Agenda 1996 02-19i i 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HAIYOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC FEBRUARY 19, 1996 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION ~ . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes-per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:.15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Class Act Award 9:20 a.m. 2. Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques 9:2~ a.m. 3. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Award 9:30 a.m. 4. Consideration of Acceptance of State Decision to Hire Dr. Bruce Williams as Director of Cooperative Extension Service 9:40 a.m. 5. Consideration of Acceptance of Human Relations Commission Annual Report 9:45 a.m. 6. A. Consideration of Approval of Reorganization and Automation of County Inspections Department 10:15 a.m. B. Consideration of Approval of Six (6) Additional Positions to the County Inspections Department and Approval of Related Budget Amendment #96-0138 PAGE NO. 3 7 9 21 10:20 a.m. _: C. Consideration of Position ReclassificaCion from Permit 2~ , Process Coordinator to Chief Code Administration Official and' Approval of.the Related Budget Amendment #96-0137 . ~, x , ' 10:30 a.m. 7. Consideration of Approval to Establish a Meeting 77 Date for The Board of Equalization and Review 10:3 a.m. 8. Consideration of Approval for Development of a 29 Wellhead Protection Workshop • 10:40 a.m. 9. Consideration of Appeal for Exemption on a 1.977- ~ 31 27 ft. Hunter Sailboat by United Christian Campus Ministries (Registered Owner) 10:0 a.m. 10. Consideration of Approval of Budget Amendment 39 #96-38 to increase CAD Budget for Fencirig-Ai-ound the Newly Constructed Tower 1 1:OO;~a.m. 1 1.. Consideration ~of Water and Sewer Ordinance Impact 41 Modifications 1 1:1 ~ a.m. 12. Committee Appointments 43 Noon 13. Meeting of. the Water and Sewer District ' ~ 93 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 12:30 p.m. ADJOURN ~ r . 1 1. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 G M NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, lYC FEBRUARY 19, 1996 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUS[NESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 93 2. Consideration of appeal by the Landfall Hotel 95 Group concerning the amount of the sewer impact fee 3. Request for Use of District North Chase Discharge 1.07 for a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Castle Hayne 4. Consideration of Request for Bulk Water Service 109 by Kings Grant Water Company for Murrayville Area ADJOURN ,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF'~COMMISSIONERS ~~ CONSENT AGENpA ,4 ~FEB~I2UARY~ 19, 1'996 9:00 A.M.' ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE - ~ - IYO. 1. Approval of Minutes 1 19 .. 2. Approval of Release of State Funds to the Cape 121 - Fear Council of Government 3. Approval of Contract with Cape Fear Resource ~ 12S Conservation and 'Development (RC&D)' .t,. ~ , : - ~ ~ .. . 4. Adoption of resolution for disposal of surplus 131 equipment~and~vehic,les"through County Auction to be held March, 9 1996 ; S. Approval of Release of Value 14S 6. Approval of release of taxes barred by G.S. l OS-378 '• "~. 147 7. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover 149 County Fire District Collection Reports thru January 31, 1996 8. Approval to advertise tax liens to be published on 153 March 16, 1996 for all delinquent real estate accounts effective March 12, 1996. 9. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus 1 SS property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Parcel Number Ro054-10-022-015.000, 1017 Dawson Street for the amount of $1,785.00 10. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus 161 property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Parcel Number Ro0~4-06-032-004.000, 1407 Church Street for the amount of $1,745.00 ti . ~`• 1 1. Approval of Resolution relating to the sale of surplus l67 ~ property owned by.the City of Wilmin,ton and Nc:w ~ Hanover County Parcel Number Ro03=~-14-001-001.000, _ 1 10 Sunnyvale Drive for the amount of $1,450.00 l2. Approval of Budget Amendments A. #96-0122 to budget revenue from increased Family l73 Planning health fees and State grant to cover the cost of contraceptive medications used in the family planning clinics B. #96-013=~ to budget additional State funding 174 received .for CP&L Project Share C. #96-013 to increase budget for money seized l7~ by the Sheriff s Department from gambling (illegal lottery) t e i. r~ `~~; ~I ~~ ~,~~ i~. ,~v ~.. ~'~ t~ ~`: ,~ ~'~~ c'W 1~- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: I Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: County Commissioners Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SU13.IF,CT: Presentation of New Hanover County Employee Class Act Award I3RICF SUMMARY: It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners present a "CLASS ACT AWARD" to Cynthia M. Whitener, Administrative Secretary -New Hanover County Public Library. (SEE ATTACHMENT) RCCONTIt~TENDED 1~OTION AND RFCZUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: ~ State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Nloncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amcndtnent Prepared: Make presentation iGdt~ \ri li~l,7li~~p ~ Refer to Office Vision IIulletin Board for Disposition 1 LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: It is with pleasure that I am nominating Cindy Whitener for the County's Class Act award. Since becoming my Admnstrative- Secretary a year ago,iMs:-Whitener has set new standards for the position. She has totally. reorganized the administrative office to increase its efficiency. In particular, she has made excellent use of the various computer software packages available to her to provide more detailed and professional looking reports. In addition her public skills are superb. I have .had many compliments both written and oral regarding her assistance in setting .up meetings in the library conference rooms. The library' staff have also been very .impressed with her work. Several staff members have told me how much Cindy has helped them in their work and what a pleasure it was to deal with her regarding supply orders, invoices, and personnel polices.,, This year I served as the Awards Chairman of the North Carolina Public Library Directors Association. One of my tasks was to create an awards manual for the Association so that future Chairs could operate more efficiently. Ms. Whitener assisted me in this effort and the result was very positively received. In fact, the universal opinion among people attending the Awards Banquet this year was that it was the best organized and most enjoyable they had attended. Much of this credit goes to Ms. Whitener. S~ J Cindy has been a wonderful liaison with other county .departments and. is highly regarded by their employees. She. has a•lso~-been "~ "active member of~the Interfaces group`which assisted in the- development of the successful employee training workshops. . In conclusion, Ms. Whitener exhibits a hi h de ree ±o.f -•- -, profes.sional.ism,. a. str-ong--commitment to her work, a willingness to try new methods of accomplishing old tasks, and a superior customer service orientation. _ I think. she is very..de'serving`: of- ~- the County's Class Act award.. ~. . .. .. - y$p~ , ` ~ , M 2 .., at9a~~~~:•,~~ a ~~ i' f ,t ~.~ ,~4 1~~ ~1 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: County Commissioners Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Gladys Bryant iTi) Ti~l~T. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTON Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Presentation of New Hanover County Retirement Plaques BRIEF SUMMARY: The employees listed .below are eligible to receive retirement plaques at the County Commissioners meeting on February 19, 1996: Alan-D. Tiller -Sheriffs Department -8/78 thru O 1/01/96 Hazel W. Poole - Register of Deeds' Office - 06/02/82 thru 11/01/9 Madeline I. Stokes -Social Services - 10/1 x/63 thru 10/01/9 Marilyn A. Banister -Library - 06/17/68 thru 09/01/9 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REnUESTFD ACTIONS• rutvlJlt~vy SUURCE• Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: FIN: REVIEWED BY: LGL: Make presentations Count}' S: User Fecs S: Otltcr S: New Appropriation Request: BUD: ~2`~5c~1T-~ ~ ~~~~~ r-~a u ~ a~ ~ ~;~ ~~a~.d....~;~~~r9-! 9 HIS: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 3 u %~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION J~~' Meeting Date: 02/19/96 1 1 1 1 ;~' ;~ ~~~ tij Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Rosetta Bryant ` JUriJISI.I: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards I3RiEF SUMMARY: The employees listed qualify for recognition due to their length of service with New Hanover County. Service awards will be provided by the Human Resources Department. FIVE (~) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Cynthia M. Graham -Environmental Management; Dirk S. Weingand -Environmental Management; April F. McCullen -Health Department; Felicia S. Myott -Health Department; Christine B. McNamee -Social Services; Betty T. Wilder -Social Services; Carol B. Eisenstein -Library; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Howard M. Williams -Property Management; Martin J. Adams -Sheriffs Dept.; Ruth C. Roethlinger -Health Department; FIFTEEN (I ~) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Mary M. Kent -Social Services Department; John W. Davis -Human Relations and • TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Michael K. Braswell -Tax Department. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS- Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Budget Arncndment Prepared: FUNDING SOURCE- REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Make presentation. 1 12ES~)T~9 l~lv V ~C I 0 ii ~. .~ .ar"u~Y.%Y-.kYtl~a4 M, Refer to Of7ice Vision Bulletin Board for Di osition 5 }~, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's Office Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUB.TECT: Consideration of Acceptance of State. decision to hire Bruce. Williatils as Director of Cooperative Extension .Service BRIEF SUMMARY: The North Carolina State Cooperative Extension Service Office in Raleigh, after an extensive screening and interview process, has recommended that the Board accept the Service's recommendation that Dr. Bntce Williams be hired as the County Service Director. Dr. Pat Barber with North Carolina State will be present to make this recommendation. The salary for Dr. Williams will be $~7,~00, with N.C. State paying approximately X5.8 percent and the County paying 41.2 percent RECOMMENDED .MOTION AND RE(~UESTED ACTIONS• :Staff recommends that the Board accept the recommendation of the State in hiring Dr. Williams. Allen O'Neal and Dave Weaver participated in the interview process and were impressed by Dr. Williams experience and abilities. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: 33,516 County S:?3,43-i User Fces S: Othcr S: Moncy Is In Current $udgct:ycs Ncw Appropriation Requcst:no Budgct Amendment Prepared:no REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~`, COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RFCOMMFNDATIONS• ~;, Recommend the Board accept the recommendation of the State ' firing Bruce Williams as the `i', Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. After articipa ' Q ' e interview process, it is my oprnion Dr. Williams was the most qualified candidate. ~ o ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ IYMv/oo i~ ~.. b~Yeutl#~:°"~9~~~4~~8~ ~~ ~^~ Y z ~ ~ 9V.~ , rvcr to Oflice Vision E3ullctin Board for Disposition ' ~i 1~, '~< .~1. `~: 1 1 ~~ ~\ ;~ . .° z I~' f ~~ ~' ;~. i~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Relations Commission Presenter: Anthony Wade Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Anthony Wade SUB.IECT: Acceptance of Human Relations Commission Annual Report BR[EF SUMit~1ARY: Request acceptance of Human Relations Commission Annual Report The report will be delivered under separate cover RECOMi<~tI;NnED MOTION AND RF UESTFD ACT[ONS• Recommend the Annual Report be accepted. FUNDING. SOURCE: Federal S: _ State S: County S: User Fees S: - Other S: 117oncy is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: Qudget Amendment Prepared: ' RFViEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: Accept the Annual Report. /~~ ~~~~0 t" - I o n, - ~ r (~ b.r,a 9 .>,ae1~~ti~~~au~~il~G~ E Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 9 ~~~~ ~S.-#faf rS..I tie w' ~ +.t f iilrw+P t N ~~~ 4 ~~; t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Regular Item m: 6A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Inspections Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver r r r» r rn i-.-.~ J V UJ Gt, 1 Consideration of re-organization and automation of County Inspections Department BRIEF SUMMARY: The continued increase in growth in the County coupled with opportunities to improve service to the development communtty have led staff to propose advances in the following areas: 1) Re-organization of the Department and Automation of Inspections functions. These proposed actions are described in more detail in the attached. Both re-organization and automation have been discussed with members of the development community. 11'Ieeting Date: 02/19/96 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUFSTED ACTIONS- Staff.requests the Board endorse the re-organization and automation concepts addressed in the ti attached memos. ~~' 4 ~~ ~~; i 1 Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money [s In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prcnarcd: New Ap'~ropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommend the Board endorse, the re-organization and automation concepts proposed by the Inspections Department. With this effort, the customers will be better served, permits will be issued more efficiently and effectively. _ ~•+~~a ~y,7~~pfi~,~~nr-,rt nr~r7l'r~` n, 1 ~l~J'l Or~ U @~d sb YUUd~i~~~'*~62~6~3s Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for D'i"sposi('on '"x"' """`"'"`""' ~~k~ar~cr t2e~ ~~ ~P..G~ u , r1Ji TO: Board of County Commissioners ~ ' FROM: Jay~'Graham, Inspections Director Dave Weaver, Assistant~.County Manager ' THROUGH: ~~Allen•O'Neal,.County Manager .. . RE: Re-organization of~Inspec'tions Department' Present organization The existing organization chart is attached as Figure 1. Five basic divisions (building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, zoning) presently operate as nearly self -contained units with their own clerical staff and administrative procedures for processing -. permits, : e.g~:: filing:. Due ~to this. decentralized 'permit structure, builders must, to a great extent, be able to navigate among the divisions. to obtain and complete all permits. Proposed organization The proposed organization chart, attached as Figure 2, shows the addition of a new Code Administration Services (CAS) Division. This proposal is designed to initiate a centralized program to simplify permitting for the public. The Division would .provide one ..contact point. for t-he~--builder and public to be able to dealwith all permits. The reorganization `can be achieved by combining the clerical staff from the other divisions. The Services Division would perform-the following functions: ~ - . ~, - =Processing permits -Scheduling inspections _- -Records and filing maintenance - ~ ~- -Plan review ~ _ -Service coordination The advantages of this. new~Service Division include'. the following: ._ ~ :. 1) User-friendly service for the development community and public - Bu~^-~1dFer"~s:and~,~tah,e;~pu~blic will be able to go to one counter to 1 ~ apply for~all~. required Inspections permits, to inquire about the>status,of~proj#ects, and to ask general code questions. d ~,,~, t a Board of County Page Number Two January 31, 1996 t 1 t Commissioners 2) Initial establishment of centralized permitting - Division staff can be eventually trained to provide basic information about other permits, e.g. grading permit, that may be required. The automation software, discussed in the following memo, can be expanded to include tracking for other permits. Although this centralized permitting reorganization will take additional resources and time to establish once the Services Division is set-up, it would be the necessary first step to eventually provide complete and comprehensive centralized permitting. 3) Improved administration - Combining clerical staff from the other divisions will allow -for cross-training and more efficient use of staff in such activities as answering phones at peak time. Required resources Basically,. the creation of the Code Administration Services Division can be accomplished with minimum. additional resources by means of combining existing staff and resources. The next agenda item, however, recommends that an existing vacant Permit Process Coordinator position be upgraded to a Division Chief level. It is important to note that additional staff, such as another Plan Reviewer and more clerks, will be needed to accommodate the additional growth in construction in the County. Staff expansion will be performed cautiously, however, in order to take full advantage of the efficiencies offered by the Services Division and by automation. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions'or comments. DW/nf/715 13 t - =MEMO January 3, 1996 TO: .New Hanover County, Board of Commissio-iers ~ , FROM: Allen O'Neal, County Manager . . Dave Weaver, Assistant;County.Manager - REt AUTOMATION OF INSPECTIONS DEP-ARTMENT~ You will recall that prior to the retirement of Shy Conklin an automation p{an'for th'e Inspections,Department had been developed and presented to the board. You had approved the:plan and some progress was being made toward its implementation. ~ ~ ~ _ ~, While the recruitment of a new Inspections Director was underway, you placed this project "on hold" with the direction that it remain in that state until the new director was in place. The new director would review the plan, modify i[ to reflect any desired changes, and then the staff would proceed with its installation. All those events have now happened and the Inspections Department and the MIS Department are ready to proceed with the project. This memo _is to request your approval to remove the plan from the "on hold" state .and to proceed with`its implementation. ~ ~ - The central concept of the plan is to fundamentally change the way the county has traditionally dealt with the ever-increasing demands for~inspection services. In the .past, we managed these elevated workloads by adding to "the;inspectioris staff, .This automation plan ~~,ill alter that approach by providing the capability to .automate some of that work, thereby reducing,.the :demand for. additional staff. Another key objective of the plan was to overcome the dissatisfactions that had been recently voiced~by providing better service to the construction community of the county. This would be accomplished by adding seveial communicationsoptions~to'the department; such as 24 hour voice response to contractor's inquiries and 24 hour dial-in access to inspections data. Staff has utilized the interviewing time and existing equipment to pilot test the concepts that were proposed in the automation plan. We have been informed by Jay Graham and Bill Clontz that those tests were very successful, thus this plan will provide the productivity gains that were envisioned when the presentations were made to the board. Tlie attached charts provide you some information that quantifies the enormous growth that the construction industry continues to experience in the county. If you have any questions about this data or desire any other information, please call either of us or you may wish to call Jay or Bill directly. Thanks for supporting this project that has the potential to greatly improve our service to the contracting public. If there is not Board objection I will place this matter on the board agenda for approval at the second meeting in/F~ebruary. Please feel free to call either Dave Weaver or me if you have questions, comments or concerns. ~c`.t' Bill Clontz, MIS Director Jay Graham, Inspections Director NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ,~ ,~~~ r , 0 U fl.. N ,~ C _~ N 1 ~- ^ ~ r ~` C c~ N 7 O L i- cD rn v rn c'7 O N O O O O O O O ~ O W (D V N T ~, i ~} i ,~ C Q~ 7 EA b9 ^V^ `/` ^W W 15 O O M 0 0 N O O O N O C O ~ t17 ~ ~ ~ O O O r O O O N c'~ 'V' t!') CD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW HA.NOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 414 CHESTiV~1T STREET, ROOM 211 WII,NIINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 23401-4045 TELEPHOrVE (910) 341-7175 J.B. GRAHAM Inspections Director SOFTWARE/HARDWARE BUDGETARY SUMIvIARY HARDWARE j , •~ I - AS400 Server $118,000. 8 -Laptop computers/accessories 45,000. 1 -Server for mobile units 6.000. 5172,000. - SOFTWARE Office Solution $ 53,453. Mobile Solution >j,500. Direct talk voice response solution 25.332. . 5142,293. INSTALLATION/TRAINING Installation, training, cable drops in building, etc. 4 ~0: , . 5 4'0,350. . .MAINTENANCE/SUPPORT Annual support for hardware/software 24 l~ l ` . 2S 4,118. SUMMARY TOTAL: 5378,763. 16, • 1 u C7 ~_- C y E u u ~ `o ~' -- - - `c w _ ~ _ d r `r ~ O . V ~ ~ d C v E ._ > C) C o u O Z ~, a c ~ n w v n. ~ C. ~ ~ c p U ~ o ~. - N C ~ W ~ N _ ~. O_ ~ a ~ w ~ ~ .J ~ U ~ ~ v ;~ ~ ~ C _ c p C U C O 1 ~= m p E i° .. o m m u ,~ n, o ~' w, I O C 4- J ' ~ m ~ ~ o ~ ~ U ' .. W.~ ~ ~ C N l ~ ~ E U n ~ to Z, 'V ~ ~ N W .a t0 m J ~ . ~ ~ O ~ U ~ O 1 4 --- - _-. ._ ___ ~ f C ~ t C v ~ ~ ~ .- ! c-i C~ 'CI 1 ~ ' 3 O a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; , m E m ", ~ `~ m ~8 c t ~ -- w - -- . m m C ~ N m , 'C C t ,' .__ .. , .. ,~ ' .. ~~ ~ _,~. m o c A a ~,, I w ~ .' c U ____.___.___..__... _....__..._~~. 4- .~__. _..___..____.___,_..._._- O O O ~ c --- c O C E d 0 fD m O ` C _C C C }} O p !!I I ~ ' ~ ~ tt ? _ ~ ° l > a I rn `, a D 7 _. ~1 `c w a 0 U _~ O a L7 C u c o p ~ m c A ~ a o w ~ - ~ -- - 0 o ~. ,.u ,~ =C O U _ r J ~ m ~~ I c' 0 ~ N -- -- ~ rn ~ ~ ~ ~ - a i+ ~; 0 a a 7 ~ N j ~~I a ~" _I J /~ _ ._ '"~a i~ L i ` I f-- Z Z U O~ ~' w U ) W ~ aZ cn Q z= w z . rN,,O / ~ba ~` t 5( F s 4 ~¢ ,,.. :~ N C 19 :o a~ ~, ~~ >_ o .- a n~ 20 - . V1 __ .. O ~ O _ . .+~ ~ ~ ~- V ~ c~~i ^ll ~1! b 4 ~, 0 ~'''~ ~ ~ , ~i - ~ ~~ ~ . . ~ /~ V l O ~ O N .^ O g O Y N ,y ~ O ' _. ~ ' ~ ~ { ~ ~ G ~ ~i a ~ T_l ~~ i r~ , y .+ - ! '~ 'm g v ~ > 2 7 I .~ ~o ~ v>°~ >o<~ ~~~~ ~caOu ~ ~ ~ ~ J -1 ...1 ~-jU E"Ouu~ _ ~ }a} FjE'NL• O_O_ zo~-~? """ ~~ ~' /~ w ~i .:-~.~ 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Regular Item #: 6B Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Inspections Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Jay Graham S U li.l UC~[~: Consideration of Inspection. Department staffing -additional position requests. BRIEF SUMMARY: During the year of 199, the value of permitted construction jumped 107% over values reported in 1994, from $290 million dollars to $444 million. This rate of growth has resulted in the total number of inspections per inspectorslday ratio to rise from the geclerally accepted maximum allowable of 10 to 12/day to the current load of l ~ to 18/day. A continuous overload of inspections will ultimately impact public safety and also hinder the Inspection Departments ability to provide adequate inspections in a timely manner to our customers. Six new positions, two Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspector, Mechanical Inspector, Electrical Inspzctor and a Zoning Inspector for the Inspection Department are needed to respond to the large increase in construction activity documented during the past t<vo years. ~~' 1 . ~~` 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REC~UESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends the addition of the six (6) positions to the Inspection Department as detailed above. Permit fee revenues are more than adequate to fund tliese positions. Al( hires are subject to reduction-of--force actions should construction activity experience a sustained trend downward also request approval of the. related budget amendment, #96-0133. . Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Federal S: State S: County S: UserFees 5:69,615 Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No Budget Amendment Prepared; Yes New Appropriation Request: Yes REVIEWED BY: LLGL: FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR• COUNTY MANA ER' COMMENT AND RE .OMMENDATION Recommend approval of the six (6) additional positions. These hires, as usual, are subject to reduction-in-force should the level of construction activity call for it. i ~k,.~• ,, ~ .,.. -,~ 21 ~,a..~ l ~'+a~ ~~Y~~ 1~!~w-"~=^~'•'~'"Refer to OCfice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Qu.~,r-~tr~ o>r~ , ~~ . t~J . ~ ' Budget Amendment ~. ~~ r; ,/%/ ~/// r v i% rte/ /~// rr/ /~~/// ri r / i//iii//// ~rr//r ~. r//r///'~%/','/,v/%/ /~/. ~~/ ...i %//,rni ~,r "~ j/ /r -. /~ rr%~~i~% ///% jr ~ ~ / /jr ~ %/ri; / j %/~~9~i%~~i// / .U /. • DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # •DATE~ • ,r..- Irispections ~ - ~ ~ ~ 96-0138 2/19/96 - •~~ _,~ ~ ~ '~ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Inspections ~ _ .~. Inspection Fees ~ X69,615 ~ '' • -- •.. ~ •: ; • Salaries•& Wages ~ ~ - X43,086 ., FICA .. . ~ .: 3,296 ...: Retirement ~ - . ; r. .' 2,585 { _. ' .. Medical Insurance ~ ~ •• ~ "~ 4,758 Cellular Expense ~~ ~ >- .. .. '``~ '1,350 -4 Employee Reimbursements 7,290 Departmental Supplies 3,000 `' Radios '_ ~ _ ~ 4,250 ... .~ - ...~ • ~ ~' EXPLANATION y. To budget Inspection .fees that are. expected to-. exceed the budget for six . ~ additional positions for the" remaining eight pay, periods .of FY95-96 (annual .cost. _ ""~ would be $172,077). .... ~ t . ~ _ ., ~ ~ b `"°'" For [3udoet Officer's ppprov,~l; then report (p~,~ ~" "' ~ `~1 d ~I 1 ~} to Commissioners at next resular meeting - ~yt~i8lt e ~'+iuM!MUd'y'4a3~d4Y,~~dy`.g~" is ~~ , / and enter in minutes. TM ~ ~~ Z .lf ~: g~~~IMh-~.::,r ~L'To Fie approved by.Cornmissioners. ~~' _~, -- _ . -_ . .. To be entered into minutes.. ~~~, t ~. i ~- t 1 1 i i 1 1 1 t 1 l 1 Budget Ameridment.xls Page 1 New Position Salaries I Position I I Number I I Salary I Total ~ I I I I I Building Inspector I 2 I S23,338.00 I S 46,676.00 I I I s - I Plumbing Inspector 1 ) S23,338.00 I I $ 23,338.00 I I I I I~ - Mechanical Inspector I 1 I I S23,338.00 I I S 23,338:00 I I I S _ I Electrical Inspector I 1 ( 1523,338.00) I S 23,338.00 I I I I I I s - Zoning. Inspector I 1 I ~ 523,338.00 I S 23,338.00 I. I I Permit Process Coordinator S 21,133.00 I TO S 31,470.00 I Dif. I S 10,337.00 I I (Reclassify To C.A.S. Division Chief) I ) I I I I I I I (Total Annual Salaries: I S 150,365.00 I I I I I (Per Pay Period: S 5,783.27 I I I I I I I New Positions (Start PP-19 I I S 43,0.85.54 I ) I I I Reclassification LStart PP-19 I I S 3,180.62 I. I I I I ( ) c otal'Remamin ~Salaries.~ 'b. 46;266. 6. I { 1 I I I I I I I . I I I ~ i I I I Su pport Cost for New Positions I I I I ) cen PniP9r Mileage I Radio ) Telephone Field Supp. I Desk Unit) Totals I _ I I S 0.31 I I I Bldg. Insp S 400.00 S 2,430.40 S 1,700.00) S 250.00 S 300.00 I S 700.00 S 5,780.40 Pb1g. Insp S 1,215.20) S 850.00 1 5 125.00 S 150..00 I S 350.00 S 2,690.20 Mech.lnsp l S 1,215.20 S 850.00 S 125.00) S 150.00 I S 350.00 $ 2,690.20 Elec. Insp I S 1,215.20 I S 850.00 S 125.00 I S 150.00 I S 350.00 S 2,690.20 Zon.lnsp I S 200.00 S 1,215.20 S 125.00 I S 150.00 S 350.00 5 2,040.20 CAS Chiefl S 72.00 S 125.00) ) S 350.00) S 547.00) I otaliSu ort=cost: $~ 1 438:20 I I I I ota ~Remam'ng afanes 4 66:1 I I ota Total Su po : ~ ost; orNew~Positions: ;. ,_,.438.. 0 , u__ge~Amen._ment• $,'~62k7,04~ I 23 Page 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 b Regular Item #: 6c Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Inspections Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Jay Graham JU[~JGI.I: Consideration of Position Reclassification from Permit Process Coordinator to Chief Code ,~ Administration Official I3RiEF SUMMARY: ''~ The proposed Code Administration Services Division will have the responsibility of the enforcement of Vol. 1-A of the North Carolina State Building Code. Thts volume covers all of the administrative and legal Issues of Building Code enforcement such as permitting, plan review, alternate materials and methods, record documentation and archives. The supervisor of this Division will require the same level of certificateon and experience as a Chief Building Inspector. Recently, an existing position.that would normally be assigned to this Division was voluntarily vacated. This opened the opportunity to request a reclassification of this position to fill. this need rather than incurring the full ~ expense of hiring a new position. Due to the proposed reorganization, the duties of the existing ~,~ position description will be performed by the Division as a team. This action would eliminate the .~ need for the vacant position's job description. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE(~,UESTED ACTIONS- - ~ Staff recorrimends the reclassification of a current position of Permit Process Coordinator that is vacant to that of Chief Code Administration Official and approval of the related budget amendtl~ent, ~~ #96-0137. FUNDING. SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S:4,160 Other S: ,Money is [n Current Budget: iYo New Appropriation Rcqucst: Ycs Budget Amendment Prepared: Ycs REVIEWED I3Y: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSI-TELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: APP AMALLETT Recommend the reclassification be approved. J((j~~~~i„„ t t~ . ~ ~. tyvwi:~~ ~ 6b m.teL.nulb't~h~4i au ts,~.. fJ r ,^ G r ~; y ~ ~ '"~ ~ j `!~p- ~L~teA~~fo.Ofrice Vision E3ullctin Board for Disposition 25 Budget Amendment ,/-, i;, ,~o / l;. %~~=;!'i,. -;r,/, - „~,.,y~ ;~i;%'•;i/• ,%/%;%.' ./ii %i; ~/.'~ ,, , . .iii ,i. ,,,/ r.,~~„ ,;~~-.,,,,, :, /i / '; /„~ ,,,,. ~ yid. ; ,,i,c, ;~;~ ;~;;,; .~,,/r ..,/,, ~/,~,;///,/,i//rte:.///,,,// , ;a,,. ~-•~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Inspections •~ ~~ ' 96-0137 _ ~ ~ 2/19/96 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Ins ection~ . , Inspection Fees 54,160 ~ ' . Salaries & Wages .. .. ~ $3; 180 .. FfCA 243 "Retirement .. ~ _ ~ 190 ~ ~ , ... ' Cellular Expense ~ ~ 197 Departmental Supplies ~ ~ 350-' ,. .. . EXPLANATION ~.~ '~ " ' To budget greater than anticipated, Inspection fees for a position reclassification .and related expenses. .. . , ~ ~. ,. ~ W _. . .. ~ .. .. .. .. ~ f .. _ .. . .. . ~ .. - ~' ~~ ~' 2 ~ ~ ~ Goy (3udget OTltccrs iiEtproval;then report f to Commissioners at nc~t re ular meetin , t«. ~vtx}of-ti~1 I~'~~u~~~~~,~Y t' ((~~ '~~ ~ ~ g g and enter in minute.. . ~ ~ ffC ~~~.~.,? ~~T ~~ " lobe :gtprovecl~by Commissioner.. ^ , ;Co,bc entc~~c! into minutes. ,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 (~.,. 1 1 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Ta~c Presenter. Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Roland Register . SUI3.iECT: Setting date for the Board of County Commissioners to convene as the 1996 Board of Equalization ,and Review (E&R) BRIEF SUMMARY: Unless the Board of County Commissioners resolves to appoint a special Board of E&R by the first Monday in March, the Commissioners must sit as the Board of E&R. The first meeting of the Board of E&R must be held no earlier than the first Monday in April and no later than the first Monday in May. The Board usually convenes at the second meeting in April to hear those who wish to have a hearing before the Board of E&R. Statutes require public notice of the ER:R meeting at Ieast ten (10) days prior to the meeting. The Tai Administrator will be available to answer questions for the Board.. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• That the Board of E&R meeting be set for Monday, April 1 ~, 1996 at 9:30 A.M. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Historic County Court House, Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N.C. The meeting will adjourn at noon,-April 1~, 1996. Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amcndrncnt Prepared: County S: User Fccs S: New Appropriation Request: Other S: REVIEWED i3Y• LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MAMA .FR' COMMFNT AND RF OMMFNDATIONS• Recommend the Board set the Board of E & R meeting as recommended abo e ~.. a ~~~ z.~q Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition fir,'/~ !S~ /99lm~ ~2~7~t 27 r d , t .. ~. i i 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUI3,II?CT: Development of a Wellhead Protection Workshop T3RIF,F SUMMARY: Representatives from the North Carolina Groundwater Section will present a one day seminar on welt head protection from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M., Thursday, April 4 in the County Commissioner's Assembly Room on the second floor of the Historic Courthouse. This area has been blessed with abundant quantities of high quality groundwater. Increasingly more people are becoming dependent on its use through the establishment of centralized, community water systems. It is becoming critical to protect the integrity of these large production ..drinking water wells from contamination, through a program of wellhead protection. The North Carolina Groundwater Section will present an informative and practical program on how to establish a wellhead protection program. The attached list of groups will be invited. There will be no cost and lunch will be provided. RECOMMENDED MOTION ANn REnUESTEn ACTIONS• If any Commissioner wishes to attend this workshop, please contact Dave Weaver (341-7134). Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: ititoney Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: RrvlrWcn ICY: LGL: FIN: :BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'. COMMENTS ANn RFCOMMFNDATIOiYS• Hear information from Dave Weaver concerning tl~e workshop his presentation on Wellhead protection made in the fall of 1995. +~>s~ev ~.. ... t- ,, .. ,;,-, ,~ tit u Y~ 4 A !I ~ a • Refer t'o°Offic ~Visi~Bullctin-6oard:for.Disposition is a follow-up from a 29 . . _. _ _ LIST OF GROUPS TO BE INVITED - Engineerin De artment g P - Planning, Department ;~ - Environmental Management Department "' _ .City of Wilm.ington.. ~~ ., , ,, , - Wrightsville .Beach - Kure Beach ,. .~ - Carolina Beach ,,(1 - Cape Fear Utilities • . !~~ - Pender County , - Brunswick County - Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer District '~ - Cape Fear Council of Governments - League of Women Voters .. . ~~ _ ._ A 30 ~~ .. 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: 9 - Consent Item #: Additional Item ~: Department: Tax Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: S Contact: Roland Register SUB.iECT: Appeal for exemption on 1.977 27' Hunter Sailboat by United Christian.Campus Ministries (Registered Owner) BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ _ Appeal was deferred from hearing in December due to absence of person in custody of boat. Boat was discovered as unlisted in 199. Boat is located at neighborhood dock where the Campus Minister lives. Research reveals ministry obtained title to the boat IO/S/90 and has never listed nor has owner requested exemption. Ministry claims whole and exclusive use as a religious property, but admits the campus minister (Rev. Bob Haywood) uses it. Rev. Haywood is to appear to answer questions. I submit that whole and exclusive use as a religious property is a somewhat remote departure; from worship and true religious "meditations." I also suggest that Rev. Haywood has custody, and has had for years, and whole and exclusive use by the Campus Ministry is doubtful. RECONIMENDF:D MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACT[ONS• Recommend that the. taxable status be uplield. FUNDING SOURCE- Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is [n Current Budget:- New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: .COUNTY MANA MFR'S COMMENT AND RF OMMFNDATION The question of "whole end exclusive use".is the key. The taxpayer will need to present evidence to support this contention of non-t .• bility. Ivlr. Register is complying with general statutes by bringing this matter forward. _, t~~ ~e~Ae~ ~. «~~. ,~,L.~.tii.~u~..ds~~ 31. Refer to Office .Vision E3ullctin E3oard for Disposition ,~~e~~~~,.~ .~ja!'011C~ `_ APPEAL FOR EtE~~1PT STATUS FOR SAILBOAT UNITED CHRIST[AN CAMPUS iv1INISTRIES (UCCNI) - .~ - AGENDA FEBRUARY 19;""I996 _ - • Property is a 1977 27' I-Iuntcr sailboat. The Property was not listed in 199, nor. did the owner (titled as Unitcd_ Christian Cainpusj file a fimcly application for exemption until discovered in October. The boat is Igcated at the raeibhborhood docl: of ~. Rcv. Robert (Bob) I-Ia};w.ood,t~~lro is thc•~campus minis cr for~U"C:Clv1 at UNC-W. UCCi\~I Provided an cxcrnPtion request November 22, 199, and snbsequcnt information about use and custody. Duc to Rcv. I-Iaywood's absence front the"country,, ~.. he was-riot ~availablc fo-r•=:i hcarinb before ~t1ic Board` and to ariswcr cjucstions~ pcr•tincn't to • the' Board's dccisiora. UCCNI has also Provided statcmcnfs to~supliort thcir• .claim for rclibious exemption: The information stated that'thc boat was 'a gift from Otto Rogers, but ownership and:listinbs by NIr:,Robcr•s arc not found. • ' ~ y . ~ ,. ,. >. ... - ~ A kc}' issue suPPortin:b~taxation is that UCC`'1 adritits that •tlc only ~icrsori using ~. tlic boat is;_thc campus ministcr.~ :Evidcricc shows that t}ic'boat is located near tlic ministcr•'s ItOn1C at h1S RC1bIlbOrh00d dock. Rcv: I-Ia}wood's residence there was constructed in 19S9. It is reasonable to assume that use of the boat is an unrestricted decision by the minister, includinb whether or not the use is rclibious in nature or at the .. ,_. . Pleasure of the user. _ • -.;. - ~ _ . _ Furtltcr evidence questions the donor and Period of ownership. ~Vildlifc records indicate tltc Prior owner to be ~Vrllram Sholar who last listed the boat in 1990. Tltc ownership of the boat went directly from 1VIr. Sholar to Unitcd Christian Campus October ~, 1990. UCCi~'I has never listed the boat nor have they requested exemption. As spelled out in State Law, retroactive exemption requests filed beyond the end of a calendar }'car cannot be approved by the Board. •- CONCLUSION: - _ __ - .__._ ... •. It appears that the use of a-sail-boat wholly and exclusively for,ncligious Purfroses and meditation is a r•cmotc departure from traditional rclibious worship. Lt can,~:be said. -- - that the rccrcatian for studcnts~ is a religious function, but whole and absolute use is not documented. , -- It appears more-reasonable to assume that the boat is it"ccmcd to be at the ~ i . Plcasu_rc of. the custodian, Rcv. Haywood; whether--for his mcditat-ion or Pleasure, a use which is by someone other than the rcligious,cntit}~ drat owns the boat. ~.. RI/COi\~IiVIENDATION: ~ . I rccomrn-end. that the Board deny the request for exemption. ~;: , 32~ ~ _ ,~ .t~.. e e r i l M O U N T Z 0 N P R E S B Y T E R.. A N. H U - R ~C H ~. :,~~ -, -, :', . r~-.. cry r,Q ~ "= •~ QY nkP iYF? ~ Q~~ ".~ :w ~. ~.~, ~ . ~ ~;,.-; ~` February 1, 1996 _ Roland G. Register - - Tax Administrator -New. Hanover County; 320 Chestnut Street, Room 209 :~: ~- ~_ Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4090 .:'. _. _ _ - . Dear Mr. Register; :' ' .. ;. -... ,_ _.:... - - . , . ._.._~ :~,... - . _.-~", I am writing in regard to,the question of the taation'_of the~saitboat that the United Campus Ministry owns. . -._ ... _ ~ - ~ ....._ __._ - _:. . ...,: - _ ~. ; . _ :~.. :: ~. The United Campus Board of the Uriiversi.ty_ofNorth Carolina. Wihnington~feels that;the boat is not taxable because we are anon-profit.organiiation.and the ,boat i_s used fog religious~+~'' purposes. _ .~:r _ -~ The prior owner of the boat.was Dr. Otto Rogers `of Fayetteville, North Carolina and the boat -was kept in a slip at BanksiChannel..-x :, • Bob Haywood, the.campus;minister, is.the only person who has used the boat since it was given to the campus ministry. ........~.`'~.,. ~ ~ "' ~~ ~. .. .._ ._ . ~ ~., We would like to be put on the agenda fo,r February l9, 1996.= - Y' Sincerely, - _, ~` - - - '~ _ ' '•-- ~. ~~ .,.,_ ,~ Via? ~ -- ~ ,~. ~. ,.~ ~~ i ~ ~~ _ - Rev. Brown B. Patton, Moderator-:.Campus. Ministry,-Board"- UNC-W ,,~ ' ,. _. , - , '~ . - 33 119 E. Main St. • Rose Hill, N.C. 28458 • (919) 289-3150 ROLAND G. RECIS'I'.LR, TaxAdrninistra(oc December ~, 199 TAX ADNIIMSTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 WII.ivffNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 TELEPfIONE(910) J•JI-7ljl Rev. Brown Patton, Chairman United Christian Campus Ministry UNC-W GOl South College Road ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~~ Wilmington, NC 2S403-3297 ~ ' • -. 4• Re: Appearance Before Colilmissioncrs -Deferred ~~ Dear Rev. Patton: ' .. - Due to the absence of Bob Haywood on the scheduled appeal date of December LS,`.die Asst:' County Attorney suggested an action to preserve your right of appeal beyond the end of the year. -- . .. ~ . ~ _ . ~ . ~ ... i On the 1 Sth, we will ask the Board to consider the boat taxable until they have a chance.to have Rev. Haywood available to answer: duestions. It appears that the persons who have contacted me to date,.do not have full- knowledge to appear and testify before the Board.., , -~ - ~, . To schedule the appeal for January 16, I must prepare the detail for the agenda oIi Tuesday, January 2.; and,haw.e:the County: Attorney review aiid giwehis.rcmarks for the.Board by noon, January 3. Otherwise,. the next hearing date will be in February. Not only will the attorney want to have your written defense to .establish that the boat is ° . •~' cntitied to an exemption as "who ly and exclusively-used fora religious purpose," we will want to luiow the information relating, to the prior owner, where the boat was kept prior to. donation to the ministry, and every person who has. used the boat since it. was donated to the- ministry. At the hearing; we will want the testimony of'Rcv..Haywood and any persons who• have actual, direct, knowledge of the boat and all uses of it. As soon as possible, please arrange material and contact me so we may proceed with a decision by the Board. Sincerely, land G. Re ister S copy: Kemp Burpcau, Asst. County Attorney r This boat was donated to UCCM by private donor for which donation he vas able to claim a tax deductible contribution to a religious organization. This boat is use as an ongoing part of the program of UCCM. As a church camp has canoes which are tax exempt as part of its property, so UCCM has this boat for use with students. On work time for which he is paid, UCCM staff take students sailing to build relationships between and adult clergy and young people. Having fun together has generated may discussions about faith issues, moral issues and personal concerns. It was on the boat that young women found the courage and trust to talk about her bolemia and another to talk about breaking up with his girlfriend, and yet another about why I believe in God. It is recreation, but it is also ministry and has opened doors between clergy and students that may not have ever. opened in another setting. UCCM staff is fortunate to ' Five on the watervray and he a slip available in the Tides in which to keep the sailboat. UCCM is a religious organizations existing to serve the'students of UNCW to assist in their faith development and personal growth. It is mainly students from the Feliovrship of Christian University Students who go out on this boat. Please believe me when I say that 1 count this as an important part of ministry. The Board of Directors understands and approves and the time used by staff in sailing with students and the money use to maintain the boat. , ~`,° } ,~ ~~~ cam- ~,~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -,~- ~ ~~- ~~ ~~- J . ~~F ~`d ~~_ %~:~ .~~`~. i °~ ~~~x- ~N~-~J Form AV- t 0 ~' (Rev. d-94) YEAR ~ -~"~ 5 ~` APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION ' County _ ~~ + ~f-c~..~~,~, Town or'City ~ VU~.x~Yru.^rt-c1~i~ Owner \. ~l, .,r.,~,{ 211' Address ~~ ~ ~ l,c./~~1 (Swot or Route) Locndon of Property ~•~`~ ~ (Town) ,,.;' ... .. l:'~ ; , :r ~, .,, ~ q ! ssrs r. \-., \ (State) tZ;DCodo) I ;_..,..•. • INSTRUCTIONS Under the provisions of G. S. 105-282.1 every owner of property claiming exemption or exclusion from property taxes must demonstrate that the pr meets the statutory requirements. for exemption or cla~sitication. Claims-,.foe .exemption or' exclusion must be tiled with the Assessor of the cot which the property is located. (see reverse side) Claims for exemption should inc!udo all land and improverrients and personal property situated th~cr and complete infctination regarding its use. e ~ "' The undersigned owner or authorized representative•hereby pelitionsVfor e.-xe~mption of the following described property: ~ 2. Give complete description of property: ~' ' ~- ~ t ~ ~ 7~ ~ t-u-~: n ~ Q Q,?,-~~ t' `--~ s Land: , , Improvements: _ Personal Property: 3. List and explain the purposes for which the property is used: Land: Improverrlents: Personal Property: 4. If any organization other than the owner uses the property, give the name of the organization, full particulars .regarding its use property and the amount of any income received for such use.. ~-~'ti2 5. Give your estimate of the true value in money of the property: t/..r j .t_Q~ . L Q 4 `t ~~ ~~ @ (J~ooe Land: ~ ' Improvements: ~„.? Personal Property: ~ ~ . 6. Upon what uses or purposes do you base this claim for exemption? Charitable { ); ~ Religious (v ); , ~ '•Educational Literary ( ); Scientific ( J; -Other 7. Give the specific statutory authority upon which this property is claimed as exempt: _ ~SC~ I C~ ~3 ,, • r (Full lexfs of all exemption and Classification sfafutes are available at the ogee of the county Assessor.) AFFIRMATION. ~ ' Under penalties prescribed by law, I hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge and beligl, the statements and information i application are true; ahd correct, and aye made for the purpose of exempltin~g the property( herein described from taxation. ,. Signature of owner or authorized representative . - ,C . ~7rf ~ - T ~1 ct ~ APPROVED ' 0 YES ~ NO Tittc Telephone No. 1 t ROLAtiD G. REGISTER Tat Administrator November- 1 ~, 199 ~~ 1 1 J~~l.l Jul \ ~~RJ~ V ®~l \ ~ Jl TAX ADNffNISTRATION 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 209 tiVII.MII~IGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 25401-4090 TeL£PHON~ (9/0) .~4l-71j! BCOWIl l~altoll, C{lairman UIIfIed Ch!'lstlall CalllpuS iVtinistry UNC-W GO1 South College Road W111I11t1gt011, NC 25403-3297 Re: Discovery Of I-Iunter Sailboat In Namc Of R. W. Haywood f t Dear Mr. Patton: Thank' you. for your response on behalf of Rev. Haywood. The. file will be changed ~to reflect United Christian Campus Ministry as the owner, but still subject to property taxes There is no automatic exemption from property taxes. Each owner must make an application for exemption, and has the burden of establishing. that the property is entitled thereto. It would not 1~c my opinion that a boat would qualify wholly and cxclusiveiy for religious purposes: However,-you do have the right of appeal to the Board of County Conllllissioners who will require you to satisfy the buI•dell of proof. Due to a statute of Iilllitations, you would llavc to make an immediate application, accompanied by a request showing good cause. for the delinquent application, and request that the Board approve the application. You must also provide substantial proof that the boat is entitled to the religious exemption. For me to arrange for your appearance at the December 1 S meeting, I must have your full response and written defense by Monday December 4. The Board must rule on .your request in this calendar year. Enclosed is foPlll AV-10. Sincerely, ~ _ ~~7 Roland G. Register copy: Kemp Burpeau, Asst. County Attorney W. T: Ward, Listing Supervisor 37 enc. ,. I 4 ~~ UN TED CHRIS'T'IAN CAMPUS MINISTRY ..FOR ; THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT. WILh11NGTON ~~ 603 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD ~ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403.3297 ~' TELEPHONE (9J 0) 799•&397 ~~ -ROOERT W. HAYW000III - --~ CAMPUS MI~JI$TER Oro; To: New Hanover County Tax Office ~ ~ •" From: Brown Patton, Chairman - " , ~' RE: Notice of Assesment Pending , You have notified Robert Haywood of an assesment pending on a 27 foot +Hunter ~ ~,~ sailboat currently docked,in the Tides. ~" That Hunter sailboat, named Stillpoint, is owned by United Christian Campus Ministry which is a tax exempt organization. Please see the inclosed copies of our insurance policy and.a copy of our tax exempt status. Mr: Haywood is simply kind enough to , allow our boat~to be docked.in•his.slip at The Tides marina., I would assume ;that this frees Mr. Haywood from~any"tax liablility on our vessel. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ A ,. , .- j '1 . ,-. ~ ^° SOU 15gs ~, ti ~~C w © ~ c ~~~D r Q cam? ~~~kfi TO~~ ~ . f~~~C~ i1. ~Zb~~\~ f I 1 ~. I ;~. I 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: I O Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUi3.TECT: Consideration of Approval of Budget Amendment #96-3S to increase CAD budget for fencing around the newly constructed tower. T3RIEF SUMMARY: With approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance in the General Fund contingencies account will be $~6,69~. RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REO...IIESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval ~ Federal S: State S: County S: 8,000.00 User Fees S Outer S: Money Is In Current Budget: no ,Budget Arnendmcnt Prepared: yes (Yew Appropriation Request: yes ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- As you requested, this budget amendment impacts the General Fund Contingencies account, and is, therefore, on the regular agenda. Recommend approval. I feel this is an important project from a safety and liability perspective. . ._.. . ~ t~~ ,_ ~..-: ~~ ~y,, a, Ly b~v}p~ ~ ~ -t;,'utl~di* l1~i>>,, U.s~E J b7, 4 !^~~ t Rcfcr to OITcc Vision k3ullctin E3o~'ard foi~Dispos~dn~ ~s~,:..~ ~~~'~ . ~~ . B~xc~gef .A~xxtenc~zx~ez~f .. ... . , , ..: .... - ~~ . DEPARTMENT: ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE:y Computer Aided Dispatch/ - 96-38 ~ 2-19=96 General Fund-Contingency ADJUSTMENT: ~~~ DEBTT CREDIT; ~ ~ ` Gen. Fund/Contingency lJ Contingency $8,00.0 Gen. Fund/Transfer to Cap Projects Transfer to Capital Project 58,000 Computer Aided Dispatch Transfer in $8,000 Computer Aided Dispatch Capital Project Expense 58,000 -~ .. E.~~,ANATION . .• To increase CAD budget for required =fencing. With ,approval of this budget amendment, the remaining balance r the' General Fund Contingencies account will be'$5 95. . ~ _. .. ~~ - _ ,~ ~ ~A'~ ~~~~ . ~~~fi~ ~~~lr~n~~~~i~ ~~~ ,4.0 Tor [3udgct Ofliccrs approval; tlicn report ' ~~~ 2 ~e h I- - J ~.-w+ ..~~ ~,~w`6 ~~~~.-~ IO COtlUnISSIOnC(S a~ ncX( reslllar InCCIinL~' .Ind enter in minutcs. ' - ~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners. I I < "["o be entered into minutcs. t.-} REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: 11 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SULSJL';(; 1 Water and Sewer Ordinance Modification Wastewater Impact BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a proposed change to the definition section of the sewer ordinance. The point of concern is a subsection of Netiv Development. This subsection was appropriate prior to the Board's recent decision to change the impact fee from a per unit basis to a fee based on square footage. As indicated, the subsection would be eliminated to correct this oversight. It should be noted that staff is preparing to completely rewrite the water and sewer ordinance to eliminate inconsistency and to clarify it. RECOMMENDED MOT[ON AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the proposed change be approved with authorization for the Chairman to execute. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State 5: County 5: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: I`!cw Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• . Since this is an amendment to a County ordinance, a unanimous vote is required to-enact the change. ,~ If the vote is not unanimous a second reading is required before enactment. Recommend approval in order to maintain consistency with recent cha es. G~J~' `~e~ ` n ~ ', . ~`~'~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~'~1~~~ ~-Z /Q ! ~ (~s~pa~,p~c~ ision E3ullctin Qoatd Cor Disposition C~tGet~ A~" ~~ '~j J' ~~ .. ,. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE _ _ ~ ~ NE`V HANOVER COUNTY _ _ - .~ - BOARD OF COiVIi1~1ISSIONERS .. _ ~ ,. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby amend Chapter 15, Water Supply System, Article I[, Waste Wafer Collection and Treatment, ' Section I ~- I8, Definitions, as follows: Amend the existing .definition of New development by deleting subsection (~) which reads "The expansion o.f or addition to a single-family .residential structure or asingle-family mobile home, so long as such expansion or addition dots not result in amult-family structure." Exce t'as s ecificall amended above said cha ter shall remain in fuhl fo ~`' P P Y P rce and.e,ffect. This the day of February, 1996. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Robert G. Greer hai C rman ATTEST: Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board _ _ _ .. . _ _ U 42 ~, .. r 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 i f 1 1 1 J 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item. #: 12 Consent Item #: Additional [tem m: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie I-Iarrell . SUBJECT: - Committee Appointments ~..... BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ - Committees: Commission for Women ~ l~..ot.a,e~ ' ~2eadvcr~se Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee Law~lb 4 Will Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee Wets Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee Allen ? Port, Waterway and Beach Commission Wastec Commission T~eacr.~ f ~ehza9/;a RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REnUESTED ACTIONS: Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: ~edcrai S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: ~1oney Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request 3Udget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: -- LGL: FIN: BUD: ~-IR: (-'(~T1NTV MAIVA(=FR~C ('(lM1ViFNTC ANTI AFh~llvilvT>a Nr~nTrn~rc. Make appoi«tmer~ts. 43 Refer to O(lice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition i _ - _ COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - ~~ ~ , Y COMMISSION FOR WOMEN v c _ 2 A ANCIES -..UNEXPIRED , Recommendation: Change the terms to ex ire Ma.~3I '.1999 to p Y allow staggered .terms. .; The expiration dates got out of .sync when the length of terms were changed from 2 years to :3 .years. .. ~ ~ .. ' . -, - _ ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: REAPPOINTMENT Rosemarie Gabriele ~ _ Teresa Godoy Goldston Sadie Ann Hood Sandy Moon Sandra Morris Lisa Manning Schaefer . .Lois Cook Steele _ _ _ _. u ..- - a .. • . { _. .. - .. ._ - - _ G - ~ - I ~~: Attachments:. Committee Information Sheets ~ ~ ~ Applications -. '~ ~ 44 , ~, 1 NEW HANOVER.COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Number of Members: 17 7 Appointed by County Commissioners 7 Appointed by City Council 3 Appointed by Beach Councils 1 e t Terms of Office: Three years - may serve two consecutive terms only without an.intervening period of one year.. Qualifications: Men and Women residents of New Hanover County Regular Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the YWCA, 2815 S. College Road. Action Creating Commission: County Commissioners meeting of 3/6/71, Minute Book 28, page 61. Name Change.on January 1990. Changed Term of Office to three years on 2/21/94. Brief on Functions: To identify the status of women in .New Hanover County by assembling existing information, conducting original research, and other appropriate activities. To disseminate information on the status of women to the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Wilmington City Council, Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, Carolina Beach and Kure.Beach Town Councils and to the people of New Hanover County., and to recommend appropriate action regarding the status of women and to prepare an annual :report to give to the aforementioned governing bodies.. To promote the development of the potential of each woman. To increase public understanding of the problems, needs, and abilities of women, and to serve as a clearinghouse of information regarding the aforemehtioned. CURRENT MEMBERS Lucretia Benjamin 501 Sheppard Road Wilmington, NC 28403 452-0832(H) 350-2271(W) M. Lois Hart 401 Crooked Creed Road Wilmington, NC 28409 452-9101(H) Judith P. Moore 705 Bayshore Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 686-9224 (H ). 256-7209 (W) Lois Nal ~ ' 3138 M innon Drive Wilm~ gton, NC 28409 31 2505 (H) ~/ZCr ~9 ~ TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES second 5/31/97 Appt. 5/18/92 first 5/31/98 (Appointed 5/15/95) second 5/31/98 (Appt.,5/17/93) Reappt. 5/15/95) first 5/31/98 (Appointed 5/15/95 4~ NEW HANOVER COMMISSION'FOR~'•WO EN M (CONTINUE•D) TERM - >" • - 'PRESENTLY• TERM CURRENT MEMBERS ~ - SERVING EXPIRES Edith S. Waltman ~ - - 'first - 5/31/98 ~ 106 Sands Hill Drive I Wilmington, ~NC 28409 ~ `(Appointed 5/1'5/95) ~ 799-0228 (H) 343-2652'(W) • ~ -s - Dolores M. WilTiams`~ - - first 5/3I/98 3113 Joe Wheeler Drive Wlmington,•~ C 28409 ~~ : ~ `. (APpt.- 5/15/95) 452-7150 (H) =~---3~fr4 (W) - ,... ~ . x Eve Will' ms - ~, `first 5/31/`9 3: 313 Sto ' ewa 1-1~° Jackson Drive .. - - Wilmi gton, NC 23412 ~ -/Z~ I ~~ (Rppt. 5/15/95) ` 791 766 (H) City of wilmngton~Apoointees~ - Louise Bland _> '. P.O. Box 601 .~ _ ~. Carolina Beach, NC ~ 28428 •- ~~i ~' ~ r 4''58-.,4480 '(H) - . Louise 'Connor ~` ~ _ ` ~ . 602 Alabama Avenue - • ~ ~ Wilmington, NC 28403 - Yr_ ,- - ,_, • 763-2653• (H) -392-1440-Ex't: 307 (W) '• ~'" . ;. Charlotte Diller 6820 Wood"'Sorrel Road " .~ Wilmington; NC 23405` 799-3145-'ti r Sandra S . Hughes ~ ' - .~ 522-19 S. Kerr Avenue ( •' . Wilmington, NC 28403 392-3675 (H) 452-6393`(W) i ,~ ~ • Rose Ann Mack, CFCOG 1480 Harbour Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 -• 395-4553 ..• ; ... Carolina~•Beach Appointee ~ ~ - Jearine =Ray ' ` ~ 6/1/94 P.O. Box 698 Carolina~Beach, NC 23428 ~ .'~ 458-9555 (h) 458-8434•(wk) - ~ Y 46 ~~ e a 0 r r 0 a 1 0 0 r NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN (CONTINUED) Kure Beach Appointee P~~~ Kure Beach, NC 28449 Wrightsville Beach Appointee File: \Women 94 47 NEW HANOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN P. O. Box 15056 ~ ~ -~ Wilmington, NC 28408 January 21, 1996 New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Attention: Ms. Elmore 4 RE: County Appointees to .New Hanover Commission for Women Dear Ms. Elmore, There are currently two vacancies on the New Hanover Commission for Women which need to be filled by the New Hanover County Commissioners. Eve Williams and Lois Nall resigned from membership on the Commission for personal reasons. I obtained and enclose several. applications for membership submitted to me by County residents. Please make arrangements to fill these positions as soon as possible. The Commission has appointed various steering committees to accomplish the programs and events it will sponsor through January, 1997. We need a full membership on the Commission to accomplish our goals. If you have any questions or need further information, please call me. I can be reached during the day at 341-5851. Sincerely yours, J Dolores M. Williams, resident G1L5~ 7i~~~1~`~ . r R J~1! 2 6 ~ 96 4 `-' . • NEti°f NANOYER CO. ED. C'r CO'fM,S~;ON.;;S DOLORES M. WII.LIAMS 3113 Joe Wheeler Dr. Wilmington, NC 28409 January 26, 1996 New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Attention: Nis. Elmore ~ RE: County Appointees to the New Hanover Commission for Women Dear IVfs. Elmore, ,~ As President of the New Hanover Commission for Women, I need Commission members like Rosemarie Gabriele. I highly recommend Rosemarie for appointment to the ~f,- ~New Hanover Commission for Women. Since Rosemarie Gabriele began working as a volunteer for the Commission, she has been most energetic and productive. She is currently assisting the Commission with public communications and relations. She is self-motivated and aself-starter, and able to function effectively without continuous supervision and guidance. She has personally assumed much responsibility and has carried through promptly on her assignments. Rosemarie would be a real asset to the Commission and is most deserving of your appointment. Sincerely yours, Gl/ ~~ Dolores M. Williams. rlll?lS~LJ~`~i;] J~1J 2 6 50 N~'Y U.1i' ~ ~.. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street,. Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 FAX (919J 341 ~ 130 r _ ~r^. 0 ~n~ ~~t~LJ~`!~~'~ J~J 2 6 r9G / (fie','! ~;a'~`:'=~ r~~. Application, for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County .Board of Commissioners. Request Appointment to: /V ~ Name: _ E15e mc~~ ~~b l Address:." r~ I 7 T ' ~tv ~C'1(' A )/ [l~•~' tilailingAddress: ,4. ,e ~ _ / y~ How long have you been a /~ P11G~ l~ C- resident qq' f New Hanover oun ? ~ PQ/S• Cit and State: r~ QQ ,~,1/ _ '. , ~ p. ~D ~"~~ Y UI r~ '/~ '~Z Code: Telephone: Nome: 1..~ ~~~3 T d Business: ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~4~ 'Sex: `'~ ~~ 'Race: "~i(~'~ ,,, ~ ~ ~{Age:.} ~~7~ ~. - . /. ; r:l -`Thu information is requested fog tho sofe:puipose of assuring that a cross-section of the corrimunity is appornfed. ~ ,~ '-'Employed by: - ~el ~ ~- .~.J ~ . A person turrently employed by the agency or depar~nent for which this applicatr'on is rrtedo; must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointors t, in accordanco;with ArfirJo Vl, Sec. 3 of~tho New Hanover County Perso`hnel~PoGcy.':_ ' ,-. Job Trtle: /' /e5 ° ,~ ~~/' ;/~ - .. . .. ' ~~: Pro(essionalActivities: - ~ •. . _ ' __, . ._. Volunteer Activities: ~a,~J~ C;~S/~5 Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee,• or Commission requested? ~~~ .f'i%ZL~I LL~ , ` ', (. What do you feel are your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~1erse ~~ /~~a~~~ ~~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ``' ~~~,Cf,S2.' ~5e~ ~:~~~/lam ~! ~~ (Please uso, reverse side for additional comments) 50 -- ~ _ Date: ,,`L / ~.~ Signature t I. For 2 decades I have intermittently worked and was a crusader ir! the social services field. I was among the first peoples to recognize that job training needed to be incorporated into the public assistance (welfare) program, which I saw as more of a woman's issue than a man's. I also reported and wrote about date .rape before the term and extent of which existed. Thus, I have been on the forefront of these and other women's issues. I started Virginia Woman magazine for a number of reasons but mostly because I felt that women needed, a media vehicle which was produced by women for women. I also hoped to help women to learn about themselves especially in regard to how to recognize and celebrate their and other women's accomplishments. In operating Virginia Woman it became obvious that there are a multitude of women's issues that need to be addressed and I would like to have a hand at. .once again, crusading such issues as women's health and safety, financial equality and independence through empowerment. IZ. I have caorked diligently as a homemaker, mother, social worker, volunteer and business owner and have come not only to recognize the different tasks that women take upon but..also the problems that may ensue within each of: these, tasks and Nave successfully worked towards rectify some of the problems. IIT. Respect and recognition towards womankind, pay equity, mentor programs in the work and .home arena, self-esteem workshops, empowerment, educational scholarships, seeing women in the media portrayed in the "right" light without a focus on what they wear or who they date. ~ 51 1~~ NEW HANOVER COMMI S S ION_ FOR ,WOMEN _ nrt~1 P . 0 : aox 15056 ~ .. ' ,~~!151~7~-J U~"~°~ ~ .wIL,~?INGTOI~,~, NC 28408 r . ,~DT~T('ATT(~N ''OR A,Da(ZT~jT;1.t~~T.T~BO~~D (~~ DTR~'CTORS >1 1 r,` - ~iEr! ~i:L,OlL,~ NPR' . ~ ~ .. LN'G~ OI--r ~ -. i ~1 •; . Opt.. t A TELEPHONE.:.. HOME: ~ Io oCo~,,~ BUSINESS.: ,~ 3 s~ - 9) a~ 3sa -n~~~ EMPLOY=D BY:- J03 TITLE PROFESSIONAT. ACTIVITIES : ~_,' ._ . , ~I VOLUNTEER ACTOIVITI`.S : wrsl o vl Sy~• as ~Cxc-~owy l~/~c.c Tres o~ '~r~ o~ ~}\,~w.a,,...~¢ lo-+~s o~ T~. .C1o. Goy-,,.w.\~\~c. 4.a,. 15n-b~ td 1 /~~!r'S~...S ~ 7'7r' S~ l C'°!`„"~ ~~-~--C 2. , ~ ~~ \ L ~nc~ \ o l G ~ ^~,eri,^~-d ~n•t~T~.`"r ~ r` `)t'~,t_ Wi-iY DO •YOU W:~1~IT TO SERVE ON T::E 30P.RD?~~ ~_ W,o~~ lake aNd as ~~u~~'. as `~:~ o~ye u~ll,~c, -~ leck,,-,~ as n~uel„ a~ 1. ~ 1 1 o n ~ ' `~.~. X0«1 e e1 ~ nn WH..~T DO YOU THINK ARE YOUR QUALIrICATIONS rOR SERVICE ON THIS B OA.~tD ? Co-~. ~, (~ct~Y' rv~EN~ 1 t1Sir~1~ D~ ~T`~~ ~ `oocx,~-~ ~n,A Q~~go~m ~(S WN.AT P.REAS OF CODICERN WOULD YOU LIKE T::E BOP~D TO P.DDRESS? CSL,m~ 0.G ~~7Vf' (Please use never-e side for additicnal inforracion or corrents.) ~2DATE . l t~, - 0~.0- C'(5 SIGNATURE n . ... ~ ~ .. .. n . .- _ ~) 1 Y C . ~n .. 1 "~, !M o \ i. 1 ~n ..lf~ . ~~ ~J"1 1 4 /' -.1 NEW H?~NOVER COMMISSION FOR WOMEN ~. o. aox ~sos~ Fi ~ ~~^.! ~1GTON, vC 28408 .. ~l7Dr T('~TTn1~1 F(lRl ~7o(1T~IT~:•N.i T!) nC1JR~ Q~ TRfi TCI~_S . aDOR=3s': , P ~;~~ rte. Lf~~l~ u! m ~vL ~`d`ta5 - r5~~`C TELCP::O~iE . fi0h~' : 3~ s -`} ~ ~ ~ . BUSINESS : ~j `f a- - 1 l 0 1 Ei~?LO`!~D BY: j-~o:.~;~^,F=~l ~EEL'SOitJ ~~.R2A l{Ut C~L~ JOB TITLE: ~ ~ 2~~~ CY1U~L'" U ~~' ~ - . n P~O~~SS!0~1.L ACT_!ViT•!LS: E'YC'C~•tt;~. ~,,..;_,t~r..'~J.~ •>1 "(:~~. VO? 'v'vT~B~ ACT ~ VI _ =~S . 1'~• ~ T' ~t~j ~~ ~ '~d ~1`V_ :~ r:.•:~ w '' ~t~ : TO Sc DO `'OG 6v~ ~IT I ~ U 0~ T.=. EO? ~' ' ! ~„ --T '~ ' =t~) : . . . _ \ T'c 11 !\4 ~ ' _}.-~ _ ~ ~ !,:.~ ~ ~ „_ ~, ~-, I~r ' p L~r-n. . P7~ ?"' CO 'I'OU T~~N:~ ~~. YOU:Z QUI.~: =CyTTO~lS rG~ SG~vTC~ OPI Tr:=3 BOA_~? i ~ c~~~.,, 5~',~~) ~.~~1.y ?w -}c-.4u,_._ ~_r_) ~':.ir-.-•, ~k",I`.S~ ~ / ' n ~ l ! a t ~' ~ ~ ~l~ ~ n Yil / r ~i'1 !~ C''t ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ c C :v ~._ _~AS G= CO`+CS~J :•;CU~J YCU L_~~ _ _. EC??~ TO ?~~J~.SS? i ..~:) ~/li(,' C't •'~~.~.•.•/tC -brC~17C1`~ tH~lC.1 .l~T(i;fr::.rr:L" C~.f1J1C` /,~ .~= .n -!i.r?(,. •?rC j I ~ .Ia /~ ,i. /..~c~, r 7 % 1 ~~.,i i /\ l ~~ ~=r2_'S~ 1:30 _2VP C._ S_=2 ...= L~____"--~ ~.:~~...__.:' -- __....._-_3.) ' r /~/. ~ ~ / 5 3 yFEB _7 '96 1~=16 FROM PRUDENTIAL - WILM NC PAGE.001 !1(EW HAIVOVER CDUl~l7"Y BOARD OF COM/VllSSION,ERS 320 Chestnut Streer,. Room 305 tNilmington, NC 284.01-4093 Telephone (3.101 311-7149 FAX(9f0134f~f130 App/Icatiorr for. AppolntmQnl to Boards, Committees, and Commissions .. Appointed by tho Ncw Hanavor Coun'Zy-Board o! Camrtilssloneis: mt551o1J ~oR lc~omE,J Rcquc..t lorAppaintmant to: C.D I?'1 Name: ~~D~ mOb~- :_ Home ~~ Now long have you been a l/ Address: ~ ~ ~ SPA K r~-l~ ~~ ~- F~-t1 E _ resldcni of New Hanover Cauntyl ~ la RS Mailinfl Address:~~4M~ City end State: C~RRD L (lJ/~' l "drA-~ ~~/- zP Code: ~,.j `f'~-~ . _ _ Q Telephone: ..Home: Business: d I ~ 02~~~ ~" `Sex: C" .Race:... - ~ ~. - . •A~Q• ~ ~ - •Th/t !n/armetion !s nquestad for the rota purposv,o/ s;.sunnp Nar~. os-eocr;on,o/f th• commvniry ~* i*ppajntad. ,.Employed by: ~R~ DG!`1 / i13~- ~~OLiI`1A a ~f} Ll 7 ~ Pa •'A perlan Currently omployod b y rhv gpuncY or deparrmen t (or wA;ch rhlJ app6Cet/on is made, Wins( ras% ~ ar aiuan with Now X~nover County upon epao;nrmenL in BCCOrdmrco wlfh Ardda V1, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hrnvve~ Coon Pu:cnnol Pot/cy. .lob Trtle: ~~~ L / D R .. ~ .:..' ProlessionalActivr'ties: ~IL.rnI/'~~r~N ~~~ ~~ I`~'~Ll~RS 1 ~~_~~ J~1~: rnL~ _ VolunteerActlvlt/es: Lr ~~~Q72E C~i D L~F M ! ~ ~D_~ ~SL'g-n/~ ~~ LIIrHTS ~-`'rnrn r SEE •Wny do you Y/ish to'serve on the-Beard, Comrrriftee, or Commission requested? ~ l' D ~ 1~-n~~~ .~~ ~I~~wCEb(r~F~IbC-~ ~fb ln~~oRIVIEI~ ~ ~ ~~" r~1~o/~m-a 7i one ~~ _ _ - .. ~ ,- ~ ~Li~~ ~~ oc,~R ~ ~~ -~ What do you Iasi are .your qualilicetlons .for serving on the Board, Committee, or COmR7issiQrr requestQdl . . SE1~L(irl ~ .J~ 1 E ~ ~~-R:77C/P~ -~ ~ C.~ rn f}lR5 . nrn .l rrn~ _" f}-~{ D D ED f (~-rT o ~ Q RG-~,u' 1 ~ ~47~ o rJ f ~ ~!tbL.S 5 i rl GE.E to oTrf~P. w 1'f~oF~s 1 a~ (.- GAB , What areas"ol cont:crrr wou/d you liko to see the Board, Committee, or Commission eddressl ~ t C S >~ F~'P--~i(1 ~`~S d~ (.c~ d m E 1~I t5 (~D LE 1 n] -~' LO CAS.. ~Lt, S t ~- ESS Are yvu currently servrno on onother boord or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f~so, please list: DtifE: ~.~ - - S{flrteture_ (Plane vie roveroo aide /or eddt%onn/ commenLsl i_ ~ _ _ :_ 54~ _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 7 s~. - o ~ ra7 ~ ~ ^ ~ aCr porF . Giq l *%~ TOTRL PAGE . 00 1 ** 1 NEW HArNO VER COUNT Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover Co`~unty Board of Commissioners. ~~ ,~/~~ ~~Q7x~~ Request fo~~r,,Appointment to: `YH~.~-~~ '~ L.~ ~~~~~ Name: ~~:L ~~ ~-~.fi~(~J S Home. ~, I ~ ~~ ~ Now long have you been a ~ f Address: ~ / resident.of New Hanover Countyl _,O.~,u~ (~ ~Ll Mailing Address: I;U ((-1~l I`Ul~/}T~1 ~ 1 City and State: M~. Zip Code: ?a `~"~ S Telephone: Nome: 2 ~ ~ OC~J~ Business: 'Sex; ~ "Race: 'Age: ` Z • 'This inlormetion is request~/e}~d /or the sa/a purpose o/ assuring that a cross-section of the community is appointed. "Employed b y: ~ S "`'~`- "Aperson currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/hor position with New Hanover County up~on~ap~pointmen~, in ecclor~dairc~e with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Nenovar County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~`rl""` ~~L"~`~`-f Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: 111t,1~ ~~.~ ~~, ~,c~t. Wh y do you wtsh to serve o he Board, t I_ .tee, or Commtssron requested? ~Z~~c.c.GaJ rj{ ~rrc~, c:2~~c-~-a~ ,~vv awl. ~tc~a. What do you feel are your qualifications (or serving on the Board, Committee, or .Commission requested? . r~i~~ l~,li !nt.o»tJ Cr,~ o ~ a~.c~Q.Q c~ ~Ok~. Q~. ~ ~ C~~i~c w (~~ a.~ u.~Q-~-~hR. ~o What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commtss~va re ~~ ~F F Are you current/y serving on another boardnor committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ~~ ' ~G'~ Y Date: 2 - l - -/ lv Signatu 11 ,, ~7 n IP/ease use reverse side /or additional commentsl ~~ L 1 ~l) 1•'.:: i ., is .: } L,~ :` NEW HANOVER .• COMMISSION :FOR WO ~--' ME N • P . 0 . BOX -15 0 5.6 . (o r- WILMINGTON; NC 28408 t1t1~~L:~ULL~ - • . JAtI 2 6 96 P_pPT,r .PTT N ~'OR AP Ori~~VT TO BOARD O~ Dr ~'C'TOR~ `~Ew Han;ovc~ co. NAME: ~,IS~ Mc~r~N.iNG .SGI~AE,~~~,2 _ ADDRESS: I _•('~1..•CO(~ ~ (~ ~~ - _ _._ .. _~ _ _,. d5l -811 l TELEPHONE: HONE: ~p~(D - a~j~ ~ BUSINESS. (non _y~,SS.'~{~ P}.ld~tE ~' • EMPLOYED BY. ,CO(nPP.F_N~ NS IU' up(`(1F Nt(~~ -N (:fJ ~;_ - _ JOB TITLE: Q~l-1SIL(~L. -C4162AP\S"C . ,~ _. ,, PROE'ESSIONAL ACTIVITIES : q{Y}f 21CAN ~uUS1C.l~~-- TW~?gP.1C'r (~(((!Clla j1 UN _1q~3- 1a~~ r~P~tA (~SS~rnCi~u n~ R~P~~Eni g~~uES _ -~ _ - i - Wp.rr~ F.N S~ c-~~N ~.~ ~ ~s~~.~no~c 0~ Tug r PTA - +~~-nc~~ REt:En~~`1' ~ ~ n,rrli'TFU Ff~:fl. P1.~(3C-IC.Ia'TI~ VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES : ' ~Q`RL~ .N'l~l'C~ •f R ~~1 E_ r~ ~ ~pC)tYIE ST1 C_ y ro~F nc.~ r_s ~r, ~ (P,grr F .~ tf t M'~,l Glad ~dLx CC`'r l~rN SfJ~':i ~~"Ar(~„~' , WUM~-n:':, ~i - - (''1~G1C~1'--.. . - . ,. ~ ~ Rux~~F.n:.. WHY DO YOU WANT TO SERVE ON THE _~0~-~?` • ~~0 NF I _P_.i'f1f-~ K'F~ .A ~ C6~`~`~'-~~~ . O1FF~R~nCt, f:NID _P_(wvGGF INPI,~T- flAa 1~rP ~"or w-Orn ~=r-,~~D<.- `=,. a- . . .. .. ... ~N1.LOtiE.11 . s'~~ TN = wlLr~rr~~ -r) rJ_ q!L A s - ~` _ _. I WHAT.:DO YOU THINK .ARE YOUR QUAI;IFICATIONS F'OR SERVICE, ON<THIS ' BOARD? ~a~)F~ Kqn. xiLN:r.)l. EXP~zifllCf (-inn WA ~t Q~3,F()rLrv)~r~ r~~~lJ - ~. ._. ~. << la -~TUt rJnr^ of wOrnEn,S IC(~CS fso~ In~r,n~.r~,n~'a,l ~-~ D<7~FST~CJ;6L~^~C~. -~ - ~h21~ Gdvoc.a.~~ : I(`1Ml'xNIZ.F1"fION Proq~c.k.s-{6r ~~-Ec~~}s cnd Pr~rjc~o~' E.x 4,LC_i•SE~Prorrcr,s. ' WHAT AREAS OF CONCERN WOULD YOU'LIKE THE BOARD TO ADDRESS? .. .- •• -t _.~ • _, _ . - }~~,~~ • , • -• `~GCiI_aC~lTl'I~I~I ~111~/l~iLt.~~ i~h~ 11Y'Ippr'~-~i~C.f____-U-I..I~US~G t.~JO;~ME-(-l (•L:bUV.-~" ,• <~ i ~, a ~ c1 ~ ~ be ~ ~l1 d so -}•h~~ -}h SE.. ~ E . s~.~E,~l c.,~t . (Please use never e s~e for additional infor.;ation or coccanents.)„ ~ ~.MO~)Ofl~.~ ~,~(,~~ . ~~,~ ' WUMESI~G.~OI~ ~~\S SE2lUl,~.S C..bI,~S~ GK.I,,fi~S M~~11t.~E Of FJrpbIE~~1S O. SSQGIG {-(U ~~:~1, _ DATE : tO ~-.ZS ~ ~ S SIGNATURE : - 1 - ,.. . - - - - Lisa Manning Scltaefet~ - - - - 701 Alcoa Way - l -. _- Wilmington, North Carolina 2S=I05 - (910) 656-2529 - - ~ ~ . ' EDUCATION ~ _ Ohio State Universit Columbus Ohio ' , y, , i~•fasters of Arts, Rehabilitation Counseling And Administration - _ -. _ August , 1935 _ Bachelor of Science, Allied Health Professions, Physical Therapy June, 1931 - LICENSE r Ohio Occ•upaticnal and Physical Therapy Board, No. 3056 - - - ~ Michigan Physical -Therapy License No. 550?G05556 - - Not•th Carolina .Physical I-nerapy License -Application Submitted - HONORS - ;~ Ohio State University Hospitals "Care Share" Award .- . Alpha Lamda Delta-Honorary - Phi Eta Sigma Honorary • Summa Award, Ohio State University 1973 - . ~• -_ ~ ' _" _ . PRO I 4 N EESS OVAL . FFILIATIOi SAND SERVICE. , 195,5 - 19S7 Clinical Instructor, School of Allied Health Professions, Ohio State University . 19S-1 - 1955 Rehabilitation Counseling Student Group ` • • - Curriculum Advisory Board, College of Education, Uhio State University ' 1953.- 1937 APTA Assembly of Representatives - _ 1933 - 19S5 Ohio Chapter of the National Head Injury-Foundation " , - 1952 - 1953 .., State Treasurer, National Head Injury Foundation ~' - ~ _ - PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE June-Oct 1994 Doscher Memorial Hospital ._ - Contract Physfca! Therapist ~ ~ _ ~ 19S8 - 1992 Shawnee Mission Practice Group -Overland Park, Kansas "" • ( _ _ Director of Pftysica! Therapy 1 JS6 - 19S7 ~ ~ - Gait Analysis Laboratory, Ohio State. University -Columbus, Oluo Physical Therapist ~ ,• 193 - 1956 Physical Therapy Consulting Services -Columbus, Ohio •. ' • Assisfa~tt Director ~ _. Responsibilities included supervising employees, developing programs and coordinating staffing in four facili- ties and. three home health agencies along with providing instruction and direction Eor the clinical educatton • 195.1 program. Ohio State University, Department of Counseling and Education -Columbus; Ohio .. _ Presented a workshop at Ohio State University for rehabilitation counseling students and faculty reviecv- • 19 2 ..ing treatment and therapy modalities in the head injured individual. h 8 - 1985 O io State University Hospitals ' Senior Physical Therapist ~ - Responsibilities included supervising students and staff physical therapists in addition to providing duect care to • patients. Experience included rotations in neurosurgery, neurology,, outpatient rehabilitation modalities , and cardiac rehabilitation. ~ 1J 1932 - 1983 " • Upjohn Home Health Services - Home Health Physical Therapist .. `.:. •' Part-time employment providing treatment in the home setting during the evening for patients with a variety of physical conditions. - . _ ~ Ltsa tt~latuttrtg Schaefer - (910) 513-1201 - , - - p~~e ? PROFESSIOi~1At: DEVELOPMENT - ~ - 1993_ _ APTA National Conference_ _. _ ... • _ ___ .. Cincinnati, Ohio - - - 1991 APTA Spring Conference - Kansas City, Kansas 1990 Duane Saunders: Evaluation, Treatment & Prevention of Spinal Disorders Kansas City, Kansas 1990 Chronic Pain Secninar -University of Kansas ititedical Center Kansas City, Missouri 1990 A Look at Patient Compliance,- University•of, Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, Missouri 1990 - Study of the Lumbar Spine -University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, h~issouri 1990 - Tactful Toughness:. How to Confront Effectively , _ University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, Missouri 19S9 N.:vf.E.S. Respond [I:Workshop -University of Kansas Medical Center ;;• - Kansas City, ivfissouri 19SS. APTA Spring Conference ,, Columbus, Ohio ISS7 Gait Analysis Conference - Baltimore, titaryland 19S7 APTA Spring Conference `: Columbus, Ohio -~ ~ n Nash~•ille, Tennessc~; 19S6 Cervica; ;4fubilization „' Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1956 Thoracic Mobilization - ~ , . - - Boston, ivtassachusetts 19So TL1J Mobilization, . - .. i Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 195 Sacroiliac Mobilization ~ - - Boston, Massachusetts 19S~ Advanced Shoulder \gobilization . . New York, New York 1953 APTA Spring Conference Columbus, Ohio 19S~ Treatment of Spasticity im:4dults and Children ~ ~ ~ Boston, ,,\~fassachusetts 19S~ Rehabilitation Counseling of the Head Injury Patient Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 19S-1 NDT Approach to Adult Hemiplegia - _ '_ ~ Cambridge, Massachusetts 19S-1 APTA Spring Conference • ~~ ~ Columbus, Ohio 19S-1 The Biomechanics of Cait and Gait Analysis ~ Columbus, Ohio 19S3 APTA Spring Conference' ~ Columbus, Ohio 19S3 Ohio Chapter of the National Head Injury Foundation Conference ~ Columbus, Olun 1953 ~ 'Prosthetics and Orthotics Seminar ' ~ ~ .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1953 - Treatment and Long Term Planning for the Hcad Injury Individual •' - ` Boston, Massachusetts 1952 ~ Joint ivlobilization Techniques+ ~ Chicago, Illinois 19S2 Otuo Chapter of the National Head Injury Foundation Conference ~ • Columbus, Ohio 19S2 Jobst Institute Conference . - } Toledo, Ohio 1SS1 APTA Spring Conference ~ ~ - ` .~ Columbus, Ohio 1951 '_ Sports ;Medicine Seminar - ' _ . Cincinnati, Ohio 1950 Basal Ganglia Disorders Seminar ~. _ , , _ Columbus, Ohio 1950 Workshop for the Developmentally Disabled - _ ~~ Columbus, Ohio 19S0 Infant Stimulation Seminar Boston, Massachusetts 19S0` - APTA Spring Conference ~ - . Columbus, Ohio RESEARCH EXPERIEi~TCE '~ _ Gait Analysis:. Use of quantitative measurements~oE-gait kinesiolooy, ground reacrion forces and EMG patterns to investigate specific gait abnormalities. PUBLICATIONS ~ ' i`tarch;~1992 'Earlier Passiae Motion Follotuing-Rotator Cuff 'Repair" '_ ~• ~rrierican Orthopedic Association Residents Conference;`Ci•aig~Satterlee M:D., Robert Schaefer M.D., and Lisa Manning Schaefer MA.P.T. - ' January, 1956 "Fitness and Exercise" - .. UPPei• ?~'rlington Mews ' July; 19S~ "Exercise for the Juvenile Diabetic" _ ' Ohio State University Hospitals Publication ` ~ Protocofs published at Ohio State University`Nosp:talc.(. ' 5-g . .The Use of Jobst Pumps for the Prevention of Deep'Vein.Thromboses ' _ The Use of Functional Electrical Stimulation to Prevent Shoulder Subluxation in Patients who have suffered Cerebrovascular Accidents - Functional Electrical Stimulation and the Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease REFERENCES -Furnished upon request ' . .,~ - ,... . . NEVI HANO~VER COUNTY ~ ~~ i__~,,~~;__,~~%~,i BOARO OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Cfrestnut Street, Room 305. ~~~ 2 6 56 Vlrilmington, NC 28401-^093 ~'~~~~_`+ ~•a~;ov~ CO. Telephone (919J 341-71=.9 FAX (919) 3Y 1--; 1 ~ 0 .Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and. Commissions Appointed by the IVew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. .Request for Aopointment to: i~~.! c~ ~ ~~~c~~- i~~ ~-~ , -.~~---J Name: ~ /S O ri r ~ , - ~ ~ S~~ -Home /~j ~ /~~ /j~ A How long have you been a Address: ,r../.~/~.~/ ~-i.-t-- resident of New Hanover County? / , hfailin g Address: 7 ~ l ," " _ ' ~ i City and State: ~,1 , /~-, i r~ .-~ 1 ~,~ ~ ~ c~ 1 Zp Code: ~~~_3 Te.e hone: Home: ~ ~~_ E ~ - ~~~~ p ~~O ~G- ~~ S~~ ~ Business: '/~/C - ~~ 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ Age: . ~ ~" 'This information is requested for ~e,sole pu reso of assun'ng that across-sec~on of the communr:y is appointed. "Employed by. V `/.~Q~ j~ = A pcron curront;y employed by t1:o agency cr depar^;er: !cr which this e;,plicstan is mado, mt~t resign his/her pcsi~en wifh (Vew l-tsncvor Ceur.:y upon ©ppoir.:-:;en( in ecordance wi;h Fv'.rc'o Vl, Sew 4' of ~ o New Hanover County Personnel Pelie,~. n 7 Job True: ~ ~- ~`;',-~/tc,~ ~/ ~.F'G9 /` . /,E''~ C.':~ ,~ f L ~ ProfessionalActivities: ~~JVrI'~,!-1/~',~h~ ~i;.-~ ~~/ir, P~ i ~ ~i4'i~i~ i~~, ~s~'C. ~/D~ ,f ,/~ 9 / . / . Volunteer Activities:.U/It ~l1/ /!k~~~~s~}`' //~j,~,r,_. Why do you-wish to serve on the board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ >G./,e/ w ~'./'~,/~~ .7 jr ~G~ijr..; iii l- (`~T r ,/ / What do you feel are your qualifrcaticns for setting on the c3oard, Committee, or Commission requested? /,!~.. 'S/~'~. ~`;' .air, n.:,c••rP !~.~%~-~„ . f N/hat areas of concsm would /y>ou Gke to see the Board,, Committee, or Commission address? rv (Plcaso use reverse side far edditieral commcntsJ Date:.- ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~0 7 ~~ 9 Signature 60. 1 Compensation: None, .but maybe reimbursed for actual expenses. Term: 1 year terms initially; 3 year terms thereafter Qualifications: Must be a resident of New Hanover County. No person or immediate family member of person with financial interest in any home served by a committee member or employee or governing board member of a domiciliary home served by a committee, or immediate family member of a resident in a domiciliary home served by this committee may be a member. Regular Meeting: First Wednesday of every other month at 9:,00 a.m. at the Wilmington Baptist Association. • DOMICILIARY HOME COMMIINITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 9 members (1 member for each permitted facility). Three members shall be nominated by the Domiciliary Home Chief Administrator, and if posssible, one member must be a person involved in the, area. of mental retardation. A County Commissioner shall be appointed to serve in an ex-officio capacity. Statute causing Committee: G.S. 130-9-5. 1 CIIRRENT MEMBERS Josephine W. Little 141 Futch Creek Road Wilmington, NC 28405 686-0299 (H) TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING EXPIRES. first 8-31-96 (Appt. ratified 9/5/95) Fred Spain 3745 Reston Court Wilmington, NC 28403 251-9299(H) 392-2626(W) 5-31-96 1 1 1 first (Appt. ratified 6/6/95 to 1 year term) Jane B. Johnson second 5-31-98 1812 Grace .Street Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 1/16/90 unexpired term) 762-1525 (H) -341-7700 (W) Reappt. 5/15/95 Bob Kin ury ~joes net" + first 1305 ornin Court clesit~- re4PP ' 2-28-96 Wil ngton, NC 28405 (Appt. 2/20/95 to 1 year term) 3 -1513 (H) 762-4744 (W) •Louise C. Siler second 5-31-98 2441 Confederate Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/20/91 - 1-year term.) 762-5374 (H) Reappt. 5,/15/95 . 61 DOMICILIARY HOME COMMIINITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE.(CONTINIIED) ... ~ TERM PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS ~ S'&RVING EXPIRES'. Edith Ann Bell Steele ~ second ~ .8-31-98 3236. Grey Leaf..:Drive ~ - -. - , Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 8/5/91 to 1 year term) 395-0836(H) 395-380.2(W)- ~ (Reappt..8/21/95) - Pamela W. Wooddell ~ first 2:-28-96.. 3245 Kirby Smith Drive ~~ Wilmington, NC 28409. (Appt.'2/20/95 to l year term) 79.9-.3696 (Hj 395-4100 (W) -Chief -Administrator's Nominees: ~ _- Janet L. -oy e first ~ 9-30'-96' ' „/~ 4010 E o Farms Boulevard f~}~" Wil 'ngton, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/8/92 to l year term) ~~ 3 -4505(H) 251-9228(W) (Appt'. 9/7/93 to: 3 year term) I Dolly Mack ~ first 4/30/98 The Cape - 316 Club Court Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt.,4/18/94 to 1 year term) 45'2'--9789 .. (Reappt. 5/15/95 to.3:year term) Jane S. Jones, COG Long Term Care Ombudsman, 1480 Harbour_'Drive, Wilmington, •: NC 28403-: .~ - 8/95 file: /domicil - ~.. !~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ 4-~-;--:--_----. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ `` ~`"` - '- `- -~ - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~'; ~ C~. 55 Wilmington, NC 28401 4093 % ~~~,~ ~;.~;;~~,~~ ~~ P Telephone .(9101 341-7149 , ?~l ~r CL';~:~?'G~ir; ;_' FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~) Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment ro: ~<-~d~-~~%~-~--'-~-t1 ,~ Name: ~..~,~ i ~ ~5 ~~ . a Home Q Hcw lgng haua you heed a Addresss ~{o / 7~• 7~~wr~ ~ ~~ resident of New Hanover County? SO -rtiui Mailing Address: ~~~~-~'.-~~L ~~~,.~ City and State: ~ ~ Zip Code: a2 ~y~ g 'Telephone: Nome: ~/D `f5 1~ `/~2~~ Business:~~~~.~~, ~~~-..-~ t- -~ ~~/ 'Sex: ~ •Race: ?~. 'Age: 7.S" -. ibis information i; requested for the ;o/a purpose of assuring the! a cross-section of the community is eppoinled. ' ,1 • -Employed by.' /i~~,i~~i "A person currently employed by the agency or depertmerit for-which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: ~• ~' . Q . Tl• ~• S , G - • Volunteer Activities: ~ ~-,i mac, ~-~~.~-~ ~~~ aZ ~' '~ t~Jhy do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? .e.;~/ v ' .~J 2CVU.~ li. b~ ~~ Chi'.-..Gt~t~2~' --- ~I - .,- - - , , ~ v -What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee,- or'Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission ad/dJress? ~~.~ ~-~u~-..~~= i~- ~i9~Yfi `1/ Q!-./~ ~/ /_'/J~lO. L6~fiz.•.~wtl //~ ~ri~ ewe/i ~~~i/~%_i~ 9 `» /YYlP_/ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? ll so, please list: _~~ 1 ~~ Date: ~ - ~ 2 - ~S (Please use reverse side Jor additional comments) - ~ ~=~~ 3 Signature ~~~ ~~ ~m1L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, .Room 305 . K Vl/ilmington; NC-- 28401-4093 ~, Telephone (9101 341-7149. FAX (9 101 34 1-4'130 Application, for Appointment to .Boards,. Committees, and ,Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of`Commissioners. Request for Appointment~to: Name: ~~ G~~.CLz.l~tih ~~ ` ~~„ • ~2 ~ S ~ ~f iF`'"'J -. ._. Home - ~ ~,~~ ~~.,,-}- _,, ~ ~ ~Kow long have you been a' "`~ •~ ~ r Address: `~d ~~2. ~~ ~'C,ti;~~ :,. , resident of New Hanover .County?~"•~-?- n't.~~-'~S _ _ ... . _ ~~ n~ n _ __ _ . ~...... Mailing Address: ~-GG ~ , ~ ~+~~ City and State: (.1J-c.~~-cc.fn~ ~.C Zip Code: ~ g ~ ~ • Telephone: Nome: ( t /p~ 7~3 - 7`~'g 3 Business: >~cY 1 I 'Sex: j 'Race: L,C~ •Age; /O ~-2~~ ~S~ . _ 'This in/ormation is,ieQuested7or tha sola;purpose'or~ressuring theta cross-section-oF the community is appointed.. - ' ..Employed by: ~ ti, r ~ -~-~(c~,~.~, ~y,a , - "A person currenNy employed,by the age cy.or department or which this epplicationis made, must~asign.his/heipo3ition with' New.Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance.with Ardcla Vl, Sec:. o/ tha New Nanovar County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ ~/~ • - , __ .. _ _ _...r _ - .. - Professional Activities: ~{-zu;~sa~ ~ i~aG' ~s~c~.~ ~ ~~t~~ ~ - _ _ _. . ~ n , VolunteerActivities: ;~:,tti,~u l ~~-~c-~.a2~ -u~ - ~` - `-~ - ~~f~ ,~~- ~~ ~~~ 'USD'12 - ~ . Why do you v~ish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~ `f~~ , ~~-~~. U~ ~/LL-~5 LL.luk ,_L.r,~,;,~.,,,,,1u~, "~,,~=u~` j1.^'t.. ~ ~ ~.~j~' ,Y.41J-~ lic2.. GK. t.L~:fG~5~1 Gc.c+,t 1 ~/ ~ ~C..~C.~ "~..(J T ~w..z_ 1 y ~`~. ~ -~-u,~.vn ~~-~u q,~ , _ % ~t 1~2'.i._P~-~ Ql.~ I'a.?1 Q~. -~ -~G . What do you (eel are your qualifications tor. serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? „ , `-~' ~~h t ~v ~"--~ Q,t.c ~ ,GG.:~ ~, ~~ ~ l ~ Tt(_, ~ ~3?~~. ~ ~' r-a~.r-2-,r) • -~K~~CC/.a c~j What areas of concern would you~like to,see the Board,, Committee, or Commission address? ~l~ C~c>a~~ .- ,... :. ~~~..CU ~ Lli~, 7",,t, /'C,tZ `~~%+~r(,G~ Q.L L1J.Z.~~- - ~-'CJ i kZ .LG~L~t ~~ /~L L:. G:.:'tr~/~ i _ V ... _ _. Are you currently serving on another-.board or committee appointed`by a municipality o? a county.? if so, please list: s.J+-u-Z-r ~~ ' ~ ". ~:?caa,~L, ~- ~.~'LC.kC.-G.: ~. u~lo=,.C;zw .Q1[1.:.{ ..cl.. ~ ~. ~ LG~i : ~ _,. - . ~C ~ _ - Date: !J, 4a~.1.~. ,~S l ,f-'~U~'il ~~ Signaturer C ~C.C,L . ~~~ , (Please use rever~sa side /dry ditione/ comments/ ~ ~ p n ~ 1 J~,~,I t''-,'1 ~-°:~.~'CYrr CO. a-^ SEW NA/VOVER COUIUTY BOARD OFF COMM/SSIONFRS 320 Chestnut Street, Room .305 Wilmington, NC 28.401-4093 .Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 fi~COr ,._.. APp~ic~t/On for Appointment to Boards, Comm/t£ees, and Commissions Appointed by the. New Hanover County Board of Commissiorters_ 1 Request forAppointrrtent to: yursi ~ m M t I L A V~- +2. Name:~Za W Woodde1l Nome ' Address: ~ How /nnp have you peen e resident o1 New Hanover CountyT „ ~L1eiGng4ddrass: ,3245 Kirb Smith Drive 28409 City end State: Wilmitt• tou NC ~ -!- ' ---= lip Code: G Te%phone: Nome: 799-3646 ' Business: X45-4 LSD 'Sex: _~ 'Baca: _ -- --..--~_-- ra~~r-tea{ n yAoe: 'This lnrormotioq is requested roe Ura sole -- ' ' ~'EmQloyeC'.IJy: purpOta of e99Ur/ng tAet 8 CfGSS~e[nOQ OT IAO co.,.mvni ie a tY PPa/rated, "A person eurranNy amp/oy"dby the agency ar Qeparlmenttai which thL~ ePPLCSt/on y med~ nn,SJr~11pn hrtmar poeinon with New Henovor CoUnry upon eppnlnlrnent, in eccyrdance with Article Vl, Sec..t of the New Henovor Caunry PB/SQnnn/ Po~~y, JOOT7I/a: PR~ PCr~" Protessione/Actiwries: rn°m~.nr ~r~t -~` VoJunteerACtivities: -A~~Ahr f ' WAy do you wlsh to serve on the Board, Committee, or Com7nTssicn repuested~ ll?h my__arhiv{r{Pa ~~rFl rho 4 al Pt'L-d(•.t1.i~-~.,. ZY.LC.?~.P Z'~yJa'p~'47 e41rP Yn hntr t _rnnn7r~nn~ .-,f What do you feel -are your pualificat/ons for serving on .the Board, Committee, or Commission re4uestedT ' -_ La~rP nn t~ ~~ N/heI areas of concern would you /Ike to see the Boarc% Committee, or Comm/ssion eddressT Are .you current/y se7v(np on another board or committee appo/rated by a munict'pe/ity or a countyT /1 so, please /ist: no Date: tP/eo9s tae re s sr' o! edrlitlone/ eammantt/ S76JnalUre V V COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Y' ° - 1 VACANCY . _,,. • - p.,' . ' APPLICANTS: ~ ~ --~ Elizabeth Weis ~ 3=year.; term - (Eligible to be reappointed) Clara W. Lamb - - -~ Doris Lancaster Thompson a , ('TERM: One year initially, 3-year terms thereafter)'' . i Attachments: Committee._Information Sheets ~ ~' • ~ Applications 6.6 . 1 NIIRSING HOME. ADVISORY COAL'~SITTEE Number of Members: 8 2 of the 8 members may be nominated by Nursing Home .Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: 1-year terms init ially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation:. none ~ Regular Meeting: called as needed ' Statute or cause creatin g Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which t he persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes,. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall. make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. TERM ~ PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS d SERVING E%PIRES E ward V. Grace first 7/31/97 301 Honeycutt Drive ~ . 1 Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 7/26/93 to 1-year term) 392-5692 (H) {Appt. 7/18/94 to 3-year term) Eileen B. Rock first 5/31/98 8742 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 5/16/94 to 1=year term) 686-7337 (H) Appt. 3-year term - 5/15/95 Anne Hardaway first 7/31/97 1951 Knollwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 7/26/93 to 1-year term) `762-6295 (H) (Appt. 7/18/94 to 3-year term) Lyn Williams-Yow first 11/30/96 b10 Dock Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (Appt. 11/20/95 to 1-year term) 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (W) 67 NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM -S . ' .. PRESENTLY TERM ' CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Nora-Bednarczyk :first 4/31./96 145 Navaho Trail.-~ Wilmington, NC 28409 :{Appt. 4/18/95 to l year term) 799-1259 (H) Elizabeth A. Weis first 2-28-96 3224 Amber Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/20/95 to 1 year term)' 392-0916 (H) 343-4357 (W) Nominated .by Nursirict .Home Administrators: ~ :. ,~ ` Teresa D. Goldston . ~ first .: : 6/1/96 22. Scotts Glen. Drive .~ Wi.lmington~,` NC 28405 (~Appt: 6/1/92 to 1 -year term) 685-0597 (H) - ~(;Reappt. 6/2.1/93 to . 3-year term) -. Ernst M. Swart second 1/3,1/99 203 Eggert Avenue Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Appt. 1/21/92. to 1-year term) 675-0770 (H) - - {Rea,pp 1/93 to 3 -year term) (Reappt. 1/16/96 to 3-year term) Staff Support: Region O Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council o f Governments ~. 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28 401 `, 1 / 9'6 ._ , File: /Nursing °~: iY ~ ... '. ? • ._ J 68~~ A j NEW HAlVOVER COUNTY BOARD OF',COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 - Wilmington; NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-.7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 1 Request for Appointment to: Nursing Home Communi tv Adyi ~o n mi rr P Name: Elizabeth A. Weis Nome ~ How long have you been a Address: 3224 Amber Dr., Wilmington 28409 resident of New Hanover County?August of 1990 Mailin~ddress: 3224 Amber Drive City and State: Wilmington, NC Telephone: Home: 392-0916 Zip Code: 28409 Business: 3 4 3 -4 3 5 7 'Sex: F 'Race: W 'Age: 65 'This information is requested /or the sole purpose of assuring that across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Emp/oyedby: Self "A person currently employed b y the agency or department far which Phis application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/; Sec.- 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. JobTitle: - Pro/essionalActivities: Attornvv ' St. Therese Catholic Church Council Vo/unteerACfivitie5: AAI1W_ (American .4ssr. o iniy rSi,.j-~r Wonen._) . AARP(~o• rnmm chairman Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I am very interested in the care•and nurturing of our older citizens.. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board; Committee, or Commission requested? ~ car? . - I am wiliin to s end h w t e ~me- What areas of concern would you like to'see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? The maintenance of the Quality of care whi h neoQiP in th ~ ~te.gQ~2f h i . i f dPGPn~~ _ ' Are you curren2lyserving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please lisC. - ~' - mi ae ~~ _~ ' /69 Date: /~ 3/y Signature_ZG~~4~~.,c( G~C~~~ (Please use reverse side/or additional commentsr,~ ~ -_ ~:..:, i 2 NEW HAIVO~VER CO~UNTY~~~ ~~- B:OARD bF GOMM/SSIONERS • 320 Chestnut Street~~Rooln 305 ~(,; L ~ 45 Vi/ilrningtori, NC-~ 28401,E-4093 ~• ~~~;~ ~~~~~;~,t-:~ v~. Telephone (9101.341--7149 ~ ~f ~ ~!Sr;r~ ~~ FAX (91-O1~341=4130 Application. for Ap,oointm~ent to Boards, Committees; and Commissions Appointed by the lVe'w Hanover County Board of Commissioners. (~ Request for Appointment to: -w / r~~~-~Y,n..uCc. Name: ~~-ec«~i ~~ ~w,-,-v~ , . _ ~ ,~ ... _. _ ~ ! .. , Home _ . __ _ How long ha~la you ,,een a.. ` ~ ` Address: ~fo / ~. 7`;ut~ ~ ~~ resident of New Hanover County? S O -c~~ ,. . ~; Mailing Address: 7~~ ~~-~'.-~2 ~`~„~ _ ._ - ...__ .. _. . _ _ _ . - .. ., City and State: ~ ~ - ~- L'p Code: ~ ~~-I ~Z g Telephone: Homer 9/r~ ~5 ~ .7 2 ~ ~, ~ Business: h~ T,. %/ ,Q~~:,,~ ~ ~1i T ~ ~ _. `Sex: J` 'Race: ~ . 'Age: 7-~ 'this iri/ormalion is requested for the so/a purpose o/ assuring that across-section o/ the community is appointed. . • , _ - -Employed bY: hv.Ti~r~~~ _ ~ ' ' , "_ -'A person currently ~mplo,yed b y the egoncy or department for which This epplicaiiori is made, must resign his/her position with Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in occordence with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ 1he.New Hanover County, Parsonne/•P,olicy. Job Title: Professional Activities: _~/f . ~' , ~ . ~. ~. S , G - Volunteer Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Commr'ttee,-or Commission requested? ... ~ - ~ _ ~ What areas of concern wou/d.,you like to see the. Board, :Committee, or Commission, address? ~~.-2 `~.~~ !rl z~~ ~-~( o~ C~~r-cam. Q-r~c.~ Zo -~cLG~ ~i;,~ee ~~~ ~ ~ ona~ ~, Are .you. current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a munictpalit;y,~or a county?• 1f so, please l~st~°' .~ - Date: ~ - ~ ~ ~ 9SJ . 4 - _ ,Signature ~~~ ~, GY~lL. (Please use reverse side /or additional comments!" ~ ~ ,~ • • . } U ~ - ,. What do you~~,c.-feel are y1our qualifications tor•serving on the Board,~Committee, or Commission requested? ~.~:. °, ~i1~~_ ./mar., i, /„ /'~__ „ ~~ nYi , _ ~ ~. ~_ ~ Q/_. ~..Ti~o~ ,~ NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY BDARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320: Chestnut ~St~eet, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppo,intment to: Name: G~-~"?~ ~~,C~~~h. Cll~;~ru~-~h~, ~~ • .%`~s-LC u ~ ~~.2_ ~ I J S '~., J~:~lt ~X~- c~ ~ 'Sex: % 'Race: ~ 'Ape: /~ -~~~ S~ 'This informal--i~~on~~is requ//ol1sted /or tha so/a purpose o/ assuring (het across-suction o/ (ha community is appointed. --Employed by: __/~:~'._.l,~d% 1. ~'~~~. "~ ~tc~,z~.~}sw~.,, ~-,~ •~ ' ' 'A person currently emplo yed b y the egegcy or department or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with Now Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanovar County Porsonnel Policy. Job Title: ~ ~~~v.:., • ~ • • ,~ Professional Activities: ~J-zu.:~a ;~,Q ~s~~ ~ l~ ~'~ Home ~- ~/! > ~ - Now long have you been a r , Addiess: ~d I. T~ ~ `~ resident of New Hanovei County?~u~-z- j~C~~c. ~S Mailing Addiess: ~GG ~~ ~, ,City and State: LLi-cJ~uu.~~cr~z~ , • %j~', Zip Code: ~ g ~ l u , Telephone: Hotne: ~' f ~O~ ~ (03 - ~ t`~ ~ ~ Business: >t~ ct VolunteerActivities: _ ~~ti~G-t 1~;~`'-t,Q2~ ~ - ~ - mac. - ~Q,,l•~I~,• 3ta~ ,~ic~ r~ - rUS/~~P. _ ~' Wh-y do you wtsh to serve on the Board, Committee, or Comiission requested? cti- ~ ~~ ~u. -~~~-Y O. • ~Chi~°[a~s UJ~ ~`l[:w,.1sL`c;, ~~~ ~-~-(~ ~ ~ `~'t-t ~-.u:-, it~e, C2~c ec~.rLL~S~¢c~ cf'~., ~ ~ /~(~p kh~ eWj `7' L •, -7 What do you feel are your qualifications four) serving on theBr/o~ard, Comm~i?ttee, or C~yo~/m~mission requested? ~) ' ~T~ • ~l~ r•~j 1 J Q~t ~ .GG:,tG~J..-iY ~ ~ ,wJ~ „~kG cC~ t ~(..~ ~s~uv-.t~ ~-f~OX!/.o ~'Cj J i What areas of concer~npwould you like to see the Boaid, Committee, or Commission address? ~ I l C~-4~ct..;~ - ~.~ ~•-cu ~ L!i', ~ / C~z, ~)a:,~Q.c~:, Q•U Ly,.C~..2 Q-~.~ ~u~ -L~-~, cz~-~ ~„L z,_: -"1 .~ Are you currently seiving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, please list: Date: if , ,~S fii~` !Please use raver a side for ddiuonal comments) n ~~--++ 1 LISU - Lt cc' i 'J~l~ 1 Signature ~ 4.C,L (' • Cy r• (~ 1 ~ 96 HUMAN SERVICES ALLOCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 12, 6 At-Large Members 6 Representatives (1 from each of the following agencies): Health Department Juvenile Courts Public Schools Southeastern Center Department of Social Services United Way s Term: Three years ® Compensation: None Regular Meetings: Held in Room 501, County Administration Building at 3:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month with additional meetings as agreed upon by the committee members. Statute or Cause Creating Committee: Established by Board of County Commissioners on July 20, 1987 and August 1, 1988. (Increased membership June 6, 1994 - Juvenile Courts ~ Representative) Purpose: To advise the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the most effective utilization of resources including Community ' Based Alternatives and County General Fund dollars to address the County's human service needs. Qualifications: Interest in or knowledge of the County human service system. TERM ' CURRENT MEMBERS PRESENTLY SERVING TERM EXPIRES Richard L. Achilles first 6/30/97 8355 Vintage Club Circle Wilmington, NC 28405 ' (Appt. 7/18/94) 68 6-1836(H) Julie B. M llister third 6/30/98 ' 890 S. rr Avenue, Suite 200 . Wilm' ton NC 28403 ~i , ~c 79 0684 (H) 395-4100 / W ~ (Appt. 2/20/89) ( ) ~Z J 1 Reappt. 6/19/95 Coley Pogosian first 6/30/98 6408 Providence Point Road Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/19/95) 686-9603 AYberto Sanchez Rodrigues first 6/30/98 ' 3616 Bent Tree Court. . Wilmington NC 28403 , (Appt. 7/18/94) 799-4569(H) 675-5072(W) HUMAN SERVICES. ALLOCATION ADVISORY.COMMITT£E (CONTINUED) TERM . .. ~ `•PRESENThY CURRENT•MEMBERS ~- "Aida Toplin ~ _ 1839 Newkirk Road Wilmington, NC 28409 799=9129(H) 395-3685(W) Michael Zentmeyer ,613.•Tibby~s Drive ~ _ Wilmington, ,N,C 28405 :, 686-1-349 (H) 251-6190..(W) Cape-Fear Area United WaY -~ 'Pam Eldridge,a , P.O. Box 1503. - Wilmington, NC 28402 Southeastern Center Carol .T.r.ambukis , 2.023 South 17th :Streets ~: _. Wilmington, NC 28401 ' ~ SERVING'. TERM EXPIRES . first ;_ ,i 6/30/97 (Appt. 11/16%92 un'expired~term) (Reapptd..7/18/94) first 6/30/98 (Appt. 9/19/94 ~- unexpired. term) =~(Reappt". • 6/19%95) 251-5025 251'=6440 -Ext: ~~6491 Health.. De artment - .. ~- • Lynda Smith, Asst. Health Director 2029 S. 17th Street L~Iilmington, NC 28401 " 343-6592 Department of Soc°ia+l Services -~ ~ •~: Christine B. McNamee, Human Services Planner 1650 Greenfield Street. ~ • Wilmington, NC 28402 341-4732' New Hanover County Public Schools ~ ~• Dr. Alfred Harvey Lerch, Jr. Ex._Drector, Testng_•and Student Support Programs' 1802 S.•15th Street ~ ~ - Wilmington,,, NC 28401 '~ ~• ~ ,^ -• 7.63=1584 Ext. 256. or;" 257 -,• •. New Hanover County Juvenile Courts Phyllis ~/irginia Roebuck ` Fourth & Princess Streets, Room 500 ~ •' Wilmington,•sNC 28401 341-4418 ~ - ..r~r .. Staff Support: Cameron Griffin, Budget Director,. .3.20 Chestnut, Street,-Room 512, Wilmington, NC 28401 ''341-7170 . 6/95 .. File: \HSAAC • 74 ~: NEW NANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . F~J ~ 5 Su 320 Chestnut Street, Room. 305 ~;_;~1 ;:,~,~~ ~~ --~ : ~,. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. L~. c.~~ c~~:... ...__......; ~~ Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 , .4pp/icetion for Appointment to Boards, Committees, .and Cornmissio ns Appointed b y the New Hannover Count y Boar d o/ Commissio n e rs. 4 l - t r ~ ~ N l ~l i 1 t...~,, :..,.. ~ v u t C C S !t" 1 ~ lU~l ~ ~ f+Q t/l Sa rY ~,a~..~ n~ ~ . l +-Z Re+uesf for Arfointmenf to: -4~c-=i-;.*;.~~ ~.~~r~,r-~ .~T- ~, ~Y'' . Y ~ C Name: 5~,.• ~,,,, ~. /~ ! l .,~ r1 Home Now long heve you been e Addiess:`~ ~~,J C~-~,;,~,~ ~,LZ.StCt. L(~,~-njn~~, /l~C,res/dent of NewNenoverCountyl /0 ,..-,a„7~u 2s=~-~ Mai/ink Addiess: "1 L 1 G'rc~- s 1V~s -1" ~~„~,- t" Gry and Slate: _ Una, ..~,',,-,~- er NG Zip Code: ~ ~~D~i' Telephone: Nome:. ~9 Z • o?,°O Busr'ne ~ - - ss 7 5 ~ ~~9d 'Sex: 1,-, "Race: W 'Ape: S 5 'TNs lnfoma~wn !s requested /or tAe sa/e purpose o/ essuinp tMt a uou-eecJon of.tAe commun![y le ~pohted. ..Employed bY: •e 1 ~~^^ ,l'cC l - vrn ...,w ~ n,-t~~ cvv,su..e/~-"-T c~~ r o Q. rr re , 'A person currently mpb yed b y he a pency or dpart t /oi which r1u'e eppFcetion is merle, ust reslpn hsiA. s/i • w , New Henover County upon eppolnrment, In •eeardene• wlrA Artkh V1, Sec. t o1 the New Henowr County Pwsonnel ~Iky. Job Title: ~i recto t-'~a cvr,LY Pioless/onalAct/vlt/es: ~c'ru~. m~y,,,~Lr,n G'a.ro~rnq,, ~ioc.t~c~-, r ,:,C 1 /~+-~ 1,Htr1~j Lin Tn.c.i.-,,rte//- r Du~a/vm,~Z"-P~ G{x~,/~-r' Vo%inleerActivities: ~a1L/cL7; a.n, ~r,,.~ / j p/~„„,,~~, do ~ ~~r L~,,,~~ ~~ ~,~~ A f / v ~scc nl-WCw..,i•r Why_yd..o you[(wisgh to serve on the Booed, Committee, or Commission requestedl /',~~,.,.~- b n]L`" ~-~?`""w`~ - / 71,r!J .~-e ...J!!.~/ p ) ''~ rt C'~talcCi .Su-~+-t iv.e.vy/ _;f~~ .uY15 - /~ c~.v~ u~r1. ~/ l/f L ~_ ~,,(.,•.~, ,.L Aa.S ~ t ~r17•! V~c~ - . l -CAI--- LCi t1a..-~, t r1 , ~./ / / / '~ rt L L(w ~'~ ~t `'''" - '~y !2! -C~c~+ri .~ V L 4'n ~:OG LU LO""~.3 1) ' r U F ~ t y~(J `~o ,octi.-+~`t G ~-1' ~ o.,n o, .w +e ,pro ~Crrl ,s . What do you feel ere your qualifications for servinD on the Boerd, Committee, or Commisslon requestQdT `'--~ h ~ ~s~' ,.,T.~! 1, ~ ~,,..-t- What aieasn or concern -}w-olufd.you liken to see -t}he Board, Committee, or Commisslon-addressT ~ f.~rf ~ ,,,t.L~ Ca.,!G~ ~-C , d~^^ .~ ~ •n / •L` ~.~ r1 't"~ r~~roW I ~1 a ~ /U t'.v G71f~n p.t/1~Y P p ~,,,,,~,1{~ Are you currently sorvinD on 6nothei board of committee ~ppo/nfed b B municl eli ~ Y p ty o a county? /t so, please list: Date:. ~~ ?. ~ lri-4/ _ ' IP/aes• use teversa side for edd!lione/ cammenlsJ Sipnoture- ~-~ ~ ~~~~~ 1 N,EW HAND VER COUNT Y BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS a 320 Chestnut Street, Room •305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. O Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 --FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 .c-, Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~" Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appo'intment'to: HUMAN.•SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD - Name: - T. DAVID EVANS '_ - .~ Home •- ` ' ~ How long have you been a a Address: 8413 BALD EAGLE LANE;. WILMINGTON, NC. 2840~esidento/New Hano.ver.County? 3,1/2 YEARS Mailing Address: .DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTRHOPOLOGY, UNCI^J, ,WILMINGTON., .NG 28403 • City and State: hILMINGTON, NC _ Zip Code: 28405 ` ~ - • _ ._ ,, Telephone: Home: 910.686-1586 Business:910.395-3434 MALE WHITE 49 • -.Sex: -Race: .Ape: _ . _ 'This in/ormetion is requested /or the sale purpose of assuring there cross-section of the community is appointed. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT -WILMINGTON .. ., `•• - -Employed -b Y: O A arson curie Naw Nano ver Cont/y amp/o yod by lha agency o'/dapertmont /or which this app/icetion is made; musFrvsig"n tii;/hor'position'with unry upon appointment, in eccordsnce with Article V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanovor County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CRIMINOLOGY _ - ' - -- ;~... _ Professional Activities: ~ TEACH AN0 00 RESEARCH IN CRMIMINAL JUSTICE AND-'CRIMINOLOGY VolunteerActivities: CURRENTLY _SERVING ON -THE~BOARD OF CHILD ADVOCACY COMMhSSION (TERM EXPIRES IN 1996. •_ . Why do you wish'to serve on the Board -Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ MY UNDERSTANDING OF•SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND THE NEED~TO BASE POLICY AND SCARCE RESOURCE ALLOCATION ON SOUND PRINCIPLES. THISI-SEEMS ESPECIALLY IMPORTAN T GIVEN. THE INCREASED .: H I~ What, do ybd r{eQ~®ke ~r. ~cT~yjJ~c~f~oy~Lt~r serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission.requestedT ., TRAINING-AND EXPERTISE. = IN UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND POLICIES RELATED,.T0 :,. •., What areas o/concern would you like to see .the, Board, Committee, or Commission. addiess?~ ~ • PRIORITIZATION OF FUNDING OF PROGRAMS BASED ON NEED AND EF~FICTENCY OF PROGRAM IN Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality_or a county? l(so, please list: ND r~~nr ~7 ~::,._~~~: ~ :. (mil Date: / ~ JANUARY 1996 ~~li~~ ,~ 1 gs /Please use roverse side /or additional commonts/ _ •t -~ C~. .' Signature The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, North Carolina ?3.303-3297 Department of Sociology/Anthropology 919.39-3.320 29 January 1996 Lucie Harrell . ' Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Cornmissioners 320 Chestnut Street -- Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. Harrell: a Please find enclosed applications for membership on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Board and the Criminal Justice Partnership Board. I would be interested in being a.member of either of these boards and believe that I fiave a combination of D interest and expertise which would be of use in either case. Please keep the criminal justice advisory board application on file (as vacancies don't occur until later this year). Note that we already have one other faculty member on this board. Even though it is a my preference, that is why I applied for the Human Services Board as well. The enclosed vita details more of my experience and expertise in the areas of .human services and criminal justice research and policy. Thanks for your consideration. Sin ly, ~~- T. David Eva s 1 Teaching Research Service .i <umrrtu<nr imrnm~on of 71.< lini.~<reiry o! VunA CnuGna-(:. n. Spangler, Jr., PresiJcnr . an cyu~l opportunny cmploc<r J~"J 3 ~ I~6 F'. t,~ I,',~~~~aLt? CO. .~_r ~ CURRICULUM VITA T. DAVID EVANS HOME ADDRESS OFFICE ADDRESS 8413 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910.686.1586 Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-2897 Phone: 910.395.3434 EDUCATION Ph.D., Sociology; University of Cincinnati, 1992 Dissertation: "Hellfire and.-Crime Reexamined: The Impact of Religious Involvement and Ecology on Adult 111egaiity.'' M.A., :Sociology, Bowling Green State University, 1971 -~ B.A. ,English, Bowling Green State University,'1°968 CURRENT POSITION ~~ Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina. Teaching areas: Introduction to Criminal Justice, White-Collar Crime, Criminal Courts, Sociology of Law. Courses Taught At University of Cincinnati (as teaching assistant/associate) .Introduction to Sociology (1 )' Social Problems (1) Sociology of Work (1) At University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Introduction to Criminal Justice (7) White-Collar Crime (6) Criminal Courts (7) Sociology of Law (1). 'number of times taught 78~ a p. 2, vita, Evans RESEARCH INTERESTS White-Collar Crime Crime and Punishment Ideologies Criminological Theory Discretion and Discrimination in Criminal History of Crime and Punishment Case Processing and Sentencing Popular Images of Crime and Justice Political Economy of Business Regulation PUBLICATIONS Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, R. Gregory Dunaway, and Velmer S. Burton, Jr. 1995. "Religion and Crime Reexamined: The Impact of Religion, Social Controls, and Ecology on Adult Criminality." Criminolo,.g.Y 33:195-224. Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans; R. Gregory Dunaway, Sesha R..Kethineni, and Gary L. Payne. 1995. "The Impact of Parental Controls on Delinquency." Journal of Criminal Justice. 23:111-126. Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. 1994. "Reconsidering Strain Theory: Operationalization, Rival Theories, and Adult Criminality." ,journal of Quantitative Criminology. 10:213-239. Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, and Paula J. Dubeck. 1993. "Changing Public Perceptions of Corporate Crime." In Understandin orporate Criminality, edited by Michael Blankenship. New York: Garland Press. ' Cancio, Silvia A., T. David Evans and Da '~ yid J. Maume, Jr. The Declining Significance of Race Reconsidered: Race Differences in Early-Career Wages." American ~ociolopical Review (forthcoming). Note: authors are alphabetical, contributions to work are equally shared. Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway, Gary L. Payne, and Sesha R. Kethineni. "Religion, Social Bonds, and Delinquency." Devi of Behavior (forthcoming). Maume, David J., .Jr., A. Silvia Cancio, and T. David Evans. "Cognitive Skills Test Scores and Racial Wage Inequality: A Reply to Farkas and Vicknair." e ~ca Sociological Review (forthcoming.). ' Evans, T. David, Randy L. LaGrange, and Cecil L. Willis. "Theoretical Development of Comparative Criminology: Rekindling an Interest." t tional Journal of Co___Ilr parative and Applied Criminal Justice (forthcoming). r 79 p. 3, vita, Evans Adams, Mike S. and T. David Evans. "Teacher Disapproval, Delinquent Peers, .and Self-Reported Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Labeling Theory. The Urban Review (forthcoming). MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Evans, T. David,.Frencis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway; and Michael~`B~enson. "Gottfredson and Hirschi's..General Theory of Crime: Testing "~ the Central Propositions." Dunaway, R. Gregory, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., and T. David Evans. "The .Myth of Social Class amd'Crime Revisited: An Examination of Class and ..Adult Criminality." Criminoloav (revise and resubmit) ~ ` Agnew, Robert, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., T. David. Evans, and R. - Gregory Dunaway. "A New Test of Strain'Theory.''Justice Quarterly. ~ ` .. (revise and resubmit), , :- ~ :.. -,~ ~ ~ . Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. "Gender, Self-Control, and~Crime."-British Journal of Criminologx. WORKS IN PROGRESS Evans, T. David; Niike S. Adams, Debra, Nash, .and .Rebecca Perry. "Religiosity, Crime Victirization, and Justice Ideology," Willis, Cecil L., Randy L. LaGrange, and T. David Evans. "Down~Home Criminology: The Place of Indigenous Theories of Crime." -~ ,, Evans, T. David and Mike S. Adams. "Executive'Summary Report:.New Hanover Survey of Crime Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Public Response to Crime." (Note: Numerous conference papers presented over last several years.) 80~ ' p. 4, vita, Evans RELATED EXPERIENCE AND BACKGROUND TEACHING ,~ 1969-1970: Hi h School Te g acher (social studies and English) Arlington Local Schools, Arlington, Ohio. 1989-1990: Teachin Associate De artment of c' 9 p So iology, University of Crncinnati. ' 1988-1989: Teaching Assistant, Department of ,Sociology, University of Cincinnati. 1985-1986: Teaching Associate, Department of Management, University of Cincinnati. RESEARCH 1990-1991: Administrator of Cincinnati Lifestyle .Study, 1990-1991, aSelf-Report ,; Survey of Adult Criminality and Social.Correlates. COUNSELING ' 1970-1972: Rehabilitation Counselor Bureau of Vocationa I Rehabilitation, State of Ohio. INVESTIGATION ~, 1978-1985: Chief Investigator and 1978-1985: Investigator Ohio Department of Commerce, State of Ohio. .Note: The Commerce Department licenses and regulates a variety of businesses and occupations. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Sociological Association .Southern Sociological Society ,• American Society of Criminology Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences ' North Carolina Criminal Justice Association 81 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ,. PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION ., ' 2VACANCIES ~ 1 Categories: Sh'i'pping Environmental a .. . • F APPLICANTS: Jerome Allen • Wayne A. Hanson .Robert L. Randall ~ j ;~ . .. _ - , P i ,r .. ~ ~ ' Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 82~ ' WILMINGTON NEW HANOVEF2 PORT WATERWAY~& BEACH CO / MMISSION ;, Number of Hembers: 15 5 appointed by County Commissioners, including a County Commissioner Categories: 1. Shipping . 2. Commerce and Finance ' 3. Terminals and Industry 4. Environmental Concerns 5 appointed by City Council, including a Council member Categories: 1. Engineering and Development. 2. Business t 3. Transportation 4. Member at Large 1 .Wrightsville Beach (Mayor) 1 Carolina Beach (Mayor) ' 1 Kure Beach (Mayor) Ex-Officio Members: N.C. State Ports Authority - Executive Director ~, Chamber of Commerce - Executive Director Term of Office: three years Regular Meetings: called as necessary, usually at 4:00 p.m. in the Chamber of Commerce Office. . Statute or cause creating. Commission: County Commissioners endorsed the formation of this Commission on 12/16/74." Minute Book 16, page 67. The County ,Commissioners assigned this Commission the responsibility of studying and preparing recommendations for the best use of the 3% Occupancy Funds to be presented to them for approval and expanded the membership by adding the Mayor of Kure Beach on 4/16/84. Minute Book 19. ' Purpose of Commission: To investigate, initiate and support general water resources development projects to include (but not limited to): (1) Port Improvements and growth of the shipping industry, (2) Beach renourishment and conservation; and (3) mitigate' declines in water quality. The Commission will weigh the benefits of these water projects against the possible .detrimental effects on the area's environmental quality enjoyed ' by area residents. The Commission is constantly studying and .staying informed on various projects trying to obtain new and beneficial projects for this area. The main projects for the ' area deal with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in requesting studies, seeing if a project is beneficial from a cost benefit ratio, and attempting to obtain approval and then funding in the U.S. Congress and. on the State .level, but this mission is not ' carried out in isolation. The Commission maintains an awareness of project effects on the quality of .the waters and their .interrelations with natural resources. . 83 1 WILMINGTON/NEW. HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY & BEACH COMMISSION {CONTINUED) Brief on Functions: The Commission works .closely with the N.C. Department of Resources Commission for assistance .in obtaining approval of state funding and projects. An annual meeting is held in Washington for the purpose of :.lobbying. o . y TERM • . PRESENTLY - TERM CURRENT MEMBERS .CATEGORY- SERVINGr EXPIRES Estell Lee Shipping fifth 2/28/96 1208 Great Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 - , 256-5528 (H) 452-9070 (W) f Daniel W. Desmond Commerce & first •2/28/97 5626 Green Turtle Lane Finance Wilmington, NC 28409-2104 .-~ (Appt:. 5/16/94), 452-7275 (H) ° ~' Lawrence W. Saunders Terminals & first , ~ - .. 2/28/98 105 Chimney Lane Industry Wilmington, NC 28409 ,-. _ , 791-7642(H) \/ Richard G. Catlin = Environment a-1 third - 2/28/96-. ~c 6417 Providence Point Road Wilmington, NC 234D5 - , . . 63,6-9128 (H) 452,-,,58.61 (W) - .. William A. Caster,_New*Hanover County Commissioner -r City Appointees Col.. Paul S. Denison., Engineering & Development -r - John Van, B. ,Meats, Chm., .Business ~ .. ,_ Wilbur Rowell Transportation ~ ` . ' r' H.: Van Reid - Member. at Large _ ,q . - -. Mayor Don Betz, City of Wilmington .. ,. .. i Mayor Herb. McKim, ~~lrightsv,ille Beach - ~ _ •, .. Mayor _Anthony Loreti, Carolina Beach . Jan Li;chtner, Kure Beach - ~~ - . Ex-Officio: Jim.. Brown,•NC State Ports~Authority , .;.. Chamber of ,Commerce ~ - _ ,_ Contact Person: John Van B. Metts - .. ~ . 423 Sylvan Lane, Wilmington, NC , 284,09. -. 452-245,1 (W) 791-•5543 (H) . . ~ .. ~ ~ .. 5 ~e: \Port INEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF COMM1SS1ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093. Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX 19 101 34 1-4 130 ~~~' 'J ~__`. _ ~~~ 1J ~ ~o ~~ .. ,., -, Apprcation for Appointment to Boards, Committees, acrd Commissions Appointed by the JVew Hanover County Board o/ Commissioness_- Request fnr Appointment to: ~~ ~T_ (,U~,~"i ~ wd. ,..,! J yt.~-~- - Sl; - ~ Home Address: X71 C~r'o:~5 /~,)-z,s'tG-l-_ lU,fm:~~~ ~-- How (onII have you been e ~Lres/dentotNewNanoverCount l /O :- 7~ 2F~'~-? y r• ~~•, s Mailing Address: 'Z ? 1 G'i..~, /tks -r' ~,~,-,r -T- ' City and State: _ ~, i. ,...,•, Y,~ o-:~^ NG Zip Code: ? S/i0~t Telephone.• Koine: _ ~ ~ y z - o ? °y Businesr. •7 5 z - ?,~Qd ' 'Sex: h-~ 'Racer UJ 'Ape: S S 'TAis tnlormotkn is ngveste0 for tn• sore purpwe o/ sssuriny tMt ~ aoas-e~cdon of tM twnn`uniry !s gppo6ntrd, ..Employed by: ~_~ 1~1~, l~'ol~' yYn~,,,,<z,A,~ n~,~~ om-,suc~j-c-'1~ / ~~r.~~oTctrr~l ~Pr~ "A person current ~ d Dy h• sg~ncy or dp t /or wh/cA tRis eppFcer;on u m.di, urt res/QnaJ-rotl New Nenover County upon •ppolntrsent, in eccardenc• wiN ArtlcH N, Sic. t o/ the h'tw N~nov~r County Prrsoanif Po/tcy.. Job Title: ~ i r. c<,~o'r'~a ;,v r-, L Y L ~ Lh+~:U.,tn~~ t~ _ .. / f7r»u,e.cw... SC`G~-e.? /r+~~t~.r*~ r 17.LL.t~ 1i!^~-~G~cS%-rr- Protesslone) Actrvities: ~x~l<i,~,c. /~ i.,,t~l.~ ~ n ~'a.YO2r n a. CjGC.t,.c~l ."~,~ ~ncz• n~j ~l,„ ~.(~.,~, ~~,,,,7' v t Vo/unteerActivities: ~~~c7, o.~,, /~-rrv, ,~ j p!p ~ „,~y c~O ~ o, n ,~-~,.t, z~ ~,l,d~A~~ G,U; G Gju,~jt . ~ /1 s ~ n.`~c~ Lr- ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commiss,on requested) r'~...rt~; - b . ~,~ ~`",~r~1~ L ' f ti C' ~i ~ 1 < / ~ y c1...r v.t. ~'~r '~^"~ 'U~~ " ~ r `~z~ C/I~.ci G is~-~^+~~ ~t„[rt- ~~: ~ ~S ~ t ~t7•L~ ~c~ c*~ 7,~'*~ N•~, tz.. L~r, 1 t, ~- (.l w t C.-y " 'tY7 {1 ~ •, s!!Jt iJ'G•-( t ,n ~; oL l.U a D'+•+.3 ~F-o 'o wr+7t,~ G ~i/~ o- i' ~ rv, o, 1.S ' ~~ t ~4~7 -s . .~ What do you fee! are your quali(icetions for servinD on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) 1 -t ~~sT -{ 2cso.->a..~~ cr~T{~- 1I ~ c L.,:•-t~' - w-Gt1ed~?)~/ 1 ~ G.rf"' i t C ~ , ~ c• r_ . ~-~ r ~ GAG ~ ~ll>'V-~-Yr ^~ 1^'<~ _ '~ L 5 ~ r G '~'~~ l t c. t ~.u r n ~~~G GW G l'1 (. ~"MS What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address) _~~~-rf i ., ,~..LY ' ~Z.r•c~ur~a'"^K ,•nfil~.tr~~~r'/-rouyTG~ a~ /~.~.c.^'~I~+•+,ytJLr eo,,~wlln , Are you currently servirp on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county) /f so, pteese fist: n,~ t Date: ~ 7 , 1 ~4/, Sipnaturc 3-0-~ ~ ~L„~ (Please use rwors~sid~ for •ddltrone/ comments/ - ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY - - - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ ;-.~ --,-----, 320"Chestnut Street, Room 305 ---v-- -~ __ -, .. Wilmington, NC 28401=4093. ;: , !, G •. Telephone (9101341-7 f49 - ('~;;,~i ; ;q;;~1, ~,? ,~~, FAX (910) 341-4130. (~~'1 e;= w!:a'.c:~'._1-. Application for A ointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions PP Appointed-by the -New Hanover County~Bo`ard of Commissioners. .. _, ... Request for Appointment to: ~~ ~°"f" ` 1~11~-~-Lr v.r 4 0. k a g~0.~~ ` ~ w.w., s s ~ o ..~ 1,~ , ._ ,,. ,, Name: VVQ y v~ ~ /~ ~a~.5. o ,^ .. _ Nome _ 1 ~ How long have you been a $ ~ o L , LLLJJJ Address: 2 `><~ -t-~--~e,t tw~, ,,,.~'" (.~ r ~. ~ ` ~ ~cesident of New Hanover ,County? ~89 - ~ . cs <• ~- ,. :. .. _ Mailing Address: - - City and State:. w , ~ ~,.,~ ,^ et~~ - ~ ~-- Zip Code: Z. ~ ~• ~ 9 _. _ ~- Telephone: Nome: 7 Y o) ~ ~ Z - _Z 7~'! J - Qusiness: 'Sex: ~l P 'Race: C0.-r..~ _~ "Age: S~ 'This in/ormation is requested for the sole purpose o/ essuring'theFe'cioss-section o! the community is appointed. "A person currently employed by the agency or lapertmen! /or which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanovor County upon'sppointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job. Title: .:. O Professional Activities: A ruc r ~, c.o~.... Soc:.c~~ ~ tGr .r, ~ ~"~i' ~^ tc~-S + S o ~~ ~ u~ VolunteerActivities: V~L.,,,.~-ts ~ ,.-. +'~.-,h'1~.~ s'~.1.-.a-l r - a Why do you wish -to,serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _As 4 ~c,r-r,,t t,,,tu--~- , Ir e~ ~ ~ -e ..~~ a ~ ~ (n r L,e .~ ..~.T ~, W ~ -~-u of -. ~, ~,.) ~~ t' L Loy .... ~JY ~ _ ~.i .St - ~~ C . { ~.~ vto ~.u ~ ~- Lld ~ f 2 x y ~ ~~.~-._vsd! ~ ~ /lec~~ ~ 4~ V •/.~ 1'~4 t o~. ,. .. .. - - What do you feel•are your gcialifications°foi serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ,~"~ ~ w. ~ Y' ~ C O .r tf C a ~ Cz.<.y •...` ~ V/ 1/ ~ S ~ . c~ ` ~1-t ~' ...~ ~- c / ~ U ~ - U .`o) } _ ~,..i r ~ ~-.'~~J~1« r What areas of concern would you like to see th.e ~oard, Committee, or,Commission address? C~,;~.~ _,r.4 ~. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municr-polity or a county? if so, p/ease list: a 0 Date: ~ t-c-l7 9~ Signature IPleese use revorse side /or additional commentsl ' NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY ' BOARD OF COIt~IM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~ RequesttorAppointmentto: Port, Waterway and Beach Commission ' Name: Robert .L. Randall Home How long have you been a i4ddress: 314 E . Renovah Circle resident of New Hanover Count ~? Two years .' Mailing Address: Sam ' City and State: Wilmington, NC Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: 910-762-7499 Business: id/A ' 'Sex: `i ~ 'Race: ~J .Age.. 60 'This in/ormetion is requested rot the so/a purpose o/ assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. .' "Employed by: 'Retired from Eastman E~odak "A person current/y amp/eyed by the agency or department rot which this app/ication is made, must resignhis/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Attic/e Vl, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nenover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Sr. Patent Attorney Professional Activities: N/A VolunteerActivities: U. S. Coast Guard Au:{iliarv Because of my longstanding Why do yvu Nash to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? interest in and concern for the enjoyment and utilization of our water resources. as well as tneir preserva ion an development for the future. It is my belief that the public's interest in these resources must also acconodate tfie co~~ercial use of~these same resources to provide a prosperous economy. ~' What do you feel are your qualifications /or serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I was educated as a mechanical engineer as well as a lawyer and my entire career involve-3 a c~now- Ledge of all areas of science and technology. I believe this will be valuable to the operatio of the commission. Further, it is my personal belief that we must be'stewards of our resource What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? To assure that the quality of our water resources is not sacrificed either by unrestricted local development or by more remote environmentally unsound practices. ' Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: None _.. _ _. `J ' Date: Februar 7, 1996 ~. n Si nature -~ 7 ~0 g r _ (Please use reverse side for edditwna! commentsl ' - _.~ _„ ..... .. ~. .... .,..'J. .~ .) COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS WASTEC COMMISSION Number of Members: 15 10 Community Representatives . 5 Elected Officials, 1 each from: Board of County Commissioners, Wilmington City Council, Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen, Carolina Beach Town Council, and Kure Beach Town Council -Term of Office: three years; the initial board will serve two and three year staggered terms. The number of terms a member can serve is unlimited. ` .Regular Meetings: Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month. Time and place of meetings will be determined monthly. Statute. or Cause Creating Committee: Board of Commissioners' Meeting May 7, 1.991. Purpose: The purpose of the WTE Advisory Board is to provide advice to the Board of Commissioners and to staff•on the operation and management of the WTE facility. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT .MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Charles Agnoff, President second 3/1/97 Lnterroll Corporation 3000 Corporation Drive Wilmington, NC 2840,5 (Appt. 5/6/91) 256-2130 (H) 799-1100 (W) (Reapptd. 2/21/94) ,. Edgar C. Fox 2525 Canterbury Road first 3/1/97 Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/_21/94) 763-7945 (H) Marc S. Giroux unexpired. 3/1/97 _ 5521 Chelon Avenue Wilmington,. NC 28409 (Appt. 9/19/,94) 791-8869 (H) 395-7201 (W) Harry L. Mahl first 3/-1/98 P.O. Box 68 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (Appt. 2/21/94 unexpired term) 256-4481 (Reappt. 2/20/95) ' R , obert Pace second 3/1/97 General Electric Company P.O. Box 780, Mail Code H02 Wilmington, NC 28402 (Appt.S/6/9 791-8509 (H) 675-5385 (W) (Reappt.2/21~~ AASTEC COMMISSION (CONTINUED).- - • William A. Raney, Jr. _~ ~ first _._ 3/1/96 . ~ 1707 Country Club Road. ~a.~ -~- ~ '_ Wilmington, NG ,28403_. .,. (Appt. 10/19/92 - unexpired term) 343-9460 :(H) 343-0196 (W) ~ ;_.- .; (Reappt. 2/15/93) Gene,Renzaglia, Plant Manager. second 3/1/96 \ ~l Occidental Chemical.,, i:. , /~• P.O. Box 368 Castle Hayne,. NC ~ .2842.9 _ ~ :_ ~, (Appt. ~ 5/6/91) 395:-0509 -,(H) , ;675-7224 ; (W) . _ -~ _. ;. (Reappt. 2/15/93~).~ Chester D. Rudolf second 3/1/98 19.49 Hillsboro Road ~ ~ - Wi-lmington, NC 28403 {Appt, X2/3/,92)• 762-7144 (H) (Reappt. 2/20/95). Charaes Wall--• - -- ...second 3./•1/9.6. 4021 Fawn Creek. Drive ~ - - . Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 2/3/92) 392-137.0 (H) 343-5333 (W) (Reappt. 2/15/93).. ..a James B. Wright ~ second 3-/x/98 1605 Landfall Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/17/91) 256-6255. (H) - (Reappt. 2/20/95) Elected .Officials: Commissioner -Wi1li.am A. Caster - New Hanover County Wilmington, NC 28401 .. •~? 799-9000 (W). -Mayor Don Betz City of Wilmington P.O. Box 1810 ~ , Wilmington,:NC 28402 ~ _ 341-7815 (W) ; Town of Wrightsville .Beach Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 _ ~ ~'... Mayor Anthony Loreti ~ ~ . Town of Carolina Beach P.O. Box 2.1-51 ,.; ~,~ Carolina Beach, NC 28428 ~_ 45;8:-4436 (.H) • . ~ _ Councilman Glen T. Ivey Town of Kure Beach ~ _. P.O. Box 569 .- Kure Beach, NC 28449 4972 (W), ° Staff Support: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Ray Church, Environmental Management Director .NEW HA lV O VER COUNT Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 .Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, ,and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~f¢S/~G (Q~r/~ ~ ~S~Sio~ Name: 3*~ ~~ / Home How long have you been a Address: ~~00 ~~ic.~ J~;~Jfi,~%~. Gc.,~.~-c,, resident of New Hanover County? ~~"2. lO`E~,-z s ~-J ~ Mailinga ddiess: ~,_„ o- .~. .~ // ~. City and State.' _ G~i~~,>,1 t ~r1 r Zip Code: ~ ~~ G ~ Telephone: Home: / ;j ~ ~/,3 J Business: ~/U ~f ~ -~ 6'9~ i ~ . 'Sex: '~ 'Race: /. f~~' 'Age. ~ •~ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section pf the community is appointed. ..Employedby: C~i~~Z..i.,g- ~~~ ~+--(~ ~,G'/~• "A person currently employed y the agency or department f r which this application is made, must resign his/her position with Now Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~~ / o JobTitle.'_1i~ / ~/~7r/~~-~ '° ~.'za T ~f~! ~o~l.~~~~-v.C - ProfessionalA ctivities: Volunteer Activities: S Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, ,or Commission requestt d~ <, at do you feel are. your qualifications for serving on the Board,. Committee, or Commission re G~OyZ /Uvc ~2 s~~/7w-i, ~ r What areas of concern would you like to see thye/Board, Committee,~o~r Commission address? ~'T7'7 c Y~~ ~'J ~% /~/!G~-vim ~' ,d / i~i~ ~ -i~ ~ • :~/.rr-c /r'~ tad? -, ,~/ v ~. C// Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~.- ~. l~ `. J . Date: ~ L• Q1:'~ 2 2 GY Signature (Please use rev rse si a for ad ~tiona/ comments/ • ,• •-~ J,~ F~.~C~ C0~1+ii~iSSfON~FS J //YI ~~ 91 Board of Commissioners .; New Hanover Coursty,~ _ 320 ChestrtutStreet .~ Wilrningtort, North Carolina 23401-4093 _ , Tele~ltorte (91.9).341-7149 Application for Ap-pointment,to,B,oards,-Coinnl(ttees, and Co~rnmissions Appointed by the. New Hanover County Board,of County Commissioners. 6~ASTE-TO-ENERGY ADVISORY BOARD Request for Appointment to: CATEGORY - - - - ~ (Please typrar print in black ink) Name: Genf F. Renza~lia How long have you-been a ` Address: ~ `~ 1 0 Sn t ~;-w~~d Ct-. resident of New Hanover County? 14 tiio . - (Vi l.mi n~t~n 1\TC' X8409, _ , . Telephoner Home:. 395-0509 Business: 675-724 * Sex:..., ht . ,,Race: tV `* Age:.: 44 -. 4 .~ : ~ . '* Employed by: Occidental Chemical - Job Title: • Pla:'rit' Manager ; ~ .., '~ - Duties Performed.. ~.fOveral,l.~ Direction .Of They Facl~ity ;,. _ . Professional,Activties: _-~ _ ~,' ~..- ' . _.. Volunteer Activities: ~YTF ..Commi.ttee , United Nav ~ °~ ~ - ~ ~ r` Why do you .wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission-:requested? Use my management and engineering background to insure the facility is oneratPd= in 'a .safe 'en-vi`ronrne~n'ta].ly sound , and cost of feet iwe manner . w - ~. - . '' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving~on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 11 years a5 plant Manager. Engineering, operations and fin-anca~l --back~rou-nd, .- - - - - _ - -What areas of concern would you like~to see that Board, Committee, or Commission address? - ~ ... ~ -~ '" This information is requested for.tiu sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. - " A Anson currently employed by dhe agency ordepartment for which this application is made, must resign iris/her position with Ncw HanoDCr County upon appointment, in accordance wick Article VI, Scc. 4 of the Ncw a ver County Personnel Policy. ~ ••. / Date: ~• 'Z ~/• Sz_ ~. , _. !!~, ro ~L{Please use reverse side for additional comments) ~~~fi~ NEW HANOVER CO. t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC FEBRUARY 19, 1996 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 93 2. Consideration of appeal by the Landfall Hotel 95 Group .concerning. the amount of the sewer impact fee 3. Request for Use of District North Chase Discharge 107 for a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Castle Hayne 4. Consideration of Request for Bulk Water Service 109 by Kings Grant Water Company for Murrayville Area ADJOURN ~ i This pad e i~iteittioncrlly. left bla ik ,. - ~., 0 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: WBcS# I Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell JUtiJL'L1: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF' SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of February 5, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS• FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget New Appropriation Request: Budget Anrcndment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• +~~~ ~ ~\r`osl00 ~ ~ ik0b. 7.y:U ~.a~~,G u.y3 a. Refer to Office Vision [iulletin Board for Disposition 93 Tlris pane intentionally.left.bla~ik ~' .. ._ _ _ _ ,, .. r: ., . . 94~: ~. . ~ ~,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item ir: w&s#2 Consent Item n: Additional Item m: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver JUtSJL'l,l: ' Consideration of appeal by the Landfall Hotel Group concerning the amount of the sewer impact fee. BRIEF SUMMARY: A development group, known as the Landfall Hotel Group, is progressing toward the construction of a Hampton Inn in the Landfall commercial area. T}le Group wishes for the County to reduce the amount ofsewer impact fees the County has charged,-from $64,51 to $21,~ lS. The attached memo outlines the issue. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE(~UESTED ACTIONS• The Board should consider upholding the fee of $64,~S 1. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: StStc S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: ttiloney [s In Current BudgeL• New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Based on the information provided herein, I recommend the fees as changed be upheld. ~enled r-u v r~ a ®~, v ; ~n ,, ~- ~~~„~~~~ .:~ ~~95 .- a.wud 0 d; d..ont,~aFL'bJY~kJin~~l<.: .~, ReCcr to Office Vision E3ulletin Board for Disposition e7~ngt. ~ 'P~ ~ 21t 51$ as ca.lcu..~gfed tyzt~AS i 'Februar.y 2,_,1.996 TO: Board of County' C/ommissioners FROM: Dave Weaver D W RE: Hotel Group Impact Fees The Hotel Group, as indicated by the attached letter from David Barefoot, believes that the Group should pay only $21,518 in sewer impact fees under the old impact fee regulations, rather than X64,581 under the new attached regulations. Staff, after analyzing the following questions, believe the Group should pay the full fee of X64,581. 1) What is existing County policy on this matter? The Board, at its December 18 meeting, ruled that homebuilders, despite having no or incomplete building permit applications, would be permitted to pay the lower, old impact fee because the homebuilders actually had paid the old impact fee before the new impact fee became effective on December 19. This ruling can also be applied to the Hotel Group situation. 2) Did the Hotel Group pay or attempt to pay the old impact fee before December ~19?_ The Hotel Group submitted its building. permit application on November 21, as indicated by the attached time line prepared by the Hotel Group's attorney. ' Fla ter and Sewer Finance staff, also on November 21,~informed _ _ the Hotel Group that the sewer impact- fee would.be $21,5.18 -as indicated by the time line and by the attached Impact Fee calculation sheet. This information was provided nearly a month before the Dec-ember 19 effective,date of~the~new impact -fees.:. No effort was -made by the .Hotel Group. to pay the $21,518 before December 19. 3) Was the Hotel~Group~'s building permit application complete by. December 19? Based on the attached memo by Jay Graham, Inspection Director, a number of application components were ~°t~~ pNr~ov~+iya#a~and~~tyhe application was not considered complete by;~ De!cember.. 1'9 . ~ ~~ t 9 6 A . i. e . L ~ r'. .~, .,, .o ! 1s~.e4~ • i _ S 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Board of County Commissioners February 2, 1996 Page Two In summary, the Board has allowed homebuilders to pay the old, lower impact fees because the homebuilders paid the fees before December 19 when the new impact fees became effective. In contrast, the Hotel Group failed to pay the old impact fee before December 19. In order to maintain consistency, Staff believes the new impact fee of $64,581 should be paid by the Hotel .Group. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. cc: Allen O'Neal Wanda Copley Wyatt E : B1ancYiard Bruce Shell Julie Griffin DFl/aj 97 98~ DAV(D C. BARE; OOT ATTOr2NEY .~lvD COUNSEC.OR w1' [Aw F1JCS TFM Y`.~ H t!¢D WG j`"" ul lroen, Fto.r St~.sr L PoaYOma a¢cltad WlWUCrw, Norn. U+at~w 2L[tl . 0 ~~ 15-II21S FAX (vio~ te.C•~an • December 27, 1995 ~ • Ms. Wanda M. Copley County Attorney, New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C, 28401 Re: Sewer Impact Fees for Hampton Inn ~ Suites - 1986 EastU~ood Road Wilmington, N. C. 28403 Dear Wanda: This is to acknowledge your letter of December 22, 1995, denying the request of the Developer to pay the sewer impact fees in effect before the recent rata increase on December 19, 1995, The developer has made numerous contacts with the County concerning this - project dating back to October 3, 1595. On November 21, 1995, after discussion of the various fees and expenses that would be involved, the developer's representatives were given a figure of 521,518.75 for sewer impact fees for the project. After Tat date several contacts were made with County representatives concerning the review and approval of the project, but no notice was received from the County that the saes v~~ould be lncreased. It was not until December 20, 1995, that the Developer received notice that the sewer impact fees had been increased effective December 19, 1995. Under these circumstances we boiieve that the County had a duty to notify our client of the huge increase in fees. Therefore, I am requesting .that the developer, Landfall Hotel Group, L.L.C., through its representative, Craig Eick, pay the New Hanover County Sewer (mpact fees currently required in the amount of 564,581.7.5, under protest, so that the commencement of construction will not be delayed, and, by copy of this letter, request that the overpayment in the amount of S43,062.50 be refunded by the County. ~. • . 4: ' -~ •``h / ~l • ,'4* ` 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 Ms. Wanda Copley pecernber 27, 1995 Page Two Please consider this letter as notice of an appeal to the County Board of Commissioners of the Staff's .decision (n this matter and advise when, the matter can be heard. With kindest personal regards, 1 am Sincerely, Davi C. B ref of OCB/b cc: Board, of Commissioners County Manager Inspections Director Finance Director County Engineer J. D. Beam, Inc Landfall Hotel Group, L.L. C_ ~99 J ~l`i 6RDI'iYANCE L OF xHE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ • . .' BOARD OF CONfMZSSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereby amends Chapter 15, Article II, Section'IS-124(d) and Section 15-121(b) of thcNcw Hanover County' ; Code as follows: . .,i Amend Subsection 15-124(d) to read as follows: (d) facility fee: The fee for non-residential units, due at the time of building permit Application, shall be equal to 53.75 per gallon of average daily flow with a minimum ,_ fcc of 51,1 l5 per non-residential unit. The fee for residential units, due at the eimo of buildinr~ permit application, will be equal to 50.675 times Lie enclosed square footage, heated and unl~catcd not including the garage, of the unit as determined by the County Inspections Deparement, with a minimum fee of S500 and a maximum fee of $I S00 per residential unit. 1 The facility fcc will be determined as specified in section 15-12{(b),,howcver the minimum fee wi!( not apply in the following circumstances: (`" (1) Nonresidential development or unit obtaining a certificate of occupancy where the structure is not new devclopmcnt: (2) Nonresidential development or unit obtaining a building permit with an estimated construe(ion cost of less than two thousand dollars (52,000.00), where the structure is not new devclopmcnt. (3) Building pcz7nits for new devclopmcnt where there is no plumbing in the entire sttuctwc. If plumbing is added later, the facility fcc for new development will apply. Amend subsection 15-121(b) to read as follows: (b) Facility fee: All new development and nonresidential development obtaining a certificate of occupancy shat{ pay the facility fee specified in section 15-{ 24, based on average daily flow. Swimming pools will be c:ccmpt from the treatment plant capacity fcc. Average daily flow for. the purposes of the impact fee shall be determined as follows: (1) Residential unit: ~co 15-124_ '(2) Nonresidential unit: Flow criteria as reco;nmendcd by the state division of 1 O O environmental management far sewage system requirements. In the event ~,.fl~rs . not specified by the state division of environmental managetr,ent far a particulr~c tuagc; the flow shall be based on water usage of similar facilities as determined by the DislricC (3) Nonresidential unit (ndustrial wastewater): Industries that generate industrial wastewater, have a Nations! pollutant Discharge Elimination System l"NPDES) permit, maintain ~ wastewatet Q~cahnent facility with capacity sufficient to cover the average daily wastewater flow may be exempted from the facility fee by the Board of County Commissioners based on these and ocher criteria. This section does not exempt any non-process dorncstic wastewater. When the District's wastewate; system becomes available to a nonresidential unit having industrial wastewater, the facility fee shall be paid prior to connection. Adopted this the 18th day of December, 1995, to be effective tl:e I9th day of December, t 995. [SEAL) A'I-fEST: C! rs io the Board ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners 101 -i _~ + 12--21-t 99S 2 :3~1 ~~(w ,Cn9 G a'vD Ca~~ 1 9 t B 791 c~ P. ~ I . Fann}t Pzv~s*~s ~TFaty 7.iz~v'* F~imptun ~ ~ Snttes . ngto~, North Gxr~tx~t ~ ' Od~cr 3, 1.9~ ~ ~ ~ Y~crn nag scam icffg~t f~ far rrcx . I~.~oo~x: , lei-vt~l bv~ nvmZ:as, M:. Vc~nctd ccmQirts 1~ b..~, ~1 coa3d.bc obtriocd. ~ (}cfobcr 3, 1993. SPA w~22 JgfZ2 T~ rrg,~r~ b~n$ tQS~ ~ 1~ ' lac ~r pf~ m~inw, (~ • tx~obFr 5, I995. so~tts:a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-= L • 1`~cs' ~, 1 ~ C poanit lsttzr ~ aRrcd to S~ H~ita~zy. N'rne~nb~ 8y 1_935: ~z=rs ~vvr `•' ~-t from Pfd Tom. • - I`'-avrciS~s 13, 1995_ ~t=t wig 1~i:, Eeth ~s3ey ~rit~i \~cw~ I-~cr Ccua~ ~i~x,~.txt raa~~ m aim. • Idavrmbrr 21, 1995. $di~rr ~ Find d~rtd ptiax sad b io ~ H2na~r County. IZobat also n:~ ~L: S"uL4 V~ ~ ztri~: a rya ,~v~ c'~xw~. FIo ~ fro ~ s~m~ni of 521; 5 2 8.75for xn-.r amt Sr:.a Tcx tic ptir~~ _ f • Z`I~+~bcr ~, 19'95..12-^ocitibd v cAa~unts f~su Mr_ ~ Lx -~ Ncw L 7n.~naver Co~ ~ ~. ~ I~mlxr 1 ], La43. s^dxh :~fz ; Pha Tzzst3 wig I~cw ~Sto.-tr C.ocnsty Sri . Ba~ivwrd h~ act ~ c'azfv~, I htd sus ~ ~~'``` c4slZi~cr~d to ~: Rdxtt Ooh m D~ 1I, 1595. Ecx'Is ~yxrz eras Ted co ?I~c. L Ad:zn Gdda auR~ 12, 2995 • 11, 199'5. Spo3rn s~a~h ;v.r. Gray•.ph Nsty Haaovsr Couu~ jq~pv~,-~o~ Rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rtn2tvYVd tfno plsrzs and iu&~tad znc },~ c~td mt ~' ~~n ~~ ~voald ~t to tfran. Fie d6o cd ~ ~ hr swa3d chi ma back when the pi~tm¢ Wrrsc tom. • I7ccambCr 1; F, 1>15. I,c~ ~.m.,~ &rr ~t~vp-icaj ~x¢ S~oz~icr;o,~c~ti7~ 102 ~ s i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 12--~ 1-1.995 2 : 32AM ~ Y l F~n..:'~1 W ~'JVD G ANQ CLM~ASS 1 91 ~ 791 d~^9 1~ ~tt ~~ ~ • 18,1 ~. R~~rt Fau~itm urd ~ Mr. Jean Ttm3 flarh ~ H~a4u ~*~ ~ ~- ~,~,~ ~ an ~ nsr~sociicm . Ro~icrt witb hk: Tt>at3t aay ou~i mars roclur~d fDC obtc fozou pcm-~it • T~mb~r 19, 145_ Crag Eidc fated I.^`,lrz ~ ~.tr. Joke Ttrsdl s¢ o~ istlus ~cca~}r fc~ a fv~n pc~i Rabat t~ dt~[tirrv~ tics a~rgixrd Idtet' artd eac3oazrcr va Ztz,1495. • L~zxu2~cf ty, Ly7v. tco~af >~ S~okz wi>ir bSa. 5$ta Yucca at?dwsa mf~wod t~ tie dusty ira~ssd fees hid axz~ ~ S ~. U1~0.(x7_ • . ~7ttzinbcrZo. 19?S. Rabe Ptz ~~ fir. 7vbuTczrc~, I~ C3salca Lam, Ivir, Qrdy Kot~s, Ms. Ksm ~a ~d IvB: ~ odds st~c vt yam. Ro~rcit ~ ~ ~ Mz Hobh: 3ud ~ odch reg.+~ onh r.~;z,n hammy fir; ~~'s. ~ . P. 3 __~._-- ~t IMPACT FF~. ~_ . DATc : ~ .lla I ~5 ',_ CALCUL~TED~ BY , ': lCj l 1 . OWNER : CONTACT ::~~aL2-( I~E1U ti I N C~a ~1 `` r -2 . SERVICE ADDRESS : i ~~~ E~~~JOOD ~~ • - _ PHONE : ~~~ - ~~3 ' O~~ T 3 . TAL PARCEL I.D R : YEaR BUILT : I\~L~ 4 TYPE BUSINESS ~ ~~U~~- 5. NA!dE OF BUSINESS: C-1a~1~~~ `7U (~S • ,, 6 . IMPACT FcE : .: A . RETAIL SPACE : SQ FT = 3 .3~3 X 1.23 B . OFr-I'CE : E!.(?LOYcFS t 25 X 1 .25 '° C . RESTAUR~:*1T : S ~..:~TS X 4 ~ .~( 1 , ? 5 _. D . GROCERY STORE 1. RETaiL S?ACE: SQ FT ~" ~ - 3:53 X'1 35= ? . OF: ICE SP.aCc,: E!•{?LOYcES :{, 2~ X ,1, 35= 3 . !.(E.~T AREA : c!:{.? L 0'i EES . X ? 5 Y .1 . 2 5 = PRc? ARE. SQ FT - ~ . Y 1 ' S ?RODUCc ARE.a: E!.(PLO'1ccS, z ?~ x 1.253 ?R=a , ~c SQ FT - ~ x 1 .25= :~.._a . . oT ~R: 3,3 iuirts ~~Ki ~-c~er ~..~~1«--ieSx~C ~i .>>= 7) 2,18.75 ~~ ~ZtC~y~,:,rz P.~b!~`S X I~Oga.j. z 1 .2~= I ,~SO,00 ~• i~ ~, ~ c_t,~~S ~~ Soo q c (• `~ x 1 . 2 ~ = I , a S o . o a TOTAL I ~fPACT FEc CALCULATED = ~ ~ , ~J~ a 15 LESS PREvIOUS I!d?ACT F~~ CREDIT a < > *'SEE BELOW FOR 5375.00 I~INIMU~( I1(?ACT FCE _~LS~$.7s 7 . TAP SIZE Ta? 0.°, AD!.(I N FEE ct ~-y~ 8. b(ETcR SIZE: ucTER INS?'.aLLATION COST 3 9. DE?OBIT (DETER!.(INED BY u=TcR SIZES ~ ' 1©. Di=VzLOP1(ENT FEE (PORTER'S NEC:T ONLY> '~ 11 . DEVELOPI(~NT FcE (OTi:EP.) ~. oQ0 •Oc~ ~~~ TOTAL DUE 3. ~ais~'3'1 S r - , "-~ BE AWARE~OF- ANY BUSINESS ~1iICH 1(aY HAVE WASTE RE5(OVaL, EX: LAB PROCESSING (CHc1.(ICALS) OR GAP.AGE WITH FLOOR DRAINS. PRE-TREATUENT REGULATIONS HAVc '~ TO BE A?PROVED. CIF NO SEWER AVAIL~BL~, NEED COPY OF PERUIT FRO'd ENVIRONt{ENTAL HEALTH. i i NEW HA.NOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE TO: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager FROM: ~ Jay Graham, Inspections Director DATE: January 30, 1996 Per your request, the following is a summary of what was not done when the new ordinance was made r effective: Ivey Date - 11/17/95 Application received by Department with information and data incomplete. Key Date - 12/18/95 Ordinance approved by Commissioners -effective start dace 12/19/95. Start Date - 12/19/95 All permits submitted for application on this date were subject to ne~v fees. Required actions not completed by 12/19/95: • City impact fees NOT PAID until 12/27/95. • County impact fees NOT PAID until 12/27/95. . • Letter of intent (to do project as a fast crack) vas NOT RECEIVED until 12/20/95. Prior to this date, the project did not have sufficient data to do a proper code review chat would result in a permit. • Approval from N.C. Department of Insurance vas NOT RECEIVED until 12/19/95. • Certificate of Insurance was NOT RECEIVED until 1.2/20/95. • Zoning approval withheld until all required information was submitted. Information vas NOT RECEIVED until 12/20/95. Even then, the required Land Plan was NOT RECEIVED until 1/9/96. Zoning issued approval in an effort to keep project on schedule because final Land Plan vas not complete on 12/20/95. • Building and plumbing code review approvals were NOT RECEIVED until 12/20/95 (the letter of intent vas not submitted until 12/20/95). Also notable is the fact that some key information that eve require vas in the possession of the applicant long before it vas hastily submitted to us. Specifically, approval from the Department of Environmental Management was given to the applicant on 10/16.95 but NOT RECEIVED by us until_ 12/18/95. Also, approval from the Department of Insurance was given to the applicant on 12/8/95 but was NOT RECEIVED by us until 12/19/95. Call me if you have any questions. ~ O Tl~is pad e intentio~zally left bla~rk 106 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item n: w&s#3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard JUt~Jl';(:I: Request for Use of District's North Chase Discharge for a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Castle Hayne BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a memo to Allen O'Neal concerning a request from Mr. John Bernlan asking for permission to corulect a package wastewater treatment plant to the District's discharge line from the North Chase treatment plant. The treatment plant would serve a proposed project in the Castle Hayne area at the intersection of Highway 133 and 1 17. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Considering all circumstances, staff does not recommend allowing a privately owned and operated wastewater treatment plant to discharge into the District's treated wastewater effluent line. 1 i e FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State 5: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Itiloney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Arrrcndmcnt Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FINN/A BSHELL BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend the Board accept the staff's recommendation for denial of this request. Cran•~:n cud ~, F~G~~~B Dii~ , ~-~ o ra u v ~ u :.~ ~.~ ~b:;~e~t~ e~.~~~v.,~`~Ie~:,u,~~ ~ 107 ~~;~;~ 2` ~ ~ 1,1 ~ !~ Rc(cr to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Yo~i cY,j~~s:~or'7o !~ ~ ~I eveln~e~ by _S„c,~,t ~~~; r<r~ux,~,-•, /nevi u~1 Ccyaia ~~~~(o "' OU NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFhCE ~NIEMO February 8, 1996 Allen O'Neal, County Manager TO: ' p g,, .County Enginee FROM: Wyatt E. Blanchard, uest for Use of District's Ntrat'CastleDHaynerge RE: Req for a Wastewater Treatment P an uest from Mr. John Berman to allow the owned and operated package wastewater We have received a req ne at the construction of a privately ro ect in Castle Hay lant which would serve a P J lant would treatment p hway 132 and 117. This treatment p intersection of Hig e line at Castle Hayne. u a ortion of it's utilize the Diisrlthe DNOtriCt world beg g ng P pecif ied period 'In allowing th er day discharge permit .f or a unsp 1,000.,000 gallon p of time. of the discharge uality the treatment plant. In There would be a concern as e°ating q i_ven to the possible liability since the District would not be op ossibly addition,eS °i fid evied nbyh the State for nOUestmpouldcal o set an from fin 1ant. Granting this req lants to caused by a private p encouraging other package p undesirable precedent of connect to the District's discharge line. I recommend that the request be denied. WEB/nrf/1314 ~ , ,~ f r ` ~ ri~'1 108 ~ ~ - V s REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item i*: w&s#=I Consent Item #: Additional Item ~: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard (1i TTl TT /lT - ~7VUJGl-, 1 . Request for Bulk Water Service by Kings Grant Water Company for Ivlurrayville Area BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a memo to Allen O'Neal concerning a request from Kings Grant Water Company for water in bulk quantities for the Murrayville Area. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REC2UESTED ACTIONS• It is recommended that Kings Grant Water Company pay full rates and. pay all costs associated with allowing a tie on such as meter costs and storage tank allocation costs. k~U(VllING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~, REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: I-IR: COUNTY MANAGER' M NTS AND REC MMENDATI N Accept staff recommendation. r~ ;r~ ~>~t`r~~ 9~~~ ~~j t~..,.nn d b ~~~ ~ uL4~i'~ d ,~v,:~U ~~~' M ~ ' ~~~~.? ~ g . ~ ~ _ 10 9 _ 5fa .~ . p~~,t,.~,,~~, ~y~.~-~ w i< !t t~ve.taP Re(er to OtTice vision E3ulletin E3oard for Dis~fosrt~on1 ; . 1 1-" h~'~' r0.~'~' --- -- ~ ~rc„ytw~'ed 3/ral4fo _ February 8, 1996 TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager V~ FROM: Wyatt E. Blanchard, P. E., County~Enginee,~ RE: Water line connecting North Chase Water System to the Murrayville Area Due to the extreme unexpected growth and the declinin water g quality in the main production well in North Chase and in order to provide a more dependable water system it is time to construct a connecting water line between North Chase and the water system between Murrayville Road and Ogden. This will also connect the elevated water tank in North Chase with 'the new water tank being constructed near Ogden and also sets up the basis for fire protection for the subdivision s. ,being served. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to reclaim the section of water line which was constructed under I-40 and paid for by New Hanover County, adjacent to and parallel to Murrayville Road. Kings Grant Water company had a water line along Murrayville Road prior to 1982 before I-40 was built. The Company chose .not to construct a line under I-40-when I-40 was built and instead asked the County to allow them to use the County's section of water line until the District would need it. A contract (copy attached) was executed in 1982. to:allow,the use of the line with the provision that the Company would release the line to the County, when ..necessary.. _-. . _When the County. reclaims the water line- under I-40, the '~- Company will be left without a way to supply water to approximately. -105 customers on the east side of I-40. we have received a request from the Company to sell .them water' for 'the 105' customers. ~ The_y- are asking for a wholesale rate. Based on information provided by the Company, the average yearly income from the 105 customers is $18,974.52..~;'The estimated `charge for the same amount of water using Distri'c}t rates would be $14,535.00 per year. Based on this, the gross profit to the company would be $4,439.52, therefore, I do ecommend a differentrate . ~ ~~~ ~ 0~ . A11en O'Neal Page Number Two February 8, 1996 There has been discussion of taking over this portion of the Company's system on the west side of I-40, but the owner wants more money than the system would be worth to the District. This section of the Company's system is not important to the District, therefore, this option was dropped. If consideration is given to selling water to the Company, the Company should pay all costs of providing the service including metering and capacity in elevated storage. In addition, the Company should pay the same cost as paid by any other bulk user, as allowed by the Ordinance. The company does have the option. of developing another water service, i.e. drill new wells. WEB/nrf/1313 1 111 n NORTH CAROLINA NEW EL~?vOVER COUNTY AGREE"IENT . . THIS AGREEric,NT, made and entered into this ~ day of 1982, by and `between NEW i?;?HOVER COUNTY, a muni- U cipal corporation and body politic of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to ~as "County," 'and KIivG'S GRA:h'T WATER COMPA:tiTY, a North Carolina corporation with its principal office and place of business in New Hanover County, north Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Company", W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Company has agreed to furnish an emergency water supply to that portion of the New 'r.anover~ County School System located at Emma B. Trask Junior Hich School, Route 6, Box 212, L~'ilmington, North Carolina, and Emsley A. Laney High School, Roue 6, Eox 10, ir~ilmington, North Carolina, to be used for, but not limited to, fire at said locations or failure of the County's primary water system at said locations; and WHEREAS, County has agreed to provide Company the use of County's proposed segment of twelve (12") inch water line, approximately five hundred (S00') feet in length, to be located under proposed United States Interstate Highway r40 adjacent and parallel to North Carolina State Road T1322, also known as Murraysville Road, for the purpose of connecting Company's water system located at King's Grant Subdivision, approximately one m}~l~,~Torth of the intersection of United States Highway rl7/ 74 anlld NLLorth Carolina State Road X132, to Company's water system a~~~ located at Sm.ith's Creek Subdivision, approximately one mile East of the intersection of North Carolina State Road 71322 (also known as Murraysville Road) and North Carolina State Road 7132;- ~~ NOW, `I'HERErORE,~in consideration of the mutual benefits ir_uring t0 tfle parties tici~.~.v, ~=~c :c~~~c.~ cgre6 _~ _:.~~.:,v.J. 1. County agrees to a110~^i ~.un~uany to use the proposed ;(~ segment of twelve (12") inch Ductile Iron water line, approximately five hundred (S00') feet in length, to be located under nrenosed United States Interstate Highway 740 adjacent and parallel to North Carolina State Road 71322 (Murraysville Road) for the Durpose of connec` ing Company's water system located at King's Grant Subdivision to Company's water system located at Smith's Creek Subdivision, until such time as County develops its ~~ water system in said area and has need of its 12-inch water line. 2. Company shall properly maintain County's 12-inch water line during the period of usage by Company, at no cost to County. • 3. Company agrees to provide and maintain water lines a and service t o Emma B. Trask Junior High School and Emsley A. Laney High Sc hool for emergency use at said locations, in the ' event of, but not limited to, fire or failure of the County s primary water system at said locations. • 4. County agrees to reimburse Company for water used at the current rate at the time of water usage. S. Upon completion of County's water system as ~' aforesaid and upon six (6) months notice by County to Company1 o1E3 2 County's need to use its 12-inch water Line under proposed United States Interstate Highway r40, Company shall release the said 12- inch water line to County for connection to the County System.- 6. All costs and expenses in connection with Company's connection to and disconnection from County's 12-inch water line shall be borne entirely by~Company, at no cost to County. 7. The terms and conditions of this ~.greement shall inure ~ to the benefit of and be- binding uoo'n the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHERc,0 NEW H_=tiOVER COUNTY has caused this instrument to ~be executed in its behalf by its Board of County Commissioners through its Chairman, Donald P. Blake, and attested by its Clerk and its corporate seal to be Hereto affixed', and HI!~TG'S GRANT t~r.TER COMPANY has caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by its President and attested by its Secretary znd its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, on the day and year first above written and by authority duly given. NEW HANOVER COUNTY (CORPORATE SEP1, ) ~ ~ - Donald P. Blake, :Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: /.rZ Clerk 114 ~ - - f e ~`~' KING'S GRANT WATER CO~gPA_ti``! (CORPORATE SEAL) ~ ~% ,~~/ .~- Raiford G. Trask, Sr. ' President ATTEST: (~ ~ 1~ .~1~ /1, ,Q~/ Secretary NORTH CAROLINA 1 D ~~ NEW HA?~10VER COUNTY I, a notary. Public of .: the State and C unty ~o esaid, c' ~_`~- t':=` "-_1•c_ =. 3rown personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and t:^,at by authority du1 j~ : - ---- --'' - . _hs =ct of the Commission, the foregoing instrument was signed in its .name by its Chairman, Donald P. Blake, sealed with its coraorate seal ar.d attes*_ed by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand zr.d official seal, this ~ day of 1982. ~'tv COm'T.!1SS10.^. e}:n1re5: My Ccmmissic~ Expires Oct. 1'~ t a.~, NORTH CAROLINA NEW H.ANOVER COliNTY I• ` [Jo Z, 5 ~. ~~L~~ a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Ethel T. Coupland personally came before me this .day and acknowledged that she is secretary of King's Grant Water Company, a North Carolina cor poration with its Drincipal office in New•Hanover County, and that b.y authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed~in its name by its president, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its secretary. 115 • `~~ l `1 WITNESS my-hand and official seal, this ~_ day of t,ti~ , 19 8 2 . ._ _ ~, - ~ Not ,,Yy Public My commi Sion expires: ~~ O '' -_ f ~ lfo~ "s ~ KOTARy j ~ ? . -. ~(! G r y 8Lt t. --.. - ' - r ,. ~ .. - -_ __ ~ __ ~ - _. .. ... ` _' .. - 116 S ,/ "I`L ~~ : / ~~f` ~, o ro /~ Fps // '1 ~L~D v, a / / / ao / 0 . // y RS OR, / // - 5~0 . /~ c `7 • / u /o ,~ '~ ~ ~RffK Wx ~ + p / v'' ~ ° /~ / a• ••4y~ R ' ~Lf R. / 2j IJ2 NO ar5r'.. _ _ ~ '~ / f `~ / /. ~Ey. 04 mE» yf3l / ~ ~ ~ // ~3? .. G`"~ 3 n+ApO DR 9 R°VC' e ... °G 0~' 4 - eWE~~ ~ OPMCnp1 V ~i0»EWl P1K RD. g ~°~,v ~ ~ CA HArt'NETT~QR- W _rWNP »OL' RD - ig NP. -~ t SP~WE D ~. n Hf •T~E• R J 1 ' .w•~ Ci JD°~GOrt 1 ~ ~~ C Q EwS afp„' C oy - \ w t v(/~ - S s enn•w n ~o nE • • _~L '^~ DA L wp Y SE~ ' it ` E^ ~~„ "~ ate: '3 a , ~ c?°~ £ ~ ~ J ~ Hoot D•~vC ~ \ YyF.t~wcv ryryry ~ w L • ,~^Q J E~~E ~ ,.+'` ~ O Y CvICKET -' 'ADDS p WILL VD. CC C' / YEIL %T ~OV [Y Ln ,~JrE /` '9 ] 3~'- / i FNE ]C°` R OInTE• Ln ~ WE ky3. w%DSD nD~ //~ wURR]YVILLE RO D r~i I-CLE•IL ]VL HEn1 n ~ f ~w00DdER RY ;T 1-VEIDOV VICw ]vf _ ...~~ /_ .V// _ ~ ~ 2 ACT , ~ L / // I ..E~RT COU•T coon opD°K a • /• / /=a:YCwLL?D. z / Li~„'%//~ / DDe y ~" d'~ vI~ KEJ VER `D. o I y ,E / /C~ / aOaC '. ~ = DK~VE R~ »wE YD[FN . r?R .vE. ~ t ~' //// //// mFS~ Sn°anI I~•c E _aiPa - 2 _.V CwaY CT STREET Co` J~D XPORT pR, / ~9POKEn LIMB 0' O ?O O ~ S. dEYi iREi Ci ]2 / .Jd / ~ ~~ ' j QO 8.., ti - f~? J 'ate o . ' ~a~ n o, ti d jp, 9WEB PRT RO R Rp~ RJ' - Op0 „~.v J ~ - ~ _ S»]. ~ aCaES ,.P ;~ P ^ r G5~ p RASRBE.RRY C ~ y !•W SWT»GYTE 09 ~ o v CRE•YrLEW 2 ~R ~.v'.a. 4 a0 / ~' ELL ~q' 3. CL ER CR. '}'~I / ?i R'i M] p09~1 L:.E` "'I ~ YCIa»0 viiE nOn P ytE ~ v C:.S ~ / r 'rvEJT9 3~l r o N ~ / / y ~ `LL,Ui .~ ~~ 'LS~DIF"aI ~ TPv / 7 /~ ~ cy»~~ 0°l_wC 6 / / ~.' s~ J `1 Doti / v ~ 41DDf v ~', / Z ~iV Qi~ i y Ovp~ n y J Q~i~ R - ~// _ _ ~ an.w ~ a ~ `;;s v LcaD .: a Y` ,^ +S-2 ~, _ "s~ `3 ~.cEr~u` y an .>'C y~~~9~ ~c`~ P~~oP ` yf` n r T d E ~~~- / / c <s TEPRT L R Cw '( f•E~ ~ w +~1 ~ .~ ~ RKD,]RDSpY = / ~ .yLU Jf] ~t ~, ~ ~ ~ 0 _ S gRi OvtE'n ~}. ~~ 9ESiW01 " ~ _ ?la E,~ WLFCR LOCATION OF EXISTING 12" _~, W .. ~ `~` `V ~ '. / ~~ ~ • WATER LINE UNDER I-40 In0 RO ~/ ~~ / »/ • / / ER CT. v ~ ~ Map-Not-To-Scale" ~•/ K'~l ]yY w Tsr ° »coneLL- j SiOr.E W._ • UC-. a ~Gy V~CLL 2"aCS0.C In I _ ~ ! k :: 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 e REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 02/19/96 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: department: Governing Body Presenter: ~. 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell JUtSJ~L l Approval of Minutes BRTEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Special Meeting, December 6, 199 .Regular Meeting, February ~, 1996 Budget Retreat, January 1 S, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes rUlVllll`lhJVUKI.L': Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: t'bloney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVLEWED BY: LGL: FIN:.. BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION ~yL .rls ~ ~ 6~evw. ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin-'Board for Disposition Other S: 1.19 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 e A Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Budget Department Presenter: NA Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Cam Griffin , SUBJECT: Release of ~ 13,479.9 in State Funds to the Cape Fear Council of Governments BRIEF SUMMARY: The Cape Fear Council of Governments is requesting a release of state funds appropriated by the General Assembly to help the Lead Regional Organizations assist local governments with grant applicaitons, eeononmic development, community development, and local industrial development activities. A restricition on the use of these funds provides that they not be used by local governments. Further, funds not authorized by local governments will revert to the State's General Fund RECOMMENDED MOT10N AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• .Board approval of the- attached resolution and authorize the chairman to sign it. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money [s In Current Budget: iYew Appropriation Request: - ' Budget Amendment Prepared: REVLEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDA' Approve-the required resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign. :'"tip` ~ 2~{t~9~ ~~~ ~RefeH[o•OfTi e Vi on,Bulletin,Board•f~o~_rDisposition 121 9103952664 CRPE FEAR COG 421 P02 JAN 24 '96 12:09 ~.~.a`C~lr L i ~ , ; COUNCIL OF ~.7V Y L October 9,_1995 ~ ' -~~ , . _ '...__ iVir. Robert G. Greer, Cllaioatau -- New Hanover~Couzt[y Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30S Wilznulgton, N.C. 28401 '.. Dear Chairman Greer: . . ~ -, .. The No'r[it CaraZina General As'sembIy has appropriated~$864,27p for tL~'1995-1996 Fiscal ' Year for use 6y the States 18~iegional organizations. The regional Share for the Cape Fear Council of Govertuztents' counties grad their xrinnici~alities is -$48,015: ~ ~ - .. These monies may be used for preparing grant •applications, ecououuc developnleut, community development, support of industrial development activities, and other activities deemed appiopziate by the member governments. Funds may not be used for the payuterlt of local assessments. A further restcictiora on the use of these monies provides that they not be used by locai~ Govern.menu. Monies not authorizcd~.by'local-governments will revert to tho, State's. General Fund.; .. .. : '. 4 'rite appropriation is divided by the estimated local sltaze of the 1992 population. White souk shares appear to be too small for local govcrnmcut action; they arc all iut~.portant to obtaining the total appropriation. • A sample resolution is attached for your Board's consideration. ~iorl r~trir~~iittc~udes fo~tlai Board a~nrovai ttte on 'nags i~.ignature of the chief elect d of~~~`the original att stingy si~ature fthe clerkl and art original imprint of the'local Qovernment's sP:rl. If you require addltloztal hlfornoatiozt oz Have a rerluest for service, please contact tne. Your prompt attention will be greatly appreciated: Thank you in advazaee for. your cooperation iu • r. IlIIS rIlBtteC. ~ .. .. Sincerely, ~~ ~` ~tose Azaza Mack, Executive Director RAM/sbzzt ' . P~~ CC3DPE12ATiON Attachment ce: Allen O'Neal, Counry'.Manager~.• .~ fcr~d OFpore~rry/~irrne ~u~vnnNErrt~luYer • ~ : is 9103952684 CAPE FEAR C06 ~ 421 P03 JAN 24 '96 12:10 ", ~. -- ~ ~SOLU'I`ION ~~ ~. T~ COIJNrTY Off' NI+1'~'V HANO'V~~. W~.EREAS, in North Carolina the Lead Regional Organizations, as voluntarily organizations ~. Serving municipal and county governments, have established productive working relationships with the cities and counties across dais state; amd ~V~EREAS, the 1995 General Assembly recognized this need through the appropriation of $864,270 to help the Lead Regional Organizations assist local governments with grant applications, economic development, community development, and to support Local industrial developnacnt activities and the activities as deemed appropriate by then local governments; and 'SVHEREAS, these funds arc not izttendcd to be used for payment of member dues or assesstuents to a Lead Regional. Organization or to supplant fonds appropriated by the menabcr governments; and 1 1 1 W)~i?1LEA.S, in the event that a request is z~ot made by Lune 30, 199G for release of tliesc funds to our Regional Council, the available funds will revert to State's general funds; and W1~ER,CAS, in Region O, funds in the amount of $48,015 will be used to/for prepaze community development and land use plans, zoning ordinances, econotuie dcvelopmentJrevitalization plans and grants, and provide other tecluucal assistaA.ce to local govez~ments; NOSY, ~' + +ORE BE fT RE.SOLVEA, that the County of New Hanover requests tl~ release of its share of these funds, $13,479.59, to the Cape Far Council of Governments at the earlaesc possible ti.nae izt accordance wittz the provisioAS of Chapter 324, House Bill 229, Section 9.4 of the 1995 Session Laws. Witnessed this the clay of Signature-Chief Elected Official ~'itle ORIGINAL S~A,1, x995 by: Signature of Wito.ess '~xU.e 12.3 . ~ T/tls paa e iyite`rtionally -left blank _ . 124 D u Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andre' R. Mallette REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 01/19/96 SUBJECT: Contract with Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) BRIEF SUMMARY:. Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) is a SOI (C) 3non-profit corporation serving Bnmswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender counties. In May of 199, t11e County entered into an agreement wida the organization to provide it with clerical assistance subject to the terms of the contract. A part-time (20 hrs/wk) temporary clerical employee was selected to provide the requested assistance..The employee's hours were increased to 40 hours per week. The additional 20 hours is paid by RC&D. The employee is still classified as temporary. The Dirzctor of RC&D is asking that the contract be extended until September 30, 19,96 with the provision that the contract may be renewed at the end of each year. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• It is recommended that the contract provided by Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. (RC&D) be approved by the Board of County Commissioners and signed by the appropriate County official. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ititoney (s In Current Budget: Ivcw Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REV LGL: FIN: BUD: ~I R: ,! CQUNTY MANAGER' COMMENTS AND RT'COMMFNDATiONS• l Recommend approv .The RC&D reimburses the County all costs incurred for the person's 20 hours per week. - ,~ ~~ Refer to O[Tice Vision Bulletin E3oard for Dispos on ~~ R D CAPE FEAR RESOURCE CONSERVATION - - and ~ ` DEVELOPM-ENT, INC. Brunswick ~ Columbus ~ New Hanover • Fender First Union Building ZO1 N. Front Street, Suite 615 Wilmington, N'.C. 28401 Telephone (910)763-6611. ~ Fax (910)763=8989 January 23, 1996 Mr. Allen O'Neal ..County Manager ~ ~ I~JAN 2 ~ 1996 320 Chestnut~Street, Room 5.02. Wilmington, 'NC 28401 - - . ~ NEw .H?,iVOVE.K CO, Dear Mr,* O'Neal ,. ~ . Enclosed is an admendment to the cooperative agreement between New Hanover County and the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service. The proposed change is self-explanatory and a-copy of. the agreement is attached for your. .use. Three copies of the admendment are enclosed,. pleaae return two (2) -signed.eopies to me, The arrangement works well for Cape Fear RC&D. Thank you for your .support and your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Greg alker - ~ _~ Director 126 ~ ~ ~~ ~ - :; Anon-profit organization. ~. t New Hanover County ~,ontract ~ 95 - 0303 ~~ . Agreement Number A-4532-296 AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COrIr1ISSIONERS AND THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE This agreement, made and entered into this „~.3 ~~ day of ~~k•- 1995, ~' b and betty a d of Commissioners here'na y een New Hanover County Bo r i fter called the County, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, hereinafter called the Service. PURPOSE: The County has an interest in furthering their participation in the•.Cape Fear Resource Conservation and Development. (RC&D) program in the area. The Service has a need for clerical assistance but currently lacks the authority to hire. The County has qualified clerical personnel they desire to make available to assist the Service. Therefor the cooperating parties agree as follows:- I. THE COUNTY AGREES TO: A~. Provide the services of a qualified secretary to work in the Cape Fear RC&D Office a period of 20 hours each week. B. Invoice the Service quarterly for expenses incurred for salary and social security benefits paid to the secretary. • II. THE SERVICE AGREES TO: A. Utilize the secretary in a manner consistent with the purposes of this agreement. B. Provide supervision, to include daily scheduling, training, and equipment. C. Reimburse the County, on a quarterly basis, for actual expenses of salary and social security benefits paid to .the secretary,, not to exceed $9,064.00 annually. III. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED: A. That any data, document, report, etc. that the secretary may assist with is public information and can be utilized as such. ' ~; n X27 ~: . _ New Hanover County Contract # 95 - 0303 Page 2 Agreement Number A-4532-296 D. The program or activities conducted under this agreement will be in compliance with the non-discrimination provisions contained in Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other non- discrimination statutes: namely, Section ,'504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Title IX of the Education Amendments° of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. They will also be in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture (7 CFR-15, Subparts A & B), which provide that no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex,- religion, marital status, or handicap be excluded from participation in,_be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to.`dscrmination under any pror~ram or activity receiving .Federal financial assistance from the Department of Agriculture or any agency thereof. ~E. 'No member of or delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of thisagreement or to any benefit that may ari.-se therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this agreement if made with~~a corporation for its general benefit. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEiJ F~;E~%(,~OI(ED NEw HArr ~V~' coUNTY Bo D of corrMlsslorrERS IN THE MANNER REQUIRED B'r THE IOCAI ~-- ~/ ~ GOVERNMENT .AND .FISCAL CONTROL ACT. TITLE : ~ ( )rl~T ~.~ T ~ ~~ ~1 , .. _ ° DATE: ~' ~~ - C~~?~ USDA, NAT L R UR E CONSERVA SERVICE ~ ~• ° BY : Approved as toform/County Attorney ~J ~ ,~ TITLE : J pN ~ 41~ - ~Cl~n i/~ . DATE.. ~ _ ~3,._,c~ ~ ,° . i t t 1 1 4 1 e t e r 1 i 1 ~..,.. Ne~~~ Hanover County Contract ~ 95 - 030.3A STATE North Carolina PROJECT CAPE FEAR RC&D Program AGREEMENT NO.~A-4532-296 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATUREAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE (FORMERLY SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE) AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT 1. Paragraph III B is hereby deleted end the following substituted in lieu thereof: III B This agreement will remain in effect until September 30, 1996. The agreement may be renewed at the end of each year. 2. All other terms and conditions remain the same. NEW HANOVER. COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY TITLE DATE USDA, NA~U] BY n TITLE /~,S.S/ DATE OURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE .~....-A •---~ / ~ / 7- `fL /t //llil acv. 129 ,, ` ~ ..' , 130. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~: Meeting Date: 02/19/96 1 Q e Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 ~ Additional Item #: department: Finance ~ Presenter: ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin JUt3JL'Ll: Disposal of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction to be held March 9, 1996. BRIEF SUMMARY: Resolution for approval to authorize Finance Director's designated representative to dispose of surplus equipment and vehicles through County Auction to be held March 9, 1996. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of resolution authorizing Finance Director's designated representative to ~, dis ose of sur lus e ui ment and vehicles throu~ the unt p p q p ~h Co y Auctton to be held March 9, 1996. FUNDING SOURCE: FcdcraLS: State Ss County S: User FecsS: Other S: Vtoncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udgct Arnendment Prepared: . REVIEWED BY: I.GL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA 'S .COMMENT AND REC MMENDATI Adopt resolution. ~ ~r;n~gnm(~~, ~ ~l ~~~wA~ ~ ~ ,~ ~j d ~'!$ ~3'a~~at;tMs~ ~ n,ti,x ~'~y« ~~~~~3 z . ~~ ~'~ ~- 131 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CONi'~IISSIONERS - _ _ ~F ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY . ,WHEREAS, New Hanover County has possession of a number of items o.f personal property which are surplus to its needs and desires to dispose of same; and WHEREAS, the items to be disposed are listed and submitted as an attachment Ito- this resolution;. _ i ,. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the Finance Director's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A-270, is hereby authorized to dispose of all of tfie personal property as listed for cash or check at an auction, and tf~at said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title and perform all necessary fimctions associated with this auction, to be held Saturday, March 9, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. at the Property Management Maintenance Facility, Division Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Adopted this 19th day of February; 1996. ~ ~ .. _ (SEAL) , ATTEST: , Clerk to the Board 132 Chairman Board of County Commissioners • . : .. .,.~ ~ , ~; ~ ,w~~ ...,. e 0 r r t ~~ 1 ~/ ;, ~• ~, f .~ 1 r r NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE MARCH 9, 1996 i ~~~ ~~~~~ r+»~~ ut~c,K1r~~VN FROM ! SERIAL j MODEL ~ !# # j I (DEPT) I# I # I 1 !Double Pedestal Desk (Animal Contr ! I 2 Single Pedestal Desk ;Animal Contr j 3 Computer Table ;Animal Contr ( j 4a-b j Bookcases IAnirrial Contr jSingle Pedestal Desk jAnimal Contr j " ~6= 000000000006847 Single Pedestal Desk jAnimal Contr T jDouble Pedestal Wood Desk Animal Contr 8 Double Pedestal Desk j Animal Contr 9 Single Pedestal Metal Desk j Animaf Contr j 10 Double Pedestal Desk j Animal Contr 11a-c j Secretary Chairs w/o Arms j Animal Contr j 12a-c Secretary Chairs w/Arms jAnimal Contr '13 Metal Desk w/ Left Hand Return jAnimal Contr 14 jMetal 8 Drawer 3x5 File Cabinet jAnimal Contr j j15 jMetal 4 Drawer File Cabinet AnimalContr j 16 j jDouble Pedestal Wood Desk jAnimal Contr 17 jSingle Pedestal Wood-Desk jAnimal Contr j 18a-c jChairs w/ Arms jAnimal Contr 19a-d _ =jSecretary Chairs w/o Arms jAnimal Contr 20a-b jSecretary Chairs w/ Arms Animal Contr j 21a-b (Stools jAnimal Contr j 22a-e jStacking Chairs Animal Contr ( 23a-b jPlastic Stacking Chairs w/o Arms jAnimal Contr '?4 - j Desk Top Voice Processor jAnimal Contc 25 J jAT 8 T Headset jAnimal Contr j 26a-I~ j10 Arm Chairs, 2 Secretary Chairs w/o Arms !DSS j ~27 Brown Secretary-Chair (Tax j 28a-h jSecretarial Chairs jTax j 29 000000000001508;Brown Executive Chair jTax j j 30 j ~. ~ 31 j 32 07367 jIBM 5271 Computer iMIS jLBM 5272 Monitor ~ I 000000000007368;IBM 5271 Computer jMIS 07973 IBM 5272 Monitor jMIS 000000000000739 IBM 5271 Computes jMIS 0160873 j A7676 ( 0160876 j 94946 59648 " 5271 5272 5271 5272 5271 33 IBM 5272 Monitor jMIS 01365 IBM 5273 Computer jMIS 62786 5273-26-0037136 5272 5273 34 ~ IBM 5272 Monitor j 07918 jIBM 5271 Computer jMIS . G3196 5271-010241 5 5272 5271 jIBM 5272 Monitor j . 46130 5272 35 07921 jIBM 5271 Computer- jMIS 5271 Ci6 07.940 IBM 5272 Monitor (MIS 08887 IBM 3179 Display Station jMIS A4269 BV126 5272 3179 j j 351X-F0432 37 18M Computer !MIS 1 1 1 51 11 51 50 FBM 5153 Monitor j 396025 5153 38 01897 jIBM 5160 Computer jMIS 4275699 5160 001645-01 IBM 5154 Monitor ~ jMIS 87598 5154 39 : 01898 IBM 5160 Computer' jMIS 4275700 5160 j j1$M 5151 Monitor - j 3836572 5151 40 41a 07474 Sharp Copier jDSS Metal Beige 7 Drawer Cabinet jDSS 76605871 8600 i 02/07/96 ~- 1 1 J .J NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE MARCHµ9, 1996 " J':TAG, . I FfXED ASSET I .. ~ D ~n ~ I # ~ fROM I - SERIAL IDEPTI I # . .. • I MODEL i - # I ~-, 41 b ' j j Black Prirtzr Stand _ DSS _.. ~ . 42 .. j JGray File Cabinet w _ Tax J - . ~~ ~, ' 1 43a ' 43b ' 43c 43d 44a b J 08879 (Canon NP-150 Copier w/Cabinet .DSS j08878 - ~ Canon NP-150 Copier w/Cabinet DSS 1000000000008~870jCanon NP-150 Copierw/Cabinet 'DSS D00000000008869JCanon NP-150 Copier w/ Cabinet DSS "' 0000000000088751Microfilm Cabinets (Tan) - ,IDSS.. IJS416396 ~ JS416328 IJS411388 -. JJS411726 NP-150 ~ I INP-150. , .INP-150 JNP 150 I -1 45 - Da-Cite Video A Projector. Screen (Libra ry _. . ;46 000000000005865 1Silvec-Reed 223C Typewriter ~ Library ' , I 223C - ;47 J .. jM~cro Design 495 Microfiche Machine. Finance µ -: 6230566 495 48a-b i _ IMicroFiche Readers DSS' ~_ ~ ' 4301484 1 . 1 , . ~ _ . 4301487 49 ~ ~ G.E. Master II~Radio Sheriff'. 5050188- 50 J ~ ~ JTouch K100 Regency Scanner ~ =~ , Sheriff 245-A74748 - K100 51a IPanasonic'Electric Stapler ~ ~. IDSS 252361 5'1b I (Adler/Royal Calculator _ ,- DSS 67=963353 51c I (Sharp Calculator ; DSS ' _ 08029869 51d JAdler/Royal Calculator ~ JDSS . _ 41283201 . J ~ _ 152a I I Black.( BM Selectric II Typewriter _ DSS ., .. I _. 52b 1 (Adler/Royal Calculator .:_ IDSS ` .,M. ~ 41319473 53a 1 (Typewriter' ' . ~ ' . ' ~ . ~. - . _IDSS , 09659 . J53b I ~ -!~ JLetteririg System DSS 00034 ~ I 5~ ~ I Hewlett Packard Laserjet Printer. .IMPS ' ~' ` . 126021'80460 - ~5,.` 1000000000001547jIBM 7426'Terminal Unit- _ MIS ';- 02013 17426 ~. 56a I Brown Table Sheriff=91.1' - ° I 56b ~ I (T. V. J.She~iff-911' J __ ... - 156c=d I I Humidifiers ~ ~ _ ('Sheriff-911 1 :: : J ` , - 56e 1 (Coffee Pot IShenff-911 ~ . ~ ~ j56f I Ilce Maker IShenff-.911 I : - ( . ~ J569-1 . l j _ Rew~riders JShenff-911 J J 56k-m 1 j Headsets Sheriff-911 1 ,56n 1' ( Turn Table (Sheriff-911 J ^ 56o I ( Calculator ~~ (Sheriff-91 1 1 ' ~' , ; 57 J J . Sharp Compet QS-2181 Calculator JTax, - 05003004 ~ f ' QS-2181 ISBa 1 01463 I IBM.Computer _ _ .DSS ,, . _ 160852 58b ` '.I IBM Computer _ _ ,. ,: . 58c X1 08897 ( IBM Monitor D.SS - 59a 001642 J iBM 5271 Computer DSS ~ 4023996 5271 IBM Monitor _ - ` 59b I IBM 52,71 Computer - ~ 5271 I - °• LBM Monitor .. 59c ~ ,J00.1643 J 1BM 5271 Computer _ DSS 4027893 - - 5271 I ('. IBM Monitor -. 59d ~0000000000088581 1BM Computer- DSS . ' . 5674767- 1 1 1BM Monitor _ . 60a J01895 r ' 1BM Computer .__ , DSS 1 012,1582 IBM'Monitor ._. _ ~60b 101462 I ' _ IBM~:Co`mputer __ ~ _ ._ .DSS' -' D160850 , ' (IBM.-Monitor . , _ _ ..,. 160c 101466 IBM Computer DSS _ __ 0160816 I ~ IBM Monitor ' 02/07/96 :2 ~x >. ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FQR AUCTION DATE, MARCH. 9; 1996 ~~ TAG FIXES ASSET ~ DESCRRTION 1 FROM I SERIAL MODEL ~~ z.: ~r 1 ~~ /~' t I '~1 '~i ~~ ~~~ !TM I ~ I I (DEPT) ( # I # ~ 161a 107332 IBM Tape Dnve jDSS j0037736 61 b 11BM Tape Drive ~ DSS 39264 I 62 Modem-D9.6mb By UDS MIS 17431 63 Modem-D9.6mb By UDS IMIS X7132 64 07331 1Tape Back-up Unit IMIS 10036713 1 65 08952 11BM 4224-01 Printer IMIS ;12546 4224-01 1 66a, 8891 11BM Computer DSS 1100597 66b IBM Computer DSS 67a 09341 IBM 3192 Terminal IMIS- 3192 67b 1Keyboard IMIS 68a Terminal 1MtS L 68b Keyboard ~ I _ 69a LIBM Monitor ~ MIS 15272-C1678 69b IIBM Monitor MIS 70a FBM 3492 Terminal MIS ~ 3192 70b IBM 3192 Terminal 1 MIS 3192 71a 000000000001515 1BM 3179 Terminal I MIS , 1A5722 3179 71b 1001783 IBM Monitor I MIS 1AY-496 71c 001643 IBM Monitor I MIS 11107221 71d 116M Monitor MIS 71e 11BM Moriitor I MIS 72a 1Sharp Calculator _ Tax. 12300784 72b 1Alder/Royal Calculator 1 Tax , 41304909 73 Assortment of Projector Lamps Museum 174 1Gandalf Local Data Set 120 I MIS A0019329 I75a 1Gandalf Local Data Set BR I MIS 1A0019337 75b. 10000000000004121Gandalf Locaf Data Set BR I MIS 1A0019081 j76 IGandalf Local Data Set 120- I MIS (A0019335 177 I 1Gandalf Local Data Set 120 1 M15 IA0019330 I 178 I 1Gandalf Local Data Set 120 I MIS I A0019326 79 I Microfiche M Museum 1 228468. 180a-j 110 Lounge Chairs 1 Prop Mgmt 1 81a-b Executive Chairs 1 Prop Mgmt 82a-b (Purple Lounge Chairs 1 Prop Mgmt 1 83 I Chair w/ Arms Prop Mgmt 1 '84 Single Pedestal Desk w/ Left Hand Return Prop Mgmt 85 Wood Double Pedestal Desk Prop Mgmt 86 1Wood Desk Prop Mgmt ,87 1Burroughs Module Power System 1 Prop Mgmt 88 I Burroughs. Module Power System Prop Mgmt 89 ~ Microfiche Viewer Prop Mgmt 7630 90a 90b 91 Executive. Black Chair 1Secretary Chair w/o Arms Misc Electrical Supplies Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt 92a 1 Dayton Wet/Dry Vac Prop Mgmt 92b Genie Wet/Dry Vac Prop Mgmt 1 92c _ 1Electrolux Wet/Dry Vac Prop Mgmt _. 92d Dayton Hand Vac Prop Mgmt 93a-b` 1 Bookcases Prop Mgmt 94 00000000000511.5 Vicon TV Monitor Switcher Prop Mgmt 0204931x304 95 Realistic SCP-1 B Stereo Cassette Player Museum 02/o~/s6 3 1 VV NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR.AUCTION DATE MARCH 9, 1996 ;TAG ~I FIXEDD#AS$ET i - ~ DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ' ~ FROM ~ SERIAL MODEL I ,M _ _ ADEPT) _I # I t#..~ 96 I ~ . I Realistic SCP-1 B Stereo Cassette Player _ j Museum I 97 _ ~ . I Panasonic AC/Battery Operated Cassette Museum I ~ ~ - f , (Player ~ I 98 1000000000005007 ISanyo Monitoring TV Camera ~ 1118376 : j ~ "' ._, _ _. 99 I Monacor Public Address Amplifier IMuseum •~.,' 1 I X100 ~ Rotel Stereo Amplifier _ Museum I ._ _ ' ~,.. j101 PariaSonic CCTV Camera, Model WV-14,10 Museum ~ ~ IWV-1.410 102 1Realistic SA-10 Solid State_Stereo Amplifier IMuseum 1103 Realistic SA-1008 Stereo Amplifier - Museu'm' '104 (Realistic SA-10 Solid State Stereo Amplifier . IMuseum ' - "105 .Realistic SA-10 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Museum_ -. ~ -' •' - ` _ _ _ :° 1106 I Spindler 8~ Sauppe Quadra.Que.P.rogrammer; Museum ~ ::: ~ -. _.. - For:Slides ,, ; '107 (Realistic MPA-20 120V/12V Solid State P.A. I - Museum ~ : ' . _. ~ ' I .; Amplifier ~ ~ . , j108 ~ 1Kodak Carousel Dissolve Control-for use w/ _ ~ 1 ~• Islideprojector I Museum ` 109 (Sanyo Model VM4092 Television Monito~_ , Museum _ - _ :•.I VM4092 1110 ~ I Orstronics Audio Announcer I Museum' _ _.. _ ;1,11 I Orstronics Tape Player I Museum' .. I _ 1'12 I ( Slide Sorter in, Metal Container I Museum ~' 1 ~.. i . 113 I ( Movie Projector Image Enlarger I Museum 1 _ ~' _ X114 I Boz of Misc Electronic Equipment • Museum _. 1115 I 1 Smith Corona Manual Typewriter _I u Museum 1.16 ~ 101905 ~ . lBM Computer ` ~ MfS ~ 0144783 _ . j1'17 100677 JBM 8550-061 Computer_ _ ( _ ,MIS 237652352.. _ 1 .8550-061-.. X118. I0000000000007491$M 5271 Personal Computer ~ ~ .( MIS' - r.- 55654- 5271 1 I IlBM 5272_-Display._. _ ~ • `I ' > `~ 56627 _ .5272 iY19 I000000000000713;Bu~roughs Direct Interface Converter •... ?j MIS -. '' . _. 303094 120 1 011392 ;•1 Hayes.V Series Smartm_odem 9600 MIS ~A01002153502 1 .9600 j 121 i IBM 5272 Color Display ( MIS., I D3065 ... 5272 '122 08884 IBM 3179 Terminal w/.Keyboard ( MIS. ..'-, I F2836 3179 1123 001772 ( IBM 317.9 Terminal MIS ~` ~ ~ I AY425 31.79 ~ •, 124 1 4865 External 3 1/2 Diskd~ive for IBM AT , ( MIS „.. . 50.11;944. 4865 -_ I Machine , 1 ,:,• .. 1i 25 0000000000001321 Burroughs'Disk Drive• •-" = ~ •_ MIS ', •°. .. 3002.1:8,-.118. _ j126 000000000000411 Gandalf Local Bata Set ~ : ` Mt5'~': A00:1'9051 -- - 1127 ( IBM 4202-001' Proprinter . MIS .._ 00336754 _ .___ _ 4202-001 128 1 08919 ( IBM 5272 Color~Display.1/. Keyboard.- I M1S ~ ' H1186 ' .. - 5272 - 129 000000000000774! IBM 3179 Terr'rinal w/ Keyboard _ ? ( _. MIS • • .' , 73'427•._ . ..__ 3179 '130 ( Archive VP'=1 SOC. Tape Backup Unit. L ~ MIS . AA76446.7 - ..~ . ~- - 131a 089.1:8, 06395, ( IBM Computer ~ ( MIS ~.~ 0041281. - ( 08961 .., _ 131 b-d ( Keyboards _ L MIS' : _ - - 132 _ ( Hayes Modem .~ _, - MLS A0605T103133 ~ - - 133 000000000000328! Monroe.Calculato~' Budget' V661'426~- - 134 1 14 Wood Side'Chairs w/ Black Vinyl Seat. I Cty Manager -- .- 134a I Vinyl Brown:Chair 135 ( IBM 3179 Termiriat Library 351X-08842 - . 3179 136 ~ j iBM 3179 Terminal-. - ' I ~:- Litirary 351X-94445 ~ - -' 3179- 137 ( IBM Terminal ~ " ~ ( Library 3'S4X-88-21347- - -- - _ 02/07/96 4 ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE, MARCH 9, 1996 ~, jTAG I FIXED ASSET j DESCRIPTION FROM SERIAL MO[ ~K I # I (DEPT) 1 # I # ~~ ,~f~ `i _~ ~! ~~ :, J ~:. ~~ ,~ '~, ~' ~~ ~~ ;138 I ;IBM 3179 Terminal (Library 351X-85672 13179 j139 011426 IBM 3164 Terminal Library 2KN57 3164 j140 j000000000000727 Sharp SF-760 Copier Sheriff-Jail ~SF-760 j 1141 j jXerox 2600 Copier (Shenff-Jail I j2600 I 1142 j jClark Floor Buffer Machine (Sheriff-Jail j13S3850 j143 X09728-F jDesk HHuman Res I 1144 j Image Writer II Printer DA's Office 1725193 1145 j09405 Apple Disk Drive DA's Office 563870 i146 09404 jApple Disk Drive DA's Office 413206- j147 j jIBM 5256 Printer and Stand SSheriff 58022 5256 j148 j Apple Keyboard w/ Power Supply j DA's Office !149 j j3.5 Apple Unidisk DA's Office Y5C016A j j150 j jApple Keyboard w/ Power Supply DA's Office j151 j Apple Keyboard w/ Power Supply DA's Office j j j152 j 3.5 Apple Unidisk jDA's Office jY58014D j153 j j3.5 Apple Unidisk DA's Office D480D1W ;154 j jApple Keyboard w/ Power Supply jDA's Office j j155 j3.5 Apple Unidisk DA's Office 156 j Apple Monitor j DA's Office 0845725 j157 j j Apple Monitor DA's Office 014647 j158 j j Apple Monitor j DA's Office 0068942 i159 ( Apple Monitor j DA's Office j 0691822 '160 j j 3.5 Apple Unidisk DA's Office Y58014C j161 j Case w/ Six Headphone Sets ( Library 1162 j j Assorted AV Bulbs j Library j163 1 000000.000005946j Dukane Micromatic II Filmstrip Projector and Library 1129758 j i I ( Case 1 I ;164 j 0000000000058521 Be11 8 Howell 16mm Projector j Library 0045248 ;165 1 000000000005850j Dukan~ Micromatic II Filmstrip Projector j Library j 809403 j j166 j 000000000005776j Bell ~ Howell 16mm Projector j Library j 4345054 j 1167 j j Quantum International Auto Videocassette (Library j 066919 j j j j Rewinder j 168 Sharp Auto Stop Cassette Recorder Library j 00321138 '169 j 000000000005847 Visu-Book Stage Lighted Magnification Stand Library 11475 X170 j 000000000005767j Dukane Micromatic II j Library 726776 '11 71 j 0000000000048661 Dukane Micromatic Filmstrip Projector 8~ Casj Library . 943949 1172 j 01244 Leading Technology 1280A Monitor Library OP03960(N) 173 j '174 j ( Yamaha Keyboard . Library 051696 '175 ( Sharp Model ZK-39 Television Library 38997 2K-39 176 j j 300T Classroom Tutorette Record Player j Library 134026 177 j Audiotronics 304A Record Player Library 945256 1178 j 000000000005951 j Dukane Micromatic II Filmstrip Projector w/ Library 1184462 I ( Case 179 I j Audiotronics Model 305A Record Player Library 972339 305A 1180 j 0000000000058771 bukane Micromatic II Filmstrip Projector w/ Library 912730 I Case 1181 ( Bell ~ Howell 16mm Projector j Library . 0295136 j182 j 000000000005883i Dukane Micromatic II Filmstrip Projector and j Library 969822 I Screen i183 000000000009658j IBM Correctin Selectric II T pewriter Human Rel 02/07/96 5 ...~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE MARCH 9, 1996 (TAG ~ FIXED ASSET ~ DESCRIPTION FROM ! SERIAL 1# # ! ' !MODEL (DEPT) I # I # I~ o~ ~ I iviagazme i able I Human ReI I I I 186a-b Three-Shelf Bookcases Human Rel 1 j 1187 One-Drawer Wooden File Cabinet (Human ReI I 1188 1 Two-Drawer Black File Cabinet 1 Human Rel 1 I I 189a-d Brown 2-Shelf Bookcases (Human Rel I I '190 ;Dictaphone (Human Rel 12870319962 1 191a-b (Beige Long File/Storage Cabinets (Human ReI I I 192a Conference Table (Human Rel 1 l I 192b-g IGolden/Tan Conference Chairs (Human Rel 1 I 193 . (Large Executive Chair Human ReI I . 194a-c (Black Conference Chairs w/Arms Human Rel~` I 195a Black Secretarial Chair Human Rel 195b 1 Brown Secretarial Chair HHuman ReI 1 196a-d (Chairs (2 Grey and 2 Maroon) (Human ReI 1 i 197 01332 . (General's Mini Rooter Prop Mgmt 135957 198 Brown Conference Chair w/Arms 1 Human ReI '199 (Microfilm Reader Model 714 (Prop Mgmt 1714 2Q1 1 Stackable Style Washer/Dryer Combo , (EMS-Station.5 202 1 Secretary Desk w/ Return Human Res 203 (Brown Secretary Chair HHuman Res 204 Heavy Duty Sawzall' Prop Mgmt 1 063137815 '205 I Bostitch Ramset Gun (Prop Mgmt 74582 1 206 ( Black & Decker 1/2" Hammer Drill ( Prop Mgmt 1 8543. _ 207 Milwakee 3/8" Variable Speed Drill Prop Mgmt 0689394129 1 ~. 208 ( Bosch Heatgun ( Prop Mgmt _ X209 1 _ I Black & Decker 9.6V C/Less Drill w/ Charges l . ~ . 1 I I l and 2 Battery Packs 1Prop Mgmt 1 9285 1 210 1 LRevelation Dental Chair !.Health . 1 ~ I 211 j Tan•Swivel Chair ~ . 1Health j . ~~~ 212 'j Black Operator Chair ! Health 1 '215 _ 1 1/3 HP Vacuum Pump 1 Prop Mgmt LR2459 - ~216 _ ( I Robinair Vacuum Pump I PropMgmt 22926 1 217 1 ( Refrigerant Recovery Unit Prop Mgmt 1 013447 218 Mauve/Gray Director's Chair LHuman ReI' ~ 1 219 I 1 Black Secretarial Chair Human Rel 220 j 0000000000032511 525tMonitor ( MIS - 91-V0853 5251 221 a 2-Drawer File Cabinet- - Reg 'of Deed's • 222 ( Black Low Back Executive Swivel Chair DA's Office. 1 223 J Brown•Higb Back Executive Swivel Chair DA's Office 224 ( Black High Back Executive Swivel Chair • -L DA's'Office ' ;225 _ Brown Swivel Chair .DA's Office -1 - 226 1 ( Sofa ~ -~ , . Prop Mgmt . 227 1 I S Starplus 2500 Desk Phones MIS 1 2500 228 j Misc Thermostat Covers. ( Prop Mgmt '229 Thermostat.Elect~ical Clips Prop Mgmt 230 1 Misc Thermostat .. ( Prop Mgmt - 231 J ,__. 25 Black Wooden Folding. Chairs . Museum - 232a Wooden Table Animal Control 232b-e Desks ( Animal Control. 233a Swivel Chair w/o Arms Animal Control 233b-f Plastic Chairs w/Arms Animal Control 02/07/96 g NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR; AUCTION DATE MARCH 9,.1.996 '' (TAG FIXED ASSET I -~ # M i~ :~ +~; ~~ :~ ~i' ~~ ~I `~, 1~1 ~~ ,~~ DEP SERIAL I MODEL 234 I ~irsm s~iu computer 1Ubrary 101106865 3270 235 (Hewlett Packard 500 Printer (Library 3206A15284 500 .236 101964 116M 4202 Proprinter XL Library 47-0051843 4202 237 07941 (IBM 5272 Computer Monitor (Library 15272-23-.93678 15272 I I238a-c 1 (Ceiling Fans JV Center (239a-e (Brown Swivel Chairs w/ Arms Health .240 (NCR Microfiche Reader Museum 33-14-840-191 241 000000000007164 Refrigerator (Health 242 03788 IBM Proprinter XL24 Sheriff 110064053 243 105146 Panasonic Copier ~ Health i LFW4302243 244 Amana Microwave Coop Ext 054212584 245 (IBM 3270AT Computer w/ Display (Env Health 246 IBM 8512-001 Monitor Library 72-0358741 8512 247 (Grey Chair (Finance 248 (Blue Chair Finance 249 (Sharp CS1606 Calculator 1Finance 38016765 CS1606 250 (Green Chair Finance i 251 (Sharp CS-1680 Calculator Finance 42022209 CS-1680 252 1 (Sharp QS-2760A Calculator Finance 02389 QS-2760A 253 1 (Electric Stapler (Finance LB578018 254 000000000000400 ,'Monroe 2725 Calculator (Finance V663388 2725 255a-m; (Calculators DSS 41433846 ~ 1 1 1 41399150 I 08047847 I I 1 2243483 1 32000242 1 I 1 721888 1 I ~ I I 1 1 719295 I I I I 1 76917409 1 I 41443430 ( I I 76699783 1 1 08053617 I 1 I 08049097 1 11283247 255n 1 1 4-Drawer File Cabinet 2550 1 25 Storage Boxes (Various Sizes) 1 255p 0000000000080081 Typewriter DSS 255q 1 1 Microfilm Reader DSS 7146260 1255r Microfilm Reader DSS 4301438 256 1 1 Sharp CS-1680 Calculator Finance 68057405 CS-1680 257 01893 IBM Quietwriter Printer Planning 258 IBM ProprinterXL24-E Env Health 11-2057631 259 08922 IBM 5170 Computer MIS 5170-7314488 5170 260 1 07656 ( IBM Page Printer II MIS 02583 261 06474 IBM Quietwriter Printer MIS 0014791 262 3924 Scanner MIS 97-01488 3117 263 010415 1 1BM Quietwriter Printer MIS 11-0049781 5204 264 00000000000746 IBM 5271 Computer w/ Keyboard MfS 0055488 5271 1 03900 265 1 5 1/4 External Drive MIS 86-0411162 266 1 5 1/4 External Drive MIS 86-0174917 02/07/96 7 ~ vv NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE MARCH 9, 1996 ;TAG 1 FIXED ASSET DESCRIPTION i FROM i SERIAL ' 1 MODEL ',~ I # I I (DEPT) I # I # ~a~ innnnnnnnnnnn~„~~ -- ~---------,. ., .. 268 j . ..~...,~..r,~.y ~oNwN 5 1/4 External Orive ~IVIIJ jMIS 114U/ULU4J/ !86-48314 I 1 269 j 5 1/4 External Drive MIS j 186-0413396 1 270 1 jScanner 271 ;08922-01 IBM Monitor !272a-b j000000000000772 IBM 3179 Terminals I ~000000000000770j MIS MIS MIS MIS 19704131 .1266426 1 194076 j3119 15154 ' 13179 j 273 109232 j j09231 IBM 8525-004 Computer jMIS 88C1586 j j8525 - :274 i jIBM 3192 Terminal MIS 354X88BNT75 3192 275 1 jIBM Monitor jMIS' 23-45584 _ j 276 j j LBM Com uter - p jMIS jH7441 - 5272 277 100689 1278a-h 1 IIBM 8525 Computer jVarious Phones .jMIS .• jMIS 88-G1379 j8525 279 j010233 J010520-01 j280a ;03801-00 280b. I jIBM 8530-021 Computer (IBM 8512 Monitor jIBM 8530 Computer jIBM 8513 Monitor _ jMIS jMIS jMIS jMIS 23-2739096 j72-0283825 123-0239031 j23LF537 - (8530 j8512 j8530 8513 - 281 a 103804-00 jIBM 8530 Computer MIS 23-0238448 8530 281b j09364-01 jIBM 8503 Monitor jMIS j0352598 8503 282a ;.03802-00 fBM 8530 Computer MIS j23-0245256 8530 1282b I jIBM 8512 Monitor .jMIS .. j72-0903456 8512 283a-c I jIBM 8530 Computer w/ Keyboard MIS 123-1529124 8530 j j jIBM 8512 Monitor jMIS . 72-0533325 8512. 1284a ;05165-00 j284b 1011110-01 285 101974 IBM 8530 Computer w/ Keyboard jIBM 8512 Monitor - jRoyal SESOOOC Typewriter jMIS j MIS _ j (Prop Mgmt 1 72-1126662 72-1507634 47161934 j - 8530 8512 - SE5000C j286a-b j010410-01 ~237a-b 1010409-01 jCompaq Monitor w/ Keyboard. jCompaq Monitor w/ Keyboard. jEng j00729816A747 .:jEng 00729816A943 j j - ~ - j288a-b ;010406-01 ,289 1010410-00 jCompaq Monitor w/ Keyboard Compaq Disk Drive _ jEng j jEng 00829816A571 4025HAR30099 j 290 X010408-00 jCompaq Disk Drive jEng j 4020HAR20830- I ,291 X010640-00 jCompaq Disk Drive .jEng j 7101HAR20005 j292a-b j03999 jIBM 3192 Terminal.8~ Keyboard. jLibrary 354X880NT77 . 3192 293 I XK-3 Lead Detector ... Env Health j 14t i I (Radioactive source removed) ~ 1 294a-b ;000000000003250 ,295 j03921 296 I '297 j 298a-e ; jIBM Computer ~ IBM Personal Page Printer Chair Secretary Chair j Desk Chairs ' '' jSheriff j Planning Planning.- j Planning j IEng 94=02409 41-13756 . . 299 10000000000020 13; Lanier Transcriber Tape Recorder Eng 310397 1300a-c ;000000000002015 Lariier Transcriber Model 1977 w/ Foot Pads Eng 306731 1977 301 1010793 j 302 ;000000000007160 Terminal Server Stihl Bow Chainsaw . jMIS ~ j Vector Ctrl AG045NZN72 090E 303 1000000000008903 Wood Desk jW/S Finance 304 ; Wood Counter W/S Finance • 305 j j Metal Table W/S.Firiance .306 I Beige 6-Drawer File Cabinet W/S Finance 307 I Beige 7-shelf Storage File _ . W/S Finance 308 I 7-Shelf Storage File W/S Finance 02/07/96 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE:MARCH 9, 1996 ~~ ~ , T( AG f# ~, ~~r ~~ ~~ '; ~; ~~ ~1~i. FI CRIPTfON DE SERIAL - ODEL 309 r ~rseige i-sneer ~rorage rue jWIS Finance ~ 310 Beige 7-shelf Storage File W/S Finance I 31'1 Beige 6-Shelf Storage File (W/S Finance I 312 Beige 6-Shelf Storage File W/S Finance 313 Beige 6-Shelf Storage File IW/S Finance ~ 314 Beige 6-Shelf Storage File W/S Finance ( 315 Wooden Desk ~W/S'Finance I 316 Swivel Teller Chair W/S Finance 317 SwiveF Chair W/S Finance j 318 I Swivel Chair W/S Finance 319... ~Mis Auto Parts Garage _ 320a-e 000000000003184 Radio Consoles Sheriff 321 Table W/S Finance 322 Folding Table IW/S Finance 323 ( Secretary Counter Chair W/S Finance 324 Desk Prop Mgmt 325 ~ Misc Tires Garage I 326 Orange Chair IW/S Finance i 327 "Blue Swivel Chair Finance 328 I Blue Swivel Chair ~ Finance ~ ( 329 (Swivel Chair W/S Finance- 330 Grn Master 72 IParks ~ Rec ~ 31 (Swivel Chair ~ W/S Finance 332 ( (Wood Chair W/S Finance 333a-b I Sofas I W/S Finance ( 334 Black File Box W/S Finance 335 ( IPhilco Refrigerator I W/S Finance ( 336 ` Brown Desk ( Sheriff ( (- 337 I Wood Desk ( W/S Finance I I 338 I Misc Filing Shelves W/S Finance I 339 General Power System ~ Prop Mgmt I 340 (Misc Light Fixtures ( Prop Mgmt 341 Misc Window Blinds PropMgmt 342a-h ~ Black Stackable Plastic 8 Metal Chairs Museum ( 343 Misc Stacking Chairs Prop Mgmt ( 344 Misc Doors Prop Mgmt 345 Track Lighting-Track and Fixtures ~ Museum 346 Truck 8edliner Prop Mgmt 347 Truck Toolbox Prop Mgmt 348a-n Tandems-Chairs w/Connecting Bar DSS 49 Misc Motors ( Library ~ ~ 350a-i Misc Vinyl Chairs _ Museum 351' Large Wooden Desk ( Health 352 Podium ~ Museum 353 Cfiai~ w! Arms Humari Res 54 Stool Finance 355a-b Straight Chairs - Museum 356 Metal Box Prop Mgmt 35T Sofa Tax 358a-b Wood Cabinets Prop Mgmt - 59 Cabinets Eng 02/07/96 9 . . NEW Hi~NOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION DATE AR ,_ M CH 9, 9996 TAG - FIXED ASSET- ,j DESCRIPTION FROM- I SERIAL MODEL Jtt # .. , _ (DEPT).. ~ # I # I 360 ( ~ Computer Table ~ W/S Finarice I I 361 ( jGE Commercial Stove LEC J. .. j ~362a-b - ~ jRudd Gas Furnance , • .Prop Mgmt I - ~363a-b - - •- Lennox Air Handler, ~ ~ Prop Mgmt j . j j 364 jSimens SD192 MX ~ Prop Mgmt ; j I 365 - Metal Rolling Cart ;, - Prop Mgmt -~ ~., I 366a-b - JSpeaker w/Cabinet . ~ ~ Prop Mgmt J . 367 - Misc Telephone Pieces MIS. ~ . 368a-b - - JEquity Key Telephone System •- ~~ ~ MIS - J 369 - ( -- Booster Heater • Sheriff 73532=TL9009F J 370a - • -Projector Screen - - _ Prop Mgmt j370b Slide Projector - ~ . Prop Mgmt j . 371 07566 1989~Ford I.TD ~ ' JSheriff 2FABP72G9KX174733 ' .- . ,. J _ jMiles: 168,888 :.: . . I 372 000000000003336j1974 GMC.Step Van , ~ Sheriff _ jTPY354V505034 . J'Miles:61,018 I 373 J07671 - 1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sheriff 1G3GR11Y2JP307015 jMiles:11,0,732 _ _ _ _ i ;374 j010.193 1990 ChevroletCap~i,ce- Sheriff - - 1G1BL5476LA136788, :~ (Miles: 180',214 ; ~.. ' ( 375 010389 1991 Ford LTD.; :. ~ - Sheriff ~2FACP72G2MX176590 J Miles: 153.,305 - - ~~ _ 376 JO.7565 - (1989 ford LTD ~ ~ Sheriff 2FAB'P72G7KX174732 " ~ Miles:' 118,787,. .., , 377 J 010001 1198:7 Chevrolet Camara Z-28 ' - Sheriff J 1G1FP21F8HN134623 ~ ~ - - _ jNliies:111.,3,10. _. - J ...i 378 011261 - J19$7 Chevrolet SS Monte Carlo - - Sheriff ~, ~ j 1G1GZ11G8HP128164 - jMiles: 99,983 _ _ I . I i 379 J 09152 J1;986Ford F-250 Truck '-- ~" P & R 1'FTEF25H6GNA29157 ~ ~ - JMiles: 115,403: .J 380 000000000009102 j 1.985 Ford 3/4 Ton ;Truck P & R ~ j 1 FTEF25Y9FNA35050 ~- ~ _ J Miles: 110,.1,69 ~ _ ~ :. } _ 381 03955 X1987 Buick Regal: ' Garag;e~ j ~ 1G4GJ11Y9HP407125 j _. ,. . . - - Miles: 93,545 ,. . • 382 j 03963 - j 1',988 Chevrolet Ca rice p Sheriff - - _ 1 G 1 BL516XJA152839; . _ - - JMiles:145,554 " .. ~ 383- J 03965 . 1988:ChevroletCaprice" .Eng.; J 1G1BL516XJA153053' JMiles: 169;877 384 01425 1'985 Oldsmobile Cutlass WASTEC ~ 1G3GR69A9FR365249 .. j Miles' 103 380 "~ . ~ 385 " 011906 - 1988 Pontiac Fire6ird Sheriff •~.j 1G2FS21E8JL257275 ... JMiles:73;334-. H j. .. _. :. . ;386 03954 ~ 1`987 Oldsmobile Cutlass - ~ Sheriff 2G3GR11Y2H2338699 I , .. ~ __ _w Miles: 158,569 :i • ,~ 388 - ~ 000000000002243,197.7 GMC 2 1/2, Ton;Truck Prop Mgmt,. TCE617V602952 _ -j . jMiles: 72;543 • 3'89 - 000000000002487 1"979 Plymouth Ar'row',Truck ... : Prop'Mgmt j OJL4U91101756 .. Miles: Pending : .. „ ,. _ .. F 390 000000000002367 Grey Air Jack • , ~ ~ Garage - 391 000000000002424 Orange Air Jack ~ , ; -, - ~ Garage . ~; , `• 392- 00007215 Pressure Wa"sher ; _ • Garage ~. _ 02/07/96 10 e t w t 1 1 t NEW HANOVER COUNTY AUCTION LIST FOR AUCTION .DATE MARCH 9, 1996 ~IAG I tIXtD ASSET ~n I # DESCRIPTION FROM SERIAL I (DEPT) ( # I 393 05998 Grease Pump (Garage ' ,394 000000000002406 Bear Air Powered Alignment Rack Garage 395 Misc Kennels Animal Contr 396 ~ Misc Dog Houses Animal Contr 397 RockwelllDelta Bandsaw Prop Mgmt 398 Misc Plumbing Fixtures Prop Mgmt J399a-i 400 ;401 Misc Vacuum Cleaners - 40-Gallon Water Heater Misc Electrical Fixtures Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt ~ ,402 Floor Machine Prop Mgmt 403 ;404 ;405 406 407 Tractor Trailer Container Mobile Trailer ~ Mobile Trailer Mobile Trailer ~ Water Fountain Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt Prop Mgmt P.rop Mgmt Prop Mgmt ~ Note: Tag # 378-Controll ed Substance Tag # 385-Federaf Forfeited Property ~' 02/07/96 11 14-3 144 t t s REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUI3.IECT: Release of Value I3I2iT:F SUMMARY: The following taxpayers request value adjust-nents on their property because of conditions that have now been brought to our attention (backup available upon request): Smith, Dennis ~V. 10,60 Taft, Taft & Haigler 10,40 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUFSTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval of the release of value. r ul~~llliVG SUURCE: Federal. S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendrnent Prepared: REVrrwrn ICY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT, AND E MMENDATI N Recommend approval of release of value. r ~ v ~ ~~~ ,.. ~ . ~-, v ~a , ,,:,.~fa~ Ps~n.a~cn.la`<.a rt.r.U~~s~ 145 Refer to OlTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition s t ._ .' .. . ,_ n n 0 n n 0 n n t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional- Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Patricia Raynor SUB.IECT: Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 10~-378 BRIEF SUMMARY: See Attached RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO_UESTED ACTIONS• Release charges. for 198 r uivuttvh JVUtZC.t',: . Federal S: State S: County 5: User Fces S: Money Is In Current Budget: BudgctAmcndmcnt Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT Recommend release of charges for 1985 New Appropriation Request: BUD: HR: f " ~ ;.~ ~~ rt~r(,,, ~~a ~4aFtdf~:.6 ba:rt,Uee sa~'S.rs u.::f+~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor isposition Other S: 147 4 ~ i w TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager .. - _ FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ~, Collector of Revenue ~ SUBJECT: Release of taxes Barred by G.S. l OS-378 DATE: February 7, 1996 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, request the following 1985 charges be released: New Hanover County $1 14,547.42 City of Wilmington , 54,344.27 Wrightsville Beach ~ - ~ 2,872.25 Carolina Beach 4,360.78 Kure Beach 1,450;19 Total S 177,574:91 These uncollected amounts are .44% of the combined tax levies for the County and the municipalities charged in 1985 in the amount of 540,480,032.78. A total of 325 accounts amount to S 100.00 or more. I request this item be placed on the agenda for the County Commissioners'. meeting of February . . . 19, 1996, as the Commissioners }lave approved these releases in the past. ~ . ' PJR: sw ~ .. r ` Copy: R. Register - .. . B. Shell . ~ ' _. . . T B. McAbee .~ ~ , _ . _ A: Caudle ~ ~ .. _ . _ F. Jones . w ` B. Murray ; G. Rose ~, r k ..q .. fy„t, J~Q,, ,~f'~k[ 148 .. , . ~ b .:~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY _ INTER-OFFICE r e t e i e i i e REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Department: Taa Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Patricia Raynor SUI3.IECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports 13RIEF SUMiViARY: Collection reports as of January 31, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of these reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past rv~I~~yy S~uRCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ~Nioney is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVrrwrD I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: (~(l?(fNTV MANA!''T~`i?~GR[lliiTliTT'NTC ANTI T?L`!`l11iT1iTCNTIATTlINC. Approve reports u.~,~f A .~s 149 Refer to Office Vision Qulletin Qoard for Disposition CONSENT AGENDA - ~__ -- _ _ _ __- - - DATE : - ITEM N0. - - ~ --rvEW HANOVER COUNTY TAx COLLECT-IONS .COLLECTION S. THRU 01/31/96 , CURRENT TAx YEAR - 1995 AD VALOREM ORIGIilAL TAx LEVY PER SCROLL b 47,630,320.15 DISCOVERIES ADDED ;2,323,048.77 LESS ABATE"1ErJTS 77,835.82- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED ~ 49,875,533.10 AOVERTISIrdG FEES CHARGED .00 LISTIrJG PEPJALTIES CHARGE0 45,710.70 TOTAL LEVY ~ 49,921,243.80 COLLECTIONS TO GATE 47,546,574.79- OUTSTANDING BALAr1Cc S 2,374,669.01 PERCEt1TAGE COLLECTED 95.24°;~ BACK TAXES REAL cSTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY 2,463,963.85 CHARGES ADDED 74,046.13 LESS ABATEMENTS - 33,557.50- TOTAL TAXES JUE b 2,504,452.48 COLLECT IOrJS TO DATE 575 ,018.14- OUTSTArJDIr~G BALANCE S 1,929,434.34 PERCENTAGE COLLc"CTED 22.96% JAN 1996 R00"~ OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS 61,751.27 PRIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS _ 152.50 EMS COLLECTIONS ~ .00 MOTOR VEHICLE b 3', 116, 387. 10 22741.89 27,845.71- 5 3,111,283.28 .00 .00 5 3,111,283.28 2,475,701.36- 6 635,581.92 79. 57%~a FISCAL YTD 1,346,788.02 1.1,730.38 .00 TOTAL MONEY PP.CCESSEO THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEN HANOVER COUNTY, CITY OF WILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA-BEACH-AND KURE ` -•- BEACH TO QAfiE-= 371,-114,793.93. - THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNI^1G JULY 1, 1995. RES-R~ TFULLY SUB'~ITTcO, . ~.~ . _ PATP, IC IA J. RAY~R U COLLECTQR OF REVENUE - '~ COMBIrJEO COLLECTfiON PERCE'~VTAG€ - 94.32'/, 15 0 ~. - ~ IY~VIII~ 8 y1.,a Csltxb X44 $t 41'$'Lt~I HI!. ~k ~:~ '~~. .. t 1 1 J i q CONSENT AGENDA DATE= ITEM N0.______ NE'•1 HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 01/31/96 AO VALOREM S 1.,049,185.10 56,942.22 24,834.5b- $ 1,081,292.76 -------1,030.70 $ 1 ,082, 323.4b 1,037,770.13- # 44553.33 95.88°l~ $ 44,873.72 2265.71 586.19- $ 46,553.24 12,422.44- $ 34,130.80 26.68% MOTOR VEHICLE $ 74,920.62 705.79 754.67- S 74,871.74 ------------.00 $ 74,871.74 61,804.27-, $ 13,067.47 82.55%# THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1995. CURRErJT TAX YEAR - 1995 ORIGIrJAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL DISCOVERIES ADDED LESS ABATEMEPJTS TOTAL TAXES CHARGED LIST[tiG PENALTIES CHARGED TOTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE OUTSTANDING 3ALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ArJD PERSONAL PROPERTY CHARGES ADDED LESS ABATEMENTS TOTAL TAXES DUE COLLECTIONS TO DATE. DUTSTa~~DING 3ALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED RESPI=CTFU.LLY PATRICIA J. COLLECTOR OF SU3MIT~EO, R A Y~1 OR REVENUE # CO!18INED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 95.02% 151 1 152 Tlcis pave inte~rtioiially left bla~rk ~~ 4 7 ~ 0 t REQUEST FOR BOARD.. ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: .Department: Tax ~ Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: ? Contact: Patricia J. Raynor SUI3.iECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property BRIEF SUiytl\'IARY: See attached RF,COi~11~'IENDED MOTION AND RF(ZUESTFD ACTIONS' Approve advertisement of ta.~c liens to be published on March 16, 1996 for all delinquent real estate accounts as of March 12, 1996. Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: (:UUiVTY MANAGER'S COMMEI` Approve advertisement of tax liens. ~r~ ,~ ~~ z ~~ ~G~~3 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFF:ICE . ~. ~ ~ ~ ... S a i TO: Allen O`Neal County Manager ~ ~ ' FROM: Patricia J. Raynor ~~ . Collector ofRevenue - ~ - a SUBJECT: Advertisement of Tax Liens on Real Property DATE: February 6, 1996 In accordance with G.S. 105-369, this is to advise the Board of the unpaid real estate tares for 1995. The outstanding amounts, as of January 31, 1996, are: Q vernin}Juris~icti n Dclinqucnt Ta~ccs ~~ _ M ~ ; _ _. New Hanover County ~ S ~,Q~8;3S5.3.7 New Hanover Co. Fire District ~ 37,157.12 a City of Wilmington 735,364.83 Town of Wrightsville Beach 37,883.61 a Town of Carolina Beach 107,126.06 ' Town of Kure Beach 20.•133 51 Total -All Jurisdictions S 2,976,350.50 It is necessary that the Board order the advertisement of the tax liens. I recommend that the __ advertisement be published on March 16, -1996. All 1995 real estate accounts not paid by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, will be advertised. ' I request this item be placed on the~agerida for~the County Commissioners' meeting of February. 19,-1996. .. .. _. - - - .._. PJR: sw .. _ .. _ _... .. ~ ' . ~. - ,.. .._ Copy: R. Register - . . __ . . '~ , ,~ ~ ~ 15.4 • . - .._ Q t v a a A 1 1 A 7 1 A 1 a 8 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: - Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Property is located at 1017 Dawson Street, Parcel Number Ro054-10-022- O l x.000, for the amount of $1,78.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION ANDREQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of attached resolution. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S¢ User Fees S: Other S: Money [s In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ('l1TTNTV l~iT A 1~T A /~L17 ~c• !''llt~ii l•?T1~TT C' A ATT T)Tr/ln,rT~r r. HTi'1 A TTnt.Tn Adopt resolution. ~B~D`~~ lY lr +wkk IR- 4. ~. -` ~ « [r~ w !~ ~ ~ ~ : .. ~~ 155 . __.~~ ...~,.., Refer to ORice Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition ~~ ~ + ~ • ~Y ;: ~ ,., {,. ~~. '' ~ ~'~` ~ 1739 ~CIiY of bVILMINGTON ~~ North Carolina fl ;. P.O. BOX 181.0 - 28402 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE. _ '- 'T00(910)3C1-787;' f (910) 341-7830 - ' February 6, 1996,. r ~, Mr. A11en O'Neal, County Manager New' 4Hariover County 320 Chestnut Street ° Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer r] R0054-10-022-015.000 •-1017 Dawson. Street ,•.,$1,785.00 This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment hereto. This property has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of $2,149.00. Please place this item on the County Commissioners Agenda for February 19, 1996. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. _ Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, _ ~ ., ~ ,, Steven D. Bridges Purchasing Agent a 5DB:3ws ~or._, Attachment _. _.. ... A ~ ~~ 156 a A 1 0 a A S 1 1 A A a a v INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: February 19, 1996 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1017 DAWSON STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: Thia resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value 054-10-022-015.000 1017 Dawson Street $1,785.00 $2,149.00 . Offerer Property Dimensions Linwood and Eria Nesbitt 30' x 93' .This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat •f or Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerei'(s) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. 157 5. That the Chairman of the County .Commissioners be and is hereby " authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. "- Adopted at a regular meeting on, 19 New `Hanover'County Board of a Commissioners ATTEST: - a lerk to the Board -~ Chairman ... _ __ D D . .. ... C ,. - .. i +. L.1 . ... o • .• a _.. o • .. a 158 ~~-II` ~ .C i.C nn' i.~`1- •; j• ~ ~, I ~. il~ ~ -~ 11 I~"I..N W i ,. ~ i 1' I I 1 ~I'~r r - _ •II~ I ~ .~ _] ~3!J~ - ^ ~ a: I ~ 'I II It , ~. I~ _~ __.I .1~~. _ I 1 lam' 1 •t I I i I ~~ r _ _. ~t I ~'~~-. N CI ~N O I Ito ~ I ~:) L6 as !' Fa I t• 1 - ~ 1 :) -~~ ~ 1 L I wl~ ~ I ` ,))~~ I33 .co STa~ET ca ~' 'I° "_' ~N t `~ 1~.,I _ - _ tea e6 ~x: ~ - q~g - - I-:a.=1'ca~~,. !7I 3 ~fe I32 I 1~ ~- ..lo Y 0 r ' :IR TEcy~p 71321 ~17 I ^10°'e IJ 1^ 1 nl °Fl~-. _ ~I. ° •.~ I ~. W : ` ••11 f '••J1 N ¢ .• ~ - ` 1 ~ a6 as " ~ ,It ! Z rN ` .0 I ~ 1 OIQ1~m1 y~ ~ - :v O I I ~~r ~ T •7. ~~~ 1- 1:~ f ;'.' ~ 1 O _I u .•~.0 ~7 ~ N N N N iN I ~^ _- I I I I•))!r ~j• lll~~~~I^' II~. _ n ^. .•v^ - ~! I~ ._'.. r.,. C~ _!) ~ I )1 ~~-"• I I ~ I I ~ rJi •)s r is I = N ^ `I ee ._ ~J m = ~j ~ +]~o N~.•y~ y ~ iql))~ ~. ^~ W ,1 INS' 1 O.• N lfll~; nl t0 ~- a~e` 1 J 'T tCf ~!: I72131I I ~ 1 r_I ~^ OC Y 3)',_ v1 •tO IP t] ~ ttl ~~y~ T j I ~ ); •'I i ! ! ~ ~ ^ - m ,~ ` '~ 1 .. ~ r ^ N Ir-o tT'f 2, _ •. ' ` ! 3 a a ut L 4 ~~r-~ `, ~ I '~~Im~ ~ oi! o'~' '-1 T -ICI- 1 .m~• ]:•nl n I _ =~ I ~.^ ~i,• _ ..N ., '3l~ ?I°~ , ~10~_^ 111 '" Fi ) ) ,,ll ]o I .. ., •.)>.1 ',, ' r l _. 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W .+ ~ ~~ 3 ~ - O ~~) ..'~ t =_~•_ ` ~ I. - - 1 1 - 5~.~ _ IN I N• ~~o' ,7 )-~~- i2 = •7 N ~ K X17213) ~I_ O O ; I ^ !~N'nI Tl r` I tD~ I ~ r 33 Il;.• TI' °' W N G I a- f-~ ~ r { L _ O f.- ~ d 'u a 1F---^~ I ^ I ~ '.O ( t tl . I : r-= W N - I o O pOO~I' ~ O n .v~r ^ to tp " O ~,~{ ' ~ p~l r I tD ~' '.O O 4 -I ~= IO N~.I 6 • O r 3 ~-,a.. - N n T o ,m A '1 I a• I I ~ )) •!. _~..'. ~• ~'-~ 1 ^7) r'11) 4a r ~ ~ O fr O ..7 '•1 )) 1) !1 t 1 t 1 [ ~~ F~~ I. f r.. 111 -' ~ r11 n Q •,A•-- O _ n"V 1 'O~ `!1'111`0 ;~ 1,2 )) I 1 - ` ' ~ , )fl~ I)t e' STREET I a]~ 1 1 • {• I 11; T ae '1 n 111 + )! xa I 1 1 I 1 1•!! ~ ra ' Y• ].+ ~ )+ ~ O O) m F t0 n T n N I t I 1. I TEvTH 31 ).33 a ~,~ - )) 2a l 3 `•~I •~•~~ N ~ Al ,I ,. ~.: 13 •:1 -•t~•• '^ `I RoN ~;mlrl}. a' , I ~ tl I _ •' 1-. I I ~ T r Y - I I fl n ~ i 1 ~ i i 1 '' i• •'.. I n'~ N N N `V~1 1 1 1 1 1 ~' 0.+. `J` fI1T1 L'--. N .'• ~ j • • 'JL.1 I 1 I t 1 - r N •. - ~ „_ ) 3 O1 a ~ !I I S) R I I r - - ~ • I ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I j I •• CC In ~.-• ) ..I.. ; i `aa r. ^ ~ fn ~ •~ •o I' . ~O I I I I I ' W 1 1 ) '^ {l - ^i "'.,;J:T i ~ `'~.~ .7_ v I)]~)six] la] s STREEj '- __-i ---• I 1' i •. N ` ~ ' ^ 1 ~a - - 3 ^ h I ~+. 3N 2` Q P 9.11 I Ot0 qT O t t 1 I. .2 )) )) 3G L ~ ~„ 0 1 (I~~~ ! o O 'm rti ~•ac `,1 to r31 ~ 1, Y7.O n 1 -I ~ .. ~^ .• ryE. f1 33 )7 2• ]• J ~, tl o' .O ft t ~ ~n.l i~ ~j r. I••.•I r •i4'.', I• C .. t, - t~ I..m.• P ~n• •'2 )O ~O. 100 - O •1 `~7 '1 ~` _. tea- a~~-n~ ••= - r•ilv0 ! ~, -tei O'tl = 'I C~ (Q] 1~1 - - 1 .~ O' ~~ A O m ~^ r t0 •- ~ O N m I ~' I~ 12 ~ •,. + 2' I t :,.. •, :. _` ~~- ^ Q. of ~~• ~-~ _ --. - :ot.l 2)3. .4~•1 ] J ; `I • l.. ~ 9 1 I i ~ 6J •G dtn a A a t e i i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/.19/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 10 Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.IECT: Resolution relating to the sale of surplus property .owned by the City of Wilmington and New I-Ianover County BRIEF .SUMMARY: Property is located at 1407 Church .Street, Parcel Number Ro0~4-06-032- 004.000, for the amount of $1,74~.Q0 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of attached resolution. FUNDING. SOURCE: Federal S: State S County S: User Fces S: Other S: .Money [s In,Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: Adopt resolution. FIN: BUD: HR: vc. . .R ~ . z ~~~ ~~ ~~~ 161 ... Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board (or Disposition 4~~° 4 .. ~: ~' ja ,, ~j> t~ ~, ~'~~- I -~', 1739 CITY of ~WI~MINGTON NO~rth Carolina ~ .. ~ #; Q P.O: BOX 1 8 1 ~ ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE 28402 _ _ - ~ ~9io~ 341-7530 February 6, 1996 a Mr. .Allen O'Neal, County Manager 1 ' New Hanover County U 320 Chestnut Street ' Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer R0054-06-032-004.000;, 1407 Church Street_ _ $1;745.00 ~ - This resolution accepts the offer as identi•fied•in the attachment hereto. This property has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of 52,206.00. Please place this item on the County Commissioners Agenda for February 19, 1996. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. .Respectfully submitted, ,. Steven D. Bridges ~~ -Purchasing Agent.. r, SDB:sws ' Attachment - . _ - - - -- ._._ -. __ . __ . _ ~. _ ... , _ F ~"~ ~• ~- •~,k 162 ~ . . s a INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager DATE: February 19, 1996 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1407 CHURCH STREET LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property jointly owned by the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, more particularly identified as fol-lows: Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer Tax Value 054-Ob-032-004.000 1407 Church Street $1,745.00 ~ $2,206.00 Offerer ~ Property Dimensions Arthur E. & Irene Brown 33' x.82.5' 140 Church Street Wilmington, N. C. This property has been offered to Wilmington Housing Finance and Development, Inc. and Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Neither organization could use the property in their program. The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein, from the offerers) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. 163 I 5. That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. ~'} Adopted at a regular U meeting on 19 New Hanover County Board of ppp Commissioners 11 ATTEST: U Clerk to the Board Chairman fl .. ' ,. •. .~. _ _ fl <<, . .. ~ .. .. _ ... t ;.. :~ ,~- . _ Q . _. .~~1G4 Q Q . ' MA aL-19 r.r . r: )! • ' _ ` ~I,n r., I11 .`~~ ~~ ~ 2'%l;y 51 I 2 3~~s~ (,OJ I 1 ^r 4. ~ az I ~"°4I i15. l s9 :"_g• e~J ....° ~n ~o _~ 'x '1 .1 =' - c. y ~ , V • 9"ei ~ I qy ~ r I '" ~ s -~- ., T 07 t•'8. so 1 ` I' J.10 g_ ~` ~ 1 I ~ x 1'" T_t ~_ TREE -- ~i ~ ~~ - tg IS'i~ - ..---'--~-.1 +r .i I i,r~ I _ __ -t_: s. f'. 26 _ ? ~~_ V ^,~' ..`a I1 VI Aso _ io•-; 'a 10 5 V ':.~ X6125. - - 3 ' I _ _-~--- r~-`-'!i_~ 13 '~'7 __ _ ~~. '. ,. 1 so ~• 2 is1 7 of = I }. IS 12aL~~~ a 2 ~ a• ~ --__ ` .,/ II ~'• ,12 ___i-__o~ -4 x"23 S 11~ •h ------' '7_ ' 3 ----1t~..__ ~---_-. 7 2--~i14 a t3--o'13~~ ,tie_ t6..-~° ~iSlolr_I__a_ g~10~ `•0~I !~I y 1.9 O. ..•> .o .5...{_.~ S .. .3 ~i sow .n ° ' .~ ~ Id °OI~,a~ °1F r`.•,1~••~ B19 iOl;l , ~e~ STREET w .01 i -' ~1.^ ,1 ss '17 ~12 ~°131 Ir L,,I ~ I I.o - ,a ..o ~~ _: f r, I I 3 I - t6.~ a3 -,~° I I } i 2 ~_IO'- 1 ~~1.I.t aNty f1 tc ~S s'~' 16 ~ ' I 1 ~ 2,1, ~I~~ 'i9 I. ~. .~,.,, se ss .,0 tg. 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' +. .-. .! ~f_\P ~ ('`.f~ER 5.1 •CF_ a t t s t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 02/I9/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 11 - Additional Item #: Departments County Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal S Ui3.JECT: Resolution relating. to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Property is located at 1 10 Sunnyvale Drive, Parcel Number Ro0~4-14-001 .000, for the amount of $1,430.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend adoption of attached resolution r uNt~~tvU SUURC Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money !s in Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared:. 1~GVtC.1'YL' U t3.Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Adopt resolution. ~ ~~ U~ItwvlAID A P.;.m.a z .~,.`5,.aeJb((s//.~n''~~~~",:.-?e`+l Refer to Ofrice vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition 16-7 ~~ 4 .... ..1- a - ~ ~~ North Carolina - ~ Q 1739 ' ~ P-0. BOX 181 O ADMINISTRATIVE S"cRVICE _ _. - TDD (910) 341-787 28402 ~•9t'o~ 341-7830 February 6, 1996 U ,~ • Mr,~ Allen,O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: The attached resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: lJ Parcel Number Address Amount of Offer R0054-14-001-001.000 110 .Sunnyvale Drive $1,480.00 This resolution accepts the offer as identified in the attachment. hereto. This property has an ad valorem tax value as of 1989 of $1,500.00. Please place this item on the County Commissioners Agenda for February 19, 1996. The offer to purchase has been duly advertised for upset bid. Passage of the attached resolution is recommended. Respectfully submitted, • ~ Steven D. Brid .. ~ g ~~ ~ Purchasing Agent SDB:sws ._ .Attachment _ _ _ - ., a .. _._ - .. 168 ~ ~ •.. ,. ,. .. .. 0 INTRODUCED BY: Allen O'Neal, County Manager '~ DATE: February 19, 1996 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 110 SUNNYVALE DRIVE LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: .This resolution relates to the sale of surplus property owned by New Hanover County, more particularly identified as follows: Parcel Number Rddress Amount of Offer Tax Value 065-14-001-001.000 110 Sunnyvale Drive $1,480.00 $1,500.00. offerer Property Dimensions Derwin and Marlene Hinson 152.8 x 74.6 x 132 108 Sunnyvale Drive Wilmington, N. C. 28412 The offer(s) has been advertised for upset bid in accordance with N.C.G.S. 160A-269 and there have been no qualifying upset bids for the identified parcel(s). The parcel(s) has been declared surplus by the County Commissioners and not needed for public purposes. RESOLVED: 1.. That pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-269, the County Commissioners does hereby accept the offer(s) to purchase identified herein from the offerers) as indicated. 2. That New Hanover County reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerers) when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit. b. The offerers) fail to pay the balance. of an approved offer, due . in cash,. within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4, That any amount shown due on any attached list for liens be waived in total. 169 1 5. That the Chairman of the County Commissioners be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerers) as designated herein. ,, ~ ~ -~ Adopted at a regular ~ ~. - , meeting on 19 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: a , Clerk to the Board 'Chairman -- _ ,. 'r { 1 •'~ .. e. .t. 4 . L t _. ~ ._ .. - 170 -~ ~ ~ ~4a 63-10 - ~ i ~ •.T.:ro I ~ I 'J SEE I' 40d _i;1'_ ~:, v' •~ \` O I \ Y. ~ 0~\ ~S } \ \'~' ~ 2 .. ' .. ti v ~ ~. • ~ ~ 6~ 3 a ,e 1. , Qa .. • ,4 2 ~ rn !~" QG fi u r . J tl , /1J a i ~ t~ . T. ~_ Il.c ., .,• ,,• i8 .J a 4 a~ ~ .q s + __ 1 ', 9 ~ O i ,1. s 3 0 ~ ~ .•^ ~ p ~ ~° 6 16 u v 17 W r. IS ~ i 7 '. r~i 14 a ~, as r •_~ 1 ~' ° ~y t2 - ~SV o~~s6 ,• °a SCUTF+GgTE • 2 •.' .isr o ~~~sLQTK _ 'seas ~ 4 ./~ ~ g a -j- ll,s p 1 ~ Sip o 6 r .„\ ~ SEC /il" +or.cco 4. ~o ~ +' ~ ~ - s ,~T h' 7 a2 ~x~ rT7j hJ = ~o :r 9 =~ °4•r' ..., .v .3 u \ ~r~ I P3 13 ~ 10 ~ ' .o`e o ••J o G D ``t 13 `~ Yq .t°~ a to ~ ~ 23 ,.,r ~Qa ~' `2 ``. ran \ \`C 1 V _ - m~ ~s.r Ala ,a ? r la ~ ~ IOq^ 9 ~ p7 : i•, ~ ~ 2 L I S ~ .s 'o r ~ .xa o• .A ~ ~ ~ F 1 1 ~,° Go~,ct~ '~~ 1 ~!•>• ~''.. o • " ..max ~ b ~ 9.P~ I<l 6 1 1 o °~ aw ~1 i~ n,. 'fp g l of x^ SSG ,.- ~`.. •,~' _ 's, , ., s ~o~.l.l ..~ • ..,37 rs.r o 'J ~ ; ,~~., ~ .+' of $ ~. ~' -'~r 62 .xx!a a9 •,~~ ~ I J • ~. ~ C 0 ~o+ , ~ 16.1 ,a 33 .• ,'! .IU /~~ •, ~ 1.6~ ~ C. a • ~C ~ a SI ~ w ,).00.07 •02 '~.a •P • ,~ • ,~Ss ,o s :~„ S2 stt °° `,. ~. , `' ~ s° ~ 5 .v. - ~ ; ..-, ._~ ; .,a , 3 V,A9 `-: . ^ ~^: ~:v~r, ~3 vCC'. ~ ;sr'C+7 TlTl C1 ~ I+ ItE:~L PROPERTY }i_~ ~-~" !~~ ----.._:..._;___ _ - _ ~~: iv i~I_~~O\'E;2 COL~:YT~: `O.~Ta C~1z^.OL?Y a- u u A 9 A 8 D A A A a 0 A D CONSENT AGENDA Budget Amendment 02/19/96 DEPARTMENT Health/Family Planning ADJUSTMENT Health/Family Planning Family Planning Fees State Grant Departmental Supplies RATE 2/ 19/96 CREDIT $13,90 To budget revenue from increased Family Planning health fees and State grant to cover the cost of additional contraceptive medications used in the family planning clinics. BUDGET AMENDMENT # 96-0122 DEBIT $ 3,370 $10,560 ~~~ 1 ~:. ~ ~ 7 ~ ~t~ t'a - 11 For Budget Officer's approval; then rcport to Commissione~at~4C~gular meeting / and toter in minu s J _lL To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. '~~ CONSENT AGENDA u Budget Amendment 02/19/96 _ %:%~%<~iiii,"'/,;'" ji/ii //ii,,. ,'r;?Z%/Gi;<'~Z o , ~.i•aii ~ or//t„ iii/.,~, .u,., w / ' n T~'` ~( ;ii%• r/ r / ~ / //a % %rY:•/ / ,r r, :fir i/„ //. :,//. .,~-:,//%~.,i+%'~/./ '% /i/i; ~T`~~3.~'~("~.,/ ~~~ /.. i../~~;,/ ,~. ; /// . / ./,~ ,., ~i~;/ ,/~/, ~ ...,:, ". iii / ~r /. '/„ ././'f. r/~~% /~ r'ii~~/% /.:~/./ i r /'~ r r i /i i .,, ~..i-//,,.~/, ,/r,,,<~ii..•..ri/~~i,/,/ii i./,/,• ,.,is ..<r v/ ,; /i.riu :;,,.,,.', r. ~ /~, ~~! :.:/~:/~%~iii.>;/i i~% ~~'/,%%i%/// ~~i/%/%i/j~/.~%~~/~~/~%i ~~/%/ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Social Services/ 96-0134 2/19/95 Administration/ ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT' Social Services/ ` Administrative Grant 527,934 CP&L Intervention Program Assistance Payments ~ 527,934 ' ll -, ~~ EXPLANATION .. -. fl To budget additional State, funding received for CF&L Project Share. ~~ r _ `~j ~ ~ ~,. ' -t ~ ~ q t ~~~~ & ~ ~', For Budget Oft icer's approval; then report j(~,~{;j~~~p~`~ r ;~~~~ a~~ , -.z~((~~~'~ to Commissioners at nc~t rcgul~r meeting ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~iY.rr~s 7 6 ~'~,~;na~U6~Ji~~,'~11~'dP4:~~j and enter in minutes. '7 ICJ ~ To be approved by Commissioncn. • ~'~'.:~:~.,,.::,~ ';,~,~ „~,„; _ 4-.„~,..,..~,,, To be entered into minutes. a p v D A 0 A 0 a D 0 a 1 a Q 0 -~ COi~SEiYT AGENDA Btid~et Alnez1diZZent p2/19/96 r; .. ~: ~/~/ / /~~jri / r~.-. j r ~ !~ / fir/ /. r.. r /, i .- -. ~/~/- ~// ~r//~ari r///irr, jr /ri//~~~. -. .........,..~ .,.,,.. ~../„/,. i. ,.,;i„il t.,r....., .,i,,,..,..i,....... .,,,,....//...,/...., .r......... ~.... r,~ri....,,.,,. i.i/r./,,,.,,.//..,:ice/~/!,a/,r..,,/!::.i r,...i,t DEP:1RTi\~IEivT BUDGET A~~IEt\Dt~IENT rc DATE Sheriff's Department/ 96-p13~ Administration 1D:TUSTMFNT. ~EB[T Sheriff s Department Other 54,214 Departmental Supplies E.l'PL A~\rATION 2/ 19/96 .R .n~T 54,214 To increase budget for money seized by the SherifFs Department from gambling .(illegal lottery). ~:~ For Budget Officer's ap meal; then repoR to Commissioners a~t~~r~tlar meeting / and enter in minutes. II JJ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. Tlris pale inteiitioiially left blank ~~ r ,