Agenda 1997 08-04 u . AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS IONERS r ~ Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse , ~ ~pNOVER ~oG" ~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301. , , ~ Wilmington, NC i ~, ~~` ~ . ` ? ~ ~t ••~a~/p ~ Q .. . ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN ~FMORTµ~' BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER • TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ' ~ ~ ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD - ~.._ August 4,1997 6:30 p.m. ' • . MEETING CALLE D TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) ` INVOCATION • . • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .. NON-AGENDA -ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES • NO. 6:45 p.m. ~1. Presentation of Status Report on Ogden Fire Substation 1 6:50 p.m. ~ 2: Consideration of Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. Request for Funding to assist in Construction of Floatin Dock _ 3 . g "6:SS p.m.. 3. Consideration of Support for Formation of a North Carolina 7 ,~~ - Shore and Beach Preservation Association 7:00 p.m. 4. Second Readine: Consideration of Adoption of a Water 11 Development Fee 7:05 p.m. 5. Second Reading Consideration of Approval to Modify the ~ 15 Project Assessment Fee for the I-40 Business Park Sewer t . Improvements ' 7:10 p.m. 6. Consideration of Award of Bid #9$-0008 and Approval of 19 Contract #98-0008 to Home Health and Hospice Care; Inc. - . ' for the in-home aide services program • ' ' 7:15 p.m. 7. Committee Appointments • 7:20 p.m. 8. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 61 . 7:30 p.m. 9. Public Hearings: Item A: Zoning Text Amendment. Continued Item -Consideration 27 ~~~ ofproposal to require all requests to construct telecommunications towers include a written verification of collocation efforts, . modifications to setbacks and related changes (A-278, 4/97) 7:55 p.m. Item B: Rezoning -Request by R. Trask, Jr. to rezone 43.72 37 acres on the South side of North Kerr Avenue approximately 600 feet east of T`ruesdale Road to AI Airport Industrial from AR Airport Residential. (Z-6592, 2/97) 8:05 p.m. Item C: Rezoning -Request by GSF and J Properties Partnership 45 and others to rezone 1.48 acres on the west side of Smith Creek Parkway 330 feet northwest of Market Street to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential. (Z-605, 7/97) 8:20 p.m. Item D: Special Use Permit Request by the Autumn Corporation to 49 Construct a 110 bed health care facility at 5725 Carolina Beach Road. The site is zoned R-1 S Residential (5-409, 7/97) 8:30 p.m. Item E: Special Use Permit -Request by Mary Blanchard to locate 55 a mobile home on the east side of Sycamore Avenue 800+ feet north of Lynn Avenue. The property is zoned RA Rural Agriculture (S-410, 8/97) Additional Items County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 9:00 p.m. Adjourn ~. ,. ._ J ~ '~ ~~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ; 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 - - ., ......AUGUST 4, 1997 - ITEMS OF BUSINESS - j PAGE a NO. , ~ ~ . . 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 61 ': { 2. Approval of Minutes ~ ~ 63 3. Award of bid #98-0006 and approval of contract #98-0006 to ~ ; 65 - Public Works Equipment & Supply, Inc., for a sewer camera with Rotating head ~ . ~ j d . A journ ~, t ~b ,' . ,. CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUGUST 4, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 71 2. Consideration of Approval of Application for Community 73 Health Improvement Program Grant and if Grant is Awarded, Approve Related Budget Amendment 3: Approval of application for FY 1998 State Aid to Public 79 Libraries 4. Accept Report of Disposal of Personal Property in accordance 85 With GS 160A-266(c) for the period of 01/01/97 through 06/30/97 5. Approval of contract renewal with Cape Fear Resource 87 Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-03 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 89 Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary B. #98-04 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 90 Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Fire Services Presenter: P. Koutive, Paae Count In A enda Package: Contact: P. Kouwe SUB.TECT: Ogden Volunteer Fire Department Substation -Porter's Neck . BRIEF SUMMARY: A respresentative from Ogden Volunteer Fire Department has been asked to attend in order to provide additional details on the status of the Porter's Neck fire substation. !~ RECOMMENDED MOTI(`N AND RF(~UFSTED ACTIONS• Information-0nly State S: County S: User Fecs 5: Other S: h`ew Appropriation Rcqucst: ~, Money [s In Current Budget: 8udoct Amendment Prepared: REVTE~VED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOiViNiFNDATIONS- Hear report. /~ ., / ~" d _-_._. _- -x-._.~, m . ~:t~~IR®V~® dl~ 1fewYd 1'~ ~;~'ECTED CCC/// ^"r~- Rcfcr to Office Vision E3ulletin t3oard for Disposition ..~"" O This page intejztiojially left blank ~' a r ~;~?_, `t ~ 2 r ~ ~~, _~ :; , `r~., ~~ . ^ ~ '4i~ ~~ ~ t 1' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ', Meeting Date: 08/04/97 n EZegular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Lynda Weil (?) ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUI3,TECT: Request by Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. (WHET) for County Funds to complete floating dock area on the Cape Fear River BRIEF SUMMARY: The Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. (WHET) desires to complete the floating docks located in front of the Hilton Hotel. They have estimated the cost to complete this project to be $16,500. The Hilton Hotel agreed to pay any cost in excess of this amount. WHET is requesting $7000 of county funds be approved toward this project. WHET is to appear before City Council August 5, 1997 to request an equal contribution from the City of Wilmington. RECOMMENnEn MOTI(3N AN1~ Rf'CZUFSTT'D A('TiONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal 5: State $: County 5:7,000 User Fecs 5: Other 5: .Money Is In Current Budget: no New A~pro~riation Request: yes Bud et Amendment Pre ared: es REVIF,WED I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD• I-IR; COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMFNDAT(ONS: . Board of Commissioners should consider the request from WHET. If the Board desires to contribute the $7,000 a budget amendment #~J_3 is attached for your approval,, i' r y p h ~-~F A iM I e ~ ieti, y~,i ~ V~ , - T G.4 ~.... ~ . . __ ~ C=''ENiOVED d' '~ Refer to Oflice Vision Bullclin Qoard for Disposition ~ ~~ Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT .BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE - Non-Departmental/ 98-.0013 8.4.97 Outside Agencies/ Cultural & Recreational ADJUSTMENT ~ ~ DEBIT ~ CREDIT - Non-Departmental , Contingencies $7,000 Outside A Ten ies/Cultural & LJ' Recreational L_.1 Wilmington Harbor Enhancement $7,000 Tntst, Inc. a EXPLANATION To budget $7,000 from Contingencies to complete the floating docks located in front of the I-Tilton Hotel as requested by Wilmington I-Iarbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. An amount of $14,625 was previously contributed to the project (approved by the Board on February 20, 1995). ~ - With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in Contingencies will be $284,689. - ~ ~OV~® ~' C~or 13udget 011 icer's approval; tlicn report 4 ~ ~,,~~~ s~l to Commis,ioner; at nest regular meeting ,~ Intl enlcr in nunulcs. µ t »~~~~ --..-~ -- ~.~,,,~.~~ ;wl~ ~ ~l~n be approval by Cumuiis>ione:rs. ,; t« `~i/ -ro ne catoroc! into mi~ii~tcs. ~~ ~ ~~, - _ r ` - ~_ - h `Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust ~ ~ - " ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ WHET -~ _. == u ~ July 8, 1997 ,., ~ - Mr. Allen O'Neal _ '' County Manager - :. .~ New Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Funding for Completion of Floating Docks ' Dear Mr. O'Neal:. - . The Wilmington Harbor Enhancement Trust, Inc. (WHET) organization is very interested in completing the floating docks located in front of the Hilton Hotel. The growth of the New Hanover Cape Fear Riverfront between the bridges requires more accessibility by boat from visitors and residents, and WHET believes that the completion of this docking area will be an .asset fo the County. We have received a quote from Sullivan Flotation for $13,996.00 to complete this floating dock area (copy attached). An additional $2500.00 (+/-) is needed for pedestals on the dock, bringing the total cost to approximately $16,500.00. The Hilton Hotel has agreed to pay any cost in excess of this amount. WHET will provide $3,332.00 which was obtained through fundraising events and other funding. We would like to attend the?uty-2-l~`. County Commissioners meeting to request $7,000.00 toward the balance of the cost for construction to complete this dock. We would like your comments and approval so we may proceed toward this project and would appreciate a response st your earliest convenience. ~: Ve truly y rs, ,. ~ :. .. . L da Weil President For the WHET Board of Directors: .Randall Bray, Immediate Past President Michael Bradley . Gil Burnett, Vice President Nancy Bullock Linda Johnson, Secretary ..Charles Dean, Jr. Charles Carver, Treasurer Dr. Joseph James . Charles Agnoff ~ ~~ ~ Bruce McGuire ~~~ ' _ Dickson Baldridge Gene Merritt -- Jim Bath ~ ~ .. ~ ~ 5 ..POST OFF/CE BOX 496 . - WILM/NGTON, NC 28402 (910) 25>-Wf-fET r~ . c r-1 77! vy ~ Glh'fl ~5 `;. .t., . R • P.0 BQX 639 • KAVGS M~GFSWAY, WgRVYKJC. n. Y. 10990 ~l.: y14-986.7377 FAX B'14-986-E531 ~; •H.H.E.T. `•~~ tiilmington, t4C •~~'. ! 71=1 7114 ~`.~..51 tiay 27 , 1997. . C ~ ~~~ Svstem Type: RPavy Duty- Sull Fl pat l4arina 6ystem- i.: ' Main tialkuaps: Sp. Ft. - (~) 8' x 74' 592 $10,656.00 Freight S 700.00 ~';' (3) EooY type pi 1 e g;:ides S 402 .OG . white vinyl docY. fender S 146.00 off-leading and 'installation S 2,090..00 '_ (price applies only if installed ~ c~hen our crew is in the area) TOTAL S13,996.00 'I ~-' Note: All above pri cing c'ocs rot i:~cl uc'e any appl i cabl e !.~ stat.e or Local tax. ~ , i :f. rRiCE :IIICLliDES: ~~ ~ -freight to. site. ' -nll docks delivered complete wd ready for installation.. ~ -off loading ~ ~ -Installation ' ! -(3) 10" mooring c; eats per boat -P.emovable steel hoop type pile guides ~ -Utility raceway ~' -Utility access panels ~,. .3 -Su11-Float polyethylene pontoon Fith pre~olded foa.-o core ~:~~ -prenium grad? 2" x 6" deck -i~arranty ~! .t I` I{ . I, .j` . r . ~~~ I; ~ - ~' ~ •• 1 - I{ I~ f i d t t 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's ~ Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUB.TECT: Consideration of support for formation of a North Carolina Shore and Beach Preservation Association BRIEF SUMMARY: North Carolina coastal communities are facing a growing need to form an association that can provide a common focus for the preservation of our coastal shorelines. Our community shorelines with fixed building lines are facing severe threats from erosion. There is a lack of a comprehensive management program with secure funding, however, at both the State and Federal level to deal with these threats. There appears to be strong support among N.C. coastal communities to form a N.C. Shore and Beach Preservation Association similar to the highly successful one in Florida. The County's Ports, ~Vatenvay, and Beach Commission and the President of the N.C. Water Resources Congress have endorsed the concept. RECOMMENDED IVTOT[ON AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• The Board should consider supporting the formation of a N.C. Shore and Beach Preservation Association. It is recommended that the County take the initial step of contacting all N.C. coastal communities by sending out the attached letter under Chairman Greer's signature. The proposed Association would eventually be self-supporting through dues. Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fccs S Mew Appropriation Rcqucst: Other S: REvICtivED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR• N/A AMALLETT ' COUNTY MANA .ER' C MI~iENT AND RF Oiyii~~1FNDAT[ON See Dave Weaver's recommendation above. /~ ~~®vE[~ rl~~lovE~ :~l ~ 1~,~~-~~~~~~~ 7 r~~~r~ ~ ~ ~~7~~~ Refer to OfFiee Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition r~ - • Robert G. Greer fll~fficP'af Eq ~' I CO~ Chairman ti ~~ WIIItamA.Caster r-- _ ~IIc7Z.~I" II~ LIII7IxI7t55tD~xtEZ'S 1 Q ~ ice Cheirmon. ~ ~Pf27 ~FIELYLIIfiPI ~aLITItiJ , 9l --~~i? ~NFNORiHL~PO ~ Buzz Btrzenfeks Commissioner 320 f1~Etestrcut ~treet, ~aaztt 3OS Wanda M. Copley Ted cavts, fir. ~ijmitt~tatt, ~art~ fjlttrajittu 28401-4033 County Attorney Commissioner (iejeg~atte (g10~ 341-7143 Allen O'Neal County Mcncger Charles R. Howell ~ttx (310) 341-4130 Commissioner Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Bocrd June 10, 1997 Dear The time has arrived for North Carolina coastal communities to form an association that can provide a common voice and focus for the preservation of our shorelines and beaches. The preservation of our coastal shorelines is essential for our valuable tourism economy and the high quality of life enjoyed by our residents. Our shorelines, however, are under severe threat from the following: - Threats to existing Federal/State funding for beach nourishment and no expansion for future projects. - Eroding shorelines approaching fixed building lines of established beach communities. - Possible entry into a new cycle of hurricanes that will increase erosion and flooding. - Lack of an integrated comprehensive program for the secure funding and management for the protection of our beaches. - Estuarine shoreline erosion from boat wakes. - c Long-xerm~threats~from sea level rise. - , -,, ~, j.,, , ,t Shoreline preservation~'wi~11 be an increasingly costly matter for such measures _.~ Page Number Two June 10, 1997 as beach nourishment and will involve complex planning and engineering to negotiate the regulatory permitting process. Our communities must take a stand and push for secure funding and appropriate policies from our State and Federal officials in order to preserve the coastal shorelines so important for our State and nation. The time is now for the formation of a North Carolina Shore and Beach ' Preservation Association. We are trying to gauge the level of support among other North Carolina coastal communities. If support is evident, our next steps will be drafting of by-laws, establishment of an initial meeting of interested communities, t and similar efforts. We would suggest that we model our efforts on the hiQhl Y successful Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association. Please fill out the attached sheet and return it to us. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager (910-341-7134). Thank nor your response. ' Sincerely, 1 Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County ~ 9 MEMBERSHIP SURVEY FOR SHORELINE PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION Our community is interested in joining an is not interested association for the preservation-of North Carolina's shoreline. NAME OF CONTACT .AND TITLE: COMMUNITY: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: Comments? Please mail or FAX by :uly 3 1. to Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager New Hanover County 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101 Wilmington, N.C. ?8401 FAX (910) 341-4035 10 i L' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Zegular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item ~: department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Consideration of adoption of a Water Development Fee Ordinance -- Second Reading BRIEF SUMMARY: The demand to supply water to new customers has steadily increased. In order to provide water service when appropriate, staff recommends that the cost of providing this service be recovered from the customers. This is the second reading on the Ordinance which was presented at the July 21st Board of County Commissioners' meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTC~N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that this Ordinance be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. t' UtyUIIyCT SOURCE: Federal S: State S County S: User Fccs S Other S: I~Ioncy Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: IYew Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMiyIFNDATIONS• Recommend adoption of the proposed fee for water service. Second Reading. /~y /~/{ r~:c°r~a~ i~ ~ 11 r~~~~ov>~o~ ('L~~~PAIlI ~r ., .. Rcfcr to ORicc Vision E3ullctin Qoard for Disposit'iong~. ~ ~ 1 ~(,tx~•y~ 1 -< REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/21/97 a~~ Regular Item ~: IO Consent Item ~: Additional Item ;r: .._. Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: W att E. Blanchard . SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~ ~~ Consideration of adoption of a Water Development Fee ' BRIEF SUMMARY• The demand to supply water to new customers has steadily increased. In order to provide water service when . appropriate, staff recommends that the cost of providing this service be recovered from the customers. ' ~ Attached is a recommended ordinance which will help to recover the cost. As indicated, the recommended fee would be $1.80 per gallon of required water capacity. This fee would be broken down as follows: - 5 .80 -transportation facilities - $1.00 -elevated storage All or a portion of this fee would not be charged, if the developer has participated in the project. Commissioner Caster, Commissioner Howell, and staff met with the Dobos, owners of Cape Fear Utilities, concerning this issue. There appears to be general agreement that this fee would be reasonable. This fee would equal 5720 for asingle-family residence. RECOiyiMENDFD MOTION AND RE(~F:STED ~CTIO,ti'S_ Staff recommends that this Ordinance be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOUR .F: Federal S: S(~te S: County S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budoct Amendment Prepared: VIEWED BY: User Fccs S New Ap~ro~riation Request: Other S: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A At~I.4LLETT COUNTY MAi`1AC;FR'S OM~ti~1FNTS ANn RF n~1~iFND~TinNS~ Recommend adoption of the proposed fee for water service. ;~ r „ it t 12 ~ «~~~novE~ ~~~ ~ ~ n5 3 ;~ ^ 7 ~) (7~~ n - '. ;W'r r ~ ;R~fcr to ORcc Vision Bu(Ic;in Board for Disposition 1 AN ORDINANCE DR ~ c OF THE t _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Chapter 15 of the New Hanover County Code is and be hereby amended as follows: Amend Section 15-7(b), recaptioning Subsection (b) as Water Service Connection Fees ITap Fees .Development Fees and Deposits, and renumbering the existing Subsection (4) they ee , to number (~), and adding a new Subsection (4) pevelopment Fee, as follows: Section 15-7(b)(4). development Fee. A fee shall be imposed on all development connecting to the water supply system, based on average daily flow. The fees shall be used to pay for cost of elevated tanks, trunk lines, and wells. The One Dollar and Eighty Cents (51.80) per gallon fee shall consist of a One Dollar (51.00) per gallon elevated storage component, and an Eighty Cents (50.80) per gallon transportation facilities component. The fee shall be paid at the time the building permit is obtained, to be determined as follows: i. e idential. A development fee of Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars (5720.00) shall be assessed per single-family residential unit. ii. Commercial and Industrial. A development fee of One Dollar and Eighty Cents (S 1.80) per gallon, based on average daily flow as set forth in the N.C. Administrative Codc, Subchapter 18C, Water Supplies, as may be amended from time to time, shall be assessed for commercial and industrial customers. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter 15 shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the [SEAL) day of , 1997 NEW HANOVER COWTY ATTEST: ~~ CYrk` to the Board Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners 13 Tliis page intentionally left blank 14 1 regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 SUB.TECT: Consideration of Ordinance to modify the Project Assessment Fee for I-40 Business Park Sewer Improvements -- Second Reading BRIEF SUMMARY: On September 18, 1995 a Wastewater Assessment Policy was approved, based on a projected cost of $12.50 per gallon, for users of the I-40 wastewater treatment system. Based on present actual costs, the fee should be reduced to $10.00 per gallon. This is the second reading on the Ordinance which was presented at the July 21st Board of County Commissioners' meeting. RECOiy1MENDED MOTION AND REC~UESTFD ACTIONS• Recommend approval of Ordinance with authorization for the Chairman to execute same. rUiVUIIV(; SUUR(:E: Federal S: State S Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: User Fecs S: Other S: IYew Appropriation Request: LGI,: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCO~IMFNDATIONS• Adopt modified fee ordinance. Second Reading ~~ ~ ~~~ovE® 15 ,f. l; ~~~~~ l T, ". ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin E3oard for Disposition ~~~'~"~E~``r' ~~~.~ -_ REQ•CJEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/21/97 regular Item m: 9 Consent Item R: Additional Item R: department: Water and Sewer District Presenter; Wyatt E. Blanchard ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Consideration of approval to modify the Project Assessment Fee for the I-40 Business Park Sewer Improvements BRIEF SUiyIMARY• On September 18, 1995, a Wastewater Assessment Policy was approved, based on a projected cost of 512.50 per gallon, for users of the I-40 wastewater treatment system. Based on present actual costs, the fee should be reduced to $10.00 per gallon. Attached is a proposed Ordinance which will establish the fee at S 10.00/gallon. C~ RECOMMFNDFD ~10TI ~~' ANn RE UFSTF~ ACTIO~`S• Recommend the attached ordinance be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute FUN1)INC: SOUR .E: _ FcdcralS: State S: Count}• S: User Fccs S Other S: ~~Ioncy Is In Current Budget Budoct Amcn rtmrnt (~rrn~rrrl• 1'n ,tie+v ~p~ro~riation Rcqucst: ~_ REVIEWF'n I3Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGR.IFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Ui`!TY ~1ANA ,FR' COi•~it~'1ENTS Ati'I) RECO~i~~if;i~'B:~TiO\S: Adopt the modified fee ordinance. E~~~ ` Rerer to Otree Vision Bulletin E2oard far Dis~osieion ~~ ~~~"~ t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 AN ORDrvA~,TcE DRAFT OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COi/1iti1ISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby ordain that Section 15-124, Specific Fees, be amended by adding to subsection e) Other Changes, a subsection S: S) ~-4Q Business Park Sewer Improvements Project Assessment Fee: In addition to any other charges, fees, and costs required by this Chapter, users connecting to the I-40 Business Park Sewer shall be required to pay to the District an assessment fee of Ten Dollars (S 10.00) per gallon. This fee shall be paid in full prior to connecting to the system at time of application of building permit. Said I-40 Business Park Sewer assessment fee shall not be imposed on any business that is owned by low and moderate income individuals or any residence that is o~~~ed or occupied by low or moderate income franchise, as defined by N.C. Department of Commerce CDBG regulations. Except as expressly amended above, Chapter l~ shall remain unaltered, in full force and effect. This the day of (SEAL.] 1997 NEW HANOVEEZ COCINTY ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 52 Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners 17 ~ This page intentionally left blank 18 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Yes Additional Item #: Department: Department of Aging Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: .Contact: Amy Akin SUB.TECT: Award of bid # 98-0008 and approval of contract # 98-0008 to Home Health and Hospice Care, Inc. for the in-home aide services program. BRIEF SUMMARY: At the Board of Commissioners meeting on June 2, 1997, staff recommend ed that all bids received for this contract be rejected; the Board of Commissioners adopted the resoltuion. Staff has rebid the contract, evaluated the bids recieved, and recommends award of bid and approval of contract to Home Health and Hospice Care, Inc. The completed evaluation form is included in the agenda package. RECOMMENDED N10TI~N AND RE(ZUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 98-0008 and approving contract # 9S-000S for in-home aid services to Home Health and Hospice Care, Inc. Federal S: 116,915 State S: 5,438 County 5: User Fecs S: Other 5: 13,595 Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: IYo IYew Appropriation Request: I`1o ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RFCOi`~1~~iFiYDATIONS• Adopt attached Resolution. ~} Y r---------~~~.-.T-- ~~~®~~~~ ~ 19 ~, ,. Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CONt~ti1ISSIO~vERS OF IYEW HANOVER COUYI'Y WHEREAS, after due advcrliscment, bids wcrc received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 12:00 noon., on the 2nd day of July, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids wcrc received for in-homc aide scrvices for the Aging Department, Bid # 98-0008: Bidder: Level I Level II Level [II dMS Pro ressive S i I $10 37G~ g crv ccs, nc. . $10.G97~ $10.6975 Home. Health and Hospice Carc, Inc. $13.90006 $13.9006 $13.9006 - Well Care & Nursing Scrviccs, Inc. $14.0000 $14.7000 $14.7000 AND WHEREAS, bidders wcrc inCormcd that the award of any contract will be made based on U evaluation of total proposal and low unit cost will not necessarily guarantee award and factors to be considered in addition to price wcrc completeness of proposal and all forms, insurance requirements, license requirements, history and cxpcricncc of company; AND WHEREAS, the bids received wcrc reviewed separately by staCCand volunteers from the Homc and Community Block Grant and both reviews ranked Homc Health and Hospice Carc, Inc. as Grst place Cor ~j recommendation of award; LLJJ AND WHEREAS, the Director oC Aging, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be a«<lyded to Homc Health and Hospice Carc,. (nc., at the unit cost oC $13.9006 for all levels of care; AND WE-IEREAS, funds arc in account l 10-582-830-3700 to satisCv the requirements of this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Board oCCounty Commissioners oCNc~v Hanover County that the contract for a in-homc aide scrvices Cor the Department oCAging, Bid # 98-0008 be awarded to ~" Home Health and Hospice Carc, Inc. at the unit cost oC$13.9000G Cor each Ievcl of care; and that the Count}• is L hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be appro~'cd by the County Attomcy. This 4th day oCAugust, 1997. (SEAL) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 20 f 1 W ,,.,., U ~ `" O ~ ~ C: ,~ o o cn Z W °O O_ 1 ~ ~' C~ W ~ ~ ~, ..a G~ Z ~ O w W ~ z ~--~ ~_ E-.. U W ~--~ C~ a M t... ~ .~ N N N ~ ~ ~ N ~ T N .-; ~ c2 ~ 3 U a .o [ 0 _ ai N y 'D ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ O ~ ~ ~ - ~ N _ a cd ~ . 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'~ t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 9 :Contact: D. Ha es SUB.TECT: Zoning Text Amendment, Continued Item (A-278, 4/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Consideration of text changes for telecommunications towers to require written verification of collocation efforts and to modify setbacks and related standards. RECOMMENDED MOT)(_QN AND RECZUF,STED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: Ncw Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY iy1ANA ER'S COiV1iViFNT AND RE' OiViMFND4TIONS• ._ - ~~~R~1figQ t~__ • r~~~ov~~~ 2 7 E'~~~Xt~~ 6~ ~l t"'~- Refer to Office Vision E3ullctin E3oard for Disposition~~S~• ~_~IT`1 STEM A Zoning Text Amendment: Communication Towers, Antennas and Related Structures- Consideration of revisions to setbacks and provisions for written verification of collocation efforts and related changes. (A-278) Planning Board Summary With a few minor changes, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendments as suggested by a study committee comprised of industry representatives, citizen neighborhood groups and the Planning staff. Several of those neighborhood groups as well as industry representatives appeared before the Board to endorse the proposed revisions and to express thanks for having had the opportunity to work together. No one appeared to speak in opposition. Much of the Board's discussion focused on how setbacks would be measured and defining "related structures". There was general agreement that the setback should be measured from the base of the tower. The Board also agreed to an addendum addressing the fate of towers made nonconforming by the regulations and to what extent said towers could be enlarged or moved within the same site. Proposed Ordinance Revisions 1. Replace Section 69.17 tivith the following: 69.17 Telecommunication Facilities elli~lar Totivers and Related Totivers- These facilities may be located by right in the I-1 and I-Z Districts and by special apse permit in all other zoning districts. In addition, these facilities shall be szrbject to the following: A. Any tower, antenna or related structure in non-residential districts shall set back from any residential chvelling a distance egz~al to the height of the totiver as measured from the base of the totiver. B. All towers, antenna or related structures locating in residential districts shall be located a distance equal to the height of the totiver from any residential dwelling as measzrred from the base of the totiver. In no case shall a towe~•, antenna or related structzrt-e be located closer ~" than SO from any residential properly line. ,. 28 .: ~ ° ~~~ ~~~ ,, - 1 .~-. __. ~ kr t ' C. t ~. A landscaped buffer pursuant to the minintzcm requirements of this Ordinance. D. All applicants seeking approval for the constrz~ction of any netiv towers, antennas and related striccttcres that require special zcse permit approval shall sa~bmit written evidence to demonstrate that collocation on any existing totiver, antenna or zrsable structure in the search area or the netiv totiver is not reasonable or possible. E. All towers s~a~l~ be constructed to accommodate collocation. Totivers over 1 SD feet in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimzrrn hvo additional providers. Towers 1 SO feet or less in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimtu~t one additional provider. F. All applicants seeking approval shall also sz~brnit a tivritten affcdavit that the construction or placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Efivironmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rzcles Sections 1.1311, 1.131?, 1.1307 and all ~.rher applicable Federal, state and local lativs G. Any tower and associated equipment which was lativfirlly constructed under the terms of this Ordinance, which is now considered a nonconforming improvement, may continue or be reconstrz~cted as a conforming improvement even though the totiver and associated equipment may not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance for the district in tivhich it is located. Totivers and associated equipment may only be enlarged and/or relocated if the enlarged or relocated tower elirr~:nates the need for an additional tower, provides additional collocation opportunities on the totiver or provides additional antenna space on the totiver and provided further that the enlargement and/or relocation shall be in conformance tivith the follotiving regz~lations and design limitations: t 1. Tower height may not be increased by more than 1 S% of the originally constra~cted totiver height. Ijzcreases in height greater than 1 S% will rega~ire a variance from the Board of Adjustment. 2. A tower shall be allowed to be reconstructed and relocated within the boundaries of the property on tivhich it is located so long as 'the decf•ease in the setback does not exceed 1 S% of the originally .. 2 29 constructed tower height and the relocated totiver is sited to mrnrmlze any Increase In the exrsting nonconformity. Arty request to reconstruct.and relocate the tower where the resulting decrease in setback exceeds 1 S% of the originally constructed tower height shall require a variance from the Board of Adjustment. Planning Staff Summary The above amendment proposals aimed at further restricting the placement of cellular towers and related structures in the County stem from a collaborative effort of cellular vendors f ~j and their legal representatives, concerned citizens and the Staff. Also included with this package u is the Staffs original proposal, the citizen group's alternative proposal, suggested changes by Staff, and of course the recommendations made by the panel. I l As you may recall, the Staff from a directive of the County Commissioners submitted to the Planning Board at its April~3rd meeting an amendment requiring special use permits requests for communication towers include written documentation that collocation efforts had been exhausted. At the same meeting, a more detailed alternate proposal was submitted by the "Concerned Citizens for the Middle Sound/Ogden Area." In addition to the addressing collocation issue, their proposal included expanded setback standards. Due to the need to study the alternative proposal, the Planning Board decided to continue the matter until its May meeting. At the May meeting, the Board agreed~to a re:iuest by the Middle Sound neighborhood group and the cellular vendors that they along with Staff and any Board member that could attend be allowed to meet to discuss the revisions. The Board voted to table the matter for 60 days to give ample time for the parties to meet: Unofficially dubbed the "Cellular Tower Study Committee", the participants met on two L occasions. The first meeting was Monday May 19, 1997. Besides the citizen groups and Senior Planner Avery, only one of the cellular vendors was represented.. Much of the meeting was spent discussing alternative technology, such as stealth antennas. Other issues discussed included the possibility of the County requiring a more concerted effort by the vendors to minimize the ultimate number of towers constructed in the County. The second meeting was held on June 18, 1997. Attending were representatives from each of the cellular/PCS vendors currently operating in the County, members of the Middle Sound group, and Senior Planner Avery. Af3er nearly two hours of detailed but productive discussions, the panel was able to reach a consensus concerning setback matters, collocation requirements and compliance with other applicable laws. 30 3 The following information details the proposals that have been considered to date and that were used as a basis for the proposal made by the panel. Staff's Original Proposal A recent concern raised in the face of a proliferation of requests for the construction of telecommunication towers has been determining the veracity of efforts by the applicant(s) to demonstrate that collocation efforts have been exhausted and that building a new tower is the only ~, alternative. As a matter of local policy, Staff has routinely requested applicants include in writing a statement regarding their collocation efforts. Hotivever, crrrrerrt zarirrg regzrlatiorrs do Prot require a written statement. In February 1996, the County revised its zoning requirements by establishing a special use permit requirement for telecommunication towers in all zoning districts except for the I-1 and I-2 Industrial Districts. Towers are permitted by right in those two districts. Specific design and location standards were debated during the ordinance update, including but not limited to setbacks, buffering, access, safety, compatibility with surrounding area, and collocation. In the end the County felt the best way to judge the appropriateness of a request was on a case-by-case basis. While this infused a greater level of discretion in the review process it is nevertheless open-ended. ~' Public comment at recent hearings indicates that merely encouraging applicants to submit written verification of their collocation efforts is not adequate. This perceived flaw can be ~ eliminated by amending the Zoning Ordinance as follows: ADD: 72-38 Other Communication Facilities Including To~~~ers - Where a special use permit is required, all applications to construct a new communications tower shall include documentation of all collocation efforts. Alternative Proposal By the Concerned Citizens of the Middle Sound/Ogden Area Revise Section 69.17 to read: 69.17 Telecommunications Facilities Cellular Towers and Related Towers- {These towers} shall require a Special Use Permit per the Table of Permitted Uses and the Special Use Requirements of Section 71 under the following restrictions: A. All towers antennas and related structures ermitted in the I-1 and I-2 p Districts shall be set back a distance equal to the height of the tower from all other R-20, R-20S, R-15, R-10, B-1, B-2, PD, 0-I, AR, AI, SC and RA zoned property. --Sta. ff Comments: Current regulations for totivers locating in 1-1 and l-2 4 31 Districts require a setback only in cases tivhere a tower abuts a residential district The proposal tivould extend the setback requirement to situations tivhere the totiver abuts any business, office, shopping center, or planned development district. B. All towers, antennas and related structures permitted in all districts other than the I-1 and I-2 {Districts}, shall be set back a distance not less than the height of the tower, antennas or related structure from the adjacent property fine. -Staff comments: Currently, except for the setback standards applicable for the underlying zoning district, there are no other stated setback requirencents. Additional setbacks, if any, are subject to the discretion of the County Commissioners at'the special use permit hearing. The proposal would establislc a minimum setback bused onYhe tower height from the a~jacent property line. C. All applicants seeking approval for construction of any new towers, antennas and related structures shall submit substantial written evidence to demonstrate that collocation on any existing tower, antenna, or usable structure in the immediate area is not reasonable or possible. -Staff conc~nents: Current regulations do not require this sort of written evidences The proposal is similar to Staffs reconcnrendation for written verification. D. All applicants seeking approval for construction of any new towers, antennas and related structures shall submit substantial written evidence that the construction and placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.131 1, 1.1312, 1.1307 and all other applicable Federal, State and local laws. -Staff comments: Current regulations do not require this sort of fvritten evidence, however, no special~use permit order is issued by the County drat does not require approti~ed uses to be in compliance fvith all other applicable Federal, State, and local Imvs. ' Updated Staff Comments Provided at the June 18, 1997 ivleetinb Alternative Proposal -Concerned Citizens of the Middle Sound/Ogden Area Revise Section 69.17 to read: 69:17 Telecommunications Facilities, Cellular Towers and Related Towers - {These towers} _- shall require a Special Use Permit per the Table of Permitted Uses and the Special Use 32 5 t. Requirements of Section 71 under the following restrictions: A. All towers, antennas and related structures permitted in the I-1 and I-2 Districts shall be set back a distance equal to the height of the tower from all other R-20, R-20S, R- 15, R-10, B-2, B-2, PD, 0-I, AR, AI, SC and RA zoned property. Staff co~nn:ents: Current regulations for totivers locating in I-1 and I-2 Districts require a setback only in cases tivhere a tower abuts a residential district The t proposal would extend the setback requirement to situations where the tower abuts any business, office, shopping center, or planned development district Staff generally agrees that tofvers, antennas or related structures should be set back " at a minimum distance equal to the height of the trnver from all residentially-Zoned districts. However, there is no compelling need to require tfze same setback ~~,. standard if the adjacent property is zoned for non-residential purposes One reason is that locating totivers and related structures in these non-residential districts rarely raises an issue of land use compatibility. Because there is a 3vide diversity of land uses permitted by the various non-residential classifrcations, there should be considerable leetivay in gauging hotiv these uses coexist. Anoilzer reasozz is that these structures are, for the most part, structurally sound, greatly reducing fears that a totiver ~zight go crashing dotivn onto adjacent buildings. No-vever, because no structure is totally fail-safe, the Board might consider establishing a so called, ~' `fall zone': This would ensure in the case of a collapse or other structural failure, adjacent buildings wortlrl not be ltit. !, The literature is replete with suggestions on setback distances and safety zones. As such, the range of options is nearly endless. T~vo conznzon tlzen:es found for a number of jurisdictions that take a proactive approach to regulation are protecting the integrity of residential areas and securing the safety of nearby buildings. l~tlz those in mind, the fo!lotiving revisions are szzggested !~ Retain 69.17 as written Rewrite 69.17A to read: All towers, antennas and related structures locating in non-residential districts, whether permitted by right or by special use permit, shall observe a "fall" or "safety zone" equal to 50 per cent of the tower height and may not be located in closer proximity to any other principal structure, excluding support equipment and adjacent property lines. Moreover, any tower, antenna or related structure in non-residential districts that abut any residential district shall set back from said residential zoning district a distance equal to one foot for each foot of tower height. Alternative Proposal- Concerned Citizens of the Middle Sound/Ogden Area 6 33 B. All towers, antennas and related structures permitted in all districts other than the I-1 a and I-2 {Districts} shall be set back a distance not less than the height of the tower, antennas, or related structure from the adjacent property line. ~-1 Staff Cornn:ents: Currently, except for the setback standards applicable for the underlying zoning district, there .are no other stated setback requirements. Additional setbacks, if any, are subject to tl~e discretion of the County Commissioners at the special use permit hearing. The proposal tivould establisJc a minimum setback based on tJre totiver height from tJre adjacent property lines Tire ironic aspect of this regulation is that it permits totivers, antennas and related structures, particularly towers, in residential. districts whereas similar facilities locating in the I-1 or I-2 Districts or as proposed belrnv for all other non-residential districts must beset back from an adjacent residential zoning district The, primary reason the County permits these facilities in residential districts is because most ofthe unincorporated area of the County is zoned for residential and a general exclusion of those zones would significantly restrict site eligibility, raising questions concerning the fairness of local regulations. Most of the Cou;:ty's commercial districts are generally confined to the County's main road corridors, while industrial districts are limited to tJre northernmost and central areas of the County. Limiting site options jrrst to non-residential districts -vould leave large b-u~~s t!! tl:c Crrstcrn arri .i(J!(?ii C:'/i arc•:(::, (.f til° CCirlrt~'. ~~S a i`~~lll', tJre «bllity' f0 provide adequate coverage could be sharply diminished Regardless of motive, continuing to permit tJeese facilities in residential rlistricls should include standardized setbacks to protect the integrity of existing d-vellings and to ensure the overall appearance of the residential area is preserved TJre approach suggested by the Middle Soun~UOgden group -vould require facilities to set bt<;~k from adjacent property lines a distance not less than the height of the tofver, antenna, or related structure. That appears excessive Tlu~s, the follo-ving revision is suggested: Rewrite 69.17B to read: All towers, antennas, and related structures locating in residential districts shall be located a distance equal to the height of the tower from any residential use. Moreover, each tower, antenna, or related structures shall observe a "fall" or "safety" zone equal to 50 percent of the tower height and may not be located closer to any other structure, excluding support equipment and adjacent property lines. In no case shall a tower, antenna or related structure be located closer than 50 feet from a property line. 34 7 TO: Cellular Tower Study Committee Participants FROidI dValter Avery, Jr., Senior Planner DATE: June 18, 1997 RE: Telecommunication Facilities, Cellular Towers and Related Towers; Revisions From 6/18/97 Meeting and General Understanding of Agreement ~\ Based on our meeting today, the following revisions, deletions and additions appear to have been mutually agreed upon by those present. Please review this latest proposal and advise as soon as possible as to omissions, errors or other needed changes consistent with our mutual understanding. Current timetables indicate the proposal will be scheduled for a public hearing on July 3, 1997. -Proposed Ordinance Revisions 1. Replace Section 69. X 7 with the following: 69.17 TelecofnYiucnication FaGilltie~,.s~llular Towers and Related TOwers- Tltese facilities rrray be located by right rrl the I-1 and I-2 Districts and by ~~ special use permit in all other zoning districts. In addition, these facilities shall ~ be subject to the follofving: A. Any tower, antenna or related structure in non-residential districts shall set back front any residential dwelling a distance equal to the height of the tower. 13. All towers, antenna or related structures locating in residential districts shall be located a distance e ual to the hei ht o the tower q g f from any residential dwelling. In no case steal! a tower, antenna or ~~ related structure be located closer than SO'from any property line. C. A landscaped buffer pursuant to the mini~rucm requirements of this Ordinance. D. All applicants seeking approval for the constrccction of any new towers, antennas anti related structures that require special use ~ 35 permit approval shall submit written evidence to demonstrate that collocation on any existing tower, antenna or usable structure in the search area for the new tower is not reasonable or possible. E. All towers shall be constructed to accommodate collocation. Towers over ISO feet in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimum two additional providers. Towers ISO feet or less in jieight shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimr~m one additional provider. F.. All applicants seeking approval shall also submit a written affidavit that the construction or placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.1311, 1.312, 1.1307 and all other applicable Federal, state and local laws. For the record, the meeting was attended by the following people: -Kathryn Wilkerson, Attorney for 360 Communications -Joe Taylor, Attorney for Bell South -Barbara Jackson, Attorney for GTE -Scott Smith-GTE, Site Acquisition Coordinator -John Tyhacz-Key Colony HOA " -Curtis Wright-Concerned Citizens Middle Sound/Ogden Area; Providence H0~1 -Walter Pete Avery, Planning Staff I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with each of yorr on this very important matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. 36 9 s t t r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/04/97 Regular Item #: B Consent Item ;r: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Packa e: 7 Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Rezoning - (Z-592, 2/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by R. Trask, Jr. to rezone 43.72 acres on the south side of North Kerr Avenue approximately 600 feet east of Truesdale Road to AI Airport Industrial from AR Airport Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTFD ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is [n Current Budget: IYcw Appropriation RcqucsL• Budget Amendment Pre ared: RFViE~VED BY: LGL: FIi~1: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S CONiMFNTS AND RF O~~tiyiFNn ~TIONS• ~~ ~ 'Q~. ~';~P~®V`~6 ~,~~~~®, Refer to Office Vision F3ullctin E3oard for Disposition 3~ ITEM B CASE: Z-592, 2/97; Applicant: Raiford Trasl:, Jr. REQUEST: AR to AI ACREAGE: 43.72 LOCATION: South side of North Kerr, 600 feet west of Truesdale Road LAND CLASS: Urban Transition-Encourages more intense urban type development subject to ttie presence of public services, or the provision of those services economically. (NOTE: This item was on the Board's i<~Iarch agenda but at the applicant's request was continued until the April meeting. At the April meeting, the applicant again asked for a continuance because he was having difficulty determining the exact boundary of the properties. The Board agreed to another continuance and advised Staff to notify the applicant that the case would be rescheduled rr•tien ttie property description was in order.) Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the application. as submitted. The Board noted the request would be consistent with the Land Use Plan and compatible with the land .' ;~~ ~lopn~ent p ::tern of the area. One adjoining property owner told the Board he was concerned that development of the tract would increase traffic problems along N. Kerr Avenue. Staff Summary The Airport zoning scheme currently in place around the vicinity of the New Hanover County International Airport was established in 1976. Though infrequent, some rezoning in the airport zoning districts have been approved, primarily along the N. Kerr Avenue segment that runs along the Airport's eastern boundary. In those instances, the airport industrial zoning boundary was expanded, primarily to accommodate non-residential interests. The primary purpose of the airport industrial district is to encourage indoor manufacturing and distributive type operations that are compatible with airport facilities and which require access to rails or major roads. The primary purpose of the airport residential district is to provide for residential development at lo~v density levels to minimize potential hazards from aircraft operations. Though most of the surrounding zoning is either Airport Residential or R-15 Residential, there is a large area of Airport Industrial zoning on the south side of N. Kerr Avenue about 1400 feet to the west. A good portion"o'f those lands have been developed with a variety of commercial ,~,~ ices, distribution;.ca;r.. repair; building and special trade contractors and related uses. Also, a 'Ge~ large I-2 Heavy Industrial district is located on the north side of the road to the northwest ..~...~._ ,_ m.' a -=~„mo~~a as N m ayT00_03] ~o ~~G<S=Srra -•O Cfl o~u~~nocZi~uziy~-~ n~i a_ N. zones°ooa~~~ ~ a~~rzzzv't"~ :".' N. r~7pmp =7~m ~. Z.~iO=rn~~77~ ~ '~ T. 37 y~=y m~=0 O G7 m -1tn 77 r-i m ~a-~ C C~37 ~ 9D ti 2~~~ d Z 37m ar N ~ to r 7c ~ m m ~ z a . r ® 2 F F - m - ~ m ~. N z ~9 on II ~ b3 ~ a°o t y m ~, D g . i Q v ~ ._ ''n i F a~°°'' i ..S _ I~r n less than 100 feet from the subject property. Recently, some of the I-2 land along the road has been subdivided to allow for the construction of industrial and commercial services. Land to the east is part of the Williams farm. Much of that land and the R-15 and I-2 land to the north as . well as part of the subject property is under cultivation--corn and soybeans are the primary crops. The highest concentrations of residential uses near this property are located to the west along n Tniesdale Road and Acorn Branch Road, and to the east along the west side of N. Kerr Avenue. Even though public services are not present on the property, those services can be readily expanded. For example, the owner will be participating in the cost of constructing an overhead water tank, aimed at serving Wrightsboro and nearby areas. Sewer is also located in the Acorn Branch Road area and along N. Kerr Avenue near the Murrayville Station Business Park. The greatest concern with this proposal is ensuring that residential uses to the west and southwest are not negatively impacted. Exposure is minimized to some degree by extensive setback and buffer standards. Also, traditional heavy manufacturing activities wouldn't be permitted, thus the threat of pollution from smoke, air borne debris, noise, odors and dust is sharply reduced. Because of the proximity of the airport to nearby undeveloped residentially zoned properties as well as limitations on density, there is little chance of major residential projects being built. The site in question is located just northwest of one of the airport's runways. That fact, coupled with density limits, diminishes the feasibility of residential development. ,~ The best situation would be for the subject property to abut the existing AI District to the south. Nevertheless, there is little reason to believe that the subject property along with other adjoining lands would ever be developed for residential purposes. Also, the long range plans of the Airport indicate that this land is proposed for future acquisition. i~ Staff recommends approval. ~- 39 z ~ S~ 2 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISI~ TO GET A CHANGE OF ZOivING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The [North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a L1nd Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. I. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Gro~vtlt and Development? 1. Kerr Avenue has become a main artecy. 2. Airport has grown 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent Keith the property's classification on the Land Classification 1\•Iap? Urban transition allows for intensive development. 3. What significant neig}iborhood changes have occurred to maS:c tfie original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? 1. Area has become less desirable for homes as airport traffic has increased. 2. There is now commercial and industrial development at each end of the road. 'In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and chat [ .have ttx:,,burdcn of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling oi~t of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the --- - surrottrding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in - this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 40 . ;~ ~ ~j :~L signature of Pctition~r ac Lo, O•.ener June 25, 1997 New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Room 304 Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 i Re: Rezoning request by T.F. Holdings Limited Partnership of 43.72 acres of land on south of N. Kerr Ave. (Z-592) Dear Sirs: ~' Fie are the landowners of property on the north side of N. Kerr Ave., which is directly across said street from the subject property owned by T.F. Holdings Limited Partnership. By this letter we hereby want to express our support of the above-referenced rezoning request of the subject property from A-R zoning to A-I zoning, Respectfully yours, G~~ P7illiam K. Trask ,' / irginia T. Hol 'ngsworth 1 41 June 25, 1997 New Hanover County Planning Department 414 Chestnut Street, Room 304 Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 Re: Rezoning request by T.F.' Holdings Limited Partnership of 43.72 acres of land on south of N. Kerr Ave. (Z-592) Dear Sirs: We are -the landoc~mers of property adjacent to the east side of ,the subject property owned by T.F.'Holdings Limited Partnership. By this letter we hereby want to express our support of the above-referenced rezoning request of the subject property from A-R zoning to A-I zoning: Respectfully yours, R. Bertram Williams, Jr., M.~! ~ _ Ellen Williams 42 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: 2-592 Owner: TF Holdings Request: AR to A-I Taz ID Number: 34 _ ____ Representative: Acreage: 3 2 Location: N . Kerr Aae . LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES 1 • • Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land TJse: Vacant 7.oning History: ~- Area originally ~nA~ L~~+-nhn+- 1 47~ Watcr Typc: t~lells Fire District: N7rightsboro Road Access: N - Kerr School District; Johnson Scwcr Type• Septic Recreation: r,ar,A~~ Volume: 13 , 400 ADT (95 count) MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed and Water Quality Classification• Smith Creek C (Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area: Between Primary & Secondary Areas None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ~ Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily Torhunta (To) Class III • Limits due to wetness Septic Tank Suitability: ~~~_ Prime Agricultural Soils: None . Building Suitability: _ Some limits due to wetness This page intentionally left blank 44 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION NTeeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Rezoning (Z-605, 7/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by GSF&J Properties and others to rezone 1.43 acres on the west side of Smith Creek Parkway 330 feet northwest of Market St. to B-2 Business from R-l~ Residential. RECOMMENDED iyiOT[ON AND RF,nUESTFD ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. r utv Utt11(; SUUIt(;H.: Federal 5: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: ttiloney Is In Current Budget: IYcw Appropriation RcqucsL Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COiV11~TFNT ANn RFCON11~~1FNDAT[nNS• ~,~ ,t.:. •~ . !~°?~M®VE® ~~t ~~~~~ 45 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ITEM[ C CASE: REQUEST: ACREAGE: LOCATION: ~60~, 7/97; Applicant: GSF and J Properties R-15 to B-2 .66 `Vest side of Smith Creek Parkway, 330 feet west of Northwest of NlarketStreet LAND CLASS: Urban Transition: Encourages more intense urban type development where public services are available. Higher residential density is permitted under certain situations. Planning Board Summary The original application vas modified at the meeting to include the Peter Davis tract, which is located to the north on adjacent property. The Board agreed with Staff s analysis and voted to recommend approval of the petition as amended. There was no opposition. Staff Summary The subject property is located on the southwest side of the first segment of the Smith Cree Parkway, which was recently completed. Though much of the Parkway is considered controlled access, the intersection it forms with Market Street makes this a primary commercial node in this area of the County. Presently, NCDOT is working to extend the Parkway from College Road to 23rd Street. _- Land use in the area consists primarily of retail, commercial services, auto repair, industrial and related uses. Adjacent property to the south along Llarket Street, also owned by the applicant, is currently used for car rentals and carpet, sales. A large car sales lot is located south of that. The primary industrial use in the area is Corning. It is located on property to the, northwest There is a small pocket of residential uses to the south; however, rezoning the subject parcels is not likely to have any impact on them. In fact, the long-term expectation is that the remaining .residential properties will also be rezoned as the area continues to be developed. The property's proximity to existing commercial and industrial zoning as well as the major , thoroughfares makes it a prime candidate for rezoning. The only concern for this tract is the limited access that is available. ., . . Staff recommends approval` ~rr..' „t° r'~ =+ n- ~ o- 9 7 W E D L V- e _ ~ F~ O 3 a~ WHAT YOU IYIUST ~ES`l'AY3LZSH TO GET A ' .CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Youritttcndcd use of property upon rezoning is eumplexly iralevant, except for conditional use ...J Qistrict proposals. The North Carolina General Statutr.- rcqulrc that zonlne rzgularions shall be made in • accordanco with a eomprchcnsir•C plan. Sit,ce antcndrneots to Toning maps should also be btucd on a' ' I,ttnd Uso plan, you must explain !n the space below how yvar requeu aatistles each of the followu:g regtt i rcmcrits. U 'How world t(te requested.chan;e be eunvis(rnr with the Cuunry's Policies for Crowth god Devcl- apmcnt7 THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED BETWEEN A BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ZONE AND IN OUR OPINION THE USE IS MORE APPROPRIATE FOR BUSINESS THAN RESIDENTIAL. How would dtc requested ztux Chang: be consisunt wkh the property's classification oe the Laud Classitlcutiea blap? SAi`fE COMifENT AS li 1 ABOVE Whatsianlficant nelLhbGrhaod ch:tnoey h:rre GccurruJ w make t.':c oris..^.al zoniei inappropria;c, or ho•.v is the land invGlvcd urtsuitablc fcr the uses pc:rmitt~zi unc'cr t6c czislin; zoning? `.THIS PROPERTY WAS PURCH_aSED FROM DEPT. OF TRA,~SPORTATION ;; :AS A REMNANT FROM SMITH CREEK PARKWAY AND IS SANDWICHED BETW'r;EN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL ZONING USES, WHICH RESTRICTS 'THE USE OF THIS PROPERTY FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 1 r 1 Io signing dtis ptaition, I understand that tf:c exlati:.g ttirul~. m:,p is prciumc~l w be correct and chit have the burd~~n:olprpving why a change is in (hr public in(crca. I futthcr understard that the singling out of one parse( of !arid for special zoning tre rm,n,t unrc(atctl to County politics and the surrounding reigttbonc~od would prub:bly be !!legal. ] ccrtily that aq the infurntation presented to th)s application is eccura(c to tits best of aty kco0.lcdgc, infonnadon, a:.d belief. j i l --•- . , ~r~ re of ,utin,Kr and:i,r Owner 26US 47 PETITION SUt1r9MARY SHEET _ . Petition Number: •Z-605 Qwner: GSE&J Properties Representative: Same Request: Ft-15 to B-2 Acreage: . FF Tax ID Number: 5000 ~ Location: Smith Cr. Pkwy & tlarke~t LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ' • Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use: Vacant Zonin Histo Area g ~• oricri ally ~r~~ T,•, .• ~ o ~ I-1 area to U n ~ _ 7 north expanded in 1991.. B-2 aYAa +-~ +-~,o .,~,-+-ti ~,~..,a.,,~ G,~ n, ., 1983 Water Type: Community Sewer Type- County Ogden Fire District: Blair Noble Recreation: P•Iarket St. Road Access: 28 100 ADT (95 Volume: County Scbool District: Blair , MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Smith Creek C (Sw) Prirnary Recharge Aquifer Recharge Area:.. - None Conservation. Resources: Historic Landmarks and Arcl~cologiczl Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: 48 Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agrict~lturxl Soils: Building Suitability: _ Primarily Baymeade (Be); Class I Few limits None Fe=r~ limits - .~ W ~- N ~ _ ~'-_ C37 ~T .. ~ _a O . 4 CJ7 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUB.TECT: Special Use Permit (S-409, 7/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by the .Autumn Corporation to construct a 110 bed health care facility at 5725 Carolina Beach Road. The site is zoned R-15 Residential. RECOiti1MENDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTInNS• The Planning Board recommends approval. hUiyUIiVGSUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S I~toney Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: Other S: REVIE`VED BY: LGL: FI~1: BUD: H1Z: COUNTY MANAGFR'. CniV1yIFNTS AND RFC0~11~IFNDAT[ONS• [~~~1101/E~; E ~~~~~~~~ Refer to Office Vision Eiulletin E3oud for Disposition 49 ITEM D Special Use Permit: Request by The Autumn Corporation via D. Polston to Construct a 110 Bed Health Care Facility at 572~Carolina Beach Road. (5-409, 7/97) Planning Board Summary The voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed facility as submitted. Much of the Board's discussion centered on drainage, future development plans, site identification signs and related design issues. In recommending approval the Board suggested the following additional conditions: -limit site identification sign to aground-variety, not to exceed ~0 square feet and 6 feet in height. -establish a deceleration lane subject to NCDOT approval and design limitations. -use directional lighting for exterior needs to limit impacts on adjacent residential uses. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Eoard must find that the use will riot rnaterially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed itnd developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Sewer will be provided by the County. Water will be provided by Cape Fear Utilities. I'•. The property is i~ocated within the Myrtle Grove VFD District. C. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Nursing and personal care facilities are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. The property is zoned R-15. B. The site must contain at least t~vo acres. The facility will be located on about six acres. The-total tract °ncompasses 13.16 acres. C. A site plan pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance ha's been submitted. All minimum setbacks can easily be met. D. A 25 foot landscaped buffer will be provided on the site's side yards. A ten foot landscaped buffer will be provided along the road frontage. 3. The Board must find that the use wilt not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The State has issued the applicant,a Certificate of Need, indicating that additional health care services of this nature are needed in the County a B. The site is located between two existing commercial districts. The B-1 District to the north includes;a p,lumbingsupply and contracting business. It also includes a discount building supply businessr~T,ti`e B-2 District to the south includes the Tot-em-in Zoo, a miscellaneous retail and~~eomrne'rcial services. he Board must find''#hat the location and character of the use if developed according to -~~ a ~.. 1 the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Land development in the general area is a hodgepodge of commercial and residential uses. The primary residential areas include Equestrian Estates across US 421 from the site and a .. small enclave of housing along Rosa Parks Lane to the north. Non-residential uses include retail, storage, entertainment, commercial services and related uses. ~ 5, ~r'~~at ~'ou 1~1~st ~stal~lis~ for A. Silo Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoriing Ordinance, pursuant tb section 7l. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirement's on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans; where applicable, how [he - proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if accessary) General Requirementnl ~ ' The Board must fihd "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located .where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Appficant: . The 'projecc'is~locaCed on a State public right-of-way. 'Driveway entries will be coordinated with the Dept. of Transportation. Adequate sight distances will be.pcovidc~Jas required., . General Requirement f2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statcnrcrrt by Appficarrt: The layout and design of the project has been completed with reference to all of the conditions and specifications of the New Hanover County Zoning Ocdir.ance. Detailed plans must be reviewed and approved by all of the individual agencies prior to any construction. Cc::eral Requirement ~3 Th:; Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure t'tc value of adjoining or abuuin~ property or that the use is a public necessity." Srcrtrnrrrrt by Afrpliccurt: The adjacent properties have residential uses. A health care Facility is residential in nature and is a relatively low impact use. The provisions •of landscape screening and buEferyards Eor separation of uses will assure a minimal effect on adjacent properties. General Rcquircnrcnt ~ d The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it ii to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for t~fcw Hanover County." Srcrtarrerrt by Apfrficant: The land use plan For this area calls Eor low-density, residential development with attention paid to resource conservation. This proposal minimizes impervious surfaces, provides for on-site stormwater management and will utilize existing natural site features as possible. The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with cacti specific requirement found in section 73 , (as applicable). FIc/She should also demonstrate th;u the land will. be used in a manner eonsistene with the plans and politics of l~Icw Hanover County. The Board of Comrnis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that [hey deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. (certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, infornta- ~ `~ tion,andbclicf. • 52 `"~~ D ignaturc Applicant and/or Owner PETITION SU1~IMARY SHEET Petition Number: S-409 Owner: R. P4artin Request: Health Care Focility Taz ID Number: 7600 Representative: Ailt-ilmn C'orc~ Acreage: Total tract 13.16 Location: 57 S CR 1 i n~ Rc-h Rd LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ' Land Classification: Resource Protection Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning $istory: ~ Area originally zoned April 1971. Three petitions to rezone the site t~ B-? ~*- ~=~ ~ ~ ~ Q oP-• ••~-~ ~~ 's-~ Water Typc: 6~~11 Fire District: ~°IYrt1e Grove Road Acccss:Carolina Bch. Rel. School District: Bellamy Scwcr Type• Semitic Rccr~tion: Arrc~•~hPan Volume: 22, 800 ADT (95 count) MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS P~Iasonboro Sd. SA(ORt~) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Pcharge Area Conservation Rcsource3: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricultural Soils: Building Suitability: _ Primarily riureb (Kr) a Kr: few limits: Lv: ~ Lynn Haven(Lv Class I III r?ttn t-n r.rr~t o c Some limits due to ~~~etness This page intentionally left blank. 54 B ,, ~ -i (n Cn 2 2 'O CD OOZr -G Cn O . ornrZmn~m~m ~ ~ CO O Z p ~ o~aD~~~~z afD ~ .. - Or77~~~m~D = ~ V r"~ppDCZ'Gr C c7 m r' m oWm x~Z~ _ w _ ~ r ZZ cz~ p~ ' O o. X`Cn Z ~ .. m D rn Z 'O 77 -i CJ ~ D r r ® `~ ~ ~ - ~ F ~ &' a _ ' u z ~ ~ ° n II~ ~ ~3 ~ a°o o ,~ g ~' ~' T ~ g ~• , ~ ~ ~~ C ~ ~. m , ~;~ N y ~ . 0 f ,. ~ { ,. , • , f J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: E Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Ave SUB,TECT: Special Use Permit (5-410, 8/97) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Mary Blanchard to locate a mobile home on the east side of Sycamore Ave. 800+ feet north of Lynn Ave. The property is zoned RA Rural Agriculture. RECOiViMF,NDED 1V10TIC)N AND RE(~UESTFn ACTIONS• t' Uty Utt1i(; 5V UIZCE:: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs 5: Other S: iVtoney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR• COUNTY NIANAGFR'S COMy1FNT AND RFCO~'iMFNnATIONS- ^_ ,~ ,„- r ~ .~ ~,? ~r~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ITEM E Special Use Permit: Request by Mary Blanchard to Locate a I<'Iobile on the. East Side of Sycamore Avenue 8~0 Feet North of Lynn Avenue. (S-410, 8/97) Planning Board Summary- N/A Preliminary Staff Findings~~ 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. A private well and septic tank will be utilized to meet water and sewer needs. B. The site is located in the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department District. C. The site has access to Sycamore Avenue. 2. The Board must fnd that the .use meets all required conditions and specifications of ttre Zoning Ordinance. A. Mobile homes are permitted by special use permit on property zoned RA Rural Agriculture. The site is zoned RA. B. The site exceeds the minimum lot area required by the underlying zoning. district. C. All required minimum setbacks can be met. - 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or U abutting property or that the use is a public necessity-. A. Land uses on adjacent properties include other mobile homes, single family dwellings, and farming operations. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be, located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. There is a variety of residential uses in the general area, including mobile homes on individual lots of record. 'What 'You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 7I. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) ~ ~ ~~ General Requirement ~1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statentertt by Applicant: ~r-~da~e dwel/i~9 s~oul~ ruo~"~•..~•:e.•vdaru5er- fhe ~ublt'c, ~hea1 f"1~ Qr Safefy• ' . ~. General Requirement n2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statcnteit[ by Applica~tt: General IZequirenicnt n3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." /- Sratentcut by Applica~tt.• ~ e N ~1 e la) ~d ~oin~i~ug la>Uc~ is ~at'rn )aa~d arvc~ P -t-t -~' ~ati~. 1~ ~ h o u ~~ ~- ~ tv o ~' I'rU J~ Y e -~- h e value o General Requirement n~ The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in aencral conformity with the plan of development for hlcw Hanover County." Statcntcttt by Applicant: - The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additions! specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demdnstratc that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that tttc land will be used in a manner consistent with [hc plans and politics of Ir`c~v Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to tttc issuing of the Special Usc Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowlcd~c, informa- tion,and belief. Signature of Applicant and/or Owner 57 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET 0 Petition~Number: S-410, 8/97 Owner: :Marv Blanchard Request: liobile Home Tax TD Number: 1100 Representative: _ Sam . U Acreage: 4 acres Location:: _ Sycamore Dr. ~U LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ' Land Classification; Community Existing Land Use: Residential Zoning History: Area originaIlti park approved on Sycamore in 1985. zoned 7/1/85. Sma11 mobile ho~ T'~~o special use aerraits aoorov for mobile homes, in 1988 and 1991. Water Typc: t~~lell Fire District: Castle HavnP Road Access: Sycamore School District: t~lrightsboro Scwcr Type• Septic Recreation: Riverside Volume: - flnknn~.m MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Northeast Caoe Fear .River C (Sb) ~"} Watershed andWater Quality Classification• - U Secondary Recharge area Aquifer Recharge Area: Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: 1`tnn° Soil Type(s) and Class:._ Septic Tank Suitability: . ~` Prime Agric~lturxl Soils: CJ8Building SuitAbility: _ Primarily Plrightsboro (t•Ir) : Class Few limits Yes ~< F 1 ~~ - - _ ~ ~~~,~a,~ ,--- .. , ~ r c ~ t Jo~~s N~rnc , dc.,v ~ i v ~ 1 I `' ~ ~ ~ Y L n ~ - 1 1 . ~ lJ~ A n 5 9- f~N ~v~e This page intentionally left blank 60 D ;~ n 's~ m,w p m '^ 'n L~~I _~~ ~ ~ASi1.EHAYNERD e~cseo„ i 9 ~~ biy*o` -- G7 ?~moO mY 'a 3 ~ ~mD-DyO ~ C' r C~ZZZr~7 = _ J Z~C7 C7 C] z m C'7 GD O mO ~T. 7CmT. d Z31---Z r- ~ _ " ~mim~~0 '".'O O_O =nom ?mm 3~ ~ ~~~ ~m~ W_ ~ m ~= d n y x~ ~ p ~ n m ~ ~ r p1 m m Q- ~ F ~ ~ =2 __ z c~ ~~' 83 ~ as ~ o y m w W I N / 1 3 ,~ t r MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 AUGUST 4, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Award of bid #98-0006 and approval of contract #98-0006 to Public Works Equipment & Supply, Inc., for a sewer camera with Rotating head Adjourn PAGE NO. 61 63 6~ 61 This page intentionally left blank 62 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of July 21, 1997 RECO~~IMEiyDFD MOT[CiN AND RFC~[1FSTFD ACTIONS• Approve minutes Federal S: State S iVioncy Is [n Current Budget: Bud~ct Amendment Prcnarcd: RF;ViEWF,D BY: County S: User Fces S: ti'cw Appropriation Rcqucst: Other S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MAMA =FR'S COMMFNT AND RF 01-IMT•ND ~TInNS- Approve minutes. ~~~ . . ~. ,. !1~R®i6E~ ~`~fCTED ~~~~, L Rcfcr to Ofticc Vision Eiullctin Board for Disposition 63 ~~ Tliis page intentionally left blank } .. 64 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: W&S - 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUB.TECT: Award of bid # 98-0006 and approval of contract # 98-0006 to Public Works Equipment & Supply, Inc. for a sewer camera with rotating head. BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff received two bids: CUES $36,90.00 Public Works Equipment & Supply, Inc. $37,77.00 After reviewing the bids, staff is recommending award of bid to Public Works Equipment & Supply, Inc. Even though their bid is $82~ more than the other bid, their equipment performed significantly better under conditions that simulated the environment of the District's lines. Please see attached memo from Wyatt Blanchard and Brad Arrowood. RECOi/itV1Ei`tDEn iytOTIOiy Aiyi) RFOUFSTFi) ACTIOiyS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 98-0006 and approving contract ~ 93-000G to Public Works Equipment &: Supply, Inc. for a sewer camera with rotating head. r uh+u[Iti'G SUURCE: Federal S: State S County S: User Fccs 5 Otftcr S: 37,77 ~ti[oncy Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: t`(o [Yew Appropriation f2cqucst: iYo REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGI.IFFIN HR: N/A AiV1ALLETT COUi`1TY MAMA =FR'S COMMFiYTS Ati`D RFCON1~iFNnaT10iYS• Recommend awarding bid m98-0006 and approval of contract #98-0006 for purchase of a sewer camera. ~' ~ bmOVE~ ~ 65 :~~f~-~o-~0~r~~~/~~ Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board ror D sp ~~on`" `'"" "'/g ~, r ~ ~~ RESOLUTION OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COM~1ISSlONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2:00 p. m., on the 2nd day of July, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Strcct, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for a water sewer camera, Bid ~ 93-0006: Public Works Equipment CUES and Supply, Inc. Sewer Camera $31,77.00 $29,40.00 Optional Rotating Hcad S G,000.00 $ 7,500.00 Total 537,775.00 $ 3G,9~0.00 AND WHERE AS, the cquipmcnt proposed by Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. is Eight Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($82.00) more than the cquipmcnt proposed by CUES, but the cquipmcnt proposed by Public Works Equipment and Supply, [nc. performed significantly better under conditions that simulated the environment of the District's lines; AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County ManaScr recommend that the contract be awarded to Public Works Equipment and Supply, lnc., a North Carolina corporation, in the amount of Thirty- scccn Thousand Scvcn Hundred Scvcr~ty-five Dollars ($37,77.00); AND WHEREAS, funds ha~•c been previously appropriated and arc now in Account No. 800-470-4197-9400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Nc~~• Hano~•cr County ~Vatcr and Scwcr District Board of Commissioners that the contract for a sc~~cr camera ~~ith rotating head, Bid ~ 93-0006 be awarded to Public Works Equipment and Supply, Inc. in the amount ofThirty-seven Thousand Scvcn Hundred Sc~~cnty-five Dollars (S37,77~.00); and that the District is hercb}' aulhoriicd and directed to execute the contract, contract Corm to be approved by the County Attornc~~. This 4th day of August, 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to-the Board ~~ Chairnian, Board of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District 66 ~' July 17, 1997 TO: FROM RE: Amy Akin County Finance Wyatt E. Blanchard County Engineer Sewer Camera Based on the performance of the two cameras which submitted bids (see attached memo from Brad Arrowood) and some variations from the specifications, such as wheels verses tracks, I recommend purchase of the RST. With the rotating head, the cost of the camera is $37,775.00. In addition, the RST representative is located in Monroe, N.C. rather than out of state. If you require additional information feel free to contact me. 1 WEB/nrf 1 •_ r 67 NEW H.A.I~OVER COUNTY' Ccur~ T ~-:?:,-leer ~(?•.I: Braci i~..~rroc~OGd .~sistara L~tilit-~ ::Taint. Suo?rrisor ~.. FlLl.^1CCt1tL UC~aIiIil2rlt c~urcli3sz or Z~Iain-li112 S2~Y2r ~ •1I112Iit _ ~ ~-ia :•i.l*la bexl oreseni ci'ari:la Ile!d c'.emo~~trafiens of boll t!le GL~r.~ yrd t~-!e ?.Iain-lu,e car.:era ~:stzms, I~vou!d liti2 to ma4:e the `'ollo~~-:n_~ obser:atior.s l:::o-.~:n prior tc pt:rcha~e. L `i j Ear"Wile both ~,•stems ofF~: an exceilent picture and rlar.-~ feafu: 2s, i ha-: e obs2r-. 2d that the R~.T s-_~ si2m performs considerably better in lines thai ha ~ z eith2- *2-]~c O[" s~:lul presort. 1111 l~ ?s~,eClall-.' Lr1loJttaltt CGI1~1;!21~:n? ~':? 1111':it2Cl R1~]!n !!.^.~' C!2a:lin_° C-1L~a~•1!lt:2= Gi Gu.° clepa.'tmr^t. :Lt th:= time vti'2 ha'r~: `[llti_.• 0^2 J:'^~_1 .:al!Cr mo ~*:.°c! s~ ~~t •2r suc'.-; t~.i ,!, ~e -. '2r ,., and ^o s~ c:-.. c=~ r.;o ~ oa~ate occas!e:1.- d,lri:l_ der..or.= tratic^.s of ;.Ile QL~ES s-.•ste:n. Lhe u•or~ !lac'. to be ;lal;.~~I ~: ci 1i:Cii lvllai LP2 C,l2~.nl.i_ i.3~ tG 1:12 p2.i0fr'E12i1 b?_GI'2 tl"r '" t 1 ~ r'~ i l '~ t :•_ Canl?i 3 'v~~v[r. Ci~LIlil prOC22d. ]•tl bOtl7 Oi th2~e iri~%a:iC2~, t!12r2 ~~a~ le~~ tl":3n Ong fI'_C11 Gt ~'?Il,:l 111 t:l? in-: ert of the s2-S,ti-er main. The OL~~ t: actor ~-as unable to hoid L~actier. i:l t~•^.e ~a%Cl or 2!a2 It ~~b1:11C1oz2c;~' SZ aaI:d L:C in 1l Vilt GI the CaITi?r a ui~ill l: ~Lvt772:1. 1 h2 t~yo demos of tllz FtiT sj:st2rn sho~ti•ed t~lat it is much morn tolerant c` sand a:l~l °I'23~? aIld mLlCll hZtt2r at m;Lrltair!1r1° traction ir. di:~• li:les. (~' j L-1 addition, Lyle FIST ~ ~'stzrn «'ill al1o:~• ~.•ou to ad;ust tho l:ei~ht of u~le car_ier a in the main (via a sintp(2 s?t scrz-~~) ti~fi2r2as, the UliES ~rst2mrreruires you to ct-iari~? to a lar~~cr sizz cf :j;h22i to raise file 21e•~ati-:,n of the calllcra hrscl. This is a ti_^.le con`tlmin~ p; ocess. 1 his aoiiit-r to chansz the :le-, anon of tnz camera h°au cl~uc;;ly and easii~: ~i-, zs one the ability to calllera main-lines i.~ ii,`lout ha-rir.~ tc stoo (,~~t~ my I'eCOrr'n'.2rldat!On that this d2pa2't.RlZ.^1 al': Z ~OII1C pre=2r2_*1:.2 t0 t~";Z ~ 1 ~rst2:I1 proylded Lha~ ti`ie price is not unreasonable as compared to the QL'~S ;y:-tem. t i i CONSENT AGENDA NE`V HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COivIMISSIONERS AUGUST 4, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 71 2. Consideration of Approval of Application for Community 73 Health Improvement Program Grant and if Grant is Awarded, Approve Related Budget Amendment 3. Approval of application for FY 1998 State Aid to Public 79 Libraries 4. Accept Report of Disposal of Personal Property in accordance 8~ With GS 160A-266(c) for the period of 01/01/97 through 06/30/97 S. Approval of contract renewal with Cape Fear Resource 87 Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-03 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 89 Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for la~v enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary B. #98-04 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 90 Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and ~" must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary 69 This page intentionally left blajik 70 t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item ~:1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Paoe Count In A enda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.IECT: Approva( of Minutes BRIEF SUMNIARY• Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of July 21, 1997 RECOt~~iMF,iYnFD MOTIGN ANn RFOUFSTFn ACTIO~`S• Approve the minutes ~,.r,rt.~, wv'c~..tJ: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: ttiloncy Is In Current E3udgct: IYew AFpro~riation Rcqucst: E3ud,ct Amendment Prepared: RF,VIE_`VEn I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: I-IR: COUiyTY iti1ANAGFR' CONiMFNTS A~`n F2FC0`~1i~1f'i~'n ~TIOi~`~ Approve minutes. ~~ Other S: ~r~;t~ ~ ~ ~~MMiI ~ M r'?c+RO~FD ~. I~~STI'C}N~ t Rcfcr to Office Vision E3ullctin E3oard for Disposition Tltis page intejztiojtally left blank 72 ,~ _.._. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: department: Presenter: 'age Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: David M. Paynter SUB.TECT: Community Health Improvement Program Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The Ne~v Hanover County Public Library is requesting a grant from the Community Health Improvement Program in order to provide electronic access to a health related database for Ne~v Hanover County residents. RECOyliyiF,NDED iy10TION AND RFnUFSTFD ACTIONS- Approve application and related budget amendments if grant is approved. r uh+ulf~ic; SUUKCE• Federal S: State 5 itiloney Is In Current Budget: No Bud~ct Amendment Prepared: No County 5: User Fces 5 h'ew Appropriation Rcqucst: Yes Otl~cr S: ?3,150 I<GVtC.W~1J 13Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA =FR'S COMi<~IFNT AND RE OMiViFNnATION~ Approve application and authorize acceptance of grant, if awarded. ~~ _- - - ~-.-,..,,,y ~.-. _-.,,~ i'R~V~' , r<ticrE~ ~` 7 3 ~`~NIOVED' Refer to Office Vision E3ullctin E3oard for Disposition i The Par~aers Program of IO A rain ur U7.E aNLY New Hanover Regional Medical Center Applicant O banization A. In the space below, please provide the name of your organization, as it appears on your federal tax exemption letter. New Hanover County Public Library Tax ID m: 56-b000324 B. Organization's street address or post office boat, city, county and ap code. 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington New Hanover County 28401 C. Who is the primary contact for information regarding this applicai'ron? Provide full name, title and an office-hours telephone number. Daniel C. Horne Head of Reference and Adult Services 341385 D. In one or two sentences, please describe the purpose or mission of your organization and how long your organization has been in existence: ' The mission of the New Hanover County Public Library is to acquire organize and promote for public use a collection of books, information sources, and audio-visual materials which wr7] meet the needs of New Hanover County residents seel~ng exposure to original, sometimes unorthodox and critical ideas necessary for an informed public and a free society. It is our endeavor to assist all county residents in malting informed decisions in their personal and professional life. The New Hanover County Library has been in e~astence for fifteen years but is a direct continuation of public library service which began in t~ilmington in 1735. E. Where will your organization perform the project you propose? At all facilities of the New Hanover County Library and in homes and offices of residents of New Hanover County. 74 ~~ The Partners Program .. ~_ - a component of the . Commmuty Health Improvement Progr-,inn of Ne~v Hanover Regional Medical Center Name of Applicant Organization New Hanover .ourtty Public ihrarv 1v~yj~ File # ~, Total funds requested: $ ~ 0 00 If funded, we intend to request Partners Progam support for Year 2 (]Year 3 [z] u ~ Snapshots of Your Project A Briefly describe the health problem you intend to address. Clearly identify and quantify your ~, target population. ~` The New Hanover County Public Library is a medium sized public library serving more than ^ 140,000 residents of New Hanover County. In this o elation is a lar P P ge number of economrcally disadvantaged people for whom the lrbrary is the only source of reliable, current, and free information. Because this population often cannot afford health care or has the disposable income necessary to purchase books eriodicals p ,health related ^ewsletters, and other sources of medical and health information but do have access to the library, the library is the best place for them to obtain the health and medical information necessary to make informed decisions. According to our statistics, material on health and medical related accounts for 9.3 percent of our non-fiction circulation. This makes this subject area the most requested by our users. With this grant, the library intends to address the problem of providing reliable health and medical information to all local consumers in an easily accessed, and understood user friendly format. Because health and medical problems potentially affect all people regardless of sex, age, race, or socioeconomic status, our project realistically targets all residents of New Hanover County. To help the Library achieve its goal of providing quality medical and health information, we are asking for $2.s i 50. No other agencies or partners other than the Library and the Community Health Improvement Program will be involved in the project. B. Please write a one paragaph summary of your project for the Partners Progam Review ~. Board. You might find it helpful to ask yourself this: I ou wer this project to the board in person, what bcuie, but importcvrt, information would you orrve};? ' The Library seeks to rovide the entire P public {~ online Internet access to Infotrac's SearchBank Health Reference Center, the leading provider of organized and complete medical information in electronic format. This database contains access to over 250,000 individual sources of information such as medical dictionary definitions, reference book excerpts, articles from journals, magazines, and newsletters, and pamphlets. The information is aimed toward the general public rather than the health professional and covers all aspez-ts of health concerns and medical conditions. Library staff will provide assistance to any users wfio need it. ~ 75 Libraries provide a unique opportunity to reach large numbers of people who otherwise would have no means of informing themselves. Free access to computers located in the main library and three branches throughout New Hanover County will provide ~qy perm the means to use state- of-the-art information retrieval technology for the purpose of obtaining information about health concerns. The library is a democratic institution which serves the economically disadvantaged and homeless population with the same enthusiasm and energy we offer the general public. Reahstlcally, this means that these specific at-risk populations would have the same access to materials heretofore available only to those able to pay. Providing all citizens of New Hanover County with access to The Health Reference Censer database would expand the population's general knowledge of health concerns thereby increasing the chances of changing lifestyle behaviors and malting informed decisions. The availability of the database will be publicized in all the local newspapers including those of surrounding counties. Radio and television coverage would be covered as well. The U~~' ~~~ Prepare instructional materials and will provide training assistance for anyone who requests it: The hbrary will evaluate the problem in several ways. The Health Reference Center database has the ability to generate reports, so effectiveness, measured by number of users would be easy to evaluate. In addition, circulation statistics for that subject area will be monitored and a reference log will be kept twice a year, in January. and April, to obtain a sample of the number of persons asking for assistance in the use of the database. Project Action Plan July 15, 1997 September 1, 1997 'vi Grant submitted Grant approved September 15, 1997 Database acquired October 1, 1997 Reference staff training October 15, 1997 November 1, 1997 November 1, 1997 January 15-22, 1998 April 21-28, 1998 Library staff training Publicity campaign begins Production of patron instructional materials Evaluation of use Evaluation of use Daniel HornelHarry Tuchmayer CHIP Greg Gulas/SearchBank S earchBank Daniel HornelStephanie Carver Daniel Horne/Dorothy Hodder Daniel HorneJDorothy Hodder Stephanie Carver/Harry Tuchmayer . Stephanie Carver/Harry Tuchmayer 76 E i t t t t The Paz-~aers Program a component of the Community Health improvement Program of. New Hanover Regional Mediczl Center Budget NHCPL's Health Reference Center September 1, 1997 Partners Other r r S to a~ 10 simultaneous users of SearchBanlc's Health Reference Center's database $12,500.00 4 IBM Pentium 133 PC's $ 8,000.00 Printing of brouchers and fliers $ 500.00 $ 250.00 Postage $ 320.00 $ 320.00 Totals $23,150.00 $ 570.00 NHCPL's Health Reference Center September 1, 1998 (year 2) New Hanover Co. Library New Hanover Co. Library New Hanover Co. Library Partners Other SQUrce r arm SuDDOrt 10 simultaneous users of SearchBanlc's Health Reference Center's database $12,500.00 Totals $12, 500.00 NHCPL's Health Reference Center September 1, 1999 (year 3) Partners Other Source r m ~~~ 10 simultaneous users of SearchBank's Health Reference Center's database $12,500.00 Totals $12,500.00 77 The Partners Program M :~ HIP ~~- a component of the . Community Health improvement Program of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Name of Applicant Ors-3nization New Hanover County Public Lbrary Total funds requested: S ~~ SPACE BELOW RESF~RVEI) Fnu ~'nrr~m~-T-T~,,.T T,~,-. NHRMCF File # -- -- ~+~~ ~ vv1~LC111V1V U.~~.: NOTES OF REVIEWER: 78 0 t t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Paae Count In A enda Package: Contact: David M. Pa nter SUB,TECT: Application for FY 1993 State Aid to Public Libraries BRIEF SUMMARY: The Maintenance of Effort and State Aid application forms are required to be completed in order for the New Hanover County Public Library to receive its share of the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. Last year New Hanover County received $161,041. This same amount is anticipated in the 1997/93 budget. RECOMMENDEn MOTIr?N AND REOUESTEn ACTT NS• Approve application for State Aid funds certifying that New Hanover County has maintained its local public library support. r ut~ut~ C= 5OURCF: Federal S: State S: 161,03( County S: User Fccs 5: Othcr S: IVloney [s In Current Budget: Yes [Yew Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: IYo REVIEwEn Bv: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFN HR• N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANn RF O~-IMFNn DTI NS• Approve application and authorize acceptance of funds. a. ------~-,~,,... -, ~, ,_ ~ ~~~a~gCT'E~~ ~~ 1~~;`~ovE~ 7 9 1~~~~~~. Q ~~. Rcfcr to OtTicc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ o~A^~`~ ~~ ~^~,~ S r ! ~i ~~~ ~ cpl North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 Phone: 919-733-2570 Telefacsimile: 919-733-8748 James B. Hunt Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary 1,. State Library of North Carolina Sandra IVI. Cooper. State Librarian I1~lemorandum To: Public Library Directors ~- From: Cal Shepard, Chief of Library Development L~ Date: June 30, 1997 Subject: Aid to Public Libraries for 1997-98 Deadline for application -August 30, 1997 Enclosed is the Aid to Public Libraries packet for fiscal year 1997-98. It contains: 1. Application for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund 2. Maintenance of Effort Report and Declaration 3. Assurance of Professional Salaries funded from the Aid to Pu li b c L~branes Fund Your library's final allocation from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund will depend on the General Assembly appropriation and any reductions in allocations due to failure to meet the maintenance of effort requirements. Note that the deadline for applications is August 30, 1997. State Library staff will attempt to resolve all problems and calculate final state aid amounts as early as possible so you can make needed budget adjustments in October. Adjusted state aid amounts can then be reflected in the second quarter check which will be mailed to all libraries in early October. If you anticipate any difficulty meeting the Maintenance of Effort re uirements have an q ~ Y questions, or need assistance in completing your applications, please contact Cal Shepard at (919) 733-2570. -: . ,, ~~~,.~ 80 ':t ~~- ~~~ Department of Cultural Resources State Library of North Carolina ~ - ~; MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT REPORT AND DECLARATION State Fiscal Year 1997-98 ~. (Submit one form for each city/county) ~~ The New Hanover County Public Library Library will maintain its local governmental support in order to receive State Aid funds in accordance with N C Administrative Code Chapter 2_ Subchapter 2E Section 0300: ~\ TOTAL County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure 1996 -1997 .~, (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid Appropriations) ,~ $ 1,869,469 ~, New Hanover County A Name of City or County Signed: for Cit /Count y y of Signed:_ ~~ S~ d~ (City/County Manager or Finance Officer) (Library Director) igne . (Designated Finance Officer of Regional or Independent library governing board) ~i~ ' SLlPLD Rev. 6/97 TOTAL, County and/or City Appropriations Budgeted and Available for Expenditure 1997-1998 (Excluding capital outlay and State Aid Appropriations) $ 1,928,170 Date: Date: Date: >ubmit applicatioritoIibrary Development Section; Stat,e;;; ibrary ofNorth CaroIrna, I09 E 3ones Sfreet, Raleigh, NC ........................... '7 1;-280:7;? Pos.fnnark:deadline,fo_rapplication for. FY€ my ~ 1997 June 30, 1998 ~s ~.ug~st 30; 1997 :. 81 Department of Cultural Resources State Library of North Carolina APPLICATION FOR STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES ~ - State Fiscal Year 1997-98 (Submit one form only) I, _ ,certify that the New Hanover County Pub1 is Library Signature, chair of governing body (Name of Library) having met the following requirements, hereby applies for funding from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund. (1) Be legally established as required by North Carolina statutes. (2) Provide Library services easily available without discrimination to all residents of the political subdivision supporting the library. (3) Employ a director having a valid North Carolina public librarian certificate and successful experience as a public librarian or administrator. (4) Secure operational funds from local govemment sources at least equal to the amount budgeted the previous year. A grant to a local library system from the Aid to Public Libraries Fund shall not be terminated but shall be reduced proportionately by the Department of Cultural Resources if the local funding for a public library was reduced by the local governing body as part of an overall general budgetary reduction reflecting local economic conditions and local government fiscal constraints. State funds shall not replace local funds appropriated for public library operations. (S) Expend funds as authorized in the adopted budget. Any library having an unencumbered operational balance of more than seventeen percent (17%) of the previous year's operating receipts will have the difference deducted from its state allocation. (6) Obtain aggregate operational funds from local sources at least equaling state aid. (7) Pay salaries for professional positions funded from state aid that are no less than the scale required by the division of state library. a. Each professional position funded with State Aid must be supported by two full-time equivalent (FTE) paraprofessional positions. b. Professional librarians who are paid in whole or in part from State Aid must have a valid North Carolina Public Librarian's Certificate. (8) Obtain an annual audit of library accounts according to generally accepted accounting principles and submit a copy of this. audit to the Division of State Library. (9) Submit a copy of bylaws and personnel policies to the division of state library. (10) Compile an assessment of the Library needs of the community, prepare and annually revue along-range' plan of service, and submit copies of needs assessment and long-range plans of service to the division of state library. (11) Submit a copy of the agreement establishing the regional or county library, if composed of more than one local governmental unit. (12) Meet the following stipulations when establishing a new library or withdrawing from a larger system: (a) meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program on July I of the year prior to the fiscal year that the library plans to receive state aid, (b) continue to meet all qualifications for the state aid to public libraries program from July 1 to June 30 of that year, which shall be known as the demonstration year, (c) file a full application for state aid by the June 30 deadline at the close of the demonstration year in y order to receive state aid in the next fiscal year. 82 : :: SubirziaappGcatlon to_ LiEirary Development Section; State; SL/PLD ~-l~~y of I~Iorth Carolina, 109E Jones Street, Raleigh NC Rev. 6/97 2760:1:=2807Posfmark deadline forapplicatiorifor;FY July;1 ;I99.7=:June 30 1998:is-August 30;x997!:::'::::: t t ~ J - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~ _ :. ,.. ,. mx r ~ . mz • ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ . . ~• 0 1 m • rONmmh r Om POOOOIn O~Tm00000Y .' 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I N - I J N d N ^ J ` ` " 3r1 C\ l T• ~ I N .-~ .-1 N .~ .-~ d d m N » N N .--~ .-~ r r N' Y1 d ~T ~ r1 .-1 N N , 00 O N ..-~ d d •O •O N i 0 O n •O z w Z vi 4w .. v1 ~a a = ~- ~+wu _ -- d z 1 > > w 4 7C } d w<w a >JJ a O r u C d ~ •-+ aox d x w O ~J> LL a dF-d J w•-•O Q 24h- r r-QO Q oux r F-~ no•ro,o~no.~.f.oddnv.mdoo P ov,o vi N.-. r ~+ d P N ~r1:-1 P •O -O O in N r O N cp N.--I N .-~ Pdm .-INd N~An N•OO~OmdP O ~ ^+ .N .. •..«~. •.w ~.. .. • .. mNn O n.+r Pd N.-~-a rm d P P N d'i .-1 M-HMM N ~l1 HN H-~ N n MNN N NRl N ~ M „ N N .~•Om 0-+OOOO~v1NO000u10 r~1 Om0 m J~` vlmr~100~11000 N•-I~OOV1-+O~(1N d OdN S •O U1N ncYln NV~O P•OdP•O~nd .N w ..... ..«+.. . P nN v~ L . . mPr (•l u1 .~iP.-,O R1 .-~--+PN •O NN d Nd•-~ ~ '^N N.-Inm MNM~ r v1.O -+ MNN M MNn N {fl .1N N M N M N ~w / •O.-+P OPNPP~+V1.O t.-~tf~Yl t/~-f0 r+ Om0 m ' JfnNNPPPNNndPNmul~O .ON S NdN •O r -1 Om~-Im vldnV~~Ondm.-1 ~ w w. P .~ ~+ - ~-. • • • .A . rrOf P d Pf~O.O .-imn P m m nr.-+ N M MNnN N+~.--~ N r~ T MNN Nn N Ifl M N/ ~ N N t t t r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for the period of 01/01/97 through 06/30/97. ' BRIEF SUMMARY: Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for the period of 01/01/97 through 06/30/97. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTFD A TIONS- Request the Commissioners' acceptance of the Report of Disposals of Personal Property for the period of 01/01/97 through 06/;0/97. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County 5: lY/A Uscr Fecs S: Otftcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: (Yew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre arcd: REVIEWED BY: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN NR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COy1R~1ENTS AND RF .OiyiMFNDAT(ONS• Accept Report. ~}~ Yt .~,.,.w ._ ....,~ ,,., ~'irlNOVE~ ~ ~ 8 5 ~~~-~~ . Rcfcr to OfTice Vision E3ullctin E3oard for Disposition ~ MEMO July 9, 1997 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Bruce T. Shell Finance Director ~/~ RE: Disposals of Personal Property In accordance with GS 160A-266(c), I hereby submit my report to you detailingq sales Januar 1 1997 under this procedure for th the period beginning y , rough June 30, 1997. Item Sold/Donated Estimated Sold Disposed Of To Value For Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 5.00 Scrap Tires Ellen Scott -- ~$ 10.00 Scrap Tires Allan Tiller -- $ 31.50 Scrap Tires Allan Tiller -- $ 51.00 Scrap Tires Allan Tiller -- $ 34.50 Scrap Iron Horton Iron & Metal -- $ 69.00 Scrap Metal Horton Iron & metal -- $ 14.55 Scrap Metal Southern t•tetals -- $ 8.03 S 223.58 If you should have any questions, please let me know. BTS/ct cc: Allen O'Neal County Manager ~ ~ , 86 ~` ~ ~ . ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/04/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department Presenter: None Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau S UB.TE CT: Annual Contract Renewal with Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) BRIEF SUMMARY: Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC~.D) is a ~Ol(c)3 non-profit corporation serving Brunswick, Columbus, Ne~v Hanover and Pender counties. In May of 199, the County entered into an agreement with the organization to provide it with clerical assistance subject to the terms of the contract. A part-time (20 hrs/wk) temporary clerical employee was selected to provide the requested assistance. The employee's hours were increased to 40 hours per week. The additional 20 hours is paid by RC&D. The employee is still classified as temporary. The Director of RC&D is asking that the contract be extended until September 30, 1998 based on the provision that the contract may be renewed at the end of each year. RECONIMENDED.NIOTI(,~N AND RFOUFSTFD ACT[Oi`1S- It is recommended that the contract extension be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Otftcr S: ttiloney Is In Current BudgeL• clew Appropriation Request: Budoct Amendment Prc ared: (LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: APP AMALLETT COUiYTY MAiYAGER' OMMFNT AIYD RFCO~'1iyiFNDaTIOti`S• Approve contract extension. Y --,- .~~® M~r~~g~~`~ ~. 1~~;`~®~~~ ~l 87 ~~~~~ _ ,..F, z. Rcfcr to Office Vision E3ulletin E3oard for Disposition a Ncw Hanover County Contract No. 95-0303A STATE North Carolina PROJECT Capc Fear'RC&D Program AGREEMENT NO A-4532-296 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (FORMERLY SOII. CONSERVATION SERVICE) AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO COOPERATIVE AGREE~tifENT I. Paragraph II C is hereby deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: II C. Reimburse the County,. on a quarterly basis, for actual expenses of salary and benefits paid to the secretary, not to exceed $9,064.00 annually. 2. Paragraph III B is hereby deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof: III B. This agreement will remain in effect until September 30, 1997. The agreement may be renewed at the end of each year. ~ 3. A11 other terms and conditions remain the same. D1EW E{ANOVER COUNTY BOARD Or COhII•fISSIO?tERS BY TITLE DATE USDA NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE BY TITLE State Conservationist DATE _- _ _ v .. ,l rk ~~ 88 ~ ~ ,~-~~~~:, .~~ r . ~;. _ _ - - ~~ ~. - ~' - - ~' ~' - - . ~ ~~ '-4~StiJ~~.~ ..{`.C~,a 1. E::r, ., S--„~"F: ~'aa ~;<r"^~=r F~~ .;~`~~'•f`'rx`.-). 5~^''~'~..~ ~ ~~~~~(~.r''- _-h- y:"; _ . ~ - =:~ r _ ~B ~~cl 'e f ~A.-z ei: d xxt~e n~~ - Ite~ii~GA. •.r- -',~:, .. .. ... .._ - -. - g - - .. _ - =-~ - - _~ .: _ - - .. . . ............. y4 ~i ~.~ ~ ~. - ~.1~ sn c ~ ~,.~ 3 k rJ ~., z _ -.. ~ ~ ..per ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ .~., ~~ s ~~~ ~'~ _ ~ `~ ?"".~i+.~.-."''~f`.-r.~..~ :'.'~3t `It~wc~,~ ~~ ~o:-~ c. ~a.~~ ~,~, ~: Z .i ^.< ~, t,~t .,, ~i a . ~ ~\~ ~~;, ~. _ ~"~ ~..~r:=a,.a...~-.,~ _a~..i:« ~•a~ ~ _ .•,~+---• ,.?~~t k~.r~t:._ ~..~..rh aa`~insa~s :« .: - ... _, _ .. _. _ ~. _ ~` `:. _ -- -. .. .. -. .. ~.i.-:-r.^.e•.> ~ _ - - _iR--y _r t...r~- - -t:..~..--c. mow. - _ .. ,•~..~ `o.~~' ~"~ - }• - _ _ ~:.. -. <- r%- _ .. .. , . - __ - - .- .. _ _ :r~ - -" -Vii;.'- - -' .r__ ~~ _ _. -- _ _ -_ ^j,~=''_ . . ' PARTMENT ~- - .D ~ ATE - - ~ i DE ,'~ti GET ~AMENDMENT# Jam-. _ ` ~`: . •.. _.,. :Federal • Forf eited ~ Pro ~ert~ ~ ~ '~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~_ P Y ~_ •.98 03 8 .4 ~97 . ., .~`' _ - Capital~:Pro ject ~ - - - " ~ - - -- .'. -' _ • :: . - .. .. -;• -- - - - _ •'~r ' - `ADJUSTMENT: - -~~ EA BIT - .. ".SREDIT. '- ' ~. .Federal...Forfe.it•ed .Property: - _ •- : _ .. Federal Forfeited .Property ~. .. x$53, 995 ~ ~ ~. • ' Capital Project Expense _ .. .': $53,995:~.~.•:'.:•- ,~~:.-...- • ,• .. ...~ EXPLANATION '; To increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~° ., ~~~~EO .x ~„ - g g rl"}~tr~Utl,~1! az-; FBudget Officer's approval; then report ~ 7 o Commissloners at next r b lir cieeHng ~ i~IJ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ _ . ~ ,/ ~`-`"- -` 'I°_l"I" •"`~'~`--'~: and entc: In minutcs. , 7obe approved by Commlsstoncs. ~ ~ August 4, 1997 Item #6B Bxxdget Axnendxxxent DEPARTMENT: Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project ADJUSTMENT:' Controlled Substance Tax Controlled Substance Tax BUDGET AMENDMENT# . 98-04 DATE: 8-4-97 DEBIT: $3, 73.7 Capital Project Expense EXPLANATION CREDIT: 53,737 To increase budget .for additional revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~v _ ~: ~ ;; ""'- Eor Budget Officer's approval: then report to Commissioners at next regular c~eeting and enter In minutes. ~ / To be approved by Commissionc: s. To be entered into minutrc.