Agenda 1997 06-02 1 i AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse =~~~p~ovER coGy~~ ~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC r~ ~ • Q. ~~FNORTMG' June 2, 1997 ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANOA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCtE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOARD ~ 6:30 P.M. ~~ MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) .INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE :~ NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) k-. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ', ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. '~' 6:45 p.m. 1. Public Hearin: Review of Recommended Funding with County 1 Departments and other Organizations and Conduct Hearing on the ;~ Fiscal Year 1997 - 1998 Recommended Budget :1 S p.m. 2. Consideration of request by MHI Hotels, LLC Requesting 3 °~ ~ Financial Support for Hilton Parking Project ~0 p.m. 3. Presentation and request by the Figure Eight Island 7 ~~ Homeowner's Association, Friends of Figure 8 and The Porter's Neck Quality of Life Association concerning ` . Proposed Amendment to Section 12-146, Section (f) of the ~ ~/ Personal Water Craft Ordinance ~S p.m. 4. Public Ilcarina ~ Item A: Rezoning, Appealed Case, Continued Item Request by 17 John Elmore and others to rezone 5.19 acres on the south side of Wrightsville Avenue across the street from MacCumber Terrace Subdivision to Conditional Use II-1 Business for general retail, ",' a restaurant .and offices from R-1 S Residential. (Z-580, 1 /97) '~ .~ ~55 p.m. item B: Rezoning, Appealed Case, Continued Item Request by R. 37 Trask, Jr. to rezone 85.04 acres on the east side of Military Cut-off (1100 block) north of Landfall and south of Lucia Point to Office And Institution from R-15 and R-20 Residential (Z-591, 2/97) ~15 p.m. Item C. Reapproval: Continued Item Request by R. Malpass to 45 Rezone 2.8 acres at 649 Piner Road to Conditional Use O-I Office and Institution for general and professional offices, medical Offices, and bazber/beauty shop from R-15 Residential. The Current CD (O-I) designation has expired. (Z-520, 12/94: Reapproval 3/97) :25 p.m. Item D: Rezoning Request by K. Bennett to rezone .45 acre at 415 Silver 59 Lake Road to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential (Z-602, 5/97) ~:45 p.m. Item E: Special Use Permit Request by Landfall Associates to construct 63 a 10 slip community boating facility east of Horseshoe Island~and southeast of Hazborway Place in the Landfall Subdivision (S-407, 5/97) :55 p.m. Item F: Road Closing Request by William Cameron to close the western 69 Segment of Brookdale Drive located in Brookdale Acres Subdivision .75 miles south of the Holly Shelter Road/I-40 Overpass, west side of I-40 (SC-71, 4/97) ~ J~:15 p.m. 5. Consideration of Awazd of Bid #97-0334 and approval of contract 71 #97-0334 for In-home Aid Services ~~ ~:4~ p.m. 6. ConsiderationofAward ofBid #97-0353 and approval of Contract 73 #97-0353 for a Voice Logging Recorder with PC Playback Station ~~ 0:00 p.m. 7. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 7~ ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 10:30 p.m. ADJOURN x i ` r _ ~ ~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHO USE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 JUNE 2,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO . 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 75 2. .Approval of Minutes 77 3. Consideration of Approval of Contract #97-0341 for award of 79 Engineering bid for the North Chase Interceptor Project ~. 'i ~> r ~. a ~~ a %+ . CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JUNE 2,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 83 2. Approval of resolution relating to sale of surplus property owned by 85 New Hanover County 3. Approval to Health Department to°apply for a grant from the 89 March of Dimes Project Grant for Baby Talk 4. Approval to Health Department to apply for two grants from 105 the Cape Fear Foundation 5. Approval for Department of Aging to apply for a three year 12~ wellness program from the Cape Fear Foundation 6. Approval for the Cooperative Extension to apply for a three 127 year nutrition and educational program for health care profession 7. Approval for assessed value of Holy Trinity United Holy Church 129 R04813-028-001-000 be reduced to $80,000 for 1997 due to current condition that existed January 1, 1997 8. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-37 to increase budget for 137 additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary . REQIJ~ST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 06/02/97 . Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Greer. Page Courit In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Allen O`Neal SUBJECT: ' Review recommended funding with County departments and other organizations and conduct public hearing on the FY97-98 recommended budget. "` BRIEF SUMMARY: On June 2, 1997, at 6:45 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will review FY97-98 recommended funding with several County departments and other organizations and conduct a public hearing ~ ~ at 8:00 p.m: to receive public comments on the FY97-98 recommended budget. RE MMENDED M TI ~1 AND RE E TFD TI N Review FY97-98 recommended funding with County departments and other organizations and conduct public hearing to receive public comments on the FY97-98 recommended budget. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~~, LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMFNDATiONS• ' Review and hear comments from the departments noted on the attached schedule. Typically what occurs at the Public Hearing is that a variety of representatives from outside agencies will appear before you to thank $~ you for the level of funding proposed or to request additional funding. It has also been the practice that the chairman of the DSS Board and Board of Health appear to report on the impact to their respective departments of the proposed .budget. The Board of Education is Likely to appear requesting increased funding. Public participation and comments in recent years has ranged from one or two p to seve~;al~~doze°r1MfSfaff~w, i,lhbe prepared to respond to your detailed inquiries and that of the pub ~c. /-APPROVED ~- /f d'~ E.:IECTED f Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Dispositio "~~ OVED ~ ~ i~S~STPONE® ` m:\tUbudmeet . ~ .~ ~ D - . NEW HANOVER COUNTY~BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 BUDGET MEETING •` ~. MONDAY, JUNE 2,1997 A B SSEM LY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - ROOM 301, 24 NORTH THIRD STREET ' ~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA TIME AGENCY a 6:4~ P.M. NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS 7:00 P.M. - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 7:10 P.M. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - - 7:20 P.M. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 7:30 P.M. SOUTHEASTERN CENTER 7:40 P.M. CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE a 8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON FY97-98 a . RECOMMENDED BUDGET ' - - ~ - __ _ - r C _ - L__: ~, , ~. - - . ,. . ., . .. . ~ ,. _. .4. ._~~r_ ~ .. ... 1 1 '~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: - .Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal SUBJECT: ' Consideration of Request by MCI Hotels, LC Requesting Financial Support for Hilton Parking Project. BRIEF SUMMARY: The project proposal is outlined~in the attached material that was faxed to you on May 21, 1997. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ 1 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OI\'IMENDATIONS• Consider the request. A representative from MCI Hotels will be present to discuss the matter. Funding is not included in the proposed Fiscal Year 1997 - 1998 budget. If the Board considers funding, one matter to determine is if the County would like partial ownership in the park and to what level, if any, should the County participate in developing the park. n ~,PPROVE® ~ 3: ~EJiECTED Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition -~El~OVED '~' POSTPONE®~ /~ NEW H.~NOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMO - - FAX - 14 pages total May 21, 1997 '~' TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Allen O'Neal, County Manager (~ RE: REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT -HILTON PROJECT The County has received a request from MHI Hotels, LLC, o+vners of the Wilmington Hilton, to assist ++~th their efforts to construct a public parking facility. Outlined belo+v are the major components of the project: A MHI Hotels, LLC, hereinafter referred to as the "Hilton", proposes to construct a pu li parking deck. The deck is a component of their expansion plan +vhich includes 100 new hotel rooms and an expansion of the ballroom and meeting space. The parking deck and expanded facilities +vill be located at the northern end of the existing complex. B. The one acre parking lot to the south of the existing structure has'been proposed to be donated to the City and County for a future park. C. Tax exempt financing (public purpose) is required of the City as part of this proposal by the Hilton. The purpose of the tax exempt financing is to lover the debt service of the parking deck project in order to make it financially feasible. D. The City Council has voted to pursue tax-exempt financing for the parking portion of the project and provide up to 5100,000 annually for 20 years. The City vie+vs this project as positive for do+vnto+vn. It «~11 generate ne+v property tax, sales tax, room occupancy tax, new jobs, etc. In addition, new convention and meeting space ~+~11 be constructed. All parties agree the community lacks adequate convention facilities. The County is being asked to participate in the project in an amount not to exceed SS0,000 for a ten year period. The 550,000 +vill offset potential revenue shortfalls that may occur for the parking deck operation. It is proposed that the parking deck +vill be managed by the Hilton for the first t+venty years: After t+venty years the .property ++zll become the property of the Hilton. - Attached is a letter from Andrew M. Sims, President, MH[, LLC, requesting County participation. I will place this matter on the agenda for June 2, 1997, for your,consideration. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to call Bruce Shell at 341-71S8 or me,' I am providing this information now in case you receive questions or comments from the City Council or,~Ehc public, Attached is background material. AO/cb attachments`=~ .~ ~•' ~. _~~~.~. :: 'r a ~- .. .~ ~ ti u v ~ ~ ~, • - - May 12, 1997 HOTELS ~'"~' 1 4 Iy~7 Mr. Allen O'Neal ~1E6V ~'A~~'OVER CO County Manager . ~''4A~AGEq• S OFFICE New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street - Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ' V IA: Fax (9101 341-4027 & U.S. Mail RE: Wilmington Hilton Wilmington, New Carolina Dear P.Ilen: A belated thank you for meeting with Charles Carver and me to discuss the expansion of the Wilmington Hilton. As you are undoubtedly aware Mary Gornto and Mike Hargett of the City of Wilmington have expeditiously pushed ahead our proposal to build a public parking facility in conjunction with the subject project A resolution was approved at the City Council meeting :last week to build the parking garage which provides the vehicle for low interest financing and an annual - allocation not to exceed $100,000 in shortfall funding. We believe the public benefits associated with this project have a great dcal of merit for the ~ county and city alike. Therefore we respectfully request Cor the county to consider a participation in this project that will allow us to ful[ill the minimum requirements of our primary conventional lender. - .Our lender is requiring a financial structure be in place that will ensure a negative cash flow for the garage. The lender does not want the parking garage to have a negative financial influence on the cash flow of the hotel. The threshold of public participation established by our lender is an annual shortfall guarantee of not less that $150,000 for the first ten years and $100,000 for the second ten years. Since the City of Wilmington has agreed to participate at the level of $100,000 for twenty years, we are requesting for the County to participate at a level of $50,000 for a period of ten years. The County's participation will complete the financing package for this project and enable us to commence construction this year. Please give this request your kindest consideration. .Si , ~~ / /' j ; /~~~ Andr' ~ ~ im President cc: MHI Senior Management (by fax) Mary Gornto (by fax) Mike Hargett (by fax) Charles Carver (by fax) K•ilm\oncal.ml2 A~HI Hotels, LLC - S1-1 Capirol Landing Road - ~S-illiamsburg, Virginia 23185 757-229-5648 - Fax: 757-56.1-8801 4~~~~ ~ ~w .. y t •~ y~ :~ ~ ~~~~ CITY of WILMINGTON. ~I ~ ~ North Carolina 1739 ` ~ "~ P.O. BOX 1 S1 O • OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ~ ~ (910) 34 Y-7810 28'402 FAX (910) 341-4628{ TDD (910) 341-78731 I MEMORANDUM .+~ _ -____ ' U~ ~ ~>~ is ~~ ~ iv! i TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ! 1 ~,'.' ~ 1 2 1 r~1 r FROM: Mary M. Gornto, City Manager ~~11~'~ NEW h'ANOVER CO. DATE: May 12, 1997 MANAGER'S OFFICE I • SUBJECT: .Hilton Projects At its regular meeting on May 6, 1997, the City Council approved the attached resolution in support of the Wilmington Hilton's development of a public parking facility in conjunction with expansion of the hotel's facilities. The City has agreed to pursue ta~c-exempt financing for the new parking facility and to provide up to $100,000 annually to cover any net losses. The Hilton has agreed to convey its existing south parking. lot to public o~rnership for a public, park. • It is our understanding that participation by the•County is also being pursued. On behalf of the City Council, I would encourage the Board of Commissioners' favorable consideration of support for this economic development project. As you know, this expansion will not only generate new, property and sales tax revenues and create new jobs, it will. also strengthen tourism opportunities and can provide the needed next step toward the development of afull-fledged convention center. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the City's role in this project or if you would like to discuss joint participation in it. MMG/ds Attaclunent cc: Mayor and Council _ '`~ Michael L. Hargett, Assistant City Manager - 6 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department., Presenter: Rep. of Figure 8 . . Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Wanda M. Co le SUBJECT: ,., Personal Watercraft Ordinance. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Figure Eight Beach Homeowners' Association and the Porter's Neck Quality of Life Association have requested an amendment to the PWC ordinance adopted May 19, 1997. A draft containing the proposed language is included with. this item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• Consider amendment if Board does not unanimously support the amendment, a second reading will be required. ryNUING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: tcr,V1C,WL'UtSY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Consider amendment. -, ~i~ ~''~ ~ii~11~.~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~r l~~PFtdVED ~ ~ . ~ ,, l<~L,IECTED ~, REMOVED ~~~ ~DSTPDN ~ ~- 21 May 1997 . Mr, Allen O'Neal ~/~ ,_. ' New Hanover County Manager 320 North Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ ~ ' G°~[~C~C~~MC~DD i Mpy 2 2 1991 NEW HANOVER CO. MANAGER'S OFFICE RE: Request for Item to be included on June 2nd County Commissioners Meeting Agenda Dear Mr. O'Neal The Figure Eight Beach Homeowners Association and The Porter's Neck Quality of Life Association respectfully request an amendment to the Personal Watercraft Legislation which would extend the area set forth to include the marsh areas west of Figure Eight Island and tributary creeks. We applaud the commissioners for their prudent judgment in enacting this legislation and believe all citizens of New Hanover County should benefit from it. Rather than being omitted and thereby inundated with Personal Watercraft, we would like to receive the personal safety and environmental benefits that we believe this legislation will provide. Thank you L rene R. Johnston Director: Porter's Neck Quality of Life Association ~, > h -;Y.: q . { ~ ~~. ,.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAY-22-1997 16 13 JOHhSTON 9107635767 P.D2 - ~ 22 May 1997 REVISION T AMENDMENT TO THE PER50NAL WATERCRAFT ORDINANCE REQUESTED BY THE FIGURE EIGHT BEACH HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION AND THE PORT'ER'S NECK QUALITY OF LIFE ASSOCIATION Add the following .Indicated by underlined type: Article XV, Personal Watercraft Safety Section ~ 2-146. Speed. In the following specified areas, no person may operate a personal watercraft in excess of headway speed which shall not exceed five m.p.h.: (f) Within twenty-five (25~ feet of marsh or shore within the following areas: (4) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west Rich Inlet to the north Mason Inlet to the south and Figure Eight Island to the east. TOTAL P.~? ,~ MAY-22-1997 09 21 JOHNSTON 9107635767 P.02 AMENDMENT TO THE PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ORDINANCE REQUESTED BY THE FIGURE EIGHT BEACH HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION AND THE PORTER'S NECK QUALITY OF LIFE ASSOCIATION Add the following indicated by underlined type: Article XV, Personal Watercraft Safety ''` Section 12-146. med. ` In the following specified areas, no person may operate a personal watercraft in excess of headway speed which shall not exceed five m.p.h.: (f) Within twenty-five (25~ feet of marsh or shore within the following areas: (4) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west, Rich Inlet to the north. Mason Inlet to the south and Flgure Eight Island to the east (nGudlnQ Futch Creek and Little Creek. TOTAL P. 02 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MAY-21-1997 12 16 JOHNSTON 9107635767 P.02 21 May 1997 Mr. Alan O'Neal ' New Hanover County Manager 320 North Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Request for Item to be included on June 2nd County Commissioners Meeting Agenda Dear Mr. O'Neal The Figure Eight Beach Homeowners Assocaation and The Porters Neck Quality of Life Association respectfully request an amendment to the Personal Watercraft Legislation which would extend the area set forth to include the marsh areas west of Figure Eight Island and tributary creeks. We applaud the commissioners fortheir prudentjudgment in enacting this legislation and believe all citizens of New Hanover County should benefrt from it. Rather than being omitted and thereby inundated with Personal Watercraft, we would like to receive the personal safety and environmental benefrts that we believe this legislation will .provide. Thank you Lorene R. Johnston Director. Porter's Neck Quality of Life Association TOTAL i Mr. Allen O~Neal County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401-=4093 Dear Mr. O'Neal: May 20, 199 G°3C~C~C~OMC~ c ~ ~, MAC 2 0 1991. NEW HANOVER CO. I ~ ~'~ Please put our. name on the agenda for the June 2nd meeting of the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners. We wish to speak on the PWC Ordinance and our proposed amendment which would be added to Section 12-146, Section (f), a copy of our petition being herewith enclosed. We are asking the same amendment to the Ordinance that Porter's .Neck and Figure 8 Island Homeowners' Association are asking. The separate letters are purely in the interest of time and convenience. Thank you for your help in this matter. Most sincerely, ne L. Freeman Friends of Figure 8 (910) 686-4501 enc. (1) 12 ~. 1 1 1 1 1 PETITION G a 1°~ TO: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FROM: FIGURE 8 PROPERTY OWNERS , RE: REQUEST THAT YOU AMEND TO EXTEND THE PERSONAL WATERCRAFT SAFETY ORDINANCE /REGULATIONS TO INCLUDE THE FIGURE 8 AREA AS FOLLOWS: NO PERSON It1AY OPERATE A PERSONAL tt'ATERCRAFT LY EXCESS OF HEADWAY SPEED WHICH SHALL NOT EXCEED FIVE (~) ALP.H. tVITHIl~1 TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET .OF AL4RSH OR SHORE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: (l~ BOUNDED BY THE ATLANTIC LNTRACOASTAL WATERWAY TO THE WEST, RICH INLET TO THE NORTH, MASON INLET TO THE SOUTH, .AND FIGURE 8 ISLAND TO THE EAST. THE UNDERSIGIv~D MEMBER OF THE FIGURE 8 ISLAND COMMUNITY STRONGLY BELIEVES THAT tVE MUST BE INCLUDED IN THIS TIIvIELY AND MUCH NEEDED ORDINANCE SO THAT t~/E MAY BE A PART OF THE EFFORTS TO PROMOTE GREATER PROTECTION OF ALL VITAL MARSHES AND ESTUARIES, AS WELL AS THE SAFETY OF EVERYONE IN OUR COASTAL AREA Print Name Signature Figure 8 Address Please sign and return this petition immediately, as the Commissioners are scheduled to rote on this issue May 19~'. Please mail to: Jane Freeman Friends of Figure 8 . 30 Saltmeado~;~ Rd. Wilmington, N.c. zs~os 1 3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DRAFT ~~ The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby enact Article XV, Personal Watercraft Safety, to be codified in Chapter 12, Offenses, of the New Hanover County Code: Section 12-143. Definition. For purposes of this ordinance, "personal watercraft" means a small ~ ~' vessel which uses an outboard motor, or an inboard motor powering a water jet pump, as its primary source of motive power and which is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on, or being towed behind the vessel, rather than iri the conventional manner of sitting or standing inside the vehicle. Section 12-144. Operator. A person shall not lease, hire, rent, operate, or knowingly give permission to operate a personal watercraft on the waters in this County unless the operator is 16 years of age; provided, however, said prohibition is subject to the following exceptions: (a) A person between the ages of 13 and 16 may operate a personal watercraft if he has completed a boater's safety education course approved by the N. C. Department of Wildlife and Natural Resources, U. S. Coast-Guard Auxiliary or National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, and is in possession of the certificate at time of operation. (b) A person between the ages~of 13 and 16 may operate a personal watercraft without certification if accompanied by an adult age 18 or older. The lanyard of the personal watercraft must be attached to the adult. Section 12-145. Required Eouipment. A person shall not operate a personal watercraft on the waters of New Hanover County unless such personal watercraft is equipped with aself-circling device or a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch. If equipped with aself-circling device, such device must be fully operational. If equipped with a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch, the lanyard must be attached to the operator's clothing, body, or personal flotation device. Section 12-146. Speed. In the following specified areas, no person may operate a personal watercraft in excess of headway speed which shall not exceed five mph: leased area. (a) Within the posted waters of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington Research (b) Within fifty (50') feet of posted waterbird sanctuaries or management areas. (c) Within fifty (50') feet of a person in the water or an anchored vessel. (d) Within fifty (50') feet of a pier or dock in the waters of New Hanover County excluding >J the waters of the Intracoastal Waterway. (e) Within the New Hanover County waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a person may not Q operate a personal watercraft at any time in excess of headway speed which shall not exceed five mph wi~in.fifty (50') feet of persons in the water or surf fishermen.. 14 (f) Within twenty-five (25') feet of marsh or shore within the following areas: (1) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west, Shinn Creek to the south, Banks Channel to the east and Motts Channel to the north. (2) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west, Lee's Cut and the Highway 74 bridge extending across the waters of Banks Channel within the Town of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina to the south, the mainland of the Town of Wrightsville Beach to the east,. and the creek leading from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to Mason's Inlet to the north. (3) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west, Masonboro Island to the east, Masonboro Channel to the north, and Carolina Beach Inlet to the south (this marsh area is within the boundaries of the Masonboro Island component of the North Carolina National Estuarine ~' Research Reserve System). ` (4) Bounded by the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to the west, Rich Inlet to the north, Mason Inlet to the south and Figure Eight Island to the east. Section 12-147. Wildlife. In accordance with N. C. General Statute 113-291.1, it shall be unlawful for an operator of a personal watercraft on the waters in New Hanover County to chase, harass, molest, or disturb any wildlife except when lawfully angling for, hunting or trapping such wildlife. Section 12-148. Sale. At the time of purchase, a dealer in personal watercraft shall require the buyer of.a personal watercraft to view a safety video addressing safe operation of the watercraft. Section 12-149. Lease. A personal watercraft livery owner or the livery's agent or employee shall: '~ (a) Post personal watercraft regulations; (b) Require all renters to read the regulations; (c) Require all renters to sign a rental contract, containing a clause stating that the renter read and understood all applicable safety regulations; and (d) Require all renters to view a New Hanover County approved video relating to personal ,~ watercraft safety operation. Section 12-150. Penalties. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) or imprisonment for not more than twenty (20) days, in the discretion of the Court, as provided by Section 14- 4 of the General Statutes. This the day of , 1997 [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman 15 Board of Commissioners This page intentionally left blank 16 1 1 1 1 I 1 i t 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 4A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 19 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Rezoning -Appealed Case, Continued Item (Z-580, 1/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by John Elmore and others to rezone 5.19 acres on the south si de of Wrightsville Ave. across the street from MacCumber Terrace Subdivision to Conditional Use B-1 Business for general retail, a restaurant and offices from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOiJESTED ACTIONS• The Board recommends zoning the site Office and Institution. r u[vlllNt; SUURCE: Federal S: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATI NS• ~. /~~-/). ~~® -17 ~~0~~® 6'OSTP®IVI~ ~ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition (jA;~~ ; ~~~~ Re ne '. O- ~ lewd -a-i ur+.e.P 1~1.4.e ~1X tn~ ITEM A Case: Request: Acreage: X580, 10/96; Applicant; John Elmore, Et. al., ' R-15 to CD(B-1), General Retail, Offices, and a Restaurant; Modified to .4 . . ,, , Office and Institution . 4.81 acres original petition, revised petition 5.19 acres Location: 6712 Wrightsville Avenue ~ • , Planning Board Summary This case was initially considered by the Planning. Board at its January 2, 1997 meeting. However, due to concerns about the range of retail uses planned. for the center and the traffic generated by those uses, the Board voted to table the matter until its February meeting. In the interim, the applicant was instructed to address those concerns before the next meeting. At the February meeting, the Board voted to deny the request due to continuing concerns about traffic safety and congestion, land use compatibility, and compliance with Land Use Plan Policies. The original petition was revised at the February meeting by including including an adjacent property (formerly the Mitchell property). That revision wasJaccepted by.the Planning Board, however, the County Attorney later determined the case should be reheard because the revision did not include an application signed by all owners of record. Subsequently, 'the petitioners have since obtained ownership of the Mitchell property. Upon rehearing the case in April, many of the same arguments were debated. These included: traffic congestion, land use compatibility, consistency with the Land Use Plan, spot zoning, drainage, and environmental impacts. In an effort to compromise, the applicant offered to revise the plan to include an even mix of retail and office uses and to eliminate the restaurant. Despite those concessions, the Board voted to deny the conditional use petition again. The vote was 4 to 3. ~ Howe'ver, after additional discussion, it became apparent that several members felt the subject property wasn't suitable for residential uses and that other options should be considered. That discussion ultimately lead to an alternative proposal to rezone the site to Office and Institution. Those supporting the recommendation argued it promoted a good land use transition in the area and provided for a more compatible mix of land uses. The Board then voted 5 to 2 fo~recominend the property be rezoned to Office and Institution. Application Site Plan Summary (Revised Plan) - - - The applicants propose to rezone 5.19, acres to Conditional Use Business and Office from R-15 Residential. The site plan calls for the construction of 3 buildings totaling 45,237 square feet. Building One (9,161 square feet) and Building Two (12,000 square feet) would be used for general retail purposes and offices. Building Two's second floor would house office space. Building Three (24, 076 square feet), which also contains a second floor would be used for retail, a restaurant; ;arid'offices: This building would be a maximum of 28 feet in height. QQ ,,, . - ~h~applicant states thaf;every effort will be made to preserve as much of the site's existing ., `, ve etation to ensure adjoining residential uses as well as the neighboring Episcopal church are g afforded maximum visual protection. Additionally, there will be only nurumal disturbance of 404 wetlands on the site--.41 acres will be filled to provide a road crossing at the westernmost entrance. A total of 1.4 acres of 404 wetlands are located on the property. The proposed side and rear yard setbacks meet the County's requirements. Buffer yards also ~ ~~ comply with local regulations. Completion of all planned improvements will make the site approximately 43.5% impervious. Also, off-street parking is provided at required ratios. The total number of spaces planned is 124, with 6 spaces designated for handicap use. To accommodate access to the property, the site plans calls for the construction of two deceleration lanes 100 feet in length with 180 foot tapers. Staff Summary Conditional use districts should be established only in situations where there is a compelling need to provide a transition between zoning districts of dissimilar character. It should not be used haphazardly or frequently or as a substitute for the general rezoning process. In recent years, the process has been used more frequently, primarily in response to a need to judge a case based on more specific land uses rather than the broad range of uses permitted by right in the commercial district. Moreover, site plan review enables the Board to consider additional restrictions not offered by the ordinance's standard design requirements. ~i Other factors to consider in establishing a commercial district here are the Policies for Growth and Development. Though the petition might satisfy a need to establish a transition between . competing land uses, it might not meet the criteria for commercial locations. The Land Use Plan clearly states that commercial uses locate along major roads at or very near intersections with other major roads. Land around the primary intersection in the area, Wrightsville Avenue and Military Cut-off located just west of the subject property, is zoned either for office uses or residential. uses. The site is in close proximity to Galleria Mall, a mid-sized facility located just east of the property in the Town of Wrightsville Beach. The mall property is zoned C-5 pursuant to the Town's regulations. Their control of the mall property was made possible by a satellite annexation approved by the town council in the mid-1980's. This commercial development, coupled with other centers located nearby, such as Plaza East, Crosspointe Plaza and Lumina ~' Station, form a fairly large retail nucleus for the area.. . The property is classified Resource Protection in the Land Use Plan.. The land class permits residential densities up to 2.5 units per acre, and non-residential uses provided important natural resources are not harmed. A residential subdivision was approved for the subject property, but was never developed. Land use in the area is varied. As noted, most of the commercial development in the area is located to the east. There is also a growing office and commercial district along Military Cut-off between Wrightsvil l e Avenue and Eastwood Road. In addition to MacCumber Terrace, an 95 unit patio home subdivision across the street, there are several single family dwellings on adjacent property. There are also residential uses along Airlie Road. However, it is interesting to no~ ~t there has not been any substantial residential development in the general area for a number of years. An episcopal church is located to the west on an adjacent parcel. _ ' . Preliminary Staff Findings ~ - ~ . 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan.as submitted and ~~ approved. A. Public water and sewer are available to the site. B. The site has access to a public street (Wrightsville Avenue). C. The site is located in the Seagate VFD District. D. The applicant plans to make road improvements along Wrightsville Avenue to make. it easier to enter and exist the site without impeding traffic: flow along the corridor. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. A site plan pursuant to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance has, been submitted. , B. Off-street parking is provided per the required ratios for. office, restaurant and retail uses. C. Setbacks and buffer yards have been established pursuant to local requirements. D. No data are provided for signs. 3. The Board must find that the use will .not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A.Several houses and a church are located on adjacent property. An 86 unit subdivision is located across the street. B. The property has direct road frontage .along Wrightsville Avenue, a .heavily traveled. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted' and approved will be in harmony kith the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County.... A. Development on adjacent. properties consists of residential uses and a,church Commercial uses, offices and related- uses can be found in the general area too. The most prominent of . those is the Galleria-Mall; located just east of the subject property. 20 c Representative: ~Qward CdDDS 4.81 Acreage: Location: Wrightsville Ave. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Resource Protection Existing Land Use: Vacant- Zoning $istory: Area originally zoned DPC?mh?r 1 9F9 _ Nn modifications to current parcel PETITION SUMMARY SHEET . Petition Number: z-580 ' Owner John Elmore etal !Request: R-15 to CD (B-1) Tax ID Number: 5600 ' .. Wsitcr Types: Community Fire District: Seagate Road Access: Wrightsville Ave. N/A Commercial School District: Scwcr Type' C'nunr~, RccreAtion• Wrightsville Bch. VoIumc• 12.,1f]~~..ADTf'95 rn>>nt) MJSCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1 1 1 Bradley Creek(Sc) Watershed aad~'Yater Quality Classification• Outside primary & secondary area Aquifer Recharge Area: Small area of swamp forest Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agr-icµlturxl Soils: $uildinR Suitability: _ Johnston (Jo) Class IV - Leon (Le) Class III N/A County sewer None Limited in wetland a *From.the Applicant Airlie Forest • ~ Attachment "A" Responses to Items 1-4 on Conditional Use Zonin~Dis__trict_Petition ,~ ~~ 1. Page 19 of the Policies for Growth and Development states that "in order to ensure that urban services are provided economically, higher density development should only be allowed in contiguous areas". - This project is located between an existing church and cemetery on the west and Galleria Shopping Center on the east. This development is contiguous with other commercial and high density development. _ Page 22 Section 1.1(5) of the Policies for Growth, and Development states that "development of Class N soils as defined in the 1981 Technical Report shall be - limited". To address this resource protection policy the site plan has been designed to avoid any ~ encroachment into the Class IV soils with buildings or parking. Much of the 404 wetlands have also been avoided. Page 40 Section 3.2(1) office and institutional .policies of the Policies for Growth and Development states "office and institutional development shall be considered appropriate land usage adjacent to residential development provided that design, scale and use are compatible with adjacent residential development." This project is adjacent to church and cemetery on west, one residential lot and conservation area lot owned by developer on south, residential lots and Galleria Center on _ the east and McCumber Terrace on the north. The design calls for two one story buildings and one building at the rear position of the property that would be a combination of one and two stories in height. A substantial buffer 36.6' to 52.6' along the southern and _ _ eastern property lines has been provided. Much of the northwestern corner of the property along Wrightsville Avenue will remain in a natural state with exception of entrance drive and bridge. The design and. scale will be in keeping with adjacent land use. Page 41 Section 3.3(1) of the Policies for Growth and Development states that commercial development projects shall be encouraged to locate in designated commercial nodes which already contain public services, including transportation, 22 required by projects, or in areas in which the needed services are already available. 0 1 1 This project would be the western edge of existing commercial development such as the Galleria and other commercial development to the east. DOT has recently completed major improvements to the transportation system adjacent to site, and a deceleration lane will be added by project to improve access to property. All required utilities are adjacent to property. ~~ 2. The site is classified as Resource Protection on the land classification map. Page 58 of the Policies for Growth and Development states "the purpose of the Resource Protection class is to provide for the preservation and protection of important natural, historic, scenic wildlife and recreational resources". It further states that "compatible commercial and industrial development may be located within the Resource Protection class as long as important resources are not adversely impacted". Both sides of Wrightsville Avenue adjacent to this site are located in the Resource Protection land classification. Much of this land has already been developed with high density residential or commercial and office uses. This specific site contains both 404 wetlands and Class IV soils primarily on the western side of the property. The site design has been done to avoid as much as possible all 404 wetlands and Class IV soils. The only exception is a small area of 404 wetlands would be filled for a driveway and entrance road from Wrightsville Avenue at the bridge. -Every effort•will be made to retain the natural features of the site. A required retention pond for the site will be constructed in the naturally low area on the southern side of the development. A portion of the pond will be on the commercially zoned lot arid a portion will be on the lot to remain R-15. The existing wooded areas between Airlie Road and the pond will remain in its natural condition to serve as a buffer. 3. The site to .the west of this property is a church. Much of the land east of this site has been or is being developed as office or commercial use. Development of this site with a combination of office and commercial use would be consistent with property to the east ~~ and would serve as the terminus for office and commercial development on the south side of Wrightsville Avenue in this area. Consideration was given to develop this site as single family residential. To accomplish such a development much of the 404 wetlands and Class IV soils were incorporated into individual lots. This commercial office use allows clusters of uses on the high ground and protection and preservation of much of the 404 wetlands and Class IV soils thereby reducing the impact on the natural features of the site. 4. Substantial landscape buffering (36.6' to 52.6') will be used adjacent to residential lots ~' along the eastern and southern property lines. The southern most portion of the property along Airlie Road will remain zoned R-15 to serve as a buffer (approximately 135' deep). The 404 wetlands and Class IV soils on the western side of the property fronting Wrightsville Avenue will remain in a natural condition to provide an attractive natural setting along Wrightsville Avenue. ~- ~ 23 -Airlie Forest • Attachment ,,8,- - - • Responses to Items 1-4 ' on Special Use Permit Application ,~~ 1. To improve. safety for vehicular access to site, developer will .provide deceleration lane. Substantial buffers adjacent to residentially zoned property will be ,provided to reduce any impact,on residential uses (36.6' to 52.6'). The southern most portion of the site will remain R-15 to serve as a buffer between Arlie Road and the development. The R-15 lot is 135' deep with over 250' from Airlie Road right of way to .rear of commercial building. Z. All setbacks anal buffering requirements of the County Zoning Ordinance have ..been met. ` 3. This ;development, when completed, would represent the-western edge of , commercial and office development along this southern portion of Wrightsville Avenue. This land use will be buffered ,from residential areas and will be smaller in ...scale than existing commercial development east of the site. 4. Effor# is being made. to retain as.much of the existing natural vegetation as is feasible. Also, large buffer areas are being provided to buffer the development from adjacent residential and church uses. The architectural style will be in keeping with the area. ~~ ~ I~t~acoa~st ~~~~~~~~ ' F_xclusiveA~filiate oj.Sotheby~ International Realty Airlie Forest Development 1900 Eastwood Road, Suite 11 Wilmington, NC 28403 Gentlemen: I have reviewed the letter from Mr. Glenn regarding the proposed Airlie Forest Retail Center development. Mr. Glenn's assessment that high quality commercial development tends to increase property values of surrounding residential developments is a valid assumption in my opinion. The proposed development is not a strip center but a well thought out and architecturally pleasing design that will be an asset to the community. , ou 1 , ,r, James E. Wallace s 25 Po " • 1L' ' ille Beach hC 28480 • 10 26-4"0 -800-' ' st 09ice Box ~0~ nght~ (9 ) 5 ~ 3 1 X33-IS-~O ~....,.in„~~,,...."-.~,.~a.~l..wotn..,n,., Real Estate L{:luatians ~* '"~' r k b;;/ aSn. i ~~~ x ~'T ..}7~y~ } ~ Y1 ROBERT GLENN ASSOCIATES. INC. February 4,1997 Airtie Forest Development 1900 Eastwood Road, Suite 11 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Gentlemen: At your request, 1 have considered the possibility of a decline in property values at McCumber Terrace due to the development of the Airlie Forest Retail Center. In my opinion, there is no possibility of any decline in the value of units at McCumber Terrace if this development is completed. I have based my opinion on the following fads: 1. McCumber Terrace was existing when IRT developed the Hams Teeter shopping center in 1986 and made additions in 1990 and 1996. Property values have inueased at McCumber Terrace over this time period, rather than declined. 2. Lumina Station was recently completed across from Landfall and adjacent to Lions Gate Townhouses. Property values have been escalating both at Landfall and at the adjacent Lions Gate, and the majority of residents welcome the Lumina Station development. 3. The quality of construction and low key architecture for the proposed Airlie Forest will be similar to Lumina Station and in my opinion will enhance the surrounding properties to include McCumber Station. Signage will be minimal with low wattage lighting for the entrance sign and the site lighting much like Lumina Station. The existing fencing at McCumber Terrace, along with the one story construction, plus the minimal lighting at the proposed project, should minimize any potential for changing the character of the area. 4. Traffic from the West will access the proposed development from two access points ~" both of which have deceleration lanes, and traffic from the East has an existing turning lane. The turning lane was built to serve the residents of McCumber Terrace and any future development like Airiie Forest on the South side of Wrightsville Avenue. The existing roads ~~ear sufficient fo handle any potential increase in traffic. Airlie Forest Development - , Page 2 , Generally speaking, quality commercial development tends to increase the property values of surrounding residential developments due to ease of shopping and the close proximity of services. If I can offer any further assistance, or should you desire a detailed study of the effects of commercial development on nearby residential property values please give me a call. . Sincer ly you '~ ;~~ ~/ Robert T Glenn, MAI r ~' 27 REZONING REQUEST FROM R-1 S TO CD(BI) Z-580 The New Hanover County Planning Board at their regular meeting on Thursday, January 2, 1997, voted to table petition to rezone property along Wrightsville Avenue until its February 6, 1997 meeting. In the interim, the Board directed the owners to consider limiting the range of B-1 uses planned for the center and to provide more detail on the traffic impacts and volumes from those uses. In an effort to address the request of the Planning Board, the owner/developer has reviewed the permitted uses currently allowed under the B-1 Zoning Classification. All uses shown in light face type are permitted by right in the~B-1 Zone but will not be permitted on this site. All uses shown in a bold face type are permitted by right in the B-1 Zone and will be permitted on this site. B-1 1. Agriculture. Forestry. Fishing Agricultural Uses Kennels Veterinarians Wholesale Nurseries and Greenhouses 2. Construction Special Trade and General Contractors With No Outside Storage 3._Transportation. Communications, Utilities Electric/Gas and Sanitary Services Electric Sub-Stations Other Communication Facilities Telephone and Telegraph Facilities 4. Wholesale Trade Wholesale Seafood with Water Frontage 28 5. Retail Trade ' Apparel and Accessory Store Automobile Service Station Convenience Food Store ~~ ~ Drug Store Eating and Drinking Places ,~ Entertainment Establishments, Bars Cabarets, Discos in Shopping Center Food Stores Fruit, Vegetable Stand produced on Same Parcel as Offered for Sale ~. Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment General Merchandise Stores ~ Handcrafting Small Articles ~ Hardware Miscellaneous Retail ~; Retail Nurseries Historic Restaurants 6. Financing, Insurance and Real Estate Banks, Credit Agencies, Savings and Loans Bank or Savings & Loan would be limited to 5,000 sq. ft. with no drive up window facilities. Services Business Services Including Printing Dry Cleaning/LaundryPiant Funeral Home Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs Personal Services Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repair Barber/Beauty Shops 8. Health Children's Day Care 9. Educational Services Libraries Museums 10. Membership Organizations `~' Churches Lodges, Fraternal and School~Organizations ~~ 29 ~~S Except Residential Fraternities, Sororities, Residential 11. Other Accessory Buildings or Uses, Clearly Incidental to the Permitted Uses or Building Circuses, Carnivals, Fairs and Side Shows of No More than 30 Days Duration Per Year Private Residential Boating Facility Demolition -Landscape Landfill Government Offices and Buildings Offices for Private Business and Professional Activities Principal Use Sign Residential Private Pier Temporary Sign Recycling Facilities, Small Collection Outdoor Bazaars Excluding Yard Sales, Christmas Tree Sales, Pumpkin Sales Special Fund Raising for Non-Profit Organizations Evangelistic and Religious Assemblies Not Conducted at a Church 30 ,,; ~c9-'~:0-1977 i l ~ ~~ 919 b77 2aj© F. ~i1 ~ ~ K,mley-Horn C ~ ~ and Associates, Inc. ~~° . an? .. &ar • Carr~rrta ~ ~ '~~~ _ P.o. Bo~c 33068 R9aigh. NorCi Caroirn 27636-3068 ~~- February 6, 1997 Mr. Howard T. Capps ACLA ~, .Howard 7. Capps & Associates, Inc. 201 North Front Street, Suite 402 ~ ~ Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Re: Trip Generation Analysis Arlie Forest bear Mr. Capps: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Tnc. has completed our analyses for determining the potenti~.l traffic generated by the proposed,44,476 square foot (sf) development. We understand the site is approximately 4.8 acres on Wrightsville Avenue in Wilmington, North Carolina, and will consist of 25,876 sf of retail space, 12,900 sf of office space and a 5700 sf qual ity restaurant. We have also reviewed the permitted uses by the owner/developer which limits the uses from ,~ 53 to 21. In limiting the uses, alI major traffic gencraton in a B-1 zoning have been removed providing for mostly "speciality" retail. 1 f t ~' s The total daily snd peak hour (AM & PM) traffic generation for this site was determined based upon information in the Institute of Transportation Enbinecrs Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition, 1991. The Daily Trip Generation shows the amount of traffic anticipated to enter and exit the development during a typical weekday. The AM (morning) and PM (afternoon) peaks show the traffic anticipated to enter and exit the site during the morning work rush hour and the afternoon work rush hour respectively. These peak hours arc considered to be the heaviest travel time and of the greatest concern to the traveling public. TEL 919 6TT 2000 FIX B19 677 250 31 r.B-Oc-19~? 14 41 ~~.~i^ lGmley-Hom , and Associates, Inc. Mr. Ho.nTd T. Capps AC1.A. FcFinary 6,1997. Paje 2 'lie following table summarizes the anticipated traffic generation for the site. Traffic Generation Analysis land Use Average Deity Traffic AM Pesk Hour PM Peak Hour Tn Q~ 111 ~ .!II ~ 25,876 SF Retail 526 526 16 9 48 4S (2,900 Sr Offict 150 I50 35 4 7 35 5,700 SF _ Restaurani 276 276 4 ' 1 29 14 TOTAL 952 952 55 14 84 97 If you have any questions concerning our analyses or findings, please do not hesitate to call me at 919/677-2062. Very truly yours, - KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, II\'C. aa~~n~ru~~,, , ,~ ~.~~ CARp(~ ~' ~. ~' R. Michael Horn, P.E. F Associate ~C~ 9~'s SEAL - - ~. 14510 N:1.~101 l3l?02v.RL1tfORL7R ,,~'~O~s~~, N~E ~`~~~~`, CHA ,, , 32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i KHA-P,ALE ~ GH TEL 919-677-2050 ~„ K'unfeyHorn ~~~ and Associates, Inc. Ey~«,~ Me Ehvlnrmert~,' Confith~nts February 6, 1997 Mr. Howard T. Capps ASLA Howard T. Capps.& Associates, Inc. 201 North Fronl'Strrrt Suite 402 VL'ilmingtun, North Carolina 2$40] Re: Site Access Arlie Forest Dear 1V1r. Capps: Thic lettt•r is to infnrtr ynu that hasccl upon discturic~ru with the North Carolina Deprrtment of Transp,~rtation (NCDO7), Mc. Roger Hawltiru (Division Traffic Enginu:r) and Mr. David 'I'homus (District Tinginccr) that tvc p[oposcd drIVLWIIyS fiJC Ci1C AlitB FUIC.It DCVC1U1t11lCl~t aIC Cta.:C~lilt)1C as shown nn the attached site pian. 't'hey have given circle prclirttiuary approval fur driveway pem~its awaiting the outcome from Ncw Hanover County. please for~t•ard tl~c attached site plan with signed driveway permits to Mr. David Thurn:~s fur approval. If }you ha~•c any questions concerning our discussioiu plc:tsc do c:ot }tesitace to call me at ~ 19-077-2()<2. Ycry truly yours, K1Ml.1;Y-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. R. Michael llorn, P.L. Associate RMH:rncs Enclosure a ttl o;o en 2ao fez era en xuo Feb 6.97 16~d.~ No .009 P:O1 ^ v n tine tutt,s Atli; D. tio.•t1 Caroint 2)536-306E 33 J r-B-Oc-1997 14 41 lGmleyHom and associates, Inc. 919 677 2050 F. 02 Mr. Howard T. Capps. AC1.A. Fcl+r~ary 6,1997. Pale 2 The following table summarizes the anticipated traffic generation for the site. Traffic Generation A.n~lysis I.>znd Use Average Dstity TratTe AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Tn Q~ jn Obi ~ n Qqj 25,876 SF Retail 526 526 16 9 48 48 12,900 SF Office ! 50 150 35 4 7 35 5,700 SF Restaurant 276 276 4 1 29 14 TOTAL 952 952 55 l4 84 97 If you have any questions concerning our analyses or findings, please do not hesitate to tali me at 919/677-2062. Very truly yours, ' KIiViLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, 11`'C. ...... , `~~ r'"'ESSip'' '~ ' R. Michael Hom, P.E. :' ,~ 04 ~9' Associate f ~~ SEAL li = t = ? 14510 RMH:cbs H:~P1.10L131302~.s,RLIl:fORLTR ',''~~M/CHAE~"?`~~``, ,a~as~e~n~ssNS•~ ,~ 34 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 I f 1 1 i t 1 t 1 i n n ~~ fl F^~ . l J V ~ ~ ~~ n o ~ ~~ 0 n~ ~ ~ (~ --~ n z w J 0 o, o ~~ o. o~~ ~, O S.~` ~ ~ L _ u' ~ o ~ O O O r... ~ ,D (~ _. X N NOO n v , Z J ~ O N VI ~ _~ O O Q Z N_ n C7 ~~'---{{~~ I1 Z Z ~ m D r= ~~; ~ "/ 1 ~'• ~ ~ v l ~.\1\,,~ ~~\ ~ ~ ~ ~` , '~ ` ,~~~~~ . ~ ~ i ~~, N J ~~~ ~~ O _ =i~~. ~ ~ ~ i~ ~~ < i _~__ ` QPC1 ,, .,~ ~, ~ ` __l.i~~ /i"~~ // I ~; . ~,; ~, ~~ ~ ~•. ~ ~~\~ ~ .~ This page intentionally left blank ' ~1 36 1 1 ~~; ;j, _~ i 1 t 1 1. 1 1 i t r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 4B Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes . Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: _ . Rezoning Appealed Case, Continued Item (Z-591, 2/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by R. Trask, Jr. to rezone 85.04 acres on the east side of Military Cutoff (1100 block) north of Landfall and south of Lucia Point to Office and Institution from R-15 and R-20 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends denial. r ul\~I[vC; ~UUKLE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: !Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOi~IM NDATION . ~PPiR~OVED ~ . b~E,@ECTED '~~ REMOVED ~~ P®STP®N~I~ Refer to O~cc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~R-~-~ i~~ ~7 , ITEM B CASE: ~ X591, 2/97; Appealed Case, Continued Item: Applicant: Raiford Trask, Jr. _ . REQUEST: R-15 and R-20 to O-I and B-1; Modified to O-I only. ACREAGE: 85.04 LOCATION: East side~of Military Cut-off (1000 block), north of Landfall and south Lucia Point ~ ' LAND CLASS: Resource Protection-Encourages low density residential development, typically 2.5 units per acre. Non-residential development is permitted provided important natural resources are not impacted. (NOTE: This item appeared on the Commissioners' I1~larch 10, 1997 agenda. At the request of the applicant's attorney, George Rountree, the Commissioners voted to table the request until its June 2, 1997 meeting. There was no further action on the matter.) Planning Board Summary After a lengthy discussion on the merits of O-I Zoning, the Board agreed to allow the applicant to revise his petition for consideration to O-I for the entire tract instead of B-1 and 0-I. Despite the revision, however, the Board voted 5 to 1 to recommend denial of the petition. They noted that rezoning the site would be inconsistent with the Land Use Plan, and there was no great need to establish transitional zoning on such a large scale. In opposition to the petition, one concerned citizen told the Board that the applicant couldn't clearly demonstrate a substantial need for the change. He also noted that approval would open the flood gates for future requests and likely lead to strip commercial development, an undesirable land use pattern. He added the site was located in a Resource Protection area where development should be limited to ensure lower density and to protect water quality. Staff Summary As noted in case Z-590 (Swain property), this property or portions thereof has been the subject of five rezoning petitions since 1989. Those cases are summarized as follows: 7/89: R-15 and R-20 to PD: DENIED 11/90 R-15 and R-20 to PD: DENIED, Withdrawn 7/92: R-15 and R-20 to B-2 and O-I: APPROVED small area of O-I only. 5/95: 0-I to B-1: APPROVED `8/95: R-15 to B-1 and O-I: APPROVED with slight modification to the B-1 line. Ifi~ie 1995 petition.for B-1 and O-I, the Board concluded that the request would be consistent ,,, with the Land Use Plan and the emerging land use pattern in the area. However, it also decided that continued linear expansion along Military Cut-off might be difficult to justify under current policies aimed at limiting strip commercial development. As a result, the Board decided that the . northernmost commercial expansion should end at.the boundary line of the County library ~, property. (See Map) It also decided in that case that the land adjacent to the library (south side) ~,, should be zoned 0-I instead of B-1 as requested by the applicant to promote a smoother land use transition ~~- The Land Use Plan does not establish any clear limits on the ultimate size of the commercial node formed by the intersection of Military Cut-off and Eastwood Road, but certainly the node would ~' be exaggerated or severely distorted if the B-1 District, which already occupies nearly'/~ mile of - road frontage, is allowed to expand another 16001inear feet. Current Policies for Growth and Development strongly discourage strip commercial development. It is clear that the application as ~, presented would have a difficult time complying with that limitation. ~, The applicant contends that the property is not particularly suited for development under its current zoning due to its proximity to the Landfall commercial node and the main highway. Military Cut-off no doubt makes some residential development less appealing due to heavy traffic and the ill effects associated with that. And it may worsen when the highway is widened to four lanes. While there are certainly some negative aspects associated with residential development along busy thoroughfares, there is ample evidence in the County to suggest that residential ~~ projects can be done successfully along these roads. Higher density projects seem to have the most success, but lower density has been successful too.. A recent example of that is Lucia Point, a new 53 lot subdivision adjoining and north of the subject property. In addition to the strip development issue, another problem raised by this petition is a total lack of site control The request is for general use rezoning. This means the County will have little control over the number of access points, the general traffic circulation, or the site's ultimate mix of land uses. ~' A final issue of concern is the unknown impact a large area on non-residential development would have on local water quality. A large part of this property is located in the Howe Creek watershed, one of the County's higher quality creeks. It is classified SA(ORW). ,~' Staff recommends denial. 1 39 ~~~ may, ~ ~%YHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use , , district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall,be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. I. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? t - t.9~t~ 7brw s. tSKt =r/C~ ~, ~~~S,u~ ~ ~ b~i~~i 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification A4ap? ~ - C~1~tKt <<iLCi/a L v7~ ~ ~~Qc~ BGG~cic`. i.), 3. ~Vhat significant nei hborhood Chan es have occurred to a - g $ m l.e the ortg~nal zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable. for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? I . w GA taw WAS (uG<`.oa5~l~ /N ,D/L~2 ~~ ~ '~ 2. f Go/~~~G'~ TotU ~ j3JS~c/~ -- p,~a o v- t CLQ,Ct~i'.~.,~;> ~? In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that 1 have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in 4 O this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. y l ,~ ~,~i~ t `~~ 1 1' 1~ . ~~ r ~~ 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET' Z-591 Petition Number: ` R. Trask, Jr. ~ Same Owner: Representative: Request• R-15, R-20 to Bl & O-I Acreage: 110+ Tax TD Number: 5100 ~ Location: Mi ~ i Lary ~„t-off ' ' LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Resource .Protection • Land Classification: " Vacant Existing Land Use: Zoning History•~' Area originally zoned May 1970. Two attempts to rezonesite PD, deni .~ RPq~~PSt f°r ~ A-7 ~, n-T .-a.-~;lbgd in small area of Water T Community Count ypc: Scwcr Type• Fire District: Seagate Recreation: Blair Noble Road Access: Military Cutoff Volume: 13, 400 ADT (' 95 cou; College. Park School District: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~~ ~, '~~ Watershed andWater Quality Classification• =_owe Creek (SA) ORW; Bradley Cr. Aquifer Recharge Area: A fringe of Primary Area. None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None soil Type(s) and class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricµlturxl Soils: A wide mix: Johnston (Class IV N/A - County sewer None T.i mi for? i n (`l ace T~7 ~,-on,- .7..., i., ....a. i __,a~. :'~~'~~f•• .ors .}.• , ~' ~ • • 1: .4 •• •~y ,w.~. - ~~ i 1 r. C i~~ .: ~: f. l~. ', ~ r i ~~ }' . f _ _ .:. + : ;=r~~ ~ ~ • . _ 1:~ . ~i ~ _ • ~J ,. f ` ~~ . f~~ 1. '•7}.`. ~•~~H l• _ _..~~ :!-Fi:~.'i{',u11~iLA'~rc1r.4C1=tj-4~:S ~r~~f~C7 - .;14 ~ .~ -= ; ~ , -r• y ' • • r ~_ ~ ' - • - • - ~. r • •li r ' '~• . - • ~' • !•L • ii• ••• - •• - - _;, , • •f j • • ~' • f T ~ c ~ T.'`• ter. !• - - l • ' •~e~•r ~~_ ~.`+~~s~~t.l...~~• j1•f-•L••_L a; y: •.•rt--. '~~.a...~ :.1-.tt~: ~:. ar% • •~ .q ~ '~• 1 ~ _ i ~r.~.! ~ )l /, l - ~ . I' } 1-. "I Y • t . '~'~ • i `, `,. ~ i` s(i ::~;' . ~ ( l j ~ 1 ~~ l .. 1 1 :~ r - ' } • r• r 1 r - ~ y . ~ ~ 1 ' : i Ei~ ''~ •, ~; ' ~ - ~ • ' j rf; _ ~' ' , ~ ~~,i 't~1 ~_ ,I . ' f . .: 1 ... . • ~ ' f ~ ~ • F--J • ~ ~ • - .~..f.. t • . f~T~ __ .'.1 ;, ,. 3 .,~--fir::. ~`y ~~r ~` . ~ May 20, 1997 ,,~~ Code requirments in re-approving the zoning on the 649 Piner Road tract as best we have them available today. ' ~ The proposed tract appears to have the necessary size, location and characteristics to be complementary to ~~ the requested extension of the re-approval of O/I. 59.7-3,2 a Naturally when this building is built, the process will go through additional due diligence stages of ~ , , engineering and approvals. The tract boundaries are to scale as best we have without an actual survey. I ask that perhaps you review the boundaries as shown in the last rezoning, we are under the assumption they have not changed. This will be confumed prior to construction activity. We do submit what we have all reasons to believe based on what we have been told, the boundaries are same now as then. We would be - more than happy to provide you a registered surveyor survey conforming such prior to issuance of a building permit. ~~' 59.7-3,2 b The existing zoning has not been determined neighboring the property, recently. 59.7-3 ,2 2-.!~jp X 2~0 r o-Gt- , 11L2~ /~ . - The prop~rty will have. detached building, 2 that are t) a~.t t rt+•,r '< <~~ -• ~ ~n L'u11~8-sQ-faeE), that are separated into 20 x 50' bays. Total square footage isz~g00- The bays will be upfitted by conforming business that rent or purchase the bays (business con e type of structure has been labeled "flex space" by the real estate industry in general. The proposed eve heights we calculated in ~~ our study were 12' or less. Please refer to the site drawing for locations and parking requirement locations. 59.7-3,2d The development schedule at this time is assumed to be 1 building permit process for all three buildings. Approximate construction time would be 7 months or less to construct the complete Phase 1, being the ` entire complex. Proposed start time. would be when the owners and purchasers agree on a suitable ! settlement day and the buyers marketing has acceptable results. 59.7-3,2e We see no potential traffic impacts during the construction phase of the project. Due to the critical path of this type of construction, it would be rare to have more than 2 or 3 types or classifications of contractors at the site at any one time. We will be submitting a driveway file permit to the DOT, however any potential ~~ turn lane or temporary traffic divers are not expected because the project would not project to yield any substantial quantity of vehicles during a maximum business day in the construction phase or permanent occupancy.. ~~ Additionally onsite parking will be calculated per your regulations and be indicated on the request for a building permit. The buildings are split into 3 buildings to better flow traffic ingress and egress as well as meet the minimum parking spaces. All street widths and locations will be specifically shown on the final ~~ plat that would be prepared prior to a building permit request. -.~ 59.7-3,2f Easements will be so determined with a final survey or plat when the project is ready to be built. However it is assumed there will be such easements on site to the,association that will maintain the appurtenances for Stone Water Management and utilities. Additionally all on site and off site utilities easements when confirmation of final location is confirmed will be given as required. Right of way to the Road will additionally be necessary. We do not expect special right of way or utility easements, other than that ~•` necessary to hook our utilities into the system and roads for ingress and egress. ~~~ 4 3 t .~ This page intentionally left blank 44 ~. :~,~ C 1 1 t .`~~ ~'~ :~ ~;,. ,~l '~.i ~~ .~1 ,~~~ ~; L~' ,~~ I i 1 ~~ ,~' ;~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Zegular Item #: 4C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 3eparbment: Planning ~ ~ Presenter: D. Hayes ?age Count In Agenda Package: 17 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: _ ~ ' Rezoning - Reapproval, Continued Item (Z-520, 12/94; reapproval 3/97) ,~ BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by R. Malpass to rezone 2.8 acres at 649 Piner Road to Conditional Use O-I Office and Institution for general and profes- sional offices, medical offices, and barber/beauty shop from R-15 Residential. -The current CD(O-I) designation has expired. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND FQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval subject to site plan modi- fications. ryNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Atone}' Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOI\7MENDATION~• ~.~PROVE~ ~' 3 - Z , . t~E.IECTED ~~>_~a~E~ .~ ~ 4 5 ~~STP®N~ Refer to Officc vision Bullctin Boazd for Disposition ~R'~~ ~ Z _ ~"~. , ITEM C CASE: REQUEST: , ACREAGE: LOCATION: X520, 12/94; Applicant: Rudie Malpass R-15 to CD(O-~, Reapproval 2/97; General and Professional OfCces, Medical Offices, and Personal Services 2.8 649 Piner Road PlanningBoard Summary This item was on the Planning Board's March agenda but was continued at the applicant's request to April. The applicant and several adjacent property owners were planning to meet to see if a compromise plan could be devised. The Board voted to continue the matter another 30 days after the April meeting due to continued disagreement between property owners in Wood Duck Forest and the applicant concerning the scope of the plan, buffering, setbacks, and the total depth of the 0-I District. Substantive meetings between the applicant and the owners never occurred. Despite objections from several property owners in Woodduck Forest, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the site plan with modifications. The modifications included the following: -Prohibit off-street parking within 170 feet of the rear property line, however, an access drive around the rear would be permitted provided it didn't encroach into required buffer yards. -Parking would permitted at the rear of the northernmost building provided the 170 foot setback was observed. -Additional parking maybe provided at the front of the building located nearer Piner Road. -Provide a 30 foot. planted buffer along northern and eastern property lines adjacent to Woodduck Forest. Retain as much of the natural vegetation as possible. Provide a privacy fence per the Ordinance if it determined that opacity standards can'f be met with existing vegetation and plantings. -Elongate the drainage pond and orient it so it is closer to the western sideof the property. The adjacent property owners in Woodduck continued to maintain the only way to ensure compatibility was to leave the last 200 feet of the tract undeveloped. Staff SummarX The subject property was rezoned to conditional use office and institution for general and professional offices, medical offices and personal services (barber and beauty shop) on January 3, 1995. The approval was subject to the site plan as submitted (attached) and the following conditions: -posting trafficicirculation. gns, on site to direct internal traffic movements -t a rincipal use signage-be limited to the area requirements of the O-I District -gland use be limited to general and professional offices, medical offices and barber and beauty shops. `~i^4 ~~( ~i1 ~r _~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ = compliance with all .other applicable fedeal, state and local regulations. To date no construction has taken place because as the applicant claims in the attached letter she has had trouble obtaining water and sewer to serve the site. ~In the intervening period, the plans approved have expired--plans are valid for 24 months for uses approved under the conditional use rezoning'process. The failure to obtain a building permit during this period is the reason the plan is no longer valid. When this situation occurs, the Zoning Ordinance directs staffto take the necessary actions to revoke the special use permit that authorized the site plan and to simultaneously rezone the property. The applicant does not want the site rezone.to its previous classification. Instead, she is requesting the special use permit and companion zoning classification be approved in their current form for a period of up to 12 months. However, it should be noted that reauthorization of the site plan and reapproval of the conditional use 0-I District would have to adhere to existing ordinance standards, meaning the validity period of this or any subsequent conditional use would have to be 24 months in duration. Little has changed in the area since the original approval, except that the lots in Woodduck Forest that abut the site are now occupied by houses and are individually owned. There have been no major changes in current land use regulations, however, buffer requirements already in place will require some modification of the site plan in order to comply with those regulations. Specifically, the width of the buffer yard where required would have to be increased and some of the off-street parking would have to be relocated. Attached is the original summary, preliminary findings and the conditional use district order issued by the Board of County Commissioner in January 1995. The plan requested for reapproval is slightly different than the original plan approved in 1994. Specifically, the revised plan calls for the construction of 3 buildings instead of 2 buildings. Also, the total square footage planned was reduced to 23.000 square feet from 24,000. square feet. Also, the building height has been reduced to an average of 12 feet, instead of the 20 feet. 47 ., (~1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: Z-520, 12/94 Owner: June P.. 0 4.uin . Representative: -Rudy. Ma 1 a • ~ . Request• R-15 to CD (O-I) ' ~ Acreage: 2.8 Taa ID Number 7600-002-012-000 Location• Piner .Road LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES- .~ . Land Classification: Resource Protection Ezisting Land Use: Vacant residential structure Area originally zoned April 7, 1971. B-2 area to Zoning History: . the south established ,November, 1987.. WaterType• wells/community possib~~;erType' County Myrtle Grove VFD Arrowhead Fire District: Recreation: Road Access• ° Piner Road ~ Volume: 8900 ADT 1993 ~ count .Gregory School District: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Motts CrPPk c (awl ;~ Aquifer Recharge Area: .Primary recharge area ~~,,% Conservation Resources: None '~ ,~ Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: N~nP . , MU: Murville; Le: Leon Soil Type(s) and' Class: S is Tank Suitability: Class III ~i e A ricultural Soils: NQT1P - ~' g Building Suitability: Some limits due to moisture content ... ... .. ~~ ' `.~ ~~ _ We feel like the county zoning, landscape and clearing plan processes are fair and reasonable, We have designed the project in accordance to these laws and recommendations of the planning board to satisfy residents adjoining the property. • The proposed building in this request is located approximately 170' from the rear line. ~,~/ ~ The adjoining property owners have requested an ultimatum that the building and all ~~' t, ~ parking areas be 200' from the rear line. This would create an unprecedented buffer ~~ unrealistic to commercial office development rezoning requests. ~ We feel like the ro osed la out is reasonable and meets all the w p p y la s regarding setbacks and buffers. The structure on this siteplan is already complementing the ~~ adjoining neighborhood by being approximately 170 from the rear line and increased buffer. ~~~ We feel like when we meet the landscape ordinance, clearing laws and additionally having a 6' wood privacy fence placed around the property, this that in itself is , , reasonable and demonstrates our attempt to address noise,- security issue's and the ~ views from adjoining homes. ~ - The O&I zoning has existed on this property for 2 years. This request is for re- ~ , approval of that zoning. i ~ This is not a new, unforeseen request to the neighborhood. The 0&I zoning was a matter of public record at the time the adjoining neighbors purchased their new _ homes. This is a request that allows the neighbors fora "greater" buffer from the 7 structure than the previous approved site~plan showed. That old plan showed the '~~ building 75' from the rear property line, as this request shows 170'. This proposed plan increases this distance approximately 95' from the last approved site plan. The neighborhood's ultimatum is 240' of total landscaped buffer area, no parking, no ,~' structure, however they would allow the retention ond. That would uali as an P q fy outright taking of the property and not reasonable. • We have considered the challenges the adjoining neighbors have expressed to us. VJe feel like our site plan versus the previous approved site plan is more complementary to their concerns than ever before, however still fair and reasonable to us. ,~f ~ 49. ;, ;.. ,~% ~s ~~ ~ . i~~ ~~; ~ , . i' is ~ ~~.1 ~: iN ' ~~,toe ..~ o ~~ ~~C,~~~~/ ;. ;: . - _ . ~~ %~ ~~ ca ~ /7/9r r Giz ~a ~ /P9a ~°~~G~C~ ~-n .r-~ ~~Q'ia--~ B ~~ ~l ~ Li i~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ t~.G~~~~~~rvat~. ~ ~~~ ~e~ . ~~ > G ::~ ::~ 5a :.. ~ U J ~ ~e ZG n~ ~ r~..~~r ~~e.~~~ ~; ,~~. r ,~~ ~~~ '~~ ~~~ ~~~ _,~ F1 ~~ ~<' a ~~~ 1 ~/ i ~ r• ~~ ~~ ~~, ;~; ANN S. HINES Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer ~MORANDUM ~~ NEVV HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 203 WII.,MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4045 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7118 FAX (910) 341-4331 ` February 7, 1997 TO: Pete Avery, Senior Planner FROM: 'Ann S. Hines, Chief Zoning Enforcement Officer RE: Rudie Malpass, Piner Road Property--Conditional Use Rezoning Z-520, 12/94; R-1~ to CD(0-I) The above referenced property ~•as rezoned in January of 199. We have not received any applications for building permits on this property. By my reckoning, the County is now required to initiate action to revoke the special use permit and rezone the property (Zoning Ordinance Section 59.7-6[1)). Apparently, the property is still being advertised for sale. Please let me know if I can help with this, or provide information on permit activity in any of the other conditional use districts. 51 .' Item#4 Case: Request: Land Ares: Location: Z-520, 12/94 APPROVED BY ~.. GGUi~TY GOMMISSiONERS .Oate_..! _ iss ~: R-15 to'CD(O-I),'General and Professional Offices, Medical Offices, .and Personal Services 2.8 acres 649 Piner Road Planning Board Summary The Board pointed out that it had originally recommended this same site be rezoned to general use Office and Institution in October of this year. They repeated their support to rezone this property and voted to recommend approval of a conditional use district for the site .pursuant to the plan submitted with the following conditions: a. That on-site signage be provided directing traffic movements, b. That the site plan be revised to reflect actual buffer requirements, and off-street parking needs. c. The site's"uses be limited to general and professional offices, medical offices and personal services.. d. Site identification signage be limited to the standards imposed for the O-I District. The owner of Parcel A appeared before the Board to ascertain the impact of the project on his home and what setback and buffer standards would be imposed. Those .requirements were explained to him and he appeared to generally support the proposal. There was no other opposition. Planning Staff Summary A petition to rezone this site to general use O-I Office and Institution was rejected by the County Commissioners in October 1994. However, the Commissioners voted to allow the applicant resubmit the petition under conditional use guidelines if it could be refiled within 30 days. In the original petition, the Staff recommended denial because it felt a more logical progression of transitional uses should begin adjacent to the existing B-2 District near NC 132, not several hundred feet away in the midst of an R-15 District. The Planning Board disagreed and ultimately recommended approval. The Commissioners were concerned that a general use classification at this site would disrupt adjacent residential uses, but also felt nearby uses, particularly Wal Mart, sharply reduced the residential appeal of the lot. Subsequently, they directed the applicant to submit a new petition under conditional use standards. The purpose of the conditional use district is to provide for compatible land uses between zoning districts of very dissimilar ~acter. The main goal of the approach is to provide for ~t~ rolled development that serves to protect the integrity of ~; adjoining land uses. Conditional use districts must be consistent RC zcn i n c CoI1C{i'tr Met ~«~~~~^ G f $,oard ,1,," `~~ with the policies of the Land Use Plan and should not be haphazard in design. ~~ The site is classified Resource Protection. The development of ~` non-residential uses is permitted provided important natural ~;r, resources are not adversely impacted. There are no known natural resources or conservation resources on the site. It is located in '' the Motts Creek drainage basin, which discharges into the Cape Fear River. - ~ l ~i Site Plan Summary The applicant seeks to construct two office buildings housing ~~ general and professional offices, medical offices and personal services such as barber and beauty shops. - ~ 1. 2. Each building would be 300'x40' approximately 20' high. Access would be provided directly to Piner Road. \ / 3. The minimum side yard setback would be 55 At least one-half of that area must be planted buffer where the site abuts ' exiting residential uses or platted residential lots. A buffer would be required on the west side of the site due to the presence of a house. The plan shows a 10' foot buffer, however, a buffer at least 27.5 feet would be required. A 75' ~~~ rear yard is proposed. No buffer is shown, however, the site abuts newly platted lots in the Woodduck Forest, which will necessitate the provision of a buffer at least 27.5'. The front yard setback shown is 75 feet. 4. No signage is shown on the plan. '~ti 5. At least 60 off-street parking spaces must be provided. Also, the need to accommodate buffering will require redesign of the parking areas as ,presented. ~ 6. A concise development schedule has not been formulated. ~ 7. No data is provided concerning existing protected trees. ~ ~~ Special Use Permit; Preliminary Staff Findings . 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. -, a. The site has access directly. to Piner Road. b. The site is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. ~~, c. County sewer is available to serve the site. Water service could be provided either by private well or existing community J systems in the area. ~~/ 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. a. A site plan has been submitted as required by the Zoning r~'T Ordinance to establish a conditional use district. Other details and some revisions regarding off-street parking and '~ buffering are needed. ~~ '~~ 3 The Board must fi d that the use will not subst ti ll i f _ n an a y n ,~' . the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use,. is a public .necessity. a. Increased setbacks and wider buffers would provide some visual relief to the existing residence on the west side of the property. b. The presence of the Wal Mart center and other retail uses would „j not be impacted. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as subanitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. a. There.s a wide variety of land uses in the area: two churches, a middle school, a large shopping center, and single- family residential uses. Land to the north was recently platted for residential development. Land to the east is vacant. i The. placement- of. general use or conditional use Office and Institution districts should be done so that transitional uses are established which preserve the integrity of dissimilar or competing zoning districts, particularly residential districts. As stated in the first petition, staff believes the transition from commercial to off ice to residential should progress from west to east, ,not vice versa. A large B-2 District is located to the west at NC 132. The establishment of office type .uses on the site, even under conditional use guidelines, would still isolate several residential structures and a small church between that commercial area and this site. To its credit, the proposed conditional district would provide protection to the residence immediately next door. It doesn't enhance the area that would be sandwiched between the existing commercial and the proposed office zoning. 54 ~~' =' t " ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NE« HANOVER .. ORDER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT ~ IN A CONDITIONAL USE ZONING DISTRICT ~ General Office, Medical Offices, Personal Services ~~ The County Commissioners for New Hanover County having held a public hearing ~~~. on January 3, 1995, to consider application I~'o. Z-520 submitted by Rudie Malpass, a request for a Special Use Permit in a Conditional Use Zoning District to use the property located at 649 Piner Road, and having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, make the following ~' FINDINGS OF FACT and draw the following CONCLUSIONS: ~.. 1. The County Commissioners FIND AS A FACT that all of the specific requirements ~ set forth in Section 71-1(3) and 72 of the County Zoning Ordinance WILL be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County Commissioners. 2. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not materially endanger .,~~ the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as ~' submitted and approved. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FII~tDINGS OF FACT: ~~ A. The site has access directly to Piner Road. ,1~ B. The site is located within the Myrtle Grove VFD. C. County sewer is available to serve the site. Water service could be provided either ,~ by private well or existing community systems in the area. ~~f' 3. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use meets all required conditions and specifications. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following ~,; FINDINGS OF FACT: ~,~, A. A site plan has been submitted as required by the Zoning Ordinance to establish a conditional use district. ~~ 4. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES I`TOT satisfy the third general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not substantially `~ injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. In support of ~~~ this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDII~iGS OF FACT: '~~ A. Increased setbacks and wider buffers would provide some visual relief to the existing residence on the west side of the property. ~ B. The presence of the Wal Mart center and other retail uses would not be impacted. ~~' S5 r ~~r 5. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use DOES NOT satisfy the fourth general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be iri harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan~of development for New Hanover County. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: ~ ' A. There is a wide variety of land uses in the area: two churches, a middle school, a large shopping center, and single-family residential uses. Land to the north was recently platted for residential development. Land to the east is vacant. 6. Therefore, because the County Commissioners conclude that all of the general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT HAVE been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions: A. That the applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the Ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions hereinafter stated. B. If any of the conditions imposed by this special use permit shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction, then this permit shall become void and of no effect. C. Other: All other applicable federal, state and local laws. D. Site plan as submitted. Ordered this 3rd day of January, 1995. / ~/~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: y~~ C1 rk to the Board .~! Affirmation this ~~~ day of 1995. 56 Ap ~ ~ ~~ t~~ ,~,~ 3/21/97 .~% Memo to Mr Avery - Please find our plat to scale indicating the proposed layout of a building on the 649 Piner ~ Road tract. ; ~ The proposed tract appears to have the necessary size, location and characteristics to be ~~ complementary to the requested extension of the re-approval of O/I. ~« Naturally when this building is built, the process will go through additional due diligence ~ stages of engineering and approvals. The proposed layout considered the following items ` in this preliminary review by us and our engineers Andrew & Kuske: Building size and layout Parking requirements Ground coverage requirements Landscaping Buffers Storm water requirements Erosion and sedimentation control ideas 1~~ ~; `~l i T~ :~ `~~ i~ _ ,~~ At time of approval and building permits of the specific project, these will be confirmed and approvals sought. ~Ve appreciate }'our assistance with the re-approval of the zoning and certainly encourage it. ~'Ve feel this is the highest and best use as ~~ell as complementary to the land shape and ea as whole. ey aye Bayer & mpany, Inc 910 350 1724 57 ,~ This page intentionally left blank ''' r, 58 ~~: ;~ U j.. ~ , ~~ ~' t •~ r~;~ ~~~ ~~;• ~, ~i~~ .+ ,~ 1M~r ,T~ . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 4D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: - Rezoning (Z-602, 5/97) . BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by K. Bennett to rezone .45 acre at 415 Silver Lake Road to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MO A D REQUESTED ACTIONS- The Planning Board recommends approval. r~UNDING SOURCE- Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: • ~LGL: FIN: BUD- __ HR• `~~ COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS- r ~i I~'1'ROVE~ 'E.IECTED ~~ ~EMOVE® ~~ ~ ,5 9 Refer to Officc Vision Butlctin Board for Disposition '~~'~(`~ ,~~/~,~ ~?, ~~,~91J ITEM D CASE: REQUEST:• ACREAGE: LOCATION: X602, 5/97;. Applicant: K. Bennett R-15 to R=10 .47 415 Silver Lake Road LAND CLASS: Urban Transition: Encourages more intense urban type development either where public services are available or can easily be extended to serve the property. Planning Board Summary ' With very little discussion; the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. The Board noted the request would be consistent with the Land Use Plan and the zoning and development pattern of the area. Planning Staff Summarx This property abuts a large area of land zoned R-10. Much of the development in the adjacent R- 10 area includes Arrowhead, Silva Terra, Silver Lake and Marquis Hills Subdivisions. Single family dwellings are the predominant land use, however, mobile homes and duplexes are also located in the general area. A small mobile home park is located to the rear of the tract. The site in question contains approximately 20,550 square feet. Under the R-15 Zoning, only one dwelling is permitted. Currently, a single dwelling is located along the frontage. Rezoning the site to R-10 would enable the owner to place an additional dwelling on the property. . The original division of this tract established a series of 25 foot wide lots at a depth of 275 feet. Under current zoning rules, these lots individually are considered non-conforming because they do not meet the `minimum area or width standards of the district. Collectively though these lots will meet the minimum lot area of the R-15 District and if rezoned would also comply with the R-10 standards. Rezoning this property would appear to be of little consequence. As noted, it is adjacent to R-10 Zoning and subsequent development would be consistent with current density levels in the area. Also, rezoning would be consistent with the Land Use Plan.. The area is classified Urban Transition and more intense urban type development is encouraged. One concern, however, is the precedent it may set for similarly situated lots in the adjacent R-15 District. There are many lots to the east with almost the exact dimensions of the subject property and rezoning this site could pave the way for similar requests. ~gt~f recommends approval. t ~, ~~~ F f \~~.. `~ ,,. ~, ~!!. f ~ ~~ '. .~; .f ~~1. ~~~ ,~ti Sj i. ~, PETITION SUMMARY SHEET. Z-602 '' Petition•Number: Owner: K. Bennett Representative: Same Request: R-15 to R-10 Acreage: • 4 5 7508 415 Silver Lake Rd.• Tax ID Number: Location: LAND USE Land Classification: Existing Land Use: _ Zoning History: ~' ~c~ni nc~ :, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Urban Transition Single family dwelling Area originally zoned April 7,""1971. No anti vi t-v naarh~~ Water T Community' y1x~ Fire District: 1'~Yrtle Grove Silver Lake Rd. Road Access: School District: t'7illiams Scwcr Type• Septic Recreation: Arrowhead Volume: Unknown MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Potts Branch C (Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area; Transition bet~oeen Primary 4 S ..onda y area Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None / ~~ . ,~.I ,- . ,. ~~' Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily Kureb (Kr)_~1ass I ~~ 61 Septic Tank Suitability; Few 1 i mi t ~ Prime Agrict~lturxl Soils: None • Few limits Building Suitability: _ L-~b~Z WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements. ® How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Gro`vth and Devel- opment? _ . . R nl ~- I ~ 3on: ~ t~ocLld 4l lot, r'Re• -}'o {~_rt~ v ~ cl e, a For dalo l e.~ re-s : d-~ f' i c>;. l ho u s ~ rlg rro ~ m y e lol er l y Mo f h~v~, ® How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? ' Qro p ~.rf~ ~ s c(gs5 ~ -~~ e_c~. Qs lAY' ~ rl ~Y~v,S'.-f-". a n . >~ f1 2- ! D Zo n ~ ~ tsJ ~ ~ ~ ~p L C..o r1S i s ~'c:rl'f t.J % '{' ~1 ~' ~'1 i S Gass i ~;cs~-~ ~r( be..etu.~sc, fhv p~~erf~ t 5 t'o h~ P ~o ~ ~ cLc d w ; t h ~ ~ i-t.~' S e tsW c.r and. -}' {Zc.~ p ra P ~~ hctS ~'~- ~; C.c c,~" 0.c-Cess -f~o (-{;~~~ ~.a~ © What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? T"here/ hate. b ~, n ~ >^es % denf; ~/ C.~-r~q~s . ~~' -tai e. p ~o p c.~ t `( i S r'e~z.d mac. d. ~- ~ U ~. P'-° W e..a~k ~r, -~- r~ t.t~-; ~' z;~. Mb ~e_ o-F my y ~a c- re_S ~ cart{`, a--f tl.S-~ , In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving wlty a change is in the public interest. I fur[lier understand that the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and tf~e surrounding neighborhood would. probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 62 _ .ems ,~ r~ Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner ~~ ~. ,{ C 1~~' ~~. ~i a ,~1,. ~. fi'~ ~~~ ~~ ./ ~~1` f~\ ~. 1~ \I~ 1~ REQUEST .FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 4E ~ - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: 7 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: - Special Use Permit (5-407, 5/97) BRIEF,SUMMARY: Request by Landfall Associates to construct a ten slip community boating facility east of Horseshoe Island and southeast of Harborway Place in Landfall Subdivision. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. ~' UtyllllyCT SUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• ~.,. ~ , ~,~ - a,,.,, ~'~~ ~~ .~ EJECTED 6 3 ~'EMOVED Refer to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~O~TPOI~I~' „ ITEM E Special Use Permit: Request by Landfall Associates to Construct a Ten (10) Slip Community Boating Facili East of Horseshoe Island Along the Intracoastal Waterway, . (5-407,.5/97) _ ,, Planning Board Summary • After a general discussion concerning pedestrian access and the layout of the adjacent subdivision, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted. There was no opposition. , Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The facility does not require water and sewer service, though it is fairly common to provide water service to wash down boats and equipment. B. The site is located in the Seagate Volunteer Fire Department District. C. Pedestrian access is available from the adjacent subdivision. . D. The pier and docks are sited such that interference to navigation along. the waterway is avoided. ` 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Community boating facilities are permitted by special use permit in the R-20 Residential District. The site is zoned R-20. B. The right to use the facility will be conferred by an access easement appurtenant to each lot of the residential development. (NOTE: Approval of a preliminary plan for a ten (1 O) subdivision adjacent to the facility is pending--three of the lots have already been • recorded. -- C. Instead of providing a separate off-street parking lot, the applicant proposes that parking be provided at each individual residence. A total often parking spaces is required. D. A CAMA permit will not be issued for construction if it is determined that the project will have significant impacts on water quality, shellfish grounds or conservation resources. The adjacent waters are classified SA. Adjacent shellfish grounds are closed. E. Commercial activities are prohibited. None are proposed. F. The total number of.slips planned equals the number of residential lots to be served. (10) 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The provision of private boat slips for residential lots typically complements land values instead of diminishing them. B. Similar facilities are not located nearby, but are commonplace along the waterway. ~.~he Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to • ' l ~b ~~O ~` ~i' ',!~' ~~ _~ f ~~,/ '~> ~` .~~ ~~1 1~: i~ ~~ ~~ ~~~a `~~ . ,. spa the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A The Land Use Plan prohibits general development in conservation resources areas such as salt marshes. However, the Plan encourages water dependent uses, including piers, ramps, and boating access provided important natural resources are not severely impacted. B. The establishment of these types of facilities is common all along the Intracoastal .. _ . Waterway. .. _. .. , r 65 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET • S-407 Petition~Number: Qwner: Landfall~Assoc. ~~ ~, r~ Representative:- Same Re uest: i s Acreage: NSA d q r, Ta2ID Number 5/19 Location: _ 7 a.,,a~ai i • LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Conservation Land Classification: E:cisting Land Use: Undeveloped ZoningHistory• Area originally zoned I~Iay 1$, 1970. PD District ~~I' to south established Sept. 1984. Water T y~~ City Scorer Type• County , Fire District: Seagate Recreation: Wricrhtsvi 11e Beach Road Access: N/A Volume: School District. Wrightsville Beach MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed and Water Quality Classification. N/A Aquifer Recharge Area: N/A Conservation Resources: Salt marsh Historic Landmarlu and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: _ ~~Scptic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricultural Soils: Building Suitability: _ Marsh N/A t1~ N/A .;, Water dependent uses onl J y~ / f~' What 'You Must Establish I`or A Special Use Permit ~~~~ Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. Tlic Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable,-how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pagcs.if necessary) `~ General Requirement #1' ~ " J The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public Itcalth or safety if located wlterc pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." StatcnrentbyAppficant: The proposed pier and docks have been sited and planned ~~fso as not to materially endanger public health and safety. This includes issues such as navigation and limited environmental impacts. General Rcquircm~nt #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and spccifiruions" of the Zoning Ordinance." ~~, S~crtcnreru by Appficarrt: . .~ See attached. Cencral Requirement #3 ~~ The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." , Srarenrent by Applicant: The proposed pier and dock is sited in front of the ~~proposed single-family development having access to the facility so as to not impact adjacent single-family homes which will not have use of • pier and dock. r' ~Ccncral Requirement #4 the Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted ' jand approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development !or New Hanover County." SrutementbyApplicant: The proposed pier and dock .is consistent with other 'private community boating facilities in New Hanover County. The purpose _,'af the facility is for recreational use by the individual homeowners of the associated development. ;~' M'T'he Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each pccific requirement found in section 72-37 ~.. , (as applicable). HdShe should also demonstrate that the land ' x~ll be uses! in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County: The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the pccial Use Permit. '~ certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion,and belief. '~ 67 sagrcxomc:af~pk xsaadla~3xm~- S. Keith Cooper. F.uthorizA~? n~o.,~ i GENERAL REQIIIREMENT ~2 ~ '~ t Construction and maintenance of ..the proposed pier and docks will be consistent with the requirements of Article VII, Section 72-3? of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. `~' This is evidenced as follows: 1. The site is~ a closed shell fishing area. The nearest 't primary nursery and conservation resource areas are associated with Howe Creek, approximately one mile north of the site. 2. Off-street parking will be required at each residence. s 3. The number of boat slips (10) equals the number of lots within the associated development. 4. The right to use the facility will be conferred to the ~j associated development. j~t 5. Commercial activities shall be prohibited. -" ~4 68 i~ ~~ 6 f ~;~ ` W ~. s~~ M~. 4 ~~, f~ ~Y ~r. ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Zegular Item #: 4F Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'fie Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: S. Burgess SUBJECT: _ Road Closing (SC-71; 4/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by William Cameron to close the western segment of Brookdale Drive located in Brookdale Acres Subdivision .75 miles south of the Holly. Shelter Road/I-40 Overpass, west side of I-40. COMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• While it is realized that a remnant piece of property may be land- locked due to the creaton of I-40, the road closing petition as presented would have no adverse impact on the :property whether the petition was submitted or not. Staff recommends approval of the request. r utvlllNG SOLIRCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: !Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: I~tew Appropriation Request: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA ER'S OMMENTS AND R OMMENDATION - ~R~VE® ~~/~ _ 'E.IECTED ~El~OVE® ,~ ~~STP~N~ ~ 6 9 Rcfer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition Agenda Information Cover Sheet ~ ~ - Agenda Item: F Meeting Date: June 2, 1997 Subject: Road Closure -Western Segment Brookdale Drive Summary Information: On behalf of William Cameron, an adjoining landowner, we are requesting that the western portion of Brookdale Drive be closed. As displayed on the attached map, the creation of Interstate 40 separated the western portion of the road from Brookdale Drive which leads to Blue Clay Road. Brookdale Drive is part of the Brookdale Acres subdivision recorded in June, 1961. The above-referenced request has an unimproved 60 foot right-of--way and is 16S feet in length. County Engineering staff has indicated that utility and/or drainage easements will n be needed. Adjoining properties to the north and south will not be landlocked by the request. Access to the properties would be gained through North College Road. Landowner "B" whose property was split by I-40 and has a remnant portion adjoining the western right-of--way of the Interstate may be landlocked. Mr. Cameron has indicated an interest in purchasing the property. Recommendation: While it is realized that a remnant piece of property maybe landlocked due to the creation of I-40, the road closing petition as presented would have no adverse impact on the propery whether the petition was submitted or not. Staff recommends approva of the applicant's request. 70 ,- .,~f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Aging . ~ Presenter: Annette Crompton Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin „, SUBJECT: -Award of bid # 97-0334 and approval of contract # 97-0334 for in-home aide services. ... BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board of Commissioners meeting on May 19, 1997, this item was tabled and staff was requested to review bid and address Mr. Longs concerns. Staffhas met and reviewed Mr. Longs concerns and continues to recommend Assisted Care, Inc., the lowest bidder, for the award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIQNS• After further review, staff continues to recommend adoption of attached resolution awarding bid # 97-033.4 to Assisted Care, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest bidder and the most responsive bidder; at the unit prices of $10.54 for Level I, $10,86 for Level II, and $10,86 for Level III. Staff also recommends approval of standard County contract. (Contract is on file with the Purchasing Agent.) Federal S: 154,982 State $: 8,156 County S: 18,126 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes .Budget Amendment Prepared: No New Appropriation Request: No ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT CQUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RE nMMENDATIONS• ~r Recommend award of bid for in-home aide services to Assisted Care, Inc. ~, 1~~.1ECTEp /`~ 7 ~~ EMOVEQ ~; ~ . ~~~ Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition~~CJTh®1lI~I3 ~~i ~;` 1~~~~ . l0 2 1~1. . '~ ~~~ -B,p~s - Rcadvtr~s~ ~' RESOLUTION _ OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF . ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance ,~ Department at 11:00. a.m., on the.-24th day of April, 1997, at the County Administration Building,:, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for in-home aide services for the Aging Department, Bid # 97-0334: .Bidder: ` dMS Progressive Services, Inc. Assisted Care Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. Level I Level II ~ ~ Level III $10.38 $11.58 $10.54 $10.86 $11.89 $12.33 $1.1.58 $10.86 $12.33 AND WHEREAS, the bids received from dMS Progressive Services, Inc. And Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. did not pass the first section of the bid evaluation form and were therefore considered nonresponsive; AND WHEREAS, this bid was originally scheduled for award at the Board of Commissioners '.Meeting. on May 19, 1997 but due to concerns from Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. the item was tabled and staff was requested to rcvicw~again; ~ - AND WHEREAS, after additional review the Director of Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager continue to recommend that the contract be awarded to Assisted Care of Wilmington, North Carolina, the most responsive bidder and the lowest bidder, at the unit costs of $10.54 for Level I, $10.86 for Level II, and $10.86 for Level III; AND WHEREAS, funds are to be appropriated in next }car's budget to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of .New Hanover County that tJ~e contract for in-home aide services for the Department of Aging, Bid ~ 97-0334 be awarded to Assisted Care at the unit costs of $10.54 for Level I, $10.86 for Level II, and $10.86 for Level III; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the Count}~ Attorney. ~- ' This 2nd day of June, 1997 (SEAL) ATTEST: CIe~C,t~ the Board rL i Chairman, Board of County Commissioners .~ ., . ~: - ~ t . ~ . t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/42/97 Regular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Sheriffs Department Presenter: Sheriff McQueen Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT:. .. , Award of bid # 97-0353 and approval of contract # 97-0353 for a voice logging recorder with PC playback station. BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board of Commissioners meeting on May 19, 1997, this iterrt was tabled and staff was requested to prepare an,additional analysis on the bid proposals received. Staff is in the process of completing the analysis and will have the documentation ready before the next meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQ~IESTED ACTIONS• Staffrecommends adoption of the resolution (to be provided after analysis) awazding bid and approving draft contract # 97-0353. (Copy of contract is on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent). Note: Until analysis is completed, staff does not know the exact amount of award. Exact amount will be presented with the documentation. Funds have been appropriated for this purchase. ~ Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: No New Appropriation Request: No ` ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Consider documents and recommendations when the analysis is completed. A recommendation will be forthcoming and will be faxed to the Commissioners at the earliest possible oppo pity. .--.. ,P.., ' ~~ . ~~ - 73 ~~®~~a ~ , Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~a~STI'®lilla~ This page intentionally left blank i.' •:. dnooa y cn :`' , - -o 0 n m C~ m n ' r~ c m aaaa _. a ' t .. . ~ ~ mmmm n n J 7J ~ 37 ~ G7 ~i •.....:...:._... • ~. . . ;:, :;::. ......_, •:-:. ...::. - ~... . ~ mZm~ C=am. t~i~ Y Z O 0 D=a= - _ -1 ~ - -~. { r _.~ r 0 r o ra ~1 a a C~ c~ , n m r ..:.' .,, . ~ • m m , m -~ ~ 1 a r I .,' D z ~ f o,' x . _ ~. ~ ~ n i _ 4 / ~ '~ K.. s. ~.v ::D'. ~.m.~. `-0. ' _ _ y,,s _ r _ , 1 , I CJ7 _ .; _ ~ .. '~' 9 • E.~c---- ~'~ J~ ¢' . ° II'°' v r-T - c": a ~ ~ `/,~~`~T`OrL'~; to Q ~~ ~ c....... ~ ~ N ~ 1 .. r .. ~. i I ~ r .' Ob l I I %- i ~ ~ , V ~ I i I ~ ~ c/ ~ {¢ Y~_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS In the Matter of Closing ~ ORDER The Western Portion of Brookdale Drive It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close the western portion of Brookdale Drive located 3/4 mile south of the Holly Shelter Road/I-40 overpass, west side of I-40 was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 21st day of April, 1997 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 2nd day of June, 1997, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that a portion of Brookdale Drive in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at the southwestern corner of lot 13, Brookdale Acres Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 7, page 52 of the New Hanover- Cota~ty Registry and commencing from said point 165 feet east to the southeastern corner of lot 13, Brookdale Acres Subdivision, which is also the western right-of--way boundary of Interstate 40; thence 60 feet s•o7~theast to the northea37ern corner of lot 1; Brookdale Acres Subdivision and also the western right-of--way boundary of Interstate 40; thence from said point west 170 feet to the northwestern corner of lot 1, Brookdale Acres Subdivision; thence from said point 60 feet north to the southwestern corner of lot 13 Brookdale Acres or point of beginnrng.. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be .and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 2nd day of June, 1997. Attest: Robert G. Greer, Chairman Clerk to the Board i C Southeastern Center For Mental F~ealth, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse Service Southeastern Centerfor MH/DD/SAS Art Costantini New Hanover Re ionai Medical Center Rob n Moore NHC Sheriff's Office Ca tain Steve Smith AMI Dr. S Ivia Pol ar Medical Dr. Gre Cam • * All funds requested are for"the Crisis Center August 30, 1996 thru May 27, 1997, 625 clients have been served: 474 New Hanover County 82 Brunswick County 50 Pender County 19 Other The majority of the individuals being seen at the Crisis Center are Adult Substance Abusers. These are not individuals that you want in the Emergency Room. 450 (72%) Adult Substance Abuse 131 (21%) Adult Mental Health a 24 (4%) Child Mental Health 20 (3°k) Other ...~r, ~B ~. ~/ 1 , ~, ; ^~ S \ :_ ~~ S~ , i „ ~ ~~J ' ~:, ,. ' ...: ~ M<j~oF~,q_ i ` ,.. \ ~~ ! `' : ol4 upty O~ : 1:7 ~; T `` V 1 •.., .,,. .' T, , i ' ~OZ7r,T. $--2L7 ?~mpC7WD D~ N. oaacDia~m~=oo-~inaym'O ~ U1. i ~37nmc~ m7~77y 77r-i J DN~y C.vmm~Z~°~mz2 67 ~ ~..f~.~.` 2r ~G737~CL-~2N Z37 D_- ~ ~. ,.`` i•~ Z~mZ mD ~~O"^-mjZmZ ,n O ~ -im2z .~ -: m `: `., ~ m ~' m otn m (n m Z r ° D r - c ........,... .. ^..~C D -i ~ Z ~ n • +, , O 2 i ~ - ~ , : ~ ' .. n \ i S .~ :....::...:..... m 'B ,.. ..f~ ``3, ® F t } - =o .a` ~ - ~3 ~ oo _ . ^~~~.f w,v~, ~ y m ~. f~,....f": „ ~ m '"~, ~ ~\~ `~.` `...~.., . • ',i%l ~ ~ Q 3\,; ~;.... ~, O ~ ~ ~' M.!~t.. ~, ~;' f ~" ,~ ~ ~ W ,f ` ` ,`,. ~'M. ~ • ~ r %, ;. ~ ~. ~. ~ ~\ O ` ~; t ""„~, ~ a'°"w N f i '•:y t s , j T ~ i `\ ~. 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D ~ / ~ /~ - ~:{: e~~ , ~ :~\ `` f~ l _ -~,:.; ;r,~ "rte: ~ "`y _i ~~ r .\~ ~ ~. r / _ ~y~~ ,` .. .... ,~ n _ _• ~r~~ 1. : ,.~ g _ - _- __ Y Y ,~V .b^ m• ~ n •j~ c \ 61 /~,~ E ('~ •~~rlt J 1~~'lY-VII ~~I 1' ~ '/'~ y'~ ` ~ ~ a .~ t o / n ~, iA' g~i r x c~ ?ern o c~ m n D ~p N A~...,.. ~, r ~ cn o cn m c~ m o '~ .~ ~ r n~?z9zo~< ~ ~ ~ J ~~nzv~ooo~~ n'.. N OOZ-I C~m<Cn d ~ ~pZr77 C'737m~0 ~.f, ~Z~OiOmm=y :~ ~ ~i ~OmmG~mz~~ ~ ~ N %~ r m y n m ~ Co tmn ~ ~ c{ ~ n m ~ XO N Z -' ~ ~ CI ~ n n m N ~ <~ ,~' ~ O ~:.` ~ ~ W ,~' ° ~ CO ' - f V ~,~ ~ io , S ~ y. IV ~ m '• ,..\ , ,.. ao~,,,~ouEO,„~ ~ ~`* ~aF~ ~-.. m ~ J GTI'` !~~;: ^~ ^~ c f '~ ~ s' 5, ./ b /_ ~. xc~~+moc~mnD~ N --+oc~anmo~ _, ~ oc~omoc~n z~onnoc~~n~T? Ut ~ mzxxmmtn~n-• `~D~~-z+-z+x`-n~i 4 N •' o - _ _ m O '°w., n~na~~mz,~«~ U7 F one<mm9 ~O \ ' ~ zz ~ V • ~ a ~ n n ~_ ~ ,~ ® ~ m ® ~ E o m N = {° b ~ °°o o c - a ° 5 S ~ d' `). l ~~.. ~~~ %'/ ~~•: ,,+ 6. 7 S 6 '~ S , ,a ~~ ~_~y1I 6~\ 6DIG +a0 sa>eGS 5Z iSZB * ~OSI :~ '3J OZ :36H ~ OV9`tt •~!> :xo~ivxno~xi II I t 3 1 i ~1~1c~ ~Irln~~ ,~, „~, ,f _ ,i^, May 30; 1997 Mr. Alan O'Neal County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. ~~~,~~/ ERIK STROMBERG Executive Director -r,;,~ 1~~J 0 1 1991 -~~%` I~ANOVER CO. M:ANAGER'S OFFICE For North Carolina's State Ports our most important issue in Washington, D.C. is to gain Congressional appropriations this coming year to provide funds to deepen the Cape Fear River from 38 feet to 42 feet. This project was authorized, along with two separate navigation improvement projects, by Congress in the 1996 Water Resources Development Act. One of these projects -- widening the Cape Fear to provide an important passing lane in order to increase the. margin of safety for vessel traffio, in our river --was included in the President's FY 1998 budget. We are seeking congressional approval to consolidate the deepening and the widening_projects. along with a third authorized project, which provides additional depth for vessels using the upper Northeast Cape Fear River to several private terminals (provided inclusion of this third project will not jeopardize the deepening project), into one project, which would be funded as a "new start" in FY 98. Our Congressional delegation has been very supportive of our efforts, as has the Governor. To assure continued support and make clear the fact that there is strong statewide support for the State Ports, I would greatly appreciate it if you could write or call fur Congressman and anv other members of the North Carolina Congressional delegation you are close to, as well as Senators Helms and Faircioth, encouraging their continued support for this project in Washington, D.C. - Enclosed is a letter that I have recently written to our Congressional delegation asking for their support for the consolidation of the Cape Fear River navigation projects. You may use this letter in whole or in part as you see fit. I cannot overemphasize how important deepening the Cape Fear River is to the future of the State Port at Wilmington. It is absolutely essential to keep current business, let alone attract new customers. especially among our container carriers. These carriers move high-value cargo and continue to invest in the bigger/deeper more efficient ships. Typically, these vessels cost upwards . ~:C~t! MM9~iAN€~~ kr.RPROVED ~`--- ~°E.IECTED ~ ~. E~kQVED ~;~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE PORTS AUTHORITY ADS ~FONED ~' ~; P.O. Box 9002 Wilmington, NC 2&402 • Tel: (910) 343-6232 • Fax: (910) 343-6237 • e-mail: strojltUerg~ ncgorrt~s co~, ~,be fit,. s ~ :. e :~ ~~ nrr;r 3 -•- :.~ ~;~ ~o+~.. , ., - , . ;~ ..~,*. 1 y !` of $70,000/day to operate, placing a premium on the vessel operator's number and choice of port calls. Improvement of the navigational access to the State Port at Wilmington will enable us to enhance the delivery of goods to and from business, industry and consumers throughout North. Carolina. Moreover, a deeper channel will allow the State Ports to continue to .attract new business and industry which is increasingly dependent on global markets, to_our State. Finally, there are siz?nificant strategic mobilization benefits from adequate channel access to both the State Port at Wilmington and the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point, as evidenced in Desert Storm/Shield. Please .note the following statistics that demonstrate the importance of the deepening project. Wilmington currently counts nine major container lines as customers. These carriers move nearly one million tons of high value cargo across the Port of Wilmington, which accounts for 44% of the Port of Wilmi Eton's total operating revenue. These revenues are seriously at risk without the- deepening. project. Moreover, container operations at the port generate sigrvficant economic - impact throughout the State. Based on our 1996 economic impact study done by Dr. Gary Shoesmith of Wake Forest University more than 11,500 jobs and nearly $43 million in state and local taxes depend on our container operations. Furthermore, these are not coastal benefits; the ton five regions with the highest economic impact from North Carolina Ports' operations .are located in the Piedmont. Thank you for your support. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Sin ely, Erik Stromberg /bs Attachment NORTH CAROLINA STATE PORTS AUTHORITY F May 7, 1997 The Honorable Lauch Faircloth United States Senate 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 i , ~ r- ~ ~ NORTH CAROLINA PORTS ERIK STRO'`4BERG Executi~'e Director Dean. Senator Faircloth: The purpose of this letter is to urge you to support a consolidated Cape Fear River deep-draft navigation channel improvement project in fiscal 1998 for a "new start" designation. As you may know, the President's FY 1998 budget included the Cape Fear River wideningrj.~tc ,which covers a b.2 mile stretch of the Cape. Fear River. This project would add a passing lane that would provide a critical safety margin for vessel operations on our scenic Cape Fear River. The widening project cost share would be approximately $17 million federal and $6 million state. . Last year's water resources projects bill also authorized the Cape Fear River deene~nv nr~.~ct, which covers the entire 26 miles of river from the ocean bar to the State Port, including the 6.2 mile section designated for the passing lane. This project would increase available draft in the channel to 42 feet from its current 38 feet. The total cost for the deepening feature is approximately $272 million with $178 million over an eight-year period. .borne by the federal government and approximately $60 million as the State's share. Deepening the Cape Fear truly represents the future of the State Port at Wilmington. As documented in our recently completed 10-year Master Development Plan, a deeper Cape Fear River navigation channel is essential in order to keep our current customer base,. let alone attract the newer, larger, more efficient ocean carriers. The. payback for this investment is substantial. The economic impact of operations at both State Ports generates, throughout the State of North Carolina, nearly $3D0 million iri state and. local taxes and 80,000 jobs. Equally important, a successful, efficient deep-draft port system provides an essential component of our State's overall economic development 'program, attracting new business and industry to North Carolina. The fact that deepening projects .enhance the viability of our Ports has been demonstrated at the Port of Morehead ..City, which, with its new 45 foot channel last year, was able to become the East Coast load .. center for a major new carrier moving over 100,000 tons across the Port's general terminal. 1\'ORTH CAROLItiA STATE PORTS ACJTI30RITY • P. O. Box 9002 \ti'ilmurgton, NC 28402 'Tel: (910) 343-6232 Fax: (910) 343-6237 • e-mail: stromberg@rlcports.com h~~ t ,~ 4 . ~. '~ The Honorable Lauch Faircloth Page Two May 7; 1997 A third project authorized on the Cape Fear -- the upper Northeast Cape Fear -- would deepen to 38 feet the channel serving several private terminals. The State Ports has supported this project and we would encourage its funding as well, provided that. funding of the deepening project would not thereby be jeopardized. In order to implement the needed and well-justified navigation improvements to the Cape Fear River we are asking for your support to consolidate them as separate features of a single project for funding in FY 1998. The opportunity to gain the critical additional draft in the main federal channel warrant, in my view, the strongest possible effort to consolidate these navigation projects on the Cape Fear River. There are, in addition, significant cost savings likely achieved through single, instead of multiple, mobilizations. V . Thank you for your support of our State Ports in the past and for your continued commitment to our Ports'' successful future. Respectfully, /bs Erik Stromberg NORTH CAROLINA STAT1; PORTS AUTHORITY ~, ;.~•. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~\\\\~~` I~ ~` Il Orti?•':;'i••:\?\4`;\ '\`;;,:; • ;;.:,:'\~'\\\\:~~tati:_~:\•;;•:i\\\;::•:;,.::.:,,::•:;:.::atih\\~•:~,\h.k`,'a\ti;;a\:\C\w\ti~:t: ~ • ~\~~ hi\~\h\ti,• May 3 0, 1997 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Bruce Shell, Finance Director J'~ I Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent ~' Annette Cr~umpton, Director of Aging QC,. RE: Bid # 97-0334 for In-Home Aide Services Staff has reviewed the letter sent to Commissioner Birzenieks from Wayne Long of Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. Wayne- Long contacted Amy Akin, County Purchasing Agent, immediately upon receiving the .notification of staff's recommendation. Knowing that Mr. Long .was not. satisfied, Ms. Akin requested that Mr. Shell contact Mr. Long and discuss the situation with him: After Mr: Long expressed his concerns to Mr. Shell, he arranged a meeting the following day with Ms. Akin, Annette Crompton, Director of Aging and Kemp Burpeau, Assistant County Attorney. Specifically, Mr. Longs concerns expressed to Mr. Shell were as follows: 1. He claimed that the Annette Crompton had said nothing in the bid package had changed from the last bid and everything was the same. 2. He claimed that even though his unit prices were the highest bid received, he could provide more units of service to more people. 3. He explained that Social Services has had problems with his service. Mr. Long was concerned that this was held against him in the evaluation. 4. Mr. Long complained that Ms. Akin did not call him back. Staff met and discussed these issues on May 13, 1997. Results as follows: 1. Staff did not state that the bid was the same as the prior contract. As in all our bids, a prudent bidder should follow all written requirements of the bid package and ask questions for clarification. The most significant changes were that 1) evidence of bidders insurability was to be provided with the bid proposal, 2) additional w~ F f S information was provided in Section II on the operation of the ,program, 3) the evaluation form was modified, and 4) care management requirements were removed. Two years ago the County was designated as Lead Agency for Aging Services in the county and this was the first time the In-Home Services bid was handled by the County Finance Office. All changes were made to improve the bid process for this contract and were based on the one time experience of the last bid. 2. There is a fixed amount of grant money available ($181,264.00) for this contract and therefore the bidder's price for each level of service determined the quantity of units of service to be provided. Assisted Care proposed the most units of service at the lowest price. The County would receive 13% more units of service through Assisted Care than it would have through Well Care. 3. At the beginning of the evaluation meeting, Ms. Akin stated that those persons involved with the evaluation were to base the evaluation on the bid proposal as submitted. Nothing other than the actual bid requirements and the responses were to be considered in the evaluation. The Department of Social Services is experiencing problems with Wellcare's service under this contract that as of this date have not been resolved; however, that was not brought up or discussed at the evaluation meeting. 4. The original bid was advertised March lf, 1997. A pre-bid conference was held on March 25, 1997 For fairness reasons, it was required that all questions be in writing and received by the. Finance Office no later that April 9, 1997. No written questions .. were received by Mr. Long. Stafffeels much of what was in Mr. Longs letter to Commissioner Birzenieks was partial information or items taken out of context. Mr. Shell met with staff the very next day after talking to Mr. Long to address his concerns. After the meeting, Mr. Shell tried numerous times to reach Mr. Long to discuss the results of the meeting with staff. Therefore, to say in the letter that "To date, Mr. Shell has not responded" is an inaccurate statement. Mr. Long has complained to Ms. Crompton about Ms. Akin, complained to Mr. Shell about Ms. Akin and Ms. Crompton, and complained to Mr. Birzenieks about Mr. Shell, Ms. Crompton, and Ms. Akin. Frankly, we feel we have handled this bid in a fair and equitable manner and have found it difficult to deal with Mr. Long through this process. Another of Mr. Longs concerns was whether there was a quorum present during the evaluation. The evaluation is not a required Community Block Grant Committee (appointed by the Board of Commissioners) function or meeting and therefore, a quorum is not required. However, staff values and therefore invited the committee to participate in the evaluation. The audit requirement issues and the l0% match issues (addressed in Mr. Longs letter) are requirements made at state level and are not controlled by the County. Staff has reviewed the process several times and met with Mr. Long and staff still believes the first recommendation was sound. However, Mr. Long has expressed to staff the intention of appealing any award the Commissioners make through all available channels up to the state level. The County's primary concern is to the current clients that are served under this contract. In an appeal situation, x no matter what the outcome, the clients care would be affected and any continuing relationships with contractors would become strained. Staff has also met with the committee and after being informed of the situation and out of compassion for the clients and the potential delays, the committee recommended the contract be rebid. Staffbelieves the best decision is to recommend that the Board of Commissioners reject the bids and begin the process over. Mr. Long states that he will extend the current contract on a month to month basis or a quarterly basis until this issue is resolved. Ms. Akin has also discussed this with him and he has stated he will agree to extend the current contract at the current prices. In summary; staff believes the process was fair and frankly do not understand why Mr. Long does not agree with staff s assessment of the bid. However, in the interest of the program and the clients, . staffis recommending the Board of Commissioners adopt resolution rejecting bids and extending the .current contract with Well Care at the current prices for up to three months to allow time to complete process again. ' ~~ Y e 1.' RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00 a.m., on the 24th day of April, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for in-home aide services for the Aging Department, Bid # 97-0334: Bidder: LevelI Level II LeveIIII dMS Progressive Services, Inc. $10.38 $11.58 $11.58 Assisted Care $10.54 $10.86 $10.86 Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. $11.89 $12.33 $12.33 AND WHEREAS, the bids received from dMS Progressive Services, Inc. And Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. did not pass the first section of the bid evaluation form and were therefore considered nonresponsive; AND WHEREAS, this bid was originally scheduled for award at the Board of Commissioners Meeting on May 19, 1997 but due to concerns from Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. the item was tabled and staff was requested to review again; AND WHEREAS, the current contractor, Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. has agreed to extend the current contract at the current prices for three additional months; AND WHEREAS, after additional review the Director of Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager recormnend that all bids be rejected and staff rebid the contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that all bids received for the contract for in-home aide services for the Department of Aging, Bid # 97-0334 be rejected, current contract with Well Care & Nursing Services, Inc. be extended for three months at the current prices, and staff is directed to rebid the contract. This 2nd day of June, 1997. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ~~ it~~ ~~MMi1.~0NE~ ~~ RpRQUED ~7 , ~'.; ECTED ,', JVED ~; , :~~5'TPONED :gin ~- J 4 .i iy.e.i+./Y..~~.Y.~~r 1~ ~ 1( ~~ ;~ ~~~ ua ~: ~~ ~. . ~~:~ ~.;~ ;.: o i ' MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ' ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 - JUNE 2, 1997 ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ PAGE NO. ' 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of A royal of Contract #97-0341 for award of PP Engineering bid for the North Chase Interceptor Project i. 1 1 1 1 t 1 ~ `~ 75 ,., This page intentionally left blank '' 76 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: W&S Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e:. Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: - Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of May 19, 1997 Minutes RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• Approve minutes Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATIONS• ~1~ ~ 1 /~PPROVE® ;~/ DEJECTED ~~ ~EIVIOVED ~~i P®STP®IVE® ~ ~~~~ . ~~?~.~~i_Z.~k7~~~ Refer to Ollice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 78 This page intentionally left blank 1~ 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: W&S#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Cotuit In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: ~ - Engineering Contract #97-0341 North Chase Interceptor BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Staff has requested proposals from engineering firms for design services for the North Chase Interceptor. The North Chase Interceptor will allow the North Chase wastewater treatment plant to be taken off line and will eliminate the discharge into the Northeast Cape Fear River. It will also serve the upper reaches of the Smith Creek Basin. Responses were received from ten firms. A Committee of Commissioners and staff was formed to select the firm from the submitted RFQs. Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates was selected by the Committee for final negotiation. The proposal fee is as follow: Preliminary Design $ 29,750 Final Design 150 0 Total Design $179,750 Construction Services $104,640. ' The proposed total design fee is approximately seven percent of the estimated project cost. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . Staff recommends that the contract with Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates be approved for design services in the amount of $179,750, and $104,640 for construction services, ~ Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: 284,390 User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: K!~. V r C. VV C, ll l3 Y LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ' COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval. A photocopy of the proposed contract is available in he Managers office for your review. _~_ ~~ ~lao~~~ ~ 79 ~'~JECTECD Refer to OfficaVision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition "C!l~O~~1~ P1aSTP~iV~l3 This page intentionally left blank 80 ~~ .yQ 1 i CONSENT AGENDA ~` NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1997 JUNE 2 , ITEMS OF BUSINESS G 1. Approval of Minutes ~ : 2. Approval of resolution relating to sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County • 3. A royal to Hea th De artment to a 1 fora rant fr pp 1 p pp y g om the • March of Dimes Project Grant for Baby Talk • 4. Approval to Health Department to apply for two grants from the Cape Fear Foundation 5. Approval for Department of Aging to apply for a three year wellness program from the Cape Fear Foundation 6. Approval for the Cooperative Extension to apply for a three • year nutrition and,educational program for health care profession 7. Approval for assessed value of Holy Trinity United Holy Church R04813-028-001-000 be reduced to $80,000 for 1997 due to current condition that existed January 1, 1997 8. Approval of Budget Amendment X97-37 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary ~: ... ~~ PAGE NO. 81 ,,, This page intentionally left blank ,, 82 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department; Goverinig Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ,. , SUBJECT: _ Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Joint Meeting w/ Hospital Study Committee May 15, 1997 Regular Meeting of May 19, 1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes 1 1 1 1 1 r UIVI)liV(; 5 UK(;1~;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees. S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: t~1ew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: __ _ FIN: BUD: HR: ~~1^~ t~`~~f1~ _ :: t~PlaR®V~i~ ~/ ?~''~',IECT~p ~~~~~~~~ ~ 83 ~'~JS i PON~t~ ~. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disp~~ on~ ~ ~ ~~1""~~'"`"~~ ~ 1 84 This page intentionally left blank 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department; County Manager - Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal ,., SUBJECT: -- - Approval of resolution relating to_sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Parcel Number R0048-13-019-007.000 at 606 North Eighth Street. This property has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of $885.00. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REOUESTED ACTIONS: .Adopt resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State $: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: KL' V1C.WL' U tiY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Approve Resoltui !~I'1?ROVED 'EJECTED µE6~OVED ~~; Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .~ ~ ~Y~a .~`I I'~ ~ ~ . ~y~! ~t~, 1739 CITY of WILMINGTC North Carolina ~- P.O. BOX 1810 ~ . ~ _ _ 28402 May 22, 1997 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - TDD (910) 341.7873 (910)341-7330 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~y New Hanover County IUI 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. ONeal; The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: , Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer R0048-13-019-007.000 606 North 8th Street $70.00 This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment hereto. This property has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of $885.00. Please place this item on the County Commissioner's Agenda for June 2, 1997. The offer to purchase has been duh• advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. ~" Respectfully submitted, %~~~~~ G Steven D. Badges C Purchasing Agent SDBaws Attachment - 86 ~ INTRODUCED BY: Allen ONeal, County Manager ~~ DATE: June 2 1997 " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 606 NORTH 8TH STREET ~' LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel-Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value R0048-13-019-007.000 ~ 606 North 8th Street $750.00 $885.00 Offerer Property Dimensions Market Value Rugina D: Devane 20' x 100' (approx.) $750.00 309 South 16th Street ,~ This property is too small to be used by the Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. or Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has bcen declared surplus by the County Commissioncrs and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to urchase. P identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: ~~' . a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on an attached list for liens be waived in total. Y 5. That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. Adopted at a regular ~' meeting on , 19 ATTEST: i . Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioncrs Chairman 87 ~ r•/ u 4 _ r.r .. , ~ :1 _ _ ~T 5 9 y: . ' ~ S ra/ 6 7': 8 I'. z ~ 8iz' Mul3 14 15 18, - aa.a sa 8 r1/ ~ ~es i roes ... 39r,., 14 ~ . zy !!' 16 I7 0 6 7. 34 Ss ss 41.3 `~! 9 O 11 I r1/ zT 16 SI 'a:.. » +• ~ ~ I FANtaNC STRE 12 ( 34 • z1 3]9 4L3 33 33 lag 62 • ET 41J 41.3 ,' ~~,, 0 1 ~ C~~~ ~ ' f2.S e' ] 27-, 33 .. 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REQUEST =FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Betty Jo McCorkle Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Be Jo McCorkle .- SUBJECT: Application for March of Dimes Project Grant for Baby Talk BRIEF SUMMARY: The reason for this grant request from the March of Dimes is to support a project that will encourage pregnant adolescents to attend a prenatal education program that has proven successful in increasing prenatal care utilization and reducing low birth weight births. This multi-agency effort will be carried out by New Hanover County Health Department, Coastal AHEC, and New Hanover Regional Medical Center. All of these .agencies are not-for-profit, tax exempt organizations. ~, J RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve Grant Application Authorize the County Manager to accept grant if a~vareded and approve related budget amendment. r 1 i FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ~ State S: County S: User Fees S: Other 5: 500 Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: yes Bud et Amendment Pre ared: No Kii/v1L' WL' ll 13Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RE MMFNDATION Recommend approv -__,--m.-. ~.. -~-a ~~ ~i~$ ,. /;~~~'PROVEI~ ~'~'-' ` f~E.YECTED ( . ~~~lovorn ~ 8 9 ~~?STP®(~E®~ , Refer to O~cc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition NEW ~HANOVER COUNTY . HEALTH DEPARTI~NT 2029 SOiTI'H 1 TTH STREET WILiLIINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-494b TELF_PHONE (910) ~I3-6S40 FAX {910) 3t 1-.1146 LYrmw r. tears - Hcettb Dirxta .. . ,, April 28, 1997 Theresa Whaley , March of Dimes ~ ... 4112 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite #208 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 Dear Ms. Whaley: Enclosed is the requested March of Dimes Project Grant Application for our project which seeks to encourage pregnant adolescents to attend a .prenatal education program that has proven successful in reducing knnr birth weght births. This mutti- agency effort will be carried out by New Hanover County Health Department, Coastal AHEC, and New Hanover Regional Medical Center. All of these agencies are not-for- profrt, tax exempt organizations. The enclosed Grant Application indudes the completed application form, a three page project description, a line item budget, curriculum vitae for pro}ect staff, and a current list of Board of Health members representing the New Hanover County community. Thank you for considering our funding request. We bok forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ~~ Cathy J. r, MA, MPH Baby Talk Coordinator New Hanover County Health Department 90 Your Health -Our Priority ,~" ~ ~ . ~ - PROJECT DESCRIPTION ` PROJECT TITLE: INCREASE PARTICIPATION IN '6ABY TALK' AN ADOLESCENT PRENATAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ~~ REASON FOR GRANT REQUEST The reason for this grant request from the March of Dimes is bo support a protect that will encourage pregnant adolescents to attend a prenatal education program that has proven successful in increasing prenatal care utilization and reducing bw birth weight births. This mufti-agency effort will be carried out by New Hanover County Health Department, Coastal AHEC, and New Hanover Regional Medical Center. AJI of these agencies are nct-for- profit, tax exempt organizations. . PROJECT BACKGROUND Low birth weight is a leading cause of infant mortality, and adolescents are at greater risk for a low birth weight birth than adult gravidas. A study conducted by the New Hanover County Health Department, Coastal AHEC and New Hanover Regional Medical Center the in 1988 revealed that over 14% of adolescents age 17 and younger seeking prenatal care at the New Hanover County Health Department had low birth weight births. This low birth weight rate was considerably higher than the overall rate of 11.596 foa adolescents in the state. These findings led to the development of an adolescent prenatal education program, `Baby Talk' as a means of reducng knn- birth weight births among adokescents. The Baby Talk program offers education and social support to pregnant in an attempt to influence health service utilization and healthy behaviors, which ultimately affect ~! pregnancy outcomes. The Baby Talk program is the only one of its kind in a five county area in southeastern North Carolina. A recent evaluation of the Baby Talk program revealed that the program significantly increased prenatal care utilization and reduced kn~v birth weight births. Only 7.6% of Baby Talk participants had low birth weight births compared with 14.3% of adolescents in a historical control group and 12.8% of adolescents in a contemporary control group from a similar heatttr department clinic in Eastern North Carolina. In addition to these positive findings, 88% of Baby Talk participants had adequate prenatal care utilization compared with 69% of the historical controls and 75% of contemporary controls. These findings are very encouraging in the challenge to reduce the high rate of infant mortality in southeastern North Carolina. Programs such as Baby Talk which improve prenatal care utilization and reduce low birth weight could make a significant impa on infant mortality in this region. However, the Baby Talk evaluation also revealed thaf~n~y ;, 1 about 30% of eligible adolescents attended Baby Talk Those who participated often came U into the program late in their pregnancies and had an average of only three Baby Tack visits. If we could increase participation in Baby Talk, we could have an even greater irnpac~ on low birth weight and infarrt mortality. . OBJECTIVES TO BE MET WITH FUNDING To increase participation in Baby Talc, we ane seeking funding to 1) purchase useful items to be distnbuted at each session as incentives to partidparrts, and 2) implement Baby Talk in the local high schools to provide convenience for participants and to keep particiQarrts in school. ACTNITIES TO BE CONDUCTED TO MEET THESE OBJECTIVES 1) To encourage continued participation, Baby Talk participants receive a small gift at each session. The gifts include items such as infant them~ometers, bathing gifts sets, bibs, infant socks, infant T-shirts and safety products, such as electrical outlet covers and cabinet latches. After a teen attends any four Baby Talk sessions, she receives a T-shirt with the program logo, and after a teen attends any eight sessions, she receives a diaper bag or an infant outfit. Some of the gifts are supplied by other agencies.. For example, W1C provides breastfeeding supplies and gift packs; the dental health ,program provides toothbrushes and floss; and the local literacy coundl .provides books. We are seeking funding to purchase a one year supply of some of the other items listed above. 2) In addition to the incentives, we would like to provide Baby Talk sessions within the area high schools. We are currently working with Lakeside High School in Wilmington and conducting classes on a weekly basis. Thus far, our attendance and participation has been extremely positive and consistent, Students are receiving education and support during and after their pregnancy without having to miss school to partidpate in our program. We feel the other high schools would benefit from this service as well. . EVALUATION DESIGN To evaluate the effects of this project on increasing partiapation in Baby Talk, we w~l monitor the number of Baby Tatk participants for one year after the strategies to increase partidpation have been implemented. We will compare the number of participants with the number of participants in the year immediately prior to implementation. To evaluate the effects of this project on reducing low birth weight births, we will compare low birth weight rates before and after implementation. CONCLUSION ,~ Since the Baby Talk program began in 1990, 607 adolescents have been served by the ,Rrpgram and rates of knti- birth weight are significantly Tess than those of adolescents in two ~' parison groups. Because of these positive findings, the New Hanover County Health ~,, ' ~ Department plans to confinue the program. If we could double the number of baby Ta k participants, we could have an even greater impact on kriv birth weight and infant mortality ~` in New Hanover County. Any publ'~cation and/or pr~eser~tatiorzs that result from this paged w~ gratefulty acknowledge. the kind support of the March of Dimes, Eastern Carolina Chapter. ''' ~` ,~ ti ~~ ~~ ~ 93 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT W. Keith Elmore,(Chairman) Registered Pharmacist Mary King Dean, ice Chairman) Public Citizen Mary Lou Afford, RN Registered Nurse Thomas V. Clancy, MD Physician Michael E. Goins, Optometrist Robert G. Greer County Commissioner Dennis L. Jackson, DVM .Veterinarian Vlrlson O'Kelfy Jewell, DDS Dentist Anne Braswell Rowe Public Citizen William T. Steuer, PE/RLS Professional Engineer Estelle G. Whiffed, RN Public Citizen Frank R. Reynolds, MD Medical Consultant .~ 94 1 19 97 Project tNe: "Baby.. Talk" C.ead Agency: Nev Hanover .o ~nry uo ~ ~ De- r Curricxitum vdae: Program Olrec:or and other program personnel (Complete for each person. tf program leaders are yet to tie hired. ticsi quafrficaDOrts desired.) ..NAME: Cathy J. Raynor, t41, I•iPH POS1TiON TfTLE: Health Educator ADDRESS, irictudtng zip code: 2029 S. 17th Street. itilaington, I~FC 28402 . ,~ T'-'~EPt-fONE(S) and eztensiorts: (91~ 343-5576 CURRENT WOKIC RESPONS181LR1ES, whether or not atmeruly ernp~oyt~d w~h Lead Agenry; The Health Educator works to prevent health problems by providing education to influence the decisions that individuals, groups and communities ma'{e and [re'actio-; t:._ choose to take to prevent illness in order to achieve optimal health. RESPONSIBILlT1ES WITHIN. PROPOSED PROGRAhL' Plan, coordinate and implement curriculum for pregnant and parenting teens (Baby Tai;c). EXP~IENCc ANO St'ECIALlZATION QUALIFiCA iIONS r=OR PRCPOSEJ PROGRAM FiES?ONStq(LJ i Y; This position requires experience with the general public as yell as working •:ith teenagers, knowledge in maternal health and experience in program planning and implementation. :~, :.CADEM{C QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITY: Bachelor's degree in~Health Education or related field; .or an equivalent coibination ` of [raining and experience. i ~: OT1-iER RELEVANT INFORMAT1pN-HONORS, CERTIFICATIONS, AFrI[1AT1pNS, ETC.: Knowledge, skills, and abilities in Public Speaking, Report writing, Group and [he ability to work with limited supervision. , 1 facilitation 95 COVER SHEET ' OFC USc ONLY MOD DIVISION - GAT ~~ APPLICATION NURSER APPLICANT AGENCY/ORGAIIIZITION New Hanover County Health Depar,t~ent ADDRESS 2029 S. 17th Street iiiTm~ onF-; A~~6~ COUNTY New POPULATION INFANT HORT.ALITY RATE 7.6 DIRECTOR acting Linda Smith PHONL~10-34~-6500 Signature Date PROJECT DIRECTOR Cathy J. Raynor, MA, MPH PHONE 910-'~4't-f,57fi Signature ~ -Date - - Type of organization: Government Non-Profit R Other Has March of Dimes funded this project in the past? Yes % No If Yes, when a..^.d •~hat mount? Date 96/97. X500.00 Amount X500.00 Type of Project "Baby Talk" An Adolescent Prenatal Education Pro , gave you previously applied for or received a Hatch of Dimes. Grant? Yes ; No % If Yes, when and what amount? Date . Amount ~ Type o~ Project' Has your county ever received a Hatch Yes % No If Yes, when and what Amount ;500 QO Type of Project srft,tft~tat~lt#s+t1-!!t*!w*,t*lwlt,t,t,-ltl+t+t~t!*ft,t#,tit:it*,t~t ,r#~1~Y+t~t~1.,~,t,t~wl,tlt PROJECT TITZ.E: Increasing Participation in "Baby Talk", An Adolescent Prenatal Education Prograa TARGET POPULATION: The target population for this project includes pregnant (Include speciflc and parenting adolescents in New Hanover County. Individuals plan to reach from the following agencies have agreed to assist in reachin~ target population) the target population through referrals: schools, health (.-- department, hospitals, social services, Planned Parenthood, and private physicians. ~ BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: (Max.'of 25 words) This project seeks to•develop strategies to encourage pregnant adolescents to attend Baby Talk, a prenatal education program that has proven successful in reducing low birth weight (LBW) births from14.32 to 7.62 (overall LBW rate - 12.42). A RILL THIS PROJECT ANT MORTALITY AND (Max. of 25 words] gAVE AN IILiBDIATE IMPACT ON LOA BZRTHREIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS? (Be specific and numeric) of Dimes Grant? amount? Date 46197 If the strategies developed in this project successfully doubled the. number of Baby Talk participants, the over LBw rate would be reduced from 12.42 to 10.62 _._ ~t i ~ , - . - - ~ ' Eastern .Carolina Chapter Harch oi< Dues Great Application One-year BudSet: 19 97/98 ~ _ , - ~~ a9e~ Nev Hanover Health Dept.. '" "Baby Talk" An Adolescent Prenatal Cathy J. Raynor, 2SA, H Project title: Ptucrarn Dire~'vr. - Education Prograa _ A. SAIAFtEO P~RSONNEt, Hrs/w!c Tots! sahry' Amcurtt cn this ~eceiveC from charged to „' Name. ~ T~fe 'of Position -rant Alt Socrcts this crartt TOTALS ,_ S $ S S 5 S ~- - . 0 S S 5 B. EG`UIPtiIEfyT: l..ist irtd-Nicualty each iten and amcurrt over 52^0. " (CffiCZ e~Lipm?nt ,nt aln•i~P':.) 5 S ~. ~_ S 5 C. i/CP~t~DABLE SUPPLIES: list each item cve~ StCO. S ~: S S p, pT'riEa EXPENSES: list each item over 5100. - Incentives (baby supplies i.e. bottles, bibs, blankets)S 350.00 Socials for Participants (Christmas, Hother's Day) $ 150.00 500.00 :. S • ~ CtRECT COSTS_..._._.__.~__......._._._...___------..---_---.__-~:___..__..-------_-- ~ 500.00 (NDfRECT COSTS (Not to exceed 100 of direr: costs: not allowed (or grants entirely for support and/or equipment; nor may the amount exceed DIRECT j COSTS for twdset rlen-s ether than salaries ard/cr eGuipment)_.__ S T ___....._.__.__._ __--- -_-- --- 00.00 TOTAL AMCUN f3E~UESTE~._.-. __. -__..~.__ _ .__ ._.. • 'inC;cate salary only N part or entire amount •Nli be paid from ifia MOO gram. - If you need more space, use a separate sheet but keep this format. rD(S) t POSITION DESCRIPTION TO TfIE EMPLO YEE: This written description should give you an m~crvttw of your position -- its purpou, how it fits into du oraanizatioa, and die rupo~,tt6~ilitiu msd dutiu irr~tvred It oan also scrvc as a refcrencc point fort>ice development of performnncc e.~tctations used to r-~abeau sxtce,tt in performing thr fwi~ctionr of the position. ~._ Raynor Cathy Jean Name [-sit ~ P'v:t M,d,d1e Health Educator 1 Official Position Title Adolescent Health Educator Working Title 8 months How long have you been in this job? 1 year and 4 months - Health ~~~ Women's Health Care Division or Section 2029 S. 11th ~:reet Work Addrrss 343-6576 Tckptiooc Numbs 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM How long in this agencyldepartaxnt? Regular Hourz of Work Betty Jo McCorkle, Director-Women's Health Care Oiv, Orie Hour `'amdlitlc of [mmcdiatc Supcrsisa L.cngth of Meal Bculc 1. P (,"1RPOS E O F JOB: What is the primary purpose and objcc~ vc of your job? (Why does your psi tiers c t: ~Z'i The purpose of this health education position. is to provide information to individuals and groups to bring about voluntary adaption of behavior conducive to health, particularly in the areas of family planning and maternal health. 2. GENERAL DESCRIP'T10N: (How would you dcsrnbc your job to somconc who has ncvct doac its One rfio works to prevent health problems by providing education to influence the decisions that individuals, groups and comrsunities taake and the actions they choose to :take to prevent illness in order to achieve optimal health. 3. REQUIRED DUTIES AND TASKS: Pkasc read dust ou6,ccaons c~cfclfp. r [n the spaac provided on page 3. list the duties and tasks involved in the pcxfocmancc of your job. Describe cacfi task in a dear, c~cise statemeat_ • Begin cacti statemcat with an action verb (e.g., drives. cAOducts, repairs, files. types, a.n6wcrs, stimmarius, pcepares, etc.) Avoid words IiYt coordinates, handles, partidpatcs. Continue' on additional sheets if noassary. ~ ~ ` . carefully reviewing cacfi dutyltaslc you have lisicd, mark ~ column using the following guidclincs: ~~ .....R . . In tfic smaIl column to the kft, indicate the pemeat of time you spend in each task listed. 't?,r ttxal of r~ntarec cannel ezcrrrt i(lfl4, 1 1 1 ~~ ® Ef~oW oRca do rou parfcxm th+c ~? r s , M1ri< tsis cotutruL D (drily) « W (tl') « M (mooifily) oc [ Cureeulat iatcmis) a A (annuiily) the i~octance of asts in scoomQiisfiita~ tfie ob~OCtira d your postiion..~-ith' 1' bcin~ the most impoctaot_ Nac: the +++ort i~poitant tasb art not ncactsarity the onu oR which rou spend the jrcatur arnoio+t of ti,*.c. ~. ts~tsicu. nom: >~ ~ cwt. ~r AtL appllcab~e ooda ~ adti ca~tc;ary -- ~~a ~, sm v~s~. , , , ~ Ar3iri~X Does this tzst im~olv~e my of tbcse xtivities? ®Do« this risk crgaire tfirt be List ALL that apply in the Acuvit;es column beside the fist lifted a cacmd or force be eurtod b paste of puII? It say haw moth? A Stznd ~• it F~ . s.,.~~` : ,, s:. E hands ci handk, f *;, ,_ `"~' G St tncel croucfi a< czawl ~. . i Taste a smcII ~~~ 10 00 lOrpounda '..:: , .104+ . ~ than 100 pounds '. Dots this cult have .any spxial visual rtquircmcna? 1 ~ C7o~c visioa s ~ ~_ ~ ~` `~a~~~~~~~ vision x m incbcs « less ~~' :' :T r-r~ ten, <' ~f11.::`-g. _ 3 t .. .~,~~= ~~ tO,~tl~: ltf~ lt7l~ ng1Y,w~ulc ~U~Qgt s~zrial Ttl3fiOnShi~S . ~~ .~~ ~2~-=n.'`''~4~_ is - LL'i. S. YORK BNY[RONMF.NT: For pC.ti tul:. supply AL.L zppl~CSbk Oodrs in cacti cxttgocy - Coaditioos, Noi9c. E~o~vne to Blood aad Other [nfcttious MszerizLs. Does this tut te¢tire ctgnlar e.~cposu~e to atry of tfie fo0owi~ eoorStiacrs? ~ ~~ ~~~ aft ?~•--- C ,: 4 ~ ozis or czusac _ _.., G E,xmtme void mn-vvpzhet .~ I Risk of clcarical sboc3c r - ~~~ K h ~.. ... ~.~.. s ~,,~, z,~-~.n. > WTzat is the typical noise kvd fa the vvtixt eavit~oamcnt wh17e pcxfocmin~ this tut? ~ ~~ VQ bo~ fcr (czampks: foctst tail, i9olatioa ~~~~: Tor_hcsrm8.tat~._ i:~ivs~.o~~.: no~c (r~~~ large business officz with typea,rit«s and/or oouclxtccr pnfficrs, light traffic, Pumps, ootnpttssocs, oonvcv~rs •~ ~ tom ~ ~>nmm"« Put i c~c mist in this column iiperforming this fast pucs'you in aantS~i`d~ith blood a omrs potuxiaily infoaious maicriaLs (ft',tids, rxodlcs„ etc.) Z El" ~6 DUTIES AND TASKS PH~'StCAL DE.'1fANDS WORK ENVIR o . ~i, ~ • ~ ~ ~ t f ,..5 ganize A coordinate an-site health education sctiv- I 2 1 ~ 7 ~ Q ities far local sctwols (health occupation clam) for the purpose of ~xderstanding the health depatta~ent ss ca.~ain i t r agefxr S evi x and edits the policies, procedures and programs A 1 BCEH !0 7 No M laps for areas of responsibility S sign and provide trainiriq sessions and seminars for I 1 GJi 1C 7 b Q arents.of school age children via "let's-Talk' eontn nd as appropriate 5 Identify, select and catalogue audio-visual. resource I 2 ABCO 10 7 No Q teclal for area of responsibility and update amuall EHG 10 Organize in-service [earning for divisional staff for 1 2 ABCDE !0 7 b M quarterly Waxn's Health Cace Division staff • Represent the division or health departsent on local M 2 [XE 10 7 tlo Q boards and coo..lttees. 25 Conduct the P'ta[ecnal Health and f-a~ily Plaming D 1 ABCOE !0 '7 tjo Q Education sessioro H ' Recoer~ttd, xleCt .and disseainete health education ( 2 OfCl1G !0 T b Q aatef1813 sVCh 8s OrOChurt3, vlde0~ and Othef publi- 8 cations for local:agencies snd co.r.unity grouQs. 15 ' Plan snd i.pleaent curricula. for tech .eternity W 1 ABCDE 25 7 Mo M xssions (baby Talk) H 10 Oesign and iaQle.ent heal N related prograne for M 1 ABCOE 25 7 Mo M preteeru, teens and parents in the areas of hucan }~ se:wlity issues, teenage pregnancy prevention and parent/child coa.~nication 5 Goliabotate with other huaan service agencies and [ 1 ABCOE 10 7 Ib Q co...,nitr organizatiortia in providing health related 1nfOfsatl0n CO paCMt! and teMS thCOUghOtJt the cod.~,icy . !0 Oesign and'diatritwte a aatecnal health ne.rslettec M 1 ABCOE 10 7 do Q • (CRIBHOTES) every other aonth ~{ 5 Make. presentations in high schools on edolescrnt I 1 ASCO 10 7 No Q health issues a~ cegixsted Et~i if not covixed in the list 'above, describe any unusual and/or difficult ooodit2oas you enoo~mtcr in your job. Include cornme~s about the physical surroandiings, unavoidable hazards and/or physical harm to which you arc ezposcd, cic. 100 t 1 1 6. 1¢NTAL DEMANDS: Dda~l'be the de;roe otmcatil ~ and pressure that is rcQuirod In the pafamance of J~ j~• (Ezampies: Are there ~ogcicait dcadiines; acseadod periods a[ oooocrtrai}on; cSau, e.:tactinY woci~ aaslytical worcic; frequeat latemtptjoos; Public oootxY; tilt ~ spoors; cxises: efc.~ - Tnis position requires a great deal of general public contset rangi~+g fca. one-on-a+e health education to large xale•d cowanitr education and organization events. - Extended periods of concentration are a neceaaitr to plan educational pcograare for specific target sudiencas. - .Thera art frequent intasruptiona -throughout the day. ~" 7. MIMMiTM RFQLIIItEMFi~I'S: (What is regeurcd do perform the esscatial !i¢nctioas d rocs jobs Worst odcx~ion. training or oatificatiaa is noaasary fot your po~ioo? - t3acheior's degree in Health Education or related field; or an equivalant combination of training and experience. - A valid North Carolina Driver's license. List any rewired skills (tYP~B ar cornputa stills, btucprini trading, etc.) - Use of audio-visual rquipoent. What orbs spCCial knowledge, skills oe abilities arc ncttssary to perform this job? - Public speaking - Report writing - Grouq fscilitation - Ability to work with limited supervision Hoar much prior job-related wocic e.zpcrieaoe do you think is thc„m,~ axdesl to adcquatcly l'c-"`ern Y'~ Jam' - One year 1 1 S. SUPERVISORY RESP'ONSIBII.I'TIF.S: Do pan have su~avisocq ~Y (l.e~ for performance appraisals, ducipt'inaty aaioo, esc.)? If not, Mite 'NOI~' bcloav sad Qo duectly too •9. [f yon art a jcad woriccr, do oot compie~e this section, bat be sure raa have indud~od lead woctrr dc~cs in the preceding task list oa page 3. II you do have supavL~or ncspoon'blitiea, ~v~c the nsme of cmp{arcc sad job title fur acfi Position czportfn~ t4 pva (Slkd sad rscaat}. [ndicasc .vhctbcr uct~. in tarn. sup~a~vtea oth+a positioaa by pcsttln: the aazabet of po6ltians of 'A' in the s~pacx prvvidcd. t of cmployxs rcpocting ducctly to yon: 101 ~ of «Bplayocs rcpocdng indutciiy to yon: 9. DECISIONS AND AC'IlONS,111ETHODS"AND GUTDLEINES: What types of decisions (other that 'prtoritiZing work") do you normally have to make in your work each day/week? - The topic for the teen aaternitr session -each .eek ' - Nos to adjust the education .aterial and infor~+tion to esch sudiencs - daily . Give examples of the typo of significant arras a person is your position tTli~t make and describe how ~ifGcvlt it avould be for others to ~h your errors. What x~aild bt rht lrkcly caucquutc:rs o/such errors? - Misinforming one oc more could lead to others being ^isinfora~ed .hick could also possibly lrad to ir,healthy lifestyle ctwices and loss of ctedibilitr rith the population served. Unless.the session(s) slate monitored it.~ould be difficult to catM the errora.~ How vices }'our immediate supervisor assign your work? - in:ovgh both written and verbal instructions. 1) Job description 2) Memo 31 Periodic consultation How does your supcss~sa review your work? How ottcn. - Through .,eekly typewritten reports, quarterly conferences and annual job performance apprat~als What manuals. guidelines. rules. a policies do you use in your work? - Program policies aid pcocedvres . - Amual cock objectives - State and co.nty policirs ' Which of Four duties do you consider the most difficult and x~hv? - A4 jesting ^y sct-edule to accomodate the :xxaecoua reQuests for education sessions. It is difficult because often the req~xst conflicts ^ith tints and dates of established standard sessioro. Describe problems that arise durin¢ the course of your work and the manna in which }-ou ~~ to them. - 4t+en sn area designated for an education eesaion is not available, arother area has to be fou~+d as quickly as paaaiDle so the session patticipenta ace not inconvenienced. - Oetetmining .teat to do oc say to lndividwls that are disruptive durirq an eduication session and no other auttwritative tigun is present. tlawllr I Err to include tt,e. in tha discussion by asking .test they felt ue could do to improve the aessian. ' 10. CO;VTROL OF aSS ETS: Do you~have responsibility fa the preparation and control of a budget"? ti"cs ~~ No If }-a, indicate current dollar amount oC budget: Do you handle money? Yes xx No How much annually? I1. EQUIPAtEVT aIYD TOOLS: What machines. cyuipment a tools do you use. operate. maintain. a repair is the course of your work? Examples include mectlaruc's tools, shout!, truck mown. compute, adding macdune. telephone, and drafting tools. Include the perrentagc of time spent in the opmtion ,maintenance. use a repair of t tots! of percentages cannot exceed 100%. ~~ lw.+ion 5 ~ Camcorder S `~ .van..., t~w.a.tt~ recorder _ S _~ Audio cassette recorder 3 g Co^Outer 20 ~ ~ Camera 3 4 Telephone Ip ~ . qy 1 ~, i1: 1 1 ~5` FM.v t2. RECORDS ,~YD REPORTS: OOtS your position require i=csponsibilityfoy any records of rcpocu? CX Ycs No If yes. dcsuibe the t~pcs of records and repotu fa which you have responsibility and include how your :ue involved in them (filling out fortru, ehCCking, validating, verifjring, pmotirexiing, filing, analyzin3, interpreting. sutnmarizin¢. etc.). - A typewritten report of the teen saternitr session is s~baitted wedclr to h supervisor. thec perinatal teals leader. a research arrlrst trap Coastal AI•EC' and the ttegional t'latarnal Health Continuing Education Director. ~ ` - Coapleting and validating the_health education foes for the patients .tio have attended the faoilr Plaming education session. 13. SAFETY: Dou your position have tYSponsibility foe the saicty or hcalthofothcrs (other that your subocdinatcs I. a toe ttte enfoccertxns of laws and standards of public safuy a health? Yes _~ No tf yes. dcsaibe your responsibilities. if you were careless in your work. could others be htut' How xriously? 14. CONTa-CTS: (ndicatc persons a oreanizations inside and outsidt your xcuon with which you deal dircct!~' in the u~ursc of your normal duties. also describe the purpose :ind Crcqucncy (daily. w~cckly. monthly) of sued ~~~nt~cts. Do nut include ~•our supcn•isor. Title ~~t C~~rnad ~~c Fr-;; ~•: nt v Pcogran'Oircctor (;iris, Inc. to arrange educational pcogran~s npnthl"y Program Director Coastal Horizons Ctc to arcarige educational pcograr~ tbninly ftatemal Health Teas Leader Health to discuss pcogras changes 6 updates Meekly family Planning iea~. l.eadec Health to discuss progra~a chan4es 6 up~!ates ~_e~cly The about responses arc my own and arc correct to the but of my knowledge. /~ l Emplovcc's sienanuc 1 a ii ~1,~! ~ ~ !~?~ ~t M~~ put Q - ~ 3 -Q~P 'IO THE SUPERVISOR: Revitw tht answers ojthe cmploycc joy completeness and accuracy. L'se this span to elaborate on or clanfj any answers the[ you think need it. Do NOT cha,gc am answers. ljyou disaYrcc K•irh an answer the cmploycc has ~irtn, rive your opinion and identify clearly the points ojdi:segreemtnt t~have reviewed and determined that this job description xatratcly reflects the position have « ~~cwcd and determined that this job description acc~ntcly rctlccu the position with the follo~vin~ rlariticacion a modification. Go to the Task List on page 3. In the small left-hand column identified as "EF" (foe "es'seatia! fua~tioa"1. put an "E" in the space beside each duty/task that you consider to be an eucntia! function of ~~ on. B.- "essential," ire mean a task requited to achieve the primary objective sad desired results of the F~ Please refer to the "Guide to Determining Essential E'unctions of a Job" is making these determinations. -' Supcrviso~s sienaturc p~ 104 ,~ !! REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Janet McCurnbee Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Janet McCumbee ' SUBJECT: Permission to apply for two Cape Fear Foundation Grants BRIEF SUMMARY: We wish to apply for two grants- for the following: (1) Community Awareness and Education Project: This grant will enable Child Service Coordination more visible in the community. It will also increase referrals to Child Service Coordination by 10% (Grant amount- $7,000); (2) Maternity :Care Coordination (MCC). This grant will provide funding for the printing of colorful childrens books. These books will encourage patients to make the initial contact with the Maternity Care Coordinator. The strategy is to have enough books available to freely reward monthly contacts (Grant amount -$50,73) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the two grant applications authorize the County Manager to accept grants if awarded and approve related budget amendment. r ~, 1 ~ Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S Other S: 57,753 Money Is In Current Budget: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No New Appropriation Request: yes (LGL: APP WCOPLEY F1N: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT I ~~g ~r. ~~10.~ ~ ~~'PR01Ifrf~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval as stated above. . ~"~JECTED '~ ~~~ovEa ~~ 10 5 P~?S'TP®hl~J~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART I: YOUR ORGANIZATION Name: New Hanover ounty Health Department ' Street Address: 2029 South 17'" Street City, State ~ Zip Code: Wilmington. NC 28401 Name of Key Contact Person: Paoe Scott Tootoo. RN Title: Public Health Nurse -~ - ~ . Telephone #: 910-343-8556 Fax #: 910-341-4146 Fiscal Year End: June 30. 1997 Federal Tax ID# 556040324 1. Is your organization a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under IRS Code Section 501 (c) (3) or a government unit? if not, you do not qualify for a grant Yes 2. Is your organization a private, nonoperating foundation? If yes, you do not qualify for a grant? No 3. Would a-grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation in the amount being requested jeopardize your tax-exempt status? No 4. Will any of these funds be used to pay a nationally affiliated organization? If yes, please explain. . No 5. Does your organization now, or does it plan in the future, to engage in any way in the promotion or advancement of political causes? If yes, please explain. No 106 t CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM 6. Summarize your organization's background, goals and current programs. Discuss your assets in personnel, services and programs which would be built ,. upon by the Foundation's help. The Health Department provides quality health care, preventive medical and dental services, and environmental protection for the citizens of New Hanover County. Matemal Health is a component of the Women's Health Care Division and provides maternity dinics at New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) for all women including the indigent. Care is provided by the hospital and Health Department personnel. Complete prenatal care is provided by the NHRMC OB/Gyn residency program and includes .physical exams, and comprehensive management of the prenatal patients. Health department staff provides comprehensive prenatal counseling, nutritional counseling, referral and follow-up. Maternity Care Coordinators address physical, emotional, psychosocial, educational and financial needs throughout the pregnancy and two months postpartum. Specialty maternal health clinics include a teen clinic, prenatal diabetic clinic, preterm labor clinic and ahigh-risk clinic. Prenatal screenings and testing are also available. The Maternal Health Staff consists of five Registered Nurses, four Social Workers, one . Nutritionist, one Health Educator and Clerical Suppgrt staff. We work together to serve women with limited family support and few educational or life skills. Sometimes we provide the only positive relationships they have. Approximately 89% of our clients are below 100% of the poverty level; 30% already have another child and 28% are between the ages of 15- 19. As much as 52% of clients have one or more social high risk factors such as substance abuse, lack of support, unplanned pregnancies, homelessness and low educational levels. Statistics have shown that 53% of our clientele is white and 45% are black. We know that with our help and advocacy, patients can be influenced to move in healthy directions. We supply, to the degree needed, support, education, attention and hope. This enables our clients to develop and blossom as human beings and caring mothers. Colorful children's books will serve several purposes when used as incentives. They will encourage patients to have monthly contacts with their Maternity Care Coordinator. At each. encounter we would have another opportunity to reach our patients. We will use books to praise and reinforce positive, healthy practices. The books will encourage mothers to hold their children, spend time reading stories and have fun together. This will help our clients develop as mothers and encourage their children to value books, education and learning. Children who are read to, develop into readers themselves. This will improve their chances of enjoying school, performing well and going on to be productive adults. t 1 1 Currently we do not have money for incentives. A grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation would provide money to encourage and reward our clients. 107 2 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM 7. Describe your organization's structure and attach a list of your officers and directors. The mission of the New Hanover County Health Department is to protect the public health and environment; promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services, The Health Department was established in 1879 and has functioned with a Superintendent (presently cal{ed a Health Director) and aboard since that time. The. "committees' of the 1879 Health Department have currently expanded to eleven divisions. These divisions are Administration, Animal Control, Child Health, Communicable Disease, Community Health, Dental Health, Environmental Health, Health Promotion, Laboratory,,Nutrition and Women's .Health Care. {See the attached list of Board of Health Members.) PART II: PROJECT/PROGRAM (Please quantify whenever possible.) 1: ~ 'Describe the problem/need that the program/project will address. We provide maternity care for approximately 1,500 patients each year. Many of these women are so overwhelmed by life events and circumstances that their maternal instincts need stimulation to function at all. Maternity Care Coordination (Baby Love) is completely voluntary. Patients who are offered this service can accept or decline. Many patients who are referred for Maternity Care Coordination never bother to see their coordinator. This happens for many reasons including lack of understanding of the needs/benefits, complicated clinic flow, having already spent 'too much time" for clinic visit, or wanting to avoid difficult issues altogether. Some patients agree to participate~in the MCC program and then are very difficult to find each month. All Medicaid recipients are eligible to receive Maternity Care Coordination, if '~ they want the service. We feel that colorful children's books would encourage our ;patients , to. see their coordinators'regularly and to take advantage of classes, programs, education, and one- on-one support. The more contact we have with our clients, the more positive behaviors they exhibit °such as keeping. their appointments, attending classes, following advice, avoiding alcohol 8 drugs and participating in the WIC program. By complying with all aspects of this program we hope to increase their chance of having a healthy baby. As children are held, read to, and nurtured, their mothers will respond and become more loving parents. Every thing we do to improve parenting skills will help the children grow to be good students, productive adults and more proficient parents themselves. 108 3 s CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM .. ~, 2. Describe the objective of the project/program and indicate how individual lives of, ' the recipients will be changed and what benefits are expected. to result. Books will be-used to encourage patients to make the initial contact with the maternity care have been refer-ed. Then the books will be used as incentives coordinator to whom they to encourage patients to have monthly contacts with their Coordinator, and to take ~` advantage of educational opportunities that prepare them for parenthood. We hope to -' increase the chances of a successful outcome (healthy full-term babies), improve ~ parent/child interaction and thus decrease the chances of abuse and' neglect, and promote ~ a bond between mother and infant that will benefit their family and society in general. 3. Describe the strategies you will develop to accomplisfi the objective. ~ The strategy will be to have enough books available to freely reward regular. monthly ~~. contacts with maternity care coordinators and thus encourage additional and continued ~`~ opportunity for intervention and education. Patients would learn about incentive programs L through bulletin boards, public service announcements, educational sessions and public ' health staff. )~ ~ ` trr ` 4. State how, when, and who will conduct an evaluation to measure how well your project/program is meeting its objectives. Monthly statistics will be used to show that initial and subsequent Maternity Care Coordination contacts will increase after the program is initiated. Presently 60% of initial referrals are seen by Maternity Care Coordinators. This will increase to at least 75% participation. Currently 70% of patients who have accepted MCC services comply with subsequent monthly contacts. This will increase to at least 85% participation. Patients will complete a survey at the end of the Maternity Care Coordination period (two months postpartum) to determine if books made them more likely to see their coordinator. . We will determine through survey data if books are valued, used and if our clients are confident about their parenting ability. Statistics will be submitted periodically, as requested, by Page Scott Tootoo, RN. ,* ~~ ~' ~ 109 4 ~~~ CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDAT{ON GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART IIL• FINANCIAL INFORMATION _ _ _ _ ~ 1. Amount requested from Cape fear Memorial Foundation. $50,753.00 . 1,500 patients per year x 8 months of Maternity Care Coordination per patient 12,000 books 2. Develop a complete project/program budget, including income and expenses for the period you are requesting funds (see attached format). See page 8. . List the names of organizations, both. public and private, to which you have applied for support for this specific project/program. Also show the amount requested and the status (pending, approved and disapproved). Organization m un a us No other grants fiave been applied for N/A N/A 3. Other Total 110 ,~ 5 ~' ,~ `~ OUNDATION CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL F ~` GRANT APPLICATION FORM _. .. iy ,~' -~ 4. Describe how your project/program will become self-sufficient within three years. If statistics show that this incentive program makes it is easier for Maternity Care '~` Coordinators to make initial and subsequent monthly contacts, we will apply for grant money to continue the project. Maternity Care Coordination is a self-supporting program ~, based on Medicaid reimbursement. No county funds are available for incentives. t f, `~` i ~4 5. If the funds are to be used for construction or equipment acquisition, explain the bidding process. ~~, N/A .~ ,~` ~~ k~' . ~' ~`~ ~` ~~ 111 6 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM -'~ PART IV: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS `'` Do you agree to furnish in a timely mannerto Cape Fear Memorial Foundation periodic progress reports informing the .Foundation of the progress made by your project program? Yes SUBMITTED BY: Lynda F. Smith Typed Name of Chief Executive Officer of Requesting Organization Signature Date Acting Health Director Title W. Keith Elmore, RPH Typed Name of PresidenUChair, Board of Directors Signature Date Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Health Title 112 7 r v~r ` PART III: Question 2 Attachment, Project/Program Financial Information ~` ,, ~J ~~~ ,11, ~~- F ;a r i~i t~~ Develop a complete project/program budget, including income and expenses, for the period you are requesting funds: Pro_ ject Budget: From July 1997 to June .1998 (mm-dd-yy) (mm-dd-yy) Expenses (By Category) Income (By sources) 8,000 books at $2.99 =~ 23,920 Cape Fear Foundation 4.000 books at $5.99 = 23.960 $50,753.00 12,000 47,880 tax 2.873 . 50,753 $50.753 I ~ ~' ~', 113 . 8 -~ PART I: Qaestion 7 Attachment NEW HANOVER COt1NTY R(laRn nF uFeT.Tu W. Keith Elmore, RPH, Chairman ,~ Mary King Deaa, Vice Chairman Mary Lou Alford, RN Thomas V. Clancy, MD Michael E. Goins, OD Robert G. Greer Dennis L. Jackson, DVM Wilson O'Kelly Jewell, DDS Anne Braswell Rowe William T. Steuer, PE/RI,S Estelle G. W6itted, RN 114: 9 ~~ ~~;. `r ,~` ,, ~~ r ,, i~, ~~ t~ ~~ ~; ~~, ~, `~..! !i~ ~~~ ~` ~._.. r ...E i ~~ ..: ',~~. ~~ CAPE FEAR MEi1~10RIAL FOUNDATION GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART I: YOUR ORGANI7.ATION ^ ~~ ' _ .. Name: ~ New Hanover County Health Department Street Address: 2029 South 17th Street City, State & Zip Code . Wilmins~ton_ NC 28401 Name of Key Contact Person:.. Katrina Slas~le Title: Child Service Coordination Program. Team Leader Telephone #: 910-343-6679 Fax #: 910-341-4146 Fiscal Year End ~ June 30. 1997 Federal Tax ID# 56-6000324 I. Is your organization a nonprofit, tax exempt organization under IRS Code Section 501 ~ (3) or a government unit? If not, you do not qualify for a grant. Government Unit 2. Is your organization a private, nonoperating foundation? If Yes, you do not quality for a grant. No 3. Would a grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation in the amount being requested jeopardize your tax-exempt status? No 4. Wi1T any of these funds be used to pay a nationally affiliated organization? If yes, please . explain. ` No _ .. 5. Does your organization now, or does it plan in the future, to engage in any way in the promotion or advancement of political causes? If yes, please explain. No 115 ,,; 6. Summari7.e your organization's background, goals and current programs. Discuss your assets in personnel, services and programs which. could. be built upon by the Foundation's help. HISTORY OF CHILD SERVICE. COORDINATION The Child Service Coordination Program was introduced in North Carolina in October, 1990. It was built upon the High Priority Infant Program, which began in 1978 when the NC General Assembly allocated funds to establish the High Priority Infant Program in all counties. The name change from I-I'igh Priority Infant Program to Child Service Coordination was made on the recommendation of .parents. In 1986, Congress enacted Public Law 99-457, which amended the Education of the Handicapped Act. The intent. of PL 99-457 was to establish family-centered, communiry- based, culturally sensitive, coordinated care for children with special needs. Components of this law required both an early identification and tracking system, and a service coordination system for young children with developmental delays, developmental disabilities, chronic illnesses and social-emotional disorders. The NC General Assembly also adopted the federal option to serve infants and toddlers at risk for developmental disabilities. Social, medical or environmental risk factors, or a combination of these, make children potentially elieible for services. These same risk factors identify infants and toddlers for Child Service Coordination. PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of the Child Service Coordination Program is family-centered and responsive to the varying needs of children and their families. It is based on the assumption that although circumstances, resources and needs of children and families change over time, families are constant in the lives of children and are the experts regarding their children, The Child Service Coordination Program focuses on the organization of services and resources to respond to the needs of children and their families. These services include health care, special therapies, child care, and counseling. Ultimately, service coordination should prepare parents to assume coordination responsibilities for their families. GOAL The goal of the Child Service Coordination Program is to collaborate and cooperate with families to assure identification of and access to preventive, specialized and support services for themselves and their children. Through Child Service Coordinatioq families will have increased access to services; and children with specials needs will have maximum opportunity to reach their developmental potential. ,r ~ ~~ z t 1 TARGET POPULATION "~ , `~! . Children from birth to 3 years old who are `.`at risk" for developmental delay, disability, serious illness, or social-emotional problems are eligible. The program may be extended past , , age five with confirmed diagnosis. There is no financial criteria for this program. It is based on the need of the child and the family. CURRENT PROGRAMS ~' ~~ ~, 1 1 ~~ Currently about 350 families are enrolled in our Child Service Coordination Program and have been provided with their own coordinator (registered nurse or social worker) who makes regular home visits. During these visits, the coordinator offers age appropriate tips for interaction between parents and child, screens development, and suggests community resources for the family as appropriate. Our Child Service Coordination Team is composed of six registered nurses, four social workers, one Child Health Assistant, and two clerical specialists. Our budget for Child Service Coordination is approximately $300,000.00, which is generated through Medicaid billing. This must balance yearly with the salaries and operating costs of our program. Our Health Check Program is a preventative program for Medicaid eligible clients age newborn to 21 years: Trained registered nurses perform a complete physical assessment, diagnose and treat minor illness and make referrals as necessary. Immunizations and laboratory procedures, as well as nutritional and developmental screening are provided. The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program in New Hanover County targets children birth to 7 years old. All children who attend Health Check clinic, Well Baby Clinics and Womeq Infants and Children (WIC) are tested for lead and parents complete a lead risk factor questionnaire. Pediatricians also refer clients to the Health Department for testing and any parent can request to have their child tested without a doctor's order. All children identified to be lead poisoned are referred to Child Service Coordination, as these children are at increased risk for behavioral and learning difficulties and their parents will need guidance through the preschool and early school years. Once a child is identified as lead exposed, the child's family is educated about lead. A home visit is made to identify possible lead hazards, ways to decrease the exposure, and a plan is developed with the family for surveillance of the child and/or household. There are currently 125 children under surveillance in New Hanover County. 3 117 1 Program objectives include identification of possible community lead hazards and education ~, of the public about lead -its nsks, and ways to decrease nsks and hazards. Our Daycare Program increases the quality of day care in New Hanover County by providing Child Health screenings in daycare homes and centers. A registered nurse provides hearing, vision and developmental testing; dead poisoning nsk assessments, growth ,, measurements, referrals and on-site immunizations as well as education to providers, parents, and children. Our Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Counseling Program provides immediate and follow- up counseling, support and education by trained SIDS counselors to families who have lost a child to SIDS. The SIDS counselor offers to follow srblings and future children through our Child Sewice Coordination Program due to the increased-.risk of SIDS. 7. Describe your organizations's structure and attach a list of your officers and.directors. See Attachment I. PART II: PROJECT/PROGRAM (Please quantify whenever possible.) 1. Describe the problem/need that the program%project will address. Currently, many people and agencies are not aware of the services that are offered by the -Child Service Coordination Program. This means that there are children who are not receiving the health services they may need. Our proposed Community Awareness and Education Project will make Child Service Coordination more visible in our community, thereby increasing the number of referrals we receive, and children we serve. 2. Describe the objective of -the project/program and indicate how individual lives of the recipients will be changed and what benefits are expected to result. The objective of our proposed Community Awareness and Education Project is to increase the number of referrals we currently receive by 10%. During 1996, we averaged receiving 29.3 referrals per month: We are excited about increasing referrals so that more high risk children in New Hanover County may receive early intervention- services. By educating parents about normal growth and development, parents learn to engage their children in activities that stimulate motor, language and social skills. Children who are 118 4 .. ..g f i~1 _ ~~,~ encouraged enjoy leanting. Having learned to stimulate developmental skills, parents will be able to successfully meet their child's needs. 1~'' Educating parents about what general activities and behaviors they can expect of their child ,_` , . at different stages of development ..decreases the likelihood that pazents will abuse their children. Educated parents realize that their child's behaviors are developmental and not ., '~~ ~ deliberate. ... We believe that a pound of prevention is worth an ounce of cure. Our program focuses on early preventioq identification of problems, and interventions to forestall problems that can lead to later educational failure and health consequences. The Child Service Coordinator's goal is to empower parents. When a mother and father learn to provide basic parenting skills and then to interact with their child through pla}ing and teaching, they are positively affecting their child's development. This will have a direct effect on bonding, self-esteem, language, social and motor development. Improving a child's school readiness skills will have a positive impact on the New Hanover County School population. v y 3. Describe the strategies you will develop to accomplish the objective. ~~~ Through our proposed Community Awareness and Education Project, we will increase a Child Service Coordination referrals by 10%. Our strategy for increasing referrals . includes....... ,~, Being visible in the community at Health Fairs. Child Service Coordination will have a booth with requested display board and literature. Coordinators will be '~~ available to describe our ro am and answer uestions. We curTentl attend two P gr q Y yearly Health Fairs, the Healthy Living Exposition in April and the Child Health Fair ~' in October. We also eagerly accept invitations to participate in school health fairs j throughout the year. Providing Child Service Coordination Program Inservices to the following individuals, groups and agencies that we would receive referrals from..... ~~ CCFMH & NI-iRMC Newborn and Intensive Care Nursery Staff • CCFMH & NI-iRMC Pediatric Ward Staff • New Hanover County Private Physicians, Office Staff • Department of Social Services Staff • Southeastern Mental Health Center Staff ' Staff of Parents As Teachers organization ~!i,- IVHRMC Child Discharge Planners ~ ,~. CCFMH & NHRMC MaternaUChild Social Workers . ,`~~ 5 119 ~` The proposed display board will serve as a backdrop for the presentation and the referring agencies listed above will be provided with posters for display and brochures • for distribution. Ensuring that the Health Department and.all New Hanover County pediatricians' -- ofj4ces have CSCP posters displayed and brochures available for pickup in waiting , - -areas We feel that this will encourage families to self refer to our program. 4. State how, when, and who will conduct an evaluation to measure how well your project program is meeting its objectives. EVALUATION Maintaining a log of incoming referrals, the Team Leader will keep track of monthly counts and monitor progress quarterly to measure how well our project, is meeting stated objectives. Quarterly Evaluation Statistics will be available to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for review. PART III: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. ~ Amount requested from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation. 57,000.00 In our letter of inquiry, dated March 4, 1997, we listed $5,000.00 as the amount requested to fund the project. After shopping and comparing prices, it become apparent that I had underestimated expenses. Mrs. O'Rourke~ensured that it would be appropriate to increase the amount originally requested. 2. Develop a complete project/program budget, including income and expenses, for the period you are requesting funds: See Part III: Question 2 Attachment, ProjectlProgram Financial Information 3. List the names of organizations, both public and private, to which you have applied for support for this specific projectJprogram. Also show the amount requested and the status (pending, approved or disapproved). None 120 6 ,l f ~ `~. c< ~~% ~~ ~, ,.,:: ~~. ~~% a ~'' '~~ ~~ ~~ ~~r ~~~ U r~_ ~~ ,~ ~~ - ~-F >, .. 4: Describe how your project/program "vain become self-sufficient within three years. Our presentation materials will last forever. The only future expenses will be in printing additional brochure booklets and posters. Increased Medicaid funding may allow for printing expenditures. If not, we will continue to seek grant funding.. 5. If the funds are to be used for construction or equipment acquisition, explain the bidding process. - N/A 7 121 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL FOUNDATION + ~ "GRANT APPLICATION FORM PART IV: REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Do you agree to furnish in a timely manner to Cape Fear Memorial Foundation periodic progress reports informing the Foundation of the progress made by your projectlprogram? Yes SUBMITTED BY: Lynda F. Smith Typed Name of Chief Executive Officer of Requesting Organization Signature Acting Health Director Date I itle W. Keith Elmore, RPH 1 yped Name of PresidenUChair, Board of Directors Signature Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Health Date 1 rile 122 ~f `~ `' ~ r °' E o ~? V N . a: O CO xk ` ~ L •U d ,-~. ~.. .- 'Z7 ~ d ,~ C ' ^ V ~ ~ L '~ ~ U ~ ~ v ~ G ~ v (~] 0 CL. c~ ~ cam, "~ 1 U c ~ ~ N co=_ ~ ~v x ..a •~ ~/ O .y. 'O ~ • C ~ Y y ~ ~ ~ O C _ ~ c~ V V ~~ti OCl1~ c w CJ Q ~ ~ ~.y c~ _~ U ~ a~ ~ E ~ a~ Lc, o ~ . ~ ~c ~ ^ «~+ 3 ~ ~ ~~~c~°n3d~3ww Z ~~ !~~ {~~ .~.. ~. ~ '~ ~`~'` .c `. U " er '' r ~~ `o CL v C d O a. i=. Q c L O O ~ U .a ~ U •~ v a~ U N ~ c 3 0 b ~ ~ u Q~~ ~ ~V~~ fQ 6. ~aQv~ U « N O h _ K •~ ~ U C c9 O 'C C o Cn K zRO. n~ v O 'p R cC ~ ~ ~a~ $ ~ "' c~ a~ ~~~ Ls. ~ cti ~ ~ •_ ~ •~ •~ cd ~ ~~~ ti ~ LLB 123 Part III: Question 2 Attachment, Project/Program Financial Information Develop a complete project/program budget, inUuding income and expenses, for the period you are requesting funds: Jul 1, 1997. June 30, 1998 , Project Budget: From Y to (mm-dd-yy) (mm-dd-ri) Income Presentation Materials Display Board ; 890.00 Cape Fear Memorial Foundation Canvas Carrying Case 160.00 no other sources Spotlights 160.00 Graphics/Set up 300.00 Literature holders 90.00 Literature Graphics = 1500.00 Set up, design 6 photo- scans for booklets 6 posters , Photography 600.00 Printing Four color process 2500.00 7x7" 8 page brochure booklet. (quantity 2500) Four color process 800.00 15x15" posters (quantity 200) Total Expenses $ Total Income ;znnn_nn 124 '~ i <~, J 5~_./~ r ~ ' j'~.r . ;~ i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 06/02/97 ,Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Aging °- Presenter: Annette Crompton :Page Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Annette Crompton SUBJECT: Permission to apply for a Cape Feaz Memorial Foundation grant. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging nutrition program would like to apply for a grant from Cape Fear Memorial Foundation to fund a wellness program at the five nutrition sites. The program will include a comprehensive nutrition screening and exercise program for all participants at the sites. The grant will fund a part time nutritionist and exercise physiologist who will oversee the nutrition screening and exercise program, train UNCW and CFCC students to lead the sessions, and conduct evaluations each 12 weeks. Department of Aging staff will be trained as back up stafffor the project. Relationships with the Geriatric Foundation for Independence will provide leadership for the program is in place if the program is funded. Grant requests $30;540 each year for a three year period. Total request for the three year grant is $91,620. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIS Request Commissioners approval of grant application, acceptance of grant if approved and related budget amendment. 'Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other :S: 91620 Money Is In Current Budget: no Budget Amendment Prepared: no New Appropriation Request: yes LLGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A Al~1ALLETT ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- Recornmend approval as stated above. l~1pPROVEI~ "~ ~r~JECTED ~ `~ >=n~OVEO ~ 112 5 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 126 - ~~1 K 1 ~~~ `~' ,, ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Cooperative Extension. Presenter: Bruce Williams Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Bruce Williams SUBJECT• _. ~ , Request for authorization to apply for grant BRIEF SUMMARY: Request permission to apply for a grant to the Cape Fear Memorial Foundation for development of a 3-year nutrition and educational program for health care professionals, home-care providers and New Hanover County consumers. Heart & related coronary disease kills over 300 New Hanover citizens annually. Nutrition & a healthy lifestyle have been shown to reduce the risk associated with heart disease. A grant requesting $246,732 to hire a coordinator and establish a volunteer corp to conduct county wide health screening, development of educational materials and workshops. Major educational resource materials will come from North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service. The proposal will not overlap currently existing programs offered by the Health Dept. or other County departments. Brenda Carter will direct the effort. Budget amendments will be prepared if grant is awarded. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIQNS• Recommend the Commissioners authorize the Extension Director to proceed with the grant application and that the Directorbe authorized to execute any agreements associated with the grant. Commissioners approve necessary budget amendments if the grant is received. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other 5: 246,732 Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ ~l COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval with the stipulation that if the grant is awarded no positions or programs will continue to be funded upon termination of grant funds. ~` , -. r~.PPROVIE=® ~ ~~{ ~a~E~ ~ 127 `` Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition~~*~'~-~ ~~Z/~ ~1 ~`(/j'Y~ This page intentionally left blank 128 1 i ~~ ~~~- ~~ ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 06/02/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Roland Register SUB.TECT: ~ - Holy Trinity United Holy Church - R04813-028-001-000 ' ,,, BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The referenced Church as been in disrepair and unusable for several years, but the church has had no interest in appealing the $548,289 assessed value since the Church was tax exempt. A buyer is interested in making the structure usable again, and has begun "shoring up" the walls & removing the roof by agreement with the Church prior to closing on the purchase. If the buyer waits until July to purchase the property, no 1997 taxes will be due. However, if he closes before July 1, the taxes will be based on the current assessed value. The buyer sees the need to proceed immediately due to the availability of funds before July 1. In discussion with the Asst. Co. Atty., it would be appropriate under NCGS 105-325(a)(6) to allow the Board to reduce the value as it is considered "manifestly unjust", and that provisions of the referenced statute allow the Board to act after the Board of E&R has adjourned. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the assessed value of the subject property be reduced to $80,000 for 1997 due to the current condition that existed January 1, 1997. The Appraisal Supervisor for the County concurs with my recommendation as a proper course of action. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: Uscr Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current. Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~~ Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDAT Concur with Tax Assessor on reduction of assessed value to $80,000. h Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ __.. --,-p- _ ~, ~1~~'ICTE® ~ 2 9 ~F~ovED ~~sT~~ly/~~ WESSELL 8z RANEY, L.L.P. ATTOR1vEYS sT Lsw 107-B NORTH SEOOxa STREET PoBT 01~rzca Boz 1049 WIrbuNOTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402 JOHN C. wESSn'T r III wn•,•M n. xdx$Y. TR. . .... May 16 , 19 9 7 Mr. Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093, Tsr~raorr~ 91o•~sz-7475 T '/ ~. ~~y19~j c ~~~ ~ r% ~ 'ti a ti ~~~ .-1,° Re: Property of Holy Trinity United Holy Church located at 4th and Campbell Streets, Wilmington, NC Dear Mr. Greer: ' We represent W. Douglas Foster of Charlotte, North Carolina. Mr. Foster has entered into an agreement with Holy Trinity~United Holy Church whereby Mr. Foster has agreed to purchase the church property located at the corner of 4th and Campbell. Streets in Wilmington. A copy ;of the agreement between Mr. Foster aril the Church is attached to this letter labelled 'Exhibit "A". Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. originally intended to purchase this property, but after it decided not to do so, Mr. Foster agreed to go through with the purchase. The purchase price to be paid by Mr. Foster for this property is $80,000.00. Currently the property is valued for ad valorem tax purposes at $548,289.00. It is very apparent that the property is not worth anywhere near its current tax value. Mr. Foster has already undertaken work on the church building in anticipation of acquisition of the property. He has removed the roof and stabilized the exterior walls. He is now at a point where he, must close on the property in order to secure the necessary funding to complete ahe stabilization of the church building. This property is currently exempt from ad valorem taxes because it is owned by a church. As you are aware, if we conclude the purchase of this property after July 1,_ no_taxes will be due for. this year. However, Mr. Foster cannot wait to close until July 1 if he is to proceed with restoration work on a timely basis. My purpose in writing is to request that the County Commissioners consider a reduction in the appraised value of this property pursuant to the authority granted under N.C.G.S. § 105-325oG6) . It is our opinion that the property has been valued at an excessively high amount for a number of years and no one has taken steps to reduce th~~~ation because it was exempt from taxation. There is now a need ~' ,.. ~~ •,~. Mr . Greer .May 16, 1997 ,~.~ Page Two. ti _ ,~~ for~the appraisal to be=changed for the reasons set forth above and we therefore request your assistance with this matter. ~~ For your information, we have attached photographs of the property which may give you some idea of its current condition. It is the intention of Mr. Foster to do sufficient work on the property to stabilize and save the building. He then intends to sell the property to a group that will qualify for the use of Community Development Block Grant funds. There is currently one group considering purchase of the ~ property for use as an arts and entertainment center. We are not `S; certain that the property will be used for that purpose in the future, but that is a potential use at this time. ~~ We very much appreciate your assistance with this matter and ~' if you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. \~' Yours very truly, ~~' . L JCW jn JCW\Fi{FD\W96-130.C05 Enclosures ~~, cc: Mr. W. Douglas Foster Mr. Roland Register WES LL & RANEY, L.L.P. c. ~/ti~~ John C. Wessell, III i 131 i May-13-97 1114A Port City Properties - 910 251 7945 UJ/1J/lyy/ t~y:aa ylb-3a1-780 B03 LUCAS/wHFDIrrC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Agreement COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER P.UL PACT 01 This Agreement. made this 3rd day of September 1996 between Holy Trinity Church, having property located at 516 North Fourth Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and W. Douglas Foster, a private investor interested in the preservation of the structures located on said property. WITNESSETH: ~1lhereas, Holy Trinity Church is facing imminent condemnation action affecting the aforementioned structures; and Whereas, significant expenditures must be made to said structures to stabilize and make them marketable; and Whereas, the demolition of said structures would cause significant hardship to the Holy Trinity Church congregation; and Whereas. Holy Trinity Church and W. Douglas Foster intend that this agreement memorialize their various understandings and arrangements regarding the stabilization and sale of these structures and property. Now. Therefore, in consideration of the mutual convenants set forth herein and other va~uable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. W. Douglas Foster shall provide stabilization funds up to S 150.000.00 needed to lift the condemnation order on the subject property. These funds will be provided to a licensed general 132 - ~ ~ :~ ,.TION: R SCREEN: ASMT USERID: PUBL CHANGE-REASON: ------------- ------- A S S E S S M E N T I --------- ------- ----------- ISDICTION= NH ROLL= RP PARCEL= R04813-028-001-000 E YEAR= 9'7 ISTRICT: WM _ LATE-FIL ING-FLAG: N PROPERTY-CLASS: EX SPE CIAL-USE: VALUE-POSTED-DATE: 09 24 , 96 O/R: N _ TOTAL LAND USE VAL BLDGS FEATURE O/R METHOD APPRAISED:' '~ 548,289 28,133 0 487,381 32,775 R REALOVRD J APPRAISED 548,289 28,133 0 487,381 32,775 --~. LEVEL: 100.00 100.00 .100.00 100.00 100.00 . SESSED VAL. 548,289 28,133 0 487,381 32,775 N : ; ~ N/A ,, , N/A N - N/A 1 N/A N ~ ~ .FINAL ASMT 548,289 28,133 0 487,381 32,775 #EXEMPTIONS: 1 EXEMPTIONS: 548,289 ATE PENALTY: 0 N TAXABLE: 0 ;~ N ~. ~ N ~~ ,, ~~ • at ,~ ~/' ,~~ ~i ti~ F .~ ~~_ ~. 133 ACTION: R SCREEN: NAME USERID: PUBL CHANGE-REASON: -------------------- PARCEL NAME/ADDRESS ------------ - JURISDICTION= NH-YR= 97 ROLL= RP PARCEL= R04813=028-001-000- CU: NH`~ SAMPLE 1600.. A PENNSYLVANIA..:....: AVE NW 123.. EXTRA ~~ ADDRESS I WASHINGTON..... DC 20202..... USA EDIT? Y ~ I ALTKEY 0155551 OWNER HOLY TRINITY UNITED HOLY ~ BK/PG? DEED BK/PG CO-OWNR CHURCH -DEED ALTKEY STREET 516 4TH ST N DOB(MMDDYY) ADDRESS WILMINGTON NC 28401 EDIT? Y oOWNERSHIP 100.00_. ~ SUBDIVISION SITUS 516 4TH ST N ACTIVITY ADDRESS WILMINGTON TAX DISTRICT: WM STAT/CMP A COMPLETE SPECIAL BILLS TO MORTGAGE CO. BILLING CODE: ADDRESS EDIT. ACCT: 1 RELATIONI........... ID: JYR: RC: RELATION2........... ID: JYR: RC: (~~, YIMi ~. . (clay-l;3-y/ 1,1 14A b~il~il~7r ~y;34 Fort City 1-'r`operLies ylU L51 iy4b r~.v~ 71 t7-X41-/tiiJ~ BOB LUI;AS/WFiFDIr1C PANG 0? t ~• ~ .. . - ~~ ,~V contract yr of Mr. Fosters choice who will oversee the necessary "~ construction. f ' '~ ~ 2. Holy Trinity Church shall acknowledge the funds expended by Mr. "' i Foster and will execute a deed of trust in Mr: Fost~r's favor which 4~ ~ shall be duly recorded. This deed of trust will represent the only recorded lien against the subject property. i~ 3. Holy Trinity Church shalt prepare a deed to the Subject property, ~, said deed to be insurable as to title, and shall cause said deed to -. be held by counsel subject to the sale of said property. / f'. ~1 4. After completion of stabilization, Holy Trinity Church agrees to sell >~ and W. Douglas Foster and/or assigns agrees to buy said properties according to the terms and conditions set forth in the '~ option contract by and between Holy Trinity Church and Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. except as follows: ~~ a Expiration of option shall be extended to March 1, 1997: (See item #2 in said option) r b Closing attorney will be selected by W. Douglas Foster. (See ~~ item #8) c Item 17, a, viii shall be changed as follows: Buyer is unable to ;~ ~~ obtain an agreement with the City of Wilmington prior to October , ~. 1996, which shall be acceptable to Buyer as to the use of f~~ I COt3G Funds for the eventual re-use of the properties. In Witness Thereof the parties have executed this Agreement the dey and year first above written. Doygl ~~ ~ ,. ~- ---~ .. _ " ter Holy Trinity Unitod Holfnoaa Church ;~ ~5~ CP3ION TO PUsZCSRSE Rrsr. ESTATE IiEW HAP70VER COUNTY THZS OPTION TO PURCHASE, made this / 7 r~ day of June, 1996 by and between HOLY TRINITY UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH acting by and through its duly xuthori.zed officers and/or representatives, of New • Hanover County, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Seller", and WZLMINGTCN HOUSINv^ FINANCE & Dz~/zLOPNEiiT, INC. of Neva Hanover County, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Buyer". pgITNES98TH: • That Seller, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED AND NO/100 DOLLARS (5100.00), to it in hand paid by Buyer, recei.! t of which is hereb}• acknowledged,. does hereby give a;.d grant tlzto Buyer, his or its hsirs, euccescors and assigns, the exclusive right and option to:purchase the following described tract. or parcel o: real estate, with all improvements thereon. and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, including all timber presently situated thereon, located in the City of Wilmin3ton, *lew Hanover County, North Carolina, being kno•++c~ .s:id more particularly described as follows: Lot and buildings located at 516 N. Fourth Street on which is located a church and manse. owned by Seller, said property being more particularly described in that Deed recorded in Bonk 707 at Page 545, New Hanover County Registry. The property which is the ,subject of this Opti'~on to Purchase shall include all personal property located on the premises with the exception of the piano and pews in the rear lower level of the church. The terms and conditions of this Option are as follows: 1. CONSIDERATION. The consideration of 5100.00 paid to Seller for this Option is to be part of the Purchase Price and is to be credited toward the down payment of the Property, if Buyer elects to erercis~ t)1 P. right to pu=chase as set _°orth herein. however, should Buyer fail to•exercise t5e Cpticn, they. the consideration shzli become -h~ property of S:llcr and thi8 A;reement shall become Tull and void and of no further legal effect, except.,;:noer those circum9ta.ZCes where failure to exercise the Cptior, is due to.noncorpliance by' Seller with ore or more of the conditions set forth ir. the paragraph entitled "Ternination". 2. PERIOD OF OPTION. This Option shall remain in effect for a period of 180 days from the date hereof and shall expire at midnight on ~ECE.~(RF_~P /lam 1955. 3. PIIRCHl-s FRI.:a. The Purchase PrcE for the Property sha1T be E=GHTY THOUSAND A.~~ 00/100 Dollars ($BO,000.00), payable as follows: rtav-1?-iy~? cy:~~ WES~LL S PFYFY ?19 762 557 P.93i11 (a) $30,000.00 shall be paid in cash at closing, it being understood that the consideration set worth in Paragraph 1 is to -be crediteri toward said down payment. (b) The balance of the Purchase Price is to be evidenced by a Promissory Note secured by a balance purchase money deed of trust, said note to be payable in five (S) equal annual installments ~ ~f. principal in the amount of $10,000.00 each with interest on the unoaid balance at eight per cent. (8§) per annum, said interest to ,be paid annually at tits tir,.e of the afcresaic annual principal ?ayments, the first installment of principal sad interest to ~e due and payable 1~ 3 one. year from the date of•closing. Said balance purchase money note and deed of trust shall contain an exculpatory clause providing limitation o_° liability of Buyer pursuant to which recovery thereunder :could be onl/ against the Property. Seller hereby agrees to subordinatn_ tale lien, o` said balance purchase money deed of trust to a decd of trust riven by ttuyer to secure construction funding on the project in an amount of up to $600,000.00. Seller agrees to erecuCe any ar.d all documents upon A CONSENT AGENDA tem No. s ~ ef x7llendxx~ex-~ ~ ud ~ , . g~ une 2,1997 .1^ ~ Y•F.~. Vie.. r yW.!.V ~"'~Y `"^'~.`."!`y... !rC`r"t.(. `.W.^`^ . Y Y~w~. i~ ~: DEPARTMENT: ~ i BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: _ ~ 1 ,, Federal Forfeited Property 97-37 6-2-97 ' ' Capital Project . ~i~ ~~ ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: SREDIT: Federal Forfeited Property Capital Project ,~' Federal Forfeited Pro ert 7 862 P Y $ , ~~~~ Capital Project Expense ~ $7,862 ~~ ~~ ,~~ -•- ~~ '~ ~~ ~ ~~? EXPLANATION },~ To increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law ~~~~ enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. . . ~; ~~ ~i.~x~ ~• ~~~lil9t~~~. ~, ~ ~~~~~oV~® ~- ~ 13 7 _ I ~~~~'E~~E~ ~ For Budget O((iccr s approval; then report ~ , •``F~QV~~ ~~ ~ to Commissioncrs at next nebular mcr~"'~• and enter In minutes. -^, ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ To be approved by Commt.siuncrs. ' ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~= - To be entered into mu~utc~. : ~ ~i ~~ This page intentionally left blank