Agenda 1995 07-051 1 1 t 7 1 1 r i e NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 " WILMINGTON, NC. JULY 5,1995 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer _ .INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA .ESTIMATED ITEMS OF .BUSINESS. - PAGE TIMES NO. 6:45p:m: 1: Presentation by NCDOT and Greiner, Inc. Consultants 1 . on the status of US Highway 17 Wilmington Bypass "., 7:25p.m. 2. Consideration of Adoption of Ordinance and Interlocal ~ ~ 19 ~, Agreement Concerning Animal Control Supervision on - the Northern End of Wrightsville Beach 7:35p.m: " 3. Consideration of Reappointment of Roland G. Register 35 ' as Tax Administrator 4: 7:40p.m. 8:OOp.m. ~> 9:OOp.m: ~, `(B~ ~~. ~, Public Hearing Item A: Rezoning -Request by David Barefoot~for David 37 Swain to rezone 9 acres on the east side of Military Cut-off Road north of. Landfall to B-1 Business from O-I Office and Institution (Z-536, 5/95) Item. B: Special Use Permit -Request by Pam Sigmon to 43 establish a~child day care center in an existing building for , up to 95 children located at 6230 Carolina Beach Road. (S-377, 6/95) Item C: Rezoning -Request by Howard Penton to rezone 49 .24 acre on the northwest side of Oleander Drive north of the Salt Works Restaurant east of Greenville Avenue to B-1 Business from R-15 Residential. (Z-538, 6/95) 9:OSp.m. • ~ -Item D: Special Use Permit -Request by'Cathy Weaver 53 ~~ "to expand an existing child day care service by adding up ~r to three after-schoolers in a residence located at-.1214 Sidney Drive. (S-375,;6/95) 9:lOp.m. Item E: Special Use Permit -Request by Joey Gebbia to 61 construct a chiPd day care'center for.up to 112 children on ~ . 1(~~~ the west side of Carolina Beach Road south of Cathay Road: ., . ~.. (S-376, 6/95) .~ 9:20p.m. ( Item F: Zoning Text Amendment - Clarif cation-that.the 67 • ' ~~Q,~ minimum setback in all cases for high density projects shall not be less than twenty-five feet.' Section 69.4-(5)°{A 261, 6/95) . . 9:25pm tZ,~y Item G: Road Closure -Unnamed Road in Bradley 71 `~~ ~ Heights' Subdivision ~ .. • <~ ~ ~ • - 10:00pm ~ . Meeting of the; Water and Sewer District '7 7 ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY . COUNTY MANAGER ... • . 9:30 ADJOURN ~ . . ~~ .NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT . ~ ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 " " . WILMINGTON, NC ~' JULY 5,1995 6:30 P.M. .. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE .~. NO.- 1. ~ NON AGENDA ITEMS ,. .. 2. , . Approval of Minutes 79 ~, 3. Consideration of Approval of Contract -Elevated Water Tank 81 Ogden Park . ~ ; ~., Si ~~{f ~ ~ 1.. ... 4 ,Y~ ~ ~ fir' is ~ a+~ `! S~ - ~ ,~ ~;,~ . -'+ - E ' - ~~~ ~ ~ _. .~ ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA . JULY 5,1995, 6:30. P:M. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS ; ~ ~ PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Grassroots Science Grant in the amount of $5,000 87 awarded to the Museum 3. ~ Approval of Proclamation designating July 2-8;:.1995 as 93 Hurricane Awareness Week in New Hanover County ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~a~~v~~~~~~~i~~~ -~ Regular Item #: ~ 1 ~ Consent Item #; - ' ~ ~ Additional Item #: ' De arfinent: Plannin De artment Presenter. NCDOT Re resentatives P g P P Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Allen O'Neal, County Manager "" " - `~ ' SUi3.IF,CT3 Presentation >~y Representatives of Environmental and. Planning Branch;,NCDOT and. Greiner, Inc.. Consultants ~ _ - I3RiEF SUMMARY. Presentation on the`status of the US Highway 17 Wilmington I~pass. The presentat>,on will be conducted ;, , by NCDOT officials and Greiner, Inc. ~ ~ ~ , ' H. Franklin Vick, Manager, Planning and Environment"Branch NCDOT ~~ J:A. Bissett, Jr., Head of Consultant Unit NCDOT ~ " ~ . -.. # r Leigh Cobb, Project Manager NCDOT • ~ ~ 1 ' Greiner, Inc.'Cons~iltants ~ ,:.: , ~. ~. .. _. ., :'~ ~_ :.. RrCOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTF,D ACTIONS: . Attached is a~ letter from. Trudy Van Luyn requesting the opportunity for Wrightsboro residents to speak on this matter. Also-attached is background material-from the earlier presentations and discussions on this matter. ... • 7 ~ • - ~ ~ ~ n . FUNDING SOURCrL ~ .. _ Fcdcral $:~ State $: County $: .User Fces $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget:- New Appropriation Request: Budgct~Amendmcnt Prcparcti: . ~rvlEwrn BY: ~ ~ ~ ~ • ' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT E R ' ' Hear presentati 1' /~ ~~~, ~~ . .. 1E C~~3D~1M Il~t~ ~"" _ , . ,. . . . E :~. ~~~~ v~~~d~`~~Q~~OD~S . ., _ ~, - 1 ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ t ~. ~ 1 i. ~. ' ..: ,~ _ ? : ~ June 14, 1995 a _ w ,. ...__. _ .. .~ ,. e .. _ . , r Mr. ~ Allen ~ O'Neal, County Manager. a ~~ ~ ~ ~'" " '~~~"~ ' ..~ ~ ., . - New .Hanover ,County. .. ; .~~~ ~ a 320 ChestnuE Street ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . r .' '; ..:, r . . _. ., ,.,.........Wrlmtng on, N.C: 2840.1.._ _.... _...,...: _.a__.w~.. _ . _ .... . `_.. . _. _.~._~. _ .. ~_. _~ ., , r .. . ,, . ~.:~. Dear ~ Mr: O'Neal, ... .. r ~ , ._ .. .: - ~ . • , , 1. ... _ . . This is a request for Wrightsboro/Castle Hayne citizens to appear on the public hearing portion of the July 5,. 1995 meeting''...of the;-,.Ne' w .> Hanover County ,Board, of .Commissioners We ..:wish, to• present " additional` ~information'`pe'rtain'ing ~ to ~ th'e proposed ~Vlmington ~ ~ , Bypass. ~ . _,.:.. _.. ..,.t:.. _ _.. . We understand ..that on that same evening n officials .from the ,North . ; . "a Carolina Department ' of T'ranspoctation will".make: `a _ presentation ~ .: regarding the proposed Bypass. Our residents .will want .to;.respond.: . . :. a to that .presentation, but we may also have other reformation not :,~_ directly. related to the planned presentation. Thank you very much. Please let me know if you need any further information ~ a r. . ,. ,. - . . .. a .. __ . .. ~~ .. 1 .. , r .._ Sincerely; ~ , . .. _`.. ;. .. Mrs. Robert van Lu n a ~ Y) •JUH 1 5 1495 42 Holland Drive Castle Hayne, N.C. 28429 a ~w,~r rn ~,•~ rc~•~•1 v~: orFic~ N~`V HANOVEIt CO. ~,r ,. ..., .~ _ ,:._ . .._ n.., . .. v._. ,~ . f ~ ' ., a x ~ z; ~. 3.t. + .. i w .<w..._...... .,......... «.... y . .. u .w.~ a...:e. ....;.. s.+.. .. .. • ..av .. .e ~ M F rz aix : r 1 ~ ~ ~ , is .r• • } ~? S M1! F ~ ~. Y, j` - ! 1 V4 T ~ ' 7 t `` ~J ~ .. ~~r ),c wr ~t . ~~; r ~ ~~,P V ER ~~ • G Robert G. Greer . f®f f itE of ym Choirman L Mcfhews Jr E ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~~X~ ~~ t.l~XY~~.~' t.~~~X~ ~ • 9 ff . , . . i a Vic C ~ ...o `` "'""' ~° rm n e ha ~yT ~Ef17 ~2L12II{7Er V•IIlI2It~ oF HOflTN ~P Sandra Barone m C 32Q CRIjESf1T12t ~~EEt, ~amtt 3Q5 Wanda M. Copley issioner . om ,County Attorney •~ilmingtun, ~urtE~ Q1arulintt 284Q1-4Q43 ' ' WilliamA Caster Commissioner `~¢IEp~une (g10~ 341.-714$ ~ ~ Neal Allen O County Manoper William E. Slsson, Jr. 2Ix (4117 •341-413 Q Lucie F. Harrell Commissioner ' _ •• perk to the Board .... ~~ . _ M ~. , . ~ ., ay 23, 199 .. , .' • Mr. H.._Franklin Vick,•P.E., Manager 'Planning and Environmental • Branch. ~ ` ~ ~ ' • North Carolina Division of Highways *, •~ - - •r =. `= P. O. Box 252.01 a , -: ,.. .. ,; ~ - ~ . - a, . Ralleigh, North Carolina 27611 j f • .. ` •• • Dear Mr: Vick: ' • During a `public meeting `of the• sNew HanoverY County • Board of Commissioners held.on"May 15, 1995, and following comments from . several residents of the. Wrightsboro Community,.the Board voted unanimously, to rescind a resolution of endorsement .for the southern .alternative for the U. S. Highway 17 Wilmington Bypass. After further. discussion, the Board agreed to ask you and your consultant,. Greiner Inc. to make another presentation concerning the status of the project. ~, It is my understanding that you have agreed to, make a presentation at the next meeting which is scheduled for June 5, 1995, at 6:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover. County Courthouse, 24 North Thir d Street, Wilmington, N. C. The Board .is .most appreciative o~ your willingness to hear our , concerns and those of vur citizens. We look forward to meeting with you on the 5th of June. If you have any questions, or .I can be `of any ,assistance, please do not hesitate to call. . ~ •~ ' Sincerely, • • ~ ~ - , ' - R bert G. Greer . Ch ~irman RGG:lfh cc: County Commissioners - • Allen O~Neal, County Manager ` - ~ De er Hayes, Planning Director 4 ;. ~. .' . .. , x _ .. ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ May ~12, 1995 _ ~ : .... .,, -~ Mr. Allen O'Neal, County .Manager. , „ , , New Hanover County .. .. ~ ~~ _ °°' " .. ... , w .. ~ 320 Chestnut Street _... ._ . - ... _µ,:r`.._ ..: . _ Wilmington, N.C. 28401 ~ ~ ~ ~ -` Dear Mr. O Neal, `~ ~ d 9 /1 This is a request for Wrightsb ro citizens to ap ear on the public hearing portion of the next county commission meeting. I believe that will be on Monday evening, i~fay~9;-~9}5 '~ We wish. to ~~give ~ . ,. . further information, if necessary, for 'our: request 'that ~ the ~; ~ ~ ,~. -, commissioners rescind heir resolution supporting the southern ~ , ~ .- alternative of the Wilmington Bypass. --~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ " I am assuming that since several people want to speak, the. public , ; hearing portion is the appropriate place on -the agenda. If not, .please"~~ ~. let. me,-know. , I also. need ;to know if the date is., different. ,,~. _:, Thank you very much: I will "let you know if circumstances K ~~permit~ us to ~ withdraw "'ou`r request ~ ~ ' =~ ~~` ~ °~ ~- NEW HAN®VER C®UNTY - INTER-®FFICE , ~ :~ : ~ ... ~ ~. ~ ~ . . l Ii ~.l Ii O ~~ `'ter •~ :~ ;~_: ~ ~s~, ;..k~.. ~~ ~~s',~~~ . .. ~>.~• ~ ~ , ' . TO:. Board of County Commissioners ' ~ ~ ~`.~ ~`"„~. " ~ p FROM: Dexter Hayes, Planning Director ~ ~ . . , .. , DATE: May 10, 1995 . ; .' -: .._ . ._ , wh11N1STKATIVE ~:rF1C:1: ,. _ , ~, ,NEW HANOVER CO.. - }tE• New Hanover County's Role in the~Northern Otter Loop , History° ' - -Pro'ect on inated in 1972 with a Wilm~n on Transportation.Study. _ .. J g ~. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Revived in 1990 when funding began for planning and environmental studies _: ' ~~ -Gov. Hunt accelerated project in 1994, calling for completion by 2001 (U.S. 421 ., ~. .. - , $m ) ~ ._ Public -Citizens information workshops and smaller group meetings: ,,' ~ ~ Involvcmcnt :.Leland Middle. School - ~. ~ : - Nov. 29 1990 "'- `~-- ~ ~- ,. , . :. Trask Middle School . :: ., ,; ,~ , -March 27; -1991 t~ .: D - _ St. James A.M.E. Church, Castle Hayne -April 11, 1991. .. - New Hanover County Courthouse . -May 7, 1991 ~ . . ~, Laney High School'• ~ ~ -June 23, 1994 ~ „; . ~: .. ~ . , Y ... ... :. . OtI'icial -Endorsement of southern alternative as the preferred -July 1.3, 1994 • . 'Actions route by theTransportation Advisory Committee , =Endorsement by .the County Commissioners- , ~ -Sept. 6, 1994 ~ ' " . _ ~., Q -A public hearing was held at Laney High School on Apri125, 1995 ~to review the Draft ~ ' " ' Environmental Impact Statement and' to receive comments on the two proposed routes. Further Actions should proceed as follows ~.~~, k: _ • .. ¢• ~.~ a . - .... .._. . ... . ...... F_ a ,,a :Select alternative .- Summer 1995 , Complete Final EIS -Winter 1995/96 . . Complete preliminanary design ,. _ , ~ •K . -- °:, and hold Public Hearing'' "= :Sprin~T 1996 ' ~ .~ . '' `Begin right-of-way acquisition ~ -Spring 1996 "' `~~ ` ~` . ~ Begin.construction" - ` ` • ~ ., . -Fall 1998. • ` ~' ~'~ ' '° '. - _ ^i Y •d i'. _ Enc. ~ ' . ' cc: /Dave Weaver .. ' , . , Allen O'Neal 5 I . - Scott Lan° ,, e _ w A - . .. ... - r- . z~ a ...~ .+ ~. ... .. }:~ S5 ALTERNATTV'ES CONSIDERED ~ ~~ y . ~ Initial studies identified 36 preliminary bu' • ~ ~` ~ .: ~. ~~ °~ ~ ~ old alternatives.. A screecun evaluation was conducted'on~ .~., the 36 alternatives in order to identify those alignments to be Gamed forward in the study. Multi- `~ ': modal and Transportation System Management alternatives were also considered.' These .alternatives :°r::; are discussed in more detail in Sections 2.1.1; 2.1.2, and 2.1.3. ~. . , Ultimately, two corridors, designated the Southern and NorthernN,Alternatives, were selected as . ~~ reasonable; and. feasible build alternatives. These two .build .alternatives and the No-Build Alternative . ~ ._ `are evaluated in this Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), xhibit S-1 shows the two build. alternative ~ ,. ~ , .., . ~ _ :. , - ~~. Based on early coordination and the results, of environmental studies; the NCDOT has identified the Southern Alternative as the Preferred Alternative -,(NCDOT, personal. communication, 19946). ~. , ~ . However;. in accordance with FHWA guidelines, the "final selection of an alternative will not be made until the alternatives' impacts and comments on the draft EIS and from'the public hearing have been fully evaluated" (FHWA, 1987:16). 4 .. The Southern Alternative would more effectively fulfill.the purpose ofthe'project, which is to`provide more efficient access for. through-traffic! traveling past the' City of Wilmington. The Southern Alternative is the shortest path for US-17 through-traffic and, when modeled, results indicate that 100 percent of these through trips would use thi's alternative"`(NCDOT, personal ,communication, 19946). The Southern Alternative 'also has the gfficial support of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Town of Leland ix The natural resources, including.wetlands, which Ywould be impacted by,ihe.Northern Alternative are ofgenerally higher quality than those within:the Southern Alternative since they are less disturbed and less fragmented. -.,The natural communities within'the Southern ,Alternative'are: separated by areas of ` development, particularly.in the~Wrightsboro area. Along the Northern 'Alternative, the'areas of natural communities are larger and more contiguous. The Northern Alternative would also impact . - avirgin, old-growth forest area (NC Department of Environment, Health; and Natural Resources' ' [DEHNRJ, personal communication, 1994x). The Southern Alternative traverses less linear feet of The Southern Alternative would have the least impact to'archaeological resources The Northern Alternative includes four prehistoric sites:assessed as potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and recommended for testing if impacted. The Northern Alternative ~is also 1.6 miles longer. . .. . . 4N'1 xt, ~ S-4 1:3 BACKGROUND 1.3.Z Project Setting ~ ~ o~. The location.of the project in relation to the state of North Carolina is res ` pr°lect ~dY lea, shown in Exhibit 1.2, is located in New Hanover Countynon the sou hea ~ 1. The of North Carolina. The study area boundaries are I-40 to the ~ st coast Cape Fear River to the north, and'North Kerr Avenue'and NC 1325 o th to the west, the Northeast . . ~ e south. Due to its location on a coastal plain, the topography of the studarea is fla . features are the Northeast Cape Fear River and its associated t• The dominant natural . Details of these natural features are presented: in Section 3.3 _ E~ °odplains -and wetland systems. . ~ ng Natural Environment. _ - ':The community of Wrightsboro is within the `southern ortion o ' ` w~8'tOn• d,rectly south of the study area, is the major urban centerf the. study area, The City of . also for adjacent Brunswick County. The City is home to the state's Jarfor New Hanover County, and by a major regional airport offering international flights.° The coast gest seaport .and is also served strong tourism industry. Additional details re ardin s n~Y and. the region has a .: are presented in Sections 1.3.3 and 3.1.1, g . g Population and the economy of the study area. - 1.3.2. ` I3istory of the Wilmington B ~ ass .,. i4,,, YP E ~. ti ti y The 1972 Wilmington Transportation Study (W'dbur Smith and As ~' to identify the need for a circumferential freeway around. the Ci ofw15;1972) was the first study, of this recommended loop extended from US 17 in Brunswick Coun r?ungton. The northern half 17 in New Hanover County, west of Wilmington, and was designated a ~~ east of Wilmington' to US - . . .: ... . a our lane drvided freeway, . In the 1985 update of the Wilmington Transportation Study, a number of char e 'recommended northern outer loop corridor: Notably, the corridor was shined g s were made to the ..~ _~ account the extension ofI-40 northward to take rnto . (NCDOT, 1986:Figure 9).. In addition, the recommended size of the , outer loop was downgraded from afour-lane freeway to a four-lane ex resswa thoroughfare plan was established. for adjacent Brunswick Coun p y and a separate t3' (NCDOT, 1986:59).. Following adoption of the 1985 Wilmington Transportation' Stu ~ . ~~.?~ ^ .-~ Metropolitan Planning Organization dY. the Wilmington Urban Area :.,: . (MPO) requested that the'northern outer loop project be added ~~,.;. to the NCDOT's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). In November .198 outer~loop project was~added as a four-lane freeway to the 1990-1996 T 9, the northern .. Bypass, and included as part of the US 1~7 Intrastate System; ~ ~ ~ ~ g'~ .renamed the Wilmington _, ~ ; . 7 1-3 It ' ~' ~ ~ . Q - _ ._ ~ .~ .. . ` :; The 1990-1996 TIP also identified funding in fiscal year 1990 for a planning and environmental impact study of the Wilmington Bypass. ,These studies were begun in August, 1990, for a roadway • ~ extending west and south from I-40 to USA 17 in Brunswick County.; ,This roadway segment was identified as TIP Project Number R-2633 (Wilmington Bypass). s' ~ . In 1994, Governor Hunt's Transporlalion 2001 plan (NCDOT; 1994x) recognized the immediate -: need to relieve 'traffic congestion in downtown Wilmington .and. accelerated the schedule of improvements to the `segment of the Wilmington Bypass which-extends from US 421: to;I-40. The ~• new schedule for completion ~of this segment; is by 2001. The other segment of the bypass, from US 17 to US 421, is still planned in the TIP, butis scheduled for completion°at a,later date. Since only ` ~ ~ the ro ect 2633 has been'divided into two accelerated art ofthe b ass construction has been ~ sections;:R-2633A/B'(US'17 to US 421) and R-2633C (US 421 to I-40),(NCDQT 1994b): The k=. segment from US ~1~7 to US 421 (R-2633A/B) was not, accelerated since US 421 and US 17 on the 4 west side of Wilmington are expected to be able, to carry projected traffic for several years`before ~; ;. congestion becomes as critical as.it ~s in;downtown Wilmington. ~,•,_ :, : _ ~~~ - In order to accomplish "the revised schedule, the NCDOT, in, consultation F with the FI-iWA; . deterrruned that two separate Environmental Impact Statements (EI5s) .should;.be prepared (NCDOT; ~"~ 1994b). This EIS' addresses`the accelerated segment of the Wilmington Bypass project, ~R=2633C (US 421 to I-40). Although additional studies are under way to complete other. connecting portions of the US ~ 17 Intrastate Comdor (ZTP Projects R-2633AlB and R-2405),*the project's termini at US 421 and I-40 _ are logical endpoints. This proposed segment of-the Wilmington~Bypass (R2633C),4from~US 421 ~- to I-40, would have independent utility. and rts construction would be a. reasonable expenditure ofy ". funds,' even if no other improvements are made. The proposed project:is of sufficient length to+allow for evaluation of environmental. issues on a broad basis~and it does not restrict consideration of other alternatives: Based on previousM1 studies (Greiner,, Inc., 1991b), it does not appear that the existing ' environmental conditions directly.west of US 421 would,preclude future extension of ~ the Wilmington ...r . Bypassoadway (TIP 2633A/B) from the termunus of either-build alternative proposed for project R-26330. } `a ; ; s ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ _~ ~~ „~ ~ ~~ x LL .. ,. ~ L ., t..~ A 3 tl• . ... - .: Y #-4 ~ ,.. .. ». Al-j' °; r ~ . , 4. .. 1.3.3 Social. and Ec`onomic~Development ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ i ~:: ~ ~. The New Hanover CountyLW'ilmungton area rs a•dynarnic, growing regron of the'state. Between'1980 and 1990, the pop'ulation~ fo'r New Hanover- County grew .16.2 percent,;from 103,471 to•120,284 ~ ., ,. .. , ~: (North Carolina Office of State`Plaiuiing, .1994). ~ It is estimated that by the year:2015,° New Hanover 4 ar L line. ffice ofMState Plannin 1994.. ' ~ . County s population will be 156,237 (North C o O g, ) _).~:J 8 ~ ~' • • {r~~, • 1 1-4 ~-- t ;. O a: U n N K a F J N N Q m d~ Z O Z J 3 n Q Q U O 0 z 10 ~. 4e z ~ . i ~ d! ~/ a o ~ l W V ~~ ~ W ~ ` J G ~ = 2 V C a ~ _ ,~~ N~ _ ~ O'. F' ~ ~ W W ' y FF' ~ ai ~ ~- ~ ~ } < `< Q -~ o ~ ~ ~ t ' a ~ , y t _ U o 1 r..V u U ~ `jt ~L~, t ~® rQ ~ ~~ ~.. _ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ - ~a Y x, I .1 W ~#, .. _.. s :, 1 ~ ~ 1 '1~ ~ ~ _ • N p w '`^ ~• ,N.. E7, P i. e~,-C.~ jfw•rt"+++ . ~ o c s. u « ` ~ ~ v o ~ 1 ~ W N aC U ~j < j ` ~ Jll .r o i ~ a 4 a Q~ w 0 ~~ ~ ~ O W X, .7 < a ^ ~ « p " Q ~ r a ~' 8 .. ~ O r i o .n ° ~ o .. • SZ _ .. ~ o _ o ~ . g ~ o ~ ~ r •' R ~ pWf y ~ J < w N ~ N O N'. . ~ w a ~ w ~ ~pwy o 3 a ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ € h N y 6 s vC " ; z z i a F- z m rs ~' Y w V C ~" y ~ z~ ~ ~ . w c v i z < ~ 7 A s No. 6,- MARCH _ 1 995 ' ._ .. - -~ WILMINGTON BYPASS - NEWSLETTER ` ~ ~ TIP R-2633C - ` Pubflshed by the North Carolina Department ojTiansporradon PROJECT ~JPDATE r L The Wilmington Bypass Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) is now available for . public review. The proposed bypass extends -from US 42T to I-40, around the north side of . the city of Wilmington. The DEIS describes the purpose and need for the bypass, the existing environmental conditions in the study area, and the environmental impacts of the two ~ ' proposed build alternatives and a No-Build alternative. .. ~ • Since the last newsletter in June, 1994, the ` Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) ` Project Number has changed. The section of the Wilmington Bypass from US 421 to I-40 was previously referred to as TIP No. R- 2633B. This section 'of the bypass is now identified as TIP No. R-2633C. -` The DEIS can be viewed at the following locations: • New Hanover County Library ' 201 Chestnut Street ~ • ' Wilmington, NC • (910)-341-4390 - • • NC Dept. of Transportation - .3rd Division Office ` ' 124 Division Drive •• Wilmington; NC -: ' ~ _~ (910)=251-5724 • US Army Corps of Engineers •' Regulatory Branch Wilmington Field Office ` 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC - (910)-251-4511. ' Comments regard Ong the DEIS can be mailed to: - Mr.~~H. Franklin Vick, P.E. :'~ . Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch NCDOT PO Box 25201 _ Raleigh, NC 27611 ~ ~ ` a , . ._ _. • Comments can also be given verbally at the Public Hearing on Apri125 (see next section). • ~ The public comment period on the DEIS will ' ' ~ end May 10, 1995. ~ . ' ~ • _. ~'WORKSHOP/HEARYNG. ~~ ; A Citizens Pre-Hearing Workshop is scheduled from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m, on April25, 1995. A Public Hearing will follow' the °; workshop ~ .beginning at 7:30 p.m. The workshop acid hearing will be held at the Emsley Laney High School, College Road, Wilmington (North of North Kerr Road)... ~~ The purpose of the Pre-Hearing Workshop is ~. ' to provide an opportunity for interested people to inspect project maps and graphics and to =` ~ discuss the pr'bject one-on-one with project ;'team members from the NC Department of Transportation and Greiner, Inc. ~' ,; The purpose of the Public Hearing is to record . comments regarding the proposed action. The _ project study team will make a formal presentatSon about the project. The remainder of the hearing will be devoted to recordi t e public's comments. ~;~~ No. 6 • MARCH 1995 WILMINGTON BYPASS NEWSLETTER •' •'11P R-2633C •~ce 2 A speaker sign-up sheet will be provided prior to the hearing. Everyone is welcome to speak at the Public Hearing. • WHAT COMES NEXT? After the public comment period ends, all comments received by mail and recorded'at the public hearing will be compiled. These comments, comments on the DEIS, and design data will be taken into consideration during selection of the bypass alternative.. ~ ~ ' Once an alternative is selected, the Preliminary • Design of the roadway will be developed. This includes, creating a 300-foot wide (minimum) alignment within the 1,000-foot wide .study : corridor. The alignment will be chosen ~to minimize environmental impacts as much as possible, while taking into ~ consideration ' engineering constraints. ~ ~ ' ' The Final Environmental Impact St~tPmPnt • ~ will be 'prepared based on 'the roadway alignment and more detailed environmental information gathered regarding the specific alignment. ~ A Design Public Hearing will be held to present the preliminary engineering design and to ,solicit comments .from the public. Final Design of the roadway will take into account comments received during, public ' review of the Preliminary Design. Right-of- way acquisition isscheduled to begin in the spring of 1987., Construction is anticipated to begin ~in the fall of 19981 and be completed by the fall of 2001.• PROJECT IMPACTS ~,~: ' . They tabie on the next page provides a sur,i,-nary- of tiic,cii~iiviiriiciiidl Il1lNauis ui iIIC two proposed build alternatives (Southern Alternative and Northern Alternative). The adjacent figure shows the relative locations of the two corridors. The DEIS provides more detailed information regarding the impacts listed in the proceeding table, as well as discussions of other impacts which could not be numerically ,quantified; such as visual impacts, impacts to community cohesion, water quality effects, and consistency with local and regional planning documents. Please review .the DEIS for information regarding these issues. :~ .~ ' . • ; r,~,~.:. r t ... .. ~. . ~.. -: ..., -,.- .: ~ .... ..y ;mot, ~-,-. • - .• • .. ~, r. . • w v . SF - .a ... _ . PURPOSE OF PROJECT The Wilmington Bypass wil'1 improve access around the City of,~ °'~ .• , Wilmington. The project ;also has local importance as, a means of-• relieving traffic congestion in downtown Wilmington by separating local traffic from through traffic. :.- ~~. ~~ ;° - ~•~ PURPOSE OF PUBLIC.< HEARINGS ' . ~. Tonight's hearing is one 'step in the Department of m Transportation's procedure for making ,you, the:p.hblic, apart of the planning process. 'The Department ;of Transportation is soliciting your views on the design "for the construction of the Wilmington Bypass - .. from x I-40 to US 421: ~ _ r~ , r . _ .., , • -. 'YOUR PARTICIPATION '- .Now that the opportunity is here you are urged to participate by (~ making your. comments and/or questions apart of the Official ~ L Public Hearing, Transcript. ~~-;This ~, may~•be .done. by ~ having them recorded tonight,' ° ~writing~ th'em`• on~ the ~ comment sheet and leaving it in the designated location or by submitting them in writing during , the 15 ' days following the public meeting. Those wishin to submit written material ma do so to: a `Mr. C. B..Goode, Jr.~, P. E. Public•Hearing Officer Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 . .Raleigh, NC 27611- Everyone present is ~~urgedC'to participate:~in. the. ~picoceedings : It is important, however, that THE OPINIONS OF ALL INDIVIDUALS BE RESPECTED REGARDLESS OF HOW DIVERGENT. THEY HAY BE FROH YOUR OWN. Acco=dangly; debates, as such, are out'of place at public hearings. Also, the public meeting is not to be .used as a POPULAR_ REFERENDUM to determine the~alignment,and design by a majority ., -~ ~ ~ , vote of those` present. '~ ~ ~ -~ '> F= ' • WHAT!IS DONE WITH THE INPUT? All input received through the• public involvement process will be made available for_ review' ,and consideration by .,the ,Administrative and Engineering ~st`affs~"of ~th~e Division of Highwaysprior to final : • decisions,' being made. . ' ` Y .. . ,, - - ~, • STATEVFEDERAL RELATIONSHIP ~. ~~ . 1 ~4 - This is a proposed Federal-aid Highway Project and will be - - ..• -f. n S • " MS v : ~ , ~ .r a ... t .... ..,. n r.o .. .... .. r constructed-under the Federal-aid Highway Program. Funding for this project will be 80$ from~Federal-funds and 20$ from State funds. The Board of Transportation is responsible for the selection,. scheduling, location, design,..and construction of the project.,., The Board .is responsible for 100$ of the maintenance of ' the roadway after it is built. The Federal~Highway Administration is responsible for. the review and approval of the previously , mentioned activities to ensure that the project is designed and,,,;w constructed to'Federal-aid stanflards. ~ . ... , . s.. _ ... ..,:. - , ..PROJECT HISTORY - , -.... , : . a w.. ~ .... ,~,:.~ ~. ;: ~ _, The need •for a freeway `loop around Wilming"ton was .first 'identified in-.the 1972 Wilmington Transportation Study`.. This study was ~ ~ '~ updated in 1985. In 1989., the project was added to the Department " `of Transportation's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as ~ ` .the Wilmington .Bypass to eventually link-US. 17 north of Wilmington= and US 17,.south of .Wilmington. -This project was included in the - Intrastate Highway System adopted-by the General Assembly-in 1989: Environmental studies were begun for this project in "August,~1990.~' The project was broken into_several parts, one of which is the„a project presented tonight. This portion is apart of the _~~' i Governor'..s.Transportation 2001 plan, and,.as.such, is scheduled1to be -completed in 2001.. ~ ,,,_ , ~: ,. ri y~... _..._ ' Public Information Workshops were held on November 29„, 1990, March`' 27, 1991, and on June 23, 1994 to allow public input into the ~ ' planning of.this project... Tonight's .public hearing is an -•• -r-•~- ~•~ ~~ -opportunity for formal public comments to be submitted regarding '-' the selection of..a corridor for this-project. After the corridor is officially chosen, preliminary. designs will begin~to place .a, roadway within the corridor. "When complete, this will be ~~ ... , presented to the public at- a design .public. hearing next year...,~It ,~-. , should be noted that the corridors shown ,on the hearing map are 1000 ft. or more .,wide. The actual ~ right of way for the roadway- ' l will be approximately 300 ft. wide. The roadway will. be design to"'; impact the natural and human environment as much as possible. ,; Thee •extra corridor width allows flexibility to do,this. Though .your _; property. may„be shown- within the corridor, i.t may not,;be affected by the final~project.~`+ .. . _._.. . _ . . ..... , ~ ., .~ ...... , ,._.......,._ ,.w. . , . _ _.... , ~., _ u w Y ._ ~ ~..N„v . ~~ ''TENTATIVE~SCHEDULE- '• ~~ z ° Part CA From US 421 to northeast°of Cape Fear River ''Begin "Ri"ght'~of Way Acquisition - January,, 1997 ~, ~ Let_ for Contract ..~ . , ~ ~ , -..January 1999 .' :. } -~ "~ .- , y ~, ... ~ .. , .. ,Part, CB -~~~From northeast of Cape Fear River to NC 132 :~:, ~; _ `• -, Begin .Right of Way Acquisition - June;~1997 ,..Let .to Contract....a ., ,:.. ..; ~-.,._ .June, • 1999 Part CC~ - From NC 132 to .I-40 = .~a .:<_ ~. .._- ~°.=~Begin -Right•~of Way Acquisition =°"AUgust~ 199:6 ~ ~,~ `.. ~j. r:~-~` . z ' Let' to Contract - ~ °` ,..__, .. .. _~ _. ...August 1998 tt 1 5 r , ,. .. .. ..... .. s. •r ., .... " ' • SUMMARY OF IMPACTS ' - . ... , ~. ~~ ~~FACTORS.= ~ .. t ' SOUTHERN{PREFERRED)' :ALTERNATIVE NORTHERN ALTERNATIVE .. Lrngth (miles) ~ - 7.8 ~ . 9.4 .. ~ , Number oflnterchanges .. 3 ` ' ' " „., ~ ~ 3, ~ . Number of railroad crossings ' 1 ~ l Construction Costs • S80,530,160 a ~ 591,839,200 Right-of--Way Costs. ~ > - i ~~ y • • • 521,225,000 -; . - .. • ,.. S9,350,000 TotalCosu ~• , .r,, 5101,755,(60 ''' ~~' ~ , . S10_1,189,200 ~ ' Residcnlial Relocations ~ • ° ~ ~ 58 - 11 ° ~` .. Business Relocations' : ~~ `.: - . ...:•' ~ :., , :.. ' 20 ` ` ~ <,. _ `, ` .1 ., . ., . .._ . •. . Schools Impacted .at 0 - ~ r •~ 0 Parks Impacted :.' ' ... ' .. _ 0 ~ . : ,' 0. Churches Impacted . ~ 0 0 ~ _•,,~~ _ •- Cemeteries Impacted • ~ ,.0 , ~ - ~ ~ • 0 ~ , , . , Electric Power Lines Crossed ' ~ 4 '~ ' " 3 ' ' :" • ~ S ' Gas Lines Crossed _ ., ., 2 • n :. -^ . _ 0 ~` ~- ... Water Lincs,Crosscd 2 ' '' 0~ ' ` Prehistoric Sites Impacted . - ,` ~ ..,~ 0 , '1~1 - .. National-Register~Dtstricts Impacted ~~. ~-• I ~~`" ~° 0 ~ -- ~~ ,, ,. . _. . ' "~ _ ~ . 0 , ,... , , .Stream Crossings ~ . , ~ ... . , 2 ~ i ... 3 ;~~; :~ Navigable Waterway Crossings _ 1 ~ , ~. .. ~ ~ ~~ .. 1 s .. "` _ ~. ~~.~ • :Agricultural Land (estimated acres) ` "` ~ 91 ~ ~ ~ # ' ~ ~ , ~ 129 ,; ~ ~ x •-s ;~ Prime and Unique Farmland (acres) 117 ' 119. _` Hazardous Materials Sites In or Near Corridors .. _..... .. .G ~ '~1 S ~ :. 3 ~ , . , ,,: , ,. :~ , .:.. ~ ' •`a' ,... .. - ~ 8 ~ ._ . ~ . "' " ~ ~ 1 Sensitive Areas Impacted by Noise ""' ", wtl;, ~ - ' `: " .,'I4' `:`" ,... 3 Number of Exceedances of Carbone' .Monoxide Ambient Standards '.` ~` • - t • - ~ ~ ~ 0 :' `'. ' ~ -- . s... ~ r~`~ ~" ~ _ _ '•' ~ `~ ~ _ '~ -' 0 ` ` f N - Upland Natural System (acres) ~ - .: S8 .-~; '° ~~ 103 "" ~- ' ~`_ W 7 Natural Sy3tems n(acres) ` , ` ' 178 `• ~~ ~ " , ~ -199k~~ Floodplains (linear feet) - 8,000 13,500. - o/ - FACTORS CONSIDERED IN ALTERNATIVES SCREENING EVALUATION a FAC'TOIt MEASUREMENT ' Length. - •• Miles Interchanges Number within condor Business Relocations Number within 500 feet of ccnterline Residential Relocations Number within 500 feet of centerline Stream Crossings Number within condor Navigable River Crossings Number within condor Railroad Crossings Number within corridor Power Line Crossings ; Number within corridor Gas Line Crossings Number within condor . Schools ~ Number within 1,000 feet of centcrline Nursing Homes ' ' ' Number within 1,000 feet of centerline ' Parks/Recreations Sites Number within 1,000 feet of centerline Churches Number within 1,000 feet of centerline Cemeteries Number within 1,000 feet of centerline Wetlands Acres Floodplains ,.. Linear feet within condor Recorded Protected Species Sitcs Number within condor Gamcland Crossings ' : Number within 500 feet of ccnterline National Historic Register Sites .Number within 1,000 feet of centerline Local Archaeological and Historic Sitcs Number within condor Hazardous Materials Sites . Ntunbec within 1,000 feet of centerline .~. .... '. .. . - _. .. ., . - . _ _^ . . ~. . - . 4 '... ~ .~ .. ~. ~.. .Tl:is page intentionr~!!y lejl blank . .. ' .. _ _ ~ . _ ~ . ~ .. . ... . ~ t~ ~} `- t ' .~ .2 . - 1 4, A} '~.. M xr t4 •t 1.. Yf ~ j i - .. ... ._.. ,..... .. F ._ e.., _ .,... _ - _ ... ~ .. . _ ... ~ 4 v,~ 't, ~~' f ~ 6A ( 2 t i 4: • .. . _. . .• . .. - ~ • ~ .. . _ ~ _ 1 1 1 1 1 . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 07/05/95 Zegular Item #: 2 - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Health Department _ 'Presenter: Robert Parker ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUi3.TECT: Animal Control supervision on the northern end of Wrightsville Beach I3RiCF SUMMARY: .There is a desire to have the Town of Wrightsville Beach enforce animal control laws on the northern end of Wrightsville Beach on behalf of the County. The County Atfiorney's office has worked with the Town's . attorney to develop necessary ordinance changes and an interlocal agreement to implement this policy. The .Health Department~is in agreement with this contractual arrangement. As part of the agreement the County . will reimburse the Town $1,200 annually for their additional incurred expenses. Note the- indemnity clause in the interlocal agreement. Town desires County to assume liability:of Town's employees... ,_ ~ - r .a ,~ .. RECOMMT;NDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the ordinance- changes and interlocal agreement. Authorize the Chairman to sign the interlocal agreement. _ ._. . ~ _ .. FUNDING SOURCE: rcdcral $: _ State S: ~ , _ County S: 1,200 User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is 1n Current Budget: ,yes Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: no Budget Amendment Prepared: no - , RCViEWED BY: ~~ LGL:, APP FIN:. APP BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ~ -~ ~: , ~':,° . _ .. Consider request and if cceptable.approve ordinance change and inter- local agreement with the Town of Wrightsville Beach. ~ r?.e~'ec~td~t~lo_Se~too~d~.., . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~a~~ - 1~5~as~ 19 . . .. . ~ ..~ . RcRr to Otlice V'uion F3ulletin Board for Disposition ordain that Chapter 3, Animals and Fowl, New Hanover County Code is hereby amended as .follows: For al_l that portion-of unincorporated New Hanover County~situated on the Wrightsville '. Beach island,'.lying generally north of'the Townof'Wcighfsville Beach, the Animal Control ~: ~~=''-• . " _ ' Ocdinarices•Rules, and Regulations of the Town of Wrightsville Beach to include but not"be ~ ,.-. limited o those ordinances set forth•iri Chapter:91'of the Code of the Town of Wrightsville ~~ ~ ~ Beach, North Carolina ,shall apply and be in full force and effect. For only the above designated portion of New Hanover County, any previously enacted New Hanover County Animal Control Ordinance, Rules, or Regulations aze hereby repealed, being replaced with those Animal Control Ordinances, Rules, and Regulations of the Town of Wrightsville Beach described above. ~ .. ~. .i . ~ - ADOPTED this. day of ~ ~ , 1995 NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] .. _... .. ... .:~ .. ... _ .. . ,~. . • ~ ~ - • Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~ . " Board of Commissioners lJ ; ,, 4.} - ., , • AT'T'EST: . ,, . .. _ _ .w....£„,~ „.. ..__ _ ..a _ ....~ .. , - ,..~ ... _ ~.. ~ .. _. ,.._ ti, _... _. __ ,_, ._ , . , . .. . _ ~ r .. ___~. _ ~. .... ... ~. - ~ Cl k t th B d ~ . '; z ~s ~ ~ _~ ~ ~ er o e _.. ... oar : ., ` . _ lJ J ~ ~ u v yr 5 i }I ~„ - ft ~ ~ t ~ b-, ~: ~~,- 4 ..~ . rl~ ~ 2 O ~ + .fi ~ ~ .% ~.s-~.~ zW~~-c.;~* tea, n-ryu..f~i a. T.~ _~. ,, ,. r i " ~.... ~ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY -. ".:;. . HEALTH ..DEPARTMENT- ~ . ' ~ 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET ~ ~ " "WII.MINGTON, NOR'T,FI Cr'~OLINA 28401-4946 TF.LFPHONE (91.0) 343-6500 Fd,Y (910) 341-146 ..ROBERT B. PARKER Health Dircctot LYNDA F. S1N1Tli ~~ ~' ~ " ® . Assistant Health Director ' ~' ~ ... . kPR 2 7 1495 ' .MEMORANDUM ~ ~. -, .... ~ . . , .. . . ~ All1ti11N1~1'1tATiVE OFFICE v TO:' Robert G. Greer, .Jr. , Chairman NEW H~py~ CO. _- New Hanover County Commissioners ;, ~ FROM: Spiro J. Macris, Chairman ~~~ ' New Hanover. Count. Board of~~h - _ .. Y ._ . _ DATS• ,~` •April 26, 1995 _v_ ... .. ~.. ~ SUHJBCT: Animal, ~ Control -Northern End of . Wrightsville .Beach . ~- ~. .... . . At our meeting~on Apri1.5,' 1995,-the following motion.:was passed by the New Hanover .County Board of ,Health : ~ - ~ ., r ~ - _ -- Dr. Ed Paul moved ° for ..the. Board of Health torequest . that the NeW Hanover County Commissioners discuss with~:.a _. the. Wrightsville Beach Alderman the feasibility -of ~-~ Wrightsville~Beach Animal Control assuming .the Animal Control enforcement .for -this area- (.northern end of ~;. : , Wrightsville Beach) under•~their extraterritorial• jurisdiction control. Upon vote, the MOTIOti CARRIED. ~. ,. - .:; - On behalf of 'the Board of Aealth,~ I am .asking you to , ,take .this action. ~ - .. .. , . .' The 'northern end. of Wrightsville .Beach. has .,problems concerning Animal Control. . If Wrightsville -Beach ,officials will ,~ extend their. ,authority . to ~ this area of ;the ..beach, it would ,help :New Hanover County's efforts with 'Animal Control. ~ - ~~ ' .sY~ a, , ., • • ~ .. . ~ .. ...z .: Y ) - .... a= - .- ~ _,~ ' r'c:' New Hanover~County~Board~of Health ~~~ ' ~~ .y ,_ >~. o.. Donna Neal, Chairman, New Hanover County Animal Control _,~ ...Advisory;.,Committee .: .~. .: .;, s ; .~ ~ ~ ; .. ; : ., . ~ .. Robert S. (Bob) Parker, Health Director ., Ron Currie, An1.ma1 Control Director V ._ w ;1 ~~~~ ~ }..~ ~ ~ r .. ~ . - .. ~ . M _ . _..A^ ,:. ~ ~ . ~ ~ . v t fix. z. ~ ~ 21 ~ ~ ~ ~Y~ out ~eaCE~i -- C~u~ ~ZL02LEy . TOV~JN ~OF. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ~• 'MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE P.O.. BOX 626 :~ • ~ :WRIGMTSVILLE :BEACH,: ~N.C. - 28480 910-256'-7900` ~ ~~• ~ • May 31, 1995 p,;~ ~ r, m Mr' ~ Allen O' Neal "- ~M:~ ;~~ ~~ County Manager New Hanover County ~'~S • 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 ~~~ ~ ..W `r Wilmington, NCB 28401 . - pDhi1N15TlcA~11VB UrF1GE' - ,. . ~ ~~ _. ' -NEW HANOVER CO. Dear Allen: In accordance with the 'verbal 'request made of me by .the New Hanover County Commissioners during their meeting,of.May 1,.19,95, I relayed to the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen the County's desire to have the Town enforce .animal control regulations in the unincorporated portion of Shell•~Islarid.`~After=approp'riate consideration, the~Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen agreed~.to provide 'the service in accordance with the Commissioners' request .'ry< <-`There . are', however', -~ some ~ s'tipulatons under which the, Town agrees to .unde.rtake:~~this , respons-ibilty:°' ~'~°~' °-~ First;` "and foremost'theCounty will``need to• adopt animal control regulations ~ fore this•• ~a~rea 'that, are' identical ~ to those that the' Town already enforces within its-own•jurisdicton - I~have enclosed a copy of our regulations :for your review. Our attorney, Mr.~'John•Wessell, has already ,spoken-with Kemp`Burpeau'of the County's legal"department about this matter. They 'have coricurred•~ that there is no logistical barrier to amending the"County regulatons~in~order to meet this-stipulation. The regulations could then be enforced through a very- simple interlocal .. .. ,: ...~, agreement .-M' , . ., _ .. . Second, the Town. would need to- be. reimbursed for the costs associated with providing 'this'-service ~•' We, cannot, ~'at ,this. time, determine • `those ` costs ~ ~== We 'b'elieve; `~ ''•however; • ~ that `'`once 'the new regulations are in place and'everyone has•had the opportunity to;~°become accustomed to those regulations';' our'~Anmal - Control'~•Officer-will be required to spend (on average). three to five percent ofµ her time • enforcing animal control regulations in this area. Consequently'`we are proposing that the County's reimbursement to the Town be based upon five percent of the'Town's annualzed''compensaton cost's`for'~'ths employee. That comes-~to a •total:~ of $1~200~=per=year.'`-~=`The''.Town`''will'`'assume all other costs associated with~the provision of ths~service Third, we are somewhat'~:concerned!"aabout ~-the' additJonal~` liability that the Town will be incurring ~ in extending animal control services into this area. In order to address„this issue, we are requesting that th unty agree to assume all costs associated with the defense of any leg~~.claims or liabilities that are incurred. as a result of our enforcement of animal control regulations in the unincorporated portion of the County. ®Recycied ~ .- .. " - Letter ~ ~ - = Mr. Allen O'Neal ~_ ~ -" v ' May 31, 1995 ~ .. ". "Page 2 { ., ,, .. , - , . ~. . _ .. Finally, we -are. asking that the County provide appropriate , " notification (through the posting of signs.) to persons in the area in which the regulations are'in effect: The enforcement"of Town developed ..regulations in this area is going to be a~dramatic.departure from the . existing practice and animal owners visiting the area on an occasional basis will need dome sort of notification ofi the. change. ; Ms . Donna Neal and Mr. Ron Currie were in attendance at the meeting . 1 during which -the -Wrightsville Beach' Board of .Aldermen discussed this matter.- Mr. Currie stated. that, when and if. we were able to effect this "'change, .he would be glad to have one of the County's-,Animal Control Officers come over and work with our personnel for a few days to assist us~in_.our efforts to enforce these changes. We would like to thank Mr. .. .Currie for his offer~of assistance and~:avail. ourselves of .that assistance..,should the two governing boards` arrive ~at a °suitable ~. - ~ . . enforcement vehicle. ~ ~, - ~~ '- -. ,; '" ~' ,. During our Board of ~ Aldermen meeting, . Ms . .Neal .suggested that a committee of •Town -and County personnel be formed to work out the details of this issue. The•Board of Aldermen agreed and-asked that you and I . :work-in conjunction with our. respective legal staff members to develop a framework for this .cooperative venture. I shall make myself-available ~' at convenient times to meet on this matter. If you,. or a designated member .of your staff, feel as though a meeting,_ or meetings, is/are appropriate,~please contact me at your earliest convenience so that we might develop'a schedule. If, however, we can work this matter out via written communication, then I am equally .prepared to do~so: ~..; We await a response from you with regard to this correspondence. ~If.you should have any,. questions,~please contact me. As"you well know, -Ms. Neal and other: persons associated-with. animal control:effort~s iri this .County are quite anxious to resolve :this issue.. I would like to move'' ahead ~ as °quickly as possible _. so .that we might ,address their ,. concerns h ~ .. _... ... ~ ~ - . ~ , .: ' •. .. ~ _ ~. ~ i, _. . _ ~ _. : a.< Sincerely, .;, ~~ .. :r .. _ ... .~-.;..,. .. a. ... .. w ..., _, .... y ,. ~ ~ ;.. ,.. . . r,..y ..: ~ :.Anthon Caudle ~.... - _ . ,. ,. _ _ , Tow anager . - .. ~. ~ ~ . Enclosure . u ` ~ • -:23 ~~ c.c : - ~ Mr: ' Johri $~C. Wessell ~~ III ,. a. - ~ 'T 5 CAAPTER 91: ANIMALS Section General Provisions 91.01 .Purpose 91.02 Definitions Control of .boas and other Animals. 91.10 Bird sanctuary .. ..:_ 91. 11 Dogs running at large prohibited y ;..91..12 Doqs ,and .other animals " "'w' prohibited on beach at certain ' < '- times; places :.. .. - . - : •91. 13 C.onfinement., of female. dogs in•. : ~ ,_. t. heat, .. ..:: ..~. .. ,. ::. Administration 'and .Enforcement • -- ~ ~ u ` following definitions shall apply unless' the context clearly indicates ,or requires a dif f Brent meaning. - - ~ •• _ ','s ANS NAL AT LARGE" or TS RAY' ' Any animal off the premises of his owner and not on n leash, or any animal within the town wandering lost which does not have. an owner. 'ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER." ': Any person wdesignated to perform the duties described by this chapter.' ~ ' ~,.' _ •' ANIHAL SHELTER. " Any facility • ~ designated..by'the,Board,:of Aldermen for -- the`purpos'e'of impounding or'carinq for •'"~ ani'gtals under authority of ,this= chapter. 91.20 Animal Control Officer ^FU9L?C NUISAtlCE.`' Any domesticated , ' 91.21 Annual dog:license tax ~° '•'• 'animal or•q=oup of animals which _ • .:.. 91._22 ' Animal gas "public nuisance ..~ • ~ ~ :: • " `~ ~' :91:23 :Impoundment . ,;. ;.~ - 1).• Is .found at large; , ( . a '91..24 . Notice to owner of `- impounded , "`. ` ` " ~ `. • ""' ' w• fi,' animal •. •• ` (2) Damages' the' property of , ^ r4: °, ~ 91.25 Permissible periods of , nn yone:other than its. owner,•_includinq but * ' impound nt ~ ninq over, garbage, not limited to, tur : . g p • '° 91.26 Claimin °1m ounded animal g containers or damn ing gardens,' flowers, .- " s ' 91.27. • Disposition of- unclaimed animals or vegetables;: ;.~~ „.~r,~, ~.... ;. ' ~~ 91.28 Enforcement~,of chapter ;, •. _.` ~ ,;~ ' ' ~ " " ' ~ ~ ~ • . ..,.•r ... _.w,. ' ~ ~ ' ` ~ 91. 29 Person' responsible f or ~ ~ ' " `~ Is ~a vicious `ani mal, (3) ~~ ~ • designating a potentially ~ ~' 7'•- : • .': °'• ' " `• ' ~~ . dangerous'doq (4) Causes fouling of the air by 91.30 Board responsible for appeals odors;. , • • from. a decision, regarding a ~? • ;- .. ° ,,, potentially dangerous dog ' ,_~: ~ "~ (:S)' Causes unsanitary conditions ~~~ . of enclosures or surroundings;. b ~ .. 91.99 Penalty : ` ~ .. _ ~ ~ .. ` (6) By virtue. of number •bf type, Cross-reference:. ~ ~ - is ,offensive or dangerous •to the .public ' ' Noisy pets, see S 97.04 ~ e .. _ .. ~. . . or welfare; Health; safety, . ,_ .. . , _ . _ .. ._ ' , '..i'. ';: GENERAL' PROVISIONS - -. _ . . ~. ~ (7) Barks, whines, ' or howls, in an _ - excessive, continuous, or untimely , • ~ 9"L 01 PU•RPOSE.~ ~ • : ~fnshion;' , (A) Some. but~• not:.all of the ;purposes . _ ,,;.. • (8) ' ,is disensed-;and -dangerous to of this chapter are. to requl'ate,~restricE, the public health; ' or. prohibit the keeping, running, or. going ~ ~ • " at large'=of '`any .domesti'c 'animals,` ~• ~ - ~ ~, (9) -Habitually 'or~ repeatedly ~ ' ` a, including dogs and cats; ao, ,establish a.: • ' ,, chases,,' snaps at; ~, attacks, or barks at and bird, sanctuary within. the town limits; .,..pedestrians, bicyclists,. or vehicles; or _ 'to :levy an 'annual finesse' tax • on the ~ • ' ''' °" ` "'~ .~.; pr`ivilege of ,keeping dogs within the town. ..~ ~` .' (10) '.'Appears' on" the public ~~ ,~,. _ ~ _. , ,, ~ ~,. ,_ ,, ~ ~• ,:. • ~ f ,beaches of the .Atlantic ,Ocean within the " ` ` (e)'" `It°is expressly recognized ~that `town at any place east of the established ' the owners of animals are responsible for building line on the beach and•an 'r~-' the acts of their animals and it is the extension northward and southward of the -'intent of this chapter to require animal building line to the northern and southern • owners to comply with the law, not merely boundary lines of the town, whether on a to have the town operate an impoundment-, `'_.~:~ leash or. not, at any time between the program. Police officers and animal. .. dates of April l and September 30 of each • control officers shall place primary "s'~ -w ,.year. emphasis upon apprehending and initiating-.._.,. prosecution of violators of this chapter. (il) Is a dog and which dog (ord., passed 9-28-78) depposits feces on public property or on f ' `' - - private property without the consent o -. Statutory reference: '_ the owner or person in lawful possession - Regulation of domestic animals, see of the private property, and the person. w i C. S. S 160A-186 ng ning, possessing, harboring or hav o . Violation of ordinances,' see • ~• the care, charge, control or custody of ` ~ ; c. S. g 14-4 ~~ 2 5 the dog fails to remove the feces so deposited. Provided, however, that a dog 1.02 DEFINITIONS. '-' accompanying a blind person and used for the assistance'of the blind 'person shall For the purpose of this chapter, the not be included within this definition. 1994 S-5 u 1 . S 91. 10 FJRIGRTSVILLE BEACR -VICIOVS'ANINAL.' Any animal which constitutes a physical threat to human beings or other animals by virtue of attacks of a number•and severity as to cause property damage or physical injury. ' (Ord. , passed 9-28-78; . Am. Ord. , passed , 5-28-e 1; Am. Ord. 1172, passed 4-16-92) CONTROL OF DOCS AND :OTHER ANIMALS 5 91.10 BIRD SANCTUARY. ( A) The •area embraced ••within the town limits and all land owned or leased by the town outside the corporate limits is designated as a bird sanctuary. , ( 8) it shall be unlawful to intentionally trap, hunt, shoot, or ~ ' otherwise kill, any bird within the • sanctuary established by division (A). (C) The civic clubs of the'tovn~are granted permission to erect'artistic.- signs, giving notice of the regulations herein provided,,at those places and of a design as may be approved•by the Board of Aldermen. - . (ord. , passed 9-28-78) `' Penalty,• see S 91.99 . ... Statutory reference: `< <~~'~~~-~ • Bird sanctuaries, see G. S: S 160A-188 5 91.11 DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE PROHIBITED. Zt shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to allow the animal to be off the premises of his owner and not on a leash in the town. ( Ord.,. passed 9-28-78) Penalty, see •- S 91.99 . $ 91.12 DOGS AND OTHER ANIMALS PROHIBITED ON BEACH AT • CERTAIN TIMES, PLACES. , (A) No person shall"allow a dog on the public beach of the Atlantic Ocean within the town at any place east of the '~ established building line on the beach and an extension northward and southward of the building line to-the northward and southward boundary lines of the town or any portion of such beach at the extreme southern end of the town and lyinq'south of Jack Parker Boulevard (both the paved and unpaved protions), whether on a leash or not, at any time between the dates of April 1-,and September 30 of each year: ''-( e) - No person~~shall 'alloy h snake on the public beach of the Atlantic Ocean as described in division (A) at' anytime. (Ord. , . passed 9-28-78; Am. Ord. ; ° passed 5-28-81; Am. Ord. 120.1, passed.l0-22-92) Penalty, _see S 91.99 ~~ ~ _ •~ Cross-reference: Beach requlations,~"•see' Ch. 92 •~. ' S 91.13 CONFINEMENT OF FEMALE DOGS IN H EAT. Every female dog, while in heat, shall 1994 S-5 I MALS 6 be confined in a buildinq.or secure enclosure in a manner that she will not be ~~~in contact with another dog, nor create a nuisance by attracting other animals. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the intentional•breedinq of animals within an enclosed area on the •premises of the owner of nn animal being bred. .. - (Ord., passed ~9-28-78) Penalty, see- • S 91.99 • ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT S 91.20 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. (A) In order to •abate the aforementioned problems and enforce the regulation hereinafter set forth, primary responaibi~ity is delegated to the Animal Control Officer. The Officer,'in the performance of his duties, shall have all the powers, authorities, and immunities granted under this chapter and by the . general laws of this state to enforce the ' provisions of .this chapter and~the state •law which relate to the•cnre, tieatment, or impounding of animals, ,but shall not have the power of arrest. ' •, ••' ~ (B) It shall be unlavful.for5any • person~to interfere with, hinder, or ~• molest any animal control officer, police officer, or other duly appointed agent: `~'while~in the performance of any, duty ' ~_: authorized by this chapter, or Ito seek to . release any•animal in the custody of these agents except in the manner herein provided. - '. ~• (Ord., passed 9-28-78) Penalty, see $ 91.99 .~ . , i .. Cross-reference: ~ ~ I ~•' Power to appoint, see Charter`Sec. 4 ' Statutory reference: - -- Animal regulations, see C. S. ~" - r ~ S 160A-186-- •- •~_ ••• 5 91.21 ANNUAL DOG LICENSE TAX. - • (A) All dog owners residing in the town for over 15 days shall register their dogs with the Police Department annually, ''and provide pertinent information as may be requested includinq~ the size, age, breed, color, sex,° legal residence of the • animal, and the name and'eddress of the owner. ._._..._.. ... _ . • ( B) ~ A license tax, •to be ~estnblished by the Board of Aldermen, shall be paid to the~:Police Department. who;'_.in return, .will provide the owner with a suitable:doq license tax tag. The dog license tax ..' levied by this section shall be for the -=' privilege of keeping, :harboring, and • . maintaining a dog or dogs within the town, and the dog license shall expire at the' . end of the ensuing tax listing period. (C) _ The license Vperiod ~ahall~ •be ~~ January 1 to December 31 of every ca~i~i~ddr year. Grace period for annual - registration will-.extend through January 31. ~;. - .. , ,, .. t.- .nQ ;::* •..i ''kki~' c L GATSVILLE BEACH ANIMALS S 91.28 (D) It shall be unlawful for any dog impounded in a humane manner in any animal ' owner. to permit any dog over four months shelter designated by the Board of old to appear or be .on any street, park, Aldermen: or public way of the town or in any public (Ord.', passed 9-28-78) ' place therein unless the dog is wearing a ~ - '~ collar or harness to which is attached a S 91.26 CLAIMING IMPOUNDED ANIMALS._ current rabies vaccination tag` and a current town dog license tax tag (when the (A) The owner of an impounded animal license tax tnq is required under .this shall be entitled to claim the animal, chapter) which have been issued for"that except as provided in this section, :.upon dog. -~ • - _ _ o • •. compliance with the license provisions of this chapter, the payment of all ~ (E) The annual .dog license tax designated fees and penalties, ,and upon . required hereunder shall be $3 for each furnishing proof of ownership,~= ' dog. . ... ~ . (Ord. , . passed 9-28-78; . Am, . ord. , 'passed (B) Reclaiming fees' as provided in 11-2-78) • Penalty, ,see S, .91:99, ~ • - ~ this section shall be $3 . per day for each ' • ;•, _ .. ~ ~ - anih+al plus n $10 penalty, except in the , Statutory reference:. ., cane of dogs without a current license in • Animal .taxes, see C. S.• S 160A-2112. which casr the penalty. will be '$20. This fee and penalty doe's not-include S 91.22 ANIMAL. AS PUBLIC NUISANCE. applicable charges for any license or • ,. rabies inoculation that a+ay be required by (A) : It is unlawful for any person to this chapter, or other applicable law. If maintain n public nuisance as defined in ahe.animhl claimed is not properly y •91.02 of .this .chapter. , .;- • ~ , 'licensed or inoculated, °the .owner shall •~:; ~~:- _ secure the neces9ary license and have the (B) Zn addition to other methods of animal inoculated. -. ;~, i enforcement,_ upon receipt of a; complaint- • ~--t'• " being made.to:the.Police Department or (C) For each animal that is impounded Animal•Control Officer ,by any resident-or more than one time within a.l2-month.- residents that any person is maintaining a •.period, the penalty for taking up .and` ~. public nuisance .as defined in.S 91.02 of impounding the animal shall be $20 'in all this chapter, .the Animal Control :officer, -.cases. .. ,, ,:~ • ~• ' Chief of Police,. or his designated ' - -" ' "' (Ord. , `"passed 9-28-78) representative, shall investigate;the.. ,x matter and may notify the owner. of the ":Cross=reference:. - • ~ animal or animals in question that • a §ee .S 91: 21 License tax,; _ ~ complaint has been received. ' ' S 91.27 .DISPOSITION OF UNCLAIMED ANIMALS. L -( C) If the findings of the -" investigating officer indicate that the (A) If an animal is not claimed by complaint is justified, then the Animal the owner vi"thin four.days•after• Control officer, chief of. Police, or-his impoundment; the animal may be disposed of designated. representative shall proceed to in one of the following ways: take action as is deemed. necessary to .' "'" - enforce this chapter. .. ~• - (1) • Release for adoption by•a new ' " (ord. , passed 9-28-78) -. Penalty, see - owner' who shows evidence of ability' and (~ S 91.99 intention to provide the animal,-with•an L _ ~ - - appropriate home and care. >, $ 91.23 .IMPOUNDMENT. ', °0~". . ~ - •F ~ - ~ • . a w , .,. ' ~' ~, ~ over to . animal Y .. (2). Turninq ~ the Domesticated.animals,. including .dogs, the New Hanover. :County Animal Control may be. impounded when Sound ,at ,large or : Center.. ~ a - ,.., -~ . , ~ ' . when constitut3n.q a public .nuisance.,,,- _ ~ a ,, ~; . _ w ~ ( ord.', -passed. 9-28-78): _.: r ~ ,;, .,*• .~~~r- ove= to the •( B) :For, animals turned ~,•; ' New Hanover County Animal Control Center ~ Cross-reference: ' , as .provided above, it. shall~• be unlawful ~ ., Public :nuisance, :see 5,91.22 ~ for the owner or keeper.of the animal to ~:.; -.; ~•• :- 'F. _. •~.•° , ` take-animal from the center without first $ 91. 24 IMPOUNDED' NOTICE~,'TO OWNER OF .- .complying .with all,;reclnimng requirements ANIMAL. _ •, ~ ~ , of this chapter: , ,.; ... .; ' • • ,. .". . • - > - . _ z :° ... .. (Ord. ,• passed 9 , 28-78) 'Penalty, see~• .The Animal Control officer shall make ` ~_ S ~ 91.99 ., .; r , •., r_.• ,~, ; ,'; , ~,,, x X; ; . ~ , „-, .. ' reasonnble ,efforts to notify" the owner .of + - ~ h..~:,~..,• • "• any impounded animal.:. • r: ~ ~ b .~ , ;_-- Statutory reference ' ' (Ord., passed .9=28 78) ;, ~ ~ - ~- - 160A-493 Animal shelters, see S G~"S _ ~ _ _ ~ " • ,_ - ,.. . OF 91. 25 +PERMISSIBLE PERIODS ~OUNDMENT. .~~ t' , S 91. 28 ENFORCEMENT OF- CHAPTER • + ~, : •• =r ~ , _ - _ The .provisions of .the chapter ,shall Domesticated•animals.shall be ~ .° "' - impounded: f'or' no .less than .three.. days. ; _ ~ ' unless claimed by its owner in accordance _ „~,,•_, ,_ p~ with this chapter. The animals shall be L 1994 S-5 H ~~A . ~ IMALS $ 91. 29 . FTRIGATStIILLE .BEACH 8 ~ .... .,_ .. .. ... , .. ,.e........, b f d b th ~ ~~ - A i l l~ ffi ~ ~ '" f' .. e en orce y . e ma Contro cer, n O " police officers, and other officers as may ~ - - ` ~ . ' ~Z // be authorized by the Board of Aldermen, ' .. under the operational supervision of the ~ ' Police Department pursuant to policies established by the Board of Aldermen. ( Ord. , passed 9-28-78) . ~ S 91.29 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR ' DESIGNATING A POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOC. _ _ The Chief of Police is hereby .` ~ ~ ..~ ` designated as the person responsible for _ ~ ~~ determining when a dog is a ' potentially ~ - ..:. ~~ :_ ! ~ ~ • ' dangerous doq•'in accordance with the • provisions of C. S. • S 67-d. 1(c) . (Ord. 112d, passed 11-15-90) N r , $ 91.30 BOARD RESPONSIBLE FOR. APPEALS _ • FROM A OECISI'ON REGARDING A POTENTIALLY "`" ` • D_ ANGEROUS DOG. ._ - • The Board of Aldermen of the town is hereby designated as the board responsible for hearing appeals from a ,decision of the . .; .. ,.., -. ~ ... _ Chief of Police determining that a dog-is ~A- '' ' " ' apotentially. dangerous dog' ;fis provided `~ • ` ~ , - ~, in c. s. S 67-d. 1(c) . °, ( Ord. 1124, passed 11-15-90) 5 91.99 PENALTY. . o... _ . k. f _. ... . , , • (A) The violation of any provision of this chapter is a misdemeanor and any . person convicted of a violation shall be punishable as provided in G. S. 'S' ld-d. ~ . Each day's violation is n sepnrate .` _ offense; or ~ (e) Enforcement of this chapter mny . be by appropriate equitable remedy,. • injunction, or an order of abatement issuing from a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to G.S. S 160A- 175( D) and (E) ; or ~ . •~ (C) The. violation of any provision of this chapter shall subject the. offender to - ' a civil penalty of $20. However, the , third, and nny subsequent violation of this chapter shall subject the offender ton ~ • ~'. civil penalty of $50. Failure to pay the penalty within ld days after being cited for nny violation shall subject the. - ~' offender to a civil action in the nature of a debt ih accordance with the •~ provisions of G. S. S 160A-17.5(0) or • enforcement under other provisions of this section; or ! ° {D)• The violation of any provision of h , t is chapter may be enforced b an one, ~ _ y ,- all, or a combination of divisions ( A), - (B) and (C) • above pursuant to G. S. S 160A- ( ) Ord. .passed 9-28-78; Am. Ord. 1069, : ~ ;~ passed 1-28-88) .. - - . ~ .' , 1991'S-3 _ ' ~ _ ., .. . NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE . .°. ;_... \\ \` C Q• MEMO ~ ~ 'v: ' ~> ~ v: •~ ' ~~., ~~.. Q.: ~ ~`~ `:. •>; \V: •. '•`:~: ~ • a. ~ .. v~:.•+. ~~ ~ .. ~~ ~ O ~~~ ~ ~; • . ~ .L To : Andrew J . Atkinson, Deputy County Hanagei: ; ; j w r_ ~' .. ~ _. •, ,From: Icon Currie, Animal Control - Date: June 14, 1995 ~ ~ _. s ~ . w ~ ~~ _., .... .. Re: Wrightsville Beach Animal Control ;:~~. ~~ ~-~'~ • ` .. .. _ I have reviewed your letter and ~ Tony ,:Caudle's~' ~ letter ` ~~•~_ '. ~-` concerning the north end of Wrightsville Beach. I ``agree • with :youic: ~ .. ~ ::' concerns and Tony's recommendations. , . ~ . .. _ _. _ _ .tea ... .a ..a. I would like to recommend that signs nfoiming,the public,. be placed at a Shell Island location and.,befoze~the."-drawbridge entering Wrightsville Beach.- ~ ~ "_ ~' ;' ? ~ ~ t - .. .. .. .; t. .. !. ...r.. .i 6f`i> { - ~~ YFw - t - fi ;. .. 2 *.rv . R n ~ ~ .A- "~ .. ,,.., .. ,..... ..,. hex-_ ~ ~ .~ .. ,. ..< i. . ~ dC.yD ~f(~'~~ a Y y - _ ~ 1 , .r ~ 2 8~ ~~ t ~ ~~s ~-.~ir[ t~~~l, l;::l•1'1V1: U~'1:1(:L• •~, NEW HANUVElt CO. ~~ 1UK- 1-95 THU 9:08 AM TOWK OF WBIGHTSVILLE BCH FAX HO:. 9102567910 r ~~' ~ . 1 P.: 2 - , TO~TN OF ~WRZGHTSVILLE BEACH ~, MUNICIPAL COMPI~X 321. CAUSEWAY DflIV~ P.O. BoX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BRACH, N.C. 28480 910.256-7900. Dear Allen . • .. ~ rt . . . ~ .. .. . • ~ Iri accordance with the verbal request made of me by the New Hanover . County Commisaionezs during their meeting of .May 1,.].995, X-relayed to. the Wrightsville Beach. Board of: Aldermen the County's desire to have the `~ Town enforce animal control regulations in the unincorporated portion of SheI1,Ieland.-. After appropriate consideration, the .Wrightsville Beach.-' Board of Aldermen agreed to provide the service in accordance with the::: ,Commisaioners~ request.. There are, however, some stipulations under which the Town agrees to undertake -this responsibility. °.~ ., ....,.. . . • First; and~~ foremost,°1~the County will need to adopt animal- control ~ . regulations for this area that are identical to those that-the Town:` already enforces within its awn .jurisdiction. I have -enclosed 'a Dopy of ~° our regulations, for your review. .Our attorney, Mr.~John Wessell, has already spoken with Kemp Burpeau of the County's. legal department about '~" hie matter. _ Thcy have concurred. that there is ~o logistical .barrier •to amending the County regulations in.order to meet this stipulation. xhe regulations could then.. be enforced through a vexy'~aimple .iz~terlocal~. agreement.' t Second, ' the .. Town ,would need to .be•: reimbursed :for , the w costs ;. i associated .with providing this service..; We -cannot, ,.; at .this ,time, , determine .. those cysts. ; ., We believe, however, that once - : the4:: new .= ' regulations are in place and everyone has had the "opportunit~`;,t~ becvme,~- accustomed' to those regulations, our Animal . Control Officer wi11,A•be ;.; ... required to spend (on average) three to five percent of her time enforcing animal control regulations in this area. Consequently, we are , proposing that the County' n reimbursement. to .the Town be based upon five ~. ,~ • percent of the Town's annualized compensation coats fox this employee. That cvmea to a total of ~-~1, 200 per year. - The Town will assume all , other. costs associated with the provision of this service. -. . - . , , ... Third, we axd somewhat concerned .about the additional liability - that the Town will be incurring iri extending animal control services ... • into this area. In order to~addregs this issue, we are ,requesting that ~. the County agree to •assume all coats associated with the defense of °any ~ "~ . legal claims or liabilities that~~are incurred as a result of our :. enforcement of animal contxoX regulations in the unincorporated por ~, • of the County. ~_ ~ ~ • ..'~ ~~ ,'. ~.. ~ a~~ !UN- 1-95. -THU 9:09 AM TOWN OF WRIGHTSY.ILLE BCH ,, FAX N0, ~ 9102567910 ': • P.~..3 ~: ,. ~ - o~. - ._.' - Letter Mr. Allen O'.Neal. ~ ~ '`' May 31,= 199& .. , .. r ,.. :. { Page 2 ~ . .. ~ . ~ .. .. .. i.~ ... ~ : 1J Finally, we are asking that the County provide aQpxopriate notification (through the posting of signs) to persons in.~the:area in a which the regulations are in effect. The enforcement'of Towri developed regulations in th~,p area is going to ba a dramatic dQparture from the` existing practice and animal owners visiting the~area•on an occasional-- basis will-need some sort of notification of the change. .~• -`'-~ Ms. Donna Neal,and Mx. Ron Carrie were in attendance at the meeting. during `which the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen discussed this matter. Mr. Currie Stated that., when and if. we were able to effect this change., he,,. would ~be . gXad to'have one of ~ -the°'~County';s Anitnal~~-Control Officers come ~ over and work with our personnel: `for a .few days 'to °assiat'M1 {'° us in our efforts to ~ enforce these changes ' We `would 'like to 'thank -Mr ' ~ (~J Currie .~, .for :. his oEEer ~. • of - ~ass''istance =.~--and `-.avail ~~ ourselves '~ of ~ ~' that °~ assistance ~••.ehould-~: the two ,,~:govex-ning~ °-boards..arrive `-.,at a "' suitable= enforcement vehicle,. .: ~ Y . r -j. ~_ ~~ ti ~ `~ • . _, ,. - . . .. ~ ~ . commiDteert f T wn and County personnelebenfo~rmed toeworkuout the d tails • . s of this., issue;° ~ ~he~ Board of Aldermen -agreed and asked" that you ~ and I work,• ~.n conjunction "with our.re~pective` .legal. staff • membArg to' develop ~: `' a framework for.: this cooperarive,wenture.-' -~I : shall tnaka myself available at convenient times . to meeCt on .this .matter:: I~ you~~ or' a = designated member of your .staff~,~`..feel ?;as''though,,,a'~meeting, ''or• mee'tinga, is/are,= a~propxiate, .please :,contact me~a~ your'-earlieati~ convenience so-that we=' might develop;. a schedule ....' If ," however,- we' can, work this matter out via written.,cocnmunication, ~ then ,x .:am»equally prepared to"`do eo: •~~ "~-~ _... s . We await a response from you with regard to this correapondence.~ If~you should have any'questons,'please"contact me.~'As~you well know,., Ms : ~"Neal. Wand -other persons ` associated~a with animal control;' efforts ~ in. thisCounty are 'quite anxious,`Eo resolve'. this issue:'" I would,"like to.~` move ~: ahead as ' quickJ.y as' possible so ~ that we `~mzght .;address their ` ~ =' concerns `.: . ~~ a Y~ #_ . ., - _. .. •. ., ,.. _ ~ o-. .. ~. • . _ r . >~ . - ' ~ ~ Sincerel ~ f `~ ~. . Arithon Caudle „ r 4^ . - :. fiw. .~r~.4ir nx 'C ... x.w `t T .,. _ } - wl wy .. .. ia. ... s` . ~ , cc::.~ Mr:*' sehri C....Wessell,', III ~. -~ : r. v,._. .r .,..„.~., ,r ~r~.` t.. 3~ S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.' " • New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0397 ~R AFB . ~ ` .., . :. . .... x~r~nn~ r .COUNTY OF NEW HANOV.ER ~ ~ OF COUN`1`Y" ORD~NCB3 THIS AGREEMENT made this. day of , 19.95 by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, apolitical subdivision of the State of North Carolina (herein "county") and the TOWN OF WRIQHT9VILLE ~. '.BEACH, a municipal corporation located iri Ncw.Hanover County and ~~ .. _. .. . organized under the laws of the, State of North .,Carolina (herein "Towne) .. .~. .. , .. . ,.. wxTxsssET$: WHEREAS, there ie certain property at• the extreme northern •end of the barrier island on which the Town of wright~ville Beach ie located and :south of. Maeon's,Inlet which is situated within the unincorporated..."portion of New Hanover County and outside of the boundaries of Town:(said property being rtferred to in this Agreement ` as "County Area"); and .. ~ ~ , WHEREAS, County and Town have determined that there is a need. for restrictions on animals running at large in the County Area; and. WFUJREAS, County has adopted .or shall, adopt in the immediate future an ordinance providing that the animal control ordinances, rules- and regulations of. Town shall apply and be in full force and effect in ... ~. . the County Area; and ' WHEREAS,,County and Town have agreed that Town shall enforce,. :.ice animal control ordinancee,,rules and regulations ao adopted by the ' .'~.. :County in the County Area, pursuant to the terms•and conditions of this " znterlocal Agreement; and _,. ..4~ _WHEREAS,:~ N. C. G.S. ,§160A-461 an$ 5153A-353 ,authorize County ` "and Town to enter.."into this Interlocal Agreement and for the sharing of - _, .. ~• _ 31 . 1 ~~ _ New Hanover county contract # 95 - 0397 ._ .... ; ... r law enfozcement res ities as set forth herein;,and ~~ -_ _ . poneibl ,.. `." ~~.~, County has approved this Interlvcal Agreement_by resolution adopted by the Board of~Commi~sioner~ on the day of ~I . .. , . - - - -~- - -,~-1995 and Town has approved this Interlocal Agreement lut~on ado ted b' •,-r .t . , .. _.... .. _ by reso p y: _ 'he Board of `Aldermen on ` the ~ ` ~ ' ° 'day of ~` `v ''"~ NOW, `THERF.PORE, ~in consideration of the mu~uaYcovenants Fset forth `herein and other good', aiid'valuable considexatiorts, the receipt ~of • ~ ; which is hereby ac}rnowledged, County and Town agree a8 follows:~~ • 1.Town; shall undertake .to the~best of its ability and consistent with its current ~•practicee^ "and `procedures, ~ to enforce its :. ..; , animal `control~ozdinances,~~rulestarid regulations to include; but~not be limited to, ~ ~thoee 4ordinance1s set ~~forth ~in Chapter 91 of,~ the' Code' of the 4 }. r_ ..~.Y« .r ... Town of+Wrightsville 8each,'NC,`as said ozdnances~have.been`adopted by County; ~ within~i the County Area fae defined~'herein. ~ ^ ` ` 2. County shall pay Town the gum of $1,200:00 per year for . ,_. the services rendered ~ by Town' ae described herein,' `such `amount to be payable ~~in one payment due'on`or before the last day csf July 'for each year that this Agreement remains in~effeet. 3 . ~' • County shall erect •adequate` signs within -the County Area sufficient; ~jto~~ adviser all persons; toy the `extent deemed necessarys by t '~ A County and Town, of, the ordinances, rules and regulations that `Tor~m~Yis j... .4. ~ r... ~p - sundertaking~ t~or~~~ enforce within~~` the County. Area "pursuant to this Agreement: _,. All coetia ~aesociated~~with`~purchaeing' `"arid ~iristalling~'etitch signs shall J~ be ~~ paid Eby ~ County . ~ ,. ~' `~~ ~ , 4. To the fullest extant permitted' by law, r' County shall _.: ,, .__ 're],eaae; iridemni.fy;~ keep and~~save~harmless 'Town,' its`agerits, officials v ~ t 4. "'~ n. ,. ! .,~~ . L.:. . 1 . ?~ .,. ~~. ~.-:.--.., r G-q fi r ~ t.• Av hA~"• .. i. x.k +f.. , .. -, x~ ... _ .~ s .. R`y El.„~ . - - 1 32 New Hanover County Oontract # 95 - 0397 and employees, from any and all responsibility or liability for any and all damage or injury of any kind or nature whatever (including death resulting therefrom) to all persons and to all property proximately caused by, incident to, resulting from, arising out of, or occurring in ~' connection with, directly or indirectly, .the performance or non- .~- performance by Town pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, whether such claim may be based in whole `or in part upbn contract, tort (including alleged active or passive negligence or participation in the - ~ ~ ~ wrong) , or upon any alleged breach of any duty or ob].igatior~ 'on the part of Town, its agents, officials and employees or otherwise. The 'provisions of this paragraph shall include any claims for equitable relief or•for damages (compensatory 'or punitive) against Town, its. agents, officials and employees including alleged 'injury- to the business of any claimant and shall include any and all losses, damages, injuries, settlements, judgments, decrees, awards, fines,~penalties, claims, costs and expenses. Expenses as used herein shall include without limitation the costa incurred by Town, its agents, officials and employees, in connection with investi atin an claim or defendin g g Y g any action, and shall also include reasonable attorneys' fees by reason of the assertion of any such claim against Town, its agents, officials or employees. The County expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection provided~by~the County shall in no way limit the ,, County's responsibility to release, indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend Town a$ herein provided..~The intention of the parties is ,to ~~ apply and construe broadly in favor of Town the foregding provisions. ' 5. The term of thie~ Agreement shall be for one year beginning July 1, 1995 and ending .June 30,..1996. IInless terminated as 33 New Hanover County.Cantract # 95 - 0397 provided herein,, this, Agreement shall..automatically renew upon expiration,of~^the first year or any subsequent year for a period of one additional year.,.. .6. Either party.may.terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other. at least thirty (30) days prior to .the . termination of the then current Agreement.. .. ~•- ._ IN .WITNESS WHEREOF, the: parties hareto.~have caused,thia Agreement to be executed kiy.their_duly authorized representatives the • day and year. referred to above. . '_ ~ • .. ~ ~ . NEFl HANOVER COQNTY - ~ , , .. . ~-] -. ~ Chairman ,AT`T'EST: .. ,. - •.. ~ _~ _.._~. :. .. County .Clerk . APPROVED AS TO FORM: - _ - . . ,a.: .. .County Attorney ~ ~ , TOWN OF WRIGHTSVIT.7.F BEACH (SEAT,) ., ~ .... -. .. ...'~ r ... _. ._ .., _, ~ ~ Mayor ' ATTEST: -.,:- ~_ u~ :. ,. .. ~. .,:-• -.. ~ •'. .._. . Town Clerk t-. .~.~. .. ~ ...~ ; :k .-. . APPROVED AS TO.. FORMy: . _ .. z: ~ ,. ,, .. c ' ` }= . .. ~-. ' . , ~.~ ~..> ~ ... ~,~ ;'' Town Attorney - ~ _ , .. >- ~. _.~:' ~ . ~~ .. - ~~° JCS\1fR8~N9S-127.001 34 4 0 1 1 _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/05/95 EZegular Item #; ~ 3 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item#: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Roland Register sul3.TECT: Reappointment of Roland G. Register as Tax Administrator IiRiEF SUMMARY: As required by NCGS 105-294, at the appropriate first regular meeting in July, the Board of County Commissioners must appoint a~ County Assessor. In New. Hanover County,. this position is titled "Tax Administrator". The incumbent administrator has met all qualifications required for holding the position, and has fulfilled the continued instruction required. to maintain qualifications as defined by statute for the position. Ri~,COMMF,NDT;T) MOTION AND RF,OUESTEn ACTIONS• That the Board reappoint Roland G. Register as the County Assessor (Tax Administrator) for a term which.. ends the first regular meeting: in July, 1.999. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: 1Qoncy is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: Qud~ct Amendment Prepared: ~PP~aU ' . ~o~~~~ c~~~~Q~~~~~~~s . ~~~e 7/_~/ys Zt~r. i4 jD~ot~,iii~rif' Ir U1vnINC souRCE; REVIEwrn 13Y: . ~. LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: NIA BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/ . A AMALLETT '~ COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOM NDATION ~. The Board of Commissioners has the option to appoint for a two year term or a four year term. 'A two year appointment would end the first regular meeting in July, 1997. Mr. Registers current appointment occurred July 1, 1991.. ... ~ .. - ~. ~ . INFO ITEM - As a Board of C ' ~ 'oners, you are required to accept the tax collection settlement report from the end of the previous ye dap oint the Collector of Revenue (Pat Raynor). This will ~J atone ~, of your August meetings , - ~ ~. Keferto Office Vision Bulletin board for Disposition ~~ ~ , ~' .. - _.. . , '~ .. ~ . ~, ~ .. I: ~ i ~ t ~ . 'J ~J , .. .' ,..' i .' . '.. _. • - ., ~ --C ... .. y . ' . , . 9 . .' ',. .. ~• .. .' _ , . ~ ~ ~ ~ : $ • a. ~ n .4 ~ Tl:is page interrtronirlly left~'bl~rnk ~.. . , r~~`~ , ~ ~ Y ~~•~ rt . a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .! i ~ :,t ~ ~k ~~ ~ a -f^.~ ~ f~ ,per it '.R V~~1 ~...,4 ~~~~;, I.L:L~;::y~ J .r L , .U~J gg~ - a, ~ U \ . .. ` e I s .. .. ., ..... ~~ f. .. ~ .. .. _.. .. ?~ a i. .,.. . . . .:. _.. .. ... .. r .y. _. . ...... tea.., _ ..... ,• .. ..' ~; z .. _ ..... .. .,,_ :~ .. . ».,-':. ti. , ...... ., • J. .. ... e^~ < t .... ...,....w.... .. . ..+.. .. ~. ... ... ._ J iv .., 1 f ~ ~ ~ 2~ 3 ~ ~ "f T, f A t . .. : r r; r.... , .. n. .. .. n ..... _ ...: - ~ ... .... ~.. . _ F»~ y r .. ~ .. A 1 0 s s a A 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ ~ ;~ ~~ _ Meeting Date: 07/05/95 Regular Item #: 4A Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes .... ~ . . Page Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Avery SURJT;CT: Rezoning - Z-536, 5/95 ~ . , ~ . . , ; .. .. r .. I3RirF SUMMARY: ~ •. Request by David Barefoot for David Swain to rezone nine acres on the east side of Military Cut-off Road north of Landfall to B4 I Business: from 0-I Office and Institutbn.:' ' ' , : ~ ` .4 ' RrGOMMT'JNDFD MOTION AND REO„~TESTrD ACTiONS• ~~ ~'--;;._..,~=~~~~~ _ ., _. Planning Board recommends approval. ~ - ~ •~ ' Federal S:, State S: County $: User Fces S: Other S: ' Money Is~In Current Budget ~. ~~~ ~ ~ _ ~ 1~Icw Appropriation Request: '~ . Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ - ~ . ~ ~~~ •^ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ _~, IZF,VIEWI•JD I3Y: ~ I LGL:N/A : e .. ,. ~ FIN: N/A BSHELL ~ BUD:; ~ ~~ . " ~ HR: N/A AMALLETT i COUNTY MANAGER'S CO NTS A_ND R ~ O1VIM NDATION - ~ .,.~ 3 _. t .. Refer to Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Item A ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~:~: . ~ :.- - :: Case:_ ... __ _ . _ Z-536, 5/95 _ .._m~ .. _...._- _.~. .. ... - •- -- - _ . __ Request: 0-I to B-1 .- r .+ .- .... ~_.~ Acreage : - -~ ° - 9 . (3' -separate ~ tracts) ~ - -- ~••-• -- - . _ ~.~ . _...,.. -_., ,. n , f Location: East side ,of Military Cut-off north of~the:Wilson's Grocery Store at Landfall - ±f~ -Planninq• Board Summary _ .. -- _ , ~ . ~ .- ~ _~, ~ -.; • The' Board voted 6 to 1:.~ to ~ recommend /approval ~ of 'the applicant' s request. It noted that'."the rezoning wouldn't cause significant impacts on nearby uses or be inconsistent with the Land Use Plan. The option of conditional use zoning was discussed, but the applicant felt that approach would hamstring. his, ability 'to react ' to market demands. The Board•agreed. In dissent, -one Board member•noted the approval• wouldn't be ' consistent with the Land Use Plan because it would lead to strip commercial development. He also said approval of the petition would make it more.• difficult to suppress similar requests on adjoining properties,.'.especial,ly4thos.e•fronting:Military.~Cut=off • north of this site.' J ~ .. r J .. 1 .. . a 1•. .. ... ~ 1. No one appeared to speak in opposition. • Planninq. Staff Summary (as presented to Planning Board) The subject parcels were once part of a larger parent tract that " consisted of 120 acres.~In the last few years, the larger tract, which includes the subject parcel, has been the subject of several rezoning proposals and one land classification change. Also, the . entire tract was once .approved for the development of a large mobile home park, , a use never .developed on the site .' ~::¢= ~ ' ;'.,,:~~': °'-~ ` - • Previous; rezoning efforts included two attempts -for a PD Planned' Development District and a.general use .B-2 District. None. .of ,those' were approved,'"although' the most recent effort to~'rezone the°~.site: __ B-2 and.. 0-I .,.culminated _in' the _establi-shment..of the :existing ~°9_ acre . ' Office and Institution District. ~~'~:.-Staff "•generally'~""'supported <:-the"`°.`~es,tablishment °-'of a "~~ Planned _r: -:.. Development.°~District.:._,.for ~' the_s.,...site °`with_~::.some ..modifications; primarily because ,4that.x,zoning.; approach. would ..have„~allowed,..the ;, County to cont=ol 'development'°through~ site~tplan`~ review. `-°~-~~More specifically, site review would have enabled the County•to better.. address potential environmental impacts and to minimize impacts on Military Cut~~of f through'~a~ccess controls . It also permitted the County to control t~he'~`m~x Hof land uses . '- ~~~~~ {~' ~I _ f, however.;ti:~,did._not";support ..previous efforts to establish open- ~d non-res,_id~ential~,;,dstri,cts, such as B-2, primarily because r LAND USE, ZONING,~UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Resource Protection ' Ezisting Land Use: Vacant, " officebuil_di ng pl annPA Zoning $istory• ~ Area rezoned to O-Y March., 1992. Area oriQina l l y Zoned i n :Tk~ cPmha~,, 1 q ~4 Water Type: Community ~ S~werType• County ..Seagate ~ Blair/Ogden Fire District: Recreation: Road Access• Military Cut-off Volume: 13, 400 ADT (1993) School District• Wrightsv%lle Beach MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERtST1CS Bradley Creek (Sc) Watershed andWater Quality Cla'ssificsttion• Aquifer Recharge Area: of P Conservation Resources: None. Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sitcs: ~ None ~ ' oil e s n Leon' (Le). and Murville (Mu) S Typ O a d Class: Severe limits. .. `" j~~ytic Tank`Suitability: -. `t V Prime Agricpltural Soils: None Building Suitability: Some limits due to wetness _ _ v F - • -I H TO GET. A WHAT YOU MUST ~ESTABL S ' - • . CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY •~ , Your intended use of property upon_moning is eompletdy irrelevant, except for conditional use - ~i district proposals. The North Carolina t3eneral Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made ;' , ''•' , in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space blow how your request satisfies cash. of the follow- . " ing requiremcnls. `. ~ • - -~ :.;• . , ~ 1. How would the nested pars a eonsi ~ w'th the Count 's Policies for Growth and Devel- req c g be stmt t y ~' ~; . ~ • ~.~. . Propo ed area adjoins existing PD zoning district and is logical extension ~ ~ ';;~ "'~ of that distri ct as encouraged by the policies for Economic and Canmmity t; , ,. Development. .~ Public services Will be coordinated with Land Use. `~ • ':,. .r • ~ • ~ ~; • ~t.' . ~- .~ 2. • How would the requested zone change be consi3tent with the property's classification on the Land ' :'• • CLlsstflcatton Map? The Resource•Protection Area will be protected by the use of a storm eater '•' • detention pond which will be constructed in connection with the development f ' ~ ~ o the site. _ . . ' • 4 Post-development stormwater gill have velocity control measures which match the pre- ` . . ~•' . develoEed floes. •. rf .. SIiOD setbacks. will contribute to the 'site's integrity. ~ • t~ • : - ' 3. 1Vhat 'significant neighborhood'. changes have occurred. to make the original zoning inappropriate, ~. ~ or how~is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? • ' Ihe,property adjoins an existing commercial development. • public water and .wastewater services and sewer will be available to the site. • ~e transportation improvement program to.establish a 4 lane Northern outer loop '+ • encompasses the military cut-off area. ~~ • In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning'map Js presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of rovin h ;' ' -. ""~ ~ • ,, w . a p g y .change is in he public interest. I further understand that the srn-. gling out of one parcel of land for special zo i g tr t t _ n n ea men unrel to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably e 1 ~ Lcertify at all a information presented in ': f ,,,. ..this application is accurate to the best of lcdg n lion, and belief. ~~ •~ ' ' °. ~:; ~, a ~ • - . ;~ J ~ # ? ' '~ Signature of Petitioner andJor Owner - t41 . ' ~ . .. . , _ . :; . .. .... .. ' ~~ 1 . 42 ~ o "J rnd°. ~ ~~ W O II a r N (q C C ~ v N N O~O'~ 2 ~ N N N Cn (q C~ c C G) _ ~ U ~U ~ ~ C N QJ _ 2 W C`") ~ Y C H= tOii y 0 >. 0 0 ~ p N~ L N N N N ~ ' ~// N m 3 U 3>> m ma °~ ~ tl ill '^ V N ~ c a ~b ~. o ~ c c N ~L > Z _ > >_ ~ ~~ J J> W> m R' Z QmUUUiLL:C~2_-; O N W ~ ~ O C~ l t Il) / ~ :.~ A~ ~ ~~ ~, .. --- o IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIq~ldll W IIIIIII-N ~ 111111 _ ~ a~u0 41a~gli U ~ ~ _ t 10/H \ - ~aa 1 ~~o lno ~aelnrw a m m ~_ IIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIl1111111111111111111111111111111 1~1211SIQ ~b~la~AO Ili, . '~dMHJiH lyr~3d~I111H1 1111111111111 I I~ ~~ `~. ~~ \ `r. J ado a~o~9 ~a d //\ IIIIIIIIIIIIINII ``~~ ~ --- `~~G ~~ ~~~s o~~ .~ a ~o~o o~ o ~ i / % ~ ~,(~ / ~~ ~ i ~ ~` ` \ ~ / ^ \~ ` / /~ I / / ~~r~ Cam/ / ' ; ~~ ~~ { f i ~, .. ,. ~~ .G E I ;} ~„ .. i a is i . a . ~ i ~: n s t i 7 1 I i 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ ~. Meeting Date: 07/05/95 Regular Item #: 4B Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning r -.. ~. Presenter: D. Hayes ,4 ~ ~ . Page Count In Agenda Package:'6 - Contact: Pete Avery FUNniNG SOURC E:.. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ,~ ; . _ . ... . ?cdcr~l $: Statc,$: County $: Uscr Fccs $: OtGcr S: L Vloncy Ys In Current Budget' ~ lYcw Appropriation Requcst 3udgct Amendmcnt Prepared: ~' ~~ KN,VILWLU 13Y: }>, ...,. `r _ .., _ .~: .; a .., ~ .: ,. ~... ,. ,T ,.:` ~ :. ~~ ' LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN ~ HR. N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGFR'S COMMFNTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS # ' ;'~ I ~ ' . ,_ _ 1 'rM~!'!~ /A~ ~# BIB' ~~Y r .~ .4 ~~Q y~lrrFr Cy~ .. _ ~~ ~~ ~Jcv~~,9,a _. 1. k ~: ~. Refer to Office Vision I3ulletin Board Cor Disposition .. ~_~ .I i Item B s - . S-377, 6/95: Request To Establish a Child Day Care~Center Housing f up to 95 Children in an Existing, Building aat 62.30: ;Carolina;.Beach ,- .. , . ._ ~ .. .. . _,... ~ ~ ... •Road ~ .. _.. _ ..,.w. ... . _. . • . ,, :.. Planning Board Summary Concerns about traffic impacts and whether or not~Beau Rivage,~Drive "~ was a private or publics street. led the. Board .to~ reoommend• denial of the applicant's 'request: The vote was 4 ~o. 2. ~;~ A large number of people in opposition to the request attended the' meeting. They argued the request could not meet minimal zoning requirements and would create traffic .safety problems. They also argued that the land was part of the common area of Beau Rivage Plantation, which subjected it to covenants that limited land development in the subdivision to residential uses only. Concerns were also raised about the impact the use would have on property values. The applicant's attorney told.'the ~ Board :that' this ~ land,' was' -not part of common area within Beau Rivage and~therefore..not.subject.to private land use restrictions. He also :az~ued~~that Beau Rivage Drive was not private but public because motorists in general have fora long time had unrestricted access to the golf course, which is open for public play. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed•and developed according to the .plan as submitted and approved. ., . ,. . ,. ~. ~ ... z .. A. Water and_ sewer... are ..immediately., available .,to_a serve this ~_; . ._. use: .:~ .,; :: ~e _.~ ,,: r.,,,, B. The site has frontage on Carolina Beach Road.~and has direct - access to,,,Beau Rivage, ,Drive, a private street .connecting ,.,a ;,~; ,.: adjoining residential development to Carolin Be ch Road. ~~ ... .W...._.. a a ~J 2. The Board must find that the .use meets all re uired conditions _4.. .~ ., . ,'and spec,i f ica~tioris'~~of `the Zoning Ordinance . -: r :. ~~• ~• _ ~ -. °~ a .~ -• - A. ~ :The • site -iszoned =R-~.5 Residential rt - Child• -day care ~ is -;- • ~....w., ~- permitted by,gspecialuse permit.~in~this-,di-strict.- - ;B. The site already has "26 parking "spaces"4in ;place:'-These~`we~re''T~~ constructed when ttie 'sales and,. nfo=mation office for Beau Rivage Plantation was bu~ilt.~ ~ k~°:;,~~ . ~C. In ress and e~ ress nisi ~arran~ ed so that dro offs and ick-u s g g ~ .. 4_ ,~ ,~ P P P can be made without~backing~'into bhe~street. D. The applicant,,proposes ,a-roof srign'o'f~#unknown dimensions on the ;: .front porch "Roo'f=signs _are prohibited, .however, if the ~°-J, ~~ applicant chooses~t~`o~`~ere~c-t~'one "i't~''`wll be limited to twelve ~.] .... • _ 0 Y ~. 1 a t i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 square feet, either free-standing or wall mounted. E. A fenced play area is shown at the rear of the structure. The fence must be at least four. feet high. The play area as illustrated would have to be enlarged to comply with State day care standards. F. Direct ingress and egress to a public: street must be provided. It appears-from platted map of Beau Rivage Drive that all . street.in_the project are private. 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or what the use is a public necessity. - _ _ _ . r ~ . ,. .. ., . A. The existing building was once used as the main sales and information office for Beau Rivage P1~.ntation, a residential/golf course community located .to the. west. No record of complaint exists from the building's previous use. B. Commercial uses are located nearby with ,similar frontage._ - 4.. The Board ,must find that the location and character of the.use if developed according. to the plan.as submitted and approved will be • in harmony with the area in,::which it is- to, be located and - in general conformity with plan of development for-New Hanover County. A. Lund uses"nearby include a mobile home park,- scattered°--~~ - commercial .activities and~one.small single family dwelling. B.- Limited access'to Carolina Beach Road is available for Beau-~ Rivage. .' _~ ~ .__ ~~:~ _: X45 ~. , . . PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: S-377_, 6/95 ~ •~• •- - - - Eddie Lewis ~ - Owner: , Representative Pam Sicxmon Request:-' ~ ~ ~ Child Day -Care ~ Acreage: 1. 37 Taz ID •Number• • 7913 ~ ~ Location• 623'0• Carolina Beach Rd. UTILITIES and SERVICES ~. ~ ~ .~ :. "~.; LAND USE ZONING `.. • . • . , , _ • ~.~.r. Limited • Land Classification: ' '" , . Transition }~: f ~ ~-`~~ ~~ • Vacant-sales 'office for.Beau ;Rivage •Plantation . Ezisting Land Use. _ .. 7 Zoning History..' Area •.originally _ zoned` ABri' 1 , .1971 _ S i tP naa rhv .~ .. -,-r . .. zoned ~D(B-1)' December`; ~„ 1994 .. °„ -~ . •, ~ ~ .:.. ~° Water Type: Community Communit ' '~ ~ "~ SewerType• y ~ ~ •~ - .Fire District: Myrtle Grove VFD Recreation: Arrowhead ~ Road Acccss• Beau Rivage Dr. • Volume: iinknc~wn School District: Bellamy MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Cape Fear River Ili ' Aquifer Recharge Area: Outside Primary & Secondary Area ti ~., _ • Conservation Resources: Nc~nP _ Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites:• None • - Soit Type(s) and Class: tic Tank Suitability: ~j rTmc A ric~ltural Soils: g N/A •, None ~ '~. L Building Suitability: Building in place ~ ~ • • ~ i 1 N t 1 ;~, ~: ~ l~f 1 t t 1 1 ... :` ~ _ i -What You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit ~ ~ ~ ~ :1` • '• ~1 Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to~section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each'requirement, the applicant should explain, with. reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the . ; ' proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) ' , ' ' ' General Requirement #1 .The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to.the plan as submitted and approved." ~~ ~ ~_J,, ~ ~~ ~S Slaremenl byAppllcai-!: ' q' ~ji~C \s~~. . `Che. ~u i1C~'~n~ r`S ~ . eXis 1 as A~ affice.~ .~u~ld~nc J.~}- I~as .bcul:~nLYcu~iec! ra-..se~~o~1 c~p~-. tJ(~criur wi 11 1- ~ti/1 ~ cA'i~11 e ~iti 7fiC V lS ~. e.'iC ~ ~) p~• 1~~ rn t • A iA~~ -' e ~~`'-'~~bl;~ ~' 1hc. peed ~ ~Qy C~aK..fiACi I;h' .s'~c,1d., n ~j~iCJan~e/_" ~t 1~cA lfi~ or S rt:. • ,G.r~- ~ Bbl hc1~ GCCu pyi />pM7A iniA ~ a~ General.Requirement #2 P~(is. '°(~ tSU~ ;~x ny~~~;tl~ J A'~»uC.h ~G[~~ SC!'JiC~ ~jY• ~Jj The Board must find "that the use meets all required~conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." SlalemenlbyApp!lcanl: ~~ Tnr -~ ~- C;Al1 .~)~ -f~ bv~~ai~~ ~riAJl. Art~A meets pal ne~esSp<<~ src~u;,c~,~n~s, ~ :71~ ;~ .us a,xJ ~ D~f ~' mp~,~r-' h~l~e~<~ ~ ext:clk.,~ ~'~'r»rnc flu..) pa-~cr~ sh~~ldap~be. exc~U~. . • - ,. ; . .. `General. Requirement N3 ' The Board must. find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that ' the use is a public necusity." ~ ' - tt ' C Slafemenl byifpp!lcai-t: ~ 1)iA (D(' (Jti~U me ~ ~c is a ~shve_ D~- C,n~r a>v~JA~e-. , ,~ Jc.,tJu/. ~ ~~ ~s~O~e;fi~~~ •;n '~h-s ~Oa=f~cu~wr ,oiro, ..S':nee flt/ ~-.~ • ~ ,ol i~~iz~-- L ~ ~ / ~lul~ • ntTr' ~~. , in ,nApc~~' ~cC ~ Gori•~ st'L' •~~~-' ~ /N~u~C..- p= A cl~y~~~, ~iv~s',~)eSS • ~c1~Cl 1 ' , ~.~u~ 7~)e.. (~A1urr~ D~ ~fi~ ~ ,. , General Requirement #4 '~ ~ A.C~ ONi-nq '~ P~p~'"7~tC.5. ,:. The Board must find "that the location and character of theVuse if developed according to the plan as submitted . and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." ~~~~ ~./ / SIalemenl bYAPPlicanl: A q~n : ~2. ;~/iJC!/n IS ~ C'j~(t.S~'~7~1q ~J711~~U~ /~A7" fi~ r~ ' ~ , l~ vc~~ cuc.Jl, ~~ ,, J .. ,LS ~/ZU; nN ~a m%~~- ~ '~)L nos •ci'~sJit~ j ~A'•'c ~,f ;~ ~~1 r The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be pre ared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 7 ~ ~ (as applicable). HdShe should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County, The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the . SpeciaLUsePermit., I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informs- tion, and belief. _ - • ? , . ,. _ _ Signature of App scant and/or Owner . ,. r . i ..1 ; ., ~. ' ~ 48~ ' ` • i • 1 :.:' ~ t t O 1 i ~ ~ ~ '. ..... . ,.. .. ..' .. ' ^ ~* ~ .. 4 . ~ .fib ~ ~~ ' t a, Nr~ •~ u+. r ~ ~' ~ _,k , ~. ` ~ 0 r ~ w 1 y ~ ~ t.,, ~~ ar '. y S@ '~ -. I cV y i .,. ~ 'k i ~ t ~ • . yy i . I - .- R ~ . ~e ~~ i; ' c ' ~ . .. .- M., F- ~ ~ a ~ `~ rn ° ~ ~ r- ~t ~ ~ r ~, W ~" s -~ (B CC W ~ ~ L: ~ E" J M ~ a U W ~: ~~ o ~ o .O-. 30 _f0 ~~ ~ m ~~ a ~ ~ ~•Na ~ m~a~o~~~ m~~ = m~ iY 3 >, m ~ v o: 3. ~ J ~ ~ lLII N 7 J N O L L N O N O ma~~Wc~ma Q [0 U U W li U 0 /. W _~L'- m r. Highway 421 m 0 N a m `~ :'~~. .. ~~.4 ` \J_?~i ~~~~ ~.; ?tom ~. ~ ,;F" t -._ .. ~~ ~~ . t Um ~- Carolina Beach Road ~) '~ ,-~1 n , ~N W 1 i.: 1 k ' ! A ~• e a,,. .. i - w 1 1 1 1 1 ' ~ REQUEST FORBOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/05/95 Zegular Item #: 4C Consent Item #:. _ Additional Item: #: department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery' ~ " Rezoning - Z-538,_6/95 _ 13RTri~' SUMMARY: ~ ~ ' .Request by Howard Penton. to rezone .24 acre on the northwest side of Oleander Drive north of the Salt Works-Restaurant east of Greenville Avenue to B-1 Business from R-15 Residential:.} ~: _. .. .. . I~UNnilvc soURCr. ~ _ ~ .. ~ :... ~- . ?cdcral $: ~ State $: County $: User Fees $: Ofhcr $: Vloncy Ts In Current Budget: ~ ,:. • Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: F; ~, , r 3udgct Amendment Prepared: Item C r .: ~~ ~~ -- .. Planning .Board Summary ," _ .' >'~. . °: ~ .,• .. , The Board voted unanimously td~' recommends approval of ~'thi~s petit`ion+. They noted that expansion of the district here would create few impacts and would be consistent with Policies for Growth and Development for commercial uses. There was no opposition.. The~Planning Staff also recommended approval. - •. Planninq,Staff Summary This request simply seeks to expand the depth of the existing ,. commercial district by ,approximately.,-,80 feet.. . - .. i ~ ., k As the site .map illustrates, the property~~is surrounded~~on`~rvtti~ree sides by commercial zoning, which is the predominant zoning along the northwest side of Oleander Drive. •Development in the area includes a restaurant, offices, golf club repair shop and boat sales, service and storage. ~ The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service is located on the opposite side of Oleander in the old Bradley Creek School. Over the years, this district has been expanded several times,. the U most recent in 1993. Parcel F, which is ad jacen~ to the ,sub j,ect parcel,; was rezoned to.-B-1 in .1985. ~°; It is currently home`toLLa~ real estate office . A small `wood frame-House is located on the sub~'ect property,. but it is unoccupied and apparently is being dismantled.. theupropertyd alley leading from Oleander Drive provides access to~ The site is classified Urban Transition `in the 1993 Land ;Use .Plan •~ ~ Update. AMore-3ntertse~urban type development is encouraged subject ., .. , y~ J ~ .Y to 'the avalab ,,.-.K .,_ ility...of public services :. _. ~., , ,.,., ._ ~•._a. _, ...~,.~ ~ '• y i Based on surrounding 7"~zon'ing ~-and`~the ;'extent of ~~~`"commercial ::,`uses ~. nearby, little impact could be~expected from rezoning this site.,,,, . The County should, however, be mindful of impacts that would result, , from expans~ions;~thatcreate~~. encroachments into : more. ,defined . ^" residential fuses .~w,est ~qf. ~hame'r~Avenue. .:~ ~ - °.~ ~- r~ ~ tTS~Ir ~ ~ n ~. . f recommends °,apprroval . 1 , . ^xY.~' .. r '~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET : - ~ = Z-538 5/95. Petition Number: - - ~` Owner: Larry Ball . ~ ~ Representative: 3Maynard & Penton ~ _ Request: R-1„5 to B-1 Acreage: • 2 4 Taz ID Number. • 6208 •~ Location: nl PanAPr nr _ . ~ , LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Urban Transition • Land Classification: ' ~~-" . _ Ezisting Land Use• Abandoned. residential .structure • Zoning History• ~' Area originally zoned August 1971. Area next __ I~• ' door .zoned B-1 in 1985. •~. - , - Water Type: Community Sewcr Type• C'~t~ni-v _,^__ _ ~ _ , . ~ .. • Fire District: Seagate ~ Recreation: Hugh MacRae " Road Acccss• 'Oleander D F. ~ ~ Volume: 18 100 ADT (' 9'~ c~t~nt) -{~1 Bradley Creek School District:. - . MISCELLANEOUS~PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.,, _ ~ 4 Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Bradl Py creek (~~-~ `~• Outside Primar and Secondar Area •t ~V ~~ - Aquifer Recharge-Area: • y m _ . • Conservation Resources: N/A J ,r Historic .Landmarks and Archeological Sitcs: None .. yr 5. as ~ a .,. 4Gf ~ e w... ..o. ~ a ,~\ Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily` tWakulla 'Class I • _ -: Septic Tank Suitability ~ .~ . ~; Prime Agricultural Soils: • .None ~ • , Building Suitability: Sl~ht- • 'WHAT. YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY. Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made' in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based ony ~~ _.;. ~ ° a land Use Plan you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ., mg rcgwrements. ~.... . ,. .. x ~ .~ , . , ~ _.,.. :... .. R - .. ~,... ~ . _ . .. ..... _ ,..__. . r.. _ r... _.,,.~. .,_ fi .. _.. _ .....~~-. ~~ 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and IJevel- ~,~„ ro.~.~ on,.,nc . t ~. pvrS,.._, ,kc.r ~..) -... lJ .Ic{ . L''^" ~`I " ~ ° : , ~ ::,, , '; . f . ~'. -t tJU~ I~~- (ioac,~-t ~t ~+,.-r.~' ~,r 'itt•.~.ou-~i~+t+ES . • • , r ~.. ~h .. .. .. w r. ,_. _.....,. _ .., ,_. ,, _, _ ... ~..w~n_:,,. ..G _.: ~.. .. ~, x ., . AV Y t ~ -~ ~.. .:. .. ,. :. „, 2. How would the requested zone changebe consistent with the propeRy's classification on the Land ~ ~ t . _ .. , Classification Map? ~-y ........~_ 1 '. 17,.. ~,;,,~~.14:~ ,.~ ~ti. , ~t~(-~~-.. 1~21+tiS - IvC.^~.~4,`t ..e.e. .. .. ... ;F .° .. ..., .... .~ ,.... r - . ,. ,. ~..M.. _.. .- ~.. ...- .~.~ .. ..- n w -• is 3. What significant neighbochoodJch'anges have occurred to make the original~zoning inappropriate ~ .: '~. or how is the land involved unsuitable foe the uses permitted under the existing zoning? 1 ~- h-~r~tv( RP~ti"1 ~dOtitS~c..r-rs Ar , 1Gs`'t Fin.-t w.J ptC ~ ,. 2 .. :. ~ .. -tt'+~ Q(,pC1~ ~ O F Lr+r~. ~~ ~`'~ fM~ ~ ~ B# t~ I M.J ~ ~ yy ~ ~ ~ !1_" I~~ ` ~ ^~;;~,~ S ... ,`.^....'~.y ~ r -..'ri _t ;~Iq'~1..(s~t /~C /„`e'«C ~-'~in~YU1 .. `''.::c, ... "+s: ._ ~+t-.-pCO..,-.its-jeS/~'°_ l~a.,D ~~....a„yt+~.:.~s~ "~ebV 'T1~PG." tf'~"'rr'ul. ~~+V~it-ty ~ ... ~ ;'nY .., ~„ In signing. this petition I understand that the existing zoning. map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving ,why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County. F.~IiciE.: rd the ' ° surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I°certify that all the'informationprwented in ° ..~ . `~`:'~ > ~``~ F ~ .: ,= 4: :~ thrs appli ' cation is accurate to the but ofmy knowlcdge~ informatron and belief ~ ` ... , > .,. 52 - , ~.. ~ ... ~ . . e ., .. Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner r, ~-- .- : J --- ~ m ho w ~ ~- ~~ ~~yq ~ ~, ~ ~ 07 m m Y ` V ~ ~ Q) Y N W ~ ~ N N l9 (0 m m O r1/ ~ U -~LLL TTY , iii ~ ~ C oiS a'S o~$ Y Y '~ ~ ~ W ~ M In ~ ozs olf ~ ~~~'~, 7.,N ~ Z N ~ _ _ _ _ UJJJO]O] W 1 N. Z Q 00 U A W Ii U` o ~ O W ._. • o h 1 ~ o '~~O m o ~ I ` ~ ~ ~ -~ , ~~~ ~ , F;i ; ~ 1 V~ /// 0 ~P ~i ~a ~ a~ e 0 j ~ P ~~` w 0 w of al w 0 ~_ ~ . .,~~. ~ ~ 0 r i. ' a i .~ ~ •~ r M ' }, ` .. ! ,' i ; i' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ r,. ~ ~ .~ .. ,~ _ ~ ~ . .,~' ~~ . Regular Item #: 4D ~ ~ Consent Item #: " ~ ~ ~ ~~ . Additional Item#: Department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package:. 7 Contact: Pete Avery Itom D ~ : ~F ~ _ . _.: .:~ . ~_ L. ._.. ... .. _ .... ~ _ ..~. . _ r. 5-,375,; .6%95: Request To Operate. an .In-home Child Day :Care;, Service a, at;1.214 Sidney Drive- ~_ _ .. , '~~ ~"` (note: ~ ~' The applicant currently operates 'a~ small cente`r.," housing five children. -She desires•to expand the operation by pr-oviding care for an additional three children during ~-af~e'r school-~' hours•: The current operation is registered by the State Day Care Licensing Division. w . ,,. ., ... ~, Planning Board Summary ,, .. . _. _ ~: ~. ; .~. •._ .... .., •. The Board voted unanimously toyrecommend approval o.f~ the•special use permit. No special conditions were applied, except that the Board-decided to let the applicant choose the type of turn-around that would be utilized for pick-ups and drop-offs. (The only condition for this is that exiting the site must be made without backing into 'the street.) j There. was no opposition. • Planning Staff Findings.£.{''~ S ;- i~.k„ ~'-~ r' ~" ;; s 1. ,The Board must find that the use wi-11 :not =materiahly; :endang:er the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. No upgrade to the existing water and sewer system will be required. B. The site has direct access to Sidney Drive. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions 'and specifications.of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The site is zoned R-1~5 Residential. Child day. care, is y ., permitted, by._spec,ial use permit,,conferment in .this "distrctM - B. Adequate area is available to meet off-street ,parking -,, requirements. e, _ C. With some; minor. improvements, ingress. and egress to ;,the,-site- can be arranged~~so that pick-ups and drop offs can be made ~~ ..~ :.. i ..into ,..the street. ~.,.~.,~~._..,.-.._ .... ,: _ .. .. _.. without-back ng ~ ~ ~` D. No signage is proposed. ~: ,,,. E. A fenced ,play area .is located to' the.. rear of the"house. °, ... .. *, ~ > u t". .. i ~ ~ .. ~~ ~. ~ ....r :~ _ ~ti w ~ r L~.1" "' ~3:`"" The''Board`~-must""find 'that the` use will ~not~ssubstantially `inj'ure` - the value of adjoining~or' abutting~.,property,or .that the use is ~a„ public necessity. ~ .. .:. " - - A. No evidence has been presented to indicate that an in-home child day ~care~~~service~.wil~l .diminish ,property values .: `• • B. The appli'ct~^states~in~his~~application that his property value ~`'~~`~~ `~~~~ "`~~ `~~'th~e~~ld4ast fifteen years. During ,that same .` has risen$,~37,~;~5~0,O.~inr~., ~ ~.; period, a small child. day~,care service .has been in operation at "~ the s ite,~,, ..~~,,~,~ rr~.~~..«.,k .... -t-r .. .. .~ ~~ -.~ 4. The Board must find that the location and character .of the use ' if developed ,according to the plan as submitted. and approved will be in .harmony with the area••in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A: No exterior improvements will be made to the existing dwelling. B. Child day care services have been provided at this site for the ... , last .fifteen .years without record of complaint., _ , . . 5 ` -.. .. ~. ...... ..... t - U .. t ...... - .a_. ...... / ... ~; .. ~ v :' i. • ~ ~~~ u .. f ~r 1 ,;~ ~, ~ .. .. e. - + c, d.. .. .... 1. ...........~ >.. ...k,. .. .... .. ..-. a= .. ~~ 5 5. ~f .... .. _ .. _ ._ ~. . ~~ . ., :.- ,. . . • ~ - ~` PETITION SUMMARY~SHEET ~ .~ -~-~ .~1 ~ `~ .rt :. - . .. . .~ _ C • • Petition Number: ` S- 3~7 5 , . 6/9 5.. .. ~ ~. Owner: Cathy Weaver Representative: Same. Request: Child Day Care Acreage: .36 4313 ~ 1214 Sidney Drive Tax ID Number: Location: • ~ LAND USE, ZONING; UTtLiTIES and SERVICES ' Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use: Single Family Residential _ Zoning. History: ~' Area originally zoned 'July, 1972. Water Type: Community ~ Sewer Type' Septic Fire District: Ocrden Recreation: K~ ~ TG ~*-a*-t Road Access• Sidney Drive Volume• Unknown ' School District: Blount . MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification. Smith Creek C (Sw) _ • ~ Aquifer Recharge Area• Transition between Primary and Secondary areas • Conservation Resources: None. Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: Nnnr~ ~ . Soil Typets) and Class: N/A -Site is developed :' /tic Tank Suitability: N%A ~JPrVime Agricultural Soils: T~.,P _ Building Suitability: Site is developed. r ~~ ` . . ~~ ~ 1NwuXw Mw11~1i~gRr '..:. •_ _ .. ._. :...... .. .. ..v/~~ I'~ ~'~p ~~ •~ ~ , +~+w~f~ l~s1R~~'rv~•r~r ... ~1 _ ..... _..... .. ~ ~ .~. _......._ ..... ._. _. _._ . _o. ...._ ~=~'_~ M j .~ .. ... .. _ .. _ ... .. .. ... .k~l . .. .. ..~ ...... .. .. .. ... .. ... _. _ .... .. _. _ .off .. .. .. .. ••.•~~~ •.•.•. _ .. .. • .. ~.. .. ., r. .. .. .. ~• ... ..... ._.. ...~.. .. ~-... - _ ___ ._. _..~ •.... ....._. ...._ ~ r0•ti _. ~~ . ' . ... . ~~ ... ... ~.3/Y/~ .. j.. -• .. ..._ .. .. .. . ... .. ........ __ .._...........-.....w...... .._. .. . ... .....,_. f- . ;~' ~ ~ , ,~ ~~ - ~~ ~ _ . ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~'` ..- ~~ ~ _ ~ _. . ~ ~ , • ~' !'~~+'f~ K1rTjrflf .. _.-.--.~._...- !-' _ ___ _ _'__ - .. .. .. .. ... .. .. gyp; .. .. ~. -What You IVlust Establish- For A S ecial Use Permit P ~' , Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance 'unposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 ~' The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public healtFi or safety if located 'where pro- .- " posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved " ` Statement byApplieant: S/ONVy ~R/vE uq tcJ•01//I/a.V ~•fa ~eNP~/ilFl R.eJrlewrJrlCCerrJ ~D /~Nt~ /MK~cy i¢yvd M4r L/lrtf 7>tAfYiG oJ~rx M1,~/ rrhlr-. P,eo.bletl ~~M./O~rl f/NKLV r.U IeAtC~f Or/~~tibd O/Iot~II~?/ luitt A4c4aJ PAtt~yrJ MR/4.t/b?~.~ /PGGExllo.r/1WN ~nf .~liMo.T R9t~vvf- .Wia .IJD.YN d/tr~f'. ~ ~' .. ~ • General Requirement.#2 . The;Board must find "that the use meets alt rcquircd conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statement by Applicant: Tar ~vn/en a~i J/xasT O~c~G .ctary nom/«'w/•~~~ T%~* uvn,~r rt.l-i /~-r ~~15 C-uGCyJesl, w.rsi q [nwnv uNa IflvcE wc~c Foc•e rYr Mh.~ • ~ hWvF.cO r.6.w" A,vo- IR/.0i.W ./YS.vr. Co.U./iYUC~rrV antic nM•u Akr oiroP.Jca~ dQ/vt3.+rrO.wtN1~7 L.~/K .6.''.vrzG~x/ihv~ ; .'~` ~' General Requirement #3 ~ ' ,The Board must find °that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that theuse is a public necessity." ~ '. Stalcment by Appl/cant: iK,J e/N e.Ac~.~/ rxil~ /~ /SY~-r'F'''~ ir~o~ ~rrY r.~.~ ~un,cr~s-ar /rt.Llt~P/c . Ova P~'~'rt~ s1r~N /lc''Is~YRY rtO/31A//~! /fit ~0 9 ~~ /hI/0 6H1N on/6J•-'~/~ /~l~lfiR/..~/,tr' ~`~Yd, av /S ya~9n/' ilto . Dec .tnkrrdsM .tRjelKf ~[ .ttLc~is~z</ /»Mr~~~xF F>tutl ~rJ ~Y/~to es/.ve~c F~c R~/~.~irsrrl/~Y'~BO, a.~. ~~ Cenc"ral Requirement N4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to theplan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." Statemenl,byApplicant: ~ 71n,/ iu i/ie+G~ d~Y ~E /~ 'wN AI NoN• ls.~rr+crrct~h cy A~ PaOiQtF, p2vr/disc. /~/r G/huuEitt A .ee-.//uNVCE.fk+tYFifirl+ /itA~~E'..ct/i"AYv ~.v/r'irv/xcd. /r/ ,/A~e~.~P.t/tF /6t14 er~natJ RNf ~U!/!M.(/>" tu~/N Re:/Ndvn'/1l G/rr~. 1 ' ~ , • ~ The Zonin Ordinance in some instances also im oses additional s ecific re uirements on the use re uested b - .. g ~ P P q 9 Y the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72._., (as applicable). HelShe should also demonstrate that the land . will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of Ncw Hanovu County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the .' - Speciat Use Permit. ~ ~ . '~ I certify that all of the information presented in this application i; accurate.to the best of my knowledge, informs- ' tion, and belief. '~~~ ._ . ~, Signat~lte of Applicant and/or Owner " r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 07/05/95 Regular Item #: 4E Consent Item #: ' Additional Item #: Department: Planning .. , .. _ Presenter: D. Hayes _ . Page Cotmt In Agenda Package: 6 ~ Contact: Pete Avery ~ - . - , .. ~ ~. ~... , .• .~ , ~'U NnIN G S OURC E,: r- r. . Federal. $: ~ -State $: - 4- • County S: ~. - User Fees S: - ~ Other S: - Money [s In Current Budget: ~~ New Appropriation Request :. . , .. , , . Budget Antcndmcnt Prepared: ~ ~ _~ ' " ., :. .. ~., .. ... .. ~., x , t_. ... ~. ~ . , ,. .~ . _ ,. , - , ~r _.. rirvTrwrn 13Y ~ i. .. s ~ ... ,: ... ,_ LGL: N/A WCOPLEY FIN. N/A BSHELL '`°~ ' Bt1D: N/A CGRIFFIN . HR: N/A AMALLETT :. r _ .,, ~Ot1NTY MANAGF,R'S COMMF,NTS AND RFCOMMENDATiONS ~ ~•• ~ ~~ - :, ..'. .Y i X - 5 H . . . ... n.. .._ _. 4 ~ . , . - ~ ~~ ., 6 . Refer to Off ce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition _ _ .. ., .. Item E . ~ ' . ..= x .. ~ . ~ ~ ~. S-376, 6/95: Request To Construct a Child Day Care Center'Housing ' up to 112 Children on the WestSide of Carolina Beach :Road South of . . .....~._.... _ .. _ ~...... .~ . ~.. ~ .. ~ a _. .... .:~..,... Cathay Road .. .. .. ,. _. _ ~- ~ .y f Planning Board Summary The. voted unanimously to recommend approval of. the special use permit, subject to the following conditions s ' . ~ ".4 ¢ ; ;.~3 . ; . a ., One-.way; s i:gns, .be~,,posted •.to .direct, _traf f is ..flows- around ~, the _ , . circular drive. b. Erect a "No Entrance" sign at the sout~ernmost'driveway~~ entrance. ' c. Revise the site plan for the playground area to show the actual minimum square footage required by the State. ' There was no jopposition, however, one adjoining property .owner in Monterey Heights was concerned about the size of the playground area and the impact it could have on his property. He was also concerned about an extension of Burbank Road to Carolina Beach Road. Planning Staff Findings .. 1. The Board must find .that the use' wil'1~*not` materially±~endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. • A. The site has limited access to Carolina Beach Road. B. Water and sewer would~be provided from on-site sources. • 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions U and specifications of the: Zoning Ordinance. ' ., A. The property.,is_zoned~R-15 Residential. Child'day~care is ..s.,. ._ ,_~..._ ~ ... permitted by special ~ use. permit. in .this ' disarct . ~ ~ f y, ; B. The site consists of two acres. Adequate land area is available„to accommodate_off-street parking.,., ~ ' . ,: C . ~. of se can bee ad'ss can be p=ovided such that pick ups and drop '- • ~ -.-LL . e .without backing- into,.: the street°.' .. _. ~ :'.'.~.,.a ._ _~: _.wf .: D. A site identification sign is shown on the .plan. The maximum square footage of the sign:.cannot exceed 12 square feet.°° t" .. ~. . ' ~' E.~`~ A fenced :play, area ~is~•proposed -at the rear of the,building. r ~ ~.: k . ... .. ......~.,-...•.: ...a:;.x t-..r«..r~;•. n:..-.. War..... n ..:e.,.-.. ...t.,.,,.;J' .! k- .-.a . v + 3. The Board must find.;that ;theause;,will•not.substantially,,injure the value of adjoining 'or`~`abutting'"property'o-or `that~~`the'`use `is'` a .. public necessity. ~ - " A. With the exception of~houses:,,l,ocated at the western end of the ` _ site, in Monterey~~Heights~S~ubdi~v~i~s}ion, the are no residential uses nearby. ~`~The,.,appilcant}proposes a setback of 195 feet. .w from the ad jacent~aubd~is~on•.~ ~~°A~ planted buffer 27 wide is . _ 62.proposed along the tcommon~property line of the subdivision. -~• ...- F ~ ., _ , . , 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will •• , be in harmony with.the area in which it is~ to be located and in_ general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover'-, ~• County. ~ . s.. A. .There are numerous commercial activities in close proximity to the proposed day care center.. Further south is amid-sized - -shopping center. a: B: The size and scale of the day care center would. be compatible ~ •~ with existing commercial structures and those currently-under ~~ construction. ~ ". t ~ ~ .. ~. .. •, . -. ~ ~ i , .. ~ • ~. .. ' ~ • ~~ • • • ~ • • - - ., n. .. ... t t ~, s~ ~. S. ', ~ '". _ . ._ ~. .. ~ ~ 63. i .. F :_ ~~ 'VS~hat You Must Establish For A • Special YJse permit. Authority to~grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The - ~ ~ '? ' Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested-by the applicant: Under ' _ - each requirement. the applicant should explain; with reference to attached plans,,wheraapplicable, how the .` - - '' ~-,; ~- proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) ' •, ~- General Requirement f11 ~ ,-~ . ~ .. ~ _ . The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- , ~ , . . posed and developed according to the plan as•submitted an8~approved." ~ ; , , _- ~. ~ ..f ~. - x Statement by Applicant: _ : ~ ~• r General Requirement #2 • The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statement byAppllca~rt: General Requirement H3 . The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injuro the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." StatemenlbyAppllcant: General Requirement N4 ' TheBoard must find "that the location and character of the use ifdeveloped according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover•County." • Statement by Applica~rt: The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by ' the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each i. specifc requirement found in section 72.__, (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land ~~ • will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies ofNewHanover County. The Board of Commis- signers may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the .,'.Special Use Permit. ' ~ ~ . ' ~ I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, inforrna- lion, and belief. 64~ • . ig cure of Ap scant and/or Owner .~ ~~ ~ ~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET ., _ - . Petition Number: 5-376, 6/95 ' Owner: George Talman Representative: :Joey. Gebbia Request: Child Day Care Acreage: 2 ,~ - Tax ID Number: 7900 ~ Location• s~~,n ra,-^i_; „a tea,^~. Rd. ~ ' ' LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ,' •, Land Classification: Limited Transition Ezisting Land Use: ~~~^~*~+- Area originally zoned April. 1971-_ . Zoning History: ' . . , __ We 11 .'~~SewerT a Septic' Water Type: YP M rtle Grove ~ Arrowhead Snows Cut `Fire District: y Recreation. l Road Access• Carolina .Bch. Rd. Volume• ??~• Ong AnT :{' g ~ countl .' Schooi District: ~ Bellamy ~~ ~. - ' MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL GHARACTERISTIGS ~_ Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Cape F.eBr River. Outside Primary 'and Secondary Rechar e Aquifer Recharge Area: ' ' Conservation Resources: Norte ~ ~ ` '. Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: • None ;' • ~ . ~ _ ~ ~: Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily Kureb, Class 2 Septic Tank Suitability; Sui 1 Prime Agricultural. Soils: None Building Suitability: Few limits r . ., { .' y ai ~n ~ I_- v ~ rn ~ aS ~- W ~ ~ ~ -'F (n o2S U' E ol3 LL c t';' a~dU rna~i m ut 1 ~ `ov >,o~'~ I'"1 J M (~ ~ m c7 °-~' m Q ~ am~ow~ .~ ~. v ~ - ~,~ S~ ~~1 ' r W ~ 0 `i U m .Carolina Beams Road r. a ~ a m a- v a w 0 ~~a~ ~' t .. ~ t ~ ~' 4 ~ ~ t ~ ~ 1 ~ .. f ~. t t ~ .. ~ - 1 t ' ~ ~ i _ 1 1 . ~ ~ f ~ Y1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I 1. .. ~ ._ ~~ ' _. ~ ~ - y t . su1;.TECT; Zoning Text Amendment - A-261, 5/95 ~ ~ ~ . .. BRIEF SUMMARY: . ; Clarifications that the minimum setback in all cases- for high density proje + cts shall not be less than ~ t ~ ~ twenty-five feet. Section 69.4(S) .. : ~ . ~ ~ ~ . q ~ ~ .. .~ .. .. .. . .: .. s ~. _: RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND REOUF,STED ACTIONS: ~ . - ~ : ,~r The Planning Board recommends approval - _ .. , .. ~ . , .FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ :.. ._ .. Federal S: ~ ~/ State S: - County S: User Fees S: Othcc S: . Money Is in Current Budget:. = ', :. `° _~ New Appropriation Request .. ~ .. Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ ' ~~ RrvlrwEn i;v:. ~ ,~ r ~ - , . - . _ .. ' LGL: ~ . ~ ~ ~~ "FIN: N/A BSHELL `~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR.`N/A AMALLETT .. _ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS o .J J ~ :' t s . F. ~, .:. s is ~~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ _ .w .~ ,.. ., ,. ,., ~ .. t ` ~ < w ~ ~iI ~~~ i f ~ ~~ ~y/^~NU ` ~ ~~ . ~ .F F Y Y YV W e'~ __ s Refer to O(Fice Vision Qulletin'i3oard for Disposition . , . "~ . ~ _~ - `` ` Zoning "Text`Amendment: `Request-~to Establish a~~Minimum' Setback for. High Density"Projects When Locating Adjacent to Undeveloped and ~~ Unplatted~-Residentially Zoned Property :;;~-, .. (A-261,,,;5:/95) . ;~ . ,, Planning,Board-Summary • The Board voted• unanimously to recommend approval...,of =, the. text -. amendment.,, There,,was very.little:discussion. Overa l,•~the Board agreed with Staff that the clarification has needed. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary The purpose of this amendment is to establish a minimum setback for .high density development when it borders undeveloped and/or unplatted residentially zoned property. Currently., the setback for high density projects is determined by the height of buildings multiplied by a setback factor of 2.75 or 3.73, depending on whether;.~the,dwe.llings are detached or~attached: However, these. scenarios only ~apply,in situat_ioris'.where.~.the adjoining property is zoned residential " ~ -and either ''has'' a residential use located on it or has been platted for residential purposes. This section also allows .for. the setbacks to be reduced in return for increasing the width of buffering, but in no case can the minimum be less than 25 feet. Unfortunately, this section fails to identify the minimum for situations where there are no platted. lots and/or residential uses. on adjacent residentially zoned property. •As a result, .Zoning _,.Enforcement ..has.,interpreted.that. the underlying :zoning district setbacks would appiy..•This would mean that a high density project in an R-15 District adjacent to undeveloped and/or unplatted lots on residentially zµoned property could .have a minimum setback, as low as ten feet--ten 'feet ~is the minimum ,side yard setback `in'"the R-15 t~ ,.;. .. District. .., ....__.. ~........,_~.,.._~_ .,.._w."..........~ -.:.~..._.:.,, .,. :......w w.. .~'', . ~. .~..< . y. g howevera given they ntensits~~Wermitted beehimh~densitsuf~io'ceent;. ,. .., ... . Y~ P Y g Y P j cts, ~. especially. fore ••••attached-~-P. multi-story • bui~ldings,~-:-.it~`•.,=appears inadequate. Accordingly,,Staffabelieve~,it.would be more. practical to have a ,minimum `' 'standard' ~` for' `alb. ``'thes"e' 'types~'~ of ~' projects regardless of the status :of the adjoining residential .property. With that in mind, Staff suggests the minimum setback for. all high density be at -least twenty-five~~~f~eet „~vwhich coincides with the allowable minimum for pro je,cts'~ when~~buf~fe=~M.yards are required. To ,achieve this, the followi~~rig-text revs,ggion~`~~is needed: R~e~se 69.4 (5) A. to read: The reguired~mnimum setback for High p .~ Density development shall not be less than twenty-five feet. When such protects are located and adiacent to any existing detached; - residential development-(not including Mobile Home Parks High Density or Planned Developments) the setback. or other shall be calculated from the following formula: -. • ~ ~ .~ _ ~, e .. ~ ~ . '. ~ ~ ~ ~. . ~ - ~ .~~ ~F ~ ~ ~ :. 4 ~ ~ ~, . ~. . _ ~ 69~ ~: 1 ~ _ F -. ~7.0 D ~, r Tl:is page inlentionirlly left blank Regular Item`#: 4G. Consent Item #: ~ ..Additional Item #: Department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes ° Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Sam Burgess Road Closure -Unnamed road in Bradley Heights Subdivision -.'~~ . , A _ ° .. , I3RTEF SUMMARY;, ~. .Request by adjoining landowner, John Lawhore, to close an unnamed road 580 feet`south of the Victory Gardens-Oleander Dr. intersection. This unimproved road situa'eed between two residential lots has a 30 ft right-of-way.156nfeet in length. Potential vehicular access to the adjoining property owned by the Junior - Ordec Corporation of Wilmington and connecting with Peiffer Avenue appears unlikely.. County.Parks has 'expressed an:interest in the 4.2 acre site as a neighborhood park. Presently an unmaintained ballfield and , .community building exist on the site ~' " `` ~ ~ . .. _- a ._ _ .... -.~ ~. w_ .. r .. . - .. .,... F , '~ - ~ t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO,i,1ESTED ACTIONS:' :~' , ~ ... While the unopened road is not functional for vehicular use aiid County Engineering has no desire fora ' - utility/drainage easement within the road, Planning- staff recommends that a 10 to .15 foot pedestrian . easement be retained from Victory Gardens Drive extending to the.4.2~acre site in the event some public or " community organization choses to utilize the site~for recreational purposes. + 7 Monc is in Currcnt'Bud et:~; :. ~ ~ ~.~ -~ ~ - ~ , - < y g New Appropriation Request ;' '~ , .Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ - REVIEWED I3Y: LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RT;COMMF,NDATTON ° ~ - i _ 1 - - ~ .. r ! ,i :~ 3 ~~lynC4;ab~~9u4:ffi~1i~8~~J ~~ , Refer to Office vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ ,. ~: ~ .Summary Tnfarma't ion: •, : ~.:: ~ . ~~ . ,. ~ ~,~ ,~. , . ~ q~ r.:~~~ y, a g, , awcer,~Jahn pLawhor-i? tc~ close an ~~ Fe. uest b ~d~c~inin land ~.1e _,, • .~~ianc,ppned ,and urnir-amed road ~BQ~ feet ~c~utti of `'thy Victar.y-"' "" " ~ '~~" Gar=dens=Oleander°" Drive intersection "(see ~ati;ached-~n~p °far= -~ - `~.~spec-ific~:lacat}ian),:= This -unimprGVed r.c~ad-.situated bet.~ezi--, taro residential lc~i;s has a 3~- i'aat righ-t-cif-way:..i~b`:.feet-•.~. in length. Fotenti.al access to the ad.joining~ p--aperty owned partially by the Junior Order Corparatian of Wilmington and 'connecting with F'eiffer Avenue appear unli~:ely. County Engineering has indicated that drainage and/ar utility easements will not be needed. However our County F'arJcs 'Dep"ar,tment~.has ~°e;xpi`e"sled an. i~i,tz.rest in ;the ~r• ... ., _ ~- ,;-42 acre site ,.as. having;_some~ potential far ~ , ~,y, `.,. 4,x. . ; neighbc~i-_hood, parka F'resent~ly,", an ~mmaini,a''nLd 'ballfield . ,.. , ,- ,. ;; . , •_. ~ _ , `~"a-d ~cammunity,'buil'ding exist on`'th'e site. - - ~~ ~ ~-- r ~, ~ ~ . . .,. 4 „ ,~ Staff Fecommendation: .' 4Jhi le i t is realized {:hat the unape-ied rand is not . functional far vehicular use and the fact that County Engineering .has na desire fiat a utility/drainage easement -„. _ . within -the r~ada the planning: staffrecammends' that °a~'lU >s .. _ ,...._ .... _.. P _ .. ;•~,te~, 1~ feat ~destrian easFment fr•am~ Vietory~ Gardens D~-ve~±. e>:tending to the 4~.2 acre site adjoining in the event some puhalic ar. community organization chose.ta utili~Te, the site fc~r recreational purposes. __.... .. , .,~ . ,. ~ d.. _ __ t a a. ...~........._..._.~~.~...~ ...._W~~......,a, a •,.~... .e . ._ ._ v ._ ._ _,_ .y _. .. .. ..._ ..'„. ,~ - „~. i ~ .'5~ ~ . . ~? ~, F a r ~ ~ ~L ~ ~,... 1 ,~, f .. _...._. ~ . _ .. .- . .... .... 5 ..,. ~R ~~ tr ~.~ . ~?_P,_ t - .. .. .- ~ - . Attachment "B" -:Site Location Mai ~, . ~. ~ ~. fMlt 1". • Z ~. P~ °"~ ~. • ~„ a•r ~.J . i ~ ~ ~ 4 rff• b w f f ~ ~ a ( ~ • ~ ~ fit; p - ~ ~f fl •~ I ~ ~ of r r f l f fp • ~ 4•rff 1f•.f , a.lK ~ °q'4 laffa•frl ~ .~.. - t ', ) ~, °' ~~ •~ •mvt` ~ ~ r.rf ~ ~ • ,y1 ~ 4 •, •'J • f~ .. µ K ~ ~ Mvl M l f~nl Q ~ . J ` Cfal tr ' ~ 7 ,y s . Turf • d 'r y , w ' ~, / ~ ~ 'teu • ~~ ~ 'T rot ~ '•+. h 4.' M• 5 ~~r. ' r a• 1 ~ .. f ~ ~a J• ~ f`4 ~. .. ., . • d r • f I .. K f r ~ ~. ~ ~ / •fa r .•fr. • 1 Icy( ff ~ ~ vfur• ~'l '. .: ~ , Mfl ~.._ ~ ~ _ i f~,~• ~A r 4 fLfu•f ~ • ~ wvf ar ./ ~ ~~ E O i ~ ~ w N d • f v 4, . ~ llvp ~ ~ r, ~( • t ~ • .,f q e ~ ~ ~~ .r«uffnl~ ~. b ~ 1 ` 1 ~ ! f1 '~ M1 ~ 0'I f~"~, ~. f 1 ` ~f ~ 4 r f • l r. ~ w..M t• ~q r -.l 'f•/1t . ~ ~ ~. i ,.,~ • ~ ~ ~ vtfll~f• u• ~ CT ~~ ' • ., ~ 11.1W ~ ^^~ ~ f + C l IIbYY IVp V yin ~ r Vvr "'~~ f ~.~ /~ f 'f M. M ' •• ~ 'a / ~ J, u . 4 ~ , f.w V fl r14 •[ ~~ ~ fYf ~r nm ~~. of tea. b- SAY e '. f• .~ . v' 4 ~ • p ~.. .ice rf.t a ~ A•rlf C ~t` ~~v •~f 4 ~ • ~~ - Y 1 r~iM f ~ e I f9 •ftr, .~,~y t,rh w~~ , r 8 ~ p j'' `e Y v ' ~ ° ~ . - as ~ 8' ,] ? °f•lf ~q°,./ - J V rY•1 ~ n ~ . r 4i/v~ 1 t 4111 V M ~ I I .. "Y•• w •1"'~ • R wolf Pfff 6Jt lfy ~ ." f• , '1 Y. t• .M 1 f1 f 1M , ' " ~ fL # -, ,. 1 ., u .. q ~. . .. .f ._, . - ~. . 8 o ., - - Z W H N , W 'N ~d V ~ U ~ G L d ' ~ O U -" ~ ~O ~ zO v V v D~'/lFfiTi.BJ~ OF TFi~f'Of~TAT10N ENYIRON>~IENTAL IMPACT ~ STA7EfdENT ~~ ~~,~WLMINCITON BYPAS8 , "F . ~ ~Y .4 , ..T.I.P. R-2633C ~:~ .. . ~~ ~~ ~. , . MAINLWE lYP1CAL SEC N ` .- ;~-- = NEW~ALIGNMENT~~~: .. ~ _ . ,. COMMENT SHEET ,. Wilmington Bypass from I-40 to U'S 421 ~ { ~" R-2633C New Hanover County : _a FProject 8.U250901 n._. .... r u . ~, Ch ~ ~ ~~ a ,i.- n Regular Item #: W&S#2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #:, Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact; Lucie F. Harrell Fedcral S: - Statc $: County S: User Fccs S: Othcr S: Moncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request:. . Budgct Amendment Prepared: Rrvtrwcn 13v: - LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL : BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - .._ _ _ , - ~ ~- -- _ ~~~ a {~~ - Refer to Otrice Vuion Bulletin Board for Disposition ,' .- . [regular Item #; W&S#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: ' Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard . ~UR.TECT: - Contract-'Elevated Water Tank, Ogden Park ~ - . _ - ~ . ' • . ` ,,. . - BRTET', SUMMARY:._ ~ :. _.. :. - _ . _ Along with other devtaopers, Mr. Bill Grathwol is planning to construct a'S00,000 gallon elevated water tank near Ogden to serve the houses in the area between Murrayv~lle Road, Gordon,Road, and Market Street. The. tank would be a part of the water system recently donated to the District. The tank will be paid for by them 'at a cost of approximately .$500,000 and will also be donated to the District. They are requesting perrnissionao construct the water tank on the edge of the Ogden Park property. Neal Lewis has reviewed . the proposal and concurs with the proposed construction of the tank on the`park property. The attached sheet, provided at the previous meeting, very much indicates the advantages.of accepting the tank. Also attached is a contract which would allow construction and transfer of the tank ownership to the District. ~2ECOMMh',NDED MOTION AND REQUF,STF,D ACTIONS: ~ .A I recommended that the Commissioners approve the contract with authorization for the Chairman to execute. . . EUNniN G SO . .. URCE: ~ ~ .: Federal S: State S: County S: ~ User Fecs S: ~ ::...f , Other S: . t.4c' Money Is In' Current Budget.. , , ~ ~.~ . ~ ` ' ~ New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ ~ ~ ~ j' - - ED BY• .. ... . REVIEW LGL: - FIN: "~. BUD:`N/A CGRIFFIN HR N/A AMALLETT ... . .. , . .~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~ '~' ~: Recommend the Board consider and approve the proposal The proposed contract will follow under separate . cover. ,. ~ . - . ~ w •- ~ '1y`~ ~1~~ Refer to Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition _ " -- u F. .. - ,. ~.._, . Proposal: .,~_..._ ._....... ___._ - w..... .. ,_. A group of developers, headed .by Bill~Grathwol,.desares a 500,000 gallon elevated water tank at a to construct , cost of approximately $500,000 on the~Ogden Park site and then donate it over to the County: In return,,the, evelopers would t that the County reserve water ~ ' s ~.' ca acity in 'the tank to serve ~ ei °'The ouh y is nvestigat ng t e possibi -ity- of,~~ ~»~ . ~ ~ ~• ~#' .~contr.ibuting funds,:to further. upsize_,the tank. Advantages To The. County e -, °' ~ ~ ` , - ~ - 1) :help link The `eleva'ted' tank is, one 'component that will Lr , - ~ ~ - - ~~together the -North' Chase system, where the. we~llwater ,is ' . ~ ~ _ : ently. purchased from .` o,f poor quality, with .th'e ,system ;rec a ' -- : Grathwol in the Gordon Road-.area., ;where wellwater,:. ., quality is excellent., The system could eventually be tied into the Porter Neck area, where saltwater a factor. North Chase and the intrusion is b,ecoming _ Porters Neck area could _ then . be'~ served by .;the ~.a ="~_ ' ~,, .. ; : '" " • '°~ good groundwater in the' Gordon •Road .area ;~ r :. ,..,,, . ,. . .. 2) Subdivisions, in general, in the area could be tied together to improve reliability. Without the elevated tank,;existing State regulations prohibit tying together'~subdivisions with more than 300 units. ~ 3) County ownership of the tank will .encourage donations of new water systems by developers to the , ,,..,_ ..__ ._:. ~.~~ _ _County.._~...;Wa.ter .systems, in,_,.general, tend to ~~provide_ ' " , :. .- ' ~ . positive''cash flow. •-~~.:. :".., ~' 4 ) Fire protection in the area would be greatly enhanced and;;allow for the provision of .fire hydrants., Elevated storage is a major factor in`providing the ~---- - -AZ ---- ~ ~~-- -~ sustained water pressures needed,.;.for.fire,~~hydrants~..,. ,V_z .. ;Potential. Disadvantages to the County: ~ ;#~, `~:#~ The °~ elevated, ~sto'rage " tank will ~~further ~~ ~promote~ ' •" ° - •• -~ ~~-growth ° 3n°~the ° Ogden area, «which . is .,note- unde arable .. • so long as the~sewer.system•,,. chools, drainage, :and _ , ~ ... , ..~.~. g ,g. _. hiahs r'owthin thisl,areas"~`kEvenuwithoutttheaeleyatedY storage,~.aowever, growth would likely continue but with a le~s's ~des,i~rable system of water supply. a, a~ a ~ E~r.r~J !-...,Ga.Jr~~ SF l~'~k .t ilJ ~-a~b+~ „.t. . •~ ,. ~ 4 , a - a ..q . ' • ~ • • ~"~ '~~'~'~~ ~` ~Tltrs purge inlerrtionally left blank . ~,.~.~ ~ .. ~. ~ ~, ~ . .. ~ .. a 84 ~ ~, • - a , ~ f `4t • Y, . ,. • , y ~, `j. Tlris page intentionally left blank ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ' `N { t ' ...._. .... s .. .,... ..._.... ... ,_ ...r .. ....a .,, .. tea.+.,... w..w.~w.. v v ~ j'p ,~ s ~. , .._ ~ _. .. I' ....,~ ~ 3 _...~.... ...n.. ..-~-....:vwvw .... r ..f. ..!..... „u ,..r vs w+.~sn...M-... .. .un . r..-.... «n. : ~, c~ . ~ ~~ r i ~ r ~ ~~»- n ~~ E . - -M ..v .. . ..... .. r 1... ... Regular Item #; Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #; Department: Museum, Presenter: ~~ _ , ~ ' Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Janet Seapker ~ : `? , '• . ~ SUI3.TECT:. .. Grassroots Science Grant in the amount of $5,000 :awarded to the Museum ~ - .4 ~3RIEF SUMMARY: ...... • ,..,> ,. .. - The.Museum has been awarded a $5,000 Grassroots Science Grant. The funds were appropriated by the ~~ General Assembly and distributed by the Museum of Natural Sciences: The grant will be used partially for the preparation of outreach materials for teachers for the Michael Jordan Discovery Gallery and partially _ for the development and preparation of a textile kit for circulation to area schools..The Commissioners approved the application for these funds at their 2-21-94 meeting. . r .._ 1 ~ ., LL ,.. ,. . ~ ,~ .-. . ., a ~ . - ~` ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOIJESTED ACTIONS: ''~- ~ °- ~ ~ ,~' ~~- ' Recommend acceptance of the grant and request approval of associated budget amendment #96-0001. ,. . I: UNDiNG SOURCE: Fcdcral S: State S: 5,000 County $: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No . _ .,New Appropriation Request: Y,es ., . ' .Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes - RrvrrwED rrv: - .. ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: . HR: ;~ T ~ D ,. ~ '. ...' Recommend approv , ... ... . _ ;b _ h ' ~~ ~ ~ _ - ,~ .. .: .~ . . ......_ ._ ~{{qq fI g pp .. • ~, Utl°% ~ . - - -~..~..:j ' ~ Refer to OtFia Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition . ., I ~ ` March 9, 1995 ~ ~ • ; ~ :;. ~ ,_ ,• I asked Miranda Dungan, education coordinator, to describe the manner in which : =` ..,~ she envisioned using $500.0 frgm,Grassroots Science::Her ideasfollow. .. ~ -~:; - ~~ ~,y . ., , . _ ., .~ .. ~.. . A - a- .: ~ 1.• -Michael Jordan Discovery. Gallery Pre- and Post-visit'Materals '=' for Classroom •Use .. _. ~ . _ r• ... Target age: elementary school. students, grades 2-6. The gallery employs hands-on :exhibits which explain the natural history of the region. We will hire a contract elementary science teacher to develop a teacher's packet. The activities will• - ~ x . . - _,-. .., ._ relate to each area of the gallery.: upland forests, rivers and bottomlands, maritime, farmland and ;city ecosystems; focus on observation and identification of organisms endemic to each ecosystem and formulation and testing of hypotheses by students; and • increase the awareness of personal responsibility for the environment and stimulate interest in science. ~ ~ ~ `~ h ~` ] ~t Packets will be distributed to all third grade teachers through a collaborative effort with New Hanover County°schools, and other teachers by request The packets will ..... ~ ,r ,, ~, . be available at no cost to the teachers:; ~ - rc~~--~~ ~-- ~ - ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ .. - - ......~ ~ f r:d H ---...,.....,-,.., 2. -Textile Kit .fr.~-...,.. -..~~.. ~..~..,.• , , ~.~.... __ . .,.: ....... ~ ~ , ~-.~ .. ~ ..._ • - .. _.._ Target age: elerYientary ands middle school students, grades 4-8. -~. ;~ ,~ .~ , ~.~ -~ . ~~, x. ~ ,. .. Grant funds will be used to contract with an educator to develop and prepare a textile kit for circulation'to=area s.chools;j~The grant also will cover reproduction ~~ ate- a, U ,.~~ N costs of the written matenal and purchase;of artifacts and supplies. ~~.'3, ~~ ._ . ,., - ,~t_ ,, -. . - . . ;~. The kit will contain sam les yof Ian • -" .- ., p p t matenal, fibers and textiles representing ~ . _ ` • textiles associated with North Carolina throughout history: ~wool,_silk, cotton, -• ~ " polyester, nylon, rayon, chitin and kevlar. ~ . " ~ ~ - Withintegrated learning as an underlying goal, the kit would contain: , " ~~ - ... .- a timeline of textile development associated with workers who produced . ~ -- ; , them; • _ . ~ , . ~ a Language arts activity for researching the scientific and culturalF aspects of .. • - ~. .; each phase;. ; . ~ .. ... ,- :. r . ... v .. .. •.. . background material on development of major improvements ~in clothing: the " sewing machine,~the zipper, Velcro, etc.; with suggestions for classroom ~ .: . .. .. invention protects; .. .., . ... " simplified explanations of chemical and physical properties of each fiber and , related textile with methodology and materials for performing identification tests in the classroom; - : • sample proposals. (with hypotheses, testing methodology and data collection • ~ ~~ "forms for sim le science ro'ects related t to " ~ P P J o xtiles; . _ _ .. _ information on current research in textiles within the state (chitin and kelvar) .. ~~ and their applications.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ! ~ ~ - Now that you know of our plans for the Grassroots Science funds for the year, ~ :~ - . ~ please consider this letter a request for payrrient of$5000 from the Grassroots Science Museums~Project Pool. The check should be made out touCape Fear . .Museum. ..: r~:.. _.: ~.:., -,; . ,. We look forward to working with you m the..future ,as a full paiticipating4imemb~er of ,::; . ~ the Grassroots_Science Museum Project „ w: .. ;;~. ,*, , ~ , . ,,, . '< 7..~ ~f;; . _s .;;~ ~. ;... , Sincerely, ,.~ >g~, . ~ Janet K: Seapker s, t Director.. ~ ' ~ _ - _ ~ ,. ... , ~ 4 ~ - . ~ _' ~. .. ry ., .: f. . . ~ ~y~n, ~,~~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~ ~f'~~ ~ -- r. ~ w ~_ ~ Y .. • .:. A:. .:.,. ...:::..... ... ::... ~. , .. -• y.i. " July 22, 1993 _ `~_ • To: Allen O'Nea1,M1 Count ~ Mana er ` " ~ ~~ ? `^~ r..a"~~'" ~~ X g r ~= From: •Jariet R~. Seapker, Director ~C ~_, •~ '~ ~'-~t~~• ~ '~ i''~ Cape Fear .Museum, ,4350 ~AI?DiINISTY.ATI~'E O.FIC_; Subject: Grassroots ,Science:Initiative ~ NItiV HANOV~R CO. Attached is information about the .state's~hew~Grassroo'ts Science Initiative which provides $50,000 to each of at least eight "roaramsuoffereduto 'schoo~regional-basis ao enhances,-and expand P 4 is ,and the , general public . ",. The Grassroots'Scienee concept"has'been'around"for years,'but not funded until the last legislative session. In~ the" early years, ours was one of the museums included as specified recipients, but no ..funds had been ., a '' ppropriated.. .We,.finally. dropped, out ~ of the plaiiniig~ ou"t ' of ~boredorri: 'and the fact that we were ,doing . so little natural : science = `in those days . ~ ~ °" ' '' ~.'' "" • a, - ~ " -'`"~ .:~.: ... Well, it is anew day .for, Cape Fear Museum and we are interpreting natural science. I phoned Karen Got ovi.to,:find out the status of this ,year's` ~bill~ and sfie '.seemed miffed hat =T was asking about it "at this~~late date."'.Iexplained that I began making inquiry as soon as I knew about it. . , At zany rate;."`to be included in~the~ future, ~I,.understand we would have to be specified. in the bill. Tfiis is where you and probably the commissioners come in-=to lobby our representatives in the General -Assembly to get us ;written in•.t= There may be .. ~~ '' ' ramifications o.f being - designated., a recipient of .Grassroots money, about which I` 'am 'notaware, but it never hurts, to investigate.':;; I understand there are two other ,ways to receive funds : 1.`` ~ ~~'? `~ convince the directors of the ,recipient institutions to let us in, i . e . , reducing their., allotments 4'(fat chance;;) , or .~ 2 . ~ ~ apply•:T;~ for.• project gr'ant~ ~furds.' ;'In the "case of~ the `latter, `.ino project; pool monies have been appropriated aiid "are' not' expected"''to be ~~ °' included in the pending bill.,.:, Should, you decide to pursue this~and_find yourself in need•~ additional information I will try to come up with it. //A•, ~'{ ~ ~ P,~c ~ ~ •~.t ~tG~~.~~ xh ~ ...~ff~ 1./,^~~!. /(' %/ l~s x s `~ ~~ > ~ ;~~ r ~ r ... ... .. .. .... .. ..-. -... .... .. .. . ... ..... .. - ..-.~ - .. ... ..•1.. .. ... .~ , k ,,,• •w, .. ~ ,~tt 0 i,> ~ _ fb - : Dinosaurs Alive! And MORE: '' ~ -. . - ~ z~ - ~ . ,~ . .... w .. ' ~. y.. ' +~ ~ ~ ••-Good Press,: Good. Profits, Good~Fellowship .~ . , k.. ,. , .. ,.. - -. • .• . ., , x. . - ~ In a memorandum thanking museum staff and 1991. Commissioner of Agriculture Jlm Graham Volunteers for their support of the Dinosaurs officially opened the exhibit on Preview Night. He ; :..Alive! And MORE exhibition at the 1992 N.C an~Fair Manager Sam Rand have expressed an , ' . State Fair, Volunteer Chair Mary Hunter Martin ~ _interest In having the Friends sponsor a similar ' ;and' Project Chairman BIII McLaurin announced • exhibit next year, Bath attended athank-you party - R that the event showed a net profit of approximately the Friends gave for museum staff and committee - 375,000,.. Managing the exhibit and welcoming members who worked on the ,Dinamation project. . some 45,000 fair-goers required more than 2,000" '° Museum l)irecto~ Betsy Bennett congratulated . ` • volunteer hours. • t „the Friends on the success of the exhibit.'During a ORTH CAROLINA ~ BUrrOUghS WeliCOme troy which spo~sored~ " ,~, period of tight budgets and rising costs for goods , ' ate rnuseunn of the Dinamation exhibit in 1991. did so again this 'and services; the profits from the State Fair exhibit ~', year. The 1992 show featured five dinosaurs and , , `' contribute substantially to the successful operation ,,~ ~ • three prehistoric mammals: Triceratops, `~ " of the museum; Dr- Bennett said: 'However, the . Tyrannosauros, Stegosaurus, Pachycspha/o ~ ` ~ `` ,favorable-.publicity, the community support, and .the. n saurus, Parasaurolophus, the rhinoceros-like . strong sense of fellowship generated by working . ' • =Eobaslleus, the glyptodont Doedicurus, and the ' '_ together on ari exciting project are equally. •,' • Saber-toothed Cat (Smilodon), _ ~ Important. The N.C:~State Museum of Natural . • .,; • ~ - First Citizens Bank sponsored the Discovery - Sciences'has a can-do staff, lots of can=do "` ° . , `.~ . Express, a tent dominated by life-sized. models of a ~-'volunteers; and aeon-do Friends organization..:, ~ Tyrannosaurus head and a leg that was cut away; That's an unbeatable combinationl' 6" ' a ' {- on one side to reveal bones and muscles. The tent ~ ~ ~ - °- C~. L~ ra~ also. housed. a video on paleontology, hands-on ' ~ ~ ~~ -• activities for children, and information about the GraSSrOOtS SCIenCe - CleI1CeS - Museum of Natural Sciences. Thousands of activity • . • sheets and educational leaflets were distributed to Reaches Across State ~. u a o e o i s r 4 teachers, students; and other interested visitors. ' ~, ' Many people spent 30 minutes or longer learning The 1992 General Assemblyfo~ok a big•step• ~ -. ` - about dinosaurs in the Discovery Express. • toward giving the sciences the same kind of ;,:. ` WLFL fOX 22 was the media sponsor, and 'statewide support that has long been.offered to the , York Properties provided the stickers placed on ' ~ arts in North Carolina. An appropriation of .:F.. ~ , ' ~ • - `-.each visitor and volunteer. ' 3450,000 was divided among nine science centers ;., • "The .Dinamation exhibit has become a high point participating in the Grassroots Science In(tlatlve of the State Fair for many people,. and the Friends ~ Most of the appropriation will be used to .- , - , - were pleased to see many repeat visitors from . •. enhance and expand programs offered to schools ' WSLETfER ~ ~ and the general public by individual museums on a < . ` • AND. Ca'nnOn FOlll'1CIatlOtl GCBIIt . I =- , .regional basis. To ensure the availability of similar ROGRAM $U(~POI'tS WIICIerneSS EXhlblt --•- educational opportunities throughout the state, ,. even in communities far removed from a science ,„, LENDAR -• '~' • - ~ • ~ ` ~ - • '~ ~ •-•< =• ~ ~ `- ~ :. `center, members set aside 1b96 of the Grassroots ~ " -The Cannon Foundation has granted the N C ~ ~; Science funds to support cooperative outreach ~. '` State Museum of Natural Sciences .35,000 to . =~ projects. Outreach..etforts are being coordinated.by ;.~ ` NUMBfR 47 enhance North Carolina -~A Sacred Land with ~ . F RUARY 1993 sound and Video: Created by noted nature ~~` - • .., ~• • . 'the N.C. State Museum ,of Natural Sciences ;, ~ ` According to Betsy Bennett, who is serving as .: photographer James VslentMe, the exhibit ~ -.coordinator, six major projects are already under>, x` " . - , ~• focuses on the beauty and ecological diversity of ~ rya ~ ~ - the state's wilderness areas: It was shown at the ' • ~ • Support for a traveling van ope~atirig t f the • ~ museum in the spring of 1991. "~ ' ' Western Nortfi Carolina Nature Cente~A~evt'lie a '- The exhibit is currently being circulated to ten ~ - ~ ~-• - • - • county centers of the h.C. Cooperative Extension :•, • Support for a traveling van operating out of ' Service under the sponsorship of the Grassroots : Discovery Place, Charlotte. - Continued on page 2 "' (DyContinued on page 2 '~ Native American Feast and Celsbrntlon, a Some of the l26 participants in the November 1992 /east hid w• .their hands at Native American aris.and crafts, The , ~, ~`; ', . group at IeR energetically twirled sticks to make holes !n ~`~~ >• stone. Other people made, proJectile points, painted with j~ 'natural pigments, or played games. Kuntasso !s a board U :, game developed by Sioux women to amuse their children: In authentic versions, fhe''board' Is drawn on the inner suAace of a tanned animal hide. A player who ~-' roils a seven has to return his rock or bean to the starting point. He may how! like a coyote, !f that makes him Teel better The winner is the trst player to reach the ~; . "tepee. (Photo by P,R: Ford=Potter) , ,GRASSROOTS SCIENCE INITIATIVE : ; • ~~ ~ G Continued from page 1 }~, . • -••. Support fdr a traveling van operating out of U Imaglnatiori Station; Wilson. ~. •r Grassroots Science In Small-Town North Carolina. ~ Asix-program. series of hour-brig hands-on programs (UJ _ will be provided at eight different libra ' ' ~ ' _, ~ ~ Museums;;Str~ e for Unwersal ACC@SS ~- community centers. across the state. (~! i 1 LL „ r.: _ TraVelirig exhibit. North Carolina - A Sacred ~-1 :~ Aa Raleigh architect Ronald Mace~potnfed out.to participants in th'e _. Land will visiCten.county centers of the, N.C, .,. , annual ineeting ofahe North Carolina Museums Council last .' " ' ;' Cooperatlve Extenslon Service, primarily ones ^, ' _ November, compliance 'with the Americans With D(sabitities Act of 1990 - ° in `eastern North Carolina, ' ; benefits many people who are not disabled. He :urged:museum , , . ~ ., . ~ r ,... a, =; ~ , professionals to,think in terms of 'universal access' rather than • .Workshop for science teachers. One hour of , handica 'ed access t- • "~' ~ ~"° '° v PP • renewal credit.will be offered to parttciparits in '~ , x ._.. ~ ~ The newly installed automatic door openers at.ttie main entrance to ; `a.video'workshop conducted by Mary Ann Brittaln •~ •, °~ _, . - the Museum of Natural Sciences'are an excellent example of universal and distributed by satellite communications to ,: ° access. The control:buttons.have a wheelchairsymt~ol, but they worktor ~ ;. 1261ocalities across the state in cooperation • ~ " " . - people pushing baby strollers, carrying large packages, or suffering from .. , with fh e Department of Public Instruction ., a sprainedwrist. '' ~ ~ "', ,, ~. ~ , ~ Unlike the parking spaces legally reserved for~vehicles having special ~ 'North Carolina.is~a big state,' Dr. Bennett said 'T ' ' '° . license plates Issued onty.to the handicapped, other modified facilities. .: he goal of Grassroots Science is to help • individual museumsaimprove their own outreach :` ~ benefit the general. public. Many parents .prefer. to, a'ssisf-their small . - ~ . and to Jnvolve them in cooperative projects Ghat " children in the wide toilet stalls. Exhibit text placed at a,level suitable for ~;' take science education beyond the walls olthe wheelchair riders is also. convenient for children, short adults,;and people, , . museum into communities all across the state ' ~~ ' i who wear bifocals. Captioned videos installed for the hearing; Impaired, : . .Grassroots Science institutions other than those`' Q like recorded sounds and touchable exhibits suitable, for the visually ,~`.. ~, , ... i„ ` ~ mentioned abovo are::Catawba Science Center impaired, can be enJoyed•byeveryone. :. , , Hlckdry; N:C: Museum of Llfe and Science Keynote speakerJa'nlce Majewakl, Accessibility Coordinator, at the. -... = ' , Durham; Rocky Mount Children's Museum; Smithsonian_ Institutton; urged museums, to take a hard look at type ., , . , . Schiele; Museum. of Natural History, Gastonia; styles, type sizes, (nk colors, and paper or background colors used for. Sci/Works, Winston~-Salem; and the Natural publications and exhibit text. 'Mauve on gray is out,' she declared. . • , . Science Center of Greensboro, The group will Museum§~tieed to think in terms of what can'be read conveniently by 4 {..~ , ~ ~ ~ ask the:1993 GeneraLAssembly to continue visitors with less than perfect vision " ' . ! ~ . .,," We are fortunate, NCSM Director Betsy Bennett said, 'that our ~ ~ funding its statewide science outreach. l5 , ' inns for the new buildln " P g can be modified to comply not only with the , . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ ; ~' ..CANNON-FOUNDATION GRANT Americans With Disabilities Act, but also with the concept of universal- ~ ~ - ~ • ~ - access. We do not want•anyone, Visitor or employee, to be excluded ,, :_°.w .~ Continued from page 1, ; ~. _~ ~~ • r ~; = r , from any program:or from any part'of ourfacility because of a disability. 7 : ; "' Science Inltlat(ve. When that schedule ends in We recenitylnstalled a low,water,fo~untain operatedYby a push plate It is ` ~~ , September. the museum's exhibits staff will install used°far more often by°children,than by wheelchair.rlders, Now we are ~ ~ .. .~; • - the new features;arid prepare the display for future ex login the os§ibili of automatin 'the. doors on the first floor'•:: ~ P 9 , P , ty. - 9 a... ,•~sr. ., ; , . travels:. : Y. ~ ~ ::.° ~ ...~ , ... - between the Brimley, Room and the elevators to mprove~accessibility to . '... ~ ° ` ::.Persons interested in bringing the Valentine the upperfloors. " " ~ '' ' ~ . ~ '~ ` ~ ` ` ' ~ . =; • - _ .= 'As we snake plans for Freshwater Wetlands Habitats of Beauty and ; w:; exhibit to a library;or community center in their hometown .should write to Or.. Betsy Bennett, Function,' ~ r Bennett concluded,,'we will establish`readability standards , ,~~_ , Grassroots Science Coordinator, N.C. State " for exhibnd Incorporate features that enhance the museum Museum of NaturaLSciences, P.O. Box 27647, experienc a disabled wind for everyone else as well.' LS ~.. - ~ .:. Raleigh NC 27611, or call her at 919p33-7450. tS : ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~, ' .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~, ; :~ MeetingDate: 07/05/95 . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: .Department: Emergency Management ~ - Presenter: D Summers, if needed Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Dan Summers - _ _ RF,Vti;WI~;D 13Y: ,k - v ~ ~ ,. ~~ ~~ ._... ~ ...... , ` , .. ~~ ~ y LGL: .. FIN: N/A BSHELL ~ ~ BUD: , HR: ~. Tv ,r r Itr F n Tr ~' .Recommend approval .. _ , _.. . '~~ ~' -~~ i j~ 1 .~ .~ _. r .~.. _ e.93 _ y Refer to Once Vision'Bullctin Board for Disposition C WHEREAS, hurricanes are common weather occurrences during August, September and October, endangering coastal New Hanover•.County, and - _ ~ .. .. _ . WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew'devastated.a.1~16 square. mile .area of. Dade County, Florida, killing 40; people and causing"over' 20 billion dollars in ~damagetiwhich` changed' the'' lives of Floridians in incalculable .ways. WHEREAS, on September 21-22, 1989, Hurricane Hugo swept through South .and North Carolina, killing two people and leaving in its path more than one billion dollars in damaged property and forest. Hugo did not make landfall on the North Carolina. coast, but still .caused more destruction than any storm in the State's history. WHEREAS, damages from Hurricane Diana. in 1984 and Hurricane Gloria in 1985 totaled.-x,,74.2 million,,, dollars, but were minor compared to, ,Hurricane Hazel,µ the most -destructive' storm ever to hit -the 'New Hanover .County ..coast.. °~~ ' ;~:~-F .' ; : ~ r.°: ~ ` ~ : ~ -~" "- WHEREAS, a hurricane safety awareness campaign has been developed in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management, the National Weather Service, and the New Hanover County Department of .Emergency ,Management to help citizens acquire a knowledge ,of hurricane safety and preparedness guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of .Commissioners "~ ~ ~procla~ims the week of .July 2 through-July 8, 1995 as ~' ~ ~ ° . HURRICANE AWARENESS WEEK .. _ ., . . .~ , . ~ , . i. a, . ., ~ - in New Hanover County ,and encourages all citizens.,to ;..:assume. ._. .- _~ personal responsibility" by"~ "'availing -`°°themselves -~ of ° ~ hurricane safety information and be prepared. to protect property ,and; save - ~ • ° lives . ~ ~ °The ~ ~ -News ~-Media ~ and --- other :.,Public .. Service„- and'`: Safety .,° Agencies .. ,are„ „urged, , to W` participate`' °in r~ the . "Awareness Week'! _,,. activities.. ._. ~. w_. ~ ._ u .. .r .. ... .. P.. fir. .... -1. t .. {....v.n .a~~ »..... Signed this day of July, ,1995. { ., t ; „ . , ~ .l }XS .,; ~,.~.- ,,: -., fie' .w,-.yy, 'l!" i' - ~~ r `. ¢~, 7 ~ ~~i,rF - . • Robert'G. Greer 94 r .~. __-~.._.° Chairman ~.,• _. , t ~ ... ` • James B. Hunt, Jr. ~ .-~• Thurman B. Hampton ; .. 'Governor .. . , - ~.. _ . ~ "' ~, - - ^Secretary . ~' ,. • ',. - State of North Carolina ~~ -Department of Crime Control and Public Safety ~ ~ . :For Release: TMMEDIATE • ~ ~ ~~ • "~ ~ Contact: TOM DITT = .' ~, Date:- JUNE X20,. 1995,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Phone: (919)733- 3737 , ` ., , ,_ .. _ GOVERNOR HUNT PROCLAIMS JULY •2 .8 ~' :,-y ` .. .NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ . .. HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS WEEK IN . ., RALEIGH --}Governor Jim Hunt has • roclaimed the week .of .Jul M2--8~ . _ . P y ~. 1995, Hurricane Preparedness Week in North Carolina. .. ~,. ,~° Hurricane Preparedness Week is a~joint awareness campaign of the Emergency Management Division of the •N.C. Department of Crime.: ~:: „°• ., .. ~" Control and Public-Safety, the North Carolina Aquariums of the N.C. w, Department~of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, and the x. National Weather Service. : - : ~:. ~ ~ •~; "While our peak hurricane months-are normally August, September and October, .Hurricane Allison- this month reminded us we have.. to ~be.-; .- t ` ready from June through • November, " .said Governor Hunt... - ~, ~ ` .~ North Carolina,~•the most hurricane prone state on the. East Coast,~~ . has been;, skirted by Bob, Emily and Gordon a.n recent, years. In ::: ::° 1989, Hugo.roa=ed~~200.miles inland to strike Charlotte: and the ~`ti ~, Piedmont area. Tropical Storms Alberto and Beryl last year caused • wide-spread flooding .across North Carolina. •. • . G - .. ~ _ . "Everyone should have an emergency plan for themselves and,-their ~~•- - .~' ~ f amily, " Hunt said. "They should know they proper evacuation route~~ - 'and have proper supplies - on. hand. " :.:; ;~. .: _ , ~ _, . „ •~. Citizens' who• need hel uttin ~ to yether a famil • emer~ enc .` P P. g g Y g Y preparedness-plan should contact their county emergency management~.- agency or, the -local `office of:the American Red Cross....~~ ~~, ~ . _.: ;~ r ~ . - .. a'.,. „z , ~ . ,. .. ... .. _ _,., ~ ....tee ..w' b r . w .,> » .. - , . r. ~.. .+ rN Y y r.. ,..z n, y i. L i ... a e's t. ... > .. .. .. ~ a,. ,n .may...:- ~ . c . ..± .. n..k:. v ~ X [ .. ~~ Y~~~ n T - wl }; -xM f• ~ .. .. „e~-.~ '~ ~` .1 ..:f.. j ~„ TMs, .... ~~ ~ ~ t} .. ~ w ~ Y ` i, ~< < 1N v. A x "~ - - ~ y •, z ;. P 0. Box 27687 ~` T " ` 1taleigh,.N.C. 27611 . i'ax (919) 733-0296 ~ _ Actuality Lina(9t9)-733-8496 r~c~ Hurricane Preparedness Week - - ~ July 2-8, 1995 ,~~. . •`"~~ ..~< ~~' ~ ' ` ' ` ~ ,.?RECAP OF THE 1994 .'HURRICANE.. SEASON Dr..William:Gray's pred'iction~for 1994 was for a normal~hurrcane season. In April, he predicted 10-named storms: six of them would develop into hurricanes a_nd two would°be major storms with winds in'excess of 110 MPH. His revised forecast in August was 'f o= seven mined storms, four hurricanes and one major hurricane. The season ended in November with seven tropical storms and three hurricanes:. :'There .were no major hurricanes. _ . ~ ,~ 1. ALBERTO - Formed. June 30~off~the weste=n~tip of Cuba.- Traveled north and was named a tropical storm on.July 1st. aximum winds of 60 MPH. Came inland .near .Fort Walton Beach, Flori:da,., on Ju1~ .3. ~ -Dissipated rapidly, but dumped heavy rains .south and east: ofAtlanta on, July; 4-5. Flooding: killed 28 in Georgia and two in Alabama. Limited effect. in western N.C. . :.. .: .. x ,t ~ . . . .. . 2 . BERYL - .Formed ins northeast Gulf. of ~Mexco• Aug,. 14 . ^;, Upgraded,, to, ; . tropical storm status -.at` noon .Aug. ~ 15 at . a pointA .near,'land in. the Florida panhgndle". Dumped less. rain'thag:~Alberto,° but tornadoes caused significant dama a in South Carolina and V,a.r inia. , , . ., . _ .. , ,, , _ , 3. CHRIS{.-~ Formed.~Aug.. -.14 between the Lessee Antilles and Africa. Upgraded to tropi.cal• storm Aug...:16 ~-.~ Elevated to', hurricane. Aug. 19. ~-Turned north toward Bermuda early . on~ .the ` 19th. ,.-....Downgraded-.to 'tropical, storm late on the 19th. Began to break-up after passing east of Bermuda on the 22nd. .... _ ~ ~~ 4 . DEBBY =- Formed east .of .the .Lesser: Antilles Sept. ~~ 9 .. Dumped rain on• Trinidad, St:. Lucia and-Martn`i.gue.'.~„Broke up. on the afternoon-~ of Sept. '11. 5. ERNESTO - Formed some 420~~ `miles, south-.of ,the Cape,. Verdes , on ..Sept. 20. Upgraded to tropical storm status late on the 21st.µ Traveled north: Downgraded to tropical ' depress'i:on on the ~- 24th-. . ~... ~ ~~; ~ - _, 6. FLORENCE - Formed as a tropical depression and elevated to tropical. storm status during the first week on November in the mid-Atlantic. Upgraded to hurricane ~ on`.Nov~ : 4 at''apoint •760 miles east-southeast .of Bermuda: '> •Encountered: a strong .cold front •xon.~Nov. .~7 and .turned north;into open waters . Maximum winds' .hia ;.8'O. MPH.., Passed well east ~of Bermuda. ;~:-: 7. GORDON - Formed as a tropical depression on Nov. 9 off the Yucatan Peninsula coast in the southern Caribbean. Upgraded to tropical storm .status on Nov. 1.0 at a position some 360 miles south of the Grand Cayman .Islands. Moved .across Haiti. ~An estimated 850 to 2,000 people were. killed in Haiti from mudslides and flooding. Gordon skirted the Florida Reys, traveled up Florida's west coast, then crossed Florida and moved into the Atlantic on Nov. 16. Seven people killed in Florida. Upgraded to a hurricane on Nov. 17 at 11:00 'a.m. and traveled up the coast to within 75. miles of Cape Hatteras. Cordon's "moderate" nor'easter lashed the coast on Nov. 18 with gale force winds. Caused beach erosion, collapsed five homes left over from March '93 storm, flooded Highway 12 in many, spots. No ` •injuri (~ nd~no ° fatalities:' ~°~Gordon retreated- on- the -afternoon :of • the •-18th and ma~`i~and-fall as a low pressure system in northeast- Florida on`; Nov:~~ 2.1. .. ~_