Agenda 1997 01-21 AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ~~~,1+OVER coG 24 North Third Street, Room 301 ' _~ y~~ ~ ~* ~ Wilmington, NC ,~ ~~ /o~ ~i -~~~{ o~ ~ Q ROBERT G. GREER CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN ~FNDRTH~~ BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD January 21, 1997 9:00 A.M. •~ MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF C ONSENT AGENDA O ESTIMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO . 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Class Act Award 3 25 9 3 i i f a.m. : . Recogn t on o Newly Hired County Employees 7 9:30 a.m. 4. Presentation of Report on "Water Quality in New Hanover 9 County Tidal Creeks 1995-96" by UNCW Center for Marine Science Research ~ p . 10:20 a:m. 5. Meetin f the Wate d w g o ran Se er Distnct 9~ a 11:30 a.rri. 6. Committee Appointments 11 Noon ADJOURN ADDITIONAL ITEMS a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER a .o NE~V HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 302 . JANUARY 6,1997 ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 97 3. Consideration of Approval of Policy for Connection to the District " ~ 99 Water Systems 4. Consideration of Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewer Line 1.01 Easement ' ~ ~ 5. Consideration of Approval of Easement Acquisition for Ogden 103 Interceptor . 6. Consideration of Approval -for Sewer Allocations for Northside 113 Wastewater Treatment Plant 7. Consideration of Approval for Revision to Contract #96-0452 - 115 Construction of Eight Inch Sewer Force Main from Tidal Holm to Motts Creek 8. Consideration of Approval of Request by Highland Pines Mobile 133 Holm Pazk to Connect to County Water System. " 9. Approval of Contract #96-0453 to Conoco for Wrightsboro Elevated 135 Water Tank CONSENT AGENDA -NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO . 1. Approval of Minutes 149 2. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 151 District Collection Reports through December 31, 1996 3. Approval of Release of Value 155 4. Adoption of Resolution adding the following road to the State Hi hwa g Y 157 System Roymac Drive D 5. Accept the appeal on use-value disqualification -River Road Development and B B Cameron 161 . . 6. Approval of Grant for Domestic Violence Unit -District Attorney and 167 Associated Budget Amendment #97-0104 7. Approval of Additional Position -MIS Department 183 8. Approval of Extension of Rental Program for the 800mhz Radio System 185 Q and Associated Budget Amendment #97-0090 Q 9. Acceptance of the Report of Disposal of Personal Property for the period of July 1 1996 throu h December 3't 1996 193 , g , a 10. Approval of Budget Amendments `•, A. #97-19 to increase budget for additional revenue received 1/3/97. 195 Q Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be = used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. B. #97-0106 to budget Smart Start Expansion funds for additional child 196 Daycare and one additional Clerical Specialist II position to assist with the additional funding, C. #97-0107 to bud et additional Pro~ect Assist fundin of 8 326 and g J g $ 197 D Contributions of $2,500 for the "Commit to Quit" Program O LJ D. #97-0096 to reduce the operating budget $171,133 in immediate 20~ reductions identified by the departments necessary due to no growth anticipated in the tax base and to budget $35,350 in greater than anticipated revenues for the Health Department .. E.#97-0099 establishment of special revenue fund for the Bureau of Justice 212 Grant to clearly track interest earned (grant approved by the Board of, Commissioners July 22, 1996) 11. Adoption of Resolution Authorizing County Manager to Enger Agreement 213 with N.C. Department of Transportation a o .. .~ Q . ~ . . ~.~. ~,.. _ .. . . ~. 1 1 1 1 1 a i i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 01/21/97 . Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources • Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Rosetta B ant SUB.TECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Kevin C. Butler -Sheriffs Dept; Kenneth W. Sarvis -Sheriffs Dept.; Michael B. Schlipp -Sheriffs Dept.; Jimmie L. Simmons -.Sheriffs Dept.; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Mary J. Brantley -Social Services Dept.; and TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Peggy R. Buddin - Register of Deeds' Office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User FecS $: Otticr $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcqucst: Bud et Amendment Prc arcd: I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Refer to O(iice Vision Qullctin Doard for Disposition BOUNTY COMMISStONEi~ APPROVED rl~.-esce~.f~ed REJECTED p REMOVED [~ POSTPONED DATE _ ~ ~ 9 7 . This page intentionally left blank ~s t ~.ti..t.l~'~' ~~1st~y r7 2 ~~ ~.~~~., ~/~{}7 , ~~..~[ "Y~~I4~iR`~iJ Y ~' * t ~. Regular Item #: 2 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~~ Department: Human Resources .Presenter: Allen ONeal - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Andre Mallette - .- - SUB.IECT: • ~ . Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Class Act Award , .~ , I3RCEF SUMMARY: For outstanding work on New Hanover County's United Way Campaign "Beth Jones"'has been selected to :. receive the~County's Class Act Award. Full Name and Job Title: Eleanor W. Jones, Public Health Nurse,.. Director II • ;~_ •~ _ . .' •~~ ~ .. Ri~,COMMENDF,D MOTION AND REOUESTF,D ACTIONS '~ ~ .. .' , • . ~ . FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $; - County S: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: - ° • - Ncw Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMFNTS AND RFCOMMF,NDATIONS• ~ - ,Present Class Act Award to Beth Jones. She did an outstanding job as the County's representative for the United Way campaign. Final tallies indicated that over $40,000 was pledged by our employees. We were. . ' once again one of the top ten givers. ~ _ ~~ COUNTS COMMBSS3Q.~i APPROVED ~P 9~lTED a REJECTS® ,E~, ~~~ REMOVED t~ Refer to Officc Vision Bulletin-Board for Disposition 1~OSTPONE® DATE ~ y2_ CLASS ACT AWARD NOMINATION FORM Tha p~apcse of ttx Class Act Award b to ifi'~ ~~ by tl~s board of Coatimfssiorlas to de~~ e~~s. for tststanco d oocei3eit s~rvlca to tine publk or fvr a history of demonstraded hI~ gtuIlh' and estthusLstk f ob . P~O~+~ sr+d.. tfxreby, es,oo~a focffrtp ad team sad publk senics aa~ Gount~- empby,~, . .. . ..._ . - INS'TI`ZIIC'TIONS Cornplrtt this form, attach the rcrluir~f nur-r~aHvt, and submit tht rarittrn nonttnattone to yufrt''. Malltttt,HumartRcsoscntsDiratorforumsidrmtionbythrcmmtymanagcr'smarsaganrnt tcam. Do >~ot fnform t1u cmploycc of his/hrr nQrn{na!`ion. If the nomination is for a specific instance, you must givt details concerning when, where, who and any other arcamstinces. • If the nomination is for ovenrll Iongg-tezm j'ob performance, you must include information about the employee's attitude and typ~cai work output. The nomination mast include a statement of how the employee's actions hive benefited the County. If available, a brief biogrxphiul sketch should accompany the nomination. Nomincc's Namc: Eleanor (Beth) W, Jones Nomincc's Position Titlc• - Communicable Disease Director... ~ .__ ~-. .. •~ Dcparmmcnt/Division: Health • I-ength of Nominx's Employmcat with County: 21--Years Nominatai'i Namc:• . Bohert S _ (R~h~ Parker _ ._., '---------------- Nominuo~s Position Title. Heal th~ ~Direc for : • ." ~ .. • ' .Nominator's Tdcphone Number. 910 - 343=6591 ,• ~ . t NA •mulasoz'spSi=natunc ~ ;."v~ ~ ~ • ~ (~ ~ ~ ~~~ a f o„~ 3 Y~i ~~ ~F~. ~ji~hFf" ' ~-~ `~;a~ ~'~~ rt. ~r •• Employees must be nominaEed by supervisors or department heads. • In addition fo completing this form, you must submit a narrative which adequately desrn'bes the reuon for the nomination. . , , CLASS ACT AWARD NOMINATION Eleanor (Beth) W. Jones; Communicable.Disease Director .. New Hanover County Health Department . ,~ . , - : Beth Jories, Communicable Disease Director, Health Department,. again ~r epitomized the saying, "If you want a job done well, find a busy person to do it;" as she chaired the County Employees United Way Campaign. Even though, Beth was working on three other major projects at the time, ~- ~ ~. ~ she graciously accepted the responsibility for the county campaign. She approached the campaign as she does other. assignments, with enthusiasm, -- ., _ extended workdays and got the job done. - - ,_ . ~ The campaign was the most successful the county has ever had, far exceeding the goal of 832,750. Current collections as of August 30 were '~ 3 ~ ~ - . ~ 9,780. This is trul a Class Act Y . I' 5 i f ~~ F _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .~ ~ ~ Meeting Date: 01/21/97 .~ Regulaz-Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #; Depaztment: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Marlene Carne ~: ~ SUBJECT: Recognition of Newly Hired County Employees ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY .~:, A list of newly hired County employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. 1 1 1 1 i Othcr S: Uscr Fccs S: Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Y A MF T D RE ENDA t Welcome the new:county employees '~ ~ ._ . COUNTY CCM~I~SIQN . APPROVED ~ec.~~s ~ l . R Mo ~®~ ~~ 7 '`POSTE®dVEC! Rcfer to Office Vision bulletin bond for Disposition~~Tl~ - ~ ~{ X17 ~ i; : .. r "i„ , 8~~. ~~ ~= . -. ~:~~ ~~ -. ~ ~q.,~ .~ i.::: i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 1 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item.#: Department: Presenter: Dr. James Merritt Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Cgntact: Dexter Ha es ::~ SUB.TECT: Presentation of Report on "Water Quality in New Hanover County Tidal Creeks 1995-96" by UNCW Center .. ~ for Marine Science Research. BRIEF SUMMARY: . The report (provided under separate cover) provides a summary of the results from the third year of the New Hanover County Tidal Creeks Project water quality studies: These studies were initiated in 1993 in response to growing community concern over declining water quality in the tidal creeks as expressed during ~' the .1991-1993 Land Use Plan Update public hearings. The studies are intended to provide objective, . . ,scientific. data that can be used in the development of the Land Use Plan Update and Watershed management plans. The project's goals have been to investigate- the current environmental health of the tidal creeks; -. ~ assess the sources and mechanisms of water pollution and to use this knowledge to help mitigate present and future pollution. Now in the fourth and final year of the original study, the future of the Tidal Creek Water :;`~ Quality Program will depend upon a renewed commitment to our collaborative efforts. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre arcd: . ~ REVIEWED I LGL: COUNTY MA Accept report. '~ < .~~ ~ . FIN: BUD: HR: ~oU ~~~1Q I4PPR®VE® 1' • ~{~~ REJECTE® ~• REMOVEQ- 9- l'OSTPO~UE~ f DATE -~.._~4 7 ~"~.~ . Refer to Office Vision Qulletin Eioard for Disposition t I i r _ __. .~ a ~ ~ F~~ ~~ j a .. ,,...~a.._.e..` 1' t ~, ~ ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ ~ . Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Regular Item #; 6 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: Committee Appointments ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Hospital Study Committee Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee . n_~ ~tr_l_-_.___ __~ r~___t_ ^_ -- __-__ r U1V U11V(~ ~UUlZ(,H,. Federal S: State S: County $: User.Fees S: , Other Sc Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: T A E ~ NT ND RE MMEND T( :' ~ Make a ointments PP HR: ~~~~-~ ~PPROVE® REJECTED ®;h . RE1v1ovE® ~ ~ 11 ~osr~~E Refer to Office Vision Dullctin E3oazd for Disposition ®ATE -~---- ! / !t' ~~~ man l..~s~i..~twt, : ~~ li ~~r COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS .. f _ . HOSPITAL.STUDY COMMITTEE APPLICANTS: Reuben A. Allen, Jr. -~ Derrick Ricardo Anderson .- David B. Benford James G. Brumit James S. Bryan James A. Charlton -- Roberta Clark Randy Crow .- Joyce Fernando George R. Fox William Lawrence Robertson _ Lawrence Roth ' Regis C. Serene LeRoy Sullivan James H. Vanscoy Jack White -- Adair M. Graham L. Michael Grissom Lisa A. Hardy Stanley G. House Beverly Ann Mills Jones , Nancy M. Jones . C. Tatum Joy Ralph B. Kornegay William H. Lowden Richard L. Martin _ _n . -~„ Truman L: McCasland --~ ~ . _. ~._ _ __ _ ., .Herb McDuffie ~ _. Alfred H. McGuire . Wes McLean ' . , .. ; ._ ...... ...... _. -John F.-Melia. _ __. ____ ...... __ .... _._ .. _. . Dennis B. Nicks - - Charles W.- Norih, Jr. - ~° ~~ - .. J,ohn.R. Nugent . _ ~ - -~- Buck O'Shields Dana E. Page Catherine A. Peterman ..-- Jim Pierce ,Mark-Ragozzino~ -~Robert~~S ~Rippy, ~~ i ..~ ~ ~ JAN-02-97 THU 1.1:34 REUBEN ALLEN & ASSO. FAX N0. 9103439559. P, 02 DEG-31--66 T11E 14:31 ~ r. us ~. '. • • • . . N~1N HANaVER COUNTY B4ARl? OF CON11Yl1SS101tlFRS 320 Chestnut Sheet, Roam • 305 Wilmingtan, NC 2840)-4093 Tc%phane 1910) 3~f 1-7 t 49 FAX (9101341-4130 AppllCAdon toiAppoJntment to 9odids, ComrrlJrt~as. end Gammtssions AppoJnted by the New Hanover County Board Of Commissienarr. Ropvest 1orAppollfb»Ont to n 0SPl7t}L ~Ttl ay `4ffNi77~' Home. _ .IBYos How lorry hvre you been a Addr~css:~`~~? L'*'"~~ (s/~_ rrsident atNew Nano+ror CvuntyT 7~.~ S Mal!/i~D Address: f `J1 '7 ~~ /~- b b C'T• • 7-~'Ye 1 City and Staie: ~~t uY r w 6~'a.~ /~.~ ~ Tap Code: ~Vo I Telot~hone: Hoare: `1 / " .tiS 6 - 7j9i y u Bvslness: ~!0- 7~ ~•-~3 d d i 'Sex: iYI ~ ~ •Rar~ Lf~fiiTC" -'AOe: .~.5 _ '.Thor inlbrroet/on h r•pu.vhd 7br Lh- so/~ ptrrparr o/ vssrfip M.t • au:ra.crrwr of d~+ aom.nufltr h eppou,nd • •Etttployed by: ~~11 B El/ /7-LL Ea-~ ~ ~SSa c /R-7FS'. .~T ~~. . , "AD°rs°Rw^.~n~l~'wfrploywlbyM•~y~rtoyad~pnlrrMrfawlkr,ddi~ypCo. Lrn+ed•,mwtralynhtvfi.rpaoaonwr'cA NnV ffbrlo~K Cawy u~j}n •nv«4-tr~G pf adersene•+vhh.d~oM• Vt, 3~a I.~ m• Now itanow~ [«mty Porsonn.! ibrroyi Job 71t1e: T 2.~5 / D G'w?' . ~. ProlessknalActivtYies: r•r'•t~'~ DF /~g,/ /Ian' Ceps t~..~ ve., VolurrtrcrAcD''vir/es:---~--(T7'~ ~fA~~"G ~,/ ~,~d' ~a,-,~0 (IIA~.fc_ Whyda yvv wish to wive an th+ Board, Cartttta'tt~+, or Cam~nlssian requestadl ~ .BBL/~v~ 7y~- /7 y / 7 U~ ~ D~ ~e,NS ~ r~ NE- 7o iYc a ~c ~ ~~ PQg•c7i cis /.v 7~~~ ~7'rt-~'E~! ~ i d ~' /t/E ~/,i/t ~ v ~ ~r l ~t~ t t' / ~.i-n I / S /~,v~ l flJ.~-ry ~- ?o Sc~' i'Yhat do you feel are your ~aal/lrcatio//n++9 farsenr/np on the Board, Commfttov, or Commission n-pueated7 GU f~- ~ s ~e ;7 J~,e. ~F C..D~lNudrT ICJ Q~d/EUJ.,d~ % Pes~'r~ Co,yr~rs~e.c/ . W,A/at areas vt tancarn would youk!e is see the Boar/d,~ Conrmltiee, or Cam/missfon addrtssl . ~.S 7~~~ ®,~E~ i~-~ R{r~.^f u7f/~r O F ~ IT t2 ~ (~~A~L E' D~ C.OHPo'~'Y1lf- llJ, rN ~O tom, N d ~ A- Arr y»v curranr(r,strvrRO on anothe[ bvaid ov Con7rmittee appo;-rted by ! nturtlt/ps/ily Or a Counryl /t So, p/cat 'sL• • _- '/lV7Q ~ ~/ . '~ Oate;• 1 '~ SrpnvtLrc .. l~«.~ ~o. nv.-s. d. Jsv es~rrwt ee.rrn...1sJ ~1~ U 1 13 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone. (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ., Request lorAppointment to: ~ O S ~! -~-~ ~ C6 tM M i SS r-vZ V~ U o, Name: - • 4~ ~~ ~ i ~ ~ C ~'~ i c ti r t~J ~ /l~ (~'I-2 t2 ~f ~.~ ~ Home / How long have you been a Address: l6' ~ ~~~j~ ~S„~ ~ ~~-~ resident ofNew Hanover Countyl ~ ~~ Mailing Address:- l ~ ~ ''i ~P_~/~_ I!U G„w ~r. ~ a ~~~, ~ ~ ~) ~~ ~/l ~l ~ C' u City and State: _ ,, til yu ~ ~/ , ~ Zip Code: Telephone: Home:: _ ~~~~ (O ~ `? ~ l - [~ OSr3 ... ~ ~ Business: ~ `( s'• ~ a• O y 'Sex: _ ~ ..... "Race• ._~ .. . _, ;A~e' ."'T'~ . 'This inlormetion is repuested !or the so% purpose o/ essuriny that across-section o/ fhe community is appointed. , . ,.. ..Employed by: ""'p r. .~ ..._ . L .. ~. ~ - - - . ~ ,. ... ,. ~~.1 "A person currently employed b y t a ncy or department (or which this application is made, must iesign.his/her position with New Nanover County upon appoint ant, in accordance with/A~rt~c% V/, .Sec. 4 0/ the New Henaver County Personnel Po/icy. Job Tit/e:'- ~_.... _ .ail ~ O~-t~ yJ:. [JY~:~Z C~ ~-0 2. ... ., _ ... Pro/essional Activities: VolunteerActivities: ~, Nac.-- Ne.~ - - , Why do you wish to serve on the.Bo 1 ~ _ ~ ) _ _ OV~v ~ NN~.rL C,' rr._ •d, Committee, or Commission redu~ ~ P. \ _,. 1 .Q, ~ . ~ Sl,~v e. M ups -~- ~ .H ) i .. ,_ , (-~~5-~OC,-9 ~ Afl f'. ' ~s~: VlZ~ r ~ti~ J D ~ k'~"T What do you (eel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission reques,tedl 1LL.1~ . _ O v'~. o M -'~t ` V N ~' ~/ t;~ .,~j o /e.c. Cr o What areas of concern would you like to see the'Bbard, Committee or Commission address? 0 ~-cJ -~O L-~ -t M .~-~ h ~ ,~ Are y currently serving on another, board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~ ~\l ~ 1V c7 ~ ~ ~ S o c_ t ~ S -er i~ ~c~e L~~L'~151~u-''r~ ~~ Date: ~ ~- ~ 7 -SAN p 11991 Signature i (Please use reverse side /or additional comments! NEW HANOVER CO. ~' BD. OF COhi~+AiSSIONERS SEPJ~ .~ n 9~ j t",'~J9PM HARBOUR TOWN RSSOCIR P.1 rl ~ f i NE'W HANOVER COUNTY BOARD aR GOM tiriss~Owf~s . , . 320 Chestncrx Street, Room -30~ /miRgton. 1VC 28407-4093 . Telephone 1910/ 341-71Q9. FAX (9 1 81 34 1-4134 ., . App/Ic~Son foi Appointment tv Baaids, CotnrrrFttees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Harla vex County ~a~d of CommisslagerS. RagLest for AppoinArnQnt tar N a s ';~ a ~ U d Gomm' ' s r n an C o~ ~re an ~e fo Cernrnur<;-~•y Name: ~ ~ D~ i l5 g C n rrr ~n.pr a ~ Xame ^ Add~ss: ~ ~(~ ~, Qtr C ~U f R ~ How Jana havQ you been a J resideniofNewHanoveiCovntY~ O.fs Malllnp Address: ~ ~ S C Dv r` C ~,i ~ Gt'yend State: ~ ~ fYl ~ n ~~ ~ -Zip Codc: Z ~ t{Q ~. TeJephcne: H4ma• o~ S [- ~ ~ ~ ~ SoZ - ~, 9~ --...., Bu:inesl; ~• Sex: ~R~CC: ~.. ~~&~ ~ - 'mr in/wma6an it ra4ursroefw tho solo pr+poso o/ ~ - • ~Aq that s arerr.QSeL'vn of tha ep y ~ /j p /maa7lr ~ ..Fmp/oyedby: t-1 ~r/~aO/r TcW~ N SS'a(i 4~S l~C~ ~ ~ ~~Q~ r avvo:~rsd. ~ ~.4 Aorson owrinly rnO~oYad b y ~hr egeruy w dap..n„o~ r 16r uelNCh M:r ' . New Hanover Wary man aPPoNbnonL :n •eeo aPPbd[fanls I7teC~, m~ar~.sigr~Mx/harP~frlon wrbi • rdarica ~~arScla_V,~, Spa 4 of th. NawHarrovor Coao+ry Pa~onn./Aalcy, Job rule JD s ~ d ear ~ !) sw~.P/' Pro(essanaJAttivhlasr QrcQ ~ ~e~~~,,1 t/o/urrtcerAcrlvttles: lv Jf~- ~! • Q~1 Ct ~i ~ / . . ~Y da you w/sn to serve on the Bair d Commlrree, or Comm,'ssion rvpuestcdT -f- f ( ' L ~1 'm a ar.~ R r ~, T(V,ri~pt ~ a ~ . _ . .. W1'rar a'o you (aa/ arc your querrcatiOns for sen~/ng ort the Board, Carnmirtee, yr Comnss;Qn req~asted? /~: ~ r~ It'1 Un, .Whet areas of aonc@rn wou/d you /Ilea to see tho Board, Comrnitte~ or Camrrusslon address? Q. ~ ~e ~ ~ ~G~ d~g~~ ~ ~ ra ~ ~ ~ '~ c o' vC C{ r fJ.dV'~r` BPS S L'(~v~nfCz pr G{r3'- Are yorr coricnt/y scrvny on another board or amrrnitee sppa/nt~ by a muntci pBGty O/ s7 CO(/ntyr~ NsOi P/east /ht: ~Q~' ~C~aJ~e,C ~~~,w~a1 lYll cul C~ / /t~i ~dL7~ct ~ 1 /Plaasa tay~Ia~rars"'a",y'4~, torasllNan«1 winman[a/ Si9/s81tw~ LCC.//~ ~~ ~~~.~~~OC~C~D laN ' 0 3 1991 ~J `~ NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS 12/31/1996 07:52 9197625953 NATIONAL LIt~IEN SERVI NEW /~ANOV~R ~COUN1"Y 6OARD OF COMM/SS/O/1/ERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Raom • 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • Telephone X9)01341-7149 FAX f9~10/341-4f30 . . ., Appllcatlan 1Sor Appo/~tment to Boards, Commhtees, end Commissions Appointed by tfia New HBrtcver County Board o1 Commisslortots. ~!-/ Request for Appo/ntment to: T7t1 S e ~ e,. (i- V C 0 vk ~, • ~+ ~ _ _ ~' IVime: PAGE 02 Nome ~ `` - ~ Naw long have you $acn a Address: w b~ ~ /~ residerft of New Hanover County? ~ G 0.~ M _ ~,. .._. _ ~ - eA7n/ Arri~ss: Chy snd State: ` ~- - ~- -. _. .. .: Zo Code: ~' ~.~~~T Telephone: - 'Nome: - ~ ~(D ~ Ouslnass: ~ ~.' _ ~. ~ ~ ~ . .~: .~...~ __ .Racer ~ •AQe, ~ •77-fr ,foirevUw~ is nquwhd 1Sor th• aol• purpw• of asi~p oh.t • aaos+vaeL~on or th• cvmritiwiiry wr .ppoinr•d .. _. ' ..E,,,p~y~ b y: ,del , Ll.~ct~ .s`~~r r ~~f~~ Ap~rsalew»nty.~oY'-J Ydn~pNteYad~p~rtr~rntlbrwAle~d~fry~pOcat/andrrr~da.murtros/pahlrfi.rporitbnwrfh • /4~•.v f!«avw Corbtry.c~arr ~opa~Gm.rif, b1 ~ccordatc• whh AKk/t N. Ste, ~ of rh• New i{rwtov.r Gbunly Prnonnd!'bMcy. ' Job Tit/i: -~{J L ~ ~...t c ~ .. ~ ~,,, ~ •, , . . , . • , f'io/esslonal Activities: " .. Va/unteerAcinrr~ier: • ~ - C~ ; ~, . __.. _ _ c.~ - _ ~, C ~~ Z cry Why do you wish to serve on the Board Comrrvitee or Commission r a , eque~ted2 Whet Braes o/ concern would you like t the Board, Committee, or Commission eddressl ~,' Are you currerrd~r'servlna on another board or committee^sppokned Oy a municipally er a cnLnryT '`l/so, p/QaJe list: . , Det~ • U -- . .. - . ~. .. _ .. i V ~ ~ ~~~ S/flnd r11re !pf•••• us• i.v..:. ild• Fnr . ~mn•I .nr1J ~ . 6 DEL 3 1 . •_'~ CJ. ., :i~'~'Ii.::J , _ , µG ~ C °~ _.. ,~ µ, . _w ... __kr... .. V1?-et do yav feel ere your quelrficatlans~for serving on the ~oerd,HCammittea, or Commission requestedT " t 1 1 1 .j .. -:- ~.,a,. i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320. Chestnut Street, -:Room 305 Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 . Telephone (9101 341-7149 FA'~C (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appc Appointed by the ~: Request for Appointment to: Hosoi f 1 1 .Name: James S . Bryan Nome Address: 1202 Essex Drive Wilmi Mailing Address: _ .. . City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 r Telephone: Home: (910) 763-2348 Business: (910) 792-6655 'Sex: Male ` 'Race: White ~ . - ~ _' Age: 4 0 :'This in/ormefion is requested for the sole puiposs o/ essuiiny that across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: First Citizens Bank "A person currently employed by fhsagency ordepartment /or which fhis application is made, must resign his/her position with .New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordence.with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Persanne/Policy. Job Tit/e: Regional Vice President- Commercial Banking Manage the Commercial Banking Group in Eastern North Carolina for P~ofessionalActivities: ~ First Citizens Bank Dir.-Boy .Scouts, Cape Fear Council; Chairman o Board, New Hanover Comm. VA/unteerAc{ivities: in Schools; Pres.-Greater Wilm. Chamber of Commerce Foundation; Azalea Festival Committee; St..Andrews Presbyterian Church Deacon Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .Professional, affordable Health Care` is vital to the quality o£ life that we all enjoy in New Hanover ounty. - Central to our strong medical community is a healthy, financially stable NHRMC. Z want to be apart of the solution that will continue to keep NHRMC in that position. What do you tee/ are your qua/i/ications /or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~~, professional experience has allowed-for development of financial, analytical, managerial, _negotiation and communication skills Also, because my bank does have a strong presence in the .Medical community, I have a better than average understanding of the dynamics of the ~' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? industry ~; Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT 1/ so, please list: No. ~LSIuJLSllL'/ l~) 1AN 0 1 .1991 Date: ~ r1 ' 9 7 tP/eese use reverse side ror additional comn~l~MANOVER CO. ...~:0~ . _RS P.O. Box 1619 How long have .you been a resident of New Hanover Countyl 4 years tment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ttee 17 . Signature NEW HANG VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 .Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 . Telephone. (9101341-7149: FAX (9.101 34 1-4 130 " Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed,by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioriers.~' Request for Appointment to: Hospital Study Committee Name: James . A. Charlton ~- - ~- ~--- - -•~ ~ ` Home How loop have. you been, a Address: 4.02 Crooked Creek `Lane :- "- ` ~ resident of New HanoverCountyl_ Mailing Address: Same ~ .-. ~ - - . ,. U 1 1i2 Years _. City and State: Wilmington; tdC ~ -~ ~~° - Zip Code; 28409 Telephone: ~ Home: (910) 3 9 2 = 7 2 9 8" ~ ` ~ ` ' ~~ Business: ~ - ~ -910) ~ 4 S 2 - 9 8 2 3 •Sex: .Male ~~- •Race: C a~u c a s i a n •Ager 5 2 'This inrormetion is requesfed for the sob purpose or essuriny that across-section or the, community is eppoinhd ••Employedby: Charlton~~Assoc`ates, Inc. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' 'A person cunsndy amp/o yed by the agency or department for which this app/icetion is coeds, mull resign his/her position with New Nenover County upon appointment, ur accordance with Artic/s V/, Ssc. 4 0l the New Hanover County Psrsonne/Policy. Job Title: President"-, .., . Institute of Managment Accountants - Committee"of 100 Protessiona/Activities: Wilmin ton Tin Business `Network ('V.P. )- Idlmin ton Chamber of . ' g _ ,; ommerce VolunteerActivities: Kiwanis Methodist M•en '- Masonic L_od e Governor's Conference . or ma us nesses Why do you wish to-serve on, the Board, Committee, or Commission ~equested7 Us.e imp .business 'and--.hospital .experieric.e .rn; making .a •:decision :on rho fate of I I -- _ . _. _ ... New Hanover Medical Center " ~ ~, ~ ,. What do you /eel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Past President'Board of Trustees of Auburn ,Memorial Hospital, 19..93-1995. . ,. Auburn,. •NY _ . __ _ What areas of. concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you. current/y serving on another board-or committee appointed 6y a, municipality or a county? H so, please list: . .. ~. ...' ..J • _ _.. . -._ Date: J r y~ 2, i 9 9 i JpN 0 6 1991 Signature (Please use rev s ide ror additional commentsl ` . .. ... .. ....iiCti•j _ . 7 1 1 NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington, NC .28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAx'(9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: C Name: ( ~//1D/~' l ~ ~ /4~/< . Home Address.. oZ 3 3 /= /o /' t ~q /~-/ £. How long have you been a resident of New Hanover Countyl o? 3 c.1 r 5 Mailing Address: _ ~ .3 3 . F/D /' i c~9 ~ / 2~ _ ~ _~- City and State: G r}tQ p c. / ry ~}• ~e i, /V L Zip -Code: a ~`fa ~ -• Te%phone: Home: /(, . ~ - S~ SdS ~ 3-I 3 - 9B 7 Justness: 5i?-M E pr {Ja y en ~ 'Sex: _ ~ 'Race: _ ~, ~ 'Age: ~ 8 ~ ` ~ . 'This information is requested for the so% purpose o/ assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. NJt. C~ S ~ ~o. /S ..Employed by: ~o fnac h " , c ~/ 7-/i e~ i-~u Se^/,ceS //N Go //~•r/y~ ,Ut~~ "A person current/y employed by the egen y or department for which t s application is made, must resign his/herposition with ~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Aitic/s V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Pvrcy. Job Title: ~ r S G: Pti H 5• c.~ / ~ Tai e v 4 pr s f /95s /` Pio(essional Activities: Q•c~, „ ~, / ,~ /oc4 ~ / h fob v 5/' P T Sfu d y car o~ 5 Gonfra.efr„~ Pne$Q"'/ Iy CJttti VolunteerActivities: UT S f-i: l ~ NItC~..Sc/o> S l d/ ~ ttCo an,v e.~ C ~ ' __' per A~ i_ tee, ~ t l,u~c Couh , / Sf'f Nvft~{P~u S i'trcnfsotCev~ Go4C/~ , Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 7~0 -/n y ~ q f e ~. ~ owie , tea ~ Com'mo Sew, •~ ac/o~ - 4 ~ o ~ a~~in ~~• , . -Posslh/~ c.haH 4 e a~ hos,p~fa / ow~rc~ SRr ~, . . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? e . ~ r~ e e P¢~ S / 7~ ~ e q~ e ct l u 5 .S o ~t G ~j 1~ ~cu le e.. of `IDs , 7'fr ~ Krebltc -/55ue ~~f~3~~ o /~ yea cv., er•v fo. a°o t Q'~"~5hh ~h~'' o~ ~lt-~, Wha~b'r~s°~`~ ~ern~ou~~u'Tike~o see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiess? ' ~~, ~ ~, - . o ertl rN r' Rh~ be >titoRe eos,~ eff'c~h,,{ '~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~.. u .Date: - l~ -/f~- 9 f OK 1 8 196 (Please use reverse side for additional commentsl NEW HANOVER CO. ' BD. OF COMMISSIONERS Signature ~~~ _ ~~~ 19 ~ _. 01-03-97 02:08 PM PO1 JnN- 3-97 FR1 i3~10 P. 02 .r ;~.~•. NEW HAN4VFR CQUNTY BOARD pF''COI~i1N1/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room • 305 Wilming7an, NC 2801-4093 r•~phone f9 t LV gar--7rg9 . • fAX l9~lQ1341 ~ 130 •4pplic~tlon for Appointment to Boards, Commitllges, and Comrrtssl0ns . Appointed by the NAw Hanover Cavort' Boair! of CemmJssloners. , RrquestlgrAgpathtment to: `~~a ~~~IL `-`--~~/t^ D ~ -~ 1,.~ . _ -~-_1-.„ n ' ' • -~--- Home ~ Now Ions heue you been a - ._.. Addrest: _ ~ 1, ~ ~ La cL CC3 by e ~ , .. ~~4, . ~sldentofNowHanoverCauntyT Z Qx.r= S "" Ma,7m~ Address: ~{ y*+~ Q A S g,~o os e - ~, . Chy and Stare: _ ~ i~. INS i R a'f M. ~ C Zip Cade: ~<'_~' Q ~ . ..Telephone: Home • _ _ ~ ~ ~ S' ~ (~ .. , _ . __ _ .. _ 'Sex: 1'Y1o-~R. 'Race: _ lu ~ •AQ~: 'Tl~i1 nrafltNl/Oi7 ~ reQUIJ:IQ lOr the a01~ pupas' of atlurfna dot ~ O,rotl.*eetioa of the Ilm~r-wf+~y L-. ag~rlnhd ~ .. . ''Employed by; ~Q~~, ~-Q~-4~ ,~~ • . .. . •'•"A•perronoumnW?mP/ayed by theaQeneyordpe~rtrtl~nttoa /kd~rAl~gvplasGOalsnads,mutttn( ti~fivr ' New Kano~ar Cotn+ u on ' ' b ?~ pc~.t9~ wl~b`. t• iY P ~r+t. !n e•QOrdann -vr11111/D~de V Sic, ~ o/ fM Now Nenvvet Lbvgry Prorrpnnel.PeQ~y t Job Tire: • • ..•.. • _ ,.. .. , Profe3Sronal ActllNt/es:_ ~ l~ L . ~ ~y~}`T ~ . , . .... .-~.~... .VolunfeerAct,YlJes: ~~ "}, c~ R rJ . ~~ -,~~`~ ~, .l~`L" 6~ ~ `C E? c` a ~~9•a-~1' 'Lf ~,,t.; S : -.-t- Why da you wish tp,seva an.the Board, Committee, or t:on~nissiorf tequesied? ~ ~ `,~`{- . q - .i ~ . Whsr do yrou feel ere your qusli(lCetions for aervlnp orr the. 8oerd, Committee,- br'Carsmusion raq'uested~ 0 k°~ ~ .. Wn~t vrees o/concern. wvu/d you /ike to svo rhs Qaatd, Committee arCoirr~rriss/on addiessl ~.~'(~g~,~, ., • _ _ _ _... ., (/ Are you cw~gtrt/y sitvtnp on another board or commhtee appointed D y ~ munictp~/ity_ar a county? , if so, ,please rsC -• : Date; ^q . /Phar• ure Nwr~. Qide tsar eddifion^-- d ---.. _ ~~1LLq.» ... .. Co~rv»•nttJ .. .. .. .. - ~.. 1AN . 3 .1991 NSW HANt~V~R C~UN ~ ~ . ,BOARD aF ~ONl1Vll~~l011! ~~ X20 Chestnut Street, Room ~ . UUilmingFon, NC 284131-4093 . ~, ~ 7elephorys f~.JOI 3d1-7749 1`Ax~sra~ ~a~~also Appllcailon torAppolntmvnt to~Boarrls, Committees, and CommissJons Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Requo~t folAPpor'nt,»ent ta: Name:, (~ ( 1 c P. ~P Y Y\ ~lY1C~ ~ ~ - - Nome NoW lane hev~ you been a ~ Address: resident o>New Hanover County? ~ ~$ ~, Mallin~ Ad rC3s: . ' Cify end State; 1 c Tefaphone: Homo: 'ThL in/om~atlan .~ ngvasteJtel the Dols purposs of a: _ „Employed by:. - ••Ap~roncurr~nelyarap/ey~bythe~prnoyade ~ro» ~ • - Ns+v Nanowr Cotes ry than eppalntttr~rrG trt ecccrdinc~ Job Tit/v: _ Professional Act/vnles= ~`n~~~~ -~,~ Z1p Cad.: 04 Q 4' ~ ~- • ,!, Business: ,r 'Ape: ~'~ ~y rhof t o'osave6t/on of the eeonvnuniry is .ppolnted .. ar whicfi this eppgcatlon ip r)tsd~, mustreslpn hlc~.rpwition vrith A/tlcM Yfi S.c. 4 0/ thv Nsw Hanover Covnry Psrsonnol PvGcy ...~ VolunteetAclNliles:~1P• Q.~ 7'(Qn,~r.~YQr 4-~ -~H~ Police `rasK ~oree,.s~r~e as cha{rma~ ~o~ • Wlty do you w/sh tv serve on the Board, Committee, or Char •C~' J~ ~G i~Cl Wh~C.1~ j5 to -~~ ~s`~• •i~'r~reS~- O-~ aU.C' commuter ~~~~~a '~ What ~o you lee! are your quallficatlons for serving an tho Board, Committee, or Commlasion~ gvestad~ • - -~ ~. ~ -~ o~ ~oarcls ~ am ab to -}o a roach Q n '~ssUe ~vrt-~-, a n ~~en m ~ n ~ .~~d ~ta.i l~ h v woY,~~1 in Q ~ ~ hos~p~~als hat ereoa of concern would you like to see the Board, Camminee, or Commission addressl ~,~~~ ~ ~~r ~~~ '~T~~ ~. ~ , Qrea~ cx4- ~-~,1~ -4-~ me. "fiyre yo' `Cbrrer1tly 94rVln~ 0~ enotha~ bvat'd or committee appointed by a munrcipa/ity or ar countyr /t so, p/ease lrst: 1~~~,_t~1P.l,~) ~~fYtii)P,r ( iV,,.,~., plash r-,~~..,., ~,...,..._ ( mss. tr -(_ ~ - n_ . _ ., ~1i ~ ~L5UL5~ U ~~ ~. are: ~'pnatui~ . ~R~sss~ us• rwsrs~ sr ar additanel Cor*+m+nhl 1AN 0 l 1991 NEW HANOVER CO. ,, ~ ~ B0. OF COM~ulSSIONERS rldrers'Tlx~~ir°f~'• ~' 'ion requestadl4j;~s~~ ~, i~nc~ tin Ir'~ NEW HANO1/ER COUNTY BOARD OF. COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 30.5 Wilmington, NC 28401-40.93 Telephone (9f01~341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointi»e~nt to: ~ 5~/ fi~~ ~ -,~~//'S 0/{ y . Gv~~~ Home - ~ How long have you~been a Address: _ 37~j ~~~~'?" ~t~0~/t 7- resident of New HanoverCountyl Z E~~l Mailing Address: ~ ~~~ `j~S~'Y <</Y~t r-- _ City and State: GL/ L /`? f ~/(r1~ y ~ G 7Jp Code: L~S°U 3 ~ U Telephone: Homer ~ ~ ~ ~ / • g~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ y7 Business: ~~-"' 'Sex: ~ 'Race: . - ~~ ~ •Age: 'This inlormetion is requested for the so/s purpose of assunny Ihet across-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed by: - _ _ ~ ~ /1 b~ . . . -__ _ - person currsnt/y employed by the agency or depeitmontlor which tAis app/ication is made, must resign his/herposition with Nsw Xanover County upon appointment, in eceordence with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the Nsw Nenover County Psrsonne/ Po/icy. Job Title: -' Professional Activities: Volunteer A ctivities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? / /j~~~ ~~ Imo- (' ~~~ .... ~ ~ / 5%fr ~'zl . /,ll~ N~tlync ~u~,7'" Tffy ~ Tr~/t `~ UG T~"~ .,' .J ~l _ J~ /~~~, !til-~, CrS~NI3z. ' '- f S .: 0 ~ ~Irljy,~ SJ~~ M~o~l/j~,L~ iii 71fr~Tyrte~ d~ 7~if,/t~r--. e r ~ What do. you feel are. your qualifications. for serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission, requested? /16/7 . R S~ 1"l~y Y~2r ~~r ~hyti~~fs~ 4~b~ 0 ~ ~kU~~n~as rrn/s/Th~'~~/~~eLs ~vd .. What areas of~concem would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? . lli~'~ 5/~y~/1 . ~ , . , Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a.countyl It so, please list: .. •, .. ..~ Date: ~ ~~/J~~ ~ ~AN Oi I ~99~ Signatur ~~>~- _ . /Please use reverse side for edditione/ commentsl 1 N~'W HANO ~/ER COUNTY l~OARD OF COif~'lVl/SSIOIVER~ 320 Chestnut StrEet, Room • 305 ~ltnington, NO 28401-4093 Ta/aphon~ (9101841-7149 FAX !9101 X41-4130 APA~cation fat ~• AppoJntrrent t~ Boards, Commhtess, end Cotnmission~ Appointed by t>}~ /Vew Hanover County Board of Camrtr~sione~, t DEC 31 '96 16:10 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 146 P02 • Ucv-J1'ou lUC 19~~'k r. u~ I`orApParrllmant to: Has ital Stud Committee Adair M Graham name ddresa: 404 W. Renovah Circle Naw/on~ have Yaubaan • rosrdentofNawNano~rerCounryT 40 years ~,rno,~ddrrs~: PO Box 700 5 ~~ y~ndSt ato: Wilmin ton NC ripCnde: 28406-7005 alaphono; Kome: (910 762-6852 • Business: 910 3 9 2- 7 20 0 Sex: M •f{ace: - C •7~rFi ~nrorr»e lkyr l~ nQwst~d for ~ ~, i 'Aaa; _ 53 ~ 'Emp/ayedby: p ~~ of eas unhD Scott ~ St ref ~ oro~a,~~ of m• pp~~/N 4r eppomloo: ; rin fellow Inc Nb~ Nato ~ ry ~'rOy~d e y ~O ~~~' °r d~DarO'nsnl liar ~ eAP~+arv h . wMeih lA4 i ~~ 11O'~• ~S°l rasi7n A~/har a l i n p x r cn w17~ G iaoa~+rc~ w17A.Rrtlali VG 1i~ •f arth~ Mew f/.n~ovm• CounryPRnrornal Jeb 7?le: . _ a/uniccrActhftt'~a: ' . V~ you wrsh to servo on the Baard, Committee, yr Carlrmisslon ra . _ . _. vuesiedl le~to have ositive and constr c n our commun Ho e that I will be n ut in •a vet difficult de da you lael aio yovs quaGficatians /or serv(na on th9 Bo~rri, ea finan Committee, or Corrsmrssion regaested? e gat Brats of eancern would you like to see ~Q Board, Commltiaa, oI Comnvssion address! _ T~~n~~- -- there is a ro er ba ance of medical care for citi P Whi o protecting one of our county~s most valuable assets this co yov cuirutdy serving on enothQr boat or committee aPPointed b a mcMici a/Ity or a Y p cauntyT /t so, P/easa Nst: N~ 12/31/96 use r~Yass sfde rbr e~9dbnd Qarnmentdl 1 Sr~nJtt~rm 23 I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO/~1MISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to'Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: I-~U S P I ~ ~- S~ ~ Y Co h /~ 1 7~~ Name: 1--- ~ ~ c~ A-EL (r(Z1 SSO/`1 _ . Home Now long have you been a Address: S a y S ~SFl-~0 0 ca ~-D .~, resident of New Hanover Countyl v~ ~ ~l'~/~-2 j Mailing Address: ~u2 U S ,5~~,~ 0 (.( JZQ . ~~ City and State: GJ I L ~'1 11..! (t--%~ ~(~ /U ' ~ ~ Zip Code: ,2 ~~-}) ~ Telephone: Home: °~ 10 - 74 / - ~l'7 ~. (o Business: 9 /y - ~ ci / - ~ 7 ~ (, 'Sex: ~M!}'t~lz °Race: (.J N ~ 'r •Age: 'This inlormetion is requested for the so/s purpose of essuriny lhet across-section o/the community is appointed. "Employed by: - ~- M~• ~~ (.~S oh ~- `~ A--TJoC/~: J . "A person currengy amp/Dyed by the agency or depe~tment for which this application is mode, must resign his/her position with New Hsnover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/s V/, Sec. ~ of the Nsw Nenovsr County Personnel PoGcy. Job Title: ~ t-.~ i~.l EIL. ~ C o.v Sr ~ c-Tr o•./ SDK V r L ~ S - - _. - Piotessiona/Activities: ~OJti/'7"~r~-LTO 2 1 t.: ~~ S (D 2 ,y 7~~'C, f},~;~ ~dh jS,z,~C//3't ~a N~ZucT(y~/ VolunteerActivities: Ft.Gcr,~ hE~6~ aF PL~ISK Cou~1c(L /}.-T ThhAcGL,3-,-r Ca~C~~na~/Gl,~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Imo-} I f i rru .e /i'-r~Fts'c,t7 ~VE2; G~r~Z.,'.,J /,.~ ~rL co~,~;~-. 1-r rs /MP~/~A-T~~~ ~A~r ~t,t,~ A-rP~~rs B~ D{scoy~~Fl~ ~"='~ C_ ~' ~~ ' l,l t, 1, Y f}rv~A l,`r~,i ~ Fa R ~ ~-}t-~1/~ 6~;JL Irt~ ~ o,t ~ hn/d n S~UEI=ir" 7b I~~E Co ~.t ~%TY .1= !~ , . o ~ f;;'c.rlv'r% r~N~ Nt~v:z tip P{~~.~(I~.NC.~ { 1''T i~rS TIr4~r /~.. `,~E ~c,1.7-Co/`h~ -oF P{~ ST~JY- What do you feel are your qualifications !or sewing on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? S EF ~ r~Vr.2S L. ~`' '~? What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commissron addressl -r,~, r) / (r,~ ,~,T c;w"n,LF~--~ 1-[•a.rP,t_T~c, C 2,c_Dr i ~/j-TI,~,U ; 2;cSu ~ r ~~ F t-A-~-/~-1T7/ oP,~ f=1,uF',~c tA-~ L•otI r Ce~u..vr4 c. ~z.:-/rc. ~ ~ ,~ ~y, ~ , T-Y ~ Sl Lt ri.l .- - _ Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: C~ -r~OC~~D z r Date: c Signature ~~. '~t~ ~l..v..--cf7`~, /Please use re se ide lor~edditionel comments) ~~N O 8 1991 NEW HANOVER CO. l BD. OF COMMISSfONERS '~ .i F-EI~J ~- /l1 ~ `~ G~.~-c /?z- r ~ (~r~ / o ^' S F-~ /C_. i2~-~ J C ~ M ~`1 i r ~~ _ ~`-r `r' Q (t-u ~ ~ ~s r J ,v,~, FLX P+~ ,Z - -F~ ~v c 2 ~~-1 ,~.,~o~i;~ , 2.FL0 /~-r ~ 'N s~ l tt u c-Tf#~z o u s ~ y ~o c~ 2 0 ~ ~.; ,~ M u ~ r l ~ ~ ~ A-c.7- r V l T i ~I Arc. ~ Cr~v c.~ ~S ~ F- ~~ o Pc. ,~ . .L {-~-C r ~ ~-v 2 ~.k? ~,2 I~,v c-~ l,J ~ (t-K-1 ~i Cr o ~ co ~ ,mac r T T~ ~~ / N /`~ `~ c~ u 2c,~ . 2r2-~c'o~-iL~ r = ~7 ~-~C.ls% 0~7~~ ~ ~~ b~c~(.~p pl~CrSlOr~` ~f}-1G/it/~/' ..~',2v c;,~~S yN ~Q I T(J ~.1 / ~ ~~ll,~ 8~~,~1 l~'1 /~~1~~ I ~ `r'~A 2s To /`~Y N t- Y w I F~ ,~rvD c,.s ~. ~ {-~ /i-~!~ SE Vii ~ C~ i ~ 0 2 Fz ~~ 7UCT`~T h(~/C- . T i 1 S o ~v ~ ; ,`t-o c.~ G-f-~ C o I ~,1~, ~ T /`-r ~ r~-r f~~ i~~-~ ~J o (~ K ~ ~-r- o ~,~. ~ cv J`t l~ o nl G-o~ ~S . ,2-fL P~-~-~izv z 9_ Fr~,/~L~Y~ _ f~~v~ ~ Q_S. D~lr~l..rz~ Irv ~co,~o~`-lics . ~L o,~ C~ ~U G ~..~ w H ~ c, u ~ U S-~ ,~v~/L ~ U~- l ~l /`Z Y [3 us i~/ ~s s ~~ ~~ . ~,25 o N ~~ , f}'~~7=F-~-l2S _ T,r-~- I S ~~ S i 1.~;~ y o F C rf o f LFL ~~ 1 S 1 ~--! ~; M ~?S r. VALU,4,3ti SS~r .L . ~~v2. T-o oFL~2 . s c~ r--~-zc.P i?~~ cohM rrT~'~. D,scov~l. ~. ~- FL(.~V AN. ~.... (S S c--i ~ S ~/~ D ~~~ 2/`-r /~/ FL Tk~l 2 (!~~ c.~ ~ : ~ i ~}. (~ i F 1 c.A rt,o ~.i S t~ oc.,~.c. o ~~IoT~ l`7 F~ ~, ~Xc-~L ~~-,vT /~ ~~-iQ~~C. ~ ~ cs c~nhrri~~_ _.; . :: ~ _ _ _ . ~~' t . ~.: . ~' 25 NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COM/V1/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~f Telephone (9101 341,7149 _ U FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for A , ppointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the-New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Re uest for A ~ - q ppointment to: (~ '~ ~ ~~ ~,vNl' I l/A. Name: V~.1~ . ~ • ~~ ,~~ .~.. Home ~ Z~'(~S - How long have you been a ~--~ Address: 5 ~ ~ (:~r- I~~ W~, {/~/ resident of New Hanover CountyT n1Q~'J~ Mailing Address:_ ~ ~ (1 -P~ r~-ers NQr~ City and State: _ N~,~ ( VIQ~-~-~~ /VL Z;p Code:'_~o~y~ Telephone: Home: _ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o - ~ ~ zl Business: ~D~(A '1 r,, /r) ~1~5 'Sex: I- Q,{1Y1~,) ~ 'Race: _ (/V ~ l ~t(., 'Age: . 'This in/ormetion is reQuestad /or the so/e purpose o/ assuring that a cross-section o/ the community is eppoinled. ..Emplo yed b y: I~ (.~Q~ ~Y (/I (QS - R~ ~ F~~°li.F~J P ~-~i ('~~ • "A person current/y employed by the agency or deport enl for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with ( p New Hanover Counl~ty~upon appointment, lin accordance with Attic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. LLL......111 Job Title: t17~i ~1 I Ull S~'~A ~n/ Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: ~ ~~y i~1 /ewa. S ih /~~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~CQQ _ p ~~ do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~., _ n I~ _ n l 1 - 1 1 ~/ W at areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Comm/ssion address? ~ Vt'~ ~ 1,~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: ~ OK 2 1 /J Date: _ Signatur `{ lP/oese user r 'de for additions/ comments) ~^~ ~ • • . c~~~, -.., .. - 'r 1 1 ~ Memo r t i ~, Ta .New Hanover County Board of Commissioners tF~ Lisa AHardy - - . GC: .. Dat+~ December 23, 1996 R~ NHRMC and Independent Task Force ~ ~ -"' ~ ' I am writing to you to confirm my interest in becoming a member of the Independent Task Force that will research and look at objectively, the impact of NHRMC becoming a private institution will have on _ Wilmington and New Hanover County. The health care industry in Wilmington is somewhat volatile - - - at this point due to managed care starting to make an impact on the market, Columbia HCA stepping up the area competition, and NHRMC responding to Columbia's competition in a somewhat hurried .• fashion. I believe a thorough, objective analysis of the impact of a decision for or against the public versus private issue is critical. have been involved in the health care industry since 1988. I have a degree in Health Care Administration and a licensed health facility .administrator in Iowa, Indiana, and North Carolina. I - . worked as the Assistant Administrator of the United Presbyterian Home, a continuing care retirement community, in Washington, Iowa, from 1988 to February 1995. The United Presbyterian Home has 150 independent living units, a 52 bed health cerrter, and approximately 100 employees. tjoined Life Care Services Corporation (LCS), a management and development campany that specializes in ~.; retirement communities in February of 1995. LCS placed me at Greenwood Vllage South in Greenwood, Indiana, as the Associate Administrator. Greenwood Vllage South has 394 • -independent living units, 60 assisted living. units, a 106 bed health center,. and approximately 250 ~' `~ ` employees. In April of this year, I was promoted to Administrator of Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care -- .. Center (CND) here in Wilmington. CND is a 200 bed skilled nursing facility that has approximately ~-~` •-~ 250 employees. I believe I bring a vast amount of experience to the table and would contribute positively to the Task Force. Additionally, I am married with three children and obviously concerned ' about the future of health care in New Hanover County. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 686-7195. y • Page 1 . ,~:. .. - - vvn7T ~ _. ~-- BOARD• ~F GOMtNfISS1~/VFRS . 320 Chestnut SFrset, Ro~ln ~ 30b ~ . W1lmtngFOn, NC 28401-409,3 T•hpJ~ono ~91g1 ~1-7f~9 FAX t9fgJ 3t1-4130 AppUcatlon for Appvlrttm~nt to Bo3rids, Comm1`l'tees, and CammJsslons Appolntid by th~r NQw Nanavar County Board o~ Cammissdonars ~ ~, ~• fiaquest !a~ ApAO/htment ro: ~ y ~ s Q r-~ ~~ i-~- ~tt"~ e N ~f. R 1''f ~ .._. _.. _ ., .. Nine: ~ rt ~-n. (emu ~ . ~~.GSe ~.. ' _~ _~~ kom~ ~ How torfp haw you b~wn s - ' Addr:ss: {p 7b 1 _~~~~ w ~~~, ~___,~~ rastdenr of New H~novesr County? Pad-~`s Kni~in~ Address: ' ' , . r~Yy rnd StgN: _ ~I ~ rn ~-c~t,~'i b~' ]~(~ L Cade. ~~' ~O 3 ~ A ' _ ___ . _. rel~phon~: Nomu ~v_7 ~ $-6 - $' ~g T _ 6usfneis: - i~ ~ rG - : ~ 'Sex; ,~__.~. 'R~ca: V(/ 'i/ . • L+fonf+~Non a ngtrNN~ 16~ tl,~ ~+1~ ~ of aq !!i~! • a~aar+rrtttla~. sf wri ii r ` ; ~+~l~ ~9 n+rt++r+Iry +~r fit. •d . ..~/nyed by: ~f/~ l ~ - r. --.n p.rw, cwr,ran orr..m~or.I a~ M. ~a.-wy or dw-rs,+wK hV wrya- ass y~trc.ctan 1r.rira~., ~..~.~ - Naw Nanov~r C~rvntr v1N+ ~aMM+ran~ b a~aQOrd~ncY with IIit~Wi YL ~.a ~ e/ ah• Niw Harmwv G~wry rrsonn•-A~scy Job 7id~: ?: o oralaAdl ~f cNvlt/es: • . j... ~ . - • ..~ . ~~. /vluntse~Acrlvities: ~ ' _ _~ f ~7~a~naflta~ ~~f~~Y ~ 1~by da yap wish to sarva an the Qosrd. ComR+l~rtie`'o. Camm/aslort rQquuted~ ', x: _ , ~ _ ~ ~ . z Vhat do you 1's~l ire yvui pu~l1(lcotlon~r for ~eNl~A on the 8aard, •Commtttoa,`+o~ Commiaslo~*roquostvd~~, Yhat 4r@dS Of ctlncKrf would you /llte t0 tea the Bawd, Commhtee, or Commis.~lo~ iddio1sT ~ i i, i. I n you durrantly a8rvln~ oa another board or co~mlttee appointed by ~ mw,k/paliry or ~ county? !l so, p/~{sa list: k /(/D ff r ~a~o ~:;;~,~ K~..w~ ~.,,w~ JAN - 3 1991 - • : ...;y;....____ i - t 1 '1 i i 1 r ~, -. l / 11/'f/11~ ^ lyre w i ice. • .. ._.._ .. .: •::r. i0 'd -i t ~~ t t i i .~~~ .~~. To the Commissioners of New Hanover County: This is in respectful response to your invitation for citizen service on aIi t~dvisory group on the raquest of the New Hanover Regional Medical center For a change of corporate status. I am ready., willing. and able so to serve at your pleasure and my pertinent history is as fo11ow9: 1) Public Rcl,ations Consultant to tho Group Health Associatio of Washington DC (one of the nation's pioneer HM0 organi - zations) -- 1959-1978_ 2j Co--author of a book on healthcare institution governance . (Funded by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation), published by SP Medical & Scientific Books -- 1979. _. ,.~ 3) My Maater of Buai~iesa Administration d+~grec thesis was on •patient.satisfaction research, Loyola College (MD.)' -- 198 4) President of Healthcare Interaction Consultants and Editor. pf Physicians' Geriatrics Digest -- 1981-85. 5) Founder .(1992) and currently Advi$ory Board Chairman o£:th Dispute Settlement Center of Cape Fear. I hope to have raised -some pertinent questions concerning the NHRMC matters in my letters published in the Morning Star..I~ would like these answered to the Commissioners' satisfaction. I am prepared to be open-minded in pursuit of the,long-term interests of the NHRMC, the County and it's citizens.--~ Whether or not my offer to serve is accepted, I compliment you for extending this opportunity for responsible public ...~ input. Si ors, Stanley G_ `goose 6701 Sedgewpod Rd. Wllmington'NC-28403 (910) 256-8387 1/3/97 29 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut- Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX•(910J 341-4130 - ~. ~ _ . App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees,, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County_ Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: 6S. i a f' ~ _ " $7 (~((~/ ( owtn.~ tss~ o n ,. F~' Name:~eV'Cr-~~1 Qnn M ~ CIS ~ot1Ps Home ~ _ :~ .How.long have you been a Address: y I 1 l0 0 rC ~Q i'C! ' - rq.~ .~ ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~~ 5 . Mailing Address: ' , ~ ~ ~ .. City and State: ~1~~ rnq~cn ~L - ~ ~ ^L'p Code: °~~ ~q y Telephone: Nome: ~/0 - ~ 9 9. 3 ~~ ~ .' =' Business: ` 'Sex: ~ f~tYY~4~e . ~ 'Race: Whr7~~ 'Age: -33 -. 'This information is roquesfed for the so% purpose of assuring Chet scross-section of the community is appointed. -•'Emplo.yed-'b~Y: e ~a~ ~ rytmunr~"' ~~~? e , "A person curie dy amp/o yed by the agency or department for which t is application is made, must resign his/her position with NewNenover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% VI,.Sec.'4 0l the New,Nenover County Personae/Policy. Job Title: ,4 0/t U!'JGr /~'Q Cu~T~ ' ~ .. .. . .. r s-, .. ... Piofesst'onalActivities:q VolunteerActivities: (~~cu-c.G Y.G~,c~-~ ~l~uccc,C• t ~ Why' do you wish. "to' serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission ~requestedT. ~ u~~ What do you~'feel are your qualifications /or serving on ,the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? U4..e~i4 c~ ~ ~ a ~nt~-~'~v~ /~ Grs~.P.c..f- ~.. ,22u.r-mot ~ N en'>1 m t,~ ~ ~. Are you current/y serving,on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT /f so, please list: Dare: C CLSI~~~V~D ~~' 9' Signature Q. , (Please use reverse side for additional comments/ 1JIN 0 ~ 1991 NEW HANOVER CO. ' nn nr r•ntt~lif`(`In~~[f~ .~e.r-li~o NEW HANOVER COUNTY ^~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 :Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ,~i Telephone (9101 341-7149 _ FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New.Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~`-'Q.. l.c~ ~-~-C~y~ 6y1~., ~ QVi ~..~.Q_ -~-~ p Srp ;~ Name: P !~ L ~' Home • ~ Address: 0 L~ ~ A i~ Mailing Address: s. m~~e How long have you been a resident of New Hanover CountyT ~ 8 f~ ~ City and State: ~ ~ ~ Y11~.1 Y1 a ~ , ~ G Z ~ 44 S .Zip Code: ~ //' ;~ Telephone: Home: 10 ~ to ' 1 2 7 ~ Business: 'Sex: -~ 'Race: ~-~j~/Q ~Yl'~ 'Age: ,S 8 'This in/ormefion is requested /or the sa/e purpose a/ essuriny that across-section o/ the community is appointed. _ "Employed b y: "A person current/y employed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% VJ, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nenover County Personnel Policy. - Professional Activities: C ~CAnJ SOG i e C o -C a~ r f o m i r1t~ t/alunfeer.4ctivities: . Q n ~- ~- o a,v cD E'JCecu-f~' , Du r Why do you wish to serve on•the Board, Committee, or -~' A r-~'c ~. ~ SSu G i /~ A/1 o bf~%~- w~ - Wh t do yo fee are our uglification r Y q s /o serving on rnani ~~o~,~c~ VI1 m~l~.~< ~ n 1~ C Scr/c h Am n i -~~ Cc~/1~/ %ch mYe Ys m u Commission requested. ~t~ ~.~llY ~ ~.SC p2f l'e~C (~ -~-h a Comm ~ ~ -!~ s~lu d y ~ ~on-~~ ~.erl~l yard Com ittee, or Commission requested? ~~ire fi /< ~ ~ I /~ ~~ ) YYI~rG~" ~ •D A ~ ~~ D ~ A What-areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? P~i~~..P_ ~}/l ~Ht-P~ ,~ q-~-~ n c~ f'~itSon o ~ A 'n -~ Co l ~,,~,~ p1 ~ - • Are ybu currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Z 2G DEf 3 0 ~.,~ ,Date: (Please use rave se side r additional comments/ _ •~ t, .; C~ Signature / ( 3 1 NEW HANO!/ER COUNTY BOARD. OF CO/t~IN1/SS/ONERS 32D Chestnut Street, -Room 305 Wilmington,: NC 2840,1-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101.341-4130 , A /ication for A , pP ppointment to Boards, Committees, and .Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County.Board.of Commissioners.. Request for Appointment to: I~~ ~~.,,~Z... Q,.,GU,oNp-~ ,~~ C~-NTL'YL._~(~aV~1 o~.J STUDS/ Name: ~ 1 ~'TV ~ ~O~( - - _ - - . ... , Home ~~ ~ ` How long have you been a Address: ~l a 1~a~n~•t~ lcsr~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? _ o~U~~__ Mailing Address: ~aI a -_ ~Qa_,,,n.~,,,,,m ~rn~.o (~ City and State: ~;,~,a,i,~oy.~ )( 7~p Code: ~~p~' Telephone: Home: ~10-~9,~- 9/~l(0 •Business: ~l0- y5~ -y~SS 'Sex: FE ~ ~ °Race: l.Jh,~-4-~. 'Age: ~ ~ 'This inrormatian is requested roi tA• so/e purpose: of essuriny that across-secfion of th• community is.eppointed, "Employed by: hi ZZR ~ f 4 . - "A person current/y emp/Dyed by the eyency ar deperfinenf log which lhis app/icat'ion is'med~, must resign his/her position with , New Hanover County upon eppointment,•in eccordancs with Artic/e.VJ, sec, 4.ol.the-N~w h/enover County Personna/ Po/icy1~ _~ Job Tit/e: C Oo ~L , Professiona/Activities: ~ a,iY\ , a, ~,` -}'1 ~,~ S~jtr~F,,~,-~- ~~ ~~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~~`~ . - -~fa~15° ~ -}o UNC '}•tniS sJvv~ruE,r , Vo/unteerActivities: _l ({t,-n~,~ `~jlood an ~ ~C?-¢'~~ • b~~s • -- _ ~ Why do you wish to; serve on. the Board, ,Cainmittee, or.Comm/ssion requested? ~- ~_A~ ~;,,~, _~'• ! ~5.~_ ~ i n )rrC ~ J.P r'~ i (l `i~.~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ i 'Y~J1 } ' ~ t - ~ A~ -~'{,..a..~-~ -AYi J1 n;,,.~n ,~-•,~ 1 'h,,,Y~- 'iC~ SL2, •~.(,ytj- ~ k . ~ ~ ~~.~ •U.~c.~a~cwvc.~ fo ~'~-"~. w1,.,o ne.ar.~-o- .:.F r~ ~C~rv{' a,n. ~i- cRr~ la-e.. ~ ~f What do you'feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee','or Commission re nested? ct, ~ `•' {-o C~.cwl. ~ J,lso (,~,v~ -4•k:~ -4~M~ a.~d ' ccL}-t ~ •~-o ~+1.. ~ • What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl - - .. . Are you currently serving on,another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? llsti, please/ist: Date: Signature ._ .. /Pleese use re rde /or edditionel comments) JAN 0 L ~ /~~ - .~-t. ~' • ~ VIEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIMISS/ONERS ` . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ` Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~,~~ Telephone 19101 341-7149 j •, - FAX' (9101341-4130 `• ~' Application for Appointment to Boards Committees an d Comm/sslons Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~' Request for Appointment to: c:~N~ ~ ~~~ _ Name: ~ l~,DIQI~B L • ~ Home ^q How long have you been a Addresr. ~ ~ ! t'4 ~ f(Zht resident of New Hanover County?. 1. 7T t Mailing Address: _~~~ m,~~-fw /,Pf1/ / • Cily and State: W 1 C- - Zip Code: ,2~y~~ Telephone:.. Home: ~6 ~ - ~ ~ -Business:. D ;2s1 `3~ ~ , . 'Sex: - ~ 'Race: W v 'Ape: ~~p .. , . ,~, 'This information is repuested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ...Employed by: ~6 ~ f _ _°- - - .. r "A person eur ant/y employed by the eg~y of de e ' New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccorden ~" / r 1 ' , Job .Title: S~f le.. ~• ~ /d.l •f - ° Professional Activities: ~~I • T 4 ~,/~ -~ Carr: ant for wA/ch tAls application is made, must resign his/her position with with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l fhe New Hanover Covnty Personae/Potty. A-1~R0flLl ~P /G l/r• ,A - ~ - VolunteerActivites: ~-l`~~~~~ `~,~~ C/~ r~r~ ` _ `"7 W[h~y ado you wish to serval on the Board, Committee(, or Commission requested? 10 fS`!1 lr-~'~'9 i ~Y~/ IrC ~P~~t~ S3~l~~PS 11f1ti b ,~1 f.~ d,~Aj/l~A~l --7- - . mil/ .,.. ~ t •~ What do ou fe 1 r y e a e your qualifications for serving orn the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl '~ .. - What areas of concern. would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? (~UA~IH~I~Pt oT G~?",1f ;~ c~ ~ ~'rc~ ~Nc~ ~ Re rns~i - c~rg ~r~ytpn~ - ~r~,'~-t ~~ ~fw r~~ I -~r~ ~ ~ K i~ ~~- it ~,~~/k,~ Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: I~ ~ - ,~ ~~, Date: ~ Z (P/ease user vet side for additional comments/ JAN Q 6 199] Signature ~ 3 3 .J. _~' ..... _..~... • n NFW H.4N0 ~/FR .COUNTY BOARD OF COl(/1MISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (97.01 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover Cou`nt~y Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: r "~5 ~~ i ~ ~-- '~-v1'v Q y ~p ~ h r ~ ~ ^`~ Name: / / a ss~ o w e h. Home 1 ~ ~ - - How long have you been a / Address: ~~~~ /v /~C ~. resident of New Hanover County) /~ PR.rs' Mailing Address: -~'~zM e- ~ - U City and State: ~ ~ / ~~ . ti /~~ 7Jp Code: .2 O T .~ .5 _ .. .. ._ . _ Telephone: Home: Z j ~ 9.3 .~ -S~ Business: '- ~E' ~ ~i,~ c ~~ 'Sex: /~a.~e 'Race: ~ct c,~4. Si 4 h 'A~e: ~ -Z ~ _ 'This in/onnation cs requested log tlrs so/s~purpose of g3sutiny that across-sd lion of the community is eppoinbd. ..Employed by: ~~'? / ~ ~ ~ . ' A person ccrrrently employsd by ths.ayency of d~perLnent lot which alas appiicstion as made, must nsi9n AisJherposition wiN . New Hanover County upon epp 'ntment, in eccordence with Articl Vl, Seca ~ o/ the New Xenovsr County Psrsonne/ Poli Job Title.~~~" `~ Ce- ~y-eS/ ~rr ~ ~- `G/ ~ /~~ ~ lZ Ve.S~HtCH /s Piofessiona/Activities: E L.</Er7, Soc ' ~ .r ocn., ~ rto~,-w ~ ~ `.Y C~ fccr ..~._~/turtoas VolunteerActivities: SC~O,>,.-,,'7Tf<~-l as,-v,, ~i4~ /%C'~6 ~~~,~Q,y~e (~,:,,..,. /~O~ ~ 0 I ~ , /!/~.[Su~ ~I.w,. y-rlr.+ ~P:.JCU «t t~S % ~ .I ,..y~-. -~i.''~.o.-. /'7t. C/u~ I~ Why do you wish to serve an the Board, Committee, or Cotnmtssion requested) se_ ~ vx r v c. _,. , II f / ~aC.K ~~..~ L z.) -1 Cct~ ~c Q ~a~err~n.~ _CoK ~~~~lr~+. i~ eyalva~,k ~ ~ ~ ' `~ ~ ~ e r Kn~ ~ v~ + ~. Q k'1 Px~r r?ol 4:k~ ~t~ Lca"t'act a.tt :~ktlv ~ ~o....G~-/yy' ate/ ~....a~/o~~.c .< O{ ~G~//,t7Yr ~ .~~ba.~.s./b ~'i.err . .. .. .. r .`. What do you tfeel are your gGalifications /of serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /0.^ r' is ~ J c ~s v,~ G,Ua~/ S~c'7 S- cta./r rh ~..,. ?aftk ~e ' ~~ ~MD{ ~c'~n 6:..- e ~- ~rol P~~ ~G~` S/c.vt+IS" cZ 6i CH~7o%q~ ~~~ ~oc2~i ... , ~o~u 'ter O~i:e ` V What areas of~oncern wou/d y u /ike ~ seeyth~e Board, Committee, or Comnfsi on address? J~ y '~ re~i ~ s ~~ ~~% ~;~e ~jiabi.. t "`r J.- hyes`7~.ee~~s ~ d1 c•.~~a.-e.~ rlshl~t ~t ~ d ~ ri]fi0~ Q Are you current/y serving on another board o/ committee appointed by. a; municipality or a county? /f so, please, list: ~ ~, . - ~o ,_...._ ~ . I ~ ,~q , Date: ~/ ~ ~,O j Signature ~--/ ~l , ~, tplsess use rev • ds for eddilione/ com entsJ ~~~~ - ~ . ~,ff ~;r.~:.: ~~. rr ~' ' ~ .- . . .. .:.~, F=Ftt7M ,VIBE 2345 WILMINGTON. NC TO 13414130 199?.O1-@8 04,16Pt1 it965 P. 02/04 f~ r NEW HANOV~'R COUNTY BOARD QF COMMISSIOIUERS 320 Chestnuf Street, Room 305 Wilmjngion, NC 28407-4093 Telephone (9101341.7149 fAX (9101341-d 130 Application for Appolntmcnt to QoArds, Commlttaes, end Gommisslons Appointed by/the New Hanover Caunfy Board of Cammjsslortors. Request lolAppointment to: _ /~45~/)!IZ- ~~IdO~ ((/YhJ~GI /%% 1~S Nome: •I-iCI/9~r.~~ 1j • ~~zi7it/ LJ Nome / ~/ How long heva you bcon e • /Le(~a ~ -' lY1f'j Address: 6 / Z ltYt//~S /l L ,~/L,/(f ~~ t'esidenl oI New Nonovcr County? Mai/fnp Address: •S~NC fuI-t%/h(-<'L~~~oe~f - fJ?~ r/ I stl City end State: /NI~~9/NG~Gn1 /~ C- Zip Code: ?-~ y4 Telephone: Nome: `~/t~ sdl 'L ' ~Sy ~ Bus/Hess: `old 3~ L -•7~y~ "Sex: ~ `Race: ~qd •Aye: ~ ~ 'this intormotion it nQuutod for tho ep/e purpa~e of easurinfl (het ~ ovus.cUon of tAe communhy tr eppointod. ..F~loyedby _~~EU~ G~~''P~o7L:n A por:on currently omplo yeQOy tAo eponcyOl dvpartmont Iw wA/M to/r trpp!/eotlon /s mode, moat roeipn lisA,w posaion wish Now Nenovoi COu/gty Upon eppointmon(, h •ccOrdenoe w,7AArtioh Vr, 3.A 4 0l the Now Honors County Por:onner jbllry, /oe T/t/a: .(~~/~ri~~~r~sn %~.~~~inL ~tl~zy~~ CF~9~ -~lN~/~.aU~l~......tNt/~iG2. Piotessional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Why do you wis/I to serve on the 8oord, Committee, or Commission requesfedl ~~ ~ - What do you /eel ere your puolilications for servlnp on fhe Board, Committee, or Commisslon requesfed7 -• '" . . ~,ti What areas o/concern would you IikB ro see the Boeid, Committee, or Commisslon addiossl c, ~, -• Are you currently setvinp on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or o county? /f so, please lilt: ~~ ~ , tP/mse use revane s/de far add/Uonel cornM~nts1 Si9Ralt/!B G3C~C~~~C~I~D ~~ - IAN 0 8 1991 3 5 NEW HANOVER CO. J BD. OF COMMISSIONERS ~~1 ~~, t1 ~~1 "1 FROti :MBE 2345 W1LMINOTON. NC TO :3414130 1997.01-08 Hospital Study Committee ~ ' Application for Appointment Applicant: t~ichard L. Martin 6424 Hawksbill brlve Wilmington, NC 28409 ~' (910) 392-7545. 04:18PM #965 P.03/04 Professbnal Activi i~,g__- .Association for Investment Management.and Research (Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts), Member CFA ; Coastal Entrepreneurial Council, _Member; Investors Roundtable of Wilmington, NC, Member .. ,, , . VoluntaQr Activities: Society for Masonboro Island ; Habitat for Humanity; ~~~~ First Presbyterian Church Why do~(Qu wish to serve on the Hospital Study,~pmmitiee? We have ohoson to live In Wilrningtan and hope to do so permanently. We believe that a good way to become a part of the community to glue of yourself to activities which strengthen the community. NHRMC Is an important resource for the region, both as a major , employer and as a key~element in the overall Infrastructure which is supporting the~~ growth of the region. 13y virtue of my training and work experience, I believe that I can contribute to the. Hospital Study Committee and that it is a hiflh level use of my services as a volunteer. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' . .What do vQU feel ere=ypur gp~,ations for serving~n the Ho~ttital Sturiy~ommlttae? in 1974, I .completed. the MBA program at Wharton Graduate with a major in Health Care Administration. From 1974 to 1985, I worked in Hospital adminlstratlon Ina variety of settings. As a founding officer in Health Group, Inc. In 1981, I had direct responsibility for 14 hospitals, of which one was purchased from a county "~ ' • government, one~was long term leased from a county govemment and two were managed under contract to a county government.-6ince that t(me, I have twice been ~"~ retained by state and county governments to evaluate alternative proposals... _ _ _ . _._ From 1885 l0 1993, I served as Chief Operating Officer of a Professional Corporation - • contracting the services of 150 physicians to treat 800,000 outpatient visits per year. This experience gave me an in depth knowledge of physician practice needs, both clinically and administrat(vely, . , J _ ~i From 1993 to 1996, I completed the Chartered Financial Analyst's program which added skills in investment valuation and in applying the investment strategies that have developed using Modern Portfolio Theory. Overall, I offer academic training coupled with work experience In a wlda vArlety of settings within the heatlh Care sector. 1 do not have apre-set position on what is 36 ~ a 1 ~' t t t r 1 1 '1 :;. \>~l FRt7H ahBE 2345 WILNINQTON. NC TO j3414130 1997.01-08 04~19PM X965 P.04/04 best for the future of NHRMC or the patients it serves, 1 would review the concerns and alternatives with an open mind. What areas of con uld li to see Of the multitude of issues on the rapidly changing health care landscape, the most difficult is the responsibility for caring for the.ever growing portion of the working population which does not Nava health insurance ( currently > 4t7 million people nationally ). With the issues of governance and ownership goes the responsibility for solving the dilemma of meeting thQ legal and moral standards to care for the uninsured while maintaining the viability of NHRMC for all of those - patients, employees and Medical Staff - who depend on it. This Is the `core" Challenge that was left to be resolved at the local level when health care reform floundered at the national level in 1992. Thank you for considering me for thA Hospital Study Committee. The future of NHRMC is vitally Important to all the citizens of our region - changes In Its structure will have long term impact and deserves the attention you are focusing on It. 37 f t' - . - ~ RLCHARD L. MARTIN - ~ 6424 Hawksbill Dr Wilmington NC 28409• ~~~ .~ . , ~ ~ ~ ~ .. November 14, 1.996-.. ~~: "- - ~ ~~ Commissioner Buzz Birzenieks . ~ ~ ~ - ~ .: ~ - _ _ .~_ New Hanover County Commissioners Office . • ., 320 Chestnut Street. Room 305 ~ : ~ - ~ ~ •• . ~ Wilmington, NC 28401. ~. ~ ~ ~ .,. Dear Commissioner Birzenieks: ~.~. ~ ~.. • 0. .~ ; ~ ,.~ . - ~ Congratulations on your election. Access to top quality medical care is of ....,, :.~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - .~ -~ . ; ~ .vital importance to all of us. The future governance .of New Hanover Regional.....;,::••,~~. ~ ...~`' :. ~~ Medical Center is an issue on which many will look to you for leadership.because..of ~~~~~~~':•:=.~ ~~:. _ .:`, . -- you direct experience in the health care sector. ~ . . ~ ~ .: - ~~ ~~ ~ =:~.~ . . In the Thursday, November 7, .1996 edition of the.Sta.r News; Tricia Vance: reported - :••' ~::: •.~ - t-~ -~ ~.~ .that you were considering afive-to-seven-member committee.of. "independent ~ ~..',: ~~.~. •~~: ~ ~ ~. ~~~ : -: businesspeople" to censider a~number of options.; Please accept this letter as ~.~ ~.:: ~::~~-.' ~~ ':- :~:~~ . ~ ..~ an offer volunteering my services for such a committee. ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ - ' . . ~ ~. ~ ~ Enclesed.is my biography listing my qualifications. After receiving an MBA frorri~.. ~I..~~ . ~ _- . ~ .. ~~ Wharton Graduate majoring in Health Care Administration, I worked for eleven :~... ~°: ~:~:: ~~ ~ ~: ~. - ~ years as a~Hospital Administrator and.eight years.in Medical Group Management.` :.~:~~.~: ~ ~ • : °', ~. ~ ; . • ~ I have extensive experience-in contract managing, ,operating leasing, and. . ~ " ~ . ~ . ~•: ~ ~: . acquisition of health care facilities from. both the vantage point of the buyer and ~..: ; -~~ . , ..~~-~ . ~~ . • ~ :.the seller. As a medical group manager,. I gained a knowledge of medical practice-~..:~~: ~~~.~;.... .. . , .: ~.~. economics and important issues~for. practicing physicians. ~ Since-moving~ao .. -_:•,:,~,.::.~'.::.. °~:~':...~.~ ~~~ .Wilmington in~;luly 1993, I have focused on completing the three year curriculum.. • ~~,~~ ~:1::: of the Chartered Einaricial~Analyst Program..This training gives me additional ~ ~ ..''; ~~ ~ . =:,:; . . ~~analytical.~skills useful:in~ 'a ~I in alternative~valuation models: ~ ~ ~ ~.~~., ~ ~'~~ .~ ~ ~ I aCn offering my services because I believe the future of NHRMC is vital to the ~ .. ~. ~ :.~ -. region"and I. have the time, energy, and the background to devote to the task. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ : -~ • 1 do not have a preconceived position on the issue,. nor ties to:any interested.party;;~-:~:;.: ~ - :. :~: ~ nor investments that are in any way affected ~by the outcome. I am registered as~ a ~ -.~. ~•: ~:.~., ~' .: - . Republican.. My motivation is to offer informed input on ~an important issue for our .~~: ~;:~;~ ~~ ~,:::~:, .: - - ~ community. - ~ ~- ~ . ~ . ~ ~ .~ ..: ~. ~.• -, r~ .:... . "~ If you are considering me as a candidate; I will be pleased to offer local references:~:~~'...~. ..~ . Please contact me at 392-7545 if I may provide you any additional information.'- - ~~ ~ ., ,:•:.. '- . I respect you willingness to enter the "public life". We wish you strength and wisdom ~:-- .~ . " in your new .leadership position.. - ~, .. - . :~~ .~ 38 ~ . ~ . ~. ~ _ Richard ~L.~Martin - . , ... .. ~ .~ ~ .:~ ~, - _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY - . BOARD OF COMMISS/ONFRS ;r. . °~- 320 Chestnut Street, -Room 305 - Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~- - Telephone (9101 341-7149 - • 1 - . FAX (9101 34.1-4130 ~~~ App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions • ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - f , ~' Request for Appointment to: o S ~Z'T~-Q Ty ~ •, L , Name: _~\ V VY1 a ~ 1 I l ~ ~ C~- S ` ~- ~(1 . ' Home How long have you been. a . Address: . y ~ p ~ ~ a ~cv~ w~ o c Ic (Q ~ . resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Add/ass: - 1 City. and State: _~ ~, rv~ ~ "n g~ n N C. - Zip Code: a $. `{ 0 9 - .~ Telephone: Kome: ~ O S ~ Business: . ~ ,Sex: _ ~ 0~~'e. 'Race: ~ 14 U C ~ 'Age: ~-O " -~ '.This-inlormetion is requested lor. fhe so/a purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed~bY: W-2~r~e~ ~N~V`cr-s.'~ / '1~T~c'ec~ U S ~ur~,~~ ~~t~ S~cy~~c,~, ` "A person currently employed by the agency or department lvr w- ich this application ~s made, must resign his/her position"with • New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. • Doti Tit/e: ~~. ~ ro~ e SSL"L. / ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ a Q ,c~.d M . ,,~ - ~ ~ , Professiona/Activities: - Po•CTT~m- `TQue~. ~ „~ ma~QC c ~24~~~ r~~~v„N,. ~,,,~~~ZQ.., ApM, VolunteerActivities:~, t*~~~CeC~~'tS- oco.. ~/ j ~~c»~•aci,c~ecsRss/J ass~ST/-ro~gc~cc1NS~'cb.m~~e~ ~~t ~~ 1 Why do you wish toserve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ ~n,t~ ~1/~~c'S~ :: ~, ~~ • What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Comrittee, or Commission requested? . What areas of concern would, you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are ydu currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or~a county? 1f so, p/ease list: -` ",r, (~(~r n /yd •~ `linl~l'1~~IU' 1~; o \\ ~ 1~N p 1 1991 ate: .')A 1J . ~, lq ~ ~ Signature ~~ ~-~~~~c~ "(Please use rever's`e side for additional comments/ "' / NANOVER CO. ~~ ' .. ' ~ COP~MISSIONERS ~. Why do you wish to serve.on the Board, Committee, or Commission re uested? ~~ _ q As a retired hospital administrator, I know the issues facing our county hospital are critical and feel I can contribute to developing the recommendations to the county Board of Commissioners. • What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .. ~ . . ~ . _ .. I have extensive experience at a number of different levels in the hospital including serving as ..the duector of a 350 bed general medicaUsurgical hospital. In addition, I hold'a Doctorate'in Health Service Administration from Tulane University and presently teach part-time in.a Masters -Degree program in Health Service Administration at Webster University in 7acksonville, NC. I retired from the US Public Health Service, in 1989 after 26 years of service. ~' Y What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, .or,.Commission address? • .._ ,Determine the detrimental impact of current legislative prohibitions on county hospitals and if significant, assess options. If impact is truly detrimental, then either,legislation should,be amended or the hospital organizational structure modified fo allow for appropriate growth and expansion to meet the need of our growing community. .. _ _. .. _ - •, }t __ ., _ ~ ~ .. .. ` ;,,. 42 _ . .-. , .- , .:~~. . ~. 3~A ~~. .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 . A /ication for A ' pp ppointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~~Request for Appointment to: HOSPITAL STIIDY COMMITTEE Name: HERB MCDUFFIE Home Address: 514 Brunswick Street ;~ Mailing Address: 514 Brunswick Street City and State:" Wilmington, North Carolina How lonD have you been. a Native., returned resident of New Hanover County? -7. years aQO _ Zip Coder 28401 ~~Telephone; Home: 7Fi~_4~7? Business: 251-3645 African-American •Sex: _ t~ta ~ Q 'Race: •Age: e R 'This in/orme[ion is requested for the so% purpose o/essuriny that across-section of the community is appointed. _;~A) •'Emp/o.yed by: _ Sal f-Qmnl w~r~ "A person current/y employed b y the agency or deperfinen t far which this app/ication is mods, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% VI, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover Cqunty Personnel Po/icy. Job Title::..... . :g~Professiona/Activities: see reverse side included in the above r VolunteerActivities:_~ee reverse side ~., D ).Why do you wish to serve on the Board,, Committee, or Commission requested? wee r v - rsP s i d ;~. . ~!Vhat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee or Commis i son requested? .see reverse side `F` ~' .hat areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? coc. rPVr~rcP Gi r1P E G 14re you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: WILMINGTON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION ate:. Januar 8 ,1997 CG Y ~~~~~ U ~I.~Y'gnature 'lease use reverse side for additional comments) 1AN 0 8 1991 Comments on reverse side '~ NEW HANOUER CO. (A) Presently,I am a self-employed marketer sharing my .expertise with the North Fourth Street Supermarket project, the Wilmington Community Coalition and with a number~::of clients in fields such as publishing,meetng planning, and personal development seminars. (C) Volunteer activities - President of the Wilmington Community Coalition; Vice-President., Family Support Network; Wilmington Symphony Board; North Fourth Street Partnership, and the Lover Cape Fear, Arts Council: _ ,. (D) I want to serve on the Hospital Stud.y;Committee because I want to-help make a difference in our Community~.We must think! And not base decisions on short term needs _, We can not continue . to allow events to over~rhelm us. We must create the quality of life ve desire. I have the vision to lead our county into the• future_ I am~not afraid ~to make difficult decisions. I have the courage to face problems that confront_us_,.. • (E) Qualifications.-The skills and expertise experience I;bring' to the various'Boards I have served,as well as. City of Wilmington Study groups. or task ;forces will a11ov~Zto be an asset to the Hospital Study Committee. Training with the Mediation Network of North Carolina ,the North .Carolina Institute of .Political Leadership, and`°the North':Carolina.Rural..-Economic :Development Institute have pr'ovided:me with the technology to successfully complete and submit various types of'strate ic-~lans and st d' ~I J n ~, i g. _p u ies. Myinvolvement vi~th~-the ~>various neighborhoods -of';the :community will be an asset: ( F_) Areas Hof concern•~- -First, to remove emotions from the issue or question. Provide facts. Obtain additional .information .that. might. help in developing thebest-plan for~Nev Aanover Regional Medical Center.. Much~of the preceding and other facts; must•be•, shared.-with the commissioners so•that they 'may make the FINAL decision. We must take the initiative and plan our~grovth, w. ,~ti I care and I ha ve the time to give. ._ _... _-_. C ~,. il''•` .i . ,.•. .. .i. ~ ~ •. ~ - _ - NEW NANOVFR COUNTY .BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~' ~ _ . . , , 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305' .~ - - . Wilmington, NC 28401-403... , , , ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 • ,~ ~`t ~ FAX !9101 341-4130 ~~}' App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~ Request for Appointment to:. .' ./7o,5cP/ TA L ~vD Y C_.-. os~,H i ~-F~ ' ... Name: ~ L. f /Q,~ (~ fT ~ ~ c ~s-c~/ R.~.= ome How long have you been a • Address: _~~ ~w ~ /RCt/ C/QEL-'jr ~~/UE resident of New Hanover County? 32 ~ f~'ailing Address: ~ ~. t t r ~ . _i/ ' ` , City ahd State: _ W / L Mi,t~~ To,.t/ ,tJ L Zip Code: 2 8`03 • `~"elephotier Home: ~ ~ /- O / 90 Business: ---~ - L Sex: - 'Race:. G~UG 'Age: ~ 7 `~~ •Th ~ infomretion is roqussfsd for the so% purpo;~ of assuring Bret scross-section of tha community is appointed. • "A person currently ~mploy~d by the agency or dopartm~nt toy which this epp6cetion is made, must resign hrs/hK position with New Henovsr County upon appointment, in accordance with. Ariids Vl, Sec ~ of the Now Henovar County Psrsonna/ PoCcy.- ' ~ - ' Job Title: - .E rofessional Ac"tivities: ~crrt~E ~8 ~~ ,aes ~o~'. '~~ . ~~.I ~RsV G. O C. fj(~ /r T/L~1t~T ~~J9GT ~ /UT~ ~ t ~ r7.1~+1t~~ . W9977'O~ olunteerActivities: c, d t~ • ;,~, s~ ~- v~L- - by do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~ A.r-t /,~~37-~ /,i f b,uQ Cm~'f.~cvu /rJ'. Z ~'~c. ~~ ~ ~n ~i.~3t..~ or- Ta ~ovc-~.c~-s '~ OUR P:~O~-. .47" ~..r?~45T f~T ?J~c; La .~F 77fz` Av-G~zA~ rrrz~J- ~t~' /"Ir.tiD /j O ~a [.utc, c.r vG- ~ /.~rr'~s7"~c-.4TX`- l~/scv~ /g„~0 itA,Cc' .• !1 r_ Corf.N..~t1t~1T....1s /il /.u_ ~i=G-.- r..~r9n.-c .. /_' f,~ ~~T~,Z ~ .~,~. //~,s- n _. /~c-. . L tat do .you lee/ are your qua/i/ications Jor serving on -the Board, Committee, or Commissiomrequestedl ~5 ' roll ~/c'T7stdy~~/T ~ ./~~.Zru/,~ ~.11~ !.v USN f~c'TH~ Sr~vs.2 C.rf4~~ rx~j ~ vG U,uDr~1. J/dc..• ~cnyir-y~-r~~~~ 2 /SRS- I~T~£'t° ~/G firP~yrr~.rS~c. ~...... . ~~'hat areas of concern wouldDDyou like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? L.G- A~~c~-~ ~r ~ ~ vc~$ IQ oPosA~.S ~ T /fl r9u.P /-~as-p~~-i. . .~. , Areyou currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, p/ease list: ~' i c..Ki.dr~YO.I~ ©~ _ G~C~~OC~~D ate: - j ase use rsvers~ side loi additional comet ~r/ ~ p ~~~~ NEW HANOVER CO. ~; BD. OF CO:V!rI~SIO~~IERS i v . - ~,_ spZv`!-~'n ~.(~ ~OKrr~ Tl~' ~i¢T' ,J~~ ~- • v~:2'f~ ~ ~~. • ~~ ! ~~C ~. ~, , ~, ~~ fz-2 2 ( ~~(S G~i9.i.~.Y.s~,c/ ~ ~ ~,K~2 uA,c~ ~`~-s~,J ~ S ~4~9TT~R,c..q~. ~~~-„ /~~~ ~J -- --' ~ ... ~ ~.. ,1.... .~. .. .. .\ „ .. .. .. '~ r... r .. .. .`"^'`• `~ ~~'•''<-~. w~•`~t \ •/J~?~ ..'? Wit.... ~-. ~.. ~... _• _ti\ t,; _ u ~`~ .'• •' ..•~ .. ~~ \ ` ~ '. .. .... .. .~.i„ ~ ... I. •w. :~, ~ .ter' ,~•' •„j~ •. ,.. r-' Y _ ..v. '~, ~ - .... • ,\. . . _ ... ; ~~ -~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS ' , ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 ' FAX (9101 341-4130 ., Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . ~ Appointed bythe New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. .. j ~ ~ Request for Appointment to: GS , -~c~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ; e ~ ~,; Name: 1 E ~1 < <--f q n ~ . ' ~ ; Home- How long have you. been a, - ~.Address.~O.P, ~c,be:-1- 5 C~ar,~e-~{- pe. resident,o/New HanoverCnuntyT_ -] y~c~-s --z Mailing Address: s, S ~~, ,, 2 ~r,, _ ~.~.~; ' City and State:. ~ 71p Code: ,~ p,g ~ ~ ~~. Telephone:. Home: _ ~~ S - Co ~~ ~ Business: 3 - 3 ~1 7 ~v-l 'Sex: f111 c, ~ ~ 'Race: -. l.~> h: ~-e •Age: 3 . ' ~ ' 'This in/armetion is requested for the so% purpose a/ essuriny that across-section o! the community is appointed. i ' ~ ••'' 1 ••EmployedbY: ~VPv,.~ t-t-ac~o,/ec- RPainnc.l (11 ~;c41 Cen-~-•er' c •'A person cunendy employed by the agency or de ertment /or which this application is mods, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article l//, Sec. 4 0/ the Nsw Nenover County Psrsonne/Policy. - -, ~ Job. Title: 1(1 S ~~~ P -~-; ~~- . ~~~' Professional Activities: ~c~cd ~ '` ~ ~ ~ - C~ r~-, , ~ ~J ~1CSP ~a n~>!},P ~ ~~- AC L ~ ~,~ ,~r~, -Jr,;- ,_ i - ". ~" ~ ~ VolunteerActivities: ~.~i ~ . . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~ctr~ is ; nc ~e ~ ~, as~.,r ~ tlr) ~•~ ~r)r~~' T}1 ~ ~Pn~JP ~ /~PU) /tnnn~P~ ~l~r„~~c.l C~G'P c~ ~ /f'~~ -~1~n ,~lf~~ ~- C1Cr )('n-1-~ . ~,n~rr,»n-~ir'n c~br,t,-~- r~<-}- -}-l,o,), ~~ -~,xan.,r <~ ~~r~c~ oc~-;Qn-~-~ C~~~ -.1'1.,, c-~ rnre rtn~ r, .-; :Po~t~-a-,~.) 6cnP{-'i~-s ~-e them as C,•~IGPf'1~, _ "' What do you feel are your qualifications !or serving o the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl `~~ ~ ~- cc~, z Q'~v~drr e.e~~carnec. w'~-}~?. i-he C~~',oS Ca.-k of heGlt-~ co.reiT~vc(~7Pr co•~cen,e~ w;~l, lo- ~4-ccu~,1.~ l1SSa~S ~lt'1;PC ~~1 E3,)P~J,t~sit~ yGS-~- C'~'i2C ~r`r c~ /'~l-~jll)r /~11r'~Y~)y i't nP~ U/Jt'1~P~'~P ~,) [J'f•~ t t ) ~ ~ - ~--7 Ei fC.~.1~P,~_ ~RfC*+Pr a~.StnfCS ~f(]1)Pi i~) iv: cc,:~. !What areas o(concem would you like to see-the Board, Committee, or Commission address? l.~hc,-~- c~.-e ~•~1P ~ o ~ ~ 1 5~,;~ZP'hi~S ~"n ~11P Cc~~l~ r~,,l~~t,i ct~ "~'nx4rl~iP~ C n{1c~ ,llc~^P ~~~~C~;~,17'~.1 a.~ +~r-Pn~>2~~ OC.~r~P,i~• ;Are you current/y serving on another,board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list:. ~, f . O :~ • • .J / C ..ti~, Date; - )a ~ ~ 1 ~ Q (o Signature %" I /~ ~ ~`(,J `-~ ~lPlease use reverse side !or additional comments) DEf ( ~ ' r, ' , NEW HANOVER" COUNTY BOARD. OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street,Room 305 Wilmington, NC ~2&40.1-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9.1.01 341'•4130 ' ~, App/ication- for. Appointment to Boards,' Committees; 'and Commissions- ~'~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of. Commissioners. ,., Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ ~ l~, ~ ~V ~ ~/ C ~.~^ .~ Name: ~~~-~ ~~• /Y/t;Ll~ Home Now long have you been a ,4 ddress; _ ~ U s ~~ ~ '. ~,{~ N GT ~e t~o~fTew Hanover County?... /'~ 1l~% tf -S ~~ ~ 2 y o~~~~S-ti~~ , Mailing Address: , ~~ /'Y) (% , ' City.and State: _ ~ ~ L ~,//tf ~ %U ~ ~1 ~ Zip Code: ~~~~ y~1.S~ Telephone: Home: ~ • / ~ -3 ~S Business: O -' ~j . ~T 'Sex: _ 'Race: C~U 'Age: s _S - - 'This in/ormetion is requesfed for the so/e purpose o/, essuriny that across-section al the community is eppointed.~ `' ..Employed by: . ` "A person cuiiently:emp/Dyed bythe eyency o/ department for which fhis application is made, must resign his/her position with j New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New HenovBr Caunty Personnel Polcy. A U Job Title: _~A (U ~ U(, ~i9 >U / ~' S-r~J> -'1J 1 /fi I UN L Professional Activities: E I I ~E =ICC(L. SSC)Cl lON oG !--'` p.~ VolunteerActivities: ~J~ C-w~11~G 70/y ~~ Wf"- N IS T !'>'1ry1 s~Gv Lf~- i c CO.U C,~_.PTI Jrv ~ I$ H i T W^hy' do you wish to serve on¢the Board, Committee, or Commission_requested?,: .Hrv~ V!/ ~~ TNlc2ESi~ I~ rl y / S'S y L S H~~ ! / " / y _' _ C C- 1 //`t ~ L ~ '~ o ' "'~ I - C ~ / y U U,, \_ ~O Z C/4. (~ ~~ E L~ l Sil9 7~~ v - _ . ~ l~ ~K h'1 L 1 S CE r~ T~l~u L y o fv i/ oi= i~ c r>7 _( What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board; Committee, or Commission egtiested? ' ~LC~9Sl: SCE ~/VGLvSC~ L.C % T~12 -t ~c-ScJy~c - . JWha,t areas of concern'would you like ro.see the Board, Committee, of Coinmissio~ address? /~1 ~S' f) T flL ~S S~~}- i yS /~-S f~ ~~~ V r9• i ~= ~ (t _ _:Q~ Q L 1, c. ~ti i / i Are y~olu currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municr'pality or a county? UV ~ " .. l_. ~ Date: ~ , ~~ ~ Signature 1P/ease a verse side to edditionel commentsl J A ~ ~ ' ~Q ''=;"I HANOVER CO. . '. ~ F COMMISSIONERS / - , if so; please list: ~~ I~ . 1 1 I `. '~~ ~_ , ,',~ ~a ~~~ 1 r ~~~ ~~ ~~~ -~~: ~' _ JOHN F. MELIA 605 VAN DORM COURT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28412 (910) 790-3885 Home ~. January 2, 1997 New Hanover County Board Of Commissioners 320 Chestnut St. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Gentlemen: I am extremely interested in serving on the Hospital Study Committee. As evidenced by my resume; I.have had wide and varied experience in numerous senior level positions during my military career, and have been a member of many study groups and boards. Just prior to my retirement in 1995, I was part of a team sent to Israel by the then Army Chief of Staff, General Gordon Sullivan, to study the composition of the Israeli Defense Forces Reserve Components for cost saving ideas that the US Army could utilize. I believe strongly in public service and had been following the issue of our medical center's status,~in the Wilmington Star, for some months prior to relocating. I have always taken a keen interest in civic matters everywhere we have lived and I have sought out opportunities to serve that would not conflict with my military duties and status. Earlier in my career, I was a volunteer firefighter, and an elected member of town meeting while living in Seekonk, Massachusetts, and my wife and I have been very active in our church where ever we were stationed. We built our home in Wilmington in 1993 prior to my retirement from active duty.. It . was the fulfillment of a dream when we were able to actually move here last August. One of the primary reasons that we chose Wilmington was the stellar reputation of New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Having recently had a medical emergency that required treatment there, I know that we made the right choice. The status of our medical center is a vital quality of life issue for the entire region. If appointed to a position on this very important committee, I pledge an unbiased and critical examination of all tfie issues and points of view. Sincer ohn F. Melia Colonel, US Army (Ret) 49 JOHN F. MELIA 605 Van Dorn Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Home: (910) 790-3885 SENIOR INVESTIGATION SAFETY AND SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ,, A hands on leader dedicated tobuildin~ organizations and developing people. A forward thinking planner with an adaptable and disciplined style. Recognized for inspiring confidence, molding enthusiastic teams and visualizing.the big picture. Top Secret clearance with Special Background Investigation. Credentialed Private Investigator, State of North Carolina. SUIVI1vIARY OF QUALIFICATIONS • Developing Policies and Regulations to Reduce Economic and Felony Crime • Improving Risk Management and Accident Abatement • Directing Investigations of Coritract Compliance, $exua] Harassment, and Safety Issues • Founding Aggressive Educational Projects for Sensitive Handling of Major Issues • Developing Policies and Plans for New Concepts of.Control • Managing Large Multi-Site Systems Nationwide • Initiating Training on Violence in'the Workplace 1960 - 1995 UNITED STATES ARMY ASSISTANT CEIIEF OF STAFF (1993-1995) United States Army Training and Doctrine Command; Fort Monroe, Virginia Responsible for operations of a nationwide system of training centers with emphasis on mariaging programs for security matters • Executed a $5 million budget .. _ • Managed 150 person staff _ _ • Operated 16 Campus' Nationwide ~ ' • Reengineered business processes. Reduced overhead by 33% SENIOR ADVISOR FOR RESERVE COIVIPO[`1ENTS (1989 - 1993 First U. S. Corps; Fort Lewis, Washington • Planned the Staffing and Control of Worldwide military security • Chaired process action team. Charged with embedding TQM into organization's business operations 50 ~~. 1 L • 1988 ~~~ t ,1. !. John F. Melia page two Inspector General (1986 - 1989) Fort Meade, Maryland . • Served as confidential investigator and personal consultant to the chief executive. Responsibilities covered 12 states and District of Columbia • Investigated matters of standards of conduct, ethics, sexual harassment, EEOC and proper utilization of Human/Financial resources at the highest level ' • Reduced lost time accidents through intensive risk management and prevention program Deputy Director; Policy, Plans and Training (1982 - 1986) UNITED STATES ARMY CRLti1INAL INVESTIGATION CONIi~fAND Falls Church, Virginia • Supervised investigations of all felony crimes committed in the U.S. Army • Formulated joint training and planning. Served as liaison between the Army and federal, state and local police agencies for the national capitol region • Developed and implemented leading edge policies and training for the investigation of economic crime within the federal government • Conducted risk analysis and VIP vulnerability assessments in order to reduce exposure Various Enlisted and Officer Challenges (1960 - 1984) Leading to the Rank of Colonel in 1985- EDUCATION 1996 Teacher Certification Student Watson School of Education _ _ , _ University of North Carolina, Wilmington, North Carolina Post-Masters Graduate of United States Army War College Carlisle, Pennsylvania Master of Science Administration Central Michigan University; Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 1989 United States Army Inspector General Course Ft. Belvoir, Virginia 1986 1975 Bachelor of Science Management . Johnson and Wales University; Providence, Rhode Island 51 JAH- 8-97 WED 13:31 JAN- 8-87 WAD 13:07 P. 02 P. 01 ' ' :~ IV~LV N.dl1IOVFR COUlV7Y BOARD Q~ C4M16~!lSSlO1VFRS 320 Ches7nut Street, Room • 30f ~inlogton, NC 28401-4093 raga t~la s41a1~ . FLAX (9lpj 341-4 130 Appllcatlon fur Appolrrtmerrl ta'BoaMs, GbmimJttees, and Comrnlssions Appo~trsd b y the 1Vew Hatover County 6tuard of Cammaslonvrs_ ReaLost /o+~Appvll~tryrenr ro: n ~~,.`~,-.~ S ~ ~-~ G, ~ i,,,,.~~-e.-~ . Hamer `~-~ e- ti ~ ~ ~ ~~l . ~,t ~, 4[ S Homo ^ t '~ How IonD have you bean a ~/ Addresr. ~ « ~ W ~-~ (~ t lV r - r9S;d~arft ofN4w Nanovat Courtty7 ~ t ~f r 1NaT,~nd Addiasst 5 a w~c.., . Cdy and Stat®: _ ~~. ~ ~, ti ~ ~ v~ ~ ~ Tip Gbda: c~ ~ ~~ a 3 Tolcphonet Horne: ~ Cs o` ~ ~ 1 `'( Bushraso: 3 `~ ~ d ~ ~ q •Sext •Raca: 1. G~ C. 'App S L' l ~ • `71-ia In/on.et,oo. ,b ro7wefadl6r Idr ~e/a pupoe. •1 sormsr9 Ne! ~ eross.rocfron of No CwNf1W11[J ib apyo/n rod I .r. `` ( ~ l • •Fmpla y~ed b Yt L . 1 - ` Vv~. •_ ~ ~ ~v~n ~` a~ ~ ~ S ..~ ~ ~ 4 ~-~ S ~1-ec,. 4 ~ ti 'tt • Ayw~mncur•ntlyempbydeyrb•~.ncyardaparDifrfc/or~QaiclbtlY~appdoo~_ltmeea.r~at~kaFDvhtrOiefyailtbnwfrl~ A~e.r Hanover dourly opan •p/dn anon[, h rtoorvia~ol wtt/t i1.A«lo VL 3ot I.1 tH• IWw lla~wwr CaarfY Pa.scv,../A.~e?t gat, rnl~: ~ ~t ~ ~=~. S~ mot..,,,. ~ ~ ~t~ ~.k • Oi»ra:~fonalsictJ,nllfa~r: _ ~ ~cu. ~ S~ ~: Sc.~T (e~,.. l S ~..-~ ~ ~~-~~~ ~R0.~ ~ac.~~,•, ~ I f~ G~......~. f UolunteerACtllrldas: _ E c%~. r1 a.d /J~C r Cr .~c~ ~c~~ ~,Y:~,,, ih, t y.,,,• 4~v k ~~' /~n < .t a • ~4 ~cr' vYh y do yvo wl:.h to soniv an thv 8oaid, Cor,rrrlYt~ ar Commissfon roquestedl _ _L rv. (( • ~{ a 5 ~ 7~'~ • c~ ~?s ~Sr~•' ~ - ~ ' ~ k ~ 1 C h/~ ~ ~.. `'t~ l , S~y ~ '~l~c'vv~ ~ ~~ /1M,~ ~• l1 ^ ~r ~']~ t Cyr ~ Cn~- ~ T / r1~~O~~ ~r( G~c~•~:e1 /q;~ 4i~~~~/fl ~D r:~/'~J ~r c~i~~{-U./Cl•~~.~l~la- ~ frib~~r~''ri'7tis 0 L What do you !od ara your gadJJdreotivns /vrsorvt'v~g an the 8aard, Ca.rrml`tee, air Commisslon /aga.stad?~rc} ~ ~0'-=~' L,oc .~ c~~ ^lonr -~ ~ . ncxu r,,,,~.~,; ~..c (Vl,. ~ P ~ ~~~ n~. ~ . 4.c1-~. h acPc%~ Whet areas o1 cvnc8rq w6uld you /flte fn see the Qvard, Camrrvctew or Gbmrrisuon address? Are yQU Cv/randy s~arvlnp on anothu beard a camrrrhtta appoln;ed by a mun;cina/;ry or a coun[yT 1l so, please dst: _~I ~e~ U +-~ mCz. Cr ., 1Pl~as• ~ nv~s~ ~ Jb~A~.f awrasMnbl Foot~F.xst_Nvto 78'71 °~• r/? 1G ~/~ -. ~ .L..t. ~ F •. / ~~ 52 laN 0 8 ~-1991 ri<<v HANOVER CO. r. of co~~MiSSiONERS .~ i, .~ ~\, `• NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~; - BOARD OF COMM%SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~~ ~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX' (9101 341-4130 ~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. - ,~ , ~~ Request for Appointment to: d 5 T~)_ 5 Y L1,~ CV 1"1 \ Name:' ~ ~ R ~ l~ C lt1 IJ O (~~' N ~ ~ Q . Home ~ How long have you been a Address: _~ 18 R O g ~- R I ~ . 1. ~E D 2 I U C resident of New Hanover County? _ 3 3~Y ~~ ~~ Mailing Address: ~~ S ~ I:bvG , ..~ City and State: I,yl L f`-((~)~ ~Q ~ JJ ~ Zip Code: ~ ~ ~{ (Z, _ Telephone: Home: ~~I D ~ , cj ~ _ /-/82_ ~ - Business: ~~~ 'Sex: ~T'~ r4 LE 'Race: (' I~UC ~S I D ~ 'Age: ?Q ~ 'This in/ormetion is requested /or the sole purpose of assuring lhet across-section o/ the community is appointed. I `. ..Employed by: R~'~I (~ ~-~ ~ ROM I~NI t'SyCe~1~7'(LlG l-~SSUC- ' g/'1 gA~Ifi'6RS l~sS(~ ~ ~S,a r= "A person curiendy employed b y the egancy or department lar which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Nenover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Nenover County Personnel Po/icy. ..~ Job Title: _ 17 ~ R C CYO ~ j {-{ u F--1(}-rl~ ~ ~Sbu. RC ~S - LTC O L (U S /~ F~ ~- Piofessional Activities: ~1..1 E G C X27 t FcC R-Yi 0 rV ~-S S ~.~Jl 02 PR.O F~-~SS (0,~JA L l tiJ N~ >-t,r,~ ~~cu~.C~s VolunteerActivities: ~OW /IJTEC ~ J1J~oi-~ ~ TA,e (~-SS ~ ~ i f~-,~1GE- - JUf-FC_ !z5 U p •P 2 c~ R ~M \~P Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Ty CO~y I (Z(8 CL j ~- Td Tf-f~ 5T'u D~( OF T~+E PRUP US~_~ R.~S i RuG7'u.21 ~ U~ J~J~-w ~~ _ f~ A-,Vp V ~~ 2 ~ ~-~ I o ,cl ~ L ILL ~. iJ i C ~~ ~. C ~ ~ E ~ . . ~~' What do you feel are your qualifications for servin on the Board Commi g flee, or Commsston requestedT What areas o/concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? (See ~-evcwse , V ~~' _ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? It so, please list: ~` d ..... . -. V ~ Date: - U R ~ .S_ f__L~ . ~~, ~ ~~ >4- ~7 1AN 0 1 1991 Signature ~I; ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ (Please use reverse srde ror additional comments) ~: QuA~I,~ F+cRT~D~S D ~ ~ ~ ~) 2S / !v /~f U /-1 A ~ (~. E SOu. 2C ~ M ~ ~J A. C~ ~- }-t~-ivT Z.iVC.l~u-DISC,. H~-~I~YH C ~R~ 8k'~~~-cTS_ ~- ~~ ~ r N c ~- ~.~ ~ r~ Nt ~ rV ~ s rGZ ~-r + o iv /~-S ~t~{. S ~ ~ 2 J`~~p+ ~~r~ S ~-(Z ~ i c~5 Cv2 PS C~tsc~ OF~+C~ 2 ...... ~-5- U vF x'1.1: i~o(S ,. _ ,~_ , M. ~ , 1U ~ R, i H w ~s i k 2 iv l~ . ~ ~ . ... ..~ ... REDS ...0~ Cd~C~2~V . - -- - -., W.~ ~r~{~ ~ _- .: 0~ .:. iU o ~ P ~. (U _~ + i Z (-}-T(p ~ ~ D F N ~f 2 r-t s ' .._ .. , _ _ ~ ~ „ ~ R l V H7-1 ~- ~7"r D lv ~` 1 S ..1` ~: C d M 1-'t ~~ D ~ ~ ~... f-~-v (;J TO x ..._ ,. s „,. ~~ .. 54 ~ _ . . . 1 - - ~ ~~ r ,~~ ~ . . ~~~`, ,~ ' ; {~ . ~`~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY . . BOARD OF COMM/SSIDNERS . . , 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-.4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 . FAa( (9101 341-4130 ' A /ication .for A ' pp ppointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request loiAppointment to: _ ~~~~j~/Y~ L C-~{/~ ~J7~ L`~ ~~ Name: \/0~7V /~--~ l /~/ v ~e/~ / Home ~ J How long have you been a Address: °~ ~l ~ ~l// ~(J/~ ~'~1Yf /YL C~ ~~ resident of New Hanover County) ,.. , ,, ~. Mailing Address: ~~~ s f t 1 ~U City and State: v" ~ li /~~ 7~ ~ ~ Zip Code: ~`~ Te%phone: Home: ~ ~ ~(~ ~lo Business: 'Sex: 'Race: 'Age: ~/ "~,~~, 'This information is requested for the sale purpose of essuriny that across-section of the community irappointed. - 'Employed by: .. - -'A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Nenover Count u an e ' f~`` y p ppointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~> , " d. Job Title: ~~; Professional.Activities: vLG ~ii'1~1/.~/11,~il.~ Y ~~ Volunteer-Activities: _ /C~~ ~~ s s `~ `~' Why do you wish to sere on the Board,, Committee, or C mmission requested? '" ~ , ~~ ~~~ u~ ~. V - ? , ~~' what_do ou feel are your qualifica 'ons t ~~ _~' ~~-ra~'IG ~a~~ , Iserving on .t~ pard, Co jmttee, gr Commt'ssion requested? n n I~ '`areas of concern would you like to see he Board,. Committee,. or ommission a dress? ~ vAre you currently serving on another-board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? ~_> ~~ ° f2 n 7 J U r ;Date: 7 ~ / ~ Q 3 ~~, 1f11 ,,~/P/ease use reverse side for additional cammen ~~W HANOVER CO. ,~ BD. OF COM;y}ISSIONERS Signature so; p/ease list: ~~~,~~~~:~ r .~,u ,~` ~`; J , tK~f i .'. „. .,,, John R Nugent Nugent ~ Co. 5912 Windjammer Or, ~ Wilmington, NC 28.409 ~ ~ , 910-395-6768 ~ ' OBJECTIVE:-Senior Financial Management Position in~a company _,. seeking an individual with.ope-ration's experience, accountable for controllership, treasury and management information systems. Proven ability to .. . organize .and -implement business plans and control systems in smalltto,large business environments. ... .. .Effective. communicator- of all levels of 'the organization. • _ :. ... - 1973 ~-/V~/~,Rg3 - Arrow Electronics, Inc. Melville, N Y A $6.5 billion supplier of semi-conductors, ` passive and electro-mechanical devices., _ ,~ - _ connectors, computers and ~related•product to industrial, military and commercial markets in .North. America and Europe..'-.-_~ - Senior ~ _ ... Positions.. Held: r •~ ~Direetor of Credit 1989 to z~e~ 9'3 Assistant Controller 1984-89 .. :_:- .~ ,' w Operations tManager. Major Achievements: Headed financial team that integr.ate,d.the ~' "'- ~ "" customer master file and credit worthiness of 3 ' ,major, acquisitions ($900M in,~revenues): Acquisition team -.Canadian Purchase, of Cesco. Responsible for the final approval of all •~ = ~ - ~ ~ credit decisions . .~~ Instituted sales tax programs. ~ ~. ' ~ ~ . ~` Reduced discounts from 2 $ to Net 30 . Installed;financal performance incentives '~~' ~ ~-~ designed ~to~ influence day to day sales management decisions. _ -, ' '~ Generated '.2~ profit by keeping bad debt below .._ the. industry average.. ~ • - .Maintained the ,.lowest day sales outstanding in ' ~ our~iridustry,~:wth~a~.250M accounts .receivable. =- Managed staff of 50 plus people. EDIICATION: B.B.A.; Accounting, SUNY - 56 ~ _~` ~_~.~ .. i ~~ ~~~ .. '~. ~~~ ~, ~~, . '~! . { NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS . 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910! 341-7149 - - FAx' (9 101 34 1-4 130 - - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ,Y Request for Appointment to: Hospital Review Committee Name: Buck 0' Shi elds • • • Nome How lonD have. you been a • ~ Address: 7522 Dunbar Road resident of New- Hanover CountyT SS years 's ~~,~ Mailing Address: same _ City and State: Wilmington - ~ - - Zip Code: ~~ ~ 28405 Telephone: Home: 686-4163 /fax 686-2126. Business: same _: -~..~ 'Sex: M 'Race: - W , •Age; 55 _ . ~~'~ 'This information is requested /or the sole purpose of essuriny that across-section o/ the community is appointed. - -'Employed by: SElf-Employed 0' Shields Constrcution Co ~I ~ "A person current/y employed by the agency ordepartment /or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nenover Caunty upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nenover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Owner . Piofessiona/Activities~icensed Builder, Realtor - ;~~ Vo/unteerActivities: Winter Park Optimist= Seahawk Club, UNCW- Why do ,you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I believe that ~ I have the ~ expertise to serve and address the issues of concern to the ,public ~ the Commissioners re• chap a of Hos ital Cor orate structure. I have .chaired State Commissions and Boards. Serve as a County Commissioner and as State President of the NCACC. I would be willing to serve as /.~ Chairman for the Commissioners if they so desired and meet with them to discuss the work at their convenience. ; ' „ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,'Committee, or Commission requestedT Experinced i• 4° dealing with controversial topics and working, toward solutions. ~, -What areas of~concem wou/d you like to see .the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Legal structure that allows the Hospital to operate as now exists and to compare Legislation that a owe or the _~ ~ -changes. To determine the-best options available to keep the "Public".hospital competive and- . delivering the. best medical treatment for the consumer. - At•e you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a munic;pality or a county? l1 so, please list: ~ QIIon12111Y/~IIII l z ~ .. , *~% Date: 12-27-96. ~E{ 3 Q ~Y1J (Please use reverse side for additional commenLsJ-..• HANOVER (VtW BD. OF CQ!4~M.1~S(QKERS - :, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS t~' 32.0 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4.093 Telephone (9101 341-,7149 ~ ' FAX (9101 341;4130 App/ication fo(Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~1 Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~~e~ }~c{~a~ ~.~~~ ~9.. I'~d;~ C `~ C~ ~~+-I-fie,. Request for Appointment .to: ~~ Name: ~G~ ~; ~ ' ~~ Home ~' ~Q~ ~ ~ - ~ 1~ How long have you been a ~ (~. ~~ Address: - ~ ~ ~ ~ resident o(New Hanover CountyT -. 1 ~ Y . Mailing Address:_ 1 ~ ~~x ~~' ~ ~ _ . _ .. City and State: ~ 1. {`'`Cll N ~ Zip Code: ~~~~~ _ .. ..._ - - i~~ Telephone: Home: ~ Business:. 3~1 ~"' ~ ~~ T ~. _ . _ 'Sex: 1 - 1 'Race: + `~ 'Age: ~T 'This in/or ' n is repueste fo the so/e purpose o/assuring thetetross-section o! the community is appointed, 5 f; ..Employed by: ~~ 1~ ~'~ f~1 ~~ ~- "Aperson cu~~en t/y employed b y the agency or dap rtment fay whit -this application is made, must resign his/her'po;ition with New Henovei• County upon appointment, in accordance with Ar is/a V/, Sec. 4 al the New Hanover County Personn,e/ Po/icy. ~ ., I ~~- ~ Job Title: _ v 1-~A ~'~ O ~ K l 1~''>~ ~ I ~,Q/'~ r _ _. y., Professional Activities: .._. w __ Vo/unteerActivities: S~h~ ~ ~ -1~1 ~ `~-~ ` ~~~ ~-L~ ._ ~ :: _ _ Why do you wish to, serve on the Board,_ Committee,. or Commission requested? ~~ :. end 5 ~a ,~: ~~ . aS ~ U ~~ ~2, ~S 1~~. I I~ ~ '~c5; d, What do you (ee/.are your quali/ications for serving on the Board, Committee,_ or Commission requested? - ~ ~ _ J .U JJJ I What areas of conce n would you like t see the Board, .Committee, or Commission address? Ya ) ~~ r(~) o~ ~ a~~r ~ ~ ~, Cry ~ . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a.county?,~H so, please list:. N~ . n, ~r~~t. .. _ _ ~L _ ~ n _ ... ~ ~ Date: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 2 ,.1991 Signature (Please arse side for additional commentsl --~ .n, - . p{~N HANOVER CO. BCC. OF CO1^:~11SSIONERS ~; .~ _ 1 ~,;~ • . a ~!;• ~~~ .. ~ ~ . .~f ,~~ ,~ ~,~ ~~ ~,,~' ;~ c~ 1~i . i i~~ r ~.; ~:? - DANA EUGENE PAGE 410 John S. Mosby Drive • Wilmington, NC 28412. Telephone: (910) 392-1734 EDUCATION. MBA Degree UNC=Wilmington 1990 BA/Biology UNC-Chapel Hill 1977 (significant courses,in taken in chemistry also) GPA: 3.7 . Graduate Ford Training Institute . . Graduate Xerox Professional Sales Courses I & II , EXPERIENCE ' December 1983 ~ Chief Operating Officer ao Present Port City Diagnostics, Inca ' - Wilmington, NC In charge of all marketing and materials management for' small laboratory supply company.. Purchase and negotiate .prices on all 250 products inventoried, arranged. drop-shipments from manufacturers to customers, .inventory management to assure 'that inventory levels were sufficient to meet expected sales demand, received shipments of products, timely shipment of products. to - ,customers. Made appropriate use of, quantity discounts on .products and=arranged just-in-time deliveries of products. Marketed the various products sold to researchers, hospitals and doctors offices throughout a ten state service area. - - June 1979 - - Marketing Representative December 1983 Columbia Diagnostics, Inc. - Springifeld, VA Direct sale of over 100,000 products representing over` 40 manufacturers of laboratory related products. Was -top performer for .last two years. ~ Over 4 1/2 years- increased- sales so significantly that-the, territory was divided three times.. Worked .with warehouse staff to assure that products were available and could be shipped as 'soon as possible. OTHER ACTIVITIES•AND INTERESTS .Founder and Past President ~of Wilmington.Tiny Business Network ' Co-President of Pine Valley PT0 1993-1994 - Precinct Chairperson 1991-1994 New Hanover Count y. Zoning Board of Adjustment 1986-1990, Chairman 1990 New Hanover County Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee 1986-1987 - New Hanover County Community Based Alternatives Board 1984-1986 .New Hanover County-Visitor/Tourism Committee 198.5 Dare, Inc. Board of Directors 1985/86 59 - . 1 JAN-0?-199? 10 42 WI~htINGTON SURGCARE ~j(~{- '(-y ( lUti b ~ as 910 ?53 9044, P. 01101 NFVY f~ANOVER ~OUN~Y BOARD 4F' C~1V1N11SS/01VERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room • 3Q5 • W~Irningtarr, NG 28441-4093, . 7olaphone (9101341-7149 FAX (9 1 171 34 1-4 t 30 - _ Apprtation ~r AppOirltYt7eni to Boards, Committees, and COmrnissions , Appolntad by the New Hanover-Caurrty. Bcat~of o! Carnrnissloners. Ccxmdttee , to study tt?Q privatization of NfiFtMC Request laApDolntment to; • Mamt: t~.thnrine A. PP'}'PTman . Home Nv.w long have you Deena since 1989 Address: 210 Share Point Drive residern of Mew Hanover Counryl Mal~'ny Address: 210 Shone Point Drivo ~ , . • lmin5tt~n• ;;, _ ... 28405 dry and State: Wi ~ ~ -?p Cade: . ~ 910-763-4555 Telephone: KotnG 910-686=9845 - yBvsv~css: .S~ femal.A ~' : •Rece: caurasion ~ '- •A~a 46 . .~ difbmtotloa Lr,vpv.il~d Ai !Ae tote pmpo.+• a/sssct/~'tD titer a aovr.*~ctign of thetanntvltflY Ls eypoitt•d ••Fmp/oycdby: W~lmzngton SorgCare, Inc. . _ .• ~ _ .. ~ . AperioAeunvnWemPbYedDrrAo~eacyordepa-tenantfo/whiehthttepplieedon[rated,rr++at~a:pnA:i/huyosrZio~wrtA' . New Hetor•r Cant? upon epl~~~4 N!Wettlind tvtlh A/deb Vl, Ira ~ e/ th~~'Nr..%N«.ovw Gb+tnry Puso~Ml tblJcy. . Jab Trtle: President arsd Chief F~oecutive Officer - PtO~e9S+an~lActivhieS: M of the State Amb~latoi.Y Surgery Association, and Federated Ambulatory ~Y Association (National Organization) ', Vo/unceaActivrYies: ' feel x~nitteea . .. I have oiorked in the healthcare ,Why do yvv wish to serve on the Board, Gornmlttee, o~ Commission tequesfed] :are industry ~ for over 20 years and have, laept -abreast of the cham~cs that are occurring. -~ As L i ~ . cnowledge that would be of asset to the tx~nittee. ' _ ; ~• ~ • what do you !ee! are ,your gvallfrcations for servlnp vn the Board, Colr~nrittee; or Comrt•~ssion revuested~ . ~Y :accent position in the healthcare industry. _, Gommlttee, or Cofnm~ssron oddiess~ I`^'°uld .Like the What areas olcancern would you like tasee the 8aard, .- ronr<nittee to explore both issues without outside influences and maks~a dac3sion tha i be bes a ccuarnu~. ong erm, ust for a p¢.^eaent. ~ . _ . sire you ta,rrarirly sesvJnq on another boa.d oI ea~mltide apAabrted by a'munfc%paliry or a courfty7' !l so, please dst: DIo .. .. Date: Janu~.>i~7, 1997 - LTil~l'~J15~ U ~~Aatu~e _ (fYeu~ us• ierorrv s/de fvr edattla~eommerral '.~ ~ _ 1AN 0 ~ 1991 6 0 NEW HANOVER CO. TorA~ P. el BD. OF COMMISSIOh~~RS .~ +_ ASCO WILMINGTON 743 P01 NOV 29 '96 13:48 ~~ --, NEVY fIANOV,~R COUNTY . . ~~ BOAR17 OF CO/iilMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~, ~/mingtan, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 34 f-T 149 FAX (9101 341-4130 ;~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Go i ' Appointed by the Naw Nanov~' County Beard of Cammisslone starts Request forAppointment to: T~ ~ 'i~•e a -{o J ~ ~ 2 n7e Q/, ~~ ~'p~ `~I~ y Name: ~J 'M / ~'2. Home ff __ Now /onD have you been a Address: ( - U ve~ resident ofNew Hanover CountyT ` yPwcr ~~ 4 t . ~'. Matlin~ Address: ~ ~ . ~' .}~ City snd State: L.1 ~ 1.y,,..` -~o.. f u G _ Zip Code: ~~y~ Telephone: Nome: .Z "J~~73 ~ Business: SCo ~ W il.,, / ~,, ~~ . 'Sex: /~ 'Race:. W ~ •Age: 33 '7T+/s ~hrvrmerbn ~ Ipudt.d tar tAe aol~ pupm. or sssur/n9 1/wt . ClefS.e.anpn ar tA• eomm+mity is appo:nfed 1 "Employed b y: C o - L.J t~~• i -fo `~ A penom currandyett;ployad by th• ~ w dapntn,vnt Ivr whkh thli sppllutlon iamede, must reuipn hisAS~~poslton with Now Nenov~I County upon eppoU+trnsn~ In ~coordane• wlth,q,to/a VI, See. t of the New Hanover County Porsonnd Pod'ey, . Job Title: ~ re S~ c~gl,~~" - . ProfessionafActiviries: ~5~~. nICPN~4 . ,~y~~,,q y/G I~CFA /j/C ~, TC ~ ' \~'~v` VolunteerActtL/rtes: •~ ~ ,Jai-,e f G(,c,~*'t-,G~ (f~,, ~,f 1 ~,~G ~~ o ~~~1 ~4~ro~ ~ P~~ v~--r Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ tio-~~ t..f, ~; L 1 ~1 ' - !'~ _ ~/¢ r' l 1, ~1-c' .,Oros o-•~ ~~J ~ 7?P ~3f / ~ ~ a-- ~ ~ /f~r1 c. . . V U What do you feel are your qualifications for serv/np on the Board, Committee, or Commission roquosted7 t~ ~ m~,e. vJ; G•`Q ~ ti 4s,~.,Pl i-t G 1..~, 7 ~... e -~.~ Wtrat areas ofconcern would{you Iike to see the Board, Committee, .or Commission addiess7 s ~-~I` o~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipe/ity or a County? It so, please /(st: `'~.~ ~0 IPVesis iqe rvv~ • tId tai eddlOOn~l convn.ntsJ . ~f . 61 r~_ ~a .. ... c / ~.! ' . - y a.j' ~'I I , I _ Jim Pierce, RPh, FASCP I ~.1 1 1136 Sk~ipyard Boulevard {~ Wilmington, NC ' 28412 ~ ~ ~ ~J November 18, 1996 _ ~ _ ~ , Mr. Bobby Greer _ _ .. _ _. ' New Hanover County Commissioner 329 Chestnut Street ---. .. ~ • - - - ~- Wilmington, NC 28401 '. _ )~ Dear Bobby: I am very encouraged that you as a group may be apponting~an independent task force to look at .the. situation with New~Hanover ~~ Regional Medical Center: ~ . ~ ', ~, I would like to be appointed to serve on that committee and believe as~a°pharmacist with extensive and various management experience, that I would bring an objective mind,. to the task. ;force.. ~il~ would . also like for-you to~consider~naming Ms~. Lisa Hardy... Lisa is the ~~ _ administrator at.Cornelia .Nixon Davis Health Care Center' up• at ` Porter's Neck, one of the largest nursing homes in the state of North Carolina. - She would ~ bring w~ith~- her experience in managed ' "- ca"re~and a "fresh." ,perspective.. f or New Hanover County. She would - ~ , be an outstanding addition to the Task= Force:-: -' -- • -Thank you , in'.advance for .all' the hard' work you have- ahead for -the ' ~~ next four years and .the ,sacrifices. you will -make, ,~-, ,both . , • , ~ . ..professionally and'personally. ~ . ~ - . .- _ . '_ ... _. Sincerer y ~ - . ~ ~; _ -. _. ~f I ~ ' J' _ _ . _-~ Pierce, RPh ~ ;J . .... _ _ .,~ , -'•, ,.. . 62 =~~~ .......~..." -. r t NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CON1/V1/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC ~ 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FqX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions °! Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~~ ~ . Request !or Appointment to: N dad ~L STJpy CoMIMtTt~ ~, Name: MARK- RACro~Z~1~~ ~, 4. Home ~ ~ ~~ How long have you been a Address: _ 234 S~~}GJt~. Ll}rJ~. resident of New Hanover CountyT 4 yt~l~ '°~F Mailing Address: Z ' _ . , AC~t~. City and Sta'fe: W ll.MteJlflO/~ f~G Zip Code: 2-~~4 Telephone: Home: 910 - ~ 391- S`793 - Business: -91e- 343 ~ ob9 `~j `Sex: M 'Race: W 'Age: a"s _ 'This inrormetion is requested for the so% purpose o/ essurmg that scross-section of the community is appointed. ` `Employed b y: ~~~PlN~`1 RADIOt~tt$'TS "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with . New Henove~ County upon appointment, in ecco~dence with Aitic% Vl, See. 4 or the New Hanover County Pe~sonne/ Porcy: - Job Tit/e: _ RADtot.DCrts`r Professional Activities: ~~y,~~~J 1,~~ VolunteerActivities: - •~~ - - - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~ ~~' #~ ~O PK.yiDt 1 _ i~ qtr ' aG 4~ ~ ~ ~Su1l.. R. DTI L.I ... ~._ . . A Py4~a~. Nas~rrrAt, t-R~..i"'~ Pf~o~sxt~Q... cF~..pl-,fi~u~.w~~~ ~.tS~S -n1~ FAut..~`~ ~~Y - --. What do you feel are your qualifications (or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? i t _.. - . ~ ` P~ ~iS IG 1 At1~ C.L~O S tL.'1 '11 ~. D 'ID n1 ~~M1C ~ ~ A~S $S1cJ~]0 'f 1~ I~Igd' Ptf 1R~. ~T S p A'C1CNT3 Argo rfs J`TA~ F~et< .9 HERS , What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ';~~ . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? It so, please list: tits Pfttto,rAl. ~J~r~E~+C~~- -~C ~1GGf~ .. ,, . Date: ~ ~~'~ 1 ignatu~e ~~ ' ~0 {Please use reverse side lot additional comments) ~ 0 1 1991 v~1; ,. - . Jan-03-97 01:43P ~xn- ~-ar hKl y:~ ' ,MEW H,4/VO VFR COUl1lTY BOARD OF CON1IV11SSlONERS 320 Chestnut Sheet, Rvvm • 3D5 Wi/mington, NC 28401-4D93 Teli~hwre /91CN 341-7149 F'QX (9101 3~f1--Ff30 APA~~ation for Appolntmerst to BOarofs, Committ+Qes, and Commisslons Appointed b y thv /V~w yanovtr Caunty Board of Commissioners. . _ . ,. 4 Re4uest JorApovintment la: P.Ol P, 01 . TP.C ~. V Home Address:. - ... How /onp Jtrve,, yov bcar~ o asldent olNew Nangvar Couonty? M~~L"nD Address: ! ~ Gt G~/~ Tr7Z ~ ~(~11 ~ . _ ._ . _ ' fhy end State:, l,, )/~.!h~{~J'D.,J Zlp.Code: ~gYD ~.. ._ . Tele~Ao~e: Nome:_ 2.tZ - S7G Busln~ss: _ '~Q/-oG GG 'Sew /k~ ~Reee: t/ 'Ape: '~`/ 'Tht .~/ba-wlon br ~snd 1 or N1~ s~elr 4~i~ d ~h • aaurien .i ~ civ~rtv.ctioi- d dl~ asarrrurty:.s ~cpak+tsd. . s 'Ap«sow avnsnayan~pby»ddY ui+d«~eyai.dio•ran.nr~6vwA1.A u-..iaL..eon.a.n.I., a.wrrwd lViw N.novp Cou+tr uoen ~,..:....._, z _---_~---- . - ~ .... . ~ _ _ 9~ IJrI1+~r/o+IObn riot .kb Title: %Lt=.S/oG-%~' T' ' ' " . PiotessiorrelActivittes: . VolunharActivities: ~ ~ ' Wh y do you wish !o sorvg an the 8o~rd, Cairimittee, ar Cvnanhslon rrQuested7 •r. What do you /ee/ eie~ yow pupli6ceNans Jw servirrp on the Boerd, Conrnxlrteo, or Cammssfon ravueSted7 tMtat area,! o/ cancrrn would roar /!ke to .tee the Boaid,` Canmittoo, or Carnmissar eddresa? ., . _ _ .. Are yrau crcrssndy serving on anothoi board or. Conxnitlea-eppalnled Dy a municipality ar a county Kto, p/case llst: ~' ,r' wic. COn~liur~, f G// of C - . ~ .. aace: /'/~ /SG Wwe.~n • rsd~ /a id~wi,rU oanv,s.,~orl ........ .. . ..>sipnaltxg~ l~ lAN - 3 199] ; a r~ NEW HA/VO VER COUNTY o 0 ';~, BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~~~~0~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 DK 3 0 1996 ~, Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 NEW HANOVER CO. • - FAX'f9101 341-4130 BD. OF COh1~11SSI0NERS ~~ ' Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions -~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~r . ~ J Request /or Appointment to: ~ ~. ~ ~/t rh r~fC ~ !Name: William Lawrence Robertson ~. ~ Home How lon have ou been a Address: 1509 Country Club Rd . resident o/New Hanover County? 16 years <;~ Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1727 _ City and State: Wilmington, NC • - Zip Code: 28402 i '` ~' -- Telephone: Nome: 763-7085 _ -- - -Business: -815-2744 . ti~ 'Sex: M 'Race: W - ~ 'Age: 53 ~; 'This inlormetion is requested for the sa/e purpose o/ assuring that a cross-section or tha communit is e y ppointed. "Employed by: BB&T ..-. _._ _ "A person current/y amp/oyed by the agency or department for which this app/icetion is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Ssc. 4 0/ the New Nenover County Personnel Po/icy. ~~, Job Title: Senior Vice President ~~ ort aro ina oas a esour a mm - , Pro%ssiona/Activities: N.C. Wilm. Foundation, Board Chariman, State Certified General Appraiser, Robert Morris Association.. `~~/VolunteerActivities: Red Cross, United Way, Boy Scouts, Civitan Club, Lower Cape Fear Hospice Board (Former) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? It is my personal way of ~~ returnin some of m rofessional experience to the community and hopefully add to the . .service the public needs. ~ ' at do you feel are your quali/ications for serving on the Board Committee, or Commtsston requested? MY r~~ experience on the Resources Commission & Foundation Board at UNCW plus a background in accounting and finance and 30 years experience in t e an ing in ustry. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Balancing the overall needs of the community, the hospital serves sand the needs~of the sta na . ~ j make the hospital run on a day to day basis. Are you currently serving on another-board or committee appointed by a municip lily or a county? l/ so, please list: _ _... ~ ~ ~~IDa 12-23-96 te. Signature lP/eese use reverse side /or additional comments) ~i NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~; 320 Chestnut Street, Room • 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 34,1-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~, ~-1 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for A ~ ppointment to: ~,r~i / ~~ ~ Name: L Gf GV/GLC.~~ Home How long have you been a Address: ~ ~jncj ~n ~jy/ ~~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? _ ~ / ~/off ' ,,! - - . . Mailing Address: ~ 3d~j ~P~ ~pu„~ / City and State: _~f 11`r.1,Lv~, 1 I /~G .' Zip Code: , 2.~`~4 ~ n Telephone: Home: ~~ 4 " 7~9' 7~g 9 Business: ~ /sic-~J 'Sex: ~~,(~ 'Race: ~l~,v~ , 'Age: ~ ~i 'This inlomution is ropuested /or the so/s purpose of essunny the? scross-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed bY: _ '~ " ~~"1 ~~'~~ "A person currently employed by the agency or dipertmenf for which thcs application rs made, must resign his/her position wiN New Heriover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sic. 4 0l lhs New Hanover County Personnel Porcy. ' Job Trtle: ~~~ /1`u~~~.~. ~P.T~.~: ~~ ~- . ~ P~otessiona! Activities: _ ~Lfrw' ~ ~,,~ -~' G E . . '.1 ~~ U VolunteerActivities: _ r ' Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _2 ~~ G~-~ ~,~~j-irrc.~.~_ What do you feel are your qualifications !or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re nested? ~e ~n-.~ ' .... q y ~k/J s-c I !~C_ dh_ Gam, ~~ , l ` ~+~-..-~-.. / TT G_.. " _ ~ ~, What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~Z~r-~~j^- ~~- . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please. list: 1AN 0 8''1991 - Date: ! F Signature 1'°'L11~ ,~1 (Please use reverse ids ror additional e~NDVER CO. _ BD. OF C N1MISSIONERS ' ' Regie'C.Serene 3i' ~ 112/30/96 m9:43AM 0212 1VEW NANOVER COUNTY ' BOARfl Off' COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~`~'~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 ~I FAX (919) 3 41-413 0 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~. Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners_ '~; Request forAppointment to: Hospital Study Committee , ..~~r Name: _ Reis S _r .n _ . _ .Nome How longhave you been a _ `~ Address ;~ Kelly Rd. ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? _7 3 1[L,S_ Mailing Address: ~ Same as above , ~ ~~ ~~ - ~ -'" ~~~ City and State: ~ ~ ~ ~ Zi Code: , .. ~ . ~. ._. ~~"i- Telephone: Home 7 9 9- S~ S 6 Business: 3 9 S- 7 7 4 8 n ~ ~ ~~ ±~ u .. 5 ., .,, ~.. *Sex:~ Racer *Age:~_ •Thn Inlormatlon la requested for !ho solo purpoio of asJUrlnQ that across-aectlon of the community iJ appointed. ~ . j° ~ **Employed by:_ Retired from D~Ipont ,.., Currently e~~ygcf by Cornin°. •*A person currently employed by tho apency.or department for which this application Is made, must reslpn h!s/her ~ Hanover County upon appo/ntmont, !n accordanco rlth Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy `~= lob Trtle:-_ Information Technology Archi :~+ .' .. j Professional activities: Member of to _aLand national omnu .r otgani~ ations . ~( Volunteer Activities:_Scrved two erm on h _ ,ov rnor's Advisory Council on i taro ~; - •"~ Form r S crerary of N_C_ I it -rar_y Tr~_sr_ ~nrlati~ ~~' _ M _mhPr of omps,~,~r Advisory committee ape Fear Community! Go11egQ ;~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, `or Commission requested? . _ ~ , , ~ - -. ~- - . - -- . . -~~ I feel that the business and life experiences I have had over the years will benefit the Hospital Study Committee. I personally feel, that I have the necessary objectivity to -~ -- - identify and weigh the pros and -cons of both public and private decision directions. Below are three areas of experience that will be of great value to the Hospital Study Committee. ' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? • Experience and participation in evaluating outsourcing decisions. ~'• Sponsored and managed multi-million dollar business oriented projects...,. • Experience in facilitating teams focused on developing busines strategies and standards. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~'~ • Identify and categorize positives and negatives for both private and public hospital options. . Insure that the community at large is fully informed of the impact of a public and private hospital. decision. ~ ~ - • Develop a process to gather quality feedback from citizens. ~ If a -decision. is made to privatize the hospital, a process should be in place so that stakeholders in the decision will vote'~~ofi "objo'ctive and unbiased positions. (please use reverso sldo for additional comments) .r' .. ~~ _.+; ~.; ~.J Date: December 27, 1996 - ~E~ 2 ~ ~ ~ . Signature, .~,~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY • • BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington,. IVC 28401-4.093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101.,341-4'130 ." ..~ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed /b'y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: __ /`Y O ,S p/ Tjq L s TGC ,Q y C p ~ ~-j/ T'T' FE Name: ~.. ~' .~ o y_ .S u L L/ U A N Nome ~ ---- ~ ~ ~ How long have- you been a ` Address: ~ / y _ ~ ~ A N A D/9 • A U E resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: / y.~ 2 A N' A D/~:- p u F City and State: ~~ / L I-~I 1 N ~ To ~/ N L . Zip Code: ~ ~ y o ~/ Telephone: Home: 7 ~ /_ A ~ S !J Business: 'Sex: ~"~. - 'Race: C A u. cA~ri~oN 'Age: :~ S _ - . 'This in/ormetion is requested /or the so% purpose al assuring thet across-section o/ the community is eppointsd. ..Emplo yed b y: _: tQ E T i ~ f1J • ~ ~ S . ,q,e n Y. - ~,~; a w • FA .e ~! . .. . '.'A psrson,cuirent/y imp/oysd by the eysncy or depertm~nt /or which tlirs spplication is m"ade' must resign his/her position with New Hanover Counry upon~eppointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personne/Policy, ti`~ff Job Title: O ~ N'f 2 _ ' FA,Pl7• .. Pro/essional Activities:. •7 ~/ ~ .es Y r7 o s. t~ S: ,P17 e w ''~ ' ~ ~ ` -~ A Y~ l~ ~2 /J~rf ~ rE1 t U fj~r ~- VolunteerAcUvities: //Ft~, ~/N, ltc o.~t'ir%~'. .fD,P t',0~.~/D/Tfr, f}rvFflF ~//~~~~/~,/J~,ot! ,jJ,~o~~~a sfk~ Why do you ;wish to serve on .the Board, Committee, or Commissioh'requestedT _ `T Fff' ~ T.~~/- IS /~~7 L9/". /~ !~ f.P A .fie:. ~ i'Ti 2f.~ y ,~ Q lu o u ~ ~ W f /l~h~- ,9 L l' /~ .Pf/>> ~ ,f /.~ ~ ~. .. ._, ,.. tj/.sc c. sr`,p ~ ,~ /' D. , /,u o u L,O ~/7A.E'F ,Q ,Svc I~.o _ DEC/ s/v N~ ~ f'o.2 T~/t`..,.Qf.~'/y~/"l1 'of Nfw ~/.4f-~uf,~ :Go,.uf-1'y, ~ATfo :r~N :41 ~. y,~Fo.P fi'.vTio~ . >_ ,Y. .. M:. What do you feel.are your, qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commissioh requested? " ~ ~~- .. • ~~.~ ,. 111- y-T~~ EYPE.PiG-'r ~E // A.Cfi~ r: o~~~s~o;~s _ fo,~ r,~/f .~~ar~f ~u,~~f.~• Ar o. Ad.~. E ~.c ' LJ • l • ~ • u 4 ' What areas of concern would you. like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission' address7.T!/E~. /N Pf sTi~fr T: -- ~/~ Yr • /f. X T~ A; B,4 o y ,~ yE sTirfrT - ~/f ,o ~ T/~ <A~F ~ ~ Nrrr/sir ~~ o f' p f o /' ~ f ~,~~o v /D ! ~r ' . f/EA [ rv C ~4.ef ~ jf. ~- u ,PS FSF . , Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? .ll so, p/ease list:'. ,. ___N D _ . _ .. ,. :. . Date: _~ ~RDE ~ ~~/ 9~ /Please use reverse side /or additional comments/ DLL Cr^~ „~! ~... :. ~:/. i. r ~~ ,..... ,. .. , . ,~,J Signature ~--~` 1 1 !, NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320. Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' Wilmington, NC 28401=4093 Telephone (9101,341-7149 - FAX'(91OI 341-4130 ~, App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ' r~f~ Request for Appointment to: U .~ 1 ~ ,~, ~ ~ ~ f'1'/ /yj ~' TrT-C L ( / Name: ~~~~5 ~f. ~~~5 e.O / ' Home _ - How long have you been a Address: ,5 a I ~ ~ /~ P~~,oh'1/j C.]; /U / resident of New Hanover County? .~ YRS. ~r. Mailing Address: $ !~ /yJ C.? City and State: w l 1, `rl i /~ ~ (o/~l N ~ , Zip Code: ,~ R y0 9 - . ~~ Telephone` Home: /O ~ ,j - o~ .3 ~ Business: - ~ ' 'Sex: ~? /fit, L 'Race: C ~~f C/f S ll~ry 'Age: _ ~ j 3 :. '~{ 'This inloimetion is requested for the sole pu~poss of essu~iny (het ecross-section o/ the community is.eppointed. `r ,.Employed by: SC ~ /= "A person cuirenUy employed b y the:egency of depe~lment for which this epplicetion is mode, must resign his/Aer position with `~ New.Henover County upon eppointment, in eccordence with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Henover County Personnel Pblicy. . /~ Job Title: - S L' /~E ~ /1r l~ /~{ I l t. f~ `~ P i ~ _ rotess oval Acdvlttes: C /~ RO L / M/9 F / ~ h'I //YS l ! / l~ ! L~ VolunteerActivities: ~ ~1 c /r{ jC,gn/' l~~1 Y~ (~ /Q pss u/y i l C~ s T>~~.5 e o/9 S r ~f~/'~p ~~' Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T U. h'1/9 KC CE~Tff j N 1 3/~ c ` i~o s P i-rgc ~ C ~n~Y - F~nr e, ri ofy iN ~ /~ ~ /c3~ s 7" ~o s 5 ~ a C E' /fN ~ ~ L E S U = b/~ " T/ 6/1/ , , ~1 tNhat do ou feel are r y you qua/~trcattons for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~s~ ~ , L9 C' o /Y~ ~ ~ Nc r~ />1 N/J C' l~ t4 i nr6 I°~ ~4S o ~ ~~ What areas of concern ,would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? w j-{ /~} % /`S ( f~G~ ~j??o.s l ~ FTc ~ ~ c.v i m c n~,~ o ~- o Pr= Kr~17-"/orb F~ T/~c~ ~~as PiT ~9L ~ Are you currently serving on :another board or committee appointed Eby a munr'cr"polity or a county? if so, please list: . ~~Date: p G ~E~ 2 3 ~~96 (Please use reverse side for edditionel comments ~ ~ - rflEW HANOVER CO. ~~ FD. OF COMMISSIONERS U Signature NEW HANO~VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 3.05 Wilmington, NC ~ 28401=4093 Telephone`(910J 341-7149 F,qX (910J 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Ap (meat to: Ql/~50f: Y /`"~~~~- t'~hJ Gt/y~H~ D C'oy~~vu ~-,~c~,g~~` o ~ ~r~-- ~G'~ j/l~t ~/7 ~~ •.. ., Name: - - ,. .. Home How long have you been a ~/ Address: _ ~~~ ~ ~(~.d2,~J''r~0~ ~~ resident of New Hanover Count T '02' / ~~~ S Y Mailing Address: ~ ~x .. ~~ ~, .. _ ' .. _. ~ - ~: , , , City and Stater L-~~~~7v~c/ / V ~ Zip Code: ~ ~ ~~S " - r ~? Telephone:. Home:..C~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~S I - - .. Business: ' 'Sex: 1~ `Race:._~ ` , `. -Ape: -- - 'Thi i / i ' .~ s n ormet on is requested %r the sole purpose of essuriri9 fhet across-section o/ the community is appointed ..Emplo yed b y: ~~/f.~ ~~ .. ` "A person currently amp/o yed b y the agency ordepartment /or which this application is made, must resign his%her position with, New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4' o/ (tie New Hanover County Personae/Policy. Job Title: , _ ~ .. Professional Activities: - - ' VolunteerActivities:' - - .. .. _ ' - . .., - Why do .you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, nor Commission requested?. ~ ~ ~ ~G~`'rLY ~,l -~ pit/ G E'av~~ ~~-JT' .//~'~' ~o~/%~G -~/UruG= ~ t GN (~vg~~ry .. .: ~/~ - t~ What do you feel are your qualifications for seining on the Board, Committee, or Commission t•egtiested?~ 4 T/ZEr~ ~ /r/o ov~TY hFF~f~~ ~~So /acv v,uSvGc E55~~-~- i1/G7~~T~ ~~.~ What areas of concern would you like to ee the Board,~ommittee, or Commission address? ~~~~?sSroc'F.- -~y~- l'n Div C~ ~E'STio -u D ~ ~f /E7~~/6'..z _ / r~ 7-isA~'S F~~,.. ~jtrr- <S t~ /7' - _; ~:,~ Are 'you currently serving on another b ee appointed by a munictpa/ity or a county? /f so, please list: 99] . a - ~ ~ ~ G 9 ~ _ Date: /J ~ I ~ ~ NEW HANOVER CO. ~~ Signature ' (Please use reverse side for additional comm~lOF' COMMISSIONERS ,,' 1 ~ /-~-9~ ,~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~U~ COMMTTTEE APPOINT'MENTS- v~ - - - ~ HUMAN`SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE _ ,. ... Hoe~eY' 1 VACANCY - MINORITY REPRESENTATIVE .- . Eva.M,t,i 1 VACANCY - UNEXPIRED ~ _ ~ . ~. . ~ - - ~ ELIGIBLE -FOR '` ~ - APPLICANTS: - ~' REAPPOINTMENT ' • ~' .. z ~, T . David Evans - ~ - -_ . - ~ ~ ~ - _ Julia B. Hooper - - Margare+ u~. 5+arg~ti : W_ • - '- ... • .. - . -. _ - Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ~ - Applications ~ ~ -. U .. ,~ 4 .. - 4. .. _ ~" • .. - ~_ - - - - .. ' _ ., f 7 - ~ ~ -, 1 1 1 1 ~' 1 i i 1 1 . HIIMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ,. Number of Members: 12, 6 At-Large Members - 6 Representatives (1 from each of the following- agencies): . Health Department Juvenile Courts ` Public Schools Southeastern Center Department of Soci~•1 Services United Way -.. Term: - Three years - - . . _ Compensation: None Regular Meetings: Held in Room 501, County Administration Building at 1:..00 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month with additional meetings as agreed upon by the committee members. statute or Cause Creating Committee: Established by Board of , County Commissioners on July 20, 1987 and August 1, 1988. , {Increased membership June 6, 1994 - Juvenile Courts Representative) • ~ ~ • , _ _,- Purpose: To advise the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners -~. on the most effective utilization of resources including Community-~~ Based Alternat-fives and County General Fund dollars to address the County's human service needs.;, Qualifications: Interest in or knowledge of the County- human.. .service .system. "~ - . ,. TERM ~ ~. PRESENTLY CIIRRENT MEMBERS Richard' L. Achilles - Chairman 8355 Vintage Club Circle A= Wilmington, NC 28405 .656-1836(H) ....Jerome Allen ` 721 Crows Nest Court ~ .; .. Wilmington, NC, 28409 792-0290(H) 792-9890(W) ~ Coley Pogosian _ 6408 Providence Point Road .Wilmington, NC 28405 ~' ' 686-9603 (H} 256-6967(W) _ .Alberto Sanchez Rodrigues 3616 Bent Tree Court Wilmington, NC 28403 799-4569 (H) 452-6916(W) ~. i ~ ~~. ' TERM SERVING EXPIRES first 6/30/97a ~_ (Appt. 7/18/,94) unexpired 6/30/98 rv ~ ~~ r' (APPt..2/.19/96) -first 6/30/98., (APPt• 6/.19/95) first 6/30/98 (Appt. 7/18/94) 73 HIIMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY•COMMITTEE-`(CONTINIIEDj .._ TERM , • - - - `. PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Aida Toplin '~ first.. •6/30/97 1839 Newkirk Road Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 11/16/92 unexpired term) 799-9129 (H) 395-3685 (W) (Reapptd. 7/18/94) Michael Zentmeyer first 6/30/98 P.O Box 10601. _ : .. _ - Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ ~ (Appt. 9/19/94 -unexpired term) 686-1349 (H) 815-690'9 (W) ., ~ .(Reappt. 6/19'/95) ~, . Cape Fear Area United Way ~. - .. - Pam Eldridge . .. _ ri P.O-. Box 1503 ._ ' . ; . Wilmington, NC 28402 251-5025 Southeastern 'Center ~--~ _ ~ ; •~ J. Carol Trambukis '- Co-Chairman • -' " ' 2023• South 17th'- Street ~ - - ~ - Wilmington, NC 28401 251-6567 ~ - " .Health Department - - - . Jean McNeil - 2029 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 - 343-6592 Department'~of Social Services ~- Christine B. McNamee, Human Services Planner 1650 Greenfield Street ~ ;• ~ ,_. '. ~ , Wilmington, NC 28402 341-4732 ~ _ ' New Hanover County Public Schools ,. '. Annette Murphy 1802 S. 15th Street.. . _, ~ ~• Wilmington, NC 28401 763-1584 Ext.~206~ '•--. New Hanover County Juvenile Courts f,. ~ ~ - Phyllis Virginia Roebuck P.O. Box 1404 ` Wilmington, NC 28402 341-4418(W•) Staff Support: Cameron Griffin, Budget Director, 32b Chestnut Street, Room 512, Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7170 CBA Consultant: Johnny Oates 919-522-0511 10/96 File: \HSAAC 74 Wri htsboro Elementa School g rY 271:6 Castle Hayne Road • Wilmington,. NC 28401 Michael J. Zentmeyer, Principal . ~ Bonnie T. Page, Assistant Principal ` Linda W. Snider, Secretary ~s~s~ i~ 1 ~. r -. . ~ ~, 1 .~ To: Richard Achilles, Chairman, Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee . From: Michael Zentmeyer ' Re: Resignation "Date: 1 1-27-96 ' *, Please accept tfiis letter as my resignation from the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee...I regret that 1 must take this action, but I believe that I have been and will continue to be unable to give the necessary time to the committee in order to be an effective member. I have missed- two of the last three meetings and will not be able to attend the meeting set for December 5. My obligations as a second year principal continue. to monopolize my time and energy. t have enjoyed my two years on the committee and appreciate the opportunity to both help. the deserving agencies receive funds and to serve the commissioners and the county. Please inform Cam Griffin and .any other necessary individuals of my resignation for me. My best wishes you and-all members. of the committee as you undertake the difficult task ahead. ~. . .DK ..0..3 .._.... .. - _ 75 (910) 815-6909 • Fax (910) 8I5-6915 ~.:::~ MEMO ~t:: DATE: August 29, 1996 TO: - "New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: ~ Cam Griffin, Budget Director ~~ ~ . It): Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee - Request for Increasing the Number of At-Large Members Please consider increasing the number of at-large members serving on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee from 6 to 7 to increase the minority composition. In addition to the at-large members, there are six agency representatives serving on the committee. ' Mr. Johnny Oates, Community. Based Alternatives Consultant for Region V, has . ,: expressed concern that the committee's membership does not reflect the racial makeup of the community. There -are' no committee vacancies ~ scheduled until June 30; 1997: ~ Two membership terms wi[l expire at that time. It has been difficult to recruit applicants for the committee, and there have been no recent minority applicants.. If the additional at-large.member is . approved, the committee members can make an increased effort to encourage minority applicants to apply.. ~ ~ ~ -. . ~- ! ~ ~ _ . .- .. ~. .. _ ~ . . I have also .written to the agencies represented on the committee and encouraged the, , ' directors to assign minority employees to the committee. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' F+ Your favorable consideration of expanding the Humari Services Allocation Advisory Committee by one at-large member is gceatly~'appreciated. ~~ ` ~' ~ - Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. ' NEW HAI~OVER COUNTY , ~ ~ - a -INTER-OFFICE - . . . - ~ ~, ~8 ' , Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: . Department: Budget Presentee: Cam Griffin Pa e Count In A enda Parka e: Contact: Cam Griffin ' SUB.TI/CT: Expansion of the Human Services Allocation.Advisory Committee by one at-large member in an effort to - gain greater minority representation. - ~ • . I3RiEr SUMMARY: '' ~` The CBA ConsultantforRegion vhas expressed concern that the Committee's membership does not reflect the racial makeup of the community. There are no committee vacancies anticipated for this fiscal year. Wit(i . approval of one additional at-large member, an increased effort will be made to encourage minority applicants.. , . ' _ ... RI;CONiMCNDCD MOTION AND RFOi)T'STCD ACTIONS• Recommend approval of one additional at-large member for the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. '.. . FUNDING SOURCE: ~ j ~' Federal $: State $: County S:. User Fccs S: Other S: • ' Nloney Is In Current Budget: - ~_~_ New Appropriation Rcqucst: .. ~~ . .. Bud ct Amendment Pre tired: Rrvlrw~D rev: ~ - ~ ~ - ' - LGL: r FIN: . )3U~: I-IR: ~' COUNTY MANAGF,R' COMMT'NTS AND RFCOMMT'NDATIONS• Recommend approval of the one additional at-large position r the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee. if approved the position will be advertise ... , • -: - 4 .1 ~~l Rcfcr to O~cc Vision i3ullctin [3oard fur Disposition NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONF"RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room •305 ,_ _ " ~ ~ ~ Wilmington, NC - 28401.-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130. ,~ App/ication fog Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the. New Hanover County, Board of Commissioners.. , Request for Appointment to: c.~ c e ~ ~ 1 I o ~ ~ • • , ~ A.( v -• ~ , \ a rY. ,,,. „~ ~,, Name: I ( e (- " Home How long haue you been a Address: _~' ~ ~ ~ ~ I C7 ~ ~ resident of New Hanovei County? ~~ i^,S. Mailing Address:. ~ m a- rr c n ~,.....~ Cit and State: ~ ~ /, , Y _ V y 1 (VYl t Yl ~ ~OYI ~ ~ C 7'p Code: __e~. ~'f ~~ Telephone: _ Home:. ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ / Business: / V l~ . 'Sex: _ ~- 'Race: tJ 'Age: (O ~ 'This inlormalion is requested for the sole purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. --Employed by: ~ P-~--. New ~ Cino~er_ •~aca_n~~ ~~aQ~ Ot ~~uCa~rb~l "A person currently employed by the agency or department ror which. this app/ic{~fion is mode, must resign his/hsi position with Nsw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover Covnry Personne/Policy.' • u Job Title: _~, ~ . G -n r-, 1 eCt ~, _~e- /-15 S ~ ~r; n ~- Professiona/Activities: ~ e -TA S ~ ~ ma `fi1~,~~-n S , r 11 ~ .. 5~• ~ ~~ n e. /n~ ~U r'1 ~i /~ 5 C io rc~ 4 h l ~ Gu5 /-I m 5 0 •C'hes~r,~~S~- v~'s~ rsa~hG on~~'ord Po~n~, VolunteerActivities: ~. , ~, .: ~,~er< ~~ur~, - I~a.r~ or`~~'crtwk. -Mariro~ Q55~.I~dles /,~~ Why do you.wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission requested? n / ____ .. n O /, n . ,7 "~ ~ n , ~n _ _ _ ~ n // T .. ire .. - - - - ~ I/ .. _ - ~ A ~ ~ All . 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 t) . , 0 C~~P hat areas of concern wo d-you like to see the •Boat•d, Committee, of Commission address?- / - ~ _ _ Are you currently serving on another board or committee`appointed by e municipality or a tou((n~~ty?` l(so; please list: IV© Date: 7 ~ } ,:. Signature DEL 1 1 ,., /Please use reverse side ror additional tommentsJ :,~,..: n r~ ~, ~- 1 I~ Request for Appointment to: HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD ' Name: T DAVID EVANS Home How long have you been a Address: 8413 BALD EAGLE LANE, WILMINGTON, NC. 2840~esidentofNewNanoverCounty? 31/2 YEARS ' Mailing Address: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTRHOPOLOGY, UNCW, WILMINGTON, NC 28403 City and State: WILMINGTON, NC ~ Zip Code: 28405 Telephone: Nome: 910.686-1586 Business: 910.395-3434 ' 'Sex: MALE •Race: WHITE •Age: 49 ; 'This in/armetion is requested /or fhe so% purpose o/ essuriny Chet across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON "A person currently employed 6y fhe agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon eppointmenl, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ASSISTANT. PROFESSOR OF CRIMINOLOGY _ TEACH AND DO RESEARCH IN CRMIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY ' Professional Activities: ' VolunteerActivitie : CURRENTLY SERVING ON THE BOARD OF CHILD. ADVOCACY COMMISSION (TERM EXPIRES IN 199. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) MY UNDERSTANDING OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND THE NEED TO BASE POLICY AND SCARCE RESOURCE ALLOCATION ON SOUND PRINCIPLES. THIS SEEMS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT GIVEN THE INCREASED ITY ' What do yba Ite@~~~e ~BiAr ~cT~YTt~c~jbY~~r serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ' TRAINING AND EXPERTISE IN UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND POLICIES RELATED TO What areas o/concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ' PRIORITIZATION OF FUNDING OF PROGRAMS BASED ON NEED AND EFFICIENCY OF PROGRAM IN Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: NO f~?rr~rflMriol~ L':J:~LJvu Cf~i ~i Date: 29 ,JANUARY 1996 ~f~~ IP/ease use reverse side /or additional comments) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ., Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 31.E ~.~~ ~'"t? C~. ~~~~~~ Signature 7 9 \\. _ ~~. ~4~ _,y ~. ~...~ /~ The Universi of North Carolina at W' m'n D . h' il i ~t~n Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-3297 ' Department of Sociology/Anthropology a 919-395-3420 29 January 1996 Lucie Harrell Clerk to the Board --.-~ _ ._ _.. New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street -Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms.' Harrell: Please find. enclosed applications for membership on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Board and the Criminal Justice Partnership Board. I would be interested in being a member of either of these boards and believe that I have a combination of interest and expertise which would be of use in either case. Please keep the criminal justice advisory board application on file (as vacancies don't occur until later this year). Note that we already have one other faculty member on this board. Even though it is my preference, that is why I applied for the. Human Services Board as well. The enclosed vita details more of my experience and expertise in the areas of human services and criminal justice research and policy. . Thanks for your consideration Sin ly, ~: :. : e .. 'T. David Eva ~s _ _80 . _. Teaching Ru~arch Service A comtitucnc inuiiution o! lTe Unircnity of Noah Cuolitu-C. D. Spandcr, Jr., Rc~idcnt an cquil oppor[oniry <mpbycr ~~"~ 3 1 96 C.. C,....:~t tii~~~~ j. :~ CURRICULUM VITA T DAVID EVANS . ,' HOME ADDRESS 8413 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910.686.1586 r ~ EDUCATION OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-2897 - _ Phone: 910.395.3434 • Ph.D., Sociology, University of Cincinnati, 1992 Dissertation: "Hellfire and Crime Reexamined: The Impact of Religious Involvement and Ecology on Adult Illegality." . , ~ M.A., Sociology, Bowling Green State University, 1971 B.A. ,English, Bowling Green State University, 1968 CURRENT, POSITION _ , Assistant Professor, Department of Sociolo and Anthro gy pology, University of North Caroiina at Wilmington,. Wilmington, North Carolina. ' Teaching areas: Introduction to Criminal Justice, White-Collar Crime, Criminal Courts, Sociology of Law. 1 bourses Taught At University of Cincinnati (as teaching assistant/associate) I" t n roduction to Sociology (1) Social Problems (1) Sociology of Work (1) At University of North ,Carolina at Wilmington ' Introduction to Criminal Justice (7) White-Collar Crime 6 Criminal-,Courts 7 ( ) . O Sociology of Law (1) "`number of times taught ., 81 1 ~ ~ . r .~:;; ~N~~ p. 2, vita, Evans RESEARCH INTERESTS White-Collar Crime '• Crime and Punishment Ideologies Criminological Theory Discretion and Discrimination in Criminal History of Crime and Punishment Case Processing and Sentencing . Popular Images of Crime and Justice Political .Economy of Business Regulation PUBLICATIONS Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, R. Gregory Dunaway, and Velmer S. Burton, Jr. u 1995. "Religion and Crime Reexamined: The Impact of Religion, Social Controls, and Ecology on Adult Criminality." Sriminology 33:195-224. ~ L~ Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, R. Gregory Dunaway, Sesha R. Kethineni, and Gary L. Payne: 1995. 'The Impact of Parental Controls on Delinquency." ,loumal of Criminal Justice. 23:111-126. Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, and R: GregoryDunaway. 1994. "Reconsidering Strain Theory: Operationalization, Rival Theories, and Adult Criminality." ,Journal of Quantitative Criminoloav. 10:213-239. Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, and Paula J. Dubeck. 1993. "Changing Public Perceptions of Corporate Crime." In Understanding Corporate Criminality, edited by Michael Blankenship. New York: Garland Press. Cancio, Silvia A., T. David Evans, and David J. Maume, Jr. "The. Declining Significance of Race Reconsidered: Race Differences in Early-Career Wages:" American Sociological Review (forthcoming).. Note: authors are alphabetical, contributions to work are equally shared. Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway, Gary L. Payne, and Sesha R. Kethinini. "Religion, Social Bonds,, and Delinquency." peviant Behavior (forthcoming). ~ * . Maume, David J., Jr., A. Silvia Cancio, and T. David Evans. "Cognitive Skills Test Scores and Racial Wage Inequality: A Reply to~farkas and~Vicknair." er' Sociological Review (forthcoming). Evans, T. David, Randy L. LaGrange, and Cecil L. Willis. "Theoretical Development of Comparative Criminology: Rekindling an Interest." International Journal of omparative and Applied Criminal Justice (forthcoming). 82 ~ 0 J. V. ~~ t7; `~~... -ii~1?~? ~~~;:~ ' • p. 3, vita, .Evans Adams, Mike S. and T. David Evans. 'Teacher Disapproval, Delinquent Peers, acid Self-Reported Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Labeling Theory." The Urban e 'ew (forthcoming). MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway, and Michael Benson. "Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime: Testing the Central Propositions." Dunaway, R. Gregory, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., and T. David Evans. "The Myth of Social Class and Crime Revisited: An Examination of Class and ' Adult Criminality." CriminoloQV (revise_and resubmit) Agnew, Robert, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. "A New Test of Strain Theory." ,justice Quarterly. (revise and resubmit) Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. . "Gender, Self-Control, and Crime.' British Journal of Criminology. o .. W RKS IN PROGRESS Evans, T. David, Mike S. Adams, Debra Nash, and Rebecca Perry.."Religiosity, Crime Victimization, and Justice Ideology." ' :Willis, Cecil L., Randy L. LaGrange, and T. David Evans. "Down Home Criminology: The Place of Indigenous Theories of Crime.° Evans, T. David and Mike S. Adams. "Executive Summary Report: New Hanover Survey of Crime Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Public Response to Crime." - (Note: Numerous conference papers presented over last several years.) 83 p. 4, vita, Evans RELATED EXPERIENCE AND BACKGROUND TEACHING 1969-1970: High School Teacher (social studies and English) Arlington Local Schools, Arlington, Ohio. 1989-1990: Teaching Associate, Department of Sociology, .University of Cincinnati. 1988-1989: Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati. 1985-1986: Teaching Associate, Department of Management, University. of Cincinnati. RESEARCH 1990-1991: Administrator of Cincinnati Lifestyle Study, 1990-1991, aSelf-Report Survey of Adult Criminality and Social Correlates. COUNSELING 1970-1972: Rehabilitation Counselor, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Ohio. INVESTIGATION 1978-1985: Chief Investigator and 1978-1985: Investigator Ohio Department of Commerce, State of Ohio. Note: The Commerce Department licenses and regulates a variety of businesses and occupations. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Sociological Association Southern Sociological Society American Society of Criminology Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences North Carolina Criminal Justice Association . 84 WII.IYffNGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH COMMISSION ~. Number of Members: 15 5 appointed by County Commissioners, including a County Commissioner Categories: 1. Shipping 2. Commerce and Finance 3. Terminals and Industry 4. Environmental Concerns 5 appointed by City Council, including a Council member, Categories: 1. Engineering and Development 2. Business 3. Transportation 4. Member at Large 1 Wrightsville Beach (Mayor) _ 1 Carolina Beach (Mayor) " a 1 Kure Beach (Mayor) Ex-Officio Members: N.C. State Ports Authority - Executive Director Chamber of Commerce -Executive Director Term of Office: three years Regular Meetings: called as necessary, usually at 4:00 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Office. Statute or cause creating Commission: County Commissioners endorsed the formation of this Commission on 12%16/74. Minute Book 16, page 67. The County Commissioners assigned this Commission the responsibility of studying,. and .preparing recommendations for the best use of 'the' 3% Occupancy Funds to be presented to them for approval and expanded the membership by adding the Mayor of Kure Beach on 4/16/84. Minute Book 19. Purpose of Commission: To investigate, initiate and support general water resources development projects to include (but not limited to): (1) Port Improvements and growth of the shipping industry, (2) Beach renourishment and conservation; and (3) mitigate declines in water quality. The Commission will weigh the benefits of these water projects against the possible detrimental effects on the area's environmental quality enjoyed by area residents. The Commission is constantly studying and staying informed on various projects trying to obtain new and beneficial projects for this area. The main projects for the area deal with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in requesting studies, seeing if a project is beneficial from a cost benefit ratio, and attempting to obtain approval and then funding in the U.S. Congress and on the State level, but this mission is not carried out in isolation. The Commission maintains an awareness of project effects on the quality of the waters and their interrelations with natural resources. 86 `WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY- & BEACH COMMISSION (CONTINIIED) Brief on Functions: The Commission works closely with-the N.C. Department of Resources Commission for assistance in obtaining approval of state funding and 'projects. An annual meeting is held in Washington for the purpose of lobbying. TERM . PRESENTLY TERM _ CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY ~ SERVING EXPIRES Wayne A. Hanson Shipping. first 2/28/99 246 Inlet Point Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appointed 2/19/96) 392-2715 (H) Daniel esmond Commerce & first 2/28/97 ~ ~ 562 reen Turtle Lane Finance , mington, NC 28409-2104 (Appt. 5/16/94) 452.-7275 (H) Lawrence W. Saunders Terminals & first 2/28/98 105 Chimney Lane Industry Wilmington, NC 28409 . 791-7642 (H) Richard G. Catlin Environmental fourth 2/28/99 . 6417 .Providence Point Road Wilmington, NC 28405 b86-9128(H) 452-5861(W) William A. Caster, New Hanover County Commissioner, Cit A ointees Y PP Engineering~& Development John Van B..Metts Business Transportation . H. Van Reid Member at Large Mayor Don Betz, City of.Wilmington Mayor Herb McKim, Wrightsville Beach Mayor Anthony Loreti, Carolina Beach " '" ! Betty Medlin, Kure Beach . Ex-Officio: Erik Stromberg, NC State Ports Authority- _ Connie Majure, Chamber of Commerce Special Appointees: Joe Augustine, Chamber of Commerce Dave Weaver, ,New Hanover County .Contact Person: Richard Catlin, Chairman file: Port 3/96 87 ~LOtt & ~tringf P~Yobo, int. ' Established 1893 Investment Bankers and Brokers ' 2425 S. 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Mcmbcr - - Tet. (910)'392-7200 _~ NYSE/SIPC ~ ' ' ~ (800) 476-0405 ,• - _ Fix, (910)- 395-6875 ,: September 23; .1996 ~- .. _ Mr. Richard Catlin, Chairman ~ ' Port, Waterway & Beach Commission ('~} Post Office Box 330 - LJ Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - ' ~ ~ ~ ~. Dear Rlcl~ With deep regret, I must resign my seat on the commission'due to recent health ~ .• . problems. My doctors have advised me to cut down on outside activities in order to release stress. Best wishes for both you and your fellow commissioners continued success. - Very truly yours,. ~ • fl ~ ~~ .. .. ":- z- : Daniel- W. Desmond DWD/dbb .:_ ~. .... ,~ ~ ::. . _ (~ U . ,. . = - ~~~C~~O~C~D . .. OEC 0.9 ..:1.195 8 8 . ~ ~ r;F_'Pl NANOVER CO. aQ. GF CQtiItiIISSIONERS LJ 12/31/1996 07:52 9197625953 NATIONAL LIKEN SFR`lI NEW HANOVER COUNTY '. BOARD OF COM/N/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room • 305 ~mington, NC 28401-4093... Talap/rane (910J 341=7149 fAX (91Q134f-4f30 App!lcatlort for Appolntmsttt 20 Boards, Commltlaes, .and Commisslons Appolatod 6y tha New Hsoover County gaard of Camirrlsstoners. Request forAppolntmerrt to; rr-• .. Home - HOw loop have you boas a Address: s~1,.(.~i. V //~ r - ~~C . rasldent oPNaw Hsnovei Cn~~»tvl ~~~~/C- --5 MarTirrp AddrssJ:_ __ 4-~ a.bD~! ~ __~_ 1 a/t . C!ry and Slate: ~ _ ZP Codc: d ~ ~/ 0 ~ - reJiphana: Home: --. - .. Business: 7 4~ 3 a ~f. ~ . , '~~ -,~ ,'Race: •Ape: ~~ 'T71Er ihln-nr~d~on a rvqurtrra 14islh. se • purpe~• alacn.6~p rA•t. aouv.coon of rb• cor-u~xr~lty L ~yopatnr.d. .. r~royrd by: _!~7i i ~a,~ ~- c`,.~~1 .SPr ~r r~ r ~ - • •w Pry awrv~tdY.-ttiv~y~•dby tM.p.rw~•or drprbr+w~r for -vAdch dib.yplfwoar.- m+d., mat r~Jyn h[s/lr.r poilr/cn -rlth . New Haravar Co~stry ~^ ~dPa++rr+tint, ke ~ecordr-ta w-th Art/c1- V1, S+a 4 of the New Na+ov~s Cc'unty Pbr~orurul fb7oy. .lab ra.: ~,. ~„ PYOfesslonallidivines: ~ (1'~ 5 ~ ~}'.~~.../ 2 ~t P r` ~['C~ ~ O lr !~' ~i..~c~.- ~ ~~ ~~~. Vohintearllctivll'ies: _ ~ /t GL ~ ~~C ~ . Wh~ da you wish to serve an the Board, Cammhies, or Commission requestodl ~ (~~ / ~{ ~ ~ C P~ r ~~ C ~ 1M~at do you led are your quatificetians /or servin on the Botrrd mmi e D , Co tte , or Commrssran requestodl . ~( A Cam, f t U Q V Q. !~ What area of concern would you /r7fre tv see the CoaJsd, Co,nmitty-a-,Lar Commisslon addressl •--~`--~ ~~P ` l r? ~ ~ ~,~ f I'c ~j e c "7 ~ ~t, ~ U..~„ ~.l' C l' ~~~~ f f ~ ~ n ~'i~e~S Ara you currant sends on an - N 0 other board ar committee appointed Dy a man/c1pBJity or a countyl Nsa, please Gsl: Date: __ ~C. ~7 . ~ p x'J ~~ S/ nature f»•~•~ rc....,tis..laV For .Jdnanwl convn+na/ ...- -- , _ _ -_ .,::; - t -OEE 3 1 ~ ~ ~- 8g PAGE 01 NEW HANOV,ER COUNTY `~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by th/e,New Hanover County Board of Commissio/n'~e/rs. Request for Appointrrierit to: ~w ~~ ~~~~'w~i ~ ~ ~ U'(/ ~~~C~• Name: ~/C.~~~~ /~(~~,C'.~(J` ~ LO~'l~'!t Home y~ ~j How long have you been a Address: ~~~ ~ /// ~i/ c--- resident of New Hanover County? ~ I `S Mailing Address: `~ ~ ~ ~` . - ~' y City and Stale: ~ '~~ C/ Zip Code: ~ ~~~ /'~. ,., Te/ephone: Home: ~~ (~ ~(~ ~ Busin s: 'Sex: 'Race: l/V 'A e: ~ v 'This informe ion is requested for the sale purpose of esswiny the ~ ,cross-section of fhe community' is appointed. ..Employed by: . "A person currently emp/o yed by the agency or department far which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nenover Cau~ty upon appointment, in eccordeirce with Artic/e• V/, Sec: 4 0l the~New Hanovei County Parsonnel'Policy. .~ -t.,.. .Job Title: ~ _ ,' ,Q~ - ... ~.~- Professional Activities: ~ ~~"~~~! `~~v?~!/~' ~~///J~ji~ - ~ / G~ VolunteerActivities: - c~C - Why do you ish to serve on the Board Committee or Commission re nested? ~ ~i ~ ??~~ v Gz'~ CG~Z,~ w . _. ,. What do you fee/ are yo~r-qua/ifications !or serving on fhe Board, Co mittee, .or Commission. requested) What areas of concem_would you like to. ee: th Board,. Comrziittee~orJCommt'ssion address? ~~~,~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: r`~ -~ , f? ~C Date: ' ~ r 9 ~_ 1„N 0 3 1991 Signature /ltiti IP/eese use se side for additional comments) -`;1 HANOVER CO. :'. GF CONiMiSSIONERS _ John. R Nugent Nugent t4 Co. 5912 Windjammer Dr. Wilmington, tJC 26409 910-395-6768 i . __ _ _ , .. : __ . __ _.___.__ _ __. ___. __._.._ OBJECTIVE: senior Financial Management Position in a company seeking an individual with operation's experience, '~ ~ accountable for controllership, treasury and management information systems. Proven ability to organize and implement business plans and control - systems in small to large business environments.. Effective communicator of all levels of the . organization. 1973 - f!(~~ 93i Arrow Electronics Inc. Melville N.Y. A $ .5 billion supplier of semi-conductors, passive and electro-mechanical devices, connectors, computers and related product to industrial, military and commercial markets in North America and Europe. Senior • . - ~ .. ,Positions Held: Director of Credit 1989 to ~~~ q 3 f Assistant Controller 3.984-89 Operations Mana er ~ ~ g . Major Achievements:. Headed financial team that integrated the customer master file and credit worthiness of"3 major acquisitions ($900M in revenues:). ` Acquisition team - Canadian Purchase of Cesco. Responsible for the final approval of all credit decisions. f .Instituted sales tax programs. .Reduced discounts from 2~ to Net 30. . Installed financial performance incentives •designed to influence day to day sales y- -~ - .management decisions. - Generated .2~ profit by keeping bad debt below the industry average. . Maintained the lowest day sales outstanding in our.industry, with a 250M.accounts receivable. Managed staff of 50 plus people.. ` ~. EDUCATION: B.B.A., Accounting, SUNY NEW NANO-VER.~000NTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX x910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,. and Commissions _ _ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to; Port,.,, Waterway and Beach Commission , ~. • Name: Robert L: Randall •. Home Address: 314 E. Renovah Circle Two years Mailing Address: Same ~- - ~ " . City and State: Wilmington; "NC Zip Code: ~ 28403 Telephone:- Home: 910-762-7499 Business: td/A 'Sex: M 'Race: W 'Age: 60 'This inlormetion is requested for the sale purpose or assuring the! across-section of the community is eppointod. s "Employed by: Retired from Eastman Kodak ' "A person currontly amp/Dyed b ythe egoncy or department /or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon eppoinlmenl, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: Sr. Patent Attorney Professional Activities: N/A Vo/unteerActivities: U. S. ,Coast Guard Auxiliary Because of my longstanding Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT, interest in and concern for .the enjoyment and utilization of our water resources as well as their preserva ion an development for the future. It is mkt belief that the ,public's interest in these resources must also accomodate the commercial use~of~these same resources to provide a prosperous economy. I `. What do you feel are vow qualifications for serving on the ,Board, .Committee, or Commission requested? I was educated as a mechanical engineer_as well as a lawyer and my entire career involve a now- led~e of all areas .of science. and technology., I believe this will be valuable to the operati~ of the commission. Further, it is my. personal belief that we must.be stewards of our resources. What areas'of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ To assure that the quality of our water resources is not sacrificed either by unrestricted local development or by more remote environmentally unsound practices. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appor'nted by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ,,,,.., „ Date: ~7Fi~bruary 7 (Please use reverse side /or 'li) 7 ~~ ~Howlong have you been a _ resident of New flano'ver Countyl I~ IVFW HA/VOVER COUNTY . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Q~~~~~~~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-409.3 DE( 3 0 1996 ' 4 - 14 Telephone (91.01 3 1 7 9 FAx (9 l of 341-4130 NEW HANOVER CO. ~, BD. OF COMMISSIONERS Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions • Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. . ~ReQuest for Appointment to: ~/~M/nf6•Tb~l ~iU~"l~Mtfit/0/P.yL ~~C./ . ~j~i~~y/~1~. D~ ~ ~`~ ~ ~~1rSSi ~ n/ Name: William Lawrence Robertson Nome Address: 1509 Country Club Rd. iMailing Address: P . 0 . Box 17 2 7 City and State: Wilmington, NC 'Telephone: Nome: 763-7085 Now long have you been a resident of New Hanover Countyl 16 years Zip Code: 28402 Business: 815 - 2 7 4 4 ~'Sez: M ~ 'Race: W 'Age: 53 'This in/armetion is requested for the sole purpose or essuriny that across-seedon of the commun~ry is appointed. "Employed by: BB&T ''A person currently amp/Dyed by the s9ency or department rar which this application is mode, must resign Ais/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Nenaver County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Senior Vice President . tort aro ina oas a eyources mm sa -~ ~, - ~P/•ofessiona/Activities: N.C. Wilm. Foundation, Board Chariman, State Certified General Appraiser, Robert Morris Association.. ~,Vo/unteerActivities: Red Cross, United Way,. Boy Scouts, Civitan Club, Lower Cape Fear Hospice Board (Former)' Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission repuested? It is my personal way of returning some of my professional experience to the community and hopefully add to the service the public needs. hat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My experience on the Resources Commission & Foundation Board at UNCW plus a background -in .accounting and finance and 30 years experience in the an ing in uscry. What areas of concern wou/d you.like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Balancing the overall needs of the community, the hospital serves 'and the needs of the scar tna *~ make the hospital run on a day to day basis. re you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municip lily or a county? if so, please list: 12-23-96 ~a te: Signature (Please use reverse lido for eddi(ione/ commentsl .~ ' NEW HANOVER COIINTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WILMINGTON, NC CHARGE TO HOSPITAL STUDY COMMITTEE JANUARY 20, 1997 The Hospital Study Committee, representing the interests of the citizens of New Hanover County, is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, to study the reorganization of New Hanover Regional Medical Center's current operating structure from a not-for-profit public hospital to a not-for-profit community general hospital as allowed by North Carolina law. The committee is to study this request thoroughly and provide the Board of Commissioners with a non-binding written recommendation to either approve the Medical Center's request, deny the Medical Center's request, or consider any other options that the committee deems appropriate in order to maintain and not compromise the excellent health care of the citizens of New Hanover County and surrounding counties, and in fact, improve through more efficient and effective organization and ..,operation. t bcnc f ~ t) . The Medical Center must remain an to both the public . and private sectors of New Hanover County and facilitate future .economic growth and development. Since the citizens are the County's most important resource, -: we charge the committee with assuming protection of the .insured, .uninsured and indigent populations. We finally charge the committee with making non-binding recommendations and giving reasonable alternatives in a timely manner ~u`~1/~ arc.$~. ~ JQ Q J GOUNfiI~ CQMMfSS14N~~ APPROVED E~/ REJECTED p REMOVED ~t POSTPONED E7 n DATE _ . ~ .~.~,~~7X ~4. 4• -,-~ ~. .AV i. ~'_~~ ~ - ~ i f 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ii NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOiVi, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 30~¢ ~ JANUARY ~, 1997 1~~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE . NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 97 3. Consideration of Approval of Policy for Connection to the District 99 Water Systems i 4. Consideration of Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewec Line 101 Easement 5. Consideration of Approval of Easement Acquisition for Ogden 103 Interceptor 6. Consideration of Approval for Sewer Allocations for Northside 113 Wastewater Treatment Plant 7. Consideration of Approval for Revision to Contract #96-045? - 115 Construction of Eight Inch Sewer Force ]Main from Tidal Holm to Motts Creek 8. Consideration of Approval of Request by Highland Pines Mobile 133 Holm Park to Connect to County Water System. 9. Approval of Contract #96-0453 to Conoco for Wrightsboro Elevated 135 Water Tank 95 Tliis page intentionally left blank 96 F 1 1 1 e s r s I~ I~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Regular Item #: w&s#2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Cogtact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: . Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of the following Water and Sewer Meeting Minutes Minutes of January 6, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Refer to Oftice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ouNTtF C®MM~4N APPR®VED REJECTED ®~`~9 7 REMOVED ~ POSTPONE Eli DATE ~/ .~.~~a,~ Tliis page intentionally left blank r,_, ,tar"~~ ~.i ~.~',~::~'%~°/ 1t~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 98 ~_~ ~ ,, pp`` r~ of ~ -.n~ . 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Regular Item #: W&S#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Co tact: W att E. Blanchard SUI;.TECT: Policy for Connection to the District Water System i3RIrF SUMMARY: ' - ~ - The District's 600,000, gallon Ogden water tower was financed using a combination of County and developer funds.. Approximately 100,000 gallons remain available for use at County discretion. Attached is a proposed policy, to control allocation of the remaining 100,000 gallons. In order for the capacity owned by the District to be allocated when requested, a policy should be established. Attached is a proposed policy. . 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 _RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R OUFSTED AGTIONS• Recommend the proposed policy be approved with modifications if desired. r~uNUitvc. ~uvttc.:r;: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: itr,vir,vv~,u isY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR; N/A AMALLETT COIINTY MANAGFI2'fi COMMT;NTS AND RT'CnMM('NDATIn1YS- The County needs to have a policy in pl e to handle future requests For drinking water. I recommend the. Board consider adopting this policy. ~OUN`~` ~4~1~-11~9~ . APPR®i/E® - REJECT'E RE~ovE® ~ 99 - POSTP®R9E~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin hoard for Disposition DATE - ~ l- ~J ~ Dbi`-a.in :njdtc.t ~i'urx Pac~ :. - Policy for Connection to All'District Water Systems ~ " "' ' _ '. .~ 1. Each request will be considered;on a case. by case basis by Commissioners or then' designee. ' 2. A development fee will be charged equal to $600.00 per single-family residential unit (400 gpd) and $ i.50/gallon per/day/gallon of projected water use for , .. commercial, industrial customers and other users to pay for_cost of elevated tanla, trunk lines and wells.. Fees shall be paid at.the time of ohtainin~ the building - permit. A $600.00 fee was established with: Conoco for the Wrightsboro area, in the agreement. .: ... ~ - ~. Credit for development fees will be provided based on $1.00 per gallon if developer }ias paid for elevated tank storage capacity. ' 4. Development fee: gallon elevated storage . _ $ .50/gallon water mains and-well facilities ,. - "~ . _. _ ;_ .. _ _ ~ _ + .. .e .' - Y_ ` ._ .. ., .. . - _ ._ - ' ~ ~ . ~.~. n! '-. I1. . l.. ~ '~ 1. ~, f a; ~j ~ rr,"P~ -,. - - -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ Meeting Date: 01/2.1/97 - =Regular Item #: W&S#4 ~ - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: '~~" Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard 1 Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Cogtact: W att E. Blanchard Condemnation for Acquisition of Sewer Line Easement " BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff has been working with several landotivners in order to acquice an easement for a sewer line which will extend from the Acorn Branch sewer pump station and run north across Kerr Avenue to serve the surrounding area including Ivey Woods and Runnymeade. This line will eventually allow for elimination ~ of a package treatment plant. We have agreements for all necessary easements except four. A great amount of effort and time has been utilized in an effort to obtain the easements. Attached is additional information concerning the parcels.. ~ " ~~ ' ~tECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO~,JESTED ACTIONS: ,~ Recommend the Commissioners authorize the County Attorney's office to proceed with condemnation. l.: _ " #i' - - 4 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fccs S:. Other S: ` i~ Money Is In Current Budget: - ~ Ncw Appropriation Request: ' ~; Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEWED i3Y• - ~ - ' LGL:APPWCOPLEY FIN: Arr sSHELL sU): N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANn RECOMMrNDATIONS• " - Staff has made every reasonable effort to accomplish the acquisition. Recommend the Board to authorize. ' condemnation. ~1~~ . ~PPR0IIE® f I . REJECTE® ~ `~' ~f O ., - REIMOVE~ ~ POSTP~~9 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ®/~~~ ~,~.-.- t ,~, q'~ .. _` • - i - ` , a~ y • w J v ~ \ ~' sa ~ ~~ n ~ d. ..P I Q ~~E. uEi~`' 9 I 65 ~X poo-Ot°~ ~ ~ .Y''1 0~• ~. ~~ ~I ^..~ . ~, TL. ~; ~.( 1 .~ ' S1 _ po op.ooo.ca; _ ~ IG1s3 ^I fCJ•L o. o N l v u~G^'S ~1 1_..J ~ ~~au ~z2. PG. X07 1 ~.e S= _ . ._ _ ._.. O •_~ _. p_.__.. l,, ._ .0 _. _ _ ~. ~E~y _ _ v, _. w1ll1A`'~ BjS-. ~^pp5 ~,~ar,. . .. :. ~ ~ _ 'i C..'' - +~,~' ./ice v ~ ~; '~ ~ ~ _ •' ~I.IJ ~` pb.p~' `940 r~~ ~_~ 1~. / ~ r .~ ~ r ~ ,~..;:: _ t Y ~ .. J 1 Oa '~/ ~~ - ~ ~-_- , . Foe ~ ' oa ~~ a ~ ;.._i ~~~ ...,...:r , . 01 y po .oo°' -- o rc9S Ste; 7" 1 < ~: . ~ ~~ 1 1 " REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Regular Item #: W&S#S Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Co tact: W att E. Blanchard SUi3.TECT:: " Consideration of Exchanging Water Capacity for Acquisition of Easement for Ogden Interceptor -Contract Number 97-0093A .. ~, . " BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff is working with various landowners to obtain easements for the Ogden Interceptor. The route of the interceptor crosses the property owned by the developers for Farrington Farms. They are asking that they be granted a water capacity in the Murrayville Water System for 45 lots in return for that portion of the. `~ Ogden Interceptor easement. This is a commitment for capacity only and would not waive any applicable fees. Attached is a copy of the proposed Easement Contract Number 97-0093A for your reference. ~~ ;~~ RECOMMENT)ED MOTtON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Recommend the capacity be granted in exchange for the easement, and in addition authorize the Chairman " to execute the Contract Number 97-0093A. •_ ~~ - ENDING SOURCE: • • Federal $: State $: ~ County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request:.. Bud et Amendment Pr•e ared: REViEWF,D RY: LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL -BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~, 'S~OUNTY MANAGFR'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMF,NDATIONS• Recommend the Board exchange the provision of future capacity for the easement. The exchange will not impact the payment of any fees. • ~M~B~~ _ • . . ~APPi~®V~® : ,, ~ , REM~yE® ~ ' POSTP®~y~~ ~}s~/; __ ~~ Refcrto Oftce Vision bulletin board for Dispositiona~~ _ / a,~ / !. ~C~~!//~J _ c_y~ ' N~,~,y~ j ~`t~'NNP ~~' ~ ' TWN? .! ~.' ' _ ~ _: ./~ ~ • _ •[ ~ ~ u • . ~ K~a• ' _ ~ .. .at,1 I o ` ~ .. - . f .a. _ _. _ a ... _ .._ .. \ ; r/li ~ ~ O < / :.` . CJ~ICa LT :T r•..oeea J q ~ / ~ •L~a• CT ..._. •...ow.<. ~[ ' - /. .... . I t . [ / ~ w. •, ~i rte, ~/~//~ ..a-..J ~ :... a i _ , ~ ~ ~ a ,.LL :,. ;o. 9 or r. r T'.ttT ~ ~ ~1+ ~ c++., ~a as ~ : ~ , . / ~ i a ~~ ; ice, _ ~ - '• t ~ ! ' ' // ~I ..~ `^~ t _ ,] ?; 9 e~ ;;y .ae~ Jp.: vy el•, ,a _ I ,9 _ ~;a -: ./ . ~ ~j ~! J Y a y, `a •a r •`• y, I•ea' ~, y~l"~ y~~aT/ / .J~• ~%G' B' 8E'~i•~ / '/ ~.•\, ~.y'/~ .' : ~ , / /!~ i//' `4 ~ ( are ~.` o„ a~,~.~` n• / G. /% ...~lj - . ',/ .Y..~ . ,, a S 45., _ ~, ~ .~ ~ _ .r. .o" ~ `cQ~!.~~..• =•, - :[, t ~~_' ,. -~`- y ~, ! r-•• r Site Location of Farrington ti ' - ~~~~_/" _ - . ~'~''`'~"~' i `r Farms Subdivision ,~- ~ ,. . ~. y ~. Map-Not-To-Scale ~~. .~,~~ ~•r .. 4 / . c.. f ~; ,. c . '.~- New Hanover Coun Contract # 97 - 0093A ty ~~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA EA~_EMENT BUY AND SELL AGRF.,EMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~, ~~ r .THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 1996 by and Y~ between FARR]NGTON FARMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, hereinafter referred to as SELLER; ~' arid NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as BUYER; WHEREAS, BUYER desires to acquire the subject easement herein for a public purpose:. . WHEREAS, SELLER is willing to sell said easement for a negotiated compensation. ,_ WITNESSF,TH: ~.~ Thatsubject to and inconsideration of the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, SELLERS have ~~ contracted t el t ' o s l o BUYER and BUYER has contracted to purchase from SELLERS that certain easement ~, o . lying and being in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina and being more particularly described as an easement on that tract described in Dced Book 1951, Page 23, New Hanover County Registry, Tax Parcel No.4300-003-029-000, and deli Hated as New Hanover Courit Contract No. 97 - 0093. g Y ,~. The terms and conditions of this sale and purchase are as follows: 1. The compensation for said easement is the reservation of water capacity for forty-(7ve (d5) lots ~- to be serviced b the Muria ille waters stem. However, FARRWGTON FARMS DEVELOPMENT' y ~ y CORPORATION is not in any way exempted from any fees or costs imposed or authorized by the New .Hanover County Code. r~ 2. The above com ensation is to be awarded to SELLERS or their dcsi Hated a ent u n 'v p g g po deli ery `~, of the decd of easement to the QUYER. 3. SELLERS agree and bind themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, upon payment of the purchase price for said casement, as hereinbefore provided, to execute and deliver to BUYER, or its ' assigns, a good and sufficient deed of easement, conveying a good and marketable title to said eascr e f~, ~ ~ ~ ~ . • _ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0093A to BUYER, with general warranty and free from encumbrances, execpt zoning regulations and- any restrictions of record. ~. ~ ~ = ~ . ~ :. WITNESS, our Lands and seals the day and year first above written. • ~ -` ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [SEAL] William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [SEAL] - ._ ATTEST: Corporate Secretary FARRINGTON FARMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION President •., ., ~ ., This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director 106 Approved as fo form: •County Attorney 2 f ~{ ./ • , ~ - ,- ~ New Hanover Coun Contract # 97 - 0093A ty '~~ NORTH CAROLINA ~ + ,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. ~~ I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the ~~ ~ Board of Commissioners ofNew Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly given. and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its.. Chairman, sealed with - its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. - WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. `~ . Notary Public . My commission expires: .<~~ ' NORTH CAROLINA _. COUNTY' ~. 1, a Notary ~ Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of FARRINGTON FARMS DEVELOPMCNT CORPORATION, a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly liven and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was . signed in its name by its President, ,sealed with its official seal and attested by -- himself/herself as its Secretary. _ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ~ -~ , 1996. ,_, - •_ , Notary Public . My commission expires: F~, - - ~- ' s . - - - ~~ 3 107 ~` - . New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0093 ~~, Prepared by: Kemp P. Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney, New Hanover County, 320 Chestnut Street, Suite 309, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~' ~ ~ Tax Parcel No. RO 4'3U0-003-029-000 " NORTH CAROLINA - ~ EASEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY • This DEED, made and entered into this . ~, day of ~ , 1996, by and between FARRINGTON FARMS,DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION of 3901 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, State of North Carolina, 28406, hereinafter, whether one or more, referred to as GRANTORS; and NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina,_whose mailing address is 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE; WITNESSF.TH: . „• WHEREAS, GRANTORS own property within the area of New Hanover County to be served by the County's sewer system; and . WHEREAS, the previous Pack of..a County sewer system has adversely affected water quality in both surface and subsurface waters; and • WHEREAS, the availability of a connection to a County sewer system can increase the value of GRANTORS' property; and. .; . ..WHEREAS, GRANTEE requires easements for the purpose of constructing and maintaining sewer lines, and GRANTORS have agreed to convey the necessary, easement to GRANTEE; NOW, THEREFORE, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other. valuable consideration to them in hand paid by GRANTEE, and in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, do hereby give, grant and convey unto GRANTEE a perpetual right and easement as more fully described in the paragraphs below. 108 1. ca i n a emen . Bein e ~' I. t • E s t gap rmancnt sewer casement on the property F I New Hanover County Contract # 97 -.0093 - of the above-referenced GRANTORS described in Deed Book 1951, Page 28, New Hanover County Registry, and more specifically described as a permanent easement, as shown on a survey of Utility Easement for.New Hanover County prepared by Martin R. Stoughton, R.L.S., recorded . in Map Book ,Page ,New Hanover-County Registry. 2.. Purpose of Easemeni. The purpose of the easemert is for water and sanitary sewer. GRANTEE'S rights shall include constructing, laying, maintaining, inspecting, operating, protecting, repairing, changing the size of, replacing, removing or abandoning lines and facilities, and removing structures; fences, trees, shrubs and vegetation within the easement area. GRANTORS shall have the right to use and enjoy said easement area subject to the easement and rights herein granted. At the coriclusion of any installation or maintenance activities within the above described easement, the GRANTEE will return the easement to as near prior conditions as feasibly possible. 3. Restrictions on Grantor's tlse of Easement. GRANTORS agree not to erect building, structures or trees within the easement: ~~, 4. Grantee's Rights of Ingress and ~re~s. GRANTEE shall have the ri ht of .. g ingress and egress along the easement. In addition thereto,- GRANTEE shall have the right of in ress and a re v 'v g g ss o er such pn ate roads, driveways, alleys and ways as may now or hereafter exist on GRANTORS' property, and if there are no public or private roads or ways reasonably convenient to provide access to the easement, then GRANTEE shall have the rights of ingress ~~~ and egress over GRANTORS' property adjacent to the easement in such manner as shall °~ occasion the .least practicable- inconvenience and damages to GRANTORS. GRANTEE will be - responsible for damages to GRANTORS'. property for such use. ._ ' S. Covenants by Grantors. GRANTORS, for themselves, their -successors ~- ~: and assigns, do covenant with County, its successors and assigns, that they .are owners- in fee .simple of the real property which is subject to the described easement; that they have good right ~~; ~ -to grant and convey said easement; that said easement is free and .clear from all restipgti,~rr~, 2 I-V~ ~~ . ' Ncw Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0093 easements or encumbrances,:except any mentioned in this instrument, any. restrictions of record, any-,utility or drainage easements of. record, and the lien of local-, property taxes;.. and that they .shall, and their successors .and assigns shall, warrant and defend the title,to said easement against the lawful claims and demands. of any, and all persons whomsoever. , TO HAVE AND. TO ~ HOLD theright and :easement hereby granted to the GRANTEE and its,successors~in~title~forever; it being agreed that the right and easement: hereby granted is appurtenant to and runs with the land now owned.by GRANTORS,. IN.TESTIMONY WHEREOF,.the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above~written. ~;, - FARRINGTON FARMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION . . - .- [SEAL] ,, .. . President ~ .. ~ ~ - ATTEST:~ .~ -.,: . Corporate Secretary , , ~ ; ,- 110 ~ . 3 ~' . ~ ~ r New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0093 ~` NORTH CAROLINA . ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~, . __ ;. . ~ I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and . County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this ~ day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of FARRINGTON FARMS DEVELOPMENT- ' ~ CORPORATION, and that by authority- duly given and as the act of the co oration, the rp ` .foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President. sealed with its corporate seal and - ' attested by him herself as its Secretary. . WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: ~` ~~~ `~'' ~ ' ' ~ ~. ~~~~ ~ , ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 111 ~/ 4 112- i. i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Zegular Item #; W&S#6 .Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Water& Sewer District . Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard S . ~ SUB.TECT• Sewer Allocations for Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant ;~~ _ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ Prior to the execution of the agreement with the city for the use of the approximately 2.S - 3.0 mgd of unused capacity in the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) all requests for Northside capacity were approved by the Commissioners because the Districts allocation was severely limited.. Since treatment plant- ,;~' capacity is no longer severely limited, the Commissioners may wish to no longer review requests for treatment capacity in the Northside WWTP, but instead allow staff to handle system used for the .Southside WWTP. 6~I - ~ . - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQ~IESTED ACTIONS: Request Commissioners to consider allowing staff to allocate sewage capacity at the Northside Wastewater . ~ Treatment Plant, ~~ ~ . ,~' ~~' 5`~. ~l ,*, ,~+ ~, ~1 Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud- et Amendment Pre ared: 1~L' V1C.WISU ISY: LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN F-IR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF,CONiMF,NDATIONS: Recommend the Board consider approving the request to streamline th allocation request procedure. This will.. be consistent with the procedure used for the Southside plant. ~OU~v ~~MMI~SI~ ~PPROV~® in~ REJE~~E® ~~~~ 3 REMOVE® ~ POSTF~N~ ~' Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin E3oard for Disposition I~AT~ --' ~,~~-- ~ ~-- ,~ . ., ,, .~ :: /~ ` ~ . ~ M4 ii i It 1~F.` 11 4 ~.. ~ ~'".a.~Elr ~ 1 <<. ~-~~ . - ,. -.. ,... _. ~. __s___J .~J /'~ ,, r ~~, ~~ ,~i 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Zegular Item #: W&S#7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUI3.TECT: Revision to Contract 96-0452 -Construction of Eight Inch Sewer Force Main From Tidal Holm to Motts Creek I3R1EF SUMMARY: The approved contract for a cooperative sewer project in the Motts Creek area needs several modifications due to changes requested by private parties to the contract. The attached memo explains the changes in detail. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQUFSTF,D ACTIONS• Staff recommends that the revised contract be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. N UIVUI(V(; SUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: i«V1L' Wl~ll ti Y' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMF,NTS AND RFCOMMT'NDATIONS• Recommend the Board approve the contract modifications. . i Refer to O(Tice Vision bulletin board for Disposition ~6UN`t"~ P~i~M{ APPR®VE® ~ ;;~ ! REJECTE® ~~°~ REMOVE® ~ POSTP®NE~ ~ n ®P+TE - --t= ~C ~g~ ~- ~ Ctr ,may 1 I r c ~ - r 557 / (c _?4« Q w.(r. ~ ~ j •~ t' ` , ,--. j~~"eta to C ~/ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~OOi vr~c..~. way ~ ~/ ~ ~ti ~/ i~,y "`~ r '/~ ~ ~• ~. ~~ 3 L i - .. .~; ~ `-- ~ _-• r ~ i ,, ;, s _. ~r ~ A ~•~ _ ~ ~ .~ ~ M • f n _ r ~/ ~ -• •~ C ~ ~f i-i ~ ~ e ~ yy•r .) ~~ II ~ ,; ~ _ •-~ t~~ _ O i~ ..~~ _ - ~ 1' ~/, ~ ~ .~,` ~_ ~`~~ mac' d 1 /~ - j% b i 'a c-- /' c~oc -a ~ ..~„ .' I _ LOCATION OF PROPOSED ~ -w o w",,,~/,~i, .~:~-• ~; FORCE MAIN FROM TIDAL HOLM TO MOTTS CREEK ,; ~,~ • 116 -~ _-;~~ ~: JANUARY 9. 1997 ~_ i/~ ' ` ;~ o _ ? r.: `~' ~ ~ I O =;Q r ,'- ~ _ ~ , ~~~ 'W) RE: Revision to Contract 96-0452 Construction of Eight Inch Sewer Force Nlain From Tidal Elolm to Motts Creek Staff has been working with the owners of An•ondale, l-leritage Woods and y~ Masonboro Commons to work out an agreement which will allow for the construction of the planned sewer force main along River Road from the Tidal Holm Subdivision to the proposed pump station to be located at River Road and tiiotts Creek. This draft agreement would allow An~oridale and [viasonboco Cornrnons to connect to an active sewer system (The Cape), in the interim rather than having to wait the eighteen months to construct the sewer force main to Motts Creek. .~' The original contract number 9G-0452 (copy attached) was approved by the Commissioners on June 17, 1996. The developer of Masonboro Cornrnons, however, would not sign ,the contract since there is not sufficient capacity in The Cape treatment plant to handle Masonboro Commons flow. Therefore, the original contract cannot be executed as is. With this in mind, the contract has to be modified to eliminate Masonboro Commons. ~`'~ [n addition, the owner of The Cape sewer system has stipulated that he will accept the sewage flow from An~ondale if the AzYOndale sewer flow along with Tidal Holm and ~' Lambs Bluff only if sewer flow is rerouted to the Dist~ict s stem within ei =htecn month . y ~ s ,The revised contract requires the District to have the sewer force main constructed no ;~ later than lraly 1, 1998. The.District will be able to meet that schedule. As stated in the contract, the Developer will pay 60 percent of the cost and the County will pay only 40 percent of the cost: Construction of this sewer force main which `- is parrt of the sewer plan, will allow the County to eliminate the Monterey Fleights wastewater- t-eatrnent plant with tfre addition of a 200 foot connection. Reri~oval of tl~e ~~,~ Monterey Hei =hts Wastewater Treatment Plant wili im rove the effici n b p e cy of Drstrrct operations and reduce potential impact to the River. ~. . . •. ,~~ . ~ 117 DRAFT Ncw Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. THIS CONTRACT, dated this day of 1997, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the "District"; and CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS, INC. and LANDMARK DEVELOPERS, INC., hereinafter referred to as the "Developers"; . WITNESSETH: ,WHEREAS, the,Developers are the owners.of certain property generally referred to as Carolina East Developers, Inc., owners of Aarrondale, Landmark Developers, Inc.,~owners of Heritage Woods and Lord's Creek, which properties are hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that an eight (8") inch sewer line will be constructed to allow the District to provide sewage service to the Project, and to others; and ,. WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that construction of such sewer lines shall exceed in size and capacity that which would be required to provide service only to'the Project; and WHEREAS, the parties have, pursuant to the New Hanover County Code, agreed, therefore, • ti .. to share responsibilities and costs~associated with the construction of 'such sewer lines, as more fully set out hereinafter. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. PrQlect. The parties hereto agree that the construction often thousand six hundred feet (10,600') of eight (8") inch sewer main will be in accordance with the New Hanover County plans ~d~s~cifications, shall constitute the scope of work performed, which shall hereinafter be referred •~ ~; Ncw Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 1 to as the "Project". Said sewer main shall be constructed from the Tidal Holm Pump Station and Lamb's Bluff Pump Station, including Tidewater Plantation, to the Motts Creek Pump Station. :'~~ 2. Date of Com lei. Project shall be completed no later than eighteen (18) months from `~~' the execution of said contract, and in an event no later than Jul 1, 1998. Y Y 3. Responsibility of Developer. Developers shall be responsible for the following: Payment of all costs associated with the Project, including, but not limited to engineering costs and construction costs, subject to the obligation of the District to reimburse Developers a portion of construction cost. 4. Responsibility of District. The District shalt provide reimbursement to the Developers :~ in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. •5. Project Cost The Project cost shall include the following: ,~j ~ ~ a. .All sums paid to all contractors for work performed on the construction of the Project; and _ ._~ ' '' b. The total project cost shall be One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars. Developers' share of said costs shall be Sixty Thousand ($60;000.00) Dollars, of which Carolina ' East shall pay Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars and Landmark shall pay Twenty Thousand ~~~ ,. ($20,000.00) Dollars. District's share of said costs shall be Forty Thousand ($40;000.00) Dollars, which shall be aid u on com letion and acce Lance of the Project. In the event that the t t P p p p ~ o al project cost exceeds One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, each party will pay a proportional share asset forth hereunder to reflect the increase. Developers' total share of cost will equal sixty percent ,,, 2 119 • Ncw Hanovcr County Contract # 9G - 0452 (60%), and District's total share of cost will equal forty percent (40%). 6. Reimbursement: Reimbursement shall be pursuant to Section 15-94 of the New Hanover County Code. As to any development utilizing capacity in the Project, occur ing subsequent to the date of this agreement, where said Developers are not otherwise participating in the capital costs of this Project, such Developers. shall pay District a One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) per gallon development fee. The fee will be dispursed to the parties to this agreement, including the District, based on each party's percentage of participation under this agreement. Any payments of said development fee shall terminate fifteen (1 S) years following the date of execution of this agreement Developers shall provide to the District; ~ _ a. Waiver of liens signed by all prime contractors; b. Affidavit with actual invoices or other documentation acceptable to the District; c. Appropriate warranties as required by the District; d. Performance of all functions normally associated with the role of owner or construction manager relating to the construction of the Project; e. Letters of Credit totaling Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars. 7. ndeinnit Developers shall indemnify and hold New Hanover Courity and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on' account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Developers hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission ~- 120 3 1 1 J J- 1 i i 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New Hanover County Contract # 9G - 0452 of Developers, its agents, employees and subcontractors. 8. Default. If the Developers persistently or repeatedly refuse or fail to prosecute the Project in a timely manner, or otherwise are guilty of a substantial violation of a material provision of this Contract, then the District may by written notice to the Developers, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, finish the Project by whatever methods the District may deem expedient.. In addition to other available remedies, the District may utilize the required letters of credit to complete the Project. 9. F,ntire Agreement. This Contract represents the complete agreement of the parties relating to the construction of the Project. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given and on the day and year first above written: NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATCR AND SEWER DISTRICT [SEAL] • ~. ATTEST: Clerk to the Board William A. Caster, Chairman 4 121 ~~ . r .. ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 042 CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS; INC: ~J [CORPORATE SEAL] . '' B Y: President. , . ., , ATTEST: a ~~ Secretary ~ ~` . LANDMARK DEVELOPERS, INC. [CORPORATE SEAL] BY: ^'~ President _ ATTEST: Secretary _ _ This instrument has been pre- , audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: ,~ County Finance Director County Attorney .., _ L NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. I-Iarrcll personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly liven 122 5 1 1 1 ~. ~ , ~' ~~ ,~, r~1 ~~ .r~ ~~ ~~ \~f ;: ~~~ .~ ~,~~~ ~~ ;~ New Hanover County Contract # 9G - 0452 and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, William A. Caster, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as.the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, scaled with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. .. My commission expires: Notary Public 6 123 New Hanover County Contract # 9G - 042 ,~~ NORTH CAROLINA '• ~ . L~ COUNTY I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me this day 'i and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of LANDMAP`IC DEVELOPERS, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. i t.._ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. ''~' o Notary Public My commission expires: .- ~, (-' i f ' t~ y . ' . ., c .~ i ,. .~ 12.4 7 4 • * ~ Approved June 17, 1996 New Hanover County Contract >r 96 - 0452 ~~~< ' NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY '~ f THIS CONTRACT, dated this day of , 1996, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a body politic and corporate of the State ofNorth Carolina, hereinafer referred to as the "District"; and CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS, Li 1C., 421 SOUTH ASSOCIATES L:ItiIITED PARTNERSHIP, and LANDI~tARK DEVELOPERS, INC., hereinafter referred to as the "Developers"; ~VISiyES S F_.TH: ;t WHEREAS, the Developers arc the owners of certain property generally referred to as _~ , !, Carolina East Developers, Inc., owners of Aarrondale, 42 l South Associates Limited Partnership, owners of Masonboro Commons, Landmark Developers, Inc., owners of Heritage Woods and Lord's Creek, which properties are hereinafter referred to as the "Property"; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that an eight (8") inch sewer line will be constructed to allow the District to provide sewage service to the Property, and to others; and ~\ WHEREAS, the parties have agreed that construction of such sewer lines shall exceed in size ~~~ and ca aci ' that which would be re uired to rovide service onl to the Pro e • and -_~ P h' _ q P Y P ~y~ WHEREAS, the parties have, pursuant to the Ncw Hanover County-Code, agreed, therefore, to share responsibilities and costs associated with the construction of such sewer lines, as more fully -' set out hereinafter. r NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: ~~ 1. r 'ec ..The parties hereto agree that the construction of ten thousand sib `~r~-ed feet t 1 'J New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 042 (10,600') of eight (8") inch sewer main will be in accordance with the New Hanover County plans and specifications, shall constitute the scope'of work performed, which shall hereinafter be referred t to as the "Project". Said sewer main shall be constructed fiom the Tidal Home Pump Station to the Motts.Creek Pump Station. 2. Date of Com r~~n. Project shall be completed no later than eighteen (18) months from the execution of said contract. 3. Reso~ns_ ibility of Developer. Developers shall be responsible for the following: ', Payment of all costs associated with the Project, including, but not limited to engineering costs and construction costs, subject to the obligation of the District to reimburse Developers a portion of construction cost. 4. ResDOnsibility of District, The District shall provide reimbursement to the Developers in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. 5. 'ect ~S The Project,cost shall include the following: a. All sums paid to all contractors for work performed on the construction of the Project; and b. The total project cost shall be One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars. Developers' share of said costs shall be Sixty Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars. District's share of said costs, shall be Forty Thousand ($40,000.00). Dollars, which shall be paid upon completion and acceptance of the project. In the event that the total project cost exceeds One Hundred Thousand (5100,000.00) Dollars, each party will pay a twenty percent (20%) proportional share to reflect the 12~ ~~ ~ ~ . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 1~1 increase. Developers' total share of cost will .equal si.Yty percent (60%), and District's total share ~•~ of cost will •equal forty percent (40°/d). t ,,~ 6. Reimbursement. Reimbursement shall be pursuant to Section 15-94 of the New Hanover ~~~ Coun Code. ty Developers shall provide to the District; ,~ ` ~ a. Waiver of liens signed by all-prune contractors; , _ ~ __ ~ b. Affidavit with actual invoices or other documentation acceptable to the District; ~ n ~ ' c. Appropriate warranties as required by the District; ~~ l d. Performance of all functions normally associated with the role of owner or ~, ;~'/ ,~ J '~~ ,, 1 r, ~. construction manager relating to the construction of the Project; ., • e. Letters of Credit totaling Stxty Thousand (560,000.00) Dollars. . 7. de 'tv. Developers shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of~property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed b}~Developers hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act.or~omission of Developers, its agents, employees and subcontractors. 8. Entire greement. This Contract represents the complete agreement of the parties relating to the construction of the Project. Any amendment hereto shall be in writing, and shall be executed by the parties hereto. 127 . Nefv Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 IN WITNESS W~REOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by ,, authority duly given and on the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT [s EAL), .. .. ATTEST: E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman ~. i . Clerk to the Board CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS, INC. j [CORPORATE SEAL) ~ ~ . B Y: ~~ - ~ President ~ ~ .~ _ ATTEST: Secretary 128 ,~`, . ~-,,j fJ ;~ ~~ `~` ,~ 1 (CORPORATE SEAL] ,~~ ~~/ ` • `;% ATTEST: '~~ ' Secretary ~~} New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 421 SOUTH ASSOCIATES LIivIITED PARTNERSHIP • 1 BY: Ivon D. Rohrcr, Jr., Partnership ` This instrument has been pre- 1~ audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget ~~ and Fiscal Control Act. `~' County Finance Director ~i ~I ~~' ~~ . LANDMARK DEVELOPERS, INC. B Y: President Approved as to form: County Attorney 129 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUN'T'Y I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authoriry duly given and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by it_s Chairman, E.L. Mathews; Jr. sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand-and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public - Mycommission expires: ~ ', NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY " I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, certify that ~ ,personally came before me this day. and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of CAROLINA EAST DEVELOPERS, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, scaled with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. . WITNESS my hand and official seal, this . day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 130 n L /~~~ - , .~ .~ ~~~~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0452 ~~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA . ,~ _ .. ..+ COUNTY ' ~ '. - I, _ , a Notary Public in and for the State and ' ~ County aforesaid, certify that Partner of 421- SOUTH ~~;~ .ASSOCIATES. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, personally appeared before me this day and. - acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the partnership. II ~ ~ !! ~ WITNESS m hand and official seal this da of 1996. Y Y ,~' Notary Public ~~ My commission expires: , ~`, , r~ ~~ NORTH CAROLINA ~~ . ,~ 3 COUNTY ~ , ~ - . I, , a Notary Public in and for the State and ,~ County aforesaid, certify that ,personally came before me .this day _ ~~ ~ and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of LANDMARK DEVELOPERS., INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing ~ ~ instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested,by ` him herself as its,Secretary. ; ~ , ~t WITLESS my hand and official seal, this day of ~ , 1996. ' . ~+ ~ ' : ~ . ~ 4 Notary Public i ~~! My commission expires:. - . ~i ` .. ~, ~ - - 131. ~~ _ Regular Item #: W&S#8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~' De artment: Water & Sewer District Presenter: W att E. Blanchard P Y , Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: W .att E. Blanchard ,~f` SUB.TECT: ~~ Request by Highland Pines Mobile Home Park to connect to County Water System i " I~RrF,r sUMn~IARV: The owner of Highland Pines Mobile Home Park has requested that he be allowed to connect his 37 lot .mobile home park to the County's Murrayvilie water system in order to avoid the high costs of monitoring - for small. water systems..The owner would need to construct a pipeline approximately 2,000 feet to connect to our system. ~J ~ - ~ ~ - .~' ~ . ,~• ~. : ~4 :.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQ~IF,STED ACTIONS: ," Recommended the mobile home park be allowed to connect subject to the following conditions: ~~ De/e~te l) An impact fee of $375/mobile home (250 gallons per day) be charged. ~ ' - _, .. .. - ~ 2) The mobile home park owner will pay all costs of connections and be responsible for operation and maintenance for the pipeline. "~ ,. . " _ . FUNDING SOURCE: ; . ~ ._ ~ ~ , Federal $: ~ State 5: County 5: User Fees 5: Other 5: ~~ , . ' Money Is In Current Budget: ~ Ncw Appropriation Request: Y - Bud et Amendment Prc ared: '< ~, . - RrvlrwED rev: LGL: APP WCOPLEY PIN: APP BSI-iELL BUD: N/A CGRIPPIN I-IR: N/A AMALLETT . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ --• -~ ~{ Recommend the Board a rove the ro'ect subject to the above condition . PP P J J _ . - NOUN' ~OMMI ~~~: ' ~ " APPRbVE® t ~f .. ~ REJE~`fE® ~~r 3 . REM®dE® ~ ~ _ Refer to OtTice Vision Bulletin Doard for Disposition pOS-~~~Ct~1 L~Ab7 ems!-bu.~ < .. ~ 3r~..5dn1o wP 1 ,~ ~ / i •i :.,,~ c. .0 1 ~ 3 .: ~` i i ..., - ~ _ _. ._ . / __ _ `tiL~ ,~ ~~ ' _.. :_ a I .. - ~~ i ' ~ ,, ~ . :~ - i_ . - '..C.t• CT f '~l ~ ~ _ ~ ~- /rr.YiY • 1. ~ Y.~ ~ ^ ~ J •'~ •`~ •` ~ •_ -f ' •~'~////~/~i ~/ ~ mac.- '+• -.`~- a `~~~~ I / } ~ ~~~ % •iV t~ •r. ~ ~'t. \j~'~ ..:,~ ~ ~ Dlr. ./i / ~/•• .~/• [~ %/mss _~V 1>~.' f~~ t - \` ."~/~ r= _ -,, . / ,,,«. - - d O `1 • J ,j. i ~ c' S + ^'~C ~= ' .! ,? ._j ~. , 'tip ~-~ a i .I - , _ d --°- °<'• ,--,; : ~.: , .~,,Y SITE LOCATION OF r '"' ` r~, '' ~ ` ' ' ~~~~ '' HIGHLAND PINES NiOB I LE it•. A , a, _ ~ _ ••.a... M ., ~ . i ~°"`` ~~ ~ '"°~~ HOME PARK ~ , . ' ~ ~ •..~"~ fir" ~~ '~'~~ '''~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ = ~ \, ~ _ ~ lPfr ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Murrayvi 1 le Water System ~.• ,• a ~ t ~ ~ ,~ `~ ;,:. , t ,. 11-06-96 Map-Not-To-Scale ~1 ~~ 1 `~i ~~- ~~ '~~ 1 1, 1 1 1 ;!!y '~~ l 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 Zegular Item #; W&S #9 Consent Item #: Additional Item ~: department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard 'age Count In Agenda Package: Cogfact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUR.TECT: Consideration of Expanding Size of Elevated Storage Tank in Wrightsboro T3RiF,F SUMMARY: The contract with Conoco (copy attached) allows for the construction of a 300,000 gallon elevated water tank to serve the Wrightsboro azea. If the District participated in the cost of constructing the tank in the amount of approximately $105,000, the capacity could be increased to 400,000 gallons. This increased capacity would be a~tremendous asset for the District as development increases in this area of the County. Based on the proposed water connection policy in another agenda item, the cost of expanding the tank will be recovered as new development occurs. RFCOMMENDFD MOTION AND REO~JFSTED ACTIONS• Recommend the Commissioners authorize the expansion of the elevated water tank by 100,000 gallons at a maximum cost of $105,000. If authorization is approved, the~budget will be brought to the Commissioners at a later meeting.. r~UtvUING SUURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: -c>C, v >< r, vv r, U is X LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RFCOMMENDAT[ONS• Recommend the Board authorize the District to expand the water tank storage project to accomodate future growth in the area. ~~UN`1~ ~Mflfl~ ~~ _ ~:~ Refer to OlTice Vision Dullctin Qoard for Disposition ~, APPR®VE® ~: REJECTE® 1~3~` REMOVE® POSTP®NE~ l STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA § COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER § t New Hanover County Contract r{ 96 - 0453 AGREEMENT ~~,~, co~c )"'1 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into, this the ~ day of C.9~.-~ , 1996, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, 'a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "District"; and .CON000 INC. WHEREAS, Conoco Inc. desires to provide a water system expansion to certain residents in ~• the Wrightsboro vicinity living within an area of alleged potential water contamination; -and WHEREAS, the District is agreeable to accepting into the District system, upon the.terms and conditions set forth herein, said water system expansion. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hcreto, it is hereby understood and agreed as follows: 1. Water System. The water system shall include all those lines, mains, pumps, wells,. and tar.l:s necessary for water distribution, pursuant to State and District approved engirieering plans. The system shall include, but is not limited to, one (1) three hundred thousand gallon (300,000) elevated water tank.and, one new well. The design and construction parameters are contained in the document titled, Conoco Inc. Wri~htsboro Water Project, Basis of Design referenced and attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 2. Location. The water system shall be situated adjacent to the Walnut Hills and Runnymeade Subdivisions and shall serve those residents of Wrightsboro who have been identified by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural. Resources (DEHNR) as having potentially contaminated wells. c... +KE1..LINEWHANWAWP, .. ' GRIGINAL ~ New Hanover Country Contract # 96 - 0453 . '`~' - - - 3 Costs.. Conoco Inc. shall pay any and ali costs incurred in the design, acquisition and " " construction of said water system. ~ " ~~ 4: Conve ay nce. Upon completion of construction, the District shall take ownership of said water system, provided the facility is~ constructed according to. the plans and specifications ~' - 1 submitted by Conoco and approved by -the District prior to commencement of construction. Conveyance shall be by warranty deed,. with full warranty of title and a one (1) year performance " - `~f . warranty covering workmanship, equipment and materials. ~. ,~ ~ . . 5. ~ Operation. Upon transfer of ownership, the District shall operate the system, maintain " .the system and service the residents of the Wcightsboro area for whore this system expansion'is ~~.> constructed. The- District shall charge a monthly service Cee for all connections to the system ~+ ~ !~e ansion accordin to the established District rate structure. - ~:.. ~ ~ ti; Insurance. Conoco Inc. shall maintain insurance from companies licensed in North ',~' ~ ~ - . Carolina" .and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum- amounts specified '~ .' . below. .. ". 1 . 6.1. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this ~ . contract,.Conoco Inc. shall furnish the District with certificates of all insurance required below.. . ~5 ~~j Certifcates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date'of alI policies, and shall contain the following statement: ",~~- '"The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or ` materiallyaltered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County and District." ' _. " 6.2_ _ Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance.. Covering all of -. _the Conoco's employees to be engaged. in the work under this contract, .providing the required:. r statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation -Law, and :employers liability. - ', ~' " . }~ KELL.INEWHANWA.WP 2 _ ,\~i ,- : ORIGIf~~~ ' ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0453 insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000.00/500,000.00/100,00.00 applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. ' ~ -' 6.3. Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent developer operations, contractual liability assumed under the 'provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage Liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to"explosion, collapse and 'underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per'occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury andlor property damage. New Hanover County acid the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. ~ ~ 6.4. Owners and_Developers~ Protective Liabilit~nsurance. To be issued in the name of New Hanover.County and~New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. This coverage shall be provided by a separate policy and written with liability,limits, at least in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, limits at least in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,00,000.00) per occurrence, combined single'limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage arising out of work to be performed under this contract on behalf of District. 6.5. Automobile Liability Insurancc. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single. limits applicable to claims due,to bodily injury andlor property damage. 7. Reimbursement. Conoco Inc. will construct an oversized water tank, at the District's request, in order to meet demand _outside the Wrightsboro area. Consequently, the District shall reimburse to Conoco a maximum of $280,000 to be paid by December 31, 2006. These Cunds shall be collected by the District as follows: ,g ~ l~E7E•P.~SNED ~4 KEL:LMEW}-tfW WAwP 3 138 - OP,IGINAL - • ~ New ~Hariever County Cr~ntract # 96 = 0453 7.1. The District shall collect a minimum charge of $600 per water connection from all entities seeking permit to connect to the expanded District water system after the effective date of this.agreement. These funds must be collected by the District before said permit is approved'. ~7.2. The capacity per proposed connection shall be the greater of 400 gallons per. M !' day or the-rate calculated to meet actual usage estimates. j 7.3. The District connection charge shall be $1.50 per gallon per day per ~~ - - connection, or such greater. fee as the District may charge other water customers. s~ T . ~ - :, 7.4. The District shall;pay,to Conoco the fees collected, under this Section on a ' quarterly basis, fifteen (15) days after the last calendar day of each calendar quarter. ~~~ , WITNESS WHEREOF, the attics have hereto set their hands and seals, by authority ,~ - IN P ~. duly given, on the day and year first. above written. - ~,~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY- ~~ 1 s WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT .. ~_ ~' .. A )3Y. l ~ ~~ William A. Caster ,CHAIRMAN , %~3 C RK OF THE BOARD - Y + ., l` , ~1~ CONOCO-.INC. BY: - • TITLE: ~i;;;~.'~ ~w ~ -,.a• ~~ - '~ - - • ~ . tcEt~EwxnNwn.wr 4 _ ~r ~ ~ O I \ I ~~ ~~ L ~~ _ - - New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0453 APPROVED A TO FORM: W~~ COUNTY A NEY ~ ~ ' ` THIS /NST ENT~HAS t_N` RE•AUD!TED IN THE <<4AN~\'ER REQUIRED Gt T;-;= ~r'~,~,~ " GDV~RNN:Ei~T F,~~D FISCAL CC;di,;~;,~ ACT. ~, •-- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA § Y COUNTY O_F/NEW HANO,QVER p § I, ~ ~~'~" / ~ L ~-a1~-- ~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged th5t'she is Cleek,to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer,District, and that by authority duly given and as the act'of the"Board the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, E. L. Mathews., Jr., sealed with its corporate seal and attested •by, herself as its Clerk. :~. . . WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the ~ ~- day of ~~e~l~'I~ 1996. ~~.~ ~~SA P. F~ !.,~ ~~ •~~ ;'gyp ': ••' .9 = c~ = ; • NAT .;, My Commission Expires: ~ ~ pU `~-RY . = ~'. LxC c ti ;Notary Public y~f / J • ~`• v -, o'••• ~ ,. ,,,,,,,~~ cov,,,,.~, .~ STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § I, >~ ~ ~ a Notary Public of the State and County' `" aforesaid, certify chat L^.i 1 • 5 t' ~1~" personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is' Secretary of CONOCO INC., a Delaware corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its (l ~r,_;~~ r..~~, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this they U~1~ day of C1C ~. h E' t' , 1996. • ~ ANGQA 0. THOMPSON ~ - ?iotuy Pubic, 6ilb of Toni I+y Cortxrifsao~ F~irss - 11 16 `~ ~•~ i1 ~ti~ ~•~ ~'ZC'-r}'1Y~6~- Notary Public ,7 [~ xEt.VrtEwt-tnrrwA.wP 5 14 0 r~ , ._. R I G 111 A ~ EXHIBIT M8C1227.0001.OW CONOCO, INC. WRIGHTSBORO WATER PROJECT Basis of Design ,~ ~, ._.. ~ I. Number of Connections t~/ A. ' Horne Place Drive - 15 homes ~ B. Wind Sail Drive - 10 homes ~~ C. Carrol C Mobile Home Park - 60 lots ;; '~ D (To be connected at existing master meter) T al C i 8 ~ . ot onnect ons - 5 11. Required New Water Supply Volume ' A. Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supplies"., Section .0402; 400 gallons per day per connection. ;ti B. Total Volume Required: 34,000 gallons per day III. Existing Water Supply Available A. Per Information from New Hanover County Engineering, total well capacity in ~~ ~ ~ Apple Valley, Runnymeade and Walnut Hills wells -.253,440 gallons per day. B. ~ Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supply" Section .0402; combined ,j yield of all wells shall be provided in 12 hours. `~ C. Existing customers connected - 680 D. Design requirement at 400 GPD per connection - 272,000 gallons per day ~~ E. ~ Current material demand at 233 GPD per connection (7,000 gallons per month); 160,000 gallons per day. ~~ IV. Water Main Sizing A. Existing water mains on Castle Hayne Road is 8-inch diameter. B. Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supply" Section .0900, "Fire Hydrants ,~ shall not be installed on water mains less than 6 inches in diameter." .. ~. ~; 141 j ~ / M~IQIv1~-~C~:EED C. Water mains on Castle Hayne Road will be 8-inch diameter PVC (200 psi pressure rating). Water mains on Horne Place Drive and Carrol C will be 6-inch diameter sized PVC to provide fire protection. Fire hydrants will be installed as part of this project. V. Elevated Water Storage Tank -- A. Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supply",,Section .0405, "pressure tanks shall not be considered acceptable for meeting storage requirements for water system over 300 connections." B. Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supply", Section .0805; "the minimum capacity for a small municipality shall be 75,000 gallons or one day supply whichever is greater." _ C. Current one day capacity required for existing and proposed connections 306,000 gallons. Closest commercially available elevated.tank size is 300,000 gallons. D. Height of elevated storage tank will match the overflow of the current County water tank located at the Ogden Park, unless hydraulics dictate otherwise. E. Location of elevated tank shall be in a centralized location to minimize friction losses. . . VI. New Well Sizing . A. Combined capacity requirement - 306,000 gallons per day. Existing system capacity 253,440'gallons pe'r day. System improvement required 52,560 gallons per day. B. Per NCAC "Rules Governing Public Water Supply", Section .0402; "combined yield of all wells shall provide in 12 hours pumping time the average daily demand. C. Minimum new well supply capacity - 73 gallons per minute. .~ D. New well location; to be determined .but at recommended tank site to reduce costs. E. Well Depth: 70 to 80 feet, estimated F. Well Yield: 100 gallons. per minute 8-inch diameter well (estimated) G.' ~ Well Pump: Submersible type . ,. . 142. Iu1~~~?CTZEED Dear ~. ~ Your company recently requested a certificate evidencing various insurance coverages. These liability and property exposures are covered under our corporation's major worldwide insurance programs subject to a deductible of 550 million. Losses, for which Conoco is contractually liable and falling"within the deductible are fuNy secured by our parent company's financial resources. The net worth of DuPont, our parent, was 58.4 billion at December 31, 1995 as certified by Price Waterhouse. OuPontlConoco entities comply with all statutory worker's compensation insurance requirements and the U.S. Longshore & Harbor Workers' Eompensatiori 'Act: • ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ k Your insurance or legal advisor can confirm this notice is a valid alternative to a certificate of insurance. Our contractual responsibilities to your compariy are in no way diminished by submission of this document. We will provide you with 30 days prior notice should the above insurance arrangements change. The provisions of this letter will remain in effect for the duration of the relevant contract and for any subsequent period of time involving the applicable statute of limitations. Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions regarding the above. o196.wp 144 Tliis page intentionally left blank' a~ 14~ CONSENT AGENDA NE`s HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes ~ ~ 149 2. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 151 District Collection Reports through December 31, 1996 3. Approval of Release of Value 155 4. Adoption of Resolution adding the following road to the State Highway 157 System Ro mac Drive y ' S. Accept the appeal on use-value disqualification -River Road Development 161 and B.B. Cameron ' 6. Approval of Grant for Domestic Violence Unit -District Attorney and 167 Associated Budget Amendment #97-0104 7. Approval of Additional Position -MIS Department 183 Approval of Extension of Rental Program for the 800mhz Radio System and Associated Budget Amendment #97-0090 185 9. Acceptance of the Report of Disposal of Personal Property for the period 193 ' of July 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996 10 . Approval of Budget Amendments A. #97-19 to increase budget for additional revenue received 1/3/97. 195 ' Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~97-0106 to budget Smart Start Expansion funds for additional child 196 Daycare and one additional Clerical Specialist II position to assist with the additional funding C. #97-0107 to budget additional Project Assist funding of $8,326 and 197 1. Contributions of $2,500 for the "Commit to Quit" Program 147 1 D. #97-0096 to reduce the operating budget $171,133 in immediate ~ 20~ reductions identified by the departments necessary due to no growth anticipated in the tax base and to budget $35,350 in greater than anticipated revenues for the Health Department E.#97-0099 establishment of special revenue fund for the Bureau of Justice 212 Grant to cleazly track interest earned (grant approved by the Board of Commissioners July 22, 1996) 11. Adoption of Resolution Authoriung County Manager to Enger Agreement 213 with N.C. Department of Transportation 148 ` ~' Regulaz Item#: Consent Item #:1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request:.. Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIFwEn rev; LGL: , FIN: BUD: -. HR: ~QUNTY MANAGER'S COMMF,NTS AND RP'COMMT'1ynATION~• ` ~ _~ ,e4.PPR®1/~® ~ ~EJ~eTE~ ~ ~1"49 REIUi®1/E® ~ . POSTP®I~~ Refer to Office Vision Quilctin [3oard for Disposition DRT~ . ~ ~,, 9.~7 ~/~"r^~ ~~ T/iis page intentionally left blank ~ ~~ 7 ~.~ , ~ k a-; ~, ~ f, _~ ,s,; ~ m'~ ~' .r-, ~r i' . ~', ,. {. , Regular Item #: ~ ~ Consent Item #: 2 F Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Cgntact: Patricia Ra nor ~P SUB.TECT: 4' ' . '. New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports .,, BRIEF SUMMARY: Colletion reports as of December 31, 1996 ~~~ - . ~I ~ ~ `. ~~~ ~= ~: .~ ~1~ . RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• ` ' ~ Request approval of these reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past ,~ ~ ~ . - ; - r . 1 ~ .. _ - ~. _~ ' FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fces S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: ` ~-- New Appropriation Request: Bud etAmendment Pre ared: t REVIEWED BY: FIN: BUD: HR: f Y A A ,R' MME T ND RE MMF,NDATI ,~ A r v _ pp o e reports f.. . .. ~~ ~ - . - ; - ~ ~4L~N~ ~~MI ~~ . ~: ~ ~ ', r A.PPROV~~ ~ iREJECl'E~ ~ `.., ~FM®VE® ~ 1 51 . . Refer to Office Vision Qulletin E3oard for Disposition DATE ~ ~~ 7 ' -..\; ._ CONSENT AGENDA .. .DATE=_-=------ ITEM N0.______ NEW- HANOVER'~COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 12/31/96 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES AOOED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES OUE COLLECTIONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED AO VALOREM ~ 51,988,753.97_. .2,525,.880.13 48,552.04- --------------- S 54,466,082.06 .00 49,875.00 E 54,515,957.06 32,911,414.87- ~ 21,604,542.19 60.37%a~ $ 2,431,423.13 28,975.60 13,909.09- 5 2,446,489.64 593,024.92- E 1,853,464.72 24.24% MOTOR VEHICLE ~ 2 ~ 958,,130. 98 2,6, 685 .O7 30,927.40- E 2,954,088.65 .00 .00 L 2,954,088.65 2,116,558.07- 5 837,530.58 71.65% OEC 1996 FISCAL YTO ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 107,139.81 1,345,333.79 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 653.75 - •~ 15•,527.38 EMS COLLECTIONS • .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON wRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLIrJA BEACH ANO KURE ,_ B EACH TO DATE .~- .54~, 875, 295.63. - - THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1996. ECTFULLY SUBMIT E0, - PATRICIA J. RAYNOR ~ '- ~ ~ - " -- COLLECTOR OF REVENUE # COMBINEO'C~OL'LECTION PERCENTAGE - 60.95% ..,, - ........ v..f 4..1 ljv~ ~.. seg. s:£ ~~.`i.~i:. ~ . ~ ( ' { ~~S ~ 1 '<.1 1 9 152. _ A„„... 4 . ~f i .' ~. d t ~~ r ~j _ _` r~ ~ . ~:. .. i NEW.~HANOVER COUNTY~.FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS 1 . a COLLECTIONS THRU.12/31/96 'f :CURRENT TAX YEAR-_-199b AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE `~~ `ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL b 1~143~852.52 'S 70419.38 -~- DFSCOVERIES AODEO ~ 57988.98 689.95- LESS ABATEMENTS 23051.41- 843.29- TOTAL' TAXES.CHARGEO ~ 1~178~790.09 ~ 70~26b.D4 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 1003.47 ,00 TOTAL LEVY S 1~179~793.56 ~ 70266.04 q' COLL_ECTIONS.TO OATS 747207.91- 52277.22- i ~ OUTSTANDING .BALANCE "" -- S ---- ------- 432 585.65 ~ --- E - 17 988.82 ~ PERCENTAGE COLL`ECTEO 63.33%~ ~ ~ 74.40%« .. BACK 'TAXES . REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 45708.15 -~~' • CHARGES ADDED ~ 851.66 . ~ LESS ABATEMENTS 289.16- TOTAL TAXES OUE~ ~ 46~2T0.65 ' ~~ COLLECTIONS TO DATE T1~215.53- OUTSTANDING. 'BALANCE E - 35055. 12 ' PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 24.24~~" ~~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1996. R ECTFULLY (S'~UBMITTED~ r` 1 '.Y'~i,-v PAIR I C IA J. R~NOR COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ~{ ~: GOMBINEO COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 63..96%' ~' ,' .. .. } i ' ~~. ~ . ~~ I .. , . ` . -~ 1a ~ ~~ 153 154 .. ^ FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County ~: User• Fces S: Othcr S: Money Is in Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: .Bud et Amendment Pre arcd: REVIEWED RY: LGL; ~ _ FIN:. BUD: HR: - -BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• ~ - Recommend approval of release. _ .. _ _. you ~~~~~~ APPR® ~w REr~ovE® ~# 15 5 POSTPGNE~ I Rcfer to O(Tice Vision Bulletin Doard Cor Disposition~'~"~ ~ ~ 02l JGJ7 ~J . Consent Agenda . Page 2 ' January 21, 1997 Request the following late listing penalties.be released as.the taxpayer listed on time~in another ~ county:- - ,, AEL Leasing Co, Inc. 313.66 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Davis, Edith P. Etal 15,000 Davis, Phoebe 15,000 Owens, Iris Marie 15,000 Smith, Norman R. 15,000 Starinsky, Arlene E. 15,000 :sw Copy: P. Raynor P. Susie ~ - -_ • Listing - vW-- a. ,., ~,~~tl~: p~fi~ .a ~ ~ ~ ' ~ - ~~_ - .. ` , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 ` ~ .... Regular Item#: Consent Item #: 4 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Co fact: Lucie Harrell ~.. SUB.TECT: NCDbT Road Additions` . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ~ . . , ~ Adopt resolution adding~the following road(s) to the State Highway System: Roymac Drive ~~ ~ ~ ` :. . ... _ :' .. 1ZECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUF TED ACTIONS• Adopt resolution `~ r .. .. . _ _ . _. _ . ~. . _ _ . - ` ~:. . .FUNDING SOURCE• ~ ~~ Federal S: .State $: County $: User Fces S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: . Bud ct Amendmeht Prc ared: ~ ' . .. _ .. _ ' RF,VIEWF,D BYE LGL: FIN: ~ . BUD: HR: - TY ANA R' MENT ND RE E DATI N _ Adopt resolution , '_ _ ., - ~®u` '~ Q • . ~.PPR® ! -.. . ~h~~c ®, ~-~ ~15~7~ ~E~ov~®` P©Sl'P~~ ~~. • Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ®P-Tly __. _____/~( JGri~,,/ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina _ -- County of ~~~N ~~n2.lav~t~ Petition request fior (check~one)~ Addition to State System (~~ .. _ Paving ( ) ~ .. _: Maintenance Improvement ( ) n We the undersigned, being property owners on [Z. oY~ b,G~ '~~~y G Describe or give local name or Secon ary Roa Nu er in v County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to eao T~~E S-r~-r~.S~S~ the above-described road. r ~ ;, We further advise that the road requested to g~ ~,Dn,z,~ 'i s O"3~-- mi 1 es in length and at the present time there are occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in .the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute'said right-of-way agreement ._ forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways.: REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable PROPERTY OWNERS NAMEMAILING ADORESS~ TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ROYMAC PARTNER 0 BOX 209 WILMING,ATON//, NC 28402 910-763-4560 e.•~ . v ra ~ ~Rti7N 12 /y ~~/1 I' M T ANSPORT P 0 O 13 _0 WILMINGTON,. NC .28402 ._ ..._910-763-453.1 ~. n O R INS 136 ROYMAC DRIVE WILMINGTONi NC 910-76,2-2'.482 l ~.., / il,, ., o_ , ~~, . BRYANT ELECT-RIC~ 3~43~1},HWY~,..421N WILMINGTON, NC 28401 910-343-0720 U ~ ~ AMER 200 N2~3RD.~ ST.i.-SUITE 212 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 910-76 Z, , .4 ~ Revised Form SR-1 ('5~83~)?~A11`-P revious.forms obsolete ~~~ 0 2 1991 ~~ `~-~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~/ 4 7 Nom'! HANOVER CO. ., . - .- U RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Make Appointments UUU ' ,~ ~~ FUNDING SOURCE: - - Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: '. I Money Is Zn Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: LJ Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ ~ f REVIEWED BY: U LGL: FIN: BUD: - HR: COUNTY. MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: j `'.t ~~ l v ` ... ` t Z Q ~ ' S, J • „ r - - ~- ~i ~ ~ .. .~ ~ ~ U ... L-l ~ ^ lJ 160 ~ ~ ~ - _ . . _ N- ,Q 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/21/97 . EZegular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: department: Tax Presenter: None Required ?age. Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact:. Roland Register - SUB.TECT: Appeal on use-value disqualification -- River Road Development & B.B. ' Cameron, etal. ' R07000-006-009-000 1303..44 acres River Road _. " . BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ' , :-See attached . ~ .~ ~ .. ~± -: . ~'~ . ~ ~" :. ~ _.. RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:- 'Based upon the review by the Assistant County Attorney and Tax Administrator, we recommend that the Commissioners accept the taxpayers' omissions as immaterial, 'arid allow the use value to go uninterrupted foi• 1996 andprior years.up to-the statutory limitation often years. . .. = .: .. ~. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fces S: Other $: :. ~` . Money Is In.Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: RrvrlJwEn T3y: LGL: FIN: 13UD: HR: NTY M A .ER' M ENT A D RE I~',NDATI NS: Concur with the findings of the Tax Administrator and. County Attor e ~U . .~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Dullctin Qoard for Disposition 1'QS~P®~~~ ' ~~ B. B. Cameron " Brief Summary: For a number of years, subject property was given use value as timberland on ' .application of B. B. Cameron. Unnarnec~'owners who qualified were a matter of deed record but not named on the application. Over a period of years; property in the names of the original owners conveyed to heirs, then other qualifying. relatives, but proper applications were not filed as required by law. Based upon the failure to follow statutes requiring. a"new application when , ownership changed, the Tax Administrator disqualified the property. Upon notice of disqualification August 26, 1996, the owners appealed. They later provided the names of owners who succeeded prior owners, and names of those in the succeeding partnership, River Road Development. The Department of Revenue and Assistant County Attorney concurred that applications were required. Documents were reviewed to determine the chain of ownership, and it was determined that the new owners would have been approved had proper application been made. Since the owners would have qualified, the consensus was that the failure to apply was an immaterial irregularity on the part of the owners, and the benefit of this omission should be in the favor of the taxpayers. ~' _ ~. 1 ~2 ~.~~~~~'.~`~ ~~~,,.. ~.,-~~~ _ .. TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CITESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 ~: ~ . ; ._ ~ WII.MINGTON,-NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 ii~c.nrtD c. ~crsrLit .. ~ . 1'ax Administrator . December ] G, 1996. . ~' ~- ;. . _ ~ Richard Morgan ~v . _ - ~: i ~~ ~ ~. Stevens; McGhee, Morgan, Lennon & O'Quinn PO`Drawer 59 . ~Vilniington, NC 23402_. ~, ~' 1'e• sc-Value Disc ualilication -- 13. I3. Cameron/River Road Devclo mcnt -= .. U ~ p It07000-006-009-000 ~' ~Dcar Iv1r. Morgan: ~_ Assistant County Attorney, Kcmp Burpcai~, and I have reviewed the argument presented to support a continuation of present-use value for the parcel. We have concluded that the new applications for use=value approval were regtiircd with every new owner or partner and clew partnership regardless of the relationship to persons, partnerships, or corporations previously approved. for use value. We also concluded that it is the responsibility oC the owner to make ~' .applications as required. ' It is not the burden of the County to "know" or to "seek out" information that statutes make the responsibility of the owner. " I-Iowevcr, we have .agreed that the chain of ownership as you prescntal was not broken to the . extent That new owners would not qualify. ~Vc view this particular case as an irnmatcrial irrcgulai•ity that should be judged in the favor of the property owners for. 1996 and the years- ~.~ ~ ~ _ outlined in my letter to Jabe I-Iardcc. August'2G, 1996. ' ~ ~ .. As a result, we wi91 rnakc that rccon~mendation to the Board of County Comtiiessioncrs for tllcir January,2.1, .1997 meeting as a consent item: If it is rejected as a consent item during tlic agenda preparation; I will provide you with notice. to appear. ~° Sincerely., ~ .. a ~. ~ ~ r . Roland G. Register copy:. K: Burpeau, Asst. County Attorney .P. J. Raynor,- Collector of Reventic J. S. Bethune, .Appraisal Supervisor ~ ~ - " . ROLAND G. REGISI'LR 1axAdministrator 1.\~ i~' ~~1V® 1' ~~ ~®Vl\~JL ' . 'TAX'ADMIMSTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 , WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TF'I,LI'HONE (910) 3d 1-71 J 1 August 26, 1996 Jabc V. I-Iardce Camcron Companies PO Box 3.649 Wilmington, NC 28406 ya~iC~ Rc: Use-value disqualification -- B B Camcron -- R07000-OOG-009-000 Dear Mr. Hardee: Under North Carolina use-value laws;~a new application is required during the regular listing period if ownership of the property is.transfcrrcd. During ,199G, the appraisal supcryisor found that the referenced parcel transferred from a number of diCl'crcnt owners on July 1 1, 1995 to River. Road Development, L.L.C. 'Reviewing the available records of ownership,.I find that the property loses its use-value qualif cation for 1996 and up to the 10-year statute of limitations for non-qualifying owners. January 27, 1983, an application for the parcel was submitted with. tlic nanle.,.of the owner as II B Camcron. The application was marked as an individual owner, not partnership or corporation. The signature lints reflected a printed "B B Camcron" and a si~gnaturc apparently yours, Jabc I-Iardcc. "I'hc Tax AC1n11111StCator at t11C ClI11C did ilOt lllark hls a~1prOVal On t11C parcel, but use value was given. At that time, owners included I3. I3. Camcron, D. D. Camcron, and J & S Invcstmcnt. Corporation. Since U. D. Camcron ,has,olhcr qualil'yin6 investments with his brother, I vices it as immaterial that he was not spccilically named on that application. I-Iowcvcr, the 21 % undivided intcrest by J & S Invcstmcnt Corporation is viewed as non-qualifying in 1983. ~ - On September 3, 1992, that portion owned by J & S conveyed to Phillip and Steven Greenberg. By not filing a new application in January 1993 following a change in ownership, by law the entire tract lost its qualification. , In the 1995 deeds conveying Ow(lcrshlp t0 R1vCr P`OaCt l]CV,C10p111C11t, L.L.C., Other names surface as additional ownership changes. Those names arc: Marilyn Brody Lane, William Lane, I-Iyndra Brody Dalton, Tucker Dalton, and Marsha Brody Shiff. Wilhou,t having knowledge of when they became owners, their 21% intcrest will be disqualilicd 1~rom use value for the allowable statutory period up to 10 years. 164 . '~~ ~ , Jabe.V. Hardee August 26, 199E '. ~ ~ Page Two ` -= ~` : - ~ In suniniary, 42% of the property did not qualify for years 19S6 until the 1993 tax year. . Cffcctivc January 1, 1993, the entire parcel was disqualil`icd.. ' ' , Statutes pi•ovidc fora 10% penalty on the total amount of deferred taxes and interest- thereon for cache listing period for which a failure to report continued. . ~ - i' letter is to ivc ou notice on behalf of the owners known to ou, and an o ortunit .to TI is g y Y t?P Y appeal any or all,of these determinations by written notice to me within. 30 days from the. date of this notice. Otherwise, the determination will be final. ~, . . Sincercl'y; ,/~ ~^ _ .~ ~, Roland G. Register - copy: J. S. Bethune, Appraisal Supervisor `. ~ ~ ~ K. P. Burpcau, Asst. County Attorney _ ' ~ P. J. Raynor, Collector of Rcvenuc ` ~' . ~ ' ,~. . ~^ ,. - . ,' _ .. `~ ~` ~tl - ~~ . ~~. - 165 1 .. ... .. ..... ....._.. • . .. ~ . .. . Tliis-page intentionally left blank 166 ' ~ . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: - De artment: Count Mana er Presenter: _ P Y g ~Pa e Count,In A enda Packa e: 21 Contact: And Atkinson ,, ~.. SUB.TFCT:~ . Domestic Violence. Unit -District Attorney - _ . I3RiEF SUMMARY: ~ , The County has been awarded a Federal grant in the amount of $134,833 by the Governors Crime ~ . „ ~, Comrriissiori to establish a Domestic Violence Unit in New Hanover County. The Unit will consist of an assistant DA, a New Hanover County Detective and a Wilmington City Police Officer. The grant must be . reapplied for each year. The current grant period is from 1/1/97 through 12/31/97. We must reapply for the ~~ ~ next year by Feb. I7, 1997. A complete description of the program is attached. County matching requirement is $44,944, but $35,943 is in-kind match,,$4,501 will come from the City and the remaining.in the Sheriff s budget. ~ . `. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RI?OIJF.STED ACTIONS: - - ~ ~ Request the Commissioners accept the grant and authorize the County Manager to sign the grant documents. ~~ In addition,. request the County be authorized to reapply for the next grant period of January 1, 1998 through. - December 31, 1998. If the grant is awarded, authorize the manager to accept the grant as Long as there are no material changes in the grant. Also, request the attached budget amendment be approved, and a new ~, position be established in the Sheriffs department. The position neede is a Detective position, rad 116. . ,~~~`.'u" .. _ v , . _ _ .. ~_ . ,97 role FUNDING SOURCE.. ~ .. - ~ - -~ -~ ~ . _ . . t ~~ Federal $: 134,833 State $: County S: 4,501 User Fees S: Other S: 40,394 ¢_ , Money Is In Current Budgct:~no Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: yes _ Bud et Amendment Pre aredc es i REVIEWED I3Y: LGL:WCOPELY FIN: APP BSHELL -BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AIv1ALLETT - Y A A ER' M T ND RE M DATI N, See recommendation above P~U C~9 . A~P~® ,; 3} ~EJg~ _ ~~ Refer to O(Tice Vision Qulletin IIoard for Disposition [,)~T~ ,.__Y.._,_~ 01~,~~11 .!~~ ",,, / s ~3 ~ 71.,.,.'~ / `,' NEW I;LA-:NOVER COUNTY .INTER-OFFICE. ~~ ®.M~Ma - ... January 7, 1997 ~. ~., _ . TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager `~' tRE: 'District Attorney Domestic Violence Unit Grant , :In October 1996,•~the Board of Commissioners authorized thefiling of a~grant application with the .Governor's Crime` Commission: John Carriker, District Attorney, explained how the grant would .'benefit New Hanover County. A special team consisting of an Assistant 'Di'strict Attorney, a New -: Hanover County Deputy Sheriff, and a Wilmington City Police Ofl`icer, will handle domestic violence ' cases in the County. This team approach will lead to a more coordinated effort in handling domestic violence cases. The team will also work with local victim service agencies to provide collaborative training, evidence gathering, supplemental investigations, and early intervention in all; domestic violence cases. They. will also develop .and implement' effective law enforcement4 and prosecution l~ policies., • ~ J ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ .. U The County has been. awarded a grant in the .amount of $134,833 to fund the Domestic Violence `_ .Unit., Before Mr. Carriker can hire the Assistant District:Attorney, the. County_must~sign an inter- ~~ local agreement with the State agreeing°to reimburse the State'for~the Assistant;,Distric`t Attorney's 'salary. In order to expedite the hiring process, I am requesting that you authorize Allen O'Neal, ~' County Manager to sign the agreement tivith the State. The complete grant package will be on the January 21, 19.96 consent agenda. ,_____ __ ~ ~ " ~ ~~ .~ _ ~, I will call you shortly to answer any questions you may have concerning this request. Thank you for your consideration. - ~, ~ : ~'' 168 ~~~~~ ~ .;J ~ ~~_ { ~ f { _ ~'. J ~ .~ . f .,. fl ,. .. ,. :~. ~ N'ortF~-£~"olina Department of - -.~Crlme Contr ~ -3 ~1 0l & Public Safie . ty Governor s. Crime Commission ~~ ' 3824 Barrett Drive ,Suite 100 ;Raleigh, N. C. 27609 , 919.57 _ . 1 4736 -~ Violence Against women Act ~'' G ra n f A ~. ward . Granfee: NPw anwPr C'c~~~nt• Authorizing Official: Micheal. Allen O'Neal Address: ~ Co unty Manager 320 Chestnut St., rm 502 . Wilmington NC 28401 =`.Grant Title: ~ D_A. .Domestic Violence Unit. ,~ Grant Number: y. Grant Period: ~~. .. Date of Award: "; Federal " Grant Amount .$_134 , 833.50 .. °~ , Matching Contributions _. - `~65-196-VA-W41 .Ian , r-v State: $ . ° _~_ ~ 1447_1~arPrnhA,- - ~° December 20, 1996 ~ ~ g9~rantee: $_44 .944 .50 °~ Total Project $ 179, 778.00 Cost 100 °/ UDGET CATEGORIES: , ... n Other Operat~nq Expenses _~c uipment ~ ~.. . Personnel E . Contractual Services ..Travel . Supplies a d ~ 137,509.00 • _ 4 650.00 18.3n5_nn " 19,314.00 TOTAL S ~ 179,778.00 ~i accordance with the. ro p visions of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 and on the basis of the grantee's " application, the Department of Crime Contra( and Public Safety hereby awards to the foregoin rante • mount above. _ 9 9 e an award.in the is grant is subject to the cenai;i~ns {fisted in the grant a,7Flicatien as well as a ~~ ~ _ as prescribed by the Office of Justice'Programs. It is subject also, to such further rules) reuula rn • ~sonably prescribed by the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety consisten ~ -gulations and c~ ndi,ians. P.L. 98-473.,If special conditions hav ~ 9 bons and policies as may be e been applied to this grant, they are attached too fh staward andeindcated below~n ~.T e Department of Crime Control and Public Safety is holding in reserve, $ _0_ second year of your grant., The use of said money is contingent upon the successfulf Federal Money to be used during .anf, and the timely submission of all required reports. completion of the first year of the is grant shall become effective, as of the date of award, •upon return to the D a ~hree duplica a copies of this awa P en C rd, properly executed on behalf oft n ~ ' ontrol and lie-Safety . nt e. Signature, o my Authorized Official S g lure Dufy Authorized Official _ Allen O'Neal, New Hanover Count ~ ' - Y Manager DavS.d E. Jones, Typed Name and Title of Official Actin D ~~. 3 ~ Q(p Typed Name and Title of Official ' Date D~cFrnher 199E (=~1"his Award is subject to the attached conditions Date \ORTH CAR(JLL~ir1 llE.Y~xli`1r.iV 1 Ur APPLICANT IIYFORIViATIOPI I. Applicant (agency name, address, telephone and fax) New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7184;Fax: (910) 341-4Q2 2. Authorizing OtTicial (name, title) Michael Allen O'Neal, _ County Manager Paee 1 7. Name of Project PurposeiStrategy `D.A. Domestic .Violence Unit 11 t 8. U.S. Coneressional District: 7th . .Population oCproject area: _ 144,n4'3 ~ -' N.C. Legislative'District(s) House:13th, 14th, 96th & 98th Stnatzt 4th,7th & 18th 3. Financial OtI'iccr (name, title, and telephone) Bruce Shell Finance Director (910) 341-7187 4. Implementing,Agcncy (name, address, tdephonc and f~•c) Office of the District Attorney P.O. Box 352 ~ _ _. _. Wilmington;-'N.C. 28402 Phone: (910), 341-4150; Fax: (910)815-3560 5. Project Director (name;_title,•address,telephonz and fax) John E. Carriker, District Attorney -- P.O. Box 352 Wilmington, N. C. 28402 'Phone: (910)341-4510; Fax: (910)-815-3560 9. Type of Action: _ {~ ,)First Application ( }Continuation of grant (VOCA &VAWA) 10. Type of Funds Requested: ( ) DCSI ( ) JJDP (x) VAWA '. ~ ~ " - VOCA ( ) CJ ~ 11. Requested Budcet Totals: Ist year 2nd year Personnel: $137,509.Q9 _ $137,50 .43 ~ ~' Contractual: - Travcl: Supplies: 18,30 6D Equipment: 19 ,314.00 0 ' TOTALS: S17A,77R_~ $ ~ a 6. Project Start Date and Endin; Date ~ ` ' l ~2. Federal Suppuit Requested: ~'~ .. poi 1~ 1990 - N~+z . JrUT '~^~ .. ~ I st year ~ 2nd year 13. PROTECT S(JNIIvtAI2Y: ,.' The primary purpose of•tfiis project is_to establish a domestic violence unit in the ,, District Attorney's Office, composed of a full time;Assi:stant District Attorney and two full time law enforcement•.officers. This staff will work with local victim- service agencies to provide collaborative training, evidence gathering,.stipplemental. ~. investigations and 'early intervention in all domestic violence cases in New Hanover Count to develo and im lement effective law enforcement and t y p p prosecution policies. .. ~ • ~ ~~- SCE NEXT PAGE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ernsena:.gF y.~ ~ l ~ __ . . ' ,f 4wZ o - ~ - ~I ~ n f~~ ,~1 ~ ~~ = nn °J • ~ ~ ~C ~'" ' N . C . DEPARTMENT OF' CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY ' GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION .~ 3824 BARRETT DRIVE, SUITE 100 .- ` RALEIGH, NORTH .CAROLINA 27609 • ~. ~ VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT - .SPECIAL CONDITIONS - GRANTEE. .. New Hanover County GRANT TITLE: D.A. Domestic Violence Unit. GRANT NUMBER: 65-196-VA-W418 ,~ 1.: Contracts must be approved by the ,Governor's. .Crime ' Commission grants management director prior to execution. Any funds incurred will be in violation of ~~ "`. the contract if ,they are incurred prior to approval. -•" Any .rate over.$150/day of $18.75/hr must be justified in writing to the Governor's Crime Commission. All . sole source contracts in excess of $100,000 must receive •~ •prior approval from the Hureau of Justice Assistance." ~. ` ~ 2: Positions created must be new and increase the agency - • ~. - ~ staff by the number of positions requested. 3. Funds allocated to~the personnel section of the budget ~~. mayYnot be transferred to another budget section, .Unspent, '"~~ ~. ~ personnel funds will be reverted. _ ~,~ 4 -_ ~ ' 4. V:A.W.A ro ect must maintain internal records on the number f P J o ~~_ victims served. These. records should reflect the following information for each victim: race,.national origin, sex, age and , - any handicap. These records should be available for review by - - the. state,/or Federal V.A.W.A representatives if requested. _ ' _.. ~" , ~~ . 1.71 ~ ~~ ~. , GR~-.Y1 APPLICATION ~ Page 2 THE PROBLEI.1: After an assaultive incident, victims of°domestic violence are disoriented, confused and often go into hiding for their safety.. Many are unfamiliar with available community resources. After a victim files a warrant following an assault, she often is uninformed as to whether and when her abuser was arrested and when she will be needed in court for the defendant's bond hearing. Because victims often hide from their abuser following an attack, locating the victims to give them necessary information and to gather evidence is quite difficult. No effective uniform collaborative system exists in law enforcement and in the pA's office to assist victims in investigating their cases,. effectively prosecc~} ting their cases, and referring victims to appropriate services. As a result of the lack. of a coordinated system, the defendant is given, an advantage over the victim. Due to the high volume of cases and because victims do not know when~to apper in court for the defendant's bond hearing, prosecutors and judges are not given necessary and important information-. to make an appropriate, .informed decision regarding the defendant's bond. Prosecutors generally do not know until the day of trial whether further investigation needs to be conducted. As a result of the lack of necessary services for victims in the criminal .justice system (due to a lack. of .funding.), important evidence necessary to successful prosecution is not collected or is lost. Cases are again and again continued in order to allow time to locate witnesses ~or evidence. As a result,-the defendant 'is able to terrorize and manipulate the victim, often successfully convincing her through coercion and threats not to testify or not to appear in court, resulting in the case being dismissed. Additionally, when cases are continued, the victim has to appear in courC~over and over, causing her unnecessary emotional distress and often threatening her job. ~"~ While the Court Advocate at Domestic Violence Shelter and Services (DVSs) is able to be in criminal court two to three days a week, she is unable to handle the high volume of cases on her own and everything else that is necessary in this>community to help victims Q in the criminal justice system. ~ ~. PROJECT OPERATION: .+ ~ U A domestic violence unit will be established in the~District~Attorney's Office. This team will be a uniform, collaborative ,effort by the Magistrate's Office, Clerk's office, District~Attorney's office,' Victim Witness Coordinators, F7ilmington Police Department, New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, Domestic Violence Shelter;-~and the.Fifth District Domestic Violence Protocol Team members. The primary staff will consist of an Assistant District Attocney,::a.full time law enforcement.nvestigator-from the New Hanovec County Sheriff's Department and the Wilmington Police;Department who will be supervised by the ADA. The ADA and these two law enforcement officers will work full time to educate law enforcement. and the public, do supplemental investigations., and prosecute all domestic violence cases. in New Hanover County.. This domestic violence unit will work in collaboration with the DVSs Court Advocate to"insure that victims are safe, informed and that domestic violence cases are welh prosecuted.° Tha District Attorney will supervis the ADA and provide supplenental support to the domestic violence unit from his staff. 172 **CONTINUATION SHEET PROGRAM OBJECTIVES' - . ,~ B. PROJECT OBJECTIVES . 9. To have~a trained domestic violence unit within-the District Attorney's ~~ Office that will train a1T law enforcement and Ma is ra e g t t s in New Hanover County. ~, PROJECT ACTIVITIES '• Cont'd: ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ . 5." A cohlaborative orientation will be conducted by the domestic violence team which will. consist of describing.. the. court pcocess, availability of protective orders, secvices = offered by the domestic violence sheltec, services offered by legal services, services offered by,.the Victim Witness Assistants in the District Attorney's office, services ,~ offered by Rape Crisis, services offered by the CIerk of Court, secvices offered by- . -...law enforcement, and services offered by the District Attorney. 6._ The criminal record of the defendant will be run by the DCI operator in the District Attorney's office. If the defendant qualifies as a habitual misdemeanor, the domestic violence unit caill determine whether to charge-the defendant with a Class H felony rather than a misdemeanor. The domestic violence unit officer-will obtain the felony warrant and serve it on the defendant. ~ra 7.- If-victims need to appear in court that date, they will be allowed to wait~in the - domestic violence .unit safely away.from the defendant-until they are escorted to the courtroom by a member of the domestic violence unit, either an attorney, law enforcement ` officer or representative .of the domestic violence shelter. Lf the,victim.is not"immediately needed and is available by telephone, they ,will be put on stanaby. If they. have no ~. telephone,. they will be allowed to use a pager to .notify them to return to court or to. the investigator's. ... ~_ 8.. When warrants are served, th~e~serving officer will notify the victim b the tele hone y P number..on the locator attached to the warrant or pager number. - ... 9. The domestic violence investigators and prosecutor. ,will prosecute all domestic ~; -violence- cases.' ., 10.~ The domestic violence investigators and prosecutors will appear at all protective order hearings and make the domestic violence investigators available as witnesses. 11. The domestic violence unit will engage in a collaborative effort to train, educate and coordinate all domestic violenca activities in New Hanover County. The domestic :violence unit will be a collaborative clearing house for all .domestic violence agencies ~} in.New-Hanover County. 12. Domestic violence cases will_be placed on a fast track and tried quickly. ~ 13. Protective Orders will be kept on a computer for quick reference by the domestic violence unit and coordination by all collaborative agencies. ~ ~~' 14. Victims will be allowed to remain in the domestic violence unit during lunch and recess so that the victims~do not have to confront their accuser until they are needed, in, court. . ".~; 15.. A representative of the domestic violence unit. will escort victims to their car- after court, when requested. 16..~ Arrests for violations of protective orders will be made oc coordinated by members .~ of the domes.Gic violence unit.: ~~ E . . ~ 173 C7K?iN1 AYYLIC:A'1'IUI~I race ~ DETA.IT.ED BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY ONE YEAR ONLY CATEGORY TOTAL , A. PERSONNEL (Employees) 1. Selaric -list carp position with yearly salary talc Position Title Salary ILuc %of Timc Dcvotcd to Project sat. D.A. 38,000.00 ~ 100 38,000.00 ' nvestigatot: (WPD) 24,098.00 100 24,098.00 nvestigator (NHSD), 25,272.00 x.00$ 25;272.00 See Attached In-Kind Sheet `' ~ ~ 23,285.00 2 tJvcrtime -tut each position title and (I~ new position, O currrnt Position Title C or N Hourly talc X Hour - S nvestigator (WPD) N 17.51 x 260 = 4,552.60 4,552.60 ' nvestigator (NHSD) - N _ 18.79 x.260 = 4.,885.40 4x885.40 - • ~ Subtotal:. - 120, 093.00 ~: ~. Fringe Bcncfiu - Itcmizc pcrccntagn applicable for cash brncf t . ^ for aU positions. ' ~ ' ADA Inv. WPD' Inv. NHSD Flc,~ 2, 907.00 349.42. L, 933.31 5,189.73 Retircmnt 2,1,15.80, 1, 248.44 3, 364.24 ~.,, : . Hospitalization 2, 316.00 2, 979.48. 5 295.48 ~~ . Dental ,, 186.48 186 48 _ other 300.00 ' ~ ~ . . ~ ~ 300.00 ... 401K _ _ 1,204.90 1,263.60 2,468.50 , ' 3 ~ 207.00' 6,298.12 Su~Eot~11, 31 ~ .. 17, 416.43 - - ~ - TOTAL PER50NiYEL: 137, 509.43 (Transfer to Pa~c 7 lint L,A) B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES {Itemize) - - 1. Individual consultants -List by position, rate of pay and cimc rcquircd. Li©itcd to a proven reasonable rata ` If talc cxcecds 5130 pct day or 518.75 pct hour, submit written justification. .. .. 0 , Subtotal: ~ "' 2. Agency -Lin name oCAgenry, rate of pay and time rcquircd. Competitive bidding procedure required to establish reuonabk rata • ' , _ ' ' ~ ~ . ~ ... 0 _ Subtotal: 1 /~ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ~ . I __ '} (Transfer to Pale 7 Line L,B) 0 I I L~ D. •Supplies and other Operating Expenses: Item Unit Price Quantity Total (J Desk Calendars _. $14.05 ~ 3 $42.15 File folders (box of 50) 83 $25. 24 $619.92 Legal Pads (Pack of 72) $27.60 ~~ 12 $331:20 Printer/Copier Paper (Ream of 500) CI n- 4Ci.~d, $10.95 48 '. $525.60 Paper Clips (Box of 100) $ .99 24 ,. $23.76 Ink Pens (pack of 12) .$11.76 12 $141.12 Pencils (pack of I2) $ 2.29 24 ~ ~ $54.96 Staples $3.25 ~ 4 $ 9.16 Scotch Tape - $3.24 6 $19.44 Thumb Tacks (pack-100) $4.50 4 ~ $17.80 Markers.(pack-12) .. $8.95 12 $107.40 Office Rent .$8.00 per sq. ft. 569 $4,552.00 (In Kind) Water/Sewer (fin- K~ nd) ° ~, ~ per year $124.11 Electrical Cost Cin - Kt n~, _ _ per year $397.66 Computer Software (Jalan) $371.48 3 $1,114.44 Jalan is an integrated software package that allows each user word processing, data base, E-Mail,and AOC System access .' This connects the•domestic violence unit to all the other ADA's, Support Staff,Sheriff 's Department, main Magistrate and Jai l. This software will show in real time who is in jail and connects to the AS400 that operates the DA's Office. It is necessary that all thr ee members have, this software in•their -computers so they know what each is doing, know the status of protective orders a nd have ready access to informatica~^ when victims call in or co me in with :questions. ~+ Kodak 35 mm Gold 100 (12 exp) & development '$7.60 - 52 $395:20 Pager Service $.195.00 10 $1,950.00 VHS Video Cassette T120 $ 2.95 20 $59.00 Type Spectra Professional film (double roll) $ 21.50 125 $2,687.50 Telephone Service $174.00 4 _.x.696.00 ~j „ ' ~ •_ Audio `C~ss'~tte tapes $ .76 25 ~.J .~ $ 19.90 i.J.. (for interviews and 911 tapes) ~` E_ Equipment ~. _ ~ ''.`Item ~ Unit Price • Quantity Total ~ -Photography Equiga~eiit .Nikon N6006 35 mm Camera '• • • ~~ (AF 35-80Lens) _ . (In Kind..) • $599.99 1- $599.99:. ~ Polaroid-Law Enforcement ~ • .. Kith . $249.99 • 1 ' - $249.99. ~~ -Sharp VL-L•490U_VHS Camcorder $599..99 1 (In Kind) (In •some.cases a more accurate and compell 'can be mad ith ing image of the vict $599.99 im's injuries ;~ e w a camcorder) ` • Sunpack.555 Flash $200.00 1 ~ (This is for use with the 35mm camera under darkened conditions) • $200;00 ! , . Total Cost _ $1.649.97 `~~ - °Audo. i n ~ P~ t . ~ 3130 AV ,Cassette, Recorder/ ' Player $46.59 2 " . (This is:to .record 911 tapes and interviews and play them back in court) •$93.18 ~ Total -.Cost ~ $93.18 • . ~j t Training by the Zwo LFJO' S . Training•Room Per Day . { In Kind j ~ _ Class Supplies • _ $200.00 ' Scheduled Class ` - Four (4) to Wilmington Police Dept. 12 x:300 $3,600.00 ` ~' Four (4) to New Hanover Cty. Sheriff's Dept. One (1) to New Hanover Ct P li " f , y. o ce Departments. -One to Judge's of Fifth Judicial District One (1) for Misc. Groups, i.e. Crisis Line ~ One (1) to Assistant. DA's and Magistrates ':. , . {In Kind) , Total Cost ~ . '~` ~. $3.800_00 Total Cost. of-this sheet `~~ . - = _ ~ . 1 5,543.15 ~7 _ - • Equipment Unit Price Quantity ~~~ Total Canon Copier (PC 740 $1,695.00 1 $1.,695.00 A copier will improve services to the victim by allowing copies of protective orders, - affidavits, and reports to be given to the victim. A copier will also .allow the original medical bills to be returned to the victim. A copier will assist in providing discovery to defense attorneys where 'appropriate, thereby speeding up . the process. . ,, Telephone Installation $ 140.56 3 ~~ :$ 421.68 Total Cost For Fz~ipment • ._$2,116.68 Total Cost For ComQuter Equipment, Office Furnishings F . _ & Equipment ", $13,771.12 .- • - .~ - .' - :. '. 178 , Y . l.6 ~~ GRAt'YTAPPLICATION BUDGETSU~I~fARY Paee7 ~~ 1 1 ~. 1 I: BUDGET CATEGORIES - A.Personnel~ ~ S- FIRST YEAR ; ~ ~ -~- 137.,509:69 ~ ,ANTICIPATED SECOND AR 137,509. B. Contractual Service $ - ` - C. Travel - S 5 D. Supplies and Other 0 eratine Ex eases S 18, 30~ 6~ 18, 04:82 E. E uitiment ~ 19, 314 . ~Yb , 800.00 F. - ~ TOTAL: ~ 179, 778.130 64, 264.25 GRAND TOTAL, FOR FIRST AND SECOND YEAR: S 344, 042.77 ' II. DESCRIPTION OF MATCH FOR VICTIMS OF'CRII~fE ACT, VIOLENCE AGAINST- WOMEN ACT, OR DRUG CONTROL AND SYSTEMS IIv1PROVEMENT GRAM'S. •'•'tvLstching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other fcdml funds. "". - A. Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) (Check one and describe below) ( ) E.~cparuion of Existing Pro~am - 80 % .federal / 20 % match { ) '.Implementation of New Program - tip % federal / 35'% match Describe source and amount of match: t .. . B: Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (Check one and describe below) ~ - -~ ( )Nonprofit, Nongovernmental, or Victim Ser~lces program. - - (Exempt from Match) . , ( )All other applicants - a5 % federal / 25 % match '~~ - Describe source and amount of cash or in-hind match: - / In Ki:nd~ S35•.~ 35,8y2.s$ / Cash New Hanover Cty.Sheriff $ 4,552.76 ~, To be obtained from Wilm. $4,552.76 -~.L,~,l ,,,,~-may, _ ~{~.~t~gc~g,p~ _P.oI~ice Dept. -~-h~.1 rr,a.~ n edet~ - 4~~ `ty~ 63 C. Drug Control and System Improvement. . 75 % federal / 25 % match ~ ' . Describe source and amount of cash match: ~' ~~ DO'NOT COI~LETE THE SI-iADE ., D BLOCK ~~r ~ trr: euoc~r svMM~Y Federal Suooort /3 ~, g33~° , S S rj'j ~O ~~„ Mztchinq Support: State S ! 6 z j v ~' on TOT:[,: S 1 / ~' ' ~ _ ~ " CERTIFICATION BY PROJECT DQtECTOR ~ I certify that I understand and agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including sTecial conditions; to comply with provisions of the Act governing these funds and all other federal"laws; that.all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized by the Applicant to perfor,n the tasks of Pioject Director as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval may result in the e:cpenses being:absorbed. byahe subgrantec; that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that I understand that federal funds are lututed to a ma.~imum of riventy-four mon_ ths. _. ~' - _ _ - Name: John E. Carriker ~ Titlet District Attorney (Please Print or Type) _. ~ ~ . Agency: District Attorney's Office Address: P.O. Box 352 .. .. ~. 5th Prosecutorial District Wilmington, N.C. 28402 Phone Number. ~ 910) 341-4510 , .- , ~ ~ . Signature:. -Bonded: Yts No - .. ~ ~ " - .. . ._. _ ._ _ - "NOTE: .THE PROJECT DEtECTOR, FINANCIAL OFFICER AND AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL; SHOULD NOT BE THE SAIvfE PERSON. STAFF FUNDED UNDER THIS GRANT MAY NOT BE ANY OF THIr, AUTHORIZING OFFICIALS WITHOUT DIRECT CRIIviE COMMISSION APPROVAL. THIS APPLICATION IS NOT COivLPLETE WITHOUT THE ABOVE SIGNATURE. " ~' " __ _ ". . _- 180 ~ _ . ". 10 • Budget .A.xxleizdxx~ei-~t . . __ c t • ~?7. ~ \ •~' i "c^- T .... _ ~ ~.... r tee- -. _ _~ DEPARTMENT: BUDGET'i:1MENDMENT# DATE: District Attorney- 97-0104 1-21-97 Domestic. Violence Unit -. .' ADJUSTMENT: DE- BIT: SREDzT: • •pistrict Attorney Domestic Violence Unit Domestic Violence Unit Grant $134,834 Contribution from City 4,501 Transfer from Sheriff's budget 4,50.1 ' Salaries $30,158 FICA. 1,933 Retirement ~ 1,248. ' Medical.,Insurance ~ 3,166 Life Insurance 300 . • 4"01K ~ '1 ~ 264 . ~ Contract.Services 76,155 Telephone 1,118 Beepers and Pagers` - 1,950 •, Supplies 10,009 . Travel ~ 8,650 " Capital Outlay 7,885 . •. . • - EXPLANATION . - T'o establish budget for grant. awarded for the District Attorney's Domestic Violence Unit. - .1 ~~~C~~~ _ ®r :~ ~ 181 _ . -. RE~I®V€® ~ For Budget O((iccr's approval; then report <~ _}~!Qcj'~'PQ~ -' to Commiss(oncrs at next regular meeting ' ~~'~'~ -----__l, a..f :?,~.~~(,m/ J ~ and enter In minuses. I ~_ To be approved by Commissioners. . T.. l... ~ ....! ~.. ~.. ........~..~ I Tliis page intentionally left blank ~~ - Regular Item #; Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #:'. Department: MIS Department Presenter: Bill Clontz - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 1 Con act: Bill Clontz .. ~UB.TECT: ~ - . Approval of Additional Staff Member `~ - _ - .. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ _ r The number of personal computers and their associated- networks increase by the dozens each year. We are '-- no longerable to support the increasing number of users with the current staff. The county relies heavily - on personal~computers for the completion of its work and any delay in their operation directly impacts the citizens. Departmental automation has been an essential ingredient in improving productivity,.. therefore we must provide the staff to support that equipment. No funds are necessary for the current fiscal year.' The estimated increased cost for next fiscal year would be $27,914 plus behefits. • _ - - _ ~. ;- ,.- : - _ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTF,D ACTIONS: _ Recommend the approval of a new position, Computer Support Specialist_Grade~118, in the MIS ~. ; - Department to support the PC users to the county.P - - ~ . _ _- .- ~, _~ , . ~ ~,~~ '~..... y ~'-"'_~" ~- -- _~~ ~ ::~ ~- -max" - ~ ~ ._. ~- - - ~ .. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . ' Federal ~: State $: County S: User Fecs S: OtFicr S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEwrD 13v: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: APP AMALLETT ' - ~4UNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. . . ~~UN ~~~MI~~ - REJEC'TE p - - ~ ~ ~ REI~i~V~~ ~ ~ 8 3 ~. 1=os~~~ 2eferto O(rict Vision Bulletin Board roc Disposition ®ATE c~; ~". _ 1...; . _~-=' To: Allen O'Neal From: ~ ' Bill'Clontz.~~ ._ _ _ _ ~. . .t Subject: Additional Staff - - . ,, Date: December 18, 1996 ~' - The county has enjoyed tremendous productivity improvements across all departments as a result of the prudent investments it has made on computer and network. technology. tt is impossible to estimate the enormous improvement inservice levels toy the citizens. that have been realized as a result of our systems.. ~ . ~. ~ r r. We have now reached a critical situation in the support of these desktop systems. ~ , Industry averages suggest that the appropriate support staff level is one support .. person for each 200 installed desktop devices. In.New Hanover county, we have 1,200, devices (PC's, terminals, printers, plotters), indicating a need for 6 support staff. We currently have 3 persons functioning in that capacity. As a result of this under staffing, all the departments of the county are suffering substantial'delays in gaining. the savings that were anticipated when their equipment was purchased. This unfortunate condition results in the county failing to receive much " of the,.benefits that.could otherwise be achieved. This situation will not moderate in the future because~each department rs constantly pressed to increase their outputs while - holding their staffing at~cur:rerif leve'Is. ~._,~-N '- " " ,..~. x...-,.4- . I am asking that you approve the hiring of another support person to help overcome this situation. Specifically, I wish to hire another Computer Support Specialist, job grade 118, as soon as possible. This would increase our staff level from 3 to 4 and would help relieve the current unfavorable situation. It would not bring us to the . " recommended level of staffing that was-referred to above: - " -- Thanks for your support in this matter. - cc: Andy Atkinson ~ - - - t , . ~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager ..Presenter: O'Neal/Summers Pa e Count In A enda Parka e: Co 'tact: Summers/Aiken ' ~UB.TECT: , Extension of Rental Program for the 800mhz Radio System ~' BRIEF SUMMARY: + ~ _ Staff request the extension of the 800mhz Rental Program which terminates on February 28, 1997. The extension for 24 months allows for continued use and maintenance. The system has performed: extremely well especially during Hurricane Fran. The extension will provide for final performance evaluation, review ;.' of acquisition methods and expansion as needed. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION :, ~ _ Authorization for the County Manager to sign extended rental agreement,and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0090. . ~ ~. ~ . _FUNDING SOURCE• ' ~ Federal S: State $: County ~: User Fees S: Other S: 18,000 Money Is In Current Budget: no Ncw Appropriation Request: yes ~ _ ' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: es REVIrwlcn ~v: LGL:-APP W C~PLEY FIN: APP )3SI-IELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RF,COMM ~ NDATiONS ~. ' Funds for the rental extension through June 30, 1997 have been identified from interest earned in the ro'ect _ P J _ account. _ ; ~ .... ~~ - . ~~611Y ~ 17 6DE9IId a i. ~~ R1=..9~C`~~® ~~ ~ :f 185 - , ~ ~ ~ REM~V~~ F PDSTI~N '`~ ., ~ . . Refer to ORice Vision Bulletin E3oard for Disposition // ... I I Budget Amendment .. _._ ._. _... _. ~- .. 0 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Communications Tower- 800 MHz 97-0090 1/21/97. a EBIT CREDIT ADJUSTMENT D ' 1 icatioris Tower- 800~MHz 1 ~ :: - Commun Interest on Investments ~ ~ $18,000 . ~.. Y ~ Rent $18,000 :,. ..,.. .. EXPLANATION . , ; ' _ U To budget interest income for the March-April 1997 equipment rental expense. ~ .. a y ~- ~IeJgCT~® ~ .:. REM®~!~® ~ `' _ . 'PQST~'~~~~,1 For Budget OCf icer's approval; then report ~.:. ~ ,. ~.DATIEi°~- ~, _ _ , ~ ;~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting a ~ 1 ~ ~ ~"a ~- ~ , ~ and enter in minutes. -' To be approved by Commissioners. " `' ' % To be entered into minutes. '~°-- .. x _. . 1:x tension 1-~ oL rn~SL~:r ~ctcrua~ Ny~~~:r<«,~~ :' ~ ~ (#92-0156) ~~ MOTOROLA /NC. fl EQUIPMENTS SCHEDULE ~. EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE N0. DATED Pursuant to Master Lease Agreement (STIC 214) ated as of ~ ~ (the "Lease") between Motorola Inc. ("Lessor") and Lessor hereby agrees to lease to Lessen and Lessee hereby agrees to lease from Lessor rho items of Equipmont described below under and ~ursuant to the Leaso and the additional terms and conditions stated herein. Words and phrases not otherwise defined hereiri shall have rho eanings assigned thereto In the Leaso. - L Description of Equipment. Listed below is a description of rho items of Equipment to bo leased pursuant to iho Leaso and this Equipment chedule, rho Lessor's Cost thereof and the amount of each installment of Dasic Rent thereof. DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TOTAL LESSOR. COST extension of existing rental agreement covering all equipment of- fhe•ori5nal agreement plus equipment added .during the term. System_Ty~e___(See Schedule ]1) ,Trunking System Repeaters/Transceivers & Antenna Systems TOTAL MONTHLY at the Flemington Tower Site: Monthly Rental Fee .1000.0 DASlCRENT . Month Maintenance Fee 1890'.0 Total 2890.0 ' - $2,890.00 Tower Funding: Code - 24 -Month Term: 3,42-433-8000-7300-350 2. Original Term. The Termol the'Lease (or each item of Equipment shall commence on rho Delivery Oato{as set forth below) and shall continuo until rho Expiration Date for such item of Equipmont (as set lorth below). ' 3. Dasic Rent .Dates. Basic Ront for the Original Term for the items of Equipment shall be .payable by Lessee in ~ d ' coriseculive M o n t h l y Installments, commencing on ~2s"t.r r- h 1 ._ 1 4 9 7 , in the amounts set forth ,above. Each payment of $asic Rent shall be due and payable on the., 1 s.t_ day of each 11th- . ; 4. Casualty Value. The Casualty Value for each item of Equipment during the Original Term of the Lease shall be all.rents accrued and uripaid in addition to rho net present value of all remaining basic rents which would havo otherwise havo occurred discount©d at G% per annum from rho ,relevant dale plus 10%. Purchase Option. Provided no Event of Oefaull has occurred and is continuing, Lessee, shall have the right io purchase l t-rrot less hen all, o of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule, al a price equal to _ plus applicable taxes it any. Lessee i '. essor written notice of such election al least 90 days prior to rho end of the Original Torm of rho Lea nt of 1 ~ o ., mce shall be made on such dale in cash at rho place of payment specilied in Suction 2.~ (b) ol.tho Leaso against doll tot o S~tc-! ' ~ nr,ing and assigning to Lessc:o all right, title and interest of Lessor in and to Iho items of Equipm~nt~s2R cl~u.: and containing a warranty agam~t ~ '''~~~d~by, Through or under Lessor. Any such sale sh;iil be on an "as-Is" r asps without representation or warranty, express or implied, as to tlr~Zvr~di ' of such items of Cquipment or any crs. 6. Installation Location. All items of Equipment. covered by this Equipment Schedule will be located at: 3 4 8 5 F r e d r 1 c k S o Ro a d (Flemington Tower Site) F7ilmingtoti, NC .28401 ' ` ~7. Expiration Date. Tht) Expiration Dale for all items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule is B..Dclivcry 0atc. Ali items of Equipment were/will be delivered.to Lessee on N/A E x i s ti n g 9. Acceptance of Equipment. Lessee acknowledges and agrees the execution of this Equipment Schedule shall constitute an acceptance of the Equipment. r '- 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Equipment Schedule to be executed by their respective olficors oremployees . thereunder duly authorized_as of the day and year set lorth above. ' MOTOROLA INC. (LESSOR) ~ New Iianover" County BY BY - ' Its ~ Its ~~ /" . • O ,Equipment list for the 800 MHZ trunking system: O Fixed end equipment located at the Flecpmington TowerSite. .. a 1 Trunking central controller with telephone interconnect terminal. 5 Quantro trunked repeater stations 1 Channel combiner - - 1 Channel Multicoupler with pre-amp. - ~ .. _- ,:. - . lJ The following clarifications apply to Motorola's maintenance services: - _ 1. Motorola will provide all parts and labor to perform remedial repairs required due. o , ; i normal wear and tear. 2. All fixed equipment will be covered for repair 7 day/24 hours with a 2 hour on site response to emergency service calls for fixed equipment. 3. ~ Portables and mobiles~wifl be maintained at the local service center during normal - - . - business hours. ~ ~ ~ •, ~ ~ ~ Q 4. Maintenance on the combiner, multicoupler, and UPS systems is limited to - . . preventive maintenance inspections and retuning. This equipment•will be returned ~ to the manufacturer for repair at prevailing time and material rates. . - 5.. The~followin are considered Third Party Damage's, and are not covered under the a 9 . service agreement:-- - . - .: - , ~, .. A.' Acts of God such as lightning strikes, high winds, inclement weather, and ,' . - ~ excessive ice accumulation. "'-~ B. Physical Abuse ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - • C. Damage caused by accidents. _ D.. Fire _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - E. Misuse of equipment . . F. ~ Theft or Vandalism G. Phone line outages or level problems ~ ' ~ ~ -~ - H. AC power surges or outages: - - 6. The service agreement also excludes replacement or repair of cables, transmission ~"} line, antennas, portable batteries, and portable accessories except•chargers. L~ 188..._ . - ~ ~ .• Q _ _ .. , _ _ _- _ _ a _ (,~ 9 2-01 S 6 ) 1t~lOTOROLA INC. ; ' R~ti~= ~L EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE ' ~~ ~ . E~UIFMENT SCHEDULE NO. GATED Pursuant to Master Lease Agreement (STIC 214) ' ted as of (the "Lease") between Motorola Inc. ("Lessor") and ' lessee"). Lessor hereby agrees to lease to Lessen and Lessee hereby agr©es to loaso'from Lessor iho items of Equipment described below under and ursuant to th© tease and the additional forms and conditions stated heroin. Words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall have the aanin~s assigned Iherelo In iho tease. 1. l7escrlptlon of Equlpment. Listed below Is a doscrlplion of iho items of Equlpment to bo leased pursuant to the Loaso and this Equipment chedulo, the Lessor's Cost !hornet and the amount of each installmonl of Basic Renl thereof. ' ' DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TOTAL LESSOR. COST Extension of Master Rental Agreement (#92-0156). This exte.nsiori covers-all equipment of the original agreement ,plus`equiptnent-added during the term.' - ' Monthly. Rental fee {Fire Trunking System - ,, ~ Mobiles, Portables) $ !300.00 TOTAL MONTHLY' -Monthly Maintenance Fee 1009.00 BASIC RENT- _ Total T809.00 I'un-ding .Code: °'342-433-8000-7300-3500 ' S t_.__~____R n gn g_..O.D. _ 2. Orlglnal Tcrm. The Term of the Lease for each Item of Equipment shall commence on the Delivery Dato (asset forth below) and shall continuo ~ntil iho Expiration Date for such Item of Equipment (as set forth below). . . - 3. Basic Rent Dates. Basic Rent for the Origlnat Term for the items of Equipment shall be payable by Lessee: in 2 4 onseculivo M o n t h T V Installments, commencing on M.~ r r• h 1, 1 9 9 7 , in the amounts set forth. ~bove. Each paymerit of -Basic Renl shall be duo and payable on the ~5~- day of each M n n t h 4. ..Casualty Value. The Casualty Value for each item of Equipment during the Original Term of the Lease shall bo all rents accrued and unpaid 'n addition to the net present value of alf remaining basic rents which would have otherwise have occurred discounted at 6% per annum from the elevartt data plus 10%. ' e Option. Provided no Event of Delaull has occurred and is continuing, Lessen shall have the right to purchase all ess than all, of the items rat covered by this Equipment Schedule, at a price equal to uc.a licable Taxes it any. Lesson s ssor written notice of such election at Ieasl ' 0 days prior to Ilw end of Iho Original Tarrn of the Loeso. Payman h has cu shall bo m~do on such data in cash al Iho place of payment . specified in Section 2.3 (b) of the Loasa against deliver 'I Salo Iranslorn g-rm i Wing to Lossoo all right, thlo pad interest of Lessor 'n and to the items of Equipment so se containing a warranty against liens claimo r under Lessor. Any such Sala shall e on'ah "as is", '' rs without representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the condition of su ' e ~ Equipment or .any t , 6.: Installation Cocatlon. All items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule will be located at:New HZ novc~~ on~t-y Law Enforcement Center, 20 N 4th St. Wilmington.~8401~ 7. ExPlratlon Datc. Tho Expiration-Gate for all items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule is. 8. Ocllvcry Date, All items of Equipment were/wilt bo delivered to Lessen on N /A Existing ' 9: Acceptance of Equlpment. Lessee acknowledges and agrees the execution of thin Equipment Schedule shall .constitute an acceptance of llio:Equipment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties`horoto have caused this Equipment Schedule to ba executed by their respective olticers or em_ ployees ~horcunder duly authorized as of iho day and year set forth above. ' New Hanover County ' MOTOROLA INC. {LESSOR) ~~ By ey = .its' Its ~, i. ~. i' I~ _ ,\ r~r~ J i~ ~~ ~ ~r ~~r~ Equipment list for the 800 MHZ trunking system: - Mobiles, Portables and Control. Stations. . ,. 8 Control Stations (Fire Departments) 1. Control Statiori (Emergency Management Department) 27 Spectra Mobiles,-- - -- - - ~ - . 14 Spectra Mobiles with rear control package. 58 MTS2000 - Type I portables 15 MTS2000 -Type III portables 1- MTS2000 -Type III portable with secure encryption module 1 - Desktrac repeater station n The following clarifications apply to Motorola's maintenance services: 1. Motorola will provide all parts and labor to perform remedial repairs required due t_o, normal wear and tear. 2. All fixed equipment will be covered for repair 7 day/24 hours with a 2 hour on site ~ , response to emergency service calls for fixed equipment. ~ - 3. Portables and mobiles will. be .maintained at the :.local service center during ,normal, business hours. - ~~ • - .. ~ - 4. °Maintenance on the combiner, multicoupler, and UPS systems is limited to . _ preventive. maintenance inspections and retuning. This equipment will be returned • ~ to the manufacturer fo'r repair at prevailingtime and material rates. ~ ~ ~ • . 5. -The following are considered Third Party Damages.and. are not covered under the. • service agreement: _ _ . ~ ... ~ -. , - . A. Acts of God such as lightning strikes, high winds, inclement weather, and - ~ excessive ice accumulation. ~ -- ~ . B. Physical Abuse ~ -- - C. Damage caused by accidents:. _ _ - - D. .Fire E. Misuse of equipment ~ LL F. Theft or Vandalism ~ ~' G. Phone line outages or level problems .. • H. AC power surges or outages. 6. ~~'~rvice agreement also excludes replacement or repair of cables, transmission + tennas, portable batteries, and portable accessories except chargers. ~~ ~. - _ ^. • ~ October 15,-1996 .~ P TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Allen O'Neal, County Manager .~ RE: Response fo 800mhz Procurement Process . ~~ - ~ • At the .March 18, 1996, meeting of the Board, Mr. Don Loftin appeared before the Board and made statements regarding the savings the County could have realized had GE rather than Motorola equipment been, purchased for the 800mhz radio project.' ~~ . . - - I advised you at the end of the meetingthat I would "investigate" Mr. Loftin's accusations and-report • ~ back to you. The matter was reviewed by Barbara McClure, Internal Auditor and Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent. Ms.' McClure's findings are documented in the attached memo. She .raises a concern that a 16 month lease period. may not have been long enough, given some of the technological' and .operational concerns/issues noted in the Communication Improvement Plan. However, no state or county purchasing, leasing, rental or procurement processes have been violated. It is clear the Communication Improvement Plan was developed with an overriding mission that public safety • ~ communications be provided in the most reasonable, efficient and dependable manner possible. The. issue, in my opinion, that Mr. Loftin fails to acknowledge is that of compatibility of Motorola and • ~ GE equipment. The foundation from which the County started was based on the use of Motorola _ compatible equipment and software. GE is not easily compatible with Motorola. The Motorola foundation was, and still is, more recognized in the public safety marketplace than GE. Again, the safety of the citizens was foremost in this decision making process. , • - As I .have noted earlier, the analogy can be made to replacing an engine iri a Ford motor vehicle with a Chevrolet engine. It~ can be done. However, is it reasonable to do that. considering i , conversion costs associated with the additional equipment and the potential issues of • dependability? The answer is, it's probably, best to replace with the Ford engine. - ~_ Staff will recommend extension of the rental agreement for a period4of two years. The basis for the rental will be the maintenance of the system. I have authority as manager to approve such an agreement; however, given the history of this project and questions raised, I will bring this to the Board by the last meeting in November. M a I. - y po ogles for the delay m responding to this matter. Each time I pulled the file to work on the . .response,. one issue or another surfaced. I did not, however, wish,for this matter to continue as • outstanding!- If you have questions, comments 'or concerns, please feel free to call will be happy to respond. to your inquiry and concerns if they still exist. AO/cb . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Pa' e CountTn A enda Packa e: Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUI3.IECT: - Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for the period of 07/01/96 through 12/31/96... -BRIEF SUMMARY: Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for the period of07/O1/96 ' through 12/31/96. ~. ~ ~ - ~ • r ~ _•. RECOMMF,NDF,D MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Commissioners' acceptance of the Report of Disposals.of Personal Property forthe period of 07/01/96 through 12/31/96. ~~ '~ _ ~ . ~~ FUNDING SOURCE: .. Fcderai $: State S: County $: N/A User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ,' New Appropriation Request: - -Bud et Amcndmcnt,Prc arcd: _RrVIEWED I3Y: - ' LGL:WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL ~ ~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/ A AMALLETT TY ' R' E D RE M E AT .Approve report in accordance with N:C.G.S.160A-266( ', ~ ~ . _ . REfVi~~E® f Refer to Office Vision Dullctin Qoard for Disposition'QS'r~®~~ - ' ~~~~ ~:~~.J. -mac. ~~7..~~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE January 6, 1997 T0: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Bruce T., Shell Finance Director//~~ RE: Disposals of Personal Property ' .. ~. ; In accordance with GS 160A-266(c) I hereby submit my .report. to you detailing sales under this procedure for the period beginna.ng July 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996. Item Sold/Donated ~ Estimated Sold Disposed Of To Value For Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 5.22 Scrap Metal Exide Corporaton -- $ 33.00 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 155.05 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 117.20 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 121.10 Scrap Tires Ace Tire & Wheel -- $ 30.00 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 101.65 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $. 26.46 `Scrap Metal - ~ Southern Metals - --• ~- $ 122.71 Scrap Tires • Ace Tire & Wheel -- ~• $ '~~.22.00 Wood Tool Chest _ Historic Preservation & Naval Casket of N.C., Inc,. -- $ 20.00 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 90.10 Scrap Materials Exide Corporation ~ -- $ 47.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 155.95 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 775.86 Scrap Tires Alan Tiller -- $ 35.00 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 132.10 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 191.13 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ '1,080.71 Scrap Materials -~ -- - Container Rec cling ~ _ -- ~ ~ ~$ 2`85:85 Scrap Metal Exide~Corpora ion -- $ 18.00 Scrap Tires Alan Tiller -- $ 40.00 Scrap Metal ,.Southern Metals -- $ 3.56 Scrap Materials' Container Recycling -- $ 127.60 Scrap Batteries _ _ _.. Exide. Corporation _ -,- $ 44:00 Scrap Tires Alan Tiller -- $ 60.00 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $, 102.80 Scrap Metal _ Southern Metals -- $ 1,357.97 .. Scrap Metal Southern Metals. -- $ 222..74 Scrap Materials. Container Recycling' ~ -- $ 6.22..85 .Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 122.40 Scrap Tires Alan-Tiller • -- .• $ 135.50 Scrap Metal Southern Metals --, $ 913.35 Scrap Materials Container Recycling -- $ 128.45 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 644.91 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 247.75 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 221.32 ~~{ _. Y ~ f ,~~, ` ~; $ 8,561.29 ~ou should:have, any questions,, please let me know. 1 ' ' ~ B S / c : -• t . ~ l cc: Allen'0'Neal, County Manager ` .' ~~ ° .. .. ~ CONSENT AGENDA B-udgef .A:xnendx~nezzt January 2l, 1997 f, eTTl I Y ~~`~~~~ ;~ v. ~ .\\T \ .~ .. _ i i :...aw.kl~:at ..,<~ u.,«? <a<.., v...:.. .\.: \- \ ~ .a.....a...... \; ,.v....v,...<;,..a.wx .: d, ~ \ ~::...~.,.„ YR.v...:<.:a. .rv..a:..1i.... .....i..a:; ~ ..~. 1~...<. .. ~ a ,.Q::. `C F -. - _ DEPARTMENT: ~3UDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: Controlled Substance Tax 9T-19 1-21-97 Capital Project ~~ ADJUSTMENT.; ~ DEBIT: CREDIT: l Controlled.Substance Tax Capital Project . Controlled. Substance Tax $5,664 ., SuPPles $5;664 - ~~ , .-~~ .. ~' ,. - .~ . ~: ' EXPLANATION To increase budget for additional revenue received 1-3-97. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary , - --- <.: -- V. . ~ ~~ ~ . - ~E~®~~® ~1 _ ~ For„i3udgct Olticcr's approval; then report , ~®.ST~®~ to.Commissioncrs at next regular meeting and enter in minutes. , ., ~~~~ ~_!~/f ~_7~,~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners. . / """ `' To be entered into minutes. , .' CONSENT AGENDA ~ ~ ~~ Budget Amendment January 21, 1997 ' „ Item No. l OB /jjj~~~~~j// %%~~~~~%j~~jj~j~~ %~~~/~j/~//i/%i/" %%//~j/j/ %/~//jj~~~j ;~ ! /,, % ... _ _ _. ,, .. ~ - DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Social Services/ 97-0106 1/21/97 Administration/ Smart Start Child Daycare _ ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Social Services/Administration Administrative. Grants $ 24,974 Salaries & Wages $ 19,588 Equipment Rent $ 37 Telephone $ 123 a Postage $ 128 Maintenance & Repair -Equipment $ 292 Printing $ 49 Departmental Supplies $ 3,234 Employee Reimbursement $ 192 Insurance $ .126 a Capital Outlay -Equipment $ 1,200 Smart Start Child Daycare Smart Start Child Daycare $412,933 Smart Start Child Daycare ~ $412,933 _ .EXPLANATION .__.._ To budget Smart Start Expansion funds for additional child daycare and one~addifional Clerical Specialist II position to assist with administration of the ~ di _ .. tional funding. ' :.. ~~P~®® "~~ ~`"`'n"` ~"; ~ • ~~ 19 6 ~~~~~~~ ~ For Dudgct Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeling z ~ :~ ~ ~ RE~i~Ule® ~ •~ ' ` and enterin minutes. . POS.r.~~~~ ti ' To be approved by Commissioners. ^ ~___} To be entered into tninutcs. .. CONSENT AGENDA . Budget Amendment January 21, 1997 Item No. l OC ." ~~ " ~. DEPARTMENT " BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE' Health/Project Assist` 97=0107 .1/21/97 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT . CREDIT ^ Health/Proiecf Assist Project Assist $8;326 'Contribution - $2,500 Advertising ~ $ 300. ~` ~ Contracted Services. $ 200 . • Postage " ~ $ .500 - Printing $4,000 Departmental Supplies $2,226 Miscellaneous _ $1,400 Training & Travel $2,000 ' Volunteers' Mileage ~ $ .200 ., ~, - ~ ~ ' '~ ~ . ~ ~ , . EXPLANATION ~ , . . To budget additional Project Assist funding of $8,326 and contributio ns of $2,500 for the "Commit to Quit" Progrztn. "~.. - pp ~.;~, ~~u A,.~,~___:-~ rar t~ua6ct orricers approvah, t~icn r~~ort .. 4 " ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~`. _ ~~~ ~ to Commissioners lar meetin andcntcrinminutc~.~~ g , . ~~ ~ > ~ ~ " b T d b C i i R~ ~®~~® ~ ~~ o e approve y omm ss oners. To be entered into minutes. ' P®STP . ~~~~ '. . , - NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE - ~~ ~~~® ~ • • :Z~ ~ ~v ~. ti~~ ~\i3aC4~ \\\ ~'4~ +a ~\Ki\"~~\~\ ~tb.. \1~v~S a ~ . ~ Lw>>~i ~a "~S \~?~,~lS"~~ TO: Lynda Smith Assistant Health Diiector- ~ ~ . FROM: - Denise Houghton/Pat Johnson .:. Health Promotions Division DATE: November 1~4, 1996 RE: Additional funds for Project ASSIST The North Carolina ASSIST Project has allocated New HanoverBrunswnck ASSIST Coalition $8,326 (25%) increase to cover activities from October 1, 1996 to ,~ September 30 1997. ~} Please increase following tine items by amount listed below: U -~ ' `3600 Advertising $ 300. ~ ' 3700 Contract Services $ 200 3820 Postage $ 500 4100 Printing $2,500 lJ 4210 Departmental Supplies $2,226 4800 Miscellaneous $ 400 5200 Training/Travel $2,000 5390 Vol Mileage Expense $ 200 Total $8,326 Thank you. _ : ~ . - . DT/PJ . ~- _~~ rv` . {e , a ~ ~~ `~'u 198 ~ ~ . ~ .~ ~ , .. ~ ; ~~ •, ._ ~~ . ~ - _ . ~ ~~ E~CT ~~ = _ 4 ' ~ _ Fott A H~lai hlottr~ C,~r~Ii ~ ' N~ ' Dfvlston of A,ciuh t-iealth ~ P.O. Bax 27687 • Ra, No~fh Carolina ?7611-7687 (91 >j 733- 1881 • FAX (91 • 733- 0.488 . ~., ~ Nov~.mbcr :12;.1996 MEMO ANntIM ~.. .. T0: Cathy Raynor _ ., ~ Project ASSIST Coo.•dinator . _ - FROM: Sally Malek, MPH ~~+~, - . Projerct Manager ~, SUBJECT:. Additional Project A: ~S1ST funds ~ ~ . The North Carolina ASSIST Pro'cct is ~ • ~ ~ , pleased to give a ..S /o increase to the New Hanwcr/Brunswlck ASSIST Coaliti~.~n to cover your activities from October 1, 1996 - Scptembcr 30, 1997. This wil(incn:3sc your bast allocation for this fiscal year by S8,326. Please revisa your.1996-97 atmual ac~lion pan and budge: to include the use of these additional . funds. We also ask that you submit ; . letter. fo your field coordinator by December l 6, 1996 . -:~~ stating how your coalition will use tl~cse additional funds and how your plans ft into your action , . plan and budget. ' To receive the 25% increase, please have yoour financial ofliccr pzcpare a bud ct revision fo - . $8,326 and submit it to the following address: g r . .Department of yEnviranmcnt, Hcaltit and Natural Reso ~rces _ - Purchasing ant: Contracts Section P.O. Box-27687 :.. Raleigh, NC 2;'611-7587 , . If addittonal information is ncedc f _asc ~ , ~. d, p contact Janet Dail, Prosram Assistant for the ASSIS C Budget, at 9190733-1341. . .. 4 cc: George Elliott, Acting Health ~)ircctur,l3runswick ,~ Robert Parker, Health Dircctoi, Ncw:Hanovar - Tracy Enright, Pield Director Margaret Brake, Fielssj r it~~11t ~ FU~ Jt~ cklOkiNC~ INTravtrvrioN 5111( ~~ _~__ . ' ~. - AJtIlEt2KA1~ - ob.wlt,.«....,i. - ~S~ZY . ~. w w.~ tia..«. !EW HANOVtR ' REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER /ILMINGTON. NC Tt•tS G.EGC t5 v+ruEM, w Rnt ~O4 i*E •n K~EI) VOVCMEA OA OE SCla8E0 t3EtOw. V~rEE'S E~~OOaSEUEKT Cp+STtMES NELE m'T w ~lAl. 302352Q INVOKE NUMBER INVOICE OATE DESCRIPTION GROSS AMOUNT OISCOUN7 NET AMOUNT ~I t 00117170 ~ PROJECT ASSIST 11-13-96 11/13/9 SPONSORSHIP FOR. CO 500.00 0.00 500.~~^ :~ . ', l~ ~i HECK NO. TOTALS 02 5 .- . .- ~`" ~~+ ~ : , 3 0 2 3 5 2 _ ~ ~~'-~i -fIRST CfT1ZENS _ ~ ' "' ' _ t ~- , ~ - Nfedfca) Ce>~ter ~: *~-:;-. :~:: •=.. ~.~,;.'a : ' ',; BAS a TRUST co+aPAirir-~ ~, ~~..~', ~. • . ~ !,• '.'' Y ~ ... r~ :~' :r - Wit.. CHECK OATS CHECK kUMBE' :. ~, :-; ~-;;,-. ..> -.: r ~r . •~s' - ' ~t ~~ 1;~ ~?!` ~-'~~ '~11 '~ 6 .. '302352 .L ._ ~ 2131 "S. 17th Street: P.O. 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' ~ 1'l: . ~ ' •;;~fff. ;. • '• ~•'~ lfi~~•"•. _ f t ~/1' . .. .. ......_ .. ... 1.. ~_..___ ._ z r .; •• ~ t `1 ' +.~~ ~ Gam p .:~ « `-,~ lJtti _~.. , .1. ~,1, ~; t ..fn I ~ •sC f r r• ••' 4-_ •-: ~ t?j''~i! 1;4 ~" r'h t. i f .r~ 4.~•Ja l~~ ~ ~1 1 .~.4 ~ , 4 ~~ yr ~ ! r A` ~Lr r. vf.,,.y ~ ~ L, r. da.~ k... f ` ~lt+'..r `~• ~~-r...`,~. t -,/ y' L _ -.! - - ~ ,~, J ._ ' Svwr~ _ MET ti , _ `~"_ ~' ' 500 .~00 _, ti' « ~ t ., ~~ ~~ .. - - NEW HANOVER COUNTY coNSENT AGEi~1DA ~~ ~ , • INTER-OFFICE January 21, 1997 Item No .~ ..v.,, ..... .~., l OD M J~r/////` ... ; .':~ . <.~ ~a i / J~ ~~. , i. ~ \ ~~..\'J`~ ~..:...~: ~\ ~..~ \ \V' ~ ..~4 .., ~... ~ l ~ ~ ... ~... \ .y...:ati:. ..•~.\\l 1T ): > .C ~~.:Y •~I~ .. .. `DAT>C: ~ January 21, 1997 . TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~~ ± rROM• .Cam GriffiYrBudget Director _ THROUGH: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ^':~ . - - ' I2F: Budget Reductions ..P ~ .. Please find attached the budget amendment that reduces the Count 's o eratin bud et Y P g g $171,133. This accounts for the immediate reductions as identified by the departments. "~~ The fact that the reduction is not larger illustrates the operating budget's tightness and what small :portion is actually discretionary. The budget reduction is necessary due to no . - ~ growth in the tar base because of the revaluation being postponed due to Hurricane Fran. .. As -the ear ocs on it is to be ho ed that the 'o ortunit for additional e Y g ~ P PP Y xpcnditurc reductions will occur and additional revenue will be recognized. Onc area that should ~. generate a substantial amount of unused funds is unexpended salaries. It should also be . re-emphasized that the impact of welfare reform is not completely defined, and this could .. have a substantial impact on the current budget as well as future budgets. , t~ . As pointed. out on numerous ,occasions, significant savings will only be achieved by eliminating entire programs, which.wilt have a direct impact on the citizens' needs. ~` Attachment ~.~ maword\tlbud et reduction s ,~ ~ .. '. . 205 .~ ~ - ~. ~ ~, ' .- ~ - CONSENT AGENDA Budget Amendment January 21, 1997 Item No. lOD ~~~~~~~~~~jj~jjj~jj~~~~~~~~~~/%~~~~i.~~~~%j~~~jj~~j~j%%j~/~j~j/~~~~/jj%%% DEPARTMENT ~' BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various Departments 97=0096 .1/21/97 ADJUSTMENT. DEBIT ' • CREDIT . , Various De artments: ` - Bud6et ~ - Training & Travel $ 1,000 . County Manager ~ ~, Training & Travel $ 1,000 Engineering .. .. ~ ~.1 Capital Outlay -Equipment , . $ 6,000. - . . Finance .. ~. . ~ ' Postage -. '_ . $ 1;000 , . Human Resources ~ - . - ~~ - Training & Travel $. 500 - ~J Contracted Services .. $ 2,000 . ,MIS . :.. Contracted Services ~ $1'5,000 ~ . Print Shon ~ ~ - Departmental Supplies $ 2,000 Tax Contracted Services $ 2,000 Q .. 206 i ~~ ., ~ . , - Budget Amendment ~ % ~ ~ % ~/ // % % // // /// ~ / / / ~ / / / ~ / / / / / ~ i / / // /// /% / / / / / / // / / / ~ // // / / / O / / / / ~ % O / ~ / i / / % ~ / ~ % % / O ~ % % / / / / ~ % / / / ~ / / / ~ / ~ ~ ~ % % ~ / / / . ~ - . ~:~ . . - DCPARTMDNT ]3UDGCT AMl/NDMDNT # DATC ~ :~: Various Departments ~ 97-0096 1/21/97 . _ ~ - (Continued) !' ADJUSTMENT - DEBIT - ~ CREDIT ~, -. Emer enc Iyfana ement . , wAdvertisin g $ 180 -Contracted Services ~ $ 2S0 ;~ Telephone ~ $ .4,000 Printi - - ng . $ S00 - Departmental Supplies Employee Reimbursement - $ 700 ~ _ $ 2S0 - - Emer~ency Medical Services ;: ~~ ` Departmental Supplies $ 5,000 ~ - . _ . ^ Human Relations _ ~ ~ .. Beepers & Pa ers g $ 30 ~ " Departmental Supplies $ 3S5 - , . ' Dues & Subscriptions $ 24S Printing $ 355 ~1 Postage - $ 213 .. .Libra '. ' Salary & Wages - $10,000 ~ . , ' : Printing - $ 3,000 ' - Departmental Supplies- $ 1,000 , ~' ~ Contracted Services $ 4,000 " Postage $ 3,000 - Maintenance & Repair -Building $ 3,000 . ~: ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 2~7 ~ . :~ ~ ~.. - Budget Amendment DIJPARTM>CNT BCJDGF,T AMENDMIJNT # Various Departments ~ 97-0096 (Continued) AD.TUSTMRNT DTJ131T . A~in~/Senior Center Training & Travel - $ S00 A~in~/Senior Link Information & Referral Postage $ 1 SO Departmental Supplies $ 2S0 A~ing/In Home Aid Printing $ 100 Museum Equipment Rent $ 1,000 Contracted Services $ 7,300 Printing ~ $ 6,100 Departmental Supplies ~ $ 1,600 Training & Travel ~ $ 2,000 Museum/Dinamation Temporary Salaries ~'~~' ~ ~ $ 1,670 FICA $ 128 Equipment Rent $ 300 Contracted Services - ~~ _ $ 4,539 Planning Contracted Services $10,000 Sheriff/Jail Salaries & Wages $47,318 208 DATE 1 /21 /97 CREDIT '. ~. - .. Budget Amendment " /O//////~%~//////////~%%//~~/%%///%///%%%%/~ ~%////%%~/D%%///////%////%~%~%%%%%%%%~~~%~%i%%i ~~ . :. . .'~ " ~, ~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMI/NDiVIENT # DATC - . Various Departments 97=0096 1/21/97 ~' y (Continued) ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT .Parks . Temporary Salaries ~ $ 9,600 . :: ~~ :Contracted Services $ 2,000 :Departmental Supplies $ 3,000 ,• . ~ Health/Child Health Services . Title XIX Fees. .. $24,350 ~ ` . Health/Epidemiology ~'; ~ IAP -State $ 6,000 ~ ~ n ; Health/Famil Pla nin Y ~ , Title XIX Fees - $ 5,000 ~ " _ I-lealth/Cnvir nmcntal - ~ I o Ilealt ~ - Temporary Salaries ~ $ 3;000 " Health/Laboratory ~ .. ~. :- Departmental Supplies ~ .. - - ~ $ 1,000 " . ' " Health/Nutrition Dues & Subscriptions $ 100 - Training & Travel $ 400 ~ `. ~ Health/Personal l-Icalth . ~ De artmental a lie p S pp s $1,000 ~ Training & Travel . ~ $1,,000 "` ` ~ `I-lealth/Dental' ~ ~~ . ' ~ - ~ Departmental Supplies ~ $ 100 ~ . :., . ... ,: 209. :. - ~> 1 -- . ~ - Budget Amendment ,,~ DIPARTMI/NT BUDG1;'I' AMCNDMCNT # DATC Various Departments ~ = ~ 97-0096 ,1/21/97 ~' (Cont~nucd) ADTUSTM)(JNT DCBIT CREDIT Health/Risk Reduction/ Inittry Prevention Departmental Supplies $ 200 e Health/I-iealth Education Departmental Supplies ~~ ~ $ 200 Commissione'rs' Office ' ' l_.L Appropriated Fund Balance ~ $206,483 IrXPLANATION •~ To red~ice the operating budget $171,133 in immediate red~ictions identified by the departments necessary due to no growth anticipated in the tax ase and to budget $35,350 in greater than anticipated revenues for the Health Departm ,, .. ~~ ~~~~ ~~ REJEC`~E~ ® ~~~' ~ - ~~~'. I'or nudger OCliccrs approval; then rc~{~ort 2 ~ O REIiiIDVEI~ ~ to Conunissioners at next regular meeting POSTP®Nl~ ~; u~d enter in minutes. DAT~ _ - -a.~- ~~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners.. To be entered into minutes. ~q ~. ^ ~. '~~: October 1 - 5,.1996 - ~ - • TO ~ New H anover County Board of Commissioners FROM:.. ....Allen O'Neal, County Manama • per - " ~ ~' - BUDGET RED - - UCTIONS I;recentl sh Y• aced with Department Heads the info .of Hurricanes Bertha rmation I sent to the Board re and Fran. As you can determine from. the attached gac'ding the impact .Department Heads to be creative in their eff Y ifpossible, increased revenue o orts to identify reduced ex enditure Demo, I've asked pportunities by November.l, 1996. P PP°rturuties and, { I-will keep you updated as this effort unfolds. as usual for at Least the next budget year and pDhPa Sment Heads - - .a lnow that it will not be .business • - p for the next rivo years. My strategy here is for Department • ~if we are not successful in that effort, CamiGr'ffmlandost savin o g PPo~nities on their on accord. I will, in effect, "help there out." " If you have questions or comments, please feel fr ee to call. AO/c$ • " ~, cc: Managemerit Team. - - ~~ . .~ ._ . `~1 . - - ~ ~ ~ , - -- ~ - - ., ., - ~ , .-• ~~ - • ~ CONSENT AGENDA Budget Amendment January 21, 1997 Item No. l0E --- ~~~~~~~~ • .. . - DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # . DATE ~ Courts/Drug Court 97-0099 1/21/97_ Courts/Judges ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Courts/Drus? Court • } Bureau of Justice Grant $65,288 ~ "U Transfer from General Fund $ •7,254 - ~ - Contracted Services $72,042 Training & Travel $ S00 . Courts/Judges ~. - _ Bureau of Justice Grant ~ - - - $65,288 - - $72,042 Contracted Services ' ~ _ Training & Travel $ S00 • Transfer to Da Court Fund ~ Y . _. $ 7,254 • l~ .. EXPLANATION Establishment of special revenue fund for the Bureau of Justice Gr ant to clearly tract interest earned (grant approved by tl~e Board of Commissioners July 22, 1996). ~ • _ -._ - - .-..4,~, ~u ~ '..-~- ~ ~~~ . , APPR~V~® ~~~~~~~ ~ For Budget OC(icet's approval; then report ~ 21 2 REl~OVE~ ~ "` ' ' toCommissioncrsatnextregularmecting i PQS j P®~~~ ~, and toter in minutes. ~ i (~~'~'~ .~., ~,, ~.'~, To be approved by Commissioners. I To be entered into minutes. ~I Regular Item #: Consent Item #: -11 Additional Item #: Department: New Hanover Transportation. Service Presenter: Patricia Melvin -, ' Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: -Contact: Patricia A. Melvin ;~. - SUB.TECT: . Adoption of Resolution Authorizing County Manager to Enter Agreement with N.C. Department of ='~ Transportation - -BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County applied for and has been approved to receive a Section~l.8 grant in.the amount of ~~. $70,100 for FY 1996-97. This grant provides the County the opportunity to purchase two lift-equipped vans with mobile radio units for the human service transportation system. Ninety percent of the cost ($63,090) . is funded by,the State via N.C. Department of Transportation. Ten percent ($7,010) is to be fiuided by the County. N.C. Department of Transportation requires execution of a contractual agreement to accept the ~j funding. They also require a resolution, adopted by the local governing board, to designate the official who , is authorized. to sign the agreement and provide any assurance or certif cations required. ~: . . I2ECOlyIMENDED MOTION AND REQ~]ESTED ACTIONS: ~~ Adoption of resolution, designating Allen ONeal, County Manager, as authorized official to sign agreements accepting the financial assistance on behalf of New Hanover County, and to provide any assurances or certificationssequired.. - lt - F NDIN ~ R E: - e . F deral S: State ~: 63090 County S: 7010 User Fees S: Other S: ~/ Money Is In.Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request:. Budget Amendment Pre ared: . REVIEWED F3Y: ~_ ~ . LGL; FIN:- ~ -BUD: HR: - ~~'- _ ' TY ANA E T D RE M D TI 'Adopt resolution.. ~' - , ~~ - ~~~~~~®~ ~ ~ 3 POSTP®~ ~~' n_ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~. RESOLUTION New Hanover County - ._ To Enter (nto An Agreement With ~ , The North Carolina Department of Transportation A motion was made by ~ and seconded by for adoption of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly adopted: WHEREAS, the New Hanover County has requested the North Carolina Department of Transportation to assist in the funding of the two [ift-equipped vans and two mobile radios at a total cost of $70,100 to provide transportation services to elderly, disabled, and other special populations of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County will provide ten percent- (10%) of the cost of the above described project; ~ ~ ~ .a , .... ._ NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, that AI(en O'Neal County Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Department of Transportation Public Transportation Division. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . f, Lucie F. Harrell do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt for the minutes of a meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners .duly held on the 21st day of anua 19 97 . .. _ .~ Lucie F. Harrel(, County Clerk. ~_ :, _ ,, ~ - t - ~ 9 .- Ja ~~ G _ _ ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA { ~ v DEPARTMENT OF Z~tANSPORTATION JnraES B. HuNr JR ~ PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DiVIS10N GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. - GO~'Ef.NOR P.O.60X 25201. RALEIGH. N.G 27G11-5201 SECRETARY ~f , - January 8, 1997. ~. - - -Ms. Patricia A: Melvin, Assistant. to County Manager - County of New Hanover ~~ County Administration Building 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~ ~- - ,~ , Dear Ms: Melvin: ~' ~ RE: FY9T State Capital Program Agreement ~~; Project No. 97-SC-051.. - ~ Work Order No. 9.9051417 ~_ On October 4 1996 the North Carolina Board of Transportation approved .funding in the amount ~- of 5 70,100, of which S 63,090, is state funds and 5 7,010, is local funds to purchase two lift- equipped vans and two mobile radio units. Originals of the project agreement to be executed `~ between New Hanover County acid the North Carolina Department of Transportation are enclosed. Please follow the enclosed instructions for execution and return of the agreements. '~: The. project and work order numbers referenced above have been assigned to your project. Please refer to these numbers on all correspondence. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Johnson at extension 256 or Miriam Perry at extension 243. ~' . Sincerely, '' y~ ~, " _ , Sanford T. Cross . . ' ~ Director. ~.- . ~~ - .Enclosures ~`. - ~~ i _ - ~ 215 _ _~, . ~_ -, INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXECUTING GRANT AGREEMENTS Enclosed are three (3) copies of a grant agreement to be executed between the local grant recipient and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Please follow the instructions below for local execution and return of the agreements. 1. If the recipient is a governmental entity or a private nonprofit organization, an authorizing resolution is required. The resolution designates the official authorized to sign the agreements and provide any assurances or certifications required. The resolution must be cerfifred. A sample resolution is attached. 2. The person officially authorized by the grant recipient to accept the departments offer of financial assistance should sign each agreement,where indicated, The . signature must be witnessed. Stamped signatures are not acceptable. 3. ~If your agency has a seal, affix the seal on the signature page where indicated. 4. Do not date the agreements. This will be done"upon execution by the - .department. 5. ~ Return all three (3J copies within thirty (30) days to the following address. Ms. Miriam Perry., Manager ~ - Support Services Section Public~Transportation Division North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 - - ~ . Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ATTENTION: MR. KEVIN JOHNSON A fully executed agreement and invoice forms will be returned to you. In the event the agreements cannot be returned within thirty (30) days, please notify Mr. Kevin Johnson immediately at (919) 733713, extension 256. Please note that the department cannot reimburse the grant recipient for any eligible project expenses until the agreements are fully executed. {"' 2~6 a ..: APPENDIX A , N ` t NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION ~ STATE CAPITAL PROGRAM ~ -- 97-SC-051 - APPROVED BUDGET SUMMARY 1996 OCTOBER 4 , PROJECT SPONSOR: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~ . CT D C ITAL PROGRAM TE ES RIPTION: PROJE FY97 STA CAP ~~~ PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: OCTOBER 4, 1996 TO DECEMBER 31, 1997. 'TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING ~~~ FEDERAL STATE TOTAL LOCAL - - .'~~ ~ ' (100%) (0%) (90%) (10%) S 70,100. S - 0 $ 63,090 S 7,010 ~ TOTA 63 090. 100 S 0 S 70 010 S 7 ~ L , . , S , f ~~ _ ` ~~ e t`• ~ ~. ~' .. , , ~ ' .:- I ~ : 217: , :~ ~ ~ _ . .. ' ' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~ PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DIVISION - STATE CAPITAL PROGRAM APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET PROJECT SPONSOR: ACCOUNT 568 555 218 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER TITLE 2-LIFT-EQUIPPED VAN 2-MOBILE RADIO UNITS ,~ APPROVED `~ BUDGET $ 68,000,00 . 2,10.0.00 . TOTAL: $ 70,100.00 ~, L~' ~.