Agenda 1996 09-031 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ~,~°'"OyER ~~~ 24 North Third Street, Room 301 *~ : ~ ; Wilmington, NC • ~o ~~FNOpTN~' September 3, 1996 ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN E.L. MATHEWS, JR. VICE -CHAIRMAN SANDRA BARONE, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM E. SISSON, JR., COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANOA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL. CLERK TO THE BOARD MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO• 6:45 p.m.. 1. Public Hearing -Installment Financing of Land Acquisition I for a Branch Library _ 6:>j p.m. 2. Consideration of a Framework for a Management Plan ~ for Mason's Inlet 7:0~ p.m. 3. Request to Transfer Interest to DSS Contingency Fund 7 7:10-p.m. 4. Consideration of Establishment of New Hanover County 13 Parks Foundation 7:2~ p.m. 5. Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Supporting a 17 Study of Passenger Rail System 6. Public Hearings 7:30 p.m. A. Special Use Permit -Request by J. North for the Dalkeith 19 Homeowners Association for approval of a six slip community boating facility at 5625 Dalkeith Road. (S-397, 8/96) 7:~0 p.m. B. Special Use Permit -Request by Samuel Malpass to locate 31 a single wide mobile home at 133 Flemington Road (S-398, 8/96) 8:10 p.m. ~ C. Rezoning -Request by Gulf, Worsley and Cowper Properties 35 LLC to redesignate 3.4 acres at 1200 and 1205 Culbreth Drive to Planned Development Commercial from Planned Development Office and Institution in the Landfall project. (Z-~76, 8/96) EST°IMATED TIMES ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE IYO. 8:30 p.m. D. Rezoning -Request by D. Sweyer to rezone .27 acre at 39 1642 Military Cut-off to Office and Institution from R-I ~ Residential. (Z-~77, 8/96) 8:~0 p.m. E. Rezoning -Request by J. Keeter, Agent to rezone 2.8 acres at 4; 5654-660 Carolina Beach Road to Office and Institution from R-1 ~ Residential. (Z-~78, 8/96) 9:1 ~ p.m. F. Zoning Text Amendment -Request by D. Barefoot to amend ~0 Section 42-2, Non-conforming Vacant Contiguous Lots of Record To exempt lots with at least 100 feet in width. (A-274, 8/96) 9:30 p.m. 7. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District ~3 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager 10:00 p.m ADJOURI~1 ..i NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 2=t NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC SEPTEMBER 3, 1996. 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non Agenda Items (Limit Three Minutes) 53 AD10UltN - r _. t. ..- . t ~ ' . . . . .. ., NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA . SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes j7 2. Approval of Proclamation: Hunting Fishing Day ~ - ~9 3. Approval of award of bid #97-0071 for vehicles to Bob King 63 Pontiac-GMC, Inc. and approval of contract #97-0071 and ' associated budget amendment u97-0031 4. Adoption of resolution(s) adding the following roads to the 8~ state highway system: Lantana Lane Roads in Shinn Point Subdivision Todd Avenue Weeping Willow Road Roads in Beaver Creek & Elk Run Subdivisions Meadowood Drive -Smith Creek Estates ~. Approval of budget amendment: A. X97-0030 to budget additional revenue and expenses from the CP&L 99 drill B #97-07 to increase budget for additional. revenue received. Controlled 100 Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities:as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #97-08 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal 101' Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. .' .. . . . _ . ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 E~egular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional -Item #: 'Department: Finance and Legal Presenter: Bruce Shell ?age _Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Public Hearing. -Installment financing of land acquistion for a branch library. BRIEF SUMMARY: Conduct public hearing to consider approval of the proposed financing contract, Contract # 97-0132, and . other actions not inconsistent with this resolution. Request approval of related budget amendment. r.. _.. ._ s 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REni1ESTED ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution approving Contract n 97-0132 with First Union National Bank for financing of land for a branch library and authroizing the :County Manager and Finance Officer to act on behalf of the County of New Hanover in regard to Contract tt 97-0132 and other actions not inconsistent with this resolution. - ,.- _ - Federal S: `° ' .State S: _ County S: 192850 User Fees S: Other S: _. Money Is In Current Budget: Yes v Y :.r New Appropriation Request:~No . , . .. Bud of Amendment Pre aced: Yes ~ - - REVIEWED BY: ? . ~ '. . ~ ~ .... ~ ~ . ._ - .. LGL: FIN: BUD:. APP CGRIFFIN HR: ~~ ~ - V ~ v f'- vA ~x v iv1~ v K ~Vi ~ ll 11 ~, , ;= a - _ . Hear and consider public comments. Appro ontract for financing and purchase of property. Please see the attached memo-from Bruce Shell. - r ~~ ,. .~ ~ - = ...... .. ., ,. ~. z • t ,. ._ ~.. y , _ . ~_._._.:_..._,._ . •. .~ '. ~~~;~~ . P~JSTP#fNED Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board forDispositiort~A.f.E G~~~i ,~;~_ J~~~ 11JJ .rrr.,.,_/ ~ Ji l v . NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE ~:,:ME~o August 21, 1996 TO: Allen O' Neal, County Manager FM: Bruce T. Shell, Finance Directori~ ~/ RE: Library Land Purchase ~v ~ r-~ r=, ,%~ ~ ~ ~~~~~V~ C t AUG 1 3 1946. N~~V Nr;NGVtR`C0. ~ E t.1ANkGER'S OFFICE As you know, the County Commissioners approved the purchase of land for a branch library on July 1, 1996. My purpose in writing is to make you aware of the current status of this property and our course of action. • The land selected for purchase is owned by Andy Ammons and is located in the North Chase area. Our follow up of the Commissioner's purchase decision required a soil boring test. as well as an environmental phase I analysis (required by the financial institution). The soil boring test indicated • that the soil is marginally suitable for the proposed construction. This sounds alarming, however, discussions with Andy Ammons and Jim Craig indicate that this was the expected report for building in the northern part of the County. They also concur that it would be beneficial to place backfill dirt (surcharging) on the site prior to construction and that addiiional footings should be utilized to accommodate this construction condition. The environmental study was positive as expected. As you instructed, I discussed with Mr. Ammons that the County would incur additional construction costs and asked for a reduction in the purchase. price. He explained that the property . had previously been reduced to the existing price and that he was reluctant to another reduction'in price since the study described above was as expected. Jim Bethune of our Tax Department indicated that the property had risen'in price and that the agreed upon price was reasonable. Mr.'' .-Ammons.-has however agreed to a reduction.of $3,000 to~$•189,7~0. We have included our~costs for' the soil and environmental study of $1,900 and $1,200 respectively to arrive at a borrowed amount . of $192,85q. We will obtain a.survey at an approximate cost of $SOO.as a recent one has not.b_ eerie ,. done. r t ~ • .. .~ _ .. ~ ~ . A ublic hearin is scheduled for the Se tembei- 3 1996 Count Commissioner's meetin `After: P g ~ P ~ Y g•'` ~' the public hearing, we will need the Commissioners to approve the financing agreement as well as~~ the attached budget amendment necessary to transact the purchase. The loan closing is set for September 12 or~13 °dependin the avai ability of bank counsel. 2 ~ `~~ • ~~: ~~ • - ~ RESOLUTION OF THE ' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County previously approved the purchase of land for the :' construction of a library branch at the July 1, 1996 Board of Commissioners meeting; AND WHEREAS, staffis requesting approval of Contract # 97-0132, an installment contract with- First Union National Bank for the financing of the land acquisition as authorized by North - Carolina General Statute 160A-20; . ,. AND WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 160A-20 requires New Hanover County to hold a public hearing prior to the .approval of a financing agreement for real. property; e AND WHEREAS, a related budget amendment has been prepared and is submitted`-for approval as part of this request; ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the budget amendment is approved and Contract # 97-0132 with First Union ' National Bank for financing of land for a branch library is approved and the Finance Officer and County Manager of New Hanover County are hereby authorized and directed to act on behalf of the County of New Hanover in regard to Contract # 97-0132 and other actions not inconsistent with this ' resolution. f - This 3rd day of September, 1996. (SEAL) .~ ~ ~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners .. - ATTEST: _. ., .:. ,. .= , . ~.~ _... Clerk to the Board..... A , ..... -_~.__~ ~:_ ...,.~ __, __....~.... -_..,. ,. _.... -_ _ ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .: _ - - APPROVED ~/~x~~ ~y~~~~ -~ _ . REJECTED ^ ~~€~. ~~~,.~ ~~~'~ REMOVED ~ ~ ~~:~"~°~'~.,~'? POSTPONED ~ ,pll~-m--°, . __ . DATE...--~ J ~~'~~3 0 `~ ~ ~~~~ Budget Amendment ~ ~ %/ / / / /// / / % % i % % / / / / % / ; / % / / ~ / ~ / % % / / / / / / / / / / / % / / / / / / / % % ~ / / / / % ; ! % / ~ ~ ~ / / ~ / / / / % / / % ~ / / / / / 0 0 DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE: Non-Departmental/ Library 97-0032 9-3-96 LLLJJJ ADJUSTMENT ~ DEBIT CREDIT ~. t O Non-Departmental Administrative Reserve $ 42,892 (~` Installment Debt ~• $ 42,892 u a Installment Loan$192,850: Land Purchase ~~ - ~ $192,-850 ~. ~~ , EXPLANATION To transfer funds from Administrative Reserve to Installment Debt to pay the first, year installment debt ($42,892)for the land.-purchased for ttie,_Castle~Hayne Library. To record the installment debt purchase for the land for the Castle Hayne Library ($192,850). (For accountin purposes '~ only) . ._..~..._ ... :.....n.._ _..~ a YI~~~~~YI ! 0Y1~YMi~ COUNTY ~pMMI 1®NERS ~~t~~~q ~~~ i~~~`~31.3 APPRtJ~tED ~ fl3bt)f1~ REJECTED CS ~# ~3~it39T+ 4REMOVED ©. ~,~ For Budget Off icer's approval; then report a ,~,. , P~STPON~ ~ ` to Commissioners at next reeular meeting I3A7E ~~ and enter in minutes. ~_ To ~e arrroved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. 1 1 1 ~~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regulaz Item ~: 2. Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager's Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of framework for a Management Plan for Mason's Inlet BRIEF SUMMARY: As the Board is aware, the County, in conjunction with the Town of Wrightsville Beach and Shell Island Resort, is attempting to halt the migration of Mason's Inlet to the south. The most significant part of this effort will be to develop along-range action to stabilize the Inlet. A management plan, which will be provided to you before this meeting, outlines the process that must be followed and the information that. needs to be developed to establish the long-range stabilization. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE(Z(TESTED ACTIONS: The Board should consider approval of the management plan as a means to direct the development of a long-range Inlet stabilization action. rvNDING souRCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: lYew Appropriation Request: ~LGL: ~ FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN I iR: ., COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~ - ~ - ,Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider approval of management plan documents, with a final plan to be reviewed at a later date when prepared. Final detailed documents aze being prepared. They will be ready no later than Tuesday, Septe 3, 1996. Dave Weaver will be prepared ur- day, August 29, 1996 to discuss this matter. COUNT ~OMMIpS~ Nk~ APPROVED . REJECTED O REMOVED ~ ~,°" POSTPONED Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition pgTE ~ 3 56 Fed eac(ec~ 2esalu~~~ ,: I i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 EZegular Item #: 3 Consent Item n: Additional Item n: Department: Engineering Presenter:. G.Shaw/A.Atkinson Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: G.Shaw SUBJECT: Request to transfer interest to DSS contingency fund. BRIEF SUMMARY: The addition to the DSS has been completed as of August 23rd. The next phase, the renovation.work in the existing building, will now begin. Approx. $44,000 has been spent from the contingency fund. A summary is attached.Of this $44,000, only $15,463 has been due to change orders or about 1.5 % of the contract total. ' The balance has been spent on such items as impact and stormwater management fees, testing, a burglar alarm system .and other misc. items noted on the summary. The contingency fund has not been spent to expand upon the approved design. The renovation work will begin on Aug. 26. It would not be surprising ' to find hidden conditions that could possibly cause some additional work and expense to the county. Some money should be added to the contingency fund to cover these expenses. .~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ' Recommend that the interest earned from the project fund ($3,700) be transferred to the DSS contingency fund to cover possible changes during the renovation phase of the DSS expansion project. 1 r~Ut~1UlIVC; SUURCE: Federal S: -~ _ State S: County S: - User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ ~ ._ .New Appropriation Request: ~ ' Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED BY: ~ _ '- LGL: - FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: ~. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval to transfer interest from the project to the DSS contingency fu ' COUNTY. COMM~-ISS~ONERS __ _ . APPROVED C~ REJECTED _~ ~; _ • ' REMOVED` O . _ ._ . _. ~ ~ POSTPON :. . ~ DATE .-. ~ 3 ~~ `~~ • Rcfer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition __ . W A W W W N W ~ W O N CO N W N V N O N Clt N A I N W N N N -• N O -~ CD - G + ..- D V . ~ I O ~ U j t A ~ - W N ~ -+ ~ ~ O Ca O V O U 7I A W N ~` I O -• -~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d -+ N -+ N V V W CC CD V G' 7 O N CD V V O G~ d . d . W N O N O --~ N O -+ N O N N N N N O N N N N N O --~ --~ ' ~ 'm V cD ~ cp CD cD cD ca - cD + V cfl O cn O co -~ cD N cD 3a cD la ca ~ cfl CD cn A cD N "cD O~ ca OD ca CD co N ca -+ cn ~. ' ca ~ v, cn cn cn rn rn rn rn rn o rn rn rn cn rn rn rn rn rn rn m o rn cn = _ _ _ _ ( 0 3 O ~ n D O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ . v O D r -i ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7C ,T,. 7C T ~ ,T,. 7C ~ ~- ~ -. r Z G7 O S ~j ~ cn (n Cn [n C~ n C~ C~ C) C~ C~ n C~= ~ O m m -'~ m m m m tn O Z ~ m D O # ~j c~ 0 n 0 c~ 0 c~ 0 0 ~ 0 m 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 # 0 ~ 0 w 0 ~ 0' < ~ D m m ~ p ~ ~ w # ~ i c n v c ( r. n i 69 ~» Et- ~ ~ -~ A N -+ t~ Ul ~ V EN _~. EA N 69 EA ESA ~ 69 . ff ~' - --` O 6a ~ b9 Efi N EA ~ 6A Efl fA EN N ~ -~ _~ W V O N U1 OOAUt W cD A O N CD Ut O O CTi O O Cft O _ O N U O 1 W O~ W ~ j O .ta O N iD CT ~ V ~ V °' - (,~ V - ~C N ~ O~ Ut woa'o W o ~ C7i o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 A p V N 0 0 0 0 0 0 A ~ ~ , - cn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ ~ ooo o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- cn v ~ ~ ~ a' 3 - sv n m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ co v 0 0 ~ ~ N ~ ~ 7 Vl ~ 7 " 7 m rn cn a o `~ o o c ~ ~ a ~ o ~ ~ a S °' ~• - ~° ~ m ~ o n ~ c~ m a a i g ~ o ~' N ill ~ ~ ~ o ~ O s d. ~ ~ m Q cn C7 '.. O d v -- m o o c a r~ a co a ° v, ~ ~, o o ~ - a o ~ ~ ~ ~, io v, ~ _ r: N a _ ~ ~, a n, o ~ c: O in _ O a _ (7 o o ~. N ~ ~ • fJ7 v . (D O ~ lD I I `G 47 ~ ~ ~ - O a iU ~ _ 3 ~ ~ O ~ ~ . d ~ - I n' c W (<D , ~ S 'D ~ a . iD x (/1 b 4I ~ Q a O c<o I d ~•I ~ C _' U 3 _• < ~ ~ o ~ o 0 v ~ v ~ ~ m o n n o o m ~~ ~ ° v • o ~ m o 7 ti 0 3 ~ o ~ a ~ z m n~ ~ cn c 2 m ~ Q' ~ ~~ o a ~ o ~ a ~ • ~ v ~a ~ , o ~ ~ a o- ~s m m cv o Z (p o CJ N fD --c - o ~ w C -, a -~ - 7 o N ~, ~ 3 n. 3 n. O -• 3 O o _- • O ~ n m ~ ~ C m 3 m ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ 0 v ~' o n ~; ' t o m ~ o `~ ~ `~ o y f D z °' iv m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a o ~ _ n ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ a~i ~ ° ~ °- ~ ~ Q c n ~ ~ y fD ~ V1 > N n ~ y ~ ~ N C O ` ~ O cD iv N tD ~ p~. N ?• (D O ~ O ( D ~ ~ 3 c~ o c9 ~ . o ~ s. c -- _ 0 ~ #. w ... .. .. a ~ 3 ~ o _ ~ ~ N•- - 1 ~ ~ ~-}q/~ gay •R~ ~qp `~ ~Y 3 ~q) ~ 6 .A 4 I~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ ~Y l id A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! f~ i ~ ~ ~ m o 0 ~ o'm~ ~~ n~ = D 0 0 0 0 o r o o o m = m o m m = m O - ; L ' > >~ s ue. , max s ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~~ p ~, O > > O O o O O O cn ~ ~ m ~ ~ m x ~ ~ m z D C ~ n ~ m D m ~, O C 0 ~, a m ~' D D (7 o W C7 n ~O j D ~ Z O m = .. ~. J R+ C1 Cn ~ O m X 0 J Om2 ~~o C) z o Q ~~z p z mQ°p i DOZ Z Cep G7 ~ ~ ~ Z -~ ~ O (~ O ~ -C _ _... _.. ---- . _ _ ~~ ` _ r . i C~ John Sawyer Architecoa . ., L... ~ 9197622197 „ .John Sawyer ~Archltects 124 Market Street P.O. Box 176 Wilmington, NC 28402 New Hanover County Department of Soctet Services Addition & Atierattons Summary of Change Orders for Construction Contracts through August 21, 1996 '~ General Construction Contract ORIGINAL COtJTR.4CTAMOUNT S813,659.00 . CHANGE ORDER TOTAL TO DATE net add 20,266.00 NEW COtVTRACTAMOUNT $833,925.00 CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THIS CONTRACT 2S % Change Order # G-t -Date: 2/14196 Amount Add $11.794.00 Surrrnary. Relocation and reconstnx~ion of-existing subsurface 42' storm drainage pipe at _ existing parking IoL Note: The location of this pipe was determined as accurately ss possible by the architects before the project was issued for bids, and the building was designed to avoid encroaching on the pipe. However, because the pipe was +/- 8 feet underground, fls exact location could not be determined until construction (digging of the building footings) began. At that time, the pipe was "found to be too close to the comer of the new building to permit footings to be installed as designed. Attematives to moving the pipe were studied In detail, including revising the building faundatlon to work around the pipe, and deleting the . , comer of the building to avokt the p(pe. The relocation of the pipe was ttie best option for reasons of economy, structural integrity, and access for maintenance. Change Order # G-2 Dele: 3H 1/96 Amount. Add S 2,378.00 ST~mrrrery. Regrading and replacement of an existing inadequately sized storm sewer pipe at the east side of the existing parking lot to allow for better storm drainage & erosion control for both the new and existing parking lots. Change Order # G-3 Date: 4/2J98 Amount Add $ 761.00 SrJrrrmary. Add steel plates l~ braces to support edge of metal roof deck, at Juncture of • addition & existing building. This corrects an omission on the steel shop - drawings. Change Ordsr J# G-4 Date: 4/29198 Amount Add. $ 704.00 Surrrrrary! Provide felt over wall sheathcrg, under new brick veneer.. This material was not shown on the construction drawings. P . b: Change Order # d-5 Dale: 5/28198 Amount. Add $558.00 Scmmary. Provide steel lintel angle to support brick veneer over new doorway. Th(s item - was not shown on the construction drawings. (Add $155.00). Per the request of DSS administration, change the door swing atone interior door to accomodate . " . furniture layout (Add 584.00). Add one interior door, frame, & hardware. This ttem was not shown on the construction drawings. (Add $319.00). Change Order # d-9 Data. 8/28198 Amount: Add $ 1,292.00 . 9urrurrsry. Deists new ceramic tile, in 13vu of exisf3ng carpeting at locker room areas. _ `~ Replace existing. ceramic fife at floor ~ walls in women's restroom expansion to match color $ type of file In existing women's rastroom (rest add 5577.00). Per - .= ~- "the request of DSS administration, provide fever handle lock sets at 4 existing +.~ '. John R. Sawyer, A(A ~ - ~' Stephanie S. Van Noordi Christopher G. Adams Phone • - - ~ (910) 762-0892 ' Fax ~~ ~ (910) 762-2187 .9 John Sauyer ArchJtoct,s 9197622297 P. f7 .: John Sawyer a Archi#ects 124 Market Street P.O. Box 17fi u Wlimtngton, NC 26402 1 ,~+~ interior doors and provide paasaga sets in lieu of lock seta at 14 new interior doors (net add $715.04). Chenga Order # G-T Data. 7/22198 Amount Add S 2,457.00 Sumrrsary. Provide subsurface drainage fines for roof downspouts. These :Items were not . shown on the construction drawings. (Add $2.206.00). Replace spec'rfied fire extinguisher cabinets ~~~th models property sized for 4' deep walls (Add S261.00). Change Order ~ D-8 Data: 7/24!96 Amount Add $ 726.00, S~anrrrary. Clean out-grata, piping, and manhole in existing storm drain on west sdde of~ parking Iot, to remove debris which clogged up the Ilne during the recent storm. Change Order # D-9 Date: 8/09/98 Amount Add $ 1,534.00 Summary. Provide yard grate & drainage (Ine on eastslde of bu(Iding, at existing 17th Street side yard. Note: Existing grades as shown on the suniey ware found by the grading contractor to be in error. This revision will-provide positive drainage-from the new extension of the parking tot. , Change Order # G-10 (approval .pending). Dafec 8/21/96 Amount <LJeduct $ 2,264.00> Strr»mar}r. Delete bullMn cabinetry at soda) work 2t>3a (to accomodaie changes In staff and '? DSS procsdures which have developed since the 1$94 programming phase of ' the. project). Cherigo Order ~ G-11 (apprava! pending} Dates bf21l96 . Amount: Add $ 214.00 Summary. Enlarge•drain opentrrg at existing stone aewer,menhola, to Increase capacity of existing stomt drainage system at existing paring lot This change corrects an a inadequately sized drain opening, which was incorrectly indicated on the survey. '. ' .. k ~ , i ._ ;4; r s _, .,, ~ 3. S. ., 4 .. ~ ~„ w Y r .: w a .. .: d { .r ,. a .~ a t ~ {xi ~ + • John R Sawyer, AIA..~ Phone (910) 762-0892 . ~ . Stephar~e S. Van Noordt ~ ~ Fax - , (910) 762-2197 .. Christopher t3. Adama ~ ..: ~~ ~-- ~- John SQWYGr Architects 9197622197 P. 6•P John Sawyer Architects 124 Market Street P.O. Box t76 yVilmlrgton. NC 28402 gJe ricaf Const*t~ction Contract $139,678.00 ORlGIIY,4L CONTR4CTAMOUNT CHANGEORDFR TOTAL TD DATE net deduct ~ 3271~ 00 $1 NEW CONTRACTAMOUNT CHANGE ORDER PERCENTAGE FOR THlS CONTRACT - 5.4 i ~ Change Order # E-1 Dete: 12121/85 Amount <Deduct $10,350.00 in h t g. Provide meta! clad cable In Geu of specified EMT conduct 8~ wire for lig ar m S y. u m electrical receptacles, and feeds for mechanical systems. This was a value engineering revision approved by the electrical engineering consultants. Chenge .Order # E-2 Date: 8124198 Amount Add $ 950.00 hone/data outlet boxes ~ conduct to provide service to additional Install tele S p urrvrtary. These ftems were not shown on the construction drawings. en office systems o . p Chenge Order- # E-3 Dafe; 6/24198 Amount Add $ 162.00 ' ing to Surnrnary. Provide canduit sleeves between nevy and existing portions of the buiid accomodate communications wiring. These Items were not shown on the construction drawings. Change Order # E-4 Date: 7/22JJ8 Amount Add $ 1,ti00.00 Sfimrrnary Provkie power to 23 locations for HNAC temperature control system. Th(s service was not shown on the construction drawings. Change Order # E-5 (approval pending) Dsta 6/L1/96 Amount Add $ 200.00 SZrnmary. Provide electrical service to addttlona! open office systems. This service was not shown on-the construction drawings. ~. . i . . ~ 1. ~ _ 1 ' John R. Savryer, AIA Phone r -. {810} 762-0892 . Stephanie S. Van Noordt Fax •~ ; (910} 782-2197 . Christopher G. Adams ..< .. 11 I John SGWyCr Archltccts 9197622197 John Sawyer Arch ltects 124 Market Street P.O. Box 176 Wllmingtoct, NC 28402 Ms~nlcal Construction Contraot OR/G/AG4L.. CONTRACTAMOtlNT $87,260.00 C!-~4NOE ORDER TOTAL TD DATE . ,net add 685.00 NEW CONTRACTAMOUNT $87,835.00 Gf-(ANGE ORDER PERCFMAQE FOR TN1S CONTRACT 0.8 9'0 Change Order ~ M-1 Deto: 8/b8J9B Amount Add $685.40 Scanmary. Tie in new HVAC contrvl3 to e~dsting night aet-back systcm {Add $185.00). Replace specified.retum air grilles with appropriate model (Add 5500.00). . .._, yA_ .. ~ .. ' ..John R. Sawyec, AfA" . ~ "~' Stephanie S. Van Noorrft _ Christopher D. Adams 12 Phone - 8! O) 782-0882 Fax V °. ~6! O) 762-2! 87 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Zegular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: )epartment: Parks Department Presenter: Allen O'NeaU Neal Lewis 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen ONeal 1 t 1 SUB.TECT: Consideration of Establishment of New Hanover County Parks Foundation. BRIEF SUMMARY: For four or five years the Parks Advisory Boazd has been working on the development of a "Foundation" to stimulate and encourage private donations and contributions to the County Parks System. The center piece of the county parks system is in fact the results of a very generous gift from the Hugh MacRae family. Obviously, the idea of private donations and support for pazks is not a new concept in New Hanover County. Neal Lewis and I informed the Commissioners of this idea in April. That memo is attached for your review. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REO[TESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: ~ - Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ ~ - ~ Mew Appropriation Request: , ., ~ ~ Y Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ ` . . , . .. _. ,~ .. .. , , REVIEWED BY. .. ... . _ .... - - ~_: : ~ , .... . LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ' .. . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS =.~:: ''- ' Rec"ommend the Board of commissioners act favorably in approving the articles of incorporation which will establish the foundation. At the writing of this memo the articles of incorporation aze~ in the final Edit phase. They will be provided at the Thursd staff meeting. Members of the Parks Advisory Commission will be present on Tuesday, Sept 3rd. -. .. ". ~` ~ ' ' ` - ' z . ~ ; couNnr coMMsstot~s 1 ~3 ~_ ~ - . , APPROVED t~ , ~~ RECJECTEQ ~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for DispositionLMOV~D POSTPONED DATE ~ 3. 9io NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE .. - ::,::. ~. , ~. 1V.1 MO .: To: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners From: New Hanover County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Jack Bragg, Chairman ~- ~~ Neal Lewis, Parks Director ~ _ _ ~ ~ p,~,~t s Through: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Subject:: New Hanover County Parks, Foundation Date: April 23, 1996 The New Hanover County Parks & Recreation Advisory Board has been working for some time to facilitate the creation of a "Parks Foundation" for New Hanover County. The purposes of such an organization would be to encourage gifts-of money, land, or other resources for-parks and open space, to initiate fundraising .efforts for parks, and to support future bond referenda. There have been past examples of public and corporate giving for public parks in New Hanover County, the most recent being the newly completed Carolina Courtyard Park adjacent to the County Library, with perhaps the most notable example being the donation of the land for Hugh MacRae Park. The New Hanover County Parks Foundation would provide a means for this type of giving to ('~} take place to an organization dedicated specifically for that purpose, with the benefits of tax ~J s _ exemption for those,contributions:_~_ _,_. ,. W_ _ Y_~ '° ~-` ' . ,. ,,., New Hanover County government currently benefits from the existence of two similar organizations, the Friends of the Library and 'the Friends of the Museum. The Parks Foundation -would be ' ~j r... 4 established in a similar manner,' as-a Section 501(c)(3) organization, -operating independently of.} ~J County government, but controlled in its mission, its make-up and its activities by_ specific language . _. ~ ,, in its Articles~of Incorporation and its By-Laws. ~ ~~'~' ""~ ~ ~- - ~ ' ~ `°« `+~~'` ,.. . ... ; Ms. Camilla, Herlevich, a member_ ~of the New Hanover County. Parks- & Recreation Advisory Board, . _ ~ ... '~° and an attorney whose interests include conservation and non-profit organizations,Vhss worked diligently ~to esfablish'a framework that would accomplish she objectives of the Parks Foundation ~~ ' while providing the Board of County Commissioners with the necessary controls to~assure that the Foundation would compliment the efforts of the County. After consultation withMr Kemp Burpeau,~ taut County° Attorney, Ms. Herlevich has recommended that the Parks Foundation should be ~~ . ~~ ~ a ~~~1 "~ }i~~~ x ~'c ~' t as a Section SO1(c)(3) organization. established . The land urchased with the proceeds from the Parks Bond of 1989 is ready to ndation isphe best P public park facilities. This will require a sizeable ou~tlea oath development of these parks, and about entity to educate the public about the need to move .the types of projects that could be financed by bond referenda. Almost before these new parks are developed, the need attentionpon thas need an d may encourage issue. The' Parks Foundation will help to focus the public s contributors to step forward with donations of this needed land. The. joint d eed forgo en spa a sgreen ' facilities is a concept which could be boosted by the Foundation. Then P space, conservation areas and other natural spaces is also something that the Parks Foundation may be successful in addressing. they the needed assistance is for land, for development of entire parks, or for speci tianawould Whe such as ballfields or picnic shelters or trails, the New Hanover County Parks Foun a provide a vehicle through which the public's attention could be focused on these needs. ecreation Advisory Board would like to see the New .Hanover County Parks The Parks & R Foundation begin operation in early 1996. Please consider this matter d~so uBoa d will makelany on this. Once your comments are received, the Parks & Recreation A ry necessary adjustments and adopt a Resolution asking the Board of Countymeet~n s of thet Boa dalof establish the New Hanover County Parks Foundation dunng a g Commissioners. At that time, the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board would like to appear before the Board of Commissioners and make this request. Thank you for your attention to this matter and we took forward fo working with you to create the New Hanover County Parks Foundation. ~ - 15 1 ~3 ` . ISSUES FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS TO CONSIDER WITH REGARD TO THE PROPOSAL FROM THE HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO CONVERT THE COUNTY HOSPITAL TO A COMMUNITY GENERAL HOSPITAL CONVEYANCE_- ISSUES/OPTIONS/THOUGHTS •, North Carolina General Statue 131(e)8 describes the only option for a transfer which is that of a total conveyance (building, land, equipment, etc.). The Board of Commissioners may however, sell or convey without cash changing hands. This would be advantageous to the .hospital because there would be no debt service. No debt service would be of great benefit to the financial "bottom line" of the hospital and provide an environment in which the provision of indigent care would be more easily achieved without a significant impact on rates. , • Sell the hospital to the highest bidder. One advantage to this is that the facility would be eligible to be taxed for ad valorem taxes. Thou hg_ts -some portion or all of the proceeds of the sale could be placed in a "trust account" (foundation type arrangement) with earnings set aside with the County for indigent care. The "trust account" or "foundation" would have to be managed. The Board of Commissioners could appoint an oversight committee to perform the task. The remainder of the proceeds could be used in various ways such as support for schools, health care, pay off bonded debt, etc., etc. A disadvanta>7e to this is that the county would be without a public hospital associated with county government and without the complete assurance of care for the indigent. An addrtlonal disadvantage is a higher operational cost (debt service) resulting from a sale that a conveyance would not.have. • Consideration -The "investment policy" of the proposed Community General Hospital should be disclosed to the Commissioners and reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the occurance of a conveyance. INDIGENT CARE -ISSUES/OPTIONS/THOUGHTS • . Indigent care should be defined. • One definition for indigent care that is probably preferred is "...serve any and all who need care. without regard for ability to pay..." COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED O REJECTED O REMOVED ^ POSTPONED O DATE - -- - - _- :~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~, ~~,~~~ -2- BOARD APPOINTMENTS -ISSUES/OPTIONS/THOUGHTS • County Commissioners may prefer appointing a greater majority than the 51 percent that has been suggested. • The Commissioners could maintain the appointments as they now are. • The Commissioners could include a provision for removal of will by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners . R_ E~UIREMENTS FOR- REPORTING TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - ISSUES/OPTIONS/THOUGHTS • , Require a public presentation/report semi-annually on the status of: * medical care * .provision of indigent care * community outreach * financial condition review of investment policy * maintenance of physical plant • ! Annual public presentation of the Annual Audit Report presented by independent audit firm. In addition, the Board of Commissioners should be provided a copy of the auditor's "management letter." • Notification to the Board of Commissioners on pending issuance of bonded debt. • ~ Consider requiring in 'a conveyance document the option to have an outside audit firm conduct financial and/or management audits if the Commissioners desire to have that done for any reason. The firm would be selected by the Board of Commissioners and the work would be paid for by the County. The reports would be delivered and presented to the Board ' of Commissioners. The County commissioners may direct county staff to review any legal, financial or managerial matter with hospital administration at any time for any reason. USE OF NET REVENUES -ISSUES/OPTIONS/T'HOUGHTS • Consider a requirement for the Community General Hospital to provide a percent of net revenue to the County for the provision of county-wide wellness and prevention programs through existing county agencies, or agencies not yet created. Theory~relationship to nro~osal)..Over time funds expended for wellness and prevention will decrease the need j for, or curb, the need for indigent care provided by the Community General Hospital. ~, i i C. -3- PROVISIONS FOR REVERSION -ISSUES/OPTIONS/THOUGHTS The following should be considered as matters for a reversion from. a Community General Hospital to some other arrangement: , if the Community General Hospital fails to: A. Maintain a high quality of medical care and/or B. Provide indigent care without regard to ability to pay and/or C. Engage in sound financial management and/or D. Maintain soundness of the physical plant. . The County Commissioners could reverse the standing of the County General Hospital to that of a county hospital as it now stands.(with a majorityvote). CLOSING REMARKS The "issues/options/thoughts" noted above are for the purpose of generating discussion. The matters have not been fully researched from a legal, financial, organizational or management perspective: Priority consideration should be given to the quality and delivery of medical care. The county management and legal staffs stand ready to more frilly explore each of the items noted in this report and any other ideas, theories, organizational models or options the Board of Commissioners may wish to consider. , 1 1 i 1 1 i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Zegular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: County Manager Presenter: 'age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: ' Consideration of Adoption of a Resolution Supporting a Study of a Passenger Rail System. BRIEF. SUMMARY: At the August 19, 1996, Board of Commissioners meeting Laura `'Nilson, a memberof the Transit ?001 Commission and Mr. Franklin Block, a member of the North Carolina Rail Council spoke to the Board about alternative methods of transportation. Mr. Block requested the Board to consider adopting a resolution to support a rail study of passenger traffic through the State including Wilmington to Charlotte , Wilrriington to Fayetteville and Wilmington to Raleigh. The Board directed staff to prepare a resolution for the September 3, 1996 meeting. The resolution is attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: k:UNDING SOURCE: -~ Federal S: _State S: .County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud~ef Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY• LGL FIN: ` EUD: I-IR: ~ ° Y BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend adoption of resolution. ~ - " ` ' t _ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED [~ . REJECTED ~ .,~ ~- , t REMOVED ~ -7 t: POSTPONED ~ r ° - ~. GATE 3 ~~ ~~ . .. ~.. .. , Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~. -~ ~.. y~~ ~~~ RESOLUTION NEWHANOVER COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (~ WHEREAS, in tLlarch.199-{, Governor James B. Hunt Jr., initiated his. Transportation 2001 plan .which .included speeding up construction and completion of key economic development highways and other major projects, eliminating the 5260 million highway maintenance backlog rnrd developing and implementing a master plan for public transportation initiatives; and WHEREAS, to develop a public transportation master plan, Governor Hunt created the Transit 2001 Commission; and WHEREAS, the mission of the Transit 2001 Conrntission is to produce a comprehensive and realisable plan to meet the needs for public trrnTSportation in North Carolina in the 21st century and to stimulate the public ativareness and statewide support the plan will require for its implementation; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission desires to provide mobility options that promote livable communities; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission encourages the development of regional-transit service and coordination of tra~isit service beyond county boundaries; and «IEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission supports working -vith private employers to encourage car pooling, vanpooling and use of other transit services; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission believes in re-varding productivity and success when providing state funding for transit; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission encourages land-use development alternatives which are more transit-and pedestrian friendly; and WHEREAS, the Transit Commission desires the provision of safe, efficient and user friendly transit services to all North Carolina citizens; and IYHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission supports the development of multi-modal transportation centers; and «IIEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission endorses the provision of faster rail service between Raleigh and Charlotte; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission advocates planning for interstate high-speed rail corridors; and WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission supports planning for an intrastate nehvork of intrastate rail passenger services; and ~ ~ ~ . WHEREAS, the Transit 2001 Commission will provide recommendations to Governor Hunt on how to improve public transportation and rail services in order to preserve North Carolina's unique livability. ;~ ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners endorses the~mission, goals and commitments of the Transit 2001 Commission. ° - - ~~~ ------ --' ~ --: A ,~. Adopted, this the 3rd day of Septeriiber, 1996. ~~ ~ ., ~~~~~ ~~~ ATTEST.• C3 ~3T~3l.~~w 18 ~ ~ ~~~ Q ®~ 3_.. ~ - _ .., ~ .. .._ j, ~ . Robert G. Greer, Chairman Lucie F. Harrell, Clerk to the Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOA.~RD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regular-Item #: A ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Packa~"e: 11 Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Special Use Permit (S-397, 8/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by J. North for the Dalkeith Homeowners Association for approval of a six slip community boating facility at 562 Dalkeith Road. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. N'UlVll11VG SOURCE: - ~ - . Federal S: ~ State 5: County S: ~ User Fees S: - • ~~ • = " Other S: ~. Money Is In Current Budget: - - ~ -- New Appropriation Request: ' -; ; ~-~~ <' Bud et Amendment Pre aced: REVIE«'ED BY• . ~ .. , LGL: .. .. FIN: BUD: HR: ~ . _ < .t~ ..• COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• ry,~. ,~, ~ . ~~ ~'• . ~. ~ REJ ECTED.... p: _ . . . `REMOVED p _ ~ '~ 9 POSTPONED (~,> ~ . . DATE ~ 3_ ~(Q K~r~lr-J . . Refcr to O~cc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition ,. a Item A _ , S eclat Use Permit; 5-397, 9/96: Re uest by the Dalkeith Homeowner's Association to a P q Construct a Community Boating Facility Encompassing SixSiips Planning Board Summary The. Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the special use permit as proposed allowing the addition of two boat slips and improvements to the dock. Some members questioned the drainage pipe improvement and asked the County Engineer review the 6'.' pipe to determine if it was adequate and consistent with the County's requirements. Otherwise, the site - plan was approved as submitted. No one spoke in opposition. ~ ~ Application Summary The applicant seeks to upgrade an existing four slip dock by adding two additional boat slips, bringing the total number of slips to six. The owners have an existing pier 1262' in length with a fixed dock measuring 12' by 32' The upgrade would require the installation of a new fixed dock measuring 6' wide by 126' long parallel to the Intracoastal Waterway. A boat lift would also be added--there are two lifts already in place and would be relocated to the new fixed dock. . A CAMA application has been filed with the Division ofCoastal-Management., Local rule... , changes in 1992 require all community boating facilities with five or more slips obtain a special use permit. Preliminary Staff Findings ... 1. The.Board must find that the use wilt not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. Water and sewer services are not needed for the operation of the facility. .. B. The.site~has access to Dalkeith Road, a private road owned and maintained by the , Dalkeith Homeowners Association. C. The site is located. within the Winter Park VFD District. ;: „~-, .,t j , - ._ _ . ,. . - _ _ - ,~.. x _...,_ . - _. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. _ ~ ~~ _ -- ~-5 A. Community boating facilities are permitted by Special Use Permit in the R 20S District - _ 4 The property is zoned R-20S. ~ ....,..wM. _ .- . _ .:, >. ,..... . ~ - ~ - - ., ... - . _.... _ ..:. ~ . B. No off-street parking _is provided; .though that need` could be accommodated on individual, lots in the adjacent subdivision. C. Each lot has direct access to the facility via an easement. D. Tempo~ary~`t~urti'di'ty~can~b"e`i'antcipated during construction, but impacts to shellfish, conservation resources~and~wat'er quality should be minimal. E. NO commercial ctivittes are planned. ~~~~~~~ . ~ 1 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or .abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. . A. There are numerous small boat docks located along the waterway. B. The placement of similar facilities has historically increased the value of waterfront properties. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed according to the .plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. A. Piers, docks and related facilities are commonplace along the waterway. B. The Land Use Plan. encourages water dependent uses provided important natural resources are not impacted. ADDITIONAL'COMIVIENT Because of the site's proximity to outstanding resource waters, it would be best to permit the required off.-street parking to locate at each .individual residential lot. This would reduce impervious surface coverage and further reduce potential threats to water quality in Masonboro Sound. - ~ . . { _. i . ,. '~ - r r s .„ ... .. i:., . What You IYlust Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain,. with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted:arid approved." Sfafemenf by Applicanf: ~/ ('/ r r . t 1`t c. 'O~e~. MecyS G~(' ~Cre r`eC~ur~~r~c..,~ls ~~G~u~~ed ~Ot/ C..~' `ri• (y / ~+~ (r / t (~/ t,.7e ~ •^o~~o S c `moo Gclr~ oZ r~ro~ c ~~ooT 6 +r/G S ~o Gov elct S 7 .~•vs . ~~er. ~ r . General Requirement #2 The Board must find"that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." State(m~e~nt by Applicant: n ..1 ~--rl~ ~, :, are 0. r 3 Z 0 rv c ~ (` ~ 3 i d' p.~~1/c ~ o- ~ e ~/J ti e ~^ 5 S O rt v S ~O b e ct S c~ Ct 5 ~i P r J G'T c f e S i ~~ .v~( c~ ~, General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Sfafemenf by,4pplica~rf: [~ r ~' G A.r ~ (- r e i' S `-'~o ~ L So ~-i''(~(a~ ce ~ e J e w c/ r r ! / t c , f O ~~~e /` S S~ ~t-r r iG /~ S,M,frar `ro "rte- r~'•oJeG ~!' ~OoSoc~ /~ l s~ / aC+ ~ ~ ~ ~ i c./" G ~ ~~ ,4 A n~ ~ aCD w .J ~ t N T'c G o a General Requirement #4 ~°~ I"7°~ ?lie'Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved wiU be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County." (S~fa~fJemenf byffpplreanf: ~ / / / (~~ "V Gt C P r p S ~ .J~ jJ i c !' ~nC S '-f s I r,/JS G ! f e 4 C1 c/ ~ r^-~ ~ ~ ~Q .v ~F•OA / CJ4r IG'[ `YI~iC h7C~~J ~~i~5(~'// ~ rr ~GG ~~~t~ ` 7~ a.^ 4~/ ~il..v(~C(~GS e r ~ ~ 6 o c ~{~, p~ ~t•u i ~ ~ (` O o ~ ~ pl' •'J /' p r ~ CC/ - ~,~ 1, ~ G ~ ~ S ~.( „c s • P I --! '. The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional specific requirements on the use requested by ''; the applicant. The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the.proposed use wiH comply with cacti specific requirement found in section 72_~ (~ applicable). FelShe should also demonstrate that the land ';'will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Commis- stoners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to 'the issuing of the "„ Special Use Permit. i ' I certify that al! of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informa- ~ lion, and belief. , 22 . - ~~ ~S~gnatur-crof Applicant and/or Owner PETITION SUMMARY SHEET . Petition Number: ~ 5-397 Qwner• Mickey Southerland Request: Community Boating, 6 slips Taz ID Number: 72~ ~ _ LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Conservation Land Classification: Existing Land Use• Pier with 4 slips Zoning History• ~• Area originally zoned October 1969 Watcr T We 11 ylx~ Fire District: ~ Winter Park Road Access: nal kei t-h Rti _ School District: Winter Park MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Masonboro Sd. (SA)ORW Watershed andWater Quality Classification• ^. Aquifer Recharge Area: N/A Outside Recharcre .Area Conservation Resources: Marsh Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None <--- Soil Type(s) and Class: Marsh Septic Tank Suitability: N/A Prime Agricultural Sails: None Building Suitability: OK for water-dependent lases Representative: same Acreage: N/A Location: 5265 Dal.keith Rd. Scwcr Type' Septic Recreation: Hugh M .RaP Volume: Unknown DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEI~NT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: Dalkeith Rd. HOA/ Mickey Southerland 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Adjacent to Masonboro Sound, approximately .7 mile north of the mouth of Whiskey Creek, at 5625 Dalkeith Rd in New Hanover County. Photo Index - 1995:22-251, gr. 16-O,P,Q; 15-R,S 1989:178-26, gr. 5-M,N; 6-O,P,Q State Plane Coordinates - X: 2347650 Y: 15350 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA/D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 4/23/96; 5/2/96 Was Applicant Present - No; Yes 5. PROCESSL~IG PROCEDURE: Application Received - cc: 6/14/96 Office -Wilmington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan -New Hanover Land Classification From LL-P -Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved: Ew, PT, FS . ` (C) Water Dependent: Yes ,. _ .._ . (D) Intended Use: Private Cotnmuniry . (E) Wastewater Treatment: E~srting -Septic • PIanned -None (k~ Type of Structures: E~stin; -Pier, Dock, Residences Played -Pier and dock extension (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED liCORP (A) Vegetated Wetlands I I 100 sf (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands I I _ .(C) Other . _... _........_ _` _._-_..:. _ _...: Open Water ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4914 sf .. (D) ~ Total Area Disturbed: 4914 sf_ .. _ _ (E) Primary Nursery Area: Yes ~~ (F~ ~Water Classification: SA-ORW ' ~ Open: ~ Yes - ~` '~'` ``"" ~~ • `~ 8. PROJECT SUivL1~IARY: Applicant proposes to add to a dock s~~stem serving 6 single family lots to make it more practical for use; also proposed 'is the fill of a 5' x 20' area within a created ditch and the extension of 20' of storraR•ater pipe. _24. .. .._.__.._ -~ .~ i Dalkeith HOA Page 2 9. PROJECT DESCRLPTION 6/17/96 The project site is a 5.7 acre tract located at 5625 Dalkeith Rd., off of Masonboro Sound Rd. in New Hanover County. This property lies adjacent to Masonboro Sound approximately .7 miles north of the mouth of Whiskey Creek. The tract ran;es from +6' msl to +26' msl in elevation. This development is divided into 6 lots, averaging .75 acre to .9 acre in size. Five residences presently exist in the development - 2 are waterfront and 4 are landlocked. All have water rights by an easement across Lot 3. The homes are serviced by private wells and septic tanks. The New-Hanover County Land Use Plan classifies the area of development as Conservation by virtue of its location within the AEC. The waters of Masonboro Sound are classified SA-ORW at this location; the area is open to the taking of shellfish (located approximately 1760' north of the closure .line) and is delinnated by the Division of Marine Fisheries as PNA. -There is an existing pier, 1262' in length, with a 12' x 32' fixed dock to serve the homeowners: The` vegetation on the tract transitions from high ground landscaping to delineated 404 wetlands approximately 150' landward of the coastal wetland species, where the existing pier begins. The pier crosses approximately 836' of mixed coastal wetlands - Soartina alterniflora, Soartina aten_s, Distichlis s ip cata, Tvyha latifolia, Juncus roemerianus. Iva frutescens, and Borrichia fnitescens. Approximately 300' into the structure the .pier crosses a navigable slough that is approximately 90' wide and -2.5 to - 3' deep at mean low water. Along the pier, individual homeowners have rigged various kinds of lifts, davits and shelves to accommodate their canoes, jon boats, etc. With these different structures, the potential for mooring at the facility curzently is around 10. The structure as it exists crosses the riparian corridor to the north. The applicant received authorization for this encroachment as a art of P -this permit-application. 'I•he body of water is approximately 860' across at this point. ~' The proposal is to add a fixed dock parallel to the AIWW at the waterward end of the existing structure. This dock would be 6' wide and 126' long. From- this dock there would be 4 finger piers,Veach.20' x 3'. There is to be a 6' x 20' float placed at the northern end of the dock. Two mooring pilings would - support the vessel to be docked here. A 12' x 12' boatlift would be constructed north of the next fixed pier, to accommodate this space. There are 2 lifts, 12' x 20' between the next t'c;•o finger docks. The last space has two mooring pilings in the middle to accommodate the vessels on either side. The facility is intended to moor 6 vessels for the homeowners. The float to the north could accommodate a boa[ i docked on the north side as well. Soundings at the end of the project show approximately -b' mean low cater, terminating 112' from the AIWW. The finished project would extend approximately 233' into the .body of water, adding 33~-to the total overall length of the existing structure. Total Public Trust incorporation of this facility under .the proposal would be 4914 square feet; the total platform area is 1500 square feet. A. stormwater pipe serving the developtncat crosses be:~•een Lots 2 and 3,~ and has scoured~t~rea within the existing ditch. The property owners wish to e:.tend the 6" pipe for 20', and fill over it. This portion of the project will cause approximately 100-square feet of freshwater species within a created j ditch to be flied. The pipe extension will terminate Greater than 400' from mean high water. ~- 10. A~~l'TICI1'ATED IMPACTS The docking facility as proposed will serve an existing residential 'community, and have the potential to moor 7 boats. The total decked area of this facility is 1500 square feet, greatly exceeding the 500 square foot allowance for residential docks allowed in T~15A:07H.0208(b)(6)(B). The 27 square""foot rule in~T15A:07H.0208(b)(5)(D) does not apply to this structure because it does not qualify as a marina. U However; under the 27 square foot iule, if the two- waterfront property owners waive their riparian rights, the community would be allowed 5427 square feet.of Public Trust incorporation.' The Public Trust incorporation of the new proposal is 4914 square feet; and added to the existing dock~would be 5298 square feet. The New Hanover County. Zoning Department considers any docking facility to moor" greater than 4 boats a community structure. a There should be no impact to navigation in the area. Temporary turbidity impacts should be anticipated during .construction. - y . '. The extension of the stormwater pipe will carry a direct discharge 20' closer to SA-ORW waters, though still in .excess of 400' from- mean high water. -Approximately 100 square feet of ~ freshwater ` wetlands in an open water created .ditch will be fil.Ied. . G -, -: . . - ~ _. Submitted by: T. Barrett - Date:.6/17/96 Office: ~Yiimin~on ' ~ . - ~4' - - - 1. . .' .~r_ u. ~~ .' - -. . i _ a ~_ i i i r,, % C C:J ~ ~- . .. .--- A - ' ~~ .... _ . _. ...... . . .. 2~~ti.LU ........ .. _.. .. M I .. Cl ~ .. .. _.. .. _. ._ . ~ ~. ;, 1 ~ ~~ ~ r ~ Q i i ~ l ~ t\Q c, f ~ 11t{ - ,. .:. '~ , 1 r ~ `~ / ~. _ - . •. .. ~ , .~ ~' ,j ~~` t 'mod . -7-. ex,~i,.~~' ~ier'r ~Jlu S `~ f. ~~ . ~< < / a ~ss Y r ~ _ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ :.. ~ l f f .. . ~ , .. _~ .:. 27x -~ _ __ .. _ __. ~ r ~ _. ;~: ,.i % DIVISION OF STAL MANAGEMENT 0 -- i, 1 L I / .` ~ ~ 3 . ~ M. • ~ ~ ; . - •o o 3 . Y . ~ i ~ -- . _ . ' ,. o .. a .o o V~ ', I - ~ ~ • ~- ~ o .. . . ~ . .-. _ ... .. - _ . . J o c ~' _ o ~ I ~~ ~' ~ ' 1=- ~ L A, ~ 1 ~ 1Q0~ , - DIVI~iG~! ~r _ k CGASTAL ftitANACc~/i~i•:~ c { .. ~° . .. -~ ~ ~_ , j~ ~~ ~ ~ u - ^ i„~ i 1' ~ ~ ~ ~~ d. ~ ` ~~~ ~ ~\ ... _.._.~wM_ ,~. ~- i ~~ .. ~. ,~ <. Q U (] O (~ '~ . ~ ~~ . /~ ~J M n L ~y ~? x . Q c2S i ~ ~, t i ~ ~ ~ I ,. ° 1 ~ 1 i C. I ,- Y `~ ` 1 < j -~~ ~^a ._ _ M _~ ~.~~- ~ . IYIAY 2 9 ~ac6 ~. DIVISIOV GF ~O%~.STaL MANAG`~1~1E1`dT rJ 29. t i 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I4 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regular Item #: B ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Package: ~ Contact: Pete Ave SUBJECT: Special Use Permit (S-398, 8/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by Samuel Malpass to locate asingle-wide mobile home at 133 Flemington Road. The property is zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~~ ~. r uw~ilvy SvuKC~: ~ .. Federal. S: ., State S: County S: User Fees S: ~ - ~ - Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: - - - ~ New Appropriation Request: - .: ..., Budget Amendment Pre ared: rc.c, v ix, w.C,u is x ~LGL: FIN.: BUD: HR: BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS• - ~ . . COUNTY COMMISSI NER$ APPROVED RE.IECTED p REMOVED O 3 1 POSTPONED DATE ~ _!o. ,lG~-- Refer to Officc Vision Bulletin Boud for Disposition - , Item B Special Use Permit, S-398, 9/96; Request to Locate a Mobile Home at 133 Flemington Road Applicant: Samuel Malpass - ~ ~ - Planning Board Findings: N/A Preliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the'public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. ~ _ A. Water and sewer would be provided. by a welF and septic. tank respectively. B. The site is located in the North Wilmington Fire Department District. C. The site has direct access to Flemington Road, astate-maintained road. 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. Mobile homes are permitted by special use permit in the I-2 Heavy Industrial District provided that all dimensional requirements as specified for residential dwellings in the R-15 District. The site contains 3.32 acres. There are two dwellings on the site and the addition of a third dwelling would still meet the minimum dimensional requirements. B. The site is zoned I-2 Heavy Industrial. ~ ', ~ ; 3. The Board must find that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. A. There is another mobile home already located on the site and there are several mobile homes in the general vicinity. 4. The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed .according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with plan of development for New Hanover County. . A. There is a variety of land uses in the area.` Much of the land to the south, east and north is -°- , developed with light industrial uses, heavy manufacturing, commercial services, .and trucking..' Land to the west is predominantly older wood frame homes and mobile homes. • w~ , t :. p. . Y!!FA~~r+144iqq tt~rppqq tJ~{4yqq+qq~ ,~ O.D~V4l~~~1i4 3 2 ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ a ~~1~~~ What -You Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Under each requirement, the applicant should explain,~with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how the proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where pro- posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." ' Slaremenlbyffpplicarrt: i General Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance." Slatemen! by Applrcarr(: .. _. ~... General Requirement #3 "" `'~~ ° - .. The Board must End "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity." Slatrment by.4pplrcanr: A,,,y WILL A~7A i~ ,l-A~.c~ O f= ~.9„id ~~ ym pRo~~ ~ ' ~ General Requirement #4 - _ The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the pla of development for New Hanover County." Statement by,Qpplrcanl; ' . _.. ,_ .. w.~ .,~. ,. ..._t_..., ~ ~ ..... ,. ..- ~ y ..... ~ , The Zoning Ordinance in some instances, also imposes additional~specific requirements on the use requested by " ~` ~"' ' ' ' . ' ' - "-° '°~tha applicant: The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will complywith each ... ` a. 4 } .Y} A, t. _ specific requirement found in section 72. . (as applicable). HdShe should also demonstrate that the land . `-will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Commis- sinners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, informs _ .. .. _ . _ ........ . . .... .lion, and belief. . .._.. . _ ._ .._. .~, . j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ` Signature of Applicant and/or Owner • ~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: - 5-398 _ • Owner: S . Malpass Representative: .Same • Request: Mobile Home Acreage: ~ ~~ 1J TaxID Number: any 1 Location: _ ~ ~~ F1 mincrton Rd LAND USE, ZONING, UTlLIT(ES and SERVICES • Land Classification: Rural Existing Land Use: D ,.; a ~L; ~ •~ 7.oningHistory• area originally ~Qn~~?~t?j~•~~L7~ • We11 Septic Water Typc: Scorer Type• Fire District, North ti•7ilmington Rccreation• Trask Road,Acccss;_ Flemington Rd. ~ yoIume:- rtnknntan School District• u~r~P • ' . R~-r MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classification• Northeast- ear~e Fear C (Sw) AquiferRech,argeArea: RAcharaP area of ~a;~Chil~--ti~~~i€e~ .. .. .. .~. ' ~ Conservation Resources: .None ' . Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sites:, NonA .. .- ~ 3~oi1 Type(s) and Class:. Primarily Kureb (Kr) ; C1`ass T Few limits Septic Tank Suitstbility: Prime Agricµlturiil Soils:.None R~~il~ino C~iit~hilily• Few 1?m1tS ._.__ t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Zegular Item ~: C Consent Item n: Additional Item #: )epartment: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes 'age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-~76, 8/96) BRIEF SUMMARY:. ~ ` Request by Gulf, Worsley and Cowper Properties LLC to redesignate 3.4 acres at 1200 and 120 Culbreth Drive to Planned Development Commercial from. Planned Development Office and Institution in the Landfall project, RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS: The Planning Board recommends approval FUNDING SOURCE: ' .. ~ ~ . _ Federal S: x' Slate S: County S: _ ~ User Fees S: - Other S: •^-' Money Is`In Current Budget: : ~: ~ - -- ~ ~ .... 1~1ew Appropriation Request: , , „ , ~, Budget Amendment Pre ared: - - . .. .. _._~~.. . ,~~ s3.. .. ;, , ,. REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ` BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....:.: ....: ar ;~YF>~.: A, .. ,. _ _. COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS r, . APPROVED C~ .. REJECTED ~ ` ` -REMOVED O POSTPONES . ~`~ 3 ~ ~. DATE ..~.. - Refer to Officc Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition Item C Case: X576, 8/96; Gulf, `Vorsley, Cowper, LL'C Request: PD Office and Institution to PD Commercial; Modification of Plan Acreage: 3.4 acres .. Location: 1200 and 120 Culbreth Drive (in the Landfall project) Planning Board Summary The Planning Board voted unanimously to modify the Landfall Plan to allow commercial uses at the end of Culbreth Drive in accordance with ~petitione~''s request and Staff recommendations. Board.members questioned the proposed type of commercial activities planned but did~not restrict those uses. Plans for underground drainage on the property are to tie into existing drainage plans- in Landfall. There was no opposition. Planning Staff Summary - Since the original approval of the Landfall project Planned Development District in 1984, the master plan has been revised numerous times. Revisions have included expanding the area of the PD District, conversion to office uses, conversion to commercial uses, and the removal of Special Highway Overlay District requirements. The most recent revision occurred in May 1996 when the County approved the conversion of 1.37 acres on an adjacent tract to commercial uses from office and institution uses.. The only condition of that approval was that the commercial activities be limited to B-1 Business uses. No construction has begun. A shopping center with multiple out parcels is located to the south across Drysdale Drive and a major expansion of that facility is now underway. Also; a grocery store is located to the. southeast. Its eventual construction was th~e~result~ofa~conversion to commercial from"office. A large up-scale office building is located south of and adjacent to the subject property. Land to the east is developed for recreational purposes~and a maintenance facility, which are owned by the,, ~ ~., .:Landfall homeowner's association.. Land located between Culbreth Drive andMilitary. Cut-off to:` the west is zoned for commercial uses. To date, a small office building has been constructed there ,and a satellite fire station is planned. ~~. ~ - ~....... .. , ......._. , ._ . _... w..' ..~ , Except for the 'u`p-scale"office uses; mostf of the land uses nearby consist of retail servii:es:~~ Given`- that pattern of development andithe recent conversion of the,adjoining tract to commercial use:,-i: is hard to imagine that converting the subject-parcel to`commercial would have a~significanf~n ~~~ .~- impact on existing us~e~s~~ ~ r~affi~~patp~e~rns~may be altered due to change in use, but the recent signalization oft'~i'Drysd'a~le~Drive~andcMilitary Cut-off intersection has made it easier to enter/exit the area. ~ ~~~'`~~ C~ Q ~ ~L3ft. recommends,approval t~~tlf}f~:3 Ls t91;~~'2{ - ~.~~ ~ WHAT YOU MiJST ESTABLISH TO GET A I CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require chat zoning re uiations shall be made T in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning mapsghould also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- ing requirements. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and ~~ Development? Requested change would be consistent with adjoining zoning classifications of _ PD-C G B-1. Adjacent sites are improved or will be improved as retail. ~, Neighborhood represents a commercial shopping node near the intersection of two major highsays. ~- 2. How would the re uested q zone change be consistent with the property s classification on the Land Classification hiap? ,~ Property is located adjacent to a PIl-Commercial and B-1 classification. Also, property located within Resource Protection classification of County's Land Use Plan. However, Resource Protection allows commercial development if the project is. adequately drained with a modern underground drainage system that does not adversley affect the environment. ~' - ... .. 1 1 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? •- Commercial development has occurred adjacent to the property. Adjoining property has been rezoned. from OSI to B--l. Land suitable for commercial development in '~ form of retail or office use ~. . ... ~ - .. r .. . ..+. n . a .. ~ Y..".. ~ . .~•,.. Jn signing this petttion, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and chat I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- gling out ofone-parcel of laad for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the ' surrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in his application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. _._.~... _. .........:, ..4.,, . .. .,.. .. . . .. -- ,_ - .. , .. . .,. . .__ . _ .___ .. .. 37 .- Signature of Pctiti n nd Owner PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: ~ •Z-576 ~ '~ Owner:. Gulf, Worsley., LowPer_ Representative: Same Request, PD O-I to PD Commercial Acreage' 3:4 Taz ID Number: 570.5 Location: Culbreth Drive LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • • Land Classification: Resource Protection Existing Land Use: Vacant Zoning History: ~Lr a Sri ~i nal ~•y ~~nPC~ flor-a_^+hnr 1 qC, Q Ci +A 7onP PD • in 1987. Adjacent tract redesignated Commercial in Mav 1996. Water T City 'Sewer Type• County YPc• Fire District: Seagate Rccresttion: t~rightsville Bch. Road Access: Culbreth Dr. Volume: Unknown School District: Wrightsville Bch. MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS• • Bradley Creek (SC) Watershed andWater Quality Classification Aquifer Recharge Area: Outside Primary and Secondary areas None Conservation Resources: $istoric Landmarks and Archeological Sites: None ~.-._ ,~ • _ ,, _ _ - Sai! T c s and Class: Primarily Leon (Le) : Class III •` , QQ yP ~ ) 3~septic Tank Suitability: N/A County Sewer Prime Agric~lturxl Soils: `Nbrie '_ • $uilding Suitaability• Some limits due to ,wetness /~ " ST FOR BOARD ACTION REQUE Meeting Date: 09/03/96 • ~. .egular Item #: D Consent Item #: Additional Item #: -epartment: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes age Count In Agenda Package: 4 Contact: Pete Avery ,~/ SUBJECT: Rezoning (Z-577, 8/96) ~~ BRIEF SUMMARY.: Request by D. Sweyer to rezone .27 acre at 1642 Military Cutoff to Office and Institution from R-1~ Residential. ~' " ~~ ' ~~ .. _ , . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: '- - - _ ~ • The Planning Board recommends approval. ~ °. .." _ _ .. .. . ~ " . ~' ., ~ - T . FUNDING SOURCE: - Federal S: "' """ State S: County S: ° ~"'" ~ User Fees S: ~~ • -Other S: ; .. ;. Money Is In Current Budget: ` ~ 2Yew Appropriation Request: ..._, ... ~".- _ . $udoet Amendment Pre ared: ~ -~`- ` " `~ ° ' •' REVIEWED BY: ,, 1.. _ . , .. ,. , a (~ ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR. Iii ,.,_ ,. r .. .... BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ®~ REJECTED REMOVED 0 POSTPONED 39 Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board(fpt~s~iosition,~ y~-`~ - ~. Itom D - ~ Case: Request: Acreage: Location: -- X577, 8/96; David Swe~•er - - R-15 to O-I .24 _ _ . _ 1642 Military Cut-off Road ~:; Planning Board Summary The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning. Their vote followed considerable discussion about traffic and the safety of additional access points along this very busy section of Military Cut-off. Realizing that many of the driveway cuts were already in place, Board members encouraged the property owners to combine those small lots for development and to utilize the rear alley for access when possible. No one spoke in opposition. Planning Staff Summary . The adjacent O-I District to the north is the result of two separate rezonings approved by the County since 1994. The most recent one' was approved; this past May. In that case, which involved .54 acre, the Board supported the rezoning, pointing. out that the,widening of Military - Cut-off and other development changes in the area had made the property Less desirable for residential uses. ' The circumstances for the subject property are nearly identical--single family residential interest has declined, high density options are restricted by the size of the tract, the widening of Military Cut-o~.is .nearing completion, and non-residential activities continue their southward creep. 0-I Zoning offers a chance to establish a range of transitional land uses that are less obtrusive to adjoining residential uses to the-west but-more compatible with the non-residential activity and ~~, traffic congestion associated with Military Cut-off. The problems presented by the road will be compounded further with the realignment of the bVrightsville Avenue intersec_ tion opposite,the. er standar s that. are re ulred are s ,.~,., _ .. ., q imilar ' Po thattof comme0rc alsdistricts but withsless tback and buff es. O-I'also~ laces stricter lirruts Intense land u p on -~ . , signage, aiding in preserving the aesthetic quality of the area. .~ , ; 3 :r-, :; .Staff recommends approval_._.-.__.. _. __w_.. °;°;..~.._ ._.... .w.. - _. ~ - - - - ~ ... ~- r x ,4;~ <--~ -t~ t~~Ut3R94 Cl ~~T'~3t~Si C'9 t~~ktQl~3~. 40 ~, .~. _ ~ . ' ~ ~>. - ~ :, - WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH TO GET A CHANGE OF ZONING OF PROPERTY Your intended use of property upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use ,,: district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan, you must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the follow- °~ ing.requirements. •' '• • • ~ • . ' ' - This area is in an urban transitional area and growing rapidly toward office and retail, boat, as wekll as grocery store distributor. So, it's already 1. How ~o~ilt~~f"ie ieq°ues~ea c~tange lie consuient with the County s1Pol ciescfor Growth and Development? f ~~ .... -' 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? .There is a revision of traffic patterns as yell in this area. '~; 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the etixistinp zoningQ? The highway is being widened to a five lane road. It s a diajor Cruck route ' ..through the area fiom downtown thru Oleander Drive to Hilitary Cutoff. It sits next to an ObI zoned business Nrightsville,Business Center and ~' another lot that has been rezoned OSI. .. .. _ .: _ .. . .. n signing this petition; I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand that the sin- ling out of one parcel of-land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County politics and the urrounding neighborhood would probably be illegal. I certify that all the information presented in ..his application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ., r J Signature of Pe 'loner and/or Owner ~:b~ . PET1TiON SUMMARY SHEET Z-577, 8/96 Petition Number: ~, Owner: The Greens ~ Representative: David Sweyer Request: R-15 to O-I Acreage:•- 27 Tax ID Number Sf 1 6 Location: Military Cutoff ' LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • Urban Transition • Land Classification: Existing Land Use: vacant Zoning History Area , originally .zoned December 1'S , ? 969 • Adjacent site zoned 0-L ..5/94. Community Water Type: Seagate Fire District: Road Access: Mi li.tary Cutof f School District: College Park ' County ' Scorer Type• Recreation: Fjrightsvi lle Bch . Volume: 18..200 ADT (.1995? .. •. . - MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS . ' Bradley Creek CI (Sw,) a Watershed andWater Quality Classification• ` Aquifer Recharge Area: Outside Primary and Secondary areas Conservation Resources: None Historic Landmarks and Archeological Sita:. NQnP `"" Soil Type(s) and Clsus• Primarily Leon (Le) 4~eptic Tank Suitability• Poor suitability (County sewer available) None, Prime Agricultural Soils: - ~ ,. .., Buildin Suitabili : Some limits due to wetness $ h' _ w w r w r t r I~ ('~t~earYCC-f~C-1 ~. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regular Item #: E Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: D. Hayes Pa e Count In Agenda Package: 7 Contact: Pete Ave SUB,TECT: Rezoning (Z-578, 8/96) BRIEF SUMMARY: - Request by J`. Keeter, Agent, to rezone 2.8 acres at 564-5660 Carolina Beach Road to Office and Institution from R-15 Residential. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQTJESTED ACTIONS: The Planning. Board recommends approval with the inclusion of several nearby parcels FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ' +' 'State S: - ~ County S: User Fees S: - Other S: ' Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: -" ~ "' REVIEWED BY. ... ~ : ~;.~ ~ .... `, .... _ . _ . , _'', . ~ .: ' : . , ' .. , LGL: ~ :. FIN: ~ BUD: HR: BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• -~ ~. -~ r : .. . _ - r, , .. , .; ,. - ., 0 ~~COUNTY C MMI ONERS . ~ .. APPROVED ~ - a .. .:~: ~ .. - . _ .. .,REJECTED ~ ~ ._ ~ ~ ..M . .: ~ _., . ;$_ .~ ~ . , ... , . r ~ . _ REMOVED" ~_ O , . - _ •.' . ~ :, . POSTPONE O 4 3 ' DATE 9 3 16 ~a-Yw Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin $oard for Disposition ... Item E Case: Zr578, 8/96; A licant~Jeffre I{eeter PP Y Request: R-15 to O-I ~ ~ - ~ ^ . Acreage: 2.8 acres ~ ~ - - .. ._ ~ ~, Location: 564-5660 Carolina .Beach Road Planning Board Summary Considerable .discussion occurred among Planning Board members concerning the limif of . commercial development along Carolina Beach Road and whether this change to O-I was appropriate. The Board ultimately voted unanimously to for the change and additionally recommended that parcels north and south of the petitioned property also be included in the 0-I Zoning so as to consolidate the district to the rear where it adjoins a platted right-of--way. Those property owners were to be notified prior to the Commissioners' public hearing. The Board felt that small office type uses, health care facilities, and the continued eligibility for residential uses on the property would provide a good transition for the large commercial center at Monkey Junction. No one spoke in opposition. Planning Staff Summary - The subject property is located adjacent to an existing B=2 .District, which represents the southernmost extension of the larger commercial node formed by the intersection of Piner Road, South College Road and Carolina Beach Road, informally known as Monkey Junction. Though some of that commercial area hasn't been developed, recent activity on other tracts coupled with existing development has rapidly transformed the area into a major commercial intersection. . Several attempts in recent years to extend the existing commercial district south or north have ~{ been largely unsuccessful, primarily because such zoning is inconsistent with existing Policies .fora: Growth and Developmerii"and in some cases because. of local neighborhood opposition.' Another .. ' reason has been the abundant inventory of vacant commercial land already in the area. ~ ' ~ _ . .~ , . ,~. _ . , .The subject properties'_proximrty to Carolina Beach Road and non-res~dent~al zoning has certainly ~: reduced the a eal ofresidential deve(o ment. j Carolina Beach Road is~a-four-lane divided~~~ ""~"~ PP P highway generating in excess of 21,000 average daily. trips. The resulting traffic congestion and safety concerns and the typical ill effecfs"`of commercial activity, such as excessive light, noise and':` ' ..,•~ .. smells, have contributed to"the decline .._: _..... .-~.«.,, .u:.:., _.,:, _.._~ ...,_.. wV ..._. _..._. _.:~.~~.~:.... µ...~..,: , While the appeal ofsingle-family uses may have waned, other residential alternatives may be~`"- practical. The site is classif ed Urban Transition, which permits higher density. In many cases, it ~;~~tP~as~~~~ ~~~~t~~~:~ seems the development of attached dwellings at higher densities have been successful along major (" r~t c,~~L~~T°r~~~°i'~~F~s ~ f thoroughfares and there are several~~examples in the County to support that claim. Moreover, and ~ ~~a~.+,~~~ more importantly, the Land Use Pl~n~~nd~local ordinances direct higher density to these major i- ~~~ ~ . W a ~ ~ _ ~ o, , _ ~ w ao~ . 1 ~H~ ~ ~ ~dn~o= o c P E ~ ~ F-1 ri ~ . s, ~ ,, ~~ ~ ~ w° ~ ~ V V ro ~ A !~~ F~ z~.N 0 3~ticiatie~ _~ o ~~ a C~UL1 k7 k. f.>x v, ~ N W ~~ ~, o~ 3 ~ ' ti m /, .. ~ i ~~: N cr N N N ~ ~ N N • - m M M ;`! 1 h ~ ~0 M • I/ a, . in N • _ _ m~ ~ _ to M a C P ~ N N `~ v a ~'' ~ d' I _ - _• U •. 2 N N a' m N ~° m• ~ , / ~ N ~ N M - N N . N ~ NN - ~ N ~ - ' - ~ ao O ~ . ~ _ a _ ~° F+, C ~ _ _. 0 `~, _ ~ . v ~ ~ ~• - °~ _ C d i y ~ J _ ~ N M ~ 0.: N o O -T ~ ~ ` ~ _ .. i i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Because discouraging commercial expansion is of prime importance, the applicant's proposal to rezone the site O-I Office and Institution seems practical. In addition to providing for less intensive land uses, which make for better transitions between commercial and residential development, it would create a good southern boundary for the commercial node to the north. O- Ialso permits residential uses, including high density. Each of this use alternatives would be consistent with the Land Use Plan. It would also recognize the site's diminished single-family residential appeal. Staff recommends approval. _ ~ .. „~ .45 .EXHIBIT ^B" TO APPLICATION FOR REZONING ~~ 5654, 5658, 5660 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies For Growth and Development? The summary of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Land Use Plan, 1993 Update, has identified the subject property as "Urban Transition". Such land classification allows for intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. Urban services are currently available to the subject properties along Carolina Beach Road. At the present time the subject properties are zoned R-15 but are not being used for residential properties. The houses situate on the properties are in a severe state of disrepair and are essentially dilapidated housing structures. The property is bounded on the east by Carolina Beach Road, on the north by properties zoned B-2, and on the south and west by properties zoned R-15. Monkey Junction intersection has in recent years experienced a tremendous increase in commercial development. The commercial development has primarily been in the nature of retail stores and. fast food restaurants. Such commercial development and progressive rezoning o-f Monkey Junction intersection has created a B-2 zoned commercial node without providing adequate buffering between the intensive B-2 ~--.. usage and the R-15 residential usage to which it abuts. The location of the subject properties abut the southern limits of the current B-2 zoning of the Monkey Junction commercial node and would b~~l nicely with and provide a less intensive buffer between the 1 ,~+ buffer between the existing R-15 residential zone to the south and ~' west' and the B-2 intensive commercial usage on the north. The Policies of Growth and Development for New Hanover County, at ,~, Section 3.2(1), states that "office and institutional development shall be .considered appropriate land usage adjacent to residential .-~' development provided that design, scale and uses are compatible with adjacent residential development". Due to the size and configuration of the property which is the subject of this rezoning request, the Office and Institutional uses to which the property can be made will be limited. There will be no large office ~~ complexes situated on the property. Instead, the property would be more conducive to one or more small single user off-ices or a small nursing or personal care facility. `~ 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the _ property's classification on the Land Classification Map? As previously stated, the subject property is classified as "Urban Transition". The planners who composed the Classification ~~ .. Map and .Land Use Plan recognized that development activity in and ~, around the Monkey Junction intersection would be ~~increasing. Public services have been extended to those areas~and~ are, ~, therefore, Vconducive to more intensive development.' As with any transition area, the uses made of property within the Urban Transition area would evolve from less intense residential to more ~F intense residential and eventually commercialA. That has~beeri~the case at the Monkey Junction commercial node with the increased commercial-development. In expanding the B-2 zones in and around ~; 2 47 '- the Monkey Junction intersection, there has been no staging of the development activity such that B-2 commercial uses are now adjacent to residential uses. An orderly progression of commercial development would invite an O&I zone to provide a.buffering between - ~. residential uses and intense commercial uses. The subject tracts U are perfectly positioned for just such. .'a use: 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the .land involved .• unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? As stated above, the Monkey Junction commercial node has experienced, along with all of New Hanover County, tremendous growth. As such, residential properties which abut the B-2 commercial zone and in the vicinity of'Monkey Junction intersection on Carolina Beach Road have become unsuitable for residential uses. There is virtually little or no~market for residential property in_ such. close proximity, indeed adjacent to, B-2 zones. By rezoning the_.subject tracts to O&I, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will be recognizing the fact that the property is riot currently compatible for residential uses but, at the same time, without allowing intense B-2 commercial development of the property ... which has slowly crept southwardly from Monkey Junction intersection, along Carolina Beach Road. Rezoning the properties which are the subject of this Application to O&I would define the .... southeasternmost boundaries of the Monkey Junction commercial node ;f _:~ .. ~ - .~ . ..,_.~ ;.a .. .., ,.. , s.. ~ ... .. ~ .. .and contribute to the orderly growth. and development of the southern part of New Hanover County. . 48 3 t i 1 1 1 f 1 Water T We 11 y~~ Fire District: Myrtle Grove Road Acccss: US 4 21 School District: Bellamy Scwcr Type• Septic Rccreation: zxrY„~,,~,Aaa Volumc: 22, 800 ADT (1995 tour MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS n n 1 PETITION SUMMARY SHEET z-s7a Petition Number: ' Roderick, Jenkins, Potter Owner: Request: R-15 to O-I 7600 Taz ID Number: Representative: J. Keeter Acreage: 2 - 8 Location: 5654-5600 Carolina Sch. LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES • Land Classification: Urban Transition Existing Land Use:. Vacant Zoning History- ~ • Area original ly -zoned April 19 71 Watershcd andWater Quality Classification- Motts Branch C (Sw) Primary Aquifer Recharge Area:. None Conservation Rcsourccs: Historic Landmarks and Archcological Sits; None "" Primarily Leon (Le) Class III Soil Typc(s) and Class: . L i mi t s~c3(u[~"'t~t1ow'21t?niesjs;$'l~ 4 Scptic Tank Suitability: y _.,, . __, - - ~T~~~ Primt Agricultural Soils: None ,,~ ,~.~~,...~~.~.~ '~14rd Mai6RJaA.~aA00 ~~~~~ Building Suitability: ~_ t ~ m; is ~i» t-n wPt-rp -.:~ Item F Zoning Text Amendment; A-274, 8/96: Request by David Barefoot to Amend Section 42-2 Non-conforming Vacant Contiguous Lots of Record By Exempting Lots With at Least 100 Feet in Width. Planning Board Summary Though the petitioner was not present at the meeting, the Planning Board felt that Staff's revision of the petition provided more control and recommended unanimously that it be approved. They argued that lot sizes should continue to reflect the standards established in the neighborhood as much as possible. Planning Staff Summary Applicant's Proposal: Amend Section 41-1 to read: If hvo or more adjoining and vacant lots of record, containing less than 100 feet in total width are single ownership at any time after the adoption of this ordinance, such lots shall be considered as a single or several lots which meet the minimum requirements of the ordinance for the Zoning district in which such lots are located Current Language: If hvo or more adjoining and vacant lots of record are in single ownership at any time after the adoption this ordinance, such lots shall be considered as a single or sel~eral lots tivhich meet the minimum requirements of tlsis ordinance for the zoning district in tivhicli such lots are located (2/3/9?) General Summary ~ ~ '- In 1992, the County amended. the Zoning Ordinance to require that two or more vacant non- conforming lots of record in single ownership be combined such that the minimum district requirements for the underlying zoning district could be met. Those requirements include setbacks and minimum lot area. That amendment was a reversion back to the original zoning language adopted with the 1969 Zoning Ordinance. - ' Prior to this amendment, the owner could treat adjoining vacant lots of record as one or several - - ~ -lots provided the minimum setbacks for.the underlying districts could be met. For example; an _ owner with four contiguous 50'x150_' lots of record zoned R-15 could conceivably build ,four ,separate houses. Under the current rule, only fwo'houses could be built because the owner would - have to comply with the minimum lot area of the underlying district as well as yard requirements. .~,.; _, In~approving the amendment in 1992, the County reasoned it would be inconsistent to4permit~the infusion of densities exceeding established land use patterns. The County also noted that permitting development of the lots under the old rules would be inconsistent with established land classifications of the Land Use Plan.:, Many, but not all,. of the areas containing contiguous non- -~---conforming lots of record are classified Resource Protection and Conservation. Density.levels in areas shouldn't ex arose. ' ~rmitting the owner to treat the lots as one or ;f W4~ APPRt~YE~ ~ REJECTED . ' ROSTPp~ G ~~~! ~ ~ . several arcels without re and to re wired minimum lot size would in most cases exceed the P g q ~ . density ordinarily permitted A quick glance of the inventories ofnon-conforming lots of record indicates that many older subdivisions involve lot widths of 50' or less. Some are as narrow as 10'. Many of these are located where the Land Use Plan suggests that density not exceed 2.5 units per acre. These include the Summer Rest Road area, Airlie Road, and Seabreeze. Others are located in areas _~ classified Urban Transition. However, most of them are located on local residential streets where higher density is not permitted.. These include Greenwood Estates, Bagley Place, and Hillsdale. There .are also numerous non-conforming lots in areas zoned Airport Residential These include ~~ lots in Glynwood, Wrightsboro Acres, Sedgefield, and Heritage Park. The applicant's property was not zoned until July 1985. In that year, the County zoned a -~ majority of the area RA Rural Agriculture. This zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet and lot widths of 115'. The subject properties encompass 20,000 square feet with lot widths of 100' or 66% of the required minimum lot area and. 86% of the minimum lot ~~ width. . A primary concern raised by Staff in the 1992 amendment debate was that permitting development of each non-conforming lot would exceed the density limits suggested by the Land Use Plan. In the applicant's situation, that argument would not apply. Currently, development of _~ those lots would result in a density of about 2.1 units per acre, or about .4 units per acre less than the maximum actually permitted. It would, however, slightly exceed the density of the underlying zoning district. ~ A possible addendum to the proposal to assure that subsequent development of these types of lots ..... comply. with the density prescribed by its land classification in the Land Use Plan would be to ,~ establish a minimum lot size in all instances along with the exemption for the minimum lot width. This would ensure complicity with the Land Use Plan, though the actual density may still be slightly higher than that ordinarily allowed in the underlying district. Staff recommends approval of the applicant's petition with the added provision that the excluded lots be at least 20,000 square feet in size. Staff's. Proposal: If hvo or more adjoining and .vacant lots of record containing less than 100 feet in total width and less than 20,000 square feet in total area are in single ownership at any time after the adoption of this ordinance, such lots shall be considered as a single or several lots which meet the minimum requirements of this ordinance for the zoning district in tivhich such lots are located ~--- 51 52 - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: County Manager Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Revisions to Personnel Policy, Article VII Section 29 BRIEF SUMMARY: In order to make sure leave that occurs due to hurricane events is reimbursed from FEMA the attached changes to the policy are necessary to insure the reimbursement. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend Approval of revisions to Article VII, Section 29 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of revisions to Article VII, Section 29. Z . COUNTY ~~ APPR Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition OVF~ REJECTS REM01f~ ~ POSTPp~~ - DATE ~ f u ARTICLE VII. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Sec. 29. Administrative Leave A. Designation of Administrative Leave During periods when the Manager deems it inadvisable for employees to report to work, such as inclement weather or an emergency situation, she/he may authorize administrative leave to provide wage replacement for employees unable to report to work. Administrative leave may also be granted. for partial periods of a work day for purposes such as voting. Except where sick or personal leave is in effect at the time administrative leave is authorized, employees shall not be required to charge this time to sick or personal leave. B. Application of Administrative Leave in Emergency Situations (1). Covered Periods: Administrative leave only covers the employee's regular hours of work on those days the employee is scheduled to report to work. It does not cover periods of unscheduled or overtime work performed in relation to the emergency. Where work is performed during the period of the individual employee's administrative leave, the employee shall receive wages and administrative leave pay. (2). Eligible Employees: To qualify for administrative leave, an employee must be in an active work status at the time the leave is granted, ie. "at work." Employees in a personal, sick, or leave without pay status at the time administrative leave is granted, shall not be eligible for administrative leave. (3). Employees Affected By Mandatory Evacuation Orders: Only employees directed by official notice to evacuate their homes are entitled to administrative leave prior to the official start of that leave. Administrative leave for these employees will begin at the point the evacuation order is issued and upon notification to appropriate supervisory personnel. (4). Essential Personnel: Employees essential to the successful and efFicient management of an emergency situation shall be designated by their department head and are expected to report when contacted by County officials. Failure to be .available or to report when called shall be deemed insubordination and will subject the employee to disciplinary actions. Where an essential employee is unable to report for their regular scheduled shift due to legitimate environmental conditions that preclude them from~travel to the worksite, administrative leave shall be granted. Employees who report to work on their day off to cover the absent employee's shift will also receive administrative leave pay plus wages for the duration'of that shift. (5). ,Emergency Pay: _ (a) Non-Exempt Personnel: "Hourly" employees required to report to work or ~--~ remain at work in response to the emergency, shall be compensated at the time-and-one-half rate for.all hours actually worked,. and shall receive administrative leave pay for that period of time constituting all or part of their regularly scheduled work shift. In these situations only, the requirement that an employee work forty (40) hours before time-and-one-half compensation is effected, shall be waived. (b) Exempt Personnel Below the Department Head Level: When exempt personnel classified below the department head level are required to work during an emergency, they will receive emergency pay in the form of a bonus covering all hours worked. Pay will be calculated using a flat. rate determined on an individual basis. (c) On-Call Standby Pay: Employees designated to remain available for call-in for the duration of the emergency, shall receive on-call pay in accordance with Article III. Sec. 15(4). Essential personnel scheduled to report to work at apre-determined time shall not be eligible to receive on-call pay. ***** * * * * * Under FLSA regulation 29 GF.R X785.16, if an employee is completely relieved from duty until a definite, specified time, and the relief period is long enough for the employee to use the time and she/he desires, the time is not considered hours worked and need not be compensated. Under FLSA regulation 29 C.F.IZ X785.17, an employee who is not required to remain on the employer's premises but is merely required to leave word at 1~is home or with company officials where he may be reached is not working while on call. However, there have been several court cases addressing this issue which should be reviewed prior to making a final decision. j, `; r~ - - ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE • August 29,1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager ~~ RE: Mason's Inlet Management Plan ' The~B s req ~~n'~ r^'~`- ' ~ ' ' The County has already committed to the long-term management of Mason's Inlet through the following two phases: PHASE I: Design and obtain permits and construct a temporary sandbag revetment to provide protection for Shell Island for a period of three to five years. d.~~(op PHASE IL• Design, obtain permits, and ~~ a plan to stabilize Mason's Inlet for the long-term, mo ien-arrd-~riaiirtee-~-$~e~ging. The County must demonstrate strong commitment to Phase II as part of the effort to the State to obtain a variance to the CAMA regulations from the Coastal Resource Commission for the temporary sandbag revetment in Phase I. The attached outline for a Management Plan, prepared by the County's consulting engineers for the sandbag revetment design, provide a solid framework for developing such a plan. The Plan will serve as a basis for obtaining necessary permits. - ~~ bQ c~~~ ~ T Plan framework is outlined as follows: Mason's Inlet Management Plan COUNTY COMMI$$IONERS APPROVED O Phase I Historical Data Collection and Compilation REJECTED D REMOVED ^ Phase II Field Surveys and Investigations POSTPONED O_ DATE 2.1 Hydrographic Studies - Baseline Establishment - Beach and Offshore Surveys and Sediments Sampling 2.2 Survey of Exterior Tidal Shoals (Optional) ~~~i~~~~~~~~ ~. ~ ~~~~~~ ~ t~3tlfCDry'~~~3 k ~'n~y4~~~'~~ er~ - - '~ Board of County Commissioners Page Number Two 'August 29, 1996 . 2.3 Tide and Current Measurements. 2.4 Natural Resource Surveys _~ ' Phase III Natural Resources Data Synthesis and Analysis 3.1 ,Environmental and Natural Resources Data Synthesis, Analysis and Mapping 3.2 Historical Conditions and Trends of Natural Resources Phase IV Physical Processes Analysis.. and Modeling 4.1 Environmental and Natural Resources Data Synthesis, Analysis and Mapping 4.2 Impact of Inlet on Adjacent Beaches and Sediment Budget 4.3 Inlet Hydraulic Characteristics and Hydrodynamics Modeling Phase V Model Set-up and Testing 5.1 Model Calibration 5.2 Analysis of the Proposed Modifications - Phase VI Alternatives Evaluation 6.1 Identify and Evaluate Alternatives for Long-Range Management 6.2 _ Assess Impact of Each Alternative on Natural Resources 6.3 Identify Interests and Feasibility of Obtaining Permits Phase VII Plan Recommendations The County should also include as part of the planning process the following two components: . 1) - Formation of a panel of experts and interested parties to provide input as the planning - ~ process progresses.. 2) Obtaining a second engineering evaluation of the completed plans. . 3) Pursuing. a major opportunity for greatly expanded beach access upon long-term - stabilization of the Inlet. ~G Again, staff requests that the Board endorse this management plan framework as a critical part ~ of the County's effort to stabilize Mason's Inlet. , Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. D W/nf/791 cc: Allen O'Neal,.County Manager Wanda Copley,. County Attorney George Shaw, Chief Project Engineer t. ~ - .s Mason's lnlet Management Plan The overall objective of the project is to develop a sound, workable and economically viable long-range Inlet Management Planfor Mason's Inlet which wlli ensure protection of the sand resources in the system and along the adjacent beaches of Figure Eight Island and Shell Island and fully consider the impacts on and benefits to the living biological resources. All significant natural resources located In the coastal waters surrounding the .inlet area(s) and, or potentially intiuenced by implementation of the Plan . recommendations wit( be identified, characterized and mapped in order to delineate the extent of the resources and quantify the potential envtronmentaf effects PHASE 1, HISTORICAL DATA COLI.EGTIQN AND G This phase of the study will include research to loco#e all available historical material. relative to the sedimentation, biological and water quality characteristics of Mason's Inlet. Sources of information will include, but not be limited to, reports, available through New Hanover County, the City of Wrightsville Beach,' State Department of Environment, Heaith and. Natural Resources (Division of Coastal Management); North Carotins Sea Grant, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engin®ers (Wilmington District).. Of primary interest will be previous work related to wave climate, tidal currents, shoreline changes and sediment budget including inlet migration information and previous assessments of the biological resources in the area. This information will be used to identify changes by comparison with freld data collected as part of the present project. The information described above will be organized into a coherent report doCUmenting the history of the inlet, the natural setting and characteristics, the relevant changes that the inlet has caused to the overall system,.. and the various remedial measures that have been proposed. l L. - i $.. .. ,.. ~ .. . 5 .. .PHASE (! F1ELb SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS -~~:a a •~ The field surveys vrill Include hydrographic, geophysical, and sediment sampling . .components. 2.'f Hydrographia Studies ' The hydrographlc studies will encompass beach profiles, shoal surveys and tide and V current measurements: Description of the field program is presented below. Baseline Establishment A minimum of 14 beach and offshore profiles will be established and surveyed using new baseline monuments for future reference and monitoring. Because of the. historical inlet impacts on the north end at Shelf t5land, it is anticipaked that it will be necessary to install at least 9 monuments north of the inlet's present location for future monitoring {installation of a total of 18 :monuments is Considered for. budgetary purposes). beach and C?ffshore Surveys and Sediment Sampling. Following baseline establishment, beach and offshore profiles will be surveyed at a . minimum of 9 profiles north of Mason's Inlet and 13 profiles south of the-inlet Approximate profile distances north and south of the inlet are: . Distances North Distances South of Present Location a1' inlet Lft) of P fgsent Location frilet {ftj . ~. 0 0 500. ~ 500 . 1,000 1,000 ~,aoa 2,000 3,oao s,aoo .. 4,oaa 4;000 . 6, 000 . 8, 000..10,000 These profiles wilt be compared with earlier photographic .information to qualify and establish the recent shoreline and sand volume changes in the vicinity of the inlet {north ., ...10,000 feet and south 4,000 feet) with specific reference to formulatihg a sand budgets. for the inlet. These profiles wih also serve as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of future corrective`actfons. In conjunction witl'- tfte profile surveys, surface samples of~:.~~ sediment will be collected at 6 locations across every other beach profile (+6, +3, 13, ,-3, ~- 6 and -9 ft msl). Surveys of the interior inlet shoals will be also be performed, using fathometer . techniques. The thickness and characteristics of the sediments comprising these shoats will be investigated through wash boring techniques. A minimum of 30 sediment samples will be collected for analysis. z,2 Survey ~cterior Tide! Shoals {Cptional) A survey of the flood tidal shoal is included as an option, since It Is un(ilcely that any recommendations~frpm the S#udy would include disturbance of this feafure. tf this option is exercised, the survey will be conducted using a combination of land survey techniques and fathometer measurements.. On-site tide monitoring will be used to con•ect for the water surface effects of #ides. Analysis o~ edirnent Samples The sediment samples collected, as described above, will be analyzed to establish the sediment characteristics of each sample. A "sieve" analysis will be conducted on all. sarriples. There wiN be a m(nlmun7 of 8 sieves used to .analyze each sample based on a . common set of sieves, however if the size distribution warrants such a greater number of sieves will be utilized. 2.3 Tide and Current Measurements Tides inside and outside the inlet and currents within the Inlet cross-section will be measured continuously for eons-month period. Tide gages will be installed inside and . outside the inlet. The two, interior gages will be installed within each of the tidal channels within the tidal regime of Mason's Inlet, the outside gage will be a pressure gage mounted on the sea floor sufficiently seaward as to avoid the hydrodynamic .influences of the inlet. 'The current meters wiil be located near the bottom for a minimum of 3 locations and at the smallest cress-section of the inlet. and interior J .. ... a .. - channels. Complementing those Continuous current data will be a "profile" current ` survey et multiple locations to determine the volume of flow moving past crltlcal cross- sections from the inlet throat to the inferior channels. These two twelve hour surveys - - will. be conducted: over one spring tidal cycle and one neap tidal cycle. ~- 2.d Natural Resource Surveys - Natural resources located in the coastal environment surrounding the inlet project area . ~ will be initially defined using aerial photography. Ground truthing will be conducted for al( submerged and wetland habitats identified frgm the aerial photography which ate shown ;. Labe signficant(y influenced by the dynamics of this inlet. Field and site investigations will be conducted in the areas surrounding the inlet. Marine scientists will conduct transacts and species sampling to verify and confirm the - locations, aerial extent and habitat species far sites identified on the aerial photography. Analyses af.sarnples from these habitats will define the species present and their potential susceptibility to furbidity impacts from dredging and sand fill placement. ` Natural resources locations and habitat information will be mapped. - A11 important environmental resources will be lderrtlfled and incorporated into 8 series of map overlays in order to delineate the extent of the resources and quantify the potential environmental effects. AutoCad mapping will allow for mappir-g enlargements to characterize conditions and trends for specific habitats. Natural resource information will be transferred onto color maps for application to overlay mapping of physiographic - and geologic features. A meeting will be conducted with County staff to describe the date collection program and. to present the data and information measured and ident~ed ` during the field investigations performed for Phase L A preliminary assessment of baseline environmental conditions of the study area will be presented. 4 - _,:f, . `PHASE 11~ NATURAL RESQUBCES-DATA SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Environmental and Natural hesources Data Synthesis, Analysis a_ ... and Mapping The data resulting from the biological and environmental field studies will be combined } ' ~ with data available from the previous studies and new data obtained in Pha$e I to -, provide baseline data to identify altemetives actions for effective management of the sand resources at Mason's Inlet and to evaluate the environmental feasibility of these alternatives. Data synthesis, analysis and mapping wilt include alt biological and environmental field survey data conducted in Phase I. Complete AutoCad analysis will require data assembling, synthesis and digitizing of the historical and existing condition database with final production of e~dsting and historical locations of significant biologics[ ~, communities and seagrass beds. - 3.2 Historical Conditions and Trends of Natural Resources The Project Team will review historic aerial photography-and reports covering Mason's ~. Inlet to establi$h visual trends in the growth, developmant, recession,.etc. of the focal marine resources including seagrasses and wetland habitats. Htstorlc trends based ort review of photography will be correlated with major physical and hydrologic patterns of the inlet in order to quantitatively assess-the environmental factors affecking these resources. A literature survey of the physical, chemical and biological requirements of these resources will be conducted to further understand the range of environmental conditions that support these systems. These data will be compared.withhistoricinformation on the local waterways and Mason's Inlet and the curr8nt physical, hydrological and water quality conditions ss defined by this study. Based on the above inFormakian, the historical impacts and trerids of these important.natural resources in the Mason's inlet . study.area will be prepared to assess the probable environmental. effects of alternative . inlet improvements and madificatlons. ,: ... - n.,.,r .. ~ ~ _ .. PHASE ICf PHYSICAL PROCES$FS ANALYSiSBND MODELING ;, j:: .. E. ,. y 4.4 Environmental and Natural Resources Date Synthesis, AnaFysis and - Mapping - The data resulting from the nearshore and inlet field studies will be combined with data - available from the previous studies obtained In Phase. I to provide 6asefine d~ to ~` - formulate anti identify and evaluate long-range management alternatives for managing ~ • - the sand resources at Mason's Inlet. Data synthesis,- analysis and mapping will Include ' all hydrographic, geophysical and environmental field survey data conducted in Phase i, ` Gomplata AutoCad analysis will require data assembling, synthesis and digitizing of the historical. and existing condrfion database with final production of the fallowing 1" = 200' maps: ' {a) .sediment thickness mapping of the ebb and flood {opt-onal) tidal shoals and interior shoal features; {b) bathymetric contour mapping $cxoss the ebb and flood (optiprial) tidal - shoals; and {c} : 3 dimensional bearhloffshore hydrographic cbntourmapping for Figure • Eight'Island, Mason's Inlet and Shell Island beachloffshore areas. . 4.2 Impact atlnlet en Adjacent Beaches and Sediment BudgeE - The data resulting from this study will be combined with results previously available to ~ _ -. assess the impact of Mason's Inset on the adjacent beaches. Data sources will include, the analysis of long-term shoreline change data set for New Hanover County and. = historical aerial. photography available through the U.S. Army Gorps of Engineers . ~Imington bistrict) and the tests and field programs conducted in the viciri+ty of the inlet. The~sediment budget will be based an a combination of data resources including . those developed above. Based 4n this quantitative information, a sediment budget will be developed highlighting the impact of the inlet on-the sediment budget and identifying .the appropriate amount and location{s} of future dredging to achieve equity on the updrift and. downdrift shorelines will fully protecting significant natural resources. .. . _ :,1`". ,~ The results of this analysis will allow determination of local factors which can be used to . better predict the.effectiveness of various inlet management measures, periodc send - " transfer or other interim, remedial measures. Qata developed and results assembled in this task will aid in quantifying the sediment budget for the inlet. ~ . . ~ - ~}.~ .Inlet Hydraulic Characteristics and Hydrodynamic Modeling ' _' ~ The hydraulic characteristics of Mason's Inlet will b~ established using a combination of field data~collected during this study, data available from previous studies, and the WQMAF' hydrodynamic model for representing ezis6ng and projected post=dredging - tidal flows and sedimentation trends 2t the inlet the surrounding waters. Based on the : field data, the numerical model will be Calibrated and applied to tidal conditions other than encountered in the, field pragram_ This will establish the long-temp flushing capability of the inlet and wilt allow prediction of fhB effects of dredging the interior lnnlet . Tidal shoals and, or relncafing the inlet to be quantified_ The purpose behind. khe development of a hydrodynamic model covering Mason's Inlet and the surrounding waters is to provide. a predictive tool which will allow the . determination of the expected impacts of implementing various options for the Mason's Inlet Management Plan. The options include removal of material within the interior inlet.. shoal, altering the width and location of the inlet, and any other proposed alterations to ". the physical characteristics of the inlet area, The model will define the changes to the c hydrodynamics; flushing,: and water quality within the study area"given the pre- and ..post-alteration geometry of the inlet. For, this study, ATM proposes to utilize The state of the art Curvilinear long-wave. hydrodynamic model (WQMAP)_ WQMAP is a two-dimensional (with ~ 3-dimensional option},depth-averaged model for computing tidal circulation and starni surge propagation. This. model is very similar to the USACOE Coastal Processes Branch ' Research Division Coastal Modeling System with a tew s(gnlflcant frnprovements. The region of interest has been defined based. upon the"model boundaries, #hese boundary . extendaeaward of the inlet one mile and ir,!ar;d to the' ~WW. In defining the model ". boundaries, the goal was to avoid placement of boundaries near areas of critical ..interest;, these include the mouth of the inlet and the entire interior inlet shoal region... - 7 :- :r. .. MODEL SET-UP AND TESTING This task consist of preparatlon'of all Input files and data for the mode( simulations These data include the model grid, the bathymetry over the grid, the Tidal boundary M1.. ' ;..:. forcing, and the wind forting. 'A curvilinear grid, which allows for non-orthogonal variable size and shape grids wip be generated for the simulations. The variability in shape and size will aliow for a finer grid resolution near the .regions of interest {immediately inside and outside 4f the inlet, and the interior shoal region), with the grid becoming coarser moving away from the inlet. This will reduce the overall grid requirements while allowing a broad area of the system to be .modeled. This will also. be useful. given the variation in overall scale within the system. The model bathymetry will be defined from the data sets collected under the alternate tasks descxibed above and from the supplemental bathymetriC data. In regions far from the areas of interest, where there is not significant dynamic geometric changes, N~AA data will be util~ed to define the dEpths. The tidal boundary forcings will be determined from the tidal data collected aver the 30-day period from investigations performed for Phase I. The tide( stations .have been established such that ell open tidal boundaries fiave measured data, these include the offshore boundary, the constriction near the 1CWW and the narrow region just landward of Figure Eight Island. ~ All of the interior stations have been located at significant constrictions in order to avoid forcing over a wide opEn water region and to ensure unidirectionality of the currents through the open boundary: As stated Earlier, the wind data will be obtained from the local airport. Vince the. model lnpuf fifes have been created, preliminary runs of the model will be conducted in order to eliminate. any "bugs' within the input files and to check the results for consistency and reasonableness. The results will not fje examined against the data_ a g. Model Calibra ion Three data stations from the 30-day collection period will be utilzed in order to caGtirate ~. the model. The tide station at the entrance to ICWW at the Howe River, the Channel '' constriction along the west side of Fgure Eight Island, along with the current statlans within Mason's Inlet, wil! be uti)¢ed. In add(tlon, harmonic analysis of data ~COllacted ~_ during the. execution of Phase I studies and from other studies wilt allow genera! ~„ ' comparison between the results of the 30-day simulations and past measurements,..,,.:.; . . within the study area. These comparisons wiU not be weighted as highly as tho~se}4 .~. . collected during ~ the study period but will be useful in evaluating the accuracy at eltemate locations. Adjustment of the bottom friction coefficient is the primary parameter to be utilized during the model calibration. The values will be adJusted over the allowable range of .values un#il the best fit between the- model results and the data are achieved. Venous analysis ,techniques, such as harmonic analysis, spectral analysis, and statistical eiror analysis will be utilized to compare the model with the measured data. Through the use of various techniques, the best overall calibration will be achieved. IMPACT ANALYSIS t7F THE PROPOSIp MODIFICAT10N5 Once the model has been calibrated, it will be utilised to test the impacts of alternative . .actions propesed for the Inlet Management Plan; these include the fallowing: a excavation of material within the interior inlet shoal region(s) p variation in the b+cation of the Inlet with and without excavation of the interior inlet shoal region(s) b variation in the width, height, and location of the Inlet p Complete inlet G10sUre A base run representing existing. conditions wil! be established .during the model calibration. Results from the altered simulations will be compared with the base' runt to determine changes to the overall current patterns and magnitudes, the flushing within the Interior, and any potential alterations in the sand transport patterns due to the tidal currents. The percent changes presented will allow managemetlt decisions to be made regarding the feasibility and future impacts of the proposed alternatives. At completion 9 ./ o .' + 1. Excavate the Interior Inlet Shoals . 2. Inlet. Relocation Plan with Excavation of the Interior Inlet Shoals 3. Periodic dredging of the south end of Figure Eight Island with placement on north end of Shelf Island 4. Inlet ~ielocation with Periodic Sand Transfer by frock ar other means tv Downdrift shoreline along the beaches of Shell Island. Other alternatives, including combinations of the above with infrequent use of a floating dredge to remove sand that has not been collected north of the relocated inlet wilt be examined. For each of the alternatives identified, the effectiveness of erosion amelioration and cost will be quantified. Particular attention will be directed to establishing the erosion relief provided to areas where currently upland structures are in jeopardy. A matrix Will be developed displaying the relative attributes of each alternative relative to the objectives of the project and the concerned interests. The economic benefits of -combining fcnancial resources now used for inlet maintenance with those used to nourish the beaches of the Town ~rf Jupiter Island will be evaluated. 6-2 Assess Impact of Each Alternative on Natural Resources The natural resources in the viciri"rty of the planned sand placement will have been identified in the environmental studies thereby allowing evaluation of the lrnpaci for each alternative. Both negative and positive impacts will be evaluated including, but nvt /l .. _r~t....~_.;~..~ ..., .. ,_ , .. ~~ ~ <' „, , . limited to: burial of seagrass beds, sand quality effects (turbidity), Increased quality and ~, " t~~~ quantity of turtle nesting areas. eta 8.3 tdentify Interests Relative to Inl~tartd feasiblllty of Obtaining Permits - The various entities concerned with the Inlet will be identified end each e~ltematroe will be . ~. . weighed considering. the concerns of alf interests. Interests wilt indude, but not be limited to: Town of WrightsvillQ Beach , ,Boaters, Environmentalists, Fsh" ': and Wildlife Service, U_S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Hanover County. State of . ~ . North Carallna, etc_ Attempts wAf_t~e made early in the study to meet with - ~ representatives of these interests, including permitting agencies, to develpp an understanding of their concerns. One or more meetings wi8 be held later in the study to ~' present and discuss the altematlves including their relative merits.. present phase Ill Interim ResuCts to County Staff and Subsequently to the Board of County Commissioners Meetings will be held with. County Staff and later with the Board of County Commissioners to describe the results and preliminary recommendations. The results of these meetings will contribute to fhe final recommendations. The task includes all required coordination with New Hanover County project manager to prepare for the ' meetings. . '1~ p PHA9E~MV' PLAN RECOMMENDAT70N A final report will be prepared containing results of Phases I, II and III. 'A deta1ed i- description of the recommended. pion will be provided with costs, benefit/cost analyses, ,. environmental impacts, and short-term and long-term features of the recommended Fx _ .plan. Recommendations for funding will be made taking into consideration the beneficiaries.. Adeiitionally, afollow-on monitoring program will be detailed which will ~~ ~ allow for problems to be Identified and corrected In order to fine tune individual project design features comprising the Plan. E~ements of a successful long-range Inlet Management Plan include: Environmentally and aesthetical{y acceptable to the community • Improved shoreline stability by effectNe sand management ^ lmplamentation guidelines that are economically, environmentally and . politically acceptable ^ ..Monitoring plan to ensure the program meets all project performance criteria The plan report format will follow the above described scope of and focus on the analysis of information and data collected as far the part of this study. The Plan will be prepared to concur with the County and State Coastal Management Rules and Regulations. This task includes close coordination with New Hanover_ Gounty staff to attend and. prepare formal presentations to affected parties to describe. the studies and the recommended Plan as well as to assist in preparing any legal documents that may be necessary to implement fhe Plan. J3 _ _ . ~ ,~ ' ;,; i, 1: is i s'i l ~ii: i' i. Y :1 °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y '. ~' ,r ~ ~ ~' Y ' ~ 1 ' .L E 1 ~ 1• j ~ , I I , 1~, .. ;~~• rl~ ~ ,, li~l r; a' •' ~; •~1 ~; •, ' ;~ r ': e~ ~ ~ ~~~ i~ iii 1 ,; ~I i i; ~'1 ' E 1t: O .I i~ •' • '6 ' ~ .. A .I . .~ ~i y U i1 ,1 1 .. ' ~ ' I ~ , .I; 6 o ,~ ~ .~ ~ y o. ~ ~ p ~ ~ a y ? ~, ,~ •~ u r~ ~ RS .g ~ ~ ~ ru. 7 Jj - ~j L70 ~ 1° . ~ u C ::q1 ;aG' a o ~ a ~ _ ~2 ~'n a 'v ~' ': ~+ 'a E •,~~ N 'C G y in ~. ~,~ ~~ . ip,i ~ C . . ,~, 9 ~ r .~ , ~i,' n ~ ~ ~ m '~, ~~ w ~ ~' z a ~ ~; a ~ NEW /-/ANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS I ~ ' "~. - RESOLUTION z" , WHEREAS, NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRONGLY BELIEVES IN THE MAINTENANCE OF A HEALTHY, COASTAL ENVIRONMENT AS A CRITICAL FACTOR IN PRESERVING A HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE FORT .;~ ;;,~~. -, ITS RESIDENTS; WHEREAS, NEW HANOVER COUNTY HAS A DEMONSTRATED RECORD OVER THE YEARS OF SUPPORT FOR THE COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, INCLUDING; - "'tr~`"~'ti~. • ~ l ~U .: . - THE INVESTMENT OF $80,000 OVER FOUR YEARS IN JOINT ESTUARINE STUDIES WITH' UNC-W AND THE NORTHEAST NEW HANOVER CONSERVANCY. - DEVELOPMENT OF CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ESTUARINE RESOURCES. - SUPPORT OF EFFORTS THAT HAVE SUCCESSFULLY RE-OPENED FLITCHES CREEK TO SHELLFISHING. - SIGNIFICANT EFFORTS THAT HAVE PLACED THE COUNTY IN THE FOREFRONT FOR CAMA LAND-USE PLANS. - SIGNIFICANT SUPPORT FOR CAMA BEACH ACCESS FACILITIES AND FOR THE MASONBORO ISLAND AND THE ZEKE~S ISLAND ESTUARINE RESERVES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE R.RESOLVED, .THAT THE NEw HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTS THE PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES OF THE COASTAL RESOURCE COMMISSION AND THE COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT, AS DEMONSTRATED BY THE COUNTY~S RECORD, AND IS FULLY COMMITTED TOI7Ef/1y J~t.C /ekJk-~ 9ov~~n'+~~L~'~' I) THE REMOVAL OF THE TEMPORARY SANDBAG REVETMENT AT MASONS INLET WITHIN FIVE YEARS; AND 2) , pas: t~n 1 ob{-ai h f'~. err-.}~f~q dtue.~op a, ~/- ~a s{,Q bJ/i z c /Ylasar~ s /n /t~ ~+' ~~c .. vn~, BE R FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS; I) AU BOND OR LETTER OF -STATE"PRIOR'?O~IS9UAN@E-OF'-~k-PEFFFIIT IN AM[]i iNLQF~i -T~M-P6RAfiY--SAN~BBs4G p Fw.)DS t~i2p~li DBD $'( '~1A~~ ~S/d.~.el b~e~I~UI.~~~ ~OC• ~. ~ AGREES TO ENTER INTO SIGNED CONSENT ORDER IN A FORM. ACCEPTABLE TO THE STATE t' Cd , ,Q~j"L/ PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT, CONCERNING THE REMOVAL LO,F THE S/,q,ND AG / // REVETMENT IN FIVE YEARS. b/9 ~@ CUYJO~i T / ~ 5~ti'~~ 5't'~~~1'5~ -~~~ `G $i~aC.s~S o~G//~/~ u /~~es~ u'~~~ I b~md ~7i ~e G~ra~u~ SS"a,Ud d fv y c~~.r~.,/~c r(~~a..Q U~1 ~-lu fGs~Ypara.r~ sc~~6~.rty~-f %N SyeQVS. 0 THIS THE .DAY OF 19 NEW HANOVER COUNTY {sEAL} ROBERT G. GREER,+CHAIRMAN BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI 10 S' F . , .~ dg ; ATTEST: ~"* :~~;~~~,: ' ~ 1~,... ~~~n Wis. rp CLERK TO THE BOARD - =';.` . :.~ a: ~~~~~~ APPRdV~ REJECTED ~ . REMOVE© C1 POSTPONEp~$ ~,,,rl- DATA i a V _ "~ 1 .. ~..~~~ t~w~.e~ ~ ,~~ ~ .F~~ i~! ~ ~~ ~~~5~~~ ®31~7~~J3~f ~. ~~~~ ~3!'G~~ t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non Agenda Items (Limit Three Minutes) ADJOURN PAGE NO. 53 This page intentionally left blank 54 ~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA SEPTEMBER 3, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Proclamation: Hunting Fishing Day 3. Approval of award of bid #97-0071 for vehicles to Bob King .Pontiac-GMC, Inc.. and approval of contract #97-0071 and associated budget amendment #97-0031 4. Adoption of resolution(s) adding the following roads to the state highway system: Lantana Lane Roads in Shinn Point Subdivision Todd Avenue Weeping Willow Road Roads in Beaver Creek & Elk Run Subdivisions Meadowood Drive -Smith .Creek Estates 5. Approval. of budget amendment: A. #97-0030 to budget additional revenue and expenses from the CP&L drill B #97-07 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. C. #97-08 to increase budget for additional revenue received. Federal Forfeited Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. . ~~'. This page intentionally left blank 56~ t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting. Date: 09/03/96 Regular Item m: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item n: Department: Governing. Body - Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: Approval. of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the followin' minutes: Public Hearing -August 12, 1996 Hurricane Briefing -August 1 ~, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: I~1ew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL:. FIiV: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• ~ ~ ~ . • COUNTY COMMiS~S10NERS APPROVED [Y . REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONED ~~ ; DATE ~3 ~i G ,~~~r-~ Refcr to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition _ _. Tliis page intentionally left blank a a o .... _: Q Q Q .:. ___. ._ ._._......~....r..,.~.~___ ., ._. ._. :..__.____ .~ .. ~ fl -~ ~f ~.. .. ~l ;. s.. 'ti Y ' a w.. ~~{~pn o~t~ nt+I~~.w ;.~ {~Y6~911~al~vli~~#~;~Y d. 5 8~~ ~~~ ~~~~ :~ .. ,. . e i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 ' Regular Item ~: Consent Item ir: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell ~ ~ - Paae Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Proclamation: Hunting and Fishing Day BRIEF SUMMARY: The NC Wildlife Federation is requesting the Commissioners to proclaim September 28, 1996, as Hunting and Fishing Day in New Hanover County. -_ RECOi•~IMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt proclamation k'UIVUII\G SOURCE: ~ ~ ' Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: ; . Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: ` .. REVIEWED BY: LGL: COUNTY MANAG Adopt proclamation. FIN: ~e r BUD: HR: ' ~lVllvl!/lV 1.7 AIVU KC,L,VlV11VlC.1VUA11VlVJ: v ~ s COUf~TY COMMISSIONERS .. APPROVED REJECTED C] REMOVED O POSTPON ~ ~~ ~~, 59~:~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Dis DATE 0 ~H CAROB 2 9 45 ENVIRONMENTAL ~ QUALITY ~ `O<~~F FEO~~P` August 14, 1996 NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE FEDERATION Afj~`iliated with the National Wildlife Federation P.O. Box 10626 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27605.0626 (919)833-1923 FAX (919) 829-1192 Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to Board 320 Chestnut St., Rm 305 Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. Harrell, Last year the New Hanover County Commissioners declared the fourth Saturday in September as Hunting and Fishing Day. On behalf of the N.C. Wildlife Federation, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the N.C. Sportsmen's Alliance, 1 am writing to ask that this issue be included on the agenda for an upcoming Commission meeting so that they might consider issuing a similar proclamation for this year. The N.C. Wildlife Federation believes that the positive roles of the sporting public should not go unrecognized. Sportsmen and women provide revenues to protect and enhance fish and Wildlife populations and to improve the quality of Wildlife habitat. In addition, the strong conservation ethic among true sportsmen and women should not be ignored. Annually, North Carolina's hunters and anglers contribute approximately S25 million to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission's conservation programs. These programs have benefitted hundreds of Wildlife and fish species, from deer, quail, wild turkey, striped bass and brook trout to otters, bald eagles, alligators and songbirds -- fish and Wildlife that all North Carolinians can enjoy. Enclosed is a sample proclamation for Hunting and Fishing Day, a sample press release, and enough copies for each of your counties commissioners. I have also included a postage paid postcard for you to return and let us know if your county is joining us in recognizing September 28th as Hunting and Fishing Day. ,Thank you for this opportunity to recognize an important piece of our national heritage. If we can be of assistance, please ' contact Lisa West at (919) 833-1923. . ~. - _ ., ;, ~, __ ~.a..u-(y~- ICS. _~.. _., ._,.._...._.,. _. .. _._ . _._..__._.. _._ _ ... _..__ _ .._ ... .. _.. ~. - - -... - ~_.. __ -Chuck Rice, President- ~-_ . _ _ _ _ ... ~.. __ . _.. _ _ - -• North Carolina Wildlife Federation --• -x_•--• -•----~~~----~-- .--..-w. .. _ Ilgw enclosures •- r _ , cc: NCWF Regional Vice Presidents ~ ' New Hanover Cou ty Commissioners ~~4~~~h ~~ ~~'A+~ - : r- :'~ t _~ -'~. PR~OCLAMATIDN NEW NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ Hunting and fishing have always been an important part of the American tradition. While these activities may no longer be necessary for survival - as they were in the early days 'of the nation -- they are still. .relevant today. Sportsmen and sportswomen recognize the critical role of habitat -- quantity and quality of air, land, water, adequate cover or shelter, appropriate space, and sufficient arrangement -- for the existence of all living things: For over 100 years, they have been in the forefront of the conservation movement. Not content with merely vocalizing their support, hunters and anglers requested special feed and taxes on their equipmentto pay' for scientific reseazch, habitat acquisition and improvement, education and enforcement. Over the years, funds raised total over $19 billion for conservation. Programs financed by the hunters and anglers have led to the dramatic comeback of many wildlife species. These include game species such as the wild turkey, tundra swan, snow geese, ducks, and white-tailed deer. However, these efforts also helped-the comeback ofnon-game species as well, including the bald eagle, other raptors, songbirds, shorebirds,. alligators, fur bearers, and others. As individuals and through their organizations, hunters and anglers volunteer countless hours of their own time for local conservation projects and to raise even more funds for conservation. We would like to take this opportunity to commend responsible hunters and anglers for their efforts on behalf of wildlife and for their contributions to conservation. Therefore, we the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, do.proclaim Saturday, September 28, 1996 as Hunting and Fishing Day in New Hanover County. We call upon our citizens to join with hunters, anglers and other responsible conservationists to ensure the wise use and proper, management of our natural resources to benefit future ,generations. Adopted this the 3rd day of September. 1996 ATTEST: Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert G. Greer, Chairman COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED [3'~ REJECTED p REMOVED p POSTPONER DATE ~! 3 5~ ~~~ 6.14 0 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Sheriff Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Am Akin SUB.IECT: .Award of Bid # 97-0071 for vehicles to Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc. and approval of Contract ;r 97-0071 and related budget amendment. BRIEF SUNIMARY: Sealed bids were received for the purchase of five vehicles (used) for the Sheriffs Department. After inspecting the five vehicles proposed by Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc., the Sheriff is requesting award of bid for four of the five vehicles. Attached is a resolution awarding Bid # 97-0071 for four vehicles to Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc., the only responsible bidder, in the amount of $~6,99~.00. Contract draft # 97-0071 and a budget amendment to transfer funds is submitted for approval. (Part of the necessary funds are already budgeted; budget amendment allocates remaining necessary funds.) RECOMi\~iENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTION 1 Staff recommends adoption of resolution: I. Awarding Bid ~ 97-0071 for four vehicles to Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc., the only responsible bidder in the amount of $~6,99~.00. 2. Approving Contract # 97-0071. 3. Approving budget amendment # 97-0031 UNDING SOURCE: Federal S:. State S: 28,495 County S: 28,500 User Fees S: Other S: vtoney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Yes 3udget Amendment Prepared: Yes REVIEWED BY: ~. ,._. __.,..a. .r.,..,.., _ ..~ _' _ ~ '~ .~ s . _ _._. __.~ ~ ...~., .. LGL: APP WCOPLEY . FIN: .BUD: HR: N/A AMALLETT Award bide. .... .. ~ . ~ ~ ~ . .- __ . ~ , : COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .- a:: . , ~. - .._ APPROVED !~ . REJECTED O 6 3 . ; .. ~ REMOVED - Refer {o OfFce Vision Bulletin Boazd for Dispor ,{ o TPONED DATE _,.~ 3_~°,~,~~~" Budget Amendment ., . ~ DEPARTMENT• BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE.: ~ .-.' Sheriff/ Administration 97-0031 9-3-96 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT - CREDIT p~ Sh iff/Adm~ni~tration ~ !1 DSS Transfer/Sheriff $ 29,335 lJ Motor Vehicle Purchase $29,335 a . . « _. ~, .~ .. . a . ~ .. .. .. ', . _.. ~ .,._ v_~__- _..__ _ . .~._ -_... ~ .~... EXPLANATION - P .~ -~To budget funds ~ for--the= purchase of two vehicles to be ^used ~,- ,_ by the Sheriff's .Deputies for support enforcement., DSS will - reimburse the Sheriff's Department~to cover the cost of •the ;' a vehicles . ~. ~ °' 6 I . ~ ~~~ j + x~ For Budget Ofiice~s approval; then report 4 ~ ~~"~`~~~"'~',~ to Commissioners at neat regular meeting ~~4l~~l~:a~ and enter m minutes. ~~~~ '~ To be approved by Commissioners. ' To be entered into minutes. j~"~ n 0 RESOLUTION OF THE _ BOARD OF COMIVtISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ ' WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 11:00 a. m., 'on the 6th day of August, 1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for vehicles for the Sheriffs Department,-Bid # 97-0071: Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc. Vehicle 2-1 $14,250.00 Vehicle 2-2 $14,250.00 Vehicle 3-1 $15,500.00 Vehicle 3-2 $12,995.00 Vehicle 3-3 $14,250.00 AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff's Department has inspected the vehicles and determined that all the vehicles proposed are satisfactory except Vehicle 2-2 and in the bid package the County reserved the right to add or delete quantities; AND WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the contract for vehicles 2-1, 3-l, 3-2, and 3-3 be awarded to Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of Fifty-six Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-five Dollars ($56,995.00); -AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 347-431-8000-7300-6450 Job Code CSTAX030 for two of the vehicles and a budget amendment is part of this request to transfer the necessary funds for the remaining to two vehicles to Account No. 110-431--4311-6450 cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for vehicles for the Sheriffs Department, Bid # 97-0071 be awarded to Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc. in the amount of Fifty-six Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-five Dollars (556,995.00); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. Pp . This 3rd day of September, 1996. _ (SEAL) ~, _ , ~ , _ . °~ ~ . . a. w, / J'AS'; ~~ A. I ~ - ~ t < _. .. , . 1v . uk .n .. . ~ «.. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners >.. ~ ., ~. .r. k .~ ~ - ,.. - . .. _ ATTEST: - .. ~. ... w . ~ '~~, ... n ~~;~ ... . k ... t ... . ._ .. «. Clerk to the Board :::. ~COUN.-.TY~COMMISSIONERSf ~ , }-,~ ._... APPROVED (~' REJECTED p REMOVED POSTPONED. DATE ~~5( _ Gy~,t, DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0071 NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this ~ day of , 199 , by and between .NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, ...hereinafter referred. to as "County"; and BOB KING PONTIAC-GMC, INC, a North Carolina corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for vehicles for the Sheriffs Department, Bid # 97-0071, and bids were received and opened as required by law; ; and - , WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by Vendor; the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with - ° Vendor- 'covering the purchase and delivery of vehicles, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal. ~ .. ,;..~ NOW, THEREFORE, inconsideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the , parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Exhibits to Contract. The Bid Package, which includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; and Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Exhibit B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. - ~ U 2. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall . remain with Vend~o-~r~~uyl ;they oods are delivered to County F.0.6. New Hanover ~~ -, ~~~'~ .~°-_ County,. Wilmington, North Carolina; exact location (s) to be specified at the time of order.. 's 3. Delivery. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County within three (3) consecutive calendar days after receipt of order. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum ~~ of Fifty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Five ($56;995.00) Dollars shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of the goods, their acceptance by County and receipt of .invoice. 5. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, ,causes of t action, or other. liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed. by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. . 6. Default and Termination. If Vendor materially .breaches any one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract., County may terminate this contract ~- fortflwith. Upon termination, County may, without prejudice to an action fordamages or any~other remedy, enter into another contract for the completion of this contract. County may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which .. _ . may become due to Vendor. - . 7. Non-Waiver of Rights. 1t is agreed that County's failure to insist. upon the strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right ,..:, , ,based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract: ~. _ ., . - , . . .. ~.~ 8. Subcontractors. Vendor,shall be fully responsible for all --, ~~ . - .-a~ negligent.acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors and of persons and . Z sz: organizations employed by them. to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts and. omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create. any contractual relationship between County and any subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contracf"with Vendor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of County to pay any money due any such subcontractor or .other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. 9. Assignment. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and shall not be assi ned b either art without the written consent of the 9 Y P Y other party and the surety to this contract. ~- 10. Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not to e discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the project which ~is the subject of this .... contract because of a e race creed color sex a e disabilit or national ori' in To 9 , , 9 Y 9 . the extent applicable, Vendor~will comply wifh all provisions of Executive~Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights-Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284); and all applicable Federal, State and loca'I laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations acid other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result,`atCounty's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in ::` ~. `.a' whole or in .part. - ~ ~ °,. `11. Familiarity with Laws: ~l'he Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with"all Federal, State and local laws;ordinances, rules . ~~a~. = - and regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act ~ '~ .. (OSHA) requirements, which may in any manner affect those engaged~or employed in =: the work of the project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he; his employees; subcontractors`-~~ :~~ ' U • 3 ~~ r s t and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same. If the Vendor shall discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with any such law ordinance, rule or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the County in writing, .identifying any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed until he has received written direction from the County with respect to these items. If the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving such notice, he shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. 12. Notices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail,-Return Receipt Requested: To Count Y ~ .. New Hanover County Sheriff s Department Attention: Captain Nathan Johnson 20 North Fourth Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~. To Vendor: ~' Bob King Pontiac-GMC, Inc. . , _ Attention: Joel Wartel 5115 New Centre Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ ; 13. Independent Contractor.. It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as' such, ~~:~ ,Contractor, his or her agents and .employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, ,_ . -, worker's compensation, or pension or retirementtenefits. ~- - ~ ~ =4 #, ~ .i ~. .. _ 14: Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained in the contract documents~~shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the -State `of . North Carolina. 15. Entire Understanding. This contract constitutes- the ,entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this -contract shall- 6e effective unless evidenced by a signed .writing. FN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given on the day and year first above written. - NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] . - - ~ ~ .. _ Robert G. Greer, Chairman '_ Board of Commissioners ATTEST: ~ ~~ Clerk to the Board ,-.[CORPORATE SEAL] ATTEST: BOB KING PONTIAC-GMC, INC. President _ . . . ;, ~~ . ~ is - .:, ~g Secretary :~ ... - • .. - . .. ~ .... ~ -- -~- - , . .. _ , .: - .: §. ~ , _..,' ~~ b ... x ..:. . .-. This instrument.has been pre- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' _ ~ ~ . ~~ ~ $ ~ ~~^ ~_ . ~. audited in the manner required -~ ~ _ - ... .. ~ ° -~ , by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. : ~ ~ • Approved as to form: ' ~ ~ ~- . ;;:.~ s. 4 ... ~ ,.F .. ,~ ~~ ..-. _ ,~. 4i ..mot gl ~ L:. -_ Count finance Director .. _ ~ . ~~ ~- Y ~ County Attorney _' ... _ -.~ 70: 5 t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notary Public of the State and Countyaforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF ~, a Notary Public of the State and County. aforesaid, certify thatpersonally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of BOB KING PONTIAC-GMC, INC., a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. My commission expires: Notary Public 6 71 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ON VEHICLES • 97-0071 Pursuant to Section,143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amyl. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR VEHICLES, BID # 97-0071" will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. August 6, 1996. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance' Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the County. ' . Amy J. Akin . • Purchasing Agent • New' Hanover County ~Advert~ised: July 28, 1996 72 ~~ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BID # 97-0071 VEHICLES .. .. _. New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7190 Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal ~, Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; . the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufactures warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid. No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. , ; - _. - .. Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications. for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shall be in strict accordance _. with the County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. - _ .. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. . J -z_t~ Warranties:' Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall ~ -, conformin all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall ~., submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the < .~ goods bid upon. If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose... --_ .; ;<-~, <,:;.- < :-~ .: a i .. .. e . .. .. .,. ~ ~ . - 8 > ~ ._ ..:1 s. ~ ..fit ,~ ~ .. M1~ . ! i : 1' Pf r ; . 1 I-1 of4 -' 73 Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR VEHICLES, BID ~ 97-0071 ", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Condition of Goods All goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. Time For Opening Bids Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled -:losing.time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder, unopened. Withdrawal of Bids Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time prior to the closing time for receipt of bids: But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time.for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days.. ~- .. . ~ ~ _ ., . , ~ _,.,. _ Award of Contract The award of any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract. New Hanover County reserves the right to add or delete quantities. Award will be made by either individual vehicle or as a group: 74 I-2 of 4 #~ Considerations in Award of Contract In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. Price ~ Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period required. Place of Delive ry Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County, Wilmington, North Carolina; exact location(s) - to be specified at the time of order, and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. Ins ection of Goods P County shall require that vehicles be available for inspection by County personnel on Tuesday, 'August 6, 1996. Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred to in the bid documents: . 1 I-3 of 4 7~ Indemnity Vendor shall indemnify.and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes~of action, or other liability,. including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. Addendum The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. . Compliance With Bid Requirements Failure to comply with these provisions or any other provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result in rejection of bid. Right To Reject Bids ~ ~~ The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. -.~~ ~ ,. . ., ,. -. . ~ } .. h4i' . w 7~ I-4 of4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ~~, VEHICLES BID # 97-0071 I. General These specifications are to be considered as minimums for the furnishing of the following vehicles: Two (2) 1995 or 1996 Mid-size Vehicles: V-6 Engine Auto Transmission Power Steering Power Brakes Power Windows AM/FM Radio Cruise Control Air Conditioning Three (3) 1993, 1994, 1995, or 1996 Mid-size Thunderbird, Camaro, Firebird, or equivalent: ~ ~. . V-6 or V-8 Engine Auto Transmission Power Steering Power Windows Power Brakes AM/FM Radio Cruise Control . Air Conditioning Delivery time and low mileage will be a significant consideration in the award of the contract. Award will be made by either individual vehicle or as a group. It is anticipated that award of this contract will be made at the Commissioner's meeting scheduled on August 19, 1996. Vehicles.shall be available for inspection the day of August 6, 1996. I-1 oft 77 r II. Service Requirements . Proposed price shall include complete service prior to delivery to County, including: 1. Complete lubrication. 2. Checking all fluid levels to insure they are filled to manufacturer's recommended capacity. (Crankcase, differential, battery, radiator, power steering, transmission, etc.) 3. A minimum of five (5) gallons of gasoline at time of delivery. 4. Adjustment of engine to proper operating condition. 5. Inflating tires to correct pressure. 6. Careful check to insure perfect operation of all mechanical and electrical features. _ 7. Careful check to insure there are no appearance defects. 8. Thorough cleaning, and washing if necessary, of all vehicles and removal of all unnecessary tags, stickers, paper, etc. 9. A State of North Carolina Motor Vehicles Inspection sticker. 10. A certificate of Origin or Title is to be furnished to the County. '1'I. 'Front license plate bracket, furnished and installed. 12. One Service Manual for each vehicle shall be provided. Y .. .. ; _ t _ _ 7 $ I-2 of 2 1 t t t t t Vendor's Quote # COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA BID PROPOSAL FOltitii BID # 97-0071 -VEHICLES August 6, 1996; 11:40 a.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal Two (2) 1995 or 1996 Mid-size Vehicles: 1. Manufacturer~ake/Model #: fi~" Sn i1 oc. ~.JrJE~Ji i 1 e S~ Cfs Price ~ /~/ a5 0 . ~ . ~ Mileage 3 I 1 ~-7 b Delivery (Availability) -~mn.~ec~~-g~ "2. ~ ManufacturerNlake/Model n: fo~~+~G ~N•~~h~~1C SG 9S Price ~ t V, ~Sp °- Mileage ~o gyy Delivery (Availability) .1 ^'~ m cC~~ gTrc.. Three (3) 1993, 1994, 1995 or 1996 Midsize Thunderbird, Camaro, Firebird, or equivalanet: 1. Manufacturer/Make~odel #: Cf-~-~/ C~}m Q Q~ Z_a,Fr 4~ . ~ f Price `~' IS, Soc7. °` . Mileage ~5'.SSc1 Delivery (Availability) Tlr.r~.cG~~ ATE 79. 2. Manufacturer/MakeModel ~: 1-tsr,c~ +a~tr~oeQ,~jjQ;~~'r $ Price ~~ ! a t 4 QS , o v Mileage afrt ~(Up Delivery (Availability) T-,,,,,,~~,~g~~~ ' 3. Manufacturer/MakeModel #: (~-rigG L~oryNCJIi l ~ S E q5 Pric~ I U~ a S v Mileage 3~a..co ~ f Delivery (Availability} .-:Lnn,.Y,,~• ~T"L. Attachments to Proposal 1. Complete specifications of equipment proposed , 2. Copy of warranty 3. Exceptions to bid (if any) Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the vefiicles~lis~edin this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Addendum _ ..., ... ~ ~~ Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: ~ _ Addendum No. ~ :Date ` ~ ~- ~~ ~ , 1996 -~ Addendum No. Date , 1996 Addendum No. Date , 1996 1 Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. The Bidder is: A Partnership.between: i A Joint Venture consisting of: t r `/ A Corporation or anized under the laws of the State .. of IVO~~ ~D~~A (List name of state appearing on the corporate sea( and affix seal below where ;indicated.) B Y: `- r ~/1 (name as above printed) . TITLE: S~'C . . ~ COMPANY: ~o~Q -tc_, fol. ~~~ ZK,~. _ ~ __ r 1 .. ~. ADDRESS: S ~ ~ ~ /~e~c' ~•P,u`t~e Q/' - = ~ - f ~ ; pct. ~ ~ N' ~~ ~g~o~ -~ ~ -~- ~; _.. - ...TELEPHONE: ~ GD - ~} 4~ • 3 s22o t SEAL-IF BID IS BY A CORPORATION ATTEST: .. B / . Y 81 L C CO ~1j j ~G L ' G G _ C ~j -% v ~. J ~ N ~ U ~ L L L B C.7 0 ' ;, " u u . >> p o ' . Q U ~. L u N r . L v U •~ ~ 1- ~. O u v w ~ _ ~ ,~ > C ~, U ~ .> :J U ~fl CS ~ c a y .`7 ~ v: r v L E . Q ~„ >~ ~ c , c Z ~ ~_ ~ ` = ~ O ~ ~ L E..., N U C V. C 7 C :.1 1- V r ~ :3 Cl U `p ~, G ~ . V ... U N . u n O ~- G ~ '- O u u O ~'~'~{ c - p U c 0 7h ~ O •r O L O ~. i. n c~ . C C . _ ::.1 a -- c r u ~ ~' ~ c ~ ~.: ~? ~- '" v. -~r E~~.., j c U '~ L O G ~' ~ Ov E~ '~ v ~ n u U U ~ ' ~ ~U~i • • i v ~J 'y. C tr.'. ^ r ~ ~ • - O . v c 4. J G :~ y O Sl ~(1 ~ 1 LL-. "•~ c O - O 'C L N -- G O O `~ ~, ~ •~ v 'cn c``~ n o ~ ~ • :~3w3 .~ J 7 ! ~ ~ • • ~ Y •~ :J f3. O ~" C C O n ~ `a •n •!. 6J Q ,Z ~ ~ G v O. ~ L Z ~ o u ~. ~ ~= v v ~, to ~ Cl U o ~~ " ^~~-~a L-1 > ; ~ ~ U ~ in p U 7_ ~ 2_ O ~ cu ~ -n ~:,~ _ o 5 u r O t/)DCG=7 < C:a ... n `- c ^^ F•-~ ...n F" ~ 7 J N .. u L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < - ~i v1 /-~ y. 3 C r t. ~_ u O o ~ a O Y. ' u "' N C ee y N -_ - c } Y C 0 C- ~ C O ~cG n c' V ° 'z ~ ` ' - '~ c ~ v `_ ~ . ,. .~ .~ v > ' 7 >' r c n C L E ` >. . • >. ~ (f C >. L ei '7 N >' v n n r ~ i C CO v n :J nC C u C am n ' > ~ i u ' vl ~ .n v v c . , l j c r. ~ i 7 c i E v • ~ E l1J € O c ~ ~ ~~ a: E H ~' V U ` O c C t .%~ ~ ._ y i ~ • C o C ~ L ? u O u > - p C V N ~ . ` 7 O L u O ' ~ l = ~;~ ~ y % '% u u Uu~ ~~ ~ Cr r.:i i r C .; p ~ 7 o ~ 1 ~ Y ~ 4 y c c y ~ + t ~ l r ~ C •> .f R .1 Z _ y ` N I c ' 8 1 ~ Y. r L C ~ a Y ~ ~•_ S s ` j C ~ C Cl ~ s t 7 ) fi ,f 1 ~ _ ~ c ~ o •3~9.~ ~ ~ •, c 'o 2'<' T 3 ~ e y w ~ 9 ~ ^ ~~i ~` ~~ c 3 .t 4~d* o~ ~.;~: ~ V 1 t' ~ G1 '3 i . y ~ > ~ SS1 L ~ 3t f, ec ' 1$ o t.z -. t ~ ;i t Y n •= .~~~-~ ~ ss // V wf=V C s 82 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 r r .S. y L ~ ~ I-' ~'n O rr a o it w E--' ` « z L Q C" r c ~ ~ ~ r ~ v: N C o ~ ~"' c ~o ~ v, W ~ ~ o e F=-~ O H ~ ~y~r. W F.. ~ o ~ r O N Q N O U ~ • O 0 U c o ~ r .G (~ < ~ ~ U ~•- Z u c ~ ~i U ~~. ~ C j, u C ~ C ~ C to c U ~ ~~ UUC.G C C~~ tnU L•. • • U • ~ w z c~ Q Q `/ Q W I O _~ .•C ,~ a a O `^ v •a L y v v v y, N •~ U E ~ E o ~ u V1 V L ~ L N ~ ~ L h~ CU ~. ~ v O O L U _T ``~ C N a u cks d I ,~ r. C\ ~ ~ ~ v u ~ v f~- c, ~~ ~a _~ :.~ ~~ J ~; G ~ c ~ }o (;,~ r' v ~ n r G C:] . . .-a U 1_ ~ W .~ r z L•1 ' a E s V 3 ~, d r r~ v ~ Q • ~ ~:.~ ~.. N c E" r a' G ~_ ~ ~ u G - U ~ ~ U c_ C cn • • G E c c V L ~ 7 u ~ C T ~ ~ ~~ `~ v w >~ 03 c v ~ ~ _ vi ~ u o._ O C - u .E - r-~ E c u c u ~ v O •- u cv • ~ ~ y c v E " Z c [.. •- u ~s u z s a 'C ~, L •v c C ~ ~ >, u n u O H v nU ~ a c u E =~ ~^ c u •~ C E _ s u ~ ~ f C p ~^ u fQ° o .,. ..: n ~ c '~' ~n C `` ~ ~C ; ~ E- .E ~ 83: ~ v'1 v . _ ~, This page intentionally left blank ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/03/96 _~ Regular Item #: Consent Item m: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell .i` SUB.TECT: NCDOT Road Additions ~. BRIEF SUMMARY: ~, Adopt resolution(s) adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Lantana Lane Roads in Shinn Point Subdivision ,~ Todd Avenue Weeping Willow Road Roads in Beaver Creek & Elk Run Subdivisions Meadowood Drive Smith Creek Estates -, - RECOMI/IENDED MOTION 4ND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Adopt resolution(s) . -~ ~, Other S: County S: User Fees S: _ '':; IYew Appropriation Request ,~ ,~ a ,, _ . _ .. ~ _ - REVIEWED BY: ~~ LGL: ~ ~ ' -. _~ FIN: - __ __ . - _~ BUD: HR: - • ,; N R' OMM .. T . D RE, ~. 'vIME D I _ : , :_' ...r__ .~ . ~ _~ Adopt resolution. ' .s.~~ "._ . a ,~ _ ..~ _ : , ._-._ __. - -- - ~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _~_'.... _.•.. .. . _ . _..~ ,. _ .. APPROVED !~~ .. __ _ ... _. - REJECTED p - __.. ~_. _ . ~.. ..~ ~~~ - ~ ... _--- - REMOVED - -^ 8~ - POSTPONED O DATE ~i~~~ ~lm-~ .. '~ Rcfcr to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition -~, - NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS. PETITION North Carolina ~ - County of New Hanover Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (/S ' ~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ). We the undersigned, being pro erty owners on L q~NTR ~1 A ~N~ ~O•~' ~ -F ~4 eu~a~c r C IKb RDa~ (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department ofTransportation to -A•~d ./'p 5-f'~~e SyS,~C~'YI the above-described road.. We further advise that the road req ~sted to add -~ S~~ ids ~ ~ miles in length and at the present time there are ~ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Oivisiori of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. ' REMARKS Four copies of recorded sundivision plat enclosed if applicable. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME "' ~ ' •`~ MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~ TELEPHONE The Di:~isio;; cf High;nays should contact the First petitioner listed below: rad ~ M J •ih~~2~N~' .I> >R135 -.~ I' i_1 _. I _ c-~n~n .. z13 ~zo/ r-c At~rcennn9~s O .... ...4 ,...~...~.. ~~~~T~~ Revised Form SR-1 `(5-83)x" All p forms obsolete. z ~8~ ~5;3do:.-: - AU6 - 8. 1996 ~, 1~ NEW NANOVER CO. ' /~/ T~ ----,`/( `y '7~-' C. / F~ t , 40 QO fJ j. \ 9\gl I J (y-0 // O~ ~T } ~'~~i . ' ~~ i j O ao ~'L ? < o i o c ~? BWE n 7J 9 ORIv f ,G WERE~aT RO ~_ ~~' Jll'•yO4Tl1 ~ ~ C c `~~ iT a. . , ~~ Q ~ C.~ ~y .. yr 9 ~ ' ~ o ` p'~ of , °y? ~ F - t Q9 ~' /~ ~~. o ~ I ~' ~/ QC V h i -~ ro - __ ---- o f vat' .. +r~~ _ ~~ .. !~ F r ~/ r `. 4 ~I% ~j`; r'r ~ j aa.. ~ 'f~ :, ~ ~ ~ ,,. ~i//, // (~ITtN p / / / '~ :, ~7 '~ ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~~/ / .~ %~% ~* ~~ NTCN d'IEK // /~ Mall9R0aK / / faRN] N I / R~ / ~ / ORIVC InTYC ~n TaeE 0.~ ~ crlc ]R ~ ~ ? i °ORre _K ,~. JU VRER M CIR ERON (~ C y / UA I O I - a? I ~~ // !.i y~ ,, I .~ -J//'~)II / aERKr o~ TK.~C.. ]•r tv Fio r Eialit Island ~~~ ~~P 87 Q :, ~~ :I i :: I ~: , ~~ ~~ °~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County of New Hanover Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on ~NC~Tyr6~+D,t, (nAeYwoco D~e~ Sta~u~t ~o,~T Ro q.,a WooDCa7C 2a. (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to CoKSCO6e ~,.,~ ro Srnr~ SvsTC », the above-described roads. We further advise that the roadsrequested to s~ ADOED s~ APORoY . >; miles in length and at the present time there are ~ 3 occupied homes located on the roadsand having 'entrances into the roads. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This ,right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. -r rnNfAP 800{ ~ g PqG£ ~/ S`F1i.v.i pa .+r 5~9D,v,5,o~! SGCTfQ~I 1 1 ~, f11~ QOOK ~ ~-~ PAGC 8~ ~ Jue.J ~! ~~,w~T S/d OIV~S/OV SC.CTIOM Jy ~ ' PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: TELEPHONE . ~, ~AtJL ~FSRKc~2 `~cQR.CScNTtN~ St~r.s,.l~ocatr ('io.~Eoac/,vERS' t'1SSa1.~ 395-- <09 11 8~1 Stll.•t~t'PT RD. W~c..N,,,~cG-rv•t NC z8~1o9 ~~ ~~ ~-,~ 2 ~D' 199b r Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. - . ~ a:~-e~-~ -~ ~c a o ~ x i 3 g n,Erv E.~rov~x ~; , / ~ BD. OF CnMUicci.,,~..... ,,,-e Oy F ,o~ / ` c / ,c ; _ < P > I ~/y.( ~r ~ CS `~~~ `? °9_~. ~ _°:^,t 9f, 0. gCL9.` ?~pcE,'YCPiE~` a~' 1 ~~ <F :F~ ~ ^CYj, a n :~ rC~'4^ c =r S p / \ ~ f - ~ 3 ~ S U ~-`a T ` Y '' Y - 7 ..VVIY[RRT 4VE -_ quo: T ~ ~ ~ ,~. :RI yE q ~ C ' ~ ~ ~• n ~, zz ~FT T-SE CONO :'~ Y 4 `~~5{/~° _ CCU R'i ~ ~:J ~ n. G.J. / ~ ~ L M-_^ 1 - .tea °~. `i ~ ar - - '1 ; ~ ~~~ C ° U ' _ ,,=e ~^ A v / vr~ ~ / C5 ~ ~^~ v . i~ // ~' ' E:JT /~/_ ~~.~ t ' /~ Vllla E_gES aaa /Mry a a 2 '~ . iL ~a'5~~~ ~ /9Ea5lEY a, sOUy~ q 'i ~ ~ga~yo~~ ap f. y /OC avr ~ •~'a~"E Cr "q ~'vr / ;r~91~ ~ r,fE CA. a ~ V CMagJ rq4 CE •ip Y ~ •££ C n•. kY V ~ JQCT ~ a N,~~ ~ ~ t o pP ~ ~ e 4 / ~ ~ 4v~ ~ , cNUK~, w Er y =J .Q o sEa ~r ~~ v 00^,Fr 0 O¢ Er'AW~ ~~ R a 1 ~ i,~4EJ ~.s Z a - _ ~ •, IS N 0C f [' a ANTE < Sal OR Z ,rr EC ~ I+OUNO ~~tTMtiv CNaSC OOE CLEaglry w+~yYp °R F~VM~ R A,V,t CREEK ELK TR~II ~+~ SS / 9 OR aEEgI..~" s~oRE~ooo FA ~C Mtl:.3 vR r~ EFL cr ,rj,0 ~ Crtif „~ / ~UgTCO d (,~ /// Y ~~. / ~VEy 9t ~'~ 9 ~~' IiwucCU419ER V v4G, ,;,q - ~ `- O ~ -tpEwa7ER L v. 4 S.. ~ , „ } T+C'LLY L.V •~ 1 u P Q ~ 1 ii WC Y :.V E•y v,S, 0: ~. 9 W u S Ca9t_ C:~ L. I ~~ 4;~f, -SNL,-- J ° ° ~ c 0 ~ 'N~ J C . l 694. •'C of ` P '"' ~• F yJ ~!•~ o` F •~ a r ~ ~rcv qV , vy' ~~~' w, / C O / / <<~ / W l ~JV ~ ~~,E F ~~ ~ 1 ), ~ ~ 090 ~ ¢ ~ ~ T a7 S _ ~ 9q~ oaa{ AVE. ~ ~rOq /' // .~; wuRO `~ a0 RD /~~p .Y . -~ H / Y.. ^~ aCSELavJ ~•C'~' Or •'" v.• 'O r/. '/ s // / ~ _ Ty ~ / ` J t ~ ` yr Or ~~ ~ / '~9Y SV EPY CLT/INO TCN 90 AOLL~w' L.N O L~Y4 F ..> ~~ KINO STJN 40 F' ~YLF `c' r° ~ v J4„ ~~CC l= t 7~ ~ a V B9 '40 0 o c C~q l F t dJ ~ 7RaJ FCRO RO ~ J~~' -0 f~ ' '-9 l y ~"/T V 7 ~ ~ `+ V / z r ~`C E ~ ~'~ // !7 O ^ , ` , ~/ a ~:.as1- /~ G ~ 4liN / '//1/1~{'/~ / RuN _ 4EN/ / % ~ 89 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County of New Hanover .~' Petition request for (check one): Addition to~State System (!~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement O ~+ We the undersig ed, being property owners on _~p ~ (~ A Ur c9 fc~ ~ ~-~(~~ D ~GQL~Fz {Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereb~y request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to D D o ST~`r S Y 5 T'E~K the above-described road. • .v R ~ (°f~ v E We further advise that the road requested to ~~ (/IZ, is • ~ miles in length and at the present time there are ~_ occupied homes located on the -road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary ~ ~ width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of U Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be ~, improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in.the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-w,ay agreement forms that will .~ be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. j REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. ~ f /~ Y~.l~ "' PROPERTY O!^~NEP,S ~~3sz ~379q~L~'_~; 76~- 9~4~ . ~~ uC~~D Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. 4 •996 NEW HANOVER CO. NAME ~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: ~~ iii//'~ ~- ~ .,l ~ , Fw ~ - ~~ ~ i~ `/ / ~/, . .~ ~. l ~JI, 1 ~• ~~ j / b .. / .~,,' l ~j o' h m ¢•~"r sc,,,DEr ~ F a ~~ ~~ ,Q ~/ p .~~~ i~~ 7 1J3 av 4 117 C~ !a 7, M0.5K ~ t •• \ g HER MI74GE RD. a ~ 3 u O ~ V y V '`Eryyt-~. ~ u \ / - ~..~// / ~hY Rp Q NORWOOD OR. ~ ~'4.uq i Ph ~ ' h~uJ Cq\~ a Aq (' ~~. /• wC ~ II y ~/ :/ ~O • O ~ ~ GL4 ~ U RD. ~:' ~ ~ ~ p • p p ~ ~Q Q W C ... 40CKktLI GR W Y Z ~ // IER QD. ° u~ i % C v+ Fq~ J R040 v~ •~' ? ~~ -- / :.~4pHOA 1'y i V a q\a• (VILL` ` r O ~4. i / ~ DR C, 4. r :,~~• / ~n ~ J ~ p SCR h `' •ti. r i ~cr ` ~ CO77pryy.OO'.1 LN. g ti~ p 4p = Oy ep ~ =r 4 t, Q Nr ~a~ e° } X~ y ' D ~ ~~4 ~ o CT. 4P a 4. ~y ~' ,~,/ v f ~~ eOVn TI 04KLEy g ° R4M04TE r ~ R0, ~ ~ ~• / / 4-uRVLR R. • t~ / e-l4TTIC! R. ~ p~ql~ j RITTER OR i 3 ARLENE DR p ~~ r , // p i / ¢ 3r a' ..nD TpRESA OR. J ~/ j // S ~. `y'~ / Z WHITMAN I ~ j _ . _ . ~ ••~ / ~ .!4R(L•LS lN. LgMO .LEA pR. ~• ~ / / vnn0~ OR SN DR.`AUREL ~' o !C. - _. _. Z :_0 SDVER / ~ RO I f / " , ~, ... .. ... - 113 .. N KERR AVE. ~ XPOR7 DR. I O '. ~ _. .. _..._._ .... ;...> ~ 117 ..,~ .. ._ _.. CQ. -. ~ CN 4DvY1C ~'E ` ff l ~ _ 4N _ _ / R S~TEA eA 4 H£R'ra ~',~~~ reiq _ .. _.. .. _ , c 7 C 9 REAL J qR ~ I ~ '_' , C ~C7NG7py CA ' h Sg47~ Aq ~aRFjE~ 049. ~ ~'r~ GE- ' _ ~ ~ - - ____r~o„_ _. _ . -- ~ __ - - LZi~t. ? Jtj.i~ 2 ~ ~~~6 ~~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION r+ Ca ~~ No ~h rolina County of New Hanover ~,~, Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System (~'~ Paving (y~ Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on ~/ ,~~;~~ (Describe or give local na " e orb econdary RoG Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request .the Division Highways of the Department of Transportation to Q.~1~1;d,.,n/ ~2~.1v _ the above-described road. We further advise that the road requested to .~Yo~o/ ~ is miles in length and at the present time there are `3 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road, o~3D,r,,,y/~, ,,~~ Finally, we agree to .dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Divisiori of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be .improved and will inc}ude the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will: be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. . "REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ~- ._. ._ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE --~ --• The Division of Highways should contact the first. petitioner listed below: --_ ~.. 7r'a ~ ~ ccJ ~.~ f ~ . ~~~n~ :.~ A /c s-t , y`'~ ~ ~'S~ 0 9 719 - G 7~ S - Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. Lo` I.R£OWIn6 UNE /via.<c Ja • ~ ,N ? }' J;~~,~ ~2. .Ln C~~ ~i ~v" 2HLACK WINp cs FPr:'~ n ~%~ . ~7 = ~YQI _vr~. ~ ~ N yt•. o CE~c-._ ] ac_5 -y 99 C C O fi ¢ ~WLe ~ 1 .a- L, c'~ ~ c OjyO:. << trT S 4~ f of a° J R , '7G ~ y .dq ` ~~ S v - E~ Cs 7SQ c^ ~iP Sl /~PG~, Oq/` J~ " _ ,f ~S `~ DRIVE ~q~£1 RE7NOL71 Sv ?t_ N F " ~ Y- > S ~' 7RIVE _ 9.~ 'AFC C,.. ~e~ f Oq/`F ,a9/ C OP'~^~Cq~ 1 ~b[CU-~9EQ ' N Q~, Cq~ y ~-1 1 3v i• y~ 3 -.CELT _~ ~CF ~~ r~ 9;OFL - ~- < ,~. T C 2 3 r1T`N.'.• .V N lY~rt 9°f ,1t 4b r~ /P V IF ~ 3 ~ S C]BL°_ _~L• I n J` `/I ~oP q0 ci~~' O Z , ~ •rFS a~ -s\`r v: y-T•~ ~ i• G . - J4~C9 RO a~00 VING ~ -ti-_ / / ? a P 4yn / ~ OP ~ i 9:J?cP7pT ~q gFio gC~'Py / a'OGfR~'E,? ~~~OOVE-O ., oL ;, ' 60 .R R ~ R 1 e ~ p^' ~ C'L'q F Fy C~ 000 HEr tir ? O~~`r - N t C 3 ~ rEIpE J ~ • v. ~uvr, i s pR ~ a~ `Fay ~ ` ' ~~ // . ~o~ fy i 4 L she c ~ ~ cJRf N;. a ^Cq .,y / ~ q0 '..L PqQ N~/C r ~qL f F ?5 yEJc LE_ S O ~ ~ ~Lr ~ p V 4 j pR. ~ 2 ^~ H Z W o / N.C ~ ,~ i iv P~ J q ,. G G ~ 0 1 aR. 3 c ~ g ~ w :`Q ~ ¢ ~ .~~y~~ ~yEC,E .Q 'nrirE, a .q .T. a, f CC oa 5T ac '.M_De ~i..ip iYULp[RR7I ayE ra ~ ~, ~~ 0.~~`~ ~ // .J~ ~ OR L ~:' 1 ORr+L } a ~ .6 ,. .. y ~. / q/~ .~ n _~ C RCScL]NO .r. Lo /" ~" Z4. O nm~ , 3 / l ~: ~ ` Y ~ 1'Fq ~pR rn x FlfTT-SE:.CNO :T.~ ~ Lf~G ~/ ~~ ~ -, yF./e•Y `S ~. ~< ~ / '• i r M 1 0 OQ ~.. r. _V~ ., ,~ .. ~ a Y]~ jil ~ .' Sr`J•J ~' v 44W 'J J ~ a0^tti ~ '° /' , ~v 1 ~, ~ ~~ CAURT~ _. ~ C V I 1 ''~EE1yMLi~' aa+0 STy /'~ r•,~ C 9ROOKfDRElT ~ C ~ O RICE'a•J ,~N 0 7~ acto n - ~ ~~ azuLa 7RIVE ~~~ a ~ '-f~,~ ~ ~~J I .t+- CY ~..°' /~Qp• ~ ~`. p~ .. ~h ~~ ~V F~mr~ ~s ~7 ~ ~q~,E! ~ ~ :I ±(~ ~l ptitNOT7NR0• L71 ~ 7pq % ~11 / ~ ~~`"~yt Gn_~~~ ~ 'ao :v^•,-_ ` ^ N ~C l~T E Cn ~sE /~td~~ /• 1 1Y~ .~ ~ = o BC'/R`_•c/•a4 ` =a ` Klno ~e ; c~ ~ ~c ~°p a I ~ /~ s _ ~RaD FCRDPO ~f~. ~7~y. /• I ' ~ ~ a BIE.~MEIV i Fy % ~ / rN ~ • n ''~~ Z ` ~' 0 M ° "' ~ A ~ .. ..~ CT /~ C.9 ~ r r 1 1'~ ~ ~ Q/r~ Y ,p,~U A t T L<,~ J /~ o R]BBIT SUN 0. ~C</q TFq . / `~. a +0 ~ RUN // , / ~~~ . _ ~ hPSn RC C m C' / Ilia . LPG /. ~~ ~ ' y <~. p 1 r r FAIT L~LGC1 C^ • ~2T # ~ a I V /~ VIILa ya CCOE ~ /. ~L .+ ~ X $ 8 t ~/ RL SO,yep'~0 S~ rNr O, ~ / Ln J ~ i y ~ /BEAST EY ?: ORarNpER CVO Rp 02 y ~ ~ J ~Cr •• .! t ~ aVE kJMrE Cr ORCN4R PO/'Vl Ap f ~ i a r ~~ o~ e '/ ~~ ,Eaa ° L t~4~. ~ S~otC~ a `° ^~ l4LL A/,y ,~} / I ~ ~. ~ ~~ qF~o' oQnyr ~,,o"~`a c ~ ~ z ~rF7e.NrNa q ~3i t° v, ~ 9 c ~ b 4• r ~ ~ y ~U ~~ +~~ ~i° c x ~R~ ,r r ,Q ~ . ~ P8 y °aaLy e,, a. r~W~ 0 t m f . O ~ O YyR Z o a ~ ` t ~~~ O / \ ' AN r LLLIT pR Z ? ~ 4 n • ~ '° EL2~a~,~~ nouNO ~ ~~ EN n, Oq~T "`~N CMORIE .- OOE Cl£1RIn8 ~ ~ ia+M R g LTµ~~1 ~~ R CRCLK ELK TRaII ~ 'Q"'- OFF. ~_ ~ mo~~ r,. /y i 0 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DLVISION O:F HIGHWAYS PETITION ', North Carolina County of _• f~l EV1 I-~ ~No~~ ~ Petition request for (check one) Addition to State System (~ Paving ( ) ' - Maintenance Improvement ( ) We thew dersighed, b in property owners on _. G ~ (,t, 4~ ~ - gg K /e~( ~r~<<- c~.b ~'lJc saw Describe or give- local name or ~~ ~: Secondary Road Number i n ' hie ~ ~.~ct.co~k°~ County do hereby request the Division of 'Highways of the Department of Transportation to GL c~.o~.. the above=described road. - - _ _ / '"~: We further advise that the road requested to ~ is ~ miles ~j in length and at the present time there are C7 occupied homes loc ted on the road and having entrances into the road: Finally, we agree to dedicate to ttie Division of Highways aright=of-way of the necessary width to construct the road'to_the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire- length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the. necessary areas outside~the'right-of-way for cut and fill slopes-and drainage: ..Also, we . agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for ~. sight distance and design purposes and to. execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS LI i~ Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if .applicable - •• '~, Y - ~ t o-s c ~t ~~-~.: fit` - ,.PROPERTY OWNERS • ~~ ,y .. . ,. NAME , , .'••-. ,. .MAILING ADDRESS, . , ~ ` ~: r ,.TELEPHON~~ ~•~ .. ,,.. r-- t 1 1 1 f- 1 1 1 1 i 1 t~ \ ~C1.kLa~~~_.~u~t~b~ SPa `~ ~y 0d/20/1995 08:50 9103955734 I?tfC-19-96 MON ]2~ t8 DAVID SItriS & ASSOC PAGc 01 P. O1 NORTH C/~ROLINA STATE DEPARTiv1ENT OF TRANSPORTATION DlVIS10N OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina County of .New Hanover Pet(tlon request for (check one}: Addition to State System Paving ( ) 1~ialntenance improvement ( ) We a undersl ed, being property owners on r (Descrilae or glue -local Hama or secondary oad urttber) in New Hanover CvUnty do hereby re est the Division of Highways of the Department ofTransportation to -~ ~ _ ~~ ~~{-~y~ the abova-described road. We further advise that the road r nested to is ~ miles !n length and at the present time there ate occupied homes located on the road and having entrances Into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the 0iv1s(on of Highways aright-of•way of the necessary width to construct the road to tha minlmurn construction clandards required try the Olvlslon of Highways. This right-of•way will extend th® entire length of the road that is requested to be Improved and w{!1 Include the necessary areas outside the right•of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional rfght-ot-way In the public road lntersectfana for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that wi;t be subm(tted to as by representatives of the 0{vision of Highways. RE~,tARKS Pour copes of recorded subdivision plat enclosed !t applicable. -. , , - PROPERTY OWNERS • s NAME ~ • tv1A1LtN0 ADDRESS .: T>ri_EPHONE ~> .X. The Division of Highways should contact the tlrst petitioner listed below: ~ ; ... r. e sed Form SR-1 (5-63). All previous towns obsolete. r n C r,~ r 0 00.. .~~ J~'~wAy ~ y ~I ^wPS * M E J ( ' `S V t 0 2 Q 1 41 r '1 3 7 C `j ~ < D ~ `Vpr..G y S E. iPa{ ~,~ V Cq~ FEA R HARNESS ~Tw; P ~14N i,• C'+ '(, ' G` ~ ~ ~! ~~'~~ DR~YL rDD~ - q ~ jl ]~ /~ MK hSOM D~ ' ML - ~ p ~ , ; GRIGK ~ T' Y NEIL OT. u ~ FSVE LCRc ~ NURR4TVIlLE i ~Y0009ER AY :T. ~ ~ ° ~ ~ Y ° O 0' Olutd vO00S Rm0 ~6 Co~tY L E< ~6 -OINT'fR LN S ~'- l D ~~P I-CLf vl] Av[ I 2-YEaDOwvlfr crE 2 tO D -- / L COUNT COURT ' v ~ v.O00 OR ' D~r ., 8 C > ~ INGNILL R Y // UIaA ~ ~}- f. a ~ DR . vtvf y sy F TOaJa ewtTT-NY i ~I a •p 2 " 3 / { AO ROAD ~ / ~, 9r ~ ERGS x pNIYE 2 IIAeQDmt i ~ ~ - y- /SIfANAN agKa DR w- ~'+Ae cr DNIVE f i . ' s Lr S sNOo ND TREE CT DOarl - i 3GV~ I POTTY C7 STREET STUMPY CT COL ~~ 1 1~ O ~ . 3ROK: ~ CL FREE CT. 9a i ~ . I PD / B C -* 0 O _ , 90 SLO ~~ g f4 a O 4 E < o . . rp ~ ~~~tt ,po p BLLE9 ART A7, AA D ~ Nq ~ gCRES OR a~ 2 ?° SPg 4RY trQ y 9ERRT .4 ~' C4 ~ Q NE r WTt+f.:SE DR ~ /. ` UCK 7 C r ° 2 Clue urtt LN W O ;.y Bq fie:. E N n~. ~ W ° ~ Q ~ ` Q IVgN Y r~ ~ • ~ AO m p Q q 2 ~ ~o E N0. ? j ? ii Cq,v MY eLOeeOY LN u ~F~ a i ~u a ~wR Ro - ..K IORL ~ a NBC SN Q4, R, z W, 4 i~ o ~~ / / c _ rw ~T a ELC Rp ~ SMITE RO ' • IN OIAN 'A'AY f 4~ G ` 4~ i t LCN ~ ` ~ CP 6a R d~ r ao ' ~~ JpL`c ti .r i ,~ A °p lv~q Y Y• ~ ~CERpQ Oc ~ o /~OtN ~ 1 E S • 4~C(`. u ~ ~ G W CT 6 y000 .Cy ' - ~ ,~°' 4 s ~ ,~ ~, z ~ <> ~' o.~ .sTOK tt P o ~~.~` t CT t ~o '~i o: F~ rte. 0.. ~~ r~ +~-ht,M ` Y~ -an - ~i( ,~,A~S ~Or V • R~~?N y ~ .~ t'' l7' O +~ G~ Tt.~' .N 099 ~~Y•~ 0 ` 0 `~•fy ~ A~ ~ i ° oP o .7 ,, C ~9~5 - E~-£EO 'v ~ v ~ wo-o T ~ ~ o° ' ~ ti~Cr ~~~~ c, ° a,yu''R a 'r ES`+a' ~ a S ot. y` t r T ~~et~.'y ',' ' J 9 INMN. i~ yfS ~1' d'~ / TTJ1N• G °- ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ i t 98 ~~ ~ Tliis page intentionally left blank , -.__ - ~, ~,. {~, ~. ...~ __.. . . ~, t N .yak ' .. ~ t ~6 ' ~ ~ . \ 'z ti,. _ _ . . u .. - ., ., - ,,, ~' ~j~ ~ CONSENT AGENDA - Budget Amendment September 3, 1996 ._ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE \~` Emergency Management ~ 97-0030 9/3/96 ~, ADJUSTMENT DEBIT C D T Emergency .Management Other - 53,277 Departmental Supplies $3,277 '~1, EXPLANATION ~~ To budget additional revenue and expenses from the CP& drill. ~. _ .~ Y__ .. _.,_.. ,. r,. .w_..... _- ~_ .- ~ ... .. .. ~ ~. .W._--- --__m __ _...~~ r ~. ... ..._ .._.. _ . ~ _ ~.~_ .... w t:, ~,. - ~ ~ ~~bflNUt~~I'~'I~L~i~aX "dA'Fj 3 .. COUNN COMMISSIONERS ~ APPROVED ~'~ ~ ~~~ REJECTED ^ ForB~~ud~g~~t~Ofticeraapproval;thcnreport ,to~Commissioncrs at ne • r meeting ,~r ~ y ~+ua.~l:~,# REMOVED ^ x"~ ~~~g:d cntcr~n minutes. ~~ Y~'~ttw pQSTPON ^ ~:~, , W ~.w~~,•, To be approved by Commissioners. ~, SATE ~? ~0 ~~!~ Tobe~e'n eyed into minutes. . ~~ B~,Idget .A~xxz.endzx~el~f .: _. CONSENT AGENDA September 3, 1996 Item No ~ r~ DEPARTMENT- Controlled Substance Tax ADJUSTMENT- BUDGET AMENDMENT# 97-07 DEBIT• Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project Controlled Substance Tax $716 Controlled Substance Tax Capital Project Supplies- DATE• 9-3-96 CREDIT- X716 . ; ``', .. , , EXPLANATION ~ ` .,4 - - ~:.. ~ .. . To increase budget forb additional revenue received. Controlled Substance Tax funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary. CO~N1~( COMMIS LONERS ~~ ~.. OVEN ~ ~d,~~~ APPR D ~ ~ °~~~~~ 1 0 0 ~ ' ~ ,. -REMOVED Q ~;... - . pOS'fPpNEp ~ ~~ ~ ~ :~ .~~ • ~' ~~=' ~ ~~~~c~~~,~~ri For Budget Officer's approval; then report QATF. .~; . ~, to Commissioners at next regular meeting ._ ~'~`°~"""`"°'""""'~'~ ~~~~~ and enter In minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. _ _.. - CONSENT AGENDA . B~xdgef Aznezldzxzezlt September 3, 1996, ~, Item No. SC ~t DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: Federal Forfeited Property 97-08 9-3-96 - ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT: Federal Forfeited Property Cap ital Proiect Federal Forfeited Property $5,.32.1 Federal. Forfeited Propert y Cagital Proiect Supplies $5,321 • ,~` ~~ EXPLANATION To increase budget .for additional_revenue.received. Federal Forfeited ,Property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheri€f deems necessary. ~~ .COUNTY COMMISSIONER$.~ ~; APPRO~fFD ["~- ~ O REJ~~ (n~~ ^ For Budget Officer's approval; then report RE~~.~L~ ~ - to Commissioners at next regular meeting POSTP®!`~9~D D /and enter in minutes. DATE ~/ ,3 /_~}~p ~~7~2/~-~~ L To be approved by Commissioners. !!!~-®"i To t+e entered into minutes. ' v .~ `~. ~.al Thi a i i ll s a e ntenf ona le f blank P a Y f .. Q ~. .~ ,~ ._ . : _ .:_.. ~, ., .~ -. .. ., .. . _ _ f ., . .. .. ~ ...~.,.w... ... ..<<r _~ . _.~_ _ ... _ ~. ,.. ~. _......._ _r...w... . , . ~~ ~~._ . ~., . . . . _ .. ~4 r