Agenda 1997 11-03R _ ~. ~ - . . .. .. ,~ r - .. • ~ -. ~ : ,. / _ .. - ~`-AGENDA NEW.HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIMISSIO`,ERS ..: ~' ° - Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ~ '• i :~~~pMOVe,:eoGyJ~ 24 North Third Street; Room 301 * ~ * tiFilmington, NC a~ ~ +• !8 ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~ ROBERT G. GREER ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~'//~' CHAIRMAN WILLIAM A. CASTER VICE -CHAIRMAN ~~FNORTMG'~ BUZZ BIRZENIEKS, COMMISSIONER TEDDAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER CHARLES R. HOWELL, COMMISSIONER ' ' ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER • WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY r LUGIE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOARO ~~ . - . . . - ' ! . '. ,' -November 3, 1'997 6:30 P.IVL:.. ~ ,. . : °~ ~ , ~ . .. .' MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) -. . ..~ -.: INVOCATION ~ . PLEDGE.OF ALLEGIANCE ~ . ~ , ~ `_ ,. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three. minutes pec item), . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA . - -• _ ESTIiVIATED ITEMS OF BUSINCSS ~ ~ PAGE '~ .TI1~1ES ~ ~~ ~, .. \O. ,`_ 6:45 p.m.: 1. ' -Presentation on the Findings of the Community Arts Committee, `1 f `` Susan Dankel, Committee Chairman = 7:00 p.m. 2 Presentation by` So~utheastem iVlenial I-Icalth on Space•.Needs ~ . ; p _ earm_. Installment Financ>ny (Certlhcates:of Part>cipation) 9 = 7:30 p.m. , 4. Puhlic FlcarinR: . _ . ` Item A: Rezoning - Request by-Adger Nilson to rezone .7~ acre 1 1 `.' 770 and 7754 Maiket Street to B-2 Business from R-15 Resid ' ential _. . ~ (Z-610, 10/97) . :. ~: 7:40.:p.m. Item. B: Special Use Permit -Request by the Saponos.Pointe _ ` l ~ ° ' ~ Homeowners Association to construct a 32 slip community boating faeidity: The site is located on the south side of River Roadsoutheast ° of Eastbank Landing. The property is-zoned R-1 ~ Residential. (5-417, ~~ ... ,. + . `. 7:50 p:m. ~ item C: Special Use Permit -Request by United Advent Christian 23. ` Church to operate a child. day care center at 4912 $.;College Road. . ,. ~ ~ ~ The facility is located on eYisting.church-owned property and'is ° _ zoned.R-15 Residential (S-418,.10/97) ~. . , ; _ • ^~ 8:00 p.m. Item D: Subdivision Test Amendment -Request by County Engineering to provide language to calculate the maximum width of drainage easements for open ditches and piped drainage ways.) (A-287, 10/97 $:30 p.m. Item E: Street Closing -Request by Skip Lowell to close an unnamed alley in Villa View Subdivision. It is located 12~ feet east of Pavilion Place on the south side of Eastwood Road (SC72, 10/97) 8:4~ p.m. 5. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 9:00 p.m. 6. Committee Appointments ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 9:~0 p.m. ADJOURI~t ~7 3~ 39 37 ,.: - 't ~ ~~ ''~ ~ . MEETING OF THE WATER'AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ~, ~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET,. ROOM 301. .. . . _ _ NOVEMBER 3, 1997. . ~. ' , : ITEMS OF BUSINESS P PAGE . ;. - - ~ NO _. ' ~ 1.. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) ~ 39 ,. . .. Adjourn . ` ' . ~ 4 v . .i~~~. -- ~- ~~ r a .. ~ ,. ~ - . ~_ .. _ _ . . ~ _ r :~ ~ . __- - - ~•- - ~ .. . - .~ . va W - _ CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS iti'OVEIVIBER 3, 1997 ITEMS OF BUS[NESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes (Removed - no minutes) 4; 2. Award of bid and approval of contract #98-0151 for the purchase of 45 three level II body armor vests. 3. Approval of additional funding for the Department of Aging and 61 associated budget amendments#97-009, #97-0060 and #97-0061. 4. Award of bid and approval of contract #98-01 ~2 for. the purchase of six 8 I 1998 motorcycles and sale of five motorcycles as:trade-in and approval of associated budget amendment #98-19 5. Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer to two (2) lots 101 to the Wilmington Housing Firiance and Development (WHFD) 6. Approval of funding source exchange between Coastal I-iorizon's 107 Open House program and Department of Social Services contracted group homes and approval of associated budget amendment #98-006 7. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #98-17 to increase budget budget for additional revenue received. 109 Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. B. #98-16 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled 1 10 Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #98-007 to budget reimbursement for a hazard material coordination 1 1 1 response incident involving a ship at the State forts. D. #97-008 to budget 911 surcharge funds for additional expenses 112 related to emergency service zones. 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Susan Dankel,- Committee Chairman Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen ONeal SUBJECT: Presentations on the Findings of the Community Arts Committee BRIEF SUMMARY: Charlotte Hackman.and Jim Crouch, County appointees to the Community Arts Committee have asked that the Commissioners hear a presentation on the findings of the committee. Susan Dankel, Director of Administrative Services, City of Wilmington and Committee Chairman mill make a brief presentation. Ms. . Hackman and Mr. Crouch will be present, and along with Ms. Danl:el, respond to questions and inquiries. f1 brief summary of the recommendations is attached. You have received, under separate co~~er, the report of the committee. Please bring the report to the meeting for reference purposes. Please refer to the financial plans of the report (pg. 22) for recommendations on financing specific projects. The County is named/suggested as a partner in several of the projects. , RECO`~iMFNDED i\-10TION AND REOUFSTED ACTIOiti'S• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other 5: 1~ioney Is In Current Budget: ;"r'ew Appropriation Request: e Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED RY: LGL: FIN: BUD• HR• BOUNTY MANAGER'S COti'Iti1FNTS 1~ND RF O~•itiTFND 1TIONS ' Recommend the B d of Commissioners hear the report. Staff is a~•ailable to follow up on areas of concern or questio ~~ ~. __ .... N ~ aFp~ovlrl~ • R~:1~~7~C1 t~1 `~' _ ~ ~ ~: .. RcCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ ~ _ ~17s;; `.~ • .RECOMMENDATIONS (SUMMARY The Community Arts Committee finds that additional- facilities are needed to accommodate the growing arts organizations and programs in Wilmington. We recommend that appropriate partnerships be formed to carry out the plans outlined in this report and summarized as follows: • Improvements to the Community Arts Center at Second and Orange • Renovation of St. Andrews Church and Fitness Center on North Fourth Street • Construction of new St. Jghn's Museum of Art • Continuation of visual arts classes and exhibition do~mto~-n • Construction of new music performance hall • Improvements to Greenfield Amphitheatre • Public arts spaces as part of Water Street parking deck redevelopment n II 1 • . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Frank Hickman, S.E. Board Chairman Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal Art Constantini, Director S.E. Center SUBJECT: Presentation by Southeastern Mental Health on Space Needs. t BRIEF SLT~I~tARY: Southeastern Mental Health is in need of additional space. The Southeastern Board has requested the opportunity to ' share their finding with the County Commissioners. Attached is a letter from Dr. Art Constantini briefly outlining the space needs, site analysis and financing. In addition, you will find additional site analysis information from B~IS Architects. Bruce Shell has prepared a spread sheet showing financing options based upon the options provided by the architects. Please note that Southeastern is basically out of space now. The projections, for the purposes of this report, ace for the space the Center will need in the Wert three years in order to meet service demands. RECO`il•tF.ti'DED MOTION a~~ RF(~UFSTFD ACTIOtiS• FiJNI) i` G Federal 5~~ CE: State S:- County S (Money Is In Current Budget:. Budget Amendment Prepared: User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: . COUNTY C~14l~#~Sl APP~ovF~ R~JE~tr~p REMQ~t~ Other S: ttcvir wr,U tSY: LGL: FIN: BUD: I-IR: ; COUNTY NiA1~1A .ER'S CO~iiyiFNTS ANn RF OiVii<iFi~'DaTI NS ' I recommend the Board of Commissioners hear the presentation. 1 further recommend the Commissioners direct county staff to conduct additional research and inquiry into this proposed project as is necessary for the Board to consider the project with the full budget considerations during the upcoming deliberations on the FY98-99 budget. The space is sorely needed and the build onsite concept proposal, in my opinion, is eff i -use of land, resources, existing transportation routes and wise continued use of existing compatible services re djacent or nearby (i.e., Health Department, The Oaks, NHRMC and the Department of Social Servi • Refer to Ot ice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 1 !- Southeastern Center For Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse Service BRUNSWICK CENTER 1VE~V HANOVER CENTER PENDER CENTER Governmentil Complex P.O. Boz 216 20'_3 South 17th Strece 803 South Walker Suet Bolivia. KC 2812' p.0. Boz 1230 P.O. Box 96'_ ' (910) 253-1135 Wilmington, tiC 25102.1230 Burgaw, vC 23-s_S FA.Y (910) 253=7871 (910) 251-6.110 (9l0) 259-5.176 FAX (910) 251-6557 FA.Y (9101 259-35;-s Arthur F. Costantini, Ph.D. -500-'_93-6.110 Dr. Gregory B. Camp Area Director Medical Director October 23, 1997 NIr. Allen 0' Neal New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Allen: Southeastern Center is requesting time on the County Commissioner's Agenda to discuss Southeastern Center's space needs. Our presentation to the Commissioners involves three (3) specific areas. ~~ 1. ~ c~~Needs ~,. y R AS yoii"'~'c~an~`~see in the attached s ace needs stud conducted for Soo~th~e~~s.~t~te~'rn Center by BMS Architects, over the neat three (3) ye:arrs Sout~h~eastern Center will need an additional 51,248 sq. ~, Lt ofspa~ce to house services to meet the needs of New gww~~2~0~5~'6'4'~""sq~~fttyof spacenand cannot addtneed d staffdbecauselof~ the over crowded conditions in the current facilities. 2. Site Analysis There are many advantages for SEC to build an additional facility at its current location, i.e., pro:timity to its existing offices-, The Oaks, and NxRMC. The architect has determined that there are two (2) ways that a 50,000 sg. ft. facility can be built at the 17th Street location. Since these options include utilizing land owned by the County, and shared by other county agencies (xealth Department and NHRNtC) , ~~ SEC is seAking direction from the Commissioners concerning the 17th Street site. 4 An EQUdI Opportunity Employer end Sarvice Pro vitlar _ ' ~,. 1 . .~.- 3. Financing The cost of the facility, depending on location, etc., would be from $6,000,000 to $7;500,000. Southeastern Center is in a position to pay approximately $500,000 per year toward the cost of. a new facility. Southeastern Center. needs some assistance from the County Commissioners in arranging ~~ financing over a 15 to 20 year period. - In summary, we are seeking direction from the Commissioners as to the feasibility of building and financing a 51, 000 sq. ft. facility .and parking deck to be located in the parking area currently shared by Southeastern Center, the Health Department and NHRI~IC. ~Than}c you for your help with this process, and if you have any questions, please call me. - Sincerely, rt Costantini~, Area Director AC:mlf ,cc: Mr. Frank G. Hickman, Chairperson Southeastern Center Area Board ~' Enclosure i 1~ t . ~ - 1 1~ ~ 5 BMS ARCHITECTS, PC 514 MARKET STREET PO BOX 3667 WILMINGTON, NC 28406-3667 PHONE 910 762-2621 FAX 910 762-8506 Site Analysis -Southeastern Center for Mental Health r, In analyzing the expansion need for the Southeastern Center for Mental Health (ocated adjacent to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center several solutions were studied after a space program was developed with the help of Dr. Art Costantini and his staff. The current situation for the center has them using approximately .20,564 net square feet of rental space off site. There is approximately 29,180 gross square feet in the t~vo buildings the center occupies on county land adjacent to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. The adjusted combination of these spaces equate to an equivalent gross space in use now of 54,885 square feet. " A summary of all spaces in the program of space requirements total a net area of 65,142 squarz ~I feet plus twenty-five per cent (25%) for unassignable spaces such as corridors, toilets, mechanical space, closets and general storage, stairs and elevations, and other unassignable space for a gross building need of 81,428 square feet. A copy of the space requirements is attached showing the current location of the spaces. The area in the right hand column is the projected needed space, not the space existing. The following is a group of three possible solutions out of many to solve this problem: ~'' Solution A keeps the center where it is now located and builds the needed additional space on the site. This solution leaves the center on the major transportation arteries that serve NHRMC. This solution requires building additional parking space. . 1. Building 51,248 square feet of additional space to bring the existing 29,180 square feet up to the 81,428 square feet needed. 2. Building parking for the 210 cars. Solution_A(1) is the same as A with the exception of how you deal with the parking needed. In ~ this solution, the parking requirements are satisfied by having space in a New Hanover Regional Medical Center parking structure built by them on the northwest comer of their site. ~oltlti~ moves the center to either a new site to be purchased or a site currently owned by the county. There are several ways to work on disposal of your buildings with the county or vrith NHRMC. Por p(anni^g Purposes thn square foot cost for the building will be $115 per square foot fcr solution A and $125 per square foot for solutions A-1 and B. Parking for solution A will be $6,500 per space, will be negotiated with NHRMC in solution A-1 and will be $1,500 per space for surface parking in solution B. Using these cost estimates: Solution A would cost approximately $7,250,000. Solution A-1 would cost approximate)y $6,400,000 plus a negotiation with NHRMC. (~ Solution B would cost approximately $6,400,000 plus site costs for 5 acres at $200,000 L per acre of $1,000,000. 6 ~ HERBERT P. McKIM, FAIA ROBERT W. SAWYER, FAIA LOUIS P. OAVIS BRUCE F. BOWMAN, AIA JOHN D. MURRAY, AIA J. QUINN SWEENEY. AIA e v i e i ~ - • N z O ~ n r~~ Z O n~ fD n~ ~ n~ n~ ~ O r. CD O W N O_ O_ (D O~ O O_ -, (D (D O~ O O O ~ N _ ~ ~ O O -~ ~ Ca ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ •--~ ~~ -' p O ( D ~ n p O~ ~ O -1 c D ~ n d p ~~ 2 C O n~~ O Z cD ~ • (D c~ 7 p ~ ~ °~ OD ° O (D ~ ~•~ ~ v o•D O ~•~ c~ o•D N r* n C `~ ~ cD cD ~ o n c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o O .. ~• ~ ~ -». ~ o . ~ v ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ O ~ ~ O N O• ~ ~ ~ O O N N: O ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . O C (D ~ ~ QoC~ ~ ~ O ~O ~COA VCi C O ~ O A~ fli v X n ~.C ~' ~ n~0 ~ ~ ~ n69~~-, `z CD O n ~' ~. (D O ~ C7 ~ ~p 'a ~ ... O n ~ N .O ~ O • O CD n "a O O ~• n O ~- O n O N~ p •-•• CD ~ ~ 1 O CD ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~~ O O p O ~ CD O ~ _ ~ 6q 1 ~ _ ~ CD O (a -^ C CD O -~ O O Q" Q C (D ~ ~ C? A O ~ O ~ O 00 ~~ X ~ -». ~ X O ~' . p ~ _ ~ 6 cn N (D ~ (n O O ' _~. O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n O _n. (;~ ~ ~ Q (p cp p n O ~ ~ • n a ' ~ cn n 'U O ~ c~ LU O O -~ O~O ~. -D • ~ CD Z cQ - • O CD ~' ~ v C7 - ~ v -p C p ~.Q=O ~-. v ~•~v (D . a _ 0 r ~- ~ Q O Q n CD ~ o ~ ~~ • co a. C~ ~ D 0 N ~ v O ~ ~ ~ O O O ~ ~ (D O cD (n ~ cn ~O N ~ Q -, ~ NO nQC ~ O ~ ~O B Q. O .! Q O O n~ U N (n 0 ~ O ~-' ~•~ O `C N A O N N O .G ~ Qn CD v C~ ~' Q (D cn•v p`~ ~ O (p p n cn•O ~ ~ N C ~ ~ C (/~ ~ Op ~ ~ O (n . C ~ ~ • (D lU O (D ~ ~ C7i Q -.. o ~' ~ CT1 O G7 =, • , GO n ~ ~ O O O c0 o ~ O _ • n < O fl.. ~ a O CJl C,U ~ 0 0 C7 Q O ~_ O O rJ ~ O CD ~ N ' ^ . ~ C ~ ~ (D O ( ]~ j n . ^^'l lV J • • ~ n m • ,V W ~ N O ~ ~ O CTf ~ A ~ ' O ~ p O p n O fD O p p ' ~ U1, 0 C11 0 ~ 0 ~ m 0 0 0 ~ 0 -° 0 ° 0 ~- _ ° 0 0 a o W ~ Ut p N O f~ ~ C ~•'^ ~ p O O O .fir ~ O K O p p 7 This page intentionally left blonk 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: 3 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: LegaVFinance Presenter: W. CopleyB. Shell Pa e Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: W. Co levB. Shell SUBJECT: Public Hearing -Installment Financing (Certificates of Participation) BRIEF SUMiyiARY: The County is issuing Certificates of Participation for the construction of interceptors for Motts Creek, Ogden and Northchase, the purchase of land and a building for a library at Military Cutoff, the acquisition of property at .102 North Fourth Street for the Sheriffs Department, the acquisition of a scraper pan, and the refinancing of the acquisition of 210 acres of land between U.S. 421 and River Road. - RECOiVIiyiEi~'DED MOTION Ati'D REQUESTED ACTIONS• Conduct Public Hearing. Federal S: State 5: County S: User Fees S: Other S: X iiloney Is In Current Budget: New' Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: . xr,vtr w~U tjY: ~~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR• N/A Ay1~LLETT COUNTY MANAGFR'S COM`IFNT AND RFCO~IMFND 1TIONS• Recommend conducting a public hearing. I have consulted with the County Attorney and at this time there appears to be no further action required. `' ~~ ~~ l t~s ~y~t~*~ ~r, J~~i'~VV~.7RJ kr REJECT t7MDl~~p .} a ~ 9 ~~ ~ . ~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ ~( 3/g7 ~~1'l~ ,Esf. Q ~ianC~~ ~,,.~~sa~t~f~i~i, NE`V HANOVER COU~~TY Ii~TER-OFFICE -MEMO MEMORANDUM: TO: New Hanover County Commissioners n FROM: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney ~,~ RE: Public Hearing -Installment Financing DATE: October 22, 1997 The Board should allow public comment on the County's Installment Financing, also knoavn as Certificates of Participation. Following are answers to the questions you might be asked: Q. What is being financed? A. Construction of the Motts Creek Interceptor and related collection system near the intersection of U.S. 421 and N.C. Highway 132, the construction of the Ogden Interceptor between the Ogden community and New Hanover County International Airport, the construction of the Northchase Interceptor between the Ogden community and the northern boundary of the County, construction of a sewer collection system in the southern portion of the County is expected to start in May 1998 and be completed in December 1998 which will connect to Motts Interceptor, the acquisition of land and a building for use as a library located at PAilitary Cutoff Road (formerly Hannaford Grocery), the acquisition of rights in the third floor of the BellSouth Building located at 102 North Fourth Street to be used by the Sheriff's Department, the acquisition of a scraper pan, and the refinancing of the acquisition of approximately 210 acres of land located between U.S. 421 and River Road. Q. What is the security for these obligations? A. The County will execute and deliver a deed of trust and security agreement granting a lien on all these facilities. Q. How much is the installment financing? A. The installment financing contract provides for a financing and refinancing in the am~cunt of approximately 525,000,000.00 including reserves and costs of issuance. Finance'Direct'o~ Clerk to~the Boma d~~ ~ 0 ~~ ~ -_, ..~..,. __ . , ,, t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: 4A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes • Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Public Hearings. Special Use Permit BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Rezoning: Request by Adger Wilson to rezone .7~ acre at 7730 and 774 Market Street to B-2 Business from R-1~ Residential (Z-610, 10/97). RECOMit•1ENDED i\'iOTION AND REQUESTED 4CTIONS• Planning Board recommends approval of rezoning request. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S:' State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: - Other S: tiew Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A A~~IALLETT COUNTY 11ANAGFR'S COti'Iti~1ENTS AND RF('O~T'~IF~rD~~T[ ~'~- • COUNTY COMMISSIQNS • • APPROVED t''~ REJECTED p REMOVED C3 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for DispositionM w ~ '~• ITEM A CASE: X610, 10/97; Applicant: Adger Nilson REQUEST: R-15 to B-2 LOCATION: 7730 and 7754 IVlarket Street ACREAGE: .75 LAND CLASSIFICATION: Resource Protection- Encourages low density residential development at a maximum of 2.5 units per acre. Non-residential development is permitted provided important natural resources are not impacted. Planning Board Summary In recognition of existing commercial zoning on adjacent property, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the applicant's petition as submitted. They disagreed with Staff's suggestion that Parcel F be uncluded in the rezoning, noring that the owner should probably uiitnate the change. There was no opposition. ,,~, Planning Staff Summary `J The recent rezoning of 12+ acres adjacent to these parcels to B-2 Business and the fact that land adjacent to the tract to the north and south is also zoned B-2 has virtually eliminated development of the subject property under current zoning. As a result of these conditions, rezoning is appropriate. It should be noted that this zoning trend is likely to continue, setting the stage to turn this segment of Market Street into another strip commercial district much like the often cited North College Road and other sections of Market Street. Current policies for Growth and Development strongly discourage the linear spread of commercial uses along major highways for several reasons. One, it leads to an inefficient land use pattern. Two, it creates traffic congestion and ultimately traffic safety problems. Three, in absence of quality design controls, the resulting land use pattern is often nondescript and lacking any character. Continued linear expansion of commercial zoning along It-Sarket Street will in the end render current commercial growth policies moot. To address that problem, perhaps the County should study new policies or standards that can in other ways address the impacts created by this linear land use pattern. Currently, the County relies on minima] design standards offered by the Special Highway Overlay District. However, it alone seems deficient for mitigating the many ill-effects common with this type commercia] development A casualty of this zoning proposal is the adjacent land identified as Parcel F. With this approval, it will L' be practically surrounded by commercial zoning and there is no reason to expect it to be developed for R-15~us"es~~lAsja~result~fr`th`s;dStaffsuggests it be rezoned also; or at least the front portion of it. ~~~~ tom' W .~.Yb Staff recommen is approv~al.~~ ~ 2 ~ ~~'~'~1~~ `~ ~~~6 '' ~ ~ • ~ .WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET ~A CHANGE OF_ZONING OF PROPERTY i Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements. ® How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies .for Gcowth and Devel- opment? - Each parcel lies between and is adjacent-to existing B-2 zoning on the north and the south sides. •, ©• `How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification 1`fap? - There are no known important natural, historic, senic, wildlife and recreational resources and the land adjoins property .now zoned B-2 and is not considred desizable for residential purposes. :~ ~ What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Commercial development has taken place on adjoining 'and nearby properties caking residential use less likely. In si nin thi g g s petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the singling out of one parcel of land fot special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. • ~ 13 ~~ ~~~~ '' Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Z-610, 10/97 Petition~Number: Terrell, Thomas A. i•lilson Owner: Representative: (~ Request: R-15 to B-2 Acreage: • 77 (3 tracts) Taz ID Number: 3600 Location: ~ ~ "a ~ rUA~ c LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Resource Protection Land Classification: Residential and vacant Ezisting Land Use: Area originally zoned July 6, 1971. F~jacent la~-:; Zoning History: • zoned B-2 Sea_t., 1997. ~° L Water Typc: _ Fire District: _ Road Acccss:- School District: Ogden Scwcr Type• Cou:-~t~i Recreation: Ord°'~ Park Volume: 24,10'? ~-~' (9~ ~ MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Pages CreA': (SF.) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Prince of Pr~-r~rv I,~- None `- Conservation Resources: ^ione ~- IIistoric Landmarks and Archeological Sites: L. .Leon (L e) and Kureb(Kr) : Class III & .II 14 Soil Type(s) and Class: _ Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricuitura.l Soils: Building Suitability: _ t~~el l Ogden U.S. 17 Poor to goad None Some limits due to high Prater table (Le) '~y C ~ ~¢ ~~ ~ .,. w J 'o• ~ a t' •.• ~ •• ,• •. .• .• •• •. ~ •4• 4+~ b •i o ••i• _ ark' °b~ •• ••i • W ~s •O • i i •i •i •• •• 1• • . ••• lL •• •• 1• •• 1• 1•• •• ~ ~ •• ••• •• cv •. ~ ••• o ~ 9p •.. ~ •. s . ~• ~ ~ • o ,• P :~ •• •: m •.• e • .• ., •• •': •• s d~ F •••• ~ •• ••• 4 .~ • ~ i s a, • •. °•. ~~. r ~~ •i a ^ / \ •• 1 O J. V • ~' `, ~. •• • •• ••j• ••• •• •• . ••• •• 1• •• Oq •1 1• •• Y ••• ! h r ~ ~ ••~ m V r •• 4 _ ~~ U ~ e ~i O O .~' ~ - •• ae s ~= w ~ • i ® •'•. '. .• ~ ••. ~¢-- ,~ W J'G Z . C J ~ O Q f~ •••• O U. y„ W 2 J , 3 UZ.m Zm~ fig ~' W ••_ ~ 'F 3. OJ QW~ZCa ~, e{ , •• . ~ d ~~a~¢wx_y ., ,. ~ --z-~- u.ZZ / ~ ~~ t7'~JG~fnZtn F'"Z ~~~~~~ ~ ~' T~ V .1U Q ~~~~~'4J }.~,Q ~ - ~ ~ ~"~ m"~J.¢ua C, w . a~ ` ~ .a a i ~ti i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: 4B Consent Item #: Additional Item iY: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa>;e: Contact: Dexter Ha es SUBJECT: Public Hearings., BRIEF SUMiyiARY: Special Use Permit: Request by the Saponos Pointe Homeo~ti~ners Association to construct a 32 slip community boating facility. The site is located on the south side of River Road southeast of Eastbank Landing. The property is zoned R-15 Residential. (S-417, 10/97) . RECOiViMENDED MOTION Ai\'D RFOUFSTED 4CTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with conditions. ~~ ~ Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S Other S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A A~fALLETT COUNTY I~•tANA .ER' •C ti11~iFNT~ aND RFCOtiiti•1FND ~TIONS• • COUNTY Cf}MM~1SSlt~NS aPPaov~® r~ ~~JECTED D - ~~M~~~~ ~ ~ 5 Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boud for Disposition ~~ ~~~ ~+ -_ ~ ..~ .. ; t,.J ITEM B ; ... , S-417 10/97: Request by the Saponos Pointe Homeowners Association to ConstrucU~ l _~ , Slip Community Boating Facility. Planning Board Summary ~~ ., The Board determined that the proposed marina could be built at this location-with minim :.: ; impacts. The only issue raised by the Board concerned the size of a visitor parking'lot ad* ~.~ ~~ Eastbank Landing. Most felt the lot should be limited to minimize impacts on that neighi~ :..._# and to limit impervious coverage adjacent to sensitive marsh areas. Ultimatel the Board voted 6 to 0 for a royal with the condition that the visitor lot be Y~ PP _ no more than 1 S parking spaces. There was one abstention. ~~ Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health ~ safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted approved. A The facility does not need sewer service. Water service can be provided. B. Vehicular access is available via an adjoining tract having frontage along River R~ C. The site is located in the Federal Point VFD District. n . 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specificatio Zoning Ordinance. A. Community boating facilities are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Resi+'T District. The site is zoned R-15 Residential. ~. B. The total number of boat slips does not exceed the total number of residential lots served. C. An unknown quantity ofoff-street parking designated for visitors is provided on ,.- high ground. The ordinance requires one off-street space per slip, however, the C ~ has approved many similarly situated facilities with parking provided at individua'! within the adjacent subdivision. The purpose,of that variation is to promote water by limiting impervious coverage. ~~°°•• D. Each lot owner in the adjacent subdivision (Saponos Pointe) will have access to t~ facility. E. No commercial activities are permitted and none are proposed. F. Except for pier construction across marsh grass for pedestrian access to the dock facility, land disturbance is expected to minimal. Some dredging is needed and wil confined to a short entrance channel around the docking area. ~'" 3. The Board must fnd that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoin • ~~ab~ut~t~g property or that the use is a public necessity. ~ _`~~'~~ a ins facilities to serv',~ A. In similar situations, the construction of piers, docks and bo t 'adjacent residential uses has preserved or increased property values. 16 ~,~~~ ~~~ __ . ._ ~.:_ ~~ r .. ~. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. A: Piers, docks, community boating facilities and related uses are commonplace along the county's riverine and estuarine shorelines. B. Similar facilities, though varying in scope and scale, have been constructed to serve nearby subdivisions. 17 .-., -~ What You Must establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance,. pursuant to section 7l. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Statement by Applica/t: 'j'~, d M ~t,-,`~ ~a e~.e~~=r~-yI ~. 11 ;-~ , ti„l /,~ ~ ~ ~v- ~4 _~/~~ ~-o /I~,~v, j a.I , /Fy~a- w~ ~/ ~~2- ro ol.`i~di1 ~'r~t ~ S°'^'/F~-~ ~N ~-`r~ General Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" ofthe Zoning Ordinance." Stat~em~e~tt /bay Applicant: / / Clt`~S't ~ P~~ i f ~4 /vin ~iA o ~-- 77 loLc ~ N-r G<Y~t~' .. ~ ~.. ~ S M-.'~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ •~- war-l/4 ~ ~.~f~ -F~ ~ .~.,~ i.-~. ,. ,1 ~./ L4 ~. General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." , Sta{,t{r/_nteJnt_byApplic/ant: ..A~, ~ 1 / ' fS ~i.y' ~Ly /~~ •/i ~'J J ~O •~ // " ", ~'/ ~L LYtlcf ~ ~ !/ ~-G- J ~,0/ r~ I ~/~ b"" K ~+ µ ~r5 ~~ !~~ `"'! ' ~ ~t 1fy6 S C~ CiLt V 4Ji / 1 Rio .+-~ M C~~~~}~ C General Requirement ~~ The Board must find "chat the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for Flew Hanover County." Statement by Applrcant: ~ ~J~~` svGjdi~.,,/oNl /u /~"' NC"L/" ~A~r S~'z1i//4/l -('7!~~./J(7y_r The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested b}' the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner eonsistcn[ with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and belief. 18 ,~~~~~ ~ Signature of Applic ,and/or Owner 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET S-417, 10/97 Petition~Number: Owner: Sapon~s Pointe fiCIA Request:. ice' Boating Facility Taz ID Number: 0700 Representative: -Same Acreage:-- NSA Location:T~iver Road ' LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and- SERVICES • Land Classification: Conservation Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning.History• ~ Area originally zoned AL ril, 1971 W a t e r T Corrtunity ylx~ Fire District: Federal Point Road Accus: to River Road Carolina Beach School District: SCR'Cr Type• County •RccreAtion: snafus Cut Park Volume: 800 AI7I' (95 count).. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS tiVatershed and~ti'ater Quality Classification• Srxx~~s Cut; un}'slcf•m Aquifer Recharge Area: N/A No marsh Conservation Resources:. IIistoric Landmark and Archeological Sites: None j Soil Type(s) and Class: Septic Tank Suitability: . Prime Agricultural Soils: Building SuitAbility: Marsh Unsuitable None Lir:tited to water deoendert uses 1 t 1 {l l O I ~ I I J W Z Z a V -T.01 ~n c~ N 30' 40' E~-: ~ •' ' 2 ,e ~:::1 l f ~~ f 3 t9 fi F::=: }:.: t• 4 S 20 z1 ' ~:) ~ ~•• a 22 ~ E ~_ k::=: 7 9 z3 :=j 24 ~ :~ :~ F:;=: .. t•:. ••- s 10 zs N ;t:::- O 28 ::::~ I d. F_~ ~ ` 11 27 , ~:':I M eF ' zB ~ ~~ F-~" F:~` 13 9 ~ = ~ ::::I F •~ e 16 32 - i ~ ss F=~ ~ T ~: ... ( ~ :~ i ~ : ~~:: GUEST DOCK : : :~ ~ - S~, ~i :•:.. • :::J - - ~:::: ..:-:r 10' tiiP !~~ •~=~ O :::~MP i so' 1~~~ ao .. '•=~~ so' -FLOATING DOCK SYSTEM Y~1TH ELEVATOR RISERS FOR ALL SLIPS (32 TOTAL) -DREDGING LI~dITS (DREDGING TO -6.0 L.W.) APPROX. 10,0.00 CY titi7LL BE REMOVED BY HYDRAULIC DREDGE. NOTE: ELEVATIONS AND SOUNDINGS BASED ON LW=0.0 °MP IN~IcnTES ENTRANCE CHANNEL MARKER PILE (TOTAL OF 4) _____ _-- t::_:: i:j -- - -----2.0____ ----~:=:~i_ _ -- ---- --M~-~~ -_-___- =- --'~'-~ --------- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~n w -- ---------- ca ~ -10.0----- ---------- ---------------------- ~' ----- ------------------------10.0=------- -12.0 _ _._ - ------------------------------------- ------------- _12.0 -------- Alww 90' CHANNEL FROM SNOW CUT TO CAPE FEAR RIVER COMMUNITY DOCKING FACILITY FOR SAPONAS POINTS SUBDIVISION 20 AT CAPE FEAR RIVER AND SNOYlS CUT"` CAROLINA BEACH, NEW NANOVER CO., ~'"--'--""-"-- BY SAPONAS POINTS HOMEOWNERS A55 DOCKING FACILITY PLAN ^~ 803 CANAL. ORIVE SCALE 1"=100' CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. ' 100 50 0 100 DRAV~N BY: Wtn. H. WARREN~;1R. ~~ ~... ,.,~-, .-...- .- ..~ .y r 1 ~ ~ 'S-Gr ( ~ r ~ '' ' ~~x ~ 24'x24' ~ r r p GAZEBO '' s s i ~ ~ r r ~ \ ~- r r r \ r r ~ r r ~~~F. \ \ ,. r Ac~S G~ ~~ f- FIXED PIER S1. ~ (6' WIDE) r ~Q~ r h~ RAMP `~~ '" - ---LW~0.0_-~` N ~ ^^~~ ~ F:: ~:a ~ t~ 1 17 ~:I ~I zl 0 ~- a~i ~ o 0 ~~ ~ zl ~ W W t- ~ x ~, a } w Y ,_ Q J W ?- 07 _--~r- ~'~ w ~! of a ~' 1' 1' z-~..~.~~_. .f L ~ ~~~ s~ z O S 0 Q1 w~ F-- z 0 n. a z 0 F • • 1 1 1 1 1 • , • • , • ~~ \ t - ~ U ° ~ ~.' ~ t, 1 1 Z ~~ .. ~ m ~ ~ ` ~ 1 1 ' = Q ~ VOA 1-~ Z ~ V ~ ~ gz~ ~ ~ ~ _ UNO~~ Q 5 z ~ ° a s o ~ s ~ $ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ !~. o N w ~~~p 4 Q ~ ~~ ~ ` ~ 1 C~ Z cn zd z 3 nN& 8 F ~~ W 1 It v 3 Y~Q'W~ Z R ~ ~ ~ ~ U z~zZ z w ~ \ 1 ~ W n $ r'~ ~ { ~ Q~ Q m g ~ b g 1~ ~ _ J7z~ Ca Z O(~ I`' L Q Q ° Z w Q ~~ 1 1 ( ~~QJ~VO 1 I 1 I. ~ U~ M ~ ~~-O~ c ~ z • 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ U~¢ U m ctr c~ c . .. 1 1 1 1 • ~ ~. 1 1 ~ 1 1 i U g W P ~. 3 1 • ~ W • . • . • ` 1 ~ N 7 ~ ~ . 1 . c . 1 1 _~ O • ^ ~1. 3 S"' M1 ~ D'lO ` G Z_ O a ~~ i ~~ • . r' •' ~~'iA1 •6. ~ \' ~' ~YZ '<`~'-~ H ~ W ~ t ~ O_L W L ~~ ~ j j d N ~~ i~ ~m t~ c~ ° ~< ~ N i~o ' • ~~ t~ •Q Y ~ d ' 1 I 1 O ~ Iddi Q. ~ ~b ~ 1 bY~ 1 ~ 1 f ' ~ ~ 1 1 , 1 1 • • • ' .~ I ~ I i I ~ / //~i~ rg ` 1 l ~%/i ~4 1 ~~ /l ~ii O j~ii i \ \ N / 1 ~i cif/~~~ / .~~. : \ \ ?r 31yK;`! 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' _ a ~ . r ~/r~_ ..4 S /L 3 ~ S _ac aev c ~S i - / j. ---------' ~' ' / i ~ r ~ ~~ / a ', y ' -~ v - ~ . ~ s / ~ / I / \ ~ /~ . \ ..~ ~ p ~ / ~. ` ~ ,~/ ~ J' ~~ ,.. r ~ `~ ; ~ fi 3 ~ \° \ H Z ~~ \ y •`, / • A 3 1 i T, ~ - rl ~:). ~ .. i - } / ~ ~ ~ i ~ _ /~/ 'er g ' ~/ I ~. ' / ~ - . , .' ... 1 / ,: . ~1 a _ III ~ ~ . - -~ , ' .:_. i I Regular Item ~: "4C Consent Item #: Additional Item ;r: ~., Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Dexter Ha es - - SUBJECT: ~~` Public Hearings. ,.: ,. . ~~ BRIEF SUMIVIARY: Special Use Pernut:.Request by United Advent Christian Church to operate a child day care center at 4912 S.College Road. The facility is located on existing church-owned property and is zoned R-1 ~ Residential'. ,(5-418, 10/97 - - . ' . ~ ` " .. ,~ - ~ ~ . . - , ~. REC ti~TMENDED It~10TI N Ai~~ RE E TED ACTT NS: The' Planning Board recommends approval. .. ~. r. - :; .. . FUNDING SOURCE: ; Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S Other S: r . •. .; r, Money Is In Current"Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment~Pre ared: REVLEWED BY: ~" ' `' ~ , LGL: APP t~VCOPLEY FIiV: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/~ CGRIFFIN HR:, N/A Ati1.~LLETT ' COUNTYMANAGFR'S COMMENTS AND RFC0~~1i~1Fti'D=~T[O\'S• ~ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~~ ~I ~ . ., ~a~~ov~t~ ~ . .. - REJECT~lZ ~# ' ~~MavE~ ~~ . ~3 wo~~tolvl~€~ ~, u~.i ~,p~i`~ ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition`~~~~ aA'fl~ ~l3 f 9?.: ~~ , ITEM C S-418, 10/97: Request by the United Advent Christian Church to Operate a Child Day Care Service on Existing Church Property (NOTE: The church has been operating a child day care service at this location for the past 12 years. The facility is licensed for 100 children. Current enrollment is 90. Though a portion of the church continues to be used for child care service, an addition at the rear of the main building houses the bulk of child care activities. ) Planning Board Summary The Board voted -unanimously to recommend approval of the petition as submitted and ~~~th the condition. that current enrollment not exceed the cap specified in the state license. In support of that action, the Board noted the applicant had been operating the day care for twelve years without record of complaint and the use would not create negative impacts in the area There was no public opposition. . Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The church and accessor}• uses are already served by water and sewer. There is no kno«'n need to expand those services. B. The site has direct access to South College Road. C. The site is located in the M}•rtle Grove VFD District. 2.. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Child day care is permitted by special use permit in the R-1S Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The current facility has been in operation for over 12 }'ears. It has received a state license, meaning it complies with State guidelines for such operations. C. Off-street parking is provided at ratios that exceeds minimum requirements. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially inju--e the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is~a public necessity. A. The day care service is confined to the existing church complex. The church was originally approved by.special use permit in 1973 and the da}' care has been in use for over 12 years. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony w~ih the area in which it is to be located ar~d in general conformity with plan of development for 1~'ew Hanover County. A. The church has operaied at this location since 1973. At the time, a special use permit «~as required. Today, a church would be permitted b}' right at this location. B. There are no records of objections or complaint of the use. ~i3"~ ~~s~u ~°,~ ~'~ ~~e~~~~- 24 • ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ . e,, ° S~.r-~:, i' Vir.J u~~..~7 Atr Pi,~c PLP~~;ii~ll: u~PHi~Tt,c„T r,•~t NG: ;9iG341Cj5o p, [rI? ' •- `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • 't~Vhat You IVlust Establish ~'or A • . _ ~ ~ • .• . • Special Use Perru~t 1°.- - ' Auu~ority tti print a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursu;int to~scction ? 1. "Chc "Coning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the uscrequestcd by flee applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plates, µ•hcre applicable, l:ow the °~ proposcii use satisfies these rcgtiircmcnts: (Attach additional pages if necessary) CenccalRcyuirementttl The Board must find "that the use will not materially endan;er the public health or safety if located where pro- -° posed and dcveiopcd according to the plan a_i submitted and approved." ' ~. Statenteatb~•.4pplicnnr: • We h;av.e operated the church since 1973 and the.Prescfiooi/pay. Care for• _ twelve years .and there are no known endangerment to public health or safety. Proper building, .health, -and. fire inspection have 'been done - ~, appropriately. General Requirement #? • • The Board must find "that the use thects all required conditions and spcc'fications" of the Zoning Ordinance." ' .. Srureme,tr b1' Applicant: . ` B;tiilding has been designed to meet the zoning ordinance and inspections haveverified. that. '° - ° - ~. r~nccal Rcqu,rement #3 • ~I ht 6o.,rd tttwt find th;ti the use ~~ ilI not substantislty injure the value of adjoinin_ or abutting property or ihst the use is z puhlicnccessiiy." ~' Srar~rircnrGy~tppficanr.: . 'de are serving about 130 families throughout our church .program. and about. 100 families in' our community who need day care service. There is " widespread acceptance and praise of our programs. •' - . ~- Ccncral Requiremcnt;;~ - ~' The Board must find "that the Location and charact::r of the use if devc! ~cd ac~or i o ' . or d n~ to the plan as submitted _ and approved wilt be in harmony witJt the area in which. it is to be located znd in general conformity with tha Olin of development for Nc~• H: Hover Cotmtv." - l - Slcrrentent by ApplickrN: We have been apart of the community since 1973 and would be considered _ a vital .part of -community life. The facility and property is kept up in -~ a manner that reflects community standards. `• • ., ,. I~ ., The Zoni.~~ Ordinance in some iris(anccs, also impusus ad~litior.3f spcciiic rcq~ircments"on the uie rc.ilucstrd by the applicant. Thcapplicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use wi(I comply with each ~ - . .specific requirement found in section 72 , (ac applicable). HdShc should also d~monstrzte that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of I~'ew Harovcr County. The $oard of Commis- sioncrs may impose, additional eonditionti and restrictions [h;a t}tcy deem appropriate prior to frc issuing of the SEx:cia! Use Permit.. I certify that all of the information ~prescnted in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, inform- iron, ano+ belief. s 2 5 s~ . ~~ .. PETITIGf~ SUMMARY SHEET s-a1s, 10/9 Petition•Number: Qwner; United Advent Church Request: Child Day Care Taz ID Number: 7100 Representative: Sarre Acreage: 4 - 03 4912 S. College Rd. Location: LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Transition ' Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Zoning History:_ Church aizd Dav Care ~ L Area originally zoned Julv 6, 1971. - - w- 1 . Watcr Typo: Ccr-~unit=' Scwcr Type• CO~~ Fire District: r'fvrtle Grove ~ RccreAtion: Arra'~head Road Acccss: S. College Rd. VoIumc: 1,800 -~ (95 count) Gregory ~ u School D~stnct: _______ MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Letts Branch C (S~a) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area.: pr~~' (~ Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: ^~one N/A: developed Soil Type(s) and Class: Scptic Tank Suitability; N/A developed Primc Agr'icvlturxl Soiii: T1one Building Suitability: Develoc~ed _ 26 •. - I~ 4 1 .' r. 1 ' ` - .. f i .. ' Regular Item #: 4D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~' De artrnent: Planni Q . P nb Presenter: Dexter Hayes • • ° Paae Count In Agenda Package' Contact: Dexter Ha es • ,. ~' ~ SUB.TECT: Public Hearings . ~. • BRIEF SUiyiMARY: Subdivision Text Amendment: Request by County Engineering to provide language to calculate the maximum. width of drainage easements for open ditches and piped.drainage ways: (~-257, 10/97) The • ._ s ,. .. . ~~~ - _ ° • , •. .. '. RECOyiMENDED NTOTIO`' AND RFOUFSTED ACTIO~tS• • ~ ~ • Planning Board recommends approval with modifications. ~ •' • . ' ~ . ,.~ ~`° .~ :FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . Federal S: State S: County 5: User-Fees S: Other 5: ; Money'Is In Cucr.ent Budget: P1ew Appropriation Request:. Budget Amendment Pre ared: -REVIEWED BY: . LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT .COUNTY MANAGER'S COiyiMFNTS AND RF OM~iFNDaTIONS• ° ~' CQllN~` ~d~rt~~' APPR(~Vctl ~ R~~EhTh~? ~ .~' REMnVEA ~' . H~ARt~ X17 - ~ Rcfcr to Officc Vision Bul(ctin Board for Disposition ~;~ """~''"l~l'!~~~~ ~ • /- ITEM D Subdivision Teat Amendment: Request by County Engineering to Provide Language to Calculate the 1~Iinimum Width of Drainage Easements for Open and Piped Drainage Ways. (A-287, 10/97). _ Planning Board Summary Jim Craig, County Engineer, explained the purpose of the amendment ,vas to make sure easement widths matched the true width of drainage ways, whether they were piped or open. He stated current regulations require the minimum width to be 30 feet. But he added that over the years the current width had actually become the accepted standard regardless of the drainage way's actual width or depth. As a result, tie said some of the easements created do not coincide with the true width of the drainage way. He also said the revisions would make it easier to address long term maintenance needs should the County ever enter into the drainage business and would eliminate the need to procure additional area to make the easements functional. Most of the Board's discussion centered on the impacts the amendments would create. The primary concern was what the ultimate width of an easement would be and how its application in a project would effect lot design. Mr. Craig told the Board that wider easements would be required only where a drainage way was deep (e.g. 8 to 10 feet), but those situations were more the exception than the rule. After fine tuning the proposal, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the following language. ~ - . There was no public comment. Amendment Proposal, Revise Section 41 as follows: Section -tl Speck Requirements 41-1 (~)~asements-Utility and other easements shall be provided as follows: (a) The minimum required drainage easement width for an open drainage way tivil! be the width across the top of the bank of the drainage tivay in five (~) foot increments tivith an additional ten (10) foot maintenance area on one side of the open drainage way. -The easement, including the maintenance area, will be uniform in width as set by the maxinurm depth and flattest side slope for that section and. sribject to approval by the County Engineer. Shallow wale easements along the perimeter of • _ lots Wray be less than thirty (30) feet in width provided they are approved by the . County Engineer.. (9/x/95) - The mininurm required drainage easement tividth for closed (piped) drainage way tivill ~j be rivo (2) times the depth of the pipe or conduit in fine (~) foot Increments with an ~ additional ten (10) foot maintenance area on one side of the drainage way. Ttre ~'~+.1~az~'ni~cluding the maintenance area, will be uniform in width as set by a :~~ ~s~~~r~~~~;~ ma.rrmum depth of the invert for that section and subject to approval by the County Erp'e ~~~c~;ir ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ - - ~m , G ~R REw T . S~BDiVrS~~(~ - PRov ~ S»NS, . /~EctJL~T~oNS , • ARTICLE ZV DESIGN STANDARDS - Section`40 General Prov's:nnt ' Any .land .area within the jurisdiction of this ordinance deemed by the County', • Commissioners to be unsuitable for •residential occupancy shall be prohibited for subdivision development.- The County Commissioners in ma;cing their ~ - determination shall be guided by an analysis of available data. on topography, -- soils, .flood plains; drainage, and ground and surface water... ' Section 41 Specific Requirements ~ i 41-1 The- following design standards shall be minimum reguirements;,where other • official .engineering and public works standards and specificatio:;s a'_e more • ~.- 's'tringent, such higher standards shall be used. "~ (•1.) Alleys .Alleys are not permitted in residential,~districts exce.t when the ..Planning Board determines special conditions warrant a secondary,r.,eans of • .access. Design standards f;or alleys that are permitted shall be approved - - by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways. • (2) Blo__ c_ks Blocks sha21 be laid out with special attention given to'ttie type " of use contem sated. P .. (a) Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand four hundred .(.1,400) feet or be less than four hundred (400) feet. ' . ~' (b); Blocks shall have a sufficient width to allow two (2) tiers of lots I of minimum depth. Blocks may consist of single tier lots.uhere such " are required to separate residential development fro: through vehicular traffic or nonresidential uses. - f ' ~ (3) Buffer S -ion A buffer strip as much as fifty (SO) feet. in depth . rn addition to the normal lot depth, may- be :requited in residential ;~ subdivisions adjacent to railroads, himited access- highways, and commercial or industrial developments. `The strip shall be part of the. .,, platted lots,. but shall have the .following restriction lette_ed on the face of-the plat: "This strip reserved for screen planting by the owner; - , the building of structures hereon is prohibited.° The buffer at a minimum, shall comply with -the provisions in Section 67 of the Zoning - Ordinance. .. . ~. (4) B~1_ii~ng SPthark ~:no - ~ . The minimum building setback 'or the distance :between the street, right-of-- ~- way and. the building sine shall not. be less than that prescribed in the ' Zoning Ordinance for the County of New Hanover for the,aoprop.ia•te zone " - or zones in which the subdivision exists.-` ~r - . _ (S} FasAmAn G "Utility and other easements shall be Drovided as follows- - _ - (a} where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, ; ~' ~ channel. or st ' ream, there shall be provided a storm easement or drainage right-of-way of not less than thirty (30) feet with a ditch ~ ~ centered twenty (20} feet from one side and ten (10) feet from.the other side o: the easement conforming substantially to t. nes of ,~' such water course. Shallow Swale easements along the peter of ~. - lots may be less than thirty•(30) feet provided-they are approved by ' ~ the County Engineer.' (9/5/95) . .- -14- (b) Easements up to thirt 30 feet or mo Y ( ) re in width will be required for gravity sewer .lines and not less than fifteen (15) feet for water lines, other underground and above ground public utilities, or for piped drainage facilities. Where practical, subdivisions shall be designed in such a manner that lots may be served from-the rear • utility easements..t(3/9/88). - (c) Subdividers are encouraged to place all electrical and telephone lines underground. (6) Lots Lots shall be laid out as follows: (a) Lot sizes, shapes and locations shall be made with due regard to topographic conditions,. contemplated use, and the surrounding area.' Every conventional residential lot (as defined in the Zoning Ordinance) shall front a public or private street for a distance of at least 40 feet. • (b) Lots in subdivisions that have been zoned- by the County Commissioners shall not be less in width, depth or area specified in the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance for the appropriate zone or _ zones in.which the subdivision exists. ~(c) Corner 'lots shall have width sufficient to permit adequate building • setback from .side streets. (d) Double frontage or reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary to separate residential development from through • traffic or nonresidential uses. (e) Sid e_ lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to '. •' street lines. ~. ~. (f) In no instance shall the length of nitrification lines (septic tank :~• drain field) for a, residential lot be less than the size determined to be adequate by the New Hanover County Environmental Health w ` Department after. investigation of soil conditions, proposed L,J individual disposal system, ar,d depth of ground water. (7) s rPOrs (a) Minor streets shall be laid out so that their use by through traffic .will be discouraged. (b) A11 streets shall be designated to be either public or private in accordance with fl. C. General Statute 136-102.6 by the subdivider :~ who shall then comply with the requirements of said General Statute and shall submit concurrently with the final plat all disclosure statements required by said General Statute. • (c) When a planned subdivision is adjacent to an.arteria'1 or primary street, a marginal access street may be required to provide access for lots fronting on the arterial or primary street. (d) Proposed streets which are obviously in alignment with gther existing and named streets shall bear the assigned name of the existing streets. Zn no case shall the name for proposed streets duplicate or. be phonetically similar to existing street names in ~. this or other subdivision in flea Hanover County. (e) The street pattern shall be such as to cause no hardship in the subdividing of adjacent properties. The dedication of a street c e~ right-of-way may be required.in order to facilitate the development of adjoining properties. .Reserve strips which control access to 3 O adjacent property shall not be permitted. - f~ -15- .. ,~ ~ ~ . ~. . ' ,. ~. .. u _ ~ ~ f l , H W z ~ a . ~ ._ _ rn ~ I~ , W y . a . , ,. Wz W ~ a _ w F a . Q ~ ~ ,, ~~~ . .. .. H a - ~ \ \\ - .. W , w , `~ ~ a ' x w ~ .~ a ~ .. o c~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ I . ~. ,, J - ~ 1 ~ 3 . F . o ~ ~Y. . ,~ _ ` .. ~~ 31 , . ~ ~~ ~ a ~ V , H [z] _ 2 M H a "' ~ a w F, - a z r ~ w _ W ~ o ~ ~ Q N ~, _ ~. W ~: ~ F, c- % I ~,. U l H .J H a ~' ~ 0 w D / >., O ~~ ' / ` '-~ E' tZ a ~~~J~ -~, ~; ~ o `' I 3 .a w a W x H a w 32 ' j d' f ' ~' ~' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ : ... ~ ~ ~ I - r ~i_' - , ~ ` . _. _ _ . ~2. Z ~ ~-, .. °~ ~ C ~~ E-+ z o ~ ',Z I ~ W ~ ti ~ '~ _ ~ W ~w f :. A ~ u l. ~` ~ ~ w z H ~ H H :, Ot w o H Z W . U ~ ~ W l - 0 a ~ , a a o ~, .. ~ ~. . ~ ,. t a ~` '~~ o ~: ~ o 3 ,~ ~.. 34 ~ I~ •1 ~ Z F--I ; I ~ ~ . U H W C~ a H z w w QW a H .`J Q W O' a 0 x a 0 I I I I I _ i ~ I C I ZI ~I- c~ o U) I N L-] I °I L C I H ^~^l I V I I za ~ H H I as xl ~ I WO ~I z I I U . I to I ~, I i -~-- ~~,~ ~i \ ~. ~ , u' , ~:. o 1 a H W F-4 a Regular Item #; 4E ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #:. ~t - Department: Planning' Presenter: Dexter Hayes ~ ~ . Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dexter Haves SUB.TECT: , Public Hearings ' '~ .. BRIEF SUMNIARY• ...Street Closing: Request by Skip Lo«'ell to close an unnamed alley in Villa View Si>bdivision,. It is located: 12~ feet, east of Pavilion Place on the south side of East«~ood Road. (SC-72, 10/97) . . ,~F . ~- ' -~:° ~. i RF,CO. 1~1EiVDED titOTION A~°D RFOUFSTFD ACT[ONS: .. .. ... ~., _ ~ ~ , ~- ,. ~. - . '' FUNDIi`1G SOURCF: . ~' Federal S: State S: ~ County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request:` Budget Amendment Pre ared: ' REVIF,`VF,D BY: . ~~ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N%A CGRIFFN HR: N/A Atii_ALLETT C LINTY NIAi~1A ,.ER'. COMMENT. AND RF.C ~I~IF,NDATIONS: ,_ ., APaRav~a ~~ :. .. R~~cr~r3 a ~ - R~M~VEa a ~ - 35 POSTPQNE~ ~! ~, HERRtl E I • ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition,A'~~ ~/ 3~~il ~~+~+is ~ . ~* - , AGENDA INFOR~~IATION COVER SHEET Agenda Item : E iVleeting Date: November 3, 1997 Subject: Road Closure- Unnamed Alley (Villa View Subdivision) Summac-y Information: Petition by `'Skip" Lowe11 to close an unnnamed alley located in the Villa Vie«~ subdivision 12~ feet east of Pavillion Place, south side of Eastwood Road (see attached map). As displayed on the attached map, this 10 foot alley is unimproved and 100 foot in length. County Engineering staff has indicated that utility and/or drainage easements ~r•ilt not be needed. Adjoining properties to the south noted as "D" and "E" on the map will not be landlocked if this request is approved. Vehicular access to "D" and "E" will be served by Pavillion Place and Burke Avenue respectfully. Recommendation: Considering that the reservation of utility and:~or drainage easements «~ill not be required and adjoining property along the road will not be landlocked, staff recommends appro~:al of the applicants petition. ~~ ~'t~`~~~w~A ~~'~~ 36 ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ .~ w .~ "rI t ~~ SUBJECT: ~ _ . Committee Appointments ~' . a~ . ' - - BRIEF SU1~1`~IARY. Board of Fire Commissioners Cape Fear Communit Colle P,~ru~cla C~rer~Jrou, Nti lC~'~2ui~tisovr, f~6~addh` e Bo d f T t ~ ~ 5" y g ar o rus ees - , ~~ Y rD TBna.~Gla.n G<Jrex,K. ~ . t~ .. T ... ' RECO~Iiy1E~DED i~10TION r T AND RFQUFSTFD aCTIOtiS• I1~ake-Appointments. . .~ '~~ - - . ... FUNDING SOURCE: ~. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: iVloney Is In Current Bud et: g Irew Appropriation Request: i ~ ' Budoet.Amendment Pre ared: _ ' r- , REVIE`VED BY: ~' LG,L: FN: BUD: HR: ' COUNTY iy'IANA FR'S C ~Iti1FNTS AND RFCO~I~iFND ~T[O\'S• ~ f Make ap ointments p . .. G~i1N1Y CpMMI4NRS A RPR©V£D REJECTE[3 C1; REMOV~p -7 . R ~ / ~ - ,. . ~~TPi3N~Q q ~ HEARCt Refer to Of2ice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ®~'~'~ ~/3~~7 ;. I` > ,~ .. ~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN:a COUNTY OF NE`V HAir'OVER In the Matter of Closing An Unnamed Alley (Villa View Subdivision) BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COi/INIISSIONERS ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of l~'e~v Hanover County that a Resolution of Intent to close an unnamed alley located 12~ feet east of Pavilion Place, south side of Eastwood Road was adopted-by the County Commissioners on the 6th day of October, 1997 and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 3rd day of November, 1997, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing vas published .in the Wilmington Star News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and after conducting such hearing the County Commissioners are of the opinion that the unnamed alley in the County of New Hanover should be closed and are satisfied that the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual o«•ning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing, the legal description of said road being as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 3, Villa I~ietiv Subdivision as recorded in Book .52, page X63 of the Netio• Hanover Cotenty Registry; and commencing from said point 100 feet soceth to the socctheast corner of lot =1 Villa Vista Subdivision; thence 10 feet east to the southwestern corner of lot 9 I/illa View Subdivision; thence from said point 1 DO feet north to the northtivestern corner of !ot 10 T/illa vietiv Subdivision; thence from said point 10 feet ticest to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Adopted this the 3rd day of November, 1997. Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: ~~~,~~~ ~~ f~ ~ ~uw~A p ~ ~~~~ll~ Clerk to the Board ~ ~'~~~~~~~~ ~r:~l` . ~ :~~~ ` SUBJECT:.: Proclaim November 1997 "Adoption"Awareness Month" in New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: ... , . November 1997 is" "Adoption Awareness. Month." Some 4~8 children live away from their families in ` substitute, care, in this County.. Many cannot return to their birth farilies and need the security and nurturing that a permanent family can provide. A plan for permanency allows adoption of 113 of these " children. 3 8 children were adopted in fiscal year 1996-97. Adoption Awareness Month encourages everyone'. to celebrate adoption, honor the families that grow through adoption, and focus attention on those children: who live with the burden of an uncertain future while they await permanent families. " " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .~~ Adopt proclamation: " r~uNlliNU suuxc~: " Federal $: State S: County $; User Fees $: Other S: , Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BI': LGL: FINN BUD: rnTr~rmv r,r ~ ~r.~ n~n~c CllAiil~i(T~`NTC A N71 1?Ti'('nM HR: NS: 'R+AJIitM~ ~~~ . ~~~G ~~~~~~ ~ TP~' ~~ ... New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Proclamation (Adoption Month) WHEREAS, all children need love, support, security, and a place to call home; WHEREAS, in the county of New Hanover, 4~8 children live away from their families in substitute care; WHEREAS, many of these children cannot return to their birth families and need the security and nurturing that a permanent family can provide; WHEREAS, adoption is the plan for permanency for 113 of these children; WHEREAS, nearly. all of these children have special needs because of physical or mental or emotional disabilities, because they must be placed as a sibling group, because they are minorities, or because they are older; WHEREAS, between July 1, 1996 and June 30; 1997, 38 New Hanover County children with special needs were placed into adoptive families; WHEREAS, there are families able and willing to adopt children with special needs; and WHEREAS, children waiting for adoptive parents, and families who have adopted these children require and deserve communit~~ and public agency support; NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover Count}~ Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim November 1997 as Adoption Awareness Month in New Hanover County ' In honor of this event, we encourage citizens, community agencies, religious organizations, businesses, and others to celebrate adoption, honor the families that grow through adoption, and focus attention on those children ~~-ho lip-e with the burden of an uncertain future while they await permanent families. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert G. Greer, Chairman [SEAL] Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board ~~ ~ ,., ~,, MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT : ASSEIVIBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ~ 2-l NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOivI 301 ~ NOVEivIBER 3, 1997 ' .. .. '~/ .. . ; ~' • ITEitiIS OF BUSINESS PAGE . ~; 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) ;g Adjourn • ~' _ . ,~~ ` . .- .~ 1~,` - . ~ - __ /•,. ~~ .. ~: .. ' ` - • ~~ - ~~ r • ~~~ . 39 ~ . ~~ ~ ~ • . This page intentionally left blank 40 t t 1 1 1 i r f ,~ t r r r r CONSENT AGENDA NE~V I-IANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO;\1`•IISS[ONERS NOVEiVIBER 3, 1997 ITEivIS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes (Removed - no minutes) 4; 2. Award of bid and approval of contract #98-01 ~ 1 for the purchase of 4j three level II body armor vests. ~. Approval of additional funding for the Department of Aging and ~ 61 associated budget amendments #97-009, X97-0060 and 97-0061. ~ 3 Q . ~ t-w~. c.~_c~.¢. ~ ~ ~~~,e~`~,~-mac.-~-~~;(, -. '~ S kE 4. Award of bid and approval of contract X98- ~2 for the purchase of six 81 1998 motorcycles and sale of five motorcycles as trade-in and approval of associated budget amendment #98-19 ~. Approval of Resolution authorizing the no cost transfer to two (?) lots 101 to the Wilmington Housing Finance and Development (WHFD) 6. Approval of funding source exchange between Coastal Horizon's 107 Open House program and Department of Social Services contracted . group homes and approval of associated budget amendment r9S-006 7. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. m98-17 to increase budget budget for additional revenue received. 109 Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. . B. #98-16 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled 1 10 Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. X98-007 to budget reimbursement for a hazard material coordination 1 1 I response incident involving a ship at the State Ports. D. #97-008 to budget 91 I surcharge funds for additional expenses 1 12 related to emergency service zones. 41 This page intentionally left blank 42 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BEQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: 11/03/97 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes . BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting: October 6, 1997 Emergency Meeting: October 16, 1997 Regular Meeting: October 20, 1997 Approve the minutes ~~~ r Ui~lUl1\'G 50URCE: Federal S: State 5: County 5: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: tiew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: - FIiv: BUD: HR: .COUNTY IyiANA =ER'S COi\~I~~iFNTS AND RFCO~1~iFNnaT[ON~• Approve minutes. C~U~'~~~M~~~~ APPa4VER C ~2E.lI=CT~b C7 i2EMOVED G~ Pos~~NEn o 4 HEa~~ o Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~w.rrr ~~~ /2 /C~~~if , This pale intentionally left blank ,~ _ .- . - REQUEST FOR ~(~ARD ACTION ~ - :A .. - , - Meeting Date: 11/03%97. .~~~~ Regular Item #: ~ ~ Consent Item #: 2 ~- Additional Item #: `~° ~ ~ .Department: -Sheriff Presenter: ; Page Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Amy Akin ' ,~ SUBJECT: .Award of bid and approval of contract # 98=0151 for the purchase of threat level. II body armor vests. ~' - • BRhEF UMMA • RY: -Funds were approved at the adoption of the current budget for the Sheriffs Department to buy body armor. ' vests. Bids were requested for both threat level IIA and threat level II. If funds are sufficient, staff suggests ^?: buying the higher rated rotection. When the bids were o en the hi her level ro P P g p tectton came m w~tlun the funds designated for the purchase. Therefore, staff is recommending the award for threat level II vests to ,r the lowest responsible bidder, American Uniform_Sales, Inc. Attached is the following: , 1. Resolution for award of bid and approval of contract for the purchase of threat level II body armor vests.. , . 2. Draft contract #98-01 ~ 1 for approval (contract on file in County Manager's office). '. . ~: ~• I; '~ , RECOMititENDED kIOTION AND REQUESTED ACTInVS: -Staff recommends: ~, 1.:Adoption of attached resolution awarding bid for the purchase of threat level II body armor vests to ~` ' _ American Uniform. Sales t w - . ,Inc., he to est responstble bidder, m the amount of $26,14.00 ' , ~• Approving draft contract # 9s-01 ~ 1 . ~' .. .. ... _ ~!;. ~ . _ - FU~'Dii~rG SOURCE: .. - ,. Federal S:State S: County S: 25,135.User Fees S: Other S: f~ - Money Is In Current Budget: Yes ~ I~'ew Appropriation Request: t\'o Budget Amendment Pre aced: ho ,; .. REVIEWF,D BY: ~ _ • LGL: APP wCOPLEY FIN:APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIi~t ` HR: NIA AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ER' MMENTS AND RECO~•1:~•1END:~TIONS' , ~} Recommend approval as noted above. ~ ~ ' .. ~ couounr coMM~ss~oN~s - .; ' ~ '~ I APPROVED G~ • ,~ , REJECTEp. C7 , • ~. ~_ ..REM®VED [3 ~s~~N~l~ ~ 45 ..... HEARD a ~ .. _- Refer to-Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dispositio~A~ ~ ( .3. 7 ` r ~ - . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CO_ MivIISSIONERS . J _ _ OF 1~'EW HANOVER COUN-I'Y ~'VHEREAS, after due ad~~ertisement, bids n•ere recei~•ed and publicl}• opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 21st day of October, 1997, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the follo~~•ing bids ~cere recei~•ed for bod~• armor for the Sheriffs Department, Bid # 98-4151: - Body .-armor Vests Threat Level-IIA Body Armor Vests Threat Level II r~merican Uniform Sales, Inc. 523,520.00 $26,145.00 Command Uniforms 527,508.95 $29,293.95 Arrington Police Distributor, Inc.. 529,309.70 $33,989.55 Arrington Police Distributor, Inc. (tkis product did not providedlu!! side protection) 525,500.30 $29,524.95 Century• Uniforms 529,925.00 $31,500.00 AND WHEREAS, bids ~~•cre rccei~~ed for both threat le~~el IIA,and threat le~•cl II bod~• armor to determine if there could be adequate funds to purchase the higher rated ~~est and the bids recei~•ed ~~~ere ~.~ithin the amount budgeted for purchase and the Sheriff therefore is requesting a~card based on the threat level II test; AIv~ WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director and the Count<~ Manager recommend that the contract for threat level II bod.• armor be a~carded to American Uniform Sales, Inc. of Faccttecillc, North Carolina, the lo~~est responsible bidder, in the amount of T~cenri~-six Thousand One Hundred Fort.'-five Dollars (526,145.00); AND ~~iHEREAS, funds have bean preciously appropriated and arc no~c in Account No. 1 10-431-431 I--3~i00 to cover this contract: NO~~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Counn~ Commissioners of Ne~ti• Hanover Count- ` that the contract for threat lc~-el II bode armor for the Sheriff s Depa.~tment, Bid # 98-015 I be a~carded to American • Uniform Sales, Inc. in the amount of T~cent~•-six Thousand One Hundred Fortti•-five Dollars ($26,145.00); and that the Count ~ is hereb~• authori~,cd and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approred by the Count~~ At~ome}•. This 3rd da~• of No~~cmbcr. 1997. (SEAL) ATTEST: ~ ~~~~~A ~~`~'~39,.~A d~+'~a ~l~'~ Cle t ' e 1Board ~-~ ~?~~v~~ ~t~=riC,~'i.'~t~r~~#'M.arzG~~~?~wu: ~+~' p ~7 ,.. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners n ~.. COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA . . INVITATION TO BID • ON BODY ARMOR VESTS $' ~ . Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing .Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, ~~ Room. 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR BODY ARiL10R VESTS, ~ - BID # 98-0151 will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 21, 1997. `~ ~ The bids will be .publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt'of bids in ~~ the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, I~Torth Carolina. ~' Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may ,be obtained at the County Finance . Office during regular office hours. ~ ~ . a The Board of County Commissioners of \Tew Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject .any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the County.. a, . , Amy J. Alvin .. ~. . Purchasing Agent ~. ,~, ~ i e ti .Hanover Count} Advertised:.October 1?, 1997 ~' ~_ . - • . . ~'~ - ~ ; .„ _ ~ ~ ~ s ~ .. • ~ '' •. • A ~'~ .. t INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLII`A BID # 98-0151 _ BODY AR~tiIOR PESTS New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC _28401 Phone: (910) 341-7190 ~ `~"' Schedule Advertisement October 12, 1997 Deadline for Receipt of Proposals Tuesday, October 21, 1997 at 3:00 p.m New Hanover counn• Finance Office 320 Chestnut S[rect, Room 602 Wilmington, North Carolina 2801 (Opening, to be held in Room 601 Conference Room) Award of Contract No-•ember 3, 1997 Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid. ~'o corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shall be in strict accordance with the County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Deviations: New Hanover County resen•es the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. I~re~v Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. 48 l-l of4 .. , -. .. :, 4. . . ~ - '~: . ,. j ~ Warranties: •Bidder warrants thaf all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall - - ~ .conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the.Count .Bidder shall Y submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials'and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. '~ _ If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the • ~ goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. . Subrrfission of Bid Proposal- • .. . . Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR BODY AR~y10R .VESTS, BID #~98-0151 ", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: . a. . ~ New. Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 ~ - Wlmington,.NC 28401 - .Condition of Goods ,' ~ . 8 -' All`goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality. All bid ro osals rec '~• p p ei ed and recorded at the bid open~n~ are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, tradz secrets contained in a bid may be • . kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret -and requests that ".it be kept confidential This right of privacy will be construed as narro~~~ly as possible to protect-the .interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. . . Time For Opening Bids Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled ~, closing time for the receipt of bids will., not be considered .and will be returned to the bidder, ;unopened.' ~. "'ithdra~cal of Bids ~ . _ - ,~ Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time rior to the,closing-time for receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for. receipt of bids for i a period of sixty (60) days. • . ., .~ ~~ ~ ~ ,.. .. ~ .' I-2 of 4 ~~ . ~ . 49 ~- Award of Contract The award of, any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract.. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete items or adjust quantities. New Hanover .County reserves the right to award bid for either Threat Level II or the Threat Level IIA vests. Considerations in Award of Contract In determining the Lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 14;- 129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Tapes or Transportation Tares. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales ta~c on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices ~t hen invoiced. Price Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period required. Place of Deliver}• Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County Sheriffs Department, ~~'ilmington, North Carolina, specific location to be specified on purchase order and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. Instruction in lise of Goods The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and maintenance of the goods. O I-3 of 4 a ,.: . .. - ..' • Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements - ~_ - The bidder's products, ser~•ice and facilities shall be in full compliance with any'and all applicable a state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred to in the bid documents. Indemnity . . . ~ Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all _ ,~ claims; demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal" injuries or death 'or on account of property damages arising out of or relating. to the work to be ` ~: performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the riegligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. -, , .. ,. Addendum . .The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The. Courtly-shall not be responsible for any other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the_ specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed. , • with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. Compliance With Bid Requirements ~ '. Failure to com (~ w~ p } . ith these provisions or any other provisions of the General Statutes of \orth , Carolina wilCresult in rejection of bid. ~ ~, -. RighC To Reject Bids . ~, The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . - • ;. ,. .. . - ~`~ • • I-4 of 4 - ~: 51~ ~~, .~ ~ ~. a . . . e- .~.~ ~ - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BODY ARitiIOR VESTS BID # 98-0151 Requested Items: Quantity Description 105 Concealable, soft, lightweight body armor vest having removable front and back torso bu-llet-resistant inserts. Vest must be in full compliance with i~~IJ , sfandard 0101:03. Vests shall fiave front and back shirttails to keep the vest from riding up. 10~ extra cover/carrier (1 extra per vest purchased) 105 Cool i~1ax T-Shirt 105. Tote Bag Ballistic Requirements and Certification Bids are requested for Threat Level IIA and Threat Level II vests. A NIJ 0101.03 compliance fetter, for Level II and Level IIA (~1ale R Female), must be submitted with bid. Vendor shall warrant that all production of each certified model «~ill be identical in desi`7n and construction to that «hich was originally certified. Sizes and Fit Vests are to be fitted to the individual wearer (male or female) in accordance with general accepted sizing practices. All shape formation is achie~•ed without any cut seams or small parts. The initial fit of vests shall fit satisfactorily on delivery or Vendor will provide alternations or replacement free, until the wearer (male or female) is satisfied. n `leasurements shall be taken at location(s) and time(s) to be determined by the County. Color Black or Na~ti• ~` ~i. ;t. t ;; 'r 52 T-1 oft Vendor's Quote # ~} / 0 j COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA a BID PROPOSAL FOR.~'~1 BID # 98-0151 -BODY ARi~tOR VESTS October 21, 1997; 3:00 p.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection «Zth any corporation .firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I-agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal BOD Y AR:biOR VESTS - THREA T LEVEL IL-I Manufacturer: SC- Cr'~n~~~~f1 p~ ~. Model # Su~,~r~ri+t-~p~-~ licn-t~ IlA?+ Item Quantity 1 ,Unit Price = Extended Price. Level IIA Vest 10~ X .Sa~4.Uv = S - Eti-craCover/Carrier 10~ X Se.r~Lt~,• i~ S ~~~~ Cool `~1ax T-Shirt 10~ X S ~..Lt Y _ ,~ Tote Bad 10~ X S = S ~~ Total S,~ -~~ . ~ 130DYARtiIOR VESTS -THREAT LEVEL II Manufacturer. ~CrnC~ ~ 1 ~C'ul('t'_ Model # ~~~ Z -~ 54 Item Quantit}~ t Unit Price = Extended Price Level II Vest 10~ X S ~~ ~,~ = S . r _.u. Extra Cover/Carrier 10~ X 5~~~ , = S -.; ~ Cool Max T-Shirt 10~ X = S , Tote Bag 105. X S ~ ~_ _ ~. Total 5~~1 -,v.-, B-1 of 3 ~. , ... Delivery: ~-y ~ days after receipt of purchase order: Location of TechnlcaUService Representative `~~~;1 SG R~L'~.P~f?!~ ~~t~~:: rz. ~~C aS3c 1 . ,Attachments to Proposal - 1~. Complete specifications.ofequfpment proposed ' 2. Copy of waitanty - ~~ 3. ~ . Exceptions to,bid (if any) Notice to Proceed .. ,.. . The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the. form specified within ten (10) days after the award. and to begin process of providing the body armor, vests listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. ' .: Addendum .Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: J 'Addendum I~'o. ~ Date (~. h.~ r 1 1+ ~ , 1997 , ,D :~_ Addendum i`'o Date 1997 .Addendum No. D ate 1997 _ , - ' ~• a ~ ~.~ ,~ .. ~.: ~ ~ _ .~ ~ _ , ~ .. ,. ~ 55 B-2 of 3 . ~ ti `~ - , ~- . Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. The Bidder is: An Individual. A Partnership between: A Ioint Venture consisting of: A Corporation organized under the laws of the State ' . o f~'zr -4-ti-~ C t-t~ ~; t~Q , , . (List name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated.) (name s above printed) TITLE: ~~ , t'f ~ ~.<~~;lt ADDIZESS:.3~,~ ~_~..~t r?.~-~~~ 5+~~ ~- TELEPHONE: -,-~` ~ - ~1.~ _ ~; ~ ~ ~ SEAL-IF B[D IS BY A CORPOIZ~~TION ATTEST: /~ By Cam/ ~ .~~--~-c>------- 5G B-~ of 3 ~.ICT-Z1-1~3`~`7 15. 7: S~C~ ~D ~..'-iitit'iLC.,. `.: - ~ ~ b:.~ .5-3=: ~`^,~=+ ~. ~~=:.'L~:r 'a..i ~~v vi~Ai vaa.<r+.~~~a_i a+va a~-a~i.av~~~ ~ • ~UPERfea~hr~rineT!" SEi31ES SPEGtf1GATIONS 8~.~ ~~ ~: t Soft concealable body armor to be worn by law enforcement officers Mode! SUPERfeatherliteTM' series manufactured by Second Chance Body Armor, Inc., Central Lake, Michigan. Certified to the National Institute of Justice certification N1J 0101.03 BALLISTIC PRtJPFRTIES: NIJ SPECIFfCATION MIL-STD-662c . "Threat "Maximum Velocity" V-50 Ballistic Limit ' Level" Bu11et~Desrrit~tion• Fi 7Sec M/SQc Ft lSPC Mt/sue . IIA .357 Mag.158gr.JSP 1250 381 1495 ~ 456 a . . 9mm 124 gr FMJ 1090 332 1495 456. • ll .357 Mag.158gr.JSP 1395 425 1615 492 ~`. 9mm.124 gr FMJ 1175 358 16t 0 491 111A .44Mag240gr.SWC=GC 1400 427 1700 518 ~ ' ~~ 9mm 124 gr FMJ 1400 427 1750 533 BALLI;;T1C PANE ; Ballistic anal is constructed of aramid r f ri w P fibe ab c as folio s. Threat # Plies of Maximum Areal Density Maximum Thickness: . l_?veL• Ballistic. Mtl Lbs fftz Kgm /M~ inch s Cer++im tars• llA. 18 .85 4:2 .22 ~ .56 .. T I , ~ 1.04 5.1 .26 .66 . .ILIA 26 1.23 6.1 .35 .89 _ ~: • _. A+~L leve(flA and II vests in this series have an addifional 4" wide, 4-layer thick "Soft Core" sewn `~~ vertically into the centerof the vest to provide extra. spine and sternum protection: .. , ~ BA_L_LISTIC PANES COVERS• -Each ballistic panel is permanently covered with a urethane coated, ripstop nylon cover weighing no more than 3 oz/ydz. STARRIER. ~ . Sa-Point Adjustable (SPA) carrier of 6 oztyd2 poly/cotton outer face with moisture wicking 3.6 ozlyd~ C'dolMax open knit inner face with six (6) adjustable straps: 2 -shoulder, 2 - cfiest, and 2~- waist with velcro closure system. Two armor plate pockets are on the front of the carriergiving the wearer the • option of using a standard 5'X8" or optional 7"X9", 7'X10.5" or 7"Xt2" armo~,plate, depending on the, . ° 'length Hof the vest... Afll~l~H.1?1..8,TE;~ ~ . .A 5"X8". K-30 steel plate double wrapped with aramid fabric is standard. Optional plates are available. " . The panels are warranted to meet ballistics as stated on the ballistics panels label acid to be free of ' . defects in material. and workmanship for five (5) years from the date of purchase. Poly/cotton/CoolMax i `carrier is warranted for eighteen {18) months against defects in workmanship frorri the date of purchase. ~,~TAL P. ©4 _ . . .. GCT-ci--19S7 i y ~ 51 5"r_C+Ct1D Ci-o-;1:Ct ~? 5 5== : 9324 . ~z,'~~,4 p" -.,, ~, V.S. Department of Justice j S.` ~ ~ Uffice of Justice PtoErams U ''f Natrona( /rtstitutt njlustict ~- ~ a April 13,1993 .. Mr. Richard Davis Second Chance Body Armor ?919'° Cameron Street Box 578 Central Lake, Iti?I 49622 Dear Mr. Davis: We have completed our evaluation of the armor you submitted for testing in accordance with NIJ Standard-0101.03 and are pleased to inform you that your model SUPERfeatherlite IIAZ+ {Type IIA), as tested, complies with the standard. ° At your request, or the request of another party interested in compliance of your armor wZth NIJ Standard-0101.03, TAPIC will provide verification of compliance along with the test results for the above model. Sincerely, " " Marc H. Ca lan a i P Project Manager ,~~,~~d k Richard Rosenthal P Project Director 1 . , .. 4 ~ -. TECH7;OLOGYASSESStitG-tiTPROGRAMINFORMATIOVCE~TER Bo,e 60011, Rockville, MD 10850 1-301-ZS1-SOGU I-$UO-2.-TAP1C " 58 a _. ~[?CT-2i-197' -1o~5i ~~CGt~JL CrF;~a.~ `bib 5d.1 9~~=-''° P.©.5~`~3=: ~ ~ ~ O(lice of Justice Pre ~` , t i ... • a ~ - .. , , ng ,: _ Ju 19 , 1990 - ;. `• ` ~ ~ ~ • , - " 17s.. Pam.Henz ` :: .m ° Second Chance Body Ar;nor . , , ~. P.Q. "Box 513 - - Certral Lake; MZ` 49622 ' `pFar Ms: Henz:' .~' ' `. We have completed our evaluation of•arnoz yos:submitted for•testin in 4 °' accordance with NIJ Standard-OlO1.G3 and.'are pleased to~infbrn yov Lhat yovr~ - " _ _ . model ;3222-II (Type II) ,' as tested; co-:~lie~ with, the standard.. ' .: • At } ° y_ur request or t;;e request of another. party interested in corr~ liance o` ; , ~ your. armor with NIJ .Standard:-010:.03, TT.PIC •aill provide. ve=ification of =cocnpliarce along Nith the test .results for the a.*.ove model. ,,. ~ Si .cere - ` , . ~ ~ - arc C lanm - ~ ti , . Project Manager . .;; • ~ - ~ - { ., .. ~ .,,. , . i •I r . ~. ° . : . - TECH`'OLOGY ASSESS~tEtiT PROGR~~t (~FORMAT(ON CE`TERI . . Bo~c 6000. Rockvitl:, tt0 3050 t-?01-_'S 1-5060. `.1-800-2-1--TAP(C > _, _. ~. ~ . ~ X59 =. o -~~ ~~ ~ ~ . : " . . This page intentionally left blank 60 . ~. SUBJECT: ~ . Additional Funding for the Department of Aging ~' • ~ - y BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging is receiving additional revenue from a number of sources which~are outlined in budget amendments #97-009; #97-0060,#97-006.1. - ' ._ . •' ~ 4 '.. REC0~111E\'17ED i~tOTiO~I AND REOUESTEn aCTIOtiS• ~, - . FUNni\'G SOURCE: ~ ~ - .. . . Federal S: State S: ,, County S: User Fees S: _ Qther S: Alorey.Is In 'Current Budget: Ne~sAppropriation Ret~uest; BadQet Amendment Pre ared: ~ ~ . .• ;.. ,. ~ I . ... REVIF,WEn F3Y: r .. , ... .; LGL: °. 'FIN: APP BSH~E°L~L" ~~ BAUD: AbP~P~;C~GRIFFh1 HR: N/A A:~~fAL'LET"C ' ~ COUNTY MANA .F~R'S COMVIFNTS ANn RFC®ti1~i~ENn.ATIONS: Recommend approval as recommended by the Department,,of~~ ~ pg and the.Hornc and Community Blocl: Grant Advisory Committee. 4 .,~~ ~~~,~~ ` COUNTY CO~IM(SSIQN~a ~ .:. :. . . APPROVED ,. ., ,.. ~ REJECTED Cl: .. ! REMOVED . D ~ `~ w . _ . ~~ ', POSTPONED p 6, ~ ~ . . . _ HEARD EI ~ _.. Refer to Office Vision ©ulletin Board for Disposition /~ ~ ~, ' ' ' - Budget Amendment jj~~~~~% rj~j/%//~j~jj~~~j%%///%%%/%jj~////.///~j/j/ ,rii/iii ~%%///~/~//%//jjjrj//jj // DEPART~TENT BUDGET A~iEND~1ENT DATE ~ U Aging/Senior Center 97-009 11/3/97 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT A~inQ/Senior Center - • • Title III Health Grant 56,818 Other Im rovements P 56,818 ,- a EXPLAtitATION To adjust budget to reflect grant a~t•ard for the ~~•alking trail at the Senior Cen . ~ ~QM1t111'S~it~N- APPROVED RE.IEGTEQ C REMOVED 0 a ~a~ C', ~A ~ I~QST~'1-3#~1~~3 ® ~~~3~`.7~ For Budget Officer's appro~'al; then report ~ ~J~~~~c~ ~~ / to Commissioners at neat rer~ular meetine ~ (~~~'~~ / and enter in minutes. ~~~/// To be approved by Commissioners. ,~ To be entered into minutes. { _ ~ r ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~u get Amendment %/ /%'/i ,,%/sir ,,;%::.,> ,,<%% !~~/,,, „//a, i ro, , ~ • ~/~~~~;i,,/~i %/~,,/~,;/% !r%: <;iii /i i / , %i< r ~~~ ~ ~. " DEPARTI\fENT - ..BUDGET AlYIEND~IENT # _ DATEf ^. . ' ~ Aging " 98-0060. .. y • 11 3-97 ' .. ;. .' ~_ `'" _, ADJUSTitLEi\tT DEBIT CREDIT ' . • .:- .~ ,~A~iriQ/Transportation ~ ~ ~ • . ,.. ~ CDBG Social Sli,000 .. Contracted Ser<-ices ~ 51 x,000 ~. ~' , .. - AQin~/i~TUtrition-:Horne Delivered ~. . ,= . • ,CDBG Home-Delivered S2~,~2~~ , . ~ . ' Temporary Salaries ~ ~ S 10;660 ' ' -• . , FICA . ~. S ~ - , .. .: .. ~_ SU. . ~. ~. . Contracted Sen~ices -- S 5;948.' . Departmzntal Supplies S 1;00 ,: _ _ ` Volunteer \~lilea~e '.~ S •1,00 " . e , ., ~ ^ ~" AQiri~/Care '~~lanaaenient , CDBG Social S 9,00'0.. - Enaplo~ merit Reimbursement ~ ~~ S 9;000 ~ . `. = ~oino%In-Home Aid, a M - ~ :.~ .CDBG' Social.. S20,~60 . ,.. ': Contracted Ser~ices - ,`° S?0,~60 ~. F ,A~inQ1 Adult Da~~ Care ~ - . CDBG Social ~ S17,6~0 - _ Contracted Sergi ices S,17,640 ." " " ~. . ., . E.l"PLA\.aTIO \ , .. I ,'~.To increase budget to retZect additional funds~ucf on~ze~vb~~the General Assembly fer the; '. , Hone and. Commut;it~' Care-Block Grants. ~~~~ 31 ~ ' - - ~.~ - " . ~n~~3.1~3~~. ~-a - I ~ G"y g' Ara t>.•-`. (.... -. ^ -, 3 • ~ ..~ i ,r ,~ s ,,;; ?~~IOfiIER~; r~ ~ 1. ~~ c~ " - . _ ,{ ~ ~ - For Budget Office's approval; then repo: ~~-" f E~ ~ ' .. to Commissioner ~^~t regular inecting ~' ~ RE(VIOVED' (~ ` / and enter in minvt~sj ; . ~~~~~~- v To beappro~•edbyCommissio'nrs. " ~~~~ ® To be entered into riinutes. DATE r~/ 3.(~~ ~ ~ ~ o Budget A:xnendment ~,//j~~~ ~ "~~///,iii///,i/r%~~/ ,//j ~' '~ ~~ /~/~~~,ir%//'~i//~%i/~/~/~~/ i'~/'~ ~/ j/~~~~~//j//%/%i~//~~/ii~j/~~j~%%jj/jib/%i~ ~//, /iii/~~jj//i//%~//~%%~~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET Al~ZENDIIEN T n DATE Aging /Senior Center 97-0061 11-3-97 ADJUSTil1ENT DEBIT CREDIT AainQ /Senior Center - Title III Health Grant 53,242 Title III Health Grant • f S3 242 .~ a E.l'PLANATION ., a 0 To adjust budget to reflect actual grant a~~•ard of SS,242 from Title III-F Health Promotion Grant. An amount of S~,000 ~~•as projected in the budget for this grant. COUNTY C~MMICaiQN~RS APPRQVED [3 • REJECTED _ REMQVEO C1 ; P4SYPaNEO D ; ' HEARD~j ~rtr4 ~+ 3 3 al 1 ~~ For Budget Offices appro~•al; then rcpcrt a ~ ~ _ ATE D ! /~o Commissioners at next regular meeting ~' 6 / and enter in minutes. To be approeed by Commissioners 'T ~ ~~~~~~~ . a . ~~ ~~ ~~'~ To be entered into minutes. .~ -r `~~+~ 1 1 1 e t B 1 i 1 9 1 1 1 1 A~KETTE CRU~tPTO~' Duector October 15, 1997 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTh~NT OF AGING ' 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) ,152-6400 Fax (910) a51-6411 Allen O'I~Teal, County.Manager I\tew Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, ITC 28401 Dear. Allen The Department of Aging is eligible for additional Home and Community Block Grant funds in the amount of 585,623 for the remainder of the 1997/98 fiscal year. The Home and Community Block Grant Advisory Committee, appointed by the Commissioners, met on October 9, 1997, and is recommending the following distribution of funds for Commissioners consideration and approval. Funds are to be .used to take persons off the waiting lists. A detail of how monies will be spent is outlined: 1. Rome Delivered Nleals - 523,423 to add 25 new persons to the program Salary to increase part time temporary Home Delivered Meals Assistant 8158 to full time temporary status Salary to pay part time permanent Nutrition Program Assistant five (~) hours 202 additional hours per week to recruitltrain/schedule volunteer drivers FICA for both staff ~ ~ .815 Meals for 25 persons for 9 months ~ 8948 Equipment/Carriers 1500 Mileage for volunteers and above staff ~ 1500 Total 23423 2. Transportation - 515000 ' Purchase 2132 additional trips 15000 3. °' In Home Aide Services - 520,560 -Purchase 1402 additional units in-home aide services from Home Health and Hospice, Inc. ~ 2060 4. ~ Care Management - 59000 Purchase/arrange Care Management services for one additional client for 9 months. 9~~ 5. Adult Day Health Care - $17,640 Purchase through Elderhaus Adult Day Health ser~lces for 7 clients for 9 months 17640 Total 85623 In addition to the In Home Services, the Department of Aging is eligible for $6757 additional monies for Senior Center operations and $6818 carry over Health Promotions money. The Senior Center funds will be used to cover costs of salary for Senior Center staff. The Health Promotions carry over monies were promised 1996/97 to assist will costs of Walking Trail design. Total monies available for Department of Aging is $99,198. These additional monies will require a 10% match (15% match for health promotion monies). The Department of Aging's 1997/98 has funds to cover the required $11,467 match. The County will not have to spend any additional money. I am presenting the recommendations of the Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee on the Commissioner's November 3, 1997, meeting for their approval and acceptance. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely; ~` ~~. ette C;ru ton 6~ • Service Provider. Allocation Transportation ~ Department of Aging S 15,000 Home Delivered Meals Department of Aging $23,4'23 , Congregate Nutrition _ bepartmenti of Aging ~ ;, Case AssistancelI&R Department of Aging ~ ~ • ~ , . Senior Center Operations Department •of Aging' $ •° Care Management. Department of Aging , 9,000 .In-Home Aide Services Department of Aging 5 20,560 Adult•Day Care Elderhaus S • -Group Respite ~ Elderhaus S adult Day Health Elderhaus. S 17,640 HCCBG TOTAL: • S 85,623.. . a D-~o . ~ 3 ; , . ~ C") ~ N y d m m 7 yn Z m m 7 m A A >- m_.~i R ~ m. x O ate, =3$ m~ c n c. n?~ ~~ 3 ~ g 7 m 3 x c ~ 3 a 3 d c ~ ~ ~ 01 m g ~. c ~ N ~ K q1 y 7 ~ d O C aI (~ fA ~ m' i 71 a; a $i 7 m b ~`` 31 n m 0 n 3 3 N _N O O 6 0 I~ 0 o J o m m m. 7 ~ ~ ~ d ~ N m o m ~ o o ~ W W 1 m o ~ n m ) m ~', y m 3 NF 3 3 ~ (D T t T d n N m ~ ~ ? 7 N= 3 m V () d N ~ O 1 mD N} T n d m m m ~ 0 n ~ ~ O 7 7 7 0 7< ~ a 77 m N a 7 Z A m 0 G (~ a a w ~~ ~ g { ~ n a _ x x x ~ i~ ~ y I ~ m ~ ro xm~ c 3. 'o~ m 1 x x x n m I tp ~. 1~ 1 I f 1 1 1 1 ~ N N ~ m ~ ~ ~ V N - - - m . . j i ~ . ! ~ N `" ~ - 3 a -- y m m m ~ o c ~-! - ~ N ~ ~ ~ b 0) N N 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --i o u r ~ a ^~ a W W m N r m ~$ m ~ °' O ~ 0) ~ ~ ~ O N W ~ __ _ _ . 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A ~ N .~ '. p N S;s p . . ~. 7 ~"PnJ ~ ~ ~cp O ~ A t0 . - ., ~ ~ 3 ;.~ _ Cj~J . _ O _ ~ O d - ~ (J - --- - - - -- -- - -- - fJ .. ~ ~ . ^ 3 'T~~ I -- -- -- --- -- --~ D ;~ c o c . c Q. n n m -3 ~ .- ~ 3 I : o a _~ ~ i - 3 ~ , ~, o ~ ,~ _ ~ ~ ~ >• ' ~ a . ~ n ~ ' c ~. ~, ~_ ~ ~ ~ I .. rj, ~ i ~~ .m o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ _ , n 3 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ >• ~ • Z a ~ ---- 3" _ _ `~ . I ~ r- R ~ p ~~~ `n V7 . C U . ~~. , G1 ~.-. N q ~ J (~ Q ' r . " - n J. a - j ~ e . Q a : ~ ~ ~ . .. .. . ~ .. , .. . ~~ 3 ~ . . ' v . 7 ~ - n ~ y y~ O _. 4 N _~ ___~ _ - , N '~ O ~ .. . 7 ~ c ..; - y D ~ ` ~ ~ I ~ , a p m D ~ - --- H 3 c ~ l,,. - --~ -~ -~ -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- ---- ~ ~ T ° ~ i : . _,-. ~ p. ~ ~ ' 3 - 3 ~ ~ , ~ . .. = o - N ~ A rn j ~ _ b 7 .. - ~ ~ cNn _ . rn - ` ~' N a ~. , . -O . _ __-_.__ _ _ __ _ ~ _ ~ __ _ O ' . .. N X _ __ _.__= " ~ J Z ( ). IJIC ~ i A N y„ N p N ~ ~ 4. n Z .- ~ ~ u ~ 7 r ~' ~ , ~ - CT v U1 U1 . ~ n O 1 .. ~ - W. 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To Be~Completed b~• All Recipients ~ , • ~ • `Recipient Asericy Adaress: , , • •, .. • ~ ;--New i-ianover County Department of Aging; . ,. 222 Sou t:h College R:.a` • _ .. • . . .: wil;nington, ~1C- 2403 ~ • " " ". ~ I99798 Approoriaiioa.=•56.:''7 ~ ~ .` . Purpose: •Suppo,^, for~S'~nior Ceat_r a . .• 1.. Contact's Nam ' Telephone: ~ _ ~• Annette,•(:rumpton 710-45.2-ti400 .. 2: Contact's Position to Or~anrzy:o~: - Director :. • l .- ..Kind of Gr~aatzanoc: Corootanon _ T rust _ Parmcisnip_ .' - . - ,, Government. linincorporated.Assgciation Other a 1 ` 4:Indicat. redcral Taa.1.D. Numoer: " - 5. Match Required' No _ Yes ~_ Lf Required, L~dicate Basis: State funding ,will not exceed 90°•b • ' of, total cxpendittues. Tnc local raztc~rcquiremcnt is S750. Total funding, including local rrratch is • • 57,507.. . •. _ . .., , . • , .. .. - If ~atcn is rc~uire~, is mat: h.in hand? Ycs x .. No - ~ ~ ~ ' . If the required match i;•no~ in hand- b}` u•Gat dale and from what source does the organization expect tq ` - - " .have the czsh match? . " . •. _ • •. ' •: "' .' Part B: Tolle Completed b}' Recipienu of Previous Appropriations ~ • • •. • :, . Has the ocen a change or a:ncnd:^..~t ~ vC)L•: orsatiization's thartcr by-laws, trust indenture, parmers.a~ - _ - ". • - >. agreement articles of incorporation, or ooazd of director's since your last Request for i?avmcnt Form u•zs fled with the Ofn"cc of Star-. Bud.~et:' •Ycs No-~ 'N/A .: , ~` If yes, please enclose taarelcvant in:a:~..a~ot:." , . a •. ~: Part.C. To Be'Comp.leted .by A11 Recipients ' • • • - • • ' Si~iature of individual male reutr_s Notar}• Public.(o~cial, seal) `• , Non-government recrnrcns shaI! encIosc me ioIlowing: , . ~ (1 } Chart.^•r and by-laws, trust indcnr.~c, partncailip a~eement, et _ (2) List of Board of DirrtgrsrTrust_--_s • • ' - ~-` . ` (3) Letz.:rs of rax cxetnpt srattzs rrom the Internal "Revenue Service and the NG , • • Dcparancnt of Revenue. ., . .. • . " A~:.a adaiponal pages if necessary ~,~ s: lcommorulcorspond: ac;.L'YruslapPay_doc • I •• - :1 t 72 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURSES . STATE APPROPRIATIONS FOR SENIOR CENTERS, BUDGET INFORMATION STATE FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 ORGANIZATION NAME New Hanover County Department .of ._Agi nq SENIOR CENTER LOCATION: CITY Wi 1 mi naton , NC COUNTY New Hanover OBJECTS (7F EXPFNDI TRF A,tv10UNT ~ . Salary and Fringe Benefits $ 7.507 Supplies and Other Operating Costs Equipment Capital Outlay (Real Estate, Construction, Renovation) TOTAL BUDGET 5 7,507 Note: The total amount of the state appropriation and the 10% local matching requirement must be reflected on the TOTAL BUDGET line. Local match is computed as follows: *$6,756 or 56,757 divided by .90 =.$7,506 or 57,507. Local match is $750. * Senior centers are receiving either $6,756 or 56,757 in state funding. Center funding is indicated on the enclosed REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF APPROPRIATION format. Home and Community Block Grant Committee ~. Minutes of October 9, 1997 Members Present: Dick Gerrish, Bert Kring, Bill Royals, Louise Siler, .. Ruth Parenteau (proxy) Others; Annette Crompton, Cris Dixon; Jane Jones, Dottie Ray The New Hanover County Home and Community Block Grant Committee met October 9, 1997, ' ' to discuss the distribution of additional state supplemental monies for, the 1997/98 fiscal year. New Hanover County is eligible for 885,623 in additional monies for in home sen~ces. The intent of the monies is to take elderly persons off the waiting lists. ~: ' Linda Pearce from Elderhaus, presented her request for a portion of the new monies to be used for Adult Day Health Care services. At present her agency is providing Adult Day Care five days a week and Group Respite Saturday and Sundays. She explained that if an elderly client needed a physician prescribed medical procedures during the day, she could not perform this procedure under Adult Day Care standards. This means a client in need of this level of care could not attend her programs and is at risk of placement in an institution. Elderhaus would like to offer their clients Adult,Day Health level of care. Adult Day Health Care is a means to extend the time an elderly can remain at home with loved ones. This level of care requires the present of a Registered I~TUrse on site durin o en h g p ours. In addition, rt means provision of specific space and , bed away from the Adult Day Care clients for a part of the day. Elderhaus requested 817,640 of ~~ the additional monies to provide Adult Day Heath Care services to seven clients for a period. of . nine months. Annette Crompton presented an overview of current waiting lists: Adult Day Care 5 clients Adult , Day Health 3 clients, Home Delivered i`leats 76 clients, In Home Aide Services 173 clients and Transportation 62 clients. Crompton requested funds for the following ser~~ces: D 1. Home Delivered Meals (HDti~ - 23,423. The monies would provide additional staff, equipment, volunteer mileage reimbursement, and meals for 26 new persons. Number of meals served would increase from 263 to 293 a day. ~ Current staff cannot provide the monitoring and other support required by state standards . for additional persons. New monies will extend the part time tem ora HDM assistant P rY to and eight hour a day temporary status schedule and increase the Nutrition Program Assistant (apart time staff) by fi~~e hours a week. Nutrition Program Assistant will dedicated added hours to recruitment, orientation and training of volunteer drivers . 2- Transportation - 15,000. The monies would purchase 2132 additional trips., to doctors appointments, nutrition and basic shoppin g. 3. In Home Aide. Services - 20,000 to purchase 1402 additional hours of in home aide services for nine months. 4. Care Management - 9000, Monies would provide a total package of care for one client. For nine months. At present we have three persons in Care Management. ~ . 73 ~ ~ • The Committee discussed each request separately. One concern with home delivered meals was the lack of volunteer drivers to deliver the current number of meals. Crompton stated the . additional hours for the Program Assistant dedicated to recruitment and training of drivers should help the delivery concerns. Crompton stated the plans to recruit from business, Police Department . etc., to deliver meals during lunch hours. B. Kring expressed his concern over the waiting lists for In Home Aide Services. He personally has recognized the value of in home aide care. Crompton stated New Hanover County has a new provider for In Home Aide Services. The new provider, 3 HC Home Health and Hospice, began their contract Oct. 1, 1997. The Home and Community Care Block Grant Committee had been involved in the review of bids for the services and the recommendation to County Commissioners. The new contractor's unit rate is 14.2578 vs the 10.75 rate of the previous contract with WellCare and Nursing, Inc.; thus, less hours are available with the same amount of money. We have no track record of the new company's ability to provide service. Last year additional monies were given to Well Care. Because of the lack of available aides to hire, the majority of the money was taken from Well Care and distributed into other service areas. Jane Jones, AAA Administrator, explained that her office has the ability to shift monies between services mid year. Therefore, any distribution of funds decided today can be adjusted mid-year if needed. Bill Royals expressed his concern that In Home Aide contractors can dictate the number of units produced. He said he would like to discuss this topic to see if the County make a change in this with the bid packet. The Committed decided to accept the distribution of monies as presented and to add 5560 to In Home Aide Services to total 20,560. Dick Gemsh made the motion to approve the distribution. Bert Kring seconded. The motion was carved. Crompton will present the Committee's recommendation to the County Commissioners for their approval. The Committee also approved the plan for a paid driver to deliver Home Delivered Meals. Crompton will resubmit her request for a paid driver to the County ylanager. 74 ~, i ~ N :, ;' ~ ~ , .._ .. . ~: ~,~, vGr ~ .;r r.~.: i irt; ; ~~; i{U, 1 y 19=;52041 1 - .~~ ~ ~ _ ..~ Please complete and return this form to the A.AA by September 5, 1997 r 'WAITING LIST SURVEY .~ ~-IO1ti~iE A\TD COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES Count}' ~Tew Hanover County Provider NRC De~artmenf of Aping ~,~ SERE"iCE ti0,ti-~1EDICAID ELIGIBLE 1 ~~ ~~ Adul: D~.y Carc ~.S- ^~ Adu?t Uay Hr~hh 3 ConQre~ate ~1c;:,1; . .. Gr our Res ite r P 4 ;~ ~ ~ Home Delivered `iesls 7~ Home Hu.1t1: . . ~ Housing end Hor:-~e ReY~ir ~~ In- Horne Aid e ~ 73 '~ Institutier,~1 Respite Medic2l iranspor;ation ~'7 ~~ G e en r~i Tr~-~snor i~tio;Z ~ `~ h~ 75 F~ 02 ` ~' ,~\~ETTE CRU~`tPTO~ Director October 14, 1997 Allen O'Neal County Manager I`iew Hanover Counn~ 320 Chestnut Street , Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Allen: NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AGING 2222 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD WILMIi\TGTON, NORTH CAROLIi~'A 2S403 TELEPHONE (910) -1~2-6-J00 Fax (910) 4}2-6111 Attached is a letter from Wane Long of Well Care & Nursing, Inc., explaining why his agenry exceeded their three month contracted budget for In Home Aide sen~ices. Well Carc & Nursing, Inc. was asked to extend their contact of 1996/97 and provide i.-t-home aide sen~ices to our elderly for the first quarter of the 1997/98 fiscal year. Funding for the Tn Home Aide Sen•ice program is provided through the Home & Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG). The amount of the three month contract extension was 545,316. Mr. Long informed the County ho world continue to provide ir, home aide sen•ices for the three month extension at the same unit price of his 1996/97 contract. Thc need for a three month extension was created when the County declined all bids for the In Home Service contract 1997/93 in June and repeated the bid process. Monitoring of the In Home Aide Sen•ices contract has been ven~ unclear. Until now, tracking of units of work (hours of service by the aide in the client's home) has been the responsibility of (1) Well Carc and Nursing Inc., (2) the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) staff at the Council of Governments office. The Department of Aging receives a status report on work accomplished by the In Home Sen•ice provider the middle of the current month for the previous month. (Example: Between the 17th and 20th of September, I receive a status report from the Area Agency on Aging's office for the month of August.) This report states number of units produced year to date with a percentage of budget spent. The lateness in receipt of information, the dependency on the Area Agency on Aging for the report, and the fact that the state's computer had never dealt with a three month contract, prevented my department from realizing the situation until September 22, 1997 . By the time I spoke with Mr. Long on September 23, 1997, l'~'ell Care & Nursing, Inc., had already exceeded their Home and Community Care Block Grant funds by approximately 58,000-10,000. I did not want the elderly clients to experience hardship by removing the home aide services, so informed Well Care and Nursing, Inc., to continue provision of services through the month of September. A meeting was held «ith Amy Akin , Mr. Long and myself on September 29, 1997, to discuss how request for payment of sen•iccs over the contracted amount should be handled. Even though the state views the Department of Aging as a "conduit of funds" and does not allow us total access to information on the contractors, the Area Agency on Aging staff and I are devising a plan whereby my department can receive notification to prevent a repeat of this situation. 76 Lsoi ;~ M ,~ -. REQUEST ,FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/03/97 `: .~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3A Additional Item #: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumptori. Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Annette Crumpton SUBJECT: Approval to pay Well Care & Nursing, Inc. for additional In Home Aide Services to elderly. BRIEF SUMMARY: Well Care & Nursing Inc.'s 96-97 contract to provide In Home Aide services to elderly was extended through September 30, 1997, while the Department of Aging completed the bidding process for In Home Aide services 97-98. The Council of Government's office notified me late September, that Well Care had expended all their contracted budget of $45,316. I did not want our elderly to go without services, so I informed Well Care to finish out the month of September. Well Care exceeded their contracted funds by $13,601.56. Primary responsibilities for monitoring the contract are: 1: We1lCare 2. Council of Governments. Reports were mailed to the Department of Aging the third week of September for the month of August. Therefore detection of contract status was not noted until September 22, 1997. Although we are not legally obligated to pay Well Care for these additional services, the needs of our elderly were met. I am recommending that Well Care be compensated for work. beyond their contract. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:. . Recommend approval 'of additional payment in the amount of a $13,601.56 to Well Care and Nursing Inc. * See Attachments for additional information FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: 13,601.56 .User Fees $: 'Other. $: Money Is In Current Budget: }'es New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL .BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Concur with recommendation noted abo ~'" ~~ .; COUNTY ~~~#'Q~- APPRC}ll~ R~3~0 REMt3V' MEAD Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disp ~tti~ ~ ~~j ~ p~''f ~~ .~ri+~. __ ~ ~~ += ~~r.7~4`irC51 t~ r..~ygj .y9~~ ~i~*'t£ '1.~ `i3. ~Y W_. G.'~jL ~~ ~ ~J ~~~3~'v6c~t-'J ~ "" .~"? ~, ~'M ~. a .. .. .. .•. .. - ~ ~` :. ._ _1 ._ • AllenO'Neal" '. Page 2 ° , October 7, 1997 ; ; .. .., Bruce Shell Cam Griffin Amy. Akui Dot[ie Ray and I have discussed the situation described above. I realize • the County does not. have to -pay Mr. Long for work above the contracted amount; however I am ' recommending We11~Care and Nursing, Inc.; be paid for the work performed beyond the contract .The. ~ ' D .amount fo be paid is $13;601.56. I have discussed with Cam Griffin a way to pay Mr. Long'without using . •additional County funds, I propose we use County money now in the Home Delivered Meals contract senzce ~• line item to cover Well Care & Nursing, Inc.'s costs of $13,601.56 and replace the Home Delivered Meal's ' contract service line wiih money donated to the BRIDGE.program. All funds in BRIDGE are ear marked for . ~ •t purchase of Home Delivered Meals. ~ ~ • , In keeping with oui mission~as a human service agency, I believe it is in the best interest of the County that we, the. Department of Aging, honor the work Well Care and Nursing, Inc., provided for our frail elderly. I regret and apologize that this situation occurred. I am in the process now of developing monitoring checks «ith the Council of Governments office whereby my department ~~ill receive information on an earlier schedule and we can avoid a repeat of this problem. ~ • } - ~ Please-contact me if you have questions. - ~ ' Sincerely, , . ~. ~ • _ ~ ~ • ixxz.Lls-- ~ . ,. ,. , . , .Annette Crompton . . . ' _ .- ~ , - ,. , . • ~ ,. .. ~- ~ ~ ; l.. • ~ ,' _ .. .. ~. • , . . .. - ~f W .. ~ ~' • ... ~~ -, k ~ - • ' . Nell Care ~-Nfursln~ SERVICES, INC. t "Our heart is where your home is." October 8, 1.997 Chairman of New Hanover County Commissioners New Hanover County: Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Sir: I, G. Wayne Long, CEO of Well Care & Nursing Services Inc., have been requested to wive a narrative to support a Home and Community Care Block Grant (H&CCBG) budget revision for the three month period July, 1, 1997 through September 30, 1997. The following information should give a clear accounting of the events that have taken place in the last 1 ~ months. ~~'ell Care requests that an additional S 13,601.6 dollars be reallocated by tl~e County Commissioners for the three month interim budget from July 1, 1997 to September 30, 1997. Our contract year began in July 1996 with an In-home Aide annual allocation of S 10,093 dollars «'e started providing services in July with the goal of using all the allocation in a 12 month period. In November of 1996 we were informed that the General Assembly allocated additional funds for the HRCCBG for the remainder of the fiscal year in the amount of S6S,046. Thus t}~e total allocation for fiscal year 1996-97 «•as increased to S 17;,139. In December 1996, we added people from the waiting list to the program to use the new funds. At the end of the fiscal year we were serving a hither patient volume than normal according to the revised budget (appx. S 1 S,000 per month). This expanded level of service was carried over into the current fiscal year unchanged because the bid process had been sent back to the county staff to be rebid by the County Commissioners. Tl~e county staff then allocated 2~% of the 199S budget for the extended three month contract which was S40,7S~. As you can see from the narrative the amount to be expended should have been in the SS>,000 dollar range. With the additional clients and monies, the only way to stay within budget would be to discontinue services or decrease hours for the numerous medically fragile clients we had added to the program. Once admitted to the program, the client's needs are met through an in-home aide and a nurse assigned to the case. If the clients hours are decreased due to budgetary restraints caused by lowering the allocated amount of funds, then the crisis situation that was resolved and stabilized will most likely return. 7 8 ADMlN1STRATlVE OFFICE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BRUNSWICK COUNTY COLUMBUS COUNTY ~J 2424 South 17= Street 11B Ocean Hwy. Suite ll6 Memory Plaza Wilmington. NC 28401 Post Office Box 475 112 Washington Street (910) 452.1555 Supply, NC 28462 Whiteville• NC 28472 (800) 868.9355 (910) 754-97p0 (910) 640-1150 (800) 807-7955 (800) 863-1150 .. F ., - "., • ~_ ~ `Management of the funds is ve difficult at best :because the vendor.foc the service cannot control. ~, ~ ~' • • the. patient flow. Adult protective service clients are-the highest priority for. service-and, need to be added to the program upon referral We have worked diligently to.meet the needs of the • t~ .clients,and have not made large reductions in services during the interim budget because this . , ~ ° ` would• have. been counter productive to the clients, the Dept. of Agin, and l~'ew Hanover County.` ~° i °~.• '..Another problem with the funding process is the reporting mechanisms the state has in place'to ',monitor the utilization. The reports that substantiate utilization to the county and:: the .provider are :_ received approximately 30 days after'the end of the month. Also, the state has .never dealt ..with a" ~. .three month contract and thus skewed tfie re ortin~ results. • P ~~~ell Care-requests the Commissioners approval of payment in the amount of S 1 x,601.56 dollars for the. three month interim budget of the Home & Community Care Block Grant for the time ` period, July'1, 1997 to, September 30, 1997. This request does not require any additional county A funds to be expended.. The. supporting documentation more than justifies the request. • * If you have`any question please call me at 4~2-1»j. Thanks for your"continued cooperation. - ' Sincerely, ~ ... ~~ _ .. • ~ .. . a, ~ G. Wayne tong ° , .. ~ ° .. J ~; ~ Attachments (2) • . • . •. . ,. . • • ., • ~ •. . -. ° ~ a a • j .. • . _ 7g • This page intentionally left blank 80 , F ,.~ , , -Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: 'Department: Sheriff " Presenter: ~. . Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Am Akin ~ . '. ' . SUB.TECT: s . ill. ~ ~ , "' ~ Award of.-bid and approval of contract # 98-0152 for the urchase of six 1998 motorc Iles and sale of five P y motorcycles as ~tiade-in. ,. , . BRIEF SIJMiVIARY: - , Attached is the following: ~ , . - ,':, ~. ~ 1. Resolution for award of bid and a royal Hof c ntract pp o for the purchase of si:c 19.98 motorcycles for the Sheriffs Department and the sale of five motorcycles as a trade-in allowance for.the purchase. , _. Draft contract rr 98-01 ~_ for approval: 3;. Budget amendment # 98=19 for approval. Note:- One•motorcycle was approved to be purchased in the ~~ -..Sheriffs budget for 1997/98. The remaining five~are being purchased from he revenue received from trading-.in the-existing five motorcycles which were originally,purchased with Federal Forfeited„Property . :hinds. RECOM'ViEi~DEn MOTION AND RFQUFSTFn ACTT NS• . _. .Recommend adoption of resolution awarding. bid,for the purchase of six 1998 rriotorcycles for the Sheriffs. * Department in the amount of $72,000.00 and the sale of five 1996 motorcycles as a trade-in allowance in- `the amoetnt Hof 560,000.00 resulting in a net amount of 512,000;-bid to be awarded to Carolina Coast Harley Davidson, -the only responsible bidder. Also, request approval of the attached draft contract ~` 93-01 ~2 and : . associated~budget amendment. # 98-19. . . FUi`IDING SOURCE: ~ . , , Federal S: 60;000 State S: County S: 12,000 User Fecs S: Other S `. . .itiloney.Is In Current Budget: No New. Appropriation Request: Yes. "Bud et Arnendment Pre ared': Yes " :. ,~ REVTE~VED BY: ` ~ ~ .. .. , LGL:APPWCOPLEY FIN-: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN • HR: N/A A~fALLETT. COUNTY iV1ANA ,ER'S COiti~1ENTS A~`D RECO1'1~IF,ND:~TIn`'S: Recommend a royal. ~ 5: pp ~ • " ~ ~ ,i;a F ~510NER$ A • ., ~~ ~ ~ ' ,.: Re Off visio B 1 t'n Board fo '•~ fer to ice n u le i r Disposition ~ •V~~7~/''" ~- r T~ .~„„ll~,~/9 :~._.; RESOLUTION OF THE ` ~ BOARD OF C01i1IISSIONERS OF -..} NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, a bid was recei~-ed and ublicl ~ o erred bv, the Finance P ~ P. - Department at 3:00 p.m, on the 14th day of October, 1997, at the County Adininisiration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the follo~tiing bid ~~•as received`for the'purchase of six (6) 1998 motorcycles and the sale as trade-in of fi~•e (~) 1996 Harle~~ Da~-idson Motorc~•cles for the Sheriffs ' Department, Bid # 98-012: - Carolina Coast Harley Davidson Sis (6} I998 iViotorc~•cles S7?,000.00 Less Trade-in of fi~~e 1996 1\~lotorc~-clzs 560.000.00 Net Price S 12,000.00 • A\~ WHEREAS, the Sheriff; the Finance Director, and the Count`• Manager recommend that the fire (~) 1996 motorc~•cles be disposed of b~• means of trade-in on the purchase of six (6) 1.998 motorc~•cles; A~ti'D «~1-IEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the Count<~ Manager record that the contract be a~~arded to Carolina Coast Harle}• Da~~idson of Wilmington, North Carolina, the onl~• responsible • - bidder, in a net amount of T«-e(ce Thousand Dollars (512,000.00); A:\`D WHEREAS; funds have bin pre~-ioi~sh• appropriates and are no~~• in Account tio. 1 1 10-431-4311-3000-640 and 3-38--331-8000-7300-6450 to corer this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED b~- .the Board of Count; Commissioners of Neer Hanoi er Couni<• that the contract for six (6) 1998 rnotore~~cles for the Sheriff's Department, :Bid 98-015? be a~~-arded to Carolina Coast Harp- Da~-idson in a net amount of T~~~ei~~e Thousand Dollars (S 12,000.00); and that the Couni<• is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be appro~•ed b~• the Count.• Attorney. This 3rd day of No~-ember. 1997. . (SEAL) ~ ... . .. Ch irm:,~, Board of Count} Ccrrli-russionars ATTEST: ~~~ a Clerk to the Board 82 r ~ ~ .~ ~. ~. ~~ ~:-. i i .; INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA . BID # 98-0152 SLR (G) 1998 MOTORCYCLES New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, .Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room G02 Wilmington, NC 28401 . Phone: (910) 341-7190 Schedule II Advertisement ~ Sundati~, October ~, 1997 ~~ Deadline for Receipt of Proposals Tuesdati~, October 1-1, 1997 at 3:00 p. m New Hanover County Finance OfGcc 320 Chestnut Strcct, Room G02 Wilmington, North Carolina ?8401 (Opening to be held ire Roane G01 Conj rencc Room) ~LA~~~ard of Contract ~ ~ttondat', November 3, 1997 j" Preparation and Submission of I3id Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids nu~st be on bid proposal form containerl in this bid package; the original and one copy required Submitted with the original .proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by tl~e individual signing the bid. No corrections wil[ be permitted once bids have been opened. Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shall be in strict accordance with the County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. 84 I- I of 5 . . ~ .. .. ~~ ~, ~~ ~ _ - t .., ~ ~ . ~ ~ Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free-from all defects, and sh ~. " conform in all respects to the ethnical specifications established by the `County. Bidder sh ,: . - . submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering t . goods bid upon. ~ ` . m If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which t ~, .~, ,. goods will be used, the goods offered b bidder shall be fit for this ur osc . y P P ' : Submission of Bid Proposal.. - -. , - .Bids must be in sealed .envelopes properly marked "BID FOR SIX ~10TORCYCLE: '~ BID ~ 98-0152", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: .: t ~ ,: ~. _ New I-lanover-County Finance Office Attn:-Amy Akin; Purchasing Agent ~ ~ . .. C estnut Street, Roorn 60.. . ...,.. ~- . Wilmington, NC 28401 •. ., - Condition of Goods ~ ~ ~ . - 's, All goods shall be new and in no`~case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. -- ~ ~ _ Trade Secret Confidentiality -~ . . i .. . . i"- - All~bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered .public. record- and ayailabl ~. ;... • • for public inspection.: According General Statutes 132.- 1.2; trade secrets.contained in a bide may b ~: ~ • kept confidential ifthe bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designatesthe secret,and re nests tha - _ ~ it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be' construed as narrowly' as possible to protect th interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. ~. .. - -Time For Opening Bids ~. - .: Pro "owls will be e - . p op ned promptly and read at the time and date set forth,in the advertisement ` ~ - Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present.. Any bids received after the scheduIec ' r - closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be refurned to the bidder .. : - unopened. _ . ,. . . ' '~ Withdi-aw~ai of Bids t - ~ • Bidders may withdraw or. withdraw and resubmit their bid 'a`t any time rp for zo the closing: time for ' receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closin~~ ~e•for re eipt of bids for .. „~, ~ tits c .. a period of sixty (60) days.. . - .. ., . . - .. - Award of Contract The award of any contract resulting from this bid- will be made to~ the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in .the proposal for the performance of the contract. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete items or adjust quantities. . Considerations in Award of Contract 1 I In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 143-i29~, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and w~11 not pay Federa] Excise Ta.~es or Transportation Taxes. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required, to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sal"es, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. Price _, Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatev.er.delio•ery-date is specified and contract period required. Trade-Ins The County is listing five (5) 1996 Harley Davidson motorcycles as a trade-in on the purchase of the six (6) motorcycles, Goods listed for trade-in may be examined at the Uniformed Patrol Division of the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department, 1901 Hall Drive, ~~'ilmington, North Carolina. Biddersshould contact Sgt. Ward at X41-4200 to make an appointment to inspect the motorcycles. Goods listed for trade-in are represented "as is" and "where is". Suc}~ goods will be released to the successful bidder in the same condition as when examined, excepting normal wear and tear. County reserves the right to retain goods listed for trade-in if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the County. . 8 ~ I-3 of 5 .. ~. , . ,.`. :. ,. ~ ._ Place`of.Delivery - . .. 'Goods-shall: be.delivered F.O,B. to the Uniformed Patrol Division.of the i~rew Hanover County - ~_ ~° SherifF Department, 1901 Hall Drive, Wilmington, I~Torth Carolina 2840 and shall be complete and ~(~ ' ~ read for use_unless otherwise s ecified. ~ - - y y P ~. ~r ~Instr:uction in Use of Goods; Demonstration ~ . Coun ma re urre a demonstration of the oods bid u on' the demonstr ~' " Y Q. ~ g p , anon shall be at no cost to - - ' ~~County. If bidder cannot make a demonstration within 20, days of request, bidder's bid may be :rejected-. P,erforrnance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a, factor in the award of the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of~equpment as that .bid. The County ~~may require the demonstration at tfie same time com etitive demonstrations are made:, ~ - ;. P x~ • p g .yP P P ' .The successful bidder shall be res onsibfe for instructrn Count ersonnel in the. ro er,-use acid ' ". ~~ maintenance of the goods. ° Responsibility of Compliance 'With I:egal `Requirements The bidder's, products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance- ~ti-ith arij~ and .all applicable ' ° state,~.federal,° local, environmental and safety laws,. regulations, ordinances and standards or any ~ , _ ~ `standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of «~lictlier or not they ai•e ' referred fo ir1 the bid documents. '" • " ~ .. Indemnify . ... _ . .. ~ Vend.or shall in ~ ~ _ demnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless agains°t "ariy and ail ~~ ~ claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, oi~ account of personal ~ ' ` injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to~the work to be performed by. Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence oP or. the willful act or omission of ` _ Vendor, his agents, .employees and subcontractors. ' ~ - ~~ . Addendum ~. ~ ' The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instnrctions to the bidder.. The County shall not be . ~~ r.es bnsible for an other in t ' P y s ructions,` verbal or ~°ntten, made.. by anyone. ~~ny changes to the . specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed +with the Finance Office as having received he bid .package.. :_ ~ ; . .Compliance With I3id Requirements . ,~ F ailure to comply with hese provisions or any other provisions of the ~Generat Statutes of tiorth, - • Carolina will result in rejection ofbid. . - _ -I 4 of 5 87 .~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~.. 1 j Right To Reject Bids • The County reserves the right to reject any or al( bids. 88 I-5 of 5 _,~ , . ~ ~ _ _ ` ,. ,. .. .? " : TECHNICAL SPEGIFICATIOtiS ~~. - B ' ~, ~ ~ ID # 9 TORC .SIX, (6) 1998 i<IO YCLES _ . - , . : - Item: ~ ~ _ • ~" Six (6) Solo, Certified, Traffic Law Enforcement. 199S Motorcycles. As part. of the purchase' ' .~~ of the motorcycles, the County is offering as a~ trade=in five (5) l ~9G [ larlcy Davidson ~` .. motorcycles, vehicle identification numbers as follows: ' ~~ .. .; - ~ 96234?35 - • . , . ,. 96234217 ~ ~ _ ~•. ~ 96233172` - - - ~ '` 9623247 , . ~~ ; . - . • , ;'. 96233312 _ ~ . ~1. fit, : ; • ; -. ~ ^ , -Scope of Specifications: ~ ' . ~ _ ~ . .These specifications are intended to describe the mechanical, safety, and comfort requirements °. ~.. ~ ~~' for solo, certified, traffic law enforcement motorcycles which will be used by the New _ v Hanover County Sheriff's Department to enforce traffic laws, vehicle compliance with equipment-and safety regulations; and such other duties as deemed appropriate by the Sheriff '- ~ ~= - , ` , ~ of NTew Hanover County. . ' :. .. ~, , ,;Engine ~, , • ., . ~; ~ ~ Shall have a piston displacement of not less than 134Occ shall be air. or li uid c 1 n q oo ed, a d shall' have two or more cylinders equipped with overhead valves. Engine shall 6e'designed. to insure that any vibration frequencies and magnitudes shall be so minimal as to prevent '. ~~ •.' damage to engine; en ine com orients motorc cle structure or tan g P Y s dard, or .specified .components and accessories.. l11„ ~ ~ _ " Clutch.- Transmission ,. . ' Clutch sh~a(l be of-the latest multiple plate design. -~• ; : ~ Transmission shall be of latest design, manual type, hay inv~ not less tllari five (~) forward ' ' ~ . speeds: . ,. • r I- l of 4 ~~ .. ~ . 9 a ..~ • Brakes ~ ` Brakes shall be provided for both front and rear wheels. Front brake shall be of the disc type. _ ,Rear wheel brake shall be of the drum or disc type. Brakes shall be relatively free from heat fade. Suspension Motorcycles shall be provided with a suspension system to permit optimum handling conditions as required in traffic law enforcement. Front suspension shall be such as to adequately compensate for different rider and equipment weight and roadway conditions, and to reduce front end "dive" ~vl~cn braking. Rear suspension shall be provided with swing arms having lubricable bearings or bearings that ~, require no lubrication for the life of the motorcycle. Adjustable rear air suspension shall be provided to permit rear ride height to be adjusted to compensate for imposed loads. Wheels -Tires Wheels shall be designed and manufactured of materials having necessary structural strength to last the life of the motorcycle, barring damage caused by traffic accident. Rim material shall be impermeable to compressed air. Tires to have non-skid tread, designed to operate on paved hi`hways and shall.. have a full, four-ply fabric reinforcement. VVheeUtire combination and fire sidewall stiffness shall be designed to retain fire beads in place on the bead seating areas in the event the tire~becomes deflated which the motorcycle is in operation to provide run-flat capability and permit safe stopping in the event of sudden loss of air or deflation at speed. Fuel Tank Fuel tank shall have a capacity of not less than five (5) U.S: gallons. Electrical. System Electrical system shall be nominal twelve (12) volt complying with the follow-ing: Battery -Heavy duty battery required. iti~linimum rated capacity - 14 ampere hours 9 O I-2 of 4 .. .. _. ~Il .. _ Charging system - An alternator with voltage regulator, shall be provided and designed to prevent battery from dtschargmg with all accessories normally operated. when. engine is operated at idle speeds: ~ ' All._ . Starting system -Twelve (l..) volt starter with solenoid operated engagement and:. .relay required:: ,~. i -Horn -.Horn that will emit a sound level adequate to be Heard above motorcycle and - . traffic generated .noise level required. ' ~~~ ' ~ Lighting:- Each- motorcycle shall be provided with the following lighting equipment:. . ;, Quartz halogen .Headlight .. . ,, ,. _ Tail stoplight :. ' ` . Turn signals, front and rear ~ , ~, ` . !u" " Rear identification lamps - comprised of two , 2 'small blue ` * ~) marker/id.entification lamps mounted on the rear o the motorcycle" and .. .~ connected to the tail light circuit ~ ~ ~ ' ~` .*Rear strobe signal -color: blue, on telescoping mast ~ " *Front blue strobe lights ' . *Electr ni it n - i l w o c S e A su tab e, 100 att electronic siren shall be provided with each ' `. motorcycle. , A "waterproof amplifier is required: .~. . " 4 Visual.Displays _"; ~, The following visual displays shall,be pro~~ided to inform the'rider of the vanous conditions ofinotorcycle ahd engine operations. ,~.. Speedometer -Certified police analog speedometer, to indicate 0-1'20 ~`~I.P:H. Odometer- A.calibrated, cumulative odometer., .Tachometer - An analog tachometer of size equal to speedometer provided., - Light shields -Shall be provided for abo~~e instruments in order to-limit reflections. Fuel level gauge , r ~~ Indicator lamps . ' . , m AII~ ~ ~ _ , .. a ` *These pieces of equipment wi19 be removed from the f ve motorcylces being traded-in and . installed on five of the new motorcyces. Vendor shall provide this equipment. on the'remam~ng . motorcyle. ~ ~ I-3 of 4 _, ~. . Feature Requirements ~ - . Seat -Latest deluxe air adjustable solo saddle, special police type, coverd with breathable plastic material, with rear back support design. Side stand -Jiffy type steel stand. Footboards -Provided with non-skid rubber pads on' upper surface. Engine guards -Front engine guard, rear longitudinal saddlebag guards. Saddlebags -Factory installed, law enforcement type black plastic saddlebags. Bags shall be nominally waterproof. ~VindshieldlFairing: Windshield -shall be of latest design, utilizing Lexan or clear polycarbonate. Mirrors -Two (2) mirrors shall be provided for each motorcycle. Color -Brown, paint scheme to match department vehicles or at department's request or to include -two tone paints. ' 92 1-4 of 4 . . r . ,y.,. .. -. . ~ ~' ' ' ~. - .4 ~ Vendor's Quote # COUNTY OF NE~V HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA Y BID PROPOSAL FORM . ` .` ~ ~ - ~ ` ' ~ BID # 98 -SIX (6) 1998 IvIOTORCYCLES ,~,.- ~ - October' 14,1997; 3:00 p.m. . I certify .that. this bid is made without .prior: understanding, agreement or connection with any `~ corporation f rm, or person. submitting a bid for the same. services and is in all respects fair and .. without collusion or.fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation: of state and federal law and can result in`fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of ~~ • _ ~ this bid and-cert that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. . °.~r ~ ,` : ~ Bid Pro `osai 'Item Qty X Unit_Price = E.rtended .Price 1998 Motorcycle. 5 X S 12,000 = S 60.000 .(E~uipment from the:5 motorcycles being traded=in will be installed on these motorcycles) ~ ~ ` 1998 Motorcycle ~ 1 ~X S 12 , 00.0 ~ = ~ S 12.,.000 >Total for all.six motorcycles. ~ S 72.000 Less trade-in of motorcycles 5 X S 12, 000 = S 60, 000 Net Total ~ j S 12 , 000 , F~. ~ H~RLEY-D~VIDSON I?LHPT Fuel In` ` Manufacturer and model number. of motorcycles j ected . .; w/Black Chrome Engine S ~~,~ Delivery ~ lp! days afrer receipt of purchase order. Location of Technical/Service Representative 6515 M:~RKET ST_ tdlL`tINGT0~1, NC. } . ;. Attachments to Proposal . . ~ ` ., : ' ~' ` - I . ~ Com" lete s ecifications of e ui ment ro osed ; P P 9 P. P P ~ .. ~: CoPY.of warranty m '.. 3. ~ Exce tions to bid if an~~ 'TIRE SPEC.. :~oT .?V^ ,.,'{, . P ~ y~ ,ILABLE .. ~1 ',~. .. V • ,. " - B 1 of 3 A ~' .._ 93 .. Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with Ne~v Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the six (6) motorcycles listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: ~ ~ . . Addendum I~To. 1 Date OCTOBER 6 1997 Addendum \io. Date 1997 Addendum No. Date , 1997 RUN FLAT OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE ON THIS rfODEL. THE MOTORCYCLES CAROLINA COAST HA_RLEY-DAVZDSON HAS PP.OPOSED F~1R EaCEED t, THE SPECIFICATIONS. THESE ARE FUEL INJECTED MODELS W~/E~'1SILY PLAINTAINED FINISH A.'v'D DETACHi1BLE WINDSHIELD. ZNCLL'DES ALL EQUIPT~iE\T Ti~INSFERRED AND ALL NEW EQliIPTTfENT FOR THE 6th MOTORCYCLE. 94 B-2 of~ RAREFY-DAVIDSON LIMITED WARRANTY .' (12 MONTHS/UNLIMITED MILEAGE) ' Harley-Davidson Warrants to the /first retail purchaser and authorized transferees of our new 1998 model motorcycle's' that any authorized Harley-Davidson Dealer will repair or replace without charge any parts (except fires, maintenance i1- battery under certain conditions) /ound under normal use in the U.S.A. or Cenede to, be defective in factory materie: manship, and upon the following terms and conditions: - ~ _.~1 DURATION AND TRANSFER F~(CLUSIONS ~ IMPQRTANTlREAD CAREFULLY .. .; i. The duration d this limited warranty is Twelve months, 4 measured from the date of initial rated «7tase horn ~: 1 Rr Tlta warranty wi0 not apply to any rt+olortytle/sidecer as 1. Our Dealers ua rode nden o`vnad pe aY t an au0torized Harley-Davidson Dealer. Idbws: and may ceu otter produce. BerduLe 2. Arty u+ecpired portgn d this Gmued wananry,rnay be LEY-OAVIDSON.tS NOT RESPONS18L•.~ • trarulerred, wrtl wrMen autfwriieDon, upon the resale SAFETY, OUALfTY, OR SUITABILfTY OF d the motorcyde/sidecar dump the warranty period. t. ~"cR Ras rid been operated or marntaned as cpea• HARLEY-CAVIDSGN PART, ACCESS , - To Obtain autwrization, a Vander a fled n rte Ownefs Manual. pptication must De DESIGN MODIFICATION INCLUDIf~ Bled rrtR Heriey-Davidson and dte mdorcyde/sidecar 2. Whtft Res t»en abused, altered outs,de of original WHICH MAY BE SOLD ANDrOR W~ . ~ musi pass inspection Dy one of our aumorized Deal- factory speaLCeGons, impropery stored or used 'otl OUR DEALERS. - - srs. The aestomet 6 rosponsibb for any cRarge rte hphwel/, for song or mrr+pemion of any lord. 2. THERE IS NO OTHER ExPRESS W - nLtined for work pedamed Dy the peeler beyond me (OTHER TFUN EIaiSSIONS AND NOISE . vtspetlton p*ooadure itsetl. See r Ownefs Manual 3. Whrll Ras had Vte odometer removed or tampered ( Ya+ , TIES) ON THE MOTORCYCLE. M fur oorttplete details.) ~ ~ `~' WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILftY OWNEA OBLIGATIONS OTHER UfuTATIONS - IS LIMBED TO THE DURATION WARRANTY. 1. To Wadty la warranty protection, you and the selling ]. TO THE FULLEST E7CTENT ALLOWED - Dealer must complete the Wanenry Regstretion Form Ths wanutry does not cover: HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANO ITS D • and Tatum tl n trs wiWn t0 days alien Oalrvery. We wig NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE then nerd you an Owner-Wartanry Iderttrfication Card, t Ports and Ube for rorrnal maintenance es recorn- NIENCE. LOST TIME, COMMERpA 1~. 2. To oDtam warranty cervrca, return your mdtbriytle/ ~,~ m Ire Owrtefs Menzel, v+d.,dr+p curet hems OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEC a.dec~r et your eaperse wtWn fl» warranty period to ss tta Idbwv+q: MDnration, od and finer tYtenge, Mel DAMAGES. arty xrttgriZeO Dealer. You meal De aDre to present system deanng, Danery n+arnenanca, angina tune- Soma sutec do rot rtJb.+ Irv •.d,n.on or~ . yo.a ,Owner•WSrranty Idemiliutlon Card ud/or Owners Manual upon our Dsebft request: Our w• s-0erk„plugs, light twltx, bewe, dNCn •rd MaW In[dental or mr-SeQ:.annal dsmepea Or hrnrtac " Dealer should De ab+e b provi0e wenartty service der- Den edlusimem (inGrding chat replacement). g ~ envy I Ion en im Md wart Ia,5:t5, a0 V+e above Yr_- . ~ v'g tunnel Drainess hours and •s soon es possWe, 2 $eau, ceOOebegs, paint, dtrorrre, or trim detsroranon •adusions may not appry ro you. The wartsrty dependarg t+Gat tJle workba0 d the Deab(a'service urae0 "'try orbnary, wear and fear, , agOeun Or aperjftc legal rgh3, ar+d you m.y fuva otter M deparvr+ent end tRe avaAadlity of necessary parts. improper rtwntarwtce. my frwn crate b rata. HarMy-0avid;on Motor Cornperry ^ P.O. Bos 853 ^ M~Mautux. W~scnrwn 53291, U.S..t ~~ , r-r9 _ , ~f~. ~ _ i ~~ , • Electra. Glide~® Police ' :~ .. . , ... ~ _ - , . . . . .. . .' • ~~: ~~ e Le ex~ - ~' . ~. ;. , . _ .. - . 4 + - _ .. ` ' ~ ~ ~ . .. , .- . - - . .. ~~ ~ - -.. ~` ter" - , iii . y--~ ,~+ ..~ . .` Po ~' r - ~ _ _ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ /~ ! ... ;s:+ w --_ t ~ • ,T' .3 r r ~ s.. 'Z ~ - J ~~ .- .. ~ _ - - ' - .; Specifications: , FEATURES'/ DL1rtEN S• ~ S(ON ~ PERPORA'A.'VCE [3e11 Drive: hed(ar rcin(urCCCI belt finif elrice main- Gross Vehicle ~Vcight RalinG: 1 2G0 Il,s. (~,-I k{i ISins m.iximum ciiici~ncy Intl clur,tbili(v with Ground Clearance: 5.1?" (13.OU cm) , (iral:cs (cli,iinetcr ~uct'~.idth) ~ r t rlr - i ,~• t 7 ,.~ ` I ruin f I rtl .tl I' , ~ I n, ' minimal idjustnienl. Oil Capacity: ~i c)ts: (3.8 U, • " - -. ~ ._ _ _ }:1.171 n,ntj • Borc & Stroke: 3.198'' z ~i.~5p ` - Scat: Deluge solo air-adjustable saclclle wi;h hi•,,,; t t." x O:}" I_'9 ' P cni G. mnr+ ~i : i :-Charging; C,irlwretccl: 3?-amp permanent m.l~net. remote resenroir and gaul;e is allern~tor (}(,0 watts ~ 3,000 r.jt.m., -lab Service Intervals: First 500 miles; ever}• ~.O(10 . 13r.tl.in~ .il Gl) m.p.h. (9: k.p.h.): Li~Lu Lclacl: i ll I'U it: I i 1 ;° 'OO Ihs ;190 l watts peek) kith solid state rebul5tor miles thereafter. (.Inspection of cert. in sti's- ~ o , _ , ,,,~t,t~imuni Lo.ul: 1c0 i;. (51 9'm1 .,Compression Ratio: 8.5:1 , • . tents and components .Ire required at 2,500 . L+e to Ankle: Dry WeighL• 712 Jhs. (320. kg without accessories) mile intervals.) (,i~ht..31 clcy;re~c: left, 3u cle};reec •. Engine Typc: 13000 EOCID Evolution' OHV' Tires: Dunlop,' front and rearlv1T90(} X IGfiluck- ,~1~1u tie (per E.('.j~. lust regulation;'). ' Vibration Isofaled.V-Rein ~ walls (Touring Elite` II D•3Q? tires) ' ` Cih: it) ntl,i;: I li;;li~ra}': 5U mt,l; . :. Po~•ertnin; black an<l chrome engine trirtr warranty: 12 months (unlimited niileal;el Si,cpuisir,n Tnvcl: Fucf Ca~acrty:'S gatlonsllinclutles 09: gallon whcclbasc• G2.9" O59.ff cm). b Pre I 1 ur- ttlju.l,tl~' 11 I :b7t u m nu . - - . - t resen'el 18.95U ~.. ~. . KC.u i nr-.ttljtia il,Ic~JSl1 l7'G! cm7 BS.u,I nn tuh7s cotuluctCtl unclcr I,~tb ConcldivnY{ttr U.$. E,.PA. tuwl pruCttluri~', Miltttl;t: may vary dt~x~>.lin~ un ~xrwu,,,l rirlinp h .~l,d.. ar,u6i~r , n,lilirur>, Iri7, 6,~;;tlt and vrhii ly t urnLtw.n ~, .' ': NOfE: Shown withuYnergcncy aµiijtment r,t,tiuns avail,thlc at arl,6riunal r • u•tr 'i +u++ ~•~.. vv utc t...tccttv-V1IUC UC11>,'CrS nlatl ;.Uel eCOn0I11~'. 11111 e\'CI1 higher resale ~•alue. ~1~lcl in Harle}•-Dacidson's reno~ined lo~~ nlaintrnance costs. and cou'~-e got the altitnate lq~~• Life C~•cle Cost (L.C.C.) mutnr(•~ (•lt~. Tllr FLHTP " offe]-~ a fairing, >,~:ith «incl~hiel(! ftlr all-«eatller pt(Tte'ction. ,1n ,In(.i-tli~e ~lir (u;. Plus a host of a(I(litit,nal fealtu~e~ that ct,nlhtt~e IO en~ure~ Incuin1ul11 crrnl(rtrt. cuu~enience an(I ~~~luc. ~~'itl] thr~ Clectra-Gli(le. ~, (~I~IlnCfl\'e fUl-In n1CC(i 111110-(1Cl)CCtT fUnC'{IQn. .. ~~': , It's the stuff le„en<ls are n1a(Ie uf. ~-•.' - - ELECTRICS (3allcr}': 1?-Volt, ?0-Amp Hour Isnition/$tartinR: 1.? kw CICCtriC ~~ilh E3cndi.e- typc cnbal;cmcnt li~htin~: Quartz.halo~en headlamp (_') PAR 3G pursuit lamps Tail,~Slop lights Turn sibnal Iibhls (sett""-CanCCllinti) RunninS IiGhts irnebratcd into tender tips and front turn sibnals IncGcator limps: pursuit Limps, hitih beam, neutral, oil and turn sibnals ~_ . ij 98 _ .. r/a -.-. " •' ~ , .. , .... .. , " Budget Amendment ~ : • r .. `.DEPARTMENT: ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# Federal Forfeited.Property 98-19 ~ DATE: '~ ~: ' 11-3- 97 • Capital, Project • ~ - . "~ , .` ADJUSTMENT• , o: .. DEBIT• RED IT: `~ Federal' Forfeited Property • Federal :Forfeited. Property.. '~6:0,000 '' ' ., u ~ :.Capital ,Projec£ Expense .~. ~ . .. ., X60,000.'. _. .~ - ~^ . . ', ~. . " _ -~ ^. ' ~;- ' ,~~:. rr p .. ' . . . . . . • - .• ~: - .`. ", 'EXPLANATION . ,` To• increase budget fortrade in allowance for ' e-5Harley ..Davidson + motorcycles (bid r98-0152),purchased originally wi th ,'Federal Forfeited Property funds . .. ,. " .. _ ill . .. .. , • _ ~7V~D ~ ; ,i y v ~ - 9 9 ~ . ,. .. '~~ "~ , ,`" Fo Budget Of(icez's approval; then report r ~ ~ ~ 3~ ~? 1~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ; ~ and enter in minutes. / • , To be approved by Commissioners. Tobc entered i~ito minutes. - Regular Item n: ~ ,...Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #:. ~~ Department: County Manager ~ Presenter: • .` ._ u a :' ' ' Pa e Count In Agenda Package: `Contact: Allen ONeal p '. SUBJECT: , . ~•~ . - , Approval of Resolution authorizing the no 'cost transfer of two (2) lots to Wilmington Housing .Finance and Development ,(WHFD) ~~' °~BRhEF SUMMARY: ~ ' These properties are owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover;County. Asimilar resolution was • approved by the Wilmington City Council on October 21,:1997. These lots currently have dilapidated ~~ ~ structures on diem. WHFD lans to demolish the structures and lace a re `built hou P p p se or construct a house m on each lot. Construction must be completd wtthir 1 S months in order for WHFD to retain the properties.., ~f''. , .. - .. , - ~ ' .. ,r V ~'~'J. ~ RE ~~TiViE\'DED iy1 TION A\'D RE E TED A TT NS:. Recommend approval. ~{ ~ .. ' .. r .~ ~' ~ , • _ RITiVDTNG SOURCE: , f Federal S: State S: County 5: User Fees S: ~ Other S: i<'Ioney Is In Current,:Budget: ,i\cw• Appropriation Request: ~,. .. ~; BucJ~et Amendment Pre aced: ., - 3 M .~ ~, 1 ~~ y~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~1 1739 CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina p P:O. BOX 1810 - 28402 October 22, 1997 IVir. Allen O'I~'eal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, INT. C. 28401 Dear 1~1r. O'I~'eal: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES- - TDD (9t0) 341-787 ~9io~3at_~s~o ` L,I ,~ Attached is a resolution authorizing the no cost transfer of t~vo (2) lots to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development (Wl-iFD), in accordance Keith a resolution adopted by the i\`ew Hanover Count<• Commission on April 19, 199=1. These properties are oeened b}' he City of Wilmington and Ncw Hanover Counri•. A similar resolution was approved by the Wilmington City Council on October 21, 1997. These lots currently have dilapidated structures on them. It is the o inion of the Cue's Code P Enforcement office that neither is sound and should be demolished. W~IFD plans to demolish the structures and place apre-built house or construct a house on each lot. Construction must be completed ecithin 18 months in order for WHFD to retain the properties. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. - Respectfulh• submitted, . ~~ ~ . Steven D. Bridges Purchasin A e g g nt SDBa~es Attachment a I"~°. 102- -..;;. .~ ., ., ~ ~. ~ . .. , .. ,. ,. ~ _ . ._ 1 ,: `. - ~ INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ ' ~ DATE:: November 3 1997 L . . .. . , RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF TWO (2) LOTS T0; WILMINGTON .. ,, - -. - HOUSING FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT , , :R . RESOLVED:. :. .. , ~~~~.~.. ~1. ~ The Nei;~ Hanover County Commission hereby approves the conveyance of the.following-lots to . • Wilmington Housing Finance and Development (Wl-~•D) for.the construction of single family o«nzr occupied residences.: . `~'` ~ Parcel Number Address _ Size Market-Value Tax Vah + ~ ~ ~ • ;. 049-13-003-007.000 3301 Princess Place Drive 6.1 x 82 $5,000.00 $15,417. '~ ". 0~4-13-024-011.00.0 70~ Kidder Street 32 x 99 ~ X2 500 r 00 $ ~6 9 7 , . . , 0 . .. . 2•. The~conveyance shall be subject to the condition that the lots be used to construct single family o~;ne; ~ ~ ~ ~ -- occupied residences for logs to moderate income citizens in accordance with .requirements adopted.by :; • ~ - .resolution on April 19, 1994. -r. ~~~ .. _• '. 3_ The deed forconveyance for the lots shall not be delivered until ten days after notice of the conve~•anc i .~ been advertised, as required by G.S. 160x'1-267. ~ , ,_. ~` w '" 4. Conveyance is' subject to approval by the Wilmington City Council for their o~tinership share in the property.. _ . . ~ .: '~!r'.: .Ado ted at. a. re lax meetin ~ ~. P ,~ g ,. on , 19 ' Attest: Nc«• Hanover County Board of Comnussioners ~.. ~ `~: .. .:. ;. ,,. ~ .. , ...: - Clerk to the:Board n Chairman • ,~~ ~ ' ~ ~. , ,, . ,. ~• , .. v , ~ . ' .. ,, . ,. ~10 3 _~ - _. 4 ~ ~.. •- - ~ Z O ~ JQ ( - •/ 2 W f.. X I W llw. 111' 3 01 { a . isAClsl i S F.. w -- s r:. 160r.• . _ PRINCESS ~~E' I ~' r I ~p9:, 91 ,-_ _ 9 0 8 - ~ .43.1 s 42 - n I ,L2AC. 1 _ ~~ 7 r p t 8 !U 43 3 >.~ w ' ~ a20 • _ v © y w f i 4 - 18 _ •t .',f Herr ror*c terr>t a. cwc• ~ -a, i T '* ' - - - - - {p GA $ ~ 3 3.1 ~ _ . ~ I ~ 2 3 4.1 r'~ ~' 4 ea GNES'(NUT OR. S v!~ {L~ }Z.t ce'~ ' (I Irw1. . ~I •1 - ~ 1 ~ 16 I T 8 g 9 Ib Ill a ~ j ~ .1 4 3 C6aTL7TNEr~IT •l^[r T Jo 1 ~ e7 ~ ~ rd !d I !~ n~ 23 rRa ~ ! ny Ir ! ! u:, 'I --- rm- I ~ r rv .+. 20.1 _'_. r.: ~ 20 i N4 ~. s! O _~__ ~~ . ra uu I av nu ___~7_ IG an ~.~. - ~. ~ !YI b! 23 :v p T8 - - 4'L ,~ 1 ~u ••/ ~ .y z I=a 24 ~ 9 °01 m- b ~ ?i .. 1 r1 W 7 d J na Ir. Jr.{ U'.r-•Ir __~__ -- -` /- a . _ , b2• 1 ~~ ~ q '~ _ 14"" ~.! g : IT 4 ---- !-!T ~ I ~,m D ra! - 1 N1 y 1 1 ~I o 16 ~ia i o 1 I ~ ~• ~ I n 1~K~ e• IJT.~ r- ::~ II 0 ltl 4 s+ ~J a ~ 3 ,. 2At ~. __ -.,• . ~. - . _ . . _ - _ - ti - wq. ._ A tl 1. sue; s 1 - nr SA. yl ~ • 07 21= y ? ?~ ,;.: ( ~ yy - sa, r ys s yy a _ STREE7 ry ~~~ 2s i r~.:: •. M / O ~ rf ~ ya y~ . so v 301•' - - - y ~ V •- •- ? 9 '~ ... a. yr •• ~ 1 L'~ r,/ - °_ ,yl 29 27 26 25 22 y ' ' ,Y + ai a' 22 ~ I• 0 21 - 18•'17"' ra, .'29 I 3 •~--TiB---• • ~ 2 J • r~r ~~.. 19 -- - 'e 2 •' X20 r~ 2 ea ~ r/ . .. ss ., .. 11. ;...yy „•-20"" 4 t. - - •es .. 21 •.t .. y 3~ay ~ ya yi ~, ac rco ~ a• IT .as 4 ~~7 .as 3 r~/ . ~ 3 ,JJ 18.., v a< 4 11 '/ 16 a' I6 -„ 19 6 S ~ t as - as X17 12 ~^^ a o ~4 - °S ~ 10 i ~ ~ IS 6 B ~ 7 r., 14 rar _ r.J IS S r ./ 17 z 9 ~ _ ~ 'a s. ~ - • rs 8 -. .. 13 r•1 °CA~.IS ~ 6 0' ,• w a d L -_-cay--- .. y.„ rr/ IS, -_-'g uo - --- ~aY ° K~. jr} - • __:'- 14 ~~ ~ ~ - I!I .• 12 - I 9 a0 J _7- •~ ..a rr/ 12. _ Zy-.9 a~ U t4 .00 • ~. •yy ~ p • 13 ~. ,u 141 10 I1..~ 7n/ '+xe - __ , v 12 ~a.._ Leo ` a• , 9 10 II o~ 13 •, iys ya •' co - ~ Asa • ~ --, ~ err l" v 12' ,. ..r v yy ao ~ STREET •: eo , Sao 19 • .o' ya ya so 1 n / v 18 • - ., yo .y (:J 10 o a •s is ~o _~ I7 is ~ 23 2 2 --2- C3J • ' y .es . ° . 1=.°0.20. _ /J/ r, J -~ J, 20 - ' ° I rIJ uttd S r./ 23 IA 4 ~ZS_ - -- ------ M ~~ ° '7-- .. ~ 17 6 L 4 1 'I t ~q] /l/,, 21 /•/l~~J Y . - •_2_i•.--'---~. r•/ 7 nr IJ S aI ul -~6- y. a 12 - yr• __ --•' rsaro/ ~- p-yr ~--ti-.. p. .Il•. ,.~-- rso., laJ',. 2.1_ _ _'~- -~ ~,bt3 w , o' `'I 1 J • . •• rrJ ~s o~ Z ' • 2~ 9a ao 3 -~ _ •t)'Lp •4 .. 3 •- ,s rs+ t " • rJO ~ N ~} I 23 - . ~ r s^ so - REE7 .» V ,, . - uo ~ ~ - ... , 2~ r,l ~x 2 .. rs iy r,: 11 1 x ~ ,'~ ° r, ~ yo. io n, ,i „a, 2 3 9 3 ~ . -+' ~+,+ a~ n ,,, a LS''J es S L'~~ S 24 :,. r~ _~`rir- nr,~ r•/ _ TS ~ S 7 9 n (i ~ I/1/17 N r•/ 6 2S 9 /: _ _ '~r~ -- L,'9~,(rar 6 G 7 ra/ 7 _ 16 z T ~ ~ ~' .,,; / r ., 3 +r/ ! r~J .. 28 6 m 2c IS --_ ea R -. :rr - unOrJU, ZQ 4rrJ :-/ r•1 S 7 14 +s1 ..+ )J, u ~ ~ _t. rr i.l~ ~ ~ _ - ' - a 9 .4 ~ 9 T.. i ` ~ ~ -~- wll rr/ _. n. ~ IO o1aJ ai av t nl An r.e, 6ro„ _..._3--_ ' -t ~ 10 •' i3 4 10 u Il.. - S ~.~ ~- -• i a , anrsomr 2 . .. I ul,. • yy ~ ,.~ •. Z .: .. .. _ ----a rl.r ,.., 7 ' I : rsy - •~. •. Iy4 s .. '~ r..t 9.~so I gTR£ET v ,n.]]]] IT:.y 7~' w:~- -2rr='...~.r y ° -11 ~,Yp r, 1. ayun j~~ r•r' Q.n. --iJS, _ _ ;. -iy . • _.~ _ -- __8 r 6 _._---- .. rai• _- ~ -~ - __ - 6 y ~ - ~--- ,yiy .rn air _8' „~ TiiJ y• r ' nlJ ~ •n, ~Jry ~' ,J$~/ _ _ H4 ~ T _ ~/ ti ti ti ^• 6 ~ - ' - _ t , 1 ~. - ~ -- . rr• ~a''~• I . ° 2 u/ _ar-__,,, _%i 7REE~ ' '.k _ ~ y ~ ~._ ~~ 1 MARTIN ~~ _~ .yry~ 1 ~~7J>_.. yt-t6-Qy~ ;~'' - .. •:nf< 70 ao,lOirr..o SERrov! ~ ~ ~ r.•- !' •` ~. ~ ~ L -REA PROPERTY 31AP j- ._. ;~_ ~ _ . a ; : :,: This page intentionally left blank .,. Regular,Item # ' . _ Consent Item #: 6 ~ Additional Item #: " ~j ~ Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin ~ ; Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Cam Griffin ' ,.- ' ~~ . SUBJECT: . ~~ .. ' Funding source exchange between Coastal Horizons Open House program and the. Department of Social ~° ,a Services(DSS) contracted group homes. - " .~.• BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ... They State.Community Based Alternatives (CBA) funding is designed to provide services to juveniles 'involved with the court system. Coastal Horizon's Open House program currently receives CBA funds, but ~' ~ has. continuin roblems meetin the re uirement that ~0 e ~f .._ " - g p g q p rcent of clients served 6e'court-referred New Hanover County residents.. This problem can be avoided by funding Open House through direct allocation of County.fiinds and increasing the CBA funding to DSS for the group homes by the same amount. The' group homes contracted through DSS consistently serve •qualifying youths.. • ._ . - :" ^. RE iV1ME\'DED i~"10TION AND RE UESTED A TI \.: ~ ,~ C • S .. • ~ Recommend approval of budget amendment n98-006 transfemng CBA funds of _$51,198 from Coastal.. , Horizons to DSS; and County funds of $51,198from DSS to Coastal Horizons. ~ ~' , ~' ,~-. .. . . .. FUNDING SOURCE: _: Federal S: State 5: County S: 'User Fees S: ~ ~ Other S: ~` - .. NSoney Is In Current Budget: I``e~~• Appropriation Request: ' .~, ~° ' Bud et Amendment: Pre ared: ~ ~ , ~,~ .. . _ ,. ,. _ , REVIEWED BYs - .., .~ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FN APP BSHELL .BUD: APP CGRLFFIN HR: N/A AIv1ALLETT ~~' _ - ~ COUNTY iA"IANA~GER' Oit'[it"tEi~'TS ANn RE~ ~ ~1:~•IF,\'D:1~TIONS:. ~ ~ ~ _ ' Recommend approval: ~. " ~ ~ ~ - ~~~C~}lJA~'fY . ~~#~ . ~ ~, Af'i~RGl"1~C! •.~ ~~~ 1Z~~~ ~~~ ... ' . . _ _ .:.. .." Refer to Office Vis~on'Bu le i'n"4Board~foc'Dispo iu n ~'~~` ~' . _. >~ .~,.~ Budget Amendment /~~~i/i~~%/%~~/,~~~%%~,~/%!!,~%iii,~~%~,,;;!/~/~~,/.%~~~/,,///~~~%i%i///;, ~~ DEPARTI\IE\TT ~ BUDGET A:~1END~IENT # DATE Various ., 98-006 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT Social Services/ State & AFDC Foster Home CBA Grants S~1,195 Community Based Alternatives Agencies Coastal Horizons' Open House Program S~ 1,19S CBA Grants General Fund Outside Agencies/ Human Services Coastal Horizons' Open House Program EIPLANATION 11-~-97 .CREDIT S~ 1, 19S S~1,19S Transferrin~T CBA funds of S~ 1,19S from Coastal Horizons' Open House pro`ram to DSS Group Homes, and Count}' funds of S~1,19S from DSS Group Hoti~es to Coastal Horizons' Open House program. ,, ~~ _ . ~`~~" ~,Y ~~~ 108 ~~~ ~~k~~~~~~ ~ ~ • ~~" T.~' For Budget Officefs approval; then report ,may . / to Commissioners at next regular meeting / and cuter in minutes. ••J11 To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. ^ • . F ~ ~ ~ Consent ~ Q Abenda B11C~gef .A.I11er1C~I11ei1t ~ . .November 3; 1997 Item No. 7A ~.: .. ~~. _ ~ ~ ~ , ., ~~ DEPARTMENT: .. BUDGET AMENDMENT# ,j F.ederal Forfeited Property 98-17 ... . DATE: ~~ ~ 11-3-97 ,.~ -. ... Capital Project ~' , ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT:. '° GREDIT:. ;, .~ ~,FederaT For,•feited Property S9, 520 - '~~ ~. Captal• Pr-oj'ect.. Expense ~ ~ S9, 520 ' _ y ` ,. - .. . ~ ~ - ..., . . :. .. ., .. • .. ~~• ~ x. ~ - . ~ r .. ..' ..'. d - .. .. _. .~ ` ~ .,. ~ .. _ EXPLANATION ~:;. To~,inc'rease budget foradditional' revenue received 10-10=97. Federal-~. Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must.be used for 1aw't=nforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessar'.• - y -{e . APPROV av Eta [.. ;~ ' ~ REJECf~Q • CI ~ R~~o~~ ~ ,A ~, :. ~ ~ " I ~~` ~' ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ .109 .., :. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~ ` r~V1i _ • -. ~,~ , ter, a , ~J1~t'~"E fl/,3~'1 ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ` ~ Y, ~~Foo~rCl3udgct Ofticer s appioval; then report ~ •''~t ommissioners at next regular meeting J jiitan~d enter In minutes. "~~ _ To be approved by Cornriissioners. ,^"~ , • ~ . !ti!MI+!I~~ A To be entered into minutes. ' ~ Consent Agenda r/'~~ b Btxd of AI11en ~jment November 3, 1997 g U Item loo. 7B DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# Controlled Substance Tax 98=16 Capital Project ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT• Controlled Substance Tax $5,575 Capital Project Expense EXPLANATION DATE: 11-3-97 CREDZT• X5,575 To increase budget for additional revenue received 10-10-97. Controlled Substance T ax funds are budgeted as received and must- be -used for law- enforcement activiti~e-seas theap~j.~y reriff ahl S~+/ ~ ~ .deems necessary. .. ~ y + . ~f}!^~+I~ a~r~~,,..ra•~.v a~i~a:me r4n~~aa t69~1 R1fM~ UU ' ~~~C~Q ~:~..'~i ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ +~~~~ Q '' GATE ~,,,,``((~~~ /1~ f - ~ ~ „ or Budget Officer's approval: then repo: t F t< 'y ~~ o Commissioners at neat rcav]u mee:i.g , "~`~~..rr""' ~, ~. ~~iy and enter In minutes. ~~ ~To be approved by Commissioners. ____ Tn be entered inin minulc<. 9 ~ .~h:~ci ~et Amendment .. g _.. (,onsent flbenda '' ~ ' ~ ~ - ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~' ~~ -. November 3 ~~ ~%~~~j~ ;~/% ~ ";j!%~~~%~~%~/~;~'%~ /~i~~~%~~%~~~%~~~~'~%~~ ~ 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~%~~~~~~~~ i~//~~~~~~~/~//~~~~~~,~~~~i/~~~~~i//i Item vo. 7C' _. DEPARTMENT BUDGET ~1E\TDti1ENT # DXTE ` .. r - ~, .' - a_ ~ Various ~ ~ .. 98-0057. . , _ - T 1-3-97 _ , r ~ - ~-' . . - ADJUSTMENT .' DEBIT. ; ~ CREDIT ~1' ~ } ~ ~ Emer~ency Management - _ _ ~ . ' ~ Other ~ ~ SS,6~2 ~ .. . ~ :. Departmental Supplies S 1,190 ` , ,- Emer~encv Medical Services . ' Departmental Supplies - S-I,~62 , ,; .: - f +~ Fire District/Fire Departments ' ., ° ' ~ . . ,~ ~ Other , ,. S 3S0 ~ ~ . ~,. Whiter ParkVFD ~ _ S. 3S0 ` .. - .. ,. , : ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , , _ u ,. _, y ~ . t EXPLAN:~TION . ` To budget reimbursement for a hazard material coordination response incident involving ' a sh`i at the Statz Ports: p ' . i~~ k ;~xf. - i ,~i d _ ..- , ~~~ ` .. L~_` • ~: ~ , ~. For IIud~ct Officei s approval; then report ~~~~ ~ ~to Commissioners at neat regular meeting R~I~OY q ~ ~M~en~d~nitierinminutcs. `. ~~rf,~ssioners. ~}~~~~±- d ~ ~-1~ ~ aG :r gTo~;!b~ appro~•ed b HEARD`. [~ ~ ~ ~~ fTo~b~c.~a~eredinto i to . - DATE 11 .3. 9 ~ ~.~~,~~~'~ - , _ _ •.. ' j ~--r ~udiget Amendment consent Agenda November 3, 199 i //~ ~~ j /~ ~ /i/j"" j%/"~~!' j'% j~'%%~%%/!///i~//~/~i~//%'%%'',%/%%/~ ~~/// ji~~~/Item No. 7 D DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE General Fund/Sheriff/ 97-0058 11-3-97 Administration/911 Center Emergency Telephone Fund/ Sheriff Administration/ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT ' General Fund/Sheriff/Administration • Operating Transfer In 56,840 (from Emergency Telephone Fund) General Fund/Sheriff/911 Center Contracted Services ~ ..56,840 Emergency Telephone Fund/ Sheriff Administration Transfer to General Fund S6,8,40 911 Surcharge 56,840 EXPLANATION To budget 911 surcharge funds for additional expenses related to emergency service zones. ~~ MEAR~ Cj ," ~, For Bud~ct Orficcr's a roval• then o PP c1 to Commissioncrs at ne~;t regular mcct and cntcr in minutcs. To be approved by Commissioncrs. To be entered into minutes.