Agenda 1995 10-161 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC OCTOBER 16, 1995 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. TIMES 9:15am 1. Presentation of Employee Service Awards 1 9:30am 2. Presentation by Mr. Keith Reeves, Architect's Design 3 Group, Inc., of Findings on Emergency Operations Center 10:00am 3. Consideration of Approval of Report of,Feasibility. Study . , to Construction/Demolition, Recyclable Material Reco'very' . - Facility ~ .. .• . _ : -~ 10:20am . 4: Presentation on Work First Welfare Reform Program 10:40am 5. Consideration of Request from the New Hanover County Board of Education to Reimburse the Schools Fund Balance •~ "~ .•.in the Amoun[ Needed to Complete Capital Construction Projects ' ' ' 11:OOam 6 Public Hearing: Installment Financing of the Expansion of the Social Services Building 11:10am 7. Update on the 1997 Revaluation 11:20am 8. Appeal by Douglas E. Byrum on Value of 1995 Chevy Cavalier 11:25:am 9. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER NOON ADJOURN 7 . 17 19 27 31 33 49 NEW ]EiANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS 2. Approval of Minutes _ 49 . 3. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request A.H. Harrell 51 4. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request Murrayville Station 53 Phase II 5. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request Wilsons' Store 55 6. Acceptance of Easement for Sewer Construction and' Maintenance 57 ____ ~ ~ / ~ s~.~ w~~ ~Q-w~ ~ he a.G~ e /off!' Gt/c~~P.f' /'tee ~rne~i /Uar~G~Cxc-e.. ~ ~~~~-~J~-~o,~z; s a i i i i ITEM NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1'3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY .BOARD DF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA OCTOBER 16, 1995 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. Approval _of minutes Approval of 1996 Schedule of New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meetings Approval of renewal of contract with Correction Enterprises for inmate labor at WASTEC and Landfill Approval of award of contract to Miller Excavation and Demolition for mulching of storm debris and stumps received at the landfill Acceptance of Deed of Gift of land adjoining. N. Kerr Avenue and the Airport Approval of application for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Grant for Vector Control for FY 96-97 .Approval of authorization for Planning Staff to submit. application to NCHFA program Adoption of resolution establishing policy for Optional Relocation Benefits Policy for New Hanover County Approval of "Poets in Person Grant" and associated budget amendment 1/95-0051 Approva[ of Release of Value Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports through September 30, 1995 Approval of Budget Amendments: A. 1{96-0052 to transfer funds from the' Fire District to General Fund/Engineering Department B. 1196-0059 to budget additional funds for the 800 Mhz Capital Project Adoption of resolutions adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Archer Drive & Barlow Court in Oxford Place Subdivision Brandy Court 63 65 69 75 99 103 113 115 123 125. 127 131 133 143 r 1 1 n n t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 EZegular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: "County Commissioners & County Mgr. Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: F~osetta Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: Listed below are employees who qualify for recognition due to their length of service with New Hanover County._Service Awards will be provided by the Human Resources Department. FIVE (5) YEAR~SERVICE AWARD: Pearline M. Johnson -Sheriff; Tim R. Heistand -Environmental Management; Michael S. McCollum -Environmental Management; Thurman K. Grady -Health; Linda M. Gallagher -Social Services; Catherine M. Jarrett -Social Services; Helen L. Murrell - Social Services; Susan DSprenger -Social Services; Cecilia N. Spry -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: -Larry Brewer -Sheriff; Thurman Bass, Jr. -Environmental Management; Susan B. Thompson -Social Services; and TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Mary F. Gaskin -Tax Department RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' ll11V .~ Federal $: State $: I Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Preaared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: Present Awards . -"- . County $: ' ' ~ User Fees $: IYew Appropriation Request: BUD: 'r Other $: HR: ~o~~~ ~~~~~c~a~~~~~~~~~ Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition '1 This page intentionally left blank '- r' 2 .. L ~' it u Y r ~;; p' ~: , . , 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . ~ ~~ 1 1,'t'' • REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION (~ Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #:2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Emergency~Management ~ .. Presenter:~Mr. Keith Reeves r:• ~ • Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Dan Summers ~` Presentation of findings on Emergency Operations Center by Mr. Keith Reeves, Architect's Design Group, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY:- ~t Architect's Design Group will present their finding for the relocation of the Department of Emergency Management and the Emergency Operations Center. Detailed reports will be available _ prior to the presentation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Commissioners direct County Staffto proceed with design, construction, relocation and funding for the~project: . t FUNDING SOURCE: r r -. F ; Federal $: State $: County $: r • - User Fees $: Other $: ~ l ~ Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared:No~ $EVIEWED BY: ; LGL:APP WCOPLEY FINN/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: At the writing of this agenda item the full report is not complete. However, the executive summary is attached. It offers very little other than some basic facts. The full report should be available by October 12th or 13th. The report will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Staff will analyze the dings and be prepared to make recommendation(s) with financing option(s) by the meeting on the th. ~~: . ~ ~ V ~ a 4- ~~++ ~ ..~ik?~ h l~;w...~, ~ ~.:~r~..a~c:ciy~ibtsYt~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition -___~„ . ° OC1- 4-95 WED 4:43 PM ADG, INC, FAX N0, 407 645 5525 P, 1 ~~i.,,. a o~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~,> ,. ~=~~~ o ~~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~~ ~~~s ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ? ~,~ ~ a o -p o_. r'cr ~~`'~, ~~ 3 -°0 10,E ~, ~ ~~~ ~ ` ~~'~ • J ~ u ~ '~ 4 --. rn ~ ~ N d .~ ~ ~ ~ n~ ~~ d ~ ~ n ~ . ~' R ;C ~ ~ ~y s ~ C p„ ~ ~ ~. Oro ~ ~'~-..~ ~ 3~°a~ b.a G~~f9, HOC v' o ~~.~ ~ ~~7 a ~ ~ ~~~ o ~ -~ o ~. ~ ~~ rnR y.o inG m 5 ~- C O C ~ ~' ~ (~1 ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ... y 'n-. G p' (D ~~ A ~. (- RQ rn ~ . Ca, . ~„ O ~ ~ O ~ H ~. ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ` ~ y O O '~ ~ ~ ~pxS''J ~ a y J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p 7M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. 'b ~ p G 'p _ Yn~ s. o c ~ ~-- v ~ (~ ' Ea ~ ° b ~ 4 . ~,, . , . _w. ., ..._ o H~ __. ' , ~ ~' ~ 1 3 5 ~,F OC1- 4-95 WED ~~ 1 1 4:'43 PM ADG, I11C. ~ FAX N0. 407 645 5525 ~ ~ c ~~ ~ ~' i ~o~ ma~L g. ~ 4. ~ ~~~ n ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~Gc 3m ~ ~ 4` ~ ~ ~ (n o ~ ~ N ~ .A F7n n ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. z ~_ o ..... ~ o p. ~ ~ . c- 5'• . y ~ o N. co ~• o ~. ~. ~ o, o ~' ~ S ~z~ ~ K o~ ~~~ y~ ~' 5• ~ ~! n o .-- ~ c09 < 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O c o °' ry... ~ ~ ". £ U ~ ~ ~ cy G r+ t° °~ ~. ~ °e ~ °g ~. (jpy~- w co O o a 5' GC ~ H .y Lyl. ~, 4 ~. 1 ~P P. 2 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ x ~. ~~~ d~ ,~ o y k, ~ Cx7 ~y ~~ ~~~ o M (D ~ o ~. s~~ y~ ~ ~ •~ ~ p o ~ ~ ~ C1 n .~ ^ ~ o ~' ~ ~ ~-- O. ~ R. y ~ ~ r n W p ~ C ~ ~ ~ O C~ ts. ~, ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ ~ ~, p<s ~~~D7 ~- {.3. y Q ~. y ~ ~ y O CDC -~ gipp.. o 5" ~ 00 ~ o E`~~ 5 ',5 OCT- 4-95 WED 4:44 PM ADG, INC. FAX h0. 407 645 5525 ~ ~ P. 3 .. L . ~ .~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ 0 AO A ~ ,... N O O O O~ .... ~y ~ o c. ~• ~ ~- ~ 5 ~ ~ a ~ ~ o. `- ~ v, y ..,. O p~ (o O N z p ~ ~ ~ ~ - c"o ?. Qo rte` O ~ ll....__ ~. ~ _-~ ~ .'~ _. . ~ o a ~y Cj ~ Q' ,~2 b A c~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~ o ~, ~-.. Vl . G~ `; rr 6 ~~ ~ ' ~~ ~ 1'~ ~ .. . ~~~ 5 ~° ~ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management -• Presenter: may Church; et al ... Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray Church ^ CT Tit TF ("'T Report of Feasibility Study to Construct Construction/Demolition, Recyclable Material Recovery Facility. BRIEF SUMMARY: A report on the feasibility to construct a facility to receive and process waste materials from .construction and demolition projects and for the processing of co-mingled recyclable materials for marketing has been prepared by the consulting firms of McKim and Creed and Gershman, Brickner, and Bratton, Inc. A presentation of the results of the study will be given by representatives of the consulting firms and Environmental Management staff. Options regarding the construction and operation of the facilty will be presented. - RF,C'QMMF_.1VDF_,D MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends the Board of Commissioners accept the Construction and Demolition Waste Study report and Preliminary Integration Report Mixed C&D Waste and Comingled Recyclables . as presented. Staff further recommends the Board consider and discuss options presented by staff ' and the consultants during the presentation. Federal $: State $: County $: 1,399,785 User Fees $: Other $: ' Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY:. ; LGL:ARP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR:N/A AMALLETTE COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Hear presentation and consider options. I suggest the Board schedule a work session to review the report and options in depth. A time for a work ses can be established on the 16th. Please refer ' to the attached summary and backup mate 'a ~~ ~ f B G ii tl ,p01^, \.9 EJ P ,~ ~Vr,lIJV Yf C:... AIbAIJ~~„i.~^ °n;l ~.. ~.. f ~~~~ s Dale id _ .~~~. ~,,.-- ' Refer fo Offce Vision Bulkiin Hoard for Disposition !,('U~L.IG 1,~~~~ . ll~x~4a ~ ,~~~0 NSW t3ANU V~K I;UUlV 1 Y INTER=OFFICE s ~. GOctober 5, 1995 To: From: Re: .-; `: Ray Church, Director NT:1Y H~NOVFIL CO. Geof Little, Solid Waste Planner ~'~~ Advancement of the Pzoposed Material Recovery Facility i!• As requested,~the following is a.synopsis of the development'of the proposed''~~Material Recovery Facility.., A presentation~of the .proposal to the County. Commissioners is scheduled for October 16, 1995. Also, attached is=a memorandum that generally describes the ' benefits of contracting with Keys Vocational Workshop to operate and maintain the Material Recovery Facility as a Buy-Back Center. ' - . Background ... ~: A.waste stream composition study conducted October 1991 indicated construction and demolition (C&D) related debris comprised approximately 25$ of the County solid waste stream. .. ~ ~,. Establishment of a C&D Debris Material Recovery Facility (MRS') was 'identified in the June 1993 Solid Waste Management Plan as one ;, ; component ~f a seven-point waste reduction plan 'for meeting the State of North Carolina waste reduction goals. ~ ' Speciaq.-Obligation Bonds were issued in fall•1993 for $3.5 million in support of the following project's: 1. C&D Processing Facility ($1.9 million) 2. Construction of Landfill Cell 4A ($0.6 million) 3. Closure of Landfill Cell 3A ($0.2.million) ~- 4. Construction of Landfill office and maintenance facility ($0.3 million) -- ~ 5. Acquisition ;of equipment ($0.5 million) A request for proposals was issued in spring .1994 for a feasibility study to determine the economic benefits operating such a facility would return in terms of waste .reduction, landfill utilization, supplemental tsource,of boiler -fuel,~electrical~ production, and annua~l~~operatgion rand° maintenance': ~ ' '1, ,- I~ anticipation of ,the C&D recycling: facility, a waste diversion t , ., ....n ~ ... - . qt , ` t 1 t 1 1 Memo: Advancement of Recyclable.MRF October 5, 1995 . Page 2 program was implemented at the.~Landfill in January 1995.. The purposes of the program were to (i) verify that a sufficient' quantity of material was available through the Landfill ..waste stream to justify a C&D processing facility, ands (ii) begin capturing burnable C&D materials to offset a trash shortfall that existed at•WASTEC at the time. The results were favorable from both perspectives. Costs fob using the low-t-ech approach improved 'from approximately $20 per~°ton in~January, to about $8.OO per ton in March. The program initially relied on temporary labor, which accounted 'for most of the costs per tqn. By April, waste segregation became a routine part of Landfill operations, and costs. were not broken-out specifically for the program.. The feasibi~3ity study, referenced .above and received in.March 1995, projected a~~ C&D processing facility would operate ~at a cost of between $15 and $20 peg ton of~~material, not including-tipping ~~' fees, through the year 2008. ~ •:. - - ~ - ~~ ~' The consultant developing the feasibility study was requested to determine the economic impacts of incorporating •processing capability for standard recyclable~•materials in the proposed facility. The estimated: operating costs of: the. expanded facility..-. improved considerably,, from costing "$13 per aon in the .first `:year. to returning revenues of up to.$20 per ton in 2008, also< not ' including tipping fees for C&D materials. However, to incorporate recyclable processing, the study called for nearly doubling-the capital expense to approximately $2.8 .million. ..Currently, approximately $1.4.~nillion is left in the ,general obligation bonds approved 2' years ago: ~ ~, • ._ {. Factors Affecting Advancement of MRF Proposal Since 1991, material collect'ed,~through the. County recycling drop- off program was delivered to the City recycling processing -facility at a .cost of $50,000 the first ,year for capital expenses, and $40,OOO;~~per year for .,processing. - ~~ At processing approximately. 3,OOO~tons~~•of material per year, the Gity facility has reached its capacity for handling materials . The facility cannot physically accommodate additional volumes, nor can it adapt to processing additional types of~materia~s, particularly •. -steel cans or cardboard. - ,. ., In addition, .the site is schedul`e'd •for abandonment to make room for . the Smith Creek Parkway within the next 3 to 5 years... ~ , During the summer 1995, Environmental Management `and County management staff visited ~the•East Carolina Vocational~Center Greenville, NC, to view the~•center's recycling processi Memos Advancement October 5, 1995 Page 3 of Recyclable.MRF .. .. operations,. ECVC'processes approximately 20,000-tons.of material per year. The following is a~summary of staff.~s findings:' - 4 .~ .. ~,• The facility. utilizes approximately 30 to 35 mentally and physically handicapped adults~~in its recycling operations. • The center operates as a buy-back. Private haulers .such as Waste Industries and.BFI, and the general public are paid .directly for recyclable materials delivered to the facility. • ,,.The following. population~similarities,exist: Greenville's .population was 52,070 and Wilmington's was 60,886, and Pitt County's population was 116,088 and New Hanover County's was 134-.970.. ~. ,. After reviewing the.-feasibility': `study incorporating recyclable materials in ~a processing facility,~~preliminary discussions were held wit~i~~ •a, material broker -''interested in siting processing .equipment~in the proposed recycling facility in return fpr a~long- term ~agreeciient for delivery of materials based on market' prices. Such arrangements are -`fairly"`'common•~ place in the industry: In fact, the City. received bids for similar arrangements at the City's existing facility. . . - _ .. .Based on the results of thef modified~•feasibility study and the interest expressed by the broker 'described above,~Environmental Management staff prepared the attached memorandum which descried the;•potential benefits and coverall operating principals: of~ a .combined~C&D' and ..commingled: facility., However, the 'projected capital cost of 'the combined operations would require finanding an ~additonal~$1.4 million, which apj?.ears unrealistic at this time. Following the construction andclosure oftcells at the Landfill, construction of the multipurpose building at. the Landfill, and •purchase of equipment .as_ scheduled, approximately $1..4 million remains-from the. 1993 special obligation bond issue. Originally, siting ;a C&b~~processing facility ad jacent. to~ WASTEC was a logical choice since the majority ,of the recovered material would be used as boiler fuel at WASTEC. However, for the first time since the- plant .was expanded,. WASTEC was .provided .full-t'ime feedstock 'from the non-C&D~~waste .stream for July „a.nd August. ,Without the need :for supplemental .boiler fuel, :C&D debris was stockpiled at the Landfill until needed during the seasonal decline in the waste stream. (Note: _Waste'Management begin hauling .refuse to WASTEC in July 1995). Space for stockpiling C&D debris is limited at.WA~TEC.. - .. Reasons .for Advancing Recyclable'MRF~Concept -. • Landfill staff successfully 'captured a significant amount of 10 ~ -. Memo: .Advancement of Recyclable MRF October S, 1995 L Page 4 ' .' t burnable C&D debris using a low-tech approach at a low per ton . cost. ~~ Cardboard comprises a relatively-high percentage (9$) of the C&D waste stream, which would be captured in the recyclable 1, MRF . ~ • County. will eventually reach`. a "built-out" stage, thus reducing new construction wastes. '. • New construction and demolition projects are acutely affected by the local economy (with,.disregard to natural disasters). In the feasibility study referenced above, .costs were based on continuous, steady growth in'C&D related projects over the. next decade. t present, C&D debris •accounts for approximately 2S$ ~f the waste stream during a period when the • locaY economy isoperating at•,a.relatively high. cycle. During .~ ;row economic cycles, the percentage and volume .of C&D waste debris will fluctuate considerably, as indicated by historic • data. The percentage and volume 'of recyclable. material, in contrast, is approximately 40$ of...the~waste stream. Tn the absence of a'population decline, marketable recyclable materials:.wil•l be. generated at~ a fairly constant .rate. Also,-recyclable materials may be marketed .~internat.ionally, and~therefore\ return revenue is less affected by the•local.economy. • The number of~new manufacturing technologies coming•on-line' ~dedicated.to using recycled •materials .as feed material area -• increasing substantially,, which will tend to stabilize markets for recycled materials: ~ _. .. Summary ~ - -. . After careful review, Environmental Management staff strongly supports (i) continuing the waste diversion program at the Landfill to recover burnable and recyclable ..materials at the working face,. (ii) utilizing approximately.$1.2 million of the remaining special obligation bond monies for construction of a material, recovery and processing building, (iii) enter,~into a long-term agreement with a .broker or .processor for. .siting processing equipment at the facility, .and (iv) contract with•`Keys .Vocational Workshop to staff, operate and maintain the facility. c: Allen O'Neal, County Manager... Dave Weaver, Assistant County. Manager ~~~ Dennis Burks, Manager, E&WR~Programs • ,~~ IVY W .tiA.LV U V.~K ~:U UN l Y ,, . Il~'I'ER-OFFICE ~ n~ro . .. '•n ti~ . i ~.. ,:. .August 10, 1995- `' •~ To : ~ Ray Church, Director, NHC-DEM NL'~v ~-IAhUVER G'O. Fromi Geof Little, Solid Waste Planner ~,-~~' Re: Consolidation~of Construction/Demolition Facility •~ with Commingled Recycling. Processing. _ .~ As requested following a meeting Tuesday, August 8 with you, •~111en O'NeaT, Dave Weaver, myself, .and Daryl Reynolds and Ralph. Drew, representatives of Paper 'Stock Exchange, the following is asummary •of~points in~~support of `a consolidated Construction/ Demolition (C&D) and'~Commingled Recycling Processing•Facility._ ~, • . .~ .. Overview. .. _ s ' Courity~':Environmentalstaff proposes..expanding the cope: of the Construction"and Demolition.. (:C&D) Processing/Recycling Facility to include. the 'capability to sort.and`process commingled .recyclable ' materials including cardboard; newspaper, and plastic, aluminum and ' ~ steel 'containers : , ' . ,. ;. .. Staff-also proposes the commingled operations be operated as a buy- • back operation for commingled materials,; with staffing provided ~througfi, contracted services with Keys, Inc., a local vocational workshop,, for. the entire facility: Options areti currently being explored to red~.ce cap.~tal costs of the _expanded facility by locating material brokers and handlers that will site baling and. sorting equipment through lease/purchase ~arrangoments. Such arrangements 'are common, and can potentially reduce capital expenses for the consolidated processing facility by approximately $500,000. 'a Basis for Support _ ~., ~. The consolidation of the operations ..under one facility would provide the following benefits. ~ . :The following elements are .similar ' in C&D.., and Commingled 'recycling ,facilitiesi . ~ .,. ~ . 1. Material Sorting 2. Baling Operations • 3. Material Storage ~ ~ ~~ 4:; Marketing ~ ' .~ ~ Consolidation of those. activities. fully utilizes. the, equipment r • '3 . .::t Memo: Consolidated Recycling~Processing Facility August 10~, 1995 Page 2 capabilities, achieves a greater economy of scales, and is the highest use of the facility,; • The facility will allow commingled collection of recyclables. Thus feature will allow~prvate haulers to utilize existing collection vehicles and equipment, and will provide the most efficient collection method for haulers. ..: • A consolidated facility, ,operating as a buy-back for commingled goods, will allow all haulers to fully participate in recycling, collections regardless o~ their size, manpower, or financial capabilities. • The. facility will provide all haulers the ability to compete for recycling services in a free=market.atmosphe„re. County support of the capital. and operating costs.' of a single multipurpose recycling facility will. allow haulers to ~;' participate•in and economically benefit from recycling without.' incurring significant capital investment or annual maintenance and;,administration costs. .; . .~. • ~ Without a consolidated .facility; several .developments are likely to take place: A,t least one additional private hauler will put into service a recycling processing facility in order. to compete with an•existing private operation; and two, Keys,. ' Inc. is currently leasing a baler and..processing"recyclable goods including material from the County drop-off ,center.:in Myrtle Grove. (The City's operations are in limbo .at this point, but maX,.include leasing a paler _to supplement its processing capabilities). ~.,;,.:; The net~~effects of~ those actions would be to: '(1)..further erode County control 'over the waste stream; ~( 2~) reduce the, amount of material available .to any. one organization; ;:which would reduce the viability of any operation, be it-- County, . City, and/or private; (3).reduce the ability for small, ~, private haulers to compete in the market place .for collection services; and (4) Keys,. Inc. operations may be squeezed~~as.a recycling service provider, which is a cornerstone of ::their operations. • ~ Theutilization of Keys, Inc. will .provide. a ~~stable,::.long- term, program for the workshop," and extend "meaningful employment for their vocational clients. . .. :~, - ~~ ~ Vocational workshop involvement in~ recycling~.,~has proved successful in, several locations including East Carolina Vocational Center in Pitt'County, Morrow Enterprises in ' Jackson County, Rutherford Vocational.Workshop in Rutherfo~#~ County; 'and Orange Grove Community Center, which has recent Mema: Consolidated Recycling Processing Facility August 10, 1995 ~~ Page 3 expanded •to provide processing service for the city of Chattanooga; TN. - ,The consolidated facility ..will provide long-term stability of the County recycling program should markets for recovered goods fall, which is likely given the mercurial nature of the business. Private operations are typically 'interested in materials that return the highest value, but have little interest in collecting, processing, and/or marketing materials of little or no value such as glass containers. • Since SB 859 does away with awards of additional 10$ waste reduction credit for waste-to-energy processes, the facility offers the best solution to;.ac~ieving 40~ waste reduction by ,June 2001. The County currently stands, at around 20$ reduction from base year 1988-9. Approximately 20,000 tons of • material will need to be diverted in order to reach the 40$ goal by the year ''2001. ~ - , ' Because the bulk of recovered C&D material will be used for boiler fuel, credit may not be forthcoming for further waste .reduction. However, based on East Carolina Vocational Center • .;.performance to. date, the•realization~ of 20,000 tons of material from the waste stream through the consolidated facility is achievable... • The County can proudly point to the fact that for the past 3 years, we have used an average of 0.84 acres per year in landfill space. The consolidated facility will further • improve the efficient usage.-ef landfill spade. .~ •. _ 1 • The facility will further improve the WASTEC fee_dstream and ash handling systems,~as~well as providing an~additional source'of boiler fuel for the waste-to-energy facility. • The County will maintain control over. 65~ of its waste stream. C&D wastes account for approximately 20$, while paper, - plastics, and cans account fore approximately 45$ of the wastestream. .. • Because of the current lack of 'f low control and -the annual .debt service on the WASTEC facility, the County must currently supplement the Environmental ,Management 'Fund. The C&D facility, .and its use as a multipurpose recycling operation, will help protect the County's investment through the collectinn of tipping fees and marketing. of recovered material while minimizing the effects on property taxes. • The ,potential exists for the processing facility to be 1 ~ structured under a stand-alone enterprise fund, with revenues .. Memo: Consolidated Recycling Processing-Facility August 10, 1995 _ Page 4 - - generated solely from tip fees and market salest. Expanded operations will further advance the County's integrated solid waste management system,. .. ~ i ~~ - - - ~~ _ t _ -~- _ . . .~ - .: . .., ! ~ ~ - - '- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ J ~~ ~ -~ . - ~ - T ~ : J ~ ., ~ ` -- • I ~ -~ ~ - 15 __ .. ~~ 16~ J c 1 T/iis page intentionally left blank t .~ - -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Zegulaz Item #: 4 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: department: Manager's/DSS Presenter: A. Atkinson/W.Morris 'age Count In.Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson SUB.TECT: Work First Program BRIEF SUMMARY: Comments on Governor Hunt's welfare reform proposal aze due by October 20. ,Staff will present information to you,.and answer any questions you may have on the Governor's proposal to enable you to submit corritnents if you desire. - ' j2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOiTFSTED ACTIONS• ' Heaz presentation. :- 1 Federal $: State $: County $: "' ' User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: 'Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BYx LGL: FIN: BUD: - HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. Formulate comments to be forwarded to Governor's office, if you desi ~~ ES~,t,1.t-~ ~~~ ~ ~ .~r,rr~r: ~a~G~~~~~$- - l- __ _ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition - 1~ - This page intentionally !ef! blank ~~ .~ ~ , ~. ~! 18 . , ~ p . , ~ . ~. ~ u w .:_ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 . Regular Item #: 5 . Consent Item#: Additional Item #: Department: ~, Presenter:Janice Cavanaugh & Dale Martin Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Consideration of request from the New Hanover County Board of Education to reimburse the Schools Fund Balance in the amount needed to complete capital construction projects. BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board of Education has awarded bids for vai~ous construction projects related~to the successful bond issue for scl~ooI construction. After a lengthy process of bidding and re-biddipg, the Board decided to-use their fund balance to complete the projects. ,.. ~., RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOIJESTED ACTIONS: Recommend appropriating $550,026 from the Public Schools Fund Fund Balance. This fund is an accumulation of revenue and expenditures to account for all funding activities by the County to the public schools. The County controls and maintains this account. This account has a find balance of approximately $2.2 million as of June 30, 1995. The fund balance is a result of sales tax revenues over budgeted expenditures from the past years. ~. ~ , Federal S: State S: County S: ~ ' ' User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: GOUNTY MANA T R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIOl`1S• Consider, appropriating the $550,026 as recommended. If the Board ap oves allocation of the $550,026 approval of the attached budget amendment is necess 51, t 41, a, 5 3 needed -~ cnvcr cos{- c~ve~-r'u.w~ ~ i ~t.+~ d'e(e~!-cdt ~ °t o,~ ~' SGu1P lr C, 19 . co~~~ ~o~~~~ss~0~~~s Refcr to Office V'uion Bulletin Board for Disposition -- ~- - _-.__ BOARD OF EDUCATION JANICE A. CAVENAUGH, Choirmon -.~ LORI T. STEPHENSON, ViceChoirmon OSCAR A. GRAHAM DONALD S. HAVES EDWARD B. HIGGINS, JR. AIIENE C. KEITH • .CHAS. M. 'DUKE" IINEBERRY, JR. DR. DALE F. MARTIN ` ~ 6,' 1995 ~ Superintendent October Mr. Robert G. Greer, Chairman • New Hanover County, Board of Commissioners ~ ' 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 •' . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. Greer. The New Hanover County Board of Education received bids on May 18, 1995 for two new elementary schools (North and South Central). The bids exceeded the budget by approximately three to four million dollars. The projects were returned to the designer for re-design and re-bid in accordance with their contract. Subsequently,. the designers for the New venter Park Elementary School, scheduled to bid July 31, 1995, were contacted and requested to review their design in light of the high bids just received. The designers responded and the .bid schedule remained unchanged. The bids for the New Winter Park School were received on July 31, 1995. The. bids exceeded the budget but not by the magnitude of the North. and South Central Elementary School bids. The designers were directed: to begin negotiations with the apparent low bidders in an effort to reduce costs. r. The North and South Central Schools were re-bid on August 10, 1995. Despite extensive modifications to the design and significant reductions in scope, the bids receTLed still exceeded the budget. The designer was ,instructed to .begin negotiations with the apparent low bidders in an effort to further reduce the cost. A protest by one of the responding general contractors necessitated a rejection of all general contractor bids and a re-advertisement and re-bid of the general contractor portion of the projects. The final bid for. the general contractor portion only, was received on September 14, 1995. The bid once again exceeded the budget. ,. Extensive negotiations relative to all three schools resulted in reducing the costs to $362,741 over budget for the North and South Central Elementary Schools and $187,285 over budget for the New wnte~ :Park Elementary School, for a total. of $550,026 over budget for alf three schools ; -0< ~5„ ra t,! ~ ~'t '` 1802 SOUTH^~15TH~~*STREET~`~ ~WItN11NGTON, NORTH CAROIWA 28401 PHONE 19101 763-5431 FAX (910) 8156927 ,~ Mr. Robeit G. Greer October 6, 1995 >s Page Two -, The elementary schools have been reduced in scope to the maximum extent possible. Any further modification would necessitate a reduction in the overall student capacity and/or affect the school's ability to provide adequate educational services to children. :The reduction in scope included significant alterations to major structural, roof, and mechanical systems. However, the budgets were exceeded to such an extent that even these major modifications were "not adequate to reduce costs sufficiently. Therefore, many additional reductions were required: Attachment 1 and Attachment 2 are a partial listing of deleted items which, funds permitting, could be added back to the schools. Attachment 3 delineates the status of the bond projects. The Board of Education, meeting in special session on September 26, 1995, voted to award contracts for all-three new elementary .schools. The Board also voted to transfer funds from. the Current Expense fund balance to the Bond Accounts of the respective schools to fund the cost overrun of $550,026. The Board of Education believes these decisions"were in the best interest of the children of New Hanover County. The Board reduced the fund balance in order to provide sufficient funds to begin construction of the new schools. , However, the Board of Education fund balance does not contain sufficient funds to increase the budgets of the bond projects yet to bid. Depletion of the fund balance is a serious matter and one not taken lightly by the Board of Education. Any reduction places the school system at risk. Therefore, due to the unforeseen price increases experienced, not only county- ~~ wider but regionally, state-wide, and nationally, it is requested that the Board of County Commissioners consider reimbursement to the -Board of Education in the amount of $550;026. ® Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Attachments Sincerely, anice A. Cavenaugh, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Education 21 ATTACHMENT 1 ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION TO BE RE-INSERTED IN PROJECTS ,. Project: Northern Elementary School and South. Central Elementary Item Cost 1. Covered Walkway Covers ~ ~ ~ ~ - $119,940 2. .Add forone 4th and 5th grade ~ "287,996 classrooms. Total two classrooms per school .Net. cost per school ~ ~ t. ' ' $143,998 ~ ' 3. Casework in critical areas 14,860 4. Sinks in 3rd grade classrooms 2,674 5: Sinks in workrooms 1,500 6. Dishwashers ... - ~ .~ 24,728 . .. Total • . _.. $451,698 r 22 AT TACHMENT 2 ~ _ ' ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION TO BE RE-INSERTED'IN PROJECTS ~' - Project: Winter Park Elementary School ` t Item ~ Cost 1. - Walkway Covers J $ 5,291 • . 2. Casework deducted from 3,500 . ~ Room # 78, 75, 76, 43 . 3. Use original specified windows 13,900 ~. 4. Partition in multi-purpose to original 12,500 specifications with.continuous hinged panels -electric operation 5. Hot water circulator with specified valves .7,25 ,~ for cafeteria ~ , 6. Testing and balancing in addition to HVAC 2,300 r ;j~ contractor system adjustments . "f 7. Dishwasher in cafeteria kitchen 11,413 -- , `~ Total $49,629 '_. .•- • ~~ 23 ATTACHMENT 3 - ' - 1994 BONDS Proiects Bid - Re-designed, Reduced in.Scope, Re-bid, Negotiated (and still over budget) ' • New North Elementary School • • New South Central Elementary School ` •- - • New Winter Park Elementary School Proiects Bid - Re-designed, Reduced in Scope, Re-bid, and Negotiated to Within Budget (work in progress) • Blair Elementary Renovations and Additions _ . • Pine Valley_Elementary .Renovations and Additions _ . , _ • College Park Elementary Renovations and Additions , • Ogden Elementary Renovations and Additions ' • Roland-Grise Middle Renovations and Additions - • Carolina Beach Elementary Renovations ~ - • • New Hanover High Renovations Proiects Bid -Over Budget -Awaiting Re-design, Reduction in Scope, Negotiation and/or Re-bid • Mary C. Williams Elementary Renovations • Wrightsboro Elementary Renovations and Additions • Laney High Renovations and Additions Proiects Awaitina Bid • Hoggard High Renovations and Additions '. • Gregory Elementary Renovations and Additions • Williston Middle Renovations and Additions Proiects Awaiting Assignment of Designer • Alderman Elementary Renovations • Bellamy Elementary Renovations • Blount Elementary Renovations • Bradley Creek Elementary Renovations • Forest Hills Elementary. Renovations r • Howe Elementary Renovations • Johnson Elementary Renovations • Lakeside High Renovations • Myrtle Grove Middle Renovations • Noble Middle Renovations • Roe Elementary Renovations • Snipes Elementary Renovations • Sunset Park Elementary Renovations - 24. Trask Middle Renovations • Virgo Middle Renovations • Wrightsville Beach Elementary Renovations 'r 0 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i __ ~ Budget Amendment New Hanover County Schools Fund/ Schools Capital Projects Fund ADJUSTMENT TTew Hanover County Schools Fund Appropriated Fund Balance Transfer to Other Funds (to Fund 330/Schools Capital Projects) Schools Ca ital Pr jects ~~ Transfer In (from Fund 125/ Schools) Capital Project Expense $550,026 $550,026 ~!, I4(, 353 $550,026 $550,026 ~ l,1 ~(~ ~S 3~ r EXPLANATION ,~ To appropriate fund balance from the New Hanover County Schools Fund for a transfer to the Schools Capital Projects Fund for additional cost of capital projects. F,~P~~~l~~ ~~~ couc~d~ c~c~~cU ~~~~~~~~~ Q~f~~ ./6. 45~~ _.._ _ ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT # "~ r 96-19 For Budget Offices app~~hcn report to Commissioners at next r meeting ~a d enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. Tlris page inte~itionally left blank 26 ~sa~v !(c1~(c'~~ ~, ~~t d v uJ `';~ o K ~ ~ ''~ r °• r ~~ ~ .REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~' ~ Meeting Date: 10/16/95 [2egular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #:~ Department: Finance and Legal Presenter: Bruce Shell r; Page Count In~Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell runla,c t~eanng - Installment t>.nancmg of the expansion of the Social services"Building. . ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: -~ Conduct public hearing to consider approval of the .filing of an application with tie North Carolina Local Government Commission for approval of the Project and the proposed financing contract and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution. " ~. _ r .. . ~ . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of resolution authorizing the County Manager and Finance Director to act on behalf of the Coun of New Hanover in filin an~a lication with the North Carolina Local tY g PP . ~ ~. Government Commission for approval of the Project and the proposed financing contras-and other ,~' actions not inconsistent with this resolution. J _f ,~. .. , D N _. Federal~$: ~ State $: County $: 890;000 User Fees $::~ Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No ~, Budget Amendment Prepared: No ~ , REVIEWED BY: ,. . LGL: 'FIN: BUD: I-IIZ: SLOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION ~ Recommend adoption of resolution as noted above. /" .~ ~ , ~~~ ~~~~~ o~ ~:~ l _ _ _ ~.I Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition #~ ~ i ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ no to-~~~ ~I~r4~ necessa _.,r \ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A FINANCING AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED BY NORTH CAROLINA STATUTE 160A-20 . ~ .~ ,~ ~ WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover, North Carolina desires to, acquire by installment financing an expansion of the current Social Services Building, with a construction price of $890,000:00 (the "Project") to better serve.the citizens of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to finance the Project by the use of an installment contract authorized under North Carolina General Statue 160A, Article 3, Section 20; and . ~ ~ . ` WHEREAg; findings of fact by this governing body must be presented to enable~the North Carolina Local Government Commission to make its findings of fact set forth in North Carolina General Statute 159, Article 8, Section 151 prior to approval of the proposed contract; C NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover county, North Carolina, meeting in_regular session on the 16th day of October, 1995, make the following finds of fact: ~~ 1. The proposed contract is necessary. or expedient because the installment financing will make possible the construction by County of~an expansion to the' current Social Services Building. 2. The proposed contract is preferable to'.a bond issue for the same purpose becaust, (i) the installment financing will make expeditious acquisition of the needed expansion possible; (ii) given the amount being financed, the transactional cost of the installment financing method is the most economical. 3. The sums to fall due under the contract are adequate and not excessive for the proposed purposed because the construction costs are the results of competitive bids pursuant to state law and.the interest-rate is based on current market conditions. 4. -The County of New Hanover debt management procedures and policies are good because the debt management policies of New Hanover County have been carried out in strict compliance with governing law. _~ 5. The increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums to fall due under the proposed contract will be one half of a cent per $100 valuation and is not deemed to be excessive. 6. The County of New Hanover is not in default in any of its debt service obligations. ~``~, a "~ Erf i :fps i nr:~.~~r`,~il~~ . 7. The attorney`~forthe'County of New Hanover has rendered an opinion that the prop©sed Pr©lect~is au~honzed~by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be 28 . ~ .'~ ~.. , ~~~~ _~ ~~:L r i t ~i ~I t' r expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of North Carolina. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager or Finance Officer is hereby authorized to acY on behalf of the County of New Hanover in filing an application with the North Carolina Local Government Commission: for approval of the Project and,~the proposed financing contract and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution. This resolution is effective upon its adoption this 16th day of October, .1995. New Hanover County ~ .. Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: 'r Clerk to the Board 29 1 30 Tltis page intentionally left blank 1 1 i t i I 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 i 1 _~ - ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: 7 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Tax ,. Presenter: Roland Register Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Roland Register ' SUBJECT: Upcoming Revaluation BRIEF SUMMARY: _ The Tax Administrator will present a brief update on the revaluation process. r. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , Hear presentation. r , "r UIN • Federal $: State $: County $: ' ' ' User Fees $: .Other $: Money Is In Current Bridget: - New Appropriation Request: , Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: - Hear presentation. ,~~ ~,~ A'1-t 1 1 'i V ~ ~.. t/ ~~~ G~d~~~( CO~P~~~~P~~~~~5 Q~~~~~~ ~s_~~~ 31 ~.. ._ _ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition _ • This page intefitionally left blank i I f i ~- .. ~ .. r 9 i ... k - _ ... - 3 d p .. .._. t t ~ '.. °.~d~i ` ~ ~ t~~,~urt~+~~a~~v~~u~~~ ~e~uB qx. s i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: 8 . " Consent Item #: _ Additional Item #: Department: Tax ~; Presenter: Roland Register:.. Page Count In~Agenda Package: 16 Contact:~Roland Register Appeal by Douglas E. Byrum on value of 1995 Chevy Cavalier BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. Byrum appeals the assessed value of his ;1995 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 4"door which was registered to him iViay 6, 1995. Mr. Byrum will appear. to present his appeal.. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that the assessed value of $15,200 be upheld. r Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ~ ~~ LGL: FIN: BUD: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM Concur with Tax Assessor to uphold the $15,200 assessment HR: nre. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~a~~~~c~~~~ 33 ~, Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ ,'"~- 1/( 6 ~ . M -* APPEAL ON VALUE OF VEHICLE DOUGLAS ELMER BYRUM AGENDA OCTOBER 16, 1995 Mr Byrum appeals the assessed value of his 1995 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 4 dr. which was registered to .him May 6,.1995. As required as a prerequisite to filing a value appeal, he has paid the $186.64 county taxes and city taxes and fees. ,,. Mr. Byrum has presented the tax office with a copy of his bill of sale showing the sale price of his vehicle at $14,620 plus license and title, document fee, and sales tax. North. Carolina law provides for the valuation iff a new model at the retail value when it is first introduced for sale in North Carolina, and January 1 prior to the date of~ registration when the registration occurs after the end of the year the model was first introduced for sale. This valuation process is required before there is any significant market activity, and considers models as standard equipped. The process is reasonably accurate. The courts realize there may be reasonable variations in this process, and uphold the process when it is uniformly applied. New Hanover County adopts a valuation process and uniformlYapplies values to all vehicles of similar types. Everyone's vehicle is treated the same. Sight unseen, by "mass appraisal," Mr. Byrum's vehicle was assessed at a value of r $15,200 Sales price on his bill of sale was 14,620 r 580 4% deviation For ther.Board to see his point, Mr. Byrum has provided computer printouts and consumer publications intended to prove his point. However, I see that when all standard options, special options, and delivery charges are considered, his material supports a value of approximately $14,700. The law requires the appellant to prove that the County employed an'arbitrary or illegal method of appraisal in reaching the assessed value,; or that the county .assigned a value j~ that substantially, substantially, exceeded its true value in money as of -January 1 for the UU • year at issue. "It is not enough for the taxpayer, to show that the means adopted were, . wrong; he must also show that the result arrived at is substantially .greater than the true value in money for the property assessed." , The County,appliedaa~unifor~mvalue to the property in a manner that has a minor, u reasonable ~v, ariat~on ;~I~donot; b~el{feve the appellant has proven that the assessment is substantially~;greater than trtue market value as he sees it, nor has he proven that the ~ty used° an arbifr'ary or illegal method of appraisal. .. ..,. I recommend that the.:assessed value of 515,200 be upheld. . ~~'~ -~ -~ .- -- - ~ ~ - . ~- ~oU~yLF3s F3`jTLJ~h Ar'PP6AL - - - ~ ~~~ ,. .__~j - ~~~5 0.3_0 / /~ ~, ., ~. a~ r ~'_ -~C'p- 19 ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~:t_- to a n..~~ ~~Z~~/~ ~, --~J--- -~ ~ - ~ -- - . +-- - --' - ' -- -- -' -- - - r-\'% ~n .C/i e ~0~ ~n .I n . '.9 " ~ /~ /~J ~ .// ti*l ~T .. ~. it ~ l n i~ r ~~ //~ ~Q~z `//~ -'~~-a%L~w~.~..~-e~z~ 5_'.i Q __. ~y° ~~v~..-~ /05 /ab_~wm~ ~~Q _ -.t9/y ~ ~"'~ _ p~ ~ ,, ~~~ - ,e.~eti.,e:E~~~~.P Q ,ems _ Z ~}-~ - ~ G~ ~ -. ~ ~" J _~ VI _._ .. p_-_ ._- J ,c>~ ,~ ~sz' - -uJ ~.-7~c_a_~~-i~~ - n u n ~ J - J -3 r t ~. t A ~~. ~. ROLAND G. REGISTER TaxAdministrator' l~I~W H.A.ly®'VER C~UNT'~' TAX ADMINISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELLPHONE(910) 34I-7131 ~: .. August 24, 1.995 Douglas Elmer Byrum PO Box X772 Wilmington, NC 28405 ~~ Re: Appeal On Value - 1995 Chev. - ~P950301164 Dear Mr. Byrum: For me to enter your appeal regarding the value contested in your visit and by letter August 23, the tax must be paid before the due date September 29. The deadline is not extended by the" actual due date falling on a Saturday: When you have paid the tax,' please notify me and I will arrange for your appearaace before' the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. ~ ,~ If you cannot attend. until after September 20, the next opportunity will be October 16 at 9 A.M. in the Historic Courthouse.• If you.want to have the .Commissioners review any further .information, I must receive such information by 5 P.M. Tuesday, October 3. . ~ - . On your statement, you marked corrections to the spelling of your name. As the tax department is not authorized to make corrections to the name record in DMV files,. you must communicate directly with`DMV to have their records corrected. . • ' Please respond as you deem necessary. ~'' .Sincerely, ~- ~ ~ ~Zc %~ Roland G. Register 37 .. ~ ~~ai~Z~~zz3Z9~s ~ ~ ~ a- oqo ~ rFl r ~ ~a~A~ r~ . ~/2. ~G TES/_, IiU~~/-~' ' ~~~~_ _ _ _ _~~~/i~lt~D_t/_~2 C'~2rJ_,t1 TY ~,B X iq--~S~SSD 6 8 1 9 -2 D C~~SS.d/v~ ~T __/PQo_~aJ - / r GtJ/L /~~it~D~tJ/~{JG ~ ~¢~ ~ __.-- ~D_~Tf~/S j~E/_~~~'_1.=C ob?~~.~5_c_r_t/~~O_.L~D~~: -~-Ti~E_~"D_G.,C. DLtJ./..t/_~~~~ISD_~5 ~9~c/lJ - ~ E,~/e Los ~:,o__~ac_v~E~ifT_S ~ - ~ r _ ~; ---- ~ - . . .x:/_9_2 S_/_~~-' 1`!~E"~J~~2.5. D.FTf~~-~-•r?,~~?L_BDi_~~I~ . 1~ ~ - .._ J 1, Jc Lo_.~~.y ~~3 ~~C_T_r ~~ ~ l.~ ~, /t/~ ~~~tli~t_L_U_~ -S.ND.U_C.t.~ ~~-/_~~ .r3_E~~2~~ /~"~ i1~.f~ tL 2~~M.~,.c1_t~~~T_v._2_E'~ s__1`-'/J~~ESr~O-~ ~_2~'TAiL. ~~e~~ . ~. ,~M_~.C~T~r~ _N/~Z~ 1 /G~ rF~ ~a~i~ct.ros~~ G~ ~~ .~/_LCT.~ /_!l/ Y_alJ~_ /L~CJ.c~I~~,~..-l_l.(_E_!~ ~2-~C~~~ _.Z~O_C_1J_~~~Z.1_~G_D,~tJ..C.C'2~1.11_~V_~~~~,~Oll~~ ./ '. . ~. 66 ,. ~ .. 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VEI~ICLE VALUATICid IN UIRY •SYSTEM ~ ~; CGPYRIGHT (C) 1993 EY TAX SELECTIGN ITY ~1SULTAI'dTS, E~ SCREEPd ` INC.- VEHICLE TYPE: 1 1=CARS 2=TRUCK 3=TRAILER 4=h1GTORCYCLE ~ S=CAh1PING TRAILER G=TRAVEL TRAILER , ` 7 =MOTOR HC~h1E VEHICLE MAKE: CHEV ~' VEHICLE YEAR:. 95 i• _ VIN -LENGTH: 1a1JF524G (LENGTH IN FEE T FGR TYPES 5-7) . GP GESCR I ILEAGE: (GPTIC~IAL) t~ PLATE E XPIRATION DATE: (USE EXP-YR + 1 FGR ANNUAL PLATES) MAKE: CHEV YEAR: 95 h1OGEL: CAVALIER Z24 • VALllE: 15,200 VIN: Jf - ENTER=ENTER GATA PF3=EXIT TO CICS VEHICLE VALUATICi'd INC~UIRY SYSTEM CGPYRIGHT (C) 1993 6Y TAX EC~UITY CCiVSULTAPITS, IPdC. TYPE: 1 CARS MAKE: CHEV YEAR: 95 MILEAGE: PLATE ~ EXPIRES: ~1 ~;~ . NG MATCH GN VIN/hiCCiEL: • MAKE CHEV YR MCCiEL ~ 95 CAVALIER SW VALUE VIN 520 11 }• JC8 ' , , ' ~_ T.~ ~ S ~ S :CHEV 95- CAVALIER~~24• 15,200 JF CHEV 95 CAVALIER Z24 CGNV 20, 1S0 JF3 ~ ~ ~~p(ZY..` v Al..u6 CHEV ' CHEV 95 CGRSICA 95 CORVETTE .-73,.380 37, 1 10 LD YY ~(•ZD`M V 4c1..U ~fT~01~-~ CHEV 95 CORVETTE CGNV 43,800 YY3 SE1~U~C~ • CHEV 95 CGRVETTE ZR1 G2,990 YZ CHEV 95 IMPALA SS 21,510 BN5 ~' CHE1~' 95 LUMINA 14,460 WL ... CHEV 95 LUMINA 14•,460 klhl ;~;~ PF3 =RETURN PF2=PAGE BA~~KWARD PFI=PAGE FGRWAF'G C~ r~+ p OT~z t; 1~' Y 41 c~ O z ~ ~ ~ ~~ Q WQ ~ m rTVXj O W ~ O w U = N O d ? ~ a o Q v~. 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StG~ ~ 5 Battery rundown protection'/ ~' 8~ r / ~ P195/65Ri5.a1-1-season SBR BSW touring tires ~ ~ 15" x 6" steel wheels w/bolt-on full wheel covers ~ Pwr rack & pinion steering / 4-wheel anti-lock brake system /~ Pwr front disc/rear drum brakes / ' 15.2 gallon fuel tank / •Stainless.steel exhaust system ''~ • Eng'i ne• compa.r.tment; hood .insulator pad ~ ~ . . • <<< EXTERIOR >>> • Base coat/clear coat paint/ ~ ~ ' ~ Body-color fascias ~~ASNSoA~O~ . ~ Black-out body-color i11e ~~21L~C ? , ~' Fog lamps ? .. ..rE r Color-keyed body-side `mohdi•ngs `~ ' ' ~ ~ t - ~ • •: .. ~ • ' . ~ Front mud guards /~ ~~••~~ ~• -•:~~~~ : : ~ ~ ' ' ..~..... Composite halogen headlamps/ .. .. ~ `a.~"` ° •• ~ ~~ • P ~ ~ .. _ 2, .~F P,eEFE2~2E0 E~~~P GR Tinted glass -'•. •: ~ -':.. ..• -•~Ft ~e~ i_.f• t.vm * f ~ac-c ~ .~ A ~ a••i•~rd~~i i end ~+i-p e~- s SEc: • P~EFE~E'~t0 EQV ~P _G~r' ~Z Galvanized steel-corrosion protection on most body panels / -• -~ ~ • < < < INTERIOR > > > ~ ' • * Sport cloth reclining front bucket seat s w/adjustable head restraints Full folding rear seat ~ ~ - .. Scotchgard fabric protector-inc: seats, d oor. trim Storage console w•%'integral armrest / • Passenger floor Earpeting ~~ ~ Floor mats / ~ ~ ' • + Tachometer : • ~Tr ip odometerf ~ ~ . Low oil level warning light •~ ~.- ~ Mechanical trunk opener ~ir conditioning / ~ • Side window defoggers ~ 1/2/90 ~ : .. .. Copyrigh!~.4.986-95 Chrome Data Corp,• All rights rase Day/night 'i'nside rearview mirror' ' ~~ 1~Dua1 covered visor mirrors w/map straps .Glove/trunk/overhead/rear compartment courtesy ~flual heldli~ner mounted reading lamps / ;,Deluxe trunk trim / ' ~ • r~ Luggage area cargo. retaining nett • •~ . - ~ APPELLANT'S lamps ~ EXHIBIT .. r <<< SAFETY FEATURES >>> ~`,, 4-wheel anti-lock brake system / Driver & passenger side supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) / - Passive front 3-point seat belt system, rear seat outer position lap/shoulder ~~F belts, rear center .lap belt / Rear seat child safety belt comfort guide ~ Brake/transmission shift interlock / 1 ~, 5-MPH bumpers'./• r . ~ ' ~~**~~**~*~****~**~~**~~**~**~~ FACTORY OPTIONS ~*~~~*~~~~*~~***~*~~~*~~~~~~: OPTION ~ • •• . ;~, CODES ~ DESCRIPTIOi~t Invoice ~ MSf ,k 4dr Sdn LS / ~.la3Qi:1~s+~ 4"b'S'*Z ~~ FE9'~• • ;FEDERAL EMISSION EQUIPMENT / ~ ~ 0 :00 ~ 0.( LN2 ~~,. ..2~:2L•• (133) MFI. L4. ENGINE (STD) ..0.00 ~ 0 .( --=, MX1~"'•: 3-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMIS I (STD )~ ~ 0_.00 / 0 .< ~';~ PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP inc:°tilt-whee]J.. ~:~~. '•,:.'.t•;~ ` adjustable steering column, elect sperm .. ~~ ;;-•.=.-'~••~• contro •w/resume spee intermitten~variab e ' wi~ield ~wipers,l dual elect remote mirrors, ~ ~, ~• " •~~~..•- • ~ , pwr door locks, pwr windows w/driver:-side express own ~ 979.8~~ 1"101.( P195/65R15 SBR BSW TIRES (STD )'~ • 0.00 0.( Y~; AR9 SPORT BUCKET SEATS (STD) / ~ 0 .00 ~ 0 .( _C CLOTH SEAT TRIM (STD / 0 .00 ~ 0 . SOLID PAINT (STD) ~ r. ~ 0 .00 ~ 0 .{ AU3 PWR DOOR LOCKS ~ SEA i S K ._; (No Charge w/i5F ETR AM/FM STEREO W/CASSETTE ,SEEK-SCAN,DIGITAL CLOCK , EXTENDED RANGE FRONT/REAR SPEAKERS / 124 .60' 140. C Regional Advertising ~ 0.00 Destination Charge 485.00/ 485.( -+ `~', Total ~ 13119 .62'/ 14191.( ~J1. U M W ~(/~li-~I ,l,~J~~`~Z.$ -- 2 31. a O ,~ ~ 9. c ~LE•C'_.~E/at2 1~i,cJl~D'W~'EFd66~t2 -- !S`/. G~ 17 0. ~• . • , . 13 ~o ~~~ z l4 ~ ~o~~ '~~° ~ ~ - _ 1./2/90 ~ . _ Copyright 1986-95 Chrome Data~Co.rp. All rights reserved. dt~;y'~=N `l• 'I'%n.+~a4i~F+._i..:S. 'Rr-s. ~~'!..,•w gyp.. ~_!•~~YY~~-~77~~. .. .. ...i e~,~,eF:~. ~. ~•.y,~.'. ~{.. -.• i~ `~. ' . ~ti1...~n+•.'a~s.~Mi`•.~.^•: !~:•:.,~ .-;. ~'Yx~a';iic~~.-t.~Nl ti..•4lCry~Kwy'a%::~• ~k.::4'Git.•40~~. ~•'t''-~11~-~.9"" ca .C 9.a'~'x.'rt_ r.X.:~a.t.i.~•'-"t'.k:Y..4x:: t.t.. ~. ,:, i:~~ t .~i::=4tiG1':L a r.~....:..:a:.czd,w x:t'•~.a.a R 'a ~:~ , a.., ;~/ .. ~~ ~{ ~ F ~y T t! Y .,. .:: _ .~ - ~- J W O V v ~, `<~: ~4; V ;Y' ~~ r^= M o ~ Z ~y N to .o V .O ~O •° V .o ~O 00 Z N ~ ^ _.~ O N V O O.O .~~ O~ V 1 V V 1 h V n~~ ~ ^ N'1 r ~• Z N APPELLANT'S EXHIBIT= as C-~- pPT/errs .. , ~ t, ~ } ~ ~ C N (S~ a i 4 •~'~•~ . - ~ .4 CC ~ ~ a. ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~. d r N~.+l. • A ~ m j ~ a _~ ~~' m~~~8 ~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~, ~.~ ~3 '. ~ -~ ~i ~~~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ .I~~ ~ y~~ q~~ .~ ~~~ V1 m .~ M O N ~ N V1 ~ ^ b O~ n t ~~ 0 ... I,~ ~a ~~a. 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L° ` ~ .~ ~ `s P >?-E' (i ~ e r `o r ~ c ~ o o~~ ' . E'+rL ~~ .,w .. ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o ~~~~pp~~~'~ o ~~.-~° ° '~ S'o :--yy~~~'~QQ ~~~~.~2~~gq2~~.~ ~ ~-q e~ ° o e e s'~~ ~M -~ ~ ~ - i~~6 ~.i ~ ev° s s _•,~_~ ,~4po~JS~•~L~:v°wUL~~.n.~%~~ni °.~.g ° ~~ ° ~ ~S ° '2 ,~ =.ov `OV `~ ac v .,.~..•._~ '~e~e.3r'+ •.Na^Ne.io. ~,.~~ ~ t ~ _ `~ ^.~E .--~ 7f ~ ~ a ~ o ~u c7 w oc ~ O _ t .} r ~~ .. -~~ •.~~... ~~~~ . •~ .~~~ ~ . ~'V -' a~ $ .rah ~ . - . ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~ . . ~ ~ ~ H ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~„~ _~~ ° ~ ~~o~ ~ °~~~~ V ~~`~~g p ~~~ g$ i~~ ~~ -z G EEE Y ~ ~~~ • -~ ~ ~~ >>~ . i ~ ~ t ~b ~e ~ ~~~ .~ _ °; ~~ v. ~ E d ~•C e S ~~~5 E n c~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ,~ s a _ ` c r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ° I ~ ti' E ~-2 EE~E ~ ..~~~ECO i # E !3 Q 11 $a~ ! ~ 8E~ • ' ° ~ i s W •~ a ... ~~~'~ ~ ~q P ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n4 7 W ~ L. eppl e ~ e W M v ~. M~r•. •~ ~ M ° ~ ~ • ~ m i D. C 4 •~ ~ ° ,~ a : a b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e.E ° o_ 0 0 0 V°~"°~ V-a e~ •~ C o Vo o~O ;'•Sc ~N~Ovo cg`o • o- W .~ I• o_ _ f•~ r N = ~= i~ - - ~ 47 N 4 N M ~ N H ~ ~ O .. Q d ~L i a w M 0 ~ ~~ ~F~ ~#~~ 8 • ~ •8 ¢ ~Q~ .~ of ~~s a~ ,~~ ° ~~~~ 8-~ . ~ ~~ _ ~, a a ... N ~~' • ' ~~ ~ A d i~ a ~ O. Y ~ E eE~W FLT E 'eE +t ` CS b ~ ~~ O e g ~ ~b~ ~:~ •o ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ee ~ ~ e ~~ ~` ~ ~~~ .. ~ _.._~;,.; ~,,.~ f P R•I C E S ~ .~ Retail Dealer . ~~;;Fair t' t fstd Gar o n I l SS Price (nvoiee'~^' Price = ~ g . e mpa a 1 ................... $30 , ~'; : $26 $27 ~Vii-e':wh eel covers, Classic ................. , ,215'x ' 185 191 ~ . Deluxe wheel covers, Classic ..~...........-%); ~'70 ~ X60 62 Alloy wheels; Classic notchback .,:~::'.` 250 215 2'l3 215/75R15 all-sea rt~yth^tew,,•~ll Ciie~s, Classic notchback .....':;''.•~`~"r .............. . 80 69 71 ~~ ,, 225rOR15 all-season;whitewall'tires, Classic notchback`':~^ ................`: ::.. 176. 151 157 Requires ride%handling suspension')'':? ~ ~.. •. ' 235/70R15~a11 =season whitewall tires • , • ''•• .. , Classic:notchback .............................. ; ,> 90 ~~ ~~.,77 80 Requires a.T-liter V•8 engine. • '•>. ~= Full-size spare for tires above .......... 65• -. 56 "':-. 58 235~OR15 all-season full-size ' ~'"~s are fire 4 . ;r p ........................................... 60 52 53' Engine block heater .............................. 20 17 21 r'~-'T+="T'•r"~„•-'~•`'~ ~Chev Iet'Ca h Retail Dealer Fair ~ ro va erJ Price Invoice Price 2-door notchback .........:.........................$10060 $9507 4-door notchback ...............-......... _-_.F,.,t,._,. ~ ......... 10265 9700 - r LS~ =doornotahback~,~'t .................. t'134fi5 ~ X3'0 .~ .......i,....., ~. ;~ - Destination charge .....................:......... 485 .485 485 Fair price not available at time of publication. Additional "value- priced" models may be available in California. •` Standard Equipment: 2.2•liter 4-cylinder engine, 5-speed manual transmission, anti-lock brakes, driver- and passenger-side air bags, power steering, tinted glass, cloth reclining front bucket seats, Cold-down rear seat, bat- tery rundown protection, floor console with armrest, left remote and right manual mirrors, 195/70R14 tires, wheel covers. LS•adds: 3-speed automatic transmission, air conditioning, ADi/Fb1 radio, tachometer, trip odometer, dual reading lamps, visor mirrors, mechanical decklid release, color-keyed fascias and bodyside mold- ings, front mud guards, trunk net, 195/65R15 tires. Optional Equipment: 3-speed automatic transmission, base ............... ........ 495 441 - . : Air conditioning ................................... '785 699 - Prcferred Equipment Group 1, base 'l-door .........................:............... 210 18? - base 4-door..... ..................................... 193 172 - Remote decklid release, intermittent w ipers, visor mirrors, char- coal bodyside moldings, /loormats. 2-door adds easy-entry front passenger scat. Preferred Equipment Group 2, base 2-door ......................................... 580 516 - base 4-door ...................:..................... 563 501 - Croup 1 plus cruise control, tilt steering wheel. Preferred Equipment Group 1, LS ...... 435 387 - Tilt steering tuheel, ittterntittent wipers, cruise control. Preferred Equipment Group 2, LS,...... 1101 980 - Group 1 plus power mirrors, power door locks, power windows. Exterior Appearance Pkg., 2-door with Group 1 or 2 ................... . 200 178 - •• Co1or•lreyed fascias and bodyside molding, 195/85R15 fires, 15- inch wheel covers. ~~--. Rear defogger .....:.................................. 170 151 - Powersunroof, 2-door with Group 1 or 2 ........................................ 595 530 - Power door locks, 2-door ....................... 210 187 - 4-door .........................................:....... .250 223 ~ - A:~1/FM radio, base ............................... 332 295 - iV ssette, base .......................... 472 420 - ............................................... 140 125 - DC AA ~ D player, base ....................... .723 648 - LS ....................................................... 396 352 - Engine block heater .............................. 20 18 - Allo wheels, LS y ................................... 259 231 - APPELLANT'S ~ "'~'j` ~~ EXH I ~3lT „ 1~ +'=•~ Retail Dealer Fair ;r. C Chevrolet Corvette Price Invoice Priee;% ~` ~ =. ~~3-door hatchback ..., ................:.............$36735 $31451 S32451 ~12idoor convertible ................................. 43665 37334 3834 Destination charge .......:....................... 560 560 560 vx, ~;_, ;- ~' Standard Equipment: ~` ..•. 5.7•liter:V•8, 6-speed manual or 4-speed automatic transmission, heavy duty. anti-lock 4•wheel disc brakes, driver- and passenger-side air bags, power steering, Acceleration Slip Regulation traction control, gas shock absorbers, Pass-I{ey theft-deterrent system, automatic key- less entry with remote hatch release, air conditioning, liquid-crystal gauges with analog and digital display, e+u~f/Fbl/cassette, po}ver anten- na, cruise control, rear defogger, reclining leather bucket seats, center console with coin tray and cassette/CD storage, armrest with lockable storage compartment, leather-wrapped tilt steering wheel, solar-con- trot tinted glass; heated power mirrors, power windows with driver- 1`,J) side express down, power door locks, intermittent wipers, removable roof panel (hatchback), da}•/night rearview mirror with reading lights, fog tamps, lighted visor mirrors, door armrest storage rnmpartment, Goodyear Eagle GS-C tires (255/452R1? front, 285%40ZR17 rear), alloy wheels. Convertible adds: manual folding top:.; •' ~',.;.? Optional Egtipment: ~;.; ZR-1 Special Performance Pkg............ 131258 26257 - 5.7-tiler DOHC V-B, Selective Ride and Handling Pkg., 8-uay power driver's and'passenger's seals, leather adjustable sport bucket seats, automatic climate control, low fire pressure warning, Delco/Bole audio system with CD and cassette players, 275/ QOZR17 front and 315/35ZR17 rear tires, 5-spoke alloy wheels. Preferred Equipment Group 1 ..'::;...... 1333 ~ 1120 1186 Automatic climate control, Delco/Bose audio system, sway power driver's seat. '::~ Z07 Adjustable Performance ~~•. ,Handling Pkg ..............:::.:::... 2oas 171s ls2o Selective Ridc and Handling Pkg., Bilstein .4djustable Ride Con• trot System, stiffer springs, stabilizer bars, aed bushings, 275/~IOZR17 tires. Requires power seats; 4-speed automatic transmission requires performance axle ratio. FX3 Selective Ride and Handling. Pkg. 1695 1424 1509 Bilstein Adjustable Ride Control System. Requires power seats. Leather adjustable spoR bucket scats 625 525 556 Requires driver's and passenger's 6-way power seats. 6-way power seats, each ................'::.... 305 256 271 .Power passenger's seat requires power driver's seat. DelcoBose audio system with cassettE~and CD pla}•er with Group 1 ......:...........:::.. 396 333 352 ;., - Performance axle ratio ......................... ~.: 50 42 45 Requires 4-speed;'atilomatie transmission. Low fire pressure warning indicator ... :' 325 273 259 Transparent blue: or bronze-tint removable: ., . roof panel .......:................................ G50 546 579 .......................................... Roof Pkg. '' ~ .... 950- 798 846 Standard solid.'remouable roo( panel and `transparent blue- or bronze-tint roof panel. '7i Rerttovable hardtop, convertible .......... 1995 ~'~:: 1676 1776 1lteludes rear defogger. '~,i•, Extended Mobility Tires ....................... 70 `::?; 59 62 Front 255l45ZR17 and rear 285140ZR17 tires. Requires low lire 'pressure uiarning indicator. NA with Performance Handling Pkg. Spare fire delete (credit) ...................... (100) (84) (84) Requires Extended Mobility Tires and low fire pressure warning 1,, indicator: <~ ~~~: ~ ~- ~._ - ~~' Retail Defier j'. Falr Chevrolet Lumina Minivan Prr« Involee •: ', Prtce ~. .................................... 4-door van .........$17595 $15923 $16423 _ r, r.• r.". Destitnation charge ............................... 540 540 't540 Additional "value-priced" models may be available in California.- •' a, , Standard Equipment: 3:1-liter V-6, 3-speed automatic transmission, anti-lock brakes, driv." 'ter-side air bag, power steering, reclining front bucket seats, 4-way i~ 1. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT `~ ITEM NO. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS k' ~ 2 A l f Mi ; . 0 pprova o nutes 3. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request A.H. Harrell 4. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request Murrayville Station x Phase II 5. Approval of Sewer Allocation Request Wilsons' Store ' 6. Acceptance of Easement for Sewer Construction and Maintenance 1~t , ~, ~~, ~~ r~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ . ..~~ PAGE NO. 49 51 53 55 57 This page intentionally left blank ~. 1 L 1 1 A f 1 1 f 1 1 I 1 ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: ~ Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of October 2, 1995 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes ` FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: " ' User Fees S: Other S: Money.Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY= ; LGL: FIN: BUD: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: . ~~PO~~ ~~D~9~3~( ~~~~vv vau~~~~~~~fi~~ - - - _ ...~ ReCerto Once Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HR: 49 '~ ~~s«. ,. .mom ,d s:;+.>> 50 ~ ~ .~ti ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 t e ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .Meeting Date: 10/16/95 1Zegular Item #: W&S#3 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Packager Contact: Wyatt Blanchard ' SUBJECT: Sewer Allocation Request Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. A.H. Harrell has requested a sewer allocation for a proposed sub-division adjacent to Northbrook Drive just north of Smith.Creek (see attached map).•He is requesting a total of 23,250 gallons per day (GPD). Based on a proposed time frame he would not need more than twenty-five percent of the flow per year. This item was delayed from the September 18, 1995 Commissioner's The remaining available sewer allocation prior to the request at this meeting is approximately 34,700 gallons per day. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend that he be granted 15,000 gpd for the next two and one- half years. The new northside WWTP is scheduled to be constructed within this time frame. In addition, I recommend that construction on~this subdivision must begin within one year. .. r .~ ,~ ~~ [v ' UItCE: Federal $: State $: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County $: User Fees $: Other $: New Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Recommend V ~t~V~ ~~ C~~t~ ~ ~ ~'~IV~re~~~~P~P~~~S D~~t.~~1 ~P ~t:S~.. Rcfcr to O(Ga Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 51. ~~ ~:~, ~• ~. 52 ~ ~~ ii REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: W&S#4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering ~ , Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard 5 U tiJ 1iJC;1': Sewer Allocation Request Murrayville Station Phase II BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Landmark Developer, Inc. is requesting an additional 10,000 gallons per day (gpd) to allow the Murrayville Station sewer system to accept the flow from the existing shopping :center at the intersection of North Kerr Avenue and Murrayville Road. This item was delayed from the ' September 18, 1995 Commissioner's meeting. The remaining available sewer allocation prior to the request at this meeting is approximately 34,700 gallons per day. (See attached map.) RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend this request be approved with the condition the shopping center connect within twelve months. _~. Federal $: State $: County $: "' ' User Fecs $: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN ~I-flZ: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. PPRO COUI~~Y ~~~d~~U~Y~~~'LY~~L~S ~~~~:~~ o ~~1~s- 53 Refer to Otrce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .. ... ,_~_ a a . . ~- ~~ a _. A%~'~a 44"`.. U`t .C:"t -.. .a>vU ~., 9V~lftli . ~ ~ . a ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 . Regular Item #: W&S#5 Consent Item #:. Additional Item #: Department: Engineering ~ ~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard . Page Count In Agenda Package: Coritact: Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: Sewer Allocation Request North Side Wastewater Treatment Plant . BRIEF SUMMARY: ' Hannaford Brothers Company is requesting a sewer allocation oP 5,478 gallons per day for the . Wilson's store in Murrayville. They are planning to expand and remodel the store. ,The remaining , available sewer allocation prior to the request at this meeting is approximately 34,700 gallons per ' day. (See attached map.) i. ~ - .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• ~ I recommend that the request be approved with the condition it is utilized within twelve months. F, } . ~. ~ ~ ... ,, FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: -. State S: County S: ' ' User Fees. $: Other $: D'Ioney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request:. Budget Amendment Prepared: ' . ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMM NI~ATT(~NS• • Recommend approval ~ ~ - ~p-~ `~~ Refcr to Office-Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ .. y _ w:. .~ O W . ; L .k. ~4~~ s °~ • ~ ~'"' . < te--1 T^ / :J • ~ • ~ .. ~ rr< .. ~~~ ~`, _ ~._ ^oo.T _ 1 t ~~ Q CAP ~ .. ~~ .t ^ m _ p HARNETTEA ~~N~=~ tit • " ~' •~,,.., ~ ~ ~ f ~•~ w , ~ ' ~t ~ ~~ O a x o r .~. is o ~ ~ • t~ - ' ~ ~ ~~ ' i r L N• j ..~ ' O J ,• 4477 pltGtT Cf. ~..a~rG Gw R I. ., . -... t « --~ -"' 1W ~ . ~ ,• G / Mr MN O G • ~+ • t~tt R w~ ~ WIn C, tPQR f,Uwf tf ,Mwt..~,N tT a -... .~.. ~ . S ~•'" Gr ~i~1~ S s.~ ~ . i W !Iq `~ Y~r ~~ It/f1~f f tiff d ` .0 O GtV~fM / fyf ~ ~ ,t Y • ~ 4, \ a - f Qr .......~,. • ~ ~ < <. ~. _ • ~ r ~.... f4 ....._... '' a 7~ ~... 'A / // R T ~~ ~ > _ ~ ~~t ~ - ~ ~~ - • _ .~, ,, Y f ' .. t ~ r,o .+ , ,f r ~ • ~ ~~ T •R ~ ~~ t S ~ G ~ ~' s / ~ ~ ~•'«'" ~ .AREAS REQUEST I h~G SEWER ALLOCATION n ..,` 1 ~ ?.,',' ~;~~ : ~`~~ ~ ~~~~''~~~ ¢ . °1 harrel 1 Property ~'' Y t•~fKl k ~ ~~ L 11~ o.s i~" ~ _ II 0+ k ```~ t 4n ^• ~ ~ I '~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~~ ~~~' Ga 2 Murrayvi 1 le Station Ph, I I ~~, w: ~:. ~° 1 ~'~ ,~' . , ~ 3 Wilsons :Store ii ~~ ~ Y ~.,... i .• - s P ., 10-03-95 • ....~ e ; Regular Item #:W&S#6 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard TPage Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: Acceptance of Easement for Sewer Construction and Maintenance BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a resolution for the acceptance of an easement for the construction of a sewer line. -The easement is in an unopened street, in Section 1 of the Brandywine subdivision, known as Watercrest Street. As indicated in the resolution, the easement has been offered for acceptance by the recorded plat. See attached map for location of easement. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS: -_ I recommend. that the easement be accepted for. utility purposes only. In addition, authorize the Chairman to~execute the Resolution. ~- FUNDING SOURCE: '~ Federal S: State S: County S: ' ' ' User Fees S: Other $: I Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: I l1 Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: - FIN: BUD: - HR: !"11TT1VTV 1~iT A N A /"~L`D1C PYaAiTMT: NTC A NTl TJTi'~''(1MMFNiI A TTl1NC. Recommend approval. ~. .. PPR~~l~~ ~~u~~ ~~~~vcU~~~~~~~~~~ _ _ __ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 57 bV~t~~1~ A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER~DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, ' ,~ .. WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153 A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish a water and sewer district; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has_established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of aaewer system in the. unincorporated County; and . WHEREAS, the District desires to locate portions of the sewer system within dedicated subdivision easements in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, various easements in New Hanover County have been dedicated to the public use by the recordation of a subdivision plat or other map; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-1.58 authorizes acquisition of a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift,~grant or other lawful method; and , , , ` . WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District desires to accept the Offer of dedication of a certain easement for the purpose of providing sewer and water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts for sewer and/or water utility purposes the offer of dedication of a portion.of those easements and subdivision streets as more fully set forth below: . Street Description No. 1: ~ U Beginning with that `section of Whimsy Way situated at the ~ ~ . southwestern property line of Lot 8~ as shown on a plat of . Providence Subdivision recorded in Map Book 28, Page 63, New Hanover County .Registry, then running south to that point where Providence Subdivision adjoins and abuts Brandywine Subdivision, Section 1. Street.DescnptionNo.2. ~3i~ hFR 17 p ~~`S 1. ~I1t'~{.: 1. • 3 V ~ ~~~J `k3 V. 5U ~ All of. Watercrest Street as~shown on Section 1, Brandywine f " r~ - _ 1. " Subdivision, recorded in Map Book 10, Page 50, New Hanover County Registry; together with all of Newport Street, all as shown on the above-referenced plat. ~.• The New Hanover County Water and Sewer District does not accept said easement and subdivision streets for purposes of providing any drainage services or road maintenance whatsoever. .ADOPTED, this the day of , 1995. [SEAL;] ' E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman New Hanover County Water and Sewer District ATTEST:: . " ~ Clerk to the Board " ~ ~ ' ..~ 1. `~ ~ r , . 59 1 ' ..r- ---- ~ ~ . 1 ~ •t •` i • ~/~ ~ ~ ~_ J ~r n...h,o. a ~ G ~. ~ ~ rr. I i • ~ ~ _, .S ~ /i M•R• ~~ I ~ ry•rvKlt • ~ natty w 'r 4, ~.~ o•.•..•.r..ra • ~4 ~'Y ~... ±./ r ~, // / ,~••• i mom. / , •w•n 4 t~ 9 ~• ~ e i 4' -~4 t ~ '~ ~ ~y.rr.r r ~~eb ~ ,.e b ~ ~ ~ ~ i. o~y 1 j/~ te`''e ` t•r ~~ .~.• ....s v ~ Z ~ ' I r u.a v ~ ` 1 I~~~ ~ f~ - ' rat .e L 9~ iP _ ~. ~ r .«ra.• !Jr ~~ l :<~ ?r.... ~` d of ~ °" " ' ` `tc /~ « f i ~i i~~o rq ~ ~ / i e~ y~, o • , ~~e •~'• - ' '• `~ q. t' .vim • ~ ~! ~ ~ 4 .ar/e' ./~ P / ~ ~ i o~ ~ ~ ~ • eT a.• r r •i~~j ~` • •r / • r, r ,. f .~ ._•. / y o 1 ~ ~ r/..e. ~ s _ .~ ed~ Z ~ q, r ~ u.r~~ ~~ ..o ~ ..•• • .ve a ^ Jr• ,• ~I ~ 0 • .... ~. •0. ? I' s ~ ~ ~ '_ ~'~ '~~ ~~~ ~ ~ SECTION OF WATERCREST STREET-- .. ' ~ ~ - ~. ~ O • - ° -~ ~ :~ ` ~ :. ~ THE COUIJTY I S REQUEST I I~G " ~ $~~' ` $_ ~ . r• ~ ACCEPTA~~:CE OF EASEMEIIT FOR -~ , ~ ~~~ ~ ~°- ~ : r ~ - SEWER COtISTRUCTIOPi AIJD a p NA I ~JTENA~~CE 4~ /~1r4f:4 10-04-55 ~•~a i ITEM NO. 1. 2. • 3. 4 5. 6. 7. ~.. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA OCTOBER 16, 1995 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. Approval of minutes- 63 Approval of 1996 Schedule of New Hanover County Board 65 of Commissioners meetings Approval of renewal of contract with Correction Enterprises for 69 ,inmate labor at WASTEC and Landfill Approval of award of contract to Miller Excavation and Demolition 75 :for mulching of storm debris and stumps received at the landfill Acceptance of Deed of Gift of land adjoining N. Ken Avenue and ~ 99 the Airport , Approval of application for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Grant 103 for Vector Control for FY 96-97 Approval of authorization for Planning Staff to submit application 113 to NCHFA program Adoption. of resolution establishing policy for Optional Relocation 115 Benefits Policy for New Hanover County Approval of "Poets in Person Grant" and associated budget 123 amendment /t95-0051 Approval of Release of Value ~ 125 Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 127 District Collection Reports through September 30, 1995 Approval of Budget Amendments: A. /196-0052 to transfer funds from the Fire District to 131 General Fund/Engineering Department B. f/96-0059 to budget additional funds for the 800 Mhz .133 Capital Project . Adoption of resolutions adding the following roads to the State 143 Highway System: Archer Drive & Barlow Court in Oxford Place Subdivision Brandy Court - 61~ r • ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~• Presenter:I,ucie Harrell •-- Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of October 2, 1995 ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the minutes . ... FUNDING SOURCE: '~ Federal S: State S: County S: ' ' ' User Fees S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: . ; LGL: FIN: BUD: - HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S .COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ,AP ~s ca:~~-~ c~~y~~~~ss~.oc~~ t~;~-1 D1-~6~~'s,_~--~; Refcr to Oda Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition Other S: 63°. • This page i~itentionally left blank ~~ .. .._ ._ • L .. .. ~~~ ,. ~~~'~~ ~ m ~ ~. 64 .~ " , : a , r ~~ ~ " t .~ ~ REQUES'T' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 .Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Y,ucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell ~ • SUBJECT: 1996 Schedule of Board Meetings BRIEF SUMMARY: Approval of 1996 Schedule of New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meetings RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOLIFSTFD ACTIONS• ,Approve schedule of meetings } .. ~ - . . Federal $: State $: County $: "' ' User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: 'New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGF,R'. COMMENTS AND REC'(~MMF1VnATT(11yS• Recommend the Board of Commissioners approve the schedule as noted. ~~PPRO~ Cfl~~u ~~~~~~~5~~~~~~ ~.~ ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board foi Disposition 65 NEW !/ANOVER ,COUNTY -- BOARD OF COMM/SSlONERS 1996 SCHEDULE OF REGULAR MEETINGS TUESDAY,-JANUARY 2, 1996....• ............ . :'. 6:30 P:M. , TUESDA Y, JANUARY 16, 1996 ..:-~:........ , , , .., 9:00 A. M. • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1996 .................6:30 P. M. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1996 .............. ~. ~. 9 OO A. M. MONDA Y, .MARCH 11, 1996 ............... ...6:30 P. M. MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1996.. ........ _ ....9:00 A..M..: • MONDA Y,-APRIL 1, 1996 .....................6:30 P. M. • N10NDA Y, APRIL ~15, 1996.... • ................9:00 A. M. MONDAY, MAY 6, 1996 ......................6:30 P. M. MONDAY, MAY 20, 1996 .....................9:00 A. M. MONDA Y, JUNE 3, 1996 .....................6:30 P. M. MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1996 ....................9:00 A. M. MONDAY, JULY 1, •1996 .......:.:...:.......6:30 P. M. MONDAY, JULY 22, 1996 ................ ...~ ~9: 00 A. M. MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1996 ...................6:30 P. M. MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1996 ..................9:00 A. M. • TUESDA Y, SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 .. .............. ~ 6:30 PJVI. . MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 .:~ ........... 9: 00 A M ... . . MONDA Y, OCTOBER 7, 1996 . • ................. .. 6:30 P. M. IDIONDA Y, OCTOBER 21; 1996.... _ ............. 9:00 A. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER ,4, .1996 .................... 6:30 P: M. .. MONDAY, NOVEMBER ' 18, 1996 ................ 9:00 A. M. :, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1996 ...... •........... 6:30 P. M. • MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1996 .....' .........:. 9:00 A. M. Conferences: NACo Legislative Conference, Washington, OC -March 1-5, 1996 NCACC Legis/ative~Conte~ence.,~jRalei~h;~ NC ,June 5, 1996 NACo 61st AnnualbConference Hams Count Ho n TX t J l 12 16 9 , y; , us o - u y - , 1 96 ~., s r~ ~trt NCACC Annua/ Confe~e~ce,~Winsto~n-Salem,~NC -August 22-25, 1996 66 . _ . , . ~ ~ ~n ~~ } ,~ t 1 1 N ~ N N DI iO I V ~ N Ol to N O; ~7 ~ N `'~ ~ QO N tV ~, ~ '3 .C~lC^NCl 73 ^~ N N ~ NN .- ~ f 7 aF" p ^ ~.N-N N 00 c y p ~ NN R3 ~ ~~ pp ©N"ON. .H ^ p .~-NN H ~ ~ ~~N J ~ ^.Y-NN H ~~~N n©~~ ooQn• m3 f ~~~ ~ NOf~~IO n ~~„ N oO~ ~ Of„ ~y p~ .-O~~ R ~ l ~p N N~N 9 ~ Q~O N. f N N ..~~pR ~ • ~~RSv f~f.. ~ AA^` W 3yy999999 y9, • O C C C~ 8 Y3 8 G ~. - ~ 00 00 .~.~ v ~n c e i0 3O O® •D v v ~ ~ Od p ~' S45 5 ~ ~ Q ~ ~~ yb~o~Qn ~~ a. ~~ ~ ~ V~~~ ~ u ` u~ u V u V V V /^ u` ~ O ~~V~~uha tiaha~~~~y vI ayz u°t~cgt~vg ac°~vg~<<iYiYiuv wag <<<<eoa ao~oroaU~vvoo ~oooa • ~~/~) zzzz X7„xx O w ~~ .. i ~ .' .. . ~ NOI~Nl7 fA ^~NN O~ LL ..°°~pi~ ~ '°~RF ~ ap" PONN p~ ho~~ 0 m3 ~^RO E~3 ~^~~. o ~ CV /7 N O~p~ .~ e ~ N ~ O~O N P/ O~~ N • y N p ~ .•- O ~.N N C S C S ~ C , ~ ~ a.~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~' v v .a v a JD a y c `~ c ~ c ~ ~ c ~ c ~ `~ c ~. ~ ~~ ~~ o ~~ ~~ u ~~ ~ m hatiah ahaH ayo~ ~~,~a~a~a ~a~a~ ~.~~ aioivgv ~°Zvgv roivg 00 ~O 00 A a0 ~p 00 A 00 ~Q M A U •~ ~ C C C C C -C C G ~ ~' ~ UUuu uu UUUU a s ! ! s ; CS c, y A C ~ ~ 0epp c. ,o C ~ C ~ ,~ {U-. . . . . b v g g G ~ C .y C ~ ~ v. v p C ~ ~ v b C ~ C ~ C ~ ca ~ s bbLbb Q ~, F~ aNa ~ Naha ~' ~J' ~lv7aNFaNK dd 4'V1a NaNaN W .~~ ~~.~~ y~~S.7~7 ~ ~~ ~ ~.7~7 ~~~~~ or cZ v g w oo Oa v~ov~p v, t~ v g oo ~G o0 0: . . . nCv~pv~ ~ tg tg tg tg v t.f v g e < < < < < ~ ~O oo O. eo o~npp c~ v 0 ~O oo a ~nov~pv~ v e.fv, g v eo ~O oo C. o0 xxxxz ~ ~''~'.°. ~~~°.' -w....,n-•a ooN •-•~ ._ c~~o~oo~ ~N z • . N e^R~ LL h.N-~~' ~ Y 00 ~ ~ 3 _ "° ~ ..N~ ~~~~x~ W r ^ N . -N h t70hN LL NOI b{") ~-- ~tD ~ IINVV S3 G 3 ^ ~ N N m J. ~ u) .N_ N N e~p~ N ~: orN N ~~R~ ~ ~.N-~ N ~ y ~ YO~ N N OI 10 ~ p N c'1 Oa0©~~, y ^ ~ N N ,, 1. _ H Y ~ ~ N LL lh~~N~ O~®~~ ~ ^^'RR ~^®~ h h N QI •. ~r • ~ ~~ • y .9 C ~ C ~ ~ S c$ '~ ,$ '~ ~ a$ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ a. ~~hoih a~ nu<<.r 8v c~~ ~C U oo V~ eo ~C < z x ~~~~~ ~^ y ~~^~~ tL ~.~-NN ~R~ m ,3 ©~~'i~ ~~ "^°~. ©°~ y NaeR~! i :~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Ray Church _ Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray~hurch SUBJECT: Renewal of contract with Correction Enterprises for inmate labor at WASTEC and Landfill BRIEF SUMMARY: Correction Enterprises and the County entered into a contractual agreement on October 4, 1993. Since that time ,Correction Enterprises has been providing inmate labor and a supervisor to complete numerous job assisgnments at WASTEC and the landfill. The:primary responsibilities have been cleaning, painting and .grounds maintenance at WASTEC: The inmate crews also run the appliance recycling program at.the landfill, extracting freon, capacitors, and motors, and preparing as required for marketing: The crews also pick up paper and provide grounds maintenance at the landfill. The addition of this crew to the Environmental Management workforce has greatly improved the appearance and cleanliness of both facilities. The cost of this contract is approximately one half of the cost to hire unsupervised temporary personnel from manpower angencies. RF('OMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: -Staff recommends the adoption of a resolution extending the~current contract with Correction Enterprises • for the use of supervised inmate labor at the landfill and WASTEC for the period of one additional year. The cost of the contract is not to exceed $60,000 per year. Funds for this contract were provided in the.current budget. ~ . ~ Federal S: State S: County S: 60,000 User Fees S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: (Money Is In Current Budget: yes Budget Amendment Prepared: ~tEYIEWED BY: .. LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: - Recommend approval. This contract has proven to be beneficial and economical in the past. . w.~~,n F~ , r. n-4yinrt ,?~R''ZRD ~ ~. ~ti'~~t~l ~ ~~umvivy« ~~`~~~a ti~ 1 ~~ i o `tGb~ 9 5 ~~ 6. ~' Referto Ofla Vision Bulletin. Boazd for Disposition ' RESOLUTION `OF THE . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ` OF., - - NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, on October 4, 1993, the Commissioners approved a contract with Correction Enterprises, an agency of the State of North Cazolina, to use inmate labor to perfoim a number of jobs at WASTEC and the Landfill; AND WHEREAS;' after review of the past year's operation under the current'contract, staff is requesting the renewal of the agreement for another year; yearly cost not to exceed Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000); AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract be renewed for'an additional year; . __ ', AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in or will be in subsequent year's budget in Account No. 700-485- 4193-3700 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Courity Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the use of inmate labor at'WASTEC and the Landfill in the 'Department of Environmental Management, be renewed for and -additional year with Correction Enterprises, Contract # 95-0100; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This the 16th day o~October, 1995 NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] _ . - ~. Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of ~ounty Commissioners ~ . ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,p i. _ ;~` Clerk to the Board c °. ~ ~- a~ ~r, . ~ J DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0100-A NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this day of .1995, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter ... referred_ to- as "County"; •and NORTH CAROLINA CORRECTION. ENTERPRISES of the Department of Correction, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter .referred to as "Correction t Enterprises".. W I T N E S S E T N,: THAT for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and for and in consideration of the money consideration ..hereinafter set forth, and for and in consideration of the mutual ,~ . promises and agreements hereinafter set out, .Correction Enterprises and the County covenan~•and agree as follows: '. 1. The parties hereto, pursuant to Paragraph 2 of -New Hanover County Contract # 95-0100, renew said existing .contract for an additional term. of one (1) '.year beginning November 1, 1995, and ending November 31, 1996. 1 71 • New'Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0100-A 2. The rate of compensation shall be that set forth r/ ~ in the above-referenced contract; with such modification for cost-of-living adjustments as authorized by legislative action of the State of North Carolina. 3. Except as above ramended and modified, the provisions of Contract # 95-0100 shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given on the day __ a . , and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY t [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the. Board [SEAL] Secretary, Department of Correction ~~ 2 •` "'Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners' NORTH CAROL3~1A CORRECTION ENTERPRISES, of the Department of Correction ~. e r i i 'New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0100-A ATTEST: ~,, ~ . Special Assistant to the Secretary " Approved as to form: _ ~ _. .• Special Deputy Attorney General, This instrument has been pre- ~ • audited in the manner required by the Local .Government Budget - and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA ., . ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ~ , a' Notary Publd_c of .the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the " Board - of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and .that by authority duly given .and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with. its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1995. " Notary Public My commission expires: 3 73 .• ~ . .r ~ - New Hanover County Contract # 95~- 0100-A NORTH CAROLINA r% ~ . COUNTY , . _ I, , a Notary public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Special Assistant to the Secretary of North Carolina Correction Enterprises of the Department Hof Correcti.on,. and, that. by authority duiy given the foregoing instrument was signed in its name•by its Secretary of the Department of Correction, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Special Assistant. WITNESS my hand and official seal', this da of Y ~ 1995.. . '. • Notary Public ~• , My commission expires: } • ~ .•~ ,. ~ _ ~ , . . ~ ~ •• ~ ~- ' ~. .• _ - . ' ",i _- -- _, ~~ 74 4 ~~ ----- 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department:- Environmental Management Presenter: R Church/Geof Little Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ray'Church SUBJECT: Storm Debris Contract Grinding BRIEF SUMMARY: The Department. of Environmental Management has requested and received proposals for the grinding of wood .and vegatative debris which would be generated in the event of a major storm. The purpose of the proposal is to expedite the clean up process in the event of a hurricane, ice storm, or other natural disaster creating large quantities of vegatative debris. A preexisting contract also guarantees the County a timely response while those Counties affected regionally aze competing for services aRer the event. Five contractors responded to the RFP with bids to grind either at the landfill or on their own sites. The low bidder for grinding at the landfill was Miller Excavation and Demolition with a bid of $6.39 per ton for 4 inch mulch. Wilmington Materials submitted a low bid of $18.00 per ton for grinding at the Wilmington Materials site. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• . Staff recommends the awazd of a contract to .Miller Excavation and Demolition for the mulching of storm ~~~ debris and stumps received at the landfill. In the event there is no storm debris in fiscal yeaz'95= 96 Miller will grind stumps stockpiled at the landfill at the proposed rates. Additionally, staff recommends that a contract be awazded to Wilmington Materials for the processing of storm related debris on the Wilmington Materials property. This contract will be binding until June 30, 1996, but will not be executed unless issued • a notice to proceed by the County. The County will issue the notice to proceed in the event of a natural disaster and under the direction of the County Cotrf"misssioners. Other grinding contracts may be issued as necessary. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ -~ Federal S: State.$: County $: • • - User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~. 1. Recommend approval of contract to Miller Excavation and Demolition for mulching of storm debris. 2. Recommend approval to expend the $5,000 budgeted in contracted services to grind stumps in the event there are no storms. 3. Recommend approval of award of contract to Wilmington Materials for the processing of storm related debris on the Wilmington Materials property. This will be a binding contract, but not used unless issued a notice. to proceed. ,Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dispositi n~~t~ 1 b ~'~+'~~~ty~l~~~~~~~ ~- . -MEMO rrE~.~vovEx courrrY INTER-OFFICE ... ~ . . ~. September 26, 1995 ~ ' To: Dennis Burks, Manager, E&WR Programs ' From: Geof Little, Solid Waste Planner ~1t~~- Re: Emergency Wood & Yard Debris Disposal :~ :: _. ' Bid Proposals ~ ~ ~ ' - . - The following is a summary of the above referenced bid proposals. Also, attached is a spreadsheet that compares the bids over a range from 0 to 100, 000 tons of debris material Recommendations For Contracted. Disposal, Wilmington Materials submitted the lowest bid proposal at $18/ton for the first 10,000 tons of debris, and $16/ton for greater than 10,000 tons. For Alternative Grinding, Miller Excavation submitted the lowest bid, proposing a $700 mobilization/demobilization charge, and producing a 4-inch mulch for $250 per hour of grinding.., The proposal is adequate for grinding the existing stumps at the Landfill. . , , - }- However, Hensons', Inc. owns three Diamond Z grinders. In the event of a major storm, the availability of those grinders would significantly reduce the duration of • grinding activities at the Landfill in the event of a major storm. r. Attached is a spreadsheet that compares the bids over a range of debris loads up to 100, 000 tons . Below is a summary of the purpose of the request for~_proposals and -- • the suhlnitted bids. ~ .. ~, General The intent. of the bid requests were to "preactively" identify .debris management options in the event of significant storm damage from a category 1 or ` "' higher hurricane. Calculated debris quantities range from 25,000 -tons for a category 1 storm, to over 1,000,000 tons of debris ,for a category 5 storm. • ~. In the event. of a category 2 storm or higher', the `County mayjneed~ to~ provide - multiple options for managing extreme amounts of debris. Those options may include two or more off-site disposal sites .coupled :with on-site grinding services . The County may consider; the, following priority list for awarding. contracts 1. Primary Off-Site Disposal. Secure off-site management'for Category 1 or, lighter storms. Off-site disposal eliminates several demands and needs that debris collection at the'Landfill would create, including roadway construction and maintenance,- increased traffic, additional •° man over needs, increased fire-fighting demands, potential run-off ,., .y ,.t . ., ... t and drainage problems, additional administration and oversight needs. 2. On-Site Grinding Services. Provide on-site grinding -service for grinding the existing stump pile at the Landfill. Also., would secure . grinding•services in the event of Category_ 1 or lighter storms . 3. Secondary Off-Site Disposal. Provide back-up or redundant site in the event of Category 2 or similar storm. 4. Large-Scale On-Site Grinding Service. Provide multiple Diamond Z grinders for response to Category 2 or stronger storms. Bidders were requested to propose management by Disposal at Contractor's Facilities, or submit an alternative proposal for Grinding at the County Landfill. Of seven requests mailed (refer to attached mailing list), five companies responded. Two companies submitted disposal only proposals, two submitted grinding service only proposals, and one company submitted proposals for both off-site .disposal and grinding services. Off-Site Disposal Option The following is a listing of bid proposals to dispose debris materials at contractor's facilities : ' - Tonna a Ran a Wilm Matl B1 the E ui McGill Env 0 to 5,000 $18.00/ton $20.50/ton $20.OOJton 5 001 to 10,000 $18.00/ton $18.00/ton ~ $18.00/ton 10,001 to 20,000 $16.00/ton $17.50/ton.. $18.00/ton } 20,001. and over $16.00/ton $16.00/ton $18.00/ton Notes: Wilmington Materials offered the lowest bid for off-site disposal: The McGill proposal called for the County to collect material at the Landfill or other designated site, and load the material into vehicles for transport in McGill transfer trailers to the Mc~ill facility. . On-Site Grinding Alternative The following is a projection of costs per ton based on the bid proposals submitted to grind debris materials at the County Landfill. Costs for 0 to 5.,000 tons of debris include bidders' mobilization/demobilization (Mob/Demob) charges except for Hensons', Inc. ,which proposes to waive the charge for 50 or more hours of grinding. ' Please note that the projected costs below do not reflect additional operations, maintenance, or administration expenses the County would incur as a result of on- site grinding. ~ 77 1 .Memo: Evaluation of Wood Debris Proposals September 26, 1995 Page 3 Tonnage Range Miller Excav 'Miller Excav Hen'sons' Inc. .Blythe E ui ~, Mulch Size 4-in 3-in 3-in 3&4-in Production Tons/Hr 40 • 20 ~ ~ 50 40 Mob/Demob $700 $700 $3,500 $3,000 0 to ;5,000 , $6.39 X2.64 ~ . $12.00 ~ 7 $.15.60 ' S,_Ofll to 10,000. ' $6.01 ' , 11'.95 $11..95' ,$14.99., 10,001 to 20.,000 $5.50 10.97 11.88 " 14.68 20,001 to 30,000 $5.13 10.23 11.85 14.37 30,001 to 50,000 $4.83 9.64 11.83,_ 14.12 50,OU1 to; 75,000 ~ $4.68 •.9.34 $11..82. $14.00 75,001 to 100,000 $4.60. 9.19 $11.82. ~ '$13.94 ~Hensons', Inc,. bid waives Mobilization/Demobilization charge for more than 50 hours of grinding.. - . • Miller Excavation ,submitted proposals for 3-in, 4-in, and "other" unspecified dimension mulch product., Blythe Equipment. submitted same costs proposals for 3- and 4-inch -product.: Herisons', Inc.- subrrmitted a proposal for 3-inch product. A • Hensons' representative indicated during an informal prebid conversation that the ' Diamond Z grinder can produce any size.pTOduct at the same proposec~ra•te for the -same charge', which seemed to be reflected in the'Blythe submittal. Blythe. also uses a Diamond Ztub-grinder. ~ - ~• Please let me know when you would like to discuss. the bids further. • 7~8 Bidders Addresses The following are addresses to tential bidders for Wood & Yard Debris Dis sal Services Wilmington Materials, Inc. Miller Excavation. & Demolition K le McIntyer Carol Miller PO Box 209 3529 Carolina Beach Rd WiUnington, NC 28402 Wilmington, NC 28412 T: 9I0-763-4569 T: 910-791-4377 F: 910-762-2815 F: 910-791-6614 Charles Blythe Industries McGiJl,Environmental Rae Lani ' Annette Tyson O Box 69 °I 100 Herrin Rd Trenton, NC 28585 ~ Rose Hill, NC 28458 T: 919-448-9181 T: '.910-532-2539 F: 919-448-1664 F: 910-532-2542 Hensons' Inc. Carolina Timber, Inc, Michael H Hennessee James R Using, 0 erations Man er 105 Rid a Road Rt 1 Box 351 PO Box 1060 Fu ua -Varina, NC 27526 • Tryon, NC 28782 ~ • • T: 919-557-0853 T: 704-859-5836 F: 704-859-9091 B: 800-614-7192 CERES Environmental 704-379-3905 Wood Rec clin Division , H: 704-821-6990 Steven W. S aid, Sales Man er 2504 West Coun Road B • St Paul, MN SS 113 T: 800-218-4424- F: 612-633-8307 ~ • 79 Page 1 0 U O a~ O ~ z~ o •~ w . ~ .~ W N • Q ~ ~ oo ~ oNO n ~ . d • ~ . ~.. ~ O~ M M „ O~ d0 • - Oa ~ y C 0 0 ~ ~ O M N N Q O o0 ~D o0 .... .-. Q - ' w b ~ ~ o, fi ~ a ~ G ~ O ZS o . ~ N n v i v .~ M V O O~ v1 ~O > ed ~ ~ 'ct 0~0 V O ' ~. M v' ~ ~p 00 •~ ,~ ,~ c O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ o ~ a _ .. b I~ O~ ~p M rj fi Q~ ~D O ~O ~ O ~O 00 vl • ~ r. ~ fi` ' n a t w O Ow ~n C- ~O O O O •~ •~ a1 ~ ' ~•' Q ~ N ~--~ ~ ~ oy+ 'M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ fl b M N C • a A . ~ ~ , ~ N •y ~: N ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ . ° o ~ ~ ~ O w a . Q ~ ~ ~ w n ~o ~ c o ~ . W W ~ ~ pp Ls `~ ~ ~ Q O M A N N A ni ai N p ~ °' ~ ~ x a fi ~ ~ _~ O V O M O N N O\ O 00 et `7 n ~ c+1 •~ ~p ~O ~- O ~ N M x ~ p M V1 h e N U v V v O~ N M 00 N e* .. 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Duectorof Environmental Management MEMORANDUM NE+HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 3002 U.S. HWY. 421 NORTH WILMINGTON; NORTH CAROLINA 28401-9008 ' TFlEPNONE (910) 341.4340 Fax (910) 341-4371 September 12, 1995 To: Bidders From: Geof Little, Solid Waste Planner .~ Re: - Emergency Wood and Yard Debris Disposal Services Request for Proposals The New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management requests proposals to provide EMERGENCY WOOD AND YARD DEBRIS DISPOSAL SERVICES for debris resulting from natural disasters including tropical storm systems. Proposals are'`requested to be submitted NO LATER THAN 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1995 to: . ,! NHC Environmental Management c/o Geof Little 3002 US Hwy 421 North FAX 910-341-4371 . Wilmington NC 28401 Telephone 910-341-4340. ' As an alternate ,'Bidders may propose to provide WOOD AND YARD }DEBRIS .~ GRINDING SERVICES for debris resulting from natural disasters including tropical storm systems. `i Successful bidders shall be notified of contract award promptly following approval of the New Hanover County .Commissioners. Contractor shall provide services on a stand-by basis-effective upon notification from the Director of New Hanover County Environmental Management, or his designee. The"attached scope of services will become a part of the 'services contract. ~~ The County reserves the right to award contracts to more than one '1 ~ ~ bidder in the event of exceptional quantities of damage. Contracts : may be awarded based on County knowlQdge of contractor's experience, ~ operational safety record, response capability, equipment availability, and proposed per unit costs.. ~ _ ~ Schedules of Bid Unit Prices shall be effective through June 30, 1996. ' BIDDERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT IN 'THE EVENT A CONTRACTOR FAILS TO .PERFORM, EITHER THE SUBMITTED BID PROPOSALS MAY BE REVIEWED FOR A SUBSEQUENT AWARD, OR A REQUEST MADE TO RESUBMIT ALL BIDS. • .Responsive Bidders must submit a bid proposal in the format requested. ~ Questions or comments should be directed to either Geof Li or Dennis Burks at the b b , a ove num er. ~~ The County thanks you for .your assistance and consideration. BID PROPOSAL.: DISPOSAL AT CONTRACTOR'S FACILITIES. The firm of , located at proposes to provide EMERGENCY _ WOOD AND YARD DEBRIS DISPOSAL SERVICES, as described-in the attached scope of services, for•debris resulting frost natural• disaster(s) collected by other sources and delivered to Bidder's designated facility(ies) at the Schedule of Unit Prices indicated" below. The Unit Prices provided are warranted to be valid through June 30, 1996. Bidder further, certifies that no other firm was consulted as to the cost or value of rendering such services. The bids below are the total fees and charges payable per contract, and ,include~•all taxes, permits, licenses, etc. necessary for Bidder to satisfactorily perform all proposed_services. r~ SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES PER TON OF DISPOSED DEBRIS First 5,000 Tons $ ~• ~ per ton ~. 5;00.1 - 10,000 Tons $ ~ per ton 10,001 - 20,000 Tons $ per ton 20,001 Tons and over $ ~ per ton LOCATION(S) OF DESIGNATED COLLECTION FACILITY(IES) .. PROPOSED WORKDAYS AND HOURS FOR DELIVERY 'OF DEBRIS •~- PROPOSED DATES FOR HOLIDAY CLOSINGS „f .. ~.. Bidding Firm Name: Authorized Representative: 8~6- • Date: f V09.12.95 Page 1 of 7 ~„ BID PROPOSAL: ALTERNATE GRINDING AT NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDFILL The firm of located at ~; , proposes to provide EMERGENCY WOOD AND YARD DEBRIS GRINDING SERVICES, as described-in the attached scope of services, for debris collected by other sources and delivered to the New Hanover County Landfi•11 at the Schedule of Unit Prices indicated below. The Unit Prices provided are warranted to be valid through June 30, 1996. ~, ~ Bidder further certifies that no other firm was consulted as to the cost or value .of rendering such services. The bids below are the - ~~ total fees and charges. payable per contract., and include all taxes, permits, licenses etc. necessary f r Bidder to satisfactozl erform , o y p all proposed services. ;~ CONTRACTOR ONE-TIME CHARGE FOR MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION - .(optional) $ SCHEDULE OF DIFFERENTIAL UNIT PRICES PER HOUR (Bidder may propose one•~or more finished mulch sizes.) Finished Mulch Size: Three-Inch Four-Inch Other Guaranteed Average Production Rate, ~~ ~ tons per hour: ' ~ .. Differential Unit Prices: ~. } ,.~ First 5,000 Tons $ /hr $ /hr $ /hr • 5, 001 - 10, 000 Tons . $ /h ~ $ /hr $ /hr 10,00.1 - 20,000 Tons /hr /•hr $ $ ~ /hr 20,00E Tons and over $ /hr $ /hr $ - /hr ~ PROPOSED WORKDAYS AND HOURS FOR GRINDING OF DEBRIS PROPOSED DATES FOR. HOLIDAY CLOSINGS Bidding Firm Name: ~ Date: Authorized Re resent ~ ~~ p ative: V09..12.95 Page 2 of 7 ~r• • I. General SCOPE OF SERVICES . A. ,For the scope of services,. wood and yard debris shall consist primarily of woody vegetation,including~brush, whole -~ trees, tree trunks, and~tree stumps. resulting. from natural _ disasters including tropical storms. B. Contractor shall be responsible for the compliance of any subcontracting.:parties with the agreed upon contract conditions, and with any applicable~Loca1, State or Federal regulation. C. The New Hanover County Department of Environmental -- Management may be referred to in the scope of services as Department . The term. may also refer to the representative of the Department, which may be the Department Director, or his designee. The County Manager, or his designee, may also serve as a representatve~of the Department. t D. Any contract.aWarded under this request for proposals shall end June 30, 1996 with the Department reserving the option to extend such contracts if :conditions so warrant. ' Contract"s will be initiated without any-determined contract beginning based solely on condition of need as de-termined by the Department. E. Deliveries of debris material to Contractor's facilities will be by the general public and private contractrors in e vehicles ranging from light-duty passenger-type cars to heavy-duty transfer-type trucks. `F. Debris material shall become the ,property of the Contractor upon delivery to Contractor's •designated facility, except for ..material delivered to~and processed at the New Hanover _. County Secure Landfill (Landfillj, which shall become the property of the County.~~•• G. Material delivered to. the Landfill shall be processed by the Contractor to meet the characteristics described in this scope of services in order to qualify for payment of services rendered. Mulched~Material that does not meet specifications must. be satisfactorily reprocessed before payment is made for services rendered. ~~ H. For firms proposing to provide :grinding services., a quantity of approximately 1,300 cubic yards of landclearing debris exists at the Landfill as of September 12, 1995. The material will be included under service contracts awarded to grind debris at the Landfill. Bidders are encouraged to call to make arrangements to inspect the material prior to submitting bids. .. I. The primary purpose of this request is to identify and V09.12.95 Page 3 of 7 ~' _ acquire the level of response necessary to manage an excessive amount of debris material. As such, the Department reserves certain rights that will allow the Department to adequately respond to•unforeseen conditions. These 'rights may include awarding multiple contracts at varying unit prices, directing loads gf materials to various ' other contracted firms~•flexible contract durations, and ~~ immediate contract initiations and terminations. J. With respect to item I above, the award of ~ contract to any .,. one .firm shall not give that firm exclusive rights over any portion of the disposal or grinding of debris generated during any one or more natural disasters during the duration ~' of a contract. entered int9 .under this request for' proposals . II. .Contract Performance A. The Contract shall be initiated upon and completed upon notice given by the Department. Contract periods shall be contingent upon the severity of damage resulting from one or more natural disasters, including tropical stArms. B. In the event Contractor fails to, or otherwise cannot, satisfy the conditions of the scope of services, the Department reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately and award contract"to another firm. ^~ III. Services to be provided by the Contractor • A. Contractor shall provide the following as necessary to ,~ comply with this scope of services. `~ 1. Contractor shall ,provide all necessary.equipment, labor, and supplies to satisfactorily perform all work described in the proposal: ~~ -- 2. Contractor shall secure all necessary permits and _ licenses in advance:" ~ 3. Contractor shall provide all necessary preventive r maintenance and repair, including such reasonable maintenance and repair that may be required under .potentially adverse conditions. 4. Contractor should prepare for potentially adverse working conditions including, but not limited to, ' • limited fuel supp Iies, limited housing availability, ' ~ limited food and water supplies, and wet and muddy conditions. , t B For t l d i d li ' , . ma er a e vere to Contractor s facilities, Cont ractor shall meet the following .conditions. ,; 1. Contractor shall be fully permitted and cap~~ to accept and dispose of wood and yard waste debrrs-~hat j ~~ V09.12.95 Page 4 of 7 may have,the following characteristics. a. b: c. 2. 3. 4. Trees of varying sizes with limbs, tops and roots intact. ' Brush. _ _ Other wood material including lumber debris of varying lengths and widths. ' Contractor shall be prepared for the delivery of debris 48 (forty-eight) .hours following the• notification to proceed, which may be a telephone call from the Department. . The designated disposal. sites shall be accessible to _ collection vehicles and the general public. Sites may be located in remote•areas away from residential and commercial areas. Contractor shall only bill the Department for material that originates in New Hanover County. C. For material agreed to be delivered to Landfill, Contractor ~ shall meet the following conditions. ,i~- 1. Contractor shall mulch wood and yard debris on-site. `~ • Contractor's equipment must be capable of accepting and _ grinding: •. a. Trees with limbs and tops intact. } b. Stumps up to 9 (nine) feet in diameter. c. .Other wood material including lumber debris of varying lengths and widths. .. , 2. Material shall~be mulched ..and screened to meet the finished dimension as proposed. Mater~,al not meeting the proposed finished dimension must be"reprocessed at _. Contractor's expense before .Contractor receives credit towards payment. .•- . 90~: D . V0:`.12.95 3. Contractor must initiate service within 7 (seven) days of issuance of the notification to proceed from the Department. ~ _ •:, 4. Contractor shall maintain the proposed production rate of processed material: Any lapses of one (1) work day or greater in production must .have authorization from the Department at•'least three (3) days in advance. Other emergency-related lapses may be arranged on a case-by-case basis. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for damage caused by Contractor's personnel, and shall promptly repair such damaged property to its former condition. Contractor shall designate to the Department key personnel Page 5 of 7 ~~ . ~, having responsibilities for coordinating work activities with the Department, and shall inform the Department of any changes .in such personnel. . E. Any environmental samples or analyses 're uired as a.result 9 of Contractor's equipment operations~or activ~,ties shall be ,~~ the full.responsibility~of the Contractor. IV. .Services to be provided by the Department ~~ . ~ A. The Department shall provide for the collection and delivery of debris material to the designated disposal sites. ~~ B. The Department shall provide Contractor with an`~authorized -- representative to coordinate contract related activities, . -- and to provide clarification on matters relating''to work performance. .~~ _ C. For material delivered to and processed at the Landfill, the Department shall provide:. . r ' 1. Parking "area for Contractor's employees, but no facilities for personal use. 2. Equipment necessary for measuring debris and finished .mulch for determining Contractor payments. ~" ' •- ~ 3. Final disposition of finished mulch. V. Billing and Payment for Material Delivered to Contractor's Facility(ies) ' A. Billings 'and payments shall be based solely on original :~-. weight receipts containing the following: 1. Date and time of measurement. _ •°_. 2. Address of facility receiving the material.- _ 3. For Contract Hauler:" Delivery -truck company name and number: 4. For Private~Citizen: Citizen's name and address. ~~ 5. County of origination of debris. 6. Signature of the delivery vehicle driver. 7. Gross weight of the delivery vehicle load, tare weight ~' of same vehicle empty,~and the net weight, in tons, of the delivery load. B. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL NOT REIMBURSE CONTRACTOR FOR MATERIAL- . ORIGINATING OUTSIDE NEW HANOVER COUNTY. C. Contractor shall be responsible for .providing weight . receipts. ' ~ D. Contractor shall be paid based on the weighed am t of . debris material delivered to the designated faci~i~~es. Basis of payment shall be the original weight rec~c~pts, V09.12.95 Page 6 of 7 - described above, submitted to the Department for payment ,~ monthly. Payment shall be made by the Department within thirty (30) days following receipt o,f proper invoicing. E. Any scales used for determinin. load wei hts mus g g t be accurate and. fully certified bye the North Carolina Department of Agriculture.' VI. Billing and Payment for Material Processed at-Landfill ~.., A. Material processed at the Landfill shall meet the production rate and size as agreed for credit towards payment. Material not. meeting the size specification must be .reprocessed at Contractor's expense before.•~Contractor regeives credit towards payment. Reprocessed material shall • -- not be additionally credited towards~Contractor's production rate or payment. B. The Department .shall reimburse Contractor for material satisfactorily processed on a monthly basis. Payment shall jam} be due Contractor within thirty (30) days following the end ~J ` of each month: C. Contractor shall be reimbursed based on documented run-time and compared against the cubic yards of satisfactorily processed material, which shale be converted into tonnage using an established density factor. That density factor,:. in tons per cubic yard, shall be determined, and documented, ... by weighing a known volume of finished material on Landfill scales. ~, D. Contractor shall not be reimbursed for equipment maintenance or other down times. E. Contractor shall accurately maintain daily records of work activities. `_. 1. Those records shall"include the beginning and ending times of production, the beginning and ending times of maintenance and repairs. -. 2 Reco=ds. shall be kepi on site and shall be made ` ~ available to designated` Department employees when . •requested. ~ ~ 3. Contractor shall submit the original daily records monthly- when invoicing Department for services rendered. F. Finished material volumes shall be determined by documented measurement of finished mulch as provided by Landfill staff. When appropriate, delivery receipts may also be used to verify reimbursement. • . - 92 V09.12.95 ~ Page 7 of 7 - - _. _ - ~DRA~T ~~ _ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0070 • NORTH CAROLINA ,` NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~.. ,~' THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of , ~,~ 1995, by and between-NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North . Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County' ; and • : , a North ~. . .,-~ Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"; . ~'~ WITNESSETH: That the Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereby agrees ~' r , . with the County as follows: 1. Contractor shall rovide mana ement of wood and and debris r , s ,. Y as set forth mote fully: in Exhibit A, "Scope of Services" attached hereto and.incorporated herein • All work shall conform to applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulatidns. 2. Pa.}~ent.. • County agrees to pay Contractor, for services rendered, a rate of r •. , '~~ $ , as set forth in Exhibit A, "Scope of Services" attached hereto and incorporated herein.. . • . 3. ~. The~Contractor shall commence work upon issuance of Notice to .~? Proceed. Count the has authorit to terminate said contract er Exhibit attached beret and Y Y P ~ o ~' incorporated herein. ~ , 4. Indemnity. Contractor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its. i agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Contractor hereu ~- ~~ .r New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0070 'i . resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of.Contractor, his agents, r~ ' . employees and subcontractors. 5. Insurance. Contractor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. ,~ . ' ~ 6. S'ertificatet and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Contractor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after. thirty ;(30j days written notice has ~- ' been received by County". - ~ 'r 7. Workers Compensation and Em~yers Liabilitv Insurance. Covering all of the ' Contractor's employees to be engaged in the work-under this contract, providing the required ,_ statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount-of $100,000/500,000/100,000, applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. 8. Som_m__ercial General Liabilitv. ~ Including coverage for independent contractor U operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions ~~ :a ~,_ - applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of . 94 ~ _ 1 " ~ Y .~ ~ '~ r New Hanover County Contract. # 96 - 0070 " ~~ $1 000 000 er occurrence combined sin le' limits, a plicable to claims due to bodily injury P g P rl ~~ and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this ,policy. . t~ ~ r ~" 9. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all .owned, non-owned and hired ..' vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the arrlount of $500,000 per occurrence' combined single limits applicable to~claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. ~~ " 10. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an.agent of County, and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees'shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits,.such as, but not limited _ to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits.. 11. If Contractor fails to rosecute the work with such .. r ,~; diligence as will insure its completion within the contract time, or if Contractor breaches any one ' of the terms or conditions contained in this contract and fails to cure said breach within two (2) "~: days of County's mailing of Notice of Default, or otherwise fails to perform the work hereunder to _, the County's reasonable satisfaction, County may terminate this contract forthwith. County may also terminate. contract without cause as set forth in Paragraph 3. r 12. Entire greement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the `~ _parties. r~ IN .WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the .execution of this instrument, by authority duly given and on the day and year first above written. l - ~ , . ~ , ~( ~ - ~ 95 f: --- .. New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0070 ~ ; •. NEW HANOVER COUNTY , ~. ~ . (SEAL) . Allen ONeal, County Manager .. ~ . r •~ ATTEST: - ' ._ • ~ -~ • .. ~; Clerk to the Board (CORPORATE SEAL) ~. 'r ' President - •ATTEST: ~;, - Secretary - _ This instrument has been pre- ~ ~ ~ audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget ~ ~ '; ~ ;• and Fiscal Control Act. Approved ~s to form: County Finance Officer County Attorney • . ~~ 96 ~~ 1 1 1 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0070 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,.; ,. I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its County Manager, sealed with its official seal and attested by,herself as its Clerk. _ WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ~ , 1995. My commission expires: .. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY Notary Public r I, a Notary Public of the State?and County aforesaid, certify that ~ personally came. before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of , a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act. ~of the corporation; .the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, r ,sealed with its official seat and attested by herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal;•this day of , 1995. My commission expires: Notary Public 97 t 98. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 .~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 ~ Additional Item #; .Department: Legal Department Presenter:•Wanda M. Copley r:• Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wanda M. Copley Proposed Land Donation. BRIEF SUMMARY: Mr. Dick Thompson of B & D Development Corp. proposes giving the County a parcel of land . adjoining N. Kerr Avenue and the Airport. The tract is approximately 2.13 acres. ~ County r Environmental Management has examined the subject property and found no objectionable environmental concerns. The Airport Authority is interested in obtaining the tract. For Federal income tax charitable contribution purposes, the County must first hold title, then convey the land to the Authority. Please note that the 1.995 property taxes art: to bepro-rated. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider acceptance of the Deed of Gift. ~ - t ~' U1`IUII`Llr JVUKI:L' Federal $: State S: County S: 0:00 User Fees $: 'r Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ~ ; LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend acceptance of the Deed of Gift. ~,~POV .~ ~ ~ ~QU~~~Y ~~~t~~d~8SS1~~~~~ Refer to Once Yuion Bulletin Board for Disposition `~i: . s: . erlfied by ........................................................................ County on the ............. day of ...................................:.................., 19 .......... by .............................................................................................................................................................:............. .. ................................... •.•~ .:` ~~.• ;. Marl .after recording tC. ....::..................................... . ' • .•••. '.~ ~ This instrument was prepared by N~-.H~?aer.~?tY.,~?~Y~s CEfi,ce,• ;1ZO,Qt~ St„ Rn. 309, ...... ~ N.C. 28401 • Brief description for the Index 2.13 acre tract, N. Kerr Avenue , ,. ` ~ •~~ ~~~• •NORTH •CAROLINA GENERAL '~'~ARRANTY DEED. •'•:.:•::s:~.`•~ THiS DEED made this ................ day of ...............................:............................, 19........., by and between ~• ', GRANTOR GRANTEE • •,: B b D Development Corporation New Fiartover, County, a political subdivision '•~:: 4405 Bavarian Lane of the State of North Carolina ~, '• ~'~• • Wilrttington, North Carolina 28405 `' ' • 320 Chestnut, Street • Roan 309 , Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 . ~ j r ~ r ~~•••'~ ~ Fnlcr in approprla/e block fer eaeA parlr: name, ^ddreaa, and, If appropriate, eharaelcr of enlll~, c.p. eerperallon or parlncnhlp. . The dealgnation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall, include said parties, their heirs, suceeason,-nnd assigns, and shall In~ude singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. . ~• •• WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable tonalderation'pald by the Grantee, the recelpC of which Is hereby .. ,. acknowledged, has and by .these pcesents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fet simple, all that • :. .. _. .;. ; : •:;. cerla~n lot or parcel of Inna'situnted in the Citypf ..... ...~......, Cape Fear To~~•nahip, • `.:... New Hanover ~'•' •~' •: • ......... ore n rib a Ilows: ~ • •••.•• ..•••......... .......... arl dose ed s fo ounty, North aroltna an m p rtlcui ~ • BEGINNING at a paint in fhe s.~#sestern litre of tte tract of ]arri chart rn tfie map of savoy fcr H. W. Will,lazs re~cct~d in ~ Bxk 12 at Page 36 of tfie N3r H~~aa= ~Y F~gdstry,, said ~-It b.irrl located ~~ 37 degrees • 45 IIZLIl.1tPS A5t 1,012.80 feet fmn a 13i1zOBd spi}ae ]cx-ated in tte westeuiiCSt oasrr of said ynttt_.,~ tract, s~ railzt~ad J~ }~r~ lcrated near tfie ].ire of tt~e nld Wlrlt~ Parjc to o Reed; zunirrl thine fivn . said ~ P~~ 9;~>ttt 95 dslCeas 55 rtdtf~tes East ~ tte rut oft3aith Creek; thane'tp the rut of 3ldttt Ccedc bu a pint utieie it irttetsects tfie oatEer lire of North Kezr A~~ (S.R 1175); thane nxtlsa~~y ~ ~ .... . cater line of Nzttt Iran A~ez~e to a podrlt ttat bps NYth' 48 de3iees 47 rtditt6es East fxan the pcdnt of Bergintir>:l; . thane 3cufh 48 deg~es 47 ndrtttps Wit to ttte podnt of Begimirr3: + . • . • ~->E~~ IS D~FIfD, h~.~, frou this o~'ne~ane, a tiact of land 100.0 feet x'100.0 feet, adjaoat ~ tfie , • ~ ric~tt of ~Y lire of Nutt I43r A~.enx: (saa Lift St-atirn site), beirg the same ~~aty ca~c~d a, N~(~1s [xaJV iC~l y,~~tRy~i7jr~ Jt~3j "irtCK^LypLL/7~1? jrt bM1057 at p~ 860, ~ UC Nom/ Hc~r. Q~~/ ~<~!, • ~ ~ >:s ~iEx ~ fzalt;this ea~,eyarne ttgt p~xrn1 of lava ocxt~eyed bo the Nccitt Cat~ltra of tatirn kir`Daeareo"~i~d~'in Bxk 1640, Page 1615; N~ I ~-Y Iy, _~ ~y 20~ 1993. „ i • N. C. Ilor Aaua. Fme, Ne. 7 ~ 1076. Re.i«d 0 1977 -....~..+..... c...-.. v..n...~.r.. a vros. Tax Lot No........... ......................:......................................................... Parcel Identifier No.. R~4200.401-024-000.......... V ~ <: ~ ; i, 102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION- Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: Department: Health-Vector Control Presenter: r . ' Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bob Parker SUBJECT: Application for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Grant for Vector Control•for FY 96-97. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Vector Control wishes to apply fora $73,000 grant for fiscal~year 96-97 from the Corps of Engineers to be used for mosgQito control activities. The County has been receiving this grant for the last several years. ~ • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• - Recommend approval of the grant application. "" -FUNDING SOURCE: •- ~ . ~ ~ -"- Federal S: 73,000 State S: County S: ' ' - User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ho New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: Ho VI WED ; LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER_'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• Recommend approval for the Healt Department, Vector Control, to apply .,for the $73,000 grant from the Corps of Engineers. Q6~ ,~ s,- ,~ 103 ~~ Refer to Once Vision Bulletin Board Cot Disposition i~~~ ROBERT S. PARI.'ER Health Director L1TDA F. SAIITIi Assistant HealthD'u«tor NEW HANOVER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WII.MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 • TELEPHONE (910) 343-6667 f,. Fiti (910) 341-416 .. September 13, 1995 Ms. Sherrel Sholar-Jackson Contracting Officer U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Ms. Sholar-Jackson: You will find attached the New: Hanover County Health Department, Vector Control Program reimbursement request for the period beginning .October 1, 1995 and ending September. 30, 1996. This document proposes a continuance of the working relationship between our department and the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers. Your careful review and consideration will be appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Kenneth Sholar, Vector Control Manager at (910) 341-9199. This cooperative effort involving your agency and the Health Department will certainly enhance the quality of life for the citizens of New Hanover~County. We look forward to working with you in this endeavor. ~ ..' - . Sincerely, ` .. /~ . • ~tobert S . Parker' ,, ~ ~ ~ _~ Health Director Attachment ' (1) RSP%sln•y if i~ =`; ;F ,, 104 ~:. ,:~.. ., Yn~ir I-~Pnlth - n~ir PYinriht • ' :MANAGEMENT OF MOSQUITOES PRODUCED ON U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS DREDGE DISPOSAL ISLANDS J '. IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY -- A Request For Reimbursement .: Prepared By - Kenneth R.~Sholar, Vector Control Manager, New Hanover County Health Department ~ V nt t C l P ~ .. ~ . or ro ec o . rogram. . - 2.029 South Seventeenth Street }- Wilmin ton NC 2840 g , 1 ' (910) 341-4149 ' ~ A d S b itt d T -• - n u m e o The United States Army Corps Of Engineers • Post Office Box' 1890 r Wilmington, NC 28401 Background: The saltmarsh mosquitoes, Aedes~sollicitans and Aedes taeniorhynchus, cause substantial nuisance to the residents of New Hanover County. Over the past several years,. numerous unsuccessful attempts have been made to locate irregularly a flooded salt marshes that would produce populations.of mosquitoes commensurate with the nuisance problem in New Hanover County. In 1989, a survey was conducted by both New Hanover County Health O Department Vector Cont-rol Program personnel and North Carolina State University Entomology Extension Service personnel on the Eagle Island dredge disposal site to document production of salt marsh mosquitoes. During summer and fall months, six` broods of mosquitoes were produced after depressions on the island were a filled with rain water. When emerging mosquito adults began to disperse, mosquito nuisance correspondingly increased at the battleship USS North Carolina and across the river in the Cit~'of (" Wilmington. On February ~5, 1990, a'report (entitled "Production V of Mosquitoes on the Eagle Island'Dredge Disposal Site during the -1989 Mosquito Breeding Season") of the population o~.mosquitoes documented on Eagle Island, was provided to the U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers (ACE) at a meeting in the Wilmington ACE ._ . ~ . a headquarters. The 1989 documentation o~f ~ext'emsive mosquito breeding on Eagle Island producing nuisance~~mosquito populations in New Hanover County confirmed the need for control activities on dredge disposal islands. The following proposal is submitted to the ACE requesting funds for the period beginning October 1, 1995 1~ghending September 30, 1996. f . 1 r ~ _ ~ U~ Objectives: The overall objective of the proposed work is to. develop and implement a management plan •for mosquitoes that .~ are produced on ACE dredge disposal islands 'in and adjacent to f ' New Hanover County. Specific .objectives are: (1) check ACE dredge disposal islands for mosquito production after depressions in the .spoil are flooded by rainfall; (2) treat productive mosquito breeding areas with insecticides,to .control .:mosquito larva;__and,,'(3) reduce human interaction with adult mosquitoes ~ ~ hatahing~from ACE dredge disposal islands: by applying adulticides~~ ~ to impacted areas. ' Mos uito surveillance: Dred a dis osal islands q g p used by the ' ACE will be inspected for mosquito breeding after they have been flooded by rainfall. Samples of larva will be-collected, counted and id B di tifi d b i it i l en ree ng s es w e .y.spec es. l . be mapped, and . records of the frequency and .intensity of mosquito producstion will be ke t. Li ht tra s will be laced in ar p g p p eas impacted by t ' .mosquitoes hatching from ACE dredge disposal islands. Adult mosquitoes will. be collected, counted, and identified by species. _ ~. Information will be used to direct adulticiding and larviciding activities. .. ' Mos uito control: Access to dyed a dis o q g p sal islands must be 1 maintained by bushing and clearing right-of,-way to the breeding . sites.. When- mosquito breeding is found through.. routine. • \ ~ ... ~ inspection activities, breeding sites will be treated with a granular formulation of the larvicide Bacillus thurenglensid~var. isaelensis (B.t.i.). Granules will be dispersed by. hand applications. Liquid B.t.i. shall, be applied with, ult w ~O 3 F spray:equipment. A•~buffalo turb~r.~ shall be used to treat spoil islands•with roadway access. Records of treatment efforts will be kept. ~Aaditional spoil island acreage is continually being • ,• pumped resulting in increased larvciding activities. Resources required: The use of county .vehicles for transportaticn~of •boat,` motor andtrailer ~to waterway. access points .and the use of county .vehicles with adulticide and :. larvicide application equipment-will be required to satisfy the goals of this proposal. An inventory of adulticides and larvicides will be maintained. New Hanover County•Vector Control employees•w-ill•`carry. out mosquito surveillance. and insecticide treatment activities. A tractor and busYi hog will be utilized to maintain access around the spoil pile. ?'he use of~a backhoe will be required .to construct/maintain ditches •and• other physical structures tc reduce mosquito breeding habitats. ~~ •~ } Reimbursement for adulticiding: They New Hanover County Health Depar=merit Vector 'Control Program periodically applies ultra low volume (-ULV) sprays of~permethrin to impacted areas for control of mcsquitoes emanating from ACE dredge disposal islands. Permethrin as an adulticide is approximately twice as expensive as malathion at the time of purchase. Permethrin, however, has demonstrated a more effective control,of~ Aedes •taeniorhynchus. _ Funds are requested from the ACE to defray costs associated with adulticiding activities. In `1995, approximately three hundred (3.00)' hours. were expended in ULV spraying for control of r mosquitoes produced on ACE dredge disposal islands. • 108 ~ .. ~~ 4 • ' ' - PROPOSED B URGE T •,• ^ SAI~ARIE S AND .EQUIPMENT USE $ 51, 000 .. Vector Control Staff Application Equipment Use Heavy Equipment Use .. SUPPLIES $ 16,000 Surveillance Equipment ~- Larvicides TOTAL $ 67 0 , 00 t ~ ~ 109 1 5 Benefits of proposed reimbursement: A substantial reduction of mosquito nuisance within New :ianover County will result from control of dredge disposal island mosquito populations. .Our activities have demonstrated con=rol of known mosquito breeding habitats on ACE dredge disposal islands. The New Hanover County Health Department Vector Control Program will assume responsibility for all mosquito~~•control activities in ACE dredge disposal islands located in the• Cape Fear River and the Intra-coastal v~aterway adjacent•to.New Hanover County. Respectfully submitted, 1~~ /~ .. Kenneth R. Sholar .. Vector Control Manager 7- ~~ Dianne M. Harwell Environmental Health Director ~~ ~ . Robert S. Parker • . Health Director 110 6 " DOCUMENT~ADDENDUM October 1995 - September 30, 1996 R~: Contingency funds for Aerial Application of Larvicides Jsstification: New Hanover County Vector Control Program request flat revenues be se*_ aside. to cover tze cost of aerial larviciding. Aerial larviciding will be concucted only as a last r_sort should climactic conditions and mosquito surveillance indicate its necessity.-Larvicides will be applied by a licensed aerial applicator with spoil pile mosquito ccntrol experience. Applications will be made-under the directioZ and supervision of to"New Hanover County Health .Department Vector Control Program w_th input from the Public Health Pest Mana ~ } g_ment Section, North Carolina Department. of Environment, .Health, and Natural Resources. r- ' Budget"Addendum: Aerial Applicator costs $4,000.00 Granular Larvicide B:t.i. 2,000.00 TOTAL $ 6, 0 111 l 1.12 - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item. #: Consent Item #: 7 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Planning ~~ Presenter: D; Hayes r, ' Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Wanda Coston North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) Single Family Rehabilitation Program _ BRIEF SUMMARY: ' NCHFA has announced funding for Single Family Rehabilitation. The County is~~eligble to apply for up to $300,000. These funds which will be awarded competitively may be used to assist very f .low and low income owner-occupied households to rehabilitate their dwellings. The County will be required to provide matching funds to assist in the rehabilitation. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request that the Commissioners authorize the Planning Staff to submit application to NCHFA and consider appropriating between $60,000 and $72,000 total matching funds to assist 10 to 12 households under this program. r i ~ -, 1 ~ ~ a~ FUNDING SOURCE:. ~ ~ '~ '~ Federal $: State $: County 5:72,U00 User Fees S: Other S: -~ Money Is In Current Budget: No .New Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared:No REVIEWED BY: ~ , ,, LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommend approval for the County to apply for a grant of $300,000 from NCHRA. Matching funds would need to come from the General Fund Contingency. The Board needs to express their commitment to appropriate funds if the grant is approved.. However, the actual budget amendment is not necessary until funding is forthcoming. P e refer to Wanda Conston's memo dated ' 10/3/95 on the history of activity in the County. ~~ 1-3 _ ~a.. ,-,nnnn ' Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ia ~ ~ ~,#yuiu8~~-p-~y~~~g ~~M - - NEW HANOVER COUNTY + INTER-OFFICE -MEMO ., . f. T0: Board of Commissioners FROM: Wanda B. Coston, Planner ~~ DATE: October 3, 1995 ~ - ~ ~ , ,• RE: ~ North Carolina Housing; Finance Agency ' ' Single Family Rehabilitation-Program Since 1990, the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has awarded the County $252,500 from its Housing Rehabilitation Incentive Program. These funds have enabled us to rehabilitate 34 dwellings for very low and low income residents. We have also provided approximately $158,800 in matching fiinds to assist in the rehabilitation of these dwellings. This year, the Agency h"as announced funding fo;r anot~ier Single Family Rehabilitation Program. The eastern region of the State has been,allocated $2,896;692 which will be awarded competitively. Up to $300,000 maybe requested to assist very low and low- income owner- - occupied households to rehabilitate their dwellings. The average rehabilitation cost per dwelling unit using Program funds should be between $15,000 and $20,000. However, the applicant (County) will be required to provide matching funds in an amount acceptable to the State. r- Webelieve that 10 to 12 households could be provided assistance under this Program. Approximately $6,000 in additional matching funds will be needed to provide comprehensive rehabili~tion per dwelling, which. means that the County -would need to provide between $60,000 and $72,000 total matching funds. If the County~is interested in applying for the Single Family Rehabilitation Program ..funding, the source of the. matching funds should be identified by October 16, as the application deadline is November 10, 1995. f. 4 . -114 . , , :_ :.. .~ 1 i _ - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/16/95 [Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 9 Contact: Wanda Coston ~ . SUBJECT: Optional Coverage Relocation Benefits Policy for New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Optional Coverage Ri;location Benefits Policy allows persons who are voluntarily or involuntarily displaced to waive their rights to conventional relocation assistance'as outlined under the Uniform Relocation Act and Section 570.496(a) of the Block Grant Regulations for Small Cities. This policy takes into account any and all financial obligations incurred during the necessary relocation of affected households. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution establishing Policy for Optional Relocation Assis lance which wilt be used during implementation of Community Develoment Block Grant funded programs and other federally funded programs. } Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: r New Appropriation Request: ' Budget Amendment Prepared: REv LGL: I P~~®~~ ~OU~~V C~~~~~u~6S~8~~lE~~ ~~_ ~~~ ~S ~a~" ED BY: FIN: BUD: . HR: ', ~O~TY1ViANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of the proposed "Optional Coverage Relocation Benefits Policy for New Hanover County." The purpose of this policy is to comply with Federal and State requirements for the relocation of tenants in the Kirkland area CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) project. This is the first project in which some of the residents are tenants rather than homeowners. We have the option of adopting the applicable components of the Federal Uniform Relocation Act or adopting our own local policy. Obviously, the local policy has to meet certain ' standards, but it is less complex and expensive than Federal requirements. Again, I recommend the" 'o l" policy. This is one of the few occasions in which the County has the latitude to adopt a "local" policy. Refcr to Office V'uion Bullctin Board for Disposition y .r OPTIONAL COVERAGE __ - RELOCATION BENEFITS POLICY . ~~ FOR NEW HANOVEIt COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA .. . ~ ~ ... .. ~ ~ r . ~ FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ -~ ~'~ ~ }~B~LOC;KrGRANT~PROGRAM C~ v~ t „~~ . ~ < d U ~f !{{~ci k0 ;.."'ac'^''°c ~".=.~-acw-aJ:r~:a a~a;.+.;,as.>C,~~~~ . ~ ~ ,. I 1.16_ ~ t Organization and Administration The New Hanover Planning Department, hereinafter called "Planning Department" will administer and coordinate all relocation activities (temporary or permanent) resulting from Community Development activities in the Proposed Target Areas. Citizens displaced by community Development activities are eligible to receive relocation assistance in the form of financial assistance permitted under Section 570.496(x) of the Community Development Block Grant Regulations, the County shall provide these "optional coverage" relocation benefits. Displaced Person . A displaced individual is someone whose home which is located within the New Hanover County Grant target area is too dilapidated to be economically feasible to rehabilitate and will be ^ demolished. Optional Coverage for New Hanover County ` " . Under the New Hanover Copnt Communit Develo ment Block Grant Pro ram the Y Y P g grantee shall provide relocation payments and assistance to :.~ 1. Residents and their families who are dis laced b rehabilitation activit or dwellin P Y Y g located within the Community Development target area. These persons will be . eligible for fixed payment and dislocation allowance or actual moving and related expenses if displacement occurs as a result of the activity. 2: Residents and their families who are displaced by the voluntary demolition of a'- d lli h f ili d l i d b d i hi h we ng occup e am es an e y t ocate w t n t e Community Development target area. Assistance Provided to Families Ind Individuals The County will provide relocation advisory assistance to displaced persons which include: 1. Referrals to other Social Service agencies 2. Information on available standard housing 3.- -Assistance in arranging financing for purchase or construction of replacement dwelling ~ . 4. When applicable, home ownership counseling prior to moving and after relocation . 3. Other appropriate assistance as maybe needed Standard Housing Defined A dwelling unit is in standard condition if it is decent, safe, and sanitary. A dwelling unit is considered decent, safe, and sanitary if (a) it is in good repair and is weather tight with no leakage nor dampness; (b) it has no health, fire nor safety hazards within the structure or in the ' immediate vicinity; (c) it has running water, a private sewer-connected to a flush toilet, and a. 1 7 1 bathroom for exclusive use of the occupant, with tub or shower with hot and cold running water, all within the dwelling unit; (d) it has permanent, reasonably efficient kitchen facilities for exclusive use of the occupant, including sink with hot and cold running water, cooking stove connections, shelves and~storage space for food and utensils; (3) it has facilities or connections for washing and drying clothes; (f) it is large enough to accommodate the~occupants without overcrowding; (g) it is equipped with adequate heating facilities; (h) it is adequately ventilated by at least one openable window in every room and is screened, or screens are available; (I) it is wired for electricity; and (j) it is located in'a neighborhood which is free from industrial and other nuisances, is supplied with the community facilities of a standard neighborhood, and is reasonably accessible to transportation, schools, churches and stores. It is intended that all dwellings into which displaced families relocate will be inspected by local inspectors and/or the Director of Inspections or his designee. If the dwellings are not found to be decent, safe, and sanitary, the move will 6e considered temporary relocation. Eligibility Criteria A person will be deemed eligible for relocation assistance and payments as set forth in this L-- Relocation Plan if the following criteria is met: The resident occa ies a dwellin unit which: a P g 1: Is located within the County's' Community Development Program service area; ~, 2. ~ . Is found to be unfit for human habitation in accordance with standards set forth in the State Housing Code; ' ~ 3. Has been determined to be economically and structurally unfeasible for ~- rehabilitation by the Community development Division; 4. The owner agrees to permit the County to have the dilapidated structure demolished; and ~ , 5. The resident's family income is equal to or less than 100% of the Section 8 Family Income Guidelines limits. Homeowner/Occupants A displaced person is eligible fora replacement housing payment if he/she: 1: Has occupied the dwelling to be demolished under an agreement for code enforcement for not less than 360 days prior to execution of such an agreement by the property owners; ; 2. The property owner agrees to sign a lien against the property which would prohibit the sale of or placement of secondary mortgages on the property for a period of . ten (10) years after construction or acquisition of a new or renovated structure; and 3.~ ~ Does not meet the applicable occupancy requirement and required temporary relocation'assistance priorto actions taken by the County to provide assistance, if temporary relocation was the result of extremely poor housing conditions that 118 contribute to the poor health of the homeowner. ~ _ ~ 3. Does not meet the a licable occu anc re uirement and re wired tem ora PP P Y q q P rY relocation assistance prior to actions taken by the County to .provide assistance, if - temporary relocation was the result of extremely poot+ housing conditions that contribute to the poor health of the homeowner. All replacement housing provided under the program within the tract area shall either be manufactured housing or modular construction. However, should replacement housing be provided outside the target area, such housing may be either manufactured housing or site built construction modular . , , Property Ownership Requirements for Replacement Housing ~'1 Applicant must have full, undivided marketable title to the subject property when replacement housing is to be provided., Life estates and tenancies in common are ineligible for replacement housing participation. - - Tenant Payment Any tenant displaced hereunder may be eligible for rental assistance equal to 60 times the amount necessary to reduce the monthly rent and estimated average monthly cost of utilities for replacement housing (comparable replacement rental dwelling or such acceptable replacement rental dwelling to which the person relocates, whichever costs less) to the "Total Tenant Payment" as defined under 24 CFR Section 813.107. .: • Unless an eligible tenant acquires an appropriate .property within the target area on off' before the effective date of resident relocation under the program, then the tenant shall only be eligible for the above authorized payments and shall not receive any replacement housing hereunder. ... Relocation Assistance to Families and Individuals •_ ., The grantee will provide the following services: determining relocation needs; providing information about available relocation sites; and coordinating its activities will all existing social and economic assistance programs. Assistance to prospective home buyers will be provided in locating mortgage financing, if applicable. - ~ ~ ; - i ~ Temporary Relocation ~ ~ • Rehabilitation shall be conducted without relocation of the affected occupants to the greatest extent feasible.. Such relocation shall be accomplished at the minimum feasible cost: Of the two moves involved, (out of and back into the rehabilitated structure) one maybe financed 3 119 r under a Fixed Payment and Dislocation Allowance ~ Actual Moving and Related Expense as described in the Summary of Relocation Payments available. - Moving Expense Payment for Flmilies and Individuals _ '~~ ~ Payments for moving and related expenses'are intended to cover expenditures which families and individuals incur in moving themselves and/or their personal property. Unlike business concerns and farm operations, families and individuals are not entitled to payments for actual direct loss of property. Payment for actual moving expenses may include insurance premiums covering loss and damage of personal property lost or damaged in the process of a move if the owner or carrier is not adequately covered. - ~. - .. Actu:~l Reasonlble Moving.Expenses ,. ~ ~ - - . A family or individual who meets the basic eligibility requirements may incur the following reimbursable expenditures: ' 1. The cost of transporting persons, or personal property from the affected site to a .replacement site; - 2. Packing and crating personal property; - 3. .Obtaining (including advertising for) bids or estimates for transportation, packing and crating; ~ - 4. Storage of personal property for a period generally not to exceed six months, when the Planning Department determines that storage is necessary; 5.. - Insurance premiums covering loss or. damage of personal property while in storage or transit; 6. Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, reconnecting and .installing . ' - machinery and the disconnection and reconnection of household appliances; and 7. Property lost, stolen, or damaged during the move when no negligence is shown by the displacee. .- _. ' Note: In special hardship cases, the Planning Director may authorize additional expenditures in order to achieve the overall goals of the CD Program. Fixed Payment Ind Dislocation Allowance _ A family or individual can elect to receive a fixed payment which is based on the number of rooms in the displaced dwelling plus a $200 dislocation allowance. Actual Moving Expense P:~yment . Actual moving expenses may include: 120 4 A. The cost of transporting persons or personal property up to 50 miles supported by paid receipted bills; B. Packing and crating; C. Storage of personal property for up to six (6) months; D. Insurance premiums covering loss:and/or damage of personal property while in • storage or transit; and ` E. Disconnecting and reconnecting of household appliances. F. Moving Expense Moving and storage of all household furnishings will be provided at no expense to the homeowner during the relocation process. This expense shall only include one (1) move from existing dwelling to a central storage location, and one (I) move ' from a central storage location to the relocation dwelling. Due care will be taken __ to protect furnishings during the move; however, the County will not be ~_ responsible for any items lost, siolen, or damaged during this process.' Guidelines for Household Moves i i ' . family is eligible to rece ve mov A displaced individual or ng payments for his/her personal property and family. The relocatee has the option of payment on the basis of actual reasonable moving expenses or a moving expense schedule. If the fixed rate schedule is chosen, the relocatee _ will also be entitled to a dislocation allowance of $200. The dislocation allowance will not apply to those using the actual cost method of moving. The above schedule excludes unfurnished or unused rooms, halls, baths, attics, orches, P . ~ garages, dressing rooms, and utility rooms. However, should a relocatee have sufficient storage in carports, garages, enclosed porches, attics, sheds, basements or utility rooms, the Program Administrator may count one additional room for these, but not to exceed one additional room •~ per residence. r, Civil Rights Enforcement :_ ". The Demolition/Relocation Policy shall be implemented in accordance with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity provisions found at Section 570.904 of the Community Development ~, ~ Block Grant Regulations. Any violations found will be reported to the proper federal authorities. Compliance with Federal Uniform Relocation Act Regul:~tioiis :end North Clrolina CDBG Program Regulations ; All applicable federal and state regulations shall be satisfied, including any required . relocation notices. All such relevant rules and regulations, including, but not limited to Title 24 CFR, are incorporated herein by reference. No person shall be required to move from a displacement dwelling unless comparable replacement housing is available to such person. No person shall be made to waive any required benefit or relocation payment in order to participate in 1 121 a a entitlements hereunder. ~~ Any appeals or complaints concerning the procedures and benefits outlined in this Optional Relocation Benefits Policy Manual shall be in writing~and addressed to 320 Chestnut St., Rm. 403, Wilmington, NC 28401. If complainan>.requires assistance.in writing the complaint, contact the Planning Director for help. Initially, the program Administrator will contact the person making the complaint and attempt to resolve the problem. A written response will be made within ten (TO) working days. . . -r .. } a ;~ a ~~ v ~~ a :~ ..: 122 ~ ~ ~ 6 ~] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 f 1 1 S 1 - -' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 .Additional Item #: Department: Library ~ Presenter: ` ` :~ Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: David Paynter Poets in Person Grant BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Public Library was awarded the Poets in Person grant by the~=American Library Association and ha~.received $1,050 for a five week series of programs on contemporary poetry. This grant application was approved by the County Commissioners February 6, 1995. r .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Please execute associated budget. amendments. .- FUNDI~tG SOURCE: ~ ~ ~-~ Federat $: 1,050 State $: County S: "' ' User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ho IYew Appropriation Request: Yes Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes REVIEWED BY: ; LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANA .R'. OMMENT AND REC-OM NDATIONS•~ 1'f lM~f. ~~ r ~.,, _, ,n Recommend acceptance. of grant and approval of associated budget amendment #95-0051. "~ `±,J . ~^-•-.• fR finch rh 9~ n a.~ ~ - .~ ~yii`Vail a~ 1 Y: Ji~uui.,t4tk.Y..' y~Y~ j4~1~ ~~ ~ 123 ^_~ . _, Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .,; - - A- ~ - _ Budget Amendment ... ~-, • ~ ;B Library ADJUSTMENT UDGET ;AMENDMENT 96-0051 DEBIT # ~E ~ 10/16/95 ~8EI2.IT Library Poetry Grant $1,050 • Contracted Services "% - $750 . ._Books .& Periodicals . • - $300 f • , • ~. . • E .. XPLANATION r_ . '' ' To budget• the Poetry in ~. Residence grant awarded by the Atne`rican Library Association. tp.'.the -NHC Library .for a' five week series of programs o n contemporary poetry. The grant application"was approved by. the Board of Commissioners on February 6, 1995. .. • .. _ . _ .. ~ P~ tJ ~oc~•~~ c~d~~c~~~~s~~~~~s _ . ~/ /: - s - Y `,. ~ Por Budget OtTiccfs approval; then repo""' ' „,1, 24 ~ to Commissioners at ncxt regular mcetin~ , , » ~ ' ~ ~.'a _, /and enterin minutes. V To be approved by Commissioners. . . - To be entered into minute. t t t t s 2 c- a , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' - Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 10 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Tax ~• Presenter: None Required r,~ - Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: -- '~ RECOMMF_,NDED MOTION ANA REQUESTED ACTIONS: I recommend approval of these releases as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in tht; past. - - - ~- ,FUNDING SOURCE: ~~ Federal $: State S: County $: "' ' User Fees S: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepat•ed: '~ REVIEWED BY: , LGL: ~. FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Concur with recommendation of tax assessor. ~PPC~O '~ ~OU~~~"Y C~~~9~ ~9'~S~~~`3E~~ ~~,~..i a/l6_/9,S Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition Consent A ends g October 16, 1995 _ Page 2 _ U The following taxpayers request value adjustments on their property because of conditions that have now been brought to our attention (backup available upon request): Chinnis, Edward H. Jr. 2,360 Noland, John E. 10,100 Request the following late listing penalty be released as the taxpayer certified they mailed their listing on time: Prime Equipment 1,385.81 ('`~ Stewart, James C. 5.69 aw Copy: P. Raynor ~„J Collector of Revenue ~, W. Ward • . Listing Supervisor • P. Susie } Business Auditor . U ' ~ " ... l~ _ ,. _ _ _ ~ ~ L~ • _ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ %~ ,~ ii ~,. ,.m~ ~:.~,t.. , . _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ., REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION .. Meetiag Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 11 ~ Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact:•Patricia Raynor New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF SUMMARY: Collection reports as of September 30, 1995 r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Request approval of these reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past. } Federal $: State S: County S: ~ ~ User Fees'S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: , LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGF_,R'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM ,NnATT(1N4• Recommend acceptance of reports. rP~~/ ~~ ,. : , ~. ~~6~lTY C~~ V~u~~~~~~~v~~~ ~_ ~..~ /~sr 127 Refer to Ofi'icc Vision Bullctin Board forDisposition Ct7~VSENT aGE'VOd GATE=--------- ITEM N0.______ N~N HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS TNRU 09/30/95 CURRENT TAX YEAR r 1995 rws.rwrr.swawrawr~wa.~r~e..w, ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCUVEP.I=S AODEO LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES CHARG;.D ADVEP.TISING FE_S CHARGED LISTITIG PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COIL~CTIONS TO DATE - OUTSTAKDING 3ALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED SACK TAXES rwrrarrrrw1N REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGcS ADDED .. LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES OUE COLLECTIONS TO OATF= OUTSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED - ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS PRIVILEGE LICcNSE COLLECTIONS EMS COLLECTIONS :. AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE irr.nrwrw~.w r.~r w.Rw 47~630~320.15 w $ rwrw~w~w rwr.sr r.r 1~554~602.22 7Z~674.42 10446.98 20,667.70- rrw~~.ror.srrrwrr r - 13~286.89r rrr w S 47682,126.87 S wrrr rrwr rw ~ 1~551~762.31 .00 .00 1T~798.74 - .00 wrow wlurrrMrrw.rr 5~~47~699,925.61~ r $ araawrra~rrwwrrr 1~551~762.31 4~568~563.24- 1~089~784.09- r r r m ~e r ww r rrrr w S 43~131~352.37 r S rI. r r r r~ wNr rrr r 461978.22 9.58X* 70.23~* # 2,463963.85 13855.59 14~855.91r r r r r rr r rr r r r ~~ r # 2~462~963.53 326,135.04- r1~lNrrrYl+rYrrwM W # 2~136~828.49 13.24X SEP 1995 FISCAL YTD MA rr~gVwrrr!~~r 257~9d1.44 r•~~1YrYwrYrrwrw 863~285:b8 2027.50 9363.50 .00 ~ .00 TOTAL f40NEY PROC=SSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEN HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF MII~(INGTON KRIGHTSVILLc B=AGH~ CAROLINA BEACH A[VO KURE BEACH TO GATE - 5~~773~190.23. ~ • THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR 8"cGIN~VING JULY 1~ 1995. , ,R~PECTFUL-LY SUBMITTEO~ Glii'l c.t t~ PATitiCIn J. -~''-- COLLECTOR OF~~VENUc ~ v * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE --. ~ 11.49` 128 r..~~~r~ ~~Y ~~'~red ~~s~~~~~~~~ • C~7NSEVT AGENDA ' . GATE=~ ------ . ITcM NO.------ _~_ " NEH HANOVER COUNTY FIR'c DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 09/30/95 CURRfNT TAX YEAR ~ 1995 ':. AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE _ _ r . r ~ ^r wwwrr ORIGINAL TAX~L SCROLL EVY PER 1~049~185.10 $ 38~251.39 S DISCOVERIES ADOEO 2753.65 325.85 LASS ABATEMENTS 374.93w 370.77 . TOTAL TAXES CHARGcD _ _ ~ r1~051~563.82 $r....r 38206.47 ` LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 330.39 .00 ,TOTAL LEVY ~ n~~rrwrwr..rrrrr~ ~ 1~051~894.21 wrrr~rwrw~rrrrrr S 38206.47 COLLECTIONS TO DATc ~ 118905.30- 27~864.18- DUTSTA~JOING 3AL`ANCE r~rrrrrrrrrrrrw. S 932988.91 rww~rrrrrrwrrrr S 10342.29 ~, PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 1.1.309~~ 72.93# t Bi+CK TAXES rrr ra ~rwro ~ " REAL cSTATE AN0 PERSONAL• PROPERTY ~ 44*873.72 CHARGES ADDED- ~ 1416.94 LESS ABATEMENTS 334.b8r rw r rrrr rr r r rr r r TOTAL TAXES OUE ~ S 45*955.98 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 7~881.97r ww r r~ s~ rw r rr r r+ OUTSTANDING BALANCE ; 38074.01 .PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 17.15X THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1995. ~SPECTfULLY SUBMITTED ~ ~-} ~ ~ COLLECTOR O ,REVENUE # COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE 13.469: r ~~~@~:~. ~# r't ~ ~.^y ."R ~~U~~~ ~~~,~ ~ ~ ~~~e~~~a~~~~~~ 129 t ' E ./'i ~ ' CONSENT ~. Budget Amendment Item #12A ~__. \• 'u` \ \~ v, •. ••• • ~`..'~",...'` ~~ "ACC :`~ \\"; ' A• ~ •...q • •~\• v' •.~:\ .Z.. • •.~..1\ ,ate .` \ w..•., •. ~...a.ti•. •.i \ \ \ • \ \ • iw~•~i~'~'ia~~~~~ \\ v. \•: \~\\ ~\\ •~ \~ ~~ ~~ e.•.cs\•`:: •. \. '~GV ~\\ •yy•c.::.'\.• cam ~i ~ne o`~\h•'~~,a~ Wl'3.~~~\~\ \ • ~~~~~~lJiAl:~~,~\~.a~~:a.~1i\Zn.u.aw..~l~.ati.... `•\~3' `v~\..w~.wlaa\\'~'~\1.~..oY.dw.. \,~'\\.1~~~~1d~. \ ~: I v . j~PARTMENT $UDGET"AMENDMENT # j~g~ Fire District 96-0052 10/16/95 , General Fund/ , Engineering Dept. ~ • ADJUSTMENT QE~~ CREDIT • ' Fire District • ~' Emergency Measures ~ $2,000 Transfer to General Fund ~ •$2,000 .General_ FLnd/ • Fng;ine~ i ng Dg~~tmenG ~' Transfer In from Fire 2 000 t $ , •' District) ~` •• z . Building ~ $2,000 ~• ,~ ... ,~ . EXPLANATION Transfer of funds from the Fire .District to the General Fund/Engineering Department to fund a portion of the ost of t the building to be located at the new communicat' tower site . .• ' • . C. ' ~l ~ ~ ;,~, ,,~n~~r~ n ~~~'~ ~ ~. • 131 ~~~~~~ ~,,~~rtv~~~~~~~~ For Budget Officer's approval; then report ' _~ ~„ to Commtssioncrs at next regular meeting 1:~~~ .~ ~°/-~6s. g~~~ // } and enter in mtnutcs. ~ i ' !` ~L,_ To be approved by Commissioners: To be entered Into minutes. CONSENT Budget Amendment Item ~#12B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ , DEPARTMENT EUDGET~'AMENDMENT # I2~E Fire Service District/ 96-0059 10/16/95 . 800mhz Capital Project ADJUSTMENT 2 • T ~~~ E~.~ j - ~ SREDI .' Fire Service District, Administrative Reserve $57,570 r ~° Transfer to Capital $57,570 Projects (800mhz) 8OOmhz cax~ital Project Transfer In -(from Fire $57,570 ~` Service ,District) Rent $57, 570 .,., ,~ . u - ~ ' ... • EXPLANATION ~- # To budget additional funds for~the 800mhz Capital Project (approved by the Board of Fir Commissioners on September 27, 1995). ~. -~ ~~~~~~~ ~n 1~q For Budget Officer p~~ov I; thrn report ~~~s°~~~ CS~rba~,~~~~~~4J'~U~~~ to Commissionerse~r~larmeetin ,, _ ~~~ 1 d / ~b ~~1 ~ ~~~ ~[ g / and enter in minute vv vvvv . - , _ ( ,_ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. seconded. Discussion was held regarding contents inr the vehicle and their' necessit . It was noted Y that the vehicle is in bad shape (rusted,. mechanical [major]. problems, etc). The County garage has recommended that It be taken out of service in light of a safety perspective. Dr. Sisson commented on the poor appearance of the vehicle due to rust and old age. Motion carried with one abstention. f; Ad ini~trative Ite s~ 800mhz Capital Project: Dan Summers stated that to meet the requirements of the Local Government Fiscal Control Act, potential interest expense funds- must be included in the 800mhz Capital Project account. Project delays and certain equipment requirements forced some increase in the project price. Additional funds under the Fiscal Control Act for interest expense must be identified. The maximum interest expense must be budgeted. It is estimated that approximately 520,000 of the required 557,569.64 is all that will be needed. This allocation for contingencies will allow for the immediate order of the 800mhz Radio System. Interest earned from the unused balance of the ~800mhz project account, tower rental revenue, and balloon payments wilt significantly reduce the estimated interest expense charged against the administrative reserve account. All unused funds will be returned at the end of the project. Dan Summers requested a transfer of funds from Administrative Reserve in the amount of $57,569.64 to meet the local, government requirement. Discussions. were held regarding amount of interest to be generated by the 5800,000, tower rental, City and other agencies buy-in process, and the no-charge for other fire agencies. Dr: Sisson stated that the consolidated government will assume debts and will possibly reimburse the fire district fund, .instead of charging the agencies. Motion was made to approve expenditure request and .transfer funds In: the amount of $57,569.64 from Administrative Reserve to meet the Local Government Fiscal Control Act interest expense requirement. Motion was seconded and carried. Engineering: Funds are requested to provide additional lightning and surge protection for the 800mhz tower building. These costs are being matched with the General Fund This will allow for additional equipment protection for the 800mhz radio system ~in Tight of recent lightning strikes. County Engineering and Property Management asked for 52,000 for wiring, grounding & bonding to reassure protection of the system. County personnel will be doing the work, but Motorola is providing~supervision at no charge. Motion made by Mic Bianco to authorize .the expenditure of x2,000 for additional lightning and surge protection for the 800mhz tower building. Motion was seconded by Chuck Ray and mot~n carried, ~ . Fire Service District/Professional Services; Approval requested for professional services regarding VFD financial software and the development of a wide area PC network. Mr. Wayne Graham, Graham Consulting, submitted a letter which was handed out. Recommendation by Dan Summers is to do a hardware and, software assessment and standardize the department to meet requirements (set up quicken, incident reporting system; e-mail, etc).. -Dan Summers, suggested bringing Mr. Graham in to establish a baseline of what is needed for implementation. Discussion was held about the types of software he would be looking at. Dan Summers stated•he will be`looking at software presently being used and software desired,' including the software ,Dan Stahl'' refereed to from the. Conference in Louisville. . Motion made by Mic Bianco to approve~,the expenditure request Ln the amount of 53,260.00 for Graham Consulting. Motion seconded by Dan Stahl'and motion carried. ', ~ It (I ~' - ~~ 3 '--' M~~~s 9.-27-95 ~ ~r ~ - 3 _ ,~ O C NIlVIISSION ~ NEw sANOVER courrrY FniE o • REQUEST FOR EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION • r. FIRE DEPARTMENT• 800mhz Capital Project DATE OF.REQOEST 9/25/95 DATE RECEIVED 9 25/95 This is a request to spend $ 57,569.64.. As needed u. on com letion of Motorola Contract Tern When. will expenditure take place? p P- TYPE OF EXPENDITURE REPAIRS ~ CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CAPITAL-ADDITIONAL FACILITY ®OTHER Interest Expense• Contingency DESCRIPTION: To meet the requirements of the Local~Government Fiscal Control Act, potential interest expense funds must be included in the 800mh~ Capital Project account. Project delays and certain equipment requirements forced some increase in the project price. Additional funds under the Fiscal. Control Act for interest expense • It is estimated must be identified. The maximum interest expense must be budgeted. HOW WILL THIS EXPENDITURE BENEFIT THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY •~FIRE SERVICE? This allocation for contingencies will allow•for the immediate order of the 800mhz ..Radio System.• Interest earned from the unused balance of the 800mhz project account, tower rental revenue, and balloon payments will significantly reduce the estimated interest expense charged against the administrative reserve account. 1.. ESTIMATED ECONOMIC LIFE IS 25 YEARS. 800mhz system COST ESTIMATE : ...: DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER. ~ AMOUNT Transfer Funds from Admin strative Reserve r•• -~ '..$57,569.64 ~ • '• i ,. . ATTACH ALL SUPPORT INFORMATION, INCLUDING ALL QUOTATIONS. TOTAL COST: $ 57,569.64 ' REQUEST PREPARED. BY Dan Summers PHON NUMBER 341-4300 APPROVED BY FIRE COMMISSION 4 ~7, S ' AT ); ( RMAN, FIRE COMMISSION) - - .O .MOTOROLA /NC, ~ r~r~c~t ,~, - ~c~ L EQUIPMENT ~4SE SCHEDULE • EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE NO. DATED Pursuant to Master Lease Agreement (STIC 214) dated as of (the "Lease") between Motorola Inc. ("Lessor")hand New Hanover County (''lessee': ~ _ ' Lessor hereby agrees to lease to lessee and Lessee hereby agrees 161ease from Lessor the ilefisb( Equipment described below under and pursuant to the Lease and the additional terms and conditions stated herein. Words and phrases not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned ,thereto in the Lease. 1. Description of Equlpment. Listed below is a description of the items of Equipment to be leased pursuagl to the Lease and this Equipment _. Schedule, the Lessor's Cost thereof and the amount of each installment of Basic Renl thereof. - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT TOTAL LESSOR COST ~ .Equipment List .Attached. '14' $797,423.00 l._1 THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN PRE•AUDITED TOTAL MoNTH~Y BASIC RENT ~! IN THE MANNER REQUIRED: BY THE- LOCAL ~ - U GOVERNMENT AND FISCAL C/ TROL ACT. ~ ~ ed 8S t0 fc~rnlCo(~~y Attorney • ~_~~'• ``~ ~ - ~, ~~rt`~- ~.~::~t"~'A~. $53,443.29 .. 2. Origlrial Term. The Term of the Lease for each item of Equlpment shall commence on the Delivery Date (asset forth below) and. shall continue ' ;- ' until the Expiration Oate for such item of Equipment (as set forth below). 3. Basic Rent Dates. Basic Rent for the Original Term for the items o[ Equipment shall be payable by Lessee in _ 16 consecutive _t;onthl y - Installments, commencing on N_ ovember 1 , 1995 in the amounts set forth above. Each payment ot,Basic.Rent shall be due and payable on the first day of each Month _ .. 4. Casualty Value. The Casualty Value for each item of Equipment durlrig tha Original Term of the Lease shall be all rents accrued and unpaid in addition to the net present value of all remaining basic rents which would have otherwise have occurred discounted at 6~ib per annum from the relevant dale plus 10°/b. .- j~'j )N~tr 0 lion. Provided no Event of Default has occurred and Is continuing, Lessee shall have the ( 1LJ1 r ght to purch « .less than all, of the items o eyed by this Equipment Schedule, at a price equal lo` p es 11 an . rve lessor written notice of such election at least 90 days prior to the end of the Original Term of the lease. Payme t be made'on such dale in cash al the place of payment specified in Section 2.3 (b) of the Lease a ai a ill of sate Iransterrin and assn in and to the items of E ui g II right, title and interest of Lessor ased and containing a warranty against hens claimed by, through or un uch sale shalt be on an " re-is" basis without representation or warranty, express or Implied; as 1o the condition of such Items• of Equip matters. 6. Installation location: All items of Equipment covered by this Equipment Schedule will be located al: _ New Hanover County .Law Enforcement Center, 20 N 4th St , Wilmington, NC 28401 -~ r . - 7. Expiration Date. The Expiration Oate for all items of Equlpment covered by this Equipment Schedule is X _ e. Delivery Date. All items of Equipment were/wilf be delivered to Lessee on•.7anua"ry 1996 ~- 9. Acceptance of Equlpment. Lessee acknowledges and agrees the execution of this. Equipment Schedule shall constitute an acceptance of the Equipment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Equipment Schedule to be executed by their respective officers or employees thereunder duly authorized as of the day and year set forth above. MOTI~Q~; (LESSOR) New a er Count ~' 1 'VV (LESSEE) ey e` . ~ Q ~~_ • r its ~ Its C ~r~r ~~ra . _ • ~ '. . ~ - ~ Motorola, lnc. , ' ~` ~ 800 MHz Trunked; Radio System- Equipment ListYPricing September~,2Z, 1995 ~` ,.ew Hanover County _ North Carolina Model Description ,.. _ Item _ Flemington Site: ~ 1 75272 ~ SmartNet Five Channel Trunked Radio System including: ~. SmartNet Central Controller Trunked Console Interface Centralized Telephone Interconnect Terminal SmarlNet 11~ Spares ,• Console Interface Spares '' t;entraf Controller Service Kit i . 3 Channel Telephone Line Interface ' „~~ V.3225 Modems Punchblocks, Cables, Assorted Hardware Quantro Trunked Repeaters, 150 Wari with Console Priority D8564K•TT 14 d8 Directional Antenna (Transmit) D8564K•TR 14 dB Directional Antenna (Receive) Polyphaser ISCTSOHN•MA Lightning Arrestor Polyphaser ISDC50LNZ•MA Lightning Arrestor ,~' WJD860•tOS Combiner • RM43020•TTB Multicoupler with Pie-Amp 208/120 VAC, 3 Phase, 4 Wire, Site Surge Protector • LOF7.50A 1 5/8" Feedline (630 tt); Connectors, Hangers, Ground Kits, 8 Associated Hardware LDFS•SOA 7/8" Feedline (600 h), Connectors, • Hangers, Ground. Kits, 8 Associated Hardware ~~ LT4-SOT 112' High Temp. Feedline (20 ft) Connectors & Associated Hardware • 1/2" LOF Jumper Cables ' Connectors 8 Associated Hardware Installation 8 Associated Services . Console Upgrade Equipment: Trunked Interface ~ • Trunked RIMS - 16Track logging Recorder Interface ~; Installation 8 Associated Services Radio Progremming/Service Accesories: - ~• ~ t Programming Access Key Software Spectra RSS Software MTS2000 RSS Software . • • ~,~ Quantro Field .Programming Software Centracom Series II Field PROM Programming Software Radio Interface Box. Cables & Accessories EPROM Programmer/Eraser installatioNMaintenance Modules MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY Duanti 1- 1 1 1 . :. 1 4 • 1 Lot 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 lot 1 Lot t 6 1 • 1 Lot 1. 1 1 1 1 Total Fixed End Equipment Cost: 5526,17 137 Current List Superceds Any Previous list ..•• Model Descri lion Duanti ~ Item , Mobite Units: 26 SmartNet SPECTRA'C9" Mobile: 35 Watt, 800 MHz Installation. Programming ~ Associated Services .~ ~ Mobile•Unit Cost: t ~ C 33.346 S86,995 : os ` Mobilo Unit Total 12 SmartNet SPECTRA'C9" Mobile, 35 Watt. 800 MHz, Rear Control 12 40' Cable - Installation, Programming 8 Associated Services Mobile Unit Cost: 54,409 552'908 Mobile Unit Total Cost: - ~ y 1 SmartNerSPECTRA'C9" Mobile, 35 Watt,•800 MHz, Rear Controf .•• Installation, Programming Lip Associated Services Mobile Unit Cost: ~ 54.321 54,321 obila Unit Tolal,l:ost: . M SPECTRA'C9" Mobile, 35 Wari, 800 MHz, Reap Control 4 1 1 SmartNet - • 50' Cable ` Installation, Programming 8 Associated Services- Mobilo Unit Cost: ' 54.425 S4 42: Total Cost: Mobila Unil ` ' - ~•• 1 SmartNet SPECTRA'C9" Mobile, 35 Watt, t300.MHZ, Secure Equipped:,.: Installation, Programming 1f Associated Services h Mobite Unit Cost:. t: l C 54,09 `~ S4 09~ ' os Mobile Unit Tota Portable Units: _ r' _ 58. MTS2000 Model I Portable Unit including:. - " ' Leather Swivel Case with 2.S Belt Loop Remote Speaker/Microphone (Noise Cancelling) „ Enhanced Single Unit Rapid Desk Charger ` Programming & Checkout - MTS2000 Model I Unit Cost: t 52,190 t~'1 6127 0~ ~ : MTS2000 Model I Total Cos .. ~.; ' - .. 138 • ~ Current List Superceds Any Previous L'L MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL. PROPRIETARY Item Model• • .. Quanti ,.-Descri tin .,•.,._ MTS2000 Model III Portable Unit including: t 5 Leather Swivel Case with 2.5" Belt loop Remote SpeakedMicrophone (Noise Cancelling) Enhanced Single Unit Rapid Oesk Charger Programming ~ Checkout _ ' MTS2000 Model III Unit Cpst: tal Cost: l III T S S2,740 541 100 `~' o 2000 Mode MT , ~± MTS2000 Model .III Portable Unit including: ~ Secure Equipped leather Swivel Case with 2.5" Belt Loop ~~ Remote Speaker/Microphone (Noise Cancelling) Enhanced Sincie Unit Rapid Desk Charger • .- ProgramLing 8 Checkout - _ MTS2000 Model III Unit Cost: $3x489 •~ MTS2000 Model III Total Cost: S3,489 Control Stations: . : 8 n includin ti l St g a o SmartNet SPECTRA "CS", 840 MHz. 15-Watt, Contro 08493, 6 d8 Yagi Antenna LDFSJ4.508, t:2" Superilex Cable (800 h) ,~ Connectors. Ground Kits & Associated Hardware ^ •` feedline 8 AC Surge Protectors ~ 8 Tone Remote Adapters Installation ~ Associated Services • Control Station Unit Cost: Cost: tio l S 54,635 S37 080 ta n Contro } ~~' • SmartNet SPECTRA 'CS", 800 MHz• 15 Watt, Control Station including: 1 ~ Secure Equipped -- ~ , 08493, 6 d8 Yagi Antenna - LOFSJ4•S0B, 1/2" Superilex Cable (100 tt) Connectors, Ground Kits & Associated Hardware -• ~~ ~ Feedline 8 AC Surge Protectors ~ Tone Remote Adapter Installation & Associated Services ~~ Control Station Unit Cost: 55,384 Control Station Cost: ` Conventional Low Power Repeater: } • ~_ DeskTrac Repeater (800 MHz. 10 W) 1 '~. Front Panel local Control •• RSS for DeskTrac 5 d8 Omni Antenna (Note: Ooes Not Include Line/Accessories) ~` - Conventional Low Power Repeater Unit Cost: 54,435 Conventional Low Power Repeater Cost: x,43 ~~ • 139 MOTORO~ CONFIDENTIAL PROPRfETARY .Current List Superceds Any Previous List . ..•, COST SUMMARY Fixed Equipment Subtotal Mobile Unit Subtotal • Model 1 Portable Unit Subtotal •, Model III Portable Unit Subtotal Control Station Subtotal Conventional Low Power Repeater LESS: Lump System Discount TOTAL SYSTEM COST (Not Including NC Sales Tax) 140 MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY 6 170 S52 , • 5152,745 { ' 5127,020(__(k 544,589 542,464 .• ~~~ (5100,000) • 5797,423 L! r .~ . - .. a Current fist Superceds Any Previous Lis 1 1 1 ®MOTOROLA, 1NC. New Hanover County Proposal for North Carolina MASTER LEASE FINANCING OPTIONS OPTION ONE -Add Trunkina S ystem to Existing Rental Agreement Equipment Balance: $797,423.00 Financing Term: 16 Months Payment Frequency: Monthly • Payment Structure: Arrears . _ ~ Lease Factor. 0.06702 Payment: 53,443.29 ,~l)ALIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS. This proposaf fs for financing only and is subject to the following: • The first payment for the financing option will be added to the existing Master Lease Agreement the next billing cycle after contract execution. The Lease Factor and Payment above assume a contract execution of September `~~ 27, 1995, and a first payment date of October 1, 1995. Any variation to these dates will cause a change in the Lease Factor and Payment amount. ~. Note: NC Sales Tax is not included in financing cost. t ~` 141 MOTOROLA CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY Motorola Financing Options ~. • Tl:is page intentionally left blank .._ -142 _ ~ ~ ~ / /~ .~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ^r ~ Meeting Date: 10/16/95 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 13 Additional Item #: .Department: Governing Body .• Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell .' t SUBJECT: NC DOT Road Additions , `~ ~ ~ - BRIEF SUMMARY: . ~ ~ ~' ~ Adopt resolution(s) adding the. following roads to the State Highway System: r c_ Archer~Drive & Barlow Court in Oxford Place Subdivision- r ~` Brandy Court .. r '~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt resolution(s) ~` r ,~ / r F~~1,G SOURCE: v _ Federal $: ~. State $: County $:~ User Fees $: Other S. ~; Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: . •' ~y; REVIEWED BY: , LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: f ~; Recommend adoption of resolutions. . ~i F • /;~~ ,~ ~~~g`'•.L 143 ~~.~1 ~ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition J' ~~ -- ~-~ NORTH CAROL~(A STATE DEPARTiv1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . PETITION REQUEST FOK{CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) . PAVnvc ( ) . ~ MAINTENANCE IMPROVE,~NT (~ ) f _ We the undersigned, being property owners on ARCHER DRIVE & BARLOW COURT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in' NEW HANOVER county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. ~ • We further advise that the road requested to ADD . is .Ol miles in length and at the present time there are 1 I occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. 1~tnally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum constnsction~standards required by the Division of I_rghways. This right- of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way' for cut and fill slopes;and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road.intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of 1-Fighways. REi~tARKS ~ - ~ • • ~. .. Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. } 0?CFORD PLACE SUBDIVISION ~ . ~ PROPERTY OWNERS NAtiTE _ ~ - ~ - -lVG1ILING ADDRESS - ~~ TELEPHONE .t The Division of Hrghways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~ .. .. JAMEY WOOTEN .. u ~_ ~ _ L.ANDhI~-RK ORG.i-NIZAT;<ON, IlVC. . '1(2~rr`ir~5 ~I .. P.O. BOX 4127. ! _ ~ L t1 U L: WII,~IINGTON, NC 28406 ~ • ~ s 9~ .. ... (910) 392-7201• .. ~"~~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. ` ' w -~ ~ ;, ;~ .1..44 - ~ ~..1 ~. ~ .•. j ~~ ~ ° ~~ ~ - ~' .. ~. - ;:~ - N' '~ °~ • o I.r[rTVO<TN ct ~ . t111 J ~ •1C Z t T1104 GT. Z' ~ ~~J , .y. jr~~ ~ * 3.1[uaw tt. 9 ~ o °~ ~~r[ n ~ 4 3. uurao et l9 l~ ' ~ i~ ~ ` :1?d ira I `: 'T~ l•rNMCT°M TL~1YC[ ~LLJJJ A, • ~ cr 7 •. •r•MNLL[ r0. J ~~~ , frO fwtG wo G.X.•q P wJ D ° r. I•rM•M o+. ~ ~ + / ~ 4, o-r~rTN[ ra ~ pF~r. d - ;~'~' ran a+D : ;tf 'C•~ C'J~r MO =.,~ ~[y. ~0+;,.d ^ ty~'.,~t • ~[ ~Cr~[Iw< Gorr cT ~SZ "~ ~~ f~•o. ~ ow'2 y' 9 r"°"ry • oart[T d TI.Tw ~ ~' .Q ~, °T owrT' [' 4 ~ /fit ~~ 'P' cw ! ~. ~.f 3 a~• roop ~ 'mac '4f • 4' .c a4 d y a G Q -• T 4, i .+ ' ff V. 5a /ti ~°CrDr 4 Cw /~ f ~ • ,yf t , [ S 4q' ~~.. ~.~ n'Tll % .[ ~ Flu `" • W... 't ~'Ett ~ rc . °c°[r' _ ~.[ 05"0 ~ aT 1 b /~' ruu Y• •.• ~ G[[ a c ~ ~` ul i • UAR. d0 4 e ,~' C ~ :~ h•i Owt MWOOA^TOl ¢ of C~t~p •~`r = f • ~~.o+ 4.,,~.cr g w ~••. ~~7r yyz q = rr yf + I fa •~ i•~o d ~. ~ as ° ~ V ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ f ~. ~i C s ~G~cr. omv[ ~ I •~~ Fw ~ ~ r y. o r'01[711 ~, ~ ~ 'O • F , •[ O ( ~ .~ • C •° ~ ~~* IrTN 3T. [[T[M. rG~t Y ~ + 4 0 0 +_ ~- J / ~ ~ ° Qo to ~ 7.,.b ~ ~ ~: ,d" A'f .~ °L~4 ~ ^ t'hTf. Qs e.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f.T.u o.lv[ J Q h rc• ° s '~~.ye ~' • o `~s~.yC yr ~ .orTr~a+i• 1.. ~[GGr a ,~5 rC• ~ I~ Cj~ p~ • ~ ± o • - 41y ~T*M a.a[ .., oe[ otL..r d +d~, O ° ~ T W Yt •~~, ~~ .. • : ~ 3 U ~. t /. ~y.° :t ~ `^+ a ~'bf[ •+R nii< [ur<.a 4 .. J ~ . _ ~ °[[• -ter ' ~ ~ f d r ~ t••fao & 4 X . ~ • ~[q'-. "mot c'r ~•~' ~ ~ ~ r• [• o ~~' . L[1T~. J o ~v, ~'+[ ~+4 [ 1•o•wro+o e., // wrT[rurfr t•,r ~~~ prrv[ ~ f f 4 4•T 1< f•wn~r TOrr [ ~ q4+IV ~ - `. +~+V }w f ~4 l ~rITL I.~f Cou.T '_ ml~f I[,~a Gr ~ 4 ~+ (~{• ~ ~ 1. f`O,-1 f..++P/ OnAT w~rrcU IrIC+[~~r1• '~ r / •T • ~ 4 ri<Tl1 OOK GDU•T ~' Gou<T G°u•T d / i of c: •.."e G• w,t ~'y ' •~ "[' 46'•[w • t G r<N4p _ M Iota f- ~ t~~'T o. i ~.C„DrCC ttKar 41[4 4 r V ).• 1 /~ ~w ~Y / / r' +'r K ~' iwirT ou.c a. - ~~~lll a• - r l'n i, T. i G r•D f. Gi or ipx[ ~ •~~ _.1 F r ~411Vf ~ /, p ~ s 4 ~ ~ .. c r• r ~4[rD~i Nr T +~ [ 4 l r C • J - ~ ~ °wP ~' '~ o° °[l,3 a ~T~ O G~ Jf ~ d~C C ~ ~4V11 yV d.. 9C YET e0 GM Z ~ ~ ~ ~• 7 t ~{~ ' O rOb r^'+ ~f ~ 4 V.~ ~+4r ~S` ~ j~ ~D I.r[ } ~ ~ [ •D F] ~ ~ G? ~~fr• ~.4 ' z al ~ 4 4 3 d ~ ~ ff ~~ ao4b•O C/ •~ ~ t0 ~ _ Via, v i •~ • r // /~/~i! / of 0J~!'=vrmr• ~ rTa o•< cou.T _. ,._ . _ . ` ~ _ .... .._. _ .. ~ _ _... .. _. _.__- ~1~ .~ . _ . .. ~, a ' ~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ` ~ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina . -. County of New Hanover. Petition request for (check one): Addition to tate System O .. Paving (~ .. ~ ' ' Maintenance Improvement O We the undersigned, being property .owners on i'C~. . (7~~r ~<<~ lU.v~ L~U l5 ~ r. (Describe or give local nam or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby. request. the Division of Highways of the ' Department of Transportation to tP (' AI„~~('t ~ the above-described road. . INe further advise that the road .requested to U 2: i ~' files in length.. and at the present time there are ~_ occupie homes°located the road and having entrances into the road. .~ Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the. road •to the -minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the .road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage.. Also,. we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the Public road intersections for,. -sight distance and design purposes' and to execute said right=of-way agreement forms that will ' be submitted to us by representatives of-the Division of Highways. ` REMARKS r Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. a4~ ~ _ Revised Form SR 1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. I 1 " ~ PROPERTY OWNERS •, •, . NAME ~ ~ • 'MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE...' The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~ . J ~ ~ va.1c.:c~ "r • Q~. 1 ~ ..: e. L.TTK[ CL YILLRe G~ / Y MC yan•r oR ~'~ ~ [''e x ~ ~ c ~ //~ g ^ wcs- oR. ~ , . _ cs 8 Iwo :1MeM M!. y y,, u~~ o~ i o / ')RECS. LN. ~ Cp1e CL/ ~ d y ul S ! GR SSO'It I: < A4 q.t ~ Ay • ~' O NG RO• ~• . R K~RR w•K N r0rrr I>, cxroer oR e'.I' ~ srwn S , e<°RCM 117 ~O R ,- f. KRT i. N.R/FT- ~f ~ ~ IY , y O O 4! f•~ ° ~ ~• r -• t ^C%a14y"t e - t euxe RR7 Ibl ~, <y OR. O 4~, ~~ RLS•6iwR7 ' C DL`.lUw+ . ~, f R °'•y~D w °+ sp/rw~rc a ~ . f [[ f ~ ~` r ' ~ I Jq.,yp. fits J 4. `~ .va;~N•cc • • • :..c [ t! cgw Ow „ ~ ` .T w0 ifr^JK ~ ~•t RJ a~~~ / 1' ~ ~ ~~ ) ~ ~ R 'D ~ J~J• .. ~ ~ ...to ° ~ o / ~• C Nt~itir ~ J• i~ ' t 'd~ o i J y' ~ t L 6~ pC.l1Y V<t•MM°Sr ° ) . New Hanover ' ..r. ~~t, .~; "• °" `°'e° ! <, u , ^~, ;~~ International Airpo t - `' ''~ _ ""~ s ~w~t• a ° •.•es / •" . .~ / Cosa ~ ''' a+ . // of ~~ 11 / // ~j • ? ~ t sMt`w ~ • ^•efrvoC~y~•~'1•~~~ .~ cf p _ C / ~ /r_ / // / A w..t o• ii ~ ~ r, to rr~ / i ~ / / YJN N p ~ y p C `~) '2r r eCrl~iro / b„ Y ~ / ~ .7E // s R / ;~ I/ /~ Sy ~ ~ Brae = / s ~'rr/// -~ ~ 1 •`.•• (/ '°t ~/ _ / ~ /i ~ `1 _ - ~ I4 r =~iilY < ~ I't CL Cl 3TONC pR, 1 • r • 2-rtee~c Cr. ~.., ~G e ' q w'' :c- ° c° s-w.uac :r. s °R' °'sr v r: rrwfr[R ~ ' r : •Q~ >, p g ~ r ~~ ~ T yA° t~ ~~ c~ li _ < s y ~o)e wor.e. t,tCR)ON ~)[cN'••t w r ty L ~. ., _ '' U ~ )rwC [T •[D y y ! y = r O~ )J[I y 1 V ~ I•L MI = s `~ rR.~ et. 8Q t J ° let~R eR. _ - ~ ~ • wcv.r y .ri - ytRCWtre ter[ i • -~`~ _ !• o / / o •)rrwa wlt. t ~ cq~.~ 2atncr~•e .` V i yy cwtn 4R. 4 yiD• 44 • 4 NN y wv4 w., ~ E / iy = t' [' ~, ~~ ~olc ~ ~.ouc Kr.an . _o $ r c COtwe:: + •_ ~ ~ ~ r 4 ~ •~urawc °~ ~t .~ bnrc aNc .. ~ Rr)OICT .•y ~~. `` , o o ` ;; +• .. M N R SC+ r ! zti ~ A•~.y x~ ~ ' r1 y [~~ • y'~SNiwC< •C 2 / ~ J ~°•er) -~ p~G- ~ •f1•`t // +`r ~• 4 ~'jJ` ° z i+L < )lvD. '' o • CrIY ~D ~ ~ ° i i c'~re.ts s t<I• u ~r -~ `yy ~ ~.~ ,y hit ° d1 < a ~~ ~~ ,~ a L r :, c. .:~, .~ CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE STUDY THE MAIN GOALS OF THIS STUDY ARE: • TO DETERMINE CURRENT C&D WASTE STREAM PRACTICES; • TO DETERMINE ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF REDUCTION/REUSE/RECYCLING/DLSPOSAL OF C&D WASTE AND COSTS OF THOSE ALTERNATIVES, INCLUDING CONSIDERATION OF THE COMBUSTION - OF THE BURNABLE FRACTION OF THE C&D WASTE STREAM AT THE EXISTING COUNTY WASTE-TO-ENERGY FACILITY (CALLED WASTEC); AND • TO RECOMMEND A PROGRAM fOR IMPLEMENTATION IN THE COUNTY. j M~IQM~C~I:EED .~ i t N - .. - ss ~ FILL NAlER1AL FROM / OM .37E SOURCES . /~/ -_ - . li`.<' ` ~ ~ ,~ -~ I.~ ~' ~ .1. 11 - ~, 1 ~ ~ ( , ( ~' ~ `~ , ~,.~ \ ` ~. \', PROPOSED iN7EGRATID' 1U \ \ lY CAD wASTE/MRF FAC Ff ELEV. 48.0' . 1_ ~ E)0. f w ' , ~ \ \ '- ~. ~`\ ~ '. `\ ~ ~` i ~, 1 1 1 '1 ;, '.~ ` , ~ ` \ , ~ ', \. __ - . _- -_ - __ ; ~\. -- -- --- _ ~-- ~ ~ / ~ . . - - . r ~ _ ._ . ` ~-- r ,. _ , ~. : J T .~ 10 - -- N F~~ MST .~ er+ar~ms • nRCwrECS • s~+~roRs Table VIF-10. CS~D Facility Life-Cycle Cost Estimates--Base. Case FY Year 1996 2001 2006 1 Annual Debt, $ 229,000 108,000 2 Operating Costs, $ a. Labor, $ 298,005 345,469 400,494 b. 0&M 58,916' 68,300 79,178 c. Residual Disposal 197,.191 217,715 240,375 d. Burnables Disposal 128,342 1'34,889 141,769 Subtotal, Operating Costs, $ 682,454 . 766,373 861,816 3 Contingency @ 10% (D+O&M) 91,145 87,437 86,182 4 Total, Debt/O&M, $ 1;002,599 961,810 947,008 5 Material Revenues, $ 518,108 544.,537 572,314 6 Net Cost, $ 484,491 417,273 375,684 7 Net Cost, $/Ton 19.38 16.69 15.03 M~T~IM~CREED y Table 7. Total MRF -.Based Revenue Projections FY Year 1996 2001 2006 Newsprint, tons/year 4,054 5,115 5,115 Newsprint, total revenues, $ 266,145 352,929 370,932 Cardboard, tons/year 558 3,350 5,584 Cardboard, total revenues, $ 56,358 355,609 622,989 Other paper, tons/year 549 3,296 5,494 Other paper, total revenues, $ 27,725 174,939 306,474 Glass, tons/year 2,252 2,955 2,971 Glass,. total revenues, $ 45,490 62,725 66,293 PETE, tonslyear 323 522 629 PETE, total revenues, $ _ 97,869 166,081 210,527 HDPE, tons/year 313 427 474 HDPE, total revenues, $ 47,420 68,054 79,324 Aluminum,. tons/year 162 269 342 Aluminum; total revenues, $ 163,620-. ~ 285,549 .381,559 ferrous, tonslyear 45 90 180 Ferrous, total revenues, $ 1.,815 3,821 8,033 Total Tons 8,256 16,032 20,789 Total Revenues, $ 706,445 1,469,708 2,046,130 Average Revenues/Ton, $ 85.57 91.72 98.42 M~~I&C~I:~ED :~. Table 11. Opinion of Probable Life-Cycle. Costs for Integrated C&D/MRF Facility FY Year 1996 2001 2006 1 Tons Received: C&D Waste 25,000 25,000 25,000 Commingled Recyclables 8,256 16,023 20,780 . Subtotal 33,256 41,023 45;780 2 Annual Debt, $ 1993 Bonds 229,000 108,000 0 New Financing 225,000 225,000 0 Subtotal 454,000. 333,000. 0 3 Operating Costs Labor 602,000 697,883 809,038' O&M 180,000 257,250 334,500 Residue Disposal C&D 197,.191 217,715 240,375 -MRF 15,307 29,707 38,526 Subtotal 994,498 . 1,202,555 1,422,439 4 Contingency @ 15% (D+O&M) 217,275 230,333 213,366 5 Total Cost 1,665,772 1,765;888 1,635,805 6 Material Revenues C&D 518,108 544,537 572,314 -MRF 706,445 1,469,707 2,046,130 Subtotal 1,224,553 2,014,245 2,618,444 7. Net Cost, $ (Line 4-Line 5) 441,219 (248,357) {982,639) 8 Net Cost, $/Ton ~ $13 {$6) ($21) M~T~I~C~ZF~ED v~~ ;, Proposed Material Recovery/Buy-back Facility .Presentation County Commissioners October 16, 1995 Introduction Good morning .... This morning, the Environmental Management staff requests approval to .proceed with a proposal to utilize $1.4 million remaining from a 1993 special. bond issue for the purpose of establishing a Material Recovery and Buy-back Facility that will accomplish the. following: ~„ ~ Operate as a buy-back facility for all recyclable materials brought to the facility from the general public and private. haulers; - Utilize Keys to Industrial Training and, Services to maintain .and operate the facility on a long-term basis; - Provide the capability for all private haulers to compete for and profit from commercial and curbside collection service by providing equal access to a local market and processing capability for recyclable materials; - Reduce the initial capital expenses of the facility by requesting proposals for lease/purchase arrangements through a materials broker, which is common; - Identify potential long-term arrangements for material markets to provide stability to the County recycling/waste management program. The Material Recovery Facility, or MRF for short, will greatly complement our integrated approach to solid waste management. The -goal of the facility will be to annually recycle approximately 20,000 tons of~material within 2 years. The combined current efforts by the County and City recycling collection programs are approximately 3,300 tons of materials per year. By diverting 20,0:00 tons of material per year from the local wastestream, the MRF will in effect create an additional capacity at WASTEC of 20,000 tons, thus expanding the amount of materials our solid waste system is capable of managing. Operation of the facility will be modeled after the successful approach taken by the. East Carolina Vocational Center and Pitt County, with certain modifications, which I will describe in a few moments. Attached in your handout is a write-up the ECVC facility received in the August 1995 issue of Public Works magazine. s ~ Presentation: Material' October 16, 1995 Page 2 Recovery/Buy-back Facility ,` Background Let me summarize-the development of the .project concept to date. In 1993, $3.5 million in special obligation bonds were approved for several projects. Since then, the following projects have been _accomplished: (i) construction of Landfill. Cell 4A; (ii) closure.- ;of Landfill Cell 3A; (iii.) construction of a Landfill office and maintenance facility; and (iv) acquisition of miscellaneous equipment including front-end loaders, roll-off trucks, and a trash compactor. .Monies were also, earmarked for a recycling facility for processing. construction and demolition debris. For developing. the concept and approach for a C&D recycling project, staff contracted with Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc., an internationally-known facility design and engineering firm, and McKim & Creed in the fall of 1994 to prepare a study on the feasibility of siting and operating a C&D facility. Also, in January 1.995, Landfill staff began a low-tech approach to segregating burnable construction and demolition type material from the Landfill waste stream for return to the Waste-to-Energy. facility. The feasibility report showed operational costs of the C&D facility to vary between $15 and $20 per ton through the year 2008 includinq revenues from the sales of ,.electricity generated through the waste- to-energy conversion of recovered wood. (Please refer to the handout). Using the low=tech ,approach, Landfill staff were able to lower the costs of .capturing waste construction wood from about $19 per ton initially to around $8 per ton within 3 months, not includinq the sales of electricity. After considering the results of the two studies ,_ Environmental Management staff requested the consultants project the operational costs of a facility that integrated C&D processing with materials that are regularly collected for recycling,. which I will call commingled material. Although an integrated facility was projected' to generate revenue., the consultants projected an additional capital cost of $1.4 million. f Proposed Operational Plan The findings of the consultants and the Waste Diversion Program at: the Landfill strongly indicate that the highest use of the recycling facility is for processing commingled material. In support of that- concept, staff has identified an operational plan that minimizes the annual .operations costs, ,provides equal access to ...recycling services for all private haulers, and will best serve the long-term needs of the community. n J l 1 ~, 1 _ _, i .~ ..Presentation: Material Recovery/Buy-back Facility October 16, 1995. Page 3 The following is staff's general concept for the public/private partnership for operating and maintaining the Material Recovery and Buy-back Facility. Staffing Long-term arrangements will made - the.facility, thus minimizing County cos administration of the facility. Keys, Inc .daily operations, general maintenance of grounds,. and marketing of materials. estimates show the facility .will employ clients in addition to 2 to 3 additional County will be responsible funds, and general. contrac person will be designated as with Keys, Inc. to staff is in the operations and . will be responsible for equipment and immediate Preliminary staffing approximately 25 to 30 Keys' supervisory staff. for weighmastering, issuing buy-back t administration. One. County staff an operational liaison. Escrow Account Keys, Inc. will require funding to provide for initial outlays of salaries and overhead that will occur prior to the sales of processed material. The account may be based on quarterly evaluations of operations, similar to the arrangements .between Pitt County and ECVC. Following the initial seed .funding, the account will be maintained through the sales of processed material. . Budqet A separate operating budget will be set for the facility from which all debt service, supplies, utilities, maintenance, and eventually salaries will be provided by revenue generated through the sale of processed .materials. A capital reserve budget item will be established for capital improvements and significant maintenance projects, which the County will control. Buy-back Operations .Formulas for public buy-back prices will be developed based on current market prices less established internal processing costs, overhead, and capital reserves. A price for commingled materials will be established to allow all private carriers the ability to offer full-scale services to their customers, including curbside and bulk, commercial recycling collection. Lease/Purchase of Processing Equi ment Processing equipment will be acquired through lease/purchase arrangements, which are common. Equipment will meet high standards of quality and performance with maintenance agreements arranged to ensure long-term reliability. The equipment will include a high-capacity 2-ram horizontal baler with 2 infeed conveyors to allow quick transition .between materials; and an elevated sorting conveyor with an infeed conveyor for segregating commingled material. E Presentation: Material Recovery/Buy-back Facility October 16, 1995 Page 4 Long-term Marketing Agreements Long-term materials marketing arrangements are favored at this point to provide budget stability.. Such arrangements are common and generally. provide a floor and often times a ceiling price over the life of the contract to protect both buyer and seller. Affects on Existing. or Future Private Initiatives Because. most types of recyclable materials are not profitable, the MRF/Buy-back Facility will not adversely affect existing or future private initiatives. The Facility will address more types of recyclable materials than current programs such as glass, steel cans and plastics, materials that hold little or no profit for private programs. ..The Department routinely encourages efforts of business and private citizens with advice and contacts on how and where to market .recyclable materials.. Benefits ' Let me highlight a few of the benefits the MRF/Buy-back Facility will provide the community. E~loyment of Mentally/Physically Handicapped Adults I will let Mr. W.C. Pridgen, Director of Keys, Inc. elaborate on this point. But let me point out that the ability of the County to provide meaningful employment to a special segment of our community is probably the most attractive aspect of the proposal. Groups and Private Citizens As a buy-back, anyone will be able to participate and profit from recycling,. With commingled buy-back, groups and citizens will have incentives to pick-up along roadsides and hold fund-raising drives based on recycling. In Pitt County, several private individuals have established small recycling collection businesses. Generale In general, the public will be provided the most economic and efficient means of providing recycling services. Presentation: Material Recovery/Buy-back Facility _ October 16, 1995 Page 5 Targeted Recoverable Materials At present the MRF/Buy-back Facility will purchase and market the following items: - Corrugated cardboard - Office paper - Mixed paper , - Glass containers - Steel cans . - Aluminum containers- - Plastics #1 & #2 ` - Newsprint ' Other. materials will likely be collected when markets are identified. An advantage of the facility will be to quickly respond to processing additional materials as needed or desired. Private. Haulers The MRF/Buy-back Facility will provide all haulers the opportunity to participate in free-market competition for full-scale collection service while avoiding significant capital and annual operation and maintenance expenses. With more private enterprises interested in constructing competing facilities, the result will be to shrink the shares of the market available to support high operation and maintenance costs, the costs of which will be borne by the tax payer. The Facility will provide haulers these advantages: Commingled Curbside Collection The most efficient means of curbside collection in terms of both time. and cost is commingled collection. For example: - Haulers may use their existing collection trucks to collect recyclables at the curbside. Without commingled collection, specialized trucks are. required, which typically cost in the $80,000 to $100,000 range each. - Collection time will be reduced due to less time required per collection stop. Without commingled collection, drivers must expend additional time per stop to sort at .the street, which also increases the exposure of drivers to traffic. - ..Drivers will be able to maximize loads. With commingled collection,- drivers are limited by the total load. Without commingled collection, drivers are load-limited by the amount of individual types of materials collected. Presentation: Material Recovery/.Buy-back Facility October 16, 1995 Page 6 . - In addition to the standard recoverable materials, collection trucks can carry unlimited types of recoverable materials, including corrugated cardboard, magazines, mixed paper, steel • cans, or any other type of recoverable material as markets are developed. Without commingled collection, specialized compartmented trucks-are limited as to the types of materials that can be collected on any given collection round. Buy-back Operations Haulers will be paid immediately for materials brought to the facility. An escalating schedule of economic incentives will be established for delivered tonnages. Commingled buy-back will be available for all materials marketed by the facility, including those items private haulers find less profitable such as glass containers and steel-cans. Conclusion Environmental Management .staff strongly supports (i) continuing the waste diversion program at the Landfill to recover burnable and recyclable materials at the working face, (~ii) utilizing approximately $1.2 million of the remaining special obligation bond monies for construction of a material recovery and processing building leaving for $200,000 for rolling equipment, computer system, scale installation,, and various other supplies, (iii) enter ,into. a long-term agreement with a broker or processor for siting processing equipment at the facility,.and (iv) contracting with Keys Vocational Workshop to staff,- operate and maintain the facility. Staff requests the Commissioners grant approval to proceed with: 1. The design, specifications, and bid documents for construction of a building to house a Materials Recovery and Buy-back Facility; . 2. Developing -terms for a long-term arrangement. with Keys to Industrial Training and Services, Inc. for the operation and maintenance of the Facility; 3. Receiving Requests for Proposals for. lease/purchase arrangements for conveyor, sorting, and baling equipment from vendors; 4. Receiving Requests for Proposals for long-term marketing arrangements for materials processed at the Facility. z O rF, V O a a N_~ W W F •W a • q F ~, ~_ t. ^ m ~ 0 ~ D T n T N T o h y O b M .. {{ ~O 8 m r b pp O O C O V1 M N N N h ~+ O b r M . r p V d D O ~ ~~pp .p M ~ .• -O! vl pmp~~ O n ~O oMe h Chi 7 h N C `a V O o y G b M h . Vi M .+ O ~ ,p l h y N ~ R ,d A d T M M m T h O r T d ~O M N T r Y M O M e C m ~O Vt r v! M N N H ~ ~p o .°. .. r r -. N N m m h T T O ~ G O N n r O N a \ ~ O Y .Z p C b a N OD N V N r !~ ~ T ~ Y ` N ~• ~" y a c , a ~ I m ... ~o -r Y V O ~ m M 7 .N. .m. `C m T r m N r h ~ ~ o O C h N N N N V1 .r O\ h r M ~ ~ O U d ~ C T m M ~ N ~n Y N r b ~n T ~O N m n b ~ G, a ~O O O o ~ C h en K r ~ 7 t'~1 0 ~+ ~O rt ~ M D\ y .r, ry '~ d > O N w "~ ,~ V Q d O "'~ H r O h H N ~ T n T ~O r r N vl M m N V1 m .r ~t wl ^ O O o• M C '.O N N a m O O r K ~ M r V1 M N N ~ ~O p 'D N 7 O ~O O C O .. t r .+ O\ \ N „ . b O: .o o 'M r o v~ o -. m .~o m N n b o~ X O o m r ~O vl v, M A p o oNe r o vii O N O a+ N p N ~ O~ ~ d~ ~ O `A b m m ~O N .+ wi n L .~ M h V ~ p N G N N ~ . Or a~ 0 H ~yyyy •y O~ p ~ r ~ ~f N T VTi Y m b h `O b ^.J a 1~ V1 M O m N m ~O R m r ~O ^9 y y ^ ~ Vi Nj O C e} O T a .. wj V m M V1 ~ ~ N ..~ y u a y F ~ o ~c N ONO ~p ~~pp O b p G1 Nr rYil n U O ~f . O .+ O N O M C N j K 1 N M ~1 T vi ~n t M 0. ~p N ~ ' C N n f ~ ~ G ~ '~ ~ N y U O m C .Y. .~ K M M M o N m T b Vf ^~ O O~ -O d. O N O y ~O r ~O vl ~? N N N n o0 e O C O ... ~O ~O '+ 1~ \ N ~ 8 T K T T m MI N d N ~O ..• ~p 0 r 0 ~O r T ~O `T t~ r M o` ~ 00 M ~O O O r O ~O ^ p r O~ V1 V1 r O p~ r O N N ,.,~ b N N V7 ~ N .. m T ~ ~ • T N h M N M N vi ~ ^~1 `d f~1 O ~n -~ I N V uu~ Y ~ ~ ~' G "' m r% a H H U G O O O O Y M M ^ TI T M N ,w ~ M N rl TI Vl T N N r1 O ~1 OI ~} 0 M~ 0 `O ~5 r~ A ~~+ ~ ~ O N C r l ~+ . .r eR ep O O O O O O O O N ~ ij ^~ ^ ~ ~° T T r A a a ~ 'v ,~ u 9 d 3 a ~E ~ ~ u ~ ~ 3 U ~ ~ 3 ~ o y U O U p c~ ,~ u v x ~ ~ p ~ " o vl T o r ~D T m vl t M rl M r N ~c M -r m o M o v+ vi Tl N M O s N i"' w c i (,J T ^ O~ m r ~ N ,~, Vl C N m l Y 0 ~ T m r b O ` ~ a 6 ~ y ? M I~ r r M 0 ~ ' ~ C h n N .+ N vi .. 1~ h U ~ ~ u ~ U 3 O ~ V e y b ~ ~ V ~ U C 'O p O ~T I MI C rl .rl NI ~f' T ml ~I m T C~I ~ ~ C.i r-' ~ C .+ ~nl .+I ' ~ - ~ rl ~nl N vll -j ~0 I ~ Vll O L v G ~ T ^ M M Vl 'O - N ~O Vl N ,..~ y ~ \ M VfI ^I MI .r O O OI L ! A •~ iy b O U N "' f "" vl > ~ ~ O Gs. o ° ` o Q 3 M ~ ~ w a! `O s a -. 3 d a ~ 3 . ~ ~ ,~, ~ ~ " ~ o ° ~ y p F ~ o ~ a c . ~ ~ c a ~ E ia ~ y o ~ `~ ~ , , ~ ~ ~ y ~ a ~ t m' ~ F ~ -r U a 2 O a ~ ~ i w , U C7 c T O :O i d z V lion. Many factors had to be considered in the analysis. The conclusion .reached was that drilling horizontally appeared to offer advantages for environmental pro- ~ ~ tection and time savings: This procedure,. ~~ however, is not common in the water utility industry, and local cost'data for the ~ antiapated special procedure was unavail- able. The conventional opencut construc- !~ lion method was considered viable, but difficult to permit because of the envi- rotunental impacts. To expedite the proj- ect, and protect for either an unbuildable project or one that might be significant- ly delayed in permitting, applications for the various permits were filed with numerous regulatory agencies for both methods. Construction proposals were received from both directional drill and conven- tional contractors. After reviewing the ' proposals, it was determined that both procedures were generally of compazable cost. The variables that ultimately deter- mined the final selection of method were environmental protection and time, both for permitting .and construction. Numerous Permits Permitting time for drilling was esti- - mated at three months compazed to nine to twelve months for conventional con- struction. Estimated construction time for drilling was also very expeditious, four weeks compazed to four months for con- ventional construction. A total of 13 federal, state, and local permits were required to .complete this project even though wetlands and sub- merged bottom lands were avoided using the tunneling procedure. The ,final alignment selected for the directional drill project required the con- struction of a double. horizontal curve (double side bend) in addition to the nor- mal vertical curve to provide the required depth under the waterway. The total off- . .set of 600 ft combined with the total length of _3000 ft is considered to be the most complex directional drill steel water main ~ in the state, if not the nation. l Potential contractors were identified and evaluated. Only eight contractors throughout the United States had the equipment and personnel needed to make this challenging project a success. Bids were solicited and Michels Pipeline Con- e struction, Inc. of Brownsville, Wisconsin, was selected to construct the directional drill portion of the water main project. Construction of this project began in May 1994 and fuushed in September. The water main was operational by October. The: directional drilling portion, scheduled to take four weeks, was accomplished in 12 days-a real success story for both he environment and the water customers. ^~^ Mr. Spurge is a regional Vice President of Bishop & Associates, North Palm Beach, Florida. i 48 Public/Private 1 recycling Partnership is a Winner JOY HUDSON Recycling Coordinator, Pitt County, Greenville, North Carolina JUDGING by its latesteffort, it is easy to see why Pitt County has received both Local and national recognition for its solid waste management programs and is considered a leader in recycling among local governments. On Apri14, 1995, Pitt County received the North Cazolina Re- cycling Association's Awazd for the Out- standing County Recycling Program for FY 19941995. To earn this honor, the county developed apublic/private recy- cling partnership with a local vocational center that has paid dividends for all. Located in eastern North Cazolina, Pitt County is responsible for managing the solid waste generated by its 117,000 resi- dents. Collection of solid waste is ac- complished by municipalities, contract collectors, and the county. In 1989, the county landfilled'about 486 tons of solid waste per calendaz day. In 1994, despite significant population increases, the county landfilled approximately 325 tons of solid waste per calendar day or a 38 percent percapita reduction. The Eastern Cazolina Vocational Center (ECVC) is a private, non-profit vocational rehabilitation facility located in Greenville, North Cazolina. ECVC has received national recognition; for pro- viding afull spectrum of services that increase the self-reliance, independence, and productivity of individuals who have a variety of limitations. All the facility's clients learn job-related skills through paid work experience. Thus, they are afforded the opportunity to function as productive members of a work force and achieve the self-respect that comes from positive, gainful employment. In 1985, it became apparent that the county's- citizens were concerned about the future of solid waste management in general and recycling specifically. Several environmental groups approached the county staff and commissioners to request that the county establish a recycling pro- gram for beverage cans, glass; newspaper, and cazdboazd. The countycommission- ers decided to try to enhance existing pro- grams in place at ECVC. ECVC had been in the recycling busi- ness for over 15 years and was processing approximately 350 tons of cardboazd and paper per month. In 1987, ECVC's paper and cardboard recycling efforts ac- counted for most of the material collected in the county for recycling. In 1987, .Pitt County appropriated $25,000 to upgrade the processing capac- ity of ECVC's recycling programs. The center in turn agreed to set a goal of proc- essing at .least 2 million Ib of recyclables per yeaz. This goal was realized and in 1989 the county purchased a large capac- ity high-density baler (Harris Waste Man- agement Group Inc., Peachtree City, Georgia) for the ..center. The baler in- creased the center's 'capacity and im-. proved overseas mazketing because it produced higher density bales.. Installing the baler was the first in a series of ac- tions to develop a comprehensive mater- ials recovery facility (MRF) at the voca- tional facility. , Roles Defined Between 1989 and 1993, Pitt County and ECVC concentrated on educational programs and market development for recycling. In 1993, a contract was negotiated between the county and ECVC. The county would construct a comprehensive MRF and ECVC would operate the facility and mazket the recyclables. In 1993; Pitt County invested an addi- tional $970,000 to build and equip the MRF, which was designed by the Pitt County Engineering Department. The .46,000 squaze-ft building is located on about four acres at the ECVC on Staton Boulevard. It was decided to build the MRF at ECVC because existing buildings, land, equipment, and personnel were already available at no cost to the county. All income from recyclables is used to pay the MRF's operating expenses, esti- mated to be $900,000 per yeaz. If ..the gross revenue from the sale of recyclables does not exceed $225,000 per quarter, Pitt County is committed to .pay up to $100,000 per year to compensate for the shortfall. The MRF expects to process and mazket 20,000 tons of recyclables per Year. The projected costs of solid waste disposal at the disposal facility in 1996 will be $42 per ton. At that time, the operation of the MRF will reduce the county's disposal-costs by .$840,000 an- nually. The county contracted the MRF's operations to ECVC because of its longstanding expertise in marketing recyclables and operation of equipment. ECVC currently has 14b employees, 36 of whom,work in the MRF. Twenty-four of the MRF workers are mentally or physic- ally challenged. The recycling employees aze processing over 2.5 million lb of recyclables per month or over 30 million PUBLIC WORKS for August, 1995 ~ l J 1 A Ib per year. ECVC is solely responsible for processing and marketing the recy- clables. Inside the MRF, two conveyor systems. are in place. One system processes com- mingled recyclables,. which are hand picked and sorted from the conveyor ex- cept for steel cans. These are picked by a magnet. Newspaper, magazines, and cardboard are picked first, then ~1 PETE plastics,. tl2 HDPE plastics, steel cans, aluminum cans, and brown, clear, and green glass. The other conveyor system feeds card- board, newspaper, office paper, and .other sorted materials to the baler. Ex- cept for glass; all sorted recyclable materials. are baled-and transported to markets. Glass is stored and transported in large containers. Starting~in '1978, the county began to install solid waste container sites around the county where residents could drop off their refuse. The unattended sites used 40-cu yd open-top containers. =Between ' 1988 and 1991, Pitt County converted all ' 14 of the rural solid waste collection sites into solid. waste container/recycling centers, where citizens can bring their waste and recyclables. Some sites receive - 'mixed waste from citizens, while others receive mixed waste from residents and municipalities. Users of the rural recycling centers no longer have to separate their recyclables at home or the center. They simply store all their recyclables in one container of their residence for later deposit into one bin at the county center. Simplifying the process for the resident encourages more participation. The centers also accept recyclables .from businesses. All 14 sites are attended, open 365 days a year, and equipped with a stationary ' comtactor. The attendant encourages recycling, helps citizens with recycling, ' _ keeps the site clean and,maintained, and operates the compactor. Compaction PUBLIC WORKS for August, 1995 reduces by two-thirds the number of loads that would be needed if open-top con- tainers wee used. New Trucks ~Yot Needed The smaller municipalities bring their commingled recyclables to the rural recy- cling centers and the county transports them to the MRF. The city of Greenville (population 50,000) transports its comm- ingled materials directly to the MRF. Before the MRF was built, Greenville had a very limited recycling program con- sisting of mobile drop-off centers. The city would have needed at least five new recycling trucks at a total cost of 5625,000 to collect separated recyclables at curb- side. The MRF enabled them to begin a full residential recycling program using ~ ~. ~`; r -~~ ~ ~~.~ `~` _..y their existing refuse collection vehicles. The smaller municipalities simply stopped separating recyclables at curbside, reduc- ing the man hours. dedicated to recycling by about 50 percent. The Pitt Cotinty/ECVC Materials Re- covery Facility is -worthy of an award because it alleviates at least two major problems. It provides a simple way for all Pitt County citizens to recycle at minimal cost, and 24 new meaningful productive jobs were provided to persons who would normally have difficulty finding employ- ment in the traditional job market. The project benefits the county and its citizens both environmentally and financially by reducing the reliance on disposal facilities and by conserving our natural resources. r-1 ^ i ~ 1 _-_, .. ~ ~~ ..,1 ~= ,} ~' a w . =,, ;; ; - ,~ .~ r -. .~ .41.-~ ,..~ f~-,j. ;; 8 - b /~ ~ ~ - „ , ..._ ;• LARGE capacity high-density baler serves Pitt County's materials recovery facility at the Eastern Carolina Vocational Canter. Below, a soft drink delivery truck modified for recycling. Three used trucks were donated by Pepsi of Greenville, 1nc., painted and mechanically updated by the county, and used by municipalities for curbside recycling. .:9 1 1994 Populations ~ ' City of Wilmington: 60,,886 COUNTY `BUSINESS PATTERNS - 1991 New H anover County: 134:,.920 County - New Hanover (From N.C. State Da ta Center) State - NORTH CAROLINA -- ------ - ------ ------------------- - --- Payroll ($1,000). Total ~ Total SIC Mid-March Establish- code Industry employees First quarter Annual ments ---- TOTAL 53,963 245,002 .1,049,942 4y 280 07-- AGRICULTURAL 257 667. 3,132 69 10-- MINING 64 315 1,429 6 15-- CONSTRUCTION 3,672 16,364 71,749 514 20-- . MANUFACTURING. 9,242 66,496 277,543 194 40-- TRANSPORTATIO 3,862 21,426 86,024 188 50-- WHOLESALE TRA 3,848 21,146- 8'6,722 320 52-- RETAIL TRADE 14,871 37,085 159,941 1,147 . 60-- FINANCE, INSU 2,592.- 13,050 56,028 369 70-- SERVICES 15,455 68,187 305,7.03 1,383 99-- UNCLASSIFIED 100 26b 1,671 90 Number of establishments by employment-size class SIC --------------------------~------------------- ----50-99----- code 1-4 ~ 5-9 10-19 ~ 20-49 ---- 2,274 901 568 341 .07-- 50 12 7 0 10-- 3 1 ~ 1 1 . 15-- 31.3 98 71 23 2.0-- 72 35 27 ~ 27 40--. 70 - 35 36 29 50-- 135- -78 54 45 52-- 521 277 163 113 60-- 225 72 41 27 70-= 801 289 167 75 99-- 84 4 1 1 133 0 0 6 13 14 4 58 3 35 0 -------------------- Number of establishments by employment-size class SIC ------------------------------------------------------------=--------- .code 100-249 ~ 250-499 ~ 500-99.9 ~ 1000 or more - -- 49 8 3 07-- 0 0 0 10-- 0 0 0 15-= 3 0 0' 20-- 14 3 1 40-- 1 3 0 50-- 3 1 ,0 52-- 14 1 0 60-- 1 0 0 70-- 13 0 2 a COUNTY BUSINESS PATTERNS - 1991 County,- Pitt State - NORTH CAROLINA ------Payroll 1994 Populations City of Greenville: 52,070 Pitt County: 116,088 (From N.C. State Data Center) ($1,000)-------I - Total Total SIC Mid-March Establish- . code Industry employees First quarter . Annual ments -- -. TOTAL. 32,705 143,289 628,296 2,446 07=-- AGRICULTURAL. 128 269' 1,504 26' 10-- MINING 0-19 (D) (D) 3 15-- CONSTRUCTION 2,358 10,173 46,713 243 20-- MANUFACTURING 8,270 55,747 245,948 107 40-- TRANSPORTATIO 998 4,870 2.0,723 79. ' S0-- ,WHOLESALE TRA 2,295 13,007 56,828 185 52-- RETAIL TRADE. 10,174 .23,966 100,611 762 60-- FINANCE, INSU 1,505 8,193 31;419 2.45 TO-- SERVICES 6,946 26,955 123,563 756 99-- UNCLASSIFIED 20-99 (D) (D) 40 Number of. establishments by employment-size class ~ - - = ---- - -- -- --------- ------------ SIC -- -- ------- -- --------- ----- -- ----- - -- - code. . 1-4 ~ 5-9 ~ ~ 10-19 ~ 20-49 ( 50-99 ---- 1,249 517 ~ 338 225 80. 07-- ~1.6 4 6 0 0 10-- 2 ~ 1 0 0 0 15-- 147 42 26 17 9 20-- 35 16 12 17 10 40-- 40 ~13 13 10 2 50-- 81 46 33 18 5 52-- :304 196 119 98 38 60-- 150 59 25 8 2 70-- 435 I39 104 57 14 99-- 39 1 0 0 0 Number of SIC -- -------------- code ~ 100-249 ---- 28 07-- ' 0 10-- 0 15=- ~ 2 20-- 10 40-- 1 50-- 1 52-- 7 60-- 1 70-- ~6 establishments by employment-size class 250-499 I 500-999 I 1000 or more 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 1 0. 0 ~ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 1 0 0 i U m y fCC~ G y W N v V U ~U to U ~' f4 o °' v Qh ~°fm O ° u i M m O w O coOOm~Mrn N Qe'O7MO~~O~ r N ap to 7 O 01 Of m .- V' N .~ O W O V f~ O W A N n r M~ n lA r O O LL~ m m M 7 h M c'7 n p Igb.+r?N~DOtp N N ~- ~A l7 N CO O m N r CO ~ 7 W W h n O Q N.~aD T~(h fp O a' c0 ~ Of tp N m v '7 M n ~ a~ ~rn n p c .cn ~ ao ~i O vn ~ ~ ~M ~- a O f N D ~ O Of N tp OM hen O N !~ ~D c0 N^ O '7 N M O CO O (p co n O lp N~ N c0 <p ~ O r ~ ~ t0 Of r h O ~~M O ~ ~ C q p -a N+ ~ O ~'. 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