Agenda 1996 04-15'' ' - . ~ i ~ { . , . -. - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD'OF COMMISSIO~tERS , ASSEMBLY ROOM, 1YEW HAivOVER COUNTY COU"RTHOUSE . . - ,.`. 24~NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMIIYGT0IY, NC ~. APRIL 1~;-1996 ~. 9:OO~A.iV1. FETING CALL;ED~~TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G'. Greer .INVOCATION ~ ` _. PLE°DGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON=AGENDA ITEMS {Limit" three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT' AGENDA ~: ESTIMATED ITEMS OF-BUSINESS PAGE YO. TIMES ~ . , 9:15 a:m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover.Count'y -Service Awards 1 9:20:a.m. 2. 'Consideraton~of Proclamation Designating Apri1~21-27, 3 -- 1996. as County Government, Week. 9:25 am. ' . 3. Consideration of Reso(ut;ion-Recognizing Patricia Raynor as the Recipient of a State Award for Tax Collector of ~ .. ' y ~ ~ the Year.: f - „ ,, 9~ am 4__ ~ ~~or~sider-anon of;~~oclamation of'R~iireii arid-Seziicir . Hn : F . ~ . ,7 ~ ` Volunteer-Week.April2'1-27, 1"99b ~ .. 9:45 a.m. 5. _ Consideration of Proclamation` Designating May 19=25, ~ 9 ' ~. 1"996: as Emergency:Nledicat Services Week ~ " `. 10:00, a.m. 6. Consideration of `request for Capital Funding for `~ 11 '~ Elderhaus; Inc. ~ . ~ . ~~. ., 10:20 a:m: ' 7: ~ . Consideration of;Amendmenfs to .Charge a F°lat $100 . " '15 ,. ~ Fee.for an Addition to a Single Family Residence , ` 10:30-a:m. '8. Consideration of Approval bf Hurnan.Services Allocation 19 , .. Advisory Committee' Funding Recommendations:for FY96-97 10:4 a.in. 9: Presentation of Status Report on Masons Inlet ~ ~,. 23 11:20 a.m. 10. Presentation on the Futch Creek Watershed Plan ..11:30 a.m: 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ADDITIONAL ITEMS .r COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTYAT°I'QRNEY: ,: COUNTY MANAGER 11:»am ADJOURN . Noon .Meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review 27 33 31 :~;,... . ,~-:~{ ., .i~ `i e. ,,sk. F*' , ~ ..t E. .'r r .~ ... .. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT- ,- ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - ~ ~24 NORTH THIRD: STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, lYC APRIL 1~, 1996 9:00 A.M. .ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) 2.. Approval of minutes .. 35 3. . Consideration of:approval of award of contract #96-0317 -37 North Chase Water and Sewer Improvements to M&A Construction Company, Inc., and associated budget amendment #96-0177 ~ ~ - 4. Consideration of approval of request from Mr. Randall Bray 41 for water and sewer service of a proposed commercial & residential project on the west side of the Northeast Cape Fear River "- . . ~. Consideration of approval of request for sewerallocation 43 -at;:the Nrxtluide Wastetivater Treatment Plant 6. Consideration of acceptance of contract #96-0317 with Edwin 47 Andrews and Associates to perform a groundwaterstudy and approval of associated budget~amendment #96-0176 7. Consideration of approval of budget amendment #96-0174 to 61 ' ~ ' appropriate Water & Sewer District. fund balance for i_ ..cgntinuation of the Sewer Connection and Plumbing Improvements • , ~ Assistance Program ~. . ADJOURN... .. .... ; , . -. . i "- f NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIOYERS ~~CONSENT AGENDA . . ~ ': APRIL 1,:1996, 9:00. A.M: ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE IYO. 1. Approval of Minutes 6~ 2. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County 67 Fire District Collection reports ""~ 3. Approval of bid #96-0309 and contract #96=0309 for an open 71 . ~~rs plan office;system forDSS and associated budget amendment #96-47 .. 4. Acceptanceof DWI Enforcement'Overtiine Grant awarded to !09 Sheriffs Department and approval of associated budget amendment#96-0169 ~:.~ , ~ -~~ ~ ~: ` ~, ~~ . 5. Acceptance ofmini-:grant awarded to ,Sheriff's Department for 123 the amount of $1,889 and approval of associated budget amendment #96-0168 6. .. - ~ .. _:Auth~riz~-f nal..payrnent;of ihe. $1,Ow00 buy.=out, ~and.execution 129 of the De Micromis settlement fom~s, :Seaboard Group Action ;7. , Approval of Assistant County Manager to continue as 135 designated County. off cial to :make ~recommendation~ to the ABC Commission on permit'application 8. Approval of award of bid-#96=0372 and contract #96-0372 for 137 . , a backhoe for the Parks Department to N.C. Equipment ~~ Company forthee-amount 'of$39~,7~19~and approval of draft contract . ~u,,,,,,,iu~ 9. Acceptance of $1.1,500 block grant award by N.C: State 1 ~7 University and approval of associated budget amendment #96-0178 10. Approval of DOT right-of: way request fora 70 ft. Easement on 183 Frederickson Road 11. Approval of Resolution of Intent to close an unnamed road in 193 Crestwood subdivision 12. Committee Appointments. 197 13. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #96-46 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 201 Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems <; necessary B. #96-017 to budget additional State revenue for a computer, 202 software and printer for the Chi:Idhood Lead. Poisoning Program ,;:~, ~. .~ , `~. . (.~~ a~ ~ t . ;. ,"• REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Dater 04/15/96 " Regular Item #: 1 -~ " ~ Consent Item #: " -Additional"Item #: bepartment: Human Resources Presenter: Chairman Greer . Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Rosetta Bryant- SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards ° BRIEF SUMMARY: _ . -The employees listed qualify for recognition due to their length of service with New Hanover County. Service awards will be provided by the Human Resources Department. ~~ FIVE (~) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Julianne M. Griffin -Finance; Emory D. Powell, Sr. -Sheriff; Lee W. Dyches EMS . TEN (10}YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Sharon L. Smith= MIS; Michal A. Benegasi -Tax; Larry E. Ray - EMS; Frances D. Justice - DSS FIFTEEN (15) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Henry Chisholm -Print :Shop; Susan G. Harper -Health TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: James S. Bethune-Tax; and Delores H. Carpenter Sheriff. ~. ,~~~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS: .... , " FUNDING SOURCE: " Fede~at S~ , .. _ State S: County S: User Fees S: Other $: Money Is, In Current Budget. New, Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared:. _ _ , EYIEWED B (LGL: FIN: BUD:,APP CGRIFFIN HR: APP AMAI.I.ETT TY A A R' . ~ _- , Present awards and recognize employees. ,._- ~. " r i al~~~ , ~ . ~~y~CROV~o ~ ~~ Rt.i ~ ~ i~G.IC.~---c~± L e ~5 ~~ ~ ~ '~ REMt~Y ~~~ °~ ~tE' - . ,. , 4~ Rreferto Office vision Bulletin Board forDis sition " ""' '°"""'""r"'""+^~1+d~fi- - / s~~ .. .... ~ 'r'~.<:~ .. ... 6.~ .%i .. •i ~` y.p~ ~tet~t! '~• 2 w ~,r.F,~ti ~: ~; + R ~~~, ' ~~: y~ d' • ~ ... +. .):w ..~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 Regular. Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Chairman Greer Page Count~In.Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Pat Melvin JU13JGl. l Proclamation of National County Government Week BRIEF. SUMMARY: Apri121-27, 1996 has been designated National.County Government Week. New Hanover County joins counties nationwide in this celebration. The theme for the week is "Bridging the Generations: Counties Address Intergenerational Issues." Additionally, New Hanover County joins the nation in kicking. off a 5-year campaign to increase public awareness of services offered by counties. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Proclaim April 21-27,..1996 National County Government Week. FUNDING S4URCE• ~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ . Federal,S_ State S: ~ County S: User Fees $: Other S: ,,. Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: BudgetAmendment Prepared: - _. Y11~'.WL'll ti LGL: FIIV: BUD: FR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• -- Approve Proclamation. t~E~~7~'D C, ! ~1~8L'c~. t. ReCerto Office vision BulletiniBoard for Disposition 3 ~~~~~ o ~~~~~~ ~~n WHEREAS, county government has. a long and rich history and is one of the oldest forms of local government in America. During the 1800s and the early part of this century, the primary functions of county government involved the administration of justice, law enforcement, and the building and maintenance of roads; and WHEREAS, in recent decades, the responsibilities of county government have grown enormously. New Hanover County spent $32,138,713 last year providing libraries, sheriff and f re protection, health and welfare services, parks and recreation,. programs for the eldzrly and young people, and dozens of other services for our citizens; and WHEREAS, counties care for America with the wide spectrum of services they provide to their residents. With devolution, the shift of responsibilities from the federal level to state and local governments, that spectrum could further expand; and WHEREAS, devolution offers county governments opportunities and challenges. Devolution allows for flexibility.and greater'local control by county officials. The`challenges will be to continue to provide the range of,local,aervices, while adding new responsibilities, all with limited resources; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has seized opportunities and met challenges in the past. The leadership, innovation and valuable service .provided by our nation's counties, deserves ,recognition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does designate the week of April 21 = 27, 1996 as . National County Government Weeli. - Adopted this the 15th day of April, x 996...... _~ , ._.... ~ .. : °" `~ ., _:,,. x:.:, . .... _ _ .. .. ... ,. _ ~+. ..._ . : ..~............ « ~..~.._.«.~-...rte r.ew'» . s .:.:=. ~ .. _ 4 . Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~~ - - -- ~ -- ~ ~ ~- - -~' - - ~ ~ - ~ -Board of County Commissioners ~ ~ ' - ,~, - . ~ ~ ATTEST:. . 4 Clerk to the Board •. t ~_ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 Regular Item.#: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's Office Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact:~Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: . Recognition of Patricia Raynor and Collections Division Staff of Tax Department. .BRIEF SUMMARY• "~ Resolution of Recognition for Patricia Raynor, Collector of Revenue, in the Tax Department. Ms. Raynor is .recipient of this ,year's outstanding performance.award. Ms. Raynor and the staff of the Collections Divison achieved a collection rate of 95.8 percent in 1995. The overall 10-year collection rate is a very respectable 99..56 percent. The award was presented to her by the N.C. Association of Municipal and'County Tax Collectors. .. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS Adopt Resolution.. ~ ~ ~ . ` k'IJNDING'SOURCE• - . .. ---~ Federal-S: State S: County S: ~ User Fees $: Other $: .Money [s In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~Budget.Amendment Prepared: , REVIEWED BY• _._ - -:- - - LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: . FIR• COUNTY MANAGER'S COM~M NTS AND RE nMn~ENDATIONS Adopt Resolution. ~~~~ 1. ~~~~ :. , ~l~ii~ _ - . - . s ,;. b#,~,~ . ~ . , . w ,. Rcfcr o Office Vision Bulletin Board for Deposition ~. ..5` ~~~ WHEREAS, at its annual meeting on Thursday, March 28th, the North Carolina Association of Municipal and County Tax Collectors presented to Patricia J. Raynor, Collector of Revenue for New Hanover County, the "TaxCollector of the Year" award, for her outstanding performance; and WHEREAS, Ms. Raynor has been employed with New Hanover County since August 14, 1973 and was promoted to Collector of Revenue on August 17, 1981; and , . WHEREAS, he'r duties 'include collection of all county and municipal property taxes for New Hanover County, administration and collection of.room occupancy taxes, and privilege license fees; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County's overall collection rate of 1995 was 98.5 percent due to the great work of Ms. Raynor and the Collection Division staff. Over aten-.year period, the collection rate is a very. respectable 99.56 percent;: and WHEREAS, Ms. Raynor, Past-President of he Collectors' Association,~has state-wide recognition and respect, for a very high level of performance, professional behavior, and a high percentage of collections. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of -~ •~ Commissioners` recognizes 'Patricia '.1. ~taynor and `'tfie "Collections )iv~ision staff'fo% their commendable service. t . ,; , - . .Adopted this the 15th day of April, 1996 4..._ ! . - . _ _'~~ .. i3 .. ~} .v• ',1 ~,. ._ .. _ . __ _. '* .. _ ~. ~ ' ~ ~ . _ Robert G. Greer,'Chairman . ..,,. _ .. '_¢ y _ Board of County Commissioners . .. ;.. .- ATTEST: ~ . ~~ ..,. ,~. ~ - i ~~~ `~s~$'', ri t r L ~~r ~ K 61erk to the Board ~ ~'~ ,,` 5~ '" ~ . ,~~q~q~~x~q y~~'F~; -. ~~C,C t Y :'s'1, zPxa~r.._ `.. ~3'~?7~p!.:C: ,H~i~a "~L~~~.. ~._ •' .. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 . Regular Item.#: 4 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Aging-RSVP Presenter: Howard Brown .Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Howard Brown SUBJECT:... _ _ - _ . - Proclamation of Retired and Senior Volunteer Week April 21-27, 1996 BRIEF SUMMARY: The week of April 21, 1996 has been declared National Volunteer Week. Since RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) volunteers are such a tremendous asset to our community, this would be a logical time to declare "Retired and Senior Volunteer Week." Currently,, 850 RSVP volunteers serve in over 80 .non-profit and government agencies in New Hanover County giving in excess of 130,000 hours annually, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ ~~~ ... _ ~ .. Request Commissioners to proclaim the week of April 21, 1996 as Retired and Senior Volunteer Week in New Hanover County. ' ~ ~ . ; ~ .. .. .r FUNDING SOURCE: ~ ~ -. . - .~.:~ . .. ... ~ - , .. x' .y~, _ ,. . _ . r. Federal S:- State St County S: User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: -New Appropriation Request: "• Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A' AMALLETT C'OTTNTV MANAf F.R':C C'(1MM1,7NTC ANTI RF('l11V~MFNTIeTTn~re. Refcr to Once w;ion Bulletin B i ., , ~~ - - --Y~~~.' '`: ~; .~ ~ _7 ~~,~ ~ " i dew 7~unover County Boarcf of Commissioners Proclamation RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER WEEK _ .. .. WHEREAS, the week of April 21; 1996 is_National Volunteer Wee1~ and 850.Volunieers of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program .contribute °over 130,000- hours of service annually in New Hanover County, and ~ ~. - WHEREAS, over Eighty non-profit and government agencies benefit from the services of RSVP Volunteers, and ~ .. .. WHEREAS, our community depends to a great degree:on ahe willingness of individuals freely . giving, of their-time as volunteers, and :' ~ -. ~ ` ~~ ~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. . ~VHEREA$, New Hanover County recognizes the significance of RSVP Volunteers, as well as volunteers of other ages; NOW;. _ T.HE~REFORE . BE ,IT -RESQLVED :=that she New .. Hanover- -County .Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the week of April 21 - 27; 1996, as RETIRED A1VD SENIOR VOLUNTEER WEEK in New Hanover County; North Carolina and- encourages all citizens to . express their appreciation by becoming more involved in the life of our Community. _ ._~. ; . . ~ ~. . .. ~~z ~-, ~3. ~. _ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~. _, r ,~ ... <, Kr F. Harrell; Clerk torthetBoard; ~"~a~ _ ~ . .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 Regillar Item-.#: 5 ~ . ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: . Department: Emergency Medical Service Presenter: Chairman Greer .Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Larry E. Ray SUBJECT.: "Emergency Medical Service Week" BRIEF .SUMMARY: Proclamation declaring May 19 - 25, 1996 as "Emergency Medical Services Week" in New Hanover County. ~, ~ - . ~~E.. _ .. - ~ ..- .- ~._ _ _ . ~ . . i - ~ ... :RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ,~ Request adopting Proclamation, authorizing the Chairman to sign. ; .: _~.. _ ~~ FUNDING .SOURCE:. .. ....- ., ... ~ : r. . _ ._ : . ~.~ ~~ . ... t .. _ .._ _.. ~ .~. ._ __ ,.. _ - :. Federal Si State S: .County S: User Fees S: Other $. Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: .. ,Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED.BY: , _ _ .- :: .' .....__ _ LGL-: FIN:.. BUD: HR: UN ER' ____.. _ 1 Recommend-adoption:. ' _ ..,. ,L_. - ,'. ~ AP~~Q11~b cam-- ~ - wosl,~,`,~ . . /.~ C ... ~Y ... _. - .. ..- Refer to OtBce Vision Bulletin $oard for Disposition '. f I dew mover Coun Board o Commissioners ~ f .. ~ - ~'roc~amation . .. WHEREAS, this year .marks. the tenth anniversary ofthe New Hanover County Emergency Medical Services program, and .. WHEREAS, this program has produced .significant progress to include a well defined prehospital care system, enhanced Advanced Life .Support care levels, impr--owed training,. and. a designated trauma care center, and WHEREAS, these changes, which have affected, all areas of the- county, would not have been possible without a dedicated team effort by the organizations, agencies, and professionals involved in emergency medical services; and - WHEREAS, it is in keeping with aleir: ~ dedication..that we ~~~set aside a~special time. to .. recognize, their contributions to the welfare of the citizens of New Hanover County. .~. ~ ~. NOW; THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of May 19 through.2S, 1996, as~ ~£M£_~~'~NGY MEDICAh .SERVICES -WEEK .. ~,, in New Hanover. County, and dedicates this observance to those. individuals whose tireless and selfless •efforts ..provide critical life-saving medical. care a our, citizens.. ....._ ~ - - ~..~ ... Adopted this 15th day of April, 1996. - . . , :~. ;: ,~" a ;~r(w r},~s '+ 'C1 ~f'%tt`y3~f}w7 ~~k ~: e .j ~ ~F x ~~«q';~ .,. ~~~ .. .. ._ Robert G. , Greer, ~ Chairman ~ ~~: - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 04/1/96 Zegular Item #: 6 .. .. ... Consent Item.#: Additional Item #: )epartment: Presenter: Mark Alper-Linda Pierce 'age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.TECT: Consideration of Request for Capital Funding for Elderhaus, Inc. BRIEF SUMMARY: _.. Elderhaus, Inc. is requesting the Board of Commissioners consider funding aone-time capital commitment of $200,000 to help construct a facility to house their. clients. Their analysis indicates that clients served by Elderhaus remain in independent/semi-independent. status and out of nursing. home care costs the County less through the required Medicaid match than if those same clients required nursing home Gaze. RECOMMENDED:MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• COtlNTY C~MMtQSIQI~~, APPROVED C .............. . REMOVED Q POS"t~pN • ~ Cb FUNDING. SOURCE: ~ ~ ~ - . Federal S: State_S: County $: ~ - User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget,Amendment,Prepared: ~~~ I<2EVIEWED BY• , • .. , . _ - LGL: .FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• ~ r . ' __ _ - Consider funding the request. The Elderhaus analysis is an accurate, factual, and true representation of the County's Medic id match requirements. If the Commissioners approve funding, it should come from unappropriated ~ nd la ce. Elde-rhaus, Inc. has advised that a multiple yeaz commitment would be appropriate. ~ -. ., ~ .. - ... . ~~ ltcfcr to Office VisionBulletin Board for Disposition ELDERHAUS March 22, 1996 ELDERHAUS, INC. 2394 Carolina Beach Road • Suite A-5 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 .. _ (910) 343=8209 Mr. Allen M. O'Neal, County Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street -Room 502 Wilmington, ~NC 28401" Dear'Mr. O'Neal p ~~~od~ ~~ ~ ? 1996 ' ,NEW HgNOVER CO. I MANAGFR~c ncrin~ Elderhaus, Inc. is seeking aone-time capital commitment from the New Hanover County Commissioners of $200,000 to help construct a permanent facility to house our Adult Day Care and Adult Health Services. Elderhaus has served over 217 residents of New Hanover County since our doors first opened in 1981. The program is acost-effective way of assisting persons in our community whose family members suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, other dementia disorders or multi- chronicdiseases "4~~~~ ~ ~~~,? '~1~'~~, ~, .,~ Our clients remain in their dome"s"~and~ar<e supported by their family for fifteen (15) hors-.der day ar}d spend-~p~to nine=(9)~tiours ;der. days-with the FJderJ~aus staff. The quality oflfe~ofour.~cl~rents~and~thei~~families is greatly enhanced by the services provided at Elderhaus. People prefer to stay at home. Their medical expenses:are~apt to be less because~they .are more content. Family members can continue to work . ~.. ouCside~he home while clients engage in social activities offered through the program. Nursing homes and rest homes offer important and appropriate levels of care for certain individuals grid families. But, as the population of -New Hanover County continues to age rapidly (45% increase in the over 65 years of age population), it is - .~ vital that alternative'community_based programs are available: The new Elderhaus .~ " facility will increase our service capacity'by 60% from fifty-two (52) to eighty-six (86) ~' clients. ...' ~ ~ , ~ - _ ~ ~ .. _ .. ,. -~ In addition to enhancing the.quality-of life for many of:our citizens, Elderhaus' service . ,saves County tax payers an estimated $1.00,000 a year. Reduced public support, ~• increased client independence and family centered care is good for our community. 12 Y,~ A United Way Agency Mr. Allen M. O'Neal, County Manager ~ Page Two March 20,1996 U .. Elderhaus plans to add a 4,000 square foot service-specific designed building to our lake site facility. The City of Wilmington. contributed.the lake site facility and adjacent .land to build the new center. The value of the City's contribution is $110,000. Elderhaus is~seeking ~an additional $400;000 in contributions from. corporations, foundations and individuals. If you have questions.about our services or the need for this facility, please don't hesitate to contact me. Your support is vital to the well being of our citizens 2nd their families. . .Sincerely, . .. . Linda 'Pearce Mark Alper ._.. " ~ . Executive Director Campaign Chairman, .~ - Enclosure '- /db ~ .... .~ -• _.i .. - ~ ~. .. ' . ~ L ~, ~. ~. - ~ ,i O •V' ;ct O O O et st ~ v a~ O th. O ,> ~ .' (O ~ to r to ~ ai 0 ~ ~ N ~ y 47 ~ ao cD ~ ~ • `_ r' c C . :::.: >:; _::: :::i:::i .... - E!) EA EA ... ,. d9 ~+ . >;>;:: O t0 O O ca r: ~ n Ll: .. :; u7 N eM- N ~ ° O N O V • Q: G1.: ~ ~ ~ N L:: 7 V QQ EA f+9 EA EA ~ ~ Z = O . .... ... ~ ~ O f0 W CD ~' c~ u~ N (O ~ ~0.. Q ~ O N N to o ~ ca Cl) J rn ~ ~ W p m ~; ... U ~ W y tC3 O ~^ W . rn cal r- M N f~ v ~ ~ rn o0 .0 ~ ~ ~~- tp . st ~ ~ D -fG / V • ~ ~ ' `- ' W W O ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ._ ~ ;. ~ O ~ ~"" d.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E Z W ~ ~ N DO n O C'7 ~ V ~ rn ' N O ~ r- c•~ c~ ~ ~n (p N u'1 u i ~ O ~~ ++ ,;: V ; ~~ : _, ~' ~ to ~ C'7 f~ ~ N ~ d V ~ Qi O. N LL, W ~ E9 .., i9 ,. 69 , _ . fA O N ~ ~ . .. ~ .~ . m °o o LL 0 ~"~ ` o 0 0 ~ o o Z O Q' eo ~ 0 N o ~ o a ~ ~, CVi. ; ~ ~,~.~ {n N ~ (f7 ~ r C _ _. . ~ ~ ._ ~ ~. ~ d • W Z ` .. ` N o W o c c ~ ~ c o z ca _ ~.O ~ ~ .` °10 _ ~•O O ~ 0°'~ C o ` f _ ~ Q N N m 0 ~3~ ~ .3~ ~` oa ~-a1~ "' ~ r O a ~ ~ j ~ ~ 4 j`W ~' O ~~ V Z 1 Ica d 4 O H O O~~ O V O ~ ~ o C V •> E O ~ ~~ ~ O ~ tq ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ v • ~ ~• ~ ~ O «. O ~ L ~ .r ,~. r N -~ ~ d ^ y .~ ~ ^~. y : _ f!1 ~ U U J Q. ~ y Q) y ~ O V O U O E O of ~ C f" c .~ N ~p C O C O O .C O ~ C O O •~ ~~ ' t6 .C C ~~ d~ m C N 4 _ ~ ~ " ~~y~ Qa ~' a ~~~~ ¢~ c c =~~j away ~ ~ ~~ 1 r 0 a a d E 0 L y c d O L Ol C •.y . . c O N N ~ iv N p~ '; :~ ~' s ~ -o ~ ~ C • j V f~0 ~ O y L U a n, ~~ ~ ~ L y ,,U = ~ U 'C ` t .O d ~' ~ U •'y W ~ ~ of •~ ~o L C ~ C Of LIl ' cO..7 C 'inp 7 O cU U • C N t c - E O,ay . .W >• ~~c~ d C ~ E.~ • ~' rn m t ~ ~ C _ ~ ~ ~~ y C Q~ c W .~ C o ~ C o N ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ea c co O y ~ ~ ~ C N r c 27 ° N O a p v 1L E r o s ~ ~ a`o vv a d ye w H E ,: d ~~o d o s ~~ d ~ E s o o 0 n m ~ o U C y ~ Z 10 l0 d m ~ ` O ~ C C ~ o ~ ~' ° ° U 'o H .d N N C1 a O L ~~ U U -• n I ~ n e~ v REQUEST: FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/1/96 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Dave Weaver Consideration of amendments to charge a flat $100 fee for an addition to a single family residence BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its March 18 meeting, requested staffto bring back the attached draft amendments to the Water, and Sewer Ordinance to charge a flat $,~ fee for additions to single family residences. Additions are presently not charged. due to an existing regulation that exempts additions from being charged (15-18(4)). Staff initially proposed that additions be charged on a square footage basis ($.67~/SF) in order to be consistent with our square footage charge for construction of a new residence. Charging a flat $100 fee regardless of the.size of the addition, however, would be easier to administer and will generate approximately the same total amount of revenue, but may result in some inequities in individual cases. The existing ordinance adopted 12/18/95 is also attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION .AND REQUESTED AETIONS: _ _ ..._ .. The Board should consider adopting the attached amendments. co~snr~c cA~~sro~ ` ~ • Aep~vEO C~a°,~ ~~~ #2EJECTC~f fli •: € • ~ -~~ REMt?VED~, r~ >OURCE: • State S: County S: User Fees S• Other $: Federal S• Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: ~-- I .. , .. . . • Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: __ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT Consider adoption of amendments as-req 15 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~ti ®~~•."~ AN ORDINANCE ~ ~--~ OF THE NEW'HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, does hereby amend Chapter 15, Water Supply System, Article II, Waste Water Collection and Treatment, as follows: Amend the existing definition of New development by deleting subsection 15-18 (4) which reads "The expansion of or addition to asingle-family residential structure or a single- family mobile home, so long as such expansion or addition does not result in amulti-family structure." Amend subsection 15-124 (d) by adding the following at the end of the first paragraph: ' "An addition to asingle-family residence will'be charged $100.00." Except as specifically amended above, said chapter shall remain in full force and effect. IsEAL] ~~ ~ ATTEST: This the • " day of February, 1996.. ~ r ~ ~c ~Y ~ k~f d 4 JYYZii } 1t N i , . ~~ ~ ~'~` ~~`~''~`~~~~~~~ NEW HAi~IOVER COUNTY .~~~p~.~~,~~~y,4 ~" ~ ~ h ~~~~ ij ~.2 ~ t ~i __ wr ~mfa s7 J r nm. :.W ~J 1. h .~` p. ~,:A,~'i.]`4t :... A'!W''rt2~'J~'y^'11yMw'~Y6 ~1.~~~~ _ ., .. Robert G. Greer, Chairman . t ~" •~ ~ Board of Commissioners -~ "'~-. -, 16 SLIDING IMPACT FEES ~ - AN ORDIN.~IVCE Or NEW Fi~NOVER COUNTY ` The Board oL County Con~,issioners Amend Subsection 15-124 (d) .. ._ ~ _ r .. _ .. (a) T:~e ~ ~_ _~ ~ _ _ :..f .facility fee 'will be determined as~specified in~secton 15-121 (b) , however the mini~r:u•:~ -fee will not apply in ti:~ following circus„stances: .(1) Nonrzsidential deve~ooment or unit obtaining z certificate of occupancy where the structure is not' rew -development. (2) 1~ozresidential development or unit obtaining .a building pz~rmit with ar. estirated co*!'struction cost ' o= less tnaz two Ehousa^3 dollars `($2,000.00), w;zere the, structure is .not new development. (3) Building permits for .new dzvelopcn?nt where there is no plumbing in he entire structure. If plumbing is added later, the `- `-~ ~~ ~ ;' - ._ -~` _~'~ r` - 1 facility fey for new de~~lopne^t gill apply. Amend subsection 15-12.I (b) 17• . -, .~C .. .. _•,' ~ .~ N gin. `~i'` ~' ~.:).L.._~,~'_~'~~7;`..:.::-. :..=: ~:Y2 ~~ (, YY- ~ ~ ~ ~ .... - . . (b) t '` Facility fee. All new development -and nonresidential development obtaining a certificate of occupancy shall pay the _ _,,,,.-. .~ facility fee specified: in. section 15-124,. based yon average daily flow. Swimming pools will be exempt from the treatment plant capacity fee. Averag` daily flow for the purposes of .the impact ,fee shall bz;determined as follows:' (1) Residential unit: '" - ~~^^~ •~ See 15-12,a ---_ .._.. _ ... __ .. _ . (2) Nonresidential unit: Flow crite.r~a as recommended b t y he statz .division of environmental management forsewage syste;,i regui,rements .. In the ev_nt a .flow is not speei-tied by~ the, state division of environ,;,ental management for a particular usage, the flow shall bz based on water usage of sinila= facilities as determined by the district.. (3} Nonresidential unit (indust,rial wastewater) ~ Indus•:ries that .generate industrial wast.ewat_r, .have a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NODES) permit, 'maintain a wastewater treatment facility with capacity sufficient tb cover the `average daily wastewater floor may • bz exempted ~ from ` Mahe - `- - ` - fac~ ~ itw _ feA by .the b~~a*'d o. cour_ty comr,~~ ss ~ on~rs based on ~ 'the'sz azd .other ' c°_ite=~: Tni s szctior. ~aoe~ not eYenpt any .non-p;ro.eess dor,,estc. wastewater. •~ 41hpr. th? L dst_ict's wastewater sy~te~ becomzs available to a r_onresid~ntal .unit havnc ,austrial wastewaCer, the _~_ .. , _ .~ ~.. r_facility :f~~ shall be paid prior to connection. _ _ -~ - .a " REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION D Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: ~... Department: Outside Agencies Presenter: Cam Griffin Page Count In Agenda Package:4 SUBJECT: Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee's Funding Recommendations for FY96-97 ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached please find the Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee's FY96-97 funding recommendations for the outside agencies recommended to receive general fund and Community Based Alternatives (CBA) funding. _ ~.. . " RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• " Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve the CBA funding recommendations arid authorize the Coun Mana er to si the necess _ forms so the a lications can be sent to the tY g ~ ~Y PP -State. Recommend that the Board of County, Commissioners review the recommended funding for human service agencies funded by the general fund as part of the FY96-97 budget reveiw process. _ ; FUNDING SOURCE: - .~ ~. ~ ~• Federal ~ State S: 2s~,851 County 5: 248,150 User Fees S: Other 5: .,. - Money Is In Current Budget:.no New Appropriation Request: yes Bridget Amendment.Prepared: no - REVIEWED BY: -., , .... .. , " LGL: ". FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION~• Recommend approval ?and action as noted above. D -: . . - ,. , .- er ice uwn u eun Board for Disposition ~ ,,1 M. CAMERON GRIFFIN Budget Director NE`~V HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET DEPARTMENT 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM ~ 12 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 23401-4027 TELEPHONE (910).3al-7128 FAX (910) Sal-x027 ~. DATE: April 1, 1996 ~ . TO: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners FROM: Cam Griffin, Budget Director C~ RE: Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee's Funding Recommendations for FY96-97 --- Community Based Alternatives (CBA) and General Fund The Human Services Allocation'Advisory Committee met on March 7 to formulate its • FY96-97 funding. reconunendations. Please f nd attached a spreadsheet of the funding recommendations as well as requested amounts and current funding Ievels. I request that the Board approve the CBA funding recommendations and authorize the County Manager to sign -the necessary forms so the applications can be submitted to the State. As done in the past, .the general fund human services agency recommendations can 'be . .. considered as part of the FY96-97 budget review process. ' _ ~_ ._~_ ._ ,.. ,.. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. cc: Human Services Allocation Advisory Committee ., ~ .. .Attachment , . ~...._... ._.. . 20 •; . . .. ~ r _ .t ~ .~ ,w+ ~, ^~ ~~ ~5-~ n~ ~~~~~~ a 4A . M ~y~p ~`'~. a'~Pr+N.~)'~n1i¢?'~+~asicA.N~a•~,'.:"v~F"~ti*y«,~ri~w'y.~~ ~ U ~ O cD O O O a0 c`7 0 0 0 0 cD O O O f Q~ O O N ~ ~ ~ O O N O O O Fi? O ~ cD O~ M O 69 O 0 O 0 fA . t~ ~ O 0 O 0 ,9 ~ O EA 69 to C7 ~ ~!f ~ ti a0 O I c7 N O '- O O C70 f~ }' C') 00 A fA fA v 69 N !fl N K1 N fA N lA N fA ~ EA ~ fA O l.l.. Ef) f ~ ~ to O c0 O O O cD c0 O O O O O D 0 0 o 0 c) - Q~ O ~ aj O N .O O O " st N O ' O O _O O O, O t cD . W (~ ~ 'O O O O u ) N ~ t1 ) O c0 O O O O cD r- Of O~ ~ ~ ~ .-- f~ 00 c0 st ch t7 N O O O ' O O cp ~ ~ ~7 :~ O 69 69 EH N N '- N N .- c' ) N N N c`7 c0 ~ ~ fA tf) EH fA 1H EA fA to fH H EH EH ~ ~ . . ~ ~ 0 0 0 O rn c0 ~ O O O ,O N O O O O 0 0 N ~ ~ O H O fA '~ cD ch O O O O O) O O O ~ to to ~A ~ ~ O '- O O O) O ~ O O O ca O O O c'~ ~ ~ C`') 1~ f~ 00 O ~ C'1 O W O C'7 u) ` ~ tt•) f~ c`7 (~ 69 b9 ~ N r N r r r N r f~ O ' ~"' ~ EA fA fA fA V) 69 fA EA fA iA to ~ LL. m H O N O, C ~ fD U • O ~.. ,~ U ~ Z d d C C ~ U •~. O a W U c O ~ cII , fC y d H ~ C C. • O O Z C. ~ O C % ~ C J U C • N • ~ c ~ ~ co L ~ y ~ 0 0 E - n~ m v, . • ~ cv ~ ~ L U U ~ ' y a U E o N U ~ m aci U o ~ O O U ' C c9 A E U O cB y U N p d Y C U ~ ~ O ' U = ~ ~. ~ C . ~ U O C U ~ C y. t~/ N ID V ~ ~ O, N m y ~ ~ ~` °~ _ ~ . y E o o aci ~ a~ -' a~ L U ~ U' ~ U E d ~ts. ~ C o C. 7 O ` . C . O.. O . ' N C . N C Q. U L J • y .- . O • Z • , Z --~ T ~ N ~ O . _ ~ p O. ?~ O ~. O_ Y d O ~, . _ cfl. a~ . . v a~ co ( n, N c. ~ E ~ ~: r d ~o co E - n 3 O E E a o~ E d O. ~ O cv' U O O O t c o O O ' . cII ca . N • .= 0 = C7 Q O W( ~ Y ~ U U U U U J.t L) L U. p m U Z .. 2 ~. y ~ (j c0 M ap N ~ O O O O O .- ~ ~ O~ N C') N O CA tf~ 69 to EA N. . D C ~ ir') O rn :- O ~ C ~ T- N N C~ N N ~- ~ EH N fA ~ EA CD lA 11 • EN N N , th i ~ to W t~ (D N 0 0 0 0 O f~ O ~ ~ O E M ch 0 0 0 N O S CO ' ~ ~ r r CO O O I O. O' a0 O O M ' ~ ~' ~ O r N CD i 0 O r O N CD ~ CO. 69 C7 fA tD 69 (~ (!~ ~7' r N fA N 69 ~- tH to 69 ~ fR c 1 ~ fA H. ~ ~ N c7 CO ~ c'7 O O O O O C~ ., N ~ O C'') N ~ fA to EA ~ fA N ~ ~ e-- ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ r 6 N N ~ N ~ N tA' ~ ' j ~ ~ 9 EA ~ , m , ' t. r is f N o E ~ _ ~ ~ a~ Q, o E ~, o. O d ~ ~ i ~ O .~ ~ U , E ~ c O ` J :~ ~ W •Q N •~, ~ N V o a U ~- ~ ~ .. s ~ b ..~ c~i .. O U ~ ~ ~ a : O Q] ~ C ~ CO U . . O Q„ 'C p , O V` O, 7 'C.A N ~ ~ ~O ..: d '~ O O Q m ~0 X N , C T ~+ O E h N W .y N CVO (V9 V _ .U_ V ~ ' Q~ V . . ~ N _ ,> > a ~ ,a~ a~ ~ t. m ~ N' ~ ~ y j f/~ ~ 'R O j ~ a ~ ` U Q O U L V L V -~ ~ LL.' lL '7 J fn i t ~ ~ i • i ~• :, i +5 ' _ v ae-'e~a^~~~~ Apri13, 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE 1 t TO: Board of Commissioners ` ' FROM: Dave Weaver~~ ~ ' THROUGH: Allen O'Neal RE: Erosion Problem at Mason's Inlet The Problem .. ,~ . Mason's Inlet continues to migrate rapidly to .the south toward Shell Island Resort and otlier'properties. The water is now approximately 150 feet from the Town of Wrightsville .Beach's Pubtic Access improvements. The Inlet possibly could begin to erode the foundation, of the Resort within the next 12 months. The.Solution No inexpensive and simple solution exists to control the erosion. A short term solution, however,, is needed within the next six to-twelve months to slow down the erosion until along- term solution can be,developed. ~ _ . ,. At present, the most likely short term solution would involve dredging a new channel across the rapidly accreting -sand spit ezfending from the south end of Figure Eight Island.. The °~ ; ~, existing channel to the south would;be closed by filling with the sand dredged from the new . ;# channel. Temporary erosion control measures, e.g. sandbags, also may be needed. to protect the~~~ Resort. Initial dredging would cost one to two million dollars. It is hoped that.environinental ,r,~.,, ~, ;permits for this limited project would take'no more than several months. ~' f, . ,;,.` A long term solution'°may'be to ledge he-new~channel described: for.the'short=term •~ :_,.. solution above, and extend this dredging;"to the, west out the old channel, clear to the:Atlantic :~:~ Intracoastal Waterway (AIW~~ Thisyso'IutionwouId~-'cost several million dollars to implement R~ ... and take two years to obtain the ,necessary enyironmental~pennits. ~ ~ ~ ' ., ~:_ 7; 4 Both the short and Ion term solo ion would require ;maintenance dredging every several 24 . g ;t .xr~~~.~ tz ~~ t a=,k ' 3... v Board of Commissioners April 3, 1.996 Page Two years at a cost of roughly one million dollars each time, but would serve as a source of sand for beach renourishment. Several-other factors complicate the project beyond the high cost and the complex environmental permitting requirements. First, it is highly unlikely that Federal or State funds are available for this project. Second, a number of different stakeholders with different interests are involved, including the County, the Town of Wrightsville Beach, Shell Island Resort Homeowners Association, Figure Eight Island Homeowner Association, and other private .property owners. The :Federal and State agencies are involved through permitting actions. Recommendations Representatives from the. different involved groups, at-a recent meeting, decided by general consensus to return to their respective boards to discuss the possibility of apublic-private . partnership with financial participation to implement short and long term solutions. A need exists for one of the groups to coordinate the~efforts. The~County, inclose contact with Town of Wrightsville Beach, should possibly be the leader, because of its encompassing jurisdiction and its control of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund^for erosion. D W/aj 25 ^~ 26. A REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 04/15/96 EZegular Item;#: 10 :. .. .. .Consent Item#: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Patrick Lowe . Page Count In Agenda Package: 4. Contact: Dave Weaver ~ SUBJECT: ' Presentation on the Futch Creek Wate_ rshed Plan BRIEF. SUMMARY: This item was re-scheduled from your March 28, :1996; staff meeting. Patrick Lowe will make a ~~ presentation based on the material already distributed to you in notebook form. The Board will be asked to consider the following: A) Appointment of members to a community steering committee ~~ B) Directing the Planning .Board and staff to complete the development of the Futch Creek Watershed Management Plan, C) Directing -staff to pursue development of an iriterlocal agreement with Pender County RECOM MENDE D. M OTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ :. (FUNDING SOURCE: ,.~ ~. .. ._ . _ _~ __ _ _ Federal S: State S: County 5: User Fees S: Other $: a Money Is In Current Budget: ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ New Appropriation Request: ` Budget Amendment.Prepared: ~ ~' ~ '~ REVIEWED BY: ,,.~... ~=z: ~:~ LGL: ~ _ FIN• ~ _ ~ BUD: HR: ,. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM NDATIONS• ' Hear presentation and co sider nests as noted above. Please remember to bring the notebooks distributed to "you earlier. ~ . .. c~~~ AP~'F~C3VED ~-~ ~ ~. REMQV~D~ ~+ :, f 2 7 POST r~fJNE~3 ur ~~ ~t ~ ~(~~;-,mod ~~fe~r~o•O~i¢e+Visi~ ., ~' ~a''~' c Dispoiition '- 2 ^~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~~~ ~~~ ~ :MEMO:~~~~~~~..~~..~a~:~..~::~~ yy TO .Board of Commissioners FROM Patrick Lowe, Asst. Planning Director DATE March 27, 1996 SUBJECT : Futch Creek Watershed. Plan (Draft Document) The Futch Creek Watershed Plan that you recently received is a "working draft document",that. is now ready for review and consideration by the Planning Board and'a community steering committee. A list of possible committee members that have expresses interest in working on the plan is attached.. „ This draft plan provides the basic framework for our water,quality protection and watershed management efforts. It brings together valuable information about our water quality studies, existing and projected land use data, land use plans, water quality and development regulations. Draft goals and objectives have been proposed for consideration and further development. We would ask that the Board of Commissioners consider adoption of the attached resolution which proposes the following actions 1. Appoint members to a community steering committee, comprised of residents of the Futch Creek watershed (ie -watershed advisory committee), to provide assistance to the Planning Board and work in conjunction with the staff, UNCW, and other designated or interested.groups and individuals to complete the development 'of the Futch Creek Watershed Management Plan. t ~ _~. _., .. _..... _.... ---~w ... .~._. _ . ~. ~. .. 2. -Direct the Planning Board and staff to complete the development of the Futch Creek Watetshed Management Plan and, provide a draft for consideration by the Board of ; Commissioners by such date as the Board may specify. ~ - 3. Direct the staff to pursue development of an interlocal agreement with Fender County .. ~ . for consideration~by.the Board of Commissioners-that will .provide for the joint planning, - - protection, and sustainable development of the Futch Creek watershed. _ . _ If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Dexter Hayes or myself. ,. . ~ ~«_ ~~ ,:~~~ ~ Izc~' ~ ~~ ~ i ~~ ~v~ e i r t s t r Futch Creek Watershed .Steering Committee Suggested Members 1. Jack Stewart -Porters Neck Co.- Consultant, ex-Vice President, , Futch Creek resident, 8325 Vintage Club Drive, 686-1724 2. Joe Clem - N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission, National Marine Fisheries (retired) Futch Creek resident, 1427 Futch Creek Road 3. Dr. Paul. Hosier -Dean of Academic Affairs LTNGWilmington, . Fu'tch Creek resident, 931 Saltwood Lane, 686-1748 4. Jim Bushardt -Professional Engineer, Division of Environmental Management, Futch Creek resident, 1513 Futch Creek Road, 686-1554 5. Larry J. Goodgion - Creekside Homeowners .Association-President, Futch Creek resident, 102.1 Creekside.Lane,- 686-1529 6. John Jefferies -Architect-Jefferies and Faris Associates, ~~ Futch Creek resident, 1701 Futch Creek Road, 686-0922 7. Steve Davenport -Porters Neck Co.- Vice President 1202 Porters Neck Road, 686=7400 8. Otis "Buddy" Johnson -Porters Neck Quality of Life, Corps of Engineers (retired) Futch Creek resident, 8041 Bald Eagle Lane, 686-4191 9. Mamie Nixon.Carlos -Health Department-New.Hanover County - + ~ Futch Creek resident, 120 Foys Trail (Kirkland), 686-0143 ~ . 10. Additional representative(s) as may be appointed by Fender County A •~ .... 29 -, Resolution WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the importance of protecting the water quality in our estuarine creeks and sounds; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to ensure sustainable coastal development that provides for both current and future generations; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County. has a vision of and commitment to the quality of life and the future of our community; and WHEREAS, the development of the Futch Creek Watershed Plan will~further these objectives; NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1. A community steering committee is hereby established,, with appointments comprised of residents of the Futch Creek watershed (ie -watershed advisory committee), to provide assistance to the Planning Board and work in conjunction with the staff, UNCW, and other designated or interested groups and individuals to complete the development of the Futch Creek Watershed Management Plan. 2. The Planning Board and staff are directed to complete the development of the Futch Creek Watershed Plan and provide a draft for consideration by the Board of Commissioners by such date as the Board may specify. ~ - 3. The staff is directed to pursue the development of an interlocal agreement with Pender County for consideration by the Board of Commissioners that will provide.for the joint ,,,; planning, protection, and sustainable development,of the~Futch_Creek watershed. This the day of , 1996. i _ ~ ... _ .. .,..;~.:'~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman Attest Clerk to the Board 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 Regular Item #: _ • ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: . Convene as Board of Equalization and Review BRIEF SUMMARY: See attached RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• -. D Federal S: State S: County S: - - User Fees S: ~ Other S: Money Is In CurrentBudget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ ~ - REVIEWED BY: ._ _. ... - .. .. _ LGL: FIN: .. BUD:.. HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATIONS• ~ - - ~ .: :: ~~bllM1'Y COI~IMlCSiO~lc~,4 ' .. AP~t~1l~D~ ~ ~/' , . ,REM®VE~ [ ~ • - ~ . :~5, ~oN~o ~ - 31 DATE~~ ~,~.. r ~ ~ ,,~~ ,fir - ~r•to Office Vision )~ullctin Board for Disposition Recommended Agenda BOARD OF EQUALIZATION~AND REVIEW APRIL 15, 1996 Convene as Board _of_Ecrualization.and Review- -- NOON, AS ADVERTISED Designate Chairman -- Since the Board of County Commissioners acts in lieu of a separate Board of Equalization and ,Review, it is suggested that Chairman Greer serve as Chairman. .- Oath -- None -- all commissioners have taken the oath. Recognize that listings are being entered into the records as recruired by statute. - Enter into. minutes the identity of known appell-ants -- the Tax Admnstrator will provide the Clerk with a listing of property owners who have submitted written appeals. The Administrator will receive all duly filed appeals until 5 P.M. on this meeting day. Recocmize-and..re.cord aTJpellants-who.arepresent: - ' ~ • -Name of Appellant . -Identity of property by owner's .name and .parcel number -Brief statement of grounds on which appeal is made (Suggest a one-minute limit) -Require written authorization from the owner for an agent ~- -to -appeal on his behalf.. {Admi-nstratbr Yiasstandard form) (IF A SHOWING OF HANDS INDICATES TOO MANY APPELLANTS TO RECORD AT THIS TIME, SUGGEST THE BOARD ANNOUNCE THAT "APPELLANTS LINE iJP AT ...... THE DESK_ OUTSIDE THE.,_MEETING ROOM, ~,-AND- THE .TAX ADMINISTRATOR WILL .RECORD YOUR DESIRE•TO APPEAL. YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE DATE AND TIME FOR YOU `TO APPEAR") Decide when the .Bbard~ will. ~sch2dule individual hearinQS - -~ To '~ _ . - - - conclude -business, allow approximately-.one month for -the . _'.. . appraisal staff to accumulate data necessary to support tax value, and to_ allow sufficient notice to taxpayer to attend or_be - represented. ~ Statute 105-322 -allows ~~for this longer period of.:,~ • - time if-necessary to a -"proper execution .of [itsJ -•-: _ responsibilit.ies." Theiapprasal staff will accumulate .taxpayer and tax office'data; and 'wi'lh~provide~ such to the Boa"rd on Wednesday prior to the next E&R_meeti{ng SQ.~~ M~I~t ~ re# ~.: y ~ 1..J~ .~'~ 1f x ..1 4l ~4.T'~! Adiourn -- This concludes .the determi~nat~~on;~o~fappellants to the Board of E&R. The Board will meet further~~~onyLy to conclude mess which has been brought up at th-s~}meea~ng. ~~ ~ ~,-~~u~a~s. '~t~snrw ~,: ,~,,.ti ~~ fi _ `': ~C -+r-°,mn,-.-,,, rY NSW ~iSG f.~~~~ ~~ REQUEST. FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/15/96 . - ~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: Library Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: H. Tuchmayer/G.Shaw SUBJECT: Approval of contract with Brock Contract Services for carpet replacement at the NHC Public Library. Contract amount: $152,250 BRIEF SUMMARY: 'Three bids were received on March 18, 1996 for carpet replacement at the Library. Brock Contract Services was the low bidder at $155,939. Negotiations with Brock have~led to a reduction in price to $152,250. . , _ ~ ~ ~. i I RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ` Recommend award of contract to Brock Contract Services for $152,250 1' I' ~~ { .. ~ ~ .~ j FUNDING SOURCE: ! Federal $: State $: County $: 152,250 User Fees $: jOther $: Money Is In Current Budget: yes New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: , i REVIEWED BY: L'GL: FIN:. BUD: HR: COUNTY`MANAGER MMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ' ~ '~ Recommend approval:. i j ~~~1 pPpROVEa j~---~" j ~~... R>=J~CTrp ~EMQYED Refer to Office Vision E3ulletin Board for bisposition ~nr`~I~7~ i J ;f ~. h,,, , _ ~ i ~ ( , . ~ ,., ~o~ ACS . O A~ SORB _ ~ai15196 / ~•, 2 ~~11tie~ i ~' tc, I :. t ;: i ~, '' ~ r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04%15/96 fZegular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 2 Department: Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Allen O'Neal S U tiJ L+' C;'1': Consideration of request for waiver of fee for land-disturbing activity for Community Health Center BRIEF SUMMARY: The Community Health Center has requested a waiver of the $56.25 permit fee for land-disturbing activity required by the New Hanover County Engineering Department for the soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Waiver of the fee for this non-profit agency would be approp 'ate. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~~~ -.~ APlpRgy~~. RE,l~ ~- REAR ;a ~ - --- _ r r. MFiR-2B-96 THU 10:34 P. 01 ..' ry~ ~~ F.t~X NU1V1(BE~ (910) 343-2990 . _ ~~ti11' ~~~0~1~f - YOIGE (9i0) 815-4250 or 343-0270 ~. . Il~~alth ICe~#+~~ ' . - FACSIMILE ~'~A.NSMISSIQN SI~EE~ ~i~4'~ i )~~3 ~ 1 ~ 199b DATE: ~ X19 t~ Tnv~ SENT: ! U ~,,., ~. . ` ~ Tp: ~ ~~~.~.,a~~i - LwS ~ r~ COMMISSIONER . CON~A,NY: ~~ ,nl~.r~ . . .. ~ ~'A~ #: ~ FkI+DM: ` TQTAL # t]~T' PAGES (including this transmission sheet): T COM~NTS- ~ h~. t~t~. G+~ tY1SL T~ GLt. 9'1 -tr -.~~ ~ ~~ Orb z~n~~~ ~n~,*e,r~ c~ .. . IF YOU T10 NOT RECEIVE LEGIBLE COPIES Ob' A,I.L PAGES, PLEASE CALL BACK AS 80ON AS . POSSIBLE.. TIIA,NK YOi]. TIIE INFORMA'x'ION CON'I'AINELI IN THIS FAC5IMILE MESSAGE I5 PRIVILEGED A,ND CONFIDENTIPIL INFORMATION INTENAED l)NLY k~OK THE USE OF TI3E INDIVIDUAL OR ENrFFY NAMED ABOVE. Ik' TfIE READER OF TII3.S MESSAGE LS NOT THE INTENDED IiECIPIENT,,YIDUABEHEREBY I~tOTIFIF,D _ TIIAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTIQN OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PItOHIBY'I`Ep. iF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ISIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE Il~TNIEISIA"I~I.Y NOTIFY 11S I3Y TELEPHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL ME.55A,GE TO US AT TFIE• BEI.O'4V ADDRF55 VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. 408 North 11th Strea# Wilrnfngton, North Carolina ~84p1-$7D1 1910) 815-4260 << ~~,_ i .' ~ I ~ - ., .- .. . - - - j__ , , .. . ._ _ '. ~ ~ ~ _ ., ., . ~, ~ - ., , ~ .. ~, . M~iR-29-96 THU 10 :34 - ~'"~ ~ ~ - P. 02 4 ~J ~~ • ~~ APPLICATIC/N FOR PERMt'i" 1FOti A -'.- ENOIN~I?FUt~C9 d. FAGIU7IES • ~ ~ LAND-DISTURiQINQ ACTtV>!TY ~ File Number . UNDER OPl!]1~OAt;~ FtTM BY ,~ , + 1= NE=V11 NArJc3v R Ot1N ee~- a ,~ ^ ~~ SOIL ER ION A ENrAr~pN C {JL ORDINANCE= _ _ bate .. Applicant: New an {' v Applicant's Agent: BamQ -- Center Address; 408 North Eleventh Street: Address: Wilmington, SIG 28401 1"alephonc3 Number. 4 0 8 5-4250 Telephone Number: Total Acres of Land pisturbance: 2.25 acres _ Purpose of Development: - Coa:mescial Location and Description of Land Disturbance: 13etweem ~Zixd 8.nd Forth Streets along Harriett Street -• STATEMI=tVT d1~ t+INANCIAI. R~SP~NS1BILi7Y _ Lend ownor(S) Of record Person pr fimt(s} financially responsible for the land-disturbing activity. tf not a North Carolina resident you must have a N.C. agent (Lisa Below} Name; New HStroa`ze~ Community FEealth Center Name: New Hanover Gommunity 'health Centel Address: 408 North ELevenCll Street _ _- Address:_ 408 North Eleventh Str~e~. _- tdiX.mircgtan, NG 2840 k ~ Wilmington, t~C 2840 k ___ Telephone Number. C910) 815-425E) Telephone Number; _ (9k0)815-4250 _ Location of deed(s) orinsirumsnt(s): County N T~ Nannvar Baak Page The above information is true and connect to the best of my knowiedge and belief and was provtdad by me while under oath. {This form must be signed by the financially rosponsble person if an individual and by an officer, director, p2rtner, attorney-in- faci. Qr oiherperson Qf authority to execute Instruments forthe financially r~asparlsibte person if not an individual.} 1 agree to provide Corrected tnfarmation should there be any change in the information prpvlded herein. A t Date' Name (Type or Tit~e:^ u: ~,-,~ .~, ;,~,,,~n _ _ Signature: I, , a Notary Public df the County of State of North Carolina, hereby certify that appeared personally before me this day and be- in~ duty sworn aC(cnowledgdd that the above form was executed by t1im. Witness my hand and-notarial seal, this day of , 19.~.~ Seal Notary My commission expires ` ~" M~iR-28-.96 THU 1 a : c~5 tdew Hanover County Application ~~ for Permit fof aLand-Disturbing Activity ~jy.. Page 2 PERMlSSiON 74 ENTER t7N LAND i Certify that~am au~oaz~}to gr nt F In questi~ i cann ti a at~l th Application f c31 ~a P. 03 Engineer and his agents to outer on.tho land ~~ "this application must be accompanied by Q sets of plans, calculatigns, and narrative statements as tatted for by the ordinance. The faRawing lists speafy the rsvnimum requirements of each. " SL'DIMENT$ ANQ EROSION CONTFiO!_ PLAN COMPONENTS t. Name and Address of the Designer. 2. Vlciniry Map 3. Existing R p'topesad Topography. a, Area to be 17isturbAd (5hawn at Hated). 5. Proposed Site lmprovefrtents (Structures, fioads, Parking Areas, Lo-s, Eas~mpnt9. t=ic.) t3. Construction Sequence. 7. Temporary Sediment Control Measures (Locations, Dimensions, Oetails, and CalcutstIon~), 8. Graveled Construction Entrance (Qimensions and Cross Section details). 9. Proposed Stormwater Network (Swales. Culverts, Inlet 8 Outlet Structures, Etc. with tsfades. Elevations, Det2its ~ Dimensions of each). " 70. Parrnanent Erosion Controls {[.acations, l~imers.^,Jdns, Oefails & Catcutai{one). 11, Seeding Spec~eations (Seedbed Preparation, $oit Amendments, Seeding mates artd Schedule), 12. Sediment and Erosion Material SpeCifications.~ t3. Qanerat Notes. NARRATIVE $TA'f~M1=NT CflMPONf=f~1T$ t. Home and Address of Owner and of Oesigner. 2. t+latarized Fnsncial Rssponsbility farm witri a North Carolina Agont ... 3. Purpose.ofL3ndDtsturbingActivity. 4, Stornt Wat2r pion Off t;alculatlons and Explanation of the Method of Detarminatian. 5. Construction Schedule {Flow Chart if Available). 6. Revegeiatian Specitlcations (Preparation; Seed Type and Rates; t=ertilize~; Lim® and Mulcts Rates; and Schedule}. The New Hanover County Erosion arsd Sedimentatlan GoMral Ordinance nequiras that alt parsons disturbing an arBa 4COna vrmore contiguous acres 4f land must obtain apprnvs! of a soli erosion cpntrol Atari prior, to the Commencement o! said land-disiurbirtg activity. Before an application pacicape is considered Complete,this appttcation must be oampteted and sua,mitted.afvng.witlt the# fatty thtr ..~ plans, and the narrating to this office; the plans and narrative must be submitted to the New Hartaver 8ot1 Conservation Servfi~ and a plan submitted'to New l-tanovar County f~tdnnit7g Departtnant for Conservation "Overlay Rgvfew;•rne~ Act furtherstates iltatthe appliCa- tton paakage mu$t be filed a minimum of 3S days prior to the activity and the approving authority must apptave. disapprorova: ar• request 830 day extension of the submitted plan wititin 30 days of receipt. Failure of the approving authority to ngdfy extertslon. approve, ar disapprove the submitted Atari within the 3t)-day period will bo deemed appr»vaJ of the plan. CammencementoFa land-disiurhirx~ SCtlvity under the jurisdiction pf this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and s8dimgntation contra! plan iS a vlotation oFthe AcC do in tact grant permissign to the REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 04/15/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 3 Department: Water & Sewer District ~ Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: Water Supply for Wrightsboro Area Residents Affected by Groundwater Contamination. BRIEF SUMMARY: Conoco, Inc. has worked with the City and County in an effort to provide a viable water supply to the residents of Wrightsboro. The City has declined to provide the water; therefore, Conoco is now requesting assistance from the County. Conoco hired McKim and Creed to study various alternatives to supply water to the affected residents of Wrightsboro, including a recommendation and associated cost. The alternative recommended by the engineer would be to provide a separate and independent water system for the immediate Wrightsboro area. The estimated construction for this alternative would be $227.120.00. Staff has taken a look at two additional alternatives. The first would be to construct a 12-inch water line from the County's water system in the Murrayville Area at an estimated cost of $650,00. The second alternative would be to expand the Walnut Hills and Runriymeade water systems and add a 300,000 gallon elevated water tank at a cost of $450,000. The estimates for the above alternatives do not include $154,080 for construction of the distribution system or the engineering cost. Conoco is not asking for county financial involvement, but is asking the County to accept and operate a water system constructed by Conoco. One issue .which must, have. additional consideration is water quality. The water in the Wrightsboro area tends to have higher iron and low Ph. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Based on preliminary information, staff recommends expansion of the Walnut Hills and Runnymeade systems with an elevated water,tank. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Concur with County Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUNTY COM9VItSStOI~r~4~ APPROVED REJECTC'D ~'~ REMQVED t POST r'ONE t_i QATE ~~~~ c~lPrvViSitiy, ~Urad~~ss~~/ ~.trr P rv b !ew- ,J ~, ,, ~. . , ~~ ~~ e a ~~' ~.~~~, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR p c c~~oe~ GAR 0 8 1996 NEW HANOVER, CO. . MANAGER'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 25201. RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 March 29, 1996 Mr. Allen O'Neal ..County Manager County of New Hanover 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401-4093 Dear Mr. O'Neal: GARIAN ~ B. GAR.RETT J R. SECRETARY APB 0 8 199E NEW HANOVER CO. ! i MANAGER'S OFFICE SUBJECT: Wilmington Bypass, From US 421 to I-40, New Hanover County, Federal Aid No. STP-401(1), State Project No. 8.U250901, TIP No. R-2633C A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was completed for the subject. project in January 1995. The DEIS and corridor hearing map presented two alternative study corridors: the I~TOrthern Alternative and the Southern Alternative. Based on early coordination and the results of environmental studies conducted for the project, the DEIS identified the Southern Alternative as the preferred alternative. Due to a great deal of concern expressed by the Wrightsboro Community at the public hearing held in April of last year, a feasibility study was conducted for an alternative which avoided the Wrightsboro Community, now, known as the Center Alternative. Based on the results of this initial study of the Center Alternative, we are now preparing a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). This report will address all social, economic, cultural and em~ironmental impacts associated with this new alternative as well as for the Southern Alternative. The Northern Alternative has recently been eliminated from further consideration. To facilitate continued public participation, we will be holding an informal Citizens Information Workshop on Tuesday, April 16, 1996 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of Laney High School located on College Road. During this meeting, representatives from NCDOT and Greiner, Inc. will be available to describe the Supplemental DEIS study process and answer questions regarding other aspects of the study. I I ,~ ~. ~ C . NEW HANOVER OUNTY WATER AND. SEWE R DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC APRIL 1~, 1996 9:00 A.M. ' ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO: 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (Limit three minutes) 2. Approval of minutes 35 ~ 3. Consideration of a royal f w - pp o a and of contract #96 0317 37 ~` North Chase Water and Sewer Improvements to M&A Construction Company, Inc., and associated budget amendment #96-01.77 ~~~ C 4. onsideration of a royal of re uest from Mr. Randall ,Bra 41 PP Q y for water and sewer service of a proposed commercial & ~' residential project on the west side of the Northeast Cape Fear River 5. Consideration of approval of request for sewer allocation 43 ,.at the-Northsde Wastewater Treatment-Plant 6. Consideration of acceptance of contract #96-0317 with Edwin 4.7 Andrews and Associates to perform a groundwater study and .approval of associated budget amendment.#96=0176 7. Consideration of approval of budget amendment #96-0174 to 61 ~~ appropriate Water& Sewer,District fund balance for continuation of the Sewer Connection and Plumbing Improvements ~ ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ - Assistance Program ~ ~ ~ - ~` ~ ADJOURN . `~ ~ ~_ 33. i ,_ This page intentionally left blank i . ... 34 e Regular Item #:. W&S#2 ... Consent Item #: .. Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell i,Page Count.In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Lucie Harrell ' -. ... SUBJECT: -.. .. Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes .. BRIEF SUMMARY: .. r ~, Approve the minutes of April ~ 1, .1996 ~ ~ , ~~ .~' - . ~. RECOMMENDED MO . ., . TION AND. EOUESTED ACTIONS ` ~ Approve minutes ~ ~ , ~' -~ ,~~~ FUNDING SOURCE~• ~.. ... _._.~ ... Federal S:_ State.S: ._. __.. ,v 4... . _, . .. .County S: User Fees Sc 'Other v Money-Is In'Current Budget: , -New Appropriation Request: ~ -~ Budget Amendment Prepared: . REVIEWED:BY: . . FIN .. BUD: HR: rr . ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S T COMMENTS AND ECOMM NnATIONS• . .. . _ _ ~ . f8L'1tin1f ~CO~fNllSSta~4i ~ , APPRt~1~D'~ ' . ~ . R~~c-rr~ ~ ..~ ; . ~; _ ~ .. .REMQ'~'~p' ~~ f ~AOSl r'4N~~ tai ~:DAT:E lS :. G:,. ~- Refer to.Otlice'Vision Bulletin Boatd for Disposition S: y This page intentionally left blank ~. ... ~ _ ~~ .. _.......~.. _.. r ~.. ~ . , ~ .~ . _ _.._ _ ~. ..._. t ~~' r[~. ~ - SS- r .. ~'~ ,. .~~tJ ~+ i ~ 51f r. 4• y C ~ ~ ,~ ~ J ~ J. C.•.{ ~ r ~ t~3fr'i~ri ~U ' ~ ~, ~~ ~r a< ink r~ ~r4pti 36 ..1,; ~!~ u u ~.~v • .. - r .. - Y ~ ,'5+.~ -- .. :'~Ji~LLx ,~~ t 1 1 1 i ,, . Regular Item #: W&S#3 ~ Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item ~: Department: NHC Water & Sewer District Presenter: ' Page Count In Agenda.Package: Contact: Wyatt Blanchard SUBJECT: - _ -Approval of Contract Number 96-0317 -North Chase -Water &c-Sewer Improvements M&A . Construction Company, Inc:, and associated. budget amendment #96-0177: BRIEF SUMMARY: At a.recent meeting of the NHC Water & Sewer District, the~Comrnissioners authorized Dawson - Engineering.to prepare the plans and specifications for water and sewer improvements near North Chase. The sewer portion of the project will help prevent expansion of the North Chase wastewater treatment plant. The water exparision will connect the North Chase water~system to the Murrayville . area system, including the new elevated water tank which is now under construction. In addition this - will' provide -`f re service along a portion of Murrayville Road and will provide sufficient water pressure fbr fire ~ flow at Laney and Trask Schools. The project was advertised ,and the. attached summary of the bids wasreceived. t 1 RECOIVI~MENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ' I recommend that the project -be awarded to 1VI&A Construction Company in the amount of $372;34$..54 and that the Chairman be .authorized to execute the contract. In, addition, please . authorize tte attached budget amendment #96-0177 in the amount of $382,34$.50 which includes a;$10;000.00~ contingency. ~•UNDING SOURCE: .. ... _ .. rt ~ ~ ~,.; Federal S:_ State S:. -. County 5: 382,349 -User Fees.$: . . .. Other 5:382;349 ~ Money Is In Current Budget:no New Appropriation Re quest:yes ~ -]3udget Amendment Prepared:yes - ~ ~` REVIEWED. BY: ~ ,._ .. .~ ~ LGL: FIN: - . - ,..~ _~ BUD:.. HR: ..:. .. . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMM `NDA TION~ ~ ~ ~~° Recommend approval. The contract "for this is noY included ;due ~ j : i . 'ts length. (33 :pages). It is .. available in the County Manager's Office'if you care to review. _, _ _ _v. ~ HHtgp~j~ 99/I~ ~~~ _ i~~illl~ItlEil1~7~~~ ? o ~; f ` ~ s 1'r sc'J~"'I±;efer t ~u Visioei3ulletin BoardforDis sition r ~ ~ ~ .,. i~ `p^ ~ SG " . ~ r, r .: DATE - . ;~' J ~, /" ~. . . ~_ .'~~xdgef-;A.rnenc~xx~ex~xf -_ ~~ -:R'".~:`."~»: v~ CC'!~r," : v':•~'rv`~;; _'""v.ivy'""':-•%`.t:;--.~-v.~t--.,-+.R.`CK-?r .-.-...~;-~w;.-'S-;,-. ~ ?!'z,.•, „~'.ro°~-- .--„ ~~<:o ':~•n3.r. ::~.;n~.°;: ~,2`!.. .. os .~.....:L ,a .~.: .s:::Arv+>.~r.. ...3+~ e~n-~ +i. ~>~ >..c .:~. sRk... ~. w:a is ..~ ~ u.i::~ s:.~ r`;v:; .•: ~: ~i r r >~Y••::.v. .Lr . a\. •. ea - :•r~?~'> ~ ~'~2;: :~::c.:ya• y:. :;~ e~`` ~: u.. xaw• ~::Y.¢ a v ~{ C ~ {>~~ :~ ~:: r~ s •. ~ ~ ~F...<c.~.Cj?~~, .~ ..~`.s .:A •~:•. ..a•R"\w ~`~ .c7....$~...SsC•~ `"~'V.'„id'<":>`~:: a:~r.~ : ~:v. w. r:r ~::.?..:,-..y.~r::wap.a.~:.v. ..+sai.~ ? • Z.. .:;cx. 7..?w r2 ~. n Z:...~......s:wxuua...s;~w2a~:~..~~....l~R.ce~a~+.:+~~a.t`.`.~..., c :`.v.: ..aY.......:..^.:a'or~.....ar. :a f` .... _ .:: :a.:.. ~.....,.. ~ ~ .':•:::i:~<a.~. ~:c~J.. a.; .Y `~. .. ,. ....««..c.~..~.+.... ..... .. DEPARTMENT.: - -BUDGET_AMENDMENT# DATE. .Sewer Operating Fund/ ~ ~ 96=0177.. ~ ' ~•4-15-96 Water/Sewer Engineering ~ ,, ~ ~ ... . ~ ~ ADJUSTMENT: ~ DEBIT: ~~. CREDIT: _ .. Sewer Operating Fund , . •' Appropriated• Fund Balance = $3'82,,349 • - `' .. Water :Sewer Enet.neerng ~ ~ ~~ Other Improvements ._ - .$3:82-,.3:4'9 ;.. . • ~ ,~ .. • .. . r .. a 5 '` f . - t EXPLANATION '~ ' _.. To increase budget by appropriation-of water/s.ewer fund balance for, ,,• the construction of water a"nd sewer modifications fo".the NorthChase area . . f ~ _ , . :_ .. . _ . _. ,.. .. . _ , .. 1 ~, 3 8 a~ECrr_~, ,~ - ~ ~• 5 ~ , rr - gc~t~Of(,cer s approval] thca report °RElNQ1~E~= '~~ :' ~ . . Fcr t3ua~ ~r"~ ~ ' ~.~l~{~NED '" ~ d~ .. , ,. to Commissioners at'neat r ar meet{ng ~. ~~ ,+w~ ~ ~ ~,®"`~R.' ._ _ ._~.~ and~enteialn~m{notes. +~~ - To be approved by Commissioners. ' To be entered into minutes. . - ~. :~ ~~ ~ ~ _ .. . . , ti~ , ~~. .., _ SUMMARY OF D B - I S ,~, , . . .E~NGINEER':S ESTIMATE $ 432;355.00 ' . ~, f, ~` M:& A CONSTR TI UC ON COMPANY 372;348.50 ~~ ~ T.A. LOVING ~ 416,335.00 , ,~~~ STATE UTII.IITES ~ ~ ~4 i 7;952.50 ~. DELLINGER, INC. .545;403.00 , . ~+ .; WEBCON; INC. + ~ ~ 559:821..10 ~~ .,,~ ~ .. ,~ '~`~ ..~' ~,, *~ - . '; ~ ^ ~. ,~ __ .. ~! { ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~ . _ ._ ~ ~ ~ 39 1'• 2 w This page intentionally left blank , _ 40 '~' ~- ~ ~ SUBJECT. ~ ~ .. Request for Water and Sewer Service Capacity Harbor Village - US 421 and US 133 ~~ _, ~ ~RIEESUMNIARY: Staff has received a request from NIr. Randall Bray (copy attached) asking that the District provide water ..and. "sewer service for a proposed commercial and residential project called Harbor Village. The project would require 55,010 gallons per.day (GPD) of sewer capacity. Since the project is outside,the City limits in an area not served by the District, it would be necessary that the District Commissioners request the. capacity `from the"-City if"the: project is endorsed. All cost associated with providing the" water and sewer would be paid.by the developer. Mr. Bray will be pcesent~to answer questions. concerning the project. " r - RECOi1~IMENDED MOTION.AND REQUESTED ACTIONS.: .... _... ... , _ __ , ~_ K ,.. ..~ . _. °~ mmends that the Commissioners consider the request r Staff reco ,~.' ~ „ '~, ..~. EUNDLNG SOURCE: • Fede~ai S. ~ • State $: County S: User Fees $: Other $: a .. .. `, Money Is In Current Budgeti New Appropriation Request: , e ~~ ~, Budget Amendment Prepared: ' -.-, ` REVIEWED BY ~ " .. _. _. .. w _. _ ~_ . . LGL: : _. .. ` -FIN. •APP BSHELL .......BUD: _ . .....~ .. HR: •.:. ,~ ~,~ Concur with County Engineer and recommend approv , _, .. ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ 41 :-_~ ~A Refer to.0 ~cc V swn Bulleuri Boad.forDsposition • ~. ..._ Randall Bray. ' • ' - AIA NCARB ~ ~ - ~ Telephone (91.0) 762-0710 ~. Soft City Architecture & Planning • Fax (9Y0) 251-1040 520 South Second Street P:0. Box 331 - • Wilmington, NC 28402 March 5, 1996 ~. . Mr. Wyatt Blanchard ~ ~ . New H3r:over Cou^t}~ Eno neer t 414 Chestnut Street ~ ~ ~ ~ • Wilmington, North Carolina. 28401 ' , ~ ~; Mr. Blanchard: ~~ We hereby make formal request for water and wastewater allocation for the proposed Harbor Village project- at the Wilmington Shipyard on Point Harbor Road, New Hanover County. Wilmington, NC - in the amount of55000 gallons per day with'a wa'stew2tef • ~' discharge into ,the :existing City of Wilmington Cowan Street lift Station. and water connection Ito City of Wilmington water mains located within Cowan .Street. Respectfully, °"~ _ . Randall Bray, AIA NCARB .:...., a... ,~r..,~,._ . _.:....., .,:.._ .. _.. _... cc: Dave Weaver, County Planner John Klein;` Project ~Engineei ~#`> .....: - ~_. _ Wm. Kaylor, ?KL, Inc... ~..~_, .. . _ ., _,~ RECf IVED .. ~. r „.. a. ~r~ ,,MAP 1 3.19.96 ,• ,_ • - g t ~ = ENGINEERING ~~; ` ~ DEPARTMENT ~k-.,r i J ti I ~ .s. ~:3, ..~'~ .. ,.~ .. 3 ~..~. /. ~sf -t .~, -,~', OFFENSES-MISCELLANEOUS § 6.3.1 division officers shall have the authority to specify the conditions for having such animals for the protection of the public and for the well-being of the animals. The festivaUspecial event operator and sponsor shall be responsible for immediately cleaning up and removing any animal wastes from animals that are part of an authorized exhibit or parade. All animal wastes shall be disposed of properly. This section also shall not apply to properly identified guide dogs or other animals relied upon by handicapped persons, to animals owned and controlled by public law enforcement agencies, or to animals used by a vehicle for hire licensed under article VI of chapter 4 of this Code. (e) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the term "animal" shall mean every vertebrate and invertebrate nonhuman species of animal, wild or domestic, male or female, including but not limited to, dogs, cats, livestock and other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. (Ord. of 9-5-95, § 1) Sec. 6-3. Protection of birds. (a) The territory embraced within the corporate limits of the city shall be a bird sanctuary. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt, kill, maim, injure, trap or otherwise take any birds in the city or to destroy, rob or molest the eggs or nests and breeding places of any birds within the city; provided, that this section does not protect any bird classified as a pest under Article 22A, section 113-300.1 et seq., of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes and the Structural Pest Control Act of North Carolina of 1995 or the North Cazolina Pesticide Law of 1971. A person may take protected birds pursuant to a permit issued by the North Carolina wildlife resources commission under G.S. section 113-274(c)(la) or under any other license or permit of the. wildlife resources commission specifically made valid for use in taking birds within the city limits. (Code 1962, §§ 5-1, 5-2) State law references-Authority of city to establish bird sanctuary within city limits, G.S. § 160A-188; Structural Pest Control Act, G.S. § 106-65.22 et seq.; pesticide board, G.S. § 143-434 et seq. Sec. 6.3.1. Dogs running at-large prohibited. (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog to allow it to-run at-large off the premises of its owner unless such dog is controlled by a leash or like device with one end attached to the dog. and. the other end held by a competent person. (b) For the purposes of this section, the terms "at large," "competent person," and "owner" shall have the meanings set forth in chapter 3 of the New Hanover County Code as enacted on November 21, 1994. Animal control officers shall be those employees,or agents designated by the Animal Control Division of the Department of Public Health of New Hanover County pursuant to chapter 3 of the New Hanover County Code. Supp. No. 42 ..~\ § 6.3.1 WILMINGTON CODE (c) Upon . an animal control officer's observation of .a dog pinning at-large or off the premises of its owner and not controlled by a leash or like device, said officer may, of his discretion, impound said dog pursuant to chapter 3 of the New Hanover County Code or return it to its owner. (d) Upon an~animal control officer's receipt of a complaint that adog-is running at-large or is off the premises of its owner and not controlled by a leash or like device, said officer shall investigate said complaint and upon finding that there is probable cause that a violation has occurred, the_ officer may issue a citation or a warning or take any other action contained in chapter 3 of the New Hanover County Code or any state law as the circumstances may require. (e) Any owner cited for a violation of this. section may discharge the citation upon payment of the amount set forth in the current fee schedule adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Health. If the dog is impounded, the owner may redeem the dog under the provisions of chapter 3 of the New Hanover County Code provided the owner is in compliance with all other applicable provisions of said chapter 3. (Ord. of 1-2495, § 1) Sec. 6-4. Permit for public meeting. It shall be unlawful for any person to hold or participate in any public meeting upon any of the streets, sidewalks, or other public places of the city, without having first obtained a proper permit in writing so to do from the city manager. Such permits maybe issued when consistent with the general welfaze and if issued may be revoked at any time at the, discretion of the council. (Code 1962,.. § 16-3) Sec. 6-5. Discharging BB guns, etc. ' It shall be unlawful for any person to shoot any BB gun, air gun, air pistol, gas pistol or gas gun within the city. The section shall not prohibit licensed shooting galleries for BB guns at indoor shooting ranges that have met the requirements of all applicable governmental laws and regulations, and the safety regulations of the National Rifle- Association and are at all times under the supervision of a qualified instructor. (Code 1962, § 29-1) ' State law reference-Municipal regulation of pellet guns, G.S. § 160A-190. ~ r Sec. 6-6. Discharging firearms generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to fire a gun, rifle, pistol or other firearm within the city, except in case of self-defense or necessity. This section shall riot apply to: (1) ' An officer lawfully dischazging his duty. ~ ~. (2) Licensed shooting.galleries. ~ ' (3) Trap shooting at such places and under such conditions as may be approved by the council. Supp. No.. 42 502.2 r' - - P ` ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ._ . ., . ~ 1Vleeting Date:.04/1.5/96 ` ~. ,.. ._ Regular Item #: W&S#5 ~ Consent Item #: . - Additional Item #: ~\ Department:'NHC Water &-Sewer Dist. Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard ~' Page'Count In Agenda Package:, 1 , Contact: Wyatt Blanchard ~ ' - ~ _ .. .~ SUBJECT: . , ~ .. ,`- Sewer Allocation.Request Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant - BRIEF SUMMARY: _f -~, Upon review of the list~of sewer allocations.we discovered that one .request was granted with 5,000 gallons per .day more than .requested, therefore leaving 5,000 gallons unobligated. A ,copy of the allocation list is attached for your use. We have received a request for a l00 gallon per day capacity ~J from Red's Auto ~located:at =1522 North Kerr Avenue, °Building A-1. This is a one person operation °~' ~ ~ . without.facilitiesat the present time. ~~ `~ .T . .. `' ~ ItECO1kIMENDED MOTION AND REOUEST~ED AC~'IONS• sti ula ,.. .. ~ ... ., `~~- I recommend' that the :re nest for a sewer ca aci of 100. ~ allons , er da be ' q p tY. g p y granted with the _ ,. ~' p tion~ it is utilized with>.n one year. f , ' .. ` } 1 a , t _ _ ,. _ -. - .. .... d,.. `i. { ~ . - - ... ~ .. - - ~ 4 .FUNDING SOURCE: _ Federal $ State S; "' County S,: rr " User Fees S: '~ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: ' " Budget Amendment Prepared- _ REVIEWED BY• . .= - _ ., r~ ~.. LGL. ~ ...~ :...FIN.,N/A BSHELL BUD: -., -:~. HR. ~.~ . ~ ; NTY A Y E ~ _° - DA .. .. . .... .~ ;~ '~> Concur. with County Engineer and recommendappro :; ~ ,,~ , . , ,. P ~1 ,. .. - .... 43a ; .Bulletin Board for Disposition ~< ; . # ~ ; REQUEST FOR NORTHSIDE ALLOCATION March 29, 1996 ~November`16; 1992 Interlocal Agreement' Contract #92-04.57 100,000 gallons Allocation'. '. ,.: ~. _ Airpo"rt/Accon Branch 57,876 42,124 gallons ,. ..~ November 16, 1992 1542 N. Kerr -Priest 100 gallons 42,024 gallons January 19, 1993 4232 N. Kerr- .Spencer . 100 gallons ~ - 41;924 gallons. June 7 1993 Conco g _ 500 allons. ,__ 41 4 24 gallons June a21; 1993. , ~ 1506 N., Kerr Aven . - `250 gallons 41,.174 gallons October 18, 1993 McDonald's 3000 gallons '38,174 gallons January 18, 1994 Meadowland 6000 gallons 32,174 gallons October 3, 1994 Murrayville Indust Pk 10,000 gallons 22,174 gallons .November 7, 1994 Ennis=Retail Cntr ±. , . 3,OQO,gallons ,. _ , r 19,174 gallons , November 7, :199.4 . Glenn Hodges 4200-002-008-014 100 gallons 19;074 gallons `~ March 20, 1995 Wm K. Trask 4,000 gallons 15,074 gallons June 19, 1995 Lynda Hobbs-Export 350.gallons 14,724. gallons Additional allocation from City +150,000 gallons 164,724 gallons -. ,, M - _ ~ .~ Amt reserved for North Chase f9r exp 110,000 gallons 54,724 gallons , - ~ _, ~ ., ,. . --August-21, 19.95 ~ Greenville Properties 20;000 gallons ~ __ 34;724 gallons -» _ September 18,1995 Murrayville Station 10 000 gallons... 24,724 gallons • -'-., Se tember 18 .1995 .-~ p Northbrook Drive ..-..- Subdivision OO~gallons . 1 Q Q ~. 14,724 gallons ..:.'. r October 16, 1995 Wi son Store-''' ~ ` Murrayvlle Road 5;478'gallons` +~ t , - _ 9;246- gallons ,,. ~ ~ ;. "tE ~~ ~~; March 25, 1996 . Trask Property l ,,_ 4,OOO,gallons ~,} ~ ~~ 5;246:gallons 44 . - ; 4, ~. fi. ~ , ~ ~' ~," - ~ - ' ~ t ~ March 25, 1996 Sidney MorgaIl 300 gallons 4,946 gallons N Kerr .~ ~; ~ . This page intentionally left blank -.. Rebular Iterri"#: W&S#6 - Consent`Item #: - Additional Item-#:" ~..: p ty , De artment: Coun Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 14 Contact: Dave Weaver ~ '" f. _ SUBJECT: .. .. .. Consideration of acceptance of contract #9b-03.71 with Edwin tAndcews and Associates to perform .... }- a .groundwater study,." ' ~'` BRIEF SUMMARY: The Groundwater -Task Force _ has recommended .chat the District hire Edwin Andrews :and y,,! Associates to perform phase II of the Districts.groundwaterstndy. - BPA, Iric.,. is nearing completion of phase I, which invol~esdevelopment of a.groundwater model using existing well data. Phase II ~ will .refine `this, model by means of drilling and evaluating test wells. and provide additional. information, including recommendationof~a conceptual well field configuration and.loeation. The cosh of the contract for phase II °is $88;600, with limited in-kind assistance from .the District. ~~, ~~ ,, ,~- RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION, , The District should award the contract#96=0371 to Edwin Andrews and Associates, for $88;600, and"approval of'associated budget amendment #96-0:176 . _ ~ • ~ .,_ . _ ..~.r.._ . ... ,._ .__ , . , _ .. .. ...- FUNDING SOURCE: ., " Federal S: State S County $• _ User Fees S: Other 5:88,600 -• .. :. ~~ _ Money Is In Current Budget: ~" "~" . , " "` `New Appropriation Request-:yes -most of it -.- ~- Budget Amendment Prepared yes _ ._ " _ `~ REVIEWED BY: .. ~. .. LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: ~ ,BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR~: N/A AMALLETT. ~III;~ ~ - ~QU ^, NT.Y MANAGER'S. COMMENTS ~AND~R~ECOMM~EFNDATIONS . Recommend approval. ~ s° ~'`, ` ~ ~~ ~ :, . ~ ,~ , ~ ~- ..~ . ~~ rfi .: " ~ 'RaSI rONEp i~ - ~ " . - Refer to Off ce~asianTB u o d for Df s~i , , ~% , ~ Budget Amendment Q //~//~/////%///////~/%///%~///~%%~~%%%%///////%%~%%~%O%/O%%~%~%~~~~~//O/O////////////O~~%///////O///////// . _. - ~ DEPARTMENT ~ ~ - BUDGET AMENDMENT~# -DATE- - ~~~~ Sewer Operating Fund -~ ~ - 96-_0176 ~ 4/15/96 ~ ' Water & ,Sewer Engineering. ' .. ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT ` ~ Sewer:0 e~ rating Fund ~ ..` .. ~ ~ l~ Cortribution -City of Wilmington $10,;000. ~ - , w ~ =Contribution -Wrightsville Beach $ ,9,000 .. ~ .. - ~- ~ Water & Sewer Enginee~irlg .~ ~ . ;:.. _~ ~ : Contracted:Secvices ~ ~~~.>$1~9;OQ0 .~ rv . ~. , . ,: .. - COUN'~Y ~ , . ..~,~:. REJE~°f6~ ~ ~ ~ ^ For udgctorGcefsapproval; their report Q _ ~% ~ ~ '`' a Coininissioncrs at_next regular meeting R ~~~ ~~ `~ "~ ~ '`' }~ ~ and enter in minutes. __, ~, 4 " f Dad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~5 To be approved by Commissioners. x. n;, ~_;,~ ~ :- ~ ' ~~ ; ~" To be entered into~minutes. ~~ Y _ ;,. ,, ... . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DRAFT ~. ~ ~ ~~ New HartoverGounty-Contract # 96 - 0371 ` °~ ~: ~ NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT f NEW HANO\/ER COUNTY ..~ - `~; THIS CONTRACT, made and. entered info- this..:.- day of . ~ _ 1996, by-and between NEW.HANOVE(~ COUNTY, a.:political - r ,.. ~, S ~ subdivision of-the State of.'North Carolina; hereinafter referred to,as "County'~and .~~ l ,. :EDWFN ANDREWS 8~ ASSOCIATES, P:C., , a North Carolina professional corporation, , 'hereinafter_cefeere.d to as "Consultant' ; z - .., WITNESS`El"M: ;` ~; ~ .. - . That the Consultant; for the consideration hereinafter fully set out, hereb- -Y ~~~ ~ agrees~with the ;C,ounty as ,follows: 1.,. Sco e of Services.:Consultant shall conduct a Phase II 1~;' ~- _X, ~ .. , .... P and Initial ' ~ ~ _ ~ ~ - Well Field; Layout WAter Resource .Evaluation fog .Northern .and Central New Hanover . County, together with data acquisition, groundwater modeling ;and report preparation; according to Exhibit A, attached. hereto and: incorporated herein, •except.as'modified;as ~ . _ . ,. follows:.- .- . _ . z . _ _ ~' - ~ ,. -, a) Alf view test wells shall -be sealed by Consultant after use. b). .The ~ County .will :endeavor to provide reasonable electricity, drainage and water :removal ,through County ;personnel aor-subcontractors: Provided,. ~ however, ,ttat.._ Consultant must work ~~closely .with County in coordinating `limited. .. . "res ~ ~ _ ources. - ~ ~ ~ ~ - _ _ . ~ c):: l"he :final. report: must emphasize a conceptual wellfiefd design ,, : and susfainable water quantities _at various impact levels: .~.. ~ = k:: _ •. .. ., 2. ,Time of. P.erformance.. Consultant shall.. commence work. u on the ~ , - ~-• ~:. 9 9 9 r ~ ... ,.. , .. si nin of ttiis~,a reement.and,work shall Abe completed within one hundred fifty (150) `, .. .. . .~~ ~ ~ 1 49 i , ~i~New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0371 days of said signing. 3. Payment. County hereby agrees to pay to the Consultant for -the total cost of this contract, the sum of Eighty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred Dollars (-$88,600.00), with the 'breakdown of ~ said ,total cost set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ . 4. Extra Work. ~ County and Consultant ~~shall 'fiegotiate and 'agree upon the value of any extra work prior to the issuance of a Change Order eovering`said extra work. Such Change Order shall set forth the corresponding adjustment,. if any, to ... ,,~_ the Contract~Price'and Contract Time. 5. Indemnity. Consultant shall indemnify ands tiold New Hanover County, its agents andemployees, `harmless against- any -and all claims, demands, causes of :action, or other Liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or~on accounf of property darna~ges •arising out of or relating to tte work to tie performed by Consultant hereunder, resulting frorri the negligence of ~or the willful act or omission of Consultant, his agents, employees and subcontractors. • ` ~'~ ~ 6. ~~ ~ ~ Insurance: ~ Cgn`sultant` shall maintain insurance acceptable to County;'of the-kinds and.minimum. amount"s~specified~below. • ~ - 7. •° C'ertificates'and..:Notice"of Cancellation. Before commencing work under Phis ~cortract; ~Consultant~ shelf furnish``County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered.,effective date and expiration date of all ~~polieies, and shall contain the following statement: - - - ~ ~ ~ ' '- '~' ~ ' '~"'fihe ~ insurance "covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except, after thirty (30) days „ written notice has been received by County". ~ ~ - - .. 5~. ~ 2 /j ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0371 8. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Consultant's employees to be engaged in the work uricier this 1 .. ~ contract, providing the required statutory ,benefits under North Carolina Workers .Compensation Law,.. and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the ,~/~ amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by '~I accident or disease. ,~., _... 9. .Commercial.. General _ Liability. Including coverage for independent . ~. contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this ~~ contract, products/completed operations ..liability and broad form property.damage ~~, - liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse ..and ''~~,~ underground haza"rds .are fo be deleted when the work involves these exposures. :The policy shall -provide liability limits at -least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, ~~ combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property- ~~ ~ damage: ~ New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this ,~~' } policy. ~~ 10. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing `~ liability- limits at least in the amount of . $300;000 per occurrence corrmbined single limits applicable #o claims due to bodily injury and/or f ~. .. ~ ~ .~..- ~~, property damage. .. .: 11. Professional Liability Insurance. The Consultant will be required to -~~ ` take out and maintain Professional Liability Insurance prbviding~liability insurance limits at least in the amount of $500,000 Dollars. The Consultant will, be :required-to .maintain ~~? this .coverage, :if available to him, for a period of at least two (2) .years beyond the completion date of this Project. ~ .. ~ :.. ~ ~ - . `~ :`~1 3 51~ 5~ ' New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0371 12. ~ .Independent Contractor: It is mutually agreed that Consultant is an independent contractor and not an agent of the ;C:ounty, and as such the Consultant shall not be entitled ~ to ~ any County. employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, workmen's compensation, or pension and, retirement benefits. 13. Default and Termination. If Consultant fails to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its-completion within -the contract time, or if Consultant breaches any of-the terms or conditions contained-in this contract and.fails to cure. said breach within two (2) days of County's mailing~of Notice of Default, or otherwise fails to perform the work hereunder to the County's reasonable satisfaction, County may terminate this,contract forthwith. Upon-termination, County may, without prejudice.to an action for damages or any other remedy; take the prosecution of the work out .of -the hands of Consultant. County :may enter into another contract for the completion of the contract, or use such other :methods as may be required for the completion of the contract. County may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which 'may become due to. Consultant.. In the ;event this p"roject is terminated prior to completion of the services by the Consultant, the Consultant shall be paid for services. performed to the~date of termination. In no event will the amount due Consultant in the event of termination exceed that amount .set forth in paragraph 3 of this Contract: Nothing contained herein shall prevent the County from pursuing any other remedy - which it may,have against Consultant, including claims for damages. ~ ~ - ' ~ 14. Nonwaiver. of Riqhts. It is ..agreed`'ttiat County's.. failure to insist upon the strict performance- of any provision of this Contract, or to exercise :any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such 52 ~ 4 ~' . ~'~~ ~ New Hanover. County Contract # 96 - 037.1 ` breach, shalt not constitute a waiver~of any rights under this Contract. ~. ;~-: ~ 15. Conflict of Interest.- No paid :employee ~of the. County shall have a ~;` personal or financial interest, direct or,indirect, as a.~contracting~party or otherwise, in ''' the :performance of:this Contract. ~~~r 46. .Subcontracts. The Consultant shall utilize :no subcontractors ..for ~~ carrying out the services to be performed under this Contract without the written F~, . ~. approval: of the Gounfy. :; " 17. Entire .Agreement. This agreement consti utes the entire. understanding of~the parties. ~ ~ - ~18. Binding Effect. This contract shall be binding upon he parties , . ,. i, ~ hereto, -and their heirs,_successors, executors, administrators and assigns. r ~ _ - 19. Further, Actions. The parties will ~ make .and execute all further :. , instruments and .documents .required tocarry out. fhe :purposes and intent of this. contract. ~ ~ ~ . - . i 20. inclusive_Terms. Use of the rmasculine herein shall--.include the .. ,~- .. .- feminine and neuter, and the singular shall include the plural. _... . ' ~. . . ,21.~ Governing Law:~ All of the.ferms .and conditions contained. herein . ..: a..... ~:t". ~ ~. , , . shall be-inter reted m:aecordance with the laws of theState of North. Carolina. ... , ~~~. "` ~ ~ 22. ices.. `Ail notice required hereunder to be sent to either party . ~l ~ .. - ~ , shall be sent to the following designated addresses,- or to such other address or j ' ~ ~ addresses as may hereafter be designated by -either party by mailing. of written notice of .such change'of address, by Registered Mail, Return {Receipt Requested: . , . ,. y ..... New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0371 To County: ,~ New Wanover County Engineering Department ; Attention: David Weaver .414.Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 To Consultant: Edwin Andrews & Associates, P.C. .. ~ Attention: Edwin Andrews, ~ 111 - ~ ,. P.O. Box 30653 Raleigh, North Carolina 27622-0653 ., 23. AssiQnabilitx. It is mutually agreed by the parties hereto that this . _. contract is not transferable and shall not be assigned .by either party without the written consent of the other party to this contract. > • 4.k ~ ~~' 24. Amendments. This Contract shall not be .modified . or otherwise amended except in writing signed by the parties. • 25. Non=Discrimination. Consultant will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee. or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally . , ;,, . ,. ~ . deny any person Participation~~in or tfie benefiits ofi the program which is the,autiject of this Contract because of race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or :national origin. To the extent :applicable, Consultant. will comply with all provisions 'of Executive Oder No. .. ' r . .. r. > ~.. '!. r 11246, the. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-3'52) and 1968 :(P..L. 90 284),• and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, i-ules,~ regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives .promulgated to .prohibit discrimination. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of 'this contract and :. , may result, at County's ..option, in a termination or suspension. of .this contract in whole or in part. 54~ ~ 6 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0371 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify thaf Lucie F. Harrell acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New. Hanover County, and that by authority duly. given and as the act of the .Board, ,the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager, Allen O'Ne'al, sealed :with its-corporate seal and attested by herself as -its Clerk. - 1NITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1996. .. Notary Public My co"mmis'sion expires: ~ ~ ~>` NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ , ., _ _ COUNTY I, _ .. _. , a :Notary Public, of the State and County aforesaid, certify that - ,came ,before '" -me "this"day and acknowledged that (s)te~is~'Secretaiy ~of.i=DININ AN{3f2/S ASSOCIATES, P.C., a North Carolina professional corporation, and that b,y authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed m its name as .its President, -sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himlhe~self as its Secretary. ~ ; . ~ ~•- ~t WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of . .. .. . , 1.996. ,.,;., ,. , ., .. . . ... .. . _. _... ., . _, ....,_ __ .. ,k ..~ .. _. _. {, ..- r... . , ,._ ..... ... ...... -. .. w ._ .,. - Notary Public... ._. _._ ....~ .... r.. ~~ _~.. , My commission expires. . ~~~ .: ~.. ~ ~ ~ . .~ . . 56 8 r Exhibit A ~~ r H1"DR~x,t;OLnC71• E~tIItU~?tF:~Ul.SCIE~tF.S'' ~{ ~'E~~t.cn,y 3cttLS° ° _ .. EDtiVIN ANDREtiVS ~4c.ASSOCIaTES, P:C. - ' '~ ~ -. CONSULTI`G HYDROGEOLOGiSTS ' f'.O: QUX 306j= . r4 ', - RALGIGI{. N.C. 376'_= - 06j3 1 I'E fONE: (919) 7$3 - 3?9j . ~ FAX: (9ln)B~-OGj1 . ~' ". February ?7, 1996 ' _ . . ,~~'~ Mr:Dat•e Weaver, Assistant County Manager ' ` , Neiv Hanover County • Off ce of County Manager e,. ~• ~ 3?D Gh~stnut Street, Room ~5'0~2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - •:~ Wilmington, North Carolina 2301-~D93 - ° • ~ - Cr ., - - Re:, 'Cost~Proposal to complete Pfiase II and~initial Wzll Field Layout t " Water-Resource Evaluation, North and CentraCNew Hanover County _ ` ~. ~ • - v. . - Dear Mr:'Weaver: ~. .. ~ ~: •:; -Theis letter is written to update our ;proposal prepared in June 1995 for the'`Water Resource .._ . Ec•al'uation,:North and Central New Hanover County. An evaluation,of the zxisting data base~has, . } - been madz by BPA Associates, I?:C.. Using this information and additional information available y. -• . from NCDEh'[ files,-we propose to locates"pzcific sites for further .testing . `By •usin, existing wells and:l:nowri actuifer•tests we ~~ill be able to minimize duplication; It is apparent that some slight - rnodifcation in the scope of work will help us'to.control costs in areas with existin; ~c~ells. 'It is requested that the~-sc,ope of-this proposal be flexible to allow for thz completion of Phasz fI using ' existin~~:wells and the completion of a'final'report providing a planning'document tal.in~ into . _~ ,:- :account current withdrawals. There is a :gap in the'data north and east of Ivlurra'ysvlle. -The' groundwater data'in this gap needs to be=.quantified so that New Hanover County can reasonably ~ ` ' ` ± detznnine ifan adequate supply of~watec isa~•ailable. In order to investigate this 3rza, the propose . ~ . - . to construct three test •wel l~ "stat-ions, possibly-ttvo along Sidbury Rd. `and. one ,toward Sc-otts Hill, ' ~.° coupled with -test of existing water supply' vela systems- such- 'as Nlurraysville and ; a site w .y A y P ~ undetermined: . We propose drilling oFhvo observation wells at each five est sites. From the obszr~ahori~,wells Nei,` , ~ j `~~itl determine-.geology:( ithologry) and the relationship bztveen aquifers: Due to the shallow::nature ~ 1 ' • .. • of fhe:aqufzrs baing investigated, the test drilling is proposed without thz use ~fclectrie lo~_,ing.' i '~ It is not believed thatelectric logging will b.e"'sigriificantly hel;pEu1 in New Hanover County, within, r "the upper ?00 _feet.:~ It is:important to bracket the area proposed for the investigation so that limitations affecting ~4•ater.~. - += resource availability can.,be quantif7ed as well,as identified. 1t is suspected that the Pee Dee"and Castle `Rayne Aquifers ~~ill chan?e rapidiy:to the north and west of the Murraysville' area. We doubt„ ` ~ ~ . ~ RECE(VEC~7 . '-;~ ~ - ~ ~ MAf~ 5 '1996 :.: ; . ~~ i _ • . ' ENGINEERt:NG ' -- t)FPARTMFNT ~ ' Mr: Day z Wea~•er, Assistant County Manager Ne~'v Hanover County -~ ' Re: Cost Proposal to complete Phrase II and dnitial ~~'el'1 Field Layout Water Resource Evaluatiori, North and Central.New Hanover County February• ?7, 1996 Pale 2 ~ ~ • that we ~4ill be zble to develop the same volume of water to ;the north and west. However, we intend to quantify the lealae and develop a well head protection Strategy that fits the area based on at~ least two test sites to the north. A three dimensional framework will be presented based on strati,graphy and aquifer testing. This framework will provide the-necessary adjustments to the MODFLOW simulation presented in Phase I in order to further calibrate and modzl specitic ~,~•ell field configurations. Dependin; on existing production wells that are available, the, number of sites may vary. , ' • •, r , ~~ As stated m our proposal datzd June 1.9, 1995 eve will be working with ,a local, driller (Dale Todd Well Drilling) tohelp to, control cost. Besides pzrftirming quality drillin; Dale Todd will perform the di•illinj at five sites at a cost that enablas full utilization of remaining funds. 1) The drilling-costs are: (Per test,site.«•ith no existing production ~.•ell - expected 3 sites) Pee Dee Tests- 4" test well 1'50' deep ° • _ 52500.00 Pei Dez Obsei~•ariori ~~'zll -'" «'ell - °50' deep '. - ~ •. ~ . , :, 5950.00 ~ Castle Hi}rz Tests - 4" welt'60' dzep . , S 1500.00 Castla Harne Obser~,~ation ~~'ell -,2" .well - 60' deep ~ .5600:00 ,( ~ Water 3able.well, - <30' dzzp ~ S350 00 ~" ' ~ ~ ~ Estimate cost per site 55900.00 _ Expected Gond~tioii§: - Three sitzs tesi «ells at-S~900.00 a .. '' ~ ~ ~ - ,517,700.00 .. Three 2" diameter,Tzst.«'e11s to,300•fezt to sample for salt:watzr toe @. 51500:00 ea. ;, . .. 'S4'500.00 foie Pee Dee Production Wells at 53300.00 ea. Two sites «ith exis ~ ~ 5630.0.00 rt - 2 submzt•sible pumps ~ ~ ~ "` ~ ' aquifer t_st,suppo ~ ~ ~ S-~b00.00 " 'contracriabor $t 5800:00•per day 8' days - ~- ' ' ~ ~ ::~ 56400:00 . -, Laboratory costs forw~arersampling,ar 500.00 per sample - 14 samples :.~ ;, '. •. ; . SO 00 . ,, Costs~associated~with~sub¢oritract - Dale:Todd Well :Drilling & L`ab ;•~, S4a,000.00 , 2) H};droseologictvaluatio,n,fo'r remaining phases; , s;. .,, ~ ~ ~ ` t ~ ` ' ~ ` Field Efforts: : ` ~ '." .. ~ .. . fig • ^. i ' Site szlzcti~n, test drillin; setup - 3 days ar5300.00 perday.(!O hr) ~. 52,400 00 , 1 Test Drilling geolo~•, 8 days at S800.O0 per day J S6,400.00 .~quifzr Te~tin~ - ~'stimste 15-man days arS8Ub:00' . ,, ~'~ : • • _ ,_ , ~ ~ %:S I2000.00•.~ • ~ Sampling -:2 man days•at,S300 00 ~ , ~ $1,600.00 i, D:trarLogger 10 days at S_00:00 ~ , , - ~ , I ~ ~ SZ,000.00 ~ - ~ ' Data Reduction - 5, days ar.56~10.00 day - " S320U.00 ~ ' `tapping . 2:days at So~30:00 day ~ ~ > ; F 5 [n30.00 r'~tODFLOW analysis - 7.~days at 5640.00 .54480.00 ~ ~ Pl:tnnin~ «'ell field configurarion and well spacing - 3 days $t920.00 and preliminary report preparation at end; of fteld.testing- S days :. ~ Nlzetings S3200.00 _ , R;pot Preparation - 3. days .: ~ . ., .... ~ -. ._ ; 120 00 ' ' } Cost< r..oci'ated ~+ith the ~Nydrogeolovic tnvestigation`(plusdirert expenses) ~ ~ -. ~ '~5~3,600.00 ~ .. Total Cust,~ ~, , ... ,. .. „ -5 8,6'00:0 8 .~ ., ~~ yY' 1 tl' a Mr.-Dave Wea~•er, Assistant County Manaer ° . New Hanover.County :. Re: Cost .Proposal to' complete. Phase [( and Initial Well Field Layout ;1h~ater Rcaource Evaluation; Northand Central New Hanover County February ? 7, 1996 Pale 3 . ; - . . In order to complete the, aquifer testing at each site, it is requested that New Hanover. County provide electricity, draina~_e and-waterreinova( with county personnel. ~Ve propose to provide two submersible .pumps - in order to pump the Castle Rayne and Pee Dee Aquifers as' needed up to a capacity of 90 gallons per minute. The draavdowt will be measured'in an observation well in each aquifer using data lo~,gers. ,Transmissivity, aquifer boundary conditions;.leakage and storariviry will be calculated for the aquifers present. -~-preliminary , , letter report will Be prepared with a firm recommendation afrer the.,drilling s,complete. Before.Phase Il can begin, therz is one element of information~that will be needed. Ii is recommended that New Hanover County personnel assist by ao[lectin~ the location and information on avaifablz wrells in the region. This specific infonna#ion will be needed.to configure the Best.test drilling plan. . From the -input information from previous modeling efforts we will be able to re-initiate the model to the results of the tte(d testing. Additional modeling will aid in the configuring of. the production well fields and .. ,. , . the devzlo.pment of wzllspacing plans. ~ . ~ • - ' 4 ~ The results of,Phasz.il and Phase III will be .presented to \'ew Hanover County with a recommendation of • • whether:to.proceed or stop. The reason for the recommendation will Be presented m a fin31 report that wil! ' i~ ~ contain an,.annotat~d executi~~e summaryy-and a technical report. ~Ve will attempt to present the findings concisely and simply inane annotated exzcutive summary (stand alone documznt). The technical report ~~~iil . contain-~~eolosic, hy~drolosic; water quality and quantitarive analysis data. This. proposal does •not include modeling ofthe -salt water.intrusion because the existing data-base is insufficient as evidenced in the original ~' report. In the event deeper drilling encounters asignificant-salt water interface, [Believe that the planned ~~ • aicideJiag ref~ort;carl t~ reduect~d;tg salt water nlntsiDn wi hn.these ~ud~,et figures. r ,. The estimated time of completion is 1?0 days for data review; test drillins, modeling and`report preparation. ' Twelve. copies of the final, report will be delivered upon completion of our work. Our terms 'are net ~0. Invoices ~~•ill be submitted monthly for the work completed. In order to irritate a contract, a purchase order, ~~ .. astandard-engagement contract will be satisfactory or~a signed proposal acceptance fotm.will be;acceptable. ~ • ~Ve look fonvard to•working with you:in your effort to obtain safe, reliatle water. resources. •~ . Very truly yours, _ . ... .., ED~VI~; A\pRE~VS-& ASSOCIATES, P:C. ~ • • • ,. ~ ~~ .~ - y ~. ~' Edwtn E. Andrews III; P.G. Consulting Hydroaeologists ` . ~. EEA/sba. - encl. - Proposal Acceptance Form ! ~ • . , ;. . ~ ~ 59~ , • b - Edwin Andrews & associates, P:C. Consulting Hydrogeology & Feasibility Services • . FEE $CHEDUL ~ ~ , . February 1996 a - • ~. ~: . ~. ' - _ E~pzrt Tzstimony/Principa ;per hour .... . _ ........... .......::....: S' 120:00 ' .. Licensed Hydrogeologist, per hour ...... .................................... ~ $0.00 ' C~.D Opzratoc, pzr hour : ~ .......... ~...... :. '... ~ ........:.............. S X0.00 Environmental Technician; pzr hour ..... . :.. _ . ....... ..... ............ S 5.00 Nord Processor; Secretarial, .per hour .... ....: ~. ..:'..~.:.. .:....... ', ....~. S 29:00 _ is Travel and Comrriercal Transpoitation : _ . ........ .. ,.. .. , • • .Cost Lod~in~ and Nl~als' ...........:....... ... :'. ~... :.............. ........... , ,. Cost ~ .. Travel, Auto - mileage ... ', • _: • .. ... ....'.: ....................... ~ .> ~~ . ~ Conductivity Meter, per day .... :. , .: : :.................:..: S 25:00 • ., • Sol i nst ~Probz, per day . ................. . .. .. ...... ... .... .., ' n/c . Two. channel Hermit data logger aril -}' • w , .. _ ..~, .~. -. . F ~ ,-. . -. -: ~ ~~ ~ `°' ~ ~ , .. .. , pressure Kansducers w/100' cabl~'per day . ., ~ ,, :. .n_. ,.. ... ..... .S 100:00 ::~':~.. °' . • . • • • • • • • • • • . ._,.. ,... _ . Four channel Hermit data logger and pressure transducers w/~00' cable per day . ............. ... ..... .......: $'?00:00 ~' ... . .f.• . .:5. Subcontractors & Expenses ............ ........................... .... .. Cost . O -. t~ i 1 6' 1 6 1 1 r~ 1 A 0 1 l E Budget Amendment WATER & SEWER DISTRICT DEPARTMENT Sewer Operating Fund/ Water & Sewer Finance ADJUSTMENT ewer Operating, Fun Appropriated Fund Balance Water & Sewer Finance Revolving Loan Fund DEBIT $23,235 WATER & SEWER April 1~, 1996 DATE 4/ 15/96 CREDIT $23,235 _.. _ ._. ~ EXPLANATION To .appropriate Water & Sewer District .fund balance for continuation of the Sewer Connection and Plumbing Improvements Assistance Piogam. The original program. was adopted in 1994 for aone-year period for 'the .sewer connection/plumbing irnprovenients of 30-35' owner-occupied dwelling units available for very low and low income households. To date, two residences have been connected to the County's sewer system through the program. program's loans are interest free. 'COUNTY COMMISS1~t~3 ''~, ARPRUVEty'~ ~ ~ / ~~tEJECT~p 'f 1 f~EMOVIED ,~`y DAT , ~-- ,,~ ~ ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT # 96-0174 For BudgetOfficer•s approval; then report to Commissioners at ne~c eg lar meeting / and entcrin minutes. cX ~(- To be approved by Com iss oncrs. To be entered into minutes. Tl:is page intentionally left blank 62 t yp} ~> ~i ~~ -~p~T 4 `.1i' ~ga ]~`N 1~„M G t Y f{V b _ 1 . N a - EW H C . ANOVER OUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. CONSENT. AGENDA .. _ 'v . APRIL 15, 1996 9:00 A.M. . • ~ ITEMS OF $USINESS ~ . ~ . _ ~ .. PAGE NO. . " . 1: ,. Approval of Minutes 65 2. .Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Colle tiori orts ' 67 c .rep : ` 3. Approval of bid #96=0309 and contract #96=0309 for an open ~ ~ 7.1 • . - :;plan ,office system for pSS and associated budget amendment .. . 4. Acceptance of DWI Enforcement Overtime Grant awarded to 109 SherifFs Department and appr9val of associated budget amendment #96-0169 ~... ... - 5. Acceptance of mini=grant awarded to ~Sheiff's Department °for 123 . the amount of $1,8$9_and,approval of associated' budget . amendment #96-0168 . 6. ~ Authorize foal }~a~rrnent of~he$;~;DDD bu}~-apt, aad~.executio~a . ~- i~9 of the De Mcroms-settlement forms; Seaboard Group Action . 7. Apprbvai of Assistant`County Manager to continue as designated County official to-make recommendation to the l35 . - ABC Commission on permit application . ~. . ' . , 8. Approval of;award of bid #96=0372 and contract #96-0372 ;for 13 7 a backhoe for the Parks Department to NC. Equipment ~. Company- for the amount of $3'9,719 and approval of~draft contra ct ~ ~: 9. .Acceptance of,$ h1500 block grant award by N.C State :. 1.57 - - University and,app"royal of associated budget amendment . ~ #96-0'17$ - .: . • 10. Approval of DOT right-of: way request for. a 70 ft. ;Easement on 183 . _ ~ • , . - Frederickson Road - ~63'~ ~. 11. Approval of Resolution of Intent to close an unnamed road in 193 Crestwood subdivision' ;.: ~ . 12. Committee Appointments = `' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 197 13. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #96-46 to increase budget for additional revenue received. 201 _ ~ . Federal Forfeited .Property funds are budgeted as received and must-be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary . B..#96-01;75-to budget additional State revenue for'~a computer, 202 software and printer .for the Childhood Lead Poisoning Program .. 4.. ,~ yA y... _, ,~ ,~ _ '.I. ~ ' XN 'F.'1 4 ~. r. i F n Y3 C . yy t r. ' s ... t '..~ •i 64... This page intentionally left blank ~ ..9J i ,, a j ~ ~ a j ~ ~- e r > ,. ~ .. o- _ ~- o <. 'mil/ 7 ~ "1 Ir' ~~~ t~f ~!t!~J Vlr f E ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ ='Cf e f'~~~y ~ .. ~ t ~ ~ -. rt. ~ ~ . ~ a ~3 fi, .. _ CONSENT .AG EN OA - O~AT~E --------- .I,TEM NO.------ -• NEN HANO~VER COUNTY TAX CDL'LEGTIONS • ~ -. COLLECTIONS THRU 03/31/96 GURRE-NT TAX YEAR - 1995 AO =V:ALOREM MDTOR N~EHIGLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL E 47 630 32:0.15 E 3 772 089.06 OISLOVERIES AOOfO 2~332~247.38 32723.68 LESS ABATEMENTS 82.376.09- 34~342.43- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED 549~860~191.44 S 3~7fi0~4.70.31 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED 13377.00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 45330.86 .00 TOTAL LEVY # 49~938~899.30 # 3~770~470.31 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 48,861,139.07- --- ------------ 3,179,.644.41- ------ - ---- - OUTSTANDING BALANCE S 1~077~760.23 -- - - E 590825.90 PERCENTAGE COIL'ECTE-0 97.849I* 84.33~+~ BACK TAXES ~ .. . . REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY S 2~463~~963.85 ~..; CHARGES ADDED 88646.88 LESS ABATEt~1ENTS 150~447.3Z- TOTAL TAXES DUE S 2~402~163.41 COLLcCT-IONS TO GATE 657401.06- (3UTS'tANst?ING $..AL'AIUC'`~.. _ - S -:;1~7„44152.-3°5' ' 0 PERCENTAGE CO'LLECTfO 27.37/, MAR 1995 •FISCAL.YTO .. ~u' ~ ROOM OCCUPaNCY -Tax" COLLECTIONS., ~" ~" ":~•~ :75,348.73 ~.. ~~ 1,482,763.37y PRIVILE~GfLICENSE COiLECTIONS 217.50 124.67.88. EMS COLLECT LO NS ,..,,,. ~,-,- ~,;-~..~; ~sx.:~.... _ §, . ~ .. _ -...... .. e , -. a. } . TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED THRU COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEN HANOVER COUNTY CITY OF W.I:LMINGTOiJ NRIGNTS~VILLE BEACH CAROLINA BEACH AND :KURE ,~ .. u- . ` ~ 7 ' 91188.•86...._.~ _..._.... _ _ ;.BEACH.TJ OAT S..-.-b7, ~3 .: .-.. _ .~. ~ . THIS. ,REP_ORT- IS~FOR~ •FISLAL YEAR .BEGINNING JUL--Y 1~ 1995. - ~~`~ '' . _ ., ~ ~CTFULLY SU;B°M:ITTEQ.r` ` '' .. ~ ., ~. .. .:._ ,: , , ;; , . .. .. . _. .. OR ~`U*'~~.~. •~` ::`, '` "`' , j`? PATR IC I R ~L A J. A N LOLLECTOR OF REVENUE 8 ~-~'4v~~evo~'~x~;. a ,ten, ~-~~,;,96.891 N~T~AGE~ * fiti IN:EO COLLECTION PERGE . ~ ~ • ~ . CONSENT AGENDA OA:TE-_ `_ - ITEM N0.-_---- - NE:W HANOVER COUNTY FIRE TRI-CT TAX COLLECTIONS DI'S • ~ ~ ; COLLECTIONS , THR . U 03/31/9,b` '. `.CURRENT.TAX Y-EAR - T995 ~ A0 VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX~.LEVY:.PER SCROLL -~b 1~04.9~185..10 b 9A~6b4-.07 w ~ OISCOVfRIES~ AODfO ~ ST~202.34 969.•14 ,- LESS' ABATEMENTS ~ 24934.65- ~ 903.77- ` TOTAL TAXES G~HARGED ~ b 1 ~ 081 X452.79 b 90 ~ 729.4,4 -L,ISTING PENH-LTIES CHARGED 1022.60. .D0 ..TOTAL LEVY b --~08.2~475.39 6--_--90729.44 • COLLECTIONS TO OATS 1~062~709.85- 78~774.16- OU.TSTANDING BALANCE b 19~765.54 S 1195`5.2.8 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED o 98.1Z1,a~ 86.82•~~ ' - ~ BACK TAXES" ~ , •, REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY S 44873.72 CHARGES'A.ODEO. 2864.05 . LESS •A8A`T"EMENT,S 638.94- T,OTA,L TA-xES OUE # 47,'098.83 COLLECTIONS TO 0"ATE 14~OZ7_06= 'OUTSTANOI;NG _BALANC;E $ ~ 33071.77 ~'~~tG~`NT~AG'E'~L13~tE'Ct~O _.-29.7$x; . , TH:T;S ~REPU.RT IS. FOR FISCAL YEAR ~BEGlNNING JULY 1~ 1-995. '~_.R~•.S~ECT'FUtLY SUBMITTEO.~ V P~AT,.RI-CIA..J. R ~ OR ~. COLLECTOR uF'R€VENUE '. - .. .. . ~'. COMBNEO -C-'OL~LEGT•ION PERCENTAGE - • 97.3oi . . - , ' .. .. , • ., _ . ,,. ;: ; • 70 Rt<gudar Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: ' Department: Social Services Presenter: ..Page Count Iri Agenda Package:38 Contact: Arny Al.>n • • . -. :SUBJECT: ~ .. . . . Award.of bids#~ 96-0309,., approval of contract # 96-0309 and approval of budget amendment'for an ' open plan office system-for DSS. - ~• BRIEF SUMMARY:. . -w - r .. Staff solicited bids for an open plan office system for the Social Social Services building expansion. ~, - The only bid received was from The Office Showcase and it was more Haan the amount bud eted. g As provided ,in :NC:G.S, 143-.129 staff has`n,egotiated with the bidder to bring the contract price within=funds available. The following information is attached: . ~ 1. Resolution recommendiiig'award ofbid # 96-Q309 for an open plan o€fice ~system`to~The Office . . Showcase - Group 1-Panels/Workstatlons .$23.9,78.1,30. • ~- _ _ , Group 2-Chairs 15..892..80. _ ' ~ _ ' .... _ .TOTAL $255;674:10 . 2. Memorandum of explanation from Wayne. Morris ~ ~ ~ . ' ' ' ~. 3. Budget amendment establishingnecessary,funds . • 4. Draft contract fo"r-approval - • RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS • Staff~recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 96-0309:for an open„plan office system. to-The Office Showcase,~the only responsble,bidder, in a negotiated amount of$25~,674.10 and • . approving the attached budget aralendment and_contract. ' FUNDING: SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S 255;674.10 User Fees S: Other S: - ~~ ~ ~ , Money Is In Current Budget:-No New A"ppropriatio'n Request Yes - x y a ~.': Budget Amendment. Prepared:.Yes ~ - -~ .~ _ . l . _ .. , .,i ,... ~ 1 s kx. ~~, _ REVIEWED: BY: _ . .. _ ' N Y .... -. . . . . L'GL: -FIN: _ :. ~.. BUD: APP CGRIFF:•IN..HR.- . ~~ ~ tt_~ • COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOIVIMENDATIONS• .~ :h . ...w._. _ ......~_ ..., :Recommend approval of:Office-Showcase bid and approval of assoctatedbudget amendment -. ,4 . t ,. -_ - ~ REJECTr® ..... .~: . . . . 71 • ~ ~t'OEQ... • ~_ _ ' Rcfcrto Office Vision:Bullctin Board for Dispo;ition •„ ., , . ~ ~ a - . .~" ~ ~~dgef .A-.rx~exdxx~exzt C~\v~;+i~:.,;~.%t: ~i7 ;^~•e~ . w,i.-v ~w~~r wvw •~~w~,M1."..f^~•^.esr~+~ wr~•~a~e„wueri; ;~•,~ roar rr •r+r -r•~n. < .... .... .. wv'~.. • • . • . ~.... t>vP• .?•e \ •. w ~ L .:.\. .<a. .:w v e 2. v>.. ::;y.~. r ?.': _ . t ar . ~ ~, DEPARTMENT: BUDGET•AMENDMENT# DATE: ~ - DSS/DSS, Expansion. - 96-47 4-1'S-96 •'~CapitaT Project ADJUSTMENT:. DEBIT: _ ;. _,~ ~ CREDIT: D5S-Adminstration•' `~~ • .'Salaries ;. ; .. $75, 7.82 .... _ "- Transfer to DSS Expansion Project '$7.5,782` DSS Expansi-on. Capital Project , •-• ,. • ~ ~ - : _ ,_ Operat-ng Transfer Ili $25,782 _ • (From DSS Op. Budget) ~~ -• , Ca ital Pro ' ect Ex ense ,, _ ,, , P. J , P .. , ., • , _ _ ~ a , $75, 782 ~ . , ,_. '' - - COUNTY COMM{SStOf ' $ . ~ r. a -. . .P REMOVED ~~ .~ 'POST r'ONED :_ s ~ . _n ,_ _ ~. , . . . , . .. EXPLANATION ~ ~ ~~~~ _. ~ ~~ .t k 1 i~ t ~ f .. ... ` . x . To set up transfer,~~to DSS Capital. Project `from ~ DSS Operating budget,{ to cover cosy .of~off-ce~'panels,:,,>= The .or~g,nal est a of ~-the panels °" was $164,000; actual- bid<~is~'~$239~,7-82. . ,: _ : '~ r7 ,~ ~•~~ ~~ ~ ti -. ~», ; . For Budget Officer's approval; themrcport 1 1:'~ ~. =-:~ - ~~~•~. ~ - ~ ~ ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ~ z - , .. s: and enter In minute;. ~ . To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. • ~ . ~ RESOiu-rtow _ ~ . OF THE •. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .~ ' OF ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY" WHEREAS, afterdue advertisement, bids werereccived and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:OO.p.m.•on the 20t1~ day of February, 1996, at the County A,dminislration Building,.320 Chestnut Street, _ Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was receivcd~for an open plan office system for the Social '' .- Services Department; Bid # 9G-0309: - The Office Sho~~-casc: '. " ~ ~ ' Group 1 - Pancls/Workstations $328,251.:00 ' Group 2 -Chairs 25.542.0.0 ~ . . ~ Total 5353,793..00 , ,. AND WHEREAS; the only bid received exceeds the amount of funds avai able for the purchase and as -.provided in N.C.G.S; ~f43=129 Ncw Hanover,County has negotiated with The Office~Showcase; the Drily responsible bidder, rnaling rcason~ab(c changes in the specifications necessary to bring.. the contractprice within . _ ' funds available,:final prices as~follows: ~ - ° ~ ,,~ Group 1 - Pancls/Workstations $239,781.30 .. • ._ . .... :...Group 2 -Chairs - .15.892.80 • - , Total .. • . ~ ° $255,674.10 ~ . , ~ , • AND WHEREAS, he Social Services Director, the Finance Director and .the County Manager ;. • _ recommend-th'at the contract be awarded to The Office ,Showcase of Wilmington; North Carolina,. the<only ' responsible bidder, m' the amount of T~~~o Hundred Fifty five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-four Dollars and Tcn~:Cents ($255;674.10);. •........ . AND WHEREAS,. funds have been previously. appropriated and are now in .Account • No. ~ - ~ ` - 505-530=8000-7300-0000-JOB# DSSEXOlE in the.amount of Two Thirty-nine Thousand Seven Hundred . Eight-one Dollars and Thirty CcnLs~($~3.9,78~1:30.} to covcrthc:ccinliact for.-:Group1•=,Pancls/Worlstatioru;and ~ ~ _ ..,._- ;., ,- . Account No.110-X30-1310-2000-4210 in the amount of Fifteen Thousand`Eight Hundred Ninety-two-Dollars , an8 Eighty Cents ($15,892.80) to cover the contract for Group 2 -Chairs; NOW, TH°EREEORE, BE 1T 'RESOLVED°by the Board of County Corrin~i ~ ~~ ' ssioners of Ncw Hanover County` that thc•contracf for an open plan office system for the Social Services Department, Bid # 96-0309 be . .. atvardcd to The Office Showcase in the amowit of T«'o Hundred Fifty'Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-.four Dollars and Ten Cents ($255;764. l'0); and that thcCounty is hereby authorizcd'and directed to :process the budget amendment and ~c~ccutc thc'contra¢t, contract form• to'bc approved by the County Attorney. . This 1$tli day of April;1996. .. _. . .- _ (SEAL) ~ , . _ . . . ~ •: . Chairman, .,Board-of County~Commis"signers ATTEST: ~ - . .. °-~- ~ 73• ' Clerk to the:Board - .. ~ ~ ~. ° . '• To: AIlen O'Neal, County Manager ~ - From:~ F.~Wayne Moms, ACSW _ -, •-~ ~ -: Subject: Budget Shortfall for Expansion Furnishings Date: March 28, 1996 , , , . The bid proposal for furnishings (cubicles) for our building expansion received from ,Office Showcase, the exclusive Steelcase dealer on February 20, 1996, exceeded our budget. Since that time, Amy Akins, County Purchasing Agent; !and James Oxendine, DSS Budget Qffieer, have worked long and hard negotiating bid °prices' and quantities with the bidder. The final bid ..contract price a~~ter these negotiations is $239,781 The budget c furnishings in our Capital Outlay Project is $164,000, leaving us a budget shortfall of $75,781. •' I am requesting =that the funds necessary to meet this shortfall be moved from the Salary /Wages budget line item. The temporary hiring freeze which I implemented in October 1995 provides us with the required funds to meet this obligation. .. .. . This'shortfall apparently occurred due to ,faulty budget estimates -provided by Off ce Showcase and an`incor'rect count.on the number of office'cubicles necessary to relieve the~problem of doubled-up staff. This budget will provide. 56 new cubicles which will allow us to place all staff`in adequate work stations. - tions,or need additional information,-:please call me or James Oxendme: As Should you have goes . ~~ . always;"1 appreciate your°IZelp. ~' ~ ~ - ' , Xc: Board of Social Services •Amy Akins; County Purchasing. Agent .' 4 ;'~ ~ ~ - , .. . . _ ,. ° , Cam'Gri'ffin; Budget Officer " ' - - ~~ ~ - ~ • James Ozename; Business Qfacer ' d.' ~ ~ ' . , - . ~. ., «. 74 . . _.. - .. ~_ ". ~ ~ New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0309' NORTH CAROLINA .: AGREEMENT NE1N :HANOVER COUNTY . .. - ~.. ._ .. ". TH1S CONTRACT,. made and entered into this 'day -.` of ~ .: . , 1996, by and between ;NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a - political subdivision of the State of ,North Carolina, hereinafter referread to as "County' - and THE OFFICE SHOWCASE, a North.Carolina corporation,.hereinafter referred to as „Vendor". W 1~T N E S S'E ~T H: ., . ,... WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for open plan offce system for the. Soci'af Services Department, .Bid #96-0309, and bids were" received and opened as required by law; and .. a . ._ _ . .. . WHEREAS, after..careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by Vendor; the Board of Commissioner's of New. Hanover-County has adopted a resolution . .. ~. authorizing the .acceptance ,of such bid proposal and the execution ~of a contract with . °VeTidtit~~zovering the purchase, .d`elivery~`~and .installation ofi open plan office system; _. _ .:, ., according o Vendor's Bid Propo'sat~No. JA62=96=0309.- ~. ' NDW, THEREFORE;;in corisiderafion of the.mutual benefits inuring to the . ., .... , - parties hereto; said:. parties covenant and ag_ ree 'as follows:' _,:_. 1. Exhibits. to Contract. The f3:d Package, which 'includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to.Bid~and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; ;.. Vendor's Bid ..Proposal, marked Exhibit B; -and Negotiated Changes, marked Exhibit C; . , . - : ,. are attached hereto and made a~ part of'this~contract as though fully weitten herein. 2.; - . ~- _ Risk of Loss: Risk of loss to :County for the goods purchased s~h~all __. ~. W 2 _~ _ / ~F ~ J - . ... .. .. - New'Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0309 remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.O.B.. New Hanover County Social Services Department, 1650 Greenfield Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. 3. Deliwery. County shall notify, Vendor six (6) weeks prior to the anticipated required ,completion date. Vendor.. shall deliver and .install all goods purchased by County by the required completion-date,. .. , .., 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said goods in._the,sum of Two .Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Four Dollars and Ten Cents ($255,67.4.1 Q) .shall be. paid within thirty (30) days after. receipt of the goods, their installation, their acceptance.by County aril receipt; of invoice. 5. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its agents: and. employees, harmless against any ,and all claims, demands, causes of action, .or other liability, including, attorney ;fees, on_.aceount of .personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or. relating. to the work to be. ,.. s :p~rformed,by Vendpr~hereunder. ~esuJting;,from.:;~the-•negligence.;of~.or the willful' apt or. omission of Vendor, his agents, ernployees;and,suE?contractors. 6. - Insurance.. Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and y acceptable to New Hanover County, ~ of :the kinds and minimum ampuntsspe.cified below..,. V ~,; „t, ._ 7.,, Certificates and Notice.. of.Cancellation. Before cgmmeneing .work under this contract,; Vendor shall, furnish. County, with ,certificates of all .insurance required below. .Certificates shall .:indicate ,:the type, ..amount, class of operatigns covered,.. effective date and expiration date 9f ..all ,_ policies,. and ,shall contain the following statement: .,~a ' ., -. . - - -New Hanover-County Contract # 96 - 03U9 dltll~ . - ` "The insurance covered by this , certificate:_ wi11 ..not. b.e': " canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been. received by County". - ... 8. Workers Compensation and'Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract,.,. ~ - Providing,the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law,-and.emPloyers iabilify insurance.providing limits at leasf in the amount of ~~ $1:00,000/500,000/100,000. aPP(icable to claims due to bodily injury by accident.or - `~ disease: ~ . .. _ ....: - ~ '~ 9: Commercial General Liability. Including coverage for independent .._ . . _ contractor operations,contractualliability assumed under the provisions;of this - ~ ~ - w ~., - contract; products/completed operations liability and broad form :Property damage ~~ . ; ,~ liability insurance coverage: Exclusions5applicable to explosion, collapse.and underground hazards are to be delefed :when.the work involves these exposures. -The . ' .. ~pOl~yahall. prov~de~.labllf~y Aunts at least in the~~amount of._$1:,OQO;D00.{~er occurre_ ~~e, .combined "single limits,-applicable to claims due tobodily injury and/or property . ~ . darpage. New Hanover County shallbe named as an additionaC insured under this Policy. kf- . ... ~~~ - .. ;_ ' ~~ ~ '~~1:0. .Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned,.non-owned ., ~"" .. .. and hired vehicles, providing liability limits;at least~in -the amount of $300,000 per ~ .~. -~~. - . . .occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due tobodily injury-,,and/or ` ..Property .damage, ,,. .,... ~. .~ . ..: .. . ~. .. , . ' •, b. ..r 1-1. ` Contractor s_lnstallation Floater.. 1/endor~shall provide and :, ' :..~: ~: _ . -. maintain Pro ert installation Floater.or a ro riate insurance rotecfin a ainst"loss P Y PP P P g_ ,9 . ~ ,. _. ,. ~ . New )3anover'County Contract # 96 - 0309 or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount :and.shall remain in force until accepfed by County. The coverage 'shall be written in~the name=of Vendor and shall protect the County:as.its interests may appear. ~ . .~ Vendor:shall be responsible for~any•aoss within the deductibleapplicable.: to this: insurance. ., { ~ ~ ,.. ` . •The coverage shall be written ;in the name of Vendor arnd County and shall protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear.. ~~ 12. Warranty of Materials and Equipment. Vendor warrants to County ~, that, all materials and eguipment~furnished underfthiscontract will 6e new unless otherwise specified, will ~be of :good .quality-and. free from.faults and defects, and~will ,: _. conform withahe contract documents.. Vendor-warrants~all--such materials-and _ ,#,~- ~.. equipment fora perigd of one (1) yearfrgm.ahe,=date.of County's:frst beneficial use:of same: , _ ... .. ,~, ~~ ... 1.3 D.efault~and'Termination:..lf:VendprrxiatertalJy_braaches~any;one:of the terms or conditions contained in.tfis-contract, County.may terminate this contract , forthwith. • Upon termination; County may, wittiout~prejudice~to:•an action=for damages: or any other remedy, enter intg another contract for the .completion of this contract ~:•~ ;;~ r;- County may:deduct all•costs~of~completing the contact from ariy•monies-,due or which may become due tq Vendor. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ •' - . - 14. Non=Wai.~er of:.Rights. It iS..agreed' hat County's failure to insist :r: upon the strict performance of any,provision of this .contract or to exercise~any right .-,-~ ^• based upon a; breach thereof, or the acceptance ,of any.:performance,_'during such. breach, .shall -not constitute a waiver of anyrights under.this °contract.. =~ # ~, .rrt , ~, ~ ~ ;;. ~~ - 78~~~ 4 ~. ~. ,. 15. ~ Subcontractors. Vendo~~shall be full res ~.onsible for.~all negligent acts and omissions.of his or her subcontractors and~of persons and . - organizations employed,:by them to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts and omissions..Nothing in the.contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County and:any subcontractor or otFier person or _ r organization Having a'direct.contract with Vendor, norahalt it create.any obligation on - the.part of.County=to pay ~anyrnoney due any such subcontractor:or other Person or ~. ~ . . P y . q y w. .~ . ,organization, exce t as ma .otherwise be re wired b la ~.. 16. Assignment:" The parties mutually-agree fhat this contact is n- of assignable and shall~not~be°assigned-by "either party.without the.w~itten consent.of the ." "other Party~and the surety to.this contract: ~ ~ ., . - ~ ~~ ~ " 17. Non-Discrimination. ~Vendor:will take :affirmative.action not to . .:. ". discriminate against any. employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any.: person participation in or the benefits of the project which. is the subject •of`this ` . contract because of age;_~race, creed, color, ex,aage, disability;or~national ,ot~gaa~: To . , the extent applicable, Vendor~will comply with all,:provisions of Executive Order No.: y -. ~ 11246, the Civil Rights"Acts "of 1:964 (P.t..8$-352) and 1968 (P. t. 90-284), and-all applicable +Federal, State and local laws ordinances rules re ulations orders , ~ 9 .: .. ~~ , . instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. .. , .;. Violation of this provision, after: notice, shall tie a. material breach Hof thus agreement and . . may result, atCounty's option, in a termination or`suspension ofthis agreement in` whole or in part. ~ ; ,~- .. , 1$. Familiarity .withw Laws. The Vendor specifically ;acknowledgesthat he has made himself.farniliartyith alt federal, State and.local caws, ordinances; rules .~ . New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0309 and .regulations, .including aII: Federal and;SCate'Occupetionel Safety. and Health Act (OSHA) .requirements, which. may in enywmanner affect those engaged~or~ employed in the work of :the project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in~any way affect the,conduct~of such~work.and.agrees•that he, his employees, subcontractors and suPplierswill, at ell.times,°~comply with same.:If~the Vendor shall dis.cover~any provisions in.the Contract Documents.which~are contrery to or inconsistent~with~any such ew,ordinence, rule or regulation, he.shall ~irnmediately give .notice thereof to the ' County in writing, identifying any~itemsof work. affected, end.he shall nbt~proceed•until he has,received~written direction from the County with respect to these items. 1f the Vendocperforms contrary to or-inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or ~. regulation without giving such .notice., he Shall bear all :costs:.whicfi areas con"sequence ' ' of such: performance. !,r .~,r - ~ ... ., :~ ~ . ~. ~ -~ _ ~ - . } T9. otiees. Alt noticesrequired-hereunder:fo be s~eht to either party -~ shall`~be sent°to'~the following tlesignated addresses, or to uch other addressor • ~~ addresses as-may herea€ter be--rcdesgrtated-by-either {arty~by mailing of written r~'o#ice of uch=change of'address,'.by>Regi"stered Mai1,.Return Receipt Requesfed: ~ ~ ' .`~ ~: ~` d .. 'x'. '$, f. ... ,, . Department. of Social Services. ~ .~ ~ . ~ ~ .: `~ -Attention: F. Wayne Morris; Director ,.. ~ •. ' ~1~650=.Greenfield-Street- ~ " " r° ~ ~ ~; '~; ~ < • Wilmington, .North Carolina 28401 .. .: .: ,, . ,, w,~ ~ ._. .. .~ „~:a , To Vendor: w ~~ ~.,. ... ~ .. F~ _ ,,. The Office Showcase _ - ~~` : . Attention: J.A. Brown, P_ resident .v .171.2 pawson Street - . ~~~ ~ -~ .., .a , Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 +t ~ .. ,a ,r. ^' -New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 03U9 . . ...i ..~ ~ ' .: . . ,.. 20. ..independent.-Contractor., It is mutuallyunderstood; and agreed tFat - ,. Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as' such, .,. ~~ Contractor, ".his or her agents and employees shall` not ,be entitled to ariy County employment -benefits, such as, but not' I'imited to, .vacation,- sick leave, .:insurance, ,. worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. _~ 21. Interpretation. -All of the.. terms and conditions.. contained, in the ,contract documents shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the ..State of North Caro:lina.. ~ - ., ...- ~. 22. Entire Understanding. This contract constitutes the entire ~. m .. ~. .: ~ . . ., understanding of the parties and'contams-all ~of tfie terms. agreed upon with respect to -. ~= - ~ ~ fhesubject ~matter..tiereof. , . ~No modifcation . or rescission of this contract -shall -be " ~. ., . - effective unless evidenced by a signed.writing. ~ ~ " . ~ . ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties -have caused the execution of this .: . .....ir~s#r~rnant, by~a~rttwr~l~r~d~J~r-:given Dn the da.y-and year~first above writ#en.~ ~. ~ ~ , ` - ~. " . .J". ~~ .. , w., Y v . ~~ ., 1. ~~NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. .. ,. °; :re _. ~. [SEAL] ~ F. ~~t. ', ~ , , ... _ ~_ _ ..5. ., ., . ~ .. .. _ . -~ .. ._ • ^ • > I •i ~'~ _ s• •y y 4 2(t ..~ ~ t. ~' . ~ -' Robert G. Greer, Chairman ` .. =~: Board of Co missionecs -.., ' ATTEST: " " ~ Clerk to.fhe Board ' . ~: ., - ~- ~. ., . _ ~. ." " New Hanover County ;Contract # 96 - 0309 Secretary Y .. ._ , This instrument has been pre- ~ ..: audited in the manner ~equire.d by the Local Government Budget .. ~ " _, ., and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Di"r"ector County Aftorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER CbIJNTY I, u__~_ ____. _.~ ._ _ . ,_~. a Notary Public of the State .and County aforesaid, certify~ttiat Lucie F.~ Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the .Board, the foregoing ,., instrument was signed. in its name. by its Chaicm,an, sealed with its official seal and attested;by herself as its Clerk.....,,," ,~ ; ~ `~, WITNESS. rny" hand and official seal, this _. day of , 1996. - . `~°, .. . My commission.expires: Notary Public 82 ~, :. s ~~' :. I - New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0309 ,. - -STATE OF .COUNTY OF .. _ '~ _ ... . . ,` I, a~ -Notary Pubiic of .the . ~ "~ ' r ll c . State and bef re P pe sona y. ame y Y ~ a ~ a o me ) y g ( ' ~ h s da and acknowe d ed that she is Secreta of THE OFFICE SHOWCASE,;a ry - ~ ~ North Carolrna corporation, and that by authority duly .given and =~as the act of `the- ° `corporation; the foregoing instrument was "signed in its ,name by its President, . ° , . .,sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as ' , its `.Secretary: ~ . :. • ,WITNESS my .hand and_ official seal, this da of Y - _ , .4996. _ '. " ~ :Nota ry Pubkic ~ . My commission expires:'. , . ~.. .., . ` ' - >~ ~~ . ° ~. . - ~ . ,. _ ._ ,. ~~ .: ~~ ~ ..:._ ~ ~ {9 - 83 ~ : . . _; ~~ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA (~ INVITATION TO BID ON OPEN PLAN OFFICE SYSTEM FOR THE THE SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING Pursuant to Section 143-I29 of the General Statutes of North"Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to.Amy'J. Akin; Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401:and marked "-BID FOR OPEN PLAN OFFICE.SYSTEM, BID # 96=0309"-will be accepted unti1300 p.m. Tuesday, Febniary 20, 1996: The bids will, be publicly opened and read, immediately following the latest time-for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications maybe obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the-best interest of the County. -Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County Advertised: February 11, 1996 84:... _ _ ~ _~ .~ , - ~ '; :. ~ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA , " BID # 96-0309 .. , ~' `OPEN PLAN OFFICE SYSTENI~FOR THE SOCIAL SERVICES BUILDING 'New Hanover County Finance Office ~ -~ ~ ~ . ' Attn::Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 ~ " :. Wilmington','NC 28401: . .. - .Phone: (910)-341-71.90 '' _ ~ . - Bid Deposit Requirements - .~ ± p ~p _ p I y ., y at the time of its filing the same No ro o'sal will be 'considered or acce ted b the•Count unless , • shalt be accompanied by-cash or cashier's" check on somebank br trust company insured by-the Federal-Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to and not less than five percent (5%) of the proposal.. In lieu of making, the cash deposit as provided, such bidder- may file a .bid bond - . q - executed by a corporate surety licensed under"-the laws of North Carolina to.execute:such bonds; -~ ,` conditioned that the surety will upon demand .forthwith. make payment to County. as obligee upon said - " bond.ifthe bidder fails to execute`the contract in accordance with the bid bond. This deposit shall be retained ifthe-successful bidder fails to execute the contract within ten (10) days after the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Preparation and Submission,of,Bid Proposal .Com{~letion..ofBidForm: Bids must ,be on.bid proposal form contained in this bid,package; ° the original crud one copy required. Submitted with the original ;proposal form "and copy - ± ' " shall be a com lete set ,of detailed specif cations ,and manufacturer's warranty indicating p compliance with'these specifications. -All prices and notations shall be written iri ink or t}!ped.. , Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid. . No corrections'will be permitted once bids have:been.opened. . - ,~ .~~ ~ ~ - Requ,red:Specifcations: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications .for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder s specifications shall be: in strict:accordance ~. with the'County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with.the County's ° • - ~ " specifications`must list .each-exception separately in a letter submitted :as an attachment to the `, .Bid' Proposal.. .~ - . ~ x,=. -. :. _ Deviations. New Hanover County reserves the right to-allow or disallow minor deviations ' ' . or technicalities-shguld the ;County deem into be to the. best interest of the .County. , New ._ ~ . I-1 'of 6 _ 85 ~. . 5 Q Hanover County shall be the sole judge ofwhat s'to b`e :considered a minor deviation or technicality. Warran#ies: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects,. and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall. submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. ~ ~ ~ ~- If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used,. the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR OPEN PLAN OFFICE~SYSTEM FOR THE SOCIAL SERVICES BUH.DING, BID # 96=0309", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: ~ ~ - ~ ~' ~~ ., • .,.. ` New: Hanover County Finance Office ~ ~ ~' " ~ . - . ' Attn: Amy'Akin, Purchasing Agent •~ ~ •- .. ~ .. 32'0 Chestnut~Street, Room 602 ' ` -~ ~ ~ ~ - .. ~ Wilmington, NC 2840.1 -~ . r : . , Examination of the Documents ~' ~ °' ~ ° '= ~ ~ ~ • .. ,~ Before submitting a proposal, the bidder shall: • Carefully examine the drawings and specifications and- fully inform himself of existing -.co~tionsand:limitatior~s. .. . ' ' '' ~ . . . ~~.. • ~ Rely entirely upon his own~udgement in preparing tiffs proposal, and include in the bids a sum uffcient-to cover all items required bythe contract= :~ • Condition of Goods .. .. .. ,..z ~ ~,, ~ ~ . ,.. ,. , , .: C:: All goods shah'te new and in~.no case wll:used; reconditioned or obsolete parts: be accepted. Trade Secret'Confidentiality _': ~ ~;':: ` _. , s;,:;; •F.r_ ,~°;~_.. All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered -public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential'if the bidder; at the time the bd'is submitted, designates the secet~.and requests that it be kept confidential: 'This right of privacy will ~b'e construed as narrowly as possible toprotect" the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of irformat-ion to the,public. 86' ' .. . . I-2 of 6 d . ' - ~ - .. ~~ c.. .. - Time For'Opening Bids Proposals willbe opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the ..advertisement. " Bidders_ortheir authorized agents are invitedao bepresent. Any bids received after the scheduled " ~ closing `time' .for the receipt of bids will ,not: be considered and will be "returned to the bidder, unopened. , , ~ - ,~ ., Witfidrawal of Bids .~ ,. , ' ~ B,idders'may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at,;any time prior to the closing time for ", ' receipt of bids. But no bid maybe withdrawn after the-"scheduled closing time for receipt_of bids for a perio_.d of sixty (60) days. ~. Award of'Gontract , . _ '. . ,The awai d of'an contract resultin from this bid will be made to the lowest "res onsible bidder .. y g ,P. , taking into consideration quality,; performance and time~specified in the proposal for the performance ~..of the contract. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or~ delete quantities. -~ , ~. f County reserves the right to~award under. a 'single-contract for the entire project or multiple contracts based, on,the groups .outlined on.the Bid Proposal -Form orportion thereof,: including .specific items. , ' Considerations in'Awardof Contr-act ~" -~ In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G:S. 143-I29, .the Board of Commissioners will consider, airiong :other factors:.modem,;accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship;~maintenance costs; .availability of service;andrparts inventory; and ,:.performance (basEd sin Cswnty's: previous use "of he same .or. similar:_ equipment inane by. the - 'manufacturer). ~ - _ _ , .. _ ' Federal Taxes ; - ` , ~ - _. ,_;~ . > ;' ,, New Hanover County is exempt,.from and will not~pay Federal Excise-Taxes or Transportation Taxes. . . ,. .. :, North Carolina-Sales Tax .. , ';° ... ,- ... If bidder is rec~ui'red to charge North Carolina salestax,on bidder'ssales,~bdder-shall-.not include it as part.of the bid peice: County will pay North Carolina sales tax over. and above bid prices when ~_ ' ..invoiced: , r t ,_. ,. a, ~ -~ ~~ ,. _ I-3,of,6 _ ` ~ .. .. ~ 87: , . `., ~. Price Bidder shall-guaranfee the priees•quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period' required. `The price quoted shalt include packing costs; F.O.B..delivery.to':the job site, uncrating, assembling, anchoring equipment to walls -and floor (if necessary by design of equipment), cleaning each item supplied, removaVdisposal of all trash resulting from the installation, and any other cost necessary to fully- complete the. manufacture, delivery, and' installation- of he' equipment pursuant to these specifications. The bidder shall assume sole responsibility for -the entire, purchase as to warranty-and after-sale parts and service. ~ ' ~- ' , ' Place of Delivery ' ~• Goods shad be delivered in one lot F.O.B. New Hanover County Social Services, 1650-'Greenfield . Street, Wilmington, North Carolina and shal be complete .and ready for use unless otherwise specified. ~~ The •facility is schedwled ~to be available.for delivery of furnishings after July X10,1996. Delivery of all items shall be coordinated and .pre-scheduled with, they County. Vendor. is responsible for storing all items, at Vendor's expense, until County isready to accept'delivery; Any'deviations-,from specifed asse'mbly~methods•or~in fianctionshall have prior approval of•County. Instruction in Use of Goods ' The successful bidder shall be responsible for in"strutting County personnel in the proper use and maintenance'ofahe goods. ~ - ~ - ~ -~ ~ • Acceptance Inspection .. .. ., An acceptance inspection is required. Successfill bidder must notify Amy Akin, County Purcha§ing Agent, at (919) 341-7190 when the items being furnished are ready 'for acceptance .inspection. Invoices will not be honored by the County without the acceptance inspection being completed. - -;` Responsibility of Compliance With~Legal Requirements ~• ~ '~ •~ = • . The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in furl compliance with any and all .ap"plicable'. state, federal, local, environmental. and safety -laws, "regulations', ordinances and standards or any standardsadopted' by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless. of whether or not they are e . , . N.,. ~referred-~to in~the'bid documents. ~•'''-~ ~~ • ~ `~''~ ~ '" • ~ ~ ~ ~"~ Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and .employees, harmless against any and all cl'arns, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal _ I-4 of6~ .~ 88 ~~ : ~ ~ injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendorhereunder, resulting from. the negligence of or the willful act or.omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. ___._._ ' - Insurance Vendor shall `naaintain'insurance from companies licensed to write.business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation g is agreement, Vendor shall furnish.New Hanover County with Before commencm work under th certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall .indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date Arid expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: " ~ "The nsurance:covered by.this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after (30) days written notice fias been received by New Hanover County." Workers Compensation. and Employers .Liability Insurance ;. ~ . Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the requred;statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers -liability , insurarice;provdingllmits at least`n.the amount of $100,000/SOQ;000/I00,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury°by accident or disease. ~ ~ ~ . Commercial General•I;iability , _ " Including coverage -for independent contractor operations, contractual liability, assumed .under the rovisions of this contract, roducts/com leted operations liability and broad form property damage P P P _ - ~~ ~ :'.., •~_ liability insurance coverage.. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards _ are to be deleted w}ien the work involves these .exposures. The-policy shall provide liability limits at - .least in the amount of $1 0.00 000 er occurrence combined si•n le limits, a licable to claims due. P g PP • ~ to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this'policy. .Automobile Liability Insurance " Covering all owned,,non=owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $300,000 per, occurrence_combned single limits applicable to claims due to ,bodily injury .and/or property damage. ._ _ . ' I-5 of 6 89 ~_:; ; "~ . .. . , Contractor's Installation Floater .. _, Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred .percent .(100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by County:. The .coverage shall .be written in the name of~`!endor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear., .. ... .... _ •~ . Vendor shall. be responsible for any loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance The coverage-shall be written in ahe name of Vendor and County and shah protect ;the; subcontractors as aheir; interests may appear: ~ ~ ... ,. , . -, • , .' ,. ~ ~. Addendum The bid.package constitutes the-entire set of bid•instructions to the bidder. The.County shall not be responsible for any ~othe~ instructions; verbal or written; made by anyone:. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who'are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package: Compliance Wth~Bid Requirements ~ , ~ . - , ~ : , Failure to comply with these 'provisions or any other. provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result in rejection of bid. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,:, Right To Reject Bids ;.~ a ,; .. ~- , 9 0 ~~ - . ~ I-~6'of 6 ,-, F ~ . 1 ` • _ J .'. ~' - e, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS -OPEN -PLAN OFFICE SYSTEMS . _ BID # 96-0309 ., Scope x ~ ~ ' The Countydesires to add o`n and rearrange the existing Steelcase Series 9000, to,accommo'date the' Social Services Expansion. Because •of the uniqueness and incompatibility of the respective open. plan "' , office systems available on the market, the County is accepting bids only on the Steelcase ' Series 9000. , Quantity . ~,As per the drawings. there are. sixty-nine (69) 7.5' x 6': (nominal) workstafions,,~twenty-one (21) .10'x'8' (nominal) workstations, and ninety (90) chairs.. ~ . ...Colors ; 'The colors for.the panel fabric, trim, work surface and the chairs is as foilows:. ` ,- Panel fabric: Color:. ~ Red Violet. - V3 Number: 5371 Framing/Trim for panels:, e Color: ~ Gray-VI ~hlumte' ~,~5x2 . Desk/Work :Surface Lainmate: ~ . . . - Color: Gray - VI 'Number: , 2782 ~ ~ , ..Chair: y Fabric: . .~ Color: • pani-Gray, = V4 Number:. - 5197 _ ... ti Frame: . ~ ~ Color: Gray - .VI Number: ..~ 6612 ° . . ~ . ., . .: _ .; T-l,of 8 9 ~ ' . ~" ~ 1 l ^ , '. - .. Workmanship and Installation . . Bidder shall provide all labor and material necessary for a complete installation. This will include such work as leveling, installing accessories, alignment, wiring (if required), etc. The bidder shall be responsible for removing and disposing of all trash relative to installation. The finished installation of panel configurations shall not sway and must be clean and free .from any defects which may affect the appearance or serviceability. - The entire system installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines for a safe and stable system. Any deviation from these specifications to achieve a safe and stable system must be submitted for review and approval by the County. The bidder shall be a.qualified representative of the acoustical panel system manufacturer, who has specially trained installers that are thoroughly. familiar with.all aspects of the. system.. • The installation of the panel system shall include furnishing and installing power poles, wiring harnesses and nuscellaneous wiring required to complete the circuit wiring. This work will include wiring from the power outlets in the panel system through the power poles to above the ceiling, and from above the ceiling to electrical junction boxes located on the bottom of the roof structure. Electrical connections shall be made by the furniture installer at these above ceiling junction boxes. The electrical system plans for the building may be reviewed by contacting Mr: George Shaw P.E., Project Engineer, New Hanover County Engineering Office. Technical Notations ,. ,. The ]ayourldraw~ug:and:equi$ueai,Lst is$auacl~e~and ~scoi~s~Pred part of.>~ bldpaGkage. Bidder is responsible for preparing a bid proposal meeting the requirements stated herein and conforming to the layout. Bidder is responsible for verifying all measurements. and is responsible for fit of system within those measurements. . Panel heights are coded on listing for each type of workstation. Electrical ceiling infeeds are required and power poles will be required and should allow for hardwiring. The system's standard electrical system must be~ the one offered. Bidder shall submit one copy of a working drawing (114" scale) of the total layout and one copy of an electrical drawing. 92 : - . T-a of ~~ ~. ~ -~. , ..Service, Parts and Manuals' At least one owner's manual-shall be supplied with each installation, showing the complete assembly ~` and disassembly instructions for panels, with all necessary parts lists and diagrams for future installation. • - The manufacturer`of,the furniture panel system shall have a qualified representative in the county's ~ area available,to :relocate and repair the-panel systems acquired under this~specification. Training shall be provided by the bidder to representatives of the County encompassing installation, takedown, ~repaic and maintenance of panel systems as required. Equipment List E~uiprrient fora Tvnicai 7.S x 6lnomina~l Workstation Steelcase 9000 • 1 W99274A Keyboard-Shelf, ArticulatedColor:Gray-VI X4682 . • ~. 4 , 98214 Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 35X65 3 98213P3 Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 3 circuit; 30x65 1 9821.5 Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 4:5x65 ~ - 1 98688B Power Pole-3 Circuit, Standard Top Cap App1, 65H e ~986~3~1D _ . : R~ece{~tara~~upiex;Y L+ne i Cti~/6 . - .. ~~ 1 99108ACC ~ Worksurface Package-Lam,Cant/Cant, LK, 25X60 ~ , 1 99262APC Worksurface Package-Lam, End-PNL/Cant,LK, 30x70 = ~' • 1 -99409 Center Drawer-21-3/8x22x2 1 ~ 99948 ` Pedestal-Fixed, Full Hgt; 2Box/1 FileDwr, 30x15x24-27/32 ' ` ~ . ,. - . . 1 . 99223 Pedestal-Fixed; Full Hgt, 2 FileDwr, 25x15x24-27/32 1' 9HBS7015 Shelf-Half Height, Panel Supported,- 14-7/8x70x7-5/8 ' 1 LSB481vt Light-Shelf, Mag NPF Ballast, 32 Watt, Lamp; 9' Cord, 49W -, T-3 of 8., _ • ~ 939~~ .~ . ~ . ~~p ment for a Typi cal 8 Y 10 (n minal~Workstation Steelcase 9000 1 W99274A Keyboard-Shelf, Articulated Cotor:Gray-VI X4682 4 ~ 9821 S Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 4SX6S 4 98213 Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 30x65 2 98212P3 Panel-Tackable Acoustical;.3 Circuit 2Sx6S ;.z _ . 1 ~ 98215P3 ~ Panel-Tackable Acoustical, 3 Circuit, 4Sx65 .: 1 98688B .. Power Pole-3 Circuit, Standard Top Cap Appl, 6SH 1 986831 D Receptacle-Duplex, Line 1, Ctn/6 1 99109APC Worksurface Package-Lam,End PnUCant, LK, 2SX7S 1 99262ACP Worksurface Package-Lam, Cant/End Pnl, LK, 30x70 I 99409 Center Drawer-21-3/8x22x2 1 99224 Pedestal-Fixed, Full Hgt, 2 Box/1 File Dwr, 25x1Sx24-27/32 1 99947 Pedestal-Fixed, Full Hgt, 2 File Dwr, 30x1 Sx24-27!32 1 9HBS301 S Shelf-Half Height, Panel Supported, 14-7/8x30x7-S/8 1 9HBS4S 1 S Shelf-Half Height, Panel Supported, 14=7/8x4Sx7-S/8 1 LSB24M Light-Shelf, Mag NPF Ballast, 17 Watt, Lamp, 9' Cord, ZSW ' 1 LSB36M . Light-Shelf, Mag NPF Ballast, 25 Watt, Lamp, 9' cord, 37W Chair s for Both Tvnes of Workstations 90 430312(SCS) Chair-Swvl Tit, Arm, Adj Hgt, Mono Frame/Base .. T-4 of 8 94 .- ,:. :~ .~ ;. ;. . ~~ ~~ ,...~. ;, '_ 96~~-~ _, , T-6 of 8 __ ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~., s ~ v I~'. .. ~ ~ .. ~~ ~ . ' m O_ .. O N a _ .. J , - '~~ - - o om ' o ... ~ ~; ~ ; a . ~ .. I s~s .~• _ ~ __ '~ ~ . .. _ _ ! 0 Z ~ ~ i ... - ` ~~• i u Q. '~ ~ i i ~ ~ .,. I ... -~- ' x. ' . ... .. , ' I .~. , ',_ J ~ ~• • ~ .,• _ ~~ 'er ' E ' ~ ... _ o , ~, ~ N f :r. - - ~ . ~ P ~" cv x •..~ ' ~ ~ ~ O. ~ • 1• I ''• 1;1~1•ti •~ -} I ~ ~ ~, ~~- - ; ,- p -+ ~ c ~i ~i ~ ~ ~ ~e F ~ 3 ~, ~ ~ ` • . n~ ~. I ~ i ~ {. 1 ~ ~~ ~~ - H n ' 3 ~ 1_• -~ ~ I M !3 -~ ~'A , ~~ j z p. ~~ ~S ?~ Q ~ a ~1 ~~ ~4p ~ !~i ~Y ' ~. .tip ~ ~~ ~Y T-8 of 8 I Vendor's Quote # JAB2-96-0309 Ui~ ' COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA . ~ BID PROPOSAL FORI`'I ,. BID # 96-0309 -.OPEN PLAN OFFICE SYSTEM FOR DSS February 20,1996; 3:00 p.m. ~ , . • I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, .agreement or connection with any. corporation firm, or person subrrutting a bid for the same services and is in all respects. fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law. and ~ ' can result in .fines, prison sentences,, and civil damage awards.. I agree to abide by alI conditions of `• this bid and certify~that~I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. • 1YOTE: It is not ~ requirement for bidder to bi~l on both Group 1 and Group 2 Bid Proposal . ' ' Groun 1 - Panele/Workstationt Total Price for all panels workstations: S 328, 2.51.00 - : • -. Attached to the proposal s1ia11 be ~n itemized Listing of al! equipment ntliating the , cjunntity of each each, the model number, the unitPrice; and the extended price. Tlie total of this.. THE TOTAL OF-THIS LIST SHALL EQUAL THE ABOVE QUOTED PRIG. Location of Technical. The Office Shocrca"se and Service 1:71 -~a~sau.: street ~ `, ,. • Representative Wilmington, NC 28403, ., ~ . _. _ Group 2 -_ hags: ~ - uantit - Q y~ ITnrt Pnce :Extended Pnce 90 Steelcase chairs model n 430312 x $ 283..80' $ 25,-542.00 _ , Attachments tb, Proposal ~ - ' . '- 1. Bid Bond 2. Detail Listing of all panel equipment 3. Complete manufacturer's specifications of equpment.proposed 4: Copy of manufacturer's warranty • 5. Drawings. l/4" scale of layout and electrical .. ~ B-1 of 3 . , - , n 99 - _ ,, ~ ~• ~. - Notice to Proceed .. The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the equipment listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order''issued by'New Hanover County. _ - • Addendum Receipt, of the following Addendum is acknowledged:. ' ' • Addendum No. Date , 1996 Addendum No. Date , 1996 Addendum No. Date .1996 A 100 JJ B-2 of 3 Customer Quote The Office Showcase DSS 1712 Dawson Street P.O. Box 3006 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 343-0131 21ea 8x10 offices, 69ea 7.5x6 offices DSSTOTAL .Page 02/19/96 ITEM QTY STYLE NO DESCRIPTION SELL EXT SELL ^ 1 15 98215P3 PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL 3 43 3 95 6509.25. SC9 PP4565 ~ C2RCUIT;45X65 2 30 98212P3 PANEL-TACKABLE.ACOUSTICAL,3 330.00- 9900.0(; SC9 PP2565 CIRCUIT,25X65 3 119 98215 ~ PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL, 367.95 43786.0~~ SC9 P4565 45X65 - - 4 67 98213 - PANEL-TACKABLE-ACOUSTICAL, ~ 302.50 202F7.5(~ SC9 P3065- ~ 3'0X65' 5. 164 98214 PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL, 327.80 53759.2( SC9 P3565 35X65 - u 6 126 98213P3 - ~ PANEh=TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL,3 368.50 46431.06 SC9 PP30`65 CIRCUIT,30X65 7 17 98688B ~ ,i~POWER POLE-3 CIRCUIT, 144.65 2459.D_' SC9 ECTP STANDARD TOP CAP APPL,65H ' ~~ """ 3 0 `9 $ S 8 3'~1D . , ~z ,. -'"RECEPTACLE -T1L7PLEX , LINE I, CTN J b 6 9.3 0 2 0 7 9 .0 SC9... ... ~ .. 9 21 99109APG WORKSURFACE PACKAGE-LAM,END 321.75 6756.75 SC9 CPW~P19 ~ PNL/CANT, LK, 25X75 ~, 10 69 99108ACC - WORKSURFACE PACKAGE-LAM,CANT/ 229.35 15825.15. SC9 PWP16 ' ""° ~ CANT, LK,"25X60 (~'~ 11 55 99262ACP - WORKSURFACE PACKAGE=LAM,CANT/ 358.05 19692.75 SC9 DPWP28 END PNL,LK,30X70 ` 12 35 99262APC WORKSURFACE PACKAGE-LAM,END~: 358.0,5 :,.12531.75' SC9 CPWP28 PNL/CANT,LK,30X70 13 90 99409 CENTER DRAWER-21-3/8X22X2 63.80 ~~~ 5742.00 SC9 CD20 14 90 99274A KEYBOARD SHELF-ARTICULATED, 160.Q5 ~ 14404.5 0 SC9 KBD 7X16-1/4 102 - . ~. ~~ -~ .. _ Customer Quote , ~ ,, .. DSSTOTAL . Page ~ 2 . he Office Showcase DSS ~ 712 Dawso n Street ~ ~ , ~° 02/19/96 P.0. Box 3 006. ~ . ilmngton, NC 28406 :.. - lea~ 8x10 ~ offices, 69ea 7.5x6 offices ITEM`. : QTY STYLE NO ~ .. . DESCRIPTION SELL EXT SELL , 15 21 .99947 PEDESTAL.-FIXED, FULL.HGT,2 FILE 246.40 5174.40 ' S'C9 ULPED3 DWR,30X15X24-27/32 . ` 2 16 21 99 24 PEDESTAL-FIXED, FULL HGT,2 BOX/ 242.55 5093.55 SC9 UNPED2~ 1 FILE DWR,25X15X24-27/32 '. ~ ' 9 17 6 9.9223 PEDESTAL-FIXED, FULL HGT,2 FILE 242..55 16735.95 SC9 ULPED2 DWR,~25X15X24-27/32 a 18 69 .99948 PEDESTAL-FIXED, FULL HGT,2 BOX/ 24b.40 17001.6.0' SC9~ UNPED3, 1 FILE DWR,30X15X24-27/32 ~19 21 9HBS4515. SHELF-HALF HEIGHT, PANEL 72.05. 1513.OS. ` .SC-9 PMSHS SUPPORTED, 14-7/8X45X7-.5/8 ~20 21 9HBS3015 ~ SHELF-HALF HEIGHT, PANEL 62:15- 1305.-15" SC9 PMSHl SUPPORTED, 14-7/8X30X7-5/8. ; , 21 69 9HBS7015 SHELF-HALF HEIGHT, PANEL 104 .50 7210..50 ~ ~ SC9 PMSH8 SUPPORTED,, 14-7/8X70X7-5/8 , 22 .. 2t1 LS~?3~~C " '~3G~~'"f 'SIi'E'i,"F;EL'EK"8~,2Z~ST;'25 ~.... 191:9 4030 95 SC9- SL37. WATT,LAMP,~9' CORD,37W . 23~ 21, LSH24K ~. LIGHT-SHELF,ELEK BALLAST, 1? ~ ,178..20 3742.20 ~o SC9 SL25 ~ WATT, LAMP, 9' CORD,25W ~ ' . 24 69'. 'LSB4,8M ;' LIGHT-SHELF,MAG NPF BALLAST, 32 ,91.30 629.9.70. '° a SC9 SL49 ~ `.WATT, LAMP, 9'.CORD,49W ~,` ~ _ $3 28:251.0.0. i .. .. 1~~ ., 1. r ._ .:. . .. . 03 - ~ ~ - ..- Customer Quote ~' DSSCHAIR -.. {- Page The Office Showcase DSS 1?12 Dawson Street - 02/19/96 P.O. Box 3006 Wilmington, NC 28406 ~ ~.. `~ (910) 343-0131 90 chairs - { ITEM QTY STYLE`NO DESCRIPTION - ~ SELL EXT SELUL --------------------- -____________-___ ________________________=____-___- ===~U 1 90 430312 ~ CHAIR-SWVL TLT,ARM,ADJ`HGT, 283.80 25542.00 SCS MONO FRAME/BASE • , TOTAL: - ~ Y .. • G ' .. - ._ • -. a 0 ~ 04~ = . .. EXHIBIT C Cust omer Quote ~ ~ DSSFINAL Page • 1 he Offcs.Showcase DS5 712 :.DawS On Street p3%26/g6 P.O. Box 3006. - ~'`~ilm ingCon, NC 28406 ~ WILMINGTON,. NC 2.84.61 x(910. ) 343 -01.31 ' Sea . 8 x 10' ~ ~ ... ~1ea . 6 x ' 7:5' - - TEM ` QTY STYLE N0 ~ I DESCRIPTION SELL 'EXT SELL' 1 18 . ;9821'3P3 I ~ PANEL;-TACKABLE ACOUSTI'CAL,3. 36$.50 6633.00 SC9 PP3065 ~ CZRCUTT,3.OX6S 2: 30 98214 PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL, 32.7.80 . 9834-.04° SC9 :.:: P356~S 35X65 3 1 98211 PANEL-TACKABLE.ACOUSTICAL, 240.35 240.35 ~~ .SC9 P2065 20X65 - . 4 14.6 ~ 98233 PANEL-TACKABL,E ACOUSTICAL, 44165.0.0- SC9 P3065 30X65 ~ ` . 5 ~ 12 98219 : " PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTI,CAL,= 341.00 4092 .00 ' 'SC9 42X65 - 6~ , 113 98.2:1.5 .. PANEL-TACKABLE ACOUSTICAL, 367.95 41578:35 • `.. SC9 -P4565 45X65 '.7 .27 9$215P3 PANEL-TACKABLE~ACOUSTICAL;3 ~ 433.'95. 11716.65- SC9 PP4565 CIRCUIT, 45X65 8 55 9$2.12P3 ~ PANEL-TACKABZE ACOUSTICAL.,-3 ;330.00 18150.00 .' .- SC9 PP2565. CIRCUIT, 25X65 - 9 .12, "98688B POWER POLE-3 CIRCUIT, 144.65 1735:80 Y SC9 ECTR STANDARD TOP CAP APPL,65H - ~ ~~ 0 9 9$683.3D ". RECEPTACLE-DUPLEX,.LINE 3,CTN/6 69.30 623.. T0, SC9 . 11 9 98683-2L) RECEPTACLE-DUPLEX ,.:LINE 2,CTN/6 '- 69.30 .70 ~ 623 , , . "12 '9 986831D ~ RECEPTACLE-DUPLEX,-LINE 1,CTN/6 69...30 623.7d' SC9 . _ . • 13 11 991OSACC WORKSURFACE PACKAGE-LANS,CANT/ -229.35 ~ 2522.85 , SC9 PWP16 CANT,hK,25X60. .. . ', ... _ _ - , • ,. , `. 1 5 , ~ ~~ EXHIBIT C _; Customer Quote ' The Office Showcase DSS ' - ~ ' 1712'Dawson Street - P.O. Box 3006 Wilmington, NC 28406 ~ WILMINGTON, NC 28461 (910) 343-0131 • DSSFINA L Page 2~ 03/26./9E~J 45ea. 8 x 10' Ilea. 6 x 7.5' ITEM ~ QTY STYLE NO DESCRIPTION '~' ~ ~ SELL' EXT SELF ~14`~'~ 45 99109APC WORKSURFACE PACKAGE.-LAM, END 321.75 .14478.75 SC9 CPWP19 ~ PNL/CANT,LK, 25X.75 n15 ~"11 99262ACC WORKSURFP;CE PACKAGE=LAM; CANT/ 257.40': '2831:40 SC9 CPWP28 CANT,LK,30X70 - a 16~ 45 99262ACP~ WORKSURFACE PACKAGE=LAM,•CANT/ 358.;0.5 16112.25 SC9 DPWP28 END PNL,LK,30X70 ~ • 17 ~~~ 56 99409''' CENTER~DRAWER-21-'3/8X22X2 63.-80 3572.8GJ SC9 CD20 18 56 9927'4A KEYBOARD SHELF=ARTICULATED, 160.05 ~ ~8962.~80J SC9 KBD 7X16-1/4 19 :-11 SC9 ~2 0' •' 11 SC9 23 • ~45 SC9 22 3' .. 45 SC9 11 SC9 99948 UNPED3 99223 ULPED2 9922~4~~~~ UNPED2. 99947 ULPED3 9HBS7015 PMSH8 24 ;-45 9HBS4515 "SC9 PMSHS 25~'° ~ ~ 45 9HBS301S SC9 PMSH1 26 ~-45 LSH24K ~ - SC9 SL25 PEDESTAL-FIXED,FULL~~HGT,2 BOX/ 1 FILE DWR,30X15X24-27/32 PEDESTAL-FIXED,FUhL-~HGT,2 FILE DWR,25X15X24-27/32 .„ PEDESTAL-FIXED, FULL HGT,2~ BOX/ ~1 FILE DWR,25X15X24-27/3'2 PEDESTAL-FIXED, FULL ~HGT,'2 FILE DWR,30X15X24-27/3.2 SHELF-HALF HEIGHT; PANEL SUPPORTED, 14-7/8X70X7-5/8 ' "SHELF-HALFHEIGHT, PANEL SUPPORTED, 14=7/8X45X7'-5/8 SHELF,-HALF HEIGHT, PANEL SUPPORTED, 14-7/8X30X7-5/8 LIGHT-$HELF,ELEK BALLAST, 1 7 WATT, LAMP, 9' CORD, 25W 246.4D 2710.40 242:55 2668.05 242:.55 10914.75, 246.40 88.Ob~ 110 , . 104'. 50 . 1149 .50 ~ • 72.05 ~ 3242.2.5, 62.15 2796.75 178:20 • . 8019.0'® 10~- ,. , . ~ EXHIBIT C ' . Customer ,Quote ~ DSSFINAL . ;Page 3 he Office Showcase. DSS - 712 Dawson.Street p3/2~6/9E. .O. Box'3006 ilmngton, NC 28406 - WILMINGTON, NC 2846.1 910) 343--0131 - Sea. 8 x 10~ .. ' lea . 6 x 7 .5' o ~ . TEM QTY' STYLE NO DESCRIPTION- SELL„ EXT`SELL• 27~: 11 LSM48K ~ LIGHT-SHELF,ELEK .BALLAST, 32 ~ 165..00 -1815.00 `•SC9 SL49 . ~ WATT,.LAMP, 9' CC!RD, 49W .~ . •' 28 45 -LSM36K LIGHT-SHELF,ELEK BALLAST, 25 152.90 6880.50 SC9 SL37••. WATT, LAMP, 9' CORD,37W • ~OTAL: $23978T.30 ® ^ , • . .. - . i • .. 1 ~ ~ ~ - . ~.~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~~• _ ~ ~~~~ 1 . 07 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ I EXHIBIT C Customer Quote - DSSCHAZR They 'Office Showcase DSS Page 1 .~ 17.12 Dawson Street , , .~ 03/19/96 ,,,~ - .P.O. Sox 3006 ~~Wilmington, NC 28406 ~ ',` (910) 343-0131 ~` ITEM QTY STYLE NO DESCRIPTION SELL E T fiL` '~~ X S L caaC~t~scsCa~~a ACL.=Oi ~~fl Q~DCCOS~CtI ~fC~CD7~~a\t ~CG~C"-i CIgCCp L73OCV ~R4s Ca COt0~aCG4~0 1 56 '430312 CHAIR-SWVL TLT,ARM,ADJ HGT, .283.80 15892.80~~~ SCS MONO FRAME/BASE TOTAL: "_ - ~ ~~ $15892.80. ; ._~. ~~~ a - . ~ :. - a o a .~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ..., .. . X0.8-_ .:~ ~: Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item ~:~ 4 Additional Item #: • Department: Sheriffs Department.. ~ Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 14 Contact: Sheriff J. McQueen . _ • _ _ _ • . SUBJECT: - DWI Enforcement Overtime Grant awarded to Sheriffs Department .. . •. BRIEF SUMMARY: - , .., The Sheriffs Department has been awarded amni-grant.in the amount of $10,000 forovertime incurred to , t work strictly alcohol impairment enforcement. $8,500 of the grant will pay for overtime; the remaining ;funds will be used to purchase 2 Alco-Sensors. and for publicity, The grant will run from May 1, 1996 . ~ through-:September 5, 1996. - •~ • ~' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend acceptance of the grant and request approval of associated budget amendment #96=0`1.69. i A ; • .. 1 •_ , 1 . • FUNDING SOURCE: - Federal S: 10,000 State S: - County S: ~ User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No 1~Iew Appropriation Request: Yes - ~ ' Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes ,. • REVIEWED BY:. LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT .COUNTY IVIANA ER'S COMMENT AND RECOMNIENDATIONS- Recommend •acceptance of grant award and .approval of budget amendment 96-0168. • .~ • ' . ~.... a a Aj 0.' ~ L ~ lJ ~k'V ~, t3~ • REJECTF6 ~ ~~ ~ ~ `~~ ~ ^,~ ~ - ~ - __ - •REMO~c IJ • . .,j ~ , , ~ ~ O 9 POST r'®N~;. J; U . Refer to OfficE Visi n Bulletin,Board for Disposition v • JB~xdget Amendxx~ez~t DEPARTMENT• ' f Sheriff's Department '-- -Administration - BUDGET AMENDMENTS - .. ~96-0169 ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: Sheriff's Department DWI Overtime Grant $T0,000 Sheriff's Salaries Supplies $8,500 1,500 _ y... r _ ..- EXPLANATION :. . .. To~increase.budget for Driving Whle~.Impaired En o ement Overtimes ;: Grant awarded to the Sheriff's Department. .~,.- - 110. I. .- , . . ._ _ __ _ ~„r ~ ~ . COUNTY CQ~~~~ _. ~ ur ti ~, f1i"QRQV~Q '676 n; ~~ ~~ '~t'~r'e a '~`, R For Budget O((icer's approval; then report R~.lECI'1~1? '. I ~ ~ 'i`~, Y ~ cgularmeeting ~,`,~ ~ -~.- ~. ~to Commissioners at ne~ct r REMQVE® ',~~~ ~+; .~ F~~c ~ ~~nd enter ln~minutes. ~QS~ f~N~ ~ ~ ~To be approved by Commfssfoners. {,~ Q ~j~~~ " ~ "`~~-° `` ` y~f~To be entered into minutes. SATE _-- ~=.~ -;, U:~~, 1 ~ .. _' S - •. .. ,~ - '. . '~ ~ • . . .. _ - .Driving While impaired. Enforcement Extra Duty Mini-Contract APPlicant Information , . - ~ ~ .~ .: . Under 23 CFR Patts 1309 and' 1313 .~ . - ,Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance X20.601- .. -~ ., . `, Governor's Highway Safety Program ~ . .215 East Lane Street _ -. ~~ ~ - Raleigh, North,Carolina _2760.1 _ ~ - ^ .. .. ., - (919) 733-3083 -±, ~ ~ -. t ~._.. Law Enforcement Agency: .New Hanover County Sheriff's Department ,., .- . _ n-.. .~. Agency Head: Joseph McQueen Jr.;,Sheriff Project Contact Person: ., ~ Sergeant Duane T. Ward - Position Title: Sergeant S;A.F.E. Unit Telephone: (910) 341-4227 ., _ _.~~~ ~-~--~-~=~ =~j - -_``_,;:,~~-ems ~' .. T ~.~ Fax # : (910)341-4230 _ ~Mailing~Address: ZO North:4th Streei Wilmington, North Carolina:.2:8401 Project Title; . S.A.F:E. UnitFtinding for DWI Enforcement r Driving White Impaired Enforcement Extra Duty • ~ Mini=Contract Applicant Information L -Problem Identification: Describe specific problems. Include current dri~•ing n•hile impaired (DWI) conviction rates, DWI enforcement data and alcohol-related data for the past three years. New Hanover County, North Carolina is a busy seaport ~andvacation resort community of approximately 185 square miles located on the Atlantic Ocean and bordered by the Cape Fear River. Our county. seat, Wilmington; :has a year round population of appro~dmately 65,000 along with New Hanover County population of approximately 75,000. This combined total of appro~amately 140,000 is greatly increased during our, tourist season which is generally the first of April through mid-0ctober. During these times we experience a large influx of tourists a•ho come to enjoy our beaches, historical sites, and golf courses. Our area is also host to the North Carolina,•Azalea Festival which is a 5 day event and brings in approximately 300,000 tourists not talang into consideration Riverfest which brings in approximately 200,000. Our area is also the port to the Battleship USS North Carolina ri•hich in. itself attracts over 250,000 visitor annually. With the completion •of Interstate 40 in our county a•e have become one of the state'smost favored spots for relaxation and entertainment. In addition to our tourist allure New Hanover County is less than a 90 minute dri~•e from ttivo of the largest military bases in the United States. Along with the problem of underage drinking from the military we have the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College which have a combined enrollment of almost . 12,000 students. As with' any beach or tourist community as our population eepat~ds during the summer months our responsibilities and. problems do also: Unfortunately,. our manpower resources do not normally increase at a rate>to meet this need:. Since . dryolc~and in; , i ~5' F~P~e co"mcto oera~a:ta teia~c~anQ•c~ya9 thaaisels~ te'maIIy~of tf~emthis ~meaas.io - turn doss bly i drive. This problem is also increased by underage drinidng-from tourist and Iopls alilce • ~ ,, DWI Arrest (New Hano~•er Co. Total) 1992 - 13.33 1993 - 1415 199.3 - 1983 - - DWI Conviction Rate (New Hanover Co.) 1992 - 81%0 1993 - '84°!0 1994 - 73% DWI Arrest (New Hanover S. D.) 1992 - 191 1993 -'176 1994 - 281 ,DWI Conviction~itate (State) - ' 1992 - 70% °1993 - 93% 1994 - 63% Alcohol Related Accidents .(New Hanover CoJ 1992 - 255' , 1993 - 249 1994 - 234 ~ . 112 _ ' :. ~_ II. •Narrati~~e Description of Plan: Please describe your project and include the follo~~~ing: Proposed strategy for addressing the problem(s) . ~ 'identified in Section I. . ~~ ~ ~ , In May of 1983 the New Hanover County Sheriffs Department through a grant provided by the North Carolina. Governor's Highway-Safety Program formed. a specialized six (ti) man team of selected deputies to target,. monitor, and enforce alcohol and traffic violators in New Hanover. County. This unit became known,as - "SAFE", (Sheriff s Alcohol Field Enforcernent): This program was _very successful in helping to make New Hanover County roads safer and was an overwhelming success with the public. As a result, upon expiration of , granted .funds Sheriff Joseph McQueen included these positions in the general budget where the six (ti) man SAFE unit is still in:full time operation. It is our`plan at the New Hanover County Sheriff's Department SAFE Unit, through this grant provided by GHSP, to increase,our effort against impaired. drivers. It,is our hope that through money provided: for overtime; equipment, and public education that we can decrease the number of impaired drivers in New Hanover County throughahis tourist season. '' We intend to decrease impaired driving through overtime money provided by adding random selected patrols and the.use of sobriety checkpoints. Through our:efforts this-past year we feel that the sobriety checkpoints were very effective and managed good cooperation with the other agencies in:our county. All of the deputies working have been or will be trained in. Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. Secondly, we intend to continue to educate the public_througtr our presentations of Impaired•Driving to our Ioca1 schools and civic organizations. .W,e fs~i-that through these efforts that we can indeed make New Hanover County a saferplace by doing.all we " can toy reduce alcohol related crashes. • a '.. -- . _ . . . .. ~~ ;:~~~ .~ :•113,. - ~ .. .. _ ~ _. _ IIL Goals and Objectives: ,.~ : 7 .. - List overall goal(s) of project and strategies (i.e: objectives) to reach goal(s): .. , .. ~ .• . . The overall~goal ofthe'New Hanover-County Sheriff's Department~SAFESquad during the 1996 ummer season is to do all'that we can to reduce the number of alcohol related c"rashes and/or impaired drivers in New s ..Hanover County.;, ~ . This-goal will be accomplished by completion of the following objectives: ~ ' - - . :. I:) To train additional officers in Standar'dizeti Field Sobriety Testing by 5/31/9.6. • ~ ~ - t ~_ - -. 2) To conduct a minimum of two (2)) Public Information and Education Programs for civic groups and driver~ducation students during the period on `May-September 1996: ` ~ ' ' ~ ~~' 3.)R To patroLspecific targeted areas of New Hanover County for detecting'alcohol.impaired drivers during ,: ~ . .. H "May-September 1996. 4.) To conduct a minimum of two (2) DWI Sobriety checkpoints each' month for the period of May-September 1996. _ ~~ ~~ .. 11~ 4~ -~ . .. . ~ ~ - . :•. °. •IV. Tasks: List major operational asks to be accomplished in the project and the timing of those tasks required to meet - ~ ~~operational and reporting deadlines. Relate tasks and activities to your objectives and group sinular activities 'under subheadings such as "start-up activities", "training", "educational acti~lties.", A timeline is reconunended :. ~• ~ 1 •) Start-up Activities A. Print Brochures -.Have approximately 1,000 brochures printed for PI&E distribution (will be printed by ' - 5/31/96 - . B. Order Equipment -Order two (2) additional A1co-Sensors for use on project on 5/:1/96. ~ ~~ 2.) Training - . A. Train Personnel - Additional personnel will be SFST trained (compete by`5-31-96) 3,.) EducationalnActivities ~ - A. Conduct Public. Education Programs -Deputies will conduct at Ieast two (2) programs monthly _ May-September 1996 (begin May 1,996) 4.) Enforcement Activities ., ,,A,.°Tzrgeted~P~tr~il - Specifically.=targeted areas will be heavily;patrolled Sy SFST' trained~deputies for detecting impaired drivers (begin May 1996) . . r. U V. Expected Results: This should relate to the measurable objecti~~es. As a resuh of the TouristJSummer season Driving While Impaired Program, the~New Hanover County `• Sheriffs Department SAFE Unit expects to achieve the following results: _ . 1.) To have conducted a minimum often (10) information programs related to the problems caused by impaired drivers. 2.) To increase Driving While Impaired arrestsk so as to help reduce alcohol related crashes. 3.) To have conducted a minimum often (10) DWUSobriety. Checkpoints. U _ ~ ..~ .. 116 _ _ ... !~ . _ _ . VI. ~ Plans for Evaluation:. Briefly describe how }'ou ~~ill measure"the success of }•our project., VII. Project Budget Please itemize below how the mini~ontract funds will be e~-pended Also, ple<1se list any other sources of funding a~~ailabte to .you for e~ctra duty enforcement projects. (Rent and office equipment purchases , are not priorities for funding). . , A. Expenditures _ _ Salary (for 425 hours @ ~ 20.00 per hour) S 5,500.00 ~ Fringe Benefits (401K, FICA & Taees) ~ Miles @ Cents Per Mile a (use local rate not to exceed 2S cents) Pl&E Brochures S 3~•~ Incentives S 300.00 Two (2) Alco-Senors ~ S 900.00 Total B. Revenue S S S S S 10,000.00 Funds from Governor's Highway Safety Program S 10,000.00 Total other applicable funds: Funding organization ~ Amount S Funding organization Amount S Total Project Funds (must equal total expenditures) S 10,000.00 11~~8 _ ;. t 1 a e Pad (A) ~ : ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS - _ -~. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ASSURANCE- WITH REGARD.TO TIfi:E HICHIVAY SAFETY PROCR:1(~9S Pursuant to the"requirements to Section 22(a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1966 and subsequent amendments, the applicant. agency; as a condition.to receiving approval of this application submitted under the .Federal Aid Highway Safety Program, hereby gives -its' assurance that employment in connection with -the subject Hi,h~~•ay Safety Program. project will be provided without regard to race, color, sex, creed, or national origin. • ~" The applicant agency further agrees that, as a condition to receiving any Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation, it will comply. with Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 2~2, 42 U,S.C. 200-: d-42 U.S.C. 200d-4 (hereinafter referred .to as the Act), 23 U:S.C. 324 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination of Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation. Effectuation of Title VI of the .Civil Rights" Act of 1964 (hereinafter referred to~as the Regulations) and other pertinent directives to the. end that in accordance with the Act, Regulations; and other pertinent directives, no person in the United States shall on the grounds of-race, color, sex, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of,~ or be. otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant agency receives Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Highway Administration. ,. More specifically and without limiting the above general assurance, the applicant agency hereby gives the following specific assurances with respect to its highway safety project.. ~ , Applicanca?ency`shall insert the following notification in all solicitations for bids for work or material subject fo the Regulations. and made' in connection with all' Highway Safety Projects: "~it/~ f-(R-~~•~ ~„`;.,~ in accordance with Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act, of 1964, hereby, ratifies all bidders that it~ will affirmatively insure. that. in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business ' enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation. and will not .be discriminated `' against on``the groun85 of race, tilor, religion, stx,~or natitmal "origin'.ir+`totisiiietatioz+-foran'award." In addition, -the applicant agency agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply with these assurances, the Administrations may take ,any or all of the following actions: (a) Cancel, terminate, or suspend this agreement in whole or in part; .. (b) Refrain from :extending any further assistance to the applicant agency under the program with respect to which the failure or refusal occurred until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from the applicant agenc; ' - ;• (c) Refer the case fo the"Department oF7ustice'for appropriate legal proceedings. Also, the applicant agency either: (l)~ certifies that there is at ,this time no litigation involving Civil Rights pending,against the, agency or, (Z) agrees to submit with this application the identification ofany case(s) now pending. The applicant agency further agrees to notify the Governor's Highway Safety Program of disposition of any=case(s) identified in (2) above and of the filing of any additional cases_during.the contract period of this project. 0 1 1 t . I fF PART V.(A).(continued)' _ ACCEP.T.aN.CE OF CONDITIONS ~ ~- GENERAL PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT ', . ,~,. During the- performance of this contract, the applicant agency, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "agency").agrees as follows: (.1) Compliance with Reguiations: The agency shall comply with the, Regulations relative to~non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department::of;.Transportation (hereinafter, "D07") Title 49, Code of,~Federal , Regulations, Part 21, as thi:y may be amended from time to time,, (hereinafter.referred to as the Regulations), which ' are Iterein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. .~ , (2) Nondiscrimination: The agency with regard toahe work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate. on the' grounds of-race, color,~sex, or:national origin in the selection and retention. of subcontractors, including ` procurement of materials and leases o'f equipment... The agency shall not participate either directly or indirectly id tlie'discriminafion'prohibited by Section 2I:S of the Regulations;, includin; employment practices when the contract ~: ~' covers a;program~set forth in Appendix `B of the Regulations. ~ ; , ~ - _ ~, •_ (3) Solicitation for Sufico"ntracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either,. ; by competitive bidding ornegotiation made by'the applicant agency for work to be performed under a subcontract,. iricludin; procurements or materials or leases'of equipment, :each ,potential subcontractor or supplier.shall'be ; notified by the agency of the agency's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative .to } nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin. (~) Information and Reports: The agency shall provide all information and reports required, by the regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shat! permit access to its books, recoids, accounts, other sources of information, and 'its' facilities as may 6e determined by they State or,~the.National Highway Traffic Safety. Administration or the Federal Highway Administration, as:appropriate, to be'pertinent to ascertain compliance with- such regulations, orders and instructions. Furthermore, tfie agency'shall maintain such materials during tfic contract period; and for`th'ree (3) years from the date of final' payment'.from,the;department, for such inspection and audit. , Where any information requ'ir'ed~of an agency' is in the exclusive possession~of, another w,ho fails or refuses: to • . ... .. ' furnish this information the agency shall so certify, .to the State or the Adrri~n~strations as a fottfi ~fiat'effrnts~it'fiasmade'4o °' ~ •' ~ ~ ~', ' PP.jopriate,, and.sha{I set ~tain~tfie"~nfarmation.." n . ~ (5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the agency's, noncompliance with, the nondiscrimination provisions ' of this contract, the State shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Administrations may'determme to.be ; appropriate, including, but not limited to: d ,: , (a) withholding of payments of the agency under the contract until the agency complies, and/or "'''~ •` {b)~ cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract;'in whole.or in part. (6) incorporation of Provisions: The agency shall include the provisions of paragraphs (I) through (ti) in°:every subcontract; including procurements or materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt 6y the regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The agency shalt take such'action with respect to any subcontractor procurement as the State or the Administrations may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including- sanctions for noncompliance; provided, however, that, in the event an agency becomes involved in, or is~threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the agency may request the State to enter into F such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and, in addition; the~ageney may request the United States to:enter into such Iidgation to protect the interests of the United,States.. (7.) Acceptance of Conditions by State and Local Governments:. Applicants shall adhere to the standards established b O ice of Managemetit and Budget. (OMB);44 CFR Part F$ and additions or amendment's thereto, •for' Grants and`. 1`3~: e~tents with .State and Local Governments; Arid OMB :Circular. A-87 _for principles for determining costs applicable to grants and contracts with State and Local Governments. 1 f 1 1 t t 0 t s , ,,._ ~- . PART V(.a) (continued) ACCEPTANCE OF CO~YI)ITIONS (17) ~ Cost of the Project: It is understood-and' agreed that, the work conducted pursuant {o this.a~reement.shall be done on an actual ¢ost basis by the agency: The amount , of reimbursement from the department shall not exceed the- : estimated funds budgeted in the approved application. The agency sha(F initiate and prosecute to completion all actions necessary to enable the agency to provide. its share of the project costs at or prior to the conclusion of the project. (18) Pa}•ment: Progress payments, based upon actual allo~ti~able costs for not less than one (I) month or more tfian' three, {.i) months may be made upon receipt of an itemized invoice from the agency on forms .furnished by the.'.. department. The"itemized invoice shalt be supported by-documentation of costs as prescribed by.the department, unless the agency is reporting under the Single Audit Act as prescribed in-0MB Circular A-128. The itemized invoice shall be approved by the",Governor's Highway, Safety' Program and the' department's fiscal section prior to payment. Any .rejected or unaccepted costs shall be `borne by the agency. :The agency agrees that in the event the department, determines due m Federal or State rules and regulations-that grant funds must be refunded, the, agency will :reimburse thedepartment a sum of money equal to the amount,, of Federal and State participation in the rejected costs. Thee . agency further agrees and understands that in the event funds originally appropriated by Congress for, these grants are . subsequently reduced by further acts of Congress; affected grants. «~ili' be proportionately reduced. ; (19) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Requirements: The agency shall abide by 49 CFR Part 23 requirements as specified below: ~- (a) It"is,the policy of the USDOT and the department that Disadvantaged (including minority) Business Enterprises (DBE) and;!Nomen's.Business Enterprises (WBE) as defined in 49 CFR 23, shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of the project financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under this agreement. Consequently, the DBE-and WBE requirements of 49 CFR 23 apply to this agreement. . (b) The ;agency, as recipient of funds underthe terms of this agreement, agrees to ensure that DBEs and 3VBEs, as defined in 49 CFR 23, have the maximum ,opportunity to participate, in the performance, of contracts 'and• subcontracts .financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under this agreement.In this regard; the agency shalt take all=necessary and reasonable'steps in accordance with .49 CFR'23 to ensure that DBEs and WBEs have the - maximum oppo.rtuniry to compete for and perform contracts and shall not discriminate on the basis of race,. color, sex, or national origin,. in the performance of this agreement or other USDOT or department assisted contracts or "subcontracts. To the maximum feasible extent, the agency shall engage. in outreach efforts both formally .and informally, designed to locate;: develop,. and certify, as appropriate;'the greatest possible number ofU~~ and WBE firms, including but not necessarily' limited to-the maintenance, development,"and dissemination, as appropriate, of a Directory of. DBE and. WBE Firms certified by the agency. (c) The.departrrient has submitted to the.USDOT its o«•n DBE and WBE Program: Any recipient of funds under the terms of this agreement; including the agency and any of its subcontractors;.agree'to either comply:with"the 'department-DBE and WBE Program,~or to .prepare and. submit for approval its own DBE~an'd- WB£ Program meeting a91 the requirements of 49 CFR 23, prior to the performance of any work under this agreement. ;, (d) Failure of the agency;'as recipient of funds under the terms of this agreement, or failure of its subcontractors (if a subcontractor is authorized) to carry out the DBE and WBE requirements of this agreetrient shall be a breach of , a~teeq ant, and•in rep Itm"tetmittaUOn of the a reement,b the de .actmens.,.ox,such,piherremedral.actifltractor, or be re wired b the department as it deems appropriate. The agency shall advise each, subrecipient, connsas may subcontractor that failure to carry out the requirements set forth m 23.43(a), shall constitute a breach of agreement .that. after the notificarion:oE the department may result in termination of the .agreement orsubcontract by the agency or such remedy as the agency deems appropriate. (20) Equipment" Purchased Under This Project Contract: The. agency shall.maintain and inventory all,. equipment purchased under -this agreement. The equipment. must be utilized by the agency,. for the sole purpose of. furthering the traffic safety efforts of the agency for the entire useful life of the equipment. . 121 ;, PART V (B) - ACCEPTAt~`CE OF CONDITIONS ~ . •-' ~ ~ ~ . This applcation'is approved for fiscal year~1996' and authoriation to .proceed with this highway safety project is granted under N.C.G.S. 143 B-~60 subject-to the State and Federal laws and re~ulations,applicabte to ,the North. Carolina Governors High«•ay Safety Program and the conditions stated below: +: . '_ -. . I. Unless otherwise directed, applicants must submit Quarterly Progress Reports (Form GHSP-D-07) tb ttie GHSP ' which reflect the status of project implementation`and~attainment of stated goals. Each progress report shall describe • the project•status`quarterly and°shall be submitted to,;GHSP,no later than fifteen (15) days subsequent to the termination' of each quarter: A Final Accomplishment Report (Porn} GHSP-D- l0) must be submitted to the GHSP within thirty (30) days of'eompletion of the project unless other`vise.duected. A reminder notice advising date that ~~ each is due will~be mailed~to Project Director. A16contractors that are delinquent in submitting quarterly andlor final. ' 'accomplishment reports,. or reports that lack sufficient detail of progress during, the period in question; will be subject ' 'to having reimbursement requests withheld: ~ Once'sufficient reports to., substantiate adequate progress have 6eeri submitted, reimbursement`requests will be~processed... .., , , , 2. Applicants making purchases or entering into .contracts as provided for by this project must, adhere to the .policies and procedures of 49 CFR l 8.36 or A- I ] 0, whichever is applicable. ' ' ,. . 3. All Out-of--State travel must' have~~prior' approval of the' Governor's Highway Safety: Program.. Requests for approval (Form GHSP-A-17) should be submitted to GHSP at least hvo (2) weeks before the intended date of travel. pp ~ any proposed agree"menu for contractual services ~to the Governor's Highway, Safety Subm A licants mus t 4. p P g Pro ram for final a royal riot to aceep'tance. ' P 5. Applicants shall account fog program income relafed'to projects;financed in whole or in-part with .federal funds in accordance with 49 CFR Part 18.25 or Attachment D of OMB Circular A-I 10, whichever is applicable. Program income earned during the contract period shall be°retained by the applicant and'-added to the funds committed to the ,. .-project by the GHSP and be used to further eligible program objectives: ~ 1 , 6. Local'govemment applicants must complete Attachment i.entitled "Local Governmental Resolution ' North Carolina is contingent upon'State' funds being 7,. Any continuation.ofthls-p,roJect wrth funds from the State of , , t ~ .appropriated by the General Assembly. specificall ,for ,that u o y ptPSe. - ~ ~ -~ - ` 8. Any. reports,_publicatwns etc., develo ed u'smg.funds from fhisrcontract must 6e approved by;fhe CiNSP prior to P their release: ' ' ~ ~ ' . ~ , ,. 9. „Any printed, material must contain.the. name of the Governor's Highway Safety Program. ' . .. - .. ,, , .. .. PROIECT:pIRECTOR (Read the above "Conditions;' before signing) ~ ~` , NAM£ aT1TLE ADDRESS , . , ,p Fr , Joseph McQueen, Jr. Sheriff ~ 20' N.' 4th'~St" Wilrn:',~ N. .: ~• ,~, ..... ~ 'SI ~ ATURE" ~ _ ~ y .. . ... TELEPHONENUM,BER 1"0-341=4206 9 A, ; .HO . lNG;OFFICIAL OF, ~VERNMENTAL:LiNIT,(Bead theabove. before signing) ,_, _, _~ ME TITLE .. .. ' :....; ,, ~ ADDRESS . ,, .- , •A1'l~en ,0-.Ne`a~l ~ County. Manag-er ~ 320,.Ches'tnut. St. .. .Wi..lm. ' ~ ~ SIGN TURE ; TELEPHONE NUAI6ER ~ t' ,. Qt , _ OFFICIAL OF GOVERNMEN AL UNIT HORJZED TO RECEIVE FU .. ,.. NDS UNDER THIS PROJECT ..... NAME,. , :. ,: , , :TITLE'. - .- .' ADDR)SS , ~ Bruce ~T. Shell ' Finance D'ire:c~to,r ' 320 Ch est~nu~t+. St~ .W~ilm. SIG " ' .. TELEPHONE NUMBER F ' . .. ~_1 ~ ~' ~ ._. ` _ P AL INFORMATION (FOP G USE ON Y) ` "APPROVAL DATE 1996 March 18 I ATUR ~ TITLE Director, GR , q~ .~ SUBJECT: . .' -Mini-grant.awarded to Sheriffs Department in the amount of X1,889 ~ . ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: a The. Sheriffs Department has been awarded a.mini-grant in_the amount of $1;889, from the Governor's Highway Safety Program. The grant is for a-two week period and will pay for'overtime incurred to conduct checkpoints for seatbelt.enforcement, child restraint enforcement, and motorcycle helmet laws. '~ ., . .. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend acceptance of he grant and request approval of associated budget amendment #96-0168. 4 ~~ .. ~ .. '. ~, ' FUNDING SOURCE: .: Federal S: 1,889- State. S: ~ County"S: User Fees, S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No Merv Appropriation Request: Yes :" Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes REYIE~'_ED .I3Y: - . _ LGL: APP WCOPLEY ,FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COLTNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION ' Recommend. acce tance of a t .away o p gr n d and approval of budget amen ent #96-0169. j} ~~~~ F~~ ~ 12~~ j{ ~ s a Y ~ ~ P S'af ~~' - Office Vision Bulletin Board~Cor Disposition ~ ~ "~ `~ ` ~ ~~' ,,. €~. t y ~~ ,`i ~.~• ~. K~ -' ..,.... ~' ~~xdget A.rnexl.clzneizt :~ - .. DEPARTMENT: ___ BUDGET AMENDMENT#m. DATE:' tme t 6-0168 4-15-96 - Sheriff s.Depar n 9 a ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT:_' •. Sheriff`s Department:- Overtime Grant ~ $1, 889 ,. Sheriff's Department Salaries X1,755 FICA 134 • E - EXPLANATION To increase:budget.for grant awarded to Sheriff's Department to ~ . conduct checkpoints fors°eatbelt enforcemen child restraint enforcement, and motorcycle laws.'. -~ ~., - . :,,. r .. , ~ , 124"" .. ~ ~~ss~ot~ -~'~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~, ~~ ~~ ;.. APP~~VE For 8udgeS O(f ~cer s hpprovat; then reFort 'RE:IECTGD ~ ? ~ to CommC~sston~er`s at.ne~ct rc~ular meeting ,fir ~, ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ' ' }REMCiVED' 1~ ~' -- ri /and ent~ciin,m~~utcs: ~ ;~'' ~~~ ~~ ~! .To,be ap toyed by Cam~La"sioncrs. . - ~~ k. ? ilk. Kati>S ~~?~ksst~~" v=c^'~~ r+a'n~. QA,~, ~. _ ,- ~ To a entered Intominutcs. . . -- ._ ° ~ ~: ~ ~ ,~ - , / R 2 :; ~`1 : i ~i l' ~~ . ~''~~ ~ ~ ~:~° ~' - ~ .«~O! T ACT FOR EXTRA DUTY ENFORCEMENT f UNDS i._..:_.... ~., ~ E GOb'ERIJvR'S'Ii~GH4'f~Y i~.. SAFEiY PROGRAti1 " ~ ,- ° AGENCY l~ 1 L ~. r- ... °. °_ - - ARDRESS 20 North 4th Street ' ' lt'ilmington,,North Carolina ,23401 " . 910 •910 .. ' t. Duane T. IQard 341-4227 341-4230 CONTACT'PERSONS g PHONE FAX " -: ' o " n_xF~ a. a ~~~~~~~~ Number of Overtime Hours P nticipated 9 4 _ hours ~ $ 2 0 . 0 0 • (average agency OTrafe: inc/udesa/ary. F/CA, elc.1 Description of.how funds will be used: To conduct checkpoints fbr the enforcement of seatbelt,~child restraint,' an moao.rcycl,e re ~met~ 1aws,_ along with saturation patrol.. ". information to assist the G'overnor's Highway Safety Prograrn~in selecting agencies for ' approval: 4. Total # of law enforcement officers - 1 7 7 . ... ,: • ' ~ ~ - * ` ~ 2. Total # assigned to traffic. enforcement 6 - - ' - ° 3. ~ .Traffic crash data for 1995 ` ~- ° 4 14 Total.# of fatal traffic. crashes 1 fatalities ,, . ... Totat';~ of rsertitis injvry:`cTasfies #.2 ; ~'9 $ *this includes all accidents with injuries ~ ' 4. A encies artici' atin in FY96 GHSI Contract: 9 P P 9°_ 59 ° Number of officers available for OT enforcement ~: ~ Number of safety belt citations issued!io 1995 171. , 2, 867 Number of traffic citations issued in.1995 Complete and sign the .application. Applications must b'e received by March 8, 1996. Ann Ringland . Governor's Highway Safety Program f2~15 East'i.ane Street Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 733,-3083. . ~ • Telephone inquires regarding thisprocess s ould be directed to Ann Ringland. -~ y-;~ Applicant's Signature Date •~ - ~. ..: .. ~ , :: • 910-341-4.286 or 341-,4227 :.,. . Applicant's Phone number . .125 ~" . - .. .,. ,;. - - .v. . t .. .. ,: Q .: .. - ", INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT A reementNumber ~J7-96-04-13-L7 ;~ •- 9 This Agreement is made and entered into by and between.the.State of North•Carolina ~°j acting by and through the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Governor's. t{. J} Highway Safety Program, hereafter-called Department, and _ __ hereafter called .the agency. - , • 1. RECITALS ~ ; , . ._ ", A. PURPOSE The principal purpose of this agreement is to supplement the enforcement of traffic laws throughout North .Carolina, specifically laws for safety belts and, motorcycle helmets by providing extra duty funds: _ _ ."B. BENEFITS ` , .,T • Traffic officers will b"e trained.in safety belt enforcement. Public attention about• ~• traffic safety will be gained. Data about.safety belt use will be gathered. Hundreds of traffic enforcement hours wile be added and, the expected, result will be increased belt usage. ~ _ C. EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION_ - - ; i , ' L1 11:-~f'ROJFCT MANANT;PLAN- . ~ ._ • • . r , A. DEPARTMENT OBLIGATIONS .... ;~; _ Department agrees to pay agency not,to exceed the sum of $ - upon completion of work as described, under II. B. AGENCYOBLIGATIONS. j~ Department shall pay-billings received by Agency within 30 days if received by Department. Billings'must be received within 30 days.of the project ending. B. AG€NCY OBLIGATIONS ~ - The following assignments will be performed during effective c'ontract`dat~3:~ 1. To provide overtime traffic enforcement, with and emphasis on safety belt and child safety seat violations. 2. Enforcement of the state's mandatory safety belt law is limited to written- citations for,viola-tors, Written and/ or verbal warnings are not allowed to be issued by the~Agency while receiving reimbursement forservices under this •- 9 agreement. _ ~ ~ ' 12:x- .. :._._ .~. ..~ ,•~. e!, 1 1 l t ', - page2' 37-96-04=13-17 3. Officers will be permitted and encouraged to issue multiple citations to drivers -who have committed several violations. Examp/e: "Exceeding maximum speed" and "failure to wear safety belt". 4. Agency will select target enforcement areas by conducting pre-enforcement ~` safety belt user surveys in high crash locations. Post-enforcement surveys will be conducted at the.end of the enforcement period in each seiected'location. 5. , :Agency will advise media-of safety-belt compliance in all investigated'. traffic - .crashes.. - .• 6. Agency will inform the news media of ..this special prggram and keep them apprised of enforcement results. 7. Agency`will report at the beginning and the end of each enforcement phase. to the Department listing. traffic enforcement activity during the overtime patrols and , listin"g traffic enforcement activity on regular non-extra duty ,patrol. (See, Attachment A for information required.) , 8'. Reimbtirsement Agreement -Agency shall submit billings to the Department . notiater than.30 days after the final enforcementphase. These billings must reflectactuat costs and work"accomplished during the',billing period. The billing shall be submitted on the appropriate .Department reporting. form (Attachment BJ, indicate agreement number, billing period, extra duty hours! rate of pay and signed'by contracting official. Activity reports must be submitted before. reimbursements can be processed. 9:Allowable charges under this agreement to contract funds include: 'Overtime- - -.pay for traffic patrol.at agency overtime rate, including benefits. - .T~{~~~~~,y~$-S,QOretarye~fS~atQ'ssOffiseKofThe:State of.North Carolina, the Federal. Government, and the :duly authorized representatives shall have access to the books, documents, papers, end records of~the Agency which are directly pertinent;toahis specific agreement forthe purpose of making audit, examination, ` excerpts, and transcripts for a period of three (3) y.--ears after final payment. 'Copies of applicable records shall be made available upon. request. Payment for cost of .copies is ~eimtjursable by Departmen#. - C. KEY.OFFtCiALS Agency N:ew Hanover County Sherif'f's Department - .:Contact.Name Sgt . ..D.u a,n e.,...T ,....IV_a r dr:.._.a,.. ; . ; Address . 2 0 i. t r e e t - - °~~ -- i mington, ort aro ina - Telephone ,Number 910 - 3,4 1 - 4 2 2 7 f?ax 910 - 3 41- 4 2.3.0 Governor's Highway Safety Program ~ - 21 SEast Lane' Street • page 3 ~ J7-96-04-13-17 ~-•: • IIh GENERAL PROVISIONS •~ ~ , FEDERAL REGULATIONS -- It is understood and agreed that the activity,covered yin this •Agreement is:-., undertaken under the authority of Section 402, Title 23; United States-Code, and is subject to the administrative regulations established by Federal guidelines including•:Circular A-87 and are hereby incorporated by refiner with the same fore and effect as if they were given in full text. Applicants shall adhere to the standards established by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 49 ~CFR Part 18 and,additions or amendments thereto, for Grants and Agreements with State-and Local Governments. ~ • ~ ' iV. APPROVAL The Fiscal Year 199.6 Highway Safety Plan was approved: by.the US Department of Transportation on October 1, 1995. At that time the Director was. authorized to sign ail contracts included in this plan: :; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have settheir hands and affixed their seals.as of the say and year,hereinafterwriaen. V. SIGNATURES' .. ,.. _ AGENCY •' N era Fi a n o v e.r .County State of North Carolina, by•and Sheriff's Department through its Department of • . - _ Transportation, Governor's ~,,~ ~r • ~9~'~aY Safety ~rograrn . T _(AgencyJ . ,..c ~. _ ' .. By z _ ~.. ` • ~ Joe M. Parker, i~ r Sheriff Joseph DtcQueen Jr. Date c~r~J/ (Type or print name and title) • .Date... Sf -~ ~ • ~ _ . ,. • , ALL FORMS MUST. BE SUBMITTED WITH ORIGINAL $IGNATt1RES TO ASSURE ' • 'CONTRACT APPROVAL ANO PAYMENT ~j 128-~ .. ..~ .. .• . _ •. - ;REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 04/1S/96~ . .. _ ._ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item#: !i~lA • Department: L'egaUEnvironmental Mgt. Presenter. •Page Count In :Agenda Package:: ~ Contact: Ray Church _. SUBJECT.:. - _ Buy-out. .Consent Arrangement, Seaboard Group Action. ~ . .. .~BRIEFSUIVI1yIARY: • New Hanover County previously made payments under-Phase I and Phase II of the NC Department . . of Environment, Health and Natural Resources consent order, to discharge us for :any liability. attainable toy a small quantity of ether disposed of at the Jamestown, N.C landfill: To finalize .the • administration process, a response cost payment of $1,000.00 is,due by Apri 30, 1996. . • • . `~ ~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: • .00 buy-out, and execution of. the De Micromis Settlement Authorize finalpayment of the $ T,000 forms. ~ _ . _r . .. FUNDING SOURCE: .._ .. .. Federal S: ~ State S: County S: 51,000.00 User Fees S: Others: Morley is In Current Budget. Yes New Appropriation Request: ! ~ Budget Amendment Prepared: .REVI~EWED~BY: - LGL: - FIN: ~ EUD: Arr CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Authorise .f nal a ment as ro osed . . P Y P P . - (~Uf~"CY COM1V(ISSta~~~ ~' ., APPRnVED R~JECTi~D~ '~ i :: _ . .. .. .129 . ~; ,,~~' ,., r'ONEfl . ,. .- ~ _ . ~ . ~.:~_ _,_ _ _ . t~,~TE . ~ Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Board forDisposnion ~ "- ~ ~~ ~=' - • ~ ~..,~ ::.:...~.~MEM ,. .March 27, 199.6 .. .~ ~ ~• ,. ~_~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ : ~ . ._~ TO: Wanda Copley _ .. , , County Attorney ,% , FROM:. ..Ray Church, Director ~f~ , t/~G~ Vii= . Environmental Managementy~ ~ aw .. ~ ~ 1. .. ,, ,., RE: Seaboard Group II. ~ ~ ~ - ... . ' ~ De Micromis Buyout ~ _ ' ~ " This package was received in my office today from the Seaboard Group II Executive Committee. If you recall the Seaboard Chemical Corporation in Jamestown, NC was the recipient of waste ether from the old Civil Defense Hospital stored in the basement of the Wilmington Police Department several years ago. The contractor, Envro-Chem Waste Management Services, removed, neutralized, and then disposed of~the ether residue at Seaboazd Chemical:Corp. As ; . ;: ,. _New Hanover Count .was the: eneratorsof the waste and the~site has now become a Superfund ," site, we have been determined to be a PRP..Since the amount of waste was~approximately 30 #.., gallons we have been classified as a De Micromis PRP and have been offered abuy-out. We have previously made payments for Phase I and II to become De Micromis members. As I recall the previous costs were around $230 total. This buy-out has a minimum payment of $1,000. Please review the attached document and advise on how we should proceed. As recommended previously, I feel we should take the buy-out avenue: The payment due date is April 30, 1996. You aze being forwarded the original for signature purposes. ~ . If I may be of assistance, or if you need additional information, please call. .. .. , Thank you. . ,. ,~ :.,~._ rv'tc ~ s ,:.3 ~ ~ ... _ r, ;" ~ ..._. tl - - ~ "~~-tiF~~l ~ c ~ 11( 1~ ~ ~.5:., if h~ v ~ S ~'2 ~~ StR r 3 ~~F~.~c1 ~ ~ u i r. . _.. t<< y" +~~. F~~;~~~. ~ ~~_~; r .. , ~J ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~: seaboard ~ Group .II . f. ~ • ,r, : -.. a ,. . .~ •. '. INVOICE . Inv. No.: 501 Uatz: March 22, lyy6 • ~ , . .Remit To: Seaboard Group Id . an '• • c/o Amcric Environmental'Consultants . : , 30 Purgatory Road Mont Vernon, NH 03057-0340 ,. _ . - . Mr.; Raymond Church, !r. New' Hanover County. NC . - ~002 Hwy 421 North Wilmington, NC 28401 ' ' RE: New Han_ over County. .. (Eligible Member) f ,' Seaboard Chemical Company Site be Micromis Settlement - • , . Invoice for the 'De Micromis Settlement in .accordance with the Administrative Order on Consent with the North Carolina Department of Environment,. Health and Natural Resources Division of Solid Waste, ursuant to Article.9, .N.C.G.S. P , Chapter 130A.,'with respect to~the former Seaboard Chemical Corporation Faciliry in Jamestown; North Carolina: i. Phase I and Ptiase II "Reimbursement Cost Payment' (Section VIII(B)(2)) • . ' ~' ~_ a. Phase ! PA[D . , b. Phase II PAID , • II:. De Micromis "Response Cost Payment" ~~ ' • ' a. ~ Chloririated Hydrocarbon Hazardous Substances 50.00 .. .:_, ~ . ', • b. " Other. Haiardous Substances 5150.00 ' 'III. Total Due 51,000.00' 1~1II~IIiti1ITi11 PAYMENT • . •. I Please Mak _ • _ ; ' a Check Payable to:. Sea6tiard De.Micromis Trust , - Paymenf:Due: April 30, 1996 ~ - ~11 ry ~. - ~_ - ~ ~ ~•, SEABOARD DE MICROIVIIS ADI\~IINISTRATIVE ORDER ON CONSENT THE UNDERSIGNED De Micromis Settlor enters into this Consent Order in the matter of the former Seaboard Chemical Corporation Facility. By executing this Consent.Order, .the undersigned De .Micromis Settlor certifies. that ..all documents identified pursuant to Section X(A) hereof are enclosed, or that after a reasonable, good faith search, no such .documents could be found. PRP Name:.. ~ New Hanover County Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) Name By: ~' ~ ' Signature Date of Signature: Name (Print): Title: .. _ ~. Company/Firm ,Name:.. . _ . ~ ~ .. . (if different from PRP name) .:Address: ~°~ ~ , , . Phone: ~ Fax No.: Member, Seaboard Group II: YES Member, Seaboard Group I: YES Taxpayer Identification No.: , ,._.< :. .. ... .. . F.....,. ~,. .. _.. .: «rb IRS District Office Address: Documents Enclosed: YES NO 14 w 132e__ _ . ~ ' .. ~ _ SEABOARD DE MICRONIIS TRUST AGREE<<1ENT , IN WITNESS" WHEREOF, the undersigned De Micromis Settlor•hereby ` ~ executes and agrees..to.the terms of the Trust Fund Agreement. ..The undersigned De ~. -. Micromis'Settlor~has caused this instrument Ito be executed b a erson duI authorized Y P Y to sign on its behalf. ~ ~". ._ _,. ~ : : , PRP Name: New Hanover County - Name of Member/Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) ' . _.. ' _ , By: • `. ~. Authorized Signature _ . ~.. ~. D f Si ate o gnature:: -, A Name (Print): ' , ,: ~ - . r}.,. r, Title: ~ - - ~y _ Company/Firm Name. r X0!!1 .. (if different from PRP name) __ Address: ~ - - ~ ~ . . ~ 19111 , , ., _ ~< Phone: Fax No.: - , ,. ~ ;_ Member Seaboard Group II: YES . . Tax a er Ide p y ntification No.. . .. , IRS pi"strict Offce Address: _ . - ,. , ,. ~. .. , - - •~. . 133 _ ,. _ .. -, ~ ~~ _. ~_ ,. ~_ ., .,: . .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. ~ ' . .~ ~ Meeting Date: 04/15/96 ,, ~ - _ _ Regular:Item #: ~ ~ ~ Consent Item-#: 7. ~ Additional Item #: Department; County Manager Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Dave Weaver ., ,_q' SUBJECT: Approval of Assistant, County Manager to continue as designated -County bffi`cial to make recommendation to the ABC Commission on permit application. ~. 'rBRIEF SUMMARY: ~ - , . h .. .. ~ The Assistant. County. Manager, for the past several years, as been, the designated official to ;coordinate ABG .permit application reviews. Reviews are performed by routing permit application. .~ ' 'requests to the Sheriff, Planning, and Zoning "Enforcement. The NC ABC Commission has requested, as part of'a'routine matter, that the Board adopt the attached resoi"ution designating an . ,_ ` ::official to continue: in this role. ~ ~ ~ - ... ~" ~ `R'ECOMMENDED 1VIOTION AND REQUEST"ED ACTIONS: `~ The Board should. adopt the attached resolution continuing the role of the .Assistant County ,~ Manager in coordinating application review. - ~` 1 .: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . . ; ... ... .. . . Federal S: State S: County S: User -Fees S: Other'S: - Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Requesf: e .. ~ - ~. ~~ Budget Amegdment Prepared: - - - LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: ~BLTD: ~ HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ - .. „ ~~ COUNTY_MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND.RECOMMEINDATIONS: ~ . _ `Recommend approval -. this. is a continuation of the current approval pro ess.' ~ _ .__ :. :. ~ 35 Board for Disposition , ' r ~ew ~Canover County Board of Commissioners -. ... ~,esolution .. .. .. 9. WHEREAS, the County. of New Hanover regarding designation of an official to make ~ - recommendations to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission:on ABC . , .. . Permit Applications. ~ ' 'WHEREAS G.S. 18B-904(f) authorizes a governing body to designate an off cial, by name or w by, position, to,make recommendations concerning the suitability of persons or locations for ABC ~' . .permits; and .. . ~ .. .: _ ..... . -.. ..... - - WHEREAS, the County of New l-lanover of North Carolina, wishes to notify. the NC AB'C Commission of its designation as required by` G.S: 18B-904(f); ~ ' ~ = BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the; Assistant~County Manager is hereby designated . to notify the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission of the recommendations of the County of New Hanover, regarding the suitability of persons and locations for ABC permits , - wthin its. jurisdiction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT notices to the County of New Hanover should be'" mailed or delivered to the official designated above at the following address: Mailing. Address: 414 Chestnut Street, Room 101 Wi'Imington, North Carolina 2840] This the day of , 1996. f. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman jSEAI:J ~ -Board of County'Comrriis'sioners ATTEST: l Clerk to the Board ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ,~~ 1 iw j1 C' v~ . , 136_ . --- . . ~ . t .F ..Si r 3 , .H ~ p,5 F Rea lar Item ~: Consent Item #: 8. ~ Additional Item #: - . Department: Parks Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 19 Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT.:. _~ ' . ~ Award of bid # 96-0,372 and.approval of contract # 96-0322 for a backhoe for the Parks Department. BRIEF SUMMARY: Bids were received .for a backhoe for the Parks Department. and N. C. Equipment Company was the '...lowest responsive bidder at $3'9,719.00. Attached is a resolution awarding bid to N. C: Equipment ~~ . Company`and a draft contract'for approval. - . .. , ,~ f ,. ~ _ . ~- RECQMMENDED .MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: , ;`~-; Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 96-0372 for a backhoe to N. C. Equipment . ;Company in the amount of-$39,719.00 and approval of draft.contract. ~ = .. ,. . - .. .. .. r _.• ,., FUNDING SOURCE: .. Federal S: State S: CountyS: 39,719.00 User Fees S: Other S: ~~ .. Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No ;Budget Amendment Prepared< No REVIEWED BY: _. LGL:.APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMA.LLETT ` COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMIVIENDATIONS• -~ ..` '' Recommend approval to N.C. Equipment• company, the low responsible bidder, in the. amount of $39,719.00. _ , . :. . ., " 4 ~COUN'i~f = - .. APPROVED s~--- ~, . . . ~ a .. . , . _ . R~IECTr®~ y , ,; _ R~n~ov~p # y l X 3 7 e ~~ ~l+~t . _. Refer to Office Vision E~ ,'- ~,~'ty"'~ . ~ _ , :RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ' . - - ~, OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - ~ .- - WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly ;opened by the Finance Department at 1 1:00 a.m. on-the 2nd day. of April, 1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, WilrtUngton, North Carolina, and the following. bids were received for a backhoe for the Parks Department, Bid # 96-0372: - ~ ~ •~ ~' ~ N. C: Equipment~Company - $39;719.00 ~. ~ - --- Nash Equipment Company ..$40,504:00` ~~, ~ . , - -~ •;: E. F. Craven. Company $45,143.00 R. W. Moore Equipment Company $45,570.00 Gregory Poole Equipment Company $54,253.00 AND WHEREAS, the Parks Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to N. C. Equipment Company of Wilmington, North Carolina, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Thirty-nine Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($39,719.00); ~ ~ ~' , ~ ~ ~• - AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated an. d are now.•in Account, No: l 10-612-6120-6400 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New ... Haiov~rCni~ty~Iha2,She-uautractfnr:a-laarkhoefain.s}~eP~rhsD~anment;Bd..~9b-03:72 be awarded to N.C. Equipment Company in the amount of Thirty-nine Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($39,719.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract force to be approved by the County Attorney. - .__ . . _ : , This 15th day of April, 1996. (SEAL) ~ . , _ ~ ., .. .4 ~. - Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~' 5 `° • ~ ~r 1, t r ~ ~ Clerk to the Board 1 ` S ~ :_ . ~ `l~ ~ h 4 Q,.. ~ - 138 ~~ ~ . ~ } r ~;. U ~ =~' ' ~ ` a .F~ b n of~= d . ,. ~ . . . ~ ~ . ~ DRAFT .~ . ` New Hanover County Contract # .96 -0372 NORTH CAROLINA -. _ AGREEMENT . NEW HANOVER COUNTY r\ . ' . t ' THIS CONTRACT; . made "and' entered into ~~this day ~~ of 199 ,.by and. between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a ,political subdivision of the :State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County';~~ and. NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPM-.ENT. COMPANY, a North Carolina ' corporation, fiereinafter,referred to as "Vendor". `P, ~ ~ . WITNESSETH:. ~.. .~ ' ~ ~ ~ WHEREAS, County advertised forbids for~one°(1) backhoe.for the Rarks ' 1 Department, ~ Bid #96-0372; :and bids were .received and opened- as required by. law; '' and .~:. WHEREAS,:affer :careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by i ~ ' Vendor, `theBoard of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted. a resolution authorizing the accepta`nce' of such. bid .proposal: and the execution of a contract with l~erdor~covering tf~e pufft~ase ~~er,d~tiel~very}of arse ~i )~j~acktoe;.;:ac~o~ding tip-~~e~tclor's .., , ' Bici P,roposal.. ~. ,. . ~~ ~ NOW,'THER;EFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the . ~ ~: " parties hereto, said parties covenant and: agree as follows: - 1. Exhibits to`Contract. The,. Bid Package, which includes County's , ,~x Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; and Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Exhibit B; are attached hereto- and made a part of ;; , ' this contract as'though fully-written herein. ~~- 2: „ Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shalt ._ - ~` remain `with Vendor until. the goods are delivered to County F'.O.B. New Hanover `\ ,. 139 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0372 County Parks, Hugh MacRae Park, 314 Pine Grove Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina 3. Delivery. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County within thirty (30) consecutive calendar. days after receipt of order. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of Thirty-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen ($39,719.00,) .Dollars shall be paid within. thirty (30) days .after receipt of the goods, (their installation), their acceptance by County and receipt of invoice. 5. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and fiold New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any .and all claims, demands, causes of action,. or other liability, including. attorney fees, ,on account, of .personal injuries ,or death or on account of property damages arising. out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the ,negligence of or .the willful act or omission of Vendor,, his agents, employees and subcontractors. , 6. ,. Contractor's. Warranty. Vendor makes, the following warranty. concerning the materials, equipment and work furnished Pursuant .to this contract. 6.1. Warranty of. Materials and Equipment. Vendor warrants to County ;4. that a l .materials and .equipment furnished under this contract will be new unless otherwise specified, will be of,good quality and free from faults and defects,. and will conform with the contract documents. Vendor warrants all such materials and equipment for a period,of,two (2) years from the date of County's first, beneficial use of same.. _. = , 7. Default and Termination. If Vendor materially breaches any one.of the terms or conditions contained in ,this .contract,., .County. may terminate this contract forthwith. Upon termination, County .may, without prejudice to an ,action. for damages or 140.__. .. 2. .- New Hanover County~Contract # 96 - 0372 •;. , - . . *, ;any other .'remedy,' enter.. into :-another contract for the-. completion of :this contract. ,, ~`~~~ .-County may deduct all "costs of "completing the contract from any monies due:or;which ., ~~ ~ . ~.~~` may become due.to. Vendor. - ~ ' .. ~ 8. Non-Waiver of Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist. ~~ " ~ -upon .the strict performance ~of any_ provision of this. contract or to exercise any right based .upon a breach thereof, or "-the acceptance of any .performance during such.- ;. ;~ , -~ ,. .,. ..:. - breach,;shalt not constitute.a waiver of"any rights under this contract: ~~ ~ 9.' Subcontractors. Vendor.shall.:be #ully responsible for all. negligent . . ~ acts and omissions of. his or her- subcontractors .and of .persons and organizations -. employed by them. to the .same ,extent.-that. Vendor would be responsible for these acts .h - ~ - arid omissions.Nothing in the contract documents shall create any.:contractual , relationship. between County and any;subcontractor or other person or organization;"; having:a `:direct, contract. with. Vendor, nor shalt it create ariy obligation on the part of ,County to. Pay any money due an.y such° subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by iaw. ~ . , ~ .,. ;i _ - _ .. i ~ " ~' . ... 10., Assignment.. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and. shall: not be .assigned by either party without the written consent of the otherparty and the surety to this contract. ~ " ~ . * ; ,~; 11. Non-Discrimination. Vendor wilt take affirmative action not to '~" discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally .., ~ ," deny any~,pe~son participatior:in.'or the -benefits ofi`the project which is-the subject.of #his contract because of gage, race., creed, color, ~ sex, age,.. disability or national. origin..-To . " ,~ ~ the exten# applicable, Vendor :will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No., _ 11246, .the Civil Rights Acts of, 1964 {P.L..88-352.) and 1968 (P.L._ 90=284), and all . r~ ~., --- ~ 3 141 ~~..: ;- '~~ "New Hanover~County Contract # 96 - 0372 applicable Federal; ~ "State and local laws; ordinances, rules, ~ regulations; orders, in`structions;. designations and other directives promulgated. to :prohibit discriminations' Violation of this rovision after notice shall be a material breach of this a reemenf and P g mayresult, ~ at County's option, in a Germination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part; ~ ~ , ~ ~ . ~- ~12. ~ Familiarity'with Laws:. The Vendor. specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all'Federal, State-and local laws,. ordinances, ..rules ands re' ulations, includin all Federal and °State Occu ational. Safet and Health Act 9 9 P Y (OSHA) requirements, which may-in any"manner affect those engaged or employed in ~`( -, u the work of.tle`project, or-the materials or equipment in or-about such. work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he; his employees, subcontractors ~1 and suppliers will; at all times;"comply with same. If the .Vendor shallidisco.ver any provisions in "the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsiste~nY with any such law ordiriance; rule or-regulation;'he shall immediately give notice thereof to"the County in wri#ing, identifying any items of work affected, and hey shall;.notproceedk'~until he hss received written direction from the County with respect 'to these items. 1f the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently~~~witt' any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving such notice, fie shall bear all costs which area consequence P ~ ~.: of such erformance. ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - ~ . . _ ' ~ ~ ~ 13. 'Independent Contractor. It. is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor '.is .any independent~~ contractor °and note an 'agent of=County, and as``~such;~ /~ Contractor,`- his or her ;agents -and employees shall not tie entitled to' zany County employment benefits, such as;" but not limited' to, ivacation; sick leave; insurance,-~ worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. ~ . 142~.f .. 4 ; . . . , .: ' .. I . ,~` New Hanover Coun •'Contract # 96 - 0372 ~' 44. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained . in the. . `'~ - contract ~ documents shall be interpreted in .accordance with the. laws of the .State of . .~ .~ - ~' -North Carolina. ~ . 15.. Entire (Jnderstanding. This contract constitutes the entire understanding - ~' . ..~: -of the parties and contains all of~the terms .agreed upon with respect to .the subject mattes hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless . <_ ~~ ~ evidenced by asigned-writing. ~ ~ . ~~ ~ 1N WITNESS WHEREOF the arties have caused the execution of this ~. _ P . instrument, by authority duly given on the day and year. first above written. . ~ ~ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY . ,. - : [SEAL] - . .. ~. _ ' ~ '. Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~ - . Board of Commissioners., ATTEST:.: `` :: - . Clerk to the Board : >, NORTM CAROLfNA EQUIPMENT COMPANY .. ~~ [CO,RPORATE SEAL] ,. ~ - .~. _ ~.,, ._. President. ~Il ;ATTEST: .. ~ : ; . ~ ~ - R Secretary. '. ~ j . v .. ...__ `. :. ~ 5 ~~ ~ 143 ~ - ,_ . . . New Hanover County Contract# 96 - 0372 This instrurnent~has been pre- ~ ~ - audited in the manner required by the't_ocal Government Budget ` and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: , . ~ ,. County Finance Director County Attorney ,. ,, ~, , NORTH CAROLINA _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid; certify~that~Lucie F.-Harrelf personaily came before me'this day and acknowledged that she. is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and 'as the' act .of . the. Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. . WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. ~ ~ , My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF Notary Public a Notary Public of the .State and I, , Countyaforesaid, certify that ~ personally came before me this dayand acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT, COMPANY, a North Carolina corporation,. and that by authority duly given and 'as~the + act of the corporation, .the foregoing instrument was signed in .its name by its President, -- ,.sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. ~ ~ - WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. - . My commission expires: 144 ~. ~_ . . 6 Notary Public - .-_ - - - .-k - •_ . ~ .. . ' ,: COUNTY OF -NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION-TO BID ~. .. {~ _ ONE (1) BACKHQE ,. ~ 'FOR THEW . t~! . - PARKS DEPARTMENT. - ~ , ~.... x ` ~ '. - Pursuant #o Section 143-129 of the General 'Statutes of North. Carolina, sealed 'proposals addressed ~ .~ to Amy J: Akin, .:Purchasing ,Agent, New Hanover.County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut .Street; Room 602, Wilmington,-North Carolina 28401 and marked.' "BID FOR ONE (1) BACKHOE, "' BID # 96-0372" will be acce ted until 11:00 a:m. Tuesda ,Aril `2, 1.996. P Y P { The bids will be'publicly opened acid read immed iately following the latest time for receipt of bids in. the New Hanover County'Administration Buil'ding;~320.Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington,~• - North Carolina. ~ ~ ~ .: '°°' Instructions for submrtting bids and complete specifications .maybe obtained at the County Finance .. Off ce during.. regular office hours.. ; ' ,~'' ~ ~ . The Board of County Goirunissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any.or all bids and'to make the purchase,which will be in the.best interest. of the County. `;1~ ,.Amy J. Akin .. .Purchasing Agent . ~ ~ ~ .. ,F New Hanover. Count - y Advertised: ~ ~1Vlarch 24, 1996 ~ ~ ~ ,. ' ~' ... w ._ . , ; '- . ..JL . i ~ ... a ~ ~ ~~ ~ ':.... ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ . . . _. ., ~ ~ ,_ x.. ~ .~ . . ~' --. _.. ~ 45 .~ . ~~ - ~ ._ ~'~ 'INSTRUGTLONS TO BIDDERS. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLLYA `BID # 96=0372 •. ONE (1) BACKHOE New Hanover County Finance Office - . . Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone:. (910) 341-71.90. ~ : ;... ~ ~. •, ~ ~ . . .t Preparation and Submission oC Bid Proposal 'Completion of Bid Form:: Bids must'be on bid proposal farm contained in this bid package; the original and: one cc~y re uired: Subrrutted with the original proposal form and, copy. shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance • with these specifications. All. pricesand notations shall;be written in ink or typed: Changes~~ or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the: bid.: No.. corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. Required Specifications:"'Bidder shall submit as~part~of`his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications. shall be in strict accordance with the County's specifications. Any'bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each e:~ception separately~in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow. or disallow minor deviations' or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of -the County..New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. .r Warranties: Bidder warrants that all-goods funnished shall be free from all defects, and shall confa~cn in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. -Refer to the Technical Specifications for additional warranty requirements. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which .the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. 146.-- . I-1 of4 .~r Submission of Bid Proposal - . . ~~'' Bids must be in sealed enve(opes-properly marked. "BID FOR ONE_(1) BACKHOE, BID # 96=0372" ;~1~, , .,~, and shall be addressed to County at the following address: ' ~ -' New Han .. ~~~ over Count Finance Office _ - - - Y Attn: Amy.Akin, Purchasing Agent - . .-, J - , 320 Chest Wilnlin to ut Street, Room 602 ~ .. g n; NC -28401 ,. - ` Condition of Goods. - . All goods shall be new.and in no~case will used, reconditioned or obsolete'parts be accepted, ,~' .. . Trade Secret Confidentiality ~ ~ ,• . ~ o ~~ All bid proposals received-and recorded at the bid'opening are considered public record and available . °° for public inspection. According General-Statutes 132 > 1.2;.grade secrets contained iii a bid maybe `kept corgidental if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the'secret and requests, that 1 .. it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor whileattempting to maximize the availability of information.to.ihe;public. . - Time For Opening Bids ~ 1 ~ ~ . . Proposals will be.opened promptly and read at the time and :date set forth in the advertisement. ~~ Bidders or tfieir authorized a ents are invited go be resent. ~An bids received after the scheduled S P Y .d>iigw-time fcir~tfit~"t~ecetpt~af'`indsµ`w~~{:rot lie~'co'ns~wai~ti~wtld be~"c~c~timed tt~ ~e,bidder, . .,.unopened. . ;lAi; - ~ . Withdrawal of Bids , ~~ - - ~~ - Bidders may. withdraw or withdraw and resubmittheir bid at anytime prior to.the closing, time for - receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after'the~seheduled closing time for~receigt of bids for _ ` ;~~ - a period of sixty (60) days. .- _: Awar"d of Contract: _ - `V~ The award of any-contract resulting from this bid will' be made to:the lowest responsible bidder,. . taking into consideration quality, performance and~time specified in the proposal for,the .performance . ~~ of the contract. - ~ , . ,~ ` + . - - u. r . _ _ I-2 of 4 1- 4 7 . . - .- Considerations in Award of Contract , In determining. the lowest responsible bid. in accordance with G.S. 143-129;. the .Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices.; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar. equipment made by the manufacturer). , Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes: North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the- bid ,price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. ,. .., ,~ Price .> Bidder shall guarantee the prices. quoted against any increase foc.whatever. delivery date is specif ed acid contract period required. Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O:B. New Hanover County Parks, Hugh MacRae Park, 3.14 Pine Grove.. a_~rivge, :Witrtccigttici, ~lcth -olina=`sand': slialt~ die'°conplete =and izatiy-=foc use~:~aunless ~~herwise specified. Instruction in Use of Goods The successful bidder shall be.responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the goods. Training .will consist of at least a minimum, ten {I'0) hours. Maintenance training shall include training on daily and weekly preventive maintenance for .the equipment. Responsibility of Compliance Wi h Legal Requirements The bidder's products,.serviceand facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable. , state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards. or any standards adopted by .nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred to in the bid documents. 14 v . . _ . I-3 of 4 , ,, ... . _ \: y ,~, `Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify and hold.-the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees; on account of personal ~_:: . injuries or: death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating-to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of ~~° Vendor,. tiffs agents, employees and subcontractors.°.. ~". - Addendum .:~ The bid package constitutes. the entire set of bid instructions to ,the .bidder.. The County shall not be ~~'~ responsible for any :other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes fo the specifications will be irr the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders .who are listed , with the Finance Office as having received thetiid package. ~' Compliance With Bid Requirements ~, - Failure to com 1 with these rovisions or.an other rovisions of the General Statutes ofNorth~: PY P y P r'° ~ :Carolina will' result in rejection of bid. f {~~ - Right To Reject Bids r The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . ~ : $ . '~ .~ , ... _ . `~ ~ ~. ,,. . .. .~ ,. ... i ' ~' f ~ ; Q' : ~ . ,' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BID # 96-0372 ' .. ;. .ONE (1) BACKHOE . ,. . Scope ~ .... _ ,.. , _. New Hanover County desires to secure a backlioe to be.used by the Parks~Department for- general' earth moving work such as trenching, etc. General The unit shah be new and unused, the,latest current model in. production of one manufacturer and shall have all standard equipment normally fiarnished on such,-model for a backhoe. The successful bidder will be responsible for fully mounting all .other coinponents,necessary to complete the unit; and for delivery. of the fully completed, serviced and "ready for operation" unit to the purchaser. Two (2) complete parts, operator, maintenance and repair manuals for-the unit provided must be furnished to the purchaser. All components and/or optional. attachments shall be factory installed, not one time or dealermodfication, detailed by manufacturer's specifications sheetattached to this bid. ~ The seller dealer shall provide the parts and service facilities to service the machine ands all- of the new components, and assure it performance. Equipment Specifications ,. Diesel Engine, Must have at least a minimum 65 SAE net HP 4-Wheel Drive 4-Speed Forward, 4=Speed Reverse Transmission 4-in-1 Loader Bucket ~ac~Choe'-Bucket;~~Heavj-. d~uL~; Mirumur~ 2 Reversible stabilizer Pads Fork-Lift Attachment Warranty The successful bidder shall provide the County with an unconditional minimum twenty-four month warranty in addition to the standard manufacturer's warranty to include the following: a. A 100% warranty shall beprovided on all labor, .parts, shipping, transportation, and travel costs. b: The only exceptions to the above warranty are; tires, fluids, cutting edges, fire, theft, accident, misuse, negligence, vandalism, or acts of nature. . . i~1 ~' . ~ Machine Availability Guarantee.. ~ ~ y ~~ ~' In the event of a failure,."the bidder shall guarantee to repair the machine~to an operating condition ~~` within 72 hours, including weekends and holidays,. from the time:of notif cation to the. bidder during "- normal business hours:' If the bidder cannot comply with this clause, a comparable machine will be ~ -provided at no cost' until repairs are complete. If no comparable machine is available by he .bidder; . daily rental credit payment at the prevailing rental rate of an equivalent piece of equipment will accrue '~, .. s r : until repairs are: competed... / ~ ~ ~ ._ ._ ~~~, Parts Availabili Guarantee ~ ~ . tY ~`~'~ ate the machine.and the bidder does-not: have the Ifthe County orders~a new part necessary to oper part available or gwe reasonable notice the part is available, for ,pick-up at the tore from which . r ~ ordered within 72 hours;.the bidder shal{ upon request, furnish the part at no cost:'. Parts.covered by - . 'j~~ thiS:guarantee must be ordered from the bidder's parts department during normal working hours.. . ~. ~ . ~~ ~~ _. .. . a . . ~, .. . ~~ . . t ~~ . ~ ~ . ~~~. ~: . ;~f ~ .. ~~ .. ~ . _ ..~ T-2 of.2 .. ~ . ,~;~. Vendor's Quote.# - ~ COUNTY OF NEW H'ANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA . - - .. ' : ~ - `BID `PROPOSAL FORM .. BID~# 96-0372 -One (1) Backhoe April 2, T996.11:00 a.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior. understanding, agreement or connection with any .corporation. firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal -law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid 'and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal ~ , Equipment Make and Model Jce 214 Delivery days after receipt of purchase order Stock, subject to prior. sale. Location of Technical and Service .Representative _ NCEC - Wilmington ' Price 539,.71,9,00 Required Attachments to Proposal: . rl . = °Canpiete~rna~u#act~rer s~,spcc~ft~ations-®f pt©p+sed~egii~~~ent` - 2. Letter listing any exceptions to the bid 3. Copy of warranty to be provided . 4. Narrative describing the on-site training to be provided to County personnel. ' Notice to_Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the backhoe listed in this bid,prQposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: Addendum No. 1, 2 , and 3 Date .March 27 - 28 , 1996 North Carolina -- • ~_ ~ ~. ..BUILT ON SERVICE"• Equipment . Company .,f HIGHWAY 74 & 76 P. O. BOX 1534 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA '~ PHONE: 910.371=6556 April 02, 1996 ...,,,. New Hanover County ~~ Finance Office .__. ... _~ ~ 1 320 Chestnut Street, Roan 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 ~ •. . °~ . : ~~,. `_ ._ 1 ' -- ~ ~ ; North Carolina Fsrn~ignent Company will send a Representative with the machine upon delive2y and .instruct the operator and maintenance personnel in machine operations ,~ and maintenance techniques. , We will spend as much time.as~.reguired to satisfy all operation and maintenance f requirements. - ~ !~ 154 - ~ 5~~'' ~~ r ~~ OTHER OFFICES RALEIGH • CAR P • GREENV/LLE • FAYETTEVILLE • W/LM/NGTON • GREENSBORO -CHARLOTTE • ASHEVILLE ~--' J•im Nolan Sales. Representative .~ ,..~ ~' .. ._ .. _... _~_ -7~?~~-a g v ~ ~° ~f,gcn ~pOS= ~" j_•nQ t_ml~mm v -©-I - tpo.ao o - o.t~ rs->•. o --I vc n ~.w ° ~_ 7- .~.- r~Z-1 -dm °7~ ~aoy dm ...7 m_O °0~-7 ~tNO.mo->1_ ~ 7p' ,n..~._=x w a~; ac 7... c c m o ~ a fin' ~• . ~~~m~~ ~n,s~3~,~~ ~3g.~~``5'-}~. ~~ ~`~~~ul~~m ~5°'c3~Rc~~ g ~~g • ~. m ,d c o ~° ~ v QN ° °-~.~~ 2~ ~-c m F ~c'~ m~ q.~' ~i ~c ° ~ F ° m ~-rfl "' ° •m c m-' d °-° WD ° d ra 3w ~ QO 7 ~ w ^'~ ~OOxDN ~-ru3~~- np~ N~s.~~~. 3o.wNw~m~~3 ~ ~0~3-,•- d ~>•o . v-LN nma n Om> ~ n.cmmOm 7 Z7-~ ~ N d °w' ~~7 m, CZ~-{ F--~ O ~~?,~ m Nm_,7Q~oo m.mamcc ~oNa~icoc ~'O~ 7p= ~rnNCD ~-•nrm.ap mN ~ "~>>,~7~- Fn©m W O.~ cv°~.©F©3o.cw ~~4 rn rn.N ~ ~ . 0 7 N ~ c m. ~ N a n ,~ 3 m °O-. 7 °o. ~ ~ 0 7 ~ m m v ° ,~ ° `" ~ ° _. 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O ~ rn d •~ 7. d ~ O 'm ~ d w O CO p O N= ~ m D n..,~ c a ..( ` o m~ m m~ c m m° .~ ~ _, ~. - w N , ~pm~n ^~ ~~ ~ ~a m ° ~m m m ~^7 ~m m~ m o ~ o' ~.7 1 m m g > > c~ ~zxm ~ ac w'-` ~ °am ~~ oo.? o~ m 7m H a?.N ~ .. ~ .~ ~~ - ~ o c'~mrD- :<K7`N~su °~°S m'©:_°,am ~i7ma ~.~ N;a ~ ~ ~.0. w`-' O. t0 `~ C n~ d o 0 N.z T m ~ }mt (7 N ° ~7 ~ pp -. 2 ~ .°~.' ? O. ~ a n ~ 3 0' = a m, ~L~m .WIC G~ OLL. OtCa OON mm ~t mO ""- 7© . • ~ .. ' ~ 155: .. 'R'egular-Item #: ~ ~: Consent Item #: 9 :~. ~ ~ Additional~Item #: . Department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: `' ° Pages Count ~In Agenda Package: 2~ ~ Contact: Dr. Bruce Williams SUBJECT:: .. ~r - Acceptance of $;11,500 Block; Grant awarded by North Carolina. State University... k~r . .BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ _ ~~~ ~ ~ At the regular, meeting on-December 18, 1995, the Commission approved. a grant application to ,U~' NCSU in the amount of $1 5,000 to provide day care. for school age children. Funds were awarded. in'the amount o~f $11,500. ~ ~ .` - ,, ' . . ~~ .: ~~~ : , . . RECOMMENDED. MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• - ~ Acceptance . of the grant and approval of associated budget `amendment #96-017$.- Request authorization for the Chairman to execute- the document. ~' . ~ v r ~~ \{ FUNDING SOURGE• : .. . Federal S: '. State S 1.1,500 County S: User Fees S:' Other 5: f ~. °' :.Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation. Request:. ~~~ Budget Ameniiment Prepared: yes - ,.~.: ~ ._ _. . ,, _. . _- _ LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: ~ BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT _. COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENTS AND RECOIVIMENDATIONS~• ~ ' ~~' ~ Recommend approval with the. stipulations that if future funding is, not forthcoming the County wi l .. n~..Lprovi'de fundin :, - co~c~~oc~~~~` ~~. ~' '„ itE.IECTr - t ~~ ,~ .,' R ~ ~, ~~ } ~ 1.57 v ~ ~f r t~. i) ' ~~ ~, ~ - ~ Refer to Officc Vision Bulictin Board for Disposition a ~ ' :~ ` ~~ . B~xdget ,A rriend~x~ent . :.~. .=x-Y.^\^~ `a~~v'c~°.~...mn~.'^"' T'a'r .,r-f~"~ 'C't'„` »M a xMV,~+.w r < r . c j. .~. a a. ~ ~ < ` - < . , --~~ ...L. .... , k 13 <~. :a._.. .. .a.`....a.:. ... ............. ~. ~w. ` ....'a , 1. ..2...:.w.on. :...,........, a <..._ ..<. ...Z.. N ~ .,~ ~n ~~...~......i d EPARTMENT: ~ BUDGET AMENDMENT# ~~ DATE: Cooperative Extension` 96"-0178w~~ ~' 4-15-96 • ADJUSTMENT: ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ DEBIT. ~ • CREDIT:" ~ ~ ~, ' Cooperative Extension COOP/Block Grant. $11,500 • ~ ~ "~` Salaries ~$ 8,662 FICA 663 ~`~ Medical Insurance 230 UI Supplies 1,120 Training and Travel , 825 ~.. . ~ < "EXPLANATION ~- To' increase"• budget for rant awarded to Coo}~Terative Extension 'to provide- '., g s day •c~are for school-age childre . " This- is the ~ fourth grant" awarded for~'~`" ,. this program. •., . ... ... .. t. ~r ~ ~ F .. 4;~,ra.. a. , i . cour,~3rir~~o ~ fS~eQN-t~ . ~ . F . RAJ ECTf ® ~'~ ", ,,,`~~ Yu - ~ I . 1 ~8:- ~- ~ ~ I t~. ~` ~ ` ' ~D~J~~~~Efl`~ 'i "~ ~ ~ ~: ' ~ ` For Budget Officer's aPProvat; then report ' . - ~ ~ ",°~'~ 'DATE-_ .. ` ~ to Commissioners at next regular meeting ' and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. Tn he entered into minutes. e~,° . ~. ... . , ~, ~ ~ North Carolina State University ~' ~ Contract No. 94-"0263'-08 v , ~~ _ - . ., ` I..,This'agreement constitutes a Subcontract between .the .North . ~ ~, Carolina State University, Raleigh, North~Carolna, hereinafter referred to;~as NCSU,~and the New .HanoverCounty'hereinafter '.r referred to as SUBCONTRACTOR. The contact person for'. `~ SUBCON.TRACTOR is: Faye B.-Haywood;~6206 .Oleander Dr.~, Wilmington, ~. NC: 28403-3.822.;.., 4 ~ , II. The'.-purpose of this .Subcontract is to carry .out the tasks described in the proposal submitted to NCSU~by SUBCONTRACTOR and entitled '!New ..Hanover.County Block .Grant" which is made apart .of ", . -this agreement as Rttachment_B. SUBCONTRACTOR agr'ees~to-carry ~. out -the tasks. listed and pr.ov,de reports as s.pecif,ied.in item V. ,,. ~, below..: Subcontractor agrees to adhere to the conditions specified in ,the,. prime agreement (Number . 03~9,3) issued to NCSU ._ which is hereby made a part of "this agreement and incorporated „~ chment A . ,. .. . ~< herein as Atta_ The ..cover.. page, o~f Attachment A lists defnitons,i~naluded in the prime agreement. - ~' .. - ~ - , III.: Performance under this agreement shall begin October 1, ,' ~199.5,~and shall`-not. extend beyond the estimated, completion date of June 30, 1996, ;unless the period is .further 'extended through .mutual agreement in writing. Funding obligated for the period. stated shall not exceed $11,'500.00. This agreement ' is ..issued ~as a Fixed Priced subcontract: ~:•. - •~'` _ T~'.: ' 'NCSU shah relrburse ' St78CONTRACTU~t 'for a31 ~ direct ~ costs ~. ~ incurredr`in-the performance of the project set forth in the '": Budget contained n°Attachment B, NCSU "shall reimburse ::. SUBCONTRACTOR a~one time payment for~the amount specified in III ' above and according to the budget in Attachment B~. °Subcontractor agrees to submit a final budget report~w:ith their fines-l progran ~; , . ..report due June 3,0, 1996. Invgice (Attachment C) shall be mailed . . to ':.. Barbara Vandenbergh Department 'of 4-H Youth Development ,~ Bo'x 7638 NCS _` f-...-. • Raleigh; NC 276'95-76`3.8: V:. All technical reports shall be submitted.monthT ~,• y beginning , . April. 1, 1996.. •, VI. SUBCONTRACTOR agrees.to~retain all•books,~records and other documents relative to this agreement for three years following completion or termination of the specific program or termination of this agreement, and to provide NCSU a final expenditure report ~; at the end,of the. contract period. - .. t VII. SUBCONTRACTOR and its~investgators shall be free to publisYi papers dealing with the results of th'e project sponsored 'under ~,i this•agreement. .However,, NCSU shall be 'given the opportunity-to review such papers~pror to•_any publication thereof. NCSU agrees to complete such review within sixty (60) days. Any papers' '~, published will ,give appropriate••recognition.of the support received :from NCSU .'and the prime Sponsor: ` - ~ ~• - VITI. 'SUBCONTRACTOR wily comply with-audit requirements contained in OMB Circular `A-128 or A-133, whichever s'applicable.~ A copy' of the most recently`released f•inaneal statement and independent audit (as defined i'n the above Circular's) will be' provided to • ' - '~, NCSU for review along -with the executed copy of•this subcontract: IX. NCSU shall not be liable for the actions of SUBCONTRACTOR' nor shall SUBCONTRACTOR be liable for the actions of NCSU. It is understood 'that -NCSU, an agency of theState of 'North Carolina, is limited in any claims that may be made against ,it -up- to •~ ~ $100,000 as provided by the North Carolina State Tort Claims Act. X. ~ SUBCONTRACTOR agrees toy comply wi-t~h: relevant federal .and , state executive ord"ers, rules, reg_ulatons,•and~ laws.: ,. XI.. SUBCONTRACTOR by signature affixed ;to this Subcontract _ - - certifies that pursuant to the requirement of OMB,Circular A-129, that it is_not delinquent on any Federal debt. - . „ •. XII. SUBCONTRACTOR by.~s-ignature affixed to ths~.Subcontract.-. certifies that;p•ursuant to, Executive Order 125.49 and ,implementing rule,, that .:~t presently„ is not debarred, suspended, 'proposed .:for ; debarment, declared ineligible or~voluntar•ily excluded from ~.. covered transactions by•any.~Federal department or agency. XIIZ. SUBCONTRACTOR by signature affixed to this. Subcontract certifies that.. it is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1'9'88, Public Law 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D, 34 CFR Part •V 85, Subpart F. - , XIV. Except as specified in the.prine agreement,, should unforeseen developments take place that necessitate a termination of the said, project,, this agreement may be renegotiated upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party. ~- 160- fl to ~-. ~. - .. c. - .. ~ - ~`~j.. - XV. SUBCONTRACTOR shall not use the. names or symbols of NCSU or • of .the investigators or any derivative thereof, in .any ' ~ advertising or promotional sales literature ..without-the prior • - - rar;tten consent, of NCSU, is each case: ` XVI. No waiver,.:alteration or modification of these: provisions shall be binding unless in writing:. : , XVII`~Neither this agreement nor any right, remedy, obligation or " pliability ari ng hereunder or by reason hereof shall. be assignable by'SUBCONTRACTOR without the prior written consent of ' 1 NCSU. , . ~ ., XVIII. This .agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the~- •1.~, benefit of the "parties hereto, their representatives, uccessors~ , ~; and'•assigns_ No failure ,or successive failures on the part of `~ NCSU, its. successors or. assigns, to enforce any covenant or ' agreement, and no waiver or successive waivers on its, or their part_gf~-any, Condit-ion of this agreement shall operate as'a . diseharge~ o,f such covenant,_agreement, or condition;. or render ~~.. the same invalid, or impair the right of„NCSU.,. its successors or assigns, to enforce the same in the event of any subsequent .. breach or~-breaches by SUBCONTRACTOR, its successors or assigns. i -. This agreement,shal;l be construed according to the laws of the..: State of North Carolina.. ~l ;.. ~ - .. New Hanover County NORTH CAROLINA STATE. UNIVERSITY " , '1 ~~ ' ~a _.. .: {sgaatete'~aetbera~e e~ffeM ~ J :wee • Ci+a~iice3lor °°f or. ReseaZch, - Outreach and Extension ~ ' . Title • .. j~ Date.: Date : ~.J /z 7 (~~a . . .~ .~ PrinQ'lpal Invest for Principal Investigator (NCSU) .. (County)- • s~ • . . Date : ~/~ ~~~ Date : ~ / ' . °; ~ ~ . _ , +~' ~ " -- - ~- - • • 61; .. ~~t • ~~ _ ATTACMENT. C INVOICE' s ~, ~ • • MEMORANDUM OF. AGREEMENT... between 'x NC State University .. and N. C. Cooperative Extension Service, New Hanover County (recipient of funds) The Parties agree as follows: ~ '~ ~• a .. ' 1. NCSU will• send to: New 'Hanover County: a total of eleven thousand .five. hundred dollars ($i1,500..00:~, which shall be used to conduct the program as specified .in Attachment'B'with Faye'B.'~~~ ' Haywood'as principal facilitator..' - ~ - ~ ~ ~- ,. 2 . .Payment wll-..be :.made in increments ~as determined by NCSU.F 3. NCCES will oversee conduct of .the project. ~ ~ . 4. Funds will be paid from Child Care and Development Block Grant fund code j-ya~o5$ . 5. The University check should be made payable to: a ~. ;, ~, _F pia ifl'~`11~ ,ed County Signatures: (Person 'authorized to deposit Sands) ;Title .."Da•te ,.. Extension Agent,. Q/ ~• ~ Date ~ / principal Investigato _ - * * *(A~R~E}A-S " IN BOLD TO BE FILLED OUT BY COUNTY* `'~ , .~ _ . •. _ l r'ekW .~Qh d ve r CD c,C n f . ~~ y . a. NEED STATEMENT: '. `~ ~;.. _ _ The school-age programs. started by Cogperative Extension in _ ~ . ,_ , New Hanover County are located in neighborhoods where the fanilies are pred;omina'tely poor, black, and single parent. The schools . ,' . offer year-round- ~ as we 11 as traditivnaZ scheduling making. wrap- . around°child ea-re necessary for working parents. ~r r . -~ 'There: are no .other. summer programs in Wi l:aington that will ~ ' `~~ accept'childreri with special needs. The continuation and expansion Y; of "Suml-ner ~'Traditio:ns" wi21 serve this special population of '~ ,~' ~' children. The extended weeks and hours will a11oN a .parent of ~ a '~ .. ~. _ . special needs child to, work or -enter vocational training for fu ure v employment. The "YMCA" and "YWCA" programs which have been` the ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ t `major source of.surrimer school-age child care~had waiting lists last .~ . __ _ su,~_~ er :. . oaJ~cmZVFsi _ '` . `~1' .. ~ . '. Yew ~ar.over'County Coceerative Extension has selected a You~h 'Develop;aent Plan of Work that focuse's on development of l.fe,skills . °as outlined in the States Plan o'f Work. Opportunities to i.~np`ac_ the ~`' ``~. quality, ~ accessib~ilit~, ~ znd availabilit• of child care are y _ ^... ~en~if ied ~.ifi .the ' following ways . ~ - ' ' _ '.. ~~~ ' ~`1. A. major component of qua~i.ity 'in sc:co~l=age care is a staf f ~~,. ~ that is previously tranaci 'by course work .and experience: This ;staff also needs speci~f~ic~in-service training to deal with s_oecal " . -heeds 'ch'ildren; 'long day progra:aing, age-a~prcp to activi pies; ' ~~ behav.ior ;nanagement,~ first-zid, ~ C°~ , safety, and deve ~ ;nent.zl-~ . ~. . '~ a`eveis of ele*~entary age children `(6-lj yrs. ,.old} . ~ Sta~ e~ ~' v t ,training ~sponso~ed 'by NC State. 4'-H Youth bevelopmer.t and local's ,~` ~~ F-i i_ L Q - it .= C :-. T -• - - - = - Y _~ -. i i training provided by agencies such as Red cross, Resource and •. .. - , Referral Health Dept., and law enforcement will be used for ., - E this necessary training as funds ,allow. The System Manager and .. ... Spacial Needs Specialist from Parks and Recreation. will fill in needed topics at, the .orientation sessions to.be,held the~week ,. , i before start-up of the program. Weekly ,staff meetings will be held -~ at which time additional training will be conducted., ,~2. The progra~t •ailZ run from the day :after regular, school is i. dismissed..until the day before school resu:~es, making wrap-around care for.40-50 families. ~, New Hanover County Sc~:ool facility will be selected to acco;n.*~odate the special: needs children,.. with.a location convenient for. the f~milies,of the children being served by "4-H Adventures" at Johnson and Blount Elementary Schools also a priority. ~3. 'rlith additional funds for one. more teacher, and added .. ~ t monies .in transportation and supplies, we •«ill be able to increase enroll~ent by ten families beyond the .proj.ected.number of forty as described in the Summer Pro.gra.~ning Grant. with DPI:Certifcatibn families who qualify for Sccial Service subsidies can receive yid: j The "Y" summer progra;ns.are,not certified nor licenced which makes ou= program available to more families. The parent fees -Will b~ kept ,as .low as possible and families..wi~h more than one child Mill be .charged vn a .sliding ..scale. .Some children will be on. full 'scholarship and scme cn-partial,scho;larship as de~ermined.by.reed - .. ; u_n_ds .available for scho;larships., The program. will operate ~~~. for 10 weeks from 7:30 a~n unti .6:00 pr,-, Monday--Friday, for children •~rho are at .least 6 years old. Most of the children will be ~. ~ ., . t~Hr_ r,i-nF EST - - - . r, ~ 1 - ~~ , ~ ~ , . (- • ,. elementary school. age .but-because the.pzo ram.+is all in~ ~ ~ ( g elusive some ~~' . .., of the special needs children are older. ~ - I~ ' 1~,' r ~ I '. _ PLAN OF ACTIONS ~ ~ ; ~; - :. .; .. , The plan :for, the. Summer Programing Grant was designed fr'o;n an . existYn ro ram offered by the ,, ~ ~ (~ g P g - wilmington~ Parks and Recreatioh ~ Depart;nent. .Cooperative Extension .collaborat,ed with this progran ` ~ on a l.itated baais'the summer of 1995. This experience gave us ar I~ ,optiortunity to' see what worked and ..what .changes are needed .this- t~ , summer. ~ . Some of the families of special needs children. only need ~~ ,; ~~ . ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ' six hours a•da .but want the expended wee:cs. The working parents _ ~: -~ need the extended time and- weeks. ~ ~ " - ,.. ~ ~. ~, .- ,The summer program will be called "Su;uner Traditions" since '~ the fannies of special ,needs children and fay, dies in the ,7ohnso~ . n and ~B]cunt .Schools identify with the. na*~e from pre~~ious su, ~ e'rs,' ( , This w'il~l make marketing more. effective. To' si'mpl.i.f:~ r.e • y gistration ~~ .. -~ the deposit, equal to one week of'care, will be made to Coocerat~ivz ~ ~ ' Lx`ension.~-H and al°1 monies collected will.be he+d i - ' n ~an account ~ ~ . ~' as`seed`maney f.or the. next year's, program.. ... Y~~ g :. .• A S -`stein Mana er ~a'iTl ~be hired to work with the project from , ~. January 1, 1996 - August 31, 1596. The mcnth of~August was nc incT-tided :. in the Sum;aer Programing Grant 'when the grants ~ were - .,: ~ - , submitted. `This 'person ~a11 act zs one of the on-site•dirsectors . ,.during the program weeks... During t:~e program planning time. all ~. _ 5~ ag,en„ces who can contribute w11-be contacted. • The School-Age Care ` . , Advisory Committee, that is in place, consists of representatives ~~'` _ from many cc~~munity agencies and .rill. c^~n~;~„a +-~ :,- _ ~._..--•'• ' tJHi~ rii-ri. `y~ -- _ _ _ ~ ~ •E~ :~ •~ .. resource. The University oP NC at Wilmington will be utilized in f . •~ ~ helping with .curriculum Arid, student volunteers.r Local industry and , i community organizations will .`'becontacted for scholarshipsr,+ ~ . ~ ' advertising, supplies, food and in-kind contributions. Resource-. . ~: and Referral will continue to provide trainin ~ , .,~ g, prospective clients ~ and local statistics for needs assessment, narketirg and plannin ~ g~. There. will also be asite d'lrector who will train with the System Manager and .then'-in turn will trai y~ ~- ~ , n the res~ of the staZi; F which is prgjected~to. be 4-teachers. A student-teacher ratio of r.ed . .~ .~ The. fora,at~.~will be - "camp" style with thews for each week: • i The 4-r~, school=.age •library has a variety of `resources for planning. _ . ' i ~e curriculum around themes. The. State sponsored training will "pre•are p ! ~- t e system.".~nana er;~~ ~ ~ : , g 4-H Agent and site director with the know-hor ~' ~: ~ 4~ of planning a fun.;. st:~ulatirg and learning based ,ca~~~p :~any;~of i the North Carolina 4:-ii projects will be used as well as ,ideas frog: other sta e curriculum. We plan to use one~of the city pools for ` swim.-,n three 5 times a week'. The oL her 1two days fai 11 have a, ~ . _~ ~. -. special on-site activity or~field trip. 'pie can take-the children ~. to the beach, river, aquariu~, ~ museu~, cinema', pet store, SFCA' ... ; ~ ,.. horse . farms .plantation, picnics,'and~ a ferry ride to name a few: "~~~ . The scho,ohs have .recreational equipment and the staf` 11 lan ~. . w' ,P ~ U physical activities for ~o~tcr", social and e:noti oval develapsent; . - A ~ri`da variety of activities will be p~lar.ned emphasizin' , ,. the 1cDment :of life skills as outlined. in the State Plan of .. ~ ~.~~ _ . • Work. The s ~ _. . kills .tb be~ included .are: self-reliance, learr._nq y ~ practical.,. ~ skills, `understanding society, ante r `~.1 rpe_ scr,a 1 . ~ .; ,. .. .. ~ F. . I i ~' 'relationships, positive communication, citizenship, and developmen~~ :: of-.a'~positive self image. ~ Tti'ere .is a wealth of curricula available _ f ~~ ~ .to pxomo~te each- of these skills. The "camp" planning will; be j . ~ ; starved in the-early months with soec.ifics planned-by .the teachers° i ~. during the .orientation caeek. . , ,~ ~ ~ - , . . , ,. ~ ~. .Staff training is addressed under Objective ~`S . ~ . . j • ' " The prograat ~ihl be structured to include a variety. of choices ~. - r of developmentally agpropziata activities that are FUN. Exaaple's.. . -. . '' ~~ of some.of these activities are: _a.~ Social and,'motional Development through cooperative = activities: projects designed to help others called "help.ing i . !. hands", board apes inside outside / group .games, .drama : , 4 and .role .playing,- ausi,c. activti"es, conflict resolution, self estee^i ~~ ~- "builders ("7 Have Got To Be Me"), self reliance.ar.d independence ~~ ~ (:Waking choices), art expr"ession., creativity (crafts) . i . $,;. `~ti~sz~=" 4'~svaYopme3`t. "`suci~..as~ ~ac'tZve 5roup genes; ~' ~ .. individual "skills (jug ing ro e,-bad:ainton ball handlin Y P P ~ 5~., ka_ate; ~ance;• bicycle riding; & sa~ety,nutrition (snacks), health ~~ . ~ . sanitation,, wellness (sleep, exercise) _ ~'~; .` •.C. Ccq~itive ~D,evQlo went such as : Math Geo Saf a • P ri, Geo Szfari . .,. JR. and .Sr. {geography.; langu~g.e~); ~scenee•,exD.er.~enas.. ("9ug -Our") ;: ~ ~ t ` - . ~lear.ning/teaching-game rules, lan5uage arts activities (writing; ' ~. , • ,} reading) , field trips, ~ guzsts with specific ..skills (mus.ical) multi-cultural activi~ies. ~ • ~J ~Dr..LanCorshi and Cit•a ~ + ~ ~ . . - p ~. e..sb~p. 4-'r? Club, learn.. about and. use ..:__. _: environmental ract~ices 4-:: Y ~ ,-' ~ ~ (~ p p_ esentat_ons (Dist. ict .Day) +: ~f , BDDG~T NAR~TZVE • ~ :.. ~ , , ~~ There .are several needs that: the Summer. Programing •Grant do s n'o.t~ satisfy .due to ~ the extension of the grant .by gone month and,.cuts that were necessary for` acceptance:. ' These needs 'are:. ,,.r S~ ~~ ~2Y - for the systen manager. to cover the extra .-month that tt~e ' f Summer Programming Grant will not cover. The•ac.cepted~'grant•:~tis planned to extend care., tb the .present "4-H Adventures ..School-A e'~~ ,Care Programs at D.B:. Johnson 'and W:H. ~ Blount Elementary 'Schools f~roi~~ the end ~ of school in June until the beginning ~of •school fn • t. In order for the program to -truly wraparound the rcnth Au gu s e unded_and is.not a~t present. The .grant would '~of ~ugus.. needs to b f ~ •a'lsv extend cart to the special.~needs- children•.~aho have been-served parks. and Recreation "Sumner Traditions" Prog•r~ :a by the wllmington • '~fr~on~ 4 weeks to l0 weeks with' 'full day care of 52.5 hours..per w.ezk `vs the °~pr-eviou~s 37 hours per ~week.~~ ' ~ -~ S~ ,a~Y - for one additional 'teacher tb ~accorti~odate tha extended - enrollment to la more chi°ldren . ~ ~ ' S~:_I~~ - for a part-tire secretary to hazidle clerical tasks- for - o raai:~~ ~ In ~ our Extension off ice there are on~~y . the school age pr g i . two secretaries uho are presently over.exte:~d'ed serving- a staff of • ~- a r,ecessar to ask for clerics} assistant e 6 educators : 7 ~ has hecom y ~ ., • ~ 'for "giant :.support . . ~'' 'e 'ce ~~ind'icates~ teat quality tra'i ninr, is ~ t~e .TP.,zz~7.7G: our expert n key Ito a~ coal ity prcq_ am . The ~~ budgeted aaount 'is 'nsuf f is i ent~ f r. the needed training. It is i3portant that the 4-ri Agent - wl.o t reed work cn December 1, 1995 receive training r,''-~sc::ool-age 1~~~ ..._ ... ~. care in order to effectively support the p'rograms° that ate currentlyoperating as well as the r.e;: su~tmer program: r`From c1~r • r - ` ~ _ ~ ~ ~.i. ,~~ ~ . H - , o - •. ~ expezience Tast year ~it would strengthen the programs if the Sys°t m ! Manager, Site Director., and _4-H Agent ,could attend tha-1996.Sta - e (. • School-Age Conference. The 'Syste~z Manager, wishes: to attend t e ' 1996~Nat•ional School-Age,~Child Cara Convention, she found t he ~ . enthusiasm; exc~itement~and knowledge generated at the 1995 Nation ~l School-Age•Convention to•be extremely useful .in coordinating a Zl• ~, ' _ aspects .of•the prograa.' "• ~ .. _ TR-~V.EL - for student transportation to -the pool, recreation areas d fi ld t Wh i th I z ' an e r ps. en e Sumner Programing Gr-ant wa,s revised f r ~ • - ~ . l acce tance it was necess to c r t in h t de lf t t t i ~ p a y u a s u n ransgor at o . :. . .~ Considering that we will be serving ;c'~ildren iron at •risk ~ ne~ hbonc~ ds f -k a ents a kir d with i l d n d I .} , . ' g o , o or q p r n s ec a , ee s, a e ua e - • p q • ,. . i funding fcr-transpoi-taticn is desperately needed. This would allc'a ~ e ' ~ - L•. t e . • .. for area field trips., w-ring. and .a special educational-trio t • o . the Ra le ~ Qh area • to ex cse the ch ~ ldren to `- exnar fenc b I d~ F ~I p - y . - es e v • ~ - ;. } Y ,, -~.ilming;ton. ~fvt~eY .for travel to attend the north Ca-ro-1in~ -5chcol - fi ~ E ?age Confe_ence is a1;so included n this proposal: ~ . . ®® ~ SUPPLZ~S - only $2.50 per child per week was budgeted for a 10. 5 ~ ^ • ~ hour day (~2.5 hours per wee'K) . The purchase ~ of addition ~1 '~ . 'I learning tcols~to give fore choices of activities to the~ children " • will .'make._..us,: more ..,er.fective n..:.mestinq :.,the.. objectives ~ of the .. - i : programs.These additions could then be used year-rcund by he ori,-- ~• a, . i ~~ F ~ . - ~ ng , .go 4 -H Advent ,:res rcgrz ^~s i~ • ~ BUDGET SALARIES: System Manager ~ Y ;,lonth (June} 20 days X 8 hrs.-•- , .. _ 16.0 hrs. X $.1;5.00- _ ~ 52,, 400 t Secretary, 16 weeks ,(30 hrs..,) :($3) 3.,840 • Site Director 15 days (3hr}($,3.00) 1,024 ~ .. - . Asst. Site Direc~or/Lead Teacher. . 13 aays (ahr}($$.oo) _ 332 1 ~ e _ « l~ • Teacher - 13 days(6hrj($7.25) 566 ~.~7*IGE $E.V~cI^S: Systems Kanager 1 month health insurance 230 FICA S2,400 :{ .0755 = 134 AJ.1 others c IGA 4.79 . '. ... TP~~LcL: System Manager 125 T~aINZNG: - - 700 SLaPLIES• ~ '1,120 G ~AP~'I' `T'OTAL $11 , 5 0 0 170- - _ . FAYE B. Hr~,l'WOO:ll 7416 Coker Court tiVilnrington, North Carolina 2840 (910) 686-4302 SIJI•il•L~iY Ok' QU~~:1.J~.tC~.TtONS • Stron; backgroturd and e;tperituce iu «~orkiug with special needs children and children in crisis, as well as intervention and early childhood programs, hots public acrd private. . • Over ten years cxperinrce as a volunteer advocate 3ssistina cliildreu tlu~ou~s Guardian Ad f.itcau, Child Advocacy C'oaunissiou, and church youth programs. • Master's degree iu child developL.teut. RELEti:~,~iT EYY~ltI~NC'1~ `i~illie ;~I. C:rse tilanager 4i32 - 9134 SOUTHEAS'lEk`i yLtNTAL HFAI.TH CENTER WtLning-ton, NC • Planned and coordinated scrtiices for violent and 3ssaultive children (1~ViLie iVI. a Certified) and their fannies in iiew Hanover, l3nus<iick, and Pencl;r Cuuntizs. • Asszssed client needs, planned for services to address those need;, auci developed inter-a;ency case rsau3~jrsent a.nd service delivery plan. • Monitored and doc;ur:euted sertiices provided and progress. • Advocated :or client's habilitation and appropriate placement. Day Care Trainin; Specialist 1/80 - x/82 SOUT~~.-~STElL~I i~r1~N1'AL HE~I,TH CIrNTF.R tiVil~n~t~:a, SIC • Clinical and progratu consultant to.arca day care centers, prex:houIs, Head . .Start, and pubLc s:sool kiuder~artea pro~ra.ms is New H.a~over, I;runsl~icS, and Ponder Cotrrrties. • E.•?;phasis of pro~~am was earl. ideuti~catiou and iuterveutiou into eutot.ollll probl_rrv oe:;-urrn3 in early csildhood. . L'tili7e,i classroom teachin;.in day treatment prorar:i,.i.ndividual Auld consultation, cumctrltuu consttltatiou, and parent and teacher education -~~uugh workshops, classes, anc neu?sletters, to achieve program Qoal.,. .. ~ Teac~erlDirector .., ~ 911.3 - 12r r9 P.~RENTS' COtii~•fUNIZY PRESCHOOL ~V;lmin~on. NC • Plaruecl and tau?lrt a cumculum in early childlloud education at a parent c.ooperacve pieschool for 22 children. . • Coordinated the lily actir:ties of pareltt volunteers w the classruuui. • Conducted parent coLLfuences, workshops, and trairin sessions. • rVlaiutaiu~d school records ~rrd served as :irr e~ onrcio member of :rII parent CgIIrlLrtT2~S. ~ .._ _ . _.. 171, ,, FAYE~ B. HAY~YOOD PAGE Z ~.D:DITIONAG E~PERIE~CE Indigency Screener II 3l3~ - 6/9~ ~IDNLLMSTRr1TIVE OFFICE OF THl/ COURTS tiViItzungton, ;tC • Supervise staff responsible for deteruuniug defendants' eligibility for court- . appointed counsel. • Train and supar~zse one or more interns cacfr semester froni Uti'CW's Criminal Justice progz•am and Cape Fear Coiumunity Collzge's Paralegal progratu. ` • Iutertizew defendants; cotuplete a.~davit of indigency, verify defcndaut's financial status tluougb a variety of sources, acid make recommendations to the court regarding indigency. • Maintain list of court appointed attorneys and make assi~urrents for corurse!. • Prepare reports based on statistical data nraintaured iu judicial computer system that are reported to fhe Adnunisrativc Office of the Courts. EDLTC~TIOi`i U~'Iti~RSITY OF GEORGIr~ Athens, Georua ~~LS. -Child Development - - B.S: -Home Economics OLLti-TEER .~C"1'IviT1ES Guardian ~d L;ten: 1985 - Present Child Advocacy' Carr~rrission 193# - 1939 Past Member of the =Board Directors --positions held include Presid~t, Vice . President and Secretary ~~ S~ .~forth~».~•s Ll~tlceran Clrurch You'~h Board ~~embcr ~ 1934 - 1991 Sunday School Teacher (6th & 7th grade) 1939 - 1991 HUNOR4.RY SOCT.ETIES I?hi ICappa P'ui Plu Upsilon Omicron G„t,~a Siam Delta ~= FFa Delta Pi KF; FERE \ L ES 7~- - -:~~,ai?able upon rzuuest .. COVER PAGE _ .. ATTACHMENT_A -. - - SPECSAI~ SUBCONTRACT REQUIR-:"MENTS .. Special subcontract requirements--are set. forth, in this' Attachn`ent . ~ - , ^, .. - ~xceot when the zollow~:~g .revs lions znd/or :substitutions would oermit~the'Universty access to 5ubcontractor's proprietary dzta e nor other-inforuation, or when therev~sion or substitution is . patently m~roDer, zl r.eferences in the s nttacfi.~ent s~ zll ~: read as follows: . A. All references to "Contracts." shall read '!Subcontr.act~r"; - .E. All references to-."Government" or zn a enc branch or .. _ Y S Y, repr.esentatlve thereof 'shall read_!'?_?ne COnt~.~Ctor"; . ~. ~ -~ C. ~ -P.1'1 references to_ "Contractns 0.finer" shall.- rez~ ., ".Subcontrzct Specizlist"; ~` ~ D: All .other references- to . t^e relzicns;iim bet«een t the ~ ' price agency Nand +Contractor, -which zre ~ rezsonable and properly . ' S iYO=1~ct th 'i ~ 1 L, ~;nt°~pr°te~~ ~: ~Pri Con~zctor andnSubcon~rzc~ar sh~-rebe~Sansh'D ~e~«e_,. ~.Ze ~e ..: ~~ :- . . _ ... .. ~~ ~ ~~ . - ~ .- ~.. -- _ ,~ ~ ...173 _~ .- ..: . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - ~ . COUi~ITY OF WAKE '~ Aiti1ENDNIENT .III . CONTRACT #0393 1-.his agreement amends the contract between the North Garolma Uepartment of Human Kesources, Division of Child Development, hereinafrer referred to as the "Division" and the Department of 4-f-i and Youth Development, North Carolina State University, hereinafrec referred to as.the "Contractor". This_ Amendment is hereby effective on October 1, 1995:., , As provided for under_the.tertns of this contract; the.~Division and the Contractor agree to amend. the , _,' , following provisions: . 1. Reference Part II A. "Effective Period": 'The termination. date of February 29, 1996 is `.. amended and changed to June 30, 1996. ' 2: ~ Reference Part IV A. "Payment for Services": The rioi: to•exceed amount is being increased by 5210,000.00 from S630,000.OO~to 5390,000:00. ~ - - - 3. Reference Part IV B. "Responsibilities of the Contractor": Attachment IB details the activities that will be performed in accordance with the terms of this amended contract. All other terms and:condifions~as set. forth in the original contract document, as amended,. shall remain in effect. for, the duration of this agreement.. _ ... ` .. , IN WITNESS W~REOF, the Division and the Contractor have executed this amendment in triplicate originals, one to be retained by the Contractor, one to be retained by the Division and one to be on file with.Division accounting. Dr. Rt;ss Lea .' Al3searz~izta Y~ C~ct C Y Date Dr. C. G. i oreIand, associate Vice-Chancellor for Research, \'orth Carolina State University ~~ ~( ~1;7 By Date Stephanie . Fanjul, Director Division of Child Development Approved-as to"form (if"wer 5100;000.00): Z-2Co-9~ By ~p Date to i Tolliver, attorney for Division of Child Development . ~sistant Attorney General, Dept. of Justice . ACCn~NT r CENTER ~f 2 0 ; 536999 1811185355 5210,000.00 2201 536999 , 1811185355 S340.000.00 . 2201 536999 1311185355 S340,000.00 nonss/amndlang.doc ,, '~ ~ ~ - _' _ ~ ~ .. - Attachment IB ~. . Contract-#0393 -.~rnendment III • ., • , ~ Department of ~-H and Youth , Development _ ~ North Carolina State University Page. l of 1 • ~ ~ The contractor will establish additional school-age child care programs and expand ' existing programs to provide care for childret during.non=school hours. This will include • before and' after school care, non-public holidays, teachers' -work days,. and full day , school-age child care during the summer to `support parents who are employed or seeking ".employment. , •Curriculum will be~develo ed and madeavailable.to ro rams createdor.ex anded w' p r p g p ith • Block Grart fiinds. e ~ . County extension agents will assess community needs and decide whether. the program ' should be community managed or extension managed. Then;4=H System Managers will be hired to help expand the availability of before and after schoolchild care programs. , -The system manager-will work with extension agents to increase the number ofschool- ' '~ ~ age child care'slots. New sites will be established hrough schools,. community centers; public,housing authorities, recreation programs,, industries, or other intere"sled gioups and individuals. If a community entity cannot be located to provide:care, ;then the.possbility of establishing an extension managed child care model will be explored. Funds wi~'1 be used;to teach the public about school-agc~carc=programs.' A marketin . brochure will ;be developed and printed to teach parents how to identify high quality programs for~their-children. - At the end of the year an evaluation of the program will be provided by the contractor • -that will include the number of children served in.full day, year.round programs as a result of usin~_the Block Grant funds to expand existing sites or establish new sites. Su ortin data will: rovide information on the number and e new • PP s; P typ of programs ' created, the number of programs expanded,.the number of new slots .created for children, • and the number`'of.subsidiZed Children in theseslots. . ' . -:.-~; _ ~= ~ ~ , ,. . - - ...: 1.7.5 '~ _ ^. • ~~ ~~-~ . CONTR.~CT ~0~93 between - `~' :~- ~ t ~ ._ ~ U ~.. Y ..~ THE.NORTH CAFOLINA DIVISION OF CHILD DEVELOPIVIEN~'p G~,j L: ' j a and ~ _ l.'~-~ lnn~rrC ~; ~ -IJV.I..~~JJ~U riiVlrr,lt ., ~. Department of 4-H and Youth Development, ~ ~~'~ ~S, . ~ North Carolina State University I. parties to the Contract: This contract is entered into this the sixth day of January, 1994 by the North Carolina Department of Human Resources; Divisorti of Child Development, hereinafter referred to as a the "Division" and.North Carolina State'University, Department of 4-H and Youth Development, hereinafter. referred to as the "Contractor" to provide funds for. increasing the supply of school-age child care. II. General Provisions: _ (~' .r u A. This contract covers the period from December 1, 1993 through November 30,.1994. B. No match is required by the contractor. a C. The Contractor is an "independent contractor" as that term is used in N.C.G.S. 143-300.2(2) and the'Divisiot shall not be liable for any negligence or omissions of the Contractor or of its agents, employees, assignees, or subcontractors. .. .. , D. The services developed under this contract shall serve families of all income levels. E.. The place of .this contract,. controlling its status and form,. shall be Wake County, North Carolina, _ . .• and aII matters relating to the validity, construction„interpretation, and enforcement of this contract shall be determined in the courts of Wake County. Any suit i_*~ federal district court relating'to this contract shall'be brought it the~Lfnited States District Court; Eastern District of . ~ ~._ Nor`~h Carolina,'Raleigh Division. III. Contract Administrators _. ~~ The persons named below shall be contract aduuiustratois for the res ective arties and shall be the a persons to whom notices provided for in this contract shall be given and to whom matters'relating to administration or interpretation of the contract shall be addressed. Either party may change its contract administrator of his address or telephone number by written,notice to the other party. .... _ For`the Division of Child Develo~iment: ~ ~ _ ~ jeanne~Marlowe ~~ • PA."Box 2953 . . - 'Raleigh, ivC 27626-0533± ~ , ' . ,. :... 919/571843 , D a t d- u v' ~ Eddie Locklear ~. ~ en ~ Dept. of 4-H NC State University (mil, Box 7638 (~ Raleigh,. NC 27695 919/SIS-6387 ~1 IV. Responsibilities Under the Contract: 6A. The Division of Child Development shall: 1. subject to the availability of Federal funds, disburse a single check in the amount of 556,667 to the Contractor when this contract has been signed by all parties. Reimbursement of additional funds will be made monthly based on actual expenditures and in accordance with ,, • the a proved budg. A p et. The approved budget maybe revised on the written approval of the contract administrator for the Division of Child Development: The total amount of funding will not exceed 3340,000; and 2 monitor the Contractor's compliance; with the terms of .this contract. B. :The Contractor shall:. . ~ .P 1. 'award'' ants to local ro ams to establish, ex and or conduct school-a e chit c $I' P ~ P g dare services as de"scribed in Attachment I, the application, to this contract;, 2.spend awarded funds in accordance with.the approved budget; and ., ~ 3:. request reimbursement-for actual expenditures by the 20th day of each month following the expenditure month; and . 4. return any monies not spent during the~contract period to the Division of Child r Development with the' final report. ~ . 5. provide the Division fiscal end activity reports for the period December 1,199.1 through -May 31,1994 and June 1 through November 30,1994, These reports are due June 30,1994 . ' and, December3l, 1994, respectively;. . • . 6: maintain program and fiscal records for this contract for three years after the #ermination of ;the contract or until any audits. in progiess at that time are completed; 7. make available all records, papers, vouchers, books, correspondence or other documentation ' °T _ , evidence at all reasonable.times for review, inspection, or.audit by duly authorized officials of the Division, or State or Federal auditors; 8. forward to the.Division documentation of compliance with the Single Audit Act of 1984 (P.L.-98-502) for .the SFY 1993-94 contract period. This documentation must be in accordance with CIIZCULAR NO. A-128 dated April 12,1984,,hom the Office of Management and a ~ ,Budget, Washington, D.C.; 9: comply with Titles. VI`and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and SectionSO4 of the • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and all requirements imposedby Federal re;ulations issues •, . ~ ~ • pursuant to these Titles for both personneLemployed and clients served under,this contract; .. and 10. assure that funds received under the contract will be used only to supulem~t, not to . , supplant, the total amount of Federal, State and local.publirfunds the Contractor otherwise. expends for child care programs. Funds•received-under this contract will be used to provide . - • , . , . addt~tuial~~$ublic funding for such services; the funds will not tie used to ied~te`the ` ' `Contractor's`total expenditure ~of other public funds for such services. ~' - ~ .: ' V:' COpvright n~ T~iStrihntinn nf.Tyfatarialc• The Cont=actor may copyright materials originated in the performance of tFis contract The copyright not withstanding, the Division may use, disclose, duplicate and distribute alI materials delivered under this . • 'contract. The Contractor hereby grants to the Division aroyalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable license to publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to authorize others to do so, all data, reports, publications, studies; curricula or other materials originated in the performance of.this contract. Such-license shall be only to the extent that the Contractor has the right to grant such license. `The Contractor may not market the products of this contract for profit. , c .. _ . VI. Equipment .. All equipment purchased by funds provided under this contract must be used by the contractor in the program -.. orproject for which it-was: acquired as long as needed, whether or not the project or program continues to be supported byFederal Funds. When acquiring replacement-equipment, the contractor may us uipment , to be replaced as`a~trade-in or sell the equipment and use.the proceeds to offset the cost of th~r$ l~ment equipment, subject to approval of the Division. ;, ~ -; .., , n 1~ 1 VII. Amendment and Termination This contract maybe amended at any time'by written contract signedby both parties if necessary to comply p with applicable laws, regulations, polities and standards or with the consent of both parties. This contract may be canceled at any time: 1. by either party for cause;•upon notice, in writing and delivered by registered mail with return receiptrequested, or in person; 2. by the Division in the event that reimbursement to the Division from federal sources is not ' ' ~ available and/or not continued at ari ado egate Ievel suffident to'allow for the continuation of the contract The obligations of each party shall be terminated to the extent spedfied in the notice of termination immediatelq upon receipt of the notice of termination from the Division; or 3. by either party upon thirty days notice in writing and delivered by registered mail with retum receipt requested; or in person: - -: ... i In the event of termination in part, both parries shall continue the performance of this contract to the extent not . terminated. .. ~ .. ,: This contract contains the entire undersfanding of the parties 'and<tlZere are no conven~nts, no representations or undertakings other than these expressly set forth in the contract. Failure to insist upon strict compliance •:, -with the terms~ofthis' contractshall not constaute a waiverof any subsequent default of the contractual provisions nor,shall any custom or practice developed between the parties constitute a waiver of any contractual provisions stated herein: Triis contracf will not be~construed for or against• the party drafting the contract. ~ . ~, , ~,,. .. This contract supersedes all prior written or'oral statements. to witness whereof, the Contractor and the Division have executed this contract in duplicate originals, one of which~is "retained by each of the parties. ' DIVISION OF CHII:D DEVELbPNfEVT~~ ~ ~ NORTH CAI'.OLINA STATE UNIVERSITY -~ Title: ~' ~~ Title:~Ce Cj~~i~l,ci~~ ~Lt'~L~~aiG`{ ~~ -- Director (( ~t AA Date: ~" ~ ~ ~~ ~ Date:v~~ ~ ~~ ~y9.`C .. , . _ ... . ' 'Approved' as to Fo _,. r NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF-.E3Ur1AN RESOURCES ASSURANCE, OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH :DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990: , ~. ~ ' ., ~ . ~, The undersigned authorized official (hereafter, "We" a gees to com l wit~i g ) g P Y h the.Prnericans with ,.Disabilities Act:of`1990~, (ADA) and with requirements contained_in applicable federal regulations', rules and guidelines. , ~.. In'ac'cord'ance with the ADA we hereby .agree to.a policy of "nondiscrimination .against persons with disabilities" in providing or' ' :~ 'contracting for the programs listed below. If we find that present ' services or facilities of those with whom we contract do discriminate against persons with disabilities, we .promise (l), f.irst~, to •try to re*.nedy the situation; (2) second, ,to contract with another provider that does not discriminate, .or {3.} third,~f an alternative provider is not available .or . .f~:ezsible, to fir_d a comparable service zor..the ,disabled person. If~ the ' ' ~. last course (~3)-s•chosen, we shall take steps to ensure .that no' additional costs are incurred by the person with the disability~~nd'that the service is .equally effective,.afords equal opportunity, and was fully integrated, no<t segregating.._the person .with the dis~bli-ty.such that they are in amore restr:ictive.setti`ng.than disabled receiving:the same service: 'The., ,purpose.oL thus agreement is to ensure that all s~er-vices and facilities obtai*~ed from contracts,-made" by loca]. North, Carolina Department ~oz Human Resources agenc'es.~re readily zccessble to,.znd usable by disabled per,sors ' and are in complete and to~a1 compliance with the PEA ar_d all relevant '.~ regul,aliors as well as ary other state, or federal"law regarding the , DrO;te^.ti 0I1 o:f persons Wi t!? d1Sabll~ t1eS. ' Re1e?se- of 1ia~ility: Should any :admir.`istratve or judicial foru-a hold~.D'r~~ liable under any provision of the P.DA, solely on. the basis `of the .acts.•or omisse~oe~s yo.y,_.Nor~h .<Carfllin~ -Ste Un eYsit~ in cart-ding out this ~ ' agreement, then North Carolina State University will beheld responsible. a for reimbursing any damages incurred by tne.Depzrtment of Human Resources, ~• includng'a~torneys' fees back to DHR. •.We tike full~,responsibilty for 'the compliance with'all provisions oL the A.DA in'carrying out this contr~c.t for er_surir comply ance.:.witn t_he AAA b i • g y. ..any and . ~_1 programs" or services , cor_lracted by Ls . ' , . ._ C .. JAN E. nature and Title of Authorized Offici NOR'?"~i' CAROLINA. STATE UNIVE~SiTY DEPP~TM~'WT OF 4-H P.ND YOU^ DEVELOPP'r'NT ~~ v 011994 Date .Date. .. • ~ 1 - ~ Cert i f cat one :Regarding Debarment,~suspension, and -Other Responsibility Matters - - - -., (1)The-prospective primary participant certifies to the best ~of its knowledge and belief, that,,it and its principals.: • (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for. ,. .debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by auy'-Federal department:~or agency; - . . (b) ;Have not within, a three-year period. preceding, this proposal been convicted of or had.a civil judgment rendered•aganst~ ~~ ~ ~ ... them for commission of fraud or~ criminal-,,offense in connection,. with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal,; State of local) ,transaction , or contract ~. under , a~. public ,-.transaction.; ' violation 'of Federal or State .antitrust-statutes or commission- of embezzlement, ~~theft, .forgery, bribery, falsification ~or~ destzucti.on of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c), Are_.not presently. indicted for or otherwise criminaYly or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal,~Stat~e =or local)• with commission of any of. the offenses, enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of ,this- certification; and ~ ~ ~ - _ - - (d) > Have not. within a three-year period _ preceding - this applicationJproposal had one or -mof•e public transactions ~ (Fed'eral State or local) terminated for cause or default. (2)Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of .the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. ~ -~ S~g~~~e~ and Title of Authorized Official NORTH CAROLINA STATE IINIVERSITY J ~,~~ Q `l 1994 • ~ . . • - • ' •. .. ~ Cextxfxcafxon . ~:. . Regaxdxng Lo~byxng , ~~, .. • The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or°her•knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal .appropriated funds have been paid.or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer. or employee of an ~• ~ .a en a Member of Con Tess an officer or a°m to ee o Con g ~y, g - p y, f press, or an employee of a Member •. of.Congress in connection with the awarding of:any Federal contract, the making of•any Federal •: grant,. the making. of any- Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and • the extension; continuation; renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan; or cooperative agreement. ~ ~ . - (2) `If any. funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any ` •. person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of ariy agency, a Member -,.of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress; or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection-with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form-to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. . • (3) The undersigned 'shall require tha# the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including. subcontracts, subgrants, :and contracts: e under' ~ rants loans and coo erative a reements arid that all y . g p g ) subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. -° ?his certification. is a ma erial representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when• -, . this transaction was. made or entered into. Submission of -this certification is a prerequisite for; - making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1332,'title ~1, .U.S. Code. Any person- who fails to file the ieq.uired certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not. ess than;S10,000 . arid not more than'SIOO,000 for each such failure: ' - _ •. ~, . ~ ~ G~ .~ JAS! 0 fl ~~94 , . ~. ~~`~`~ •~ Signature and;Title of Authorized Official DATE • DEPARTMENT OF 4-H AND YOUTH DEVELOPMEi~1T, NORTH CAROLINA STATE Li~1IVERSITY .: 181 ~. ~ , r D:OT Right-of--Way.- . '~ .~ BRIEF,SUMMARY: ~ :DOT has requested a 70 foot easement on the County tract on Frederickson Road'; running a distance . of 680 feet. The State intends to ade to ~ . gr , s bilize, and pave the road. -~ - , . .e RECOMMENDED 1VIOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Consider DOT reQuest, and. if acceptable, authorize Chairman to sign the Right-of--Way Agreeirtent. ~. FUNDING SOURCE• _ ,. .; Federal S: St t S a e County S: 0.00 User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ' ~, New•Appropriation Request: , ' Budget Amendment Prepared: . ~ . REVIEWED BY• . • ,. ,. ~~ - ' LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN; . ., ZIJD: N/A CGRLFFIN I-IR: N%A ANIALLETT . ~~ . C T MANA ER'S -• MENT A D RE MMENDATI N Recommend° approva ~ , COUN'flf COM~Al5Sl~('~r~,g~`':1 , . .. APPROYEC? ~- . ~ ~.. ~ ; . REJECTTd ,~ ,. ~ . _ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ ~EMO~E~ ~ .~, ~: ~ 8 3 _ , .. ~ POST TONE® u ~lAT~.~... s~- ~~G ` - ~. Refer to ~ .. Office.Visiori Bulletin Board for Disposition _ . ~~ ° ~~ ~' ,ter.. o; r " ~~ STATE OF NOEtTH CAROL[NA .~ DEPARTMENT OF ^I~ANSPORTATION . ~ I , JnnnES B. HuNr JR. ~ DIVISION OF :HIGHWAYS GARt}w~ B. GncuiFrr JR GOVERNOR ~ - . _ SECRETARY I =1 D!!'iciLn DrlFe ~~~ ilmin~ on, ?vi. C. _a~li! 1 - . _. .. \:Iaich ~ l ~ 1995 . State Project: a.2~23 C'ount~-: ~'ew Hano~~er Description: Proposed Ri~?ht of ~~'av Acquisition of Frederickson Road Subject: Right of ~~~av .-~*rzzment \1r. Kemp Burpeau \~ew Hanover County Attomev's Office 3~'0 Chestnut Stceet .. ~~-ilmington, North Carolina ?b=tU1 Dear \~fi. Burpeau: This is to contirm our telephone conversation of l~•farch ~0, 1996. can March S, 1996 our officz received a memorandwti from i\•ic. J. P. Cook, District Engineer, a copy of which is attached, asking us to secure appro~imattly 6S0 felt of right of way on Frederickson Road for the purpose of grading, stabiIizin~ and paving. \ew Hanover Count<~ omens propem along this road and we ~c•ould appieeiate }•ou adding this matter to the agenda for the County Commissioners' approval. We also reduest a copy of the minutes of the meeting containing approval for scanting the right of wav. ~ a . -. .....- __ . A attached is an original and one copy of our right of ~•a}• agreement. Please return both copies of the properl~~.e;ecuted and notarized a~eement to me-in thr=enclosed znti~elopa. I have also attached a-ccp}• ot: ~} the Deed to the property and a. cope of our• sun•ty m?p. ~ . , ~ J--~ Please lzt me know if you need fur'aier,iriformation.° `~ ~ a Sincerely, " i ~ ! a,{ ~~ i t~,~ k ~ ~ ~ _. ~, t ~ ~ Ron L. Nilson 184- - ~ ~ ~' {`F ~'~` ~ ~ ~ Right of Way Agent ~~ , ~ia:,jkq awe r, y , RLW.c~ ', J '~ Enclosures . ~ <, ~ ` ~~~~ ~- . ~ __., ~ ., ~~~~ ~y~0 - ,, ~} ~ 3 - STATE OF [~10RTH CAROLINA ~~ t ^ ~~`~ - DEPARTNtENT OF Z~ANSPORTATI0~1 ~~`"`~, ~~ ~'~^Y ® ~ J,~nnES B. Hu~rT JR DNISION OF HIGHWAYS G~~v~.B'. GAR~rr JR U ,GOVERNOR SECRETARY " 124 Division Drive . , Wilmington, NC 28401....:. _ - . ~ ..910-2~1-26~~ ~ 1 . , March 8,1996 -.. ~ .. . _. .. ~cr.;i~ ~ l . la o (~ . ~~ Division 3,~District~3 `, _, .. ' ., New Hanover County ~. . - - •_ - Memorandum To Mr. Faison Lewis _ . , From:. Mr'. J. P Cook - ~ ~ . Subject: SR 2169 Frederickson:Road . -~- .. 4 SR 2169 Frederickson Road in New .Hanover County has been setup for grade, - drain, base,.and pave. This road was added to the system `with an original length of 0.39 mile. It was later reduced by O.TS mile. Anew industrial park road has been constructed approximately 630 feet north of the end of. the.existing system. The - IVlaintenance Department has continuously maintained this 630 foot section of road ' incorrectly. This. addition -would allow us to tie the new pavement to the existing ,' paved road, ~ ., . - Attached is a co ' of a ma showing the ro osed addition. Mr: ohn And - PY P b P P. J erson of : , 'your .office has been furnished a copy of a deed concerning the 70 foot private " ~ easement. ~: _. ' ~ . ` °If additional information is needed, please advise. PJ .. _. Attachment . - cc: M'r. M. F. M_ cDaniel ~ ~ ~ = .. . _ __ ... .: 185 `, a. .. ~ o a a .. -~ w -his instrument drawn bv' ~a N ~- • ~- ~ S~~^ RETURN TO: M. F. iRN15. DIVISION RIGHT OF WAY AGENT NORTH CAROLINA OE?ARTMENT OF TRANS?ORTATION t2a DIVISION DRIVE. WILMINGTON, NC =8dt)t Checked bv: RIGHT OF'vVAY AGREEME"~T ' PARC.L NO 2 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - COUNTY OF• New Hanover Frecerickson Road , _ TOWNSHIP OF Caoe Fear . LScal Name of Road New Hanover County ' ;he undersigned owners of that'certain property described in Deed book t.+.79 at Page-1809 in the Register of Oeeds office ~f ' New Hanover County, and bounded by recognizing- the benefits to said property by reason of the Deparment of Transportation assuming responsibility for t.~~ maintenance of the above•descnbed road, hereby grants to the Deparment of Transportation, the right of way for s~.d proposed road and releases the Department from all claims for damages by reason"oP said right of •Nay across the lands of ;.,e undersigned and the past and further use thereof by the Department, its successors and assigns for all purposes for which !+'e . , Department is authorized by law to subject said right of way; said right of. way being the width indicated and across s.: d property as follows: ~. i 70 FT. in width measured 35 FT on each side of the center line of said proposed road, and such additional widths as mig:a be necessary to provide for cut and fill slopes, sedimentation control, and drainage of road. tt is understood and agreed that the center line of the 70 FT. right of way hereinabove described has been staked out upon the ground and is shown upon plans for the project in the office of the Department of Transportation in Raleigh. Tr.e undersigned propery owners further agree not to erect any structures. including masonry mailboxes, masonry dnvew.ay headwalls, any fencing, etc., or engage in cultivation within the right of way granted herein except as approved by the No;:n Carolina Department of Transportation pursuant to G.S. 130.93 and N. C. Admin. Code t.19A, r.02E.0<04. There are no conditions to this agreement not expressed herein. The undersigned hereby covenant and ,varrant that they are the sole owners of said propery; that they sclely have the right to grant this right of way,, and that they will forever wa;rz: ; ,r. and defend the title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whcrosoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals this tfle day ~f 19 ~ { NE`N HANOVER COUNTY (SEALS ~ - Royer, G. G _er, Chairman - i3dard of Commissioners' ' ' ~ - ~ ' ATTEST: Clerk to the 3card • Approved as to form: County Attorney ' ~ ~ ~, STATE OF COI,":-Y '~ a f:etary Puhiic of County, Norh Carofna, do hereby cep^.f/ that ,personally came before me this o<,y and acRnowledged that snelhe Is me Clerk of Ina Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, a body poliUC and corporate; that. the seal affixed to.the.forego~~~^, ~`'sVUment in writing is'the corporate seal"of said County and was affixed by herlhim; ;hat the said instrument was signed .n tr.e name of New Hanover County by. Chairman of ;he Board of Count' Commissioners of said County and attested by saio , as Clerk of the said Board and that the said instrument is the act and deed of New Hanover County. WITNESS my hand this the day of 19 lily Commission Expires: . Notary Public ' The foregoing Certifica;e(sj of 9are rbe correU, -This instrument and this certificate are duly recorded on the day of - Page at o'clock_M. REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR COUNTY BY Deputy/Assistant • Register of Deeds ~.._ iFor adCition to system where map is in Raleigh) - r= ~o - 1 d~Or, .,~~~ i1`' - i' 7.9 I X09 ... ,~: . • •} ~~•r ,;;, • STA1E, OF ttURTI? CAROLINP. , ~. f:rG;<~_ , • t ".L` ~ . • NEB: r::~~: r[8°C~ COMITY ~F IdEW'.1{A1IUVER ~ ~~ l-r1IS DEED OF COtJVEYANCli,, mai!c t.hi:: 18cir clay of Uccc•r.ibcr, • - • i`)Rfl, fiv and hc~tvcru A:D. RDl'AL ant vil~•.; (:ATI(F:IfiNh: G. ROYAF.; ('Akt:l.tt h:. '13U'l'l.Elt, tJLJoucr; GifAKLES A: IZUYAL, JN. anJ ailr, 1•'AY£ 1:. KUYAI,; anal D;ILDRED FLEHING POWCLL, 'tlidoc+, all oP t:ampson County, t.ortii~Carolina; . ELDISE R. PEIXOTTO, widow; of Passlic County„ t•teuJersey; MII.DRED R. SIt1PSON, l,'ido~.•, of Guilford County, :forth Carolina;, and STEPHEII D. . ,.,:.. ., .AL and vifc, P~TRICIA V. ROYAL, .of .Nec+,Hanovcr County, ,:forth Carolina, Parti-c~ of the First Parc, and NEtI IiANOVER COU~'~TY, a North Carolina ' municipal corporstirn and body politic, c•ich offices, at 'Fourth anJ j Cticstnuc Strerta, Wllmfnl;ton, No[rh C;rrc~lina, !'arty, o! the Second karc;- • ~'~ I T S E S S F. T l{ WHEREAS, the Pa-xes off the First, Part arc the owners of `. the landd hercinsfter described as tenants, in consnon in the following • proportions: .. ' '' A. G. Royal '7.2 .3 Carmen M. Butler (furcerl,y Lore R. Butl~r)37.2/717 Rfildred R. Sit~pson '. 57.2/'713 ~'• ~ El.,isc R. Pcixotco ~ S1,°_/711 • ,.. 3~ Cfiarlc`s A. Royal, Jr. 26.1/713 Stephen D. Royal. '.4.,1/713 r. t~ti~dred Flcning .Pgveal .. ... _ _ 132/713 ~~ IOW, 111EEtE1•~,(E, the said Parties of Ch'c First Part, for .and . in,consi.d~rati~n of [he sumofOne HuncJred_Do?laxs.($lOQ.00)`and ot}irz ' valuaba,e considerat'ior~;,-~to them in hand paid by the Party of the Setc.a Part; the receipt-of which is tiere5y acknovled~e'd, have given, ~rar,ted, bargained and.conveycd,.and by-these presents do"hereby _ give, grant, barEain a,id con~cy and Confirm unto the said` P.~rr.v n1•~~I,u Srcor,c; ratty, .its successors and assigns forever,, ~.hat,,,ctrcairi tract. ' or 'parcel "of land sicuaced,•lying Lnd bcinE in Capc Fear Township, Ncw Hanover Coun[y, Nortn Carolina, and. bcir,-•.r.:ore particularly .descrbed • .n Exhibit "A'" attached hereto,' which ~:: .~l>.o incorporated herein by ' rc Fca•cncc . 1'rcptrrcd by: Frnnklln !r. ,:tartan - r - Attorney at Law .~ _ Wilmington. N.C ,2TU ~ .-.. . n -. .,• .. ~.~V~ ~. dUnt. i'eC,e II79~I8Id .BY ACCEPTANCE of this Deed, Party of the Second Part agrees . chat no .commercial sand shall be sold-from the property described in Exhibit "A" attAChed hereto and incorpnrn[cd herein `b'y reference for a period of ten (10) y,e~rs from [hc dace of recordation of this Deed. ~. THIS -CONVEYANCE is made subjcct• to ~thc ~licn~'of 1981 Ncv llanovcr ` Courty ad valorem taxes, cpplicable zoning refulations~and ' any e•lecrric,'cclephonc or similar utility c,scmcnts of record. ~TO HAVE AND TO HOi.D the above granted ancf described piemises, together with all and "singular .he -ights, privileges, aasemencs; CenemenCS~arid appurtenances [her~un[o belonging or in • anyz+ise'app~rcainins: unra Che said Party of the Second Party, its successors and'as'signs, in fee simple forever, 8UT SUBJECT ALf:AYS to the easements and rzght's''of ~+a'y sec forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto , and incorporated herein by reference. " And the •snid Pxrtics''of thc~FirsE Part, for their hers, executors and administrators;'do covenant to and with [he said Party of the Second Parc,~ its successors and assigns, tha~[ they are seized in 'fee o~f the above granted and 'd'escribed premises:, subjECt to the rights of vay and easements hereinabove refc:red to, and that [hey l~av~ good right. to~ sell and" convey 'the, sane in fee-.simple; [hat the same are free and clear from any and all encuiabrenccs, exciept_ as iney be set forth herein, and chnc they will, and rtie:r heirs, executors and acim2niecrators -shall, -i~ar-rant a~xi defrrd ~rfic titlc~to `the same against the lat+ful 'cltrtme`IInd demands of any and alb personv uh~msocver, except that it is expressly understood.by.che parties hereto that the Partics'of'the"First Part.,-.for themseive~, their heirs,-executors.'and ail~inistrators,:make . no warranty as.to the.quantity'or qual•icy"of the groui._vater lying beneath th'e property conveyed hereby,"the same being core particularly desc`ribPd in :~ Exhibit "A"..attached.'hcreto. ~ ~ ' - IN 1'E5TIt10NY Lltt£KEOF, the said ?:.rric:~ of''the First Part heve.:hercunto sec choir'hands and affixed Cheir~~scals the day and year first above written. - ,. 8 8 y - ~ -2- ~~~~ ~--~~~ ,.. .. _ ._ - - ~~ ~ . . ~x~.r ~~ ri. ..~ ry. ~ / 1 ~ ~: f l "' ~ -7 -.---I 1--- - - ~ ~ . ' ~i _ . -Y[ s : ; , , < , I~.-. "` , . ~ ~ `, 'S ~.L) r~ ~.. ~z.: L ~" r ~~ci }mss ~ ~ 1~..~wti 4~a ; r': r. ~! ~ } ~ - E-I ~i-;c r:. •i'c,x,,.cto r.. ) Kl ~, `~, t~:~`~-k ~ ~ ~ =. }~ ._ ~. • t•, i : d r e d r2 . Simpson s .r`.~ ,~ 'ti `"` ~'''c,~ ~.~.~F^ s~~,7. '.: • C ~ 7 ~" 1 .,.~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- s ter' ' t~ _ . meat s r- _~`~"~ .';~ F~ '~ , .~ ,.-. ,~ 1'ar.r,ci~~oyal~: . • - -. 1 ~ 1 4/`j ~(u ,v a Abcary Public in and ~~Y l ~1.. -taa:~~;,:r-~,~g„ ~,~ •.,IC' ~n,nCy~~'Ind scac~. u ticrc "p ccrci` thac A. D. P.0'!~,L and ~•ife, ki' %'~''~''~~,~-- ''~`'.~,f.~-.:, '-f,, i.t:r I E-,G. RU1'A ., each person,:] ly appeared before rc. chis day and "-Lr,, •,.~~ ~~r~•'~~'- ~--, .._ dv,rd chc d c c: rc~cion of chc iorcEo_ng inscru~cnE for. the ~ ~'y~~~~L~'. ~ ~~~'';~`f,;: , C h c r c i n ~> ;, r r s s c d. ,..`~~ t"` °~y'- ~l ?'`t`'S ~<~ )r~l ~-I,7f:S` rr: I,.rnd ..r-d n c:,ria1 seal t' is ~• da of = 4...~':'s"'~~s~ ~'~~.~ ~ ' . r•;1 c, n 1. x ~, 1 ~• , / /` .~, ...a4r 2.`~ .,•* ~.~~s YaiJc~'~v,4~ ~ j-+.. ~~ ~ r r f 5_ ~-Q~o-' y- Y ~ I i c ;-,~„ ~ ti ~~ „~ :,fr;--..y ~t "x^ ~~ t ~_~. ' ~ ~~ i ~ ~ Fem. ~- ~~'~ . -4 • s+~ pit 1 E t Yr`~ik~x Y~r'f a, ~ y ti.. t ~~~ ~ .. .. ~ '-~ ,~' Iv ~L:y T~°!'~~ d ~}. ter" U c t r '3 xw ~" ... ..T: ;T't-+;i dew-.'.. it '+~"'~,"''`r`•t- ~+rv~^•.~.-'~SiT~'-_ +fe~•~'a.. .. ~ ~ .e-se- _ ~ - -.. ~ ° . ~ ,.. ~. v _ . ' Ktpv rA;~ .. 3i-%~i:'tc ~ia.~CT I'?CHII32T A•. /~~ ~. • . ' FJR rl~:! r.%,:'1;)1'crZ CvJ:1TY `/ •-~.~.. ~~ "~~,~ i r'A:tT OF FLEI;Ii:G ,tifU ft~l'LL TMCT . ~. _ _. .. i:r:Gl:Cil;IG ai a point in ,nc center o,f'~ 70.0-foot,rriae private roa<::,ay • , anc~ access ease:,ent, said point locaicd north 25 decrees ~0 crinutes crest 1096.45 .feet as nzasured frith said centerline frorri its interaction rritri t'r_ centerline of S.t;. 1.394 (CPLL Su[con steam plant road), said in cr- • section point located westward 1073.: fee g,az ne~sured rritlr the cer._erline .. .. of S:R. 1:39.9 fro: the centerline of the SeBboa'rd Coast Line Railroad. ~ tr~cl•, Clinton Line, said L'crinning point bein. the northeast corner- o! the Fredrickson i•:otor Express Corporation tract; running thence iron slid - • Geyinniny rr.it.:f tlrc northern line of. said Freilrick:un 'iract, zoutlr G; Jrgrerz• OJ minutci west.35:OJ feet Loan iron pipe in-the -rest:ern' line of the 70.0-foot eascirent; thenr;¢ continuing south 65 degrees 00 minutes ~~rest • SGS.00 fcet'to an•iron p Peat [he northwest corner, of the Fredrickson Tract; .,thancc crith t.'te trestcrn line of se~id tract south "c5 dcSrecs 00 rtin~tes cast 330.00 feet to an iron ,pipe at its ;outhF,est corner, in the northern line of -~erklty Equipment Company Tract; thence with said northern line sour.h hS ,ucarccs 60 ririnutes ~.est 133.35 feet to a point in the n~r[hern line of C.rrolina fovrcr..;..L_yi~i; .Lhtr~u-L~t1~-said-Garroi+a`Ptrrtra ti jht noril~urn lir,c 1 . ~.,... , - :north 2.9-dcgr~cs.~.l7 minutes rres.'G31.7 icet i~ an iron pipe in the trestcrn .,. • 1inc~of the flenin9~an0 Royal Tract; thence with said ~restern line north l1 deyr~cs 4G lninutcs trest~914.2;~ feet to ~an iron pipe; thence north `, ; ti; ueyrees OO minutes cast 11~G.?~4 fcet'to ar'iron:pipc in the trestcrn , ° lin^ o'f sal d.•°).00-foot easenwrit~ thence continuiny nort7r b5 Jeyrc^-s~ OG . minutes east 35.00 feet.to~i'poin't in Lhe centerline of said easement; C: tnenc~'r+ith said centerline sou[n 25 de,~rees~~G~ ~_ • •tes~ cast 955.00 feet to tiic P,uint of'h~GI:Gt1::G, containing JO.UO acres. ~. '~Toctetiie..siith..an cascnacnt.ofYa 10.00-foot aide st.•ip o.• parcel ,L•c ccrrtcrl_ a: of rrnicn is dcs~rlb~~~s Oeginning at a poir.; in thn ccr,tcrlir•c ~., .. 19~~ :.... ~.~..• • • .: ;L _ .: ~ ~. . s >t ""' ~~ 1 1 7 9 1 8 1 6 ' t :I 1:. T ~\~ ~ / V / FLCMII: ~ 0-P,OYnI_ TR•~CT. >.1 ' C ~' 1: ~ ~ / ~ ~/.rtr -JGS-00E ~IPII • 'IIjCo.24' J50'1~ .4 ~ ~'I • n ' •',tt[•w °.n.~ lac:.. ~~I ~I'' 61 j.., L I.• .`• 1 N .'r s z 1 ~ ' 7. F- X70 PRIVATE C ' ~ ~ ~ }_ EASEMENT 0, ~C ~ ; ci ~' ;,'r~O~RC'ROUNa ' l U =hL Pl~cl_trJ[ ;.M. ~ N ~• SG5.0, DSA~~i I ~~ . ,. ~~~\ ; ~ 6 ~~ w S G S' O O• PI_ 1 1 -'- Q ~ ~ p:'O cae~alcKSCN I r Qlj' \ ~/y ~C r ~~.N CXP i35S C04P, .tLr . ` a~ _C'n.'o ._ 0 u .. _ o : II A~ ~ A . ~ ~ I 9 A ~c~ 1: o~cR ~/ . . S ~' 9c c u.lult•/1 d \ \ oe •~ r0 .1~ . n.t) 1: •t. r:.i~..'.:r to r 1..11 a .~. ~na.~.fr:•. ;_ L .~..u .14.: r..r ... rat-L+t e.:~t.~~ v'.::'cl. CO~ ~Q 3,Y~ ~ C..M. 'G'- .'•t '1• ..11:.1:)t•e•1~ , •) •,1: 11 :.C. •;' .) 11't.al •v .\ • •at):. .l 11.1... ' ~• \ \ -'•~. ~~ ~ '~ ~ :~ .5 U R V E Y 3 U ACRE T o ... sl,w•.:: T RACT ~''•r` .`OS~. Foy 1 , NE4'1 ~HaNOvEc~ C.O'PubTY -~ P~-,RT OF PO I~~I T F~ETF R TR.~CT ~ of FLEM{NC, i~ ROYAL ' SCALE: 1~= 4 00' ' LC~T. I~np H[)JFIV v-O t.! JCSGu ~., I~S~O!li\T•~S ' • COn)LvLT rr,~C. °_nrGt+.?CRj ~ :a.gr;+; :ll °-'~~ - t5 ~ I .- ~ , 92._ .. Re C.1...! and R•COf C.a ` ,. f l . c r ..t' I . l 3`". ~t •{`i~ ai . r"a 1•,af.' LLLJJJ t i , o . • ~ •----- .. • t .. ,. ~ -. . :. ,Resolution of Intent to Close an Unnamed Road in Crestwood Subdivision ;~ .. BRIEF. SUMMARY: . .Request by~adjoining landowner, Matthew Wall, to close an"unnamed road located at the western ~~ terminus of Ashford Avenue in Grest<vood Subdivision.. See attached ma . . , p .This 30."foot . right-of--way is unimproved and 167 feet in length. ~ " a ~ .. , . REC_ OMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS„ " The Plannln staff rec g ommends, adoption of the Resolution of Intent. However;. County Engineering ~. staff may express an interest in retaining a portion of the ri t-of-wa and c.onvertina it into'a utiIi ~ Y .~ ty easement. - ~ . ~` ~ i ^ ." " FUNDING ..SOURCE: .. _ ~. , Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: " New Appropriation Request: ~,' ~ Budget Amendmenf Prepared: . " REVIEWED.BY: " " , ~ LGL: . ~ FIN..... ZLTI: _ " H~• LINTY MANA E ~S " ,~ ..Adopt resolution '.: " AF~PFtQY~p ~ :, { .. J " REJECTC.Q ~ ~ " .. ~ RE~~~ ~~ 19 3 .~ " POST 't1NEt? ." xR ;" ~ G - ~ Rcfer to O~cc Vision Bulle~tinABOariposrtion ~'~" ~ _ ~ ~~ " .~ - ' - NEW~,HANOVER'COUNTY • ~ INTER-OFFICE ~~\ ~~~\~~\ :rv~ ~ \. ~:~":~• ~• ~`:\ .. ~ ~ •:a \ ham. ~ k~ ::~ .~ .,~. > v. ~J~ a a ~ ~ .~\... ~ .. `• ~~.a:~\~ "~Z \ - ..:~~~o .. . . TO: ,Allen, O'Neal, County Manager , . .. ,•. ;. FROM: Dexter°Hayes, Planning Director RE: County Commissioner Agenda Item DATE: April 2, 1996 'Please place the attached Resolution of Intent to close an unnamed road located in the Crestwood development. on the Commissioners' April 15, 1996 Agenda as a regular item. The agenda information cover sheet on this item has: been sent- via Office Vision... Support data is attached. ,. Contact Sam Burgess or me if you have questions. ° } { 3 ~~ ~~,, ~ ~ ,~..~, ( :,!n ~ ~^r • ~,. r ~~ Y [ r 194. _ _ p r P ` ~, ~ , „ / ~~ ~ • ~:a i.. .. . ~ -. ~• Resolution of Intent . - ~ To Close a Public Road Unnamed Road ~ • ' • Crestwood Subdivision ~ ~. .~• . "' WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant, to N.C.G.S. 153A-241, requesting the . Board of Gommissioners.of New Hanover County to close the following described public road; ..~ ' Being all of a 30 foot unnamed road right-of--way beginning at the southwest confer of • - !ot 131 which is a part of the northern right-of--way of Ashford Avenue, .Crestwood • - . ' Subdivision Sectiar 7 recorded in "Plat Book 13, Page 2 of the New Hanover £ounty `Registry; commencing from said point 162 feet north=northwest to a point in the southern - ~ property lure. of !ot 101. Crestwoood Subdivision, Section 6 recorded in Plat-Book 10, Page 47 of the New Hanover County Registry; acid extending from-said point 30 feet south to ~' the northeastern coder of lot 132, Plat Book 13, Page 2 of the New Hanover,County Registry; .commencing from said point 172 feet south-southeast which is the northern boundary of lot 132, Plat Book 13 Page 2; commencing from said point 30 feet north. • .. .. `which is the southeastern corner of, lot 132 to the point of beginning . ,E ~ - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said • ~~ road°to public~use; and that a public hearing on this question will be held onthe.3rd day of June, ' •1996, at 7:30 p:m. in-the General Assembly Room of the County Courthouse, 24 North Third . Street, Wilmington,, N.C. at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and-make afinal. determination as to whether the road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by1the New Hanover County Board of - . ' Commissioners on the 15th day of April, 1996. • • Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~~ • - - Attest: - .. • ' Clerk to tfie Board • ;. ~ J ._~. :. •. . X195 ~ - - . . ; 1~~, ~. ~ . DE\TER I.. HAYES Planning Director NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ 414 CHESTNUT~STREET, ROOM 304 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4027 TELEPHONE (910) 3.11-7165 FAX (910) 772-7868 April 1, 1996 , Matthew Y. Wall 208 Ashford Ave. Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Road Closing Application -Unnamed Road ~ ' ., Dear Mr. Wall.;- ~ - .. - ... Please be advised that the road closingapplication that you submitted to our office has been received and processed. The following time-table has beeri created and twill culminate with a public hearing before the County commissioners if the Resolution is approved. . Resolution of Intent Monday,, Aprit 15, 1996 ' Advertised, Star News Friday, May 3, 1996 Advertised Star News Friday, May 10, 1996 Advertised Star News Friday, May 17, 1996 Advertised Star News Friday, May 24,.1996 .. , The County Commissioners will meet on Monday, April 15,.1996 at 9:00 a.m. in the. County Courthouse at 24 N. Third Street as it relates to the Resolution of Intent. If you have any comments, please feel free to attend. If you have any other questions, please contact me. Sincerely, s a,~, S. A. Burgess Staff Planner ~ , ~ - 196 - -- _.. .. - , o a -f,,, s o ~ m i o a3 ~ s ~ i~a ~ m' ^ I ~ r °' _ s s m ~ m g } Q•~A 0^s F"S ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ i _~ o m w ~ ~ ~' ; `cp i~ O ct m qq ~ g - ~ ids . m .O. ,'o •- ~- U y^ ~ o ~ m m - m .P ~ m ~ P .+~ 0 ~ 7 F o a ' 0603 °-R ~ 44ms ~ - ~, '2 $ ~ U A'... - ~+ ., 9 °1 < by P a° ~(~ o x w gi s ~, ~ _ ~ ~ ~ F . r n n - yC ~ s $ ~ ~ .. ~^ Z a D a M1 r a - ~ ~ ,^ RBRIOGOP~ 4 , ~¢ ~ o ° ~ 3 Q A O i - ~ Y ° ° AbA' ° ° n w a N o ^ - - n 3 n y, o v +~ . P .om _-_ ..-__ _.__ _.... .._ _-- _ __.m p ¢ -_- __. b ---0 ry 9_. _ __. ... F ~ ._.~--_ •m _ m H e n ~ v o„ 8 ~ -~ y ~ a0 HllIOWAId ~ F m e ~ m ~ ° ~ m ~ . z ~ ~, Oa .m § ~ . ~Pryry ~ ~ P ~ BZIZ yS - 5' ' m A $ a a ... ~ ~ ~ Q $ _ ~ S H1f10W.19d a c. R "^'~. m 8 ~ M1. _ W ~ ° D 3 ~ m ~. ° e . _ _ w P' o R. ~ ~n i I s ~ ~~ „ n n r~s $.~[ f e ~- ... . '"`~ p ~ ~ w m . :._... _... m o ..~ ~ E w is ~ s f I,. „ P o ~ ~ 3lElbw3elb. I a 3 ~ o^ w,~ N ~ I w me s ' z .g. .~ `~ ~ a' a b A t ,~ ,~ .- ... P ° . .. ,:, .q ° F ~ .. n . ~ a e _ _ '~ ., ` t1O OOOM1S3aJ ' B m U r .. ~ ~ ~ ~ e~ 8 ~ _~ ~, ~ II 6 ~ . W ~ ~ m U r`~ ~ ~ E E ~ .8 - ''. O Q m ~~ ~ aON - n z ~ i ' ` C Q. - ~ ~ -C ~ dbOy 3`31100 H1HON - O Q U U N ~ ctq= C C L ~ Wo ~~JJm=~~ Wn, ~~~~~'~ F N N N (~ } ~ ~ ~.I. ° e ~ o ~, - ^s „ .., 1... ~; e B s ~~ :.- Committee.Appointments °`' ~ , BRIEF. SUMMARY: Reappointment of. Nora Bedriarczyk 'to serve on the Nursing, Horne _Community_ Advisory 'Committee: She has served the 1-year initial term and is eligible fora 3 -year appointment. _, ~` , ~ ~2ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Make Appointment ; ~~ ' ~~ k'UNDING SOURCE: s .. .. ' Federal S: State S: County.S: ~ . User Fees $; ' Other S• ~ Money Is In Current Budget: ~ lYew:Appropriation Request: , ~ Bud et'?imendment Pre ared:, g P~ .. REVIEWED BY:. .~ _.- . LGL: FIN: BUD: ~ ~ HR: ., BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIO . _:. _ . NS: ~_~ ,, . ... ' ~~' .. .. COUI~?Y COMMiSSii~l J~ ' ~: , ,. . . ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ APP~UVED ~-- .: __ :~ ~ REJECTS_D '~ j` 7:.. . 19 REMOYEp t . ~ - ' bti '' d for Disposition k ~ f \ NIIRSING•HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: -8 - 2 ~of .the 8 members may be'~nominated by Nursing, Home ' Administrators. .,,. -- . .~ . Number of members' are determined by.- the number of•' Nur~s,ing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient n~a~home may -not be a committee member or persons ,with a financial: interest in a home served by'the committee:°" ~~ ' Term: 1-year terms initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none ~ -. - .~ Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. , Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home.i.t~ serves and more often if it is necessary to carry out the duties. CIIRRENT MEMBERS Edward V. Grace 301 Honeycutt Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 392-5692 {Hj Eileen B. Rock 87.42 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 .. ,..., r.. .... 686=7337 (H) Anne' `Hardaway - - - - 1951 Knollwood Road ` Wilmington, NC -28403` 762-6295 (H): Lyn Williams-Yow 610 Dock Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (W) 19.8 -,'- TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING E%PIRES first 7/31/97 (Appt. 7/26/93 to (Appt. 7/18/94 to first (Appt. 5/16/94.,to App"t. 3-year term .- first , '(Appt. 7/26/93 to (Appt'. .7./18/94 to 1-year .term) 3-year` term} 5/31/98 .. ~~ 1-year term) - 5/15/9"5' 7./.31 / 9 7~ 1-year term) 3-year ,term) " first 11/30/96 ?~ppt x ;1~1;% 2`0'/9}5~„to 1-year term) ... a'.,t 4 .. N u k' . ry 9 i` - ~~~ ,~ J wrt~> "~, 1a ., k ~ -~c s r r r e t NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINUED) TERM PRESENTLY TERM CIIRRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Nora Bednarczyk first 4/3Q/96 145 Navaho Trail Wilmington, .NC 284:09 (Appt. 4/18/.95 to 1 year term) 799-1.259 (H) Elizabeth. A. Weis first 2-28-99 3224 Amber Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 2/2.0/95 to 1 year term) 392-0916(H) 343-4357(W) (Reappt. 2/19/96 3-year term) Nominated by Nursincr Home.Adminstrators: Teresa D. Goldston first 6/1/96 22 Scotts Glen Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 6/1/92 to 1-year term) 686-0597 (H) (Reappt. 6/21/93 to 3-year term) Ernst M.~Swart second 1/3.1/99 203 Eggert Avenue Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (Appt. l/21/92 to 1-year term) 675-0770 (H) (Reappt. 1/93 to 3-year term) (Reappt. T/16/96 to 3-year term) Staff Support: Dawn Gonzales " ' "' Region O Long Term Care- Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments 1480 Harbour Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 3/96 File: /Nursing 199 l;~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD _OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC. 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 U FAX (9101 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~ ~i n ~ ., Request for Appointment to: Name: ~ GQh2J ~ v - Nome _ How long have you been a Address: /~ 52.! > resident of New Hanover County? _ oz's , Mailing Address: ~cL,,,, ~ y (J q City and State: ~ Zip Code: o~ d ~~ / Telephone: Home: I Business: ~~/~~ • / 1 -~ . 'Sex: 'Race: 'Age:.. -'This inrormatian is requested far the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. n r _ .. ~ ..Employed by: ~~1 ~(~p__ oV ~ ~Ll~-~/~t'~ "A person currently amp/oyed by the agency o/ d pertm Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance Job Tit/e: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: v ~~ Why do you wish to serve, on the Board, Commr'ttee, .or Commission requested? ~- - ~ ~ i ' ~ U What do you f~ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? -~-~- _. ~ _ n What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~ ~-~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, p/ease list: ant 1 which this application is made, must resign his/her posit~cn witA wit Anide Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hsnovar County Personnel Policy. " L~,. 2 ~ r - ~- Date: (Please use ra rse si ror additional commentsJ~(11 V 5 95 ,_., ;' e~. ~- ~:.. ._ ..._~s Signature v ,. e r~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA - April 1~, 1996.. ~~dge~ .A.xx~endzxiellt ITEM`N0. 13A "" y~..~~ t•.r.•.~ov • ~ ew~v~roww , -.t,.Y.~ w. t... .rca.». rv ...~... } r ~+.e«m : • • •-r -~.c- - ~a ~ ~ L • rr<>~\ ~\•,,~ • ,~s`C•k \;• k > \ i> of•~ v ~ i • wy ~a r.- > A ti• •ka J <\ rt > - ~;;\: fan. ~~ Lak:.:.•.::w\."::..k«\.:1y:~~Aa:.+..sa:~.. .....~..:::a.a:. ... ~:~iR" ....1« «u:<i. ~~~:2•.:::i:<:'tiw.+ ~.. \ .+.,: :~ J.<.. .. Zk .: ~w • . . F _ ~. DEPARTMENT:' ~ BUDGET AMENDMENTS DATE: ~ • ," Federal' Forfeited Property 96='46 4-15-9~6 ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT: ' .-_. , , Federal: _Fo•rfeited Property ~~ ~ ~-• __ yF'ederal Forfeited Property $1:,38 . . Federal Forfeited Property., • :SuPPl1.eS ~ : ~ '; " ~ 1 ~ 37.8... _ . ,.. ~~ •," .• ,. ~. - ,, '" ~ ~ " :- _ r s•_- •-,.. ., . ~. i ~° _ .. EXPLANATION '_ To iric;reas,e budget for .additional revenue received. Federal "Forfeited Property funds ,are budgeted as received and must be used -for law enforcement- activities °as• the Sheriff ,deems necessar .. .. ., ~ ,. . ~ ~r~~ V+' -'t~ k ~ ~ ~..= .; - ~_! _p . 1~ ~. ~b ~ = `., ~- For Budget'Officer's'~p~val'.then report - ~ irr„;•. _ tsa ;u. ,~;t~}".~°~ve`. >~ ommissioners~tnextregular,;meeting ~~~ . ,. '~ and enter In minutes. ,~~ .. To be approved by Commissioners: , To be entered into minutes. ,j, CONSENT AGENDA r~ April 1~, 1996 Bl:1C~get A.rI1erlC~i~leYlt ~ ' ' ITEM No. 13B DEPARTMENT BUDGET AIVIENDlVIENT # DATE Health Department! 96-017 ~ 4/15/96 Environmental Health '' ~ • ~ - -' AD.Ti1STMENT pEBIT '~~-~-~ •. ._ :: Health Department/ Fnvtronmental Heap Childhood Lead Poisoning $3,168 ~ ~ ' mental Su lies .,$ 885, .Depart pp Capital Outlay ~ $2,283 . EXPLANATION . _ . To budget additional State revenue for a computer software, .and printer for the Childhood Lead Poisoriing Program. ...~... ..r __ . • _ .... .. R :. ..... .. ; . - ^~ .. N ~, -.. ~ ,~- ,~ ,. far ~ENJ~Q'Y ~ ~ ~' ~ ': r ._ . ~5,~ ~~ For Bud;et Offices approval; then report "a r ' i„ !~, Ski 2; O ~ ~ ; ~ , to Commisstoners at nett regular meeting .. and enter in ~tnutes ~+~ :° - . , y To bet~pproved by;~ommtssioners. rR` -" To be entered~into minutes: