Agenda 1997 02-17~- i i i AGENDA ?~~~,,µOYER Cp l< Gy ' ~ ~. ~, .~. -c< ~, ~/~ 0 P fCf' NORTµ~~' R08ERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIFiZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANOA M, COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F, HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARO February 17,-1997 9:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA . ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES ~ NO. 9:1 ~ a.m. •1. Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques 1 9:2~ a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 3 9:3~ a.m. 3. Presentation of Groundwater Study Results and Request ~ 5 For Further Direction 10:00 a.m. 4. Presentation of the New Hanover Communities Action Coalition 19 Regarding Changes to the Existing Annexation Laws 10:10 a.m. 5. Presentation of Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee 23 Annual Report ' 10:25 a.m: 6. Presentation of Status of Emergency Operations Center Project 27 10:4 a.m. 7. Consideration of Scheduling 1997 Board of Equalization and Review 43 10:50 a.m. 8. Committee Appointments 45 11:15 a.m. 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 91 ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 11:30 a.m. ADJOURN NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE _ .. 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 D FEBRUARY 17, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE N(~. ~~ 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) ~ 91 2. Approval of Minutes ~ 93 3. Consideration of Engineering Contract Termination Northside WWTP 9~ Contract #94-0348A ADJOURN ~I .. ... ;, . L . ; -: - ,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 101 2. Acceptance of Emergency Management Grant 103 3. Approval of Change Order to Contract #96-0254, Post, Buckley, Schuh 111 & Jernigan, Inc., Cell No. 4B Permit RenewaUTransition Plan 4. Approval of contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, Inc. 121 #97-0269 Phase II closure Design, Cell No. 1, New Hanover County Landfill 5. Approval of advertisement of tax liens on real property 137 6. Approval or release of taxes barred by G.S. 105-378 139 7. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 141 Collection Reports 8. Approval of Release of Value 145 9. Adoption of Resolution awarding bid #97-0207, approval of contract 147 #97-0207 for purchase of RISC 6000 system for the Library and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0120 10. Adoption of resolution adding the following road(s) to the State highway 203 system 11. Approval of Budget Amendments A. #97-21 to increase budget for contribution from NCDOT for the access 207 road to Vision Software B. #97-0121 to budget donation received from the Wilmington Rotary 208 Club for temporary salaries, a computer, and a printer for the Children's Orthopedic Clinic C. #97-0118 to budget additional Grassroots Science Grant received by the 209 Museum for FY 96-97 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ - PAGE ~ O NO. 12. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned 211 by the New Hanover County and City of Wilmington 13. Approval of resolution requesting the County Commissioners to 215 - authorize the conveyance of its interest in jointly-owned lots to the . City of Wilmington _. .. ..,.. ,. xs ~~ ~ ~ ... - ~~ ~~ . _ . .. - . ~ __ .. .... - ~. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97. Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item tt: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Glad s B ant ~~~~ Presentation of Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: Former New Hanover County employees listed below are eligible to receive a retirement: Michael K. Braswell-Tax Department 2/17/76 to 9/1/96 Betty V. Ayala, Tax Department, 12/11/61 to 11/1/96 Catherine Miles, Health Department 6/1/74 to 12/1/96 Saza J. Brashear, Library 6/11/73 to 1/1/97 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: - _ " Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: 1~1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre aced: .- REVIEWED BY• ~ ~ ~ - LGL: FIN: ~ - BUD: HR: . BOUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• • ., ~ . . Present retirement plaques to former County employees. 6"Ol~N~1i COMMISSiON~~fi APPROVED G/ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition REJECTED ~ REMOVED t:! POSTPONED EI / DATE ~:__~ /(1 ~ 7 ~~ l RETIREMENT~PLA4UES NAME: DEPARTMENT: JOB TITLE: YEARS OF SERVICE: RETIREMENT EFFECTIVE: NAME: DEPARTMENT: JOB TITLE: YEARS OF SERVICE: RETIREMENT EFFECTIVE: Michael K. Braswell - Tax Appraiser 20 Years 6 Months 09/01/96 Eva Cathy Miles Health , Community Health Assistant 22 Years 5 Months. 12/01/96 ' NAME: DEPARTMENT: JOB TITLE: YEARS OF SERVICE: RETIREMENT EFFECTIVE: Betty V . Aya°la Tax Tax Clerk 28 Years 11 Months 12/01/96 NAME: Sara J. Brashear DEPARTMENT : __ ___._ . Library JOB TITLE: Library Associate YEARS OF SERVICE: _ 23 Years 6 Months RETIREMENT EFFECTIVE :• •~.01/O1/97 ~ ~:/MF \~fF..,~~~j~ `iii ;~ ~:~. 2 ~~ ~~,~ . ~•. - '.a ~ ..~ F w_ J t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item n: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item n: Department: Presenter: Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Rose B ant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (5) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Donald C. Kuhnle -MIS; Douglas O. Vredenburgh -Sheriffs Dept.; Scott C. Walker -Sheriffs Dept.; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: James S. Craig -Engineering; Steven R. McClelland -Sheriffs Dept.; Dorothy C. Gillies - Health; Anne N. Colvard -DSS; Jacqueline C. Holt -DSS; FIFTEEN (15) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: William L. Godley, III -Sheriffs Dept.; Brenda K. Hewlett -Sheriffs Dept.; Nancy H. Moore -Sheriffs Dept.; TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: David V. Barkley - N.C. Cooperative Extension; and TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Elizabeth A. Schulz -DSS. REC01V11yiENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~,a: F FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ILGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I Present service awards. iC !`CIAJTA~TL'NTC A NTl AG`!'(11JT1~TTi'NTl A TTIINC. ~ ~ ~'OUP~7Y COMMISSION APPROVED ~~ REJECTED ~ ' ' REMOVED ~ 3 POSTPONEDE~ DATE ~_ _ _a_/~ ~~9 ~ ...~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition . .. r . ' • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/17/97 • Zegular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: County Manager Presenter: Hank Lyon/Ed Andrews 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUB.TECT: • Presentation of Groundwater Study Results and' Request for Further Direction - BRIEF. STIMMARY: Andrews and Associates has completed the groundwater study of the northeastern part of the County (Executive summary is attached; a full copy is available for review in the Board's office). This study, accepted by the Groundwater Task Force, concludes that the County has over 10 million gallons per day available for use without significant problem. The Task Force also passed the following resolution: The Task Force makes the recommendation, based on the Andrews study, that development of the groundwater resource in conjunction with surface water be pursued with regard to such criteria as financial feasibility; that. the County pursues adoption of a Wellhead Protection Program and use quantity guidelines; and that RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUEST~D~TIONS: • we.request the City to adopt the same standards. Task Force Chairman Hank Lyon and Ed Andrews-will . make the presentation. • 1 Staff recommends that the Board adopt the Task Force recommendation and request staff to begin wel~ead protection planning and develop use quantity guidelines; and to develop a framework for planning fora • County drinking water system. {UNDING SOURCE.: • ~ederaLS: State S: County S: User Fees S: ~ Other S: /Ioney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3ud~et Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with Task Force recommendations. See recommendation a ve. .... r A.PPPOVED C~-.Ifs ~s~~~• • REJECTED ! R~MQVED POSTPONED Rcfcr.to Office Vision $ullctin Board for Disposition DA ~~ ~~._.~.o'-(f 7l ~` ? ~~'' -" S-1'.{~ f dt/tc v~o av~i't~yt.e .~r~ l~r~.,otedti"'~ .E' ha..ra:..., . . - ~~ ~~'~ r ~.~ ice, ''C~. i:. •%Y.r ~ , ~} ~ ' .r 3 ~. .. '. ~ ~: .;' :; . ..', F` y ~~M1I 1 /fir , Nl ~r 1 r ~.J I ; T, .': `!• ' ~~- SUBMITTED TO: r t . _ ::t y. ~y:... '~; t ^~ ., •.- '{: ii - -- -_- NEW HANOVER COUNTY - 'x~ ~ GROUNDWATER TASK E'ORCE = - - - DECEMBER 18, 1996. .. . r-~~ .`..,; ;> EDWZNA.NDRE'~S ~ ASSOCI~,TES, P~. C. CONSt,~LTI\G HYDROGEOLOGISTS P.O. BOX 3063 RALEIGH, N.C.27623 ~= 4,,. :,. ~ ~,.,tl-:; . , ,. ~~ ~~ ~~ a~ 9~ ~~ ~~ H2UF~ti;EJLy~G1' i,EJL~?i~Y December I8, i996 Evt1R~wNE•vT.aL _~fE~CE_ _~~IL~ EDWIN ANDREWS ~ ASSOCIATES, P.C. CO~~liLTI~G HYDROGE`~LOGI~T~ P.O. B~~X 30053 P:~L.EIGH, N.C. 27022.Oo53 'PHONE: (919) 733.339 FA.`C: (919) 733.0151 Mr. David Weaver Assistant County Manager New Hanover County Office of-the County Manager 320 Chestnut Street, Room X02 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 - 4093 Re: ~ Summary Report -Phase II -New Hanover County • Mid-County -Water Resource Evaluation EAA Project No. 3 - 96 , Dear Mr. Weaver: o~ ~~ ~~ 9~ I~ .1 i~ Thin letter report contains the findinvs of test drilling and aquifer testin, in the mid county region of New Hanover County bracketed by U.S. 17 to the South, Sidbury Road to the north, extending wesnti•ard toward North Chase. Subdivision. This report identities the total volume of water that can be developed from the Castle Hayne and Pee Dee Aquifers ; - in the Mid-County area of the County. The Mid-County ` ~. area w•as selected as a potential water supply because of ~ '`~ ~'' = " '-~ •~~' "`•"~"• aquifer recharge characteristics. "Phase I, Ground Water ~--~~..;~=~~r'~~--~ l Evaluation, New Hanover County was submitted to the ' .,,_,,` z-. -~. , New Hanover County Groundwater Task Force by BPA ~ -•,! :~,_.:~-`~=r ~.~ <<'{t-,~ ---- ! • ineerin~l -r ~-.~-'~,--~- -~-, Environmental .and En<T - `~ r~"- ~, Inc., December 7, 1995. ~ Y... r, ., :,~ , j .:This report is the "Phase II Evaluation." Phase II, is defined ~ _ '~'~-~;~~'j ` , ; as a "field investigation to evaluate the Castle Ha ne and ' ~-'~~~ • ~~ ~~•~~ Pee Dee Aquifers in the area of investigation...." This I ?~:,,a• ~ i ,r ; report entitled Phase II, essentially combines elements from ~r,t _: ~~'~ ` j .all three .phases established in the original Request for -~ • ,~- i ~ ~ Proposals. The MODFLOW simulation completed in Phase S+i%~' _ I was rewritten as a five layer model reflecting conditions _ (' t• % -~--' ~ encountered in the field. A MODFLOW simulation was i14~ • .•.-• ..............w --~~-^ completed to configure a possible well Feld layout and safe ~%T '~:::,..•.:;,.:_~~,..., ••• yield. ' ~~•. ,a: is - -„ FULL SCALE MAP ATTACHED 7. Mr. Dave Weaver,',assiStant County Manager New Hanover County _ .. Re: Summary - Phase II - ~Iid-County - ,Water Resource E~•aluation ..: ~, E~ Project No. 3 - 96 - December l8, t996 ' ~ ' Page 2 North Chase Subdivision Area Results: ' A two inch diameter observation well was constructed approximately 33 feet from existing production welt "North Chase n 2." The mud rotary boring was drilled to 150 feet below land surface and completed. ~~ as an open hole observation well. In -. order to determine the a thickness of the Pee Dee • Aquifer (tested zone) a ,~,,,~„~,,,,~,,,~, second test boring was __ ~,_...,_.4,. G""'"`' ~ made fo a depth of 360 x•x, `feet below~land surface. /~"~ .~ The test boring was ~.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ n _ cased to a depth of 330 ~~~~ ~~'""~ -~~'' R '~`-1Q feet and completed as an •i ~ '' ~-' open hole well. The o.T. ~,, `~~"~" ~<~ Clayey Portion of. the rv;._.:..:;u`,~: y ~~~' ~ y ~ ~~'~/' ~ ~ Pee Dee Formation to' ~ a . " , .,.~ X30 'feet appears .aooo o ~ .700o amo laono :owa :~ooo i adequate. to protect the ' ~ Pee Dee Aquifer portion• of .the ' E'ormation. from up coning of salt ,water ~ ~., Nb~S''rt.L2~0'•'E2COLS:+T'i ir7'rryL~9E$i'DS,1bit)C~1~P.C. ~L~r*r~.L~c.at~.ao~o~r+ ,~ f p~res DLYGR.1.~i E1+~TCH oauaz~~c sr.~owococ~ ~~~~~ ~~ "(Table`` l A = I.itholog*lc ,„ ... .. FULL SC:~L.E ~iaP ~TT~.CEIED . - - ~ ~ Description). ~ The • < . ,... "~ ~ ~ " - - Castle Hayne Aquifer~is not resent at the tested site however streaks of limestone fiave been re orted~'in the North p .. . ' . '. P - .,., . ~ fChase Subdivision Area, which mdtcates the. limit of the geologic focmatton. r q Y P P g' ~ P~ ~ ...g The a uifer w•as tested b um in the existing roduction well for 8800 minutes at'200 allons per ~" '~ minute. All other North Chase water supply wells were operated continuously or`turned.off to '~ prevent interference in the observation well. The water levels in the Observation Will"declined 6.5 to 7 feeC after 1000Tminutes. ,The aquifer was analyzed using two differentTcomputer'' matchi7M ;~ programs.- .Agtisoly ^ {Geraghty- & Miller, Inc.) used a manual matching method and Aquttest , (Waterloo Hydcolo~ic).used automatic computer matching: The results reported iri~'the•tex~t are ~~ developed based. on consideration. of both methods. The water level remained relatively constant ' in the range of 6.5 to 7 feet to 8800 minutes. This characteristic of the water level response to c~inued stress is analyzed using several lea(.y aquifer methods. The transmissivity is 1300 square ~~ d a~ ~~ A~ ~~ A~ ~~ a~ i~ ~~ 1~ 1~ 1~ !~ ~1 .1 Mr. Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager New Hanover County , Re: Summary- Phase Q -Mid-County -Water Resource Evaluarion EAA Project. No. 3 - 96 Decembzr 13, 1996 Pale 3 feet per day based on the early drawdo~~n data in the attached Cooper Jacob Curve and the match using the Hantush Curve. The storativity is determined to be 0 00951 from the Hantush method. Using the Moench Lealy Curves, a rB curve of 0.5 provided the best match. This match was confirmed using the Hantush Lealy Curves. The value forK;', or the vertical hydraulic conductivity of a semi-confining layer, is determined based on the equation: The Transmissivity is estimated at 1300 square feet per day, h-~_ Tit ~(r/B)z r1 Storativiry at 0.009, radius at 3~ feet and the thickness is ~0 feet . K' is 11.2 feet per day and leakance K'/b' is 0.?8 day't. These values appear high considering the iithology forming the confining layers (streaks of plastic clay). The confining units vary in litholow and thickness from site to site. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of 10 feet per day was used in the initial calibration simulations with MODFLOW for both confining layers. In order to calibrate the model with the thicknesses that were used the K' value was reduced to 0.01 feet per day to the southeast. This adjustment is made because leakage. determinations using the Hantush Method do not adequately differentiate other recharge boundaries that are expected to occur northwest of North Chase Subdivision. Valuzs for transmissivity (T) are expected to be lower than values to the south and east because the formations thicken. The production zonz in the pumping well at North Chase is estimated between 7~ to 10~ feet. Therefore, the hydraulic conductivity (K) is calculated to be ~3 feet per day. Nest Bay Subdivision Results: Based on our test drilling results both the Castle Hayne Aquifer and the Pee Dee Aquifer are present ~• • at West Bay Subdivision. A two inch observation well was constructed into the Pee Dee Aquifer, - approximately 31 feet from the existing West Bay Well n 2 A two inch observation well was • constructed into the Castle Hayne Aquifer and a four inch pumping weii was constructed 37 feet :from the observation. well. The lithology developed from the mud rotary drilling of the Pee Dee Observation well indicates that the confining layer is extremely .thin between. the Castle Hayne Limestone (~0 to 90 feet) and the Pee Dee Sandstone (Table No. 1B, West Bay Lithologic Log). . Additionally, the material overlying the Castle Hayne Aquifer appears to be permeable sand: This area has been defined as a recharge area by Harry E. LeGrand "An Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources in New Hanover County, N.C., July 1980. ~~ ~~~ 9 . 1V(r. Dave Weaver, assistant County Manager ~ _ . IVew Hano~~er County Re: Summary - Phase II- i/fid-County -Water Resource Evaluation E.~1 Project tio. 3 - 96 December 18, 1996 Page 4 Based: on November. measurements, the static. water. Cevel in •the Castle Rayne Aquifer is ' appro~cimately 7.~ feet below land surface and. the apparent static water level in the Water-Table is' approximately 2 .feet below land surface (spodic -low chroma soil). The head difference indicates that there is asemi-confining layer between the watertable aquifer and the Castle Rayne Aquifer. • The static water level in the Castle Rayne Aquifer is approximately 7.5 feet below~land surface and ' the static water level in the Pee Dee Aquifer is approximately 33 feet below land surface. Taking into account regional groundwater withdrawals in the Pee Dee Aquifer, the head difference between the Castle Rayne Aquifer-and the Pee Dee Aquifer indicates asemi-confining layer in this area w1th~ ' low to moderate hydraulic conductivity. ~ ~_ -' ~~~ ~ . An aquifer test was made of the Pee-Dee Aquifer using the production wel'1 to pump 22~ gallons per's minute for 8200 minutes (Table No. 2B, Aquifer Test Results). There was evidence of leaka,e or ' recharge boundary during the testing period. Using the Hantush Curve, the RB curve that was a most reasonable match was 0:03. The value for K' is~calculated to 0.0~ ft/day. The=resultin; transmissivity (T) is greater than 8,000 square feet. per day and the Storativity 'value is 0.0078: Fluctuations in the water levels revealed tharother wells in.the area interfered with the Pest: The Transmissivity, is probably valid despite the interference, because the drawdown trend'matches the Theis type curve. ` A useful value fore hydraulic conductivity value is 200 feet per day (model uses 100 feet per day after calibration). ~ ~ ~ • An aquifer test was made of the Castle Havne Aquifer using the =4 inch: test well to pump approximately 90 gallons per .minute for 2200 minutes. 'Th'ere was no evidence of leaka~,e or'' recharge boundary during the testing period: The resulting•transmissivity (T) is greater than 200 square feet per day and the Storativiry value is 0.007. Cameron Tract Results: Both the Castle Rayne Aquifer and the Pee Dee Aquifer are present on the Cameron Tract. A four inch test well and.a two inch observation well was installed into each aquifer. Aquifer tests were perfon~ned on each.aquifer using four= inch temporary pumps. The lithologic logs indicate that the Castle Rayne Aquifer extends from ~8 feet to 8~ feet, directly uriderlaiti by the Pee Dee` Sandstone Aquifer to a depth~of 1~0 feet. The Upper Pliocene material'appears to be a clay confining material, • very different from that encountered at West•Bay Subdivisrori. The water table' elevation is' essentially at .one foot below land surface as defined in the -'low chroma soils which appear (Murville and a low permeability variant of Leor). The static water level in the'Castle Rayne is approximately S feet below land surface. It is noted that the area contains deep drainage cuts, with visible flow during July 1996. The drains are deeper than'8 to 10 feet-below land`surface. The static water level for the Pee Dee Aquifer is approximately 34 feet below land surface. The head dif('e~nce between the Castle Rayne Aquifer and the Pee Dee Aquifer indicates that there is a ~~ i~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 3~ 1~ 3~ 1~ ~~ l~ ,1 iVir. Dave Weaver, assistant County 1~lanager New Hanover County Re: Summary - Phase II - ;Viid-County -Water Resource Evaluation E,~ Project No. 3 - 96 December 13, 1996 . Pale 5 significant- semi-confining layer behveen the Castle Havne Aquifer and the Pee;Dze Aquifer. Conceptual Mode! - Model Set-up: As a component of the Phase II Water Resource Evaluation, the findings of the field investigation are to be evaluated to detetlnine the amount of water available to New Hanover County. A general fiydrolog~ic budget is made to determine a "safe yield." `'Safe yield" is defined in this report as the amount of water that can be used without relying heavily on water inflow from salt sources. ,Once a .conceptual limit was established a computer model was performed using some of the hydrogeologic conditions that will further affect the supply and influence the initial well field layout. The model used is a five layer MODFLOW ("A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite- Difference Ground-Water Flow ivlodel"', by Michael G. McDonald and Arlen W, Harbaugh .1988) simulation.- The model~is gridded 110 columns by 104 columns rows with a 1-000 foot spacing (Figure # 3A,B & C -Model Grid). Layer 1 simulates the water table aquifer. Layer 2 and simulate "Confining Units 1 & ?above the Castle Hayne Aquifer and above the Pee Dee Aquifer .respectively. Layer 3 is the Castle Hayne Aquifer and layer ~ is.the Pee Dee Aquifer. The model consists of hydrologic properties such as conductivity (Transmissivity) and hydrologic conditions such as the Atlantic Ocean, the Cape Fear River, vegetation, wells, drains and streams. These , conditions. form an extremely complex frame~~•ork for each applicable layer (Figure =~ =1A-iVt -Model Coefficients and Elevations). Initially, the coefficients that were derived in ehe aquifer test and found in previous reports were used to design the model. A process of calibrating existing or previous conditions to known water levels in each aquifer results in modification from measured conditions. The calibration is made to steady state conditions, not knowing exact pumping patterns and histories. An example of the modification from measured conditions is the leakage value measured at North Chase Subdivision resulting in high eater levels in the .Pee Dee Aquifer. 1n order to calibrate, the hydraulic conductivity of confining unit ? (layer 4) is reduced and a recharge area was added toward U.S. Route 4? 1. After the model is designed, and calibrated well fields are placed on the model grid. Initially, a model analysis is made for approximately 23 million gallons per day (Figure ~ ~A-C, Well Field Layout). The model begins with the water levels from the calibration, adds the wells and simulates 1000 days, ?000 days, 3000 days, 5000 days and 10,000 da}~s. The model is then reduced to an initial capacity of 10.4 million gallons per day. Using the actual conditions developed, the model could be verified in .order to optimize to.the full potential of both aquifers. Water Budget: Generally, water available to aquifers comes from three recharge sources: First rainfall that e • ~~ Mr. Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager _ -. - New Hanover County , Re: Summary - Phase II - ~yfid-County -Water Resource Evaluation EAA Project No. 3 - 96 _ . December 13, 1996 -~ Pale 6 up in each aquiferindirectly on site; Second, the aquifers contribute from areas outside the site due ~-. to regional flow and the effect of the pumping (cone of depression). The i 1Tt[,Gtt,~(lll•1UfIm~PIl00DIDAtt„ ~ third source, is to reverse the gradient II ' • ~ from streams, rivers, drains and ~ ~ ~ W r . V ~ • - ~ ~ marine sources. The numbers used in i ~ ,..~...~-~..~ .~,„,,;,~,,,w~D,N;,,;,,, establishing. a water budget .are ~ hDwNAi--0MLDNU~,n.b .~ ~ ..T~ • estimated, because of. the , large ~ -~'~ ` ~~~,.~T.~~ + ~ - number of variables that influence the , values. The modzled area is measured ~ ~,,,~~~ ft.wa: ~• - to be ,11 Q,000 feet; by .104,000 feet i :`. ` : ':::'[`::... . AUt IFFR `v.t,,.~.1t.6..c7.7o!7LD ,.' I_ ~ . (I 1,4=10,000,000 square feet): This ~ variable is ...;..basically ~ .arbitrary. ~ Average. rainfall is established at 51 inches per-.year (average). Therefore; rainfall recharge is estimated at 716.8 PEE DEE ~ • ~ , - ~ .'~ ~~ aQtT(FER.. i i 7 , ~ ~ ``7/°Ly~,,,~ tied:-~.~•~1, ~ ..... '. T. QiOi'7. YETF1De~04wlveCt OUT•alnCD. j ~- .., r .. AYALLAItl GROI'~0 wai[N /ON I~tTUL l'3[ SI4f.D li ,. -^ ". million gallons per day. (Figure ~ 6 _ _ _ Non-Pumping Water Budget) - ,?•T ^" - Approximately ~•million gallons per day is being withdra~~n from the Pee Dee Aquiferand 4 million gallons per:day is being withdra~~zt from the Castle Hayne Aquifer. It is-estimated that 38 to 44 ' inches oi• 618.3 million gallons per day of the rainfall is lost ao evapotranspiration. This leaves 89 million <*allons per day leaving the area. The water leaves the area as base flow to rivers, streams and the Atlantic Ocean: The recommended initial safe yield is ~0% of 89 million gallons per day. Assuming that a major portion of the drainage in the region is~via drainage ditches~and fresh water streams, the risk,.,of salt water.. intrusion is minimized. Additionally, the Pee. Dee will' derive additional water, that is needed without. direct exposure fo saltEwater; except to th'e "south toward Figure Eight Island:. ~. - , This budget shows the '~i 'f f ~T Th t I b d = b 11 d ~b d o t~ ;© st~ni tcance o management. e to a water u get is astca y escn e - as inflow, stored or outflow. This budget relates safe yield to 30% of projected outflow. The value tN' ~ 30% is significant, because in areas that utilize.water reuse, th'e amount.of water saved by water ~" reuse is frequently. 30%. -If water reuse is.located in: areas of outflow, salt water intrusion will be ~ ~T~^`"f significantly minimized.. /y/Y-, 3 ~( iti'Iodel Analysis: . .. Calibration: ~ An ' ' ~ I model was made using 4.5 million gallons per day ~~zthdrawal at selected pumping areas i~ i~ i~ ,~ i~ ~~ i~ i~ ;~ ~~ ~~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 9~ i~ Mr. Dave Wzaver, Assistant County vlanager New Hanover County Re: Summary - Phase II - Ltid-County -Water Resource Evaluation E:1~ Project No. 3 - 96 December l8, 1996 ;Page 7 . to simulate expected average conditions for the Pee Dee Aquifer and l.~ million gallons per day for -quarry dewatering in the Castle Hayne Aquifer. The five layer model developed, by Waterloo Hydrologic, Inc. has a unique characteristic; it does not allow for leakance. Rather the models~~ requires that confining layers are entered as if they are low. permeabtktry aquifers. The model was run under steady state conditions and water levels «~ere calibrated to hypothetical water elevations at the existing quarry sites to the north, and near the Conung Plant to the southwest. The modeled water levels were also calibrated to each of the test well water elevations measured in early November. Without specific surveyed elevations, the calibration should be considered as a genera( control rather than a statistically precise verification (Figures No. ~A-C, Calibration Results) . After calibration, 14.=1 Million Gallons per Day is modeled being withdrawn from the Pee Dee Aquifer in a series of-four well fields in the Mid-County Area (Figure Nos. 8A-T, Pee Dee - 14.4 1VtGD Models Simulations). The models show the water level coatours predicted for five time steps of .1000 days, 2000 days, 3000 days, X000 days and 10,000 days (Figures Nos. 8A-E). The difference between the calibrated water,levels and each time step are shown as drawdown (Figures Nos. 8F-J ). Across section of Row 1~ and Column ~7 show tfiat water levels begin to drawdown to elevations below the tops of well screens as soon as 1000 days (Figures Nos. 8K-T). Leakage or rechar~_e boundaries appear to slow do~ti-n the drawdown process from 1000 days to 10,000 days. Because of-the drawdown drops 'below the top of the screen, the initial recommendation to begin ground~~-ater development is reduced to approximately 10.4 million gallons per day. In a manner similar to the Pee Dee Aquifer, the :Castle Hayne Aquifer is modeled for five time steps. After calibration,~8.6 Million Gallons per Day is modeled being withdrawn from the Castle Hayne . Aquifer in a series of two well fields in the Mid-County Area (Figure Nos. 9A-T, Castle Hayne -8.6 MGD Models Simulations). The models show the water level contours predicted for five time steps of 1000 days, 2000 days, 3000 days, 5000 days and 10,000 days {Figures Nos. 9A-E). The difference between the calibrated water levels and each time step (Figures Nos. 9F-J). Across section of Row 1 ~ and Column ~7 shows that water levels begin to drawdown to elevations below the tops of well screens as soon as X000 days (Fi~*ures Nos. 9K-T). Leakage or recharge boundaries ~-:"': do not appear to slow down the drawdown. Essentially, the Castle Hayne will supply the modeled capacity understanding the shallow nature of the aquifer. The risks associated tvtih the use of a shallow aquifer are due to contamination and dewatering. .. As a result of drawdown into the well screens, a 10.4 Million Gallons per Day is modeled being tivithdrawn from the Pee Dee Aquifer in a series of four well fields. in the Mid-County Area ,(Figure Nos. l0A-T, Pee Dee - 10.4 MGD Models Simulations). The models show the water level contours predicted for five time steps of 1000 days, 2000 days, 3000 days, 5000 days and- 10,000 days is 13 ] Mr. Dave Weaver, :assistant County ivianager • ~ , New Hanovec County . Re: Summary - Phase II - iVtid-County -Water Resource Evaluation ~• ; E ~. Project No. 3 - 96 December l8, 1996 Page 8 shown as drawdocvn (Fiwres Nos.103A-E). The difference between the calibrated .water levels and each time step (Figures Nos: 10F-J). Across section of Row .15 and Column ~7 shows .that water . levels do~not drawdown to elevations below the tops of well screens even after 10,000 days (Figures , Nos". l OK-T). Leakage or recharge boundaries. appear to slow down the drawdown .process from , 1000 days to 10,000 days. • ~. ,.. InitiaL~Vell Field Layout: '••~r i.~'?!.~~`""•~ ~ ''~-=L•'-•~3. - , " ~ ~ The well field simulation conf guration is , . ~~ ,~ J . ;~ ~ ~,~ ~ . ~~ •. • ~ based : on 18 ., .pumping wills located ,. .o ~ ~ ~ ;"~. o°';~,_ ~ "~ I approximately on 1000 foot centers forming , . ~~ t„ . ,°1" •;;1.•~ several lines, with an .axis parallel to the -'TM a~ / ~ ~ coastline (Figure ~ 11, Initial WeI1 Field i -==~ ~i `~ ~'~ ~ •~- guration Regulations re uire that ~~ --~•=- ~ . 100% . redundancy be provided.This ~'•, r~ .~+.:,•~ ~ redundancy can be. a. second series of wells ,: '~"_~-~, ;~' ."H~ ,located at mid , ints bet<~•een wells. Cv,cling . po ' [ ~; f '~ •~ ~ ~ •between well points ,will .minimize .the `~ ;maximum drawdown, in individual. wells. . . " ~ .,<. ~~ '~ Engineering- . constraints , ~~ can ~ bz - i accommodated ~ by, adjustments ,in,,this ,. ;. L :~..~-.~.,:..•_.-_~~•_.•~::-.! ;proposed Payout. Essentially, spacing each ' ~-~,,,,,-.,,,.a,,,~,~., i well 1000 feel is a.good initial layout. As . . I -_- • ~ - -~ - ' "' the, well field is expanded ao meet future . ~ .. ;,,:,. ~~~~n,rr, (~M•VT•. >,~,.-~~~•-:T.• - -growth the spacing~'becornes more-critical . , - _ ..reg. w..•o~ ~. a e~~w .in.. ~ ~ " • ~ ~ ~ • y!ater. quali"ty; tests from the .Castle Hayne Rp:cIV ~~IH1F••~v ~: c:~ ITT^, ~. t• r. .. ,-_ . .. ~.., ..r...., ~~. ~,.<.,....~.,...:,,r_ • - and-Pee :Dee;,Aqutfer revealed that both, had " ' .~~:~~,<r • ~,. i:iri,~. -.~~.~.~:~.~. ~,~~<., ~ `aignifcant total .hardness. However, it•is °' "~' _= believed that the~~4•ater developed from,the FU[-t- SCAT-E tVtr~P ~~r-r~~t-tED _ . , ~ - , , Pee Dee Aquifer., is slightly better- quality - overall. ; Therefore, the initial will. field , lay_out.relies on.the Pee Dee Aquifer.:.:if spacing becomes a probaem or draw•down in a well:appears greater than regionally modeled, the addition of Castle Hayne Aquifer wells will." provide needed. , volume, while reducing the impact in the Pee Dee Aquifer. The initial well field layout for the Castle Hayne Aquifer reflects the aquifer. thickness and .depth _ , by locating the' wells toward the northeast. "The Castle Hayne FAquifer thins to the west.and north, therefore the aquifer thickens and deepens lathe southeast, allowin~~for,more drawdown•: •_: ; .. 14 . . i~ i~ i~ i~ ~~ i~ i~ 1 Mr. Dave Weaver, Assistant County ;Manager New Hanover County Re: Summary - Phase II -Mid-County -Water Resource Evaluation EAA Project No. 3 - 96 December 18, 1996 Page 9 Water Quality: After collecting water samples at the West Bay test site, it was determined that water quality ~4i11 probably vary after extended pumping in each aquifer. This is especially true for iron, sulfides and manganese. " Ne~y Hanover County should be prepared to treat for hardness and iron due to variability over space and time. Lateral salt water intrusion does not appear likely in the proposed well field areas. Salt water intrusion will-occur in other areas because of the drawdow-n at the Mid- County wells. Based on the water level contours for the 10.=1 million gallons per day withdrawal, the. drawdo~in should not result in measurable salt water movement until futurz expansion is implemented, • .Conclusions: The following conclusions are derived from this (Phase II) analysis and from a hydrogeolo~ic literature research of the area: ~''• - " - t:,_ . -- • A water supply of?3 million gallons per day is available from the Pee Dee-and Castle Hayne .Aquifers. • Initially, a 10.4 million gallon per day we[1 field will not have a significant impact on other users in the area. • The de`_rez of impact anal the need for water resource mana~_ement will increase as the volume pumped increases from 10.=1 and ?3 million gallons per day. The well fields are located in an area susceptible to pollution, therefore wellhead protection wi Il be necessary. ~ ~ . • Sinkhole development will not occur with the initial Pee Dee Wellfield. Pumpage from the Castle Hayne Aquifer will result in sinkhole development similar to that found in the Castle Hayne area due to quarry dewatering. ~ _. , • Lateral salt water intrusion will be minimal in the well field area. However, salt water intrusion will occur at a distant point as the salt water moves in response to a new • equilibrium. • The salt water test well constructed at North Chase revealed very thick clay lenses behveen the production aquifer and the underlying salt water; therefore, upconing of salt water is unlikely. •. Iron and Total Hardness will be above drinking water limits. The initial concentrations will increase as more wells are added. Lowering the tivater level in the aquifers will result in dissolving of the aquifer matrix, leading to high iron and hardness. 7 The field testing, initial ~.vell field layout and modeling indicates that a 23 million gallon per day supply is readily available from the Pee Dee Aquifer and the Castle Hayne Aquifer. The cone~o~ tilt. Dave Weaver, assistant County iVfanager New Hanover County Re: Summary - Phase II - ~tid-County -Water Resource Evaluation E~ Project No. 3 - 96 December l3, 1996 Pale 10 depression is expected to be significant as the system is developed beyond the initial 10.6 million gallons per day. Water conservation anti management will be necessary. ~. ~ y ~ u The decision to install a 1'arge well field has significant impact on other groundwater users:in the .. . area..The water level contours modeled in this report wilf.impact other users--resulting in pumps. having to be lowered, salt water intrusion and possible well problems. The State of North Carolina , regulates this competition for water by establishing Capacity Use Areas. Control.of ~ oundwater resourcesdill enable New Hanover Countyao optimize development whilz minimizing risks... The development of well fields to .10.E MGD from the Pee Dee Aquifer plus.an additional 8..6 MGD ~ from the Castle Hayne Aquifer are reasonable without significant controls. ll ~.` , I - f As groundwater development expands, however, management strategies ~~ill need to be in place: These management strategies include a well designed Well Head Protection Program, a Capacity Use Program, and appropriate land use planning. • ~ ., . , Ne~v Hanover County will be able to configure a Well Head Protection Program based on MODFLOW, by running ti1T3D~or anothersolute transport model to determine regions of risk. As the ~titODFLOW is adjusted to actual proposed well locations, a Well Head Protection Area,should be defined so that the New~Hanover County Planning Department can adjust plans as needed. New Hanover.Counry can develop acounty-ordinance using the State~of North Carolina Capacity Use Re~~ulations 1 ~A NCAC 2E as-'a guideline (lt willbz necessary to have an attorney determine legality of an ordinance). A capacity use ordinance will allow for water. resource. management immediately outside of the mid county well field site. Land use planning will need to evolve around the 1h/ellhead Protection Area. It wild be necessary to control sources of contamination to acceptable distances from wells irrthe Castle Hayne and the Pee Dee.Aquifers.. The.EPA may~have Wr=llhead Protection funds that may be-available for detailed evaluation. This proposed well field for New Hanover County is located in a recharge area for the Castle Hayne Aquifer (LeGrand). The importance of Wellhead Protection for New Hanover County is emphasized. .,.. ~~~ ~ - ~ .. . Other management strategies that would be suitable to the well field configured for New Hanover County are: conjunctive use; water reuse; and artificiak storage and recovery (ASAR): Conjunctive use with surface water supplies would be particularly beneficial coupled with ASAR. An intake could be .located based on high discharge (stream flow) conditions when the salinity -wedge'is down stream (probably winter conditions). The water could be pumped from the river, treated and artificially injected into each aquifer to store,`~minimize dr'awdown, retard sinkhole development . an~ tpprevent salt-water intrusion. Water reuse would be particularly beneficial to' golf coursed and 1 ~~ ~~ i~ i~ i~ ivfr. Dave Weaver, Assistant County ivianager New Hanover County . Re: Summary - Phase II - Vtid-County -Water Resource Evaluation E.T.A Project No. 3 - 96 ` December 18, 1996 . Paget 1 .other vegetated facilities, reducing consumption of ground water by replacing the lame irrigation wells that are near to the salt water toe in each aquifer. New Hanover County has available water resources based on this initial field evaluation and model, to develop a central water system. This evaluation answers the primary question of water supply. There is enough water for initial ground water development. The amount of water that is ultimately available is based on good management and technology. I hope that this evaluation provides a firm basis for decision making. Please contact my office for further assistance or if you have any questions. ,Very truly yours, ~~~~.~~~~,~.,,,.~ +++++••• .,,, EDWIN ANDREWS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ' Edwin E. Andrews III, P.G. ,.3~f . Z ~, C-?2~ ;, Consulting Hydrogeologist = T" ~Gf. - ~ 3 0 ~~~ G~ ~,y~ r. ~'~. ,~`' encl 17 ;. ::. ~; _^.. L "t l . I lJ ~I .. . ~ } 'l. U ~ t. ~ + `. •:J ~1-- ~ .. .-. ( f I r f ... t i f ~ ti ~~ ~~ _1 u .!. z a ~ ~J ~j C C _~~ ~ o z 1 Q •J 1 r 'G' G U ~ ~ C E C 18~ G. ~ J t •. ~. i - '/ I I f f 1 ,! 'i I _ ' i ~ .~ L'': •~ ~_ 'J /. /~ C U ~' .. ~ ~ , . c ~ .. - il - ~. ~ _ ~' ;J ~ ~ .~ G ~j ~ f J II / Z - .., _ '~` .N ~ r / ~~.% /'1 . r i J .. / N ~ ~~' ~~. z ~. _~ .: •. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: See Below Pa e Count In A ends-Packs e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.IECT: Presentation by the New Hanover County Communities Action Coalition Regarding Changes to the Existing Annexation Laws - BRIEF SUMMARY: A representative of the New Hanover County Communities Action Coalition will present a proposal - concerning changes to annexation laws (attached). _~' .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation . i FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: ~. ~' FIN: BUD: HR: ~OUNT'Y COMM1~.~9~~1~ fiI'D-~V~D ~~uwd PEJEGTED REMOVED POSTPOIVEn ~ DATE ~ ~.~ J ~ 7~~ ~ ~..., Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~a ~„ _ ,{- ~ AdO~" /~e5o ~(e{7~y~ ClAt ~dPa'tPre Gr~"a9rg,in ,~f~p~y.1 ~. ^ Y. . .. _ _._:. _ .. _ - _. .. .. U February 5, 1997 Allen O'Neal, County Manager a New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: This is to request that a representative of the New Hanover Communities'Action_Coalition'be allowed to make a presentation regarding changes to the existing annexation laws at the next ~~ County Commissioners meeting. Thank you for your assistance. ~~~~~"" Jim Medlin Vice-Chairman New Hanover Communities Action Coalition -~ ~, ., t ,~ ~... ._ ._.... _ _ . - - _r _ - ~ .. . ~ . La 1. +. ,...) i} ~ ~' ~~ ~ G Tl . ~ -t +F 20 ~ ~~ ~~ - ~:~~ T ~ ~r s.l „~' .; o ~_ . .: ._ r .` ~- NEW HANOVER COMMUNITIES ACTION COALITION (NHCAC) PROPOSED CHANGES TO N.C. ANNEXATION STATUTE PURPOSE: 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 To amend the current archaic. and undemocratic _law to reflect the needs and interests of North Carolina citizens. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS To G.S. # 160-47A. Prerequisites to annexation• ability to serve, report and plans. • An area may be annexed only after a prior majority. vote by the residents subject to annexation. (New provision) • Upon submission of a protest petition signed by 20% or more of landowners affected by a proposed annexation, the ordinance shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of three-fourths of city council members. (New Provision) • Before an annexation plan is adopted, require County Commissioners 75% -majority approval of the plan. (New Provision) • An area should not be considered for annexation, except by petition, if water mains and water lines or sewer outfall lines and sewer lines are in place and are maintained by a governmental entity or a private contractor and which serve 75% of all households or businesses. (New Provision) To G.S. # 160-48A. Character of area to be annexed. • Part or all of the area to be annexed must be developed for urban purposes. An area developed for urban purposes is defined as any area which meets any one of the following standards: 21 _~" . Page 2 ~ ~~ . ~ _ . ,_ ; 1. Has a total resident population equal to at least four persons (present one person)--for each. acre of land included within its boundaries. .o 2. Is so subdivided into lots and tracts that at least 80 /o (present 60%) of the total acreage, not counting acreage used at the time, of annexatioa for commercial, industrial, governmental or institutional purposes, consists of lots and tracts three acres or less in size. ~ ~ ~ ~ . - C S ~rtse wi-) 3. If a tract of land is classified as commercial, industrial, institutional or governmental,rat least seventy percent (70%)-of the land area of the tract must actually be in use for that specific purpose: (New provision) . ~ ~. l~ ACTIONS REQUESTED Su lement Janu 6 1997 e luti • pp ary R so on filed with North Carolina ~General~ Assembly with proposed specific amendments. • Urge that amendments apply to annexation ordinances. subject to pending litigation. • Request a moratorium be.placed on all annexation~proceedings until a _ comprehensive, objective and diligent study be made of the annexation ` " • statute and changes needed to reflect the interests~and needs~of North Carolina citizens. Ll 2/5/97 ~ :. .. - .. f~~k 2~ _ .. . _.. 2 2 :~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~. ~ Meetin Date: 02/17/97 g Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: Presentation. by the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. . BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. Edward V. Grace, Chairperson of the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee will present the . Committee's 1996 annual report. . RE~Oi~IMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - . FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ~ State S: - County S: User Fees S: view Appropriation Request: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Eud~et Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANP r'r~n'c ~nn~rnR~r`r~rc ~ rrn nt~r-n~~r1`,r~tvr~ ~ ~rrn,.rc. Hear presentation. ., j a ~. . ~OUNTIf ~QMh~/S~~~t,,-d pppROVED FE-ECTED . pE~iOVED POSTPONE )) ~~ DATE- -~ .~i.~. G~~=J Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~- ~~~:- ~ a -'~ fE6 0 51991 ..___.. ~ . .•1:. i _. .. ~ Edward V. Grace 301 Honepcutt~Dr. Wilmington, NC 28412 910 392 , 5692.. ,- , 2 February 1997. Allen O'Neal °, ~ • • , • County Manager • New Hanover County 302 Chestnut Street Rm 502 _ _ _ . Wilmington; NC, 28401, -• - Dear Mr O'Neal, - As the Chairperson of the Nursing Home Community Advi- sory Committee I am requesting that I be given time on the County Commissioners meeting of 1? February 1997 to present our annual report. This report I am embar- rassed to say is again very late. As you can see from the written copies the report is short and will require a minimum of time. In the busy agenda I would make a brief statement and then answer and questions my esti- mate is about three to"five minutes. I would hope that the agenda will have time for one of the totally volunteer committees that needs the visible support of the Commission. Thank you for your consideration. I maybe reached at 392 5692 any time. ..a P~ . ., y/'~ y Enclosed .. _...._ .. _~ _.... .. ~.... _ NHCAC Annual Report (2) _~:;C. . ,;:.. _ ~- :.: _ .. S' rely t dward V. Grace ~ ~~ ' ,,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY CO~IMITTEE Annual Report 1996 i Committee Members as of 31 December 1996 Edward V.-Grace Chairperson . Ernst M. Swart ' Anne Hardaway Teresa D. Goldston Nora Bednarczyk Elizabeth A. Weis Secretary Lynn W Yow John Horton ' Annette Crumpton (eh-officio) Facilities served in 1996 '~" There were five (6) Nursing Facilities with 8~9 beds visited on the mandated quarterly schedule through December. All of these facilities were 'f' served. by the committee. _ • Efforts of the Committee during the year This year continued as in past wears with few new .efforts but continuing to emphasize facility vis- its, committee training and contact with the public ~~ as opportunity was made available. Volunteer time `. remains the typical restraint. ~' s ~, The committee focused on the quarterly visits, with an attempt to make two visits each quarter and the sharing of information to insure ,that the- patient Bill of Rights as defined and established in~ the -North Carolina General statutes (G.S.~ 131E-128) were. being followed. The changing of Committee members during the year restricted educational efforts of the public to personal contact with .family members or visitors while in the facilities. Some members gained some additional opportunities by making private citizen visits between mandated visits. In addition the committee continues~a campaign. to get agenda time at the meetings of service organizations such as Rotary, etc to inform them of the nature of Nursing Facility programs and what volunteers mean to their success. The Committee as a whole keeps informed on issues that are involved with aging, operation of facili- ties, and the community through speakers at our quarterly meetings as•well as discussions of the findings during our visits and educational material 2 5 available through State Division of Aging, Long- Term Care Ombud~sman~Program. Summary of strengths found through committee operations A)Facilities able-to.correc't.~long term appearance questions B)Administrator changes- have resulted in positive responses C)Visitors although seen as not many always have positive impact - E)New personal willing to improve current opera= tions Summary of weaknesses found through comm'ittee' opera- tions . A)General lack of visitors at facilities B)Need to have more volunteer contact with NHCAC C)The inability of facilities to :keep staffing .at satisfactory levels D•)Ewen with improved facilities the work load a presented housekeeping deficiencies E)Training 'of both paid staff- and volunteers at facilities F)Need for committee review of resident activity programs The Committee .receive excellent "support .from the Ombudsman Program of the Cape Fear Council of Govern- ments, Area Agency . on Aging., Region 0. Without... this support this committee-'would have a difficult-.time accomplishing its mandate... I would also comment that the effort to~gain additional members, a~County Ombudsman, change of membership, and the weather of last summer has not detractedfrom our efforts t'o me ~he committee commitment. Prepared b y ~~,/iz~-Gt~ . ~!-~i~-- Date ~~ ~/~~.~ ~~~~ Edward~V. Grace" Chairperson ," .~ .. Copies.. ~ ~ - - . Regional'Ombud~sman State Ombudsman - -~ County hiana-ger ~ ~ ` Chairman of'Gounty Commissioners -- Department"of Social Services ~ ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ Meeting Date: 02/17/97 E~egulaz Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Emergency Management Presenter: Allen ONeal Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dan Summers ~~ SUBJECT: ' Review of options for conclusion of Emergency Operations Center Project ~• BRIEF SUMMARY: ~~ The Bids received for the EOC project are significantly over budget. Some options for completion of the EOC project as well as a history of the project aze presented for your review, and consideration. The building - that is proposed to be renovated is very sound and the space is well suited to conversion into a modern and }~ functional EOC. - With an older building, certain challenges are inherent. Some of these challenges have created the bids. coming in over budget. RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: If additional funding is approved, approval of appropriate budget amendment is requested k'U[YUING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: no Budget Amendment Prepared: no New Appropriation Request: yes K~VICJWL' U t3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: J COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMiy1ENDATIONS• Hear presentation and discuss options as noted in the attached material on page -'~~~~. One option that is not noted is to abandon the project altogether. There are consequences and shortcomings with that action that must be realized. Staff is fully prepazed to discuss. ~OllN ~QM~11~1Q~t~ APPROVED ~ 2 7 REJECTED L°~---'qii ~;ds - ~, REINOVED ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposit~oJS'`~(~l~Ed ~ __ ~ bl a t45rct: ~ 4 nws . or lc,cs Pcali, Mq ~MSman ~- -, _ ~~ , - _ ~ . ~~ . Who establishes the criteria for an Emergency Operations,Center? . Local ' ,government Emergency Operation Center(s) have been strongly -recommended since the formation of the U.S. Civil Defense Protection Agency ,~~ during the 1950's. Presently FEMA establishes minimum criteria for County , .. Governments who receive -any type of FEMA financial support either in grant ,funds to support the local emergency management program. or disaster recovery funding. ~ FEMA, during the early 1980's, had some local grant funds available for local - { ` - EOC's. These funds are no longer available; however, .the muumum cntena for such a facility remains ,' ' ~ . , H r ' ' ' "- New anove Coun s need f r such a fac e ty o ility go s fare beyond the basic civil . - defense concept. In addition to the humcane threat, New Hanover County is required to .demonstrate it's ability to respond to emergencies in support of the - Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant. Carolina Power and Light, has long supported , - the need. for New Hanover County to have an adequate Emergency Operations Center. CP&L has provided a pro-rata share of funding for this facility as it '' pertains to .:it's off-site licensing requirements in support of the comprehensive nuclear power .plant drills which occur annually. The Federal- Emergency ,~ - Management Agency has been evaluating New Hanover County response since ` 1984 to the Nuclear Power Plant protection and EOC functions. New Hanover - ~( County ~ has had high marks. in all areas with. the exception of an adequate A'- Emergency Operations Center. Our erformance in the Emer enc O erations P 8 Y P Center is ultimately tied to a condition of the operating license issued to Carolina ,. Power and Light by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. , . . ,~ - .. ~~ . .~ t - - ~: ~ .. _ ~ . . 31. History of Events leading to this Emergency Operations Center request for additional funding. 1983 Wilmington- New Hanover County Civil Preparedness Agency operates the first nuclear power plant drill from the small conference room in the Wilmington Police Department. ... .. ,, _ . . 1985 New Hanover County hires Dan Summers_as the Emergency Services Director to coordinate emergency management and emergency medical services program and re-locates that program to the County Law Enforcement Center in a small satellite office formally;housed by :Alcohol Law Enforcement Agents. ,~ . 1985 Hurricane Diana hits New Hanover County. A makeshift Emergency Operations Center is established as a temporary location in the~Sheriffstraining room. Leaks, poor communications, no-standby power systems, lack of food support, lack of showers and bunks put key county staff sleeping on the floor and hallways for over 4 days. ~ New- Hanover County's EOC construction issue remains tabled despite strong urging from FEMA, Carolina Power and Light, numerous industries, and challenging press reports. ~ i _ 1990 Plans and construction were "fast-tracked" to add-onto the Law Enforcement Center for ari Expanded 911.center and'Temporary Emergency Operations Center. This, temporary'arrangernent had approximately 40% less operational space than our previous location: •. _ ... . , 1991 New Hanover County staff presents recommendations from FEMA and Carolina -Power and an Emergency Operations Center be included in our Capital Improvement Program Numerous existing facilities.and sites were examined. 1994 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners hire consultants with the Architect Design Group, (ADG) from Florida who specialize in public safety centers to conduct a site analysis and preliminary cost estimates. Conunissioners are advised that and Emergency Operations Center is not a typical office setting and cost should not be computed on a "routine" office square foot cost formula. 32 ~' 1995 ADG after careful review of existing facilities and properties selects the second floor of the building currently housing the Department of Emergency Medical Services ,~~ ~ (EMS). The building which was built in the 1920's is extremely structurally sound. The Emergency Operations Center should remain within the downtown area as ',~~ requested by the County Commission. A copy of the ADG report is available for ,your review. F.. - ~ ~ ~ . 1995 Carolina Power and Li ht rovides a contribution towazd the fimdin of the g P g Emergency Operations Center renovation project after more concerns expressed by . the Federal Emergency Management Agency and staff. County Commissioners accept "' the recommendations from A.DG for im lementation of an EOC ca ital ro'ect. P P P J ~ _ . w, 1995 New Hanover. County staff, including County. Projects Engineer, Budget and - ~ Management, Emergency Management and State Emergency Management Engineer ~ } make cost estimates based on available information without knowledge ofdifficulties in_existin~ electrical systems. ~F ~ ~ .. 1996 The Emergency Operations Center design work began after the relocation of f ~~ the -County Print Shop formally housed at that location. It was first believed that ' County forces could do some of the. work. County Project Engineer determines that a mechanical contractor should be employed due to HVAC and. Electrical System ~ concerns based on present EOC electrical requirements. Property .Management . Department constructs alternate location for County- Print Shop at Division Drive Compound. f ~ .1996 The Department of Emergency Management locates a 300KW generator at ~ Federal Surplus depot after noting that a standby generator of sufficient size was omitted from the project. The generator has a replacement cost of approximately '' $100,000.00. The generator was purchased via surplus by Emergency Management ,~I ~ for $1,000.00. Subsequent freight and minor repairs were ,made to, the unit as well as . ~ load testing to ensure operational capabilities. -, EOC Development History Continued: 1996 Small project consulting services were used to help provide the basic layout of ~,, the facility in light of severe limitation with a concrete and block structure., Interior Management of Wilmington was hired to do a basic functional layout. Spectrum Data with extensive nuclear power plant emergency operation center experience was hired ~, to prepare a minimal audio-visual equipment layout. Subsequent study revealed the need -for a structural anatysis on one section of flooring due to a desire for a specific. ty' type of filing system currently being used by the Department of Emergency Management. ' _.. - 1996 Discussions then address the Americans with~Disabilities Act,• (ADA)-and the potential- need for a secondary access to the building. Access . with a ramp was considered in the area which was later to be discovered.as an abandoned alley -way of record. This alley way ran from the building to Grace Street. A true survey of the site was then ordered and an exemption granted for secondary exit. ~, 1996 Since part of the' facility .was to. be shared. with the Cape Fear Community College School of Nursing a variance in the rest room requirements. had to be_realized. After weeks of review, approval was received by the Community College Facilities representative. The EOC plan will use all of the second floor of the facility. It is understood that the School of Nursing would 'either not be~in session during a major disaster such as a hurricane or the Community College would temporarily relocate 'it's classes during our use of the facility:'- Once the. School of.Nursing moves to it's 'new . facility currently under construction minor renovations are all that is required to occupy the remaining space as required: - ~ ~ . . - Y~ ~ r 1996 Capital Projects Engineer now recommends the hiring of an architect due to the complexity an renovation of a concrete reinforced building to an Emergency Operations Center. - 1996 Mechanical Engineers and County Project Engineer discover an 'aging roof contributing to leaks affecting the Emergency Medical Services. Roof repairs were made. ~ ' ~ _ . r 34 ~,, - > ar - . ~~ ~ EOC Development History Continued: } , €~f ~ 1996 Electrical Systems and Generator functions receive a close review. Electrical. Service cost appearing to be,significantly higher due to need,to relocate commercial , power service andgenerator.location. Now it is reported `that the building which has ~' ~ been renovated essentially three times has separate service locations for commercial a power. _ . i . 1996 Hurricane- Bertha .and Fran amve in Wilmington putting a stop to almost all work. Value engineering done to look .at cost .reductions. Audio Visual systems ' quotations exceed one hundred thousand dollars. Staff reduces cost to $41,000: ~. ~ ` _ - 1996 Interior telephone systems, relocation of radio equipment and towers indicate reasonable cost.. 1996 Architect and Interior Design personnel are called into the current emergency ' operations center during Hurricane Fran to observe it's operation. All parties have serious reservation about existing layout and the need to improve the space, electrical, ~ • ~ ..and functional capabilities of a fully functional Emergency Operations Center. Further ` ' research and experience with two hurricane events necessitate the need to improve the infi-a~structure of the facility to include improved wiring, data systems voice systems, ' information management and basic creature comforts during extremely stressful .events. 1 ~ _ ` - ~. ~r ' ,~: ~ ~ . .. ~ ~ . , - 35 _~ . o. - . ~~ EOC Development History Continued:. 1996. Final bid specifications assembled and recommendations from architect, ,`„ mechanical contractor, interior designer and telephone experts to include the following ~, components in the- bid ' Re-wire~and change electrical-service to the building to improve generator performance and commercial power. reliability. ' Include computer flooring. system with built-in electrical 'and phone systems to maintain floor to ceiling minimum height requirements and a-safe environment for a large ~. amounts of cable. `Janua 1997 ry 3 Bids Received: $484,605., and $409,633,. ~, The Lowest Bid: $392,715.00 , ., - ~ ~J .~~ ^. •~~ V~.' Q ~ ~ ~ O _. ^O 3 a~i , U ~ , -^- c cs a~ > CO c3 .~ .=: Oi ~ ~ O . .-. c..a O c • -~ ~ 4.. 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O G~ 3 , ~ r ~ O , 3 ~ > ~ ' r, _ O ~ O .~.o-~ ~ ~ o ~ 4. O ~ U vOi O ~ N .~ ~ c3 O ~ A ~ ~ Q, F-' .~ ~ 40 - c~ ~ r k. ~~ ~~ ~, e~ r r ~~ . ~ . ~: ~ . ~ ~. ., ~': , . x ___ . . ° - i~~'II..bINGTOi~T Iv10RNLNG STAR r r~10NDr1I; .NOV~NIBEIt 25;1996 ., , ,. . ~` . • ~C~E~~'S-ASSESS 1-199~.was 4~h'yvorst~ for major~atorms ~ J ~' --=_r-~i= ,_ _ _ _ s~ a _ ory ~r~.cane.~~~_ ~ =-Next=year"those condition`s;may;. '~Sfcnda~en.ine! _ . ~ . , , .. - not exist; 1e`ading`Colorado:S3±e • - : StronJ er After ".199o's near-record hur= g ~ -< {~mversity..professor_W~an G:iy • • ~ .:.._:. r ~- --- _ . - ~ ~- -. - ~ -.7 •..to expect: a busy~storm season. she" ° ricane,aeason, rexpertsrfigiired :~11L1-I1C1IleS;~ 7Il0Ie r 1 , ,,~ 1936 couldnS be~as~bad..But-it~as~JdaIlla -'...; `.. _ ? , j ~# ; ~•=ele`ase.his~~997.- predicdo:is e_arid even ~oon..:.=,::_,--::; f ~.:t. worse killing more people and _ •_g. . • °~ ~=~•At the`Floiida Division of~~er= . sgawmng 5tronger-stonns ._~c~ c~ 1 Il10I2=` C~e3~1S 'ic .1: e - ~ - , . r:_ This year tiuiricanes~-caused r.4,~;::}:• ~. r -Y :BencY; Management;='everyprie• is `~,` .e• e _ ~ ~~~<3- - -• . -~~ ~7ust holding. their breatfi~or Sri- . :S~:l billionin damage mthe'_United ._~.. C~eC~:=. ._. _.. _ States-alon~ and :killeda peopl - - =~~ - - --'~ =z 'other_Andrew?'•.`atate: meteorology. 147_ ' e =- -_ ~ ... _ ariihe:UnitedStates;Mexico,_Cen ~<`.. ~- `~ f--~:ri t-- = gistMi~."eRucke~saidof:the•haT~• i . bumcanes funned as many as ui cane that devastated ~SoutfiF1, T . ' ~;. tral .erica and the Canbbearias- : <...- _ .. . ? lzads accordin to re _ 'tlie:previous'nine•years combined: .~da in 1992'"We know' it's ~~t ~ "~ "_ t ~g p li~~~' ~s ~ -~-~ Overall huiiicaiie :activity for . _ b:u t when`, e~a n o tfi er 7~r-d r ems' ° " tim~tes•.~from._„tt~e_ NatioriaT..Hur- j96 := a .statistic 2hat~'comlimes • ~ :stnltes':~ ~~ ; _; :~. ;'-~ ^ = `~ = -~~ neane Center - :.-. `~ ~:._ _:. :... _ .. i,'~r. i~ir • ~~ tli'e'iiiimber'"ofatiirins their= ::VYorsthitin`199nwerettie-~~~ F~. . z .'find: with this year's season . stien`~ 'and durabdi -is twice ."..-liiias and Pueito Rico: Fl •~ . $iawmg to a close Saturday;;=~ex ~ _ - - - _:.~': - ~,:..~1 _ .r _ . - . .. ondi: was noimaL' ~- ``.`-".~ ,'~ .~. ~ ~_: ,,spared,:"biit~:scared'-by.hiuiicanes=: ' erts are.`alread lookiii~ ahead -'•'= ; ~• yr- g' - `A:,3isturbing sign to;ei~perts_is c~~:Bertha,'Edouard and Fran: _.~c ,- y' zcith'•appiebension-to=riexf~year ~at_7996 saw so many:hiuricanes ::-="Theyre shell=sliocked'~ n ihe.• ~' ' fey zi•e ea-pectmg •more=storms, - - - - - .~ ._ _ . ._ ,.. ,...... .,, 'despite.the existence of too ~ajot :.Carolinas, sand .(in' Florida): we're ~ . stronger .hiimcanes; more. damage atmQsphenc coriditioiis'_Lhat-nor:':-: 'gettwg back _to,ouiblase'attiide,'. `and e~eri-inore deatlis.~=~ ~::~ - . ~...: -. . _ .:., .. - -, ~ • - wally hamper sform`de-v_elopment ~:-Mr ChurchiIl`said_ • -~~-----•s--=~' :`:}usi get'used-to it; I"guess;' Upper=level winds'`arounii~ihe =;,,With'-liuridreds of 'thousands'o . ~' said Uiuversity~f Miariumeteoiol= - . - . _ t .. _ , , • ... •.... , '~~ equator.,were; commg_'from ;the :.. ;new re§ident§ in Florida;each yeaf pgc' prolessor~ean=ClniichilL-:;;_:+ ~, .~a,rong'direction ands western Viand,three close calls:-thar:ilidr.'t =i~=1996,'there;-mere-:su major Afr~ca,_-;where: storms`first.:.::amount~to any. storm dainage;.~~Ir, bu,-ricanes,'those_with-z~inds mole ' ~ ~~~op'as rain showers= ~as•iin - Ruckei fears pebple:ii~1'go, bacb to ' f 'thin 110;- mph:"The'3?ear'sanke"d ;iis;~y_ ~..~ ~ _ _ -..-".:i-'. -~ -- '-ignoring bi~ricanes "_' ~T•-• ~_ ., _ _ ,fo•.irtli in:the 7~0 ~ears:-the ~iur- J - ~ -~ ~-~,_ _s`_._...-..~.., -- - '-` Sicane.center has been keeping-re- : . ', :cords. •werage is:.two.->Iia~or..hur- ..• . :ncanes a year;:i~i1°O~..Lhere sere ire:, - - . _....,G_. ~ This veart with; l3 :named ~-opi- ,~I. ~ storms•and humcanes~;,.ranked • } . n.n~-. Ct'ith nine -hurricanes, _1996 rzn'--ed is the eighth-worst on .re- .;o .W An average year has five hur- ` • r 'aes,",:.ajor anG,m~nor •= ~ . _.~r' tn~as~ ~o.3~ea-s, 11 major ~ ` ' 41 . EOC OPTIONS s ~. Option 1 As specified Budget $313,000.00 Paragon Base Bid 5392,715.00 Spent to date(+/-) 533,011.00 Balance 5279,989.00 • Bid Alternates _ # 1 Power Floor- • • ~b28,000.00 - YES #2 Tie in entire buildng 525,000.00 YES deducts Relocate Service (55,008.00) Demolition (County; forces) (53,400.00) Concrete (County forces) (54,300.00) •. Generator Placement (County forces) _ (57,000.00) _ p . # _ - ` adds ~ , Furniture 531,000.00 ' ... Rearrange Ubrary Parking 57,500.00 Telephone System: 525,000.00 • • Generator Screen 52,500.00 - Rekxate Towers 515,000.00 ... -_-- - . . Contingency (15°,6), 558,907.00. . - . ~. Base Bid plus attemates and adds ~ - - b565,914.00 • _ ~ .~ Subtract Balance , ($279,989.00) - - j ShortfalFl M 5285,925.00 _ . VpU0f1 L Vtfrth cuts - ~ ~ ' Budget ~. _ 5313,000.00 ~ •: Paragon Bate Bid' ~ b392,715.00. . ~ • Spent Co date(+/-) . 533.011.00 , ~ .. , : Balance . . b279,989.00 .: ~ ~ . . .. Bid Attemates " . - . i. tt 1 Power Floor , , • 528,000:00 NO - • ' - ~ : >:2 Tie in e~5re building - ~ - 525:000:00. NO Base Bid b392,715.00 " , i Deduca , . ~ Manual TransferSwitch ~ (510,500.00) • Remote Annunciator ~ - (52;195.00) ' ~~ ` ~ Remote T rarisfer Switch '. ` ~' (52,700.OOj . . ' . _ _ Change fi~Qure types a (51,275.00) Relocate Service ~ (55,008.00).', • • ;. Demolition (County ,forces) ~ (53,400.00) _ LLh _ _ ~ Concrete (County forces)., ~ (54,300.00) . Appliances - _ (52,489.00) . - • "'Generator Placement,( County forces) , .. , (57,000.00) t ~ ~ Storm Shutters (56,800.00) reduce AJV Equip, (530,000.00) ' Roorin9 changes (54,900.31) ~ , Total (380,567.31). Base bid minus deducts (no attemates) 5312,147.69 adds 15°,6 contingency 548,822:00 telephones 520,000.00 U relocate towers b15,000:00 furniture 510,000:00 - frame floors 52,273.00 Total. 5406,242:69 4 2 ~ Subtract Balance (5279,989.00) ShoMa(I 5126,253.69 4 .. w e ! i ~~ ..~. ~F . `~~ i t }' ~, \~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 02/17/97 2egular Item #: • 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item tt: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required ?age Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: Scheduling 1997 Board of Equalization and Review (E&R) BRIEF SUMMARY: .No later than the fast Monday in March, the Board of County Commissioners may resolve to create a special Board of E&R to carry out the duties outlined in NCGS 105-322 pertaining to appeals of value. Among other statutory requirements, they may authorize appellants to appeal from the special board to the Board of Co. Commissioners. Otherwise, the Commissioners sit as the Board of E&R no earlier than the first Monday in April, and no later than the first Monday in May. The Board of E&R must convene to hear taxpayers who appeal the value of their property or appeal with respect to the listing & appraisal of property of others. 'For. many years,- the Board of Commissioners have convened as the Board of E&R, and have scheduled the first meeting on the third Monday of April. From 1983 until present, there have been very few. appeals to the Board. ` I2ECONIMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: `~ Recommend the Board of Commissioners sit as the Board of Equalization and Review, and schedule the first meeting on April 21, 1997 at approximately 9 o'clock a.m. in the Historic Court House, Third and Princess Streets. ~~ ~..._ ~' . ~! z~: FUNDING SOURCE: .Federal S: State S:. County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Flew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: t t` REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: :l ~~; COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners sit as the Board of E & R and hold firs eeting as outlined above. ~~ _~ ~01~NTlc ~Mrl~ia~l~t~_...~ .:. _ .. A:PPR®VED - - REJECTED • ~'~~ REMOVE® 4 3 . POSTR+ONE f - • ~ DATE ~ a2 i-~~y-74~~a-r~'`-~ Refcr to Office Vision Bullcein Board for Disposition - 1 i Regular Item. #: 8 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item n: .Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell r SUBJECT: _ ` Committee Appointments ,~r BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau ' Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee - Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority Wastec Commission • `' 'Zoning Board of Adjustment - - ~~, ~ - ~~ .. • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: s Make Appointments ~ ~~ r•_ ~ _. . ~. ~~ ~- - . .r FUNDING SOURCE: .~~ Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~, ,~~ Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~~` REVIEWED BY: LGL; FIN: BUD: HR: `~ TY 1VIANA R'S D Make.appointments. ~~ ~ y ~OI~NTY ~QNiM~IS~iON P~PPROVED~ '~ R~aEGTED 1 . E~E~IOVED ~' Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition 45 CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 1 VACANCY ~ - . • .Category: Restauranteur - APPLICANTS' - Camilla (Cammy) H. Bain Roy J. Clifton J. Colin Eagles, III Attachments: Committee Information Sheets _ _ -APPlications ~ _ ..._ fi" /,.. - 1 l_.y ~ . :t.. ,~ ° '~' MCAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAII~.INC...- e`, Number of Members: 14,'appointed-as.follows: . '~~ . _ _ -2 Lodging - 1 each by City Council and .Commissioners.. 4 2 At-Large - 1 each by City Council and Commissioners, `~~' 4 2 Attractions (Historical, Natural,~RecrPational) - 1 each ~~ by City Council and Commissioners 2 Restauranteurs -._1-each by City Council and Commissioners '~ 1 Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations Professional.- - Appointed alternately by City Council .and County Commissioners. ;,~ 1 City Councilman - Appointed by City Council 1 County-Commissioner -.Appointed by Board of Commissioners .~ > ~ ~ - - ~~• ,1 Carolina Beach - Appointed by Town Council 1 Kure Beach - Appointed by Town Council '~> .. -1 Wrightsville Beach - Appointed by Board.of Aldermen 1 Chamber of Commerce - Appointed by Chamber.'s Board. of Directors f7 1 County Finance Officer - Appointed by Commissioners (Non-Voting), Terms:. three years, may not serve more than two consecutive. three- year terms (excluding County Finance Officer, City Councilman and County Commissioner). ~~~ _ . .Regular and Special Meetings: First Wednesday in every other month (Jan. , March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. ) at 8:,30 a.m. in office. located in the Courthouse, 24 North Third Street. Special Meetings may be called by the Chairman or. by not less than 4 members of the . Board. _ .. , _. ~~~ Statute or cause creatin Bureau:. Joint Resolution o g f County Commissioners and City Council dated April 1, 198.5.. (By-laws ~ changed to include 2 Restauranteur Representatives, 11/16/96) Purpose: To provide a cooperative, on-going forum. for visitor ~~ industry and visitor-related organizations; to develop and grow the ~,-- visitor. industry in a planned, quality manner; to preserve, ~. 'protect,- and maintain the visitor economy of New Hanover County; to - . provide an effective organization that can create and respond to ~' opportunities in a timely fashion; to operate a full.-service, -_ professional visitors and meetings program;. to raise funds~to operate a full-service visitors•program through membership-fees, grants, contributions, projects receipts, room occupancy taxes. '~ .and other appropriate sources; to recruit, train and develop a 4 7 ~~: CAPE FEAR COAST CONVENTION .AND VISITORS BIIREAII, INC. {CONTINIIEDj skilled, effective staff to deliver programs; to educate members and key publics to an awareness of the visitor industry - its issues and opportunities. Generally to engage in any other lawful enterprise or activity and to do and perform all acts and things that may be deemed necessary' or expedient for the prdper :and successful prosecution of the objects and purposes for which the corporation is 'organized: = ~ ~ . TERM ~. -~ ', PRESENTLY TERM ~ ' CIIRRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES Appointed by 'County• Commissioners: _ •~ - Robert S. Rippy ~ At-Large ~ first 5/31/99 136 Edgewater Lane Wilmington, NC ~ 28403 -- - ' - ~ ~ {Appt. 6/17/96) 256-5761 (H) 791-0666 (W) Sadie Ann Hood Lodging first 5/31/99 Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel - -- ~ ~ ~ - ~ - 5032 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28405 ~'~' ~ • ~ {Appt. 6/17/96) 395-4418 (H) 392-1101 (W) Jean Hopkins Bullock Attractions first 5/ 31/97 2212 .Lynnwood Drive _ ~~_ Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/16/94) 763-6'800 (H) 343-9896 (W) ~ - - Buzz Birzenieks, Commissioner ~- 12-97 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington;~NC 28401 - ~ ~ - 3 41-714 9 - .~ _ _ ~ _. ~ _ ::.. •. Bruce `Shell, Treasurer ~ ~= ~~County Finance ~ .. 'Indefinite • 320 Chestnut St. Officer .~- . Wilmington, NC 28401 341-7188 _ - ~ - }:, .. ~ . Appointed by City Council: ~ - °•°- • - '= - Marketing, Advertising,-and Public Relations Professional Appointed alternately by City Council and County Commissioners: ~' Wade Wilson ~ -• ~ .' • 'unexpired 5/3T/99 ' ~- 5705 Oak Bluff ~ • ° ~ ~ -- - ~. Wilmington, NC 28409 --~ ~ - ry ~ ~ ° ~- Capt. David Scheu Attractions ~ - ~' --. 5708 Ruxton Way - .... ~ ,- ..~ ... • W~~~}}~~•• ngtbn, NC 2840.9c. E . _. ... .- • , c ~~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ±.~~°. .CAPE FEAR. COAST CONVENTION~AND VISITORS BIIREAII INC: CONTINIIED ~ ~ ) ~ TERM ~' „ PRESENTLY TERM ~~ CIIFtRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING- EXPIRES ~~. Vacant. Lodging • ~~ Louise McColl At-Large ` 2531 Confederate .Drive {~ ~ Wilmington, ~NG 28403 ~ -. ~ ~ ~ • 762-,6711 , Katherine Moore, City Council ~ - 4280 Appleton Way Wilmington, NC 28412 ..763-1043' (H) ~ - ._ . Carolna~Beach Appointee: ., ~. Janice Brown ~ . .P.O. Box 1796 Carolina Beach, NC 2342.8 . 763.-9977 . ~~ ~. Rure Beach Appointee; "' ' Betty Medlin' . ~ P.O. Box 227 Kure. Beach, NC 28449. - ~ - 458-3300 1~;. ~Arightsvi3Ze Beach Appointee: - k+:.. "~ Mary W. Baggett ' ,~, Blockade Runner Resort Hotel 275 Waynick Boulevard Wrightsville. Beach, NC 28480 - 256-2251 " ..., - _. _ , Chamber of .Commerce Appointee: Ron Gumm - ,' . ~- _ '~ `~ Jackson Beverage _ - 805 N. 23rd Street Wilmington, 'NC 28405 • ,~' 763=6216 - - , Staff Contact: Jane Peterson, President/'CEO . 24 N. Third Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 - ~~ 3.41-4030 .: , ,,1/97 " FILE; \CVB _ - . .. ~,,: '.;~ 49. ~~ ~ _ . ~~ FEB-01-97 SAT 05:59 PM' PORTCITY PASTA 3926135 P. 01 IV~W HA/VOVER CQUN7-Y ' ~OARla QF CpMN1/$$l.OltlF'RS ,~ • ~~ . 320 Chestnut Strest, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ (`~ „ _ .Telephone (9101 341-71.49 _ y . _ '" FAX (910! 341-413 "~ Applicatio>7 for Appoint~»ent to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ,~ Appointed by the IVew Hanover Cvunty Board of Commissioners. •; Request forAppointment to: can Fear Cnnvpntion & Vi ~i 1~org ~}nrea~r ' ' Name: r'~milla tC'ammvl N Rain ' Home How /onD~ have Vou been a Address: ?2ng r,rA~t rA~,~pg T~aZlo tesldentafNewHanoverCouniyT ?~ yr~ Mailing Addt•ess: ga m P Ciryand State: =__Ie11 1 mi ~gton, N.f' Zip Code: ?Aan~ Telephone: Home: _ - 256-441 S Business: 7~-01 72 'Sex: "Race: eauc_ 'Age: 5p 's mrormaoon is repue.^!od ~tor IAo sole propose or essuru~y that a crora•ract/on at the community /s appointed. 'Employed by: _ ^• A person Currently amp/o yed Oy L91 eflancy of Ceparttfrent tar wn/cA rn[s eppllcet/an Ls mode, murFros/gn htunarposrrion rvirh' New Hanover Courtly ton eppoinonenL u~ sccordencs With Artide•Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanoror Courtly Pa~sonne/ Polircy. Jab Title: Qc,~n_erlor~erator (family owned business ) Professional Activities: Voluntee~Activities: Laney High School, Good She and Soup Xitchen - (`~ Wh y do you wish to serve on the Boeid, Committee, or Commission requested? From a hu s n - s s & ~ ~, ^?rsona7 norgnP .riyP, I am in P~ . _d in h'ow the county at,~rhtt5 ~.~s tour; g s h_ i nsl7rPS t-hPi r rp~trrn "n x _~Par What do you feel ere your pua/r'l/cations for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT Bef r o n'n a ve w ked in marketin u lotions at Cape Fear Hospital, Cotton Exchange & numerous volun--___ What areas o! concern would you like to see the Board. Committee or Commission eddies ear ~bs , Also, Being Th ff c f he hurricanes on ou L • .th beach pr _ re, resen rowin number Are you currently serving err another board ofcommiftae ep o of r~attractions" between these cent8xs~ Dare: (Plectra ura /avarre s Ca far ~ddiliona/ commanlsl r--~~n~~n„~r., l $lgnature_~ 50 fEB - 3 1991 tJE'~"( HANOVER CO. c'. ~'= CC's"~11SSIONERS r .~ ': ~, ., ' . ~ _ NFW HANOVER COUNTY - ~ ~ . ~~~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 284:01-4093 ' ~~ - Telephone (910J 341-7149 ' ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application. for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions--. Appointed b y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. .Request forAppointment to: ~o`~/-.~-~ ~~I.,~f ~2 ~~ r C~. F V l ~ lr 2 s P ~[1 ~;,( .2r~J / G ~~U,~.Q~ n Name: ~ ~ ~ L ~ T~~ U .Home: , ~~" ~ /~ How long have you been a / 4 Addiess:,_~ /~~~itt-~-e~Y 7~/~-0~ resident of New Hanover Countyl r / ~ r~ Mailing Address: ~ / i / ~~'-~ T~ Q, - City and State: ' ~( L~ //U ~ jZ~N ~ Zip Code: .~ ~ Y U .•~ hh Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~ - ~D 3 Z Business: ~~O 3 ^' ~a~o~ 7 ~'Se+x: %r//i~~ 'Race: (.(~f~F/ ~~ 'Age: - This. in/ormetion is requested ror the sale purpose of assuring that across-section or the community is eppoinfed.' ..Employed bY: / ~ ~ ~%~ /ti rz/ -/ - . "A person current/ amp/o yed by the agency or department ror which this application is made, must resign his/her position with- New Hanover County upon appointment, in ec ordence with Article VI, Sec. 4 of tha New Hanover County Pe_ rsonnel Policy. /ob Title: ' 2-es / .D,fi D cv ti L~2 .~,` Professional Activities: ~Q ~' ~/ > r ~ c2 , - /~. 2JmrT-e ~Volunteer:4ctiviiies: a5! Gc~ •/ cM ~cZ - 12lt~rL~S v r Y?7~ Gz ~l~t . c' D ~r~,~ 12 7/f ~E~~~ Wh y do you wish to serve on the. Board, Committee, or Commission requested? : _Z ~~. - ~.. What do' you feel are your qualifications fo/' serving on the Board,' Committee, or Commission requested? ~; ~ ~ ~ S ZS'Y ,1.2 -,J% L°c./, ~~ YLl e, ~ A/ (~' GU)L , ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~rn~ {I! ~~t- ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ' ti' ~l~-C~= ~ ~. /n~ ~~~.r~L ~ ~~2~ S /t-c ~y s~r,~Zs i rl vS ~~~~~ Qf(~tJ ,Uvs,~:z~.s~. ~~re you current/y serving on another board of committee appointed by e municipality or a county?- (f so,.p/ease list' ` -~. v S G _' a ~' /~% ~' v ~]` ~Z~-rc. / !~ ~~, ~/ ft~-~ - ; Ji ~~ y /~ L~~~u c0~CD 5 ;~ ~. [ Date: ~~~j po 7 Signature ~ __ ~ - Ple e'raverse side fare dit~onal comments) ~ ~ 791 i~~~~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COlv1M/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room- 305' Wilmington, 7VC 28401-4..093 Telephone (97 01 34 1-7 149 ' ~'• FAX (91'01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees,' and Commissions' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: ' ('~ Request for Appointment to: ~OA/LCK ... , . . Home ~ How long have, you been a ' v Address: ~fb~ ~ ~ ~~ov ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: ~/n S /,CJi~r _ .~~ !/i // _ /T [~- . City and State: /~ ~..~ /O ~/ C-' Zip: Code:. ~~ ~03. ,' ' ' , ' _~ Telephone: , Kome: CI >' U Z s~ 355 Business: ~ /4 z S ~ Z ~ Z ~ ~ -. 'Sex: ~~ 'Race: 'Age: ____L~ 'This in/ormetion is7equested for the sole purpose oressuriny that across-section or the community is appointed. ..Employed by: ('.~t.P/~'?iy1~Q.5 -A person current/y emp/a yed b y the agency or department /or which this eppGcetion is rriede, must resign his/her position with Naw Xanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: O(~~-E 2 ~U/~EQ.~t !J 1" ~ .. _ ~ ' Professional Activitiesrr: // /~ ~~ /,~ / p /~/ - / Vo/unteerActivitres: V t r ~. //~S i ~~y~r~ ~ ,(~iQl_~LCI SYC//~C_ /~P~G~' ( LC.~~`!h~/l /, J / " .,:. . Why do you wish to serve on the Board; Committee; or Commission requested? ~~~ 6e/rev-e, '~ca~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ' ` _ ~ - / ~ ..~' ~ /'~~ 7L~-t'~ /~eS'~.f/~ /~A..t.~ G,i~,c'„~QS'~ i~- ~ /I.c~ n/v.[~r-',r /n,~R~?~,r What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?~ if so, please list:' ~ ~~ -~~~ - ' . 52 __.. .. ~. ._ Date:. l Z -- ~6 -~.~ ~ ~K 2 ~ Signature .: ~ ' lP/ease use reverse side /or additional comments) _ ~,:.•r ..r.... ~ DOMICILIARY HOME COMMIINITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members.: 9 members (1 member for each permitted facility). Three members shall be nominated by the Domiciliary Home Chief Administrators, and if possible, one member must be a person involved in the area of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Compensation: None., but :nay be reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. ~No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of January, April, July, and October at 9:00 a.m. at the Cape Fear Council of Governments, 1480 Harbour Drive. Statute causing Committee:' G.S. 130-9-5. . TERM PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES•C~ Jane B. Johnson second 5-31-98 1812 Grace Street Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 1/16/90 unexpired term) 762-1525 (H) 341-7700 (W) Reappt. 5/15/95 . Clara W. Lamb first 2-28.-~9.7 401 N. Third Street Carolina Beach, NC 28428 (Appt. 2/19/96 to 1 year tern) 458-5282(H) Josephine W. Little first 8-31-99 141 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. ratified 9/5/95 to 1-year term) 686-0299 (H) ~(Appt. to 3-year term 8/19/96) Louise C. Siler second 5-31-98 2441 Confederate Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/20/91 - 1-year term) 762-5374 (H) Reappt. 5/15/.95 Fred Spain first 6-31-99 P. O. Box 1567 Wilmington, NC 28402-1567 (Appt. ratified 6/6/95 to 1 year term) 251-9299(H) 392-2626(W) (Reappt. to 3 year term 6/3/96) 54 ~ ~ ~. - -t .. - DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINIIED) ~ TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT "M~iBERS SERVING. EXPIRES Edith Ann Bell 'Steele second 8-31-98 3236 Grey Leaf Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 8/5/91 to •1 year term) 395-083.6(H)~, 395-3802 (W} (Reappt: 8/21/95) `Pamela W. Wooddel 1 Chairman first 2-28-99 _ . 3245 Kirby Smith Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 2/20/95 to 1 year term ) 799-3696. (H) .395-4100 (W) (Reappt. 2/19/95 3 -year term) ..Chief"Administrator's Nominees.: ~~" Dolly Mack first 4/30/98 The Cape - 31.6 Club Court - Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 4/18/94 to 1 year term) 452-9789. (Reappt. 5/15/.95 to 3 year term) , ` .. Dawn Gonzalez " COG Long Term Care Ombudsman 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 . 4/96: file: /domicil . " . ~. ., ,' - ~ - . - __ . - .. - ~. •~ r . . ~ _. . ~~ ... . __ .:. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~=:~~----~-•-~ BOARD- OF COMM/SSIONERS . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~(~~ ~ !~ 95 Wilfnington, NC 28401-4093 ; ~~,~. ~;~~~~,~~ LO Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ ~ ~r ~°;;~3!~;~; ~-- ; ~~. FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 _ ~ ,; .Application for-Appointment to. Boards, Committees, acrd 'Commissions ,' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: : ~• • /,z~~ ~ .. Request for Appointment to: ' Name: -~.~u~~i !~'. r~5 ~-w~ / - Home How long haue you Seen a Address: <fo / 7/f. 7`~~ ~~ resident•of New Hanover County? . SO -ryu/ -~--- Mailing Address:-~~ /`~~~ , City and State: ~ ~ Zip Code: a2 ~NaZ g ~ • Telephone: Home:~_~/D ~f5 ~ ,7-2~2- Business: him-•~J, ,~~~~ a1/ 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ?~ . 'Age: '}"-~ 'This inlarmetion is requested for the so/e purpose o/assuring that a cross-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed bY: i5~~i~r..~~ • . , 'A person currently employed by the agency ar department ror which this application is made,-inns! resign his/her position with ' New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanaver County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: Professional Activities: 7/f . ~' _ ~ . 77• ~. S , G - VolunteerActivities: -~~ 4~~ ~.-~ ~G~c.(, ~i.r.q ,ems ~,.~-u az y,/y/C~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? v What do you (eel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~~ ~°~~ ~.~ ~ i.-..,~ Zo - ~~ ~ one z.~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by'a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Date: ~ - ~ 2 - 9S- Signature ~..~~..~ ~~ G~~~1L (Please use reverse side ror additions/ comments) a t e v NEW HAiVOVER COUNTY BQARD OF CON1M/SS/ONERS -320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91013d 1•Jld9 FAX (9101341-4130 App/Icatlon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commisstons Appointed jb~y the New NarvverCounty Board of Commissloners, n. R80uest for Appointment fo: .i/ O m l C I (,(r~-~ ~ ~OMC` ~QA1/h (!1(~ lT~ ~ DV lj O}~~ l-q/h ~']'~' Name:-- ~O~t~ ~tt--~1 F2i .0 jJ . " ~ Home How long have you been o Address: _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~AY N E ~ resident oI New Hanover Countyl 11 L1 - . Meiling Address: City and State: ~{}5-IZt; ~/~t ~ C Zip Cade: ~~Zq Telephone: Nome: ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ "t ~ ~ Business: ~- , "~ •Sex: _ ~ 'Race: 'ae.~-c,c-C. 'Ape: ~ - " ~ ~ 'Thu /nrormedon /s r~puestrd /or Me ao/e purpoi• o(u~urfnp that ~ erose•aection or the cammun/ryV ~ppolnted, "Employed Dy: ~.F r1.l~~Y. - ' •A person cunenrly emp/o yed D y IAe epeney or doperimenr /ar whicA tl+is app//eetion !a mode, mwr ruipn ALNfei poa/t/on witA N.w Neno~.r County upon eppo.ntmenr, /n secvrJence witA !M~b~c%~-Vl~, See. I or Ne New H~nanr County P~rianne/ RaYey. .Job Title: ~=2~t~4.~. ~ - ~ tt / L~ " Prolesslona/ Activities: l~5,3 GriC~ l9~ - VolurrteerActiv~ties: ~ Why do you wr'sh co serve on the poard, Committee, or Commission repuestedl a~.c~l.(~~ fLe J-- What. do you fee/ are your pualifications Ior serving on the Board, Comm/flee, or Cammissron repuestadl What areas,ol concern wou/d you like to see. the Board, Committee, or Commission address?4 ' } Are you curient/y serving pn another board or cammities appointed by a mun/cipa/ify or a county? if so, ploese list: ~~~, - ' Date: ~ qq~ (fYees• us~r~wn !dam /o sddir~one/'comm~nrJ/ t (~ J2(~ (S ~(~(j~j~,pnatuic AUG •~ S 1996 NEW HANOVER~CO. BD.. OF COMMISSIONERS NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF CO/ii1Jt/IISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington,. NC 28401-4093 , Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ . FAX (9101341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Cc,mmissioners. Request fa/Appointment to: ' ~ G~ ~ / ~ C-r L/ /J~ ~/~~C CiU~~ l~/1~ /-% ' Name: `'D / ~ 7~ ~ ~ ' _ - _ _ _ .. . ; ~ .f D /L ~/ ~~ ~!!~7 /~Ti~~-. Nome ~f ~ ,p ~ How long have you/ been a Address: ~)~~., v~-~' ~/~"7 Cpl !/~ ~ resident of New Hanover Countyl ~~'``' Mailing Address:/ ,~ / City and State: (/!// Z irI /%J~. ~7 ~ . _ - ~Z•p Code: ~ ~~' ~ - _ Telephone: Home: ~ ~ ~y ~ Business: ~ J~~~ .. ~` ~~~ • 'Sex: ~ 'Race: : ~~ _..: •: "Age: ~!O r, 'This infarme0on is roquested for the sole/purpose of assuring thet a cross section of the cnavnuniry is eppoinled. ..Employed by: C~J~~/~~~L;~~ ! ~/~ ~7~ ~~~.~~T7~' ('~•~~ " "A person currently amp/o yed by the agency or deperimenllor which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with hew rianovar County upon ap;.o:~;meaf, in scccrda:ce\riL4 ArG~_!e ~/1, Se=•-4 0! the New Nenover Ccun(y Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: _ ~~~, ^(`~,~~~- . !~ / ~'G/~ ~- . • . .. _ U Professional Activities: "_ w~~ ,~ ~L1 ~V /- ~~ G ~~~ ~~ / /L ` /U • ~ • '' ~ ~ ValunteerActivities: t-~L~~~/'Z ~/~'~','7 ~ "G•.l~ /1~~"~/iCJ 0~1G ., ~ Why do you wish to-'serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? i /~~r?/~ ~~>(/~.~-~ ~~ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving,on the Board, Committee, or Commisssion requested) . . What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Gommissiori address?~~`-'~ -~ / lJ ~~ ~, Ore you currently se~rvi)ng on another bo rd or.committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease Irst: _ .. ~ +_ .. / l/ ,l . ~~ ~ fl date: ~ o~ lAN 2 2 1991 Signature %ease ur raver aside for additional comments) • ' N. e r a NFW HANOVFR COUNTY .BOARD OF COI~ilMISS~0~1lFRS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 .. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Aoard of Commissioners. . ~e uest forAppointrrient to: Domiciliarv Home Communit Advisor Committee q v v Carla H. Turner - erne: ome ' How long have you been a Address: 7212 Retriever Drive resident of Newi-lanoverCounty? 26 years Tailing Address: 7212 Retriever Drive ity and State: Wilmington, N.C. Zip Code: 28405 e%phone: .Home: 313-6183 Business: 815-3122 Sex: F 'Race: W 'Age: 26 'This inforr.~etian is requested for the so% pun, are of essurinQ Chef across-section of dfe rnrrrrxniry a appointed. "Employed by: Comprehensive Home Health Care "A person currently emp/oysd6y the egency ordepartrrrentlarwhich this application is nsedi, rtxrstresign his/herposiaan with New Hanover Coanry upon appomtmsnl, in accordance with Arvde V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanauer Caurrry Personnel Polity, Job Tit/e: Inservice Educator ~r'ofessionalActivities: Home Health Nurses Association' United Methodist Women -Vice Pre sident ~o/unteerActivities: .Tileston Outreach Health Clinic; American Red Cross U/hy do'you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I Want to~ become' more involved. ~i.n the community. I believe that my experience in home health and in caring for residents of omiciliary homes will allow me to contribute to the committee. hat do you feel are your qualifications for setting on the Board, Committee, or Corrmission.requested? Nurse ~ducator in Home Care; experience .in caring for residents of domiciliary homes. a Whet areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Enforcement of the ~ll of Rights; encourage active community involvement to enhance living conditions.- you cuirent/y'serving on another board or committee appointed by a municr"paliry or a countyT /f so, p/ease list: ~No ~e: 0.1-20-9T 3 91 Signature JAN 1 19 9 (Please use reverse side for edditione! comments/ ~Y NEW FiANOVER COUNTY INDIISTRIAL FACILITIES ' Q AND POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AUTHORITY U Number .of Members: 7 • ~~(Must be a qualified elector and resident of the County. No fl member can b.e an elected official of the County) U. • . Terms: Six years (G.S: 159C requirement) Terms must end on the 22nd of the month. ~, Re lar Meet'in s: when called b the. Chairman of the Aut o ~ g Y h rity e Statute or cause creating Authority: N.C. General Statutes 159C-4. New Hanover County Resolution dated February 7, 19.77 creating Authority.: -, O ~..P'urpose: To promote the right to gainful employment opportunity, private .industry, the prevention and control of the pollution of - the air, land and:waters of the State of North Carolina in the.. safety, morals, and health of the. people. „ e 1 Brief on functions: (1) To aid in the financing of the industrial .manufacturing facilities for the purposes of providing employment. and raising,., below average manufacturing wages by financing industrial and manufacturing facilities through the issuance and safe of tax free revenue bonds; and (2) to provide tax free revenue ' bonds for established industries. that are in need of modernization in order to meet the pollution control requirements of the country, ,state, county and city. TERM - PRESENTLY CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING .Henry E. Miller, Jr. second 111 Sea Oats Lane Wr-ightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-27.78 (H) 762'-2613 (W) 1 John D. May unex fired Wilmington, NC 28409 39:5-0949(H) 392-3833 (W) William H. Cameron first . 2706 Calvert Place T ER.'~i EXPIRES 2-22-97 2-22-97 (Appt. 7/18/94) 2-22-99 e Wilmington, NC 28403 {Appt. 6/26/89 to unexpired term) 251-9822(H) 762-8791(W) (Reappt. 2/15/93) Robert F. Ruffner, Jr. first 2-22-99 1801 Hawthorne Road P.O. Box 4189 Wilmington,. NC 28406 (Appt, 2/15/ 343-1017.(H) 392-5220 (W) '... INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND~POLLIITI.ON CONTROL FINANCING AIITHORITY (CONTINUED) .. TERM ` • - PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT ME,'2BERS '. - SERVING - EXPIRES W. Lee Williams - .' - .~ - - -- a second ' • 2-22-O1 • 2114 S. Canterbury Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ~' 343-9530 (H).'.251-2320 (W} ._ .. ... Daniel-•L.. Biblin - F r first '2-22-01 2.829 Springfield. Drive. ~ - ~ ~~ Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 12/17/90)` 395-5026 (H) (Reapp t. 2/20/95) - Thomas ~L. -Dodson first - ~ 2-22-01 P.O. • Bbx 1290. _. - - Wilmington, NC 28402 - Appt~. 3/20%95) - 343-1812 (H) 251-5201 (W) Ex-Officio:r .. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ a Steve Diab, Attorney 16 N. Fifth Avenue ~ -~ • Wilmington, NC 28401- ~ ~ a 763-2426 ''(:W) _.. ~- 3/95 File: \Industry • - ~. - • _ ., ... . O . 62 .. • - ,~ =~-- ~._ • a - 0205 '97 15:51 ID:DIJPONT DI STAFF FAX:910-371-4r~5 pA~ 1 NEW f-IAlVO1/ER G4UNTY BOARD C1~' COII/1MISS10NLCRS 320 Chestnut Street, Roam 305 W!lm/ngton, IVC 28401-4D93 Telephone 19101341-7149 • FAX I910J 341-6130 Apprcatlon for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commisslons slppolnted by the New Hanover Countty Board of Comm/ssioners,j~1 Request for AppoJntmeni to: / ~ ~ ~~1~-~~ 'S ~ (~ ~-~G'Y1 L•~ ~ . Name: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~~.Lt.yi/ l S Home /,~ ~ ~c1 How long have ynu bccn a Address: _ll~Z~ 1 `~ ~Q ~ W ri ~t'fS t/c ~ CC ~~• rest'dant of New Hanover County? ~~ ~. v Matlinp Address:r,, ' ~ / s ~~~_ G'ty end Stete: y `! y1 I'1/t i /1~~ N~i Zip Code: ~ ~~ 3 Telephone: Koine: " / ~ ~ ~ 2S~ ~ S~~ 8us%ness: ~ / U ~ 3~ ~~" ~/~33~_ •Sex: ~ 'Rece: ~ 'Ape: -77ua;n(ormet;on /s r~qu~st~d for th• so;~ p~.rpos• o(issur/ny that ~ ctvss•s~ctron of tAi C4nM7un;ly;J ~ppO;nt.d. "Employed by: ~f/jr~(/YU _ • •A p~rmn eurr~ntly~mp:oy~d by thi spsnCy or 4~psrlment /or wAkA thv app/;tsaon b m~d~, mint rosiyn hit/hKposrtlon with /Ww Ninov~r County upon ~ppo/nanart, In eeeadavrei w/rR Artle% Vt, See. ~f o/ the New N~nav~r County Prrsonn~f fiok'cy, Job Title: _ 1~1~ ~ }~ ~Yt I'YIQ~!/l. Professionel Activities: ~ l ~ / /~ ~~ Volunteer Activities: N 0 ~~ C7 t~e~{rlS vV t C~C~ /T ] ~h ~~G~ r3~'~- 1iy10 f~t~S ~IGL-(/t (S f- , ~^~' Why do you. wish to serve on the board, Committee, or Commt'ssion (equestedl . ~ /1 U~/(/ !n ~ Rit~C Gtk.~ /n 1 ~ m~ J`.'f', ~~- ~~ InG~.GtS~i'~~ ~ U ~ S / Y..Q. Qj'1 //Y~ r~ /~v7 ' What do you feel are your pua/itications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commisslo~ requsstedT lit~(~/~~ l~) li~~cS~trJ:c1L l~~c~~ Cc1')~o~ -P~'lVi/O~r' .ham ,~ytfrt~ What areas ofconcern would you I%ke to see the Board, Committee, ar Cammission address? _ ~~,G~ ~t y(l 6y1 rhe~~rhG~ ~('I G~~I'yll 0 r (XOh~.~,~ 1• .ore you currently serving on another board or commrttce epporntcd by o municlpo/r'ty or o County) If so, please /is t: d' ' (Pfaes• vs• r~r~rs~ s/d~ for •ddrL'onel Comm~nfs/ '~ / ~+Dnat 63 C'~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • . Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 JAN 3 1 19~? NEW NANOVER CO. Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ..Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: Industrial Facilities.and Pollution Control Financing Authority Name: Kristin M. Beck - - - - Home How long have you been a Address: 3901 Cherry Avenue resident of New Hanover Countyl 5 yrs. - - Mailing Address: 3901 Cherry Avenue City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 _ • Telephone: Home: (910) 791-4456 Business: (910) 371-5156 Sex: Female Race: White Age: 23 • Employed by: E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co.~ Job Title: Environmental Leader. Professional Activities: Member of Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) Terephthalates Panel ~ ' Member of Clean Land and Harbor of Wilmington (treasurer-elect for 1997) Member of Cape Fear River Program Advisory Board Member of Cape Fear River Program Technical Committee Certified NC Grade I Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator , Member of DuPont Cape Fear Site's Community Advisory Team • • Participate in Manufacturing 8 Chemical Industry Council (MCIC) events for DuPont Member of the Carolina Air Pollution Control Association (CAPCA) •• . Volunteer Activities: . Many of the above professional activities are also performed on a voluntary basis. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My response will address each of the purposes of the financing authority: (1) Providing Tax-Free Revenue Bonds for Modernization of Facilities to Meet Pollution Control Requirements: As an environmental specialist at a major (and aging) manufacturing facility, I am increasingly required'to implement new environmental regulations for which compliance costs (in the form of pollution control equipment, record-keeping and reporting, manpower, etc.) are exorbitant. Although the intent of the regulations is commendable, I can truly empathize with _ those smaller businesses that struggle to find financial. meahs to comply. Many are eventually ~ ' " forced out of business. I see a real .need for a team, such as this financing authority, who can • - provide the needed funds~to the upstanding businesses in our community. - (2) Aid in the Financinq of Industrial Manufacturing Facilties for the Purpose of Pryvidinq Employment: As a member of this community, I support any efforts to attract and sustain healthy businesses. These new businesses not only'provide needed employment, but.breathe life into communities and uplift the overall economy. New industry eventually means better schools, more - service industries, more financial support to non-profit agencies, and an overall better quality of life. _ , . (3} Aid in the Financinq of Industrial Manufadurinq Facilities for the Purpose of Raising Below Average Manufacturing Wages: As a professional employee of a large manufacturing company, I -- ~y am fortunate that my wages are adequate for meeting my needs. I do, however, through my work U frequently come in contact with other industries (including the contract groups~we routinely use on ,. site} where wages place their families barely above the poverty level. Many of these individuals have much needed skills but are financially taken for granted due to the low wage status of their' _ (~ job type. -The standard needs to be raised. 64 .. What do ou feel are our ua ' y y q 1lfrcafions for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? . 5 year member of the Wilmington community 5 year employee of DuPont, a major manufacturing facility, alc an environmental specialist _, Lifetime NC resident .~ Graduated from NC State (BS) and Duke University (MS) with, honors What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? (1) Attracting and helping to fund the establishment of new industry (2) Increasing the wages of the local tradespeople in the community, thereby attracting highly skilled workers to our area (3) Raising community awareness for the high cost of achieving compliance with ' environmental regulations and the fact the most industries are trying to do the right things to protect their workers and the environment Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT Kso, please list: NO Date: _~ ~ 7 0 ~ ~ 1 ~ Signature: ~~~ ~ : f ® _. ~, 65~ NEiN NANO V:~W ~ CQUNTY BOARD OF COIVINIISS/0I11FRS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' Taliphona (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4130 ~4pp/lcation for Appointment tv Boards, Comrnlttaes, and Cvmmfsslans Appointed by the New Hanover CaLnty Bverd of Commiss/vaars, RequQSt for Appointment fo: •~1 j a ~ ` t ( o- Name: Honse ~ , Address: Kow /onp hdve you been d residant of IVew Hgnovtr County? Melling Address: City ~+nd Ststrs: ~ ~ /lL~ Zip Cods: -11(-~~,~ . _.,. O TeleAhane: Hotn~; - BtuineJJ: ' "Sex: ____~- •Rece: _ ~~ "Ape: - T)da lnrvr*.rrtlon (a npuut~d /vr lM soli prrxsoa~ or~.ru;np that • aorsaK~ ~ M~ ~ tY a ~ppolnte~ Apr..ancrrra„uy~rpbrsdbrdroprncyard~prrnr«r/(UrwAld-ahrr~pp6resobrtramsd.,mrat New NanovK Counry Gpprl pPa/nbx"nt, Jn +CCwdana~ wdth Arvdi VI, Sic. ~f of GR~ Nrw /{«rorr~ry~ ~a Ll ~Y- Jo6 Title: t fit. f- ~ P.r~ cr `~L°`~~ ! r r Prafess/one/Activlties: ~. r,~ VofuntacrActivitias: ~ Clr`~. r- G`.a~t- CR,,,~y ~y ~, Wlty dv you wish to serve on the Board, Committee w Commf D swan re~uuterl r ~ Wrist areas o/ concarn would you like to Jas the Baard, Committee, or Commission address? ~,[(J y ' Are you currently serving on another board or committee appo/nted by a municipality or a coLgtyl if so, pl~~Je list: ~_ Getc: ~~ Lf GG ~i~ SJvnetuie _ . f~'au• use rrvarsc s.u~ fir ldltfan,d t•am,r-onul •w\ Whot do youAfee~/ era y]~ou~/ qual/ficetians Io/r serving on tha Boob, Com/•»tittea, or CamrrUss/on r~quasr~dl ~~~rY+! v1{-G ! N li U ~C'11._.! 1 _ r / ~ ~ ~ rv. 1 _ . ~ r ~_ _ _ ~ ~ ~ -~- ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMN1/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 - - . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissior7ers. Request for Appointment to: ~A~a t'j~, ~,- ~~~~, e,o~~N ~~,~~ ~~ _ .. Name: J 01-~ ~ ~ . ~ Q`.{ - Home - ~ How.long have you been a Address: ~. ~ l DQ 7 president of New Hanovef County? I Q. S . Mailm.ga ddiess: 5 ~.,~,,~ - ~. City and State: w i~tih t +J C~o ~ ~ . _e-• Zip Code: Z~ ~~,rt Telephone: Home: 3 9 S- 0 ~~g Business: 3 ~ ~.. -- 3 ~ 3 3 . ^ S S .. 'Sex: _ C~1 (~~ 'Race: W ~ 1 ..% •Age: - 'This information i requested for the sa/e purpose al assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employeoby: Sc.l.~ - L-m ~-o "A person current/y employed 6 the ag ncy or department for whicA this application is made, must resign his/her position with. New. Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l tha New Nanove~ County Personnel Porcy. -. JobTitle: ~ ~ ~ E'(Z ~(~ 1 ~.~, S ~ ~ . S ~-'- p p `^~-S -- ProfessionalActivities: Vo/unteerActivities: - ~ - ~ ~ Why do .you wish to serve on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? ~ W 9~.~, ~ ~~ ) ~ S ~. ~ N -' vJ ` rJ o -iL ~, o y. , 0 ~ ~ ) rJ (~ .~ m =12-, ~ ~. EtL . ' _ ...~._ . , Whaf do you feelare your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? F-t~r.~ Q v I l \-~. ~~..~ ~ L.o O Q \ A R-o ~ c 1 ~ ~ l N (}~.~ O ~ Lr, t ~J fJ ~, A.~ A ~ c ~~ s ~ o ~ O tJ F F1 c"T's tJ 1 C'``v..,o -t%o ~ . ` ._, What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? L po4C, ~ /~. P - c, ~ s ~, . '~ o i t-~ ~-, ~1nJ G, A~- f.~.~D ~ N~~~ i2p~J ~.,; ~v - ~.~ y t.JS v Are y1ou currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: N ~ , :.~ ~ V Date: ~ t ~ , 1 Signature -- `"' - ~7 ~ 1 (P/ease usa ve sa side for additional comments! ~~~, o ~ (` - a r NEW HANOVL~R COUiVTY ~~ ~ BOARD OF COIt/11~/IISSION.E ~~~d~~ RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~ 305 1AN 3 1 1991 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~ ~ ~y t~wvOVER co. L~ Telephone (9701 341-7149 8D. OF COMMISSIONERS FAX (9101341=4130 Application for Appointment to Board,. Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the Ne w Hano ver County Board of Commissioners. ~ ' Request for Appointment to: ~ ~^ t~GS 7"i• ~ I ~Ci ~r ~ r 2S nr`.c~ ~'la~~~^ ~c~~r~ ~ ~^.c.-ti;.~ ,~~~~~r;T~/ Name: ~'U ~ ° - / o~ ~/? r,J: ~~2 ~ _ . _ _ ... - . . Home ~ „ (~ ~~~•~ ,~Sr,,-~~ ./ l~c~ ~I . 1 ~,~~ ~ Kow/ong have youbeen a Address: / ' ~~~'"t1'^ ~ resident of New Hanover CountyT ,S 7• ~S an Gds ~Liaiiing i,'ddTess: - SC7 !h e r~ S p ~ v(' - - .. _ . City and State:.. _ - - .. _ Zp Code: - .. Telephone: Koine: ~ ~" /~~' ~ `! 9 ' Business: qID ' %~~ y - .. - -~ /}~ ., 'This inlorme/tion is requested for the so% purpose of essurin9 that 6 cross-section of the community is appointed.. ' ..Employed by: ( ~p~r irST ' ~ H~chP% ~ .: _ . _ •'A psrsan currently employed by the agency or departmenYor wh/ch thrs eppGceU_on /s made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon eppai~tment, in accordance with Arvc% V/, Ssc. 4 of the: New Hanover Covnry Personnel Po/rcy. ' Job Tt/e: i <P ~e5i c~P~~- Zn ~~s r~~„ ~ Q ~cr-~ .. 'rofessional Activities: .~(~~ ~I rr r t / !J;. ~f j., i~~~ / ~~=in~.r ~- -rr., ~ ' ~/i?,?,i?; '~ . f t ~~ ~ . `~ /n~ rr _ 'olunteerActivities: r~• Nana t•„ ~C( ;a^.:I a~'c.~ ~~~t-~ ~U„~-~.n~ ~v?r~ at •r~c~oir ..L^ r~ ~:, i~j• p( `~'~:~rL•n•t~,,~ !C•/T~•• ~~ CJr~r~Y~:"P~ ,'Ai!'/!07 iL/Cni} Clcs /hy do you. wish to serve on ttlie Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~~ %J ~V'~4~ fo Cr?~~e !.'p~/' •o~; J 'r f !Y'nso^ . ~~~ ~,~„~,.,, ; ~ ~r7 ~ C~r•n~~ rI ~v Cv~,-~%rNr fa ~~a. ~,t/~ l'P G=~ ~~~ 01 . g i1 rt ~t fhr ~~ ~•~.~ ~cL•~~f p{ a=~ r,7~~a iI ~~~~ ~~'r~rd i•1 ~/P °4t~ q ~'°".tue' .~/!li•T'1( ~r~:i;rJ^~,~1./~"'' :ii:ii ~~•.,~.. G ~. Cart ,~i/"J•~•a T~ '/i~:/ J/ °(~t~~f~ ~ / 7~at doI you feelatre your qualifications !o[serving on the Board, Commrttee, or Commission requestedT ,or..~ ~' /`-lo~ • { U ^~ fa Gd /l ~ [~ (f < G~-.,./ ~~~' Sep ;,/le.. ,;~/e /i ~~~?'~ q, ~ Z;/dr~~. !f~ J ~!a L // J Y1 ! ~;1 ' /1^ /~G~lty/~~L~Q Gnd d ~/lo~y ,. Sn. .7 ~ ~o din riiS -YO . - 1 hatare~s of concern wou/d you like to see, the: Board, Committee, or~Commission addressT /'h OjJ%If4~c P ` ° you current/y serving on another board or committee a ~ l ppointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, p/ease list: /VC ~ - ~ ~ Signatur > .,,,c~ • us use reverse side /or additional commentsl _ _ • . i~ LI .~ < _ ~. .. NEW HAIVO VER 'COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. . Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request. for Appointment to: ~N~ yS T,2~ ~L ~AtiG ~- c T7 ~ ~!9 Po ~ c- v TT D ,~/ C0.y7~a L ~/.cJ~lG.~l~ ~1~f0 R t 7'~ Name: ~ri~ ~ ~S C /C1,cJ O ~.P Home- . How long have you been a Address: _33/Z. TPT3~,~.~ ~ T' (~/c~-t Z$ ¢09 resident of New Hanover County? / ~ ~~fI~S /~ Mailing Address: ~• ~. .I3D~C '¢S6~ City and State: W / ~-N(/,~f ~ 7~j.J ~ ~cl C. Zip Coder 280.6 Telephone: Home.• ~/~~ ~~/ - ¢~37 Business: ' •Sex: ~~~-~- •Race: C~'UC'~?~"-~ •Age: ~ 6 ' 'This in(ormetion is requested far the sole purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ' •Emp/o yed b y: n~ 0 T- Et-f PL D y~ E~ - /P.~Tl.e ~~ ' -A,penon currently amp/Dyed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, mustresign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance witNA/tic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personne/Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: LAy E~zN~~rST'iNl~./fS7~•e.~L~,21o4-Df~ ST.'P~Gj ~SUP'~-~ e VolunteerActivities: Wh y do you -wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ySF M ~ ~}CPE,Gib/~ /~•tj T-~E PG,,4,~,.v/.~l( ~~ l]ES/~N Q!^ /ii/~J17'~2i,Q-~ ~~~c.~T7I£~j .~Si~~G//~~CL~ Po ~ f- v no ~J C O .c1 r~,e o L. ~ ,¢ .L £ So tJ ,¢ GE, ~3 T~ ~ ~Qi 7~ Gs-cl S/ O £~'JC ~}-rOPc. r G,~T-ro•~Js X0.2 ~i,1.cY,/Gi .~Jl~ ~~C/ L r T~ ES. . What do -you -feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T ~'~~~ a~pN ~ ~o:c,3 v G T~4-tilT- 7D ZiSIO d STR/~5 ,~ TfiLE PLhi~t aJ. ~ , ~ ~5~~,~/, i4nI1~ E.~, ~i ci ./ t~ ~ p,c n/E ~ ,¢n! J, ,t~t'.~ o c1.4.~ T~ ~¢c i ~ i ri F~ What areas of concern-would you like to see the Board, Committee, or. Commission address? ...~ wDUt-~ ~~rKE ~ .sFE ~ rz/2 d-~r~o,e.ry $.E i,v ,¢ f~air~o.J 7a ~5syst- ,~,eisrr,/~ ~ _ PFi.4./}-i~~, ~o Ti</!~7-• 71~~. P2ocE55~S ~I~ T.ecr`f.ao~,06 ~Dx.~s Th~~ ,~.~€~ f=o-e 5 T~cno.,i o~ T>f~ f,~v y~oN , re you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by ~a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~ . Date... ~ z3 ~ lAN 2 1 1991 sgnature~ Please use ver' se ode for additional comments? WASTEC COMMISSION ' Number of Members: 15 10 Community Representatives 5 Elected Officials, 1 each from.: Board of . County Commissioners, Wilmington .City Council, Wrightsville Beach Board. of Aldermen, Carolina Beach Town Council,; • and Kure--Beach Town Council . Term of Office:.. three ears• the initial board•will serve two a Y nd three-year staggered terms. The number of terms a member can serve -is unlimited. - Regular.. Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every. month. Time and place of meetings will be. determined monthly.,. Statute or Cause Creating Committee: Board of Commissioners' Meeting,May 7,, 1991. - Purpose: The purpose of the WTE Advisory Board is to provide . advice to the Board of Commissioners and to staff on the operation and management of the WTE facility. TERM • ~. - ~ PRESENTLY ~TERM~~ CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING. EXPIRES Charles Agnoff, President second 3/1/97 • ^ Interroll Corporation 3000 Corporation Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 5/6/91) °256-2130- (H) 799-1100 (W) ~ (Reapptd. 2/21/94) Michael V. Chav' ~ first ~.. 3/1/.99 _ 705 Windem Road ~~~ Gj~ . Wilmin NC 28405 ~ I}"I (Appt. 8/19J96) 791- 75 (H) 68b-2.208 (W) ~~ ., r - Robert M. Deacy first ~ 3/1/99 3300 Bougainvillea Way Wilmington, NC 28409 ~ (Appt..2/19/96) 452-4131 (H) 457-26.99 (W) Edgar C. Fox first 3/1/97 --• 2525 Canterbury Road, .. Wilmington, NC 28403 • (Appt. 2/21/94) 763-7945. (H) Marc .S. Gi ux _~ unexpired 3 1/97 5521 Che n .Avenue C~:-Q~n,i1~-~,~ ~~~ .. Wilmin on, NC 28409 (Appt. 9/19/ 791-8 69 (H) 395-7201 (W) ~~ e AASTEC COMMISSION (CONTINIIED) Harry L. Mahl first 3/1/98 - P.O. Box 68 - - Wrightsville Beach', NC 28480. (Appt. 2/21/94 unexpired term) 256-4481 ~ -" (Reappt. 2/20/95) Robert Pace ~ - - "' second 3 / 1/ 97 General Electric-Company '~ - -~ . P.O. Box 780, Mail Code H02 Wilmington, NC 28402 ~ ~ (Appt.S/6/91) 791-8509 ' (H) 675-5385 (W) - (Reappt. 2/21/:94) ' Gene Renzaglia, Plant Manager third 3/1/9,9 Occidental Chemical - ' P.O. Box 368 - .. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Appt. 5/6/91) " 395=0509 (H) 675-7224 (W) (Reappt.2/15/93, 2/19/96) Chester D. Rudolf second 3%1/98' 1949 Hillsboro Road Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ (Appt..2/3/92) 762-7144 (H) ~~ ~ ~ ~ - ' (Reappt: 2_/20/95) James B. Wright 'second 3/1/98 1605 Landfall Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/17/91)- 256-6255 (H) ~ (Reappt.-'2/20/95) Elected Officials: • -~ Commissioner William A. Caster - -` New Hanover County -- 791-1572 '(W) ' Mayor Don Betz City of -Wilmington - - P O Box -1810 - Wilmington, NC 28.402 341-7815 (W) - ~ ~ - Town of Wrightsville Beach " Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 ' Mayor Anthony Loreti Town of Carolina Beach _ P.O. Box 2.151 Carolina Beach, NC 28428 _ • 458-4436 (H) Town of Kure Beach P.O. Box 569 4K~ur~}e Beach, NC 28449 ~ - ' L 4,972 (W) ._ Staff Support: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Ray Church, Environmental Management Director ,- Board of Commissioners ~ ~w . - ~ New Hanover County ' 320 Chesttcut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 13401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 Application for Appointment to Boards, Com*nittees, and Commissions Appointed by the: New Hanover County Board of County .Commissioners. • - WASTE-TO-ENERGY ADVISORY BOARD Request for Appointment to: CATEGORY (Please t ypc er print in 51ack ink) . - Name: ~dQA~ ~• ~o X ' ~ How long have you been a - Address:.. Z~SZSI'yn ~PYhuy~ R c~• resident of New Hanover County? Z ~ rs ~' -~- 1 /try ,rig 1-o n N C Z~/~~3 ~' Telephone: Home: G 3 9 Business: 9 ~' ~3 ~~ ,. 1~a/ ` * Sex: * Race: llJ~ 1 tt° * Age: ~ G~ .* Employed by:_ /~P i YP ~ . Job Title:. ~ ~ , ' ' Duties Performed: ~_ Professional Activities: ~~ v / '~ P~ ~S YOn ~u rrl Du ~ r S a c Volunteer Activities: . ~1 Yi ~`B ~ 1 f y ° h`• ~dC°St/!•r~ /~4» ~P~Sh IP ~a rri e ~i 0 e Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .z"~e~l m ~ ,6u~ ~ 9 ra w a ~ w ~ y ~~ l,P 1 P rn E ma ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ -~ n b ~ T'/GN What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,. Committee, or Commisson- requested? . ' S C°C 4,~q o Pd ' What areas of concern would you like to see that Board, Committee, or Commission add_ ress? rio cx.. /o w v cu s o~-r ~ .S~J ~i !' c-°~n U N on vin Pr`~t ~ v CJ,~ w u,~ l a nS This information is rcquested for.llre sole purpose of assuring brat across-section of the community is appointcd. " A pcrson currently employed by the agcncy or dcpartmcnt for which this applicdtion is madc, must resign his/hcr ., position with New Hanoacr County upon appointment, in accordance with Articlc Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Nanorxr County Pcrsonncl Policy.' ' Date: ~~ ~ ~/~ )3, /99•z L ~ .~~~; ~,~.fJ Signature (Please use reverse side for additional commen~ ~ 3 p. • ~. - `~ - - ~ _ UORK HISTORY _ _ Edgar C. Fox 19'30 to Present - _ _ _. ---- . Retired ~. ~• ( have done some co'nsult~ing-work involved in' new p1anC ~ ~' construction. Have taught a course in the DOS operating ;' system for personal computers: - "'~: ~ - 5968 to 1~J90 - . Chief Engineer,, Federal Paper Board, Riegelwood, NC , •~~Among the projects that I was -involved in wa•s -the justification and the installation oP a 40MW turbine ' generator and-a 400,000 LBSJhour steam boiler-which burnt mostly wood waste. Also, involved in studying the feasibility of a cogene-ration facility at the Riegelwood.site. 1.95'1. to 1968 _ _..__ _ _ __._ _,__.... ~ ~ ' Senior Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Corp. I w,a's most l y involved app 1 ying': equipment ,made by- Westinghouse in the paper and textile industries. This .inciuded-making feasil?iiity°studies of utilizing combined., ' .cycle power systems in industry. Education _ _ - BSEE ,:Duke University 1951 ..__ MSEE University Of Pittsburgh 1960 . " 4._ . .. . , ._ .. _ .. _ ~ _, . . -:,.. L.i ccnsed Prof ess Iona 1 Engineer .Commonwea 1 tt-~ of Pennsy 1 vania .- , -. .,_ ` _ ~ ~ - 74 . . . .._ .. . a BENT HY:BE-h1F3CM,FUEL CUALITY, 01-25-93 03:33PM 1 e 0 9190'~552S5~ Board o~ Comrniss~orters - ~ N~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ sr~ . ,. Wilmuxgton` Narttk Crtrfll~ 2541-40513 ,' ?,rl>epkont ~ 341-7T49 9193414130 ~ 2 ----~-~ Application for Appointment !o Hoods, CommitEees, ind Commisaiong _ Appointed b3 the Nets Iiano~er County hoard of County inners. WASTE-TO-ENERGY ADVISORY BOARD ~ . _, Request for AQpontmextt bo: CATEGORX s ft~ t fpr a 1~ ~ brat tktl I~tame+ ~ How long have you been s ~Addzesa ~ s e.•. r [~,- resident of New HuwvezCounty7 _S ,~1; ~ ,~ - Telegftone: ,Home: ~4 I - S~ S' 4 9 Busfness: L "Sex: M A.~ ' Race ~ _1,~1 ~ iT'~' . Abe. .. Employed by - ' Job rule: ~R0 GSA rt ~ A •~- s?; c-t< ~ tYl o~+ i..-fa c-} ~.~: ,.r g M ar.~ a.' G' ~ i -f•i~ t~ p /~ a c:.Y Q ~.! Dutie3 Performed; ~,. ~ fl ;,~, J Professional Activities; N :8o4n1 0~ atre.~-Jor-~' ~~L-Ll /Y1QA f~Lu.....~. Ats~c~N-Trw.-~J. ~olur-teer Activities: ~- ~ c,,~ _ .Why d.o`you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, oz Cauur<issiDn rtqucsttcd2. o ~ s What do yyou feel are your qualificat;+ocu for serPin on the Bfla Caniaii requestPd7 r'n 0.d Q~• g rd, tt~ orComa~sion f.!'~"' GXP~''~G,,ita-~ !r~/~.11tdt~~ of.. I•UGirJt~.~vr What area3 of concern would you Iike to see that Board, Committer, or Commission ad~dress2 /t~ Ate' .E-t'F'~ c i c a F Tic- 1,~1T~" c t t~ ~ Th.u a, fcrrarlia>, is rtquatd fm; tlu raft putpost o f us+cring thct a ass-scGiarr a f Nt cuanrt+c~sity iu ~nlai. ~1 pcr>~ ts+rra:sly trrtpf°S+~ trY tfre c~c~nJ ordrpurtnrc„t for a1rf~ thin oppfe~tton ~ rr~r, ~artt ncsr~rr . pQJttlws nth Nm Haxorra County ur.•on aprrent„urt, in ataor~(xaar meth ArtecG Yi, Scc. L o f liar N~a- Han~rr Cautsly Pascrincl policy, Date:.. ~LZ a'i 4z _ L~~rt-~_ i/~r~9 ,- (Pleast use reverse side tnr additipnal cos7iuient3~ Sl~uz~ • 75 . • .. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS . ~; _ - ._ ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ... _, r - ,. 1' VACANCY ~_ .`. .. , .._..... ' • Mr. Cooper is no~ longer able to serve as a regular member of the Zoning Board of. Adjustment.,; However, he would 'like to~contnue serving as an alternate member through • the end of his term of 12/1/98. If it pleases the Board, '~ Mr. Cooper's appointment could be switched with one of the three alternates-. ._ ..... _ ...._ ~ .. _ ._ , . ~ lJ ALTERNATES' • ~Jeffrey'R._ Bellows. ~ ' Dallas J. Brown ~- James Webb ~ • APPLICATIONS ON FILE: ~~ •, ~ Randy Crow Robert A. Dudek Philip Menkes :.. _.~.. _ .: ~ _ .. ... .. a • Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications-• ~- ~ ~ . ,, _ ., 76 - ~ NEA HANOVER COIINTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJIISTMENT -Number of Members: 5 plus three alternates Ex-Officio: Planning Director Term of Office; three years Regular Meetin s: Fourth Tuesda of each month at 5:30 .m. i g Y p n the .Assembly Room, County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street. ~' Compensation: $20.00 per member per meeting lus auto milea e P g Statute or-cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 153-A-345,. .266.17; The. Commissioners increased to 3 alternates 11/21/94 (officially 4/1J96). The Zoning Ordinance requires members to be appointed from different areas within the County's. zoning jurisdiction. ~- Brief on Functions: The Board of Adjustment is a recognition of human .frailty. If it were possible for the legislative body to write a~perfect zoning ordinance which would meet the needs of the „ community while. at the same time avoiding hardship in individual cases, there would be no need for this board. Because that has been found near impossible, the Board of Adjustment has been introduced as an integral part of almost every smoothly operating zoning .enforcement mechanism, serving as a "pop-off valve". to relieve pressures.resulting from hardship cases. o°In New Hanover County, the duties. of the Board fall into two ~' .general categories: Interpretation and Granting Variances. Interpretation: The function of the Board of Adjustment which is B most closely similar to that of the courts:is interpretation of the Ordinance. This function involves (a) interpreting the meaning. of ~~ parts of the Ordinance which are unclear, (b) applying the Ordinance. .to particular fact situations, and., if necessary, (c) Q correcting any mistakes or abuses of discretion which the Building Inspector may have- made in administering the Ordinance. In - exercising this power, the basic principle for the Board to keep in mind is that it must not vary the Ordinance. Its function here is~ to interpret and apply what the governing body has written, not to vary that legislative pronouncement to fit its own ideas. Its.. decisions must be in accord with what the Board believes to be the actual meaning and intent of the Ordinance. ~Grantinct of Variances: General Statute 153A-345(d) provides that,. "when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result from carrying out the ,strict letter of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may, in passing upon appeals, vary or modify ~, any regulation or provision of the Ordinance relating to the use of land, so that the spirit of the Ordinance is observed, public ~' safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done". Basically, a variance is a permit, which the Board may grant ~n7. certain situations, enabling a property owner to make use of hls ~` NEW HANOVER COIINTY ZONING'BOARD OF ADJIISTMENT (CONTINIIED) property in some way which is in conflict with the literal provisions of the Ordinance.. Sometimes a lot so small "or so peculiarly shaped that the owner would have great difficulty in complying. with the yard requirements and yet erecting a suitable building. Sometimes contours of the terrain are such as to create hardships in .complying with these requirements.•~'Sometmes`the lot is located in a-:luster, of nonconforming uses which wild prevent• the owner from securing any reasonable return from his land if he complies with the Ordinance (as where a -lot 'in a residential district is surrounded by nonconforming business structures). When the.Board,grants exemptions from harsh provisions, ~it~is "granting ' a variance." _ . Finally,. it should be noted that there is a• good bit•of ~"l=aw".~ connected with the duties and responsibilities of the Zoning~Board of Adjustment. This is understandable, however, when one considers the importance--of -.its decisions which'expand• or limit property values. These are issues which must not be dealt with casually or arbitrarily. _. r .. The .above.; has .been largely excerpted ~• from ~tYie Zoning Board- ~of Adjustment in North Carolina by .Michael -B. -Brough, and Philip P. ~_ Green,,- Jr: .: , . ~ _. ,_. ... :: TERM•r. PRESENTLY TERMS CIIRRENT MEMBERS ~ SERVING EXPIRES _. ;., S. Keith Cooper first 12/1/98 6 Bahama Drive :- Wrightsville.Beach, NC 28480 ~ ~ (Appt. unexpired term 9/5/95) "- 256-.8033 (H)' 256-7646 (W) ~ -• (Appt. first term 11/20/95) ~ ~~ Peter..Michael DeVita _ _ ffirst - 12-%'1/99 97 Pelican Poi t R d ~ -~~ ` ' r n o a Wilmington; NC ,x,28409 ~ ~ ~, (Appt. 11/18/9 6). ~ '~ 392-4641 (H) _ • . ~ h . ., - Larry W . •Flowers ~ ~ - - ~ unexpired ~ 12 / 1/ 97 `` 562.9 Oleander Drive - ~ - Wilmington, .NC 28403 ~ ~ - ~(Appt. 11/18/96) 350-0178 (H) 763-5411 (W) Fred Floyd f i-rst - :12 / 1/98 802 Pine. Grove Drive ~ ,. Wilmington, NC .28409 ~ (Appt. 11/20/95)'; 791-5060 (H) - ~ .. _ _ - _ Irving ".Rod" L. Smith ~ ~ .a .. first' 12/1/99 " 316 N. Hampton Road- ~ ~ ~ ' - ` W~ 'ngton, NC 28409- - ~ 5 (Appt. 11/18/96) 39 .413 (H) 791-3313 (W)' - - ~~ ~ ~ ~ (. s ~~ ~ ~ , ~ i NEW HANOVER COIINTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJIISTMENT (CONTINIIED) TERM , PRESENTLY TERMS CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES- ~. ALTERNATES: Jeffrey R. Bellows. ~ first - 12/1/99': - ' 5419 Beretta Way - -' Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 11/18/96) 392-2337 (H) 343-6231 (W) Jam W bb es e first 12/1/98. ~ 1105 S. Haymarket Lane ' Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt.. 11./20/95 452-5814 (H) Dallas J. Brown, Jr. 3401 Wilshire Boulevard first 12/1/99 - Wilmington,. NC 28403 _ (Appt. 12/16/96)- , '763-5061 (H) 350-1b50(W) ~~ 12/96 ~ , ~., .file: \Zoning .. ~I . ~~ ~_ - . ~ .. - ~- ~~ .~ . . 79 ._ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY IPISPECTION SERVICES 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 203 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 23401-4045 . TELEPHONE (910) 341-7118 ANN S. HINES FifX (910) 341-4332 Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer January 31, 1997 . •: Mr. S. Keith Cooper C/o Landfall Associates P. O. Box X368 Hanover Center Station Wilmington, NC 28403 Re: Zoning Board of Adjustment ~ ~ • . _ _ ,~ - , Dear Keith: Thank you for your letter of January 29, wherein you stated that you wish to serve as an alternate Board member, rather than a full member. It has been a real pleasure working with you in this (~ ' capacity, and I hope that you will be able to stay on as an alternate member. ~ (J Since it is the County Commissioners w•ho make the Board appointments, I am asking by copy of this letter that the Legal Department consult with the Clerk to the County Commissioners on the best way to handle this. In the meantime, we would certainly appreciate your staying on through the February 2~ meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~--- A Ann S. Hines Executive Secretary to the Board of Adjustment cc: Pete DeVita, Chairman, Zonin Board of Adjustment g J t/I/ucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Andrew J. Olsen, Assistant County Attorney J. B. Graham, Inspections Director ffB - 3 1991 ~~ . 80 ~. • . r!. 'R: ~,,~ , -, ~ ~ \/'.~ . ~ RF~EIYED _ _ ~AN 31 1991 ~._ NHS " lkSF .. - ~ ~~% D~ • .. a _ Januar 29 - 1997_._ . .._._. ... ,_ _ p - _ ,.. Y . I .. - _ .Ms. Ann S. Hines _ •_ • Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer - , ~, New Hanover County Inspection Services ~, 4I4 Chestnut Street, Room 203 ~- `~ Wilmington,. NC 28407-4045 .. RE : Zoning Board of Adjustment „ - - -- .... , . Dear Ann: :. Due to ersonal and business res onsibilities I have found ' P P it necessary to step down as a full member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. I am interested in remaining an alternate member at least through the end of my current appointment. - " Pete DeVita, chairman of the board, is aware that I am stepping down. - Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.. I wil-l be-glad to remain a full member through the. February meeting if the board needs time to select my - ' .replacement. Sincerely, . w S . Keith Cooper ._. ~ _ _. - ~ SKC: is ~ ~ - . cc: Pete DeVita •. • - - ~r _ _.. _ _ _. ~ .._ 81 . _ . .. NEW NANOVER COUNTY -BOARD OF COMN1/SS/ONERS . ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9101.341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover County E~~ard of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Zoning Board of Adjustment Name: Jeffrey R. Bellows Nome How long have you been a Address: 5419 Beretta Way resident of New Hanover County? 6 Years Mailing Address: Same City and State: Wilmington,. NC ~ Zip Code: 284Q9 ' Telephone: Home: 91 x/392-2337 -Business: 910/343=6231 . •Sez: Male 'Race: White ~ 'Age; 35 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sa/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: North Carolina State. Ports Authority "A person currently amp/a yed b y the agaves or department for which this application is made, musf resign his/her position witA New Xanover County .upon eppainlment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Xanowe~ County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: r Construction Engineer ' Professional Activities:. American Society of Civil Engineers,. BGS .Business Honor Society VolunteerActivittes: ~ B ii 1 c3i ng Comrni tteo, NC Bi ~, wp g P~.~ocrram Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I ~xir? to a~~~ cr=r-~rtivi'tv~n~ rv ~ i~xe ~-~r-i m and it'sSg unu~ cxdirarx~ to assist the ~xr~v in critical c~asiCrs f~ciiitatirq Sa~IY c~th rrw art3 in the futt.~e. I believe ~ all hie a civic duty to ar.~ritx.~te to a.r ootrruiity.' . U/hat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commisst.'on requested? My c~1i- ficatias icrl~ technical e.~tise in d=vPlcurert and uanirq ~:laticrs, arr3 exi~-ierne czx-lci:t~ witYi arr3'. far ZS's. V'Jhat areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Zcziirt~ ~ ~rzia-is s~~,ld to o~sistent arr3 eovitable to both larct~rers arr3 the a.hlic it Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipaliC/ or a. county? if so, please list: New Hanover County Building Co~runittee``;; Date: October 17, 1996 Signature (Please use reverse side for eddiuonel comments) ~ll ~ ~ I ~i 1 J ~:~:':; u.;`tQVER CO. i _.._ . NEW HANOVFR COUNTY ~: BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room ~30~' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~. App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: - ~ovi in oCC,•d~ O't' `d~ us ~- ,.o ~' ~_ ~ QQ ~Vame:~ 1 lcs ) • U~Own Jr-. Home ! Z~~o 3 How long have you been a ` ddress:. ,3 ~o J jN, ~Li,Yt 11 w~ . ~.y~s~.• . /Z resident of New Hanover County? r c ~,,.. - Matting Address: - 3~0 I ~ . /S! .'~~ w~. ~ Z o 3 ' ~ity and .State: ~ ! ~ , ~~ , n r, ~ r~ ~ Zip Code: d G ~8~ 3~ Telephone: .Nome: /D~ ~ ~- S D ~ / Business:~tJ) ~ s6 - /~) p ~Sez: -~~ l ~ -RacerAr >~me~tC'~-,., 'Age: 3S - °'This inlarmetion is requested for the sa/s purpose of assuring thgf a crossaectio» o/ the community is appointed. ` '~' person current/y amp/aged b the. agency or department for which this application is mode, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy.. Jab Tit/e: ~ ~ G .~,.~ -:Professional Activities: ~olunteerActivities: ~hy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~f f~,~,n- ~~ //~~ %YIr°~ /lz/ .~ - ~'h_G /,cJ fit.9 ~U- ~ n-/ ~~s+.~,,"ss, oh¢.s ~ ~e ~ 1 r~r, ~~,~ / mss, ~f Wha/t do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? - 7 ~Ar)c~, ~~ ~ •/bY /~/1..,~r Get' Gu ~iH •.-, T.:n 7~eSP-~t C JM.~r ."t s, iN~/ brt" ~ f~l~ t areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~e you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, p/ease list: ` t ~- Date: _ ~'~3 ~~i C ese use reverse side for additional comments/ ::,~~~-; ~~'1uI lnt SEP 2 3 195 signature ~; _,`! HAyOVER CO. 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9l of 34.1-7149 FAX (9101 34.1-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards,. Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover~County.~Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: O tl..~ ~~D ©~ (,... Irv~w` _'' __ -. ,~ Name: ~~~ ~ w~~ ~ _ Home' How long have you been a j~ Address: ~ IGUs ,5 ~~~~'~~, ~ n iesident of Ne.w Nanover County? _~1~, r ~ - - ~ ' Mailing Address: City and State: ~ _ a ~ , Zip Code: r~ /J ~{ (~ ~ ~ • ' Telephone: Home: _ ~ j - `j ~ ~ C.~• Business: 4S' ~'" ~ ~ ~ y . ~ ~ - -'~. 'Sex: ~~__ lt~ 'Race: ~~ ~O-C'~~ ~ 'A9e: ~~ ~ .. ~ ' 'This inJormetion~ is requested for the sole purpose of essuriny that across-section of the community is appointed. ,.EmployedbY: .~~~~ C'1L`-R 1 ~~~~ J~~ ~V,~ Lt.c~+.~~]~C~ .. 'A person currently employed by7he agency or department for which this epplicetioais medey must resi n his/her osition wi 9 p th New Hanover, County upon eppointmen4 in accordance with Arfic/e V/, Seca 4 olYha New Hanover County Persanhe/Policy. Job Title: SCI-f Professional Activities: ( ~~ -_~a 5 ~0- ! ~-t~ u '~ .fay (s. ~i-~+ • / ~ _ VolunteerActivities: m ~ l.~ vN Q. L,~,.;, `.~ t .a!i.C-~.rc ~ _ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? G fl ~ ~1 ~ ' } I ~ _~n c '1 C3 .~ CSC" v, ~ ~ C..,, rc~..:~c ~ ~ .~. ~tiC\ ~- ' ~ c~i~~n \ ti What do you.feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? r j`Ll j t,~. ~~~ ~, ~..rN~ •~ ~ mac; L~.. Q ~~ 1 t~ What areas of concern would you like 'to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ t, (Cyl l.` ~ r u i ~ .,.`~'~ ~ti ~"` C'~~ (~~ )\ ~'~~ 1.-51 Y` ~ Are you currently serving on anothei board of committee appoinfed~b y a muni X34 1 ~__~_ .... _~. _ Dater `~ S ;-~ Q Signat~ ", 0 1 5 ~ tP/ease user verse side ! additional comments/ L-~ ;i ~ lily or a county? H so, please list: ~~ / , .'. _ ~ ~, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q F~~ci~.., t-~ ~ F ~, ~ly << ~`~.. ~,,,~n~' ~: Name: ~ C~ . ~ ` ~ ~..~ Home Now long have you been a Address: - a- ~ 1 g ~~ p ~~. lie S~ e(~ ~ ~G...c~ resident of New Hanover County? _ ~ ',Z y P (~ Mailing Address:- SR erne 0.S ~b e y~ ~: City and State: w ~ ~ ~-,,~ ~ ~ ~ tl `~ 0'~r~ Zip Code: _ ~. ~ ~ 0 Telephone: Home: - 7 (9 ~ - ~ ~ ~, q _ Business: 'Sex: Yy~0.1 ~ 'Race: w h ` t ~ - 'A e: ~ g ~ 'Thirinlormetion is requested for the so% purpose of essuriny fhet across-section o(the community is appointed. '', .'Employed by: `~"' ,,.-. Z; ~ r` ~ A ~' yn :, Q~\ "A person currently amp/oyed by the eg cy ar department for which this eppl~caUOn rs made, must resign (erposition with New Hanover County upon eppoin.ment, in accordance with Arfic% V/, Sec. 4 a! the New Hanover County Porsonne/ Policy. ,~~ .. Job. Title: ~ ~ 2~ ~ , _° "Professional Activities: ~~'r"~r~ - Volunteer.Activiti~ ~ `~,e --qr. ~ ~~ ~M ~z CCet` ~ C., ,. , Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? `~. ~ ` ~ ~ 1 ~ ~- \ v1 ~ ~ G. yv~ ~ ~1 g ~' d~ i S S F~ c.~C. n-1 r l n~ ~, o i- ~~ ~ i ~ c C ^'f r o ~~t ~ ~ What do you teal are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Q S~ k ~tL~ ?n n P r~ ~' What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? - _ ~ _ d E n~ ;'~-4- c• e~ y~ ~ o w~p~i ° Are you.current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please/ist: I~~ . , Date: _ L l -~~ ~ ~} L _ N~~ ~ Z ~'(P/ease use reverse side for additional comments/ Signature l NEW NAIVOVER COUNTY. - ~J. ~ BOARD OF COI'~1M/S S/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~' - ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . - Telephone (910) 341-7149 ~1 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 'i.`~ App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, .and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~~~ Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ N ~~ G 6 a~ 2 ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ U S t f V~, ~ !~ Name: ~o~E~~. ~ ~V DE ' Home How long have you been a Address: 5 2~ f~~~ F0 (Z O FO(~ EST DQ.~ V C resident of New.Nanover Countyl ~ R S ~. - n `Mailing Address: S 2 ~ ~ ~^D F~ ~ O FO ~ ES~' ~ Q. w C City and State: VJ t~,l,/~l N C~ zo/~ ~ ~1 C. Zip Code: 2 S 4l 2 Telephone: Home: ~' ~ 2 - ~ S 12 Business: 4 5 Z - 2 °~ ~o ~o ~• 'Sex: , .. M:. _ 'Race: W - 'Age: s J ''This in/ormation. is requested /ar the so/e purpose o/ essur-in7g that across-section a/ the community is appointed. ,~ ..Er»ployedbyr ~ flv ~ ~, CdNSUL l ~~ "A person currently amp/o yed b y the agency ar department for which this application is made; must iesign his/herposition with New Hanover Counly upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4.01 the Npew Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. ~,, /ob .Title: S Z trZ, l) ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ L. E(~ ~ I !~ ~~ f . £ . - Professiona/Activities: P ~S~ V , ~ . !J C, SZA2~: A M,E'7LI,Cn N ~ OCI~ 6 F Cl U I L ~N~ I N ~ S ValunteerActivities: CO ~Cu - CA E ~A SvtJ S ~ ~. ~OUZK SOCC~. ~ 0 ~'~ cuooL~~~CG(,~. - S7• ~ AQ~ Why do you wish to serve.on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~0 ~E ~ ~' ' ' S ~~ l,C,£ ~ Z ~ GO U N Z~ c,J I~ E1t-G 3 t~l A to C- M`~ U V l nl C~ What do you fee/ ale your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Ids ~. P2®~C~~l;orJ~L C--~ ~r~n- ~ MA N,~UE 7~c-u~~c.~~ I~s~ zs . . _ What areas of concern wou/d. you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? N o S ~~z: t Ft.L. Q~,Er~DQ oP. CC~PV C~21~ S Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b e munici alit or a coup ~ l II II Y p Y ty. f so, please hat: ~]_ 110 ' _ __ Da C C O C~~~ rj _ - _... _ 3 Signature ~ilPlease use reverse side /or additional commentsl r ~ 95 - NFW HANOVER COUNTY _ BOARD OF COMN1/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut,"Street, Room= 305 Wilmington;. NC 2840.1-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication ,for Appointment to .Boards; Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ o~tr,.l~ ~.o/4-,QD o l' '/gf~J5i7ri~tT Name: - ~ ~ - - ~Ni~iP /r~~Ar,~Es Home ~+ ~ ~ How long have you been a Address: v,~rr°/wco o' ~ (:~Sf~-~/ - resident of New Hanover County? ~ /c~,Q -- , - Mailing Address: ~S',~.~,-1 ~ ~ _ ~~ ttl ~ ' ~ ~S City and State: _ (.N Lm l~ T ,~/ /~G Zip Code:. ~ - Telephone: ..... Home: 7 /O -. ~j ~~ - /o ~p _ Business: . /~0 - ~ 9 9- ~ a 7,3 0 ~ ' ^^-- 'Sex: _~ 'Race: ~ 'Age: ~T ~ ~ ~ .. 'This informedon is requested for the so% purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed ..Employed by: _ /~jt~/~'I rnIJ~EST7~7 ~ G-~ .' ~ - "Aperson currently amp/eyed b y the agency or department far which ?his epplicetio'n is mode, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Nanovei County Personae/ Po/icy. Job Title: /~E.S/ Q ~r Professional Activities: VolunteerActivities: - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /O /~¢,~' ~~l ' . -_ vPPa:~; ~,~/?~/ / c~ ,9ess, sr Tn1 TAE Cr,~ rrzo L 'Q ~ O ~-'~ ~i4-~/d L`/ What do you fee/ are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board; Committee, or Commission requested? f~JinlG' ~6nfE ;Q.~O,c.E /rr>S iy o/F~~ ~ .C~cc~S ~' ~/ ~i - f~.4rJQ• ~~'y ~~ / f~1J . - - What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ C~.SE ~~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: .:;_;~. :~.~ t_ . - c. ~ ~ p(( 2 2 . Date: Q ~ 9G Signature /Please use rave a side f r additional comments) .'! . ~ ~ ~~J/a clSYi`/ ~5,~ tl~ O~ /~7`,c ~ o ll~J o2GE ~~ ~ ._~ /~~ .~ ~~-rt,F.~' ~o.~D /g.~f~ / /~~ v'/~r~ .-~O c.CS~ ~cs~C~ G ~~2- ' i~~~r~x ~~S . _~ ~ ~,~1 ~S'f~rrGU ~„r~-~.2 ~~.,~ o~ Ti~~S ,tea ~,P~.O ,Qv T' . y. Gvo~~F~L c,E ~.E;~E~oI°,~ E.,r,- ,~o~eo ~n ~1~ y.E.o ice'' ~~' ~~2 ;~. . Cou~tuc of ~ov~¢.~tmf,~rr-t' ~° , /g,Dmin!'iS•~~' ~1iy„ry o~ 7~ ~. ~ ~~~ ~~ a ~;~2 ~.~8~s off' T~ G~J~~~~ ~~~~ .E,~- ~ot9,C.0. ~v~i~6 Tf~'~ T7~E .l ~~~.Gta~:O o~1 /~ir~ .~ // r~~ y ~~ ~s o~~~z~„~. ~_ ~~s. ,1: ~ ~ . ~1 ~ . 1 . . .1: "~~, ~ P. m ~,~ Kos ': 89 . ~e `i, NE~V HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NE~V HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ~~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 FEBRUARY 17, 1997 ~? ITEMS OF BUSINESS PACE . NO. ~' 1. .NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) - "' 91 2. Approval of Minutes 93 3. Consideration of Engineering Contract Termination Northside WWTP 9~ ~~ Contract #94-0348A . - ~ ADJOURN I~ ~y .-~ ~~ tr ~:~ . _ ~ - ~~ , , - 91 This page intentionally left blank 92 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #; Department:. Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count. In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell j SUB.IECT: Approval of Water acid Sewer Minutes ,~. BRIEF SUMMARY: .Approve the minutes of February 3,.1997 ~` - .. ,~ . _ ~s ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS- Approve minutes .~ ~~ .. . - . FUNDING SOURCE: ~+ Federal S: State S: County S: Uscr Fccs S: Othcr S: `_ Money Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: . -.;~ Bud et Amendment Pre ared: -, . REVIEWED BY: LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: HR: '~( COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• -~ -~ . Approveminutes. ~1JUNfi~' CQMMISS ~~1 ~-.. REJECTS®~ '~ ' ° REMOVED ~ . POSTPONEf3 f~~ . ®AT~ ~~g..~ ~~ 93 } - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ _ _ t ,1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: w&s#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and .Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Package: .Contact: W att E. Blanchard SUBJECT: .Engineering Contract Termination Northside WWTP Contract #94-0348A - 'BRIEF SUMMARY: Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates, P.A., has acontract-with NHCW&SD to design the new Northside °. wastewater treatment plant. Since the agreement has been executed with. the City to expand their Northside plant, it is not necessary to continue with the design of a County plant. With this in mind, it is necessary to terminate the design contract: Hobbs Upchurch is being very reasonable in the termination of their Contract. They are only asking for consideration in future contracts. The following is a summary of the Contract monies: Total Contract - $832,019.52 . Amount Paid - $24,019.77 Balance ~ - $586,999.73 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE(ZtJESTED ACT>rONS• Staff recommends that the Contract Termination be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. The Board should. express appreciation to Hobbs, Upchurch for their release of the County from the contract without further charge. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ,State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Ivloney, Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendtnent Pre aced: Kr:V1L' WL' U 13X: ~LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN:APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: NIA AMALLETT J COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend the Board follow staff s recommendations. ~.PPR®VEC~ fir!" - I1?EJECTED .. REIV40VE~ P®ST~o~E®~- 9 5 ®ATI r-a~!:7 ~ ~~J Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition NORTH CAROLINA . ~ CONTRACT TERMINATION _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY~ _ . _ ,.. - - ._. ._..._.. THIS CONTRACT TERMINATION, made and entered into the day of :: , 1997; by 'and between YNEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER.and SEWER ' ~ ' .. r~ ~' 'DISTRICT and HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A.. - ~ -~ . lJ WHEREAS, a contract was previously entered into between New Hanover County and. Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A., to provide engineering services for a proposed wastewater treatment plant; and ~ .. - lurch & Associates P.A. have full and corn letel erformed WHEREAS, Hobbs, Upch Y P Y P services under the referenced contract to the District's full and complete satisfaction; and WHEREAS, the District now requests that it be released from further contractual duties under New Hanover Contract No. 94 - 0348, in that the proposed plant is not to be constructed; and ... ... ._ . WHEREAS, Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. is agreeable to terminating the; ~~ referenced contract and accommodating the District. e utual benefits set forth above .the NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration of th m , parties hereto agree to a termination of New Hanover Contract No. _94 -0348, with said termination effective D`ecemberF.31, 1..996. Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. agrees that the ~t..,.l.a 1 y~-.i^ engineering fees paid to, date';represent work performed to date, and that no further , ' 3 .'~. ~~ ~ 96 ~- ~ ~~...~ ~~ -.. ~.`F _..._~. ....-.. .__. ,,_1 ~J r, t I ~ • ~: - - ~: • ~ un ontract # 94 - 0348A New Hanover Co ty C ~~ compensation shall be paid under said contract. • -This the day of , 1997. r~_ ., . .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] _ _ Allen O Neal, County Manager, ATTEST: ,~, '~ Clerk to the Board HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. r By: . ~w ATTEST:. Principle in Charge - ~~.. Secretary • ~~ .NORTH CAROLINA ~ . ~_~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,~~ . I,. , aNotary Public of the State and County -~' ~ aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged • that she is Clerk to the New Hanover County District Boazd of Commissioners, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name-by its County Manager, Allen O'Neal sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself ` as its Clerk. _ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. S' ~;~ Notary Public 97 My commission expires: ~, ._ Q Y ' oun Contract # 94 - 0348A New Hano~~er C ty NORTH CAROLINA - NEW HANOVER COUNTY I; , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and. ~- acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A., a North Carolina corporation; and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Principle in Charge, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Secretary. ~~ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1997. ' "' Notary Public "~' My commission expires: ' - ~ "~ " `~__.1 r " . ~' . _. _. ._ - _ _ PJ . 98 _. .. ~ " r i w _~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 101 ,. 2. Acceptance of Emergency Management Grant 103 3. Approval of Change Order to Contract #96-0254, Post, Buckley, Schuh 111 & Jernigan, Inc., Cell No. 4B Permit RenewaUTransition Plan - 4. Approval of contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, Inc. 121 #97-0269 Phase II closure Design, Cell No. 1, New Hanover County Landfill 5. Approval of advertisement of tax liens on real property 137 6. Approval or release of taxes barred by G.S. 105-378 139 7. .Approval of Ne~v Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District 141 Collection Reports 8. Approval of Release of Value 145 9. Adoption of Resolution awarding bid #97-0207, approval of contract 147 #97-0207 for purchase of RISC 6000 system for the Library and approval of associated budget amendment #97-0120 10. Adoption of resolution adding the following road(s) to the State highway 203 system 11. Approval of Budget Amendments A. #97-21 to increase budget for contribution from NCDOT for the access 207 road to Vision Software B. #97-0121 to budget donation received from the Wilmington Rotary 208 _ Club for temporary salaries, a computer, and a printer for the Children's Orthopedic Clinic C. #97-0118 to budget additional Grassroots Science Grant received by the 209 Museum for FY 96-97 ~ 9 9 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 12. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned 211 by the New Hanover County and City of Wilmington 13. Approval of resolution requesting the County Commissioners to 215 authorize the conveyance of its interest in jointly-owned lots to the City of Wilmington 100 ^ ,I Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ~• BRIEF SUMMARY: - ~' Approve the followin minutes: • g Regular Meeting of February 3, 1997 ~{ Retreat -January 17-18, 1997 ;. ~ • ~~ ~2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• 't Approve the minutes ~< r ~~Y ~ ~' ~~,~. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S:' State $: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~; Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: BgdQet Amendment Pre ared: '~~ REVIEWED BY: LGL: - FIN: BUD: HR: TY AN R' D D '~I , ATI• S Approve minutes.. _ _ ~~ ~0~ ~~~J~/~ A.PPROVE[? !lam REJECTE® ~,' REMOVE® 1 POSTP®RI~~ ~l. . ;~~ ,. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: - + Department.' Emergency Management ~ Presenter: ~,,~ Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Dan Summers SUBJECT: 1996-97 Emergency Management Grant ~~'~ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~, ~ Emergency Management has been awarded the standard grant for fiscal year 1996-97 in the amount of $15,665. The grant will partially pay .for personnel services. The required match is currently in the 'Emergency Management operating budget. - ~. ~ n '` ~ ~ .., _ ~,-, -. • . RECOMiyIENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: t Recommend acceptance of the grant; request authorization for the County, Manager to sign the grant `' document; request approval of associated budget amendment #97-0119. This budget amendment is ' budgeting the difference in what is currently budgeted as grant amount ($ I O,S00) and the actual amount of ~~I~ the award ($.15,665). -, - ~;; „ ' ~. FUNDING SOURCE: ~"' Federa(S: 15,665 State S: - County S: 111,912 Uscr Fees S: -Other S: :. - , ~',+^ . Money Is In Current Budget: _ ~ - t~1ew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre arcd: YES ` REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL .BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT '~ TY R'S M F T D R D TI 'v Recommend approval.. ~~ ~ ~O~NT~ ~R~M~~~. _y . A.PPR®VE~ ~ :: r ~ ~ REJECTED `~` '~; ~ REMOV~® ~ 10 3 - POSTP®~~ ' , ~ ,. QAT -• . --~•~~~y~.7 ~wYr~i ~~ ~ ~ - -- - Refcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition J~•~ FEB 0 3 1997 ' .~. z~~ . _ S T: g .;• i~ , ~. .~` North Carolina Department -of Crime Control and Public Safety •~ Division of Emergency Management James B. Hunt Jr., Governor _: _ . : . Richard H. Moore, Secretary ; January 24, 1997 .. '- rlErioRArrDUrt `20: _. Local Emergency Management.. Coordinators: . FROG: Billy .Ray Cameron ~~ RE: Grant Award for Federal Fiscal Year 97 ' North Carolina's allocation from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the State and Local Assistance Program (SLA/~0) for the above referenced fiscal year is $1,872,543. As in the past, we have sub-allocated sixty-six percent (66%) of these funds to local jurisdictions that applied for funding. Your Emergency Management Agency has been•approved for FFY-97 funding` under the SLA/SO Program. awarded through Fr2•fA. Enclosed is your Grant Award. .. for your. acceptance of SLA/SO funds. , Upon acceptance of the grant, please return•three signed (original signature) copies to your Area Office and retain the fourth copy for your official file record. As required by the Special Conditions, the reimbursement of your expenses will be based upon the successful completion of required activities in your FY-97 Federal/State/Local Partnership Agreement. In addition, if applicable,'-you will need to complete the required forms and/or revise them that were/not included in your application packet. Your Area Coordinator will discuss these items with you, if necessary.,. If you have any questions or need 'further information regarding the -- Grant Award process, please contact Buddy Jackson or me at (919) 733-3825. Enclosures 1 O~ ~ r_~at kYhr.„j ~1~s a~ r. n :-~ -~ 116 West Tones Street ~ Raleieh, North Carolina 27603-1333 ~ Telephone (919)733-3867 u lJ i~ ~~~ L `~ - - ;t~ - ~ \.;' - ~ - DIVISION. OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT +, 116 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603-1335 ~' Telephone: (919) 733-3858 J.~'•°s B. Hunt, Jr, Governor ~ Richard H. Moore, Secretary - GRANT AWARD ~? 3rantee: New Hanover Co. Department of Emergency Management nt Number:' EM-'PA97-065-064 Grant Amount: $15,665 ~~ nt Period: Oct. 1, 1996 - Sept. 30, 1997 Matching Contribution: 111,912 ~~'ce.of.Award: January 24, 1997 Total Project Cost: $127,577 ~3 GET CATEGORIES .a~~Personnel: (see approved positions below*) $73,105 3 Travel: 3,200 C. Other Expenses; 51,272 Total:. $127,577 Coordinator 100 Asst. Coord. 1 100 s Grant is subject. to the obligations listed in the North Carolina Local Government Program ?~er as outlined by the local unit of policies as may be reasonably prescribed,by the Division <of~F.~ergencyManagement consistent with the purpose of P.L. 85-606 and N.C. G.S. 166A, as "nded. 3D`ecial conditions have been a lied to this Grant as indicated below: _ PP 1 !Reisburserient of expenses will be based upon successful completion of each quarter's " ~ program.~ed activities of your FY-96 Program Paper.. 2 ~=urding is provided for positions established in accordance with the State Merit System. ,~;~ 3~.~ Reimburseaent will be made for the positions listed in Category A above at up to no more ,~ than one-half of the a.-1ou.Zt shown for Personnel. .~" Funding for categories B and C above may be eligible for reimbursement of up to 50~ of expenses according to CPG 1-3, dated 8/92, chapter 2, paragraph 2-15 .b. (2) and (3), ~~'depending upon federal funding: s Grant shall become effective as of the date of award upon return to the Division of ~•~rgency Management of the original and one copy of this award, properly executed on behalf of the grantee. ~ . ~~ .. Accepted for the Grantee ~-~ • .. ,~II ". - 3ignature of Duly Authorized Official Signatur"e ;of,D ly Authorized Official ,..: .; . . _" len O'Neal, County Manager si.l R amen D e 0 4 ~~yped Name & Title Date Typ'ed'Name & Title e a <, ~- Ari Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer _. Buc~gef A;xx~end~x~ent ~~ ~.., ...r.~...~,.. .,._.....~.. ~ . _.w. _ `.. ~' ,~~rr- Lam.. ~-. - ~ ..> N _ ` . -.. , ~ ~ .,",~" }~^c^>"`"ef"','^^. `~,~ ~. ~-.-.«,-....-... _ _..~.,.~..._.,-'.,,..__.~.,T, Ewa r 2w a43 ~ '.a w ~ C ~,y ~: u> 0 ~` •~ ~ i' ^~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ \ « w ~ & rY ° ~~ tu ~ t«a . u.a , . . .... w. . .. ......... .~C: ~:....w a.....„ . ~ ~ ~ r ` .;~:uav.~a;:PM a ; t ~< ' d; ^ ~ ~ ~f~ ~ r .x.4::3,, l~~^„2•w f DEPARTMENT : - - - - - .~--..-.. BUDGET AMENDMENT# - - DATE : - ' Emergency Management" ,__ 97-0119 y. 2=17-97 _ ADJ-USTMENT• EB ~ IT: RE ~- C DIT- Emergency Management_ Grant`~$5,165 Salaries _, - .. $ 4,-580 : r~ FICA ~ _ .. ._ 35S - . ~ . Retirement _ . 230' :. _ ~~?, .. .. ~ .. . EXPLANATION . _ - ~. ~ - ,. To increase budget to actual amount of grant award for FY 96/97. .. - _ ~' . - . DUN ~~~ .._..~ - . ~ ~,PPROVE~ •~~;~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ REMOVED' _. - 106 POSTP®i~1~L~ ~~ ~~TE - ~-:~ti~.-~~~~.~u.M^- _ . • For Hudgct 0!llccr's approval; then report ~` ~ to Commiss(oncrs at nczt regular meeting `. . ~ and enter In minutcs. ' ~~~ ~~~ ~, ~~' v~~ ~' 1~f C W . \~, Y ~. Z '1~~ V/~ ~l f~ `,~ r l~r* ~. '~ ~~± `~J ~+ ., Q ® w j( ~ 0 w 0 .~ _ cn z J c J ~. LL n^ F... O Z .~} , ~ . ~ l ~ __ v O _ ` ~ ~ _, ;.Q ~ ~ m m O ~ c9 iti R ~ a ~~~ ~ ~" `' k ~ j 1 < . t y J { . Y. A" y N ~ s. ,~ - _ ..., ~ `~ - ~ an ~ : - sti } A ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~=F ? c J ~ ~ - Q t . 4L ` v'r } Y t ~ ` f ~Y _ D QQ . S G ~ ~ Z . O ~- V ~ :aa ~, . o _z -, a: , :~.. ~: m . 1 ~ Z , - m . f~ m .Z D ~ m J ~ p .~` ,\ ~ ~- m Q T Q Q Y c p o m _ ~•. ~ © y ~. m E U ani 2 ; . ~, p ~ _ . c ~ m $ -; ~ ~ ~ 'c1 ~ o W Z `~ ~ Y s c~.~ w .~o O w , o ~~ . V ~ Q Q Q ~ a U LL .._. _ _ ~ Q < U O Z W Z W a W 0 W W W Y'.'. T .Nl'~~ ~ O ~^-`:. a ?.~~ _` t O lL `; - ~ - ~~~~~~'. m ' m_' ~, i d ~ ~ ~ -" ~.j_..~ y :: : • na ~ m m . .; . - ~ _ ~ t0 ~ O q O ry O ~%V ::=. { _". -,i-~~.{ Z:.:r \ F"Q' .. . Z Q ~. JCL , ~I ` ( ^ ] 1\ ~ U a J C ' , :' V ~J U ..r,: i Q ~ -' . ?' : :. . ~.- .. • _ ~ _ . O -- _ - ~ :~- :=: - : _ o ~ - =- - -- - _ - m - - ~ - - - _ _ ` • , z • Z ~ .. W ~ r Q ':~ ~ -f' ~ - 1.' •i. K :~' E E E m Z ? /~ r ~ ~~ .t:n ' n °m ~ n :. _ -:. O ~ _ ~ ° .~ m o w ~ _ .c- __ ~ _ :. _ - 9 Z ~ ~ ~ .. .- 0;..~. ~w _ a QD WZ Q ~ 3 Z ~ ~ C - ~ ' 0 . . ~ ~ - Q 33 U d LL CI Q C LL C Q 2 v: Z J LL F- Q Z ~, f _ _. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ,~'; ~~o FEB Q 31997 . ~ : F .~~ f North Carolina Department of Crime. Control and Public Safety Division of Emergency Management ~~. James B_ Hunt Jr., Governor Richard H. Moore, Secretary January 24, 1997 ~~' MEMORANDUM _ --- ~~' ~. T0: Local Emergency. Management Coordinators 9 FROM: Bill Ray Cameron ~~ ~sy y RE: Grant Award for Federal Fiscal Year 97 ~. '~+ ~ ~ Federal Emer enc Mana ement~A enc North Carolina s allocation from the g Y g g Y- for the State and Local. Assistance Program (SLA/50) for the above referenced ~~ fiscal year is $1,872,543. As in the past, we have sub-allocated sixty-six percent (66%) of these funds to local jurisdictions that applied for funding. f `Your Emergency Management Agency has been approved for FFY-97 funding under. the SLA/50 Program awarded through FEMA. Enclosed is your Grant Award "~ for your acceptance of SLA/SO funds. ~ - } ~'~ Upon acceptance of the grant, please return three signed (original signature) copies to your Area Office and retain the fourth copy for your 'official file record. ~~{ As re uired b the S ecial Conditions, the reimbursement of your expenses q Y P will be based upon the successful completion of required activities in your '~1, FY-97 Federal/State/Local Partnership Agreement.- In addition, if applicable, you will need to complete the required forms and/or revise them that were/not included in your application packet. Your ,~: Area Coordinator will discuss these -items with you, if necessary. If you have any questions or need further information regarding the Grant Award process, please contact Buddy Jackson or me at (919) 733-3825.. ~~ BRC:BJ:bb Enclosures . . ~~ ~ ' ,; ~ - ~ 109 ~~l'. 1 1 ~ Wetc Tnne~ Sneer ~ Raleigh. North Carolina ?7603-1333 ~ Telephone (919) 733-3867 o ~~,~ ~ ~ ,oo~ DIVISION Or EMERGENCY.MANAGEI~NT 116 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603-1335 ILy1~ .Telephone; (919') 733-3858 James B. Hunt, Jr,, Governor GRANT 'AWA.t2D Richard H. Moore,; Secretary's Grantee: New Hanover Co. Department of Emergency N.'~:nagement Grant Number: _ EM-PA97-065-064 $ Grant Amount: ~ $15,665 Grant Period: Oct, l; 1'996 - Sept. 30, 1997 Matching Contribution: 111,912 Date of Award: January 2.4, 1997 Total Project Cost: $127,577 3UDGET CATEGORIES A. Personnel: (see approved'positions below*) .$73,105 B. Travel: 3,200 ~'~ C. Other Expenses: 51,272 ` Total: $127,577 * Coordinator 100% Asst. Coord. 1 Y00% G~~ This Grant is subject to the obligations listed in the North Carolina Local Government Program Paper as outlined by the local unit of policies as may be reasonably. prescribed by the Division of E,--tergency Management consistent with the purpose of P.L. 85-606.,and N.C. G.S.. 166A, as ~~~ggq a.^iended. ... Special conditions have been applied to this Grant as indicated below: 1. Reimbursement of expenses will be based upon successful completion of,each quarter's program_-aed activities of your FY-96 Program Paper. ._ 2. Funding is provided for positions established in accordance with the~State Merit System. 3. Reimbursement will be made for the positions listed in Category A above at up to no more than one-half of the amount shown for Personnel. 4. Funding for categories B and C above t:ay be 'eligible for reimbursement of up to 50%.of expenses according to CPG 1-3, dated 8/92, chapter,2,.paragraph 2-lS.b.:(2) and (3},: depending upon federal funding. This Grant shall become effective as of the date of•award upon return to.'the-Division of I' Emergency Management of the original and one copy of this award, properly executed on behalf of "''~~"" the grantee. _ . accepted for the Grantee Signature of Duly Authorized Official Signature of D ly Authorized Official _Allen 0'I~~ ~ounty Manager Billy R. Cameron, Director 01/24/97 Typed N e itle Date Typed Name & Title Date ,~ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer L_,1 .* Fl ~j" ' ~~ `~ ~f ~'~i x ~Y i ,,~; ,~, ,~f ~~ . ,~ • u ~t 1~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item f: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Change Order to Contract No. 96-024, Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, Inc., Cell No. 4B Permit RenewaUTransition Plan . BRIEF SUMMARY: . In order to construct Ce114B at the landfill, Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, Inc. (PBS&J), was contracted to prepare the Permit.Application and Construction drawings for submittal to the NC DEHNR Division of .. Solid Waste. This is the first cell designed under the new federal Subtitle D Regulations which became effective on October 8, 1993. The Scope of Services prepared by PBS&J included services previously necessary to obtain the permit for a cell expansion. Upon receipt of the permit application, the State informed PBS&J that a Permit Renewal Application and revision of the Transition Plan were necessary. This information was not requested previously and not included in PBS&J's Scope of Services. To expedite the permitting process, PBS&J performed the work to respond to DEHNR's request on behalf of the County. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOITESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the award of a change order, to contract No. 96-0254 in the amount of $26,738. Work performed under this change order was necessary to respond to NC DEHNR's request for additional information previously unanticipated. Task performed under this change order include: purchase of USGS Maps and generation of drawings to show topography and land use around the landfill; revisions to the Transition Plan in sections describing operations, cell life, leachate generation; Engineering Plan calculations; Technical Specifications; Construction Quality Assurance Plan; the Facility Plan, and other information. Funds to cover these additional costs are available in the Environmental Management Landfill account: r Ui~IUliy(; SVUKCp:: Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: x County S: 26,738 User Fees S: ~1ew Appropriation Request: Other S: KZ/V1C.WL' ll 23Y: LGL:APPWCOPLEY FIN:APPBSHELL BUD:APPCGRIFFN HR:N/AAMALLETTE }~~ o ,~~ .' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDAT Recommend Board approve the change order to contract No. 96-0254 ~`Q~ ~/~~ APPR®VE~ . REJECTE[I REMOVEt~ ~ POSTPC~E~ BATE ~~(~i,~...:~ ..~~U; r"~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 111 X1076=178945 ID:=X07-6~!7-89x5 ~~AN 1~~`a7 SCOPE-OF-SERVICES NEW HANOVERSEOURE-COUNTY CELL 4B. PERMIT RENEWAL/TR~'~SITION PLAN _... I6 : a:1 No . 008. f?•. 0~' This scope-of-services addresses the tasks performed Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. (ENGINEER) to prepare the. Permit Renewal Application for the Ce114B Construction and revision to the Transition Plaa that was requested by the North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR). These tasks were not included in the scope-of-services for the re-design and permitting engineering to be performed by the ENGINEER. At the near completion of the previous scope-of-services, DEHNR requested that a Permit Renewal Application be submitted along with the Ce114B redesign. As a result of the DEHNR request and in an effort to quickly proceed with the permitting process, the ENGINEER generated the Permit Renewal Application: The ,remaining scope-of-services addresses the' tasks performed and the. exbenses incurred by the ENGINEER to respond to the DEHNR's request on behalf of the COUNTY. CELL 4B PER~'Y1IT RE~tEWAL APPLICATION The following information was developed and placid into the Permit Renewal Application for'Lhe Ce114B Constriction: ' ask 1.1 ~' ~; • T.-ansition~ Plan - ~ . ' The ENGIN-EER purchased current CSGS i~Saps to generate drawings which show the topography or the area around the New' Hanover County Secure Landfill Facility. Based on uuormation ootained by the COUNTY, the EN"GINEER generated L~.nd Lse Drawings which snowed current property owners and ground water wells within ?000 feet of the facility. The ENGIIv~ER also revised the Local Area Study (Section. 4) of the Transition Plan. - 1 ~ Cell ~B Permit Ren~w~,J~ ~ .atinn ; .The New Hanover County Secure Landfill Transition Plan was used as the basis for the Permit Renewal Application. Although some Sections (text), Tables and Figures from the Transition Plan . required little or no revisions, new ..information was required by the ~lorth Carolina Solid Waste . Re3ulations for submission in the perTnit application. The-development of this new iniormation.and. correlation of information for the Transition Plan was conducted. The ENGINEER developed the following items for the Permit Renewal application: • ~~ ~ , . Section 1, Introduction to the Permit Reaewal~^Anplcation;~4 7Seci-ion 2, purchased updated Sectional _~eronauucal Caarts for the application; ._ l _... _~:_ ; ~~0704.73445. ~ ID 407-047-3945 ~:7~N 14'97 lb .45 No .003 ° .0.~ 1. ~~ ~~ *,r.~ w ~, ~~~ . ~~%` ~Y ~.- .,~t a ,~ . 1 y ~. '.~$ • Modified the Section 7, Operation Plan, of the Transition Plan to generate the required Facility Plan, Section 3, for the application. Text of the Transition Plan required updating and generating new figures. New tables were generated for Section 3 which detail the estimated life expectancy of future landfill cells, current leachate generation, and FY 95/96 . waste disposal. rates. A description and drawings of current containment and environmental control systems, Subsection 3.~, were also developed for this section... + • ~ Section 4, Engineering Plan, was new information required in the permit application. This . section details the IandfiIl design, calculations used in the design and design references for the liner system, components of the leachate collection system and side slope stability. A - large portion of this section described the recently performed Hydrogeology Investigation .and the method of determuung the high seasonal ground water table. The ground settlement analysis.was also detailed in this section. ~ . The development of Section 4 required significant Iabor effort from the ENGINEER and comprised.the largest portion of the expense incurred by the ENGINEER • Section ~, ..Construction Quality Assurance Plan, had to be modified to include inspection. . items (E.I. drainage sand) not normally addressed in a Liner CQA Plan. The inspection of these items were. requirements stated in the regulations for the Engineer-ing Plan and not addressed in the Liner CQA Plan requirements ot""the regulauors. • The Operation Plan submitted as part of the Transition Plan was revised as part of Section 6, Qperation Plan, of the Permit Renewal Application. With the assistance of the COL`~+TY the text of the Operation Plan was undated and each figure was ,revised to detail the proposed . Cell 4B construction. • Section 7, Closure Plan, used text for the Transition Plan, but was updated to detail the currently closed landfill cells. Revisions to the~Closure Cost estimates, Post-Closure Cost . estimates, inventory of waste on-site and table for the proposed construc•~ion and closure of current and. future landfill cells. were performed by the ENGINEER • Section 3, Post-Closure Plan, required only minor editorial changes by the ENGINEER. • Section 9, Water Quality Monitoring Plans, required only minor editorial changes by the ENGINEER • The Permit Renewal Application required sig_*tificant printing and reproduction costs to generate draft copies for revie~.v and final copies for submittal. (Please see the attached budget.) ~AfiK l.3 B~Au~Lfor Additional Information DEAR requested .additional information regarding the Permit Re:icwal Applica~~ ~e 2 4076478945 T D :407-647-8945 ~ '~~ A'N 14-' 9 7 . 16 ~ 46 No . 008 ~ P . 0'=t. •~ - ENGINEER was required to -revise various items of the following: ~ ` ~ ~ ~ • Technical Specifications, ~ ~ ' • Construction Quality Assurance Plan, - ~ ~, • Engineering Plan,'and • Facility Plan. - . ' ~' Each of the above were part of the Permit Renewal Application. In addition, various items within the Permit Renewal Applicarion required clarification by DEHNR. This included revisions to .numerous tables, the ground water monitoring plan and hydrogeological investigation, ~~ The ENGINEER developed transmittal correspondence to DEHNR which included the above changes to the Permit Renewal Application and the responses to DEHN`R comments. ` These- Professional Engineering Services were not part of the original Scope-of-Services for the Re- Design of Cell 4B. ~. ... .. G:1ENVICO;~tMON1WASTE'~tAN\NEWHANOVIGE.*1ER.~LISCOPFstB.WPD .. ~, _ ._ - - .. '~ . - . 114 3 -. I~::»'07-647.-8945 ~~~~~N 1~?'97 16~?7 No .008 ~?.QS ~=~' y~t ~ ~ 4 ~ N ' 4~f ~ ~ . §~ ~ BOO _ cV"r- ~- i _ ~j ~~ ~~ . ~{ I~) '~ y ti ~ ~ ..,! ~ ~ Z q Z } . N :L d U ~ N J W Y -~ ;~. ~ ~ 1 r,~ N 0 a c ~; 3 V~ Q U ~ v g a . a.. ~ ;' Z a w I i~ ~ m i C7, t4 ~ ~rr r C '~ c9 7 N zzw U U O C U ~ nJ i O .~ .~ (9 Ja.aO 0 I~pp;~C ~ C+i d ,~r~ MN p6. ,, C iil 0 iI N ~1 f !~ <D N J; Q; F- O F- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' _ ~ OF . NEW HANOVER COUNTY " , WHEREAS, Hurricanes Bertha and Fran.came ashore in the area of New Hanover County in July and September respectively;. _ • . , AND WHEREAS, the destructive power~of two hurricanes caused severe distress to the solid waste management capabilities of New Hanover County; AND WHEREAS, the County sought and received approval from the NC Department of Environment, Health'and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management to perform a vertical expansion,on Cell No. 1 of the New Hanover County landfill to received hurricane debris; AND WHEREAS, the. State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require ' that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills install a cap system that is designed to minimize infiltration; ' AND WHEREAS, the cap system shall be designed.and constructed to have a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any base liner; AND WHEREAS, the Engineering. firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. has demonstrated its ability to meet the design criteria by previously designing a closure system acceptable to the State Waste Section; . SAND WHEREAS, the firm of Post, B-uc'kley, Schuh & Jernigan,• Inc. has submitted a Scope of Services to provide design services for the closure of cell No'. 1 at the New Hanover County Landfill; , - AND WI-IEREAS, the Director of the Department of Environmental Management and the - ' County Manager recommend that a contract be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. in an amount of forty-six"thousand and forty six dollars ($46;046); AND WHEREAS, funds are now in Account No. 700-480-4191-3700 to cover this ' :contract; t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT~RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for Engineering Design Services for. the closure,of cell No. 1 at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. ~ . for an amount not to exceed $46,046; and. that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the. contract, -contract form to be-:approved by the County Attorney. ~, .. ,• X16 _ • State of North Carolina Department of Environment, ~~ Health and Natural Resources 1 • ~ Division of Waste Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Q Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary. ~ ~ (~ ~ William 1. Meyer, Director ~ V November 21, 1996 Mr. Raymond Church Director of Environmental Management New Hanover County ~. - 3002 Highway 421 North Wilmington, North Carolina 2840T Subject: Hurricane Debris Management Plan for the New Hanover County Landfill, Permit n65-04;'Permit Modification. Dear Mr. Church: This letter is in response to the above reference:: plan provided to the Solid Waste Section(SWS) by your consultant Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc(PBS&H). The Solid Waste Section has considered your request and hereby approves, the reopening of Cell #1 for the disposal of the approved waste as described. in the operations plan. This approval is limited for a period of time consistent with the operations plan submitted on 14 November 1996, starting with the date of this letter. If additional time is needed to floor in Cell 4B with select waste, the SWS would consider a request to allow New Hanover County to continue the disposal of C&D waste in Cell 1 to the proposed contours with New Hanover County submitting a timetable necessary to achieve the contours shown of page 3 of 4, Final Buildout. 118 ~ ~ .fl P.O. Box 27687, ~~~~ FAX 919-715-3605 Releigh, North Carolina 2761 1-7687 ~~ An Equel Opportunity Affirmative Action Emolover Mr. Church Page 2 November 21, 1996 ~~~: ' ~1 n New Hanover County shall take the necessary preca_~tions to operate Cell l in a manner that will not .cause a leachate .management problem for the facility and its leachate management system. The -site shall be managed and operated in accordance with the Solid waste Management Rules, the Permit for this. facility, the operations plan submitted by PBS&J(sealed by Robert E. Mackey,P.E. dated 14 .November 1996) and the Sequencing Plans prepared by PBS&J(sealed by Robert E. Mackey, P.E. dated 15 November 1996). Please submit closure and post closure care information for this project within 180 days of this letter, along with a report describing ,the leachate breach and a overall description of the leachate management system and how leachate issues- will be addressed in the future. If additional time is needed to complete the requested information, please contact-the Solid Waste Section and submit a time schedule .that. outline's time frames needed to accomplish the above tasks. Also, please contact the .Solid Waste . Section when the County starts to remove the clay cap and waste placement begins in Area 1. Should conditions arise which threaten the envi.;~~nment or public health, or that nave the potential to threaten the enviroment or public health, this approval will be rescinded. If you have any questions or require any other assistance, please contact Mr. John Crowder at (910) 395-3900. I can be reached.in the Fayetteville Regional Office at (910) 486-1191. Sincerely, J' m B-~ er .Eastern Area Engineer Solid Waste Section i r ~~~ ILir. cc: Dexter Matthews Jim.Coffey Tzrry Dover John Crowder - Joe Gallo M1!/1- James C. Coffey, Supe isor Permitting Section Solid Waste Section ~. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item#: Department: Environmental Management. Presenter: Ray Church Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Ra Church SUBJECT: - Contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc. # 97-0269 Phase II Closure Design, Cell No. 1, New . Hanover County Landfill BRIEF SUMMARY: :Due to'the impact of Hurricanes Bertha and Fran on the waste "stream since-this past summer, the landfill .capacity of:ce114A was filled before cell 4B could be constructed. Staff requested. and received. approval from the NC Solid Waste Section to reopen cell no. one for a vertical expansion. The cell will be operated . ~ for:approximately one year during which ce114B will be constructed. A conditiori of the approval is the " ~: ~ submittal of a closure and post closure plan for the cell within 180 days of the approval date. PBS&J, Inc. was requested-to develop a Scope of Services to vertically expand then close cell no. 1. A contract for Phase I Permit Application has been previously approved. Phase II of the Scope of Services addresses "the closure of the cell. Upon completion of the vertical expansion, the cell will be closed using a synthetic liner which is an improvement over the current-clay closure system. , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• a ~ Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve contract #97-0269 for engineering design work described in the Scope of Services developed by Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jerrnigan, Inc.; New Hanover County Secure Landfill, Cell No. 1 Vertical Expansion. Payment for the Phase II Closure Design will be in the amount of $46,046. Funds for the engineering design work are available in the Environmental .Management-Landfill budget. - .' FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 46;046 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Bud~et.Amendment Pre ared: ~ ' - • RE EVE BY• LGL:APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD:APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend Board approve contract #97-0269. --°~-~"~°-° I4;PPROVEI~ ~/y. . PEJECTED µ~~' . REMOVE® POSTP®NE~ ' ~ ?~; a~'~ .. DATL I" ~ J ~° - Refer to Oftce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition • '- .. - ' . - _ .- - ...RESOLUTION _ _ . .. .. . ~ OF THE BOARD OF CONIlVIISSIONERS, ~ -. OF - . ~. _. _ . NEW HANOVER COUNZI' _ _ . WI-~REAS; Hurricanes Bertha and Fran came ashore in the area' of New Hanover County in July and September respectively; .AND: WHEREAS, the destructive power of two hurricanes caused severe distress to the solid waste.management-.capabilities ofNew Hanover County; AND WHEREAS the Coun sou t and received a royal from the NC De artment of ty 3h PP P Environment,.Health and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management to perform a vertical expansion on Cell No. 1 of the New Hanover County landfill to received hurricane debris;. AND WI-~REAS, the State of North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules require that Municipal Solid Waste Landfills install. a cap; system that is designed to minimize infiltration; AND WHEREAS, the cap system shall be-.designed and constructed to: have a permeability less than or equal to the-permeability. of any base liner; AND `AREAS, the Engineering firm of.Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc._ has , demonstrated its ability to meet-the design criteria by previously designing a closure system. acceptable~to the State Waste Section; AND WHEREAS, the firm of Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. has submitted a Scope of Services to provide design services for the closure of cell No. 1 at the New Hanover County Landfill; AND ~VI~REAS, the Director of the Department of Environmental Management and the County Manager recommend that.a contract. be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. in an amount of forty-six thousand and forty six dollars (546,046); ' AND WHEREAS, funds are now in Account No. 700-480-191-3700 to cover this (~ ...contract; _ -.. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Contract for Engineering Design Services for the closure of cell No. 1 at the New Hanover County Landfill be awarded to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. a for an amount not to=exeeed..~,4.6;046; and that the Counry~is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract;'contr-a'ct form to be approved by the County Attorney. t. ,. r ~ 12 2 ~ `~~ ' ~'~``° °'`~'~' NORTH CAROLINA .ACP'I' NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of 1997, by and between NEW HANOVEi~ COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter refereed to as "County"; and POST, BUCKLEY, SCHIJH & JEFINIGAN, INC., a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in North Carolina, hereinafter refereed to as "Consultant"; WITNES SETH: That the Consultant, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby F agrees with the County as follows: 1. Scope of Services. Consultant shall perform the following services for County: develop plans and specifications for the closure of Cell 1 at the Secure Landfill and perform work defined in the attached Scope of Services, marked Exhibit "A", Phase II Closure Design consisting of seven (7) pages all of which is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the within contract. 2. Time of Performance. Consultant shall commence the work to be performed under this contract upon execution of this contract, and shall submit all final construction drawings, specifications and cost estimates within one hundred fifty (150) calendar days after the Notice to Proceed. 3. P men . County hereby agrees to pay to Consultant on a monthly basis for the full and faithful performance of this contract, subject to additions and deductions as provided for in the project specifications and bid proposal, and in accordance with the prices as set forth, and subject to any additions which may be due under paragraph 4 of this contract, in lawful money of the United States, as follows: Engineering fees for completion of task as defined in the attached scope of s~v~c~s on a percentage completed for each task not to exceed Forty-Six Thousand 1 L `t 1 • New. Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0269 • Forty-Six Dollars ($46,046.00). 4. extra Work. County and Consultant shall negotiate and agree upon the value of any extra work prior to the issuance of a Change Order covering said extra work. Such Change Order shall set forth the corresponding adjustment, if any, to the Contract Price and Contract Time. 5. Indemnity. Consultant shall indemnify and hold. New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action or costs, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or ~~ death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to an omission or negligent performance of the work to be performed by Consultant hereunder, or :., arising out of the willful act of Consultant, his agents, employees and subcontractors. _ 6. Insurance. Consultant shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. 7. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Consultant shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations _ covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the , following statement: , :'The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled, non-renewed or limits of coverage reduced except after thirty (30) days written notice has been _ received by County". ; 8. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Consultant's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount. of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily i ` New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0269. accident or disease. 9. Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occu"rrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an. additional insured under this policy. 10. ~ Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 1 1. ~ Professional Liability Insurance. The Consultant will be required to take out grid maintain Professional Liability Insurance providing liability insurance limits~at least in the amount of $1,000,000. The Consultant will be required to maintain this coverage, if available to him, for a period of at least two (2) years beyond the completion date of this project. 12. Independent Contractor. It is mutually agreed that Consultant is an independent contractor and not an agent of the County, and as such the Consultant shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, workmen's compensation, or pension and retirement benefits. 13. Default and Termination. If Consultant fails to prosecute the work with such)) diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Consultant b~e~i~s any of the terms or conditions contained in this contract and fails to cure .~ ~ ~- ~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0269 said breach within fifteen (15) days of County's mailing of Notice of Default, County may terminate this .contract forthwith. Upon -termination, County may, without prejudice to any action for damages or any other remedy, take the prosecution of the work out of the hands of Consultant. County may enter into another contract for the completion of the contract, or use such other methods as may be regLUred for the ..completion of the contract. County may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies ~ due or which may become due to Consultant. In the event this project is terminated prior to completion of the services by the Consultant, the .Consultant shall be paid for services performed to the date of termination. In no event wily the amount due Consultant in the event of termination exceed that amount set forth in paragraph 3 of this Contract. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the County from pursuing any other remedy which it may have against Consultant,. including claims for damages. . 14. Nonv~~aiver of Rights. It is agreed that Count}~s failure to insist upon the performance of any provision of this Contract, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Contract. ' 15. Conflict of Interest.. No paid employee of~ the County shall have a personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in ' the performance of this-Contract. '- 16. Subcontracts. The Consultant shall utilize no subcontractors for carrying out the services to be performed under this Contract without the written approval of the County. ' ~ 17. Entire Contract. This contract constitutes the entire understanding. of the parties. 18. Bindin Effect. This contract shall be bindin u on the arties~~e[o, ~ g P P New Hanover-County Contract # 97 - 0269 and their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns. 19. Further Actions. The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to carry out the purposes and intent of this contract. 20. Inclusive Terms. Use of the masculine herein shall include the feminine and neuter, and the singular shall include the plural. 21. Governin~~. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 22. otices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party my mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: . To County: New Hanover County Attention: Ray Church, Director Environmental Management 3002 U. S. Highway 421 North Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 To Consultant: Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. Attention: Robert E. Mackey, P.E. . Winter Park Plaza, Suite 700 1560 Orange Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 23.' Assi abilitX. It is mutually agreed by the parties hereto that this contract is not transferable and shall not be assigned by either party without -the written consent of the other party to this contract. 24. Amendments. This Contract shall not be modified or otherwise amended except in writing signed by the parties. 25. Non-Discrimination. Consultant will take affirmative action not to ~ig~inate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally ~_ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0269 deny any person participation in or the benefits of the program which is the subject of a the contract because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Consultant will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all a applicable Federal, State and .local lows, ordinances, rules regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this Contract and .may result, at Counts option, in a termination or suspension of this Contract in whole or in part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY {SEAL} _ o ert reer, au man ATTEST: er to e oar ... _ - - POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. _- {CORPORATE SEAL} i ' ATTEST: ecretary 1 ice esi ent 129 This instrument has been pre- ~ . a audited iri the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: ' ounty finance uector ounty ttorney U LJ NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ - I, , a Notary Public of the State and a County aforesai , cer ' at ucie arre personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, -the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1997. ___ otarr c a My commission expires: ~~~ STATE OF COUNTY OF a Notary Public of the State and County aforesai certi at personally came before me this day and acknowledge at s e is ecretary o ST, BUCKC.EY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC., a foreign corporation authorized to transact business in North Carolina, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1997. otary c ~•ggn4mission expires: ~l076478945 ~ ID:407-647-8945 DEC 09'96 . SCOPT'.-OF-SERVICES • Nr.W HANOVER SECURE COUNTY CELL NO. 1 VII;RTICAL ~;XPANSION 11:25 No .002 P.02 INTRODUCTION • 1n July and September of 1 ~))G, Humcanes Bertha and Prue, respectively, came ashore in the area of New Hanover County, North Carolina (CUl1NTY). The destructive power of one hurricane is enough tc~ have caused severe distress to the solid waste management capabilities of a community. The resultant effect of the two liun-icanes has resulted iii the utilisation of the remaining landfill . • capacity hcfore anc~thcr landfill cell cart be Pcrttutted and constructed. The COUNTY has investigated several options tc~ increase the current disposal capacity at the landfill facility. The two options which appetu most viable are to manage the increflsed disposal volume by temporarily increasing the vertical height oI' Ccll 4A and/or by vertically expanding Cell 1. By increasuis the vertical height of Ccll 4A and vertically expanding Ccll 1, valuable disposal capACity will be ohtained until Cell 4i3 can be amstnicted. This scope-of-services addresses the permitting and dcsip,n requirements for vertical expansion of C:clls 4A uid l which have been . requcslcd by the North Carolina Uepartmcnt of T:nvironment, l~calth and Natural Resources (D1;HNR). The permitting and design cif these cells will be addressed in two Phases. "I'he first Phase of the project will dddress the operation and development (sequential filling) of the vertical expansion cal' these cells. This design infoc»>ation mid letter report will he submitted to DFNNR within two weeks i'rom the Notice-to-Proceed by the COUNTY to expedite the regulatory review process and allow the C:UUNTY to start disposal o~j tap of Ccll 1 as soon ~s possible. The second Phase of the project will' he the development of the closure design for the vertical expansion oi' Cell 1 and the revision of the Closure/Past-Closure Plans and costs !or this arcs of the landfill facility. PHASE 1 PERMIT APPLICA'I'iON • tik 1. ] , Lcttcr Rs~Pc~rt/nnnlic~ t ENGINEER shall prepare ~~ Lcttcr fteport/APPlicalion which addresses the issues noted in the October 29, 1996 Mcmoratidum from F.d Mussler, DI;1iNR. -The letter shall also include the fi~~llc~wing items: ' The proposed Operation Plan for Cell 1 and lntcrim Operation Plan for Ccll 4A; • 1Zemediatic~n Plan for Ccll 1 to allevi~ttc the breach in liner alcmg the eastern slope; and • Schedule of operational Phases, remedial actions, construction (Cell 4B) and closure of Cell ~ '• 131 1 4076478945 ~ ~ ID~407•-647-8945 DEC 09'96 11 26 Na.002 P.03 a ~~ S;o structiotr Plan F.NGINLLR shall develop a Construction Ylan to detail the sequencing of operation for Cell 1. The sequencing of operation will be shown in periods of two (2) to four (4) months until a final elevation is reached. The sequencing shall also show tl~e storm water routing during disposal of waste on top of Cell 1 and proposed routing of vvastc disposal vehicles. 'Ire design"details and locations of berms to separate the waste fi•om storm water shall be included in the sequencing plan. It is assumed that approximately forty (40) feet of waste will he deposited atop of Cell l . The Construction Plttn'sha11 note the design details and location of the proposed remediation of Cell . 1. ~ _ ,~ Task 1.3 1 ~ndfill GttS Vont L.~~ctiti~~ns_ -• f .. l NGINEER shall notC the location cif proposed vertical landfill gas vents (LPG) to be constructed during the operation of Cell 1. These I,FG vents shall be placed as waste is being deposited on top oi' Cell 1. F,NGINLLIZ shall also note the method of LFG vent construction in the Letter a Report/Application. PHASE lI CLOSIJRF.llESIGN ];ask? 1 ~n~inccrin~...Plan an j C14SLLrc/Post-CIOSUrc Ulans 2.1.1 )/n~ineering Ylan ' The F.NGINEEIt shall develop an Engineering Plan which describes the proposed closure design of Cell 1. The Ylan shall include storm water management design calculations and side slope stability calculations for the-proposed liner system. 2.1.2 Closure/Post-Caosure Plans ~'hc 1/NGI~tEER shall review and revise the current Closure and Post-Closure Plans recently submitted as part of the Cell 4B Permit Renewal Application. Althoubh it is not expected that tl~e text of these plans ~viil require si6nificant revisions, the closure and post closure asst estimates will reyuirc crtcnsive revisions. 132 ~ r A 1~~ 2.2.1 t s a u ~~ 1 Survey Services The ENGINEER shall have a topographical survey performed of Cell 1. The survey shall denote the Cell 1 area and extend 50 feet out from toe of slope. The topographical survey shall also include the drainage area around the northeast corner. The purpose of this survey is to enable the Design Engineer to design the storm water management system during operation of Cell 1. (COUNTY paid for this survey. Not apart of this Scope-of-Services.) The ENGINEER shall have a topographical survey performed for Cell 1 after the disposal of waste on top of the cell has ceased. The survey shall include an area from the current top edge and over the proposed landfilled area. The elevations set in the closure design will be used by the COUNTY to fill the designated area of the landfill to the designed pre-closure height. The above reference survey will be used to determine any deviation in the landfilling operation which might impact the closure design and as information to prospective bidders to show the "present" elevation at the time of the bid. The purpose of the survey is to confirm the proposed closure grades to the actual grades from the disposal of waste on top of Cell 1. This information will allow the Design Engineer to revise the proposed closure design after the landfilling operation has ceased. 2.2.2 Storm Water Ivlanagement Design Based on the topographical data. (generated in Task 2.2.1) and the conceptual sequencing plan for the landfill, the ENGINEER shall develop a storm water management system design for the designated area. The ENGINEER shall develop a design to manage the storm water flowing down the slopes and direct the storm water discharge to existing ditches or retention areas. At the request of the COW"I'Y, the ENGINEER shall attempt to direct as much storm water flow as possible to the east retention area. 2.2.3 Closure Design The ENGINEER shall develop a landfill liner cap system which meets the requirements of Section 0.1627 (c)(1)(A) of the State of North Carolina Solid Waste iVianagement Rules 15A NCAC 13B. The ENGINEER shall develop supportin, calculations for the landfill cap design to be placed in the letter Closure Application and to be submitted to the Solid Waste Section of the Department of Environment, I-Iealth and Natural Resources. The Engineer shall prepare following construction drawings utilizing CADD and standard drafting techniques: Base and Final Grading Plans -which routes the storm water flow to new or . existing structures. "fhe Plan shall clearly define the limits and locations of berms, swales, liner, sub- drains and landfill gas vents. (2 she~~ 4076478945 ID~407-647-8945 Surface Water Management Facilities and Details -which control and route L~ storm water slow. (2 sheets) ~ Landfill Gas Management Structures and l7etails -which control and route a the landfill gas. (1 sheet) 3.4 L.andf 11 Cross Sections and Details -.which depicts the incorporation of all 2 2.. ~systcros (liner, landfill gas and storm water managemenl) as part of Ccll 1 Closure. (3 sheets) a For additional tcclutical information, the ENCiINFER shall also develop a revised Site Plait and current topo6'r~lplucal survey (Task 2.2.1) of Cell l to be included in the Construction O Drawinb~. 1 5• ~ 3 j.iner C A Y1~ will rc are a liT~er s stem Construction Quality Assurance (CQA} plan as required ENGINEER p p Y under the Rulc T1SA: 1313 .1G24(b)(15), of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations, for materials used in construction (i.e. synthetic liner). The plan will cover quality a assurance practices to be tttili~cd during the delivery and installation of the liner system and will include the following infitrtnation: a) Specifications and cotist,uctian requirements far the liner system; b} Description of qutility control testing procedures and frequencies; c) Identification of responsibility acid authority of all appropriate organizations and key ~i ,personnel involved in the construction project; and d) Development of CQA reporting i~,rms and documents. .Task 2.4 ~ot~r,tct T)acumcnts and Teci»iical St~~,si -cation` ~ _ un,ents and tccluiical s ecifications 'fhe ENGINEER shall Prepare lifteen (1 S) sets of contract doe p for a unit p,-ice contract that include at least the following sections (typical): . L ~F'S'TiON TITLE UUU2U Advertisement for Bids 00100 ~ Instructions to Bidders OU3U0 I3id Farm 134 4 _ 0076478945 ID~407-647-8945 DEC 09'96 1128 No .002~P.06 0 0 00410 Rid Bond OU480 Non-collusion Affidavit 00500 Contract Agreement 0 UU6l 0/fi2U Performance Rond /Payment Bond 00650 Certificate of Insurance .00700 Gcncrnl Conditions 0 00800 Special Conditions • `00830 Contrtcl Forms 00841 Application fc~r Payment - ' 0 UU842 s Certification Subcontractor's/Supplicr 00843 final Rclcase oi' Licn . 00847 Shop Drawing Submittal Form 00848 Certificate of Substantial Completion 00900 Addenda and Maciifications 0 01000 ~ GencrallZequiremcnts 01010 SummFUy of Project O 1020 Allowances 0 O1U27 Measurement and Yaymenl 01030. Special Provisions 01041 OlOSU Project Coordination Meld Enginccrinb and Survey U 1065 Permits a~ui Fees 01070 Abbreviations Fuld Symbols 0 01200 Project Mcctinbs Ol 310 Progress Schedule and Report l i d S 01340 es amp ngs Fin Shop Drawings, Working Draw 01370 Schedule of Values 01410 Testing and '1'cstinb Laboratory Services 01510 'I'crnporury Facilities and Controls 015fi8 Temporary L'rosic~n and Sedimentation Control 0 ~ 01600 Material and Equipment Ol C~0 Start-Up U17UU Contract Closeout 01720 Project Record Doctunents 01730 Operating acid MFtinlenancc Data 01740 Warrarttics and Bonds 0 01900 Su66ested Cc~nslruction Sequencing DIV1~1O~? - 511'x; WORK 02210 Sitc Gradin6 0221 ~ Safety Procedure 135 1 This page intentionally left blank 13~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In A enda Packa e: 2 Contact: Patricia J. Ra nor SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property BRIEF SUMMARY: See attached r i RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTF,D ACT1(ONS: Approve advertisement of tax liens to be published on March 8, 1997 for all delinquent real estate accounts as of March 4, 1997. k UlyllliV(; SUUKCE: Federal S: State Sc County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget:. Mew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOM ND4TIONS• Reconunend the Board follow the Tax Department's reycpoq~mmey~npdp~aQtion.. 1~ ®UIMII ~.e1d1Y1'vli~~9F~J,~.~;~1', A.PPROVE[~/. , R.EJ ECTE® '~ • REMOVE® POSTPAIV~ ~~ `" ®ATE ~~~ .1~1 ~y ~~- Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition 137 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ - ~. INTER-OFFICE ••,••• •\• MEMO.~:..~:~:::~:..~..::.:.:::.:...:; ..:t:.::: ~ ~~::.•.. :~```~::::~~:~~:~~~~:..:::~:::~::~~•t<~~::~~y:•.:~:~.~:~,~~~::::.:•~5•. :•::.:1A;..: ice. ~. n~. Q TO: Allen ONeal County Manager FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ~ ~(L .Collector of Revenue .SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February S, 1997 . In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the unpaid real estate taxes for 1996. The outstanding amounts, as of January 31, 1997, are: Governir~ Jurisdiction Delinquent Taxes New Hanover County $ 2,166,159.40 New Hanover Co. Fire District 47,448.80 City of Wilmington 546,320.28 Town of Wrightsville Beach 42,126.56 Town of Carolina Beach 117,550.22 Town of Kure Beach 26.970.61 Total -All Jurisdictions $ 2,946,575.87 It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens: I recommend that the advertisement be published on March 8, 1997. All 1996 real estate accounts not paid by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, will be advertised. I request this item be placed on~the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February 17, 1997. PJR: sw Copy: R. Register .,.. ~'~ `v '; ;,~~, • '~ \ 7' e--. -- ~.--~ J%; _ ,fit, •~ r -^7 138 , , ,~~f ~:,~ ~~~ ~, r-~ , . . r._ , . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION e_ Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: 2 Contact: Patricia Ra nor . SUBJECT: Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 BRIEF SUMMARY: See .attached ,~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Release charges for 1986 ~. rUi~IUINC7 SVUK(:E: Federal S: State S: _ County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: iYew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: ~F COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS Release charges for 1986 as recommended. BUD: HR: ~ -,-~.t-~_ .--~ A.PPROVED~ ~~~ . ff~EJECTE®: ~~` 139 F~EMOVE~ l . Refcr to Office Vision Sullctin Board for Disposition NEW HANOVER COUNTY. - INTER-OFFICE. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ MEMO TO: Allen O'Neal ' County Manager ' ' FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ,~ ~- • Collector of Revenue SUBJECT: Release of taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 DATE: February 5, 1997 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1986 charges be released: New Hanover County $118,367.42 Fire District 3,353.89 City of Wilmington ~ 50,843.44 Wrightsville Beach 3,520.33 Carolina Beach ~ 6,074.27 Kure Beach 726.06 Total $182,885.41 These uncollected amounts are .41 % of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1986 in the amount of $44,529,094.00. A total of 350 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. . _ , . I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting of February , 17, 1997, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. • PJR:sw ..... __ -• Copy: R. Register - B. Shell _ B. McAbee . A. Caudle F. Jones B. McClure " ` •~.- . , ~r~ .___,.,~,.-~ . ~ _. 'I';L.. ;;. ~ G. Rose ~.~a~ ~':~;~:€~~; ,?,~~ ~~~ ~€,t ~~''3,~,~~ ~ "~ 140 _ .~:.~ _ . C^ f1 l~ ~ . ~~ SUBJECT: ~' New Hanover County and New Hanover Cou Fi Di t t C i ll i nty re s r c o ect on Reports BRIEF SUMMARY• ` Collection reports as of January 31, 1997 ~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R OL1F'ST FD ACTIONS Request approval of reports 1 1 . FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: .County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~ M . oney Is In Current Budget: New A ro riation Re u pp p q est: Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ,I, Y ANA ER M N D R 'VI I i Request approval of collection reports as recommended by the Tax Depart t. U ~@ilnivr~ i ~A~ PaPPi~®V~~ . ~' , . .C~EJECTE® ~i . 141 ~E~o~~ ~ . POSl'6'A~l ~/~ I l I Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition • CONSENT AGENDA ~} GATE' U _ ITEM N0.____-- NEa HANOVER COUtVTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THR U 01/31/97 CURRENT TAX YEAR -'1996 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ~( ORIGINAL TA X LEVY PER SCROLL .~ 51,988,753.97 ~ 3,559,497.40 U DISCOVERIES ADOEO 2,529,789.86 32,937.07 LESS ABATEM ENTS 55,990.69- 36,559.73- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED b 54,462,553.14 $ 3,555,874.74 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 .00 LISTItJG PENALTIES CHARGED 49,514.42 .00 TOTAL LEVY ~ 54,512,067.56 ~ 3,555,874.74 COLLECTIONS TO GATE - 52,075397.50- -------------- 2,618,187.44- OUTSTANDING BALAFlCE $ 2,436,670.06 --------------- b 937,647.30 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ° ~ 95.53# ° 73.63~6* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY b 2431,423.13 CHARGES ADDc0 29,350.71 LESS aBATEMENTS Y8,o55.53- TOTAL TAXES DUE ~ 2,442,718.31 COLLECTIONS TO GATE 647,259.52- OUTSTANDING 3ALANCE ~ 1,795458.79 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 26.50'0 JAN 1997 FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 91,855.16 1,437,188.95 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 313.75 15,841.13 , EMS COLLECTIONS .00 .00 (~ TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, U CITY OF WILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILL'E BEACH, CAROLINA BcACH ANO KURE ~-y BEACH TO GATE - 57~~510,299.04. )UI THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1996. • RE~.~•~CTFULLY SU3MITTED, - PATR IC IA .~. RAY(N~bR `.,(~ COLLECTOR OF R_ ENUE - - * COM3INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 94.19% ~ a ,- -- .. L".`...., . . ,~ f •n/ ~f ~ f. 142 ~~~ _~ ~ • ~ • ~ .- ` • t e t s t i 1 CONSENT AG EN OA DATE=_________ ITEM N0.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 01/31/97 CURREtJT TAX YEAR - 1996 ~ AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL ~ 1~143~852.52 ~ 84707.14 DISCOVERIES ADDED 58084.01' 83728. LESS ABATEMENTS 23180.24- 972.29- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 1~178~756.29 ~ 84572.13 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 1000.29 .._.00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE $ 1~179~756.58 S 1~127~387.58- 84572.13 64430.03-, OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 3 52369.00 ~ ° 20 142.10 ~ l,~ 95.56 76.18% BACK-TAXES RcAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ 45708.15 CHARGES ADOEO - 865.49 LESS aBATEMENTS 323.83- TOTAL TAXES DUE S 46,249.81 COLLECTIONS TO GATE ~ 12~117.61- OUTSTA~:DING BALANCE S 34 132.20 ~ PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 2b.20~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINN ING JULY 1~ 199b. R~~CTFULLY SUBMITT~ 0~ / ~, ,, ~ PATRICIA J. RA1~~VDR yU COLLECTOR OF REVc"NUE # COh~BINEO COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 94.26 143 This page intentionally left blank 144 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 02/17/97 !Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required ; Page Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Reeister B, .T~ Release of Value-Michael B. Aldridge BRIEF SUMMARY• Michael B. Aldridge has requested a value adjustment in the amount of 46,440 after a physical inspection of certain vehicles were valued too high. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE0~7F~TFn ACTIONS Recommend release of value Federal S: State S: County S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared• REVIEWED BY•• LGL: FIN: User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: BUD: ~.VUiv I Y MAMA ER' COMMENT AND F( Recommend release of value as recommended above. HR: Other $: V __~__~- ..-- -~ APPR®VE~ "' .~ I~EJECTE® Pos ®~~~ ~ n 14 5 Refcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition This page intentionally left blank ,- . ~- „ _ r 1 ~1uU ,~,,;;; - -~ 146 - `~ -'_,,- ;:',`; ~. -,~.t~ t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 Additional Item #: Department: Library Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Awazd of bid # 97-0207 and approvalof contract # 97-0207 for the.purchase of an Ililvl RISC 6000 for the Library and approval of BA#97-0120 BRIEF SLIIVIMARY• ' This item was approved in the current budget for purchase. The Library system has been in successful service to the county for several years. Each year, the vendor adds new features to the system as part of our maintenance agreement. In order to enjoy the benefits of all future improvements, we need to enhance our computing capability. This purchase will provide the additional capacity needed for the new softwaze. While there is no charge for the software, the hardware price did come in at approximately $11,000 more than the budgeted amount. The appropriate budget amendment has been prepazed to cover the additional costs. The only bidder was Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. in the amount of $94,595.00. Attached is a resolution for award, draft contract for approval and budget amendment for approval RECOMM NDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTi(~NS Adopt resolution awarding bid # 97-0207 and approving contract # 97-0207 for the purchase of a RISC 6000 system for the library to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C., the only bidder in an amount of S94,59~.00. Also request approval of budget amendment #97-0120. i~ vt~liu~~. J UK C,• Federal S: State S: County S: 83,595 User Fees 5: Other S: 11,000 Money Is In Current Budget: Yes IYew Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Pre ared: Yes REVIEWED BY• • LGL:Arr WCOrLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD• APP CGRIFFIN HR N/A AMALLETTE T A ER' Recommend approval as stated above. . A.PPR®vE~ REJECTED RE1I~OVE® ~ .147 POSTP®BV~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition RESOLUTION OF THE . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the. Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 28th day of January, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a RISC 6000 for the Library, Bid # 97-0207: Eastern Technologies Associates, L.L.C: $94,595.00 AND WHEREAS, the Library Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only bidder, in the amount of Ninety-four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($94,595.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 110-611-6110-6400 to cover this contract; - .' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for a RISC 600.0 for the Library, Bid # 97-0207 be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. in the amount of Vinery-four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety- five Dollars ($94,595.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 17th day of February, 1997 (SEAL) - - ~ - - -- .. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: _ . Budget Amendment %~%%%%%~%/%%%~%%~ii%%%%'~%~~%%~%%%~~'%~///%%////%%~~///% t i~ DEPARTMENT: BUDGET A~VIENDMENT # DATE: ~- Libra 97-0120 ~ 2/17/97 ry REDIT . ADJUSTMENT DEBIT C ~" Library Lost Books $4,966 . Contribution ~ $6,034 Capital Outlay Equipment $11,000 ~, ~` ~. r. ~ ~ -~ ~ - .- .. _. ~° ~ .EXPLANATION i To budget greater than estimated revenue to cover additional ~ cost of. automation system for the Library. ~ r ~PPRBVE® `~ -For Budget OCficer'~pgt~~then report REJECTE® ~ ~ '~~ {{~~. ~rf'.,. to Commissioners at e. _ armeeting F~E~®VE~ `' ~ ~~ ~~~ • i /and enter in minutes. . ~OST~~ ~ ~~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners. . ~;" "'' ~ ~ ~ ~/y, ~~/ To be entered into minutes. DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 NORTH CAROLINA - AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of 1997, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY,•a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and EASTERN TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., hereinafter referred to as "Vendor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for a RISC 6000 for the Library, /Sa Bid # 97-0207, and bids were received and opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by Vendor, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase, delivery and installation of a RISC 6000, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal No. 001. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: . 1. Exhibits to Contract. The Bid Package, which includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; and Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Exhibit' B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. 2. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.0.6. Wilmington, North Carolina, at the County location specified at the time of order. ,, ~. : . ~ r t . ~...,Y_,,, ~_,~...r.._~~ 1 - ( (! :JOi ~ cwt fr . .~ ,: .. . ~~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 3. .Delivery. Vendor shall deliver and install all goods purchased by County within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.after receipt of order. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of Ninety-Four Thousand ~Fiv,e Hundred. Five ($94,595.00) Dollars shall be paid within. ~` thirt 30 da s after recei t of the goods, their installation, their acceptance by .County Y( ) Y P and receipt of invoice. 5. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County; its ~, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes . of :action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account. of ro ert damages arising out of or relating to the work to be P P Y ~~ performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. ~1 6. Insurance. Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed ~; to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to .New Hanover County, of the s kinds and minimum amounts specified below. . ~' 7. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. ~ Before commencing work N under this contract, Vendor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, .amount, class of operations covered,. effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the ~. following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days _ written notice has been received by County". ~ ~ 8. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. ..Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation 2 151 New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. 9.: Commercial General Liability.- Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable .to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to' be deleted when~the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. ' 10. Automobile Liability Insurarice. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of~$500,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. 11: Contractor's Installation Floater. Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in~force until accepted by County. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear. Vendor shall be responsible for any loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and County and 152 3 ~~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 shall protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. 12. Contractor's Warranties. Vendor makes the:following warranties ~~ concerning the materials, equipment and work furnished pursuant to this contract. ~- 12.1. Warranty of Materials and Equipment. Vendor warrants to County that all materials and e ui ment furnished under this contract will be new unless q P otherwise specified, will be of good quality and free from faults and defects, and will conform ,with the contract documents. Vendor warrants all such materials and '. . ,~ equipment for a period of one (1) year from the date of County's first beneficial use or occupancy of same. 12.2. Correction of Defects. County shall give Vendor reasonably prompt written notice of all observable defects. If Vendor fails to perform corrective work within seven (7) days .after receipt of notice, County may perform such work and charge Vendor for the costs thereby incurred. . 13. Default and Termination. If Vendor materially breaches any one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract, County may terminate this contract forthwith. Upon termination, County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or any other remedy,.. enter into another contract for the completion of this contract. County may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Vendor. 14. Non-Waiver of Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall . not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract. 15. subcontractors. Vendor shall be fully responsible for all negligent acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors and of persons and organizations 4 153 New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 employed by them to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts - and omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County'and any subcontractor~•or other person or organization having~a direct contract with Vendor, nor shall it create any obligation•on the part of County to pay any money due any such subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. " : 1 16. Assignment: The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party and the surety to this contract. 17. Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally ~~ deny any person participation in or the benefits of the project which is the subject of this ~.. contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin.. To the extent applicable; Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances; rules, regulations, orders,' instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. 18. Familiarity with Laws. The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which may in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work of the project; or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any 154 5 ~ 1 w New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he, his employees,. subcontractors and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same. If the Vendor shall discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with. any such law ordinance, rule or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the County in writing, identifying. any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed until he has received written direction. from the County with respect to these items. If the. Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving. such notice, he shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. 19. Notices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party ~'~ shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: To County: . New Hanover County MIS Department Attention: Bill Clontz, Director 320 Chestnut Street -Room 601 Wilmington, NC 28401 To Vendor: Eastern Technology Associates, LLC ~, Attention: Ed Burke, Jr., Partner 5041 New Centre Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ~' 20. Inde endent Contractor. It is mutual) understood and a reed that Y `~ Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of Courity, and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, 6 155 .. New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 21. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained in the contract documents shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 22. Entire Understanding. This contract constitutes .the .entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given on the day and year first above written. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners EASTERN TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. BY: Manager 15f t t 1 f 1 t r r New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0207 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as -the act of the Board; the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. 1997. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF _ COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Edmund S. Burke, Jr., Manager of EASTERN TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. personally came before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this .day of , 1997. Notary Public My commission expires: g 157 . ~ m _C .r.r (~ ~ tQ W O ~ ~ L ~ m Q S °~ a' O L .~ ,~ U m tp~ ~' n. n. ~~ i ` ~~gs ~ s o n ~ O O' d 5 ~ ~ SSV C C ff~ N ~ C V ~ v 4 C 0 C ~` C Y., H 4 ty ~ ~ ~ c O o ~ $ ~ O ~ • G E ~ ~ 'O ~ E as $ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mm a ~ B . -_ ~ c „~ m r c m ~ ~ r r q 0 ~ '~ © i C w o - S 3 u ~ ~ ~ c o a `o q ~ o a .~ - c 0 o a E ~ m . °_ ~ O of N C b w O ~ 2 0 . ` O Q. 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', ~ C ~ A °3 g ~ ao E cS c g ~ o 0 ° ~ ~ ~ n° c v ~ ~ $= ~ .- o u' - B $ ~>. v .. 8 ~ i'i o ~ ~ L ~ c `- - W O ~ s ~ c ~ g ~ ` u a m ' 0 t U O s' ~- c v ~ ~ E ~ ~ c m C O c o 0 $ g o _ C O c E N ~ 4 E 6 o ~' a m C m I a ~ j v m c • A L O v = N ~ ~ H w C ~ a~ " ~ ~ U ~+ Z ~ U ~ ~ t s~o Q O ~ t b ~ ~ Q V ~ _ +~ s = ~ i~• a ~O `o a A ` W N ~ I.. ~ ~ ~ C O • ~ ~ _ O ro ~ a~ ~ m a? Q C Q ` p ~ `~ " Q L C L 0 o ~ O V E d 0 7 C O C ~ h ~ N 3 N _ ~ ~ v ^ ~ U m ~ a vU I~-tf ~j ~ ~ o ~; o ~ s o $ If Wl ~ L ~O E~~~ ~ L3.1 ll~~I : to ~ ~ S ggg g g ~$$ ~ ~ A Y C t N w w w C 3 O Q 4 7 ~ ~ ~ A h r; ~: ,` LIMA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CARD ~~ INVITATION TO BID . ON ,`f ~ IBM. RISC 6000 .. FOR THE LIBRARY r t ~~~~ r: ~. ~~ ~~, i 1 Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR IBM RISC 6000, BID # 97-0207" wilt be accepted until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 28, 1997. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the County. Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County . Advertised: January 19, 1996 161 ~J INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS y NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IBkI RISC 6000 FOR THE LIBRARY BID # 97-0207 i New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room G02 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7190 Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original grid one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufactureds'warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the-bid. No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. • Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations ~'"' or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or _ technicality. Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. 162 I-l bfs /~i V ~, Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR IBM RISC 6000, BID # 97-0207", and `" shall be addressed to County at the following address: ~~ New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent ~~, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Condition of Goods All goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. ,. Time For Opening Bids '~~ Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be .considered and will be returned to the bidder, ~, unopened. ~~' Withdrawal of Bids •r Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at anytime ri r to the closing time for .;~? receipt.of bids. But no bid maybe withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for -- a period of sixty (60) days. ~~` Award of Contract ~ . The award of any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, ~% taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance ti of the contract. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete quantities. ~~, ~ I-2 'o f 5 163 .. `r Considerations in Award of Contract In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. ~ 143-129,. the Board of Conunissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, .design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes • New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. Price ' Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period required. Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County, Wilmington, North Carolina, at the County. • location specified at the time of order and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. Instruction in Use.of Goods; Demonstration County may require a demonstration of the goods bid upon; the demonstration .shall be at no cost to , County. If bidder cannot make a demonstration within 20 days of request, bidder's bid may be rejected. Performance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a factor in the award of the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment as that bid. The County may require the demonstration at the same time competitive demonstrations are made. The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and • maintenance of the goods. ~ • '~ 6`t, I-3 of 5 Res onsibilit of Com liance With Leal Re uirements P y P b 9 The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are ~~, referred to in the bid documents. Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal ~~ injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of ~, Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. Insurance ~ Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. ~~ Certificates and Notice of Cancellation Before commencing work under this agreement, Vendor shall furnish. New Hanover County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of ~ operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following ~', statement: . "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except ~, after (30) days written notice has been received by New Hanover County." ~~ Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance .~ Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability ~~' insurance rovidin limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims P g ~ due to bodily injury by accident or disease. Commercial General Liability Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of`this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at ~, I-4' of 5 16~ r- 1: fined sin le limits a licable to claims due least ~n the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, comb g pp to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional _ insured under this policy. - . ~ .- Automobile Liability Insurance - - Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. . Contractor's Installation Floater - - - ~, ... Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate•insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shal{ be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by County. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear. - Vendor shall be responsible for any loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance. rt The coverage shall be written in tl~e name of Vendor and County and shalt protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. ~ Addendum • The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed ~' with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. ~;_ Compliance With Bid Requirements Failure to comply with these provisions or any other provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result~in 'rejection of bid. ~ ~ - Right To Reject Bids - The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ;~ ~' • ~ - ~... 16~ I-5' of 5 1 L r~~ ~, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY IBM RISC 6000 BID # 97-0207 New Hanover County (County) wishes to upgrade the computer system that supports the county library function. The county has established a standard hard~vare/software platform for this system. ~~, Already installed equipment is IBM RISC 6000 hardware using the AIX software, therefore, the proposed equipment shall conform to these established standards. Accordingly, the desired hardware shall be an IBM RISC 6000 system and the operating system shall be the AIX system. The systems ` shall possess all the requirements that are detailed in this document. 4 New Hanover County wisf~es to receive a response from all interested bidders ~~~ho possess a s}•stem ,`' that meets the requirements of the bid package. The vendor shall quote a tum-key installed price that includes equipment, software, freight, software ~' and hardware installation, maintenance, and all other costs that would be encountered with its installation. 1 1 1 t ~. l~, The desired equipment must be new and must run in native mode. Installation and maintenance services for the IBM RS/6000 must be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week from a local engineer. The vendor shall state the warranty provided to the County with the quoted equipment. Specifically, the proposal shall include the following equipment: Sen•er - IBi<t R[SC System 0000 7025-F40 512iVIB EDO Main ylemory 2-2.2GB SCSI-2 disk drives mirrored G internal Raid-5 2.2GB drives Ethernet Adapter - 10/100 MHZ 8mm Tape Drive capable of unattended backup of all DASD Ability to use SCSI-2, ISA, and PCI cards I GGMHz processor Requirerlfrrtrrre Ficld upgrade optinrrs: Up to 1 GB main memory Processor upgrade to SMP T-1'of 2 167 1 Terminal Server Terminal Servers to be provided at sites as follows: Maier Library Site: 1G Ports for RJ-45 connection of ASCII terminals TCP/IP support lOBase-T Ethernet attachment -` Myrtle Grore Branck Site: 8 Ports for RJ-45 connection of ASCII terminals TCP/IP support lOBase-T Ethernet attachment System Printer - IBti14247-A00 ~' Up to 700 cps Print server with ethernet l OBase-T support Scanning Equipment • 20 -Scan Plus SP hand held CCD Scanners for reading Codabar bar codes. Scanners to be attached to an IBM•PC. ASCII Display Stations " 19 -Color Display Stations Nehvorl:ing Equipment A. One CISCO 2514 Router «ith two Ethernet ports, two serial ports and IP/IPX plus IBM software ~ • B. Two Baystack 24-port lOBase-T hubs - CG1001E02,-with: One Hub-to-Hub cable - CG0018001 One Baystack lOBase T/FL module - CG1019003 One Baystack SNMP Module Kit - CG1007002 C. One Baystack 12-port lOBase-T Hub-CG1001E01, with: • One Baystack SNMP Module Kit CG1007002 D. One Milan (140T) lOBase T/FL converter -MIL-140T Sofhvare - AIX V4.1.5 with Unlimited user license preloaded 16~ T-2•of2 i 1 1 2200 Charles Boulevard Suite 101A Greenville, North Carolina 27834 (919) 321-2001 `~' January 25, 1.997 ~~ Ms. Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County '~~ 32U Chestnut Strcct Wilmington, NC 2fi401 ~/, 4~%~ w Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. 3701 Su~tset Avenue 5041 Necv Centre Drive Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 Suite 117 (919) 443-4030 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 800-662-7900 Ext. 7574 (910) 350-2810 *!1 Dcar Ms. Akin: ~Ve arc pleased to respond to your Bid #97-0207, "Bid for IBM R]SC 6000" for the Ncw Hanover ~J County Library. As tlic local autlrorizcd sales agent fur IBM, we arc proposing the IBM RS/6000 Model F40 N~'orkgroup Scrvcr with AIX systcnu software. Spccial,priccs for both IBM and non- IBM equipment and scrviccs arc also proposed as specified, providing Ncw Hanover County a single source of procurement through Eastern Technology Associates. , We have also proposed 4U hours of project support and technical installation assistance for a special ~} price of 53,200. Tasks over the next 30-90 days include project planning and coordination; systems and network setup assistance; and migration support with the Library's software vendor, VTLS. Optignal support after the first 40 hours arc available at S95.00 per hour. ~- All contractual terms and conditions between 1BM and Ncw Hanover County shall be in accordance with existing Customer Agreements. Supplements and addenda may also apply. IBM ~` maintenance scrviccs will be provided 24 hours per day, seven days a week from IBM's local engineers. Warranty support for non-IBM products will be provided as specified for cacl~ product. IBM equipment ~i-ill be shipped new from IBM's factory. IBM RS/6000 prices quoted include ,~ freight and one year warranty. ' We appreciate this opportunity to serve Ncw Hanover County and look forward to the successful - j~' implcmcntation of your RS/6000 for the Library. Sincerely, ~~ Edmund S. Burke ' IBM Sales Agcn~'f'artner Enclosures '~ ~ 169 t~ Vendor's Quote # 001 COUNTY Oi' NEW'I3ANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA BID PROPOSAL FORiv1 BID # 97-0207 - IBi~1 RISC 0000 Janu:~ry 28, 1997; 3:00 p.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services. and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of , this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Having carefully examined the Bid Package and Addendum, if any, Vendor hereby proposes to ~ ' furnish all labor, materials, equipment and supervision required to furnish and install the required IBM RISC 6000 for tl~e New Hanover County Library that are necessary to execute the furictions and meet ' requirements detailed in the Technical Specifications for the Total Price indicated below: ~ 94,595_~~ . Delivery: approx. 30 days after receipt of purchase order., subject to change. Location of Technical and ~ ' Service Representative w; ln,; norr,n N Ai,c ~. C, tinT ZY, fnr IBM. Bidder shall itemize all items and services in detail with their respective unit costs which are included in the bid proposal price and submit as an attachment to the bid proposal. ~ .~ Specifications ~ ~ ~ .. ~,._.. Bidder shall submit detailed manufacturer's specifications for the goods and services bidder proposes . to furnish. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each ' exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Bidder is required to respond to all description and/or information requests in the Technical $pecifications in a detailed narrative to be attached and labeled. Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the IBM RISC 6000 listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover Count . 1 ~l0 . B-1 of 3 .~ ~° Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: ', Addendum No. 1 Date~anuar~ 2~ , 1997 Addendum No. Date , 1997 ~~~ Ad a e 1997 dendum No. D t , .~ ~~~ ~~ ~; ~~ /~~ .~ .. ~l ~i ~~1 B-2 of 3 ~~ 171 Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. _ The Bidder is: An Individual .. _ _ ,____, __ XXXx A Partnership between: Ar i m; tee Liah; 1 ; tv ('nrt+n~.+.. (fir' 1 headquartered in North Carolina. A Joint Venture consisting of: A Corporation organized under the laws of the State of (List name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated.) BY: ~ Edmund S. Burke (name as above printed) TITLE: Partner COMPANY:Eastern T hnningty ASanriatas, LLC ADDRESS: 5041 Neu Centre Drive, Suite 117 Wilmington, NC X8403 TELEPHONE: (910) 35o-z81o SEAL-IF BID IS BY A CORPORATION ATTEST: By 172 B-3 of 3 JAN-23-97 THU 1452 ~, NHC FINANCE OFFICE FAX N0. 19103414025 ~` FAX TRANSMISSION ~~~` `~1 NEW HANOVF.R COUNTY 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 Telephone: (910) 341-7190 Fax: (910) 341025 P. 01 j~ To: Ed Burke DRte: January 23, 1997 Eastern Technology ~~, Fax if: 350-2818 Pages: 2 ~mcluding this cover sheet) From: Amy Akin Se,bjeet: Addendum # 1 for Bid # 97-0207 There has bern one correction on the Technical Specifications for the about rcfacnced bid. Under ~~1 the Listed requirements of the server the lint that read, "8mm Tape Drive capable of unattended backup of all DASD" has been changed to read: "4mm or 8mm Tape Drive capable of unattended backup of all DASD". The change has been underlined on the attached revised page T- I of Z. Please replace this page with the one in the original package and acknowledge receipt of this addendum by cigninb below and faxing back a copy of the signed acknowledgment (FAX # (910) 341-4025). ~~ `~.~~; ~~ ~~ '~? Received: '~~ ~4 ~~ . f ~~ Date: ~ ~"~ 173 TYPECHARCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY IBM RISC 6000 BID # 97-0207 PRICE SUMMARY PRICE IBM RS/GUOU MODEL F4U S 46,996 TERMINAL SERVERS MAIN -IBM 731$ S20 2,912 MYRTLE GROVE 2,749 SYSTEM PRINTER -IBM 4247-AUU 2,710 SCANNING EQUIPMENT - ScanPlus SP (20) ~ 9,900 ASCII DISPLAY STATIONS WYSE 325ES COLOR (QTY = 2U} -: 13,900 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT ~ . ~ A. ONE CISCO 2514 ROUTER 3,296 CISCO StiIARTNET MAINTENANCE 300 B. TWO t3AYSTACK 24-PORT HUBS 3,664 C. ONE fiAYSTACK 12-PORT HUB 1,130 D. ONE MILAN FIBER CONNECTOR 3l6 SOFTWARE AfX 4.1.5 WITH UNL[MiTED USERS 2,695 A(X SYSBACK/G000 395 INSTALLATION SERVICES AlX SUPPORTLINE, 7 DAYS X 24 HOURS 432 (ADD 12 MONTHS FOR F4U) _, PROJECT INSTALLATION ASSISTANCE 3.2UU (4() HOURS ~d. 5$U.UO PER HOUR) CRAND TOTAL S 94,595 174 WARRANTY 12 MONTHS ON-SITE 12 MONTHS ON-SITE 12 MONTHS ON-SITE ~ ' 3 MONTHS ON-SITE 12 MONTHS DEPOT 12 MONTHS DEPOT SPARE ADD~~EeD..~~ air p ~ l2 MONTHS E g w/ SMARTNET 12 MONTHS DEPOT 12 MONTHS DEPOT 12 MONTHS DEPOT 12 MONTHS PLUS 12 MONTHS PLUS .. •~ ~.ooooooooouooooouuuuu oo ~•oouu oo • ..]o\\\\\\\\Z\\\\\ZZZZZ o o .]o\ZZ o o ZZZZZZZZ zZZZZ s soZ Z ~~-•o [ o o b lD ~ t~ o 0 t~ f~ H Z ~D r aan.aaaaaa, n.a.aa.n. • a•n• W o000oooooUoooooUUUUU o~nvi ooUU o00 QN O O O O O O O O O Z O O O O O ZZ. Z Z Z O N C E O O Z Z O O O • y' lf1 ~D t!1 O U1 O O O O l!1 O Ul O O •"~ ~!1 t('1 O CD m ~ "'~ t U O~ b 0~ 7 I~ O O N W f~ O N l(l V• ~O tp Q~ O V' •p• m lD a O~ r'1 ~ N f~ OD U1 O c N tD .1 ~O ~O Q~ O~ ~O 1n OD ~O O l(1 N C •-1 O ~fl N lA lD t~ C~ .-1 t!1 W ..] O. .~ .~ .-..-. ~o H c > O u J ~ .•1 .--1 .-1 r/ .-~ C~ .-1 N N H H .--1 .--1 .•-1 .i r-1 '-1 .i r/ r/ N C' N N FQ F N >F d ~~ . ~ ~ a a a a~ m Q W Q O Q n• C7 ~/1 Q ' AF 3 zF w nZWO~n Qa1cn wvi oWUOr+ FooNF a H ~r cnan•> Q Q ZHQao O~,w QQUOa.Qu, F E-' Uu HQ s e.t.a Fmm2 3Na O O s0 a~nJ W H(]. O W>. NCl1 .+O F F Zr Z > Uxw ~,p Qaa t.. F F s F O H W H H D _ i Q Q v 1 H~ F Z Q aoUS~c.-~ w F330U~OQU U W aZ v 7 a H U W a.Z F ~//yy ~ dO.Z3 QF' ll7 In W~OsUH H W .] M O. U7a QH\aHa(/1 N Q~+H \Q ~n ]' > C~ ~s U M Q W a .-7 F O O Q~ F F a ~f I N to Z N U a a Z N a aZOC~acnF to V100Q WHOH ~ W W W U N W QH W QH~O W OssO4•aN >a3 wsc,.z oq~nq mOODU~ . 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Z Z ' H H . a a a w ooouu o00 0 (A O O O Z_ Z. O Q7 N N N ~ ~n ~n rn rn n .~ .-~ a o V O~ t0 N CA C~ •--1 .-/ Q N a oo a .-, ~o c~ . r E-• . O N f'1 N N O e-1 - m F -+ .. N ~ ~ d .. . x ` ~ ~ •_ w - M n ,F. F. - N- F w s, » , X Q m a R1 O Q U cr F4 H m Z w a z > F . O d t ~ H c a Z - H w o - E-. ~-. a s N .. a awE•--i ox . r-i a u~ w N u a ', a o rn ,~ u N a o ~ a E. ms o aNa Z: O E " wc~ ~ E- w z QO o u i U F a . a¢ oF. a m ~ x o aoc~OF H Q U Qoa>O A 3 a ~ a w ct~F3 Q ~ ~ wcnwp a '~ ~ v~xzarn > z w ~ x ~ U o .~ v o .-~ Q r,. ov~oo~n 3 .-~ [ ~ f"1 Q Q~ Q1 [~ ` ~' ' C N N _ F, a • r f11a SMP system with flexible grotctli aptiolls R~/6000 Model F40 HI phNyfits P+vs~~rfrrl~JltP wor~yroup s~rwr lsay `~IvQ-1t~"prvo~ssor Irxkiestry oomrrwn ~(~O ~nd~tonw~ The AS/6000' Model F40, a deskside Convertlng ham a 1•way to a 2-way SMP The Modal F40 Incorporates popular and 1-way or 2-way SMP, Is IBM's (estesi and system ,s ea eln~rple es plugging In economtcel PC( ISA, end SCSh2 mosf eucpendable f~^.l workgroup servivr. a second 166 MHz PowerPC 604e' technoloyes thel support many wlde~ processor card used yt7 and a'atge per~aherale, L~ao~ptlo*u/ ~xp.ixlb11/ty With expansion capeblllly d up to 1GB d mernor}s 819G8 d hternal dsk capecifX and nine nzpension slots, tl~e Model F40 :an meet the needs d yourgrowing business Anal in a smell package slightly more than rwo leaf high, this powerful worfcgroc,p server can essay lit Into your ...depertrnent or work area. J .. . Outatrrndlny rs!labgtty The Model F40 provides the reliability arxlaerviceablEtyfeaturos found fn hlghe~-pricedsystems: ErrorChecking and Carrecfing (ECCJ memorjt hot- ~...... . swappabie d~,sks, a service processor, and HitID-5 support. Pcw~rlvl grspMor capwbll/tJ~s The Model F40 otters comprehensive grgphlcs support from entry 8-bit 2q to 24-blt true-cdor 2Q through, high perlorrnance 30 graphics accelerators h addit/on, I8M's multithreaded graPH1GS' library exploits the SMP errh/tecture to provide excel%nt per- formance for PMGS-based applications. RS/6000 Mode! F40 Aso ~, t ., ~, lister. s..i.fft ~trywwi[proapt}APs.rwr •OHersperbrrnancaupgradaviaepluggableprooes.eorcard • Provides easy perbrrnance upgrade from 1-way to 2-way wi th miimai operational i mpact ~~ro.rgo ~O warkrt.tfon • Offers oorr,prehenaive figh~lunction hardware•accelerated3D gaphics ar;~portwith ilia POWfft t3XTti00P', GXT660P', GXT800P', a QXT1000' greptrca accelerator Q or entry 30 per lorrnence with the POW(3=1 GXTZ50P or OXT255P' graphics accelerators together withADt's Sottpraphics 30 support • OffersntemalGXT1000grapticaaccelorator kxmoreeoonorricaltigFrperbrmence3Daipport • A1bwaPfiCiSbasedappicalpna b explOilthe SMP arcNtect~re wilha~thavirg b be rewrittenor recompiled ~aion o.p.bYttl/ 01 r+P to • Si,pports appticaYOrn wilts large dale requirements (up>p 13TH) Z2 swk14w~dl~ftirsY+awdQ.lota •Provideacor><+gtfationAe,dbityendgrowthoptione fi?CI tteee~aoo (7tZ..w.1 a4-bit) • Help provide higher VO ihroughPul W • Helps reduce yotr business opal by provid'ng slots for both IBM and third-par ty adapters .PG and 1f~A slob) • Provides the tiexibiity to use both PG (32-lit and 6 shit) and ISA adapters 1 RAlp-fl • Provides dak redundancy for internal (end extemel) devices °oPe'oON~(~to•~) • Heapsimprovesy~temevailebiGrybyprwicinpbdterprodemdelerrrirutiori • Provides remde system eupport end management capebiity FioF+ww~ptrwii~ a17~lci • f•-le~ improve eastern eveiebaify and serticeel~ifty byalawing 6ska b be added or changed without ^ shutting down tho system ~tport ~ •SeIrsfieamerryQrApfresap~licalonrcx~irernenta,auchasCAD,withoultefunquvaalot ~~Watl+et`«n •PrwidesavestportbfaolaxislingappiutioneandawealtholrrxJtiusorcommurticaConeand ~ eyaterna rnanagernenl tectrrnlogiea • Compies with moat major ndualry etendarde' bin.rr oompatiW Itty • Provides an A1X errvirorrrnenl where moat All(Ver~ion 32 end d.l ePDlica4ons steady rlrxirig on ottwr ' POW tai-, POW fft2-,or PbwerPC'-besed RSr6000 sysbrru can run unmodified edaav~MT••opsrxtk~iaY><t«n •Ptovideaa32-bitmuftitaskingnetwwkoperating~+-temwithafemiierWindvwa"~aphicaluserinterface • kitegre3ea aecttitK tile, and print services Vereion4 flea recek•d XJOpen XPC34 brarxtrp and ll"T,{" 0.1 txandnq (I+DCVersbn 4.1) txsm~r ~oiut{ons e RS/6000 Model F4Q a deekside wsy or 2-way symmetric muhl- r~cesaing (SMP) system; Is IBM's eat and mod exparxiab{e PCI workgroup server. Designed with Ilabiit}t avaliabihy, servbeabllhy (RAS) mlrxi, this system features Error Checking end Correcting (ECC) memorx swappeblo.diske, a service processor, Internal RAID storage to help run your misabn-crftical business applice- and networks 24 hour8 a day, seven a week. The f=40 has oumtnrxiing oxpanslon bllhles whhln a single package. r'g a second 166 MHz PowerPC 604e Processor provides 2-way SMP functbn. memory Is expertdabie from 32MB to 1GB.The SCSI-2 Fest/1Mde internal disk storage capacity can grow from 21G13 up to 819G6. A total of 22 media and disk bays are evallable (10 standard; 12 optlonal), grouting extraordinary expansion potential and configuration flexlbiity The hot-swappable dfeks can be added or changed without powering off the system.The F40 also supports RAID laud Q 1 and 5 Intomally for SCSI-2 F/W attached dtsks. For monitoring and servicing systems running nt ror7tote sites, the Mode) F40 can be equipped with an optional service processor. This krtemel watchdog continuously mor>xora your system and alerts you in the event ft detects a potential problem go the appropriate action can betaken. The Model F40 has comprehensive ADC grnphica support, errnbling h to run 2D buslrrose graphcs through complex high- fundbn 3D graphk:a npplicatione. Coupled wfth Its expansion pdentiel, the F40 can serve ahigh-functlon workatatlon for env~onmerrta that handb largo volumes of 2D and 3D graphics data. For 20 grnphlcs applk:atbne, the Model F40 offers a number o1 graph(ca accefer8tors.The POWER GXT110P' 2D accelerator, wNch Is also supported by Windows I~1T4.0, meets the graphics needs d many commercial applicatans and prtivides an entry point for 181 R>~OOG Moe•t F40 w t w pJwn c• ftaadawd oodlQ~r~wtloe~ . . t#iMoevQrro~o~weon 166 MHz PowerPC 604e Iwt~wd dFak drtr« 2.208 SCSI-2 F/W Lwv~11 (11) asoh.: 32KB data/32K8 instruction lDhfd4w.dia bwtrs': • Tart (true disk and two media available) i.w~ 2 (tti2? oawhee 512KB per processor lupwnslow oiots~ rfne (32-bit.• five PCI ~ two aherod PCIpSA; 64bi1 two PCl) RAY (r*s«aor>rk 32MB ECCDIMM tPCI rw wrldlMt 32-end 64-bit , tib.worr br• rridtlu 64-bit M«aory ebtwa 6ghl torts: Tablet, keyt~oerd, mouse, Ethernet" (thick+lwistedpair), SCSI-2F/W, serial (two), pnrelid, end stereo audio lta~dardfowtar•N LEDoparabrpenel ~ ~ ~~ Dua11n1egrnledSC.St-2FasWVideoontrol{era(oneexternelized) . 8-speed 600tv1B CD-ROM drive Integreled Ethemel t:onero[or (108eseT/10Bese 6) 1.44MB3.5-indtdeketledrive IrAegratedstereoaudio .. , tsystb.m ~oe+ - - . - .. .. -- For lway iti1P ooatlla Additional 166 MHz PowerPC 604a processor FZAI~t UP b 10B r {wt«aat dlol[ •torwpoe Up to 81.9138 Di:kkwdtia rtioY+a UP b twelve optional SCSI-2 F/W' tlvct~sal disk ota•+.p•t More then 1.3T8 with expansion traits _ NrvSw prooiwoa Opionel sy,ata~mdtir...a-.ionst~ 243'Hx9.6'WxZZ3'D(620mrnx246mmx61lbmm);761bs(35Kg)' • With pedestal: 24.3' H x13.7 W x 293'.D (620 tram x 360 mrn x 745 mm) OpatnRlapra~totwsc AtXVereiondta(cenbeoptiortaltypreloedodarpreilstelted) ~ - Windvvs hlT Wo rksta ticxt 4.0 ; WSrdowa t~lT Server 4D ._ . _ _ v ....... __ _ . ....v ._ . tNarnewtyt ~ One year(irnited) 'Optbnaltyhot-arrappaWa iMlhhteQaledadeptsra 'Bsa • m aohina with rr+frlmum d e k, ads p~ e, and d.vk~e r, weiptt v.Cl vary wtwn addNonel dsk a adnpLsra and odxr porlpherete an tne;alle d workstation users. It le also stoat- _ effective choice for server environments the4 requte a gtt3phlcnl user console. And for high levels of 2D grtiphics performance, you can chooso the ribft POWER GXT250P or the 24bit ttve- color GXT256P graphics accelerator. For.complex, high-fundbn 3D graph(ca appicatlons, the POWER GXT1000 grnphks eccekjraator be attached dther internally or exfemallyt Attached Enter-, nellK tNa acceleretor provkiea more et7ecWe 3D graphics prke/performance. For advanced 3D graphics (undlon, the fupportt+d f..rEurw and denrloas Model F40 offers several options that The Model F40 supports a wide renge of dttfer In that cost and speed of process- ~ the fdlawhg optional features and Ing graphics data.The POWFA GXT600P devices: and C3XT550P graphics accelerators provide outstanding 30 accebreted • • t;ommun(catlons edeipters forToken- functJoneity et an affordable price and _ Portg, Ethernet (including 100 Mbps ' are well suited for wireframe and entry. support), FDDI, X25, SDI and sold modeling.The higher performing . eaynchronous envfronmenta POWER GXT800P graphics accelerator ' has optional hardware texture metpping, • Graphics accelerators for 8-bft entry 2Q which le ideal for solid modeling and 24bft ttve-color 2Q prnductfor--qualty visualzetbn. These graphite accelera- 3Q and high-performance 30 graphics fora utlilze IBM's mufti-threaded. graPHlGs Hbrar~ whkh exploits the • Color displays of various atzea and F4.0'a SMP ar>rhitecture to provide rot3olutlona excellent performance for PHIGS-based • nppllcatlons. • ASCiI and X tem~inais • 182 • Input devices, including dials, lPF keys, Spaceball",and tablets • IBM and non-IBM printers, plotter9, and n-todema Fora complete lint of supported er-d optional feeturoe end devices, refer Oo the latest RS/6000 Servers: Fact rand Featuros brochure (G3209878); or confect your IBM merketJng roprocenta- tive or IBM Bueheae Partner. Irtv~stm~nt cottAdwno~ The Model F4q along with the teat d the RS/6000 server famityt offers flexible and scalable growth solutions especlalfy~ salted to commercial enterprises and applk:atbn development environments, Ey uelrtg PowerPC technologK tfiEs System offers en excellent coat of ownership over tbs life. K provides operatlonal tlexibUlty end applk;atbn afternatfve~s with the choice d muftlpfe • operethg systems. h also prdvicfea room to upgade en technologlea advance and your business nequlremenig expand 1~ f~rvta~snd support The Model F40 system is backed by BM's worldwide ors-alts service end support. IBM's conYrtftment ie behind ~ry system sold, in order.to provide the .dhosi possibb customer sailsiadion. IBM customer flnancing provkles an oral Incentive. An array d attractive flexile filancirlg pvgrams eases the acxluishfon of new technobgy and helps ~ed you from the risk of obsolescence. Mors Irtrtorrrut{ot>t • Contact your IBM nlerlceting repretaenta- tive or IBM Business Partner. • Access http://www.rs6000.ibm.com bJ~pieort,~ numbe><• 19'v/As+e Peafc A.t6Yalie 132~26x RS/1f~0 edeeh 880-2-889-783 'na (PRC) Beijng 10-437-6677xCftC Cltmrtgzhou 2(N78-T258 x CRC 3tertghei 21-6284~W/1)xCRC rtg Kong BQ-282S787B a (TfUA) 080-b26-90ra0 br,eaa 21-251-2922 ,pen 012000-G026 e~ oz~s1-71 u aleyeie 03-717-788 wZealend 0800-801-800 PHgpitee 02-819-2426 e 1-800-320.1234 :Larks Oi-440610 erwen 0 8 001 1 01 1 Tttedard 02-2r~. 4444 t/ietlarn Hanoi 84d-d2631s ' Ho Chi lvfnh 84.-8-241474 319-6666 681-2-061-055 0800-11-1426 x317 B00-216-2161 a 66-2-200.6064 9840176b5 646-223-6222 808-b66~6161 693 4 32-14 4 4 x228 603298-b(Jt) 602-031.5858 504-322-309 (6) 6'22444 x3333 60321;0.4141 607.263-8417 bia6.21-444-094 x2rt0 611-3d8-OObO 2-92-38-17 600-33-428 on the Internet to get to the RS/6000 19.1Corporatbn Products and Services page= on IBM's D•psrtm«ttPDOA World Wide Web server, and then select FtS(BOOOOhieion F1W b too the Hardware option. PQeax too • CaN (415) 85.5-432 a US. phone number, 5Of1efa rv"" w`k toseo to have iniomiatlon faxed to your location. ~ PttK.d itth•UrtitsdstuaeorAm«:ca cali 1-800-IBM-4FAX In the U.S. lase . (1-800 26-4329). ~ Rpru rteeerwd (IBIb1 Ecrvpe, Mddc Fart, orAfica wnt) riorwstr d7-6899191 Pdend 4B2-&26-1010 Ptxtt.rge l 351-1.7916890 Romaria 401-6158267 Rtteaie 431-2tUf 6-0T26 SetdArabia 16602-600007 Slovakia 427.7806-ttt Srwanja 38661x262164 SouthAlrica Z7-B00-126-128 Spero 34-801-i00-400 swedes 46-2az2-0za3 Swltzetland 41-15:.1225 Tirkey 90-212-2800900 UK 0170rr492149 Uveino 38044-2270226 19NLetinAmerica Argentina Boivia Etraz3 Gila la'blFlrop~ ILfddle East orAfice Colombia baria 36-b42-32025 Coate Rica e 43.1-21145-2500 Dominican 'tm 32-2-2253600 Ecuador Boaria 38-771.21y388 B Salvador &/garia 3332-T,31(776 Ciuabmala ce 38S1-6124600 Fbrduss zec}t Reptbic d22-~1C)-6111 Me~voo erlc 4645-8031-6000 Picaregua EBYFn 202-3492533 Panama 368.9800-42680 Paraguay 3316-3883-4141 Peru olMacedoria 3 8991-11 31 4 4 Urt,guey (3errnarry ?,~ 48-0180-bfi090 Venaa~ete sate 30-1-688-1475 ary 3611654422 1BMIYordrArnerice eland 36318-5020.5206 Caruda Isael 97Z-177-022-0888 Italy 3A-167-016338 lkited Sialea ~etttotlende 31-20.b13-0151 _- ~~ - - ~. _ -= ._,~~a O tt«cndonal8uei~eeeMechiwaCorporadon1G98 Rer•nno• e I n thb pu bf c etktn to BM products w eetvioee do nol inpiy thal IBM htertde to make lham a.+ltn bb in ell c ountr b • m wtioh BM o pera tee. Pttoingrephe show engitsering and deelpn models Gtang•a may be ncorpora7od h produotlon nwd•le. Copying or downk>adng tM Fn•pse oont.irrd h tNa doovn•rt b •>mr•seiy prohibited wlhoui V.• wrht•n oone•ntof Bkt Th: •Qulpnwrtle eubi•ot m FCC nJ•e, h wil oornpiy wilt the approprtata FCC Nea b•for• flr.al deivory b the buyer. BA4 hardwen produob ere mututacoued from flew puts, or n.w and used puts. Regudleee, oar wrrvtty terms apply . Tito forowi-g ama am trademarks or rogietsred tradernarka or Pta [3M Corparadon h tha lkftsd Stabs or otl.er covttrl•a or both: ©M,/10C, paPHC3S, QXl't10P, 0XT250P, OXT256f? t3JCTb00P. GXT6b0? 0XT800P, GXT 1004 PnwarPC, Paw«PC 804e, ar+d FtSl6000. llVDC le a rvpiebred trad•merk h the lkttod States end other c arrt {• e, I toe na.d •xdusFn y VYOU'~ x/4p•n Cornp•ny Umhea Oth« oompeny P~+ot. and ser~iw nernee, wtiah u• d•not•d by • daub4e sat«bk, may be Yademuke or a•rvic• mule d o4t.ra. ~ TTv IBM borne pegs an the Mttsrrtet can b+ lard al http'/M'w'Klbm.com ~t~~i~tl~1~1~ 1-800-363-FCSC For Posftlrsn dnFy '-eoo-16M-L,ALL ~I~I~I~I~~Iin~l (1-80ad26-226b) aztl-7m7-oo / a2217or1 183 u Hardware nouncement IBM United States IBM 4247 Model A00 Serial Matrix Printer IBM extends its serial impact printer tamily with the announcement of the IBM 4247 Printer. This heavy-duty serial impact matrix printer is. capable of printing high speeds of 700 characters per second (CPS) and provides new multiple forms paper handling capabilities. The IBM 4247 Model A00 Printer Serial/Parallel (ASCII) includes RS-232/RS-422 serial and Centronics PC parallel attachment capability and supports the IBM Personal Printer (PPDS) and Epson FX datastreams: The IBM 4247 is an ideal print solution tor. applications in environments such as IBM S/390v Mainframe Server, IBM AS/400®, IBM RISC System/6000®, the IBM Personal System/2®, or IBM Personal Computer, and local area networks (LANs). The IBM 4247 Printer is a general purpose printer and can be used for printing most applications. Some examples are: data processing, invoices, office or internal business documents as well as for printing bar codes, labels and- multi-part forms. These applications are commonly used in most industries, but are especially popular in the Manufacturing and Service Sector industries such as distribution, insurance, finance, health care, retail, and wholesale. Planned Availability- Dates: • September 29, 1995 • December 29, 1995, for the Automatic Sheet Feed feature Volume Orders: For information regarding volume orders, contact your IBM representative. For further information regarding volume orders, contact your IBM , representative. O Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 184 September 12, 1995 IN BRIEF .. . The IBM 4247 Model A00 Serial .Matrix Printer, aheavy-duty serial/parallel attachment serial matrix printer, includes the following design features: • Exceptional forms handling flexibility • Continuous form tractor path and manual cut sheet paper path standard • Second continuous form paper path optional • Dual tractor path paper parking • Configuration option for continuous forms in pull mode t Four tractor (push/pull) capability for maximum feedingg reliability • Up to 3-bin Automatic Sheet Feeder (ASF) optional. Up to 6-part forms and document-on-demand/Zero tear off - Auto paper loading assist and automatic Forms Thickness Adjustment • Straight primary tractor i path Utilizes 18-wire print head • Includes resident OCR fonts •~ Certified Postnet bar code • Allows operator panel menu •lockout to prevent datastream override of lines per inch and characters per inch - • EPA Energy Star compliant • Provides 4K8 standard input butter • Quiet operation - • 16-character Liquid Crystal Display operator panel • Heavy duty -Up to 20-million characters per month duty . cycle . . • Implements impressive print speeds • Delivers auto attachment (port) switching between serial and parallel interfaces • Includes operator panel-selectable ASCII datastream emulations: Native IBM 4247, IBM Proprintera III XL, IBM Personal Printer 2381, and Epson FX Tn;t announcement ~s provided for your information only and is suA/ecf to cAange witnouf notice. tBM"s products can only Ae ordered under the termt snd conditions or I8M's applica0le agreements. For additional information, contact your IBM representative or tAe IBM Support Center of B00~263JJ.1 Description ' Flexible Forms Handling The IBM 4247 Printer provides exceptional forms handling flexibility with one continuous form tractor path and manual cutsheet being standard. A second continuous forms tractor may be added to provide dual continuous forms paper paths. The second path may be used by simply tearing oft and parking the paper from the first path. Another forms handling option allows for up to 3 bins of cutsheet paper in an automatic sheet feed (ASF). For customers, this remarkable forms handling flexibility can translate into a single printer performing work which formerly required two printers or mare. Customers can load different forms into each tractor path and then enable the path which corresponds to the desired print job. Alternatively, the tractor paths can be parked to allow the use of the ASF or manual cut sheet functions. ' Product Positioning The IBM 4247-A00 Printer fulfills the requirements of a dedicated, highly reliable continuous forms impact printer ' in grand fashion. In fact, in multipart forms applications the 4247 handles up to 8-part forms. The ability to add and configure the optional dual tractor paths into a 4-tractor (push/pull) combination, providing. a straight tractor path for stiff or heavy forms, gives customers the ' most reliable forms feeding. In addition, the optional Automatic Sheet Feeder (ASF) provides up to 3-input bins each with a capacity of 120 sheets for cut sheet. The first ' bin of the ASF will also handle envelopes. With automatic attachment switching between the parallel and serial port and the ability to switch between tractor paths manually or via software commands (with dual tractor configuration), customers can load each of the tractor paths with a different form type and alternately send a job to either one. As compared to existing IBM serial matrix printers, the IBM 4247 provides advantages and additional solutions with respect to print speed, duty The new IBM 4247 is a complimentary product to the. existing IBM 4232-302. Choose the IBM 4232 when the ' primary locus is price or IBM 4224/4230 compatibility. However, if the primary focus is paper handling or performance, you should choose the IBM 4247. ' Requirement 4232 4247 Print Speed x Price x Price/Performance _ ~ x ' Multiple form types x 4224/423x ASCII Compatibility x 4224/423x Look and Feel x 4224/423x Supplies Compatibility x ' High-Monthly Print Volumes x Print Quality x Acoustics x cycle, forms handling, and datastream support. Publications The publications listed below are shipped with the product. Additional copies (English only) are available immediately. Order Title Number User's Guide SA24-4404 Ouick Reference Guide SA24-4405 Maintenance Manual SA24-4400' ' The Maintenance Manual will be shipped as a part of the ship group through December 1995. Customers. IBM Customer Engineers, and Third Party Maintainers may order MIMs through the 'Puborder" or MES processes for a charge. After December 1995, the MIMs will be withdrawn and no longer shipped with each machine. They will still be available through the 'Puborder" or MES processes for a charge. IBM Systems Library Subscription Service (SLSS) is available. Technical Information Specified Operating Environment This product uses only existing attachment interfaces. The IBM 4247 Printer uses standard interfaces (that is, RS-232 and RS-422 Serial, and Centronics PC Parallel). It has no unique requirements for these interfaces. Physical Specifications Dimensions in base configuration: Width: 679.5 mm (26.75 inches) Depth: 400.0 mm (15.75 inches) Height: 311.2 mm (12.25 inches) Weight: 22.70 kg (50.0 Ibs) Dimensions with ASF installed (fully configured): Width: 679.5 mm (26.75 inches) • Depth: 673.1 mm (26.5 inches) • Height: 431.8 mm (17.0 inches) • Weight: 27.81 kg (61.25 Ibs) Operating Environment Voltages: 100-127 VAC single phase grounded 50/60 Hz 200 -240 VAC single phase grounded 50!60 Hz Heat Output: 20 Watts (68 BTU/hr) -Idle 110 Watts (376 BTU/hr) -Normal operation 140 Watts (476 BTU/hr) -Maximum (200V -240V) 150 Waits (512 BTU/hr) -Maximum (t00V - 127V) 4247 in continuous forms and manual cutsheet applications: Temperature: 10' to 40.6'C (50' to 105'F) • Relative Humidity: 8% to 80% • Max Wet Bulb: 26.7'C (80'F) 4247 in automatic sheet teed applications: • Temperature: 15.6' to 32.2'C (60'to 90'F • Relative Humidity: 8% to 80% • Max Wet Bulb: 22.8'C (73'F) Noise Emission .- ". Operating Idle - 4247 base printer: Sound power level (LWAd): 7.0 bets 5.5 bets Sound pressure level (LpAm): 55 dBA~ 30 dBA ~ Measured in DP Text Mode. The IBM 4247 meets the requirements to be classified as FCC Class A. Hardware Requirements The RS-232C serial interface will attach to: iBM AS/400 ASCII workstation controller 3174 controller via the Asynchronous Emulation Adapter - IBM 9221 via the ASCII Subsystem Controller (feature codes 6245, 6246, 6247 or 6248 on the IBM 9221) RISC System/6000 IBM PS/2o and IBM Personal Computer COMx ports • LAN Attachment (that is, Token-Ring or Ethernet") via the Novell"-certified IBM 4033 LAN adapter, and the Intel NetPort" or directly to the LAN. server IBM-compatible PCs utilizing an RS-232C interface The RS-422A serial interface will attach to: RISC System/6000 -_ AS/400 ASCII workstation controller The Centronics Parallel interface will attach to: RISC System%6000 workstations (excluding POWERserver~~ 930) ~ ' PS/2 and IBM Personal Computer LPTx ports and to • a Token-Ring or Ethernet LAN via one of these computers • . LAN attachment via the Novell-certified IBM 4033 LAN adapter, Axis' Token-Ring or Ethernet Network Print Servers or Intel NetPort or directly to the Lan Server - IBM-compatible PCs utilizing the Centronics Parallel interface AS/400 twinax • terminals including .IBM 348x InfoWindow© II display stations, IBM 3477 " InfoWindow display station, and IBM 3197 display workstation 3482 InfoWindow II display Software Requirements: The IBM 4247 Printer can use the IBM Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) in 'IBM 4202 Proprinter III XL or IBM 2381 Personal Printer emulations by choosing the corresponding device driver for the systems listed below as supporting the PPDS datastream. In Epson FX emulation mode the IBM 4247 Printer can print files coded for the Epson FX-1050 using the Epson ESC/Pz printer control language. Also, native IBM 4247 Printer support is provided for the Host Print Transform lunclion in the IBM AS/400 and IBM RS/60001u systems. The following systems support the IBM 4247 Printer: System Software -Minimum Level Emulation IBM PS/2 OS/2CU 2.t PPDS or Epson FX and IBM OS/2 LAN Server 3.0 PPDS or Epson FX Personal OS~2 Communications Computer Manager/2 1.0 PPDS or Epson FX ~~QQOS 5.0 PPDS or Epson FX 1 Q btlicrosolt" Windowst 3.0 PPDS or Epson FX IBM RISCCJ IAIX® Version 3.2.5 PPDS or Epson FX System/6000 System Software -Minimum Level Emulation - AS/400~•~•S OS/4000•V2.3 Host Print PPOS or Epson~FX - Translorm OS/400 V2.3 PPDS or Epson FX PC Support/400 W/S Function V2.2 ,PPDS or Epson FX Client Access/400 V3.t PPDS or Epson FX Personal Communication for PPDS or Epson FX AS/400 for Windows V4.0 ' Personal Communication for PPDS or Epson FX AS/400 for OS/2 V4.0 IBM 5250 Enhanced Emulation PPDS or Epson FX for Windows V1.1 IBM 5250 Enhanced Emulation PPDS or Epson FX for o0S V2.4 S/390 3174 with ASCII Emulation PPDS or Epson FX Mainframe Adapter (AEA) Release A5.4 Server or later, Release 84.0 or later, or Release C2a or - . later 3482 InfoWindow II display PPDS or Epson FX 9221 ASCII Subsystem PPDS or Epson FX Processor Controller (feature codes 6245, 6246, 6247 or 6248 on the IBM 9221) ~ Host selection of the print quality is limited to two of the three qualities (OP and NLO) featured by the printer when AS/400-attached. ~ In addition to the emulation support defined above, files providing native IBM d247 Printer support are shipped on - diskette for the Host Print Transform tunction.in OS/a00 and for AIX/6000® to enable the enhanced function of the printer. s Host selection of paper paths when using the ASF feature is limited to the ASF paths plus zero or one continuous form ` path when attached to an AS/400. The second continuous form path may be selected Irom the. operator panel. - IBM 4247 Prlnter.IBM OS/2, IBM AIX, and Novell NetWare LAN Operating System Support The IBM 4247 Printer may connect to the following via LAN attachment: System Software -Mlnlmum Level Emulation Token-Rung OS/2 Lari Server 3.0 PPDS or Epson FX ' Ethernet OS/2 Lan Server 3.0 PPDS or Epson FX Token-Ring IBM AIX Version 3.1.5 PPDS or Epson FX Ethernet IBM,AIX Version 3a.5~ PPDS or Epson FX Token-Ring Novell NetWare" 2.2, , 3.t 1, 4.1 PPDS or Epson FX Ethernet Novell NetWare 2.2, ~ 3.1 t, 4.1 . PPDS or Epson,F.X , IBM 4247 P rinter Limitations The front continuous forms paper path will handle up to 8-part forms. The rear path is limited to a • maximum of 4-part forms. The following restrictions apply when using the IBM 4247 native escape commands to print bar code. - , - Current bar code applications must be modified to use IBM 4247 native bar code commands. - Bar code printing is limited to picket orientation and 3 to 1 wide to narrow ration when printed ' using native 4247 escape commands. Additional limitations when emulating previous printers The following commands/functions are not supported when replacing or adding to existing IBM 4224 (Model 301, 302, 3E3) or 4232 (Model 4xx or Szx) or 4232 Model 302: - Begin/End Overstrike - Begin/End Understrike - Select Presentation Media ~ - Set Presentation Position - Initialize/Delete Local Font - Select Local Character Set - Set Vertical Units - Graphic Segment List - Bar Code - Segment - Overlays - Graphic Mapping Control Read Printer Status The following (unctions are not supported when using the Epson FX 1050 driver or IBM -2381 driver in OS/2 or Windows: - Bar code selection or printing - Automatic Sheet Feed (ASF) bin selection - Load/Park form paths - Datastream emulation switching - Metric vertical line spacing ' Character Sets ASCII Code Pages The IBM 4247 Printer will provide non-English characters in the same quality level, .pitches, and fonts as English characters. The 4247 will support the following resident ASCII Code Pages and Character Sets: ASC11 Language Arabic X/A Canadian French Cyrillic Danish/Norwegian English (UK)/Ireland Finnish/Swedish French/French Azerty German Greek (new) Greek (old) Hebrew Icelandic Italian Latin 2/ROECE Netherlands OCR-A6 OCR-86 PC Multilingual Portuguese Spanish Spanish Speaking Swiss Thai Turkish USA/Canada Farsi Farsi Epson's Graphics Epson's Italics GCSGID CPGID 994 993 985 995 980 980 980 980 998 981 992 991 980 982 980 968 969 980 990 980 980 980 966 987' 919 1177 1285 864 863 855 865 850 850 850 850 869 851 862 861 850 852 850 876 877 850 860 850 850 850 874 857 437 1046 1098 1098 1098 OCR•A and OCR•B fonts can only be printed in NLO print mode at 10 characters per inch. Font Support The IBM 4247 Printer will provide print quality levels, character spacings, and character configurations (resident fonts) as follows: . DP mode Gothic and DP mode Italic-10, i2, 15, 17.1 and 20 CPI • DP Text mode and OP Text mode Italic Courier -10, 12, 15, 17.1 and 20 CPI NLO mode and NLO mode Italic Courier or Gothic - 10, 12, 15, 17.1 and 20 CPI DP mode and DP mode Italic Essay -Proportional Spacing OP Text mode and DP Text mode Italic Essay: Proportional Spacing NLO mode and NLO mode Italic Essay: Proportional Spacing Note: The above fonts and print quality levels will include all characters defined by the Resident Code Pages described in "Character Sets" above unless otherwise noted. Any quality level can be printed at either 6 or 8 lines per inch (LPI). Paper Handling ~. Continuous Forms -The 4247 will handle up to 8-part continuous forms in the front tractor path and 4-part in the rear tractor path. The lorms must meet the following specifications: Form weight can range from 56 grams per square meter (gsm) (15 Ibs) to 150 gsm (40 Ibs). Paper weights outside this range must be tested by the customer for proper operation. . Form thickness for all parts may range from 0.08 mm (0.003 inches) to 0.64 mm (0.025 inches). Form width ranges from 76.2 mm (3 inches) to 431.8 mm (17 inches) Form length ranges from 76.2 mm (3 inches) to 609.6 mm (24 inches) Forms less than 152.4 mm (6 inches) in length or width should be tested for satisfactory stacking and may require operator assistance. Manual Feed -'The following sizes of cutsheet paper maybe used in the manual feed: A5, A4, A3, A2, Letter, Legal and Executive. Single or multi-part forms may be feed into the manual cut sheet path. Multi-part forms should be tested by the customer to ensure satisfactory feeding, registration and print quality. Forms for the manual teed must meet the following specifications: . Form weight can range from 50 gsm (13.3 Ibs) to 120 gsm (32 Ibs). However, weights less than 75 gsm may be subject to registration problems when print in NLQ mode or graphics. Paper weights outside this range must be tested by the customer for proper operation. Form thickness for all parts may range from 0.08 mm (0.003 inches) to 0.64 mm (0.025 inches). . Form width ranges from 114.3 mm (4.5 inches) to 444.5 mm (17.5 inches) Form length ranges from 101.6 mm (4 inches) to 609.6 mm (24 inches) Automatic Sheet Feed -The IBM 4247 Automatic Sheet Feeder provides an operator changeable mechanism for automatic feeding of cut sheets. It includes a stacker and one input bin which can also function as the output bin for the manual cut sheet input path. Two additional bins may be added for a total of 3 input bins. Each automatic bin holds up to 120 sheets of variable width 80 gsm (20 Ibs) single-part paper. Multi-part forms (only up to 3-part) can also be used. The output stacker holds up to 150 sheets of 80 gsm (20 Ib) single-part paper, collated sequence. Bin selection can be controlled by the host system or from the 4247 operator panel. All operator control is from the 4247 operator panel. ~ Q Paper meeting the following specifications is, ~ able for use in the ASF. All other paper must be tested by the customer for suitable performance. . Paper sizes (single or multi-part) ASF Bin - Paper Length 'Paper Width Bin 1 (auto) 127-356 mm 153-305 mm (5-14 inches) (6-12 inches) Bin 2 (auto) 228.6-356 mm 153-305 mm (9-14 inches) (6-12 inches) Bin 3 (auto) 279.4-356 mm 153-305 mm (11-14 inches) (6-12 inches) Up to 30 USA #6(220 mm - 110 mm (8.66 inches x 4.33 inches]) or #10 (241.3 mm x 104.8 mm (9.5 inches x 4.12 inchesj) envelopes with a maximum thickness of 0.52 mm (0.21 inch) and a maximum thickness variation of .3 mm (.012 inch) may be feed in ASF Bin 1. Form weight should be 60 to 100 gsm (t6 to 27 Ib) . Form thickness of a single sheet should be 'a minimum of 0.086 mm (0.0034 inch) and a maximum of 0.117 mm (0.0046 inch). (Also see multi-part forms specifications). For optimum performance, use 75 to 90 gsm (20 to 24 Ib) cotton content (25% or 50%) plain bond paper. . Multi-part, forms can be used in all ASF bins. Tolerances and environmental conditions are ,more critical for multi-part forms than for single sheets. All. multi-part forms ;must b.e,_tested by the customer for suitable performance with the ASF. . Multi-part forms used on the ASF are restricted to snap-out or top-glued forms only.. . Multi-part snap-out forms must meet the following specifications: • Pressure sensitive paper. (4 sheets maximum) First sheet 70 - 80g/m2 (19 - 2t Ib) ..~ ,, . 2nd/3rd sheet 40 - 60g/m2 (11 - 16 Ib) Last sheet 70.- 80g/m2 (19 - 2T Ib) Carbon sets (4 sheets maximum) First •sheet 70 - 80g/m2 (19 - 21 Ib) 2nd/3rd sheet 35 - 40g/m2 (9 - 11 Ib) Last sheet 70 -~ 80g/m2 (19 - 21:Ib) Carbon paper 25 g/m2 (6.6.Ib) approximate (Carbon non-coated surface must be rough.) Snap-out perforation - . - , First sheet 3: 0.8 mm 2nd/3rd sheet - 7: 0.8 mm . Last sheet 7: 0.8 mm (Micro-perforations allowed for lirst and last sheets, 72 peris per inch recommended.) . Multipart top-glued forms must have a top edge that is flat,. smooth, .and free from any .traces of glue. Form sets cut against the grain are more acceptable than sets cut with the grain. Automatic Sheet Feed Paper Recommendations • Unsatisfactory paper and forms due to the following are some of the papers and forms that do not perform reliably or may cause damage to the sheet .feed mechanism: ~ ' - Coated paper - '~ - Vellums - Highly-sized erasable borid ~ , - Synthetic paper - Translucents ~Q paper with a cockle finish -'~ ~Q~r multi-part forms not meeting specifications `g~~S pressure sensitive adhesive labels - Some chemically treated paper (ink-impregnated PaPef) - Some preprinted forms requiring high registration accuracy for character location - Envelopes - Card stock - Some preprinted paper containing chemicals that contaminate the sheet feed mechanism or_ change the frictional characteristics of the paper - Stapled or clipped forms - Paper with gum surfaces, holes; perforations, cutouts or windows - Paper with embossment height exceeding 0.5 mm (0.020 inch)..(Embossments must not be located within 15 mm (0.59 in.) of any edge of a sheet) - Folded documents - Paper with curl or .waviness exceeding 3 mm (0.118 inch) - Reams with edges or corners folded or bonded together - Paper with poorly cut or rough edges Paper used in the ASF should be new, unused,, and without packaging damage - . Paper of different types (letterhead, plain, etc.), siies, or composition should not be mixed or interleaved in the same ASF bin . .Paper should not be exposed to adverse temperature and humidity conditions. (Cons'ult the manufacturer for recommended storage environment.) Planning Information Customer Responsibilities: The IBM 4247 Serial Matrix Printer is designated as Customer- Setup (CSU). The .- customer is r2sponsible for: . Adequate site, system and other vendor preparation ~ - Receipt at the customer's receiving dock and placement of the, printer Installation and configuration of the printer by following the instructions in.the User's Guide .. Installing and maintaining cables . Ordering and replacing the ribbon . Changing and replacing forms, including clearing jams and cleaning as appropriate . Using and following the , .problem determination procedures prior to calling for IBM service Cable Orders: Aline cord is provided with the printer.. Attachment cables may be ordered at initial order time by feature code or GEMS part number, by MES or purchased from and IBM authorized distributor. Purchase the proper IBM cable ,for best results. Feature Part Code Number PC Parallel-Cable (6 feet) 5612 OBH6963 ~~ PC Attachment RS-232 Serial (20 feet) 9386 08H6965 ' PC Attachment RS-422 Serial ' (50 feet) 8652 70X8652 AS/400 Workstation Controller RS-232 (40 feet) 4342 21F4342 AS/400 Workstation Controller RS-422 (100 feet) 4346 2tF4346 RISC System/6000. RS-232 Serial Cable Kit - 3741 OSH6957 1 r 1 f Installability: The IBM 4247 is a Customer Setup (CSU) machine with a one-day installation allowance. All 4247-A00 features are also Customer Setup (CSU). However, for a fee, customers can elect to have their IBM CE install the printer hardware and: . .Install any printer optional features Install printer ribbon and explain supplies usage Perform printer hardware configurations Provide key operator training Provide basic instruction on forms loading and adjustments There will be a label on the outside of the printer shipping box that will inform the customer of our CE Installation Contract inside. There will also be a cover letter inside the box that explains the process and the flat rate price for a single printer and the additional charge for each additional printer. Once the customer elects to have IBM install the printer(s), he or she is instructed to call 800-IBM-BERN (426-7378)_ and place a call for CE installation. Upon arrival at the customer location, the CE will secure a copy of the signed installation contract, install the hardware, and perform the other tasks listed in the statement of work. After the installation is completed, the CE will contact the Boulder National Customer Support Center (NCSC) for a contract number. The CE will note the number on the signed contract, leave the original with the customer, and forward a copy to NCSC. Supplies: The IBM 4247 Printer Ribbon (Lexmark part number 1053685) is a black nylon ribbon in a customer replaceable cartridge. It is used for general purpose printing and visible light scanning applications. The ribbon has an estimated life of 15 million characters in DP mode. IBM supplies are distributed via Lexmark International. Supplies can be purchased from Lexmark Authorized Supplies Dealers or directly from Lexmark by calling 800-438-2468. Fax orders may be sent to 800-522-3422. Mail orders may be sent to: Lexmark Telemarketing Center 1221 Alverser Drive Midlothian, VA 23t 13 For Lexmark Authorized Resellers, supplies can be purchased from Lexmark International, Inc. by calling 800-292.5885. Fax orders may be sent to 800-232-9539. Mail orders may be sent to: Lexmark International, Inc. Lexmark Order Management Center P.O. Box 11427 Lexington, KY 40575-1427 Security, Auditability, and Control This product uses the security and auditability features of the host hardware, software, and/or application software. User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communications facilities. Terms and Conditions This product is available for purchase under the terms of the IBM Customer Agreement. Volume Orders: For information regarding volume orders, contact your IBM representative. - - For further information regarding volume orders, contact your IBM representative. 1BM Credit Corporation Financing: Term leases and installment payment plans are available for commercial and state and local government customers. Warranty Period: Three months Warranty Service: IBM On-Site Repair (IOR) Maintenance Service: IOR IBM Hourly Service Rate Classification: The IBM Hourly Service Rate Classification is two. IBM warranty service, maintenance service or hourly service may be obtained by calling 800 IBM-BERN. IBM Hourly Service is available at the applicable rate and terms, including element exchange price if applicable. Mid-Range System Option: The announced product is an eligible machine for the Mid•Range System Option of the IBM Customer Agreement. Eligible Discount Type Three-Year Five-Year 4247 3% 5% Corporate Service Option: The announced product is an eligible machine for the Corporate Service Option of the IBM Customer Agreement. A revised exhibit will be available at a later date. Discount Three-Year. Five-Year System 3% 5% Network 3% 5% Extended Maintenance Option: The announced product, is an eligible machine under the Extended Maintenance Option of the IBM Customer Agreement. Product Availability Status: New product available Field-Installable Features: Yes Model Conversions: No Customer Setup: Yes Licensed internal Code: Yes 189 Educational Allowance: A 15% educational allowance is available to qualifying institutions in accordance with the Attachment for Educational Allowance. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or allowatlCe. Charges a Product and Maintenance Charges GEMS 'Annual' Machine Model Top Bill Purchase Maintenance Description ~ Type Number Number ., Price Charge - Serial Matrix Printer 4247 -, ,' A00'. - . , $2,895 $588 With: ~ ~i Low Voltage (feature _ '. , code 9200) .' OBH6935 2,895 Serial Matrix Printer _ Low Voltage (feature - ~ ~ _ ~ _ code 9200) with ASF (feature code 4015) 08H7374 3,594 Serial Matrix Printer ' High Voltage (feature code 9201) 08H6932 2,895 Serial Matrix Printer High Voltage (feature ` code 9201) with ASF . ~ ~ (feature code 4015) 08H7373 3,594 I Optional Features GEMS Annual ~~ Feature Part Purcha se Maintenance.. t Description Number Number Price Charge Additional Tractor Assembly 4002 .08H6949 $179 - Automatic Sheet Feed (ASF) 4015 OBH6952 699 599 Additional ASF Input Bin ~ - 4016 08H6955 249 Cables: PC Parallel Cable ~ 5612 08H6963 48 I I PC Attachment RS-232 (20 feet) 9386 08H6965 47 L... PC Attachment RS-422 (50 feet) 8652 70X8652 63 AS/400 Workstation Controller 4342 21F4342 123 RS-232 (40,feet) • AS/400 Workstation Controller 4346. 21F4346 185 RS-422 (100 feet) RISC System/6000 RS-232 3741 08H6957 65 Serial Cable Kit t Trademark of Microsoft Corporation • Company, product, or service name ma y be a trademark or service mark of others. ~ "' Trademark of International Business M achines Corporation 190 . -~ i Hardware nouncement IBM United States IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server and IBM Network: Terminal Accelerator Features The IBM .7318 Serial Communications Network Server and IBM Network Terminal Accelerator features provide .RISC System/6000® systems with a LAN-attached, serial asynchronous connectivity solution that gives you high performance, multiple sessions per user, high data output rates, long cabling distances, high-availability functions, and connectivity to IBM and non-IBM systems. The IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server Model P10 and Model S20 allow you to attach async devices and parallel .printers to an Ethernet LAN attached to the RISC System/6000 or other systems. The IBM Network Terminal Accelerator features are RISC System/6000 Ethernet adapter cards that improve system performance when running Telnet and rlogin daemon processes. Tate Model P10~provides serial and parallel ports for one or more RISC System/6000 systems using standard Ethernet LAN wiring and popular Ethernet protocols. Its serial ports support single-port burst speeds up to 115.2Kbps, with all sixteen .ports expected to run at speeds over 100Kbps (output) and 76Kbps (input). The two parallel ports support a burst data rate of up to 1 OKbps. Both types of ports are configured like native serial and parallel ports on the RISC System/6000. with this and other unique features, the Model P10 makes the Ethernet network transparent to you and your applications. The Model S20 provides all the functions of the P10 for async and parallel port attachment to the RISC System/6000. It also lets ou connect to other IBM systems and non-IBM systems using standyard Ethernet wiring, TCP/IP protocols, and 3270 terminal emulation. The -Model S20 also supports SNMP network management and. Kerberos V.5 network security encryption applications. In addition, it gees remote dial-in users running serial Itne networking protocols SLIP, CSLIP, or PPP, the same TCP/IP capability as users locally attached to the Ethernet network. The IBM Network Terminal Accelerator -256 Session Feature and the IBM Network Terminal Accelerator - 2048 Session Feature are Ethernet adapters that accelerate network performance by offloading network protocol processing from the RISC System/6000 processor.' Each feature provides. a standard Ethernet interface and supports either 256 login sessions or 2,048 login sessions simultaneously. The Network Accelerator features boost RISC System/6000 performance .when any network device or system, including the Model S20, initiates a login session on the RISC System/6000 using Telnet or rlogin. More terminal users can be supported by the RISC System/6000 in combination with the Network Accelerator features and Model S20, than by any other IBM async offering. Planned Availability Purchase Description Oate Price IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server -.Model P10 June 10, 1994 $2,450 IBM 7318 erial Communications Network~Server -Model S20 June 10, 1994 3,450 Registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation The 7318 Model P10 and S20 require only a standard Ethernet interface on the RISC System/6000 and do not require the Network Accelerator features. May 24, 1994 IN BRIEF .. . IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server • Provides all the connectivity advantages of a network attached device, including attachment to multiple RISC System/6000 systems, with the dynamic configuration and function of a native serial and parallel port • Provides high-performance ', serial and parallel port. connectivity without requiring a separate async adapter • Allows serial and parallel port connection to systems other than RISC System/6000 systems, using industry-standard TCP/IP priitoe`ols and 3270 terminal emulation (Model S20 only) • Gives remote dial-in users running serial line protocols, SLIP, CSLIP, or PPP, the same TCP/IP 6unctions as users locally attached to the Ethernet network (Model S20 only) , !BM Network Terminal Accelerator) • Improves RISC System/6000 system performance by off-loadirig networking protocol overhead from the system . processor _results in an increase in the number of users that can be supported or in faster application processing • Provides, with the 7318 Model S20, for attachment of up l0 2,048 async devices to a RISC System/6000 per Micro Channel® adapter slot 191 This announcement is provided for your information only. IBM's products can only be ordered under the terms and conditions of IBM's applicable agreements. For more information, contact your IBM representative. 7316 Hodel P10 Overview Diaqzam Description The 18M 7318 Serial Communications Network Servers ~/6000 - (Ethernet) - and the- IBM Network" Terminal Accelerator features - • - ~ " - provide ahe RISC. System/6000. family. of .processors _ adapter . _ - --. - - additional growth capabilities. 7318 P10 Connectivity Improvements: By expanding the number ~ 0 16 RS-423 and RS-232D ' of asynchronous devices that can be attached to the RISC 1 compatible ports Systeml6000 and allowing access to multiple systems, the 2 (8 support - ` IBM 7318 gives existing and new async devices additional 3 Rs-42 devices) ~ } network functions and connectivity: - ; RS 232D U ~ ' ` .. - • maximum cable ` '... Multisystem • • ~ distance = 200. ft ' RS/6000 • •Daisy chain -> • " • High-availability functions through standby network . : , , , ', ~ ~ ; RS-423/RS--422 ' attachment , .. Dp to four° <+ maximum cable ~• ~_ ... ~ ~ - •7318s with ~ distance = 2,300 ff.• • • Network connectivity .for .remote .users ; ntgrtd one Ethernet ' (at 9,600bp~) Ethernt connection 15 ' ~j • communication with 3270: termmaL emulation for ~ • . ~ - U other IB.Iv1;SySlems, .~. ' ~ '. ~ ; 71.+0 PC-compatible "Pl • .. Additional parallel ,posts for high-speed printrng ~~ .: • printer ports .. e2 • Longer serial device•cable lengths . , . • Connectivjity to non-IBM systems .. Charac'tenstcs~' • Slot-less solution IDf ~ `many desktop Systems •.,with, o Lonq .`cabli.nq distances and iJTP , ~ (unshielded .twisted ~pair)• cable ' ' • inte rated Ethernet 9 ,. o High serial .data rates up to 115.21tbps • Ethernet-LAN attachment ~ ~ •. o, serial and Qarallel ports ,, o Ports function as native system ports ' o Connectivity to multiple , - Increased Capacity/Performance Improvement: ~ ~ , RISC system/6000 systems'' ~' ' • " ~ o Standby network interface for availability. to 2,048 ports per slot supported by the Network a" • Up' ~ o Kultipurpose Ethernet network xirinq , Terminal'ACCelerator, -` - o uses .ao. Micro Channel slots, on . , RISC Systea/6000 systems • Up to 115.2Kbps output dafa rate per 7318 port ~ rich integrated Ethernet.. ,~ • Up to -three times. RISE System/6000 Telne(irlogiri ,• - . performance• improvement using the Network ~ - ~ - Termnal Accelerator :. ' ,- •. • , ,. • Improved system. utilization with the 7318 Model 'P10 1 over standard TCP/IP terminal servers ~ • Terminal''" emulation off-loaded from the RISC ~ ~ ~~ System/6000 ,processor, using the Network Terminal ., _ Accelerator ' ~ ~ -. ~ ~ ., I ~ Investment Protection 'and'lJser Productivity: The~`IBM , ~ .. 7318 Models P10 and S20 'can be added to an existing Ethernet network to support async terminals, consistent .- with network. load constrairifs.' This presenies the... ' - ,. investment m existing. Ethernet cabling. With as many as y i ~ - ' seven sessions, users Hof, async terminals maybecome ~ ~• ~ .L ' more productive through ,immediate access to data on ~. - several computer systems.. ~- ~ ~ ~ - ~ • ~• -' ~ Offloading Telnet' and tlogin' processing from the RISC ~ ~• ._ ` System/6000 processor . to the terminal accelerator feature allows the RISC System/6000 to support more ;- users, provide better .response time to users, or, both: - This preserves the investment in the RISC System/6000: a .. 7318 Model 520 Overview Diagram xs/6aoo ,: • Better performance: Burst speeds of single serial ports are supported up to 115.2Kbps on the 7318, compared to 57.6Kbps on the 128-Port Async Subsystem. All 16 serial ports on the 7318 can run at sustained rates of over 100Kbps (output) and at 76Kbps (input}. - More function: Compared to the 128-Port Async Subsystem, the 7318 has the following additional features: - Up to seven simultaneous sessions per serial port ' - High availability via a standby Ethernet interface - Connection to multiple network systems - Flack or wall mounting Additionally, the 7318 Model S20, supports: - 3270 terminal emulation - SNMP network management - Kerberos network security (authentication and encryption) - Addiliona( network protocols: SLIP, CSLtP, PPP - Connection to IBM and non-IBM systems in addition to the RISC System/6000 The Network Terminal Accelerator, ahigh-performance Ethernet adapter, minimizes CPU cycles for terminal applications by offloading network protocol, processing from the CPU. When used in con)unction with 7318 Model S20 servers, up to 256 (Adapter 256) (#2402) or up to 2048 (Adapter 2048) (#2403) login sessions can be supported with each adapter. Compared to other Ethernet offerings (for example. #2980, Ethernet LAN Adapter), tests show that the Terminal Network Accelerator can support up to three times as many sessions at the same CPU utilization level. Of course this improvement wilt vary depending on the nature of the application mix in any particular customer's environment. However, once established on a particular RISC System/6000 model, the number of. supportable sessions can be extrapolated to other models using the 'Specint92" ratings for those models. ("ethernet) NetAdpt or other 7318 s2o 0 16 RS-423 and RS 232D compatible ports 1 (8 support 2 RS-422 devices) RS/6000 3 or other Daisy chain -> RS-232D maximum cable" distance = 200 feet systems I • RS-423/RS-422 < Up to four maximum cable 7318s with distance = 2,300 feet h one Et ernet I connedtion 15 (at 9,600bps) Two PC-compatible IP1 printer ports P1 ,' ~ Characteristics " o All the functions of a 7318 P10 PLUS 1 - Connectivity to other systeas (Telnet/rlogm) - 3270 terminal emulation for large systems or CICS/6000 (TN3270) - Remote dial-up netxorkinq (SLIP/CSLIP/PPP) - Kerberos V.5 Network Security and SIr?1P - Up to 2,048 ports per RISC System/6000 adappter slot xith the Netxork Accelerator 2048 .. General Tems: AUI =Attachment Unit Interface Product Positioning 'The IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server is the premier IBM RISC System/6000 offering for attachment.. of devices such as the ASCII terminals, printers, and modems commonly found in businesses' multi-user minicomputer systems. Previously, the 128-Port Asynchronous Subsystem was the most powerful RISC System/6000 offering. In contrast with the 128-Port Subsystem, the 7318 Server offers: • LAN Connectivity: Where the 128-Port Async Subsystem requires a Micro Channel slot far each 128 ports, the 7318 Models P10 and S20 do not require any RISC System/6000 slots (on those RISC System/6000 Models without an integrated Ethernet, a slot for an Ethernet adapter is required.) - Greater cabling lengths: The 7318 Server can be 'located at any distance from the RISC System/6000; it is dependent only on the length of the Ethernet LAN connecting the 7318 Server to the RISC System/6000. Devices can be up to 2,300 feet from the 7318 Server. Operating at maximum performance, the 128-Port Async Subsystem permits its. Remote Access Nodes to be up to 1,000 leet from the RISC System/6000 and devices to be up to 200 feet from Remote Async Nodes. Publications The publication Seria! Communications Network Server Guide is shipped with the 7318. The following publications are shipped with the software: Title .Order - Number Network Terminal Accelerator Guide and Reference SC23-2541 Serial Communications Network Server Guide SC23-2542 These publications can be ordered'separately. To order, contact your IBM representative. The System Library Subscription Service (SLSS) is available by order number only. Customers currently subscribing to SLSS will receive publication updates automatically. 193 `TechnicaF Information . _ Specified Operating Environment IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network ~_ Server Model P10 and S20 • - ~ • A r .^ 1960 RISC Processor 1MB RAM on P10 and 2MB RAM on S20 • Sixteen serial ports and two parallel ports • Serial ports support DCD, DTR, TX, RX, CTS, and RTS in normal mode and additional RS-232D signals in "buddy" mode ~ - All serial ports are RS-423- and RS-232D-compatible; eight also support attachment of RS-422 devices • Serial port's have- RJ45 eight-pin connectors Parallel ports are P.C-compatible, using DB•25 connectors ~ .. • One DB-15.AU1 Ethernet connection. ~ ~ ,~~ , • 10Base-T Ethernet connection • Software loads over., Ethernet from a system IBM Network Terminal Accelerator Features • 32-bit bus master with address and data parity. • 25MH~z 1960 processor ; • 2MB or 8MB• DRAM • One ft)Mbps Ethernet interface ' IEEE 802.3 AUI interface with DB-15 connector Physical Specifications: IBM 7318 Serial Communications Network Server -Model P10 and S20 Notes Specifications and operating environment .for the IBM Network Terminal Accelerator -256 Session Feature and 2048 Session, Feature will ~ be dependent ory the processor these`features are installed in. ' • _ ~~~ • Width; 381 mm (15"inches) • Depfh:.229 mm (9 inches) • Height: '.A4, mm {1.73` inches) • Weight''2'.60 kg+(5.7 pounds) - , Operating Environment: _ Temperature: 16' to~32'C (60.8' to B9.6'F) . • `Relative Humidity: 8~fo 80% • Wet Bulb: 23'C (73.4'F) ~ ~ °~• . • Noise level: ._ . ~•~ - 5.8 Bel sound power (operating -upper limit, typical configuration) ~° - 54 dBa sound pressure -operating (mean 1 Meter position) • Power Supply: - Operating Voltages: 100 V AC - 240. V AC Nominal Auto Ranging SOHz --60Hz - Electrical power. 100 Watts maximum - EMC Conformance Certification:. „ - - . USA -FCC Class A ~ ~ ~~ • - - Germany -VDE Class A ' - - Japan.-VCCI-1 Product' Safety/Country Testing/Certification: . - USA -UL ' - Canada -CSA - - Germany -GS Mark (Safety, TUV) - Europe -ENti0-950 , . Manufactured in ISO Certification (IBM manufacturing locations): - Austin, Texas 1 ~ r1,ta Palomba, Italy aratta, Australia o ester, Minnesota Hardware Requirements: 'The IBM 7318 Seriai Communications Network Server -Model P10 and• S20 will require the AIX® Network Terminal Server-Accelerator/6000, 5765-268 feature number 5050, installed on the RISC System/6000 network server system. ' The RISC System/6000 network server system will also • require AIX Version 3.2.5. for RISC System/6000; 5756=030,. and any available updates. The IBM Network Terminal Accelerator .- 256 and 2048 Session feature for the RISC System/6000 systems wilt . require ., ;AIX Version 3.2.5 • for RISC $ysteM6000r 5756-0?!'; 'any .available updates and the AIX Network '. Termi,rial - Server-Accelerator/6000, _ 5765-268 feature numbec5050. ' .. ~ -;, Llmltatlons: Network'"Accelerator Adapter Limitations • The .optional fan, `Cooling Hardware (#6506)' for the RISC System/6000 model 500 series is a prerequisite. • Usability of all 2,048 sessions depends on the user's applications, system capability, and Ethernet network- . loading. The system cannot boot over a network through this teature. • The 'maximum number of adapters per system is seven. 113M 7318 Limitations • System console operation is not supported on the IBM 7318 serial ports. .~ The 7316 serial and parallel port sustained throughput depends on the user's- applications, system capability, and Ethernet network loading. • Operation of all 16 serial -ports at 1 t5.2Kbps full duplex is not recommended using character sizes of less than 8 bits,with 2 stop bits. -To avoid data loss using. character sizes of less than 8 bits the following data rates are recommended.; 38.4Kbps for 5-bit characters, 57.6Kbps for 6-bit characters, _ and . 76.8Kbps for 7-bit characters. ~ , • In "buddy" mode two ports. are" logically combined to , operate as -one port, effectively reducing the total number of ports by orie:>= _ :, • Only odd numbered serial ports support attachment to RS-422 devices. . ~ RS-423 and RS•422 ~ support, is restricted ~+to point-to-point cabling. Multidrop cabling and multiple devices are not supported. • The 7318 Model P10 supports RISC System/6000 systems only. . The maximum number ;of IBM' 7318 Model P10s (or S20s configured es P10s) that can theoretically be configured on one system is~ 99. The system capability, user applications, 'arid'EtherneC network loading will limit the. number that can be usefully attached to a system. ~ '~ Il }.;.,, k The 7318 must get its operating program code from a system attached to the Ethernet when the 7318 is powered on. In order for the 7318 to IPL utilizing a system other than an RISC Sysiem/6000, the 7316 operating program must be converted to .a format usable by the non-RISC System/6000 system. The 7318 software is distributed by IBM in an AIX/6000~~-specific format. . The 7318 Serial Port data rate and cable distances are limited as defined in the table below: RS-423/422 RS-232 Maximum Port Slew Distance Distance Data Rate Rate Maximum Maximum (bps) Setting 2,300 ft. 200 ft. 9,600 Slow 625 ft. 200 ft. 38,400 Medium 150 ft. 50 ft. 115,200 Fast i° Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation Planning !n(ormation Cable Orders: Applicable cables required for the network are available as features. lnstal/ability: 7318 supported features include: • RISC System;6000 (4223) Ethernet 106ase-2 transceiver • System/6000 (4224) Ethernet tOBase-T transceiver Security, Auditability, and Control This product uses the security and auditability features of hardware, software, and application software. User management is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communications facilities. Terms and Conditions Volume Discount: Volume purchasing is available under the. Volume Discounts section of the IBM Customer Agreement (ICA). Volume Orders: For information regarding volume orders, contact your IBM representative. /BM Credit Corporation Financing: Term leases and installment payment plans are available for commercial and state and local government customers. Customer Fulfillment Option Applies: Yes Warranty: One year Warranty Service: IBM On-Site Repair (IOR) Maintenance Service: IOR IBM Nourly Service Rafe Classilication: Two IBM Warranty Service, Maintenance Service, or IBM Hourly Service can be obtained by calling 800-IBM-BERN (426-7378). IBM Hourly Service is available at the applicable rate and terms, including element exchange price, if applicable. Mid-Range System Option: The announced products are eligible machines for the Mid-Range System Option2 of the ICA. Eligible Discount Type Three-Year Five-Year 7318 12% 17% Corporate Service Option: The announced products are eligible machines for the Corporate Service Option2 of the ICA. Discount Option Three-Year Five-Year Network 15% 20% System 12% 17% Extended Maintenance Option: The' announced products are eligible machines under the Extended Maintenance Option2 of the ICA. 2 A revised exhibit wilt be available at a later date !BM Software Support Services The IBM AIX/6000 Support Family offers a number of technical support services designed to meet the varying system support requirements of our AIX/6000 and RISC System/6000 customers. These services provide timely, knowledgeable assistance and information from IBM specialists and experts. The various options of the services provide flexibility in defining the scope of services received from IBM. The AIX/6000 Support family includes: • AIX/6000 SupportLine -provides telephone access to a team of IBM specialists. • AIX/6000 Associate -an analyst is assigned to work remotely with you and becomes familiar with your specilic systems and requirements. • AIX/6000 ConsultLine -allows you to schedule time with the experts to address highly technical topics such as system design, performance evaluation, and . in-depth communications.: AIX/6000 Performance Management - provides automated performance data collection software that continually monitors your system and transmits results back to the performance experts for evaluation. • AIX Technical Library/6000 -provides you with a library of service and support information on a CD-ROM that is updated and distributed quarterly. AIX/6000 House Call -provides you with on-site assistance with such tasks as installation, problem assistance, software maintenance, and updates. , The AIX/6000 Support family also includes packages of services designed to meet the needs of specific customer types: • AIX/6000 New Customer Support Package • AIX/6000 Growing Customer Support Package • AIX/6000 Established Customer Support Package For complete details on the AIX/6000 Support Family, refer to •Services Announcement 693-004, dated March 16, 1993. - Product Availability Status: New product ava~a~~ Field-Installable Features: Yes - ` Feature Purchase Removal . Description .Number Price. MMMC' Charge Model Conversions: No ` IBM Network - Customer Setup: Yes, for the IBM 7318 Serial Terminal Communications Network Server - Model ~P 10 and Accelerator - Model S20. ~ ~ 256 Session ' The IBM Network Terminal Accelerator - 256 Session. Feature 2402 $4,500 $45 5116 Feature and 2048 Session Feature will be depen dent. on IBM Network the processor for CSU or non-CSU applicability. Terminal _ Licensed Internal Code: Yes - Accelerator 2048 Session Educational Allowance: A 20% education allow ance is ~ Feature - 2403 7,500 • 75 - 116 •' available to qualifying institutions in accordance with the ~ ~Minimum Monthly Maintenance Charge , Attachment for Educational Allowance. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or ~ These features a re available on th,e followin machine 9 allowance. ~ , - type/models: Machine ~ ' Chat•gt'S -Type Models ' Purchase 7012 320, 32E, 32H, 340, 34H, Description Price MMMC' 350, 360, 370,380, 390 .IBM 7318 Seriaf Communications - '" ~ ~ .7013 520, 52H, 530, 53E 53H • ~- .Network Server -Model P10 - ;: $2,450 $25 ~ , , 540, 550, SSE, SSL, SSS ~ - IBM 7316 Serial Communications " • , 560, 56F, 57F, 580 58F Network Server -Model S20 3,450 ~ _ 35 , , 58H,.590, 59H . , ~ ~~` " The following list of features/specifies are available for' ~ - 7015 930 950 95E 970 978 both the P10 and S20 models of the M/T 7318: ~ . - ~ , , , , , 97E, 97F, 980, 988, 98E, Feature Purchase ` - 98F; 990, 99E, 99F, 99J, ' Description Number •Price MMMC', 99K, R10, R20, R24 PC Parallel Printer Cable .3100 , .$48 $0 Feature Purchase . ~ ~ Removal 7318 Wall Mount Brackets 7900 40 0 ~ Description , _ Number Price MMMC? Charge 7318 RJ45 to RJ45 Cable 7901 20 0 - . 7318 Extended RS-232D _ - • ~ , .IBM Network " ` Modem Control Cable "- 7902 100 0 Terminal 7318 Modem Adapter 7903 27 . 0 Accelerator - 7318 Terminal Adapter 7904 27 0 256 Session - 7318 PC D89 Adapter 7905 27 0 Feature 2402 S4,500 ~ - .~ • $45 50 7318 RJ45 to Mini DIN - Adapter 7906 65 0 IBM Network 7318 RJ45 to MMJ Cable 7907 30 0 Terminal 7318 Rack Mount Brackets 7908 40 - • 0 Accelerator - . ~: . 7318 Daisy Chain • , ~ 2048 Session - - Cable/Wrap Plugs ~ 7909 40 ~ 0 . Feature 2403. 7,500 75 . 0 Langgwage Groups: ~ ~ _ • U.S. English .9300 0 , 0 Minimum Monthl y Maintenance Charge Dutch 9700 French 9703 0 ~- 0 •' ~ 0 0 These features are available on the following machine German _ . _ 9704 - , -.0 . 0 type/models: ' Norwegian ~ -- 9706 0 ~ - 0 Machine Portuguese 9707_. , ~ - _ 0 . , 0 ;Type Models Spanish 9708 0 0 Swedish - ~ 9709 _ _ . 0 ' - 0 ~ 7009 Cf0 - - Italian 9711 . . 0 :: ~.0 - .: ~~ Canadian French 9712 0 .~ 0 7011 220 22G 230 23E 23S French Belgian 9713 0 0 , , , , , 250 25E 25S - - Japanese 9714 .. 0 0 , , Power Cords: ~ •. . ~ - Power Cord - U.S./Canada 9800 0 0 Power Cord -France . 9820 ~ 0 0 Power Cord -Denmark 9821 0 0 Power Cord - _ United Kingdom 9825 0 0 Power Cord -Israel 9827 0 0 Power Cord -Switzerland 9828 0 _ 0 Power Cord -South Africa 9829 ~ 0 0 Power Cord -Italy 9830 0 0 Power Cord -Australia 9831 0 0 P -Thailand 9833 Po~e] -Uruguay 9834 0 0 0 0 • - Power Cord - U.S. Chicago 9986 0 0 . t n s 1 WY 325/~T 32~1;s Gcncral Purpu~c: Culur Trrciiiildl The WY-'s25/WY-32o~s general pur- poseterminal offers vivid color at traditional monochrome prices. Uscrs of the YV1=150 terminal or such pop- ularemulation modes as the tVY-G0, G1rY.5Q znd IIE'C GT, ~QO nnw hava acost-effective, high-quality solution for culorapplications. Up to 16 colors (8 foreground and bac1W-round colors) combine with two intensirylevels to improve the image of ally general pur- pose tetminaluser. PLUG AND PLAY ~ Current monochrome users can con- vert tocolor with no modification of the host application..1ust set the proper emulation made in setup, and select tYom one of the 10 predefined color palettes throuErlt a local ke; board sequence.The application can then be bne tuned to take advantage of the broad capabilities of the terminal. LYlUL'1'IYLt; Lr,tilUL~l'1Vfr NluUla::~ FUx A Vnx11;'1' Y uF I-IuST EN~'IRO; iiv1ENTS Like our general purpose monochrome products, rite W~'•3251ti~'Y"-325ES is compatible with a «iile variety of host environments such as UNIX, ~ENL~, biultiUser DOS, PICK and countless others. The full line of Wyse keyboards is available to best complement the operating system and applications used. ~~11-FiI] EAGO~ 1OVICE .~1:~iD E14ISSIONS $TA.yDARDS As alway3, Wyse continues to make improvements in ergonomics and emis- sions.The WY-32iies conforms to the 5µ'edish iv1PR 1990:10 guidelines for electrostatic, very low- acid extremely !ow-frequency electromagnetic emis- sions. All versions come standard with an externally switchable power supply to easily convert between 120 and 230 volts.Theuaer-accessible hori- zontal and vertical ad}ustments allow proper screen alignment without removing the cover. WYSE HAS IT ALL The tiYY 3~2i~•325ES color terminal is the ilrst truly affordable color ter- minaldesigned speC111cally for tuwr~r chrome users. The plug and play design makes it easy to convert from rite mono- chromeworld and step up to color. .. ^ 'ASCII, ANSI,. PC Tbrmin~tl • personalities .•:.Up to 16 color combinations • of 8 fore~'ound and $back- ground color's plus intensity ~.... ^ lUpredefiited color palettes and one host definable soft palette ^ ,Plug and play with existing •~~ monochrome applintiotLs ^:'~'I~vo'serial ports slid one ';paialIelpoit ^ Choice of keyboards for ASCII, ANSI, and PC Termi- nalpersonalities • • i S Hz'refresh rate with oa-erscan 197 P10V n9 ''?~. l_r~: ~:r•I~t•1 ~,H'•/It~l 3r ~+j'~325/'~1Y325 Es F.RGC)~~U~HIC:S ;olors: P22 phosphor; up to 18 color combinations of 8 foreground and 8 back- ground cvlors,plus two le~•els of intensity ^ Monitnr 14-inr..h rliagnnal, tlon•glare CRT with over- scan, .28 mm dot pitch • Video: Eo[derless, full . acteen image; l0 In x 7.6~in (364 mm x 193 mm) - • RefYesh: Flicker-free 78 Ha or 60 Hz; non-interlaced • Controls: Clustered bright- ness, contrast, and power c:nntmla mounted iuiiacent to front beiel; user accessi- ble horizontal and vertical _ centering ^ Adjustments: Tilt and swivel • Power On Indicator: Front mounted power-on LED 7ECHNUTAGY • Processor:// ~iHz 8032 . microprocessor • Memory: 24K$ high-speed static Cb109 RAM (includes 8kB lithium battery-backed 'Ab1) - Jideo: Up to six pages ofsCreen memory; surface- mounted, Wyse-designed applicatlon•spccific irate- grated circuit (ASIC) r1lPF{r4~L1IERIC F1:ArL'RL•'S • Persvnalitfes: ASCII: WY=325 (equivalent to WY 60 native plus color extensions), WY 80, WY-160+, ~Vy-lii0, WY-120+, WY-120,~i~Y iiO+,WY-60, TVI-925,TVI-910, ADDS Viewpoint A2; ANSI: DEC VT 220, VT-100, VT 62; PC Terminal. All personalities will ha~•e access to the color extensions • Character: l0 x ld or 10 x 13 cell at 80 columns; 9 x 16 or 8 x 13 cell at 132 columns • Fonts: Simultaneously pro- gram and display 512 unique characters ^ Resolution: Up to 1133 x X116 pixels • Formats: 2G or 44 lines by 80 or 132 columns • Attributes: Notmal, blink, blank, dim or bold, reverse; choice ofdouble-high and/or iiouble-wide on a per line basis (1 jndprlinP maPPPd to a color combination) • Cursor: Block or underline; Mink, steady or off t:>=Yac)~ - D~i~~. I.~.~•-N~~fl~ .•;U. two-position tilt; detached with 5-Coot(1.5 meter) coiled cable • Customization: Uaer- rlrfinahlP Prfit.ing Rnri function key's; up to 66 Y.ey combinations (with SHIFT or SELECT );approximately 450 bytes ofnon-volatile . memory • Layouts; Choice of Enhanced PC (lOZ keys), International Enhanced PC (103 keys), Wyse ANSI (106 keys), Wyse ANSI (101 keys) or Wyse ASCII (101 keys) La[~tuages • ASCII: US. UK, Danish, French, Ft•ench Belgian, French Canadian, German, Italian, \orwegian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss Gernlan/ French ^ ANSI (IOS key): US, UIi, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Flemish, French/Belgian, French Canadian, Gelman, Italian, Iv'onvegiatl, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Swyss French, Swiss German ^ Enhanced PC: US, UIi, Belgian, Danish, French, French Canadian, German, Italian, Latin American, Not•wegian, Spanish, Swedish/Finnish, Swiss French, Swiss German Option • Localization kits - ct)al~u:~u~nc),~ti • i4fodes: Full(halfduplex, block, local, monitor (debug) • Serial l: RS-232 serial, female DB-25 connector; up to 33.4k'baud • Serial 2: RS-23Z serial, male DB-9 connector; up to. 38.~1k-baud • Parallel: Centronics paral- lel, female DB-25 connector PHYtiICAi. CH:IRACT'6R11'T]C Tctminal - Hciglil:13.G0 b~ (342.9 mm) • Width: 14.13 in (368.8 mm) • Depth:16.13 in (409.6 mm) Shipping Weight • 'I~rnvnal and keyboard: 39 lbs. (17.7 Kgs.) EYVIRONME~vTAL Temperature ^ Operating range: 50' to 104' Ftlb'to~1J'Cj • Non-operating range:l4' to 140° F (-10' to 60' C) Humidity. 20%to 8096 non condensing Altitude • Operating range: 0 to 10,000 feet (0 tq 3,048 meters). I'UWER • External switchable power supply that will support 90 to 132 VAC or 180 to 264 VAC at 47 to 63 Hz P.3 REi;L'LATI~Rt' C:ii~lYt1,1.\ia: Ergonomics: • Meets the German ZHL618 standard ^ Meets the guidelines of the San Francisco 1990 VDT ordinanC@ pertaining to terminals • The WY 326ES model meets the M;:'12199010 guidelines on low electromagnettc and lnw rlPrtrnst~tir, rmfgsfnng Safety: • UL 1960 • CSA 950 • EN 60960 ^ Cfi TW (including VDE 080t;) Radio Rrequency: • FCC Class A ^ VDE 0871 Level B • EN b5022 Class A u'~RRAtvIY • • One year limited warranty ~IVntt rv~;~IaEtts • WY 325 Color Terminal: 900978.01 • • WY326ES Color~rminal: 800979-OZ 198 c:t:srnalLR sl:RVlc~ . The Wyse Customer Service Department offers a wide suzay of services and programs. For more in fotm~tlon, or for the Wyse Service Center nearest you, call toll free 1-800-800-WYSE (1.800-800-9973). h~TCrtv~nolru-~Alr:~oF~lcrti ~r~sl;•r~cx~c)t.c)c;~• Australia (2)883- r45o 3471 N. First Street Canada (418) 470-2810 San Jose, CA 95134-1803 France (1)$982.8100 For more information, Germany (89)48 00 99.0 call: 1.800-GET WYSE Hong Kong (5) 290306 x260 (1.800.433-9973) Italy (2) 90301317 United Kingdom (734) 342-200 United States (408) 473-1200 Y Y 1 V ~ I ~ i Wyse la a tepJstcrM trademark and «Y•~25.~~Y•U25E3.µY-GO, H'Y• 150, W1'•150t, tkY•120, W1--1?04 WY~•SO, WY•.'~O+ and the'Y' ahapad d¢aign rirc trademarks o[ W3•ce Technulo~y Lit. DEC, VT-32U,1'I'-10U and ~T-52 rare trademarks of Digital Equipment Curpora:ion.TVI-910+ and TV1-925 arc trademuka o[TcleVldeo system,, Inc ADDS Viewpoint d2 i• a trademark of ADDlled Digital Data 3ystcma, Inc UNIX is a rcgl5tered trademark of AT&T. XEVI:(ls a trademark of Nicroso ~ Inc. PICK la a trademark of PICK, inc. L~formation auhiect to chanste tcl:haut notice. fl 198: Wyse Technolo~yt Printed in the United Statec. F , 1 1 H.-~:\I)_,11_ELL) CCD 5(;ANN~;Ii FOR RFAni~\'C R;-~f~ .(;( I)F;,~ I~I::Cfllil:5 /Ir~;lr .til,v.:rl: '11u: ux.•r ran art the ~•;uT(•'lui SP to rccad Rt $~ to ~'all..c~;rr1~ Ih'f SCCUII~i, prc)t ulul~ (It:111'l}~ instsnt readin;; u(,Ill I'iKlr..,IlClll(I!(1~ li~q~r I)nliti•il Ihh?rll', place(1 un ('un•~rl jU1~8(:P.S, IlrrU1'CI'kll «illl a li11T11113t1'. Hull Itesolutiun: Tl)r:• ~•anPlus ~Y reads cucles in all drllsities, inrluclim~ ~~rrv• I,i~lt rlc-n;it1' c~w.lr;~ T~•ilh han 3s n:uzow' as .005 InrI,~:SI.I~ Illlll~. F,.rccller)t Ueptlr uj'FicG>': DePr.ndul~; utl Illy (h1L;1~~ oCthe code, tlir. `can('lus ~P ca:l rea(1:c1 clc;l:u,res i~f up to 1.3 inches (33 nun). llipfih• ErKr~norruc: ~:anPlus SP Neighs only 4.fi ounce (132 f~ ~~ c ,.. tr.lii~k up. and is I~>r:rf~xtly 1)al<ulced. Sc';vuung l5 IRIWt1YC' rh~••u-cr hnlcl5 Ilir. ,Ilcltltll iil•Ul? Sc:;(rrE'lu 5P over the c(xle and it rc:c(cl< inunr~ f;ucll'. ~'o wmin~; ur Iri~11LLCr I-,ullillt; is uc•~'r`;aly. A ~"lu'~rl rn II;Uh [hr 1111,1 !i,l fhr tili1P. UI ~UIC Ienn,ttsl LS 111ClUdCtl Wllli ~'ach Urllt. :, li:uir~;-ht`C ~tallcl 1? ;t~",'III ~'iIC a_S do U t1Ult. P BEl1EF1T'S Ni~frlr xcliaGlr: ~miF'lu: Sf i~i~r~t,ti,, n~~ „u,~ i„~; I ~. .- ,li,rl it: intenlal de:i~rl is siml?lifie(I lu Prn~irle nl~~inlunr ccai. ~ilil~• and dur~ility. The unit (unrtinrls nnnn;dly';I~lrr rrpralr,l 6~,1 llfUl)5 t(i COlilnlt'.(('.131 ~l(lOtlnl;. Etrs~• to Install, Ec:.ry lv (.`se: In=tallin~ lhr. ~ranl•'I. ~P is a matlr.ruf Idu~i,r~ in a (eh• cables. 11 i; nc,t nc,~c>ar~ ~~prn ;hr . ho;t s~•stem or to use ar,v ti><ils. V<:notile: ~cv~Ylus $F' can I',i• rc,nli;vre(l L~' II1C U.-r~ •~' Irta ttlxn(t ,(rly tr.lnlirtal ur 1-'C;, pro~•icli,,,, I~~rt::hilil~ and ul .,~.I;rl!i)ilc. Suitable to ;tifurty Etu~iroturrenls: `cariPln >P:: ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ' lack o(mo~•inr Parts, wlid cuu~Uvc•ti,ul, an(I (~;~.tir u(u~ , t . all r..n~imnnlent~, inclui(in~ rr.tail, in~lusltial. ,:unuuC~l~ :I. ;ul~l irutitutional. Its L.l;;ll illunlinatinn i> ir1,:~1 h,r al)I,lic,~ n- in 1~'lIICl1 a tlQn-ld;Cf lr}aIt SUUrr'i: Li PICICr(ri.l. ~: S P E C I F I C A T I 0 !~ S Ulllu-Electronic Uesi~ t Fca(ures liglu ,k~wce Rrd LED e<rray :tl (i60 run /mrr~,~c.~rruvr HiFlt resolution charge-couplexl drvicras ((:CD) linear image sertisor , :llil:•rupnxrvvr lb-hit procesor with embedded ROAI 6'iilrn,lr;;*rvtl f'mrruutK ,~urncric:illy cvnwllc`cl Physical (:h~tntcteri~ Case .41,u.:r~.>1 Irrt~th IYtdtlt ut Ncrndle • I~dth nr Hcad Tlticlutess ut Hurtclle Height front Boring Stufcuc Curt! Lertgtll.l{etracted Cord Length ~:etended Wciglrt willruut Cunt Weight with CoRf hits Hibh in,t~H~t ~l;j t~la~tic ~ 'II niLfxrcuii piece 1.85. inc6r,~ (•1. tool 3.Uirichcs (. ~ nun) . 1.1 iucllra (31 riuu) • 1.4 inches (36 mm) SCI 1111'IICS (1.J rll) 13° inches (3 S nt) i.b GUt1CG5 (216 !;} Performance Characleris(ics .knn Rclrclitiun Rutc SU-23U scarLJsn; (uStt sclu:tablc) !1'ru,vu: Rru Pictolution .005 inches (.l2 ntm) 1'rirtt Contract Ratio ~ 3(lclo minimum • Urptll of FieG1 Tn 1 1 inches (.3.3 mm) depending on den- sity o(rcxle :ctrl )hint r:iullrsd Renr{irlo .t ns{e +/- f,U clegrrrs 6vm vertical ,ilutirnurrCCvJt LengtJt 2.3 inches (71 nun) at contact; 3.3 inchc5 • {fi$ mm) at 1 inch (25 rnm) Irvm code Qar (,or{c F.UrrrurLt Gxle 3t) (standard ur full t1SCl1), UI'CJE~ (in all lcngthi and variants), Lltcdcavcd luxl Standard'l of S, Code • 128, Codebar, Antes, ,1tSI, Plessey, Cede 11.16 E;, Code 93 (others available on rtqucst). • Intcrfi,rc Cry,ulrlll~• ~'artd or laser entulabon, single or dual F{~1,8Z, OCIA (I•EC or NCR foctrtat), IBbf 4b83, keyboard wedge to wet 150 temtinals and PCs, parglle] (Fujitsu or St+•oda type). For a tbtnplcte list of sup- ' Itrtrtcxl trtmirtals, sec UBI's Lttuitrce ~;uicle. Adtnrtccd Fcatturs Usrr pnlgrxrruttability of data forntat, inli:rface identiLustiort, code identifi~~- li~n, prearrtLles told pustatttblts, •ttitcr- cftarrctrl nr1U inlennessagt delays, and ntarty others. • 200 Elez;lricxl Reyttiremrrlts Prnr,lcr Rcquirerrunts +51rf1C +/• 59~ at cJf)• l;i(I ~.a• rlcpend- ing on t:onGgumlian UFCr Ell~irnlunt:llt Uperuting Trm/x:rutwt: 32 drgrre-t to 1Zl dory rrs ..Q dre~rrxt kt SU Ilyd reti (.) Storage Terrt~ertutrre ~ dcgrcc~ to 1bU dt:~ca F ~?tl dcaa., u• (~ ~P.grt'.Gi ~.) Rclaritr Ntutidur .S% to 95;"0 (non•condcnsin t • S1wck Utut (urtctioiu nonnall}' aft• , mttJtiple ' S-foot drops onto tommerci Rooring. Operatvrlnlerface On boan~l lh:epi:r wunds on ~xxl nad. LED uwunted in hartcllc au : on and ofl upon gwd read. Either or I ~th operator interface signals ran Ix~ rtes ti+:~terl bt' , }ur rode menu. United Bw1•exlc fa~lwtries, Ltc,1224U Indian Cretk Court, &ltxvillq MD 2t770.i1242, Tel: 301-214'~1U1, fLLt: ~t)1.21Q St4~ 0 ~01-22-97 05:5b Fili c::~~:, ~~E.~r.;c.e CO!~!?UiER i0 910 150 2519 ?02 PART XVi WARRANTIES Vnn<d Barcode lrldlstrses wartatle that tlla Ptvdacb tumished h<matdar wC b< hce trom detects to mat<riah .nd worioranthip !« a prr:od n( one yev « btsq<r kscapt CoiorCadar 9011. horn tfu d-t< d dstprrs..,t Iron the (sctory, or an altlrorced U87 Rea<-er, u stated h PaR XVl1 Mahtmarsce Ser~Ac<s. UHI wii rtpafr or _ npl.ce, at to oDticct, hw d charyt arty product whicfl prow to b< delacrtK dur:y th:. wartanty tarsod prorMcd that a Rattan Matcrsel Atafsoriratfan RZMAI number !s obt.:rcd by caSlnp or wrttirq tha UBI ustvrrxr Sconce Departrrlent- arsd flat d,< deleetM Goods an shtppad to Uet, trcyht pr.pald, wrttt Uu RMA rra>,bcr rruriled on the packssQ tat. AD goat raitanad wMsold poor atttltoriutlon tray b+ r<tumed to Purdus<r h.eltt coQcct &eepl for Thy e: preu ttrrfitd wananry elated ltantn, VBI dpclaYtss aD otT<r aspreaa ersd trnpLed wanan~et ur tha pcuducb hunlshed har.srder trsclumcy end without ltrlltetson al tmpl:.d wartantxs of rr+<tctlantaWrry or fitrseu f« a partictJar puryoe~ end ds< srattd cxprsrss warranties arc h fielr of e(I oMgalbns « 1LbiLe<s pt dle ' p+R of UBI .sing out of or h conn<ctian tarrt}s p<Aartrsarlu d Iha produce, Ut!! shall h no av<nt b< Uabie for d.ns.gts. hdrdatQ wtQloUt timilanon, Fxdcntal or c .ny property or to arty p.non, by reason d UB!'s n<gllamce or otttcrw•be h connettxrrt wWs the uk. dcG.+rv, IetallOtiOn « tae d Tile Productsend Ptaclaa.r shat) hdarmify and hold hanni<ss U•31 egaaui aC such bat>J~ry, end n no cvcrlt .belt UBJ be 6atds (« lost ptv(14 aRlCfq atA d, « n corut.crion wlth this agrcarrvnt. A slrrumry of the awdabk warrant' xrtAca optlorss u provtLd bcbw. 9TAPtOARD ORSC.IIiAL WARRANTY , Warranty Pertud/C«rcnmc<menl.• 12 rrsonihs t« trot Mnducb (sec Part XV1l 1« warranty du.aWn) from dot. d rhtprn<nt trvrn ttla Ldory, of Gtr euthoructil UBl _ Ria.Oer. Rnponse Tars. Typ:ca6y. S wptkesg days lot moat products. Frclaltt: (Lprtr.d colts elUppad UPS-Grosnd: c+atorrwr tray rcQwa pegrJtatt lrc1{ytst s<rv+c[, h alRtkh ca.< ltta «afust<r pays d+e dWanmc< bctw<tn grvlad and f<Quwbd shrpp{nq rrsethod. . - Tanna: b.c-d.d eutomatkaly at no ctu rp.. y. . PIIFaQ11M OR)GQVAL WARRANTY r Wartanry P<rsoc{/Corranmctmmt: Same u Stersd.rd Warranty . Response Tine: Replacarnmt IrIGa arc slrlrp<d wlthh 24 I.....rs al1.r sport of . d<let: drf<etive unit neat be shipped bade wUhin yarrsa '4-hour . p<rfod. , frcght. Rrp{ac<rtsmt. Inns wltl br shipped UPSBiue et rlo extra cost. CLtortsar tney tc~uts~ rust dd~ay shit<rlrrles h whsch uu tllc ctatorrs<f WYa tlfa r!d(<rRU< bctwt<r1 N<x Iwo shlpplilg In<tlrodr. .. ' Terttls• Mmt b. ordsr.d wlt}t the order foe tlt..Qu,r.rrenf to b. cotnrrcd. Pkaaa corln~t ttsa Pr1cc List d Mahtmenca $rrvic<s for prktng S7AJ~IIlARn FXiF?DED WAHRArfTY . Wartusty P<r;od/Cortttssenemsertt• 6rsrrsedtaleFy up«s ttu <a plratfon d dta oeiplnal wartanry M Rcspan.< Tirrr<. pr..ilo.~ one-year tem+ 01 du <sterded warranty. Typlcaly, S wrkksp days for rrlost produces. Frtlpht: ,. Rapalrsd Irws shtpp.d UPSGo.esd; caatomar coat' regrrat pr<m%tan h<ipftt xraic<. its wheal c.srt the rwtomcr pays the dittarrnu batw<m groaad and nQueR<d shippM rtsethod. 7errro Must be purehased 30 d.ys be(«< the captretlan nt the nrlglnal d d • Waillllry. e Warranty « prcUaa One~eU ttltn d dtt esttn lrr<s.edtar<ty upon ds< <apvarwn d tfse nngr,al w+nanN nr pnylola omyaar tarts of the astarlded warr.rlry. - ,' PRFIr4VM FXTf]'COt~) WARRANTY .. . Wananry Period/c;orrcrwnurrant: hrnseds.t<ly upon die csptcaoon of die orgalal wartanty ur pecvsoln ontycv tam o! the extended warrarlry. , Responx Time: R<ylacelwrrt buts are JUDV^I wtthil 24 hwn <lt<t r.pvn d defcd; def<ctias unit cresol be shipped b.cfl within same 24•hour parbd. Freiphl: Reptaeerrt<nt twits utl! b< shipped UV1KIw at nn cztra rmt Cunomar tray rcQucet next day shlpmcne h wtlKh use tll< ustorTrr irN the dW<rmet between then Nv shtppbtp .neth.,d.. ' Temn~ h1u<t ba plachas.d 30 d.ya baton Ih< capvatlon of the or-~i.al warranty « prevbta one-year term d the extended warranty. NON•WARRA(v7YSERVICE t1Bl offers nvn•wananty sanne• tot al products lndlded h the Coemsemal Pnc< Lot Wll.clr an rlut aar..ersrl try arty d the eba.e wartanty op(sonl. Labor dales and p.rta prices shaC b< ttsose pnrvalilQ at the time of d.<~ _ . sport. Curtmt leboe rate b SvS per Fso.~ with • misrrrurn of one how. BarPena arc nM rcy.lrc~, In.l d<fectrve pms can b< <salanged I« nrCOOdtilarlad Dens for • rharq< d 595. Fne estm.tn of cost w.7 be . proa~ded before wort. 4 padorrnad. upon revR• (hbr to n(lanhsp d<(acdue products to UBI, custaMrs must .uecvre • Rattan Material Authoritat3on (RMA) Nlrnbtt by eaflap 1181's l;,latomer 5<rvrce Ucpertn+<nl. r .~ 201 r. -- 01-22-97 00 ~. ... .:.u',i Ciici<0~{~i, COid;'Ui~~ TO 910 3S0 2318 ENectlue Apr11 1. 176 PART XVII MAINTENANCE SERVICES RODUCT TYPE PART M1F~FJZ OHK~WL wARltwxrY DUliATlOlY tworstls P OF ORIGDVAL wARA~WTY OP770tHS STD. PREM. PRIG OF E7CIENDED wARRAN'TY OPTIONS STD. lriil:'IM. PART [ Sc.r1P~ F~ o-33xxxx•xx 12 Nit 23s Sso S7s ScanPltu 5P 0-32X?000-XX 12 N/C 20 a5 55 &anl'1us CL 0.3XXXXX-00 12 N/C 35 50 75 PART II Scan[rnage NP-A- Modak 0.0019XX•XX 24 N/C - SO 95 123 5tarilrnaga IY-AD Modcb 0-0029XX-XX 30 N/C 55 100 130 $Ganfrraga QS/GP-AIl Modek 0-Q0391X•XX 18 N/C 40 75 100 Swrtlrssag~ QSMP•A- Mode6 0-00491X•KX 24 N/C 40 7S 100 Scanfmagc QS/FD•AQ Modcb 400591X-XX 24 N/C 40 75 100 PART IIl . Attrsustngc 0.42061X-00 12 N/C 75 100 1:5 0~3061X-00 12 N/C 75 100 125 PART N rN+gSc.n alssxoa-oo 12 ' N/c zo ~s 40 MagScan Undecided a42saxo-oo 12 N/C 10 13 20 PART V MaxilAy SX 2.386204•XX 12 N/C N/A 199 N/A MaxtLAN LT 2388400-XX 12 N/C ,N/A 159 N/A PART Vl - - MuiIAN CS 2-400XX0-XO 12 N/C N/A 595 N/A PAI;T V11 MkroBar LS 0.2002XX-00 12 N/C 20 40 45 M[ro(3ar PS 0.201ZXX-00 12 N/C 20 4U 45 PART VID ' Mu,$ar-aD Mod.4 o-loozox-00 iz - , N/C 30 ao 50 PART IX MtnsBar•NI Models 0- IOOXOX-00 12 N/C 20 40 45 pwl RS232 Output 0.70XX01.00 12 N/C S 20 ~ 15 PART X - .. . Light Pans 0-49XXOX-00 . 12 WC 20 40 60 BarSw, SS 0-41~COX-00 12 N/C 30' SO 70 PART X11 ~ "' . ' ', FJSyCodcr 91•A- Modcb 1-09101X-13 12 N/C N/A 155 N/!1 FasyCodar 401 1-401010-13 12 N/C N/A :345 N/A FisyCoder 501-AD Modtb 1-SOlO1X•XX 12 N/C N/A 345 N/A FsuyCodar 601E 1.601011-13 12 N/C N/A 495 N/A PART XIII EasyCoder 201-AO MocSab 1-20201X•XX 12 N/C N/A ~. 295 N/A PART XN CobrCuder 901 1-901010.13 6 N C N A N A N/A Nota: Prntheads fot U8l prtntm att warranted only (os rrsodse wftsch lsavr bens toted a+x! appco~nnl try U81, a lat u( whkh is availabbt by reQurst from USI's a.1ca departrnerrt. U.e of rrwdsa other than thew specified by UBI may /~ raault >n rrernatsae vrearovt of tt~x p~*+thaad .nd ~+rfi uo3d tfv pdrttl~ud wuranry. Prrntheads are warranted 2 O 2 for 9a days or 1 mein lrneu lathes, vrlsS~eKr curses 1trit. Note: For prtnten equipped wish acces..nrtes such u torten and nt^rface boarris, plaasa call for Quotation. t t 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 10 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Additions - BRIEF SUMMARY: . Adopt resolution adding the following road(s) to the State Highway System: Roads in Apple Valley Subdivision RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIbNS: Adopt resolution k~Ui~lUINU SVURCE: ~ . Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: -- Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: KC.V11,Wr;U t3Y: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ LINTY A ER' M D E D T Adopt resolution.. ~0~' ~~~~~~~~ A.PPRO1/E~ ~i/ l~EJECTE® • @~EMOVE®~ 2 0 3 POSTPAN~6 ~ . Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition . NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina _ County of New Hanover ~ ~ `"~ """~ `- Road(s) Description: ROADS~IN APPLE VALLEY SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary.Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System'. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the~roa'd{s) for maintenance if_they meet established standards and criteria.` CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution. was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 17th day of February 1997. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of 1997 . ... _ . _ . - ,, Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of ,. " ~ °~ ~ `" _"~ " _ ~ Commissioners - - Form SR-2 ~ _ Please Note: Forward direct to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. resolute.wp ' 204 .r,~ `~~~~-~`~.~'.~l' . - ~~•'~~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION ~, North Carolina County of ~I ~W l-~ ,~~ ~ L' Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System (-~" Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersi gned, being property owners ~n E~4to R Y L/~ N4r f~~4 ~'v'F_ ST RIJ. ~~ G R C u E c Descri ee~give .local name or Secondary oa Number in ~y~w rf~ti~adt ~ County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ~ p p the above-described roads ~~ /~(~joLL= v~c~~y S~8 c~;'~-ro,v S1_=c 1 -~- z- We further advise that the road requested to /-~ D D t- D i s . ~ ~ mi 1 es in length and at the present time there are 1 ~ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute sa id right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us;,_by_representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable - PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: i. A ~ _ ~/ r; _ ~ r r ~~ ~, 7 y~-z z7 `7 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete a~~ C11.~2V~ ~A~A t t t /. ~'; ~- ~, ~{ G - Z GCo - G ~ ~ / r.; ~~ i _ w ~ NORTH C;Attv~iNA ' ~/ HANOVER COUNTY - ~ - _ KS CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER ~ Ens TACK G. STOC , ' RVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY .~ S UPE , 'PERVISION (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK ARE ~ ~GE • T AT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ~` ~. A Y 1 ED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN ~ E RL THAT THE RATIO OF PREGISIDN AS ~)OK - ~ ,PAGE -- ~~ ;THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ~i:LCULATED IS I: X01 ~- ....~. , ...- ,. ~ _ -~ n e ~ aMENDEO. WITNESS MY _ ~,.~ L L ~~EPARTMENT I-40 Business Park Capital Project ~' BUDGET AMENDMENT# 97-21 DATE: 2-17-97 i AD TMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT: I-40 Business Park Capital Project Contribution from NCDOT $117•,000 • Capital Project Expense $117,000 (DOT,'s portion of Vision Software access road) r EXPLANATION ~To increase budget for contribution from NCDOT for the access road to Vision Software. New Hanover County will•relnit the $117;000 to Vision• ,Software since they paid for the construction of the road. APPR®VEi~ ~~ REJECTE® F~EMOVE(~ POSTPONES OATS ` .a~~ Z/~~~~_' •. ,~ o : , 207 For BudgcFO((Icer'sapprova1; then report to Commissioners at next tcsular meeting and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered Into minutes. • B~xdgef Amendment CONSENT AGENDA February 17, 1997 ~ Budp- et ~meridment colvsENT AGYENDA b February 17, 1997 DEPARTMENT: %~~~~%%~%~~~%%/~%%~~%%%i%%//iii////~%%~/////~~~~,;: S - -~.~ BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE: - - Health/Children's Special Health Services ADJUSTMENT Health/Children's Special Health Services Contributions Salaries Supplies Capital Outlay/Equipment 97-0121 2/17/97 ~ - ~ - ~~ DEBIT. CREDIT . ~ - $3,512 ~ ~ - $1,182 $ 593 LJ ' $1,737 - EXPLANATION To budget donation received from the .Wilmington Rotary .Club for temporary salaries, a computer, and a printer for the Children',s Orthopedic-Clinic. ~ .~ ,- _; ~m-~ A.PPR®1/~ - 9~EJECT'~~ ~ ~,~ - REMOVEt~ ~ ' P~'ST~~IilEO B„ ~~ 17~R_1.~1A~/ „~ ° ' .'For Budgct OCGccr's approval; thcn rcport '- "' ~ to Commissioners at next rcgular meeting ` ~nd enter inminutes. -. `t'' To be approvcd by Commissioncrs. "I'o be entcred into minutes. ~' Budget Amendment CONSENT AGENDA February 17, 1997 Item No. 11C ~~ DATE DEPA TMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENTS : Museum 97-O1i8 2-17-97 ~' ~~ . ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT. ~~ Grassroots Science Gran t $50,000 ' Salaries $20,717 ~ Temporary Salaries 10,733 FICA. 2,406 Retirement 999 ~: Medical Insurance 2,904 Disability Insuran ce 48 ~~ Contract Services Travel .~ ~ ~ 4,500 3,693 Administrative Fee 1,500 Capital Outlay 2,500 ~% . .~` ~' EXPLANATION To budget additional Grassroots Science Grant rec eived by the Museum .for FY 96/97. ~ 4rUU1~19 ~~ ~~~'~~ - . ~ ~.P~~®~~~ ~~ . ' .. 209 ~EJECT E® ~ ~ElN10VE® ~~5~~~~ ~ F r Budget O[(icei s approval; then report ^T / ~/'!A E ~~/~ 7-/ ~7~~ to Commisstonen,at ne~ct resular mceling and enter In minutes. '. Tltis page intentionally left blank ~ ~. ~J . ~~ L ~~ w r r r r r r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 12 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Re~plution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by City of Wilmington and New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Sale of property known as Parcel Number R0054-10-029-023.000 located at 1112 Dawson Street. Amount of Offer is $1,960. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: r ulvulNC; suuKCly: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: P1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: K~V1C.Wt' U t3X: LGL: FIN: BUD: Y A F D Adopt resolution ~'' ~' + ~ - -~ . ~ ~.1wJE~T ~>E~ovE~ pOSTPAS~ ~ ~' Refcrto Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HR: 211. 3M Y 4~~~° - ~ ~ y~ ~. ~Y ~ "'"'~Si7F ~ f: ~ ~r ,;~~' 1739 r. CITY of WILMINGTON J North Carolina P.O. BOX ~ 81 O , - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 7DD (910) 341.7873 28402 (9to~ 34t-~s~o :. ~ .. - February 5, 1997 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street ~ Wilmington, N. C. 28401 i (.~ Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington L and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: ~ Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer ~~' R00~4-10-029-023.000 1112 Dawson Street 51,960.00 The resolution proposes acceptance of the offer from the New Covenant Holiness Church for the parcel identified above and in the attachment to the resolution. This property has an ad valorem tax ~ value as of 1989 of 52,974.00. The offer will be duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. SDB:sws Attachments 212 _..._ _ Respectfully submitted, ' ~ '~' C ~~~ `" - ~ ! _ _ Steven D. Bridges t~ Purchasing Agent L • ~ ` ~-. ., _~ ;,;~ __ _.. ..._ ___J A 1 1 1 1 t 1 I r 1 IM'RODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: February 17, 1997 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1112 DAWSON STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENTlPURPOSE: This resolution relates to the proposed sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value Market Value 054-10-029-023.000 1112 Dawson Street $1,960.00 $2,974.00 $1,960.00 Offerer Property Dimensions New Covenant Holiness Church 33' x 90' 1 l02 Dawson Street . This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offerers) has agreed to pay the amount(s) indicated above for the parcel(s) identified. The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby propose to accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. The offcrer(s) shall deposit the sum of 5% of the total offer immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer(s) as required by N.C.G.S. 160A-269. Adopted at a regular meeting on , 19. ATTEST: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 213 Clerk to the Board Chairman :.r ,Y,;. . .1 li•fV~~rn i '.. •l ff .. , .1 11 1 1 1 1 \ j ~ ~ .. , ~ ~ • .. ~/ 1 t .. 1 1 / `. 111 :~ •, : ~ • 1 I • { I .•r 1 I 1 m m n r v 11 1 •.01.1 1 I ~_ 1 r•l 1 1 L. i 1 /1 I1 n I 1 1 •', 1 I 1 I I 1 ~~~ tf t; N 1 i ~ N n r h i ~ ~ ~ 1 1~ 1 _ j 1-~1_~-1~~, - .. N A f 1 1 t 7 , ~ -~ _~- I 1~ 1 I1 - 1 1.1• • ^ ~`_ ,~~ . If tt t ~TaF.ET --r--,--"~- 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 ,! 1 ,t t 7 to 1 ,,,. 1 ,11 ; I I ~ 1 i I i 1 1 N 1 t, t I1°_ - ._ I alto i ~ it 1 •I 1 1~, I i 1 -tom J v _ I 4 h- 1 I It1 1 .1 1 1 1 I 1 1l o l.,p ~ S' ~ , 1_ w w l ~ - --• ^ N S f i;1 10' . - I ; 1~ j I ~ 1 1 ~ 1 Ir,l v.l n N rw. {01 . n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lo- 1 1 I 1 1 1 1~~ - 1 4 '_ -uo 1 ~.1. ,r1 1 !~ ~: tl 1 to'1 11.(0 •It• 1 , ..i.l I 1 t I W i 1 •- F' n 1 ~~ o m.m ~~ 10 0 'j a ~ n~ 1 1 1 1 1 1~ . 1 1 '-o uo \t •17 if f - N 11 N I I 1 1 I t ; I 1 ~J _._.~ 11-r ,1 w I 1 11( 1 1 J- .l--J-_ J .1 .1O` ~ •.' "wr/w ^ 1m o Q 1 5of __ 1'--1•• 1 1 y., . •.~o IA _ ^ tl ; ~ . ,l • I1 11 to ,-~ ~ _,- _I. tl 1 , i { I ,c ---t-' { I ~ ~,o ice: 1 t• ~/ / /1- STR[CT I I 1 i 1• II u 0. I 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 • 1 ~ INtH .11 tft ; _~ „ I., •~ ~• 1 ' 1 I 1 1 ~ ~ ~eI ao' 1 s,o ~ 1 '11 1 1 ~ m 7 .~ ~.'1 r ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 11. ; 1 I- 1 j f ~ '- f~ w^ N• :I- p. _ ``1 I' I ~t7 1tI.N - W1 ~ ; 1 1 •1 1 ' 1 1~ ~S _.r:-u ,, al, 'm •11 I(~.•~ IMP N 1 1 1 1 [ 1 , 1 -K ' - 11111 •_ . 1 `~1 1 1 1 1 I .1. I. t 1 I 1. ' ~ 1~ • 1 111 ~~ ••~ .. _ n 1 n '• I ..I n_ ~ 1 1 ~,t101.1 10 N !~ N •' •' A Ib f 11 {1 11 1t 1 t1~'- ` r.l ' ~ A ~ _ I t 1 loo S T It [ C T 1 ~ •..~- --> - N , t1. 11 It 11 11 •111 I r ~- '• ~~h1 ' ~ • O ,• r ^ •1 I ,•I ~ t .O n-L~•7-~ --~11 ~ I 1 ~~1 W ^ f Mm A 1p ~~ Q ~ n N N n1 ~ - t_. A. .~ ^I, 1 I• tl• • ~ ~ ~ ` ..1 • ...p• t 11V (V N N • •,tl ~11 2 ~ •-r~• • l1 ' `Y, m ~ C'~ , tt ~•• .P I o,r 111 ~1. 2 1 •~.~ \ .+. 1' 1~ ~ ~'Y~ /1 t\ •+\ •o -• ~ •~~-'I I~.~1 1 S{ _._ ~ ~ _ )1 .. n u - 1. ,VJ ~ N G `1 ~ B Y ^' I 'IR` YI .1.. 1 f L Q ~ ~1I L 11 wl~~. Nom' ~ ~ 111 •1 f1 •0 Iw ,lt -ttl1T .I~n f 1 ~~ n ~ P ~ I . - 1.- VI. w N ~ ~,f ~I11 /• 1 ~ tt 11 1 III - ie•_ Y•i 2• ~ v ~ ,o r. m it ' 1 !Ill. •o r ,11111 11 1f , 7, g I 1 TREET ..11 ' ~l 1_I 711,1, 1 L -I- s t~ •- N• 11 11 ~ ~~ ~C ~ f0~ •I1 • J.1 ^OI m .A d ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ I• ~ 1~' 1 _ •1 loo Tov •• 1 ~ _{T r1 11 I R _ :o I h_. '{ tt~ N•O n ) A N I•O f1 ~_ 1 1 f_ ~ H I-. 1 .104 ~ 11 J • /\ ~~ f A N ^ ' r I `,,,r~r!!'j I ~ ~I^w tf~i / ~1! I1 ~. 11 It -' ~ ~1 1 .V f ~ -~17t' -t ~.~ ,1'•. .1~`~? • 9 7 ~ o-- ~..^ )t ~_~r~•n ~~ nl-,A' ti C 11 •', \ 1j1 •al~ .~. lll..~~~ 11 .1-11 -Ti, T . 1 l _ . S• .. _ _. -U it _ I t /,• f.1•~ .o N' ~^ , .1I m oo• o f 7-~ 1 7t , tt ^ 1 • ' I ^ ' ' h - N f, ~ K9 ate- 1 1 1 1 .y : t--.- `N 3 ,- .~ ~ ~ ~. It 1 j1 1 11 ST FEET _ ,!' 11 ' W 17 11 - 1t L. ~ I '1e ~t r''1 •' ~1 _ . .11.1 • { r n •! n N N : 1 - ~ ~ -• ......~~~~~~++~-- I 1 _ . N N N N N N I NTH " t :y ' 1 ~ 1 _ - .n...= ., a •.._ ~ ?_! Y r -- EICYE ~ 1 f1 .. .,1 ~~ 1 t1, N a. ~ 5 ,c 6 e ^ _ _ 1 Ir _•111 I•-T N 1f~^ 'N. wm 1. 1. ~ S N. H ; l•'J N 4 ~ L~~ : ~~-. '; •\1•~ •J 1 NI _ C` /~ off ev ~ I I` J'• N W . . ~••~ S 1! 11 - N `n • I.!• lo` f. el ~t \\•' ~ 1 -1 Lr_ Y ONO ~ ~ .1\~- - F. r I ~ ~ ~ ^N ^ I Iw T~ Z _ I•~--• ~u.-. _~ 11 ,t - ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ l IIA!r1 n -~ I 1 1 ~ r~, 'PI C. r t t 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/17/97 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 13 Additional Item #: )epartment: County Manager Presenter: 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O`Neal SUBJECT: Resolution requesting authorizatiion of conveyance of its interest in jointly owned lots to the City of Wilmington. DRIEF SUMMARY: Lots listed in the resolution have been identified by the Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. (WHFD) for construction of anowner-occupied, single-family residence. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: k`VI~ll1IV(; SUUK(:E: Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Adopt resolutio ~PI~R®i~E~ (~~ B~EJEC`fE® • BEM®ilE® P®STP®~ Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Dispbsitio 215 • ~aSEV~ - 4 ... + ~y ~i ' .,Y ~~ ~~t# CITY of ~/~/I ~~ I N.GTON _ ~= ~~~' ~ North Carolina 1739 , ~ P.O. BMX 1 81 0 ' `ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ~ TDD (910) 341-7673 28402 _. _ ~9to) 34t-~s3o . - ~~ . l_: February 5, 1997 u~ Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: ~' The attached resolution requests the County Commission to authorize the conveyance of its interest in jointly-o«ned lots to the City of Wilmington. The lots listed in the resolution have been ~ identified by the Wilmington Housing Finance and Development; Inc.. (WI-~D) for construction of anowner-occupied, single-family residence. Please place this item on the County Commission Agenda for February 17, 1997. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, r G,~Z~-~ Steven .Bridges Purchasing Agent SDBaws Attachment ~ . . . . _ L. ~. ~,.. _ ~( ,f- 21~ .- ~ ~ 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 f 1 r t r i INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: February 17, 1997 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF LOTS TO THE WILMINGTON HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. (WHFD) RESOLVED: In accordance with the real property policy adopted by City Council and the County Commission, the following lots have been identified by Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. (WHFD) as suitable for construction of owner-occupied, single-family residences. In accordance with the policy, WHFD must construct or move existing owner~ccupied single family residences onto the lots within 18 months. The Wilmington City Council will be requested to convey its interest in the lots at its February 18, 1997 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: . That the County Commission authorizes the conveyance of the below indicated parcels to WHFD. Parcel Number ~ Address Lot Dimensions Ta~c Value 048-06-006-030.001 1408 Stanley Street 30' x 100' $ 500.00 048-13-018-013.000 719 Campbell Street 41' x 66' 1,545.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this action is contingent upon approval by the Wilrington City Council. Adopted at a regular meeting on , 19 ~ . ATTEST: ~ ~ - New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board Chairman 217 ` \ \ ,~ ~\ ~ n ~ \ A D \\ \ ~~ ~ ~\ \ \~ ~ ~~ \` I s~'.~ ~ ~ "'o t ~ • r .~ ` n ~ \ ^ ~ \ ~ ~ o \ I \ u = t~ ~ \ // r. l / /, \ ` a ~ ~` / ~~~ T ~ , ! 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