Agenda 1997 02-03~' ,~ ~ A~ E N DA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse - ~~'N°vERCOG~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301 . ~~~ ~ ~ ? ~„~ '~ * ~ 6~ilmington, NC ,~ '~• o ~i~, -~~ P~ • ~ ~ . ROBERT G. GREER CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN of G~' MORTN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAMS, JR., COMMISSIONER GHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ~. - ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F, HARRELL, CLERK TO THE 80AR0 r~_ ' -February 3, 1997 r ~ . ~' MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) '~ INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALL EGIANCE . NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) ` APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ~'~ ESTIMATED TIlVIES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 'r 6:45 p.m: 1: ~ Presentation of the New Hanover County Human Relations Commission's Annual Re ort 1 p 6:55 p.m. 2. Consideration of Proclamation Declaring February as "Human 3 _ ~ Relations Month" 7:05 p.m. 3. Recognition of Human Relations Month Theme Winner Bobby 5~ Mullis, Tenth Grade Student at Hoggard High School Providing the Winning Theme, "Look at the World Through the Eyes of a Child" ~~ ~ 7:10 p.m. 4. Presentation of Re uest for Establishment of a q Public 7 Communications Task Force for the Implementation of a System and Program for Broadcasting Public Hearings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners '~ 7:30 p.m. 5. Public Hearings: ''~ Item A: Rezonine -Request by Steve Cahill to rezone approximately 8 72 h 9 . acres at t e northeast corner of Crowatan Road and Castle Hayne Road to B-1 Business and O-I Office and Institution from R-20 Residential. (Z-585, 1/97) 7.:45 p.m. Item B: Rezonini? -Request by Nello Filippini for Matt Holdings, Inc. 13 to rezone 1.3 acres at the terminus of Royal Street in the 2700 block of US Highway 421 to I-2 Heavy Industrial from R-1~ Residential . (Z-586,1/97) - - ESTIMATED ~ 'PAGE TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ NO. ._ . . _ ..._ ..... . _ .... _ _ - • L~ :- 7:55 p.m. item C: Zoning and Subdivision Text Amendments: Recommendation 17 , bythe Planning Board to approve amendments requiring the delineation • • of Federal jurisdictional wetlands on all preliminary subdivision plans. (A-275, 12/96) NON PUBLIC HEARING 8:45 p.m. Item D: Resolution of Intent to Close a Public Road -Request by 25 Pembroke Nash to close a portion of Central Avenue located-south of Beech Street in the Summer Rest Road neighborhood. (SC-69; 1/97) 9:15 p.m. 6. Meeting of the Water and Sewer.District .. 29 ' . ~ :. ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : . • COUNTY ATTORNEY . COUNTY MANAGER 9:30 p.m. ADJOURN .. .. ~ ~ a. • 4 ~• .. - ~` ~ ' ,~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ,y~, 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 FEBRUARY 3, 1997 ~~' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes). ~Y , 2. A royal of Minutes PP 31 '~ ' ADJOURN ~., _ .. . t - - ~1 '~ ;~` %~1 i~ ~ '. S ~; . 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes Approval of Brunswick County and New Hanover County Mutual Aid Agreement .. Approval of Resolution directing the New Hanover County Boazd of Education and Cape Fear Community College to join efforts for vocational training and facilities Approval of Reclassification of a Community Health Assistant (pay grade 108) to a ClinicaUClerical Assistant (pay grade 110) Approval of Budget Amendment #97-20 to increase budget for additional revenue received January 21, 9197. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. Adoption of resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Greenbriar South Subdivision PAGE NO. 3~ 37 - 45 47 5~ 57 1 l 1 l f 1 1 t 1 f 1 i 1 i r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: l Consent Item ;r: Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Bessie Funderburg Pane Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Anthon Wade SUBJECT: Human Relations Annual Report BRIEF SUMMARY: Ms. Bessie Funderburg, 1996 Chairperson of the New Hanover Human Relations Commission request to present the Human Relations Commission Annual Report to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.' Note: Report provided under separate cover RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIOti'S: Accept the New Hanover Human Relations Commission's Annual Report r uNUI~yU SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: it~ylC.yyC,U [S Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Refer to Office Visian Bulletin Board for Disposition a~uUN~if~ COMMIS~4 _~ . A.PPROV~® ~'~~- REJECTED Lt~ REMOVED ~ POSTP~f~lED {~ 1 I f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: .Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Jack Manock Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Anthon Wade ~UB.TECT: Human Relations Month •~' BRIEF. SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Commissioners aze asked to issue a proclamation for February as "Human Relations Month i~ ~~. ~t ~~ ~~ ,~ ~•, ~f ;~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO~rF'STED ACTIONS• Adopt the Proclamation FUNllIti`G SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: , Money Is In Current Budget: Kew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT NTY A A 'S M NT D E MM DATI 'v Adopt proclamati ~ ~ ~DUNTY CQMMI~ ?... ~' APPROVED ,~ ° REJECTED ~ ,. ~E~oVE® 3 POSTRgJVED 6~, l~~xl ~.-_ -a~3 ~~ ~~~m/ Refcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Boazd for Disposition y a ,- ... ~1PUZ ~itt~uu~r Cz~im~~ -_ . . .. ~nttr~ .uf. C~ummi~si~nPrS -~Vr11C~~.IT~~tiDl~ ~`~ ,-~ ~~ `~ .,. .. WHEREAS, the New Hanover Human Relations Commission, the Greater Wilmington ; Chamber of Commerce, and the Friends of Human Relations are sponsoring Human Relations Month, and WHEREAS, the theme for Human Relations Month is, "Look at the World Througlr the Eyes of a Child." WHEREAS, we encourage all citizens to respect and work to establish equal rights for.all persons regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, or familial status; and WHEREAS, through practicing the principles of Human Relations Month on an every. day basis, we help to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the rights of each person to freedom, liberty, and justice. NOW,1'HEREFORE, The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaim the month of February, 1997 as HUMAN RELATIONS MONTH • in New Hanover County, North Carolina.- I call upon al citizens of the New Hanover County azea `. to sincerely~join forces in creating and practicing a mutual bond of fellowship with all citizens and resolve to accept a personal. challenge to improve the status of all people through assurance of the basic human rights of justice, freedom, and dignity. ~ - ATTEST':. . Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~ n ~. r-%u '.'~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~, { a ~ ~.~ ~r`~r.~ ~ -4_'' ~~ 3 ~~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover Couriry Board of Commissioners :I ~~ .I :~ ., ~.i ~t' 'J') ~~ i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Presenter: Ruth King Page Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Anthon Wade SUB.TECT: Human Relations Month Theme Winner ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: A school. contest is held in the fall each year to provide the theme for Human Relations Month. Bobby ~ Mullis, a tenth grader of Hoggard High School, provided the winning theme, "Look at the world through the ,~ Eyes of a Child" RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ Recognize Bobby Mullis for the winning entry. ,~ ,~ r Y r u~yllltv(J SUURCE: Federal S: - State S: County S: User Fees S: P1ew Appropriation Request: Other S: - Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: "ICk;VT~Wk;ll BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: r BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~~ Recognize Bobby Mullis for the winning entry. ~' ~O~INfi~ ~~M~1~SIQ .. _ ~EJ~crEO ~ '~.r ~~ REINOVEd +l~ . PUSTPONED~ I?A~E . ~ . nZl3 . ~~:~~1,:~~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition MEMO January 23, 1997 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Linda Moore, Human Relations Department RE: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THEME CONTEST WINNER HUMAN RELATIONS -MONTH THEME CONTEST - T997, The winner for 1997 is Bobby Mullis, tenth grade student from Hoggard High School. Bobby is the son of Ralph and Nancy Mullis; his teacher is Scott Urgan. Each fall, the Human Relations Month Education Committee, chaired by a Ne~v Hanover County teacher, conducts a theme contest for Human Relations Month. It is open to all students in New Hanover County for grades IC through 12. .~' The Education Committee reviews each enter and determines a winner. Subsequent contests (poetry, .~ essay, and poster) are based upon the winning theme. The posters, etc. will be on display at Independence Mall on February 22 and 23, 1997. _~ _ _ r '~ . ~, ,. s, r ~ r ,{~ k ,~s~p rq~ ~pc~ (1nJ ~ ~!~~ ref _.#,~ACy. I~._.. f ~~ 1~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 G^~a~ ~r~a~a~o~1+:~~~t'~a .5/-eve Ca.~ Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Curtis Wright Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: Presentation of Request for Establishment of a Public Communications Task Force BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. Curtis Wright will present a request by the Concerned Citizen's of the Middle Sound/Ogden Area for consideration of adoption of a resolution for the establishment of a special "Public Communications Task Force." The proposed purpose of the Task Force is for the implementation of a system and program. for the broadcasting of the public hearings of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. i f /' i RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• l~ ~~~ 1 r utvul:vt; SUUKCE: , Federa(S: State $: County S: User Fees S: ~ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Hear presentation. If the Board is interested in the broadcasting of public meetings, a fair amount of work has to be done to make it happen. Also, there will be expenses and scheduling to consider. At this time, little has been done in the way of research on this matter. ~ --^°^~~-~--~ ~OUlVT~ GOfl~N~1Q. /~.PPROYED , .rr 13EJECTE[I ~`> PEl1~®VE'C STPONEI7 ~,, Refet to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition'-- '~~ ~ ~/,yfcr-/ `~^~/ _t.S~ __ C:01~'C ~R;VED C.II'~ZEN'S OF T.II:E .MIDDLE SOUNDtOGDEN AREA New f~anover County, Wllming2on, Narth Carolina FAX COVER PAGE TO: Lucie ftarrell, Clerk New Ffanover County hoard of Commissioners ' FROIYI: Curtis J. Wri t `~~°~ 3`f y•_ ~t3O ~ . . (910} 686-9405 'yaice '~ . . . (91'0) 686=9474 Fax . DATE: 1.13197 ., ... ~ .k RE: PRESENTATION FEBRUARY 3, 1997 A REQUEST' OF THE A.AOPTION OF A RESOIJUTIOiv FOR THE ES'I'ABLISHi1~1EN`x' OF A SPECIAL. `PUBLIC COMi~IiTNICA~'IONS TASKFORCE' FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A SYTEI~I AND PROGRAM FOR THE BROADCASTING OI~THE PUBLIC ~ . HEARINGS OF THE NEW HAl•IOVER COUNTY Bt9ARI3:0~' COQ i ISSIOtiERS Dear Lucie, I, along with t"ive representatives of different community organLzatlons thrbughoni New Hanover County, wish to request a 1S -Zit minute presentation time on ttie anenda u,` the February 3, 1997 Board of Commissioners ,'Yleetinc for the above purpose. We•will have a prepared statement for the presentation and request as„d wil{,submit such fo- you prior.to .the presentation. )Estc6~ speaker_wiIl stay within a Z-3 minute time restriction. ~ -~ Please call me as soon as possible•ilanyfurther informat:an is requlrcd to con_*irmi th:s'reque~i. I to~!c forward to hearing from your office as to this request.. _ _ _ ~ _ 7hau u very eh, ~ .. _- _. _ _ _ . _. ~ . ~ . - _.. _ Curtis right ~. . _ ~ - ' r. ~, n i ,-~ ,~, 1 ~ ~ ~ - i ,M-. M. i.-~~ ~~ ~~. ~~ ~ rk ~.:.. -'~ . 9;~ , a ;t. ,--~ , ,. ;~._ ~~ ~~r -. ~~ r~' v ~, k ~~. 1 i~\ k •~~ ~~ J S~I~ ~` , ~~? !~~ i~4 ~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: SA Consent-Item m: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 ' Contact: Pete Ave - SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-585, 1/97) BRIEF .SUMMARY: .Request by Steve Cahill to rezone approximately 8.72 acres at the northeast corner of Crowatan Road and Castle Hayne Raod to B-1 Business and O-I Office and Institution from R-20 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOU'~'STED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: " Budoct Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ BOUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND COMMENDATiONS• ....~..-..,...r-- --~ ~OUNfi~ COMM w. ~ A.PPROVEtD ~ ,, ~ ,. 1~E.lFCTED ,'~x REMOVED POSTPON~® 9 DATA .~ -- 1~ ~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Item A Case: Request: Acreage: Location: X585, 1/97; Steve Cahill ' R-20 B-1 and O-I Northeast corner of US 117 and Crowatan Road, , Planning Board Summary ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ' After considerable discussion concerning the various zoning options for this property, the Board' voted 5 to 2 to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. At least two Board members wanted to follow Staffs recommendation to rezone the entire site to I-1 because they were concerned with a new retail center at this location and whether it might be considered spot zoning. They especially disliked the establishment of a B-1 District.. Other options debated were rezoning the entire site to 0-I or a combination of O-I and I-1. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary The Planning Board voted in December 1996 to rezone property across the street from the subject property to Conditional Use I-1, Light Industrial for a used car sales tot. and support office. At this writing, a final decision on that case has not beenreached,as the County Commissioners - will not meet until January 6, 1997. . The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Crowatan Road and US 117. It has 350 feet of frontage along US 117 and 1310 feet of frontage along Crowatan Road. The applicant seeks to establish multiple zoning districts for his property: B-1 Business for the first 300 feet - along Crowatan Road; Office and Institution O-I along the next 750 feet and leave the balance of the tract under its current R20 designation. Policies for Growth and Development encourage cormercial and related non-residential uses'to: locate along major thoroughfares at or very near intersections with other major roads. These types of uses are also encouraged in areas of the County where public services already exist or can be economically provided. The site is located along a major road but is not near a major ,, intersection, nor are public services readily available. In its favor, the property is IocatedTat the main entrance to an industrial park. The. park is mostly undeveloped now, due primarily to the absence of public sewer. -However, once sewer is made available interest to locate businesses. - - there will likely increase: This would mean a concurrent increase in non-residential traffic-along Crowatan Road and a diminished interest in residential uses along the road. -The policies also discourage strip commercial development. At the'prese`nt time, very little commercial zoning can be foundrm the4area along US 1,17. As with the proper'ty~on'theKsout,h~side of Crowatan, Staff believes the subject property is robably not suitable for residential development. Nearby land uses, the proximity of the site to tle Hayne Road andathetpofential future growth of the industrial park all combine to reduce ~~~ ,~1~ the residential appeal of the area, despite the presence of several residences along Peter Spring Branch Road to the northeast. h Nevertheless, despite the lack of residential appeal, it is difficult to justify commercial and ofnce ;~, zoning at this location. There is no other commercial zoning in the area and the nearest office zoning is nearly a quarter mile to the north at the Hermitage nursing care home. On the other hand in recognition of the site's proximity to the industrial park and nearby light industrial zoning, `~ abetter alternative would be to rezone the site to I-1 Light Industrial or conditional use industrial. This would be consistent with the general zoning pattern in the area and with the Board's recent decision to establish industrial zoning across the street. ~' `~~ •~` .~_ ~~ \~ ~~ . r, .~~' ~. ~~ 11 ~, - - r PET1T10N SUMMARY SHEET . Petition Number: Z-585 Owner: Steve. Cahill Request' R-20 to B-1~ & O-Z Taz ID Number: 1700 Representative:. ~amo Acreage: : 8..7 ~- ,Location: 4500 Castle Havne Rd. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Resource Protection Existing Land Use: - Zoning History: ' to current One residence No modificati~, arcel. Water Typo: Fire District: well Castle Hayne Road Access: ~=rowatan Road US 117 6~rightsboro School District: Scwcr Type• septic RecreAtion: R~ vAr~; ~?o Volume: Unknown 15,300 ADT (95 count). MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Prince George Creek C(Sw) via Watershed andWater Quality Classification' peter Spring Branch Aquifer Recharge Area: Secondary Conservation Resources: No - Historic Landmark and Archeological Sites: None 1 ~ Soil Type(s) and Class:. Primarily Pantego (Pn) Class TTT _~ Septic Tank Suitability: Limits C~11<' t'C~ W<'t"T~°~c ~~~ `~"L2`"o'v=6 -- Prime Agricµlturxl Soils: None ~ - R„ilr{i~o C„it.hilifv• SOme limits _ due to wetness 7 1 T 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 t t f 1 1 1 ' ~ ~. -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item m: SB Consent Item #: Additional Item.#: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Rezoning (Z-586, 1/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Nello Filippini for Matt Holdings Inc. to rezone 1.3 acres at the terminus of Royal Street in the 2700 block of U.S. Highway 421 to I-2 Heavy Industrial from R-1~ Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. .~ FU\tDING SOURCE: • Federal S: State S: County S: ~ " User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: l~1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIOir'S• -~,;..-,-r ..~ ~OUNT~ ~4flr~l~tS~4 ~... ~ A.PPR(3VEt? , ,«, • REMOVE® ~r 13 Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition S~F t~ LGm-~s/- Jii~ , ~w . _ Item B Case: X586, 1/97; Nello Filippini for Matt Holdings, Inc. Request: R-15 to I-2 ~ ~ ~ w ~- Acreage: ...1.23 _ -- -- ~ .. _. -. : . _ : ~ ~ ~.. Location: Terminus of Royal Street, 2700 Block of US Hwy. 421 ~ . .. .. ,_ Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval'of the applicant's petition as submitted. The Board noted that the,rezoning would be consistent with the intent of the Land Use Plan and the general zoning pattern of the area. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary With the exception of the Flemington community, a small and older residential development that has been in a state of decline for a number of years, all lands along the US 421 Highway comdor are zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial There is a wide variety of land uses along the highway. These include trucking; manufacturing, commercial services and business services. Large heavy manufacturing facilities, such as steel and chernical~operations, are commonplace.' Residential uses, including single family and mobile homes, are scattered throughout the residential.district. Recently, the County granted a special use permit for a nearby land owner to a locate a mobile home in the I-2 District. However, the placement or construction of new dwellings in the area has been very slow, being limited primarily to mobile homes. The subject parcel represents a portion of a larger tract of land that is already zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial.. The applicant seeks rezoning to unify the tract under one zoning classification. Even though the area zoned R-15 remains undeveloped and undivided, the applicant correctly points out that the residential zoning creates setback problems. As such new development or ' expansion of existing uses in the~contiguous I-2 District must comply with setback standards., predicated on the presence of the adjacent R-1 S District, even. if the owner owns the entire tract. Rezoning. the R-15 area to I-2 would eliminate that problem. It would also recognize the .. predominant zoning trend in the area.. ~ _. _ - _ . - - ` . _ . Rezoning the site would subject existing residential lots. located along Flemington Road to '~ potential industrial uses not now evide_nt... However, encroachment would be minimized by .~. stringent setback and buffer standards. The heavy industrial district must comply with fhe largest` setback of all the non-residential districts. The site is classified. Rural.ein the-Land Use Plan. This land class restricts residential density where urban services cannot be economcall „extended. Indust a riculture and related uses are deemed suitable for this land classification. s,, ~:,..~,~.~ ~~, ,~ ~ ~p"~~ .kid ~en the yasi industrial zorimg irCwthe area, a favorable land classification and the presence of . ,~„~. . ~ , ~, _ - ~ non-residential uses on adjacent properties, industrial zoning for the tract seems appropriate. Also, these conditions sharply diminish the residential appeal this tract may once have had, making the placement of homes there unlikely. ~~ t~ .. ~4 _ .~~ _. . l `~ ~, +' ~la r~ ~. I 15 `Q ,. PETITION SUMMARY SHEET f~ Z-~86 Petition Number: Owner: Matt Holdings, Inc. Request: R-15 to I-2 Tax ID Number: 4007 Representative: Nello Filippini Acreage: ~ - ~ Location: ~? 1 S tt~ a ~ ~ Nnri-h LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ ~~ Rural • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: Area oriQina lv zoned filar- ~ i o ~ i _ Nn m~~i i f i c-at i cns • made to parent tract . ... J~ Water Typz: Well Sewer Type' sent i Fire District: No h Wi 1 mi ngt-nn Rccres-tion: Riverwalk area US 4 21 North Volumc: -- 10 , 100 ADT (' 9 S count Road Acccss: N/A .Conversion to industrial School District: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Cape Fear (Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• A~uiferReclza~r-ScArca: Outside Dr'm ~~ ~~ None Conservation Rcsourccs: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sita: None 1 ~ Soil Typc(s) and Clsus: Kuri?b {Kr) Class I Scptic Tank Suitability: Few- units Prime Agricµltural Soils: N n..:r.r:.... c..:._s.:r:s.... ~ Few units I 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: SC Consent Item n: Additional Item ~: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Packa e: 6 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Zoning and Subdivision Text Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: Recommendation by the Planning Board to approve amendments requiring the delineation of Federal jurisdictional wetlands on all preliminary subdivision plans. ~2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• 1 f 1 1 1 r ulyul[vt; SUUKCE: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: LLGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANA ER' OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~OUNfi~ C6MM1~~__ APPROVEf~ ,..~t , PEJECTE® ~. ~_ REn~oVE® POSTPQIVEt~ ~ '~ lcs /~~r~ PATE ~~ ---~:~ _: ~? ~"~a,% ~ ~,vb/~, Rcfcr to Office Viswn Bulletin Board for DispositioT~ / ~ "'„°-~ f'~<a/.rj Item C i n f Federal A-27~, 12/96: Consideration of a Requirement to Include the Del~neat o 0 - ~ ~ Jurisdictional Wetlands on Al4 Preliminary Plans - }. .. Planning Board Summary The Board voted 5 to 2 to recommend approval of amendments to the zoning and subdivsiion ordinances that would require the delineation of Federal jurisdictional wetlands on preliminary plans. This provision includes a requirement that the boundaries of these areas be surveyed so that the information can be used in the preparation of design and construction plans. .. ,. .. ~ , The Board held a total of two hearings, one ~in Dececember 1,996 and one in January.1997. ; Though the meetings were sparsely attended, there were common concerns raised that the changes could result in additional costs and delays in the sudivision approval process. Two Board members in dissent generally agreed with those. conerns. Corps of Engineers officials felt the revisions were proactive and in fact could avoid costly after-the-fact mitigation. Planning Staff Summary The following amendments would require that all future preliminary subdivision plans delineate Federal jurisdictional wetlands. The amendments are intended to make developers and property owners more fully aware of the extent of wetlands and what permits might be needed before construction begins in these areas. Oftentimes, the full extent of the location of jurisdictional wetlands is not known, and on occasion has resulted in the fill, destruction or alteration of the wetlands without proper authorization from the Corps. In some cases, the unauthorized work has been inte~rlionally carried out. Where this has happened, projects have been ordered to cease and desist until mitigation or remediation has been effectuated. Obviously, this can be a costly process; not.only in money, but in time as well.. Not only would an earlier identification of these areas prevent an unintentional destruction or fill of wetlands, it has also been suggested. by the Corps, and Staff agrees, that earlier identification would be beneficial in designing storinwater management plans'requ'ired by local or state authorities. Until the County commits to a county-wide drainage management plan, it would be more prudent. to utilize a site's. natural drainage systems for stormwater managment rather than converting them to building lots. The current review process makes it much to easy to lose these areas and often ignores these natural wetlands that could be~utilized for di-ainage: ` These amendments are not intended to irr-ped"e the development, process, but to ensure -`that development occurs with'the least impact possible on the area's rapidly dwindling wetlands -- with the best designed plans. Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Revise Section ~1 5-2 Performance~Residential by adding subsection 14 to read: -,~ . , 14. The delinealion~rdfisirrieyed~~liires oJCorps oJE~rgirreers Sectrai a0=! acrd Section 10 r nn Wetlands -• t~ ~w. ,~` Revise 69.2, Site Plan by adding subsection 25 to read: ~~ 2.5 The delineation and surveyed lures of Corps of Engineers Section 404 arrd Section 10 Wetlands. ~'` Revise 69.4, High Density by adding subsection 14 to read: 14. The delineation and surveyed lines of Corps of Engineers Sectrorr 404 and Section !0 ,~. Wellarrds. ~~ *Subdivision Ordinance , Revise Section 32-2, S'ontent~t?f the Preliminar~Plan, by adding subsection 21 to read: ~` 21. The delineatiat and surveyed lines of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and Section !0 Wetlands ,~` ;~` ,~ ~; ~' - . ,~ ~ ~ . ~' ,~' ;~ ~. 19 ~~ - `~~~~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~ WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS-0F ENGINEERS „ . P.O. BOX 1890 ~~ - WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROL(NA26402-1590 _ REPLY 70 ~ . nrrErmoH of ~ July 2 9 , X19 9 6 ' Regulatory Branch Mr. Walter Avery New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Suite 304 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr. Avery: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the New Hanover County Planning Department for coordinating preliminary plal-ining plats with this office. Your efforts facilitate.efficiency in ,our regulatory program by notifying ds of proposed activities that may take place within our area of Federal authority. In many instances, your approved plats inform us of` construction work that would be brought to our attention at a much later date or not at all. It is crucial that property ownersJdeveloperscontact us as early as possible in their planning efforts. Early coordination eliminates many problems that would be more costly and time consuming to rectify after- the-fact. Your assistance is greatly appreciated by the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office staff. Confirming our telephone conversation of July 2, 1996, I am requesting that preliminary planning plats contain delineated and surveyed lines of Corps of Engineers Section 404 and/or Section 10 wetlands. This requirement would ensure that property owners are aware of the location and extent of jurisdictional wetlands, areas in which Department of the Army permit authorization are needed for most construction activities. This would reduce time delays and costs associated with the remediation of unauthorized activities as our standard procedure is to stop all work until impacted wetlands are restored to our satisfaction or until after-the-fact permit authorization has been granted. Identifying and locating wetlands would also assist in formulating stormwater runoff plans. Z suggest we meet to discuss this proposal with your supervisor and staff at your convenience. I look forward to receiving your response on this matter. Until further notice, I will 'oe the Corps field representative for New Hanover County. Matt Flint has taken the State Biologist position for North Carolina with the National Resources Conservation Service in Raleigh. If you have questions, please call me at telephone (910) 251-4467. Sincerely, ~Zv,,~,,~i " Ernest W. Ja e Field Office Manager Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 20 1 1 1 ~~~~~ VIA FAX December 2, 1996 Mr. Dexter Hayes County Planning Department 41.4 Chestnut Street Suite 304 Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 Dear Mr. Hayes: This letter concerns the Planning Board proposal to "Include the Delineation of Federal Jurisdictional Wetlands on All Pre- liminary Plans." Although I understand the intention of this proposal, it is important to remember that the federal regulators have the final say on permitting the use of 404 wetlands. The state and local governments do not, at this time, have wetlands regulations. Use of land should not be. restricted by the local governments based on wetlands unless a local or state law authorizing such restrictions is authorized by elected officials. .. The cost of a wetland delineation is substantial. If a land- owner has information from the Corps 'of Engineers indicating that a proposed development does not impact jurisdictional wetlands even though wetlands exist on the property, the owner/ developer should not be required to pay for a delineation and surveying of wetlands. Thank you for the opportunity to comrient on this matter. Please pass these comments along to the Planning Committee. Sincerely, S. Keith Cooper ~- `V Director of Land Development SKC:ls cc: Mr. Bobby Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 21 Tracy Slrabal & Associates, Inc. 6226 Greenville Sound Road tiVilmington, \C 28409\Ph:(910)799-'-003\Fax:(910)799-2003 Mr. Dexter Hayes Director . New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 January 3, 1997 Dear i~Ir. iiayes: I read with some interest the December 22, 1996 Star-News articles concerning the issue of requiring wetlands delineations on subdivision proposals prior to review and a decision from the New Hanover County Planning Department. I am writing to offer another opinion from my experience with this issue. I held the position of Program Manager for the Delaware state wetlands and subaqueous lands programs from 1989-1993. In 1990-1991, I worked very closely on this same issue writh our county planning departments, as well as the Philadelphia offices of the US Army Corps of Engineers and EPA. The issue came to a head for the same reasons you must be dealing with. One, eve were becoming increasingly involved in violations o~f state and federal wetlands statutes and regulations. These cases involved clearing and filling of tracts which contained jurisdictional wetlands, where no delineation had been provided prior to county planning approvals: The after- the- fact investigation of impacts .and enforcement in these mazginal~azeas was very difficult for all involved, often creating lengthy cost and time delays for the developers while the issues were sorted out at the state~nd federal levels. More importantly, it was recognized at the county, state and federal agency levels that better coordination earlier in the planning process might reduce the increasing destruction and loss of these valuable wetlands. The results of our inter-agency planning led to a process which continues to work well in Dela«~aze, and the system,has.continued to become more efficient over time: I wanted to share this method as one option for consideration in North Carolina.. First, it was agreed that no proposal should, come before the county planning department without a wetland delineation, provided by an experienced wetlands consulting firm: With in~reasing'complexity in the determination of wetlands in these mazginal areas, no developer can make sound and safe planning decisions without including this early in his\her early site evaluation process..The ,_ proposed development plans were to be provided for review to one staff member within.the state wetlands and USCOE offices, and the agencies were given approximately t~yo weeks for review and comment prior to the planning meeting. To facilitate rapid response, each agency developed standard comments for given scenarios, ranging from "no comment" to a listing of state and federal permits would likely be required on projects which appeared to involve large wetland i pacts. The developers were also invited to contact the agencies for technical assistance in 2~efining their projects to avoid wetlands impacts.; For projects which would likely be I ~• 1V1r. Dexter Hayes (cont.) Page 2 of 2 controversial, the early review gave the agencies the opportunity to attend the planning meeting, and to enter comments into the hearing record. No agency could delay the county decision . ' process by failing to provide comments within the agreed upon time limits. One of the early objections to the process was that the county should not be involved in the state and federal review and permit process. The fact is, however, that the counties became very involved in the violation cases, which often required projects to come back again and again with modifications for county approval. Additionally, the prior county approval of plans was ~~ often made an issue in court cases involving a developer and a state or federal regulatory agency. ~~ In violation cases which occurred after this process was in place, the early guidance commenu by state and federal agencies became critical evidence in court cases involving developers claiming ~~ that they assumed that the county approvals were sufficient to begin clearing. The objections provided by Mr. Dawson in the December 22, 1996 articles centered on the time delays and complication of the process, should the county adopt Mr. Jahnke's recommendations. Our experience proved the opposite to be true. While the county decision process might be slightly lengthened, the overall regulatory process worked far more efficiently for all involved with early involvement in the planning process. One factor which assisted the ~~ process in Delaware vas the requirement that an experienced consultant provide the wetlands delineation. The corps certification was not required prior fo county approval, but was required prior to the initiation of construction. The agencies became comfortable with this process because of the relativel close working relationshi develo ed between the agencies and the few Y ~ P P consultants working in Delaware. ~+ Finally, I would like to add that no process is fail safe. Mr. Dawson's comments that someone wishing to circumvent the law will do so regardless of these changes is partially true. The heavy workload of both state and federal agencies will always allow a "Dallas Harris" case ~, to occur, but this was much less prevalent after the process was adopted. Finally, there is no sound reason for developers to avoid delineation of jurisdictional wetlands, both from a planning and financial standpoint. It is as important to verify the absence of wetlands as it is to identify ~^ these wetlands on a property, and the financial costs involved in this delineation in minimal in the overall costs of project development. I thank you for the opportunity to provide you with my comments. I would be very ~' pleased to discuss this further should you wish to consider the comments further. I wish you well in this process, as the issue of resource preservation is certainly a critical one. Sincerely, _ ,-~ ~, j ~/ ,rte -, ~.- i i Tracy E. Skrabal cc: E. Jahnke '~4 23 ~ - S\ 1 ,- ~~ ,. This page intentionally left blank 1^~ ~' r r i r r r r r r r r t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: SD Consent Item ~: Additional Item ;Y: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Pete Ave UBJECT: Resolution of Intent to Close a Public Road (SC-69, 1/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Pembroke Nash to close a portion of Central Avenue located south of Beech Street in the Summer Rest Road neighborhood. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal 5: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: Mew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: i COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• The approval of the "Resolution of Intent"only schedules the hearing for a later date. At the time of the hearing you will decide whether or not to close the road. ~O~iNT1~ ~OMN~I~6 ; .: APPFiOVEL~ f~EJECTE® ~ ``~~ . ~EMOVEm 2 5 POSTPONED Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO C>E,OSE A PORTION OF CENTRAL AVENUE SUM1vLER REST NEIGHBORHOOD WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to N.C.G.S. 153-A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close a portion of the following.descrbed • ,public road; • . ... , . - - - .. _ Beginning at the northeastern corner of lot 68, Summer Haven subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, Page 122 of the New Hanover County Registry; running thence from said beginning point South 21 degrees, 24 minutes West 415 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 53, Summer Haven subdivision as recorded in Map Book 2, Page 122 of the New Hanover County Registry, thence South 53 degrees, East 34.8 feet, this line being the southern terminus of Central Avenue, thence North 21 degrees, 24 minutes East 4.15 feet to the southern right-of--way of Beech Street, thence North 53 degrees, West 34.8 feet to the point of the beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing a portion of Central Avenue to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 10th day of March, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. in the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, NC at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted,by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 3rd day of February, 1997. ~.. , ~. Attest: .,_ .. ~ . Robert G. Greer, Chairman -------------------------------- Lucie Harrell, Clerk to Board. ~ - ~ - - ,,,~ ~ .r,, ~, . r ~.: n ~ • .,~~. x > ~ if ;~~ ,;- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 2 Department: NHC Sheriff s Dept Presenter: Sheriff McQueen Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Captain Smith SUBJECT: .. _ = Pre-application for 800 MHZ Grant Crime Control and Public Safety (CC&PS) :BRIEF SUMMARY: The State CC&PS is accepting pre-applications for available grant funds unti12-17-97. The Sheriff would .like to submit an application for 800 MHZ radios for his department, the other municipalities, and the .Airport. A consolidated grant proposal is expected to be a stronger grant than each agency submitting separately. Individual agencies would pay their required match. The Sheriff has a need for 225 radios with an average cost of $2,500 or $562,500. collectively. In addition, they would, like six mobile data terminals. at a cost of $42,000. The actual grant amount would be for $604,500 with the county required to cover 25% of that amount or $151,125. The grant award would be made in July 1997. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Sheriff be authorized to file the pre-application «-ith CC&PB for the 800 MHZ radios. If the grant is accepted by the State, authorize the Sheriff to file any other required applications, and if awarded, request the County Manager be authorized to sign any document s required to accept the grant. Matching funds «-ould be required to be included in the 1997-98 budget. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: 453,375 State S: County S: 151,125 User Fees S: Other S: Yloney Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: No LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Sheriff be authorized to submit the pre-application for the 800 MHZ radios. If the grant is awarded, authorize me to sign any documents necessary to accept the grant. We will include $151,125 in the 97-98 reconunended budget for the matching fun s. - COUNTY COMMI IVES APPROVED REJECTED C7 RE~~U1`ED POSTPCiwE ;? ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition DATE ,.:_.__._. _3.I_~ ~'1~"J s a". ~. ,., '~`., . ~~ ,,~~ , ,a DRAF7 A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONDEMNING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ' MILITARY PERSONNEL . WHEREAS, the military services have played. a significant role in the historical development of New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington; and . . WHEREAS, the military services and their personnel continue to enrich the social, political and economic life of the Lower Cape Fear region. The General Assembly has found and declared that military personnel in North Carolina vitally affect the general economy of this State and that it is in the public- interest and public welfare to ensure that no discrimination against military personnel is practiced by any business; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington strongly. support the military services and appreciate the sacrifices made by military personnel in the service of their country; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has always officially welcomed military personnel to New Hanover County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners strongly condemns discrimination against military personnel by any business. The Board of County Commissioners further encourages all owners of businesses, retail establishments and places of public accommodation in New Hanover County not to deny or refuse services to any persons because of their service in the military. This the day of , 1997. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ~'OllNT~ CCMMISSI NER~~ tiP~~ -'O~~ED Rt-~ t..~~ D p R~~.'.',~~':~`cD G POSTPONED ~ DATE .- ~ .~J A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby resolve, pursuant to Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes, that Neal Lewis, County Parks Director, be and is authorized to dispose of storm damaged trees within County property, including, but not limited to County parks and the: Juvenile Center, by private sale to Long Leaf Wood Products, Inc.; at a unit price of $5.00 per cord for pine pulp, $120.00 per 1,000 board feet for pine logs, $1.00 per cord for hardwood, and $10.00 for pine chip-n-saw. The sale may be consummated after publication of this Resolution within the minutes. of the Board of County Commissioners. This the day of , 1997. New Hanover County [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board COUNTY COMMISSION APPROVED ^~ REJECTED ^ RE.~/iUVED ^ POSTPONED O ~~ DATA 3- y 7 ~~~ .~ January 28,-1997 TO: FROM: THROUGH: RE: The Board of County Commissioners Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Allen O'Neal, County Manager Research Survey Concerning Proposed. School Borrd Issue A sample proposal from Wirthlin Worldwide was reviewed to get a better understanding of what a study. of this type .entails. Outlined below are the major steps involved. in a survey of this. type along wit11 information on the estimated cost. If you would like to see the entire study please let`me know. ,r Phase 1: Qualitative Measurement and Survey Desig~Z -- Focus Groups . Approximately five groups of registered voters take part in discussions with the survey:company . in' order for the survey questions to be developed. Each group would have 10-12 . registered voters. Estimated cost $19,875. ~' Phase 1l: Quantitative Measurement -- Benchmark Using the information gathered from Phase 1, a telephone survey would be conducted. The sample size would be approximately 600 registered voters: Estimated cost $19,000. Phase I 1 L• B~zcshfzre Measuren~ient This is a smaller telephone survey conducted as the referendum date is close at hand. This enables any last minute confusion among voters° to be clarified prior to the referendum date. Sample size would be approximately 300 registered voters. Estimated cost $9,500. At each phase, complete reports would be made available to the County. In addition, the research company would make a personal presentation of the survey results to the ,Board. Based on the costs estimated above for each hale the total costro~~rt e ~"fie' w'oiz!~'% p h ~ Via, ~ d'~be $48,375, plus any related travel costs. APPROVED .[~( ~:,Q,r '` ~~-ay, PE.IECTED REMOVED _ POSTPQNED ~ - DATE ~~ 7 '* ..r,. ,. ~ ai3j9~ ,.. SUI~~IARY OF CORPS REGULATORY PROGRAM ' L7nder Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors. Act and Section '404 of the Clean Water Act, Department of the Army permits - are needed for the discharge of .dredged or fill material, excavation, and landclearing work in all waters and wetlands of. the United States. ,. ,, . ,`Residential and commercial development proposals frequently '. `'involve land altering work that may require Federal permit -• approval. . ~:. IDENTIFYING .AND DELINEATING WETLANDS As part of our jurisdictional and permit review process, the_ ~•: Corps recommends that. wetlands be delineated and surveyed. • This. is beneficial to the project proponent because: 1. The delineation can be used as a planning tool, to - a) avoid wetland areas that usually are unsuitable • - for development because of high water tables, water saturation, and drainage problems; ~_ b).wetland delineations aid in -identifying areas - that may be more suitable for development purposes c) thereby avoiding the need for DA permits which can involve time consuming reviews 2. The Corps will certify that the surveyed delineation can be relied upon for at least 5 years without further need to review the line. It's a guarantee to the property owner that -our jurisdictional area. will not change for that. time period. 3. Such a planning tool will help prevent unintentional ~.~ violations of Federal law by identifying permit needs ,prior to construction. , ' 4. Delineating and surveying wetlands should not lead to any delays in the planning process provided the .proponent initiates contact with the Corps of Engineers at the same time as other permit needs are being identified. r- ~. ., i .. 4 ~~ The Corps wants to workiin partnership with New Hanover ~ - w County and property owners on a pro-active wetland avoidance _and permit basis for development rather than having a reactive program that addresses unauthorized activities that .lead to more costly and time consuming after-the-fact perm t reviews. - ~ To promote this working partnership, the Corps requests that . this Board of Commissioners require that a surveyed wetland - delineation certified by the Corps be placed on all _ . preliminary and performance plans submitted to the Planning Board for approval. -.~ ,HOW WILL SUCH A REQUIREMENT BENEFIT NEW . ~HANOVER COUNTY' S PLANNING PROGRAM? - A. Density levels on any particular piece of property are partially dependent on the presence or absence of Class IV soils. These soils are also Federally regulated wetland soils. A surveyed wetland delineation will automatically include these soils and assist County planners in making .density determinations. .. B. Since areas having. Class IV soils are unbuildable . by County standards, the development proponent can plan around .them accordingly. C. By delineating and surveying wetlands, upfront compliance with Federal regulations is facilitated. By identifying permit areas, violations of Federal law are . avoided along with the time delays and costs involved with rectifying unauthorized activities and/or obtaining after- the-fact permits. This is proactive rather than reactive aPProach. . D. Minimizing or eliminating impacts to wetlands in -the planning process protects their environmental benefits. ..For example, wetlands function as stormwater retention and; floodwater abatement and storage areas. Drainage and flooding are current high profile concerns ~f the citizens of New Hanover County. Part of the reason for these problems is the countywide cumulative loss of wetlands. Minimizing or avoiding development in wetlands is one piece , of the puzzle in addressing drainage and flooding problems. Delineating and surveying the locations of wetlands will be ~' 6- .. .~' ~y .. 1 1 r r - - - 1 ' ~ .~ .. important information to New Hanover County as-,more of these ~ ,. marginal lands are considered for development. - E. There are many other wetland soils in New Hanover " County besides-Class IV soils. Identifying wetlands. and alerting prospective buyers of areas that may not be suitable for development without draining, should be seen as . a fiduciary responsibility of the County Board of Commissioners. ~, F: Wetlands filter pollutants 'and sediments from runoff. Good water quality is important for health, ," ~ recreation, tourism, and the general quality of life. for New ",~ ~, Hanover County. residence. Proper planning through wetland ` . protection will ensure that this county remains a desirable place to live. THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS RESPECTFULLY REQUESTS THAT THIS COMMISSION APPROVE THE RECOr~NDATION OF THE ;PLANNING BOARD THAT PRELIMINARY AND PERFOF;MANCE DEVELOPMENT PLANS CONTAIN DELINEATED AND SURVEYED WETLAND LINES: - ,», ~:, • ~ ^ P k. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - ~ Meeting Date: 02/03/97 b '~` .y1 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 'Department: Governing Body :Presenter: Lucie Harrell Paae Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ` SUB~IECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ Approve the minutes of January 21, 1997 J ti cr~. , .J~. ~~~ 1 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTELti~CTIONS: ,~ Approve minutes . ~' ~~ , .. ~~' Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees 5: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: flew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: -REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ HR: -~` NTY A M ENT A~1D RE 'VIMENDATI 'v Approve minutes. _ _.~ ~,, APPROVED .. . RE.IECTED '~' ~1 REMOVED i~ ' POSTPOIVED~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 27 4 ~. 1 i- A 1 i " ~- ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 ,1 .SUBJECT: - `~. V ;SAFE (Sheriff s Alcohol Field Enforcement) DWI Enforcement Grant . .`BRIEF SUMMARY: _ -The Sheriff has applied fora DWI Enforcement Grant through the Governor's Highway Safety Program. The - grant is to hire three additional law enforcement officers who will. work out of the SAFE unit. The objectives..of the -grant are as follows: a) to increase arrest and citations pertaining to alcohol/drug-impaired driving offenses; b) to increase public awareness of the magnitude of the problem; and c)~to increase the emphasis on Driver's Education programs to assist iri educating young drivers. The grant requires a 25percent match on equipment the first year. This would require the County to provide ~. `matching funds of $37,361 (the grant amount would be for $226,166). The second year the grant would be ,~ ~ for $88,063 with a County match of $31,021: The third and last year of grant match would require the. - County to match in the amount of $60,792 to receive $58,282 in grant funds. For future years the cost would. be 100 percent County dollars. . .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • To meet the grant filing deadline of January 31, 1997, the Sheriff has already submittedthe grant application. .' ' ~ . . If the grant is awarded, the Board will still have the opportunity to accept or reject the grant at a later time. Please-authorize the filing of the. grant. Grant period is October 1, 1997 through September 30, 1998. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ` Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FINN BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider authorization for.filing of the grant. If you are in agreement with the grant, you may authorize the .,acceptance of the grant if offered and authorize me to sign the grant documents upon receipt. We will then ~. ~~ bring the. budget amendment c to you at a later meeting. Time constraints prevented this matter from ,appearing as a regular ite Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition --~ l S 'by the New Hanover County Sheriff's"Department to the Governor's ;Highway Safety`Program. While I realize that`-such grants are :: to be approved by the County Commissioners prior to submission, ~,. ;time restraints have prevented this 'acti`on by our Department. The February meeting `of the Commissi,on`ers wil'1 occur after the January 31, 1997 deadline for submission 'of .the urant application. I can assure you that this Department'wilT make every effort to . follow the guidelines of the Commissioners concerning actions of -: this type in the future.-_Thank;you for your assistance in this matter. JMcQ/sad _._. MEMBER .' ~ SAFE GRANT . YEAR,1 ~ ~ GHSP % GRT. AMT. LOCAL %~ LOCAL AMT. '~ ... ,, PERSONNEL: " $1.14,084 100% $114,084.00 : 0% ~ $0.00 . EQUIPMENT: $149,443 75% $112,082.25 25% $37,360:75 ,. TOTAL .. $263,527 $226,166 $37,361 - ~' ,, .- YEAR 2 . ** PER50NNEL: $114,084 75% $85,.563.00 25% $28,521.00 EQUIPMENT: _ ~ ...$5,000 50% $2,500.00 . 50% $2,500.00 - ~.. TOTAL $119,084 $88,063 ~ $31,021 ..YEAR 3 ~ _ . ~~ ** PERSONNEL: $114,.084 50% $57,042.00 50% $57,042.00 EQUIPMENT: $5,000 25% $1,250.00 ~, 75% $3,750.00 .. TOTAL $119,084 $58,292 $60,792 YEAR 4 . '** PERSONNEL: $114,084 0% $0.00 100% $114,084.00 - ~ ' . ~ EQUIPMENT: $5,000 0% $0.00 100% $5,000.00 TOTAL $119,084 $0 $119,084 ** NO ADJUSTMENT FOR SALARY I NCREASES HAVE BEEN MADE . ~ -_ .. j' GOVER~'~TOR'S HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM {GHSP) CONCEPT STATEMEN'T' NE:9 HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT • I. TITLE.: SAFE - SHERIFF'S ALCOHOL FIELD ENFORCEMENT '' II. RESPONSIBLE AGENCY: NEW HANOVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT CONTACT PERSON: SHERIFF JOSEPH McQUEEN, Jr. _ ~• ADDRESS: 20 NORTH FRONT STREET _ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE NUMBER: (910) 341-4206 - FACSIMILE NUMBER: (910) 341-4039 `III: STATEMENT OF THB PROBLEM: - The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department , with funding• provided by the Governor's Highway Safety Program, initiated its SAFE (Sheriff's Alcohol Field Enforcement) Program on April °l,'" ` 1983. The original focus of the six sworn deputies assigned to .• this program was enforcement of North Carolina Driving While Impaired statutes as well as the 55 mile .per hour speed limit statutes. _ Although the program was locally funded and continued` ~'".following the expiration of grant funding in 1985, other personnel .. needs ..within the. scope of .the New Hanover County Sheriff's "Department's overall mission, dictated that although the unit's ~, .`mission was to be continued., the unit itself had to be down-sized and, in addition to its .chartered traffic responsibilities, the unit had to additionally focus on routine patrol duties (i.e., answering calls, initiating criminal investigations, funeral escorts, traffic direction, etc.). So, although nominally still the SAFE Unit, reality dictated a dilution of its original focus •-..and responsibilities, even though the prime mission continued to be - .DWI and speed limit enforcement. - IV. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM: The effect of this loss of focus upon-the community became. xeadily apparent with a concomitant increase in DWI and speed- related offenses. Consequently, the New Hanover County Sheriff's ` Department, in 1992, renewed its commitment to the concept of the SAFE Unit focusing on a full-time mission of enforcing DWI and speed-related statutes. . ~ ~ AS of Calendar Year 1997, the New Hanover County Sheriff's "Department has assigned to the SAFE Unit five full-time deputies , and one supervisor who are pulled away from traffic enforcement duties only when dictated by necessity (i.e.,'any call of an" emergency nature). However, despite this recommitment to solving the deadly problem of Alcohol/Drug-Impaired driving, it has become apparent that greater effort is necessary. -: Over the past several years, while manpower. resources that cane be,:dedicated to this problem have diminished,. the population of New `. Hanover County has continued to grow at phenomenal rates. 'Currently the population of New Hanover County is estimated to be °well in excess. of 155,00.0. The latest .hard figures for .the.. ~~`county's population, from 1995, listed the population at 139,758: ''Only five years ago, the county's population was listed at~ . - ~;~.~approximately 121,000. Despite- this extraordinary population . growth, however, Wilmington/New Hanover County's surface . ,.transportation network has noC exhibited a corresponding growth:: ~-.:.Consequently, the .explosion in population. grow.th~ has been <~ ~-' exacerbated by a poorly designed and inadequate system of roadways, :which has- been further complicated by the termination of Interstate - 4O. into the area. This roadway has made tourist access, to the ~'' Wilmington/New Hanover County area easier than ever before, thereby ..'making traffic enforcement a virtual nightmare. It used to be that traffic in this area was only bad during the Period between Memorial Day and Labor Day; however, with the `r:influx of year-round tourists and retirees movinginto the area, it `is quite readily apparent that a five-person, one supervisor SAFE Unit, even when considering the presence of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol in New Hanover County's unincorporated areas, is. hardly sufficient for the task at ..hand. Indeed, the North `Carolina State Highway Patrol's recent release of accident./fatality statistics for New Hanover County bears this out.. For Calendar -'.Year 1996,. there .were 3,400 motor vehicle accidents in.New Hanover -~~County and- 13 fatalities. Quite frequently, the Sheriff's Department's routine Uniform Patrol assets are' called upon to respond to traffic accidents because the State Highway Patrol units °.:on duty at any given time are already involved .with other traffic accidents. . In the past, the public has.exYiibited a tremendous degree of support for the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department in its efforts to combat speeding and alcohol/drug-impaired driving offenses in this area. With the population explosion and resultant increase in accidents and fatalities recently experienced by. the .community, there is no~reason to suspect this support to have - diminished at all. This has been clearly evident in numerous public-speaking engagements and community watch programs conducted by members of ~_ `the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department - both within and out- of the SAFE Unit. The citizenry, as is the Sheriff's Department, is aware of the unsafe driving. conditions in the area enumerated ` :`above which are made worse by the frustration and impatience, all - motorists experience on a daily basis in trying to negotiate the - area's clogged. arteries. The New Hanover County Sheriff's Department hopes that with proper enforcement of existing traffic statutes and~a continued effort to educate the general public, these traffic fatalities could be decreased. _~ F. i .~ ~ . t ..Presently, as with a great many jurisdictions, .the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department is fiscally constrained by budgetary ~~ realities. The re-construction of the SAFE Program,-with fewer .'.manpower resources,. has strained the operating budget of the. ~~ Department but has been undertaken and .maintained because of the •" ..realization of the magnitude. and. importance of the problem: With >''appropriate allocation of resources, which could be accomplished by grant from the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program, it ' is anticipated that our enforcement actions could keep pace with. :'"the innumerable factors beyond our control, which have combined to a :- "outstrip our enforcement effort . V: PROPOSED SOLUTION _:.. ,.: . ._ The. implementing agency will augment the current-level of ` manpower in the New Hanover County SHERIFF'S ALCOHOL FIELD " ;.ENFORCEMENT {'SAFE") Program (five Deputy Sheriffs under the ~-supervision of a Uniformed Patrol Sergeant), with three additional " individuals"funded by grant from the Governor's Highway Safety " ~ ~"Program. using funds from the National Highway Traffic- Safety. •. Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Highway Administration {FHWA) for alcohol countermeasures and speed control.. The New Hanover County SAFE Unit will endeavor to positively impact • - alcohol/drug-impaired driving incidents and speeding infractions ' ~ ~ "-through. a two-pronged effort which will include public education as " -' well as increased enforcement. The unit's responsibilities will be the routine patrol of New Hanover County's surf ace.. transportation network, including all residential subdivisions, as well as the major highways and secondary roads, and, through utilization of - such proven techniques for identification and. apprehension of DWI ~. and speeding suspects as radar, ALCO-SENSOR, Intoxilyzer, video " recording of suspects, etc., to identify, apprehend, and prosecute those who violate alcohol/drug-impaired driving statutes, as well as those who violate the posted speed limits throughout the. area. 'Close liaison will be maintained with the North Carolina State. Highway Patrol, "B" Troop Detachment, stationed in the Wilmington urea and will include joint operations with other agencies. ~ The focus of this unit's activities will be on reducing. - alcohol/drug impaired driving offenses. This effort will be ".~ concentrated.on, but not limited to, the following areas: - a. Interstate 40 - b . Other major highways inbound and outbound -from Wilmington, N.C., such as U.S. Highway 421, U.S. Highway 17, U.S. Highway 117, and N.C. Highway 132. c. Secondary roads within New Hanover .County. d. Roadways within the various residential subdivisions in the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County. - ~~ { " The SAFE Unit will utilize proven techniques known to have a ,,high success rate for the identification, apprehension, and - successful prosecution of violators. In addition to the employment .'of .these proven techniques,- utilization- of techniques such as .sobriety, license, and seatbelt checkpoints will be increased and. participation with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol in coordinated operations focusing on impaired driving will continue. . The SAFE Unit will coordinate closely with other law enforcement ``agencies in the area on all matters that may impact upon. their 'operations. - The implementing agency will form a unit that will consist of `'eight New Hanover County Deputy Sheriff's- and one supervisor of Sergeant's rank. This unit will be augmented, when necessary with ~~. existing personnel assets from the- New Hanover ~ County Sheriff' s " . Department Uniform Patrol Division. Administrative support ,will be rendered from existing support service personnel in the New Hanover .. County Sheriff's Department. The unit will provide follow-up investigation and prosecution .. .~.- of those identified as offenders, with an eye toward targeting- repeat offenders for special prosecution and stiffer sentences in coordination with the District Attorney, Fifth Prosecutorial District. Since existing data bases within the- New Hanover County Sheriff's Department are insufficient to the needs of the SAFE ~, '.Unit, statistics on the unit's operation will be maintained in a .- separate data base maintained by the supervisor of the SAFE Unit in order to monitor the unit's success and discern trends in traffic offenses which may have an impact on enforcement efforts and show "..where enforcement efforts need to be increased. The unit will be directed by the Sheriff, New Hanover County, ," - Nand the Division Commander, New Hanover County Uniform Patrol Division. The Sheriff will provide overall guidance to the unit, . while the commander, New Hanover County Uniform Patrol Division - - ..will set priorities and general operational procedures. Deputies ~, assigned to the SAFE Unit will remain obligated to follow the rules ` and policies of the New Hanover County .Sheriff's Department and the ,procedures employed by the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Uniform Patrol Division. VI. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY: - The Sheriff's Alcohol Field Enforcement (SAFE) Program will be - evaluated using established grant evaluation techniques; i.e., ,establishment of Project Goals (Long term outcomes or results expected to be achieved through the grant), Project Objectives {Short term, measurable results), and Project Activities (Day-to- day project activities in measurable terms). Accordingly, the following goals, objectives, and activities have been established to evaluate the success of SAFE: `Proiect Goal: • To increase the likelihood of identification, apprehension and .~~successful prosecution of those drivers who persist in • alcohol%drug-impaired driving . To increase the public's awareness : ~ of'tYie magnitude of this problem through education, including '. public service announcements on area television and radio stations... '~ Proj'ect Objective : ` ~;(1), To increase arrest and citation statistics pertaining to- ` ~ alcohol/drug-impaired driving offenses. (2) Through close. and continuous coordination with the various media outlets~in New Hanover County, increase. , public awareness of the magnitude of the problem.-. ', ~~Encourage and assist with programs such as "Alert Cab;" etc., in New Hanover County. ,; C3 ). Increase and place additional emphasis on Driver's , ,_~ Education programs to assist in educating young drivers. ~Proiect Activities: e ~ ,(1). To.daily conduct routine patrol"operations, using proven techniques for the identification of impaired operators, • of motor. vehicle s. (i..e. radar, Alco-Sensor,' • Intoxilyzer, etc.) on major highways,. secondary roads, ` and roadways through residential areas-throughout. the . county. . (2) Patrol operations, although routine., are, to be randomly • applied along with selected targeted areas: (3) Coordinate operations with other members of the New. Hanover County Sheriff's Department Uniform., Patrol Division, as well as the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. {4) Utilizing existing computer assets belonging to the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Uniform Patrol ~ ~'~ Division, establish a data base pertaining to the SAFE Unit operations in order to determine effectiveness of operations and areas which might require increased enforcement efforts. - .. ' ti ., . - -MONITORING/EVALUATION CRIT$RIA FOR STATBD OBJECTIVES: ,. Objective:- To increase arrests and citations issued for alcohol/drug impaired driving offenses. Associated Performance Indicator: Show a minimum increase of'. _ ~ 30o for alcohol/drug impaired driving offenses. Objective: Increase public awareness of the problem of alcohol/drug related driving. Associated Performance Indicator: Increased media Coverage - and public. comment by television, radio, and newspaper,.; ~::. Objective: Increase participation iri driver education programs. Associated Performance Indicator: Increase the number of°~ ~. ~ programs ,presented and place more emphasis on alcohol/drug= " ~ impaired driving. The Commander, New Hanover County Uniform Patrol Division, ~_ will be responsible for monitoring the activities of the unit and periodically reporting on same to the Sheriff, New Hanover County.. The Uniform Patrol Division Commander will set mission priorities: and general procedures and monitor the SAFE Unit's Compliance with same. Additionally, the County of New Hanover will monitor .the ` fiscal controls of the SAFE Unit as dictated under the terms and - y conditions of the grant.. Records to be maintained by .the SAFE Unit include case files,. individual deputies' activity reports, statistical reports, and - . day-to-day correspondence. The Supervisor, SAFE Unit, acting for the Division Commander, Uniform Patrol Division, will be assigned . the responsibility of insuring that these records are thorough and secure. New Hanover County, through its finance and purchasing departments, will maintain records concerning day-to-day expenses. of the SAFE Unit., All expenses will be documented in a separate. . account established for the SAFE Unit by the Finance Department of the New Hanover County government. -_ During the grant period, the Sheriff of New Hanover county, assisted by the Division commander, Uniform 'Patrol Division.', and the. Supervisor, SAFE Unit, will monitor the progress of the SAFE - Unit. Statistical analysis reports will be developed and submitted ` to the Sheriff and will be available for inspection by the North ~- Carolina Governor's Highway Safety Program. . - Ultimately, the success of the SAFE unit will be measured by- the number of arrests and convictions obtained for alcohol/drug- impaired offenses. .. i ~ f . 1 ~ f .. i ~ -. ,. -. . ~ VII. ESTIMATBD PROJECT COSTS (first year) ; ~'~ . A . MANPOWER REQUIREMEN'T'S : $10 9 , 5.9 9 . 0 0 ~ - - (Lncludes all salaries, fringe benefits, etc., for three deputies) B. $QUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: $144;443'.00 - - (Includes all vehicles, and peripheral - - equipment for those vehicles, guns, . . video cameras; etc., as well as a .~ ~. -. s computer. for maintenance of unit ~: records and statistics) - • ~~- .. . , ~..C . TRAVEL REQUIREN~N'TS : $ 6 0 0 . 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ /~ .f ~:D.: TRAINING REQUIREIKENTS: $ 3,.885,.00 ~~ - E:- PRINTING AND PUBLICATION REQUIREMEN'rS:~$ 500.00 F. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ANTICIPATED: $ 500.00 `G. OTHER SUPPLIES: - $ 4,000.00 1 ' (Includes. the cost of providing furnishings for the new deputies. in~the unit - Costs in subsequent . - years are expected to be $500.00) ~ - . - GRAND TOTAL: $263;527.00 - ~ All costs will be matched, as required and stipulated by the Governors- Highway Safety Commission, with funds. from. the New. Hanover County government. Detailed breakdowns of cost estimates for requested funding are available upon request. -The .-only recurring costs in subsequent grant years will be personnel;:-, travel, training, contractual services, and other supplies. Equipment costs are a one-time start-up expenditure. . ~ ~~~;~ ~ - ~,~,. f J ~ -~= ~' =~? (~~ , ,, , P ~` ~ r ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ;~ ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 FEBRUARY 3, 1997 1 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE .I NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) t 2. A royal of Minutes PP 31 ~ - ADJOURN ,~~ ~` ~` ..~ ~* ~. , 29 _~ This page intentionally left blank ~~ t . 30 ~' , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meetin Date:02J03/97 g Regular Item #: W&S #2 ~ Consent Item ;r: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: ~, Approve the minutes of January 21, 1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes ~~ FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other 5: 1~loney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ; Budoct Amendment Pre aced: ~~ REVIEWED B LGL: COUNTY MAt Approve minute FIN: 'S CO BUD: HR: ~OllN`T1r` ~®MM(SS~NE~ APPROVED ~~"" REJECTED REMOVED POSTPONED ~~ 3 ~ ` DATE - -- _ 3..Ir,.~_-~7.~;./ Rcfer to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ~ i This page intentionally left blank •~ , .. rt:a- . ...,, ti vsx.. - ~ ~- . . ~ .e Y w 3 2 ~ ~y ~5 .:;,J d; t~X~U 1 1 r r r a r w i 1 1 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Brunswick County and New Hanover County Mutual Aid Agreement 3. Approval of Resolution directing the New Hanover County Board of Education and Cape Fear Community College to join efforts for vocational training and facilities 4. Approval of Reclassification of a Community Health Assistant (pay grade 108) to a ClinicaUClerical Assistant (pay grade 110) 5. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-20 to increase budget for additional revenue received January 21, 9197. Federal Forfeited . Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. 6. Adoption of resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Greenbriaz South Subdivision PAGE NO. 3~ 37 4~ 47 >j 57 33 34 1 1 i f 1 1 1 1 1 i A 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Paae Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB,TECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY• Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of January 21, 1997 Work Session w/ Board of Education -January 1 ~, 1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes r utvulN(U SOURCE• 'Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: BOUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Approve minutes. ~OUN'fi~ ~@MMiSSi_0 APPROVED _ REJECTED t~~ REM(?VED POSTP®NED !?ATE •_.- 9'7~'a-rN Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition 35 '. This page intentionally left blank _, ... ~' , _ l.. 1~-, ,,- , ~^,,,{"~ c,.~e, ~ 4 •3'11 r_~~ y ", 3~ _ ~~~ 3, „~,~ i [ ~ i,,, , „ r, °~~ ~ ~ y jt : ti~~~~r ~~,,_~~~ ~. _ ~ , _... .. . , 1 _, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 02/03/97 ~: Regular Item #: Consent Item m:2 Additional Item #: Department: Emergency Medical Service Presenter: None Paae Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: L E. Ra ' SUB.TECT: Brunswick County and New Hanover County Mutual Aid Agreement ~• " BRIEF SUMMARY: This is a customary format for a mutual aid arrangement to provide emergency medical assistance. The document has been reviewed by the County Insurance Advisor and County Legal. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Board to approve. r u~ylllNV SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 0.00 ~ User Fees S: Other S: New Appropriation Request: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: '', tcl/ y t t!."yy C. U tS Y ' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL TY ANA ER'S MME T Recommend approval ~~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~`OUNTY ~8N1i1~1~.~~.ty APPROVEQ ~/ ' REJECTED ~~ RE~novE® 3 7 Refer to OfFce Vision Bulletin Boud for Disposition -1~~un~.ctric~Z ~otcyz~ ~mE~9Eney eSE~aicE~ ~ i' ~osE c~ffi~ ~x z ~}~ ~fd ~~ d~~~,ay • ~o~ivia, GVo clato~ina 284zz..., ."'.~'" . ~ ~ ~ q~o~ 253-5353 ' ~~ ~ ~ 91O y49S ''" d1~e ~lNalfs ~-Boo-522-2346 - . - January 7, 1997 ! - - - - ~ JAN - ;•~~7 ; ~ ~ Lang Ray, Director 9 vJ f 1 1 • New Hanover County EMS .~ 218 N. 2"d Street .. .'c~;•~e:;~_°.{ -"~_~~:_a•. . Wilmirigton, N.C.28401-3982 _ - _ Dear Larry, Please find enclosed two copies of revised mutual aid agreements between Brunswick and New Hanover Counties. - If the agreement appears satisfactory, Brunswick County requests that your Board of Commissioners approves the agreements as ~~ritten. Please return the signed agreemenu to me, and I will present them to the Brunswick County Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. She will in turn submit the agreements to our Commissioners' for approval ~ and signatures": New Hanover County will be sent an original copy of the agreement for its records after the ~ `~ agreements are signed by both groups of county officials. Thank you for your assistance with the mutual aid agreements between our t~vo counties. I look fortit"ard to working with you again in the future. ,. a Sincerely, - Y V ~ ~: /~ _ _ _. - W. Tracy Jackson, M.P.A., NREMT-P Director ~f Emergency Services - - y 1~ l 1 {J ~ ,,~x ~.~. l~ `a.~`.,~ 'd ~ a f~W 1 BRUNSWICK COUNTY AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUTUAL A(D AGREEMENT Section I. Brunswick County EMS as Responding Agency A. Upon notification by the County of New Hanover, Brunswick County Emergency Medical Services hereafter referred to as PROVIDER, through its Emergency Medical Services department, upon establishment that an emergency does in -fact exist. and that PROVIDER's aid is needed, the Director of Emergency Services (hereafter also including any other officer or person delegated that authority by said Director, such as the on-duty Emergency Medical Services- - Supervisor) shall have the implicit authority to order such available equipment and personnel as may be required, to respond to assist the requesting agency. Procedures for communicating the need of ambulance service or related service emergencies to the PROVIDER shall be established by mutual agreement between the parties hereto and the same sha(( be properly publicized. After determining that the mutual aid request may be honored without impairing the PROVIDER's capacity to provide service within its own jurisdiction, the Director or his designee may take such steps as he/she deems appropriate to furnish the requested aid. The response of the PROVIDER shall remain the sole discretion of the Director or his designee, and the PROVIDER shall not be compelled to dispatch any of its equipment or personnel; however, every effort should be made to furnish requested assistance if such dispatch would not impose a serious impairment to that PROVIDER's service plan. Procedures .for communicating the need of ambulance service or related service emergencies to the PROVIDER shall be established, by mutual agreement between the parties hereto and the same shall be properly publicized. - B. It shall be the responsibility of PROVIDER's Director and his designee to assure that all personnel responding to the request for mutual aid are trained, responsible persons. -The conduct and actions of said responding personnel shall remain the obligation and responsibility of PROVIDER. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of PROVIDER's Director and his designees to assure that- each piece of responding equipment is operational and capable of functioning properly for that type of equipment. C. PROVIDER shall assume all liability and responsibility for the death of or injury to any of its own personnel while responding to the request for mutual aid. r 39 ~ - 1 D. PROVIDER shall assume all liability and responsibility for damage to,. or caused by, its own equipment while enroute to or from a mutual aid request. E. The agency requesting mutual aid shall. have no liability nor responsibility for the personal property of PROVIDER personnel if said .property is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed while those personnel are performing their .duties under the mutual aid, response terms.. contained herein. .. , F. PROVIDER shall : assume- all_ costs . of. salaries,,_ .wages, -bonuses, o'r other .. _ compensation for its :own, personnel that respond`~to a mutual aid dispatchunder the terms ; of this Mutual Aid Agreement, and PROVIDER shall also assume all costs involving ,the use of equipment and tools- used specifically in response to the request: fo.r mutual assistance, and PROVIDER; shall make no charge for 'such use to the agency requesting the mutual aid assistance. ~H.owever, ,any supplies provided by .the PROVIDER from its own .supply shall . be~ paid for by the requesting agency, upon , receipt of, an itemized statement of ,costs for such supplies: _ ` .. ,- G. The .Chief Officer =of the agency ,requesting assistance shall in all instances be in .; . -command of the ,emergency as to the aspects Hof strategy, _ tactics and overall direction of the operations.-. All ,orders or;directons regarding the operations arid personnel of the PROVIDER,: shall be relayed to .PROVI:DER's' Chief" Officer :.:present at.that incident and in command of the PROVIDER. H. When PROVIDER personnel are sent to another district pursuant to this Mutual Aid Agteernent,_. the jurisdiction, rights, authority, privileges and immunities, including coverage ,;under .Workman's Compensationlaws and malpractice insurance, which said personnel-have,.in the: PROVIDER, shall, be extended,to the areas outside the normal response territorial' limits, when said personnel are acting within the ,.scope of :the authority- conferred; by .this Mutual Aid Agreement,, .. ~. _ : , ^ .: ; - I. To the extent ,.not- covered by .governme,ntal~, immunity . or stafutoryy exception, .should , injuries occur to persons other ~ than employees .or. volunteers of the requesting agency sustained .through activities ,~und.ertaken' .pursuant' to this agreement, due to the sole negligence of the PROVIDER, then the Provider shall be responsible for such injuries. 40 2 ~ e ~ ~~ Section II. New Hanover County EMS as Responding Agency A. Upon .notification by Brunswick County, New Hanover County Emergency Medical Services, hereafter referred to as PROVIDER, through its Emergency Medical Services department or Rescue Squad, upon establishment. that an emergency does in fact exist and that PROVIDER's aid is needed, the Chief or - Director of Operations (hereafter also including any other officer or person delegated that authority by said Chief or Director of Operations) shall have the implicit authority to order such available equipment and personnel as may. be required, to respond to assist the requesting agency. Procedures for communicating the need of ambulance service or related service emergencies to the PROVIDER shall be established by mutual agreement between the parties hereto and the same shall be properly publicized. After determining that the ~~ mutual aid request may be honored without impairing the PROVIDER's capacity to provide service within its own jurisdiction, the Chief or his designee may take such steps as he/she deems appropriate to furnish the requested aid. The response of the PROVIDER shall remain the sole discretion of the Chief or his designee, and the PROVIDER shall not be compelled to dispatch any of its equipment or personnel; however, every effort should be made to furnish ,~ requested assistance if such dispatch would not impose a serious impairment to that PROVIDER's service plan. Procedures for communicating the need of ambulance service or related service emergencies to the PROVIDER shah be established by- mutual agreement between the parties hereto and the same shall __ be properly publicized. B. It shall be the responsibility of the PROVIDER to assure that all personnel responding to the request for mutual aid are trained, responsible persons. The conduct and actions of said responding personnel shall remain the obligation and responsibility of PROVIDER. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the PROVIDER to assure. that each piece of responding equipment is operational and capable of functioning properly for that type of equipment. C. PROVIDER shall assume all liability and responsibility for the death of or injury to any of its own personnel while responding to the request for mutual aid. D. PROVIDER shall assume all liability and responsibility for damage to, or caused by, its own equipment while enroute to or from a mutual aid request. 413 E. The agency requesting mutual aid shall have'no liability nor responsibility for the personal property of PROVIDER 'personnel ifi .said property° is lost, stolen, damaged. or destroyed while those personnel are performing their duties under the mutual aid response terms contained herein. F. PROVIDER shall assume ally costs -of salaries,• .wages., bonuses oh other compensation for its oven personnel that respond`to a mutual aide dispatch under the termst:of .,.this Mutua'I Aid Agreement, and PROVIDER shall, also- assume all costs involving the use 'of equipment and tools used specifically„ in: response to the request for mutual assistance; and FROVfDER shall make no charge ,for such 'use to'the agency requesting th'e mutual' aid' assistagce: ~ However, any...supplies provided b'y the PROVIDER 'from its own -supply shall be .paid:--for. by :the requesting agency, upon' receipt ' of` an itemized statement of costs for. such suppl1eS.. .. ~ ~ , ' ~: . . , G. The. Chief Officer of the agency requesting assistance• shall- in all instances be in ,command of -the emergency 'as to the aspects of atrategy; tactics and overall direction "of the operations. All' orders or directions-regarding the operations and personnel of the PROVIDER, shall be relayed ,to PROVIDER' Chief Officer present at that incident and in command Hof the" PRQVIDER. ~ - . , . ~ - . _ ~ }. , . H. When PROVIDER personnel are sent to amothe~ district~pursuant'to this Mutual Aid .Agreement,' the jurisd'iction': rights,'~authority., privileges and .imm'unities, ' ' including coverage under 'Workman's. Compensation 'Jaws. and malpractice insurance, which said personnel have in the PROVIDER, shall.be .extended ,to~,the areas outside the normal response territorial limits, when said personnel are acting within the -scope of , tFie ~ authority conf,e'r~ed . by: this Mutual Aid ' Agreement:. ~ ~ ~ ~: - - . _ - I. ~ To the extent not covered by governmental ~ immunity o'r statutory exception, should injuries. occur ~ to 'persons other than employees , or volunteers, ~,of :the. requesting agency susta'i'ned' through activities undertaken pursuant.~;to--this agreement, due to the sole negligence of the PROVIDER, then the Provider shall be responsible for such `injuries. ~ - '~ ~' 42 a ~i • TERM OF AGREEMENT This Mutual Aid Agreement shall commence on this day of 1997 and shall continue until such time that either party hereto gives ninety (90) days notice of intent to terminate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK has caused this Mutual Aid Agreement to be executed in its name by its Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, attested to by the Clerk to the Board and the County Seal affixed hereto, all by authority duly given by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Brunswick, and the PROVIDER has caused this Contract and Agreement to be executed in its name by its proper officers and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto, all by authority duly given by its Board of Directors. BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (SEAL) By: Attest: Chairman, Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board • BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA County Administrator 1 1 1 t I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the -Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Brunswick County, and that by authority duly given and to act as Chairman of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested to by its Clerk herein above named. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1997. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 4~ (Seal) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE COUNTY OF NEW .HANOVER has caused this Mutual Aid Agreement to be executed in its name by its Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, attested to by the Clerk to the Board and the County ,Seal- affixed hereto, all by authority duly given by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, and the PROVIDER has, caused this Contract and Agreement to. be executed in its name by its proper officers and its Corporate Seal. to be affixed hereto, all by authority duly given by its Board, of Directors. . NEW HANOVER .COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (SEAL) ,. .. - - - _~ By: - Chairman, Board of Commissioners Attest: Clerk to the Board . _ - - . NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA County Administrator I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day anti acknowledged that he is the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and to act as Chairman of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested to by its Clerk herein above .named. - WITNESS my hand. and official seat, this day of. Notary Public My Commission Expires: _ (SEAL) . 44 1997. ~I tJ 6 1_ 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item ~: Department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: Resolution directing Board of Education and the Cape Fear Community College to join efforts for vocational training and utilization of facilities. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ RECOMiyiENDED MOTION AND REOIJESTED ACTIONS• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIEWED RY: (LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Approve Resolution. v EOUNTY ~~Mfl~i~i@jV ,. ARPROVED ~/ REJcCTED (~ REMOVED ,~. POSTPONED Ell DATE ~~~~ ~?_ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition 45 . _ pRA~T A RESOLUTION • OF THE NEW HA1vOVER COUNTY . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ _ WHEREAS, there exists an ongoing need in New Hanover County for vocational and , technical education sufficient to meet the changing workforce requirements of industry; and WHEREAS, the Community College is charged with implementing the program "Retooling for the Year 2000: Gaining the Competitive Edge"; and WHEREAS, the Local School District is charged with providing appropriate vocational and technical education, activities, and services; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of County Commissioners that Cape Fear D Community College and the New Hanover County Board of Education cooperate to implement programs to coordinate technical and vocational education, so as to maximize utilization of resources such as teachers and facilities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners requests that Cape Feaz Community College and the New Hanover County Board of Education work together, to the maximum extent permitted by law, to best provide technical and vocational training needed to address changes in the complex and competitive modem economy. Adopted this day of , 1997. .. ~ U [SEAL] New Hanover County . . .. Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~ Board of County Commissioners .. ~ ' J Clerk to the Board ._ j~' ,:'': .. U 46 r~.., . ~. ~_ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item ~: Department: Health Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Beth Jones 343-6648 SUBJECT: Reclassification of aCommunity Health Assistant (pay grade 108) to a ClinicaUClerical Assistant (pay grade 110) BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Health approved (January 8, 1997) a reclassification from a Community Health Assistant (pay grade 108) to a ClinicaUClerical Assistant (pay grade 110). The employee in the CHA position retired. Since the "ClinicaUClerical Assistant" classification does not exist in the County's plan, the action must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. See attached memos and New Hanover County Classification specifications. No budget increase is necessary since the employee retiring was at pay step 23A and any new employee would start at a lower salary step on pay grade 110. ~~ ~... RECOMyIENDED MOTION AND R QUESTED ACTIONS• Approve reclassification h UlyU1NCU SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ ~~~ `. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: (Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No REVIEWED B LLGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: APP AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND FCOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approv . G4UNTY ~®f~~ii~N k PPROVED C REJECTED REMOVED ~~ POSTPONE4 DATA ._- aI~9.7 7 , Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition NE~V HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~~.~.~~ TO: Bob Parker, Health Director ~ ~ a FROM: Beth Jones, Communicable L?isease Director U DATE: ~ December 19, 1996 . .SUBJECT: Community Health Assistant position ' . '. The retirement of Eva (Cathy) Miles called for a careful review of assignments for the ' community health assistant position she vacaicd. HeT retirement prescaied the opportunity to review her job description and determine how to maximize the position to benefit the Communicable Disease I}ivision and meet departmental needs. After discussion with the other nursing directors and Cathy Morgan, personnel analyst, about the inventory control aspect of this positioq I prepared s new position description questionnaire which stren.gthcns the clerical assignments and acquires clerical skills. A wpy of _ _ ~~ J'~} Ms. Morgan's recommendation from Human Resources is attached along with a new ~ u classification spe~ci.fication. m 108 to 1 ] 0. Startin sal for Approval of this request w111 change the pay grade fro 8 azY the position will still be below currently budgeted salary because Miles' step on the 108 grade . was above the starting salary for a grade 110. ~~~ Please request approval from tfic Boar~~ of Health and County Commissioners to upgrade. ~~ the position and fill the vacancy. , ; I, '. ._.. ...~. ~. ~~- .._ w.. . ~ .. _ _._..-,... . ... ... v ~ t\ `I+, ~ - -- ~~y `l ~^ 48 ~ mm~~~; ~~~~_~ ~ C~11~W _!_ ~ 33 L __ 1 C NEW HANOVER OUNTY • INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~~7l~~- ys~q December 10, 1996 TO: Bob Parker, Director Health FROM: Cathy Morgan, Personnel Analyst ' Human. Resources .'~ SUBJECT: Reclassification Community Health Assistant (108) to ClinicaVClericat Assistant Beth Jones, Public Health Nursing Director (Communicable Disease Division), requested that (review her proposal to strengthen -an existing Community Health Assistant position which was recently vacated (Cathy Miles), Beth assessed the organization's needs and determined this position could be put to better use by building in a solid clerical component. The position would require the computer and clerics! ' skills needed to more extensively and effectively perform inventory control and assist in purchasing for the medical and office supply room shared by the four nursing divisions of the health department. Beth prepared a position description detailing the ' functions of the proposed position, and we followed up with discussions. I evaluated the position as described and am recommending that it be assigned to pay grade 110, should the reclassification be requested and approved. tf you agree with Beth s proposal and would like to make an offidal request for _ reclassification of the position, you will need to get the request on the meeting agenda of the Board of Commissioners. Because the "clinicaVclerical assistant" classification does not currently exist in our plan, the action must be approved by the Board. You may use this memorandum containing the recommendation from Human Resources in support of your request. Enclosed is a copy of the classification specification draft. If I can be of assistance, feel free to contact me at x7324 or through OV. 1 cc: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Beth Jones, Public Health Nursing Director Il Andrd Mallette, Human Resources Director 49 3b - DRfil= ~~ N€W HANOVER COUNTY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION 7hb else: sp~dtfcatlon b ~ Q~n~iic overv/e~ of a/ paxRforss ss:fyrrd to thb elacsac. R b not 4rirndd fo b~ art 4tdMatial pasltlon dsscyfptlwl wKh assa-tla/ ltu-efforn rid neq~e6sm~r apeeltfe to tlwt par4evlar poslUotL CLASSIFICATION: CLINICAVCLERiCAL ASSISTANT Characteristics of the Ciass: " Performs entry-level paraprofessional clinical tasks to assist professional staff in health department clinics and routine clerical tasks to assist in administrative support of the four nursing divisions. The.. incumbent spends •„approximately. , 50°~ of the .time performing as a Community Health Assistant,' provid'u~g .clinical; assistance to nurses, . physician extenders artd , Qhysicia~., examiners., _. Having,.primary responsibility for _~ inventory con~o(.af the:rjiedical and office 'supply room for four nursing divisions, the incumbent spends approximately .2086 of the time. performing a variety of inventory _ control duties: ~ The incumbent also is the bad<-up to the x~ay technician, relieves the health. department switchboard: operator at lunch, on regular rotation and as :needed,. and ads as courier to transport lab .specimens. and supplies .to and from the jail clinic. The r"emaining time is spent assisting clerical staff by performing general. clerical duties which may require~skills.such~as.typing,~;data entry, and record-keeping.. Clinical duties, are performed-under close supervision, but the .inventory control .and clerical duties ;.are not closely supervised andrequire judgment and independent action. Exarrmples ~ of Duties ~ ~ ~ . Clinical Assisfance: • Call patients to'receive clinical services; set up rooms, for~cfinics,. __ maintaining, supply .levels; _ assist nurses, physidan extenders and physician /~ examiners with .patients; .measure. and record; vital. signs and height/weight on patient record; instruct patient :to obtain .urine.; specimen; Uansport ,u~ine_and culture specimens to lab;.preQa~e #ofms;for.spec,mens; prepare; medical,supplies for. ~ateliite clinic; fe~are`cu fuses"1~~r mailing to State lab,. maintain cleanliness '+ 4 V y ` ~;~ of ~ ~are~i;~~ iolQgica ~ ~asteoL+di'spos~Jv and prepare supplies and ''~rfef~fure~or` distn~u~idn 'fo ~patitents. _ _ .. .. , _ . Invenfory_Confrol: Issua medical; and office supplies to staff; monitor inventory; receive ' supplies from vendors and verify billing statements; .maintain an inventory control • "~~system "on comPutir~ 'and/or manually; prepare necessary records, forms and reports to ensure supply issues are properly coded and supplies, are ordered and maintained properly and timely., . LL _ ,~ rival Assisfance: Prepare specialized forms,. registration forms, and patient records; ~~ 35 1 1 ~~ file patient records; assist clerical staff iri record-keeping and purging medical records and in making patient appointments; laminate materials .for health department; answer health department switchboard. X-Ray Relief Take prescribed x-rays; process film; place in reading room; transcribe physician's dictation and prepare report. Other. Drive to pick up lab testing and miscellaneous other trips. Deliver supplies to jail. Attend team meetings and training workshops. Staff disaster shelter when. needed. A Minimum Training~,and Experience: ~ ~' - ~ ~ . ~'~~rHigh~'~sc~ooF~dipkxna'~or GED~ and one year experience performing clinical and ~~~H~clerical`~ functions In a medical office or ambulatory outpatient setting; or successful completion of a format training course in medical office assisting at ' a communjty college or technical institute; or an equivalent combination of training and. experience. _- - - B.~' ~ Special. Requirements: Must have. valid driver's license to perform courier functions. i C. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of medics! office procedures and practices, including infection . Knowledg~`o~ medcal office supplies and equipment, office equipment and x-ray _ .equipment." . ~ .. . Skill in the proper.='~se- of diagnostic equipment _.. -" Slulr irl tr'iesafe o~er~tion .af ~a~mo~or vehicle ' .'. . .a '.~ Skill in.' t~je' {• ~.. ~ ` ic,@" ~' '. ~-^~~; .-. ~~ WitcllbOard comp t V' K:~~3 ~~ off ~ ujf~+~uch:.as a: s r u er ~p`l3~rrTter, dlc~afing~~qufpmenf,., culator,".jammafor,'~,and copier. Ability to communicate effectivey and tadfulty.° ~' ~ ' Ability to work under pressure of deadlines, frequent interruptions and changes ~of assignments, and stressful surroundings (i.e., children crying, ' upset patients) -'and produce accurate and effective results. Prepared by: ~ • Date: l2 10 ~ q 6 Catherine C. Morgan, Pers~r nelAnatyst 36 ' ~ NEW ~HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;_ CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION ` This class specification is a generic overview o1 all positions assigned to this class. h !s not Intended to be an Individual position. description, with essenUa! functions and requirements specific to that particular position. CLASSIFICATION: CLINICAUCLERICAL ASSISTANT Characteristics of the Class; ~ ~~ Performs entry-level paraprofessional clinical task's to~assist professional staff in health department clinics and routine clerical tasks fo assist in administrative supporfYof the four nursing divisions. The incumbent sPends~ approximately 50% of .the time performing as a .Community Health Assistant, providing clinical assistance to nurses, physicians extenders and .physician examiners. , Having prirriary• responsibility ~ for inventory control of the medical and office supply, room for ~fou' nursing divisions, the. incumbent .spends, approximately, 2d% of the .time perforining~ a variety of .inventory control duties.. The ,.incumbent also is .the .back-up to the x-ray technician, .relieves the health department switchboard operator at lunch on regular, rotation and.as needed, and acts as courier to transport lab specimens and supplies to and from the jail clinic. The. remaining time is spent assisting clerical staff 6y performing general clerical duties which may require skills such as typing, data entry, and record-keeping. Clinical duties are performed under close. supervision, but the .inventory control and clerical duties are not closely supervised and require judgment and independent action. Examples of Duties .. ~. Clinical Assistance: Call patients to receive clinical services; set up rooms for clinics, . maintaining ;supply ,levels, assist nurse. s, .physician ..extenders and. physician examiners with patients; measure and record vital signs and height/weight on patient ,record; instruct patient . to obtain ~ urine specimen; transport urine and culture specimens to lab; prepare-forms for specimens; prepare medical supplies * for satellite clinics;. prepare cultures. for mailing to State lab; maintain .cleanliness ~of clinic. area; fix biological .wastes for disposal; and prepare ;supplies and literature. for distribution ~ to{ patients. ' Inventory Control: Issue medical and office.supplies to staff; monitor inventory; receive supplies -from vendors and verify billing statements; .maintain an inventory control system on computer and/or manually; prepare necessary records, forms and reports to ensure supply issues are properly coded and supplies are ordered and maintained properly and timely. cal Assistance: Prepare specialized formes; registration forms, and patient records; - ~ file patient records; assist clerical staff in record-keeping and purging medical ' records and in making patient appointments; laminate materials for health department; answer health department switchboard. X-Ray Re/ief.~ Take prescribed x-rays; process film; place in reading room; transcribe physician's dictation and prepare report. Other: Drive to pick up lab testing and miscellaneous other trips. Deliver supplies to jail. Attend team meetings and training workshops. Staff disaster shelter when ' needed. Requirements ~ A. Minimum Training and Experience: ' High school diploma or GED and one year experience performing clinical and clerical functions in a medical office or ambulatory outpatient setting; or ' successful completion of a formal training course in medical office assisting at a community college or technical institute; or an equivalent combination of '~ trammg and experience. B. Special Requirements: Must have valid driver's license to perform courier functions. C. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of medical office procedures and practices, including infection ' control. Knowledge of medical office supplies and equipment, office equipment and x-ray equipment. ' Skill in the proper use of diagnostic equipment. Skill in the safe operation of a motor vehicle. Skill in the operation of office equipment, such as a switchboard, computer, typewriter, dictating equipment, calculator, laminator, and copier. Ability to communicate effectively and tactfully. ' Ability to work under pressure of deadlines, frequent interruptions and changes of assignments, and stressful surroundings (i.e., children crying, upset patients) -- and produce accurate and effective results. Pr~oared by: - C . Date: ~ 2 L O °~ ~ Catherine C. Morgan, Persor~n I nalyst 53 This page intentionally. left blank ..\ i ~.. ~, !/; `\' '~~ 1 D ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ _ ~~ .~ O /, ~ T d (' i 1. ~ - _ % ~•_ ~ ~ i ~ ~ o m ..~ \ n ~,~ ~\ ~. i ji j m i ........_.._........./ ..........._......_.....l....s_... i i i n i~ ,.........~ , !i. i D s- r x c~ ?+ m o c~ m a D 70 N Ccc~xymrx-ix 'O N ~ ~~~~~m~C~ZO ~O O Dnr~-~tmi~~_m~~~ n .+ Opr^~~O~Dmm d O 2rmZmZ rCn O ~ ~`yc~o ~ r ,..t ~ 3 ZZZac9-~<<om~ -~ ~ m mm77m~r=7ND~M (~ ~~x y~~2m m~G F_ ~~ya~m ~ fD ~ n ~r^m~ > 7 = m n m ~ = O ~_ oaa°n9 y n cmirm=~< Z C7 o cn a n~ o S F ~ aQ ~ o a c I', 8 3 j °o, g H m `\ W ~' ~ M0 )G" N 1 S N 3 Z ~ ~ ...~ ~` ... ~' 1 .. °~~ ~. ~.`~ `\~. 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L ~ `\. ~ r `-\ ,. • i l f it ;,\ f `~~\ j ~ ..~,/ ~\. ql~c ~~ ~'`` \ / it ~ .fr~ ~ .. ~. ~ j' i9~ ~ f ~ `~ %Yi v ~ r .. .,, a ' / , ., i \ i J ~ ...... .\\\~ - L7 . ,\ \ ;" rRa•• I ;~;. ~ %' ~ ... ! % ,c` r .~ ` rr r r r! / ~~~`~ L7 ~ / / r r r, ,: ~ ~ r i /~ ~*\9y: r ,, r r' ~ / f'~ ' ~~\ i -' i~ `\~ / f r'' q( ~qT \ \ \ rr'r \'rr WSJ. ~ \.:' j, / ' .\~~ , i i i CONSENT AGENDA ~ - .-= Btldgef Axnendx~.enf Item No. 5 February 3, 1997 ' DEPARTMENT BUDG ET AMENDMENT : Federal Forfeited Property 97-20 ' Capital Project ' AD TMENT: US )EDIT: ' Federal Forfeited Property Ca pital Project Federal Forfeited Property $9,196 ' Supplies EXPLANATION DATE• 2-3-97 CREDIT: X9,196 , To increase budget for additional revenue received 1-21-97. Federal 'Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for -law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~UUIVIT IiUIVIMIJa~~.tVSda~',> APPROVED ~~. ~ =~ . - 5 5 REJECTED REMOVED ~ a For Budget O((iccr's approval; then report POSTPONED - ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting 7~j ~j ~j~yy~~ and enter in minutes. DATE ~= =-~ -_%/~~<~~~.•~ ~~ Tn hr a~nmvrA by C~mmi~ai~nrra. J ~. - _ Y_ _. ---=- .. .. , This page, intentionally left blank ~. _ .. ~ -; :: _. ~~ .... - 6J .. r \ ~\' ~'4 ~ L~l~ti~~~ xf tip` ~, i.r~.l.4 ~,~ , .~~ ~ e., 1t` < 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/03/97 Regular. Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item ;r: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJE T: NCDOT Road Addition BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Greenbriar South Subdivision RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOITESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: l~1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: CQUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- Adopt Resolution . ~OUN~ ~OMMI~g~. '_. '~ APPROVED' v""" REJECTED REMOVED :. POSTPOfVEp ~ ` Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition NORTH CAROLINA STATE OEPART~`~ENT OF TRANSPORTAJION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County Of New Hanover _ , Petition request for°~(check one) Addition. to State System (x} Paving ( ). ~ Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being all of the property owners on Greenbriar South Subd. (Descrl a or give OCdI name or Secon ary oa Num er ~n P County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department o ransportation and Highway Safety to the above described road. _ We further advise. that the road requested to add is miles in length and at the present time there are occup~e omes ocated on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way sixty (60) feet in width extending the entire length of the road that is re.^,uested to be improved along with the necessary areas for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in-the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes end to execute said right-of-way agreement ~or-ms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways in order that the Division of Highways fulfill the requirements of Chapter 1244, 1959 Session of the General Assembly of North Carolina. REMARKS Two copies of recorded subdivision p]at enclosed if applicable PROPERTY OWNERS NAME --~- -- ~ r ADDRESS The Division of Highways should conta~c/Jt~/the first petitioner lis/t~e~d below: Ai-. ..ri ro Fmm~rt Tr - ~ ///'/ ~~--~---~ 99 Aqua Vista Drive ~ ~ Wilmington, N.C. 28409 ~ _ ~~ l Revised Form SR - 1 (7 - 73)~:_-All ,previous forms obsolete _ _ ~~.~.....~.~:- - NEW HAr1~~'; ~,` r' ~. . . _ ~ ~• .1 _. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4 _ ~!A~lw.s~c~_•7••~`~irr'v~"1.1' T'Yy`1:a:r ~L~_1~l.1:.".-5 ~1 ...sYM'Cl!X7'!''~ ~~ ~96 ~--~ ~~~Y .~ µ~one ~ ~~a G~a~ r~~~~-t~v ~'° '~: ~~ 1 O i ~ a:' r . z . y a ^1 \ _ `: ~~ <<7 :r a~ or Q ~ ~ ~ ~ U'} U S ~~~ ~ ~~ FaYwoo v w. ~,. s ~ eo ~~ LOCATION MAP _ Nor ro s~A,: r z -. _ .~ 59 R~ J