Agenda 1995 08-07 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC t AUGUST 7, 1995 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) ~ APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ' ~• ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE TIMES NO. L~:45 m 1. ~j~111`~ p Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Supporting 1 Continuation of the Corps of Engineers Mission in Public Works 6t/ i 77~1~2~J~tI 7:OOpm 2. Consideration of Approval 'ent to County 7 '~ Policy Rel equirements for Final Payment to Copt ctors ~- ~~p~~7:20pm 3. Report on DSS Expansion Project and Consideration of 9 ~') Aceptance/Rejection of Bids ~~ 7:45pm A. Consideration of Approval of New Hanover County 15 Je~ ~~ Board of Health Proposed Changes in Animal Control Fees ~,,~~~ ,'~~~,( ~~fB: Conside~of Request for New Animal Control Officer 21 ~J . '0`pm 5. Consideration of Resolution of Intent -Request by P. 31 Benjamin to Close the Northern Segment of Nassau Road in Sedgefield Development Near the 2200 Block of Castle Hayne Road. (SC 50, 8/95) ~8.15pm 6. Public Hcarin~: 33 North Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program 8:30pm 7. Public Hearings: ~~ Item A: Rezoning- Regeust by Raiford Trask, Jr. to ~~ rezone 29 acres on the east side of Military Cut-off (1100 block) north,of Landfall and the Forum to B-1 Business and I-I Office and Institution from R-15 Residential (Z-541, 7/95) . 8:SSpm ~t'~r°~ 9:OOpm ~~~~ 9:15pm G~ _ C'`°~ 9:20pm ~~ ~7~ 9:30pm 9:45 Item B: Rezoning -Request by H. Phillips to rezone 1:64 acres at 6201 and 6205 Market Street to .B-2 Business from I-1 Light Industrial (Z-544, 7/95) . `, Item C: Rezonine -Request by Live Oak Development Co. to rezone 7.2 acres on the northwest side of Market Street (8100 block to B-1 business from R-15 Residential. (Z-545, 7/95) Item D: Floodplain Management Regulations Amendments- Request to provide an exemption for manufactured homes in existing manufactured home parks as defined in the Ordinance from the additional two foot elevation requirement and related revisions (FP4, 8/9.5) - Item E: Road Naming -Request by Planning Staff to name and assign street addresses to a private road 1600 feet west of the Sondey Road-Castle Hayne Road intersection on the south side of Sondey Road. (SN 73; 8/95) 8. Meeting of the Water and.Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY MANAGER COUNTY ATTORNEY ADJOURN 35 41 45 51 57 63 ~;,> ,. ~- NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD ,STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC AUGUST 7, 1995 6:30 P.M. ' ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1: NON AGENDA ITEMS 2. Approval of Minutes 65 ~. ~. ~~ ^'. ~. r~~d ~pP NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA - . • AUGUST 7, 1995 6:30• P.M: . .. , ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~; ~ PAGE NO. 5 1. . t Approval of Minutes 69 _, :~ 2. Ratification of reappointment of Mr. John Keith as an extra 71 territorial member of the Carolina Beach Planning and Zoning y - Commission 3. Consideration of Acceptance of Report of Disposal of 73 Personal Property in Accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for period of January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995 4. Approval of New Hanover County Board of Health changes 75 in Family Planning Fee Scale 5. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property 81 owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Parcel Number Ro054-10-023-007.000, 1103 Dawson Street for the Amount of $1,200 and Parcel Number Ro054-10-023-010.000 for the Amount of $2,600 6. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property 87 owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, Parcel Number Ro054-13-009-011.000, 707 Meares Street, for the Amount of $1,500 7. Approval of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add the 93 following road to the State Highway System Roads in Dorsett Place (Phase I) 8. Approval for Cooperative Extension to apply for grant for 97 the amount of $55,000 for Summer Youth Programming 9. Approval of Budget Amendments A. #96-06 to budget additional revenue received for Federal 99 Forfeited Property B. #96-0010 to budget funds collected in prior years as 100 repayments for CDBG eligible activities -~. 0 C. #96-0009 to rollover expenditures from FY94-95 to 101 FY95-96 D. #96-0012 to budget appropriated fund balance for 104 outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1995. C 1 -~ ~~ REQUES'T' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver - CTiR_TFf''T• ~ -' - Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting continuation of the Corps of Engineers mission in public works BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached~draft resolution hopefully reflects wording changes suggested by you at the July 17 meeting. The Corps of Engineers, as discussed in the attached June 26 memo to you, is facing major budget cuts in its public work missions, including navigation maintenance and beach nourishment. Major projects that have been proposed to be eliminated in the County include maintenance of Carolina Beach and Masonboro Inlets. Failure to maintain Masonboro Inlet would also impact Wrightsville Beach renourishment. It should also be noted that future Corps budget cuts may jeopardize the Federal cost-share in presently approved beach nourishment projects. The resolution would state the support of the Board for continuation of the Corps mission in public works. This resolution would be incorporated in a study being conducted by the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission concerning the impact on local and State government of proposed Corps cutbacks. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ' C UNTY MANAGER'S C MMEN AND RE OMMENDATI N Recommend adoption of resolution. 1 1~l`J ;APPROVER ~Y COUPd e Y CCU ~r~~0SS9~,~SE~S . date ~ `.~~ ~ ~ ~' . ~, ~~~ ' Refer to Otlice Vision E3ulletin F3oard for Disposition New Hanover County Board of Commissioners - WHEREAS, the U.S. Corps of Engineers has been requested to cut $2.0 billion. out . of its annual public works budget of $3.5 billion over the next five years; ..WHEREAS, the reduction in public works will eliminate numerous channel and inlet maintenance projects crucial to the Nation's waterways transportation system; WHEREAS, these cuts in New Hanover County would eliminate Corps maintenance of Masonboro. and Carolina Beach Inlets and possibly negatively impacf beach nourishment .projects; ., . - , WHEREAS, these New~Hanover County projects are vital to the County's economy and to the maintenance of the waterways; 'WHEREAS, public works projects of the Corps provide greater economic benefits than costs; - 'WHEREAS, many of the public works projects have national significance; , WHEREAS, it would be grossly inefficient for local, state-or other parties to assume -- these public works projects; and WHEREAS, abandonment of these projects by the Corps and subsequent diminishment of Corps expertise, experience, and resources would significantly reduce national- readiness to respond to disaster or war; NOW, THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners states that it is imperative that the Corps of Engineers should continue its economically valuable and nationally critical missions in public works projects, particularly navigation maintenance and beach nourishment. Adopted this 7th day of August, 1995, in New Hanover County, North Carolina. Attest: Lucie Harrell ~ - Clerk to the Board '' New Hanover County ~ - ~ ~~~9 re +req ~~~aj il~~tCf ~'~r.,+ssra ~~Clvi i/~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners NEW HANO VER COUNTY ~' --y ~/ _ . ]LATER-OFFICE /. 7 .1 JLJ ~L I Jl O fit.~-...a ~rj "_~-,:.~ r~`S'~e rv, T• R.. ~ ~ < ./.,, uF:'it ~T'" ..:,.:c- ~~~iS •Y,~J~....~_ ~ t . `na, t ~f^«~ T o June 26, 1995 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~ - THROUGH: Allen O'Neal, County Manager • RE: Potential impacts to the County caused by proposed budget cuts in Corps projects The following gives a brief synopsis of the potential financial and other impacts that may occur to the County under ~i anticipated reduction in activities of the Corps of_Engineers.. J ' BACKGROUND • The Corps of Engineers, as you are •probably aware, is facin ' mayor budget cuts in the,Corps' public works missions, .such as beach nourishment and navigation maintenance of inlets and water ways. Basically, the Corps is requested to slice nation-wide $2.0 ' billion over a five year period from their civil works present annual budget of $3.5 billion. The Corps has found $0.8 billion to cut but still needs to eliminate $1.2 billion over ..the next five years. ~ .. • The County recently participated in a nation-wide process to evaluate options to carrying out these public. works .missions and, ' in~addition, is sending letters under Chairman Greer's signature to our Congressional delegation expressing the County's concern over proposed cuts. The Ports Waterway, and Beach Commission has ' performed significant coordination and lobbying. efforts with Congress and the N. C. Legislature concerning the Corps role in . public works. . , CORPS PROJECTS WITHIN THE COIINTY Under the. first round of budget cuts, the Corps plans to maintain and be responsible for the following projects: ~ .. - Maintenance of Wilmingtonarbor and the Cape Fear above. Wilmington. ~ 3 -~ - '~ _ Maintenance of the AIWW. ~~ .~.. Board of County Commissionersd ,.. .. - Page Number Two --• June• 26, ,1995 ~ - ~• - - Beach renourishment Carolina Beaches. - Initial construction and renourishment for Kure Beach provided that deadlines are met in the next year for initiation of construction. The above projects survived the first round of proposed cuts for the first proposed $0.8 billion budget reduction. It is possible, however, that these projects-may be impacted during the second round of $1.2 bilhion budget cut proposals. Impacts may take several, forms, from reducing the federal cost share in beach nourishment from .65°s; ~~'to~ having `the Corps operate ~ only in an advisory or technical role,. to elimination of ..any.Corps role in the project. .- ._ 'Thefollowing existing~''~projects_ have ,been: proposed to be dropped completely by the Corps in t'he first round'~of budget cuts: - .: Maintenance of Masonboro Inlet ' . Although the Corps ~ pl'ans to dredge the -inlet out in rFY 96•, the Corps could ~ then abandon the ~'p~roj ect . ~ Maintenances dredging would likely be required every four years at a cost of-~around~ $1.2 million. Please note that the County recently adopted a resolution to continue t.o be the local sponsor ,for. this project: a•nd would be •-responsible .for future ; maintenance of° ....~ both the channel~~and the jetties .unless the `County,-similarly 'chooses to• ' abandon - ',t . ' In addition, `:. the .spit - ~.of sand . extending 'south from . t'he end of Wr.igh,tsvi,lle Beach,~,;into tithe . - Inlet- could riot be dredged"without ~condemn~ng. the .property, if the ;Corps abandons th.e, proj ec't, ,because the ,legal claim by. the .~ -Corps`of ~navgationa ' "servitude would no •longer be applicable.. The Corps presently obtains around $1.2 million of sand fore •nourishment of Wrightsville Beach from Masonbo.ro--Inlet a;t 100's Federal 'cost • ' because '~the~ sand is dredged, by the Gorps : as ~ a ' -- navgat-ion project ._` ' If .the. Corps abandons: -this proj',ect, the. County .wouldhave, tor,.pay bo°th to condemn the. spit •of sand~~ and 100.-o f. ~n~avigat`iori maintenance.. ~ ~ ~ , : . _ ~. ~ ... - Maintenance of" the.~etties,wil;l also. become the Jrespons,ib,~lity ~• of the' 'County` if the Corps 'is forced toabandon t.he. Inlea The Corps plans to spend several million dollars this coming year on the jetties . r ~ :t _ ,., ~ ~ : • Failure by the .Corps a,nd County to maintain the Inlet would L~J i Board of County Commissioners Page Number Three June 26, 1995 probably result in failure of the south jetty, lost of a well- defined channel, and increased beach erosion particularly on Masonboro Island. - Maintenance of Carolina Beach Inlet. Carolina Beach Inlet is presently maintained by the Corps at an average annual cost of $788,000. The cost is higher than for Masonboro Inlet because the Inlet is not stabilized with jetties, resulting in more frequent dredging. Sand from the Inlet is not used to re-nourish Carolina Beach because the Inlet is too shallow for the type of equipment required for beach nourishment. - Maintenance .of Smiths Creek and the North East Cape Fear River. These two projects have had not maintenance in 45 Years and do not require any at the present, according to the Corps. It is recommended that the County maintain a close watch on these projects and on Corps involvement, and to keep our congressional delegation informed of the~need for continued Corps responsibility for these projects. The Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission has played a key role in these efforts. ~:-1 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or ~ comments. DW/AO'N/nrf/643 cc: Wanda Copley, County Attorney Johnny Metts, Chair, Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission Andrew J. Atkinson, Deputy County Manager Bruce Shell, Finance Director 5 l s t: l 6~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~'~°~~~'^~' ' Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Addit' nal Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: George Shaw Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: George Shaw ' SUBJECT: Approval of Amendment to County policy related to requirements for fin payment to contractors. BRIEF SUMMARY: Current County policy requires that Lien Waiver Affidavits be obt ned from the prime contractor prior to release of final payment. This is a sound policy, in general. Ho ever, there are cases when it is not in the County's interest to get involved in these 3rd party disputes. e County's interests are protected by State ' statutes related to liens on public property, our payment bon and the Consent of Surety. With the proposed policy, the County would still have the ability to interve where appropriate. ~ - / i~u lvitviL` t~1JP~U tvl 11 tv H1vU IBC, LS 1 L' U t l V Recommend adoption of a revised policy owing staff to decide, case by case,' when to require contractors to provide lien waiver affidavits prior t final payment. Proposed Policy : "The County Engineer, or his designated representative, with the con ent of the County Attorney, may allow final payment to contractors provided that Consent of Surety is o tained, without the County receiving all lien waiver affidavits." FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: S to $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: ' Money Is In Current udget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendme Prepared: REVIEWE BY: LGL: AP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A GGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT TANAGER'S MMENT D RE MMENDATI N adoption of revised policy. n 7 Refer to Office Vision I3ullctin Qoazd for Disposition .. ~ _ ~ ,~ . .. i. .. ,` , . ~~ :~ :, . , . , -_ - ~ ~ .~", This.paoe intentionally left blank , z~ .. .. - ~ ..: - 8:.. 1 ~J REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: George Shaw Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: George Shaw SUBJECT: Department of Social Services Building Expansion BRIEF SUMMARY: Bids were received for the Department of Social Services Expansion on June 21, 1995. The cumulative total of the 3 prime contract bids exceeded our budget by $198,450 or 22%. Following several meetings with the Architect and DSS representatives, it has been determined that the only way to bring costs down ' significantly AND meet the current needs of the DSS is to complete the shell of the building as planned but to leave unfinished approximately 4,000 SF of interior space (attachment "A"). The unfinished portion would be finished at a later date (albeit at a somewhat higher cost). Regarding the bids; the Electrical and ' HVAC bids were competitive, while only 2 bids were received for single prime general construction work and there was a significant spread between these 2 bids (attachment B ). ~I u RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO ESTED ACTIONS• A. The general construction bids be rejected. B. The general construction work be rebid with an alternate bid to complete the unfinished area. C. Negotiate with the Electrical and HVAC contractors. Final negotiated price to be approved by Board. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ` LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT (:UUiy"l'Y MANAGER'S COMMENT Concur with recommended motion noted a Refer to Of7ice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition z4-95 MON 14:58 P. 03 - , - ~ ~ , ~~ ~- ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~~ 's o° _ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ - ~ _.. ~ ,~ _ - . - 0 o ~ :- .~ ~_ _ ,, -. -_-~ o a ~~ J •k ~ Y ~ .~. ~ ~ f _ _ ~ i - ~ .. '• f err--<<• -v . ; l-t -1 •• 1 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~_~ o~ -. ~ ,t -v 0 ~ ;~ r~ ~~ ~~ - ~ , ,, ~ m .,`~.. ~i q• _ , ~ .:' .Z n ~, , , a ~~, .~~ .- ~- a ~•i ~~ .a ii - Ea ,_ ~ (Il ~ H . .,,. k ~,..3t ~a • yQ}!~ ' " q! f _ J~ddi:,~F~IsUng Ei.~td(ng ~~. ik~j i~.4i~.%i~.. ~. •t.~.r ,F ~i ~47t/ii H . ~ i y ~=o • i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f ~2r' ~~ D 7C~i ,n y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ O p ~ ~ < ~ ? 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V _ W ~ r O O N A O t0 N ~ ' ' ....._. .. .. .. _ fD ~ u,`, v, cn ~ o m -~ o ~ o o ~ n Y . - a ' ~, ~' F N , ~ ~~' ~ ° °m ... . o ~m Z •. Z ~ Z ~ N~ C _. m - co -- ' ,. C va~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ Q] W .. (D O Q7 ~ A y n ~ N W ~ rJ a ~ o o o ~ rn a -I , A) _ ~. .. ~ D O a ~ n c~ ~ ~ f w 3 ~ n CD c~ p ~ ~ ~ 1 ,_ ._ _ t ~ -- ~. ,n. D D y o_ ~ D _ a n y ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ A V ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ W O O V ~ O N ,. _. _ _ D `z -~ ~ D y o ~ a a = ' ~ ~ ` t>+ ~ a v i ~ A O ~ _ ~ ~ n ~ D o ~ w o ~ ~ ~ ~ '` D o rn o o ~ - ~ a ~D 1 ~ ~ ~ a ~ a n D w, v n . 2 ~ ~ c~ ¢ rn ~ o 0 _ C O G !] .. C O ~~~ ',~ 7~~`= ~ ~ d ... ~ ~~~ ~a ZDfD ~ ~ ~ ' =~ ~~~ a ~~~ ; O' N .~ ~~ ° a ~. 3 .~ . ~ rh n w. l~_.JJ c~ -, . j n. c~ .o ... ~ - - a ~~~ ~ :a ..a ~~.a ~~~ ;~a ~~ t 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~r l ,' . ~_ ~ ° • ~NV= ' Ow ~vc~ -mow ~~m o Oo ~m ~ m _ ~ ~~ ~ o ~ r N ~ m S UI j _• ' ~ ~y ~ mom x cn o m w m~ ~•m ocom ~ s m om m y~ 0 oW~' 7 0 a~° ~ .3 ~ ~ n y ~ Z o o ° n V° cam nv,~ ~ • cn,o cn 0 i~•ci c ~ .r. 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N ~ ~ N n F "• ~ ~ , o N r. 0 I 7 7 ~ y .. _. - O ~ . ., ~ ~ + m ~ rn' ~ r ~ w. ~ w ~ ~ ~ N ~ . ~ o o~~ .. ~~. a ~ ;° ~ ~ m { ~ a _ •' 1 O ~ ~ ; f .A `G FA w Q O '~ o h ~ N a ~ o ~ _. ~ - y co ~ ~ ~ . w m QJ . ~ ~ ~ Q. o Q ---i iU ' ~ C .. _ _. z ~ D , f~ _ _ ~ O ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ w w ~ ~ co w ~ ~ jj ~ ~n i [D o ~ ~ ~ TT lV i i ~ .1 ~ Q _ ..._ _ ~ D .. ~ ~ D '~ ~ ~ ~ Imo- ., w C ~ ~ rn a ~ ~ ~ O N ~ ~ _ _ - 'A _ ~, a n' m ~~~ . = y ~ ~+ O 7 m -• w ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ , . D o _ o~~ o ~ _ .. .. D ~ D ~~ µ ~ ~ c3~~ ' ~ _ c ~ o } 1 i i ~ = I _ - a Q. '^~' ~ , a. ~ ~ ~ ~ C Z_~^D ~. ~ \ / ~' ~ O ~ _« C ~ ~ ~ O N ~ ~• , v ~, ~ ~ ~~ 3 ' .. ~. O -.~ t ~ . ~....: a ~N c~ ..A. c~ i • ~ 1 '' . , - i { a c m N t0 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: ~ 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 4A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Bob Parker Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bob Pazker . SUBJECT: New Hanover County Boazd of Health Proposed Changes in Animal Control Fees BRIEF SUMMARY: At the June 7, 1995 Meeting, New Hanover County Board of Health recommended and adopted fee changes in the_Animal Control fees. Attachment I is a page from the Board minutes from June 7, 1995, with the proposed fees. Attachment II is a draft which went to the Board which shows the existing (old) fees. Attachment III is a memo to Lynda Smith dated 07/12/95 which projects an increase in revenues from citations of $30,725 if new fees are adopted. 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve fee increases as adopted by the Board of Health r FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In.Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: No ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT 1 1 Recommend V 6,. C~~~~~~ C~~ ~~~~6SS~~~`~S Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Attachment II ~ ~~,~ ~ 5` i Civi] .ita ion ~ Mst_c,v ~, d L 4 ~ssliQn/Descri t~ on ~~~ c N RR G£ 5 ' ;3-1 (d) Interference with any Duly Appointed Agent a0,0Q ~~- `3-4 (d) Restraint .250.D0~ .v ~`w • 3-4 (2) Public Nuisance . -First Violation ?5.00 Second Violation 50.00 Three or More Violation 100.00 *3-5 County License and Rabies ip~y~ _____^~ 3-6 Keeping Stray Animals ?5.00 3-~ Rabies Vaccination and Control 200.00 3-g Wearing of Collaz, Tags, & Identification 15.00 3-9 Dogs Running at Large First Violation ?5.00 Second Violation . ~ ~ 75.00 Third Violation 1?5.00 Fourth Violation 200.00 Fifth Violation 250.00 *Unprovoked Dog BitelRunning Loose 200.00 3-10Vicious Animals ~ - ~ 500.00 " *3-11 Barking Dogs First Violation ~ 25.00 Second Violation ~ _.._-- NE W 50.00 Three or More Violation \ ` 100.00 - 'v ~ w x-12 Teasing and Molesting J1 100.00 - -' ~-13 Injuring Animals, Notice Required ~ 100.00 ~3-14 Health and Welfare ~a,00.00 = *3-15 Manner of Keeping & Treating Animals \ , 100.00 --- *3-16 (d) Sterilization of Cats & Dogs ~ 250.00 - *~-19 Interference with Trap or Cage 100.00 ---- ~-23 Collection of Cats and Dogs for Resale 500.00 t _`~ rticle Ii Dangerous Dog/Potentially Dangerous Dog - _ ' *3-28 Precautions Against Attacks By Dangerous Dogs/Potentially Dangerous Does (a) Unattended dangerous potentially 500.00 ~ (al) Failure to tattoo/notice of death 500:00 - d (b) Transfer of ownership 500.00 ~ * ~ n~4~ates new fee or change '~ 7 26 . ~;. Ferret ReQUlation -- d ~ ~ ~cNA~tG-tS . *Rabies Vaccination ~ ~ ~ ~±1(}p.pp --- • *County Pet License ~ 100.00 ------ *Unprovoked Bite - 200,00 Provoked Bite .100.00 ~~ . - Adoption Refund-Policv Refunds for adoptions may be granted if the fo{lowing conditions-are met: 1. The adopted animal is returned. ' 2. The adopted animal is exanined by a veterinarian within fi~•e ~~•orl:inQ da.•s . from the adoption date and a health problem is noted: 3. The adoptee produces either a hand written note.or a computer eeneratzd report from the veterinarian :stating the findings and date examined. ,The amount ofrefund-.witl-be the total of adoption fee and county license fee.. if purchased and returned. The adoptee is responsible for any charges by the veterinarian: :: `[ndicates,new fee.or change _ :~, ' ^ . da .P. 18 27 ' `Attachment III NEW HANOVER COUNTY ^ INTER-OFFICE d~3~0~.~1'~~ O . ~ \~.J ~y ~;:.; ~. ~~..~:~^`:' ~ ". . ~~ •~~ .:~ yr ~`>>•~<r... ~ ..p 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 To: Lynda Smith, Assistant Health Director From: Ron Currie, Animal Control Date: July 12, 1995 ' Re: Increase Revenues From Higher Citation Fees Attached is an estimate of increase revenues if the proposed citation fee increases are passed. 19 - ~ _ July 12, 1995 .- - New Hanover County Animal Control Estimate of Increase Citation Revenues REVENUE Budget 1995/9.6 Additional REVISE 1995/96 Citations $40,000.00 $30,725.00 $70,72.5:00 EXPLANATION OF INCREASES 1. Interference with any Duly Appointed Agent 5 citations x $100.00 increase $500.00 2. Restraint 50 citations x $250.00 (new fee) $12,500.00 3. County License and Rabies 200 citations x $50.00 increase $10,000.00 4. Unprovoked Dog Bite/Running Loose 10 citations x $100.00 increase $1,000.00 5. Barking Dogs 20 citations x $50.00 (new fee) $1,000.00 6. Manner of Beeping and Treating Animals 10 citations x $50.00 increase $500.00 7. Sterilization of Cats and Dogs 10 citations x $250.00 $2,500.00 8. Interference with Trap or Cage 3 citations x $75.00 increase $225.00 9. Precautions Against Dangerous Dog 5 citations x $500.00 (new fee) $2,500.00 10. Ferret Regulation (no citations) ' ~ Total $30,725.00 20 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 4B Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Bob Parker Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bob Parker ^ SUBJECT.:. New Hanover County Board of Health Request for New Animal Control Officer BRIEF SUMMARY: ' At the July 5, 1995 meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Health the Board voted to request a New Animal Control Officer position. See Attachment I for justification for the new officer position. Attachment II shows the salary and operating cost of $32,529 associated with a new officer position. It also shows if fees. are not increased as requested the revenue the new officer will generate is $11,850 (this is $20,679 less than the cost). If new fees are approved the new officer will generate $21,850. This plus the additional $30,725 (Attachment III) brought in by the increased fees will equal' $52,575 which is $20,046 in revenue greater than the cost of the officer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS• Approve New Animal Control Position 1 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County 5: User Fees $: Other 5: 532,529 Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• During the budget process, this was evaluated and determi e not to be included in the recommended budget. My assessment of this matter has not change . . OU~~ ~~i~~~~~~SSI~~~~2 ~ _ .- - Refer to Ofticc Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ` Budget Amendment i r i / ~../ ;i;.,;/rein r r / //' //,' ;'/ ; / / / :%// / % r % / r;'n / r // r /;~ ~i r / /n // / %// !~ ;%'~o%;i%y~. ~%~i~~ ;//~:~%/ //%/%~// ~%~/ i ~ / %,,/,./ % '//iii//~~/ ~ ~~~//:~//%i/,~,//,/,/,~% ; ~~j/ ..... ~.,, ~// ,~/ ,,,... ,~~/i//~//i,/ /~%~j~/~j~,//~~j~/~~/%/~//~/Gi/jam///~/jj~ji,, DEPARTME~' 33UDCU~'i AM~rtlirz~cv 1 ~ . tLtid~ ,. Health/Animal ~coritrol 96-0013 ` . .8./7/95 ' ADJUSTMENT I2EBIT - ~ CREDIT . . , . .. jiPalt-h/Animal Control Animal Control Citations $32,529 a Salary; & ,Wages ~ ~ ~~_ t. ~ ~ $21, 1,33 . - __ .. FICA ~ .; $ 1,, 617 Retretnen ~ ~ ~ . - ~ .:. $. _l; 053. , , ,Medical Insurance ~ . $.- 3, 764 . . . x, ~. . Lt Dsability,rIrisurance y i r ~ ~$ .. 34 Departmental ~Supplie~s ~~ ~, . $ 200: Fuel & Supplies ~~ ~ $ 1,104 ~ ; ~ Uniforms $ 824 Capital Outlay - Equipment $ 2,800 f FXPT NF1T ON . r. To budget addti-onal- .citation .Frevenue .. and adjustF, Ani•tnal Control's ..operating budget for. an additional Animal•_Control~ Officer . - _, - : . ,; . , ,_. , - ~ I'o Ik l=~ n n ~y#'~g"d~.7 ~~'r~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~j~ ; a~t~ ~ ~19 ~#e8~+4~i~~1Riv~tu+r • ~fi6!'E~ u cl C)fl icci's ajtht'ctt'al; thee. r~}iorl o Commisxioncr~ at next regular tnoeting LL and enter in minutes ,, ~;. ES - '~ . To he approaed by Cornmi•,ioiters. .~ ' ~ . ... 'fo he entered into minutes. 1 Animal Control Officer Attachment I In the past four years, four changes have had a negative effect on Animal Control's field operation. First, the "Dangerous Dog" law was passed in North Carolina. This new legislation placed considerable liability on the county and its animal control program. One Animal Control Officer was removed from the field operation and was assigned to investigate'"dangerous dogs". The case load for this officer has increased from eighty cases a year to a little over three hundred cases a year.. The second factor with a negative impact was the downsizing of the county's workforce in the 92/93 budget. One animal control officer's position was eliminated. This officer worked after hours either patrolling or canvassing homes for ordinance violations. •~ The third factor with a negative impact has been the increase in-the number of homes (increased the number of pets within our county) and the increase in the daily automobile traffic. ~` ~ The fourth factor with a negative impact has been the increase number of animals with rabies in our state and adjoining counties. As a result of these factors, we have had increases in the number of complaints from the public regarding dogs and cats running loose after hours or on weekends and holidays. Because of these factors, the division has not been able to canvass the county for violators of the county pet license ordinance or rabies vaccination law. One new officer position would allow us to increase our patrolling after normal hours. This officer would canvass the county for violators of the county pet license ordinance and the rabies vaccination law. 23 Attachment II NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~~~~~~~~~MEMO To: ;Lynda .Smith,~Assstant Aealth.Direc•tor .. ., __ From: Ron .Curr.ie, ..Animal. Control ~ _ , . , ., ,Date :,, July.. 12 , : 19 9,5 -, t .~ - r Rer. Estimated Expenses. and, Additional. Revenues From.One~New.. Officer's Position •,. , . .Attached. is the :estimated .expenses. and additional revenues if the County_ Commissioners. approved-the new animal control .. officer's position. _ `. This officer.'a.work schedule would be from•.11:30 a.m: until 8:0o p.m~: Tti~ey~ would•~~hi~t ."hot"~ areas.. for animals running loose and canvas~s,,for rabies vaccinations .and, county license fees. 24 t New Hanover County Animal Control Estimate of Expenses and Additional Revenues From One New Officer's Position Estimated Salary Expenses Account No. Description ,Expense 1000 ~ Salary .$21,133.00 2100 FICA $1,617.00 2210 Retire $1,053.00 2300 Med Ins ~ $3,586.00 Dent $178.00 2310 LT Dis $34.00 Total $27,601.00 (1) 25 -~ •Estimated Expenses Account No: Account Expense 4210 ~_Depar.tment`Supplies ' Pre-exposure Rabies Vaccine $200.00 4250 - Fuel And Supplies 80 gals. mo. x $1.15 gal. x 12 mos. $1,104,.00 4400 Uniforms . Shirts Long $30.Ob'x 5 $150.00 - Shirts Short .$27.00 x 5 = $135.00 ~'ti Trousers $19.'00 x 8 $152.00 ' Heavy Coat $164..00 x 1 $164.00 ~` ~ . Lt. Jacket $76.°00 x 1 = $76.00 Cap $5.00 x 1 $5.00 Boots $19.00 x 1 $19.00 Rain Gear $35.00 x 1 = $35.00 ,. _. Officer ' Name Tag $17.00 X 2 = $34.00 •- - Organization Name Tag $9.00 x 2 = $18.00 Badge $18.00 x 2 = $36.00 $824.00 6400 Capital Outlay Radio $1,700.00 Desk X1,100.00 Total $4,928.00 C2) 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Estimated Increase Revenues Revenue Source Account Name Increase 4109 Animal Control Fees $500.00 4134 Citations 200 Citations x $50.00 $10,000.00 4166 Dog and Cat Tads $9.00 County Lic. x 150 $1,350.00 • Total $11,850.00 ~3~ 27 Estimated Increase Revenue Under Proposed Fee Increases Revenue Source 4108 4134 - 4166 28 : ~ •'Account Name ' - Animal Control Fees Citations 200 citations x $100.00 Dog and Cat Tans $9.00 'County I;ic. x 150 ., Total ~ 4 .~ Increase $500.00 $20, 00.0..00 X1,350.00 $21,850.00 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AtCachment III: NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE MEM To: Lynda Smith, Assistant Health`Director From: Ron Currie, Animal Control Date: July 12, 1995 Re: Increase Revenues From Higher Citation Fees Attached is an estimate of increase revenues if the proposed citation fee increases are passed. ~. 29- M .. .. 1. . _.... July 12,~, 1995 • . _. N~ew~ Hanover County'Animal~ Control Estimate of Increase Citation Revenues REVENIIE Budget 1995/96. Additional REVI~S~D 1995/96 ; s Citations $40,000.00 `~~ $30,725.00 $70,725.00. EXPLANATION OFRINCREASES 1. Interference with any Duly Appointed Agent 5 citations x $100.00 increase $500.00 2. Restraint 50 citations x $250.00 (new fee) $12,500.00 3. County License and Rabies 200 citations x $50.00 increase $10,000.00 4. IInprovoked Dog Bite/Running Loose 10 citations x $100.00 increase $1,000.00 5. Barking Dogs 20 citations x $50.00 (new fee) $1,000.00 6. Manner of Keeping and Treating Animals 10 citations x $50.00 increase $500.00 7. Sterilization of Cats and Dogs 10 citations x $250.00 $2,500.00 8. Interference with Trap or Cage 3 citations x $75.00 increase $225.00 9. Precautions Against Dangerous Dog 5 citations x $500.00 (new fee) $2,500.00 10. Ferret Regulation (no citations) '. ~ Total $30,725.00 30 .~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~' Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Sam Burgess ~ SUB.IECT: Resolution of Intent (SC50,8/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by P. Benjamin to close the northern segment of Nassau Road in Sedgefield development near the 2200 block of Castle Hayne Road. ~~ RE M _ CO MENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: Uscr Fces $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: ~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT -COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend adoption of resolution. ~APP~V~ r C~~~~~Y E~~ ~~dyISS~O~~ERS _ _ _ _.~ - __~ 31 Refer to Office Vision Eiulletin E3oard for Disposition This pao e irrlerrtiona!!y left blank REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Zegular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 0 Contact: Wanda Coston SUBJECT: Public Hearing - NC Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Solicit proposals for Economic Development category of the NC Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program. Projects in this category are intended to provide at least 60 percent benefit to low and moderate income persons through job creation or retention. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Request that the Board of Commissioners conduct a public hearing for citizen comments on Aug. 7, 1995 in order to comply with the requirements of the CDBG application process. ryIVUIN(T SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT C LINTY MANAGER' C MMENTS AND RE OMMEND ION Recommend holding public hearing to receive public comments. ~1 ~' ~~PpR4-VE~3 . ~3'~ coo~~7~ co~~~~~ss~a~~RS 3 3 ~:Q~.te~ 8 /?~ ~.~~~... _~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition r .. ,. .. ~~.•~ _ ~ ~ .. ,,, ~. 1 r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Zegular Item #: 7A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-541, 7/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Raiford Trask, Jr. to rezone 29 acres on the east side of Military Cut-off{1100 block) north of Landfall and the Forum to B-1 Business acid O-I Office and Institution from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with revisions. FUNDING SOURCE: ?edcral $: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udgct Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: a LGL: N/A WCOPLEY .FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Item A Case: -. Reques..t : - Acreage: - ; . b ::~ . Z-541, 7/95;.Oviner:•.~Rai`ford Trask, Jr. R-15 •-to B-1-and O-•L .. _ _. .. __ . _ ......_._,~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -'.fir. ' Location: __ East _-side of. M-l-ita,ry ~.. Cut=_o"f f ~ . Road • north of r ttie Forum Off-ice Building; 1100 Block ;; ._.. Planninq Board Summary The Board voted 4 to 1 to recommend approval, but with a slight _ modification.,,.Specifically, they suggested that a 20O,foot:strip ' o~f land along~~the so'uthern'.. property line of the County 1ibrary`~site be zoned ,0=1 .' '(See Parcel" B'' on location 'map-.) No ~ othe"r changes to the original petition were proposed. Some Board members expressed concern about the recent decisio"ns to allow commercial development to move down the highway. However, because of those actidns, this proposal was now more acceptable. j The lone dissenter felt rezoning the site would be contrary to the policies of the Land Use Plan and would set a precedent for similar requests along Military Cut-off. The Board unanimously :agreed that-commercial expansion should, be, Yield at the library .'site': ~ ' ~ ~ 4 i '- - • Planninq Staff Summary The subject parcel is part of a larger tract of land that has been subject of several previous rezoning requests. Those requests included petitions for Planned Development and general use B-2 Districts. None were approved. In 1992, the southernmost nine acres of the parent tract were rezoned to 0-I Office and Institution. The boundary of .th`at tract - -coincided .:'with the' northern"~ limi;ts w.'o`f the' Landfa"11 "Pl•anned Development boundary. An office building is currently under construction there now and plans are pending for, additional.,. development. Im''May 1995;•the Planning Board recommended approval of a petition• to_ rezone that. ~same•_ nne_,acres to •B-.1` Busin,esa,.: ~ ~As.. ~of this writing, a final decision has not been made. The County Commissioners will take up the matter at its July 5, 1.995 .meeting., . •„ ~_Ev.,er _if~~ that ~ peti.tion is .approved.,.. .it. would be. ,~ery..difficult t±o justify the continued linear expansion• o,f commerc,ial .zoning .and related non-resde`n~tia~l zoni-ng'~-`r'eplresen~te~d' by ~ this application because it would be contrary to existing Land Use Policies. Those policies say in part that .strip commercial development is an undesirable lad, use p~a~t~'tern . Such development contributes to traffic ~af~et~'y~-r~ol~emsr resulting from frequent curb cuts and leads to unsight;hy~llaaid~u~s~es:k~ ~ Part of the subject parcel is within the l~al ,Highwa.y Overlay~,n-District, which will provide some relief ugh,;,,~,ext,end~e:ds,etba~c'ks~ and other site design features . It, r f.. r .. 1 t however, does not solve the aesthetic concern, and more importantly does nothing to address the traffic problems commonly caused by untamed strip commercial development. Policies for Growth and Development encourage commercial uses to locate on major roads at or very near intersections with other major roads. In this instance, the site is over 3500 feet from Eastwood Road and approval would extend the district and additional 1200 -feet. Such extensions would obviously be contrary to the County's commercial node concept. Another concern raised by this petition is the impact large expanses of impervious surfaces could have on the watershed, and more particularly, the quality of water in receiving streams. Some of this property drains into Howe Creek, ,which is considered an Outstanding Resource Water. Run-off from storms carry an assortment of pollutants that have been proven to degrade water quality. Certainly on-site retention of storm-water could lessen those impacts, but the long-term reliability of large retention ponds remains questionable. for residential use may adjoining tract under use is approved. Also, the next few years will the immediate frontage traffic, noise and air pollution. Some of those impacts may be mitigated by fencing, buffers and .extended setbacks. It should be noted however that a number of single-family projects with similar exposure have been successfully constructed utilizing interior street circulation. because of exposure to high levels of In its favor, the subject parc`el's appeal be diminished, .particularly if the consideration for rezoning to commercial widening Military Cut-off to four lanes in reduce appeal for residential use along In conclusion, northward expansion of commercial uses along Military Cut-off sets a bad precedent in terms of the County's Land Use Policies and the other impacts that would result. .Staff recommends denial. ~~ i 37 0 .y; PETITION` SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: - Z-541 - Owne~r• Raiford- Trask, Jr. - Representative• Same R-15 to B-1 and O-I ~ 2.9, °' •~ ' Request: Acreage: ~ ~ - TaaIDNumbe'r: 5100 ~ -~•Iocation:' ~ Military Cut=Off .LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ ~ , r. Land Classification: Resource protection ~ - " " .. ~= .~ Existing Land Use: Va~c;ant ~ ., ~ _' Zoning History:~~ Area originally zoned December 15, 1969. O-I to south-.established July, " 1992: SHOD ~establi-shed Nov... 1986 ,~ ,.City: or community _. ~- - County Water Type: ~ Sewer~Type• ~ '~ Fire Districts' -' Seagate _ Recreation": ~ Blair... Noble/Wrighty. Road Access: - Military-Cut-Off ~ Volume::~00~ AnT~~~ 1( 993-count) School District: Wrightsville Beach " •. ~ ~ . ;,. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Q Bch. Bradley Creek (Sc); Howe Creek (SA)OR Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Fringe of Primary Recharge Area Conservation Resources: N~nP Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class• Primarily Murville, Class III tic Tank Suitability: Limits due to high water table ~~~ Print Agricultural Soils: None Building Suitability• Some limits due to wetness unless drained - r WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO-GET A Cl~[ANGE OF ZONING ~`OF PROPERTY V ` ~. ~~ Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use ' district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. . 1. How would the requested change be consistent with .the County's Policies for Growth and Devel- opmentl Highest b best~use of land adjoining commercial zoning, ' ~. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the band GlassiCication Map? ~, Extension of business zoning 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Extensive development in the area and~high traffic count makes land desireable for commercial development ~~ 'S; In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in thin. application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ,. ..:' _ .~ _ Signature f Petitions an or Owner. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 7B Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery SUB.IECT: Rezoning - (Z-544, 7/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by H. Phillips to rezone 1.64 acres at 6201 and 6205 Market Street to B-2 Business from I-1 Light Industrial. t 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State $: County S: User Fees $: ~ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: N/A WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ER'S OMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• t APP_ R+OV~® C~~~d~Y G~ttiit~r~~~~~~ RS .. ~ Date g/?- ~:_ ~ - -- Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 41 Item B ~ - Case: Z-544, 7/95; Owner: H.A. Philli s P Request: I-1 to B-2 Acreage: 1.6 - - Location: 6201 and 6205 Market Street Planninq Board Summary There was very little discussion by the Board on this item. They agreed with Staff's finding that rezoning the property would have very little impact on .the area and .would be consistent with the commercial%industrial corridor. Their vote was unanimous. . There was no opposition. Planninq Staff Summar This property is currently occupied by an animal clinic/veterinarian office. A variety of land uses are located nearby, including auto sales and repair, industrial supply sales, general retail, equipment rental, garden supplies, building supplies, storage building sales, and a variety of other non- residential uses. This sort of land use pattern is common .along the Market Street frontage, from Wayne Drive in the City of Wilmington to the Middle Sound Area. Heavy commercial activities are interspersed with a few light industrial activities along this area of Market Street. As Wilmington continues to grow as the regional center for eastern North Carolina, we can expect the continued conversion of industrial land for commercial use. This property is classified Urban Transition~in the 1993 Land Use Plan Update. More intense urban development is encouraged as long as adequate public services are available. .The Plan also encourages commercial uses to locate along major roads at or very near intersections with other major roads. While its true that .this site is not at a major intersection, the general area nonetheless has been zoned industrial and business since 1972 and continued mixing of the two uses can be expected. Based -on the existing zoning pattern in the area, little impact should occur from rezoning this- site to B-2; Business. ~A barge strip of B-2 is located across the street and I-1 Zoning surrounds the property. The B-2 area can be expanded to include this property. Staff recommends approval. ~~®~9~ 4 2 ~ ~~ d6~dH ,vHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO. GET A ~` CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY ~~ Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on ~, a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ;ng requirements. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Devel- opment? 32 Office and ~ns~rt,~c.}~o,na1 Policies 3.2 ~l~ ?,.3 C.ammQ~c_i~ ~.e uc~lop n~~~' ~IiGi~S 3,3~~~ J 3,3 ~~.~ 3, ~} yn c~ ustr i u l ~v~-Q °p rr~cr~~ `moo I ~ c, i e s 3. y-(,t~ , 3. ~- ~~F~ . ,~. ~' . t 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? 'i; Z~ 'i S l i s t e d. q s U: v~ Q --~ Tl'ci n s; i F i o n W I'1 i cl~ a ((o u.i5 -~~' irl~er'lsi/~. (~v~4h .G~e~'C.loPrner~ oh ~G--ids ~ro~~de~ w'~+~-, neerusQ~~ urban Sn--~iccs. f ~, . 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, ~~ or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? /~fer~hbo~hood has chQnJced lea~;n~ only one r'e~idenee which i~ C~errenfl~, -Fo/ SGIe. c.~d'r^aund'rn ~bces'ihesSeS ,L i ncl~cde `t~-re~e. scar c4 ealQ.rsh;Ps ~ who~s~l-e. b~ic.l` C~n~an~ ~ '><anninc, 54Ion Gnu SeJ2Y~l ~~-~'4-f~ bus ~ n e ssc_s . ~ ~ ~ ~ roj~e-+ ~j has been ~ oea-~-e_.eQ c,~7- '~ ~,y ~ S ~ ~C'se-nt Uc@~.ress -f'evl ~Grs -f~ezc,nirl .~s needy ~~' (~t~lodul i c3nS -fz~ ~n C(ucQ2, kc~nnelS aS Ci'rl t~~dQ~ U2~dNan~an 07'1-r ~L'.. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the ~' surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 43 ~' 1 Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner PETITION SUMMARY SHEET " Petition Number: Z-.544 Owner: H.A. Phillips Request: I-1 to B-2 Taa ID Number: 5006 Representative: Same Acreage: 1.6 Location: 6205 Market St. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use• Veterinarv Clinic Zoning History• Area originally zoned August 18, 1971 Water Type: Well Sewer Type' Septic .~ Ogden ~ Blair-Noble Fire District: Recreation: Road Access: US 17 Volume: 20,100 ADT (1993 count) School District: Blair MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification' Smith Creek C (Sw Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Soil Type(s) and Class: - ~A N/A: site developed tic Tank:Suitability: N/A rime Agr~c~lturxl Soils: N/A Building Suitability: Site ~ developed A REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 7C Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning - (Z-545, 7/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Live Oak Development Company to rezone 7.2 acres on the northwest side of Market Street (8100 block) to B-1 Business from R-15 Residential. .~', 1 t ~1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with revisions. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: N/A WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION cc~~~ r Y c~~~~c~~~~s~~~~~ 4 5 ~.s Refer to Office Vision Qulletin E3oard for Disposition Item C - Case: Z-545, 7/95; Owner: Robert King Request:.. R-15 to B-1 -•- -~ Acreage: 7.2 Locati.on_: .Northwest side of Market .Street, 1100 Bloc k• -- Planninq Board Summary The Board voted 4 to 1 to recommend a modified version of the applicant's original petition. - The applicant'~'said the expanded commercial zoning was needed because of site design standards imposed by the Special Highway Overlay District. He also stated that a shopping center planned for the property would be coordinated with the proposed interchange and would provide services to this growing area of the County. He noted, however, that only a small portion of the property proposed for rezoning was actually needed for the planned center. He also noted that a large majority of this site was wetlands. In a compromise, the Board decided to .rezone only that portion of the site that would be needed to accommodate the shopping center planned for Parcel E and provide uniform depth from Market Street. This would leave the balance~of~the site zoned R=15.. This ~is illustrated on the attached location 'map. Planninq Item Summary There have been a host of rezonings in this general area since 1985, resulting in the creation of a significant commercial inventory just south of Porters Neck Road. However, the vast majority of the district remains undeveloped." The adjacent tract fronting Market Street was zoned B-2 Business ~in November 1990. More-recently, land northeast of the subject parcel was rezoned to B-1 Business, partly in anticipation of the proposed outer loop. Development plans for those parcels are unknown. Land user policies"state that commercial districts in the County should be located along major roads at or very near intersections with other -major roads provided it doesn't.. result ~ iii' strip commercia_1 development:. The policies also" discourage commercial-~ expansion when it would result in an encroachment into established residential areas.. - ~ ~ .. ., - _~ .. _. R The site is classified Rural. Residential uses are encouraged providedr en,s.~~i,,xt~yy~~¢do~es@+~n~~'t,,,~~, exceed 2 . 5 units per acre . Non- resident ~~lal u~s~„es arLe~~perm~i~t''ted as well, however the range of those uses typricaalytr ~~invohve"''~isolated industrial sites, forestry ~rations~l~~atgr'cu'1'ture"ands' mineral extraction. `t V ;...:Y~ j ~~ S 7 ~~ The Rural designation was established because public services were limited, particularly sewer service. However, sewer lines now extend up to Porters Neck Road and grant money has been secured to provide sewer to nearby Kirkland, which is located north of Porters Neck Road. Access to those lines for undeveloped parcels is somewhat limited. ~1 There are two basic concerns raised by this petition. One is the impact expansion would have on several nearby residential uses. Currently those homes are on the western edge of the existing commercial district. Expansion would permit encroachment and result in commercial impacts to those homes not now present. The other concern relates to need. There is .already an abundance of undeveloped commercial land in this area. Other than rezoning for .-, the sake of rezoning, there doesn't appear an urgent need for additional commercial land in this area. Staff recommends denial. s r f r 47 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO .GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY- Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposal's.. The North Cuolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. ~ ' 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Gi•owtl~ and Devel- opment? - It Will allow a planned retail development along Highway 17 to , meet the setback"requirements of the Special. Highway Overlay District,, and at the same time, provide for adequate; parking, landscapi.;ng and . traffic flow for the project as a whole. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? The property is classified as "Rural" and zoned R-15, but due to its proximity to existing and plannecj~3evelopment along Highway 17, as well as the I-40 connector project, it is poorly suited for farming or residential development. A zoning change will allow an abutting property to service the existing and planned residential development east of Highway 17, and thus help preserve what is classified as a "Resource Protection" area. • 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The property abuts two commercially zoned lots to the east, which front on Highway 17. One lot is used for a storage warehouse business, and the other is developing a retail center. The I-40 connector exit to the north of this property will Further accelerate commercial development. The property is separated from residential property to its south and west by a lake and undevelopable wetlands forest respectively. In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land'for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, inf matron, and belief. Signature of petitioner andlor Uwner '. 1 ,~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: 2-545 Owner: Robert King Request: R-15 to B-1 Taz ID Number: 2800 Representative• Live Oak Dev. Co. Acreage:. 7 ' 2 Location• 8100 Block Market St. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES t. 'Y `# Rural ;Land Classification: Ezisting Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: ~ ~ Area originally zoned July 6 , 1971. Adjacent B-2 estahl i ShPC3 Nnv 199(1 R-1 t-n Tlnrth e~tahlished ~'eb.T~T9-~ Water Typc: Well ~` :.~ Fire District: Ogden yFD Road Acccss: US 17 . Sewer Type: County/septic Recreation; Blair-Noble Volume: 14 , 10 0 ADT (' 9 3 count ) School District: B l a i r 1 MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Island Creek C (Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge _ None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ~' Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily Rimini (Rn) ; Class I Septic Tank Suitability: Few limits None Prime Agric~lturul Soils: Building Suitability: _ Few limits 1 1 1 I i~ 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 7D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Floodplain Management Regulations Amendments (FP4, 8/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request to provide an exemption for manufactured homes in existing manufactured home parks as defined in the Ordinance from the additional two foot elevation requirement and related revisions. Planning staff recommends providing an exemption. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~ . Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT CQUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~PPR®VE® E3 C~~~~ ~~~b~~~i~SS-~~~~S ®~t~ _ 8`- 7m _ Asti 51 Refer to Office Vision 13ulletin E3oard Cor Disposition Item D - Flood Plain Management~Regulations Amendments, FP4, 8/95 The following amendment proposals were' presented to Board of County Commissioners in -a memo dated May 11, 1995. (Copy is• attach'ed hereto) These amendments were discussed in detail at the July 17, 1995 meeting. .Based on -those• discussions, the Commissioners directed Staff to place the changes on the August 3, 1995 agenda as a public hearing item. . The amendment proposes to eliminate the additional elevation requirement. for manufactured homes (mobile homes) in..pre-dated manufactured home parks'(mobile home parks). This would reduce the costs to' the home owner for locating' the `structure ins- the flood plain. However, the amendment retains a requirement that these type structures locating in the floodplain be required to be placed or substantially improved on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor is equal with or above the 100 year flood line. To accomplish this, the following changes are recommended: Amend Article IV. Provisions for Flood Plain Management,- Section 2. Specific Conditions, d. '(1)~Manufactured Homes - (1) Manufactured Homes - -A11 manufactured homes, except for those in an existinq manufactured- homes ark as defined in this Ordinance, to be placed or substantially improved in Zones Al-A30, AH and AO shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured homes is at least two feet above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) below. Manufactured homes locatinq in an existinq manufactured home park as defined by this Ordinance must-~be laced •or substantially im roved on a ermanent foundation such that the lowest floor is equal with or -just above the 100 year flood line Such structures shall be also comply with the anchoring standards set forth in subsection (2) below .... ---(Note: All changes in the text above have been underlined.) • -_ , - _ - Y ~C~g9 ~~~~i'~Si~ta,~.,~.,-. w o .,.,~~ 5 2 - ~~~~ ~] owe Flood Plain Management Regulations Amendments, FP4, 8/95 The following amendment proposals were presented to Board of County Commissioners in a memo dated May 11, 1995. (Copy is attached hereto) These amendments were discussed in detail at the July 17, 1995 meeting. Based on those discussions, the Commissioners directed Staff to place the changes on'the August 3, 1995 agenda as a public hearing item. The amendment proposes to eliminate the additional elevation requirement for manufactured homes (mobile homes) in pre-dated manufactured home parks (mobile home parks). This would reduce the costs to the home owner for locating the structure in the flood plain. However, the amendment retains a requirement that these type structures locating in the floodplain be required to be placed or substantially improved on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor is equal with or above the 100 year flood line. To.accomplish this, the following changes are. recommended: Amend Article IV. Provisions for Flood Plain Management, Section 2. Specific Conditions, d. (1) Manufactured Homes (1) Manufactured Homes - All manufactured homes, except for those in an existing manufactured homes park as defined in this Ordinance, to be placed or substantially improved in Zones Al-A30, AH and AO shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured homes is at least two feet above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in accordance. with the provisions of subsection (2) below. Manufactured homes to be Qlaced or substantially improved _ in an existing manufactured home park as defined by this Ordinance must be vlaced on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor is equal with or lust above the 100 Year flood line Such structures shall be also comply with the anchoring standards set forth in subsection (2) below. .... (Note:. All changes in the text above have been underlined.) .'S 5 }~} '.l. ',. I: NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE N MEM0~1 i.::lei:;w.i>~:.^T:;>~o+X.f~~%~.5,'~9%??%Er .ir2:?%i;:~~~~~ a:.~.:y:.::~::i.~:,.~ ir' ' u~ . ~ i~ ' t< „A .~ ~.:.v I - ' May 11, 1995 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Pete Avery, Senior Planner (Community Rating S Coordinator) Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager THROUGH: Allen O'Neal, County Manager RE: Proposed changes to the County Floodplain Regulations to reduce the elevation requirement foz manufactured homes SUMMARY This brief report provides information concerning the proposal brought to the Board as a non-agenda item at the April 3 meeting by Mr. Edgar Piner. Mr. Piner, who owns a mobile home park in the Myrtle Grove Sound area, would like to see the minimum elevation required for mobile homes in the floodplain lowered by .two feet. The advantage of this proposed change is a reduction in cost to mobile home owners in siting their mobile homes in a floodplain. The disadvantage of lowering the minimum elevation includes greater risk to public safety and property, and potential increase in federal flood insurance premiums to site-built homes in the County. BACKGROUND The additional elevation requirement of two feet found~in the County's Flood Plain Management Rectulations was added to the text in. 1990 in conjunction with the County's participation in the Community Rating System program. The Community Rating System is an incentive program offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency whereby flood insurance premium discounts are made available to local policy holders if, in return, the County provides regulatory standards that exceed the minimum national standards. Moreover, the County must agree to conduct a wide range of activities related to flood threat, flood warning; stormwater management, hazard disclosure, flood data maintenance, elevation certificates, and others. The County presently has 1109 total points which has resulted in a loo decrease in insurance premiums for federal flood po~~'c~ Board of County Commissioners Page Number Two: May 11, 1995 holders. If the point total drops below 1000, then the potential savings drops to 5%. Unfortunately, the CRS is being amended at the federal level and the County's program will be evaluated in the next year. It is quite possible that our point total will drop close to 1000 as a result. County residents presently have approximately $236 million of property in the floodplain. A house appraised at $100,000 pays around $. 300-400 per year 'for flood insurance. A 5% increase would increase the premium by $15-20, to $ 315-420 per year. It is important to note that mobile homes are not eligible for federal flood insurance and consequently do not benefit from reduced premiums through the CRS program. Mobile homes are not weligible for federal -flood insurance 'because of their potential .risk in flooding situations. Private flood insurance is available, however, provided that the mobile homes are sited in accordance with Floodplain Regulations. ,PROPOSED ,ACTION ... The regulation requiring the additional two-foot elevation was passed in ,1990 by the Board of Commissioners in order to provide a further margin of protection for public safety and property and ~to contribute 50 points to the County's total of 1109 points. .~ The ISO Commercial Risk Service, the primary auditor of the County's Community- Rating System 'has stated that it would be poss~ble~ to modify the Flood Plain Management Regulations to exempt certain uses, such as non-conforming mobile home parks;'~from the current elevation standard now required for all residential uses locating in the 100 year flood plain without losing the 'total number of points the County was awarded for higher regulatory standards ~. According to ISO, the- points previously allocated would be prorated if the County :chose to provide specific exemptions. Z'he proration. would .probably be determined by comparing the total number of similar uses that-would remain under the current standard with the total number exempted. We would have to illustrate how we derived the final numbers.~Forturiately, we~have adequate resources to provide defensible documentation. By limiting the exemption to a small range 'of uses,~tlie total number of points deducted would be greatly minimized, probably only a few points. In this instance, the County could provide exemptions only for existing mobile home parks that predate the c~,~inal Flood Plain Management Regulations. There would be no " ' Board of County Commissioners Page Number Three ' May 11, 1995 exemption for all other forms of manufactured housing, including .those locating on individual lots or in those mobile home parks ' that post-date the. 1978 Ordinance. This amendment can be accomplished by adding the underlined ' text as follows: ,Amend Article IV. Provisions for Flood Plain Management, Section 2. Specific Conditions, d. (1) Manufactured Homes (1) Manufactured Homes - All manufactured homes, except for those in an existing manufactured home park as defined in this Ordinance, ' to be placed or substantially improved in Zones Al-A30, AH and AO shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured homes is at least two .feet above the base ' flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) below. Manufactured homes locating in an existing manufactured ~ home park as de€ined by this Ordinance must be placed or lowest floor is ectual with or -lust above the 100 year flood line Such .structures shall also com 1 with the anchorin standards set forth in subsection 2 below, All proposed manufactured home parks shall be located in accordance with Section 7.2 ( 3 ) of the County' s -.Mobile Home Park and Travel Trailer Ordinance. Manufactured homes ' to be placed in V-Zones (Zones V, VE, V1-V30) shall meet the same standards as conventional housing (e.g...G.S. 60.3 (e) (3), (4), (S), and (6) of NFIP criteria). IMPACTS'OF PROPOSED ACTION The major positive impact of eliminating the additional two foot elevation requirement for mobile homes in pre-dated mobile home parks would be reduced costs for the mobile home owner, such as Mr. Edgar Piner. Elevation must be done through either fill or ' solid pilings. The negative impacts of the proposed amendment include increased risk to public safety and property to flooding caused by hurricanes. Mobile homes tend to be more susceptible to flooding impacts than conventional site built homes. Another negative impact is the loss of points for the County's CRS program. Even ' marginal loss could be critical and possibly lower the County level of flood insurance premium savings from 100 (above 1000 points) to only 50 (below 1000 points). This possibility is significant given the present federal restructuring of the CRS and the upcoming evaluation of the County's program that will likely lower the County' s point total to close to 1000 points . It may be reasonable to delay action on this proposed amendment until the result o~ ~e CRS re-structuring and evaluation is completed. r 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: 7E Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Sam Burgess SUB.IECT: Road Naming (SN 73, 8/95) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Planning staff to name and assign street addresses to a private road 1,600 feet west of the Sondey Road/Castle Hayne Road intersection on the south side of Sondey Road. Planning staff recommends name and street addresses. FUNDING SOUR E: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees 5: ~ Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: iudget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~~APPROV~~~ ~1~ C~~~~~~° C~~~d~~ISSI~~ERS Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Item E '' . .. ~" ' ~ ' ~ , AGENDA INFORMATION COVER SHEET ~~ ,~.,, MEETING DATE _ August 7, 1995= ' ~ `. _ _ . ~. SUBJECT: Private Road Naming: Mazur Drive and assignment of house numbers :. ~ •. ... SUMIv1ARY~ OF INFORMATION:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ... '-. This is an unimproved and unnamed private road located off the 3700 block of Sondey Road in Castle Hayne. See attached location map. All the property owners, adjoining the road have agreed to the Mazur Drive street name. Mazur Drive is an unduplicted street name confirmed by Emergency 911. House numbers will be assigned based on the County's numbering grid system. The County will be responsible for installing a street sign if approved. The effective date of change is tentatively slated for October 13, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Being consistent with the County's road naming policies and `procedu'res, staff recommends approval of the road .name- and the asignment of house numbers. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION OR COMMENTS: PRESENTATION BY: Dexter Hayes ATTACHMENTS: [ XX ]YES [ ] NO .: : ~ , SIGNATURE: DATE: 7-21-95 > .. . 7 _. !(~~~ ~kl'>+i+6071 Kei ~ k., ,~W~ 5'8 - ~ ~~ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . CONCERNING HOUSE NUHBER~ASSIGNHEN'PS Question: Why should I change my address; I have had this one for years and have not encountered difficulties with it? Answer: The County initiated a process in 1984 to eliminate rural route box numbers and to change other numbers to create a consistent .street numbering pattern. ' This new numbering .assignment is based on a comprehensive grid system. Under this system, house numbers generally increase in range as one leaves the City. Once the numbers are assigned, they are entered into the Emergency 911 system, which in turn uses the grid system for dispatching needed services. Question: Why is house numbering deemed.so important? Answer: Grid system, numbering for houses promotes the orderly and. efficient delivery of public services, including law enforcement, fire protection, postal deliveries and other emergency services. Also, the numbering system makes it easier for various private deliveries, such as parcel services, building supplies, furniture, appliances, etc. to find their destinations quickly and easily. Question: Why is there a gap in numbers between my neighbors' home and mine? Answer: This numerical gap, typically in units of four, is designed to provide flexibility in house number assignments. Iri the event an extra structure is added to a lot, or a~lot is subdivided, then additional numbers are available for assignment. Without this flexibility, it is likely previously assigned numbers would have to be changed again. Obviously, that would be unduly burdensome. Also, the flexibility eliminates the need for half (1/2) numbers or lettering (A,B,C) Question: How much time do we have to change our neN address? Answer: Typically, four .to five weeks is allotted. However, if more time is needed, the post office will work with the addressee. Question: Once the new assignments have been made, .will the County change it again in the future? Answer: The implementation of the County's grid numbering system will eliminate the .need for changes that have occurred in the past when new postal routes have been added. The system is not perfect but does offer a way to establish a permanent house numbering system while .eliminating problem areas. Question: Once my number has been assigned, what type of identification~is required for the home and/or mailbox? Answer: It shall be the duty of the owner or tenant of any dwelling to properly display the assigned number on the dwelling and mailbox, if detached, so that it may be minimum plainly seen from the road or access easement. of three inches in size Numbers s,~1o ld be a ` . J it • ;'~7DRF~ia L I Sl' ., i ~?; i9i'Y5 La stle (•-layilE3," NC 2~i+2 „ !; _ . - - ~Itiarne• ,, :. Curi`eiit 'r=iddl-F~s :.k. hla?ai ..._ a (ad~~i-es`=. i• -F+++++-F+-{- f• -F -F i-++-F i- •F -F•-F -I- -1--I- i- -F+-1--F-i• +-I--F-1--1--F •F'•{• Garidev, El.izaheth ,2a~12 ~+c~•ridey Rc~~~d C~11 F'lai-~ •ll~p•t;.' . w ~ 1`k~rris, Sa~hie . • .., ~• ~ ' ~r72~ PtaZlli- Di'i~~~: ` Li=`ass•,° ter7-y ~ F;t: 2 be+: 4c1 ,. 4 47ii1 - i c .. - t•lazu U~ i'vP ... .. - .. . ~ .,, - - • . •F;eev'es , . ` TF=rc~mas .. ~ '! . -4723 i1~a~.ei~ ~ Dr ivt+ Hayes, A!ibrey ~ 4~71~ t•1a~ur D~ i~•e. F:acti..~ ti E4@i i :~ 4719 h14-~~i.ir Drive r ~C~rp"i rr~. , Ger:~ l`d i i'ie: • ~: _ ~ 4727 h(a•z~ir~''Di i vF~' •E'Y'1 t.t ~ ' C:.t-i•~i-1E~S - ~ ~ ;.~ ` ., -47c~o t'1~~l.li- D~ 1V~? (. `.. '' _-F-i--F+i-=1-.i: -r-+-F'-I-+•t+-F-1-+-t='+-1-+++-F+i--r-i--F~=ti-++,++i-++++-{-++-1-:F'++-r•-F-} -i-++t=F-i-+-f-++ + •it {~I~y Ey e F:ei~tal F'~ c~pe~'rty ~, . • .. .. ~j .; i t I~ AGENDA INFORMATION COVER SHEET MEETING DATE -August 7, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution of Intent to Close a Portion of Nassau Road in Sedgefield Subdivision SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Request by adjoining landowner Patty Benjamin to close Nassau Road located 1,000 feet east of the Castle Hayne Road-Jamaica Drive intersection, north side of Jamaica Drive. See attached map. This 60 foot right-of--way is unimproved and 200 feet in length. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends adoption of the Resolution of Intent. 'However, County Engineering staff has expressed an interest in retaining a 30 foot utility easement. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION OR COMMENTS: PRESENTATION BY ATTACHMENTS SIGNATURE: Dexter Hayes [ XX ]YES [ ] NO DATE: 7/21/95 61 Resolution of Intent y .~ - - _'To Gdose a Public Road Nassau Road Sedgefield Subdivision.• - .~, _ ... t=~ . WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to N. C.G.S. 153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described portion of a public road; .. _ , . „Being all;of the northern right=of--,way (60 feet) of Nassau Road beginning' in: the south- : west corner~of.lot 41•and part of•the~Sedgefield Subdivision; duly recorded in Map Book 7, Page 31 ~ of the'ew Hanover County Registry, commencing from said point 200 feet northeast to the northwest corner of lot 41, thence from said point 60 feet northwest to the northeast corner of lot 31 and part of Sedgefield Subdivision recorded ~in.Ivlap Book 7, page 31; thence 200 feet southwest to the southeast corner of lot 31, thence 60 • • feet southeast~to ahe point of beginning:. .. ~ . ~ ~ t NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to public use and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the 5th of September, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. in the General •Assembly Room of the County Courthouse; 24 North Third Street;- Wilmington, N.C. at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the 7th day of August, 1995. • ,;:• Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest: Clerk to the Board 62. ,,.. i ._ ,t ~: - ~ QITES'I' F®IZ ~®A ACTI®l~T Meeting ]Date,: 08/07/95 Regular Iten1 #: .Consent Item #: Additional Item #: X Department: County Manager Presenter:.Mrs: Weller-Stargell Page Count In Agenda Package:, Contact: Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Grant Award -Victims of Crime Act Governor's Crime Commission BRIEF SUMMARY: A Grant in the amount of $55,947 has been awarded to the County for pass-through to Coastal Horizons for child sexual abuse treatment. The grant requires NO County match. A copy of the application is attached for further information. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: - _ ..~ Request approval. of the grant award and authorize Allen O'Neal- to. sign as the authorizing official:. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: 55,947 State $: County ~: User Fees $: Other $: 13,987 Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: No Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend acceptance of grant acid authorize me to sign as the th zing agent: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~dg~t .A~en~~e~.t .y..w.2.w .~..,2 ..~.~ ~Y,`~N,»Yt. +rM~. F,\\h!N\~y.k,...~.~w.y~~,.~,~„\\+>f{n.n;r+,~~\'?\\H.}~~.{.t~~}, ~~.~~~~vA~,. .. ..,, .. y ......,.., w . ,.,. - - Ciya~..: et~~~c:«: R .~~~\Y. \., ~: ,~~•a:. :.2 •.. .. a.:..<.,.• ..,po„gc`?v0.. rxx:e>~~.,.,,..~.., .;~.~.~., „y,, ..~. • . ~t.. sat ~~~: ..~•.; :.w. 'a ~.<.. ,,~.. ~: n~aC ,.~<: v t.•:<.:t,. ~ „~:: .. t •2`2<. i~: v~: ;: •:.. ~~a.^•.2:S2t;;:.;t~2%:i:%~~ i2~::.ia? a%~it•i::2~:t :•;t:.c.,•.:: .,~•. Z > g ~ .<g~. ,..~. Z Rt. ':%4X222:2.0>:;•:0.;4: :::. t:.::;. ~:..;:.. 'v~. •.: at. ,v ~. 2•t ..~ .Z~~. :'~ ,.: X22222 ,.:'s` ........ ............... .... .. d't\:,,..'ifi v.a+.,..a.... ,.::2 \~~~a.<~~c.R, Z.a ::~22,..a,tt,<tatt.Ci a~\~~1~..:Za ~: v1. DEPARTMENT:- BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: Human Services 96-0016 8-7-95 (Flow Through Grants) ADJUSTMENT:. DEBIT: Human Services Victim's Assistance. $55,947 Human Services Victim's Assistance r CREDIT: $55,947 } EXPLANATION To establish budget for Child Sexual Abuse Treatment grant awarded to .Coastal .Horizons. The .grant will flow through the County. NO COUNTY funds are involved. • -~. _ . , -For [3udget.Officer'sspproval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. d ~ S7ATfv _ ~ C ~~ ~ '~ o a ,. , ~ ~ ~ 5~ ~M,~,, -? North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety Govem~or's Crime Commission James B. Hunt Jr., Governor July 1, 1995 GRANT AWARD TRANSMITTAL TO: Allen O'Neal New Hanover County 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, North Thurman B: Hampton, Secretary / .. ~ 995 Carolina 2 84 01 A~1~91~\'1:~ ~ ~~~~~'~'i ~'~ :s~]FIf;~; 1V~'6V ~:~'dOVER. E:O. ATTENTION: Margaret Weller-Stargell ` Project Director FROM: William R. Pittman Executive Director, Governor's Crime Commission ` ~ ` ~°SUB'JEGT:Victims of Crime Act FY 1995 Grant# 65-295-V3-V063 I am pleased to present to you a copy of the Victims of Crime Act grant award for FY 1995. This award does not become effective until it has been signed by the authorizing official listed above and is .returned to the Governor's Crime Commission.. The signed grant award is due to the Governor's Crime Commission within 20 days of its receipt by your office. Extensions beyond this period can only be authorized in writing by the Governor's Crime Commission. Full compliance with standard grant' conditions (attached to Grant Application) is necessary to maintain funding of this project. Included in the mailing to the project director is a grant award packet (if they did not attend one of our grant award workshops) and the project's first financial report form. The financial report form should be forwarded to the financial officer listed on the ctrant application. Expenditures will be reimbursed to the applicant upon receipt of the monthly cost report. The errant award packet includes forms for project implementation time and attendance sheets, and budget revision forms. Please note that the notice of implementation form is due within 60 days of the project starting date. Failure to submit this form can result in suspension of funding and possible project cancellation. 3824 Barrett Drive ~ Suite 100 a Raleigh, 27609-7220 • Telephone (919) 571-4736 a Fax (919) 571-4745 ~03~ An Equal Oppottunity / Affirznative Action Employer -2- The:Grant Management Representative assigned to monitor this project is Barry Bryant. He may be reached for technical assistance regarding project activities and/or problems at (919). •571--4736. We look forward to working with-you during the coming year and to your .effe.ctive efforts, for victims of crime. WRP:et . Enclosure . ~ .. North Carolina ~DEpartment of : .:. .. :e i. t ®. - _ .. ~~ G®vern®r's C~~me• ~Corr~rness~®n. .~ -~ : ~~ -' ~ ,3824 ®arrett: Drive ;Suite 100 ,Raleigh, N.C: 27609 , 919 571=4736~.~ Victime of Crime Act ~~~~. ~ VM ~~~] ' ,.;.Grantee::..:.- - ; %a ~-er ct~ty Federal -_ _ - _ . _ ~- Authorizing Official:' Ally o~z%~ ~~ ~ `Grant Amount: ~ . ~~>~~~.oo - ` 80 ~ % ,, 'Address: ~ Q%ty:N~ac~ ~ _ _ ~32o;a~trazt.str~t. ~ ~ ~ :~ Matching _ , _ Wilrnu~gtcn, I~ 28401 . ~OfltflbUt10f1S _ , r ';Grant Title ..., ; ` ; a=~~la ~~ % ~~~tr~t ~•' ~ , - • " .. -- _ Grant Number ~-`~5-y3=vo~3 ~ State; ~ .'Grant Period ~aly 1, i~~ - J~~ 3J, .19~6~, Gi•ant~e: .. ;.a . ,. ,. ~ ~ ~ 13'.987.00 ~ ~ 20 ._ /o ~. Date of Award: J~"i`l ~ i995 .: ~ Total _Froject $ 59,934.00: ~ X100 %° :: . _~ .. ,._.. ; _ . ;- .. ,.- ,_ :. - Cost ... ,. . _~ .._ .. _. . . `:,;BUDGET- CATEGORIES: ,. _ _ ,. A P..ersonne! _. '~ 6i,%4.o0( ,. ;- `` B.~Contractual Services ~ - ., C Trave! ` - _ 2000.% D Supplies and Other Operating Expenses - 5 c;% %' .. E.:EQu~pmentr~. • - ; : goo 00 .> >. _ - . . ... _. _ . .. -~ TOTAL ~ 69>g34:oo_' ~_ .; .. _ _ In accordance with the provisions`of,the Comprehensive Crime.Control Act of -1984 and on the basis of the grantee ~,~ application, the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety hereby awards to the foregoing granteQ an award in`tl '. =amount above.' ~ ., . .~ ,. :. , .., ,,. ~, '. ;<.~, This grant is subject to the conditions listed in the grant application as well as all applicable rules;;rQgulatioris ar • conditions, as prescriiied, by the Office~of Justice Programs. if is subject also, to such' further rules; regulations ar policies a`s,may be reasonably prescribed by the Department of Crime Control and~Public`Safety: consistent with~tF ' pitrpnse and authorization of P.L. 98-473. If special conditions have been applied to this grant, they. are attached to t!-1 award and indicated below. - - .:.... ; -:_ The Department of Crime.Control arid Public Safety is holding in reserve, $ " ~: -0' of Federal Money to be use during the second year of your grant. The use of said money is contingent upon the successful completion of the fir: ;,`year of the grant, and the timely submission of~all, required reports. ~:. - , =` - - -This: grant shall become~•effective; as of the date of award, upon-ret n to the Department.o Crime Confrd3 and Publi ;,Safety of.three duplicate copies of this award, properly execufed behalf. of #hE grante r . .. ~ .. ,~ ~ - - .r. µ _ - _ _... ~ - .1-~ - :. - Signature of Duly Authorized Official. - . ~ ` Signatiue f Duly Authorized Official ,. ~' ;'. :', Willi~n Ri Pittra~i, F~a~tive Diz~;tQr• Typed Name and Title: of Official w.. Typed Name and. Title of~Official . Jug' ,; 995 :;, .: '~ Date .. ~ D2te ~ - ,. ; ',. ~ This Award is subject to the attached conditions, '. .;- .~ ~.. .. ~~srAr~' E a ~,~ `~ a..., ,,.a• N.C. DEPARTMENT OF CRIME CONTROL AND PUBLIC SAFETY GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION 3824 BARRETT DRIVE, SUITE 100 RALEIGH, NORTH .CAROLINA 276D9 VOCA GRANT AWARD SPECIAL~CONDITIONS GRANTEE: New Hanover County GRANT TITLE: Child Sexual Abuse Treatment GRANT NUMBER: 65-295-V3-V063 1. Contracts must be approved by the Governor's Crime Commission grants management director prior to execution. Any funds incurred will be in violation of r the contract if they are incurred prior to approval. Any rate over $150/day of $18.75/hr must be justified in writing to the Governor's Crime Commission.. All solesource contracts in excess,of $25,000 must receive prior approval from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. . _ .,. 2. V.O.C.A. project must maintain interrial records on the number of victims served. These records should reflect the following information for each victim: race,' national origin, sex age and any handicap. These records should be available. for review by the state and/or Federal V.O.C.A. representatives if requested. ~~~= ;M 5CC 92.15.19?.`. 11:25 ~r+•~l~7iv,~~n7~tiny L7t~~i~LVL,rA~ll`fl. UL''Y7A~#~r~1'11~9-.tL'`P1`S` U~rsr`yt~~ Li],~1~1.G. L~1V ~ ~~1~ ~ ~~'L31-.I~L ~~L 1 I Di`J~SI~~T q~' ~OjlE~`~t0~.'8 C~iIYiE vv^rJIY~?YiIS$i~N 3524 Barrett Dr., Suite lOG; Raleigh, N.C. 27609 (919) 671.4738 F.AX {919) b71-#746. -~;w:~ ~~a~~~ 65-194-V3-V063 ~. ypyiicans regency name, seeress, telephone and fax) New Hanover County (910)571-4736 320 Chestnut Street FAX: 910)) Wilmington, N.C. 28401 :5Z1~4745 ~.:~utronzmg urticiai (name, titlal -Allen O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County (910)341-7184 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 . lnancla tt~car (Hams, tit.e, an to ep ,one; Brune T: She11, Finance Officer 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 `(910)3,_417187` FAX.:_(910)341=4"025` ~. mp erientirg Agency (name, a ess, telepl:ona and fax) FAX Lois Vandergrift (10)341-5779 Coastal. Horizons Ce er 721 Market Street (910)343-0145 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 ge P. 2 (.. 1VaII18 OI 1'TOjeCt j~.u~gp~4~~~, Child Sexual Abuse Treatment: Working with_the multidisciplinary approach $. U.S. Congressional Aiatrict: 7 t h Population of prtZject arse: ..15 0 .0 0 0 N. C. Legislative Districts} ' House: Senate: .. rai .~uppon xeque®taa -~ 1st year 2nd year $48.985. $ ~5 t. 't'ype or Action L ~ First Application f Xl Continuation of grant (VOCA Only} ,, ype o un equeate . ( ) DCST O JJDP (X) VOCA O CJ b. Project llirectar (name, tit, e, address, 1 aqueate u get ota $: telephone and fax) let year 2nd ysar Margaret Weller-Stargell Personnel: _$52~ '~) X6],770 Rape Crisis Center Contractual: ~ ~ 3333 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 100 Travel: i ~~nn _ o nnn Wilmington, N.C. :28403 Supplies: _ 1,500 5;600 (910 392-7408 FAX:(910)341-5779 Equipment: 5300 700 , ro) _ct tart ate an I1 rg eta July 1, 1995 to June 30,1996 TOTALS: $61,231 $69.520 1 1 , Services offered by the VOCA grant funds will extend services'of the Rape Crisis Center to those areas in which ' an identified need has been found in the. community and increases in victims are indicated by they-- 1993 and. 1994 statistics. The grant would provide salary and support for employees with appropriate skills to address the needs of the identified populations: to provide child .sexual abuse crisis intervention response, to develop and implement a Support Group for 13-17 year old female victims of sexual assault/abuse and to provide" emergency transportation for victims to medical facilities law enforcement agencies and shelters. GR.A.Iti~~'PLICAT~t~N ~ page 2 ~'~ PR,OBLEI'~ Begin. Belo«, add onA continuation page if neccssar~,~. With the rise in the. number of victims reporting sexual assault and child sexual abuse, the need for community services and resources for victims are increasing. Individuals seeking services of the Rape Crisis Center are increasing annually. In 1990, 179 new victims sought services of the Center. The number of victims seeking crisis intervention- services increased to 241 in ..1991, followed by 300' in 1992. Numbers of victims continued to rise in 1993 to 332. During 1994, the Center .provided services for. 345 .., victims. of sexual assault/abuse. In addition to the direct services for clients, their family members -and friends; ;.there. ~ is .~_,.a ; :continuous.- =:need to ..educate individuals in .-the ~ „ 'community apout :`issues surrounding thee"crime of: sexual assaultbecause they are, prospective victims, jurors and support persons. Although the Rape Crisis Center relies on dedicated volunteers to provide limited crisis intervention services, most initial calls and all follow-up services are provided by staff members. The number of staff direct services to clients increased to 1059 hours in~1993 from 443 hours in 1990. This figure does not include hours spent in community presentations and elementary school Personal Safety programs. The program is currently staffed by a Director and three Rape Crisis Counselors. ' '1M liC'. 9=. 15. 19?5 1'. '_7 ?, 5 GR~~ APPLICA'T~~N Page 3 PR0~7ECT GCAL,.O~J~CT~VES Al"~t~ ACTi~TIES Begi:~ ? e?ow; add one cortir_uatzon page i= necessary, Prcject Gcal - Lor.$ term outcome or results; To'provide child sexual abuse crisis intervention. To develop and provide a Support-Group for 13-17 year old female victims of sexual assault/abuse. To provide emergency transportation for victims through Yellow Cab services. FrojecL Objective(s) • snort term measurable results: See attached. r Pre'ect :.ctvities - baytc- ay project activities in measurable tsr.:.s: See attached. PROJECT GOAL 1 . To provide child sexual abuse crisis intervention response and services for children referred by the New Hanover County MultiDi{sciplinary Review Team. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide 24 hour crisis response for child sexual abuse 'victims, age 0-17. 2. To provide information about community services for 50 child sexual abuse victims and/or their families. 3. To provide coordination of services with medical facilities treating child sexual abuse victims on ?_4 hour 'basis. - 4. To provide coordination of services with law `enforcement agencies investigating child sexual abuse cases on 24 hour basis. 5. To provide- coordination of services with District A,ttor-ney's Office .for child. sexual abuse victims and .their, - `. .f ami~Ties when-'cases are being prosecuted. PROJECT ACTIVITIES: 1.Rape Crisis Center staff member w-ill meet weekly with New Hanover County MuTtiDisciplinary Review Team. 2.Assess and evaluate the adequacy of community response to victims and their famil ies 3.Establish strong working relationships with agencies revelant to victim's needs 4. Provide support and information to victims and'.. families to facilitate prosecution of cases and prepare for legal proceedings 5. Encourage families to seek appropriate community. services to provide for a reduction; in revictimization and to provide safety for the child victim 6: Solicit advice from personnel on the MultiDisciplinary Review Team to protect the child victim and strengthen the victim's support system/community services~~~- ~ __ PROJECT GOAL 2 To initiate the development of a Support-Group for 13-17 year old female victims of sexual assault/abuse: To provide a safe and confidential setting for emotional support and discussion among females who have been victimized by rape, sexual assault/abuse or incest. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide Support Group for 20 female .sexual assault/abuse victims, age 13-17 2. To identify services available within the community for participants in the Support Group 3. T.o identify common concerns related to the experience of sexual assault/abuse r 4. To increase interactions betty 5. To increase 6-°, !,Jeekl,y~-, ~ to discuss emotional experience communication through informal personal een Support Group members weekly awareness of coping skills weekly p.royid,e an ~ o.pportuni.ty-,,for., members to reactions and feelings about a -common PROJECT ACTIVITIES: 1. Provide announcements for media to inform the public of meetings. Announcements to be made once weekly. 2. Area School Guidance Counselors to be notified of initiation of Teen Support Group one month prior to initial meeting. - 3. Teen Support Group will meet weekly for 1Z hours 4. .Facilitator will schedule., keep records of attendance and require ..statement of confidentiality be signed by each member prior to meeting. 5. Members wil lidentify individual support systems and community support systems __ 6. Information and material will be provided about . .community resources available for members. 7.-Follow-up services. for members participating in the program will be provided when requested. PROJECT GOAL 3 To ~ provide emergency transportation for victims to • medical facilities, law enforcement agencies and shelters when victim cannot provide own transportation. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: ~• 1.'To ensure- availability of community resources for - victims regardless of their ability to pay for transportation. 2. To ensure safety in transportation needs. 3: To provide intervention for medical examination and treatment for clients without transportation. 4. To provide transportation to shelters for safety of - victims PROJECT ACTIVITIES: 1. The majority of sexual assault/abuse victims can be provided transportation by family members, friends or law enforcement personnel. These options will be discussed with " victims before offering other transportation options. • 2. Coastal Horizons Center has a contractural agreement with Yellow Cab to provide transportation. Staff initiates - contact with Yellow Cab to have. bill submitted to Rape.. Crisis Center. Staff.direc.ts Yellow Cab to victim's site and . destination. • 0 ... r . ::! L _ ~ G~hI'rrAPPIJZCATIt~N' ~ Page 4 FR.OJECT QPERATIQiY Begin below; add one continuation page if necessary. The 'Rape Crisis program provides 2=1 .hour telephone and direct services to any victim of sexual as-saint/abuse. Over the past few years, the program has been able to provide services to a significantly Increasing number of victims and their families. In 1991 there were 898 sexual assault intervention contacts. with Z4~ of those. being first contacts. In 1993 there were 1619 sexual assault intervention contacts with 332 .of those being initial contacts. This program is currently staf~"ed with a Director and two Rape Crisis.. Counselors. Funding will have to be secured to maintain one'of the two counselor positions. Direct services to victims are also provided by volunteers. There are presently .39 active volunteers worfcing with the Rape Crisis prrogram. The Rape Crisis Center has strong cooperative relationships with many agencies in its service area. Those agencies include, but are nat limited .to: ~rlilmington Police °Oepart.;~ent, iVe~N Han-0'rer..: COUnty :Sheri;"~ 's Department, Ne',V -(ahoy=_r Regional ~~edical Center, Ca?e Fear ~~temorial HOSpital, the D1strlCt r~ttOrney'S Dtr1Ce,.Depdrtm2nt Of Social Services, Southeastern ~~ental Health Center, Child Advecacy`Commission, Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Cape Fear Community College, ~Vew Hanover public school syst=m., University of North Carolina at 'rlilmington and other local, civic and church organizations. The 'rlilmington Police. Department and ~Vew Hanover'~County Sheriff's Department wor!< closely with the R-ape Crisis Center in providing assistance and support to victims of sexual assault/abuse. The Rape. Crisis Center offers inservice sensitivity training to law enforcement agencies involved in intervie',ving victims of sexual assault/abuse. Emergency Department protocols at Yew Hanover Regional ~Kedical Center and Cape Fear Hospital are to contact the Rape.•Crisis Center when a victim. of sexual assault/abuse reports to the hospital. a Rape Crisis Center staff member or victim's advocate responds in person to assist the victim throughout the med ical examination and treatment. Rape Crisis Center Staff and Emergency Department personnel periodically review procedures and ~ mplement -more comprehensive services for victims who seek medical attention at the hospitals. The .Rape ,Crisis Center works directly with the Ois_trict Attorney's-Office in the judicial districts covered by ih ,program. Interviews are arranged by the-Rape Crisis Center .. prior to the trial date for the. victim, and the District . Attorney assigned to the case. The purpose of this meeting is to reduce the trauma of the prosecutorial process by - - having the District Attorney explain all legal aspects=of the case based on evidence. The victim witness coordinator in the Qistrict Attorney's office contacts the ,Rape Crisis Center to accompany sexual assault/abuse victims to . . interviews and court ,appearances. The Department of Social Services, Southeastern Center and the Child Advocacy Commission coordinate services with the - R~ape Crisis Center, most often when counseling is needed for a sexually abused' child. The three agencies mace many referrals to the Rape Crisis Center and the Center makes referrals to them. r Rape Crisis Center staff counselor is a member of the Ve~k -_. Hanover County MultiDisciplinary Review Team (MDRT). The team consists-of representatives from local agencies which. are :committed .-to improving community, response to child ,._ ~. -: ,of child - '. abuse:/neglect -.victims, The. team: ~-reviews- cases physical ,, sexual abuse and neglect on aweekly basis. MDRT assesses recources and makes appropiate referrals for a coordination of services within the community. . GR.~.v'I' APPLICATIt3~1 Page 5 IYiOi'~T4PLI?~IGi~V~LYJA~'IO`d CRI'I'ER~. ' _ Begin be?ow; add one cor_tinuation page if necessary, .4BJEC'~IVE PERFCR~~CE NDICATOR PRCJcCT GOAL 1 l.;~rovide 24 hour crisis response for child se:Y~aal abuse victims, age 0-17. 2. To provide.. information about .community se; vices for 50 child sexual abuse victims ~n~;'or their families. .~'To provide coordination of services cn~24 hour` basis with medical facilities treating. child sexual abuse victims. ~. . 'f ~'o provide coordination of services on Z~°. hour.basis~with law enforcement agencies - i~'v_;t~iga"ting' child sezual~ abuseeases. .,.'To provide coordination of services ~~ h District Attorney's Office for child. sexual abuse victims and their families ~xhen cases are being prosecuted. P~OdECT GOAL 2 1. To provide Support Group for 20 r"em-ale sexual assault/abuse victims, age 13-17. '~ 2:~ To identify services available w-ithin the community for participants in the Suppart Group. 3. To identify common concerns related to the experience of sexual assault/abuse. 4. To increase communication through, informal personal interactions between Support Group members .weekly: . To increase awareness of ,coping skills weekly. 5 'deekly, to provide an opportunity for members to discuss emotional reactions and feelings about a common experience. 1. Center staff or victim's advocates respond 24 hours. a day to calls received by RCC. 2..Monthly statistical reports provide date for assessing number of victims served. 3. 24 hour response to hosp.ital.s. requesting Rape Crisis services. '4. 24 hour crisis response to 1aw.:enforcement agencies `re'ques ing RCG services. " 5. Weekly contact with member. of District Attorney's Office. 1. Maintenance of attendance records. Z. Availability. of community services: Written material weekly. 3. Educational information/ material available weekly.. 4. Provide safe, confidential setting for discussion. 5. Provide opportunity for member participation. 6. Provide safe, supportive environment. Model respectful attitude toward all members. OBJECTIVE PROJECT GOAL 3 1. To ensure availability of community resources for victims regardless of their ability to pay for transportation. 2. To ensure safety in transportation .needs. 3. To provide intervention for medical examinations and treatment for clients without transportation. 4. To;provide transportation to shelters ~I for safety of victims. PERFORIvL4NCE INDICATOR 1. Contact with client to include discussion of needs. for accessing resources. 2. Contractural agreement with Yellow Cab. 3. Transportation contact initiated by Rape Crisis Censer to medical facility. 4. Transportation contact with Y~el ] ow Cab initiated by `Rape Crisis Center to shelter. - =. •J t1 GCC 0^. 15. 19?S 1 L : 3° P. 8 GR.~.'~"~.APPLICATi~I*~ Page 6 DET.•~ILED 13UDG~T ~~ BUDGET CATEGQ~,Y --- oNE Y~:~ o~L~ ~ C~fiEGORY T~T~ A. PERSO~VEL (Employees) 1. 9alar:es ~ list aach poaiticn kriih yearly salary .rate Position Titla Salary Rata `"a of TimB pevvted to Projoct Rape Crisis Counselor $22,890 100% $22,890'. Rape Crisis Counselor $22,890 100% . $22,890 ' Reflects 5% salary .raise _ . Rape Crisis Director $ 5,416 20% $ 5,416 2. Ovet::a'se -list anc,~i position title and (~i? new position, (C) currant I'ositicn Title C or N hourly rate X Hours - $ r Subtotal: ( $ 51 ,19 6 - 3.: rin3e Ber.e:its • Its: lias percentages applicable for oac7 5eno:it for all positions. FICA $ 3502 Retirement $ 4 5 6 iiosp{talization . $ 5494 Other Worker's Compensation $ 572. Subtotal: $10 , 0 2 4 TOTAL. PERSaNi~tEL: $ 61 2 2 0 (Transfer to Page 9 line r.,.A? , . B, CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (Itemize) 1. individual consultants -List by position, rata of pay and time raquirsd. Limited. to a proven reasoaabla rate. If rats exceeds $Io0 per day or $18.7b per hour, submit written justification. Subtotal ~ , _ 0 _ , = :.•t• ~iC.. -- ~J=: 1 S. S??5 1 S _9 = P. 9 BUDGET CATEGORY Continued -page 2 Page 7 2, G~encr - Liat name of agan;.y, rata of pay and. time required. CoWpetitive bidding procedure roqui:ed :o astabliah reaaor.abla rate Subtotal: . _,®.o T~?T_4L COM'I~R.4CTU.~.L SERVICES: (Transfer to Fage 9. Line L,E) C, Travel •-List coax for-trarsporting clients and coat for travel and aub• = sietence of prof ect peraonneL Travel - $ .55 per mile Rape ;Crisis Counselor to respond to crisis calls, client contacts. ', -. $2,000 ' Clients` to be provided emergency transportati n.. by Ye;l l ow Cab. TOTAL. TRAVEL: ~ 2 , o 0 0 (Transfer to Fage 9, Line L,C) D. Supplies and Other Operating Expenses • (Office supplies, field I 6UpDl18S, printing, ccmputer so(h,vare, otTIcs rent, registration ' and individual training costa). Training for staff and volunteers. This .would include updates and workshops relating . to rape•cr.isis interventions, counseling, court advocacy, etc. These trainings would be those within the State of North Carolina. $2,000 Office .Rental 150' x $24.00/ft. _ $3,600 $3,600 ~• TOTAL OPERATING E~'EIy'S~S: (Transfer to Page 9, Lune L,D) $5,600 . : ?1 ti ~. _ 0'_ 15.1 9 '? S 1 L 3 >J ? . 1 ~ BI;DGET CATEGORY Continued • page 3 Page 8. f :;. 3 E. Ecuipr.-lent - Iterr~iaa items that cOSi over X50 and are non•ex endabl 1, °•~rcaase p e. Item Description unit Price Quantity (yfak~cdel). r , Subtotal: 2. Lease or Rental Itam Description unit Price ~ Quarrty (l~iaka/Mode]) 8% of annual copier system lease at $153.39/mo. _ $700 .Copier system is Ricoh FT4220/DF/Sorter/. Duplex - Cabinet/Accounter $ 700 Subtotal: $ 700 TOTAL E~?`JIPIYI~NT; ~ .(Transfer to Page 9, Line I,,E) I $ 700 TOTAL PROJECT COST; (Add Totals from Pages 6, 7 and S.~Transfer to Page 9, Line L;F) ~ $68, 948 --.')n.GCC d2.1~.1935 11~3i ?. 11 - ::- <.w . _ GR.~:~IT' ~I'I'LIC~,T~O~t BUDGET SZTNIi`T7AH,Y Page 9 .~., ~. 3 L~ GET C~ T~ GO RIES A. Personnel. ~w FIRST SI.11.4R 5 2 9 31 A~~'iCIP:~TED SECOND Y-r~A,~, $ 61 2 2 0 B. Contractual Service ~ • _ _ 0 _ C. Travel $ 50 D. Supplies. and Other Operating EYpenaes $. ii 1 5 0 0 I 5, 6 0 0 E. Equip>Jient ~ 5 3 0 0 7 0 0 •' _~'~__ TOTAL; $ ~ 61,231 ~ $69,520 ,~ GR.~..ND TOTAL FOR FIRST ANll SECat~'D BAR: ~ 130 , 7 51 • II, DESCRI_~TIUN OF hL~TCH FOR tiZCTI~iS OF CRI~iiF ACT OR DRUG CONTROL AYD SYSTEiYiS Ii~SPRO~r'E~iE~IT GRANTS. "'*'"l~fatchirg h:ads inlay iziclude local, state or private funds, but not other foderal funds. *rww ~. Victirs of Crime Act (VOCA) (Ghee?•~ one and describe below} M . X~ -Expar_sion of E:tistin~' Frogram - $~ % federal / 2fl oIo match . :~Irnplementation of ~te~~v Prggxan__-, $~_% fadaral 13a o1o match ._ . _ . _ ,.. . ~ .... .. -. - De~c:~be~ source and amount of match: __ ~niintw ~anaral_ilnitarl Idav-F~~n~~iein9 ~1'~~90d, B, Drub Control and System Improvement: _'~o CIo federal / 28 ~'o match of l~iatch Describe source and amounti of cash match: • II.I.: ~tIDGF,TD~U~ T Ct~I~PLETE TI3E .SHADED l3LOC~ . . ... _ Fedaral ~~Sunp~ort ~ $ - , . oyo ' :'•' S~,C 02. t5. 19?S Ll;.it ?. 12 G~? ~~v~' .~.PPLICA'TION • CEP.TIFICATiCNS ~ Page 10 A. PI?O~~:CTED ?~SL~itilFTION OF PROJECT COSTS; OThe project director must stale plans for the assumption of protect cost after federal funds are ao longer available W the profecs; ' Thp Rape Crisis Center is in the process of establishin a fundraising. infrastructure to support t ~s pro,7ec~ w~ien VUC~unds . are no longer available. This will include corporate and priv"ate funsi a~ i ~i nq.._cam~9~,~,1 ong with foundation grants . E. CERTIFICATION OF NON-SUPPL•~.~'VTING: - ~ (x) Thy applicsrt hereby cartiies tlst federal fur~da will not be used to supplant or replsce funds or ocher resources that `NOL'id other•~7se have bean azads aYai'.able for Juvenile Justic9 and ~elirquancy Prevsntion,:Drsg Control and Syatem 7riprovement, Victims of CrmeAct or ChiIdrsri's r Juatica protects, C. CERTIFICATION( OF FILI~+TG OF AN E~L'r.~ E1%IPLOY:1~IEiVT OPFORTUIvI'FY' . _ ~~ , PROGIZ~1~::~. Che~~. the apPropr-~ate bvx: . _ . , . ~C) The •projocs director certifies :hat the applicart'grantae has formulated ar. Equal E.^~Lployrnent Cpportu:Lity.program, which is dated „_], /3!93 , in accordane$ wtt~ the Amended Equal E;nployr`ent Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.I;.R,42.3C1, et seq., Subpar; E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Offlcpl Ramie Crisis Center r~lar*,al Margaret Weller-Stargel l r•rctivti~ ~'i rQr o.r ~' e s s) ~~~~ I~ r i n h t S~ i_1 l P A-1(~si..U p S ~ t i t P 1 (l (1 .,. Wilmington, N.C. 28403 , S'l'eleahone? (.910) 3 9 2 - 7 4 0 8 for review and audit by officials of the Departrlent of Crime Control and Public Safzt; or the Office of Juatic3 Progs'anLS as required by relevant law and regulations, OTire protect director certiies that tho 3rzanded Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F,R.42,301, et seq., SLbpart E) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is required to be filed by the impIz^.enting a3ercy. D. CERTIFICATION OF SUBYIIS ION OF A1VNTiJ.A_L AUDIT (x) The project director certifies that a copy of the aubgrantee's annual audit (required) will be submitted to the Office of Slats Auditor and the DepArtment of Crime Control and Public Safety. ca = ~h. GrC 9'?.13.1995 li:mot ~•1% GR.~:'~'r APPLICATION • GERTIFICATIOIVS CON'T~ Page I1 E. CERTIFICATIO?~t OF SUB'riISSIO~t OF PROJECT REPORTS - (~ Tae project director carti;ies that a completed progrsea report (provided is the GCC Grant .4vrard .Package) will bo 9L'bL^lttad at the end of 12 and ?4 alonths or more ofven if requested, If applicable, the project dirECtor certifies that gt:ar~~ariy raporta will be completed as required. F, CERTIFICATION TIi3T A~'PLICANT IS ELIGT.ELE TO RECEIVE FEDERAL FUNDS - ~C) The project director cartii`ies that neither giant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants a.Ne prasentiy-debar:ed, proposed for del;ar:,:ert, suspended, dacla.„ad ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal ft:nds. Qf the project director cannot raako this cflr`af cation, an explanation musi be attacl:zd. If tyis r,9rtifieaticn cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The eortificatior_ or expianatior. will be considered in connection with the detarnination by the Div{sion and Crime Cor~iaeion as to whether to approve the application. ::owe`~er, if neither the certi;ication nor an explanation is provided, than the application wilt be rerectad.) G. CERTIFICATION REG~~~DI~tG LOBBYING (Tfl ~E COMPLETED BY AGE1ti'CIES RECEIVING $100,000 OR IYIOR,E~' - `' " O. Tae "project director cartiF:es that (1} rio Federal appropr'ated funds have been paid or will bo paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influe,:cz an ofl`icer or employee of any Federal age..^-cy, al~fember of Congress, as officer or employee of Cong±?ss, or an a:rployeo of a lternber of Cony ass in cc.^.nection with the awarding of a^y Fedsrsl contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Fader al loan, the entering into of any cooperstive agreement, and the ek~ansion, continuation, renewal, amendr:ent, or mcdiiication of any Federal contract, giant, loan or cooperative a oer:ert; (Z) If any non-Federal funds have been paid ar `.vill be paid !a any perac for intluer:cirg or at'emp~ing W Inl,uenco ltl ofricer or employee of any rr^ederal agency, a l~fenli~er of Congress, an af;'~cer or employee of Congw. ess, or an employee of a iYiamber of Congress an connection with r edoral gram the project director shall Initial here and complete and submit Standard For:n k LLL, "Disalosura of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its " instructions. ' H. DRUG FREE ~VORKPLA.CF~ CO;ti~PLL~NCE (T O EE CflMPLETEI7 BY TAT AGEI~ICIE~ ONLY) () I"(project director} certify that (].) a dr~g•frea workplace awarer_aea program was held an - and/or will be held annually an which all grant projoci errployses are required to attend; (2} a copy of the agenda of that program, including an attendance sh99t signed by all employees, will be provided to the Governor's Crime Commiaaion; (3) a statement will ba published notifying emplayeea that any unlawful lnvolvemont with a controlled aubatanca is prohibited. in the gi antae;s workplace and that specific actions will he taken against employees who violate .this rule; (4) all employees will receive a copy of this. notice; (o) all employees must agree to abide ry the ststernent " and to notify the applicant of any crianinal drug atatuta conviction for a •riolation occurring in the workplace within 8 days of the conviction; (6} within 10 days of receiving such notice, `4he applicsnt will inform the Governor's Crime Cor.~mission of an employee's conviction; (i) any employee so convicted will ba disciplined or requirred to complete a drug abuse treat.-nent program; and (8} the applicsnt will make a good faith etTorL to maintain adrug-~•ee workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title. V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1888. • ~ iM rr,~ CERTIFICATION EY PR,cJ~ECT I~iRECTOR, F.1~ I certify that I understand and agree to comply with.the general a:~d fiscal terms and condiiior_s of this apclication i:~clucing special conditions; to comply ~-ith provisions of the Act go~r2rning t:~esa fiznds and all other federal lava; that all information` preaer..tad is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination vrith auecied agencies; that I am duly autrorized by the Applicant to perform the tasks of Project Direc*or. a.~ they relate w the terms and conditions of this grant appli:ation; that .`costs incurred- prior to grant- approval nay res:alt in t're exper_ses being abeerbed by the subgrant8e; that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crima Commission will not supplant state or local fiands; and, that I understand that federal funds are limited to a maximum of twenty-four months. Coastal Horizons Center None: Lois Vandergrift Title: Executive Director • (Pleas Print or Type) Agency: -Coastal Horizons ~' •;° A•~dress: 721 Market Street Center WiU,pinatnn, N.f'~..~8401 Phone Number:. (910) 3 4 3 - 014 5 ,i J~ • Sigratur,e: ~l/ ~~vi ~ !~ Banded: Yes No u "' MOTE: THE PROJECT DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL Or'~FICER ADD AUTHORIZING 0h FICL~L c~41%LD ':~ T BE THE SA1~IE PERSO: i, STAFF FU`iDED Li~IDEF. THIS GR.2~iT iYSAY NOT BE A`l~ OF THE AUTHORIZING OFFICI_~LS WITI-IOUT DIRECT CRI~riE COi~iiY.t?SSiON APPROVAZ,. THIS AI'Pi,IC~TION I~ N'O T COi'~.z'LETE WITHOUT THE ABOVE BIGNATU~iE. 13 ~~ri acs y2. 1~. 19'35 11 s 2? -_ _ CERTYFICA'i'IOP+1 B'Y AU'~IE~OR,IZT>~`G OFFZ07A.~, I certify that I understand and agree to comply wi±h the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this grar~t application including special conditions; to comply with provisions of the Act governing these funds and all other federal laws; that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that I am duly authorized to commit the applicant. to these requirements; that costa incurred prior to grant approval may result in the expenses being absorbed by the subgrsntee; a_nd, that all agencies involved with tl"iis project understand that all federal funds are limited to a ma.~imum of. twenty-four months. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 requires that subgrantees provide assurance that subgrart funds will nct be used to.supplant ar replace lflcal or state funds or other resources that would otherwise have been available for law enforcement and/or criminal justice activities. In compliance .with that mandato, I certify that the receipt of federal funds through the Crime Corr.missien shall in no way supplant or replace state or local funds or other resources that would have been made. availablE for law enforcement and/or criminal justice .activities. r . Name: Allen O'Neal Title; County Manager • (Please Print or Type) '~ a'Agericy; -`New -Hanover -County `° 'Address; 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Phone I~`u Signature AX (910)341-4027 V Bonded; des No NOTE: THE : PROJECT DIRECTOR, FLNASi CIAL OFFICER AND AUTHt7RIZING OF FICIA.L ~~OLTLD N OT BE THE SAIVIE PERSON. STAFF FliNDED L~IDER THIS GRAi~IT ii~AY NOT BE ANX OF THE ABOVE AtJT1iORIZING OFFICIALS V~ITHOLTT .DIRECT CRIME COi~I1tiiISSION APPROVAL. THIS APPi.,ICATIOi~t IS IVOT COMP~E'i`E ~NiTHOCJT THE ABO~i~ sIGi~tATU)ftE. ' .~ F. '' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,~ Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #:1 ~, Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of Contract with BPA Environmental and Engineering, Inc. to perform Phase I of a groundwater study for the County .BRIEF SUMMARY: The Groundwater Task Force, after reviewing the qualifications of twelve groundwater consulting firms and exploring in depth detailed proposals from four firms, recommends that the County enter into the attached contract with BPA, Inc. to perform the specified Phase I -scope of work. This Phase I study, at a cost of $43,1'45, will provide for existing data. acquisition and analysis, modeling, and recommendations for wellfield development and protection. Please note that the County Water and Sewer District has committed, to $120,000 for all three phases of the study, of which the City of Wilmington will conditionally contribute $10,000 and the Town of Wrightsville Beach $9,000. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County should approve the contract for the Phase I study and request the City and the ,Town to contribute one-third of their committed amounts to help pay consultant invoices as they are submitted. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: 43,145 User Fees $: Other $: .Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: Recommend approval. v ~`~ ~APPR4W~~ 1 cou~~ c~~~~o~~~~~~~s Qa~e 8 ~? ~~~.~'~~., ___.__ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .~.. 4 ~ Y .. ~ ' s ~I f11.r~111~r~!vM~jttl~,Vr,.~~+itd~ a~'J"+.~f J 473941 ~~} t ..~!~ ~~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY LENO~NEAL ounty Manager ' OFFICE OF THE COUNTY.MANAGER ANDREW J. ATHINSON CPA 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 502 Deputy County Manager WII.,MIrK'JTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4093 TELEPHONE (910) 341-7184. ~ DAViv F. WEAVER FAX (910) 341-4027 Assistant County Manager 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101 Telephone (910) 341-7139 Fax (910)341-4035 August. 9, 1995 _ - MEMORANDUM- TO: Groundwater. Task Force :.FROM: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager RE: Contract with BPA , I am glad to report that the Board of County Commissioners .approved. the attached contract with BPA Associates at the Board's ~. August 7 meeting. I also wanted to remind you again of the presentation on the St~te's__Wellhead Protection Program. (This presentatiori.wila~be-at.- ' ~,1A::15uAM,_.August..:..1`_7_,~_1995:,_, i~n Room 5.01 of the County Administration , Building, 320 Chestnut Street. Please feel free to attend.. DW/nf/662 cc: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Wyatt E. Blanchard,. County Engineer , Dexter Hayes, Director of .Planning - .. ~ .~~, ~ :, s ! ;,' .~q i ~ ~ .. ~~ e ~ it.?a 1`i d ~ 6~k']EI.GE ' ~~isi'vlli'~_~~t~,IdOVER CQ' ~ ' 1dEW .. .t ~ :; t. .fir, v }' ~, ' ~ - ~ - °~~~~~REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: l Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver. Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of Contract with BPA Environmental and Engineering, Inc. to perform Phase I of a groundwater study for the County BRIEF SUMMARY: The Groundwater Task Force, after reviewing the qualifications of twelve groundwater consulting firms and exploring in depth detailed proposals from four firms, recommends that the County enter into the attached contract with BPA, Inc. to perform the specified Phase I - scopeof work. This PhaseI study, at a cost of $43,145, will provide for existing data acquisition and analysis, modeling, and recommendations for wellfield development and protection. Please note that the County Water and Sewer District has committed to $120,000 for all three phases of the study, of which the City of Wilmington will conditionally contribute $10,000 and the Town of Wrightsville Beach $9,000. €~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: 4 . -. Tlie County should approve. the. contract for the .Phase I-study ;and request; the .City and the Town to, ,.., ~.. contribute one-third of their committed amounts to help pay consultant invoices as they are submitted. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County $: 43,145 User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: Recorrunend approval. ~o ~~nnn~ri~~c ~nin u~~ivinnnnu~ninn r~~~iv~• Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~ F t ~R~-FT _ ~_ _ , . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 NORTH CAROLINA ' AGREEMENT 'NEW HANOVER COUNTY .THIS CONTRACT; made and entered into this day of 1.995, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter. referred to as "County"; and BPA ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING, INC., a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter. referred to as "Consultant"; W I T N E S 5....E T H it That, the Consultant, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby agrees with the County as follows:' ,T ,:, 1. Scope of Services. Consultant shall conduct ,, ,. _ . ,. :. t _ , ,, groundwater evaluation of .New Hanover County which work wial be °$~~ divided into data acquisition, groundwater modeling and report ,, preparation, according to Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated-herein. 2. Time of Performance. Consultant shall commence work upon the signing of this agreement and work shall be .completed.within twelve (12). weeks thereafter, 'said date being 3. Payment. County .hereby agrees to pay to the Consultant for the total cost of this contract, the sum of Forty- Three Thousand One Hundred Forty-Five Dollars ($43,145,00), with .the breakdown of said total cost set forth~.~n Exhibit.A, attached 1 ~ / l l `~ ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 hereto and incorporated herein. 4. Extra Work. County and Consultant shall negotiate and agree upon the value of any extra work prior to the issuance of a Change Order covering said extra work. Such Change Order shall set forth the corresponding adjustment, if any, -to the Contract Price and Contract Time. S. Indemnity. Consultant shall indemnify and hold .New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes- of action, or othem lf2ability, including attorney fees, ~ on account of personal injuries or death or on account of ~~property ~damages~ arising out '`-of. or relating. to the wor-k to 'be performed by Consultant hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the .willful act or omission of Consultant, his agents, employees and subcontractors. 6. Insurance. Consultant shall-'maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business. in North Carolina and acceptable to County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below.. 7. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation.- Before commencing work under this contract, Consultant shall .furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: ~ ~ ~ °__ 2 "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be cancelled or materially altered,: -. except after ~ thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". 8. t~~orkers Compensation and' Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Consultant's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount: of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to.claim5 due to bodily injury by accident or.disease. t, 9. Commercial General Liability. Including coverage. '~ . for' independent contractor operations,' contractual ..liability . a5sumed~ under' the` provisions of> this contract; products/completed. operations liability and broad form property damage'.liability <q insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the. work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover. County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. 10. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering .all owned,, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $300,000 per occurrence combined single .~ .~ limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property 3 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 damage. - - ~, ll. Professional Liability Insurance. ,The Consultant will be required to take out and maintain Professional Liability Insurance providing liability insurance limits at least in the amount of $500,000 Dollars. The Consultant will be required to maintain this coverage, if available to him, for a period of.at least two (2) years beyond the completion date of this project., 12. Independent Contractor. It is mutually agreed that Consultant is an independent contractor and. not an agent of the County, and as such the Consultant shall not be entitled to any County .employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick,., leave,. insurance,. workmen's .compensation, or pension and retirement benefits. 13. Default- and Termination. If Consultant fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Consultant breaches any of the terms or conditions contained in this contract and fails to cure said breach within two (2) days of County's mailing of Notice of Default, or otherwise fails to perform .the-work hereunder to the County's reasonable satisfaction, County may terminate this contract forthwith. .Upon termination, .County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or any other remedy, take the .prosecution of the work out of the. hands of Consultant. County may enter into another contract for.'~the completion of the 4 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 contract,- or use such other methods as may be required for the completion of the contract. County may: deduct alh costs of completing. the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Consultant. In the event this project is terminated prior to completion of the services by the .Consultant,-the Consultant shall be paid for services performed to the date of .termination. In no event will the amount due Consultant in the event of termination exceed that amount set forth in .paragraph 3 of this Contract. .Nothing contained herein shall prevent the: County from ~ursung any. other remedy which it may have 'against Consultant, ., including claims for damages. G: - =.- ~ _-- .-1.4.::. Nonwaiver of :Rights: It. is:agreed ,that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of -,;- this Contract, or to exercise any right based upon a breach 'r thereof, or -the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Contract.., 15. Conflict of Interest. No paid emp oyee of the County shall have a .personal or financial interest, direct or indirect, as a contracting party or otherwise, in the performance. - of this Contract. 16. Subcontracts. The. Consultant shall utilize no. subcontractors for carrying out the services to be performed 'under this Contract without the written approval of the County." 17. Entire Agreement. This agr~ment constitutes the 5 J ~~ ` ` ' New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 entire understanding of the parties: 18.' Bindinct Effect. This contract,sYiall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns. 19: Further Actions. The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to .carry out the purposes and intent of this contract.' 20. Inclusive Terms. Use of the masculine herein shall include the feminine and neuter, and the singular .:shall include the plural.' 21. Governing Law. All of the terms .and .conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in-:~accordanee.with the Taws of the State of North Carolina. 22. Notices: A11 notice required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following- designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: To County: New Hanover County Engineering Department Attention: David Weaver 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 _ ~ . ~1. 6 To Consultant: BPA Environmental & Engineering, Inc. 2641-G-Randelman Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27406 23~. Assignability. It ig mutually agreed by the parties hereto that this contract is not transferable and shall not be assigned by either .party without the written consent of the other party to this contract. 24. Amendments. This Contract .shall not be modified or otherwise amended except in writing signed by the parties. f, 25. Non-Discrimination. Consultant will take >;r`. affirmative action not to discriminate against any .employee or applicant for- employment or otherwise` illegally deny .aiiy :person, participation in or' the benefits of the program which is the ..subject of this Contract because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability. or national .origin. To the extent applicable,. Consultant will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of.1964 (P.L. 88-352} and 1.968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of ..this contract and may result, at County's option, n`a termination or suspension of this contract in .,whole :~ or in part. 7 .. ,r -- - New Hanover County Contract # 96 -0046 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEth' HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Al1en'O'Neal, County~Manager ATTEST: Jerk to the Board - BPA ENVIRONMENTAL &.ENGINEERING, INC.-; [CORPORATE SEAL] - President ATTEST: Secretary ~ ~ ~ ~~: This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget - and Fiscal Control Aft.' - - Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney -- 8 NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0046 NEW HANOVER COUNTY I~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie„F. Harrell acknowledged that she is Cler'~ to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, .and that by authority-duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in. its name by its Manager, Allen O'Neal, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1995. My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Notary Public I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of BPA ENVIRON"NIENTAL & ENGINEERING, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name as its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal; this day of 1995. Notary Public My commission expires: 9 of ^, SUBMITTED TO: - NEW HANOVER COUNTY GROUNDWATER TASK FORCE JULY 12, 1995 `` B~'.~1 Envz~on~ent~l ~" En~ineev~zn~', :Znc. (910) 272-9713 2641-G Randlcman Road, Grcrnsboro, NC 27406 ,. I EXHIBIT ~ . ____- ~ ~•~ PROPOSED PHASE I SCOPE OF WORK , GROUNDWATER EVALUATION OF ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY I.0 :SCOPE OF WORK The proposed Phase I scope of work can- be divided into three separate sub-phases: data acquisition, groundwater modeling, and report preparation. The following sections discuss each of these. ~ . 1.1 Data Acquisition The basic purpose of the Phase I groundwater evaluation is to.define exclusion areas and focus th`e search on the areas with the highest potential for ground water development. Fortunately, pertinent investigations of the geology and groundwater in New Hanover County have been completed and are available'•Z. These investigations provide information which can be used, in part, to select areas meriting further investigation for wellfield development. There are also several additional published and unpublished sources of data that will be used to provide base data for the modelling. For example, existing databases of known contaminated sites in New Hanover County will be reviewed and the site locations will be plotted on a New Hanover County base map using, ArcCAD, the personal computer version of ARCINFO. Contaminant databases to be evaluated ' Bain, George L. (April 1970), Geology and Ground-Water Resources of New Hanover County, North Carolina. Ground Water Bulletin No 17., US Geological Survey. Z I,autier, Jeff C. (June, 1994), Wilmington Harbor Ground Water Study, June 1994. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources. Proposed Phase I Scope of Work ~-- _ July 12, 199 New Hanover County r Page 1 ..- _. .' ,' r .. -. r _ . ;. ,. - include those listed on Table 1. Available water use records and projections, current land use data, comprehensive land use data, and thoroughfare plans will be used for screening purposes, as will other information that is acquired or developed during this data acquisition phase. We will work closely with both the New Hanover County staff and the NC.DEHNR, Division of Water Resources, Groundwater Division staff to obtain contact names and data Iocations for information .stored or .maintained by, the County: We will also work with the County staff to obtain contact names for all of the major developers and subdivisions in the county; e.g., the Porters Neck community group that has been sampling and testing their wells_ These data, with special attention to the history of changes in groundwater chemistry at specific locations, will be incorporated into the Phase I database. 2.2 Ground ~~'ater Modeling During Phase I, a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of mapped data will be used to locate areas within the county that merit exclusion from consideration for further wellfield development. These areas will include areas of low water quality, low production potential, and higher environmental risks caused by groundwater withdrawals. Because it is practically impossible to predict the exact locations where sinkholes will develop in a karstic environment, the Phase I analysis will be designed to identify areas of greatest potential social, economic, or environmental impact that would be affected by sinkhole formation. Also during Phase I, preliminary groundwater flow modeling (MODFLOW) will be used to assess the impacts of potential wellfields. SDI previously modeled an.area of 79 square miles east of the Cape Fear River in Brunswick County. Information from this model will be used in the development of the study area model for New Hanover County. We will utilize data Proposed Phase I Scope of Work _ July 12, 1995 New Hanover County ~ `' Page 2 ,. .'i ... ' a .. .. t: .. . r , , ';' ~ - , 't ~ - ~ . i _ .,.i ~ . i i ~ ~. t, . . • ~ t ~ gathered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics Lab in Vicksburg, Mississippi) for the Wilmington Harbor Groundwater Study. During Phase I, well head protection, modeling ~lsing WHPA will be used to determine if wellfield areas merit exclusion because potential pollution sources are within the groundwater contribution areas to potential wellfield. We also propose to conduct preliminary salt water sharp-interface modeling {SI_MLAS) of the coastal area to estimate the impact of potential wellfields on the simulated movement of the salt water interface. This modeling effort will not be used to evaluate intrusion problems from existing localized pumpage. 2.3 Report Preparation The results of these Phase I investigations will be used xo select the most suitable area of the county for well fields, based on the available data. This study will also identify areas that may eventually merit further investigation as the county's water supply/demand. situation evolves. This information could then be used by the county to formulate planning, Iand use, and zoning policies that 'maximize' the county's groundwater resource availability for future generations. At the conclusion of the Phase I analysis, a report will be issued which will: (1) present the basic data collected in tabular and graphical form: tables of water levels with poteritiometricrnaps; water quality data tables with water quality maps; consumptive use tables; contaminated area maps; etc. (2) document the development of the models, including the basic data sets used by the models. (3) present the results of the preliminary groundwater flow model; of the wellhead protection model analysis; and of the preliminary salt water sharp-interface model. Proposed Phase I Scope of Work .- _ July 12, 199 New Hanover County ~ Page 3 (4) identify potential areas for groundwater development and subsequent wellfield investigations. (5) present conclusions and a recommended Phase II scope of work. (6) present a detailed cost estimate to perform the recommended Phase II scope of work. It is currently anticipated that more than one area can be field tested if we combine our ' testing with existing pumping or observation wells .and test adjoining potential well site areas. 2.0 SCHEDULE Figure 1 presents a proposed schedule for the Phase I scope of work. 3.0 COST Table 2 presents the estimated cost for this scope of work. We have revised our preliminary salt water sharp-interface model cost estimate and are able to do this work for an incremental. cost of $3,000 rather than the X5,000 mentioned during last week's conference call. Please note that this cost includes: (1) only one scheduled meeting with the New Hanover County Groundwater Task Force to present the results of the Phase I investigations and our recommendations and (2) ten copies of the Phase I report. Proposed Phase I Scope of Work New Hanover County .~ _ July 12, 1995 .Page 4 "'I - ,.. , ,.. TABLE 1 DATABASES TO BE EVALUATED NPL: National Priority List RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System for Treatment, storage, and/or disposal . Large quantity generator Small quantity generator ERNS: Emergency response Notification System FINDS: Facility Index System TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System UST: List of registered USTs LUST: NC DEHNR Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports SHWS: NC DEHNR list of hazardous waste sites SWF/LS: t NC DEHNR Iist of solid waste facilities ti c r- - - TABLE 2 COST ESTIMATE . ` LABOR Labor Cateaory Hours Principal Consulting Scientist 38.00 @$120.00/hr Senior Consulting Scientist 130.00 @890.00/hr Senior Project Scientist 232.00 @865.00/hr Staff Scientist 104.00 @835.00/hr CAD Operator 44.00 @545.00/hr Drafter 24.00 @$35.00/hr Word Processing 12.00 @$30.00/hr DIRECT EXPENSES In House Expenses Photocopying/Report Binding FAX Out of Pocket Expenses Travei/Subsistence Shipping/Postage Telephone Field Supplies . Contaminant Databases General and Administrative Amount $4,560.00 11,700.G~ 15,080.00 3,640.00 1,980.00 840.00 360.00 Subtotal $38,160.00 $500.00 250.00 Subtotal $750.00 52;400.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 450.00 385.00 Subtotal $4,235.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $43,145.00 1 .,, '. 0 r ~ W ~ ~ ~ v ~ W O c ~ ~ ~, 'o n`.. m U C ~ Y v yQ~ 7 I I c'7I ' F":'3 t- ~ C O ~ O - ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ + t ~- ~ ~ . .Q ~ d ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ 'C7 O ~2Q0. ~v [C~~ C Q 6~ .~ ~ U ~ ¢wpC7C7 m m m . ~ ~a ~ ad~ ~~ ~ 4 ~ ~P l ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC AUGUST 7,1995 6:30 P.M. ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. i I. NON AGENDA ITEMS 2. Approval of Minutes 65 1 i i 1~ 1 r ~ ~ ~. ' 63 Tliis page intentionally left blank 64 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: W&S 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes of July 17, 1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve Minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: RCVIEWED BY: LLGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION . ~ PPROV~ COUNTY CQi~~~aSSIOR~R ~.~ .- . 65 Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ITEM NO. 1. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA AUGUST 7, 1995 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS Approval. of Minutes PAGE NO. 69 2. Ratification of reappointment of Mr. John Keith as an extra 71 territorial member of the Carolina Beach Planning and Zoning Commission 4. 5 Consideration of Acceptance of Report of Disposal of 73 Personal Property in Accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for period of January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995 Approval of New Hanover County Board of Health changes 75 in Family Planning Fee Scale . Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property 8I owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Parcel Number Ro054-10-023-007.000, 1103 Dawson Street for the Amount of $1,200 and Parcel Number Ro054-10-023-010.000 for the Amount of $2,600 6. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property 87 owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, Parcel Number Ro054-13-009-011.000, 707 Meares Street, for the Amount of $1,500 7. Approval of Resolution requesting NCDOT to add the 93 following road to the State Highway System Roads in Dorsett Place (Phase I) . 8. Approval for Cooperative Extension to apply for grant for 97 the amount of $55,000 for Summer Youth Programming 9. Approval of Budget Amendments A. #96-06 to budget additional.revenue received for Federal 99 - Forfeited Property B. #96-0010 to budget funds collected in prior years as 100 repayments for CDBG eligible activities 67 C. #96-0009 to rollover experiditures from FY94-95 ~to~ ~ ~ . • 101 FY95-96 ~i . D. #96-0012 to budget appropriated fund balance for 104 outstanding purchase orders as of June 30, 1995.... '~. '. '' t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell .Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meetings of July 5, 1995 and July 17, 1995 Consolidation Study Commission -July 18, 1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve minutes FUNDING SOURCE• Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: I3udgct Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP' WCQPLEY FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~~iPP ~~ --~--a C04~~~Y G~~~~6~~SSI~~I~~ Date ~. ~? `s , --~6 9 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition '~ t S q • 1 ~ ~ . . . }. W Y M Tlris page intentionally left bla~rk . ;.; t r i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: GOVERNING BODY Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie F. Harrell SUBJECT: Ratification of Appointment BRIEF SUMMARY: Ratification of the reappointment of Mr. John Keith as an extra territorial member of the Carolina Beach Planning and Zoning Commission. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFQUESTED ACTIONS• Ratify the reappointment of Mr. Keith. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: L;GL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATION Ratify appointment. V -~ ~~0~~ ~~~V~~r~ ~SS~o 71 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Qoard for Disposition Mayor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mthony Loreti Councilman Dout~'as/~~/. Batson ~I Mayor Pro Tem Councihwman . Kimberly Roberts, _"' ' -_ ~ _ .. Pat Gfird TOWN OF CAROLTNEI BEACH - - e Councilman ~ ~ ' 1121 N. LAKE PARK BOULEVARD - - - ~ ~ _ ~ • Town Manager RICK BUr(OUbIIS CAROLINA BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 28428 ~ ~ . L9U(CnCC I'. LindSCy .'. _ ~ . ... __ _ -. , (910) •458-2992..- ~ a Fax: <9t0) 458-2997 - • . :. July 17, 1995 - ~ •• Lucie F. Harrell, County Clerk New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street .. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093' ~ - - - '- _. , _ Dear Mrs. Harrell: I ' U At the regular meeting of the Town Council on July 11, 1995, Mr. John Keith was reappointed to serve a three year term as an extraterritorial member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Please recommend this appointment to the County Com missioners for ratification. ~ ..Sincerely,- _ .. . _ - ~ .. 4 - . , . ~ %y~ .. Lynn N. Prusa, Adm Asst/Deputy Clerk --- Executive Department "~ " '~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~ `~ J .. _ ... LNP/lnp _, ,, °5 c _w ~ ~~~. ~ , J ~#r Y O d' ~i Y Y 1 - ~}, n' I .M~y ~ ~ !j' ~.. tii 61a~9i{,ii'N'Joea?.4aa.~ 9 1 ~+, ~,~~~ 72 = - _ . ,..... REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for period of January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995. BRIEF SUMMARY: Report of Disposals of Personal Property in accordance with GS 160A-266(c) for period of January 1, 1995 through June 30; 1995. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Request Commissioners' acceptance of Report of Disposa[s of Personal Property for period of January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: N/A User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ttC.Vtt!,WL~,1113Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend acceptance of report _ ~PPRt~V~iD ~~ COU~Tt~ C I~ ISSIO.~S ~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 73 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .... :::t..::..;::.:.:.::::: -:.: .>`:> .. w:: ~..• .. ..~. July 5, 1995 t' TO: FROM: RE: Board of County :Commissioners Bruce T. Shell Finance Direct - Dsposals of~ Per`s'onal Property r~~: '"~ .~ .. ' r - ~ ~f; _ ._ ' ~ • ~; .. ~ . ` , x . - - -~ - , . In accordance with GS 160A-266(c), I hereby submit my report to you detailing sales under this procedure for the period beginning January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1995. Item Sold/Donated Estimated Sold Disposed Of To Value For Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 58.35 Scrap Metal Southern,,Metals., , -- $ 18.54 Scrap Metal Southern Metals ` ~ -- $ `39. T'7 .-Scrap Metal ~ .`Southern Metals ~ - - -- ~ $93,82 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- ~ . ~ '$125.03 Projector (Library) Patrick Sullivan -- $ 50.00 Scrap Cardboard Waste Enterprises -- $188.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 33.19 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $126.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $ 73.00 Scrap Tires Mark Purcell -- $131.00 Scrap Tires Mark Purcell -- $100.00 Scrap Tires Coastal Precision Machine -- $100.00 _ _.... Scrap Batteries . -- Cape Fear Recyclers; Inc. -- $.- 97.70 Scrap`s Batteries ~ Gape Fear Recyclers, Inc. ~ -- $144.60 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $122.00 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- $243.47 ' Scrap Batteries Southern Metals -- $ 49.36 -Scrap Metal - ~ Southern` Metals l ` ' = ~ $115~.~43 Scrap Metal Southern Metals -- - $ 50;14., _ . _. .- - . .. :If.you:should have any questions, please let me know. '- ,. BTS/ct , _ ~ ,. . cc : Al len~~0' Nea~l„~ County ~an~g~r ~` _ - ~ . tt9 ~~ ~~~ ~~~Q ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . a ,A81 ~ 6I ~~~ 1 Yi'i 6Y 13 t, , ~ ~~~ 74 _ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: department: Health ~ Presenter: Bob Parker 'age Count In Agenda Package; Contact: Bob Parker SUBJECT: New Hanover County Boazd of Health recommends changes in Family Planning Fee Scale due to changes in Medicaid Rates. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Medicaid Rates for services went into effect July I, 1995. As a result the Health Department's Family Planning Division must change its fees since we cannot charge more than the Medicaid rates. Attachment I shows the new Medicaid Rates effective July 1. Attachment II shows the amounts in the sliding fee scale we must charge, and Attachment III shows the change in 5 fees which are full pay patients. The old fee has been marked through & the new fee written in for your comparison. The New Hanover County Board of Health approved the rates at its July 5, 1995 Meeting. We do not anticipate a decrease in revenue because the existing fees have been in effect only May and June and the new rates are close to the rates previously charged when FY96 Budget was requested. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve New Family Planning Fees FUNDING SOUR E: ~edcral $: 0 State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: vloney Is In Current Budget: Yes ~ New Appropriation Request: No 3udget Amendment Prepared: No ~. 1(L' V1GWL' U ISY' " LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Recommend approval I V~ ~`~~ co~~n CO~i~ ssQO~ S a A /? O date ~~ V(j w ~ ._ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 75 i .r •O Attaciunen~ I ••~~•+a~ .~.. k . r'. _- _ . - -Stag of i'Vorth Carolina • ~ .,-- - • Department of Environment, I~ealth and (~latural Resources -Office of I~lcdicaid Reimbursement ` ' Post Oftice Boz'27687 ` _. _ .-. - " - `~ Raleigh; 1~oi=th Carollnii •27611-7687 • °~ . , . • . , 111E\fORANDUIZ• • .'TOi = Jlddressee List --Local Health Departme~~ts/Support Staff • • FROM: Groff Elting DATE: 1tf ay 30, 1995 - . _ µ~ , . , SUBJECT: ticw 1\lcdicaid Rates - Effective July 1, 1995 Attached art: the nets Att~icaid Rates for scn-icts pcrfonned beginning July 1, 1995. it is anticipated that thtsr rates trill be clTc~ai~~e for a period of 12 months bawd on funding projections for Fiscal Fear 1995- 96. . • The rates trere detennincd as follo~ts:. All rates „•ere returned to the pre-April 1, 1995 rates. . ' - - : - -, ~ Based on the most recent cost study; rates were then decreased where applicable, exocpt for Speech Therapy. Rates for S services (Child Scn•ice Coordination. \fatemal Health Prenatal/Perinatal, ?~talernal Care Coordination Initiali 1\fatcrnal Care Coordination`•Subsequrnt, and' hiatcrnal~Care Coordination.Iiomc Visit.) tvcrc incrcasc_d utilizing additional funds.availablc Gom 1\Icdicaid for - -lfsa-~iccs are not listed (such as fLrD scrti•iccs or lab scn•ices), the current rates t;•ill remain~unchangcd. `~ • During.thcanoilth ofJtil~•; aftzr d>z nzw rates are updated, we will-send you a complete list of all Medicaid services and rates. ... • Please contact me at (919) 715-5268 or Stevrn Garner at (9l9) 71 S-5265, if you have any questions. rr~~,~' . ~ ~ G... ; p ..: f~a~~l~ta~s ;~~~~a~~J 8'~~i~..~ r 1S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .~ ~~S cL ~ u~ ~ '~'l90 ~ ~~~ ,~ ~' Corvlcc+ Name I~ledicaid Rates Effective 7-1-95 Service New Number Rate Adult Health Treatment Y2027 99.54 Refugee Health Y2034 S140.40 TB Control 2012 82.77 STD Control Y2013 540.99 Child EPSDT Screening W8010 S82.46 Child Health Treatment Y2023 52.69 Speech and Hea~ing Y2014 594.87 Orthopedic Olagnostlc Y2016 568.76 Neurology and Sensory Y2025 93.76 Cardiology Diagnostic Y2026 S133.48 Neuromuscular Y2134 5136.61 Speech Therapy Y2030 550.24 Physlcai Therapy Y2031 533.91 Child Service Coord Y2155 , 586.43 Dental Health Y2005 ~ 95.36 Maternal Health (Pre,Perinatal) Non-Stress Test Y2011 Y2033 85.56 535.,44 lJltrasound Y2135 S38.14 Maternity ome Vlslt (Prenatal) W8244 108.05 Parenting Class W8205 592.38 Childbirth Class W8203. 87.00 Maternal Care Inltla W8201 92.97 Maternal Care Subsequent W8202 547.02 Family Planning (InitlallAnnual) Y2001 S136.38 Famity P{arming (Limited) Y2002 S43.28 Family Planning (Extended) Y2003 S74.14 'Family Planning (Complete) Y2004 587.80 Norplant Insertion W5131 5504.90 .Norplant Removal W5132 S19T.11 Norplant Reinsertion W5133 703.11 Enhanced Nutrition Counsel Y2441 533.89 Immunization W8012 516.48 Myelodysplasla Y2035 S199.36 Adult Health (Comp) Y2039 5109.33 Adult Health (Limited) Y2040 S20.61 Colposcopy without Biopsy 57452 S48.85 Colposcopy with Biopsy 57454 573.37 Cryosurgery 57511 S78.90 'Mammography Screening 76092 555.00 Chronic Disease Monitoring Y2038 528.13 Post Newborn Assess Y2047 536.92 Post Newborn EPSDT Y2048 554.76 Depoprovera Contra Inject W5141 S24.93 Pregnancy Test. 84703 510.51 RHO D Immune Glo ulln J2790 0.23 Mat Care Door Home Visit Y2044 550.75 Refresher Childbirth Class Y2045 30.00 Post ome Vis1t Mat Asses Y2046 36.92 Enhanced Psych Counsel Y2049 533.25. Oral Glucose Tolerance 82951 S19.65 16 Attachment II .; ,. ~ .. httachroent #2 S CHEDULB OF PATIENT (SELF-PAY OR PRIVATB PAY) CHARGES _. r~OMEN ~ S PREVENTIVE HEALTH SBRVICBS (FAMILY PLANNINC3) - ~. ~ , + .... SERVZCB :, . _. 20$ PAY .'40$ PAY ~n4 tia~ o Complete Physical ~' ~~- ' (,Initia~l~~AN,~w~rt- _ 2 ~7. S ~.; s ~ Ss Complete ~'Physical~ ~-~g-' ~~ .. ~ Extended' Rev-isit~ - yg-p',~~ ~ (Revisi.t .w/Pelvic) 1,-t• y3 - .2.4• ~6 . Limited Revisit ~ .~ (Re'vi~si•t w/o Pelvic) , g.. ~~, 17: 3'J . S :. Norplant ,I~nsertion* _. 100:98 20.1.~9~6 Norplant.Removal* - 3~9.42~~ ~; 78.8'4 Norplana Removal 140.62 281.24 ~, :, ~.. Depo-Prowe'ra 4:;99 9.97 ' ;. _ ~,, . ,~ .,- , ., - Retroactive 4-1-95 =~ C 78 S-3.95. _ ~. ;., - - - _'_ .._ ' ~ .17 gi. g3 s~~ ~~ ~~ zs. °~~ 302.94 118.27 421.87 14.96 0$ PAY FULL PA I10 18-~I-S 13~.3~ fir' ']U.Z~- 1~-5 ~ g-t.BC ?2-ri~" 5 9.31 ~.-6 -Jc~, 1~ ~~ 3 ~. 6 z 4~ 403.92 504.90 157.69 197.11 562.49 703.11 19.94 ~4 4~ 1 t Attachment III Attactunent 1 (Continued) Family Planning ~~~ys Complete Physical (~~~---,,,,r~~..~/A.uN,v~.~ ,~-- Complete Physical -1-}-}. iVL-rS-- 13G.3~ Extended Revisit (w/pelvic) 8'l'gC Limited Revisit (w/o Pelvic) ~~T~'~y'~ `~ Flat Fee Condyloma Painting Limited Service/Pregnancy Test 5.00 Medications (Based on Cost)- -~~ 10.51 Urine Culture and Sensitivity 5.00 Immunizations Flu Hepatitis B (non-contact) 10.00 Inoculation 40.00 Pneumonia 5.00 Repeat. Tuberculin skin test 15.00 (for employment not TB related) 5.00 . X-=-Ra.X per film (Not TB .related. by TB program guidelines) ~ 20.00 Authorized Record Co des (Flat Fee) 5.00 FAX Local Per Page FAX Long Distance Per ,Page 1.00 2.00 Occupational Hepatitis B Indigency Statement and (non-contact) is exempt from the service Patients are expected to pay for the prior to receiving injection., Retroactive 4-1-95 C 5-3-95 79 ~8 80 ,,> , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: department: County Manager Presenter: Allen O'Neal 'age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.IECT: Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the Cityof Wilmington and New Hanover County identified as: Parcel Number Ro054-10-023-007.000, 1103 Dawson Street for the amount of offer as $1,200.00. Ro054-10-023-010.000, 1107 Dawson Street for the amount of $2,600.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval. PPR®V ~~ cou~~ ~ ~~ss~~ s date ~ ~ . ~~ _ ..3 1 Refer to Office Vision E3ulletin E3oard for Disposition ~s.~.E`'F~. t N" ~ Y + .p yi `r, ti '\r ~I' I'~ /, ;~~ .. ' °~~~~ 1739 •. .. _ ,k.. . CITY of WILMINGTON ~a North Carolina P.O. BOX 1 81 0 ~tY V ADMINISTRATIVE SERV{CES TDO (910) 341-7873 2$42 (910) 341-7830 July 25, 199.5...°, , r Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager ' 'New Hanover County 3'20 Chestnut Street '• ~ ~' ' Wilmington, 'N:. C.`28401 ~ ~ ' n Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer R0054-10-023-007.000 1103 Dawson street - ~ $1,200.00 R0054-10-023-010.000 1107 Dawson street ~ ~ ~ ~~ $2,600.00 This resolution accepts the offer ae identified in the attachment hereto. This property represents ad valorem tax values as of 1989 totaling X1,865.00 and $2,364.00 respectively. Please place this item on the County Commission Agenda for August 7, 1995. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. L ~ Respectfully submitted,', ' Steven D. Bridge ~'`) _ Purchasing -Agent ,r _~ ` SDB: swe .... _. _ _ ~! Attachments ., . .__ _ U -- - - .' t~'!9c)8l~~~~c~'~ds~iis++~°v {1J ~1i~~i~{~ . ~ INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: August 7, 1995 RESOLUTION. AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1103 AND 1107 DAWSON STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value 054-10-023-007.000 1103 Dawson Street $1,200.00 $1,865.00 054-10-023-010.000 1107 Dawson Street X2,600.00 X2,364.00 O"fferer Property Dimensions Market Value New Covenant Holiness Church 33 x 66 (1103 Dawson) $1,200.00 1102 Dawson Street 93 x 33 (1107 Dawson) ;2,600.00 This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). ~'' The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. ~, RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerer(e) as indicated. 2.. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) -when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. ~ 83 I -'1-r• 1 t• w F.. .SJ ~ 1. 1 l 1 I 1 _ -~1-H .. .r..~ c= - ~,1. - t 1 1 1 ~ j I I 1 l 3FT .3. f>.f ~ ~ I~ 1 l 1 1 0 F ~~-_ ~--.1^ I l _~~ ~ ~ .. I: al O °` iO I7 1 1 •~ ~ { ~ 1 I^ - n tt - 1 i3 .1 I.. •~ :' wl ~~~-~-` _ ."1~Im ••i .=N: ~~, w, to _ I ~ ~ ~`, i 1 ~ 1 1~ ° 't 1 ~ 'I..~--'. --I' ` I '. ,`' I` ,+I' 1 _ I 7 1 1 7 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ I.ar ..o .¢ ~ ~ w V ~ ~ l1 !0 > r ft 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 - il\^ I o I Ito ••f31_t:f .° rt I I. ~ i { _,.1 1 1 ~ ~ N r0 _ 13 i QI 1. a ~ ~ a 1l______~I t~t ~-' o~ 1 1 rr ~I 1 1° I 1 1 •Ie I•. L `r w7 ~ fl 1" _ ~A c "~.f~ a"1 1 nl S .° 1 1 !•~3.`~3I •;31"~ 'r mL `. -I ~i^ 1 1 ~ I -. It _ a N 1 ~ I 1 __ 7.__.!_ _,- f 1 ` I. 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U 1:1'^rv a „ I^ •~ ~••°N ~Pl J7rf)31iic' ^+t -I .ns 1)n ~ I ~~ • ,~L ~ ~i '_N __.- 'L,^~-r177 _ ' N•" ;o.~)t" ~.i~)^_ = ~ ~ 1 L I v.: 1 ~ 1(]^(,_{/.-~jC• i o I m 1_ ~ -I .1.. -- i`~I' ~^' ~ wI ~ N -'~!P.._°,o~~ i 1 1 ~ - 1 __1 ..._J- .. _._ rte.. ~ :. _~ ~t~" _~, .3 33:ItfI 1 I 1 _1 1 N _. 1 .~1:.__~ ----- ~ ___ 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ,; ~ Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.IECT: Approval of Resolution relating. to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, ideridified as: Parcel Number Ro054-13-009-011.000, 707 Meares Street for the amount of offer $1,500.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Fedcral$: State S: County $: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ,~ REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION ' Recommend Approval. ~JY -~"{ C0~6~`~Y C ~i GS~f~P~S ~' a~e~g~ ~~- 87 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~, Q 4~~~~ .~ ? °~~'. .,Y~~ ~ ~~=~t~~ . C1TY_ of WILMINGTON ` .. ~ .~ 'r~` - North ~ Ca~roli•na ~ . ~ ..~ . ~ _ 1739 ' P.O. BOX 1 H 1 O•: • ~ ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ,_ __. _ ~ - - - ~ TDO(910)341-7973 28402 ~ (9io) 341-7.830 . . , . ~ . , July 25, 1995 _ ,' ' ,. Mr. Allen ;O'Neal; County, Manager •. ~. ~~ New Hanover County ~~., ,.; ,. Q ,~ a ' 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 ' Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer R0054-13-009-011.000 707'Meares Street ' ;; ,;1,500:00 ~ _ ' This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment -I hereto. This property represents ad valorem tax values as of 1989 totaling !J X2,376.00. Please place this item on the County Commission Agenda for August 7, 1995. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, , _ „Steven D. Bridgesv ~~ • ~ `Purchasing Agent SDB:sws • Attachments , '_ _. ,. __ _ _ ._ - .. _ ,. - , , . ~e+. A~~~a4t+t~+.du:(riY4~ 6t i±ttisriy _ C t i INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: August 7, 1995 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 707 MEARES STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the .sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value 054-13-009-011.000 707 Meares Street X1,500.00 $2,376.00 Offerer Property Dimensions Market Value Phillip & Gloria Fields 33 x 75 ;1,500.00 1019 S. 7th Street This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerer(e) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 89 4. That any amount shown due on~any-attached list `for liens be waived iri total. 5. That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerer(sj as designated' herein. LL ~ •• ' Adopted at a regular meeting on , 19 New Hanover County Board of - Commissioners ATTEST: ., ~r• <. ~ - Clerk to the Board Chairman .•r r - , .c . ~. 90 If al •1-rT - ~-. ~ ,:'. `'•` .. •~ =•. is J'•-•- •I~ ~ ~• . 31 1 ' .I. -lo I - • • .7 • - - • .~. ' _ ., „~ ~ -a ~ 1, j~~^~ 9~ .,I ~. .,I N~ _, '~ ~ ~ :~^le'_ ~.~; `~: _!_ 1 I ~~t':+~. ~ r. I I l II~ 117I11I t t "•" .'~1 as :w:' •0)1 II - ~I •n 1 tt it 77 !! N• ..: 711 f• / M1.a.~ '7 cV.l I ~-I^ '~ -~ ni ~! r~=. • 11: 1 11f a - t\ I 10 !'7 ` n `I'mo iO I^, F:.. ~C ` `N i w~-•1 t~ll I~^ _1_ t I 1.1 (Ij Imo; 1• u ~'n r o el^ ~ - 1 ,,: .i ~ jw Q+ I 1I~I1I1 •, ~_:`:`:. 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I I I `~ j I I I I _ ' . t. 77 i nlN 1 N !: IS:I 1• I I I 1 I ~ ~ A N~ 0 °I ^ - IAIr _II• •• I ° •,F_~ •.I •1- ,.~ tt •I - o _~ ° ^ el n. ~ ° 1~ I I` ~ ~~I I'~ ~il ~_Y ~~ tt}{ ~ 77 1~ N 1 71 )) .• 1f ll ; I w o ~ n W 11 I ~. 1I W '~rr wt N, w ••, t• )JJ. 1 'IpN•~ ~ W 1 l..I 11 ICI ~° C I 1 3 r `I• :f-• 7• ~'a• ..~ W 1 I I^ ~.I. r ` 1 ~ o~_ _ F I 1 ~.~, .i-~ W - I •~ - W I ~rl ~ I °I~ V1 N n~~.n n 1 I 1-~'1 ~ N ~:• .•1I •f If A I l7 I' A - ~ I ~ ~ I` 1 •''I TT I , I I i •' I I I)ll •• II i' J N -1~ NI 1 -1 1 . 1 i)00 1 I IN• ~ N~ I I .:/ I 71 77 1• :7' 7: ,1•' M f1 ' • 7aJ Ir! 1 1 11I - .IO! I :1 `: •I'-~:~ °.1., V Y: .,,-,j7• ;~ 1' 1 71 ~I I I 1 1 i 1 I L ~ ' r'"-'_• :1 ' I,. I^.)_I -], _11~ I :I I -1~~^~ 1 I I 1 I ! 1 -_•r.~•..1:?..~~`vil+I~ ~= tt ~•~ - I ~I.a r '.• • I. i ` ~~ ° I a ~ ~` cl I ~ •r to )1 I I ^ I tl~••1 ,m c ~N I N jl~..~l .-LI I - p I I N 1 Y -' 1 ~_;' _ '~ Iu pi_ al yl`~° I^ ° r7 •• o• ;~~ I° /• • 11 :) :71' .LI ' I ~ I f ~ - ~:I . 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W •7: - -•.7 I 1... ° R !` ~ .' ~ I_!3-~I L1_ s~r•.• r_" p ~ . • ~'~ F `_, ` < t 'lt m It _' ' ••.l 7) t .1 an G-•--~_` :` ~) ~1 •-~ ~ • t ~ O ~ - IN 2 ~ .~- •~ I` 1 L=~ W 7~1 n~ ._I I ~ ° i .1 ;: ~ I ~ I~ I~ I ! X N ~ Ir~ ¢ ~ T ~ 'r7 I -'~' -~ = I 7 0l ,y ..I ~i~T - 1 ~ ~ 1 11:1. 1 111 ` I :7I •t : 79. • 1 t .. 7I la7' I. :~ I -1. ~1 •I I ; l-'I'n " '.' s7REET i :~ 17II I1 11 + •, It1•.. _ N 1) TH1~J. .fs I i t7l -.~ 37~1I I d T_ .~ • •• i~ 71/7 ; ~ ^ 1 M. •~ - _ - 117 I fo ..a_ ..~...-~•I~I ^r`°I'^Ie ~ ).I o~ L'^ I to -~ - - ,1 >, - ~ . - ~ f7 7 I+ g.- I`• )). •• of -r ~' 1=• I 11 - - I N ~ v• •.7~ _I:7 71I f\ ~ h !~.". SCI ~ `~ I ~- -! • •I•_ 7•__-~ ~.• 'i 41 ^1 I I ` -1 ~ITt° 77 1 r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: SUBJECT: Road Additions to the State Highway System BRIEF SUMMARY: Resolution(s) requesting NCDOT to add the following road(s) to the State Highway System: Roads in Dorsett Place (Phase I) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt SR-2 Resolutions; copies of SR-1 Petitions attached. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: - REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. ~~1PP+OV~~ ~ ~3~ - . COUNTY C~ O~S9~~ S ~l_ ~ ~ L~t~~-~ _ fi~ _~ 9 3 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~,' ~~; NORTH CAROLINA-STATE DEPARTMENT OF~TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION . North Carolina,/~ ~ ~~~// --. - - . Petition request for (check one) -Addition to State System (~ , - r _. , ..,Paving. ( ) ~ ~ ._. Maintenance Improvement ( ) . We the undersigned, being property owners on ~ ~'' ( .~ s~ Describe or give local name or Secon ary Roa Number in ,per' County do here y request he // Division of Highways of the.Department of Transportation to .-~~, S S~ ;~ .:. the ~ above-described `'road. ~~ --~ ~ _~ . We further advise that the road requested to. -~, , i s 8'~O -~ri~-cs in length and at the present time there are ~p occupied omes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut anal fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way,in the public road intersecti-ons for-. sight distance and design purposes and-to-execute skid 'ri'ght-of=way a.greement~- ` forms that will be submitted to us by~representatives of~tfi e~Divisi'on of Highways: REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable ... _... . _ .- _ _ .- . . r - --PROPERTY OWNERS - ~~ NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE ,- .,~ , ;: The Division of .Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~~s~ - o~S.?~ _~e , Q ~yYa CJ; ~ X10, . ~ ~,= ?~ v ~# d35' ~ `CW( 4 Y 4 i Y ~ ~~ _ ~ ~: ru~tse~csaamsiea~«w ~ .~.vvw .. .~~J ~ y $p p~xx~~ .. VL ;;~~'~ H~VOV~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All prewious•forms obsolete} - ~J ~FC~~1p~ ~ , ~fl v~ciNiTr ~ ~.f.s. J t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 08/07/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Phillip Ricks SUB.IECT: Grant Application - $55,000 -Summer Youth Programming BRIEF. SUMMARY: The commissioners are requested to approve the application fora $55,000 grant from NCSU to provide ` ~ summer programming for school-age youth. The objectives are: 1) Provide programming for youth age 6 and above during the 1996 summer months. Programming at least 6 weeks long, 9 hours per day, 5 days per week. 2) Work only with licensed program(s) which meet licensing standards. 3) Involve as many youths ~~- as possible, including limited. resource and special needs youths. 4) Work with other rou s & a encies to g P g expand existing summer programs or create new summer programs for youths, age 6 & above. The grant ~' money is to be considered seed money to start the program and provisions for the program to continue on its own are a criteria. NO COUNTY FUNDS WILL BE ASKED FOR OR REQUIRED. t A RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• Recommend Commissioners approve grant application. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: 55,000 County S: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED Bv: LGL: FiN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• `, PPR~Vt~ ~' ~ou~~ coy iss~~~ .: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition This page irilenlionally left bl~r'nk ~ ~ ~~ ` ,/' Consent Agenda `r' f _ - ~ ~~~ge~ Axnen.dxnezlt Item #9A August 7, 1995 \~~)`:.w`ww...~::: `!` C!Y•~.lM)\ CMC\`\"h " ~.r\)`h:.:n~.::\V:b'ww:M):. )h<n))?:<•%~))) Y.N~.!nw;`yA`~..y.w)\Nwf::v.ay~):F)`:1VN~ .\`V>^r!\'M)\`C. `r:wn)...1n)),.wM:v:W.r"'!.!!f)\)\:~\:))~y~)w r\.. .h. ..h.... ..if.., >:.Z.. `.:~\..~V:; •:rEh7:..`:: `:'•:n:o....... ..>..~>';J?•a:>:::.::;.:>:..::)'?{:>i:•>:'. ...v ~=:ci; ~~.. r :'r \. \.~Z~:h<h\ \•«<:`:'`:.:: ..:::: \ \ `. ••: •.: ":. \VC?!Jn:~~ ::..... .....::nn.lv.<h:iiii:J~?~j~i:<j:<•.w.•.«L:Pk^i'):3?n"•::J.:nn n\~.'J':.\:. ri\n•; J"" ..\:`\V: \... `>\:<h <~ .".\`~\)` t< ::~ r .. ~ C.. \V ~ n., ~: `C~\ \>\:: 4.J.v\ ~?:.:., .1..uv ......::~nv •: w::... .`t .: •).:.v: '::: . ~.<..v :.\..:. :•: ~.C ::Z. . :K Yr. . M r: Qv::`. ~. r ~. <'.L~~ ~' )h\.::~ . ~ \'Yl r..:. :::Y` `~ . r Z.~e<::a«:<:i~':<hrrr~::`v~~.Lr....si..~..`~a.~\\:~......,......h... ~.....~.Y<`:::o::<.~:~<::•>:.::u ~a~::isai:::<•.w.`.:::7.C::<::\.4::«<:: v::.wr~::ol~<: :~.`.:lii\~::h`re: ~:si2:.:~:::bc<ha:«: :hvi?~h`r~~']~'Iv:<l:~<:<.1 DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: Federal Forfeited Property 96-06 8-7-95 • ADJUSTMENT• DEBIT• CREDIT• Federal Forfeited Property Federal Forfeited Property $10,264 Federal Forfeited Property Supplies EXPLANATION $10,264 To budget additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be us for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. ~• ..~~ • • .~ ~ . ..~ . _, ~OU~~T~~ ° D~~~~~R~ 99 ~~ - ~- _ "~ ~''' ` ` Four Dudgct Officer's approval; then report to Commissioners at next regular meeting • /~~and enter tn; miriutcs. `-~~~ ~ • ~_ To be approved by Commissioners. T~ hr ~nlrrrr{ inter minnlrs. ~~ - ~_ Consent Agenda . ~ B~~xdget .Axxtendzx~ent Item #9B August 7 1995... '. .... .~: ...'.~».~r»ir•~r r•r;•.~~wrvr ~w.r•2>er.h~ir~e.~:.hvr;:icy,~,•,a•..y:...~.;~i...vex.~:^,n•>\:;nt%•.:..~.;p.:w,v.... v:.h>:Mn;+~v~v>!c.»M~~~e;.., :.....:::?J; ~y. ~ ~ -~:........,. ...~: .. ....a . .. V. ...4..:P:':'..`:.....v \.. Z. .~. ..\ '2i:2: r.~.arr.:C x:22\:. •~caQ ~. C.T <L~\ ~..:c: •..~ ..2 ~~~\+ ,.\., .... :: ~...:....; a...... }....; ,~,..;•: ~.wi;:t'ti.a.;.; ,.......:: •v......:: •.\` . ` .:n• • ..i`: \~~.. ~ .., n:::::. ":> 2 •.t,. ., i \\O ~3..~ .\.~ :>\C?\G\v:r: ~•••:~:~..~.~...:•.>` :~:::`:::~ ,.~.>v.;~...:..:a...: ...::.,.:::.....:,>..~.•».. .,t•.:..,Cr...~..r~ ci~3 <.,.. `>~: ~~...~... l •\ ,r ~:a~a~n..«..,:.~:<.aax.(UrA\ •.~2 ct~~~.el...~\.caZ, a\.., ~..a....«aa:.: ~......a:......a...a~ vY:::.... ~x ...:u:.a ..x.......:. ~ ....\....<l< ..ki..v, cu: ~\:......o-......i~.a<a`.: aCc.a..a.a:2~2:::::di::i:ea<..C ra~~A.l~.. T:~ Rai. DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: - C'' Commissioners/Planning 96-0010 8-7-95 ADJUSTMENT: _ DEBIT: 1 CREDIT: ~j bounty Commissioners • Appropriate Fund Balance $8,780 Planning •~ - ~ ;~ General Contract $8,780 ~I . ___.._.._...._: ._ .a . .._~ :i _ ... ,. .. - .EXPLANATION -. W *. To budget funds collected in prior years as repayments for CDBG eligible activities. ~~ ~ ~ • M 1 car a ®(e~~ p~~~~~ "~ ~ ~; COUNTY ~!~ IfJI~ ~~~~~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report ~~II<~ C r ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting _ ~ I~ ~ .~,,,~.,~.;"•" ~~ ~• •:.~ and enter (n minutes. ~' , - ~ To be approved by Commissioners. ~~ A,. t t' r r Budget ,Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # Various Departments 96-0009 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CO m y Commi psi nnPr. . O i rP Appropriated Fund Balance $706,923 Protaerty Mana m n Other Improvements Fn~i neeri ncr Building Sh i D partmentr Other Improvements Planning Contracted Services Health De~artmen.t..,/ Admi ni s .ra _i on ~~ Other Improvements Came F _ar Comm>>ni t-y of l cr Land Cost r,,' brace Maintenance & Repair/ Building & Grounds arks Other~Improvements Environmen al Management Fund Appropriated Fund Balance $165,128 WAS'I'EC/Mai ntenanc~ Maintenance & Repair/ Equipment CONTI~NUED~~~~~~'~~`~"~ a ~-~ , c uPu~4'4- ` ~? .. ,. ,-_ Consent Agenda Item #9C August 7, 1995 DATE 8/7/95 CREDIT $219,000 $ 19,000 $ 33,023 $ 30,000 $ 52,900 $110,000 $ 64,000 $179,000 $165,128 101 ~1 Budget A1nen.c~mexlt f DEPARTMENT Various Departments ADJUSTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT #~ 96-0009 • `Continued DEBIT Y~Ta .r & S w r F end _ Appropriated Fund Balance $120,000 Water & S w ~ nglineeri nc-r .. Contracted Services EXPLANATION DATE 8/7/95 CREDIT $120,000 To rollover the following expenditures"from FY94-95 to FY95-96: Property Management - for renovations to Coun•ty.' Administration Building and replace Library roof ' Engineering - for expenditures related to~new 800.' -~ mghz tower Sheriff/911 Center - for 911 Center renovations Planning - for completion of water qualitystudy &' software upgrades for ARC Info package that runs on GIS workstations (will allow more people to use the system) Health - for renovations to Health Department building including a ramp .. . COT3TINUED 102. APPROVED ~Y I~UNiiY CQf~P~PSSlO~&~ ~~IRS •-' y Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Various Departments 96-0009 8/7/95 + Continued " ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT EXPLANATION Cape Fear Community College - for land purchase (approved by the Board in FY94-95) Library - for replacing the carpet Parks - for Ogden and Castle Hayne park projects .(started later than anticipated) Environmental Management Fund - for carry-over of contracts approved by Board i.n FY94-95 (not executed prior to June 30, 1995) Water &-Sewer Fund --for water & sewer ground weer study J ' Por 13udgcl Oflicer's approval; then report toCommissioncrsa c larmcetinb j ,end enter in minutcx~ ~~ Y I'o h~ aphrov~d by Comntissioncrs. '1'o be entered into minutes. Consent Agenda T3llc~get .~,111e11dl.Ylex~.t Item #9D /%/•;, ,<;,;~/,./•,,;.. ;~;.,/; ~~;;< ~~; ,-- i~. ~ ,, iiii /.//%i :~ir~ ~ i~ . /.,~, ,~~ ~~~~.;,•,, ... August 7, 1995 , ,,,,,~~~• ~~ %/~/~ ../i,;.:'// ~ia i ~ //;/• //%~//~/~~~%/%i:%~jj/' i/,i ~~// ~ ~ %. / /% ~j//%i /iii?; ~ ;,, i• iii/~ i ..... . ,.: i iii i • ,. ~ „ , , .,. . . DEPARTMENT ~:BUDGET;AMENDMENT # DATE `~~ Various Departments - x.96-0012 .. ADJUSTMENT 8/7//95 ~` DEBIT S:RE Court y sCommi ~~i miner. ~ Office Appropriated Fund Balance $831,521 DIT .- - . o ~n _y Manager Departmental.•Supplies $ 3,384 ~ Capital Outlay - Equip. $ 8,853 Finance De artment .Departmental Supplies $ 812 _• Capital Out~lay~.~-. Equip. .. ~ ' .. - . • $ • '2,•359 .rj . MIS . Contracted Services ~ ~-- ~ $ 16,047 Departmental Supplies ~ $ 13,390 ( ,Capital Outlay ~ Equip. _ - ~.. e $ 49~ g'38 ~ jj Tax . .. .C.ontracted• Services . ,. - ~ ~ - $370; 408 •°'~ Register of D ds • Departmental Supplies $ 1,335 Capital' Outlay .-„ Equip. . " . -~ • ~?: $ 2, 130 roperty Manacr m n • M&R Buildings & Grounds $ 9,980 Other Improvements $ 14,036 Fn~i neeri na Building ( ~•r~~ ~~` p:~ $ 10 , 311 ~ ,; : ~ ;~ Sheriff/Administraton~~"~'~ ~''~''~`'` ~cM "~' ~ Uniforms ~ - - ~--...• ~. 8,055 ~ e Motor Vehicle Purchases ~ $129,026 h ri ff~911 Departmental Supplies $ 12,500 104 ~ .: . ,: _ ~ ~ Bnd e~: . g .~.1nex1c~~nexlt .. ~i~~i/ .~~% ~ ~// ~~ //~/ ~ //////%i ~ / ~/~///~/ %/%//~ / ,.::~ , , , ii, . , ii, i~ i . ,,, ~~;~~ ~~///'~%~ • ~ ~ CONTINUED ' DEPARTMENT BUD _ GET•AMENDMENT # DATE Various Departments 96-0012 8/7//95' '~ f ADJUSTMENT pEBIT CREDIT ' ~~ M&R Auto &~ Trucks . • $ 5 784 • ~ , ::~, 01 ~ Capital Outlay - Equip. $ 28,057 •'' nsp~ct i on, ~ • Contracted Services $ 8,059 :.~ ~lannincr ' ~~ General Contractor Capital Outlay - Equip. $ 4,999 $ 3,437 . ~. Coopera . ' v .x _ .ns i on Other Im rovements $~ 2 115 p , •'~~~ Health/Environmenta l C it l O tl E ui ' ap a u q ay - p. $ 3,549 ~ '~'~ .Health/V . _ or Con .ro ~ Departmental Supplies ~ $ 1,288 *' Health/Animal Control ' . Departmental Supplies $ 6,12 9 ,~ Social Servi s/Admini~ ration• Departmental Supplies $ 219 Capital Outlay - Equip. ~ $ 12,388 Motor Vehicle Purchases $ 14,798 Human Services Transpor Motor Vehicle Purchases tation System ~~ • $ 84-''t2'67 Museum ^" . ~ ~~' ~~J,~.~~;z ~. ~ l18~ Departmental Supplies $ 1,436 Capital . `Outlay - Squip . r-=~-~ ~--~--;~~,.~.Y,,$M~ 3~x53~2 .~ _ 105 ' ,. ~~ 1~• DEPARTMENT - BUDGET AMENDMENT :, # ~ ~ .;DATE • Various Departments 96-0012 8/7//95 .. • ., .. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Environmental >Manag mant- . Appropriated Fund Balance $ 99,761 WAS. FC/Ma; n nan - ~ . _. ~ .. -, M&R Buildings & Grounds $ 2,774 M&R Equipment $ ~26, 150. ~ M&R Auto & Trucks $.-, 6,,725. I~andf; 1 1 Contracted Services $.64,1-12 Water &.. S w r r _. ~ - • t , . Appropriated Fund Balance $ 32,827 Wa -r & S w rJ~ng; neeri na ,- .-. , _. Motor Vehicle Purchases $ 23,730 M&R Equipment ~ '- $ _9, 0.97= ., .. ~~ EXPLANATION, To budget appropriated fund balance for outstanding purchase .orders as of June 30, 1995. The purchase order amounts should be . added to each appropriation , as. i•t. appears. in the ' budget ordinance in order to account for the payment against the fiscal year in which it is paid .~ Cadopt~ed ' n the .budget ordinances for FY95-96 dated June 1,9, 1,995}.. cou~r~ c~ ~s~o~ } ~- ~•--.~--~-..~.._..,~ -~_A .., _ ._ _. :: , , l~or ]3udget Ofl icer'x approvail; then report 1 O ~ . to Commissioners at next regular tneelinb and enter in minutes. _~_ :I'o he approved Ity Commissioners. I o be entered into urinates. ~, ,. .. :-Budget Amendment