Agenda 1996 07-01 1 1 AGENDA ~~pNOVEq C~ =k, ~ Gy'< .~ ~? Y ~OF MORTN OPT July 1, 1996 INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) Inv~t~ia» toc~e,ta(~rn,+~e Zo+-``~+mv R~sr~rr APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA a'tU""`-~ gsf~t•~f~cl~~°'add••, ar, ,~,~,~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN E.L. MATHEWS, JR. VICE -CHAIRMAN SANDRA BARONE, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM E. SISSON, JR., COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer ' ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. 6:45 p.m. 1. Presentation on "Pledge of Allegiance Project" Sponsored 1 bvnthe American Legion Post No. 10 C~a~rO ~ti ~ 'j' C e ~ am GVEX r ~G.Ge ~ra~-+~f~ GD ll O ~/ G u~csek~! - or~S,v~•- ~ com. f~ ~~'s~~l~ ~~, lac~ll~'c Plac.~.. 6:50 p.m. 2. Consideration of Purchase of Land for Northern Branc 5 Library 7.:10 p.m. 3. Consideration of Adoption of Proclamation regarding 11 Hurricane Awareness Week 7:15 p.m. 4. Consideration of New Hanover County's Voting Delegate 13 Designation for the 89th Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. 7:20 p.m. 5. Consideration of the Purchase of Land on which the County 17 Intends to Construct a Middle and High School 6. Public Hearings: 7:30 p.m. Item AA:Street Closting Continued Item -Consideration of 35 - request to close Watercrest Street in Brandywine Subdivision west of Providence {SC-68, 4/96) ' Q ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE a TIMES NO. 8.00 p.m. m • Rez nin C nsiderati n of re uest to rezone 27 Ite A. o ~ o o q a 39 acre on the west side of Carolina Beach Road 400 feet north of Motts Branch to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential (Z-568, 6/96) 8:10 p.m. Item B: Rezoning Consideration of request to rezone 2.2 acres 43 on the west side of Market Street south of Mendenhall Drive to Conditional Use B-2 Business for a retail nursery from R-15 Residential (Z-569, 6/96) ~ . 8:35 p.m. .. 6 ~ . Item C: Rezoning Consideration of request to rezone 1.11 acres 49 at the northwest corner of Sanders Road and Carolina Beach Road to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential (Z-570, 6/96) 8:45 p.m. Item D: Zoning; Text Amendment Consideration of zoning text 55 amendment to change the approval procedures for High Density a Development to require a special use permit (A-269, 1/96) 9:05 p.m. Item E: Street Naming Consideration of request to name a private 61 drive in Simmons Height Apartments to Simmons Heights Road (SN-76, 7/96) 9:10 p.m. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 65 ADDITIONAL' ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER 9:30 p.m. ADJOURN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT' ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC JULY 1, 1996 6:45 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non Agenda Items (Limit Three Minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes PAGE NO. 65 O NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS a . CONSENT AGENDA . , .TULY 1, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ ~ PAGE NO. ~, 1. Approval of Minutes ~ 69 ~~ a o ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~.. ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Regular Item #: 1 - Consent Item #; Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Justin Raphael Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Justin Raphael SUBJECT: .. - ` Presentation on "Pledge of Allegiance Project" being sponsored by the American Legion Post No. 10 BRIEF SUMMARY: Presentation RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation ,:~,. t/ •~ 1~i .~ ~, k'UNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fces $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~ ~~~ ~IPpR01/fG1 ~-- ~~~v+~ o i ~~~ ,~'~ .~. ~?ece~ticar~ FY»~t pl~e fe D,~ / - .. DR. DALE F. MARTIN ~~ /~~ _ ~ $u rinter~enf ' DIANNE S. AVERY O Director, SthooKommuniy Reb6ons NE1N -~ - --- - .__ _- - .. .~ _. _.__ ._. NANOYER ~ •: - 000NTY SCHOOLS - .. .., Q + ..., May 24,1996 • . ... : r~1 i .~ Mr. Carl Davis American Legion Post 10 ~, P. 0. Bog 3094 Wilmington, NC 28406 Dear Mr. Davis: On behalf of New Hanover County Schools, I would like to thank the American Legion Post 10 for undertaking the enormous but very important task of providing framed copies of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag for ~ classrooms. I am sure that this will be greatly appreciated by the teachers and will help to instill respect for the flag and patriotism in our students. I am available to help distribute these in the schools as soon as they are a available. Please let it be known to all of the members of the American Legion Post 10 how very grateful we are for this project and may others that you have undertaken in an effort to better educate our children. - _ Sincer ly, ~. .~ • . ~~. %• Dianne Avery, Director . , . School-Community Relations es _ . .. ,' .. ~. 2 -~>~~~~ ~ - ~~~~ . '~~ ~ a .. ~~ j: 1'802 SOLlTN'15TH"STREET WIIMiNGTON, NORTH C~ROUNA 28401 PHONE (910) 763-5431 FAX (910 251079 ~. , ~e4(}~~ _ c .. ~' . ~ AM_ ERICAN LEG10N POST N0.10 P.O..6OX 3094 WILMINC1TON, NC 28406 910-799-3806 bear f ri ends, .The purcose o~ .the American Legion is to instire 'patriotism and ~•~ ^,tiZe:lShiD. `~~ith the blessing O_' ~~1e ~Car~ O- ~CUC3t10n, ~•~+e .mood .. _ •,~ e!? 3~;~..~2'_?.cG~ t~~ auv 3 ;eaL•.t__:i~ .,1$CLl@~ -mD~''-:;Lc~ %J`_i.:l ~::e ~e ?ledg° of all'g'--anCe, in every classroom in Vew '.~ianover Cour_ty. :aC.^. ~' aCLl~ ~•~i._l Nave a 'Jlate o~V=:1~ C_ edj.t i.0 t;.e ~CL:Cr. 'cur name ,.~; ll be per~anent.ly di =played in 3 classrcom_ This means ~; ~ on will ?31n good public ' relati ors w; to teat your pat._ot~c donat_ o ,gener3tiors of sLUdents. This wit ~ also enable the Ameri can Legion to cor_tinue to expand cur numerous local community patriotic programs such as Soy= Statz, Girls State, and Oratorical Contests. ' ":hank you nor dor_ating plagues at ~1CG.GO each, taa deduc~able. Total i .,ompany carne ' Address ^= State ?-? v1r~ Carl Oavs ' .--`.me:-_csn ~e~_cn °ast 1G OR yn Memory of address C~L~ _ ~. SI.GV? C.i~ t3 `~ .~.F. :~ . t.. ~. .. .. . r. - . _ ~.1 t~*.?3`_~;;'i7{'-~^^ ^-m :: cam; ~:-- _ ..v~'iirs~ +.-~ ~ ~~.:: - - :--rc :v ynl..~• ~ '~.~+r~#~"1~.+^jclt'py,+i,~j 7SJ3i~~~+ ~ Mh~}~ l ~~3i~4 ~~J~,.L TN}I •~v:r' .~ ~~ ~. ~ .~L."L.' 1 ~-~ - r c r. - ' :.C,. iZ ?.~,~,..7+ ~ ri'r~`f~'1~~~~~~~GGy(!'J7~~jr`'~~';~.~~n~SiQ'r~.Yn"'~•'n'Y:~i.'"i-~ ~'!.~c ~:Ca .~:.'.y:•; ~+ 4' `i!'t"M ~Jl+l.~s`1:C~S.1~iY'i.•RtSb.~a}.'~ffi ~° ~l`~fat Cyr-~+r'!4e ...ri• ~~ .! ~i~L.i1~~ i1~.`Z+e~ .. "':~t~ ?ti7[~ti~b~ 1r ~.,.,~~yy~~~'~ j.~ .. •~~1~' 1 ii ~'j! F~,: I pledge allegiance to the flag of Republic for which it st~r~s, ors Nation under God, indivisible, 'I~ with liberty and justice for all. i/x /7 P/~yuz '~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Regular Item #: 2 Consent. Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Library "Presenter: _,. .. Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: David Paynter/Andy Atkinson SUBJECT: Northern Branch Library 1 1 1 1 1 BRIEF SUMMARY: Because of the rapid population growth in New Hanover County, the Library recommends the purchase of land in the Northern portion of the County for the future construction of a branch ~~ ~,.1; library. The property owned by the Ammons -North Chase Corporation was deemed the most ~~ suitable because of its high visibility on Rt 132, the availability of water and sewer, and the •• proximity of the site to both commercial and residential areas. This site coupled with other. New Hanover County Library branches will provide adequate access to library services for all New Hanover County residents. ~, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Purchase lot 22 from the Ammons -North Chase Corporation for future site of a branch library at a cost of $192,750 k'UNDING SOURCE: Federal 5: State S: County S: 5192,750 User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is 1n Current Budget: Ycs New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A ANIALLETT NTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION * Funds were budgeted for financing this project. Request the Board authorize staff to enter into negotiations to purchase this property and to secure installment financi . _. _~ ~~ APPROVED ~ ~; REJEC`~Ep ~ . Refer to Ofrice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition RGI~~~ ~' j ~.~.~, 'UBLIC LIBRARY BRANCHES IN VEW HANOVER COUNTY NEW HANOVER COUNTY (~ PaCPOaEO Br THE WILMINGTON PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ - - ~ ~ IJ .. ~,.~ ~4 . ' CAP F R I .~ ~ II North n BY.~anc~ ~ . ~ I 421 1 3 ~~ ~nun~~ - • . ~ ~ . ._ ~• 17 - '~~ HAR T ~' ~r - L ~ .~, •, I ,.,, Main ~ ~ ~ :i Libras y ~y~ 7a~ Milit ttoff. - ~ (Cur ~ at Plaza East) ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ WILMING70N Z ' s~K' .. ~- ' ~•. } ~ I ~~ 76 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ~ ~ ,n s ~ I WILMINGTON ~ p _!~-~ •`~My tle Gr e :~ I. . ,: ... ~ e O O 4 21 \ ~: _ : ~ ~ • ~ * ~ ~ o` ~~, , I ~ ti • 2 I Q ~ Q ~~ I FEDERAL POIN T E ~ ~ 421 CAROLINA ,. I BEACH j~ ' ~J i ina Ca,~ I Z Be h ~ NEW HANOVI=R COUNTY ` _ ~ U R E ~~ BEACH ~. ~~ TOWtV S F-11 P S ~ I ~ h r 3 ~ r ~~ 3. ~ ~~~~~ ~~ . ~~~` u~~:~ ~~~.: DANBURY .~ ~ ,• • . ' FORES T •• ,. /' n .~ ~, ~. • ~~ ~' ,. c .o ,. ~~ r O ~. .~ ~~ .1 ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ ~ A '' . ~. ,,.,...,.e ~ ~a~fS I sj r ~, .1 ~~ ou'ti ~ ~ 1efy ~ f~``e ~ '~ - ~ s PARK OF COMMERCE a c ~, ~ fn i r ~ .. .1 y p ~ n //'~~~ ~' ~ u `' ~ YIC1~+~ R. L/~7L.IC I' iii.. M H . ~ ~ s ~ , ~ o ~ ` 1 ~ a< ~'~ ~ ~ ES w II ` •' • ~- I ~ ~ •- c IJ .-.-~- .. ........_.. N ' LOT i LOf 7 LOT ?9A ~ . ...... ,. ~ r A I LOT 2 5 - - - - 12 -• -.,. I ~ . C . /~ O !J 11 ~ ~M 'r I LO? J i • C)L ~ , ~ Z ~ ~~ P.rk.r,r ~rtl+.„t ~ J ) • C LOr z2 Lor ?J ~•yS.~(v~+w S Lm r o s ~ ~a• t.or zo ~ Lor 2r 3 J WIL L111M5BURG PLACE ~ LOr Jo4 • ~• ~vnp~osm ~,.a,,..s,c u ~ ~ CA4PLLYI M J LoT le LOT r9 ~ LOT 94 z ~ 'ffJ _ d ~P~ COf 24 w1LOL1FE col Is LOr n c0T ro O J SANCTUARY LY 1 ` d .J o ~ J LJI 4CRlJ 0. J J 16 ~a ~ ~ • ? 0. ._ a7 ~ J7 J6 ~ V f ~ ~2 ~ \ ae ~i Je ~ ~ \ d~ al ~ J~ Jo n ~ Lar Jz4 ~ _ ' .o ~~ J9 2e ~~l.,r ~JJ ?4 JO ~ Jr rT NEATNERRIOGE 'J J1 J 25 n . JJ J~ 2J ~ (pN~ffv~710~ ~.ar J ~ 1. ~ K. 6 t3 21 • ~ 1 J 1 a .. _ .:::.i•. 2 1, 16 17 1 2O _ .0 7 U LOT ] ~ 10 le r9 u rz t1 70leolee t7~ •/ ~ /T ~ •~ ~ • • ax BRIDGEPORT eo ~ n oucn uia ~ \ \ J t6 ~ ~ tt ~ '.~ 1 J~ /~ 66 6t tT I7"I /t t0 60 III. ~ 1 /a 1 ~\\' tx ~ 74 ~ 6]~ ~~- 1 ~ ~ ~ 44 ~c~ ~ 1 d1 T~/~ ~~.' 62~Id1 ~0 l/ 4/ '47 t6 46 47 - ,. ~ Q~p ~~ i. 1 •. Ta ~ f'Td ~ weo~a,r "' FUTURE 'DEVELOP NT _ 1 , ,, t d 7/ ~ ~n ~ ]s s4 se ]e1]T ]e ~ao ao' 4' , ,1 , .. x .. ~" r, t ~R 1x4 xx i `~ •. ~ 1 ":~• ~ MTh __~:~ `~ -•- ~ w d N M ~- f7 '~ o - i s ~ - .. ~ ~ J . ~--" - 'a ~ N M Cn c'7 - , • C O M ti ~ - ~ u.. ~ ti ~ ti c~ - ~' i - ' .._ 4~ v ~ ~ c a ~ ~ :~ , ~ ~ ' qj ~ • _c _ . ¢ y tH r C , t w, . m V C - ~ .. QI 7 .. ;v ~ O O t~ O a c , o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ o ~} • c ~ ~ N w (+ f{ ` u i ~ ~ d `-. ` f9 X C C ~ 7 y ~ O N .p N O ,, U ~ ~ ` ch _ . ; ~ 3 o ~- d c ~ Z S a' o 3 ~ y m - ~ Z of ~ - p ~ ~ r- ~ t~ .- •~ c v ~ N ~ N t co v ' . o c c ~. ~ r ~ ` *' ~ i o U N ~ p o ~ o ~ ~ a a rn p O Of t9 r V - n. ~ ~ :- c c c •- ~ s ~ c • , of ao O ~ ~ N c U ~i - N W 41 .-. d ~ L . ~ _ m a ~' ~' •.. d.o c - ` J ~n g c ~ ~ a~ v . ~ v A , ~ N N ' ~ t0 ev + ' • p t - ~ N c u S O ai a a cL ~ o ~ - i L L .-, . ~ uJ o to ~ ~ d L rn w U 3 ~ 3 ~ ~~ a p t ~ J ~ . ~ 8 a m L.. m 3 ~ 0- ~ ~: °- ~ a y~ .. Loo ~ ~ ,. . _ ~ ~ a ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ W i. (D (0 ~ a~ ca . •' o ~ Z -. U = ~ ti - Z ~o ~ a ,- - - t ~~ Project Description: Northwest Branch -Revised 12/95 ~ This would be a 7,000 sq. ft. facility similar to Myrtle Grove' serving the Castle Hayne/VVrightsboro area. Currently the population of this area is approximately 14,000. This area is not anticipated to grow as - rapidly as the rest of the county because of lower density in zoning and lack of sewer infrastructure. By ' the year 2001; however, the Northside treatment - - plant should be completed as well as the outer loop which would stimulate growth in this area. ' Time Table: Fiscal Year 2001 Revenue Source: General Fund Estimated Cost: $850,000 • 100 sq. ft. -Construction - • 15 sq. ft. -Furniture • $45,000 -Land Operating Costs: $150,o00lyear -- ~ .- 9 :,,. ~' . ~~ Operating Costs for Northwest Branch: 1 Professional Librarian @ $30,000. ~ ~ $30,000 3 Paraprofessionals @ $20,000 $60,000 Temporary ~ ~ ~ •. $10,000 Utilities ~ $ 7,000 Custodial ~ $ 3,500 Miscellaneous - ~ - .- ~ .. $ 1,500 Books ~- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' $38,000 Total ~ $150,000 1•~ 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Zegular Item #: 3 ~ Consent Item #: yes Additional Item #: department: Emergency Management Presenter: DSummers/if needed ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dan Summers SiTBJECT: - . Proclamation of Hurricane Awareness Week in New Hanover County . t =. BRIEF SUMMARY: Request the Commissioners proclaim July 14 through July 20, 1996 as Hurricane Awareness Week :~:... in New Hanover County ~ ~ `~ :~~ . :~ :. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: 'ederal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: vIoncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udgeCAmendment Prepared: ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval Refer to-Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~couN~"Y ~~ . Argil. ~.1 ~ . REME? ;~~ L -. , Jt'7~'~l3t/ ..., NEW HANOVER COUNTY (`~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS U PROCLAMATION... ..~ _~ WHEREAS, hurricanes are •common weather occurrences during July, August, September and October, endangering coastal New Hanover County, and - - WHEREAS, on August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew devastated a 116 '~-'•;-~~ square mile area of Dade County Florida, killing 40 people and ' causing over, 20 billion dollars. in damage ,which changed the-lives of Floridians in incalculable ways. - ~~ .-~ WHEREAS, on September 21-22, 1989, Hurricane Hugo swept through ~~' South and North Carolina, killing two people and leaving in its ' path more than one billion dollars in damaged property and forest. Hugo did not make landfall on the North Carolina coast, but still caused more destruction than any storm in the State's history. WHEREAS, damages from Hurricane Diana in 1984 and Hurricane Gloria in 1985 totaled 74.2 million dollars, but were minor compared to Hurricane Hazel,; the most destructive storm ever to~ hit the New Hanover County coast. WHEREAS, a hurricane safety awareness. campaign has been developed in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety's Division of Emergency Management, the National Weather Service, and the New Hanover County Department of Emergency Management to help citizens acquire a knowledge of hurricane safety and preparedness guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners proclaims the week of July 14 through July 20, 1996 as .' HURRICANE AWARENESS WEEK - in New Hanover County and encourages all citizens to ;assume personal responsibility by availing- themselves- of hurricane safety information and be prepared to protect property and save lives. The News Media and other Public Service and Safety • Agencies ' are urged ""'to participate • 'in• the "Awareness Week" .: activities . ._ .~ ' . _ . Signed this day of July, 1996. ~~~ - - ~.. 0~, ~• ?~ 4 Robert G. Greer Chairman REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION , Meeting Date: 07/01/96 . r Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Administration Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen ONeal ~ ~ - . SUBJECT: ~ .. Consideration of New Hanover County's Voting Delegate Designation for the 89th annual Conference of .the NCACC :, . BRIEF SUMMARY: . r .~,... ': l~ :~~ r ^ .. ~, , RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQ~,JESTED ACTIONS: FUNDII\'G SOURCE: Federal S: State 5: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: 1Vew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: i Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~a~ ~t€,-EC'~, , Rl_M DATA ,,,,~.,, ~ _~ ~ ~~ SR-~ ra Btu roNU. _ a tE-. ~OQ,SH ~AOt~Y N• •~ NORTH~CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS` 7~ y • ~ : y 'Y ~'~ • OR COUHT4. GO .._. _ . _ . - ~ Y - IMPORTANT CONFERENCE INFOP;MA, If~N ~ - . ~~ ~. ~ ~ • ~s TO: .County Chairmen, County Managers and Clerks to the Board ~~o '' ~ .• f N G r o ~ ~ ., ..( FROM: C. Ronald Aycock, Executive Director . - '^ OQ ~c^ ~O DATE: June 14, 1996 ~ ~~ SUBJECT: Voting Delegate Designation for 1996 Annual Conference; No Faxed Registrations; Deadline for Resolutions or Proposed Amendments VOTING DELEGATES Enclosed is a voting delegate designation form for the Association's Annual Conference in Forsyth Counry on August 22-2~, 1996. Please place on your June or July Board meeting agenda the selection of a delegate for the conference and return the form to the Association office no later than Fridav. Auwst 9. 1996. On the reverse side of the form is the list of those district directors from even-numbered districts whose seats are up for election this year. Counties from these districts should attend the district caucuses on Friday, August 23, from 4:30-5:00 p.m. in the Benton Convention Center. NO FAXED CONFERENCE REGISTRATIONS Over the past two years, counties faxing registrations has created serious confusion as we near deadlines for Annual Conference registration, resulting in incorrect registr""anon packets as well as some overpayment or underpayment by. county officials. Sometimes, what is sent in by fax does not match up with the check that comes later. Beginning this year, the Association will not accept conference • registrations by fax. You must mail the registration form with the county or personal check. Only cancellations of registration or tickets will be accepted by fax. DEADLINES FOR. RESOLUTIONS AND PROPOSED AtiIENDiyIENTS This is a second reminder that any proposed resolutions or proposed amendments to the Policy Statements or Association Constitution must be received by the Association office no later than Fridav, ,~ulv S. 1996. Note that only resolutions with non-legislative impact will actually be considered at the Business Session at Annual Conference. Legislative resolutions will be forwarded to the Legislative Goals Committee, which will meet this fall in preparation for the Legislative Goals Conference on Janus ~ itt w~101~997t~;thetSheraton in Research Triangle Pack. .-.. ~ apt, ~r~ 4• COATES LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTER 21 S NORTH DAWSON STREET GH, NORTH CAROLINA 27602-1488 ~ TELEPHONE (919) 715-2893 FAX (919) 733.7065 ' NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF >• •~ N - W ~- ~ ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ y 'oy ~~ O~ COUM~ GO - ~ -. IMPORTANT Designation of Voting' Delegate to Annual Conference Please. Place on Your Board Agenda ._ Each Board of County Commissioners is hereby requested to designate a commissioner or other official - .:;,., as the county's voting delegate. Each voting delegate should complete and sign the following statement: . ~ . I~ ~'. ~ ~.~'1 :i I, ~ ,hereby certify that I am the duly ~.~ designated voting delegate for County at the 89th t Annual Conference of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on August 22-25, 1996. Signed: Title: Article VI, Section 2 of our Constitution provides: "On all questions,. including the election of officers, each county represented shall be entitled to one vote, which shall be the majority expression of the delegates of that county. The vote of any county in good standing may be cast by any one of its county commissioners who is present at the time the. vote is taken; provided, if no commissioner be present, such vote may be cast by another county official, elected or appointed, who is formally designated by the board of county commissioners. These provisions shall likewise govern district meetings of the Association. A county in good standing is defined as one which has paid the current year's dues." District caucuses for the purpose of nominating district directors shall be held at the Annual Conference for those districts in which the term of the board member expires. These districts are listed on the reverse side of this form. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY FRIDAY. AUGUST 9. 1996. . -over- 15~ . AL6ERT COA LOCAL. GOVERNMENT CENTER 215 NORTH DAWSON STREET _ TES P. O. EOX 1488, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27662-1488 TELEPHONE (919) 715-2893 FAX (919) 733-1065 DISTRICT DIRECTORS UP FOR ELECTION IN 1996 . ASSOCIATION DISTRICT ~. ~ ~ PRESENT DISTRICT DIRECTOR `:.~`'- ~ ~~' District 2 _ . ._ ~ . ~ .. Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, 1~lartin, - ' KENNETH DEWS and Pitt PITT COUNTY • District 4 ~~ Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, LESLIE Z. COLLIER and Pender ~ ~ .. .BRUNSWICK COUNTY District 6 Cumberland, Harnett, and~Sampson RAEFORD DAUGHTRY ~- SAMPSON COUNTY District S Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance, S. EDWIN KNOTT and Warren PERSON COUNTY District 10 Anson, Montgomery, Moore and Richmond ROBERT EW11iG MOORS COUNTY District 12 Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly and Union District 14 Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, iVlitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey District 16 Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania District 18 • Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin ~~ ~~ + , • G ~ DAVID WARD GASTQN COUNTY BETH SAYLOR ASHE COUNTY_ DAVID YOUNG BUNCOMBE~COUNTY LARRY HAYES DAME COUNTY r, REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Bill Hance Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Consideration of purchase of land on which the County intends to construct a middle, elementary, and high school. BRIEF SUMMARY: The School Board approved site #4 (Landmark site) on June 18,.1996. Bill Hance will provide information to the County Commissioners on his evaluation and seek approval from the Commissioners to proceed with further wetland and environmental evaluations. The property is °~ estimated at 126 acres at $26,000 per acre. RE M END D CO M E MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider School Board recommendation and authorize County Finance Director to obtain financing for the purchase. 1 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees $: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS- Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider approval of proceeding with the purchase of site #4 and authorize the County Finance Director to obtain appropriate financing for the purchase. This action should be contingent upon satisfactory reports from environmental an wetlands reviews. U ~ +o ~ - , ,~ .~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Rc,'ri~s ~: ~~N~ . G i ®~® NEW _ HANOVER COUNTY June 20, 1996 SCHOOLS DR. DAIE F. MARTIN Superintendent GEORGE W. HANCE, JR. Assistonl Superintendent, Planning, Technology, Operations Mr. Allen O'Neal, County Manager „ New Hanover County ~ y 320 Chestnut Street, Room 502 . ,Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Allen: Attached you will find, as requested, the preliminary analysis of the four sites presented for consideration as a middle/high school complex. The analysis and evaluation were based on the information currently available. The format utilized for evaluation was that recommended by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for prioritizing and evaluating school sites. Ideally, time and funds permitting, a detailed site development cost analysis should be conducted for each site considered. The analysis would include: a wetland study, an environmental assessment, soil borings and analysis, complete boundary survey, land use analysis by the county, and a site development analysis and cost estimate by a registered civil engineer. Appraisals by more than one (preferably three) appraisers indicating their assessment of the market value of the property would also be recommended. The four sites.have .sufficient. acreage for the intended facilities, however, the relative. configurations, shape, availability to utilities, and location differentiate one from the other. Site #1 is advantageously located with excellent road frontage, access to utilities, shape .and depth. . Site #2 is adequately located,, but limited by the shape, configuration, access to utilities, and lack of road frontage. Site #3 is located in an industrial area, and while utilities, road access, shape and depth are, adequate, serious long term safety concerns override other considerations. Site #4 is advantageously located, with excellent shape and depth, but limited by lack of road frontage,_ . __.,. ~ . , 1802 SOU1'H`$TSREE;T4~~WIlMwGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 -PHONE (91OJ 763-5431 ~ FAX (910J 251-b079 ~. Mr. Allen.O'Neal June 20, 1996 _ Page Two ~ _ . Purchase pnce notwithstanding, Srtes #1 and #4 are recommended for consideration based . ~ on the evaluated criteria. The fact that Site #4 is located where the redistricting consultant recommended, based on population projections, provides it with a, slight advantage. ..: , - The Board of Education meeting in open session on June 18, 1996, voted to recommend Site #4 to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of purchase. If you have any questions or require further information please contact~me. Sincerely, _ _ . ~~~"~ . . George W. Hance, Jr. Assistant Superintendent Planning, Technology, and Operations . GWH/ler ~, Attachments ' c: New Hanover County Board of Education Members Dr. Dale F. Martin ~~ .~ 19~ ~~ _. ;~ ~' ,~~ :~ o"'~ mo CC Co Co O;; On Co ~'o ~.~ ~ N N 'r ~ ~ s ' ~' 5 d o• ~ 0-7 0 o-w ° w d m O O ° ^ ° ~ ° ° ° a o ~ ° w O (n ° ^ ° ~ ^ a a _ v c ~•+ 3 u n n 'O '^ m ~ m i ~ o a '+7 v v w v n w 00 r ^ o ^ ~n . ^ = ° • 5' 3 ^ ^~ v' '^ ,,, ^ R+ w v ^ ^ ~' N o o G • ~ S ~- ~_ o ^ '~ ^~^ .a o .~ o S, ^ ^ 3 H 4 ~ w n w. N ~. _. ° ~• ^ oco o _. ' ^ e o d o ^ o 0 x. ^ 5 c m n ^i 3= a w m ^ °_ .^- ~• ~ 3 ~ d• S c N, ^ ^ 3. D N =. o c a . n o ^ o ~o w ^ `° ~' ^ ^~ `^' ~ ' < o o ^ o .., o n v s o ?r •v ^ u° wo• ~' ° a ~ a -, ~=" a H d O O' < v ° O~ oo ~ w n A w~ o N O" ~ .< w 7 a ^< g to ~ O ~. , , O d a °' n 7• O O ^• 7 o v O ~ 0. C N ` . ^. ~ "~ ~ S ' a c- n n< N^ - i a o ^ a a 3 n ,^^ v is o w `e a o N w o m o ~ F N . ^^ d w v ' o h ~° o ^~ 5' s a o N n o w. . .. '~ ~ n. W O ^ A O ~. ^ ti •-v A p~ =~ p 7 ' ~ ° ^ ~n °' n _ v ° 7 w N ~. O V 1 S ^ O • 7C' ° ~ n. 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N ~ b D• a ? a N ~ ^ ~ ~ n ^ N O N u u a a a a a U U to U lA N ce _ O 00 O O O OD OD D\ 00 p 00 p "'1 _. > , r t ~ ~ i~ , ,~ `~ .. .. - .Q`, .` __ ,, = l\ ~ r ~ ~ '. ~. V .1 ~ . ~1 '_ ~1 n '~ . o ~ o Q \ ,l i. j, ~ i. I ~~= ~+ ; ~: .a . I ( I I ~~ y ~ i .~ Ercance ~a Hctiuse Woods ~ II I t ~ I I I I ~~ -~ ,i I I ~! I' II I ~ I L" ~~. i ~_ ~ ~ ' •( ~ ~ 1 ~ ~~ 1 ~ tl ~,`~~~ I . ~ ~ ~'l _ ' ~: ?~ -1:I ~. ~ •. J J.i I::t`ii ~ r; ;.., ; I r; ;,. r ~`,-; , r_,~1 ~ .~._- --~ 1 0 a AI ~r a A'. .~~. .. .ti .' ..: , . ' 3 +; ~" ~ ~- ~ ~' ~a .T ~Q 0 i II' ~ I T _ - ll~ _~- r ~^ m > o t 3 ~ ~ D a o, ~~ N ~ i i I ~. ~~ .l •__~a •7r7 YV~ ~~ ~ ;~ 1 1 'l i~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Etegulaz Item #: 6AA Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page. Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: Road Closing (SC-68, 5/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by County Enineering to close Watercrest Street in Brandywine Subdivision. The road is located -;~~ between East Brandywine Circle and Whimsy Way in Providence (see map). Engineering has requested that `~ ~.,I;t a 20 foot portion of the 60 foot right-of--way be reserved and maintained by the County for future utility :i purposes. The balance of the right- of-way will revert to the adjoining landowners. ~.~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Planning staff has no objection to closure of watererest Street as requested by Engineering provided the County continues with its commitment to.open the road connection beriveen Providence and'Timber Creek. This will provide a much needed second access for the 126 lots in Providence. r uN~Inu ~vultc:~;: .Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: I ~. COUNTY COMM APPROVEt~ REJECTEE~' X35. REM4VEQ ~ ~~ POSTPn~i ,~~~ Refcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ "j g (Q ~,r.rJ.i t^.,r~vtservr~ . ~,e,,..er,t - lose REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION •Meeting Date: 06/03/96 Zegular Item #:5 A Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning ~ Presenter: D. Hayes , -' .. :. • ?age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Sam Burgess >UBJECT: Road Closing (SC-68, 5/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: •. Request by County Engineering to close Watercrest Street in Brandywine Subdivision. The. road is. located between East Brandywine Ciicle and Whimsy Way•in Providence (see map). Engineering has requested that ~~~~ a 20 ft: Portion of the 60 fc. Right-of--way be reserved and maintained by the County for future utility ` :i~ purposes. The balance~of the right-of--way will revert to the adjoining landowners. The County needs an ~,~, easement across the front of the property identification as "F" on the attached map: The property owner has ~--! agreed to grant the easement if Watercrest Street is closed. Watercrest Street is a dedicated street, however, it has never been built. The property is very wet and is not suitable for building upon.'The County has an agreement on the other side of Providence Subdivision with developer Hall Paynter for the construction of a connector road to Timbercreek. Dehrter Hayes & Wyatt Blanchard will be present to further explain the re uest. REC_ MMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS:' ~~ _ ~• k•UNUt1VCT SUUKC;>N;: Federal S: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees $: New Appropriation Request:• Ki.V1L' W~',ll t3Y: LGL: .. FIB . _ BUD: Recommend approva ~ ~ ~. ` 36 `` ~f~I~~ti ~ , q Ks~ '+~ ~ ~~? ~,~t ~"~; ~'1~~s'~ ` ` ~- • ` ~~ RcfcrEo Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ..., . ' . HR: Other S: couKnr c~oM~ts~ot~as~,,~. APPROVED D REJECTED~'~ REMOVED Q POSTPONED O DATE ~' U ~ q ~.'. '~ Chronology of Providence Subdivision Road Connection into Brandywine Subdivision -~ - Whimsy VVay/Watercrest Street ~'' November, 1969 -- ' Brandywine Subdivision was approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. The approval of the final plat included an unimproved road stub named _ - Watercrest Street to access property to the southeast. May 27, 1987 ~•~ Providence-Phase I was approved by the Planning Board s Techinical Review Committee for 92 lots under the County's Performance Residential criteria. The approved site plan 't ~~; included the Whimsy Way street connection from Providence into Watercrest Street in " ' Brandywine. The same site plan also included the "Muddle Sound/Ogden Connector' road `~ stub leading inthe the Canady tract (now Timber Creek). September, 1987 The Technical Review Committee approved the "Middle Sound/Ogden Connector" ,_ • contract between PAR Associates and the New Hanover County. The road stub document was recorded several days later in the County Registry. July 26, 1989 The TRC considered and approved a request by Robert Goslee and Associates for Par Associates not to improve and connect Whimsy Way in Providence and Watercrest Street ' ~ in Brandywine. The Committee's rational for not requiring the construction or connection of both roads was based on wetland concerns. The right-of--way was retained for future access. The TRC did require that a temporary turn-around be created at the end of Whimsy Way for emergency purposes. April, 1990 Providence-Phase 2 was approved bringing the total number of lots in the subdivision to 126. April, 1996 County Engineering staff requested that the Watercrest Street road stub in Brandywine be ~, closed to facilitate the creation of a 20 foot utility easement. May 6, 1996 •. -.. A Resolution of Intent to close Watercrest Street was adopted by the Board of County _ Commissioners with a public hearing scheduled for June 3, 1996. 3'7 ~. i {~ This page intentionally left blank ,, , . r fig- 3~8 _ : ~ . I i r i 1 1 I r ~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION. Meeting Date: 07/01/96 EZegular Item #: 6A - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: ~ -- Rezoning (Z-568, 6/96) - -,,~ . . . BRIEF SUMMARY: .' ' Request by Barbara Yopp for Carolyn Roberts to rezone .27 acre on the west side of Carolina Beach Raod ; ~,,., 400 feet north of Motts Branch to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential. ~ -; ~`. . ~ , ~~i :i :. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: 1Vew Appropriation Request: 3udgct Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: F1N: BUD: HR: ~; COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: t Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~. ~d~N ~~~~r~~~- ~.v `9' REMQY ;~ - ~ .. ~S j ~~ G { r /~ Item A CASE: X568, 6/96; Applicant- Barbara Yopp for C. Roberts REQUEST: ~ R-15 to B-Z ~ ~ ,~, ACREAGE: .27 LOCATION: West Side of Carolina Beach Road 400 Feet North of Motts Branch '' "'-: .Planning Board Summary The Board voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval. of the petition as submitted. In support of that ' position, the Board agreed that impacts would be minimal, that it was consistent with a similar ~' ~-.~? rezoning for property located south of the site, and that subsequent development of part of the '' existing commercial district had made it unlikely that the property would be developed under its ~ ~4' current designation. No one spoke in opposition. ~+-! Planning Staff Summary The applicant seeks to expand the B-2 District to include the westernmost area of a tract that is already zoned B-2 to a depth of-300 feet. This tract is part of an existing B-2 District but it is located north of the more defined Monkey Junction commercial node. Adjacent land to the north is developed with a mobile home park, and two houses are located south of the property. A request in March 1994 to rezone property just to the south of the subject parcel resulted in a 150 foot extension of the B-2 District, though the applicant had requested the balance of the tract be rezoned. In December 1995, a petition to rezone 12 acres to B-2 on the east side of Carolina Beach Road opposite the subject property was denied. This land is classified Urban Transition. More intense urban development is encouraged where public services are available. County sewer and community water services are in the area. At first glance, the request doesn't appear to be cause for concern. The site's sharp triangular shape, coupled with ,setbacks based on building height, would make it difficult to locate buildings on that part of the property. This would reduce concerns about encroachment into residential areas. Also, granting the extension would be consistent with the 1994 rezoning approved for an adjoining property. Finally, locating zoning boundaries along property lines makes it.easier to administer local tax and land use laws. Ideally, it would be better to encourage commercial, development to locate in closer proximity to established commercial nodes. However, there are mariy commercial districts scattered throughout the County some distance from existing nodes. At this location commercial . development.is already underway on property to the south. a~hryi~re~ogni'zi~"n`g'~a}usacti'~ ty and recent zoning changes, Staffbelieves that this commercial '"' '"sy~'-F7' ~ i s'~,i w`'q{~S'r"' ~ ~ n.t~"iwrn-'i'F ~ . ~s~onwould~ cause nunimal impacts and therefore recommends approval. ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ -. ' ~~ ~ ~ ~ • .. .PETITION SUMMARY SHEET '~ Petition Number: Z-568, 6/96 ~' • Owner: C. Roberts Representative: B . Yopp ,, Request: R-15 to B- 2 Acreage: + . 4 2 _ • Taz ID Number 7600 Location: 5202 Carolina Bch. Rd. :., :i `'= ~ LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES ~ ~ ~`' f~~ Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use: Residential Zonin Histo Area originally zoned April 1971. Property to g ry .' ~nt~t-h rP~nnQr3 to R-? i n 1 4Qd ,~ -~ Water Typc: Community Scorer Type' .County Fire District• Myrtle Grove. VFD Arrowhead Recreation: ~~ Rostd Access: US 421 volume: 16 , 200 ADT (1995 Count) 4`' School District: Williams - MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ~~ Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Motts Creek C (Sw) Aquifer Recharge Area• Transition between Pr; ma,-ti, any ~A~n„riar~ ~; None __ Conservation Resources: Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None yp ~~ Primarily Lynchburg(Ls) Soil T e s and Class: Septic Tank Suitability:' Class III; severe 4. 1 ~• Prime Agric~ltury-1 Soils: None Building Suitability: Some limits due to wetness .. #, - von -. WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use ' district proposals. The North. Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made 'in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be,based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ., ing requirements. • ° .. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? • • -- ~~ - - . - ~~ Cif -L ~a~.~~~/o ~...c.~ a.._ ..~;n-~G~ ..'L~`-vC.~ ,- 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? ' ~~ ~- ~ 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or~how is the land involved un~sufi~table for the uses permitted und~ej~r.the,existing zoning? In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed io be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest: I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the Information presented in this application is accurate to~the best of my knowledge, information; and belief. • _ 42 .. - - Signature ~of Petiti ran or Owner - ~ ~ i'' ` •t•1. - -- - -- ~~. . b oQp _ ~r ~ j .... W: ~ i F. ~,.. Q' / O ,~ (I~~ 0~ ~, ~. ~2 d „~ :~ ~ J ~: I ~ hN N \ ~y ~ '~ 1 `V I ~ . ~o W ~ ~ , ti \ ~ i O 1 ~ APO i p~~ 0~ --E-- co o~`~P ~ N ~ ~ Om ~i . w m m ... ~ ~ ~ ~' 1~a ~ ~ • , U ~ ~ a ~ ~ '_ (0 ~ O ~ V' ~ ~ _ ~ ~~'~ ~ 1: ~ \v I ~ ~~r19 ro •• , ~_ ~k ~• ` h y. .~ ,t_ _ . ~r-` '~ I ` -_ .,i'.; ~':~: `~ + ° - ^ -. - e H d ~ a ~- C7 00 ~'-' ~ ~, a ,,; ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ O N ~ aUrxe - ~ ~ QaiU + ~ + r W ' ¢ I it ~o O J, ~' ~~ '--~ 1 r ,~ t ~~ ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 EZegular Item #: 6B - Consent Item #: ~_ - Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Pete Avery ` SUBJECT: .. Rezoning (Z-569, 6/96) ~..-;.. BRIEF SUMMARY: - - ~ • ~ ~- ~ ' Request by Jere LeGwin to rezone 2.2 acres on the west side of Market Street south of Mendenhall Drive to Conditional Use B-2 Business fora retail nursery from R-1 S Residential. ~ ~ '' ~, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~(~iJNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECQMMENDATIONS• ~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~ +~~a~c 4 3, ~~M©~a ~,3StR4N~ ~ q6 DATE • Item B ~ .. CASE: X569. 6/96; Applicant- Jere LeGwin REQUEST: R-15 to CD(B-2) Retail Nursery .. ACREAGE: 2.2 LOCATION: West Side of Market Street, South of Mendenhall Drive f tr i lli ~ _;•. ~. '~ Z ees, ng a var o ety (Note: The applicant proposes to construct a retail nursery, se .,,. shrubs, seeds, bulbs, and related itemsfor the beautification of homes and yards.' All of _ ~''- the activities proposed are permitted by in the B-2 District.) • ' ~ ~ --- ~ :; , / U, Planning Board Summary "" The Board voted 5 to 1 to recommend approval of the applicant's petition, subject to the following site plan revisions: -That the access to Mendenhall Drive be divided into an exit only and entrance only with a 6 foot high solid wood fence separating the two drives. The fence would be parallel to the street. - That a solid 6 foot high fence be installed along the southern side of Mendenhall Drive between the westernmost property line and the entrance. ~ - -That aentrance and exit be provided at the existing curb cut along Market Street -That the parking area just south of Mendenhall Drive be relocated south of the proposed office building. -That traffic entering from the Market Street entrance be routed around the rear of the office for j"~` exiting at Mendenhall Drive. - Night lighting be permitted, but only if directional or low-impact. -Compliance with all other applicable zoning regulations. Several property owners from the Mendenhall Subdivision spoke concerning the application. While they agreed that they were not necessarily opposed to the development, they were concerned about traffic impacts, access to, Mendenhall Drive and what other uses could be developed should the nursery operation fail. Planning Staff Summary 'Conditional usedistricts are intended to promote transitions between competing land uses and - zoning districts of dissimilar character: 'In this case, the applicant seeks to establish Conditional Use B-2 Business zoning adjacent to lots in an established single family subdivision. In fact; the subject parcel is a remnant tract of the subdivision. Uhder ordinary circumstances, general use zoning, particularly commercial districts, would be a cause for concern because planned uses are rarely kno ~'n i advance.. Setbacks and buffering could reduce some of the impacts to a degree, bait could do nothing Ito co: trol the range of uses ultimately~permitted ` ' ;. ~ . 44 ~~ ~~; ~~ ?J ~; ~ H i J // / b~~/y///~/I/ /~ . N N ~ /G ,// ////~l ,`, ~ '/'///' ter. __. / _ I~ • O~. / i/// _-, ~/~ I o - /~ /I ~ // ~ /j/~/////~~c/ r G///////// ' '///////I/ ~ b~'~, '~/b//// % / i / • //////////// ~ ~ S///////// //~~ /~/ N ~ - -. ~ 'N ; ~~ i E-i ~ , .~ ~ ` ~ d' ~ W ~ ~ ~ Y6 r r~ ~ ~pyp L~ ~ ~' v lp x C C C p ~P _ ONE I~C7C7~C7a, '~! o ~ - l ~ a W Qc4UAww `_ ~ >,o oP ~,' W U '~ ~ mod'' ~ - o ~ ' - ry j Pppp 1J ~f ~~ Preliminary Staff Findings ' 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site access to Mendenhall Drive and US 17 (Market Street). B. Aseptic tank and individual well will provide water and sewer services. C. The site is located in the Ogden VFD District. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. A site plan pursuant to Section 59.7-3 (2) has been submitted. • B. The proposed uses comply with zoning requirements for commercial districts and the . Special Highway Overlay District standards C. The site is currently zoned R-15. Conditional use districts are encouraged to provide transition zones between competing land uses. (Section 59.7-1) 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. . A. There is a wide variety of land uses in the general area: Property to the south is occupied by church. Land to the north is used as a pet .cemetery. Landon the east side of Market Street is zoned B-2 Business., Several of those parcels are developed with specialty gift \ shops. Land to the west consists of platted lots associated with Mendenhall Subdivision. ~1 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according tc the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. This area of the County is classified Rural in the 1993 Land Use Plan. Low density development is encouraged, as are other land uses not requiring major urban services. ;~~ B. As noted in #3 above, there is a wide variety of land uses along the frontage of US 17, ~' including retail, institution, services, industrial and other uses. ,~ C. Two nursery operations currently operate in the area, each less than one mile from the subject. property. ;~~ Issues and Concerns: ~ -Could the property be subdivided for residential use with lots fronting on Mendenhall Drive? ~_ -Access along Mendenhall Drive should be limited to avoid introducing non-residential traffic ~'~ along a local residential street. ~~ -Existing vegetation should be left undisturbed adjacent to lots B and C, and along the south side of Mendenhall Drive opposite lot D. ~ ~ , -Any night lighting should be directional so as not to impact residential uses to the west. 45 . ~~~. ~' ~ ': l :~ ,. -Limits on operating hours might be appropriate. -The storage of equipment and supplies should~not be visible from the street. ~. ~ .. 4 .. - . . ~ ~. .. . 46 1 .~' ~ - . - ~ P:ETITION SUMMARY SHEET ~~ • Z-569, .6/96 Petition Number: Owner: Jere LeGwin Representative: Same i '.,~' '~` ~. . ,~ 1 r °, ~~, r `~, ~' 1 t R-15 to CD (B- 2) Acreage: ~2. 2 Request: ' Tax IDNumber: -3611 - - Location: Manr3anha T 1 nr_ ~ • . • .>., ~' ~:~~; LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES :~ Land Classification: Rural Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning History• •' Area originally zoned July 6, 1971. O-I area to the North Pstahl i ShPrl FQh 1 991 water Typc: Community/well Fire District: Ogden Road Access: U . S . 17 School District: Blair Scwcr Type' Septic Rccresttion: nS~~~'n Park (TTn~ar c-nnst. ) vOlunle: - 15, 70~ AnT (1995 count) MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Pages Creek(SA) Watershed andVYater Quality Classification• Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge Conservation Resources:. None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: , NnnP - - Soil Type(s) and Class: Primarily -Kur-eb (Kr) - Scptic Tank Suitability: Class I • Few limi t~ 47 Prime Agricµltural Soils: None - - ..,. Building Suitability: _ -Few limits - _ _ - r r tl~i1 1 V U 1VlUJ l L' J 1c-~DL1J11 1 V llL' 1 ti ~(-/ / •• CONDITIONAL USE ZONING OF PROPERTY Conditional Usc District Zoning is established to address situations what a particular land use would be consistent with ~( the Ncw Hanover County Land Usc Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objectives but for which none of the general zoning district ,I~„y( classiFications which would allow the use arc acceptable. However, since amcndmcnts to zoning maps should also be based on the - Land Usc Plan, you must explain in the space below how your rcyucst ~tisfia cash of the lollowing requirements: I. How would thc.rcyucstcd chanbc be comiacnt with the County's Pulicics for Growth and Development' A retail nursery would be consistent with,the overlay districts LLL--~~~111 and .would add to the beautification of the area. ;('~~ 2. How would the rcquatcd Conditional Usc District be consistcm with the property's classification on the County's Land Classification Map' ~( ~An attractive nursery is compatible with residential zoning and (~~~' would meet the desires of the Planning Board•'s ordinance in keeping ~. with the natural beauty of the land. ~j; ~r~-Y;: :i 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occured to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the rocs pcrmti«cd under the existing zoning? - ~ -' The widening of Highway 17 North and increased heavy traffic `makes residential use undesirable and unrealistic. 4. List propo>cd conditions and restrictions that would mitibatc the impacts of the proposed use. LAS' ~.. Tract boundaries and total area, plus location of adjoining land parcels and roadways. '.~" Existing zoning of the tract and neighboring parcels and proposed tract zoning. Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses. this shall include number, height and type of uniL< and site plan outlining area to be occupied by each structure and/or subdivided lot boundaries. Far non-residcntal uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each. sructure, an outline of the arcs it Mill occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. U:velopmcnl schedule including proposed phasing. Traffic and Parking Plan to include•a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right•of- May dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right-of•way for intcrrial streets and location, arrangement and access provisions for parking areas.. , „ ~ All czistin5 and proposed casements, resen•ations: required setbacks, rights-of„way, buffering and signage The one hundred (IOU) year floodplain lint, if applicable. Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under, Section 67 of the Zoning Ordinance. Any additional conditions and rcyuiremcnu, which represent greater resvictions on development and use of the „ , tract than the cortcsponding Gcncral Usc District regulations, which arc the minimum rcyuircmcnts in the Conditional Usc District, or other limitations on land which may•bc rcgulatcd'by State law or Local Ordinance. Any other information that will facilitate revicu+ of the proposed change. In signing this petition, .I undcntand that the ezisting.•roning map.is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving `-' why a change is i h ublie instcresL I further undcrsund that the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning vcauncnt unrelated to Cou~~jcics and the surrounding neighborhood Mould probably be illegal. I certify that all the information _ presented in this application is accurate io the best of my knowledge, information, and bcli ~ • Signature of. Petitioner and /or Owner ' ~± `~, *~. '~; ~. l ~~ ,t C` • ~ ~` ,~. ~~ ~J ~~ r, 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 tegular Item #: 6C ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 5 .Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: ~~ • Rezoning - (Z-570, 6/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: • Request by Jerold Lewis for Bruce Kubeck to rezone 1.11 acres at the northwest comer of Sanders Road and : ~~~ Carolina Beach Raod to B-2 Business from R-15 Residential. - ~• `~ .,y: .~. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends denial. FUNDING SOURCE: ?ederal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other $: VIoncy Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: • 3udgct Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ' LGL: FIN:. BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: !~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~unr~r ~ A~PRC~y~ RL.I~CT~D ~ g REMAV P©SfiAq~ ~r • ~~ 7 ~ Item C CASE: X570, 6/96; Applicant- Jerold Lewis for B. Kubeck - REQUEST: R=15 to B-2 _ _ .. _ ..... ACREAGE: 1.11 .LOCATION: Northwest Corner of Sanders Road and Carolina Beach Road "Planning Board Summary .. _ , The Board voted 4 to 2 to recommend denial of the petition as submitted. The members opposing the petition were primarily concerned about commercial expansion along Sanders Road and traffic safety. Several other motions were considered, including rezoning the entire tract to residential and rezoning a portion of the tract to commercial, but none received enough votes for approval. The applicant told the Board that development~of the site for residential uses in close proximity to Carolina Beach Road wouldn't be prudent. He also stated the current zoning line makes it nearly impossible to develop the site. Two nearby property owners spoke in opposition. They felt commercial development along Sanders Road would create traffic problems and could impact residential property values. Planning Staff Summary Currently, the applicant's property is zoned B-2 Business to a depth of 300 feet, leaving a significant area of the tract zoned residential. This division exists because the commercial district was initially established parallel to the right-of--way of Carolina Beach Road instead of following property lines, a zoning pattern that is quite common along the County's major roads. The area is classified Urban Transition in the 1993 Land Use Plan Update. More intense urban " development is encouraged where public services are available. Land uses in the area include: Charter Oaks Mobile Home Park, which is located on adjacent property to the west; a church to the northeast; scattered commercial uses south and north along Carolina Beach Road; scattered residential uses; and; an elementary school to the southwest. Expansion of commercial districts at established nodes is usually appropriate so long as strip -- commercial conditions aren't perpetuated and nearby residential uses are not severely impacted. In this case, there. is an established commercial. node in place, though it is not intensely developed. Impacts on established residential uses appear to be minimal. There is a mobile. home park on adjacent property but it is buffered by a large well site'arid drainage area. The County has approved numerous rezonings where alignment of zoning districts conforms to advantages to that approach: ~ it makes it easier to administer :ies tax administration. ii ;r ^A . ..r~ •~: A primary concern regardless of the site's ultimate use relates to traffic safety. Presently, eastbound traffic from Sanders Road terminates at Carolina Beach Road where there is only a median crossover to accommodate left turns. There are no traffic lights.. Add in the normal volumes of traffic along Carolina Beach Road and Sanders Road plus further development of the ~.• existing commerical district and it is easy to see how much more difficult it will be for motorists using the crossover. Sanders Road, although it is a collector facility, serves residential property '~ along its frontage as well as Bellamy Elementary School. • .... _ .. . `~ There are at least two options. One would be to rezone the land as requested. This would .. ,_ ;. _, simplify the administration of land use related regulations and would be consistent with similar rezonings. Another option would be reduce the commercial district in place now by moving the . zoning boundary to the site's easternmost property line. Based on the current land use and the . ~ '~~` potential for further encroachments along Sanders Road, Planning staff recommends the latter ~ ~' ••;: ;~ option. ~ ~ ~ ~` .. ~~'~ ~- ~~, f ~, `~~ t 1 ~~ ~~ ~ 51 ~~ ! t PETITION. SUMMARY SHEET Z-570,, 6/96 Petition Number: B. Kubeck p J. Lewis Owner: Re resentative: Request• R-15 to B-2 ~ Acreage: - 1•.11 . ` 7600 . Location• Sanders Road & ' US 421 Taz ID.Number: _ ~:, LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • Land Classification: Urban Transition ~'~,~~ :~ ~,~' Existing Land Use: Vacant ZoningHistory• Area originally zoned .April, 1971 Well . ~ Water Typc: • Myrtle Grove Fire District: RoAd Access: Sanders Rd . & U . S . 421 Bellamy School District: ~~ ._. Septic Scwcr Type• Recreation: Arrowhead Volume' Sanders : unknown • US 421: 22, 800 ADT (95 Coui MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Unnamed branch to Caoe Fear Ri_verC (~L Aquifer Recharge Area: Frincte of Primary RPM-h,Ygo - None Conservation Resources: .~ Historic Landmarks And ArchcologicAl Sites: None - ~. Primarily Kureb (Kr). 5 oil Type(s) and Class: •r_^ ptic TAnk Suitability: Class I : Few limits ~( Prime Agricµlturxl Soils: None ~, Building Suitability: _ Few limits _ _ 2 ~~V O ~1 ~ ~ _~ WHAT XOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A ~, CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made - in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendmenu to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ,\~ ing requirements. I. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and ;~' Development? The migration of people to this area forces"growth and growth demands development: The denial of this request would serve to restrict the quanity of ' '~ development and the quality of development. The granting of this request would serve to insure a balance of development between Residental (R-15) and Business (B-2). ~~ 1 ~2. How would the requested zone than a be consistent with the ro ert 's classification on the Lan g P P Y d Classification Map? Subject property is located in an area classified as Urban Trans- ition (according to the Land Classification Map), .such classifi- - cation allows for intensive urban development. ~~~ .~- C.,, ~~: 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? B-2 Zoning in this ayes has divided this property and made the use ~~~ of subject property for R-15 purposes non-existent. r The current boundaries of the B-2 Zone severely restrict the use `ti of the land for either zone. t t~n signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I ave the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the urrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in is application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ;~- Signature of Petitioner andlor Owner :;;: .~ ~~;~ 53~ L/ l,: ;7 a• -.I .- .. ;~ This page intentionally left blank 54 s ., i I .a 4 ~ ~ .. ~'~ ~~; ~~ r., ~; _, '~~ i , i c' G®: `~. 1 1 1 `°~ ~~, ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 E~egular Item #:6 D - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery sUB.rECT: ~ .- . Zoning Text Amendment (A-269, 1/96) . BRIEF SUMMARY: Recommendation by the Planning Board's Technical Review Committee to change the approval procedures for High Density Development to require a special use permit. ~ ~ '~ t' : i- - :~ RECOMMENDED I`~10TION AND REOITESTED ACTIONS: Planning Board recommends approval. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~U :APPR811E{~ [~! R~rECT~p Q 5 5- REMOVED Lr PO~Tf~N~Q D ~ .~~ DATA ~~..~,,L~.,,.~,,,,~ ~-~c~-hve Sc~ I,19R(p Item D _ A-269, 1/96: High Density Development; Amend Approval Procedures ~ ~ ~ - : ~_ .. .... !~ ~ ~ A. Amend Section 69.4 High Density Development, Subsection (9) to read as follows: (9) When a development is proposal is submitted under tliis section it shall be reviewed in accordance with the same standards as establisjied in the Subdivision Ordinance even if the project does not involve the subdivision of land. All High Density projects shall require a special~use permit _ B. Amend Section 50-2 Table of Permitted Use~by changing;Piigh Density development to a special use permit. . R-20 _ .S _ _~ . .. R-1 S S R-10 S . _ _ _ . O-I S . __ Q~~ ~. ~~ :~ . ~ ~~~ Y~~.j}4}4p'y?i~ . T ;h. , gs+d "gF~.:.STSC~J~CZC~1' ElJ: M S 4J, '*,' kr NEW HANOVER COUNTY ,.~ INTER-OFFICE TO:~ I~Tew Hanover County Board of Commissioners '~.~ _. FROM: County Planning Board Technical Review Committee ~~j a 24 1996 DATE: M y , RE: ~ High Density Development ~t At the May 22 meeting of the Technical Review Committee, there was considerable discussion ~I~ about the increased interest in higher density residential projects in the County. Several projects have recently been submitted and approved on South College Road and 421 South. The Committee is also concerned about the County's ability to adequately address all the impacts being created by the 1'~ tremendous amount of growth presently underway. Specific infrastructure needs were discussed including the adequacy of our water and sewer w facilities and the plans for delivering these services. The Committee was especially concerned with the increasing problems of traffic and the ability of our roads to handle all of the residential projects already ~~' approved by this Committee. The Committee noted that there were approximately 5,800 units that have already received preliminary approval. These developments are in various stages of construction and represents a tremendous backlog of infrastructure needs. In discussion with County Engineering staff, the Committee also pointed out the need for better drainage requirements. It was noted that the 10 year storm standards that they currently utilize are minimum requirements since the County has never adopted any drainage design standards for subdivisions. As a result of these discussions and upon unanimous recommendation by the Technical Review Committee, we are hereby requesting that the Board of County Commissioners reconsider and review 5~ the county's policies and regulations for High Density Development. The Committee was particularly ` -_ concerned with limiting density and addressing traffic concerns. During this review and study period, the Committee also requests that the County delay any approvals of High Density projects for a minimal period of 90 days. ' /~ - Wesley ` on, Chairma Technic eview Committee ~~~ cc: Planning Board Members ~' Allen O'Neal, County Manager Dave Weaver, Asst. County Manager 57 `~~' Dexter Hayes, Planning Director ~, . ~' ; ~ .I ::~?, :~ 1 T'he attached proposal was discussed at the Planning Board's meeting on June 6th where they ' 1 _ ._ agreed to continue their discussion at the Technical Review Committee meeting on June 12th, l~ ~. - At that meeting Mr. Howell moved to recommend to the County Commissioners the adoption of the Special Use Permit requirements for High Density Developments. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wolle. ~~VJJ Discussion on the justification for the requirement focused on the availability of services for High Density projects as well as traffic and safety concerns that often could not be addressed when . - such projects are allowed by right. " , ~-` The recommendation was unanimously adopted. ~ ~ . ~~" y ~, :i' ,. ' ~ ~ ~1 ~. ..- ~. 58 .; ~ -- ~. _ .. • . .~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~~~ ~ •INTER-OFFICE •'~w MEMO' ~ a.-~,•s ~ <;^.. ., ...~ .:. a:,~ _c ~A- ;,_::.k^:.;A°Ga.%,+r.»\:`~K~•f<«:gk'~' :^~.~e K:_. :.llr.~dai~s!S,~i:rra.:i ,~... ~ T0: New Hanover County Planning Board `~ .. FROM: Dexter Hayes, Planning Direct 1~1z = DATE: June 5, 1996 r,. ~` RE: High Density Review Procedures ~ ~ ,~, ~ :, ::~. :~ Recent discussions by the Board of County Commissioners in February and by the Planning . `~ Board in May has brought renewed interest in the way High Density projects are approved in the County. ,~, The following proposal would require that all High Density projects obtain a special use permit . from the County Commissioners. This is probably the simplest and most effective means to address the ,~~~ ~ concerns being articulated by the two boards. The present approval process is performance based but only list a few qualifying standards that have to be satisfied before a project is approved. The Special Use Permit process will retain these same standards but will also add the four findings of fact that are necessary for all Special Use Permits along with whatever additional conditions the Board considers `" reasonable and appropriate. A public hearing will also be required. !•,P Some of the advantages and disadvanhages of the proposal are listed below. Advantages ~' `~ 1. This would enable the Board of County Commissioners to consider issues that have been historically absent from the current review procedure. For example, the Board could ~~~ consider such things as impacts on the public health and safety, especially transportation, compatibility with adjoining land uses and its effect on property values. The establishment of reasonable discretion would also eliminate the rubber stamp approval '~ most projects now receive. .~. C ~ 2. It would allow public input to a process where such input is not now required. t; Disadvantages 1. It would increase the number of public hearings. The Board already requires a number ~~ of uses to obtain a Special Use Permit (e.g. day care, mobile homes, cellular communi- cation towers, outdoor recreational uses, and convenience food stores to name a few.) 2. It would also increase the workload for staff. The unprecedented growth taking place in ~i the County is already stretching our staffing capabilities. `~ ~ . cc: Dave Weaver -.. '~, i f/~ ,,~' ,~. r~ ~~ _~ ~_-, ~~ ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Etegular Item #: 6E - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Sam Burgess SUBJECT: .. Street Naming (SN-76, 7/96) - :.- : . BRIEF .SUMMARY: Request by R Simmons to name a private drive in Simmons Height Apartments to Simmons Heights Road. .- - : i RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ederal S: State S: County S: User Fces S: Other S: vloney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: ~,,~ . ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~ ~ 1 I _~ ,~, ~, Refcr to OCfice Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ___~.___ C+DUl~f'~ . 1,4, APi~"RQV ~-- REJECT~fl ~ ._ ~~MOV~ '~ ~6~1 ~ t ~ r..~-.~~;~ .; , Pty T#~E~ih' ~A~'E i Item E . ~ •~ AGENDA INFORMATION COVER SHEET MEETING DATE: 07/01/96 AGENDA ITEM NUMBER:_E_ SUBJECT: Street Naming ~ ~_ __: .. .. ~. SUIrII~SARY OF INFORMATION: Request by R. Simmons to name a private road to Simmons :~.; . Heights Road located 700 feet south of the. Old Avenue/Parmele _ Road intersection, west side of Old Avenue in_Castle Hayne . (See attached map.) This unnamed road is privately owned, ~' unimproved, and serves access to the residents of Simmons ~,~ Heights. The proposed name is unduplicated and. confirmed by :;; E-911. If the road name is adopted, riew mailing addresses will be assigned based on the County's comprehensive numbering ' system. An effective date of change is slated for August 30, 1996. .. • RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the road name and assignment of house numbers. Sign costs should be paid by the petitioner. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION OR COMMENTS: PRESENTATION BY: Dexter Hayes ATTACHMENTS: [ 2 ) YES [ ] NO _ -- . ~' a ,, ~x~~~. a ~~~,1 ~~ ~ ~~.. r 62 ~~~~ _._._ _. F ~ °° ~~ __ l-~aG Yy;~Yy r ~~ )~Yf v 4 c Q H F z a~~~ U a~~ z A ~' aaaoa~o~~~o ~wwx~a~.a.a~ ~"~'~A , a= ~oozdzddda~.aad~ . ,~~+ .{]lYl NOy ~a oaadaa~33w~~~U.~ ~~~~, . d A - ... .. .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... • aivUi ddCtlUAWWU'x{-.tix).a~ ~' - - .._- ,ry \~ , ~ • E4 a~ . • - YO ))Y)r )11{ny ~ ~ r~' • ~ . ~~ y C tlN 3N371yy]] Ou YOOYIt I .)p. t W ~` •0 •y ~y. *~. ` t P' . ~• ~ W am 0 8 ~ t Y aio ~ ~ a ,~6y. Y ~ ~ o ~ ~ . o~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ { a~ ~ A Q i ti (dj ro ~ . a ., ~•~,. x 'Ya,, '• ~ " . :~ Y. ~r o, ,~~~ .. . ~L no ,~ ' r~ ~~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY. ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ~~ ~ 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 ' WILMINGTON, NC '~-~ ~ JULY 1, 1996 6:45 P.M. '~ ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~' 1. Non Agenda Items (Limit Three Minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes C 65 63 This page ijrtentionally deft blank .....~.. 64 ; :: r ,~r .~ ~, r~ ~' Y 7 1 i i 1 1 t 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Zegulaz Item #: W&S - Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: - Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of June 17, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION Approve minutes - FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition couanr cx APPROVEd p- REJEC'fEt! O REMgVED CI 65 POSTPONEDD DAATE 7/il Tltis page intentionally left blank ~'~_ 66 ~~t .. ~A. ~ ~..,~m~: 1{t°~+i`.kd'r+'.li~ntir..'Jf1'k+~.~=~i'~Flf~k~~:t~-4~ W~~ "r'~t:,, r a t r i r ~~ '~ ~~ ~~, ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA JULY 1, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes PAGE NO. 69 i 1 1. 1 1 I ~; ;~~ I ~1 1 't t i ~. ~I~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01%96 EZegular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: ~~ Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of June 3, 1996 Regular Meeting of June 17, 1996 Budget Work Session, June 13, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTI NS: Approve the minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND REC4~MMENDATIONS: Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition C-~UNTY COM~ON APPROVED !9~ REJECTE© O r'69 ' REM90VE© P43STPpN~ ~A~ f Tltis page intentionally left bla~ik r .7 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~,;~ ~r~~~4a~i`~I~~~ '~~"~~ ,fii ~~ a.-~;~ k--t .. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 ' ,. E~egular Item #: Consent Item #: ~'AdditionaLItem #: x ~ . Department: Social Services Presenter: Andy.Atkiiisori Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Chris McNamee SUBJECT: ~ _. ~; • Letter of Intent for CDBG Grant Funding - ,. ... .:..:BRIEF SUMMARY: ,, The NC Dept of Commerce has requested Letters of Intent from units of local government interested an " . developing a replicable model for providing jobs for persons emerging from welfare under the:Work,First. , - .:Program: Successful demonstration projects will entail partnerships between local governments, private . investors, non-profits and other governmental agencies. One million dollars has been set:aside for these initiatives. The maximum amount of CDBG funding shall not exceed $350,000 •per project. The DSS, working with a wide variety of local entities would like to submit a letter of intent.:There is no commitment by the County until after we are requested to submit a full application. If we are selected to submit an application that would be due September 30, 1996. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request Chairman Greer be authorized to sign a letter of intent. The letter of intent must be submitted to the Department of Commerce by 5:00 p.m. on July 12, 1996. ~ , ~ , FUNDING SOURCE: - ~ , Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: . ~ LCL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize the Chairman to sign a letter of intent. The letter will be developed. by the DSS and the other community partners in order to meet the filing deadline. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition CaUNT~ APPROVEp ~ REJECTEO~ ! • 'REM©Vf~ ~ POST~+(~N t~ DA'1'~ „ JUL-01-96 MON 10 25 AM NHC SOCIAL SERVICES FAX N0, 9103414747 P, 02 ~. INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION PROJECT ', . - ~The North Carolina Department of Commerce has requested Letters of Intent from units of local. - `government interested in developing a replicable model for providing jobs for persons emerging -from welfare under the Work First Program. Successful demonstration projects will entail - ~, partnerships.betvveen local governments, private investors, non-profits and other governmetnal ~ ~ . ~` agencies. One million dollars has been set aside for these initiatives. The maximum. amount of CDBG funding shall not exceed $350,000 per project. ,'C, ,i. `Matching funds i :For every one dollar of CDBG funding at least two dollars from other sources must be provided,". - ~.'to the project. This funding may be in the form of private loans, private equity, foundation grants _ . ~ local government funds, and non-CDBG federal or state funding. We propose identifying the °: low- interest fund program administered by the Wilmington Community Coalition and ~ _ _ . .-:Employment Security Commission On-the-Job.Training funds to meet our match requirements.. _ ~. - '- -Application Process `Letter of intent signed by the Chief Elected Of.~icial must be submitted to the Department of Commerce by 5:00 pm on July 12, 1996. This letter of intent does not commit the county to .: `. pursue the project further but only local governments that submit a letter of intent are eligible for consideration. Letters of intent will be reviewed and selected localities will be asked to submii a '<full application due by September 30, 1996. A public hearing is required prior to submission of the letter of intent (prospective date and location: Monday, July 8, 1996 at 7:00 at the Public Library) - and again prior fo submission of the proposal in September. Community Involvement and Partnerships ,- .The following organizations have been invited to participate in the planning and implementation of the project: Blueprint 2000/ Nationsbank Committee of 100 Employment Security Commission Greater Wilminr~ton Chamber of.Commerce Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Directors Association Nevi Hanover County Department of Social Services ~ . New Hanover County Human Relations Commission .North 4th Street Partnership University of North Carolina at Wilmington . . Wilmington Community Coalition Program Design The proposed program design is to offer businesses and industries a menu of options to encourage the provision of jobs for persons emerging from welfare under the Work First Program. Some possible incentives include, but are not linuted to, low-interest loans, on-the job training funds, specialized training programs, assistance in job transition, or streamlined process for access to training program. 'JUL-D1-96 MON 10.,25 Ali NHC SOCIAL SERVICES FAX N0, 9103414747 P, 03 ~~.~w~~~ ~;~ti~ ~ ~u-u ~ ~'' 199 ~, U . ~. ,~,~ SZ ~ r • X .. . . ,„~,., _ ,~,~ - ., ~iy ~~ p`. _. .. . ~ v ~ ~~ ,Notch Carotin :Department of Coz~n:mer~ ~ ~ lam' ~ • •~ - James B. Hunt jr., Governor ,-, , ~, vis Plul[i s; Sccr ~...~~~~CTOR S O~S~~ p y~ . . To: Potential Applicants ~ " r 1' , _1,,~'r't' From: Gloria Nanc~'~Ims; A~~jnt Director for Community Develo mcnt •_ • ~: Date: May 21, 1996 _ ~..: ` Re:`- Innovative Economic Development Demonstration Program ~. As we announced in our T996 Action P12n under the NC Consolidated Plan,:the ~. Division of Community Assistance is seeking proposals for innovative economic development projects that will create jobs while addressing one of the two critical slate needs for I996. Attached are the materials needed, to submit a letter of interest as a "pre-application.. These letters are due in my office by July'12 at 5:00p.m. ~•.,~, , Our purpose in creasing this demonstration is to promote linkages between job. - _ ~`' creation in the private sector and the demand for jobs from people who are emerging ' ` . 1) from welfare under the Work First Program or 2) from substance abuse under ~ `:. •` "• T various treatment programs. As in all other categories of CDBG funding, a unit of ' local government must be the applicant. Therefore, we expect partnerships to be • formed among the numerous public and private entities who are involved in these areas, and a lead entity designated. A total of $I million is available for individual awards of up to $350,000. . `, , , I .. .:: . Please note that one public hearing must be held before the letter of interest is - submitted. Applicants will. be selected from the letters of interest and invited to submit a full application. If you have questions, please call. Cynthia McNeill-Moseley at {919) 733-2850 (TDD 1-800-735-2962). Enclosures ce: William A. McNeil, Director ` Division of Community- Assistance -William A. McNeil, Director Suite 250, 1307 Glenwood Avenue, P. O. Box 12600, Raleigh, North Carolina Z760S, Telephone 919-133-2850 ~ FAX 919-733-5Z6Z ~• TDD I-800-735-Z96Z An Equal Opportvnip• Affirmative Acrion Emplcyu JUL-01=96 MON 10;26 AM NHC SOCIAL SERVICES. FAX N0. 9103414747. P; 04 £ _ F i : ~, ti ~ ~~ i . ~.~ r~ l ` ~ 1: - .~ ~. North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Program. . _ . ~. . . .,.. Innovative Economic Development Demonstration _ .. •The Innovative Economic Development Demonstration is designed to provide flexible financial ~• assistance to local projects that create jobs for lower income people. while also addressing critical state concerns.. Each.year the state will identify one or more areas. of concern as a focus for funding through ' ` " this demonstration. ,For 1996 these areas of concern are: • Providing jobs for persons emerging from welfare under the Work First Program Substance Abuse - , .r Projects funded through the demonstration will help develop models that could be repeated . elsewhere in the state. Each project must demonstrate a direct connection between job.or business . :creation and the target population involved in one of the areas of concern. Successful demonstration :~ ~_ , projects will entail partnerships between local governments, private investors; raon-prolats, and other ' ~. governmental agencies (i.e: county Departments of Social Services, Division of Employment and. Training, ;Department of Human Resources, Area Mental I~ealth or Substance Abuse agencies ).; . • ~: ~o~LCr~.~1~41I ~l~n~ard: Projects must create at least one low-moderate inconte job for every $35,000 in CDBG t, funding: This is the HUD job creation standard. L~ ~'eraging Standard: For-every one dollar of CDBG funding at least two dollars from other sources must be provided to the project. This funding may be in the form of private loans, private equity, foundation grants;, ~ ' ".local government funds, and non-CDBG federal or state funding. While CDBG funding maybe in the forme: of either a loan or grant to a unit of local government, projects involving loans will be preferred. Apntiss~taQnYroecss: The application process will have two steps. The first will be for a unit of Local government to `submit aletter ofinterest as apre-application by 5:00 p.m. on 7uly 12, to the Division of Community Assistance in response fo a set of criteria issued by the Division. Prior to submitting a letter of interest, an applicant must consult with DCA staff and hold one public hearing. Materials about the request for. ' proposals will be available from the Division of Community Assistance on May 2T, 1996. . From the Ietters of interest, a number of localities wilt be asked to submit a full application as the second step in the process. Application materials will be provided to this group.at a date to be announced. The applicant must hold a second public hearing prior to submitting the final application. DCA offices arc ' ',~; at 1307 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 250,1'Laleigh, NC 27605.. JUC=0.1-96 MON_10~27 AM NHC SOCIAL SERVICES FAX NO. 9103414747 . P,06 • i ~ ~ :~ ' • . ~; ,- .. . . JUfV iQ95' ~" ~~'"~ .. Content of the Pre-Application Letter of Interest ~ ~ ' 1 a •~ :. r r :,~ .. Innovative Economic Development Demonstration Program - ;, .. _ _ _ ... .: In the letter of interest, briefly" discuss the following items. Please do not use more than one paragraph to address, each item. This is not a full application. _ Projects ,; . - wilI be chosen from the letters of interest and the Iocat governments developing those • ' projects;;will be asked to submit a full application at a .later` date. The.letter should be x sighed by the Chief Elected Official of the muzueipality or county that is the legal ::. , : . . 1. " List of participating agencies, organizations and businesses. ,. `" ' Z. ~~ :;Description of the need to be addressed. ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3 . ' . -Project Description a) Describe the project activities . b) Gives the total project cost `c)~ List the amount of CDBG funds being requested.- (One job "must be. ~° .. . created for each $35,000 of CDBG funds requested.) ~ ` ' d) Is the CDBG request a loan or grant? . 4 : Description of how the completed project will meet the need:. S. Description of how the project can be replicated elsewhere. What must be in place for the project to succeed? What is unique to this particular situation? .. 6. Matching Funds a) The amount of matching funds by name of the source(s). (For every. dollar of CDBG funds, two dollars of other funds must be provided.) l) What is the status of each source's commitment of funds? ,' 7. ~ ' Job Creation a) The total number of jobs to be created: b) The percentage of jobs to be filled by low and moderate income (LMI) ~~ . people.. (At least 60~ of the jobs must be ftlled by LMI people.). 8. Community Involvement and Partnerships a) Describe who has been involved with the planning and who will be ' involved with the implementation of the project. . b) Describe how potential beneficiaries (especially LMI people) have been -_ " and will be involved with the implementation of the project. c) Explain the partnerships that have been created in developing the. ~ ` project.. ~"` 9. Date of the public hearing that has already been held. JUL-01=96 hfON 1028 AM NHC SOCIAL SEPVICES FAX. NO, 9103414747 P, 07 - . ~ ;~ I ~ Information for Letters of Interest. • Background: Requirements, Review Criteria, Preferences and Definitions . Innovative Economic Development Demonstration. Program ~ . _.. Aegi~iretnelLts • ~ "Application is from a mutiicipaliry or county ~ . One job is created foz each $35,0(JO of CDBG funds requested ' " . • :Two dollars of non-CDBG funds must be provided for`each dollar of CDBG funds.; .. „requested. • ~- At Least 60%"of the jobs created must be filled by people from families with low and - moderate incomes. • . A direct co~tnection exists between job creation and the target population in one of the -two areas of concern. $eview Criteria • ~• The connection between job creation and the area of concern is an innovatiye,approach • . . • _ The approach can be replicated in othez locations • Tlie extent and severity of need " . • The extent to which the need will be treated - • Project design (including feasibility of the activities and reasonableness of project costs) ,.: • The cost per job - . • Coinntuniry involvement and partnerships - - Extent of leveraging • Whether sources other than CDBG are committed Pseference~ . Loans. rather, than grants Defititons ~ - • Legal applicant: must be an incorporated town, city (non-entitlement) or county (non- - urban) • Entitlement: one of the Z2 municipalities that receives its CDBG funds directly-from . • ~ HUD rather than through the state. Entitlement communities are not eligible for state, - - CD)3G funds. The entitlement cities are Asheville, Burlington, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, . Concord, Durham, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Goldsboro, Greensboro, Greenville, Hickory, High Point, Jacksonville, Kannapolis, Lenoir, Morganton, Raleigh, .Rocky Mount, Salisbury, Wilmington and Winston-Salem. • Urban counties: one of the two counties in NC that receives its CDBG funds directly from HUD rather than through the state. Urban counties and their municipalities are not eligible for state CDBG funds. The two counties are Wake County and Cumberland., County. Exceptions to this are the town of Holly Springs in Wake County and Linden in Cumberland County which still participate in the state's CDBG progam. .' 1 .~' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: X Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Dexter Hayes ~UIiJL' l,'"1 Cape Fear River Corridor Study BRIEF SUMMARY: Following your recent endorsement of the regional planning study of the Cape Fear River corridor to be undertaken by Brunswick County, New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington, we have obtained a grant of $60,000 from CAMA and $30,000 from NCDOT. The RFP has been circulated and we have eight proposals. The project workplan also provides for an Oversight Committee that will work directly with the consultant and represent the jurisdictional interests in the project. Staff members felt that it would be beneficial if an elected official from each jurisdiction also served on the Committee. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend that the Chairman or the Board of County Commissioners appoint a representative to serve on the Oversight Committee for the Cape Fear River Corridor Study. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend an elected representative be appointed to serve on the Oversight Commi CO~V~ltgj Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition \. _ ip ~ e~'~~ ,4~~ 3~ ,Y . NEW I-IANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .... MEMO ..:..:.r.:.:~~ .4 . ...~...:::::.:..~~:..:~ . ::~:...... : {. To: Allen O"Neal Fm: Dexter Hayes Date: June 26, 1996 Re: Cape Fear River Corridor Study As you are aware New Hanover and Brunswick Counties along with the City of Wilmington are undertaking a comprehensive study of the Cape Fear River Corridor from its mouth to our northern boundaries. The attached RFP describes the project and the funding sources already in .place. It also provides for an Oversight Committee that will work directly with the Consultant as well as represent the jurisdictional interests in the project. Staff members felt that it would be beneficial if an elected official from each jurisdiction also serve on the Committee. That appointment could be made by the Chairman or the Commissioners. In response. to the RFP we have received eight proposals and will need to develop a short list fairly quickly. Following our selection of a Consultant we will need to formalize our agreement with the :other two jurisdictions .so that the Consultants scope of work :and contracts can be finalized. cc. Dave Weaver enc. ~ .. . ' ,, .:. _. . . .. + .. °~' Brunswick County. Planning ~ ., etJ . ~'. P.O. Box 249 ~ .fir 20 Referendum Drive N.E. ~~~~+' Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 ,. DATE: May 24,.1996 .. _~ TO: Interested Planning Firms. - - FROM: Project Oversight Committee SUBJECT.: Request for Proposals - Planning Services: Proposals are .requested for planning services to perform a ' comprehensive study of the Cape Fear River corridor from the mouth of the river to the northern boundary of Brunswick 'and New. Hanover Counties (see attached map). The project is a cooperative effort between the City of Wilmington,. New . Hanover County, Brunswick County and_the Downtown Area_ Revitalization Effort (DARE). The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive, proactive; regional plan to address the variety of .develop- - merit pressures .on the river corridor including commercial maritime uses, recreational activities, residential and mixed use development, etc. These increasing demands translate into concerns regarding land use conflicts, environmental quality, public access and infrastructure including transportation .facilities, water & sewer service and stormwater management. The study area includes a 1,000 foot corridor on both sides of the river. Key elements of the study include socio-econom- ic characteristics of the region, existing and future land - use, environmental analysis, and assessment of transportation and infrastructure facilities and needs. A focal point .of the plan is the-area "between the bridges'° in downtown Wilming- ton. A variety.of detailed studies/analyses will be conducted as a part, of a comprehensive development plan,for thedown- . town, core area: Study of peripheral areas extending into the central city will be included as appropriate. The Consultant :will work directly.. with a seven-member Over- sight Committee established expressly for the project. An Advisory Committee of some 50 to 75 members will.be formed to serve as a resource base and toyensure community-wide in- ~_ volvement: . Partial funding is available from two grants approved for the project: a $60,000 regional planning grant administered by the Coastal Management Division of .the NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and'$30,000 in. transportation planning funds through the NC Department of ,Transportation. Local funding from private donations and contributions from the local.government jurisdictions is~also. . anticipated. An important part of the proposal will be the TELEPHONE (910) 253-4361 NC WATTS 1-800-621-0609 Gf , s • ~ ~ y ~~ r, -~ Request for Planning Services ..May 24, 1996 page 2: of 2- Consultant's .ability to provide additional funding for the ,.project. through sources typically available for such plans and their implementation (e.g., grants, foundations, etc.).• - Proposals must include the following in order to be•consid- . ered 1. A proposed team of professionals with demonstrated ` expertise.- in the 'areas of land use planning, water- ,,related transportation (both land and water based), environmental analysis, downtown•development; water-• . front planning, recreational planning. and other.' .professionals deemed .necessary with evidence of the team's ability to work together effectively. 2. Identify the individuals who will work on the. project, the .specific tasks they will perform .and the ` .expected percentage this. project will represent of . their assignments for the duration of the project. Provide the qualifications of each individual with emphasis on experience and similar work. 3. Provide a work plan and schedule which demonstrates an understanding of and the capability to accomplish the projectwithin the timeframe projected. • Eight copies of the proposal must be submitted to Wade Horne,- • Brunswick County Planning Director, at the above address no later than noon on Thursday, June 20th. Submittals are to be limited to the items requested herein and should not exceed ten pages..-Marketing materials should not be included. Sub- . mittals selected for further consideration will be notified- • of the date, ime and requirements for an interview. For further information, please contact Mr. Horne at - 910-253-4361 or Mike Hargett, Special Assistant to the City '. Manager at .910-341.-7810. '.- ~ ` •j ,. - ~.. i .~ q ,. i... ! ' ~~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 07/01/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: X Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Page Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Dexter Hayes SUBJECT: Selection of Planning Consultant for the preparation of a City/County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) BRIEF SUMMARY: The City and County received six proposals in response to our RFP. Following a joint review by the City and County Planning staffs and follow-up conversations with the prospective consultants, we are recommending that James Duncan & Associates/Bric Damien Kelly be selected as the consultant for the UDO. ~ y RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request authorization to proceed with formalizing a contract with the recommended consultant. for the County Manager's signature. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budgef Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: , LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend authorization to formalize a contract and .authority for the County Manager to si COUNTY COiNM APPROVEt~ t~---- REJECTEQ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~~~ ~'~l4 I IJIi~. M~WMM ..- f --:,, . ~ ~?s~ ~~f~~'~&lf1P~ ih~ E,' 4r ~"~-~~~~ r °' ~A~~ ~ ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE \U •.\'C\1{v. \a - ` iJ ~O.•\'~'\~C \.'. 'O\:~. n '• \ ~a •+?~'ti ~\+iii::4:i:}}ri?\~\<:Li~v\.\$~i~~i:"Qi;\:' ~:'.;\t} •'}\ti: 4. ' ~ \\~yC, \\\~`• \. \ TO ~ Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~ . • FROM Dexter Hayes, County Planning Dire or . ~ .. • . DATE ~ June 20, 1996 . SUBJECT.:. Recommended Planning Consultant for the Preparation ? -of a City/County Unified Development Ordinance~(UDO) . The City. and County Planning Departments have completed the review of consultant proposals submitted in response to our RFP for a Unified Development Ordinance. Following discussions with prospective consultants and several jurisdictions where they have worked, it is our recommendation • that "James Duncan & Associates/Eric Damien Kelly" be selected as the consultant for this - project. A copy of their proposal is enclosed. - Their proposal was selected based upon the firms extensive. nationwide experience in the preparation .. of Unified Development Ordinances, as well as several projects undertaken in North Carolina. Their.. • N.C. projects also included growth "management strategies and infrastructure financing: The consultant's project team is highly qualified, and the proposal meets both our budget .and schedule constraints for the completion of the project. - The budget of approximately $SO,000.for this project has already been approved by the Board of . Commissioners. The majority of the funding is provided by a Coastal Management grant of $27,500, • which is supplemented by a 'cash match of $10,000 each from the city and county, and an in-kind match of $3;750 each. A total project budget of approximately $55,000 is recommended, in order. to • provide for a'contingency of $5,000.. We would like to request your authorization to proceed with finalizing a contract with -the . recommended consultant for your signature. If you have any questions or need additional information please call me at 341-7165. •. cc: Dave Weaver, Asst.County Manager Arcelia Wicker, City Planning Director ' Andrew Olsen, Asst. County Attorney • Zoe Bruner, Coastal Management .' encl.. .. .: • RpUrpl ~ ; . Project Overview • The Wilmington/New Hanover County project is unique in two ways. First, each jurisdiction has elected to combine its various stand-alone ordinances into a unified development ordinance document. As is true in many communities, ' land development regulations in Wilmington and New Hanover County-are currently scattered throughout many different ordinances. The decision 40 'consolidate these regulations and procedures into a unified document signals ~ a commitment to providing a development regulation framework that is (1) up- - o-date; (2) internally consistent; (3) easy to use, understand and administer; and (4) capable of implementing local planning and development objectives.. ::. _, Second and most uriique, the two jurisdictions have elected to participate in . ~ , the development of a multi jurisdictional, unified development ordinance. Multi-jurisdictional. development ordinances are still fairly unique. Wilmington ' and New Hanover Courity are to be commended for their commitment to the ~ principle of intergovernmental cooperation, development process efficiency 1. and sound planning practice. ,~ . A joint city-county UDO can be of great benefit to staff, local officials, developers and citizen interests. Any UDO has advantages over a separate ' ordinance approach. Perhaps most important, a unified approach can help `avoid the problem of overlapping, conflicting and. inconsistent regulations, a problem that often plagues land use control systems. Another advantage of a . UDO is that it allows the.land development regulatory process to be administered more efficiently, since decision-makers need to become familiar " -with only one set of standards and procedures, all of which are covered in one ~ ' ~` code. The multi-jurisdictional nature of the code merely amplifies its benefits. ~: ~ APPROACH. Two primary objectives will guide us in preparing the Wilmington/New Hanover ~ ~ County UDO: (1) to reformat, "cleanup" reorganize and synchronize existing regulations into a unified document and (2) to add new provisions and make changes necessary to address substantive regulatory issues, including those .~ that arise due to the ordiriance's multi-jurisdictional scope. Part of our task will . be to analyze the differences and similarities betweeri the City and :County's approach to regulatory issues. Reconciling differences between the two systems will be high priority. The work of developing a unified development , ~ ordinance from a single community's development regulations is a challenge; ' doing it for two or more communities is a real challenge. It is, however, a ~' ~ challenge we have successfully tackled before...on more than one occasion. During our work effort, we will not be attempting to fix provisions that are not -. - broken, and unless we receive directives from local officials, we will not be ~, proposing major substantive changes to the existing land development ~' Wilmington/New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance Proposal y - Pagel ' ' ~ N pTH ~~ °~ ~. regulation system. We understand that our mission is to develop an efficient, fair and workable City-County development ordinance using the best pieces of each jurisdiction's ordinance not to "reinvent the wheel." ,~ ' Successful completion of the Wilmington/New Hanover County project will ~ require a blend of sound regulatory analysis and basic drafting and organizational work. Besides developing an organizational structure and format for the new UDO, our team will be responsible for analyzing regulatory ~ alternatives and for preparing a new UDO that is capable of .putting local policies into effect, those of the Wilmington and New Hanover County. `~ - Thorough review and analysis of the City and County's existing Successful ' regulations, land use policies and on-the ground conditions completion of -distilled through discussions with technical staff and the Wilmington/. . committees, independent analyses and field work-will form the New Hanover ° foundation for our work. The local perspective that emerges from -this background work will be complemented by our national County project experience, which will be called upon to offer workable format, will require a ~ organization and regulatory alternatives for consideration by the blend of sound ~ ~ City and County. legal analysis and basic . The presence on our team of former public-sector~planners and ~ zoning administrators will ensure that our proposed UD0 drafting and approaches are not simply abstract concepts. Our team attorney organizational ~ ~ .will provide us with necessary legal context at the project outset, work. ' and his review of draft provisions will help" us identify potential legal pitfalls in the draft UDO. In short, our approach will be to suggest ~ ~ _ .techniques that are easily understood, adopted, implemented and enforced. We understand that sound organization, attractive -formatting and ease-of-use are key objectives of the'UDO ro ect. Members of our-teams ecialize in lan p l P p interior Lot , ,.~;,~.k „~,,,, ~ ~ implementation. Drafting development regulations is our -- -'r ~- primary business. Our experience allows us to propose. organizational formats and approaches that have worked ~ BUILDABLE ~ ; . well in other communities. We are always mindful,. ~ N rt ,, AR~r` '~ ~ ~ however, that the approach must reflect unique local needs. ~ »~~. ~ • -- - -- -- --.»-- .and objectives. -- - ~.~~ ~ Ultimately, the organization of the UDO will depend on what we find out once - we begin the project-most importantly, the needs and desires of our client. ~ Whatever the organizational approach,. we will pay particular attention to . .conveying standards and requirements simply...and in plain English. We will . - ~ also ensure that the new UDO is easy-to-use and understand by using ~•~ illustrations, tables and other visual communication techniques: - ~ ., - . Wilmington/New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance Proposal ~ Page 2 . _ ~~ C'P ~, } :" i ~ _r ~. WolrK Plan ~ .The Wilmington/New Hanover County RFP describes an ambitious yet straight- forward project. Building upon that framework, our proposed work plan ~ outlines a series of five basic tasks, culminating in the delivery of a working draft of the new UDO by November 30, 1996. Our work-plan will result in the ~ ' delivery of the following services and deliverable products: ~ L Meetings/Presentations ~ Our base work plan includes 12 person-days of meetings in Wilmington.l. The timing of meetings is generally up to the client. ~. 2. UDO Outline During Task 2 we will prepare and deliver an annotated outline document (Task 2) that addresses organization, format and conceptual policy issues. ~ i 3. Unified Development Ordinance Our work plan. is, structured to provide three drafts of the UDO. ' Our proposed work plan is outlined in detail below. TnsK l/ BACKGROUND~~- RECONNAISSANCE The first task of .our work plan will focus ori`organizational-and substantive issues. During the task, we will work to identify information sources, refine ~ , . responsibilities, discuss overall goals and reach agreement on a number of other project issues. This initial task will also serve as a forum for addressing substantive issues to be explored during our ordinance analysis and drafting ~.~ ~ .work. By conducting these reconnaissance tasks right away, we will ensure the ~. ~ early identification of issues that have a direct bearing on the project. ~. .. ' A. Information Gathering , Identify data needs. Distribute information to team. ~. - - B. Preliminary Document Review Conduct preliminary review of existing regulations, Also review planning . and policy-related documents.. .. 1 We define a "person-day"" as up to 10 hours during any single calendar day. `, - Wilmington/New Hanover County Unified. Development Ordinance Proposal - +- Page9' o~ ~ _.l r Np GAP ,,... . ; ~c .. ;. `~ C. Organizational Meeting Senior team members to attend organizational/kick-off meetings in ' Wilmington. Meet with staff to discuss project organfzation, logistical and "' ~ UDO format issues. Discuss findings from preliminary document review. D. Field. Surveys Conduct field surveys of existing development patterns... and land use issues. TASK 2/ UDO FORMAT -I- STRUCTURE ~ - Durfng Task 2 we will develop a proposed format and organizational scheme for the new UDO. Early resolution of organization and format issues will allow us to work on those regulations and procedures that are not likely to be • . changed substantially from existing practice. We'll prepare a proposed outline . of the UDO as a means of presenting our recommendations for format and structure. The outline will include examples of proposed page formatting ,~ techniques as well as annotations describing, in conceptual terms, proposed new ordinance provisions and substantive modifications of existing practice. The outline will serve as a vehicle for establishing a common understanding - - about what is to be accomplished in the UDO before we begin .the actual _~ : drafting work. It will offer an early opportunity for the City and County to comment on the organizational and policy direction proposed fqr the UDO. Revisions will be made to the outline in response to City-County comments ~ and recommendations. All work products will be prepared in accordance with • the format agreed-upon during Task 2. - , ~. TASK 3/ WORKING DRAFT UDO ' We will- prepare our initial draft of the UDO during Task 3. After allowing enough time for City and County representatives to review the working draft, we will attend meetings in Wilmfngton to discuss the draft provisions. Revisions - will be made in response to comments and recommendations received from ' the City and County. " _ TASK 4/ SECOND DRAFT UDO ~ ~ We will prepare a second draft of the UDO during Task 4. After allowing ~ ~ _ enough time for City and County representatives to review the working draft, we will attend meetings in Wilmington to discuss the draft provisions. Revisions ~ will be made in response to comments and recommendations received from "~ the City and County. ,~ • Wilmington/New Hanover County Unified .Development Ordinance Proposal '~ Page 10 TASK S/ .FINAL DRAFT UDO .~ 'Based on comments received during all preceding tasks, we will prepare and ` deliver a complete final draft of the UDO during Task 5. The document will l include all graphics, tab es and formatting features, as agreed-upon in Task 2. ~ ~ ~ Following delivery of the draft UDO, team members will present the draft to local officials and citizens in workshops or hearings., We'll deliver a paper copy . and diskettes containing the ordinance. Project. Schedule Our project schedule calls for delivery of the working draft UDO by November - 30, 1996. Estimated time-frames for the completion of tasks are shown in the following table. - ~ Task Duration (Weeks) 1/Background + Reconnaissance 4 2/UDO Format + Structure 4 ~ - 3/Working Draft UDO 8 4/Second Draft UDO 10 _ 5/Final Draft UDO 5 :Budget , ~ Our proposed budget for the UDO project is X49, 700 ,which includes all direct and indirect expenses related to the project Task Budget (Labor + Nonlabor) 1Background + Reconnaissance X4,000 ~. ~ 2/UDO Format + Structure X7,000 3/Working -Draft UDO ~ 19, 000 .. ~ 4/Second Draft UDO - . ~ X12,500 ~ , ~ 5/Final Draft UDO X7,200 ~ TOTAL ~ $49,700 Wilmington/New Hanover County Unified Development Ordinance Proposal y ' . Page I I - ~ ~ < .. M wTM a {