Agenda 1997 10-20J :: . • : - ~ ~ ~~ AG E N ~A NEW HANOYER COUNTY BOARD.OF COMMISSIONERS , - Assembly Room, New Hanover.County Courthouse • ' - - .- ~~pNOVeR~oG ~ • •. ~ - ~ ~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301 -"~ 1` . ~• _~ * ~ ~,* ' ~ Wilmington,.NC - . ` ~ ~1 ~~~ o`~ ~o ~••~~~~ *~ ~ ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN • WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN BUZZ BIR ENIE C _ - F G MORTN Z KS, OMMISSIONER • TED DAMS, JR:, COMMISSIONER -CHARLES R. HOWEL L, COMMISSIONER - ' ' ~. - ~ `~ c. ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER- • WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE 90AR0 . O ctober 0,.1997 ~ . . . , 9:00 a.m. ~: ~ ~ • MEETING CALLED TO ORDER {Chairman Robert G. Greer) . ' _ INVOCATION , -. ,,.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <. , ,NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit-three minutes per item)` - ~ ' - ' ` APPROVAL OF C ONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS = -~ PAGE • . .TIMES ~ - NO. + 9:15 a.m. 1-. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 1 _ ~. 9:20 a.m: 2: Consideration by the Board of Commissioners to:Purcfiase the 3 ''` • - - , . Hannaford Building on Military~Cutoff and the BellSouth Bui'Iding ` . on Slii and Boulevard PY ' ,, - . . ,. 9:30 a.m. 3. ' ~ - Public Hcarina: • a~ e A. Site Plan Revision:(Z-400, 3/90; Revision 10/97):. ~ . 5 ~, _ ~ 9:45 a m: 4. Consideration of Cape Fear Community College's FY97-98 13 . • ` • ~ . • , Budget Resolution and Capital Improvement Needs Survey. ~ • .. 10:00 a.m. 5. .. Meefing`of the Water and Sewer District ' 31 ,, 10:1.5 a.m. 6. Consideration of Approval of Declaration of Officiat Intent to ~ 2~ . ~ - ' ~ ~ Reimburse Under the Requirements of the U.S. Treasury . , . 10:30 a: m. 7. Accounting and Tolling Order -Time.- Warner Cable for FCC-1240 2T ~ . .. , ADD ~ '. ITIONAL' ITEMS:' .: ., .. . County Commissioners . _. _ . ~ County Attorney ~ . . ~ County Manager ~ ~ , . ~` _ 10:45 a:m. Adjo .; urn " ~~ .. , n :~ MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT _ ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 OCTOBER 20,1997 ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Reimbursement of Wastewater Impact fee Adjourn PAGE NO. 3I 33 35 ~, f. . ._ _ ~. , . ,. ,. ~ . • . , ~ _ ~ ,,. CONSENT AGENDA ,. ' e ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - • ' , ~. OCTOBER 20,1997 ~ • .. _ .. ~. , . ~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS .. PAGE ,~ NO. •. 1. , ' APProval of Minutes ~ :. 39 . 2: . ~ ~ -..Approval of Change Order #98-0047 to Specialized~Marine Inc. for - cleaning of Lagoon at New Hanover County Landfill' and associated 41 :., . _ Budget Amendment #98-0050 . -, ~, ,~ - 3. .. ~ - Adoption of Resolution of NCDOT Road Additions ~.. . . 49 Middle Point.. Section 1 ~ - ' ` ~ = (Harlandale Drive, Tillson Court and Denly Court) _ ,... ' 4: .. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 55 ~: ~ ~ ~ Fire, District Collection Reports ~ ' ., .... ' S. o , , ~ Approval of request to reclassify/upgrade selected positions 59: ` within the Inspections Department ~: , - ~ .,, 6. Approval of Release of Value 63 ` . _ ~(~ Approval of request for permission to submit a grant application 65 =~~ `~$°° to the state for an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Grant v ~ ~ ~~ ,~: Acceptance of Partnership for Children (Smart Start) Grant 89 = 87 . ~~~' 7 - ~ ~ ' 9 - • , : , .Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer,of vacant 93 "" `_ Lots to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) „. . '. .. T0. Approval of Budget Amendments: '. ` A. #98-15 to increase budget for additional -revenue received ' . 99 Federal Forfeited.Property funds are budgeted as received and ., ' ; . ~ - mustbe used for law enforcement activitities as the Sheriff deems - ' : .•- necessary ' - •. - ` , , ~ B. #98-0040 to rollover unexpended grant funds from FY96-97 to 100 ` - FY 97-98. $21, 425 was funded last fiscal year from Federal ., Forfeited Property funds and reverted back fo general fund at year ,.~ :. end since noexpenditures were made during 96/97 . . _ - o .. C. #98-0042 to increase budget for additional revenue received from _.101 NCSU and to adjust line items to accurately"reflect anticipated final expenditures D. #98-0046 to increase budget to amount awarded to Health 102 Department for FY 97-98 for grant from Partnership for Children-Preventive Health for Day Cares., The application was approved at the Apri121, 1997 meeting E. #98-0047 to establish budget for Partnership for Children grant 103 • awarded to the Health Department for Health Checkup. The application was approved at the April 21, 1997 meeting F. #98-0048 to increase budget, for CFCC's purchase of the Perry Tire 104 Building.. Approved by the Commissioners October 6, 1997. CFCC will reimburse the County for this purchase 11. Approval of three (3) New Deputy Sheriff positions in the New 105 Hanover County Sheriff s Department to be stationed at the Southeastern Mental Health Crisis Station ' °~ Regular Item #; 1 ~• ~ ~ Consent-Item #: ~ ~ Additional Iterri #: ' ..Department: Human Resources . , Presenter: Allen .ONeal ' r Pa e. Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Rosetta B ant y SUBJECT: ' ' . Presentation of New.Hanover County Service Awards ... ' - ~.. .BRIEF SUMMARY: } ~ ~ ~ 'The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service; . ~ `with New Hanover County: FIVE (S) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Leon. A. Carr, II -Sheriffs Dept.; , - Frederick P. Clingenpeel -Sheriffs Dept.; Sheryl L. Vought - Sheriffs'Dept.; Kelly B. Burns -Social - _ Services; George L. Creech -Parks Dept.; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Charles R. Lee - _. • _.. -Inspections Dept.; Vernita L. Grady-Davis -Social, Services; FIFTEEN (IS) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: . ;.Anita G.~Jernigan -Health Dept.; TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Frances F. DeVane - Health Dept.; TWENTY-FIVE (2~) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Emily V. Mack -Finance Dept.; and Winfred Simpson' =Property Management Dept. ~, . °• . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ . . '! ~ .. ~ . . • ~. ~,. ~ ~ . . . .. ..FUNDING SOURCE ' ,. ' Federal S: ' State S: County S: !User Fees S: 'Other S; w - Money Is In Current Budget:. ~ New Appropriation Request: _. ' Budget Amendment Pre aredt " ~ ~ ~ . This page intentionally left blank . ;.. .. SUBJECTS ~ . Consideration to~purchase Hannaford Building for Northeast Branch Library. and BellSouth Bui ding on Shipyard Boulevazd . ~ BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ ' - ~ Information will be prodded separately on the negotiations'the'County Manager.has had`concerning~the . ..above referenced building, ~ ,~ , ." ., ~ .4 .. ... .. ,. - - ~ _ MMEND T E ED I N A D R T D A TI . ' ~ '. .. . _ . FUNDING SOURCE: .. ° Federal S:, State. S: ~ County S: User Fees. S: Other 5: ' Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropria tion Request: ~ ~ ' ~ ~~ ~ Bud et Amendment Pre aredc ,~ ._ . - .. REVIE`VED BY:~ : .. . LGL: ~ FIN: ~' ~ BUD: ~ HR: :. _ ~ ,. TY MANA ER' MMENT AND RE 'VIM ND TI N : ' ~ Backup information and .recommendation will be forthcoming. ' ~ ~ . .. - ~. '~ ... y~ . . . - ~~~~ ~-~geri ~ ~.~. . ~ ~ V~~ 3 . ~~ is :~ . .. Refer to O~cc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~(~~ q 7~ -_, "lam _ ,.. This page intentionally left blank z ~ ~_ 4 ~~~ r,~ ~ . x~~ e e This page intentionally left blank - - , - . . ,. ~. _ : - ~. . . .~ .,Item A:: . _ . - . . _~ . ~ ^~ . .., ~ - . Zr400, 3/90; Revision 10/97, Conditional. Use B-2 Business-Oleander Business Center . Summa ~ :. j -. ry . ' .The site plan for Oleander Business Center was approved by the New Hanover Board ~of County Commissioners on May 7,..1990. The plan included a maximum of 56,850 square feet.' To date, n about 52,050 square feet has been built. Uses in the center consists primarily. of personal services,- ' . - ° eneral and rofessional office and ivitie . g , p s related act s . The applicant, Harry Stovall of Stovall-Belmont Associates, proposes to revise the approved site a . plan by constructing a 2960 square foot-addition to the center. The addition would expand the - building housing the Kid° s Gym; which is located on the west. side of the. property. - ~ Because the planried addition would result in a decrease in the approved side yard setback, the ~ - ' revision must be approved by the Commissioners. -The Zoning Ordinance does permit Staff to D - -.grant minor revisions, but' any change that results in a reduction to .approved setbacks must be ~' approved by the Commissioners. .° It: is important to note that at the time of the original approval the adjacent property, was . "- erroneously identified as being~zoned R-15. In fact it was zoned B-2. Unaware of that; the , - n approval incorporated a more restrictive setback, which was made part of the site plan. r - Attached is the original `Conditional Use Order, approved site plan and a new site plan depicting the proposed revision. - ~. . Staff recomrnendsapproval. °,. _ ~ - - ,. - ; o - ,_ - , . .. .-. _ . F .~ ~. _. - -. a ~ ~ ~ ..~ .. :D -. , - ~ ~ .. .. . r, ~ -~ .~ . _LL _ - . . P _~ .. •StovaCC- :BeCtnont ' associates :. • : ~~ . • • • .: • _ . •__ ~ • . ..September 16, 1997 .. ~ • . . ~ .. • .. Mr. -De~-tzr Hayes; Director _ ~ ~ • New Hanover•County Planning:Department 330 Chestnut Street • ~ ~ ~ • Wi]mina*ton; NC 2840] • -~ RE:• Expansion of Kid's Gym, Oleander Business Center, 5710 Oleander ~ 'Drive, VV~ilmingtor~• NC. :. Dear Dexter: ~ ~ • . We hereby request a minor change approval from your deparnnent fora ? 960 ~• addition ,to the above referenced space, a day care facility-.. •~ ~ •, I •. ~ .. . The; property was•rezoned form SC to i3-2 (C.D) on May 7; •1990. T}ie approved building size at this rPzoring was 56,800 s:l~,:::; :~,;t:_.i};e cus[ir,g' bui~ding'is 52,050 grass 5~3uare feet (sue, attached site plan).' The total ne~l scyuare foota3e after the addition u-i[l be SS,OlO =, r:ell under the approved size:. Tl~e•desigrJ of the e~hansiori will confoim to a: set back and height restrictions and, will blend ~~th the e~sting structure. • . The location of the expansion ~~i11 eliminate t~vo bfind curves in the parking lot, crea;in; a much safer situation for the children going to-and from the~building. ~ Ifyou need anti further information or have any questions,.pleasc•contact~n~e. ,Sincerely, . ~. :. ~ .. ... ~~ • • •. a ;. . Ha_~-y .Stovall, III .Managing Partner - . • ~• a • $..~ .• : • :.:.. • . •.. .o . ~ . • ~• MAILING ADDRESS: ~ .• P.0. EOX ag?; •- W~UdINGTON - N;C. 28306 •_ ~~^1 ~' ;• Phonic (910)2_6-6x77 - Faz {910)256-E.a75 _ ~ IIt..Jll . _ - v .. ,...-.~ STATE OF 'NORTH CAROLINA ~~~" COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . ' ~ - ,~, ~. ,..'. „ : ~: ~ ~ .. - ' ~~, ORDER GRANTING,.A SPECIAL`USE PERMIT -~_ - ~~ ~ IN CONJUNCTION WITH A CD(B-2) CONDITIONAL USE ,..,e; ., ~n ~. .; ~~ ZONING DISTRICT,"HOME IMPROVEMENT SHOPPING CENTER" . #~ ~ _ . The County Commissioners for New Hanover County having held ' a public hearing on---May 7,.1990, to consider application number Z-400,,, 3/90; SC to CD.(B-2) submitted by Stoval-Belmont- '~ ~ `.Partnership, a request for a Special Use Permit to use the ' ;property located on the south side of .Oleander Drive fora "Home " ~Improvement-Shopping Center", and having heard all the evidence ,..and `arguments -presented at the hearing, makes the following. : - oF.INDINGS OF FACT and draws the following CONCLUSIONS: 1.. , " The ~ County Commissioners FIND as a FACT .that all of 'the specific requirements set. forth in Section 72 of the County .-Zoning "Ordinancewill be satisfied if the property ~is developed `in accordance with the plans submitted o •the County ,-.Commissioners. - -~ 2.. It is the County' Commissioners' CONCLUSION.: that the- .;proposed use does satisfy the first general requirement listed in D - 'the Ordinance; namely that the ,use .will not. materially: endanger _~' ` the ,public health or safety., if located where proposed sand developed according to the plan as submitted and approved: Tn . "support of this .conclusion, the:•Commissoners make the following FINDINGS OF':FACT: .: _ , '. ~ . - - ~ A~ The property is not in a..flood hazardous area.- -• -.~ .. B..~ A new weft turn lane for oleander: Drive and a' . deceleration lane are included for safety as••well as ;additional improvements as may be re wired b NCDOT. .~ - q Y O ~ 3: ,It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that he proposed use does satisfy the second general: requirement listed -. in the Ordinance;. namely that the use meets ali required conditions and specifications. In' support ~of this conclusion, the Commissioners make .the following~FINDINGS OF FACT: ~. ~: All necessary easements, required setbacks,• buffering, and signage are indicated on the site plan.; ' ' B: ..The property .having. been cleared, .except for :buffer . areas, will be .left as ,natural as possible. D ,' C. Traffic and parking layouts are illustrated on the site:. .~ ,, ,~ plan. Despite anticipated.. low traffic counts, the - parking exceeds the zoning requirements:for~'retail uses - °: .• .- by approximately 2S%. ... a . . ',., 4. It is the. County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the ~~proposed ttse does satisfy the third general requirement list in D the Ordinance; namely that the use will not substantially i~jure the value of adjoining or abutting property. In support of this •. , ~' . conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: - A. Bufferyards and setbacks are established which comply - with the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. B. The applicant iritends to restrict the use of the property to home improvements needs, related retail and " office uses. - 5. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth general requirement listed in -the Ordinance; namely that the location and character of the use. if developed according to the plan. as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which-it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of'development for New Hanover County. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make •the following FINDINGS OF FACT: A•. The .site is adjacent to a major thoroughfare and will be developed with retail"uses catering to or related to home improvement needs. • B. Surrounding uses on Oleander Drive are already developed commercial. ~" 6. Therefore, because the County Commissioners conclude that all of the general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT have been satisfied, IT IS ..ORDERED that the" application for the- issuance of a-SPECIAL USE PERMIT be GRANTED, subject to'the following conditions: A. That the applicant shall fully comply with all of the - specific requirements stated in the"ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions hereinafter stated. B. If any of the conditions imposed by this special use - permit shall •be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of~competent - jurisdiction-then -this :permit shall become void and of no offect. C. Other: 1. All other" Federal, State and local laws a~ applicable. " 2. Permitted uses to be allowed" include those permitted in B-2 Business, except that entertainment establishments, bars, cabarets, discos, eating and drinking places, and outside storage of building materials are not allowed. 3. The property will be rezoned to CD(B-2) Business as referenced to the attached Rezoning Order. 1 O Also, ~•the frontage property along Oleander Drive is rezoned to B-2 Business (general use district) • as referenced in the same Order.. This page intentionally left blank 12 ~: ~ ~ ~ }~: ~~~_ . ~ ~. t1 Y `` ! ~ j I ~ '. ~..~' - ~ ` ~ 1 ~ ~,` ` ' i ~ I .. V ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ r A ~,.._ ~~ ~ . - ,..., 4 i 2 ,.~ .. __ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ .: I ~ ~.:~ ~ ~ ~ y - ' ~ 'ao,k - a~.,0 6. ~ `''` a },~~ , ~ Z ~ ~Li ~~ ~. I -- ;_ m . m Z ~o ~ 6 ~ I I - . ,~-- ~ `, . I ~,1 ~f Q / ~ o I ~ , ~ ~ /, ~~ ~ m ~ Z o ; N~. ~ ;! .~.~ i ~:\, ~ ,• . .. ~ ~ ~ r . J C v, Z --.. v x I ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ \ ~ ^~ rn F~/srg ~ / m.i / 9 Z ' •.I I \ , ~,'y~H S~ / m c~ ~ ~ I -. F ~ .\ ~ g ~ xx o ~~ ~ z~ x i ~, ' r. u z a! ~ x m= o~ ~_ / m ~ ~ • / m - ~~ ~ rn r ~ ~~ d .. z o ~ z- O ~ - ~O ' v ' d - ~ ~ ~ TRIPP ENGINEERING, P.C- PRELIMINNZY SIZE PLAN ~~- ~ ~ ~ 507Cheetnut Street s ~` ~cy. Wilmin8ton. North Caroline 28401 ~EANDE~ f3U5WE55 GENIEIZ PHASE 2 A1~1~1710N ~~ ~: p Fj ¢ ~ Y 3i~ ~~+-' Pnone 91o-7e3-5199 '4.?Ar~~~+.~`~ ee: 910-783-6831 WILMINGtON. NOK'M CA12Dl-INA :~ - \~~ r M ... 1 r I i . - • ~ i ~ _ r t41 ~ _ .. f ~ j 1 i ~-~ . p ~ i t i 'iq rll rll In1 I~ l i ! !f 1 11 1.,11 i 11.1 -I , ' ~ .ca4"t~lt I.1 .. Il~mtl%! i ! t. p 1'1 ~ I.J 14 11 I l y IJ i j~:q t°~ 'Ili, ((~~I jj l II (QUQIl~IT~iI .~ ~ ~~ ~o .~ .~ ~ E ti A (+~ O ~-7 o• J~ i~ I _, , o... I ~ -. ------4:.a -- A------i I I d ------------- ~ i I ~ -~ ----- ' I ~. .. _ ` -- (~ rT ;;~= ; ~.j Regular Item # 4 ~ ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: - Department: County.IVlanager . ' Presenter: Allen O'Neal - Pa' eCount In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Cape Fear Community College's FY97-98 budget resolution and capital improvement needs survey.. " J ~ ~' ,BRIEF ~ ' _ UMMARY: ' Cape Fear Community College has submitted its FY97-98 budget resolution for the Chairman's signature: ` • The budget includes the County's contribution of $2,017,214 as well as a $374,631 carry over from ' - FY96-97. Every biennium; the community colleges are asked to submit a capital improvement needs survey in the event the State makes a specific allocation for capital improvements.. Cape Fear Community College n included in its survey justification to construct a technical center to provide additional classrooms and-labs for expansion ofvocational and technical programs. State funding up to $3 million may be available for the construction cost; however, the County must agree to provide funds for the operating. and maintenance costs. ` The Manager's signature on the survey shows the County's financial commitment to the project. ~• ~ `` ~ RE MM LADED M TI N AND R E TED I_ } ~ `. ; , Request the Chairman be authorized to sign Cape Fear Community College's FY97-98 budget resolution; - :Also request, the Manager be authorized to sign Cape Fear Community College's capital: improvement needs . survey showing the-County's commitment for the operating and maintenance costs of a technical center. • ~. This will allow the College to be eligible for possible state funding that- would be used to supplement° bond funds on the center's construction cost. ` ~, . . .: FUNDING SOURCE: - Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: _~.. ~ ~ - " Money Is In Current Budget: New.Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ` REVIE«'ED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: . .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Request the Board of Commissioners authorize the Chairman to sign CFCC's FY97-98 .budget resolution;. ' . also, consider authorizing the manager to sign CFCC's capital improvement needs survey. .. .. O • ~ ~ ~ " ~4"t~,1,lt ~/ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~3. . ' ~ ~ . Rcfcr to Office Vision BuHcrin Board for Disposition~~.r~"- `t ~ a~ Po ~f .. ~AT~ ,~ `v ~• " ~'1 ' -'' j .~ y , NEW HANOVER COUNTY - ._ - INTER-OFFICE ~ , . 2 ..uMEMO~ :~.....:...:::::::~::~: ::.... ... .... . _. ._ ~ - -a ~ :.~ _ . . ~~ _ . - DATE: October 7, 1997 TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners . THROUGH; Allen O'Neal, County Manager . .; ~. ,. FROM: Cam Griffin, Budget Director ~. R Capital Improvement Needs Survey Completed by Cape FearComrr~unity College . .. ~ . Every biennium, the community colleges.. are "asked to submit, a capital improvement needs survey. This provides information .to .the State .Board ' of ~. . , ~ Community Colleges in the event, the State .makes a specific allocation for .capital - improvements. pe Fear Community College has included m its survey ~ustifcation to construct ' ~ a technical center' to. provide additional classrooms and labs for expansion of vocational and technical programs. The College could receive up to $3 million, , which would be used, to supplement .bond funds on the.- technical center's construction ,. cost; however,. the County must agree to provide funding .:for operating and maintenance costs. . fn order for Cape Fear.Community College to be eligible for the possible. funding,. `- .the County Manager's signature is required on the survey to-.show the County's financial commitment for the technical center's operating. and maintenance costs. Q, .~ ` . Please let me .know if ou have uestions or need additional information. '~ : e Y q ':;, ,. .Attachment . i 15 a ~ ~ ~ ~ x` . . ,_ . . ~ .. 4 r_. ..._...._..~. - CAPE FEAR ~ I . ~~ ~ ~ . OQ 1 ~ r~1 C®MMUNITY ~ ' - ~ _. w~~ co _ - CO L L EG E . ~'°~~~~~~~~ OFFICE y .~ 411 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-3993 • PHONE (919) 343-0481 -FAX (919) 763-2279 September 30, 1997 Mr. Allen O'Neal County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. O'Neal: Every biennium, the community colleges are asked to submit a "Capital Improvement Needs Survey." This provides information to the State Board of Community Colleges in the event the state makes a specific allocation for capital improvements. If funds become available within the next two years; the College could receive up to $3 M. Your signature is required on the attached form to show New Hanover's financial support if the funds become available, if you agree to do so. Please return the survey to me. If you have any questions, please call me at 251-5165. Attachment With kind regards, N. Camellia Rice Chief Fiscal Officer 1~6 .~~. AFFIRMATIVE AC710N. / EQUAL..OPPOATUNITY EMPLOYER . _ ,. r .. `. PVA/DB . . . ~ ~ - ~ 3-14-97 . . , • 'U _. ~ - n' DEPARTMENT OF`COMMUNITY `COLLEGES ` • .. CAPITAL IMPROVEiYIENT NEEDS SURVEY .. .:. ,~ . . _ - 1997-99 " ~.: ~ ~ .. - ~=(You~must read the step-by-step instructions while completing this form!).`, . , • • ~. 1)' College: - Cabe Fear~Co-rmumty"Colle~e ~ Date 4/24/97 _ . . _ . , -2)ProjectName: Phase III ~- Technical Center .'DCCProjectNo. ~_ ,. ~' ,. .. : , Adjustc3 non-sLtc - Ovc:match 3) Total Non-State Overmatch: 3-13-97 Current Total Home County ..New. Hanover .10;634,424 ~ 10,634;424 Non-home county cty .. ' . Non-home county, " cty.: _ ~ . ` Mon-home. county . ° cty.. " ,. . - May excess overmatch be used in other counties? Yes _ No x . _ Countyao receive credit ~ amount S ~ - - . ., . • . 4) Type of Project: Home County (x) Non=home county ( ) ( county) New Construction (x) 'Major Renovations ( ) Acquisition ( ) " ._ , 5) Funding: ~ 6) Net Assignable.Square Feet':- ~• a) Total project cost S 23,015,003 ' _ ~ Sauare Feet: b) Prior funds Classroom.. ~ 17,388 18 . ~- _ , State S ~ 0 Laboratory. 59,892. 62 Non-State S 0 Office 9 , 660` 10 c) Balance of cost S 23,015,003 ~ Study 4,830 - 5 d) Non-state overmatch Other ' 4,830 5 •.credited to this Total NASF 96 600 - 100% projecf '~ S .10,634,424 . Q e) Amount to complete ~ 7) Gross Square Feet: 140,000 project ~ S 12,380,579 f) New non-state =funds ~ _ .required . S 6 ,190 , 290 g) State funds . - -requested ~ . S = 16,824,713 ~ , . ,: _ .. . 8 Readiness to Im lemen ~ -T • p t: Date ~ - _.._ '. t a) Design contract requested from State Construction ..................................... None Allow 8-12 weeks between a and () ~) b) Schematic drawings to State Construction for review ..................................None Allow 8-12 weeks between (b) and (c) c) Design development to State Construction for review ...................................None Allow 8-14 weeks between (c) arid (d) d) Construction documents to State Construction for review ........................... None Allow 12-15 weeks betweea (d) and (e) e) Approved to advertise for bids by State Construction ................................... None Is this a project which has unfinished areas due to a cost overrun? Yes No 9)Justificationofneed: Construct a ~~echnical Center to provide additional classrooms and labs for expansion of vocational and technical programs. 10) Person completing form: 11) Approval: Camellia Rice The Board of Trustees reti-iewed and approved this request at its formal meeting on 9-~s-s? - t/ President , or letter of endorsement to follow x .. The County Commissioners, of the county in which this request will be situated, intend to support the above request for operation and. maintenance costs; and, if any,. the aunount shourn for the "New Non-State Funds Required" in (~r~.. County Manager or letter of endorsement to follow ti or NCCCS 3-1 form has been signed by county financial officer Yes _ No _ SUBiVII'I' COIZPLETED FORi1~ TO MS. DEE BURNS BY APRIL 14, 1997. ~8 a r; CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY. COLLEGE 411 NORTH FRONT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 26401-3993 • PHONE (919) 343-0481 • FAX (919) 763-2279 September 29, 1997 ~ '~y • : ~ rr', !~ v~o Mr. Allen O'Neal ~ j.~ ~ ~~ ~` O County Manager ~ ~ ~ ]J New Hanover County `~s 1F~ C 320 Chestnut Street ,. `~~ p Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~"d Dear Mr. O'Neal: Enclosed is the College's 1997-98 Budget Resolution. Could you please ask your chairman to sign it? After his signature, please return the resolution to m}~ office. I appreciate your assistance. Attachment 20 With kind regards, N. Camellia Rice Chief Fiscal Officer AFFIRMATIVE ACTION /EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER a ~ ~.. ~ . ,_ ~ _:.. - ; .1997-98 BUDGET RESOLUTION. ~4 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Community College: ' , ~ .. ~ . Sectio~r 1-The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the institution in the State-Current Fund for~the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30,..1998: - - _ General Administration ; $ 622,572 Instruction Curriculum - . ~ Certificate .Programs . ~ Degree Programs - 327,566 ` ~ 5,404,397. ~ ~ .. Diploma Programs 985,457 ' - Transition ? :Curriculum Supervision ` 5,383 647;075 ~ ~ • - ' Instruction Non=Curriculum ~ ~ , ' • Occupational Extension 781,047 . Q ~ - Adult Basic Education ~ 317,675 ~ Adult High School & GED ~ 284,462 Compensatory Education ~ ~ 85,742 Community Service ~ ~ 55,017 • ~ .Non-Curriculum Supervision 593,225 ` . Human Resource Development 139,813 Small Business Centers ` _ 61.193 - CED Special Project ~ 18,214 . Learning Resources, , Libr ~', . 474 373 . .- k : Student Services ' Student Services ~ 844,820 Single ParentlHomemakers 39,530 Child Care Services ~ • General Institution 40,659 , ' .. • . • " ~ • " - .General Institution ~ ~ ~ 1,80,818 '' ~ . , Staff Development ~ ". 2l 916 Tota! State Current Fund Appro~riatio~r 13.030.954 . ~~ _, - ~ .-- ~; ~ 21 ~. .. , '. ~ ,. :. - -. 2 Section 2 -The following revenues are estimated to be available to the State Current Fund for the fiscal year. beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: State Board Formula Allotment $12,143,739 Non-Formula Vocational Education Allotment ' 44,000 Human Resources Development , 139,813 . Small Business Centers 61.,193 Marine Technology 337,874 StaffDevelopment 21,916 CED Special Project 18,214 Area Law Enforcement 106;961 Single Parent/Displaced Homemakers 39,530 Apprenticeship Program 6,600 Focused Industrial Training .70,455 Child Care -State Funds 40.659 Total State Current Fund Rei~efrue 13.030.954 Section 3 -The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the institution in the County Current Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: General Administration $ 45,063 Plant Operation and Maintenance Operation 1,009,292 Maintenance 39.5,159 General Institution 144:234 Total Cornrty Current Fund Appropriation ~ 1.593.748 Sectio~i -1-The following revenues are estimated to be available to the County Current Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: New Hanover County Appropriation $ 1,512,893 Pender County Appropriation 80 855 Total Curreirt Fund Rei~enue l _593.748 22 • .... - .. . ,. .- .. ,, .. .. - .., ,. 3 : - ., Section S -The following amounts are hereby appropriated' for the operation of the. institution in the Plant Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, .1997 and ending June 30;' • 1,998: _ , • ~ . , „ Buildings and Grounds . ~ $ 947,082 . ~ Equipment 718,055 ~ , ,. _ Books :. 148,800 ~ • :Construction ° 16,612,,444... " :, ~ - Total Plant Fund Appropriation ~ $18.426.3 8-l ,Section 6 -The following revenues are estimated to b e available to the Plant Fund for the ~'., . fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30 , 1998: , . - ` - . State. Formula Allotment: ~ , $ . 866,855 " ' j ~ ,New Hanover County Appropriation . 878,952 ~ . ~ - Pender Coun A ro nation h' PP P 68,130 . . ° .. Construction ". 16.612 444 ` ' • - Total Plant F, and Revenue ~ 18.426.381 '~ ° , , ~ ~ Section .7 -The following amounts are hereby appropriated' for the operation of the . institution in the Institutional Fund for the .fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and . • , . ' ' ending June 30, 1998: . ~' - , . . -. Current Unrestricted ~ - , Instruction ~', _ ~ $ 349,600 " Academic Su ort PP 2 000 . Student Services 14;300 ~ ' . . ~. Current Restricted - . , ~ - ~ :Instruction 125,146 1 ~ Institutional Support ~ ~ 75,000 , ~ ; a Student Aid. 1;34.9,617 : ' .Pro rieta P. rY _. , i Bookstore Food Service . ~ _ 40,000 70,000 , . . ' .. -Parking 30,000 Student Activity 61,000 z • Identification Cards ~ 5.,000 Ship's Special Project ' x ] 0.000 , ' ~ _ Total7nstitutional"Fund Appropriation _ 2.124.090 D " 2 ~. 3 ~. . .. ., - ~ _ . ~4 Section.8 -The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Institutional Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1997 and ending June 30, 1998: College Work Study $ 75,000 JTPA Programs 45,000 Financial Aid Administration 13,500 Job Ready Grant _ 65 000 NCIH Grant 7,573 SEOG ~ 74,617 FELL 1,200,000 Bookstore Revenues ~ 120,000 Vending Revenues ~ 70 000 Parking 30,000 Miscellaneous Unrestricted 352,400 Scholarships 75 000 Other Proprietary 76 000 Total Institutional Fund Revenues $_ 2.204.090 Section 9 -The President. of the institution is hereby authorized to transfer amounts from one function to another in the same fund within the limitations .set forth for the State Fund and Plant Fund by the State Board of Community Colleges: Any such transfer shall be reported to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting and entered into its minutes. Section 10 -Copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately sent to the local tax- levying authorities, and the State Board of Community Colleges. Adopted this 25th day of September, 1997. Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners i~ ~4 + Chairman, Fender County Commissioners 24 Cape Fear Community Colleges d ` KN;VIr;W~;ll BY: ~`~ LGL: COUNTY MAMA( . ~ Concur with County . ,~ .. a ' 't~ _ k ~ .. .. FIN: BUD: HR: . t' C MMENT AND RE MME ATI N -, ~,., , Homey and County Finance Officer.- ~° . ...._ . _ ~~~~' ~, _ ,~ 25 102©~ q~`~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~!' n des ~l~ ~'~s • ``.;~ 4'~./ ~.~, . ~_,,. ~ . /T j' ~'T'G~blr G tyeG.Yi~ !//3/~f'7 ?-'30 ,,,~ DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT TO REIMBURSE This declaration (the "Declaration") is made pursuant to the requirements of the United States Treasury Regulations and is intended to constitute a Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse under such Treasury Regulations. The undersigned is authorized to declare the official intent of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina (the "Issuer") with respect to the matters contained herein. 1. Expenditures to be Incurred. The Issuer anticipates incumng expenditures (the "Expenditures") to provide improvements in the County, including the construction of the Motts Creek, Ogden, Greenbrier and Northchase Interceptors, the acquisition of one of three floors in a BellSouth building on Fourth Street, Carolina Beach Road SchooUPark land,Ca BellSouth building on Shipyard Blvd.~a Hannaford store proposed as a library, and the acquisition of a scraper pan (collectively, the "Project"). Project costs are estimated to be Twenty-Six Million Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($26,925,000). 23~ Qzs, oc5o 2. Plan of Finance. The Issuer intends to finance costs of the Project with proceeds of the Issuer's tax exempt debt (the "Borrowing"). - 3. Maximum Principal Amount of Debt to be Issued. The maximum principal. amount of the Borrowing to be incurred by the Issuer to finance the Project is estimated to be Twenty-Six Million Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($26,925,000). ?3, 42S,ooo 4. Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse. The Issuer hereby declares its official intent to reimburse itself with the proceeds of the Borrowing for any of the Expenditures incurred by it prior to the Borrowing. This the 20th day of October; 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: ~'' , _~ ~° .. ~~' ~~ k to the Boards ~+ r^ ~~ +.~,. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA Robert G. Greer, Chairman t ' FUNDING SOURCE: '. Federal S: State S: County S: 0.00 User Fees S: Other Sc ~:~ Money Is In Current Budget: ~-New Appropriation Request.: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~ - ,, REVIEWED BY: . • . ~. LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS A-ND R OMMENDATIONS• ., , . Consider approval of the;accounting the tolling order as requested by the County Attorney. , ,_ ~UN~' ", R~J1rCT~D ~} ~?1rMBV~i~ ~T .. .. .. , ~~" ,_ H~ ~ ' Rcfcr to Offico Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~!~ ~`~ '. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I~ BEFORE THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF: ) ACCOUNTING AND Review of FCC-1240 Updating ) TOLLING ORDER FOR Maximum Permitted Rates for Regulated ) FCC-1240 UPDATING NIA~CIlVIITM Cable Service, by Time Warner Cable, ~ ) PERIVIITTED RATES FII.ING, New Hanover County, ) 1~CTEIVDING REVIEW PERIOD NC-0140 ) JANUARY 28, 1998 (30 + 90 days) WIfEREAS, on October 1, 1997, Time Warner Cable submitted anFCC-1240 Updating Maximum Permitted Rates filing for the Ncw Hanover County, NC-0140; WHEREAS, the County is certified with the FCC to regulate basic cable rates and services within the franchise area, and is authorized by the FCC to review rate filings submitted by Time Warner Cable; WHEREAS, the FCC has issued rules allowing cable operators to make annual adjustments to regulated cable service rates using the FCC-1240 form t,o recover external costs (past and present), changes in the number of regulated channels, and inflation; WHEREAS, the FCC has issued rules allowing Time ~ilarner Cable to incorporate provisions of the Time blamer Cable Social Contract into its FCC-1240 filing system, allowing for the recovery of projected system upgrade costs, and the recovery of reductions in basic tier (I,ifclinc) rates with adjustments to the CPS tier, WHEREAS, the County is authorized to toll the time needed to review Time blamer Cab(c's FCC-1240 rate filing by no more than a maximum of 90 days beyond the initial 30 days allowed by the FCC, totaling 120 days; and, WHEREAS, the County is authorized to issue an accounting order, effective for 12 months, requiring the cable operator to maintain a complete and accurate accounting of all revenues and costs associated with the aforcmcntioncd raft filing. IT IS T~H~E'IZEF~O ~~RED; 28 ~w ~~ ~~~ .~ ~ .,} ~:_ ~~- t e e 0 0 t e t i i s THAT, the time period in which the County has to review Time Warner Cable's FCC-1240 rate'filing is tolled 90 days past the origina130 days (120 days total) allowed by the FCC, extending the total rcvicw pcriod dcadlinc to January 28,1998; THAT, Time Warner Cable is directed to provide the County with any, and all, necessary information rcqucstcd by the County so that a comprchcnsivc rcvicw of the FCC-1240 raft filing may be conducted; THAT, Timc Wamcr Cable is dircctcd to maintain a compldc and accurate accounting of all costs and revenues associated with the aforementioned FCC-1240 rate #-ilir~ and, THAT, the accounting order contained within this filing sha11 remain in effect for a period of 12 months from the executed datE of this order. ISSUED BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER This the day of ATTEST: Clerk seal Deliver Original Copy via Certified U. S. Mail to: Deliver File Copy to: 1997. BY: Chairman Time Warner Cable Robert F. Sepe, Action Audits 29 This page intentionally left blank (~ a REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Zegular Item #: 2A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Hannaford Property BRIEF SUMMARY: " The County Manager has negotiated with the Hannaford real estate personnel concerning the property located at Landfill Shopping Center. The price for the property remains $3,000,000. After reviewing the cost of renovations, we feel a square foot cost of $45 is more appropriate than the $60 originally used. This results in a saving of $300,000. New financial figures are attached noting this change. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTTONS• See Manager's recommendation below. .FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Request the County Manager be authorized to enter into a binding buy and sell agreement for the Hannaford property at a cost of $3,000,000. This action wo contingent upon receiving a clean environmental assessment and approval of COP's financing. i ~ ~~ APPROVED C-~- • EJECTED p #tVIOVED p Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~PONE~ 0 ARC - D /,,~~ J' ,. {, ~: a t4 ~~~~V ~~1+4r~ryry~+gpfi~L~~'~i~ '.d J1 VQOaJgyy~'J1~~ ~~ Vi~eet-YcJ ~'.~'~,+d ,~~ ~ ~~i~i+JL~~ ~~ r ~, I~ ~ 4 a £}}~}y' • • O i I O O O N r r (fl O O ~ N N O O ~ t() ~ O ~' ~ I~ ~ _ M ~ O ~ M ~ O N 0 p r- O O M O t1') ~ M ~ t~ to . Z ~ N ~ 00 ~ O ~ O N 00 ~ OO M U } W ~ o ~n ~n M Z M 1~ t() Q ` N O ~ 00 00 O O _ ~ M W N N Z ~ cn . ~- '' '` °~° ° rn v H ~ .C N M ~ t.C) M ~ v :: ~ :: ~ 07 O 00 00 Q > j O N N ~ M a ~ ~ ~ N Z o 0 W ~"' 0 O 0' O O I O O 0 O i o 0' O O O N N o0 CO O O O O ~[) O ~ CO V) O O ~ O O O~ O O r r N O lC) 00 a W o o:o a o~o ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ o O O j 0 0 0; 0 ~ O O M M O 00 N = O Oj0 O ~I'7 v O O ~ N M 00 ~ ~ F... M M ~ ! N ~' M Z Z W Q z ~ V ~ _ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E 4. ca x > ~ ~ ~ li c >- ~ ° o , c_ a ~ ~ °- i cn ~- ~, cfl Q ~° o o ~ ~ ~ o co c ~ ~ N o ,o C ~ T ~ ~ m J ~ L ~ ~ Q m ~' C `' '~ ~ ~ U ~ ~~ ~ .. . ~ ~ O Q C p ~ O -p N ~ W U ~S v C p- W >' Z O C O C ~~ ~ ~ ~ m C p N ~ .~. O ~ Y N (n O ~ O O am . Z L > ~ ~ O 0 (0 Q h ~ (B ~ ~ L C ~ ~ O U /y W Q (O C ~ ~ L ~J . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 1020/97 Regular Item #: 2B Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Mananger Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: BellSouth Shipyard Property BRIEF SUMMARY: At the last Board of Commissioners meeting, purchase of the BellSouth building was discussed. DARE representatives asked for additional time to present alternatives that would keep all County employees downtown. They have recommended using the 3rd floor of the downtown library for the "one-stop" concept. This was originally recommended by BMS in a space study in 1991. Staff believes this is no longer a viable option due to the growth of the needs of the Library since that time. There is a need for additional processing and administrative space that the third floor could be used for. This would enable the space on the second floor to be used for additional stacks. Staff also believes there is an incomputability of functions between the Library and those in the "one-stop" concept. By using the BellSouth building on Shipyard, all the. "one-stop" functions could be consolidated in a central area of the County where those needing the services would have adequate parking and accessibility. In addition; approximately one floor would be leased to BellSouth providing significant revenue to help offset the County's debt service costs for a period of at least 5 years. Information from BMS Architects will be presented Monday showing that by making this purchase we will be able to provide. additional office space.for the court system. If this purchase is approved we will continue to work with BMS to design the specific .moves necessary to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the space. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ~ LGL: FIN:. BUD: HR: After review and discussion, request the Board of Commissioners consider authorizing the County Manager to enter into contract negotiation for the BellSouth Building on Shipyard Blvd. Final documents will be presented to the Board prior to finalization. Purchase price for the building is $3,000,000, .and will be financed through COP's that are to be issued in December 1997. The estima ~i Nro it/~re o- t' the Shipyard Building is projected to be in the neighborhood of $500,000. r'PROVEn f~~.~l~CTEa `i ~1ldY~a Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ ,1i1~` 7. J J _ EM. ~~;~~~~" October 16, NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Bruce T. Shell l Finance Director'!/ THROUGH: Allen O'Neal County Manger RE: Certificates of Participation (COPS) The Finance and Legal Departments have been working diligently to put together our COPS application for the Local Government Commission (LGC). We discussed the various projects in some detail so that the LGC was comfortable with what w~ are doing. We explained that.Motts Creek and Ogden tnterc.eptors had been bid with contracts but. Greenbriar Collector System and the NorthChase Interceptor were in the design phase and had not been bid. As you know, this prompted the LGC to ask how we would fund Greenbriar and NorthChase in the event bids came in higher than expected. Greenbriar was originally slated to be paid from Water & Sewer fund balance and since it is now included in the COPS, any shortfall could be covered by Water & Sewer fund balance. The LGC was comfortable with our ability to pay for overruns with fund balance. The LGC needs assurance that the County Commissioners are prepared to pay for any shortfall with Water & Sewer fund balance should it be necessary. I would like to request the formal support of the County Commissioners at the October 20,.1997 meeting so I can document this support with our application to the LGC. I apologize for the late notice of this requirement but only learned of this today in my discussions with the LGC. Please call Bruce if you should have questions or concerns. BTS/AO'N:ct cc: Andrew J. Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Julie Griffin, Deputy Finance Director Wyatt Blanchard, County Engineer Wanda Copley, County Attorney ~. ~- ' . - . ~ ~ . f ' . ` _ ~:~. _ ~ ~. . MEETING!OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - ~ ~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 30.1 . OCTOBER 20, 1997 ' ~' ,. ... . ., . ~ .~ , . .. - ITEM S OF BUSINESS. PAGE ` .~ ., .. - NO. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 31 2. Approval of Minutes t ,, 33 .. - ~ ~~ , ~ ~3. Reimbursement of Wastewater Impact fee. ~ 35 `. . .. ..~ Adjourn - . - ~~ ~( . . 'ti ~ ~ ~ - f . Y - .. . . : ~, - `~~: , :. . w „ - . ~ - .- ~ ,. , ' ~~\ ~ ~ .. r .. .. ,~ - - . :. - , . ~~~ ~ . ~_ - . ., .. ~ L 31 .: ~. ~ ~ ~ - . .. . This page intentionally left blank _ ~ FUNDING SOURCE: ~• ~ Federal $: State S: County S: L User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ IV'ew'Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: ~~ LGL: ~ FIN:. BUD: HR: . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE 0~1MENDATION . CQUN~"Y E~lt . REJECTED C] ~ ~,~% ~4~ REMCVEQ . Q Posf~ ~ 33 - HE4~'t~ ~ ~i Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition QAT~ ,~1 ~ ~ -~~~'~/~ .~r r: ~ , This page intentionally left blank ~~~~A .. ~~~~~ n i : ~-~ ~::::_.:r~.~: . , Regular Item #: W&S#3 Consent Item #: ~ .Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Pa' e Count In A 'enda Packa e: Contact:- W att Blanchard SUBJECT: . ~• Reimbursement of Wastewater Impact Fee .. °~~ ~' BRIEF SUMMARY: _ .- ' Since the beginning of the sewer system we have had a policy which allows a property owner in the District, but adjacent to the City limits and which is voluntarily annexing, to be a City sewer customer. The new. ~. , . ~ sho in center known as Home De of is adjacent to the Ci limits and is bein voluntaril annexed. PP, g P J tY g Y - During the process of Home Depot acquiring a building permit, the District mistakenly charged an impact fee ($48,10.8.75). This fee should have been charged by the City since the shopping center- will be within `~~ , ~ the.:Ci limits. Staff is askin for ermission to reimburse the fee to the develo er. tY g P P . ._~ ..: .. _., ;. ~ ,, . ~`: '° RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staffrecommends that the fee in the amount of $48,108.75 be reimbursed to the developer forpayment to the City. ~, . a ;, FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State 5: County S: User Fees S: Other S: , '~ - 1VIoney IsIn.Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: ' Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: - ~ . ,, . LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL ~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT 'C LINTY MANA ER' MMENT~ D R M E'vDATI ~' . Concur'with the recommendation above. .. CAUMY t~MMISSlQN~$ ApPROV~p ~/ • .. ~.. REJECTED ^ ~ ` ' ~ ~ .. ~ REMOVED ^ f ' ~ ~ PQSTPONED p ~ ~ ~ HARD ~ 3 5 - x, .. ®' Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Qa~E Q~` 2.(J err ~~ 9,M7 ~~`-r--.~ - ___. ~.~ _ + ~ This page intentionally left blank ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ 36 ~.~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA -- ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COiviMISSIONERS OCTOBER 20,1997 ~ ` ' ; ~ . ~ ITEMS OF_BUSINESS - PAGE ti`' ~ ° Y Approval of Minutes ~ 39 ' , 2. ~ Approval of Change Order #98-0047 to Specialized Marine; Inc. for ` cleaning of Lagoon at New Hanover County Landfill and associated 41 . .'.,Budget Amendment #98-0050 t~F - 3. . Adoption of Resolution of NCDOT Road Additions ~ 49 . ` Middle Point Section 1 (Harlandale Drive, Tillson Court and Denly Court) ~ - 4. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County . 55 " ~~ ~~. Fire. District Collection Reports .. ° ,, .• 5. Approval of request to reclassify/upgrade selected positions within the Inspections De artment 59. p 6: `Approval of Release of Value 63 - 7. Approval of request for permission to submit a grant application " 65. ' ~'_ , . to the state for an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Grant ' ~' ~ 8.. ~ Elcceptance of Partnership for Children (Smart Start) Grant 89 ~~~ ~ ~ 9 A l f R l io . - pprova o eso ut n authorizin the no cost tran g sfer of vacant 93 " Lots to Cape Fear-Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) _ - ~~' " ~ ' 10. . A royal of Bud et Amendments: ~ PP g ~' A. #98-15 to.increase budget for additional revenue received ' ry. 99 - Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and .: ° ' must be used for law enforcement activitities as the Sheriff deems - , ` ° necessary ~~, ` . , B. #98-0040 to rollover unexpended grant funds from FY96-97 to ~ 100 i j FY 97-98. $21, 425 was funded last fiscal year from Federal Forfeited Property funds and reverted .back to general fund at year ' ~ " end since noexpenditures were made during 96/97 - 3 7 ~,` - . -. j C. #98-0042 to increase budget for additional revenue received from __.101 NCSU and to adjust line items to accurately reflect anticipated ' final expenditures D. #98-0046 to increase budget to amount awarded to Health 102 Department for FY 97-98 for grant from Partnership for Children-Preventive Health for Day Cares. The application was approved at the Apri121, 1997 meeting E. #98-0047 to establish budget for Partnership for Children grant 103 awarded to the Health Department for Health Checkup. The application was approved at the Apri121, 1997 meeting F. #98-0048 to increase budget for CFCC's purchase of the Perry Tire 104 Building Approved by the. Commissioners October 6, 1997. CFCC will reimburse the County for this purchase 11. Approval of three (3) New Deputy Sheriff positions in the New 105 .Hanover County SherifFs Department to be stationed. at the Southeastern Mental Health Crisis Station 38 1 Regular.Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 1 _ , ~ Additional Item #; Department: GOVERNING BODY . 'Presenter: LUCIE HARRELL Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: LUCIE HARRELL . REVIEWED BY: ~, LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~} ., C LINTY MANA E MMENT AND RE MMENDATI N Approve minutes. .. ~.. , , ~~~~ `~~~~'~f~~~ - ~ ~ APPROVED ~`'/ , ,. ~ ~ - REJECTED p i . 1 REMOVED p ~. . ~ ~osT~©~~ a 39 HEA~a~ `n Rofer to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~`~'. - . _ ... This page intentionally left blank ~. n~ +Li~4i~ 61 „~7~3 1J/~Qr'1lp~~yyp~.~~ dA~VYY ~qYR 4 0 ~~~ .~ +~.~.~, ~, _ ~, 'REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/20/97 ~~~ ; - ~ -- E~egular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item-#: . Department: Bnvironmental Management Presenter: Ray Church ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church ~~ SUBJECT: ,, Change Order #98-0047-0 T to Specialized Marine,. Inc.. Cleaning of Lagoon at New Hanover County Landfill . ', ` ...BRIEF SUMMARY:, . On July 23, 1997 contract #98-0047 was signed authorizing Specialized Marine, Inc. to begin removing sand ` '~ and sludge from the leachate lagoon at the landfill. The contractor anticipated the work to be completed in 10 to 14 days and bid the work at $25,000. Upon removing the sand and sludge and exposing the liner, it was discovered that the liner had hundreds of pin holes allowing leachate to penetrate to the secondary liner. ~. ~ The source of the holes is thought to be from turtles crawling along the bottom of the lagoon. It was... decided to reline the lagoon with a new liner. In order to place the liner and drainage net the existing liner had to be `dry and swept clean. A concrete pad also had to be removed to allow drainage between-the existing and new liner: The contractor agreed to continue the work until the liner was acceptable. Time. was of the essence due to the threat of Humcane Erika and relining schedule: ' ~: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOLTESTED ACTIONS• Due to the significant change in the Scope of Work to allow for the relining of the lagoon and the work- '~, - increasing from an estimated 10 to 14 days to nearly five weeks, staff recommends the award of a Change -Order and the associated Budget Amendment #98-0050 in an amount of $39,500. This amount and the bid . amount of $25,000 is still below the second low bid of $72,262. Actual cost to the contractor for equipment exceeded $50,000. The contractor has agreed to reduce his invoice of $.125,285.92 to $64,500. 1 1 I+ UNllING SOUKCE: ~, Federal S:. State S: County S: 39,500 User Fees S: Other S; Money Is In .Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ' Budget Amendment Prepared: yes ~ ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval of change order #98-0047-O1 and budget amendment #98-00 . ~ a ~~. . Ct)UNTY - ~ l~ ~ . ~ . NERS APPROVE . REJECTED O .. I .: REMOVEC- !7 ~ 41 r ~ ~~~~~ ~ H~ , •. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ ,2®!gL ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE M /////%J////:%~%/// ~~1 I ~( ////,//%////%///%///%/////,%~///////%////i%////%%%%/,%/`%///ii%/////////////%/r%///%///////%/%'~ ;%%///%~7:?z`>~:%;~//////i~%!%//;%/,%/%/%/.~i,/~/ii;~//%/,%///ii5i%i<>: ~2~~~:;;'r:. October 9, 1997 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager FROM: Ray Church, Director Environmental Management RE: Change Order #98-0047-01 . Specialized Marine, Inc. Landfill Lagoon Cleaning ~1~ On July 23, 1997, a contract was signed authorizing Specialized Marine, Inc. to remove sand and sludge from the landfill leachate lagoon. The primary purpose of the cleaning was to restore volume occupied by sand in the lagoon and to improve treatment by removing septic sludge. Upon removing the sand and sludge, we discovered hundreds of pin holes in .the hypalon'liner. Since the liner could not.. be repaired due to the oxidation of the liner and quantity of repairs necessary, a decision was. made to reline the lagoon with'an additional HDPE liner. Failure to. reline the lagoon may have allowed the contamination of ground water and caused remedial • action to treat the groundwater. ~ - ' The liner contractor, MWM, South, Inc., required the lagoon to be completely dry and swept clean before the new liner could be installed. Also, the drainage net placed between the new and existing liner would not function if any sand or sludge remained on the existing liner. It was also determined that a concrete slab intercepting the flow of water to the low point in the lagoon would have,to be removed to allow flow between the liners. Specialized Marine agreed to continue working until the liner was acceptable to install the new liner. Work progressed seven days per,week for almost five weeks, 1,435 man-hours. Rain events slowed the work requiring the water to be removed before work could resume. There was also the threat of significant rainfall as Hurricane Erika approached. Time was of the essence to complete the work due to the threat of rain filling up the lagoon before the work was complete. Additionally, the leachate accumulated on the liners in the cells was in violation of the one foot of head over liner standard, and the wastewater treatment system was losing its treatment ability due to being off line. _ ~ . ~ d~f~~~ ~~ Abu Qlf'~~'J~f4 ~~.~ x _ ' ~.~, - _ . _,. A .. ,., .' :.: Mr. Allen O'Neal. October 9, 1997 . `.,.'Page 2 ., . , v . .. ~ , :: -When the job was completed, the contractor began receiving invoices for the rental of equipment. '~r The rental of vacuum trucks and a crane exceeded $50,000, over twice the contract amount. At ' my request, the contractor provided invoices and associated costs for the project. The normal ~, rate, including overhead and profit, would have totaled $125,285: At a meeting with the ` _ j~ . contractoron Wednesday, October 8, the contractor agreed to accept aChange-Order in an _ ~ amount of $39,500. With the.original contract price of $25.,000; the total for the project is ' ~~ $64,500. This price is still below the second low bid of $72,262 which likely wouldhave also ,' increased when the additional work was required. _ .. , The lagoon was relined and brought back into service during~the week of September 15. ,The leachate has.been removed from the.cells and the pumps are back to normal operation. The ' wastewater treatment plant is,being brought back on line slowly and we expect to resume `~ ~, •~ , discharge from the plant within the next week. In order to protect the new liner from the . suspected cause of the pinholes (turtle claws penetrating the liner while crawling across the ° ~ bottom); estimates are being requested for the installation of a fence around the lagoon. The `~' fence will also satisfy.a safety concern of someone falling into the lagoon since the new liner is .very slippery. _ - ~~ ~ . ~. If you have any uestions concernin this memorandum or the ro'ect Lease call. . q. g P J , P ~. ~ .. c: Dave Weaver; Assistant County Manager ... ~ ~ .:_ °. . ~. ~~: •~ . - . - '~~ ,. . .. - ~~ 5 ., ~~ ~ ' . . ., , ,, ~.~ , . ~~ .~ October 6, 1997 SPECIALIZED MAItiME, ~~~. _ 837 Sunnyvale Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 (910) 799-5305 Fax (910) 799-8870 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3002 US HWY 421 NORTH ' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-9008 Attention: Mr. Raymond L. Church, Jr., Director Reference: Information requested by letter September 25, 1997 SMZ Invoices # 6101 and # 6103 New Hanover County Contract # 98-0047 Dear Mr. Church: Please find enclosed information you requested regarding Change Orders to the above, referenced New Hanover County Contract (#98-0047). If you have any questions or if I can be of any gurther assistance 'with this project, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. ' Very truly yours, Specialized Marine, Injj. ~9~ . ~~ Burt Lea Operations Manager Enclosures: 44 1 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION - ~. r w i i r .L. ...`SUBCONTRACTORS (See. attached invoices, + 15$) A. Hydrochem, August 11 to August 22, 199.7.........;': $' 28,485.50 B. ~ C.. H. Heist Corp, August 1 to September 7, 19:97.. 29,296.33, ~~ ~ C.,` -',O,.Quinn Crane and Rigging, August 3, 1997:........ 301..:87 " " ~ Subtotal $ 58,083.70. II. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (See attached invoices, + 15$) A. Ferguson Interprises; 700 ft.-of 2'° PVC and ;.. associated supplies, $ 1,092.02.......... ..... $ 1,092.02 B. - Bryant Electric Co., Inc., .$ 48.00 ............ .. 48.'00 - C. Coastal Hose and Rubber, Inc., $ 269.58.....,.... 269.58 D. All State Supply Co., Inc., $ 82.89.... .... .. 82.89 -E .. Industrial Plastics technology, $ 50.47.......... 50.47 ' F. Capps Industrial Supply, $ 34.08 ................. 34.0.8 . Subtotal $ 1,:577.,04 ZZI. EQUIPMENT RENTALS,_(Rental charges + 15$, see ' attached invoices).. ~ ; A. MAN Equipment Rentals, Inc., $643.63 ............. $ 643.63 B. ~ Prime, Equipment Sales and Rentals, $ 293.97...... 293.97 C. .General Rental, $ 45.08 .................... ... g5. O8 . ~~Subtotal $ ~- 982.68 - ZV. LABOR {Hours from July 31, 1997 to .September 8, 1997; ~_ ,• see attached work sheets) ' A: Brent Ozment, Field supervisor,- T93 hrs @ " $45.00/hr. ..................... ........ ..... : • $ 8,.685.00 B. Burt Lea, Project manager, 227.50 hrs_@ $65.00/hr ......................... .. ........ 14,707...50 " C. Lee Shackleford, Environmental technican,- 233.5 hrs @.$35.00/hr...... .... ..........' ... 8,172.50 D. Bubba Strickland, Environmental technician, -, _ 217.50 hrs @ $35.00/hr ..................:.......... 7,612.50 E. Foster Joe, Environmental technician, " 204.50. hrs @ 535.00/hr...... ........~.. ... 7,157.50 F. Ken Green, Environmental technician, - - 27..5 hrs @ $35.00/hr.... ............... ..... 962.50 G. David McClain, Environmental technician," , 184.5 hrs @ 535.00/hr...... ... ....... .......... . 6,457.50 ' H'. - Caesar McNeil,. Environmental technician, ~ , - 1.47.5 hrs @ $35.00/hr.. ..................... .. .5,16..5'0 ' ~ - Subtotal $ 58,917.50, 45 ~: ~~ .. ~ 2 .. SMI ~7. SMI RENTAL EQUIPMENT (See attached work sheets) A. Service trucks (one only), 9 days @ $75.00/day....$., 675.00 Service trucks (two/day), 26 days @ $150.00/day... 3,900.00 `~_ Hand tools, 34 days @ $25.00/day :.................. 850.00 C. Service trailer, 6 days @ $50.00/day .............. 300.00 Subtotal $ 5,725.00 Total $ 125,285.92 46 . 3 ~, ' S ` 1 ~` - ' ,., . , , ~ Budget Amendment . h ~~ . - 5 . , DEP RTMENT: ' . D . A BUDGET AMENDMENT # ATE ~a Environmental Management -98-0050 e . ~, 1Q-20-97 • ADJUSTMENT °' - .~ DEBIT CREDIT . .. F Environmental Management 1 ~ , ~- Appropriated Fund Balance $39,500 Contracted Services '$39,500 ~~^~ _ ~ . ~r o ~ • .~ ~' ,.~~ A. ~~. . , e ,. - :. ~ '~ ' . ... ~: ~ ~ . . EXPLANATLON ~. ~~ , To appropriate Environmental Management Fund B . alance for ~, - .additional-.cost. of contract 98-0047. cleaning of the lagoon . ~~ 9, . C~~~N ~ 9iir ~ni ~1 it ,~ / a~a~ct~~ ~ ~ : . ~~~~~~ ~ For Budget Officcr's appr en report ' ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ to Commissioners at nea~ lar mcctng ~~ ~ ~ and cntcr in minutes. ~ - ~}AT~ ~p 2p To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes: J This page intentionally left blank 48 . 4 i ~ ~ ~~~r~w~~ ~~~~~ "+ ,tt :.~: 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1. C 1 1 1 l 1 1. 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Regulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 3 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: ' NCDOT ROAD ADDITIONS BRIEF SUMMARY: _ Middle Point Section 1 (Hazlandale Drive, Tillson Court and Denly Court). RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolutions FUNDING .SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ne~v Appropriation Request: 'Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: HR: TY MANA R' MMENT A D RE 1~11-1ENDATI N . Adopt resolutions. CE?tlNi'Y COMMISSIONERS APPROVED f~ REJECTED p REnnovEp ~ 4 9 . - ~o Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition H d~~G ~r•~ W/Vv NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Roads(s) Description: Middle Point Section 1 (Harlandale Drive, Tillson Court and Denly Court) . _ •, WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standard and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the Systems. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Fghways is hereby requested to review the above described roads(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the nth day of ~~rnhPr , 1997. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 1997. 10/02/97 - NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOV .R PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) .PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE IIvIPROVEMENT ( ) ~~ We the undersigned, being property owner on HARI.ANDA .. D IVF_ ..SON CO 1RT AND DENLY COURT (Describe orgive local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above descnbed road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .65 miles in length and at the present time ' there are ~~occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outride the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division ~ of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. ~~ PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, INC. ,~ P.O. BOX 4127 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 ~ (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All :previous forms obsolete. ~ - 51 MIDDLE POINT - SECTION 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SEWER UTILITIES Section Road Name Utility Pipe Size Pipe Type Pipe Length Manholes 1 Hariandale Dr. Sewer 10" CL 51 D.I.P. 1028' 1L,1K,1J,11 1 Harlandale Dr. Sewer 10" PVC SDR 35 892' 11,1 H,1 G,1 F 1E,1D,1C,16 1 Denly Ct. Sewer 8" PVC SDR 35 466' 1C,2A,26 1 Tillson Ct. Sewer 8" PVC SDR 35 200' 1D,3A 1 Harlandale Dr. and Sewer 3" Force Main 80' Alestone Ct. ' 52 1 S 1 1 1 1 1 MIDDLE POINT SECTION 1 CAPE FEAR UTILITIES, INC. WATER UTILITY Section Road Name Utility Pipe Size Pipe Type ~ Pipe Length Pipe Depth 1 Harlandale Dr. Water 8" PVC SDR 21 2600' 3' - 4' 1 Harlandale Dr. and Water 2" PVC SDR 21 540' 3' - 4' Denly Ct. 1 Harlandale Dr. and Water 2" PVC SDR.21 200' 3' - 4' Tillson Ct. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 53 This page intentionally left blank 54 1 S 1 1 e s 0 s i . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _: Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 3 Contact: Patricia Ra nor ~uB.rECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: . Collection reports as_of September 30, 1997 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports. r u~~vIJINU ~UUKCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre tired: LLGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMh'IENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Approve reports. _, APPR4VEt~ h/ REJECTED ^ REMOVED D POSTPONED O HEARD Q Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ATE u'~~h~ir "J~~./~~ CONSENT AGENDA OATE- ITEM N0.______ NcW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 09/30/97 CUR2EVT TAX YcAR - 1997 GRIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LASS ABATEMENTS TJTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED AD VALOREM 5 1~239~942.47 54299.92 22~854.22- E 1 ~ 271 ~ 388'.17 807.27 b 1~272~195.44 111~891.44- b 1 ~ 160 ~ 304.00 8.80~~ MOTOR VEHICLE b 58 ~ 686. 35 376.64 990.96- b 58072.23 .00 b 58072.23 37~949.11- S 20123.12 65.35# TJTAL LEVY CJLLECTIJVS TJ DATE OJTST4NDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE ~OLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AVO PERSONAL PRJPERTY C-IARGE S AooE o LESS ABATEMENTS TJTAL TAXES DJE CJLLE~TIJ,VS TJ DATE OUTST4VDIVG BAL4N"E PERCENTAGE :.OLLECTED S 46805.92 1793.63 5~474.33- S 43125.27 5 ~;306.37- b 37818.90 12.30 T!i15 REPJRT IS FDR FISCAL YEAR BEGIN'~ING JULY 1~ 1997. R P=CTFULLY S^UBMITTED~ P4TZI~IA J. R CJLL=CTJR DF REVEVUc" ~ :0`13INED CJLLE:.TIDN PERCENTAGE - 11.26'0 t e CONSENT AGENDA DATE' ITEM N0.______ D NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAx COLLECTIDrJs COLLECTIONS THRU 09/30/97 O CJRRE T TAX - V Y~A.R 1997 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCR]LL b 56,737,365.65 S 2,484502.54 a DIS"OVcRIES AD~JED 2,454,951.91 14,651.53 LESS ABATEMENTS 27,524.76- 33,750.73-. TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ 59,164,793:80 E 2,465,403.44 A]V=RTISIVG F~ES'CHARGED STI G P .00 .00 N LI EN4LTIES CHARGED 41,202.89 .00 TOTAL LEVY 5 59,205,996.69 S 2,465,403.44 a COLLECTIONS TO DATE ---5,017,312_70- - 1,548,490_29- . OUTST4NOIVGrB4LANCE E 54,166,683.99 - - b 916,913.15 PcR~EVTAGE COLLECTED 6.47# 62.81% BACK-TAXES REAL STATE AV] PERSONAL PROPERTY S 2,469,657.19 C-iARG.S AOD_D 17,615.34 ~ LESS 43ATEMcNTS ------30~982_30- 1 T]T4L TAXES D'JE ~ 2,456,300.23 C]LL_:.Ti7VS T] GATE 380,280.87- OUTST4NDIVG BALANCc S 2,07b,019.36 PERCENTAGE. ;,OLLECTED 15.48% SEP 1997 FISCAL YTD RJ~y ]CCJPAVCY TAX COLLECTIONS --- - --- 311,637.06 - - --- 929,368.20 PRIVILEGE LICc"NSE COLLECTIONS 1,440.00 12,530.50 EMS COLLECTIO~JS .00 .OJ TOTAL `1]V~Y PROCESSED THR'J ;,JLLEC TI]N OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITY ]F ~IILMINGTON WRIGHTSVIILE 3EaCH T] DATE - Sib,430,753.55. , 3EACH, CAROLINA BEACH AND K'JRE ~ .THIS 2EPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGItJNING JULY 1, 1997.. - ~ES~~~TFULLY SU3MIT,TED, 'i h.r ~c:• f~ ) ..v ?ATRI~IA J. RAW.J02 C]LL=CT]R ~JF R=V~UUE ~ COWBINED C~LLECTIDN PcRCENTAGE - 10.65% S7 This page intentionally left blank 58 1 Regular Item #: - Consent Item #: S ~ "Additional Item # Department: INSPECTIONS Presenter: JAY GRAHAM Page Count .In Agenda Packa e: Contact: JAY.GR.AI-iA.M SUBJECT:. , Position reclassifications/upgrades .o ~ 1 BRIEF SUMMARY: • During the strong upswing in construction over the past two years, the Inspection Department has experienced great difficulty attracting qualified job applicants. A salary survey was done in conjunction with ` Human Resources to determine what competitive government jurisdictions with similaz growth. were required to pay in order-to attract qualified applicants. It was determined that New Hanover County was a enough below competitive rates to warrant amid-year reclassification request so that much needed vacancies ~ . maybe filled. Attached is a summary explanation from Human Resources. Any increase in individual: salazes as a result of this action will not impact'97-'98 budget due to the length of time vacancies have remained open.: , ` ~, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED AGTIONS• Staff recommends approval of request to reclassify/upgrade selected positions within the Inspections Department. . ~ : .,.-- ~. ~ ~ I .. ' rvlvDlivG SOURCE• Federal S: ~ ~ State.S: County S: 'User Fees S: 15,000. Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: YES ~ New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre aced: ~ ,. tc r, v. t C, w C, U ti Y : . . LGL: - FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS flpprove requested"upgrades as recommended by Human Resource . .. ' . ~ ` . - ;rJ~INT'~ E;~3NIM1S~it3ltiS p ~ ~IP~'RQV~D C~- ,~. ,. . R~EC7Ep C,3 V~ : a~~ovl=~ ~ ~59 ~~~~~~, - Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~~ ~ ' _ ~~~,o~ER ~o ~ a ?`' ' Gy'< NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' ~* F -~ ~•• ~° INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~FMOR~N~' „y R~~~~VEp DATE: September 24, 1997 o SE4 3~ X991 . , TO: Jay Graham, Director ~, Inspections . FROM: Andre R: Mallette, Director Human Resources - ~ ' U SUBJECT: ~ Requested Reclassifications/Upgrades In response to your request to reclassify (and in some cases upgrade) several positions in your department, I recommend the following: - Reclassify all building trades inspectors (building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing) to "code enforcement official I," "code enforcement official II," or "code enforcement official III," the level to correspond with the standard level certification each inspector holds in the trade to which s/he is assigned. - Attach pay grades to each "code enforcement official" level, i.e., "code enforcement official I" -pay grade 115, "code enforcement official ll" -pay grade 117, and "code enforcement official III" -pay grade 119. These pay grades are recommended as a solution to a serious recruiting and. retention problem with the building trades inspectors. - Reclassify the building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and code administration services division "chiefs" to "chief code enforcement official." There would be no upgrade for those positions. - Reclassify/upgrade the senior building inspector and the electrical, mechanical and plumbing diVisiori assistant chiefs to "assistant chief code enforcement official" at pay grade 120. . - Reclassify the current "plans reviewer" positions to "code enforcement official III" ~-(iu;pg~ade~#~to, pa~y~gr~ade 1,19). a O $~~~~::~5~~ - Reclassify ~tfie~"'~:administrative assistant III" position in code administration services to "ass~i"starit~chief~of code administration services." The pay grade will remain at 60. PaY 9cacie"~i111Cfi'~~~~~ G INTER-OFFICE. MEMORANDUM September 24, 1997 2 Subject: Requested Reclassifications/Up rades I ro ose we bud et all of p p g the code enforcement official (inspector) positions at the code enforcement official III pay grade. This will provide the means to get your staff to an overall D higher level of certification than they currently have--a goal you stated was important to homeowner insurance rates as well as to retention. Naturally, only the-"inspectors who possess the standard. level III certification will be assigned to the ,III pay grade. As previously stated, the creation of higher levels for building'trades inspectors is intended to respond to the serious recruiting and retention problem we are .now experiencing. The proposed pay grades for those new levels were determined from a special market survey, . independent of the position evaluation system usually employed to maintain, internal equity. a However, as the zoning division is in our de artment and y p questions arose about their pay ' ~ grade relationship to the building trades inspectors, we gathered' some data on zoning enforcment officers/inspectors in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Based on the following factors, I do not recommend zoning enforcement officers be adjusted at this timer . - Most of the jurisdictions surveyed had their zoning'enforcement officers at the same pay grade as the building inspector I, or at a pay grade close to the building inspector I. Currently, our zoning enforcement officer is the same pay grade as the proposed °code enforcement official I" (building inspector I). .~ - The zoning .positions are not driven by certifications. - You do not have the turnover/recruiting. problem in zoning that you have with building trades inspector positions.. - A lot of our classifications have probably slipped .behind the market, but we are not making adjustments to them.. The building trades inspector is a unique adjustment due to the severity of the recruiting/retention problem. That was the basis for it. . Hopefully, there will be a market adjustment and/or pay study in our near future that will address the pay of some of our other classifications. There are some administration details I need to recap. First, in our discussion with Allen Golden, we established rules for moving employees through the proposed code enforcement official levels: - An employee will be promoted to the next classification level when s/he .has a standard certification of that-level in the trade to which s/he is assigned--and is recommended by the supervisor for promotion to the next level. ' Example: Jim has a standard level I certification as a buildin ins ector. He ets i '" g p g h s standard level II certification in building. He goes from code enforcement official I at pay grade 115 to code .enforcement official II at pay grade 117. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Se tember 24 1997 a P 3 Subject: Requested Reclassifications/Upgrades - An employee is not promoted, for acquiring higher level certifications in trades other than the one to which s/he is assigned-unless it is a stated requirement. Example: Sue has a standard level II certification in plumbing (code enforcement official II) and gets a standard level III certification in electrical. She, does not get a promotion to code enforcement official III- unless she fills a vacancy in the electrical division. Q An employee who gets a higher level probationary certification will be considered a trainee for that next classification level. If you desire, you can give an increase when the employee gets a probationary certification, so long as the increase does not equal or exceed the minimum rate of the next level. An employee cannot be paid at the rate of the higher classification level until s/he has acquired the higher standard certification. Example: Mike has a standard level II certification in mechanical. His pay rate is pay grade 117, step 5 (527,914). He applies for and receives a probationary level III in mechanical and starts doing some level III inspections. You want to give him an increase. You can increase his rate by 1 %, 2%, 3% or 4% -up to pay grade 117, step 9 ($29,058). His rate cannot equal or exceed the minimum rate of pay grade 119 (529,349) until he gets the standard level III certification. An employee who does not progress through the certification levels to a standard level III certification within the prescribed amount'of time for each level can expect disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. The other detail is the minimum education/experience requirement for the proposed assistant chief of code administration services and the administration of that classification. From discussion with you, it is our understanding that in order to fully perform the essential functions of the proposed position (answering/interpreting code questions), an employee would have to possess at least a level I standard certification in one of the trades. Therefore, unless the successful candidate has the certification, s/he should come in as a trainee (5%-lower than the minimum rate of pay grade 116, equivalent to the minimum rate of pay grade 115) and remain a trainee until satisfying the certification requirement. If the successful candidate has a certification higher than level I, the pay policy gives you some flexibility in setting the pay rate. Should these recommendations be approved, we will probably need to touch base to get the processing started. In the meantime, call me if you have any questions. ~~ Allen O'Neal, County Manager Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 2 Contact: Roland Re ister D SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: See attached listing a~ a ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval of releases. reaerat ~: Mate 5: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation RequcsL• Budget Amendment Pre ared: ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE O~IMENDATION Recommend approval~of releases. Ap~ROVED REJECTED REMOVED ~ . 6 3 POSTAdN1 £ Rcfer to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition HEAR ~' 0 ' ~""`" ~~" DATE - _ l~` Consent Agenda Page 2' October 20, 1997 Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) Beauregard, Richard $ 20,000 Bohannon, Mary Estelle 7,180 Bostic, Sylvia Lewis ~ 20,000 Bowen, Sandra 20,000 Buher, Mary W. 20,000 Gray, Roselle J. 20,000 McClain, Evelyn T. 16,931 Memtt, Curtis Leo Sr. S,S90 Pfaff, Laurette A. 20,000 Kennedy, Dora Mae 20,000 Ponder, Edna K. 20,000 Talley, John B. 20,000 Taylor, Rebecca S. 20,000 Todd, Mary Louise Hart - 20,000 Williams, Chester M. Mrs. 20,000 Request approval of the following delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following organization: (application and letter explaining late filing available upon request) Wooten Oil Company -Kwik Mart ~ 14 B0860K280 Wooten Oil Company -Kwik Mart #15 B0860K281 sw Copy: P. Raynor P. Susie Listing a s 8 1 1 a i s t i . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ _ . ~~ Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 7 ~ Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Connie Pazker Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: And Atkinson SUBJECT: Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: Wilmington Health Access for Teens is requesting permission to submit a grant application to the State for an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Grant. The grant will provide a health educator and program to work with the schools and Girls, Inc., to prevent teen pregnancy. The grant is for $75,000 for the first year, gradually reducing over a five (5) year period. No county funds are required. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• . Recommend the Board of Commissioners endorse Wilmington Health Access for Teen's grant submitted. r UPlllllVti JV UK(:E;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA ER' COMMENTS AND R It-1MENDATIONS• Recommend the Boazd,of Commissioners endorse Wilmington Health Access for Teens bmittal. G{~UNTY C~?MMISSIC;tiu~ APPROVES C.~. R1JECTED a . REMOVED ~ poS7PONED p 65 HEARD .....° ~ ~'u~rr' Refer to Officc Vision Bulletin Board for Dispositi~`n1A~~ ~~~~1~" ~' NEW ~HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TM STREET WILMINGTON, NC 2840-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6500, FAX (910) 341-4146 LYNDA F. SMITH Acting Health Director TO: ~ Cam Griffin & Norma Troutman, Budget Office THROUGH: Lynda Smith, Acting Health Director FROM: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director DATE: ~ October 6, 1997 0~ SUBJ: Smart Start Grants The New• Hanover County Health Department has been notified by the New Hanover County Partnership for Children that we will receive two grants for fiscal year '97-'98 from Smart Start funds. We request that these funds be added to our Child Health budget for the present rear. Grant I -- 5166 -- (already existing since 1/97) "Preventive Health Sen•ices for Day Cares" Present budget: 7/97 - 10/97 ---------- $14,000 Ne~v budget: 7/97 - 6/98 ---------- 570,326 (to be increased by $56,326 to total $70,326) Staffing: PHN I -- pay grade, 119 -- $29,931 employed since 1/1/97 LPN II -- pay grade, 113 -- 521,77 new position to begin 11/18/97 ~~ Grant II --f~-- (new) "Health Check Coordination" Present4b.udge~t: 7/97 - 6/98 ------- $0 i~ ~~id'~tt~.~'li~+ 1 New budge~t«.~~lyl~/9~-7~ - 6/98 ------- $20,243 p ~3~>~ Staffing: M,,~ed~cal;"®Office Assistant -- pay grade, 111 -- $19,698 66 ~ ~ne_,~s.post~ion to begin 12/2/97 ,..,~~ ~ :<.~ . Your Health -Our Priority a Sop-24-9712:04P NcwtianovarCo P F C 910 815 0108. P.03 ~" ~-; ~ • - ~eul ~-fanoyer Irountr~ Partnership {or CFiilcfren 0 -- D Scptrntbcr 23. Ivv7 Janet McC'utobcc, RN, R$N C'bild fieahh DiviQOrt a , Ncw• Hara.rr County licalth Dcpurtcr>eut . 21129 S. 1T' $tr~ Wilmington. North Carolina 3tfA01 ~ ~~~ Q ~ ~~ Dear Mc A~umba; O - 1 am plnsed b inform you flat, as a part of tnir local Stuart Start initiative. ttte Board o! Dircnors of the New H.1na.•zT Coonry Partnership for Children votod last nigh( io award the Ne~v Harmer C'vur+t~" I icalth Dcparte+crrl 520.243 to implant]q !fie p~}at crultlo4 ''flealtt~ C1tKCfc COOr'Q1itYtlO~w for the period NaLa~er 1. (991 to June 30. 199E. m _ ,~J _• ~ O~jGe 1n order to put thecc furrJs into cortltact. the folJon~t1S itcsns arc rrytrittd: GEt'/cQQ~~_ L' IIB~ I. A rcvisod pto}ect badger fay the period No,rmhrr 1. 1997-June 30. 1998 fotalin~ 520,2x3; . 1. A «trrraponding budgd rwrrativr:' .~. Akita stating any Cttanpcs b yotu original work.. plan and Khy" those changrs arc ct;Quirtd. if app{lcablc: J. An aai~"it~• dptriptian abstract in It>D words or less, ~valy :s it is to be worded in t~ttxt. includLtk: ~ . what recd is being addrzssed . wht+l will be dote " _ for n hom it w•i I1 be dnnc rho wt116o it how• i t w i 1 t be done ahcn it will be done ~nc~tc it sill be done. . please rCtunt tl~c items to the Partnership office by (kiobcr IA, 1997 so that w~c can havY tofu txmlrx~ . prt-partd bcforc Novat~r 1. 1497, (?ttcz Apia oongrrtul:+lrorts. We apprccialc lout al;ency's strong and ~ectire Gt)mtnilmeIIt to utcctinR the t~ ofyvunR cfiildren 1n our community and look forward to ivrkirtg with you through $tnan Start this ~"ar. If}vu hart: am atx~siiocu, ply ~ not haitatc to call me al (910) 813-0101. Sinccr~~. ' Sw' Jayne H. 1}.r~ij f:~mUiv~ Dirntpr trxl OJ~fc~ ~~ llr0! ZSJfI(/itf ti~t.rtrnrr xi1,~Gyro~ 11C[.' su02 tr:...:nroJ! t 7q:(~lOJ lrJ~~ Sop-24-97 12:04P NnwHanovnrCo E' F C 910 8150108 p,•pZ . - ~I(~zy xanoyer County Partncrskip for CkiCdren ~~ - Scptaribcr 23, 1997 Jana McCumbce. RN. BSN Child Health Ui.isiat New Harw~cr Counh• Hc:tllh DcWrtmcnt 1t)29 S. 17"' Str+cct Wilmington, North Carolina 18iU1 8,,~4G#' s/ (, L Oerc leis. McLtitmboe: JJ I am pleased to inform -~ou that, u a pwrt dour Iopl Snutt Stari lrtitiatlve, the [3aard of tlirt.'gors of the New Hanover C'ou~tly t'artncrship for CE+ildrat votad lase aim[ b award the New l tatw~•a Count. Hctilth Drpartrr,crrt S'7+b~2~ a ia>~emcaL tlsc pao}oc! catitkd,'Trervttre Heattb Sc>ricc, for ~~/~/. T L~ ~1y CAR." fof the prnod Ju(r (. 1997 10 June 3Q (94(t, 'Rill tot]1 i1lOCa[IOQ indudcs lhC S 11,pOt) ttt / Q. interim funding aw•ardod in Contras X97-3-7R-03-f)0-t^, G.j/v Lam' In order to Mrnemd your wrt~ttt contras to ttfiect )our ldel ailoation for the fiscal year, the fnllo~~ing items arc roQulted: I. A revised projoa budget for lltc pcriad Ja(y I, 1997-June 3t), 199iS totaling 57~,?1G; a 2, A cornespoodlrtg budgd namtive; z. A letter stating am• cltargcs to your oriprsa( wvct plan and wbr tMsc c;han~ arc t'eQujrad. if app(lcablc: 1. 4n aahin' tSe9crlption absr»ct in I l)r7 wortfs or (ess, exactly ss a is to be MYxdcd in contract, includlag: whit nad is being rddreazcd a what sill be done for ai~o~n it mill be done who gill do it Itrnv II ~~ill be done ~~ whCn it will be done where it wil(be door. f'kisc return these items to the f :irincr=hip office by paobcr 10, 1997 so that we as atr)end your eurra~t contn+ct bcforc it expir+cs on (kiobcr 1(, 1997, tLnding iG rgroac7nt• to 3olp 1, 19'17. You will not be able to d:tim rL'i~r~burspncnt for fonds beyond yoia t.Ztrrtnt interim budget, bv~.c~~cr, tuitil wrier your cvntr:ict ILt~ been nmcr+ded to rrilect the txti. furdin6 level. (~ ()~KZ again, eortgratulatiotLC We approciate your agetxY's strong and dfalivc commitment to Il~ nktiting tl-c ncods of ~'oung diildn:n in our community and loom for.+-.rd to Nvrlcin~ with yap litroug)i ti~nart Start this year. If you Itirvt any Qtkstions. picric do not hcsihrtc to call ine at (9IU) 815-t)10I. SiucLrcl~~. Ja.rk H. Q:rvis E..~xuti~t f)ircctor ta.r r>f~. cwt, ssoa 2ti Xo•+a 1 ivwt .sirur t't~ :Iyto1 I»-orot (°F 6 V ~Q:nto/atJ-oroa L A .. - - ALLOCATIONS RECOMMENDATION Conditional on the acceptance and approval of a revised budget and narrative, the Allocations Committee will recommend. :the following projects for funding for FY 1997-1998: ' Or anization 9 ect Pro 1 Child Care -Accessibility Child Advocaq Commission Child Care Resource b Referral Child Care -Affordability NHC Departmertt of Social Services Subsidized Child Care Child Care. -Quality Child Advocacy Commission Quality Enhancement NHC Public Library Growing Readers American Red Cross Skill Development for Caregivers Child Advocacy Commission Indusion Services NHC Community Action, Inc. Asst. Coordinator for Mental Health Family Support Planned Parenthood Parents as Teachers _ Institue for Family Centered Services Intensive Family Based Services Family Support Network - SENC Family Support Network Southeastern Center for MH/DD/SA Clinical Supports for Children X of X of Allocation Funding Allocation . a< Reversion S 205,296 10X t Oyo S 205,296 • S a36,00a 40X 40°~ S 836.008 S S S S S S S S 465,4&4 259,863 78,447 37,950 67,907 21,297- 369,a7a 160,298 88,687 34,960 85,933 22X 1aX 26% 18~~ HeaItll.Care S 146,457 7X 9',~, NHC Health Department Preventive Health Services for Day Care S 70,326 -~ Prevent Blindness North Carolina Photorefradive Vsion Screening S 34,285 NHC Health Department Health Check Coordination S 20,243 ~ ~~~ ~`O~r°""~ NHC Partnership for Children Caring for Kids S 21,603 Partnership S 59,947. 3°~ 3°k NHC Partnership for Children Program Director S 27,209. . Evaluation S 32,738 .. S 2,Oa3,050 The committee recommends the followin fundin levels when the reversion funds are Q Q into contract: Dut Health Care Providers Study S 39,200 Family/Earty Childhood .Resource Ctr S 10,000 Child Care Workforce Assessment S 72,000 ~ S 2,204,250 ~ . . ~, S/GG 797 - 10197. .~r~~- w~ s~ ~ G ~ ~- ~. w-~-.-ter- F y ~ 7- 9~ . 69 i l From: CMORGAN --NHVMESA2 ~ Date and time 05/27/97 12:22:2 To : JMCCiJNiBE- -NHVMESA2 a From: cmorgan Subject: pd's you sent Z have reviewed the pd's for Medical Office Assistant and LPN II. Thanks for sending them. You did a good job! I looked at them against the pd's we have on file for each classification and they both seem to fit in ~} their respective classification. ll Let me know if and when you need anything further from me. e o~ a A 1 D 0 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 PD'1991 POSITION DESCRIPTION TO THE E.~fPLOYEE: This written information isojgreat value in understanding and tvaluaring flee duties and rtsponsibilitits uf- ~'ourlob. Tlccsc quutrons should assist cou in duuibing your work and tltarly t.tplaining your dutits. ~ - Read tht questrons carcJu!!. and rn• to ansk•er so that anyone -vho does not know rl,e job can understand -.~lusr ~•ou do. l7iink ana ~.•ritt in firms oj-••hat ~•ou do, and how and -vhv ~•nu do it. Feel Jree to attach anrau'diriona! information you feel would bt helpful in ducrrbinS your job. Also. i•ou mar attach additional pages i/you need additional span jot your answer ro any ojthe questions. • • Heal Lh `'amt Iast First ,`riddle .~;cncy or Department Licensed Practical Nurse. II ~ ~ Child Health CZt-tidal Position Title Division or Section Day rare Nurse 2029 S.17th ~St., ~Nilmingtc W~rkin~ Title Work Address .New Position 343-6500 Ho~~• luny ha~-c you been in this jub? Tdcphonc Vumbcr n/a 8-5. occasional evening/ti How Ions in this sscncv/dcpanmcntY Rceular Houn ot• Wurk Janet NCCumbee, Child Health Director one hour \'amclritlc of Immcdiztc Supcrti•isor Lcnsth ot•1`lcal Break 1. PL'RPOS'E OF J0f3: ~~'hzt is the primary purpose and objective of your job? (~~1tv decs }•our position ecist'1 See attached ?. GENERAL DESCRIPTIO\: tHow ~•ould you describe ~•our jubto someone u•ho hss ncvcrdonc iC') See attached 3. REQLri RED DlJ">-1ES A;YD TASKS: Please rtad the;e instructions cartjuUr. DLTIES AND TASKS.[..IST:~.In the space provided on past ?.list the duties and tasks im•olvcd in the pcrtormanrc of your job. Describe each task in a clear, concise statcmcnt_ Beein each statement with an action verb (c.=.. dri~•cs. runducts. repairs. tilts. types. answers. summarizes. prepares. etc.) Avoid words like coordinates. handles. participates. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. 7', After czrctully reviewing each duty/task you have Listed. mark cash column usin¢ the tollou•iris guiddinu; PERCEvi'AGE OF77~tE Inthc small column tothe left. indicate the percent oftime you spend ineuhtasklisted. n ke r 1 1 1 1 1 1 EE' "o DUTIES ~YD T~-SICS PHYSIC,~L DE'~I~NDS WORK Eti'VIR u m z c c ~ z < - _ - ~ 2 ^ _ _ 2 Attend workshops and training related to I 17 C,D 10 7 F K job to update imovledge E S Assess inm;unization status of children,0-S -D 1 C,H 10 1 Q in daycare by checking child's record at Health Departaeat or private doctor. E 10 Give iamninizations on site.at daycares as i7 6 A,B SO 1,5 F LN Z needed. C,D` 6 E,G, ~E 2 Counsel families and daycare provider W 12 C,D 10 7 F about immunizations. E 2 Honitor supplies needed for screenings and H 16 C,E 10 1,2 Q 7C immunizations. 5,6 E 10 Perform hearing and vision screening as D 3 A,B SO 1,2 F Ii, as appropriate for child's age. C,D 3.4 E,G 5.6 E 10 Obtain anthropometric oeasures and graph D 5 A,B SO 1-6 F H on growth charts: C,D .G'H E 10 Administer Denver II screening and/or othe D 2 ,B,C 50 1-6 F H assessments of language, motor skills, and ,E,G social skills. 10_ Contact daycare providers and families on D 7 C,D 10 7 Q phone or by letter to arrange screenings follow-up:oa referrals. E S Record all serdices on appropriate forms, D 6 C,E 10 1 Q including mastercards. 2 Complete statistical reports. ti 18 C,E 10 1 Q 1 -Carry emergency supplies and learn policie D 20 A,B 10 1-6 P K 7C and procedures. C,D .G,H E S Hake referrals, after'RN consultation, for D 10 C,D 10 7 Q abnormal screenings. E Follow-ups on abnormal screenings. H, 9 C,D 10 7 Q E 10 Provide education to children 0-5, daycare D 11 A,B 10 1-6 F H providers, and parents, on health and C,D It: nut covcrcd in the list about. dcscribc anv unusual and/or difficult conditions you cncrountcr in o (ncludc cummcnts about the physics! surroundin¢s, unavoidab(c hazards and/or physical harm to which you ar~c~oscd. ctc. (. ~1EiiT~L DE1~1~1h'DS: Describe the dcercc of mental stress and pressure that is rcquircd in the pcrtorma.~cc ci ~•elur jub.. tEx:unples: ~+te there t~equent deadlines: extended periods of concenvation: close. czacun_¢ a•uri:: Analr•tica! work: frequent interruptions: public contact: tieht «•ork spaces: crises: ete.?) 7, i\Il;\Ii\i Ui•i R1/QUIREAIENTS: (What is rcquircd to perform the csscntiAl functions of your jub?) WhAt edur~tion. trainine or cctUGcation is ncccss:uy for your position? a List Anv rcquircd skills itypins or computer skills. blueprint rcadins. ctc.1 ~~IAI Olhcr SpCC111 knou•1CdCC. Skills c)r AbllltleS ALC nCCCSSary [n norm this •ob? f'S J How much prior jub-rcl:ltcd work experience do ~•ou thin!: is the minimum needed to AdcquAtcl~• perform your iob' .`l. S(JPEft~"ISOitI' RESPON51BIL1TIES: Do you hA~~e supcr.•isorv responsibility ti.c.. for pcrtormun~; Appr•Aisas. disciplinary Action. etc.)? If not. ~~•rite "NONE" below :1nd w directly to ~9. If you Arc :~ Ie:1d ~~•orker. w not complete this section. but be sure you have included Iead ~~•orker ducks in the prccedin~ tASk list on pA~e ?. if a ~~ou do hA~•c supcr~•isor responsibilitiu. ~ivc the n:unc of employee And job title for csch position rcporv:le to }~nu (tilled and ~•aeAntl. Indicate whether e:1ch. in turn. supen•isu outier positions by putting the number of positions ur ~ "0' in the space pro~~idcd. LJ ~'amc ~~t Emnlwcc Ioh Ttlc = Su~r~•i~ts 74 ~ ~j - ~ of empiovcu reoorune directly ro vou:..~_ _ = ei-_:r~!o~~ecs r_^or~.^.~ :~direc~!v to~~~o~~: . e t e EF _"o DUTIES AND TASKS PHYSICAL DE:~tAlti'DS «ORK Eti'VIR } U ;J Z ~ n Z :. C Z :~: < !- :- E... .. - c ` C ~ Z ~ F s < ~ > v z '` 2 Help providers and families identify lead D 13 C,D 10 1-6 F H poisoning hazards in their environment. 5 Hake referrals to Health Department ser- D 8 C,D 10 7 Q vices, such as iTIC, CSC, Health Check, FP, E Lead programs, Well Clinics, etc. . . 1 Attend monthly team meetings. H 19 C,D 10 7 H E 1 Comply with all OSHA guidelines and TB D 15 E,H 10 1-6 H 1C Infection Control. _ E 2 Hake home visits as needed, related to W 14 A,B 10 1-6 P H screenings, referrals and follow-up: C,D it nut co~crca ~n tnc list about. dcsaibe zny unusual and/or difficult conditions you cncountcr in your ob. lncludc rummcnts about the physical surroundines, unavoidable hazards andlo~ physical harm to which you :u-~~oscd. etc. ~. CIE\T~L DE~I~i'DS: Describe the dcerce ot'mcntal stress and pressure that is rcquircd in the pcrtormancc or ~•e~ur jub. tExamples:~ ire there t~equent deadlines: eztendcd periods of concentration: close. czactin2 «•urk: anal~~ical work: frequen( interruptions: public contact: tight «ork spaces: crises: etc.?) 7. ~tI~I~1U~1 REQU1RE~fENTS: (What is rcquircd to Ixrtorm the csscncial functions of your jub?) What edur~tion. training or ccttiGcation is necessary for your position' List any rcquircd skills (typins or computer .kills. blueprint reading, ctc.l What plhcr S~cCI.11 kJlOu'ICdCC, skills ~~r abiliucs arc ncccssar~• t~ rcrform this job? Ho~• much priur jub-related work experience do you think is the minimum ntcdcd to adcquatcl}• pcrtarm your iob' ~'~. S(?PER~'1SOR1" RESPO~'S1[31LITIES: Do )vu have supcn•isory responsibility ti.t.. t'or pcrformunc•; appraisals. disciplinary action, etc.)? (Cnoe. «zite "VOCE" below and ~v directly tv ~9. If ~•ou arc a Icad «•orker. du not complete this section. but be sure you have included lead ~~•orker duties in the prccedin~ cask list on pasc 3. If ~-ou do ha~•e supcn•isor responsibilities. give the name of emplo~~ce and job title for each position rcportin~ to ~-~u ttillcd and vacantl. Indicate whether each. in turn. supen•ises other positions by puttins the number of positions ur "Q" in the space pro~•idcd. ~'amc ~~f Em~+lwce h i = Su; tr•i~cs 76 of cmplovc~s rcportins directly to you: ~. of emplo~•ccs rcrortin~ indirectly to ~•ou: e e ATTACHMENTS • l: Purpose of job: • The primary purpose of this job is to provide health services to day care centem and day care homes. This position will be funded by Partnership for Children grand funds and therefore will be focused on children 0 - 5 years old. 2. General Description: . This LPN II position will provide practical nursing care (preventive) to children 0 - 5 ' years old in all types of day care xttings, under the supervision of a registered nurse. P Preventive xrvices will include growth measurements, vision and hearing screens, developmental screening, and asxssment of immunization status. On site immunizations will be offered. LPN will provide safety and health education under RN supervision. LPN will also follow-up on referrals for abnormal findings during screenings. 3. Duties and Tasks List: Attached. 6. Mental Demands: ' Requent contact with public; uncooperative parents, meeting frequent deadlines for mont}ily reports, screening children who are uncooperative, being out in weather, producing amount of services contracted for in grant; noise of crying children during immunization. 7. Minimum Requirements: Graduation from a state accredited program of practical nursing education; two years as . an LPN, NC -LPN license; N.C. drivers license. Nursing assessment skills to perform screenings; pediatric health and development assessment skills. Knowledge of practical nursing; ability to work with children 0 - 5 years and their families and care givers; knowledge of public health principles and practices; good communication skills. 2 years, preferably in pediatrics and/or public health settings . ~ 77 8. - Supervisory Responsibilities: None 9. Decisions and Actions, Methods and Guidelines: 1. Determine whether a child needs.an immunization, based on previous shots received, present state schedule and whether child is well. 2. The need for a referral for follow-up of a child's screening, based on screening guidelines. Giving the wrong immunization or wrong dosage would be difficult to catch. The consequences could be related to increased side effects or not being properly immunized. Phone, face-to-face, memos, monthly review of slats, tasks listed on PD. When special assignments are completed and reviewed, feedback is given. Monthly slats are monitored, direct observation of screenings, and by use of RN in day care program. All Health Dept. P&Ps, state child health manuals, Denver II Manual, lcad poisoning guidelines, OHSA guidelines, TB infection control, .date care rules and rcgulations, immunization laws, cmergency standing orders, manuals related to screening cquipmcnt, WIC guidelines. Follow-up of delinquent immunizations or referrals for screening failures when families don't see the importance of preventive health. . During visits in home day cares, situations of possible child neglect or abuse may be noted. This must be reported to the DSS. 10. Contcol of Assets: Control of budget--no. Handle money-no. 11. Equipment and Tools: Telephone .............~........ 10% Car ..........................10% Copy Machine ................. 2% Measuring devices (scales, ht) ..... 10% Audiometer ...................10% Denver Kit .................... 10% Eye Screening Equipment ........ 10% Visual Aids .................... 5% 12. Records and Reports: 78 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Responsibility for any records or reports--yes. Will be filling out screening forms with child's results, keep monthly statistics, writc referrals, document on master cards and shot records, checking shot records, interpreting screeningresults under RN supervision. , 13. "Safety: Responsibility for safety or health ofothers-yes. Standards for child care, immunization laws, public health and safety of children in day cares. Children could be at risk for developmental delays (not discovered), vaccine preventable diseases, and abuse or neglect by care provider. . 14. Contactr: Title of Contact Ageacy Purpose Frequency RN - PHN I NHCHD Work together on screenings Daily, Day Care State Consultation/training Monthly Consultants EHS NHCHD, Consultation Weekly. Immunization PHNs NHCHD Work together Weekly Day Care Providers NHC To provide scrvices Daily -Local doctors ` NHC To verify Daily i mm uni za d o n/re fe rral s Local Child NHC Referrals _ Weckly/Monthly Advocacy 79 PO 149J = = ~-~ ~ - - POSITION DESCRIPTIO`' - - ~~ TO THE E.t1PLOYEE: Pus written information is of great value in understanding and evaluating tlrt dutics and responsibilitiu uj your Job. T7u!sc questions should assrsr You rn dcscrrbinq your ~.•ork and dcarlti• c.rplaining your dutics. Read rite qucsrrons carc/ully and rrv to ansx•er so that anvont who dots nor know rite job can understand wirer you do. Think ana «•ritt in arms oj~~'hat ~'ou do. and how and x•hv vnu do it. Feel Jrce ro attach anv ac'daional injormation you jcc! would be hdpJ~1 in describing your job. Also. ~'ou ma.• attach additional pogo ij you need additional space jot your answer -o anv ojnc~ qucsrrons. Health Vame Last First Middle rl;ency or Dzpartment Medical Office Assistant Child Health O{~ticial Position Title Division or Section Health Check Coordinator ~Q?9 S 17th St.. Wilm._NC W~rkins Title Work ~ddrus Nev Position 910/343-6500 Huey luny hs~'c }•ou bzcn in this jub~? Telephone Number 1i-5 (~ r•acvPnin& nr Sa r _) How Ions in ttus a~cncs•/depanmcntY Rceular Huun of Wurk Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director 1 Hour ~'am~Title of (mmediatc Supcrti~isor ~ Lcnsth of bteal Break I~ 1. P[.TtPOSE OF 1013: \\'hat is the primary purpose and objccuve of sour job? (\Vhy does ~~ouc position gist'` o implement a county-based outreach plan aimed at increasing utilization f EPSDT/Health Check services to assure Nedicaid eligible children (0-5 rs.) receive comprehensive health care. To coordinate Medicaid services o reduce morbidity and mortality of Children in New Hanover County, as- uring that eligible children receive appropriate yell child exams from ublic and private providers. ?. GEN'ER~L DESCRIPTIOti': t How would ~•ou describe ~•our job to someone ~t'ho h:u never done it'') o increase community and family awareness about benefits of Health Check. o implement a system to identify and follow eligible children, 0-5 years f age, oho are Medicaid eligible. To cork with health care providers Lo Wrote these children have access to health care. Serve as a liaison Lo ocal physicians, Nedicaid agencies and professional organizations. To assist families with Medicaid eligible children (0-5) with appointments, .ransportation, etc. To follow up on missed referrals, appointments for yell care and immunizations. 3. REQUIRED DUTIES ~,ti'D TASKS: !'lease read these instructions carejulJv. DUTIES AND TASKS L1ST:.ln the space provided on pa~c 1. list the tluues and tasks involved in the perform~r,r~ 1 ut your job. Describe cash task in a clear, concise statement. Beein each statement with an action verb (c.s.. ~iri~'es. conducts. repairs. tilts. types. aruwers. summarizes. prepzres. etc.) ~voicl words like coordinates. handles. p~tj~jpates. Conunuc on additional sheets if necessary. after c:uetitlly reviewing each duty/task you have listed. mark each column urine the tollow•ins ~uidclincs: PFRC'EVTAGE OF Ti~'tE in the small column to the Lett. indicau the percent of time you spend in each task listed L - ._ ' , .. . . ~, • FRE UENCY•- How ottcn do you rform the task. . star itus column: D (daily) 'or ~V(w•eekly ur ?~1 (month( • or I (.irrecular inten•als), or • r ~I~iPORTAIsiCE.Rank the i'mpoctartce of tasks in accomplishing the objectives of your postiion. with "1" beano tt~ f ,most im n~ant..~'ort:. 71ie mast important tasks art not ncctssartly thrones on whidt ~~ou s nd the rcattsrcmolnr o ~tcr-~. , Po P~ 4 1 . _ ,, . .. , ~l PHYSICAL DE~I~i`tDS: For each task. supply ALL applicable codes°ineach cateeory - Activities. Effort. aad ,.. _ ; Visual. :~CTIYITIES: Does this task in~•olve any of these activities'? 1~FFQR~z -Does this task require that,wcieht M Ltst ALL that a 1 in the Activities column .beside the task' li •cd or fore xcrte u! ~ . PP Y ftcd or cam c be c d to push. or p ! . . . ~ _ ~ ` If so. how.much? ' :~ \, Stand... ~ ~v4ical effort to lift. carry; Pull ter push .B , C ; Sit ~ 10 Up to'l0 pounds ~ , . ~. ` ~ D- . , Talk or hear ~ ~ 25 Up to 25 pounds _. .. .. ' .., U _to ~0, unds ',F, -- E _ Use hands to tineer: handle: feel of srssp ~ ~• . . l00 Up to t 00 poa nds . F Climb or balance :~ ~ ~ 100± t po ` ~ ore than t00 unds G ~ Stoop. kneel. crouch or crawl , H `. Rtac a~ttt hands and arms. Taste or smcl( `• ' ~ ~ . . • , t, . - . ' . ,_ '`~~ ,- :. .. vISU:4I. ~, Does this task have any skis( ~•isua rcquircmcnts•' ~ ` .v~ ... , .:.; n~ Jsual rc utrcmtnt- ~ . I .~ ,, 1_ . Close, ~•ts~on (clear Easton at _O ~nchcs or less} ? Distance vision. (clra.r rision at 20 feet ormorc) y ~ ~ ~ ~ :, 3 Color vision (ability to identify and disuneuish colors] ~ ~~ - ' ~ ~ _\ '~~Peripheral; vision (abilin• i0 observe areasihai can be sun up and down or to the left and righf while . c~•~s arc,fixtd on a eivc^ point} ~ j, ~cptti perec uon tthrec•dimensiohal ~•ision. abilit~• tojudecdistznccs :u~d spatial rcl~uonships.t ~ h ' ~htlity to adjust taus (ability to adjust ttie e}`e to~brirt; an objec.Z into sharp facu$) - •~ 7 ~Io spccisl.~• sua requirements ~ ~ - _ .. _ l :. ~~'OR~ E\~;IRO.`.\(E\T: For each task. supply .-~.LL`zpplicatile codes in each cate~orv -- Condiuons: ~oi,_. ~Exposurc to Blood and Other In1•cctious.`taterials. '` - _ . .... 5 • ;COti'DITIOI\`S: Does this task require rcttular , ~'~ POISE: ~~'hat is the tspic•.il noise level for the work ~: t.iposure to an~'.ot the folloµ~ins conditions'. environment u•~ie pcrtorming this task? . e . -~; _ ~... `Cundiuons : `Cade ~ - Voisc le~•el o , .~ Wct.•hutnid conditionsinon-w•esther) VQ Veryquict(cxamples: forest trail.isol;tuon , ' B Work near mo~•iag mechanical parts booth for hearins test) . C , Nock in Kish, precarious places Q ' Quiet (examples: libtat}', private office) D Fumes or airborne particles ~ ~t ,~toderatc Hoist (examples: I:uec busiricss ;, ' E Topic or caustic chemicals ot~ficc with typewriters andLor computer - F • Outdooc.~•eather conditions ~~ ~ printers. lisht traffic: pumps. compressors. G G Exucme:cold (nun-w•eatherl • ronve~•orn - H Ettreme~heaz (non-wesiher) LN a Lewd itoisc (czainplcs: metal cmmanufa~ - `- 1 Risk.of efcctrica! shock. ' - ~ turin laz a earth-movin a ui mcnt 1 ' . Workw~th explosives , . _ ~ VLN ~ Very loud noise tcxamplc~s: j:r k_hanim.r ~` `\ K .'Risk of radiation .. _ .work, front row at concert) - .. _ ' L Vibration,. . _ , • _. 81 ... EYPOSURE TO BL~Ds=Put a check mark in this column if peYformine this task puts you in contact with blood ~r other potcndally inicctious materials (fluids, needles, etc.} EF °o DUTIES alW T~StiS ~ • PHYSICAL DE'~1~NDS tiVORK EW(R ,. - } w U ~ c Z < C• cd t- .~_ ~ E, c x ~ ~ ~ ^ z ~ • i ~ . .~ < 4: > O V C Z x j; 1 Write goals for yearly percentage of HC A 2 ,D,E 10 1,6 Q participation. ~~ 1 Seek assistance and guidance frog State, - Q 1 C,D 10 1 H HC RN at NHCHD,~DSS, and other professiona 2 ilork with NHCHD Health Check Nurse to up- A 1 ,D,E 10 1.6 H date policies and procedures related to missed'appointments, follow-up of referrals etc. 5 Enter data in computer at Health Dept. D 13 C,D 10 1,4 H E,H ,6 E 10 IIse word processing skills to type aemos, D 12 C,D 10 1,4 H letters, procedures for Health Check and E,H ,6 any other Smart Start program in funding year. E 2 IIse copy aachine and fax as needed. D 17 A,B 10 -6 H C,D E,G H E S Develop visual aids for presentations or H 14 C,D, 2 1 H media. E 5 IIse automobile to make home visits. D_ 15 A,B 10 -6 H F C,D E,H 1 Assist Health Check Nurse with ozientation I 22 C,D 10 7 Q of new staff. 1 Attend ionthly team meetings and inservice H 21 C,D 10 ,6, H education. ~ 2 E 1 Follow OSHA guidelines and TB Infection D 23 A-H 10 -6 H Control with yearly updates. ~E S Provide clerical support to PHN and LPN in D 16 A,B 0 -6 H Daycare Nurse positins (Swart Start), C,D telephone, appts, data'entry, typing, etc. E 10 To identify Hedicaid eligible children H 1 C,D 0 1 Q (0-S) in Nev Hanover County. { If nut covcrcd in the list about. dcsaibc any unusual and/or difficult conditions you cncountcr in your job. (ncludc 8u~mcnts about the physical surroundines, unavoidable hazards and/or physiczl harm to Which you arc czposcd. etc. t 0 ~, t r: • , , t:; .. EF "o _ ~ DUTIES ~l~\'D T~S1S PNYSIC,~L DE:~taNDS WORK E:WIR m c Z ~ ~ C C C ~ tv Y - > t- x C t C c 2 ;~ " C f- s i _ •~ < ~ ,,, t~. 4: ~ > O U C 2 K y E 20 To assist families .with making appointments D 2 C;D 10 1 K for yell care and immunizations. E 10 To follow-up on aissed appointments by D 3 A.B 10 1 K' F by phone, letter, or hone visit and C.D and delinquent immunizations. E,H E 2 To contact all agencies or groups vho can K 4 C,D, 10 1 Q refer tohealth check and saintain contact on regular basis. E 2 To identify Health Check providers and K 5 C.D, 10 1;6 Q maintain a list for .families. E S. To counsel families on importance of well D 6 C,D 10 7 K care and benefits of Health Check E. 1 To be knowledgeable of schedule of° D 7 C,D 10 1,6 Q schedule for appropriate check-ups. E 3 Publisize.Health Check through media. Q 8 A,B 10 1,6 K C,D E 1 Obtain DHA priority listings of eligible. H 16 C.D 10 1,6 Q- children. E 3 Reep monthly statistics of contacts. H 9 C,D 0 1,6 Q~ E 2 Assist families with community resources, D 10 C.D 10 1,6 K especially transportation to appointaent:s. Refer to Health Department services. E ,2 Collaborate with local service agencies H 11 C,D 0 7 2t who deal with families with young children. ; u nut covcrca m tnc list above. describe sny unusual and/or difficult conditions you cncountc~ in yo~~+~Fo Include cummcnts about the physica! surroundings, unavoidable hazaids and/or physical harm to which you • c scd. etc. ~. ~lE\T~IL DE~1~-;v~S: Dcscribrthe deeree of mental stress and pressure that is rcquircd in the i+crtormance of ~•cwr jub. ~(Ex:unples: ire there trcquent ~Ieadlines: extended periods of concenvation: rlosc. uactine u•urk: anal~vcal work: Ircqucnt intcrcuptions: public contact: tight ~~~ork spaces: txiscs: etc.?) Lots of public contact, frustration of lack of knowledge about need for well care, state mandate to increase Health Check participation, finding providers of Health Care (Medi- caid), finding clients who have moved. 7. i\[[\Ii•1U~1 REQUIREI\tENTS: (What is rcquircd to pcrtorm the csscntial functions of your jub?) What cclurttion. training or ccrtitication is ncccssary Cor your posicion•? Graduation from high school and successful completion of a one year training course in medical office assisting as a local community college or technical institute; or grad- uation from high school and a combination of one year of clerical and health related experience, or equivalent combination of training and experience. List env rcquircd skills (typin¢ or computer skills. blueprint rc~din~. etc.) Data entry skills, word processing skills, maintaining medical records, filing, com- piling statistical data. History taking skills (health), appointment scheduling. What other special kno~•Icdee. akills ~~r abilities arc ncccssar~• t~ rcrtorm this job? Knowledge of public health, preventive health care. issues, office practices, Health Check procedures. Ability to establish new position, work with community agencies, and families with young children, good oral and written skills, medical terminology. Knowledge of community resources. Medical records knowledge. HoW much prior job-rcl~tcd work czpcricncc do ~•ou think is the minimum nccdcd to ~dcquitcl~• ~xrtorm .-our i~b' One year, preferably in working in community with families with young children. ~. 5('PER~'15OR~' RESPO\'SIBILITiES: Do )•uu ha~•c supcr~•isoty responsibilit~• ti.c.. I'a pcrtormancc :,ppr•.ris:ils. disciplinary action. etc. f'? If not. ~~zite "VO; IE" below :u~d Yo dirccdv to +r9. If you :ue :t Iced worker. efu not complete this section. but be sure you have included Iead worker duties in the preceding task list on p~~e 3. It ~•ou do ha~•c supervise responsibilitics. ~ivc the name of cmplo~•cc and job title t'or cash position rcporvng to ~•~u (titled and vacant). Indicate whether each. in turn. supcrvisu other positions by putting the number or positions ur "O' in the space pro~•ided. -None- ~'amc c+t Emnlt~~cc 84 ;.ot'cmployccs reportir.e dirccdv to vou: r~•ic~~ ~ of cmplo~•ccs rcrorine irdircctly to ~'ou: ~' ~ ~ .. e R ,r 9. •OECiSIO\S ~W ~CTIO~S. METHODS ~+~~ G[,1DLEIti'ES: ~. - _ _ What t~-pcs of decisionsforher than "prioriti;ing x•ork") do you normally have to make in your work each day/week? Determine whether a family is eligible for Health Check. Determine whether well care is scheduled appropriately and whether immunizations are due ~. ~ o • L-~~e czarrtples ut the t• pes of s-_rut-cant errors a person to your pus-uon m-eht make :utd descr-bc hou• difficult it would be for others to catch your errors. 1V1-at x•ore(d be the likely consequu-ces ojsrcch error, ~If a well checkup is scheduled and completed at•an inappropriate interval, Hedicaid will not pay, or service may be billed by Lwo providers. Error would be caught with billing and money lost to the provider. >rq '" How does ~•our immediate supervisor assign vour work? Phone, face-to-face contact on regular week-ly Dasis,~memos, at team meetings. Hou~ does your supen•isor review vour work? How uttcn~' oint home visits, review of data, discussion with Health Check nurse, eview of word processing., quarterly conferences and annual JPA. ~Lmat manuals. suidelines. rules. ur policies do you use in vour work? . ealth Check State Guidelines, Hedicaid billing policies, NHCHD HCH ol,icies and Procedures and administrative procedures, OSHA anal TB Policies. nd Procedures, Hedicaid eligibility. «hich or ~•our duties do you consider the most difficult and ~./,~•? • t', ollowup-.with families of children who are delinquent Cor well care .and mmunizations is very difficult because of frequent address changes, no hones, lack of concern. Finding a Hedicaid provider may be difficult due o local ,resources. Dcscribe,problemsfhat arise during the course of your work and the manner in which you respond to them. 'amily calls for assistance in finding a primary physician Lo see child for sick and well care or.needs a referral for specialty care. Nast seek com- ~unity resources and help family find care, transportation, etc. lU. COrTROL OF ASSETS: Do you have responsibility for the preparauon and control of a budeet~'. Ycs X X ~'o if ~•es. indicate currcnt'dollar amount ot• budeet: Do ~•ou handle mone~•' Yes X X \'o Hou• much annually? t 1. EQL1IP~IE\T ~\D TOOLS: ~~~at machines. cyuipment or tools do ~~ou use. operate. -na;ntain. ur repair in~ the course of ~•our «•ork? Examples include mechanic's tools. shovel. truck. mower, computer. adding machine. telephone, utd dratiins toots. include the pecccntaEe ut time spent in the operation ,maintenance. use or repair oC each. The total of percentages cannot exceed 100%. ~~ Computer 20 c~ Printer 5 `.'t Typewriter 5 c{. Visual .aids 5 ~ Automobile 10 c ~ c Copier 2 0 0 c ~ C ? y t2. RECORDS .~\~ REPORTS: Does yourposi[ion require responsibility t~or any records or reports? x X ~'es \o If yes. describe the t~~pes of records and reports for which you have responsibility and include how ~~~~ .ue inyolyed in them (lillinP out forms. checking. validating, yerifyine. proot7eading. tiline. analyzing. interpreun~. summarizing. etc.). ~ ~``~ Recording appointments on schedule and in client charts, keeping (~ statistics on all contracts, verifying Medicaid eligible (see card), proofreading wordprocessing in draft form. Analyzing Medicaid computer listings. 13. S~ FETY: Does your position have responsibility for the saicty or heath of others (other thin your subordinates i. `~ or for the eNorcement of laws and standards of public satcty or health? X X Yes Vo (f yes. describe your responsibilities. If you were careless in your work. could others be hurt' How seriously'? Responsible for families understanding importance of well care and their rights as Nedicaid recipients. If families don't take children for well. ~~~111 care/preventive care, morbidity may increase. l4. COVTaCTS: Indicate persons or ~roanizations inside and outside your section ~L~ittt which you deal dircct!~• in the course ut~ yUUr normal dutizs. also describe the purport and Irequency (daily. weekly. monthly of suer: ~~~ntacts. Do nut include your supervisor. •I Ti(I: ~~(C~~ntact .~,~~ r ~~ Frcc1~cncv ~ Health Check Nurses NHCHD Coordinating/scheduling daily DSS-Social (corkers DSS Medicaid eligibility weekly Community agencies , serving children local doctors, Referrals monthly. CA,OEC,PACT,PS State Health Check Coordinator State H1th.Dept. Guidance as need C Tl~e a~~e responses arc my oµn and are correct to tt~e ocst of my krto~t•Ied~c. EmYl,~~c~~s si~naNr~ Date TO THE SUPERVISOR: Reviex• the ansk•ers ojthe emplopee jnr completeness and accuracti•. G'se this spoce to elaborate un ur clarify any ansk•ers that~•utt think need ir. Do ~\'OT change any ansx•us. lj)•uu disa~ne -.~uh an ans-••er the employee has given. give -•uur npiniun and identify clearlti• the points ojdisagreernent. I ha~•e reviewed and determined that this job description accurately retlccts the positon. ! have reviewed and determined that this job description accurately reflects the positon with the tollo~yin~ rlaritication or modification. • ~I Co to the Task List on page 3. (n the small left-hand column identified as "EF" (for "essential function"l. putQ~ in the space heside each duty/task that }•ou consider to he an essential function of the position. By "ess+~Ali~l." «•e mean a task required to achieve the primar}•ohjectiye and desired resultsof the position. Please refer to ttie "G.uide to Determining Essential~Functi/o~ns of a Joh" in making these determinations. -' Superti•isor•ssisnature /y7~~~~--"-" Date /~-3/97 Oct-08-97 10:05A P.O1 - ~ . October 8, 1997 ' TO: Andy Atkinson, hrew Hanover County Deputy County Manager FROM: Cvnnie Pai'kcr, F,xecutive Director /Gh~ / ~U - `j S5~ S ' ltP.: N.C. Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Projects Grants ' I am on my way tc~ a group of four different out-of--town meetings, and T hope 1 can quickly give you enough inturtnation for the agenda. I am including a letter of intcrtt that mailed oft' yesterday to the grant ot2ice that will give a little overview of what the project .~ will be. - The grant will be cover a five year period [i'om the y.C. Department of Health and Human Services in the arcs of adolescent pregnancy prevention. The Legislature has approved only e~tough money for two or three new projects (there are a number in existence front over the past five years). This is a long; shot, since G1RL5, Inc., still has one more year to go nn an nPP grant. 1 tow•ever, T am working with them on rolling offs portion oClheir project into what we arc proposing, and that should be appealing to the reviewers. i1t the workshop on the grants in Raleigh, all participants were encouraged to work with adolescent health facilities in their communities in creating projects. . ' The grant is a gradually decreasing one with the first year for S75,000, ninety percent in , ~- the second year, seventy-five in the third, sixt}•-five percent in the fourth, and fifty percent in'the last year, ~• .Basically, the project will revalue around the addition of a health educator at WHAT who will develop the Teen Advisory hoard, a pilot group from the Commuttities in School. program at Lakeside, and the IS-1K group Isom the GIRLS, inc., project in being trained ~' to bccontc peer health educators. 'Che latest data suggests that one oi'the strongest components of a successful pregnancy prevention program is peer involvement, as they are more readily heard than .adults. The schools counselors who work with Peer educators ~~ at New Hano~•er l fish are strongly in lavor of this concept, and would like to continue to be involved in seeking volunteers for the program ti~om there. This is very early in the planninK process - 1 am acutely aware that the topic of pregnancy prevention mis~Itt pause eonccrn, dependin~ upon how it is presented. [.will talk to you further about that when [return o» the 15' . The 20''' is a good date. ~1 letter will be needed to show that it was on the agenda and supported by the commissioners before 1 can submit the strant. [ .cave me any messages and I will call upon return. Thanks! 87 1 Oct-08-97 10:06A ~j Qctotx:r 7. 1 J'17 Ms. Ashlc}~ Mantagttc Women's Prcccntivc Health Rraneh Division of ritaternal and Child l lealth N.C. Uep3ritttcnt of Health and Human Scr.•iccs P.U. Box 29597 Raleigh, N.C. 27ti2ri-t).5y7 RL: Lctler of Intent Ucar Ms. Mc,ntaguc: P_©Z am writing this letter to express the intculion of the Wilmington Hcallh ncccss for Tccns. tne.. to submit ~ a proposal for the Nurih Carolina Adolescent Presrtauc~~ Prtcetnion Projects funding. ns you know. ~I WHAT has been crc;rted to meet the adolescent health cam needs of"unscrved and undcrserved teens iu sccncncarly 375 indiv dual t~c nwith m•cr. 50rt;s(ts.r in addition. ocrha~`trapidlylcxpsndcd our~o ttrc;,th eduattiou program into the ~K,mmunily. It is the L.reat need for health CduCation and a,mmunif•• outreach. along with the impressive initial success of our'['een Advisun• Board. that gcnccrtcs the project tee are proposing. We c:,n reach out further into our target population of middle school through college age in this region with the skills of a new health educator. ~~ho tivill ~•ork a•iih our growing Teen Adsison• Rotird to develop Peet Educators. Thcsc teen peer eduanors tisill be taught accurate health inforn,~tion and how to access health wn: for pregnancy prevention - inforntatiun that .ill he more readih~ accepted b. other t~tins tram them, than from adults. I have spent time this week talking ~~ ith Barbara Gcth:nn, the immediate past director of C'r1R1.S, inc., a recipient of an APP grant Utat will end next ~~ear. R'e propose to include the older age broup from the G1ltLS. Inc., project in those who art trained as pcxr ~tiiucaturs. as that particular "Taking Caro of fiusincss' group needs a ntw direction fur w~hal has been successfttl project. The Communities in Schcx~ls i'rogrdm will be another partner in helping to places. pilot peer educator group in the local altentatice high School. n special emphasis sill be on male responsibility there. as the ClS coordinator has extensive background in pregnancy prc~•cntion education. '17te Public: Hulth Dcjx,riment stab has identified male respotuibilit~• as the major ;,rc:, of need in our community. The Vl'ilminb~ton ! tealth Atecss li,r Tccns is kno~~'n for its model eommunih~ cullahorrtion, and will Hock in its prcgnanc}' pces•ention cl2ons to bring all of those t~•ho cam about our teens tvgcthcr in ;t strong eQ'ort to make a significant dilli:rcnac in New IIano~-cr and surrounding counties. $inccrcly, Constance ~. f Jr1CC7 Executive Direciar 88° 1 t t f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 10/20/97 tegular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 ~ Additional Item #: . department: Health Presenter: Janet McCumbee ?age Count In flgenda Package: 16 Contact: Lynda Smith ' . ' SUBJECT: Acceptance of Partnership For Children (SMART START) Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: During the FY98 budget process the Board of Health approved a Licensed Practical Nurse II (LPN II) (pay grade, 113, --- $21,757) and a Medical Office Assistant (NiOA) (pay grade, 111, --- $19,698) to be funded by a Partnership for Children Grant, The grant is awarded to implement the "preventive Health Services" for day care project. The grant application was authorized by the Board of Commissioners at their regular meeting of April 21, 1997. The requested positions were removed from .1997-98 budget request, pending notification of grant approval. Approval notification was received September 24, 1997: Both the grant and requested positions have been approved by the Board of Health. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept Partnership For Children Grant in the amount of $76,569 and approve the LPN II and MOA positions and approve related Budget Amendment #98-0046. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County $: User Fees $: Other S: S76,569 Money Is In Current Budget: No ' . New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes tt,C y t r, VV C. U IS Y LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval with the stipulation that if grant funds are terminated then the position will .also be terminated. .~ ~U~ . APFRt9Vl±t~ ~~ .. REJECTED p REMO~IED D POSTPONED ^ S ~ , .. ~~ HAP D ~~ Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ~~ r'~/ZD j~~ 7 ~Jfy~r`~ __ ~.. ~w...,~ ,. Sop-24-97 12:O4P N~~st~ovorCo P F C 92o a16 O~Oa P.O2 s~t~T u, i 997 w ~fanoycr Coun h ~~« 1NcCuaDet 1Ut. asrr t: nlla ti~ttt, nlrl:lat r~ wt,o,ar c~ I~icnlrh o~ri~,c 2t1p9 S. 17• Strnct . Wftarin~on, Ptortb Csralirsa 2E~o1 Dcsa Ms. McL~rrs+beo: Part-ncrs~i, 1 errs D~Oid m iafoem you that' sit a pest of our local Smart Stan IreftiatiK nircuas of ttte)'icw }iaao.ct Cosaur PrriecssSry for C3ildrea Molad !rA nib to a» Count}• Hcaltlt D~erlrnrni S7tl,32L ao irr,pkmcnt tic projat caMitlod, 'Trrtstfve A Dar Care.'!br the pt[iod tttfy 1, 1997 to ltvtc;0, 199E. This tool a13oc9tkn lrtcludrs interim tLtdfag award.~d to Coalrad f97.3-1t-eS~()ot^. Ot tr~ii~rEtt [3csard of the tcw Ilano~rr tL Sc n ice. fur he S i i,t~0 in !n apdar to sn~ersd yextr aortrortt contract w ir(lat ~av Idsl ailaation fo[ the ttsca! 7crr, tM [ollo~ing i~tmf acs Pe~rltoQ; 1. A ~rrirod ptQjoc~ btlr~c! Fot lAe period Jstj 1, 1997,htno 30, 199tf iotsFity 2, A eocteaaoa~ ~ t• ~~~ ~ fo 7vst t>ripmi eeat p8~a sad "''fir taoec elea 1. ~a aeefvlp~ eaafptioa abntesd Ia 100.wrd: err iar, ooaly as h is to Dc , indndta=: t«~ ama t: t>ti,ta adare:aaa~d triter! wi11 be dono fvt winos it nisi bo dose abo ei>d! db It bo.~ b t+nZf bo dose a#cs ii wn~i be dow rltere i! ~ri11 bt dooc. 1'Icas¢ rt:tvtt t~ Batts b the t?artaasbiq dboe by Oeiobct 10.1997 ao flat as eaa at coNrac! btfort bt acpirrs oa 0.'4ob~~ 31,194?. Mkt !c R4r+aiadirc b lob 1, 19Y7. 1 aDfe to claim rcarabu7x~ fal~4s bryaadgoat avtznt ir~tp badEet_ itore`er, erne cot+trxt has ~ avrad.d to [s0eQ tlrc t~ew limns k..i. f>'noC hair, coaEralulufoas. a/c ayproc~ate sour s~eoc~r's t,tesua astd d[oam matinK the s~otis of )dung eftiMrrn in our oomrtnuilly and loot Wc.rad to wwtinR wit. ti:warl Sort Ibfs vest, lf.eaa ttuve: s+ty QOSSZi0ai p{ax do o9t lscsitsta p call me ti (91t Sigh.. ~/ rn ~~Ewca[t i,.C~f?Ir!C61ot,~e ~~1~t~ ,.+~ - - - . ~~~~~~~ 90, o ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~,`~ £0 'd ~9bibibE0t6 •~ON~ X~d~~ ~ H.lld3H 00 ~3nONdH h13N aro toauicod, ;~ ~~ m sera eYUres~ a e+ril! o0t be a:!cr ~eetr r9mrottmcrx Eo t }~~ tAsouglt 815-0101, td.r o~ s.c:sas 2ff ~~ ~nar.sanwr /w. !~ Idi02 :s...:Oasl titora OI;ZI NOW L6-Et-.L00 ~ memo To: Lynda Smith, Actiag Hcalth Dire~cio~r Fy-om: Janet Mabee, Child Heahh I?irector ~*~' DAta Septanbcr 24,1997 Re: Smart Start Grants We have now bcea aplxoved by tht Ncw Hanovcr Canty Parmcrst feuzdin8 fot `97-98. Ttus mosey was budgdtd in o~ `97-98 budgct and app Board of Hcaltlz; howcvcr, the Fmsace o~ rrrrwvca it PAS T`~e n~oncy w71 be pa! beck is oex Child Hcalt3r bcrdgct as followx Gran! I - 5166 -- S70r326 Operating and salary for PrEVentive N~ealth Services for Day Cares: Pam Hcash {m position sincc 1/ll'97) -529,349 - salary FgY 8~c 1 To be tt3rod -521,757 - salary pay grade 113, Li=iV I Grier! II (Na- bod~Ct code to be ate.) - S2A,Z4.3 Opcrating and salary foc Health Check Coord'matiou To be hiit+d - 519,698 - salary pey grade 11 I, Mo~cal Office p for gzant ~vcd by the allocachiaoa. 19, PHN I 91 ' ~ ~9bibib£Oi6 'ON Xd~ H.L1d3H 00 H31~Oli~H M3F1 Oi cZi NOi! L6-Ei-.L00 This page intentionally left blank 92 t f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/20/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 'Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Pa e Count In A ends Packa e: Contact: Allen O`Neal SUBJECT: Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of vacant lots to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) BRIEF SUMMARY: R In accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Commission,on April 19, 1994, attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of vacant lots to CFHH: These properties are owned' by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. A similar resolution will. be presented to the Wilmington City Council on October 21, 1997. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• r utvlllNU JUURCE;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S; Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: - tlJ V 1 C. W r,1J tS Y ~ LGL: FINN BUD: HR: CQUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Adopt resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of vacant lots to CFHH. C01 ~': r t ~'JMMt S APr~RUV~~3 REJEC~fJ~D O R~MDV~Q Q F~3S3PON~D Q g 3 . ~~~ o Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition This page intentionally left blank ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~i~ 94 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ t 1 1 1 J 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~-~.~ ~~ Y + y y, .f~~ 1739 CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina P.O. BOX ~ 8 ~ O ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICEf TDD 910 341-787: 28402 c9i ) ~t-~s~o October 7, 1997 Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 .Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 2801 Dear Mr. O'Neal: Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of vacant lots to Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity (CFHH) in accordance with a resolution adopted by the New Hanover County Commission on April 19, 1994. These properties are owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County. 'A similar resolution will be presented to the Wilmington Ciry Council on October 21, 1997. CFHH will construct a single family owner-occupied residence on each of the listed properties. Construction must be completed within 18 months in order for CFHH to retain the property. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. espectfully submitted, u, l Steve D. Bridges Purchasing Agent SDBaw~s Attachment 95 INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: October 20, 1997 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF VACANT LOTS TO CAPE FEAR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (CFHH) RESOLVED: 1. The New Hanover County Commission hereby approves the conveyance of the following lots to Cape Fear Habitat for Hi,manity (CFHH) for the construction of single family owner-occupied residences. Parcel Number Address Tax Value Size 054-09-026-019.000 818 S. 7th Street $3,077.00 33 x 165 2. The conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lots be used to construct single family owner-occupied residences for low to moderate income citizens in accordance with requirements adopted by resolution on April 19, 1994. 3. The deed for conveyance for the lots shall not be delivered until ten days after notice of the conveyance has been advertised, as required by G.S. 160A-267.- 4. Conveyance is subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council for their ownership share in the property. Adopted at a regular meeting on , 19 Attest: Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Chairman 96 e ,~+ ••L 9 r.. 7~~ 25 24 . s ~. 1 71 _J .- oo- -_ p_ _---I2--- . -. ~~~ 9 ~ ~• ni In 66 •'• WOps'(ER ~oai ss-• ~. .•2 a ". r'~ _ --3-;... ~ --25 ... • ni~~ lo+z ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ .. S ~ ~~ 711 761 p •.6 ni 21 a m X52.'. 8 _ - ~ 18 9 :•. s~ ~ I ~ ,s~ . ~ - 0'= 1~ = D s 17 ~r•:i6 ,. II t " ve zT s6 1a1 .• 6• ~ ~~ DAW9DN +loz . Isoa s2 ss.ls + r•r ~ 14 sz ss5 - --IS- "~'`~ 6 =~ ., .iw. I ~oz ,.: ,.~ . . a~ x ,o...r... r •. ,•~ STREET STREET 2 i..1 3 • ~I it !Z a.e •1 r -u 10{ SO ~. .s 3 S• - "~• ? S +s is ..~ as ~, 5 09 .. _~+'---: 26 ~~ ~ --2•-~ =~ Z ~~ 1~~ ~~Z1.. 9 i . ] •- 22 •,• _ SCI b - '~zl ~ - ,~ 12 to 3~ :, •.,„ . ~: o 3 i25 7 2 2 • ~ 1 sz S 30 24» 3i:. " z3 - s Its • •~ z2 e, 7,- .. .a~~ 19 ..: ' ;r 1.1 IB ... .:~ - y 2 13 !• tS to ~ :.„ •• I°,1 a ~ s )1 ~ ;~ . • - ' ~ ..-~ i.- t6 2S ,~ %?~~ti ~ ~~-t ~ wo 2 '-.,.,9~c • e • - .... 1• ~ .`.4 •~~., 25 = -.~ ~ ~T 9 ` ( I~ ~~ r'~ v 1. ~,; C~'i t - ~ ~ - l ~ ~~'"~ n.l 12 - 9~~ ~ I • .~~ ~ ~: . ~~. ~~ ss 5s ~ . I ~ ~ ,r - (. , M r' ~ ' 18 .' :. r •s - r'• I 'Sn~ IT '• 5 7 • ~ . ~~ 6 Ala _ ~..~ i STREET - 19.1 .1. ~Y ice. -1_?~__ - v ~• -S.,•.. ~ i TITL (] • • • ~i _ RE.~L PROPERTY 7~fAP ~-' - '';~. l~ This page intentionally left blank ~j Budgef Axnendxnent DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# Sheriff-CRIMS Upgrade 98-0040 ADJUSTMENT: sheriff-CRIMS Upgrade Federal Grant. Transfer in(Fed. Forf. Prop) M & R-Equipment Supplies Capital Outlay Commissioners Appropriate Fund Balance DEBIT' $64,275 388 $21,425 EXPLANATION Consent Agenda October 20, 1997 Item No. lOB DATE: 10-20-97 • CREDIT' /~ $ 2,903 14,323 68,862 To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 96/97 to FY 97/98. $21,425 was funded last fiscal year from Federal Forfeited Property funds and reverted back to general fund at year end since no ex en 'tures were made during 96/97.. ~~~~ ~~ "R~~Crl~ R~MQVEb !a Pt~Nt3 ~1 10 0 ~,~, ~a~~ l~.q { ~ ritia~w,~.a ~~~~ ~~~ -For Budga{t~04ff~~e~is approval; then report t ~o Commissioners at neat regular meeting -/,,,and~entcr.in~mtnutcs. ~ To be approved by Commissioners. l~ To be entered into minutes } t ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ : o ~ ent Agenda C , ns October 20,1997 " ~ ' ~ Budget Amen dment ~ item No. loc ~ , `M..Y! `M^f""'M.MM.M`\ .. \H!!."n..•M• `.W 1M • \ > ` a•.. Ic.. :v:: :'\" ar ~\: •' ~.4 v .',i' ~::~:~ .~ i :,Z ... ...w:::: .. ...... ~ . i ~ .. DEPARTMENT: ~ -. ~ BUDGET.AMENDMENT# ':.. ' DATE: ° ~'~ ~ ' ' Cooperative'Exterison 98-0042 ~ 10-20-97 ~~ ~ BIT ' e REDIT : DE AD TMENT: JU . .- ,. Cooperat ve Extension~~w , , NCSU Grant•~. ..~ Y' $2,885 ,; , :...Salaries $1,71.0 ~ . FICA .,. . - ; , ~ 85 . . ~ Contract Services ~ ~ $1,675 ", Supplies ~ 1,703 ' Travel , and~'Training . .. . ~ 1, 302 ~, ~" . . . _, ~ ~ - ~ - w. ._ ,- ~ ,. , _ , ' ,. " . : ,. , - .. . ° . , „s _ ..~ ~ .,` . 5~'~ -rFV~ ... EXPLANATION ~~a~ ~~~'+fta~% t ' - To increase 'budget for additional revenue recei d om NCSU and .to . adjust line°.,items to accurately reflect antic`ipated' final expenditures. . ' ~^ ~ IN .i~M~lliSS40NE~tS .., ,, : APPROVED 1D'' ... .. .,: ,. _.. R~,i~CY~a C] _ - ~tEMQVED' Q .. nn11 ~ ... rb~/al; then report For Budget Ol(icer's ap ~~ :. ,, HEART} ^ .; ., ' ®A~ ~~~`?D q~.~.,,,.~/""'" ` , , ex cgular mee ~ / and en c ilnjm{nutesn t r ~'6 To be approved by Comm~.ssione:s. . - To be entered into mmutcs.. Consent Agenda October 20, 1997 • Btldgef Amendment Item No. lOD ~ iii; ?ii:"'~: J:. M .~,~ .,...~. `... ..: .,.. .: •`:':`. • .~ .. w.J~~\ .. ..i \. v:`\ :~ • n... .~.a.• .~.. ....\.:.v. .. •.....~:.. ....w~Wi..~~ Z~..h.\....A..J. ter::...... ^:... .... .....~: ... : ............... .....v..... X`na~ . \.. .: V.......J.... ).. .......` • .. `h...~. ... :~.. ..:~... \`....... .~.`.......w`~.:.V;.. .. w.KCGxu.` • .. ~\~~.~u ..~ ~w....V...1w.M.i.....r..w+A ."..`.r.`..~~`....~v.~.a~~C~~::.:.~v\.wif~v.~ww \w.i~.". .v: ...........4:.<h: \ .-. ~. DEPARTMENT• RimGET AMENDMENT# Health- 98-0046 PFC-Preventive Health for Day Cares ADJUSTMENT• DEBIT• Hea th PFC Grant- $56,326, Preventive Health for Day Cares Ap TE: 10-20-97 ('REDIT Salaries $42,000 FICA ~ 3,300 Retirement 2,300 Medical Insurance 4,100 Disability 100 Contract Services ~ 70 Telephone 250 Printing 400 Repair & Maintenance-Equip 100 Dues 106 Supplies 1,600 Auto Reimbursement $ 1,000 Uniforms 800 Travel, Training 200 Equipment •2,000 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ~ REIEC'~'E© O . R€MOV~ o i'~STPONED d MEARD ~ p DATE . l ~l,~r q7 _ EXPLANATION To increase bud et to amount awarded` to Health Deptti.~ for FY97-98 for (~' grant from Partnership for Children=Preventive H atl~tt~~for Day Cares. The a tion was approved at the 4-21-97 ~meeti°~ng:~~ ~`~'"~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ' ~ ~` ~~~~"_*~~ ~Fo dget O!(icer's approval; then report ~^„ o~Commtssionen at Hatt regular meeting ' ~~,~,__....~,,,.,._ ~ ~ • }dntcr in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. ` To be entered Into minutes. Consent Agenda .. ~ ~ . ' . October 20,1997 ,V ;•, ,.. Item No l0E . ~ Budget Annendment . .._...~..r__.... e~.._...,_•.........~..,...~.. .~....~..~. ;,~..,...V,~...V...... ..~ - ...~. ... ~ ~ k.::..:.,..:~ ...:......... .. ;:~., ~. ~. <~..?;> ~~.. :~ ... ..; r.~ .~ ,~., ~ ...~ ..s.: .,.. ::' ... w ~ .: •b:..a ~:: " ... ...~at:< o' x> v......a . .Z y 1 . .... .....1::.:.w`. ~: :. `::2::::" ... .\ .. ~ ~ ... (DEPARTMENT:-~ ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE:• - ~` , . ., ~ - , , Health- ~`:. 98=0047 10-20-97 , ~PFC-Health Check ~ ~ ~ ;~ ~~ . ADJUSTMENT.: `. ,' -' ._ DEBIT: ~ • ` ".CREDIT: ,• '~' , ._ , • .. -. ~~' Health . , { PFC Grant-. $20,243 :... :• Health .Check. ~ , Salaries ~ ~ ~ $12';,400_ - .. .. -~'' ,FICA ' . 950 ~ , ,, Retirement - 75 ' ' .. .:Medical Insurance 2,550 ` D,, .Disability 25. Contract Services..: •~ 443 ,. . " '-Telephone . r . 300 . . .~` Printing 300 ~ - , ' Supplies 1,400 , Auto Reimbursement 1,100 ~ ~.. Uniforms : 4,00 .- ~, ". Travel.; Training ' . ~ 300 . . , . n ~1~ _. _ ' .. . ,. ', . ;. • . ~- • ~ ,. ~. -. .. ... EXPLANATION ~ . ~. ~'To ,esta • . bush budget for Parnership For Children grant awarded. to the Health Dept.° For Health Checkp. The application ~was;~;a+psperov~~d, at the 4-~ ;~~21-:97 meeting. ~~ra ~<r~;•u ~~n s . ~,~ ~y . ~~, . ~,~,. . .. COUNTY CO tS.S- NF~?C ~ . ., APPROVED C/ ~ ~ ~.~~'~'.~.~, ` _ REJECTED D ; ~ ,~~~ ~~i`~~~r=:~ ~' ., . cos r~r~ +~ ~ ~ ~Bu„d. F r~ _ g t Ofluer s approval; then report ~' ~ ~_ ~ ~~~~ =""~'""'"'~"~~"~ Ito Commtss3oners at.next rcgul~r meeting ~' ~ - QA~~ ~~~ ~ To be approved by CommLssioncrs. . • ~ To be entered into minutes. Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT• Commissioners/CFCC ADJUSTMENT- Commissioners ' Appropriate Fund Balance Consent ~~end~ October 20,1997 Item No. lOF BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: U 98-0048 ~ 10-20-97 ' ~. DEBIT: ~CREDIT:_ $350, 000 Cape Fear Community College Contributions to other agencies $350,000 ~. U . EXPLANATION To increase budget for CFCC's purchase of the Perry Tire Building approved by the Commissioners 10-6-97. CFC will reimburse the County for. this purchase. ,.: COUNTY Ct~M i~S1U ttt> APPR©VED_, G~ i2E.lECTEC3 REMQVEp Q 104 Po~~N~p ~~nr~~ r~ ~3AT~ ,..I o ~;r?~~~7~~^- ~-~~.. ~. ~: ~ v'tr~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~' For Budget Officer's approval; then report t"';'~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ;~~~~~ and enter In minutes. ~;M'~rke~!~'*~'~~"` .~'' ~.TobeapprovcdbyCommissioncrs. _ ... To be entered into minutes. Regular Item. #: Consent Item #: 11 ~ Additional Item #: Department:'Sheriff Presenter: ` , ' Pa e Courit In A enda Packa e: Contact:. Sheriff McQueen '~. .. ~~ SUB,TECT: -Approval of three (3) New Deputy Sheriff positions in the New Hanover County Sheriff s Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: f I have received a request for additional coverage by Sheriff s Deputies. at the Southeastern Mental Health `: Center/Crisis Center. Dr. Arthur Constantini, Ph.D has requested 24 hour/365 days per year coverage. To accommodate his request L am requesting approval for three additional Deputy Sheriff s positions. ~ Funding:. , for these.positions will be provided by Southeastern Mental Health Center. .. ,. ~- .. ._ i ~ w .~:.. ro - ,, r- ,. a ., ,- . ~~ ~~ ' RE MENDED •M M~TI~N ANl REQUESTED ACTIONS:,. . ~, Recommend approval of request and associated budget amendment number=-- 9 ' ~~ SZ . .. . ,. ,, .. .. .. n. _ /~ , ,, •. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: , State S:` County S: User Fees S: ~ Other S: - :.. , Money Is In Current Budget: no h'ew Approp~iatian Request:. ,, ~ ~ Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ves ~' ,. ~: ,' _ , . N ..; REVIEWED BY: -. t, LGL: ; ~ .. FIN: BUD: HR: ~ . ' I "COUNTY MAMA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIOi~'S• Recornmend,approval with the stipulation that the positions be terminated if the revenue from Southeastern ~:. . Centerceases to exist. ,., _ r .. QQ COt1NTY G#}MMi~S1~N . ,~ - REJEC ~ EQ ~3 ~ pos~~o~~~ ~ 105 -~ . ~~~ . ' `~ " ~ ~ Refei to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ' ;_. ~ (~ ZU OCT-10-97 FpI 02:27 Pt7 NHC JAIL 19100-X14500 P.©2 . ~efu ~~anaf~cr f~ounfg . - ~ p~`tPXt~~ S ~df~tLE ~nsefr~ ~c(Queen, ~r_, ~lleriff ~iltningtnn, ~artli ((1~rnlina 2R4t11-4591 ~ljone (910) 34I-42II0. ~nx (310) 341-4033 October 10, 1997 TO: Andy Atkinson . _ Deputy County Manager ~ ~, ~.'~ = FROM: Sheriff Joseph McQueen Jr. .; ~~. t ~~~~C,eQ~,~, . ..•~.• .. ~~ SUBJECT: 3 Deputy Sheriff Positions/Cri$s. Center I am in receipt of a request for.additional coverage by Sheriff s Deputies at the Southeastern Mental' Health~Center/ Crisis Center by Arthur Costanti'ni, Ph.D. He is requesting 24 hour a day, 365 days per year coverage. ~ ~~~ In order to acconvnodate his request I must~therefore request approLal for 3 additional Deputy Sheriff's positions. The funding for these positions will be provided by Southeastern )`iental Health Center. ~~ ~,z~ ~~~~~~ 10 6 ~~~ x ~~~ LL<tty~. _ '`'- MEMBER - Southeastern Center For • Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse Service BRUNSWICK CENTER Govsrammaa! C,onl+tu _ P.O. Buc Lt6 Bolivia, NC 28x22 (~(orz33-d+es FAX (9101253.7871 Arthur F. Costantini. PhD. Area'Director NEW FiANOVER CENTER 2023 South 17te Stroet P.O. Bos 1230 WilminLto4 NC 26402.1230 (910) 251 bi40 FAX (910) 2S f~557 I-800-29Y6:0 August 26, 1997 ` Sheriff Joseph M. McQueen ,. a 20 North 4th Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Sheriff McQueen: n L' b. S ~~ PENDER CENTL~' ~,~, zro3 s~ w.mQ saoca P.O. Bo[ 962 H~a.. NC 284:5 (910 259-376 FAX (91 ' Dr. Gregory B. Camp ~~• Medicsl Director First of all, I would like to extend ouz appreciation for the excellent job that the Sheriff Deputies have done at the Crisis Station during the week-end operation. We cotild~ not have been successful without them. Southeastern Center is moving forward on the opening of the Crisis Station full time which will include Monday through Sunday,, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The projected starting date~for full time operation is October 1, 1997. In order to do this, we have streamlined our .staff ng pattern without jeopardizing the clients. One area that is critical for a safe-.and efficient ,operation is having a deputy on all shifts. I am writing to request additional deputies to cover the week day expansion of the Crisis Station. This would include three (3) additional slots. Please advise me as tb your ability, to accommodate this 'request, and what you would need from Southeastern Center in order to do so. Thank you again for all the support you and your department have given this important service. Z hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Art Costantini, Area Director AC:mlf cc: Mr. Allen O'Neil, New Hanover County Manager 108 Ginny Gorman, Program Director Substance Abuse Services M Equal Oprwaur~iry [mp/oy~r •:+d Sonic. ProvlOor ~~ cnnfdi ~ " ~~Z LtS9TSZOT6 T'~'3 o0~T0 I2i3 !6~OTiOT , <<: e Budget Amendment • .v ~~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~ • _ ..;: °• ~.'` ,. ~? Sheriff's Department/Jail ` 98-005? 10-20-97 ~.•ADJUSTMENT • DEBIT . ,CREDIT ~•~ - - • . . ~, Sheriffs DepartmenflJail `~ ~ Southeastern Mental Health ~ `. ~ $65,254 ` . ' • : _ Salary and Wages . , $~2~ 1;3,1 • . ~;. •FICA . ~ ,. $ .3;558 Retirement $ ..58.1 ` _. - Retirement (401k) ~ $ 2,326 - Medica~Insurance° ~ :. $ 6;55 . _ Long Term Disabilih' $ . 106 ` U • ; . ~ , ,.. _ .~ ~ , r. _ .. , ,: ~ , .~ ,~' ~ . . ,. . . - • . . ,. '. EXPLANAThON ~~ - . , ` To budget Southeastern Center-revenue-for three additional Depu y Sheriff positions in ` - order, to provide 24 hourl365 days per year coverage. at the Crisis Station. ' .~ • .. • ~ . ,. . .. _... • .... ~ COUNTY CAMMlSS1ON~RS ,. • APPR©VE{J ~/ . . . R, ro , .. RE.lE~tE~} t~ . • ~ For Budget Off icer's approval; then report REMdV Q •uc~lar meetin _ - , + • POSTP1~N~t3 ~ ~ and enter.in minutes.~~ B U (~J] , ~' ~~ ~] F To be approved by Commtss~oners. ~} • = ~ ~ eyed mto mi To be ent ' 'nutcs. ~ a ~~ . . • . . ,_ This page intentionally left blank ,~ ?~ '~ ~~~~~~~ 110 ~ ~.~~fii ~~~~ ~,~„ ~~~a:-saa~~:~ad-~~~~w: ~~a:~ F~ ~ ~~ U~~"~ nr ~ _--~-- ~_ ~ ~C-U~ M i T~~ ~' I '~ 1,. v O ~c.. N ~. v 1 . ~~ l ~ --, l~v~ ~' ~ l~'~.=~. ~1 ~--~: A1J/`+t~s T-d.1~ z't~S...l ~~'~1~l~njC~- ~1z~S . ;..... '(N Z 1~~--~ G~' S Z' .__ C C~ ~: ~ ~Z C S I~y"~l~X xCJY~/ c + `~ ~ ~ ~{~- ~''a IJ ~ ~~ ~'~ N ~{ Q I/~?~.. S ~ ~< ~ ~ .sue i _ y . NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE` ~~