Agenda 1995 09-18 - - -_ - - _ -. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA SEPTEMBER 18 1995 9:00 A M , . . ITEM NO ITEMS OF BUS NESS . I PAGE NO. 1. Approval of minutes 87 2. Approval of request to City of Wilmington to close Primrose Street 89 3. A royal of New Hanover Coun and New Hanover Count Fire PP h' y 95 District Collection Reports for period ending August 31, 1995 4 A r v pp o al of Release of Value 99 5. Approval of Road Additions to the State Highway System 101 West Airlie Road and Guy Court Creekwood Road Oakland Drive ~ Roads in North Chase Development 6. Approval of recommendation to award a bonus to Allen Golden 113 for serving as Inspections Director from January 17, 1995 until September 5, 1995 7. Approval of request for Clerical I position New Hanover County 115 Health Department and Associated Budget Amendment #96-0040 8. Approval of endorsement of "Pull the Plug on Violence" Campaign 121 - Health Department 9 A l . pprova of budget amendments: A. 96-0037 to rollover unexpended grant funds for Project 127 Assist (Health Department) from FY 94=95 B. 96-0036 to rollover unexpended grant funds for 128 Immunization Action Plan (Health Dept.) from FY 94-95 C. 96-0035 to rollover unexpended grant funds for . 129 Criminal Justice Partnership from FY 94-95 '' r 1 ~ ~ .. SUBJECT:... . . Consideration of acceptance of FAA Grant in the amount of $788,036. '..BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . . ` The Airport Authority has. received an FAA grant in the amount of $788,036 for capital improvements to - 'the rehabilitation of the remaining old taxiway lighting system. The Federal grant is $788,036-the state 50% •aon-federal share is estimated to be $43;780, .The local match is budgeted. ~ .. _ ' ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: `- Recommend,approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: ...Other $: Money Is Iri Current Budget: • New Appropriation- Request: q Budget Amendment Prepared: • QED BY: FIN: BUD: ,HR:. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition i '. __... _ ,. ., ,; _ r.. _ .. . ~ ., h`~' e ~i Y _ . 1 ~ APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL" 2. DATE SUBMITTED ~ Applicant Identifier September 13; 1995 AIP 3-37-0084-17 .ASSISTANCE 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION; . 3 DATERECENED.l3Y STATE t ,'~ ' ~~. State Application'Ident~er Application preapplication ` ®COnStfUCllOn O COrIStfUCtlOn 4. DATE RECENED 8Y FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier ^Non-Construction ^Non-Construction • 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION. Legal Name ~ New Hanover, County Airport Authority: Organization UnA ' ' & New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, New Hanover International Airport Address (give aty, county, stale, and zip code) Name andielephone number of the person to be contacted on matters involving this .-._`1740 Airport Blvd , applicatbn (give area mde) ' `: Wilmington,. North Carolina 28405 -New Hanover County Robert J. Kemp, Airport Director . ~ (910) 344-4333 6: EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): , 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (enter appropriate lefterin box) A. State H. Independent School Dist. B & N a ~ a ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B. County I. State Controlled Institution of Higher Learning . C. Municipal J. Private University D. Township K. Indian Tribe 6. 'EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): •. - E. I(1terState L. Individual • F. Intermunicipal M. Profit Organization ' ®New ^ Continuation ^ Revision G. Special District N. Other (Specify) Airoort Authority If Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) in box(es) ^ ^ A. Increase Award B. Decrease Award C. Increase Duration , D. DBCfeas$ DUratlOn Othef (SpeCi~~ •• 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: ' Federal Aviation Administration 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER a ~ ~ ~ ~ 11. DESCRIPTNE TITLE OF APPLICANTS PROJECT: , , .: TITHE:'- Airport Improveme"nt_Frogram =::: 1•) .Rehabilitation of:Saxiway. Lighting 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (aties, counties, states, eta) ~ ' Wilmington, New Hanover County and surrounding SE North , Carolina _ 13. PROPOSED PROJECT . " 14.. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF • " ' Start Date 'Endny Date ~ a. Applicant - . ~ b. Project .: Oct 1995: July 1996 Seven Seven 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING . 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECt1TIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a YES THIS PREAPPLICATION WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE . a. Federal $ 788,036.00 STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON b. Applicant $~ 43,780.00 DATE November 20. 1991 o. State. $ 43,780.00 b: NO ^ PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY EO 12372 d. Local. $ .00 ^ OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR _ . REVIEW e. Other $ , .00 f. PfO9raf11 Income $ ..00 17. IS THEAPPLICANT DELINOUEhrT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? g: TOTAL` $ 875,596.00 ^ Yes If "Yes', attach an explanation ®No 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATION PREAPPLICATION ARE.TRUE AND CORRECT, THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE 1S AWARDED. a. Typed Name of Authorized Representative b. 7rlle .. o. Teleptane number Robert'J. Kemp ~ Airport Director (910) 341-4333 , d. Si t of Repre ta' e. Date Signed ~~ ~~ v Previous Editions Not Usab . ~ Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 424 (REV 4-88) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 4 t .. .. ~ _ .. .. .. i .. ~ ' - .~ I 1 __ .~. - .. __ ! . , i i. j _ _ . _ _ ., ~ . ~ . .. i _ a i {: i i _. _ _ i ~ . _- .. r ~ ~ ... '. ,. , '. i ,, ~' ~, -- ` Item 1. Does tfiis assistance request require State, local, Name of Governing Body ' ' regional, o"r other priority rating? ~ Priority Rating ' Yes X No ,..item-2. - ,. Does this assistance request require State, or local ~ . Name of Agency or - . advisory, educational, or health clearances?' Board ~ - . Yes X No ~ ~ .. - , Item 3^ ~ ~ i Does this assistance request require clearinghouse review (Attach'Comments) _ in accordance with OMB Circular A-95? - t X Yes - No ~.... ; _ . ' " Item 4. - .. Does this assistance request require State, local, . Name of Approving Agency ' . `regional or other planning approval?. ~ .Date Yes X No _ . . . _ Item 5: . _ _ ` 15xheproposed,projectcoVer•ed by an approved Check one:- State -- comprehensive plant..- - - :Local X .. ,. ;,: _ . - Regional ~ ` - X ° _ Yes ~ No - . Location of Plan -Master Plan on File -Atlanta FAA-ADO ' Item 6. " ~ ~ , . ` `Will the assistance requested serve a Federal Name of Federal Installation " installation? Federal Population benefiting from Project - Yes - X. No _ Item 7: Will the assistance requested be on Federal land ~ Name of Federal Installation or installation? Location of Federal Land '' ' ~' Yes X No - Percent of Project Item 8: ~ ;., Will the: assistance requested have an impact or effect . See instruction for additional information to be on the environment? ~ provided. , Yes X No - _ ~ _ ; , ~ Item 9: Number of: ,. "Will the.assistance requested cause the displacement of Individuals ..individuals, families, businesses, or farms? Families - - Businesses . -- , '- - Farms _ ~ Yes X No , Ifem f0.- - . ,: Is there other related Federal assistance on this. See instructions for additional information. to be ' project previous; pending, or anticipated? ~ provided.: ~ ~' Yes X No ~ , ..FAA-Form 5.100-100 16-73 SUPERSEDES FAA Form 5100-10 PAGES 1-7 ,_ - - . __ _ _ ... .. ~ . ., a .: __ (E . ' _ - .. 6 { j i { f r 'y .. _ , 11: SITES-AND, IMPROVEMENTS: X Not required, Attached as exhibits `Applicant intends to acquire the site through: ` ' Eminent domain, Negotiatedpurchase, Other means (specify) 12 `TITLE OR.OTHER INTEREST IN THE-SITE IS.OR WILL: BE VESTED IN: . . Applicant, X Agency or institution operating the facility, Other (specify) ~ . 13 ,INDICATE WHETHER APPL-ICANT/OPERATOR HAS: - X ~ Fee simple title, Leasehold interest; Other (specify) - . 14 ~1F APPLICANT/OPERATOR HAS. LEASEHOLD INTEREST, GIVE THE FOLLOWING .INFORMATION: - , a. Length of lease or other estate interest ,and number of years to run_ • b: ' Is~ ease renewable? Yes No c. _ Current appraised value of land $ ~ - - ~` d. Annual rentaF rate $ 15." .ATTACH AN OPINION FROM ACCEPTABLE TITLE COUNSEL DESCRIBING THE INTEREST APPLICANT/OPERATOR HAS IN THE SITE AND CERTIFYING THAT THE-ESTATE OR INTEREST IS LEGAL AND VALID. N/A 16. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH SITE SURVEY, SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORTS AND COPIES OF LAND APPRAISALS. 17. WHERE APPLICABLE, ATTACH CERTIFICATION FROM ARCHITECT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF IMPROVING EXISTING SITE ..TOPOGRAPHY. :. _ NIA ,_ ... - .. ;. .18.: ATTACH PLOT PLAN.: - , 19. _CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ESTIMATES -. Not,required, -Being prepared X -- Attached as exhibits -. - ... , Percentage of;completion of drawmgs~and-specifications at application-date:. -. - ~, :,: .. . - Schematics % ' '•. Preliminary % Final 100 - 20. TARGET DATES FOR: - - - Bee Attached Bid Advertisement 9/7/95 Contract Award 10/15/95:.. - Construction Completion 7/31/96 - Occupancy 8/1/96 - 21. DESCRIPTION OF FACILITY: Not required, Attached as exhibits X Previously Submitted to FAA Drawings =Attach any drawings which will assist in describing the project. For review and currently on file. -.Specifications -Attach copies of completed outline specifications. - (If drawings and specifications have not been fully completed, please attach copies of working drawings that have been completed.) ~ ... DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION -FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION '. OMB N0.04-R0209 = ~ ~~ PART II - SECTION C 'The Sponsor hereby represents and certifies as follows: ~ ' I . `Compatible Land Use. - The.Sponsor has taken the following actions to 'assure compatible .usage of land, adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport: '~ All RPZ's are either owned in fee simple or an avigation easement has been acquired by the Airport Authority. A Height Restriction .Ordinance. is in place to limit the height of both man-made and natural obstructions in accordance with the FAR Part 77 Imaginary, .,Surfaces. .. -2. ~ Defaults. -The Sponsor is not in default on any obligations to the United States or any agencyof the United States GovernmenC _ relative to the development, operation, or maintenance of any airport, except as stated herewith: N/A 3. Possible Disabilities. -There are no facts or circumstances ,(including the existence of effective or proposed leases, use agreements or other legal instruments affecting us of the airport or the exis`fence of pending litigation or other legal proceedings) which , . . in Teasonable probability. might make it impossible: for the Sponsor to carry out and complete the Project or carry out the provisions of ' Part V:of this,pApplication, either by._ limiting its legal,o; financial ability or otherwise, except as follows: ~ : _ ' ' . N/A 4. Land..-(a) The Sponsor hold the following property interest in the following areas of land* which are to be developed or used as part of or in connection with the Airport, subject to the following exceptions, encumbrances, and adverse interests, all of which areas ' are identified on the aforementioned property map designated as Exhibit "A": Exhibit"A" Property.Map Attached. *State character of property interest in each area and list and ident~ for each all exceptions, encumbrances, and adverse interests of every kind and nature,. including liens, easements, leases, etc. The separate areas of land need only be identified here by the area numbers . shown on the property map. - .. .. ~ FAA Form 5100-100 (4-76) t: Page 3a __ i . ~ ~- - • ~ f {. '. ' i t ' ,. i P ,, ' ~ ~ ,, a ' i - - DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION OMB N0.04-R0209 - ' - PART`II = SECTION C'(Continued) . The Sponsor further certifies that the above is based on a title examination by a "qualified attorney or title company and that such attorney or-title company has determined that the Sponsor holds the above property interests. (b) The Sponsor will acquire within a reasonable time, but in any event prior to the start of any construction work under the Project, the. following property interest in the following areas of land* on which such construction worlds to be performed; all of which areas are +`. identified on the aforementioned property map designated as ExhibiC"A": . ~,.. ~ •. .NIA .., - (C) .The Sponsor will acquire within a reasonable time,-and if feasible prior fo the completion of all construction work under the - Project, the following property'interest in the following areas of land* which are to be developed or used as part of or in connection with the Airport as itwill be-upon completion of the Project, all of which areas are identified on th"e aforementioned property map designated as Exhibit «A». ,, _ ......, .. = N%A . `... 5. 'Exclusive Rights. -There is no grant of an exclusive right for the conduct of any aeronautical activity at any airport owned or controlled by the Sponsor except as follows: None , µ *State character of property interest in each area and list and ident~ for each all exceptions, encumbrances, and adverse interests oJ- -every kind and nature, including liens, easements, leases, etc. The separate areas of land need only be identified here by-the area numbers showm on theproperty map. - 7 .., FAA'Form 5100-100 (4-76) Page 3b " RENT OF TRANSPORTATION . FFnFRAI nvieTiniU enneiti~crQeTinr.~ PART III. -BUDGET INFORMATION -CONSTRUCTION. SECTION~A -GENERAL - . ,. . _ Federal" Domestic Assistance Catalog. No........... 20-106 -. 2 Fuhctional or Other Breakout ... .......` ....... AIP/FAA ` SECTION. B -CALCULATION OF FEDERAL GRANT _, _: -. ~ Use only for revisions Cost Classification - Latest Approved Amount ~ Adjustment + or (-) . Total Amount Required ' 1 Admiriistration.expense ~ $ $ - , $5,000.00 2 " ~ Preliminary expense - 8,730.00 3.' Land, structures, right-of-way 4 `A~chitectural engineering basic fees ~ ~ .132,464.00 5: Other architectural engineering- basic fees' 6 ,Project inspection fees 59,420.00 7.. ;Land development - - .... :. - 8. ~ Relocation Expenses , 9:... Relocation payments to Individuals and Businesses - • .:, _ v 10 Demolition and.removal _ -- . ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - ;_; 11. Construction and project improvement ~ , .. -. 669,982:00 12. Equipment -.. 13: Miscellaneous - ~ - -~ 14. Total (Lines 1 through 13) ~ $875,596.00 15. Estimated Income (if applicable) 1.6. Net Project Amount (Line 14 minus 15) 875;596.00 17. ..Less: Ineligible Exclusions _ ~ ~ - 18. .Add: Contingencies - 19, ,Total Project Amt. (Excluding Rehabilitation-Grants) 875,596.00 20. Federal Share requested of Line 19 788,036.00 21. Add Rehabilitation Grants Requested (100 Percent) 22. Total Federal grant.requested (Lines 20 & 21) ~ 788,036.00 23: ~ Grantee share _ ~ 43,780.00 24, Other shares ~ - . ~ _ 43,780.00 25. Total project (Lines 22, 23 8~ 24) $ $ $875,596.00 FAA Form 5100-100 (6-73) SUPERSEDES FAA.FORM 5100-10 PAGES 1 THRU 7 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION .Page 4 .OMB NO. 80-R0184 OMB NO. 80-R0184 ,::, SECTION C -EXCLUSIONS Classification Ineligible for .Excluded from ' ~ • ~ ~' ~' ~' Participation Contingency Provision - < a. $ $ - b. _ . c. d. e. ' . f. ~ P g. ~ Totals -$ ~ $ SECTION D--PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING NON-FEDERAL SHARE 27. Grantee Share ~ ~ $43,780.00 . a. Securities "b: Mortgages • . c. Appropriations (By Applicant) - ~ 43;780.00 d.Bonds ~ ,. e. Tax Levies ~ ,. `,;.~,f.' tJon-Cash .g. Other (Explain) :. -h. TOTAL -Grantee Share 43,780.00 28. Other Shares a. State . ~ 43,780.00 b. Other , . c. Total Other Shares 43,780:00 29. TOTAL. $87,560.00 - SECTION E -REMARKS PART IV PROGRAM NARRATIVE (Attach.- See Instructions) FAA Form'S100-100 (6-73) SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 5100-10 PAGES 1 THRU 7 Page 5 FAA AC 75-0232 - ~ - i ~ ~ , . a __ ~, t _ ... _ i ~. i ,... .. -. .. . .. ~ ~. PART IV PROGRAM NARRATIVE ~, ~ ~ , General:. All elements shown in Section II, Page 1 of this application were previously......_-. _ . . described in New Hanover International Airport's preapplication for.federal - aid dated December 10, 1991. All costs shown in Section B-- Calculation of Federal Grant are either: 1)Confirmed bid. prices; 2) negotiated fees; or 3) non-contingent estimates (as in administrative expenses, testing, and ` inspection.) _ - Project`Scope and Eligibility: . ~ Rehabilitation of Taxiway Lights Portions of the airfield's taxiway lighting system a_re over 30 years old and in a constant state of repair.- :The maintenance required to maintain the existing system ~. . .. .. in operating condition is'significant. By replacing the.existing direct burial cable with cable in. conduit and,. replacing all connectors, wiring,. transformers, taxiway lights, a reliable low maintenance system will be provided for many years to~come: - Advertisement for and acceptance of bids has been accomplished. A contract award will be approved by the Airport Authority. within 90 days of .bid .opening, conditioned upon approval of this grant request and the availability of federal monetary participation at the :_ , 'specified amount:.A contract award will be made for Schedule I and Schedule II, which are . AIP_eligible. No contract award will be made for Schedule III which is non-AIP eligible. _ . °• ~ I - - _ .. E d rn c r Q'..N ' _ Q N m "c tc ry d . a ` ,a . •E ? ~ a~ ~ n o d ~ f ~ rn 0 0. Oc o 'c M ~ _ d ' _ ~ o z° . .. ,, Z d m O O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 1 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O o 0 0 0 i O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 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U ~ `- ~ O ~ O ° "- U ~ w Q ~ O J J Q a ~ ~ Z m C C J, b 'O V Q Q ~ ~ _ = m ~ E O O ~ O 'O Q Q ~ ~ ~ O U O] O 0 3 3 c ~ ~ N C ~ ~ ~ •~ H H ~ ~ U O 07 m O N C C C c . ~ :D 'D 'D -: o o o ~ ~ .D a a o. a m c 0 0 0 0 0 ' W > > > d v ~ -o -o ~ N N N N d = 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ - •o ~ v -o d Q Q Q Q Q U N O N M r' N N N N W m. U (D L `o c 0 •v d O 31r 0 Z ~{ t __ • 1 .. 1 ' ., ~- ` ~ . i _. ~ .. ~• .. ' i ~ i 't ~ i. ~ •~ i I i I ' _ j i ~ a i .. ' ~ ' ` sA x z~ _ ;' ' ' .~ -~: i I. 0 s t 1 Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: ' . • Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: County Commissioners Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Rosetta Bryant .SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: Listed below are employees who qualify for recognition due to their length of service with New Hanover County. Service awards will be provided b'y the Human Resources Department. -- FIVE (5) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Terry W. Heidelberg -Sheriffs Dept., Rhonda L. Smith -Sheriffs Dept., Bradford K. Arrowood -Parks, Christopher S. O'Keefe -Planning, Julie F. Acree -Social Services, Robert B. Cockran -Social Services and Mary B. Strickland -Social Services. TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Claretha P. Chadwick -Property Management and Gloria J. Bowden -Social Services. FIFTEEN (15) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Andre' Mallette -Human Resources, Denise RLewis -Tax, E'~ma Atkinson -Health and Marie Spencer -Library. TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Eleanor E. Jones -Health RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ' Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: Make ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~'-~ V Y ~~~ r~ ~~~~8~~~~5 _ -t ;- ~ , '1 Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: . Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen ONeal ~, Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Marlene Carney . SUBJECT: Recognition of New County Employees .BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . Recognition of new County employees attending meeting. A list of new County employees will be provided to the Board prior•to the meeting. E ' ~ ' , / . / r a RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• .. , ~ ~ „ ~ ~ ~• . ~ ~ ` .. r , ~'UNDING~ SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: `~ New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED B~ LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN H AN R' T A DR E D T Recognize employ , ~~ ~ } ~Zr~~o~ ~ Y ~~~ ~~ti'J~~~~~~~E~~ ~ oa~e y~~~.~ gs .~~ 3 ... ...._ .: `' Rcfcr to Ofticc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ . 1 0 1 ' :i ~ ., REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/95 EZegular Item #: 3 ~ .Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department:. Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church SUBJECT: :Presentation of Award of Grarit from NC Office of Waste Reduction Glass Recycling Bunker BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ ~ . The Department of Environmental Management has been notified by the Office of Waste Reduction in the NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources of the sucessful proposal for a Recycling Assistance Grant. The grant in the amount of $8,330 will be used to construct a bunker for the storage of recycleable glass. The bunker will allow more cost effective transport of glass to the market in Raleigh. Mr. Gary Sutton of the Office of Waste Reduction will be attending the Board of Commissioner's meeting. to present the grant. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends the Board of Commissioners accept the Recycling Assistance Grant in the amount of $8,330 from the Office of Waste Reduction in the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources for the construction of a recycled glass storage bunker. 0 Federal $ State $: 8,330 County $: 6,941 User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: ye tYewAppropriation Request: ,yes REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT .~ n ~i ri ~ ~ v v v it ~ Accept grant and hear presentatio . tl ~~ ~ ~ ~ \' ~e.: ~~. 5 Refer to OCfia Vision Bulletin Boaid for Disposition - c , ,, - , - . ` Budget Amendment _ . - +a)~~\~,°:t\.~.,\..v::: v:.~~~.v~;~~~~.A: ;>v::~:Jv'v,..~•~:::~T;"2`<:?yyey~^.!,ro~?~,K9C2u?a•:`.'C>`~n':•:•:x~,w„r?vct~:t~^~y}~>n.»».~>\. y:e.~.o.w\ LJ ~.v~\\;A~,»W ~ -»a•~.}- ,•.A. ~..\ . •.....k\. a.:~\.. .:>.,,...a..., .; ~.,+:.<,,,a.••. ~y:whx!h,t,..>..y.w.y~y,.;., ~.p.~.,..,., + . ~wh:wf~r~>t~>~w......• \.v.. 1. .,.. ~\ \r1.{.v, ,, .4, •,,,,...... .4... nv..>::•..,: •.. Yn•n;y.:~.vryh {. v. ,,...\,. Y..:.v.,v.}:{:;-.•`.t:{v::{•nw.Yvr„{:.~v ..,,•.~.. w:.nv-::. .. ..1. 1..}>\M.~..l.y}:^y...: i:J.\•~( >}.'J. .\.~\ J v aQa~\\.v ., iLv \.• r,\ .a~-n ~.{:v}' ' \.. .\ v,i• n }. >.-:. .J.: :<?»Y.. >.~}: \~.'! ?>\i._.. •..{ ~. : • iw r \:1V ~i~ ~~~:i~• ': Z :`~' \ 2. Y :~~`:,;'2~:: i ~ , >'.:, + :\ + :: .: \:t{ . . \ 1 Ji> t .....{i...rtA\Vitl. .. .v... aA »....<A...i~wn~:»:aw, •: }: • >•>.,aa~~:: •:~{.:. ~•:.a>rrw ..~~.: .\ ~Y ; • . 2{:;~;: a\,.<t: v:u::d::::a. ~aar.c.rr, •,..w..a~`i:: .i:a,• \.~.'~: ~ ~~ '~::.: ~.\. `.;.~ ~~. ..r~~ .. a~ `t~`\2 .\: $` `~'.~ .Z ?t:i;ii.a~ ~ :iit:~::tao \c.a`::..... °Qi:t ....,..:»r<„1 r:a :,:rY.'.~::ii». • . r ~, DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT ~ . , f• . # DATE: a Environmental Management/ 96-0038 ~ 9=18-95 . (Recycling) ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: ~ ~ CREDIT:. Env. Mgmt.-Recycling Waste Reduction Grant $8;330; ~, Env. Mgmt.-Recycling Other Improvements $8,330 •~ • ~- .. . . - .• i ... _„ ., ~' .r..'.. - ~ -. EXPLANATION e • To increase budget for grant awarded from. the Office of s~te ~ •- Reduction for the construction of a glass .storage bunke . r K y )> 4 ~ t @ tj ~i f ~~ (F W 2J YJrT ~~- ~.~ ~ L a ~-~ •~~~~.~~ r f t1~'h't`rtti`~~~e~9~6~~~ 1 For Budget Officer's approval; then report d,,,. ~~I ` ~ • ~~~ I ~ t ~ ~~'~ ~'"~' t ommissioners at next regular meeting and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minulcs. August 30, 1995, i To: Ray Church, Director From: Geof Little, SWP Re: Presentation of NC-OWR Grant Award Glass Bunker September 18 County Commissioners Meeting = Gary Sutton with the NC OWR requested an opportunity to present the above referenced award to the Commissioners during the 9:0.0 a.m. September 18 meeting. _ The project involves the construction of bunkers for holding recovered recyclable glass containers. The bunkers will be constructed of railroad crossties recovered from the wastestream. Estimated cost for the project is $13,880, with the grant award in the amount of $8,330. ® Attached is a breakdown of the project costs and the grant award announcement. Dottie Ray has copies of the grant application and grant award announcement. Let me know if additional information is needed. 1 1 1 ~ 1 VIL Proposed Project Budget ~ ' : = ~~ . Item .: Description Unit Cost Extended Cost Reinforced Concrete Slab 76 cu d $ 120.00 $ 9,102 1-Beams, 10 ft lengths 21 ea $ 50.00 $ 1,050 Railroad Crossties 300 ea $ - $ - . Labor (4 men, 5 days 160 hrs $ 12.00 $ 1,920 Conlin en 159'0 ~ ~~ : ~ $ - ' $ 1,811 Total . $ 13,883 .Fund Allocation:. County Portion , ~ I ,Direct Match 40°Io _ ~ ~ $ 5,553 I Indirect Match 10°'0 ~ $ 1,388 NGOWR Grant : , . ~. I _ . I $ 8,330 . - -- .. , . . _ J Y ~ a, .. ^t ` ~ ,' ! ' {.. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t. `~,~. ~ ~~ • '~ • y. Y. ` ~.`~~4...'S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR RALEIGH 27603-8001 JAMES B. HUNT JR. ' GOVERNOR August 3, 1995 Mr. rPof L;t±IP . New Hanover County 3002 Hwy. 421 N. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dgar Mr. Little: It gives me great pleasure to announce that New Hanover County has been selected to receive a Recycling Assistance Grant in the amount of $8,330~from the Office of Waste Reduction in the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Allow me to congratulate you on your successful proposal. It is through active problem solving at the local level that North Carolina's solid waste situation can be .improved. The time and effort you have spent on creatively working to solve local solid waste problems will provide workable solutions that can be replicated in other communities across the state. Staff from the Office of Waste Reduction will contact you soon regazding a presentation of your grant award certificate.. Again, congratulations on receiving a Recycling Assistance Grant. My warmest personal regazds. Sincerely, .. James B. Hunt Jr. JBH:geh 9 2egular Item # 4 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: .F . department:. Planning Presenter: . 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact:. Dexter Hayes 'i ~_ L.. SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Small Cities Community Development Block Grant: Economic Application :BRIEF SUMMARY:• ~ . A local business has proposed to expand and relocate its operations to the I-40 Business .Park which is } located at the Holly Shelter Road and I-40 interchange in the Castle Hayne area. The expansion involves the construction of a 18,000 sq. ft. building on 4.02 acres and construction of a County sewer system. The County proposed to apply-for economic development funds to assist in the financing of this project which will be in the form of a grant to the County for sewer construction of at least $250,000, and a low interest ~` loan to the business from the state of approximately $500,000: A.local lending institution will also assist 'the business in the financing of-this project. The County will be required to provide $250,000 in matching funds for sewer construction. These funds are available in the Water and Sewer District unappropriated fund. balance. It is anticipated that 50 jobs will be created as a result of this expansion of which 60 percent must benefit low and moderate income-persons. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Commissioners are requested to adopt a resolution to approve the submission of an economic development . applicati'on.to the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Commerce Finance Center. . , ,. .t+U1Vl)liVCi SUUKC;L: Federal $: 250,000 State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $:250,000 Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: no REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY F1N: N/A BSHELL BUD: NIA CGRIFFIN - HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMM NDATIONS• - Conduct public hearing and consider adoption of resoluti n. . ~, ~.3tr€s~ ~ ~ ~~~si~~~~ta~tie~a~i~~i~ r -_~ 11 • Refer to Ofrice Vision.Bulletin Board for Disposition [: ~«. w ,. _ ~_ I-40 Buslness,~ Park (Vision Software) . ~,. _ .: ~. Project Overview . ~ C t t , ruc ons 18,000 square foot building @ $70.00 ft...... ~ $1 260 000 ~ ~ Land Acquisition ....................................... $ 150.,000 Total Cost.......... ................................... 1 $ 410 000 , .Funding Source CDBG Loan to Vision Software $ ~ r 525,000 Bank Loan to Vision Software $ 609,000 Land Donation $ 150,000_. Vision Software $ 126,000-. Wastewater Treatm..ent plant and Sewer Construction . Construct. 40,000 gallon wastewater treatment plant..... $ 70,000 3050 feet of 4" force main .. .. . $ 25,000 . Bore under I-40.. . ::::::::.:::::: ::::.:::: $ 25,000 Connection to 12" force main........... .... ....... ... $ 4,000 .Pump station ..................... ............. .. Trunk line ..... .......... ............................ ~ ~ $ $ 100,000 150 000 2100.feet of 8" collection line ........................ $ , 60,000 Collection.system ...................................... Desi n Cost $ 46,000 g ..... Total Co t • . ....:...............:. $. 20,000 s ..... ...... ......... ..... . Fundin Source CDBG G .......... t t•t $ .500,000 0• g y ran o Coun $ 225,00 Local Commitment street and Drainage Improvements $ 275,000 Construct 2,000 feet of road ,. $ 115,000 • • ::::::::::::::••;::::::::: Install drainage.. . $ 50,000 Total Cost....... .. ......... ......... ......... Fundin Sour e NC D t t ti $ 165,000 ~~ g c ep . Transpor a on Vision Software. ~ $ $ .115,000 50 000 ,. Water Imprc?vemP„t-~ 4 inch well... ....................................... Total Cost $ 2,500 ...... ..................................... ;Funding Source Vision Software $ $ 2,500 2 500 Planni_rtg and Admini~tratinn , • Planning & Design Administr ti ~ ~~ ~ $ 20,000 a on... . ............................ .. .... Total Cost . $ 15,000 .......... .................................. $ 35,000 ... ...$ Total Project Cost 2 ,112,500 : ........ Total CDBG Cost... ... ...$ 750,000 Total County Commitment.. ..... .$ 275,000 Total Vision Software Cost.......$ 213,500 Total NC Dept. Transportation....$ 115,000 Total Bank Loan ..................,$ 609,000 Land. Donation ....................$ a:\econo _ 150,000 13 • ~ . ~ ~. _ _ _ _ - _ ~I •- -I=40.Business-,.Park.{Vision Software) - :~ Project Overview Construct 18,000 square foot_bu' d ;@ $70.0 ft....... i / $ ,260,000 Land Acquisition.......... .. ...... ....:.....$' 150;000 To al Cost ............................~.... ... ........:. u $1,410,000. Funding Source ~ CDBG Lo to Visi n Software $ 525',000 • Barik~Lo 'to Visi n Software $ 609,000 Land Don ~tion $ 150, 000 Vision, ftware $ 126,000. Construct 40, 00 " 0 gallon .wa ~~ a r 'area inert plant..... \ ~ ° $ ~ 70, 000 3050 feet of 4 force main.-.• :. . • ~i'' ....:.. . .. ..... g $ 25, 000 a -Bore under I-40 Connection to 1 .. ..'.. .. ...... .:. ... 2" ~ f m ~ ' ~ . $ .25,000 ~ . orce . a : ....... ..:: .. $ 4,.000 Pump station... ....... ..'••.i. ...............: $ 100,000 Trunk line.. ~ .: ............: ~ ~ $ 150,000 2100 feet of 8" collectlon -li .::...... :. .... $ •60y000 Co l~ection syst em......... ::a:,. .......::..:.:.. $ 46,000 Design Cost... ...........~.. .' ................. . • • $ 20,000 Total Cost..... Funding:. Source ...........~.:.~. ....:. ................~ C BG':G `n ~ ` ~ County ~ $ $ 500,,000 225 000 ' , . ~ Lo 1 C `i~ ent $ 275, 000 ~~ Construct 2=, .000 .feet of oad~... .. .....:.:... .... $ 115,000 Install drainage..... ... .-. ... .................. $ `50,"000 Total Cost..... ...... ...~.•. ... .•.~.. ..... ........ ~ $ 165,000 Funding Source -.N T'ansportation $ 115',000 e t Water Imbrove?n Vi pion Software ,t-s $ 50, 000 - 4 inch well ................ .. ••................... • • $ ...2,500 Total Cost..... . .........: :....~. .............:.... ~ $ 2,500 Funding Source Plannin and Ad ~-Vs n Sof ware mi n i ~trat- i ~n ( $ '2,500 - U . g Planning & Design.........: .. ..... ........... .. Admini t ti $ 20000 , s ra on........... ... .... ................ Total C t : : : • $ 000 15 os .....:......... . ... .:.. ........... .... $ 35,000 ' Total Project Cost. ...........$ ' 2 ,112,500 • - TotalwCDBG Cost.•~::~ .............$ 750,000 - ~ ~ Total County-Cominitment..........$ 275,000 Total~Vison Software Cost.......$ 213 500 Total -NC~'Dept:':~Tr,ansportation.... $ 115 000 ~~ . Total~Bank Loan:::-: .............$ 609,000 • Land_Donaton:~'.~~: ..............$ 150,000 ~4\econo - 7 - ~ - - ~ - . ~~ ~ ~ r-40.Business Park (Vision Software), ~=Project Over"view Building Constructs nr, and ,and Ac~,~i si t-_i nn , Construct 18,000 square foot building @ $70.00/ft....:.$1,260,000 Land Acquisition .............................. .........$ 150000 Total Cost .................. .}................. ........ 1 410.000 $ i i Funding Source CDBG Loa t~ Vision Software $ 525,000 Bank~~Lo n t Vision Software $ X609,000 Land~~ t'on $ .150,000 Visio S tware $ 126,000 Construct 40,'000 gallon waste. er trea ent plant.....$ 70,000 3050 feet of 4"~force.main... •.:::::. • ::::...:::::::.$ 25,000 Bore under I-40.. .~.. .$ 25,000 Connection to 12".force ma~ ....... .......... ....$ 4,000. Pump station... ..... .. ... ............:....$ 100 000 _ Trunk line.. .. .... ~ . ....~.,.. ..................$ 150,000 2100 feet of•8!'~colle $i•n•line.,... ..................$ 60,000 Collection system...... ..... ........... ......$ 46.,000 Design Cost.:.......•~ ••...`.... ............:..._.:..$ 20,000 Total Cost.. .... ... ... ........... ... .... ..$ 500,-000 Funding Source • CDBG Gra t~to County $ .225,000 Local Co fitment $ 275,000 • r Construct 2,000 feet ad.. ... ................ ..$ 115,000 Instal drainage.. ...... .~ :...............$ 50 000 • ~ Total C t.... .... ................. .........$ 165,000 .Funding urce. ept.~Transportation $ 115,000. Vision Software $ 50,000 ~, 4rinch well.. .. ........ ... ... ...... ..........$ 2,500 .Total Cost..... ......... .......... ...........$ 2,500 Funding Source V sion Software. - $ 2.,500 \~ Planning & ~Desig ..........?.... ..... ..... .... .....$ 20 000 Administratio ... .$ 15,000 Total Cost .............................................$ 35,000 i' Total Project Cost....~...........$ 2 112 500 Total CDBG Cost.. .... ... ~ ~ $ 750,000 _ Total County Commitment...,.......$ 275,000 (~ Total Vision Software Cost.......$ 213500 Total NC Dept. Transportation....$ 115,000 Total Bank Loan ..................$ 609,000 Land Donation ....................$ 150,000 a:\econo I-40~Business Park (Vision Software) ~Project~overview Ru i l d i nct Cons uc-t' i can an Construct 18,000 square ti and ACC~u i.~ i t- i ~n foot~build'~ @ $70.00/ft......$1,260,•000 Land Acquisition............. ...... .........:...... ;"$ 1'S0:~000 Total Cost............. .....: .. .....~......:......•...... $•1 410',T~000 .~° Funding Source C G Loan t Vision Software ,$ , 525;000 ' B nk Loan Vision Software $ 609,000 and Doriat' on $ 150, 000 ` ~ ' ' .is .. , n 'Sof aware ~ $ 12.6, 000 _ nd Sew r Construction 0 a. Construct 40,000 galls~n -w ewate treatment plant..~... $ 70•,000 3050 feet of .4" force mai .:....'.....:...'.... . $ 25, 000 -Bore under I-40.. .>.-."...,...,,, ,,,,,, • $ 25,000 Connection to 12".force Pu stati ain:.. :.•`~~.".: ................ $ 4,000 mp on......... ... ... .................. $ 100,000 Trunk line... .,. ...... :~:..... .. ti=.~........... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ A' $ "150, 000 2.100 feet of 8" collec ' on~`,~lin " ....~.. ... ........... $, 6.0,000 .. Collection system .. .:. ... .. ... . $ 46,000 .Design :Cost......... ...' ... .~ .........: . .. .~. ... $ 20, 000 Total Cost......... .....~.~........~...`.. ...............: $ .. 500,-000 Funding- Source CDBG~°, Grant -,to 'County $• ~ 225,'000 'Coca" Commitment $ 275,000 .Construe 2.,000 feet road ... `~ .: ........... .. $ 115,000 ; Install inage.. .. ... ..... ................. $ 50,000 Total Cost ... .. ~ ~ ...: ......c ................". $ 165,000 ~.Funding~Sou "NC Dept. Transportation $ 115,000 Vi ion Software ~ $ 50,000 4 inch well..... ... • I ... .... .: ............... $ ~ 2,500 Total Cost... ..... .. ...~ : ......::................ $ 2,500, Funding,:Source •V ion Software .: $ 2,500 Planning and Administrat ion " Planning & Design........... ..... ._ :..:.............$ 20,000 Adm"nistration............ ..... ............:....$ 15,000 Total Cost ...............:.~.~.'......-: ..................$ 35,000 ~econo Total~~Pro'ect`Cost ...............$ 2,112,500 ~~ Total <CDB CostV.~:`: .............. $ 750, 000 IJ Total Cou ty'Comriitment.. .......$ 275,000 Total-V1~si n Software Cost.......$ 213,500 Total ~NC~'D pt 'Transportation.... $ 115, 000 ' Total Bank oari;; ;~:'i:°` ............... $ 609, 000 Land '°Dona`t n:':." ........:....~.. $ 150, 000 ' _. -~;~ I-40 Business .Park ..(.Vision. Software)- Project Overview. ~~ Building Construction and Land Acquisition Construct 18,000 square foot building @ $70.00/ft......$1,260,000 Land Acquisition .......................................$ 150.,000 Total Cost.....•...........i .......:....................: $1 410 000 ~ i Funding Source CDBG Loan to Vision Software $ 525,000 ~. Bank Loan to Vision Software $ 609,000 Land Donation $ 150,000 Vision 4Softwar~~ $ 126, 000 ~.. Construct 40,000 gallon wastewa er ,' 'eatmen ~plant.....$. 70,000 3050 feet of 4" force main..... .:... ...........$ 25,000 Bore under I-40.. ....~,... ............$ 25,000 Connection to 12"~force~main.. .... ,. .............$ 4,000 Pump station........ ...... ....... .... .......$ 100,000 Trunk line.. ... .... ........ .............$ 150,000 2100 .feet of•8" colle••ion li.e....... .............$ 60,_000 .. Collection system..... .......... , ...............$ 46,000 Design Cost............ ........ .............$ 20,000 Total Cost .............. ......... ....~.............$ 500,000 Funding Source ~ BG Grant County $ 225 000 ocal Commi ment ~ $ 275,000 Construct 2 000 fee fad:::. • ::::::.:..::::::::::.$ 115,000 Install drai age... ~ .$ 50,000 Total Cost... ........... ......... ... ...$ 165,000 Funding Sourc NC De•t. Transportation ~~ $ 115,000 Visi n software $ 50,000 4 inch well. ........ ............ .... ... ..$ 2,500 Total Cost... ......... ........... ...........$ 2,500 Funding Source• Vision Software $ .2,500 a ~ Plannina and Administratio Planning & Design........ .. .........................$ 20,000 Administration. .$ 15,000 Total. Cost................ ..• ........................._.$ 35,000 a:~econo Total Project Cost ............... $ 2,112,500 Total CDBG Cost.....-.. .......... $ 750,000 Total County Commitment.. ....... $. 275,000 Total Vision Software Cost...... .. $ 213 500 Total NC Dept. Transportation.... $ 115,000 Total .Bank Loan .................. $ 609,000 Land Donation .................... $ 150,000 1 7 I-40 Business Park (Vision Software) Project Overview Buildina_Constr~~ctinn and ,and Acgui~;tion Construct., 18,000 square foot building~@ $70.00/f t......$1,260,000 .Land Acquisition .............. Funding Source CDB ' ~ ~ Bank L - ~ ~ Land D Visio Total Cost ...............:.... Wastewater Treatment P1 a'nt ~ a~ .~'PWP C`nnatrrir•4-.i nn ' .. .....:......:....$ 150000 .:.................. $1410,000 n t 'Vision Software ~ $ 525, 000 n t Vision Software $ 609,000 nat n $ 150,000 Soft`are $ 126,000, `.Construct 40,000 gallon w ~t water reatment plant:....$ 70,000 -3050 feet of 4" force main.'_..... .....~...... ....$ 25,.000 Bore under I-40.. ....~. .~. .. ............. ~ . $ 2.5,.,000 Connection to 12"~force~ ~... ..~ ...................$~ ~ 4,000 Pump; station.. .......... ...... ...................$ 100;000 Trunk Line.. ~ ... ~...... .. ... ...:.$15.0,000 21.00 feet of~8"~co.~ecti n ~li e..: ..........:. ... ::$ 60.,000 Collection system.. .... ......~~ .......... .. ..$ 46,000 Design Cost.......... .... .. ................$ 2.0,000 Total Cost............•....~........~.~..~.,.....~...........$ .500,000 'Funding Source BG Grant o County, ~$ 225 000 Local Comini ent $ 275, 000 ~ ~, ~ . Construct 2,000 feet of road:. ...... ... ...........$ 115,000 Install drainage .................... ...... .........$ 50;000 .Total Cost.... ........ ....,. .... .~........:.$ 165,000 Funding Source~~ .•NC Dept,•Transportation $ 115,000 Vision Software $ 50,000 Water Improvements 4 inch well .............. .......~' ................ Total Cost ' ~ .$ 2,500 ... .. Funding Source Plannina and A . ..........:::::....: .. ...:......... .: ~~Vison Software _ ~, dministration ~ .$ $ - 2,500 2,500 , Planning & Design ............ ... ..~' .............. ' ~ .$ 20 000 , Administration ........... ... ..' . ~..... ...... ... .$ 1'5,000 Total Cost .... ........... ::.:~:..:~:.'~:..::....:...::. ti,~.~ .$ 35,000 Total Project ~Cost ............... $ 2,112,500 Tota1~CDBG Cost ................. $ 750,000 Total`County Commitment.. ....... $ 275 000 Total Vision Software Cost........ $ 213,500 Total NC 'Dept: ~~Transportation.... $ 115,000 Total Bank Loam..~ :............... $ 609,000 Land ~Donat~ion ::....:............. $ 150,000 ~~econo - ~ -. . ~ - ~I-40 Business. Park (Vision Software) - ~ Project Overview ~ building Const ~c-tinn and .and Acquisition Construct 18,000 square foot building .@ $70.00/ft......$1,260,000 .Land Acquisition..........., .............. ..........$ 150;000 Total Cost......... ............. .~~...................... $1,410,000 Funding Source CDBG~~Loan to Vision Software .$ 525,000 Bank Loan to Vision Software $, 609,000 Land Donation $~ 150,000 Vision Software $ .126,000 ~ ~ Construct 40,.000 gallon wastewater/ treatment plant.....$ 70,000 3050 feet of 4" force.main.... .fl...• .::..::::::::::..$ 25,0.00 Bore under I-40.. ..$. 25,000 Connection to 12",force man ...... ......... .$ 4,000 ... Pump station... ....... ... ..................$ 100,000 Trunk line.. .. .........'. .' . ..................$ 150,000 2.100 feet of~8"~collection~ i e ........................$ 60,000 Collection system........ .....................:$ 46,000 Design Cost .. ........... •.........-r.................$ 20,000 ~' Total Cost............ ..~.... ....................$ 500,000 Funding Source DBG Grant to County $. 225 0.00 L~'cal Commitment ~ J-~ $ 275, 000 ~'. Construct 2,000 fe t f n"oad ...................... ..:$ 115,000 . .. ~ Install drainage.. ~... ........... ............$ 50 000 Total Cos ....... ........•........... ................$ 165,000 Funding S ~ rce NC Dept. Transportation $ 115,000 Vision Software $ 50,000 4 inch well. .. .. ..................... ....$ 2,500 Total Cost ...... ......................................$ 2,500 Funding Source Vision Software $ 2,500. ~. • Planning & Design ...................... ..•.............~$ 20,000 Administration.. .$ 15,000 Total Cost ......................: .......................$. 35 000 Total Project Cost..--.......•...$ 2,112,500 Total CDBG Cost..... .$ 750,000 Total County Commitment.. .......$ 275,000 Total Vision Software Cost.......$ 213,500. Total NC Dept. Transportation....$ 115,000 Total Bank Loan....,...... .....$ 609,000 Land Donation ....................$ 150,000 a:\econo ~ ~g ~ ~ ~ -. ~I-40 Business Park (Vision Softwar -Project_.Overview Building Construct; c,n and ~ ;an'd Acgui ~i ti nn Construct 18,000~square•foot.building @ $70 D0/ft .....$1,2'60,000 Land Acquisition ................,. .. ............ $ 150;000 -Total Cost ......................... ~ ... ........ ..... $1 ,410,000 ..Funding Source 'CDBG Lo t <, ision Sof ware $ 525,000 • Bank Lo n: t Vision So tware $ 609 000 .. ~ .Land Do a 'n $ , 150 000 Vision ~ o ; ` are $ , 126, 000 WdStewateY' Treatment P1 arit anr3 SAw r C`nr,ctr„r-+- n„ • •-,Construct 40,00.0 gallon~wastewat~~..treatment ant.: :.$70,000 ::30'50 feet of 4." force .main..:...: .. ~............. .=$-~ 25, 000 .,..Bore under I-40.. .... .... ....... ...... ..$ 25,000 .Connection to 12"~-force •~~ n: :.. ., °•...... ...... ..$ 4,000 .°.Pump station ............. : '.' ...... ....... .. , • .. $ 100, 000 .Trunk line... • . • . `..: ~....... ..... .: $ .]:50, 000 .2100 feet of • 8" • collection:. 1 ne... .{..:... ..:..... . $ 60, 000 °Collection system............. ....... ..... ........: 46;,000 •~ • •$ .,MDesgn Cost.............. ....'. .... ..........$ 20,000 .,,.Total Cost ...............•.•...........................$ 500,000 °• `Funding Source ~• ^ C Grant to~, Count ~ $ 2.25, 000 'L' c Commitment $ 275, 000 ::Construct 2,000 feet. of oad.......: •` :. ....~..:$ 115;000 .... ... ,Install drainage.... : .............. ...........$ - 50,000 .Total Cost.......... ............... ........$ -165,000 .Funding, our ~.C,Dept. Transpo tation $ 115 000 • \ .Vision Software $ 50,000 4 inch wehl.. ~l .. ........ ... ......... .•$ ~ . 2, 500 :Total Cost\ ..............:......,...... ......~....:.$~ 2;500 .Funding Soutce ~Vision~Software $. 2,500 F , ;Planning & Desig ............... .... ............$ ~ 20,0.00 ..Administration.. .... .~.......::" .. ............`$ 15,000 ..:Total Cost...... .•.......•.......~....~... ...........:5.. .35,000 .~ - otal~Project Cost.. ...........$ 2,112,500 ~~~ . ~ otal CDBG Cos t:.~: ... ...........$ 750,000 lJ tat County Commitme t.. .......$ 275,000 - Total Vision Software' Cost....... $ 213 500. Total' NC.'Dept Transp rtation....$ 115,000 . Total. Bank Loan~.:~r' ............... $ 609, 000 . Land :>Donaton:'.-~:~ .:.......... .... $ 150, 000 ~~econo 1 t Construct 18,000 square foot building i@ $7 .00/f .......$1,260,-000. Land Acquisition ...... .......... '~/. ....:... .....$ 150 000 ;, j~,.. , .Total Cost .......................1.... .......... ..... $1,410,000 Funding Source CDBG Loan t Vision So tware $._525,000 Bank ;Loan o Vision So tware $ 609,000 L nd~"~ ~ ona ion $ 150, 000 V~~g~o~ S, ftware $ 126, 000 Construct 40,000 gall w s~ewater treatmen plant.....$ 70,000 3050 feet of 4" forc mai .............. ...........$ 25,000 Bore under I-40... ........... ............$ 25,000 Connection to 12" fo,ce~•ain.... ........ ............$ 4,-000 Pump station........ ............... .............$ ..100,000 Trunk line.. .,. .. .......... ...,..........$ 150,000 210O~.feet of•8" coll ction.line..:..... ..............$.~ 60,000 Collection system.. ............... ......... .... .$ 46,000 Design Cost... ............ ... ...............$ 20,000 Total Cost.....• .. ...................•................$ 500,000 Funding Source CDBG Grant: to County _ $ 225,000 Local Commit ent $ 275,000 nstruct 2,0 0 eet of road...... ...................$ 115,000 'shall drt~nage. ............. ..... ...........$ 50,000 tal`~Cos .... ............ ....... .......$ 165,000 ~ing\ ...e ~NC Dept. Transportation - $ 115,000 Vision oftware '$ 50,000 t t 4 inch well. ................. .................. .$ 2,500 Total\ Cost....... .. .... ....... .............'.. . ..$ 2,500 Fundi q Sourc Visio Software $ 2,.500 Plann'n & Design ' ............. ...................... .$ 20,000 Admin s~ration ... .... ........ ....................... .$ 15,000 'Total Cost ....... ............. ....................... .$. 35,000 Total Project Cost ............... $ 2 ,112,500 Total CDBG Cost.. ....... ...... $ 750,000 Total County Commitment.. ... .. $ 275 000 Total Vision Software Cost....... ~$ 213,500 Total NC Dept. Transportation.... $ 115,000 Total Bank Loan .................. $ 609,000 Land Donation ................ ... $ 150,000 a:\econo 21 I=40;Business Park (Vision Software) Project Overview tiu ~ ~ a i ng Con _rur-t i nn .and sand Ac~~{i' ~ t i can °Construct 18,000 square ..foot_buil+ ing @ $70 0o/ft.......$1,260,000 Land Acquisition............... ......... .........:.$ 150;000 ,:Total,Cost ..................... ....:....:........~..... $1,410,000 :Funding Source CDB oa to Visi n Software $~ 525,000 . ~ ~ - Bank oan to Visi n Software $ 609,000 ~'. Lan a " n $ 150,000 Vs/ion of ware $ 126,000, Wac~'c~.ra~cr Tre~+-,,.er,3-. D1~...~- .1....aR'c.... ..J ~_._... .~.....L_.-- " Construct 40,000 gallon was`tew treat ent plant....`.`$ •- 70,000 ..3050 feet of 4" force -main... '... .:....... .~$ ~ 25,000 Bore under I-40.......~..~... ~ .. ... :.........~.... $. -25, 000 •.~Connection to 12"force mai ....... ........... .$` 4,000 Pump station ............. .~.. ...........:...$ 100,000 ,.Trunk line..... ~....... .,, . ~ .... .. ...........~.:. $ ..150,.000 2100, feet of 8".collection l.i•e....... .:.............$ ~ 60,000 .Collection system.......... ........ ......:..... ..$ 46,000 :.Design Cost.......... .. ....... ...... .....~.$- 20,000 Total Cost ..........:. ....•..~........ .................$ 500,.000 .Funding .Source D G Grant~`to ounty .. ~ $ ~ 225, 000 • al'Commtme t $ 275,000 .Construct 2,000 feet~o o ..... ......~. .$ 115,000 ... Install drainage......... ......... .....:.....'....$ 50',000 .Total Cost ...............: :................~.:.. ....$ 165,000 Fund` Source 'NC ept: Trait portation•. ~$ 115,000 ~. V'si Sofawa e $ 50,000 { 4 nch~,we .... .:............ .... ........$ ~2 500 Total Cost.• .~.:....~.. ~..:.......:... .• ...:....:.....$ 2,500 .Funding ~Sour• 'Vision Softwa e $ 2,500 .Planning &~Design......... ............ .......... ...$' -20,000 Administrati~ n ............. .......... ........:....$ 15,000 .Total Co t :................:......:....................$-~~35,000 tat P oject Cost.. ... .......$ 2,112,500 Tota BG Cost.:... ............$ 750,000 - ~~Tota1 County Commitm nt.. .......$ 275,000 Total Vision Softwar Cost.......$ 213 500 Total' NC -Dept. - Transp rtation.... $ 115, 000 • Total Bank Loan ...... ...........$ 609,000 . ~ ~ Land`-Donation: .~ ..::.............$ 150,000 ~~econo Regulaz Item # 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ ~ Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Boazds and Committees: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Boazd Boazd of Mechanical Examiners New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees ~t~~OMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL; FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND F,COMMENDATIONS• Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition r+~~~ t~ 1~~+~{tl G Y ~~~ uG~Y~~t~~~~~ Dade ~'~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 3` :-~ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Vacancies: The Advisory Board must consist of ten members; however, the Commissioners can appoint as many as desire. APPLICANTS• Rpbert M. Deacy Delores Moore L. Mack Wade ELIGIBLE FOR REAPPOINTMENT X X X CATEGORY Business Community / Corrections Program ,~ Employment & Training ;~ Other_Applications Received: Kimberly Roberts, Mayor Pro-tem, Carolina Beach v' Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~ . t { . ~ .. ~t~~ CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY .BOARD Members include representatives from the following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement,' Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal. Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Community Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim,. Recovering Drug Addict, Community Based Corrections Program, Victim Services Program, Employment and Training Professional (Minimum number of board members is ten) Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary . Statute or Cause .Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems. of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and the State. 1 CURRENT MEMBERS Business Community Robert M. Deacy 3300 Bougainvillea Way Wilmington, NC 28409 452-4131{H) 457-2699 Community-Based Corrections Program Delores F. Moore Community .Service Work Program 414 Chestnut Street, Room 302 Wilmington, NC 28401 393-9668(H) 251-5787(W) Community Services. Coordinator Donna P. Williams 6905 Cedar Bluff Wilmington, NC 28409 395-4387(H) 251-5787(W) Sherri Yelton Community Penalties Program, Inc. 208-A Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-5707(W) . Criminal Defense Attorney r~ 'TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES first. 9/30/95 (Appt. 9/94) first .9/30/95 (Appt. 9/94) first (Appt. 9/94) first 9-30-96 9-30-96 25 .~~'• '~ CRIMINAL JIISTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD (CONTINIIED) Employment and,Training L. Mack Wade ~" ~~f"first 9/30/95 • ' .106 Spring Creek Lane ~ . Wilmington, NC 28405 '" ~ (Appt. 9/94)' 686-4915(H) 2.51-2666(W) ~~ Probation Officer Terry Cosby Goo~ee first 9-30-97 430 Honeycutt Drive Wilmington, NC ;`28.412 (Appt. 9./94) 799-1661(H} 251-5757 (W) Steven Ellis Horne first 9-30-95 .1800 Eastwood Road, #153 Lions Gate ~ ~` Wilmington., NC 28403 ~ ~ '. (Appt. 9/94 2.56-9843(H) 343-48.57{W) Public Defender ~ ~~ a Victims Services Program Sandra A. Morris. ~ ~ ,first 9/30/96 245 Beech.. Street _. ~ - Wilmngton, NC 28405_ ~ (Appt~. 9/94) 256-0O05(H) . Members-at-large - Harold B. Cloud° first 9/30/95 (Deceased) Liz Marie Marciniak first. 9/30/97 926 Arnold Road Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/94) 392-5155(H) 395-3049(W) Ted Seawell first 9/30/97 lJ 206 Lawton Circle Wilmington, NC 28412 ~`(Appt...9/94) 395.-0511(H) 452-1i22(W) Rudy Thurman ~ ffirst ~ 9/30/97 713 Bayshore Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 9/94) 686-0650(H) 343-7093 (W) John Tocicki first 9/30/96 611 Peninsula Drive Carolina Beach, NC 28428 (Appt. 9/94) ` 458-6748(H) 458-5287(W) 26 - .~~ CRIMINAL JIISTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY.BOARD (CONTINIIED ~ , Steve Woodard first 9/30/96 P.O. Box 312 Kure Beach, NC 28449 (Appt. 9/94) 458-6228 (H) 452-4253 (W) ~ '. . Acxency Representatives: . County Commissioner: Commissioner Sandra Barone County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson _ Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood ~. Judge of District County: Judge Jacqueline Morris-Goodson District Attorney: Jerry Spiveyr Wilmington City Police: J. W. Carey Mental Health: Susan Hanson ~ r- Health Department: .Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia .Gorman ' . \Crime 8t95 ~; . i ~' . ~ ~~' J . J 27 . ~ 1 ~` " . '.. ~ - r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the lVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Name: ~o ~~Gr~ ~l • ti~ FMS- ., Home ~ ~ How long have you been a ~. Address: 3~ ~6 ,-vv. ~~ Lc.Jc. resident of Ne'w Hanover CountyT -G~iPcU Mailing4 ddress: _ - _ _ ~~_ /~~ ~,,~~_ _ /' / ~ ° U City and State: ~// L ht N /yL Zip Code: 2~~U~ ! ~ 1, Telephone: Home: ~.I-Z y~~/ Business: ~/U '~~' a2G 9~_ »Sex: ~~r` "Race: __ ~i¢G! »Age: ~~ This information is requested /or the so/e purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. p"~°} 'A person currently emp/Dyed by the agency or department or which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her pesition with New Hanover Covnty upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. JobTit/e: l/./Ill % ~l~¢Ol/~~~~ Professions/A Volunteer AcU Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT~f.S/~~f~*~C ~.~~i'~.+<-~- L ~ac~~ G Gr/ac~r~ ...~~-, ~l,,G., ~'.~,• .~.J ,~.~L T~~' ~~I~r - D~i`u~ ~~.~~.; ~ 'V / U ~~- C,'r~~r/ !~-1 fi,.iJ i ,:, wi i7~ ~•~ .,.x.,.:7,1 F.~,.i.. ~.:..._ 7; What do you feel are' your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? - /~~/J,fC~S~f/ !J 'J. C.~/j°!G'+~,~fL ~siS~~L' li~.s( ~/~t_ cJl,l.~l/~e~ ~•~~C 7~L, °OiYC.v7~Wy c.L~CG~eif7 i -~ ~ . .iii What areas of concer wou/d~y/ouflike/t-o~se~e`the Board, Committee,) or/C'o/mmissi/on address? `~ i~tiii _ /Y !._ ~S _.~F- /~Y~ /~.~.~ ~~ ~~.-,wI.C..~7'~i~' l.~~l.~. T/,~i,Sc~J_ _ /.. _/~ J , v l Are you current/y serving on anoth o ~ ^ ~ ~..cn~~,m ittee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: Date: ./Please --yam +~ J ~0! L , • /A~/ iit 5 ~2 ~~~G.S.ri~s, ~isn. ~~ ~~~lc Sir..~L /da•~r . ~, .. . y- 4 , , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room. 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 t Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ ~~ C{tT1~4NAL'Ab'ITCE pA ~~ ~~ Name: DOLORES F. MOORE . Home 418 SOUTH I8 STREET How long have you been a Address: resident of New Hanover Countyl NATIVE Mailing4 ddress: Y SERVICE wLRR PROQtAM, 414 Q~II~JT ST. , STIDE 302, Wl<M]NQLN, NC 28401 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 City and State: ~ ~ Zip Code: ~ (910) 343-=9668 (910) 251-5787 Telephone: Home: Business: 'Sex: FEMAI`E ~ "Race: BLACK 'Age: 64 ' 'This information is requested for the so% purpose olessuring that across-section of the commune is a ointed. • "Emp/oyea7~y:: .. T&PARI>`~iT CF CRIME.O~III~JL & AIF~.I!C SAFEIY/DIVISTiCN OF VIQTM & JC~IIC~~SERVICES • •A person current/y amp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personns/Policy. JobTitle: OFFICE ASSISTANT III PiofessionalActivities: STAE 1~iOY~ AS90CTAaLN CF NORgi CHINA VolunteerActivities: HALL; USA ALIDIIIItZtM; BOARD QF ZR[)5~/TAPFSIKY'.I,HFATFtE .NAACP, FRIIdJ6 CF' IIAVID WALKER, INC. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT 'IO PARIICIPATE IN WAYS AND MF1~5 TD ~VII~f AUDR~ AND RMSEi~NT RR Ctt~iINAL CFFIIOff.IILS Zb REQ~ ffiSIING Q~3ZS •AS ' ~T~3ED IN THE RR THE BOARD. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~~ WOI~ D~R~dCE Wl'IH CRTrB?+lpL CFr~ F1fD REV~I.VE IN AND OJP OF THE ~T'(NS SYSIDy1 R~(.. ALSO I HAVE A 9IN ~dD T5 ATIIICIII), ~i GIVES FIIiS'B HAND'A1Q+~LE~ (&' THE NE® E(R FINDING 9QIUIICi~iS-Zp REQXE THE N(I~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT ALL AREAS S~E~D 7N THE )<URFt~E CF THE BOAF~ SE~1 ZO BE H~]AII~ 1~'ANT, Tli~•LRE I HOPE THAT EACH CAN BE Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: N/A -- L ~wL~ y' L o .Date: AUQbT 23, 1994 ~i~n 2 3 ~,~ Signature IP/easA use reverse side Jor additions/ comriients-7 " ~ . ~. _. n~~;~~ Han~ov~ co. f_~. ~~~ COMMISSIONERS , . ~ NEVI/. NAl1lOVER CO(JNTY ~ - BOA~1~.~ bF COM/Vj/SS/ONERS 320 .Chestnut Street,Room 305 Wilmington,. NC 2840 ~-4093 Telephone f9-101 341-7149 FAX.f9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to, Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County,Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name: L . Mack Wade 1,..1 Home ~ - How long have you been a Address: 10 6 Spring Creek Lane ~ resident of New Hanover County? 19.5 yrs Mailing4 ddiessr same _.. City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: ~ 28405 a Telephonl: Home:.. 910-686-4915 Business: 910-251-2666 'Sex:. M "Race: Caucasian •,qge; 49 'This inlormetion is requested torahs so% purpose of essuriny,that a cross-section of the community Is eppo/ntes . ••Emp/oyeoby: N.C.: Division of Vocational: Rehabilitation ~Services . "A person curtest/y employed by the egencyor deportment lorwhich )his epp/icatian is medo, mustr~slgn his/h~rposition with New Nenover County upon appointment; 1n accordencs with Articis V/, Ssc. 4 of ahe New. Henover Cavnty Personn~i Fbrcy. JobTit/e:_ Counselor-In-Charge/New Hanover County. Prison Unit t _. ProfessionalActivities: N.C. Rehab. Association; National Rehab. Association Vo/unteerActivities; Community Resource. Council New Hanover Prison \ ---- Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) Twelve ~ years of working with :ex-offenders has proven that. aftercare .:and treatment are effective.. ~in reducing recidivism; however, availability of services, mandated parolee attendance and, supervision are. necessary. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Boaid,~,Committee, or Commission requested? .Twelve years drug_and alcohol counseling and referral, as well'as job . What areas of concern. would' you like to see the Board, Committee, of Commission addiessT '° To help insure availability of drug and alcohol aftercare services"and to help mandate attendance. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, pleaseaist: J No ..- - ~ l:., -,.,- Oat~: ~ Alla 3 1 5~ Signature ~~• ~l ~ ~~[,~~~ (Pleese use ~everseaide l r additions/ comments) ~'n~V Hr",1~OVER CO. (~ B~. C~ C0,41MISSIONEP,$ - ~ ~ -. ~ - NEW NANO VER COUNTY - BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840) -4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 > FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, -and- Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Name:. ~ rn~cr ~ ~1 i`~obQ.r~-!~ Home How long have you been a ~~ Address: ~ ; CO~t' ~; n resident of New Hanover County? Mailing4 ddress: '~ (~ {,-~ Q , i nd State: Zi Code: a, Cty~ ~ ~.~I~~ll~ ~0.G~ 'V~ p a ~~ Telephone: Home: ~ (~ -- ~~ ~ -LI q D ~ Business: ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~~' a ~ ~ o~ 'Sex: ~P,r~o~~ 2. "Race: .~,c' 41 ~ ~.t1`'Lll tl'CcSI0T~9e: 3~ .'This information is requested for the so% purpose of assuring r al across-section of the community is appointed. ..EmployeoTiy:~...~ - .`7 (~ ~. • •A person current/y amp/Dyed b y the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Nanover County Personae/ Policy. ~, JobTitle: ~ ~ i q~-,-~- t~-tt2-n ~Q. Y1~ . ProfessionalActivities: (Y1C,Z~io~ 1Jt'~~er,-. ~ In«~n cr~ ~ ml~nv. ~RLtCh _ ~f ro u.~ d of -~ ^'~ e.rY.b~ , .~..~ sand o -~ L: 9 F.i-s , Pa i +- r M e m b ~ - Q,,,n, ~ ~ C. VolunteerActivities:~_~C~rr~ctn-A'jR ~o~',r+a C~nss,(_ . S~P.r-e~r~i-f`tC ~'ci:~ ~.t1c ~~/~~.omm, 4~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT ~-~'ee ~ -#-h 2 ~oQ.rY1~ 5 howl d h~.~ ~ a_ r e acs en ~a-4-,U ~ -~-orv. -J-h ~ 5o u.~fi ~m -~-~ p o-~ ~~ ~,ou.n-~ • . What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Z ~er•v e o n mss.- -bwr~ L' oc,~,r~ e.~ l '' ~e e I S c~.rv. ~ r1 -~O h ~.~ ~~ ~z need ~ Q ~l-I~ C.brn rh~u.~n S ~ Cp-~Ce.t-r\ ~ n ~ Ci' i r~ e_ U-t~d Q,SS i~,n cx. ,~a.~i What areas of concern would you like to see the Boa?d, Committee, or Commission address? ~-, es ' ~ y ~ i ~ n c,P ' ~-u ~--, zl~ d cl ~ ~ ~~-, .r-~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appotnled by a muntctpality or a county? if so, p/ease list: y. ,y J llFF <' I Date: 11- a -Qj ~ ''r'I 1 " 3 ~ 1 Sig /Please use reverse side for additions/ comments] ~ t ~ ? ... ,=~te~~l~s COMMITTEE. APPOINTMENTS BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINBRS ... VACANCIES: 4 l - CLASS~II JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC 2 MECHANICAL~CONTRAGTORS 1 - MECHANICAL ENGINEER `! ELIGIBLE FOR • -~ •~- APPLICANTS: ~ •- - REAPPOINTMENT • i f ._ Class II Mechanic .._. /Jeff T. Lanier. ~; ._.. _ X _ ~.t Mechanical Contractors , _ ... _ , _ ,/.David Pope /Larry Lisk X ~{ Mechanical'Engineer ~ ~ ~- _ /David. Sims ' \, .._. - ~ ~ ,}{ _. i ,' .. .. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets _ . .Application •. . _ ... w _. ,_ - , G~U~~~Y G~i~~~~9SS~~~ERS .. .. Date ~ 3 2 ~ - --~=~!~r ~~ _ . _ _ L .Number of Members.: six members appointed •by the Board of Commissioners, each with at least 5 years experience in his field, as follows: 2 ,mechanical contractors licensed by the Board of Plumbing and Heating•Contractors of N. C. 1 person experienced in gas piping installations 1 person experienced in commercial grease extractor systems 1 person experienced in heat, ventilation 'and -air Conditioning installations 1 N. C. Registered Mechanical Engineer .Terms of Office: Initially, two years for mechanical contractors., one year for remaining three appointees ~' Subsequent terms: Upon expiration of one-year terms: 2 years Qualifications: Each member shall have a minimum of five years experience in his or her representative field. C9mpensation:: none ~. Regular Meetings: The Board shall meet after each examination, but not less than twice a year. , ,~ Statute or cause creating Board: General Statutes'153A-352 New Hanover County Code Chapter 5, "Building" Amended by adding a new Article VII, "Regulation of Mechanical Work",•dated 7/20/87 and amendment dated 12/19/88. Brief on Functions: To issue certificates to all persons who (1) provide satisfactory evidence to the Board regarding their training and education; (2) pass an examination administered by the Board, and (3) provide evidence of two years of experience in their perspective fields. To administer written or oral examination i quarterly on the first Tuesday in January, April, July and October. The Board may revoke certificates and reinstate certificates in accordance with the County Code. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EXPIRES Thomas L. Crittenden, Jr. Mechanical second 8-31-95 P.O. Box 3194 Contractor ~, Wilmington, NC 28406 (Appt. 9/16/91) 763-402 5 (H) 343-1234 (W) (Reappt. 8 16 93) Larry W. Lisk Mechanical first 8-31-95 ~~ 5600 Marsh Bay Drive Contractor. Wilmington, NC 28409 350-0370 (H) 799-8810 (W) ~ (Appt. 8/16/93 3 ~~ BOARD OF MECHANICAL EXAMINERS ('CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY SERVING EBPIRE$ Johnny'Lewis Moore Class`,I second 8-31-97 Route 1 Box 3876 .Journeyman Rocky Point,, NC 28457 Mechanic' 259-6559 (H} 392-683.7 (W) {Appt. to 1-year erm 9/16/91) (Reappt. 8 /92; 8/22/94 • Jeff T. Lanier Class`II third"" 8-31-95 333 Toulon. Drive Journeyman Wilmington; NC 28405 Mechanic - ' 395-2926 (H) 7,63-8337. (W) ~~ ~ (Reappt. -8/16/93) Robert H.. Williams Class. III first , 8-31-96 106 Mt. Vernon Drive ~. .Journeyman ~~ "° Wilmington, NC 28403 '" •Mechanic • 799-.4715 (H&W) (Appt. 8/16/93 to 1 year term) (Reapptd. 8/22/ 94 to 2 year term) David Sims ~ - ~ NC Registered third 8-31-95• 2721 Shandy Lane Mechanical-Eng. Wilmington, NC. 28409 ~ (Reappt. 8/16/93) 3.50-0316 (H) 791-8016 '(W) ~ ~ '~.~` 8/94 .. ._.. .. MECHANIC ~. J ,. _. - ' _ • h ~ .. ae ~ I~ ~ 34 Return to : - ~ ~ . LLTCIE F:' HAFtREhL, CL~EftK . ~, ` ~~ttr.d of Cnummi:~~tu~t~r~ • dew 3}i~nIIUer (IIuuntg 3zII (IIlicBtnut $trrct ~ilmingtan. ~nrtlT lL~rrrnllntt ~84II1-4Q93 -• . c~elr~rtlaar (919) 341-7149 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMITPEE.S, AND COMMISSIONS APPOINIFD BY THE NEW HANUVF.R CI)ONI'Y BOARD CF ~1'Y CCi~lISSICt~f2S. S-T.FCR APPOINIM@TP Tp: The Board Of Mechanical Examiners Of New Hanover County (~ ~_ 1 1 Plea_ge NAME?: e ~ ~ ~ ~ °~• ~ in black ink) ~ LONG HAVE YOU BEErI A RESIDEtI'P CIF AIXA~S.S : _ .~ ,~ ~ Tn ,1 p ry ~ t ~t Q NEW HAI~7VER. COUNI'Y?~~ . TELEP'SONE: BLML _ . 3;5- ~9~~ Bosn~ss Ira 3 8'337 ~ - ~~ MAIe RACE:_ ~; ~.; i~ ~: 3co ~ BY: _ ~ ~ ~ C A ~ C~.M o ~ - ~., ~; ~ ~ ~: . • DvTZES Pte: ..LNS~, IAf~~N Q- Se~~~ce~ '~° PROFESSIONAL ~' wrArr~x -.. `f o ~~ ~ Ate, I e`~ i S WBY Do YOU wIS-a To sF.~vE oar THE mARD, ar~T~, oR ac~sslON sr®? C~ Q. ~ 00 ~ *1 O ~ 1 n ~ Q 1P NL\M~ ~ N Q COU~J7~/ WHAT DO YOQ FEEL ARE YOUR QQALIFICATIONS FOR SERVING ON TAE BOARD, / ~, ~IITIEE, OR C~sISSION RHQUES'IF~? @ ~ ~ ~ 'f .a - n A CO UN y ~ COr~ pl~~J/P c WHAT AREAS OF CONCERN WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THAT BOARD, OOMMITTEE, OR CC~SSION ADDFtE,SS? - •~_ . *A PERSON CURRENT~,Y EMPLOYED BY THE AC~ICY OR DEPARTMENT FOR WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS MADE, MUST RESIGN HIS/HER POSITION WITH NEW HANOVER.COUNTY UPON APPOINT'MII~TP, I:N ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE VI, SDC. 4 OF THE NEW HANC7VER COUN'T'Y PERSONNEL POLICY. DATE: ~ ~ ~ ~ s' , ~ ,,~ 3 5 ~' (PLEA-SE DSE FzE.UEE2.SE SIDE FOR ADDIfiZONAL ) _ 09~06~93 13:04 b y197o28093 HRNOVER IRON 01 SEP- fi-95 WED 9:55-. NHC COMMISSIONERS FAX. NO. 9103414130 P.Ul NFw NANOVE~ ~CavNrY , a oa Ro o~ con~~vr~sslanrERs 32U Chestnut Street, ~ Room 305 . Wiimington, NC ~ 28401-4x93 Telephone !910134 ~r7149 . FAX !9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissia>ys Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Coinmissionars. Request forAppotnlment to; ~ Board of Mechanical Examiners Name: ~ bavid PoP_e - .Y :. ,~ `_ _ ...._....._ . - flomo •~ How Jonp have you been o Address: 609 Shawnee '~r.ail testdenrotNewNanoverCountyl 1$_ Yrs_.._- MeilingAddress: 609 Shawnee Trail - - City snd State: Wilmington NC ~ ~ 'Zip Code: _ _• 2412-•'__-, Telephone: Nome: 910-799-2307 _. .Business: __910-763-7318 _ •Sex: M `Race: W -AQe; 39 '.y rg . 'This la(ormerlon Is roquostrs for (hs solo purpois yr assunAD !hot a crosa•s.etion oI the oommuMty u •ppoindd. •'£mploycdby: Hanover. Irol~ Works ~- _ ~ • "A prso~ owrontly,mptnyd b y rho eponey or dpsrtmont for which this ~pplicaGOn is n~aQo, mvs r resl~n h/trh•r position rwth Nrw ftanovsr County upon appointment, !n eccordancr with Rrtlcle.V/, S~c..~4 of the Naw Hanover Cov.~ry Po~sonnd policy. Job Tit/e: Vice President - •r .._ Professional Activities: _• ~ _ - • - VolvnlaQrAclivitics: _ -. •-• VYhy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Comm/sslon repuestedT 'ro en t cr my point of view. ... .... __ - _ _ ., --• -- ... .+ . . _ ~. .. What do you feel are your qualifications lar seivinp on tho Board, Committee, or Comr»ission rcpuestedT ,,. 20 yearA + in trade _ • What areas of concern would you like to sea the Bosrd, Cvrrririittee, or Comrn:ssion address? ~~-_ Are you currently servr'ng on another board or comm/ttee appolrired by a municipality or 3 county? If so,' Alerlse list: . No , • S-1 ~1 _~~~Ji `~ w 36 Q.- ~- - _~ ~ ~. ~ `` Dale: / ~ /. S •' 95 Si~nilvil '~ •---- - ~-~ O s~ - (P/atuo usa reverse slda7oraddirlone/co,nmentrl~•'~' • ~ . ..,:.~`~'~ CO. u. +9197998619 ;.CAPE FEAR HEAT & AIR 089 P01 JL1L 30 '93 13:9 : ~._ . NEW HANOVEI~ G'OUNTY . '~- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Sfreet, Room 305 ~lmington,, IVC 2840-4093 7elephona (919J 341-7149 FAX (919) 341-4130 ~~ ~~ Appltcation torAppolntrnent tc~ Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board o! Commissioners. Request for Appoinfmcnf to: ~D.A~2 O' ~ ~/l7~ ~iC X rc/ Nerve: ,~r~.2.C'y '!.~`- G~ t 1 t Noma ~ How long have you been a Address: l U /~~.~~ ~~~ ~~ - resident ofNewHanover County? .2 ~,~.~`, MailingAddress: r~/no /jl~9.~Sfi ~ ~y 4~'~ City and State: ~i ~~ ~ d N~ C . Zip Code: e2 8 Sf 4 9 Telephone: ~ Home: ~~5 D - 4 70/ 8uslness: Z9R ~ ltd ''Sex: r /f~ 'Race: ~v' `Age 7 7 'This intbrm8t~ort /J rogveztod !br tho sole purpose of as~winy Ural a aoss-eectlon o1 tho Community is nppdnted '~*Emp/oyed by: ~ / .~- 1J'V C ~ "'A persan Curren employed try the agency or daperbnent for thLs app-katton Es made, must rsefgrt 'tfon with New fisnovar County upon eppolnirnenl, !n sceortfar~ce with Ardido Vl, Soc 4 of the Nox Nanotbr Courtly Persor»et Polley. Job 77t1e: _ P/~~s'~~~~' ProfessionalActivitles• C~~~~}-,C /~~,~i~V9 .~,!¢~,e ~,~~i~i¢Cfy/~ •S~s sc,~ ~A~~~a.~! __~___T VoluntacrAcdvities: Why do yvu wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What do you fee! are your qualifrcatlons fot` serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested'I f/C~~V.S~'~~~.~/i~.¢ ~ ~'~s./~~~c~a.~ ~'a~ od~°,2 ~D~~,t'S What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? (Ptease use nsvcrse side for addtianal mmmants) Qate: ~l/ ~C~~~Qd~D S/gnature 37 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONFR4 - DAVID SIMS & RSSOC.:" .TEL No ,91.9-791--8016 _ - Sep.-6,91 14:10 P.02 - . .. ~~ _ ..Board, o~',Cvmm~sstor~~ra New Hanover County ' •~ 320 Chestnut Street '~ • Wilm:~gtnnr North CarOlftlA 7-~t-4A~S Telephone (919) 34I-7144 . ... Appiit-anon for Appointment to Boards, Cammittees;:and Comrnieaions Appaln.tad by tha Naw mover County l;Qard of C'aunty C.ommissiocters. ~•°j Request for Appointment to: „_. AnARn o HANTCAr. ~MT~.S - N ~-' ~l e4 : ~~H • £ w~ . fPl~rst tyye a pint in D;a~ h,~ .. ~ `~ iVame: nAtrTII q,TMc _ .. ~--f ' • . f Iow long huYC you bccri a • 'Address: 2721 Stormy L r?F: - ~ resident of New Hanover County? 11 Yes _ -._ .. WILMINGTON, N.C. 2$409 . Telephone: Home: " v ~ 350-0316. Business: 791-8016 ~ • '. ~ Sex. M _ _ Race. W Age; ~ ** ZYmployed by:. ' , SELF-EMPLOYED - JOb T{t10i ' . CONSULTING ENGINEER ~ . Duties performed: MECHANICAL & ELflCFRiCAL ENGINEERING ~ I Professional Activities: AFRICAN INSTITUTE ,OF CEiEMICAL ENGINEERS 4J 'Volunteer Activities; ROTARY ~ '~ ., . .. , w . Why do you wish to serve on the hoard, Committee, OY Cotnmisston rt3quest~.tT X B~L~EVE THAT I CAN BE OF SERVICE. ~Yl1al aU u.u ltel eut: yuut tluullfla.uUvu~ fVt .tt.i rTi~b wr tli~ DaaiYt~43omm~~ti~~1 ~r :imm~PP=;~ ~f~ requeste~? 1~ PAST F3CPFRTF.N(`f What areas of concern would you Hke to see that $uar~l, Ctiiitu~illae, or Commt~ston addcca3? . '~ ThJa tnfoTTna2tori fb ~fqur6ud juT t/u ~v1cP"~ v~tasurlny 1)rrrl u t n.~F..,~~1;~,.,.,f lkc.annrr:urt,ly a ippornJoL. A person curtrntty enrprnycd by tki agatcy or dtpgrtmeni Jbr wlrirh this appllcallon is made, must resign h1s/1xf • ~JOJ-lfufl tvil-t jii:w lbu,~r QoK„I~r ~pue .yyulnl,ru„1~ in Al4ort~~n~t ~v7f/,/lrfil'J~ U1. fry A ~fi. N n Nnwn.r+ - ... Coxniy Pcrsonrul Po1iry. . _ . ~ ~ . Date: 9-6-91 • Signature , ?'his application will.be kept on file for one year only. (Please use reverse side for additional comments) 38 . • -. ... .. _ ~` lU'd U~lGlbtiblti 'UN Xd~ . Sa~NU15S1>afaUJ JNN ~U ti !b~ lb 9 -d. _ _ _ ~ ~~ - . COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ,1~. ' NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER . ~~~ -BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ ~~ .~~ ~ , 1 4 VACANCIES ~ 3-YEAR TERMS ~'' ' A `~t j 1~ ELIGIBLE FOR ` APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT ,~'. ~ .Robert J. Hall ~ _ Owen E. Metts i,/,''Pamela S . Morine ~ ,Jane Fliesbach Rhodes t/ Eileen B. Rock .. ~'~ Sylvia Rountree X ~~i .Regis C. Serene t - Doretha Stone ~- ~'% William C. Taylor •+ Linda Jean Wilson Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ~` Letters from Dumay Gorham ,1 Applications `~ ~ .~ .. -. , ~,~PPROV~.~ f co~~~ ~~~~~~~o~s~~~~~~s . ~ _ - ~ 39 r~~ _ _ NEW. HANOVER'REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 15 - plus 3 ex officio•members~ (1 County ' Commissioner, Chief of Medical 'Staff and the-Past Chief of Staff) Terms: five years - Not eligible ,f or reappointment until one year after term unless originally~.apponted to fill an unexpired term. Effective September 1993, new terms are for three years. Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospital. Committees of the~Board average one meeting per. month each. Trustees serve on two or three committees. Statute or cause creating Board: Charter or Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26, 1967. Brief on Functions: Takes responsibility .for the operation of a large public hospital through the establishment of policy and the deciding of major questions on f finance, scope of services, facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. .. TERM ~ J ~ PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Charles M.,~Coleman, Jr. first 9-30-96 2229 S. Live~Oak Parkway 3 year term ~ ,. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 9/20/93)~~ 763-2075 • (H) 799-4877 (W) :. Yq: ~a Henry M. von Oesen first 9'-30-96 412 W. Renovah Circle 3 year term ` Wilmington, NC 28403 , ~ Appt.• 10'/4/93 762-8313 Phillip Sharpe first 9-30-96 4110 A Shipyard Boulevard ~ `3 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 ~ ~ - (Appt. 9/20/93) 791-2026 (H) Corneille Sineath 6664 Cable Car Lane Wilmington, NC 28403 256-2719 first 9-30-96 3 year term (Appt. 9/20/93) David B. Benford 1645 Country Club Road Wilmiri ton NC 284,03 5 ,~~ ~ }~ 251-0846 W 799, 3~43$5,~~Ht\J~,y~~;~~ ~'~` ~ ~ r ~ ~ - o~~,~.,r,._-~~ ~';a~;^r~c;~ Luther Brown ~~-r- ~~~~~ .~~~~~.,~,~ ~~~,~~;~ 1944 Brookhaven Road y.'- ~'' Wrightsville Beach, -ANC=-2.8'4!8.0>, .,.~~~.', fi „7883 (W) 343-1991 (H) first 9-30-97 3 year term . Appt. 9/19/94 first 9-30-97 3 year term Appt. 9/19/94 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM' " ~ ~ PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Daniel E. Dawson first 9-30-97 3177 Wrightsville Avenue 3 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/19/94 762-0766(H) 762-4200(W) Barbara L. Maisenhelder first 9-30-97 •• 309 Breckenridge Drive ~ 3 year term Wilmington, NC 28412 Appt. 9/19/94 452-7195(H) 763-9976(W) • Eugene A. Lees f first 9-30-95 .906 Robert E. Lee Drive 5 year term Wilmington, NC 28409 (A t /90) 799-.1294 (H) Sylvia H. Rountree unexpired 9-30-95 1.912 Ashbrook Drive 5 year term.' Wilmington, NC 28403. (Appt. 5./17/93). 762-6250 (H) Rev. Anthony R. Watson first 9-30-96 3606 Cole Court 5 year term Castle Hayne, NC 28429 675-9446 (H) 675-9755 (W) {Appt. 9/16/91) Charles C. Wells first 9-30-96 2211 Marlwood Drive 5 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 762-8500 (W) 762-0301 (H) (Appt. 9/16/91) Dr. R. Bertram Williams, Jr. first- 9-30-96 1114 Forest Hills Drive ~ 5 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 763-1336 (H) (Appt . 9/16/91) Fred Retchin unexpired 9-30-97 2516 Canterbury Road 5 year term Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt . 9/19/94) 763-7358 (H) 763-8485 (W) Dr. Dennis B. Nicks first 9-30-97 529 Wayne Drive 5 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt . 10/5/92) 763-4630 (H) , 343-0119 (W) Ex-Officio Members: ` William A. Caster -.County Commissioner 41~ ALAN A. MARSHALL (1900-1979) LONNIE 0. WILLIAMS A. DUMAY GORHAM, JR. JERRY C. WOOOELL WILLIAM ROBERT CHERRY, JR. RONALD H. WOODRUFF LONNIE B. WILLIAMS, JR.~ JOHN D. MARTIN CHARLES O. METER JOHN L. COBLE M.~.R$HAT.T.~ Wn,T.T.A?-SS SC GORAAM~ L.L:P. arrox~s sr Lew . wa,~rGiON, NORrH GAROLII`7A July 28, 1995 Ms. WaYnda Copley New Hanover County Attorney 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC .284.01 Re: New Hanover Regional Medical Center - • Appointment of New Trustees (Class of 1998) .J. ' 1 ~: /V ~•~I. ,: : "'• +;. MAILING ADDRESS P.O. DRAWER 2088 WILMINGTON, N. C. 2 0 40 2-2 08 8 TELEPHONE (910) 76~-9891 FACSI M 1 LE' f 9101 343-8604 OFFICES 14 SOUTH FIFTH STREET WILMINGTON, N. C. 2 8 401-4 53 9 Dear Wanda:- This is just~a reminder that the appointment of new trustees to the medical center's Board of Trustees by The Board of County Commissioners will occur in the new future. As you will recall, in 1993, The Board of .Commissioners and The Board of. Trustees agreed upon a new appointment procedure, and. the first appointments under the new procedure were made in the Fall of 1993. The appointments this year will be the third. time -that appointments have~been.made under the new procedure. ~ , As outlined in my letter to .you of July 21 1994, The Board of Commissioners should appoint four trustees (Class of 1998) to The Board- of .Trustees this. Fall. The terms .of those trustees are for three years, commencing at-the opening of the annual meeting 'of The Board of Trustees in October. Please call me should you have any questions concerning the foregoing. Very truly yours, By: ADG' kv cc,~~Mr. Jim R. Hobbs, NHRMC MARSHALL, WILLIAMS & GORHAM, L.L.P. -~. A..Dumay Gorha 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 August 11, 1993 Mr. Robert G. Greer, Chairman h'e•~; Hanover County Board of Cornmissi~ Hers 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Re: Appointment of Medical Center Trustees .Dear ~obby: I would like to convey. some information relative to the appointment of trustees. The twv. categories needing clarifcation include needs of the Board regarding specific skills and the implementation plan of the change to our by-laws reflecting three year appointments. 1\'eeds of.the Board of Trustees - In accordance with Article IV, Section 6, of the Medical Center By- Laws, the Trustees have discussed at the Executive Committee level the needs of the Board regarding specific s;vlls, abilities, experience, and expertise of future trustees. Through this communication,.I am requesting that- the following areas of expertise be considered during the review process for upcoming Board appointees: Construction/Engineering Insurance Expertise Communication/Public Relations/Community Relations Finance/Banking ~ - ' Law . ' Planning - Architecture , Bobby, these identified specialities and our needs are based on members who are rotating off the Board, current major areas of focus, and anticipated major plans of the Medical Center. We trust that as you consider future Board appointments that these broad categories of needs will be taken into account iii order to provide adequate depth and breadth of knoweledge and expertise on the Board of Trustees. 43 Mr. Robert G. Greer . - 2 - ~ August ~I1, 1993 Implementation Plan/Appointment of Trustees/ChanQP in By-Laws: The Board of Tru to ~ - s es, as you are well aware, approved the change in the Medical Center By-Laws at the May meeting relative to the terms of trustees -specifically, changes made to Section II of the By- Laws. The change established three year terms as opposed to five year terms. In reviewing the implementation of this By-Laws amendment, discussions with counsel, management, and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees have ensued: Following discussion, it has been :termined that the Board would like to pursue an implementation plan which allows existing Board of Trustee members to fulfill their current terms, would ~ allow a transition period for new Board appointments, and would allow the appointment of full three year terms of incoming .Board members. This implementation plan would of necessity create an overall increase'in -the number, of Board members during the transition phase. The phase-in alternative will involve a period of transition from September 1993 until the Fall of 1997. As of October 1997, all current trustees" will have rotated. off the Board, and the Board will once again consist of fifteen trustees., .,.Under this scenerio, four new .trustees. would be appointed to the. Medical Center Board in September of 1993° for three year terms (this would be Class of 1996). In order to fully.. explain the implementation plan, the attached;~schedule outlines .the rotation, ctitTent ` composition, and future,composition of the Board. As you can see, from the attachment, -fhe Board does . _ .increase in size to a' maximum of 20 members (17 appointed trustees) from October 1995,to October 1996 and then begins to decrease the following year. In October of 1997, `the implementation is complete and the Board returns to fifteen trustees. This implementation plan will create the need fora change in .the current By-Laws of the Medical Center. ~ •- Following ageneral understanding that this implementation plan is agreeable with the Commissioners, -our`Board is prepared to proceed with such a~By-Laws change. Therefore, we request that you appoint four trustees in September 1993 to the Class of 1996. This will begin the implementation plan as outlined. If we can provide additional information, input, or clarifcation regarding any of these requests and/or ~,. issues, please let us know. ~~ ~ . /lme . . Attachment pc: Mr. D. Gorham • = Barone 44 Sincerely, Eugene A. Lees, Chairman Board of Trustees F' ' ~ i -. • Mr. A. O'Neal Mr. W. Caster ~' l~ , ~ .. Mr. E. Mathews, Jr. Mr. W. Sisson ~- -. The following size and composition of the Boaid of Trustees is-applicable under aphase-in agreement: '~ Size and Composition of Board of .Trustees - ~. Under Second Alternative '1993 e to Octob r. 1994 From Oclober, ~ 3 Ex-Officio Trustees - ~ 4 New Trustees (Class of 1996) Q Current Trustees (Nunnelee, Segal, Lees, Rountree, Wells, Williams, Watson, ~~' ~ Nicks, and Brewington) Total 16 Trustees ~~ From October, 1994 to October, 1995. v, - { ,~, 3 4 Ex-Officio Trustees Trustees in Class of 1996 4 'New Trustees (Class of 1997) 7 Current Trustees (Lees, Rountree, Wells., Williams, Watson, Nicks, and ~ Brewington) . __ Total ~ 18 Trustees ~ .. - 1945 to October 1996 t O b F ,= c er. rom o . 3 Ex-Officio Trustees ~.. = 4 ~ ~~ ~ • . Trustees. in -Class of 1996 yR~ - 4. Trustees in Class of 1997 " ~ 4 New Trustees (Class of 1998) ` ~ Current Trustees ells, Williams, Watson, Nicks and Brewin ton ~ g ) Total 20 ~ Trustees ~` m cto er 1 6 t ctober 1 7 Fn • ti . . 3 Ex-Officio Trustees ~ ~ - - 4 Trustees in Class. of 1997 - 4 Trustees in Class of 1998 ,~ 4 New Trustees (Class of 1999 -Note that the Class of 1996 is subject to automatic •. reappointment or 'replacement by unanimous vote of Board of County ~ Commissioners -Class of 1999 will replace the Class of 1996) ~ 2 Current Trustees (Nicks and Brewington) Total 17~ Trustees - '~ ber r 1997 to Oct 1998 t b F O , , . f c e o rom o ~ 3 Ex-Officio Trustees ~ 4 Trustees in Class of 1998 I 4 Trustees in Class of 1.999 ~ . 4 New Trustees (Class of 2000 will replace Class of 1997) ~~ Q Current Trustees 45 ` Total :: IS Trustees - • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM. /SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Bgards; Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County:Board of Commissioners. Reque. Name: Home G J ~t ~ How long have you been a Address: 7 6 w• ~ lam. resident of New Hanover CountyT n Mailing Address: City and State: 7~./ G'~• ~ . ' .. Zip Code: ~~'7 ~ ~ 7~~3 ~~ . Telephon Home: Business: • -~~ w ~ , - • lp Sex: Race: Age: 3 'This information is requested ror the so% pwposa o/ essuriny th~t'a cross-section o/ the community is appointed. ..Employed by: i IJ 'A person currently employed b y the agency or department Jor which this application is made, must resign his/her position with ~~., New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic%' VI, Sec. 4 of the New,Henover'County Personnel Policy. ~ h Job Tide: a , -}-. Professional Activities: , ~ Cct~~• w. - d VolunteerActivities: ~J~,~,-z~03t (lr;ru~f~icf'.~2uiu~ (~...:~Q~, uC~ .•~~'.~i,t~f" ~,CL-c~X~~-ts . Whey do y~~ou,,wis~~h to serve on the Board, C ~rc-o~' c~4,~,~-e,t/ ~Lck,-- uti . _ .. or c;ommtsston requested! ~,. . What do you fee/ are your qualifications .for serving`on: the Board, Committee, or•Commission Wha Are you current/y serving on another board or Date: /Please use dT ~_ appointed.by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: ~~ ~:^`~~ :due ~~0595 .. i•.: iL~ ~ ^O. L ti - - -. NEW f~ANO:VER~ COUNTY` .- - ~ -BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Ches'tnvf Street, `Room 305 •~ - . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101341-7149 . F.AX (9.101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Co/nmissions ~. '~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ N w Hanover Re Tonal Medical Center Trustee $oard Home Kow long have you been a Address: 8217 River Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 resident of New HanoverCountyl S years Mailing4ddress: PO Box 628 - ~ - -City End Slate: Wilmington, NC Zip, Code: 28401 ~' Te%phone: Home: 910 799 6299 ~ Business: 910 251 0994 'SeX: Male "Race: African American 'Age: 36 " ' 'This Informelion is roQueslad for the so/o puipass oJessuiing shot a cross•secdon~ol the community is eppoinled. _ "EmployeobY~_ Nigh Valley ,.:-~ c~-vI_ces "A poison cuiianl/y emproysd by tha sponcy or depeitmanl ror which lhis sppUeolian is made, must rasiyn hisAta~position with Now Kenovo~ County upon eppointmenr, in eccordonca with A~licle Vl, Sec. 4 0/ lha Naw Henovai Counly Porsonnol Poliey. `!!~' •~ /obTitle: Owner,' Consultant', Planner, Broker Pro(essionalActivities: F ~~ - - Vo/unteerAClivifies: Past Board Member. of Echo Farms Homeowners' Association •~, Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission re I know ' quested that my experience sir va 1 un n h R.,~,-.~ of Trirero~,~- -and the comm~n;rv What do you lee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? '4~4'~ My experience and my,desire to improve the service provided to the community: ~~~f What areas of concern kvould you like to see the Board, Cvrnmittee, or Commission oddre + -~' ssl .New technology, expanding services and cost control measures. ----__ ' Are You cuiiently serving on another board or cornmittea appointed by a municipality or a countv7 No. Dat • ~- EIULSI~JLSIJC'1 /f so, please list: e. ~ _ $ignat r ~~1P/oaSe uSO reveiso Side l~eddiliona/ c ~S/ ~ ~ 7 (:1 /` 1 / ppnn ~~11f1 fl~~• NEW.HANOVER .COUNTY - BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 2840 ~-4093 . Telephone (9101 341-7149 - FAX (9101 341-4130 - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: Request for Appointment to: -Board of New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) Name:. Pamela S. Morine Home ~ -_ ~ How long have you been a Address: 101 Windlass Drive resident of New Hanover CountyT 4 years Mailing Address: 101 Windlass Drive City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Coder ?8409-2030 Telephony: Home: (910) 452-1770 Business: (910) 799-7800 'Sex: Female "Race: White •Age. 41 • . 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring the? s cioss-section of the community is eppornted. "Employed by: _Morine Financial Services ~ ,~ •'A person cuirerit/y employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with f New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: President Certified Public Accountant since 1977; Certified Financial Planner (CFP)~ Professional Activities: _since 1986._M.B.A.-Wharton School;A.B.cum laude in Accounting-Duke U. (Over Treasurer-RiverfesX, 1993-Present; Board of Directors, Lower Cape Fear Vo/unteerActivities: Memorial_Societvr and Friends ;of Public Library Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT Seasoned, experienced I Srustees are needed to guide NHRMC in a balanced manner in .its transition'~to a highly. recognized regional vrovider of quality healthcare. I believe I offer the experience and ~i talent which the Board seeks. Y What do you tee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Boaid, Committee, or Commission requested) 3 years of hospital and healthcare industry auditing as a CPA with the Big 6 accounting firm of Coopers' Lybrand, coupled with my 20 years of Fortune 500 anti personal C.E.O. experience in'managing ~--' budgets in excess of $50 million. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, of Commission addressT Successful - mieration of hospital policies .towards increasing-trend of managed care; favorable community"resolution of .dual hospital operations. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT lJ so, please list: ~, No 48 Date: September 5, 1995 :~ ~ S 95 Signature - V~1 (Please use reverse side /or additions/ comments/ L ~, 1 a 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 f i ;, ,,~ ,. PAMELA S. MORINE PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES -CON"T Member: .American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Institute of Certified Financial Planners (ICFP) Winner: 1994 Cape Fear Women of Achievement Award -Business and • Jrofessions Categoxy Nominee: 1994 North Carolina Distinguished Women's Award in~ Business & Professions -one of 25. nominated statewide.. Pamela S. Mori~P 101 'Windlass Drive • . Wilmington, North Carolina 284.09-2030 HOME TEL: (910) 452-1770 OFFICE TEL: (910) 799-7800, ~ FAX: (910) 45~-7565 EDUCATION 1975 A:B. cum laicde, DUKE UNIVERSITY, Durham, North Carolina. Major -Accounting 1980 M.B.A. with distinctio,:, WHARTON SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF. PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Major in Finance, Strategic Planning and Marketing. EXPERIENCE .1985 -Present PRESIDENT, MORINE FINANCIAL SERVICES, Princeton, New Jersey (1985-1991) and Wilmington, North Carolina. Head of a growing nationwide financial planning serrvices practice. Oversees in excess of $20 million in assets belonging to more than 350 individual and corporate clients. Areas of expertise include retirement and estate planning, employee beenfits, educational funding, tax strategies and asset preservation and growth. 1981 - 1985 AT&T Il~'TERNATIONAL, Basking Ridge, New Jersey. • 1983-1985 DIRECTOR OF ZRAINING. Exceeded revenue objectives by 70% by selling AT&T training and consulting services as a product outside the United States. 1981-1983 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF BUDGET. Designed and implemented budgeting process for AT&T's new international subsidiary. Developed the company's first international budget control procedures and corporate instructions. Success led to nomination to AT&T's Advanced Management Potential and Assessment (AMPA) Center. Attained highest recorded score in Center's history. 1980 - 1981 SR. INZBRNAL CONSULTANT, REVLON; Edison, New Jersey. Performed numerous studies on cost controls in cosmetics and personal care products. 1974 - 1980 COOPERS & LYBRAND, 1977 - 1980 SR. MANAGEivIENT CONSULTANT, New York City. Headed and participated in engagements on behalf of clients. Specialized in finance and accounting applications. 1974 - 1977 C.P.A., AUDIT DEPT., Newark, New Jersey. Performed audits of banks, educational institutions, hospitals, manufacturers and non-profit organizations. - CONTINUED - 50 ~ s C PROFESSIONAL LICENSES, DESIGNATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Certified Public Accountant since 1977 -Licensed in North Carolina, and maintaining inactive status in New Jersey. Certified Financial Planner since 1986 Registered Investment Adviser since 1988 - Registered. in North Carolina and New Jersey Certified Managment Accountant 1981 - 1985 Securities Licenses: Series 7 -General Securities Representative Series 24 -Registered Principal Series 63 -Uniform Securities .Agent ` .Insurance Licenses: Life, Accident & Health in North Carolina, New Jersey and Kentucky PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS f' 1 r I~tember -American Institute of Certified Public Acccountants (AICPA), International Board of Certified Financial Planners (IBCFP) CREATIVE WORKS Host/Producer of "Wealth Maner$ ", weekday financial planning radio program, WMFD-AM , ,' (1992-Present) and WBMS-AIVI (1994-Present), Wilmington, North Carolina. Currently in discussions to be syndicated. Guest Host of "Financially Speaking ", weekly call-in radio program on personal financial planning,. WHWH-AM, Princeton, New Jersey (1986-1991) Author of many articles on financial planning AWARDS AND HONORS GREEN EYESHADE AWARD, Atlanta Society of Professional Journalists, 1994, naming "Wealth Matter" radio program as a. Finalist for Best Business Reporting in 11 southeastern states. WHO'S WHO IN FINANCE AND INDUSTRY, 29th Edition listing, 1994. NORTH CAROLINA DISTINGUISHED WOMAN'S AWARD, North Carolina Council For Women, 1994, Finalist in Business/Professions category. CAPE FEAR WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT, Wilmington, North Carolina YWCA, 1994 winner in the "Professions ", category. TRIBUTE TO WOIVIEN IN INDUSTRY (TWIN) AWARD, Princeton, New Jersey YWCA, 1986 for accomplishments in business. YOUNG CAREER ~'VOMAN FOR NEW JERSEY, Business & Professional Women's Association, 1978. t - CO1`d'TINUED - 51 f " ~ 1 "Resume of 1 Pamela:S. Morine Pagc 3 of 3 _ `J BOARD MEMBERSHIPS AND COMMIJNI'TY'SERVICE 1994 -Present, TREASURER, Old Wilmington Riverfront Celebration, Inc. (Riverfest), Wilmington,'" North Carolina ~ 1993 -Present, Member of Advisory Board, Memorial Society of Lower Cape Fear, Wilmington, North Carolina . 1986 - 1991, Member of Finance Committee, YWCA; Princeton, New Jersey 1986 - 1991, Member of Regional Planning Board;Princeton Township, New Jersey. PERSONAL Married, two children, working proficiency ~in Spanish: a • , .. , .. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ " I .. . ~. ~ 1 _ - - .. ~ ,_ F " } i ~ ~ ~ ~ } .. ~ ., ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY m1 BOARD OF COI~/1/t~1/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~. Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~ FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: r 1 r~us E Name: ~ ~ 1 Home ~O"7~_`t' 1~G1/fC~i ,y~~. f-, , . h'ow long have you been a Address: i r ~ [,~_ f'~, ya resident of New Hanover Countyl .Mailing Address:_ ~ liyl,P Q S' City and State: r ` ~ `~ Zip Code: ~~~~~-, w Telephone: Home: ~~~ `~ ( ~ ~ t Business: ~ ' "Sex: ~ - "Rage: ~~~ 'Age: ~~ 'This inlormetion is requested /or the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed, ' ~ .. _ ""Employed by: ~ ~ ''A person current/y amp oyed by the a ency or apartment for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personae/ Po/icy. l ~~ Job Title: ~~.P~ - ~ 1~~,(~~1 ~~~~ -~~ ~~ ProfessionalActivities: ~°~. ~ ~l'~~~~ `i'p~~,( /jyLQf . ,~ VolunteerActivities: _ ~P / ~cc~~ ~P ~LC!/YL~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT n __~ ~_ What u feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT What areas of concern would you like to see he Board, Com/m~ittee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~ ( ,/„ 1 ...__ " ;J -, Date:~~ ~_, ~ ~ ~~ tP/ease use reverse side for additional commenr rJ:' t ,,,,, r i ~ ~ ,,,, ,r would like to serve on the Board of Trustees at New Hanover Regional Medical ~• Center, because I want to serve the community and I believe 1 would be a positive u asset to the Board. The.hospital is facing some;very difficult matters. Dealing with Health Maintenance Organizations in an effective manner is a concern, getting a handle on the cost of operations.at~the fiospital is a major concern, as is deterrnining = _ the fashion ~in which New Hanover and Cape Fear Hospitals can serve the community in the best way possible. I would like~to~~see these areas addressed not only. from a ~~ business and financial point of view, but also from the patient and citizen perspective. My background- in' analyzing, negotiating, and, resolving issues, and handling budgets would be a solid addition to the Board. I am also.:a dedicated. and hard worker and I ~! am eager to participate in a very important facet'of`the life of the community. 1~-~ ~ - - ._ _ . Ly f _ ~ ~ l_.J .. ~ L_.I .. ~ ; ~.. . ~~ r _ _ a ~~; ._ _ ~~ . . ._ ~ ~~ ~ a .; ._ _ ; . : -, .. 54 ._ . _..'. i EXPERIENCE , Owner ' ~ . . ((~~ Trails West ~ 1991-1.993 Performed all functions of business ownership and management for shop selling Native .l~ ~ . American Jewelry and Southwestern Accessories t i 1 1 1 u International Trade Specialist Sun International Trading, Ltd.; Wilmington, NC 1990-1991 • Handled numerous import and export projects. Researched intcntational markets, shipping - anddocumentation methods, and sourcing products. Initiated local market research for import items. , • ,Counseled small businesses interested in entering export mazkets. Conducted overseas market research, sought international agents and distributors, and intemational trade fairs for clicnts. • Found intemational warehouse and distribution center in Europe for company. •. .Assisted Sun Galleries with marketing and sales.methods. Designed catalogs for application to juried trade shows. ~ : • Assisted with the design and development of company brochure and letterhead. Researched . development of international mail order catalog. i . Marketing Of; lcer Export-import-Bank of the United States; Washington, D.C. 1987-1989 • Managed .and led Eximbank training seminars for commercial. bankers and exporters. Presented detailed case study on loan and guazantee programs. • Represented the bank. in addressing exporter groups, trade associations, and community economic development groups. • Contributed. to the development and implementation of annual Eximbank strategic Marketing Plan. • Authored articles for various trade organizations on Eximbank programs. • Served as loan officer under the Working Capital Guarantee Program during a rotation to the U.S. Division in the Bank. ' • Served as account executive for the city of Louisville under Eximbank's City/State Initiative. Assisted city staff in developing expertise in Eximbank programs; helped set up_ exporter calling program at site. ~ ' . Assistant to the Governor Thomas H. Kean, Governor, New Jersey; Washington D.C. Office. 1984-1987 • Analyzed impact of federal legislation on the state with regard. to banking, housing, community development, insurance, law enforcement and public safety issues. • Prepared material for the Governor on impact of federal budget on the state in assigned areas. . • Advised Attorney General on current law enforcement issues and ascertained the effect on New Jersey statutes to present to.the New jersey congressional delegation. • Guided prospective Urban Development-Action Grant, Section 202, and other housin projects through the federal agency application process. ~5 . - JANE FLIESBACH RHODES ~ ~ _ ~~ (Page 2) • Advised state agencies and congressional delegation regazding impact of federal legislation ' L on the state. Lobbied for changes to federal legislation or designed counter legislation. ~_Recommended appropriate legislative action. . . ~ ~ -- Legislative Assistant ~ . Honorable Manuel Lujan, Jr., U.S. Representative 1983-1984 • Managed all aspects of legislative work witli immigration, Hispanic Caucus; anfl individual . immigration cases. • Conducted research,. drafted floor statements,'and recommended positions in the areas of ., baiildng, housing,_immigration, law enforcement, sand the judiciary. • Represented the Congressman to state agencies to facilitate communication with Executive ,..'Departments in_the State.. ,• ~ ~ (~' Legislative Assistant/Case Worker L Honorable •Virginia Smith, U:S. Representative -• ' . - - 1981-1983 ' ~,• •• Represented the Congresswoman to federal housing and community development programs ~ to provide. information on federal dollars available for local'sponsors. • :Researched and,responded to constituent requests_for federal funding sources for individual ~, and community projects. . '. _ - ~ ~ . • Facilitated process of UDAG applicants in preparing project applications to obtain funds. • . Researched and analyzed legislative issues on immigration; prepared background materials - ~ ~~ .for Member for floor debate: ° '. ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ '' • Reviewed Farmers Home Administration legislation and related appropriations to prepaze Member for Appropriations Committee hearings. `, ~ - ' • Drafted speech material and press releases for the Member. ~ ' ' ~. SPECIAL SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES Read and speak Spanish. Attended Congressional Research Service Advanced .Legislative Institute .. -.. , . ° a - F , ~ ,~ PERSONAL ~ ' Born in'Scottsbluff,Nebraska Mother of~2'/z year-Sold daughter ,Interests include~swimming, tennis, and traveling. ~ ~ ~ ' EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley;.Berleeley, California, , . ~- • ~ B.A: History, with honors. Southern Methodist University; Dallas., Texas; Madrid, Spain. Concentration: Social Sciences and.Spanish. Dean's List PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ~:~. , Past Member of the Cape Feaz Chapter of the World:Trade Association; Wilmington, N.C. Served on the International Trade Committee; Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce 5 6 `Former Member of the Board of Directors; Providence Homeowners Association r~.~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS • - ~ 320 .Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093: Telephone (9101 341-7149 • FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~() A,LiO }rj_~EC/D,(IA~ ~~~~ P,~~2 ./ Name: ~~1..~N ~.~ 1~ G CK Home p ~ How long have you been a Address: b ,~~ ~(~ C/~(, F ~},(~~_ resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~ ~5 Mailing Address:- SA/17~' ' • City and State: W ~ l-•~) I ,1.~ i D,t) ~~ C' ZiP Code: ~ ~~{G..~ Telephon ~: Nome: 6 6 " ~ Business: ~~-T/r ~ ~.~~ ,~ 'Sex: `Race: _~~ ~ 'Age: k~J 'This in ormetion is requested for the so/e purpose o/ assuring thef across-section of the community is appointed. ' • 'Employed by: .. •'A person current/y emp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordence with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personae/Policy. ' .Job Title: . Professional Activities: ~, - ' volunteerActivities: /..~ V{,9~T.A~_~j I~(I_.IA~2~/ ,UU,P.~S/,y6 ,L,/o/y(~ ~? f{IJR~~ /Z1E.~1~'~- f Mtssio Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT p~~Ul,1~l -Tn ~~~ ~~ ~' ' ®" ~~~,~>~io,y~ ors ~2owlu~ ~~y~~.~t.~ What do you (eel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1, c FF,t.~ u~ ~yT~sr ~xl ~~>`T,c~ ~ ~,cr,~~Px1 s vr~ ~~,v ~ ~,,e_ wo,~t< ` ' What areas o! concern would you like to see the Board,-Committee, or Commission address? •~BUjd 11•S COS I ,• - . - h e h. ~ o - ~,1 - Fa 2 TrtlE • o~r~c vvt , Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT /f so,~ pleas Gist: ('.O vE - li O.t~ . Date: ; ~ Signature {P/ease use rave side fog a ditiona/ comments) •' , Qp sf[''~~ _ ! i iii ~'~.~({ i NEW NANOVER-COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ 320 .Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC 28401-4093 , Telephone (919J 341-7.149 FAX (919J 341-4130 a Application .for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New Hanover~County"Board of Commissioners. __ - Request for Appointment to: / v ~~ ~ % ~ ~/~1~.~ 4~ ~iP~.s`f~~S' r ._ _ a Name: ~d/.~ D~y~~~E _ . 'Home ~ -How long have you been a Address: /~ /~~/%~~iQDa/~ ~~J !/G resident of New Hanover Coun ? ~~ .PJ~ .. _ ry r, . MailingAddress:_ ._1~fE . .. _ , ~. a City and State: __~~(//~//~yGf ~D ~/, /1~~ Zp Code: ~~Ty-3 - Telephone: Home: a ~~-z - ~sd < - Business: ?his informetron is requested for the sofa purpose of assuring That a aoss-section of the community Is appointed. ' ... .:*''Em to edb . ~ ., ~ ,. ,. P Y. Y "'A person currently employed by the agency or deparfinerit for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in acxordance with Article Vl, SeG 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Polity. ~ a Job Title: ProfessionalActivities: _ T ~ - V unteerActivitLies: ~ - ~ / ~ Z~S /~~ .Uo ~0, a~l~,~, . ~~P~El~-s'/tee. Z'~ T~~~ _ Why do you wish to serve on the~Board, Committee, or Commission requested?~ .~~1 ~ ~f,~~ ~ `-~ . a Wha o you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,-Committee, or Commission requested? _~ . What areas of concern would you like t see the, Board„Committee, -or Commission address? ~ . _ tic ~ d %'~l-~'r~ .. ,d ~.~i~i. ~ .~~. i~ . (Please use reverse side for additional comments)'. . 5 ~ _.: ..-D~ Date:.. , ~~ ~ , ~1~43 ~p 0 3 93 ~ . ' n1' . .~/. ' ~) .. Signature . ~ IVEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD .OF.COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmingfon, IVC 28401-4093 Telephone (919J 341-7149 FAX (9i9) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions . Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners: Request forAppointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: _ Reats C., erene Home Address: 506 Kely Rd. Mailing Address: Same as above City and State: Wilmington. N.C. Telephone: Home: 799-535fi How long have you been a 'resident of New Hanover County??1 yrs. .. Zip Code: 28409 Business: 395-7748 'Sex: Race:.~6( A e: ~ ' 9 ~1. . . 'fi/s lnlormetlon Is requested for the sole purpose of essuring thet a cross-section o/the community Is appointed. I "Employed by:_Retir~d from DuPont..." Cbrrent(y~~yg~y .nrnlnr, •'A person turrontly employed by the sgency or department for which this application !s mods, must res/gn his/her position w/th New • - Henover County upon eppolntment, In accordance with Article Vl, Sec. I of fhs New Nenover County Personnel Policy Job Title: Information T~hnology Architect Professional activities: Member of local and national Com tt r organizations Volunteer Activities: Served two terms on "the Governor's Advisory Council on Literary ...Former Secreta ~Memb r o ry of N C f omQU Lit ter A eracy Trust dvisogt co Foundation mmittee -Community ntiPnP Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have been a citizen of our community for over 20 years, and have volunteered in several local organizations in the past. The-community has been good to me over these years. I feel I can make a solid contribution. to out citizens by putting my personal and business experiences to work for our county. ~. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? • Responsible for business multi-million dollar budgets and projects: • Experienced in supervision of professional personnel. • Experience in dealing with state government. What areas of concern. would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? • Regionally shared costs for administration of unique medical services. • Stabilization and clarity of,hospital directions and focus on strong and . effective management practices. j , .... - j~lS~ L Date: August 27, 1994. ~ / ' g/~d f ~S Al~r, ~~J` Signature "NEW h'"" eo. or-- c~ °• -Regis C. Serene 506 Kelly Rd. . ~ ~ Wilmington., NC 28409 August 27 1994 Mr. Robert G. Greer 1218 Country Club Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Bobby, I am writing this letter to you and other commissioners in support- of my application for appointment to the New Hanover Regional, .Medical Center Board of Trustees. -I am assuming that you have .been .given a copy~..aof, my completed a~pp_Lication for this position. In case you have not seen it, an updated copy of the application form is enclosed for your review. My long standing experience in business and our community will benefit the hospital and the citizens .of our region. The community has been good to me over the years,° and °1 would like to offer.:my time, ~~devotion, arid valued expertise to further the progress of our county hospital services; and facilities. ~ ~ . The skill sets and experiences I gained iri my business dealings, Gubernatorial Commission appointments, and community ` volunteer activities will position me favorably in addressing any issues between: local , :government and hospital business affairs. .Together we can be_ instrumental. in shaping the direction of the .hospital as it expands its medical services iri a quality grid cost effective manner. In a more specific area, my expertise as a consultant Level person in computing. and data network architectures can be a poferitially =value added service to the hospital in support of its current computer/network upgrade activity. ~ ,. .:~~ I seek your support and vote for appointment o,~ theHospital Trustee position:. Your support will demonstrate your interest in moving the county medical, services and facilities in a .positive direction; and ,-permit `me to give something back to the community we are .proud to call New Ha~riover Coun y. If you have any questions; feel free to call me 395-7748 or 799-5356. ; . _ ;,~,.~ 60 pl~,~n ,,~- m a 1 NEW HANOVER~ COUNTY BOARD 0~' COlV1M/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington,, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9.101 34 1-4 130 . Application for Appointment to. Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: NHRMC Board of Trustees ~. ~ .Name: Doretha McKnight Stone :.Nome ~ How long have you been a 'Address: 2210. Rockhill Road resident of New Hanover County? 23 Years Mailing4ddress: 2210 Roc.khill Road ' City and State; .Castle Hayne, N. C. Zip Code: 28429 Telephon~: Home: _ (910) 675-9807 Business: (910) 762-7762 >' 'Sex: Female 'Race: BlacY. `Age: 52 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that ecress-section or the community is ep/+^.inted. ' "Employedby:_UN~W .School of Nursina~ / dMS .Progressive Services Inc. "A person currently employed by the eyeney or department for which this app/icetion is med~, must resign Ais/h~r position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in.aeeordancs with Article V/, Sec. 4 of th• Now Kanovsr County Personnel Po/icy. JobTitle: Assistant Professor / Executive Director ProtessionalActivities: see vitae ~: ' VolunteerActivities: see vitae Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? see attachment What.do you tee/ are your qualifications !or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT see attachment ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? see .attachment Are-you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? H so, please list: ~~ 1 Date: June 3 , 19 9 4 ~!~ 1 ~ Q~ Si aatur `° 4 fPlease usAreverse side for additional comma is/„ ,r., • ' ~~:,t F,~:.JVERCO. ATTACHMENT' I am a citizen of New Hanover County. I am very interested in seeing the Medical Center `" become the best that it can be in this era of health reform: As a result of my 30 years of nursing experience I feel that I can.bring insight from an educationaVclinical and consumer perspective that would :benefit the governance of the Medical Center. Nursing issues are. always primary in patient surveys. I am interested in ensuring that the Medical Center's perspective in the community from a patient satisfaction standpoint is~the model other medical facilitites would want to .mirror. ._ ~~ i .. t ~. .. .. _ ~ ~~ _ . .- a ~- _, .. >> ~ . ., ;~. _ .~ _, f .. ~ .. ... ~- ~. . - ~ . _- 62 . - - ~ ; - ~ ~ i. ~ . r CURRICULUM VITAE ~ DORETHA MCKNIGHT STONE '~ EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION: ~ • - Year ~ ` . ~ Degree Degree Awarded Institution Area of Study MSN 1983 ~ UNC-:Greensboro MedicaUSurgical ~ ' ~ BSN 1963 ~ Winston-Salem Universit3~ Winston-Salem, N.C. , ® EMPLOYI~TENT INFORMATION ~ ~ ~ +^ 194 -PRESENT " Assistant Professor .School of Nursing University of Nort}i Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington; N.C. ~~ 1976 = 1983 .. Lecturer \ School of Nursing ' Universit}~ of North Carolina at ~~'ilrnington . Wilmington, N.C. ' 1982 - 1984 Oncology StaffNurse -Part-time Clinical New Hanovcr Memorial Hospital Wilmington, N.C. • ~ 1969 - 1976 Pediatric Head Nurse New Hanover Memorial Hospital ' Wilmington, N.C. , 1966 - 1967 ~ Charge Nurse ' D.C. General Hospital Washington, DC 1965 - 1966 Staff Nurse ' National Institute of Health ' Bethesda, MD 1964 - 1965 Instructor , . ~ Communit}~ Hospital School of Nursing ' ~'Vilmington, N.C. .. 63 1 ' i _. _ - - , Doretha McKnight Stone Page 11 1966 - 1967 Charge Nurse D.C. General Hospital, Washington, DC (MedicaUSurgical Unit Manager) PROFESSIONAL HONORS LISTINGS AND AWARDS ~ ' . i 1988 UNCW School of Nursing Honor Society 1966 National Institute of Health Clinical Award RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS: ~ ~ • . 1990 $4,150 Grant for development of brochure to recruit ' 1 men into Nursing 1979 - 1981 Received 520,000 grant from Girls Club of America to . ~ develop a~program for pregnant teenagers in New Hanover, . ~ Pender and Bruns~~~ick count}, implemented b}~ Girls Club of Wilmington . . .... .. • .MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES; . ` 9 American Nurses Association ~ - . North Carolina Nurses Association Constituent Association X22, Delegate 1993 North Carolina Nurses Association Constituent Association X22, Secretan~ 1990 North Carolina Nurses Association Council of Medical-Surgical Nursing and Nurse Education ~ North Carolina Nurses Association Communit}+ Health Council North Carolina Nurses Education Council - Winston-Salem State Universit}~ Alumni Association, 1970-present, (Treasurer) Signs Thea Tau Nu Omega Counselor _ _ j Chi Eta Phi Nursing Sorority ~ , , Cape Fear Memorial Hospital Nursing Executive}Committce . CMC AND COMMUNITY SEkVICE: 1993 - resent dMS Progressive Services Inc. /Executive Director P 1993 -present Sickle Ccll Assiciatio~i Board of Director 1993 -present .Managing your~Company's Growth, UNCW 1993 -present Ne„%Hanover County Gomnvttee for Healthy Carolinians 2000 1994 -present Co-Chairperson- Sexuall}' Transmitted Diseases ., 1991 - 1993 African American Corruriunit}~ Leaders Committee 1989 - 1993 Emplo`?r~ent Security Commission Advisory Council 1988 United,Way,;Speaker Bureau 1985 - 1992 St. P1iillip African Methodist Episcopal Church Vice president of the Educational Department 1~0'-present President of the Lay Organization • ,__ ~~ ~~~ v 1 ~1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY . BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone .(9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointmenf to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Name: William C. (Bill) Taylor Home ~ How long have you been a Address: 125 Partridge Road ~ .resident of New Hanover CountyT 35 years Mailing4ddress: 125 Partridge Road - • . City and.State: Wilmington, North Carolina Zip Code: 28412 Telephorr'e: Home: (910) 791-1432 Business: (91.0) 392-1600 ,.. 'Sex:- Male 'Race: W •Age: 62 'This information is requested /or the so/e purpose of essu~iny that a cross•secrion of the community is a Hinted. ."Emp/oyedby:_ Blue .Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina -will retire ~~-15-94 "A person current/y smp/Dyed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must rssignhis/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/s V/, See. 4 oI the New Hanover County Pbrsonne/ Po/icy, $JobTit/e: Regional 'Director ProfessionalA ctivities: ' Vo/unteerActivities: Trustee Ca a Fear Community College (term expires 07-01-96) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, ~or Commission requestedT To help the people o_f New Hanover County_to receive the Best Health Care Possible At A Reasonable Cost What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT Past member and.chaizman Cardinal Health Agency; 40 years with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina; Past New Hanover County Comm ss oner What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyl /f so, p/ease list: Gov. M~t~i~ppointed me to Trustee at Cape Fear Community College 1 ~ ~~C~OdC~D ;~. 65 Date; _~~/L~~ C,~ Signature G- ~~ 1P/ease use wars side for additions/ corr~ilLnt~/ 7 ,,., c~ i . ; '`~~~EP.S - NEW; HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSlONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington', NC 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341=7149 FAX (919J 341-4130 _ ~` -Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions (J Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissloners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board Linda Jean Wilson .. _ Name: . . - . . Home ~ How long have you been a ('° ..Address: 1520 Radian .Road ~ - resident of New Hanover County? ~25 year:L, Mailing Address: 1520, .Radian Road .... _ .: • . .. Cit and State:. Wilmington, North Carolina ~284b5-4221 ~' Y Zp Code. ~ -25.6-0166 Telephone: .Home: ~ ~ Business: - ~, *Sex: F 'Race: W +Age: 3 4 ~ - , . . 'This lntbrmation is `requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community /s appointed. ~, "Employed by: ~ Self-.employed :- - "A person cunentfy employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New p . Hanover County upon appointment, In accordance with Article Vl, Sea 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Poliry.. 1 Job role: ProfessionalActivdies: Please see attached resume. Volunteer Activities: Please see attached resume. :. Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or.Commission requested? Please see attached answer. ... _ _ . -- What do you feet are your quaycations for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see attached answer and resume. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Improving -public relations. Providin state-of-the-art medical technology to (Please use reverse side for additional comments) ho sp i to 1 staff . ~ . _ -. 66 ~... ..Date:.. June 6 , 19 9 5 _ `-~; ~ ~ Q~ r.:_... ..,.. _.• :~.. ~~. C:.:.....' .::.:':_:.~ ~~ Signature - - ,_ Linda Jean Wilson Application for Appointment to New Hanover,Regional Medical Center Board continued Why do you wish to serve on the Board requested? I have always had an interest in the medical profession and helping others. Up until my junior year in college, I pursued a career in medicine. As a result of this interest, during my early teens I volunteered as a candy striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital Even after I switched my college major from pre-medicine to political science, I continued to volunteer at the Bowman Grey Medical Center in Winston-Salem, working in its patient admissions and children's play therapy programs. In the a p st I have enjoyed helping others on an md.rvidual basis, strrnng to make a patient's hospital stay as pleasant as possible. Service on the NHRMC Boazd would enable me to continue volunteering at a higher level where I could hopefully have a positive impact on a greater number of lives. This position would also allow me to give back to my community. i ..What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board reque~ted~ 1. My experience as a corporate executive and member of the boazd of directors of a successful company. . 2. My experience as a corporate~attomey for our company and at two reputable law firms. 3. M stron ersonal interest in the medical field. Y gP 4. My twenty-five-year residency and long-term commitment to high quality medical services for our community. I believe that my business, legal, and personal background provides asolid-foundation and makes me uniquely qualified to serve on the NHRMC Board. . Also, please see attached resume. w~ _ 67 Linda Jean Wilson 1520 Radian Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-4221 Telephone: (910) 256-0166 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Wilsons Supermarkets. Wilmington, North.Carolina` Principal, Board of Directors, Vice President. As vice president, responsible for marketing, legal matters, personnel, accounts receivable, special promotions, charitable contributions, and customer relations. ~• ~ ~ ~ ~ 1992-1994 . ~- Shaw. Pittman. Potts & Trowbridgg. Washington, D.C. Attorney. Practicing attorney in the banking department at 285-lawyer law firm. Appointed to the firm recruitment committee. ~ ~ 1988-1992 McKenna. Conner &Cuneo. Washington, D.C. Attorney. Practicing attorney in the corporate and banking department at . 200-lawyer law firm. 1987-1988 The Honorable Edward B: Davis, Miami, Florida Law Clerk. Federal law clerk to Judge Davis, United•States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.- 1986-1987 LV>;cKenna. Conner &Cuneo. Washington, D.C. Summer Associate: Summer 1985 bailey & Dawes. Miami, Florida Summer Associate. ~ Summer 1984 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: The Honorable Jesse Helms. United States Senatg, Washington, D.C. Paid Intern. Monitored Senate hearings, performed computerized legislative research, and provided constituent services. Summer 1983 Member, North Carolina Bar Member, District of Columbia Bar Appointed, American Bar Association Committee on Consumer Credit, 1989-92 Authored article published in American Bar Association banking journal 68~ ~~ ~ - . . Linda Jean Wilson Page Two LEGAL EDUCATION: Wake Forest University School of Law. Winston-Salem, North Carolina " Juris Doctor, znagua cum laude. May 1986 Class Rank: First out of 154 students Honors & Activities: Law Review. Article published, 21 Wake Forest Law Review 831, 1986 L Beverly Lake Award (greatest proficiency in Constitutional Law) American Jurisprudence Awards (highest grade): Business Organizations, 1984-85 Constitutional Law II, 1984-85 ~ Uniform Commercial Code I, 1984-85 ' Uniform Commercial Code II, 1984-85 ~ Corpus Juris Secundum Awards (highest grade): ~ Uniform Commercial Code I, 1984-85 Uniform Commercial Code II, 1984-85 Hornbook Series Award (highest year=end grade point average): Second Year 1984-85, Third Year 1985-86 Scholastic Honors List, all. semesters ` Phi Alpha Delta ' Who s Who in American Law Schools (1985 edition) UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Bachelor of Arts, u~ laude, Political Science, 1983 honors & Activities: . Scholastic Honors List, seven semesters Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society), secretary/treasurer, charter member Tutor: Calculus and French, two years Thymes Society (social) ~. 69 -. COMNIiTNITY &, VOLUNTEER- . ACTT'VI'T~ES: Wilsons donated two Fun Centers to the Children's Ward at New Hanover Regional Medical Center , Candy Striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital American Red Cross Blood Drive_ Food Bank of Coastal Carolina :~ . Meals on Wheels Sponsor • Mother Hubbard's Cupboard Wilsons Holiday Food Festival- Wilsons Customer Appreciation Carnival. University of North Carolina at Wilmington activities including athletic scholarship fundraisers and Seahawks Sponsor United Way Corporate, Sponsor ~ Cape Fear.Hospice -Festival of Trees .~ 70 i _ I -- I- R LINTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT f NEW HANOVE CO I - ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC ''4 SEPTEMBER 18,1995 9:00 A.M. - ,4 ITEM NO. ITEMS O~~ BUSINESS PAGE i NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (limited to three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 73 3. Consideration of sewer allocation request for proposed 75 sub-division adjacent to Northbrook Drive, north of Smith Creek 4. Consideration of sewer allocation request for an additional 10,000 77 • - gallons per day at Murrayville Station -Phase II 5. Approval of contract amendment/sewer allocation Northside 79 Wastewater Treatment Plant/contract no. 92-0457A Tltis page intentionally left blank 72 V UI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 (( :-,:I . . REQUEST FOR BOARD .ACTION _ Meeting Date: 09/18/95 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY:' Approve the minutes of September 5, 1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Minutes Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~tEVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- r ~ .W ~~~ ~~~y~b~~~~Q~~ti~~~S Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition U ' ~ .. Tlris page intentiorra!!y left blank ~, 'a .~ '~ _ ~• .. ~ ~ 4 I~ ti-. ~ ~ .~ «~~~~~a~~ ~.~„t ~~ a~, ~ ~ ~ u~ 1 ~ ~~ g'. ; ~~' r. ~~ _~,~~ . .. ~ ~ a Regular Item #: W&S#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering. Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard , SUBJECT:. Sewer Allocation Request ~. ' BRIEF SUMMARY:• Mr. A.H. Harrell has requested a sewer allocation for a proposed sub- division adjacent to Northbrook Drive • just-north of Smith Creek (see attached map). He is requesting a.total of 23,250 gallons per day (gpd). Based on his proposed time frame he would not need more than twenty-five percent of the flow per year for the next four years. - ~ ~~ , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ _ .~ I recommend-that he be granted 15,000 gpd for the next two and one- half years since the new Northside . WWTP is scheduled to be constructed within this time frame. In addition, I recommend that construction . on this subdivision must begin within one year. i. a J FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: ~ Money Is In Current Budget: ~ ~ New Appropriation Request: BudgetAmendment Prepared: REVIEWED BYL LGL: `FIN: BUD: HR: D - Recommend~appro al. . tae la.~ Cd ~,~ a tt~~ '~ ~~ tfi`+1 N Es ~-~ ~ 1~ h~ Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ -~r ~~ ~~ ~••~' 11 ~`. .. __ --._ ^~' ~~ _ _....I .• .I `1 k• III .t ....,( ~• .a •~ ' w0. if ~ 1 ~~i r~c! it w,•! ~ ~!. pKatf CI r + .~ ..t Irt ,. ++ .., . • ~J fa.ta• v+ 9 iw~ ~. ~~/~/ ...ooottut ;f .er+' r• sr Q .l.• ~ ~ : .~so+• 4 r w • O ,. t I%•.' (`,y/) ;' co .~.. t. 't, ©~ ~ r..o.t. ~.r. tf / • 1 Mw1 I•tf CI It ~ / + , / ,~ / '~ d ~ •~ 1 / ~ Q N "fora ~ ~'• 1 ~1 4rt l• p. } / .I .~ .. ~ . f' = J~ w.fllf~.t Y'ft d / ~r Y ~•• I'~".. ~ o / t ' ~ b ,. ~/,a / ,. ~ +'~ a ' ~ N' (Yew Han[>vrr i'/,CL!' ~~ ~~ ..., ~ _ '~ „/ ~~ !• (ntern:-ttonal Alrpo t ~\. ~ F ~ ~ r , ~ ~ • i /~%~/!/ Cam' %"+";,~ .. ? _.;~ ~ •'•`-"-~ . '' ~ /~/~ ;, t• ,. ~ . fwt •~ ~ i tiros r .-~ S ~ e 1 ._ el i _ ~ f - r ~• • ~WILI'IINGTON ..~ z ,~~ :+. ., // / / /~ ~~. ~- ~~' f ;:. ~:.'".t' '• ~„ / ~: •• ~ `' I . ~;"` t~ ~, , ~'~• ~~ :. ~. ~r.y Regular Item #: W&S#4 Consent Item #: -. Additional Item #: - Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt~Blanchard SUBJECT• . ~` ~` Sewer Allocation Request Murrayville Station Phase II BRIEF SUMMARY: Landmark Development, .Inc. is requesting an additional 10,000 gallons per day (gpd) to -allow the Murrayville Station sewer system to accept the flow from the existing shopping center at the intersection of North Kerr Avenue and Murrayville Road. Prior to the amount being requested at this meeting, there is approximately 34,700 gpd of unallocated. sewer capacity at the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. M1 ,. ! r ~` ~2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOTJESTED ACTIONS• I recommend the request be approved with the condition the shopping center is required to be connected ~,. ~ within twelve months. \ ~' FUNDING .SOURCE:. Federal $: State $: County $; User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ItEVIEVVED BY: . r: r LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: y R' E ~- Recommend approval. . ~®,~ u ~ u a ~~ tt' !'~ !~I' ~~ ~ ~ en ~ .,Dcf:1~, ~ Refcr to 06ce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . - - - - i ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/95 Regular Item #: W&S#5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact:. Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: Contract Amendment/Sewer Allocation Northside Wastewater Treatment P1antlContract No. 92-0457A BRIEF SUMMARY:• Attached is a copy of an Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement Regarding Wastewater Treatment. ~ This .amendment gives the District an additional 150,000 gallons of sewer capacity in the City of Wilmington's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. This has been approved by the City Council... ~ ' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: . I recommended that the amendment be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. .t'UfVlllPlli ~VUKI:>~: ' Federal $: ' ~ State $: County $: Uset- Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: . . LGAPP WCOPLEY FIN:NA BSHELL BUD:N/ACGRIFFIN HR:N/A AMALLETT f'(1TTNTV M A NA ~Ti U~C~f"l1MML`NTC A NTl AL'!`/IMML'NT A TTl1NC. Recommend appraua~! ~ _ ~APPROV~ ~~' cou~r~r c~~~~ss~~~F~s ___.~ 79 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition -- - - - -- - - New -Hanover County Contract #92-0457A- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.. ..AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT REGARDING WASTE-°~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WATER TREATMENT -This Amendment to Agreement made this the day of 1.995, by and between New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, a body politic and corporate of the State~of~North Carolina ("District") and the City of Wilmington, a North Carolina municipal corporation (.City); W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the District and the City entered into an Interlocal Agreement regarding wastewater treatment dated ~ February 12, 1993 under which the City agreed to~allow customers.of the District to utilize the Northside .. .. Wastewater Treatment Plant until such time as the District may build another treatment facility or expand the City's treatment facility (the "Agreement"); a::d 'rl'r'En::,-,5, the ayr2ement allocated a temaorary treatment capacity of 100,000 gallons per day to the District and the. District has requested the City to increase such allocation. to 250,000 gallons per dav; and <.: r WHEREAS, the City has agreed-to increasing the - allocation subject to certain consideration to be provided by New Hanover County on behalf of the District. NOW, 'THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises~.and~;~theF mu-tu•al •covenants set forth herein and other ~s` ~' ~`a ~~~ good and~a valruabl°e cons^irderation, the Agreement is hereby .. ti -. amended~as •fpllows:'` ~~y>>~ ,~ ~, ~ ~ .. , 1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Agreement: are hereby amended to read: • "1.~~ The City agrees to allocate to the District up to a total of 250,000 gallons per day ~% (GPD) of temporary treatment capacity of the . City's existing treatment capacity of eight (8 )' million GPD at the Northside Treatment Plant. 2. The District will allocate to its customers, as the District warrants if .necessary and beneficial to the District, portions of the 250,000 GPD of temporary capacity. The City shall set side this temporary capacity for the District's use until the District - participates in the expansion of.the Northside Treatment Plant or constructs its own facility to handle the wastewater at which time the allocation of temporary capacity shall terminate." I 2 The A reement is hereb further amended b addin . ,. g y y g a new paragraph 22 to read: " 22. Alum Sludoe. During the term of this Agreement, the District will arrange for ~ the N.ew Hanover County Landfill. to accept the ~ City's alum sludge.at no charge to the City provided that the sludge is suitably blended for use as landfill cover material.." 3. Except as amended, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and District have caused ~ t i - h s agreement to be duly executed in their names and behalves and their seals affixed and attested to on the, day . and year first above written. ~ NE'A HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER , - District By~ • Chairman ATTEST: SEAL ( ) V ~^ Clerk to the-Board - . 2 APPROVED ~AS TO FORM: ' County Attorney. City'OF WILMINGTON By: _ Don Betz, Mayor ATTEST: w .. City„Clerk 5 (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney . ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that. Penelope Spicer-Sidbury pe_sonally•appeared before ma, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common JCal c.~ t::e City. of Wilmington and is ~.cCZlainted with Don Betz, Mayor of~the City of Wilmington; and that Penelope Spicer-Si~gury is. Cl'e`rk, of the City 'o:f Wilmington and saw' the said Don Betz, Mayor of the City of Wilmington, sign the foregoing instrument,. and saw the common seal of said City of Wilmincton affixed to said instrument by said Mayor, and that she, the said Penelope Spicer=Sidbury, Clerk as aforesaid, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of .said instrument in_,the presence of said Mayor of the City of Wilmington. `" Witness my hand and notarial seal, this" tYie day of , 1995.. ~ , " . My Commission Expires: Notary Public ..; ', ...~ 82 i 3 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, ,,a Notary Public of 'the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk for the Board of Commissioners of New .Hanover County, af:d that by authority duly given and as the act of the County of New Hanover, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by Robert Greer, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk.. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the day of 19 My Commission Expires: Notary Public 72095Y Vt~-11:151 83 .4 84 Tliis page intentionally left blank _ - - ~OU~JiY ~~ kti-a~~~~~~4~i~L~~ Date. g ~~~~(.~..J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIO ~ ~RS --- ~? CONSENT AGENDA SEPTEMBER 18,1995 9:00 A.M. ~' ITEM NO. 1. . 2. 3. 4. ~. 5. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 87 89 95 99 101 Approval of minutes Approval of request to City of Wilmington to close Primrose Street Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County .Fire District Collection Reports for period ending August 31, 1995 Approval of Release of Value Approval of Road Additions to the State Highway System West Airlie Road and Guy Court Creekwood Road Oakland Drive j(~- -~' --- -Roads in North Chase Development ~~ 6. Approval of recommendation to award a bonus to Allen Golden ' for serving as Inspections Director from January 17, 1995 until September 5, 1995 113 7. ~ Approval of request for Clerical I position New Hanover County 115 ` ` Health Department and Associated Budget Amendment #96-0040 ' 8. Approval of endorsement of "Pull the Plug on Violence" Campaign 121 - Health Department 9 A l f b d . pprova o udget amen ments: A. 96-0037 to rollover unexpended grant funds for, Project 127 Assist {Health Department) from FY 94-95 ~ B. 96-0036 to rollover unexpended. grant funds for 128 . Immunization Action Plan Health De t. from FY 94-95 ( P) ~ C. 96-0035 to rollover unexpended grant funds for 129 , Criminal Justice Partnership from FY 94-95 85 ~ :~ ..~.-, `~ c ~ _ ~[ . ti t. ' - • + ~ ~ 9 ~ '~ Tl:is page inlentionally lefl blank 86 1 t 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell ' SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY• Approve-the following minutes: Work Session of August 31, 1995 Regular.Meeting of September 5, 1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND FO[1F4TFD ACTinNS• Approve the minutes . VLi1Vl~ JVUK(..L: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: ~ Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: RFVTFWTi Tl RV. LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: -COUNTY MANA TER'S COMMENTS AND RE nMMENDATION ~~~~ ~~u~~ ~~~v~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 8 7 Rcfer to Office Vision Bullctm Board for Disposition ,-„i T/iis page intentionally left blank - . ~ . ~ lJ ,. _ ._ .. U .. .._ _.. ._. ,. 8 V ~! 71Q~ f ~ ~.,.i . 'c.#~.etif ~Y4w`4[s11 ' Regular Item #: ` . Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: d bepartment: Legal Department Presenter: W. A. Raney, Jr. Page Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau ! ~ ' SUBJECTS. City Road Closing -Primrose Street ~ ~ . . ~~ ~ ~. -BRIEF SUMMARY: ~' Adjoining property owners, through their attorney, will request that the City close Primrose Street, located . between 16th and 17th Streets just south of the Social Services Building. They now ask that the County, ' as a property owner, join in the request. If the closing is approved, the County would then own to the ~, centerline of the former street. -,. ( ~ ~ ~ ` r ) ~ .~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Consider permitting the Wessell and Raney firm to make an .application for the street closing naming the . County as a consenting party. -~,f ~ 1 FUNDING SOURCE• Federal $: . State $: County $: 0.00 User Fees $. Other $: i`' ~ Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: ! Budget Amendment Prepared: i REVIEWED BY: ,, LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL -BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ,~ COUNTY MANA R' COMMENT AND R OMMF,NDATIONS Recommend approval. This matter has;been reviewed by Wayne Morris. Mr. Morris has no problem with the closing of Primrose Street. l ~- ~~ 89 ~~'S~bfi~ °(~ hey ~~' ~ : J ~x9r! ~~ (3~'~]~ - - Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~/ 1 g/ 9 ~-~'' /~~ ~ L . ': AUG .28 ' 95 11:46. WES.,ELL-RANEy _ i?9 P01 - - _ •i ''• ~ ~ •_ ~ _ _ ~ • ~; - - ~ W~s~YS, ~ R..~rr~Y , 1 ~s s A2"~SQxYB 1T Y.1W . • •1 s 1 ~ t { I07-H NOETB F37000t~ S~IDHT '. '• YoeT Osslva Hou 1019 • : ~• ~ - wII.a'flT.iCYSOR. NORTH Ca,ROlazv.- S840S • - .~ Jo:~a sQ. VPgB~ III• TbL~PH02~ 9I0~J6a7~76 WII'S.LI]1 d R,-NSxS dpi. 7t^eu 9X.0•'76ji-7b67 f ~ ..... ~. i' s ~• 1 ., .~1 ~ • August 28, 1995 S ~ , •i . ~ FIR,K $ 41=417 0 i r Mr Kemp? Burpeau ~ ~~ ;,_ - Assistant County. Attorney - - 4~h an$ chestnut Streets '; Wl.1tttingtan, NC 28401 • :t ... ~ . s ~ ~ s . ;; Re: Closing of Primrose Street Dgar Mr.tBurpeau: • • ~ ~ I represent Henry Johnston and Frank Driscoll who are joint gwnerg of a tract of land between 16th and 17th Streets just south of £he New Hanover County Social Services building. There is a street south of~the Social Services property which divides the County property from myfclients' property.. This dirt. street is known as Primrose a 3 rest. rThe County and my clients are the°only vwnersladjoning this . • p~btion of Pricnroae Street . ~ • My clients would like to make application. to the City of s: ~Wilmingtj~n to close this portion of Primrose Street. When only two p~rtiee ~wn all of the property adjoining a street under Consideration • for closing, both adjoining owners must join in the application. If the cloe~.ng is approved, New Hanover County will get title to one-half .off the w;i.dth of the street and my clients will get title to the other ;half. The street hae.a 66 foot right of way. .y i • • :The purpose of this letter ie to request that New Hanover • County spin in the ap~lication.to close'Primrose Street. _ , •' ' My clients are willing to bear the entire applica_ tion fee and ~ other expen$es requixpd for Che clueing process. I will prepare the .ne~essar~ application and other required documents. ;'The appropriate ' 'County.afficials will, of course, have~the o pportunity~'to review and approve all documents prepared ae part of the application and•approval process .' . i• t • •• f . Y first spoke to Andy • -Atkinson about this matter approximately one year ago. He indicated in a subsequent conversation that he had contacted the Department of Social Service$ and that they • h'ad no objection to the closing. At that•time I was unaware tha~ the County, gas the only other adjacent owner, would have-•'to be a co- applicant. I • ~ .- - ~. . , ~ - ~~ I Li AUG. 28 '95 11:41 WESSELL-RANEY - ~ 179 P02 - - • ..~ i - • Mr. Burpeau' - August 28, 1995 Page Threes - Pleaee advise. me who is the appropriate person or entity authorized to make the decision on behalf of the County to join the application ao-that I may discuss the matter with them. If the matter requires the approval of the County Commissioners, please advise me ~' whether it is~ l~.kely to appear on -the consent agenda or the regular agenda. If the matter is to be on the regular agenda, I would appreciate knowing who on the County gtiaff will make the presentation • so that I can answer any questions they may have. In any event, if the Commissioners approval is required, I request that the matter be placed on the-first available agenda. ,~~. I have enclosed a photocopy of a portion of the County tax • _ map showing Primrose Street. Thank. you for your assistance in this matter. ~ ~ Sincerely, WESSELL & RANEY • f Lti Q ` W . A . Raney, Jr, • ' WAR: jn SCAR\Rmlyroy\R93 - 026 . C05 •- Enclosure ~. - cc: Mt'. Henry Johnston ~• • . ,• . ~- • ~- • ~1 -~~ _ _ _ AIUG 28 ' 95 11:.41 ~5• ~ •, _~r.. ,.. ~R1~k-W.~l~. WESSELL-RANEY •. - .. ~ - ~PU i _(roJ . I- (t9j~ • I !!9J i ,1171 1 rrs/ i 1.l I. :,~ 1. I • ~.~ I - I 1 .I ;~.. . : ~- { , , .r ~r~'(dl I (41 I (sl ;I rat. I I 1 ,. .(~~K ; r. ~,; ~ I I ~/TI i. ~ ~~l.j lit I I . ~K~s~': ~:i?''~ I 1 I. I I ~" ~j..._~L.- .. ~ GLos~d - . • __~~,_--,_--•-t-_ I. ~ I I I I l 02 .I rs1~ i~ ral (/1 i rid i r31 i !a1 l 1 I I I G; ~ ~~- i, 1 i ~ ~ l 5:54 Acfc) 1 re 1 t rTl p2~ (/rl I (/ol i (9i I 1 X I I I 1 ~ ~ i I I I I t ~.J.--.._..]--- 179 P03 s { ', a ~~ o N m m Z -i m z a I 1 1. '~Yr t !•31 I rOf ~ (s1 I ral 1 L J ~ ~ I +,... .~--- o r - I ~ l 101 2.3Ac.(c~ I . I rTl I rrol I rsl ~ rel I (u 1 ~ U) 1 . ( X i ~ rn . 1 I t 3 ~ t*1 z WILLARD Sl•• ~~.'~~'" x i. -30 { ~ ;.I: I t i , ~. , t ~~~ I r31 I (al I (sl i (61 /' • (zl I I 1 1 r~:l • I ~~I: I ~CHJ I _~.__ I 1 ~ ~I I I I I r '.• j l (III l(/Ol I (91 i re l ~ (T ! h. 'I i t ~I ~: I ~ j 1 i -~-__~.__.y---1----~--- - I s 1 ~n't1nr. p ~o o. i ~ ; l 1 .(ll I !zl ~ (31I (41 I (sl ; lslw . I I i 1 ~I N 1 ~ 1 I^ I t~nl I ~7 i I ~ } {r2) I (r~l ~ (rps. 6 A 9{~ }~ (21 ~ (TI I , { i ~2 , ~; .s - r1 s ~~ ~~,,r cos e ~~t~r't'7 1 ' ~ ~ 1.1 I t I i t (Tl (rl~ (21t l3f ~ 1°1. I (SI i (61 t 1 t.2s Ac. I 1 t I I . I I ~ ~K~ 1 _~_-~_ -{ r ~• 165} ._.. -~'~ 1 -i ~ I { I I cel t ral ~ ~ (ro) I 1x31 f (rzl ~ rr J 1 (r01 I 1 I { ~ • ~ 'l, i ~ •~ w t 1.2 I I ~ I t. I . l t X63 AC. _ _ ~ ~~ _ , ` • - . _~.___ f65 165 20 tu.~o •. 10.08- ~J fr1831 PG2~ I77H SY PROf~ :__.! -I-, (TRB1 4~ 3.6t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 t 1 1 ., 94 This page intentionally left blank ~, ~~ ~, r a ~; a 0 t ~- 1' 1 f !. 1 i 1 r Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Patricia Raynor ' J U l3J N:C:~1'• New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of August 31, .1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R O~TESTED ACTIONS• Request approval of these reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past k`UNDING SOUR E• Federal $: State $: County S: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY• LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: ,~ BOUNTY MAl` Approve reports. 1 1 BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: RECOMMENDATIONS• P~~/ `~~ COUNTY C~ ~~~Q ~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~< z Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 95 CONSENT AGENDA . .. .. DATE : ----- - . ITEM N0._- --- NEW HANOVER COUNTY fIRE .DIS TRILT TAK COLLE CT IONS •~. COLLECTIONS THRU 08/31/95 ' CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1995 - ------------------- AO VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL .DISCOVERIES AOOED S 1~049~185.10 ' .S ____________ 30154.20 LESS ABATEMENTS 2461..40 189.01-• 215.83 284.28- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED _ S 1~051~457.49 S 30085.75 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 326.75 .00 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO GATE _ S 1~051~784.24 _ S _ _ 30085.75 -- 32 073.74- ---- ' 20~651.85- OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED S -- ------o 1~019~710.50 - S -------~------ 9 433.90 3.05.6+ 68.649: B ACK 1TAXES ' REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED S 44873.72 LESS ABATEMENTS •. 523.68 300.7b- TOTAL TAXES OUE COLLECTIONS TO GATE S - 45096.64` 5~442.37- OUTSTANOING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED S 39654.27 12.07°6 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1995. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ~ ~ ~, ri~ PATRICI~1 J.~ AYNOR ~ COLLECTOR 0 REVENUE- '~ COMBINED COILECTLON PERCENTAGE - 4.87°l. - . .. Y. ~ .. ~~ ~~ ~ , . +r f M1y r'r1'~ ~1)~~~ , V~~ ~7 ~ • ~~~~ . , 1~n a _. ~ ~_~X ~. ~_~..~- 96 ~p~~ 1 ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 08/31/95 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1995 ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES AODEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGE 0 TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO GATE OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED AD VALOREM ~ 47~630~320.15 67772.63 13~487.35- t 47~684~605.43 .00 17739.41 S 47~702~344.84 1~343~060.59- f 4b~359~284.25 2.829~* MOTOR VEHICLE $ 1~224~172.81 6866.55 10~381.00- S 1~220~658.36 .00 .00 ~ 1~220~658.36 802~042.20- # 418 ~ 616.16 65.71~* ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS ~ 2~463~963.85 13839.96 12~384.99- ~ 2~465~418.82 253187.40- .. S 2~212~231.42 10.27% AUG 1995 FISCAL YTD~ 355039.28 605304.24 3128.00 7336.00 .00 .00 TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF NILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH ANO KUR E BEACH TO DATE - ~~~883~754.60. THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ I995. EF~SJPECTFULIY SUBMIT, 0, ~~,; i i (, i ~.. ~ 1 PATRICIA J. '~ v COLLECTOR OF REVENUE ~ COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 4.38 97 - -. _ -- ~. . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meetin g Date. 09/18/95 ~~~~. ,~~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Tax ~ Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register ' 1 " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOIIESTED ACTIONS• I recommend approval of these releases as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. ~% ;~ FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: r REVIEWED BYs LGL: APP. WCOPLEY FIN: ' . COUNTY MANAGER S C Recommend approval of the re L f `~ ' ~ ~ BUD: HR: OMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• lease. 0 COU~~Y ~~~~~~~~9~~~~ date ~ ~(~ ~~~'~!~~-%rn;~ ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board forDisposition 99 Consent Agenda September 18, 1995 _ ~- ,Page 2. `. The following taxpayers request release of partial taxes previously billed on a registered vehicle. Due to additional registration with DMV, the. same°vehicle and same owner were taxed again within the same "vehicle" tax year: ~ ` Amounts of $100 or more to be released by Board action: Nationsbanc Leasing Corp. $ 155.77 Walls Plus 120.80 Request approval of delinquent application for exemption from property tax for the following ' organization: (application and letter explaining late application available upon request) International Church of the Foursquare Gospel R07605-001-001-000 srW Copy: P. Raynor . Collector of Revenue ~~ W. Ward Listing Supervisor P. Susie Business Auditor . _ .. ,. . :. - ~~, ~- ~ C~? a 1 ~r ~ ~'~' ~~'~. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 ' . Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body 'Presenter: Lucie F. Harrell `" ~ Page Count In Agenda Package: . SUBJECT: Road Additions to the State. Highway System ' +. BRIEF SUMMARYr ~ . Resolution(s) requesting NCDOT to add the following road(s) to the State Highway System: West Airlie Road and Guy Court - ` - Creekwood Road- ' r Oakland Drive '~ . ~ .- Roads in North Chase Development ~ _ ~: '~ ,- ", ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt SR-2 Resolutions; copies of SR-1' Petitions attached.. ~ ' (~ ~ ~~ .. - .. '~. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $; State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ ~ ~ . , , . ' ~ REVIEWED BY: . LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN - HR: N/A AMALLETT ,~ ~ D D I e Recommend approval. . ., /~ ~~ -~~~ ~,. ,~. 101 - Devc l o~rx~f - Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition - 1 - ,~ - NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION .' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION ~ '~~ A!' ~ 3 1..95 North Carolina 1 ~ " , :.,: ~~~ CO. ~- County of 1'~~ ~t~^^.~""'`- - - ~ .... ...... ... .:::.:..~:~ii a` l:J Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System. . _ Paving (-) . .. Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on ~ ~ G~L ~~ ~'l~ ~"'~' . r ~~' Describe or give local name or Secon ary Roa Nu er • in T1t,~ l County do h~by-request the .,Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to the above-described road. ~ ~ We further advise that the road requested to _ ~- is . 2 (3 miles in length and at the present time there are Q occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. ,:~, Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the`road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. Tfiis righf-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional=.right-of-way in .the .public road intersections for- sight distance and design purposes and,. to execute said right-of-way agreement. forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable . .. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of .Highways-should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~wv ~. ~~ ~~ 6 HD3 Cam,- C~w~J w~Z~~ k ~ 2g q ~ ~ iw v ~~ V ~ ~/ ~~ ~ 4 1" kf ~I-IN.V,..r~-. ~, ~ ~• I ~ ~ ~1 ~" ~o~_ ?~~ ,oxhl' 2 ~ C~ C~~' 1 fo0 ..J ~ 74!____L~/1'7 C ' v ~/ i / ~ ~ ~ ~/ t~lGZf !• '/ i . ~ r / ~- Lc/i ,ls., k ~ j n r ~ a' U,: Revise Form SR-1 (5-83) All' previous" foams obsolete y 3 alo-~54~'19LL 2~•0~ 03 25Co-295g~ +.~~1~ 2~roos9, /~ 'J l NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATION - _- ~. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, PETITION ~- _ - North Carolina County of l~~ N~4~c.~o d c2 - (~ Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System (~ , Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned,'being property owners• on CR~Kwovn IQofrO ~' ~ Describe or give local name or Secon ary Roa Nu er . i n /y~-:,~ .,c~,pr~o~~-,2 : County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of. Transportation to ~~D D the above=described road. ~ '~`~ We further advise that the road requested to ADD ~ is ,9~ •miles ~} in length and at the present time there are 2 Zoccupied homes located on .~ • the road and having entrances- into the road. ~ ~~ Finally, we agree to.dedicate~.to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of t the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards ,~ required by the Division.of Highways.'~This right-of-way will=extend. the ehtire length of_the road that is requested to~be improved and will. include the necessary ~,_ areas outside the right-of-way for cut and~fill slopes and drainage. Also, we ~~ agree to dedicate additional right.-of-way in the public road intersections for . •~ . sight distance and design purposes and .to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways.. REMARKS ~~ Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed'if applicable ,~ $ y-os - Z~~`U r PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING'ADDRESS ~ TELEPHONE _ t . The Division of Highways should contact-the first petitioner listed below: .. " ~:~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete s.•.~ ;~~•~~•,_? CO, ~. . ~. e ~' ~' ~ ? ~ ~ f b ' . _ ~ . ..~ u ~ ~ ~ ti > , J O .. 'A' ~ - ~ ;~' - .. i --. 1~ J "~1 '• .. ~ s ~~ ~~~( .. ,~ ° ~, ~~. w ~ F , I ~~i . ~'y`/ ~ - .. ~' ~ ,.~ - ti a .~~.~ •• ~' ~` ~ L . ' ;\ . L. ... . ~., o ~ ,~y '~ •~ \ `\\` ` '~r \ w ~ i. .~` - .. . 1 ~n~n ~,~ _ .. - NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~. ', :. OTVISTON OF HIGHWAYS PETITION - • ~ - No`rth Carolina' , County ,of /Yet,J ~ ~An~OUP~, : , ,. ~ . h. Petition request for (check one) Addition to 'State System (~/~ Paving: ( ) ` Maintenance Improvement O r ~~' We the undersi ned, bein rr~~ -- g g property. owners on° V/~k~A n/ ~iQ. ~~+~ L~g-f A~Rcs S u b~;~;s ~o.~~ '' Describe or give local name or Secondary Roa Number in cr.J _ A~ove~ County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department= of Transportation to '~1,9in1~-ginl ,~ pdd ~ J the above-described road: ~` . `. - sf,~. sYaf~~- . ~ ~ ` We; further advise that the road re nested to ~ ~ ~ i s . 2 !d mi 1 es q . ~a s, in length and at the present time there are / p occupied h mes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to-the minimum construction standards j' required by the. Di vision. of Highways. -.This right-of-way will extend the entire ~f .length of the~road that is requested to 6e improved and will include the necessary ~areas~outsde the right-of-way for cut and'fil:l slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections. for sight distance and design purposes and to. execute said right-of-way agreement - forms`that will be:submitted to us by representatives'of the Division of Highways. T :, ~ REMARKS ;~ . ~ Four copies of recorded subdivis-ion plat enclosed if applicable {,~ .. 1..J . PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms 'ob`solete - TELEPHONE ooa. `~J~ ~Z -~~ ~ss~~ ~oG9 yso1 4 ~~I_73' i d-3~1~ `; ~8r/oT f~ ~3.~~1 The Di vision :of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: _ a somas ~_ -. -. ` J a7 ~~ - .~~~. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ~, . DEPARTNtENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR. DMSION OF.H[GHWAYS R. SAMUEL"HUN'S III ~ GOVERNOR ~ SECRETARY ~- - 124 Division Drive . ~ Wilmington, NC 28401 ' 910-251-2655 ~~~ r ~ August 24, 1995 ~` ~% Division 3, District 3 ~~ New Hanover County New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ~ 320lChestnut Street - ,~~ Wilmington., North Carolina 28401 Re:~ Resolution .Request Request for Addition to the. State Highway System `~ Oakland Drive - Long Leaf Acres Subdivision (Div. File No. 798-N) ~ . ~~~ Dean Sir : . , ~. This office is considering the addition of Oakland Drive in Lons t~~ Leaf Acres Subdivision (Div. File No. 798-N) to state system. After ' your consideration if you concur with our recommendation, please `' furnish this office with your resolution for our further handling. ~` V rul ours ery t y y ~,~ J. P. Cook District Maintenance ~` Eng.ineer Superintendent s ,..(~. ; ~`: ~~s;~ ::.. .. ~ .J cc: Mr. M. F. .McDaniel . e::. _ ,~ ._ 1.07 ~~ :: _ . _ :® \ \' \\' :039 Zola -. - ~ -. - - -. _ _ \ !L~ - ..2216 ~ - .. - 2221• . - \ \ O1 2217 ~ ~~~ \ ... \ \ - `11 \d 2225 ']. O~ 2218 • 2220 R~1`~~-.0 ~~ 1365 \ < 1 ~ 2213 .. 2219 \ ~•\~\\S~\~ ~ ~~~ \\ \ 1858 1811 '" , ' 1366 ' ` \ ~. ~ 2 T27 \ \~ 459 0 1812 1367 ~ ~ • ~ .04' \~ 1458 1457 D E T3 ~ \ 1~ 1' \~~\~\\~\ L •~? ~ 1460 01 _ \ ~ ~ L89~ ~ ~\~ \\~ ` ~~ 1481 1461 O~ ~.. 146 A` 1462 ~~ a a o~ 5 01 ~ ab~ ,~~ •> •0 1859 ~' ~ \ ~~ -~ s8~ - ~~s8 1481 L~ 1458 ~ I 1471 ~~\~ WINDEMERE -- e 64 ,~ ~~ \~ ~ ~~ ~ .~ POP. 4,1 15 _ ~~ ~ ~ b -~ -/ 874 ~ 1877 "~ ' \ ! `~ A '/~ 6 •~~ 1463 1807 \ -I. 1874.• ~ 4 , 1833 1477 1875 1 1 81 1410 ~ f 1875 1872 475 1877~'0~ 1~ •~ ~Q ~ 1820 ~ I ' ~ ~ ~! 1876 ~ ~ ' 1886 ~ •.7s 1476 1832 ~ lt_ ('~ 1820 ~ ~\\ ,' ~~ 1410 18 21 \\' ' III~~~ jjl q 1902 1807 ~ c ~- 1821 O ~~, f A ,` \ ~ 1903' \~ ~Z . \;' ' ~' I 1869 0 < 1871 00 • ~ I 1870 O~ 141~~ ~ I ~ 1805 ~~ ~~' ~ • c: ;~ ~ ~ ~ I • ~ ~\~ ~, .;:~i~ `~~ 1454 1904 I ;:~! 1808• 1893 l~F,y •:::~: j 1809 S ' 1433 ~` 1h \ ~ 1420 ~ - 1413 \ ~~e, 865 - •S ,1 ~ ,. 1419 , ,,,,, ~ 1 e ~ .__ \ . -.~ . ~,~~ - • NO . THCH E ~ _- 1~ • .August 29, 1995. ~;, . k, .~ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ± 320 Chestnut 'Street . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 • Attn:. Ms. Lucie Harrell Clerk to County Commissioners }r RE: Acceptance of Streets Into the N. C._ Dept. of Transportation Maintenance System • /~ Dear Ms. Harrell: ~ ~ Ammons NorthChase Corporation would like to turnover the following streets in the NorthChase development to the '---' N. C. Dept. of Transportation for maintenance and addition to the state system. " - ~ = SUBDIVISION •: STREETS ~ ~ NUMBER OF STREET . LOTS SERVED LENGTH ' BerkleicZh .~~ Section 1 Brinkman Drive 5 260' 4J Section 2 Brinkman Drive 5 380' Tandem Court - 6 225' ~,, Section 3 Brinkman Drive' 7 380' Section 4,5 ~~~ & 5B Cabot Drive • 13 515' Damon Court 8 380' Section 46 Cabot Drive 5 370' Section 6 & 66 Answorth Drive ~ 12 610' Brinkman Drive 4 240' HeatherRidc~e Section 3 HeatherRidge Dr 14 860.' Section 4A & 46 Mabry Court 8 370' .,~ Section 5 Queensberry Ct 6 280' `~'~ Binford Court 5 270' ~~ MonticeIlo Ct 4 213' Section 6 Ashebourne Ct 7 255' HeatherRidge Dr 3 1.80' y ~ ~' AMMONS NORTHCHASE CORP. Al~~~ 3 1 95 ~~ ~ 4510-A NorthChase Parkway NE • V1/ilmington, NC 28405 ~;^,'; ; ;^.";"; ~:; Cri. (910) 799-5723 • FAX (910) 799-2111 E~, C ~_..:::::~~:'.+~.~:+~ Ms. Lucie Harrell New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Page 2 August 29, 1995 ` SUBDIVISION STREETS NUMBER OF STREET LOTS SERVED LENGTH REGENCY MANOR `' Section 1 Dalton Court, 6 335' • Chandler-Drive 3~- 610' Section 2A & 2B Chandler Drive ~ 15 . 1120 , DANBURY FOREST Sections 1 & 2 Brucemont Drive 36 1430' COLLECTOR STREET. NorthChase Parkway.-- From Bridgeport Drive ~ 2750' Northward to Hwy 132 Intersection PARK OF COMMERCE ~ NorthChase Parkway NorthE;ast ~ 15 2080' Enterprise Gourt ~ •~ ~ 6 500' Merchant Court ~~ ~4 470' All streets listed have previously .received (1 ) construction plan approval and (2) actual field construction app roval from the NC•Dept. of Transportation. Encroachment forms for the New Hanover County water and sewer. lines have been completed and are on file at the NC Dept. of Tra-nsportation offic e. A1.1 streets meet NC Dept. of Transportation requirement s for serving privately owned lots and residency requirements. Please review the submitted information and-be gin the process .to have these streets accepted into. the NC DepartmEnt of Transportation roadway system. Please contact our office if,we.can be of any assi-stance. ALA/ebm cc: Mike McDaniel NC Dept of Transportation Sincerely, U~-S Andrew L. Ammons President 110 t+ r a -/ DAN6URY _ ~ ~ ..~••~' ( - w FOREST • `.~j '~~ \ r, .~ /, cede ~r ~. . ,, `, to •` j ~ ~ ~ .- ~ \ 'y .~ .. REGENCY ti' ~ ` ~r MANOR ''~ 't , ~` ~ ~ \ ••~' . `\ ` ` ~a~,~/~ /r ~1. Yom` ~, I{ t1 ~• ~ ~ ~~ !a' ~' t n \ ( !~ ; i \ O ~ \ / S! 0 t! \ ~ ) VrW GT. 4 i >4 Y • •. ~ ar .. + • 4 ~ fi ` ti ,+ a ,.~ •.-.. t. PT•---- ._........._.._ ............_ n . .: ,n • .............. I o `~ u 9M p p .~A c1 N N a. fP .A /A 11 11 P'P~~ T" Jr` r ~~ ~ 9 ~ y /O e' ~ *• / '~ l7 ~ ~ 't v J ~~ ~.~ /s ~• e ~ t Z 9`- ~ 1 .'P .~ ro ~ 20 6 + LOT 4, w ~ `~ ,~ ~~ "\ ~. e J ''~, WILLIAM1158URG ~ rY .W ...\ ?I ~ + ~• PLACE t/ col ,e ~ \ 1 ~ .~' l++'cioseo ~,arttt.N.r ~ ,et J ~ r t!!. ~ 2 ~ ~ t'+- ~r rw ~ G° ,! n! ,v r~ to a a „+ .~ "~ ~' .n ~~ i°' ~ WILOl7FE ~;:1 ` "' "s 7 J SANCTUARY ~! rn w+ ~ .J ~~~ a ~J J ~s 9 ~, ~ d to r~ 9Q'' ,tl wr ~ ~ ~ IS ,, Jr o'er J ~ ue •cnes rsr ~ nq 16 1~' r 7 ' to N ~ v 17 1. IJ N' W II sr ~~ ~~ 12 JJ .nl~prM 31 !7 Ie d: 11 ~. ]d 3O 2! ~ yS yS 71 g7 ~ 19 ~, ~~~h. NK JJ 21 µ If 77 •a:F ~ J? 27 • 73 ^• Ie 1C - - JI ~ 27 ~- - - ~AU~ H 3l , Vie. 17 `/ ~ y i7 37 ~ 26 v ?2 .. cP~l cou~r { ac ]] N •i` a 3 DJ 31 ~ 23 ~ - 13 /2 1 '1 ,t i1 1 ~.] 1 13 ~ 21 s3 i~ U ~ /1 p 27 ]i ~ '"~aqr ~ 2 Id la. 17 ~ SIGH do ~ 7 ~~ - 9 10 2e IJ - - ]7 9 1O IC 19 4 p~rrl ]e / 11 1? 7 1 a°\ ]O ]/ 71 - 701 ¢0' ea 6TI a•" ~ '4 /3 - ~_~ 72 utf•1 d art 2 00 J /6 ~ 64 61 ~f ~\ 27 i /\ 1 91 ~\!1 ,Z i3 \ 4 ~7l' ~~ -63 r~ 1 4~ 4a~1~ t6 a 4 ~ ~ 1 i /o ~ ~ ~ r~ s2~a1 a ~ ~ ~~ 26 ~ ,r{ " 2a i d a 7a ~ ~7a c ]J tt 41 4 ~ ]t 7 '~ ~ 29 29 17 26 26 ~ 24 t2 22 ,, a . • PARK IOF COM ~ " MERCE • ~' car J L.aT / s ~ Lor , g , ~ • Lor ? .. .' [ . y ._ _ .p O LOT i. .. t . ; o . tO 7 .. COT 19A • ti LOT .3 - LOT h - r'rt.,r ~MUL' ~ ~ - tor 2z c~or as car ao b L; LO7 Lor 2/ , ~a . ~ LOT Id ~ 'LOT {.IOA - ~ ~ - ~ , N'4IIrvGTON IuG++CRr , - L,OT I9 -, LOT ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT ?t . - • - LOT li ~ .car /r . Lor /o ' •. O . • •a = -~ _ P ~ • ~ ' W V . ` J` ~ • ~ CONSERVAT/ON ~ LOT J?A HEATHERRIDGE ~ aREa C°' u . •. 1: , ~ •,f . • ~ • .. ~ ' - CO V[HOnp ~ ~ BRIDGEPORT L°T -''''' ' . ,~ ._ . FUTURE'O ~ ~ ~~P~_ / ' EVELOPhtFNT ~ ~ ~ I • • « - / l x ,.. 1 [fsow i 112 ~ ; . - .. ~ , 1 N .. . . _ I I ~ w -k '~ ~~ ~~J f ~d„ ' ~~~ 11 si k .e .. .. ~ I ! ;~ ~I~ ~. . ~> ~~s E~egular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Andre' R. Mallette Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Recommendation for Bonus for Allen Golden BRIEF SUMMARY:' Sky Conklin retired as`Inspections Director effective January 17, 1.995. Jay Graham has been hired to fill that vacancy effective September 5, 1995: During the period that the. department was without a director, Allen Golden, Assistant Inspections Director, assumed the duties that one would expect the director to . perform. Mr Golden's performance during this period serves as an example of a dedicated county employee who is willing to do whatever it takes to provide the services expected from his department. 1 ~, ~~ ,~ ~~~ ~~ ~; ~~ `~. ,~' i ~~ t ~~; . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• As recompense .for this service, I am recommending that you exercise the authority granted to you, in the county's.personnel policy, under Article III Sec. 5(b) SPECIAL INCREASES, and grant Mr. Golden a one- ` time payment of $6,000.00. ~ . k'UlYUIN(G SUUK( +~' ~ '~ Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: g p LGL: FIN `~ BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: f COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. This is not without precedent. The County compensated Mary Gornto after serving as interim County Manager; also, Wayne Mo d Jackie Williams-Rowland, Parks employees, for their service prior to Neal Lewis' employ t C~~:,d~ ~' ~aLv~J~uYd~~~+f~~~ ~~~~ g J~ g gs ~~ ..113 • _ R fer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~` ~ 9 114 ~{r . ~~ * ~. y . ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Y ~ . ~/ 2egulaz Item #; Consent Item #: 7 - Additional Item #: department: Health Presenter: Bob Pazker ' ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bob ParkerBeth Jones V *~~ - ~~. ; `~ .r ;~~ ~1; SUBJECT: .New Clerical Specialist IPosition -New Hanover County Health Department -Communicable Disease Division BRIEF SUMMARY: - ~ ~ ~ ~~ At the September 6, '95 New Hanover County Boazd of Health Meeting the. Boazd approved a Clerical Specialist I position for the Communicable Disease Division. Documentation of an increase in.actiVities of communicable disease control and immunization services is included in Attachment I (memo August 21, 1995). Previously the Laboratory shared a clerical position with the Communicable Disease Division but increases in laboratory services from 80,698 (FY93-94) to 97,810 i(FY94-95) require a clerk fulltime in the Lab. Salary and fringe cost of the Clerical Specialist I is $24,657 ;(Attachment. II). Increases in State Grant .and Title XIX revenues will support the total cost. : ~ ~ ~ ` RF,C:nMMF.1VAF.i1 M(lTTl1N.ANTI R.F(1TTFQTFiI A(`TTIINC. Approve new Clerical Specialist I position. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: 9,900 .County $: User Fees $: Other $: 14,757 XIX Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request:. Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes - LGL:NA WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL ~ BUD:N/A CGRIFFIN HR:APP AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMM NT AND F (~MMFNDATIONS• - Recommend approval. No County funds are required-- all grant money. Approval is recommended only with the condition that the position will be eliminated if the grant funds aze reduced or eliminated. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~r~~~S~~~~~~~ y ~ ~ 5 Refer to Office Vision Bullefiri Board forDisposition ROBERT S. PAR1kER Health Director , ATTACHMENT I NEW HANOVER CO UN7 HEALTH DEPARTMENT ,2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WII..'vIINCTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (91 D) j4j-6500 F.4.1' (910) j41-4146 LY~~A F. S:rtITH Assistant Health Director TO: Rotiert.S. Parker, Health Director FROM:. Beth W. Jones,. Director, Communicable Disease ' 'sion . . , ~ Susan M: O'Brien; .Director, Laboratory Division J ~ ' -_ .. DATE: ,.August 21, 1995 The vacancy being created in the Communicable Disease/Laboratory Divisions b the transfer of Clerical Specialist I, Regina Randall on August 15, 1995, necessitated a careful ~ review of clerical assignments and workload. The position vacated is a,50=50 split between the two divisions which was created by combining additional Communicable Disease funds with a 50% Laboratory- Clerical Specialist I (local funds) to create the full-time. clerical position. This was done in November, 1992. Since that time, clerical workload in both divisions has increased. In the Communicable Disease Division, the part-time (1/2 day), position is not adequate to meet the demands of programs. Currently, Ms. Randall's assignments include typing mastercards from birth certificates for all New Hanover County newborns, clinic registration, logging HIV test results and opening patient medial records, computerwork including satisfying encounters for visits made, accounts receivable assignments, and purging medical records. These assignments are not getting done in a timely manner with a 50% position. Ms. Randall was anabove-standard employee with good time management skills. Even so, her worfc stayed behind, and some tasks did not get done (such as purging medical records). - In addition, " there are many duties that a clerical person could do to relieve some of the workload of public health nurses, thereby delaying a request. for additional nursing staff (which. is more expensive). The rursirig staff have. requested. a~n~ additional nurse in the division, but-after ~~ -- discussion and analysis of assignments, increasing. this.position to full-time could. provide them relief. We are: regularly reviewing our tasks, prioritizing needs of patients, and trying to work smarter as well as harder: ~ There are activites~of communicable disease control -and immunization services that continue to increase as well~as the workload generated by the increase in.rnaintaining~ and~p~urgi,ng.~patient medical records. A comparison of STD ~~~l~F~l ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~F r,, related visits has~~lncreased~frorn:~2218~1n FY 93-94 to 3025 in FY 94-95. Increase in revenues collected for inimunizatioiis reflects the additional clerical time required to enter c~a~ to receive reimbursement... . - ... ,.__. -_. ,. 1 -,.... Yp0 i~' - -_ -_ ~ _ _ __ - - - ~ _ }i' The Laboratory Division has ample documentation to warrant afull-time clerical position. Wth the continued increase demand. for laboratory services, the production of the ~~~ laboratory testing personnel is at its peak. Laboratory procedures increased from 80,698 m FY 93-94 to 97,810 in FY 94-95. These figures do not reflect all the increases in Quality ~; ~ , ControVQuality Assurance mandated by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments ,'~ passed by Congress placing all medical laboratories under the Federal Government. These amendments have made sweeping ch"anges and increases in the Quality ControVQuality Assurance procedures that our laboratory must perform. and document. '~` The 50% clerical,position that we currentl have ' y is the only clencal services available to the laboratory. Each of the. six testing Techs working in the laboratory spends approximately six (6) hours per week performing clerical duties. This combined with the twenty hours of clerical staff we have gives the laboratory 56 hours per week spent in clerical work. In order for the laboratory and laboratory director to do the clerical and ' administrative jobs more efficiently, but most of all to free valuable technologist time for the '' - increase in testing and Quality ControVQuality Assurance, a full time clerical position is needed in the Laboratory. ,1. . Since both divisions have a need for afull-time position and because of the volume of ~ communicable disease work done by the Laboratory, we are requesting that the State ~~~'~ Communicable Disease funds continue to support the Laboratory position and change the position to 100% Laboratory, while using Medicaid revenues to create a permanent Clerical } Specialist (position -100% in the Communicable Disease Division. The funds needed for sala and frin rY ge benefits for this position are $24,655. This request is being made outside the usual budget process because of the vacancy and available revenues which will fund the position. We would like to make this change prior to filling the position, overloading a new employee, and spending time training a new employee to work in two divisions. -~ BD:om `~~: ~- I", 1 ~f 41 117 . AT`TACfiP1EPIT II . .. .. .. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE DIVISION -..NEW POSIT . ION - CLfR'ICAL &PECIALIST .Salary and Fringe Projection: , ~ - Li e ,. .. Amount ~ , . a. 4. Salary ; .... " .............. ....... $ 19,136 - ' FICA .................................. 1t,464 Retirement ........... ........:......... 953 ~ ~ Medical.lnsurance . ' ' ~ ' r f ................ .. , .3,073 Disability Insurance ... ............ •.... ' .. 31 .. ' ~ TOTAL .:..... ' ....................... $ 24,657 - `~ - Revenue Covering Cost of New Clerical Specialist I 7 Revenue Source Amount State Grant -Immunization Action Plan ..... $ 9,900 Title XIX -Immunization Update ............ 14,757 Total .... .......................... $24,657 ~~118 8/23/95 LFS 42 ,~ ~-= 1~ i ~~, ~~ i~~~ \~; E ,~~' ~~` ~~ w ,~` r ~~ {!!!` ~ti ~~, /~' !~~':. ~,~~ A ~f Budget Amendment ~ - DEPARTMENT Health/Epidemiology ADJUSTMENT H a ~~idemo_7ocrY IAP - State Title XIX BUDGET AMENDMENT # 96-0040 ~. $ 9, 900 I4, 757 Salaries & Wages FICA . ' Re tiremen t ~ Medical Insurance Lt Disability Insurance EXPLANATION DATE 9-18-95 $19,136 1, 464 953 3, 073 31 To budget for a new Clerical Specialist I position with additional revenue to be received from Title XIX funds and State IAP funds. ~ For Budget Oft7ce~s a~p~ hen r ort ~~» to Commissioners at n xt ~ar meetping ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~ s ~~ • . and enterin minutes. / ~ To be approvedby Commissioners. ~~~~:~I ~ r~~~~' ~G~.jryt/~ ~ To be entered into minutes. ~1 . ,~ -~ f . Tl:is page intentionally left blank f ~' ~ ~ ` ~ r~„ ,, ~ a ._ •~ ~ ~ ,. ~~~~ '~~ "~ ~~~ ~~' ..r ,~~ ,~ ~~, ~~ `, ,~` ~F ~~ ~~ . ~~ a~~~ ~~~ - ~ .~ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/18/95 Zegular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 8 Additional-Item #: department: Health ~ Presenter: Bob Parker ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bob Parker SUBJECT: Endorsement of the "PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE Campaign" BRIEF SUMMARY: " At the September 6, '95 New Hanover County Board of Health Meeting, the Board voted to endorse the "PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE Campaign" (Attachment I & II). The Board endorsed the Health Department's participation in this campaign to help raise community and family awareness about the impact of TV/video violence on our youth and what can be done about it. RFt^nMMFNDED MOTION AND REQ~LESTED ACTIONS• Endorse the "PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE Campaign" Federal S: State $: County S: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ItL~;V1r:W.N:U tSY= LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval of endorsement of "PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE" Cam 'gn. . ~i~~~ ~~~~~ll~~~~~~C~~ ~~~~ ~~~~- _ ~ 1.21 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ' ~`'~ . ATTACHMP1lT I / I~~LIL ~ ~I~ W°~.~Ci [~h1 y •i ~~%II~'~' MEDIA ~,G~;~~j j //I ~'~~ ~~~ ~ There is growing concern among many North Carolinians about the increasing violence occurring in our state. Join with the •' North Carolina Pediatric Coalition in supporting the PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE Campaign. Help -raise community and family awareness about the impact of TV/video violence on our youth and what can be done about it. • Violent acts appear between 8-12 times an hour on prime time television and about 20 times an hour on children's shows. • American children watch about 23 hours of television a week and are thereby exposed to over 12,000 violent acts a year. • 30 years of research have shown that there is a link between viewing TV violence and the ' ~ development of violent behavior. • By high schod graduation, many teens will have spent more time;watching TV than time in the classroom. ` . • American media are the most vioent in the world. Although media violence is not the only cause of violence in our country, it is the single most easily remediable contributing factor. . ...... .. .. ............ .... .. ...... .... .. .. ...... . WHAT YOU CAN DO SET LIMITS: Be aware of how much television your children are watching. Then limit viewing to 1-2 hours each day. Take time together to talk about how violence and guns are glamorized on TV and in video games. ~ - PLAN: After ~ limiting TV use, families can work together to choose appropriate programs. Pediatricians recommend using a TV guide or newspaper to help with. selections. The set should be turned on only for quality programs and turned off when they're over. PARTICIPATE: Parents, are the most important role models for their children. In our society, television is the second most important ~" source of .information. Watch shows together and review-what video . games the kids are playing. Let' them know your feelings about violence_ on TV and seek their,help in making a change in ,your family's TV and video use. - . GET, HELP:. There are many groups.working,toward raising ` awareness about the impact of violent programming on TV. Action for Children's Television (ACT,w2.0 University; Road, Cambridge,' MA 02138) is one such group. Contact''~yotir. IocaI~P~TA'8io~~flnd~.out~rabout National.PTA.- ' rf it l~: i ~.~ programs and pamphlets addressing' television ylewing.' Talk with other parents of your children's friends about the~amount~and content of ' 122 television/video game watchingAgree on similar rules about what and how much is-being watched, Thls'can~really help reduce the strong peer pressure which makes it difficult .for -kids to follow parental guidelines. S onsored b the N.C. Pediatric Coalition for Pull the Plu on Violence Week: 919 833-3836. '~~ 28 ~~ . ~~r ~~ ~~i~ ~~' ~~ ~' :~. .~ ~~ ~~ ~1 ,~ .~~t ~, ~_ ~/ - -PEDIATRIC SOCIETY .H. \~h 1 .` ' ATTACI-Ir1ENT II PULL THE PLUG ON V10LENCE ON TV AND IN VIDEO GAMES WEEK OCTOBER 22-29, 1995 The facts .are clear: ~ , 1. Violent acts. appear between 8-12 times an hour, on prime time television and about 20 times an hour on children's, shows. Many cartoons. a-nd video games depict both heroes and bad guys in settings .where violence instantly and. effectively solves the problem with little empha- sis on negotiation or compromise. .. 2. American children watch about 23 hours of television a week and are thereby exposed to over 12,000 violent acts a year. 3. 30 years of research have shown that there is a link between viewing TV violence and the development of violent behavior. 4. ~By high school graduation, many teens will have spent more time watching TV than time in the classroom. ~S. American media are tfie most violent in the world. Although .media violence is not the only cause of violence in our country, it is the single .most easily remediable contributing factor. There is growing concern among .many North Carolinians about the increasing violence occurring yin many of our own cornmunities. Arrests of juveniles for murder are on the rise as is child abuse and neglect. Too many children of all ages, have become victims of gun violence. -Many ' people feel a sense of frustration coupled with a desire to do something to help stop the violence. 123 . 24 - - In recent months, a state coalition. of teachers, parents, ediatricians P , nurses, churches, Kiwanis and other. ch_ild~ advocates has formed to promote awareness about the impact of, violent television and video .games on children. The coalition is s ons ~rin p o g a Pull the Plug on Violence Week, October 22-29,. 1995. During that week, families are encouraged to consider the following TV guidelines from the American Academy of .Pediatrics: I. SET LIMITS: Be aware of how much television your children are watching. Then limit viewing to 1-2 hours each day. Take time together to talk about how violence and guns are. glamorized on TV and in video games. 2. PLAN: After limiting TV use, families can work ~ together to choose appropriate programs. Pediatricians recommend using a TV,, guide- or newspaper to .help with selections. The set should be turned on only for . quality programs and turned off` when they're over. 3. PARTICIPATE: Parents are the most important role models 'for their children. In our society, television ~is the second most important source of information. Watch shows together and review -what video games .the kids are playing. Let them kriow your feelings about violence on TV and seek their help in making a change in your family's TV and video use. 4. GET HELP: There are many groups' working"toward raising awareness about the impact of violent programming on TV. Action for Children's Television (ACT, 20 University Road, Cambridge, 'MA '0213.8) is'. one such group. Contact your local PTA ~to find•-out about National PTA programs and pamphlets addressing television viewing. Talk with other parents of your children's friends about the amount and content of ~, television/video game watching.. Agree on similar rules about what and ~ ., how much is being watched. This can really ;help reduce the strong ~ peer pressure which makes it difficult for kids to follow parental uidelines. 9.. .We are all troubled by the -rise, of violence in our sta.te.. Join with the ~~ `~i N.C. Pediatric Coalition . October 22-29,~ '1995 for Pull the Plug on ~ ~ . Violence Week. Encourage families and'`child care giver's to work together to .stop: the-negative influence ,of violent television and video ~ ~~ games on our children. ~ _~ 12.4 25 ~' fv ~ ~ ~ ~ 47 n~ ~ ~ y t ~ ~ : 1 ti PULL THE PLUG ON VIOLENCE WEEK COALITION for Pull the Plug on Violence Week October 22-29, 1995 N. C. Pediatric Society POSSIBLE ASSOCIATIONS (~. Kiwanis N.C. Association of Sodal Workers N.C.State and. local PTAs Dioceses- of Raleigh/Charlotte N. C. Nurse Practitioners (NC NAPNAP) N.C. Association of School boards ~~ N.C. Association of Educators (NCAE) N.C. Association of School Counselors ~ N.C. Child Advocacy Institute N.C. State Health Coordinators N.C. State Dept. of Public Instruction UNC School of Sodal Work Smart Start Family Madicine Physicians ~' ~~ . Prevent Child Abuse, N.C. N.C Council of Churches N.C. Press Association National Guard N.C. Citizens for Business.and Industry Girl Scouts ~ . ~f School Nurses Association of N.C. Boy Scouts N.C. Press. Association Southern Baptist Convention , Health Departments (statewide) N.C. Council of Churches , N.C. Daycare Association Governor's Office • N.C. Catholic Dioceses Tarheel Association Of Principals WHAT OTHER GROUPS .SHOULD BE CONTACTED? ~. ~ .; ~. Order form: There are several different materials for the PTP effort: please put in your order ~~ so Ghat we can have a cost effective/appropriate amount for our printers. Note the July 28 deadline. And, thanks so much for your cooperation. The more H~e order,,the L;:i~ it costs to get our message " `' out. There IS flexibility in our timeline but earlier is better. NO LATER THAN Friday, August 4. 2. Bumper Sticker Logo: Pull the. Plug on Media Violence ~ What is Your Child Watching? Pull the Plug on TV and Video Game Violence Pup the Plug on Volent TV and Video Games 3. Distribution: Kiwanis will play a major role in distributing posters/bumper stickers/static TV - stickers. Their State convention is August 18-20 and Tom Dimmock will get' our materials to the 200 ~ state Kiwanis groups. This is an wonderful help! Additionally, each of the above organizations has : newsletters and upcoming meetings where materials can be distributed. Each of our coalition organizations should consider how best our materials can be given out to our respective groups. For example, the N.C. Pediatric Society meeting is in late August in Asheville. A.~ estimated 300 N.C. ~ pediatricians will attend.' We'll order 350 posters and 350 coalition statements. In addition, our N.C. t~- Pediatric Society newsletter will be distributed in early September 1995. In each newsletter an 8 tiz , , by 11 miniposter will be sent which can be posted in pediatric offices. Other groups will want bumper' ;~ stickers etc. Think about how your group can most effectively get the message across with whatever materials that we are offering on the order form. ~ 4.Fundraising: Currently,- there is not a formal fundraising effort. The N.C. Pediatric Society has. . appropriated $5000. 00 and state Kiwanis can donate an additional $1.000. This financial support will take care of much of our printing effort. Nonetheless, the coalition could print more materials with more financial support. Any .ideas? ECKERDS, PIZZA HUT, GLAXO, WACHOVIA Bank, NATIONS Barik, Duke Power, .and .many other civic oriented businesses might consider underwriting this campaign. ,~; Suggestions/thoughts..... .~ 5. Governor's Office effort Timely Press Conference...suggestions? - 6. State Media Effort: Mike Smith, M. D. Any other ideas to achieve a strong State Publicity effort? ~~; 7. Coaches Effort: Who can contact a coach and how can this effort be best coordinated? .. 8. NEXT MEETING: N.C. MEDICAL SOCIETY BUILDING: THURS. AUG 24, or'AUG 31 AT 3:30PM. ~~1 _ ~r • 1. 1' .4i ra ~,~r (• ~'7~~ f- ~1~~ ~ .. . • - ~ . 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