure required that any improvements made in the old R/V1/ include the. 'installation of curbing-along the~l6th & 17th St. WWs, this should be made part of our~sale agreement if we elect not to t ~ ~ - . eland DSS parking. + .. _ .~ .~ . . ~ ~- One other,possible alternative would be to jointly modify the design of both parking lotsiso that each of us would benefit. - ,. - . - . _ _ .` - e c ~ ~ _ . ~, ~. _ .. . , _,_ .. .U __ _ ~~~. ,~ , ~~ ~~_~, _ ~.-~~. A 22 °-' ~ :j~ ' t t'; x/44: "t~~w. ....~~,;~;,_;~_ _~~ ~'~.~ Page 1 t. t t t . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 12/16!96 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 2 department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUB CT: Sale of Surplus County Property BRIEF SUMMARY: The City closed Primrose St, a street adjacent to the County's DSS facility. By closing the street, the County received a tract of land measuring 33 x 330. Russell Gay has made an offer to purchase the property from the County for $19,500 and pay all costs associated with the sale. After discussing the offer with Jim Bethune in the Tax Office, it was decided to recommend acceptance of the,offer. ~E_COMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the County accept the offer from Russell Gay to purchase a parcel of land from the closing of Primrose Street in the amount of $19,500, and as part of the purchase price pay for any and all associated costs. The County staff is directed to dispose of said tract through the negotiated offer, advertisement, and upset bid procedure as stipulated in GS 160A-269. Recommend approval of attached resolution. k~UNUINU SUUKCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: !Yew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LLGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S See recommendation above. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED i3~~ REJECTED t~ REMOVED p~ POSTPONED p DATE .~ i~. (a ~ 4 to ~~~ F~l:Zcd cr 'RESOLUTION _ _ OF THE _ _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - . OF NEW I3ANOVER COUNTY - WHEREAS, New Hanover County has a tract of land that reverted to the County upon the closure of Primrose Street measuring thirty-three (33) feet wide by three hundred thirty (330) feet deep; i '. AND WHEREAS, the County has received an offer.from W. Russell Gay to purchase this tract of land for the sum of Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred ($19,500.00) Dollars with any and all costs.' related to the sale to be borne by the purchaser; _ ' "' " ~~ ^ AND WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the proposal and recommends the offer be accepted as the beginning price for the negotiated offer, advertisement, and upset bid procedure as outlined in G.S. 160A-269; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that staff is directed to dispose of said tract of land through the negotiated offer, advertisement, and upset bid procedure as stipulated in G.S: 160A-269 and .that the proposal received from W.,Russell Gay in the amount of Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred (519,500.00) Dollars is accepted as the beginning price, and that staff is directed to. utilize the upset bid procedure until no `further qualifying upset-bids are received, at which time the last qualifying bid will be accepted. This 16th day of December, 1996. (SEAL) ~: ' ed ffer Advertisement and U set Bid Procedure Negotiat O p ~; ^ Negotiated Offer Negotiated offer is secured Board proposes to accept offer 5% bid deposit required ~_ • ^ Advertisement Procedure Notice of the offer is published including: ~, General description of the property The amount and terms of the offer Notice that the bid may be raised within 10 days by not less than: 10% of the first ~ 1,000 originally bid, plus 5% of the remainder of the original bid If a uali in u set bid including 5% bid deposit) is received within ten days after q fY g P ~ advertisement the advertising process begins again and continues until no qualifying upset bids are received. ^ When a ten day period elapses from, the date of advertisement with no qualifying upset bids . being received, the property is sold to the highest bidder. ,~ The Board of Coi~u~:issioners Wray at any time reject and all offers. 25 Dec-13-96 10:04A 1 \ L' 1' ~' i1t11 ~ ~ ~ 1'1~ 1. V ~~ i OFFICE OF THL COUI~ITY ATTORNEY 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 309 - ` . . W1LtvffNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-ao95 N 7ELP.PNONE (-10} 3~1-7133 wnNDn M..COi7-zY F.IX (910) ~~1-170 CoaatyAuazaty - _ . Kv~tr r. altvsrnV A.aUlerd Cacrty nuarary nr~nnc~rw.oi.az-c j}~cmbcr 12, 1996 ~ <'' n..:.~..,~ c«,acy nso~y Mr. David E. Hufl'ine, P.A. Vix F~csimila 202 North Thud Street P.O. Box 2154 ~ _ Wilmington, North Carolina?.8402-2154 ' .,~ RE: Lcttu of Agreement, Offer to Purcliasc Propcrty/W_ Russell t3ay _~ °. Dear Mr. Huffinc: ,: ~ _. c' 3his'tcttcr confrnis our conversation today.inwhichyau are to secure the additicmal deposit necessary for the rtxcrtt offer of Nincuxn 1~ousand Fivc Hundred Dollars (519,500.00). Please also Holt that the Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (519,500.00) must be net w the County, with your client paying, all a~sQOCiated closing, costs such as rcvtnuc stamps and non- warranry decd preparation. The Ncw Hanovcz' County. Commissioners will consid.ct your offrr at the December 16, 1996 day meeting. picasc_ contact me should you have any questions oz comrncnts. Please sign and return thi9 letter of agreement as soon as possible: ~ ~ ~- r~ Aek wledged and Co e o: David E. Huffine, n for Buyer KPB1kc 2 ~-~ IO 'd OLTtiI6~0t6 '4~{ XH3 Sincerely, Kemp P. Burpca,u A9sistant County Attorney P.Ol 1,11 ~1N(t0~ }~ EI:L{ l1Hl 96-Z1-~34 ~3~ ~t .~° 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE December 13, 1996 TO: Andy Atkinson Deputy County Manager - FROM: Jim Bethu Appraisal ervisor ~ - SUBJECT: 33' X 330' Part of Social Services x.29 Acre Site Formerly Northern Portion of Closed Street I understand that the county has received an offer to purchase the above property for $19,00. It is my opinion that the county might strongly consider the acceptance of this offer for the following reasons. _ -The property currently has value to the proposed buyer to enlarge his site. Once the development of the adjacent property is completed value to this buyer would diminish. - I understand that Social Services considers the property to be surplus land and has no interest in investing additional money to expand their parking lot or to use the land for other purpose. - By selling the land it would go from exempt to taxable. Additionally the landscaping by the buyer would beatify or enhance the general appearance to the Social Services property. - Once the adjacent property is developed, the size and shape of this property would limit, the type of improvements and use and, therefore, the number of potential buyers and ultimately the value would diminish. ~ - 27 ~ -~1, .~ 1 i ~~ i LN .~.. 2~1s H1N3~1~1~ ~ _ o ~ -~_J-- :133 00~.' is ----- -~ ~~ ~- t _ - ~ ~, ~ _ ~ _ 1 _ _ - _._- - --- fi _ ~ - 1 _ ~- _ ;1 ~ -- - I ~- __ _- N r --- ___ I 1 _ _ - ~-- -- -- ~ ~ I - W -~ 1 _ `. \ - ~ I `. -~ - -' W ~ I w I - --- L~ -. _--- ° -~-U _ I ~ - I I -_ _~ _- f cn. , .~ 1~ ~ _ __-{ ~ ~ `~ -- 1 I ~ '8d ~~----- ~ ~, ohs _ _ I .~ I ~~ _.~ _-_ _ _ . ~ _ L -- - 1 ~. ~ XIS N1N331. 1 I _ _ ~ ~y N. i N . I I___-- _ - -, m ~ ~ -_-- -_-- I _ w I I .-- L.1 ., ~ - 991 = ~~1 ~:.~ _ ---~ ~ ~ -~ ~~ -' i --` -.~ _ _ - -~-- - ~ ~ - -1 -, _. - U 1~ 1 V o cQ'n I `__-_---1 -_ _- -t- ~ I 1`' ~~,. --_ I -. 1 ~' 1 ~, ~. ~` \. ~ °__ -~----__v N1c1~3 I1 - - 1 ~. . ~ ~7 °, ~.. 11'LL8 ~ .. ~. .- ~ . 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: O1/Ob/97 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution Requesting the North Carolina General Assembly Amend the Laws Governing Annexation ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: At the December 16, 1996 meeting, the boazd requested a resolution requesting the North Carolina General Assembly amend the laws governing annexation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Consider the attached resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre- ared: LGL: Consider Resolution FIN: ~r BUD: HR: `11V11V1k.P11J AiVll KN.l.V1V11y1L' iVllA11V1yJ: COUN~t COMN6~~QN APPROVE #~'.~ . R€JEGT£D i~ .: REMOVECa 'C3 PosTPO~:~ ~ r 7 2 9~ . ®AT~ ~ .___~._T..y. Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ' RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONTMISSIONERS WHEREAS, .the laws governing annexation were developed in the 1950's;~and, WHEREAS, in the past the laws have served the citizens of North Carolina well. However, North Carolina is a rapidly growing state and some North Carolina - ' ~ counties have over the years been required to-provide many-urban and municipal services; and ~ ~ ~ - WHEREAS, rapid development and changing citizen expectations have brought about a need to amend the annexation laws of the State of North Carolina NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners request the North Carolina General Assembly amend the annexation laws to reflect the current needs of the North Carolina citizens. >.. - {SEAL} New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~° Lucie-~F: Harrell, Clerk to the Board - ~ -- .-w. f ~ .,~. -. ~'f. J 1r =« ti~ t .411 >~11~ L. { ~ 9 f~~v ~, ~ ~ t t t 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: 01/06/96 Regular Item #: 7A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: - Rezoning (Z-582, 11/96 - BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by J: Lewis for C. Harrell to rezone .81 acre at the southest comer of Crowatan Road and U.S. 117 to Conditional Use I-1 Light Industrial for a used car sales lot and office from R-20 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval with additional conditions. - k•UNUING SVUIZCE: - E - Federal S: State S: '" County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: - New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ° ~GL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: ~ BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~GOUNT~ C4t~~l~lQ . _ APPR®VED ~r ,.. . R~JECTEt? t3 ~;~ Pt}StF©~t ,, Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition Item A Case: X582, 11/96; G.-Lewis for Charles Harrell Request: R-20 to Conditional Use I=1,~Used Car Sales and Support Office ' . Acreage .81 acre _ ~ • Location: Southeast corner of Castle Hayne Road and Crowatan Road Planning Board Summary The Board voted 5'to 0 to recommend approval of the applicant's petition. subject to the site, plan as submitted a'rid the additional following conditions: -Night lighting be installed so~that it doesn't shine onto adjacent properties. -Remove all illegal signs on the property -Limit access to Crowatan Road (no driveways to Castle Hayne Road) -Display area for cars can be grassed, graveled or paved at owner's discretiori. Board discussion focused on required setbacks and buffering and how best to protect an adjoining residential structure and church. There was no opposition..• ` - ~ _ .. • :' .~~ .. ' Planning Staff Summary The subject parcel was petitioned for rezoning to I-1 in September 1995. Staffrecommended approval, but following the public hearing the Planning Board recommended denial. After another hearing in November 1996 on the matter, the Planning Board voted to table the petition . The Board determined that general use rezoning at this location would not be appropriate, but felt that development of the site subject to conditional use rezoning plan might be the better approach The subject.parcel was once a part of a larger group of properties owned by Armstrong . Developers. ,The majority of the Armstrong~properties located east of the subject parcel, make up most of the undeveloped land in the Northside Industrial Park. The Park's lands are zoried I-1 and I-2. The I-2 lands, which were established in 1972, are primarily located east of the railroad,. The I-1 lands were established in 1985 and are located primarily west of the railroad.,. To date, several of the properties within the Park have been developed, although the,vast majority of parcels there remain undeveloped. The~main reason~for'this lack of~developmerit activities can be traced to the absence of public services in the area,~particularly sewer. Soils in the area~are poor, making development ofbusinesses even with marginal sewer needs very difficult:. A lesser reason has probably beer~~the lack of market demand. However, that is likely to change as more popular lands in other, parts of the County are developed. ~i rw-r`hlr '1«, ` This area of the County is~c]assif ed~Resource Protection in the 1993 Land Use Plan Update. ~~yyn~+>>~trial uses are not proliibitesd as long as important resources are not impacted. The major Ki~~urce of concern Here _is "fh1e ~~oundwater aquifer. Because this vast supFi;: of water m~ nav .~~.,~ ~:-~ ti ~~~-~ :v - s °,~r.~ ,,QFFz '~~ f r the Count it is im ortant that efforts be an integral role in the future of drinking water needs o y, p made to protect it from pollution, whatever the source. Recently, the county embarked on a groundwater study of its aquifer system. Hopefully, this effort will result in greater knowledge of "' the resource and what local measures need to be undertaken to protect it. The primary use encouraged in the Resource Protection classification is low density residential, usually not to exceed 2.5 units per acre. Other uses, such as recreational activities and open space preservation are encouraged. Currently, land to the south is zoned I-I Industrial and is occupied by a small mini-storage facility, a tire store, and other. industrial type uses. Land to the north is zoned R-20 and is developed with a variety of uses, including residential and non-residential. Land to the west is zoned RA Rural Agriculture. Land uses are primarily residential or farming related. Policies for Growth and Development encourage industrial uses to locate where services are highly desirable. The subject parcel does have access to US 117, which is designated as a major arterial in the County. The site also fronts Crowatan Road, the primary entrance to Northside Industrial Park. ;~ The site's proximity to the very busy US 117 and to nearby non-residential uses has certainly reduced the residential appeal the land once may have had. Expecting development under current zoning is probably unrealistic. On the other hand, industrial locations should be carefully ~~ monitored to ensure that residential uses are not severely impacted. In the end, there is very little reason to retain an R-20 designation for this site. The further development of nearby industrial parcels, coupled with the intensification of development in the industrial park will further erode the viability of the site for residential use. Preliminary Staff Findings For Issuance of Special Use Permit ~j 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety•if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site has direct access to US 117 and to Crowatan Road. ~. B. Public water and sewer is not available. A well and septic tank wi(1 be required. The planned use would generate little demand for these types of services. C. The site is located in the Castle Hayne VFD District. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. A site plan pursuant to Section 59.7-3 has been submitted. B. The proposed use is a permitted use in the I-1 Light Industrial District. C. The location of the support office complies with the setback and buffer requirements imposed for tndustrial or non-residential uses when abutting residentially zoned property. ~~ 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or.- abutting`property or that the use is a public necessity. ~ ~• A: The property is located. in close proximity to other industrial and..non-residential uses. . , B. The property has frontage along a'major-highway with high traffic volumes. ~ ~ s, •, 4. The. Board must find that'the location and eharacteir of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in •harmony with .the area in which it_ is to;be . located and in generai conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Land to the south is zoned I-1 and developed with mini-storage units. B. The site is located at the main entrance'to Northside Industrial Park.. ~ _-• ~: C. Much of the surrounding land' is'vacant, however there 'is a single,family dwelling located just north of the property -'and there is a`church to the east. = =~ - '~ °..~ ' D. The site is located along the frontage of a majo"r highway with. highwolumes.of traffic. ~ • ~ . ~_ ~. - - _ Suggested Conditions - ` ~ ~ ~ - - 1. Limit `driveway access to Crowatan'Road.' The site has 114 feet of road frontage~along Castle Hayrie Road; which is more than ample fora driveway. However, the establishment of a driveway on Castle Hayne Road could interfere with traffic entering and exiting at Crowatan Road.: . : ,i.< 2. Provide additional screening along a portion of the northern property line to provide some ' visu'al'relief to'the existing dwelling~at th'e northeast corner of the intersection. ~ a . ... 3. Remove all the existing illegal signs located ion the US 1 T7 road frontage. 4. Limit night lighting so that impacts are minimized on the'existing residence and the church: :, Some form. of directional lighti'ng'would'be preferred. V ; ; • ' ~ -,.1 ... ~.. ~ .. ~ -' - U . .: °~ .. . ,~ 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: . Z-.582, 11/96 Qwner: ~ C}~arles Haxell Request: R-20 to I-1 Tar ID Number: ~ 700 Representative: J.• . )J,ewis Acreage: • 81 Loca#ion: Crowatan Road/US 117 LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~~ Resource Protection Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Vacant .~ Zoning History: ~~ Area oricrinally zoned y Well Watcr Typc: Fire District: Castle Hayne Road Acccss: Castle Hayne Road School District: Wrightsboro r r MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Prince George C(Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Re ~rrrP Area Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: Pantego (Pn) ; Class III ~Qptic Tank Suitability: Limits due to w Primc Agricultural Soils: None Building Suitability: _ Some limits due to wPtnPSS ScwcrType• Septic ' Rccrcation: Riverside Volumc• 12, 400ADT, "95 ~ co.}~nt t t t t r r t r t REQUEST FOR BOARD ANION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: 7B Consent Item #: Additional Item n: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-583, 12/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Stuart Egerton, Attorney for CP&L to rezone 12.15 acres at the southeast corner of Eastwood Road and Military cutoff and north of Aliens Lane to 0-I Office and Institution from R-15 Residential. .~.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. • FUNDING SOURCE: - - ~ -. - Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: : 1`tew Appropriation Request: . Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR; ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COtlNT`~ COMMISSIQNE~, ~~J~cT~o REMOVED ~' POSTP®N~ ~~ q~ ~~ 37 DATE -~_ _V . ,~ Refer to O~cc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Item B ~. Case: 2-583, 12/9; Applicant: S. Egerton for CP&L Request:t ~ R-15 to,0-I .Acreage:.. 12.15 -- .. ~ ` . _ . Location: Southeast corner of Eashvood Road and Military. Cut-off Planning Board Summary . . The Board voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of the applicant's petition as submitted. The Board generally agreed that the rezoning~would be consistent with emerging non:-residential ~. development in the area and consistent with the Land Use Plan. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary A portion of the Carolina Power and Light property was rezoned to Office and Institution in June 1986. Subsequent to that, the company constructed an up-scale office building housing administrative and billing functions. Other uses of the property include a line and service building and an electric substation, each being permitted by special:use permits. The substation was - . approved in August 1971 while the line service building was approved in April 197.3: The line. service building currently serves as the staging and parking area for CP&L's contract meter readers. In March 1996 the County granted a special use permit to Bell South to construct a 185' lattice tower for providing telecommunications service.. The tower has been built. In addition to the activities on the applicant's property, there have been a number of changes on adjacent and nearby properties. Land to the north and northwest was rezoned to Planned Development, culminating with the construction of a large mixed use project.(I.andfall) Those properties are developed with a variety of housing types, offices, and retail-uses. Land to the west . southwest was rezoned to 0=I and .resulted in the' construction of office buildings. A large B-Z , District, established in the early 1970's is also located to the southwest. It is currently home to boat storage facility, an auto body shop and aself-service gas station. Property to the east and F south is developed .with multi-family. uses--Lions Gate Townhomes and Wrightsville Sound Village Condos. .. .- . - .. _.. ... ...._ . _ _ . The property has road frontage along three. roadways: Eastwood~Road, Military Cut-off and ". ~~ All n's Lane. Allen's Lane is state-maintained, but unpaved. The other"roads are classified as rterials, with Military Cut-offbeirig recently expanded'to five lanes. _ The intensity and~lwel`of d~evelopment'ro the subject property, coupled with the surging commercialization and heavy traffic volumes along the adjacent thoroughfares, suggests that the site's current residential zonifng may~not bye the best long-term classification for the site. The st blishment of 0-I zoning-,~would.'•prob'ably do little to the status of the substation. In fact, -tations are~permitted by ri~ght~n the~O-I District. However, rezoning would make the ~~ I ~~' . . ~ portions of the property fronting Allen s Lane and Military Cut-off more attractive for: ~l development or redevelopment because it would be more consistent with emerging land use patterns. The O-I District is also attractive for this site because it can serve as a transition area for the adjoining multi-familyprojects. The site would also retain a residential element if rezoned, though it would be limited to lower. density because of Land Use Plan restrictions. ' The only major concern with the change is assuring the applicant maintain the buffer along the eastern property line. That buffer was a condition of the 1971 special use permit for the ~~- substation. The buffer is well established and provides excellent visual screening for the L:ion's Gate project from the substation. Based on surrounding land use atterns and the site's existing uses, Staff would recommend P ~ approval. .~ ~ G G ~( r '~ _ i ~~ i . . ',. ~: - ~ 1 ,~~ ;~~ ~ ~ 39 WHAT YOU N~CUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE. OF ZON-ING OF PI~:OPER~'Y. Your intended use of property upon rezoning. is completely .irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made t in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on • a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. ... -. ,. - I. How would there nested chap a be constscent with the Courif s~Po 1 q g y' `Itcies for Growth and - Dcvclopmcnt? ---• - ~ - §3.2(1) states: "Office and institutional development shall be considered appropriate land usage adjacent to residential development provided that. design, scale and uses are. compatible with adjacent residential development". Appropriate vegetative buffers are already in place to screen multi-family "Lions Gate" from Sub-station view; remaining wooded area (including old Line & Service offices along Allen's Lane) would provide future vegetative. buffer if interior of acreage is utilized for O & I purposes. No current plans are established for this future use, however, so no design and scale plans can be offered now for zeview. A rezoning to O & Z, however, would provide adequate and appropriate parameters to any new development to insure appropriate usage adjacent to current multi-family developments. ' 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification hlap? Although site is within "Pesource Protection" area on map, it is located on western most border and on two intersecting minor arCerial highways experiencing business growth compatible to O & Z zoning uses. Northern portion, along Eastwood Road, is in Special Highway Overlay District. This wooded area serves to screen current sub-station view from Highway 74. Screening buffer requirements and night lighting restrictions within 0 & Z regulations are more compatible with "Resource Protection" goals than other "business classifications" within Zoning Ordinance. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Northwest part of owner's overall acreage is already 0 & I; approXimately 504 of remaining acreage is an electrical substation site. Area to West, across Military Cutoff, is now a Planned Development (PD) District, primarily offices, banks, some multi-family; areas to south (wrightsville Sound Village) and East (Lion's Gate) are multi-family; unlikely that remaining acreage of corporate owner's overall acreage, including old Line e, Service racility area, would ever be developed as residential 1/3 acre lots, considering surroundings on all four sides. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this appli~a~On is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 4~,, Carolina Power b Light Company ,. PATiFRSON, OIL7HcY, CLAY & BRYSON P. 0. BOX 2258 BY= ,~ ~ s Attorney WiIMING70N. NC 28402.2258 .. _.._ _ _~.._.. _ _ .. .._ ..,-...___ !~. !; J f PETITION SUMMARY SHEET z-ss3, 12/96 . Petition Number: Owner: CP &L Request: R-15 to 0-I s6 s7 Representative: S • Egerton Acreage: - 1 2 _ 1 5 Location: Military Cutoff/Allens . Lan Tax ID Number: ' I • LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • ' Resource Protection • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Electric Substation - Line service bldq. . • 7,oning History• R-ls -established Dec . 19 B9 _ O-T area to t-hA North established in June, 1986. Special use Hermit for substation granted August 1971. Line headquarters permitted by SUP April. 1973 Community County Water Type: Scwcr Type• Fire District: Seagate ~tccreation: Wrightsville Beach Road Access: Military Cutoff/Allen9yolumc: 1 8 . 2QQ AnT (95 c-n>>nt) • Lane School District• wricxhtsvi lle Bch MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 'Bradley Creek C(Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Outside Primary and Secundary areas Aquifer Recharge Area: None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ;~ ,Soil Type(s) and Class• Primarily Leon (Le) Class ITT Septic Tank Suitability: Poor County sewer avai la;;i_, ~ Prime Agric4ltural Soils: None ~• u.,:i,~:~., c,.;~.~,;i:~.. Some l~mits due to wetness _ .. t t e r t. r t i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: 7C Consent Item #: Additional Item m: Department: Planning .Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: 8 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Special Use Permit Revision (S-324, 10/90; revision 12/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by United Cerebral Palsy Center of N.C., Inc., to construct a 1500 square foot addition to their existing building located at X00 Military Cutoff. The property is zoned R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. . . rvtvlll~yU s~uKC~;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~. Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ' ~ ~OUNTI~ COMN~SSiON . , APPROVEt~ ~!. .. ..i REJECTED Q (~ - REMOVE© POSTPpNE Rcfcr to Office Vision Bultctin Board for Dispositio®A~~ ~ ~ 9 ~ .~w" Item C 5-324, 10/90; Revision 12/96, United Cerebral Palsy Center, Inc.: 1500 Square Foot - Addition to the Existing Building ~ _ . ... The United Cerebral Palsy Center, Inc. was issued a special use permit to construct a 4500 square foot day care/learning center at 500 Military Cut-off in~October~1990. Ultimately, a 4262 square foot building was built,. which has now been in operation for several years:' There are no known records of complaints or violations concerning the operation. This application seeks authorization fora 1500 square foot addition to,the main building to accommodate an additional classroom., . , ~ , - - . Planning Board Summary The Planning Board voted 5 to 0 to recommend approval of the application and site plan as submitted. They noted that the expansion would be consistent with the site's current land use and generally compatible with surrounding land uses. Most of their discussion focused on the reasons for the expansion, operational history, and the number of children served. There was no opposition. Preliminary Staff Findings ~ - ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ .. 1. The Board must find that the use wilt not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The existing building is currently served by County sewer and community water. B. The property is located in the Seagate VFD District. C. The site has adequate ingress and egress to a public street. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the .. Zoning Ordinance. . __M1 _ ..d..._ _ . • - . - , ... :. - ~ _ : - A. The expansion meets all required setbacks. ' B. The expansion is an extension of a use permitted by special use permit,,in the R-15 Residential. ~, _ District. The property is zoned R-15. 3. The Board must find thzt the use will not substantially injure the value. of adjoining or abutting propert;~ or that the use is a public necessity. • A. Nea"rly ale of t'.lesurrounding adjacent property ~on ehe-west side of-'v1•ilitary Cut-off is vacant. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plate as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and mFgen~~ ral~co,n~f~~ rmity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. There~is an'exlsti;ng 4262~square Foot day care learning center already located on the property. RR ~„A new subdivrsion is under4construction to the southeast (Lucia Point), but it post-dates the ~~j~~~-oeration of~the Un~$ted~,:Cecebral Palsy Center. • • ~'' What You TV1ust Establish For A. ~~ Special Use Permit • Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposts the following General Rcquircmcnts on the use requcstcd by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposcd use satisfies thcsc rcquircmcnts: (Attach additional pages if ncccssary) ~~ General Requirement ~1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially cndangcr the public health or safety if locatcd whcrc pro- poscd and devclopcd according to the plan as submitted and approved." ' ~~~ Statemen! by Applicant: The current building vas built under [hat Special Use Permit issued November 5, 1990 for a bullding of 4500 sq. ft. .The completed building as built is 4262 sq. fc. and i+e now propose an addition as indicated on Che site plan of approximately 1500 sq. ft. The addition is necessary to.properly accomodate the special needs of the children ve serve. General Requirement!*2 ~~ The Board must find "that the use mccts all rcquircd conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance," Statenccnt by Applicant: G/e believe Chat the proposed addition is within the letter and spirit of the existing Special Use permit .and constitutes a minor change thereto. Certainly the applicant intends to comply with the Zoning Ordinance. , '~ General Requirement n3 .. '~ The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value oC adjoinin; or abutting property or that the use is a public ncccssity." Srareniuu by App!lca~tt: ~~ The adjacent lands are vacant and the proposed addition is yell within the required setbacks. _ '~~ - _ ~' General RequirementTM4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the arcs in which it is to be locatcd and in gcncral conformity with the plan of dcvelopmcnt for I`!cw Hanover County." Strrte,nei~t by App!lca~u: The proposed. addition is compatible with the existing bullding and alth the current .development along Military cutoff. .. ~% The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposts additional specific rcquircmcnts on the use requcstcd by the applicant. The applicant should be prcparcd to dcmdnstratc that the proposcd use will comply with each specific rcquiremcnt found in section 72 , (as applicable). HdShc should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and politics of [Yew Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impost additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Usc Permit. I certify that:.'.il;of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- ~~tion, and b-":`c; J ~,~ ~~ ~ .. ~- PET1TfON SUfVIN1ARY SHEET g se. Zoning History: ~' Area originally zoned_i~y 1 g~n FY; ~t-;,,n SrP~; ai Use Permit issued October, 1990. •., - J . ~ ,.. . . _ . , ~, ' ~ - r . _, .S Petition Number S-324, 10/90; revision 12/96 United Cerebral Palsy Ctr. ~ ~ ~ Mal,lam Ma ., Owner: .Representative: - ynard ~~ ~ ~, Request:_ Rkvision to permit Acreage: ' Taz ID Number 5100: .~ _ ~ ~ Location• _ 500 Military Cutoff .~ _ >. LAND USE, ZONING, .UTILITIES and..SERViCES ` : ; ' ~ ' -' :. Resource Protection Land Classification:. ~ .. ~ ~ :.: . _, . _ Existin Land U Cerebral' Palsy Center ~ ' ' Community Watcr Typt: Seagate Fire District: Road Access:. Military Cutoff College Park School Distric#: .. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS -~ ~ ~ - • Howe Creek SA(ORW) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer ~techarge Area: Primary Conservation ~Rcs.ources:, None ~ . , - None - ., . Historic Landmarks and Archcological Sites: . ~. ,,{{~~~,., Soil Typc(s) and Class: •Murville, Class: III :. ~_ ,~ Scptic Tank Suitability: County sewer Primc Agricµlturnl Soils: None ,,,,;,,,;..~ ~..~._~.~„~.. ~ Some ~ limits due to wetness .. ` County _ ~:~ Scw~cr Type• Rccreation: Blair Noble ~ f Volumc: ~~ ,inn AnT rg5 ~c~„„tt~t ~---)-tit 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA • COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~: ORDER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT ,~ CHILD DAY CARE CENTER The County Commissioners for New Hanover County having held a public hearing on November S, 1990 to consider application number S-324, 10/90 submitted by United Cerebral Palsy of N.C., Inc., a request for a Special Use Permit to use the property located on the west side of Military Cut-Off Road, and having heard all the evidence and argu.*nents presented at the hearing, makes the following FINDINGS. OF FACT and draws the following CONCLUSIONS: 1. The County Commissioners FIND as a FACT that all of the specific requirements set forth in Section 72-20 of the County Zoning Ordinance will be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners. 2. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not materially endanger the. public .health or safety, if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: - A. The proposed use will be located on the west side of Military Cut-Off Road. Access _to the site will be from Old McCumber Road on the north side of the site. B. The property is located within Ogden VFD District. ~~ - ~ :. • C. A County sewer line is being installed along. Military _ Cut-Off. Water and sewer service to the site is likely to. be supplied by on-site sources. ~`t 3. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use meets all required conditions and specifications. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: IJ A- Child day care is permitted by Special Use Permit in the R-15 Residential District. This property is zoned It R-15. B. The proposed facility, consisting of 4500 square feet, will house up to 45 children and 20 employees. ~' ~ 47 • C. A playground, 4000 :'squarefeet in area and enclosed by a 4 foot high fence is-.also proposed. D. `Nod permits' have been issued by the State Day Care Licensing Agency and a~ l•ocal Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until all other local and applicable state requirements have .been met: :4. =It is the County Commiss`ioner`s' CONCLUSION that the proposed" use does' satisfy the_ thirds general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not substantlall_v injure ~~ the value of adjoining orabutting 'property,• or that the 'use is a public necessity. ~ In sup'p`ort of - this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT:~• `' • A. ~ Property on the west' side` of the road in the immediate ' ~ • area -is either vacant or -used for agricultural . - - purposes. .. .. . 5. It is the County Commissioners'-CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely tha-t the`location and character of the use. if developed according to` the;plan ` a`s=-~s~bmitted~ and approved .will be in .harmony with th'e area in whcYiit~s to be located and in- gener-al conformity with the plan of =development for New Hanover County. In supports o'f this conclus'•on, th'e Commissioners make' they following FINDINGS Or FACT: A. There is no definitive land development pattern in this - urea. Uses located within reasonab].e~-proximity to this • site include -single-family structures, a gun range, private utility facility (CP&L)a, -mobi•1e home pazk, and agricultural uses. 6. Therefore, because the County Commissioners conclude that all of the- general and specific .conditions precedent to the issu-ante of •a ~ SPECIAL USE PERIv1IT have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the. application for the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT•be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: - A. That the applicant shall frilly comply with all of the specific requirements stated in-the ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional ', conditions hereinafter stated: - ~ ~~ • ~ • ` B~. If~'any of the conditions imposed by this special use • permit shall be 'hel'd invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction then this permit shall become void and of no effect. ,R. C. Other: All other Federal, State and local laws ~`~•'~~ applicable. ' 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ordered this 5th day of November, 1990. Attest: -may Cl rk to the Board ~~ Fre Retchin, Chairman 49 5~`' 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #:7D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes , Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 8 Contact: Pete Ave SUB,TECT: Special Use Permit (S-402, 12/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Bell South to erect a 180 foot monopole communications tower with support equipment at 681 S Gordon Road. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. {Federal S: -State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: 1~1ew Appropriation Request: Other S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RE OiyIMENDATIONS• COUNTY CAt~,PIlSSIO` . APPR41d~A E~! REJEC"CEfl ® ~~' . ~l_MOVE©~ ~ : 51 P©STPOt~E6~ f DATE a 7~l~lJ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ItemD - .~ • .. ~0 Foot Mono ole Communications S-402, 12/96, Request by Bell South to Construct a 1 p - ---- - - ~ Tower-`Vith Support Equipment - ., .. --- Planning Board Su_mmary_ • The Planning Board voted 4-to ~l to recommend approval of the applicant's petition pursuant to the site plan as submitted and subject to the following conditions: -That the tower be designed to accommodate collocation by other vendors ~ -That the tower be engineered for controlled collapse. Most of.the Board's discussion.focused on,the presence of nearby towers and other tall.structures and what efforts the applicant had made to collocate on one of them instead of constructing a new tower. The applicant advised that collocation couldn't be accomplished on nearby towers because there was either no room or they were not suitably designed. There was no opposition. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and a approved. A. The proposed tower and support facilities will not need water and sewer services. _ B. The use does not generate a significant amount of traffic. ~ U C. The site will be accessed by a 20 foot easement connecting to Gordon Road. D. The site is located in the Ogden VFD District. E. Though electromagnetic waves are emitted, there is no scientific evidence to date that the waves cause medical problems. F. The structure is designed to bend in strong winds, not tip over from its base. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the s _ _ •Zoning Ordinance.._ . ..~._~ .... ..--. _ .. - ' .. .-. a A. Cellular, personal communications and related towers are permitted by special use permit in the B-2 Business District. This: property is zoned B-2. a B. The planned use complies with the-requirements of the B-2 District. ~ ' '• ~. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value.of adjoining or •_ abutting property or that the use is-a•public necessity. -~ - . - ~ - -. A. _ The tower will. located on a 6.0'x60' parcel..leased from Winston Thompson.. . ~ . _ B. The property is zoned B-2 Business and is located in closed proximity to heavily _ • commercialized Market Street: ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - C. The planned uses will not generate smoke, dust, airborne debris, noise or related impacts. 4. The Board'rm'~ust~fin~d ttat~ttie location and character of the use if developed according to U the plan as submitfed`an'd~`~pproved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be ~~ted and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. .~--, - t J~., - •. A. There is a wide range of land uses in the area: convervence food store, sign shop, fast food, tool rental, industrial park, elementary school, apartments, strip shopping centers, scattered single family dwellings and a mobile home. B. The nearest free-standing towers to this site are located in Dutch Square Industrial Park, ,which is south of the subject parcel, and a radio tower located to the southeast at the highway patrol station. Staff' Concerns: -Ts a smaller lot appropriate or feasible for the site? -Are additional setbacks needed from the corner of the adjacent properties? .. _.:-. ' ... _ ... e. ~ ~ 53 reuuon t~cumner: Winston Thompson Owner: Representative: Bell South Request• Communications Tower Acreage: an' x Fn ~ `~' 6815 Gordon Road a TaxID Number: 4344. - :Location: is ~~ _ ~ .. _ _ LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Urban Transition • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Sign Company .~ Zoning $istory• Area originally zon Angr,ct- 1 R, 1 471 • Several surroundinq•properties have been re?onPCl t~ A-~ Water T Community Scwcr Type• County yP~ Fire District: Ogden VFD Recresition: Blair-Noble Road Access: Gordon Rd. Volume: ~ ~ , annnnT (44 r'~~~nt School District: B1 ai r .U MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Smith Creek C (Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge Conservation Rcsource3: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None 54Soil Type(s) and Class: County sewer a Septic Tank Suitability: N/A no sewer naPr~ar3 -- - Primc Agric4lturxl Soils; None u,,:r~:..:. c..:~~>,:r:.,,. Murville: Some limits due to. wetness __ What I'ou Must Establish For A Special ~C7se Permit ' Authority to grant a Spccial Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to scction 71. Thc, .Zoning Ordinance imposts the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under cach requircmcnt, the applicant should explain, with rcfcrcncc to attached plans, whcrc applicablc, how the ' proposcd use satisfies chest requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement nl The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located whcrc pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Stateraertt by Applicant: i/lIS FAC/uYY l.`/'t-r- /l%~'7 C-"n;.~ANi42 fZ/t3t~/C flEf1L~"N AN,~ Ss~ErY. ~VipCNLL•~ ~~/C-L ~3c- /'iCcutOGD T~ ;rlvr'o~C'f frlr5 /-Y~~tT"~oN, General Requirement ~2 - The Board must find "chat the use meets all required conditions and specifications" ofthe Zoning Ordinance." Statcnrart by Applicant: , ' /'3Cr-G ;O(!TN t/l.[. Y/J:~t; Wrl'~t S/its F rn h1LGT /1L(. ,`'Cc2Gt~~:CJ (J.VIk71o~•'S /V4'J Sr~Gcrf/G(7'iDNs ' Central Requirement n3 Thc Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Stcrtemrru by Appliearrt: `~'f~(Di~y r-/itVe=Rct~l DE,V~-t,ar'ED ~v,{rC~t ~fr~`~ /l;.t g'FFE'Ct oti ' FRO/~:A`r/6.~ Ac~lncE'ti'7 7~ rst.E~•oun.ruti'~CAT/o,v5 s/tiucTu/:CS. i~sn.ct o,v ~ ,~,u. [3c r'~cv/~~EO T- SU.'PO2T 'f/-1r s Ccncral Requirement n-1 Thc Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the arcs in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for Ncw Hanover County." Statcurcru by Applicant: t3C/~G fail/<7(n u.Y , • fjcfFFE~c~~ • ijY Wuc'D5, "T71L' Mcti/C~l'Ow T~~t'~=l; t"/tr_G GENEFi1~L y ~ LSC ;.J •/A~Cr1v.Ly ~'11"f! ilr<r :,..4C'/C'o cKDinlt j . %IItS T~V/CyC 6/tLL t?`UVtD6 {(r 1LU;1t~t_E .5[rrQvtG~ Tc r11L /~ OJ n t: GV1 /IKEA wu1,t.E L JOF/,t;G (/G~ y ,uJC/I LI,~E EX/.S7/~l/C- ' / (~'il /v:'y~,{ I S ~ i v /.i 'i U~'r'LrICT 7TH v-' l-/l5 . . Thc Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposts additional specific requirements on the use requested by 'the applicant. Thc applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposcd use will comply with cach specific requircmcnt found in scction 72 n~/~1 , (as applicablc). He/She should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of Ncw Hanover County. The Board of Commis-- , signers may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Spccial Usc Permit.. ' I certify that all of the information presented.in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion,and belief. r-~ 7 ~--~1~,~t~.~zu~ 55 ®~ELLSOUTH~ Mobility ~ ~°~= ~, . _ _ ~ acs D 1130 Situs Court Suite 100 • , ' Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 ~ ~ • December 3, 1996 Walter Avery, Jr., Senior Planner ~ w ~. New Hanover County Plann>ng Dept. 414 Chestnut Street, Room 304' ~ '- - - - • Wilmington, NC 28401-4027-- • - a Re: BellSouth Site 478-036R-A, Existing Structures in Vicinity . .. .. ~._ Dear Mr. Avery: • Per your conversations with Kelly Davenport, Zoning Consultant for BellSouth,. . • regarding the proposed BellSouth telecommunications facility at 6815 Gordon Road, you mentioned collocation opportunities on existing structures in the area. Prior to submitting the Special Use Permit application, BellSouth reviewed these structures and found the • following: , . .. ... ~. c d a roximatel `/~ mile~west of BellSouth's ro osed locatior was- a GTE tower to ate . pp y , _ P P _ . structurally incapable. of holding the equipment, necessary for Be1lSouth's use due, to loading of other carvers. ~. • 360 Communications tower located approximately 1/3 mile west of BellSouth's proposed location was also structurally incapable of holding the equipment necessary for BellSouth's use due to the weight of existing micro~i~ave dishes. - • . . • There is also a N C..Department of Transportation faciliryaocated~approximately'/. mile southeast of Be1lSouth's proposed location; how•ev"er the State does'not lease '• space to pnvate a.ndustry. • New Hanover County water tank approximately ''/Z mile north of BellSouth's • proposed location `is'not tall •enough to meet~the coverage needs• for that area. ~` If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to~contact me at (919) 852-2718. Thank you for your assistance. ~ ~ • Sincerely, • ... .. p .. , . ,. Lance Shrader , RF Engineer ~~ ~~ ;~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: 7E Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Packa e: 4 Contact: Pete Ave UB.TECT: Special Use Permit (S-403, 1/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Jimmy Fowler to locate asingle-wide mobile home at 5221 Castle Hayne Road on property zoned RA Rural Agriculture. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• r u1~i1)II~(i JUUK(;~;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre aced: ' LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND REC MMENDATIONS• -~ C~Ut~ COMMt .~ ... , A1=PROVED REJECTED ® ~'' REMOVED ~# PATE ~-- =-til ~, - 7:,~.~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition / 57 Itorn.E ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ = -403 1/97: Re uest To Locate A Mobile Home in the Rural Agriculture District. a S q b Applicant': Jimmy Fowler ~ ~ O _.• Location: 5521 Castle Hayne Road -- - • :_~ . _ _. :"~ ~' _ Planning Board Findings: N/A ., .._ . Preliminary Staff Findings . 1: The.Board must find that the use-will not materially endanger.the public, health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted,and approved. A. The site is located in the Castle Hayne VFD District. B. The site has direct access to Castle Hayne Road. C. Water and sewer will be by individual well and septic tank. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. ' A The property is zoned RA Rural Agriculture. Mobile homes are permitted in this zoning district by special use permit.. B. The site meets the district's minimum lot area requirements and all applicable setbacks can easily be met. _ _.. _ . _ C. Adequate area is available to accommodate ofl=street parking. D. No special landscaping or buffering is .needed. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. . A The mobile home will be located on a tract currently occupied by a single dwelling, which is the principal residence of the applicant. . B. Property located on the east side of Castle Hayne Road opposite the subject property is zoned °° •- -- B-2 Highway Business: Some commercial development has taken place. '- " 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it into be -'located and in general conformity with plan'of developmentfor~New Hanover County. A. There is a variety of land uses in the general area, including car repair, electronic repair; a fire • ~ - station, a convenience food store, a small strip retail center; single family-dwellings; mobile - . , . _ homes and pan abandoned- meat packing "company... ~ - . ( ~` y ~ U ~~ -~ . _. _ a s PETITION SUMMARY SHEET 5-403 Petition Number: Jimmy Fowler, Sr. Owner: Request: Mobile Home Tax 7D Number: 1100 Representative: Same Acreage:_ 1.7.8 Location• -5221 Castle Hayne Rd. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ' Community • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: 1 residence Zoning History: ~' Area originally zone ,7t~ 1 ~~ ~ g R S ' Water Types: _ Fire District: _ Road Acccss:_ School District: Wrightsboro Scwcr Type• Septic ' Recreation: Riverside Volume: - 17,000 AnT (9~ rntant MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Prince George Creek C (Sw Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Recharge Area Conservation Resources: rrnr,P None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: Soil Type(s) and Class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prirnc Agricultural Soils: Ri ilrlinv C~~it.hilifv• Well Castle Hayne US 117 Primarily Kenansville (Ke) Few limits Yes Few limits _ 59 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regulaz Item #: 7F Consent Item #: Additional Item ;r: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT:' Special Use Permit (S-404, 1/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Charles Harrell to locate 2 single-wide mobile homes at 40~ Madeline Trask Drive on property zoned I-1 Light Industrial. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• -~ COUNT CO~R~1 f. _ ~PPR®VEQ .~~ REJEC7E® ® `~~~ . REMOVEQ ~ `` 6 POS7PON~D Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposiiio ~ ~ ~ = 9 ~""'`/ Item F ~~ ~~. .~ ~ _ 0 S-404, 1/97: Request To Locate Two Mobile Homes in the I-1 Light Industrial District Applicant: Charles Harrell ' Location:. .405 Madeline Trask Drive:. .. .' Planning Board Findings: N/A Preliminary Staff Findings 1. 'The Board must find-that the use will not'mat~erially endanger the' public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site has access to Madeline Trask Drive via a.private access easement. B. The site is located in the Castle Hayne VFD District. C. Water and sewer will be provided by wells and septic tanks. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. - A. The site is zoned I-1 Light Industrial The Zoning Ordinance permits the location of mobile homes in the district by special use permit. B. The site is large enough to comply with the' minimum lot area requirements of the district. For special use permits in non-residential districts such as I-l, the minimum area required is 15,000 square feet per unit. The subject parcel contains 1. 6 acres. C. Adequate area is available for off-street parking. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or u abutting property or that the use is a public necessity . A. The site is located in the Northside Industrial Park. Though not intensely developed, the majority of land uses in the area is non-residential. Adjacent properties are used for anauto-salvage yard, heavy equipment sales and a rental and auto/truck body shop. B. There,are-scattered residential uses~in the area, consisting of older single family dwellings and - mobile homes. These are located to the north and west along Peter Spring Branch, Crowatan ' Road and Castle Hayne Road. ~ ,- 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if~developed according to . the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is. to. be located and in general'conformty with plan of development for New Hanover`County. ' A. ' As noted, there is a varety'of land uses in the general vicinity, iricluding-residential-and non- ` residential. _* - , , ~ ,, .. a B. The County has approved mobile homes in other industrial areas, but noneyto datein the surrounding industrial area s..,.y, r"sF4. t0 ,~!' J, I+Sy ~ t <'I4 ~ ~ r.~ tix~i~ v ,r o ~UT:I~vi~ ~t ~-, ~. P`w~..s . t -rt ~.~ .. ~ ti~3"f -E" ,a4 } ' , ~ t ~~ .,- .J ..Z > `.1 1. ~ 1 . ~ V s i PET1T10N SUMMARY SHEET ' J S-404 . Petition Number: 1 Owner: Charles Harrell Representative: SamA Re uest: 2 mobile • q homes Acreage: 1. 6 Tax ID Number: 1716 . Location: - 405 Mad .1 i nP Trask nr • ' LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • Resource Protection • Land Classification: ' Existing Land Use: vacant Zoning $istory: •' Area originally zone ~7„ 1 ~~ ~ 4 R S r Wsitcr Types: _ Fire District: _ Road Acccss:_ School District: We 11 Castle Hayne I~Sadeline Trask Dr. Scwcr Types DoT-,t-; Recreation: Riverside 'Volume: Tinkn~wn ~ ~ • MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Prince C:A~rcr? C!rAPk c' (,S ca) vi a ' Peter Spring Branch Aquifer Recharge Area: SP~c~nciary Conservation Resources: None $istoric Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ' Soil Type(s) and Class: Johnston (Jo) Class IV; Murville (Mu) Class III Septic Tank Suitability: Jo: not permitted; Mu: limi tPd due to 6~nAss ' None Prime Agric4lturxl Soils: R,ril~i~v C„it~hility• Limits due to wetness _ ~ U yG9. ~4 ~. - F f .~... U ,4S ~~ ..~~ ~ a ,. . ., o o ._ o s ~~ 0 ~~~ .. ~!~ ~. ~. .:. -_ .. a t s F. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #:7G Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Package: 6 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: _ Zoning and Subdivision Text Amendments (A-276, 12/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Recommendation by the Planning Board to revise the drainage requirements and standards for new residential development. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOtIESTED ACTIONS• Planning Board recommends acceptance. k~UIVU111'C~ SUURCE: Federal S: State S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: ' ,_ User Fees S New Appropriation Request: Other S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMM NTS AND R OMMENDATIONS• r. COppUe1~~~,,IIrCOM~I~~A _ RG.~EC~® ® .. r REMOVE® ~ ---"--' POSTPONED "~ -- . Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition~~++ ) _ 'f ,t~,ry(r. ~ ~ --- Forlc~l~aced r~~a~~ a+ ctfa/~-d~. To 6~ A ytno- ,, _~. Item G . A-276, 12/96: Consideration of Revisions`to the Drainage Requirements and Standards - for New Development in the Zoning end Subdivision Ordinances Planning Board Summary - . The Planning Board held a public hearing to consider drairia~e revisions at its,December 5, 1996 meeting. A number of issues were discussed'. These included: developer responsibility, for off-site drainage improvements either upstream or downstream, the impacts of various discharge rates for downstream properties, maintenance, and the. size of the storm event to be considered in the design process for pre and post-development conditions. _- . - - . ,~ ... No consensus was reached at the December 5 hearing, so the Board voted to continue the item for further discussion at its December 11, 1996, Technical Review Committee Meeting. Many of the same issues were discussed again. After a lengthy discussion and on advise from the Assistant County Attorney, the Board agreed to delete a requirement that developers provide off- site improvements. The attorney advised that a central drainage authority or the County would be the appropriate agency to oversee such improvements. They also agreed that additional standards for commercial projects may not be necessary at this time because of the strict standards already imposed by the Division of Environmental Management's Stormwater Branch. Further, the Board agreed to require stormwater systems be designed to control the first inch of run-off and that on-site drainage systems be predicated on a 25 year storm event.... Based on those positions and in consideration of other public comments; offered at the hearing, the Board voted unanimously to recommend the following drainage standard revisions: "Al! drainage co~rstrucliorl wither the areas of the proposed development shall be a reviewed by the County Enghteer for ca fornrarrce with, applicable minimum s'tarrdards acrd details approved by the Board of Cornrty Commissioners. Orr-site reterrtio~r of percolation areas will be provided s7 ffrcient to cartrol thct fast one inch of stornnt-ater nnroff from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upo~r frnal developnrerrt. The one inch of nmoff from . impervious surfaces shall be disposed of by pe~rcolatiorr into they soil, evaporation, transpiration, - or other methods of treatment or handling-acceptable to the Corurty E~rgineer'ing Department. . Discharge of runoff from impervious s7rifaccs for the entire parcel directly into natural '. water bodies shall not be allowed Rr~noff shall be routed along vegetated stivales, through frlter media of vegetation, gravel, sand, or other media, or to deterrtiorr ponds for purposes of ;~ • increasing percolation, settling and f Itering out of non-point pollutants and decreasing T discharge velocity. - - - Suffrcient calculations shall.be inelude~d with the preliminary plan to review hydraulic _. ~_ _ computatio~rs. for the on-silo drainage- sys'lc~nr dcrsigrrc~d fora 2.S ~nr storm. Suffrcic~rrt ' calculations shall also be included with theplarr to review hydraulic computations so that the a peak rate and volume of discharge from the srfe crftc~i--completiori'of development for crn storm up to and irrcludirrg a 25,venr storm shall trot exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its previous natural condition for a~ storm up to and including a 10 ,y~nr storm. Thrs; it formatrou ahall include as a minimum a scale map showing the limits of on-site t ~~s. r ~ , ,r>_,;, Nrt, ~l ~1 ~{ ! ~1. .n ... .~ "All drainage design and construction within the areas of the proposed development shall be reviewed by the County Engineer. for conformance .with applicable minimum standards and details provided by the Board of County Commissioners. On-site retention of percolation areas will be provided sufficient to control the first one inch of storm water runoff from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon final development. The one inch of runoff from impervious surfaces shall be disposed of by percolation into the soil, evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling acceptable to the County Engineering Department. Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces from the parcel. directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be routed along vegetated swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel, ..sand, or other media, or to detention ponds for purposes of increasing percolation, settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants and decreasing discharge velocity. Sufficient calculations shall be included with the preliminary plan to review hydraulic computations for the on-site drainage. system designed fora 25 year storm. Sufficient calculations shall also be included with the plan to review .hydraulic computations so that the peak rate and volume of discharge from the site after completion of development for storms up to 2, 5, and 10 year storms shall not exceed the peak rate and volume of discharge from the site in its previous natural condition `.. for 2, 5, and 10 year storms respectively. For storms up to 15, 20, and 25 year storms, the peak rate of discharge after development shall not. exceed the peak rate of discharge in its previous natural conditions for 15, 20, and 25 year storms, respectively. This information shall include at minimum a scale map showing the acreage of each drainage area, storm runoff calculations, pipe or ditch and Swale dimensions, and pipe materials. The developer shall do all grading and install all drainage structures shown on the preliminary plan for the area specified for final approval. ,~ , __. 9 1 ' y ~ _ _ _ r ~ 1 .. ' ~ 'i .. .. ' 4. ~ .,. ~ ~. i ' ~ ~ 1 t ~ i5 . ~ y I ' .r y ' and off-site drainage areas both upstream and downstream, acreage of each drainage area, storm runoff calculations, pipe or ditch and Swale dimerrs•ions, and pipe materials. Such calculations shall also consider the effect of each s7rbdivisioir on existing downstream facilities and the potential runoff airticipated on the site from maximum build-out of thc~ upstream ' drainage area. The developer shall do all grading and install all drainage structures shown ar the preliminary plan for the area specified for fatal approval. General Summary and Current Regulations The recommendations outlined above standardize stormwater drainage regulations for all forms of residential development, including high density. Currently, existing regulations are inconsistent and in many cases inadequate. i The changes proposed will apply only to new residential projects; thus older projects experiencing drainage problems may not see much direct benefit. However, the regulations, by ' limiting the total discharge of water at current levels and increasing on site retention volume, will lessen downstream problems. ' To accomplish the proposed changes, the following sections of the affected ordinances must be revised and replaced with the new standard recommended above: ' SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Current Regulation: Section 52-3, Surface Water Drainage- All drainage construction within the proposed subdivision shall be reviewed by the County Engineer for conformance with applicable minimum standards and details approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Sufficient calculations shall be included with the preliminary plan to review hydraulic computations. These shall include as a minimum a scale map showing the limits of on-site and off-site drainage areas, acreage of each drainage area, storm run-off calculations, pipe or ditch dimensions, and pipe materials. The subdivider shall do all grading and, install all drainage structures shown on the preliminary plan for the area specified on the final pCat. (8/3/87) Proposed Action: Replace this section with the proposed language offered by the Plannin g Board, which is outlined above in italics. ZONING ORDINANCE Current Regulations: ' ,, Section 51 5-2 Performance Residential 4. A drainage plan meeting the following design standards shall be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. (1 1/21/83) A. Runoff Rate Standards (1) stormwater runoff will be managed and structures appropriately sized ~ 67 2 such that the peak rate of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm in size up to and in including the specified design storm shall not exceed the peak rate of discharge from,the site in its previous natural condition for the specified design storm. The design storm is specified as occurring once every 10 years and lasting .for 24 hours. (12/1/84) (2) Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be routed along vegetated swales, ~, through filter media of vegetation; gravel, sand,. or other media, or to z ~ detention ponds for the purpose of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants. (12/1/84) . B. Discharge of Runoff Standards _ - - .. (1) Discharge of runoff standards shall apply only to the anticipated final development. - (2)Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be~routed along vegetated swales, _ ~ through filter media of vegetation, gravel, .sand, or, other media, or to r detention ponds for the purpose of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants.' Proposed Action: Replace these sections with the proposed language offered by the Planning Board, which is outlined above in italics. Current Regulztions: - ; .' . Section 53.5-2. Planned Develooments.(71 . - . (E) The following stormwater management standards will be applied: ~, , - 1. On-site retention. of percolation areas, will be provided sufficient to control . ~ - . ,. - at least one.inch of stormwater runoff from all. impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon final development. The one inch of runoff from impervious surfaces shall be disposed of by percolation into the soil, evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling acceptable to the County Engineering Department:. 2. After provisions are made for retaining or percolating the first inch of runoff from all anticipated impervious surfaces, stormwater runoff will be managed and structures. appropriately sized such that the peak rate of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm in size up to and including the specified design storm shall-not exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its previous natural condition for the specified design storm.; The design storm is specified as occurring once 68. 3 every 10 years and lasting for 24 hours. 3. Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural waterbodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be routed along vegetated ' swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel, sand, or other media, or to detention ponds for purposes of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out non-point pollutants. ' Proposed Action: Replace this section with the proposed IangUage offered by the Planning Board which is outlined above in italics. Current Regulations: ' section 59.4 Conservation Overlay District. 4(5~ (5) Design Storm - Stormwater runoff for the entire parcel will be managed by structures appropriately sized such that the peak rate of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm up to and including the specified design storm shall not exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its ' previous natural condition for the specified design storm. The design storm is specified as occurring once every 10 years and lasting for 24 hours. Industrial, commercial, office or institutional development on a parcel one acre or less in size ' and with a maximum impervious to gross site area ratio of less than .2 shall be exempt from this control. Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces for the - entire parcel directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall ' be routed along vegetated swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel sand, or other media, or to detention ponds for purposes of increasing percolation, settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants and decreasing discharge velocity. ' Proposed Actions: -Replace this section with the proposed language offered by the Planning Board which is outlined ' above in italics. Label as 59.4(5)(a) - -Add: 59.4(5)(b) -Industrial, commercial or office and institutional development on a parcel one acre or less in size and with a maximum impervious gross site area ratio of less than .2 shall be exempt from these controls. i~ i~ Current Regulations: 59 4-5 Additional Performance Controls Group 1 (A) Conservation Space Setbacks -All structures and impervious surfaces shall be set back from the conservation space, if any, whether the space is located on the parcel or on an adjacent parcel, a distance of at least 100 feet. 4 69 (B) Retention of Runoff = In 'addition to.designing the site to control stormwater from a 10 year storm, on-site retention or percolation areas shall be required for the entire parcel sufficient to control; at a minimum, the first one.inch of runoff that will originate from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon final development. The specified amount of runoff from impervious surfaces shall be disposed of by percolation into the soil, evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling acceptable to the County Engineering Department.. ~ . Group 2 .. (A) Conservation Space Setbacks -All structures and impervious surfaces shall be set back from the conservation space, if any, whether the space is located on the parcel or on an adjacent parcel, a distance of at least 7~ feet. (B) Retention of Runoff- In addition to designing the site to control stormwater from a 10 `year storm, on-site retention or percolation areas shall be required for the entire parcel sufficient to control, at a minimum, the first .75 inch of runoff that wilLoriginate from all impervious surfaces. anticipated to be on the site upon final development. The specified amount of runoff from impervious surfaces shall be disposed of by. percolation into the soil, evaporation, transpication,•ornther methods of treatment orhandting acceptable to the County Engineering Department. ' Group 3 ...- ._ . ,- :(A) Conservation .Space Setbacks -~ All structures and impervious surfaces shall be set -. ~ back from the conservation space, if any whether the space is located on the parcel or on . an, adjacent parcel, a distance'of at feast 50 feet. - (B) Retertion of Runoff - In addition to designing the site to control stormwater from a 10 year storm, on-site retention or percolation areas shall be required for the entire parcel sufficient to control, at a minimum, the first .5 inch of runoff that will originate from all impervious surfaces anticipated .to be on the site upon. final development. The specified amount of runoff from impervious surfaces shall be disposed'.of by percolation into the soil, evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling acceptable to the County Engineering Department. ~ - d Group 4 ' (A) Conservation Space Setbacks -All structures and impervious surfaces shall, be set back from the conservation space, if.any, whether the space is located on the parcel or on an adjacent parcel, a distance of at least 25 feet.. ~ ' (B) Retention of Runoff - In addition to designing the site to control stormwater from a 10 . year storm, on-site retention or percolation areas shall be required for the entire parcel sufficient'to control, at a minimum; the first .25 inch of runoff that will originate from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon final development. The specified amount of runofffrom impervious'surfaces shall be disposed of by percolation into the 7~ 5 ~. j~ ~~ soil, evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling acceptable to ~ the County Engineering Department. Proposed Action: Delete Subsections (B) only from Groups 1, 2, 3, 4. i~ Current Regulation: . section 59.8 Water Supp1Y Watershed District 59.8-6 stormwater Mana_ ement -All development locating within the water supply watershed boundary shall provide a stormwater management plan for the entire parcel. The stormwater must be managed by structures appropriately sized such that the peak rate of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm up to and ' including a ten year storm does not exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its ,previous natural condition. Additionally, all development shall provide on-site retention or percolation areas for the entire parcel sufficient to control, at a minimum, the first one inch of runoff that will originate from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon final development. All structures shall be set back at least 100 feet from the mean high - water line. (11/1/93) ` '~ Proposed Actions: Replace this section with the proposed language offered by the Planning ~ Board, which is outlined above in italics. Label as 59.8-6(a) Add: 59.8-6(b) All structures shall be set back at least 100 feet from the mean high water line. (11/1/93) ~` Current Regulation: 69.4 High Density Develo merit (7) A drainage plan complying with the requirements set forth by the County or' appropriate local or State agency shall be submitted. Proposed Action: Replace this section with the proposed language offered by the Planning Board, which is outlined above in italics. 1 6 71 0 r 72 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: ' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: . Kr,V11~.WL~U t3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOM Consider supporting proposed legislation from Catawba G Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition HR: CQt1~-Ty COMMISStONE kF~r' OVED p Pir',~ECTED p . P~~uE~VED p POSTPONED p~ DATE _i -(o y'7 . ~„JAN-02-97 THU 12,24 ~ ~ P, 0.1/02 . ~ f ~~' ~ ~ - ~~ CATAVVBA CC)~NT X "~ ~ ~ ~~ P.n. Rix .3R9 • I00-A South West Boulevard • Newton, North Carolina 28658-0389 Tele h ~~ pone (704) 465-8ZUU . nttp: //www, co. Catawba. nc_us ~/ / FAX (704) 465-$392 ' ' . . i ' . ..Decentber3l, 1996 ~. The Honorable Robert G- Gm~~r _ Ncw Hanover County Board. of Cr~tuinissioners 121$ Country Club itcl, . ' _. Wilmington, NC 2840 .. ' . . Drat Cltairntan Gtr.e.r: ` . Caiawl~a Cvunty seeks your sizppon cut a legislative issue ~~ital to the sun~ival of tht: public Itcaltlt . sPrvic~e delivery system itt North Carolina. At the upcomutg North Carolina /~,sso'ciation o£ Cott.Itty - Cbnuztissiolters' Le~isiati~~e Goals cottxre.nce scheduied for January 9 - 1U at the S]teratolt 11uperial ' Hotel in Research Tri:ittgle 1'azk. Catat~•I~a County will submit the, goal of "support lcgislataoll to excn~pt. public ltospicals front this ~~IYifirate cif heed laws zi instances witerc aIt existlztg publle . hospital ej'esires to provide a service ar acquire equipment which a cotupeting hospital currently pmszdes or owns." !r will rec;luire 2/3 ~~ote of chose present to place thc~ Ittatter ozi tltc~ agenda for t1u> second eiay of the conferettrc_. Oztce that is done, it. Wray lie adopted upolz a majority of votes cast. We sincr~.rely solicit your sttpl.~ort. and urge you to vote. to inciudr. this issue as a 1997 Legislative Goal of the Ass<~c~iarion. ' The Nortlt Carolina cez~tilicatc of need Iatvs require hospitals co obtain a wrirtt~n ruder called a tettificate of need £rom the D~-partntc.tt of 1-Iuntan Rr.sourc~s before. tltr, hz~s~ital ttiay procCed to offer certain iy'pes of itealtlt services c>r acquire terrain types ~f ~>cluipment. Before the ' Departxttent of Hwnan Resourecs ~,vill issue a certifcatc of:iccd to a hospital, tlu depari)ztenL. azaust. .. be satisfied that tltc; hospital ce.rtificatc of Iteecl application meets numc~rrnis complex criteria. - The process of applying for and obtaining a certificate o£ treed is e~:pensi~,N ancj titzte cottsuzning. 1t.is net tutconunon for a hospital to pay 520,000 - X30,000 for tltc pr~paratiozt of the celtifcate of need application, oz to s1>encl significant. antotutts of time and money in litigation related t.o a certificate of'need: . 1n sotuc instances, the.. cr.rtific•ate of need process is worldn~ to the detrint~nt of our public . • hospitals. Otir ltospital.s c)ftr>n fazul tltetttseh•es in situations where their cnrnpetitors are offering ccnain ser~~crs, or I1a7~e aceluitrd c~crtailt egttiptttr?nr. which rite public' hospitals are ltrcvented front offering or acquiring sintltiy hc~ratzsr they cannot obtain the>. needed ceztificates front. the - Depaz-mtcnr. of F-lutttat~ Rcsvttrces. As a result, competition is ]~ssened between the hospitals, and ilte det•°elopntent and expansion of• lttthlir ft<ts~titals is hantperecl. It is the citiiens of ottr State wlto ..are ultituacely h:tnticcl as a resttli. The legislation we seek will promott? competition betweetz hospitals and will enr.c~urage. the d~'velopntent and gzo~vth of our public hospitals. , ~~~ "Keeping the SpiritAlive Since 1g4Z!" arrnedon ,. Recvc;ea Pyp?r _ x~ t~ ,. r . .. a . ~^~ a,, R~, • At the heart of this issue is I<>cal decision ntakittg :tttthority. Who will ii~ake p~.tblic ltealtli ~~olic'y • ut our counties? -Will it be the I~ttrraucrats at the Departzttent of Hu,itaii Kesources, br will it. be locally cleetet} cAU2~tV cotiiittissioztet-s who are ultiniateiv resl>onsihlc aztd Itcld accouittablc far the - ". desi~ti of lnzblic health dclivrzy sbstenu withizt each county? We 1~elieve it. is tiltZe co stop the ;, miczo znanagesrtent of lot~al public liospitRls liealtlt care dclivezy Uy the De~.~artnceitt of Htuiian Resources' biu-eai~cracy. To acroritplish this, we neeei this legislation. Tlie only way we can obtaut - this legislatio~t is t}trou~lt support Ixc>tzt all 100 cotuttics. ;That. is tvlty we will place t}iis issue bcforc , • you at tlt~ ttlzco~ttin~ Legislati~~c Goals C:vnfereztce azui urge you to support it. . Ifyou have an_y questions, I will be glad to address tlient either prior ro the coliference or durizt~. - ' . I look fozvvard to sccut~ you xt RTP aztd hest wishes -for a prosprmtis 1997. . Sincerely, ~~~ ~~~.. ' Kvbert 1~, k-Iib~itts, Chainuan CRtawl)R COtitlt'Y ~iUarcl of C[»ttnti:~5i01tCY5 Datirici i;. Stewazrt. Vice-Chaiz~tiatt - .C~tawba.Cotinty )3oRrd ot~ Continissiuticis • klutz .. pr: Couzzty Manager ~- ~ ~. . s ,~ '~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOivI 301 JANUARY 6, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS I. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes PAGE NO. 73 75 3. Approval of change order -.contract #97-0383 Hidden Lakes 77 Mobile Home Park and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0097 ADJOURN 73 i. This page intentionally left blank 7~ r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 ' Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: .Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB,TECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of December 16, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOU STED ACTIONS• Approve minutes I''UNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ Approve minutes aauN°~ coM~is~~@ ~PPR(3VE® ~.~ . REJECTED ® `~ REMOVED E~ ROSTPONE®~ ~~~` DATE ~.rl. (~/~ Z J1l~.m~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition 75 This page intentionally left blank ,_ ~ '~Kf~t'~~~~ijir~ '3lj`' ~r w '~~ ~`., . .~ ~ .. ,.. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: w&s #3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa e Count In Agenda Packaoe: Contact: W att E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Change Order -Contract No. 96-0383 Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park BRIEF SUMMARY: Request for approval of attached contract change order and budget amendment #97-0097. See attached memo to County Manager for explanation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the contract change order be approved in the amount of $137,678.50 and in addition a budget amendment #97-0097 in the amount of $140,000. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - Federal S: ~ State S: - County S: 140,000 User Fees S: ~~ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: yes xc~vt~w~u isx: LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN:APP BSHELL BUD:APPCGRIFFIN HR:APP AMALLETTE COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT Recommend approval as requested above. ~~ ~ COt1NT1~ COMMISS~~ . APPROVED ~$''L . ~-% REMOVED E~ ' " : / POSTPO(VED~ DATE <, 9? Rcfcr to OCfice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ne._,•- NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE -MEMO December 19, 1996 T0: Allen O'Neal, County Manager . FROM: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P. E., County Engin RE: Change Order Contract No. 96-0383 Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park On I~TOVember 20, 199 (see attached minutes), the Commissioners approved an agreement with Billy Towles to move up the construction of the sewer collection lines at the Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park in exchange for a sewer easement across that property. The main reason for this agreement is that several septic tanks are failing in the mobile home park in a sensitive area of Howes Creek (see attached map). Staff had planned to bid this project with a major project (Ogden Interceptor) to obtain the best prices, but since Ogden Interceptor was delayed due to the delay in the Northside wastewater treatment plant agreement, we feel we cannot continue to delay the referenced project. With this in mind, we requested bids from two contractors with which we presently have contracts. They are R. H. Moore (Kirkland and Brand}nvine projects) and M&A Construction Co. (Murrayville water line and Laney pump station): - , , _ ~ _ The project bids submitted are as follow: .R:H: Moore~~ -" - " $ 1 X7,678.50 M&A Construction $ 206,067.00 We recommend acceptance of the R. H. Moore bid. y, 7 ~4~~^S':5 ~~1~~~.r~'~ RO _~ ~ ~» ~ I _ vlu[ ~ CAPE FrAR u~~ HARNETT ~T'NNP TWNP. ~,. - o. ~ a..a .oDD. +UD wri. u .o ~ a ~ ~~' ~: ` .~, ^ ' ~- a ~ o r~ ~r ~ c' ~'~ ° a e' r ~ • 4 `fie t `~ • ///, // /~~ / / / 'pro ~. , c » / t.~.oa.h.. .~ t ~, d " bY `~ ~. ,° ~~ '.~, / 4 ~ // ~8 W~ +•,. ~: ~Lo / / ~. >. o •`' ~ ~ / TRR . r ~ CO L ~• to ~ ~ Y ~,• ~ ~ • ~ Qb~ / . / ,, / G O °*. o• ~ C / ~y j 4 a ~ a ~ ~' ~...° ' a .n ~° ~~ ,~ / / / fir' !,~/ *~G`;•' F /~ / / / :~ w. TM - JCg oCC - = awoaC/ ///~tL'O ~ r •~°b ~~ °, r . ri // . cx ~,,rroow[ n " T a • / `off p ~ ~ s ~ J ~'' •. rlu.ooo ~~ ` F c /~. / . ~ ~ ~ ~Y ~~ ~1 Y,y /~ _ ' ~ € ° ' ~ - '~~ ' >>.. r S/ „~ - y - , fir, da !~%;~~ %///~ /,: ~. • 3 _ ~* f~ 9aF ~ o t`~ 1~ P ~ ~G `,~ ,~ _ 4 J acv r ~~ / ~% ~K "IDOL, a/ • ~ ~ i ~ j~~• ~, I g - / a ~ • ~ .law N.. R ~.I 'rr ~d~/~ /. ~ % / yG . ~ "11 r / / • / . *J ~ ~bY ?fi /~~• / /I/ /: ~ a I ~`• C ^ ~ ``/ / ••'fb ~ >~ ~i ~". ` ~ / I Jf ' Pi Z` V 1 ~ ~t fb ~~~v 0 ~ P ~ c. I.. t ;r ~ 7. ° ~ Osf/~ / ~ ~ /// a ~ / t / ?~. t ~ J '° / •~ ~ f 4 ' :~4~ ,...~~ ```~ ~ ;; ~~'~ ` ' ~ ' '~ ~ " • ~ ~ Location of Hidden Lakes / ,, ,¢~ 3~ ,~, ~`~, ,: ,~~ Mobile Home Park ' ~~ ~ ~ + ~ ~,~ '~ ~~, -N~ _~ , • Map-Not-To-Scal e ~ ~' ~ / / i ~ ~•3 ~ _ . ,,.ra ~o _ d o_ _ a /i - • Budget Amendment ~ , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,, , , ~ ~~ ,~~„%,;~~~~~ ~~ i ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iii / / / / / ~ ~ / / / ~ % // / / D ~ O //// / / / /O % ~ % ~ ~ % % % / / / % / / / % ~ / ~ / / / / / / / % % // / / //// / / / / / / / / ~ ~ % / / ~ ~ % / % ~ ~ / / /% / ~ i / % ~ / / / // ////////// / / DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Sewer Operating Fund/ 97-0097 Kirkland Revitalization Capital Project 1/6/97 ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Sewer Operating Fund Appropriated Fund Balahce $140,000 Water & Sewer Engineering Transfer/Sewer Capital Project $140,000 . Kirkland Revitalization Capital Project Transfer In from Sewer Operating Fund $140,000 . General Contractor _. $140,000 ~ _ - . _ ~ .EXPLANATION . • _. To increase the Kirkland Revitalization Capital Project b to the Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park contract. a .. _. .. ~OtJNT1f C0~lN1tSSlQI _ . ApPROVE® ~~- y REJECTE® ®~"~' REIwovED ~ :~-~.. POSTi'ORI "`' GATE ~~ ~ - 94 : ~ for a change order For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at nex~e~ar meeting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. DEC-19-96 THU 12 38 P. O1 MINIITES OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 20, 1995 PAGE 265 ASSEMBLY ~~ The District Board of Commissioners of the Ne '.Hanover County Water ~ Sewer District met in Regular Session on onday, November 20, 1995, at 11:56 A.M. in the Assembly Room of the New .Hanover County Courthouse, 24~ Narth Third Street, Wilmington,- North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners William A. Caster; Robert G. Greer; William E.~ Sisson, Jr .`; Vice-Chairman Sandra aarone; Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr.~ County Manager, Allen O'Neal1 County Attorney, Wanda M. Copley; and Cle k to the Board, Lucie F. Harrell. ;. Chairman Mathews called the meeting to oxde• ,; ~ ~ - - NON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Mathews inquired as to whether anyon ~ from .the public would like to present an item that was not lists on the Regular Agenda. No items were presented. - • ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motions District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECO D by District Commissioner Caster to approve the minutes,of the gular Meeting held on.Ngvember 6, 1995, as presented by the Cler o the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIr.D UNANIMOIISLY APPROVAL ~'OR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER 3XSTEM IN HIDDEN LARSS MOBILE HOME PARR County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported at t e beginning o~ the Sewer System the District Board, at that tits} agreed that mobile home parka should be treated the same ae subdivisions. The District has received a request from the owner of the Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Park for the provision of sewer. Currently, a developer is in the process of constructing a sewer line from the Westwood Pump Station, parallel to Military Cut-Off Road up to the Landfall Shopping Center area. The sewer line will pass through the Hidden Lakes ~ Mobile Home Park and serve most of !the undeveloped land betweenLandfall and Windemere. The- owner has agreed to provide the sewer easement,if the District will construct the internal •s ewer system at an approximate cost of $110,000.- After review, Staff recommends approval of the request with this project to be included in the next contract bid within six months. District- Commissioner Sisson expressed concern for constructing the sewer line in this area because it will open up all undeveloped land between Landfall and Windemere. He commented on the first phase of the City's annexation plan and reported the mobile home park will be included in that phase, which makes it difficult to spend this amount of money for sewer installation. He strongly objected to subsidizing development with installation of sewer ~.n an area and expressed~grave ;concern for not following the ~, n Post-it' Fax Note 7671 °a~'~ a2 "0 ~ ~:., ,:~«~ , _~,/~ versos ~~ (l 10 ~r if From ( ~ ~ . 7-; i ~.1 CoJDept. ~Sn/laCo,~:~r ~`„i ~'~'.~'~~~; i ~~~ DEC-19-96 THU 12~3g P. 02 .. MINi7T$S OF REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 20, 1995 PAGE 266 Master Plan which denies sewer to persons who have been paying for . the~bond issue since its passage. District commissioner Greer reported it was difficult to approve the request since the .City would be annexing the area; however; other mobile home pasks~had received sewer installation- under similax circumstances. County Manager O'Neal noted that after annexation by the City, the unite using the sewer would still be District customers. He advised that installation of the sewer line in this particular case was consistent with the past procedures used for mobile home parks.. Motion: Vice-Chairman Aarone MOVEDi SECONDE`~ by District Commissioner Greer to authorize Staff to~proceed wi~h construction of the sewer system in Hidden Lakes Mobile Home Paxk at an estimated cost o£ $110,000 and to include this project in the next - .contract bid within six months. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: --~ Voting Aye: District Commissioner Caster District Commissioner Greer Vice-Chairman Barone Chairman Mathews _ Voting Nay: District Commissioner Sisson APPROVAL FOR WAIVER OF SEWER IMPACT FEE5 ON NEW SCEi00L CONSTRUCTION County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, reported the Superintendent of Schools has requested waiver of sewer impact fees on new school construction. Staff recommends approval of the waiver. . ,`~ Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Sisson to waive sewer impact £ees for new school construction. IIpon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJO~~F2NMENT I Motiox7.: District Commissioner Sisson MOVED, SECONDED by DisC'rict `~~ Commissioner Greer to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED i UNANIMOUSLY, Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 12:13 P.M. _ ~ Respectfully submitted, Lucie ~'. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~~ 81 ,' CHANGE ORDER ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY NUMBER : ~'1O (2 ). - CONTRACT # : 96-0383 ~ DATE: Dec •19 :199b CONTRACTOR : R.:H Moore ~ - - ARCM./ENG.: New Hanover 'County ire Contractor is directed to make the following Gtianges in this Contrail : . Desc.~ption : Construct aoDro_ximately 2700 I~' 'of 8 inch gravity' sewer ., 14 rrianholes ~ and 56 laterals 'to serve 56 trailers within Hidden .Lakes Mobile 'Hone Park. .; TOTAL cosT : -$ 137 678. SO • . ~' c~,GtN,:,L cDNT?:.cT suht: _ _ ~.Y 5 819, 902.00 N~ i CHANGE 3Y ?.°.= vtOIJS CF',:~„~ cRC_~s Na ~ co ~~. 1 ---- - -- ..- -_ - 5 13 333.00 • -HE coNT?acT SUM ?RIOR TO T:~IS CH:,4G_ CP,DER WAS - • -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ."~ 833 `235.00 T-_ CON ~ RAC ~ Sur.t WILL 3E (INCR= _SED~(^~~~1~~~tSSCQ) 3Y 7~i-11_5 C:-i;,N_G_E OrZ_C?.'.:_`-_•__ 5 137 678. SO --_ ti_.vCOrrT:4ACT SUM tNCLUDiNG THIS CHANG_ ORDcR WILC 3E. _ ~ _ 5 ' 970 913•s 5O -~_ CONT?,ACT T(r.t°_'/'r1L'•_3c (INC?.Sr'.S=D1(.~.~~~~'Y•:.., --- --- •- •--. _.. _~. 9O D:.YS TH= C.; ,-= 0? SUSST:,NTI:.L COr.t?L _.~.ON TH_~_=oR_ Is : __-- - -- _-_ _ -. _ _-- June 2 r 1997 ~c:,Or.thtENC.D. . , ... ACC??TcD: .r' ' ~ :.??~^V.9: .. :.?C'iiTcCil=NGtNE=R CONT?.ACTOR NEW HANOVER CO(JNTX R.H. MOORE ti_NHANDv=_~COUNTY ~. THIS S'.=C_ _; R CCUNTY US. r.?PROVED ..5 T O ~OP,M I I 1 -H:S Iti$TRU•'.IENT i-l: j 3EcN ?Rc•AUDITcD IN T'r,. ~L;NNE' R_QUIR.D 9Y THE LOCAL GOv=RNMENT A. ~~'AL CONTROL ACT . ONTING~NCY ACCOUNT = 4:.4NCE PRIOR TO TFi15 CkG+:NGE ORDER .COUNT Or 7Ht5 CHANGE ORDER NTINGENCY ACCOUNT BALANCE - ~- - -'~T -r- 0 -iN;.vC. OiPECTCR aCHANGE OROcR PERCENTAGE FOR THIS CON7?,ACT : ~O ,~ - CONSENT AGENDA :~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO . ,~. 1. Approval of Minutes i Car~u~r`~m h . 7 /yi%h~~ ~ 9 ~ 85 2. Acceptance of donation of greenhouse by the Arboretum Foundation and 87 authorization for Chairman to execute required documents and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0095 `~~ 3. Ado tion of resolution addin the followin road to the state hi hwa P g g g Y 91 '~ system: Peters Spring Road .~' 4. Ratification of appointment of Mr. Wayne Hartsell, Sr. as alternate member of the Carolina Beach Board of Adjustment for an unex ired term 95 . p -~ 5. .Award of Bid 397-0244 and approval of contract #97-0244 for a pumper 97 tanker truck for the 421 Fire Station ~ ~~ ~~ 6. Adoption of resolution "Stop Tobacco Sales to Minors in North Carolina" 101 ^~ 7. Downtown Wilmington Planning Effort 20/20 Vision and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #97-004. With approval of this Budget 107 Amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $223,471 .~ 8. Approval of Budget Amendment: 111 .~ A. #97-18 to increase budget for additional revenue received 12/5/97 and 12/10/96. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary \~ 1~ ~_ `~ ~~,. 83 t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the. following minutes: Regular Meeting of December 16, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the .minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTS ~M~iIS~~~~ . APpR~V~® t~' RE~~~,rE®® 85 REM®VE® ~ POSTPON ~ Ci~~'~e~~..«~' n.+-ins Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dispas~ihon`" Co>•re~~ cm mn Pg . 7a~nwunu~.e-o This page intentionally left blank zr r , L:~ C;p ~ ~ : ~ ;~ :~ ~1; ~~ ~, ~r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - Meeting Date: 01/06/97 i Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: Bruce Williams Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Bruce Williams SUBJECT: Greenhouse Construction -New Hanover County Arboretum 'BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Arboretum Foundation desires to construct a greenhouse on the grounds at the Arboretum. Funds have been raised over a five (5) year period and the Foundation proposes to donate the facility and funds for construction to New Hanover Co. Costs will be: Greenhouse, heating equipment & operational equipment $24,388 . Construction Costs $9,800 TOTAL - $34,188 - - -~ - Annual costs for heating will be approximately $400. All other costs associated with the greenhouse will be paid through participant use fees, donations or volunteer labor. RECOMMENDED MOTION ANA REOtTESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners accept the donation of the greenhouse by the Arboretum Foundation and authorize the Chairman to execute any required documents associated with the construction. Recommend the Commissioners authorize the Budget Amendment #97-009 associated with this project. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: 33,188 Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: es ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ UNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS_AND RECOMMENDATION Approve donation, authorize Chairman to execute documents and approve budget ame d ent _ _ ,, ~~Ui~~ ~~MM~~S9~~_ ~+~P~C-v~l~ ~~ - ~ ~s~cTE~ ~ ~ 87 R~r~ovE~ ~t ~'OSTP~I~I~I~ l~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin7Board fo>Disposition ~`/ ~7-~.~~ `T'`` North Carolina '~ i~` '_ Cooperative Extension Service ,~. - ~: I NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY' _ COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE.& LIFE SCIENCES New Hanover County Center * 620[5 Oleander Drive * Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ - 910/452-6393 *FAX-910/452-6398 - ~ . , - MEMORANDUM `. ~ . • ~ . TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ Dave Weaver, Asst. County) M ager FROM: C. Bruce Williams, Ph.D . ~ . .. Director i ~... RE: Greenhouse Construction ~ ~~ New Hanover County Arboretum. .' ~ ':.. _ DATE: December 13, 1996 In 1992, members of the New-Hanover County Arboretum Foundation established a'' fund to build a greenhouse for the New Hanover County Arboretum. After almost S years, sufficient funds have been raised through private sources to'build a high quality greenhouse. The Arboretum Foundation selected aaluminum-glass type house manufactured by Under-Glass Inc. (formerly Lord and Burnam Greenhouses). This greenhouse style was selected due to its durable design, low maintenance requirements, aesthetics, and function within the ': Arboretum Complex. The cost of .the, greenhouse, heating equipment, and all _ _ necessary equipment for operation'is $24,388.00. Cost of the building' foundation, greenhouse assetnbly,•and all construction will total $9,800.00. The New Hanover County Arboretum Foundation would-like to donate this .facility and the funds needed for construction to-the'New Hanover'County Arboretum for the enjoyment and ~educa'tion~'of -,New Hanover County citizens,- children, and -• visitors. Attache reenhouse at $24~d is a budget amendment reflecting the donation of. the' .. g 388. and the funds necessary for construction/installationat $9, 800': ~ ~ ,_. '. _ . .. .. - . .. Winter heating will be greatest routine maintenance cost and will probably cost $400.00 annually. Other costs associated with greenhouse will be paid for through participant use fees, donations, or volunteer labor. - -- The facility will add greatly to .the .beauty ,and .function. of the New Hanover County Extension Arboretum. The facility will; be enjoyed and utilized by Ne.w.. Hanover County citizens for many years in the future. - ' CBW/jwz ~ .. cc: Cam Griffin, Budget Officer . `" .Amy Akin, 'Purchasing Agent ~ .. _ .... - - _ f: - _~ ~~ ~ .~ ~, „ ~ J •.... . . , i Employment and program opportunities,are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. ~/ -_ k$~" DEPARTMENT Cooperative Extension AD.TUSTI~'fENT Cooperative Extension Other ~~ ~~ To budget the New Hanover County Arboretum Foundation's contribution for construction of a greenhouse on the grounds of the Arboretum. D ,~ .. Building Budget Amendment BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE 97-0095 1-6-97 DEBIT CREDIT $34,188 $34,188 EXPLANATION __ , COUNTI~ COMMI~Q~P,~ APPROVED ~'~~ REJECTED ®~:.~.. REMOVED ~3 POSTP®(VED ~' DATE 6--~--~' 'q 7~G For Budget Officcts app then report to Commissioners at ne~f - ~ ~lar meeting / and enter in minui~s. ~/ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. ~i This page intentionally left blank , ~I .~ ~' . ~I ,. ~' rt .. ,~ d-.1~ r ~~ F {r ~. G i~},~ /^ t ti ~`~ 4e r :4~I e3fts a~~t . '..,,, - y ... REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 ~~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Addition ~. . BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution adding the following road(s) to the State Highway System: Peters Spring Drive ~, . _ ;.. ., RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution • -. __ _ .. _ FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIE`VED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: NTY M N C M ENT ND RE M NDA I N Adopt resolution ~P~'R®i/E® ~ . - _. ._ ~ REJECTE® RE~novEt~ ~ 91 POSTPAt~~(t~ ~/ DATE ~- ~/~~ ~~'~ ~• Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition NORTH CAROLINA STATE.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - ~, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION _ :-~ North Carolina ~ - -~ 0 9 -- . County of New Hanover ~E( Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (~' Paving. O ~ ~._. ~ ~~ Maintenance Improvement ( ). . We the undersigned, being property owners on ~P-~P~S ~1~OY' Cdr (Describe or give local name or S ondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways. of the Department of Transportation to (~~ -~ ~-{C`-~, ~~~f~ the above-described road. ~" We further advise that the road requested to Q, ~~d is _ ~ miles in length and at the present time there are ~_ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and fo execute,said right=of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. ~ ,, REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. . PROPERTY OWNERS ,. "- - ,~ NAME . , MAILING ADDRESS .TELEPHONE Thee Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~ ~ ~ - - - i.. , Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. 2 ~ /, r o ~. ~/ ,. V r°o° / W ~\ ~ ~ o I l11'Vti ~ t ORI~ C. C i /~ I~CA`t 1 mW ~ S a d. J J e ~~ , H yy 'o ~ ~E U ~ OR `~ a g R~ ~f 7 Q~F • ~ F o ~ IQ J ~~// / /, ~~ 4 ~ J 2 v 3 ~ I G~ I-VIK ai y_ ~ r / ~j• 4 r ~~ ~M ~ ~ ~ ~En PLA.:E F :M ~o 't~ ~ •--pAX Tf ~ ,r•L W ti( 'I // / / / ~ I ~_ ? 0 A~ IC ~_CC R ~- l Tr 7-HOIU aT ~-NICRpRT aT FOI[11 ~ Ji / ~ T 2 4~~ Q 10-UM '~ / ~ . C ¢ atiS ~ i Oa O ~ 2c4 c o Z CO ~ Q rc ^ // ~ a j (, Q Wy ? S(M' C C ~V i q / ~ / OfY~ F C P~ ~ Q f(C // ~ 1~ / : ~'/ p C/~ tS,~ N O ~ ' / ~~ N :~ // O 9 IIT Y ~ / \ Oy ~~R~SR ~. •~ ."/ TMONQS ~ IyJN ST `\ HfRI+IiAGE R0. _ ~ ~s p ! I ` r ~ .`, G - ~ ~ . \ 6 p'.k u i H~ R `~hA.~, qO Q HORWOOD OR• Y 9~'JC ~„S o",,,c a Rq ~~"~ I V ~ ~ ~ HipCORY RO ~ e PPr // $ ~ ~ ¢ MEwI ..K R0. r ~ G e i R0. o N ~ 0 0' e < a ~ eo ~ ~ < ROCK1!Il CIn ~ u •~ ~ p yyRIER ~ ~ m r o. .• FAN ~ r I ,y ROAD ~ ~ Y ~.MQND~ .5. ~ `O,t me~2 ~ y ti• ti I 4 /' ~'~ PE VI Nd11 0 Qa ~' 3 0 fro > ~ ..o .CT. v: v 0 W{~ W ^ ^ tt OUR71ry~ OnKIEY ~ p RANGATE P r. R0. ~ (JjJ[ "E /// RD. Lr `1. o I A-UT/G Ci. A y~ C~ ~ e-uTTlcf R• .~ ~ / RRT~R OR `,\ uIIL ~C GA p / AR'.£NC DR p ~~ / / n T t t r e r r 0 t 0 e REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Paae Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUB.IECT: Ratification of Appointment DRIEF SUMMARY: Ratification of the appointment of Mr. Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr. as an alternate member of the Carolina Beach Board of Adjustment. The appointment is for an unexpired term. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Ratify the appointment of Mr. Hartsell. r~UiyUINC~ SUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: I~ioney Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: Kt/y1C.wC.U tSX: LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Ratify appointment COUNTY VVIYIIYII~{®A`?y APPR®VE[~ , RL-JECTE® E~ REMOVE®~ 95 POSTP®NEg Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition / Anthony Loren :lfayor Pat Efird Councilman Joel blaco^ Councilman December 11, 1996 Town of Carolina Beach. 1121 North Lake Park Boulevard Carolina Beach, North Carolina 23428 910 458 2992 FAX 9 10 458 2997 Kimberly Roberts Mayor Pro Tcm Rick Burroughs Cou,tcrLnan George B. Rose Manager Lucie Harrell, County Clerk New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 L Dear Lucie: .: ~ ' - . On December 10, 1996, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Carolina Beach appointed Mr. Wayne L. Hartsell, Sr., to fill an unexpired term as an alternate member of the Board. of Adjustment. Mr. Hartsell resides at 303 Tennessee Avenue. Please place . this item on the next agenda for endorsement by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ~~ Sincerely, L: ' ~ . ~~~ Lynn N. Prusa ~~ Exec Adm AsstlDeputy Clerk ~ - - - ~ - - ~ . LNP/Inp _ . - pc: Stewart Murray, Chairman Jeff Hams, Town Planner - -h ,, ..,~~a~~o k ~.~ ,~ ~~. GE( 1 2 196 96 r ,: ~~ m A L N •~NOVER CO. ' _ J ~ 11 'I - - f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: - 5 Additional Item #: Department: Fire Services Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of Bid # 97-0244 and approval of contract # 97-0244 for apumper-tanker.truck for the 421 North Fire Station. BRIEF SUMMARY: ' At the Board of Commissioners meeting on November 18, 1996, the Board approved the establishment of a 421 North Fire Station to provide fire protection to the industrial comdor. Staff has been working to meet the desired opening schedule which is the first three months of 1997. Therefore, the bidders were notified that delivery time was to be a significant factor in the award. Three bids were received. The two lower bids had lengthy delivery times but Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., the highest bidder, had a delivery time of seven days. This company had a demo unit available for immediate sale. Therefore, the bid from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc: was the most responsive to the County's requirements as detailed in the bid request. Attached is a memo from Phil Kouwe, Fire Services Administrator, giving further detail. Also attached is a resolution for award and the draft contract for approval. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding Bid # 97-0244 for apumper-tanker to Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., in the amount of $172,829 and approval of contract # 97-0244. ~~ r e e FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 172,829 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No (LGL: _ FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT C:yUNTY MANAGER' COMMFNTS AN Approve award of bid, resolution and contract. are available in the County Manager's office , REJECTED ® 97 REMOVED I~ _ POSTPONED'/ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposi'tionTE ...---~-~_~ ~/~ 7 .V1v11v1L' IVU~ L 1V1VJ: ontract, specifications and other backup documents --- CCi3N~f~ C8~3~I~Y~~1 APPROVED ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE SERVICES ADivIINISTRATIOti 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4045 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7420 ' TO: ~ 'Amy Akin " - . FROM: Phil Kouwe, Administrator DATE: December 18, 1996 .SUBJECT: -Bid Review -, Pumper/Tanker I have had an opportunity to review "the ,technical specifications of each of the three bids received for the pumper/tanker, KME Fire Apparatus and Luverne Fire Apparatus both had deviations from our specifications which were not listed in their exceptions. These deviations , would need to be corrected prior to purchase and might impact their original bid,price. Pierce ~ ~ . , Manufacturing had no exceptions to the specifications. L In addition, neither KME or Luverne could comply, with our~requested delivery schedule. Our specifications indicated a need for, delivery no later than the end of March and only one bidder could accommodate that. Pierce is bidding an existing demonstrator that is available now. KME and Luverne bid trucks which would be built from scratch and would require up to 7 or 8 months for delivery. This is unacceptable given the time frame of our project. Still, the Pierce bid is highest and this would typically raise concerns. However, it is important to understand that the Pierce is an existing demonstrator that was built prior to our project and, thus, includes some items which go. beyond our minimum specifications. I believe the critical factor in weighing a demonstrator against the other bidders is determining if those additional items are "value-added" items which reasonably justify the higher price. In this case, I believe that is true. The following items are included in the Pierce truck over and above what was required by our specifications and can be shown to positively affect. the operation or flexibility of the apparatus: ~ -~ ~ ' Cab interior air conditioning Hard suction drafting hose (two lengths) ~ ~ " - -Pike poles with brackets (two) ~ - -- ~ - Axes with bracket (two) _ Booster line nozzle. - _ .. - - Suction intake reducers (five) - Fiberglass full windshield glare visor Rear warning signage• ._ Additional reflective scotchlite material Two-tone paint (matches existing truck style) My conclusion is /that the ~.Perce° bid is reasonable since it clearly meets our minimum cations and the additional items existing on the truck can be demonstrated to justify the l~i~price. More importantly; it~is the most responsive bid since it contains no exceptions to our minimum specification.'s~andpmeets our critical delivery schedule. ~~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:30 p.m. on the 17th day of December, 1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for apumper-tanker for the 421 North Fire Station, Bid # 97-0244: ~ • Slagle's Fire Equipment $163,178.00 " • , " Luveme Fire Apparatus Co. $166,125.00 Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. $172,829.00 ~` AND WHEREAS, the bid request specified that the pumper-tanker was needed before the opening of the new station and that delivery was to be a significant factor in the award of bid; ~~ AND WHEREAS, Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. was the only bidder able to meet the requested delivery times and is therefore the most repsonsive bidder; AND WHEREAS, the Fire Services Administrator, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Pierce Manaufacturing, Inc., the most responsive bidder, in the amount of One Hundred Seventy-twoThousand Eight Hundred Twenty-nine Dollars ($172,829.00); ,~'' AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account •No. 130-43G-4370-3000-6450 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for apumper-tanker for the 421 North Fire Station, Bid # 97-0244 be awarded to Pierce Manufacturing in the amount of One Hundred Seventy-twoThousand Eight Hundred Twent}'-nine Dollars ($172,829.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits to the unsuccessful bidders. This 6th day of January, 1997. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~~ 99 n Clerk to the Board Ii: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ON ONE PUMPER-TANKER FOR THE "FIRE SERVICES ADNIINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina; sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR ONE PUMPER-TANKER, BID # 97-0244" will be accepted until _3:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 17, 1996. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest -time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance' Office during regular office hours. .. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the•best interest of the County. .. - .. ~ s Amy J. Akin _. . Purchasing Agent '' ~ ~ New Hanover'County 100 r Regular Item #: Consent Item ~: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Robert Parker Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 5 Contact: Robert Parker REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 SUBJECT: Resolution: "Stop Tobacco Sales To Minors In North Carolina". , BRIEF SUMMARY: On May 8, 1996, the New Hanover County Board of Health passed the resolution requesting action by the North Carolina General Assembly to prevent access of tobacco products to minors. Through this resolution we hope the North Carolina General Assembly will take action to prevent our children from becoming addicted to tobacco before they have the ability to make mature decisions. Attached you will find a list of organizations which have adopted the resolution in New Hanover County. Also, more than 140 organizations have passed this resolution across the state. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Please adopt the resolution "Stop Tobacco Sales To Minors In North Carolina". .. - t a t s k'UNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: Uscr Fees 5: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: I~1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ' LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: ~ Adopt resolution COUNTY' COMMI,S$1@~1.l.E APPROVED ~ ~~ REJECTED ~- ~~~ ~ 101 REMOVED ~ POSTPONE ~f Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disp so rtio~ ~T-'- = =""7-~ J~~~ --`(ze~ntt,~-iun f~dap~d ROBERT S. PARKER Health Director LYitiDA F. SMITH Assistant Health Director MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WII:,MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 TELEPKONE(910)'3aj-6500FA,Y(910) 3-s1-a1a6 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert S. (Bob) Parker,. Health Director ~~/ December 20, 1996 , , , Resolution: Stop Tobacco Sales to Minors in North Carolina On May 8, 1996, the New Hanover County Board of Health passed the above resolution requesting action by the North Carolina General Assembly to prevent access of tobacco products to minors. Please adopt this resolution.Through this resolution we hope the.North Carolina General. Assembly will take action to prevent our children from becoming addicted to tobacco before they have the ability to make mature decisions. Attached you will find a list of organizations which have adopted the resolution in New Hanover County. Also, more than 140 organizations have passed this resolution across the state. Attached is information regarding youth access to tobacco in North Carolina. Included are specific facts concerning the increase in the use of tobacco products by our children. These statistics are - alarming and will result in premature death for millions of our. youth who will continue to smoke into adulthood.` Our plan is to have legislation introduced in the 1997 North Carolina General Assembly calling for the actions outlined in the resolution. Please pass this resolution and return a copy to: = - - . - - Robert S. (Bob) Parker, Health Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - ` Thank you. ~_~~ ~rl,~r; v is f%~;~~~'~ RSP:fd :~ ,~',~~`~ ~. ~ ,~~~~ A t ents ~,_' ~~~; i; k.;r~~r,~~r;~y~F _ _ l`~ =t 4o;fi~ti - ~;, ~~OLLT. ~EGLLEh I.JLL'L ~ZLOZLEi~, . RESOLUTION STOP TOBACCO SALES TO MINORS IN NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, Tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of premature death and disease; and ~, WHEREAS, approximately 25,000 teenagers in North Carolina start smoking each year;' and WHEREAS, most smokers start at the ages of 13 and 14, and 90% start smoking before the age of ~~ 20;' and WHEREAS, the earlier a young person starts to use tobacco, the less likely it is that helshe will be able to quit later;4 and WHEREAS, in locations where tobacco sales to underage persons have been curtailed, the prevalence ~~ of smoking by teenagers has decreased, particularly among the youngest age groups;s THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the requests the North Carolina General Assembly to change North Carolina Law to effectively prohibit the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the word "lrnowingly" be removed from the present state law concerning selling cigarettes to minors. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the law should read that no person shall sell or distribute tobacco products to any individual who does not produce proper identification that the individual is at .least 18 yeah of age.~Such identification is not required for an individual who the retailer has reason to believe is 30 years of age or older. ,~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina General Assembly requires that cigarette vending machines only be permitted in locations to which minors are not allowed. ~~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, "that state legislation which preempts local ordinances be repealed; . - thus setting "floor" or minimum requirements, while allowing the continued adoption and implementation of local regulations and ordinances that create a higher level of public health ~~ protection. • Q, Adopted this day - , 19 ~' Signed: Date: 103 Cigarette smoking increased from 27.5% in 1991 ao 34.8% in 1995 among high school students (grades 9- . ~ ~ 12). _._ _ - ~ -Smoking rates among African American male students nearly doubled from 14.1 % to 27.8% between 199 l~ ,. - and 1995.. ~ About S7% of students in grades 9=12 usually, bought their cigarettes from a store, from a vending machine, - ~ or by giving someone else money to purchase ~ . . cigarettes for them.. ~ ~ ~~ ~ 3 out of 4 high school students were not asked to show proof of age when buying cigarettes in a store in the 30 days preceding the survey. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of May 24, 1996, released the above statistics regarding the "Tobacco Use and Usual Source of 1C~i y~ettes Among High School Students-- United States, 1995." ~. NORTH CAROLINA YOUTH AND TOBACCO ~, FACT SHEET :~ Every day, 3,000 U.S. teens start smoking. (FDA Statement, 1995). " Almost all smokers take up the habit before they are 20. The average age people start smoking is ,~; 13 or 14. The earlier they start to smoke, the harder it will be to quit later, and the more likely they will die prematurely. (CDC, 1994). ( While tobacco use is declining among other age groups in North Carolina, it is increasing among teenagers. Approximately 29 percent of North Carolina high schoolers are current smokers. ®; (Department of Public Instruction, 1994). Despite a law which forbids selling or giving cigarettes to minors, young people can easily buy cigarettes from stores and vending machines. (Cohen et.al., North Carolina Medical Society Journal, 1995). Approximately 3 percent of tobacco industry profits derive directly from the sale of cigarettes to children. Approximately half of the tobacco industry's profits derive from sales to people who became addicted to nicotine as children. (Joumal of the American Medical Association, 1990). 72 percent of teenage smokers say they purchase their own cigarettes. (National Automatic Merchandising Association, 1989). Nearly 4.S million packs of cigarettes, costing $6.8 million, were sold to North Carolina youth under age 17 in 1991. (American Journal of Public Health, 1994). North Carolina has been rated as having one of the weakest youth access laws in the nation, making it illegal to "knowingly" sell or give tobacco products to anyone under 18. ~ (GS 14-313). This year the General Assembly passed HB766, a tobacco industry supported bill which became effective December 1, 1995. The new law will continue to set a weak statewide standard, but goes further to preempt local governments from passing local ordinances on youth access, display and promotion of tobacco products after September 1, 1995. (Coalition on Smoking OR Health, 1995). " When tobacco age restriction laws are enforced, tobacco sales to minors can be sharply reduced. ~, (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1991). Over half of high school seniors who smoke daily have made at least one serious, but failed attempt to quit. (Journal of the American Medica] Association, 1989). Stopping smoking is as hard for smokers as giving up heroin is for heroin users. (Surgeon General Report, 1989). ~` Advertising clearly increases teen smoking by conveying that smoking has social benef~s,ah~that "`, it is far more common than it reall is. CDC, 1994). U Y ( RESOLUTION STOP TOBACCO SALES TO i~1INORS IN NORTH CAROLINA ORGANIZATIONS LIST The following New Hanover County organizations have adopted the above resolution. American Association of Retired Persons, Chapter 707 American Lung Association of N.C., Cape Fear Cominuriity Board American Lung Association of N.C., Community Board ' American Lung Association of N.C., Southeast Area Board Bell Security Systems; inc. ~ ~ ~ ' Board of Alderman of the Town of Wrightsville Beach,.North Carolina Carolina Beach Lions Club Child Advocacy Commission of the Lower Cape Fear, Inc; Coastal Area Health Education Center/Health Sciences Foundation, Inc. Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. ' Columbia Cape Fear Memo_ rial Hospital ' Eastern Delivery Service Junior League of Wilmington, Inc. ~~ Kiwanis Club of Wilmington, North Carolina ~ . League of Women Voters of New Hanover County New HanoverBrunswickProjea ASSIST Coalition New Hanover Community Health Center, Inc. New Hanover County Board of Education ,. New Hanover County Board of Health '~ New Hanover County In Home Services Committee New Hanover - Pender County Medical Society ' New Hanover Retired School Personnel North Carolina Nurses' Association District #-22 Pleasure Island Post 129, Department of North Carolina , . - Port City Kiwanis Club of Wilmington, North Carolina ~, _. - .Tot Spot Preschool and Kindergarten ~ , Town Council of the Town of Carolina Beach, North Carolina Wilmington Access for Teens, Inc. . Wilmington Woman's Club Wilmington Jaycees ~~ington Optimist Club of Wilmington,.North Carolina 1 Wilmington "fri-County Dental Society 12/09/96 f 1 ~~ ~, ,~, ,g{ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/06/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.TECT: Consideration of Request~by D.A.R.E., Inc. for the Downtown Wilmington Planning Effort Called 20/20 Vision BRIEF SUMMARY: Budget Amendment #97-0094 appears at the direction of the Board to have funds requested from contingencies be placed on the regular agenda. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOU TED ACTIONS r UiyUtiyC= SVUK(:~;: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: - ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. ~`~ ~`' COUNT1f CO~fit~~~~dE . ~ APPR0IIED . ,..~4 R~.IECTED :~. { , ~ ~~4i#EMOVED ®,. POSTPONED Refer to Office Vision Bulletin B / oard for Disposition Budget Amendment /////////////////////i%///~~//%////%/////////%%~%i%~%/~'~%~~%/////%%%%%~%%%%~%%%~//%%//////%%~///~%~%%/O//////%~/////i/%%~%%////% `~ ~, L --_ DEPARTMENT. - BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE 4 - Non-DepartmentaV 97 009 1 6-97 Outside Agencies/ ` ~ Economic & Physical - ADJUSTMENT ~ ~ DEBIT CREDIT ,~- Non-Departmental Contingencies $10,000 Outside A~encies/Economic & Physical DARE, Inc. .... _ . $.10,000 EXPLANATION ~ ~ To budget a $10,000 contribution requested by DARE, Inc., for the downtown Wilmington planning effort called 20/20 Vision: With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in. Contingencies will be $223,471. ~ ~ ti,} ~~r~."~~a ~~r t -- -- ~ w ~ ~ -- ~ coin c~~~t '1 ~ "' -« For Budget Ofticer's approval; then report APPRO~/ED ~ ~° ~~,~ R ~j a ~~` ~ to Commissioners at nest regular meeting 0 v REJECTED" -~ ~~ and enter in minutes. ~;~a'"'~~'..... fc"MOVE® '~ ~ i To be approved by Commissioners. ~'OSTP9I~P® ~'•'~`` To be entered into minutes. lei 11/1996 15: 02 9107638093 A~:E PAGE 02 ,~ i • t AIO~A1 ~ , ~oyt~ ~1'1, k ~ ~ ` . ~~ ~ December I(l, I'19G CL' (• ,~ , Dear Conunissioncrs: ~, In Juuc, l`)~J7 DARE, Inc. t~•ill cclebrtte tt~•cnty years oCpublic-pri~•ate cooperUion towards reritxliring ;Ind ntnintaitting the viability of doH•nta~.•n \Yilminl;tan. Together, the city and county governments, :tloug ~~•ith the private sector, ha~•e accomplished uwch. ~' As we recognize tltc progress that has bccn ntadc, we must also realize the iutpoRancc of doing nll that ~~•~ can to make certain that we ne~•er xKain face the deteriarat,un sand blight.Ulat occurred in the $cvcutics. lu order to help assure downto~~~n's Cuutre, H•c also rcali•r.e the Importance of a comprehentri~•e ~~ Ithuuiint; effort, to sCt doH•ntotvn Wilmington's course CoC Ilse Twenty-First Century. We arc calling that clTol't 2U/2U VISION! Citizen involvetncut and active participation in this process will be critical to its succtias. Encloccd is ittfonuation ott this important master phtnnin~; e17ort for your ra•iew, ~~ 1'u establish :utd c:u•n~ out the 2(t/2u Yisiun Pl:ut requires sil;ni(ic:ntt financial assi~lancC Eton our friends and supporters throughout Ilse region. The City of \Vilnrin};tun, Nety Nanuver County, ;~ t3 run<~rlck County ;usd DARE Itavc agr~rd to t~•ork coopcrsti.•cly to develop n atmltrchcnYivc Itlen for Ilt~ rutirc Caltc Fc:u' Rit•cc Corridor, of ~rhich dut~•ntm~~n \4'ilntin~,;tun is ~ kcv part. The intportancc of tltc river corridor Itas bccn reinforced by the problcnu associntcd H•ilh recent flooding associated with I iurricauc Frut,Thc three I;m•crnmcntz hat~c plcd,~s:d suhst:uttial local and gr:utl funds for llte River Corrid~tr prctjcct. , 'Cltc du~t•ntua•n ~unununit)• and its sttpportcrs l~avc bccn asked to raise SSU,Utttl so that the doN'ntown ptu•lion of Ilse pL•m aw be completed. Carolina Pn~cer :uul Lit;ht Crtinltany ltas accepted a role as '•p:u•cscUcr" Coe this coon, with the plcdbc of 5 2S,outl,o(I. l'Ite City oC Wilmington has crnttributed an :ulditional y2u,ttU(LUU, and IJCaI bllSlnC$SCS allCl individuals Is:n•e provided another C2t1,d(10.Ot) ~ Z(I=F~I~ YOI:R IiEI )? ;sod C IPi 0132;, We :SlSlicipatC rsiciuf; ~5,(sU(t.U(1 more Cro~It private sources, -~ brinl:ing tltc priv;ttc eanntiunutt to S;ll,tusu.nu. But in order to rcaelt our goal of SXn.0ut1.(u) nc arc asking tictt• H:uun•cr County tojoin t~illt the Cilp'S contribution, :ntd t:innntit SIp~U(Ih that the study tart bc~in in early 1:unctry. , I'Ica~c join us in this intponant mndcrlaking. \','c arc couuling on you for )'our support. and wish to thank ~•~~~~ liu-cour ~rtppon oCCot~•ntotvu 1l'ilnsington and DARE, loc. We look funt•urd fo a Yucce+xful 20th scar! Willi sincere apltrcci;Uion, ~' Randy L.Pceblcs ` vice presidcut/Opa'ations 12/11/1996 11: a6 9107638093 - DaRE PAS 02 ~I ,', y ~ ... ~i ~ - - _ DOWN"TOWN DEVELOPMENT.PLAN 20/20 VISION E3ACKGROUND Proposals have been issued and a consultant selected for planning services to perform a comprehensive study of the Cape'Fear Rivet corridor.from the mouth of the river to the not-thern boundary oFBrunswick and New Hanover Counties-(see attached map). A particular focus of the study is downtown Wilmington. The project is a cooperative effort between the City of Witmington, New Hanover County, Brunswick County and the Downtown Area Revitalization EtFort (DARE).. . fUI2YOSE River Cort•id.or The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive, proactive, regional plari to address the variety of development pressu,•es on the river corridor including commercial ,tt;triti,ne t,scs, recreational activities, residential artd mixed-use dcveloptnent, etc. The study includes .a 1,000 foot corridor on both sides of the river. Key elements of the study include socio-economic characteristics of the region, existiris and future land `use,, environmental analysis, artd assessment of transportation and infrastructure facilities and nCCdS, Uu~~•ntuwn Wilmington A new downtown planning effort is needed in response to emerging issues such as a convention center, downtown hotel complex, aquarium, marina, parking, etc. Consistent . with the ove,•all economic development of tltc Sreater Wilmington area, the purpose of this • project is to refine the irtfortnation base, identify relevant issues and develop comtntrttity consensus re5arding the direction ofthe historic river area. This portion of the study area cxlutds ti'om the west bank of the river to 23rd Street (east-west) and from city limit to city limit along the rivcrfront (north-south). SpCCitic focus will center on the area "between the bridges". A variety of detailed analyses and Marts such as land use ,nixturc/developritent, transportation, rivcrfront development, historic preservation, tourism plannins, economic development, crime reduction, cducztion, nrts promotion, ente,~ainment and recreation development, etc. will be {trepared. Studies to develop lltese plans will include neighborhoods on the periphery of the developed downtown as well as revitalization efforts in surrounding economic ccnter~ such as North Fourth Street and Castle Street. 1:10 JAPd- 6-97 1vI01d 5.22 PSI PdHP,MC ADl~il~d. FAX P~dO. 9i03~3?220 11 N ranuary 6, 1.997 1vir. Allen O'Neal ` New Hanover Cowtty 1vlanager 320 Chestnut Street :: Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Letter from Catawba County Prehn faxed to me 1/3/97 Dear Allen: F. We have had some limited time to review the content and implications of the request being made by the Catawba County Board of County Commissioners. On the surface, it would appear to be beneficial to public hospitals; however, there are a host of issues which should be fully explored: 1. Will hospital authorities also be included in this legislation? And if hospital authorities are exempt under this proposed legislation, could a for profit entity which leases the organization develop services under this exemption? 2. Could public hospitals circumvent the CON process and the Sneed-based methodologies currently in place in the state health facilities plan to develop competitive services? 3, The full impact on small and large regional providers should be fully explored before proceeding with the proposed legislation. 4. In its present form without clarification of the above mentioned items, we do not believe that this proposed change would benebt the citizens of I`Tew Hanover County. Allen, thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide these comments on this proposed legislation front Catawba County. Sincerely, c'~! _.~il-~ T R. Hobbs, FACHE President and CEO TRH:kbco~ap New Nanover Regional Medical Center P.O. Box 9000 / 2131 S. 17th Street /Wilmington, NC 28402-9000 910-3a3-7000 `I ~~ ~-- ~~~ ~ _ ~ r ~ ~~ `~ .4~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~-~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ ~ '~ ~ ~~ -.,~~` DAP Pe 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~t'~c~ ~ ~ P'~ faR RUtasc ~~ ~~~o,-~~~li ~ ~ Nar~P~l ~ ~ 'f° ~ ed ~ ~.. ~ a1 ~'~ ~ ~ hctruja~ ``'~ =1 l~ ~:-- ~ E~ i~ ,~ t P p~ i vl ~~ O ~ ~o ~~`~' ~ ~0 ~ ~ _ -Summ~~ RCS ~" ,r~,t~ , ~ .-~ _-- ~~ ~uT~,~way .~ ~~~~~ - --~y CONSENT AGENDA JANUARY 6, 1997 ~ d f d A Item No. 8A ~~ u ge ~ ~ xx~en xx~ex~.t ~ ~S DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# Federal Forfeited Property 97-18 Capital Project ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: ~~ Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project Federal Forfeited Property $7,134 ~~ G r Supplies Motor Vehicles EXPLANATION DATE: 1-6-97 SREDIT: $5,339 1,795 To increase budget for additional revenue received 12-5-96 and 12-10-96. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. i .. ~E9ECTE® RElNOVE® E~ POSTP®R9LE~ E~ . ~ ~. 111 Eor Iludect O!(Iccr's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular mccting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes.