Agenda 1997 05-05 1 1 I .Y' 7j ~~~ ~y ~ ' ....::... Q, ~p NoRTH ~' AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ?~~~pNOVER coGy~~ ~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301 a Wilmington, NC • ,* .May 5, 1997 ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD 6:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS .6:45. pm 1. Presentation of "J hn M. Dolan Volunteer Firefighter of the Year Award ~* • ~.~cu~-~ .'rr~~~ YI'i~ 6:50 pm 2. Public Hearing : -Consideration of Resolution Regarding the Proposed Refunding of $9,000,000 Revenue Bonds for Corning, Inc.. ~-{~t~ ~~+~+-poi ~~° 7:00 pm 3. Presentation of Ten Year Plan by the New Hanover County Board of Education 7:25 pm 4. Consideration of Adoption of Personal Watercraft Task Force Ordinance and Recommendations 8:10 pm ~. Consideration. of Award of Contract for Cell 4B Construction -New Hanover County Landf 11 8:20 pm 6. Public Hearing: Item A: Rezoning Request by Farrington Farms Development Corp. to rezone 8.85 acres 1262 feet north of Gordon Road and 300 feet east of Gordon Acres Drive to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential (Z-599,4/97) 8:30 pm Item B: Rezoning Request by J. Robbins to rezone 8.59 acres on the east side of N. Kerr 400 feet south of Grathwol Drive to Conditional Use A-1 Airport Industrial for commercial storage/mini-warehousing from R- S Residential. (Z-600, 4/97) 8:SOpm Item C: Subdivision and Zoning Text Amendments -Consideration of interim drainage regulations for new subdivisions. (A-276, 12/97) 9:30 pm Item. D: Subdivision Text Amendment -Consideration to modify the approval . period and vesting requirements. of preliminary subdivision plans. (A-279, 4/97) -.. .. 9:50 pm Item E: Subdivision and Zoning Text Amendments -Reinstitution of Parks,- ` . recreation and open space requirements for residential subdivisions (A-280, 4/97) l0: T5 pm 6. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District .. ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 10:30 pm ADJOURN r ~. . I l MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DI,STRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIItD STREET, ROOM 30 MAY 5,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ' 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Approval for Condemnation of Sewer Line Easement 4. Consideration of resolution to award of Bid #97-0137 for chemicals fora waters stem Y ` and approval of contract draft #97-0137 5. Consideration of resolution awarding bid #97-0365 for enerators to Geneva g Corporation, d/b/a/ Covington Diesel, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder for the amount of $198,089. _ Adjourn 1 1 i CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS , 1. Approval of Minutes 2.. Approval of application grant from Community Health Improvement . Program (CHIP)-New Hanover Regional Medical Center-Rabies Prevention Project 3, Award of bid #97-0366 and approval of contract #97-0366 for the purchase of a filing system for the Department of Social Services 4. Award of contract #97-0317 Cycro Inc. Cooling Tower Repairs at WASTEC 5. Approval of Proclamation proclaiming May 18 - 24, 1997 as Emergency .Medical Services Week. 6. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County, Parcel #R0054-10-029-023.000, 1112 Dawson Street for the amount of offer $3,500.00 7. Adoption of resolution of support for Legislation to Regulate and Monitor . the Swine Production Industry in North Carolina 8. Approval of resolution to authorize Finance Director's representative to dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction May 17, 1997 9. Adoption of resolution adding roads to the State highway system: Barbados Boulevard. in Island Park Industrial Complex 10. Approval of request to~submit grant application to Community Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to Promote Breast-feeding in the Community. If grant awarded approve associated budget amendment Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #97-34 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled substance tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary, B. #97-35 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #97-0159 to budget additional State/Federal funds for Medical Transportation (No additional County funds required) D. #97-0167 to transfer funds from Contingencies for a public opinion survey about the proposed school bond referendum (approved by the Board on March 10, 1997). The remaining balance in the Contingencies account is $180,76. 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 AGENDA NEW xANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse :~~,~a"°YFR~o~~l~ 24 North. Third Street, Room 301 .. .. i 'Wilmington, NC , ~* >, ._~; o f~FM°RTHL'~ May 5, 1997 ROBERT G. GREER CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTEfl VICE -CHAIRMAN 9UZZ 81RZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • "TED DAMS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANOA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD 6:30 Q. m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIlVLES 6:4~ pm 1. Presentation of "John M. Dolan Volunteer Firefighter of the Year Award 6:50 pm 2. Public Hearing : -Consideration of Resolution Regarding the Proposed Refunding of 59,000,000 Revenue Bonds for Corning, Inc. 7:00 pm 3. Presentation of Ten Year Plan by the New Hanover County Board of Education 7:25 pm S:10 pm 8:20 pm 8:30 pm S:SOpm 9:30 pm ' 9:~0 pm 4. Consideration of Adoption of Personal ~i/atercraft Task Force Ordinal~ce and Recommendations 5. Consideration of Award of Contract for Cell 4B Construction - Ne~v Hanover County Landfill PAGE 110. 1 3 13 l~ 21 6. Public Hearing: Item A: Rezoning Request by Farrington Farms Development Corp. 27 to rezone 8.85 acres 1262 feet north of Gordon Road and 300 feet east of Gordon Acres Drive to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential (Z-X99,4/ 97) Item B: Rezoning Request by J. Robbins to rezone 8.59 acres on tt~e east 35 side of N. Kerr 400 feet south of Grathwol Drive to Conditional Use A-1 Airport Industrial for commercial storage/mini-warehousing from R- I ~ Residential. (Z-600, 4/97) Item C: Subdivision and Zonino Text Amendments -Consideration of 41 interim drainage regulations for new subdivisions. (A-276, 12/97) Item D: Subdivision Text Amendment -Consideration to modify the 49 approval period and vesting requirements of prelirnil~ary subdivision plans. (A-279, 4/97) Item E: Subdivision and Zonino Text Amendments -Reinstitution of ~3 Parks, recreation and open space requirements for residential subdivisions (A-280, 4/97) ESTIMATED `~~' 'ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~~" • TIlVIES _ • ~ .... ~ •. PAGE .... .., ,_ ~.._.. ,_.. ~. _ - _. .. ~ .. U `y ' 10:15 pm ~ ' " ~~ 6.` . Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 61 ADDITIONAL ITEMS u COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~. COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 10:30 pm ADJOURN - a Q .. - a D . _ Q ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ . 0 ... a MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT . ASSEMBLY ROOM; NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ' 24 NORTH THIIZD STREET, ROOM 30 ' MAY 5, 1997' . , ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE r .-NO. nl NON AGENDA ITEMS li i t it th ! - 6 . ree m nu es) ( m . 1 . ~ 2. Approval of Minutes 63 3. Consideration of A royal for Condemnation of Sewer Line Easement pp 65 4. Consideration of resolution to award of $id n97-0137.for chemicals for 67 water system and approval of contract draft #97-0137 5. Consideration of resolution awarding bid #97-036 for generators to Geneva 69 Corporation, d/b/a/ Covington Diesel, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder for the amount of $198,089. - ' Adjourn , i . 1 1 :. t ~ - 1 =°`` , "_ -: ` =":CONSENT AGENDA . -. ` - ~ . .' °. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. ','Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of application grant from Community Health Improvement ' Program (CHIP)-New Hanover Regional Medical Center-Rabies Prevention Project 3. Award of bid #97-0366 and approval of contract #97-0366 for the purchase of a filing system. for the Department of Social Services - 4. Award of contract #97-0317 Cycro Inc. Cooling`Tower Repairs at WASTEC 5. Approval of Proclamation proclaiming May 18 - 24, 1997~as Emergency Medical Services Week. _ _' ~" 6. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County, Parcel #R0054-10-029-023.000, 1112 Dawson Street for the amount of offer $3,500.00 7. Adoption of resolution of support for Legislation to Regulate and Monitor the Swine Production Industry in North Carolina S. Approval of resolution to authorize Finance Director's representative to dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction May 17, 1997 9. Adoption of resolution adding roads to the State highway system: Barbados $oulevard in Island Park Industrial Complex Q PAGE . NO. 73 75 86 87 91 93 97 103 113 10. Approval of request to submit grant application to Community Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to Promote Breast-feeding in the Community. If grant awarded approve associated budget amendment 11. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #97-34 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled substance tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for la~v enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. 117 121 B. #97-35 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal 122 Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #97-0159 to budget additional State/Federal funds for Ivledical Transportation 123 (No additional County funds required) D. #97-0167 to transfer funds from Contingencies for a public opinion survey 124 about the proposed school bond referendum (approved by the Board on Marcfl 10, 1997) The remaining balance in the Contingencies account is $180,76. 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i --- ;REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~;rt , ~.~-,...: •: - ~- . ~ ~ ~ ~ Meet><ng Date- 05/05/97 - Regular Item #: ~" 1 " '" . " _` "..: Consent Item #:. ~ ~ - Additional Item #: Department: Fire Services Admin. ". ...M Presenter: P.Kouwe -~ Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: P.Kouwe . SUBJECT: ~ Presentation of."John M: Dolan Volunteer Firefighter of the Year" Award BRIEF SUMMARY: This is an annual award presented by the County Commissioners based on the decision of its Fire Commission. Selection is made from information submitted by Fire Chiefs to the Fire Corrunission. This agenda item if for the actual public presentation only. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Public presentation of award. (Federal S: State S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S New Appropriation Request: Other S: ~LC3L: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~ ~QMNi.i~1p,N~ . APIPROVE[~ '"r~~-ed ~?.EJECTE~ ' ~?•EMOVED ~~I a~OSTRONE ~". OATS :~ 5~~~~~, ~~ ... . .~ w . ~ ~, °°r~=~ NEW ~HA,NOVER~-COUNTY - mt -~ ~~-FIRE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION - {~ 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 1J "•`""" `°` "' ,;_'„°~WILMINGTON NORTH~CAROLINA 28401-4045 ~` ` ~'t TELEPHONE (910) 34I-7420 ' = ~ ''. PHIL ROIJWE r ~ t .i~ : ~ s_ A.; :- ''~* _ , _. - ~ ADMINISTRATOR . '~ , _m .. ,,." ._ ~,_. _, _ . __.. _ ..__ ..,... _,. __.___.__. _ .. _ . __ . ~,_ ... ~ , TO: .Andy Atkinson FROM: PhilKouwe ~_ ~ -.- ... Administrator .~.:.' -. . _ • . DATE: April 1, 1997 ~ -- • SUBJECT: Firef ghter of the Year Philip Lewis, an eight year veteran with Myrtle Grove VFD, has been named the 1997 recipient of the John M. Dolan Firefighter of the Year Award. Mr. Lewis will be presented this award at the County Commissioners' meeting on Monday, Apri( 7th at 6:30 pm. . _T• _ Philip Lewis is a Lieutenant and a member"of the Board ~of Diiectors of Myrtle Grove. VFD. He • has earned the levels of Firefighter I and II and Haz Mat Operational. Philip has been intrumental in the development of a date base that will be useful for years to come. Philip's commitment to his community is exemplified by his efforts within the fire service. - • ., , r ...b . a fi''' ~-~ x,-~ ~, .... _ U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION -. ~~-'..Meetinb~Date:.05/05/97 Regular Item #: 2 .Consent Ifem #: ,.: Additional Item #.: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Steve Diab Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Industrial Pollution Control Financing Authority Bond to Corning Incorporated in the amount of $9,000,000.00 BRIEF SUMMARY: Public Hearing on proposed issuance by the New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority Tax- Exempt Adjustable Mode Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Corning Incorporated Project), Series 1997, in the amount of $9,000,000.00. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTT NS: Conduct public hearing and adopt resolution FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: i~'ew.Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ILL' V1r.W~,L I3X: LGL: ~ FIN: ' ~ BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATIONS- Conduct public hearing. New Hanover County has no liability for payment of bonds. The :County Commissioners appoint the members of the Authority Board. The Board has its own bond councel and attorneys who will be available to answer questions. -The County Commissioners are only required to approve in principal. ~~~'N Nfl~iipN~~ ~.~P~ovE® ,~ 3 E?.EJEC,TED Refer Io Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition P'EMOVED ~~ POSTP®NE OATS 9 ~~ . ' . < ~= - = ~ ,.NEW HANOVER COUNTY .: ~ , ~ ' - ~ •- • ~ ~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .: ,: . ."..Extracts from Minutes of • _ ._ . _ __... _. _ . , _ _ ._ -- ; _ ._ . __ Meeting of May 5; "1997 •~, - - •- ..._.. _ _ __ ,._ _ .._ ..__ _.______._...__.___ residin an Present: Chairman. __ ___--- _..._ _ __. - d - = , P g, _ ~ . _' .._, _ ., COmmisaloneIS - "~ " ~" -• ' " f I - .„ IL.JI .Absent: ~ _ ~ , Commissioner introduced the following resolution, the title of which was read: APPROVAL OF THE REFINANCING OF AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FOR CORI~TING INCORPORATED BY THE ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT ADJUSTABLE MODE POLLUTION CONTROL 'REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $9,000,000 ~} WHEREAS, on December 21, 1984, The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and ~~•-~) Pollution Control Financing Authority (the Authority) issued its S9,000,000 original principal amount Pollution Control Revenue Bonds (Coz-ning Glass Works Project), Series 1984 (the Prior Bonds) under the North Carolina Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act (the Act) to finance the acquisition and installation of air and water pollution control equipment in New Hanover County (the Project) for Corning Glass Works, which is now known as Corning ~ _ Incorporated, a New York co oration (the Com an • and rF P y), WHEREAS, the Company has requested the Authority to issue its $9,000,000 Tax-- Exempt Adjustable.Mode Pollution Control Revenue Refunding •Bonds (Corning Incorporated Project) Series 1997 (the Bonds) for the purpose of providing amounts necessary io refund and redeem the Prior Bonds; and ~~~~~ .~ 4- ~ ~~J`~~~,.,. - L ,.fi ~~' ~,1 ... r.r ... _~ ~ ~ ~ - 1 i 1 1 1 1 "> WHERF,AS, as.part of the refunding and in order to achicvc additional cost savings for the Company, the maturity of the Bonds will be-extended beyond the maturity of~ the Prior Bonds; - .. ~ _ ... _ - ~_ _.._ ,.. _. ~ , "' VVHF,1tF-AS, the ~Authotity intends to issue the Bonds in the principal amount of 59,000,000 following approval of the issuance ' by the North Carolina Local Govctnmcnt Cbmm.ission; and _._... .. ... WHEREAS, under Section 159C-4.of the Aci the issuance of bonds under the Act must be approved by the governing body .of the county in which the project to be financed undo the Act is located; and .. _ . WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Code requires that the Board of Commissioncrs approve the plan of financing for the Bonds; and WHEREAS, -The Board of Commissioners has today held a public hearing with respect to the issuance of the Bonds, as evidenced by the Certificate and Summary of Public Hcaring attached hereto as Exhibit A; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: 1. The refinancing of the Project, and the refunding and redemption of the Prior Bonds by the issuance of bonds in the amount of $9,000,000, are hereby approvcd. 2. The issuance of the Authority's Tax-Exempt Adjustable Mode Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Corning-Incorporated Project) Series 1997 in the principal amount of 59,000,000 is hereby approved for purposes of Section 159C-4 of the Act. 3 . The Board of Commissioners hereby .approves the plan of fwancino as reduired by Section 147(f) of the Code. 2 ;, a t ~ 3 ~ 3°°-Messrs: Hunton,:& Williams; Raleigh; North Carolina, shall act as Bond Counscl - -in conncction-with thc.issuance_of the•Bonds. •,, .. ,_ - . _ , , _ _ . Commissioner ~ moved the passage ~of the foregoing •~;resolution and Commissioner :- -- - - seconded the uxotion, and the resolution _was passed_by the following vote:: : r ,~~:; _~:. ... ~ . .~ - ' Ayes: Commissioners ~ _ ~. Nays:... ~ . , _ _ _ Not voting: I, Lucie F_ Iiarrell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of New I-Ianover, North Carolina DO HEREBY CERTIFY that. the foregoing is a true and complete copy of so much of the proceedings of. the ,Board of Commissioners for said County at, a regular meeting duly called and held Ivzay 5, 1997, as it relates in any way to the resolution hereinabove set forth, and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book. of the minutcs. of said Board. Pursuant to NCGS § 143-318.12, a current copy of a schedule of iegular meetings of this Board is on file.in my office. . ~ _ ~ - - WITNESS my hand and the common seal of said County, this day of Iv1ay, T997. . , ~ „ . , , . ~ ' :- . •: Clerk to the Board of Commissioners ~ - (SEAL) - _ •;, .. . , 3 ... _ . . _ _ ..... ~ ~ .: • w .. Exhibit A ~ . , .. ~ . ,. _`"- . Certificate and Slunmar'y_j . _ . . .., ~ .. „ _ _ .. -~~-The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Ncw Hanover County; North . Cazolina, hereby certifies: . • . :.1...,- Notice of a public hearing (the Hearing) to be held on May 5, 1997, with respect ' .° io~the issuance of bonds by The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and.Pollution Control '~ Financing Authority (the Authority) for the benefit of Coining Incorporated (the Company) was • '. ,` - published on April [17), 1997 in The Wilmington Star-News. 2. The presiding officer of the Heating was - 3. The following is a list of the names and addresses of all persons who spoke at the Hearing: ~ - . . ,4. The following is a summary of the oral comments made at the Hearing: lI~ WITNESS WHEREOF, my hand and the seal of Ncw Hanover County, this day of April; 1997. ~. '~ Clerk, Board of Commissioners of New ~~ Hanover County, North Cazolina (SEAL) . :~ 4 ~~ 7 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED a ".; ~:: -, : LSSUANCE BY . ,- THE NEW HANOVER COUN'TY.INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AND . . -POLLUTION CONTROL`FINANCING AUTHORITY TAX-EXEMPT ADJUSTABLE,MODE POLLUTION, CONTROL REVENUE REFiJNDING BONDS ~CORIVING._INCORPORATED PROJECT) SERIES 1997 Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County) will hold . a public hearing on May 5 -~1997;~°~at 6:30 ~ p.m.; ~ in the- Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 N. Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, concerning the proposed issuance by'The~New` Hanovei•F County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority (the Authority) of its, Tax-Exempt. Adjustable Mode Pollution Control Revenue `Refunding Bonds (Corning~Incorporated Project} Series 1997, the proceeds of which will be used to refund the outstanding.principai amount;of the Authority's $9,000,000 Pollution Control Revenue Bonds (Corning Glass Works Project), Series 1984, which were issued on December 21, 1984 (the Prior Bo_ nds). The.proceeds of;the Prior Bonds were used by Corning Incorporated, formerly known as Corning Glass Works, a New York corporation (the Company) pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated as of December 1, 1984 (the Loan Agreement), to finance the acquisition and installation of air and water pollution control equipment in New Hanover County, North .Carolina' (the Project). ~ ~- The Project consisted of the acquisition and installation of air and water pollution control equipment, including a bag house, scrubbers, ducts and "other functionally related and subordinate equipment as part of an expansion of the Company's optical communications fibers plant located at 310 North College Road, Wilmington, North Carolina. The Project will continue to be operated by Corning Incorporated. The hearing will be held before the Board of Commissioners; :and may be;`continued. or adjourned. ,. .Any resident having views ~on the proposed refunding bonds or the nature or location of the Project may be heard at such public hearing. NEW.HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 8 ._ ,'tip-. ~. _ _ " . , : ~ .. _ :. w ~.::: .a.:.. _r - IvEw:xAlvov~li coUNTY- . ~ ~ ~ ..... _.~ . _ . - . ... . - - .BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ... _ ~. Extracts from Minutes of - ~ .. .~ ._. ~ Meeting of MaY 5, 1997 . ,Present:- Chairman ,presiding, and q ... ~' .Commissioners . _- - Absent: -~ Commissioner introduced the following resolution, the title of which was read: APPROVAL OF THE REFINANCING OF AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT FOR CORNING INCORPORATED BY THE ISSUANCE OF TAX-EXEMPT ADJUSTABLE MODE POLLUTION CONTROL REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF X9,000,000 WHEREAS, on December 21, 1984, The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority (the-Authority) issued its 59,000,000 original principal ,amount Pollution Control Revenue Bonds (Corning Glass Works Project), Series 1984 (the Prior Bonds) under. the .North Carolina Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act (the Act) to finance the acquisition and installation of air and water pollution control equipment in New Hanover County (the Project) for Corning Glass Works, which is now known as Corning. Incorporated, a New York co oration the Com an ;and . - rP ( P y) WHEREAS, the Company has requested the Authority to issue its 59,000,000 Tax- Exempt Adjustable Mode Pollution Control Revenue Refunding Bonds (Corning Incorporated Project) Series 1997 the Bonds fo e u v" a ( ) r th p rpose of pro idm~ amounts necessary to refund and j redeem the Prior Bonds; and WHEREAS,_ as part of the refunding and in order:.to~achieve additional cost savings for the Company; :the maturity of the Bonds will be extended beyond the maturity of the Prior Bonds; ,~ - `t. ~ .:.. - WHEREAS, the Authority intends to issue the Bonds in the principal amount of .. .z._.~..•... _; $9,000,000 following approval of the issuance by the North Carolina Local Government Commission,. aIId . , _ . . + _ _.. ____. - . , _. . WHEREAS, .under Section 159C-4 of the Act the issuance of bonds under the Act must be approved by the governing body of the county in which the project to be financed under the Act is located; and WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Code requires that the Board of Commissioners approve the plan of financing for the Bonds; and WHEREAS, The Board of Commissioners has-today held a public hearing with respect to the issuance of the Bonds, as evidenced by the Certificate-and Summary of Public Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A; sand NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED . BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: 1. The. refinancing. of .the Project, -and the refunding and redemption of the Prior Bonds by-the issuance of: bonds in the amount of.$9,000;000, are hereby approved. ` 2. The issuance of the Authority's Tax-Exempt Adjustable Mode Pollution Control ' Revenue Refunding Bonds (Corning Incorporated Project) Series 1997 in the principal amount ' of 59,000,000 is hereby approved for purposes of Section IS9C-4 of the Act. 3. The Board of Commissioners hereby 'approves' the plan of financing as required by Section 147(f) of the Code.. 10 . = _ •°~ 3:=~.'~:~=-Messrs. Hunton & William`s; Raleigh, North Carolina, shall act as Bond Counsel, - ~ ~ '_ in connection with the issuance of the Bonds.-..-_-..., •:- :-:: -~ _ - -> Commissioner- ' "~'~ ~ :~ : ' - - ~ - moved the passage of the foregoing . __ resolution and Commissioner ~ seconded the motion, and the ~- resolution was passed by the following vote: ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - ~ ~ t .Ayes:. Commissioners - - - Nays: ~" Not voting: ~_ I, Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the -County of New Hanover, North Carolina DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of so much of the proceedings of the Board of Commissioners for said County at a regular meeting duly called and held May 5, 1997, as it relates in any way to the resolution hereinabove ~. set forth, and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book of the minutes of said Board. Pursuant to NCGS 143-~ § X18.12, a current copy of a schedule of regular meetings of this Board is on file in my office. WITNESS my hand and the common seal of said County, this day of May, 1997. Clerk to the Board of Commissioners (SEAL) - ~. ~ ~ 11 3 - ~» 7' f ..,r. " '1 -'... av:%~r, ,.•n ,.5~~:i~ ar1.,t'~x ~- ~._~;~. r,~~~... • _ ~ ._.. ~~ Exhibit A • - ,.;.~ - ' - ~ ~. - ~ . ,- -.Certificate and Summary -;; ~ ~ ~ ; , t -s, ,.., . - ~ ~__~-The undersigned Clerk ,of ihe~Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County,- North ~~ Carolina,•hereby certifies: ~, ' , . ,.. ~_ . 1. Notice of a public hearing (the Hearing) to be held~on May 5,-1997, with respect ~~ to the issuance of bonds by The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority (the :Authority) for the benefit ofpCorning Incorporated (the Company) was published on April [17], 1997 in The Wilmington Star-News. 2. ~ The presiding officer of the Hearing was 3. :The following is a list of the names and addresses of all persons.,who spoke at the Hearing: 4. The following is a summary of the oral comments made at the Hearing: IN..WITNESS WHEREOF, my hand` and the seal of New Hanover -County, this -~ s day of April, 1997. (SEAL) Clerk, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina 12 4 ~oT?7 ~ t Regular Item #: 3 - . ~ ~ - _ - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal ~; SUBJECT: - Presentation of Ten Year Plan -New Hanover County Board of Education BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Education has submitted a resolution requesting the Board of Commissioners proceed wish ~^ a bond referendum in the.amount of $125 million. The Board of Eductaion desires to discuss their ten year plan with the Board of Commissioners in relation to that request. y~~- - REC MMENDED M TI NAND TED A TI N Hear the Board of Education's presentation .~ FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is Tn Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: `~ Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: ~~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear the Board of Education's presenta n. You should have received the Ten Year Plan. You may find ~~ it useful to bring it to the meetin c~~?i~' M~~1~ A9'~PR®VEI~ i;~ 3 ~~re5~-~ ~.EJECTE Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition P,E~IOVEO ' i'OSTPONED .._ -.~~, , -This page :intention~rlly.left blank ..~..~ _ _ t~+'~c~~'(i (fir >r f~ 4 r .1.r~4.:~ ~. ~'. ~;ti. ~ tt i Regular Item #: 4 - ~:.Consent Item#:~f'• ~ ~ Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department ~ ~ : ~ ~ .1 ' _ ~..~ Presenter:~Arland Whitesides Page Count In Agenda Package: 8 Contact: Wanda M. Copley SUBJECT: - - . .. ..°~ ~ :. ~ _ _ • Personal Watercraft Task Force Ordinance and Recommendations. + BRIEF SUMMARY:: ~ . _ ~ _ A group of New Hanover County citizens organized and requested that the Commissioners forma task force .to study public safety.issues and environmental issues relating to the operation of personal watercraft. Two drafts of the ordinance are included; one is the original draft ordinance and one is a draft ordinance~by Chairman Robert G. Greer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIQNS: Personal Watercraft Task Force makes the following recommendations: 1) New Hanover County agrees to fund and post signs of PWC ordinances. 2) PWC ordinances shall become effective on the day of adoption. 3) Establish a permanent watercraft safety committee to review and implement ordinances and recommendations of the PWC task force and other water uses and safety issues. Representation of watercraft safety committee shall be as the original PWC task force. 4) The New Hanover County Sheriffs Department shall establish a marine boat patrol for enforcement of these PWC ordinances. ~~ k UI~1ll1N(i SUUK(:~: Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: 0.00 User Fees S: Other S: New Appropriation Request: .REVIEWED BY: ~ ~ ~ . LGL: APP' WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATTONS• Consider ordinance options. If the Board chooses one of the ordinances or a combination thereof at the May nth meeting, that may be considered the first reading. If the reading is not unanimous a second reading will be required. E~E,~ECTE® ~?EMOVEC ,~ Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ~O.S~P®NE® _ _ ` J ~ ~ ~ -_--- . - RAFT •AN ORDINANCE '`' - OF THE ....... _ _. _. _._._. ..~w,~ ..r. ~ ._.~ ww._ _ _..._.. .. _ _ . _ _. _...._ . :. _: ~ .f; , ..~ ,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ _. _. o ._ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ' lF~ n._ . ,, _ ... ... The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby enact Article XV, Personal Watercraft Safety, to be codified in Chapter 12, Offenses, of the New Hanover County~Code: Section 12-143. Definition. For purposes of this ordinance, "personal watercraft" means a small vessel which uses an outboard motor, or an inboard motor powering a water jet pump; as its primary ~, source of motive power and which is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or~kneeling~on;~:~ or being towed behind the vessel rather than in the conventional manner of sitting or standing inside the vehicle.. . - .. _. °r. ~ 1 1, Section 12-144. Operator. ~ ~ ~ . .¢ _ A person shall not lease, hire, rent, operate, or knowingly give permission to operate a personal watercraft on the waters in this County unless the operator is 16 years of age; provided, however, said prohibition is subject to the following exceptions: (a) A person between the ages of 13 and 18 may operate a personal watercraft if he has completed a boater's safety education course approved by the N. C. Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources, U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, and is in possession of the certificate at time of operation. (b) A person between the ages of 13 and 1fi may operate a personal watercraft without . certification if accompanied by an adult age 18 or older. The lanyard of the personal watercraft must be attached to the adult. Section 12-14~. Reouired >=quipment. A person shall not operate a personal watercraft on the waters of New Hanover County '. unless such personal watercraft is equipped with aself-circling device or a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch. if equipped wish aself-circling device, such device must be fully operational. If equipped with a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch, the lanyard must be attached to the operator.'s clothing, body, or personal flotation. device. . Section 12-146.. Speed. Iri the following specified areas; no person may operate a personal watercraft in excess`of -' headway speed which shall not exceed five mph: '; . (a) Within the posted wafers of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Research leased area. _ _ _. -- ---. ... _. _ _. . (b) Within three hundred (300') of posted waterbird sanctuaries or management areas. ' (c) Within fifty (50') feet of a person in the water or an anchored vessel. ~~, (d) Within fifty (50') feet of marsh or shore within the area bounded by the Atlantic ~ L; lntracoasfal,'1Nafe*;rivay,~to fhe#,west-, Masonboro Island to the east, Masonboro Channel to the north, and '.. Carolina Beach In'fet to~thesoufh~"(.this marsh area is within the boundaries of the Masonboro !stand ~ onent of the North,~Garolrna'National Estuarine Research Reserve System). This subsection does nbt~rohibit the operation°of;petso`nal watercraft in bodies of water less than one hundred (100') feet in width. iv~a~~h linl,e.~',~IV;,,~~6e~t~-Gy ~-r~~G% .._ ~..- - . - ~ : (e)1lVthin Thirty (,~©') feet of-a pier or dock in ttie:waters of New Hanover County excluding the waters of the Intracoastal Waterway -'; ... .., .=- fR __: ~ s„~? :. ..~ . fi; ... __ ~ . (f) V1~tfiin'the New HanoveJr County waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a person may not .: operate a personal watercraft at anytime in excess of headway, speed which shall not exceed five mph . r . within three hundred (300') feet of persons in the water or surf fishermen. Section 12-147. Wildlife. ,. - lin accordance with N. C. General Statute 113-291.1, it shall be unlawful for an operator of a personal watercraft on the waters in New Hanover County to chase, harass, molest, worry, or disturb any wildlife except when IawfuHy angling for,~hunting or trapping such wildlife. ,~ :; Section .12-t48.,. Sale. , . ~. ~ ; At the time of purchase, a dealer in personal watercraft shall require the buyer of a ',~ personal watercraft to view a safety video addressing safe operation of the watercraft. Section 12-149. Lease. ~~I A personal watercraft livery owner or the livery's agent or employee shall: ,~ (a) Post personal watercraft regulations; , '~ (b) Require all renters to read the regulations; (c) Require all renters to sign a rental contract, containing a clause stating that the renter read and understood all applicable safety regulations; and (d) Require all renters to view a New Hanover County approved video relating to personal watercraft safety operation. Section 12-15D. Penalties: Any person who shall violate the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or imprisonment for not more than twenty (20) days, in the discretion of the Court, as provided by Section 14- 4 of the General Statutes. This the day of , 1997 jSEAL] NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~' :ATTEST: Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board '~ 7 1 .. >=~ ~~AN ACT TOAUTHORIZE THE WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION TO ENFORCE CERTAIN ORDINANCES IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~-~~ ~ = ~ ~~;r~~ .~~: -.. ~ ~ ~ r % The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: Section 1. , The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission shall have concurrent jurisdiction,with any other`authorized local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to _ . T enforce any ordinances enacted pursuant to:Session Laws 1993, c. 125. „.._ .._; , : , ,~ , , Section 2. This Act applies orily to New Hanover .County. and the municipalities thereof as set forth in Session Laws 1993, c. 125. Section 3. This act shall become effective upon ratification. ~, ~a Proposal for New Hanover County Sheriff s Department Boat Patrol (year round) ~ Purchase of One (1) ~19' center console boat $30,000.00 ~ (as used by State Wildlife and Marine Fisheries officers) ~ Clothing & Equipment for deputies ~ 7490.36 ,~ (51',872.59 ea x 4) Salary & benefits for Deputies ~ (528,750.38 ea x 4) $115,001.52 Total Cost 5152,491.88 1 r~ Proposed schedule-year round: Days: Wednesday-Sunday ~- Time: 1000 hours- 2200 hours Shifts: Six (6) hour shifts with two (2) deputies per shift Additional supplies: Puel and oil for one 225HP engine .~ A 1 1 19. =-c~ , 1 1 Regular Item #: _:. 5 :. :::_ <} .Consent Item #; .. , Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church • Page Count In'Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church .~ SUBJECT.. _ 4 _ • Award of Contract #97-0229 to Robbinsville Contracting Co., Inc. for the construction of Cell 4B, New Hanover County. Landfill .• BRIEF. SUMMARY: A formal bid opening to receive bids for the construction of Ce114B at the New Hanover County Landfill was held at 11:00 am on Apri19,-1997. Since only one bid was received the bid was not opened. The project was readvertised and a second bid opening was held at .11:00 am on April 24, 1997. Three bids were received as follows: Robbinsville Contracting Co. $ 881,260 Tri-State Consultants $1,337,824 " ES&J, Enterprises, Inc. $1,140,000 Epic Construction No Bid _ M & A Construction No'Bid REC MM LADED M TI N AND R E TED O E O O EQU S ACTIONS• Staff recommends the adoption of the attached resoulution and award of contract #97-0229 to Robbinsville ,~ Contracting Co., Inc. in an amount of $881,260. The construction of Cell 4B includes the installation of a composite liner system and associated piping to meet State and Federal standards for landfill construction. The cell of approximately 5.~ acres will receive non-burnable waste and ash generated from the combustion ,~~• of waste at the WASTEC facility. Funds from the 1993 special obligation bonds will be used to fund the closure. ~ Federal $: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared.: County S: User Fees S IYew ApQropriation Request: Other S: ILGL: E1N: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. _.~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~P~IR®VE® .`..f.... I~.EJECl'E~ ~,~~novE® ~-~~ 21 i'OSTPOC'VED ~t ~~T~ ~~ ~/s~~.~..~' C ' ~ ' O ' t9 ro. C i' ~ > c O: C v .. .. E' .. T ~ ' U . ~: = 3~ C o a~ Z ~ . .. ~ . o v Q Q O 0 r U '- Q V m ~ ~i Z c rn O t- +-- v 3 -~ N . m? Q " Q~Q 2 ~' ~' ~ ~~o ~ ~ q CJ c - .. O U ~ ~ o w . z _ • ,., r C 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O O O o O N 0 0 0 O '` o Or0000 ~ O O O O -' o 0 0 000 O,O O OOp~ ~ ~O 0 0 0 0 O O Q Q O O D O D (n •L a W H O O~ lt) O CD N O O O O r" O O z O~ tf) r r N 0 0~ N r r LLJ ~ ~ r r N r r • ~ :W to ER 64 (!~ Efl Eta Hf tfi efr e,9 (H a9 H9 EA O S O O O 0 0 S 0 0 !n ~~ 0 0 0 O o •C' O O O O p~ N S O 0 0 S O O O O O O O~ 0 0 0 X 0 0 O p ~ N~ c0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O (n ~ L Q N M 0 0 0 0 O r O ~ r N tt~ 0 In (7 r •-- O N In ~-• ~ U a# } r N C") N ~ ~ tf3 H9 69 fA rH E+H ef! t!j of ~ , eti to to tH eH eR ~ O O O S O O p S O O ~ •) p~ - O O p o O t~ 0 0 0 0 O O O ~ O p " . O' O ' O O O O O ~O C CD O O O~ N N ~~.. 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'Ol n] ~' ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Q L ~ F ;,; :: ,,~,. ~, /~ ~ ~QQ b ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ .~ , ~ Y ~ ~ c~i dS t, u - ~ y . o -~ 11 ~Q~ ~ ~ Q ~° ~ O d~ ~ a~i '' ~ C] to td m m m -~OOO~OOb Z z z Z Z Z ~ .. ~ . n^oana IIl tD f7] c!1 t~ a] ~ o 0 0.0 0 0 :zzzzzz 0 0 0 0 0 0 • ,`O O'O OO~O ~0 0 0 0 0 0 • -. 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O tt~[~ O O ~ OvMOVC~ p r r O r r r r r r r r 64 ~ fA to to EA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . V' •Q' .p •v 'V' ,a N N N N N N :[O CD [Denmm m [D [Q (~ t ~ O ~ 7 M ' N M [7 N ch t ~ ' r r r r- c~- r 'es~eassiase» 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ct~~ cD cD cD cD c7 M N O r N Q co ri N ~n r rn n t~ ~n w t~ ©mmwco '~~~~tA~ r N ' ZZ 0 0 OO cn 3 3 J r r r Q ~- N Z Z Z _ 0 r o O ~" ~ ~ ZZ.~ ~ ~ C 'Q 'a a> a~ a~ OOQQQ 3 3 3 3 3 -o~ t~-o:aa mina m m m a Q ~ Q ~ ~ N N (A N fQ CO i~ fI] Q7 Q] _. • NHC' ENVIf20NM. MGMT - 9 1 034 1 437 1 .' P. 01 407b478945 ~ ID 407-647-8945 RPR 29'97 958 No:002 P:01 .~ .. ._ _ . -. ,. ~ ... ., ,. ~ : `` ~' .. ~ _ ENGINEERING ~_ ~, .. a scriur~ s, . TNC. ~ , JERNIGAN, `. .. .. i .. . '"Apri128, 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r .r ,~ ;; Mr. Ray. Church . ~~ ~ Direetor~of Environmental Management ' New Hanover County ....3002 Hwy 421, North ., ,. ~._. :. ~ , ' Wilmin on, North Carolina. 28401 8~ , RE: NEW H,ANO'VET2 SECURE LANDFILL ~ ~' CELL No. 4I3 CONS'T'RUCTION PROJE IiECOM1I~IENDATION OF AWARD O)F C NTRACT ~` Dear Ray: ,~, Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc. (PBS&J) has reviewed the Bid Documents for the New ' Hanover County Secure Landfill, Cell No.4B Construct on submitted on April 24, 1997. $ascd on this review, PBS&1 has found Robbinsville Contracting, Co. (RCC) as the lowest, responsive bidder, ;~ PBS&J :has also reviewed: RCC references and fou d each reference had either positive or .satisfactory comments regarding past work on their co struction projects. PBS&J hag determined that RCC does not meet the mi mum experience requirements stated in tha the Technical Specifications. However, the other bidde also did not meet the minimum experience requirements arid; therefore, cannot oppose the award f contract to RCC based on this condition. ~, Based on the above, PBS&J recommends the Award o Contract for the Cell No. 4B Construction ; to RCC: . '~ Should }'ou have any questions, please call me anytim at (407) 647-7275, Extension •l 07.. ~ ' Sincerely, . ~~ -- Robert E. Mackey, ~P E ~ ~ y . Project Manager . Solid Waste Program I ~~.. c: Ed Hylton O:VBN`~COt~HOMWASTbM~MNewNANOV`•GENgatiLIAF'ARD.W?0 ~ • ~I .. 23 WASTE. MAr1AGEME U1VIS1ON 1560 Orange A~enuo, Sa1te 700. Winter Perk, florltLt 32789 • t~<II!wne: A07/Gd7-7275 • Tax: 407/647-8945 ~; .... ~ p .. ... _ ... -g7A _. ..~ .- ..,ry .. _ . ... ~ .. -' ~... ,•i ,« _, . , ~,... .. i~ .. Q.: n. :5. ~. ~ 3 ..._ NEW HANOVER COUNTYBOARD OF COMMIS'SIONER.S . ,x .....,,. WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Environmental Management Department at 11:00 a.m., on the 24th day of April, 1997, at the New Hanover County Environmental Management Administration Building, 3002 Highway 421N, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received'for the construction of Cell 4B: Robbinsville Contracting Company, Inc. $ 881,260 Tri-State Consultants, Inc. $1,337,824 ES&J Enterprises, Inc. $1,140,000. AND WHEREAS, according to G.S. 143-132, if fewer than three bids are received after the first advertisement for a formal construction bid, a second advertisement of the proposal should be made and after this second advertisement, the award may be made even if only one bid has been received; AND WHEREAS, after the first advertisement, only one bid was received and the. project was advertised as required by General Statutes a second time after which three bids were received; , AND WHEREAS, Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jemnigan, Iric.; the consulting engineers for the project have reviewed the proposals and recommend award to Robbinsville Contracting company, inc.; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Robbinsville Contracting Company, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Eight Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Dollars ($881,260); AND WHEREAS, funds are available in Special Obligation Bonds to cover this contract; 2~ ~-~ ~ This the 5th day of May, 1997. {SEAL} - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Robert Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ~. ~~ ~ 2 ~ _ ~. _~Tlzis page intentionally left blank ~~ -i * . _. ~~ B Regular Item #: 6A .. : Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planrung J' - : -'- - - ~ >-Presenter: D. Hayes , , Pa e Count In A ~enda Packa e: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT• _ _:y_. Rezoning (Z-599, ;4/97) , 4 ~ ~ . -. BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Farrington Farms Development Corp. to rezone 8.85 acres 1,262 feet north of Gordon Road and .300 feet east of Gordon Acres Drive.to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential. 1 - ~- - ~\ '~- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • Planning Board recommends approval .~~ 1 ~_ - FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ~ State S:. County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: - ~ IV`ew Appropriation Request: I~'~ Bud et Amendment Pre ared: 1?W' - ~ , REVIEWED BY: ,' - LGL: ~ - FIN: BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• i a ~~ r, ~~ ~PPROV~~ ~ ~: . ~ ,~ ~~r~--, n i . ?'.EJECTED t~ose~..v a.EM~VED 2 7 ` 'POSTPONED ~~~~~~L'-`` J Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~ ' ... y,. ..__ .~_ITEM A . , _ - .. _.._.~_.__....__. ~..-ri~,,, CASE. I~ -~-599; 4/97; A licant:'Farrington Farms Dev. Corp. ~~ PP :. _v .:.~-:.- _ .____ ~........ _~ : ._._._.v,._ . ~:~.. . _.. .. r ?~ REQUEST: R=1~ to R-10 _.._._~ . .~____. -...__,_....____ ..., ., . - - .t__ . ~:~: LOCATION: 1262 feet north of Gordon Road and 300 feet east of Gordon' Acres..:` Drive .ACREAGE: , ...:8.85.. , ~- ..~:,~:; ~.. _.. - . .~~ . _ ~ ... . Land Class: ..Limited .Transition (6.92 acres) and Urban Transition (1.93)- Limited Transition identifies areas in the County where increased development is to occur. Density should be no more than 2.5 units per acre though higher density is permitted. ideally, lower density is desirable. Clustering and planned unit developments are encouraged. Urban Transition identifies areas in the County where public services are readily available and more intense urban type development is encouraged. Planning Board Summary Even though the proposed zoning change would result in a net increase of 7 dwelling units, there was some concern from several Board members that the cumulative impact of these density. increases would make a bad situation worse for this area of the County. They especially objected to the increases in traffic .and felt the County should adhere to the 2.5 units per acre density cap in the Limited Transition area. Others felt the additional 7 units were minimal and would not be a substantial change. The Planning Board voted 4 to 3 to recommend approval of the petition. Planning Staff Summary The adjacent land owned by the Famngton Farms Development Corp., was rezoned to R-10 in -November 1994.-..Since the rezoning, a preliminary subdivision plan. for the site has been approved. To date, 70 of the l 14 lots approved for the project have been recorded. ~ - As noted in the Staff Summary for the I~rovember 1994 rezoning for the adjacent property, land.' - --~- development in the general area has been~nothing short of phenomenal. Developments in,the area include Dutch Square Industrial Park, a new elementary school, a regional park, and a host of housing projects.-.The larger of the residential projects include Cape Harbor Apartments, . Farrington Farrns and Weatherwood. The latter projects are already zoned R-10. The rezoning of this property would result in a net increase of 7 .dwelling units, hardly•excessive or drastically inconsistent with the suggested density cap for Limited Transition area. The single ~ largest problem that plagues this general area is the negative impact continued development will have on the area's main road corridors, primarily Gordon Road. Currently, the road consists of two lane's with'~a''sc'atering of turning and deceleration lanes constructed in conjunction with t1,. . y, some of the housing projects and the industrial park. The road serves a wide variety of local and trq~local traffic, plus it i,s, one of the County's primary collectors in the northern region o~he LL., x r~ . ,. - . r ..: ~ - :. -- ~ ~- . - ~' County serving eastern and western sections. Moreover, the route is favored by beach bound motorists exiting I-40. - ~ There are no immediate plans to widen the road, and though other °: planned road improvements in County, such as the Wilmington Bypass and Smith Creek Parkway, . will provide some relief, they will not eliminate the congestion there. . - Despite the area's existing traffic problems, it is hard to believe that the modest increase in density posed by this rezoning would make much difference. Moreover, the increase in density here is not dramatically inconsistent with the current Land Use Plan. ~~~ Staff would recommend approval with the notation that the net increase in density only minimally exceeds the maximum suggested for the Limited Transition area. ~- _ :^ ~~ ;~ 4 ! '~. ~~ ` ~~ ~' - 2 9 r ,+r;; ~, :mss 4~ _. v+y~ F- ~~ .. " ti ~Si e ._ .~.. 7' its paw e rntentconally left blank 30 This~age intentionally le. ft blank 32 Owner: Farrington Farms Dev. Representative: ~ Same R-15-to R-10 8.85 '~' Request: .. .. _ Acreage: Taz ID Number: 4300 Location: Gordon Road ,, LA1VD USE; ZONING, UTILiT1ES and SERVICES Limited .Transition, Urban Transition Land Classification: Existing Land Use: vacant ~ ~ ,i -, , Ad'acent R-10 7,anin~ Iistory: ' ~rPa Astahl i ~hArl ; n Nov 94 '~ Water T Community Sewer Type. County y1x~ Fire District: ~ Ogden R~reation: 4_adPn park "~` Road Access: Gordon Rd . Volume: ~ 1 , a n ~ AnT ~ 9 5 C'rn,n+ 1 ~ School District: Eaton r~ MISCELLAN:EOUS'PNYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Class~ficai o Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Conservation Resources: None $istoric Landmarks and Arcbenlogical Sites: None Soil Typc{s) and Class: Primarily Aiurvi~ le (M„1 c-'1 a~~ TTT _ ~/ Septic Tank Suitability: Severe limits O 7 Prime Agrict~ltura] Soils: None f High water table, some limits due to wetnes-s ~'r $uilding Suitability: _ . - ~ f; ~~13 sil, .. .. . ,WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A ~. ~~~..~ x~~ CHANGE _OF:.ZONING OF PROPERTY -Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use districLproposals. The North..Caro]ina.Gcncral.Statutu require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amcndmtnu io zoning maps should also be based on a Land-Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following .A requirements. ,,. ~. How would the requested change be consistent witiZ the County's Policies for Gi-o~vth and Devel- opment? ,. .. , _ /Q l0 i S wG (( ._..~e~ vt e~ ft/,~ f ~ ~ a ~'a ~ e n .~ o e Go/f S ~ S~cnT ~~- ~ ~~ - - _ -~ © How would the reouested zone change be consistent with the properry's_classification on the Land Classification A1ap? / ~r/c/Te l- ~ ;S C~ tt~e t% /fig s Y /e c ~ ti ~ /y i3 e c ate, ~ vvY 0t ~ /Ci~/{~ /N r~ / s' A L'Q-~i ft//, r C`j Ci I/DWS ~~ j~rjovp'' i~~~PN~e . /~~~ew ~rY,Q/vi ~ ~~`S r-o P~-~~ ~ ~~.~ . i s l~1Sa ~~~. A c~~i ib .u~~R.~,. /~hNs;• ..~~,t' ~ ~ ~ t _ _ - ~. ® What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or ~ (' ho~v is the ]and involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zontn ? U i/~P A~~~ac~n,t~ l~~v~pr-; y is z~tie~ ~~~ . . _ . . _.~}So !~ . coUn,~ /y ~ ~- ~- ~ /tee ~.~ 5~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~ A !' P. / N ~/~ P / ~~ mot;/ ~ A l ~2 1n signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving ~vhy a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the singling out of one parcel of ]and for special zoning treatment urre]ated to County politics and the su; rounding _ neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that a]l the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief: 34 . - ..~ S ~~ ~ . Signature o` Petitioner and/or Owner •': -. y: Regular Item #: 6B _ _ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes •~ m Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 6 ~~ Contact::Pete Ave ~, ~~~ ~. ,,~- i~,s ,~~, . ~. ~~' REVIEWED BY: ,/~ LGL:' ~'IN:' BUD: HR: CQUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ,~f ~;4~~ ~ . b~EJECTE® ~En~ovE® ~~ 3 ~ ~~ POSTP®(~Ep ~ ^ Ftcfcr to Officc Vision $ullctin $oazd for Disposition ~ATF , - r ~Z~~~1 ~; SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-600,=4/97) ~ ` - •• • ~ ~ ~- . BRIEF SUMMARY: "l ' Request. by J.. Robbins to.rezone 8.59 acres on the east of N. Kerr 400 feet south of Grathwol Drive to Conditional Use.A-1 Airport Industrial for commercial storage/mini-warehousing from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: UNDING SOURCE: Federal St ~ Stafe S: ~ County S: - User Fees S: Other S: Toney Is In Current Budget: - New Appropriation Request: budget Amendment Prepared: .~ _ . ITEM, B ~ ;=~ ~-~~ ~ r ~ a .. .. (~ CASE: ~ ~~ ~ X600,_4/97; Applicant:~Jerry'Robbins ~ ~ ~ "'`` ` ' -.:. ,. a. ~,:.. ---T-REQUEST:---~~ ~ ---~-~ R-15 to GD(A-I) Commercial and Mini-storage . , .. ~•h ~" `=' ~~ 9 `~"x . ~, f _.. - _ .. LOCATION: East side of N. Kerr Avenue 440 feet south of Grathwol Drive;, . , ;,~; ~ ACREAGE: 8.59 .~ ~~ ° ~ . . LAND.CLASS; ..Conservation Prov~des:for the effective long-term management of ,.. _ .. _. significant, limited; or~irrepla'ceable areas.-"All areas of marsh and-100 Year Flood Plain are classified Conservation. Residential use is permitted. but density cannot exceed 2. 5 units per acre and clustering is not permitted. Other uses are permitted but only if exceptionally designed and if located on relatively high ground. Planning Board Summary Without any opposition from nearby residents, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Zoning with, the conditions suggested by. Staff.. The petitioner's surveyor stated the structures would be built above the base flood level on concrete pads.. The Board also agreed that the project should be well screened from N. Kerr Avenue. Site Plan Summary The applicant proposes to construct six buildings totaling 83,000 square feet-- the largest of the buildings would be 32,000 square feet and smallest would be 8,000 square feet. The structures would be used primarily for dry commercial storage. Buildings along the site's northern property line would be a maximum height of 11.36 feet. Accordingly,~a setback of 34.9 feet would be required--the minimum setback is 35 feet. A ~ -: planted buffer 20 feet in lvidth ~~ould be required along the northern property line where the site abuts Section 6D of Churchill.Estates. ~aThe minimum width would be 20 feet. r _ - ___._ __ ............._...._. __a ..... _ ~ - Buildings along the site's southern property would be a maximum height of 13 feet. Accordingly; a setback of 40 feet would be required--the minimum is setback is 35 feet. No buffer would be - required from the adjoining R-15 ~pro~perty because it is unplatted and undeveloped. Buildings along the site's rear property line would be a maximum height of 12 feet: Accordingly, , a setback of 51.96 feet would be required--the minimum setback is 40 feet. The plan shows a setback of 113 feet. A planted buffer would be required because the adjacent land is occupied by residential uses. .. ,~ The constructron of .these~buildings would displace several existing mobile homes. These units are ~~ of an older~mo#brle,home park where septic tank failure and malfunction is commonplace. ~ ..1~ . ~' '. .. ~ County sewer has not been extended to this park, though.it does serve some nearby residential -. ., F ~., .... ,. ;... .. .V ~ properties . , .. z~ ,. . _ -. . - .. .. As noted, the entire project~is in the 100 Year Flood Plain: Subsequently, the applicant proposes k~' ~ : to construct all buildings on concrete slabs with,the finished floor at least two feet above the estimated flood level. ,. ; , - .. Conclusions '~ ~ ; .` . ~° ~ ~ ~ • ~ . Conditional use zoning is intended to create transitions between zoning districts of dissimilar ~~-~ ° - ~- character.. Its basic premise is that properly designed and controlled land uses can create a more orderly transition, ultimately benefiting adjacent land uses and the community-at-large. However, the Ordinance suggests that the process should be used sparingly and not as routine substitute for ~`! general zoning districts. ~f To the project's credit, it would eliminate a serious septic tank failure problem. Over the. years ,_.: the existing mobile home park has been the scene of numerous tank failures. And because of the park's proximity to Smith Creek, it is easy to see that those failures would have potentially serious f , environmental impacts. The planned uses have very little demand for water and sewer. Also, the project could easily comply with the conditional use guidelines, setbacks, buffering and related design limitations imposed by the Ordinance. , ~r Despite all those good points, the planned uses raise serious concerns about their total impact on the 100 Year Flood Plain. While the Flood Plain Regulations impose strict construction standards ~_ on both residential and non-residential uses that locate there for the purpose of making them less prone to damage in the event of a flood, the Regulations do not address the degradation of the ~f resource itself. To date, the County has not quantified the cumulative impact of development ~, within the flood .plain. w" Preliminary Staff Findings For Special Use Permit 1. The Board .must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or ,~ safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site has direct access to N. Kerr Avenue. ~; B. The planned uses require little if any water and sewer services. _~ C. The site is located in the Wrightsboro VFD District ~~ D. The site is located in the flood plain, but development will be confined to non-residential use. 2.. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. - A. A site plan pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance has been submitted. B. Setbacks and buffering standards can be met. ~~ 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or .~; 3 7 . ' ,. ,_ abutting property or that the use is a~public necessity: ~-" "- ~ - ~ ...-'r~ • •:f~ A. The site is contiguous with several lots in Section 6 of Churchill Estates and several mobile . -_: "`"~ ,home units .However, :much of the property is adjacent to vacant tracts. 4. The Board-must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it'is to be ~~ ~. located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Due to the:flood plain and attendant wetlands, much of the immediate area is undeveloped.::•.~~. B. As rioted,. the existing site is occupied b~y~a mobile home-park and there are some single family. dwellings. to. the~north~in Churchill Estates.` ~ '~~'~ ~~ ~ .. C. The nearest~non-residentially zoned developed property is located nearly 1000 feet to the north .... .., on the east side of N.~Kerr. - Concer~s~and~Su'g~stions '~ - ~ ' -The long term consequences of developing land lying in the 100 Year Flood-Plain should be carefully considered. Continuing to~perniit large areas ofimpervious surfaces in these fragile areas will certainly alter the resource's natural functions--those being containing and filtering stormwater and serving as a floodway during periods of abnormal precipitation. In the longterm, the loss of these areas is likely to cause flooding in areas not now prone fo'such events as well as impede water. quality. ~~. If the Board approves the proposal, the following suggestions should be considered: -Require.security fencing around'the entire project and.vegetative screening from N: Kerr. -Require lighting be limited to directional so it doesn't shine onto adjacent properties. -Limit site identification sign to one ground not'to exceed-'S0 square feet in area acid 6 feet in height. -Require deceleration lane per I~TCDOT approval and design standards. -Require that on-site activities be limited to commercial and personal storage only, and that no hazardous, flammable or related materials be stored. - -Require removal of or fill with sand existing septic tanks that will no longerbe in service. • ~ WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A ~~ CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OF PROPERT ~~ • lk•~e ~z~. „. s ~.- ~p~7 -~r-et' C.~~~ibc.~ ~,~ ' ~ ~ t' Condi~tiona~Disuict Zoning is es liche~~tions whu a particular land use w d be rnnsisten~th . ~' ,. the New Hanover County Land Usc Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective but (or which none of the general zoning district classifications which would allow the use arc acceptable. However, since amendmcnu to zoning maps should also be based on the ~ .Land Use Plan, you must czplain in the space,bclow how your rcqucst cttisfia wch of the following rcquiremrnu: '~ ~ - 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Grossih and Development'. ~ ~ ./ 7-/,,~. ~/c~! . ~ ~• v~' Z.~- cc.a-~- v~~-t.. ~~).e ~,-~,~,`~~ ~~~, ep ~~rna~-7~3' ..._ -.._ ..,.w .... _ ...5~7 s~fla•~-~_ ~~-G~. ~ ~-c..,~ ~`~ Z o ~(~ J ~ "' ~' d"S f~Q- 0~7 r 1 t,~ ,p ~ `5` o would the rt~uest d Co ditional U District be consisunt with the ro rt 's classification on the County's Land ~, - "' ` ~ ~ `- Classification Nfap' ~ ~ ~j~rQ~ . ._ ~ • .• l~ ' ' ~ . r ~~ r ~~ ~~ ~'-G'''`r; G~/Lx..rr-t.t'v'L- ~ ~~ IitL~~X ~~~~~~` ~ t~(R: S7`~ ~ ~t sT~c. Cic~.t~ w _ _ vt 1-~---I ' ~~-t-,<. E~~f ~ B~:r,-~a-Sot-r~•~ a~c-ea.~ R.~r~ ~. ~2-/0 °r-- .. 3'. _ , c ~111~frt~„ ~hanscsfisa~c-oecnrcd-ta ak~threrisinaf-~.oni.~inapprnpriate or holy is the land involved unsuinble for the uses pcrmiucd under the czisting zoning? .. 3 a C~ -e SC~c~cQ.. ~~ YI'Lr-~-~.Co f~c~~ Gtn,(~ . ~ c~.~~~~'~ s.~.~~~- ~,~c ~- y ~,~- rte- ~~.rs~ ~. c~.~z ~~ ~~~•.~ ~,'-zt-~, ~„t.~fr~~.~,.~- i. e, ~~ /u~ aft a~ m~. cs-~ ~. List proposed cundiuons a?Sd n uic~at would mitigateihc tmpacu of the proposed use. t ~ C'DmLrn.ulC~ -S~{a7 Cc~d ( 17,2~n.e ~~schSccr..Q U~t S ~ ,~`e, ~~ S~ / ~~5~ ~-i'1 cQ• C~6z'~ ~a~aor-~-,~- 7~~~~ Gar-~~f ~t ~ -rc..a2 u~~1 ~L ~/y'!1J .~-G4-C_ G,J-{~Q ' ~?S ~~, `-Or7'7 G,'L4-.'C~~1`~ ~a.( 5.7.~!nS ,'''~ lint-' ~~~ -~' ~c ~,•.~. !/1-CO~, C~~Q-~ ~ 9 .S~ -~. ~¢,Cv~-~~'• .J / ~ 7~ Sfd'1 yr~~.SS•Sf.~rn GJC~.Q Nc~l~.JCLT~ (~/ef Gtr-.'. / e, s~`~~~' !3~1'r'-2/Uaru o~i ~~-~'"'~`'.,`-' ~~~ ~~4' Q~ Q,,1 3 .s~~,~. c~Z~. ~~,~f~~1c~-~r~=NtS ~r Lr/1~ ~~--QOJt$c, ~. ~ ~~ u C2ir-t.~ iYru-n~+•*<~ L~r~n-Gr Q~'\ -t.C.l- `j cF-- S tiS~Q~~/~!/~- rt~~~ ~Y••~ ~ C~~ `~ Tract boundaries and. total area, plus location of adjommg land parcels and roadways. ~.~ ,v~x7 .Existing zoning of the tract and neighboring parcels and propoxd tract zoning. Proposed use of land, strvctures and other improvcmcnu. For residential uxs, this shall include number, height and t~•pc of umtt and site plan outlining arcs to be occupied by cachsuuctur=and/or subdivided lot boundaries. For non-residcntal uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of l r ,,. the area it will occupy and the specific purpo>c for ich it will be uxd. ~}V~(-('~- Dcvcloprnent xhcdvlc including proposed phasing. ~~+ ,$~F. ~--'~~ ,~r r "--t-- Traffic and Puking Plan to include a statement of ir~u concerning local vaffie near the uxt, propoxd right-of- I ~•ay dedication, plans for access to and from the vast, location, width and r ht-o(-a• y fo internal sueeu and location, arrangement and access provisions for parking arcas.(S~-2_~ ~BT~~ ~ All existing and proposed eaxmcrits, rescn•ations, rcyuved sctbacks,•righu-of-u•ay, buffering and <ignagc , --~ The one hundred (.1 Q0) year floodplain line, if applicable. ' N/ %}- Location and :icing of trees rcyuircd to be protected under Scetion G7 "of the Zoning Ordinance. Any additional conditions and rcyuiremcnu, which represent greater restrictions on devclopmcnt and use of the • tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations. which arc the minimum regviremenu in the ,~ • } ~.~ j/n _ Conditional Usc Disuict, or other limitations on land ufiich may be regulated by Sute law or Local Ordinance. Any other in(o:mation that will facilitate review of the proposed change. ~, ~.(~~ X~ ~~- ~ ~./~,.~E.. ~~~~~ ~ ~- ~•~-~ rte, 2~~ a N~ 7~` ~~~ ~ .~ J !n signi~~< ~ ,1 uon. 1 and •rinnd that the ez,sung zon~g~: presumed to be correct and that 1 have the burden of prop', 6 u•hy a change is in the public instcrest. 1 further understand that the singling out of one parcel of land fors I~Q ping ucatmcnt • unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I cenify that all th , ri(~{mation •~• presented in this application is accurate to the best of m}• kno~~'Icdge, infnrm:tlion, and belief. ~JJ i o/ Si•;n~,u:c n( PtUtIOnCf and /tar O«ncr 4, r~_ ,. ~~ ~~' -~ -? .Y~~ ~ a ~~~~ t...'~-PETiTIONYSUMMARY SHEET ' Petition Number ~z=6.00 -- • (~ F u ~~, ' ' - Owmer - ~ J.+-~ Robbins"''~ '"-'-• - - Representative: -_ Same ' 'R-15' "to' CD (AI) `" ~ e; R _ 5 9 .,Request: Acreag 4200. N. Kerr . Taz ID Number: ~ ~ ~' Location: •, 1 ~~ LAND USE,'ZONING, UTILITIES and SERViCES~ . - -Con rva ' o ~` ~~ Land Classification: """ se ti n ., Existing Land Use: ~ ~ Mobile -Home .Park. f Area on finally zoned .Oct ar ~ Zoning E,story: ~ .,,/ - - ~ =-U' Water Typt: Well Fire District: 4~lri get-Ghnr~ Road Access: N . Kerr Johnson School District:. ._ . Sewer Type' ~~nt-; Rctreation: Laney " `~ vOjUU]C: 1(l,~(l(1 APT f9S rnlint~j~ MISCELLJaNEO~US PHYSICAL.CHARACTERlSTlCS .Watershed, andWater Quality Classification• ;Smith Creek. C (Sw) Transition-between Primary and Secondary Aquifer Recharge Area: Conservation Resources: 100 Year Flood Plain ,. Historic Landmarks and Archeo}ogicsd Sites: Nnn° Primarily Johmston(Jo)'; Class IV someSeagate_ Soil Types} and Class: Jo: poor; ,Seagate: moderate limits 4'~cptic Tank~Suitability: . None Prime Agric~iturAl Soils: - 100 Year Flood Plain/elevation needed $uilding SuitRbility: _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 . _ 1 Regular Item #: 6C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Plannuig ~" ' y ,` ~ _ :..: ~ Presenter: D. Hayes ~ , ~ , Pa e Count Iii A enda Packa~ `e: 7 Contact: Pete Ave . --° ' "'- ' ~ ~~ ~' SUBJECT: ' Subdivision and Zoning Text Amendments (A-276, 12/96). :. , . ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: _ Consideration of interim drainage regulations for new subdivisions J .l _, ~, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: :~ `±J ~~~ ~i ;~~ FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre aced: ~~ REVIEWED BY: ;~~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• ,~~ ~. .~~ ~~ -~.,~_,o.~,.~ -- ~;~ ~?EJECTE® ~ ~ 41 ~.EMOVED Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~D.STI"h~ltl~ ~) lJz~°~!' ~'a.`na9Z {ctnckrd5 ~ ~!'~/rnr 3-) D~setu~.a~.c(, - ~fr/t«'~,~L 5e~. i! -Ro (nk~I-;-~, Q.Q,,~-ate } :~ ITEM C .._ ~ ... ,,. .; A A-276, 12/96: Consideration of Revisions of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances ' ~ ~~' Concerning the Drainage Requirements and Standards for New Development ~ ` ' Background - ' The Planning Board held a public hearing to consider drainage revisions at its December 5, 1996..E A number of issues were discussed. These included: developer responsibility for off-site drainage improvements either upstream or downstream, the impacts of various discharges rates for r downstream properties, maintenance; and.the size of the storm event to be considered in ihe' design process for pre and post-development conditions. ~ • No consensus was reached at the December 5 hearing, so the Board voted to continue the item for further discussion to its December 11, 1996 Technical Review Committee meeting. Many of the same issues were discussed again. After a lengthy discussion and on advise from the Assistant County Attorney, the Board agreed to delete a requirement that developers provide off-site improvements. The attorney advised that a central drainage authority or the County would be the appropriate agency to oversee such improvements. They a]so agreed that additional standards for commercial projects may not be necessary at this time because of the strict standards already imposed by the Division of Environmental Management's Stormwater Branch. Further, the Board agreed to require stormwater be designed to control the first' inch of run-off and that on site drainage systems be predicated on a 2~ year storm event. A public hearing to consider the Plan.-iing Board's recommendation was held at the County Commissioners' January 6th meeting. Based on public comment and due to the complexity of the issue, the Commissioners decided that further study was needed. The item was postponed for further discussion until the Commissioners' January retreat. In the period since, Staffand a committee formed by the local home builders' association have been meeting to determine what~short-term actions could be taken to address drainage. Also, ' several neighborhood groups have recently approached the Commissioners detailing the drainage problems plaguing their respective developments, bringing to the forefront the severity of the problem. , Subsequent to those concerns and based on the meetings with the home builders' group, the following draft revisions are being submitted to the County Commissioners. Please note these are intended to be interim regulations until-more comprehensive regulations can be developed once the Pages Creek drainage study is completed next year. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE -Current Rebulati,on; Section ~2-3, Surface Water Drainage- All drainage construction l-- 1 . ~~ ;~ within the proposed subdivision shall be reviewed by the County Engineer for conformance with applicable minimum standards and details approved by the Board of County Comrrussioners_ _ ; . Sufficient` calculations shall be included with the preliminary plan to review hydraulic :; ,_ , computations. These shall include as a minimum a scale map showing the limits of on-site and' ~-~'~ off-site drainage areas, acreage of each drainage area,. storm run-off calculations, pipe or ditch %,t dimensions, and pipe materials. The subdivider shall do all grading and install all drainage ~I structures shown on the preliminary plan for the area specified by the final plat. (8/3/87) ~% ... ' Proposed Revision: Add the following wording to Section 52-3 to read: ~~ ~2-3 The following standards shall apply: - '~ ~ 1) The maximum rate of discharge for any storm up to a 2 or _10 year storm after ,development shall not exceed the maximum rate of discharge for, respectively, 2 and 10 ,~• "year storms for the site before development. This requirement will not.appiy to residential development where all lots are equal to or greater than 20,000 square feet. i • 2) All residential development must detain stormwater runoff from impervious `~ surfaces for adraw-down period of two to five days at the following rates: -0 to 1.9 units per acre ~ I~To detention required -R-1 ~ non-performance resideniial ~ I~To detention required -R-15 performance residential _ 1" detention required -greater than 2.5 units/acre 1.5" detention required ~~•,,,~;,-,ute 3) Discharge of rtmofffrom impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies ~~ ~ where practical shall be avoided where practical. Runoff should be routed through vegetative swales, detentions areas or other filter media for purposes of increasing percolation, settling and filtering of non-point pollutants, and ~', ~ decreasing discharge velocity. . ~~ 4) The use of wetlands, natural depressions; and areas of good draining soils is strongly encouraged in the development of drainage plans. *S) All lot owners shall be responsible for maintenance of swales, ditches, and other drainage ways included as part of an approved subdivision that are ]ocated on their lot. *6) I~To one shall be allowed to fill, pipe, place materials (rubble, leaves, etc.) in, or otherwise alter swales, ditches or other drainage ways without prior approval of ~, the County. *7) The County has the right to perform drainage work and to charge property o~~ners for ,~ the work, if the above violations occur. l~ ~ ~ ~ : ~~~ ~~~~~ 4 3 ~~~ ~~ ~, . ~: *NOTE: Items 5,16:'and-7~above may be'ihandled more.appropriately through,an .~ :~;;,.::~.. amendment to the`County"Code that addresses drainage regulations., .. - ~ , ~-;~._,:~:~..,~~ _ ._. ~ . .. _ .. ..... r., .t. :. ZONING ORDINANCE -.. ~ .. Current Regulation Section5L5-2,}Performan`ceResidential ~ ` . •.:::• ° ~ ~ °• 4. A drainage plan meeting the following design standards shall be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. (11/21/83) - ~ - -• _ _ A. ~unoffRate Standards ' • -' ~ ..- -- ' (1) Stormwater runoff will be managed and structures appropriately sized -- - ~ such that the peak rate of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm in size up to and in including the specified design storm. shall not exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its ' previous natural condition for the specified design storm. The design storm is specified as occumng once every 10 years and lasting for 24 hours.- (12/1/84) (2) Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be routed along vegetated swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel, sand, or other media, or to detention ponds for the purpose of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants. (12/1/4) B. Discharge of Runoff Standards (1) Discharge of runoff standards shall apply only to the anticipated final development. (2) Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies shall not be allowed. ~ Runoff shall be routed along vegetated swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel, sand, or other media, or to ' ~ ~ - ~ '-'detention ponds for the purpose of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out of non-point pollutants. ~ ' PrOPOSed ACtiOn:.Replace language with the following: 4. A drainage plan pursuant to Section 52-3 to the Subdivision Ordinance. Current Regulation: Section 53.5-2, Planned Developments (7) 44 3 L 1 `+~ ~ (E) ~ The following stormwater management standards will be applied: . - r . 1. On-site retention of percolation areas will be provided sufficient to control ~' at least one inch of stormwater runoff from all impervious surfaces ated to be on the site upon final development. The on inch of runoff antici p - ` from impervious.surfaces.shall be disposed of by percolation into the soil, f evaporation, transpiration, or other methods of treatment or handling _ acceptable to the County Engineering Department. 2. After provisions are~made for retaining or percolating the first inch of runoff from all anticipated impervious surfaces, stormwater runoffwill be managed and structures appropriately sized such that the peak rate of ~~~ discharge.from the site after:completion of development for any storm in .- size up to and including the specified design storm shall not exceed the ~, peak rate of discharge from the site in its previous natural condition for the =_ specified design storm. The design storm is specified as occurring once every 10 years and lasting for 24 hours. i ' 3. Discharge of runoff from impervious surface directly into natural waterbeds shall not be allowed. Runoff shall be routed along vegetated swales, through filter media of vegetation, gravel, sand, or other media, or to /~_. detention ponds for purposes of increasing percolation and settling and filtering out non=point pollutants. ~, ~rOpOSeCl A.Ct10II: Replace language with the following: ~,~~ (E) A drainage plan pursuant to Section 52-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. ~~~ Current Regulation: Section 59.8 Water Supply Watershed District ~"! 59.8-6 t rTnwater ana~ement -All develo ment locatin within the water su 1 • r g ??r Y watershed boundary shall provide a stormwater management plan for the entire parcel. `i; The stormwater must be managed by structures appropriately sized such that the peak rate ~'" of discharge from the site after completion of development for any storm up to and including a ten year storm does not exceed the peak rate of discharge from the site in its previous natural condition. Additionally, all development shall provide on-site retention or percolation areas for the entire parcel sufficient to control, at a minimum, the first one inch of runoffthat will originate from all impervious surfaces anticipated to be on the site upon .. ~ final development. Al] structures shall be set back at least 100 feet from the mean high water line. (1 1/1/93) PrOjJOSe(j f~,CttOIIS: Replace language with following: 1~~ 4 45 t. 58.8-6- A drainage plan pursuant to Section 53.2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. All structu shall be set back at least 100 feet from the mean high water line Current Regulation: 69.4 High Density.Development (7) A drainage plan (complying with the requirements set forth~by the County or appropriate focal or State agency) shall be submitted. .. .. Proposed Action: Replace language with the following: • (7} A drainage plan pursuant to Section.52-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. 4~ 5 res 14 a 7 J ~i L 1 f ,. - ~j r~ t 1 l~- April 7, 1997 TO: Interested Persons FR0~1: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director - 341-7163 ~='/-'~ Dave Weaver, Assisfant County illanager - 341-7134 /7c~ IZE: Drainage Workshop The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will hold a public forum on proposed interim drainage regulations at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 28th in the Commissioners' Assembly Room, Ord Floor, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse at 24 North 3rd Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. The draft interim regulations will incorporate the attached sheet of standards. A full set of the draft regulations is available from the Plaruling Department for your review. It is anticipated that these interim regulations, if adopted by the Boat'd of County Commissioners, will be reviewed and possibly modified after the comprehensive Pages Creek Drainage Stud}~ is completed during the next year. We welcome your comments and duestions. Please feel free to contact us or Pete Avery, Senior Plaruler (341-7160. NEW_H.A.N.OVE~R COUNTY ALLENO'NF~,L • ~ CountyManagcr OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER ,. .. t,:, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502 :. A~nxEw.r.az-xiNSO: -- Deputy County Man; :_ YWILr~1GTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4093 _ _, ... - ____ ,TELEPHONE (910) 391-7184 D~.v1D F. wE~,vE: ' .• FAX (910) 341-4027 Assistant County Mar '. - -- • • - 414 Chestnut Street, Roy - Telephone (910) 341- Fax (910) 341-403 cc: Board of County Commissioners Allen O'Neal Wanda Copley ete Avery ~~~yatt E. Blanchard DW/aj 47 ~~ ~. , . `~ 'DRAFT INTERIM DRAINAGE STANDARDS 4/7/97 `~~ r~'~;~`'. ~; -,1) The~~maxirrium rate-of discharge for ariy storm up to a 2 or 10-year ; :~ storm aftei-~~ development shall not exceed the maximum "rate of discharge ' . ~-for, respectively; 2 and 10 year storm for the site before, development.This requirement will not apply to subdivisions `vhere all lots are greater than 20,000 square feet. ~I --- 2) All residential development must detain stormwater runoff from ~J impervious surfaces for adraw-down period of rivo to five days at the following rates: - - 0 to 1. 9 units/acre No detention required - Subdivisions where all lots are greater than 15,000 square feet No detention required - R-15 performance residential ' '1" detention required - greater than 2.5 units/acre 1.5" detention required ~ r ,,,,~naft 3) Discharge of runoff from impervious surfaces directly into natural water bodies~~vhere)`practical shall be avoidedFwhere practical. Runoff should be routed through vegetative swales, detention areas or other filter media for purposes of increasing percolation,, settling and filtering of. non-point pollutants, and decreasing discharge velocity. ,---4) ~h-e-r~-se-o#=wetlands, natural depressions, and areas of good-draining soil ~ln~t~ ~~~=- ~''~s strop-gl-y-encou~r-aged in-the development of drainage plans. ~~~`~}--~~51'^ 1 U ~5) COD regulations will remain in effect. .OTHER RECOMivZENDATIONS 1) The Board. of County Commissioners should initiate a maintenance drainage program FY 97/98. . a ) 2) The Board should adopt the following regulations: - All lot owners shall be responsible for maintenance of swales, ditches, and other drainage ways included as part of an approved subdivision that are located on their lot. - No one shall be allowed to fill, pipe, place materials~(rubble, leaves, etc.) in, or otherlvise alter swales, ditches, or other drainageways without prior approval of the Count}~. 4 Q - The County has -the right to perform drainage tivork and to charge U property owners for the work; if the above violations occur. 1 1 1 f' t w r~l i,,: :~ •~. ~~ ~~ ~~~ 1 ~~~ 1 ,~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 ~ -- - -~ Zegular.Item #: 6D ~ ~~ ` - ° ~ ~ Consent Item #: ~ Additional~Item #: )epartment: Planning' ~ - ~ ~ `~ ~~ - ` ~ ` ~ Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: ~ ' : -. ~_ .... •. - .:.. ~, -. .. ~ - .. .:. - ~ .. -~ ` : j Subdivision Text Amendment.(A-279, 4/97) = ~ .• - BRIEF SUMMARY: :. ` Consideration to modify the approval period and vesting requirements of preliminary subdivision plans. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: - h`ew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~ - ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATION ~~~'-- ~~p~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dis osition ~~S P~G® I~ D Qof'i v~i~1,~ i n i7 rQ.C;vv~^.w~~-V~ 'ijl'C~,.{"" ~j i h 2(,~v5~ ~ i1~CUVt,zl..o ~'~"'i~UZ l Tv ~ iG.v+nrr~a /~fr7.. ITEM D +; ~~ _ . ," 3, .~ ,'~ .4 t~_.~~.. ~_. _ y . , .. _ .. as ... - a SubdivisiomTeat~Amendment =Request by the~Boarii of Commissioners to modify the--~. approval period and vesting requirements of preiiminary subdivision plans. (A-279,.4/97) Planning Board Summary .:.~~_._~. ~_.~___:.:.,.._.___.., ~ : ~.. ~:.._ ~:. ~._ ::.,' There were few comments about this change, except for some questions raised by a lender ~ ~: concerning the on-going viability of a project that may suffer from economic down-turns.~.Since most projects are developed in phases, most Board members felt the risk would be limited. • ~.. - , They recommended the Ordinance.be amended as proposed by a vote of 4 to 3. ~ -- = ,. ., ~ ,~ Plaaning Staff Summary The following amendment was previously discussed and approved by the Planning Board in 1994. Following recent discussion with the County Commissioners, they have expressed an interest'in adopting an expiration period for preliminary plans that parallels State law concerning vesting. Staff is re-submitting the original proposal. "Vesting of Subdivision Plans ue ti n' Should the County rewire the re-approval of subdivisions that become inactive or are ; not completed within a specified period of time? Background Currently, once a final plat for a portion of a subdivision is approved and recorded by the county, that entire preliminary development plan becomes vested for an unlimited period of time. In other words, once any portion of a development goes on record, (even a single lot), that development does not have to seek reapproval of its preliminary site plan, no matter what period of time elapses between the recording of various sections of the plan. One obvious problem that is evident in this process is the increasing backlog of preliminarily approved subdivisions that no longer comply with current regulations and standards established by the County. There are currently over 5,000 plus lots that have received preliminary approval and' are awaiting- recordation. Many of these subdivisions, . are very old. Fuither, some of these projects have gone through bankruptcies and several owners, yet the County is unable to apply current development standards for their completion: Recent legislation by the State suggests that the vesting period should be two years. - :. Existing Ordinance 33(2) The subdivider shall submit a final plat for all or part of the approved preliminary plan within one year of the preliminary approval date. Otherwise, the preliminary plan approval shall become void, unless an extension of time is applied for prior to the rexpiraton on~onetyear. The Planning Director may approve one year extensions of relimina~ 1 n~a~~ oval. p ;ry p(a~~iiv~~~~ ~.~: ;t~j,t~~nJ'. - ;::~- - . .~, , APR-28-97 t10N 9 : 55 ENGINEERING . ~ ~ ~ ~ FAX ~NO. 9103414035 ~~ '" NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE N. U~ ~ -• ~~~ ;~' t 1 1 `~J .~ ~, ~~ ~', ;~, I\larch 3 1, 1997 '>('O: Board of Comn+issioners FROi~Z: pave `i'eaver"~ TI~ROUGII; Affen O'Neal RE: Planning Board Items for April 3 The Plannint; Board will consider the following text atnettdments at their April 3 n+eetiug: 1) Subdivision Text Amendment -The attached proposed amendment would tighten up the approval period and ~•esting privilege for an approved preliminary suhdivisioTt. This proposed amendment was developed at the request of the Board of C'om,nissionerS at their work session earlier this }•ear. 2) Zonin<.: Text .4ntendme.nt -The attached proposed amendtne.nt ts~ould require written verification that an applicant for a special use permit for a communication tower had made efforts to co-locate different communication facilities on the same tower. This amendment was developed at the Board's request at its March 10 meoting. 3) Subdivision and 7.oninz~Te?~t Amendments - Ti+e attached proposed amendments would reinstitute a requirement chat developers either dedicate park land to the County or pay a fee in lieu of. This proposed requirement has been developed at the reclucst of'the Board at its ~~'ork session earlier this year- Please feel fi~ec to contact Dexter 1-laves or +nyself if you have any c~uestious or con+mcnts. cc: Dexter l-laves Neal Le«'is Wanda Copley ~1 This page intentionally Ieft blank _ ` `~i . ~ ~ .~ ~6 ~2 ~~ ~= ~, ~~~ 1~~ ~- ~~ ~~~I. `~: ~1 `~.. ' ~r i ~.., ~,I ,~ ~.'. ~~, ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 .~~`~ ~ .-. Regular Item #: 6E , : ~ :<:.: ~-_, _.. ,Consent Item #: , , _ Additional Item #: , Department: Planning `;~' .~; :, ~-::: ~:' •: = - ; •-' ~ >~ ... Presenter: D.Hayes . T _ Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 6 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~., .; .. , Subdivision and Zoning Text Amendments (A-280,-4/97) ~ ~ :... BRIEF SUMMARY: Reinstitution of parks, recreation and open space requirements for residential subdivisions. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Planning Board recommends approval. FUi~TDING SOURCE: 1 Federal S: State S: Count}' S: User Fees S: Other S: Alone}' Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: -__--.-,,._, .p,~,,,.,Y,,.-~. -a ~P1Pl~lh~. ~`~ jn ~~: ~ ' . *~ REMOVED _' ~ "":: . POSTPAIV //;; ° ~ ly~~j Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition Q~T~ % ~ . •:°"" ~- . _., a .. - - ~. ~ _ ~. _. ITEM E ~~ }: ~ ~..:~~ _ . .. _ _ . Subdivision and Zoning Text Amendments: Consideration of Reinstituting Parks, ~ , Recreation and Opens Space Requirements for Residential Subdivisions. (A-280, 4/9'~ , .. . - ~ -~ _ Planning Board Summary -- ,~- ~ . ~. After discussing some issues raised by Parks Director I~Teal Lewis concerning his Board's desire to not to get into the mini-park business with areas smaller than 3 acres and the maintenance responsibilities involved in those facilities, the Planning Board felt the proposal allowed the County to reject those kinds of facilities at its discretion. ~ ~ - ` ~~- '' '' There was also some concern that the 3 acre per 1,000 population would only address "neighborhood parks", leaving a need for more regional and community wide facilities, such as soccer and softball fields. Also, the Board discussed implementing a flat rate per dwelling . Despite these shortcomings, the Planning Board voted 5 to 2 to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance. Planning Staff Summary Background . In i~TOVember 1986 New Hanover County adopted a park facilities impact fee linked to the development of residential subdivisions. Its purpose was to ensure that adequate public park facilities be available for use by future residents of netiv subdivision development. From its adoption to its eventual rescission in October 1989 over 5120,000 in payments in lieu of land dedication was received by the County. At the time the average fee was about 533 per dwelling. Based on the total number of lots that have been recorded since the park impact fee was rescinded, approximately 5275,000 would have been collected. And if the flat rate of 575 suggested in 1989 had been adopted, the total collected would have exceeded 5600,000. In October 1989, a proposal spearheaded by Staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to revise the park facilities fee to a flat rate of 57~ per dwelling unit vas not only rejected but culminated with the complete rescission of the impact fee process. The purpose of the revision at the time was to promote a mole equitable system in determining the fees. The old system used a' complicated set of variables that in practice made it difficult to collect adequate fees in areas of the County where land values were relatively low but needs for facilities were just as great. The Commissioners decided to repeal the fee at the time because they felt it was unduly burdensome. Also, looming at the time was a general bond referendum for the construction of the Senior Center and park land acquisition. The Wilmington/Cape Fear Homebuilder's Association opposed the fee, saying park improvements grid land acquisition should be funded from the general ad valorem tax system. In res onse to~the"~area'`s~`ra d~'` o ulation ro~uth and the rowin need to rovide ade uate ublic ark P p p P g g g P q P P ~; ~~< <,~, ~r; facilities, the New Hanover`Board of Co~~nty Commissioners suggested at its January retreat that {~ {~1Ez11f~~_~si`T that the park impactxfee be~r,'econsidered. The proposal that follows is basically the current requirement fo City of WilrrvngtonThough it is a departure from the County's original process it is probably th~st equitable alternatwej<~~- _~... ., PROPOSED REVISIONS . .: ~ . - -. - ~ . 52-7 Park Facilities - ~ . - - ~ - ~ . . -~ Every subdivider of land for residential purposes shall dedicate a portion of such land, as set ~' forth herein, for the purpose of providing park, recreation and open space areas to serve the residents of the immediate neighborhood within the subdivision. . ;~~ 1: Amount of Recreation Area Required .: -~ • - , ~ . A. ~ The amount of park, recreation or open space areas to be provided shall equal .0030 acres (130.68 square feet) per person expected to reside in the ~~ development. For the purposes of this section, one-bedroom dwelling units shall be deemed to house an average of 1.4 persons, two-bedroom 2.2 persons, three- ~~ bedroom units 3.2 persons, and units with four or more bedrooms 4.0 persons. In residential subdivision that are not approved as architecturally integrated • subdivisions, each lot that is large enough for only a single dwelling unit shall be ? _ deemed to house an average of 3.2 persons. Each lot that is capable of ~~' accommodatin more than one dwellin unit shall be deemed to house 2.2 g g persons for each duelling unit that can be accommodated. The term "dwelling ~ii unit" shall have the meaning set forth in section 23-11 of the Zoning Ordinance. ii B. Park, recreation or open space areas shall be of such minimum dimensions as to ~;; be functionally usable and maintainable. ,Residential subdivisions that are small enough so that the amount of required perk, recreation or open space area does ~ not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be exempt from providing on- I site park, recreation or open space areas when the board determines that (I) the on-site park, recreation or open space area cannot be combined with such areas ~j serving adjacent property to form a functionally usable and maintainable area; or (ii) the recreational needs of the development can be adequately met by ex~st~ng ~~'~ or planned county-owned park, recreation or open space areas located close enough to such development to reasonably serve its residents. In determining the ~` size of a subdivision for the purposes of this subsection, the Planning Board shall ~c, consider the entire project developed on a single tract or contiguous multiple 'tracks under common ownership, regardless of whether the subdivision is constructed in phases or stages. The developer of any subdivision that is exempt -, from providing on-site park, recreation or open space areas shall pay a fee to the ,~ County in lieu thereof, to be used by the County to acquire recreation areas serving the development within the immediate area of the subdivision. Such fee `%,, ~ shall be determined and paid as provided in subsection (I~ herein. II. .~ Standards for Park, Recreation and Open Space Areas Except as otherwise approved by the Planning Board, all park, recreation and open space ~~~ areas shall meet the following criteria: ~t A. Unity The dedicated land shall form a single parcel of ]and, whether or not the subdivision is developed in phases or sections, except where it is determined by ~,, the Planning Board that two (2) or more parcels would be in the best ir~r~ts of ~~ - the residents of the subdivision and the public; and in, such case, the Planning Board may require that such parcels be connected by a dedicated strip of land at least sixty (6D) feet in width. .z.. :.. . .- .. , $, . ~ .~Usabiiity . - ~_ .,.. - ~ _ - ~ , At least one-half of the total land dedicated must be (1) located outside. floodplain areas and outside the County's Resource Protection areas and wetland areas under the jurisdiction of the LJ.S. Army.Corps of Engineers, and (2) usable • • ~ ~ :for active recreation:: .- .: - _ - „ _ . . , C. :. ~ Shape ~ • ' ~_ • ~ ~ ~ - The•portion~of dedicated land to be used for active recreation shall be of such a ' 'shape to be usable for active recreational facilities including but not limited to _ ~ ~ tennis courts, swimming pools, exercise rooms, clubhouses, athletic fields, golf courses, basketball courts, swings, slides and play apparatus. D. ~ Greenways • If part of the open space is a greenway, the land shall be a continuous linear "` ~ parcel through the subdivision of at least thirty (30) feet in width. E. Location ~ . ~ ' • ' The dedicated land shall be located so as to reasonably serve the recreation and open space needs~of residents, of the immediate neighborhood within the subdivision (s) for which the land dedication is made. The Planning Board may require that land be located on the periphery of the subdivision in order to allow the enlargement by combining such areas with park, recreation or open space areas serving adjacent property or owned or to be acquired by the County. F. Access All duelling units in the subdivision shall have free, easy and convenient ingress and egress to and from the park; recreation and open space areas provided within -the development by means of improved streets or public tivallctivays. Rights-of-- • -way for such access shall. be shown on the preliminary subdivision plan. G. -Topography..... , ; •... • The average slope of the portion of dedicated land deemed usable for. active recreation shall not exceed the average slope of the entire subdivision io be developed, and in no case shall the slope of the land dedicated be greater than fifteen (15) percent. - H. Natural Lakes or Ponds or Required Stormwater Detention/retention Facilities These shall not be accepted by the County to fulfill the requirements set forth by this section. I. Landscaping /~ . v Park, recreation and open space.areas shall be landscaped and shall be provided i with sufficient natural or manmade screening or buffer areas to minimize any negative impacts upon adjacent residences.. ...._1 ....~Y ~ ; - J. , .. ., ..Encroachments . :. `..- - .t, ~- y ,.. _ `' ' • . y' ~ - ~~ ~~ ~ ~= The ar -recreation and o en space areas required by this section shall exclude ,_ P ~ P ... ~= ~ - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' roadways, parking areas and other accessory uses except recreational facilities. ` - - r K. ~ ~ Consistency with Master Parks Plan ~ - . If any portion of any subdivision proposed for residential development lies within an area designated on an officially adopted master parks plan as a park, such area • - ~ •- (not exceeding the amount required to be dedicated as set forth in this section) shall be included as part of the area set aside to satisfy the requirements of this section. This area shall be dedicated to public use. ,~ L. Recreational Facilities ~ . ' The Planning Board may require the installation of recreational facilities after • considering (I) the character of the park, recreation and open space area; (ii) the estimated age and the recreation needs of persons likely to reside in the development; (iii) the proximity, nature, and excess capacity of existing recreational facilities; and (iv) the cost of the recreational facilities. ~~, III. Procedure for Dedication of Land } ' A. Designation of Land to be Dedicated The developer shall designate on the preliminary subdivision plan, the area or , areas to be dedicated pursuant to this section. ~ ,. r ~ B. Review of Land to Be Dedicated ~ Upon receipt of the preliminary subdivision plan, the Planning Department shall ` -~ submit a co thereof to the Parks Director for review. The Parks Director shall PY submit any and all recommendations concerning the land to be dedicated to the ~~, ~ Planning Board at its next scheduled meeting. C. Ownership The type of ownership of land dedicated for park, recreation or open space purposes shall be selected by the o~Tner, developer, or subdivider, subject to the ' approval of the Planning Board. Provided, however, any of such areas included l,~`' in a master parks plan shall be dedicated to the county. The type of ownership may include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1) The county, subject to the acceptance by the Board of County ~f Commissioners; 2) Other public jurisdiction or agencies, subject to their acceptance; ~,} 3) Homeowner, condominium, or cooperative associations or organizations; or ~~, 4) Shared, undivided interest by all property owners in the subdivision. ~ ~7 ,._ .~- _ .. ' ' ~ IV.' `Payments ~in Lieu of Dedication -~ ... - . ~. A. General Provisions ~ •' ~~ ~ f. a-~- -- : -. ~ r - ~ ~ . _ . •~- When the Planning Board determines (upon the recommendation of the Parks Y. Director) that the park, recreation and open space needs of a subdivision can also h ' be adequately met by facilities constructed or to be constructed on County- ' ' ' ~ ~~ owned property or property to be acquired by the County within a reasonable time that is located close enough to such subdivision to reasonably serve its _ residents, the Planning Board may authorize the subdivider to make a payment to • ~ ' _ ` the County in lieu~of dedication. The Planning board may also authorize a 1 ' ' ` ~ combinationbdedication and partial payment in lieu of dedication when such is ' ° determined to be in the best interest of the citizens. of the area to be served. B. Procedure - The subdivider shall include with the application for preliminary plan approval, a letter requesting approval to make a payment in lieu of dedication. The letter shall include the proposed per acre value and the basis for the determination of such value. Upon receipt of the preliminary subdivision plan, the Planning Department•shall submit a copy thereof with the letter requesting a payment in lieu of dedication to the Parks Director. The Parks Director shall submit any recommendations concerning the request to the Planning Board at its ne~rt scheduled meeting. , C. If the Planning Board approves a payment in lieu of dedication, the amount of , such payment shall be the product of the number of acres to be dedicated as outlined above, and the average fair market value of the land being subdivided at the time of the submission of the preliminary subdivision plan. The Planning Board shall determine the average fair market value of the land based on the value of the land for property tax purposes, the information submitted by the subdivider and other relevant information such as comparable sales. j~ D. Use of Payments in Lieu of Dedication - All monies received by the County pursuant to this. section shall be used only for the acquisition or development of recreation, park, or open space areas that will benefit the new subdivision residents. ~ - ~ (, ' E. Required Payment in Lieu of Dedication In the event the Planning Board finds that a land dedication does not meet the long range plans of the county, it shall require payments in lieu of a dedication F. Time of Payment . If a payment in lieu of dedication is authorized, such payment shall be made before recording the final plat for the subdivision. If a subdivision is developed in phases, a payment relating to each phase must be made prior to the recording of a final plat for each phase. ~8 ..1~ ~, ~% ,~~' ~~ ~~` '~t ~~ s ~~~ `_ ,,~~ ~; ~' 1~~` ~.. `~ Zoning Ordinance Amendment . 51.5-2 Performance Residential 11. Add the following: . (d) Land dedicated for parks,_recreation, and green space to satisfy the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 12. Amend as follows: Any additional land designated as open space may be used in calculating the density for a proposed development and may be retained by the developer, subject to the provisions of Section 69.1 hereof. ~ ° ~9 This~page'intention~rlly left blank..,- ~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners City Council FROM: Utilities Committee Commissioner Bill Caster Councilmember Hamilton Hicks Commissioner Charles Howell Councilmember Laura Padgett DATE: May 1, 1997 SUBJECT: City-County Utilities Committee Interim Report The City-County Utilities Committee is pleased to report on the progress it has made in developing a specific structure for uniting all City and County water and sewer services, as authorized by the North Carolina General Statutes: ..~~• Mission Statement. The structure which is ultimately developed should allow for the following objectives to be achieved: 1. To develop a countywide water and sewer utility plan. 2. To provide a program of utility extensions that is consistent with City and County service objectives and growth policies. 3. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of water and sewer utility services. 4. To develop a schedule of fees and other charges that will equitably distribute utility costs among customers and taxpayers. Mercer of Citv and County Administrative and Operational Functions Attachment A illustrates the general plan of merging existing City and County utility administrative and operational functions and staff. Non-utility support services would be provided by either the City or County or by in-house staff (if a utility authority is formed). '~`1 p'`r s~ ~ g 9 7 _. Page two General Utility Structure. The Committee conducted a detailed review of two possible utility structures: a utility authority (Orange County Water and Sewer Authority) and an interlocal agreement/joint management agency (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utility Commission). Both structures include utility boards to which the constituent governing boards have delegated substantial authority for developing utility policies, budgets, and rate schedules. General information on the Statutory authority of cities and counties to enter into joint undertakings is included in die attached memorandum prepared by the City Attorney for the Committee (Attachment B). Utility Board. -The Committee will continue to discuss including a utility board in the structure and what its authority and membership might be. Additional Committee Tasks. The Committee will be scheduling additional work sessions to address the following topic: Which utility structure would be the most appropriate - an authority, an interlocal agreement/joint management agency, or some other one which might better suit current circumstances and needs? 2. What authority would a possible utility board, the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners have with respect to establishing rate and fee schedules, adopting budgets, incurring debt, and managing the operations and staff of the utility; and what would the utility board's membership be. 3. Will the utility be able to initiate its own extension and facility development plans, or will it implement only the plans initiated by the City and County? 4. Could the City and County accelerate the completion of utility extension projects, and how would they be paid for? 5. Would the utility be responsible for paying all existing City and County debt service? 6. Would the City and County contribute all or part of their utility fund balances? 7. Who would own existing and future capital facilities? 8. If a new utility owns the facilities, will the facilities be given, sold, or leased by the City and District to the utility? 9. Should the sales tax be phased out? 10. Should the utility be funded entirely from utility fees and charges? Page three Future Reports. The Committee will continue to provide monthly progress reports to the City Council and Board of County Commissioners as its work progresses. WPW:teb Attachment cc: Mary M. Gornto Allen O'Neal Dave Weaver William P. Whisnant Wyatt Blanchard Hugh Caldwell •~•.. vI ~~ F~1 F r~ W . rFr'~'~ F'+'1 tHt~~-- 1~-1 D, O U w ~ u u G D O O a b as -..° x~ B ~ v o i~ U U b O U D, .~ U Attachment A U c U _ 5 ~ c U ~ T k ~"' - v c z ~ c 3 ~ = x ~ p ~ _ ~ a " _ 3 a =~_ < = 3 3 x~ C ry ry Q ~p - U U. ~ o: c ;~ ,< ~ ~ U r - -_ _ _ '" a w - _ _ m ~ _ F _ T. 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I ~: ~. ~'- = G ` ~ ~ 1 v` ~+ ~_~ I I ~l J '_ v - { w ~ _ F- ~ a Z ~. < C:J ti ~ ~ ` _ C ¢ ~. ~ u S f/1 Q C ~ J J L. . <n I Q ~ ".~ ~o J ~ - ~ ~~... ~ U ~ C C ~ G ~ r ~~ L --- 2 ~ N G '. y w ~~ L O y C u U w N J :J L'1 ~ -_ w C a w V ~ O _ >' G _. N L'J - Z - G C w ~ U w C U ~ N O W ~ C r ~:: c ~~ i }` I I `-C~ 11 i`^ ~ ~`. I I ~ O I i l~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~~ I Ire ~~ <~ i ~~_ cc -. -_ ~ ~~ c ~ ~ C ! v ., c ~~~ ,~ ~ - U u _ ~~ __1 is I A-10 l:: u u Y = ~O_. z3 ~. ~~. v, u J ~ ~ _ C ~~. ~ :.l i- v u _ . <o_ J Y _ z' L 1, u `- ~^ u _ J Y C: "~-'~ --- C 0 J Attachment B CITY OF WILMINGTON INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 9, 1997 TO: William Whisnant, Deputy City Manager FROM: Thomas C. Pollard Cit Attorney \(/~~ Y ~` SUBJECT: City-County Utilities Committee CC: I have been asked several questions about the possible use of an interlocal agreement fora unified utility system serving the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. I have reviewed the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Interlocal Agreement, Article 20 of Chapter of 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes (entitled "interlocal Cooperation") and various cases. Following is a brief response to the questions that have been raised. 1. Authority for Interlocal Agreement: The City and County have the authority to enter into an interlocal agreement concerning a unified utility system without any additional enabling authority. Article 20 of Chapter 160A grants broad authority to cities and counties to enter into agreements in order to execute any undertaking. An undertaking is defined to include "the joint exercise by two or more units of local government, or the contractual exercise by one unit for one or more other units, of any power, function, public enterprise, right, privilege, or immunity of local government." This would certainly include the operation of water and sewer systems. This provision served as the basis for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County agreement. 2. Requirements for public hearing: No public. .hearings or public comment periods are required before the City and County enter into an interlocal agreement for the operation cf utility systems. G_S. 160A-461 does require that interlocal agreements be ratified by resolution of the governing board of each unit participating in the agreement. 3. Flexibility in setting rates:- The ultimate answer to the degree of flexibility that a joint utility commission B-2 might have in setting rates may depend on the manner in which the interlocal agreement is structured. A simple statement of the. general rule applicable to rate setting is that there can be a differential in rates, charged to different customers if the circumstances justify it. Certainly, differences in the cost of service would justify differences in the rates. In a case involving the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority, the North Carolina Supreme Court also found tha~ differences ~.n rates might be justified based on capital contributions made to a utility system by its .customers. 4. Other legal considerations: The Interlocal Cooperation Statute provides a good outline of the various terms that would need to be included within an interlocal agreement. These terms include the purpose of the agreement, the duration of the agreement, the establishment and composition of any joint agency and the powers of such agency, the manner of appointing personnel, the manner of financing the undertaking, the formula for the ownership, of real property, the method of amending the. contract and the method for terminating the contract. The agreement should also preserve any immunities available to either of the .,.governmental units and address the jurisdiction of the officers and employees. of each unit in carrying out the terms of the agreement. If I can provide any additional information, please let me know. TCP/jf NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' INTER-OFFICE ......:.................................... vv: n;. ... ~..~:::.. ............... ....................... ................ .............. :::::........:.v:::::::::::::::::.v::::::::......:ii?:'+:':: n...,.:;::::::::::. ~:::: :giii: iiiiiii; i:•iiii::. ~:: :v::::::; ......:Ci. ~::::.~:.; •::~ :^~x:::~~rx:::. ~:::~: >: .~. n~~x..~~~i3;{•:~.+~:•. ~.~. ^}i~: ~:j:,y.. .•iJ: ii; i~}i}i};::;::.}?iiii:Ji:.. v..:.; vw:::: ~~+'...::. ..........tin;;%bi}ii:. ..... vviiii 4ii:~iiii+i}iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i•iiiii:i:v:Ji:Ji:^iiii:Ji::ti•iiii :v:n•iiii:::::•i.:L:•i'•; } ........:............ ..... \.......\:?. ? .~. n.. \.. ~~:\. . Y .. MEMO. . ....................:........................ .....................n..................................t=........~~. DATE: May 1; 1997 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Cam Griffin, Budget Director RE: Update on FY97-98 Recommended Budget Following are the major changes that have taken place since the April 2, 1997, update on the recommended budget (copy attached). The recommended budget is balanced with a 4 cents increase over the current tax rate. This will increase the property tax rate from 64.5 to 68.5 cents. REVENUES The final figure on the tax base is $9.6 billion. A penny of the tax rate will be worth $940,800. The Environmental Management Fund transfer of $2.8 million will be funded by the undesignated portion of the one-half cent sales tax revenue. This would have no immediate impact on the Water and Sewer District, where the funds have been traditionally budgeted, but would impact future expansion of the system. ' Revenue from the 911 surcharge will be used to fund $100,000 of eligible operating expenses in the 911 Center. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners RE: Update on FY97-98 Recommended Budget May 1, I997 Page .2 EXPENDITURES Personnel Issues: The number of recommended positions has increased from 4 to 11 as follows: The City of Wilmington has notified the Schools that it will no longer fund the liaison police officers in the .high schools within the city limits. The Sheriff will . require five, additional Deputies to absorb this function. A Director of GIS is recommended for the last six months of the fiscal year. Currently, this position is jointly funded by the County and the City of Wilmington. ' A Director of Telecommunications and Technologry is recommended for the .last six months of the fiscal year. This position is a result of reorganizing the technology-based functions of the County. ~CHn(~i,S An amount ~of $34,642,428 is recommended as the County's transfer to the Schools, an increase of $5,772,074, or 20 percent, over the current year budgeted amount. This transfer and projected increase in the one-half cent sales tax revenue will increase the Schools' current operating budget $5,019,883, or 19 percent; the capital budget $384,514, or 1.4 percent; and the debt service $498,572, or 14 percent. The increased debt service is on bonds approved by the voters in 1993. Additional increases included are: (1) interest payments of $330,000 on the new school site on Carolina Beach Road; (2) $1,065,878 for operating costs at three new schools; (3) $1,449,700 for locally funded salary adjustments; (4) $685,504 for the exceptional children's program; and (5) $999,288 for school maintenance. In addition to the recommended direct funding for the Schools, $150,000 is budgeted for Legion Stadium improvements and $200,000 for the annual payment on the Siemens Building (third of five payments). Discussions continue concerning the County Parks Department providing grounds' maintenance for the Schools. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners RE: Update on FY97-98 Recommended Budget May 1, 1997 Page 3 The Board of Education's total request for local funds is $53,786,744. This is $14,533,046 more. than the recommended funding and would require an additional " increase of 15 cents in the tax ,rate. The recommended funding will meet the Schools' most essential needs and maintain progress. ' WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Recommended expenditures for the computer equipment/upgrades have been transferred from capital outlay to administrative reserve until a decision is made on the most efficient operation of the utility function. Conclusion: The information included in the April 2 update and in this update will be the basis of the FY97-98 recommended budget that will be presented to you on May 19, 1997. Please let me know if there are any changes you want made prior to the May 19 presentation, or if you have .any questions or need additional information. Attachment NEW HANOVEIZ COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ,i ~. 5.^. +.... a:ac cd:.~o~.:m~•:1;::,..c:~~:.,:U:v:.,ro,:,,,>;,S.;:o;yny;;:,.»»;>::;;;>;;>;y»r>:;:;.;;;; <~:>i2t?s>;>:!s<. ......w MEMO ~~ DATE: April 2, 1997 . TO: New Hanover County Board of Co issioners FROM: . Allen O'Neal, County Manager. Cam Griffin, Budget Director RE: Update: FY97-98 Recommended Budget There are still a number of unresolved issues involved in formulating the budget for FY97-98. The Schools' request has not been finalized, the Ad Valorem tax base is still . being determined, and the General Assembly is making decisions that may have an impact on all-local government budgets. The departmental funding requests have been submitted and reviewed by the Budget Department and County Manager. We made tough decisions related to these requests while continuing to face the challenge of providing quality service in a time of unprecedented growth. The outcome will result in a very lean recommended budget. The current gap between revenues and expenditures is approximately $6 million, which would require an increase in the current tax rate of 6.5 to 7. cents. Following are explanations of issues in the recommended budget: REVENUES The current Ad Valorem tax base is estimated to be. $9.375 billion. There are still . _ adjustments to be made., especially in the Kure Beach area. This is the best estimate as determined.by the Tax Administrator. There will be a firmer estimate shortly after April 15. With a tax base of $9.37 billion, a penny will be worth $918,750. The sales tax revenue is estimated to increase 7 percent over the current year budgeted amount. , Currently, there is no fund balance appropriated. As the budget is finalized and the - expenditures and revenues for the current year are more certain, it may be possible to ._ appropriate fund balance. New Hanover .County Board of Cominissoriers Update: FY97-98 Recommended Budget April 2, 1997 Page 2 Both the 911 surcharge and the undesignated portion of the one-half cent sales tax should be reviewed in balancing the budget. . The, surcharge can be used to fund $400,000 of eligible operating expenses in the 91.1 Center. In the past, these funds have primarily been used for capital enhancements to the system.. The. portion of the one-half cent sales tax revenue that is not restricted for the .Schools could fund the Environmental Management Fund transfer or balance the General Fund. EXPENDITURES Personnel Issues: The proposal to reorganize technology-based functions of the County is currently being reviewed by staff. There will be financial acid staffing impacts. Requests for 26 new positions were submitted. Four new positions are currently recommended with three of these completely funded by revem-e they will generate. An explanation of the recommended new positions follows: Two Clerical Specialist positions are recommended for the Inspections Department to be funded by inspection fees. Apart-time position in the Parks Department to assist with park reservations is recommended and will be funded by reservation fees. A GIS Map Analyst to assist with the implementation of the GIS map system is also recommended, although discussions are ongoing with the City of Wilmington that may impact this recommendation. Increasing one part-time position to full-time in the Emergency Management Department is recommended. The merit program and pay plan adjustment for deserving employees are included with 2 percent merit and 2 percent market adjustment. The County eliminated across the board cost-of-living increases four years ago, and the merit and pay plan adjustment programs are entirely performance based. An amount of $252,629 is recommended for the County to fund the increased cost of the Medpoint health insuXance plan. This represents a 6 percent increase. Also included is the current budgeted amount of $30,000 for continuation of County-wide training, developed and operated by the Human Resources Department. This training has proven very effective. '~~Y. ~ _~ New Hanover County Board of Corrimissioriers Update: FY97-98 Recommended Budget , Apri12, 1997 . Page 3 Emergency Medical Services: Funding has not been included for the EMS Department as discussions continue on hospital operation of the program. The County's net savings for FY97-98 will be . $1,888,056. There will be a one-time payment of approximately $500,000 for the pay out of unused leave to the employees. A budget amendment transferring this amount from fund balance will be required this fiscal year if the transfer proceeds as planned: An amount of $209,998 is included. in the recommended Midget for expenses that will" have to be paid even if the EMS program transfers~to the hospital. These items include medical examiner fees of $30,000; scheduled transports of indigent patients of $40,000; rescue service charges of $30,000; and Ogden-New I-ianover Volunteer Rescue Squad charges of $109,998. - It is recommended that the positions currently processing ambulance billing and collections would bill and collect animal control fees, allowing -the Animal Control Officers more time in the field. Sheriff's Department: The matter of funding for the school crossing guards needs to be resolved with the City of Wilmington. - Court System: An amount of $52,500 is recommended to' assist with updating the automation of the _ Court's computer system. This will help move inmates snore quickly through the Criminal Justice System. Elections Department: An amount of $23,000 is included for the cost of the Schools' bond .referendum. Parks Department: An amount of $500,000 is included for continuation of work at Ogden Park and $200,000 for improvements at other parks. ~.:. NevV Hanover County Board of Commissioners Update: FY97-98 Recommended Budget.. April 2, 1997. Page 4 Cooperative Extension Services: An amount of $10,000 is included as a contribution to the City of Wilmington Ior one- fourth of the Urban Forster position's salary. Management Information Services: Three computer equipment expansions are included: $27,600 for the Finance Department's accounts receivable module; $67,000 for the Water and Sewer District's billing module; and $37,659 for an equipment upgrade at the Department of Social Services. In addition, an amount of $216,700 is included for fiber optic installation to various County departments in the 17`h Street area to improve their computer capability. .Outside Agencies: A request .for $8,000 has been included for improvements to the National Guard Armory. Fire Service District: Current projections assume that no fire tax increase will be required for the next two fiscal years. An administrative reserve line item is included to address issues• such as additional paid staff next year. The next City of Wilmington annexation phase will ': impact the Fire Service District. The Board will be kept up-to-date of changes or expansion of these services. Environmental Management Fund: Currently a transfer of $2.9 million from the General Fund is estimated to balance the Environmental Management Fund. If flow control is enacted, the transfer will not be necessary. A collection system planned for implementation during the next fiscal -year would lessen or eliminate this transfer. Environmental Management debt service is budgeted at $3,653,223 in the Environmental Management Fund and $612,.188 in the General Fund. Staff is still working on ways to resolve the issue of the General Fund transfer required to balance the Environmental .Management Fund. It is possible for the transfer to come from the undesignated portion of the one-half cent sales tax revenue not required for school expenditures. This would have no immediate impact on the Water and Sewer District, where the funds have been traditionally budgeted, but would impact fiiture expansion of the system. " • ~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners . Update: FY97-98 Recommended Budget April 2, 1997 Page 5 The following items are not included in the recommended budget: • Drainage (waiting for operational .and capital recommendations from the Dawson Engineering Study) • Women's Jail Annex (would allow space for approximately 50 inmates in the main . jail and make it easier for female work release) • Expansion funds for the EOC plan (current level of funding still available) • Space and infrastructure needs Note: No new computer equipment/upgrades . or radio enhancements are recommended except in the Finance Department, the Water and Sewer District, and the Department of Social Services. A total of almost $600,000 was requested for this purpose..: Unknowns: • The Schools' request is anticipated to be much more than the current estimated amount. Included for the Schools•~ is a l0 percent increase over the current adopted " amount plus additional funding for increased debt service of $558,624. • Discussions are currently taking place with School administrators concerning the Parks Department providing grounds' maintenance at the schools. • Discussions are currently ongoing with the City of Wilmington concerning which entity could most efficiently operate a joint utility function. • The land transfer tax is being considered by the General Assembly on a state-wide basis. • The status of flow control is still uncertain. If enacted, it would greatly impact the operation of the Environmental Management Fund. Conclusion: - The above information is far from final and is being presented to update you on the status of the budget process and to solicit feedback from you on the proposed budget. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information cc: All Department Heads . ~ RESOLUTION NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, New Hanover County continues to experience unprecedented growth and to suffer from inadequate drainage and current development policies have not remedied this situation; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County continues to grow at a rapid rate both residentially and commercially; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County does not have at this time an updated plan or policy - needed to address these issues; and - - -~ - - - - - WHEREAS, Inadequate drainage, clear cutting of water shed areas, and impact on water quality are of great concern to all citizens of the county; and WHEREAS, the current land use plan attempts to address some of these issues (See Articles 1.0 through 1.3) in the Resource Protection Section of the New Hanover County Land Use Plan. and other approved land use plans such as Airlie Road... A Sense of Place and the Middle Sound Neighborhood Plan; and WHEREAS, the updated New Hanover County Land Use Plan and completed Pages Creek Water Shed Study should reflect and address these issues. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that until New Hanover county has adopted an official drainage plan and the New Hanover County Land Use Plan has been updated for 1997-1998 that no rezoning occur in the resource protection areas and conservation . areas; and that any interim regulations not be used to subvert this purpose. Wrightsville Sound, Airlie Road Association 'Pony s, Chairman / ~ +~ • MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - . ~ .: 24 NORTH THQtD STREET, ROOM 30 ~f MAY 6,1997 . ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE - NO. ~~~'~` 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ~ 61 2. Approval of Minutes 63 ~- _ _ ` 3. Consideration of Approval for Condemnation of Sewer Line Easement 65 4. Consideration of resolution to award of $id tt97-0137 for chemicals for 67 ~~ waters stem and a royal of contract draft n97-0137 Y PP 5. - Consideration of resolution awarding bid n97-0366 for generators to Geneva 69 Corporation, d/b/a/ Covington Diesel, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder for the amount of $198,089. ~,, Adjourn . •~ ~~ ~f ~~ ~~ . ,~; . ~- ~ 1 ~~ ~. _ .., w '_ Tliis page intentionally. left blank ~2 •~ REQUEST FOR~.BOARD.ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: W&S #2 _ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell "` ' SUBJECT: Approval' of Water and Sewer Minutes ~i BRIEF.SUMMARY: Approve the miriutes of Apri121, 1997 .. ~" r: ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ;~ Approve minutes 1 P i~ederal ~: State S: County S: User Fees S: Ot~cr S: A7oney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: F1N: BUD: HR`. COUNTY MANA R`S C MMENT AND RE OMMENDATI N ~p .Approve. minutes. T...--~., - - ~PPR®VE~ F~.EMOVE~ 1~ POSTP®~E~ ~~? ~RT~ ~ S ~~ Refer io Office Vision $ullctin Boazd for Disposition "~ ~' :~ Tlzis page intentionally left blank n i~ n .~ G .i D 7 C r; Regular Item #: W&S #3 Consent Item ~: Additional Item #: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Packager Contact: Kemp P._Burpeau ' SUBJECT: Condemnation of Sewer Line Easement. BRIEF SUIVIIVIA,RY: Staff has been working with landowners in order to acquire easements for sewer lines necessary for the Kirkland ProjectlAbbey.Glen Subdivision. We have agreements.for all necessary easements except one. A great amount of effort and time has been utilized in an effort to obtain the easements. The needed acquisition is a 30 foot wide public utility easement on the property of Richard G. Trask and wife, Angela L. King, more fully described in Deed Book 1730, Page 827, New Hanover County Registry, Tax Parcel No. 2900-OD3-038-003. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Resolve and recommend that the County Attorney's office proceed with condemnation, as necessary. FUi~'D1TTG SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation i2equest: 3ud~et Amendment Prepared: tCl/V1r,VV~llI3X: ' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENAATIONS: Recommend the Board a orize they County Attorney's Office to proceed ~~ith the condemnation of the ,* roe as described P P rh' _ ,. _...~.-,.~..~y _._. ~EJECTE~ ;~ .~.., ' ~?EMOl1E® ~ ~OSTP®~ ~ . /~ Rcfer to Off cc Vision Bollctin Board for Disposition ~~'~"~ ~ ~,7 ~Jyk~-! r`/ Tliis page intentionally left blank t 6~ , _ _ .* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: w&s#4 ~ ,~. `•Consent.Item #: • ; ~.:. Additional Item #: Department: Water/Sewer District•i~~ : °: ... . _~~~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Am Akin SUBJECT: _ Award of bid # 97-0137 for chemicals for water system and approval of contract draft # 97-0137. BRIEF~SIJMMARY: _ _ ~ w . , ~ - , Attached is a resolution awarding bid # 97-0137 for water chemicals to Amerochem Corporation. This bid is for routine chemicals used on a regular basis by the Water/Sewer District. Total estimated cost for a year is $74,445.94. Contract establishes unit costs for each chemical used. A copy of the draft contract is available in the County Manager's office for review. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO ESTED ACTIQNS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution: 1. awarding bid # 97-0137 for water chemicals to Amerochem Corporation, the only bidder, at the unit prices as quoted in proposal. 2. approving draft contract # 97-0137. (Contract is available in the County Manager's office for your review.) r u[vliln'U SUURCE: Federal S: State S: Count}' S: 74,446 User Fees S: Other S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No rcx, v t.r, w.C,1J is x LGL: ~~ ~~ _ FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY.MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND R COMMENDATIONS- Recomrriend approval. f.' ~~~' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~.EIMOVE® . " -7 POSTp®~E~ '' `'~~}`;'f~RESOLUTION'Y `~. a .., ... - -.. ---- - - _ ,.. _,. - ... w ,--•-~ _--- ---~_ .._ ..~.,_._. OF THE - _:... ___... _ _ .. _ . ~_ . _. w..r . - - ~• ~ ~ • •~• .T WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ~ ~ .-, ~ .- -. w~: ~ ~ ~~°~ ~ 4_::aBOARD.OF,COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ -; ~ ~ ., . _ .. _ ._... _ .. _. - ""'NEW HANOVER COUNTY - ~_ . - D WHEREAS, a$er due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance a Department at 11:30 a. m., on the 21st day of April, 1997, at the County Administration Building, _ . 320 Chestnut Street,..Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for chemicals for water system, Bid # 97-0137:, -. - . - _ - Amerochem Corporation $74,445.94 - •° ,~., AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County Manager u recommend that the contract be awarded to Amerochem Corporation; a North Carolina corporation, the only responsible bidder, at the unit prices as quoted in proposal, estimated annual expenditure to a be seventy-four thousand four hundred forty-five dollars and ninety-four cents ($74,445.94); AND WHEREAS, funds have been .previously appropriated and are now in or wiFl-;'fie in subsequent year's budget Account No. 800-470-4197-4210 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer U District Board of Commissioners that the contract for water chemicals, Bid TM 97-0137 be awarded to Amerochem Corporation, at the unit prices as quoted in the proposal, estimated annual expenditure to be seventy-four thousand four hundred forty-five dollars and ninety-four cents (574,475.94); and that the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This Sth day of May,-1997: ---~ - - - (SEAL) . _ Chairman, Board of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District ATTEST: Clerk to the Board=`,l~~~r'-i~'~~'~'-~~'~~'~~~ ` ~8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #:w&s #5 _, ~ .Consent Item #: :t ~• . _ - • Additional Item #: Department: Water/Sewer Districts ._ = '..._ ~•:; ~ ~. ry: •_~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Am Akin SUBJECT: ry -- ~.. ~ . Award of bid # 97-0365 for generators and approval of contract draft # 97-0365. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ' ~ ..:.., ~ . Attached is a resolution+awarding bid # 97-0365 for generators to Geneva Corporation, d/b/a Covington Diesel, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $198,089.00. As a result of Hurricanes Fran and Bertha it was determined that these generators were needed by the District and staff would like to get these installed before the Hurricane Season this year. ~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIQNS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution: 1. awarding bid r 97-0365 for generators to Geneva Corporation d/b/a Covington Diesel, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of S 198,089.00. 2. approving draft contract ~ 97-0365. (Contract is available in the County Manager's office for your review.) FUNDIl ' Federal S 1 1 1 State S Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: 198,089 User Fees S New Appropriation Request: No Other S: ~ LGL: _ FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: Recommend approval. t ~~ ~ l4PP~t~V !~ 1.,,. EtE,6ECTE~ °' ~~' ~?,EMOVE~ ~~ ~ 9 POSTP~NEp Refer to Office Vision BullctinBoard for Disposiuon~Ta~ 1..._..5/~ Gl 7d~ j - _ __ ~' ~~ -~~"RESOLUTION'`' - O ..__ __ .. _ _ . _ _.... _ .. _: _.._ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ .. ___..._ OF_ THE _ __ .... _ .. .__ :L.=:~=~ ~•-~f•:"~ .~,,=:.~ WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ~ ._ ~- :~~ :; - BOARD,OF COMMISSIONERS ~ - , . , , - OF -.-, _ - ~ .r. ._._ -_ . _ . _ _ ._. NEW~HANOVERCOUNTY _ _. _ (~ WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00_ a.m., on the 21st day of April, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320.Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for nine (9) generators, Bid # 97-0365: , ,: ~ .. .. _ Geneva Corporation d/b/a Covington Diesel, Inc. S198,089.00 Gregory Poole Power Systems 5208,750.00 AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Geneva Corporation d/b/a Covington Diesel, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-eight Thousand Eighty-nine Dollars ($198,08900); . AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 800-470-4197-6400 to cover this contract; 1-J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer a District Board of Commissioners that the contract for nine (9) generators, Bid # 97-0365 be awarded to Geneva Corporation dlb/a Covington Diesel, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-eight Thousand Eighty-nine Dollars (5198,089.00); and that the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 5th day of May, 1997. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District ATTEST: _ , ... u~- Cl~kOto the Board -' ; ~ ~ ~' ~` .` ` L '~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ,' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 73 ' 2. Approval of application grant from Community Health Improvement 7S Program (CHIP)-New Hanover Regional Medical Center-Rabies Prevention Project 3. Award of bid #97-0366 and approval of contract n97-0366 for the purchase 8S of a filing system for the Department of Social Services ' 4. Award of contract n97-0317 Cycro Inc. Cooling Tower Repairs at WASTEC 87 S. Approval of Proclamation proclaiming May 18 - 24, 1997 as Emergency 91 Medical Services Week. 6: Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owmed 93 ' by New Hanover County, Parcel ~ROOS4-10-029-023.000, 1112 Dawsorn Street for the amount of offer $3,500.00 ~Z~~J~ 7. Adoption of resolution of support for Legislation to Regulate and lvfonitor 97 the Swine Production Industry in Nortfi Carolina S. Approval of resolution to authorize Finance Director's representative to 103 dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction Ma}' 17, 1997 9. Adoption of resolution adding roads to the State fiighu-ay system: 1 13 $arbados $oulevard in Island Park Industrial Complex 10. Approval of request to submit grant application to Community Health Improvement 1 17 Program (CHIP) to Promote $reast-feeding in the Community. If grant awarded ' approve associated budget amendment ' 1 1. ~ Approval of $udget Amendments: i A. n97-34 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Control led ] 21 substance tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for la~v enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. I ' $. n97-3S to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal 122 ~ Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law ' enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessar}'. C. n97-O1S9 to budget additional State/Federal funds for IVledical Transportation 123 (No additional County funds required) D. x=97-0167 to transfer funds from Contingencies for a public opinion sun'ey 124 about the proposed school bond referendum (approved by the Board on tvtarch I0, 1997). Th 1 e remammg balance m the Contingencies account is S 180,76. Tliis page intentionally left blank 72 1 1 1 1 i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e REQUEST FOR' BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Paae Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Work Session of April 17, 1997 Regular Meeting of April 21, 1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes Federal S: State S: Count}' S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: n'ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Approve minutes. i+~ ~~ ~ . 1~EJ~CTE~ BEM®v~®~ 7 3 G'OST~-y - ~- ftcfcr to Oflicr Vision Sullctin $oard for Disposition ©~'j"~ _ ~ ~/y'~' ~~ This page intentionally left blank 74 ~ . -, L fl i 1 ~J f'. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Beth Jones Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Beth Jones SUBJECT: Approval-Application Grant from Community Health Improvement Program (CHIP)-New Hanover Regional Medical Center-Rabies Prevention Project BRIEF SUMMARY: Request for $22,688 to develop and deliver rabies prevention education among population, especially children, and others at high risk for coming in contact with potentially rabid animals. Acommunity-wide education project to alert the community to the impending threat of rabies and provide. specific information to reduce risk of human rabies. Target population «~ill be: -school children, kindergarten through fourth grade, and families -others at high risk of exposure to animal rabies -medical community to assist in evaluating potential exposures for post-exposure prophylaxis -general population through a public campaign. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Grant Application accept grant and funding if it is approved by state; and authorize the county manager to sign all necessary forms related to accepting grant. r u>~vllllru SVUxc:~: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ?2,688 Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: No LLGL: FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: ~ ~- -- -- - COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• t Recommend approval. Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boud for Disposition ~ ~ ~ ...`~ ~P~R®VL~ a~/ ~:E.~EC~E® I~ 7 ~ fp~EMTOVE® ~ ~®SB~~ -- ~~ ~M ~ ` e.r~ ~....~. . . , ~ _ .... ~ roa rasi.c ccx wcr The Partners Program . ... . _.. of _- New Hanover R,egilon~l Me~ic~t Cesl~ter Pt~ass usr a pain! sits of 12 paints or ~ and krp mmgins ai 1 /2"or amnc ~pF:raaboRS mtd be ~ os Applicant Or~aaization A. In the spate bcbw, picric provide the Warne of your organization, as it appears on your federal taz exemption letter. New Hanover County Health Department B. Organization's street address or post office box, city, county and zip code. 2029 South 17'~ Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 C. Who u the primary contact for information regarding this application? Provide full name, title and an office-hours telephone number. Beth Jones, Communicable Disease Director 910-343-6648 D. In one or two sentences, please dcsa-i-bc the purpose or mission of your organization and how long your organization has b«n in c~astcnc~. New Hanover County Health Dcpartinent (NHCHD) was established in 1879 and is the branch of county govetnrrtcnt that provides public health services to citiz~s of the regiou_ The missioa of NHCHD is to protect the public health and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services. E. ~Y~c~will your organuz.tion perform the project you propose? r Schools, community settings, offices, worksitcs. ..__ - 1 •~ ..The Partners Program .. . HIP - . a component of the ' Coammunity Health Impz-oveuzeat Program of New H=naver R~eaal Medical CmOer :~ Information to addsYSS ~ yonr narrative - which follows the proposal application forms. The first paragraph should ckirriy identify your ocganiution, the purpose of your ncqucst, and the total amount requested. The rest of the narrative should include: • A brief description of the project and the need for it. ' A list of the objectives for your project. • A description of the strategics you will use to meet your objectives. • A list of your program partners and a descri tion of the roles each will la in the ro'ect. P P y P J • The identification and quantification of other sources of cash, staff support, volunteer time, donated goods and services, or any in-kind contributions that will support this project_ • How you will determine whether the project is meeting your stated objectives. Project budget A one-page line item budget for the entire project, not just the Partners Program funds requested, should follow the proposal narrative. The budget should reflect anticipated expenses, your agency's financial or in-kind commitment, and the support of your program partners. A sample budget is providzd in your materials. Deadline information The proposal must be nxcivcd in the NHRMC Foundation office by 5 p.m_, January 15th for rtvicw in nvd- Fcbruary. Proposals must be rcciivcd by July lath, for review in mid-August. Farad proposals will NOT be accepted Should a deadline date fall on a weekend., Proposals may be submitxcd the nett business day. New Hanover Reg-ioaal Medial Center Foundation 2259 South 17th Street, Wilmington NC 28401 Telephone: 910-8155002 Fa~ci 910 1550{i4 ~ 77 T1ie Partners Program • HIP . . ~~ ~' c~m~iy Healt~r ent Program ~ ~' I~1rn- Saa~ower ~a~eal Medical Center Name of Applicant Pev Hanover County Health Dept N)EiRMCF File # Total funds trqucsted f 22.685 If funded, wee inucnd to rrquesL Pa:tncr3 Program support for: Year 2 j j Year 3 [X] "Snapshots" of Your Project A. Briefly describe the health problem you intend to address. Clearly identify and quantify-your target population. A community-wide education project to alert the community to the impending threat of rabies and provide specific information to reduce the risk of human rabies. Target population will be: • school children, kindergarten through fourth grade, and their families • others at high risk of exposure to animal rabies • medical community to assist them in evaluating potential exposures for post~xposure prophylaxis • general population through a public campaign B. Please write a one paragraph summary of your project for the Partners Program Review Board You might find it helpful co ask yourself this: If~ou uxrcgirxn one nunule 1o dcsaibc this pmlert 10 the board rn prrson, u~rat baste but vn~orianl, u, forncalzon uauld yo~c cermty' The community is in a hyperendemic period of wild animal rabies and there is a aced for an alarm call to prevent an epidemic of rabies among domesticated animals and prevent a case of human rabies. Young children by their nature and behavior are ai risk of exposure to potentially rabid animals, both domesticated and wild animals. A puppet show will be used to teach children about specific behaviors io protect themselves from exposure to rabies. In addition, this project will develop educational materials for distribution to reach others at risk of exposure to rabies, it will also focus on providing materials to professionals to assist in reducing the threat of rabies in our community. 78 3 CHIP Proposal for Rabies Prevention P~o'ect J . .~ New Hanover County Health Department is the public health agency of local county government. Our purpose is to protect and promote health in our community. This request is for X22,688 to develop and deliver rabies prevention education among our population, especially to children, and others at high risk for coming in contact with potentially rabid animals. Since March 26, 1996, 28 cases of animal rabies have been identified in New Hanover County. All areas of the county have reported cases except two small pockets, where it is suspected the disease is present but not yet identified. Rabies has been identified in New Hanover County in wild animals, including raccoons, bobcats, and foxes. AduiLs and children, as well as family pets, have had exposure to rabid animals. In many instances after pet exposure has occurred, it is discovered that rabies vaccinations are not current. Target Population . This project will include a variety of methods to prevent the incidence of domesticated animal rabies and also reduce the potential for human rabies in our community. Young children, especially those kindergarten to fourth grade, will be targeted to view a puppet show which demonstrates to children the dangers of wild animals and sick domesticated animals. Education will emphasize ways other than animals bites as possible sources of exposure and the need to maintain rabies protection among pets by vaccinations. Warnings to avoid strays and wild animals will be included. Schools will be used for classroom puppet shows and PTA meetings and literature dissemination to inform parents of the threat of rabies. Fliers will be prepared for children to take home which will give specifics on how to reduce the risk of rabies to their families. Adults at particular risk, either by their employment, such as utility companies or waste removal employees, or by their sport, such as hunting or fishing, will be targeted for education sessions and distribution of materials with rabies preventive measures. Medical-care providers (veterinarians and physicians), urgent care centers, Vitalise, and emergency departments will be targeted for education and distribution of materials to assist in decision making and referrals for post-exposure evaluations. Objectives The objectives of the project will be to: 1. Increase awareness of rabies as a threat to our corum unity. 2. Educate general public and specific target populations about specific preventive actions to reduce potential for rabies exposure. 3. Prevent incidence of rabies in domesticated animals by encouraging current rabies vaccinations. 4. Prevent a case of human rabies. ' " 5. Develop written materials on rabies prevention including post-exposure information for, distribution to target populations. . 6. Promotc prompt reporting to New Hanover County Heahh Department Animal Control incidents of exposure to potential rabies. Program partners will be New Hanover County public and private schools, classes kindergarten through fourth grade, and their teachers and principals. Classrooms will serve as educational sites with teachers and principals giving introductory information and reinforcement_ Specific high-risk populations will be reached by contacting employers and hunting and fishing clubs to provide educational programs and information. Pre-exposure vaccines will be offered to those at high risk at employer's or personal expense and instructions for reporting exposures emphasized. A general educational campaign will be developed to increase awareness of rabies and teach specific preventive actions to reduce the potential for rabies exposure to humans and pets. The public education campaign will include information appropriate for all ages and reading levels. The campaign will disseminate information through news releases, television and radio interviews, public service announcements, and through local veterinary and physician offices, A logo and motto will be developed and used on literature and in messages. Information will include~reminders to have all pets' rabies vaccinations current. Information will be distributed to medical providers including Vitaline, urgent care centers, and emergency departments to assist in evaluating possible exposures and making appropriate referrals and patient management decisions. Strategy The project will recruit and train an individual to serve in a temporary part-time position as a rabies prevention educator. Consideration may be given to a senior health education major io provide an internship experience. This employee will work closely with other public health staff in. Animal Control, Communicable Disease, Health Education, and Child Health to integrate rabies prevention in child health programs, schools, and day cares. The employee will develop an action plan to reach as many of the target population as possible. The employee will conduct outreach to target population with rabies prevention messages and materials that are purchased and developed. The action plan will include the general public awareness campaign. The Rabies Alert Subcommittee of the New Hanover County Health Department EPI Team will meet monthly to review, approve, and assist in implementation of the project. Data to be reviewed by the Rabies Alert Subcommittee will include: 1. Number of cases of rabies identified and in what animals and what locations. 2. Number of cases of human exposures to potentially rabid animals. 3. Number of human exposures to confirmed rabid animals. 80 ,~ 4. Number of human receiving post~xposure prophylaxis.. 5. Number of ad-ris3c humans receiving vaccinations. 6. Group oducation presentations including puppet shows and number of at#endees. 7. General activities for public awareness campaigrL Statistical data will be compared with previous year's data where available. ~. 1 i ~ , ~1 1 1 ~ 81 3 CHIP Proposal for Rabies Prevention Project New Hanover County Heahfi Department ~~ Bn ~ _ Jaly 1,1947 -December 31,1997 Persoand Partners Pro am NHCHD in Kind Support Salary -Rabies Prevention Educator 5l 0,000 j°~' (temporary part-time employee) Clerical support (3 hrs/wk x 26 x 58) $ 624 Grant administration/supervision 1,716 (3 hrs/wk x 26 x 522) NHCHD staff assistance in 500 ~ development and implementation ~ Total 510,000 52, 840 Operating Supplies and materials 5 7,000 Office supplies, pamphlets, I educational materials, incentives, ' refreshments Training and travcl 500 S 500 'I Printing 2,000 Mileagc rcimbursemcni 1,188 Devclopmcnt of slick presentation 500 I}evelopment of video 1.500 ~ OfficcJfurniture 300 Equipment use 2,000 (telephone, fax, personal computer with Internet access, copier, audio- visual equipment) Total 512,688 52,800 TOTAL BUDGET i 522,688 S5,640 i Q II' `, 4 f l ~oos~ a, rwiejme Bed Director iLC~IAID T. C~RltR Animal Cowl Du~cccor NEW I~[ANOVER COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL DIVISION . ' _ ` 220 DIVISION DRIVE .WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-2825 . TFI.FPHONE(910) 3I1-197 April l d, 1997 To Whom It May Concern: Animal Control Services has always taken a proactive stance in its fight to protect the public against the threat of rabies diseases We are one of the only counties in North Carolina that has a teaching program in the schools. We frequent health fairs and do speaking engagements jor community groups in the county. We recently developed a puppet show to target the youngest population of our county. However, the task at hand is monumental, and word needs to go to as large a group as possible. We are committed to continue our rabies prevention education, but we need assistance with our duties. We are excited about the collaborative effort with the other divisions in the Health Department The rabies prevention educator is a necessary addition to our program. The spread of rabies in our county since March 26, 1996, is a definite indicator of the high risk to our community. We appreciate your consideration of this proposal, and we look forward to implementation once funds are awarded Sincerely, ~J ~ ~`'~` ' w ~ Ronald T. Currie, Director Jean P. McNci~ Field Supervisor 83 2~auz ~{~QI°t~ - Buz ~z~uty APR-18-1997 10 ~ 00 4R I GNT'SBCR'0 FRX 3.43 5983 91081so915 P,~ Vilrightsboro Elementary School ~ , _ ~ ~ ~-, 2716 C.a3tle Rayne Road • Wilmington, N~ 28401. • ~-- . ~ ..: .: ~ M;c4ue1 J. Zentrr~cyer. Prindpal . Bonn;. T. Page, Assistant Principal i~ w. sue. s~c~, To: Whore J t May Concern From: Michael Zentmeyer Re: Rabies Education Program Date: 4-1 8-9 7 Please accept this memo as my support for the Rabies Education Program as was presented by the New Hanover County Animal Control ~ Division. The officers came to our school and did several presentations to groups of our students. The presentations were interesting, informative and kept the students' attention. More importantly, the presentations helped focus attention to a serious problem in the Wrightsboro community. The high number of cases of rabies in this area is a clear signal that student and adult education is vital. Some of the basic guldeGnes that were presented will undoubtedly prevent some of my students from placing themselves at risk to rabies. I was very pleased with the cooperation and quick response of the NHC Animal Control Division to my request for help in this matter. They also provided literature and handouts to give out at my next PTO meeting. I support any effort to continue these and other education and prevention programs. S4 (910) 815-6909 • fax {910) 815-b91 ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 f Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Social Services Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT: Award of bid # 97-0366 and approval of contract # 97-0366 for the purchase of a filing system for the Department of Social Services. BRIEF SUMMARY: After the renovation at the Department of Social Services it was determined that for efficiency all records needed to be consolidated in the Records Management Division of Social Services. This filing system will be an expansion of the filing system already in place in the Records Management Division. The formal bid process was followed but only one bid was received. Attached is a resolution recommending award to BROROY Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase and a contract draft. The amount of the purchase to be 529,988.00. (The contract is available in the County Manager's Office for your review.) RECOMMENDED MOTION 4ND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution and approval of contract awarding bid for filing system to BROROY Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase in the amount of 529,988.00. ~ Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: 29,988 User Fees S: Other S: New Appropriation Request: No ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Recommend appro al. Rcfcr to Ofiicc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .-~ -- - ~~ ~ . A~1~ROVf~® ~_ . -. l~E,~ECTE® . ,.,~ B rJ ~?EMOVE~ 6'OSTP® .~.. RESOLUTION . OF THE n BOARD OF COMIVIISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:30 p.m, on the 15th day of April, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a filing system for the Social Services Department, Bid # 97-0366: ,,,. BROROY Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase $29,988.00 '- AND WHEREAS, the Social Services Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to BROROY Corporation d/b/a The Off ce Showcase of Wilmington North Carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of twenty-nine thousand nine hundred eighty-eight dollars and no cents (529,988.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No 1 10-~30-5310-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Drew Hanover County that the contract for a filing system for the Social Services Department, Bid ~ 97-0366 be awarded to BROROY Corporation d/b/a The Office Showcase in the amount of twenty-nine thousand nine hundred eighty-eight dollars and no cents (529,988.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 5th day of May, 1997. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners L ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 8~ _ ., i. y 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: - -- - . -Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department:. Environmental Management Presenter: ' Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract #97-0317 Cycro Inc. Cooling Tower Repairs -WASTEC BRIEF SUMMARY: Informal bids were received for the repair of the two cooling towers at the WASTEC facility. The cooling towers are used to provide cooling water to the plant for cooling equipment and in association with the operation of the three turbine generators. The cooling towers are not associated with HVAC systems. Work to be performed includes replacement of deteriorated wood, hardware, and plastic fill material in each of the two towers. The age of the cooling towers is 13 years and 7 years. Repair of the towers will prevent further deterioration and allow continued production of electricity from the turbine generators, a major source of revenue. (The technical specifications are available in the County Manager's Office for your review.) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQLIFSTED ACTIgNS• Staff request the award of contract #97-0317 to Cyrco, Inc. of Greensboro, NC in the amount of 564,029.46 for repair of the cooling towers. ' Bid Recap Cyrco, Inc. ~ 564,029.00 To«~er Performance 561,920.00 Federal S: State S Money Is In Currenf Budget: }'es Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: 54,029.46 User Fees S Ivew Appropriation Request: Other S: A W ~ lAJ ~ 1 J~jL L 1. LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~~~ ~.~EC~°~® 8 7 f~EMOVE® • .. ~ R interoffice M E M,O'R A N D U`M- .,: to: Ray Church, Director of Environmental Management ~ 0 1' ~~? ~. ~~C~(BGv~~.: from: Teresa Horsboll, WASTEC Materials Manager subject: Cooling Tower Repair Bid ~ ~?R ~ ' ~ ~ ~99~ date: April 8, 1997 NEW HANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFFICE _,j After reviewing the quotes recieved to~repair both cooling towers at WASTEC, Al, John, Ron and myself agree that Cycro Inc. satisfies our requirements and is ]ow bidder. Please place this award of contract 97-0317 on the Commissioners agenda. for the April mei;ting. Thank you. ~ . 88 .: ~,r „.;., - , • ~- rco,inc. C T ME~e~ COOUhIG TOwEA wsT1711TE Post Office Box 7292 • Greensboro, North Carolina 27417 • (910) 668-0977 ~~ March 28, 1997 ~~ Subject: New Hanover County Wastec Facility Enclosed is our bid package for your project : Repairs #97-0287 ;~ Our copy of our North Carolina Contractors.license shall be forward to your office upon our receipt .Verification of our number #15(}01 may be verified by calling Raleigh North Carolina- 919/~71-4183. Apparently the original was lost in the US mail Enclosed is a brief history of our company and a pamal list of projects completed similar in nature to yours. Copy of our conditions & warranty are enclosed- Copy of Financial Statement Enclosed. - A certificate of insurance will be mailed from our carver directly to you , naming you as the additional insured. Will meet all requirements. Respectfully, ~,/ a ~ `~~ Patricia A Couture Secretary Cyrco,inc ~ 89 ' Cooling Tower Installation, Maintenance & Repair - Emergency Numoer (910) 292-6659 Tliis page intentionally left blank 90 i t t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item rr: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Emergency Medical Service Presenter: P e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: L E. Ra SUBJECT: Emergency Medical Services Week BRIEF SUMMARY: Proclamation proclaiming May .18 through 24, 1997 as Emergency Medical Services Week. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval, authorizing Chairman Greer to sign. Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: ~'ew Appropriation Request: Other S: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Approve proclamati r ~ ft,~~`~'~,~- [{-yam'( ~~ ~.-~•-.--...,...~:. - _ ~~~®~~ i~~'~~ l~~-~cT~~ 91 ~?E~I®1/~® ~ 6'®ST~B~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ®RT~ ~~'~~.~, ti.~~~ _,a \" . u . ~~ WHEREAS, "this year. marks the` eleventh anniversary" of the New Hanover County Emergency. Medical Services program, and WHEREAS, this program has produced significant progress to include a well defined prehospital care system, enhanced Advanced Life Support care levels, improved training, and a designated trauma care center, and WHEREAS, these changes, which have affected all areas of the county,. would not have been possible without. a dedicated team effort by the organizations, agencies, and professionals involved in emergency medical services, and WHEREAS, it is in keeping with their dedication that we~set aside a special time to .recognize their contributions to the welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. NOW, THERErORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of May 18 through 24, 1997, as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in New Hanover County, and dedicates this observance to those individuals whose tireless and selfless efforts prow-ide critical life-saving medical care to our citizens. Adopted this Sth day of May, 1997. Robert G. Greer, Chairman .i ,~. . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . - ~ Meeting Date: 05/05/97 . ~~ Regular Item #: - Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item ~: Department: County Manager ~ ~~ ~ ~ Presenter: - Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen ONeal ~. ~ SUBJECT: r . Approval of resolution relating to sale of surplus property. . ~,. BRIEF. SUMMARY: Resolution relating to sale of property owned by New Hanover County, Parcel Number R0054-10-029-023.00, 112 Dawson Street for the amount of $3,500. ' ' ;~. ~- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS- ~. , ~r ~ ' Otticr S: REVIEWED BY• ~~ LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: HR. Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposi[ion~/'e~~ J s/~~ ~C:~Y~-~ ~~ - ~, 4~`~~ _ ~ , }r w Y yy yl ... ~Y :~ ._ ~~~~r 1C ITY of. _U1/I ~M I NGTON _ . = ~ ~~t~' - forth Carolina . ._ . .. ~ 1739 ~ - •-P.~: B~X 1 81.0 ~ - ADMINISTRATIVE SEF?VICES ~- ~.~ - ~ ~ - TDD (910) 341-7873 28402 (9io~ 3ai-~s3o April 22, 1997 ~.. Mr. Allen ONeal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property o«•ned by New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follo~•s:. , Parcel 1`TUmber Address Amount of Offer RO0~4-10-029-023.000 1112 Dawson Street 53,00.00 This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment hereto. This propert}' has an ad valorem ta_v value as of 1989 of 52,974.00. Please place this item on the Count}' Commissioner's Agenda for May ~, 1997. The offer io purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, _ ~ , Steven .Bridges Purchasing Agent , SDBaws Attachment .._ ., F .J `~t' ~ ~ Ri1~l r~ U~~~ ~+~ ` 1 ~~ ~ ` , .. INTRODUCED BY: Allen ONeal; .County IVianager ' DATE:. ~ ~ Ma 5 1997 " Y . -" RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERLY ' ~ LOCATED AT 1112 DAWSON STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: ~~. ~ . This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: j Parcel Number Address ~ Amount of Offer Tax Value ROD54-10-029-023.000 .1112 Dawson Street $3,$00.00 $2,974.00 - Offerer. Property Dimensions Market Value New Covenant Holiness Church 33' x 90' $3,500.00 1102 Dawson Street This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat . , for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been. advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. v RESOLVED: ~; 1: That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase .identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. ~" - 2. That I~Tew Hanover County receives the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit ponied by the offerers) ~~°hen: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. ~' b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of recei t of P a notice: by certified mail of availability of the deed of conve}~ance. ~~ 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. ~: That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. ~" Adopted at a regular ' meeting on , 19 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ATTEST: ~~ ~ 9 ~ Clerk fo the Board Chairman ~11 (. .~ J- 1• ~ V N ~l-~ 4 ~ •r-~ • ~N ° - N O C P- - ~( it •i •°• ~_1 N N > _ <. j- ~ o _ : -•~•' . IL _- ^ :'O._ . 'I ~ + .~_;{• :a •~ ~ JIB V ~^ an ^~r•~- tt_, t\L .. ~ "'1 w t..~~t (~•~ oHO N ~ Z ~0~ _ VI_ ~• r r --- o. a J1 r ? ^'. L ._ ± ~.1 t ; •~ _ _t _ .•N ter, ~ p L_ _ =~ .- N NIN N II 1 ~ L t • tt (,. •• ~ N1N7~713 y ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ O T -tl tti '• .S 11 • 1 .. 1 rl -'f - ~, ~ {t f - 1~3~1t tt ~ t{ t 'lam ~- _ 'f.._11, t{ ~ .. 1 l 1 ~• (. 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' 1 ', 71-- 'll• I i ~ I i ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~ '!t •r II r~ +~ V `°~ r ;~ i; - o<. =•. 11 l 1 1 1 'I ~ I - r ~~. ~ J_ ~-~ o w.~, o r.•I\ _ 1 ~ 11 1 I . o I _~ t,°l ~ __ .0 1 _I 4_ _ 1 i 1_ 11 1 11 II ~lll I 1 _ 1 `.r _-?J_ N ~ I 1 ~~a• J 1 I 1 ^ 1 1 1 l L 1 1 i I oa C° p II - - ~ -~~ 1 •l t (~ 1 I o 1 1 I 1 , I I _- _ o _ K I I I ~I I I I ~ ~-J-- 137ti~1t ~•.I I I 1 L__L--t---t---- i 1 t\ t\ _J--- It ---~--T-- I I I 1 i .~ <, 1 I ~ I 1 ~ ~ II I ~' 1~ _ I I II I I I~~ I I i v _ '(~ tl 1 ~ .I ~~ I I I I i- II I 'I tt _~ ' ~ II ~ I ~~ 1 I 1 I - I _ a o ~ ~ - ~. I I 1 ,II I ~ 1.1 '~ .r, 1 •'y I ~. l J `~ ~ E'•. L - . ,• a+A1 fa•u t tt It 1 i _ + I '~ N !~_ -- , ( - i ~ ~ - - T _ • u N .o 0 1 - O 1 ;'t , II ,<t 1 rt Regulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: `~ Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal ,~ SUBJECT: ` Resolution of Support for Legislation to Regulate and Monitor the Swine Production Industry in North Carolina. ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY:. The Wilmington City Council requests the support of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioner by adoption of a Resolution to be forwarded to the North Carolina General Assembly, to regulate, monitor the production of swine in the state of North Carolin. L _ ~~. L~ is ;, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS` C~ i FUiVDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYe~i' Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: .REVIEWED BY: ~'~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA 'S OMMENTS AND. RE MMENDATI N, : ` ~" Adopt resolution. ~- .: ~~®v~ ~~ I~E~EC~~~ 9 7 - Refcr to Officc Vision $ullttin Board for Disposition ~~S~ ppg~ ~ t~ @tl ~ ~:` - . ...RESOLUTION BY NEW HANOVER COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION TO REGULATE AND . MONITOR THE SWINE PROD UCTION IND USTR Y IN NORTH CAROLINA - WHEREAS, The 1997 Session of the General Assembly is considering legislation that would address the siting, regulating and monitoring of swine production to protect public health and the environmenf,~SB478 and HB8~ are drafted to address concerns which have arisen during the past fe~v years of tremendous growth in the swine production industry and WHEREAS, New Hanover County is an urban county and depends on the Cape Fear River for much of its drinking water, commercial fishing, recreation and tourism and pollution of the river, creeks and marsh causes grave concern for the health and welfare of all citizens of the County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that New Hanover County Board of Commissioners requests the North Carolina General Assembly to adopt legislation during the 1997 Session which provides for regulatory, monitoring and enforcement actions for the production of swine. Adopted this the fifth day of May, 1997. {SEAL } NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board ATTEST 98 - ~J~ t ~prii 16•, 1991 Mr. William "Bill." Caster vice Chairman Ne~~ :i.=_nover County Com.^~issieners DON BETZ 3?0 Chestnut Street r~t~yor ~•Ji lmington, rdC 2°401 near Bill: KATHERINE B. MOORE tl:C:or Pro-ien-t€ CCU^.'CIL ~~i~t~S~=RS .FRANKS. CONLON HAMILTON E~ HICKS, JR. LAURA W. PADGETT HARPER PETERSON CHARLES H: ~RIVENBARK, JR MARY M. GORNTO ~, THOMAS C. POLLARD C:-y r.`iC'n~y PENELOPE SPICER-SIDBURY `i~ C;~. ~ierk ~~ Cris:' Gt'.'','ilf7linCiGn Post GtSce Box 1810 .Wilmington, Norfh Corolino 28402 910-341-.7815 ,~ ~ - I ^he .~7ilmington City Council at its regular meeting G7'i Apr11 1, 1 Q4-1 t~nanl?TtOi~Sl•_J adopted "::esolution of SunUort ror Legislaticn tc :regulate ar.d T~loniter the twine Prcduct~cn I:.dustrv in Ncrt~~ Carolina." . Pie E.~ve as:~_ed t:~e to adopt legislation d which provides for the and strict enforcement r~roducticn of scaine in Carolina. uri.nig its ? 99 % ses Sign regulation, mcnitor~ng actions for the the State of idorth I hope that you would recommend that the IJe«~ Hanover County Com_*~issioners adopt a similar Resolution and forward to the N. C.. General assembly. Your consideration and support is greatly appreciated. S ncer~y Harp r aeter on t~lilming on City Councilmember HP/PSS/dl~;c A: Caster. d~c/'r71 7 G ~ f}~~ hrl\ ~ . U 14J~J • ~ . --~- - . ~ •~- _ City Council Resolution~~ ~ City of Wilmington Nonh Carolina r n " ., . - 1 1 Introduced by: Harper Peterson, Councilmember April 1, 1997 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR LEGISLATION TO REGULATE Al\TD MONITOR THE SWINE PRODUCTION IlVDUSTRY IP1 NORTH CAROLIi~tA LEGISLATIVE IITTENT/I'URPOSE: The 1997 Session of the General Assembly is considering legislation, currently SB478 and HB85 (attacnments A and B), that would address the siting,, regulating and monitoring of swine production as it relates to the:protection of the public health and welfare, and the environment. The two Bills, although containing several distinct differences, are both drafted_to address concerns which have arisen during the past few. years of .tremendous growth in the swine production industry'.. The City of Wilmington and surrounding region is dependent on the Cape Fear River for its drinking water source, commercial fishing, recreation, and tourism. As ~ ~_. municipa.liry that responsibly uses the Cape Fear River for point discharge of its treaied wastewater in compliance with strict state regulations and monitoring requirements, the City Council acknowledges that pollution of the. river and other public waters is not the result of any single industry, activity or municipality. Rather, the overall quality of the river is integrated with all of the various users and adjacent properties. The City Council is not opposed to the swine production industry and recognizes the economic benefits which coriiributes and are important to the region. It is, however, also recognized that swine production can create potentially negative impacts which can be avoided or minimized through enhanced monitoring and enforcement. of necessary regulations. NO~V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Wilmington City Council does hereby request the North Carolina General Assembly to adopt legislation during the (997 Session which provides for the following regulatory, ~monitorino and enforcement actions for the production of swine: 100 Page two • 1. Liquid animal waste management systems shall not be permitted to be'constructed on land classified as wetlands or within 100-year floodplain; . 2. Regulations for the siting of animal waste management systems within the 100-year floodplain shall be implemented to insure . minimal material or potential impact on the land and.in the waters • within the floodplain; 3. Regulations to protect and monitor the groundwater and surface water at or near a swine production operation shall be implemented and enforced. 4.- Enabling authority shall be granted to local Boards of Health to allow t15e adoption of rules beyond those currently in effect by the Commission for Health Services and the Environmental Management Commission for the protection of the public health; ~. Authority shall be granted to counties and cities to regulate intensive animal production operations through zoning classifications; 6. The new regulatory, monitoring and enforcement actions should be implemented prior to the permitting of:new or expanding swine production operations or animal waste management systems. • Don Betz, Mayor ~, 1-- . regular Adopted at a ~~~,~`~~.~, meeting on a p r i 1 1 199 ~ ~~~~,• >: .~ ~a~~ n Tw; ATTEST: - -~~-~~~ r ,` t39 K~CQa _ City Clerk 101 102 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 i 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:- 05/05/97 . Regular Ifem #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: Finance ~ Presenter: . Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Am ~ Akin SUBJECT: , Disposal of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction to be held May 17, 1997. BRIEF SUMMARY: Resolution for approval to authorize Finance Director's designated representative to dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction to be held May 17, 1997: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of resolution authorizing Finance Director's designated representative to dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through the County Auction to be held May 17, i 997. k'UIVllL1'G SUUKCE: Federal S: State S: County S User Fees S: Other S: Money 1s In Current Budget: IView Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Adopt resolution. V~ - -.~--. - ~.. ~~ l+~F~[~C~'~~ ~ ~ ~ `:' BEM®V~® ~., . Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition `^~ t - - RESOLUTION' _ _ _ ._ _ ..__ . . OF THE ' .. ~ BOARD OF COMNIISSIONERS - i OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY G ~, WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items of personal property ' which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment to this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of the personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add items to or delete items from the auction list, and perform ,~ all necessary functions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, May 17, 1997 at 9:00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington,..North Carolina. Adopted this 5th day of May, 1997. r ~ ' . (SEAL) Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board !. r i 104 ~ - .,~ ~ ~. ~' ~ a NEW HtiNOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST ,~~ ~r ,~, .~,' 1. J t i --- I j - -- f i I i TAC FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION ! FROM I SERIAL MODEL n n I DEPT i # # 1 I IJuki 6300 Dais heel Printer IDA'S Office:634-007345 1 6300 2a b c 01953 IIBM 3270 PC & Color Dis la ISMS 5271-26-O1S3907 1 5271 G 01364 Brother EM-71 1 T ewriter ISMS E6147620.1 EM-71 1 4a S eaker/I'a e Portable Unit (Museum I. 4b S eaker~Ta e Portable Unit (Museum ~ I 4c IOSIS2 ILeteron S stem Label Maker IMuesum 180461 1 - . 001660 Xerox 1025 Co ier i Museum I I 102S I I IIBM Color Monitor IA~inQ I IS734S I I 7 107942 I1$M Color Monitor IAQ~a 12393684 X5272 J 8 I IIBM Proprinter XL IAoing 1470041232 I 9a,b,c f OS420 IIBM PC 8: Monitor iAQinQ 10102314 X5271 IOa,b c I IIBM PC & Monitor IAQin~ 10144894 I 1 1 a-d 1010065 Ta e Backu (Museum ( I 1010053 - IIBM PC & Monitor (Museum 12003840 1 8530 j I 1000000000005123 IIBM PC (Museum ;OS43fi9 I I I12 (Stainless Steel Food Warmer ILEC I I I 113 I ( Stainless Steel Table ILEC i I I l4 I I S-Drawer Metal File Cabinet ~ ;KAB i I '15 .1 09348 I IBM Terminal (Tax !GG1S9 h193 j 16a I j Royal Vacuum Cleaner (Prop M~m tDB6G0679S9 I 1166 1 ; Clarke Vacuum Cleaner .;Proo Memt:914538978 jl6c ~, ~ 17 'IS 19 ~0 + i I (Kent Vacuum Cleaner ~ (Kent Vacuum Cleaner -000000000009212 (Windsor Pilemaster I 120" Floor Polisher ;Black Drafting Stool ;Prop M~mt'OOlOS361 _ _ Prop M~mt'O1000476 I __ _ !Prop M;mt_IS7002 1 _. _. ;Prop M~mt 1S3LS610716 1 'Prop iti~t~~mt: 22a,b i i2 Burgandy Conference Chairs :Health ! ?3 ;09360 I]BM4202-001 ProprinterXL Health-EH 0365696 ~ ___ 14203-001 24 j ~ ;Credenza '~ 'Finance ~ _ 1 ~2S 07492 ~ 11BM 5842 2400 bps Modem (Finance 1~3-OOOS7~ I ~84~ 1 26 IOOOOOOOOOOOOlS9 ,Monroe Calculator ;Finance Y476451 12725 ~27a j (Projector in Wood Box I~tuseurn 1276. (Meter Mail Machine (Museum i I I 28 I Bosch Rotary Hammer & Demolition Prop M~mt i II 1203 I ~~ I (Bosch Circular Saw (Prop M~mt5S10799 I i '~0 (Milk 3/4" Dri11 !Pro M~mt~S0012813399 I I '~ 1 I 9" Skill Grinder (Pro Mamt 1875279 I u2 i (IBM PC & Monitor 1Plannino ,_ ~~3-2739019 I 8S30 G3 j 0514S Panasonic F -1300 Co ier (Pro M~mtiCGA602S982 FP-1300 G4 ( Wyse 1S0 Monitor ~ MIS j09H11600726 1 150 ~~S 1 08960 I IBM PC R: Monitor jMIS IS~73-26-0039836/1 1 1 1 1 370/5272 u6 1 000000000001546 I IBM uietwriterPrinter ;MIS 10065415 1 5201 r7 1 011OS4 1BM 850S Monitor (MIS 1~3-C4074 ~ X508 GS 1 '00]-771 I IBM 3179 Terminal ILibnry _13179-AY37S u179 ;~9 i Citation PC & Samsun Monitor iLibrary !BF72 I j ~0 001742 j IBM 3178 Terminal (Library 13178-XV09S ~ X3175 ~ I ,41 1 01965 I IBM 3270 PC & Monitor (Library IS24 1-26-0 1 462 53 IS271 47 5 1/4" 4869 Disk Drive Library 186-01~1~34 X869 43 j ( Black & Decker 1/2" Drill iPro M,mt!4496 ; i ' 04/09/97 ~~ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST TAG I FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION FROM I SER (DEPT( # U' ~ - ~. I MODEL _ # d4 I I IBM Monitor & Keyboard !Library I I ~45 ~ , Citation. Hart Disk Drive _ (Library: I27471~1948 ~6 ~ ( Avid Cassette Recorder Library 16359 . - i - ,47 ( 1 Bell & Howell 16mm Filmsound Projector Health 9150199 I 8 I ( Bell & Howell 16mm Filmsound Projector 1Health 9320051 ,49 . ( 010507 ( Xerox 5028 Copier (Library 68H-513495 5028 50 L07323 _ ( Bell & Howell 16mm Filmsound Projector . (Health .. (6008034 I 151 1 000000000007136 I Dukane A-V Matic Machine. HHealth ~ L ~2 I 000OO00OOOOSS33 ..I IBM Selectric II Typewriter (Library„ ',6536484 I ~~3 I IBeseler Century Vu-Graph Overhead Projector __; Health 4098 ~ I !S4 107319 1Panasonic Industrial Camera (Health I52B00951 1 _ ~' ~S 1.07270 iDukane AV-Matic Machine (Health !1275380 I ~S6 . 1001607 ( LaBelle Duo 16 Projector Health I T7090311 IT1000 ~7 1000000000007] IS I BeII & Howell Ringmaster Slide Projector _ 1Health ~ 1 I ~S 103947 (Bell & Howell Ringmaster Slide Projector X59 I LLaBelle Duo 16 Projector 60 107320 (.Panasonic Industrial Camera 6L _ 107324 Bell & Howell 16mm Filmsound Projector. 62 107272 IGE VCR X63 ;07926 iIBM PC '64 I iVCR '65 1 iCamcorder ~66. !001734 '1BM 317SC Terminal '67 'F-01957 !Office Chair 6Sa i ;Canon Calculator 16Sb ~ :Canon Calculator i6Sc i (Sharp Calculator 6Sd iSharp Calculator ~69 1010521-OI iIBM SS 12 Monitor p0 101 IS23 (Thomas Conrad TC4050 Mau -- ;MIS 192513968 ,71 .'06333 !Panasonic FP-3007 Copier 72 1010406 X73. '010405 ;74 ;03778 X75 1010407-01 ;76 - _ i LC- ompa~c Monitor/1BM Keyboard. NEC Monitor 77 ~F01987 iOffice Chair !End i4019H.4L10261 iEn~ 172-5059037 IEn~ ~ !00829S16A097 Eno 06A'01406 lue.,i.~, ~ . I I X271 3175 -- 1MP31D ~MP31D _._ J 'QS2604 _ L~ IQS2604 iS512-001 ITC40S0 FP-3007 I 5560 i CZ-805A I ~7Sa 103929 (?) IShat-p 9750 Copier I-DSS 176202534 9750 ;786. 1010492 ~ (Minolta EP-4230 Copier iDSS 13153016 iEP-4230 175c 1010491 iMinolta EP-4230 Co ier (DSS ~ 152444 IEP-4230 79a X08599 ;IBM Pro rimer iDSS - 12162T4 1 796 1010473 ~1BIv1 Proprinter XL24E (DSS ~ 1 1-2190459 4205 ~9c ;07572 IIBM.ProprinterXL24E (DSS I~017535 I ~79d 1010422 IAM PrnnrintPr Xf ~4F IT1CC I~no~.~~~ 4o0S 30 1001647 11BM PC 31 100000000000881 l iGBC Binding Machine S2a-~ 17 Keyboards 83a ~ 100000000000151 1 IBM 3179 Terminal 53b. ~0~(}600000 1 5 1 6 IIBM 3179 Terminal DSS 15160-4027440 DSS I DSS DSS ;93646 DSS 9-1063 04/09/97 2 Compaq Computer !.Compaq Computer IIBM Computer ;Health 1,8095.004 ' (Health IJS061.813 .(Health .'152B01012 (Health. ' 16010072 !Health !6H2RT6S24 'Library 10093406 Library I (Library !Library !3175-VJ929 :Sheriff Dept Tax Tax _ iTax '. 'Tat iMIS ~ X72=1076632 ;Magistrate !HHC22312579 En, 14:02 l HA122014 l X160 I ~~ ~ ~ - 3179 3179 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST ,~t ;~~ ~' ~I> ~•:. ,,~= I ~~:': ~' •~, ~} I I i ' ~ I i ; I TAG I FIXED ASSET _ DESCRIPTION FROM ~ SERIAL I MODEL ~ # I ~ i (DEPT) I # ~ ~ ' ~83c 1 000000000001518 I IBM 3179 Terminal DSS 4073 x3179 i 83d 000000000001526 IBM 3179 Terminal DSS iA5545 3179 84a 01474 Tand DMP-2200 Printer DSS 1 9006333-6A6 84b 1 01475 Tand DMP-2200 Printer I DSS 9006537-7A6 i _~ 8Sa 010570 IBM PC I DSS 1 23-13]2491 ~SSS 856 1 010671 IBM PC DSS 23-1376992 X555 SSc 09462 IIBM PC I DSS 1 7210809 I 8Sd e 1 IIBM PC &Monitor I DSS I ! I 86a ( 05894 IBM Wheelwriter Printer I DSS OOE3645 X216 i 866 1 08895-17 IIBM Color Plotter I DSS (A9475 (1372 1 87a 1 IMicro Design 92S Microfiche Reader IDSS 14139056 i __ - i I87b I IMicro Desion 92S Microfiche Reader IDSS 14301409 1 1570 I IMicro Design 92S Microfiche Reader DSS (1146263 I (S7d 101461 - IBM Wheelwriter 3 T ~ ewriter IDSS 11-0771993 ; ~ I I87e I Metal Return for Metal Desk IDSS i I ~57f I (Wood Return for Wood Desk IDSS i I IS7~ I (Toddler Car Seat n2 IDSS I I (8Sa b I (Two Rollin Swivel Typist Chairs. (DA's Office .' I 1S9a 103835 (IBM 5530 PC (MIS 7z-1156539 8530 i X596 90 I (Archive VPISOE Tape Backup (Desk . Itv11S i J VC IAA764452 1 91 ( I Paoer Cutter 2z2 w/ 24" Blade I Health-VC ; I ' 92a i IKroy Label Maker LLibrary ! i ___., 1926 1001726 iIBM 326S-2 Printer Librarti' 157447 326S 93 I IBiyt Monitor & Keyboard ILibrar ,94 ~ IBM Monitor& Keyboard ~ ILibrar ~ : 95 IIBM Monitor ~: Keyboard i Librar 9G IIBM PC, Monitor, & Keyboard ';Librar 97 !000000000000742 ;IBM PC, Monitor, ~: Keyboard IEnQ_ 9S 1 iMicrobilt Printer ;01006 En, 99 , I (Compaq PC, Monitor, &: Keyboard IEn~ 1100 ;001712 IIBM PC, Monitor R. Keyboard iLibrar i I I 1 1 1 ISGKALL2447S ~- '6130 I 1101 110409 . Compaq PC, Monttor. & l~eyboard iEn ;~+0_oHAf~. ~ i~+v i i X102 I IRefriQerator (DA's Office: - i I ~t03 I (GE Coffee Maker w/Clock IEM I _J X104 105412 ;IBM Quiet,vriterPrinter IEM 5201-1 1-0 147165 X5201 1105 IOS418 IIBM Quiettivriter Printer IEM 5201-I 1-O150S37 i ~ 106a I High Back Blue Office Chair ~ (Eno i 1 106b I Red Office Chair IEn~ 1-06c Blue Office Chair IEn, i . j 107a 1000000000009610 ( Desk BEM i 1 ~107b 1000000000000042 ,Desk iEM 1 I i IOS 1 ( Stretcher EIv1 ~ I 1 1109 i 1 3 Back Boards EiV1 I ~l 10 ~ 3 Dividers IEM I (1 I I - f Wooden Computer Cart ~ EM . i 1(12 I ( Wood Hutch ~ IEM 1 1 ~l 13 (000000000009609 I Wooden Desk w/ Return ~EM I I ~I 14 1000000000009605 I Wooden Desk w/ Return E~~1 ^ n ~ _~ `~~ 04/09/97 3 ~_ y i . -- '59909 ivi NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST 1 I - ' TAG ! FIXED ASSET 1 _ 1. DESCRIPTIOPI i I ,~ J FROM I SERIAL ~ MODEL '• ,-# tt 1 DEPT I # ~ 1 1 S I Conference Table Legal ; I 1.16a ' SteelOffice,Desk DSS 1 16b ! _ 1Book Case DSS _~ I l ] 7a- ! _. 1 Microfilm Viewers ~ 4301452 4301482 ~ ~ ~ _ 1 14301435 4310468 I ~ ~ - 14301'427 4301400 I 1 14501434 430li94 ' 1 1 14301457,4301450 ': 1 1 ;4301441,7I462S3 1 I 1 - 1 14301461 4301423 I ~ 1 14301393,4301399 i I ~ I ',43.01392 ~ 1 13a I i Nikkor SOmm Lens in Leather Case M Museum !3148989 ' 113b i - - (Nikkor 3~mm Lens in Leather Case M Museum ~fi9S76S 1 18c- ; Nikon Lens SeriesE SOmm ( Museum ~~~95368 II 19. -. ;07470 1 Sharp SF-9S 10 Copier 1 Health/AC i76~00444 SF-9510 1 (120 i Ortronics Racks I DSS ~ 1121 ( Assortment of Small & Large Soup fowls 1 Sheriff Dept i ;1.22. ; Square Baking Pans !Sheriff Dept 1 ;123 ; Single Pedestal Desk u•/ Right Return 1Prop M~mt~ !124 ; Single Pedestal Desk ~LProp M~mt 1125 (Yellow G.P. Table ~Proo i\4omr' _ '~7~ ~ i ~~nn~tr, ,. ~ ~I t__LL ~ ~ li 27a ;Video Cassette Planer Museum i4-IS616S0 137b ;Video Cassette Player (Museum _ iY30901S29Y2 ' 1125 000000000003695 ;IBM PC, Monitor R: Keyboard !:ROD __ 004466C ;129 000000000003694 iIBMPC, ~4onitor & Keyboard !ROD ___ 35910 i j130 OIS91 !IBM uiettsnterPnnter ~__ ;.MIS _ 4053721 5301 I I S l a,b ~ ! Lathem i~'umberin~ Machines. :.ROD iSS 1 29,52052 ` 1132 ;Boston 131 Heavy Duty Stapler TROD !1>; ;Casio FR-101 l~PrintinQ Calculator PROD :4233264 1134 :000000000003652 ;.Simplex Time Recorders. (ROD ~ 1 ;135 DDouble Pedestal Desk ;Judicial i I 1136 •F-OlSS2 ;Double. Pedestal Desk ;Judicial 137 !F-01930 .(Double Pedestal Desk 1Judicial I ~I~S . _ 1000000000000420 Com uter Table ;Judicial 139 I ;Computer Table 1Judicial I ;140 _ I (Double Pedestal Desk (Judicial i ~ 1 ;141 ~ (Double Pedestal Desk Judicial I i 114,2 i, ComputerTable 1Judicial 1 ~~ ;14=3. !yyyyVVVVVVV`i'lIL ~LUUUIC rcuestai Lest: i (Single Pedestal w/ Return Desk ~JUnicial J !Judicial I ~ I 145 1000000000004909 1Single Pedestal w/ Return Desk Judicial ~ i ~ 146 ! ;Desk w/ Left Return (Judicial ! ~ ;147 1000000000004910 (Desk ~~~/ Right Return 1Judicial ~ 143. jComputerTable . ~ EJudicial I ~ 1 ~49 ! (Desk w/ Left Return Judicial ~ ~ 1150 I (Desk w/ Lefr Return (Judicial 1 ~ I 1 _l~1 i~ (1 Q 19406 System Unit (MIS ~6SSSS• 04/09/97 4 t _ t~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST ~~ ~, ~! ~~~ _, TAG FIXED ASSET I DESCRIPTION FROM SERIAL I MODEL I # ~ I I (DEPT) # I # I X152 { Pitne Bowes Scales (ROD I I I 1S3 000000000003705 I IBM Selectric III T ewriter TROD I 154 000000000003686 ( IBM Selectric II T ewriter I ROD 1SS 106373 i $ortherEM-711T ewriter I HumanReslE61472357 I 156 ( Leaf of Desk I Sheriff I I IS7 000000000007167 Ro al Word Processor ( Health ISE5030/16 I :158 IA/c Window Unit ~ I I I 1S9a ITand Com uter ( Sheriff De i0E11940259x I 159b I ITand Com uter ( Sheriff De IOE1 19404975 I ~ a 160 01456 iRoyal Textriter (Health I I 1161 I IIBM PC & Monitor (Libra I7z-1128829 I I ,162 000000000008783 IDestro It Su er S eed Shredder (DSS (336310 I I 163a-c j ( Lanier Transcribers !DSS I7280S9,529159,529766 I 164 j - ( Adler Calculator ~ T ROD I I 1 X165 (011956 ( Time Clock (Sheriff De ;134292 i I 166 001604 I ROVaI Power Mate Supply (Health 161414-250 I _ I 167 j000000000000710 IIBM PC, Monitor & Ke board (Museum `x92680 ! OOOOOOOOOOOOT2 I ! I ~ j16S j006S3 IIBM M2400 Modem iEMS X23-OOOS763 ! ~ ~169a-d i ;IBM PC, Monitor & 2 Keyboards iGara,e (237303702 _ ~ 169e I iMotorola Radio ~; X170 I (External Disk Drive ~ 171a I '3 Pink Panels ~ 1716 ;Model 925 Microfilm Reader 1 171c ifylodel 995 Microfilm Reader ~~ j171d I ~ :Model 926 Microfilm Reader DSS °'4;01463 .DSS 14301464 DSS (714626? ~' j 171e I (Assortment of Chairs _~ .~~~ ~) ~' ~' II i_ I Model 800 P,cture Machu,c nupuzncc ;DSS 0-(190 _ !173 ;Adler T ~pewriter :ROD _ 174a I ;Computer Table .Cty Comm i 174b (Computer Table ~Cty Comm 174c iExecutive Black Chair iCt Comm I 174d I iExecutive Black Chair ;Ct ~ Comm I i 174e j ;Chair w/o Arms ICty Comm I j I174f (Chair w/Arms ICty Comm ~ 1174, I ;Chair w/Arms ! Ct Comm I j 175 I (Com uter Table I Pro M~mt 1 I 176 i (Desk w/ Rioht Return jCt Comm I j I 177 j .Desk w/ Left Return 1Cty Comm I I 17S I iDouble Pedestal Desk jCty Comm I 179 i ;Single Pedestal Desk jCt Comm I I1 SO I (Double Pedestal Desk ~Cty Comm I i 1S1 (Samsung Microwave Oven (Prop MomtTFACOlS39 I 1St j0973S IShar FO-560 Fax Machine jPro M~mt180127130 .FO-S50 1 S3 107946 j IBM PC, Monitor, & Keyboard I Prop M~mt 196271 5272 jl S4 101 1746 iShar FO-225 Fax Machine j Veh Mamt 137109764 !FO-226 ~ 1 S6 j ;Com utei- w/ Keyboard i Sheriff De t I I S6a j !Box of Closures IDSS I I 1866 j iMicrofiche Reader IDSS i430146x .~ n n ~~• ' 04/09/97 ~~ Museum 'DSS i IDSS S J V~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST r~ I I -- I I TAG ' FIXED ASSET - 'DESCRIPTION I FROM ( SERIAL i MODEL # n I DEPT I # ~ i # 187 _ .IBM PC MIS 172-8389739 188 Laser Disk Pla er ( Museum I LJ3924551UD ' I 189 .. Laser Disk Pla er ( Museum I KH3913198EM I 190 I 3M Overhead Pro'ector ( Museum 1 259348 213 191 ~ I Tand Dais Wheel Printer . Coo Ext 5004607 IDWP520 192 1010082 IBM Pro rinter XL24E - Coo Exz ( I I-2048274 i ' 193 a-d { 4 5 l/4" Disk Storage Boxes ( Coo Ext I, ~ 194 a-i I Hewlett Packard Ivlonitors (Coo Ext I30~ 1A04442 I - I - - I 13051 A03~ IS { ~ ~ , 30?9A03192 I I I - i " I 3029A03175 I I I ~ 3031A03425 ' ~. I ( - I 13042A09266 i I - I - I 't3031A03445 I I I 'I3029A03136 I I' ~ - I 1303 }A03406 I 195a-i I ( Hewlett Packard Keyboards ~ I3029S-10067 ~ I I ~ I 13025S10162 ~ .. I i I { ~3029S1.0015 i I I '3032S10026 ~ I I 'i ~~OZ~S1041~ I I ~3050S(0411 ~__ I I i3050S10762 - I r - 13025S10396 I I ~ ~ 13029S 10070 X196 (Tandy Monitor (Coop Ext 1147952 '197 {Tandy 1000SX PC 'Coop Ext 77299 I19S (Tandy 1000 Keyboard ;Coop Ext !1 !9709 (199 03777- (IBM PC IA~lIS i72-S123546 200 '03775 IBM PC ~En~ ;72-5121553 201 103794 (IBM PC MIS ;72-5130160 ~202a-c ~3 Office Chairs - ~ iMuseum I + I 110 04/09/97 g p.rr,-i5-97 G~ 9.47 ~~K r{, ii. C:~. VLr: b(i: ..._ .iu. 9;034.'.--- . - .~ :.. r 18 EACH A LI C T I O N FA# VE HICLE VIN # 010531 1991 FORD AMB 1FDKE30M6t~HA79059 USED FOR PARTS ~~~ 010453 1989 FORD 1FABP40E5KF192996 ~ MUSTANG 0112E4 1984 CHEV P/U 1GCCS14B9E2129620 S-10 07570 1989 FORD 2FABP72G6KX174737 ~~, 02438 19$4 FORD RANGER 1FTBR1055EIIB63751 ~ P/U ~ ` - 01622 1981 CHEV VAN 1CGDG15D1B7108B15 ~+ 00332 1986 FORD P/U 1FTCF5Y9GNA43085 - F-150 ~ 01019C 1990 CHEV 1G1BL547XL•A137071 ~ CAPRICE 09604 1984 FORD VAN 1FDJS34L9EHC03008 ~, VAN 1FDJS34L8EHC02979 09605_ 1984 FORD ~L. 016.95 1984 F0.°.D VtiN 1FDJS34L6EHC11731 016.72 1985 CHEV P/U 2GCFC24?i3G1194826 ~ 03152 a98~ ?CAWASAKI JKALFTA12FA010442 y 09617 1975 CHEV C-30 CCZ335B150242 •. 04980.,,. ._ ~ 1985 CHEV P/U 2000C14H6G1198835 01702 1959 LOADtiR 88J1563 ~ ~ . •. CAT 922 B . ; 07677 1988 OLDS 1G3HN54C8JW352666 `~~ DFLTR B8 NCX341428 07150 1965 HORSE TP.~IILER ~,~ _ ~ 6. 1 '~~~ ~`; 04/15/97 MILES 108,907 125,803 107,438 169,107 125,618 141,170 153;408 174,610 18.9,714 191,129 115,569 81,641 N/A 195,270 85,405 N/A 121,634 N/A 111 ;;O KEY T+O KEY 112 r w s t i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 05/05/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 ~ , Additional Item #: .Department: Governing Body; ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Addition BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution adding the following road to the State Highway System: Barbados Boulevard in Island Park Industrial Complex RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt Resolution Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~~ ~ ~,F~~PR®Vf~~ ,a _~ ~ . ~E~~Cr~~ ~~, -- - 113 ~~~°~~® Rcfer to Office Vision $ullctin $oazd for Dispositio ~®e7®~~atl ~; JAMES B. HUNT JR GOV~~OR a.• ~t e~ .. _ `~~' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ` DEPARTMENT OF Z~ANSPORTATION~ ' ~ ~ _ -- - ~- DMS10N OF HIGHWAYS GA~rD B. GARiiFTT•J~. SFCRFfARY 124 Division Drive Wilmington, ~tC 28401 910-251-265 April 1S, 1997 Division 3, District 3 ~7ew Hanover County _ ~ - Ms. Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk Mew Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street r Wilmington, North Carolina 28-101-1093 Subject: Resolution Request ; Request for Addition to the State Highway Sr•stem Barbados Boulevard -Island Park (Div. File IV o. 903-ti) Dear Ms. Harrell: This office is considering the addition of Barbados Boulevard, in Island Park Industrial Complex, to the state system. After the Boards consideration, if they concur with our. recommendation, please furnish this office with the county resolution and official road name for our further handling. ~ ' Very truly yours,. ~ ~ - ~- ~ ~~~ D. L. Thomas, P.E. District Maintenance ~ - Engineer Superintendent ~~~.~ •~ 6 ~ 1S9i DLT:ajm Attachment 1 c~:~Ir. ~1ike McDariiel,.County laintenance Engineer ,~~ ~~• I I I ,. ~~ ~ , r I ,., _ ~ -0 I ( ' ` ~ r ~ '•/ ~ i I ~ ~ re ~ ~ f .~ ~ ~I . ~~ ~ ry `r . P - °I 7PJ I . -. I ~ I I ~ ~, ~ I I .• e ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ q~ r / I ` \ ~ 6 ~ i I 1 \ . I j' ~I ~ w ~ ~. ~i ~ F = PI 'y «I J ' I ~ ; ., • ~, ,~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ I i ~ x ~I I ~' .., ;~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~ c e. ~ 4' ~ i~ 4 ~ r ~ ~ z _ ~+~ ti ~ I ~ ~ V ~~ It-.JI L. K . , < K '~I } ^ r/ ~ WSJ ~ ~ f ~ ~ n ~ ~{I K~ I ' ~ ~I I I ' ~ QI ~ ~ I 9 I f nl - I I ~~ o Q ~ is ~~ I i \ • ` .'~ •~: J4 ~ ~ , i ~ \'~.. ~~. ~. ~\'~ y ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ' ;. _ \~ ~- ' . ,~ I i i ~~ i i ! ~', -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ` Meeting Dafe: 05/05/97 ~~, .~. s ~~ J ,~y r (regular Item. #: Consent Item #: 10 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo IVIcCorkle Page Count in Agenda Package: Contact: Mary Finer SUBJECT: Request. to Submit Grrant Application to Community Health Improvement Program (CHIP) to Promote Breast-feeding in the Community ` BRIEF SUMMARY: A request for $2,000 to promote breast-feeding in the.community and information on breast-feeding techniques and problem solving to the private obstetrical, pediatric, and hospital staff. Workshops will be provided for professionals.who counsel patients with questions and problems. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED A TIONS• Approve grant for the Partners Program CHIP, a component of the Community Health Improvement Program of New Hanover Regional Medical Center to promote breast-feeding in the community. Authorize County Manager to accept grant if awarded and sign necessary grant agreement. Approve budget amendment if grant is awarded k'UNllING SOURCE: Federal S: State S Mone}' Is In Current Budget: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: User Fees S New Appropriation Request: }'es Other 5: 52,000 ~LGL:N/A WCOPLEY F1N:N/A BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~~~ ~P,P COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval E,-EGTE® ~','' EIMOVE~ ` ~o~~~~~~ 117 Rcfer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition =~'` -. _~~ rM ~ ~~ ,. . ava ranwc rs~ av . 'the P~rtatxg Pyc~ogram Qf New Hanover Regional ~biedieal Gen~er PjeQar icse a foiat ~xrs of I Zpoaris w lm~cr mid bad s+ar~tAS ~s 1 /~' a nax. dp~6aatioas ~cst bt ~p~d a- c'a"P~°rr~,aied App~cAat ~rgnniz~tion A.. In the space below please provide the name of your organizatioq as it appears on your federal tax exemption letter. New Hanover County Heap DeparZme~nt B. Organ~tion's street address or post ofl'icc box, citJ{ county and zip code 2029 South 17r° Straet, Wilmington, i1C 28401 "C. Who u the primary contact for information regarding thu application? RvYidc~ full name, title a,-id an office-hours tdephonc number. Mary Piner, RN Perin.atal Nurse Coordinator 910-343-b564 or 910-343-24b5 ~ In one a tow xsttenca, pk~se desaz~be the purpose or tan of your organization and how'long your orgusizatiron hxs been in existence. The Mission of the New Hanover County Health I)cpe.t~nczzt is to protect the pudic hcaith and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through pncvcntive, restorative, environmental and educational services. Established izi 1879. ~ - . .z u ~~ , '~erc ~ your o:rgaui2axiozz`pezform the projeu you propose? Tlie organization will provide services to the;community private O$/Gyn offices and hospi#als. 1 1 `'amc of Applicant C~:°ganizarion Tie Partner~sTProgram 17_.1.Z" a component of the C4mmuniiry Health Improv~tmart Program of New Hanavzr Re~ioaxi Medical Ceatxr New l:?anover County Health Department Total funds requcsud: S ~,a~ NHRMCF File # If funded, we intend to rcquut Partners Pz•agrarn support for. Yeir 2 [ j Yezr 3 j ] ~` "Snapshots" of Your ~'roject- ~- ~~ .-~. B:icily dtscribc the hczith problem ~•ou intend to address. Clzarly idcntift• 3r, :' cur.*if~• t-o.ur ;::.pct ~"~ populavon. ~~ Breastfccding has been identified as one of the major factors in promoting the health of the newborn. It ~~ provides needed antibodies to pr~vent.diseases during ttte cnrcialftrst months of life: Breastfccding has been ~. shown to play a role in decreasing the incident of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) occurrrttus. It improves the bond between mother and baby. To promoie,breastfceding in our community, a multi- - disciplinary group named The Bcri B~gurnings TasrE Force was organi7.ed. Members include leaden from •~a the Lal~eche League; nurses from New Hanover Regional Medical Center & Columbia Cape Fear hospitals; and nurses, peer counselors and nutritionists from the New Hanover County Health Department'- The Task ~~ Forme has met on a monthly basis for five years. The major objective is to increase community interest and knowledge about bneastfeeding_ It was identified that many hcatrlr professionals working in the private sector lacked the knowledge and skills to properly counsel prrgr-ant women and new mothers on breastfeeding and - problem-solving. In the past we have provided, in collaboration with Ross I.aboratorics, workshops targeting this group of health professionals. We would like to continue to provide biannual workshops for the private ' _ , office and hospital staff to increase their knowledge of breastfeeding and local resources available in the commtfrrity: Attractive posieis of breastfeeding women have been donated by Medela and Ameda Agnell. All Iocal OB/Gym offices have agreed to display these posters in their exam moms. Making brcastfccding ~~. more visible in the hospitals and private offices will spark interest in and encourage bncastfeeding. B. Pleast wriu a one paragraph summary of your project for the Pastnrrs Program Rcvie.v Boaz-d_ You might find u helpful to ask. yourself this:.E~~wr inch girw aec auRZCtt to dcsaibe this ~rvjat 10 lJu board iA ',~~ person, u>fiai beau, but vnporimil, istformation tenuld~ou comx>' We will promote breastfeeding in the community and provide updated information on br•easrfeeding techniques and problem-solving to the private obstetrical, pediatric, and hospital staff. Tltc task force plans io make breastfeeding more visible by distributing colorful and attractive framed posters to be displayed in OB/Gym exam rooms throughout the community. !n addition, workshops will be provided for professionals who counsel patients with br~eastf-eeding questions and problems. We plan to offer two workshops for approximately SO RN's, office staf~ and phy5iciarLS. The workshops will be held in the New Hanover County Health Department Auditorium. ~~ - 119 ?ten ~ r ~ ~ ,,,~, ~,~~ ~. ~,, _ , ., ,,.< ~~ ~ - -... . _ .., ..... . ~; Z'he Partners Program _ ~ ' . i71~ a ~a~ ~~ g~ : ~.,~, at- ~. ~~~ ~~ a~r~~ ~~ . BUDGET ~. Postcr Frames ...... 6~ x S7.00/each ....... .... 548.40 Publici ..... .For worksho ..... S ~ f ~U ry .... p........ 1SS~.40 Food Literature ~ T _ ,0 Honorarium TOTAL ............ ............. . ...... S20fl0.(?Q 0 . • ,0 0 .. 0 ~--~; 0 0 120 ~~ - ~ - '- ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA . ~` , ~ May 5, 1997 -~~ - ., „ Item No. 11A B.ud- et Amendxxient g ~:~ .:.. ... ... - . _ ... LL . g ....~. w ••~ ..~:;,;;r:~;•:<•.:".~.<i.::::;:-..,.,~:7~VM~"'H"" ~ :<a.:; •. .a ......r;,~,i:.:•~•~;: •-~--~r ~-+.-°rs^>r,--•aiw ~r iy..-.. ,k<•.~•:J:ara~ ~ ;.~:.s.;,~,:•;,vey ..3Y:<q:i ~:x~~~ w\~;:~t~;~'y~.c..~•t- ~ .~ * C ~ , w<a., . 's,^. i<. ..f•,,.:c.~:::., ...... i ..r,.r&.y"..: .. -;oa°:"-•w.^~• u..~•.Y'~•~ ~.`~c.r... :-..•~~~ ~>~•,.<-^,"+,,' .r~F'?• "'~r~a ~.,. '°2-0'~?.a.~,~» :~>e<.~.~~~'',;•-ck'z.~~.,.,sc.....~c-a>w•~.,;,.:«':?.+.,-, .._••.~.~s..x°`~:-.._w< :.~..~., r ......... ......:. •..,.a: --~..: ~~` ?w:.tia"• w'Z^~°'b~S.L•-a:'~'.. ~~e~:r. '~~ 4:`+~' .. -.... ua.w.~.. Wit,. i ~ ~i . ~I2EPARTMENT: ~ aUDGET AMENDMENT#~ DATE: Controlled Substance Tax 97-34 Capital Project Y~ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: .-, Controlled Substance Tax $3,015 ~~ Capital Project Expense ~y 1~ .~ t EXPLANATION 5-5-97 CREDIT: $3,015 ~I'o increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds ar.e budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff ;deems necessary. arEr ®aer~ar~r~ana.n~,., 77 YY - ~1~,,~,~ry.~vgy~/aW/~~,~{~(yy~r~tns~mamaa. ~'~~ l L-W A OY®~le~ ~.1~ j. E~E.~ECT~~ . ~~~ a tg,EM~V~~ 1 rf ~®sT~~ For $udget O;(icer's approval; then repo: t to Commissioners at ne~ct resular meeting and enlcr In minulcs. io be aparovcd by Commissione:s. ~ ~ ~udge~ Amendxnexz~ CONSENT AGENDA j May 5, 1997 'u Item No. 11B DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: Federal Forfeited Property 97-35 5-5-97 Capital Project ADJUSTMENT: DEBZT: Federal Forfeited Property~apital Project Federal Forfeited Property $2,799 Capital Project Expense CREDIT: ~, ~~ ~2, 799. ~ ~~ 1..J, ,~ EXPLANATION To increase budget for additional revenue received. .Federal Forfeited - •~ Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. /3 ~~RFi~q,'~ET1 i 122 ~:E.YEC~°E® ®a7 ®~ ~j, =I~ mr ,•a . • ~ ror bu get O.`liccr's ~p~ro~~~l; then rc~ c:: to Connissioncrs at nett rc^u1~: mccti'•; a - ~d cntc: in minwcs. • To be ~, ~~rovcd by Con-,issioncrs. ~~ ' Budget Amendment ' DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # Social Services/ 97-0159 s .Title XIX -Medical Transport ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Title XTX -Medical Transport Medical Transportation $ 23,750 Medical Transportation EXPLANATION CONSENT AGENDA May 5, 1997 Item No. 11C DATE S\5\97 CREDIT $ 23,70 To budget additional State/Federal funds for Medical Transportation (no additional County funds required). 1 1 ~~~ ~,- ~~~ • ,,~j~~ *~-- ~ For BudgetOfGcer's appro~•al; then report ~~~ to Commissioners at e ar meeting _ ~/.and enter inmrnutes~ ~~ ~~~® t~~ ~y®S~, ~ _~__ To be approved by Comm~ss~oncrs. ~~ To be entered into minutes. :. ' ~ CONSENT AGENDA May 5, 1997 ^ ~,~, Budget Amendment J Item No. IID DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # . ,. DATE . , General Fund/ ~ ~ . Non-Departmental 97-0167 5/5/g7 ADJUSTMENT DEBT CREDiT ,, General Fund Contingencies S34,70fi Non-Departmental Contracted Services 534,706 ~. EXPLANATION .~ ~ r--~, ~, To transfer funds from Contingencies for a public opinion survey about the ~ proposed school bond referendum (approved by the Board on March 10, 1997). ~ .~_ The remaining balance iri the Contingencies account is 5180,76 ~+ yr it 4 ~~~~~~ a~~ ~ ~ ~..; x t~6 ~`` ,s~~ ,-' 124 ~/ r ~.~ t _~ 'i ~ : ' 1=or Budget Otficei s approval; then report ~ ~i-~:, ~ " to Cornmiss~oners at next regular mcetmg ..~., ®.~T~~+~,I~j'" ~~ ^~ ~ ~ f ~ i~~~l`~ ~' ~ ~~•1 and enterin minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. i ...,,~,. z . ~/W nutes. To be entered into m ~i i ` C 0 V E R S H E E T , To:' New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ` From: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Subject: Additional Item . • Date: May 2, 1997 , Pages; 8, including this cover sheet. . COMMENTS:. , I~ failed to include on the agenda for May 5th an item you considered at the March 10, 1997, meeting. Lhave attached the action agenda and the minutes from that meeting as a refresher. I = recommend- the board hear the matter, as an additional item, after regular item #6C. Mr. Harris brought this oversight to my attention. He and others from the Airlie area will be present. - - I accept, full responsibility for this oversight and apologize for. any inconvenience. Please feel ' free to call if you have questions, comments or concerns. cc: Wanda Copley, County Attorney Lucie Harrell, Clerk to the Board ' Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager _ Dexter .Hayes, Planning Director ` ~ .Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager . Patricia Melvin, Assistant to the County Manager - From the desk of... Allen O'Neal ' County Manager New Hanover County Manager's Office ~'•~~~~~~ ~Q~~j, ~ 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~.PPROVED ~EJECTEp ~~~lo moh'rriv (s1o> salalsa . ;~E~OV~D ~ Fax: {910) 341-4027 " _ ~ r~05TPONED ~• ~7AT~ r- . ~ ~~/. r. s v * ~ Y . , : v .. ~.-~ .: >^ ~ , ft ~ _1V A ~, ~ ~ ry o.~ .. ~, ~ , ~J ~', ` C 0 V f R FAX S H E~ E T To: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Subject: .Additional Item Date: May 2, 1997 Pages: 8, including this cover sheet. COMMENTS: I failed to include on the agenda for May 5th an item you considered at the March 10, 1997, meeting. I have attached the action agenda and the minutes from that meeting as a refresher. I recommend the board hear the matter, as an additional item, after regular item #6C. Mr. Harris brought this oversight to my attention. He and others from the Airlie area will be present. I accept full responsibility for this oversight and apologize for any inconvenience. Please feel free to call if you have questions, comments or concerns. cc: Wanda Copley, County Attorney Lucie Harrell, Clerk to the Board Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Dexter Hayes, Planning Director Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager , Patricia Melvin, Assistant to the County Manager From the desk of Allen O'Neal County Manager New Hanover County Manager's Office 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)341-7184 Fax: (910)341-4027 n L66I S n11(1?hrn pauo )so 08S-Z -as~~ pa~~a..,d u~uoza~I :g u~a~I (L6/I `98S-Z).'I~T~uapisaZl SI-2I'uzo.z~ I~i.z~snpul ~n~al-I Z-I o~ I Z~ ~C~nn~I~iH SCl ~o ~IapIQ OOLZ a~I~ ui ~aaz~S I~~Co2I ~o snutuua~ auk 1~ saza~ '£; I auoza o~ •auI `s~uipl9H ~~L~I '.~o~ tuiddtjt,d ojlaN,Cq ~sanba~ - uia~I panut~uo~ uiuoza~I :d u~a~I • :s u~.~~al-I a~~gnd •S r • •uoil~~i[lquuaZl auk ut sissy o~ spun3 ~ut~Ia~~y~I apino.zd o~ paznba~I aq Ilim ~luno~ aqZ •s~uiijamQ zia~I1 a~~~iliq~u -aZI o~ splo~Iasnol-I patdnaoO zaunnO `auzoaui nno~ ao3 uot~~~riiq~uaZl ' ~utsnol-I ,Cliure,d ai~utS .zoo spun3 .~o~ ~dI-I~I~I of uoi~~aildd~ u~ ~iuzgnS o~ ~uauza.z~daQ ~uiuu~Id ao~ uoi~~zt.zou~nd ao~ lsanbaZl~o uoi~~.~apisuo~ •I, •~'d 0£~L •uz•d S I :L .~•• . ,~ • •~'d•SO~L ;a +. •~•d SS~9 suzajgo.zd a~~ut~zQ ~~uno~ .o~:IaiIa2l ~ui~sanbaZl uoi~~t~ossy szaunnoauzol~ as~u~il~zoN ,Cq uoi~~~uasazd • £ ' ~I~ozO tllinn pa~~iaossy suzalclozd a~~ut~1Q pug ~uauzdoianaQ ~C~uno~ p"ide2l ~utuxaauo~ uoi~njosa~ ~o I~nozddy pun uoi~~ioossy p~o2l ailziy `punoS allins~l~i.~M ~Cq uoi~~~uasa.zd •Z aai~an.~d ~uauza3~u~uz ~sa.zo~ ~sn ~ui~na a~~a.~a~ ~sa.~o~ - u.~aauoa I~~uauzuo.~Tnug ~uizanoa za~I.rea .~~0 ,~q uot~~~uasa.rd • I 'OI~I ~O~d ~T•d Sb~9 S~L~II,L SS~I~IISfIg 3D SI~1I~:LI ~ Q~,L~L~II.LS~ ~'QN~Jy .LN~SNO~ 30 "IdAO2Iddy (cua~t .gad sa~nutuz aazti~ ~tuz1Z) SI~IgZI ~'QN~rJ~-NON i; . ~~NdIJ~'I'IH .~O ~JQ~'Id NOLLdOOANI (iaa.~rJ •O uaclo2l ueuui~~I~) 2I~Q2I0 O.L Q~'I'I~O JNI.L~~Y~I .~.d`~ the radios needed to be purchased at this time. This item,`" to be discussed at the Thursday morning Staff Meeting to b held on April 3, 1997. ``;:~ Discussion was held on CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 9, the resolution presented by the New Hanover County Communities Action 'Coalition, regarding amendments to the existing annexation statutes. Commissioner Davis MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WITH REMOVAL OF THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH: "...and that a moratorium be placed on all annexation proceedings until a date deemed appropriate by 'the Committee, and, also, all changes or amendments apply to all pending annexation litigation." THE MOTION FAILED DUE TO NOT RECEIVING A SECOND. Vice-Chairman Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner _ Birzenieks to adopt the resolution as presented under Consent Agenda Item 9. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a four (4) to one (1) vote. Commissioner Davis voted in opposition. Discussion was he18 on CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 10, a resolution endorsing the proposed expansion of the N. C. Aquarium at Fort Fisher. Chairman Greer recommended eliminating the dollar figures in the last paragraph and Vice-Chairman Caster recommended deleting the fourth paragraph. Chairman Greer MOVED, SECONDED .by Vice-Chairman Caster to delete paragraph four and' delete the dollar amounts in the last paragraph. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 6:45 p.m. 1. Presentation by Gary Parker covering Environmental concern forest acreage cutting vs. forest management practice: After discussion of loggers cutting down trees within a few feet of the mean . high water line and marsh, it was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to consult with the North Carolina Forestry service and N. C. Cooperative Extension Service to ensure that companies are following forest management practices. A report on the findings is to be 6:55 p.m. 2. Presentation by Wrightsville Sound, Airlie Road Association and Approval of Resolution .Concerning 'Rapid County Development and Drainage Problems Associated with Growth: Mr. Tony Harris requested the Board to adopt. a resolution prohibiting .rezoning occurring in the resource,protection areas and conservation areas until an official drainage plan has been adopted and the Land Use Plan Update t ~~ uo sa~oe S • ~ ~CZa~euztxo.zdd~ auoza.z o~ uzeMg pzneQ ~O3 ~°o~a.zeg .pzneQ ~Cq .gsanbag - utuozag aQ tua~I "~ 'mo'd OS' L • ji~un sauoigi~ad aq~-~q pauod~sod uaaq~peq OsS-Z ~s~r~ a3z~~aa~r s ~3sz ~Eqa~ paounouus ~aaz~ ueuczi~gO . •L66T 'L . Ztid~ Tt~un JNI2iK3H OI'IHIId 3Hy QgIItdISAIOO P~2og auk 'bur~aau~ 'L66T 'E ~~gn~ga3 auk ~E pa~sanba~ s8 buiuoza~ pasodo.zd aq~ off: aeYq~eja~• u~aouoa 3o san~si antosai o~ siaur~o ~~aado~d ~uaaECpg q~tM tau[ you pEq q~pH ~q~otuty •1S~I q8q~ ~ae3. aq~ 3o uoissnastp sa~3tt =(L6/T '98S-Z) 'ZeT~uapzsag SI-g tuo.z3 Zei~~snpul ~neaH Z-I off. TZ~~~eMubzH SII. ~o xooTq OOL,Z auk ui. gaa.zgg te~og •~o snuzuz.zaq aq~ qe sa.zoe ,. £ • T auoza.z o~ • ~uI 'sbuzpToH ~qeW .zoo '.'-zuzddi,Tt3 oTTaH .~q. ~sanbag - uza~I• panuz~uoO~ utuazag :~ uta~I s uz.z~aH ozTgnd ' NS~Irdy SKM NOIZO~i OH puE: '~ooT3. aq~ .uo ~uoi~oat E.-aaEtd you PTP. P~QOH aq~ '~2a~I ZEOSi; ~xau aq~ buiinp go~2tu s,~~uno~ aqq X03 butpun3' T.EUOi~tppE 3o..uotssnastp~ ~a~3~I : uoi~e~tjTgeueg auk. uT'~ : ~STSSFj off.- spun,3 butuo~ey~ aptno.zd oq pa.znba2i aq .TT?M ~C~unoO aqs °sbuij~aMQ .ztaq~ a~e~zTigegag o~ spjogasnoH patdnoop .zauMp 'auzooul riot .zoo uoi~e~.zTzget~ag buisnoH ~Tiuze3 atbuiS .zoo spunk .zo3 ~i3HJtd .off uoigeottdde ue gZUZgnS . oq ~.uau~~.z~daQ buiuuetd .zoo tzoT~ezi.zoq~n~ .zoo ~sanbag `~o. uoi~.e.zaptsuoO t~ .. .. • x~x~y s~tM AIOIZOK off •a~npa~oid siq~ buiuxaeob a~n~2~g a~B~S aq~ 3o.uoissnosip ~aq~~n;.moo; dauao~~~ ~I~unoO aq~ goQ.~uoo o~ bauao~~Q~.~iagq ~sanba.z:~o~ papzaap siauMOauzoq aqy •Z£-95T 'S'~'O'H ~apun pauo~i~ad s8 pieoq ab~uiEip 8 .30 ~~uau~dotanap q~iM ~zotsnt~pgnS asBgOq~~cx~. auq ui iauMOa~oq ZEnptntput ,°uaQa o~ pantonui gsoo aq~ uo pjaq`sBM uo.esnosip dq~buaT ~ : suzaTgo.za abEUie.zQ ~CqunoO o~°~ 3aTTa2i but~sanba~ uot~~iooss~ . s TaT1MOa»roL*_~_:a~tir~-~rr.~Tor~ ~ ~a uo~.~a~uas_a.~a:: oissittt~oO 1~~unoO pug p.z8og buiuuEta a suoi~gTnba~ ~aq~ 30 ~doa s p~gM~o3 0~ zabeuey~'~I~unoO ~us~siss~ aqq ~sanba~ o~ p~gog~ aq~- 30 3113AI3SIdOO aq~ ss~ qt ° 'suot~aTnba= ' abB~iBap, ~aria~t~ ` aq~ bttgdop~ 1 q~iM paaaoad o~ paau aq~ uo uotssnosp ~a~3~i •L66t 'S ~ey~ Ttqun uoi~ntosai pasodo~d aq~ uo IZOIyOK Q32I?I333Q piBOg aq~ 'uoissnostp ~aq~F1 •pa~ajdtuo~ uaaq anEq 1~pn~g pagsaa~EM XaaaO sab8a pua 'S 'mo'd 0£~L '~ 'mo'd ST~L '£ 'mo'd 50~L ~ ,... ~, . . - ~>,~° MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 10,.1997 PAGE 869 Mr. Parker advised that a logging. company from South Carolina was hired by the property owner to remove trees that were damaged from Hurricane Fran. Unfortunately, the logger persuaded the owner to remove more trees. Discussion was held on developing more stringent regulations.. County Attorney Copley explained that if the federal or state legislation preempted the County, it would not be possible to become .involved with the regulations. However, in areas not preempted, the County.could strengthen its existing regulations. .Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported it would be difficult to change the state legislation to remove the exemption for agriculture and~'~.foresCry. He advised the best option would be to enforce regulat:~ions on the local level. Commissioner "Birzenieks inquired as to whether the N. C. State Forestry Service liad been contacted about tree removal regulations? Mr. Parker reported the I`orestry Service had not been . contacted. He urged the Board to move forward with protecting the enyironmerit in New Hanover County, Consensus: It was the consensus of the Board to request Staff to consult with the N. C. State Forestry Service and N. C. Cooperative " Extension Service to develop a course of action that would be prudent for New Hanover County. Chairman Greer, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to er fo - - - Board. ~~ ENTATION BYE-THE FIRIGHTSVILLE SOUND/AIRLIE ROAD ASSOC CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION COVERING DEVELOPMENT AND DRAINAGE CONCERNS Mr. Tony Harris, Chairman of the Wrightsville Sound/Airlie Road Association, read a letter dated February 2G, 1997, mailed to the Board of Country Commissioners with copies forwarded to the 'County Manager, County Attorney, and Planning Director to discuss rapid development and the ensuing drainage problems that accompany that type of uncontrolled growth. He requested the Board to adopt .the following reso]aition: ~~ WIiEREAS, New 1lanover. County continues to experience • unprecedented growth and to suffer from inadequate drainage and current development policies have not- remedied this ' situation; and . ~ WIiEREAS, New IIanover County continues to grow at a rapid rate both residentially and commercially; and " WHEREAS, New ]Ianover County does not have at this time an updated plan or policy needed to address these issues; acid lj WHEREAS, inadequate drainage, clear cutting of watershed ~" areas, and impact on water. ual.i.t are of: " '~, q y great concer.rr to al]. ca.Cizens of the county; and WHEREAS, the current Land Use Plan attempts to address some of these issues (See Article 1.0 through 1.3) i.n the Resource Protection Section of the New Ilanover County I and Use Plan and other approved land use plans suc}r as ni.r. ]. i.e Roacl... A Sense of Place and the Middle Sound Neigh}~o.rhood P:Lan; and WHEREAS, the updated New 1lanover. County Land Use Plan and completed Pages Creek watershed Study should r.ef].ect anc] address these issues. •paauasaxd se uotanTosax aL{~ adopt oa.,pxeo~j ac(a paasanbax 'suota~tooscy poor{zogL{6r.a[s ;jo jr.ouno~ ~L{~ So ~uap~rsax~Y 'uosdwoL~y xa~unj-F •xW • s r.zxej.j ~Cuos, • xW ~Cq paauasaxd se seaxe uotaenxasuoo pue uoYaoaaoxd aoxnosa.z. ut bu7uozax .za`Sap oa uoianZosax ac{~ xo anzaxoddns seM an6eaZ" aLla 'pa~xodax 'sxaaon LiawoM ~o an6eaZ I.aunO~ xanou~jj Ma11• aL(a 6uYauasaxciax 't(azp ua~aj-j euax~W 'sW, , •pasodoxd se uoYanTosax=aL(a dope oa px~oII aua a6exnooua p~FnoM ~t{s'" 'uor.~e.zapa;j ~(;~i>1E;L0~ L'UT.'~Oxe~ ~pxojs aL(~ 3o cxoaoaxzQ ~o pxeog ac(a to xaquiaw e pue .iauno~ xanouej-j ,Mats 3o auapYSax L'" SL'~ paaxOCiax 'aALxQ C{tt'[;~ L'LITxe~nj {SZZS 'U'CaxL'jrj aui•~anboer 'sW.. a - paauesaxd se uozan~osax aL(a adope oa pxeog aL(a pa6.zn stxxej{ •xW •~Ca•~unwwoo' aL{a ~o i:YrM .aL{a 'auasaxdax SLIOT;1T.Oap aua .~ael(a. ~aJLljj~ C~L(O~ ' at{a L{aTM apew aq UL'J SCIOTStOap auawdo-Fanap axnanY L{oYL{M Liodn saTO'Yiod• pasYnax 'pue paa~pdn ~o aas ~ L(aZM sxauotsstwwo~ ~Cauno~,a~ia apTnoxd awta awns aL{a ae .ajTLjM sata~tunwmoo xr~ya So ;axnanx ~ aL{a- ad~L{s oa ~Caruna.zoddo , ac{a L{arM ozZgnd aua apYnoxd pTnoM u~Td 'asn pueZ aL{a ~o aaLpdn ue 'aL(6TUOa uor.an-~osax aL{~, ,jdope oa aptoap no.C ptnoL(g . • uotanTosax pas.ocioxd : aL{a 6ur.adop~ ~Cq sxa~jew-uozszdap s,~CaunoJ at{a pue uetd asn pueZ sa;Y uY. aouapt3uoo s,iCatunwwoo' aL{a axoasaz oa no~C abxn aM •satoY7od sat pue uetg asn pueZ aL{~ xo~ pxLbaxs-cp e ,saanaiasuo~ pus . asaxaauY or-~gnd' at(~ ut aou ~C~xea~o st 'sasn L{ins :zoo .izeT~ asn pue2•aL{a uo paaeu6rsap ' aou sLaxe uT xauuew px~zeL{deLi pue ~eawaoaYd ~ uz ~s6uYUOaa.z. ' ajesajoL{M 6utauex~ • anp.zano 6uOY "1T ~ pile SMej bLITUOZ 6uzuue~d aaeas ~Cq pax~nbax si anatYaq ' I L(OTL{M 'aaepdn us oa aoaCgns sz uejd aL{a L{otL(M .z~a~e ~sxLa~C anti ~o~ poxad i xano ~Caunoj aL(a ~o uocsYn s,, orjgi~d aL{a auas~xdax oa asoddns, sz ;'sdoLi'sxxoM ~C.zoaedioYaxed ~i~gnd•. TYn3 L{bnox~~j ~ue'Ld ' asn }.pueZ ..auy ' ~; :saYOZ~od sat pue ueta asn . pueZ aL{a tia-rM auaaszsuoo ~ axe ~CaLia ssa~un ~Cauno~ aLja 3o saax~" ' ' uozaenxasuo~ aoxnosau aL{a~ uYLtai"M sasanbaz' buYizozax Zee xo3 uotaexapzsuoo .Cejap oa st uotanZosax pasodoxd aL(a ~o asodxnd aL{y •u~td asn pueZ auk a~~pdn~•oa pasodoxd su uoianTosa.z aL(a adope oa sxauozssYwuio~ ~ at{a sasanbax. ~CZYn~aoadsax 'sxauMbawoL{ paxpunL( xno3 :xano=.butauasaxdax sxapua3aQ dooZ a~jtnuaa.z~ 3o an6eaZ.aga 'au~wdotanap 6utuxano6 sa-roitod sat pue uet~ asn pue auk L{aYM auaasYSUOOUt ~CZx>?aTo axe ijoYt{M 'sasanbax buiuozax 3o xagwnu -~ez~ueasgns aL{a ~o axaauoo at;a uI s.zauotss~wwon 30. pxeoII °atgexouofi' xeat7 szxxeg .Cuoy • xja ~Cq paauasaxd uozanYosax 'aua adope o~' pxeog aL(a pa6xn pine xaaaaT buYMOTjo~ atla peax sxapua3aQ dooq a-~•~tnuaaxn at{a 3o an5eaq aLta butauasaxda.z 'si.zxeH •y ~ ~Cax~~a~ •xyJ • sixxeg ' xW iCq paauasaxd s~ uotan-~osax aL{a adope_ oa pxeog aL;a paasanba.z 'aoexxay .zagwn~oejq wox3 sxauMOawoq S6 6uiauasaxdax 'utaag •~ xaajeM •xjy auawwoo oa a~[TZ ptnoM pue auasa.zd axaM suos.zad Yexanas aeL{a pasznpe sixx~g 'xj~. •asodxnd stL(a axangns o~ pasn aq aou suozaetn6ax wTxaauz Aue.aeua pue 'seaxe~uoiaen.zasuoo pue s~axe uotaoaao.zd .apxnosax aua ut xnooo 6uiuozax ou aeua, Q66t-G6Gt xo3 paaepdn uaaq seq ueta asn pueZ iCaunon xarioueg Majs aLia pue. uetd. abeuze.zp Zeza-c33o u~ ~paadope seq ~tauno~ .zanoueH MaH jiaun •aet(~ Q~L1'IOSSZi ZI SH ~2i03~2i~HS 'MOAT ', ~ O L 8 S~Kd L 6 6 t ' O t Fi~2if1I•I ' ~AYIS3~YI 2iK'I11~S2I d0 S~Sl1tIIYt .~ ~` i ', ~;, MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 10, 1997 Mr. Curtis Wright, President of the Providence Homeowners Association and a representative of the Middle Sound area, urged the Board to support the resolution..- He advised that under N. C. Statutes, rezonings were an arduous and burdensome process for the. petitioner. The time has come for the Board to protect the resource protection areas and wetlands with support of quality growth. Many neighborhoods are present and have stepped forward to express their concerns about protecting neighborhoods and the quality of life in New Hanover County. Mr: Harris advised the future of.New Hanover County depends on protecting buffer zones between urban and estuarine areas. Hopefully, New Hanover County will not be faced with a water shortage that has been experienced by Virginia Beach because of uncontrolled growth. The 'Board was urged to adopt the proposed resolution thaC would prohibit rezoning in resource protection and conservation areas until New. Hanover County has adopted an official drainage plan and completed the Land Use Plan Update and Pages Creek~Watershed Study. He advised this type of action by the Board would bring back the creditability of government to the citizens of the community. PAGE 871 Vice-Chairman Caster requested Mr. Dawson, the owner of the engineering firm hired by the County to perform the Pages Creek Watershed Study, to comment on the amount of time needed to complete. the study. Mr. Dawson reported with the scope of work defined, the Pages Creek Watershed Study should be completed by August. In the recommendations to be presented to the Board, the County will have the option of expanding to regional stormwater facilities in lieu of non-structural measures such as additional land uses, zoning regulations, additional overlay districts, or special assessments for drainage structures. The `study will focus on providing any measure that will improve water quality in the area. 'Commissioner Howell expressed grave concern for the accusation that this Board of County Commissioners and former boards }gad granted wholesale rezonings in a piece-meal haphazard manner with no adherence to'the Land Use Plan. He advised the current Board has considered the interest of the citizens when reviewing and acting. on rezoning requests. . Vice-Chairman Caster inquired as to the number of rezonings that have occurred in the resource protection areas? Planning Director Hayes responded a large amount of activity is occurring along the Military Cut-Off corr9.dor. Several rezoning decisions have been made along Military Cut-Of:f Road as it- extends to Wrightsville Avenue with some areas. encroaching nexC to a resource protection area. 'f'} e major. focu:l of L-lie County's ef:f:or.t has been to control residential density in the r-esour.ce pr-otection areas. Commissioner Davis asked when a report would be prevented on interim drainage regulations? Assistant County Manager, Dave Weaver, reported Staff had developed a basic set ot- wor.)cable drainage regulations that- are ready to be .carried to t-he Planning l)oa.rd. The new req_ ul.at:ions ar.e more stringent- than existing policies, but• are no L• as strict as the original recommendations approved by the Planning Board. Commissioner Davis stated the. drainage problem should be addressed, and he recommended scheduling a Wor.]c Session as soon as possible to review interim drainage regulations. ai{~ 'xadojanap ac{~ L{Gnoxi{~ swajgoxd asai{~ anjosax oa patx~ anec{ ~, suazt~TO ai{,L 'sjjeo o~ puodsax oa sajoTi{an .Coua6xawa ~o iC~jt~jtgsut ai{a pue 'so~Tnbsow 'speox aYgessedwt 'spool{xogi{6Yau '~o Gutpooj3 o Guz~eaxo sat~xado.zd asei{~i{:txot\{ o~ do ~{oeq o~ xa~LM ai{~ sasneo ,uoYi{M xa~L'M 30 MOjT1110 aC{~ .XaAO jOx1LIOJ OLI ST v7:.Lai{,I, ' USaJOxd MaTAax UOT TATpgnS aC{1 GLITxnp ~~CIri07 x~noue{.{ MaN ~Cq panoxdde seM L{oTi{M ~~~lila~:'/~S •JI7 C'[I1: 1':'.L{) ")1(';)~~U'1:~ ;~M V'(-.)' Uh7Gap LIaaC{ lii ei{ Illa~(gO.:Cd xO CL'W ai{,J Guoje sal{o~r.p MojJ~no ai{~ ~no• 6uzueaj~ c{~tM aoue~sisse papznoxd +:;L'i{ LzoT~l~~xodsul~~c;T.::Jo -{ualtl~xLda~{ LUr.jO.zl?~~ L{~-zaN, acid pu>? sago~-rp, :. .ay_~ ono Giltui~aj~ etc( wajgoxd sr.i{~~ pacsaxppe anal{ sxauMO ~C~.zadoxd ai{,i, "pa;t.~nx:{sc{o .axaM LEt .-XeMgf c{.{ .off uor.s-r.nYpgils ai{~ wox~ 6uYp>?aj sal{o~Yp Moj3~no x~~,er+c ai{~ pue uotstnZpgns ~ ai{~ ut ono paueajo uaaq - aou pi: c{ sar{o~r.p aGeu-Lexp lei{~ .puno~ seM .fir.. 'xa~.aeiu at{.a but~tprias xa~~~ •swxo~s xapuni{~ xawulns Gutxnp uozsrnrpc{ns asei{~L{axoN ac~~ ur; paouatxadxa 6LIt~q swajgoxda6euYL:zp axanas uo paa-zodax 'uoTautoosstt" sxaciMOawo{-{ .asei{JL{axoN- ai{:i GuY~uasaxdax ,'o~nd>?~ .~u>?x,~ °x{„{;. - - - SI^I~'IH02Id ~~fINIlI2IQ ~DIISSIX~ Yi2i03 3S2'ISiI` ,L$3f]~?), i n_i__~IOIS.~LI~OS5Fi S2I~NMO;IWOFI. SSttII~II.7;2IOt•I ~H~L .]CH,~.tIO27c~7.AT~~ ~-,,L„~aQ~i- °-nur~r3a¶r--%',GGT nr_W a[pj 'lL' uor~nZosax aL{~ ,uo ~ aeon o-t p~cr_oF{ al.{q J'o snsua ~uoo .)i{~ seM ~T : anoua~uo~ d ' LGGZ 'S ~LW uo pYai{ 'aq o ~6ui~aaul ;~L{6~LI ~xau ac{~ jt:t'un uo~cijosa-z ai{~ uo uoaoe auod~sod.oa: paa:z6e sdnoxG at{~ 's6ur.~aaw Gu-~uxow Gu-raq 'L6GZ 'L 'Ytxdt,{ pue ~'L66t" '6Z t{oxeW ~noge sdnox6 ~C~~unwwoo at{a 6uowe uoYSSnasYp xaa~t[ _ -. '.'W'li 006 ~e''L66T ''I~z uoxeW uo pjaq aq oa Gur~aaw ~xau ai{~ j~un uoianTosax ac{~ uo uo-t~oe GuY.zxalap papuawwooa.z s~{aYUazxiQ .zauozsszwwo~~.-~• - -~ ~ • pxeoII° GuYUUeja ai{~• o~ papxeMxo~ azaM :Cat{ awta auius ai{a as sxauoTSSZwwo~ ~C~uno~ 3o pxeog aye oa pa~uasaxd , aq pjnoi{s 'suoYaejnbax abeute,zp aq~ ~ja~ ai{ pa~xoda.z xaax~ • uswxYeu~ • suo-r~eZnba.z abeutexp wtxa~ur pasodoxd ai{~ -uo. ptai{ seM.uotssnos-cp ~Ct~aGuat ~ .. L{axey,{ uo aeon ~ aseo o~ ~Cpsa.z aq pjnoM aq '.zanaMOu : uozantosa.z :ai{a uo aeon oa paxedaxd you seM aq paaxodax xaase~ uewxieq~-aoin ~. • i. •uo~njosax pasodo.zd aqa uo a,~on ' oa px>?og ai~a paasanbax aI-{ • sbutuozax xaL{ao; -off xoop aq~ suado .goTgM ~ '~ uot~nZt~suz pue aotS~o o~ Zet:~uapzsa-z wox3 pauoza.z aq-oa,rCa.zado.zd'' ,.30.. aaai`d auo GuYMOjje xo1 , u.zaouo~ passaxdxa '• sz.zze,H '?W • suazz~YO s~Z aY3auaq pue `~Cauno~ .zanoue13 MaN, ui a~rj. ~o .~C~tjenb a,u~', ~oaaozd -pjnoM 'a~u~ suotsi~ap .zapua.z ', I ' oa pant.zas pei{ aq xauoissiwwo~ ~Cauno~ >? se a~ij~ pastnpe,.pue 'siq se '` ' awes aqa azaM at{GYUO~ paauasaxd suzaouoo ai{a pa~>?~s .ag •.CjT~xn~eu Moj~ s~{aaxo a~ga• , a.znsua o~ pa~uawaTdwZ a.ze sazns~aw .pue seaz>? GuT~CY-MOj ut p~tnq aou op atdoad aet;a a.zns GuYaq ~Cq. watgoxd- siq~ ' ssazppe asnw pxeog aqy •• sTYOS xood pus aTgea .za~eM t;6iq 'e u~iM janaj eas Motaq s-r ~CZuno~ .zanoueg i+caN ~eq;~ Gutpue~s.zapun auo~Czana ' ' . ~o aoueaxodwz aqa paz-ts~gdwa xaa.z~ uewxz•eq~ - ••u>?Zd a5~u>?.zp ~ E.. •e Guzdojanap gaits pxeMxo~ avow o~ ~Czessa~au ~~sp~'aga apinozcl pjnoi{s L{OTL{M ~Cpnag pai{s.zaapM ~{aa•z~ -sated at;~ w.zo~xad o~ pa.ztq uaaq ~ ti sell .zaautbua u~ •paauawatdwt aq lieo u>?jd abeuYe•zp apzM-~C~unoo >? 1 jz~un swajgozd absutexp anatta.z o~ padojanap Guzaq- aze suoi•~etnba.z t- absut>?xp wz.zaaul •passaxppe aq ~snw asq~ sanssi= jea'tn''a.zs sea.z~ uot~enzasuoo pue aoxnosa.z ~oaao.zd o~ paau at;a .pue gaMO.z6 anogt ! 's~. passazdxa•suzaauoo agy-~•pa.zaptsuo~ aq asnw sasa.za~u pus sxoaoe~i tZe::suoisYOap but.zapuax uagM '.zanaMOq :ajdwis spunos ~uaula~eas •. s-cq~ aez;~ pauiejcIxa aH •~C~tunwwoo' buiMO.zb iCtptds.z ~ u~t .a~-cT ~o~ ~ w . .C~ztenb.:ai{~ an.zasa.zd o~ aot3~o xo~ usx at; .paa>?~s: pu>' .Cauno~ .zanouegl MaN ut ,pasie.z pue u.zoq .sets at{ lei{~ pasYnpe .zaaa~ uew.zzeu~ ; ~ '. I . ~ ~ Z L 8 S~fid .. L 6 6 T ' 0 Z HJiIKS~I ~' ~NTS33AI 2L1i'It1~S2i aI0 S3Sf1tIIHt 11 1