Agenda 1997 08-181 1 1 1 1 1 AGENDA =~~~pNOVER Cp yf < G ' ~ ,* ~• " Q >r -1:~~~ 0 fCFNOf1TN~'P August 18,1997 ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE 80ARD 9:00 a.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in 1 Financial Reporting to the New Hanover County Finance Department 9:20 a.m. 2. Consideration of Introduction of $125 Million School Bond 3 Order and $38.3 Million Community College Bond Order 9:45 a.m. 3. A. Consideration of Collection Settlement and Charges of 23 1996 Levy 3. Consideration of Reappointment of Mrs. Patricia J. Raynor 29 as Collector of Revenue for 1997-98 10:00 a.m. 4. Consideration of Annual Contract Renewal with Cape Fear 33 Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. RC&D 0 10:10 a.m. 5. Consideration of Approval of Award of Contract #98-0060 to 35 MWM South, Inc. For the Lining of the Landfill Leachate Lagoon 10:20 a.m. 6. Discussion on Economic and Service Analysis of County 41 Government 10:45 a.m. 7. Consideration of Purchase of Property at 13 South Eighth St. 43 and Approval of Associated Budget Amendment #98=0022 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC 11:00 a.m. 8. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 67 11:15 a.m. 9. Committee Appointments 53 Additional Items County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 11:30 a.m. ADJOURN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 AUGUST 18, 1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE _. NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 67 2. Approval of Minutes 69 . 3. Consideration of proposed contract amendment #95-0142A 71 Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant - Headworks Improvement and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0018 i 4. Consideration of donation of Kings Grant Water System 73 5. Consideration of Wrightsboro Area Water and Sewer Study 79 NCDOT Reimbursement Agreement #98-0086 6. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0017a to budget 81 appropriated bund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1997 Adjourn CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUGUST 18;1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 87 2. Approval of Contract for Professional Services with UNCW for 89 Tidal Creek Water Quality Studies and authorize the County Manager to sign 3. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 101 Fire District Collection Reports 4. Award of contract to the Community Boys and Girls Club for 105 operating the Community Alternative Education Center 5. Approval of Resolution adding the following roads to the State 109 Highway System: Roads in Woods Edge Subdivision 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #97-0020 to transfer funds from Planning to MIS for the GIS 113 System. );. #98-0016 to rollover expenditures (as outlined on the attached 114 Budget Amendment) from FY97-97 to FY97-98 C. #98-0017 to rollover funds from FY97-97 to FY97-98 for 118 outstanding purchase orders which was the work not completed or items not received by the fiscal year end on June 30, 1997 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: I Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Chairman Greer Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 1 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Presentation of Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the New Hanover County Finance Department BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Finance Department has again achieved the level of excellence attained for the past 16 years. This award is presented annually. RECOMMENDED MOTI NAND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fecs $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: r REVIEWED BY: ' LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Make presentation. /w !~iE'~l~RONED ~'~~:.a'E"CTED a ' ~.rMQVED`L~ ~,a~, C - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Tliis page intentionally left blank • ~ ~1~ t > ~ 2 ~~ , ~. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Legal Dept., Finance Dept Presenter: W. Copley, B. Shell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: W. Co le , B. Shell SUBJECT: Introduction of $125 million School Bond Order and $38.3 million Community College Bond Order. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Bond Order describes the purpose for which the bond proceeds will be used. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Bond Order. r uiv~INV sOURCE• Federal $: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: C,v_rGwC,U IS Y: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR COUNTY MANA ER'S COMM NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval of the bond orders. _.,.,~- ~ ~'~k'?pROVE[~ ~=~~MOVED ~~l ~ - °`;STP®NE®~~ " ~:~r;.C I ~ q.7:... Rcfcr to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition -- ~~ Y' ROBINSON, BRADSHAW HZ HINSON~ P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW EDWIN F'. Lucas III (704) 377-8330 Ir+rERr+ET E'I.uc~spRBH.COM 101 NORTH TAYON STREET, SUITE 1900 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 282x6 • - TELEPHONE (704) 377.2$36 FAx (704) 378-4000 sOUTH CAROLINA OFt7CE THE GUARDIAN BvnnlNc ONE LAW PLACE $UfCE 6OO P.O. DRAWER 12070 Rocx HIU., s.C. 29731 TELEPHONE (803) 325-2900 FAx (803) 325-2929 August 5, 1997 Wanda M. Copley, Esq. County Attorney New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 309 Wilmington, NC 28401 Re: County of New Hanover, North Carolina 1997 Voted Bond Authorization ' Dear Wanda: Enclosed are four copies of a draft of proceedings that should be considered by the Board of Commissioners at its meeting on August 18. The proceedings provide for the introduction of bond orders authoriang $125,000,000 of school bonds and $38,300,000 of community college bonds, the call for public hearings on the bond orders, the publication of the bond orders as introduced with notices of public hearings and the filing of a debt statement. The bond orders may not be introduced until the Local Government Commission has acknowledged the filing of the Count}rs application for approval of the bonds. After the bond orders have been introduced and prior to the public hearings, a debt statement should be filed in the off ce of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. I am enclosing a form of debt statement which should be completed by County personnel. (According to G.S. 159-55(c), a bond order may not be adopted unless a debt statement shows that the County's net debt does not exceed 8% of the assessed value of property subject to taxation by the County.) The debt statement is to be filed with the County Clerk after introduction of the bond orders and is to remain on file through the date of the public hearings. - After the bond orders have been introduced and the debt statement has been filed, the notices of public hearings„should.be~,published once in a local newspaper. I am enclosing two copies of each notice of public hearing.,_~The blanks in the notices should be completed, and one copy of the notices should be delivered to ~„ahe `local. °newspaper office for publication. Before publication, you should ~: r ~.J .. c-~szzei~oi!.~~.ooou ~~ ,~ ~~. Wanda M. Copley, Esq. August 5, 1997 Page 2 - compare a printer's proof to the copy provided to the newspaper. The public hearings may not be held earlier than six days after the date of the publication of the notices. It is my understanding that the publications will be made by August 27, 1997 and that the public hearings will be held at the Board's meeting on September 2. After the above has been accomplished, please send to me and to the Local Government Commission copies of the following documents: 1. Certified extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners at which the bond orders are introduced and the related actions taken. The extracts include a form of certifying certificate. Please complete all blanks. 2. Original publisher's affidavit evidencing the publication of each notice of hearing. 3. Certified copy of the debt statement. The statement is covered by a form of certifying certificate to be completed and executed after the public hearings. ' I am enclosing two. copies of a draft of ballot which may be used for the bond election. I suggest you have the draft approved by the Board of Elections before having it printed. Also, you should compare the printer's proof to the copy given to the printer before the ballots are printed. Please ' send me a copy of the official ballot strips when they are available. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way. ' Sincerel Y~ ROBINSON, BRADSHAW & HINSON, P.A Edwin F. Lucas III ' EFLabk Enclosures cc: Ms. Janice T. Burke (without enclosures) Mr. Bruce Shell (with enclosures) ~Mr. Andrew Atkinson (with enclosures) v 5 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COVIl~IISSIONERS A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County off' New Hanover, North Carolina, was held in the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Room 301, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 9:00 A.M. on August 18, 1997. Present: Absent: Also present: introduced the following bond orders, which were read by title "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF 5125,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for Commission approval of the bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDERED by the Board as follows: Section 1. The Board determines that it is necessary to provide school facilities, including the acq>~ition and construction of new school facilities, the improvement and expansion of existing school C-152282x01!.13701.00011 . , facilities and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. To raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the improvements described above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for that purpose from any other sources, bonds of the County are hereby authorized and shall be issued ursuant to The Local P Government Finance Act. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $125,000,000. Section 3. Taxes sufficient to a the rinci al of and ' e p y p p int rest on those bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. ' Section 4. A sworn statement of the Count}~s debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $38,300,000 ' COMMUNITY COLLEGE BONDS OF THE ~~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for Commission approval of the bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Commission; ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDERED b the Board as follow y s. Section 1. The Board determines that it is necessary to provide community college facilities, ' including the acquisition and construction of new community college facilities, the improvement and? ' C-152282v01!.13701..00011 _2_ expansion of existing community college facilities and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. To raise the money.required to pay capital costs of providing the improvements described above, in addition to any funds which maybe made available for that purpose from any other sources, bonds of the. County are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $38,300,000. Section 3. Taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on those bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A sworn statement of the Count}~s debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall take e$'ect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. described to the Board: moved the adoption of the following resolution, which was briefly WHEREAS, the band orders entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $125,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" and "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $38,300,000 COhwItJNITY COLLEGE BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" have been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover held on August 18, 1997, and the Board desires to provide for public hearings thereon and the submission of a statement of debt in connection therewith as required by The Local Government Finance Act; 8 c-~szzeZ~oi s.iro~.oooii _3_ ~' NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED by the Board as follows: A . The public hearings upon those bond orders shall be held on September 2, 1997, at - M- ~ Wilmington, North Carolina.' B. The Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to cause a copy of each bond order to be published with a notice of each hearing in the form prescribed bylaw in a qualified newspaper no fewer than six days prior to each public hearing. C. The Finance Othcer is hereby directed to file with the Clerk to the Board prior to publication of the bond orders with the notices of such public hearings, a statement setting forth the debt incurred or to be incurred, the appraised value of property subject to taxation by the County and the net debt of the County. ~ . The motion was seconded by AYES: NAYS: and was adopted by the following vote: 9 C-152282v01:.13701.00011 -~- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) ss.: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~ ) I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. A meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, located in the State of North Carolina, was duly held August 18, 1997, such meeting having been noticed, held and conducted in accordance with all requirements of law ('including open meetings requirements), and minutes of that meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of the Board. ' 2. I have compared the attached extract with the minutes so recorded and the extract is a true copy of those minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as those minutes relate to matters referred to in the extract. 3. That extract correctly states the time when the meeting was convened and the place where the meeting was held and the members of the Board who attended the meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the seal of the County on , 1997. (SEAL) Clerk to the Board of Commissioners 10 r i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) ' ss.. - COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached copy of the debt statement with the original debt statement filed by the Finance Officer of the County in the office of the Clerk on the _ day of _ , 1997, and that the copy is a true copy of the statement and of the whole thereof. ~FURT'HER CERTIFY that the debt statement was filed by the Count}~s Finance Officer on that date and has since it was so filed remained on file in the office of the Clerk and has been kept open to public inspection. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County on September 2, 1997. (SEAL) Clerk to the Board of Commissioners 11 C-15229/v01:.1770/.00011 STATEMENT OF~EBT OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA, MADE AND FILED PURSUANT TO SECTION 159-55 OF THE LOCAL GO FINANCE ACT, AFTER THE IIVTIZODUCTION OF THE BOND ORDERS INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COUNTY, HELD ON THE 18TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1997. (a) Assessed value of property subject to taxation. (as revealed by the tax records and certified by the assessor). Gross debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Gross Debt". Q ro) (~) (d) ~. Deductions to be made from Gross Debt as listed in the attached. "Schedule of Deductions". $ Net debt (being the difference between the Gross Debt and Deductions). $ (e) Percentage that net debt bears to the assessed value of property subject to taxation. ' Finance Officer of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina Dated: 12, c-~su9~~oi~.ia~o~.oooii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 t 1 1 SCHEDULE OF GROSS DEBT (The debt described below should not include debt incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes or other revenues or in anticipation of the sale of bonds other than funding and refunding bonds. The debt described below should not include revenue bonds.) A Bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted: Purpose School Bonds Community College Bonds Total B. Unissued bonds authori::-~d by adopted orders: Purpose Total C. Outstanding debt not evidenced by bonds: Source of Debt Purpose Total C-152291x01:.11701.00011 Amount $125,000,000 $38,300,000 $163,3 00,000 Amount Amount 13 D. Outstanding debt evidenced by bonds: Date of Bonds ~ Purpose Amount Total $ Total $ ~_,SZ~,4.~»0..000~~ SC~DULE OF DEDUCTIONS A Fundin g and refunding bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted. $ B) Funding and refunding bonds authorized but not issued. $ C ) Amount held in sinking funds or otherwise for the payment of any part of the principal of Boss debt other than debt incurred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes or sanitary sewer purposes (to the extent deductible under Section 159-55(b) of The Local Government Finance Act). $ D) Bonded debt included in Boss debt and incurred or to ' be incurred for water, gas or electric light or power purposes. $ E) Bonded debt included in Boss debt and incurred or to be incurred for sanitary sewer system purposes (to the extent deductible by subsection (b) of Section 159-55 of The Local Government Finance Act). $ ~ Uncollected special assessments heretofore levied for local improvements for which gross debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that such assessments will be applied, when collected, to the payment of any part of Boss debt. $ G) Estimate of special assessments to be levied for local improvements for which any part of Boss debt (that is not otherwise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that the special assessments, when collected, will be applied to the payment of any part of gross debt. $ TOTAL $ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) ss.. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~ ~ ) , ~ being duly sworn, says that the undersigned is the Finance Off cer of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina; that by a resolution passed by the governing board thereof the undersigned was authorized to make the foregoing statement; and that the foregoing statement is true and was made and subscribed by the undersigned after the urtroduction of the order or orders referred to in the heading of said statement and before the public hearings thereon. Finance O~cer of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day of the date of said statement. Notary Public My Commission expires the _ day of , 19_ ~_,SZ~,6.. ~»o,.ooo~~ t t t r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) _ _ ss.: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~ ~ ) I, the undersigned Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing statement and accompanying affidavit were filed in my office on the day of 1997, after the introduction of the order or orders referred to in the heading of said statement and before the public hearings tkereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County, this day of _ , 1997. (SEAL) Clerk to the Board of Corrunissioners c-~szz9woi:.ia~o~.oooii 17 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $125,000,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter, described; and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for Commission approval of the' bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDERED by the Board as follows: Section 1. The Board determines that it is necessary to provide school facilities, including the acquisition and construction of new school facilities, the improvement and expansion of existing school facilities and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. To raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the improvements described above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for that purpose from any other sources, bonds of the County are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $125,000,000. Section 3. Taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on those bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A sworn statement of the Count}~s debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. 18 c-~szaoo~oi~.iro~.oooii 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 5. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. The foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement of debt has been filed under The Local Government Bond Act showing the appraised value of the County of New Hanover to be $ and the net debt thereof; including the proposed bonds, to be $ A tax will be levied to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds if they are issued. Anyone who wishes to be heard on the questions of the validity of the bond order and the advisability of issuing the bonds may appear at a public hearing or an adjournment thereof to be held in North Carolina, at _.M. on September 2; 1997. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina 19 c-~s~aoo~oi:.i3~a~.oooii NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING '-'BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $38,300,000 CO COLLEGE BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Cazolina an application for Commission approval of the bonds hereinafter f described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Commission has notified tlt2 Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board as follows: Section 1. The Boazd determines that it is necessary to provide community college facilities, including the acquisition and construction of new community college facilities, the improvement and expansion of existing community college facilities and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. To raise the money required to pay capital costs of rovidin the im rovements P g P described above, in addition to any funds which maybe made available for that purpose from any other sources, bonds of the County aze hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $38,300,000. Section 3. Taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on those bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. 20 C-152300x01 :. 13701 .00011 Section 4. A sworn statement of the Count}~s debt has been filed with the Clerk to the Board and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. The foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement of debt has been filed under The Local Government Bond Act showing the appraised value of the County of New Hanover to be $ and the net debt thereof, including the proposed bonds, to be $ _ A tax will be levied to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds if they are issued. Anyone who wishes to be heard on the questions of the validity of the bond order and the advisability of issuing the bonds may appear at a public hearing or an adjournment thereof to be held in North Carolina, at - M. on September 2, 1997. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board of Commissioners New Hanover County, North Carolina 21 c-~szaoo~oi!.i»o~.oooii OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR BOND ELECTION HELD IN .. THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOVEMBER 4, 1997 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS (a) To vote "YES" the voters should make a cross "X" mark in the appropriate square appearing beside the question. (b) To vote "NO" the voters should make a cross "X" mark in the appropriate square appearing beside the question. (c) Hyou tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and get another. ~. QUESTION SHALL the order authorizing $125,000,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to Yes pay capital costs of providing school facilities, including the acquisition and construction of new school facilities, the improvement and expansion of existing school facilities and the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment and the No acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved? QUESTION SHALL the order authorizing $38,300,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the County of New Hanover to Yes pay capital costs of providing community college facilities, including the acquisition and construction of new community college facilities, the improvement and expansion of existing community college facilities and the acquisition and installation of No furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of interests in real property required therefor, and a tax to be levied for the payment thereof, be approved? (facsimile signature) 22 Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections c~svaawi t.ina.oooi t `~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 . Regular Item #: 3a Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Tax -Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: Collection Settlement and Charges of 1996 Levy BRIEF SUMMARY: As required by N.C.G.S. 105-347 and 105-349, settlement of 19961evy and charges for 1997 are submitted to the Board for the Collector of Revenue. Attached is the charge sheet. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS It is my recommendation that the Board recognize the efforts of the Collector and her staff, accept the 1996 settlement, reappoint Mrs. Patricia J. Raynor as Collector of Revenue for 1997-98, and charge her with the Collection of the 1997 levy. If this recommendation is approved by the Board, the Chairman, Clerk and Collector must sign the charge sheet. Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ~LGL: .FIN: BUD: HR: __~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend the Board recognize the efforts of the Collector and her staff, accept the 1996 settlement, and charge her with the collection of the 1997 levy. If this recommendation is approved by the Board, the Chairman, Clerk and Collector must sign the charge sheet. --- -- ~ - -.~''-" i r~r~;4~GTED ~ 23 `v . '~~:.~iailED .fit '~~; RcCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .""~~~` ~®hl~Q`"~ August 1997 - State of North Carolina County of New Hanover To the Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County: You aze hereby authorized, empowered, and commanded to collect the taxes set forth in the tax records filed in the office of the Tax Administrator and in the tax receipts herewith delivered to you, in the amounts and from the- taxpayers likewise therein set forth. Such taxes aze hereby declared to be a first lien upon all real property of the respective taxpayers in the County of New Hanover and this order shall be a full and sufficient authority to direct, require, and enable you to levy on and sell any real or personal property of such taxpayers, for and on account _ thereof, in accordance with the law. Witness my hand and official seal, this -day of 1997. -- .L. Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. I, Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County, hereby acknowledge receipt of tax books for real estate and personal property for Cape Fear, Federal Point, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Harnett, Wrightsville Beach, Masonboro, and Wilmington Townships, for New. Hanover County. This day of 24 ~~ , ~~ ~ ~ ~ -, , ~- ~. ~ ~~ ,~ ~~ 1997. Collector of Revenue of New Hanover County t ROLAND G. REGISTER Tax Administrator NEW I~[ANOVER COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 . TELEPHONE (910) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1996 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll $ 57,438,135.86 Discoveries Added 2,612,643.26 Less Abatements - 175,897.17 Adjustment to Abzteme:~ts 9.78 Total Taxes Charged 59,874,891.73 Listing Penalties Charged 48 178.36 Advertising Fees Charged 13 142.50 Interest Collected 110,960.30 Cost Collected 24, 129.79 $ 60,071,302.68 Real Estate Liens* 288,998.84 Delinquent Personal Property* 669,469.43 Deposited-Wachovia Bank 59.112.834.41 - $ .00 t *Uncollected amounts include 532,683.37 owed by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. Respectfully submitted, t Patricia7. Raynor `` Collecter of Revenue PJR: sw 25 b ~y~ ~~ ~ ~`a;w ~-w m H o w ~ ~ ~ ''1 ' ~ 0 .`~ v ~ ~ y Q~ C1. CD ('~ "" C7 Q .-~ ~ ~ `~ "- ~ . s _ a 0 .-. ~ ~ ~ a _ fN V] ' • ~ h 0 ~ _ W CD C: N . 6A '~' I ~ ~ ~ H-+ ~ 00 ~ `~ 00 00 ~ 00 '_' N N O o0 00 .r v O h ~ ~'~ p .-. N N ~p o O O 0 O 0 O O ~ N O ~' N ~ '--" O ~ w ~^ to N tsy ~ csj ~ ~ ~ ~ N w ? O W ~ 00 .A 0p ~~_ 00 ~ oo N -- ~. p ~ O Q~ ~1 to O ._. ~1 0o W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~_~. 00 pp N w w ~,,~ CT O~ N A ..-• Oo v, N ~p N w O~ ~O ~ ~ 00 v w O ^' ~ ~ ~ 69 6H i ~ ~ --' ~--~ N W N A W ""~ ~~~ a ~~WA r ~~~oo~ 0000 wow O ~p oo O ~` :~ O N N N O~ J W m r m z O d C" z C z -~ -~ V1 r~ x ~. 0 C z 26 a ROGAND G. REGLSTER Tax Administrator NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WII,MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7131 NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1996 Original Tax Levy Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatemer_ts Total T2xes Charged Listing Penalties Charged Interest Collected Real Estate Liens* 6,023.13 Delinquent Personal Property* 12,924.34 Depesited-Wachovia Bank $ 1,274,006.68 60,183.70 1,307,787.24 982.85 2,287.47 $ 1,311,057.56 - 1.311.057.55 $ .O1 Known shortage ir: deposited amount (Due to distribution error of late list fees). *Uncollected amounts include $888.20 owed by known bankrupt accounts and accounts under appeal. Respect~lly submitted, Patricia J. Raynor J Collector of Revenue PJR: sw 27 IU Tliis page intentionally left blank 28 r r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION `~ ~ Meeting Date: 08/18/97 . t Regular Item #: 3b Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: Appointment of Tax Collector BRIEF SUMMARY: GS 105-349 authorizes the Governing Board of each county to appoint a tax collector to serve for a term to be determined by the appointing Board. Patricia J. Raynor, NHC Tax Collector's appointment expires August 19, 1997. RECOMMENDED MOTIn_N AND REQ T D ACTIONS: Reappoint Patricia J. Raynor as Collector of Revenue for New Hanover County in accordance with G.S. 105-349. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: County $: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NTS ANT~FCOMMENDATIONS• Reappoint Patricia J. Raynor as Collector Revenue for New Hanover County in accordance with G.S. 105-349. The Board may choose to reappoint Mrs. Raynor for a period longer than one year if you so desire. The Tax Administrator ' ppointed for a two year term. It would not be inappropriate to do the same for Mrs. Raynor. ~ .~ ~~_....~ _,~.~, - ~ ~'IRaVEI~ ;.~~ C~'~:SECTE[I f ';' i~fPVlOVEO ~ Rcfcr to O~cc Vision Bulictin Board for Dis sition r`• §105-348 ART. 26. COLLECTION AND FORECLOSURE §105-349 e .. CASE NOTES Reason Why Board Diuat Act the tazable property before it can fix a Within Fized Time. -The reason why rate sutRcient to meet governmental the board of equalization is required to needs. Spiers v Davenport, 263 N.C. b6, act within a fixed time ie apparent. The 138 S.E.2d '762 (1964), decided under taking authority must know the value of former similar provisions. § 105-348. All interested persons charged with no- .. tics of taxes. All persons who have or who may acquire .any interest in any real or personal property that maybe or may become subject to a lien for taxes are hereby charged with notice that such property is or should - be listed for taxation, that taxes are or may become a lien thereon, and that if taxes are not paid the proceedings allowed by law maybe taken against such property. This notice shall be conclusively presumed, whether or not such persons have actual notice. (1939, c. 310, s. 1705; 1971, c. 806, s. 1.) CASE NOTES . Quoted in Henderson County v Cited in Henderson County v. Oateen, Osteen, 28 N.C. App. 542, 221 S.E.2d 903 292 N.C. 692, 2~5 S.E.2d 166 (1977): (1976)- ARTICLE 26. "'r ~,fb. ~s, Collection and Foreclosure of Taxes. § 105-349. Appointment, term, qualifications, and bond of tax collectors and deputies. (a) Appointment and Term. -The governing body of each county and municipality shall appoint a tax collector on or before July 1, 1971, to serve for a term to be determined b the a ointin bod and anti s successor as een a orate an ua e n t o rs sac appointments are ma e, coon an municip axes shall be collected by the tax collectors presently serving under prior provisions of law The governing body may remove the tax collector from office during his term for good cause after giving him notice in writing and an opportunity to apppear and be-heard at a public " session of the governing body. No hearin shall be required, how- . ever, if the tax collector is removed for failing to meet the prerequi- sites. prescribed by G.S. 105-352(b) for delivery of the tax receipts. Unless otherwise provided by G.S. 105-373, whenever any~vacancy occurs in this office, 'the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to serve as tax collector for the period of the unexpired. term. (b) Qualifications: -The governing body shall appoint as tax .collector a person ~ of- character and integrity whose experience in business and collection work is satisfacto to the governing body: (c). Bond. - No tax collector shall be al~owed to begin his duties' until he shall have'furnished'oond conditioned upon his honesty and faithful performance in such amount as the . overning body may, ~ >,; prescribe: A taac.collector shall not be permitted to collect any taxes ``not' covered by his bond, nor shall a tax collector be. permitted to . 30 t a~ ' " 'e ~~ 655 ;~~ ~~ ~~ , §105-350 CH. 105. TAXATION §105-350 continue collecting taxes after his bond has expired without re- newal. (d) Compensation. -The compensation and expense allowances of the tax collector shall be fixed by the governing body. (e) Alternative to Separate Office of Tax Collector. -Pursuant to Article VI, Sec. 9, of the North Carolina Co~istitution, the office of tax collector is hereby declared to be an office that may be held concurrently with any appointive or elective office other than those hereinafter designated, and the governing body may appoint as tax collector any appointive or elective officer who meets the personal and bonding requirements established by this section. A member of the governing body of a taxing unit may not be appointed tax collector, nor mayy the duties bf the office be conferred upon him. A person appointed or elected as the treasurer or chief accounting officer of a taxing unit may not be appointed tax collector, nor may the duties of the office of tax collector be conferred upon him except with the written permission of the secretary of the Local Govern- ment Commission who, before giving his, permission, shall satisfy himself that the unit's internal control procedures are sufficient to prevent improper handling of public funds. (fl Deputy Tax Collectors. -The governing body of a county or municipality is authorized to appoint one or more deputy tax collectors and to establish their terms of office, compensation, and bonding requirements. A deputy tax collector shall have authority to perform, under the direction of the tax collector, any act that the tax collector may perform unless the governing body apppointing the deputy specifically limits the scope of the deputy's authori g) Oath. -Every tax collector and deputy tax collectory as the holder of an office, shall take the oath required by Article VI, § 7 of the North Carolina Constitution with the following phrase added to it: "that I will not allow my actions as tax collector to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations," The oath must be filed witki the clerk of the governing body of the taxing unit. (1939, c. 310, ss. 1701, 1702; 1957, c. 537; 1971, c. 806, s". 1; 1991, c. 110, s. 6; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1007, s. 23.) Local Modification. -New Hanover (As to aubsedion (a)): 1971, c. 928; City of Mount Airy: 1989, c. 416, s. 1; Tba~n of Plymouth: 1995, c. 325; Roanoke Rapids: 1995, c. 34, s. 5.3; Town of Thrboro: 1995, c..73, e. 5.3. Editor's Note. -Session Laws 1991, c. 110, which rewrote subsection (g), pro- vides in s. 7 that .the act does not affect the terms of the current members of the Property Thx Commission. CASE NOTES Cited in Tbwn of Scotland Neck v Western Sur. Co., 46 N.C. App. 124, 264 S.E.2d 917 (1980). § 105-350. General duties of tax collectors. It shall be the duty of each tax collector: (1) Zb employ all lawful means to collect all property, dog, license, privilege, and franchise taxes with which he is charged by the governing body. (2) To give such bond as may be required of him by the governing body under the provisions of G.S. 105-349. 656 • r~ ~.; ~'' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 ~~ Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Kemp Burpeau SUBJECT: Annual Contract Renewal with Cape Feaz Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. RC&D BRIEF SUMMARY: In May 1995, the County entered into a cooperative agreement with Cape Fear Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) to provide it with clerical assistance. It was determined that the work hours of apart-time (20 hours) temporary clerical employee in the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) office would be increased to forty hours per week to provide requested assistance. The employee (office assistant) provides clerical_support to the Executive Director of KAB and the KAB Boazd. The current annual salary for the position is $17,436, with no benefits. New Hanover County pays $8,718 and RC&D pays $8,718. To continue this arrangement RC&D requires execution of the attached amendment to the cooperative agreement. The amendment specifies that RC&D will pay an amount not to exceed $9,064 annually. RECOMMENDED MOTInN AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: It is recommended that the contract extension be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. 1 k~UNUING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: _ FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: ~ ;~ Approve contract extension. ~...~_ .,.~ ~ 1I ~~'<< , rt~`l~:iEG7ED ti ~. ~~ MOVE® rs.. 3 3 w., ~~ ~~1~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ~ %~ ~~ I ~ ~~' ~, Ncw Hano~•cr County Contract No. 95-0303A STATE North Carolina , r _ PROJECT ~ Capc Fcar RC&D Progr~rri ` - AGREEMENT NO A-3532-296 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (FORMERLY SOII, CONSERVATION SERVICE) ' AA~NDti~NT NO. 2 TO COOPERATIVE AGREE~~~NT ` :. 1. Paragraph II C is hereby deleted and the follo::inq substituted in ' z lieu thereon: ~ ~ - II C. Rei:..burse the County, on a cuarte:ly basis, for actual expenses of salary and benefits ,paid to the secretary, not to exceed 55', Oo4.00 annually'. ` 2. Paragraph III B is hereby deleted and the.follo~ing substituted i:: lieu thereof: III 3.• ':his agreement will re-iain i:i effect until Se?te:rue: 30, 1997, The agree-ent may be rene~.•ed a: thz e::d o: each year. i 3. All other to:mss ar.d conditions :e^ain the sa-e. F:EW ;;f,,,"lOV~R COU: :Y 30~..RD O; C0,`_dISSI0t1~RS BY TITLE DATE USDA N;.TUP.:,L RcSOUrZC S CONSERVATIO:1 S'SRV:CS 3Y TITLE State Conservationist DATE 1 1 1 ., $ .X .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: Award of Contract #98-0096 to MWM South, Inc. for the lining of the landfill leachate lagoon. BRIEF SUMMARY: The landfill lagoon is a two acre, 4 million gallon facility which receives leachate pumped from the landfill cells. Constructed in 1981., the lagoon is lined with a hypalon liner. The liner, while not showing evidence of leaking, is reaching the 20 year warranty limit. As a precaution, staffrecommends a new liner be placed over the existing hypalon liner. We have taken advantage of the recent dry weather and high treatment capacity of the WWTP to empty the lagoon for the first time since 1984. A contractor is removing sand and sludge which has accumulated in the lagoon over the~ast I8 years. Staffhas requested and received bids to reline the lagoon while we have this opportunity. While this item was not budgeted, staff recommends proceeding with the project while we have this unique opportunity. Funds are available in Environmental Management Fund Balance. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Bids were received as follows: Mid America Lining Company $33,800.00 MWM South, Inc. $47,745.00 Ground Safe, Inc. $58,705.60 Staffrecommends the award of contract #98-0096 to MWM South, Inc. in an amount of $47,745.00. The apparent low bid of Mid America Lining Company did not include equipment to deploy the liner, equipment to dig and fill the anchor trench, and was not considered to be a complete bid package. MWM's bid was complete and addressed all areas requested in the request for proposals. Also approve associated BA#98-0019. Contract is available for reivew in the County Manager's office. Federal $: State $: County $: 47,745.00 User Fecs $: Other $: !Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: ves ~LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANA *ER' COMMENTS AND R OMMENDATIONS• Consider approval. This is a timely opportunity for the liner of the landfill leachate lagoon to be replaced. I concur with Mr. Church's comments above, and recommend your approval. . _ l~'1~;4 EGTED~ ; {~~~ ~3 5 ~~~av~~ i Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~~~~~ ~' .~-~,~ f ~~-- I Y a -MEMO .: 1Ul 2 q l Sri . ~ N€W h'%vOVER CO. July 22, 1997 , . ~ ti'a",acE4~s t~FF!CE _ J TO: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager , • FROM: Ray Church, Director ~ Environmental Managemefi't' ' RE: _ Landfill Leachate Lagoon •. , The landfill Ieachate lagoon is empty. The"dry:weather we are. experiencing and an increase in. • the wastewater treatment capacity have allowed us an opportunity we haven't had since repairs were made to the lagoon liner in September 1984. Two projects are currently underway; the first is to remove .the sand and sludge which have accumulated over the past 16 years. Informal bids were received and a contract has been awarded to Specialized Marine in an amount of $25,000 for this work. The work will begin on Monday July 23. The second project is to install a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liner over he existing Hypalon liner. The hypalon liner was installed, when .the landfill was constructed in November 1981 and is beginning to•'show its age. ' We have requested-and received bids to install the liner upon completion of the clean-up project. We-are recommending award of a contract to. MWM ,. South, "Inc. in an amount of $47,OQ0.00. Neither of these projects were budgeted in the current budget but due to the unique opportunity and the importance of przventing a leakahrough "the liner ;into the groundwater, I have requested • the contracts be awarded. It is also of utmost importance that this work be performed as expeditiously as possible or loose this "window of opportunity. Funds to pay for~the work are available in the Environmental Management fund balance account. Preliminary indications are ' that an additional approximately $1.5 million were added to the account last budget year. I will prepare a budget amendment to move monies, from the ,fund balance into the landfill account for the Board of Commissioner's meeting scheduled for August 18. If you have any questions, please call. i c: Allen O'Neal, County Manager J ~ ' Cam Grim, Budget Director -Bruce Shell, Firiance~Director.". _ r a- 36~ k= :~~u ~~ ~~ NSW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFF`IGE ~~ • t . . MEMO July 22, 1997 r t NHC ENV-IF20NM. s~hiGMT• ~9,1~03414371 P_02 tai.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~ . . . .. .. ~- I. . TO: :Ray Church i n FROM: .Dennis John Burks '~ ~~`' RE: New Hanover County Secure LaadSill Leachate La~oon Relining ' ~.ay, as you are aware, on J>ly 10, 1997, I faxed informal bid requests to three liner : ' . contractors for the relining gfthe Secure LandfJl Leaehate Lagoon. The work in general consisted of all equipment, manpower and materials to install drainage netting and 40 mil HDPE. The~following bids were received: Contractor ~ .Bid i , Mid America Lining Company $33,800.00 . - ~ Bid did not include equipment and manpower for loading and deploying Liner or . excavation/backfilling of anchor trench. MWM South, Inc. ~ 547,745.00 Complete bid. Ground Safe, Tnc. $58,705.60 Bid did not include equipment and manpower for excavation/back611ing ofanchor trench. I recommend award of contract to MWM South, Inc, at a cost of $47,745.00. I realize this is not the apparent low~bid, but when you factor in the additional costs associated with providing the services and equipment not covered in the other two (2) bids MWM South, Inc. would become the low bidder. I have included copies of the bids and a Bid Recap Sheet for your review. . Upon your approval I will ~roceed with the contract. ; i : 37 ;, . i `. '~, ;:: C ~: NHC ENVIRONM'. MGMT 9103414371 P. 01 r ~~ NSW HA,NOVER COUNTY ~ • • YNTER=OFFICE •. i .~.MO~ , . ~ '; -r July 22, 1997 ~ ~ ' T0: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager FROM: Ray Church, Director /' '; Environmental Managemefit ~ ~ • . 12.E: Landfill Leachat~ Lagoon _ j . The landfill leachate lagoon is empty. The dry weather we are experiencing and an increase in ' the wastewater. treatment capacity have allowed us'art opportunity rtie haven't had since repairs were made to the lagoon liner ir< September 1484. Two pro}ects aze currently underway; the first is to remove the sand and sludgg which have accumulated over the past l6 years. Informal bids were received and a contract has been awarded to Spccialized.Marine„in an amount of $25,000 for this work. The work will begin on Monday July28. . i The second project is to install a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)1sncr over the existing : '. Hypalon liner. The hypalon lin~r was installed when the landfill was constructed in November 1931 and is beginning to show its age. We have requested and received bids to install the liner upon completion of the clean-up project. We are recommending award of a contract to MW i'v1 South, Inc. in an amount of $47,000.00. Neither of these projects were budgeted in the current budget but due to the unique opportunity •• ~j and the importance of preventing a leak through the liner into the groundwater, I have requested the contracts be awarded. It is also of utmost importance that this work be performed as expeditiously, as possible or loose this window of opportunity. Funds to Fay for the work are available in the Environmental Ivlartagemcnt fund balance account. Preliminary indications .are ' that an additional, approximately $1.S million were added to the account last budget year. I tc•ill prepare a budget amendmcni to rnove'monies from the fund balance into the landfill account for the Board of Commissioner's meeting scheduled for August 18. • , ~ ~ ~• If you have any questions, please call ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ . 1 ~ e: Allen O'Neal, County Manager post-It' Fax Note 767.1 odt0~ c~u~,- ~ r ' ~ ~~ Cam Griffin, Budget Director To From Bruce Shell, Finance Director' c, ,~ co. .'' ~ PMM 1 ~ PhO~C 1 , fir. j ~. ~ Fd%1 F1n 1 i' ii -- --- ;~ ~. ~ ~, ~~'" ~' Bud et Amendment g DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Environmental Management/Landfill 98-0019 8\18\97 ~. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Environmental Mana ement/Landfill Appropriated Fund Balance $72,745 . t Con racted Services $72,745 ~1~. ,~- ~' ~. 1~. EXPLANATION t r To appropriate Landfill fund balance for cleaning and relining the leachate lagoon. ~.~~~ : X13'+ . , APR®V~~ I . ,, X f~~MOVED ~' For Budget Officer's approval; then report. to Commissioners at nea r meeting I and enter in minutes. ~~ V To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. l Tliis page intentionally left blank '- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 ~~ Regular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Commissioners Presenter: Vice-Chairman Greer Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Discussion on Economic and Services Analysis of County Government BRIEF SUMMARY: At a recent staff meeting, Vice-Chairman Caster suggested that an analysis of county government occur. Vice-Chairman Caster, Cam Griffin and I met and discussed a variety of ways to approach the study of analyzing county government from an economic and services perspective. We concluded that a general discussion at a regular commissioners meeting should occur. Commissioner Caster will "kick- off' the discussion. Cam and I will be prepared to suggest options and approaches. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: k U1VUIIV(i SVUK(:1:: Federal $: Stare $: Money Is In Current Budget: !Budget Amendment Prepared: County $: User Fees $: Othcr $: New Appropriation Request: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Consider discussing approaches and options for an economic and services analysis of county go ent. r~~f~IR~ii~l~ ~ :- ~~5~~~c~E~ ~41 ~:`fr1Vi®VED ~l ~. ,. r 4-Ct ~ ~u SJu u Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~' ~~~~~~ f~fi (~'rvyJ 4 C~~~( , This page intentionally left blank R t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Museum Presenter: Janet Seapker Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Property at 13 South 8th Street BRIEF SUMMARY: Reconsideration from August 4th, 1997 meeting. The Cape Fear Museum's long range plan calls for the eventual expansion of the museum to encompass the entire city block bordered by Market, Dock, 8th and 9th streets. It is inevitable more space will be needed in the 21st Century, because of the demands placed on the museum by the community. Part of the long range plan, as approved by the Museum Board of Trusteed is to acquire property within this city block when it becomes available at a fair market price. The property at 13 South 8th Street has become available. The Tax Department estimates the value for this property at $84,746. The owner of the property has offered it for sale with a price of $82,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND FOUESTED ACTIONS• Consider purchasing the property. If the Board wishes to purchase the property authorize the Chairman to sign the Buy and Sell Agreement. Also, approve the attached budget amendment #98-0022 ~ Federal S: State S: County $: 82,000 User Fees S: Other S: (Money Is In Current Budget: No Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes New Appropriation Request: Yes (LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGFR'S OMM NT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ', See recommendation above. ~ - ~-` t~~l~R®i/E~ Ii~ECTEF~ ~' ~1,; A.Lo~,~i~ l~~~ovE~ ~~ .: 4 3 ~~r~~~l~~~l~s ~,s;.r~ ~ lg 9 Rcfcr to Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition , P_04 • NEW HANOVER COUN~'X ZN~ER=OFFICE ~ • !'e} n~ ` , i LI L - i V tl rr.w~ ....[a ~~a .~:1?-3., aW.1 "'..~~=.~'3._'S. ~+LVaf.+e.Ka~1e,.~:cL.- ..,~rl ....~fw. ~ ..e ri -. .N ~ W. ' /~ Date: December 30, 1996 To: Norma Trouttnan, Budget Analyst Budget O~ice , From: Janet K. Seapker, Director Cape Fear Museum, 4350 Subject: Capital Improvement Program Request Description of Project: Construction of West Gallery for Children's Museum and Property Acquisition for Parking and Outdoor Programming. Cape Fear Museum «ishcs to construct a 4300 square foot wcst wing to house a children's m~iseum and acquire property in our block for parking and outdoor programming space. The Service Need it Addresses: A Junior League task force identified a need for a children's museum to serve ages 2-6. Capc Fcar Museum, the league and the board of the newly incorporated Wilmington Children's Muscurn hati-e discussed combining efforts to provide service to the currently unnerved age range. Sun•eys by the league have pointed out the desire of parents to have a fun, play-learning environment for children. The project will also provide additional parking ~~'hich will be required by the city and outdoor space for children. We ;:ave virtually no outdoor programming space for summer camp, teacher work day programs, etc, and as programming space for reinactments and opening programs. In years past, eve used a near-by lot which now is not available. Proposed Timetable: i Obtain rights-of-first-refusal on 8 parcels ofprivately-o~mcd property bounded by Dock, Sth, 9th and Meadow streets. Acquire property as it becomes available. The interest in historic preservation is creeping eastward. If w~e do i~ot purchase property soon, w~c w-ill not be able to afford it and will be land-locked, unable to expand or change to meet the needs of the community. 1997-1998, the museum's 100th anniversary year, design and spec the west gallery. .. 44 1 1. 1 1 i~ l~, ;~, ;_ i y~ ~, . ~ 199$-1999 construct the , est gallery and exhibit components. 1999-2000 open the Children's Museum. Cost and Sources of Rcyeaue: Costs: property, 8 parcels with houses: $ 440,000 grading and paving parking lots: $ 75,000 landscaping and site work: $ 30,000 building design (architect and engineers: $ 41,796 construction & 10% contingency: $ 459,000 surveys, testing, etc. $ 10,000 furnishings and equipment $ 90,000 e:chibit design $ 125;000 exhibit constnuction: $ 500,000 Sources of Revenue: Board of Directors, Wilmington Childrens' Museum Jr. League of Wilmington Estirttatcd Operating Costs: , P. 05 landscaping maintenance: fabricator to fabricate and maintain exhibit components: 1 12/OOA, S20,717 plus benefits (ba_ted on 1996 salary schedule) early childhood learning specialist: 1 l5/OOA, $24,024 plus benefits (based on 1996 salary schedule) half-time housekeeper: utility costs: admin\capimpv 1 ~$ 45 r: .~ ~..'s-: - -; '~~-y- - x~ err # 5.,.. i.~. t Budget Amendment -~~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Commissioners' Office/ 98-0022 8/18/97 ~, Museum ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Commissioners' Office Appropriated Fund Balance $82,000 Museum Land Costs EXPLANATION CREDIT $82,000 To appropriate fund balance for the purchase of property located at 13 South 8`" Street. t~~~st~;~~;~ ~~~AMf~yl~t€~'~. ~;t~~ROVr"n r~~.~Eer~o r~~~ n~~,~;~, 46 ~ r-.~~nnc~v~.~ ~~~~~~~rvl` ~a For IIudget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting /and enter in minutes. .~L To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. a t NEW HANOVER COUNTY CAPE FEAR MUSEUM 814 MARI{ET STREET WII.MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4731 TELEPNONE(910) 341-4350 FAX (910) 341-4037 Date: July 31, 1997 To: Andy Atkinson, Deputy County Manager From: Janet K. Seapker, Director ~~ Cape Fear Museum, 4350 Subject: Property at 13 South 8th Street l lUL ~ ~ l iii f NE41' HA'iCV~R CQ. The property at 13 South 8th Street has become available. The current owners, represented by Charles Carver, were going to rehab it and have begun gutting it. When he learned that our long- range plan calls for expanding within our block, he offered to sell it to the county rather than continue with the rehab. His offer to sell is attached. In the last two years The Board of Trustees considered our expansion possibilities and concluded that the most reasonable expansion would be on the block on which we currently are located. Expansion will require ot>,r acquiring the remaining eight privately-owned parcels on the block. With that in mind I asked the Tax Department to do an appraisal of the property. Their estimate of the value of 13 South 8th is about $1700 more than the requested sale price. If we ever are going to expand the museum we ~~~ill have to acquire the property in our block. The historic district and rehabilitation efforts are moving in the direction of the museum. Those efforts are making property more and more expensive to acquire. It seems prudent to acquire 13 South 8th before it is rehabed end while it is affordable. cc: Board of Trustees building/propcrty.u•p6 47 t CAPE FEAR~MUSEIJM SITE j-13 S. 8th Street Y/%7/)-county-o~ncd property EYGHTH S TREET ~ ~ 0 30 u N~ .r :. ~. ~ z ~. .,. ~ c 0 X ~ = a u D Q~ ~ ~V 60 J ' ` /// i"i150~'/ / c~i :°. `" 90 CD . „ 100 ^' / ~o O _ 3 ~'' ~ 83 ~ ~ ,, I ~,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~? ~ NINTH y STREET ~" t~ H - ~ ~ 30 30 30 32. 30 H <0 110 ~ • -'7 -+ X u n O o tr .~, O ~ 9 ~. w c ~ ~ <0 m o m 4 .. ~+ v~ ~ ~ o a ~! r.i v ~ w - f"7 o N ~ O < m v z l _ u ~ N C ~ o ~ u u ~ -f v c t- v i N V ` C .-1 X ~n ~ > Z .. N ~ ~ ... ~ V ~ V a m a, ~ O C v O u ~ O 48 TENTS{ STREET P _ 0 1 July 31, 1997 ((~ ~J /lJ ~~ F~ 1' /~ r s i r t r f r ~-~T-~i-''?'~7 ~i~ ~~7rt1 ~R0f~1 ';JIL HiLT~ API July 31, 199? ;~1s. Janet Seapker Cwpe Fear Museum 't- is Fax: X41--~U~7 Dear Janet: Tai ~~414~~~ ~ F'. C~1 From my conversations with }you it is i~~}, understandinC that the County may bz intcrzstcd in properly I o~~n located at ? 3 South 3th Street for future 2xpansien of the Cape Fear iusaum. at this time I ~~•ould aecrot an offer t~~ purchase the propert}' fo: ~~~,C~(-t~. ThatLk }~ou for }~ot<r co-tsideration. . Si ~r.~ !,! i ~~ 4 ~, Ch r e,N~~Cstver 49 ~~ - ~-~ ~ ~ ~o ~~ March 4, 1997 To: Janet K. Seapker, Director New Hanover County Museum From: Jim Bethune ~ r,~i-. ~K'`~''~""~ Appraisal Setpervisor Subject: Opinion of Value Various Properties Blk 159 in the City of Wilmington I apologize for the delay in providing this information, and hope it will still be of benefit to you. My opinions of values-are strongly based on the "Cost Approach to Value" developed through our "Schedule of Values" projected for our January 1, 1997 revaluatioq now rescinded. My opinions of market values for the subject properties as of January 1, 1997 are as follows: Ll-South 8th Street: Two story frame dwelling with 2416 square feet of heated area. Tax Map No: R04817-041-001-000. Owner: Dennis R. McDondald 11 South 8th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $106,434 Less Depreciation .................................................. 23,415 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 83,019 Plus 12' X 14' Utility Building ............................. 335 Plus LAND ............................................................ 9,342 Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 92.696 ~' ~3 South 8th Street: Two story frame dwelling with 2300 square feet of heated area. Tax Map No: R04817-041-002-000 Owner: John Suell Heirs 13 South 8th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~J Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $107,731. 5 ~ Less Depreciation .................................................. 29,087 ~~ ' ~. Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 78,644 Plus LAND ............................................................ 6,102 Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 84,746 ~ 9 South 8th Street: One story frame dwelling with 1298 sq feet of heated area. Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $ 58,521 Less Depreciation .................................................. 12,874 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 45,647 ~~ Plus LAND ............................................................ 4,905 " Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 50,552 ~~, $07 Dock Street: One story frame dwelling with 863 square feet of heated area. ~, Tax Map No: R04817-041-006-000 Owner: Robert Lee Temoney 107 Saint James Court ,, Wilmington, NC 28401 Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $ 38,929 Less Depreciation ..............................:................... 8,564 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 30,365 Plus Land ............................................................... 5,040 Market Value by Cost Approach ........:.................. $ 35,405 815 Dock Street: One story frame dwelling with 1089 square feet of heated area. Tax Map No: R04817-041-009-000 Owner: Irene Kimberly Bowman 250 Lancaster Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Total Reproduction Cost New ................~................. $ 554,049 Less Depreciation .............................................:.... 12 110 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 42,939 Plus Land .................:............................................. 6,318 Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 49,257 ., $19 Dock Street• One story frame dwelling with 1939 square feet of heated area. Tax Map No: R04817-041-010-000 ~: 51 Owner: Mamie Gause 1201 yerkers Street Philadelphia, PA 19119 Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $ 78,924 Less Depreciation .................................................. 21,309 Total RCNLD ..:..................................................... $ 57,615 Plus Land ................::............:................................ '6,985 Mazket Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 64,600 $21 Dock Street: One story frame dwelling with 878 square feet of heated area. Owner: Webster Daniel Johnson _ 1200 Shenandoah Street Wilmington, NC 28405 Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $ 38,427 Less Depreciation .................................................. 10,375 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 28,052 Plus Land ............................................................... ~ 4,900 Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 34,721 16 South 9th Street: One and one half story frame dwelling with 1369 square feet of heated area. Total Reproduction Cost New ................................. $ 63,834 Less Depreciation .................................................. 21,703 Total RCNLD ........................................................ $ 42,131 Plus 10' X 10' Utility Building .............................. 200 Plus 10' X 18' Detached Carport ........................... 319 Plus 8' X 8" Utility Building ................................. 128 Plus Land ............................................................... 1,030 Market Value by Cost Approach ........................... $ 49,535 52 r t t ~~, l~ ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 - Zegulaz Item #: 9 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY• Library Advisory Board Board of Mechanical Examiners RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Make Appointments r~uNDING SOURCE• Federal $: Stale $: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: Uscr Fecs $: Other S: New Appropriation Request: `~~' LGL: i FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA R' OMMENTS AND RF('nMMENDATIONS Make appointments. --.~- ~. ~~~'~R®iila~ ~~ ECTED~ ;;F '. ~~~o~E~ :~ ~ 53 ~~ ~ ~- Refer to Ofrce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 2 VACANCIES APPLICANTS: Nancy Colbert ~ Frank S. Conlon ~ Cathy Lewis Stanley Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ,, ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X 54 ,_ . LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD ~_ Number of Members: 12 Term: three years ~, Qualifications: see page 3, Item B, 1-8 of Library Board by-laws. r Regular Meetings: Third Tuesday each month at 3:00 P.M. at the Library. '~l, statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governin and g Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: to develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and t~, capifal needs of the librar Board membe s a Y r re expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued r improvement of library services offered by the County. TERM ~' PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Frank S. Conlon First 8-31-97 1831 Hawthorne Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/22/94) 343-8089 (H) Jane I. Grant First 8-31-2000 111 Seapath Estates Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 4/21/97) 256-2922 (H ) 392-7682(W) ~~'~ Joan A. Harrison First 8-31-97 1715 Signature Place ~oe s nom . Wilmington, NC 28405 d~e s l r t ~ e ~- PPO1 ~ r~ei^fiAppt, 10/21/91) `~ 256-3328 (H) (Reappt. 22/94 Mary K. Molly First 8-31-2000 ~~ 4920 Seabrook Court Wilmington, N C 28403 (Appt. 8/22/97) 799-3733(H) ~, Lethia S. Hankins first 8-31-98 307 S. Kerr Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 8/21/95) ~' 395-0074 (H) ~ 55 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD CIIRRENT MEMBERS Alfred G. Lapitino 610-E3 Linksider Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 395-1314 (H) Vivian-Sue Penn MacCumber Terrace 6719 Cable Car Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 256-4848 (H) Ann W. Wilkinson 2220 5. Live Oak Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 763-6883 (.H) Fletcher C. Eddens 1730 Fairway Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 762-0600 (H) C. Elizabeth Gaffney 3723 Sand Trap Court Wilmington, NC 28412 799-3762 (H) Jane C, Gregory 425 R. L. Honeycutt Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 452-4303 (H) Mary E. Hatcher 1905 E. Lake Shore Wilmington, NC 28403 762-7259 (H) 6/97 file: /library.wp TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING. E%PIRES First 8-31-98 (Appt. 11/20/95) Second _ 8-31-98 (Appt. 4/21/92) (Reappt. 8/21/95) Second 8-31-98 (Appt. 8/19/91) (Reappt. 8/21/95) First 8-31-99 (Appt. 9/19/96) First 8-31-99 (Appt. 8/19/96) First 8-31-99 (Appt. 1/17/95 unexpired term) (Reappt. 8/19/96) Unexpired 8-31-99 (Appt. 6/16/97) 56 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~- ,320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 J-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to.Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~` Request for Appointment to: ~.~br-ate l~-atv~~o~ ~3oo~~.c~ Name: 1.~a~.w eo\be~~' ~` Home How long have you been a Address:_ oZtoos ?J.l.u.~,;.ra jk,,Q„ W-.~~~v~l~.~~Q~~dentofNewHaroverCounty? 3 y,AO~.~t Mailing Address: '~ • O . ~ o x \ \ p (o ~, - City and State: W ~;o,~~v ; ~~.e ~~c~ '~ e,. Zip Code: ag'{- $ o ~~; Telephone: Home: Qto 'aSc. -7.3o t Business: Zt Q ~; ~ ~~ 'Sex: •~' 'Race: 'Age: to ~-}- 'This inlormation is requested /or the so% purpose o/ essuriny thel across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: -- "Aperson currently emp~vyed by the e9rncy or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, See. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: `~~ Professional Activities: ci., VolunteerActivities: uq~,y ~o4.t:,~.dZ ~,;~ uQ~, ~ o ~ ~~„~ q `-o~bq g~ SrCi~-t v~.~t ~" Why do you wish to serv e on the Board, Commtttee, or Commission requestedT ~cccss ~v ~ \' h,~a.,..,, Ql~~t.... Y+~l. CCtaw~'4~P c ~o~F.-1 o~r e.Y+yati~+tv+'~' O~+nol ~,' ~~,~' 4~n~, ~` w o ~ l ~ \.ka ~o q. vi ~a ae..~ i.+.. r. ~ i~.a... ~u a wa~~- ~ ~ e v t~,What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~xe,.A~~~ a,r.a ad..:,•,i ~rcL~-tut, e.x e~.1eY.c. l; o ~ .. ~ w;-~ 1~L c~- What areas o/concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Z~ v.a.aQ S~r,,., '~ou... ~.ib4.nw t' 3~C-lv. ~-o C.v, :nt.. -40 w.l..~. r.uin' d1cY.~.a.-,.ll a u~.~ ..o....... Q o vn,nn.~.~ ~ ~-.~ , Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: -'-' ~ ~l~rt~~nnr~n f - - -~ ~ ~~ Dare: ~ ,q9 A116 0 S 1996 /Please use raver a side or additional comments/ NEW HANOVER CO. 60.OF COMMISSIONERS Signature d\cn..a,~S~.~Q„ a ~; ~ 5 7 4I I • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 , Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341.4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: `- ~$/z /~ ~' ~ /~y 1// cl' a /Z ~ ~o ~ ~2~ L Name: /L /Z ~ // /r s. C ~~, _ Q/yL ~~~ Home L How long have you been a Address: _ / ~ .~ / / /i9 y/Tll v ~z,~/G QJ, resident of New Hanover CountyT _ ~~ y~ ~~- Mailin94ddress: S~~ ~sc- City and State: W / 4 .y r n/ G Tc ,~! NC Zip Code: o~~ ~/Q .~ j~ Telephone: Home: ~I /O ~ :~ ~~ - ~O ~ 9 Business: 'Sex: _ /~ 'Race: !.t) 'Age: 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "A person current/y employed b y the agency or department for which this app/ication is mode, must resi9nhis/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. JobTitle: /~/L << c /9 n/~ ~• i o u•,2 / ,r-.~.i ~' a~ .c~,: /.: r/,y~" /Q -!'/ X11,1 C,7/r,~-, ..~ !J cl: /l~il ~ji riofessional,~ctivities: c,t „ c~,c ~ /,c~- 1 c•,~ ~,~-~ ~ J./,~~„ ~/ ,n~ c,,, ~~A a V~luntee~rActivities:/~+~,- /~.tc'irOGti~,^' Cli'!/~w1;2 ~;•r7rr4' ,yt/L',i/i.c,J r//i.r•,T~t ~C/LaI ~ LCVc.' ~'/,- ~ai.1.t r7~~lC,tlc.~ /.:C/Sj y //,l~~ l..:-ro. J C. //T.i.,; Si-~/Ks/~V' f~..rTt/L ~i1C.ic:.L f`e ` spy..' , Why do you wish ~to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~• ~/VlL~/t~°itO ~tr4 Cc .vCc.'iG.vJ,J) iti n/~ /-:i ~.1Lr u'~ G ill G/6/I,it g ' U What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~] ~ i /`/ rr~ y. ~ •t ti' /"7is7 C /6/1/1~t y~/J/!,/.r2T,t, rr A L /~,f 7 2,~!-,.J ~.~r~..r~/ c - :o -/ ,/~IiL. C L v "' / "' %~ + C' i i /' n./a c . ~Z C ~:, ~s iC r'9./~ c: ! d u.Z r n/C ~`'t q /'/!.C r = lJ:f'! C,aJ.I c Celt c.: ~t,l' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT ~'.!/~.rtir,c... G: = r,~ 2 /~C a'r fIJO/i /o./I~ x,1.4 /c//a'i ~~ /i/c rl ar• tJ ~: i .a. .c.' • i ...r g•_"t cr' l~ic'.cj A,/r~e you,,c//urrently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT ll so, please list: ~/ -' /VV'J r~/•l•..%:,,~x C'v ~./,~ , f'.cr rZ"G: f /"~.i.//:n/C ~~~/n/CiC 58 _ i~=~: `~ ~Vr a Date: / Lf' ~ J LD „~.,,~~ ~• ~/ v c.:, / 9 ~ Y Signature /Please use reverse side for additions/ comments! ~~ 2 6 9~ r . .. ~ ........ _ _ _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS ~~~ 1 1 Q 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~ ~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards,. Committees, and Commissions ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: (~.I~ ~...~r ( ,g2wsz ,~.l~s~R,... ~ra~v Name: ~~T«, , L c w •.~ S-rr a ~.. ~ v ~` Home U How long have you been a Address: _ I~ ~ , G S s =-1~.. ~ ~. ~ resident of New Hanover County? 1 c ~ y ,~a..s T Mailing Address: 1 ~-~ - ~S 5.~~--- ~,t• ,, s City and State: ~ rf , ~..,.,a c.-;t, .J ti C Zip Code: ~ ~y ~ 3 ~~, Telephone: Home: ci ~ ~ - ~ b 3 . ~g `~ ~ Business: ~-' 'Sex: -t= 'Race: ~t 'Age: 3~ 'This inlormetion is requested for the so/e purpose of essuriny Chet across-section of the community is eppoinled. "Employed by: .---._ "A person currently amp/Dyed by the agency or depertmenl for which this epplicelion is mode, muss resign his/herposition with '~~ New Hanover County upon eppointmenl, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~~ Pro/essiona/Activities: ~ ~~ lam'. ~+ ~ r k_„sa~ C ~ ~- ...~ i~ . Vo/unteerActivities: .-,~ ~' Why do you wish to serve on h t e BS .. ~' C 1 r-1+er. r~-~. 3 ;Committee, or Commission requested? , M ~ ~l ~t-~--- cn-..., ~ ` r,~., s S , ~,,,__ ~,~,What do you feel are your qualific ns for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re ueste q dl 1~e,.J a~ cam.. ,-..~,.,. ~ ., ' - ~ What areas of concern woul you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? _ ".~... ~~ ~;~~ '...moo ~ ~, ~ I•b , r..al~ ~ .L Cw ~ol}~ d ^ Are you currently serving~n another~oard or committee appointed by a municipality or ountyT if so, please list: 'ate: -~ t~ 5'1 Signature Please use raver a side for additional comments/ °~ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS VACANCIES: - 2 -MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS 1 -MECHANICAL JOURNEYMAN -CLASS II 1 - N.C. REGISTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER APPLICANTS: Mechanical Contractors ~, Larry W. Lisk ~ David Pope Mechanical Journeyman -Class II ~ ~ Carl Ricky Glover N. C. Registered Mechanical Engineer David Sims Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Application ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X 60 BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS ~- Number of Members: six members appointed by the Board of Commissioners, each with at least 5 years experience in his field, ~~ as follows: . 2 mechanical contractors licensed by the Board of Plumbing ,~ and Heating Contractors of N. C. . 1 person experienced in gas piping installations 1 person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems 1 person experienced in heat, ventilation and air Conditioning installations 1 N. C. Registered Mechanical Engineer ~~ Terms of Office: Initially, two years for mechanical contractors, one year for remaining three appointees Subsequent terms: Upon expiration of one-year terms: 2 years Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five ears' experience in his or her representative field. y ~~ Compensation: none Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes 153A-352 New Hanover County Code Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work", dated 7/20/87 and amendment dated 12/19/88. ~~; Brief on Functions: To issue certificates to all persons who (1) provide satisfactory evidence to the Board regarding their training and education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, ~. and (3) provide evidence of two years of experience in their perspective fields. To administer written or oral examination quarterly on the .first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. ~, The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with the County Code. ~. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES David Pope Mechanical first 8-31-97 609 Shawnee Trail Contractor Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt..9/18/95) 799-2387 (H) 763-7318 (W) Larry W. Lisk Mechanical second 8-31-97. 5600 Marsh Bay Drive Contractor Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 8/16/93) 350-0370 (H) 799-8810 (W) (Reappt. 9/18/95) ~~, 61 i U BOARD OF MECHANICAL E%AMINERS (CONTINIIED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM. CATEGORY SERVING ERPIRES Class I first ~ 8-31-99 Journeyman Mechanic (Appt. 8/19/ 96) Class II fourth 8-31-97 Journeyman Mechanic (Reappt. 8/16/93) (Reappt. 9/18/95) Class III second 8-31-99 Journeyman Mechanic (Appt. 8/16/93 to 1 year term) (Reapptd. 8 /22/94 to"2 year term) (Reappt. 8/ 19/96) NC Register ed fourth 8-31-97 Mechanical Eng. (Reappt. 8/16/93) (Reappt. 9./18/95) CIIRRENT MEMBERS Rhonda F. Beck 5417 Andover Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 395-1455 (H) 452-1064 (W) Jeff T. Lanier `~ 333 Toulon Drive David Sims ~~ 2721 Shandy Lane II Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0316 (H) 791-8016 (W) 8/96 \MECHANIC Staff Support: Wilmington, NC 28405 395-2926 (H) 763-8337 (W) Robert H. Williams 106 Mt. Vernon Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 799-4715 (H&W) Wes Gray,• Chief Mechanical Inspector 62 NEW HAN01/~R COUNTY BOARD OF COMMlSSlONERS 320 Chestnuf Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840--4093 Telephone (D19) 341-7149 FAX Sts) 3ai-~t3D Application tar Appo/ntment to Boardsy Committees, and Commissions \~' Appoinfed by the New Hanover County Board o! Commissioners. ~a, Request for Appofnlment to: D.¢,2 O' ~9 ~~1~1~.8~!/iC.9~ ~X/P~?i,r/~-.~5 Name: .~.~.<'.e~ '6i,/`, G~~,e - ... . ~` Hama How long have ybu bcen s AddrBSS: O resident of New Hanover County'! ,2 ~ Y,eS, MailutgAddress~ yr/no /~1,~~~¢r,/ ,QL2. Cdy and State: r ~ i p ~, C . Zp Code: _ .2 8 ~O 9 ~' Telephone: Home: ~,~ D - O ~-D/ Business: X49 ~ ,c~~t'Q ' 5e~c /~ 'Rats: !~/ 'Age: ~ 7 '77YS i~/vrr++etion b roquestod for the sale ptapose o/usurrty that ~ oioasaection a! the cavr~mia~dy Is appoirrtad ~ Jn /.vim 1~~/ ~~l C , ~'A persan eurren employed aY tl-o agency ar ol9yartrnant for d~Es appUraalon b made, mint n,al~ htayh mon w/tfJ Nvw . ~ limiavar C°<'rY~' upon ~pobrlment, In ~+~ -+~h Ard'do Vl, Sot, t of tho Nor Nanot~ Cotfsty Peraonr~et Polley. Job Title: /~,Q~,~~~~~ ProfessionalActivftles: t~~ ~~}s~ /~~~i~V~,t ~~,e ~a.~¢,~,¢Cf~.~ ~s s~~,},~~a.~ '~. Volurrt oar Asti vitles: ~~, Why do yvu wish fo serve on the 8oard,.Committee, or Canmission requested? ,AJ,~F~ ~n 5`,~-its What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested'I ~,c~ ,c ~©,G ~Jr~~,C ~Dy~/f,~S What areas of coneBm would you like to secs the Board, Committee, or Commission address? `~ (Pisase uss roversa side 1~or addtiontl oommentsJ f •~ Date: - 7 ~~~ ~93 a~~~~d~D l~3B93 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISCtntvFac - f Signature 63 SEP- 6-95 1JED 3:55 NHC COMMISSIONERS FAX N0. 9103414130 NFW HAIVOVER CC)UNTY 84ARD DF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone !910134!•7149 fAX f9i01341-4130 Application fore Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the IVew Hanover County Board o1 Comrnissionars. P. U? ~~ RequestlorAppolntmentto; Board of Mechanical Examiners Name: bayid Pope __ _ _ flomo +~ Now long have you been o Address: 609 Shawnee 'trail residentotNewHanoverCountyT 18 yrs__ MailinyAddress: 609 Shbwnce Trail ~ ~ _ City and State: Wilmington NC Zip Code: __._?x412 ~__- ` Telephone: Home: 910-J99-23A7 Busincs~: 910-763-7318 •Sez: M `Race: W 'Ape: 3 9 y_r a• _ • This tnrormorion /s r•gvoaf•e ra (A• sole purpose or assuring !lief a cros~s•ction or IA. aomn,un:ry u eppo;nf•d. •'Employedby: Hanover. Iron Works •'A p•~ron curiendy employed by rh• eponcy o~ dp~rtm•n! !or which lAis ~ppl~t~tion is nr~0o, must re~iyn Alrrh•r positron -virh Nrw kenovr County upon tppoinlm•nt, h eccordmct w/t/~ Arrich vt, S•c. 4 of tAe Naw Hanover Cov.~~y Personnel Polity. Job Title: Vice President Pro/essional Activities: Volvnteot Acrivincs: Why do you wish to serve on the Board Committee, or Comm/sslon revuested? Point of view. » .. 'to entor my er. • -- - --~ - _... ---~-- What do you fee/ ere your qualif%cal%ons for seivr'np on tho Board, Committee, ci Commission icQuesredT ,_, 2U years + in trade What areas o1 concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Cvnvr~irtce, or Comm%ssion addressT . ~,,,, Arc you currently serving on another Ooerd ar eomm/rtee appointed by a municiparity or a county? l1 so, grease list: No Date: l~ ~' ~ 1 ne r ~ k~ tPhese use reverse r/d~.lor sdd;rlonel corrur+enfr,C'.f ~ 6 95 " ~:. i:.U ~`~ CO. r _ .. 1..., ••..~~+ d ~~ v~...:..i 7.,:0 ~ U J HANOVFR COUNTY N~'W BOARD O~ COMMISS/ONFRS ,~ ~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 "~ Telephone 19101341.7149 FAX f91 Q1 341-4130 Appllcatlon for Appotntment to Boards, Commhtees, and Cammiss/ons •~~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board o1 Commissioners. Request /ori4PpotnfinerJt to: ~~~~ Q~ JYf~C/,~i9.t~/C.QL ~~.~~.~~~' ~~~~ Name:~~/q~C~• ~...~ C /l. y .••~-L. ~ ~ G ~s ~ ~~ O I.l ~C' N~ y ~ ~'. V ,., ~ - f{o,,,o ! ! ~ ~ J ~_~~~ How long have you beans `-7~ ~~- residento/AMw•Ha»overCou»tyT^ •• ~• MsiT Address: - ~- L~ .~ - t:iry end Stete: t~i~.S7L ~ ~`7i~ V/f/ ~T~~' Z'p Code: ,~ '~f - G / Telephone: Home: ~1 ~~~~z~,~~ Busine/ss: / l~ - 7~ ~ "' ~h ~' •Stx: ~/`t L ~ `Race: ~ 'Ape: (v •TNt hlormatlat is r~vw+td ror the soli p • of ~rsuriny th.r • coasa~ctlon of th. amity is •ppanNd 01. c~ p • •Etnployed by: .~~ ~ '- ~~~ / ~~/ ~-S /.~/iC/Q ..--. ~* '•,1 pr+on eurnt/y.rraoby~d 0y th~.p.neyor d~p.rtm~ntf whi thrJf 's ~ppGcifion Is d~, mwt aiDn Aix/h.rpositioe 1Hth New Hanorr County trport eppolntm~nt, !n xcardenc• with Ardd. Yt, J.c. s o/ tA~ N~vr N~nowr County P.raonn.l PoAry. / / O ~~ ,,//~~ Job Ttlo: ~.~~,rn.l~ 1 G.~7 ~ ~~ .t~ /,Q.~4 Cl0/~•_ ~, , Prolessionnl Activities: _ ~1Q~/7l/~ /C]- ~ ~ ! ,S' M Lam' VOluntelrACtiYIfiCJ: _~~K.LJ ` _ 1 J _ L~' (//~G Cf c..~ r ~r 1 C.~ ~ o WT,y do you wish h serve en the /card, Gmmittce, er Gmmissiert re~uestedl /Q_ _ /~t/SU,~~ ~t- _ / S D r~ ~'~ .~ic~-~7` ~s~ ti~.9Q..T~ x'7.3' ~ M~~s7~~ ~,, V19aat do you lee/ are your gvallrcaNans for servinfl on tAe Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~ Li4 S ~i'~i~Er~/~N~ ~'' ~/Y ~i~E' /~l EC,~/.~~C~9 ~. ~ i~~.,~ '~. Whaf areas of caitcem would you like to see the Boerd, Committee, or Commisoon addressT YY('~iC.. ~- G R L i ~/ . S7~'ON~~ /~/SAT/D~ ~ / ~1/e ylou current/y sorvinp on ar~oiher board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT It so, please l/st: ~f `~ Oate: ~~ l / `- / ~ Signature ~-,~~,~ {i~lt+. us. r.v.r~a,id. lot ~ddition~/ ccmn+anLtl '~: 65 DAVID SIMS & ASSOC. TEL No.919-791-8016 SeP. 6.91 14:10 P.02 Board of Cammisstorters ~ • New Hanover County •~ 320 Chtstnut Street wic~~~n, tvorrh t.,f~„otttia ~ ~-,toss Tclephone (919) 3d1-7149. lica ono ointm t to Boazds Committees and Comtn~eions `~ App ti f r App en , Apppintad by thQ Now Hanover County Board of ['aunty C.~mniissioners. • ~J Request for Appointment to: ,. ~nARn nF rr~-HArrrc~r. HXA jig - N~- ~+ eg • Y`'~~cH • £-~g ' fPtaast tyrc a p•fRt In Dfad h{~' l~Tame: flAVTf] ~TMS. _ F Iow Iona hgrc you bccn a Address: 2721. sEUNrn L~ resident of New Hanover County? `_li ~S WILMINGTON, N.C. 28409 Telephone: Home: 350-0316 Business: 791-6016 ' '~ Sex: M ° _ _ _ • pace: ~ w • Age; 't fimployed by: SELF-EMpLO~ `. ',. Job Title, eoNSULTINC ENGINEER Duties Performed: MDCHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ErlczNegtlNO ' Professional Activities: AMERICAN INSTIZVI'E OF CHEMICAL EtvczxEER.S ' Volunteer Activities; ROTARY :, . .. Why do you vnsh to serve on the t3oard, Committee, or Cammisston requested? T I CAN BE OF SERVICE. TYltal au uu 1tel rue yuut tiuullll~uilutt~ fV{ ~~{ 111{6 wi 114 Dua~d~ floma,al~~~, .r :~mm{Ct~~M requeste~? . ~ ' PAST E} IPI~KF. VYhdt areas of Concern would you like to see that Buartl, Gl~uuiiillre, or Commt~sion addre~~' ~~ ' Th16 In fbrmotton k rsgurcuQ fur th r:vkF+YT~(JVr of Ifif111j/1~ IhHt w { I{7N"^'liil,l of ~1oc a~rn,n~ndy u ~pyoinlo/. ~ A.paeort currently nrrpfoycsl by the agency o-depa~l+Kcn! for which this rrpptlcation is naaAt, fnusf fzsigf{ hisJletf l~ +10J1!/Ufl wilrl?Jcw (IvW9ti!' OO.~IIr ~~~~ ~y~.aln/rtvul, in..oonJ~nH.rUJ, Arfi~~1 ~~, ~ A,~I1.~ N n Hawrnvr CoventyPer3onntl Poilry. Date: 9-6-91 ` • SiSnnture This application will be kept on fife for one year only. (Please use reverse side for additional comments) • .. lU'd Ul;tblbtblii 'UN Xdd Sa~NU1551ulaUJ JHN ~U.tf lid lti-y -d.~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 AUGUST 18,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 67 2. Approval of Minutes 69 3. Consideration of proposed contract amendment #95-0142A 71 Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant - Headworks Improvement and approval of associated budget amendment #98-0018 4. Consideration of donation of Kings Grant Water System 73 5. Consideration of Wrightsboro Area Water and Sewer Study 79 NCDOT Reimbursement Agreement #98-0086 6. Approval of Budget Amendment #98-0017a to budget 81 appropriated bund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1997 Adjourn 67 Tlris page intentionally left blank 68 x~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 ~. Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item.#: Department: Governing Body - Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ' SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes . BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Approve the minutes of August 4, 1997 ECOMMENDED MOTIQN_AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - Approve minutes ~' , e~ k~UNllING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: _.: . ;COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS. AND RECOMMENDATION ~,-~,s,...~- '' ft~`~G°i`Ir~ . -'~A~OVE~ i Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ j~ ~~/ ~/'7- This page intejitionally left blank REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting. Date: 08/18/97 . Regular Item #: w&s#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District .Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Proposed Contract Amendment #95-0142A Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant - Headworks Improvements ' ~iRIEF SUMMARY• Construction of the Ogden Interceptor will significantly increase the wastewater flow to the Northside WWTP by approximately 1,000,000 gallons per day. This increased flow will greatly stress the head-works .(grit chamber) in it's present condition. It is recommended that the District proceed to expand the grit chamber along with the Ogden Interceptor. This would be a portion of the District's plan. The referenced atendment (copy attached) with McKim and Creed would provide engineering services for design with a proposed fee of $35,200. The estimated construction cost is $350,000. This money will be transferred from wastewater impact fees. The contract is available for your review in the County Manager's office. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• I recommend that the amendment be approved in the amount of $35,200, with authorization for the Chairman to execute. In addition, please approve associated budget amendment #98-0018. k U,~U1nG SOURCE: Federal S: State $: ..Money Is In Current Budget: Yes I3ud~et Amendment Prepared: Yes County S: 35,200 User-Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: ~LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Recommend approval. -.-.~-~- ~_~__ _. .~*.a masr~~ at;;,~ ~. l~~:IE~TE~ ~ "~; ~'~°~~~@n~~ ~~ ' ~ , Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for DisposiUOns~~ ~ / ~ ~'/ ? ~~ -,•.~~~ ~ ! `: Budget Amendment //O~/////////////////////////////////////////%///////////////~~////////////////~//////////////O/ 1..:: WATER ~ SEWER : .....:.c~ • D DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Water & Sewer District Escrow 98-0018 8/18/97 Ogden Interceptor ~ • . ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT Water 8~-Sewer District Escrow ° .. _ ApQropriated Fund Balance ~ .$35,200 Transfer/Sewer Capital Project ~ $35 200 Ogden Interceptor Capital Project Operating Transfers In ' ' .(from Fund 801 - W 8~S Escrow) $35,200 • Ca~ ital P o' p r sect Expense $35,200 a 0 EXPLANATION ~~ ~ a ' • To budget funding for engineering design services to expand the head -works (grit chamber) along with the Ogden Interceptor (th roposed fee is $35,200). -This is an amendment to Contract #95-0142A. ~~ + ~; , _' ~ ^ ~'~~®~~~ For Budget OfGce~'s approval; then report to Co i i 7 , L ~,~~,'~~'~~~i 2 z~ mm ss oners at next rcgular meeting ~ and enter in minutcs. Q '.R~ItAOVE~' ~,~~ , • To be approved by Commissioncrs. I~~~~l4~~r .. Tobe entered into minutes. ti ~~ ~., . a i 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: w&s #4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa a Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: W att E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Donation of Kings Grant Water System _RIEF SUMNIARY• See attached memo. ECOMMEND D MOTIQ R T D I I recommend that the Commissioners consider acceptance of the Kings Grant water system and if accepted, authorize staff to proceed with a contract. k-UNDING SOIIRCE• Federal $: Siate $: County $: User Fees S: Other $: !Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: LLGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT BOUNTY MANA ~ R' COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• Recommend acceptance of Kings Grant water system. ~~~lC?VEID :~ ~~"~®~~~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Hr1!lctin Board for Disposition iJ~E1 . ~,,,,,~,~~//~~~ r, ""' NEW ECANO'VER COUNT`1' IN'T'ER-OFFICE sMEMO August 6, 1997 TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P. _ County Engineer RE: Agenda Item Donation of Kings Grant Water System The owners of Kings Grant Water System is offering the water system to the District as a donation. The District would pay the closing cost to transfer the system. Staff has made an inspection of the system and has derived an estimated cost of $200,000 to place all above ground facilities in good repair. The major items requiring repair are building roofs, electrical controls and wiring, telemetry, painting and/or replacement of water tanks. The system presently serves approximately 2,.100 customers including 28 commercial customers. The average daily water usage for June was 468,700 gallons for residential and 82,500 gallons for commercial. According to a system appraisal prepared by Dawson Engineering for the owner, the system presently has 167,2001inear feet of water line with 52,300 linear - .feet being. asbestos cement pipe. Asbestos cement. pipe is safe and does not present. a threat to the customers. This type pipe causes more of a maintenance problem since it will shear easily. There are five wells (one is not in use) and one 250,000 gallon ~ . elevated water tank. The system value is $3,199,000. The water quality is fair due to the iron content. A chemical is added to keep the iron in solution. The greatest concern is the amount of asbestos pipe and the 74 Board of Commissioners ~ - Page Number Two August 6,.1997 condition of the above ground facilities. If the system is accepted, it would be necessary to make the necessary repairs as soon as possible. , Acquisition of this system would require one additional employee and a vehicle. The total cost of the vehicle and the additional employee, including benefits, would be $60,000. The District presently has 3,943~water customers. This addition would being the total to 6,043 customers. , ~. ~ 75 ~~ Commercial: 28 customers 1 Noble • Trask School 27 Other Rates: ' Fixed bi-moly First 10,000 Next 100,000 >110,000 Residential: _ 2,072 customers 1 avg customer Gal. per day 468,700 226 Other 20.00 10,000 12.50 100,000 100.00 24,444 18.33 134,444 150.83 6 905.00 27 524,435 Gal (bi-moly) 28,122,000 13,572 Rates: Fixed bi-moly First 10,000 Next 100,000 . > 110,000 Bill per avg customer 530,675 Avg Customer 4.25 10,000 12.50 3,572 3.57 0 0.00 13,572 20.32 6 121.93 2,072 5252,648 Combined Projected Revenue using current rates 5283,323 KINGS GRANT WATER SYSTEh;: Year 1 Year 2 Revenue: User Fees (2,100 customers) 5 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 283,323 5283,323 5283,323 5283,323 5283,323 Expenditures: Salaries 8 Benefits 40,000 41,000 Operating expenses 42,025 43,076 44,153 125,000 128,125 Capital Outlay 131,328 134,611 137,977 20,000 5,000 Extraordinary Repair 8 Maintenance 5,000 5,000 5,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 385,000 174,125 178,353 182,687 187,129 , Excess revenue over expenses (101,677) 109,198 104,970 100 636 96 194 , Cummulative (101,677) 7,521 112,491 , 213,127 , 309,321 ~ Note: Salaries & benefits, and operating expenses projected to increase annually at 2.5°J° First year includes purchase of vehicle and extraordinary repairs of 5200,000 ' Con ' of 55,000 included in subsequent years for capital outlay Gal per day Gal (bi-moly) 82,500 4,950,000 22,000 1,320,000 60,500 3,630,000 27 134,444 100.83 Noble/Trask ..20.00 10,000 12.50 100,000 100.00' 1;210,000 907.50 1,040.00 6 6,240.00 1 56,240 KINGSGNT.WK4 r /'~f~/ spy ~P" ~. <y~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~~~1J ~1~AN~ ~ - \ `~-FiAMPSTED~ ~, p , - ~PINEHURSTC ~ OF~ ~,~~~j~ ~~ M m~ ACRER _'-,_ e~PC, x ~~~M ~~ G~,. ~ y „o ~ _ ~ a MURRAt VILLE MAIDSTONE ~ • ~ r 9? CRANBROOK~ C s ~ P RNDq~E~ O~ Zo ~ ~~ _ • woo0 R PO ~~p ZQ3m D aem BErI'~ < ~_ ¢ i ~~,~ ~ ~~~~ TRc~ ~ OD SOgERMgN r 4'ti P.~ ~' °~ ~ KS DR '- ~ G~of '°' ( SHE~~ND0.4H i ~„~ VE -~---BAVARI7~~ - ~ , - E3S - - H F A LN m ~~ ; G '`SH ~~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ •~•• TALBURYLCT ^'~ I ~ ~ 132 I ~ I ~--~THISTL CT. BURY= C • 1 '~ OQ ' ~ D>zZ ~MIG T 1 WSGATE~ LN - ~ , ~ ~ ° RA /1~96'A O qO~s ~" ° D " SH2 uV /• .. •• • Ot0 2 kSPBERRY RD PLA`iC A .~. /' •.~ ` ~• ( • ~ ; ~. EWBERRY RO TUP • ~ ~' iS ~ • ~ -E-~ / I ~~ ~~ , ~~ ° D ~ PESTAT000 ~~ o~ Q. ~ - I - ~ mQ O p" fy I . ~ (~ O Q • J I ~ - ~ ~ C7 I = '997 ACwnl~ Map: .z ~ ~ ~ ~ O > c ¢aY 9g1F ~ h = ¢ O~ a ANA' ~ ~ t °~ P c~~ of-g~ gcaFS ~ Rey ~~ ~; a. ~ +~' k AMARE_$ RED I~ml R OR a~ T m~° ~ c ~ _' P4RKWC~DO v'~NhO ~ O ~q T COVEIITRY q p ~! < PARK • ~ ~p~r F,~~ Mq G~YMVOQfl^--~ J DEER. W ~`I ~ R.2, AlyJti,V .~• FS `~ ~SOIlTNG.t7c'pR ti~WE57. o ~ I ~~ RO Im ~Gj Y'BP.OOK c~I ~~v 1G*1~` 9~ ~ OOR 2~~ t. SHAwCT Z~CA ~ •-~; ..' ~, PO~~, ¢IELUO---~R ~0 2. SIDNEY OR • ~ ~ ~S E I _RHnGRiS' '~O ~~ 1 - ~. DUNBAR CT ~ C~9~ ~_ !~ m 9 LEX RO 5. GOLDEN ASTER CT • Q ? f p ~ WILAIIHGTOn 6 CHERRr IAUREI OR ~ ~~ a~ of oP CHURCHILL ~•„I•~,.,~r ~ ~~ ~'\ 9 • ACAIOEN.Y MEmORInI 0, RUSHwOODO CT • ~ /~ ? U, •.• ,y QO 9: : ' 'SCHOOL 9. BATSONw000 C7 ~ ar ~ V) ~CV9Z p f0• K!/,/ 10. WYCK FARM WAY • ~ ~•• ~ NaANO OP ~o ~A•1~ J' KINGS KIN +,`-¢ ~ \~q Q~ '~ ''•~,,~ o . o KE NINCS-ow s 'RY ~ Z GRANT GRANT ~• 4•. ~'1~ FN eC~p (71~ 9CBiCl~ici. '~ ~ ` KIM$ IM~D ~ CAq(~ ,Pf...RK F/T2G~ 1JUt•/IIVI~I~ .qV\ O(Y!I ti. i• -11Z '1'pq , '° ~ ~1~~ o -' L LN <*B1(RO/~ ~ Fly,, D ,2. c,-. T lF, ^ KlrvOg pq C ` ORD r,AES. ~ Z- ~r Q '9 . ~ • ~•+ HERYt • • O T'GS 7 ~!~ -o•> I Dq ~~D ~'J~' n r m e ~ LF F•Q,~'- y °FB A lti ~ i 9 (~ Q' r ~Q a~ K!N D~ 'o ~ o O ~' ~ CH- q--~~ H .~ rk\ ~ qH Oq -+tu'u,~ A~At l • O 7. Ro ~oRO l~ o O~K AZS+ol__ -¢-.~F o Q/ ~ ~- ~ ~ •, ~A p .y NANC CT 2~~~ ~ F^C~ r- C~ ~T O. p i. • OL R T '_, ~C P P ~ 9 ~/. 'C. GA ~~ 9,.a ~MI00~``' o)~ SHE S F'og' P P"t,0 P~ \ -. \G yr ~" 'C'l t~ 1. I-IANCHES ER • p v0 Q P/ Q- X50 S 5~ t2 . s~ SPRIN WI SIAM I Q`~ t ~!Aii N DR ~DSON3 0 ~ ~~r' ~k~~',osy2,~/~O ~`O~O QQ~9y C9 P ,1.. VJ W D vailD ¢~ !"_~ o Q ~- UI¢~ Q~ ~c o~E/y '1<` w AN I D Q ~. w O P00 ~ 2 C~~ ~J ~ a `iBAA olo , P~ O~ J+ ~ ~ N`~~ ~.^-J'' ~ ~CT ~ sPRINC•otilEW • m F R ~ ~'.a O v ~~S<~ PP`E < N~69K 21o W 3' ~R I O ASHFOt~O q~ pJ~. A N Al Q oR' ¢ ¢ s RIPS°~ • -z URBRIOGF ~ Q' DAYS, o•-v oP T OR i•~ c~+o~~~~WO q --o ¢ oR _..¢I~ ~ RD ~ ~ l~' 9\9 { W -~_ _ .. ~ ~^ rJ ¢ j BERK\-~c Clp~'9tii ~ ~9 ~ ' ICJ '9 Q R ~ F PKW T`1'~+t1t2D ..,>-~~I..~ Q_.~ . -.'9Y G- - -FL~WFr~ .-- NTcRS ,~, pR S' a p9 ~' c~N ` /: v~2,~2 MST 2.W1 ~ C ME \ 17 I ~ ' 1 h~Q~~`P w.._. m CR=STWOOD OT DR ,`o o ~' •~~ ; ` _ -, ' ~ FOX • ~ C!9 aRp~4 . ~~~ ` I ~ ao¢ w ~ .~ CT~~ i l ~~ p/' -AP~ R ~~<. ~~ -, .. fir/( ` G ~ ~ \`,` °N~I °`° ''~. ~~~'~ `•~ .~'•, ~. ~ ~ ~E~4 p ~ ~ ~ MAP-NOTTO-SCALE 8-6-97 .. This page intentionally left blank 78 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: w&s#5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard - Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: W att E. Blanchard SUBtiTF_.CT: Wrightsboro Area Water and Sewer Study NCDOT Reimbursement Agreement #98-0086 BRIEF SUMMARY• NCDOT-has requested that the County provide an estimate of costs to construct water and sewer lines to .serve the residents around the area of the western outer loop. Staff requested a proposal from a local engineering firm, Kimley-Horn and Associates to make a preliminary cost estimate. Kimley -Horn. will perform the work for a lump sum of $15,625. This information was provided to NCDOT. NCDOT has offered to pay $7,500 of the cost. They have also indicated that they may participate, if water and sewer system construction results from the study. The District's share of the study would be $8,175. A map is attached indicating the study area. 12ECOMMEND .D MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the Commissioners consider the request and execute the contract. r~uNUlivy SUU[ZCE: .Federal S: Stare $: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared; County $: 8,175 User Fees $: New Appropriation Request: Other $: Consider request and execute the {' ~ ~ ~ . ~~'~l~r~~lnl~ ~,~ ~- ,., ~~:~:~GT~n ~ 7 9 . l~~P~QVEI? ice. . ~Y~~~~~~~1~ . .~. Refer to Ofi+ce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ .~....•r~/~ ~«/ ~-7 , ~, acr,vi~wt~,y tsY• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: WATER & SEWER DISTRICT ~• BLId et A121e11dn.1e UGUST 18,.1997 . g m No. W&S#6 ~ %////////////////%%~~%~i///////%~//////'%%~//////////////////////O~~%//////////////%%~///O///////////G////////////////////////O~///////////%%////////O/////////O i ~ `WATER & SEWER DISTRICT~~ ^ .DEPARTMENT Various ADJUSTMENT Water & Sewer Fund: Sewer Operating Fund Appropriated Fund Balance 1 1 1 1 1 BUDGET AMENDMENT.# 98-0017a DEBIT $383,876 ~~ _ Water & Sewer/EnQineering Contracted Services Cleanup Departmental Supplies Capital Outlay Motor Vehicle Purchases EXPLANATION DATE 8-18-97 CREDIT $ 71,993_ $ 2,680. $ 1,394 $275,392 $ 32,417 To budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1997. The. amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid (adopted in the budget ordinances for FY97-98 dated June 16, 1997). i /~ a ~ ~; r~.:e~cT~~ ;fir ~ . ~~~MOV~~~ ~`~~~ '~~~~~ .fi For Budget Officers approval; then report to Commissioners at ne~y(t~,3r meeting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes.. - ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ,,\ Ni I.L .LI1I.~^////~/^ ~~L`Y :wv:~;s:. .,.: ~`. ~ ,.c?i,7~ ~~ August 4, 1997 ~, TO: Cam Griffin, Budget Director FROM: Bruce T. Shell, Finance Director~l7~' Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent (;ALL RE: Budget Amendment for Rollover Attached are budget amendments to rollover funds from fiscal year 1996/97 into fiscal year l 997/98 for the outstanding purchase orders. These are purchase orders in which the work was not completed or the items not received by the fiscal year end on ]une 30, 1997.- Please place these budget amendments on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for August 18, 1997. BTS/aa ' ~ ~ 82 ,"~ ~ ';' ~ - 1 M} ~ '. HANOVER COUNTY D AGY ORGN Ot3J PURCHASE ORDER ROLLOVER TO NEXT FISCAL YEAR BACC t~0 NUMBER AMT DESC 470 4197 3700 84197-8520 1,400 Mowing Sewer t.IR Stallons 470 `' 4197 3700 84197-9364 16,491 Study for Generators $00 470 4197 .3700 84197-9706 6,800 Survey 8 Design Contrail 470 4197 3700 84197-8561 2,750 Engineering Services 470 4197 3700 84197-8447 40,052 Design Contract 800' -470 4197 3700 . 4197-8839C 4,500 Scan Drawings 470 4197 3945 84197-9312 2,680 Sludge Remoral Contrail 470 4197 4210 84197-9277 554 Rocketpor! 8 ports 470 4197 4210 84197.9683 840 Slx Untt Charger "800 470 4197 6400 84197-9683 34,941 Radios 470 4197 6400 84197-8906 29,162 Telemetry System Upflrade 470 4197 6400 84197-9669 5,505 Pumps 800. 470 4197 6400 4197-8839C 7,695 SoRwrare/0ata Base 470 4197 6400 84197-9658 198,089 Generators 470 4197 6450 84197-9407 27,975 1-1R Ton Truck '800 470 4197 6450 84197-9408 ' 3,602 Truck Utility Body 470 4197 6450 4131-9406 840 Excise Tax for Vehicle TOTAL W 8 S FUND 5~83,t3713 1 ' • ,~ 1 ~LL WK4 . 08/06/97 83 6-30-97 ' This page intentio~ially left blank 8~ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUGUST 18,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes $7 2. Approval of Contract for Professional Services with UNCW for 89 Tidal Creek Water Quality Studies and authorize the County . Manager to sign 3. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 101 Fire District Collection Reports . 4. Award of contract to the Community Boys and Girls Club for 1'05 operating the Community Alternative Education Center 5. Approval of Resolution adding the following roads to the Statc 109 Highway System: Roads in Woods Edge Subdivision 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #97-0020 to transfer funds from Planning to MIS for the GIS 113 System. ~. #98-0016 to rollover expenditures (as outlined on the attached 114 Budget Amendment) from FY97-97 to FY97-98 C. #98-0017 to rollover funds from FY97-97 to FY97-98 for 118 outstanding purchase orders which was the work not completed or items not received by the fiscal year end on June 30, 1997 85 This page~inte~itionally. left blank 86 REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell S 1~B ~."Ti Approval of Minutes F TMMa~v~ ~ Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of August 4, 1997 ^ ECOMMEND D MOTION AI\'D R QLIFSTFD A~TiONS• Approve the minutes ~~ Ir UNDING SO 1RC Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget:. Bud et Amendment Prepared: 1<tEVIE~'VED I3Y• LGL: BOUNTY MANA( Approve minutes. FIN: ,-.,, County S: User Fees S: New Appropriation Requcst: BUD: Other S: HR: ~- ,~ n I~E~~'ED !~' ~ - f~~EMOVED ., ~~~1~PDi~F~, #. Rcfcr to OlrcrVision Bullctin Board for Disposition n c n ~; n Ci t ' s ` '~ '. ~ ~( ^J REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: department: Planning ~ Presenter: Patrick Lowe 'age Count In Agenda Package: 10 Contact: P. Lowe SL113JECT; Contract for Professional Services with UNCW for Tidal Creek Water Quality Studies BRIEF SUMMARY• This item is for information purposes. It is a budgeted item for the 1997-98 fiscal year. The attached contract for services with UNCW provides for the continuation of the water quality studies in the major estuarine creeks. The study focuses on developing an understanding of the water quality in the tidal creeks, identifying sources of pollution and providing recommendations for management strategies. These studies were initiated in 1993 in response to growing community concern over declining water quality in the tidal creeks. They aze intended to provide objective, scientific data that can be used in the development of the Land Use Plan Update, watershed management plans, and mitigation efforts on Futch, Howe, and Hewletts Creeks, and which helped lead to the reopening of Futch Creek to shellfishing in 1996. RECOMMEND D MOTi(~N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve contract and authorise County Manager to sign. d' VP[lRIVV li K h Federal S; State S: Money Is In Current Budget: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: 20,000 User Fees S: Other S: ~~ w u uY• ZGL: APP WCOPLEY .FIN: APP BSHELL New Appropriation Request: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ('OUNTY MAMA ~ R' OMMENTS ANn RFM1~r1vrF>\rnd•rrn>y Recommend approval. 1~~'EC7~i0 ':~ ~, ~~~ov~® x ~ . ~ ~.9 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dis sition F ~~ ~ 7"`~(^(r~''~'a`-~ Po 1~~ -- PROPOSED TIDAL CREEK STUDIES FOR 1997-1998 SUMMARY Bradley, Hewletts, Howe and Pages Creeks.- The following parameters will be sampled at established stations throughout the creeks: water temperature salinity dissolved oxygen ~ nitrate orthophosphate ~ ~ chlorophyll ~ fecal coliform bacteria (Hewletts Creek) benthic macrofauna abundance-and diversity In addition to the above, a number of special studies will be conducted during this period. These include: I. An analysis of the water~quality conditions supporting the growth of the'toxic diniflagellate Pf e~ria RL~it<id~ (in cooperation with Dr. J.M. Burkholder of NCSLn. 2. A series of clam transplant experiments to determine growth and survival of shellSsh in creek waters of differing quality. 3. An analysis of inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios to help determine which nutrients most stimulate algal blooms in the creek. 4. A study of the effect of golf course runoff on Hewletts Creek water quality point project with the Cooperative Extensive Service). 5. A study analyzing the nutrient retention and nutrient loading characteristic of wet detention ponds in the Hewletts and Bradley Creek watersheds. The above work will be conducted in conjunction with the New Hanover Conservancy Grant to UNCW/CMSR ($20,000). It is likely that other additional work will be accomplished by students during independentresearch projects, and environmental analysis work on Futch Creek will continue to be supported by the Northeast New, Hanover Conservancy. , 90~ ~~ :~t :~~ ~~ ' ~ WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS OF ". NEW HANOVER COUNTY'S TIDAL CREEKS ~. ~ Tm[~erative for th~,,St~ New Hanover County continues to experience substantial growth in suburban areas during ~- the 1990's. Hundreds of housing developments have been build in this decade. Amon man 8 Y . .environmental impacts, these suburban developments have had both direct and indirect effects on the ualit and uantit of surface water reachin the creeks and other a tuarin q. Y q Y 3 s e waters that nearly sun-ound the county. These effects include increased loadings of colifonn bacteria, nutrients, pesticides, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, sediment and fresh water. Previously pristine '~ - estuarine waters have been, and continue to be, under the pressure of population growth in the region. Paradoxically, many new residents cite environmental quality as a primary reason for their selection of southeastern North Carolina as a home. The administrative offices of New Hanover County have carefully considered the impacts . of development on estuarine resources, however, the lack ofdata concerning the role of natural processes in the county's estuarine waters and the effects of some development practices on estuarine environments has made the task of maintaining undefiled estuarine environments difficult. Many county citizens including government and business leaders, conservationists and I , . .scientists are concer^ed that unless sound scientific data can be collected to serve as a basis for informed decisions, the future productivity and aesthetics of the estuarine waters will be compromised. The Universit of North Carolina at Wilmin on throw h the e . Y gt g C nter for Manne Sciences Research (CMSR) proposes the continuation of a study that .focuses on developing an understanding of water quality in the major estuarine creeks of New Hanover County. The proposal provides the opportunity for New Hanover County, North Carolina state environmental ~. .agencies and the University to cooperate and share resources and information to respond to the rapid population growth of the county. . ~- z 91 1 We are pleased to report that this study has already yielded results and data leading to management plans. These are summarized below. ProQrecc to Date and Mana~ mP ~~ations tJNCW studies have provided important data concerning Futch Creek water quality and areas of pollution. Based on these data, and subsequent investigations of sources by Shellfish ,Sanitation, the dredging• of the bar at the mouth of Futch Creek has become a success. LJNCW is continuing to ..monitor the effects~of dredging on Futch Creek water quality and intends to continue,this next year assuming private funding continues. This effort has already spawned three more.University/government/privafeeoncern pollution mitigation efforts. County and'UNCW personnel have cooperated~with Landfall'representatives to developaereated-wetland pollution mitigation.project along the south shore of Howe Creek. A site on Hewletts Creek is also being proposed for a constructed wetland. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service has initiated a joint project with UNCW to investigate the effect of golf courses in the~Hewletts Creek watershed on downstream water quality. This'projeet will also include applying Best •.•Management Practices to.the courses,•and production of a homeowner's guide to environmentally-sound practices, compiled jointly by the Extension Service, the New Hanover County Planning Department and UNCW. Water quality'samplirg by UNCW personnel will evaluate the effectiveness of these projects: These are the type ofscience-based, cooperative management-oriented efforts we hope will continue to evolve in the future. Ouc sampling efforts have thus faryielded data describing where pollutant "hot spots" are located. in Bradley, H~~we, _Hewletts, Futch; and Pages Creeks. We are also learning low seasonal changes affect water quality parameters. Our tidal studies have provided us with valuable information on changes in fecal coliforms, nutrients, and chlorophyll over tidal cycles and on how rain events affect pollutant runoffand tidal creek water quality, particularly in Futch and Page Creeks. We have also described the effectiveness of wet detention ponds in reducing pollution to receiving waters. Finally, we are continuing to compile information on how creek water quality affects shellfish growth and abundance. Our intent is to continue these studies until each creek is . fully characterized, use these data as a basis for special investigations, and provide suggestions for management-related activities. 92 ~ .3 Scone of Work Scientists associated with the Center for Marine Sciences Research will conduct-a study of the physical, chemical and biotic aspects of water quality of four major tidal creeks next to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, namely Howe, Bradley, Pages, and Hewletts Creeks. Two major ~. foci of the study include: 1. Physical, chemical and biotic description of the creeks ~- 2. Analysis of similarities and differences in creek ammeters P The physical, chemical and biotic description of the creeks has been conducted from 1993- 199~ with each calendar ear rovidin a framework for collection of baseline h sical . Y P g p y , cherrucal and biotic data for the creeks under study. The first year we studied two creeks (Howe and Hewletts) intensively while conducting basic monitoring in the other three. The second year Futch and Pages Creeks were studied intensively. The third year Futch and Bradley Creeks were ~_ focused on with Futch and Howe Creeks emphasized in year four. Permanent study sites have been established in each creek for standardized comparison of data collected between different years. This approach allows the systematic study of the tidal creeks yet remains within the ' defined limits of people and fiscal resources. As this work progresses, the scientists will focus on assessing the similarities and differences among the creeks studied and assess the effectiveness of --- ------- current management guidelines.. Emphasis is placed on practical, management oriented research that can help maximize the usability of the creeks for county residents. Beyond these two general approaches to the study, we will continue to periodicall Y conduct narrow, focused research while collecting the general creek data. These studies address . specific scientific questions or management problems related to tidal creeks with an objective of providing an answer to a question or seeking an appropriate solution to a perceived problem. We - w711 propose these studies annually based on need and the interest of the county's environmental managers, the scientists involved, and nonprofit environmental organizations. In summer of 1996, we discovered a large population of the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria iscicida in anutrient-enriched branch of Hewlett's Creek. The presence of this organism demonstrates that this is a system under stress. We plan to conduct. a survey of various locations throughout the New Hanover County tidal creek system to search for P ria and understand the environmental conditions it prefers. We also plan to expand our nutrient analysis of the creek waters and determine the inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus ratios for each branch. This will allow us to predict which nutrients cause the algal blooms we frequently find during summer. U STUDIES AND IViETHODOLOGIES Water O. ~aL'ty ' An analysis of basic water quality parametcrs will be maintained at our established locations in all creeks. The physical parameters will include water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. Nutrients will include nitrate and orthophosphate, and chlorophyll g will be used as a measure of phytoplankton biomass. Because of the discovery of the toxic diniflagellate Pfiesteria '~ i ' in Hewletts Creeks, we will conduct a survey of 13 stations throughout the tidal creeks to look for concentrations of this organism. Identifications will be confirmed by Dr. JoAnn Burkholder of NCSU, the world ' authority on this organism. We wiU also collect additional nutrient~samples (ammonia, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus) to understand what kind of environmental conditions Pfiesteria i prefers. ~ u Fecal Colitorm Pollution We will concentrate our analysis of fecal coliform bacteria ollution on Hewletts P Creek. This is a watershed of continuing growth and shows signs of environmental stress. ~ We also have ~ the advantage of our joint project with the Cooperative Extension Service anal zin the effect of ~ Y B golf course runoff on Hewletts Creek, and how Best Management Practices can reduce pollution. Pesticide Pollution A number of pesticides, including 2, 4-D, dicamba and acephate are used in area golf courses. We intend to test asemi-permeable membrane device (SPMD) as a means of monitoring pesticides in the environment. Variations of the SPMD system will be tested for effectiveness in Howe and Hewletts Creeks (below the golf courses) with the ultimate goal of making practical recommendations for monitoring pesticides: . 94 5 ~ c t ~, pistribution ,rnwth anrt C~~.~.,C.,~1.-PCtienrc~ We have monitored bivalve populations in the tidal creek system over the past three years. We have seen significant differences in both species composition and size of organisms among the creeks: Surveys of natural clam and oyster populations will be continued using the quadrat survey ~: method as in the past. In addition, we will utilize clam transplant ex eriments between creek P s of different water quality. This will allow us to determine which creeks are most amenable to clam ~, growth, and what water quality factors ma retard clam rowth and survival Y g Yet Detention pond, c Previous studies have demonstrated that wet detention ponds m New Hanover County do not all function the same. In fact, some of them may end up contributing more nutrients to creek waters rather than removing the nutrients. Our continuing detention pond work will focus on the Hewletts and Bradley Creek watersheds, which offer the largest amount of ponds and the largest " variety of pond types. These studies will include measurements of sediment phosphorus, total algal biomass, blue-green algal biomass, nitrogen fixation potentials, and what nutrients limit the growth of algal. Alanag merit j rtivec I. Analyze the data collected for the tidal creeks, assess the environmental health of each creek and identify locations of heavy pollution input. 2. Compare and contrast the creeks in respect to the physical, chemical and biotic factors measured. Explain similarities and differences observed among the creeks and relate to strategies for creek management. 3. Prepare recommendations for short- and long-term management of New Hanover County's creeks. 4. Follow the effectiveness of applied management strategies. Study Produ tc. " 1. A series of maps depicting the drainage basin, bathymetry, and land use will be prepared. Overlap maps showing tidal ranges, temperature, salinity and.turbidity. These data could ~. be entered into the New Hanover County ARC/INFO GIS system. 6 95 2. Quarterly and annual reports describing the distribution of coliform bacteria, levels of nutrients, chlorophyll, organophosphorus pesticides, and diversity of benthic fauna will be prepared. 3. • Based on the results of the studies, specific management guidelines for maintaining or enhancing environmental quality of the tidal creek will continue to be furnished. 4. A separate report describing the results and interpretations of the special focused study tv~ll be presented.. Timms The individual creek study will begin no later than 30 days after this agreement is signed and continue for 12 months. Data will be collected at intervals determined by the principal investigators. Quarterly progress reports will be circulated to all parties and an annual report will be prepared by the project director and submitted to the funding agencies no later than 14 months following the start of the study. Princin;~l inv~g rc The science team is an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington associated with the Center for Marine Science Research. The study will be coordinated by Dr. James F. Memtt, Director, Center for Mari,~e Science Research, with day- to-day operations directed by Dr. Michael A. Mallin. ~~ Salaries 515,750 Fringe Benefits _25 Total $20,000 RESEARCH AGREEMENT Ylniversity of North Carolina at Wilmington and . • New Hanover County 1. Background. The tidal creeks of New Hanover County are being directly and indirectly impacted by the substantial growth in suburban development occumng in recent years. The lack of data concerning the role of natural processes in the county's estuarine waters and the effects of some development practices on estuarine environments has made the task of maintaining undefiled estuarine environments difficult. Many county citizens including government and bus'~ness leaders, conservationists, and scientists are concerned that unless sound scientific data can be collected to serve as a basis for informed decisions, the future productivity and aesthetics of the estuarine waters will be compromised. To gather sound scient:-rc data to address this issue, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, New Hanover County, and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management agree to work together to carry out The New Hanover County Tidal Creek Analysis Program. 2. Project Supervision. The Project Director for this activity for UNCW will be Dr. James ' Merritt (Center for Marine Science Research, 7205 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, N.C. 28403). The Coordinator for New Hanover County will be Dave Weaver. Rich Shriver of the NC Division of Environmental Management will also partici ate. Chan es P g in these assignments must be approved by all parties to this agreement. ~. 3. Scope of Work. UNCW shall achieve the ob'ectives outlined ~ in the attached Scope of Work. 4. Period otProgram. The work covered by this agreement shall begin August 1, 1997 and shall terminate July 31, 1998. Future phases will be negotiated for respective creeks on an annual basis. 1 8 97. 5. Duties of UNCW, UNCW shall furnish the necessary personnel and other appropriate support necessary to accomplish objectives of this agreement. All fiscal records shall be retained for a period of 24 months after the termination or completion of this ro'ect and P J shall be available to agents of the County. A report summarizing the data collected and the conclusions of the project will be submitted to New Hanover County, and the D-v-sion of Environmental Management by October 31, 1997. Monthly progress updates with brief quarterly re orts will be made availabl P e to ass-st -n -dent-ficat-on of pollution types and sources. ~ ~ f~l 6. Fiscal Arrangements. The total costs, including indirect costs, shall not exceed $20,000 for New Hanover County. The University will provide additional funds to cover remaining costs. The County will provide the funds according to a ,mutually agreed upon schedule following approval of the agreement. 7. • Right to Publish. UNCW reserves the right to publish the results of the study in another format. g. Termination. Either party may terminate this agreement upon four (4) weeks written notice, in which case allowable costs shall be limited from receipt of said notice to those a costs associated with the orderly conclusion of work. FOR THE UNNERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WII-MINGTON Pamela B. Whitlock, Director of Research Administration Jamejs~~. Merritt, Project Director FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY l~~ 1~~~ Date ~G9 Date Allen O'Neal, County Manager Date Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Date 98 9 (~ S. Duties of UNCW. UNCW shall furnish the necessary personnel and other appropriate support necessary to accomplish objectives of this agreement. All fiscal records shall be retained for a period of 24 months after the termination or completion of this project and shall be available to agents of the County. A report summarizing the data collected and the conclusions of the project will be submitted to New Hanover County, and the Division of Environmental Management by October 31, 1997. Monthly progress updates with brief quarterly reports will be made available to assist in identification of pollution types and sources. 6. Fiscal Arrangements. The total costs, including indirect costs, shall not exceed $20,000 .for New Hanover County. The University will provide additional funds to cover remaining costs. The County will provide the funds according to a mutually agreed upon schedule following approval of the agreement. 7. Right to Publish. UNCW reserves the right to publish the results of the study in another format: - " 8. Termination. Either party may terminate this agreement upon four (4) weeks written notice, in which case allowable costs shall be limited. from receipt of said notice to those costs associated with the orderly conclusion of work. FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON ~~a, Pamela B. Whitlock, Director of Research Administration Jame~~. Memtt, Project Director FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY to\~Z.1.4~ Date ~G9 Date Allen O'Neal, County Manager Date Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~ Date •9 99 This page inte~rtionally left blank a t ~. 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/8/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: 3 Contact: Patricia Ra nor ~LIBJFCT; New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports B F IMMARy Collection reports as of July 31, 1997 ~.~4~MENDED MOTIQN AND R .nI1FSTFn a rrinNS• Request approval of these reports vnult~h JV VKI.~' Federal S: Slate S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcquest: $ud et Arnendment Pre ared: ~. 1tEVIE~'VED BY• . . ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval of reports. ~r ~i r~ + ^, ,~ ,_ ,fst'~F~~~l~l~ ~ ~ ~~~:~~~~~ ~ 1 ~01 ~~~~~~Q itefcr to Office ~ ision Bullctin 8oud for Disposition ~M"~~~~®~~Q ~~~-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA GATE=--------- ITEM N0.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/97 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 AD VAiOREM H OTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED S .00 f _ 31296.31 LESS ABATEMENTS ~ 0 0 116.97 -- 0 311.63- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED --- f ---------- - .00 S -------------- 31101.65 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 00 . .00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE ___ _ f _ _____ _ _ - 0 0 S ___ 31101.65 - 0 0 15~376.19- OUTSTAPJDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED - --- ; -----=---- - .00 f -------------- 15 725.46 ~ .00'C« 49.44'C« BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED S 46805.92 LESS ABATEMENTS 1 ~57b.47 4~995.01- TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE __ i 43387.38 140.30 OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED _____ _f _ 43y527.68 .32y _ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1997. ECTFULLY SUBHITTED~ ~~ , - !1 PATRICIA ~J '` V l . RAY JOR COLLECT02 OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 49.44•!. t NEN HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 07/31/97 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1997 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AOOEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES AOOEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES OUP COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 3ALANC~ PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS • Ens COILECTIOtJS ,. - AD VALOREM --- - i ---- --=00 .00 - .00 -- - s - ------.00 .00 .00 - ---- --- _ - .00 - .00 ---- - - s - - --.oo .00%« CONSENT AGENDA DATE _________ ITEM N0._____ MOTOR VEHICLE S 1~337~309.36 4657.07 __ 10 ~893.92- S 1~331~072.51 .00 _ .00 S 1~331~072.51 634~973.69- S 696098.82 47.70%« FISCAL YTO 260,948.52 7675.00 .00 S 2~469~667.19 10184.20 14~365.81- S 2~465~485.58 173~534.03- S 2~291~951.55 7.04% JUL 1997 260948.52 7675.00 .00 iui~~ hONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTIOtJ OFFICE FOR NEN HA,VOVER COUNTY CITY OF NILMINGTON I:RIGHTSVILLE BEACHr CAROLINA BEACH ANO KURE BEACH TO OATS - si~476~696.52. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINN N I G JULY 1~ 1997. RE ~CTFULLY SUBMITTEO~ ~- ~ , PATR~CIA ~S. RA~(ybR (~ COLLECTOR OF R~ EhU~ * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 47.70'C ~. 103 b a~ a W y `a ~W o p ~ w p~ J s p y O~ a~ ] ado. ~~ao ~ 5. ~ 3 ~ a ~ °' ~ ~ d o ~ o G ~ s ._ -- V~ f/~ -.. p .'7 O h O ~ _ P7 .-. f~ y. ~ 1 ~ 1 1 N y v .... ~ ,... r-. W ._.. A .A. w A W A N 1 tJ O ~ v+ Oho O o O ~ w L.1 -- J o o~ ~ ~ 69 , 6'9 1 1 ~ , N W to A W .... W N O~ 3a N Q~ O O A O ~^ -~ ~ V O , O W '1 J O O~ ~, v9 1 1 N ...~ N rONo ~ ~ N --~ N ~ pp r... W VI W ~1 O Ja ~D ~ Oo O 69 1 ~ 69 1 N --~ J N ... N pp W N J 0o O 1 pip ~ W ~O 00 A J In O~ "" ~ .A. oo N ~+ N z m ti ~ r x. 0 z ~ ~ ~ 0 0 d ~' ~ •~ ~ .~ z h -~ o -~ N ~ C7 y 104~~ . e t Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: ' Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact• Andy Atkinson REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/18/97 SUBJ_F.t"T• Contract award to Community Boys and Girls Club of Wilmington to be the lead agency for Governors Crime Control Grant BRIEF STIMMARV• The County was awarded a grant (accepted by the Board of Commissioners July 7, 1997) to establish a program for young people who have been suspended from school or who are on probation in the criminal justice system. A subcommittee of the New Hanover County Crime Commission has been working to establish this program. It is recommended the program be established as part of the Community Boys and Girls Cjub on Nixon Street. Their Board of Directors has endorsed the program. This contract establishes the operational aspect. A memo is attached explaining the operation of the program. The contract is used in order to facilitate establishment of certain grant programs without the County being required to increase staff. The only new staffrequired will be the School Resource Officer who will be an employee of the NHC Sheriffs Department (not part of this request). RECOMM NnFn ivtnTrnN AND REOCIESTEn Ar-rrnNC~ Authorize the designated County official to sign the contract with the Community Boys and Girls Club of Wilmington. A copy of the contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. I Federal S: State S: Money Is 1n Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: t County S: FIN: APP BSHELL User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN Other S: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGFR' COMMFNT AND RF('nNr~r~'rtne-rTn~J~ Authonze signing of the Contract with the Community Boys and Girls Club of North Carolina to operate the "Community Alternative Education Center." No County money is requir~or this program. Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~i'~~~vlr® :~_ July 28, 1997 To: Interested .Parties From: Community Alternative Educatio - nCenter Subcommittee RE: Community Alternative Education Center New Hanover County received a grant of $288,000 from the Governor's-Crime Commission to establish a program for young people in our,community who have di~culty conforming to the standard school environment. These young people will be either long-term suspended students from the school system or will have been placed on probation by the court system. In order to make the communit aware oft program and how it will impact the citizens we have attempted to answer quest ons concerning the program below. Where will the program be operated: The program will be operated as part of the Boys and Girls Club. Classrooms will be provided at the Boys and Girls Club site at 901 Nixon Street. ~niti., ... .~ _ r, _ • • •-~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ai ~u ~r s ~iu~ location chosen: "The Boys and Girls Club movement is a nationwide affiliation of local, autonomous organizations and Boys and Girls Clubs ofAmerican working to help youth of all backgrounds, with special concern for those from disadvantaged circumstances develop the qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders." We and the local Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors believes this program exemplifies this mission. Who will be in the pro ram: The program will have hvo components; young people who have been long-term suspended from middle school, and young people who are on probation. The maximum number of students the program will initially serve is 60. Each student entering the program will be required to meet certain criteria, such as a desire to be in the program, parent participation, etc. This criteria is still in the development stage. The students recommended to this program through fhe court system must also meet any additionally established criteria. What is the focus of this prograrrl: The goal is to reduce high-risk behavior U of young people in our community. Our objective is to provide a safe and secure facility for education and life skill needs while increasing the public safety for the citizens of the County. Our antici ated resul p , t ~s to reduce the dropout and delinquency rates for juveniles. The specific program objectives as outlined in our grant proposal are: Increase coordination. and collaboration in providing services to juvenile offenders, develop comprehensive community- based alternatives in the county that will support the new sentencing structure; 1 O ~ .. ensure closer supervision and accountability of juveniles sentenced to ~J Jwenle Center forSuccess Page 2 community sanctions, reduce probation violations among juvenile offenders, reduce truancy and the number of school dropouts, implement new educafional strategies for high risk students, provide a transition program that will help students successfully reenter the regular school system, provide ~, students who would otherwise belong-term suspended from school an a/temative education setting, reduce the number of students entering juvenile court system, assist juvenile offenders in overcoming substance abuse, increase parent involvement with high-risk youth, increase school and community program /involvement with juveniles on probation, and increase the use of volunteers with high-risk youth. ~\ ow is t e h Sch~~l System involved in this program: The New Hanover County School System will provide four teachers and four teacher assistants r _ for the program. In addition, the School System will ,orovide supplies, classroom equipment, and food services. - ~~~~~ virQO miaaie ~cnoo~ be used for this pro ram: Food services will be - provided by Virgo. The meals will be transported fo the Boys and Girls Club for the students. The students will not be on the grounds of Virgo. - What is the difference between the uccess Center ro ram currentl operated by Virgo and the Boys and Girls Club and this program: The ,~, program currently run by Virgo ~s for students suspended for 70 days orless. These are not considered long-term suspended. The new program will address the needs of those students who have been suspended formore than 70 days. Also, this program will involve students who are on probation. ~, What are the times of operation for the program: This is not fully established, but we anticipate hours from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. What happens when the students arrive at the Boys and Girls Club eacF~ mom They wdl go directly into their classrooms. There will be no `hanging out." What happens after school: Programs will be developed to furtherassist the ~, students in their special needs. Programs such as anger management, life skills, substance abuse, the ropes course and others wdl be available. Who supervises the students: During the school day, the teacher, the assistants and a school resource officer will supervise the students. After school the program staff will supervise. If there are other uestions lease contact A d q p n y Atkinson, Deputy County Manager, 341-7184. Please keep in mind that this program is in the very early developmental stages. We have many details to coordinate before im lementing the center. This information provided by the Virgo Middle School PTA, contact, Karen Egerton 763- , 1166). ~' ~ 107 t . - ,This page intentionally left. blank 108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/21/97. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa a Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Additions Adopt resolution adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Roads in Woods Edge Subdivision MENnED MOTIQN A~1D REOLIRSTFn A('TtnNS• Adopt resolution )h~UNDING SOUR _F,: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Bud et Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ~r.viGw~V t3 Y', LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval. ~~~~~~~~ ~~` ~a Refer to Office Vsion Bulletin Board for Disposition~~ ..~.~/1~ ~'~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina COUnty Of New Hanover Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System (x) ' ~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being all of the property owners on section 1,2 b 3 woods Edge (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number in uP~ ue~n~q County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ~D is miles in length and at the present time there are occupied homes located on 'the road a~fd having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways a right-of-way sixty (60) feet in width extending the entire length of the road that is requested . to be improved along with the necessary areas for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways in order that the Division of Highways fulfill the requirements of Chapter 1244, 1959 Session of the General Assembly of North Carolina. ' REMARKS Two copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: Sandy wood V-pres ... SQ-~Q~ ~~~~` ` 17th b Independence, Inc. P 0 Box 15156 Wilmington, N C 28408 f ... Revisedt~6~ SR-1 (6-78) All previous forms obsolete lul ~ ? 9.~ 1991 i Nfly NANpV~ ~ ~ • r ~_ • _ ~ • - ~ ~ ~~ •• ~ ~~ . ,~ ~ _. _. . ~. CROSSWINDS DRIVE • U Z ~ • cr HIDDEN VALLEY ROAD ° o ~ " ~ a w o ~ • ! J 2 o SODS EDG i ~ ° DRIVE SI t V o • vi m ~_ - N . G Q 'S ~ . ~~i ' FINER R Oqp ~~ ~ocA~o~ ,~, I N.T.S. I ~ ~ s ~, I I ~ I I.~ -•-•- ^~- -. I __...._ • -- :~ I - -~ '_- i _~ _. ._._._. ,- 1 14~ ~ ~ ~ • 1 ~ t .~ ~' 111 ~' ~ ~ ~ .- i . Tltis page intentio~ially left blank CONSENT AGENDA BUdget Amendment AUGUST 18,1997 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~~ Planning/MIS 97-0020 8/18/97 . '. ADJUSTMENT Planning Salaries FICA Retirement 7 Medical Insurance Lt. LTability Insurance _ Contracted Services MIS Salaries FICA Retirement Medical Insu; ance Lt. Liability Insurance Contracted Services DEBIT $46,066 $ 3,677 $ 766 $ 4,914 $ 110 $85,000 ,, CREDIT $46,066 $ 3,677 $ 766 $ 4,914 $ 110 $85,000 EXPLANATION To transfer funds from Planning to MIS for the GIS System. The GIS Coordinator and GIS Analyst will also be transferre to MIS to better coordinate the technology-based functions of the County. ~,~ ~ For Budget officc~s appro~•al; thrn rcport ~~R®~%~~ . ' to Commissioners at next reEular meetin¢ ,;+~~ ~~:~,I:~T~I~ ~~ ~~ and cntcr in minutes. '~~ • ~ ~,~~OVE~ ,,~~,~. _ To be approved by Co~n'~S~crs. ~~~,~,~~ ~~ To be cntcrcd into minutes. CONSENT AGENDA - AUGUST 18,• 1997 b Budget Amendment ITEM N0.6B DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various - 98-0016 8-18-97 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: Commissioners' Office Appropriated Fund Balance $660,165 _ Countv Manaeer Capital Outlay $ 8,000 MIS Contracted Services $ 26,000 Property Management Other Improvements $ 13,000 Emerecncy Management Contracted Services $ 2,000 Emereency Mana ement Humcane Preparedness Contracted Services $100,000 EMS Capital Outlay $ 62,000 Motor Vehicle Purchases $ 32,000 Inspections Capital Outlay $ 60,800.. Outside ~A~encies/Economic _ & Ph sical ~ ' City of Wilmington $ 1.0,925 ~~ , 114 ~, ~i -, ~.. . _ ~.. . ., ... Budget Amendment ~ ~////~/%~%~~O//~%////////////%%O%////////O%%////////////~%~%%//~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE , • Various 98-0016 8_1 8.97 ~' (Continued) ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ~ Health/Administration ` Contracted Services $ 6,000 ~ _ Health Animal Control , Other Improvements $ 55,000 Social Services/Administration Other Improvements $100,000 ~ ~ Education , Land Cost $ 65 000 , Parks Other Improvements $ 84,000 Contribution/Outside Agencies $ 10 000 useum . .`, Other Improvements $ 2,562 Plannine Contracted Services $ 22,878 ~, I r ~. ~ I ~~ I 115 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE • Various 98-0016 8-18-97 {Continued) ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Fire Service District: Fire Departments Appropriated Fund Balance $297 819 '. _ Ogden VFD $ 77,500 Fire Operations Other Improvements $ 71 900 Capital Outlay $ 86,000 Contracted Services $ 3,425 Departmental Supplies $ 3 198 Initial Supplies $ 3156 Fire Fighting Supplies $ 9 746 Uniforms $ 5,463 Safety Equipment $ 30,379 Maintenance & Repair -Autos $ 2 052 Fire Services Administration Capital Outlay l $ ' S 000 ' U t 4 t • 116 ~• • ~- Budget Amendment ~. DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various 98-0016 8-18-97 (Continued) EXPLANATION To rollover the following expenditures from FY96-97 to FY97-98: General Fund: County Manager's Office - PIO position's capital outlay A1IS -County's new electronic mail system '~' Property Management -carpeting for Commissioners' Assembly Room Emergency Management - development of plan for citizens with special needs during declared emergencies ,, Emergency ManagementlHurricane Preparedness - htamcane related repairs still pending in Property Management, Engineering and Parks ~~ EI<1S -one vehicle and an automated patient tracking system Inspections -automation process Outside Agencies/Economic & Physical - City of Wilmington -Unified Work ~, Planning for Transportation Health Administration -wiring building for computer automation Health/Animal Control -replace facility's floor ~, DSS -repair facility's sub-flooring and replace carpet Education -road access improvements from Carolina Beach Road to SchooVPark property purchased ~~iuring FY96-97 Parks -Phase II of basketball courts at Castle Hayne Park and Myrtle Grove Park Museum -brick work related to paving project Planning -remaining balance of Unified Development contract and Inter Local Estuarine Creek Study , ~' Fire Sen~ice District: Fire Departments -Ogden substation costs Fire Operations -startup costs for 421 North Station ;~, Fire Administration -office furniture and panels - ~_- :~. ., ~, I~~'E0~'Ei~ 1~~£iVIOVEI~~ ~~ ?` ~__, For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at n 't meeting / and enter in minutes. ~ ~~ ~L To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. Budget Amendment CONSENT AGENDA ~` AUGUST 18,1997 ITEM N0.6C y DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~ ~-.-J Various 98-0017 8-18-97 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT General Fund: Commissioners' Office ~.,~' Appropriated Fund Balance $657,583 ~; U Finance Departmental Supplies $ 1 229 M1S ' Contracted Services $ 6,293 Departmental Supplies $ 5,058 Capital Outlay $ 27,139 Tax Contracted Services $ 1,579 j~ L- eQal l~.l - Departmental Supplies $ 1,476 Property Management Contractcd Services $ 34,15? Other Improvements $ 69,313 Motor Vehicle Purchases $ 17,755 u En~ineerine Contracted Services i $ 63,367 i Sheriff/Administration . Capital Outlay $ 6,189 SherifU911 U Departmental Supplies $ 1,429 Capital Outlay $ 53,538 Emer~ency ManaQement/Hurricane Preparedness • Contracted Serv~ces ~ $ 700 ~-' M & R -Buildings & Grounds ~ '~-, 1 1 gM & R -E ui ment ~ $ 1,500 - ` ~ ' $ 14 85 q p . , w : , , 1 Emer~ency Mana ement Capital Outlay ~ $ 1 X990 Budget Amendment DEP ARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~; Various 98-0017 8-18-97. ` (Continued) ,~~ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ' Courts Ca ital Outla p y $ 4,895 ~ Inspections ~ - -Contracted Services $ 16,550 Capital Outlay ~ $171,477 Planning Printing $ 4 950 ~'. Capital Outlay $ 2480 Motor Vehicle Purchases $ 15,662 ~~ HealthNector Control Departmental Supplies $ 876 ~ ,~ Health/Animal Control Departmental Supplies $ g76 ~` Health/Laborato Departmental Supplies $ 438 Health/Admi i n strat~on Contracted Services D $ 5,800 epartmental Supplies $ 2,754 Capital Outlay $ 3,244 Health/Nutrition Departmental Supplies $ 219 ~ ' ~ I-lealthlI D ' Contracted Services $ 1,350 ~ Departmental Supplies $ 438 ' ~~ Health/Personal De art e t l S li 11 p m n a upp es $ 438 9. . ~ ~ ~. Budget Amendment . ... ...... ..........................,,,,,.,..,...,,,«,...,...~....~..~,~......~..w.~~~~~.uvuvvuiiiiiuiiiuiiizroioi////.~i//////////G!(///.Gi%/.(////////// DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various 98-0017 8-18-97 (Continued) ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ ~ CREDIT Health/Maternal Health Departmental Supplies $ 438 Health/Family Plannin -Contracted Services $ 1,548 Health/Child Health Departmental Supplies $ 219 Health/Proiect Assist Departmental Supplies ~ $ 219 DSS/Administration Departmental Supplies $ 1 095 Capital Outlay $ 36,703 AQinQ/Senior Center M & R Equipment $ 275 Departmental Supplies $ 45 Other Improvements $ 10,504 Capital Outlay $ 2 022 Library ' Departmental Supplies $ 795 Capital Outlay $ 41,081 Parks M&R Buildings & Grounds $ 1,323 Other Improvements $ 1,400 Museum Printing' $ 11,815 . .Departmental Supplies $ 1,045 n• Other Improvements $ 3,250 12 ~' apital Outlay $ 3,801 • Budget Amendment ;~. DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~ " Various 8_ 9 0017 8-18-97 • (Continued) x ~~ ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT ~~' Special Fire District: • Fire Departments Appropriated Fund Balance $399,326 ~ M t V hi l , _ o or e c e Purchases $358,526 Fire Services/Administration Departmental Supplies $ 3 413 Capital Outlay $ 2 536 ~' , Fire O erations Departmental Supplies Ca ital Outla $ 572 p y $ 34 279 Environmental Management FunJ: ` ~, Environmental Management Appropriated Fund Balance $407,145 ~" WASTEC/Administration Other Improvements $ G 377 '~ Capital Outlay , $340,155 WASTEC/Maintenance • Contracted Services $ 1,520 M & R Buildings & Grounds $ 8,355 , M & R Equipment $ 12,270 ~ M & R Autos & Trucks $ 3,800 ~ Recycling . Advertising $ 1,803 Contracted Services $ 28,900 M & R Buildings & Grounds $ 3,965 i ~: ~ 121 . ~~ ~ ~ . Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various 98-0017 ~ ~ 8-18-97 • (Continued) EXPLANATION ~- ~~~ To budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1997. The amounts should be added to each appropriation as it appears in the budget ordinance '~ j in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which i 's paid (adopted in l~ the budget ordinances for FY97-98 dated June 16, 1997). t~ e;~®i~l~ 1 ;~ - - ' F•ii~~ECT~D~~ ; ~;'w'% Por Dud ~t on ~cer: ri g • pproval; then report 1 ~ ~ [~~~(7V~~ to Commissioners:,t next regular meeting ~ ~~ u~~~ll~ ' and enter in minutex. ' ~,~ ~ ~ g 7 _~_ '~ ~ 'ro he aprroved by Commissioners. ~~' ,_ '~ ~ '1'u be enterrd into minutes. fv nM~vUVC!'( I.UUIV I T P'Ur(I,nNJC UKUCt't t'(ULLUVtrC 1 V IVC/l I l'IJI,NL TCNt( p_~yU_y~ .. u AGY .ORGN OBJ BACC PO NUMBER AMT DESC 110 410 4131 4210 4131.9713 t775 Renovation Supplies 10 410 4131 4210 4131-9712 5454 Counters 10 410 4132 3700 4132.9711 6,293 Software Services 110 410 4132 4210 4132-9711 3,274 Notes Program 10 ~ 410 4132 4210 4132-9692 798 Oesk a Credenza 10 410 4132 4210 4132-9704 528 Computer Equipment 110 410 .4132 4210 4132-9706 458 Computer Equipment 10 410 4132 6400 4132-9600 750 Tape Orive ~10 410 4132 6400 4132-9706 9,685 Computer Equipment 110 410 4132 6400 4132.9670 ~ 2,749 Computer Equipment 10 410 4132 6400 4132-9690 1,586 Computer Equipment 0 410 4132 6400 4132.9705 2,812 Computer Equipment r0 410 4132 6400 4132-9707 7,401 Computer Equipment 110 410 4132 6400 4132-9653 2,156 Computer Equipment 0 410 4141 3700 4132.87880 1,579 Computer Installation Servs- 0 410 4150 4210 4150.9671 1,476 Conference Chairs ' 110 410 4196 3700 4196-9714 3,949 Tunc-up Jail Doors 0 ~ 410 4196 3700 4196-9678 24,328 Inslalation Fire System ~ 0 410 419G~ 3700 4196-9705 5,875 Window Cleaning 110 410 4196 6300 4196-9679 SG,800 Caulking/Painling Windows 0 410 4196 6300 4196.9650 12,513 Replace Glass ~~0 410 4196 6450 4196.9119 2,024 UGlily Body for Truck 0 410 4196 6450 4196.9121 513 Excise Tax Truck d Body 110 410 4196 6450 4196-9213 14,775 Pickup Truck 410 4196 6450 4196-9212 443 Excise Tax for Pickup 410 4197 3700 4197.9639 67,367 Engineering Study 110 431 4311 6400 4132-8425 6,189 Computer Equipment 471 4312 4210 4312-9714 1,429 Oigilal Equipment 431 4312 6400 4312-9714 53,538 Oigilal Recorder 110 433 <329 3700. 4329-9196 700 Roof Consultant Services 433 4329 3910 4329.9169 . ~ 1,500 Straighten Utility Poles 433 4329 3920 84197-9636 11,851 Repair Generator ~ 433 4729 3920 4329.891G 3,000 Rcpart Fencut~ 110 433 4730 6400 4330-9685 1,990 Variable Secure Code 434 4161 6400 4161-9591 4,895 Remodeling Partitions ' ) 475 <350 3700 4350-9013 16,550 Support Fecs 110 435 <350 6400 4350-9013 , 171,477 Computer System 493 <930 4100 4930-9638 4,950 Slreel Maps (3000) 493 4930 6400 4930.8433 2,480 RisG6000 110 493 <930 6450 4930.92CrI 14,775 Pickup Truck 493 <930 • 6450 4930-9265 887 Excise Tax la Pickup Truck 1 510' 5112 4210 5131-96800 876 Chairs 1 510 5114 4210 5131-96800 876 Chairs 110 510 5121 4210 5131-9G80C 438 Chairs 1 s 510 5131 3700 4132.9715 5,800 Wiring 1. 510 511 4210 5131-96800 2,754 Chalrs 110 510 5131 6400 5131-9684 3,244 Conlcrcncc Table 1 ~ 510 5142 4210 5131-9G80C 219 Chairs ' 1 510 5152 3700 5152-9596 _ 1,350 Program Change 110 510 5152 4210 5131-96800 438 Chairs 1 510 5161 4210 5131-96800 438 Chairs 1~ 5f0 5162 4210 ~ 5131-96800 438 Chairs ' 1 510 5163 3700 ~ 5163-9575 ' G87 Carpet Installation 110 ~ 510 5163 3700 5163-9576 061 Carpel Installation ^ ^ 1 ~' 510 5167 4210 5131.90800 . ~ 219 Chairs 1~.J( C~..WK4 08/01 /97 N HANOVER COUNTY PURCHASE ORDER ROLLOVER TO NEXT FISCAL YEAR 0 AGY ORGN OBJ BACC •. PO NUMBER AMT DESC i 110 510 5181 4210 5131-96800 219 Chairs 110 530 5310 4210 • 5310.9631 1,095 Motion Oetcclors 110 530 5310 6400 5310.9681 29,988 Filing System 110 530 5370_ 6400 5310.9483 1,995 FumAure 110 530 5310 6400 5310-8465 4,720 Computer SoRware 110 582 5921 3920 4132.95090 275 Computer Maintenance 110 582 5821 4210 4132.95890 45 Computer Equipment ~ 110 582 5821 6300 4196.9648 10,504 Install Automatic Ooors ~ 110 582 5921 &400 4132-95890 2,022 Computer Equipment 110 611 6110 4210 6110.9194 795 Computer Equipment i 110 611 6110 6400 41,32-9301 41,081 Computer Equipment 110 612 6120 3910 6120-9583 1,323 Repair Shelters 110 612 Gt20 6300 6120.8454 1,400 Security Alarm 110 614 61<0 4100 6140.9632 8,315 Rack Cards 110 614 6140 4100 6140.9579 3,500 Museum Services Guide 110 614 6140 4210 6140.92910 ~ 1,045 Acrylic Ooxes 110 614 6140 6300 6140.9042 775 Pavers j 110 614 6140 6300 6140.9041 2,475 Exterior Tables d Seating j 110 614 6140 6400 6140-85920 ~ ~ 3,801 Reserv/Scheduling System • TOTAL GENERAL FUND .• " 3667,683 130 433 <340 6450 8340.8802 130 436 <360 4210 4370.9657 130 436 <360 4210 4370-9676 130. 436 <360 6400 4370.9657 130 436 <370 4212 4370-9666 " ' 130 43G• '<370 6400 4370-9676 • 130 436 4370 6400 4370-9610 TOTAL FIRE SERVICES 700 480 4930 3600 74930.9404 700 480 <930 3700 74930-9703 700 480 4930 3910 74930.9581 700 485 4193 6300 4193-9279 700 405 4193 6400 4193.9633 700 485 <t93 6400 4193.8441 700 485 <193 6400 4193.9189 700 405 4195 3700 ~ ~ 4193-9382 700 485 3910 ~ 74195.9708 700 '485 ~ ,~' 3920 74195-0141 700 485 4195 3920 74195-0159 . 700 485 4195 3920 74195-0161 700 485 <195 3920 741950164 700 485 <195 3920 41959620 3;8,526 75' Aerial ladder Truck 1,694 Oaltery/Upgrade/Speakers 1,719 Radio Up9rades/Speakers 2,536 PoAable Radio 572 Table 27,603 Radios G,G76 Storage System 3]99,]26 1,803 Pamphlets (6000) 28,900 Relainmenl Facility Design 3,965 Marl ' 6,377 Water Supply Firc System 60,832 Cooling Tower Repairs , 150,500 Upgrade Existing System 128,823 Improvements Fire System 1,520 Repair Tube Leak - . 0,355 Gravity Sewer Pipe 1,650 Intel Pentium PC 3,710, Grate Bar w/Cooled Nose 4,620 Rolling Bearing d Shah 1,400 Grate Bars 890 Monitor d video 6-30-97 ~~ tMEMO :~ :~- August 4, 1997 ~. T0: Cam (.ir~ttm, t3udget ll~rector ,,Y FROM: _ Brucc T. Shcll, Financ i Dircctor~l7~ Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent (~ . ~~= RE: Budget Amendment for Rollover Attached are budget amendments to rollover funds from fiscal year 1996/97 into fiscal year 1997/98 for the outstanding purchase orders. These arc purchasc orders in which the work was not complctcd or the items not received by the fiscal year end on June 30, 1997. Please place these budget ' amendments on the agenda for the Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for August 18, 1997. BTS/aa .• a. r~ :~ ~~ ~~ ~~. :~ , , 125 . 1 77iis page ijite~itio~ially left blank 126~~