Agenda 1996 03-111 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE a 24 NORTH. THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC MARCH 11, 1996 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED TIMES 6:4~ p.m. 1 1 1 1 7:OOp.m 7:30 p.m ITEMS OF BUSINESS Consideration of Request for Funding for New Hanover High School, Hanover Singers-Doncaster Committee 2. Consideration of Approval of Continuance of Lease Agreement for Coalition for Success, Inc. 3. Public Hearings: PAGE NO. 7:30 p.m. A. Rezoning (Z-~60: 2/96) Request by Saturn Corporation 19 to rezone 65.8 acres on the west side of Carolina Beach Rd.. south of Marquis Hills Subdivision to R-10 Residential from R-15 Residential 8:00 p.m. B. Rezoning (Z-561. 2/96 Request by Charles Mattes to 2~ rezone .81 acre on the northwest side of US 17 (Market Street) 360 feet north of Greenview Drive to B-2 Business from R-1 ~ Residential 8:10 p.m. C. Special Use PermitlS-38~ 2/96) Request by John Weldon 31 .for Bell South PCS to erect a 225 foot high communications tower on the northwest side of US 17 (Market Street) approximately 350 feet north of Sweet water Drive. The side is zoned R-1~ and used by Carolina Power and Light .. ~Y _ 8:20 p.m. D. Special Use Permit (S-386 2/96 Request by John Weldon 37 for Bell South PCS to erect a 18~ foot high communications tower on the north side of Aliens Lane 300 feet east of Military Cut-Off. The property is zoned R-IS and used by Carolina Power and Light 8:30 p.m. 3. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 43 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: - ~ ~ - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER ~ e 9:00 p.m. ADJOURN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC MARCH 11, 1996 6:30 P.ivi. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (Iimited to three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes ti ADJOURN PAGE NO. 4~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COititIViISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA , . MARCH 11,~ 1996. ~ 6:3;0 P.iv1, ..~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE . _ NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 49 2. Adoption of Resolution agreeing to the terms and conditions of the ~ l NC Coastal Management CAMA Grant for improvements to . Riverside Park 3. Ratification of appointments to the Human Relations Commissioh ~3 4. Approval of Lease Amendment, New Hanover County Contract ~7 #96-0329 with Southeastern Mental Health ~. Approval to designate Department of Aging as Lead Agency for 63 Home and Community Care Block Grant 6. Approval of award of Bid #96-0296 and approval of Contract #96-0296 6~ for cardiac equipment for the Emergency Medical Services Department 7. Adoption of resolutions to add the following roads to the l07 State Highway System: Covil Farm Road in Covil Estates Hawke Road in Gorman Plantation Outisland and Downrigger Drives in Crosswinds, Sections IV Sago Bay Drive Hazelton Court in Brickstone Estates North Carolina Avenue 8. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #96-41 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal 119 Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. r t v r i i i i B. #96-44 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled 120 Substance Ta~c funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #96-0143 to budget funds from State grant (Aid to Public Libraries) 121 D: #96-0149 to increase budget for money seized by the Sheriff's 122 Department from gambling (illegal lottery) E. #96-0148 to budget additional State funds for DSS/child care 123 services F. #96-01 ~0 to budget additional State funding received for DSS/ 124 CP&L Project. Share G. #96-0 l ~ 1 to budget funds. received from the Attorney General's 12~ Office for assistance with the low income heat energy assistance, DSS/Crisis Intervention Program H. #96-016 to budget State and Federal funds for the purchase of 126 a new vehicle -Human Services Transportation System .. ~. ~ _ ~. _ ,.; R. ~ .. t t 1 e 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Zegular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional- Item #: department: County Manager Presenter: Rick Willetts/Dixon Baxter 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal iUBJECT: Request for funding - Ne~v Hanover High School, Hanover Singers -Doncaster Committee BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover High School, Hanover Singers -Doncaster Committee is requesting funding,. no specified sum, from the County to help defray the costs of the group's. trip to Doncaster. Funding has been requested from the City Council and is scheduled to be considered at their March 5, 1996, meeting. At the Board of Commissioners June 17, 1991, meeting a policy vas adopted that prohibited allocations to athletic teams for the purposes of traveling to sports events/ tournaments, etc. The policy does not address cultural or educational purposes. 'RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Consider request. If the Board chooses to fund the request. the allocation should come from the General Fund contingency. $6,695.00 remains in the account. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: . Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request:' Budget Amendment Prepared: ~1 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Hgnover Singers ~. ~.. V O q Hanover Singers -Doncaster Fund P.O Bos 6072 Hano~•er Center _ ~iTilmington,lVC.-2803 .- (910) 251-6126 ., _ .. - , ' ~ _~ February 23, 1996 Mr. Allen O'Neal " . ~ ' ~ " ., County Manager .. - .k New Hanover County ~ ... , 320 Chestnut ~Streef ~ j ' Wilmington; North Carolina 28401. ~ ~ - . ~ ~~ Dear Allen: _ The New Hanover High School, Hanover Singers-Doncaster Committee respectfully request our committee be allowed to make a presentation at the March 11 meeting of the New Hanover County Board. of Commissioners. We provide you with the following ,.. information for consideration: - ~ - -- - - ~ - -The Hanover Singers of New Hanover I-Figh School were- selected to represent ° New Hanover County, New Hanover County School Schools and the City of Wihuingtorr ur a cultural exchange to Doncaster, England. Doncaster is Wihuingtons' sister-city. -42 students and 5 adults will travel to England and the Netherlands on April 4-16, 1996. The chorus will stay in Doncaster 2 days. The singers will perform in concert in Doncaster with a British brass band. " . ., . . -Total cost of the trip is $80,850.00 (51925.00 per student). ,- ,a, -As of February 21, the students have raised a total of $64,850.0. 0 leaving. a balance of _ _„ 516,000.00. This amount is due March 10. -Fruit sales, onion sales, yard sales, Taffies, auctions, concerts in the park, golf ~ ~ '. touruarnents, book sales, performances, adopt-a-singer and corporate sponsorships are some of the fund raisers employed for this effort. ._ ~ ' . -Funding has been requested from the Wilmington City Council: The council will consider an allocation at their March 5 meeting. 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Representatives of our committee would like to make a short presentation. Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. We are looking forward to appearing before the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners at their March 11, 1996 meeting. f Sincerely, ~~~ ~ i Martha Umplilett, President Hanover Singers-Doncaster Committee ,,!~ ~~ Robert Bayzle, Frili pal New Hanover Hi~ School hannes Bron, Director Hanover Singers v . ~ ~. 3~ 0 0 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Ken Hendricks Page Count In Agenda Package: 1~ Contact: Andy Atkinson CTTD TZ'!~T'. •1V L~ ( . Lease of Sfiuffler Building by Coalition of Success 0 BRIEF SUMMARY: By Letter of Understanding dated March 21, 1995, and executed Aril S, 1995,_ New Hanover County authorized the assignment of the Crossroads Lease-(New Hanover county Contract No. 93-0080) to Coalition of Success. The lease runs .through August 17,2002. The .County reserved the right to terminate the .lease at any March 21 annual anniversary date, and the Board pecificaliv required a review at the end of the first year Accordingly, if the County is satisfied with the Coalition of Success as a tenant, no action is required at 'this time. However, the County may exercise its termination rights should it so desire. Ken Hendricks, President of Coalition of Success will be present to give you an .update on their programs and to answer any questions. :RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Hear Mr. Hendricks and if so desired, continue leasing the Shuffler building to Coalition of Success. FUNDING SOURCE• Federal S: State S: ~ _ County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Consider continuing leasing the Shuffler`Building to Coalition of Success Inc. COUNTY: COMMISS~NERS ~ , APPROVED ? .: REJECTED CI . REMOVED ~! .. ~ " `~ POSTPONED '~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Qisposition DATES t.l_ ~ h 5 • •C'ocrlltlon o~Su cress, IiZ c. 2011 Carolina Beach Road \Vilmin,ton, .1'C ?8401 _ - ~ ~~ (910)763-1229 oc (910)763-8201 1. Februat~r 23: 1996 _ ~ ~ ~~~~~vEO ~ ~ _ _ ~: . _ .~ iVlr.:~llen O'Neal County Vfanager ~ ~ 1996. t , 320 Chestnut St: Wilmington, NC 28401 ~1~AilN1STRaT1VE OFFICE• •: Q NE~V HANOVER CO. Dear Mfr. O'Neai ~ . _ Please accept this.letter as a request to continue the Coalition Hof Success, Inc. lease on the Lucile .. Shul3]er 1uilding: "the Count}- Comrmissioners granted our lease last April an~f wanted to review it tin. one ~•ear. ~Ir. Burpeau suggested I write-this letter explaining our progress and the continued need fc;r the. space at the Lucile Shul3ler Building, acid to.ask that we be put on the~~lVlarch agenda. Since the Coalitions of Success' inception, we have riot only been able to maintain our progra~tis carried over by Crossroads, but we have expanded them. \Ve now have 132 children involved in our programs, mainly residing in the housing projects and sur-ounding low income neighborhoods, with approximately 35 on a.waitin~ List: We will enroll those on'the tvaitin~ list,els soon as w•e are a, .able to purchase additional vans to transport the children home. We have not only~increased the programs, we have expanded our services to encompass more of the problems faced by our youth and their families today. \Ve have implemented nationall}' accredited models in our programs to address social issues that influence our children's beha~lor, tivhich also affects their academic performance. \~'e have also strengthened our parental component making it mandatory the parent volunteers at least 3 hours a month in their child's program. This is designed to make the parent more cotnfor-table in cvorking with their child at home on homework, reading, math etc. This has been very successful, by not only increasing the bond between parent and child, but, it has helped raise the self esteem of the parent as well as they learn it is not as difficult as they thought to`-help . with school work. With this addition to our•prograrr~ we have seen a very positive attitude change ('~ in both parent and child. I I ~. _ ~ - \Ve plan on not stopping there with the parental component. \Ve have plans for the .near fuhire to unplement a ituni jobs pro~-am for some of our parents, «•ith the help of local businesses. The businesses will donate computers or tvhatcver is needed to train the inditiidual for-a-position they. - need.- \Ve-will provide training or work in conjunction ~~•ith other qr-garuzations that will pro~zde training for the indi~-dual and the business will guarantee that person employment once he/she has completed training. Tltis program has been •very successful in Raleigh and there is noreason wh}~ we can't do it here as evell. W'e are also goinb to;be oiTering workshops for,parents 'on topics such as pre.%post natal care, health care, nutritious imeal planning and preparation, budgeting income, etc. These topics will help insure the children in the family will receive the proper care they need to be able to study in school and deal with their peers and home environmenas. ~~~ As you will see from the newspaper article, Bellamy school has a coached us. The • ~~~~ PP y;~were~ei<y~~~ rmpresscd with the work eve have; accomplished w-itll the Jervay children (Jervay chilen an~'d~ Bellamy Elementary). They asked us if ice could open an after. school program at thee-~sc~hool~s©'~,~ more children may benefit from oiir program, and not necessarily only th se fr m~Jen,a}~~\~'e ~`~AQ have done so and the program is going great. Then ha~~e allowed us to use their computer lab, ~j library and other resource centers, not to mention the teachers/staff of Bellam often volunteer to _ y tutor. This pro~-am is extremel~• cost zttecti~•c and can reach so many ctuldren, I am sure we will be replicating it in other schools as soon as the resources become available to us. Area businesses have also been great supporters of the Coalition of Success. fIoechst Celanese has donated 12 IB\ 1 computers to our \Tesbitt Courts program, as well as iulancial assistance. They also provide our ~'esbitt K-? program «Yth hrtgrs three da}•s a «~cek. They allow their emplo}'ees " tune away from work from 3:OU - x:30 to tutor our children. Other area businesses have also been supportive financially such as «'ilmin~non :~~fachiner}•, Occidental, Applied Anal}rtical, Office Depot, etc. Paragon Inc., has also contacted us to see if we could come talk to their emplo}'ees about voluntecring.for our programs as well. Area restaurants have donated meals for our children ,which not only provides a nutritious meal, but teaches the children how to read a menu, calculate a tip and what is and is not accepted as social beha~.ior. Other businesses have pro~,ided us ~~ith scholarships such as :dance schools, karate .lessons; basketball and soccer team memberships, etc. The church cornmuruty has been very supportive of our programs. Trinity A~fethodist, St. .Mdre~v:s Covenant Presb~7erian, ~~%inter Park Presb}•terian, Winter Park Baptist, Pine Vallc~• tilethodist, First Baptist, St. Luke :~,\iE Zion, St. Mary's Catholic havc;,all contributed financially. Many have supported us kith volunteers, acti~.ities for our children, snacks, and space. LNC-~l% is a big supporter of the Coalition of Success. Many of the professors have ~ yen their students credit to volunteer for our programs. Because of our transportation restraints, we were unable to send some of our children to the education lab for tutoring this year as w•e have in the past. The education lab, knowing the importance of our programs, has provided us with six graduate student tutors to come to our progn-ams. 'I~he administrative department has also expressed a desire to write joint grants with us. With all the above support and the hundreds of volunteers in the community, we have definitely made this organization and pro=rarns a "coalition" of the enti'e community to combat the problems" . and srtuat~ons raced by o.ur youth and their families today. The Lucile Shufller Building is a very unportant key in our organization. «'e house our administrative office as well as hold one of our preschool programs and rivo of our after-school programs there. Without this building, our programs would suffer greatly. We are asking the County to continue our lease for a period of at least.. five years or whatever the County feels is appropriate. We will continue to name i~ew Hanover County as an additional named insured, as well as hold New Hanover County harmless in all situations. These programs are a very necessary component to the success of many youth it our community. Through our programs the children and their families are finding the self esteem necessary to become successfirl, ~~ablc citizens of our community. 1~~e hope the County will find our programs and children cvoi-thy of the continued support of leasing the Shufiler Building to us. If }'ou have any questions, or need fiirther information, please rail. I deeply appreciate your help. On behalf of the staff myself and especially the children and families we scn'e, than!; }rou. Sincerely, ~~ "~2~~ , Ken Hendricks 7 President cc: ?t-1r. Kemp Burpeau ~- 'B~ 2-The Journal, ~Vilminoton, North Carolina, Thursday', ~1pri1 13, 1995 Y - _ ~:: - ~p . Y ~ _ ~... ...y Joln forces ~~~~~~ a-vE ~:~o~mer' .. . . }._ ._ . i ~, n , .; ,~, ; ... , e ~ross~ro`us~.og~am ~ , ht ~. _ By RHONDA•M BELLANfY ' When bud' e ~`- ~ < ~' _ L_ '.. , , , ; . g easy ~onstramt~.fonred the closing. of Crossroads of Wit= ' ~' D, ;.mmgtAri on;Ivfarch 3Y~ employers~ofahe nationally recognized program.: ~ • t :.opted t0 char~a new:-course . . , ~~~ .. , 4 le '..: ~c`~employees formed the`Coalition of Success, an 'einpIoycc-doyen, '- ' e ;community-supported.`~rganiiation_that will,coritinue to operate the six ~ ~ ~" ]t °prograriis in Wilmmgtori:,~;' ;. . . - ::. , .,...The programs, which serve_about,.120 preschool and elementary school .•. ~~) 'i children from the Nesbitt:Court and Jervay.public tiousing~developmcnts, provide educational intervention ~i.ntended to put children from challenged e ~ environments on a level la~ n field at school: ... P YI $ ..- , Y ~::. "Our ultimate goal is~[he success of the children and.to that end; we put aside cultural, economic„arid educational diversity, and banded together _ ; to. form. a coalition to~ensurn;our. contutued:. involvement' with the chit- •:dreri;":said Dale Wngtily'vice-pi-esiaent of the-newly=forriieii coalition. ' About 550,000 is needed: to continue the, program through the end of tttisschooCyear. Of that amount the Coalition has received about S4I,000 ~ ' from the local commuiuty. ~A 12-,month budget. would amount- to about. ~ ,. S270,000. ~ ~ ~ 'Eight full-time stall' members and hundreds of volunteers will'continuc', '~ '' fo run the two preschool and four afterschool ro I . p .grams, which are based - +, . ,~ '' . i :".~';. f~ stir. ' -. . ._- j , . gar m= . e, 's,' the ,, on ity' on; tly of ~Sed 8 val ~ks ary ere ce. ino ;~ .,Employees/Community:... _ ~ ... ~ ; ConUnu~-from page 1 --- --- - -.- _ . at Nesbitt Courts, the Lucille Snuffler Center, St. Andrews Covenant Prey= .`, • byterian Church and Trinity Unrted.Methodist Church..:.:: ~.j...r~;~r _ ' .Other support has.comc from•Winter'Park~ Presbyterian Church;~Pine~~ Valley Methodist Church, St. Mary's Catholic 'Ministries, First Baptist ~ ' Church, First Presbyterian Church, the Wilmington Housing Authority; ' - '' the Governor's Crime'.Commission; The New Hanover County Board~of ~ • ~ _ ~ : . Commissioners, the 'Cameron Company, the Episcopal Diocese. of East ' ~- Carolina,,Hoescht Celanese, Rose .Ice and Coal Co., as well as volunteer ' ~ ~• assistance from the local :high schools and UNCW professors. and ~stu- ' dents. _ s -- . . " ""It's iinpeiative that'ttie community be involved.. For too long .~ttie corn-~-• '•~ munity .has not been actively involved in ahis program, and we need to ~ + take responsibility_.for our children. ~I want`to sec more members~of the! African-American community directly involved with the Coalition of Suc- ' cess," said Wright. ~ - °We need the community's continued support f-financially, in the way~~of volunteers, and with materials and supplies," Wrigh[ added. ~ ;,_ .She says some parents have begun private fundraising efforts to'help, keep the programs going. ~" "These children already start kindergarten two to three years behind. ` .. With'out.it, they. (the children) are really going to be lost, in'.society._"Ihey_. ( 'don't:have :the vocabulary, so~they`drop further acid'further.beh`findin`~ie`~,,~ ~ I system;" said Ken Hendricks, president of [he Coalition. ' ~ ~ ~~~ " f ^.~Ariyone interested in making a donation should call the' Coalition of e ~:: Po •ul ~ . _. - ~. . . p... ar. a_ after school. ~ tutor .. - •ro ec p . ~ '' IT'. I _ t expands . ,' By TRIC[A VANCE ~ ~ after its founder; Jack Dunn Jr.,"and , . Staf/' Wnter .~ :.' ~ the'~..Wilmington program director. , .. . -The successor to a popular after- ` '- Mr Hendricks and other Cross- 'school: tutoring program: will open ,.roads staff members .learned a ' :.the 1995-96 school year by expand- ' .•~ month in advance that the program i . .~~ ing to include more children. .would close and.beganknocking on They Coalition for Success; will dO°~ to raise money to keep the _ .~ open•a center Sept:. 18 at Bellam Y Elementary Scho l id prom g°'I'g' They, managed to.; • 1 ~ raise about .$50,000;•. enough : to o , sa the group's president Ken Hendricks •keep tutoring; he said.• ~. , . ' IEs'predecessor;: Crossroads, ` • .. ~ its time in Wilmington, Cross- . ~ roads almost exclusively served , ended, an eight-year run in;Wil- i . Sunset Park~and Bellamy elemen- ~: m ngton: March 31._ Its board of di- . i~ rectors,„which is based in Raleigh ~; tary'school children who live in the' Nesbitt'Courts~and•Jervay public and operates a program there, de- .tided . to shut down the ~ ` 'housing complexes. ~ ~ ~ program • Please see SUCCESS on • page 4B 9 r i ~~ . i ~ ~ •^,X ...Y~. ~.~ {.: ~~µ•n I.~:., I' ~. ~. ~ ' ^. ~. Y \ - ~.~^1^.~i J f~ ~ i~ i.~. l S .. . 'j~,: • •-'~ 10 ~' . ':.:~ ., : ,` ~c . _ .. _~~naAEG1eFF ~.. _ ~~_ 'R _ ~~• . - ~ . ... ~ .. ~ Sod photo /TYLER }t CIS . Nathan Smith,~(leit) Viand Winston Nixon do homework;togethe~ Wednesday at the Luciie Shuffler Center on .Carolina Beach Road. The two Sunset Park Elementary School pupils are part of Coalition for Success, an afiler- ~. school program that once was in danger of closing but now is expanding. Success :Continued from.page IB The Coalition for Success will continue to focus on those chil- dren, but the Bellamy program will be open to any pupil tivho needs extra help. Bellamy Principal Gene Riven- bark was so impressed with the ..program that he offered space at his school this year. ' "The ones that have been in it, they have benefited greatly," Mr. Rivenbark said. "I hate to think • where they would be without these outside resources." Children in kindergarten through second grade will stay at Bellamy, and Bellamy third- .through fifth-graders will go.to the 'program at the Lucile Shuffler Center. The school will make its computer lab and library available, Mr. Rivenbark said. . Sunset Park pupils in grades three through five also will be a[ the Shuffler Center. The program for kindergarteners, firs[- and sec- ond-graders is housed at Nesbitt . ~ .~•~ Want to volunteer? >~' The Coalition for Suc- •~cess pays seven people to run several tutoring and preschool programs, but volunteers are needed to .work one-on-one with chil- dren. You can learn more '• "`af an orientation program this afternoon. When and where: 5:30 p.m. today at the Lucile Shuffler Center,. 2011 ' Carolina Beach Road. Courts. Children are separated by age group and by school. Last year, the program tutored about 120 children in the after- school program and at two pre- school centers. By using class- rooms at Bellamy, the coalition can serve 40 to 50 more children this year, A4r. Hendricks said. School .just started two weeks ago, but already children from Jer- vay are trickling into the .Lucile Shuffler Center. T r - . "It's fun," said Winston Niron, - 9, aSunset Park fourth-grader. "They help you with your home- work and take you on field trips and stuff. You get to go see the battle- ship and stuff." " When children finish their homework, they can go into a small . library and pick a book to read. Winston has attended [he after- school program for severalyears. Wednesday, he was helping third- grader Nathan Smith with his home~~ork and was busy working on spelling and vocabulary words. Less than a dozen children were at the Shuffler Center Wednesday, but the school year always starts out slow, said program director Destry LeBrun. As teachers iden- tify children who need help, more . will become regulars, he said. Meantivhile, the coalition staff is busy trying to recruit volunteers : and raise X270,000 to keep the pro- gram running. "~Ve missed all the grant dead- lines, so we went to the community . to raise enough money to keep us. going," Mr. Hendricks said. The group has applied for numerous grants from private and public:"- sources, he said. .~ CO.ALITIO OF SCCCESS 2011 Carolitra. Beach Road , Wilmi~~gloir, NC 28=f 01 • 910-763-1229 or 910-763-8201 ~ 1 100; ~ \-lr..~llcn O'Neal ('ounty \ Ian;lgci 32U Chestnut St. , h,'ilmin~tnn, \'C ?8~U1 Rcg;-rdirv Nc~~' I~I:lnovcr County ('ontract ~ 93-UU~O near \~fr. O':cal. • r~s regards to my conversation vesterda•. with \1r. hemp 13ur;~ezu.:~ssisitant County :lnnrnev. please consiiier this a ic:tter of understanding cm heh:rlf of the Coalition of Su~ccss. C's°ossro,~cl~ i~t•\`.C. Inc.. «'ill be closing down its l;rograms in \l-ilmin<~ton on \-fetch ~I, 199, thus will nc)t he crccupt'ing the l.,ueille Shu4~ler building at 2(11.1 Carolina Beach Rn;1d. The C~rnssroads ernplo~~ces have formed a parallel cn~Janization to Crossroads, The Coaliticm oY Success, so that we nlav continue to sen~e our chiidr~n in llle'same Cashion as ~~-e did ~~'ith Crossroads. ~l~lus is a very- necCSSar~• program; and l~ithout it ~~ou can. teat assured not onlt~ the children and thCU' parents will suffer: but the colnmunitt~ as a whole; ~~~iJl also. The Coalition of Success is in the process of obtaining its non-profit status. We were told it can t~1kc an~~w~here 1~ro1n 2 to ~ months, dcpcnduig on how backed up the Federal Uovernment 1s. ll'~1at we are asking the C'ounn- to do is alloec the ~:oalition~ol :>ucce:ss to assume the present !case that Crossroad;; of\.(:. now has on the 1_ucillc Shuillcr 13uileiing, :,s c,{~.=.pri1 I, 199, ~o Cher:: ',vi11 be no inter'uhric>n in Maur progl•ams. We :dill continue to sen.e the: cirmnruniR' in the same tashirnl as Crosa'oads did. Thcrc will be no change in our oprrating hout•s, prrnvranl ~_u1-riculunl, etc.., Luc are simpl~•.changing tcom Crossroads to the Coalition of Success. ~I~hc parties hercao e~pressh~ agree that the tew Hanover County ]3o;ud of Conullissioners may, in .its sole di`scrcti„n. tcr-111n:1tc the !case at ant' anllLlal annl~~Cl'Sai'1' data hereof: 'l'ime is of the essence. l~~e dcsperatr(v need to h;rve rtes chanv~c in !!lace by :~pril 1. 1>9~. lVe will have the proper insurance coverage bound. as outlined in the present lease, naming New 1-ianrner County as an additiclnal named insw-cd, as ~~•ell as holding ?~'ew Hanover C'ount~• harmless u1 all situations. If~you need env further information, please call. I dee.ph~ appreciate }~ou. \Ir. I3wpeau. and Couni~' Contnussioner Sisson t~c~r your valuable lime, cooperation, support and expedience in this matter. 'I~here arc 12U little, lives at stake here, and together we hill be able to build a b~ttc:1' Curare for the entirz conunuluty. .-!gain thank . „ir. i-~~, ` ~Sirtccrcly. /,_ ~ ~ Ken 1Irrd1-icks Comptrollcr:~llirector Coalition of Success noraved a~~Crt~~ta~Sev - r1 /~ ~~ Count\~ \.lanager ~CCV Hanover County O R I G I N A L .. - _ - ' ~ _ New Hanover .County Contract # 93 - 0080 NORTH CAROLINA _ '~ ~-' •' '` •' ' ~ "LEASE AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~..,: ., THIS .LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 17th ~ day of August, 1992 by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a .`~~,* ' ' i ,' . f political subdivision of the State of North Carolina hereinafter I -< ~ ~ ,. referred to as "LESSOR"; and CROSSROADS•OF NORTH~CAROLINA, INC., ~~ i and OPERA HOUSE THEATRE COMPANY, INC., North Carolina non-profit • .corporations with principal- offices i=n"New 'Hanover Coun~ty;'• ' hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE". . ~ ~,,j ' I Tr_ N E . S S ~E T H. _ t . ` - . ' •Subject•`to the 'terms;' covenants' and conditions hereina:fte.r setforth LESSOR doeshereby let=.~and lease to -LESSEE and LESSEE does hereby accept as tenant that certain parcel of land together'witYi buildings and' other improvements thereon ly,ing~ , .- r and being in New Hanover County, North Carolina, more .. ~, ;, , i ,.. ., , • , .. particular.ly.dsscribed, as follows'. ''• •._,: . .. .; - Al,l of, that improved real.,pro.perty,.known, :and t- ~_• (~ designated a~s~Lucille Shuffler Building,,, 2011-, • Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, North ~ • Carolina. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said land and premises, together •- '' with.,. all pr=ivi•leges and appurtenances thereunto_~belonging to•them ~.. said LESSEE, and their successors and .assigns .for the term andr upon th•e~conditions hereinafter set forth. • • . , .TERM ~ ;. .. This lease shall begin as of the date hereof and, unless soon • er terminated shal 1 exist and continue for ten ~10~ years unti'1 the 17th day .of Augus't;: 2002. 12 ~:. ~ _ ~ r~- - ----- - -- - - - r • _ A New Hanover County Contract # 93 - 0080 Provided all terms and conditions of this Lease have OPTION TO EXTEND been properly complied with by LESSEE, said LESSEE may at `their option extend this lease for an additional period of five (5) years by giving LESSOR written notice of their intention to do so not-later than the 17th day of April, 2002. RENTAL As rental for said premises LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR, at its place of business, the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar per year. UTILITIES During the term of this lease LESSEE shall provide and pay for all utility services, including lights, heat, air condition, water, sewer charges reasonably necessary for the proper use and enjoyment of said premises during the term of this Tease. REPAIRS It'is understood and agreed that LESSEE accepts the premises in their present physical condition and LESSOR shall be under no obligation whatever to make. any repairs or~replacements to premises during term of this lease; except in. event of damage by fire as hereinafter provided, and LESSEE shall keep, maintain and repair the premises during the term of this lease. DAMAGE BY FIRE LESSOR is under no obl'igati.on whatever to repair or replace the building on the demised premises which is destro ed Y or damaged by fire or other casualty. ~ 13 ~ 2 ~4tl,_~~6NA~L. New Hanover County Contract # 93 - OOBO ^~ _ _ IMPROVEMENTS BY LESSEE LESSEE shall not erect upon the demised premises any ~. buildings or improvements without first receiving written permission of LESSOR. U USE OF PREMISES ., ~ , It is expressly agreed .that the demised premises shall not be used for any purpose except .the rendering of services for a ,: public purposes by LESSEE. r ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING LESSEE shall not assign .this lease nor sublet any part of the, demised premises..w.ithout, first obtaining written. consent of LESSOR.. .OPTION BY LESSEE. TO TERMLNATE LEASE LESSEE may .terminate this lease by giving LESSOR ninety r • ~ ._ (90) days written notice of its intention to do so. FORFEITURE FO.R NONCOMPLIANCE It is expressly agreed that if LESSEE ,s hall fail and _ _ .. ,, neglect to do andperform any. matter or, thin;g,herein.agreed to be. . .. ~ r - _ done and performed by them and shall remain. in default. thereof. for a period.; of .thirty (30) days LESSOR may declare. its lease terminated and cancelled and take possession of said premises. , INSURANCE REQUIRED OF LESSEE;. LESSEE shall obtain and,-;maintain the following insurance .coverage: .r,. _ . , ~ Property Insurance.. LESSOR shall_maintain all risk _ property insurance applicable to loss. or damage to .real property. owned by LESSOR. Such insurance shall be written on a 100 14 New Hanover County Contract # 93 - 0080 replacement cost basis. All premium costs of property insurance covering this building shall be reimbursed by LESSEE to LESSOR. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION _, Each of the parties hereto waives any and all rights to recovery against the other or against any other tenant or occupant of the building or the Center, or against the officers, employees, agents, representatives, invitees, customers and business visitors of such party or of such other tenant or occupant of the building or the Center, for loss of or damage to such waiving party or its property or the property of others under its control arising from any cause insured against under the ,standard form. of fire insurance policy with all permissible extensions and endorsements covering additional perils or under . any other policy of insurance carried by such waiving party in lieu thereof. Such waivers shall be effective only so long. as the payment~of same is permitted by each party's carrier. INDEMNIFICATION LESSEE shall indemnify and hold LESSOR, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes ~ of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be .performed by LESSEE hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of .LESSEE, their agents, employees and subcontractors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be signed in its corporate name by its president or 15 p ~ 4 ~~~~~~~~ ~•~-=~" - New Hanover County Contract = 93 - 0080 chairman,. attested by its secretary or clerk to the board and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed; this lease being executed .. -... in triplicate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties. NEW HANOVER COUNTY apNOYER Cp ~ ._ - . [SEAL) ~4'~ ~y~ f j ~* - _ ~ Q' ~ .1; `. Mathews,' Jr. , ~ 'arma-n• ' 9~~'• °~~~~~ Board of Commissio ers ..,. ,_~,~ ATTEST: ~' Se~e#~~jr ~ ~-k- ~ I z~2. This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required ~ ~' - • by the Local Government-Budget ` and Fiscal -Control Act: Approved as to form: ~'~ Coun Financ'e'Director ~ County` Attor ey =~-~~ ~-- -,, :. . _.. _ / ~ CROSSR DS OF R AROLZNA, INC. ~ ~ ~,1 [ SEAL ~ ~ Crc;ssrcz:«L;l . `~ ~ .. ~ • ~~ .' Pre i erit- _ ~.. ._ ATTEST: .. .. - _ . Se etary ((~~~~/' ~~- OPERA HOUSE, THEATRE COMPANY, LNC._. [SEAL) Pr dent 16 5 ..,, New 'Hanover County Contract ~ 93 - 0oeo ' B ATTEST: Secretary NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. I, Q~y, ,~ ~.~ow1'~• ~ Notary ~blic of ,the State and County aforesaid, c tify that `~'~` ~ came before me this day and acknowledged that she is~ l~rk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. ,~~ ~' WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~~''Sday of . ~ ~-~,, ~, P,.•- 19 9 2 . ,~ ~? ... • '~ ~ Q ~`•; T,4 <~, - My commission ex Tres . ~„ G ~ ~j- ~ _ ~/-i7- ,C = ~~~c r ..... '~.,, ~~'~ ~ ~ CO U N~ ~ ~.~. NORTH CAROLINA' ~'~~,,,,,,,,~~~~` NEW HANOVER COUNTY otary Pub is I, ~Rel-•.-,-,~n ! ~~,•~Pr-- a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that S'~}rl~tlt~r~ ~AirV' came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Secretary to CROSSROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA, .INC., a non-profit corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~,P day of ~,,....~ t- 19 9 2 . mil ~ / . iii n7° /,~ i.~i, Notary Public n My commission expires: 17 ' 6 ~~~E~~~~i~ r .] New Hanover County Contract n 93 - 0080 NORTH CAROLLNA NEW HANOVER COUNTY - I~ a Notary Public of the tate and ~jounty aforesaid, certify at ~P.~'G~- PC ~'LCM,f ~ came before me this day •and . acknowledged that she is Secretary to OPERA HOUSE THEATRE COMPANY, INC., a non-profit corporation, and that by a;uthority•• duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its.name by its President, sealed with its "corporate seal, andsattested ~by.,~hers`elf as .its Secretary. . . ~>~ ~- WITNESS my hand ..and official ,seal, this ~-;day of .._ ~. ,, Notary Public My commiss.i,on expires : _~~1,~+++++++ir,,~ . `. ~P ....,, 6G ,,~ ~ . . .~ .. .- ., -y PUg~IC , .; ,. ~ , _ IIIIIIIIIt • 'Y`1 i e i e REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/9b Regular Item #: 3A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-560,' 2/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Saturn Corporation to rezone 6~.8 acres on the west side of Carolina Beach Road south of Marquis Hills Subdivision to R-10 Residential from R-l~ Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTIONAND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends a partial rezoning of 30.1 acres of the tract to R-10. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money [s In'Current Budgct: Ncrv Appropriation Request: 3udget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED O REJECTED D REMOVEfl CY POSTPQNED C~~ /~ ~~ DATE Refcr to Office Vision $ulletin Board for Disposition 19 Item A CASE: Z-560, 2/96; Applicant: Saturn Corporation REQUEST: R-1~ to R-10 ACREAGE: 6~.8 LOCATION: West side of Carolina Beach Road south of h~Iarquis IIills Subdivision' '-•; < ' Planning Board SummarX ~ ' -~ The Board rejected by a vote of 4 to 2 the applicant's request to rezone the entire tract fo R-10.'- As an s[ternative, the Board'voted 5 to 1 to recommend rezoning just that portion of the tract covered by Phase I Dunhill Woods, High Density. Dunhill Woods is a preliminary subdivision plan approved by the TRC in October 1995. ,This would include about 30.1 acres of the total tract. A map of the area is attached. A number of zoning options were debated, including rezoning the entire tract to R-10, rezoning - only a portion of the tract to R-10 and rezoning the tract to Conditional Use R-10. The applicants felt conditional use zoning would be incompatible with their plans to develop the site. They argued that the process would restrict their ability to react to changing market demands because of the lengthy review process and coufid' potentially limit the density already permitted by right under current zoning. They also asserted that because the adjoining land to the north'was~ already zoned R-10, the rezoning would be consistent with the general area. - Several adjoining property owners voiced concerns over the impact development of the land would Dave on conservation areas located on site. A large area of wetlands is located on the western perimeter of the property. Those lands are generally associated with Motts Creek, which drains into the Cape Fear River. The developer told the Board that the development of those areas vas unlikely due to environmental rules. - Planning' Staff Summary The subject parcel is located west of Carolina Beach Road south of Marquis Hills. The vast majority of this land 'is classified Urban Transition, excluding the area on the western edge of the tract, which area is in the .100 year flood plain and.classified Conservation.. ' . More intense urban type development is encouraged on lands classified Urban Transition. These are also the only areas where high density residential development is permitted, subject to the availability of water and sewer and access to major roads. On the other hand, density is limited to 2.5 units per acre in-the Conservation areas, and to exceptionally designed projects that minimize impacts on surrounding natural resources. ~~4~1`l#yfa~~'A t~t~~•1 Much of the surrounding property is zoned for residential purposes. To the nor-th Ties Marqu~s~~ Hills, a single-family subdivision developed in the 1970's. It is zoned R-10. Lan~to~tl~e~~~'~~ ~~east is zoned R-15 and currently developed with a large mobile home park.~Lando~th~e~~ ~'i~33'~ 3TA~3 south is zoned R-15 and sporadically developed with residential uses. Finally, land to the east along the frontage of Carolina Beach Road is zoned B-2 Business with scattered commercial uses. - _ Y The Technical Review Committee approved a preliminary subdivision plan for this tract on (~ ' - - T'-~-~'~^ t:~~Wn as Dunhill_Woods, High Density Phase I, was approved for - _ ----_...ai.,_Qgadditional '~ ~ ~ _ __ f ''finn ~. ~l x ~~~ ~ovz ' ' OU U4-+°~ ~~'~~ ~~~w QO~~ ~ W a~i v~ I Fi H~ ~~ O p ~~~ ~a..~ U~ UO O ~~ ~ p~ N 1 ~ ~ rt7 ~ ~ -r-1 ~ 't3 ~ ~ ~ W r-1 v i; ~ O fA ~ w~ rx° ~~C .OO ~ ~~ccl~'N f2' R' v ~~ - ~ U ai f..~ N' O ~ v} N d1 ~ ~ w lZ .,~ u] i; 0 pa ,~ S-i JJ ' ~ A CaQ ~ ~ ~ ~ }°a U , U pa Zs~Jw ~ •~Ni ° T°3 ~ Q' ~ ~ ~ Oi f ~ a ~~,~ Uw0 >~ O°'04:, is 3~ ~I - ~ ~ ~ O +~ U f ~ c~a ~ ~ O ~ ~,zs a v o ~w o~ f a7 ~ o h r~'o w ~ '-~ a~ o' ~' ro rd .C ~ ~ ,~ as ~, ~ .C , a~ , r ~ >~ ~ ro ~ .c ° +~ ~ ° s~ ~ w ~. o o '~ r . ~ ~ '"~ ~° O ~ 0 ~ U ~ 0 ~ ~ w ~ N o ~ ~ I O ~ O 1 x O'er v a1 v ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ O 0 ~ `I -,~~ w o O ° ~ GL ~ ~ s:2, w •'i ~ W ~ >; .x S-i •rUl-t c ~ U p...,~i UCH H y -j .C C7 a ,~ ~ ~ .'~ ~ > ~ w ~ O 3 rc3 T3 ~..~ ~' Ri O ~ 0 ~ U I ~ ~ ~ q O ~ O O Q -~ !r U v ° -~ ~ +.~ N U ° E~ H ~ U •~ .t 4 ~ ~ ,~ a U O O •'~ O O r~ -~ ~ O 'O ~ sa ,~y ~ ~ v ~ ~ v~ U Q ~. _, ._ ~ r __ arisniai ~r~~~iia Z - X60 WHAT 'YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GEC' A CH.ANG-E OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property, upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use. district proposals.`The North.Carolina General Statutes require that zoning rcgulafions shall be made in accordance with`a comprehensive plan. Since amendments ~to zoning maps should also be based on~ ~ `~ a Land Use Plan', you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. ~, , . _ , ' ~~, , 1. How would the requested change be consistcnt_with the County's Policies for GrowtH'and Development? _ • ~ ~. ~ .• ' . .... The property is located west of.the'instersection of NC Highway 132 and US Highway 421. Adjacent to -the east side of the property. is commercial property fronting the US Highway 421 service road. Along the south .side of the property are single-family homes, equestrian facihities..and a sand borrow-pi`t. The west side'of~:the: ~ _ ,. property borders Motts Creek. The. north side of the property ad- joins the'Gro"ve Park Movile Home Park-and the Marquis Hills'Sub- division., Rezoning the property to R-10 is consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development. This rezoning will ~. allow the property to achieve its highest and best use while also being compatible. with surrounding land uses. 2. How would the requested zone-change. be consistent with the property's classification on the Land `' . Classification ~~Iap? . The recently updated Land Classification Map changed the property's classification from Transiaional. to Urban Transit'iona'1..,,This .~-- `~• reclassification placed the property in .a .land classification.. -} which provides for future intensive urban development where` necessary urban services are available.' No "important resources'wili`be ~- adversely impacted by this rezoning.. .f '. • 3. What significantneighliorhood changes have occurred to maize the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? - Since the land .was zoned R-15 in 1972, significant neighborhood changes have occurred. The land in the area .of the, US Highway '421 and NC Highway '132 .intersection has experienced significant growth , and activity. The•county sewer service is now available tb the property: -The demand for affordable sing;Te-family housing in this area is,strong. •,~With these;s,ignifican~t neighborhood„changes .and 'demands, the property is suitable for R-1~0 residential. zoning uses _ permitted under--the existing zoning ordinance. _ ~ '7. ~ t In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that,the sin- . filing out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to•County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. 22~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,t.~ . ~~ Sig acute of Petitioner and/or Owner • B t PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Z-56D,, 2/96 Petition Number: Owner: - Saturn- Corp. Request: R-15 to ~ R-10 TazIDNumber: 75, 7F Representative: Same Acreage: ~ S R Location: U.S. 421 South LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Urban Transition ('nn~Prtrar;nn Existing Land Use: .Vacant Zoning History: Area originally zoned A.nri 1 7, 1Q77 Community WAtcr Typc: Myrtle Grove Fire District: US 421 Road Access: School District: Bellamy Scwcr Type• County P.rrowhead Recreation: 22,000 ADT ('93 count) Volurnc: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0 e Q Motts Branch C(Sw) Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Chiefly a discharge axea Conservation Resources: Some 10 0 xPar F 1 e~~ p ~ a ~ n Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Primarily Leon and Lynn Haven: Class III Soil Type(s) and Class: Septic Tank Suitability; N/A County sewer to be rovided None Prime Agric~lturxl Soils: Building Suitability: _ Some limits due_ to wetness -.. ,,. - a . / e R a s a v s d 0 i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: 3B Consent Item #: Additionalltem #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes - Page Count In Agenda Package: ~ Contact: Pete Avery JVUJ L't..l ~ - Rezoning (Z-561, 2/96) BRIEF SUMMARY:. Request by Charles Mattes to rezone .81 acre on the northwest side of US 17 (Market Street) X6.0 feet north of Greenview Drive to B-2 Business from R-l~ Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• • The Planning Board recommends rezoning the tract O&I Office and Institution. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAG ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATI ONS• COUNTY COMMlS~tONERS APPROVEQ t~loav»~~•c~. ~a. t2ec~irr-~L,cl~ w~ 'REJECTED REMt?Vi C1 ~ - . POSTPQNE ~I ~ • DATE .. ~ ~ ~. ~.,. ~~'''~ Refer to Of[ice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 25 g ~ (tem CASE: Z-561, 2/96; Applicant:-Charles }Iattes . ' -REQUEST: . R-15 fo B-2 - ` ~" .~ _ _ .. _ _ '' ACREAGE: .31 acre • ~ • LOCATION: `Vest side of US 17 (IVlarket Street) 360 feet north~~of Greenview Drive •~ ', Planning Board Summary _ . _ . The Board voted unanimously to recommend denial of the applicant's petition.: The Board felt the change. would be inconsistent with the policies of the 1993 Land Use Plan and could lead to similar requests along the road. They, however, agreed with Staff that because the site is relatively small and because it is in close proximity to commercial zoning and Market Street, its development options are limited under current zoning. As an alternative, the Board chose to recommend the site be rezoned to Office and Institution. They asserted that O&I would be more consistent with the Land Use Plan as well as the emerging development pattern of the area. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary - , - , . This same applicant petitioned to have the adjoining tract to"the north zoned~B-2 Busihess~in ~ . August 1994. Ultimately; the County chose fo'rezone the parcel to'O&I, Office~arid Institution: Iri that case, the County Board of Commissioners determined that the property had lost much of its appeal for residential development because of its proximity. to nearby commercial zoning and-its proximity to Market Street. However, because the County Board of Commissioners was concerned with the perpetuation of strip commercial development along this corridor and protecting residential uses to the west, it decided that office zoning would the best zoning arrangement. A petition to rezone 1.5 acres to B-2 Business just north of the 0&I District was rejected by the County Board of Commissioners in April 1992. Also, a petition to rezone property fronting Market Street inside the Alexander Road Loop Road was denied in December T990. • - .~ .. . . B com arson this ro osal ,is no different than the etition that lead to the establishment of O&I Y P P P P ' Zoning on the ad~oin~ng tract. Its proximity to nearby non-residential zoning and Market Street `" have diminished its appeal for residential development. Market Street was recently widened to a , multi-(anefacilityand iS now designed to.ca~rywery high volumes of fi•.affic: This~traff-ic generates various amounts of noise, day and night. Also, the-parcel is relatively-small, limiting the owner to- the development of one-single:family dwelling or one duplex. Future residential activity in the., eneral area ma hasten the develo ment of the lar er arcels which are located fo the west, but it g Y P g P isn t clear that this parcel would be a part of that development. If it isn t, then development of the parcel under current zoning would leave it exposed to nearby corn~mer~~d°~~u~~opm`~rit'~~(,~, .. ~ ~j' On the other hand, the Land Use Plan suggests that this sort of rezoning shou,~+d be`a~i'~d=ed~$ ~on'ing the site to B-2 would only add to the strip commercial development that~al~ready~plagues ~e road. Ideally, these commercial areas should be confined to major highway~t~or'~v`'"~ery~near . ... _ .. _ . e i 0 a r a e s a A 1 9 1 1 intersections with other major roads. Unlike properties across the road, very little commercial development has been permitted along this side of Market Street. The site is located within the Special Highway Overlay District, however, those regulations only soften the impacts created by strip commercial development. As in the 1994 rezoning for the adjoining tract, perhaps a better alternative would be the establishment of 0&I zoning. The 0&I District permits a good range of transitional land uses that would be more compatible with residential areas while providing some protection from nearby commercial areas. The district also permits residential opportunities, thus if the adjoining tracts are developed for residential purposes this parcel could be easily incorporated into the site plan. Staff recommends denial of the petition. 27 _ - ~~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET f . ~~ tJ~ ~ Z-561, 2/96 Petition Number: , ~. . , _... Owner: Jenkins, Jordan etal _ - ~~Representative:.-~ c''_ r~tatt.ac Request: R-1 s t-ra R- ~ ~ 'Acreage: ~ '81 TaxlDNumbe'r: 36 ~ Location: ~h4~ ~a~rkPt ~t LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land Classification: Rural Existing Land Use: vacant Zoning History: ~' Area originally zoned July 6 , 19 71. Add acent site to the north zoned 0-T At~gt~s.~lg9-A Wxtcr T Well Scwcr Type• County ' y~~ Fire District: C9den Recreation: Blair Noble Road Access: vs 17 Volume: ~ a , nnn AnT (~ 4~ r~L.t) School District: B l a i r _ s MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality ClassificAtion• Smi t-h rrAP~ C (Sw) Primary Aquifer Recharge Area: None Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None Primarily Leon, Class III #J Soil Type(s) and Class: 2~,ptic Tank Suitability: Limited Prime Agric~lturxl Soils: None Building Suitability: _ Moderate due t~ wPtnP~~ t~ WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH 'TO GET A ~~~ ~ CHANGE OF ZONI NG OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The Nocth Carolina General Statutes re uire that zon~ in accordance wtth a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning m~ps should also be based on, a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- .. ing requirements. 1. .How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? The County policy is to provide support for the creation and establishment of small businesses. Such policy is evident in the area where this property is located. Directly across the street there are a number of small businesses which are operating at present. These include an environmental consulting firm, a used car lot, a chiropractor and an auto repair shop. All of these properties are zoned Commercial (B-2). 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land .~ Classification blap? The proposed zoning change would be consistent with the property's classification -- as being located in a transition category on the Land Classification Map. Work was recently completed to widen Route 17 (Market Street) to a four lane highway running directly in front of the subject property. New seNer lines are planned for installation there. Market Street already has commercial ventures on the same side of the street both North and South of the property cited in this petition. .~ recent sale of 11 acres (Zoned B-2) will ultimately result in the building of a retail center up near Porters Neck Road. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? When the original zonin to g ok place, this land was considered as a part of the Alexander Sub-Division. However, the residental development which Y~r subsequently occurred took place further North and West of this property in the Alexander Road Loop. Now it is highly unlikely that residential --- development will ever occur on this property bordering on a major highway. The only hope the owners have is to get the property rezoned to make it saleable to a potential commercial user. We do not feel that the rezoning of this property will in any way encroach upon the property values of the homes in the Alexander Sub-Division or disturb the present homeowners in any way. ~y In signing this petition, I understand that the existin zonin ma have the burden of proving why a change is in the .public i neresP. tI fu thertunderstand thatttheds mat I gong out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the ~~ surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in _ this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ~~ 29 Signature of Petitioner and/or Owner e 0 e 1 r REQUEST FOR•BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Zegular Item #: 3C ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes ?age Count In Agenda Package: 6 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Special Use Permit (5-38~, 2/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by John Weldon for Bell South PCS to erect a 22~ foot high communications tower on the northwest side of US 17 (Market Street) approximately 3~0 feet north of Sweetwater Drive. The site is zoned R-1 ~ and used by Carolina Power and Light. A RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval with conditions. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3tidget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• couNnr COMMIS'~ION APPROVED ~ 5 w b j ecl' ~ -b uml'~-l; on 5 Owl I; r,c~ Rf.~ECTED L'i REMC~vED o 31.. POST'PDNEQ O DATE 3 ~,~ ~ti b ~"" it~fer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition . Itom C _~ Special Use Permit, 5-385, 2/96: Personal Communications Tower Applicant: John Weldon for Bell South PCS Location: Nest side of US 17 north of Sweetwater Drive ~ _ Request: Construct a 225 foot high communications tower (NOTE: A special use permit for the parent tract was granted December 3, 1973 to allow for the construction of an oft7ce, maintenance building and maintenance warehouse for use by Carolina Power and Light Company. The special use permit was amended on - ' December 1, 197 to permit the construction of a 140 foot microwave tower and a small metal building housing electronic equipment.) The tower was added to provide communication services behr•een the Wilmington area headquarters of CP&L and other CP&L installations within the state.) Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the applicant's petition subject to the following conditions: - that the tower be lighted with aced-pulsating light for night use and a white pulsating strobe light for day use. - that when the tower has been constructed and is operational, the existing CP&L tower be dismantled within thirty (30) days. - that the CP&L antenna on the existing tower be placed (collocated) onto the new tower. - that the proposed tower be moved slightly from its current position so that it is at least • 250 feet frorn.any property line. - ~ - - Yhat after one year of abandoned use, the tower be removed in 30 days. No one spoke in opposition. -, - -•~Preliminary Staff Findings ~ - ~ _~ ~ - _ 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed anal developed according. to the plan as submitted and approved. _ - ._ ,. _ A. The property has direct frontage along US 17, astate-maintained road. B. The property is located in the Ogden VFD District. C. The proposed use needs no water and sewer. ~~ ~ D. Though electromagnetic waves are emitted, there is no conclusive scientc evidence 32 these waves cause medical problems when emitted at low frequencies. ~ _ ~ . ~ - - E. The structure is engineered so that it will collapse inward instead of tipping over. !!I 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Communications towers for cellular or personal communication use are permitted by special use permit in the R-15 Residential District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The Ordinance has no specific site control standards except for standard setbacks. 3.. The Board must find that the. use will not substantially .injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is_a public necessity. A. The tower will be located on a tract already occupied by a microwave tower. That tower was originally approved for a height of 140 feet. The exact height is unknown. Additionally, a ,warehouse, offices and general maintenance building was constructed for use by Carolina Power and Light to facilitate general service needs. B. The site is in closer proximity to a variety ofnon-residential development than it is to existing residential uses. C. The existing tower will be dismantled. - ' D. The tower will be lighted. 4. The Board must find that the location-and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted grid approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Land to the south consists primarily of residential uses. Land to the north, east and southeast consists primarily ofnon-residential uses. Land to the west is vacant. B. The site where the tower is proposed is already occupied by a shorter tower, maintenance :building, of~'ice and maintenance warehouse. 33 PETITION SUMMARY.SHEET S.-385, `2/96 Petition Number: ~ ' CP &L ". . , ,. ., Owner: Represlentative: ~ J • Weldon Request:Telecomriunicatons'~ Tower-° Acreage: . 08 36,0.0 8109 Market"St. Taz ID Number: Location: ~.. ~ ,~ - . LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and.SERVICES ~•~ ., . 'Rural ~ - , . ,. Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Office, maintenance .warehouse, microwave tower Zoning History• Area originally zoned July 6 , 19 T1 ~ ' _ ~ SUPs granted.- to CP&L for exis,ti~nq ~. uses in~ 1973 and .1975 Watcr Typc: ink 11 ~ .. Septic Sewer Type' Ogden VFD ~ - ~ •Blair~ tVoble Fire District: Recreation: Road Access: US. 17 ~ Volume: - ~ 19 , 000 ADT ~C' 93 mount) N/A School District: MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Pees c'rPPk (~A1 Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Conservation Resources: ~ None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: NnnA Soil Type{s) and Class: _ 3~eptic Tank Suitability: _ Prime Agric~lturx] Soils: Building Suitability: _ N/A - No septic needed N/A _ No septic service required None Few limits for proposed use 1 t WHAT YOL3 MUST ESTABLISH FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General RequiremenLS on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should czplain, with reCcrcncc to atuched plans, whcrc applicable, how the proposed vsc saus~cs these requirements: (Much additional pages iC accessary) General Requirement ,:1 The Board must Gnd "that the use wilt not materially endanger the public health or safety iC located whcrc proposed and _. developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Sutcmcnt by Applicant: This facility will not endanger public health and safety. Evidence will be provided to support this oosition. General Requirement r2 The Board must find 'that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Sutcmcnt by Applicant BellSouth will work with staff to meet all required conditions and specifications. General Requirement r3 ~ . The Board must find "that the use will notsubstantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting propt:rty or that the use is a public necessity.' . Sutcmcnt by Applicant: ~~ Studies have been devloped which show no effect on properties adjacent to telecommunications structures. Testimony will 1 be provided to support this. General Requirement ~J The Board. must Rnd "that the location and character oC the use iC developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with•thc area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan oC development Cor New Hanover County." Sutcmcnt by Applicant: Being located within another utilities compound, the lattice. tower will provide a valuable service to the adjacent area while looking very .much like existing transmission support towers. The Zoning Ordinance in some insunces, also imposes additional specific rcyuirement_s on the use requcstecf by the applicant. The appliean[ should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each spccilic requirement found in section 72 nl~~_, (as applicable). Hc/Shc should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and politics o! New Hanover County. The Board of Commissioners may impost additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the fissuring oC the SPECIAL USE PERdIIT. I certify that all oC the information presented in this application is accurate to the best oC by knowledge, information, and belief. I I ~'O~.'~'~tTu ~~~ .~t~~1 ht~c-Pc~t~ ~~u +~~.s ~~ Signawre of Applicant and /or Owner ~ ... _ 35 36 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regutar Item #: 3D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Special Use Permit (5-386, 2/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by John Weldon for Bell South PCS to erect a 18~ foot high communications tower on the north side of Allens. Lane 300 feet east of Military Cut-Off. The property is zoned R-1 ~ and used by Carolina Power and Light. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The .Planning Board recommends approval with conditions. N~UlVll1N(; SUURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: B A 1 1 REVIEWED. BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION APPRpyFp MM .~ . . ~, , REJECTEp REM©VED t AT E'ONE~ Q3 !i. E - -Refer to Office Vision Bul~eun Board for Disposition 37. :~ '..Special-Use Permit, 5-336, 2/96: Personal Communications Tower ; ,~ ~:f a. . ,.~ ~ .. Applicant: John Weldon for Bell South PCS Location: North side of Allen's Lane 300 feet east of Military Cut-off _ : , .- ,i Request: Construct a 18~ foot high communications tower. (NOTE: A special use permit was granted" for the site on April 2•, 1973 to allofv for the ~~ coast: •.rctioii~ of a line and service headquarters:' The facility is owned and.open-ated by CP&L.) Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the application subject to numerous conditions. These include: - that the tower not be lighted. (NOTE: Because it is less than 200 feet in height the FAA would not impose a lighting standard..) - - that the tower be relocated approximately 4O feet to the- northwest to satisfy a~250 foot setback from the R-10 District line soufh of Allen's Lane. ~ ~ ' ' ' - that the tower be constructed to applicable engineering codes and standards to ensure controlled collapse. - that after one year of abandoned use, the tower be removed in 30 days Several property owners from nearby Lions Gate and MacCumber Terrace appeared to speak in opposition. They felt the tower would be detrimental to residential property values. and create ,visual. pollution. -- . ... .. -. Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that th'e' use will~not materially endanger th'e.public health ~or .safety if located. where proposed and .developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The property has direct_access to Allen's Lane, a dirt road but maintained by the State:-- ` B. The property is located in the Seagate VFD District. ~ µ .. _ ... C. The proposed use needs no. water and sewer. D. Though electromagnetic waves are•emitted, there is no conclusive scientific evidence these waves cause medical problems when emitted at low frequencies. E. The structure is engineered so that it will collapse inward instead of tip ing over. ~~~ r i~ 38 ~ Qyg~ Y ~~r )MI 1' 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zonin Ordinanc g e A. Communications tower for cellular or personal communications are permitted by special y use permit in the R-1~ District. The site is zoned R-15. B. The Ordinance has no specific site control .standards except for standard setbacks. 3. The Board must fnd that the use wilt not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. The tower will be located on a tract of land currently occupied by a line and service headquarters operated by Carolina Power and Light. B. Land to the north is zoned O&I and used for offices. Land to the west and northwest is zoned either B-2, OBcI or PD and used for non-residential and residential purposes. Land -to the east and south is zoned R-15 and R-10 and used for single family and multi-family purposes. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. The closest communications tower is located approximately one-half mile to the east. A second tower is planned for construction near that same location in May 1996. B. An overhead water storage tank is located about one-quarter mile to the southwest. Its height is approximately 136 feet.. C. There is wide variety of land uses in the area, including: offices, wholesaling; retail, attached dwellings, single-family dwellings, boat storage, aself-service gas station, and an auto body shop. D. A 230KV electric substation is located just northwest of the site. E. The tower will be painted gray and will not be lighted. GENERAL ISSUE 1. The applicant should provide information regarding what efforts have been made to exhaust collocation opportunities. As noted there is an existing tower nearby and another approved for construction in the same area. 39 What You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71~. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following Genera! Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement; the applicant should•explain; with refererice to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) ~ ~,. General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health. or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and •approved." Statement by Applicant: ". This facility will not. endanger public health and safety. Evidence will be provided to. support this~positi:on. • General Requirement ~2 .. The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Statement by Applicant: ' BellSouth wi.•ll,work with staff to, meet all required conditions and specifications. - •,•. General Requirement #3 ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ' The Board must find "that the-use will .not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that ' the use is a public necessity." ,- _ . Slatenrent by Applicant: Studiec_ha''4e_.oeen.d'eveTon.".d.rhir.h sTiow._no._effect:on properties adjacent to telecomm"un'icat'ions structures. Testimonyrwill be provided to~support this. General Requirement #4 - The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." Stalcmc~rt 'by Applicant: - ~ t v . Heing located adjacent to another utilities compound, the lattice tower will provide a valuable service to the adjacent area~~while-.. looking very much like existing transmission support towers. The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement found in section 72 nr / n , (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the land will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sioners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- tion, and belief. 40 x ~ou~ ti~~~ ~ ~?« ~~ ~ Signature of Applicant and/or Owner PETITION SUMMARY SHEET S-386, 2/96 Petition Number: Owner: CP &L .Representative: J • Weldon Request• Telecommunications Tower Acreage: • 08 Tax ID Number: 5.600/5700 j,ocation• 1700 Block rlilitary Cutoff LAND USE, ZONING; UTILITIES and SERVICES Resource Protection • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: Line and service headquarters Zoning History: Area oricrinall.y 7~nPr1 ~~r~nh~Y ~ Q~g ' SUP for existing use granted in 197"i_ Community Wxtcr Typc: Fire District: Seagate ~ P~Iilitary Cutoff Road Acccss: ~' School District: N/A Sewcr Type• County ' Recreation: Wrightsville Beach Volume 14, 000 ADT (' 93 count) MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Rr~~ i o~, r-=jaok ~s~-.~ Aquifer Recharge Area: Outside Primary and Secundarv areas None Conservation Rcsourccs: Historic Landmarks and Archcological Sites: None ~'! N/A - no septic needed Soil Type(s) and Class: Scptic Tank Suitability •. N/A - n0 SeDt1C SPY ~i ra rr~nni rarl /~_ ~. ' Primc Agric~lturxl Soils: t~~r,pP Building Suitability: _ Few limits for propo P~1 ufiP I 1 t 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER D[STRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROO1v1 301 WILMINGTON, NC MARCH 11, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. I. NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 4j ADJOURN t 1 43 i 1 1 1 r. 1 ~, .~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: W&S 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of February 19, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED .ACTIONS: Approve minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ' Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: . LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMlSSIQNERS ~° APPROVED ~ .j REJECTE© L7 . REnnovEQ w 4 5 POSTPONED t1 DATE..r..~~l.~~i~n. ~' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ' I i .: .. ~ `~ f f i 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA MARCH 11, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes PAGE NO. 49 2. Adoption of Resolution agreeing to the terms and conditions of the ~ 1 NC Coastal Management CAMA Grant for improvements to Riverside Park . 3. Ratification of appointments to the Human Relations Commission ~ ~3 4. Approval of Lease Amendment, New Hanover County Contract ~7 #96-0329 with Southeastern Mental Health ~. Approval to designate Department of Aging as Lead Agency for 63 Home and Community Care Block Grant 6. Approval of award of Bid #96-0296 and approval of Contract #96-0296 6~ for cardiac equipment for the Emergency Medical Services Department 7. Adoption of resolutions to add the following roads to the 107 _ State Highway System: Covil Farm Road in Covil Estates !~ u t.,._n_,...a :__~_~___nt__. .:-_ ~Cov~l ~as'm 1000cd r /t Outisland and Downrigger Drives in Crosswinds, Sections IV Sago Bay Drive Haze{ton Court in Brickstone Estates North Carolina Avenue 8. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #96-41 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal 119 Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. 47~ 1 B., #96-44 to increase' budget for additional revenue'received. Controlled 120 Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the `Sheriff deems necessary. C. #96-0143 to budget fiords from State grant (Aid to Public Libraries) 121 ~~ D. #96-0149 to increase budget for money seized by the Sheriffs 122 Department from gambling (illegal lottery) P .., E. #96-0148 to budget additional State funds for DSS/child care I23 services .. _ F. #96-010 to budget additional State funding received for~DSSY 124 CP&L Project Share G. #96-01 ~ 1 to budget funds received from the Attorney General's 12~ Office for assistance with the low income heat energy assistance; DSS/Crisis Intervention Program ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ .~ H. #96-01 ~6: to budget=State and Federat funds for the purchase of 126 a new vehicle -Human Services Transportation System- .~ , . . _ ,. .. - ;: _ 48 ..~ +r _: REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell S U I3J ~C;"1': Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Budget Retreat of January 18, 1996 Regular Meeting of February 19, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the minutes Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Curre~~f Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY .MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ,~ COUNTY COMMISSI ERS APPROVED ' REJECTED Q REMOVED O ~ 4 g POSTPONED D DATE ~ Flo ~~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Tlris pad e intentionally left blairk r . i 1 t t 1 t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date403/11/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Parks Presenter: N/A Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Neai Lewis 5 U t3J ~: (:' 1': Resolution regarding CAMA Grant for Riverside Park BRIEF SUMMARY: The Commissioners approved the grant and authorized Chairman Greer to sign the Contract on Febrt~~ry 5, 1996. The State is now requiring a resolution. The Commissioners are being asked to adopt the enclosed resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of the enclosed resolution to agree to the terms and conditions of the North Carolina Coastal Management CAMA Grant for improvements to Riverside Park. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: 17,625 County S: 3,375 User Fees S: Other S: 2,500 Money Is In Current Budget: Yes iYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS_AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt resolution. COUNTY COMMI TONERS APPROVED t~ , i REJECTED a 51 REMOVED p PQS`T'~~E©0 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition DATES «~~J( RESOLUTION a. t ~ .. WHEREAS, New Hanover County maintains Riverside Park for the enjoyment of the citizens of New Hanover County; and ~ ' WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina has awarded, a Coastal~Management Beach Access Grant in the amount of $ 17,625 to New Hanover County for improvements to Riverside Park; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners have provided matching funding for this grant in the amount of $ 3,375 in funds, plus $ 2,500 of in-kind assistance; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, North Carolina, that New Hano'vec County does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this Grant and will fulfill all the requirements thereof. Adopted this the Eleventh Day of March, 1996. ,- . ., ~ .. ~ _ .Robert. G. Greer,. Chairman ~ ' , New Hanover County Board of Commissioners .. f -'{ - _ t ~ Lucy Harrell, Clerk to the Board 52 L [] J r 0 I'~ U REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pag"e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJ EC"I': Ratification of appointments to the Human Relations Commission BRIEF SUMMARY: Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. has been appointed by the Wilmington Ministerial Association and Lynda Sheehan has been appointed by the Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Association. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTED_ACTLONS: Ratify appointments FUN-DING SOURCE: Federal S: ~ State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: 1'Ioney Is [n Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: . LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Ratify appointments. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED L~ REJECTED 0 ~ 3 REMOVED O POSTPON D DATE ' ~t 9~n t~~G'~Re~fcyto Of(icc Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition February 12, 1996 - ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ; , I~~_` ;;~ fJ ~ ~'EB I ~ 3 i:: - _~ ~ Mr.'Aritho,ny W. Wade, Director ~___:~ New Hanover County Human Relations Commission [1~~~'•'~ ~`'~'~~~~={ h~+~'~.~~ 402 Chestnut Street ~ ~ ~'------~-'~'-'-~'`'~~ ~. Wilmington, NC 28401-4027 =~ ~ ~, .. ;. Dear Mr. Wade: - ... : ~ -- To fill the vacant position on the New Hanover County Human Relations Commission left by Ms. Pamela Elliott, I am submitting the name of Lynda Sheehan, Human Resources IVlanager at Bedford Fair Industries, fors your consideration and approval. -. . - ..~- .. ~ r~ .. Lynda is a recognized professional among her "HR" peers throughout New Hanover and the surrounding counties and recently served as the Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Association's President for 1995. She was instrumental in the revision and updating of the organization's bylaws and our name change to the Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Association, as well as increasing membership significantly this past year. Mrs. Sheehan can be reached at 343-6800, extension 6811. If you have any questions, please call me at Comp[ehensive Home.Health Care at 343-0938.. Sincerely, ~~/' l~a~~' =~ Richal W. Gr s, Jr., President Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Association 54~` r :~ - ,~ _ WINDERMERE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 104 WINDERMERE ROAD -~ j ,? WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 February 6, 199'6 Mr. Anthony Wade New Hanover Human Relations Commission 402 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401- ' Dear Mr. Wade, Thank you and the Commission for inviting a member of the Wilmington Ministerial Association to serve on the New Hanover County Human Relations Commission. I have been selected by our Association to serve during 1996.. I am Dr. Stephen J. Sloop, Jr., President of the Wilmington Ministerial Association and Pastor of Windermere Presbyterian Church. I grew up in Brazil where my parents were missionaries and have served churches in Mississippi, Florida, Tennesee, Georgia, and now North Carolina. I have a deep commitment ,~ to improving human relations within the church, our nation and the world. Cordially yours, Stephen J. Sloop, Jr. D.Min. L D 55 [' 56 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:. 03/11/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: ~ Contact: Kemp P. Burpeau SUBJECT: Southeastern Mental Health Lease Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: Carlton Allegood, Insurance Advisor, indicates that our existing lease with Southeastern Mental Health should be amended by the addition. of Waiver of Subrogation :language. Such a provision will insure that both Lessor and Lessee derive all possible benefits from existing insurance coverage. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Lease Amendment, New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0329. r utvliltvt; ~~ux~~,: Federal S: State S ivloney Is In Current. Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: 0.00 User Fecs S: Other S`. New Appropriation Request: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: N/ACGRIFFINHR: I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND ECOM ENDATI N Approve Lease Amendment. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS " APPROVED [~''~ REJECTED D REMOVED D POSTPONE DATES 3 ~~ 9fP ~~'Y~. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disposition 57 ©RAFT ~ ... .,. " New~~Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0329 NORTH CAROLINA ~ . ~ _ _ _. __ . LEASE AMENDMENT NEW HANOVER~COUNTY ~ -. .. THIS LEASE AMENDMENT, entered as of the da of , .1996,.by and between New Hanover County, a municipal corporation and body politic of the State of ,.. North Carolina, herein called "Owner", and SOUTHEASTERN AREA MENTAL. HEALTH MEN`fAL RETARDATION AND'SUBSTANCE ABUSE CENTER, an organization with an office in New Hanover County, North Carolina, herein called "Tenant." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into a lease of the site designated as the Southeastern Center for Mental Health Administration.Building°, situated. at 213.1 .South 17th Street, City of Wilmington, on February 1, 1976; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into a lease of the site designated as the Detoxification Facility, situated at 2023 South 17th Street, City of Wilmington, on July 18, 1989; and ~' ~ -- WHEREAS, the parties.hereto now desire to amend said leases to, incorporate therein a 1 waiver of subrogation provision. . . a ` ~ NOW, THEREFORE, in~considerati'on of the agreements and covenants setforth herein, , ` ~ the'Owner does.hereby grant, desire, lease, and amend the above leases executed~Februarq, l; 1976 and July 1$, 19:89, and the~Tenant does hereby accept such conveyance and amendment, by a the addition thereto of the following provision: Waiver of u ro ation: Each of the arties hereto waives an an-'d~ a~l'l~ ri"~ht~s co''recoue R ~~~~ ~nst~the other for loss or damage to its property arising from any cause insure"dQaga~ shun"_de'rr ~~9 ..... ~. TAQ a t i s i e e v e s t i v DMA FT New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0329 the standard form of fire insurance policies, with all permissible extensions and endorsements covering additional perils, or under any other policy of insurance carried by such waiving party in lieu thereof. Such waiver shall be effective only to the extent permitted by each party's insurer. Except as specifically above amended, the leases executed February 1, 1976 and July 18, 1989, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement all as duly authorized by their respective Boards, the day and year first above written. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board This instrument has been, pre- .audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director Ne~v Hanover County Robert G. Greer,. Chairman Approved as to Form: County Attorney 59: .t ATTEST: Clerk to the Area Board Finance Director NORTH .CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed withits corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ~ ~ ~ , x996. Notary Public My commission .expires: , .. _. .. , DIVA ~"T New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0329 • SOUTHEASTERN.MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION AND ~' s ~ SUBSTANCE ABUSE CENTER By: Chairman, Area Board This instrument has been pre- ' audited' in the. manner requited by the Local Government Budget .• and Fiscal ControC Act.. 60; e s a a a e s B 1 1 1 8 A 8 1 1 ~R,q ~T Ne~v Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0329 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is Clerk to the Area Board of the Southeastern Metal Health Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Center, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Area Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its seal and attested by him herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 61 f 62 0 II ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/l.l/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item n: Department: Aging ~ Presenter: Annette Crompton Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Annette Crompton SUBJECT: Desigtlation of Department of Aging as Lead Agency for Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) 96/97, aging services for New Hanover County. BRIEF SUMMARY: Each year New Hanover County. is required to appoint an agency to act as Lead Agency for the Home.and Community Care Block Grant for older adults. This agency is responsible for all planning and coordination of duties for grant administration. The Department of Aging was given this task for the 95/96 year. The Commissioners are ask to designate the Department of Aging as Lead Agency for the 96/97 year. Attachment (1) U ~i ~; I~,~~ n is 0 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Designate the Department of Aging as Lead Agency to oversee administration of the Home and Community Care Block Grant for 96/97. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: N/A State S: N/A County S: N/A Uscr Fecs S: N/A Othcr S: N/A Moncy fs In Curreni Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD:APPCGRIFFINHR OUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION This is an annual requirement. Recommend Commissioners to designate Department of Aging as a Lead Agency for Home and. Community Care Block Grants and authorizing the Chairman to sign documents. COUNTY COMMISS! NERS APPROVED '.REJECTED REMOVED 0 POSTPONED Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition .DATE 3 tt 5!~ , ~. DOA -730 . . _ - _ _. .. _ ....... (Rev. 7/96) ~ Homc'and Community Carc Block Grant for Otdcr Adults .. .. .. County Funding Pfan~~ - - " Identification of Agency or Office with Lead Responsibility for County Funding Plan - ~ County New Hanover County .July 1,•1996 through June~30, 1.997 . - • . - .+ .t . ~ , .. . The agency or office with"lead responsibility for~planning and coordinating the County Funding Plan recommends this, funding plan to_ the. Board of Commissioners as a coordinated means to utilize community-based resources in the delivery of ~ ., comprehensive aging services to older adults and their families. • ~ - ' New Hanover County Department of. .Aging „ • .(Name of agency/office with. lead responsibility)•. _ Authorized signature (date) . _ Robert G. Greer, Chairman .. .•. . New `Hanover County - • Board of Commissioners (Type name and title of signatory agent) •< For-each service specified on the Cou~nty~ervices Summary (DOA-731); or the Provider Service Summarv_ (DOA-732)., provide an attachment with reasons for .exceeding the. average net unit cost o`f the service in the county for the"prior state • fiscal year,'plus the rate of annual cost of living increase as provided through the Office of State Planning. ~ • • T ' V',l u~ 0 0 r. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item.. #: Department: E.M.S. Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 SUBJECT: Award of Bid #96-0296 and approval of Contract #96-0296 for cardiac equipment for the Emergency Medical Services Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: As requested by the Board of Commissioners at the meeting January 2, 1996, staff has solicited bids for cardiac equipment for the E.M.S. Department. Staff has reviewed both types of battery systems, a lead acid and a nicad, and has determined the nicad best meets their needs. Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company ~-vas the lowest responsive bidder at $14~,~43.20 for the cardiac equipment utilizing a nicad battery system. Attached is a resolution awarding bid to Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company and a draft contract for approval. The cardiac equipment is being purchased through installment financing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding Bid # 96-0296 for cardiac equipment to Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company in the amount of $14~,~43.20 and approval of draft contract. A ~~~ FUNDING .SOURCE.: Federal S: State S: County S: 145,543.20 User Fees S: Other S: Money (s In Current Budget: Yes Ncw Appropriation Request:, No Budget Amendment Prepared: No ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt resolution awarding low responsible bid to Southeastern Emergenc Equipment Company. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED E~ REJECTED ~ 6 5 REMOVED O POSTPON E .DATE •~. ~ ~/~~~~~~~ Refer to Oftice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~JB NEW HANOVER COUNTY .INTER-:OFFICE ... .... ... ... E ...:.::. .... ..::. _~ ... .._ _~. M .t~10~ .. ~. February 29,..1996 . ~ ~ , ' ~'TO:. ~ Allen O'Neal, County Manager ' ~ ` ;. FIv1: 'Bruce T: She11, Finance Director . ~RE: EMS Heart Monitoring Equipment -March 11.,` 1996 Agenda a As you know, the County Commissioners decided to purchase the Cardiac Defibrillators instead of renting them: -.I am pleased to inform you of a savings of $60,322 over four years..The purchase price of ~ 160,120 includes ~ttie purchase of $,14,543 and interest of $14,77. For comparison purposes, the purchase agreement includes four years of maintenance, as ` did the rental option. If approved, we will fund this purchase through installment debt financing. As required by our financing agreement, w•e will finance the purchase over three years. This item has been placed on the March 11, 1996 agenda. Let me know if.you should ~_ - - have questions. _ . ~. _ . _ .. _ - ~ r, -. _ - - - ._ _ . , . __ D ~.. .. ~ ~ a _~~fl~~~~~~~~ ~r~uoa ~~~~~~ l9~~1~A ~3~~~~q . .. ~• 3~'~iCt ~rl RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COit~1iV1ISSIONERS OF NE~V Hr~NOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the Gth day of February, 1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Cardiac Equipment for the Emergency Medical Scn~iccs Dcpartmcnt, Bid # 9G-0296: Southeastern Emcrgcncy Equipment Company (Lead Acid battery system) $137,060.70 ,Southcastcm Emcrgcncy Equipnncnt Company (Nicad battery system) $14~,~43.20 Physio Control (Nicad battery system) $1 ~9,128.3~ ' Marqucuc Electronics, Inc. (Nicad battery system) $164,650.00 AND WHEREAS, afZer,rcview, the EMS Department desires the cardiac equipment to have a Nicad battery system rather than a lead acid battery system; AND WHEREAS, the Emergency Medical Services Director, the Finance Director and ehc County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company (Nicad battery system) of Wake Forest, Norih Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Onc Hundred Forty-five Thousand Five Hundred Forty-tlnrce Dollars and Twenty Cents (S 14~,~43.20); 0 AND WHEREAS, equipment to be purchased is to be purchased t}nrough installment financing and funds have been previously appropriated and arc now in Account No. 1 10-420-4200-940 to cover pay~n~cnts for this }'ear and will be in subsequent }•car's budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ncw Hanover Co~utty that the contiacCfor cardiac equipment for the Emcrgcncy Medical Sen•ices Department, Bid # 9G-0296 be awarded to Southeastern Emcrgcncy Equipment Company (Nicad battery system) in the amount of Onc H~utdred Forty-five Thousand Fi~•c Hundred Forty-three Dollars and Twenty Cents ($14,543.20); and that the County is hereby authorized and d.irccted to execute the contract, contract. form to be approved by the County Attorney. This t l th day of March, L 996. '~ (SEAL). ATTEST: . Clerk to the Board Cl~airn~an, Board of County Commissioners 67 DRQF7 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0296 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT 'THIS CONTRACT, made Arid entered into this '~ day . .. of ' ~~ ' ° 1996, by and between NEW"HANOVE~R .COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and :SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQU{PMENT COMPANY, a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor".. WI~TNESSETH: , , WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for cardiac equipment for the Emergency: Medical Services. Department, Bid #96-0296, and~bids were received.. and opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid. proposal submitted by Veridor,~ the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor; covering. the purchase ,and delivery of cardiac .equipment, ,according .;to Vendor's Bid Proposal No. 96-0296. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring Ito the parties hereto, said ;parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Exhibits to Contract. The Bid Package, which includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Exhibit B; and Vendor's Clarifications, marked Exhibit C; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. 2. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall, remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.O.B. Emergency Medical 68 ~ t t Services, 218 North Second Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. 3. Delivery. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County within forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days after receipt of order. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of One Hundred forty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Three Dollars and Twenty Cents ($145,543.20) shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of the goods, (their installation), their acceptance by County and receipt of invoice. __ 5. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. 6. Vendor's Warranties. Vendor makes the following warranties concerning the materials, equipment and work furnished pursuant to this contract. 6.1 Warranty of Title. Vendor warrants that title to all work, materials and equipment covered by a request for payment, whether incorporated in the project or not, will have passed to County prior to the submission of the. request for payment, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests and encumbrances. 6.2. Warranty of Materials and Equipment. Vendor warrants to County that all materials and equipment furnished under this contract will be new unless otherwise specified, will be of .good quality and free from faults and defects, and will conform with the contract documents. Vendor warrants all such materials and. equipment for a period of five (5) years from the date of County's first beneficial use of same. 2 69 7. Default and Termination. If Vendor materially breaches any one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract, County may terminate this contract forthwith. Upon termination, County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or any other remedy, enter into another contract for the completion of this contract. County' may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Vendor. ' 8. Non-Waiverof Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon-the strict performance of any provision of this contract •or to -exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of anyperformance during such breach, Shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract. 9. Subcontractors. ~ Vendor shall be fully responsible for all negligent acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors and of persons and organizations employed by them''to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts and ~ omissions. ~ Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County and any subcontractor or 'other person or organization fiaving a direct contract vvith~Vendor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of County to pay any money due any such subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by-law. 10. Assignment. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party and the surety to this contract. 11. Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person~~participation in or the benefits' of the project which is the subject of this contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No 70. 3 . t 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P. L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. 12. Familiarity with Laws. The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all Federal, State and- local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, including all Federal .and. State Occupational .Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which. may in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work of the project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any ,way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he; his employees, subcontractors I~ and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same. If: the Vendor shall- discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with any such law ordinance, rule or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the County in writing, identifying any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed until he has received written direction from the County with respect to these. items. If the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any. such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving such notice, he shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. 13. Notices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or a .addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice ~ of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: 4 71 s To County: ~ < .' _ _. ~., .. . New Hanover County Emergency Medical .Services ~ ~~ - .. , Attention: Larry Ray, Director :,. ~ 218 North Street _ ~ . . Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 .. ~ ; To Vendor: } . ~ -. Southeastern Emergency Equipment Company Attention: Donald Pleasants - P.O. Box 11.96 ~.. Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588-1196 1'4: Independent Contractor: It is mutually understood, and ag°reed tha#~ Contractor is an, independent contractor and not. an agent- of County; and' assuch,' Contractor,.. phis or her agents and employees shall : not: be entitled to any ~ County employment 'benefits,•.. such 'gas, but not- Limited. to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker'~s•compensation, oc~pension or retirement benefits.. ' 15:: Interpretation ~ ~ ~ All ~ of the terms and conditions_ contained in' the contract documents shall be interpreted in accordance, with the laws of the State of} North Carolina. ;.. .,; . ,. ~~ ... : ~; ~ .. z_ , . ~ - .16~: :Entire Understanding: This contract.. constitutes the entire ' understanding of the parties .and.~contains all ofthe terms agreed upon with respectao ' the subject matter hereof. . No modification. or rescission 'of ..this..-contract shah 'be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. _. ~ - 1N WITNESS WHEREOF; .the parties hav_e_caused 'the execution of this instrument; by authority duly given on the day and year-~first above: written. ~ ~ - NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] ~ - . .~. - a Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners 72: 5 v t s s t a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ATTEST:. Clerk to the Board [CORPORATE SEAL] ATTEST: Secretary This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local. Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT COMPANY resident Approved as to form: County Attorney I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,. and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by fierself as_ its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official-seal, this day of , 1996. My commission expires: Notary Public 6- 73 STATE OF COUNTY OF ~, ~ ~ a .Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid,' certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, a North Carolina corporation, and that-'by author"ity duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. ~ -- My commission expires: Notary Public. .. _: ._ .. .. . .. .. r 74 1 COUNTY OF NEW HAI~~OVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ON CARDIAC EQUIPMENT FOR THE EMERGENCY.MEDICALSERVKES DEPARTMENT Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing .Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR CARDIAC EQUIPMENT, BID #56-0296" will be accepted until 3:00 p. m. Tuesday, February 6, 1996. The bids will be publicly opened .and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board. of County Commissioners of New Hanover County~reserves ahe right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase-which will be in the best interest of the County. Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent . New Hanover County Advertised: January 21, 1996 75.. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BID # 96-0296 CARDLaC EQUIPMENT New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent. 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (9.10) 341-7190. ,., ~ . Bid Deposit Requirements _. No :proposal will be~considered or accepted.by the County unless at the.time of its filing the same shall be accompanied by cash or cashier's check on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to and not less than five,percent (5%) of the proposal. In lieu of making the cash deposit as provided, such bidder may: file a bid bond executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North .Carolina to execute such'borids; conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to County as obligee upon said bond if the'bidder fails to execu a the~contract in accordance .with ~the~bid bond. This deposit shall be retained if the saccessful.bidderfaik to' execute the. contract within ten (I0) days after. the`award or -fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and one copy required. Submitted with the 'original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed,specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall' be written in ink or typed.. Changes or corrections made on the `Bid must. 'be .initialed by the individual signing the .bid. No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specif cations shall be in strict accordance with the County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Any item marked ".Do Not Comply" by the bidder in the Response Section of the Bid Proposal Form must also be addressed in the exception letter. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New 76 I-I of 4 Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warrantlies against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. If the County's specifications. include a statement of the particular putpose for .which the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this .purpose. Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR CARDIAC EQUIPMENT, BID # 96-0296", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320~Chestnut .Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Condition of Goods All goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid .may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. Time For Openin_~ Bids Proposals. will be opened promptly and read at tfie time and date set forth :in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited'to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled .closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder, unopened. I-2 of 4 77 n Withdrawal of Bids Bidders 'may witfidraw or witlidraw~arid resubmit-their bid at any time prior to the'closin~ time for receipt of bids. Bute no bid maybe withdrawn'after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a-period•of sixty (60) day's'. ~'•• ~ - ~ a Award of Contract ..~ .~ . The award of any contract resulting -from ;this bid will be-made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract.. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete quantities. Considerafions in Award of Contract ~ ' ~ ~ ' In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern; accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and•parfs~inventory; and performance .(based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes New Hariovei-~County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportatiori Taxes. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North° Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it aspart of the bid price. County wil{ pay-North Carolina-sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced: ~ , • . ~ ' Price .. ... ~ ~ .. ~,. - ~- Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery -date is specified and contract period required. Place of Delivery ~ ~• . _ Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County Emergency Medical Services, 218 North Second Street, Wilmington, North Carolina and shall'be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specif ed. 78 I-3 of4 .Instruction in Use of Goods; Demonstration County is requiring a demonstration of the goods bid upon; the demonstration shall be at no cost to County. Demonstrations will be scheduled either February 12 or 13, 1996. If bidder cannot make a demonstration, bidder's bid may be rejected. Performance of the equipment at the. demonstration wilt be a factor in the award of the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment, as that bid. The County may require the demonstration at the same time competitive demonstrations are made. The successful bidder shalt be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and maintenance of the goods. Responsibility of Complistnce With Legal Requirements The b.idder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and ald applicable state, federal, local, environmental 'and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities. regardless of wheiher or not they are referred to in the bid. documents. Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, .resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. Addendum The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any-other instructions, verbal or written,-made. by anyone. Any ,changes to the specifications will be. in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. Compliance With B'id Requirements Failure to comply with these provisions or any otherprovisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina wil'I result in rejection of bid. . Right To Reject Bids The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 0 I-4 of 4 79 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BID # 96-029G CARDIAC EQULPiti1ENT 1.0 Scope .. It is the intent of this bid invitation io obtain proposals for nine {9) •monitored defibrillator units with standard accessories per unit; seven {7.) battery support 'systems and requested general accessories. 2.0 Performance Specifications _2.1 Defibrillator 2.1.1 Each unit shall be capable of monitoring a patient via standard 3-'lead cable and utilize ".hands free" defibrillation with disposable pads. ' ._ ~,. ., "2.1:2 For ease of use and ~to speed treatment; each unit shall have one single 'control capable of powering on the unit and selecting energy: • Unit energy selection shall be: Disarm, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 360 joules. 2.1.3 Unit shall charge to 360 joules in or less than 12 seconds on full battery • ~ charge. ._ ~ .. ' ~ . 2.1.4 Unit shall use'an Edmark-type discharge. wave form; with fully isolated output • per ANII specifications. 2.1.5 Defibrillator cables shall be 2m (6.5 ft.) In length. 2.2 Synchronized .Cardioversion . .~ ... 2:2.1 For safety'reasons o predent'accidental activation, he unit'shall incorporaCe a dual action sync control requiring the user tocarry out two independent operations to select synchronous mode. - 2.2.2 Also for safety reasons, the unit must automatically deactivate sync •mode after every discharge. 2.2.3 Synchronizer shall deliver energy within 30 msec 'of sync marker- on cardioscope (triggers to patient generated QRS Complex). 2.2.4 Sync Mode shall be indicated on the cardioscope when mode is activated by "SYNC MODE" being :displayed on the monitor. 80 T-1 ofT n m n n n a n _2.2.5 Hands free Cardioversion 2.3 ECG Monitor 2.3. t ECG mode selection shall be: PADS, I, II, III, 12SL. 2.3.2 Input shall be isolated via electrodes or 3-Lead Cable; 12SL input is via .acquisition module. - ' 2.3.3 Patient cable length shall be 3.96m (13 ft.) .Total: 3.OSm (10 ft.) With .91 m (3 ft.) Leads. -- 2.3.4 Unit shall:be electrically isolated and shielded with input protection against • high voltage defibrillator pulses and radio frequency interference. 2.3.5 The Common Mode Rejection shall be greater than 85dB at 50/60 Hz with respect to battery ground. ~ - 2.4 Cardioscope Display • 2.4.1 The screen shall be non fade LCD.. . 2.4.2 The frequency response shall be as follows: , 0.5 to 24 Hz (-3 dB) monitor mode - 0.5 to 24 Hz (-3 dB) pads 0.5 to 24 Hz (-3 dB) diagnostic mode 2.4.3 ~ The following values must be displayed on the monitor/screen: Heart Rate, Rate Alarm Setting,. ECG Elapsed or Real Time, amount of joules Defib/cardiovert/TGP. 2.5 Controls Per Manufacturers Spec. - ~. 2.6 P,rinter/Recording Program 2.6.1 The modes for the printer/recorder shall be real time or 5 second delay. T-2 of 7 81~- . 2.6.2 The frequenc res onse of the tinter/recorder shall be as follows: Y P P O.S to 30 Hz (-3dB) monitormode O.S.to l00 ~Hz (-3dB) diagnostic mode O.S to 30 Hz (-3dB) pad electrodes 2.6.3 The annotation for the printer/recorder shall includ'e:. Date, Time, Lead, ECG Size (grain), Heart Rate, Defibrillator, amount of joules delivered & time of ~, ~ " ,delivery, Pacing parameters and=1'2SL"Ana('ysis printout. - ' a 2.6.4 The unit shall contain a Report Summary which contains digitally stored -- ~ : ~ ;~records'of critical shock/patent..events'and.all unit .parameters. 2.6.5 Unit shall be capable of recording 60 minutes of full disclosure ECG Data. ~~ ° , ~ '.. .i , . _ ,. - _ , -,app _ . . . 2.6.6 The Data retrieval shall be: Di~itally.stored~cecord of"continuously recorded critical events and ALL unit parameters including 12SL and Pacing Data. 2.6.7 The information. displayed shall be as follows: Operator Messages, Frequency responses, (diagnostic "vs: ~ Monitoring' mode); menu options, pacing messages/12SL messages, clock (24 hour or "stopwatch") 2.7 Non-invasive Transcutaneous Pacemaker ~ , 2.7.1 Pacing functions shall be carried out via the same cable as that used for defibrillation. = ' ~ - >. 2: T.2 :Non=invasve~transcutaneous pacemaker" shall offer both Fixed (asynchronous) -. ° . _ ,sandDemand (synchronous)"modes °of operation . >- 2.7.3 The pacemaker rate shall be <=40 to >=180 bpm. 2.7.4 The output current shall have a range from <=30 to >=200 mA at SmA increments. ? ~ ~ ` 2.7.5 There shall be a minimum of 16 settings for the non=invasive ,pacemaker output energy. 2.7.6 Output waveform shall be 20 msec, constant current, truncated exponential, sawtooth form. U 2 '„ . T-3 of 7 m 2.7.7 The unit shall use the same disposable pads for pacing as those used for defibrillation. . 2.7.8 ECG Monitoring during TCP Shall be by standard 3 lead. 2.8 Simultaneous Lead (12SL) Analysis Program 2.8.1 .The 12SL Program SHALL OBTAIN 12 CLASSICAL LEADS SIMULTANEOUSLY AND PROVIDE VALIDATED AND ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS. ~~~ - 2.8.2 Unit must have the capability to provide computerized simultaneous 12-lead ECG Analysis. The analysis program shall print foil analysis measurements,. 2.5 seconds of each lead, 12 ECG "median" complexes, 7 seconds of a user defined ECG lead (selected from leads 1 through V6), time, date, device serial __ number and a mens to identify each patient for later QA. 2.8.3 Lead views available shall be: I, II, III, aVr, aV1-aV6, any one lead may be ' displayed on the screen. 2.8..4 The unit must be capable of transmitting the 12-Lead ECG plus the analysis to the Hospital through the use of a customer supplied cellular telephone. 2..8.5 Bidder MUST show clearly documented and .conclusive proof or clinical studies to prove .the accuracy and validation of 12-Lead ECG Analysis. 1 e 2.8.6 Bidder shall provide evidence indicating e:ctremely high sensitivity figures of the analysis system algorithm's ability to correctly determine when an acute myocardial infarction has not occurred. This is .absolutely essential to minimize unwanted drug administration to a patient and therefore minimize potential harm to a patient. 2.8.7 .Bidden shall show sensitivity figures which prove there~is not more than a 10% difference between the analysis algorithm and a trained and qualified electrocardiographer at correctly identifying the presence of acute myocardial infarction. 2.8.8 The acquisition module of the 12=Lead ECG shall. have a frequency response equal to the following: { ~ Upper: to 100 Hz (-3dB) Lower: 0.01, 0.02, 0.16, 0.32 Hz T-4 of 7 8~3 0 . 2.8.9. The common mode rejection shall. be greater ,fhan.13.0 dB. 2.8.10 Electrical isolation shall be protected to IEC 601-2-4 for the entire .unit. 3.0 Certification .. ~, _. 3.1 The defibrillator shall be designed to meet or exceed the following certifications: •~ IEC 601-2-4 ~; • AMI ANSIDF2 CSA .• BSI (~) SPRIMA (SWEDEN)' . VTT ,. ~. ~ .. _: TUV 3.2 Five (S) year full warranty with option to extend: 4.0, Environmental and Physical Specifications ' • _ 4.1 The unit shall operate in the following temperature ranges: 0-50 degrees Celsius or 32-122 degrees Fahrenheit. , • . _ 4.2 The unit shall operate in 0% to 95% noncondensing relative humidity. :•4.3 Shock standard shall meet MLL-STD--81 OC..• ~: _ • 4.4 The altitude ;for the. unit ahall:be per MII.-STD--81 OC. 4.5 The unit will be used by field Pararriedics. SIZE AND WEIGHT will be a ' consideration in determinationaofaward. 5.0 Batteries • . • • 5.1 The unit shall have the option of Sealed Lead Acid or high powered nickel cadmium _ (Ni=Cad) 24 V; 1..6 Ah Clipon batteries. ~ . 5.2 Each units Sealed Lead Acid Batteries shall be capable of 1.5 :hours of ECG. monitoring or nominally 30 maximum enemy 936Q•joules) discharges. If Ni-Cad batteries are provided each units Ni-Cad battery ..pack shall be capable of 2.5 hours of ' T-5 of 7 m ECG monitoring or 50 ma~cimum energy (360 joules) discharges. (With fully charged __ batteries.) 6.0 Miscellaneous 6.1 All patient ECG information must be capable of interface to computer based systems in the Hospital and must be able to interface with, if required, any other Hospital :based ECG/patient data management system. 6.2 Unit .shall employ a minimum of components including ECG monitoring, pacing, defibrillation and 12SL. ~ ' 6.3 Unit shall have the capability to provide user adjusted heart rate alarms. 6.4 Unit shall have the' capability to provide an arrhythmia analysis function which is intended to alert the operators to the presence of possible life threatening arrhythmias. 7.0 Accessories 7.1 The following standard accessories in the quantities indicated shall be provided with each unit: (1) Operator's Manual (1) Service Manual {l) Sealed Lead Acid Battery (3 if Ni-Cad) (2) Extra Sealed Lead Acid batteries (6 if Ni-Cad) (2) 3 Lead Patient Cables (48) Rolls of ECG Paper (25) Adult Defibrillation/Pacing Pads (25) Ped. Defibrillation/Pacing Pads (1 pkg.) ECG Electrodes . { I set) Alligator clips (1) Cellular. Phone Transmission Package (Not to include phone) (1) .Defibrillator Vehicle mounting Bracket (If available) (1) 12 Lead Acquisition Module, cable and leads {1) Padded, water resistant carrying case with a minimum of three pockets. (CASE SHQULD BE NEWEST MODEL AVAII.ABLE) (2) Data cards 60 minutes or greater (needed only if unit utilizes card system) 7.2 The following general accessories in the quantities indicated shall be provided: (3}~. 12 Lead Acquisition 1Vlodules leads and cables {2) Soft Side carrying cases min. Of three pockets (3) Defib./Pacing Cables T-6 of 7 85. . (1) ~ECG:Siniulator/Defib. Tester' . ~ . . (1) 12 Lead Simulator (3) Data Cards 60 minutes or greater. (Needed only if unit uses data cards for data storage.) (1) Card Reader and Software (Needed only if unit uses data card for data ' . storage.) ~ _ f 3.0 Training ~~ Vendor shall provide on site training to County personnel .:" ~ ~ , {. .. ~ .. T-7 of 7 86 ~_ Vendor's Quote # - ~~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLLYA BID PROPOSAL FORM BID # 96-0296 -CARDIAC EQUIPMENT Bid Opening:.February 6, 1996, 3:00 p.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding,- agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or .person submitting a bid for the same services .and is in all respects fair and ,111 without. collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid aid certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. did Proposal Guaranteed Delivery Date Location of Technical and Service Representative Pricer 1~-~ days after receipt of purchase order ~!~~.e~c lyG Nine {9) Monitored Defibrillator Units with tandard accessories for each,unit: 9 units w/accessories x ~ S _ nit Price). Seven (7) Battery support Systems: 7 Battery Systems x $ (Unit Price) General Accessories: (E- z ended Price) ~ /_~l a (Extended Price 12 Lead Acquisition Modules leads and cables: 3 x S ~~~~ ~, ~~ (Unit Price) B-1 of 13 (Extended Price) 87 • • Soft Side carrying cases minimum of three pockets: nit Price ~ ) xtended Price ~ ) • Defib./Pacing Cables: • (Unit Price) _ (Extended .Price) - - EGG Simulator/Defib. Tester: -~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ . ~ • • 1 x . S ~ _ ~~ ~LL4~ (Unit Price) (Extended Price) ° - • • 12 Lead Simulator: _ - 1 x S ~~.~~~~~ S ~ .00 U ' (Unit Price) . (Extended Price) ~ • ;: • ~ Data Cards 60 minutes. or greater (Needed only if unit uses data cards for data ;• • ~ 'storage): :_ • (Unit Price) ~ (Extended Price) ~' (' Card Reader- and Software (Needed,only if unit uses data card for data.storage): (Unit Price) - - ~• (Extended Price) ~ • ., /~' TOTAL -EZD S . ~`~ ~C~O% / U .-. - ~ • "(Total for the 9 units fvith standard accessories, 7 battery support systems, and all general accessories.) Attachments to Proposal: 1. Bid Bond 2... - . Letter listing~any.exceptions to the.bid. . 3. Complete manufacturer's specifications of equipment proposed. 4. ~ Copy of manufacturer's warranty 5. Narrative describing the on-site training to be provided to County personnel. 8 8 ~ B-a of 13 r rloticc to rroccc The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County " in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing .the. -Cardiac Equipment listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New ~~ Hanover County. Addendum _. Receipt of the.following Addendum is acknowledged: Addend~.:m No. Date 1996 Addendum No. Date , 1996 Addendum No. Date ~ , 1996 Response Section The .following numbered list corresponds to the required `features listed in the Technical Specifications.' Bidder shall note whether proposed equipment complies with the required features. Any item marked, "Do Not Comply" .must address each non-complying item separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid. Detailed specifications of the equipment shall be submitted as part of the bid. . Do Not S~RIy m lv - 1:0 Scope .. /l~lf . It iS the intent of this bid invitation to obtain .proposals for nine (9) monitored defibrillator units with standard accessories per unit, seven M (7) battery support systems and requested general accessories. i _ . +. I°._ r B-3 of 13 8.9 • Do Not • 2.0 Performance Specifications , , , ~ • - ~ - ~ ., • 2.1 Defibrillator _~ 2.1.1 Each unit shall be capable of monitoring a • patient via standard 3-lead cable and ~utiiize; . "hands free" defibrillation with disposable pads. __ 2.1.2 . For ease of use and to speed treatment, each ~. , _ ~• unit shall have one single control capable of • powering on the unit and selecting energy. • Unit energy selection shah be: bisarm, 5, 10, • ,<20; SD, 100, 300, 360 joules. • [~ 2.1.3 Unit shall charge to 360 joules in or less than 12 seconds on full battery-charge. ^~ 2.1.4 Unit shall use an Edmark-type discharge wave • _ . ~ ~ ~ • .;form.; with fully .isolated output per AMI - specifications. . ~~ 2.1.5 Def brillator cables ,shall be 2m (6.5 ft.) In length. 2.2 Synchronized Cardioversion , _~ 2.2.1 For ,safety reasons to prevent accidental • activation, the unit shall incorporate a dual . - action sync control requiring the user to carry . - out two .independent operations to 'select • `synchronous .mode. 2.2.2 Also for safety reasons, the unit must automatically deactivate sync mode after every • discharge. (/ 2.2.3 .Synchronizer shall deliver energy within 30 cosec of sync, marker on cardioscope (triggers • to patient generated QRS Complex). 9 O . B=4. of 13 Do Not Comp~Y a~ / - ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ 1 e ~ s ,~ 0 a ~- .., ,`-;„. _ "~~.. , 2.2.4 Sync Mode shall be indicated on the cardioscope when mode is activated by . "SYNC MODE" being displayed on the monitor. 2.2.5 Hands free Cardioversion 2.3 ECG Monitor. -2.3.1 ECG mode selection shall be: PADS, I, II, III, ' 12SL. ' 2.3.2 Input shall be isolated via electrodes or 3-Lead Cable; 12SL input is via acquisition module. 2.3.3 Patient cable length shall be 3.96m (13 ft.) Total: 3.OSm (10 ft.) With .91m (3 ft.) Leads. . 2.3:4 .Unit shat( be electrically isolated and shielded with input protection against high voltage defibrillator pulses and radio frequency interference. 2.3.5 The Common Mode Refection shall be greater . than 8SdB at 50/60 Hz with respect to battery ground. . 2.4 cardioscope Display , ~ . ~2.4. I The screen shall be non fade LCD. _ 2.4.2 The frequency response shall be as follows: O.S to 24 Hz (-3 dB) monitor mode O.S to 24 Hz (-3 dB) pads " . Q.S to 24 Hz (-3 dB) diagnostic mode ' B-S of 13 91.. 1' .. F./ ;~ - . , 2.4.3 The following values must be displayed on the. • • monitor/screen: Heart Rate Rate. Alarm ~, Setting, ECG Elapsed or Real Time, amount of joules Defrb/cardiovertlTCP. V ~ _ 2.5 . ,Controls., Per Manufacturers Spec. • 2.6 . ; Printer/Recording Program _~ 2P 6.1 The modes for the printer/recorder shall be real time or 5 second delay. L~ , 2.6.2 The frequency response of the printer/recorder . ,shall be as follows: ^• 0.5 to 30 Hz (-3dB) monitor mode ~.; -O.S to 100~Hz (-3dB) diagnostic mode , .. :,, 0.5 to 301-1rz (-3dB) pad electrodes =• 2.6.3 ,The annotation for the printer/recorder shall include: Date, Time, Lead, ECG Size (grain),. Heart Rate, Defibrillator, amount of joules . ; ~ _ : delivered & time of delivery, Pacing _ _ parameters and 12SL Analysis printout. •, _2,6,,4 The unit shall contain a Report Summary • which contains 'digitally stored records of • ~ - critical shocklpatient events -and all unit. .. parameters. ' /• _ l/ 2.6.5 Unit shall be capable of recording 60 rrunutes _ - - ~ of full disclosure ECG Data. _ ' ~ , ,.: _. .2.6.6 The .Data retrieval shall be:~ Digitally stored` record of continuously recorded critical events and ALL unit parameters including 12SL and • Pacing Data. . , 92~., B-6 of 13 f~ a .~ Do Not 1. L ~ ~ X R~ 'S~/R. V ~ 2.6.7 The information displayed shall be as follows: Operator Messages, Frequency responses, (diagnostic vs. Monitoring mode), menu .~` options, pacing messages/12SL messages, clock (24 hour or "stopwatch") ~ 7 Non i si k 2 T t s P ~ ; - . nva ve ranscu aneou acema er >~ 2.7.1 Pacing functions shall be carried out via the -- same cable as that used for defibrillation. V a ~ 2.7.2 Non=invasive transcutaneous p cemaker shall ~ ~ offer both Fixed (asynchronous) and Demand (synchronous) modes of operation . _~ 2.7.3 The pacemaker rate shall be <=40 to >=180 ~ bpm. , _ 2:7.4 The output current shall .have a range from <=30 to >=200 mA at SmA increments. _~ 2.7.5 There shall be a minimum of lb settings for the ~ non-invasive pacemaker output energy. . V 2.7.6 Output waveform shall be 20 rnsec, constant ~~ current, truncated exponential, sawtooth form. 2 7 7 i h ll bl f Th d d V _. . . • . e un a e pa og t s use the same isposa s pacing as those used for def brillation. ~ 2.7.8 ECG .Monitoring during TCP Shall be by standard 3 lead , . 2.8 Simult aneous Lead (12SL) Analysis Program ~, _~ ~ 2.8.1 The 12SL Program SHALL' OBTAIN 12 ~ .. ~ ~- ~ CLASSICAL LEADS SIMULTANEOUSLY ~ - AND PROVIDE VALIDATED AND ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS. ~ B-~ of >:3 ~ g 3 ~' ~R~ Do Not ~R~ .y '~ 2:8`.2 Unit must have the capability to provide_~ . - ~ computerized simultaneous 12-lead ECG a' ~ Analysis. The analysis program shall print full ' - ._ ~ ~ ~''' analysis measurements, 2.5 seconds of each ~~~ lead, 12 ECG "median" complexes, 7 seconds . of a user defined ECG lead (selected- from • " ' ' • leads 1 through V6), time, date, device serial number and a mens to identify each .patient for ;. later QA. • w ' ~' ' q ' 2:8.3 Lead views available shall be: I, II, III, aVr, • •aVI-aV6, any one lead may be displayed on. , " ~ ~ - ~ - the screen. ' 2.8.4 The unit must be capable of transmitting the •'• ~ ~ '`12-Lead ECG plus the analysis to the Hospital • ~ through the use of a customer supplied cellular telephone. P .. - 2.8.5 Budder MUST show clearly documented and conclusive.proof or clinical studies to prove ' ~ ~ the accuracy and validation of 12-Lead ECG . Analysis. ` ~ ~ 2:8.6 Bidder shall provide evidence indicating- • ~ ' " ~ ~ ~ extremely high sensitivity figures of the .analysis system algorithm's ability to correctly - deteinune when an acute myocardial infarction ' ' - - ~ has not occurred.. This is absolutely essential to minimize unwanted drug administration to ' ~ ~ - - a patient and therefore minimize potential . harm to a.patient. i h c . - 2.8.7 Bidder shall show sensitivity figures wh prove there is not more than a 10% difference - ~ ~ ~ between the analysis algorithm .and a trained and qualified electrocardiographer at correctly ~ ~ ' ~ ' -- ~ identifying the presence of acute myocardial . ~ - ~ '_ infarction. g4 ~ B-8 of i3 A 1 1 Q A D U 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 e r e ~/ '_ { ~. 't • ti" ~ _. - . 2.8.8 The acquisition module of the 12-Lead ECG shall have a frequency response equal to the following: .Upper: to 100 Hz (-3dB) Lower: 0.01, 0.02, 0.1.6, 0.32 Hz . 2.8.9 .The common mode .rejection shall be greater than 130 dB. 2.8.10 E ectrical isolation shall be protected to IEC 601-2-4 for the entire unit. 3.0 Certification 3.1 - The defibrillator shall be designed to meet or exceed the following certifications: IEC 601-2-4 AMI ANSIDF2 LIL CSA BSI (UK) SPRIMA (SWEDEN} VTT TW '3.2 Five.(5) year full warranty with option to extend. . 4.0 .Environmental and Physical Specifications 4.1 The unit shall operate in the following temperature ranges: 0-50 degrees Celsius or 32-122 degrees iFahrenheit. ~~ 4:2 The unit shall operate in 0% to 95% noncondensng ' ' . ~ relative humidity. 4.3 Shock standard shall meet MIL-STD-=810C. B-9 of 13 9 5 Do Not . .; . , -, ~omp~ Comply . l~ ~ ~ ~ 4.4 ;~ The altitude for the unit shall be per MIL-STD--B I OC. ,(~ 4.5 The unit will be used by field Paramedics. SIZE AND .l~ WEIGHT will be a consideration in determination of~ • , , ~ 4 .award. . 5.0 Batteries 5.1 The unit shall have the option of Sealed Lead Acid or •- ,.: ,high powered nickel cadmium (Ni-Cad) 24 V, 1.6 Ah . , ~ ~ Clip on batteries. ~ - 5.2 Each units Sealed Lead Acid Batteries shalt be capable of 1.5 hours of ECG monitoring or nominally 30 maximum energy 9360 joules) discharges. If Ni-Cad batteries.are provided each units Ni-Cad battery pack ~. shall be capable of 2.5 hours of ECG monitoring or 50 maximum energy (360 joules} discharges. (With fully charged batteries.)' 6.0 Miscellaneous ~• 6.1 • All patient ECG information must be capable of • ~ interface to computer based systems in the Hospital and must be able to. interface with, if required, any . other Hospital based ECG/patient data management system. ~ ~~ r- . . • 6.2 Unit shall.employ a minimum of components including . ECG monitoring, pacing, defibrillation and 12SL. 6.3 , ~Uni shall have the capability to provide user adjusted heart rate alarms. 6.4 Unit shall have the capability to provide an arrhythmia analysis function .which is intended to alert the -operators to the presence of possible life threatening arrhythmias. 96.' B-10 of 13 ~' Do Not . '~ FIX m l . 7.0 ~ Accessories 7.1 The following standard accessories in the quantities indicated shall be prove ed with each unit: (1) Operator's Manual (1) Service Manual ~^ ~ ~,,(rl~' Sealed Lead. Acid Battery (3 if Ni-Cad) t/ , ,(2-)' Extra Sealed Lead Acid batteries (6 if Ni-Cad) ~- =- (2) 3 Lead Patient Cables - (48) Rolls of ECG Paper " ~ ~(25) Adult Defibrillation/Pacing Pads ~(25) Ped. Defibrillation/Pacing Pads ~- ~ {1 pkg.) ECG Electrodes (1 set) Alligator clips r/ (1) Cellular Phone Transmission Package (Not to I ~ include phone). y (1) Defibrillator Vehicle mounting Bracket (If . available) _~ ~ (1) 12 Lead Acquisition Module, cable and leads ~/ (1) Padded, water resistant carrying case with a minimum of three pockets. (CASE SHOULD / BE NEWEST MODEL AVAII..ABLE) y (2) Data cards 60 minutes or greater (needed only if unit utilizes card system) 7.2 The following general accessories in the quantities indicated shall be .provided: t~ (3) 12 Lead Acquisition. Modules leads and cables .-~ (2) Soft Side carrying cases .min. Of three pockets c~ ~ (3) Def b.lPacing Cables (1) ECG SimulatorlDefib. Tester (1) l2 Lead Simulator ~~/ (3) Data Cards 60 minutes or greater: (Needed ~~ , / only if unit uses data cards-for. data storage.) (1) Card 'Reader and Software (Needed only if unit uses data card for data storage.) t B-11 of 13 97 e .. .. , ` 98~~~ B-1~of~3 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 8 d I i 1 f 1 f Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. The Bidder is: An Individual A Partnership between: • A Joint Venture consisting of • ~A Corporation rganized under the laws of the~State (List name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated.) ~ ~ . B .(name as above printed) TITLE~~1 ~,Q.~,7L _ . COMPANY:,-~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ADDxESS: ~D~o~ /l 9 ~ ~ . ~~A-~'~ ,~i~~~J~, .Z 7S~' TELEPHONE: ~~~ ' 33 ~"h(O SEAL-Ih BIs7 IS BY A CORPORATION .~i`: EST: By~~ ~ P C~~a~~. . B-13 of 13 99~ 1 SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUiPiV~ENT :~ January 30, 1996 QUOTATION FOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ~ _-- AMY AKIN, .PURCHASING AGENT 320 C:IESTNCJT STREET ROOM 602 ~ ~ ' WILMINGTON, NC 284:01 ~. _ .. ' .. .a _ - .~ ~BII)<NUMBER'-96-0296 ~ •' ITEM OTY DESCI2IPTtON UNIT PRICE TOTAI. 1 9 RESPONDER 1500-SLP FULL $14,220.00 $127,980.00 FEATURED DEFIBRILLATOR/ • MONITOR PART ~: h~OOI'I=DAf1-CBCX •' Fia.ll Featured, Semi-Automatic Defibrillator/Monitor with Non-Invasive Pacer, 12 Lead Analysis Program;`and ;Integral Direct Writer F'.C'A TURFS: . . *High resolution LCD monitor display *.Disposable pre=gelled pads for improved, faster defibrillation and operator safety *User defined operating parameters via custom setup facilities __ *Meets military standard~for shock, vibration, humidity, and altitude . *Integral direct digital writer (DDW) ~. -*Ful{ _dsclosure-di~itaf ECG recording (Via data card) *Computerized simultaneous d2 Lead ECG analysis *Marque'tte.12SL physician's guide ~- *Series 1500 operations manual *BMS II service manual *Operators manual *Wallchart *See attached specification sheet for warranty information °~ *English language operating soRware *Compatible with 120V 50/60Hz line power ~ . .. ~ " INCLUDES: ~`NiGad Battery Pack *Two extra NiCad battery packs 100 P.O. Box 1196, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588 (919) 556-1890 FAX~n (919) 556-1048 1 B t 6 0 1 1 0 B 1 0 0 t t r t SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT *Single Battery Management System II *One 3-Lead patient~cable *Two sets of defibrillation pads *One pack of ECG monitoring electrodes *Direct digital'writer paper *Padded, rain resistant carrying case *Patient data card (80 Minutes) *AM-4 with grabber adapters - AHA color coding ITEM OTY DESCRIPTION .UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2 ' 27 Addition Nickel Cadium Battery Pack $ 140.00 $3,780.00 Part #: =109366-001 - . 3 ~ 9 3-Lead Patient. Cable, Lead II Only $ 105.00 $ 945.00 Part x:.300-3-1321-USA 4 ~ 9 ECG Recorder Paper (48 Rolls/Case) $ 120.00 $1,080.00 fart r: 9-101-028 5 9 Self-Adhesive Disposable Pre-Gelled $ 400.00 $3,600.00 Defibrillator Pads (25 .Pair/Cs) Part ~: 8.i0-x01:56-025 6 9 Transmission Package for Responder $ 250.00 $2,250.00 1500, Includes Modem, Responder-To- ~ . Modem Gable and Modem-To-PhoneCable Part m: 900370-001 7 9 GCX Defibrillator Vehicle Bracket (Shelf $ 240..00 $2,160.00 Mount-Tilt Action) Part ~: 700-37073-000 8 9 Patient Data Cards-80 Minute Capacity $ 270.00 $2,430.00 . Part ~: 900361-080 ,. 9 9 Pediatric Defibrillation Pads (25 Pair/CS) ~ 400.00 $3,600.00 Part': 850-90.518-025 w O w _ P.O. Box 1196, Wake~Forest, North Carolina 27588 (919) 556-1890 .FAX # (919) 556-1048 SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUfPMENT 10 9 Patient Data Cards =80 Minute Capacity $ 270.00 $ 2430.00 CROUPSUI3-TOTAL - ' • ~ .147,825.00 ADDITIONAL ACCESORIES: . ITEM OTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE ~ 'TOTAL 11 3 Stess Acquisition Module for D1500. ~ $1,420..00 $4,260.00 (10 Lead) ~. Part #:AM~J-JAA-~,'.LYX FEA TURFS: - . *Exclusive INTER-LEAD(TM) Cable Design with Gold Plated Contatcts *INTER-LEAD(TM) Wires with Inter-changeable Ends for Use~with Suction Bulbs or Disposable, Monitoring, o.r Snap Electrodes *Gold Contacts which Ensure Optimal Signal Quality INCLUDES: *AHA Color Coding *Mactrode Adapters -Set of 10 `- ~ _ *See Attached Specifications Sheet for Warranty Information 12 2 Carrying Case for D 1250 or D 1.500 $ 145.00 $ 290.00 13 3 Defibrillator Cable $ 125,00 " -` $ 375.00 Part #: 900>;5-001 14 I .ECG Simulator And Defibrillator Tester• $ 550.00 $ 550.00 Part #: 91094-001 - ~ -- 1 S 1 ECG Simulator $ 400.00 $ 400.00 Part #.: 9266-001.. - 16 3 Patient Data Cards- 80 Minute Capacity ~ 270'.00 $ 810.00 Part #: 900367-080 17 1 ERIC System For Customer Owned At $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Computer Part #: LDIC-CAA-~,'XXX • . 102 PO. Box' 1196, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588 (919) 556-1890 FAX # (919) 556-1048 1 1 r t t 1 i I 1 e e 0 1 1 SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: *EDIC Software (3 1/2" or 5 1/4" Disk) *Card Reader *Interface Card With Cables *Operators Manaual *See Attached Specification Sheet For Warranty Information *Compatible ~Vith~120V 50/60Hz Line Power Note: Minimum requirements for customer owned computei -286 at compatible . -1 Mega byte RAM -VGA color monitor -Epson compatible dot matrix printer for reports GROUP SUB TOTAL RUNNING SUB TOTAL 13% DISCOUNT TOTAL. EXTENDED FOUR (4) YEAR ~VARR FINAL TOTAL NOTE:Quoted piices do not reflect State and Local. Taxes if applicable. PO. Box 1196, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27588 (919) 556.1890 FAX n (919) 556.1048 S 8,185.00 S 156,010.00 S 2D,2$1.30 S 135,728.07 S 8,640.00 ~ 194,368.70 103 SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT TRAINING ALL IN-SERVICE AND TRAINLNG WILL BE PROVIDED TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMS AT NO CHARGE. ON SITE TRAINING WILL `BE. PROVIDED BY REPRESENTATTVES FROM SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY EQU.IPMENT.:AND MARQUETTE ELECTRON,.ICS AT A .SITE TO BE, DETERMINED :BY NEW HANOVER,~COUNTY EMS. WE WILL TRAIN ALL SHIFTS ON THE .COMPL.ETE OPERATION OF THE MA•R.QUETTE RESPONDER 1500SLP AND WOULD ALSO L`IK`E TO"DO RIDE ALONGS IN THE FIELD TO COMPLETE THE FULL PHASE OF THE ACTUAL HANDS ON TRAINING OF THE UNIT. ALL NECESSARY SIMULATORS AND TRAINING SUPPLIES WILL ALSO BE PROVIDED AT NO CHARGE . . , •. '. . .~ ~~ .. .. ,. 104 PO.~B`ox 1196,. Wake Forest, Norfh Carolina 27588 ~:: (919) 556.189.0, FAX # (919) 556-1Q48 :~: 1 1 1 a s FEB-13-96 TUE 05 :35 P~'1 C. J. -SPARKS SOUTHEASTERN EMERGENCY . EQUIPMENT To: A.my Atkin Purchasing New Hanovec County, Wilmington, NC 1 rom: Carla Sparks ~,,, District Sales Manager- North Carolin ~ Southeastern Emergency Equipment Date: )eb. 13, 1996 Re: Bid # 96-0296 91.9 496 8H79 P.pl Per our discussion yesterday wzth_Larry Ray,-New Hanover EMS Director, we are making. the following adjustments to the above mentioned bid. . [ 1) Deleting the requested 80-minute patient data cards (item 9; item 10 was a typographical error) . It is our understandingthat a total of hvelve 80-minute patient data cards is what is-being requested. This reduces our bid by 52,430.00. t [2] Adding 27 additional Nickcf Cadium Battery Packs for a total of 54 additional batteries (item 2'). This adds to our bid by S3,780.00. The above resulting in the following: Group Sub Total 8,185.00 Running Sub Total 157,360.00 13% Discount 20,456.80 Total 136,903.20 Extended 4'year Warranty 8,640:00 Final Total 145,543.20 {3] Regarding warranty, the first-year wartanty is as stated in the information packet. Regarding the extended four year warranty, the extended warranty includes the following: ~, /i [] Return to factory. The customer will be responsible for one-way freight on all equipment that is returned to Marquette for repairs. (} {There will be a 48 hour in-house turnaround on al! repairs. P.O. Box 1196, Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 (919} 556-1890 FAX # (9]9) 556-1Q48 ~ 0 FEB-13-96 TUE 05:05 PM-C.J.-iSPARKS 919 496 6879' ~P..02 New Hanover Bid # 96-0296 Page 2 [] All labor and parts are covered as stated in warranty agreement. [] Return freight will be paid by Marquette. [) Loaners WILL I3B,provided during:return tv factory repairs. , [] Any on-site service will be billed at Marquette s standard rates. Note: Preventive Maintenance option not included, but may be purchased ..separately. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-800-906-3891. Thank you~ao much for your assistance and kindness.. We look forwardito working-with you and Larry on this project. ~ ° ._ . ~. . -~ r , .. ~ ;" 4 ~ - 1~06. ... _ .. - _ i e t e REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 03/11/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: 'Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Packager Contact: Lucie Harrell , SUBJECT: NCDOT Road Additions BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolution(s) adding the following roads to the .State Highway System: Covil Farm Road in Covil Estates Gov i ~ ~r vn ~a d = N C oYma. v~ ~ ~ ~±'~'~-i cn-, Outisland and Downrigger Drives in Crosswinds, Sections IV Sago Bay Drive " _ Hazelton Court in Brickstone Estates `" North Carolina Avenue " . ~ r RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution(s) Federal S: State S; County S: User Fees S: ~Othcr S: Money Is In Current }3udget: _ New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ' e a r ~LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS-AND REGOIVIMENDATIONS• Adopt resolutions. COl! NTY COMM~IS~4N~R5 AFPR4VED . REJECTED 'C'~ REMOVED Q PQ.~ I PQNEf:7~ ~ Refer to O(~ce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 3 r~ DATE ,~;~~~~°• 107 _. _ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEP:~RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION _ . - DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS-PETITION NORTH CAROLINA ~ • ~~ -' COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X) ' PAVMG ( ) ~ • • MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned, being.property owners on COV,IL 'FARM ROAD ~ (Deser.ibe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in .NEW HANOVER county do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is 2 2 ~ I~i length and at the.present time ' there are ~ occupied homes located, oa,the road and having~entrances into the road. ~ a Finally, we agree to dedicate.to the divisionofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width"to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways: This • right-of--way wild extend the entire length of the road that is requested to, be improved and wilf.include the"~ necessary-areas outride the right-of-way for .cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement~forms'that~will be submitted to us by representatives ofthe. Division of Highways. ~ , , . - - , REi<'IARKS Four copies of recorded. subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. ~~ PROPERTY OWNERS ~ , . .. NAME ~ ~ ~ ' ~ MAILING ADDRESS 'TELEPHONE _ :.~.~ The Division of Highways should contact the. first petitioner listed below: X~ .. `.: . - - - -- ...._.. ., .JA1v1EY «!OOTEN .., ' / »-- - -_ -_ .. _ . - -- LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, .INC.__ - , - .. .._ ~ _ ''P.O. BOX4'127 , . _ .. . _ ..:, WILMINGTON, NC 28406. ' -'.: `' , .. ~~ ~` , (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. ~ ''~(~(~ ~ .08. ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~6~ ~~~ - . . , ~ ... _ . r :. ~~~~~ ~~-~~~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVLStON O,F HIGHWAYS PETITION ' North Carolina County of New Hanover • \' Petit(on~request for (check one): Addition to State System ~~ ` Pav(ng { ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We tfie u nders(gned, being .property owners onCOVIL FARM ROAD ,(in Covil Estates With .connections .on Military Cutoff ~ GormanPlan~escribe or glue local name or Secondary Road 1. Number) In New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to add r~ srArP ~jtgrPm the above-described road. 1Ne further advise .that the road requested to i be added is . Ob ~ * miles In length and at the present time there are -0- occupied homes located on the road and having entranceslntothe road. But there are five neighborhoods With 121 occupied homes that .have street connections to this road. .Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the min(mum construct(on standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way wilt extend the entire length of the road chat Is reques#ed to be improvedand:will Include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way In the .public road InCersections for sight d(stance and design purposes and to execute said right=of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS ~ four copies of recorded subdivis(ort plat enclosed: If applicable. ~~: This re uest is as directed b the NeW Hanover Count- Plannin Y. y ~ )erartment. Plats Included: Key Colony at Covil Estates; Snug Harbour at Covil Estates, 'Sec. I 6 II: Wessex at Covi1 Estates, Vantage Point at Covil'Estates:'an Pepper Tree at Covil Estates, Section I & II. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME G~1 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. ~~ *Mileage is measured from Military Cutoff Road t:o the center-line of the run of Cores Branch ,or Moore's 'Cr.eek. l MAfttNG ADDRESS Tha Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: TELEPHONE Rodney, Q_. ..Harris P.O. Box 531 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 {910) 256-4475 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~" DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina ~. County of L~C.~~)1'~`~~'t- ~. - ~ Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System.(1~ . Paving ( ) Maintenance ,Improvement ( ) ,..; We the undersi ned, being property owners on ` d 1a \ • •, 1~g2c:~-l;~lh ~ .. • -(Describe or give local name or econ ary oa Nu er n ~- ~,,~ ~ g ~ ~., County do .. reb re u`est t e ' Division of H;ghways.of the. Departmept' of ~TransportaJtion to ~~•~. ~ ., ti~ the above-described road.. • ~ .' ~ ~ .~'- We further advise that the road requested to ~~ is _ .-4-' miles in len.gti-~-and at the present time•there are. occupied homes 1'ocated on the road and having entrances into the road.. ~ - ,. Finally,~we agree to dedicate'to tfie Division of Highways aright-o~f-.way of, .the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the `Division of Highways .~ This right=of-way wi l 1 extend the` entire length of the; road ,that i s -requested to : be .improved and ~wi Tl 'i'nclude the :necessary ' areas outside the right-of-way ,:for cut'and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we' agree to dedicate add.tiona1 right-of-way ;:i n the public .road i n:tersect ons~~~for sight .distance and design purposes and to execute. said .right=of-way agreement:, forms, that- wi 11 be submitted to us by representati yes ~ of, the ,Division o,f .Highways . ~~ ~ , . • . :REMARKS •„ . ~, ~ . Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if appiicabie PROPERTY.=OWNERS~~. NP.ME MAI! ING ~AODRESS•,•~, ~ . TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first Pe itioner listed below: .. _ .. . - - _ .. • ._.. Revise orm SR-1 5-83 Ai i ` ~` ~'~ ~~^ ) previous forms obsolete ~~ ^= ~ri...~..•%•-~~y-~~ ` - r„ . ~~ . `~.. ~ ~_- '~~ ~ it :,'. - .~t ~. ^ ut •0. f.tt • C ~ ~?CO . ~~~ ~ +] J ~ 4 Y _ y r' / e,3~dy .,.r.e•ew 'a, I to 'V .aoo o•. e=~~ ~ _ ~ 4 -.c .o. ~ A r. ~. ,F° .u..L,. 40. ,.rL .c•aa•• corer ar S ~ C ~4 ~oaluvc ~' . F.a Js '^ ~ ~` / .•:fe ~ C S ~ J. ~ ~`Q4 r .~ c ~ a'a o. ~ ~ ^~` ~ is / a( ,( ~ `Cr ~ °cecw• '~ r .... ~ I " is to.°j J~Iof q,` d/~ ~ m t[[ w < C ~ ur (, ~ '[ urea no ~' "o t. w.~ ' e. f a .Y?~a .~'.~l ~~ q: .. p, ~ a." roe. r mar 3 V d d ~~ ''4 rr ~ i :: o. o , ro,. r ~ •' ! ti, it C • p Y t < •wtcr °•c'•.o ro. -` ~ g .f c ~ d •' ~ •t a y < ~ a< i .urr f. ~ I dd l•= P~ a.v1 ~rT. .•0C' ~ } i r'<a ~~ ••~ . \ / o~[.rs rf cur.<rr i Fit tr •c [. `~ ~ 1 ^r '~ •a TMt. oere[ I -~° •+p;~ Jr~,jy~oy .rTO• a~`< y o^~ , ~ .,,~ t : i ':~ . nrr sr nr w a~ ~ o ^ ' `' Y ` : P ?~ o•My,4r^ / ~• a et ~• • S a~ •b ~y ~! C`4 • yCo~D p o~rr S •<•<rr~, - 1 y ` e ~ {~ y is 7 ,7 rw a1'a•Y Y 7 f ~ J rt - cc~.` ~.. s eor,,. r'~ S raL.~ i `I4~ ' ,y ~y r o I,. t i t e R tu~c~.r PPL• •(l• 1••ry V l tr. Af ~l• r w.0•e>r / wCf.v~ 44•'t0 ,. ~~y. u}wi( ,l c ro!n< oo.c cw.r y w<owr~q~~ / p, ~ ~ b / r ,/ ~ d 't' "'r ~ ~ J / f ~ < • , / y' 4 .. ~ ~ Y / ky os r - / 'l1 « ~. moo' r l 4( 4 ~' ~~• [ J c.yti rl r ~`~, t b .~ 0.r ae~r ~. ~ ~~ ate. ~ J"Y.~ '4 ,r 4 ~.t • ~ ~ ~ \ c••JJ •yt J y Zj tN ~ bbt~ may. 4, ~ F'~ 'r~r P i / - ,et /~'` ~ ~,, ~ to :J t '~v ~ b e / r ~ar''R .O~ 1t 1 q ../ ~' • z oa+d ~' .W •~ Leee <M ~ b'~r ~ 1 ~ ty • ••. M4•a p / •Ob •o' d t• y iV :mod _c ~ c ~ [ L - tenor<o.. % ~ '~wa.L \ ~' / J U r<r q0 - tr. ~ ~~tt~~,, i ~ ~~ ~, ,. 4r,tr.,,' ~ , ~~ ~ e•^a( y ~ .ty.tti c' •~ 8 ~ ~ . rt j 1. t ~.[(. .C a ACS C W ~ L( .L• W`. 111 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT"OF TRANSPORTATION ' ~ ~ DIVIS);ON OF :HIGHWAYS- PETITION ~,•:n -- ~ ,~'~y North Carolina ~~ ~ 2 C~ . County of v~ ~.~ ~A-~1~~4~ - ~ ~ ~i Petition request fo.r. {check one) Addition to State System (~~ -. ~,_,,.,,Vr- -~: . ~ Paving ( )- ~~. C;: 0,,' ._.:, . Maintenance Improvement,`( ) - - ~ ;~•We the -unders.gned, .being property owners on ~~~~ ,~,~ , 'g . ~ ~' ~ ; • CDesc e or.. ,give 1 cal name or rib o Secondary. Roa ~ Number in ~~/:~h~i9~101l~r`' oun"ty do hereby request the Di vis°ion~ of Highways .of the Department of Transportation to ~jpD =~D s-Y~E SyST~1. '' the above-descri°bed road:. - _ -then advise- that the road re nested to Za' ADt?cD is , ~`~ miles ~ ~-! We fur q„ ' ' ' in length and at the present time there are /' ~: ~ occupied .homes .located on the'.road aad having entrances into the road.:. ' '' Finally, we agree .to dedicate to the Di,vi lion of Highways aright-of-way of " ~ the necessary width - to construct the road. ~to the minimum: construction standards r.eq,ui red b'y ;the D.vi lion of, Highways . Thi s_ right-of-way wi l~l extend the enti re length of the road that is requested to.be.'improved and w.il1 include the necessary °: ,areas outside the right-of-way for.eut and fill slopes anal drainage. Also, we . agree to 'dedicate additional right-of-way i n, the ~" pu'bl i c` road intersections for si gh:t di stance and design purposes and to execute. sai d',ri ght-of.=way agreement form's that wi T l be $ubmi ted to us by representati:ues of the Di vi s:i on of Highways . . ~ .REMARKS - Four •:copies~ of recorded subdl vi si`on plat enclosed i f appl i cabl e ~ - .. ., _ - _ ,. ~, PROPERTYriOWNERS _ . NA~~E - MAILING.. ADDRESS ~ ~ - TELEPHONE. _'. The Division of Highways should .contact the firs petitioner 1 i sted below . ` ~~3~ S~ -c., ~B~ c ,e, wr~M tnlG~an~ , Nc ~a~r z ~'.,~~,~G/c G': C7REGQRy. PD: GD,i':5/5' . G~A/~1P.~r~ lY1! ZP~ZY q~4-~~Z ~3C~j ED[7/E L~}55lTC~ ~ - ~~ SRS?c~ f3' RN 7~ WILmlNC icP/ NC ~~4~7 9io - ~?- 54a~ . T ~. ~ l~(~./A lYl (L~ ~F ~ S~~ SRCvc ~ gRy ~~ Cc)i c.m rr/Grv~, l~~C d==flZ 'q/c _- 39Z-'8685 `. --r- _/~r_~~~4 7_~A/r7€ ~/Q SAGo, 3~v C7y.t' 4+ilc.lr»N~ ~~~,, N/' ~i-~/~l 9/-~.- 3~Q-QG6t~ ;~~~. -~ 3',+c,~~3Pn/ ~3L~-~n~mN Flo SA6~~ .3Av ~o : W.i Lm ~nl~~~N, NC a~-I~~ `~ic~ - 3 is- o5~s ~N;~IS LoniG 8/~~ s~Gc 3~`l- D~'' ~.wlr~mirli-rn~/~ivC ~i4rz~ y'io,- 313-QG// "- ~AmtS ~aiBSar~ SGT " Si~Gc 8~v n,~~ ~ 1.~~l~LmrnlG7Dti` NC .~2-~i~ :Gig -3~Z - 223 .,~ -T Y ~ SCG~ `ivy. ~S~C-,b ~3~~Y 7~iZ ~n/i~(r-~n/GroN~jC d`~4rZ ~1/C -3~5--'G~. Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) Al"1 previous forms.".obsolete ~D(?-~/nCi1CL. Oh ~~~~t. ~e- ~.~- ~o `~) C~o~ z/ice/~~ ~y~ /' ~ • r/' / ~ ~\ ~ it _ ' - in P e - ~iI .•~• ~ ~ ~ • - • •,~ / , / ~~~ .•,• ~a~•j.. '.e.-,fit _ _ rr,r, i~_ f,,\ :%; ~~~, ~`_ _ ~/%,f ~ ~,• o ~ ~. .~~=; _\ •.jr '~,J ~ .~: err /' ~ - ~ • w'. ~;r ~ ~e/ :~ - _- ~ . •Q' ~` .~~ ti• /~j/~/ / , ~ r. \+n~'ryp ~~~ /~' .r•~ w ` /~ ~ ~~ .... fir. .~ ~ ,.~ b / / ) / / ~ .~. - j _ '~ N 5 ~ ~ , ~z ~% ~ ~~~ ~ ~ •. ., ~ _ // ~.: ~- // /..~• v ~ ~--.-W 5, , r 1 /, ~, _ ..~ ~~d NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPAF{TMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County of New Hanover• Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (~ - Paving O , Maintenance Improvement (:), , ' . .~ , We .the undersigned,. being. property ~~ow,ners on y/~7 ~~r"~,J ~ ,7J l,~Ju+~.~/X~~a ~.G ~2i ~;- ,;,~ ~S~ S (Describe or give ocal. name orSecondary-Road Number) in New HanoveC. County dq hereby. request the Divisiort of Highways of the Department of Trans,portationto~' ' ~~~i io:~ i. o Srr~.-E ~ sr~'..:~~e above-described road. ' _ .. We further advise that the.road requested to/rr~-,,~~~_„/ - • is . ~ ~ . ~ miles in length and at the present time there are : ~(;• occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. ~ ` Finally,, we agree to dedicate.to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of. Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length ,of the road that is requested. to .be improved grid-will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and. fill slopes,.and drainage...Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-qf-way in-the public road intersections for sight distance.. and design purposes and to. execute said right=of-way .agreement forms that. will be submitted to us by representatives of the Oivisio.'n of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat eiiclosed~if applicable. PROPERTY bWNERS _ NAME MAILLNG P+DORESS ~ .TELEPHONE The Divisions of Highways should contact the first petitioner ii.sted below:. ~~ C~ ~~-~„~s 78'09 /~i9zF.~.~a.~/ ~ ~~~,t~~~rG~,~/ /1~G. ~y~S 6d6- ~.3 ~' ~~ E rE ~,/-~~hc_F 7'~z /~AzF~T.~/ ~T' U~~.~i~r~~+r6.'e~Y NG ~ -28-S~LS- / ~'G O = s.~et~-~, ~os~ os ~ ~~,r,r cT ~~~,~.~rc~,~. ~t: c, a~~o ~ ~~~'~-sic ~ ` ~.~~na COTTER 7~a/~ l~~zE.~7n~LC-'T li~i~~vr~•~~,r~,~,~. ~' c- ~~~'. 8 ~, ~'M /7`~ 780' ~AzE.~o~ ('7" ~.~/~N+ ,NsT~ ` N, .~. ~.8~c~t'- ~~6`So~/ ~ s Revised Form SR 1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. NEW WANOyER (~ 8D. OF COMMA ~« ~~, ~_. - ~, 1~" ~ ~ : !r .r':L 4 ~ :'4. • ~ ., a y~ - ~. , \ ~I _ ~, ~ . ti;oa O ~ ~,..r .tv~ L~F,p ~~. /~~ ~• '34 ~ ~ C 2v --~ ~'~ I CAPE ~ ` H4RNETTEAR ~rx'NP. i TwNP 1 .\ 0 ~.aoo~ 0 - - cw t~ • ,~`Fa •.LLl( •o a f ~ .aaw. n >. ~ ''< '.~ '~: A~ '- :~ •t `, ~~~/ Z•~ / c ~' •~. ~ ~° ~~ • 1 ~, •wi v +i. •.434 h~ ~ F .' ~ Z °i* .._~ ~. T10 t C r ,~ .>, 'i ~~oa~ ,~ F'~ j~" `a •i ~c~^ I •~O e r .~ • ~' . t~ r Sr • :~` ~~ N~ ~J ~ & / a + ~yo c' •4 ~i, ~~ ) ~ ~ ~'4+ s / ~9. q ° ct t b ,( ~• . y ~ ~ ,~ . ~ "" ~;~;~ CS j •~ t_ - i '~wD .y'~ i ~ 9 :~, a ~ .' ,~ ,.r.a.. - . ~ c / ~, .` ` ~_ a o' ~ ~ :i~ _ ;~ ~~ _ ' °~ i~ ~ S 4S: .t lyre ~q +~ T.` i wu•o C ~ ~/~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ ro ~ •y _ o . ~'~.. } ~ ~* /.. R ~O ~ / o ~ ~~~~~ ~^ ~ f i ~ ~ / // :Ji[ C( ` ~ • ~ ~~ i ~~ i ~ / /~ r d ,,,,,.. ~. ~ t ~ - t 5 ~ •' .:~ a~ ; j i. .~~ :~ r,. ,.a.. / r' e _ / f•~ ~/~. ~~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE~DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina '' County of ~ .New Hanover •, Peti#ion request for (check one): Addition to State System (~ ~ • . , _ ~ . _.. • Paving O _ Maintenance Improvement ( ) ' ` ~ We the undersigned, being property owners ~ on ~~~ , ~, ~ , (,[,(,~P_ ., •~ ~; (Describe or give local name o~ Secondary Road ~ ,Number)'~in. New, Hanover Coun do hereby .request the Division, of Highways of the., . .... • ~ Department of.Transportation to ~ the above-described road. ".~ R ~. ~ ~ We further- advise that the road requested to ~L G~G~~c,v-~~ is miles in f~f'~~fength and at the present time there ate ~_ occupied homes located on the road and having ;; °~ enhances into the. road., ~ ~ ~.-. ., Finally,-we agree to dedicate to the Division~of. Highways a right-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of . ry ~' Highways. This right-of-way will extend: the entire length of~ the road that is requested to be improved grid will. include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and • ~ A ~ ,drainage. Also, ,we agree to .dedicate additional right-of-way. in _the .public road intersections for }{ sight distance 'and" design •Purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will ' ~~ ,. be submitted to us by representatives of the. Division o'f Highways:. ~ , . _ .. 1 REMARKS Four copies of recorded, subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. .. ;,,;~ ,, • r ' ~~ ,~\ G ~~~ - ~ '~ ~ ~ ;V ~~ t`~/' a~/ ~ ~, ,~ ,~, { ~~ , `~ U Z Y. ~1. tY _ [p i ~~~' e~ ~1 ~~ „~ , ", --- GT ~ ~ U o /~w ( ~ . . }Ih((T ~'~tw yGwTaw~w R. ynt.l (1. Ow. r(L ( w•ltl. J ~ .~~ , ~, ~ii • ~e . ~ , o:(~~(.~ ,~, P ,. o / ''~.r i ~O a.[T e Y'4 / (T(w~ ~(( O(TC lh T~~O rr 0 4(• [ Rwrw(V[w (w~e •( ~h([C l• wt G (.w 9.C ~ ,q,(; b °[ ,;.~~ [.~ 4 [, •[ y(Ow 1v[ (..~~TR / b'1 ~ ~(( ~ •[[o. R.' -w u / " l w ~ ~ loh / • [. ..., _ Carolina Bc~ch / E l" itiYr +~[( [w ,~ITT.~t[+ y ..oT u ,r (( .. ~. [ ~.w [w . I '' h _ ~( «3 .(w ~ .`(V C :.( p 1Vitm(ngton Bcach '~^ <~4wt i X~~A oa ; t((r~w0 L y}T(• T ••l'<w (OU Uw( ( u.w( nt 11: (~wA ( TK , 1(:~w(~Ow • ' .., 1 ~.. • F f ~~ ( t Kure Beach /~ r,..:~((.,. ,: o.T << 117 .~ ,~' ..,..,_, t , ::.:: r DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# ~~ F.ederal Forfeited Property 96-41 `~`; ADJUSTMENT Federal Forfeited Property ~' Federal Forfeited Property Federal. Forfeited Property ,' ; Supplies 1 V EXPLANATION DATE: 3-11-96 CREDIT- $844 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 03/11/96 ITEM NO. 8A To increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property fu>nds are budgeted~as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sherff•deems necessart~. ... . i ~ _ .. ~ _ _ ._ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ ~"~~ ~~~~~~ y ~~ - APPROVED ~ ~ _~ ~~~°~~~ REJECTED (`-1 For sudg c:orryer•s a r a cn rcporc ~tc meetin i t REMOVED Q g sooners a n ; to.Co~mymr ~p,nd~enter In minutes. y ~fpit7j'E L'~°i°'~' ~ ~ POSTPONED ~~TE 3 ( R~ To be 3pprovcd~by Commissloncrs. ~ To be cntcicd~inlo minutes. DEBIT: $844 . B~xdget A~nendzT~ezzt _ ~~ y • ~ ^ + ~ ~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA .: ge.f .A-.rxlezldznezzt DATE: 03/11/96 ITEM N B ~ ,..,_ .,.~. O 8 . ! ~°. ~ i ,, DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: ., Controlled Substance Tax 96-44 3-11-96 ". ADJUSTMENT: ~- DEBIT: ~- REDIT: _. ., "--~' Controlled Substance Tax •.. °__ Controlled Substance Tax $1,318 --~ Controlled Substance. Tax - Supplies $1,318 • ... ~` EXPLANATION _ - . , r _ .. _ ~, To increase budget for'additional `revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are.budgeted'~`a`s received and must be used for law enforcement activities as~the Sheriff deems necessart~ ~ ~ - u . ~,. ~f~UNTY COMMIS LONERS ~~ APPROVED :. ~ .Z O ' ... fiEJECTED D. . ~tEMOVED D . . ~ ~TPONE ` ~M~ ~1"~?~O~ ~~~~~;~ -o» *~~ c -- ., For Budget O((icer~approval;~thcn report CommIssio'Aers at nextsregvlarmeeting and enter 1nminutc~s'.~'~~~y~~~~ h . , ~o be approvcd~y`~Com~m~ is oncrs. To be entered into min~cs~.~'~ .,1, d --~"~ CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 03/11/96 BUC~get Amendment ....ITEM N0. 8C /~i/ / iii i~~i ~ , /• / ~~%,//Gi~i/,i~///, ~~i//j~/%//,i, .; ,~/,,,i~/ ,,,~i,, ~., ~/i/ii//, i,~ //~/ , ~/j DEPARTMENT Library BUDGET AMENDMENT ,~ 96-0143 Li arX Aid to Public Library Grant Books & Periodicals EXPLANATION DATE 3./11/96 $466 To Midget funds from State grant (Aid to Public Libraries). . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED t~--'~ REJECTED D' REMOV~o a POSTPONED D ~~ ~~ DATE ~i ~~"~, ~Y~::v ~~n; $466 ~ '~ £or~Budgct Of(icer'~p•e~ then report .~.R <~~~~'~loGommissionersat e g lat•mecting ~ ~ w;,~;~_;„„~-,~;~. ,.:,e„nd~cn,~terinminutes. . To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. .. . ---' ~ CONSENT `AGENDA " Budget Amendment TDATE:0~3/11/96 •r r / / %//%•"rC"%//';'/•i' /' "!4%%i%%%/./%/i;i".,ui":.aria ji. i~:2i/`?q/i/„yro~ i,/ i% ~ ~U/ ' /i ...ii"~/,%//?', %~ 'i"~//"/L; ~'~~ / .41.E ~D//// r"/~~~/i /~~ ~",.://. . ~~// ~/"~ ,/,~.;.. .; .-.~ //~~/,..i//,/:,,iii j','r//'/j'/ i~/ //~; /,'.r/~j~i ~ir/, , r /// ://~/~j ~ ~ ~/ / ~/ . ~~i/~~/j///~/~i%r/~ ~j//i/i,r//"/r%~~~~/,'::>o.. ~// /~~~~<i/7rii:~ r.ii"i..i/....iii//r//~~i/i / r~ / // /r///, /./ %/"/./ r// ~/%/j/jj//, r/; DEPARTMENT BUDGET Ai\~IENDMENT # DATE ,~ Sheriff sDepartment/ 96-0149 ~ ~/l 1/96 • Administration - ` ~' ADJUSTMENT DEBIT S' t i ' .` Sheriff's De_oartment Other $28,97 -- ._ Departmental Supplies $23,97 ~~ ' , ti~ ,~ ~~. _ _. EXPLANATION .. ., .... .:. "• " To increase. budget•for money seized by the Sheriff's Department from, gambling (illegal lottery). _ ~1 CflUt~t'~Y COMMfSStON ~` . APPROVED C~ .. i Ottf~#~03 VT~~~9t~ i~EJECTED O F`o'°,rl'Budet 0`_fif Ccr s~approval; then report • ~ 2 2 - I~EMOvED ~ , to~Gommissioneis 3tfneat regular meeting and enter=m:mtnutes. } ~ " L3~ffi~C 9~1tt q ~ ~f 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ Two be appro~•ed by Commissioners. • ~~~• l o~e~en~~ e~dinto minutes. . ~ ~~~~ CONSENT AGENDA ' `"~ DATE: 03/11/96 BL1C~bet .~.I71eiZdment ITEM NO. 8E %%//~~%~%/Dfi/,/~/////~~/O/////~%/////~~i//.%//~i///%////////%~%%%~%O~O 1, ~ p~ J. _~ t ry~91i ~' DEPARTMENT Social Services/ Child Day Care ADJUSTMENT Social Services/ Office of Day Care Day Care Services 96-0148 3/11 /96 DEBIT CREDIT X28,250 $28,250 _ EXPLANATION To budget additional State funds for child day care services. __. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C~"- REJECTED L7 REMOVED O POSTPONED ~ DATE -~ ~~ ~ '' BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE i~~~~4~~~~~ ~~ ~~(,~~ ~~~~~ ~_~„ For Budget OCticcr's~a~then rcport ~'~ to Commissioners at ar meeting i „ ~-j/f and,cnt inminutcs. ~A,,~, _ ~_ _~L Tokbµ~e~approved by Commissioncrs. To be entercd into minutes. CONSENT AGENDA ~, •. Budget Amendment DATE: 03/11/96 ~~/ire%,~„/;,; ,/„,,~~--, -i-,,,,-;.,,,.:,,..,,.,,;,.,,<-/,- ;,,.,,,,,, ,,,;:~,~~~'/,,~ ,,,,,,.,,,;,,, ., -~,•,,, ..,ITEM NO. 8F .// -/~' j~//// / / ~ ~i .~a%.i,i /~, .u~';•./ /."~/ // iii ~/~ //, ~, /,j/i 7 ii •//- / . ~ // %/ %,%~- -// , / ~/i%~%//,;ice ~,;:s~., ; , i!%.-i:, .,,i.,, ;////~'//'./:,~oi ~~///%~'~/. i7- ~ - i/ , ~ ,/~~ „ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE. Social Services/Administration/ 96-0150 3/11/96 CP&L Intervention Program AD.IVSTMENT F I ~13~1nIT Social Services/Administration ~ , Administrative Grants 515,21 Social Services/ CP&L Intervention Program Assistance Payments S 1 x,321 ir:XPLANATIOiy To budget additional State funding~received for CP&L Project Share. .. COUN?Y COM~ONEA'S ' APPROVED .I ~~ 124 ~ ~ ~.~~ ©~o o ... • ~S;PONED ~ r ~_ '1'~.,,.r,irpw.,,~~ ~~~M QUO ror~B~u ge~t~OCI~-c~er's approeal; then report to Gommrsstoncrs at next regular meeting a e.~+p N•°sr• ~~ andten ermrmmutes. y~ ~ogbv4 pp~o~;Led`b:y Commissioners. ,Tobe entcred~into minutes. ~. „ ,, ~ ~ v t w v ~. r. w r s s t r t Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT Social Services/Administrafion Crisis Intervention Program ADJUSTMENT social Services/Administr~ti~n Administrative Giants Crisis Intervention Pro ram Assistance Payments CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 03/11/96 ITEM NO. 8~L~ DATE 3/11 /96 CREDIT $20,000 EXPLANATION To budget funds received from the Attorney General's Office for assistance with the low income heat energy assistance, Crisis Intervention Program. ~~~~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ APPROVED ~ ~ Fo~~Bu~dgeEOft~icer's en report REJECTED ~ ~ ~._,_,~~to Cornm~ signers at n~r meeting REMOVED ~ ,/ andcntcrinminutes. POSTPONED _ -~- To be appro~•ed by Commi§sionzrs. DATE -~ r ~~ ~,~, To be entered into minutes. BUDGET AMENDMENT # 96-0151 D_ EBIT 520,000 CONSENT AGENDA Budget A~nendzTient DATE: 03/11/96 DEPARTMENT BUDGET_AMENDMENT # .DATE , Human Services Transportation 96-0156 3/11/96. ~, System ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT Human Services Transportation stem _ DOT Vans - Federal 55,530 ~ ' DOT Vans -State 52,370 Motor Vehicle Purchase -57,900 ~[ EXPLANATION To .bud- et state g and federal funds for the purchase. of a new vehicle (90 percent funded by Department of Transportation). NERS COUNTY COMM~SS 0. ~ . _ _. . APPROVED ~~ REJECTED ^ ~' REMOVED ^ ~ , ~ ~MM YTUU~ ~' ~0~~ POSTPtJNED ~ For f3udgeCOrticers approval;lhen report 2 ~, . DAT 3 1 ~ ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting t~ cr ~a rda r•w+ai-i ~I a~„daentcrimminutes. .. ~ ~I'o bc~~ppro~•ed by Commissioners. To bc. enteredJJmto minutes. '1G 6