Agenda 1995 07-171 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 0 1 B NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC JULY 17,1995 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) - APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:15a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee's Service Awards • 9:25a.m. 2. Recognition of New County Employees 9:30a.m. 3. Presentation on the Impacts of Growth on " ae'' • ~ .~ ~~ ~ Infrastructure in New•~Hanover County 9:45a.m 9:SOa.m. 10:20a.m. 10•:30a.in. PAGE NO 3 5 ;• 4. Presentation on New Hanover County's Use : • .pr13 of Local Government Access Channel 5. •Presentaion on• Proposed Changes to County " ~ '~ 17 ~ • , o Flood Plain-Regulations • -F. .~,T ,, ` .t 6. Appeal of Penalty on 1990-1995 Boat Discovery 23 7. < Consideration of Adoption of Resolution~Supportingt 4:. ' a 29 Continuation of the Corps of Engineers Mission in Public Works • 11:OOa.m. 8. Consideration of Acceptance of Criminal Justice 37 Partnership Program Grant in the Amount of $180,000 for the Purchase of Princess Street Property and associated Budget Amendment #96-0005 11: l0a.m. 9. Consideration of Approval of Elderly and Disabled 53 Transportation Assistance Program ~~ A~~ ,- ~,3 11:20a.m. 10. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 12:15a.m. 1' 1.. ~ Appointment of doting Delegate for 1995 NCACC ~ 57 Annual Conference, August .1995'".in Pinehurst, NC. 12:20p.m. 12. Committee Appointments ~ ~ . 61 ADDITIONAL- ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ .. COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ "'` ` COUNTY MANAGER ~ _. ~ ~ ` 12:30p.m. LUNCH :CLOSED SESSION -Personnel Matter -Evaluation of County Manager County Attorney .. .. . , Clerk to the Board of Comrnisioners 2:30p.m. •ADJOURN r o-r~ -,n ~ s s ~ rm . ` Cor~-k-r-4- c~- s ~ .: -~e.~vm mc~r, d ~- ~a~~ r~/ac.,~ ~~ e C C ra~u~ U.1a.-t-e r ~~a-~-- ~~ 5-~-~,~c~ ~~n n'''' ~ -c .. C W ~ .l l . Cam=t~,~.c~.:. `I.~ e.~o--fia.~.v~ ~c1 / ~-I~..~ " ....J .., ... - r ,. ~ 'n: t:1 e a v s a t a t s a NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH.THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC JULY 17,1995 9:00 A.M. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. .NON AGENDA ITEMS 2. Approval of Minutes 83 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Concept Design Report for 85 New Hanover County Wastewater Treatment Facility NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA ~ - ' JJLY.17,1995 " - 9:OO.AM. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS" ~ ~ PAGE NO. 1. - ~. ~ 'Approval of Minutes 89 ' . '.'~. 2. Adoption of Resolution Requesting Road Additions to the ~~ 91 State Highway System - Antelope Trail Drive in Fawn Creek Subdivision 3. Approval. of Renewal of Juvenile Detention Center Lease'' ~ . 95 4. . Approval of Release of.Value 105 5 Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 107 Fire District Collection Reports Ending June 30, 1995 6. Acceptance of the Department of Aging (RSVP) ACTION 111 Grant for $47,543 for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 7. Budget Amendments: A. 96-0001 To establish budget for Grassroots Science 119 Grant. The grant was approved by the Board of Commissioners on July 5, 1995 B. 96-01 To increase budget for additional revenue 120 received from Federal Forfeited Property Funds C. 96-02 To budget additional sales tax earned on Animal 121 Control Facility project D. 96-03 To budget additional revenue received from 122 Controlled Substance Tax E. 96-04 To budget additional revenue received from 123 Federal Forfeited Property Funds . 5 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: I Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: County Commissioners Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Rosetta Bryant SUB.IECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Employees' Service Awazds BRIEF SUMMARY: Listed below are employees who qualify for recognition due to their length of service with New Hanover County. Service awards will be provided by the Human Resources Department. Five (5) Year Service Awards: Deanna A. Josewitz-Tax; Franlcie L. Carter-Inspections; Donald C. _~ Hatcher -Environmental Management; Jennifer B. Columby-Social Services and Christine F. Murphy-Haines -Social Services. Ten (10) Year Service Awards: Daryl W. Devega-Property Management; Sandra Nixon-Sheriffs Department; Brenda F. Coffey-Emergency Management; and Joyce A. DeShields-Health. Fifteen (15) Yeaz Service Awards: Patricia A. Melvin -County-Manager's Office; Brent G. Jones - Vehicle Management and Angela K. Robinson -Social Service. 1 Twenty (20) Year Service Awards: Susan M. O'Brien -Health and Mellonice Williams -Social Services. RF,COMMENDED MOTION AND RF,OUESTED ACTION . r uNUI[vu suutic:~: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money' Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: I3udget~Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: N/A FIN: N/A -BUD: N/A HR: APP AMALLETT Refer to Once vision Bulletin Board. for Disposition ~1 C~~~~~V ~~~~ -ny~~S~O~~E~ 7'1~ ._ ~ J date... r i i i i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources ~ Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Mazlene Carney SUB.TEC_'T~ Recognition of new County employees BRIEF SUMMARY• A list of new County employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTEn arrrr7NS• FUNDING SOUR .F,~ .Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BYs LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: APP AMALLETT COUNTY MANA * .R'. COMMENT AND R nMMFNDATIONS• Recognize new employees. ~ A can ent listing of those attending the meeting will be available. ~~~1~ .. co~~4~r ~~~~w~~~ssaor~~RS 3 __ ~~~e _ _ _ ReCcr to Once Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition k ~ ~. .. . ~. . ! r ~ • . J ';_ ~~ ~ v. J ~. Tlris page irrterrtionally left blank REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 1 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department:. County Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Page Count In Agenda Package: .Contact: Chris O'Keefe BJECT• Consideration of impacts of growth $RIEF SUMMARY: Staff, at the request of the Board, has prepared information concerning impacts of growth on infrastructure capacity in the County. The continued high rate of growth, particularily in the unincorporated County, is placing high demands for capital-intensive facilities of sewer and water, parks, schools,transportation, and drainage. Concern has been raised on how to finance the development of new facilities. The following figures provide an approximation of the costs associated with such facilities and the possibility of establishing facility fees for new development. The Board should review the attached information and, if desired, direct the staff to further refine cost figures and develop a facility fee structure. k UlVUI(V(; SUURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fees S: Other S:' Money Is In Current Budget: ~ lYew Appropriation Request: ~ r Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLET'T COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Hear the presentation and direct staff on further refinement and development of a facility fee structure. ~5 Refer to OtHce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition " .. .~ " ~ .. Costs for School Construction The North Carolina Department of,Public Instruction provides cost estimates for school construction for. areas throughout. the state. Estimates take into account regional variations in land value and construction costs. The table below compares development costs for a.high school, a middle school and an elementary school in New Hanover County. ° Data for the elementary school is taken from recent bids for construction of North Elementary School and South/Central Elementary School. It is estimated that there are approximately .4 school aged (grades K-12) children per household in the County. In the table below, costs are calculated to determine the cost .per dwelling unit :for , construction," land and site improvements for: each type of school. Special legislation would be needed from the Legislature to enact"a school impact'fee. -. Costs fOf`SCh00'1 (/OnSfflJCtlnn In' NAw l-lannvar ('n~ ir,fv ~ ' Number of Building Total ~ Cost per/ Dwelling/ Cost Per School ~ Students Sq/Ft. Cost Student School Dwelling Elementary 600 63,000 ' $5,307,567 $8,846 4,280 $1,240 Middle School 650 86,450 ' $10,144,186 $15,606 5,760 $1,761 Hi h School 1,500 237,595 , $22,851,553 $15,234 12,539 $1-,1322, otal , , .2,750.. 387;045 $38,303,306 -__•_-. .. ...+. vuno vcra.uucrn ~~ rYUOV III,u UGIWfI .CL~CAVG (•W~ PODU12tlOn anti Nnt Minn actimatac fnr 1 QQd Municipality 1990 Population 1990 Dwellings Avg. HH Size New Cons- truction '90-94 1994 Population 1994.# of Dwellings Uninc. County 57,56 21,29 2.7 7,36 66,50 28,661 Wilmington 55,53 23,55 2.3 1,95 60,20 25,516 rightsville Beach 2,93 1,401 2.1 17 ,,..3,1.1 1,575 Carolina Beach .. 3,63 1.,60 2.2 _ 22 4;40 .1,832 Kure Beach. ~'~ ti1 28 ~ 2.2 ~ 15 74 ' , 441 otal 120,28 48,13 2.5 9,88 134,97 .58,025 ----- •-- - --.....,..- .. .................~ ..c..,.o..v.c..vvun•~ r~a~uany ucpa~uneni 1990 Population from the 1990 Census of Population and Households 6. Sewer S stem Costs Cor New Hanover Count Y y Previous funding fora $60 million dollar county wide sewer system have been depleted. Currently the County is planning construction of a Northside Sewage Treatment Plant. This Plant will have a 4 million gallon per day capacity and will cost approximately $12.million dollars to ' construct. When finished, it is estimated that the plant will serve thirteen thousand households at approximately 300 gallons per day each at a cost of three dollars per gallon or $900 per ' household. The County presently charges $375 per new household for treatment capital costs. .Although treatment is the largest single capital cost in sewer provision, the greatest overall costs come from collection and transportation of water from households to the treatment plant. Currently developers are required to build and deed collection lines to the County when subdivisions are completed. Since .1987 the county has received 79 collection systems serving over 3500 households with a total value of approximately $7.2 million averaging $2,016 per household. More than $11 million dollars (approximately $950 per customer) have been spent on transportation costs since the County began providing sewer service to residents. This cost does not reflect money spent to purchase easements or for system design. The cost for sewer . ® transportation includes major capital costs such as lift stations and trunk lines. In certain areas the 1~ County has charged a $450 fee for transportation but this fee is not system wide. The County has existing legal authority for sewer and water fees. To date, the County does not charge a water impact fee but should consider doing so as the County moves toward actively expanding its water system.. The following table highlights some costs associated with the County Sewer System: Sewer Cost in New Hanover Countv ype of Cost Per Ca ital Facili lhvellin Collection $2,016 ransportation $800-1100 reatment $900 otal $3716-4016 source: cost rgures courtesy New Hanover County Engineering 1 ~ 1 Costs for.Stormwater,.Management .Currently New Hanover.County has no comprehensive drainage requirements. However new development., occumng in certain areas is required to manage stormwater runoff at apre- development rate. In addition, other state and local regulations'require on-site retention or percolation areas capable of handling an initial amount of runoff from impervious surfaces after a ten year storm event. The developer/owner is responsible for construction and maintenance of such facilities.. ~ _ : ~ . ~ .' The City of Wilmington.has a detailed stormwater management.ordinance which requires all .developed land to have adequate stormwater facilities to retain the natural rate of flow at pre- development levels.. The City:offers several options to developers for their compliance. ` Developers not served by existing stormwatersystems must design and build°their own systems according to the City's Manual. of Technical Specification. Plans for~these systems must be submitted as part of a permit application. The permits are reviewed by the City's engineering staff and a fee is charged for the review. .,- In circumstances where anew development would be~served by an existing storm water facility, developers are required to reimburse the City an amount equal to the cost of providing an acceptable facility. , .This process .entails. drafting preliminary designs for the'desired'level of'~-t .retention and .placing a value on the facility. Oiher revenue'generating .options for drainage include establishing drainage service districts and charging householdsa monthly fee or an assessment-for drainage projects.; The following table includes. the costs foc developing one ..„ drainage projects in the City of Wilmington: ~. •~ -~~ ~ . ~.~ ~~. •. ' Capital Costs for a Recent Drainage Svstem in Wilmington .- . Collection Cost Land Cost Total Cost Acres in Basin Dwellings Served CosU Dwelling CosU acre Pro•ect A $2,538,000 $276,000 $2,814,000 203 406 $6,931 :$13,862 ~w~~c. vrmnuiywri ~.ny c~yineenng 8 _.. _ _.. _ New Hanover County Park Construction Costs The New Hanover County Parks Department develops, operates and maintains all public parks in unincorporated New Hanover County. The Department employs 17 full time and 3 part time employees. Currently the Department operates 2 regional parks, 6 medium parks and 12 neighborhood parks~with a combined total of 586:5 acres or 9.28 acres/1000 population. The City of Wilmington and the Beaches also operate parks for the benefit of residents and visitors. Despite the recent additions of a regional park facility in Ogden, a medium sized park in Castle Hayne and neighborhood parks in Wrightsboro and south of Monkey Junction, the County still falls short of recommended levels of service. The County has utilized a variety of financing methods in the past ten years. In 1989 New Hanover County residents passed a bond which included $3 million for the purchase and development of park land. The Parks Department has used this money to purchase approximately 300 acres of land for park use. The Parks Department has also benefitted from. numerous grants awarded for the purchase, development and maintenance of park properties. In the mid 1980's the County adopted an impact fee for park facilities. This fee was based on standards for minimum provision of park facilities and .included a provision for the dedication of land in lieu of fees. The County eliminated this fee requirement several years later. State enabling legislation exists for the County to adopt a fee requirement. The following table provides a brief description of costs associated with developing parks in New Hanover County: , Park Development Costs for New Hanover County t t ype of Park Average Acreage Development Costs Land Costs/acre Total Costs Households Served CosU Dwelling Neighborhood 5 $50,000 $25,000 $175,000 617 $284 Medium. 50 $250,000 $17,500 $1,125,000 6,173 $182 Re Tonal 150 $2,250,000 $10,000 $3,750,000. 12,346 $394-- otal $~~ Source. Cost figures and Household ratios courtesy New Hanover County Parks Department Notes: Cosf/Dwelling reflects Households Served only Addition of a swimming pool and community center will add approximately S3 million to the cost of a park. 9 - 3y~} ~-~ v ~-Transportation Impacts Counties in-North Carolina are limited in their capabilities"for dealing`with transportation, traffic, and road building. NCDOT assumes that responsibility for-urban and rural counties alike. As shown in the.following table of principal arterials in the unincorporated county, many of .these roadways are already exceeding their design capacities. With more residential and commercial projects underway'along with the continued~growth:of our tourist economy, traffic delays and" .~ travel times will -only worsen: - ~ - ~ - - - ~ - - However, opportunities and choices are available to county governments to help plan for and mitigate some of the problems arising from new`development: , - - More°°emphasis on coordinating ;and connecting str'e'ets through subdivision approvals so as to disperse the traffic and allow for quicker emergency-responses. - J ~ - ~ .. - - ~ ~ Reservation and planning of.proposed right-of-ways through: inter-local agreements so that they may be acquired in advance ~' ~ ' ° "' " - ' - - Propo"sing and encouraging`alternative transportation systems'such as' pedestrian and' bicycle ways and transit. ' ' ~ ~ ` . ,.Y ~ . .. L~' P - I. . .. 4 5 4 - + 10 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e Road Capacity Analysis Service Level'D' Road 1994 ADT Daily estimated capacity Capacity percentage Actual capacity US 17: North College Road 29,200 35,600 - 39,400 82% to 74% below to Military Cut-off US 17: Military Cut-off to 39,100 35,600 - 39,400 110% to 99% above Porters Neck Military Cut-off US17 to 18,100 12,500 145% above Eastwood Road Military Cut-off: Eastwood 18,800 12,500 150% above Road to Oleander Drive . Oleander Drive: Greenville Loop 25,000 35,600 - 39,400 70% to 63% below Road to city limits ~ Eastwood Road: US17 to Military 14,400 12,500 115% above Cut-off • z Eastwood Road: Military Cut-off 18,900 37,700- 41,700 SO% to 45% below to Wrightsville Beach Gordon Road 12,600 12,500 101% above South College Road: Monkey 20,400 37,700- 41,700 54% to 49% below Junction to city limits Carolina Beach Road: city limits 20, (00 37,700- 41,700 53% to 48% below to Monkey Junction Carolina Beach Road: Monkey 26,600 37,700- 41,700 71% to 64% below Junction to Saunders Road Twenty Third Street: Smith 9,800 11,500 85% below Creek to US 117 a US 117: Smith Creek to N. Ketr 19,800 • 11,500 172% above Middle Sound Road 11,300 10,500 108% above Greenville Loop Road 10,400 10,500 99% at capacity Nate: Dm derived from NCDOT tralre ODUnb and Ieulituu of Trattie Research Enginsen hudbook t M avenge of all 1994 ADT totals was uxd because of varying ADT wants along the toad. 2 M avenge of all 1994 ADT totals was used bt:caux of varying ADT mounts along the road. 3 M average of all 1994 ADT totals was uxd bccaux of varying ADT mounts along this segmrnt oCUS 117. ~ The two lane suburban ppaeiry wu used for this xgtnent of US 117, however, it is noted that portions of the road are three lane undivided. . - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Zegular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: County Manager's Office Presenter: ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Pat Melvin SUB.TECT: New Hanover County's Use of Local Government Access Channel BRIEF SUMMARY: Presentation on the potential cost of the County utilizing the Local Government Access Channel, and the cost of televising meetings of the Board of County Commissioners on that Channel 1 k'UIVDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 'User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: v' ~ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear the presentation and direct staff on the matter of County utilization of the Local Government Access ~,. Channel ~~ ~.~,... ~ lt~eiaidtt Refer to Once Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition MEM( NEW HANOVER COUNTY . .. INTER-OFFICE • • `~ • -~ 0 October 28, 1994 TO: Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager • FROM: ; _ '•Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant "to the County Manager', , - RE: New Hanover County's Use of Government Access Channel Per your request, I have researched the possible cost of New Hanover County utilizing the Government Access Channel to publicize the County Commission meetings, Agendas, and upcoming bid opportunities. The City of Wilmington currently uses this channel to publicize City Council meetings and Agendas. In speaking with Mr. Mike Hargett with the-City of Wilmington; concerning their use of the channel, he provided the following information. The City of Wilmington controls use of the channel at this time. They have prepared a policy concerning the same. I have requested a copy of the policy. The work involved in displaying information on that channel is cumbersome and limited. It is cumbersome in terms of the time involved in the process. Mike stated that it takes approximately three hours to prepare the meeting and agenda information which they display. It is limited in that the information has to be very brief and certain information,. i.e., ,bid opportunities, in the format we discussed, would be difficult to place on the channel, because of {~ the technology involved in thin process. (J The services of someone on the Thalian Center staff has been retained to perform this work: The cost to the City; for that person's work is ~ 10 per hour. ~ ~- • Please let me know if additional information- is needed, and whether or not New Hanover a :~ County wishes;to.pursue•tlus avenue of increasing public awareness: ~ _, ., ;. /pam ... t ... • •_ ~. 14~ 1• NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEMO May 10, 1995 TO: Mr. Allen O'Neal, County. Manager FROM: Patricia A. Melvin, Assistant to the County Manager ~~~~~"/ RE: Televising of County Commission Meetings Mike Malone of MIS, and I met with Mike Hargett of'the City of Wilmington concerning the televising of County Commission meetings on the local govemment access channel. Mr. Hargett stated that if the County seeks to utilize existing systems provided by the City of Wilmington, we must consider the following: 1) The City of Wilmington has outfitted a production room for use in televising meetings 2) The character generator now takes less than six(6) hours to use at a cost of S 10 per hour 3) The system now televises slides on laws adopted by the City Council; these ~- play 30 seconds each 4) The process is still cumbersome and' has limited capability S) Only 10 screens can be used for Council agenda 6) Professional staff, responsible for the production telecast of meetings at this ' time, include camera operator, director, and technician. The camera operator ,* is employed by the City of Wilmington, others are employed by Thalian Ctr. . 7) If the County Commissioners use the system, there should be some consideration for start-up time 8) The City has priority over all scheduling 9) The County must consider acquiring technical equipment--not less than 2 cameras; support equipment; mixers; etc. ~, ~ 10) The County must consider the origin of input, output, physical distance of facilities 1 11) We must provide our o~m production capability For communications bettiveen ~~; the director and camera operator and pay the cost of staff time for televising and replaying meetings ~~~ ~ ~ 15 • _ .. ,, New Hanover County may wish to approach VisionCable to establish a separate televising :- .. _ ., , system in order to~ avoid scheduling. conflicts. The; City ~of Wilmington expended some 540- . . 50,000 to startup the present service. Mr. Hargett stated that the City of Wilmington is seeking to upgrade equipment to automate and pro~zde a more efficient system. ,New Hanover County can become. a party to the ~ ,_ upgrade and establish joint production facilities and personnel. Please let me know if additional information, or action:is needed;concentung this issue. /pam a • . ~~ .J ._ 4 , .. a .. .. ..;. a _. ... z ~;- .. n~.......... ,. . _ _ . -o .. . , -. ,_. ~. . ~. .. ~ . . .,...... f .. 16~~ _ _ ~~ - t r w REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: 5 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: D. Weaver/P. Avery Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: ' Presentation of proposed changes to County floodplain regulations BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its April 3 meeting, requested staff to address flood- plain regulation issues that were raised by Mr. Edgaz Piner, a mobile home park owner. As detailed in the attached memo, the issue was whether or not mobile homes should be required to meet the construction elevation standazd of two feet above the 100 yeaz flood elevation that was adopted by the Boazd as part of the Community Rating System. After examining the issue, staff has developed a proposed regulatory change that would exempt non-conforming mobile home parks. from the additional two-foot elevation requirement, with minimal impact on the County's rating in the Community Rating System. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Board should send the proposed regulatory change to public hearing. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT The Board should send the proposed regulatory change to public heanng. ~ ~ ,~ \ ~~~"t~~Y ~~~v~5~d~o~~B~ Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .. F . ~ _ IN'I'~.~-R~=OFFICE ~~ • /~..'J^,~~ J~~/J~{~~^j//~~.~+xo~.:: ..,.,t.;..;....::.~: ,: .....:, ~. ~'\a <•>: u:~:°\`~::: •Y„: ~::a- ' `.^~a~: SC<.~cO:C..FiS~y `~:ii:s3:.pr ~:a~.ai ::<::~~C~j:a.~~~ . e G::...ecKt\ swJVa;~;~ <~... ..;. DA o...R• ~;y;•J:; ~•~;~•~ ~. s ~ •`. ~ ~`2av: ~ r.~-..~ :$~~ ~ y-•x ...~r.. < : \ . Z: . - .• -' -''' May 11, 1995 ~ ~ • ., . a TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: ~ Pete Avery'; Senior Planner (Community Rating S -. Coordinator) ~~ . _ Dave Weaver,t;Assistant County Ma a er THROUGH: Allen O'Neal,~.County.Manager RE: • • Proposed changes to the•County F1ood~5lain'.Regul`~tons to reduce the. elevation requirement for.manufactured.homes SUMMARY This brief report provides information concerning•the proposal brought to the Board as a non-agenda' item at the April 3•~ -meeting . by Mr. Edgar Piner. Mr. Pi~ner, who owns a mobile home pack in the Myrtle Grove Sound area, would like to see the minimum elevation required for mobile homes in the floodplain lowered by two feet. The advantage of this proposed change is a reduction in cost to mobile home owners in siting their mobile homes in a floodplain. The disadvantage of lowering the minimum elevation includes greater risk to public safety and property, and potential increase in federal flood insurance premiums to site-built homes in the County. - ..BACKGROUND _ . LJ - .. , The additional elevation requirement of tcao feet found in the County's Flood Plain Management Regulations was added to the text in 1990 in conjunction with the County's participation,in ,.the ' `'Community`Rating System program. ' The Community Rating System is an .incentive program offered by the Federal Emergency Management •Agency whereby flood insurance premium discounts are made available r to~local >policy holders if, in return,- the County provides regulatory standards that exceed ~tHe minimum national standards. Moreover,•' the County. must agree~,to conduct a..wide range`of activities` rela•ted~ to ;;.flood-, threat,,. flood warning, ; stormwater management; hazard disclosure, flood data. maintenance, elevation certificates,• a_n~,,others. ('" "~~.The~ `County~Ap'r~e~sently has 1109 total points which has resulted lJ ' 'a+x'10.%«~decrease~ iri`~insurance premiums for federal flood policy 1~ w . - .. ~ - ~. Board of County Commissioners. Page Number Two ,~ May 11, 1995 holders. If the point total drops -below 1000, then the potential savings drops to 5%.' Unfortunately, the CRS is being amended at the federal level and the County's program will be evaluated in the next year. It is quite possible that our. point total will drop close to 1000 as a result. County residents presently have approximately $236 million of property in the floodplain. A_house appraised at $100,000 pays around $ 300-400 per year for flood insurance. A 5% increase would increase the premium by $15-20, to $ 315-420'per year.. It is important to note that mobile homes are not eligible for federal flood insurance and consequently do not benefit from reduced premiums through the CRS program. Mobile homes are not eligible for federal flood insurance because of their potential risk in flooding situations. Private flood insurance,is available, however, provided that the. mobile homes,are.sited in accordance with Floodplan Regulations.. PROPOSED ACTION The regulation requiring the additional two--foot elevation was passed in 1990 by the Board of Commissioners in order to provide a further margin of protection for public safety and property and to t contribute SO points to the County's total of 1109. points. _ The ISO Commercial Risk Service, the primary auditor of the County's Community Rating System has stated that it would be ' possible to modify the Flood Plain Management Regulations to exempt certain uses, such as non-conforming mobile home parks, from the current elevation standard now required for all residential uses locating in the 100 year flood plain without losing the total number of points the County was awarded for higher regulatory standards. According to ISO, the points previously allocated would be prorated if the County chose to provide specific exemptions. The proration would- probably be determined by comparing the total number of similar uses that would remain under the current standard with the total number exempted. We would have to illustrate how we derived the final numbers. Fortunately, we have adequate resources to provide defensible documentation. ^ By limiting the exemption to a smala range of uses, the total number of points deducted would be greatly minimized; probably only __ a few points. In thin -instance, the County, could provide exemptions only for existing mobile, home parks that. predate the original Flood Plain Management Regulations. There would be~r~o ((~~,l~ Board of County Commissioners ... Page Number Three ;~ ,•i May 11, 1995 ,. exemption for all other forms of manufactured housing, including those locating on individual rlots_ or .in those mobile home parks ' that post-date they 1978' Ordinance. '. - =, v- Thin- amendment can bed accomplished w,by ,adding ,the .,underlined text as follows : .. YAmend Article~IV: Brov.isions for~Flood P1ain~Mana ement, Section g 2 . Sneci:fic Conditions, . d. ~. (`1) :Manufactured Homes . . - - . , `' (1) Manu:factured,`Homes All manufactured homes, .,except. for those in an existing manufactured home nark as defined ~in this Ordinance, ' to be placed or substantially improved.in,Zones Al-A30, AH and AO °shall be ~ elevated on a~ permanent .foundation such=~,_that,' the,-lowest f-loor of the manufactur'eda.homes"is<at least two feet, above the. base `•flood elevation and`be ~secuzely arichore'd to an ;adequately anchored . foundation 'system in 'accordance with_the provisions. of ;subsection (2)• below': =Manufactured homes locating in an existing manufactured Substantially lmprovea on a permanen~ =ounaa~ion sucn znaL zne ~V lowest floor is equal with or lust above the 100 year~xf°lood line, lJ Such structures shall also comply-with the anchorinct standards set forth in subsection ~-2 ,b'elow. All .proposed manufactured home parks ("' 'shall" be located `in ~aecordance 'with Section '7.2. (3) of the County's (J' hiobil'e Home Park and Travel Trailer Ordinance., Manufactured homes to be pl4aced ~n V=Zones, (Zones V, VE• V1-V30) ~ shall meet the same standards as conventional housing (e.g...G.S. 60.3 (e) (3), (4), ~CS) , and (6) of "NFIP' criteria) . il , _ .x. IMPACTS 'OF PROPOSED 'ACTION. ,• ~ ^~ - -- • ~ ,. ,. ~ , . _ ' Tfie major posit-ive 'impact of eliminating the additional two foot elevation requirement for. mobile homes in pre-dated mobile ' home parkswould be reduced costs for the mobile home: owner, .such LJ as Mr."Edgar Piner. Elevation must be done through either fill or solid pilings. =The" negative impacts of ~ahe_,proposed amendment. include increased risk'to public safety .and. property to flooding caused by hurricanes. Mobile homes tend to be -more susceptible to~flooding impacts-than conventional stepbuilt homes... Another negative ' ~` ~ 'i'mpact i'S' the 'loss o~f ~ points for the ~ County' s CRS program.: ~ Even marginal loss could be critical and~posaibly lower..the County .level ~} of flood. insurance premium savings from 100 (above 1000 points) to U "only'So,~ (below 100b "points) . This possibility is'.sgni"ficant given .the present federal restructuring =of~ the. CRS. and the upcoming evaluation of the,CounCy'~s~ program that will .likely lower the County's point tot'a-1 to ~clo'se to' 1000 points. - It may be, reasonable delay action on this r.propo'sed~.amendmerit until the result of the 2~S re-structuring and evaluation is completed. ~. t r Board of County Commissioners Page Number Four May 11, 1995 .~ . Please feel free to contact Pete Avery (341-7165), who is the County's CRS Coordinator, or Dave Weaver if you have any questions or comments. DW/nf/613 cc: Wanda Copley, County Attorney Dexter Hayes, Director of Planning Al1en.Golden, acting inspections Director 21 Tliis page intenliona!!y left bla~rk 22 r REQUEST -FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: Roland Register Page Count In Agenda Package: 6 Contact: Roland Register SUB.TEC'T: Appeal of penalty on 1990-1995 boat discovery -John R. Wasterval RiEF SUMMARY: - ' Taxpayer claims to have been mislead about the requirement to list his 30 foot, documented vessel. However, his own comments about not paying taxes on the vessel prompted this discovery. The taxpayer has been advised to appear for this appeal. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• That penalties allowed by Statute 105-312(h) be upheld on the discovery values in the Tax Administrator's _ .letter to Mr. Wasterval June 2, 1995. FUNDING SOLIRC Federal S: State $: County S: .User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Budgct Amendment Prepared: '~ REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A HR: N/A AMALLETT ~. ' - Hear Presentation, consider facts and determine the discovery. `~ ~----- - - --q -- ~ ~PPROV~ 1~ COUNTY G0~1~8~5-~~~~5 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ' AGENDA JULY'17, 1995 . _ APPEAL, OF -PENALTY. ON BOAT DISCO.V.ERY _. ._ . ~ ~ . JOHN R::-WASTERVAL °~ ;. Mr. Wasterval has owned a residence at 723 Bayshore Drive since. October 3, .1985.:. Records .. - indicate that small boats and vehicular-equipment-have been listed by this owner. '," ~< However, it was reported to me, anonymously,p that' Mr. Wasterval claimed that he was not i" paying property taxes on a 30-foot boat he kept at Bradley Creek Boatominium since about a 1987. ~~ ~` On.llila 2, 1995, I discovered the boat for. years ~,allowed,,by statute:.1990, 1991 y , 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995. Taxes for years 1988 and 1989 cannot be recovered. x Mr. Wasterval wrote to state he came into the tax office in 1989 to inquire about the listing procedure for documented vessels, and was told that as long as the vessel is not in New Hanover County on January of any given year, he was not required to list the vessel. He also claimed that the vessel was either in New York State or Florida or Maryland for months at a time. After my response to him June 2, 1995, he requests a Board hearing on the matter of penalty. He reiterated that the majority~of the months of "November/mid January",.the boat:was in~. _ ~, " ~:. either Florida ~or Maryland. ~ f " Although everyone on the Listing Staff has been thoroughly trained and tested on listing and situs requirements by the Institute of Government, I cannot say whether Mr. Wasterval was misled by some unknown individual. I also cannot say whether Mr. Wasterval misled someone with the questions he asked and responses he gave to questions. Documentation has no bearing on the obligation to list and pay property taxes. I will comment that Mr. Wasterval, and all owners on tax records, had been given notice for~~: several years that BOATS .and MOTORS, AND ALL TYPES OF WATERCRAFT were to. be listed. .Still, Mr. Wasterval did not list. MORE IMPORTANTLY, IT IS MY OPINION. THAT HIS COMMENTS ABOUT NOT PAYING TAXES ON THIS BOAT • . INDICATED~HIS KNOWLEDGE' THAT HE WAS NOT COMPLYING AS OTHER BOAT OWNERS HAD- DONE VOLUNTARILY. . ~ ,_ _ , ..: A It has also been disputed that his boat~has been away from the marina for'months at"a time' ' " since he began keepingit"there::~;Being away for several days. ori~fishing trips appear to'be the normal duration. ~ ~~ .. " ... - , , ~; .. t ~'~A.5m$tt`ti~,te~e~l+t~a~ws~ N ~bdtd4D8 24. f` . ~ 1 APPEAL OF JOHN R. WASTERVAL JULY 17,,1995 PAGE TWO RECOMMENDATION: All records for Mr. Wasterval reflect his residence as a North Cazolinian -- home ownership, vehicle registrations, the Coast Guazd documentation on this boat, and various other records available to assessors.. In several prior discoveries where residents have claimed improper sites elsewhere, Boazds have upheld the discoveries and penalties. Secondly, the County has lost- revenue by not being able to discover yeazs prior to 1990. Thirdly, first yeaz interest AT 10.25% and subsequent years at 9.3/4% will not be charged. Only the 10% listing penalty will be charged. In effect, the penalty is the cost to the taxpayer because he had the use of his money in those prior years and the County did 'not. (By law, payment of this discovery is not delinquent until January 6, 1996.) I recommend that the penalties allowed by statutes be upheld for the values discovered in my letter to Ivlr. Wasterval June 2, 1995. (Mr. Wasterval has not taken exception to the values, and they are, therefore, not under appeal.) 25 f June 15, 1995 John R. Wasterval 723 Bayshore Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 .. (` a1c 910 - 686-4615 Dear Mr..Rcgisicr, ... ... _ ~ P - .. .• ~ . ... i . F- .. , I acknawlcdge that I own a ..1987 -, 30' AluraAl/B boat, which I kept at the _, ~, Bradl Creek Marina.. However I wish to a cal the enalt because I was. .~ Y ~ .. . PP ~. P. Y• _ .., . Gold ,~ when Lcame to~your office,-in 1989 that if my boat was not hereon ~ ~ ~ . .January lst of cach.year„ihat~I did not~havc to~list it in Ncw Hanover County. Thank you for your consideration, I will greatly appreciate anything you can do fo help. mein~this matter. ~- ~ . Sincere/ly, /~ ~,~" liC John R. Wasterval P.S. The ma'orit of the time durin the months of November mid Janua J Y g ~ rY• the boat was in either Florida or Maryland. L.1 ~.'- r, . Yes-- I would dcfnitely like to be present during the hearing. '~. .; ~! ~. 26 ~ ROLAIYD G. REGISTER Tax Administrator June 2, 1995 John R. Wasterval '~' 723 Bayshore Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 NEW I~[ANOVER COUNTY TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7131 Re: Discovery of Boat 1990-1995 1987 Alura 30' D Dear Mr. Wasterval: Thank you for your prompt response to Mr. Ward. Unfortunately, you have a misunderstanding about the taxable status of a documented vessel. U. S. Coast Guard documentation has no effect on your obligation to list the boat or to pay property taxes on it. As you are a resident of New Hanover County (with a deed misspelled Westerval), in addition to having the boat attain tax "situs" at a business premise in this county, it is necessary for me to reiterate a claim for New Hanover County property taxes on the boat and to correct the values given by Mr. Ward. All persons have an obligation to list personal property owned January 1: all boats and watercraft, motors, mobile homes, aircraft, .registered vehicles or trailers with expired license plates, and income- producing properties. These instructions were included on forms and information sheets sent to you over a period of years., The listing is required every January, regardless of whether you listed that property in a prior year.. .The property's temporary absence from the taxing jurisdiction on January 1 does not affect the listing requirement or the tax status. Based upon published and adopted guidelines, the value of the 1987 Alura is $54,800 for 1990, $44,900 for 1991, $40,300 for 1992, $34,700 for 1993, $36,400 for 1994, and $39,b00 for 1995. The burden of proof is on the taxpayer to prove the property was not in existence,. that it was actually listed for tax purposes, or that it was not his duty to.list it. If such proof is not provided to me within 15 days from the date of this notice, the determination will be final. Billing will be submitted with 1995 statements in August. '~ Sincerely, /~ ,~ .~~ Rolan G. Register t ~~ .~~ 2 ~~ copy: W. T. Ward, Listing Supervisor r r'"~~ L_I . .. ,.- y 4 : .a May 20 1.995 . _" New Hanover County Tax Administration 320 Chestnut Street, Room 209 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4090 .: Dear Mr. Ward, ~ _ In rcfcrrance to our Icucr dated Ma 2 1995 I ffcr ~ ~ .. y y o ih~, followinb explanations and .. . . exceptions to your findings ; I personally went to your tax office in 1989 to inquire as to the listing procedure for documented vessels. I was told that as long as the vessel is not in Ncw Hanover `° County on January of any given year, I was not required to list the vessel. Ever since I have owned the boat I Have never, with this year~bcing the only exception; • ,,. , . _ ~ had my boat, The Holland Hooker, Doc. 918988, ever in N.C: ~n this dau;. I have - ~ - . ~" either'~been in-New~York State or down in Florida or Maryland formonths'at a,time. , Please re-evaluate my situation and.inform ~me of~thc~amount which I owe for 1995. , . . Thank you for your cooperationin this matter. _ ' - ~ , , - ~ .. .. Since ly, ~ ~ _ U ~- ` ~ ..~'~ ~ - , . - ' ~,~ John R. Waster _- . y ~ti2~Z42576~~~e .. ~- ~ti~ pp ~ n ~~~ 1~ IY:/1 ~ 1995 W .. ' ~ . . c~ ~~C~ ~ ~' M.H.G TAX pfFlCCI . ~ ° . s • ~/ OWGtJdA1; 6TAkPED' •~• •,. • ' / Rf itt7 s~f a .•, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~° Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver ' SUBJECT: Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting continuation of the Corps of Engineers mission in public works BRIEF SUMMARY: . The Corps of Engineers, as discussed in the attached June 26 memo to you, is facing major budget cuts in its public work missions,including navigation maintenance and beach nourishment. Major projects that have been proposed to be eliminated in the County include maintenance of Carolina Beach and Masonboro Inlets.. Failure to maintain Masonboro Inlet would also impact Wrightsville Beach renourishment. It should also be noted that future Corps budget cuts may jeopardize the Federal cost-shaze in presently approved beach nourishment projects. The attached draft resolution would state the support of the Board for continuation of the Corps mission. in public works. This resolution would be incorporated in a study being conducted by the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission concerning the impact on local and State government of proposed Corps cutbacks. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REOiJESTED ACTIONS: The Boazd should adopt the attached resolution. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: 29 Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: Other S: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Consider adoption of resolution ~ r ~ ~~ ~~ ~~U~T1~ ~0~~~6~~~~9~V~~6~ . ®.To [3 e`'C-rN~`nu_ed`-Q-~"-`~ f ` 1 g 5 m~" Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 'Yr ~` y .7M^~• ~~ ..c '=`~:.T`'~ ~.t ::v .:.V"~, ~ti t•e':~.~-( -f+ 't'%~ ~.", ~.-i~~'w...~..- _ ~i'~.., Ate: '1.:~• _ '.~i~ •'~ sY '~•~' ~^' rtf' f, •'tfr_.a'a.: "~.~~ ~.~~i,. 'C;: ti~~,-'~:~~~' j l ~ -. -. ~.4~c.y.... 1•'~~ '•-d+„x~ r• •,t • :. E'Y ~_ ~ :tr• i ~ i "^ t- ,i "~ • -s Y, .Y_ t ?r.~'S+s'~c f•~ ..,}r rci r l.. w`~ , •y ~' r.r ti,.{ •. `:~'.-~+ 4^~ d~+ ,?}. *(~~ N,r ~'".4rc r•"~.•7` 4~-y • = t . f- „Nrss~:~''T~'~~?t ~ -~~~..,,~~Xxi.•ar~~~ r 'YI- ti _ ~ ! 1~ ~ ~< •~4"-'ti-FG ~'~ h. `y;, f ~. ., ` C•r ,- - •~ '.a `Fr 'L •. ••;,, X. ~tf"+~1s'"th.`; ~,,;;4%:~.t`M,~.~,•_ M-.• t~ ~~yL.,..- r'~'--•~j°, "~. ~ -~- ~ '~'~:: w ~ !~i t ~ •Z•. ~~••o(i ` r~,•.:L.t ity ~~ L *7-~Y.:'ca'~ ~i «F ~ ,' •/a.''~ i ~~~1~.."~ l..fiti J~-s:• ~i•. ~ - .~~K ~ryI ar~ ~ si~f~. J'. :•a.. y.:,,;,;~.~ ~,•aa.~J~..rA:"'~.~.•~~•:.cr.'~ t' L'~~~ ..... ~ ..w. ~•~.~ ~ i ~S ,c, •~'i`~~.'a'^ .~-..'~'~.r ~%~ Ltir^ ~~~~-~~ I ~~+.; ..r' ~ •tr. r•-4;:"'~~F f• '~•~;s~ •.rb +..~.~, .•++/li~ 'Q .,<r l~~ i,..x.~. ''"•. fi3_i.. ~ ~za+•' 3) ~.s ~...: :yii 7,~,•+~` ^ ::a- ~ ~.,~' .+t'~~CCe,,.a .v '+ +:a~.~..f~.. •....;r` ~..~~; :h ~. ~. Ke-CY~~r•~tF=^~. w~.. 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Y~"l'!`: Vaf'"• -... .r y'.1~ «Y~••:i. •~~. ~1 ~:~, ,, ,.~,~ ~ _ .,. :. s wou"ld' eliminate Corps; maintenances of:~.., ~°:~.r•~.: .:..~,L, ~`~ ~~ ~t~~Masonboro~and Ca=of`ina•'Beach~~Inlets'and;possibl iie attwel 'rK-~~ ~y '~'~~~• ~=.r. ;r • c•`' ^.~ impact'=beach nourishmenty pro jests ~;~~ ~~;;,";.:•' ..' ~~? •S s ~ f•'~,ti ~~~~=~ ~ °~. Ir ^. ~, , J ~•• ....;~ 71.4-S'--_~~ f'r,V}• '~-i ft `=tom' ~ w r`~:~ r+y.•"~=~~.c ..~~~^"~rn~ ~.~~ a ,•~:I~ ' ;k+h •s,~ ~ y' :h ~ ..... +:~_ .~. iror y.:,,~.~ "y'~'~r c~ q-Lirtii ...' ~"' ~ ,:•'~•r••' JI ~• ~°' ~.~ ~'~WFiE ~E t1a ~"~, ~ ~!' .c9",. '~ ~~;~:Y, •• ~~,y'. J t „'c.-.i. >ti ~ '1 Z~~~'C•:d t,~r,,_, a .!Z^.~i~ ~ `.•.~Sn.A~i ~• w .,r .~~?~„•,• .;.~ , •. R AS,_:publiC.. jaorks4pro jests .o~~the .Corps~,provide.. X `ater ~~v;a; ' ,~•'~:~ =4 `s. ~~-`=:..`.ecdnomc~•bene•fits ~than''costs ~ -~:~~' S'"'s•~~-.-:. ;:~r +?='-w `"rq;:.'~~ ',~ ,~~~•''.~. i t'`'°,; :'3 -•: ,.>,'c ~Z ~. 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' 1^ •E• ~•S' ?n ~'iri+Ar~.'r<<-. •2F --•l• Vi J^3.• •iti,• ~,a.F,: ~ S..i w ~~..• ~ ~. .y. %~.L~'^~•f.^1,tx•:~<a. •l•Y-•• rive' 34a. • YS•. + ~~: F ' ~ ~~ ~ !'~~~, ~~J{ `~~~ -•i.}.X i~`a` ~~,Y'Y'~_ ~%C{tom f" j~s'~ d ~~.: ~M,~X,.s ~ - ,`t,~Y'e~•'O^/~ ~.S•••.. =~•'.i?L:s T~ .. ~t~'~ ~ ~~~1. }= ' ~~'~•c .. ~' `: .• w, ~. ^r~•r'zL+t v~~t~'T_'f~ /~~t.-,..:.•~'r7ti-a"N,t.y%3&`t.~t,;•:'.`•t ~~.~'YW~,'_~zC'- •T «T,:^`f~f~•.My,,,~,~~, ,.~~;h •• ~:Nij~ ~i :~•;:~-` -f~:-''fl;.WHEREAS;,r•abandonmen£~•of=:these, ro ects -b :the ~'Cor s ~ t ~ '~ ~:=:'-ik.~•~ •_~; , ' ~-.. t ... ; :._ - ~ - ,..• ... ,P..:j.~ _ w.,Y= .. _ p ~ would" sa,;~~s '': ~;_ ~ ~.~ ~~.~; signif icantly~•teduce;national•=:readiness ' by .the ' ~' ~ ~.~ ~, ; d :a.' ~±, •r' ~~ ~~ • t ~ ~C,~. 1..a i:~~_ t~ :.ice ,~..~•. 4 ..i ~, arv`..: .. a.aK.i%%~..f .•1/~•' ~ n ^ ~ 1 ice: _ r. - :res and to ~cli§aster ~oir`•war,' ~<<'. ` ." 'xc" _:~,ti . •t;~-~- ~~f~.~+"~,~: ~ ,. r~-. ~•• ~', .. •~r ' ~ .. ~ '.• : w•_.ih. y":t: F,.. .;~'. «{~.~a~ ~T :tom . ~""` .. ~~ . ~,;i .Y , r. j. .,,• ZSy ~'C}'~~ .w' ' •?~~ ~.-~:.''. .+.h'~.:'~4Yi: .y'_~ ``1. yGj •.t:.. .t: ~ ~L'IVa•.~~. .tom. ~: r.,.• 5. i -•^ ~~. c ~= '•~ ~''.=a>++~•;~'~• f.'tw.'1'•G..f'-'., ~:~:T:•.'!~:::~~ ~!-„!~~,-. .>~~w~'lC•t+~:.,~ _ }•i r~yr't+a"~~.r ;,_r~`~~ •+'=•~:~;:_THEREFORE, ~he=Boaid of~:Coiinty,•Commissioners 'r`~solves'•''that~~- ., J~~ ,; --~;-, ~~,_~,,the 'Cor`ps hof~~Engineers,~should•••contiintie:=ats~-''economic$1Ty~ ~+~ •~=~-•~~*'"°+ ' ~.:_ .- .. ~• ~ .~. r • • . r,-.fir _ ~ - r ~valuable~and':'na~iorially~critical-;mi•ssionsi:r~ _•publ `' ~A_~r""' `'"'"'t =.~ - _ :,.~ ~~;pro jests,- ,particula=lxw navgatiori'r~inain~eriancer =,and ;beach;°~cy~z ~-~-:.~.~~J ~: ~ r •.-~~tirioiirstiment i ~ ~` ~i~C~i. r ~/."~,t•l~f~.~FC v. ~~•!~;~.~~,L' 'r= ~ ~"-~.~~~y+i::~'•;'~' i.;: •xt:~ ~~-.•.~7n.at-Y. :~~trr^~ ~ :~: f rJ+r•Mr c . rr~...r.• ,~yv. 1~x~A~Lt ~Tj». ,~ 1.y(~• • "~•y~".M.~~l~~• {s Ta''"t.fk?trL,CyC ~T f L~ ,~••rt,ij~'i:~i..`~/~~~ f.' .`.N;7~r , a 11• ,',~~ ~. ~y1~_' "~'~'1..~~.['h~~~a `~~SC~ ~f~.',:.~-]*-~~:~',•r~f .St~'1yi;~;•~ ~ ~~~fi.~~y~,7-ah.~..^tir.+.,L+ .~.,,N~~.~~•!. .If"nL al~'t~'f~,,'a'~, r_`, f.+', .•.F •~~ i•"t•~.'•2.. t~T.,~f ` _`-~.K'r ~•.~~~j`~'_•wF ~ll.~,S:. 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" r: ~ ' ~ ; s'i• . ~ f"'~. v~'3• +,: yc :~ ".:' Y':~:.c"'p Yt u ~ '~=~i'-•^!,`_'.•.?'~'+~1 i~ Ti~Sr . ~-.rf~ J~• ~f•~i.~,~~~~~~~~~R~y >dc.~% s%i~ic~~E~4 . _ `'f_- a...~:.U._t' •dir -ac taa~ •.,_P •.~.xr:.. ~~i •- !III~.a,•tC ..lY~`! .~~~.r~-,r. ~~:L~•'rr~: !yrs.( ., 1 J •i • _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY i .. . INTER=OFFICE . ~a`,'.~.".';';':S..ro: ....: >.-<+x-:.<:.a. ;l+:..iC`.5..~YE...v. '~C:~Yioa.. ~ti :.... .. :•:....:' . .. .:. '. y:co:.:at:: ~~~w.~. I JL JLJ L I i O .. ~r:w~. ~ < ;: ~~r;~ " ~ 9^' .~':r ~ '~Cy n^:l~ ~?'3irP: ~<Y:`33•as.~: "~ June 26, 1995 ~_ TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager '~~ ~ THROUGH: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~. RE : Potential impacts to the County. caused by proposed bud et g cuts in Corps projects .,~ ~ Th f ll i i s ' _ e ow o ng g ve a brief synopsis of .the potential financial •and other impacts-that m_ay occur to the County under anticipat ed reduction in activities of the Corps of Engineers. BACKGROUND .The Corps of Engineers, as you are probably aware, is facing major budget. cuts in the Corps' public works missions, such as beach nourishment and navigation maintenance of inlets and water ways. Basically, the Corps is requested to slice nation-wide $2.0 billion. over a five year period from their civil. works present annual budget of $3.5 billion. The Corps has found $0.8 billion to cut but still needs to eliminate $1.2 billion over.the next five years. • The County recently participated in a nation-wide process to i evaluate options to carrying out these public works missions and, in ,addition, is sending letters under Chairman Greer's signature to our .Congressional delegation expressing the County's concern. over proposed cuts. The Ports Waterway, and Beach Commission has ~; performed significant coordination and lobbying efforts with .Congress and the N. C. Legislature concerning the Corps role in public works. CORPS PROJECTS WITHIN TAE COUNTY ~^ Under the first round of budget cuts,. the Corps plans to maintain and be responsible for the following projects: - Maintenance of Wilmington Harbor and the Cape Fear above. ~~ ~ Wilmington.. -, Maintenance of the AIWW. ~~ ~ ... 31 r `Board"~of ;County Commissioners ,: Page Number Two June 26, 1995 - Beach renourishment Carolina Beaches. for Wrightsville and - Initial construction and renourishment fore"Kure Beach provided that deadlines are met in the next year for initiation of construction. The above projects survived the f`irsG.'rourid of proposed cuts for the first proposed $0.8 billion budget reduction. It is possible, however, that these projects may be impacted~durings=the second round of $1:2:b~illion budget cut proposals. Impacts may take several forms, , from reducing the '.federal "cost.-.share ~in .beach nourishment from. .65%, to having the Corps operate only in an advisory or technical role; to.,elimination of any'COrps role in the project . ~ . .. ~ r .. : . The.., following existing 'projects have been,proposed `to be dropped~complet`ely by~.the•Corps in the first round of.budget cuts: - Maintenance of Maeonboro Inlet Although the Corps plans to dredge the inlet out in FY 96'Y' the Corps could then abandon the project. Maintenance dredging . ,would .like y be ,required „every four years at• a ~ cost 'of around . $1-. 2' million. :-Please note that the County recentlya'adopted a . resolutions to continue to be ,the local sponsor` for this -. - project ..and would be :responsible ~ for ` future- maintenance ~~of ,.both •the channel.. and the ~jettes,unless the County similarly chooses.. toabandon it.: I`n addition, ..the spin- `°of ~ sand . extending: south from the end of-.Wrightsville Beach into the Inlet could not be dredged without condemning the property~~if the Corps abandons the project, because the legal claim by the Corps of:.navigational servitude•~ would~yno longer b'e applicable . . The Corps presently obtains ar-ound $T.2. million-of~ sand for -- nourishment of Wrightsville Beach from Masonboro Inlet gat -100% . , ~ Federal cost- .because ~~the sand. is dredged by 'the Corpss ~ as •a~ navigation proj~e`ct. If athe~ .Corps-~abandons~ thin project, ;the .: r; County. would.'have'~to pay both ~•to .condemn'" the spit of sand'=and' • ... ;x,,100 °s. ~-of .navigation ,maintenance . ~ - ~ ~ , •; ~< ;' " ~ ~ =r'' - „ Maintenance of the jetties will also become the responsibility of the County if the Corps i's° forc'ed- to ,abandon the .Inlet.` The Corps plans to spend several million dollars this coming year on the j~etties~. ~.. ... ~. ._ - ~ , - ., - - a. ,.. _.. ..~.~ , _. - .. i Failure by the Corps and County to maintain the Inlet would ,.'F1 ..r 32 t ~. Board of. County Commissioners Page Number Three ,~ June 26, 1995 probably result in failure of the south jetty, lost of a well- defined channel, and increased beach erosion particularly on Masonboro Island. - Maintenance of Carolina Beach Inlet. Carolina Beach Inlet is presently maintained by the Corps at an average annual cost of $788,000. The cost is higher than for Masonboro Inlet because the Inlet is not stabilized with jetties, resulting in more frequent dredging. Sand from the Inlet is not used to re-nourish Carolina Beach because. the Inlet is too shallow for the type of :equipment required for beach nourishment. - Maintenance :of Smiths Creek and, the North East Cape Fear River. These. two projects have had not maintenance in 45 years and do not. require any at the present, according to the Corps. It is recommended that the County .maintain a close watch on ~( these projects and on Corps involvement, and to keep~our congressional delegation informed of the need~for continued Corps responsibility for these projects. The Ports, Waterway, .and Beach Commission has played a key role in these efforts. •Please feel free to contact me if you have any que'stions' or comments. ~~ DW/AO'N/nrf/643 cc: Wanda. Copley, County Attorney - Johnny Metts, Chair, Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission Andrew J. Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Bruce ,Shell, Finance Director . 1 33 - From::.. M Roper; Jr, NC Ssa Grua Fie ?f0-lS6E972 VoJe~ ~,ya0 Tv.. ., N~awr at N~wHanowreounty FAX MEMORANDUM ' ~To: ~ `Dave Weaver = - ~ ~ faac ~ 341-4027 ~ ~~~ ' . • ` . :. Assistanf County Manager °~ ' • ~~ _ . New Hanover County Pap• t o(2 Nandgr„hdy0.7,1993 11:33:40 AN From: Spencer Rogers. r,°^ .phone: 458-5.780: ~ . ,~ _ . _ NC Sea-Grant ~ :. ' ~ .. . . ~ Subject• ~ ~ ,.Corps.d;edging cutback ,_ ~ ~ . , In response to your memo to CRAG members, the cutbacks in funding:for beach nourishment aze a serious concern but at least the projects have clcaz advocates and idcrrtifiablc user groups (the _ - °beach towns and.counties). In-addition a funding `source is already available, the resort taxes. I am more concerned about abandoning the small dredging projects because they lack idcntif~able user ..groups, and potential funding°sources.~ Attached is a'ri-orc detailed shccf identifying the~Fcdcral dredging projeets`planned for aliandoriment~by the Coops of Engineers in FY 1998: 'The information was provided by the Wilmington District Office. Average costs-over the last five yearsaare included. ":. Somc.of the projects are dnydgcd infrequently but arc navigable for up to 10 years., For~continucd navigation; state or `local inferesLs would' be forced to pick up the, cost of dredging. " - ' ' ` ~ iYcw Hanover County should be particularly concerned because Masonbor"o~Inlct:s the only'.: inlet in the state with fixed navigation structuics; the jcttics. Without periodic bypassing ofsand,from the inlet to Masonboro Island catastrophic erosion ofthe island will result. It is,my understanding that the county is the na"vigation project sponsor and is responsible for any adverse impact. I suggcsf the , -_ county carefully review the legal commitments accepted as project sponsor. Wrightsville Beach will undoubtedly wish to dredge navigation channels as a source of beach nourishment sand but is not ~' responsible for Masonboro bypassing. Unlike every other navigation project in tho; state, we cannot just abandon the Masonboro jcttics and expect thcbcach.and inlet to rctum.to.:".normal".~:. ,~* : , . In a related issue the.-Corps' proposed.oharinel~realignment of the inner h%Iasonboro Inlet' channel i5 an imperative step in right direction. However in my opinion; it is not art adequate solution. Unless more ofthe south end of Wrightsville Beach is ranovcd continued structural threats to the .south jetty will continue, the recreational beach area on the back aide of Masonboro Island will continue to experience unnccessazily high erosion talcs and the future sand supply for Wrightsville Beach's beach nourishment project will be threatened. I am preparing comments to the Corps on the ,proposed work and will forwazd a copy when completed i 34 ~ From:S.MRoOera,Jr.NCS~aCrantFuc910~58~6812Vo1cr.910aS8~T80 To:DaraWaaruatN~wHuiowrcouny Pa0a2of2NoaQay,Juy0a199571:35:76AN r ~. . SHALLOW DRAFT NAVIGATION PROJECTS SCHEDULED TO BE ABANDONED ' BY CORPS OF ENGINEERS IN 1998 ' Average Annual Maintenance Expenditures Over Last Five Years Roanoke River {Plymouth, Wllliamston & Hamilton) $ 11,000 Oregon Inlet 8 Shallobag Bay (Manteo & Wanchese Harbors) $ 5,509,000 Stumpy Point Bay $ gp,000 Engelhard Harbor to Pamlico Sound (Far Creek) $ 117,000 Hatteras Harbor to Pamlico Sound (Rollisnson Channel) $ 43,000 Ocracoke Harbor to Pamlico Sound (Silver Lake) $ 378,000 Channel from Hawkers Island (Back Sound) to Lookout Bight $ 29,000 Pamlico and Tar River Channels (Washington) $ 41,000 Beaufort Harbor to Pamlico Sound (nduding: Taylors Creek, Hawkers Island $ 106,000 Harbor of Refuge, Davis, Atlantic, Marshallberg & Cedar Island) Atlantic Beach Channels $ 29,000 Rogue Inlei $ 416,000 New Fiver Inlet (Speeds Ferry & Camp Lejurie) $ 894,000 New Topsail Inlet (topsail Beach) $ 810,000 Masonboro Inlet and Banks & Motts Channel (Wrightsville Beach) $ 688,000 Carolina Beach Inlet ~ $ 788,000 Lockwoods Folly Inlet & River $ 924,000 Shalotte River ~ $ 4,000 Additional periodic projects (including: Edenton, Belhaven, Avon, Rodanthe, Drum $ 500,000 Inlet, Svran Quarter, Neuse River & New Bern) Total $11,367,000 ~' FEDERAL PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR CONTINUED DREDGING Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way (ANVW from Va. to SC) $ 4,198,000 Beaufort Harbor $ X2000 Morehead City Harbor (State Port) $ 2,613,000 Wilmington Harbor (including State Port) $ 5,253,000 Cape Fear River above Wilmington (Locks to Fayetteville) $ 1,031,000 . Total $ 13,167,000 SCHEDULED DREDGING CONTRACTS FOR FY 1996 AIWW Oregon Inlet and channels to Wanchese + Beaufort Harbor 1 Morehead Clty Harbor Wilmington Harbor Cape Fear River above Wilmington ,~! ~ ~ - 35 t i REQUEST FOR BOARD .ACTION ~~ Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Page Count In Agenda Package: 15 Contact: Andy Atkinson SUB.IECT; Criminal Justice Partnership Program Discretionary Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: We have been notified by the NC Department of Correction that we have been awarded the $180,000 requested.by the County to purchase a building at 801 Princess Street to house the Day Sentencing Center. Grant funds have also been awarded and accepted by the County for the operation of the Center in the amount of $155,836. RECOMMENDFD MnTit7N ANn RFr7L1FSTFh A(`Til1N4• Recommend acceptance of the grant from the NC Department of Correction in the amount of $180,000. Authorize Commissioner Barone to sign the Grant Awazd as the authorizing offical (she is the Chairperson _ of the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Boazd). Recommend approval of the attached budget ~~ amendments, one for the operating grant and one for the discretionary grant. r FUNDING Sni1RCF,: Federal S: State S: 180,000 County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No - New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes '~` REVIEWED BY: , LGL:. FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA .F.R'S CnMMF,NTS ANn RF.t^OMMFNDATION Recommend acceptance of the discretionary grant and approval of budget amendments. ~ou~~r ~ ~~~~~~so0~~~~s ~ ~ ~~te `.:`7: _r ~..~a 37 } Refer to Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~I .. ~ ~~ . ~~ - c` ~~i - V ~~ North Carolina Department of Correction. ... , 21•~ bt'csr Jones Street • P..O.,Box 3950 • Raleigh, I~'orrh Carolina 27626-O.i~O , -. :. James B. Hunr, Jr. Governor • ~ •~ ~• ~ • Franklin~Freeman, Secretary June 26 ..1995 ~. • Mrs. ,Sandra Barone, Chair ~ . New Hanover County CJPP Advisory Board 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 . ..... , ~ • . ., . , -f /~ Dear Mrs. Barone: I am pleased to inform you that I have approv~ed~ New Hanover County's. application for discretionary funds for the upcoming year. The discretionary grant amount for fiscal year 95=96 is $180;.000, which is the full amount requested. ~ I :.'congratulate the Advisory Board for its successful application and thank you for your leadership. ,,.., ,. .. . The. effective date of this grant award is July 1, 1995, and the grant period is 7/1/95 to 6/30/96. Funds are available on a reimbursement basis unless this poses a hardship and justification to this effect is submitted to CJPP staff. Please keep~the CJPP staff, updated onahe project as it is implemented. - ... In spite of the sometimes "daunting nature of this endeavor to create a ~ ` r .statewide ,framework for community-based corrections, the local •advisory~ boards ~ ~ - have continued to put forth a great deal of effort, which is an inspiration to me and to the Partnership staff. Nancy Lowe and I~ are looking forward to seeing the many and varied plans come to life over the next few months. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~` .~ ~. .• • M.~~+~dt~tiia~ae•,mYdu.~' ~Nkat,a.+S~1 .- .fin Egtnl Opportunity•'.~ffirm~ti~•c?lction Employer ~• ~: CJPP Discretionary Awazd Page 2 June 26, 1995 Con atulations a ain on a 'ob well done. Please call Nancy or me if you ~" g J have any questions or comments. ~~ . With kind regards, Sincerel ~~ Y~ .~' ~ `~,~ Franklin-Freeman ~~ c ~ Andrew J. Atlanson, County Deputy Manager Rose Ann Mack, COG Director Rae Jarema, Facilitator ~~ ~- - . _. ~~ ,~ ~' . ~ ~ 3g r NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION CRIlVIINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Mat1'ng address: PO Box 29340, ttaleigh, North Cuoliaa 27626-0540, (919) 713-2633 Overnight mail address: 214 West Jones Street. North Cuolina 27603 DISCRETIONARY GRANT AWARD ~, ~ ll Effective Date: h~1; t' t 945 Grantee: .New Hanover County ' Authorizing Off cial: Name: Sandra Barone Title D o County Cat4nissioner Address: 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 Wilmington, NC 28401 Grant Period: July 1, 1995 -June 30, 1996 ~ .~ . . TOTAL BUDGET AUTHORIZED: $180,000.00 In accordance with the provisions of NC GS 143B-273 and on the basis of the Grantee's Criminal Justice Partnership and application for discretionary funds, the Department of Correction hereby awards to the foregoing Grantee an award in the amount above. ~. e of Executive Director Signature of Authorizing County Official C ' al Justice Partnership Program ~Iancv C. Lowe Typed Name of Executive Director, CJPP Typed Name of County Authorizing Official ~Z69S at Date This Award is subject to the attached Grant Award Contract and Conditions. 40 ~] STANDARD GRANT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONS (Implementation and Discretionary Funds) North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program THIS GRANT AWARD CONTRACT is made and entered into this day of 1995, between the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program, Grantor, and New Hanover county(ies), Grantee. WHEREAS, the Grantor desires to award the Grantee a Criminal Justice Partnership Program grant, and the Grantee desires to accept said grant, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth: ' NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY agreed as follows; L The Grantor pursuant to the NC G.S.§ 143 B hereby awards a Criminal Justice Partnership Program grant in the amount of $ 180,000.00 ~ for the grant period of April 1, 1995 -June 30, 1995, to become effective as set forth below. II. The Applicant/Grantee covenants and agrees that a grant received as a result of submission of a North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program plan and application shall be subject to and incorporate the following conditions, rules, regulations, and policies of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP). The Grantee shall include provisions appropriate to carry out the purposes of these conditions in all contracts of employment, consultant's agreements,'and contracts issued under an approved application.. This contract may not be amended or altered without the written consent of both parties. ITL Applicable Rules/Regulations A. Non-Supplanting Stipulation: The Grantee agrees that funds paid pursuant to this contract will not be used to supplant or replace federal, state or local funds ~~ otherwise available for related criminal justice activities. B. Fiscal RegulaNons:.The fiscal administration of grants shall be subject to such fiu-ther rules, regulations, and policies concerning accounting and records, payment of funds, cost allowability, submission of financial reports, etc., as maybe prescnbed by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program consistent with the purposes and authorizations of NC G. S'. § 143 B. It is the further responsibility of ~~ ~ 1 41 r all Grantees to be aware of all rules re lations laws and olicies of the N ~ p orth Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program; now existing or hereafter promulgated or amended, pertaining to the administration of programs and projects funded by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. .. C. Audit and Inspection: The Grantee agrees to conduct an annual audit of the North Carolina Department of Correction CJPP-funded project and submit a copy to the Office of State Auditor and to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. This annual audit requirement is satisfied if the CJPP-funded ~ ' program is part ofthe Grantee's annual single audit`. The NortFi`Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program, and the State Auditor's office; or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and ~ ` examination to any books, documents, papers, and records that pertain to this project.. If ' as a result of inspection of the audit, any projecta expenditure is disallowed,, the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program may in its sole discretion reduce the amount of the grant award by the amount disallowed. D. Reporting Requirements: The~Grantee agrees to^sub'mit financial reports, monitoring/evaluation reports and/or information as required by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. ,The Grantee agrees to provide regular progress reports according~to'the schedule.set by the North Carolina Department of Cocrection~Crimina! Justice Partner"ship Program. Within thirty days' after the end of the annual grant period, a progress report must be filed withrthe • North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Just~ce'Partnership Program. LTQoa receipt, final payment will be issued to the county ormulti-county. ~ , . ,. E. Release of Information: All non-client records, papers, .and `other documents.-kept by he ` "Grantee and any contracts under the grant relating to the receipt and disposition of;the ' North Carolina De P. re uued to be madeaava Table under the ermsminal Justice Partnership Program funds are q and conditions of applicable, state ' regulations. These records must be kept on file for three years following the close'of each annual grant period. . F. Assignment of Interest: The Grantee shall not assign any interest in this grant agreement and shall not transfer any interest, whetherby assignment or novation, without the prior written consent of the Grantor thereof, except as specified herein. G. Criminal Penalties: Whoever embezzles, willfully misapplies, steals or obtains,by fraud any funds; assets, or;propeity~fi•om a grant, whether received_directly or indirectly. from the `North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program; shall be subject to prosecution under applicable law. Whoever knowingly and willfully falsifies or conceals~any matecial,fact in any application for assistance submitted pursuant,to the 42 2 Criminal Justice Partnershi Act or in an record re uir P y q ed to be maintained pursuant to this contract, shall also be subject to prosecution. ' ~ H. Continuation Funding: e r b Th G antee understands that the awarding of any North ~' Carolina Department of Corrections Criminal Justice Partnership Program grant in no way assures or implies continuation of fu di b d h n ng eyon t e project duration indicated on the grant contract. ~~~ I. Third Party Participation: A contract or agreement maybe entered into b the Grantee for execution of North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program project/program activities or provision of services to a North Car li D o na epartment of Correction Criminal- Justice Partnership Program grant project which are incorporated in the approved application. Any such arrangements shall provide that the Grantee will retain ultimate control and responsibility for the project and that the contractor shall be bound by these conditions as well as the Grantee. In any case where , the Grantee enters into a contract with third parties, and when such contracts are not contrary to law, the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program shall not be obligated or liable for any breach of contract or other action in law to any party other than the original Grantee. The Grantee shall provide to the North C li aro na Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program one copy - of contract documents prior to the expenditure of grant funds. ~t J. Waiver: It is agreed .that the Grantor's failure to insist upon the strict performance of an y provision of this application or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof or the , acceptance of any performance during such a breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights assigned to the Grantor under this application. K., Title to Property: The title to property acquired in whole or in part with grant funds in accordance with an.approved budget shall vest in the Grantee, subject to divestment at the option of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program where its use for project purposes is discontinued. Grantees should exercise due caution in the use, maintenance, protection, and preservation of such property during the period of project use. IV. Operational Procedures A. Implementation of Project Within Sixty days: The Grantee agrees to implement North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program ...projects within sixty days following the grant contract effective date, except as provided below or be subject to automatic cancellation of the grant. A thirty day e.Ytension maybe authorized if requested and justified in writing during the initial sixty day ~' period. ~ .. . _ , _ .. . 3 .. 43 t '4 B. Accounting Requirements: Grantee agrees to record all project costs .following ,generally, accepted fund accounting procedures. A separate account number or cost recording system must separate all project; costs frorn the Grantee's other or genera! expenditures. Adequate documentation for all project costs, must be maintained. Such financial records and supporting documentation must be retained and available for . audit purposes for three years. Adequate documentation is defined as follows fo'r each major budget category: ~ , . ~ .. ,. , 'l.. Personnel:.. Documentation must~include time and attendance records, payroll periods, :payment rate and a brief description of the service(s) provided. Time Reports must be ' ,;signed by the employee and supervisor. This requirement applies to all North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program project personnel paid from grant funds. ~ ~ , ... . . 2. Contractual Services:, For individual .contractual'service providers, :documentation must include. time and,attendance reports showing time period, 'payment rate, hours-per day and service(s) provided. Documentation must be signed by the contractual.service provider and the. project director. Iri case of organizations performing professional services, documentation must,.include a .detailed billing indicating services.performed or products delivered,_payment rite consistent with.contractual agreement; and approval by'the project 'director. .. .. ~~. ; _ ~ . . - .. 3. Travel: Documentation must be detailed, to include date, destination, round trip mileage, reason for travel; and itemization of expenses.' Receipts for parking, tuition, registration, and lodging are required. Expense°vouchers will include the ,._ signature of the employee and supervisor. ~ ~ ' ~~ ,k. ., .. 4. ,Supplies and Other,Opecatin~g~Expenses'and Equipment:' Documentation must include purchase order authorization, audited vendor invoices approved by the project director (and other higher authorizing official, if appropriate). The Grantee further agrees to maintain a current inventory of all project equipment. 5. Construction and Renovation: Documentation must include contracts for services, payment rate consistent with contractual arrangement, 'construction supply costs and, invoices, architectural plans (if appropriate), dates'for`start'and completion of projects, detailed biking to indicate services performed and/or delivered, AND necessary approvals by,project director. 'Payment of-rent shall not be:made on facilities constructed, renovated or acquired with CJPP grant funds without prior written approval from CJPP. C. Payment and Utilization of Funds: Funds awarded are to be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the Grantee's approved project plan and budget. 44 4 j Pro ect funds ma not be es nded rior to the rant contrac ffective date. ~ y pe p g t o Project funds disbursement is subject to completion of conditions set forth as a checklist in ', the award letter. This checklist of conditions is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. Project funds will be made available through a reimbursement procedure as provided by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program policy and procedure. At no time shall the.Grantee request or have on hand funds in excess of the amount necessary for expenditure within the ne.Yt ' ninety days. No payment of funds shall be made to Grantee during any period of ~ time within which the Grantee is in default on filing any informational or financial reports required by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice ' ~ Partnership Program. The balance of grant funds remaining after the completion of a ' project, as authorized in the approved application will automatically revert to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program account for unrestricted reallocation by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program as provided for in the Criminal Justice Partnership Act. D. Grant Adjustment: The Grantee must obtain prior written approval from the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program for major project changes. These include, but are not limited to the followinc: (a) changes of substance in project activities, designs, or research plans set forth in the approved application; (b) changes or deviations which might alter the project scope or intent; (c) changes in the project director and/or key professional personnel identified in the approved application; (d) changes in the approved budget with the exception of those changes permitted in accordance with provisions cited later in this section, and (e) chances in the length. of the grant period. Requests for grant adjustments are to be submitted on the Grant Adjustment Request Form. Equipment not included in the approved. budget .may not be purchased without prior approval of the North Carolina k~ Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. The Grantee may deviate from quantities of equipment items in the approved budget as long as the total dollar amount of the equipment budget is not exceeded, provided written notification is submitted to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program prior to purchase. This notification should be maintained in the project file by both the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program and the Grantee.. In changing the approved budget, the Grantee may not transfer a cumulative total of more than $2,500.00 in the course of a grant year, between or among the major budget categories, without prior approval of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. Budget changes may not be made in the fina145 days of the annual grant period, and requests for approval of budget changes shall be made in time to allow five working days for staffreview and consideration. Transfers not requiring approval must be reported in regularly required financial reports. Grantees may not add to the specified equipment List S _ 1 45 D • '~ ,, e - - .: without prior approval..of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice .Partnership Program. E. Procurement Standards and,Procedures: Grantees shall. meet the minimum - -requirements for procurement standards and procedures. contained in State; law as further limited in this paragraph. All procurement,shall b.e accomplished by obtaining adequate and effective competition. to the maximum practicable extent consistent with the value and specification :of supplies and seiwices to be produced:Publicly advertised procurement wth•sealed bids and public openings shall be-the preferred ,- method. A.system:ofcontract administration shall be maintained-to assure the•following: _ (1) contractor conformity with the terms, conditions, and specifications ofahe contract purchase, order,and (2), adequate follow up of all. deliv-eries. The Grantee must maintain procurement records which provide documentation of procurement action including the justification for. sole,or single source or the negotiated method of procurement.. The "cost • plus a percentage of cost" method of contracting shall not be used. - . F. Letting of Purchase Contracts:. All purchases of furniture,. fixtures, equipment, .materials and supplies for the project described in the~approved.application shall be made . at the iowestt possible reasonable price. The=Grantee agrees to adhere to thefollowing ~• requirements. in making such •purchases: ' (a) when the purchase will Tequire more-than - $1,00,0 but less than $2,500, informal bids shall be awarded.~to-the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and the time. specified :for . performance; (b) all other purchases shall;be made through the Grantee's normal commercial purchasing.procedures. The North' Carolina, Department of Correction Criminal Justice,Partnership Program, reserves the right to establish the price or set the allowable cost value of any items acquired by the Grantee without compliance with these provisions. All :new automobiles purchased~with project funds must~tollow formal . bid procedures. This-procedure involves soliciting sealed-bids from qualified sources of supply... Thewrequ_irement pis legally advertised and bids are opened-in public. At .least two responsible•bids must`be.received and.the lowest b'id must be accepted. V. Allowable/Non-allowable Costs ,• ~ :.:, 4. , A. Allowable Costs: The allowability-of.costs incurred~under any grant shall be determined in accordance with the general principles of allowability and standards set by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. If the allowability. of an expenditure cannot be determined because records or documentation are inadequate,. the questionable cost.shall be disallowed: ~`~ ~ . - : ` ~ • - . B..Expenses Not allowable: -The Grantees may not: expend grant funds for the following: (a) items not part of the approved budget; (b) purchase of land; (c) purchase of buildings or payment of real estate mortgages or taxes, unless specifically provided for in the grant agreement; (d) entertainment; (e) purchase bf automobiles~or other automotive vehicles 46 6 fl unless provided for in the grant agreement; (f) construction unless specified in the grant agreement; or (g) indirect costs. ~, C. Personnel: All of the duties and services rendered or performed in the activity of this project will be under the Grantee's supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be-fully qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under federal, state, and local law to perform such services. Salary and other compensation for personnel engaged in the work shall be based on established county personnel policies covering qualifications, job ~% descriptions, and salaries for existing or comparable positions. Personnel costs shall not be allowable as costs to be financed in whole or in part with this grant award, unless the position or allowable cost thereof is specifically contained within the narrative ~~ portion of the application and the approved budget and then onl as to the co b. y st 'therein designated as approved: ~' D. Contracts for Professional Services: nth the exception of personal service contracts, written approval of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program is required to contract for services. The Grantee assures that in any CJPP program or project requiring the procurement of contractual services of organizations the competitive bidding process will be used when appropriate and practical and when required by law or by county policy. In all cases the Grantee should secure the most cost-effective manner of providing services. ~ Contracts should contain information about the scope and costs of services to be rendered and the minimum number of persons to be served. 'The Grantee shall draft service contracts according to CJPP guidelines for proposed contracts, and the Grantee shall have the responsibility for securing from CJPP such guidelines before entering into contracts for services. A copy of the proposed contract must be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program for approval. Upon signing of said contract a dated copy will be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program to be placed in the project file and funds for the contractual line item will be made available for reimbursement purposes. E. Insurance and Indemnification: Grant funds may not be committed for insurance or indemnification expenses unless the grant budget and application certifies that (a) types and extent and cost of coverage. will be in accordance with local government policy and sound business practice and (b) costs will not be charged for contributions to a reserve for a self insurance program. Grant funds may not be requested by the Grantee if any expenditures are to be made for insurance or indemnification costs for which the above certification cannot be. made unless complete details and justification have been submitted 7 1 47 .,. . o: ,. ~ w' to the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program and prior approval,-has been gianted. F.. Rent/Lease~of Space of Equipment:.. All leases .entered. into for purposes of a funded ` project.shall be made at tlie.lowest reasonable prices. The. Grantee may use its normal ~, leasing procedures and space requirements for employees. _The-rental,charge must be consistent,with prevailing -rates in the area. - G. Travel,.; Lodging and,$ubsistence: 'Expenditures and~allowable cost value for travel, lodging and subsistence shall not exceed the normal and usual amount allowable by the Grantee for such costs under rules and policies applicable to Grantee's official business. In the event that Grantee has.no.established rule, regulation, or-policy regarding such expenses, the mazimum ,payment and ;allowable cost will be the current prevailing rates allowed,for NorthCarolina~state employees. Any deviation,from the ,_ . . " afore described expense allowances must~be approved by the Grantor in writingbefore being incurred. Prior approval by ahe North .Carolina Department.ofCorrection ~, .Criminal Justice Partnership Program is required for all,out-of-state travel to be ` paid with grant funds. _ ,~, . __ - H., Equipment.and Other Capital Expenditures: The Grantee hereby certifies that (a) no other equipment owned by the Grantee is available for the.project; (b) grant funds will not be used to provide reimbursement for.the purchase price of equipment .owned ~by the ~Granfee; (c) if equipment is,-used for purposes other than this project; ,the appropriate proration of costs to each activity involved will be effected; and (d) the cost •of equipment purchased with Grantee funds will be reduced to the e.~ctent of resale/recovery value where use of such equipment for carrying out the purposes. of the grant-project is discontinued (during^the~life of the project). Grant ;funds. exceeding X20,000.00 may not be expended or committed.forthe.acquisition of automatic,data processing-equipment, whether by. outright.purchase, rental purchase agreement, or by other method purchase,.wthou,t prior: Grantor approval. _ ~ "' VI. Grant Reduction/Termination of Grant A. Granf Reduction::In the~event, that any. costs to be financed in whole or in part by funds for this grantfare disallowed, the Grantor may, in its sole discretion: (a)~reduce the amount . , ' ~ of the grant.by the amount of the cost that is disallowed; or ~(b) apply the a`rnount of the cost that, is disallowed.to some other cost of the program or.project described in Condition II C, „The; amount of any reduction in the grant award shall, in,the discretion of the Granfor,, be :immediately recoverable from the Grantee by the Grantor if the~g'rant award is reduced dine to disallowance of costs. 48 B. Grant Terminati on. (1) This grant may be terminated or fund payments suspended by the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Correction where there is a failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the following: (a) the approved plan and application and attachments; (b) the grant award contract and specific conditions; (c) any state or federal law to which compliance is required; '. (d) any policies of the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program; or . (e) an audit report which includes audit exceptions not answered to the satisfaction of the Executive. Director of the Criminal Justice Partnershi Program. P ^ (2) Upon such finding, the Executive Director of the Criminal Justice Partnership Program shall follow the procedure outlined in the statue governing the program (NC G.S. § 143B-272.8). VII. Employee Activities A. Conflict of Inter est: No individual, public official, or employee of a state or unit of local government to which a North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program funded project is awarded may participate in an administrative decision with respect to the project if such a decision can be expected to result in any benefit or remuneration, such as a royalty, commission, contingent fee, brokerage fee, dividend, or other benefits or income to him/her or any member of his/her immediate family. ' B. Partisan Political Activity Prohibited: None of the funds, materials ro ert ,p p y, or services provided directly or indirectly under this grant shalt be used for any partisan political activity, to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office, or for ~- publicity or propaganda purposes desi ned to su ort g pp or to defeat leg~slat~on pending before any legislative body. VIII. Products/Income from Grants A. Copyrights: Where activities supported by this grant produce original books, films, computer programs or other copyrightable material, the Grantee may copyright such, but the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program .preserves aroyalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, and .use such materials, and to authorize others to do so. Any royalties received from . ~ .copyrights and patents during the grant period shall be retained by the Grantee and ~~ ~: incorporated into the grant budget. 9 1 49 _i Y B. `Publications: The Grantee may publish, at its own expense; tfie`results of grant activity without prior review by the-North Carolina Department of`Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program,provided.that any publication (written; :oral;'or visual) contains an acknowledgment of the North Carolina~Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program support.. At~least one copy of any such publication must be furnished to the'North,Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice .Partnership Program, except as otherwise requested=and approved. Publication of documents or reports: with grant funds.beyond quantities required~~to meet standard report requirements mustbe~provided for in approved project p'lans~or budgets or otherwise approved by the North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. - ~,. , . C. Publication Statements:.The Grantee agrees that any publication (written, visual, or audio, but excluding news releases, newsletter, and issue analyses) issued by the Grantee or by any subgrantee describing programs or projects funded in whole or in part with State funds, shall contain the following statement: a ' "This project was supported by,. Grant # .~ ~ provided~by the North Carolina .Department of Correction ;Criminal Justice Partnership' Program. Points of view or ,opinions contained within this~.document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent, the official position or policies of the North Carolina Department' of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program:". vs .. The Grantee also agrees that one copy of any such publication will be submitted to North Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program to be placed on .file and distributed as appropriate to other.potential Grantees or interested parties. The North Carolina Department of Correction:Criminal~Justice Partnership Program may .waive the, requirement for submission of any specific~publication upon submission of a request, providing justification:from the: Grantee. ; ` ~~ D. Project Income: All interest or other income earned by the Grantee with respect to grant funds or as a result of conduct of the grant project (sale of publications, client fees, registration fees, service charges on fees etc.) must be accounted for in program ..records. All income mustbe applied to project purpose'iri ttie approved budget or state funds must be reduced by the amount of project'income. .. : . E. Computerized system: If'computer software is ~produced~ under a, grant, the Grantee agrees to make such available to_North Carolina'Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership .Program' for`transfer.to au horized''users without cost other than directly associated with the transfer. System's'must~be documented in sufficient detail to enable a competent data processing staff to adapt the system, or portions thereof, to usage on a computer of similar size and configuration, of any manufacturer. The Grantee further agrees to provide complete copies of documentation to the North 50 - to 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carolina Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program. Documentation will include but not be limited to system description, operation instructions, user instructions, program maintenance instruction, input forms, file description, report formats, program listings and flow charts for the system and programs. The Grantee agrees that whenever possible all application programs will be written in order that they may be transferred readily to another authorized user. The Grantee agrees to avail himself/herself, to the maximum extent practicable, of computer software already produced and available. - T~~~c ~ l~ i~~,!~st ~ r~'! ~~~~~ 5 a (?r,~rY 51 Budget Amendment ~ . -'4. ~~ ~, ,. BITDGET 'AMENDMENT # ~F, Criiiinal-Justice Partnership 96-0005 7/.17/95 Program ADJUSTMENT pig ~$EDIT Criminal Justice Partnership $155,836 Grant (Operating Grant) Criminal Justice Partnership $180,000 Grant (Discretionary Grant) Salaries & Wages $ 18,000 FICA $ 2,800 Contracted Services $130,036 Departmental Supplies $ 5,000 Building $180,000 To budget two grants from the NC Department of Corrections for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program. Note: The operating grant of $155,836 was accepted by the County Commissioners on July 5, 1995. This component includes the cost~sfor salaries, FICA, supplies, and contracted services. For Budget Off icers approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting 1/ and enterin minutes. ~L To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered intominutes. C L~ 1 C C 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: 9 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department:. County Manager's Office Presenter: Patricia A. Melvin .Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Patricia A. Melvin .TECT: Approval of County's Application to Receive Elderly and Disabled Transportation Funds BRIEF SUMMARYL New Hanover County has been targeted to receive $39,584 in Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Funding for Fiscal Year 1995-96. These are State funds, and require no match from the County. Application for funding must be submitted to N.C. Dept. of Transportation by July 21, 1995, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve Application for Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Funding. Federal S: State S: ~ County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A BSHELL HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Consider approval of Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Prog ~~~.~' ., ~~u~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 53 ~~~~'~ ~I~'1 ~~t-5 -~~r Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition M State of North Carolina, County of New H a n o v e r ,, Appendix B ..Certified Statement . ~ .. . r .. . , Pursuant to G.S.136-44.27, the North Carnlina Elderly and I?isabled Transportation Assistance Program, this-is to certify that the undersigned is the duly elected, qualified and acting chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of ' , - '~ N e w~ Hanover .North Carolina,- and that the following statements are true and correct: . 1~. That the funds received pursuant to GS.136-4427 will be used to provide additionalfrarisportation services for the elderly and disabled, exceeding the quantity of trips provided prior to the receipt of these funds. , . - .. . 2. That the funds received pursuant to GS. 136-44.27 will not be used to supplant existing Federal, State or local funds designated to provide elderly and disabled transportation services th the county. 3. That the funds received pursuant to GS. 136-4427 will be used in a manner consistent with the local Transportation Development Plan and application approved by the NC Department of Transportation and the Board of Commissioner. 4. That any interest earned on these. funds will-be. expended in accordance with GS.136-44.27:. 5. That the funds received pursuant to GS. 136-44.27 will not be used toward the purchase of capital equipment. VVIi INFSS my hand and offidal seal, this 17th day of J ~ 1 y .19 9 5, Attest: ~~Y~S ~~ • ~ Board'ofCounty Commissioners ' Cha[rpenon • State of North Carolina- ~ _ . , ~ _._ 'CoiintyManager/adminis~coi • -` . County ... ..: .. Subscribed and sworn to me this ~ day of ~ ~ ~ ~ :19_. _ ~ ` LL "~ j ,. .. ~ a (SEAL) Notary Public • My c4~ission expires . ~ ~ ~ m` , ~ ,;g ~ ~~ ~"F ))~~FF Address ~~> 'Note that the signatures on this statement•ahould~bejthose'of•four (4) separate individuals. . .. ATTACHMENT FOR REGULAR AGENDA ITEM #9 BUC~ge~ Amendment LY 17, 199 DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE New Hanover Transportation 96-0006 7/17/95 Services ADJUSTMENT .DEBIT CREDIT New Hanover Transportation Service Transportation Assistance $5,208 Program TAP - Elderly $2,083 TAP - Handicapped $3,125 EXPLANATION To increase FY95-96 revenue to be received from the NC Department of Transportation by $5,208. The total funds awarded by the state for the Transportation Assistance Program will total $39,584 for the forthcom' g fiscal year. C~~~~~Y ~~~ dC~~~~~G~~~~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting / and enter in minutes. V To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. ~'', ~', l~~e~~,. j+; c \~r _. Q,, ~.J{ ~, n, 7x! ..1 • Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program FY'95-96 Allocation Table ' Alamance .540,012 Johnston 532,871 Alexander 521,118 Jones 522,528 Aileghany 519,565 Lee 524,250 • Anson 522,513. Lenoir 528,159 Ashe 522,059 Lincoln 525,455. ' Avery 519,628 Macon 523,495 Beaufort 526,152 .Madison 521,311 Bertie 523,245 Martin 521,910 Bladen 524,206 McDowell 524,168 Brunswick 527,938 Mecklenburg 5110,339. . Buncombe 555,366 Mitchell 519,803 Burke Cabarrus 531,365 536,361 Montgomery Moore 522,093 531,197 Caldwell 530,002 Nash 531 251 • Camden 520,754 New Hanover , 539,58 ' Carteret 527,684 Northampton 4 , Caswell 521,422 Onsknw 337,108 Catawba 539,538' Orange 531,730 Chatham 524,902 Pamlico 520,407 ' Cherokee 522,156 Pasquotank 522,381 Chowan 519,427 Pender 524,143 Clay. 519,699 Perquimans 519,802 ' Cleveland 533,663 Person 522,839 Columbus 527,421 Pitt 535,280 Craven 531,324 Polk 520,649 Cumberland 558,341 Randolph S37,091 Currituck 519,650 Richmond 525,823 ~ Dare 521,508 Robeson 536,337 . Davidson 541,347 Rockingham 534,226 ' Davie 521,587 Rowan 540,565 Duplin 525,626 Rutherford 528,897 Durham 550,210 Sampson 527,334 Edgecombe 527,509 Scotland 522,421 Forsyth 570,931 Stanly 527,207 Franklin Gaston 524,247 551,285 Stokes Suny 523,227 529,611 Gates 521,249 Swain 522,647 Graham 520,978. Transylvania 522,649 Granville 524,466 Tyrrell 524,578 Greene .519,753 Union 331,353 Guilford 585,953 Vance 524,005 Hal"lax 528,716 Wake 588,172 Harnett 529,078 Warren 521,458 Haywood $27,560 Washington 520,309 Henderson 534,034 Watauga 522,665 Hertford $21,552 Wayne 535,230 ~~ Hoke $20,758 Wilkes $28,536 Hyde • Iredell $26,823 535,438 Wilson Yadkin $29,109 522,718 Jackson $22,142 Yancey 520,476 . ~ Total $3,000,000 55 ... ~ ~ ~ - Program Activities. will be conducted according to the following EDTAP application schedule: June 9, 1995 -: .. EDTAP Application Package''mailed to . ,each county. . _: July 21, 1995 ~ Applications are. due from counties. August 4, .1995 , .~ PTD. Staff evaluations completed. .~ . August 31, 1995: ~ Disbursement of annual allocation. September 30, 1995 'Last day to utilize ~FY 94-95- , - µ EDTAP/MTAP ,fluids. October 31, 1995. * Deadline for FY 94-95 Semi-annual y EDTAP/MTAP Report (Period covering._January 1, 1995 to September 30, 1995). -~:~ • Las! time this report will be-used Please rejer [o the new report jor FY96 reporting . ~ ~ •. , .. a.. • < w, - ~. , . R 56 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: 11 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Commissioners Presenter: Allen ONeal Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Allen ONeal UVUJ Gt.I- Voting Delegate Designation for 1995 Annual Conference BRIEF SUMMARY: The NCACC's annual conference will be held in Pinehuest on August 24 through 27, 1995. The Commissioners need to select a voting delegate for the conference. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• . Select voting delegate for the Annual ;Conference. ~' ree ~ - - ~ l~'-~--ham IMa~}-I~.u~s A k~U[VUIiYG SniJRt^F,~ F~deralS: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepares County S: User Fees S: lYew Appropriation Request: Other S: REVIEWED BY: LGL:N/A FIN: N/A BUD: N/A HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND R OMMENDATIONS• Recommend the commissioners select a voting delegate for the Annual Conferen ~_~,_, ~OU~~'Y C~G~~r~y9~S9~~~~~~ ._.- a ~a~e ~.:I 1,~ Refcr to OtBce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 57 •~OQ,tH G~Rp4~• - a _ ~ *, NORTH .CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF "~ ~ ~.~COUN~TY COMMISSIONERS aoy •,: ~ , o,~ oo't COUNS'~ , ... ., , IMPORTANT CONFERENCE INFORMATION = TO: County Chairmen and County Managers .: a .., , ,. w:L. FROM: C. Ronald Aycock, Executive Director ~. . _ , DATE: June 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Voting Delegate Designation for 1995 Annual Conference Deadline for Resolutions or Proposed Amendments VOTING DELEGATES 't - a Enclosed is a voting delegate designation form for,,the. Association's Annual .Conference in Pinehurst on August 24-27, 1995. Please place on your June or July ~Board~meetin'g agenda the selection of a delegate for the conference and return the form to the Association office no later than Friday, August 4, 1995. ;. _ ~ ~. , ~ i On the reverse side of the form is the list of those district directors from odd-numbered districts whose seats are up for election this year. Counties from these districts should attend the district caucuses on Friday, August 25, from 4:30-5:00 p.m. in the Pinehurst Hotel. DEADLINES FOR RESOLUTIONS AND. PROPOSED_ AMENDMENTS::~• . ; ~ , . _ This is a second reminder that any proposed resolutions or proposed amendments to the Policy Statements or Association Constitution must be received by the Association office no laterthan x Friday, July 14, 199. Note that, only resolutions with non-legislative- impact will actually.be considered at the Business Session at Annual Conference. As is provided by policy, legislative resolutions will be forwarded to an appropriate Association steering committee for review and - recommendationvto the Board of Directors. ~ ~ '. . .. ~; . , _ '~ , ~~ ~..~~j ~IQed~95confwoting _ ~ '. ALBERT COATES LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTER 215 NORTH DAWSON STREET P. O. BOX 1488, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602-1488 • TELEPHONE (919) 715-2893 FAX (919) 733-1065 i • ~a~iN ~a~~~ ~ A q ~ a• W O = A p 7~ ... h spy • ~ : ?y C~ `p~ COUNT NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF . COUNTY CO~MMISSfONERS IMPORTANT Designation of Voting Delegate to Annual Conference Please Place on Your Board Agenda Each Board of County Commissioners is hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official as the county's voting delegate. Each voting delegate should complete and sign the following statement: I, ,hereby certify that I am the duly designated voting delegate for County at the 88th Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Pinehurst, North Carolina, on August 24-27, 1995 Signed: Title: Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution provides: "On all questions, including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county in good standing may be cast by any one of its county commissioners who is present at the time the vote is taken; provided, if no commissioner be present, such vote may be cast by another county official, elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid'the current year's dues." District caucuses for the purpose of nominating district directors shall be held at the Annual Conference for those districts in which the term of the board member expires. These districts are listed on the reverse side of this form. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1995. -over- ~59 ALBERT COATES LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTER 215 NORTH DAWSON STREET ` . ' ~ :` • DISTRICTDIRECTORS UP FOR ELECTION.IN 1995 ~ . ASSOCIATION DISTRICT PRESENT DISTRICT DIRECTOR District 1 Camden, Chowan,..Currituck,Dare, Gates, ~ PATSY McGEE - Hyde, Pasquotank,~ Perquimans, Tyrrell &: Washingtop PASQUOTANK COUNTY District 3 Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Greene, Jones, EARL WRIGHT Lenoir, Onslow,'Pamlico and Wayne' _ CRAVEN COUNTY ~ . District 5 ~. Bladen, Hoke, Robeson and Scotland L. E. McLAUGHLIN, JR. ~. :: HOKE COUNTY ~ . District 7 Edgecombe, :Halifax, Nash, Northampton and .FRANK EMQRY Wilson WII,SON COUNTY , District 9 Chatham, Durham, Johnston, Lee; Oran;e and Wake UVA HOLLAND ~. ` CHATHAM COUNTY District 11 ._ . Alamance, Caswell, Davidson, Guilford, JOHN BLACKWELL Randolph and Rockingham _ . _ .. ~ CASWELL COUNTY District 13 Alexander, Burke, Caldwell and Catawba - ~ ~ :BILL STONE • ' CALDWELL COUNTY District 15 Cleveland, McDowell, Polk and Rutherford' " ~~. BENNY SMITH f . ~ ~ ~ POLK COUNTY . District 17 . - .. ~ _ Cherokee,. Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, : BILL EDWARDS Macon and Swain - ~~. ~~' .. ' . ~ _ HAYWOOD COUNTY _ .:~ ,. g• d~95conf~voting ~~. . I~ i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: 12 Consent Item #: .Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: B. ECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Committee: Planning Board RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments 1N'UIVUI[VG SVURCE: Federal S: State. S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Moncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FINN/A ~ BUD: N/A HR: N/A Make appointments ~ 61 Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition PLANNING BOARD 2 VACANCIES (3 YEAR TERMS) ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS• REAPPOINTMENT ~ Richard L. Achilles' ' ~' . ~ ", ~_ ~~ ':..; .': _ .. _ Alfred Bleiw,eis __ • Jim Bordeaux ' '~ John E. Dyer •Robert P. Hoffman Julie MacAllister James B. Piper, Sr. John B. Thuersam Philip T. Triece (Received after application deadline) .~ 14nnt~ SUa,u..12! ~ h s M _ .u M s ' Attachments,: .Committee Information Sheets ~- _-. Applications. ~ ' ~ "' .. . .~ ~- ._ ... - .:.... ._ r...... .. ... .__ E {, . , 6~2 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Number of Members: 7 Term of Office: three years i 1 ~j compensation: $20.00 per meeting, but not more than $40.00 per month. ' Qualifications:. Must be a New Hanover County Resident Regular.Meetings:. First Thursday in each month at 7:00 o~clock p.m. in the Assembly Room, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC. Statute or cause creating Board: N. C. General Statutes 153A-321. .New Hanover County Ordinance and Resolution establishing Commission dated September 2, 1980, for the purpose of planning and making recommendations in order that the elected and appointed officials of the County may competently perform their duties. Brief on the functions: Make studies of the County and surrounding areas; determine objectives to be sought in the development of the study area; prepare and adopt plans for achieving these objectives; develop and recommend policies, ordinances, administrative procedures, and other means for carrying put plans in a coordinated and efficient manner; advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the use and amendment of means of carrying out plans; exercise any functions in the administration and enforcement of various means for carrying out plans that the Board of Commissioners may direct; perform any other related duties that the Board of Commissioners may direct.. Much of the Board's time is consumed with Land Use Planning, Zoning, and Subdivision activities. CURRENT MEMBERS TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES Joyce Fernando 4.1.55 Appleton Way Wilmington, NC 28412 799-3434 (H) John Edward Galarde 210 Pine Cliff Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 256-8146(H) 256-27.10(W) Charles R. Howell 810.9 Masonboro Sound Road Wilmington, NC 28405 791-6311(H)=791-8077(W) first first 7-31-96 (Appt. 7/26/93) 7-31-97 (Appt. 7/18/94) second 7-31-97 (Appt. 5/7/91] (Reappt. 7/18/94) 63 k NEW HANOVER COIINTY PLANNING, BOARD•.(CONTINIIED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM: CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Wesley O. Nixon second ~7-31-97 5673 Carolina Beach Road: - ~ - , Wilmington, NC 28412 ~ (Appt. 5/7/91) 799-2298 (H) (Reappt. 7/18/ 4) Ernest J. Puskas second 7-31-95 501 Prince ,George: Ave. . Castle Hayne, NC 28429, (Appt.. (}New~-.Board: 5/7/91) 675-2453 (H) 675--2267 (W) Kenneth A. Shanklinl ~M""~_' ,_second,.. + • 7-31-95 P.O. Box:.134Z ~ , . .., , Wilmington,, ,NC 28402 , ~~ . - • ~ ~ (App ) 39'2-6367 (H) 762-9400 (W) , •. - - .-_.. James E. Wo11e, - first _ ~ 7-31-96~ 5720 .Oak Bluff Lane 4 ~ -. ~ ~ ,. ,_t: Wilmington, NC 2840,9 ~ ;,, : (Appt. 7-/,26/93). 392=0849 (H) '. Staff. Support:. Dexter.Hayes, P•lanning.Director a:_ •, 3;20 Ches.tnut;~ Street, Room 40.3_ ~ ~.~ ,• ,. F - Wilmington,. ~NC _,2-8401 ,. - 341-7165. . • ~.. _ .., . ~. ~ „. - E ~ .. ~ ,, 7%94 , _ File: /Plan y 64 NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS ~. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - • ~~ Wilmington, NC • 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1=4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 1 1 Request (or Appointment to: ~G-7.~1 /gyp-yD/~ ~o~/,u rf ~~,y,~,ri, .c.7 C, ,Qa,G~{p Name: ~L~iuie~-2~ ~ ~G/o'y GG .- Home ~~ How long havc you been a Address: 8`~SS' U',r/~, ~' C~ ,~S ~i.ec c~ resident o(New Hanover County? /y~G Mailing4 ddress: -r~~ ~ - . , . • City and State: ~,ctir/4r~,t! ,!/. C- Zip Code: aff~ar' Telephone: Home: ~/a - 6~l -/d 3 G ~ ° • Business: /~ /1 !'.oylcr_cn~,e~ ~ 'Sex: .~ 'Race: C 'Aye: S-S/ 'This in/ormetion is requested for the so% purpose of sssuriny chef across-s~etion of the community is appointed. •'Employeoby: SFZ.~' "A person cunsnt/y amp/Dyed by the syency or dipsrtmen! for which this epp/icstion is mode, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordsnee with Artie% V/, Sse. 4 0l th• Nsw Henov~r County P~rsonnd Po/icy. JobTitle: Pro/essionalActivities: Ez,~r7eds uw,ti,~r,.d a- F~c~~,~e.y~r VolunteerAcfivities: T,o~,pf i.9xJ,~G, GdiI.CC,Gr ,y.~s~C.SxAi.G CTi'n.t~!/uu,Tcex ~./c.~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ,~.r ,Q .Ceze~J: /l~rio~r•-' -_F iV ~ L'oa.yl'-1 Z'y .G,~' 70 .1'oar' ~i.~+•.r. /'.e~.~,Cer r->a,~r....~ .¢~.r~v.rrcr w.wGK a•.ac.. cw~aa~.r t~rr .Clr.~1 ~ ,:P~ry ,O.yo /L~~v~.~ rte" C.a~A~%Pu'~c 4/.lGi'~ /~1.~iE'e'r io- .~.~/ 614ir~~vy •~wo ec- o~ L.v~-, ~o•o~k, Co-'7¢it.c/ y,2aT~.co-, acte What do you (eel are~your qualifications (or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) j• ;r,~ lvT~Kt3'!' i.v ~~u.v rt'rx~.sf, /~.l~ia,C.r .8~~~..vd~'.r' EYiocxi Cm" ~ r s ;..' -, ~~~.av.~ c'il~b n.Ptr What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT ' _Z-~ i~r _tla S•~~P/.~'~- o.G /l ~T~'xs/ivy "~6E,~loi9' ••~ l~°7'~DaTI~/c' /liG.~i~'.~.CA~~l Ti/iJ~ / ~. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county) • l/ so, please list: . , . ~ •~ G ~ ~.`' ~ Date: ~~- 1`S~ ,pal 1 p R~ Sipnatuie !Please use reverse s/de for additional comments/ . ••.. , :. iii..! RICHARD L. ,ACHILLES 8355 Vintage Club Circle 'Wilmington, NC 28405. Residence (919) 686-1836 Business (919) 686-1826 A successful consultant with more than 30 years' 'industrial experience in small and large corporations. Recent project management competence exhibited in executive search management, executive resources, succession planning, and incentive compensation.- _In depth txpertisc in: .. • morale assessment • employee relations _. reso~:rce planning + re~ruitr:~ea4'assessmert :performance evaluation ~ ~ administrative management m. ~ . ~ employee privacy • dependent-care benefits .. . ~ • grievance .channels.. n_ .. _• community relations . - . • Self-motivated, disciplined; well-organized, andcreative individual who values personal integrity, customer. satisfaction, and a collegial, team-oriented atmosphere.. ~ i , ~. . ~ - PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ~ ~ . _ _. . Ig M . CORPORATION ' .. ,... ~ . _ .. - ~ . . . , ._ gram Manager, Executive Resources ~ - - -1988 - 1993 • Spearheaded worldwide,. external, executive.. recruiting, initiative.... ., _ -, . • Established internal executive recruiting implementation protocols • Developed database of world class search providers as means of ensuring quality sourcing • Negotiated routinely with leaders and consultants. in search industry ~.~ ~ - `.~• Interacted with executives ~at all levels ~ ~ ~ ~ i A ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~, • Administered complex management succession program for large, fully-integrated organization • Developed mentoring program for 30 high-potential minorities and women, assuring diversity • in senior management .for future years ana a ,Headquarters Services - ~ ~ ~ . _ .. • • ~ :1982 - 1987 ~ ' • Third level manager for 130-employee service organization -; • Responsible for capital assets, telecommunications, security, °secietarial support; and other administrative services . ~_ <~ - _ _ • Managed' standalone, start up uoperations of IBM's Quality Institute ~ ' - Iylanagcr, Management Development ~ 1980 - 1982. `` ~• Managed -team of. eight profcssionals~` in definition ~ of customer-driven devclopmcnt~ ~. ~, requirements . • Assured availability of high quality development offerings ~ ' ` - -~ ~ ~~ ~~ -i ~vided individual counsel to senior technology management, ... Richard L. Achilles Page 2 '_ ~ _ , Manager, Resource Planning and Employment 1973 - 1980 • Performed staff planning and audit activities that preserved full employment during -- economic business downturns • Developed staffing plans and quality hiring for manufacturing and development organization of over 12,000 employees • Instituted effective affu-mative'action program f Personnel Svccialist ~ 1966 - 1972 • Designed and conducted morale-related research • Provided advice .and counsel on employee relations issues ' • .Facilitated communication and teamwork projects, resulting in greater efficiency . QTHER EXPERIENCE Arm " - .. _ .. _ 1964 - 1966 ~~ ~:. Captain; Counter Intelligence Service LL HRB-Singer Corporation 1961 - 1964 • Human Factors Psychologist ~ ~, ~ ~ : ~, ~; • ~. E U .. _ . w - _ _~ . • Executive Program, 1985. . Wharton School of Bus,ncss, " M.Ed. Counseling/Psychology, 1964 Pennsylvania State. University, State College, PA B.S. Industrial Psychology, 1962 ~~ -- - - - - ~ Pennsylvania State University,•State College, PA . _. _ • • .._.... ... .__. "... w _ ~ . .. . ACTTVTIT~S ~~ ~ - Member, American Psychological Association Past Chairman, Western Connecticut Corporate Volunteer Council ~" ~ h "~ ~. • Past Treasurer, Southbury Business Association - ~ ~ ~ '' ~ s., - Past Vice-President, IBM Endicott, Federal Credit Union . _ . • - ~ ._ i , . _ . . ~ .. . _ . ~.. .... . ~ _.. 67 NEW HANOVER COUNTY r ~ BOARD OF COMM/SS/ON_ ERS ' .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 " ~ ~ Wilmington, .NC 28401-4093 Telephone=(910134.1-7149... , FAX (9101 341-4130 ' i ' y ..- . - ~- "~' .1 ~ 95 ............ ~r~..,, App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ,~A. ppointed by the New Hanovepr County Board of Commissioners. Re nest for A /~ ~ C ~ ~ _ q ppointment to; Name: ~ / re ~ p E'. ! . Home How loop have you been a Address: Op ~ y Q1 ~ r , resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailing Address: City and Stater ln/ i w. t -{O Zip Code: ~~ ~~ s ~ " " Te%phone: Home: _ 7~~ • D ~D ~ ,Business: " " 'Sex: (y1 'Race: l_.OLU C 'Ape: ~7 , ..~ _ , , 'This inlormetion is rspuestsd for the sob purpose o/essuiiny thst across-section o/ the community is eppoinbd. "Employed by: ~t N• r ~ ri "A person current/y amp/Dyed by the agency or• apartment loi wAich this application is med~, ust resign his/her position with Nsw Hanover County upon sppointment, in sccordence with Artic%"V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Ne over County Personas! Policy. Job Tit/e: 1 r ~`l1 CLr.C r , ~l ~ O Professional Activities: I VolunteerActivities: ~~~ I 101 u nTCrr ~ • ~41~C •" L•/ ~• Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~ L r~Q-~ ' ~o~ ~ d r, ~u ~ e. a ~ / v~ Q.s T GA- N Jh f~ ~, GO .~ fv1 u n ~ ~` y What do you feel are your qualifications for serving o~ the Board,- Committee, or Commission requestedT ~c=c ".~vcr ~ , What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Commit;ee,~or Commission addiesstT ~QS Pr PIQn - Q~sure : b 12hHed Gn d bI'~Nr/t,r ~ 4.. r/ rSt~.Cli,..e ~.~ A r~r.f ~~ Date: ~/[a ' c}, /Please use reverse side d L ~ additions/ comments/ LI Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: NEW NANO fR COUNTY BpARD Of Cf~MMISSlONERS 320 Chestnut street, Room 305 ~IminMnn A~/` 9DAM ennn +~~~~:-~.. .J t ~A~I ?- 3 95 ~~ ~:.: E, ~ . ....:~,I .~ ~~ .. 9' _ 1.4093 - , - . ,. Telephone ~ 101341.7149 fAX (9 f 341-4130 ~~. ; . Application /or Appointment to Bo~rds, Committees, and Cor~misslons Appointed by the Now Nanover, County Board of Commissioners. Request /or Appoiiltmenr to: pT. A n1N 7 Nr_ an a o r • -. i i Name: JIM BORDEAUX , . L, Home • Address; 1909 Oakle Rd . ~ Kow long have you bean a ' resident of New HanoverCountyl 43 years; MailinD Address: Same as above ~ ~-, City end State: Castle Ha ne N. C. Zip Code: 28429 Te%phone: Koine: _ _ 3 4 3 - q 112 _ Business: 1- 9 14 n a e r (~' 'Sex: Ma 1 e 'Race: White ~~~ •AOe: 4 3 ~ '7hs rntorr~.~ s* ngwst~d lioi the 10% pwpoal o/ sssirin~ thwt s Crotsvctton o/ thw comMwii h' k ~IPpantwd •'Emp/oyedby; era Elec is Co. •'AMraoncarrnt/y~Pbycdbyth•.y.ncyofd~p.rtm.ntlclwNt!!M/s~ppkt~donrGm~do in Kew //~viy ~~~, yovn wppointm.nt, in .ccoidanc. wlrb ~ wtnalpn hi+~ltKpo~rition w/tn .acrid. Vl, S.G t 0(th. N.w j{.,,ova County P.rs+a~n.1 PbGcy P Job Tit/e: InBpector s ~ I Protcssiona/ Activities: Volun t eer Activities: FETY WAY Why do you wish to serve on the 8oerd, Committee, or Ca{nmission requestadl To ensure New Hanover ount continues to row while maintaihin its resent character. _: Wrial do you tee/ are your qualiticatia~s fog st!rvlnp on the Board, Committee, or Commission ra ue e q St dT i resents serve as Chairman on the Zonin Hoard of Ad ustmen.t and have ~ What aneas of conce ~ wou%d you9ke to see the Board . CQllmm~ttao, or Cornmisslon eddressT A fiore,_„~_~ e uitable.land use ion which would maintain the Count ~s high quality of li•` Arc you currently serving on onothe~ board pr committee ebpointed b y a municipality or a county? N so, o(ease list-L` Zonin Board of Ad ustment ( term expi 7 Date: ' ~une 27, 1995 !g-IU. use nv.rsw ad• fvr.ddlrJonaJ conrn~ntsl i i res in November ) Signature 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~ANN//V~ /~ o ~}~P_D Name: _,To 1, ~ C . -D yF ~ Nome Ho:: !ory hws y_1 heon 2 ~ _ Address: ~~p / p LQ B Q /Dc~' E S /TE ~• resident of New Hanover County? O ,eS MaAingAddress: S~/YI,G~' ' ~ .. _ _. City and State: C ~4S TL E ~i9,Y/Y,E , ~ ~ ~ Zp. Code: a? ~ ~,2 Telephone: Home: ~/O - ~ f~- ~_("~f~ Business: / ~ - 3 ~.t'" _ ~ 'Sex: ~1 . , ....Race: __~ s ~ •Age: .. ~ ~ .. _ _ . . 'This lnlormation is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that a aoss-section of the community !a appointed. ._ 't. . "Employed by. ~~T//?ED: ~p/V,SGILri¢Nf TD SH~PP/NL~ ~~1µ,ejTl/l/~ ~QEGi¢yQ'D ~~(/'fa~f~ "'A person currently employed by the agenry or deparbnent for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointman~ In accordance with Artide Vl, Sec 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Polity. -Job Title:w'Er'. {r1C~ P~ES~~iyT,leyAN-!~q(sy SYFV~ Do,diNG, Eo,~.~% t' Pc~2TS PiotessionalActivities: (r!,/N//Z~Lro-C~H~9/2 ON ~1~1~' At~ILT/ tlI~PCOy~d Q6~t/1'/oit/~LU~'(/~~~Fvv~l Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T,~i/.t/!G /T ~S ~~~,~J,~,,r t _ _ . _. ~. .__ - - ~ - i What do you lee! are you'r -qu/ali/fications !or serving o/n the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? i .. What areas of coricem would.yov like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address7~/~/tp'(~~/, /~'-1~£~„ ~PJ7'~/T!o-x~~~~ (0 ~-d`- /~P 7`~ /N/~D D 1'~ OB/74~ f/~G.G(!~S' - ~ s ,. .. (Please use reverse side thr additional common J ^ ~,~~ - _ :,; - , ~'`~'~"'`~ULI~ Date: ...'p"I Z s .95 1 ~~/ T G~/T.y ~'°.~D s .. , 71, gnature NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington,.: NC .28401-4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 ~ ' fAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment'to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New HanoveryCounty Board.of Commissioners.. . Request for Appointment to: _ PL/~Plty t N G ~~o~RD Name: ~~3F':f~-t', P. ~C)FF14Prt,~ _ ~. .__.• .. .- ~ - .. Home ,_ _ How long have: you been a . • . - Add~ess: 10(~i ~1UHTti.IG ~tt~-, F= ~OhL7 resident of New HanoverCountyl I Mailinga dd~ess: - .. ~..... ° _ _ .. - L: .. .. .~ City and' State: ~ t I M t F.1(~Tn~1 N L ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' •' "Iip Code: ~~}- .~ , . ~~ ~ ~ -~ .. ., 3 Telephoner Home: 7qq ~'~~..~~ Business: " t....~ 'Sex: M _ ~`Race~~ ' ~(- . _ - .... w 'Age.~~'~, .. _.. . ~. ,• This m o~mehon is is uy ` ' q stud log the so% purpose o/,essurinp thst s cross•s~ction or the community is sppoint~d. :. _.. •'A person eurnndy imp%y~d by th• sysncy of d~paitm~nt log which this spp/icatioe Is msd~, must nsiyn his/h~i position with • ~ Nsw HeaovQ~ County, upon~sppointmsnt, in accorda~c~•with Aitid~ Vl, Sic. 4 0l fh~ New Hsnov~~ County P~iionn~l Policy..- JobTitle.. (res rs ~.v r -r ~ r.t <,, 1= n.i.~ ~.ti~~- F fi • •~G~..i.in c ri~-t-~ 'Fri ri... M~~Q.s . D.r= Y, W= iJ ProtessionalActivitles: ;=CIO fitcit,~/, ; ~~1~'T.tl~I~Tne1 . ~l`~,~45't"~(i~ .n~~12~~ :, ~~tJ ~~t~ t't(= t/CI~RF ., - .. .. ... ,. , f r: . . ... r ~ ~ r . •~Vo/unteerActiwUes .. _;.: ~ • .. ~ ;-,,:. , Why do you wish.to"serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl My-~ ~.~rx~sC(j ' t"~.~c~.T'iRA't~ 'G1J- /~P~b iTiS_L'h~17~ -. (L~ ~-, nth '''~( AfJNIrJ~ -~"'f~ 1f.7"i'~f~CY'F=b~ ~tIJ _- _ . .. ,.. ' ..... , , ne~~t/c~.~c~~~tut-rte ~.t~w-rrd` .ctis-r~=i~i~-;Fr.rH'~{ `,~,~r~~t~ r~-;-Fr-~ritJl, n1(~= C~ ~- What do you feel. are your qualifications for serving on the Btiard; Gomtriittee, orCoinmissio/i re~atiestedl , ,~. . • ~.. ~~ 'in.- 7 y~~'~•r41JUGD Date: ~ ~ '• • ' (Please use eve ss side 1oi additiond/ oom nt~i 5 • rr fyi~~}ll~~i~ti'ER ~0. Signature ~~, ~,,, ' • t ROBERT PAUL HOFFMAN - . pFRSONAL INFORMATION Address: 1001 Hunting Ridge Road, Wilmington, NC 28412, (9t9) 799-3254 Date of Birth: April 20,1958 Place of Birth: McKeesport. Pennsylvania ~` ~ foreign Language: German EDUCATION: North Carolina State University Degree: B.S. -1981 Raleigh, North Carolina ~ Major: Mechanical Engineering Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia ~ttppLEMENTAL~EDUCATION/TRAINING: BWR Systems Course (induding Simulator) ' Accidenf/Incident investigation Workshop (MORT) `, Pipe Support Course (Center for Professional Advancement) " Investment in Excellence (Pacific Institute) Design Courses (UNC) ~,yMMARY: Ten years of engineering and project management experience at operational nuclear generating stations in the areas of Technical Support, Maintenance, Outage Coordination, Licensing and Regulatory Compliance. Plus one year of co-op engineering experience at a DOE reactor facility and at a synthetic fiber manufacturing facility. This experience includes licensing support; Corrective Action Programs and Root Cause Analysis; procedure development and implementation; coordination of design and field activities assodated with system modifications; control room technical support; outage planning, scheduling and execution; system engineering; surveillance test development and imple- menlation; preventive and programmatic maintenance; design basis development; l0 CFR50.59 evaluations; and management of regulatory related projects (induding NRC interface and negotiation). PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT May 1992 , . Rggulatory Compliance Engineer -Action Tech .Assigned to CPLs Brunswick Plant to assist with development acid implementation of the Corrective . ; .. _ Action Program. This work included formal Root Cause Analysis Training and subsequent investiga- Lions into significant plant occurrences. ~ ~ ' June 1991 for - Staff Consultant - Cvana Enerqv Services ~~°~ :October 1991- ~ Assisted in a Program for Assurance of Completion and Assurance of Quality (PAC/AO) for TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear plant. This program involved the identification of Itcenstng commitments (and ,design requirements), verification of commitment implementation, evaluation of implementation _. ~ programs, and a vertical slice review of the assodated systems. The program was established for. ' - ~ plant wide commitment review and was initiated via a prototype review of a critical safety system (Essential Raw Cooling Water). ' . °" _ This program was part of TVA's Nuclear Performance Plan; provided to the NRC, to allow for initial - operation of Watts Bar. w _ _ _ 7 October 1989 to ~onsuitina Engineer fSr. Ma ntenance Enalneer) -NUS Corn. December 1990 Assigned to the Maintenance Department (Programs Unit) at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant to assist in the formation~of a Maintenance Engineering/Programs Group. Work included the develop- ment and enhancement'of maintenance programs and procedures, providing maintenance inter- - - - _ ~ face to site departments (e.g., Licensing„Operations, Engineering, NRC and INPO) on a variety of issues, technical support on maintenance field problems, and development and supervision of a Maintenance Work Control Group for control and closeout of computer generated maintenance repair orders. Designated acting Supervisor of the Unit when BG&E Supervisor was on other assignments. March 1987, to Consulting_Englneer fSr. Llcenslna Fnglneerl - Cvana Energv Services • October 1989 Assigned to the Boston. office of CES primarily performing work (or the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Assigned to Boston Edison's Licensing Group to provide assistance on a variety of issues related to restart of Pilgrim following an extended outage. This work included 10 CFR50.59 evalua- tions; coordination of technical input (e.g., Fre.Protection, EO, RETS, Surveillance testing, ISI) from various groups within Boston Edison, and direct interface with the NRC. Additionally provided licensing support for a surveillance lest review and evaluation project. Logic System Functional Tests (LSFT's) and Simulated Automatic Actuation (SAA) Tests were revised to comply fully with technical specifications. Worked in the Pilgrim Site Engineering Office providing engineering support for plant design changes including .the installation and start-up of an auxiliary steam supply,system. Worked in the site Test and Turnover,group as.an ANSI N45-2 Level 11 TestEngineer for 18 C start-up testing. • Additional tasks with Cygna included an EPRI Pump and Valve Surveillance project,.a QA Technical Audit of the TMI Instrument Air System, deslgn basis development for'H.B. Robinson, development of design changes for Hope Creek, analysis and test development of a nitrogen~system'at Calvert Cliffs, as well as development of proposals for prospective projects. a ,$ October 1986 to Consultingfnglneer fSr. Systems Englneerl -General Phvslcs. Inc. •- March 1.987 Assignment at the Trojan Nuclear Plant (Portland General.Electric) to implement a preventive/ predictive maintenance program using failure mode analysis: The program involved individual • component assessments to determine cost effective equipment monitoring and maintenance tasks (or possible design change) to improve the reliability of.systems important, to ,plant safety sand reliability. The failure mode analysis process Involves the gathering of historical"data (NPRDS), ~ f identification of the failure modes and consequences, and determination of appropriate monitoring U and maintenance tasks to increase system reliability. The program has been developed'from the Reliability -Centered Maintenance (RCM) concept used in the airline industry: Additionally, provided ~) staff augmentation to the system engineering group for routine and outage activities. u -May .1982 to • : ~..j_ead/Senior Engineering -Carolina Power_and Light Co. . October 1986 Assigned as the Lead Engineer of the~Systems Special Projects Group at the, Brunswick Nuclear • Project. Responsible for regulatory requirements and safety evaluations of control room habitability (including HVAC optlmlietlon and system deslgn basis), snubber testing aril evaluation, SRV . _ .testing and evaluation, drywell temperature analysis and HVAC optimization, unit perto~mance optimization (reducing. MW penalties), FSAR commitment identification and verification project, and ,• . -'4vendor technical:mamal, qualification.progcam. Also assigned as a member of the plant scram/ incident investigation team.. ; lee-Gaolla ead o Assigned to the Technical Support Staff. Responsible for coordinating all technical support outage . act(vltles during an eight month outage. Project Manager for IGSCC,weld inspection and weld . ~ ., overlay project. Additional duties included system engineering responsibilities for all HVAC systems, resolution ot_various regulatory issues (control room-pressurization, toxic gas protection, and contain- ment technical specification•requirements)., ~ ' ', a Assp~tate Eng_neer -Carolina Power and Llaht Co. , .Assigned as a System,.Englneer to the Technical Support Staff: Responsble for several plant .systems (Instrument and Service Air,, Reactor Building.Component Cooling Water, Torus Keep-Fill, - ~~ ` HVAC, Emergency, Air Fillration)..Project Coo~dinator.for modification to the plant air system, extrac- a ' lion steam, piping and the RBCCW .heat exchangers. Project Coordinator for LLRT/ILRT and vessel hydrostatic testing. Other duties include resolution, of 4endor recommendations (GE SIL/TIL) and ~} augmenting outage project groups for NISIV, RWCt1 and service. water modifications. Received early U ..• .promotion from Associate .Engineer to Engineer.. '~ ust 1979 to co-op Student - E.I. Dupont Co. IJr~t 1981 Assigned, to both the Savannah River Plant (DOE) and the Cape Fear Fibers PIanL •.~ engineers with plant improvement projects, circulating water system performance. and reUabmty, ana .process.equipment upgrades for Maintenance and Operations. ~~ . _ ~.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840)-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 _, FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~~~ n ~ N ~~'2-=, 1 -- , _ _ ~ Name: Home ~ ~ ~ How long have you been a Address: ~ 0 ~ s ~ ~ V ~^~ ~~-NS ~ resident of New Hanover Count yT Mailings ddiess: _ , , .. ~., _. City and State: _ w l L. Wl t YZ ~~ ~ Zip Code: - ~~7~ i' Telephone: Home: y 1 q ~ ~ O ~o b ~ ' ~ l" Business: ~~~./ . c=-~.1Y~t _ 'Sex: ~ ~ 'Race:. w.,... , ~ ....:_.~ .Age. sa -. ' , _.. , `, - 'This in/ormetron is r~quest~d for th• so% puipos• of essuriny thst s cross•s~ction or the community /s sppoint~d. 9 • •A person cuii~nt/y imp/o yeti by the sy~ncy or department for which this spp/ication is med~, must r~si9n his/her position with New Hanov~i County upon appointment, in sccordanc~ with Article V/, Ssc. 4 of the Naw Hanover County P~rsonn~l Po/icy. t• 'i Prolessiona/Activities: Wl w oY~ L. ~ L`~ .. _ ~ _. VolunteerActivities: - O w . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requesteor~~ YI.S ~ °~ Vas ~., 4-~ t~ c.«-~ U What do you feel are your qualifications (or~serving on the Boar ,Committee, or Commission requested) \ -• L`Z~2 ~t~LY1 ~ ~~n Iv~.a.. ~ vii .. ~" ~'~ o~-N- What areas of concern wou/d you like toisee the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessl ~~ nCv~ta~< <r-t-t~• ~ ~E ~~ ~i t-4 s 16 ~ h~ ~~-r.~c, , ` ~ - , t Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipa/ity~or a countyT /f so, p/ease list:. Date: ~ ~ q ~ ._... .. r_. _ .r ;gnatu ~ (Please s reverse side /or additions/ comments) Ord ~ 6 9~. 5, ... ,. ..vi~ - ~ ~lCC't~rICCC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room X305 ~~~s~ ~L>/ _ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 O ~.1 O ~, • ; ~.' ~: Telephone (9101341-7149 .~~c~~~`' ', FAX !9101341-4130 ,~~~ ~~ `~~o w Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions yF's Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: - r ~, q~ ,,f u j u ~ ~5 O ArrC Name: '._~~tMNS Q P1Ne~ Sr.~ ~ :. ._. - _ ~, Home ~ How long have you been a Address: ~6 I ~ My r~-l c R YDV_` R~ • resident ofNew Hanover CountyT Mailing ddiess: ~ ~ m ~ _ . - ~ _ _ . . , .. City ahd State:` . W l' rh i N a ~-ua `_,~~ _. N _ ~ . ~ ., _ Zip Code: ? ,~_~ O q . r t~q d' Telephone: ; - Horne: ! l 9 ~ ~ 9 0~ ~ _ _ ~ . ' ... _ .. Business: ~ r] ~ - ~'~' ~ ~~ . ', r_ 'Sez: A .. -Race: l.J 'Age: '~' .. . 'This inlormetion is requested r the sole purpose or assuring that a cross-section or the eommunity Is appointed. ..Employedby: ,~ . T . nu o a'C... - _ ~ :. -_ :.. "A parson eurrsnt/y amp/oyed by the agency or deportment ror which this app/icstion is mode, must resiynhis/her position with ,- •. . New Hanover County upon,. eppointnisnt, in eccordonce with Artic%.V/, Sec. ~ of the New Nsnovsr County. Personnel Po/icy. ProfessionalActivities: 1V,~- . ~r'ctJ~.~~ ~~ ~o•-~ao.c.~.o,~ _ N ,C . F ~cc.~v~c •L~, C~o•.~r~c.~-4 i., VolunteerAcdvities: ~ . ~ r , . ~ ~~ - ~ a Why, do .you wish to salve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~ ~ r~~~ {-~ ~~ •~ ~ y .` .. .. N<<CS MoRe. o'l~:y~., q•.r ~~-+~1. An.•~ •O~ ra-.,r.r~,,, ~ .C.~ti ..1rL~~ ~.,Lu ~Q'. ~ l~ .; ... , . .. .- , What do you feel are your qualifications for serving. on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested! ~ ~ A ,. .zr - ,; .. m ... _ ., I orve,~.~w.•. (lcS.~~r Aa,~ Co.r~nr-C.~-c^L l,_.~cc. '~-~.c Rc~..I~S eG C~t.+O~L1to~+c,~{,h-'~j,~ ciT a ,, .. t areas of concern would ou like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT !o/~ P a~~n.~~` N4/NS t ` QrD~••4c-c~l o., n. _.eNV~o~~.l~+ fS*+C~ //t~..~~~o~ h~e~s .. Are you currently~serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality•or a countyT /t so, please list: No - 7 _z~, ~ _ Date. ~ ~ ~ Si nature / D tP/ease use reverse side lor`sdditione/ comments/ - . . ~ 1.:., ~~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS .320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover County Planning Board Name: John Bernhard Thuersam, AIBD, ASID '~ Home How long have you been a Address: 4209 Wrightsville Avenue resident of New Hanover Countyl 4 years Mailing) ddiess:. ~ same - ~ - City and State:. Wilmin ton NC Zi Code: ~ 28403 - Telephone: ` Home: 395 0490 Business: 395 0490 - 'Sex: M 'Race: W 'Ape: 46 This inlormetion is reQuested rot the sob purpose or sssuriny that across-section of thy,community Is eppointsd. ••Emp/oye~y: Shoreline Design o ~p/Building Design and Planning A person current/y amp/ayed by the syeney or dipe~tment roi which this epp/icstron is inede, mu:t iesiyn his/her position with Nsw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 or the New Hanover County Personae/Policy. /obTt'rle: Principal/Owner - ~ _ _.._ _ Coastal Chapter President, NC Society American Institute of Bldg Design Piofessiona/Activities: Member.. American Society of Interior DesignerG `,Memeber, American Planning Association - Vo/unteerActivities: President Cape Fear Classic Car Club organize Car Shows to benefit the USS North Carolina. - - ~ ~ .. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) _ I would like to add my back' ground in urban and community planning to the Board in order to achieve well balanced ' decisions regarding future planning in the County.--I believe in foresight and Yearning What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on. the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) I have been a member of APA-since 1984. ~I have extensive academic and professional experience What areas of concern wou/d~you like to see the Boaid, Committee, or Commission addressT To balance ,the interests of residents and business in planning decisions and the protection of the County Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a Countyl if so, please list: Date: 11/28/94` ~,,,, 3 Signature (Please use reverse side /or additional commentsl~ ~ .O . . -., „-. NEW HA/VOVER COUNTY BOARD. OF.. COMMISS/ONERS "320 Chestnut Street, Room • 305 `Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101341-4130 App/ication fog Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~ Appointed by the'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners." _ Request torAppointment to: ~~~ ~' CL~~-1i ~~+ ~CrA.t L~ V Name: j-1tLlF ~aZttrC~ - MA Cc.l. " . Home - How,long have. you been a _ . ' hnc~'~ ~~E ..Address: ~9. (oj C;2C55 i~/ry~5 ~,R W~ ~ ~•-resident of New Hanover CountyT 1 rJ ~ `~ 9 S Mailing Address: Sf~-rrt~ ~ ... ,City and State: (.JI ~m lr~;GToN N...C Zip.Code: _ Z•~.y~C7. X ~i [ ~. ~ ~ .. Telephoners, Home: ~ ' 3q2 -~"5 5 3 8... Business: 5r1rn`~ Sex: _ %'~All. ~ 'Race: ~•KR'E 'Age:. ~ 2 ~ .. ,. 'This in/ormstion is requested for the so/e purpose of sssuriny that scross-section o/ the community is appointed. ,,, ,. ..Employed by:._ ~ -T"FZ Ec:~ .~c f.'_,Om~~^1`! "A person current/y amp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this spp/ication is made; must rosign Ais/hsr position with "New Hanover County upon appointment, in: accordance with Aific%. V/, Se~c..4 0l the New,Henover County Personnel Po/icy. . ~ _> c Job Title: 1~ERL ~~ESTF}T~ Cet~iSU~.-TA1~~ I Professional _ Actwtt<es: ~E~L ... _. FS r --~~ S3ftoKt:YtA . ~C~. COtNSU1:T-tlX_,~ ~',APR(tAtS iN(r VF}LU~t~~tJ VolunteerActivities: 1`i'S~ - I`191 ~1'IEG~Cc.E~~;2G C'.t:J~i`t. ~~~~ ~' ~Ul3uZ~lci~ ~ (?E~1rW Lr~~'cScfiP N! . ~ ~ot/~CuTReltctt C~;cPart.•.}Tt{t„; 3 ~c"~ttt5.--5vm,•~r7t Sr55tu~J5'/1i Tt:"?~+ESSc~~euTR~cNP(:~c~GT'~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? C i~ t c ` ' ''fa pR~t ~c~P~t~ o-ny c.tT l ~ ~D5 C.S.P Ecc rn~ Fir. ~.PR,cF ss N • J - ~-`t Y. E tc , ftt-S ,~N ,i~1Et2 t. _FtELDS "CF EiPERTISt,-SJ CliizrTiS t~i~(,t_ NR~~ ~ua%~Flet~ 6~p5^~ ago i~ttR ~~~'-~+`~' ~ . _ What do you feel are your qualificati~onPs fFO~r Se - ~ ,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .. J ~ ," ' ~.~ ~ - rving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~ RAIL EsrPrrE ?KOs-ess~~~~ . w~ rit ~N~tT~cnjs ~N APF'RAlsr~vy (Mftz)' ~ P~2~:Keti~E ~G~t~~ Pw<_"*~ ~E~n ~.0-JiINUiN(~ c~UCATICN - (Y1osi IZECtlJi S~rCM1NrZ'R 345 "LAND U~ PLA~NVyNt, >t~p ' ~ ,TNE REZo~tt~'. Qtt~=C,ESS' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? i 1-ll~T ~.EC151 Otis. j~G :, ~t°tlRl`l Ar1p . C:oti515i:~~.ITL`! 1~PPi.~'~D ~R ' IN ' iUr vf't~. ~comi~~L~ ,e~c €~R~ Ttt-E. 13 ARo . flNp,. ; NE .~U i3i_lG Ct'CIZENR~t . , AT Ll°rRGE ... : ., Are. ou currently serving on another board or committee appointed b a muntct ality or a co so, please. list: i ~~ Date:... 78 ~1 S jd 5 ... ,~ _ .. i.~::a /Please use reverse side !or additions/ comments) ~!u n . L- . nC UL V U ~7J ,._... ~.,~rnr M,y~ 1,.-.. ri.r~iv%~ W~. ,_ .. Signature t w i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: Closed Session Consent Item.#: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Page Count, In Agenda Package: Contact: AO'Neal SUBJECT: Evaluation of County Manager, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners BRIEF SUMMARY: North Carolina G.S. 143-318.11, Subsection(a), Subsection(6), which allows for the Board of Commissioners to enter into Closed Session for the evaluation of the County Manager, County Attorney and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. k'UNDING SOURC .: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NTS AND R OMM NDATION Conduct evaluation 79 Refer to OCficc Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ., `.. r.. .~~ - ~ .. -,. ~ - .' ~ ..a:~ ~ _ ~ ' • ~ } f ~ .. Tlris page irrtenliorrally left blank 80 3a---- JUL-13-95 THU 15;57 NHC COhIMISSIONERS FAX N0. 9103414130 ~'e~~.~ Revision accepted: _ _ _ Date: Revision accepted: Date: funds to Contractor for the general purposes of fire protection in various specified fire districts of New I-Ianover County and mutuai assistance with municipal fire departments in blew Hanover County. Contractor is responsible for that portion of the County located within its primary area of coverage as specified in the attached Exhibit "A"; however, Contractor shall render services outside.- its area to the extent feasible and consistent with protection within its .own area, in conjunction with existing Volunteer Fire Department aid pacts, or as otherwise directed by the li'ire Commissioners or .the Board of County Commissioners. The scope of services to be provided by Contractor sha11• be that manpower and equipment required by Insurance Service Organization to be rated and maintained for e$icient fire protection. 1.1 R,~guest for runds. A copy of Recipient's "Approved Program Budget - FY 1995-96" is attached hereto as Exhibit B and is incorporated into this contract by reference. 2. Description ~f Cnntrartnr'c ~Pr<,~~P area. Contractor shall provide services within New Hanover County, as indicated in Section 1 and the attached Exhibit "A". 3. Term of Contrast. The term of this contract shall be from July l; ] 995 through June 30, :1996. 4. Payment; The County agrees to pay Contractor for fre protection services rendered the sum of One Hundred Eight Thousand One I-Iundred ($108,100.00) Dollars payable in quarterly installments according to the schedule below: Date Amount July ] 5, 1995 $27,025.00 October 15, 1995 , $27,025.00 January 15, 1996 $27,025,00 April 15, 1996 $27 025.00 ~.` r, , ~' jfi,. New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0341 ~tEVISION funds to Contractor for the general purposes of fire protection in various specified fire districts of New Hanover County and mutual assistance with municipal fire departments in New Hanover County.. Contractor is responsible for that portion of the County .located within its primary area of coverage as specified in the attached Exhibit "A"; however, Contractor shall render services . .outside its area to the extent feasible and consistent with protection within its own area, in . conjunction with existing Volunteer Fire De artment aid acts, or as otherwise directed by the Fire Comm oar of County Commissioners. The scope of services to be provided by Contractor shall be_ that manpower and equipment required by Insurance Service Organization to be rated and maintained for efficient fire protection. 1.1 Request for Funds. A copy of Recipient's "Approved Program Budget - FY 1995-96" is attached hereto as Exhibit B and is incorporated into this contract by reference. 2. Descri~2tion of Contractor' ervice Area. Contractor shall. provide services within New Hanover County, as indicated in Section 1 and the attached Exhibit "A".1 3. Term of Contract. The term of this contract shall be from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996. 4. Payment. The County agrees to pay -Contractor for fire protection services rendered the sum of One- Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Five ($164,125.00) Dollars payable in quarterly installments according to the .schedule below Date Amount July 15, 1995 $41,031.25 October 1 S, 1995 ~ . $41,031.25 January 1 S, 1996 ~ $41 031.25 -April 1 S, 1996 $41,031.25 ~ - ~° _~+-~ _r~, ~a ~~~.'7~17 ~~s .1~ r ., ~~ !.. i ___ _ ;~ ~ ~~~ '.~ .r 1 4 k y~ `5 t t[ ;, ~'~ ;. ~ v New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0341 ' . ~ funds to Contractor for the general purposes of fire protection in various specified fire districts of . j^ New Hanover County and mutual assistance with municipal fire departments in New Hanover .. ~ d County. Contractor is responsible for onl~that portion of the County located within its prYmary ~ area of coverage as specified in the attached Exhibit. "A"; however, Contractor may render services outside its area to the extent feasible and consistent with protection within its own area, ~ ~,\ conjunction with existing Volunteer Fire Department mutual aid pacts. The scope of services i n to be .provided by Contractor shall be that manpower and equipment required by Insurance Service. Organization to be rated and maintained for efficient fire protection. 1.1 Request for Funds: A copy of Recipient's "Approved Program Budget - FY 1995-96" is attached hereto as Exhibit B and is incorporated into this contract by reference. 2. Description of Contractor's Service_Area. Contractor shall provide services within New Hanover County, as indicated in Section 1 and the attached Exhibit "A". 3. Term of Contract. The term of this. contract shall be from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996. ~, 4.. Pavment. The County agrees to pay Contractor for fire protection services rend'ered' the sum of .One Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Five ' ($164,125.00) Dollars payable in quarterly installments according to the schedule below: . Date Amount July 15, 1995 October 15, 1995 January 15, 1996 April 15, 1996 $41,031:25 $41,031.25 $41,031.25 $41,031.25 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC JULY 17,1995 9:00 A.M. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Concept Design Report for New Hanover County Wastewater Treatment Facility 83 85 81 Tlris page intentionally left blank 82 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~. Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing.Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: ~ Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUB.TECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes of July 5, 1995 Meeting RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Minutes Federal $: State $: County $: User Fecs $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~tEVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN:, BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGERS COMMENTS AND RECOMMENnaTr~N,4• ---P ~~~ ~~~ c~~~~4U~~~~~~~~~~ 83 Refer to Office vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ---•• •.. 'r. - 9 T/ris page inlentiona!!y left blank ~~ ~ '"' i 84 ~~.,: -~- ... d~~ ~~ ~.~~ :~~~ ~,~, .~ ,~; -~ ~- REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION ~, Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: W&S #3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Steve Cavanaugh Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard SUB.TECT: Concept Design Report New Hanover County Wastewater Treatment Facility BRIEF SUMMARY: Steve Cavanaugh of Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates will present the Concept Design Report for the proposed 4 million gallon per day wastewater treatment plant. In addition, he will give an update on the status of the project. Attached is a copy of the report for your reference. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation by Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates and consider acceptance of Concept Design Report for New Hanover County Wastewater Treatment Facility. ~ - ~ V~.~ r~~ ~; e~~~~~ C~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~ 85 ~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Di position Tlris page intentionally left blank 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA JULY 17,1995 9:00 A.M. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 89 2. Adoption of Resolution Requesting Road Additions to the 91 State Highway System - Antelope Trail Drive in Fawn Creek Subdivision -- 3. Approval of Renewal of Juvenile Detention Center Lease 9S 4. Approval of Release of Value lOS -y S Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 107 Fire District Collection Reports Ending June 30, 1995 6. Acceptance of the Department of Aging (RSVP) ACTION 111 Grant for $47,543 for Fiscal Year 199S-1996 7. Budget Amendments: A. 96-0001 To establish budget for Grassroots Science 119 Grant. The grant was approved by the Board of Commissioners on July S, 1995 B. 96-01 To increase budget for additions! revenue 120 received from Federal Forfeited Property Funds C. 96-02 To budget additional sales tax earned on Animal 121 Control Facility project D. 96-03 To budget additional revenue received from 122 Controlled Substance Tax E. 96-04 To budget additional revenue received from 123 Federal Forfeited Property Funds ' ,.- - - ~r.... Y''~ 4 iYY1LQ~VS~HA~~~ ~~~~~ ~Y] ~ vY .._.Q ~, ,~ F~~!t" r, ~w ^M1 w _ ~ /~a3~ 8+8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUR.TECT: Approval of Minutes ~3RIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of June 19, 1995 Consolidation Study Commission -June 22, 1995 RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND R OU TED ACTIONS• Approve minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Fcdcral S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: ~ Othcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: Kew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S MMMFNTS AND RECOMM NDATION 89 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Tlris page intentiona!!y left blank ~~ _ 3 R. + .. -.d:, - ... ..-. .. _.. .. ..~ .... - _~. a.~. t .. .. 9~0 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell ~^ Page Count In Agenda Package: SUB.IECT: ' Road Additions to the State Highway System BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ • _ Resolution(s) requesting NCDOT to add the following road(s) to the State Highway System: _ Antelope Trail Drive in Fawn Creek Subdivision .. ~ ~ ~f r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt SR-2 Resolution; copy of SR-1 Petition attached. ~_ .... 1 E• ~~ 1 1~ y _. .~ . Federal S: State S: County S: ' User Fees S: Other S: Money [s In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: •• . REVIEWED BY: LGL: N/A FIN: N/A - BUD: N/A HR: N/A AMALLETT ' ...._ _ ... _. _ . Adopt resolution - _ _ ..... _ .. .. .._. ... , ~ • _ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition "" ~ ' NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATION DIVISION•OF HIGHWAYS.,:PETITION ~'~ .. . ... . North Carolina ~ - ~ - --- - County of ~ New Hanover ~ - .. Petition request for`(check one): Addition to State System (V) :• F ~ . . _ -. __ _ ...... Paving ( ) ~ .. Maintenance Improvement O ~ We the undersigned, being property owners on ~ ~~.~\ ~,n p _ `C'c~c',1 CJ "r~Je- (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division. of Highways of the 'Department of Transportation to ~a,,~ - sic. ~:, ~~ --~ _ the above-described road:' .. .a i ~~ We further advise that the road requested to . Ac~c~ Is ~ DO.O ~ ,its-in length and at the present time there are ~ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances Into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be Improved and will Include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way In the public road Intersections for sight distance and design purposes `and°to'execute said right-of-way agreement forms that~will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. • _ ; ,. ~:;, : ~ ~ ; _• . . REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. ~~. , .„ .. ............~ ... PROPERTY OWNEflS ~ ~~ NAME . - ~ .MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed. below:.: _ _ _ ~° ' , :~S ~ n c n Q~ \ X1.1 r,r,. ~~rn SerJ'~ Cc, ter' ,o • - '1 °I 1-119 to _ ~`Y ~.. ... .. ~.r„J1r^- -- ,AAI 3 0 95 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. ~`~ ,(r ,[~~e ~, ~. M/LL/iTOAK ~F<<Yo.. L slNSOON'NE t,,~~ rs.,~ ~ Isla ,vqw~~ ~ rka~~ is T ~ /Jt.J/ L 0 CA T/ON MAP ~ (NOT TO SCALEI N x~ ~~ !' c'am' 93 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 ~ . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department - Presenter: Legal Page Count In Agenda Package: 10 Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau SUB.IECT: ~ . Renewal of Juvenile Detention Center Lease ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The State has requested the County to renew the lease on the New Hanover Regional Juvenile Detention Center. The proposed format is the same used in previous years. ` RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider lease approval. Fcdcral S: State S: County S: 0.00 User Fees S: Other S: .~ - y- _~ Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request:.' Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HIZ: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ER' COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATION~• Approve lease. ~ ~"~ " ' ~OU~~r coc~~~~~ass~~~~s 95 m~te7~ m!7,~: ~-5 __._ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ' New Hanover Cbunty contract # 95 - 0401 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA . .." ~ I~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this - day~of~~ by and between the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, ' LESSOR hereinafter referred to as the "Count "• and the Sta of No L Y~ ~ ~ a ., _ ,. . ~ - ,> E '~ 'Carol'ina, hereinafter referred~to as the "Lessee"; .- WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the Department of Human Resources, Division of Youth Services, has requested and approved the execution of this instrument for the purposes Therein specified; and, •. ~ . WI-IEREAS, the execution of this agreement for and on behalf of New Hanover County has been duly approved by the Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Board on the day of , 1995; and, .. _ . _ . ~ ~ .... ~ .._ ~ - .. . ` .~ ~_ _ r '. WHEREAS, the parties hereto. have mutually ..agreed to the terms. of this '. Lease'Agreement as hereinafter set out; ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~-~ ~• -- --- . :R NOW THEREFORE iri co ~~ _ nsideration. of the premises and. the promised and covenants contained in the terms-and conditions'hereinafter set forth,' '= ~=` ._ ~~ the County. does hereby rent, lease and demise unto the Lessee for and 96 ~;°~~~SOf4yi~ki+ei $~~ O R I G I N A L ~ ~~ - New Hanover Bounty A~ntract # 95 - 0401 ., during the term and under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, those premises and improvements with all rights, privileges and ' appruenances thereto belonging, lying and being in the .County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Being the entire premises consisting of approximately 7,500 sq. ft., (not ' including the pump house), on lot size 250' x 385', located at Route 1, Box 281-A Castle Hayne, North Carolina and being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" hereto attached: ' iT0 HAVE AND TO HOLD, said property, together with all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, which the parties hereto agree faithfully to observe, .. keep and perform: . 1. ~$~. This Lease shall commence on the 1st .day of July, 1995, and, unless sooner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided, shall exist and continue for a term ofone year to end at midnight on June 30, 1996. 2. $~~. As rental for the premises heretofore described, the Lessee _ agrees to pay the yearly sum of One ($1.00) Do11ar..The sum shall be due ~: ., ~. upon the execution of this Agreement. Such payment shall be made to the . . New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, , ' N. C. ~ , .... ~. ~ ORIGINAL 97 J - - _ - .. .. -New Hanover Q~unty Contract # 95 - 0401 3. O TPANrv e~.rn pITiET ENJOYMF~TT' The Coun ty promises '~ ,.. ' and agrees that the Lessee shall have quiet and peaceable possession .and . ~ ~ ~ .~~ , f occupancy of the above lea { sed premises. m accordance, with the schedule of occupancy set forth above and that the County shall not interfere with the Lessee's use and enjoyment of this premise. The County reserves the ri ht + to enter'and-inspect the premises`~upon reasonabhe~notic f _ _ , _ e to the Lessee. ; ;; 4• ~. The Lessee will use or permit the `use thereof by any agency to the State of North. Carolina; for purposed of providing a Juvenile Detenti on Center for the temporary housing and detention of juvenile offenders and will not vary that use- without the written consent of the County. 5. COST pF T)FTA n~rn.;p ypT TTH The County Agrees to pay~the State rate as set by the Departure' nt of Human Resources per child per day to the State for detaining New Hanover youth effective July 1, 1995. Said payment to b`e payable within fifteen (15) days from receipt of invoice. 6.°ASSI TTIMFNTpR ~TTR TFec~ ~ ~ , ~ .. .The Lessee shall not assign this lease or sublet.the leased premises or~ any part thereof, without the written the County. _ _ . . __~F_. The County will procure and maintain casualty~hazard insurance on the building located on the premises. As between the County ~ ' ~# . - 9~8 .fi ORIGINAL ... . New Hanover County Qontract # 95 - 0401 and the Lessee, any risk or loss of personal property placed by the Lessee in or upon the leased premises shall be the responsibility of the Lessee,'~`~ ~~ regardless of the cause of such loss. ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~~ ~ ~- 8. PERSONAL. PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS. Any additions, fixtures, or improvements placed or made by the Lessee in or upon the ~~ leased ,premises, which are permanently affixed to the leased premises and which cannot be removed without unreasonable and irreputable damage to said premises, shall become the property of the County and remain upon the premises as apart thereof upon the termination of this lease. All other additions, fixtures, or improvements, to include trade fixtures, office furniture and equipment, and similar items, which can be removed without irreparable damage to the leased premises shall be and remain the property of the Lessee and may be removed from the leased premises by the Lessee upon the termination~of this lease, provided that the Lessee shall bear the expense of any repairs to the leased premises for damages, other than fair ' -wear and tear, caused by such removal 9. MAINTENANCE A.ND tTTiLITIES. The County shall maintain the i foundation, external walls, and roof of the building located on the leased ~ ~~ premises in habitable condition and good repair and bear the expense of ~ ` ~ ~ ~ 99 ~ ORIGINAL i -~ such maintenance. and repair. The Lessee .shall be responsible for all other . -maintenance and repair, of whatever nature required including. but not ~' limited to landscaping, and shall bear the.expense of such maintenance and repair. The ,County agrees to provide in-house maintenance and the .Lessee will reimburse the County for the cost of labor and supplies. Such payment shall; be madewto the New Hanover County Finance Office.upon receipt of invoice for said services. The Lessee shall be responsible for all utilities. 10.,,AL.TER_A_TIONS.AND PARTITIONS. The Lessee may make k r reasonable alterations anal partitions to the leased premises and on or within the building located. on such. premises.: to enhance their suitability for the, , ~, ... uses contemplated.in this lease agreement, provided, that prior written ~ ; approval of graphic.plans for such alterations and partitions shall be obtained from the County, which shall not unreasonably withhold-such : . approval.... ~ , 11. RFNEWAT,. The Lessee shall have;the right and option to,renew this lease agreement for two additional one-year periods under the same terms and conditions so long as the Lessee is authorized and requiredtto y provide. a Juvenile Detention Center forthe purpoyse hereinabove stated. , It is ex ressl e p y and rstood by the parties-that such renewal and~extension of .._ , ~..,. x ~ _ ..~ 100 ORIGINAL C New Hanover County Gbntract ~ 95 - 0401 this lease agreement shall be deemed to be executed unless sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then current term the Lessee gives written ' notice of termination to the County. Upon such renewal and extension, all other terms and conditions of this lease. agreement, except the time period, in effect prior to such renewal and extension .shall continue in force and effect for the period of renewal and extension. 12. TERMINATION. (1). If the Lessee shall fail to pay any installment of rent when due and payable as heretofore provided or fail to perform any of the terms and ,~ conditions heretofore set. forth and shall continue in such default for a ' period of ten (10) days after written notice of default, the County, at its option, may terminate this lease and take possession of the premises without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law. (2). If the County shall fail to perform any of the terms or conditions heretofore set forth and shall continue in such default, for a period often (10) days after written notice of default, the Lessee, at its option, may terminate this lease and vacate the leased premises without further i~ obligation to pay rent as heretofore provided from date of said termination, without prejudice to any other remedies provided by law. 1 101 1 ORIGINAL New Hanover County ~ntract # 95 - 0401 t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ' I, , a Notary Public in and for New Hanover County, North Carolina, do hereby certify that . did this day appear before me and acknowledged that he/she is the Clerk of the Board ofCounty - Commissioners of New Hanover County and that pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by said Board, and as the Act of New Hanover County, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by , County Manager, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as Clerk. - WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this the day of 1995. Notary Public My Commission Expires: _ a ~ 103 ~ ORIGWN,~ New,,t3ar~over 0.~unty Ooatsact # 95 - 0401 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ,, , I, ~ a Notary~Public in and for. the County and State aforesaid, do hereby. certify that Gwendolyn C. Churn personally appeared before me on the day and year first above ~ ' written.: .. .. IN WITNESS V~IEREOF,`I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal, this the day of -. ~ _ .. ~ 1995-. ~:~- _ Notary Public My Commission Expires: 104 ORIGINAL t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: .Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R .QUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend approval of these releases as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. ~ .... ~;. , ~. ~~.. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Othcr 5: Moncy Is In. Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: N/A FINNN/A ~ BUD: N/A HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Approve release 105 Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition . ~, , <s, ~ .. - .. Consent, Agenda ~ ~ ' .. July 17, 1995 _ ... - .~ ..,- ~....u _ _ _ Page 2 . ~ . , .. ' Request the following certification .penalties be released as the taxpyers listed: on time in. another , county or this was their first offense: `°~~ " ~~ ' ` `~ ' Gasperson, William Aaron Jr. $100,00 ' Muno, Thomas James Sr. 100.00 Whiteted, Howard Lee 100.00 Whiteted, Howard Lee Sr. 100.00 Request approval of delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for the following organizations: (application and letter explaining late application available upon request) Warner Temple AME Zion Church R04809-023-003-000 • R04809-023-015-000 Willow Pond Limited Partnership R04917-004-020-000 :sw Copy:. P. Raynor - ~ ~ .. . . } . ;., ' Collector of~Revenue W. Ward Listing Supervisor P. Susie Business Auditor .~. 106 . ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Patricia Raynor SUB.TECT: . New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports } s BRIEF SUMMARY: . ~ ~_ , .~ Collection reports as of June 30, 1995 ~ ~ - ` ,. ... r, ~. ~ . K RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R .Qt1ESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past., '. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S:, County S: ~ .. User Fees S:: ' Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: r New Appropriation Request: ~ - , f ,, . Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: 5 LGL: N/A FIN: N/A BUD: N/A .. HR: N/A AMALLETT ... _1 .. ,'4 . ~ .. .~ ' ... ..e .,, ~ .... ~ .. ., ~ ~ 107 Refer to Office Vision bulletin Board Cor Disposition CONSENT AGENDA DATE • __r__ :. _ ITEM NO.------ NEN HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS "w~ COLLECTIONS~THR U 06/30/95 ~ ~ . CURRENT TAX YEAR ~- 1994 ~~~w~~r~r~~~~~w~w~~wr~wr w ~ ~ ~ -A0 VALOREM . ~ ~ ' ~ 'MOTOR VEHICLE .. ORIGINAL TAX LE VY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED _ _ .,M S ..~r~. .r~~_~~~ . 43~991~303.53 ...~r~~~r.~~~~~~ ~ 4~219~473.0$ LESS ABATEMTENTS :. .,r.`% ~ 2~373~824.91 -65635.35- ~ 27490.02 : 75~932.92r TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ ~~F~rM~~~/~ S 46~299~493.09 ./~rr~Y~wMwY~~ S 4~171~030.18 ADVERTISING FEES GHARGEO LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 12~T11.C0 34744.03 ~ ~ ~ '~,00• .00~. • TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE r ~ 11~~.~~~~YMM~r 46~346~948.12 45~9b2~325.1b- YiYN.~..~~Mi~a~~~l S 4~171~030.18 3~833~233.47- OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED .. ~ ..~..,.M.-....._...,_..~ 384622.96 99.17X* r........~.._~...._.~. S 337~T96.71 91.90X* PERCENTAGE COLLECTED EXCLUDING BANKRUPTCIES-AND APPEALS BACK TAXES w~r~_~~r~r~ REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES AODEO LESS A9ATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES OUE ~ .' COLLECTIONS TO~DATE . OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLIcCTIOFJS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COL 99.19X 91.91X S 2~700~664.33 87446.27 .142 ~ 175.91 904390.52- _ ~.. ~ ..s $. 1~741~544.17 34.18°G ' JUN 1995 ~..w...~..w~..w.~.+.. 185145.94 36458.75 FISCAL YTO 1~802~529.30 55822.50 LECTIONS .QO .00., . _. ._.. - ~...g y' TOTAL MONEY PROCESS€O.THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR Nf N HANOVER COUNTY. CITY OF NIIMINGTON HRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH AND KURE BEACH TO GATE - =7~~205~407.32. '~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCALYEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 199.4. ~~ - ~, .. .... PECTFULLY ~SUBMITT~EO~ PATNA. J:. ; ~ ~ ~ > .: •COLL~ECTOR OF EVENUf ~ ~~~° - - - - _•., i iR~SPECTFUILY SUBMI,T~Tcc'0~ PATRICIA J. ~YNOR ~' v COLLECTOR OF REVENUc NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 06/30/95 `~ CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1994 .~Y~-rM ~-~-r_NrrY--M~ ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED SACK TAXES ~a.~Y~-11-~- ~I~ AO VALOREM N-N~~ ~-yr t ~ ~ 9b5~842.4T 59510.50 M 27~402.18- ~-A~ . .~ S r ~A~ ~r M 997950.79 685.43 ~~~.~rw-rr-w_w~r ~ 998636.22 991 ~ 556.34 ~ N = r~~ ~.~.~~r.w~w~~ T X079.88 99.29X* CONSENT AGENDA GATE : ____~_~ ITEM N0.___~_ MOTOR VEHICLE N• ~ ~Nr~r~~-~Yi. 101936.57 1031.05 .nw 2~287.00- ~~wr~y~~_ t 100680.62 ~~ .00 .~~w~ - te.. ~ . r -rte 100680.62 ~~- 94~253.33- ~r~~rM~.r.~-~ S ~ 6427.29 93.62X* REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY ~ 46373.07 CHARGES AOOED 2750.29 LESS ABATEMENTS 1~175.11- TOTAL TAXES DUE S 47948.25 COLLECTIONS TO GATE 16~581.70- OUTSTANDING BALANCE = 31366.55 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 34.58X THiS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JUtY 1~ 1994. * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE a 98.77X 109. t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/17/95 Regulaz Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Aging-RSVP Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Annette Crumpton SUB.TECT: Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) ACTION Grant for 1995-96. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department of Aging (RSVP) has been awarded the ACTION grant in the amount of $47,543 for fiscal yeaz 1995-96. The County's contribution is $42,871 which is budgeted in RSVP's 1996 budget. The grant supports funding for 600 volunteers working in 60 stations in New Hanover County. . ,-.. ~. ~ ~ „: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFn AC"TInNS• Recommend acceptance of the grant and request authorization for the County Manager to sign the document. FUNDING SOURCE: n Federal S: 47,543 State S: County S: 42,871 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In~Current Budget: Yes :. ~ New Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No Acceptgrant and authorize County Manager to sign. ~ :_ t. .: .. r .4 ,. . Refer to Office Vuion Bulletin Board for Disposition - - T REVIEWED BY: ~ ~ ~ ~~ LGL:Arr FIN: Al?r ~ ~ EUD: Arr HR:N/A .. ,.; ._. i ~ ~ - ... .. ~. . O O° ':- N • r • • W • • ~ a y y T < v ~ o ~ • o 1 v ~ .. • < _ ; p~j a d ~ yf r • u +U' W • m a `.. W ~ O O O ~ J • W ~ O O O ~! 1 O ci • ~,,, ? •• M O O W • y ,J, ~" N W 1 W ~ 1 ... t u w.y. y, ., ~- Oo O O • pp ~O ~ • w F f` N P O i • W ~f V y "' W ti h ~ N J W (J < Z N 1 N W J N O W y • U p ~~ tJ O to W > 1 '"+\ C \ OOQp ~ ~ N .Z.. h r • OO y Off O ^ IA ~ J (U ~ {y/N~~ W ~ ~ ~' • A ~•• J O ~ O .- .Z.. ~ ~+ W J a J h P ~~ (J h ~ • W J h W < Y r >~ x •~ f1L N • ~ d h W 2 W d --~ ~ h O ~ • J O 1 h < ` < m ~ t1. < of J O -- W O O W O • a < m u : •.. z • o 2 2 h N V W 1 O ' u; .. ._. u ~' _ ~ = O ~ W F., yaj O O O O O .~ O • o f~ u r o.0 0 0 0 0 h «uW. w o o ri o ri .- • J J N 1 p< M O 0. V• N CO J • ~ a h •~ v v ~ : ~o u ~ ^O O~ i _ ..pp .O{ N N N N N N i ` h .r.. P ~ • Y O r \ 1 ~ W Z h O N .. ~ ~~ w _ ` 1 .. .. MN ,., ,:. ..,... ... „~.. ~ .. .. .... pU 00 f: } W is - -• 4 ~ Z y~ V y W d N ~ ~ - ~ {.7 ; u ~ .. .. ~ J ~ M i ~ O OC ~ 1-~ ..:,h~•Y ~ -~ O ~ O fL W • W IIp~~I O1 ~ O O 1-- _•• W C. a ~ O C7 • N U _ O h N ~+ pC W < K s 1 W 8 t3 < W a a 7 K W N µ21 • O N r W ~ v ~ .a-. Oq ~ Z 3< FZ- d ot[ J O 1 < 7C 1 /~.,'y,[~y xmz a a J O ( h O < r K Y oC 4 ~( ICJI iii O W d y y 1•• J •~ N~ 4 • O qqCC d d bf h W W fi7 y O~ J 0 < i W O ^~~ ~~ i W ,( W V W S .Zi OJ O W h h W W O E Z U = ~ 2 Y~ •W. J • O W ^ O<< pp< O oC K N W~ faC 0= ~ h • < W H L OK a a a 7 h V d V M - 3 ~ •'OC W O O~ 1 Z J Z WO d V V- m y • d~~ Y. 2 h ; V •hi ~ 2 • • O r h ~ J " N .i In OO r r ~ y o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .- J N ~ ` N OL W M ~ N O OC ti u W M x ~ W Z K = . N " N N ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ ~ . , O K O J ~ M N 1 1 O p O P O O O ~ _ O O OD A N V N O N M N N O ~Qp ~ ~O Y1 N - Ol ~ ~-` ~ W W U N Y1 O O ~ ~ r' ~ M ~ ~ O r • Y ~ W W ~!+ = a i[ N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N u '~ ~ N_ M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 r M W W O N , ., W W K N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M N - -~' N r N - ~O M N Ifs O O O N t ~ O O~ O O .~pp O O O N O .~pp O .f ' .f ~ ~ M h N O ~O N ~ O. V . 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The .. grant was accepted by -the Commissioners at the 7- 95 meeting. _, _,.-_ -_.- w = ....__~_.. ~~_ ~~~ Jt r'l YT UUL/Gk•,/ coo~~t co~Y~t~st~t~ S - ~ ~~~ 119 - _. -Y F--~For'Budget Officer's approval; then report to Commissioner at next regular meeting -~ ~a5 ~, -p~ 4 ~, ~~~~.~• ---~.„ ~.~ and enter in minutes. ~To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered info minulcs. ~- .. tid of .A~~x~end~x~ezzt CONSENT AGENDA ..--; ... ~ . , : ~ ITEM #7B ... Z -: v rk.. ~<.,,r}~ d`(. a • t; 6 v ~ wo f_ `n ai :<2?~:t:;v,' ~ 3 ti~ o•'~•: '>{.^.'>:i:,,,t~. • .. :~:i'. .n ~tv.<`i"`~~x~'t sr :_.~`~~!r - ~C is ~: . ~ ...• h . a"C.Y.`;~c i >: ~ <ia 1.°5.:.:~.xa a...w.h:~ •Iv:.i.w~ .+~`•. i.~S«2:i j'iia Z.: ren .. Z•". ^~, t~Q.r.`s-y :1:; .f~,:3. <, a:;a~ .. ~":> ~ :~>ry>:.~x ti~~~'? tv. - e•:.•>.~a.>,e~~'~~ . c..., • . •t; ~.,,...,. ..Yid ~<, ?t G~i.:. ., •k k •.:k:::.~.5. ~!` ~c r Y .<.t.<. 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F~o~(Ou~d~et Officer's approval; then report ~.. fo Commissioncrs at nett rc~ular meeting nd enter In minutes. _.. ~~Ta be approved by Commi~si6ncrs. T. ~. _ _ ... .. _ ~ _, . . .. .. •'~~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA ~' _ ~11C~g~f ,t~1~1EI1C~~~1EZ1t ITEM#7C ' .v....: ' ~.. ..,,, ~' .. ;.. ~LY:i: faw...\\[J. ~a2.A..!ht ...p`~ ~~`4} ':A=w.T'.Yi^ wL:.~i :{: . : N" «h.... ::.t:r.n.:~•~..- .a.•,.~.fYy~~,.,.ya}. ;~<.y . <. > :~C ' •: .r ... ., .. ~ . ... .Y•ti:• n, ~:;.. : x. \•:. S' . ~~~"'^Y. \:b:<%:~a.~F. V~tiW~iv..<.<'y.Akj.L.~:<;`a.. :iwE .'C:'..: <::.i!i~iw.. , 1~ Z.+.Ki.p41M<~y: A<J..~m.w .yC. ..<. 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To he entered into minutc~. .~~' s ....n...v....+....~..r ~ . ~ > • .i. }• . F •• k. • '~ K~! < 1i ~.. V•. "~^>f~(ii~Yfi ,fit y, ~d:s5:9i1:.. ew0caau....li.Cw..a~A3:'~?. 7.• CONSENT AGENDA ~uc~get .~xx~exldx~~e~lt ITEM#7D w.~W .n?...... ~::'• r:. ;.,y...P a~•..<.,P...~'1 `.:..,..>s... fi~,~~,>« V~: a•v..!.:.:..:.....: s:';o-:i:.. .. ~CF.....::i...•1:..~..x;,~.y....~^ ~`~ - .::M' i..< .. `.~ . i.. .'ar>. ~.. 7 Y P.. . ~ 1 .t ) ~.....,~:.. •\i~tl;:adx••,•,•;j2';•a~;t....y~ nE•. "2~:4 )~.~,v,~l ,.y~~;%o> Z n`„+:. ~;v, r•!: ~~Q: :..: )>~•.i a 43 `22. °~,h, ,T,P . "A ~v j.. ~ ~:;i:: ~•.:,"i:~. ^~ ~ ~ 2 3 Y -) '~`YS ~ ,t- 2 x Xv. ~ ~ 'a`:t:•';: ~~:... ~ •iFi~tK..'Ali`.k.~+•Y~'.-:DC:AY:YiIN!N.Iai~.::.irkN.`C itA:7i(:~(. :=::ii<:2...`)'a 3ia~~+«d1~.'^.:¢f.~'~L....xl:Yi'~iS.~diit3:A:iiv.u iu<Y.ii:a. v. Y22<...:').ia.•cua l~>KU... ~2 STx.°.. ~JI1~I'1 • _ _ - L.J DEPARTMENT: ~tUDGET AMENDMENT# AD TE: Controlled Substance Tax 96-03 7-17-95 } -. ADJUSTMENT' DE$IT: ~REDIT• o t o bstanc a . ~I Controlled Substance Tax $25,481 - ~- _ - controlled Substance Tax .25,481 Supplies ~~. .__ • EXPLANATION y To budget additional revenue received... 'Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be'used.for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary: .. ~ ••~ . ~ x`22 '/~PPROV~@ BY, c~u~nr c~~~~~~~ ~~~ 7~r.7 53 -; M1 - - Por [!ud "ct•Of(Scer's a royal; then report ~~}~ ~,~' a~t~ ~g&~~~ to Commiss(oners at next regular meeting and enter In mtnutcs. j~'~ Tobc app~vcd b~ Cnmmininncrs. IL - - '-~' To"bc cnicrcd inla minute. ~~ CONSENT AGENDA f ~uc~ of .Amendzx~exzt g ITEM #7E :;: .. ... 3~`~•.a. .. .. ... a. ..; ..,:C ..,.2£i h.., .... ., ... ... •+.o: ~i+ ..;~ li \: ..^ :.>..aic `a.. wwa;r ~~`a+.<~ii~~. 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Federal FoQrfeited Property - funds are budgeted as received and must be, used fbr law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessar ~~ ~~~ ~~A~6Ntt~NO~~Y~ti~l~~~ For BudgM Officer's approval; then report ~/ c o Commtsstoncrs at next regular meet(ng ~~te ~ ~~ ~ ,/ „,/~+kW~,q~ya/ and enter to mtnutcs. R - ~~~/// To be approved by Commtsstoncrs.