Agenda 1996 10-07AGENDA ~~PNOVER CO G :`" y:. ~. a~ ~f ~~%~ ~o ~OF NORTNGr .NEW :HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 2=1 North Third Street, Room 301 lYilmington, NC R08ERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN E.L. MATHEWS, JR. VICE -CHAIRMAN SANDRA BARONE, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER WI!_LIAM E. SISSON, JR., COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER waNDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F, MARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD October 7, 1996. 6:30 P.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (led by Webelos Scouts, Pack 21 ~) .NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSIivESS PAGE TIMES NO• 6:35 PM 1. Consideration of Falcon Cable Equipment and Installation 3 Rate Review ' 6:4~ PM 2. Consideration of reactivation of the North Carolina 9 Fx`''-------~-, Homeowners Association and discussion of the Building ~° Code enforcement practices iri New Hanover County 7:00 PM ' 3. Consideration of request from Cooperative Extension for 1 ~ .exceptions to grant procedures 7:0~ PNI 4. Consideration of Budget Amendment No. 97-00~ 1 to 17 budget funds for the vegetative debris cleanup from Hurricane Fran to be reimbursed by FEMA ' 7:10 PM 5. Consideration of request for additional manpower, 19 equipment and supplies to increase mosquito abatement- organic debris removal from December. 1996 through March 1997 7:20 PM 6. Consideration of approval of award of bid and approval of 23 Contract No. 97-0003 for grate parts for Volund- boiler at WASTEC Facility fo Ansaldo Volund A/S ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO. ?:25 PM 7. Public Hearing: ~ 4~ Special Use Permit; Revision- Consideration of request by the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #343 to contract a 3,200 square foot addition to the existing lodge building (S-224, 8/84; Revision 9/96) 7:30 PM 8. Committee Appointment j I 7:33 PM 9. Meeting of the Water and Setiver District ~ 79 ADDITIONAL ITEMS County Commissioners County Attorney County Manager ADJOURN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 OCTOBER 7, 1996 6:30 P.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS ~ PAGE NO. 1. Non Agenda Items {limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes g 1 3. Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance for Brandywine - ~ 83 Sewer Project and approval of associated budget amendment (97-10) 4. Consideration of approval of the proposed joint agreement 87 with the City of Wilmington for sanitary sewage treatment at the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant ADJOURN ~ _ , CONSENT AGENDA .~ 'NEW' HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COM~IISS[ONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1,:- . Approval of minutes ~ 10~ 2. Adoption of resolutions adding roads to the .State Highway System 107 3. Ratification of adoption of proclamation of September 23-29, 1996, 1 i ~ as Lions Eye Health Week 4. Acceptance of additional Home and Community Care Block Grant 117 money for the Department of Aging and approval of associated budget amendment (97-0049) 5.. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. 97-0042 to increase actual amount~of Transportation 127 Assistance Grant award and to"rollover unexpected grant funds from FY 9~-97 to FY 96-97 B. 97-0043 to budget March of Dimes grant to support the 128 ``BABY TALK" Teen Prenatal Education Program and encourage participation C. 97-0044 to budget emergency State mosquito funds for 131 mosquito spraying "aftermath Fran" 6. Approval of a resolution regarding the creation of a joint County/ 133 City committee to consider a unified approach to the governance, operation and delivery of water and sewer services 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ` SPECIAL ITEM REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Environmental Management Presenter: Webelos Pack 21 ~ Page Count In Agenda Packa e:l Contact: Ray Church SUI3.TECT: Webelos Scouts of Pack 215, St. Mark's Catholic Church attend meeting and lead Pledge of Allegiance BRIEF SUMMARY: The Webelos Scouts of Pack 21~ are working on their Citizenship Activity pen under the direction of Leaders Larry Greer and Ray Church. The Den will attend the meeting of the Board of Commissioners to - observe and obtain knowledge on how government functions. Prior to the meeting, .the Den will tour the . Historic Courthouse. The Den. desires to open the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. RECOMMEiVI)En MOTION ANT) RFCZUFSTrT) ACTIONS- N/A FUNDING SOURCE: - G'cdcral S: State S: County S: User i'ccs S: Other S: Mancy (s In Current iiudgct: New A~~rorriatiou Rcqucst: [3ud~ct Amendment Prc ared: REVtrwE~ BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANT) RECOMMF,NI)ATIOiyS• Recognize the Webelos Scouts of Pack 215, St. Mark's Catholic Cl~nrch and ask them to lead the Pledge ` of Allegiance. Our own Ray Church is one of the den leaders.` ~ /~ ~" ~:- / C.. ~ C~~ ~~ - APPROVED ~.,- .REJECTED ~ ~ ~ '~ . REMOVED tZefcr to Office Vision Qullctin (bard for Disposi~drtST(-ONED DATE .._,..~,~ C1 ~,~ .~ This page inlentiojially left blank, to 1~ ~~ 9J'>/!kP ~ .~ ~~ . ~; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/07/96 , Regular Item. #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department ~ Presenter: Wanda M. Copley Pa e Count In A enda Package: 5 .Contact: Wanda M. Co 'le SUB.IECT: Consideration of Falcon Cable Television Equipment and Installation Rate Review BRIEF SUMMARY: ' See the memo from the County Attorney regarding Falcon's request for approval to adjust its installation and leased equipment rates charged to subscribers. ~ - .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RF,OUP;STEn ACTIONS• 1. Allowpublic comment on Falcon's request. 2. Consider'and adopt Report and Recommendation of Action Audits, the County's cable consultant. 3. Execute Order adopting the Report, and its Recommendation that the hourly service charge lease rate for equipment be approved; but require Falcon to substantiate the Wire Maintenance Agreement Charge. FUNIIING SOURCE: ~ ~- Federal S: State S: County S: 0.00 User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is in Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Prc ared: REVrEwFn Bv:` ~ ~ . LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS-AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Concur with. the County Attorney's recommendations. . COUNTY Ct3MN1 A PPROVEp ~r PEJECTEQ ~; 3 Ra~NiOVE®: ~ ' F'OSTPQry Refer to Office Vision Qullctin Qoard for Dis~os~t~o`d ~p ~ G ~ ~, A~IC i9f{y ~ Fuxl t~ e t dei" 5erv,'cL $dl Oros cG>r„Fen.i~ d1o f: C C ~dSSi bye ,~u//~'n </ ~ F/12aclcise R4rI_/w,/...c ~~~~~ MEMORANDUM: NE~V HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE TO: New Hanover County Commissioners ~ , __ - _ _ FROM: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorne}~ RE: Falcon Cable -Cable Television Equipment and Installation Rate Review DATE: September 25, 1996 Falcon Cable seeks the County's approval for adjustments to its installation and leased equipment rates it charges subscribers: These adjustments would become effective October 1, 1996 and remain in effect for twelve months. First, Falcon seeks to raise the maximum Hourly Service Charge (HSC) it charges for installation service from 547.G2 per hour to SG3.34 per hour. This maximum rate is determined through calculations contained within the FCC-1205 form. Falcon may charge less than the maximum permitted rate, but not a rate above it. Second, Falcon seeks the County's approval to adjust the maximum permitted rates it charges for leased customer equipment: from 50.47 a month for a remote control to 50.18 and from 54.39 to 51.85 a month for a converter. Falcon also -seeks to continue its Wire Maintenance Agreement Charge of S1.S0, .which it charges to subscribers for the upkeep of inside home wiring owned by subscribers. The FCC has found that it is the cable operator's responsibility to substantiate how the Wire Maintenance Charge is derived. The County has requested that Falcon explain how it derived its. charge of -$1.50, but has not received a response. It is recommended that this charge be substantiated before it is approved. SUMMARY - ,..:. Action, Audits, the County's.cable consultant, reviewed Falcon's FCC-1205 filing. The Order to be adopted is based on Action Audit's recommendation. The consultants recommend that the County direct Falcon Cable to substantiate the Wire Maintenance Agreement Charge of $L~O, detailing how the company calculated the fee for. the Wire Maintenance Agreement (the internal.-wiring that the operator owns within the subscriber's house). '~~ ~~~ If is also re ommended~tlat the County approve Falcon's maximum permitted Hourly ~,rvice Charge rat~of ~bu334; a non-addressable converter lease rate of 51.88; and a remote lease rate of $0.15,~`as seo tin Falcon Cable's 1996 FCC-1205 filing. ., ,. .. , :, f" - T ~ - PROCEEDING FCC rules require the franchising authority, New Hanover County, to issue an Order, ' regarding the approval or denial of the cable operator's FCC-120. CHRONOLOGY FOR OCTOBER 7, .1996 MEETING 1) Public Notice of the rate filing -this is accomplished by publishing the agenda. 2) Written Report: The consultants'. report was submitted to Legal and is summarized here. , 3 Public Comment: Allow ublic comment. P 4) Consider Adopting Report: The Board is asked to consider and adopt the - consultants' report as the.County's. S) Execute Order: After adopting the report the Board should issue an Order approving • or denying the Rate Filing Request..A recommended Order is in the agenda packet:. ,' 6) Distribute Order: Legal will provide original executed copies to all concerned parties, including Falcon Cable. _ ` ,.~ , WNIC~kc cc County Manager Clerk to the Board - ~ - .. - - ~` ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS L BEFORE THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: IN THE MATTER OF: ) ORDER APPROVING Review ofFCC-1205 Equipment and ,) . FCC-120 EQUIPiVIENT Installation Rates tiled by Falcon Cable ) AND INSTALLATION County ofNew.Hanover, NC-0152 ) COST ADJUSTMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR. SUBSTANTIATION OF THE WIRE ~ - )MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CHARGE BY THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: ' WHEREAS, on June 27, 1996, Falcon Cable Media (Falcon) submitted an FCC-1205 Equipment and Installation Costs filing for regulated cable services with New Hanover County, NC-OI52. This lilin~ was submitted with an FCC-1240 filing and covers the rates that may be charged subscribers served by Falcon within unincorporated New Hanover County fora 12- month period beginning on October 1, 1996, which is the Projected Period set out in the FCC- 1240~filing; WHEREAS, on September 14, 1996 the County received a report from its consultants indicating that Falcon's said FCC-1205 filing was incompliance with Federal Commuriications Commission procedures, allowing for the adjustment of equipment and installation rates based on updated capital and labor cost information; WHEREAS, Ne~v Hanover County has authority to regulate equipment and installation rates for basic cable service assessed subscribers wiihin NC-0152, Netiv Hanover County, by Falcon; WHERE:15, Falcon has elected to use fixed rates in the calculation of its Hourly Service Charge for installation and maintenance of re~u[ated customer equipment; WHEREAS, Falcon has not provided information substantiating how its Wire Maintenance Agreement charge of $1.50 was established; and, ~T IS A FINDING: That Falcon has justified the maximum Hourly Service Charge of X63.34,.$1.88 for non- addressable converters, and 50.18 for remote controls assessed subscribers in 1996. i a i ~ ~ - ~ - IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED: • THAT, the Hourly Service Charge assessed subscribers within NC-012, New Hanover County, shall not exceed the maximum permitted rate of SG3.34; and the monthly lease rate for non-addressable converters shall not exceed 51.88, and the monthly lease rate for remote controls shall not exceed 50.18; THAT, Falcon provide the County with a detailed statement describing the terms and conditions of the imposition of the Wire Maintenance Agreement and a work sheet showing the basis used to calculate the monthly charge for its Wire Maintenance Agreement, within 30 days of the effective date of this Order; THAT, failure to document the basis for the Wire Maintenance Agreement charge within • 30 days of the effective date of'this Order shall result in the immediate suspension of the Wire Maintenance Charge; ISSUED BY.OR>JCR OF THE NEW HANOVI/R COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONI? 125: . This the 7th day of October, 1996. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Board of Commissioners Clerk to the Board ~ ~ ~ 7 • This page intentionally left blank ~ . 8 1 1 I 1 { REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: 2 ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: Lynda Harrill, Dan Beck, et. al. ~-. Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal, Jay Graham SUR.IECT: Consideration of reactivation of the North Carolina Homeowners Association BRIEF SUMMARY: Kelly Hepner and Lynda Harrill have been in communication with the County regarding their concerns abo~it building inspection practices, -code enforcement -etc., etc. It is my understanding that a group of local citizens would like to re-activate the N.C. Homeowners Association. I believe that to be an entirely private action not requiring Board approval. In addition, Ms. Harrill, I believe, has listed on the attachment entitled "N.C. Homeowners Association" what the group wishes the County Commissioners to consider. Jay Graham's comments and thoughts are attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTF,D ACTIONS: r U[vU1[vc; SUURC:I:: FedcralS: State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fces S New Appropriation Request: Other S: ' i~ r, v LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF OiyIMFNDATIONS• Hear the presentation. Staff is ready to respond to Commissioners direction and inquir' s. COUNTY COMMtSS10[~~ ' APn~OVED ~-- t '~ 1l:CTE,D CP ~ ~ 9 :,:..-110VEQ Q Rc('cr to OfCicz Vision I3ullctin E3oa ~C,UTp~gpgsition 0 DATE io~ 4ro ~ G~ l,UevlZ Scss;o;•~ s~f.~.~.d~.a.d ~P~~ m n i Ss u.¢., w/ s+a~"e ~2e.presex~i V ems 09/27/1996 11:09 9106862077 =. HARRILL PAGE 01 T FACSIMILE To: Allen O'Neal FAX (910) 341-7185 Fr: Lynda Harrill FAX (910) 686-2077 Re: County Commissioners Meeting -- October 7, 1996 Date: 9/27/96 Confirming your conversations with Kelly Hepner about being on the agenda for a County Commission meeting, we are prepared for the October 7th meeting The topics we would like to present for consideration by the New Hanover County Commissioners are reactivation of the North Carolina Homeowners Association, establishment of a Wilmington NCHOA chapter and Building Code enforcement practices in New Hanover County. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly or me. See you on the 7th. Thank you. ~~~1 10 ~ ~~ ~~~r~, ~~~ ~,: ,~ ~p„N,,C~iAA~- A~Voic l"for All Homeowners in Korth Carolina ~~ 1 SEP-30-1996 l1 ~ 30 HAP_.P. I LL 910 686 2077 P,02 WILMINGTON CHAPTER New Hanover County, Commissioners Meeting October 7,1996 North Carolina Homeowners Association (NCH0~1) • Reactivation to address inconsistent and incomplete Building Code enforcement practices in North Carolina ' • Code enforcement problems and shoddy construction practices identified by NCHOA eight years ago in Cary. and Raleigh are .alive and well, in various areas of North Carolina today • NCHOA's mission is to.ensure adequate consumer protection for t1LL North Carolina homeowners • Homeowners need a VOICE. Their problems and concerns need to be heard. Building Code enforcement in New Hanover County Code enforcement in New Hanover County has not al~vays been consistent and complete ' • There is virtually no accountability for inspectors' work • There is no financial responsibility for mistakes inspectors snake • Many excuses (no remedies) for poor Code enforcement have been offered Homeowners in New Hanover County have been harmed by poor Building -Code.enforcement practices • Synthetic stucco - a food example of bad Buildin~Code enforcement 'practices , • -Many other. problems -- flashing, roofing, masonry, deviations fTOm approved plans, undetected misrepresentations on permit applications, permits issued to "unlicensed or improperly licensed" contractors, no inspections on stucco replacemenEs, overlooking "unpermitted" work in' process, etc.. What our County Commissioners can do for us .. . ' - Be advocates for homeowners in New Hanover County ~ Contact Commissioner of Insurance about his statutory role as the Chief Building Code Enforcement Official for North Carolina. Also ask Commissioner to intercede with "uncooperative" insurance .companies on behalf of New Hanover County homeowners htCHOA - A Yoice for Al( Homcowncrs is North Catolia~ ' ~ ~ -- SEP-3D-1996 11 ~ 31 HAP,P.I LL L - ~ r 910 686 2077 P.~03 ~ Contact the Governor and ask him to replace the 1~ members of the Building Code Council who are not performing their statutory duties . .Contact the State Legislature.and ask for low-interest and/or non- " . interest bearing Loans for syntheticstucco homeowners ~ Contact the A~ttornev General and let~hiiri know that current consumer protection for homeowners with problem homes is inadequate ~ Instruct New Hanover County management to bring the NHC Inspections Department into compliance with ALL NC State Building Code requirements. and ALL building-related statutes within 60 days • Review the operations of the NHC Inspections Department for: ~ Adequate,and competent staff ~ Accoiuttability of inspectors ~ Consistent enforcement of ALL provisions of he Building Code and ALL related statutes, ordinances and.regulations ALL.the time . ~ Quality and quantity, oE.communications by the lnspections Department with homeowners and home bculders: Collection.of appropriate permit fees` • Establish an internal audit function to monitor Building Code enforcement in New Hanover County . • Implement a "Truth in Building" policy • Establish a Homeowners' Commission to hear homeowners' concerns and complaints about the inspections process in New Hanover County • Pass County ordinances to: ~ Require ail general contractors who build in New Hanover County to carry at least55~milIion in "malpractice" irisuiance at all times. (No insurance, no permit.) ~ Require the annual registration of all specialty contractors not Licensed by the state. . ~ Req.uire specialty contractors to carry a minimum of X500,000 in liability coverage ~ Require each specialty contractor to be formally sponsored by a ` ..licensed general contractor in "good standing" in ~Iew Hanover County . ~ " Implement Countyspecifi:c Building Code requirements and residential construction practices that exceed tl~e State Building Code. Base local requirements on specifications and information from national trade associations and industry organizations (such as the National Roofing Contractors Association's Steep Roofing Manual and other authoritative publications), climate considerations (water intrusion likelihood on east wails during bad weather, vulnerability of gable-end louver vents, efc.); past problems (inadequate flashing around windows and doors), etc: [YCHOA - A Voice'fiir All Homeowners in tYorth Carolina L 12 _ TOTAL P. 03 ' NEW Ht1NOVER COUNTY TNTF;R-(IFF,TC'F: ~ MEMO 1 TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager FROM: ~a Jonathan B. Graham, AIA Inspections Director RE: North Carolina Homeowners Association Agenda DATE: October 1; 1996 After reviewing the agenda you forwarded to nle from Ms. Linda Harrill and Ms. I<eily Hepner, I would note the following observations: • All programs have room for improvement and Building Code Enforcec~zent at both ' State and ocal levels is not exempt. In response to similar concerns voiced by~ the North Carolina Homeowners Association eight years ago, the State appointed a State Auditor to officially review the laws and enforcement organizations that are in place to regulate construction practice in North Carolina: This Auditor's report ~. ~ ~ was completed with recommendations in the early 1990's. Since my appointment as Director of Inspections for New Hanover County in September 1995, I .have reviewed our program, identified areas for service . improvement and have established a Proactive Review Committee, staffed with members of every segment of the Construction Community as well as a public representative. Many changes have already been effected internally and externally arid will continue to be effected in an orderly and. consistent manner through the Proactive Review Committee: Our lvlission as an Inspections Department is "to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of New Hanover County by providing for their, health, safety ..and general welfare through the effective and efficient administration and enforcement of the North Carolina Uniform Building Code and applicable local ordinance. The Department will promote customer satisfaction by providing liaison between local government and the New Hanover County Construction Community .while ensuring that . a service oriented, professional atmosphere is ahvays present. All employees will strive to provide the best building inspection program in the State of North Carolina." ~ • North Carolina Building Law has been based historically on a less invasive, minimum approach to regulatory law. California, by contrast, is highly regulated and, I understand, has taken. a regulatory approach to eliminate the historic caution to consumers of "caveat emptor" and to guarantee product standards via `~ government intervention. The difference between the two approaches is u~~ly reflected in the final cost to the consumer. A review of automobile prices dunng the past twenty years may be a good example of regulatory price increases. "~~ Y __ Memorandum to Allen O'Neal - RE: North Carolina Homeowners Association Agenda Page Two of Two - . October '1; "1996 ~' • The level of increased governmental intervention requested by Ms. Harrill and ~, Ms. Hepner cannot ever be fully achieved., (i.e.: ALL and adoption of County Ordinances) at a local level under the current regulatory structure of the State. Building Code Enforcement is not a "stand=alone" part of the regulatory stricture. Instead, it is intertwined with other eclEorcement agencies at a State level such as the N.C. Department of Insurance, the Department of Labor, the Department of Environmental Management and .the various State Licensing Goard ~vitll all of the ..applicable laws and rules governing each - jus-t to name a few. ~ Local .practice must be in conformance witli State practice to ensure uniformity required by the State (see attached General Statute anti note) This is in large part, I believe, why the State ordered an official audit to sort_ through the complicated structure of rules and law governing construction practice .in North Carolina. In summary,~the Inspections Department in Ne~:v Hanover County is continually seeking to improve its program within the guidelines,and regulations outlined by the State. Staff stands ready, however, to direction from the County Commissioners concerning both our program and its structure.. - .Attachment + ~ L . .. ~ ., • ~ 4' r ~ - . i ~ i .. J -~' .. ~ , i _ t ~ -. - L ,. 14 - ~~ - _ . ~~ 9 7 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date:-10/07/96 2egular Item, #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item R: department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: Bruce Williams ?age Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: Bruce Williams SUB.IECT: Consideration of request from Cooperative.Extension for exceptions to grant procedures BRIEF SUMMARY: Cooperative Extension has many opportunities to apply for small grants during each year. These grants are for such things as specialized education programs for youth, human nutrition, housing, tree planting and others: The application period for these grants is usually very short. Tlie County's grant procedures require more time than is normally available to apply for these grants. RECOMMENDED MOTION ANn RF,QUESTFD ACTIONS• Cooperative Extension request the Board of Commissioners allow them to submit grants without prior Board of Co missioner's approval as long as the grant is for no more than $x,000. These grants would not require any. ~e~ financial commitment from the County. The Board of Commissioners would make final approval on all grants prior to final acceptance. . r~y[VUtNCU SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is to Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud pct Amendment Prc ared: icl~vll~wl;U tiY: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANn RT'COMMFNnATiONS• Request approval of this exception to the County's grant p y. The Board of Commissioners will still-have the opportunity to approve the grant if it is awarded. A M~~: R 15 REJEC' ~ ~. ,: R.~MOVEp, ~ . Refer to Ofricc Vision Bulletin Board Cor DispNUST ~ DATE C! ~~ ~ t ~~' .. "~=. ,. '-~~" ~' North Carolina ~' ~ ~~ ~`=. Cooperative Extension .Service ~~ ~.} ~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY ~~ COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES ffP ~ .~ ;'_.; + ~• . ~, ..New Hanover County Center ' 6206 Oleander Drive.' Uilmington, NC 48403 ~ 910/452=6#93 • FA -91~yE52'6398 ~ ., MEMORANDUM - TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager FROM: C. Bruce Williams, 1? ~ _ Director - ' RE: Grant Policy in New Hanover DATE: September 24, 1996, -. The opportunity to fund small Cooperative Extension Projects (such as specialized education programs for youth, human nutrition, housing, environmental monitoring, tree planting, or beach revegetation, etc...)can be hindered or lost due the current County policy on Grants. Current policy requires that Grant opportunities be approved. by the Commissioners prior to making application. For many of the smaller grant opportunities, the window of application is often less than 45 days. By the time the grant application is obtained, completed and approved by state 'and/or county administration, the window of opportunity is passed. The Drocess is complex and frustrating.. This results in no~small grants: Incentive for'ambitious Extension employees to apply for, grants smaller than ,$5, 000 ,is lacking. Currently, politcaT,:and paperwork considerations generally are not worth the time required for these. smaller grant opportunities. ~ - Small grants for water quality enhancement or revegetation are often available through federal, state or private agencies but due to the rapid turnover time, application may not even be attempted due to time restraints. *++++ . Z proposed that the New Hanover County Cooperative Extension office be allowed to waive Commissioner approval for-grant application with the following understanding. 1. Grants would be less than $5,001 and-not require an unwanted continuing financial commitment from County, State, or local resources after grant monies were used. 2. Commissioners would make •final approval on al1'grants prior to final acceptance: - - - - . U~,~~ . ~~~9~ Employment and program opportunuies re offered to all people rcgardlessof race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State Univcby~N;,O~iE`~'1tYCarultn~'A ~T Srite University, U.S. Department o(Agriculturc, and local governments cooperating. ;. ~~',~ i i i REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: Bruce Shell SIIB.TECT: Consideration: of Budget Amendment No. 97-0051 to budget funds for vegetative debris clean up from Hurricane Fran to be reimbursed by FENIA. BRIEF SUMMARY: Request approval of Budget Amendment No. 97-00~ 1 to budget funds for vegetative debris clean up from Hurrican Fran to be reimbursed by FEMA. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Budget Amendment No. 97-00~ 1 budgeting funds for vegetative debris cleanup from Hun ican Fran to be reimbursed.by FEMA. , hUNUIN(G SOURCE: Fc,dcral S: 15,000,000 State $: County S: llscr Fces S: Other S: Money is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Rcquest:'Yes -- ~- Bud et Amendment Prc ared: Ycs REVIicwED BY: ~ . LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIi~1 HR: N/A AMALLETT C NTY MANA DER MMENT AND RE MMENDATIONS: Recommend approva ` ~ ,~" ~ aM~ ®N~RS ~.: ~ ~ . Q J~+~~~~ k ~_~ ~ ~~ 17 Rl1~~~~ ~,~} Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for~D~isp~o~on'~ ®;'~ //' Budget Amendment -/• rr / /inor or/ ./„ 9/~/ //rii r•/,;;o. r~u/://i%/'~%//.' %/U "n,5 ~5~/iio rr///i•,9' %/ i!:'L:' i ! 'i./Y,%~/r///r% %'/,://•.i/%i~ /„/~/~%/,' '~{6~~;',7C~r/'L5i %~ ;/~'///,%~~~//,`~i'//r. ,:/fir. ,r.a. / //~., rrir/...~/, /~/~~.//~~,~//~/ii/~~/•' „~ '/// /~~/~/ ;~~/// /~~ //j?/,rr../r>~/. ,.[~~'!.. G;//;%iii~b~~;;i:/Z;. ;./.~,. .. /..r~/;,r~/.,,////i/~,/i./ ~/~~ //.l/ ~~~/,///.r//////~. ~//i, /%ri :•rr..,' //////.i~%~///iri/%rr,/..iii:,;..-.r./..~.,.,,.,,,i:n/,ru,'.i%..~, ~r.r//,.,/,.ii.,/•.i.. ~/„//., ~///,..,/~%.iir,.i/i~j/,./~////~ii//////i/,//i,/,/../ ~/i//- DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE .. Emergency Management/ ~ _ Hurricane Preparedness 97-0051 10/7/96 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT. Emergency Management) ~ L Hurricane Preparedness FEMA Reimbursement X15,000,000 ' Contracted Services $15,000,000 r __. ~~ EXPLANATION . . - . ,, _, To budget FEMA rei ursement funds for Hurricane Fran vegetative cleanup activities. . ~ .v ~14 i-i~ r ,.~., .~ Mtn ~ °~" . z ~ ~i ;y ~~~Q4~T-~Y~".1r~ - ~ F ,„ .,,~.,,.~~~ ~.;~. ;~K~'?Fp----gym- -~ ,~- • ~ ~ Por Bud;ct Oft iccr's approval; then report to Commissioners at next re;ular mcctin - / and enter in minutes. 1__ _Y____ To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Zegular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Health/Vector Control Presenter: Lynda Smith 'age Count In Agenda Package: 3 Contact: Lynda Smith t t~- SUB.IECT: Consideration of request for additional manpower, equipment and supplies to increase mosquito abatement-organic debris removal -December 1996 -March 1997 BRIEF SUMMARY: During December through March,~New Hanover County Vector Control performs limited drainage to prevent standing water in areas which have been identified breeding sites for mosquitoes. ~Ve request two additional crews during December 1996 tluough March 1997 to eliminate debris causing standing water as a result of "Hurricane Fran." Manpower for the mosquito abatement organic debris removal project will be contracted through temporary services. Vehicles and equipment trailers will be leased through private entities. Proposed expenditure for the project is $74,570 (see attached list). The purpose ofthis effort is to reduce standing water in areas which have been identified as a breeding site for mosquitoes. This is not a drainage project fo handle flood waters or to alleviate those specific situations. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOI.JFSTFD ACTiONS• Approve additional manpower, equipment, supplies and funding of $74,70. r UivUt(v(t tiUUIZCE: Federal S: State 5: !.Money Is In Current Budget: No Budget Amendment Prepared: No County S: 74,570 User Fccs S: Otfter S: (Yew Appropriation Request: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: N/A A1VIALLETT COt1NTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATiONS- Recommend that the Board of Commissioners consider applying for a mitigation grant to implement this program. The Board may wish to expand this program regardless of the availability off e funds. ~~~ ~~~~. A ~ Rl~~' ~ 19 E' Refer to Office Vision [3ullctin i3o~r~~f'o* ~. DA7~ kGb?uJ~ ~ 5vnn1;G5 o, ~Siaa. e.~'s~ecG~l, REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL MANPOWER, EQUIPi<IENT AND SUPPLII/S TO INCREASE . MOSQUITO ABATEMENT -ORGANIC DEBRIS REMOVAL - DECEMBER 2, 1996 -MARCH 28, 1997 - • ~ During December through March,-New Hanover County Vector Control performs limited drainage to prevent standing water in areas which have been identified breeding sites for mosquitoes. Traditional snag and drag (debris removal) work is performed by Vector Control staff in public runs (branches) .and small creeks. `Ve request two additional crews, during. December 1996 through . March 1997 to eliminate debris causing standing watec.as asesult of."Hurricane. Fran". Ditches will be selected from Vector Control mosquito complaint,Eiles and coordinated ;with New Hanover County Engineering. During snag and drag organic debris, is no,t hauled; it is. placed beside the ditch to decompose. If we encounter situations where easements .from property owners ~is required, -then that site will not be targeted. The previous snag and drag work has; not xequired easements from property owners. ~. t. Manpower for the mosquito abatement organic debris removal project will be contracted through temporary services. Vehicles and equipment trailers will be leased through private entities. Proposed expenditures for the project is $74,70 (see attached list). The purpose of this effort is to reduce standing water in areas which have been identified as a breeding site for mosquitoes. This is not a drainage project to handle flood waters or to alleviate those specific situations. . ~, <,:Q 20 ~ ~ 4 ~~~~~~~~ ~~. ~;a.:..;~ ~~~ ~N~cir~-~s~.al~.~ .~ ~~_ , ~4~~-~. a_ ~ ~-4K i°2 .h X .. ~' = ,. ` MOSQUITO ABATEMENT -ORGANIC DEBRIS REMOVAL DECEMBER 2, 1996 -MARCH 28, 1997 STAFF General Services Workers (8) ($9.94 hr.) TEMPORARY Clerical Assistant (1) ($9.42 hr.) $54,074 6,406 TOTAL SALARIES 60;480 ,~ VEHICLES -LEASED Blazers (2) - {$600/mo.) 4.,800 Equipment Trailers (2) - (200/mo.) 1,600 TOTAL LEASED MERCHANDISE 6,400 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES chainsaws (4) ($600/ea.) 2,400 Bushblades (16) ($30/ea.) 480 Pitchforks (16) ($35/ea.) 560 P-racks (8)-($20/ea.) 160 Axes (8) ($25/ea.) 200 Fuel Cans (4) ($65/ea.) 260 Chains, come-alongs, cable 500 Tool Files 200 ~ Safety Glasses.(16) ($11/ea.) 176 ~ ~ Safety Gloves (16) ($2/ea:) 38 First Aid Kits (2) ($58/ea.) 116 General Office Supplies 250 TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES 5,340 M&R -EQUIPMENT - .Repair chains 200 Fuel Oil mix -chainsaws Bar Oil mix -chainsaws 100 gp Repair chains 200 TOTAL M&R -EQUIPMENT ~ 580 FUEL 8~ SUPPLIES Fuef vehicles &chainsaws 1,770 TOTAL FUEL & SUPPLIES 1,770 ' TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES $74,570 ~ ~ ~ 21 Tliis pad e intentionally left blank ,~ 22 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: 6 Consent.Item #: Additional Item #: . Department: WASTEC Facility Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Package: 21 Contact: Amy Akin SUB.TECT: Consideration of award of bid and approval of contract # 97-0003 for grate parts for Volund boiler at ,WASTEC Facility to'Ansaldo Volund A/S. BRIEF SUMMARY: Formal bid procedures were followed for the purchase. of grate parts for the Volund boiler at WASTEC Facility. These items were budgeted for this fiscal year as maintenance items. Because these items arc -purchased from Denmark, the duty and shipping must be paid by the County. Therefore, the staff has qualified these charges and placed anot-to-exceed•amount of $4,000.00 for these charges for the Board of .Commissioners approval. The following are attached: 1. resolution for award of bid # 97-0003 and approval of contract # 97-0003 2. contract draft for approval RECOMMENnED MOTCON AND RFOUFSTFD ACTIONS• Staff recommends adoption of resolution awarding bid # 97-0003 to Ansoldo Volund A/S, the only responsible bidder in the amount of X31,386.00 plus freight and DDU (Direct Duty Unpaid) costs not to exceed $4,000.00 and approving contract # 97-0003. r Uwl~ttycT SUURCE• Federal S: State S: County S: 31,386 Uscr Fccs S: Other S: Money (s In Current Budget: Ycs New Appropriation Rcqucst: No ' Budget Amendment Prc aced: No REVrrwrn ~~v: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSI-IEEE COUNTY. MANA ER'S C MMENT. ,Recommend approval as noted ab ve BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT `Refer to Office Vision E3ulletin Qoard four ~~s gs 2 3~ ~. RESOLUTION OF THE .. e BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HA~~IOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened: by~the Finance Department at 10:00 a.m., on the 24th day of September,1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for grate parts for a Volund Boiler for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 97-0003: Ansaldo Volund AS $31, 386.00 (plus freight & DDU costs not to ezcced $4,000.00) .. AND WHEREAS, this is an overseas shipment and the DDU (Direct Duty Unpaid) and freight costs will added to the proposal price when invoiced; these charges estimated to be less than four thousand ($4,000.00) dollars; AND WHEREAS, the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Ansaldo Volund AS of the county of Denmark, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of thirty-one thousand three hundred eight-six dollars ($31.,386.00); ~ . AND .WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are .now in Account No. 700-485-4195-3920-25 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners oFNew Hanover County that tl~e contract for grate parts for the Volund Boiler for tl~e WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid t~ 97-0003 be awarded to Ansaldo Volund AS in the amount ofthirty-one thousand three hundred eight-six dollars ($31,386.00) plus freight 3c DDU costs not io exceed $4,000.00; and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. - .- This 7th day of October, 1996. J (SEAL) r Chairman, Board;of County Commissioners ATTEST: er to the Board i~ ` "~ °` tr7 ~ iE ~ ~:~ ; i t k' ,d~~D 4YN 6~~ .~1 ti %~ . ._ ' ~~~'~ 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 s DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0003 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of ~ 1996, by.and between. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and ANSALDO VOLUND AS, a foreign corporation, organized under the laws of the .Country of Denmark, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for grate, parts for the WASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 97-0003, and bids were received .and opened as required by law;. and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by Vendor, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution ;authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase and delivery. of grate parts, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal No. 96082801.. . . - . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, said. parties covenant and agree as follows: - 1. Exhibits to Contract. The Bid -Package, which includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked. Exhibit A; and ,Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Exhibit B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein.. - 2. Term. This term of this contract shall be for a period of one (1) year . from. the date of execution. 25 3. Risk of Los's. ~ Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall l_ remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.O.B. WASTEC Facility, R Environmental Management, 3002 Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina. 4. Delivery. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County within one hundred (100) consecutive calendar days after receipt of~order. ' S.~ Purchase-Price. The total purchase price .for said goods.in the sum of Thirty-One Thousand Three Hundred Eigthy-Six~($31,386.00) Doilars'shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of the goods, their acceptance by County and receipt of invoice. 6. Indemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and ali claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages 'arising out~of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, ~ resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and `subcontractors. 7. Warranty. Vendor warrants to County that all materials and equipment fumi'shed under this contract will be new unless `otherwise specified, wild be 'of'good quality and free from faults and defects, and will conform with the contract documents. Vendor` warrants all such materials and equipment for a period of one (1) year from the date of County's first beneficial use' or occupancy of same. 8. Default and Termination. If Vendor-materially breaches any one of the terms or conditions contained in this contract, ~ County may terminate this contract ,_ forthwith. Upon termination,' County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or any other remedy, enter into another contract for the completion 'of this contract. County may deduct al! costs of completing the contract frdm any monies due or which may become due to Vendor. This agreement may be terminated without cause by 2~ 2 ~, either party within thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 9.. Non-Waiver of .Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract. 10. Subcontractors. Vendor shall be fully responsible for all negligent acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors 'and of persons and organizations employed by them to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts. and omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County and any subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract with Vendor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part. of County to pay any money due any such subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. 11. Assignment. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party and the surety to this contract. 12: Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the project which is the subject of this contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State_ and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in 27 r whole or in part. 13: Familiarity with Laws: The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which may in any .manner affect those engaged or employed in ' the work of fhe project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he, his employees,.subcontractors and suppliers will, at -all times, comply with same. - _If the Vendor shall discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with any such law ordinance, rule or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the County in writing, identifying any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed-until he has received written direction from the County with respect to these items. If the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving such notice, he' shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. 14. Notices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party 'by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: To County: New Hanover County Environmental Management Attention: Ray Church, Director 3002 Highway 324 North ~ - Wilmington, NC 28401 To Vendor: Ansaldo Volund AS Attention: Theis Palm Abildager 11 DK-2605 Brondby l L ~, 28 4 15. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. 16. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained in the contract documents. shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 17. Entire Understanding. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract ~ shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given on the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board ANSALDO VOLUND AS [CORPORATE SEAL] resident 5 29 ATTEST:. Secretary This instrument has been pre- . audited in the manner required by .the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. ounty Finance Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Approved as to form: County Attorney I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My .commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of ANSALDO VOLUND AS, a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the Country of Denmark, and that by authority duly given, and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its 'official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 30 6 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ON . . GRATE PARTS FOR THE WASTEC FACILITY Pursuant to Section ]43-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR GRATE PARTS, BID 97-0003" will be accepted until 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, 1996. The bids will be publicly opened and read immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 601, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Comrraissioners of Ner~v Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the County. Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County Advertised: August 18, 1996 31 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BID #'97-0003 GRATE PARTS New Hanover County rinance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-7190 Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink'or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid. No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. Required Specifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shall be in strict accordance with the County's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the County's specifications must list each eYCeption separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the Bid Proposal. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the, right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used, tl~e goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. 32 I-1 of 4 1 ~. Submission of Bid Proposal Bids.must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR GRATE PARTS; BID # 97-0003", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: '~' New. Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 23401 `r Condition of Goods A71 goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at tl~e time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that ,. it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. ~' Timc For O mina Bids p b Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present. Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder, unopened. ~ Withdrawal of Bids Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time ri r to the closing time for receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. Award of Contract The award of any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, '~ taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract. New Hanover County reserves the right to add.or delete quantities. I-2of4 33 r Considerations in Award of Contract In determining the lowest responsible. bid in accordance -with G.S. 143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on County's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). Federal Taxes New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes. North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when invoiced. Price Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified and contract period required. Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. WASTEC Facility, Environmental Management, 3002• Highway 421 North, Wilmington, North Carolina and shall be, complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. Successful Bidder is requested to use a container shipment. tristrtiction in Use of Goods The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in the proper use and maintenance of the goods. . Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state; federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards or .any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred to in the bid documents. 34 I-3 of 4 indemnity Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to tl~e work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents, employees and subcontractors. Addendum The bid package constitutes tine entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance OfFice as having received the bid package. Compliance With Bid Requirements Failure to comply with these provisions or any other provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result in rejection of bid. Right To Reject Bids The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I-4 of 4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BID # 97-0003 GRATE PARTS FOR VOLUND New Hanover County WASTEC Facility is soliciting bids on the following grate parts for the Volund Boilers used at the facility. Successful Bidder is requested to use a container shipment Quantity Part Number Description 76 220.5-4-4573 Grate Block 1 220.5-4-4574 Half Grate Block 3 220.5-4-4554 Half Grate Block 1 220.5-4-4SS2 Grate Block 4 220.5-2-4662 Side Seal Middle, Blr#3 Grates 36 None Grate Plate ~v/o Lip Seal, 15 Degree-260,1-2143 772 220.5-2-1 Grate Bar, Hard, Gray Iron 26 220.5-2-4052 Grate Bar, ~V/Cooled Nose HH SS 2 None Grate :Plate W/L,ip Seal, 7.S Degree-260, nl-S6Sg 3 220.4-2-2544 Grate Transition Upper 3 220.4-2-4136 Grate Transition Lower 10 220.4-2-1950 Grate Transition Upper 10 220.4-2-4058 Grate Transition Lower 16 None Roller, 2-3795, Blrn3 Grates 80 None Bearing, 3-9061, Blr#3 Grates 36 T-1 of3 . 1~ Tabulated below is a listing of the parts that have been purchased for the Volund boiler in the past. Bidder is requested to provide a price list for all items listed. The contract awarded from ~' this bid will be in effect for a one year period.- During the term of the contract WASTEC will purchase items as needed at the rates quoted for these following items. There shall be no ', minimum order requirement. P:~rt Number Description 220.5-2-4082 Grate Bar, W/cooled Nose HH SS 220.5-2-1 Grate Bar, Hard, Gray Iron None Grate Plate W/Lip Seal, 1 S Degree-260, # 1-2 ] 44 None Grate Plate w/O Lip Seal, 15 Degree-260, 1-2143 None .Grate Plate w/ Lip Seal, 15Degree-300, #1-6 None Grate Plate w/o Lip Seal, 1 SDegree-300, # 1-4 None Grate Plate wlLip Seal, 7.5 Degree-300, m1-5687 None Grate Plate w/Lip Seal, 7.S Degree-260, ~1-5688 220.5-3-300 Shim For Grate Flock 9iMVi 1 220.5-5-3-5303 Shim for Grate Block 6Nt~1 None Roller, 2-3795, BIrrc3 Grates None Bearing, 3-9061, Blrt~3 Grates 220.5-4-46SS Side Seal Upper 220.5-4-46SS, Blr#3 Grates 220.5-4-4656 Side Seal Upper, Blr#3 Grates 220.5-2-4659 Side Seal Lower, Blra`€3 Grates 220.5-2-4660 Side Seal Lower, Blr#3 Grates 220.5-2-4661 Side Seal Middle, Blr#3 Grates 220.5-2-4662 Side Seal Middle, Blrar3 Grates 220.5-4-4390 - Half Grate Block 220.5-4-43S9 Half Grate Block 220.5-4-4388 Grate Block T-2 of 3 37 220.5-4-4389 Grate Block 220.5-4-4554 ~ Half Grate Block 220.5-4-4552 - Grate Block 220.4-2-2544 Grate Transition Upper 220.4-2-4136 Grate Transition Lower 220.4-2-1950 Grate Transition Upper 220.4-2-408 Grate Transition Lower 220.5-4-4553 Half Grate Block w/Lip Seal 300 220.5-2-4657 Side Seal, Lowerl=1230 220.5-2-4658 Side Seal, Lower, #L1230 220.]-2-493 Bracket; Drive Shaft, Blr 220.3-4-5094 Bearing, Movable Grate None Bucket, Skip Hoist, Complete Dwg. 430.5-2-7433 None Rail; Skip Hoist, UPN ]40, Cut in 3 Meter Sections None Ring, Packing, Skip Hoist Bucket 3 g T-3 of 3 Vendor's Quote # 96082801 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA BID PROPOSAL FORi~i ~~ u r BID # 97-0003 -CRATE PARTS FOR VOLUND BOILER September 3, 199G; 3:30 p.m. I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for tt~e same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal la~v and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Bid Proposal Qi~nntity Part Number Description Uriit Price Extended Price 76 220.5-4-4573 Grate Block S 215.80 S 16 , 400..80 1 220.5-4-4574 Half Grate Block S 180.20 S 180.20 3 220.5-4-4554 Half Grate Block S 174.30 S 522.90 1 220.5-4-4552 Grate Block S 215.80 S 215.80 4 220.5-2-4662 Side Seal Middle, BIrR`3 Grates S 216.00 S 864.00 36 None Grate Plate w/o Lip Seal, 1 S Degree-260,1-2143 S 39.00 S 1, 404.00 772 ~' 220.5-2- i Grate Bar, Hard, Gray Iron S 6.40 S 4 , 940.80 26 220.5-2-4082 Grate Bar, W/Cooled Nose I-IH SS S 21.10 S 548.60 2 None Grate Plate W/Lip Seal, 7.S Degree-260, # 1-5683 S 42.70 S , 85.40 . 3 220.4-2-2544 Grate Transition Upper ~ S 197.20 S 591.60 3 220.4-2-4136 Grate Transition Lower S 133.50 S 400.50 10 220.4-2-1950 Grate Transition Upper - S 186.90 ~ 1,869.00 10 220.4-2-4058 Grate Transition Lower $ 117.20 S 1,172.00 16 None Roller, 2-3795, Blr#3 Grates S 71.90 S 1,150.40 80 None Bearing, 3-9061, BIr~3 Grates S 13.00 S 1, 040.00 TOTAL S B-I of4 , 39 Delivery and completion of installation 60 days after receipt of purchase order. Location of Technical/Service Representative Theis Palm Tabulated below is a listing of the parts that have been purchased for the Volund boiler in the past. Bidder is requested to provide a price for all items listed. The contract awarded from this bid will be in eEtect for a one year period. During the term of the contract ~VASTEC will pruchase items as needed at the rates quoted for these following items. There shall be no minimium order.requriement. Part Number bescription Unit Price 220.5-2-4052 Grate Bar, ~V/cooled Nose I-{I-i SS S 22.41 220.5-2-1 Grate Bar, Hard, Gray Iron - S 6.75 None Grate Plate ~V/Lip Seal, I SDegree-.260., # 1-2144 S 45.36 None Grate Plate w/0 Lip Seal, l~ Degree-260, 1-2.143 S 41.40 None Grate Plate w/ Lip Seal, 1 S Degree-300, # 1-6 ~ ~ S 57.78 None Grate Plate w/o Lip Seal, I S Degree-300; # 1-4 S 52.86 None Grate Plate w/Lip Seal, 7.5 Degree-300, # I -5657 S 68.20 None Grate Plate w/Lip Seaf, 7.~ Degree-260, >rl-56SS S 43.36 220.5-3-3.00 Shim For Grate Flock. 9Miv1 S 5.76 220.5-5-3-5303 Shim for Grate Block 6M.i~t ~ S 4.41 None Roller, 2-3795, Blr#3 Grates S 76.40 None Bearing, 3-9061, Blr~3 Grates ~ S 13.77 220.5-4-4655 Side Seal Upper 220:5-4-4655, Blrr#3 Grates S 206.19 220.5-4-4656 Side Seal Upper, Blr1m3 Grates S 206.19 220.5-2-4659 Side Seal Lower, B1rK3 Grates S 153.36 220.5-2-4660 Side Seal Lower, BIr~3 Grates ~, 153.36 220.5-2-4661 Side Seal Middle, BIrM3 Grates S 229.60 220.5-2-4662 Side Seal Middle, BIrK`3 Grates ~ S 229.60 220.5-4-4390 HaIFGrate Block , (4-4553/300) S 191.70 220.5-4-4359 Half Grate Block (4-4575/260) S 191.70 40 B-2 of 4 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r i r i 220.5-4-4388 Grate Block 4-4551 300) S 276.30 220.5-4-4389 Grate Block (4-4554/300) S 185.40 220.5-4-4554 Half Grate Block 5 185.40 220.5-4-4552 Grate dock $ 229.50 220.4-2-2544 Grate Transition Upper $ 209.70 220.4-2-4136 Grate Transition Lower S 142.02 220.4-2-1950 Grate Transition Upper S 198.81 220.4-2-4058 Grate Transition Lower S 124.65 220.5-4-4553 Half Grate Block w/Lip Seal 300 $ 191.70 220.5-2-4657 Side Seal, Lowerl=1230 S 264.43 220.5-2-4658 Side- Seal, Lower, #L] 230 ~ 264.43 220.1-2-4953 Bracket, Drive Shaft, Blr (2-15082) S 172.00 220.3-4-5094• Bearing, Movable Grate $ 8.70 None Bucket, Skip Hoist, Complete Dwg. 430.5-2-7433 $ 9,870,.00 None Rail, Skip Hoist, UPN 140, Cut in 3 Meter Sections S 42.50 None Ring, Packing, Skip Hoist Bucket ~ 10.00 Attachments to Proposal 1. Bid Bond 2. Complete specifications of equipment proposed 3. Copy of warranty 4. Exceptions to bid (if any) Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days after the award and to begin process of providing the grate parts listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover County. Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged Addendum No. Date , 1996 Addendum No. Date , 1996 B-3 of 4 , 41 Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. The Bidder is: An Individual A Partnership between: A Joint Venture consisting of: - - X A Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Denmark (List name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated.) BY: Theis Palm (name as above printed) TITLE: .Service Coordinator COi~ANY: ~IVS~,co vmt,irvD As ADDRESS: Abildager 11 DK-2605 Brmndby TELEPHONE: (+45) 43 45 22 00 SEAL-IF BID IS BY A CORPORATIOi`I ATTEST: /i~~ i~~/.~ ~~ B y .~ ~~~ - iIC1LUND ECOLOGY SYSTEI•/IS A1S ~.y~box 9, Abildaacr 11, DK-2605 Brpndby B-4 of 4 , none: +d5 4? 45 22 GO Fax no. +4S 42 45 24 S9 t t i t Date: 96.08.28 Enclosure to Bid No. 96082801 1. The price in our offer is to be understood as ex works, inclusive of packing. Additional price for DDU (INCO TEFZt'~IS) cost is min. USS 360.00 or 30 Centlkg. The freight will be revalued after the quantity ordered. 2. The spare parts are to be installed and used in accordance with Ansaldo Vplund's Operation Manual. Reservations M B2 and B-~ t t i 1 1 1. The price in our offer is to be understood as ex works, inclusive of packing. Additional price for DDU (INCO TERMS) cost is min. USS 360.00 or 30 Centlkg. The freight will be revalued after the quantity ordered. . Reservations to the exchange rate: The price will be adjusted if the price should _ . change more than ± 39o from the calculated exchange rate of 575.45. 2. The spare parts arc to be installed and used in accordance with Ansaldo V~ilund's Operation Manual. / ~ ~ ~i Ly LUi`,J ~COLOCiY S'IS T Ely:j A1S Postbox 9, Abildagcr 11, D;; ?605 Br~ndby S'2 Fax no.+~5 4? 4S 21 59 ANSALD~~~L~D A~ Abildager 11 DK-2606 Br~tndb}~ Telephone (+46) 43 46 22 00 Telefax (+46) 43 46 15 08 4 3 Tliis pale intejitiojially left blank 44 t 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 M 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Pa e Count In A enda Package: 5 Contact: Pete Avery SUB.TECT: Special Use Permit, Revision (S-224, 8/84) BRIEF SUMMARY: Request by the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #343 to construct a 3200 sq. ft. addition to the existing lodge building. The site is located at 4610 Carolina Beach Road and is zoned R-15 Residential. RECOMMrNDED MOTION AND REOUESTFD ACTIONS• The Planning Board recommends approval. N'U[VUl[V(~ SUURCE: Federal S: State $: County S: User Fces S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: lYcw Appropriation Rcqucst: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMFNDATIONS• COUNTY CO~..rwi/N~_1 APPROVEp . REJECT~p REMOVEi~:~ p ~ `- ©~ 4~ POS'tPON~p ~. DATE o ~ ' G`m, Refer to OCfice Vision bulletin board for Disposition Special Use Permit Modification, Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #343, 5-224, 8/84; itilodified 9/96 Applicant: Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, #343 via Victor Hyatt The applicant seek to modify the existing special use permit by expanding the present building. The building addition encompasses 3200 square feet, or about 40' x 80'. The original permit granted to the Lodge allowed for the construction of a 8,66 square foot building. An athletic field existing at time of special use permit application was allowed to remain. It is served by a small concession stand. Though the addition would place the main building closer to its northern property line, it would not reduce the original setbacks for side and rear yards unposed by the initial special use permit nor would it alter other conditions of tfre permit. The proposed addition is needed so the lodge c:~n offer a greater range of family and community activities. Planning Board Summary The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the applicant's request. They noted the building addition would not be incompatible with surrounding land uses, nor would it create negative impacts. There was no opposition. Er.eliminary Staff Findings 1. The Board must find that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. A. The site is located is currently served~by community water and county sewer. The addition can be accommodated by those existing services. B. The site is located in the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department District. C. The site has direct access to Carolina Beach Road. . 2. The Board must find that the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordinance. A. The total site area is approximately eijht (8) acres-- a minimum of two acres is required. - B. Lodges and related uses are permitted by specia(.use permit in the R-15 District. The site is zoned R-15 Residential. C. The minimum front yard and setbacks established for the original special use permit will not be alte~~d. ,M ~~ ~~ D. The extst.ng~faci~Py ,l~r,~e~dy~operating under a special use permit pursuant to existing standards. :. ~~ 4~ ~~~~~ ~~~ I ~ ~ .. i i f a . ` ` n ng or lue.o adjo 3. The Board. must find that the use will not substantially injure the v _ abutting property or that the' use is a public necessity. A. The existing facility has been in~operation now for a number of years. There is no record that the facilit has been detrimental to ro ert values. Y P P Y ~ 4. ,The Board -must find that the location and character of tiie use if developed according to ` the lan as submitted and:a roved will be in harmon with the area in which it is to be P PP Y located and in general. conformity with plan of development for New Hanover Count}'. ~~ A. As noted the existing facility has been in operation for a number of years.- B. The property to the north is occupied by one of the County's emergency medicaUEMT service facilities. Land to the west and south is vacant. Located a little further south is the main entrance to' Silva Terra Subdivision. ,.. '~' , ~, ~~ ~f ~ _ ~~ , \~' . . '~- ~~ ~.,. -_ :. .. ~~ .. ,i ~~f . ,~i 47 ~~ What ~'ou Must Establish For A Special Use Permit Authority to grant a Special Use.Permit is contained in the Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to section 71. The Zoning Ordinance imposes the following General Requirements on the use requested by the applicant. Und;_~"f each requirement, the applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans, where applicable, how thel proposed use satisfies these requirements: (Attach additional pages if necessary) ~~~---...11t General Requirement #1 The Board must find "that the use will not materizlly endanger the public health or safety if located where F posed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved." Stalemenl by Applicant: To enlarge thie' existing Facilities in order to accoma ` more Family and community activities. .. w .' Gcnernl Requirement #2 The Board must find "that the use meets all required conditions and specifications" of the Zoning Ordinance " Statement by Applicmrl: To enlarge the existing Facilities in order to accomml more Family and Community activities. General Requirement #3 The Board must find "that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property or~ the use is a public necessity." Slafenrent byApplicarrl: To enlarge the existing Facilities in order to accommod more Family and Community activities. General Requirement #4 The Board must find "that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submi and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the ' of development for New Hanover County." S!alementbyApplicarrl: 7o enlarge the existing Facilities in order to accommc more Family and Community activities. The nin Ordinance in some instances also im oses additional s ecific re uirements on the use re uestea C Zo g P P q q the applicant~The applicant should be prepared to demonstrate that the proposed use will comply with each specific requirement Cound in section 72_~ (as applicable). He/She should also demonstrate that the !a~ will be used in a manner consistent with the plans and policies of New Hanover County. The Board of Comb sinners may impose additional conditions and restrictions that they deem appropriate prior to the issuing of the Special Use Permit. I certif that all of the information resented in this a lication is accurate to the best of m knowledge, info' rr' Y P PP Y tion, and belief. 48 //d <hl ~, ~..Y~'~c(~ Signature of Appl ant and/or Owner I 1 .~ ~i '~',: ~~. ~r A~ ~, '~; ~~ r~' ,~- e'~ ~~ r~ ,. ,, ~~ . `, ~` ~~ ~~ PETITION SUMMARY SHEET Petition Number: 5-224 Revision Orvner• Loyal :Order Moose #343_ Request: B1.c_g_ n,~~a; tin Taz ID Number: 7000 Representative: _ S,,.Te Acreage: 8 7,OC~tion: 4F 1 (1 C'a rc~l i n ~ Rc-•h Rd LAND USE, ZONING, UTILITIES and SERVICES Land.Classification: Urban Transition _. Existing Land Y1se: Moose Lodge Zoning History: Area on cri nn 1 1 ~~ ?nnAr~ n-~_i}-~-9~ 1 .SUP granted August 1984 Watcr Type: , Community Fire District: M1rt-1 P c;rn~~A -Road Access:.. Carolina Bch.. 'Rd. School District: Williams Scwcr Type- r~,,.~+-~, RccreAtion: _ Arr~whPad Volumc: 16 , 200 ADT (' 95 count MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Watershed andWater Quality Classificntion• Barnard Creek C (Sw) Transition between P~-im~r~~ 4 ~rnr^nnr7~rv Aquifer Recharge Ares:' Conservation Rcsourscs: Nona $istoric Landmarks And ArchcologicAl Sites: None Soil Type(s) and CIASS: N/A :- site is dev.eloDed /} [J N/A ~~ `t .J Septic TAnk Suitability: Prime Agricul'turxl Soils: N/A " Building Suitability: `~/A . ~, 1 ,~~. .~ w tt ~• REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie I-Iarrell Paae Count In A enda Packa e: 27 Contact: Lucie Harrell `~ SUB.TEGT: Committee.Appointment \~' ..~ ~. ~~~ ~~ ~. ,~' . ~~~~ ., ~~> ~, ~, ..~ ,~' ~~ `~ ~~s ~. ~' BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees RECOMMENDI/D MOTION AND REQUF,STED ACTIONS: Make Appointment r u[vut(v(; SUUKCE: Fedcra(S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Othc~ S Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: nrvrrvvrn riv. LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMFNDATIONS• Considei appointment. COUNTY CAMM~SS# . APPROVEp Q REJECTED REMOV~p. p ~~~~~ .._. f PosrPOw ~~_ Refer to OfTice Vision [3uiletin t3oard for Dis(~~~~ip ` ~'''`~~ '~'.~ 'I COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1 VACANCY - 3-Y.EAR TERM APPLICANTS: James Stedman Bryan Robert J. Hall Erma Johnson Michael Philip Kingoff William Lawrence Robertson Joseph L. Soto . Margaret Weller Stargell Doretha McKnight Stone Linda Jean Wilson Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ~" ` ~~ ~+ ,, r,- '~~~~~ 5 2' ~~ . ~ ~.~ `~tisS~~ . f : ' ~~~ _ ~~, ,. 1 ~~.~ ti's NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members:. 17 - (3 ex-officio members: County Commissioner, Chief of Medical Staff and the Past Chief of Staff) Terms: five years - Not eligible for reappointment until one year after term unless originally appointed to fill an unexpired term. Effective September 1993, new terms are .for three years. Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospital. Committees of the Board average one meeting per month each. Trustees serve on two or three committees. statute or cause creating Board: Charter or .Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26, 1967. Brief on Functions: Takes responsibility-for the operation of a large public. hospital through the establishment of policy and the deciding of major questions on finance, -scope of services, facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. ~. ~~; ~ CURRENT MEMBERS. Charles M. Coleman, Jr. ~~ 2112 ~ Ascott Place Wilmington, NC 28403 ;76,3-2075 (H) 799-4877 (W) ~~% Henry M. von Oesen 412 W. Renovah Circle ~~ _ Wilmington, NC 28403 ~~ 7,62-8313 (H) Phillip Sharpe (VACANT) . ~~ 1131-A .Military Cutoff Road + Wilmington, NC 28405 350-0.482 (H) _256-8700 (W) ~~ Corneille Sineath 6664, Cable Car Lane ~` Wilmington, NC 28403 256-2719 David B. Benford = ` ~ 1645 Country Club Road ` ~ Wilmington, NC 28403 . 251-0846 (W) 452-9961 (H) Luther Brown 1944 Brookhaven Road . 'Wilmington, NC 28403 ~~ 762=7883 (W) 343-1991 (H). TERM PRESENTLY TERM SERVING . EXPIRES second. 9-30-99 3 year term Appt. 9/20f 93 Reappt.. 9/16/96 second 9-30-99 3 year term Appt. .10/4/93 Reappt. 9/16/96 first 9-30-96 3 year term Appt. 9/2.0/93 second 9-30-99 3 year term . Appt. 9/20/93 Reappt. 9/16/96 first 9-30-97 3 year term Appt. 9/19/94 first 9-30-97 3 year term Appt. 9/19/94 i NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED) TERM. , . • PRESENTLY TERM ~_ CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Daniel E. Dawson first. ~ -. 9-30-97.- 3177 Wrightsville Avenue 3 year term Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/19/94 7.62-0766 {,H ). -762-4200(W) Barbara L. Maisenhelder _ first ~ 9-30-97 4741 Wedgefield Drive 3 year term Wilmington, NC 28409 Appt. 9/19/94 452'-7195 (H) 763-9976 (W) Pamela S. Morine first 9-30-98 _ 101 Windlass Drive 3 year term ' Wilmington, NC 28409 (Appt. 9/18/95) '452-1770(H) 799-7800(W) ' Jane Fliesbach Rhodes first 9-30-98 6404 Providence.Point Road 3 year term Wilmington, NC 28405. (Appt / 9/18%95) 686-1954(H) Sylvia H. Rountree first 9-30=98 1912 Ashbrook Drive ~ ... Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 5/17/93 to unexpired 5- year term) 762-6250 (H) (Reappt. 9/18/95 to 3-year term) William C.-Taylor 125 Partridge Road Wilmington, NC 28412 791-1432(H) Fred Retchin 2012 Jumpin Run Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 763-6'461 (H) 763=2144 (W) Dr. Dennis B. Nicks 2305 Canterwood Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 763-4630 (H) 343-0119 (W) 3 year- term (Appt. 9/18/95) unexpired 9-30-97 5 year term (Appt. 9J19/94) first 9-30-9T 5 year term (Appt. 10/5%92) Ex-Officio Members: William A. Caster - County Commissioner David B. Sloan - Chief of Medical Staff - Immediate Past Chief of Staff Jim Hobbs, President, NHRMC P.O. Box 9000 mington, NC 28402-9000 ~~-7000 . first` 9-30-98 9/9.6 File: 'NHMH R 1 ~r l `~f ri ~~ ~~1 NEW HAIVOVER COUNTY. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover County Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Name: James Stedman Bryan Home Address: 1202 Essex Drive Mailing Address: same Now long have you been a resident of New Hanover CountyT _3 ~ _years City and State: _ Wilmington, NC ~ Zip Code: 28403 . Telephone: Home: 910-763-2348 Business: 910-792-6655 'Sex: Male ~ 'Race: White "Age: 40 'This inlormetion is requested for the sole purpose o/ assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: .First Citizens Bank '~ "A person currently amp/eyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign Ais/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Articto Vt, Sec. 4 0/ the New Nanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tit/e: ~ Regj~onal Vice President :. .. .. ~ ~ Rrofessional-Activities: ;~, VolunteerActivities: see attached Why do you wish to serve on.the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT see .attached ~~ . J What do you tee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? see attached :~~ What areas of concern would you like to"see fhe Board, Committee, or Commissr'on address? see attached ~~~~~ `-% Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, p/ease list: No . ~ Dare: S • ~-9 -9~ "'~-- ~ 0 1996 S%gnature (Please use reverse side /or additions/ co nt '' NEW HANOYER CQ ~'' Rn nr: rn,,,,~c~,r,.~,-..., Page 2 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS, COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS APPOINTED BY THE NEW HANOVER COQNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Volunteer Activities: Treasurer, Forest Hills Elementary OPT; President, Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Foundation; Vice Chairman, Cities in Schools and Former Member, Wilmington Rotary Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Strong education ar_d healthcare are vital to the continued growth and viability of this community. I have enjoyed the high quality of life that the New Hanover Area presents. Z want to do my part to insure that those high standards continue to be met by actively participating in the management of an area vitally important to the future of this community. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee,' or .Commission .requested? I have a strong financial background and significant management skills developed in my role with First Citizens. Much of my career has been focused on providing financial services .to the medical community, which should provide some insight and understanding of the issues confronting the hospital. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or~Commission address? In our efforts to. provide.. efficient, low ' cost services, we must unsure that we balance that necessary focus against the quality of care provided. Quality care is not just dollars and cents but is people focused. We can not overlook either the patient or the employee in this`process. To do so would cause significant damage. 56 ~ ~ 5 ~~~~."~ .~ .:1 ~~. ~• r ,_ ~, ., , ~, :1 Reque. ~~4 ~' ~ , ~` NEW HAl1lOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Name: Home I~ '" f~ /~/ How long have you been a , Address: ~ 6 tu. ~ 1.~. resident of New Hanover County? ~- Mailing Address: City and State: C. - Zip Code: o~p '7 ~ ~ - 7 ~~ ~~ Telephone: Home: Business: /? 2~-c~t~uC 'Sex: _1'I~-c`~-~- "Race: 'Age: (~.~J 'This in/ormelion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring tha! across-section o/ the community is appointed. "Employed by: "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is meda, must resign his/her position with .„^,- Naw Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ tha Naw Hanover Count Personnel Polic• . Y / ~1 ti~;~ t 4~' Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Co rree, or c.ommtsston requested! What do you feel/are your qualifications for servingg on/~theBoard, Com~~]mittene, or Commission request ~ J /l n.. ,I.. 0 ..~-i' /~,.. • , .rv r~„ . _ _. ~ ~ l!.. .!/_,,, l/ .I -f// --~ // n _ _ .~ - v 7 ~_~ /1 - p/ r~C you currenrty serving on another ooaro or r Q < `~' Date: `~~/~9V J _ (Please user arse side /or additional commentsl ,/ appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~~0595 :.... °.,:L~, ~~~ co. Signature ~ ~ / P I i Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Job Title: ~ ~~ _ _ i What areas o co cern wou/d you like tosee the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~1 ~__~ ~ .~ p~Q[~dQD i l N~ HANOVLrfi' CO~UN~'Y B~AR1? ~F CON1li+11SSJON~RS 320 ChasPntft St~sl, f~oorn ~30lf WjImingion, NC .?8401-4093 T•hplr«fr ly 141311.11 tl R•'~C /9 Jp 3(J-1130 SEP 0 4 1996 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS ~dppllaa>hbn foi Appvintlfi~rti to Bouzis, tammhie+v, and Cammfssloru ,~QppOintld by the N:w N~nvv*. Co~rnry Bond of Commjls~ortd~. BDARD OF TRUSTEES, NEW HANOVER REGIOfdAI, MEDICAL CENTER R.4uest forAapolnrma.~r rG: .~-. NMte: _ERMA L_. JOHNSON _ _ Hr~f 2014 BARNETT AVENUE X4wlQnp/i1v~ y'Oyb:ar~ ~lddrrxs: reu0ent o~Ntw Nanova County 4 YF n ~ M~IWn p~ ri dd~3d l: P• 0. II O X 6 9 6 4)ILMINGT,ON 28402 CJtY erld Sratc: Zrp Code: 7deQAonr: Nairn a: 3 4 3- 9s 9~ _- _ Bus~nas~r: 7 G 2- 0 0 9 8 Female AFRICAN- •Saz. ~ 'R~to: d M $ j~ Z G ~4~i ~Apa:4~ 'T.RU A+tr++vlio~* 4 nov~n.tlar el~rahawiwr orsrs~g th.t • mrwa~rcavn e( ch• c.RV+wi11Y'r.Ipa^t~d. ••Finploye?by; LAW OFFICE OF ERMA L. JOHNSON •+AprKDncur/.n1M.rf~f.ri/~yfM1~.n.Va/Iad~NfktM+rrt/f(~yaliraMlf~T~4...nW/lR~++ I//I~ttWAMJN Nrti NsMW! ~tcnry :man wpo:nf.~snL n- •~tordrRl~, widf .lr„tiA VL 5,~. ~ or N. /y,.l H.r..vu Gr+(y /tin-r1111~ J44"sy. ATTORNEY Deb rtirt Prvtass~on:lActlvltfeJ: N•C. & California Bar Associations, Deita Sigma Thera 5orirty, Inc. Valunr>at/AC1n'itifJ: N / A Y Y Why do Yov wish ra ran+o on Me 9o8id, Cammicte•..w ComrrJuiOn rt4ysstpsll Z a m v,~,~ 9 ~ n~ Q r „~P ,about improving the community,; end ~ void d 1 i kP,.,,r~1Lse-tn ' knowledge and experience to help make New Hanover Count a better IM,ei ~ ynu ~ :~~i~ ye°vi v~ic~ v ~1~olsaeF~r~~o3+~1rrS9a~~, ta~rr„~irtte, o~ Cammisaron ieQuaated7 M y _ ' _ education and experience best equips me to serve on variouo $pQ ds 'fin ommiosion3.; but primarily I ve ~d~1,{ ~~ U'fiel J1~~d al eDrtr,.., wowd you r1~e to eea rn. 9o,id. Ca>~ttit ni~omrr~iJ~3~ i~dr~p g c o mmi t tm c n t t o r am deeply concerned about providing Qualfty health care to all Ij citizens of New Ilanover a surr~undino unri PR • ~ 7 'wn„l ~i l ; too r„ .~.J see a resolution of-the current dispute over private versus public hoapitp Art you c~rr~nt/y serving OA snofhes bnI/d a! a~Rlnfr~{h~(~~Crn1I~ by ~ mVrtlarpa!!'ty or 1 aoun~T rrso, pis .t+r. No . ~~~ULSll ULiU r~~ ~1' SEP 0 4 li5 Date: ~ ~ ~5~aarvr: ~••• ,.•• , • +'~ ~-.~ p,~...•,,,~ / NEYJ HANOVER CO. ~~"`improving the quality of life for others who mIIy be lean fortunate. 1 ~~ ~;~~ `~I A `~~ t '~ '~ ~~. ~! +~, ~. `~, ,~( REBUblB of ~RHA L . ~4xHSON EnuCn7CZON: UNZVERBITY OP NORTH CAROI,ZNA Chapel Hill, North Carolina Juris Doctor, May 19£16 HOIIOrH: American Jurirsprudcnce AhTard- Adminiatrative Law; M®mber-Holderno8s Moot Court Dench; First Place-Frederick Douglas~Moot Court Competition (Southern Regional)] Beat Oralist- Frederick Douglas National Moot Court Compet~.tivn. UNIVERSITY OP AORTH CARQI,Ii~A Greensboro, North Carolina Bachelor of Science( Home Economics) May, 1973 Honors: Member-Omicron Nu National IIonor Society ERPERIEHCE: SHAW UNIVERBZTY(C~ntvr for Altexnativa Programs of Education) Wilmington, Nori:h~ Carolina August, 1991 to Present Taught classefl i.n Jhridence and Criminal Procedure, Seminar in Criminal Justice, Probation and Parole, and Juv©nile Delinquenoy_ LAH OFFICE OF ERNA L. JO~iNl30W Wilmington, Noz~th Carolina February, 1991 to present Practiced in the areas of corporat® law, real estate.law, sports law, and civil litigation. Practic®d in both state and federal courts. HILLER-lIOTTE BUSIHE88 CpLigpy Wilmington, North Cairolina March, 1991 to March, 1993 Taught courses in Business Law, I,egnl Reacarch and Writing, and Civil Litigation nnd.Court Proceedings. 59 ;~, PAUL, HASTINt~B, JANOFI3KY & i~+1ALKER Loa 1ingelea,~ California May, 1986 to November, 1991 Litigation Associate-Represented international and multinational corporations involving commercial disputes in federal and state courtec. Participated in all phases of pre-trial preparation, including but not limited to, preparing and appearing on a variety of law and motion matters in state and federal courts, interviewing clients and witnesses, devising discovery etrate`gies, propounding discovery, prosecuting and defending approximately L'ifty depositions, and participating in settlement negotiations. Trained and supervised associz~tes as a member of the SuAUnar Associate Committee. Pzovided pro bona legal services in the area of family" law at the garriet Buhai Center, Los Angeles, California_ LH(lAL BEi2VICE8 OF THB LOWER C1-PE P'~117 Wilmington, North Carolina Sommer 1.984 'and 1985 Summer Clerkship-Prepared and dratted pleadings and legal memoranda. UNITED STATES HARINE CORPS Camp Lejeune, North Carohina May, 1977 to May, 1960 HOSgZ~Bc Drawing, sewing, and decorating. ACTIVZTISB: Participated in the Adopt-a-school program • - sponsored by various professionals in Igoe Angeles, California; Participated in the mentor program which worked with juveniles were incarcerated and which was sponsored by the Loa Angolea County Bnr Association; Participated in the mentor program sponsored by the Langston Bar Assoaiation to assist minority law students; Organized in conjunction with minority associates at PHJ~W a program to prepaze Rtudents for law school and to obtain their first legal, position; Coordinated the 6 O Youthlift Program, a program for inner city 1 ~~t r~r~ 1 ~~ ~~r ~~ i ,~7 •`~/ :,~/ .~~ . ~i i~i ,~; (~ ~~~. '~~ ~~ children which is aponeored by the Wilmington Alumnae Chapter oP Delta sigma Theta sorority. t~IENIBERSAIP: North Caxol.i.na and California Har Asgociationa; American Har Aaaociution; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Former weather North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers. Former certified agent, National Football League Players Association. 61 - r~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF CO/t~IMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9101 341-4130 .Application for Ap ointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions P Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppo/ntment to: NHRrfC Board of Trustees Name: Michael Philip Ki_ngOff Nome How long have you been a Address: 2004 Muirfield Court ~esidentofNewHanoverCounty? ~~ yAa*-s Mailing Address: 2 0 0 4 M u i r f i e l d Court City and State: Wilmington, N.C. Zip Code: 28403 Telephone: Home: ~99-~9~2 Business: 799-2100 'Sex: Ma 1 e 'Race: White 'Age: 3 3 ~~ 'This inlormetion is requested for the sole purpose o/ assuring Chet a cross•sect~on o! the community is appointed. "Emp/oyedby: Kingoff's Jewelers "A person currently emp/o yed by the agency or depar:meet for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with ~~ New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Tr't/e: Vice President (`1 Guild Gemologist-Diamond Council of America 1l,-yi, Professional Activities: Active Member-Scull Jewelers Research Group ~ VolunteerActivitres: Wrightsville Beach Cleanup, Boy's Club, & Special Olympics (J Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? NHR~fC is one of the most valuable assets of New Hanover County and"it is imperative that it be run in~ an efficient manner to fully serve the needs of this area. My father has dor+R?. a great deal of volunteer work an sat t e ospi a was very u i ing.;;o~c~,~ What do you feel are your qualt'fications for serving on the Board,. Committee, or Commission requested? Economics Degree-Univ. of Georgia, Past Vice President-Downtown Wilmington Assoc., Boai'°i MPmhPr Rna i TsraPl Synaaer,~~ T>a1 .a nPgie Grad~iafie i n Human Relations and Advanced Management Courses.. What areas ofconcern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? It concerns me that the operations of the hospital are greatly misunderstood by the general Dublic. Imgrove the daily operations of the emergency room. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: No ~~~r~nnnr~n ~ ~~ U' Date: Jul 8 1996 ~U~ Q 9 1996 Signature /Y~-^--f~- !Pleese use reverse side /or additional comments/ NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS L~ .. ~.4. ~~ ' ' '. ~ Bern a native g W n n ilmz gto ian, I want to serve om the c munit which ha y s provided a fine home to ,my family. 'for almost 100 yea rs. ~ It is important to give your time to community work. I have. always had a keen interest in the. medical field and know from my business experience what it takes t o .run a large corporation effic iently. ' :i;~, - i'Yl P r n~ ~o~= ~ K ~~; ~~ '~ ...~ . ~~~ .. .. .. - . , ~~ ~~~ . .. .. ~~ ..: ~ _ . ,~ . - _ _. . ~', _ -- :~ ~~ .. _. ~ ~ ' . ~ `~~ _ - = ... _ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ 1 ~~ cr.. ~:..._,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY - _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . . 320 Chestnut Street; Roori~ 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board Name: William Lawrence Robertson Home How long have you been a Address: 1509 Country Club Rd. resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1727 City and State: Telephone Wilmington, NC Home: 763-7085 Zip Code: 28402 Business: 815-2744 16 years 'Sex: M "Race: W "Age: 53 'This inlarmetion is requested for the sole purpose o! assuring Chet across-section o! the community is appointed. '"Emp/eyed by: BB&T "A person current/y employed by the agency or department for which this app/ication is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: Senior Vice President North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission, 1988-1992, Former University Professional Activities: N.C. Wilm. Foundation, Board Chairman, State Certified General Appraiser, Robert Morris Association. Vo/unteerActivities: Red Cross, United Way, Boy Scouts, Civitan Club, Lower Cape Fear Hospice Board (Former) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? It is my personal way of of returning some of my professional experience to the community and hopefuly add to ~.. the service the public needs. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My ,~~ ex erience on the Resources Commission & Foundation Board at UNCW plus a background in 11 accounting and finance and 30 years experience in: .the ban ing in ustry. What areas ofconcern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Balancing the overall needs of the community, the hospital serves and the needs of the staff that make the hospital run on a day to day basis. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a countyT if so, p/ease list: 1'~' No . n~(r~T211MT2(1 / ` Date: 110 / 9 6 (Please use reverse side fo/ additional comments/ tmAPvR,(~,l`' S ~,°~ature 1~Ln IW~U~L.(S W. 8D: OF CaINMISSfONERS x<~ ~ r - - .. ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY "~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ' Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions AppointedAb/y the New /Hanover County Board of C~}o,~mmissioners. ~i Request for Appointment to: /Y ~ 1J ~~-N e ~/~ 2 ~G G ~o c~y3 ~- , / ~ ~ `~i ~ GAS-- CEnT~G- 2 ~o,g~ r~- Name: ~J O S C~ H ~• . `S O/ o ~~ Home / How long have you been a Address: C~ 6~ ~ ~~~ ~~d~ ~'~ resident of New Hanover Countyl y~ e-~ ,~. Mailing Address: ~d ~ o X ~ `T 7y 1,~r I •r / City and State: V y ~ L~ ~ .JG % ~ ~ I" C.- Zip Code: yg ~'~ b '~ Telephone: Nome: 9 / ~ -Y•1~ L l C ~ 3 / ~ '`s: quo y.~6 ~ - ~ /r G, i 'Sex: ~f}L~- 'Race: ~~ 1-~. 'Age: ~~ ~~ 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sale purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. 'Emplo yed by: ~O ~ .i T~-C_ ~-~`f~-~.Thr ~~42-~ ~O~/S-t! C.~,ci ~7r,1 "A person currently employed b y the agoncy or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance wish Article Vl, Sac. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~ Job Title: ~Q ~<S ~ ~ >/ ~ Professional Activities. // i Volunteer Activities: ~!7 ~J-f; ~~d~~ ~iYiT~~ ~s97i ~/~.~~5%~ ~,c-c.~./~' ~- ~~ Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? - ~SC c ~~' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving'on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to'see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~j ~~E ~ i -T~{~~.D '~G--TT~2' Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: 3b ~J Date: ~-Ll~y4 f T 3, / cJCj (0 5ignatu e (Please use reverse side for additional commontsl NEW HANOVER CO. BBD. OF COP~i'~AISSION=~S i 0 Coastal Healthcare Consultants PO Box 3472 Wilmington, NC 28406 Hon. Bobby Greer New Hanover County Chairman Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 30~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Comrissioners Joseph L Soto CHE President August 15, 1996 I respectfully request your support and consideration for my application for appointmentto the New Hanover Regional Medical Center board of trustees. I wish to serve on this board to enhance NHRi'~1C regional role and continue my twenty years of service to this community's health care system. lily concerns are the implementation work that remains to be done with the goal to have the most appropriate health care system for our community. One which maximizes the valuable health care resources that this community has developed into a cooperative system that enhances patient care service and reduces cost, especially to small businesses. . I addition to my formal qualifications which I have included. I am uniquely qualified as a practicing health care financial consultant to help the board understand the complex issues that NHRNIC will have in the future. During the past four years I have had an active leadership role in the implementation of the Coastal Carolina Health Care Coalition and served as the treasurer. This Coalition has demonstrated by working togcther the hospitals can improve efficiency and reduce the costs to-pacients. I was the co-leader with Jim Hobbs of the 1.994-95 five county health planning project. This project has identified many opportunities to improve the health of the people of southeastern North Carolina. During the past twenty years I have had several opportunities to work with NHRiVIC representatives on successful non profit community health care boards; such as Hospice, Hospital hospitality house, Project 2000 and Red Cross boards. I served faithfully for fifteen years as member of a community hospital system board with twenty all volunteer board members. I have demonstrated my ability to work together for the common good by initiating the first joint hospital NHRMC and C1~II-i board planning retreat in 1994. I clearly understand the role of board and administration. Because of my past competitive relationship I will gladly sign any conflict of interest or confidentiality statements desired by the current board or administration. - . c; Sincerely 1~ osep L Soto CHE 6 ~~ - - 1 JOSEPH L (JOE) SOTO 6601 Sedgewood Road ~4 Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (910) 256-6631 (910) 256-4696 fax .~ Email C~: JOS4GOC~aol.com CAREER SUMMARY and OBJECTIVE: Seasoned health care and marketing professional. Career goal is to secure a administrative management position with a ~~~ major health care related firm that values the importance of building long term client relationships. Career traits include self motivation, a "can do" attitude and solid communications skills. .~ CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS ~~, MANAGEMENT: Recruited and developed an effective management team of nurses, medical staff and ancillary department heads over 20 years in a growth oriented community acute care hospital. Developed a personnel department with revised policies and ~l procedures to implement a strong total quality management program praised by JCAHO in 1995. ~, FINANCE: Using my CPA background, implemented a information system budget based departmental reporting system that increased billing units of service from S3 million to S70 million and cut lost charges by 18% per year. All key department heads were on a performance based evaluation and merit system based on their budget and operating ~~ statistics annual performance.. . MARKETING: Planned and implemented regional co-op advertising campaigns .for women's services to include .TV, radio and print materials. Created special promotional campaigns for occupational and rehabilitation services with two physicians and seven licensed physical therapists directed towards business and industry. Programs exceeded projections in both examples by more than 10%. INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Selected and implemented automated medical record clinical based information system to include nursing hand held point of .service patient care units. Systems deployment over 12 months included direct contact to physician's office .and home if desired. Six months after installation nurse's survey exceeded 90% satisfaction and physicians offices were signing for earlier start dates and training times for their office staff. WORK EXPERIENCE Cape Fear Memorial Hospital,142 licensed acute care beds,' Wilmington, N.C. Held senior management positions working with an all volunteer board of trustees and 200 plus medical staff. Responsibility increased over a 16 year growth and development period to include six new multimillion dollar construction projects and many smaller renovations projects. (7/75-11/95). ~! 67 f JOSEPH L (JOE) SOTO WORK EXPERIENCE cont. page 2 Lowrimore Warrick & Co., Wilmington, N.C. Started as Senior Staff Accountant working on small business clients audits and tax returns. (7/73-7/75). Price Waterhouse & Co.,Pittsburgh, Pa. Advanced from staff accountant to senior accountant and from the general audit staff to small business staff. Ranked in the top 5% of class after four years experience.(7/69-7/73) US Army Adjutant Generals Corp-Ft Sill OK, Personnel Officer, Maj ret. (7/67-7/69) EDUCATION MPH degree in Health Policy and Administration, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, May 1988; Executive Program-certificate, UNC-Ch, Jan 1984; Center for Creative Leadership-certificate, Greensboro,N.C.,Sep 1990; Washington Forum- certificate, 1994; BBA degree-Accounting and Economics, Marshall University,Huntington, WV,May 1967; CPA certificate #8803-N.C. 1975, inactive1983. Many American continuing education seminars in Trustee education, physician leadership development, HMO and manage care implementation, and JCAHO accreditation ORGANIZATIONS North Carolina Hospital Association Board Member 1993-95; Coastal Carolina Health Care Coalition charter member and treasurer 1992-95; Red Cross Board member !990-96; NHCo- NC Project 2000 chairman 1992;"NC Hospital Association Project 2000 committee. member 1990; Hospital Hospitality~,House board member; Hospice board member; Wilmington Executive Club vice president-1995; Wilmington Rotary Club member 1985; Wilmington Excellence member 1992; United Way planning committee 1988; American Institute of CPA's 1975-83. 68 Sap-04-96 04:09P Coasta•I NoriZOns C't.r •910 ,:41-5%79. P.02 F7`l/b4/lyyb 14:56 918-343-8836 ELDERNAUS INC PAGE- 0? 4J". SEP l3 'y~ ~~^••:'Y'F11 MaR~'UFi T~:~IU•{ '+:=.1:•=IA F•~:-s') ''• SEP- ~-fib wt~ ~ i . ~d .. _- '~ - NSW HAfYC1VER G©UNTY W15lJL~llU~D B4Affil3 OF COlY11~T1SSI4N~RS 320 Chestnut 5treei, Room •3os SEP 0 d 1996 Wilm/ngton, NC 28401-4093 Te/sphona (9101 341-7119 ~ ~ ~• rtiax 191 N 341-s 13a 8D. Qf' COMMISSIONERS ,~' A !!cation /a~ A pp ppainbnent to Baaid~, Commltt~es, end Commissions Appolnidd by fire Naw Nanoetes Greuaty ~o~rd ©f Com~lsslun~. ~~ Rrpuest forAopalntmttnt te: ~Qatd o T usrees_New Hanover.. Regional Hedical Center Nan~:Margnret 1Jeller-Stargell ,~ home ~ Haw /onp Aevm you step a AOdrsss:_$13 Tarpon Drive +•., iesjdent olNcwNanovu Caunty] 37 years MallJnp AtldroJS: same as above " .City Ond Stetr: ~.lmzngton , North Carolina Lp Cede: 284C9 . ` - rtltphonv: `Horns: X91 1.45?-1887 g~;n~; {910)343-0145 • '~= ~Pna1 P 'Race: ~1 ack '.~~~: 37 •TAG h/o.»~atJe~ is rrQvaaras/ar tAa ~a/a pwpwa olaa~~ alof ~ cnaarv~cOVn of NR avrrnu~ntty.a apoo(nt~C- "finp(oyed by: ('nastal Hnri Tans fentQr~, jnc , '.'A M+aaw ttwtreth. a~+V~Y~d d y tnsspvrrcy w agvUnsK tSor IC~lir~1 fll8r ~•.rbn it rnaA~, ~++ua f rai/gw Al;rAli pvrlN M wl:A Naw l~raew+. Cnusfy uod+ ~yoGrtrnanL uv a~aer~4prtat vairA/i~p vL Jac. < el rr. M..d kw+arw Gaw ty Pa.s.nnall~Nrp. Job TJr/c: _~cutive Director ' Prp/IJrfiQn~(./;=t~vf(lr1: SP a .~f1I',hES~ ~sume Valttttrt>Acrivira3: gPP A-ttarh~d reg m~ 1M~Y do you wldh to .serve an tnv eoerd, ~OA'7171Ittaa, ai Co+n+n;$dlpn raQueslod7 ~.t;~ted . X. ~j-,~rest in the _n~~lity nf.fi ~~th~are on4~r~g concern and interest far citizens of New Hanover County -~_ ~-_. WriAt drs yod /er! ate your puuTrcarrana tai sarvrna on t/~e Bosrs Cornnslttre, or CommiJSio~n repV0.stedl Comtnunit • ~nyglvemeTrt personally and professionally, experience with boards, personnel, and budgets. ~ =~1E:~ ~` Whet tlasr of concarr~ woWd you like. to sec rho Bos~d, Comnrlttest or CortMtitaiaA Oddrracl Quality care ' t~thrnt~nh h vol-ving H~p~ged Care structure Air roil tuifantty serving on anothar baOtd o7 tornrrn'tter oppointe0 by a munltipaG7y w ~,county7 lYso, p/aase Ltst: Nn - lJete: r . •' ~i~narttiv jjC-L .. fD1011e Le~1 rawsrs t,fe Par id d.+af tv~.tie~,.t~! . ~~ ' 69 ~ - Sap-04-96 04 : 09P Coastal -=~-tor i zons - Ctr ` 910_,341-5779 P-03 MARGARET WELLER-STARGELL . ...813 Tarpon Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 Telephone: (910} 452-1887 fax: (910} 791-6585 PERSONAL: Date of Birth: July 8, S 959 Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent EDUCATION: bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, May 1983 " _ ~ ~ North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina John T, Hoggard High School,Wilmington, North Carolina National Honor Society EXPERIENCE: June 1995 to .Coastal Horizons Center,tnc. Wilmington, North Carolina -Present Executive Director Responsible for: . Complete operation of_all three agency facilities and function`s including six departments; Outpatient Treatment Services, Crisis Line/ Open House, Rape Crisis Center, TASC, Day Sentencing Center, and Prevention Services. Planning, developing, promoting,.coordinating, implementing, and evaluating a complex crisis intervention and substance abuse . . program in a-three county area. Overall management of 2.2 million dollar budget Supervision of 6 Program Directors and 45 staff September 1985 Coastal.Horizons Center, Inc. . to June 1995 ~ " ' Director, Crisis Intervention Services Responsible for: . ` ~ .Alf operational activities of community based, 24 hour human service organization that provides crisis intervention services, --. referrals, residential care, .and socio-psychological assistance to - minors ,teenagers, and adult victims of abuse and sexual assault. _ Developing, submitting and monitoring granf proposals and budgets.:- Training and super`rision of 10 counselors 70 Sap-04-96.04:09P Coastal`--lorizons Ctr 910 341-5779 - P_04 _ ,- ` _ . Margaret Weiler-Stargell Page Two February 1984 Now Hanover Community Services to February 1985 Counselor, Job Developer Responsible for providing job placement for disadvantaged youth. ~. May 1983 Eastern Delivery Service Wilmington, North Carolina - to February 1984 Account Executive Responsible for cultivating accounts through business development and sales presentations to service users. ' May 1981 Emery Worldwide Wilmington, North Carolina to May 1983 Sales Representative Responsible for business development and retention consisting of marketing overnight delivery services to various proprietary users with a need for parcel or documents transfer within international boundaries. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: ' Board of Directors, Community Boys and Girls Club Board of .Directors, New Hanover County Adolescent Center . ~ Board of Directors, Statewide, Community Alternatives for Youth Statewide Prevention. Advisory Committee ~ _ - National TASC ' - ~ Past Member for Boards: ' - ~ Southeastern Network of Youth and Family Services, Inc. North Carolina Sexual Assault Coalition UNC-W Sexual Assault Advisory Board New Hanover.Gommission for Women ~ ~ - VOLUNTEER AFFILIATIONS: ~ ~ ~ "' ' Junior Lea ue of Wilmin ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . 9 9 Wilmington Downtown Rotary ". .~ _ ~ ~ 71 ,~ ; FROrt UNCLJ NURSING SEP- ~~yb W~U~ l l tt~`8~ "F•r1 HAR~+GL1R t'C~l~tts HS~~~:IA t~ I~ ~~w NANOV~~ ~Q~Nr~ ,80A1417 1~1~' Ct~ILl~!lS,~Il3N~'RS `.• 32(? Chesinur Sleet, Room •3Qff ~• W!lrrrlr7~ton, IVC ~?~4d 1-4093 ' Tiliphon~ f~-t01$d~_~(~9 • pax ro!a ~~ r~a »a . Applrcatio>7 for Appo/ntment io l~pitds~ Gommlit~r~i, end ~ommisslo~a Appor»tod b y the New NarnovgrCaunty Dowd of Gommtr:tonws. Reavtr:t fo~~AppolY~rminr to; _. New HDnovor Reg~Qn~l. _MediG~~.; Cente~~ Board Qf p~rectors ___ ~y~r •retha McKnight Stone HOms X10 Rook Hill Road How /4rtp A0'W you bten + Ad4r111.><i ~{~f1A, (~,~^9_,R~q~ ~. ~,, ~lttkl/r1t~tN1WN~/!OV/rCor//tlyT ,!_ M~titp rld sta; 2?~10__Rock :hill Road C1ryMd S,~r/;,_ castle Hemet North C~rolinA •J.Ip CoOa: ,,,,, 2@~29 7'altphcnetl ~ Name' -~.a:~ZS.:l~B29., - - 8u~/nerxt ,,.. '8~x: 9 e _____-_ •R/Ct: B1~. 'Aaa: 55 `-' • arnEerion ~ r.ry~~n/hr N~ •ol~µ~ooa o/.u~hp ehdr i unavaav~ ~1 ~~ rrrrvnvrtlly4 epp~n~ "EmAlvy , tfrr Univsreit of h aro in ilm to __ .. t,tor,'tws.Atry..~y+~y.t/yu..~lr,~+ev~.~~wr-«-r wr~d, ry~uQ.rt:nam.~-,mwr~,r~,n .~porltisn~«ly1 A'?r+ iI+~A.t+~~ Gbr+ry rUan MD1+AIm.nL kritron~rt0• +r1rA.UYth Vr, Jrrrr. ~ of the Ntrvilv~oV•v Wurth r~iaanJl~/ Pokdy. /Ob~ i1ttC: I o~,jT (`,(T(~riinc~~:nr _ (~g~gt,~~ PTnfAattnr 4rho_r+l_ of ~il~re,i n Prof/sslon ActJViries: American Nurses Ast:ociet n ebine mar North Carolina ursos Assoc ounci ~o urns ucators,:SigmeC~ha ~~r eu Internntionol Nun ~negd VOlrrnlCCf G~'ivr7ldt~ ~ f~ l1 ~~rr~~~g ~ Snil~ f~ h~A~f',jj Cj.]• r{~~.Q..rfi~~ 1 .Q(jen Sr of Diroctora, tower CQpo Br ospice oor ,o~Diractore. Vt7ty de yop wlsh ro srrvn an the Ea1rd, Co+nmitt~t, pr f*rOrtirt7tl~/pA Ilallldtldl ,,,rte Tn Tnr,,r~n„a`~,~,jt~,iY~ . ,: a commun`cotaan between NHRMC, or~enizations, churches end the cornrnunity and in ~Q doina..,._ -----•.r.~. _ . .r T. . - - - ..-~ forte fa user friondly ima~e to the entire citizenry. _ r_-r. . w• -- rr Whit do r tap! /rc your walircvNar~t Iar aervlnp pn h~ Board, Commltteti, Of Camm!»lpn rvduostedT ~„~ar~ 9e c health ere• provider allowed me to hear •first hand issu©s front many citizens of ':'`~:'~3~{+ New Na ovea~• Count _ '` ~- W(fat ~r1• 4f 4onacrn would yaV 1ika~ to /u to/.190/rd, CaMr»ltine, cr Gbmmttttvn IddrQtaT Prnm~g h~;A,~„+-,h,,._ i n the c tnmun:il.y hared an the Co©atol C~arolines Community Health Needs Assessment. ...--. ~~ -+.M r..r r -- --~ -- --- Are Vou at~}-rancry rani»p on another bvird er comml'rta~ epr'ornrad by a muntc/pa1.1~y pr ~ ~orMty7 Ifsp, plsesa'llst: __.~ _ ~._ _ __ ~.. ~.. ~ • _ _ a •~ ~~~~o~ ao~. ~ i eptembar a, 1996 , j t a -~---r..--M«-- ZB 3nVd ; ~NI ,~~ 9698-6bt;-0L6 OS~bT 966i/b0/68 ~ 0 4 1~: 09.04.1996 i6: 1S -- P. I a P . ~i~7, • --~ • a ra¢~¢od~o SEP 0 4 1996. . ~ NEW HANOVER CO. SD. OF COMMISSIONERS wrrENpw.wr 1 t NEW HANOVER~~COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONEF~S 320 Cfrestnut Street, Room .305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone -(919) 341-7149 FAX (919) 34111130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Requesf:forAppoiniment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board Name: ~ Linda Jean Wilson Home How long have you been a Address: 1520 Radian Road resident of New Hanover County? 2 5 years MailingAddress: 1520 Radian Road . _. ~ . . -City and State: Wilmington, North Carolina Z1p Code: 28405-4221 Telephone: Home: '. 2 5 6- 016 6 Business: 'Sex: F ''Race: W "Age: 3 4 'This information is requested for the solo purpose of assuring that across-section of the commun' rs a ointed. ~3! PP "Employed by: Self-employed ~ - A person currentfy employod by tho agency or department fat which this application is msdo, mustresign his/her position with New Hanover County upon eppoin6nont, in accordance with Artido Vl, Soc 4 of the Now Hanover County Personnel Polity. ® ,Job rtle: , , ProfessionalAcfivities: Please see attached resume . Please. see attached resume. 1/olunteerActivities: • Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Please see attached answer. • .What do you feel are your qualirications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Pleas e see attached answer and resume. - ' What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, o~ Commission address? Improving ublic relations. Providin state-of-the=art medical technology to ~. (Please use reverse side far additions! comments) h0 S p 1 t a 1 staff . - ~ 73 Date: .June 6 , 19 9 5 `-: ~, 1 R~ - ~ ~ • .: :...... ~ _ .. - Signature J. L.~ .. - ..... .. _. _ . _. Linda Jean Wilson ~ . Application for Appointment to New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board continued Whv do you wish to serve on the Board requested? I have always.had an interest in the medical profession-and helping others. Up until my junior year in college, I pursued a career in medicine. As a result of this interest, during my early teens I volunteered as a candy striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Even after I switched my college major from pre-medicine to,political science, Lcontinued~to volunteer at the Bowman- '' Grey Medical Center in Winston-Salem, working in itspatient admissions and children's play theraPY Frograms. __ _ _. .. In the past I have enjoyed helping others on an individual basis, striving to make a patient's hospital stay as pleasant as possible. Service on the NHI~1C Board would enable me to continue volunteering at a higher level where I could hopefully have a positive impact on a greater number of lives. This position would also. allow me to give. back to my community... What do ,you feel are_your qualifications for servin~on the Board requested? -. 1. My e.~cperience as a corporate executive and member of the board of directors of a ,successful company.. _ . ~ . 2. My e~cperience as a corporate attorney for our company and at t<vo reputable la~v .. -firms: 3. My strong personal interest in the medical field: 4. My twenty-free-year residency and loner term commitment to high quality medical . services for our community. ~ ' I believe that my business, legal, and personal background provides a solid foundation and - makes me uniquely qualified to serve on the NHRMC Board. _ _. -Also, please see attached resume.' ~ ~ ` t Linda Jean Wilson 1520 Radian Road - _ Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-4221 Telephone: .(910) 256-0166 PROFESSIONAL EjCPER.IENCE: Wilsons Supermarkets, Wilmington, North Carolina Principal, Board of Directors, Vice President. As vice president, responsible for marketing, legal matters, personnel, accounts receivable; special promotions, charitable contributions, and customer relations. ~ 1992-1994 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, Washington, D. C. Attorney. Practicing attorney in the banking department at 285-lawyer law firm. Appointed to the firm recruitment committee. ~ 1988-1992 IytcKenna, Conner & Cunco, Washington, D.C. Attorney. Practicing attorney in the corporate and banking department at 200-lawyer law firm. 1987-1983 The Honorable Edward B. Davis, Miami, Florida Law Clerk. Federal law clerk to Judge Davis, United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. 1986-1987 - 1~tcKenn.~, Conner & Cuneo, Washing on, D. C. Summer Associate. Summer 1985 Bailey & Dawes, Miami, Florida PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATxONS: Summer Associate. Summer 1984 The Honorable .Tesse Aelms, United States Senate Washington, D. C. Paid Intern. Monitored Senate hearings, performed computerized legislative research, and provided constituent services. Summer 1983 Member, North Carolina Bar Member, District of Columbia Bar ' Appointed, American Bar Association Committee on Consumer Credit, 1989-92 Authored article published in American Bar Association banning journal 7~ Linda Jean Wilson Page Two LEGAL EDUCATION: Wake Forest University School of Law, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Juris Doctor, .manna cum laude May 1986 Class 1Lwk: First out•of 154 students- Honors ~& Activities:. - • Law Review. Article published, 21 Wake Forest Law Review 831, 1986 I. Beverly Lake Award (greatest proficiency in Constitutional Law) American Jurisprudence Awards (highest grade): Business Organizations, 1984-85 Constitutional Law lI, 1984-.85 Uniform Commercial Code I,~ 1984-85 Uniform Commercial Code II, 1984-8~ Corpus Juris Secundum Awards (highest grade): Utuform Commercial Code 1, 1984-8~ Uniform Commercial Code II,.1984-85 Hornbook Series Award (highest~year-end grade point average): Second Year 1984-85, Third Year 1985-86 Scholastic Honors .List, all semesters.. -.~ Phi Alpha Delta • Who's Who in American Law Schools (•1985 edition) 'UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Bachelor of Arts, cum laude Political Science, 1983 Honors & Activities: Scholastic Honors List, seven semesters - ._ Pi Sigma .Alpha .(Political Science.Honor Society), _ • secretary/treasurer, charter member , • Tutor: Calculus and French, two years. . Thymes Society (social) 76 ~' ~,., Linda Jean Wilson .~ .. Page Three ~ . ~' COIVLI~IUNTI'Y & VOLUNTEER . AC:TIVTTIES: Wilsons donated two Fun Centers to the Children's Ward at New ~' Hanover Regional Medical Center Candy Striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital American Red Cross Blood Drive Food Bank of Coastal Carolina Meals on Wheels Sponsor. - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard Wilsons Holiday Food Festival Wilsons Customer Appreciation Carnival University of North Carolina at Wilmington activities including athletic :' scholarship fundraisers and Seahawks Sponsor United Way Corporate Sponsor- .. -, Cape Fear Hospice -Festival of Trees ,' ~. .- 77 `~ Tliis pad e intentionally. left blank . 78 ~, ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: Additional Item #: 1 Department: Finance Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Applications for Federal and State Assistance -Hurricane FRAN BRIEF SUMMARY: FEMA requires submission of the "Application for Federal Assistance" and the "State-Applicant Disaster Assistance Agreement" forms to begin the reimbursement process for Hurricane FRAN. The federal assistance application has no amounts in the "estimated funding" column on the advice of the FEMA. representative. FEMA will complete these amounts when estimates are finalized. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval to apply for federal and state assistance. Request authorization for the County Manager to sign as the authorized representative on the Application for Federal Assistance. Request authorization for the County Manager to sign the State Assistance Agreement. Request authorization for Dan Summers, Emergency Management .Coordinator to also sign. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $c Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ' C~U~ ~ APPROVED ~.a:. REJECTED ~ REMOVED E~ • •,; POSTPO Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition SATE s :~~ 3 i J r:a^•q V, CLI,iOns NOt Uaa Cry ' ' - OMe Aooravat No. 0348-00~t3 Ap.pL1~~TlON FCR i.nArfsus..lfTfo - __ Aoor•c~neiaMr~n.. F=L7EriAL ASSiSTr1f~1CE 10-7=96 1, TWf or suewtlstoH: s pArt A[cftvfo or STATS ~ I Sute Aool~uon kennn« Apar,ca uon Preaooricauon - ^ Canatrvction ^ C.v+atrvct:crt ~. o. rL Afetrv[o er rmfRAt Aa[rter Feeeva, kannriu Non~',4nstrvchm ;. ^ Npn-Oannrocnon . 1 aPPituHriH-oRraAnoH t-apa+ Namc I Orpanrtauond Unrc New Hanover .County New Hanover Count Addle Sa (Q,re UN. Covnry. Jrate, ar+Q u0 {Oael: ~ Name ono teNOnvne numcer Of.tne cafacn t0 De COn1KteC cn maltara ,rtvolvrng • tma aoO~rCat,dn (p,vr. ana codel -"New Hanover County Bruce T. Shell, Finance Director . 320 Chestnut Street (910) 34'1-7188 Wilmington, NC 28401 a: [NKOYU fOfHnF1UnON NUt+6Efl 1£]HY. 7. TYPE Of ADrL1CaNf: I~nrer 700~turAt• /eftN In t?oa) I rj ( ~ ~ I 0 0 f 0 3 2 a state K 4+devendent Sthoal Dint 8. Cowry 1 State C«1vat.d tnaotutron of Higher laarnrrq G 1.tun~Odit J. Private Ur+ivevpry • c TYrE of Aat>ti,teanare K Indian Trio. D. Ta~nanio ® Nero ^ CdnNnuatton ^ Revision E Intrrntate L 4+CJViduef ;' F. Intsrnw+reio.aJ 1J. Protit Orpanintion If aevs.on, enter aOOrdOnau letttrlfl in DwIM: ~ ~ ~ ~^ G. St»daJ OiatriCt N. Omar (SoeaM1/Y A, k+aease A.ard 8. Oectease A..ard C. Incease Owatwn 0. Oernw Ourauon . Other (JO+uNY- L ltA~a[ Of flOtfMLA4fNt't: . FEMA !a C.1TAl6U Of ft!OEAAL 00-1fSTiC ~ I ti. 0[SUiIPTNf TTTL! Of A1-l1UNt'1 rROJLCT: ASSi1T~HCE NUMtflt .. • TT7L~ J 12. AAfAS AlrflCT£D 0Y -ROJ[C' (GLIa, .coon AaL afafei erG J: - - - .. New Hanover County, NC 12. 7ROPOSED vROJfG: ta. CONCRf1310MA1 OtSTAIC73 OF ' Start Oale Endi+p Oate a. Applirsnt ~ b. Ptt>tect . 9-5-96" Seventh Seventh - ti-fST7a ATEO rU HOtHa ~ - ~ fa. l3 AP-UGanDN SU 6JCC7 TO AM[W 6Y STATE F]CLCUTTVE OROUt 1TI T2 PItOC ES37 pp a. YES. THtS PgE1lPt'L}C~T10NlAPPLH~3TICN was LtAOE AVA1LAOlF TO THE a: Federal i . • , scar ExEt~rrtvs oaoER tun PAOCES$ FOA aEVIEtN oN: b. AoOricant I -~ OATE "e Sute S -~ b Nt]. ~ PROGRAM t3 NOT COYEa® BY EQ t21T2 Q Lord- _ ~ .DO OR F'ROGRAI.1 MAS NOT OEEN 5 'E.~°CID BY STATE FOR aE'/1EW a Other 1 .QO f. Program tncame f .L70 1I, t3 TH[ AD-LICI-HT DfLJNOU[HT ON AtaY fLD [JtI.L OE1T7 ~ .. e aftndl tr1 erplanatiort ® No It 'Ya Y g TOTAL. I S .00 l es IL TO TNf E[57 Of II `/ XHQWtftXIL AHO 6111 Cf, All OAiA IH-THIS Ar IUCATtOH.9RtaP-L1UT10N AA[ TRVt AHD COAR[L7, THE pOC1lL[HT HAS E[CH.dVLY auTHOR11t0 ev TH! COV [AHtHC 6C ~' Of t>,[ APrt-I CaHf AND TNf APODUHT YrriL C'ON-lY YiTT'M THE ATTACNfO ASSURAHCi1 tf THI! ASSISTANCE t3 AwARO[t) a Tip ed Nan+e al Autnonted atoresw+tatM ~ b. Tne ~ e Teieprgne nvmt»r _ Allen 0_' Neal Count lvfana er 910 4 - d. S;gnatwe of Au1l+ontw Aep•senutrvv ~ a•Date ygnW I drarr:aru rw.r -. .-__. x.102 - P.'eX7rt?fd QY ~IJj l,irC~Y Authorized -for Local Repraducdon . . r r! . - 4 • ~ .,. - .. 1 , .. .. - ~ t ~ . ,... ._ ._ - ~ ~ 1 ! r '. i Y 1r ~ ~`"~OCi-''3-96 iHU 10 ~ 27 Ahi ~~ P. 2/ 3 . .FATE-APPLICANT DISASTER ASSISTANCE AGR ~MENT . This agreement between the State o£North Carolina andNew HanoverC( tone At~plicant) shall be effective on the date signed by the State and the Applicant. It shall apply to al! assistance funds provided by or through the State to the Applicant as a result of~~ri cane FRAM and pursuant to Presidental Emergency Declaration FEIvzA 1134DR-NC • . The designated representative o£the Applicanf certifies that: . 1: He/she has legal authority of apply for assistance on behalf of the Applicant, . ~ ' 2. The Applicant shall provide all necessary financial and managerial zesources to meet the terms and con. • ' • conditions o£receiving federal and State disaster assistance. 3: The Applicant shall use disaster assistance funds soley for the pzposes for which these funds are provided and as approved by the Governor's Authorized Representative. , ' ~ 4. ~kze Applicant is aware of and shall comply with cost-sharing requirements of the Federal and State disaster assistance; specifically that Federal assistance is limited~to T5% of eligible expenditures, . that State assistance is limited to, 25% of eligible costs to inciude alternate projects selected by the . applicant. - 5. The applicant shall establish and maintain a proper, accounting system'to recozd expenditures of disastser assistance funds in accordartce rr•ith generally accepted accounting standards ort directed by the governor's Authorized Representative. . t5. The Applicant shall give State and Federal agencies designated by the Governor's Authorized • representative access to and the right to examine all records and documents ,related to use of disaster • assistsance funds. 7. The Applicant shall return to the state, within (30) days of such request by the Governor's A7thorized t Representative, any advance funds which are not supported by audit or other k'ederal or State review of • pocumentation maintained by the Applicant, 8. The Applicant shall comply.with all applicable coddes and standards in completion of eligible zepair or replacement of damaged public facilities. 9: the Applicant shall comply with 111 applicable provisions of Federal and State law and regulation in regard to procurement of goods and services and to contracts for zepair or restoration, of public facilities.- 10. The Applicant shall begin and complete all iteoas of work within the time limits established by the Governor's Authoriied Representative, l 1. The Applicant shat! comply with all Federal and State statutes and regulations relating to non- discrimination. 12. The Applicant shall comply with provisions of the hatch Act limiting the.politica( activities of public • emloyaes.. ,: .. ~. _ ~ r` _ . ;+ - •, ., , ~ .. _.s .. ,_ .. _ _. ~, _. ... ..:. '`~' OGi`=° 3-96 iHU 10:28 AM P. 3/ 3 ` ~ 13. The Applicant shall purchase such insurance, general or flood as requird. ~ . 14'. The Applicant shall ant enter into cost-plus-percentage-of-costs contracts for completion of disaster restoratiort or repair work. 15. The Applicant shall ant enter into contracts for which payment is contingent upon receipt of State or `Federal wads. ~ . _ 16. The Applicant shall~not enter into any contract with any patty which is debarred or suspended from _' pa~ticipatinginFederatAssistance. ' 17. The Applicant shall comply wit' all unifortrt administrative reduirements which are set forth in the ` , Robert t. Stafford Disaster Relief and' Emergency Assistance Act, public Law 93-288, as amended, and ' as implemented by 44 CFR Part 206. Signed by Applicant: ' A11en O`Neal County Manager ' 'FYped name, Title Date Signature ' Dan Summers • _ Typed name Emergency .Management • Coordinator Titre . D Signature Date .~ G' .. t.. ~ j . ~_ i, _ - i ., ~a REQUEST FOR -BOARD, ACTLON Meeting Date: 10/07/96 SUBJECT: Resolution designation County Manager as Applicant's Agent for Hurricane FRAN. BRIEF SUMMARY: , FEMA requires the "Designation of Applicant's Agent" resolution be executed for the County to proceed with reimbursement for Hurricane FRAN related costs. a RI•JCOMMENDIJD MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS.: Recommend designation of Allen O'Neal, County Manager as the County's agent. TM - r~uivulNC~ ~uuitc;lJ: Federal $: State 5: County $: User Fees $: Other $: - Money Is Iii Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIEWED I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. ~V~ . APPRpyED ~- ~: REJECTED. - Q " ~ REMOVED Q ~~ .,::~- POSTPONE '~~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin.Board for Disposition DATE ~~ 96 ~~3'~ .. _ __ _ .. -, e ', ~ .r ~.. ~ ~ _. .~ 5 . . .. y:~ . _~~ .. DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGEN'i • .RESOLl1T10N Board of BE IT RESOLVED BY County. Commissioners - OF New Hanover County ,. • (GouerningBody) - (Public Entity) - THAT Allen O'Neal •, County.Mana~er * (Name of Incumbent) (Official Position) OR - ~ ~~, Governor's Authorized' Represe.ntative,' * (Name of Incumbent) is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of New Hanover "County a public entity established under the laws of the State of . , . this application and to file it in the appropriate State office.-for the purpose of obtaining ce.*~tain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the.President's Disaster Relief Fund. ' THAT New Hanover County , a public entity established under the laws of the St~ae of North Carolina ,hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances • and abQreements .printed on the reverse side hereof.' ~ - Passed and approved this __ day of October , 19 ~6 Robert G: Greer " (Name and Title) Chairman, Board of County Commissioners - (Name and Title) ' b ~ _ - ,. ~igna~ture~) . CERTIF fCAT1pN I, Lucie F. Harrell ,duly. appointed and Clerk to the Board ~ ' of (Title) New Hanover County , do hereb~j certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a Board of resotuf:on passed and approved by the County Commissioners of New Hanover County (Governing c`3ody) ~ (Public Entity) on the day of October ~ lg 96 ; Dater Clerk to the Board (Official Position) (Signcture) `:cm: ojincumbent nzed not be provided in t•'IOSt CG:2S L"l:ere .ItC bJU~r,^-ir.; bau'y o(!he public er.:itydrsires to c_thori.e cr.! , i^:ur.:~~r.r o%thr design::ed o%%ieic! pcsi:ion to represe^; i:. ' • T- t .. Robert G. Greer ~f~LtE of .Chairman r., ~ •. ~~~~~ ~~ ~.1~~~~t~$t.>~~1e~~ E. L Mathews, Jr. - "..Vice Chairman ~efrr ~rxrrIIf~er ~uunf~ Sandra Barone 3zQ 1(Z~Egfrtuf ~frEEf, ~trtrm 3DS Commissioner. - ~Tlmtn~ftrn, ?~trrfl:l ~rxrtrlin~x 284171-4II33 William A. Caster .. Commissioner (`~PIElZ11IIUS (31D) 341-7148 William E. Sisson, Jr. ~rxx (S1Q) 341-413Q ' Commissioner • October 7, 1996. Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. " Office of the Governor 116 W Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-8001 "Dear Governor Hunt: ~ i ~~pNOVER C~ 24, Gym` i { N~ ~ _ ~'`NORTN ~A Wanda M'. Copley County Attorney Allen O'Neal County Manager Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board The Board of County Commissioners, at it's October 7, 1996, meeting adopted the attached :resolution requesting the.State's assistance in two matters vital to the recovery of our Beach communities from Hurricane Fran: 1) Pursuit of Federal PL-99 funding for the emergency restoration of Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches and ;continued support for Kure Beach. ' . 2) Consideration of the positive influence of beach nourishment projects on the relocation of the CAMA setback lines for Carolina, Wrightsville and Kure ' ' Beachesl i\lecv j-4a~-u~/c,r f.~. P.~a~~ We wish•to„thank you for the excellent.assistance given to the County by the State so far in our ?recovery from Hurricane Bertha and Fran. ' ' Please feel free to. contact me or.Allen O'Neal, County Manager (910-341-7184) if you have any questions. -~ _ • Sincerely, Robert G. Greer; Chairman Board of County Commissioners New Hanover County cc: - New Hanover County Legislative Delegation Board of County Commissoners Mayor Herb McKim, Town of Wrightsville Beach Mayor Tony Loretti, Town of Carolina Beach .Mayor Betty Medlin, Town of Kure Beach . 1> J Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. Page Number Two October 7, 1996 Allen O'Neal; County Manager Wanda Copley, County Attorney Dave Weaver, Assistant County Manager Richard Catlin, Chairman, Ports, Waterway, and Beach Commission . RESOLUTION _ OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~ . ..~ OF ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~~ . WHEREAS, the existing two Federally sponsored and constructed beach nourishment projects ` at Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches prevented roughly $10-20 million in damages from the Hurricane- Fran storm surge; ' . ~ WHEREAS, in preventing these damages, large quantities of sand were lost; leaving those two Beach Towns vulnerable to damages from future storms; ~ _ - .WHEREAS, neither of these beach nourishment projects are. scheduled for renourishment in the . immediate future; . WHEREAS, Public Law 84-99 (Emergency Flood Control Funds -PL99) sets up an emergency; - fund of $15,000,000 with annual replenishment for the repair or_restoration offlood control work. threatened or destroyed by flood, including strengthening or extending as deemed .necessary by the Chief of Engineers; WHEREAS, Kure Beach is also a Federally sponsored beach nourishment project but has snot ' yet been constructed and, consequently is not yet eligible for PL99 funds. Kure Beach was severely ' impacted by Hurricane Fran in terms of loss of sand and property; WHEREAS, the relocation of the CAMA setback lines after.the hurricane will be critical to the. recovery of our Beach communities; THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners respectfully requests the Gov rnor of N rth ile l~au v r ,Carolina, one, to pursue the Federal PL-99 funding necessary to restore Wrigl `~ W'~ -__ 9 1~_ ~ Beaches to their pre-hurricane conditions, and, two, to give continued support to Kure Beach in its ' beach nourishment project; . THEREFORE, the Board also respectfully requests that the State fully consider the influence _ of beach nourishment projects on the relocation of CAMA setback lines with special consideration given to Kure Beach where the beach project is scheduled for construction., This 7th day of October; 1996. , Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk to the Board' _.: '.-- -- r ~ ~ ~ _ <,~ ~. .~; .. - ,~ •. S~ . ' r WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER Port; Waterway & Beach Commission September 24, 1996 :Honorable Robert Greer ' Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, North Carolina 2801 Dear Mr. Greer: ~ -_ SEP 3 ~ 19"6 r~~:,r;~,c~~; s cr~ic- C~C~f~O~~D SEP 2) 1996 NEW HANOVER C4. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS RECEIVED BY ALL COMf~91SSI0~ERS ~ e- ~~ On September 19, 1996 the Wilmington-New Hanover Port, Waterway & Beach Commission met to review and discuss the aftermath of Hurricane Fran and to determine if additional actions by local, state, and Federal authorities were warranted. Discussions focused on restoring the beaches topre-hurricane conditions. New Hanover County is fortunate to have tv~=o Federally-sponsored beach. projects constructed (Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches) and one, Kure Beach, authorized and ready' for construction. In comparing the beach front damages at beaches with Federal projects to those beaches without Federal projects, it ~~as estimated that the Federal projects prevented about $10 - $20 million dollars in damages from the hurricane surge. However, in preventing this damage; large quantities of sand were lost leaving the beach communities vulnerable to damages from future storms. Neither of the Federal projects are scheduled for renourishment in the immediate future. It is imperative that something be done. Public Law 84-99 (Emergency Flood Control Funds), commonly called P.L. 99, sets up an emergency fund of $15,000,000 with replenishment on an annual basis for use by the Corps of Engineers for flood emergency preparation, flood fighting, and rescue operations or for the repair or restoration of flood control work threatened or destroyed by flood including strengthening or extending deemed necessary by the Chief of Engineers. This Commission believes that New Hanover County should, through the Governor's office, pursue the funding necessary from the current Administration and Congressional interests in Washington, D.C. to restore Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach to their pre-hurricane condition in time for next hurricane season as provided for in P.L. 99. In ; ;,.:-- addition, the Governor and his offices need to pursue other Federal funding sources that may have to be cost-shared by State and local interests to restore those beaches without ~~~ . constructed Federal projects in .New Hanover County. ;- ONE ESTELL LEE PLACE -WILMINGTON, NORTH CARLOLINA 28401 - {910) 762-2611 ~` ~°"• _+~. ..... _ .I .. _ _. 1 . .. ~. _. _ I j .. ~ ~ .. ~ 1 4 i ~ 1 - - _. ~ I i ~ ' ,~~ .. ~ . ~.. . i ~' II y ~ ~. ~ ~ I - .. COST ESTIMATE BEACH NOURISHMENT FOLLOWING HURRICANE FRAN ESTIMATED COST TO RESTORE BEACHES FROM BOGUE BANKS TO KURE BEACH . FOLLOWING HURRICANE FRAN Beach Quantity Unit Cost Mob 8~ DeMob Total Cost Required cubic yards Bogue Banks (Beaufort to Bogue Inlets) 1. Atlarrtic Beach 0 2. Pine Knoll Shores (no public access) 3. Salter Path 792,000 528,000 53.50 54.00 3750,000 5750,000 $3,522,000 52,862,000 4. Emerald Isle 1,056,000 54.50 5750,000 55,502,000 Total Bogue Banks ~ $11,886,000 Topsail Island (New River to New Topsail Inlets) 1, North Topsail Beach 2. Sun` City 3. Topsail Beach Total Topsail Island 1,452,000 792,000 660,000 53.00 53.00 52.50 5750,000 5750,000 5750,000 55,106,000 53,126,000 52,400,000 510,632,000 Figure 8 (stand (Private) 660,000 52.50 5500,000 52,150,000 Wrightsville Beach (Federal Project) 300,000 52.50 5750,000 51,500,000 Carolina Beach {Federal Project) 300,000 53.00 5850,000 51,750,000 Kure Beach (Federal Project) 180,000 53.50 SO S630,000 I I I ~r qqrt ~- PL Page 1 TO~TN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480 910-256-7900 September 23, 1996 Mr. Robert G. Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC, 28401 Dear Bobby: - - ~: Ir~'~ i`ll StP 3 0 199b t --';.= ~R CO. -r ~vF~ ICE _i i i We respectfully request that the Board of Commissioners contact the Governor and request that the North Carolina Legislative delegation ,unanimously support the authorization of federal funds to restore the public beach strands of New Hanover County to their pre-Hurricane Fran condition. All of the beaches in our county were severely damaged as a result of this devastating storm. While both Wrightsville and Carolina beaches fared better. as a result of the hurricane protection projects that have periodically renourished our beach strands, another storm of any magnitude .(including a strong northeaster) is likely to cause greater property damage at Wrightsville .Beach.. .. The hurricane protection project at Wrightsville Beach performed as designed, however we are certain from the reports that we have seen that our friends at Kure Beach did not fair so well. We .urge the Commission to contact. Governor Hunt immediately and enlist his support in this extremely important effort. With regard to both Wrightsville Beach and Carolina Beach, there is already a program in place that can be utilized to restore the beach strands to their pre-storm condition. Public Law 99 (PL 99) .has been implemented in other situations where federally authorized projects were damaged as a result of storms. Unfortunately, some communities have not used the PL 99 funds as the Congress originally intended and the federal government has been reluctant to .once again utilize the funds for beach restoration. While we think that this program may be worthy of investigation, we would urge the Commission not to limit its efforts in this area to the procurement of PL 99 fur-ds. The program would not be available to Kure Beach and we believe that our efforts should be focused on the good of the entire. County and not just Wrightsville and Carolina beaches.' . - In closing we would like request and let you know that to push this effort along. RECEIVED BY ALL COMMISSIONERS Recycled to thank you for your consideration of our we .stand ready to do anything that we can Sincerely, ~y~~ Herbert P . McKim ~""'~~ Mayor . G3~C~~flC~~D ~. SEP 2 1 1996 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF CO;YiNISS10NERS i CF KuRF~ ?~ 3 '~ o n ~ _ ~~ 09~h C A~O~~ ~p~,G~44 ~yL `Iowa OF Kum B~cx 117 N. 6th AVENUE • POST OFFICE BOX 3 • KURE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA 28449 TELEPHONE (919) 458-8216 • FAX (919) 458-7421 September 23, 1996 Honorable Robert G. Greer, Chairman The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Wilmington, North Carolina Dear Chairman Greer: As you know, the Kure Beach community incurred significant damage from both Hurricane Bertha and Fran. Our recovery efforts are well underway and we look forward to the beach renourishment project and the protection it will offer. This was evident at both Wrightsville . and Carolina Beach where the damage and losses would have been much more severe had their renourished beaches not been in place. Our renourishment planning was based to include a CAMA line that was in place prior to Hurricane Bertha. We are concerned that some well meaning efforts are being taken to relocate the line. We believe it is essential to our community, both the tax base and the property owners, that the CAMA line be restored to the pre-storm conditions. We would be supportive of a resolution from the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners calling for restoration of the CAMA line to pre-Bertha conditions. Wilmington Beach, Hanby Beach and Kure Beach are all open to the public and are included in the upcoming beach renourishment project. We believe it is in the best interests of the county to take a favorable position on this issue.. Very truly yours, ~~ Betty Medlin, Mayor -RECEIVED BY ALL COMMISSIONERS ... I SEP 3 ~ 1S^~ N,APJAGE°'S GfrIC_ _ . ~~~irl.~t~~.'~J s.. "I SEP 2 5 ;., NEB"J HA'~C'.'E? CC. _ - ~. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 OCTOBER 7, 1996 6:30 P. NI. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 81 3. Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance for Brandywine 83 Sewer Project and approval of associated budget amendment (97-10) - 4. Consideration of approval of the proposed joint agreement 87 with the City of Wilmington for sanitary sewage treatment at - the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant ADJOURi~1 79 Tltis pale ijttentiofially left blank 80 ~. ~~ ~ ~ , REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~, Meeting Date: 10/07/96 'Regular Item #: W&S 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: e D partment: Governtng Body Presenter: Lucre f-Iarrell Pa e Count In A enda Package: ~ Contact: Lucie Harrell ...Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes ~:~ BRIEF SU1VIlViARY: Approve the minutes of August 19, 1996,. September 3; 1996 and September 16, 1996- :.~. :.~ .'~ ~' RECOiViMENDED MOTION ANn RFQUT'STrD ACTIO\`S• Approve minutes ~., ,: Othcr S: Rrvtrwrn >3v: ' LGL: FIN: BUD: HR• COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANn RECOMMENDATIONS• ~ . :,~ COUNTY Ct}MMp ~' ~ APPRpy EQ ~- . REJECTEp Q ' REMQVE~ ~ ~ 'POSTPpNED ~ S DATE / g ' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ~^" t 5 '~ ~~~F~rw4 ~ir'%3 ~C Q9tl~~~S ~ yA R' fs ~,'~' P ~ ~ ~4ex a Va`' J~ .`~.a(a aT ~ ~ ~~~:;ruc~<:jt;~~ 82 ~ v~~,~"~~-~~~~ -.r~,~.~r 4 ~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/0.7/96 Regular Item #: W&S ~ Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering- Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 4 Contact: W att E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance for Brandywine Sewer Project . BRIEF SUMMARY: Staff was instructed to make a recommendation as to where 'funds could be obtained for the referenced project. Staff is recommending that $100,000 be transferred from the Kirkland, sewer project and an additional .$100,000 be transferred from the Water and Sewer appropriated fiord balance. The recommended $1.00,000 transfer from the Kirkland project will not af[ect. Kirkland.- This transfer is possible since the actual .bids were under the estimate. An additional $50,000 (also from the Water &c Sewer appropriated fund balance) is necessary to allow extension of the Timber Creek force main to eliminate repumping of sewage. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUFSTFD ACTiONS• I recommend that the project be approved and that the accompanying Capital Project Ordinance and .associated budget amendment (97-10) be approved. r~u[VUt;NG SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other 5: Money Is Jn Current Budget: (Yew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Prc tired: LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR• BOUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMr'NDATIONS- Recommend approval of Capital Project Ordinance and associated budget amendment. .. - ~~ COUNTY ~t?1~1~Q APPRQVED Q% . REt~CTEIi~ ~ '' ~ , _ .., ~. REMOVED p . 2efcr to Ofrice Vision Bulletin Doard for Ds~sj~¢r~N~` -® " DATE t~ ~ 83 PROJECT ORDINANCE BRANDYWINE SEWER CAPITAL PROJECT __ BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer ,District: . 1. New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (District) is engaged in the. Construction of the Brandywine Sewer capital _ ~ project, which capital project involves the,construcaion and/or " acquisition of capital assets. 2. District. desires.-to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. - ~• . NOW, THERE FORE, WITNESSETH THAT: ~. 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the _ Construction of the Brandywine Sewer. capital project which •project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is:- "Transfer from Kirkland Capital Project $100,000 , Transfer .from Sewer .Operating Fund 150,000-- Total ,. $250,000"- ,. . 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith.~made -from. the .revenue listed above: 4 ~'Y ~~ ~ Q ^ Surma Aye r_,~ '~'~~ $ 10, 000 ~~ T i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 Construction Total 240,000 $ 250,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Adopfed this day of 1996. Clerk to the Board E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman Board of County Commissioners Water and Sewer District ~ :~~ 8 ~ °~~~~ ::~ . ., -~"`~ I B~xdgef .A-.~extdxxlent `- .• .. .. .~ - - ~ ~ ~ DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENTS DATE: ~ Brandywine Sewer 97-10 10-7-96 Capital Project ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: CREDIT:- Brand~rwine Sewer Capital Protect Transfer from Kirkland Cap. Proj. $100,000 Transfer from Sewer Op. Fund ,150,000 Capital Project Expense ~ ;.~ $250,000 i:. Sewer Qperatinq Fund '~ Appropriate Fund Balance $150,000 ' Transfer to Sewer Cap. Project (Brandywine) $150,000 i Kirkland Capital Protect Capital Project Expense .$100,000 Transfer to Brandywine Cap. Project : $100,000 ~ EXPLANATION ''i i I~''~, To establish budget for Brandywine Sewer Capital Project according to ~ Capital Project Ordinance. ~u~r _ A 8 ~ RAE ~ ~ . ~ For 8udgct O((iccr's approval: lhcr, rcp~ . .z; REM01fE~ ~ ;~~ ~_ to Commissioners at nc~t regular mceti. ~(%$TPOR~ =~. ! '. dry. ' /and enter in minutes. To be approved by Comr~issioncrs. To be entered into m;nutcs. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: W&S #4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer Presenter: Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: SUI3.TECT: Consideration of approval of the proposed joint agreement with the City of Wilmington for sanitary sewage treatment at the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. BRIEF SUMMARY: This item has been presented and discussed at meetings held on Iv1ay 6, 1996 -May 20, 1996 - J>,ine 3, 1996 - June 17, 1996 and August 19, 1996. Section 10.5 of the original agreement requiring "...the creation of a single entity or coordinated approach to the provision of water and sewer..." has been removed. Consent item #6 of this agenda is a resolution concerning the study process for tl~e creation of a unified approach to the provision of water and sewer. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: r u~vi~Iivc~ ~uulic:e:: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Otlicr S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYc~v Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre tired: ic>L,viLwr v fsY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMF,NTS AND RECOMMF,ND.4TiONS: Consider adoption reement. Wyatt Blanchard will be present to answer questions and respond to inquiries. COUNTY C+DMMISStQ11~, APPROVED t~' REJECTED Q . REr~ovED © 8 7 PosT~o~~ Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Dis~ositio'AT~` t) ~o ,~, DRAFT New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER SANITARY SEWAGE TREATMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AND THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT THIS CONTRACT for the treatment of sanitary sewage is entered into this the day of , I99_, by and between the CITY OF WILMINGTON, a municipal corporation of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, a political subdivision existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT"); ~ViTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City and the District have previously entered into an interlocal agreement for treatment of wastewater in the southern portion of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the City owns and operates the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant with a present hydraulic rated capacity of 8.0 million gallons per day (~iGD) average design flow, and currently capable of serving the present customers of the City's system for eighteen (18) years, but is not capable of meeting the total additional number of customers to be served by the District in the northern part of New Hanover County for more than six (6) years; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the County organized a corporate body in 19S3 under the laws of the State of North Carolina, called tl~e New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (referred to as "DISTRICT") to represent the proposed sewer customers within the northern portion of New Hanover County; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, it is hereby understood and agreed as follows: . 1. Agreement Supersedes Previous Agreement. This agreement supersedes Contract No. 92 - 047, dated February 12, 1993, as amended, and the privileges and responsibilities of the respective parties as stated in that contract are hereby terminated. ~ ~ ~~"~~ ~ 4~~~ ~~ 2~~Purnose~of Ag-regiment. wx~ ~The~u voce of this agreement is to designate responsibilities of the City and the ~~rict~conc mg~the~exga'~nsion of the City's Northside Plant, or construction of a new plant, ~., ~ ~ ~ ~ . -. '~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ - Ncw Hanover Coun Contract # 96 - 0319 h' and treatment services for the District's sanitary sewage entering the City's Plant from the _ ~~~ District's sewer collection system, both before and after the completion of the expansion.' 3. Definitions. Unless the contract specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of the following terms used in this agreement shall be as follows: - "Plant Construction" is the project administered by the City, pursuant to policies and procedures mutually agreed upon by City and District and after consultation with the District, in accordance with terms of this agreement to physically improve the Northside Plant through design and construction contracts, and other necessary means, in order that upon completion the Plant can safely, reliably, and ~. effectively treat a.minimum total average daily flow of twelve (12) million . ~ gallons per day. . "Plant Expansion" is that part of the Plant Construction in new facilities or expansion of Plant facili-ties which are built after the date of this contract which is necessary to meet an objective of increasing the allowable average hydraulic flow. of wastewater through the Plant from 8.0 million gallons per day to 12.0.million .~ ~ gallons per day pursuant to DEM parameters. "Plant Upgrade" is that part of the Plant Construction in new facilities, or expansion and/or modification of Plant facilities which are built after the date of this contract which is necessary to improve the treatment effectiveness; and assure the safe and reliable treatment of up to an average flow of 8.0 million gallons per . day. . "Shared Construction" is that part of the Plant Construction for which the . rationale of its design can not be defined exclusively to serve. the objectives of the -Plant Expansion, or serve the objectives of the Plant Upgrade, but instead is designed to satisfy the objectives of both the Plant Expansion and Plant Upgrade, ' and is constructed physically as one for the benefits ofeconomies-of-scale or ease of future operation. .. . 4. Responsibilities of the Citv. A. Treatment Services. In providing treatment services to the District, the City will assume the responsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the following: New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 (1) To furnish treatment services to District during the term of this contract or any renewal or extension thereof, at a point of reception located at the City's Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant on 23rd Street, for up to the following average daily flow quantities of sanitary sewage: . Prior to completion of the Plant Expansion: 8,000,000 gallons per day ~ ~ - . ~ After completion of-the Plant Expansion: • ~ 12,000,000 (minimum) gallons per day ,: •-~ ~ Average daily flow shalt ~be defined as the arithmetic mean of the total flow for any sixty (60) consecutive day period, in gallons per day: It is understood-and agreed that the quantities stated above are the maximum for the relevant periods specified; and that quantities less than these maximums may be received and treated by tl~e City. Emergency failures of treatment due to main breaks, power failure, flood, fire, earthquake or other catastrophe shall excuse the City from treatment requirements stated herein for such reasonable period of time as may be necessary to restore service.: (2) To treat effluent in accordance with guidelines established by the .EPA, so that all discharges from the City's treatment plant into the Cape Fear River will meet the effluent limitations .imposed upon the City by the EPA and DEivt under its operating permit. . • (3). To maintain records insufficient detail to allow'a determination of the costs of ..treatment ofsewage at the Northside Plant in order to charge the fees more particularly described hereinafter.. The City shall provide all recordsseferenced~ herein and shall submit a summary and all supporting documentation, as requested by District, showing computatiori of fees stated in paragraph S.A of this agreement to the District on an annual basis. . . , (4) To.notify District at any time it may appear to City that the necessary metering equipment is not functioning properly, and further, to test and calibrate such meter(s). P .- (5) To review in a timely manner all requests by District for treatment services for quantities in excess of those established in subparagraph (1) of this section. (6) To review on an annual basis the fees charged for these services, more particularly set out hereinafter, and to provide to District by May 1 of each year the estimated fees and by June 1 of each year the fees to be charged for treatment services beginning July 1 of that year. (7) To review in a timely manner all applications for permits for industrial 90 3 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 customers pursuant to the Sewer Use Ordinance in effect in the respective jurisdiction of District. The City shall review and may approve all permits to industrial users of District, which shall meet any wastewater service subscriber that discharges into the District Sewer System and, thence to the City sewage treatment system, sewage having the characteristics ofindustrial wastes, as distinct from domestic wastes and having a BODS and/or total suspended solids (SS) or chemical or other constituents different from standard strength domestic waste. The City S agrees that approval of permits to industrial users or customers as above defined shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be consistently reviewed. Since the City is ultimately responsible for the operation of the treatment plant, the City shall exercise sole and ultimate discretion with regard to approval/disapproval of permit applications, and the District hereby guarantees to assist and cooperate with the City to that end; provided, however, that the City shall maintain and operate its treatment plant in accordance with the state of the art of the industry as it shall be determined by the parties hereto to exist from time to time, and provided further that the City shall make all improvements to its treatment plant as from time to time shall . be necessary to operate its treatment plant in accordance with the art of the industry and/or to process, in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations or other provisions, influent which enters the plant for treatment. B. Expansion of the Northside Plant. In expanding the Northside Plant, the City will assume the responsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the following: (1) To administer, pursuant to policies and procedures mutually agreed upon by City-and -District, and~after consultation with the District, the design, regulatory approval, bidding, and construction of an expansion to the Northside Plant from a total average design flow of 8 MGD to a minimum average design flow of 12 MGD, and shall complete the following items on or before such time that the Northside Plant reaches ninety percent (90%) capacity: (a) all permits and approvals required to authorize City to construct and operate all elements of the Plant Expansion; and (b) all testing or other preparatory measures deemed necessary by City i prior to construction and operation of the Plant Expansion. (2) To provide for the District's participation in the selection of professional services for the design of the Plant Construction, and to obtain the approval of the District of the final design and of any change orders prepared during the construction phase. The City shall permit the District to be represented in all decisions regarding the design and construction of the Plant Construction which affect the District's financial responsibilities under this agreement. (3) To operate and maintain the entire Northside Treatment Plant(s), including the expansion upon its completion, in accordance with approved manuals and regulatory standards of State and Federal agencies. ~ 4 91 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 (4) To approve payments to contractors performin; work for the City on the Plant Construction only for work.completed in accordance with design documents approved by the District. _ (5) To provide District with receipts for all sales tax payments made on the Plant Construction by City and City's contractors, subcontractors, and agents. ~ . (61 To utilize the:best available practiced suppression technology in Plant Construction as agreed upon by City and District. 5. Responsibilities of the District . A. Treatment Services. In connection with treatment services provided by the City the District will assume'the responsibilities and perform the duties of, and limited to, the following: ~ (1) To pay promptly all lawful charges due upon receipt of statement(s) to be rendered by City. {2) The District agrees to require permits for all industrial users as defined in Paragraph 4.A(8) above and to make information available to City and enable City to complete its review of the permit application. In addition, District will design or alter its sewer collection system to enable either the District or the City to mechanically cut off customers who dump materials in the system that are either harmful or injurious to the City's sanitary sewer system or treatment plant and facilities or that would cause the City to be in violation of the various state or federal environmental regulations governing the treatment plant. It is understood by the parties hereto that mechanical cutoff of customers above referenced' shall be provided and carried out in the same manner that the City currently provides for its industrial customers, and this provision does not require placement of a valve or other cutoff device on each conventional domestic or commercial customer service line or tap. Fee mechanisms shall be implemented to permit the City to recoup, from users requiring industrial permits, City administration costs. . .(3) To do everything reasonably.necessary to control the quantity and•quality of effluent entering the City's treatment plant and to take every reasonable precaution to prevent jeopardizing the City's ability or capacity to treat all sanitary sewer flowing through the District Sewer System, regardless of its source; Nor will the District by act or omission do anything which will adversely affect the City's NPDES permit for the sewage treatment plant or subject the City to enforcement action by any federal or state'agency charged with protecting the environment. District specifically agrees that all material entering the Ogderi Interceptor for treatment at the Northside Plant shall have been promptly collected and transported to said 92 S t « New Han v un - o cr Co ty Contract # 96 0319 facility, and that no material will be held, stored, or otherwise deliberately allowed to become . .more septic than material normally collected and transported for treatment: (4) To provide to City on a quarterly basis a tabulation of all newl~pproved subdivisions, including the location and number of potential sewer customers and to provide to City not less frequently ;than annually a report of the number and type of customers served by District and provided treatment services under this agreement, such report to categorize customers as residential, commercial and industrial, and to include service addresses for all' commercial and industrial customers. In addition, in support of any..application by District to City for additional treatment services beyond the quantities specified. in this agreement, the District agrees to provide a system plan for such expansion in sufficient detail .for the City to determine the additional treatment services required. B. Plant Expansion or Constriction. In connection with the expansion of the Northside Plant, the District will assume the responsibilities and perform the duties inclusive of, and limited to, the- following: (1) The District shall have the authority to approve all matters of design and construction of the Plant Construction to include all final design plans and specifications and change orders. (2) To make payment to the City within ten (10) days of receipt of a copy of invoices from the City on all invoices related to the Plant Construction. - (3) The District shall budget-and appropriate all necessary funds required For the Plant Expansion and Shared Construction Costs. The City's obligation to enter-into contracts for the design and construction of the Plant Construction is contingent upon the District providing evidence of the appropriation of funds necessary for its share of the costs of such contracts. 6: Fees and Payments for Treatment Services. ..Each party will. pay.all necessary personnel, administrative, legal, operating, repair, and capital costs associated with the duties, and responsibilities assumed and performed by such party in connection with the treatment services provided under this agreement. The fees to be charged by City to District for treatment services shall be established as follows: A. Basic treatment services fees shall cover operational and maintenance costs :and shall be prorated between the City and District based on actual. volume treated for. the District and City. Said fees~shall consist of the items of cost incurred by City in the operation and ~~ .maintenance of the Northside Treatment Plant, includin ,but not limited to sala wa es and g rY, g ~ ~ 6 ~ 93 Ne~v Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 other compensation for wages; supervision and plarming, plus overhead, reasonable rental on all City owned machinery or equipment; rental paid for all rented machinery or equipment together with the cost of an operator thereof when furnished with said machinery or equipment; the cost of all machinery and supplies furnished by the: City; reasonable handling charges; capital outlay purchased •specificaTly for. the purpose of resolving operation and maintenance needs or problems; and all additional items of expense incidental to the performance of such function~or service., This fee shall not include the Gity's expense directly borne for the Plant :Upgrade and Expansion,ror any debt service thereof. The District and City shall be responsible separately from service:fees for the payment of all. respective debt ser--vice incurred by either the District or the City, respectively, for engineering or construction of the Plant. Billing to District shall be based on customer billing information provided by District. City and District will mutually agree upon inflow and infiltration quantities based on sewer flow. The City agrees to read meters in the manner agreed upon by the City and District, to furnish appropriate statements of metered sewage treated and charges owed therefrom, not less frequently than bi-monthly. City~and District shall be allowed to have representatives present at the time meters are read. Total.flow for the~Plant will be measured by reading the influent meter. The District may inspect and verify the City influent meter. B. Debt Service for Plant Expansion or Upgrade: District shall either arrange its own payment for capital costs or, at its election, participate with the City in paying apro=rated share of total debt service. C. Sewer use surcharges shall be applied as needed for industrial and commercial customers under the City's pretreatment program, such charges to District customers to be the ,same as the City's fee schedule for City's customers. 'The District will assure that all customers comply with the City's~Sewer Use Ordinance. ~ ~ • 7. Pavment Responsibility on the Plant F~cpansion and Upgrade or Constn~ction. The District shall be responsible for payment for ail' engineering and construction work necessary for the Plant Expansion as defined in Section 3. In addition, the District shall pay a portion of the Plant-Upgrade cost as described in that spreadsheet attached hereto as Exhibit `.`A" and incorporated herein by reference. The District also shall~av a~portion of the cost of the Snrine Branch outfall equal to one-half oftfic•value of the Northside Plant;rroperty. Except for the above amount; the City shall be responsible for payment for all engineering and construction work necessary for the Plant Upgrade. Payment for Shared Construction shall be split proportionately, based on flow capacity, between tl~e.-City and District: The above payment by the District for the cost of the Spring Branch outfall shall be in Heir of an oavment to the City for land costs." The District shall not be responsible to the City forany payments'representing land costs. • 94 ~ [ e :~ New Hanover County Contract # 9G - 0319 8. Qwnership of Plant Facilities. Within ninety (901 days of the completion of the Plant Expansion or construction ~' t_he City shall convey to the District title to an undivided proportional interest in the Northside Plant. Provided. however. at the time of completion if mutually agreed to b .the itv and District, the percentage interest in the Northside Plant to be conveyed to District may be determined by dividing the total construction costs paid by the District including the cast of the Springy Branch outfall. by the total value of the Northside Plant at the time of completion The - total value of the Plant shall be determined by an independent appraiser The cost of any .independent appraisal shall be shared equally between the Citv and District 9. septage and Grease. A septage and grease facility, to be situated on the Plant site, will be designed and constructed concurrent with Plant Expansion. Design approval will be by mutual agreement of ~' City and District. The District shall be responsible for seventy-five (75%) percent of design and construction costs for the septage and grease facility with the City responsible for twenty-five (25%) percent of said costs. The City shall operate and maintain said facility. User Fees shall be based to recover only operation and maintenance costs, through mutual agreement between the City and District. 10. Future Agreements. 10.1 Supplemental Agreements. This agreement in no way prohibits the City and District from negotiating and engaging in future financial agreements after the completion of the Plant Expansion should environmental regulations, state-of--the-art technology, or other related factors require or make desirable a further upgrading of the Plant facilities. 10.2 Re ulatory Impact. . In the event that more restrictive environmental regulations reduce the effective capacity of the expanded plant to less than 12.0 MGD, as determined by a registered professional ~~ engineer having expertise in the wastewater field and jointly approved for such assessment by both City and District, the City_and District may amend this agreement to reduce the allocation stated in Section 4A (1) of this agreement. Such reduction may be made equal to the ,, proportional amount of plant capacity allocated to each party hereto, of the total amount assessed. If the District or City desires to have any reduced capacity restored and is willing to finance the necessary plant improvements to restore the allocation as of the date immediately prior to the adoption of new regulations, the District or City shall agree to schedule and construct ~~ 8 95 IL New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 such improvements within a reasonable time period. 10.3 Additional Pump Station. The Ken Avenue pump station serving the Ogden Interceptor will be designed to ~" accommodate the future Spring Branch outfall. 10.4 Purchase of Additional Capacity. The District or City: may elect to purchase a portion of the other party's unused capacity, at a mutually acceptable per gallon price. -- 11. Term of Agreement. This contract shall become effective upon execution of this agreement and shall extend for a term of twenty (20) years thereafter. This contract may then be renewed or extended for such term,. or terms, as may be agreed upon by the City and District. 12. Termination of this Agreement: 12.1 Termination without Cause. This agreement may be terminated without cause upon mutual agreement of the parties hereto. 12.2 Termination for Cause. • • If either fails to keep and perform each and all'of the covenants contained herein then and in that event, the other party, after notifying the nonconforming party not less than thirty (30) days in advance and upon the failure of the other party to comply within such period, it may at its option either terminate the agreement or maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for damages, specific performance, to injunctive relief. It is agreed that either party's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this agreement, or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, of the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this agreement. 12.3 Purchase of Exclusive interest in Title. In the event this agreement is terminated, the City shall purchase all right, title and interest of the District in the Northside Plant. The value of the District's interest in the Plant shall be determined from the District's percentage of interest and the total appraised value 96 9 C Nc~v Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 of all real property, structures and equipment°encompassing the Northside Plant. The appraisal shall be performed by an independent appraiser within ninety (90) days of the date of termination. The .cost of such appraisal shall be shared equally between the City and District. 13. Amendment of Aereement. !• This agreement may be amended or modiFed upon mutual agreement of the respective parties, provided that any such amendment shall be reduced to writing and executed by both parties. 14. Non-Assi, nability. The rights and duties under this agreement shall not be assigned by any of the parties without the written consent of the other. 15. Conflict of Interest. No paid employee of the City or District shall have a personal or financial interest, director indirect, as a contracting party or otlier~vise, in the performance of this agreement. 16. Notices. All notices, requests and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered, or mailed first class, postage prepaid, addressed to: A. City: B. District: 17. Assurances. ~~ ~ The parties hereto will comply with any and all applicable federal, state and local standards, regulations, laws, statutes and ordinances regarding toxic, hazardous and solid wastes and any other pollutants; public and private nuisances; health or safety; and zoning, subdivision or other land use controls. The parties hereto will take all reasonably necessary, proper or required safety, preventative and remedial measures in accordance with any and all relations and directives from the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Health Departments, and any other federal, 1 10 97 t r New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 state or local agency having jurisdiction, to insure the prompt prevention or cessation (now or in the future) of violations of either the applicable provisions of such standards, regulations, laws, statutes, and ordinances or any permits or conditions issued thereunder. ~ ~. 18. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. 19. Bindin Effect. This agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns, agents, officials, employees, independent contractors, and subcontractors of the parties. 20. Continuing Obligation. The parties will make and execute all further instruments and documents required to further the purposes and intent of this agreement. 21. Reference. Use of the masculine herein includes the feminine and neuter; singular includes plural; and captions and headings are inserted for convenience of reference and do not define, describe, extend or limit the scope of intent of the agreement. 22. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained herein shall be interpreted in accordance L with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event of a conflict between the various terms and conditions contained herein or between these terms and other applicable provisions, then the more particular shall prevail over the general and the more stringent or higher standard shall prevail over the less stringent or lower standard. ~ 23. Immunity not Waived. This agreement is governmental in nature, for the benefit of the public, and is not intended to be for private profit or gain. Any fees charged in connection with the services hereunder are intended to reflect as closely as possible the City's actual cost, and neither party intends to waive its sovereign immunity by reason of this agreement. 24. ~avin~ Clause. 98 11 New Hanover County Contract # 9G - 0319 If any section, subsection, parajraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this agreement is for any reason held invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 25. Penalties. District will be responsible for paying any fines, fees, penalties, or costs levied on the City by any cognizant federal or state regulatory agency for violations cited as a result of actions by District. City will be responsible for paying any fines, fees, penalties, or costs levied on the District by any cognizant federal or state regulatory agency for violations cited as a result of .actions by the City. 26. No Liability for Failure. 1t is understood and agreed by and between City and District that Citv shall not be liable for anv failure of the sanitary sewane treatment svstem c~ccePt for the ne~li7ence of the City, its agents. officials, emplovees contractors or subcontractors The City will be responsible for taking anv and all legal action against third parties ~vho contribute in anv way to a failure of the sanitary sewer treatment svstem. . It is understood and agreed by and between Citv and District that District shall not be liable for anv failure of the sanitary sewer treatment svstem e~ccept for the ne~li~ence of the District. its agents, officials emplovees contractors or subcontractors Provided however, the District shall take action as necessary to enforce the fewer [)se Ordinance of the District 27. Additional Services. The City, in accordance with N.C.G.S. IGOA-312, may but is not required to provide services outside the corporate limits, therefore it is understood and agreed that the City has no obligation to provide treatment services beyond those specified in this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this agreement to be duly executed in its name and the District has caused this agreement to be duly executed in its name 12 99 New Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 " and behalf and its seal affixed and attested to. New Hanover County [SEAL] Water and Sewer District ATTEST: E. L. Mathews, Jr. -Chairman Clerk to the Board This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. ' Approved as to Form: County Finance Director ~ County.Attorney [SEAL] City of Wilmington ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 100 I, 1 1 Ncw Hanover County Contract # 96 - 0319 This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Bridget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to Form: City Finance Director City Attorney STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Ne~v Hanover County Water and Sewer District, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the District, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of , 1996. My commission expires: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Notary Public NEW HANOVER COUNTY -__ '~ I, , a Nota Public of the State and Count aforesaid ~' Y , certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the City of Wilmington, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the City, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor, sealed with ~ ~ 1~~ 101 ~~ New Hanovcr County Contract # 96 - 0319 its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this day of .1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 102 l~ t s v r i CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE l~`O. 1. Approval of minutes ~ 10~ 2. Adoption of resolutions adding roads to the State Highway System 107 ~. Ratification of adoption of proclamation of September 23-29, 1996, 11 ~ as Lions Eye Health Week - 4. Acceptance of additional Home and Community Care .Block Grant 117 money for the Department of Aging and approval of associated budget amendment (97-0049) ~. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. 97-0042 to increase actual amount of Transportation 127 Assistance Grant award and to rollover unexpected grant funds from FY 9~-97 to FY 96-97 B. 97-0043 to budget March of Dimes grant to support the. 123 "BABY TALK" Teen Prenatal Education Program and encourage participation C. 97-0044 to budget emergency State mosquito funds for 131 mosquito spraying "aftermath Fran" 6. Approval of a resolution regarding the creation of a joint County/ 133 City committee to consider a unified approach to the governance, operation and delivery of water and sewer services . 103 This pad e intentionally left blank 104 r r s v 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: GOVERNING BODY Presenter: LUCIE HARRELL Pa e Count In A enda Package: Contact: LUCIE HARRELL SUB.TF,CT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of August 19, 1996 Regular Meeting of September 3, 1996 Regular Meeting of September 16, 1996 Emergency Sessions: September 4, 1996, September 6, 1996, September 7, 1996, September 8, 1996, September 9, 1996, September 13, 1996 RT:COMMF,NDED MOTION AND REC2UESTT;D ACTIONS: Approve the minutes 1+'UIVUIIVG SUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: Otlicr S: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMI'/NDATiONS• Recommend approval. . A ~~ trOMMISSIQI--~ oVED Q'. ~ RE,~ECTEp p RnEM~OpV/QED p :~~-= _ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for DgpT7itinJN ~'K ~ 105 This page intentionally left bla~ik ~. ~~~~ ~~ -~...9 ~.4~lf'~ tl 4p'A-'( ~tW.~r*+' d1 i 0~~ t 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96. Regular Item #: ~ Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In A enda Package: 3 Contact: Lucie Harrell S UB.TiJ CT: NCDOT ROAD ADDITIONS BRi1JF SUMMARY: Adopt resolutions adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Roads in Laurel Ridge Subdivision Roads in Gorman Plantation Roads in the Cedars at Gorman Plantation Roads in Heritage Woods, Sections 1 & 2 RF,COMMENDED MOTION AND RrOUF,STFn ACTIONS: Adopt resolutions FUNniNG SOURCr: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYcw Appropriation Request: I3ud et Amendment Prc ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval. COUNTY COMM~SS QN~ APPROVE ~; . REJECTED 0 ; REMOVED ~ p ~,'~`~ POSTPONED p ~ ' ~,~' ~ Rcfcr to OfRce vision Eiulictin ^oard Cnor IIiEo"55iion~ 107 09/18/96 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NF.W H_ANOVF.R PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTE)V1(X ) PAVING ( ) MAIM'ENANCE Il~IPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on FF. RTN r WAY ~AMiV10N .nTIRT. FA li. F.NB . RY ROAD. .A ..WOOD CO iRT ~ P YTON 0 TRT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NF.W HANG R County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. ~ ' We further advise that the road requested to ADD is .49 miles in length and at the present time there are ¢~( occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight.distance and design purposed.and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REi~~RKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. T.A >RF . Tn r . S ..TIONS 3B 5 6 & 7 .~-c~-~~ 3 °~ PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the fast petitioner listed below; JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, IIYC. P.O. BOX 4127 ~k~ ~ gWILMINGTON, NC 28406 ~~ ~~`fl ~~ ~~~~~~ (910) 392-7201 ~~~~ ((~~ QQ ~ ~A ~icj3Sd]Form SR-1 (5-33)'~A11 p~revio~us'~~for~ms obsolete. ~3~ ~~ ~~'~~ TELEPHONE ~ ,fr s~.. ~ .go~ir ~ ~ ca P~ / ~ Ma9 . a Q~ c t~ (. pogo O}~b a a ~, ~L'A, `'{ 9~ A4 `,~ ~'~ ugNr o ~a .#' t ~ igEf 4D ~ y~S` C jp cps ~ ~'Cr R ' ~ ~ ~ OVq.~ ~ p. LT R 4 ~ H tJ PG I W ~ ff ~'~ Aoyb,D // v D ~""4 / } T ~ O ! r'vF O~ O 4 N ~4 BOUT O R K' ~ SEE c ~O ti' 0 \ RD O ~/ \~ `.•.. .. ~i ~•~/ ~DJ 1. Nl CO°O ~ PqR ~ Yr,~ y oC o ~ • ~~] 'o ' RO' Oq0 F ~ J e ° Y Y`nr . oRAnO pfAlapfOn Rn y ~ .~~ ~ ~ c N~ r ~ F _ t n c° 7 ' i A = n ~ • i = ~' (~' JAN n 46 / ~ "°"~ y. /j / _ ~o ~ lr r rtr ryD. 4V q~fgy ~/ ~ / ('Vf/~. M J (~ .D J l ep Retw d W ff~.: ~Fq~ ~ ~ o ~i TOE CL _ u 9`QP 'qJ` ~ _ ~~• 'J oq r `° ~ ~ . ~i /~ .~ ~ "~ ~ ~ uRG OR. N ~ p Yi D. DFti ~'. ~ ° - P~ OQ C . ~ 1.. ~ 2 a~ KAU 4^'rrergM ~ ~ ~ `~ J .1 RIYAat Q ~ :N ~ A RE ~ a, PD DRfvt f m r m Rif p f ~ a7yy=y RD C AT, ~ / ?' T~•5 ,n cy 4 r' p0. o ,fREA 1~~+~ FD. + ~ ~AQ o `~4 tR c98 4 O t ~~ y?~ p0 rN Rogpp ..O ~ ~J ~ .7 Z~ P~TgL1f.r J ON Qf ~~ U ~ ~ GROvE ~ u . RC Rn a J rOPLAR P0.0T5 AID ,5 KNOLL CT. 4 E=G sawo NF.ATNdIPF RD. VnIL Z J t NA / W R 3 SuNt15f a~' v NI6N ROCff d wi E ,~ hR ~ ~ H Y < ~•'~ Z J ~ 4i N ~ ¢o ~O O [~ R0: 2 a ~ ~ aZl ~& ? EGRET is Y~ ~_ Y ~_-'a •~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LN. SEA ~ / .~ % ~ M<OUI ~ EY ~ L 1(,n RD. / / ,.1 J~ vU[NCE cD `~' f/ .J `~~~ NILL VALLEY MALK c~ / / ~ F wLET~ ACRES OR -~. ;-. .109 a ~; ~4 1. INL CT POfNT DRNt 30. x. aAZ[eo COlU1T , ~ ~ ~. uuLLET ~* ^iN R7 •. SC AI LOP LAMt P c / /// ] COefA IANt f A TANPOM ORf'~E ,9E ~• ' ~ / NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVLSION OF HIGHWAYS PETTITON NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF .NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE):. ADDITION TO STATE SYST>~t (X ) PAYIIYG ( ) MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMEYI' ( ) We the. undecsigncd, being property owners on 9LD FORT ROAD. CA,~INON ROAD. & ACER URT (Descn~be or eve local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER Courrty do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Tr-sr>sportarion to ADD the above desrnbed road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is X27 rru7es in length and at the prrsent time there are 23 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right- of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cvt and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we as~rre to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road irrtersections for sight distance and design purposed and to e:ceeute said right-of--way agrccrncnt forms that will be submitted to us by rtpracrttativcs of the Division of Highways.. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. THE CEDARS AT GORMAN PLANTATION SECT10N51 ~ ~-. ~' 3 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME .MAILING ADDRESS The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed be{ow: JA,NEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, ING P.O. BOY 4127 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-33) All previous forms obsolete. 110 TELEPHONE 1 1 1 R 8 0 v r r • NORTH CA'ROLTNA STATE DEPARTMEN'T' OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS pETTITON NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE Il4IPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on LONICERA CO T HITCH COURT ~LAIREWOOD .n[lRT, PURPLE MARTiN COURT (Descnbe or give focal name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HAIYOVER County do hereby requestthe Division of Highways of the Departmem of Transportation to ADD the above descnbcd road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is :42 miles in Length and at the presezrt time there are 36 occupied homes located on the road and Navin g entrances irno the road" Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division ofHighways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct tfie road to.the minimum construction standards r~equirtd by the Division of Hi of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be ' sh`~ys. This right- tmproved and w~31 include the necessary areas~otrtside the right-of--way for art and.filf slopes and BSc. also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road iniersutions for sight distance and design purposed and to ocecute said righE-of_way agrtttncrt forms that wiII be submitted to us by repr~samtives of the Division of Highways. REIaA~iARKS. Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable, C~ORMAN PLANTATION SECTIONS 4 6 ~ 6A `~'i ~ PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS The. Division of Highways sfiotild contact the first petitioner listed below: . ~ ' JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANLZATION, LNG . ~P.O.BOX4127 . ~ W_ ILMINGTON, NC 28406 " (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. . TEI-EPHONE .. A i _ ~e- W r' ~ A a r Pl4NT~TIOM RO. ~ L (V P . ~ ~ OY P ~~ ~~ u ° a... voaos p, a Roan ~ c Qrf covEY ~[< p~6 'Pr DOINTLR l.l+ V '~ ' We r M, ~ 1YVillE RO 0 ~ 1-Cl E'n7 AK IT I ?•tiC.100MVIE VI AVE .{'~ `` 2 ~• ,^ ~ c ~ OOURT COURT ~ p ~~ 9`t-L PO a 4^0 - i~ ~~ 4D~ 00 ~j~ {,UAAT f,~ 4~ ON ~,~++ V c•- j j t' ' rd° ex~TTAnT r; . aG. ~ L?RC3 P {L ~p ~i ~ Y '1' ¢ 01ltVE 'Y 0 ~ _ i n~ecxo¢n ~<Fy~ RQ V ~ ~ _ ,IC C7 MIVE 0~•1 3•~0 F ~~, / n:E7 coy ~ ~ - ~ C ~ -1f-`° y ~ "tp ~ ~ d f O, P - ~/ 4. ~ 1. I Y ~P`f aj ~ o .t ^s H ~ f! ~ ..~ ~ u ~;~ ... G OR O Sr ar 9 i o a al eL0l90r In Z •~ i ~ u Pte. '~ 1f ~ 0• t /'InITE RO O ~~ ?~ a / I ~4+ y~ r O /~^~ 4 rf ~!JL O[RvY 4r a Oq M,y/ 9~p // ~, O •r C 4r f _ ~~ /~ D / ° F _ OoO~ ^'-~ ,J',e ~ ~>°~, t~ SOUND ~~ (,~0o `~r~. Yw i~ jv, rrC j~ •'~~ COL ~~ ~ICKV' lArvOOf•OEP MO .A - .q .',Y ~ - S.. -o`.. s - .0•0 <f CT f~ SUS ~l0 O ~. Pv ,` • +C ppy + 9 ~ gVrtir ~JO~_ , fti~ J ) a T - - - ~ C COy 4f.~ ~i ~ ~ O cir, ~ E r ~ VppO ~ ACS n' / !~ C < R ~Q•`' SOP c.2, n '*l ti a' ~.y ~ ~ ~ ~ CL TO ?~ ~ I/ ~+ ~ s ~~ a~a< ~, ~' y ~c~ y °~ ,~ j~ ec EY,o z w~ ~ '~~~`,Oa/ NlN ~ r>1 f.E~~ ~ / i EP i ? ~ • f Ct ~ ~, ~ d ,LV ~• ~CR C~ '/ / 8 M~N~ a pP v p` ~ ~ ~C ~E ./// % r ~ O ~ ~ wOa 7 O ~ ~ Tf~,T" ? t -~ '~ O .D 9 ?CF a'RfN _ 7 F,r~ ,ry~c` ~ O Q ~~"* l +00 IG/TIR 8 ~Pi ~ '~ r'N ~ ~ `/ i ~o a n~ ~ Z Z OQ dd omr ~ n ~ / - ~ < ~ O D J / G~ Url[ `~tlT "'I ~ N ~E R OOC +r~OP p Y 7~' I. ~' ~ P ~ Q DUC[ I.AR ~~ t i ~~ ~Q N° ~ j ~~[ DEM i~M DL ~~~~ CQ/[ Ct ylly, O ~ ~ `. Dt; /`- _ os4~ oR ~ r D~ ~a' ynR ~J r q / `~~.y°t ~ a~ A~ ~~N Dm °' ~ Es ~~a .~~' ° _ ~ e ~5. mac'" `'~~/ ~T' ,~~up.~~ `r ocean, at,' R' E .0 2 = _ ., ~ F r c ~40~ sc~L sNAV ~cE ~ k~~ 4 99 ~\ ~: C4Ur~ P~ t. 4 ,? ~D;` { 1 t 1 .;~ ~ - ~ .. 09/24/96 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO'STATE SYSTEM (X ) PAVING ( ) MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on 1:{FADL.AND DRIVE. BERRIDGE DR[VE. AMSDEN COURT. & SEDGEWiCK COt1RT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. We further advise that the road requested to ADD is ~ miles in length and at the present time there are ~4 occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Highways aright-of--way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted~to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. . . REMARKS four~copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. NAME PROPERTY OWNERS MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: q ~ ~ JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, INC. P.O. BOX 4127 r:i~ WILMINGTON, NC 28406 1~.~':-' ~ ~O~LSD t~ (910) 392-7201 SEP 2 S 1996 •~1 Revised Form SR-l (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. ^~~W A~7(~ ~~. y ;;,r?., OF COMhiI~S(ONERS LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE ~q~o` ~ '~o'ti-v '90 B~ U Q ~. -icy ~~ ~ _ MONKEY JUNCTION ° GOLDEN. ROAD PILOTS RIDGE ROAD ', PILOTS RIDGE RUNWAY HEATHCLIFF ROAD . SITE ' TO CAROLINA BEACH 1 ~. ~ ..,• . .~,: f. OF DEEDS: -------- --------------=------ I :i. . ,~ 114 e i w r 'i A 1 I 1 A t I 1 1 REQUEST- FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Robert G. Greer Pa e Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: Robert G. Greer SU13.TECT: Proclamation: Lions- Eye Health Week RRiEF SUIVIMARY: The County's Lions Clubs requested the Commissioners to proclaim the week of September 23-29, 1996 as Lions Eye Health Week in New Hanover County. Verbal approval vas received from each of the Commissioners on the proclamation of September 23. Ratification is needed for entry into the minute book.' RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUF,STED ACTIONS: Ratification of adoption N U1VU1[VlT JVUIlC:I;: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money [s In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: BudQct Amendment Prepared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: NTY MANA E ~ MMENTS AND RE MMENDATI NS: Ratify proclamation. v.- _ COUNTY COMMISS1p~tp~gi, REJECTED p l~ -~ ' REMOVED ® ~ ~'~ ~ '~ '~ POSTPONED - DATE !v _ ~l(o ~~it.>~ Refer to Oftice Vision Bulletin Board (or Disposition ,. ~ew Hanover County Board of Commissioners PracCamatiAn WHEREAS, Lions Clubs in North Carolina are part of Lions Clubs International, the largest service club organization in the world with 1.4 million men and women members serving in 40,000 clubs in 178 countries; and VVI~REAS,there are five clubs in New Hanover County that have given relentlessly. to the community; and ' . - WHEREAS, a primary service .mission of Lions Club members is to eradicate preventable blindness worldwide; and ~. ~ ~. WHEREAS, at lease 80 percent of blindness in the United States is needless; and WHEItEAS,diabetic eye disease and glaucoma are leading causes of blindness in the -United States, and glaucoma is. the leading cause of blindness among African-Americans over 40; and WHEREAS, early detection. and timely treatment of diabetic eye ~ disease and glaucoma can help reduce the incidence of needless loss of sight; and WI~I2F.AS,the Lions Eye Health Program is an education initiative that encourages early detection and timely treatment of diabetic eye disease and glaucoma through regular comprehensive dilated eye exams; and . . WHEREAS, Lions Clubs in New Hanover County will be reaching out to those at risk in our community. through presentations' and eye health screenings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim the week of September 23-29, _1996,. as Lions Eye Health Week in New Hanover County, North Carolina .and call upon all citizens to join the Commissioners in saluting the Lions Clubs in New Hanover County for their effort ,to educate the public about- the importance of seeking comprehensive eye examinations. Adopted this the 23rd day of September; 1996. ~. ~, ~,-- ~~~ .~ - ~~~~ 116 ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ .:~.~.._ ~i,2~i5~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~, REQUEST -FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/07/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Aging Presenter: Annette Crumpton Page Count In Agenda Package: 10 Contact: Annette Crumpton 1 '~ ~t ,~ ,r i~ v SU13.TECT: Acceptance of additional 1-Iome & Community Care Block Grant money for Department of Aging and approval of associated budget amendment (97-0049) BRIER SUMMARY: The Dept. of Aging is eligible for $99,490 additional money to take elderly off the waiting list of Home Delivered Meals, In Home Aide and establish a Group Respite program (Sat and Sun) for caregivers. Tl~e Home & Community Care Block .Committee met (minutes attached) and recommends the following breakdown for the Commissioners consideration Home Delivered Meals to receive $21,247 (30 persons to be served)~In Home Aide program to receive $68,04 (40 persons to be served) Group Respite program to receive 10,198 (8-20 persons to be served) The required ten percent (10%) match of $11,0>j is in the Aging budget or will be reimbursed as units are produced each month . No additional County money needed. In .addition to the funding outlined above, the Department of Aging is eligible for $13,878 in Title 3F Health Promotion monies. These monies will be used to implement Health Promotion programs and activities at the Senior Center. The required match of $1,918 is in the approved Senior Center budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend the Commissioners approve the CCBG Committee recommendations of 113,368 Fed/State monies and to be used as outlined above and associated budget amendment (97-0049). County S: 12,973 User Fees S: 'Money Is In Current Budget: no ' Budget Amendment Prepared: yt New Appropriation Request: yes Other S: Federal S: 107,700 State S: 5,668 ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT ~ ;~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ,_ Approve acceptance of grant and associated budget amendment. Q [;jvrva~°~ r ~~~t ~~~ Refer to Office Vision bulletin board f°r Disposition ,~,~, -~ COMMISSION~$ =~ ~' ~ ®1~ 1~~7 I~ n Budget Amendment - /~~/~~~/ ~ ~//:/ ~~ ~/~~ ~ ~/~~~i/ ~~ .~//~~.~ /~~~/ice// / ~~/// /% /~i~~./~~/~.//~ // ~% /~j////j///~/////j/j~///~//% ~//~~ is ~~~///////%i/~/~/~~/j/~///////~j~~///////~//////////j/%ii~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Aging - 97-0049 ~ 10/7/96 ~y ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CREDIT aging/Nutrition-Home-Delivered Nutrition-CCBG-Home-Delivered 521,247 Temporary Salaries $ 9,635 ~ CS-Meals 5 9,200 Departmental Supplies $ 1,292 Volunteer Auto Expense 5.1,120 Aging/In-Home Aide h Nutrition-CCBG-In-Home Aide 568,045 Contracted Services ~ $68,045 ~Qing/Adult Day Care CCBG-Adult Day Care . S10,,198 `' L Contracted Services 510,198 `~ Aging/Senior Center ~~ -- ,~ Title III -Health .Grant 513,878 Title I(I Health Grant ' 513,878 . ~. _ ,. EXPLANATION To budget additional grant funds for home-delivered meals, in-home aide, and to establish a group respite program for care givers. s~~a~ ~r {` ~~ 11':8 ?tlIV1Y COMMISS10Nt~$~ 'PROVED (~!"~ :JECTED ;MOVED (~ '°-~~'~~'"' STPONE ' TE /o G .a For Budget Off icer's a roval~ then r aria. PP eP to Commissioners at nest regular meeting and enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be e~itered into minutes. I. ~ HOIVIE & COMMUNITY CARE BLOCK GRANT COMMIT'T'EE SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 - ~~, Members Present: Dick Gemsh, Ruth Parenteau, Bill Royals, Louise Siler, Bert Kring (Proxy). Annette Crumpton (Dept. of Aging), Cris Dixon (AAA) ~~, Wayne Long (Well Care and Nursing), Linda Pearce (Elderhaus). The New Hanover County Home and Community Care Block Grant Committee met at 10:00 am ~~; as to discuss the SFY 1996/97 Supplemental In-Home Service Funds; Unallocated Home Delivered Meals Funding: SFY 1995/96 and Home Delivered meals Funding; and ,SFY 1995/96 >~' Home and Community Care Grant Carry forward funding. The allocation for New Hanover County totals $99,490. County match will be $11,055 with total ., monies $110,545. Funding must be used to take elderly off of waiting lists and may be used to establish a Group Respite program. Wayne Long, Well Care and Nursing, Inc., presented his report of persons waiting for In Home Aide Service, approximately 119 persons. To take L approximately 40 persons off the list (1/3 of the waiting list) would require $80,273. Annette Crumpton, Dept. of Aging reported 68 persons on the Home Delivered Meal waiting list. Cost to -- provide service to 1/3 of this list is approximately 525,000. Linda Pearce , Elderhaus Adult Day Care, reported cost to establish a two day a week Group Respite program for up to 28 persons ~" (Saturday and Sunday) would cost approximately 512,000. Each service would begin ~ approximately November 1, 1996 and continue through June 30, 1997. After discussion, a motion was made by Dick Gemsh and seconded by Ruth Parenteau to recommend the following to New Hanover County Commissioners for their approval: Fed/State 10% Match ~ Total $ 21,247 Home Delivered Meals $ 2361 $ 23,608 10,198 Group Respite Home 1134 11,332 68,045 In Home Aide 7560 75,605 $99,490 $11,055 $110,545 The above recommended funding will provide services to approximately 1/3 of the New Hanover County's elderly on the waiting lists plus establish a Group Respite program. Funding is based on an eight month period. _ ccbgmin ~~ 119 t ~i v Q. n Q 8 7 Q `m v 0 O C A C7 YU O CD d tv U c E E 0 U c ca _.d E 0 S OQQI t•1 c c > > U t Ol > O C (Q~1 O1 7 c ~ A A a a 01 ~ 2 ~ N ~ ~ c •~ ~ o cg a` c .~ Q O v 0 a` N ~ N U d Z a O ~ N c A ~ m E Z U 0 E r a ~ a~ ~ ~ Dm~ C ~ op 3 ~- ~ O 0 R ~ ~ = c ~N E N Z N > ' n ~ N ~ 8 p pr N 01 ~ Q Qf N N 0 N ~ Q Q N f7 ^ i_ i - m a`~ I - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - m _ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ N V - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ U') m ~ O ~ I~ V Q cD Q O) 7 ~ (~ ~ A A t0 i d N N j ~ ~ ~" O ^ B N ' fD O N A t0 e0 i yy C7 °' C fp Q ~ ~- N N A Z l7 Z A Z Z Z Z i o ~ a p~ t0 ~ n ~ O1 ~ O 7 ~ P1 ~ t0 ~ ~ N ~ ~ n f0 n N O ~ ~ S 'v ~ 7 ~ ~ v in t~ ~i v n . ao ci v tD m lL O c N N ~-. ~ j lL ~ Q V IA N 01 N _ W y j A-- ~ V u N ~ ^ ~ A ~Z A Z t0 . Z A Z - - - - Q m m m N ~ C E a J J J _ _ _ N N Ol O f~ f~ ~1 ~ l'1 c'1 _ f~ N O N off O O Z IA v O O t?q~~ a0 Pf c0 N V V c O) ~ ~ O m t m N - -- -- -- --- - ---- L ---- Ol -- N -- Q --- QQ f'1 - O) -- -- -- -- - N O) v u v v co v r _ ~ ~ ~ J - - - - - - - - N - - ~ - - ° - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - `~' - - - - - - - - m - - ~ --- o - - ~ - - 8i ~ $ ~ '~ L 7 O i0 l7 N Q QI v .- f m D 3 o r ,~ v C L Of i7 C 7 ~ X n N O LL Q - ---- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- -- ~ O f~ O ~ p p to N ~. ~~~ C ~° m E ~ of v o N m «( Y = W • r Q f'~1 e m I I I I I I I I U I~ ~ I I I~ I I C I 0 F m C N A i .~ c L r .V.. ~ E .N ~~ E $ ~ x E c ~E - ~ •~ c U ,., L C '] V ~ A LL. ~E~ o U ~~ O - Y ~$m U~~ v ~ ~ ~ a 'o` t0 v f7 C C O N - V u .~ in z m A U o °>_ ~ ~ ~ e R N r U ~'c N ~-''` E a~F-Q r m C E E 0 U `o V A m .~ U m .~.. n rn m A m 3 A rn N f'1 N H m ~` I N T E R - ~, MEMO 0 F F I C E__ '" To: Andre' Mallette ~ From: ~ Annette Crumpton ~ Subject: ~ Permission to Hire Temporary Staff ~,,~ Date: September 19, 1996 ,~; The New Hanover County Care and Community Block Grant (CCBG) will recommended to the Commissioners the Department of Aging to receive $23,605 additional money for FY 1996/97. Funding must be used to take elderly off the Home Delivered Meal waiting list. Faye Jaocbs and I determined some time ago our Home Delivered Meal program could not serve any more homebound unless the staffing increased. We currently pack and deliver 267-275 noon meals each day. The staffing consists of Faye, one 4 hour temporary packer (position open) and one ~. volunteer. In presenting a projected budget to the CCBG Committee I included salaries for two temporary positions, a new Program Assistant and expanded hours and increased salary for the Home Delivered Meal Packer. ~? The new Program Assistant will assist with only the Home Delivered Meals program. The current ` Program Assistant, Paula Starling, will continue to work with the Congregate Sites. This new temporary employee will work as a part-time temporary, Range 113, salary $10.46 per hour, four hours per day. ,,, ~~ The Home Delivered Meal Packer position will increase from 4 hours a day to 5 hours a day. The - additional hour is critical in the cleaning tasks required when the carvers are returned to the ~~ building.-The salary will increase from $5 per hour to a Range 108, $8.17 per hour- same as the nutrition site manager's. positions .The 96/97 approved budget has $6692 allocated to pay this individual. Approximately $1000 of the new money will be needed to complete the year once the ;~r position is filled. In summary, the $23,608 additional money will be used. to pay the.above temporary salaries, purchase meals and supplies as well as cover mileage for the volunteer drivers. I am attaching a proposed job description for the_new Program Assistant and the completed Requisition Form. Please review/edit. I appreciate your comments. The Commissioners will have the new money recommendations on their. October 7, 1996 agenda. ~~~ Once approved, I would like to immediately begin the recruitment/ hiring process. Thank you. ~' 121 1 10.46 step 113 Program Assistant 8.17 step 108 Projection to add 30 peopl e to HDM program for three quarters Actual Need Real Personnel Assistant 7950 7950 4 hrs /day 7950 Packer 7766 1000 5 hrs/day 1000 FICA 1202 685 685 Equipment 800 500 shelves 500 Meals 11316 11316 2.05 /meal 35 person 9200 Supplies 1172 1172 carriers/desk 792 Vol.Mileage 1600 2000 .26/mile 1120 Print 250 250 _ 32056 24873 0 0 21247 ~ alp a ~, ,.~ ,~, /sue.. ~ io ~o ~..~d ~~ ~ ~~, vy,,a.cL.<.daol ~'~.- ~-- 7S~-t aA ~..¢ yc2tn-~n 7'S -u-~eJ 'x,~uy ~,,,. ,S<+.x. cr! ~~ 6~'-~g-'~` ~C~o cc..~fij C7c,~a.~ `rxr~ c.L) a~ pry '122 ~, - `-.= CAPE FEAR . COL~rCIL OF GOVERNti1E~1TS ~a x. TVIEM~ANDtT1~1 ~- I % TO: 1Pr~on O 7 ead .1 penci^c for Anin~. Serti~iccc: ' ;~rrtic Orrock, Brunswick County Depanmcnt of Oldcr Adults ~~` Ed. Worle ,Columbus Coun De artment of A~iri Y tY P ~ S XSanette Crumpton, Ne~.v Hanover County Dcpanment of Agin; h ~ F/esley Davis, Senior Citizens Services of Pender, Inc. ,~, ~ & • w PROM: hae Jones, Region O AAA Administrator ~~~ . ~; ~ • DATE: 2ugust 29, 1996 SUBJECT: Fi>v~ing Increases for SupplementaI and Carry Forward Home & Community Care Block Grant; and Carry Forward t Tde III-F Disease Prevention Funding The Division of.liaing has recently issued revisions for the above referenced fundin; sources for SFY 1996-1997. I. SFY 1995-I997 Supplemental In-Home Sen-ice Funds; Unailocated I~Iomc Deliverd• Meals Funding; SFI' 1995-i9.9G IiCCBG Carry Forward Funding: This furning corsists of: {~ -~ .State In-Home Services Funding (55.000,000) • -~ Unallocated SFY 1995-1996 aad 1996-1997 Home Delivered ~ • • Meals Funding ($692,7201; and, ~ ; - -~~ SFY 1995-1996 Home & Community Care Block Grant Carry • Fot-ward Funding (5265,305) ~ • , This funtine nas been allocated throw h the intrastate funding formula. and • g your couity's=amount is indicated on Chart V. The county lead 1p~n~,~ ti~•iil decide rth ;~Rnrovnl ~f the Board of Commissioners is reat~ired for the - ~ but:g~p of the funri~nR_increa e. I•Iowever, a meeting of ~~our Home & - ~ Comrnirriry Care Block Grant Cot:uratee should he scheduled as soon as .1 f possitil~ to re~•iew the funding incre:aes and to make. recommendations as to • whichsazvices will receive the additional funding. Please remember that ID% ~~; ~ local ~nnich is required. Supplemental funding amounts are: 123 ~ r An Q~~pl CGY..nUnrN/Aff!'^Crve A~LOn/AI',~A /CTO/J'•'9' TGION O 1996-2997 SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOCATIONS Count' Formula Rate Allocation Local I1latch Total Brunswick 25.10 0 $ 70,009 $ 7,779 $ 77;737 Columbus 24.78 ~ $ 69.116 $ 7,680 S 76. ; 96 New Hanover 35.67% $ 99,490 $11,054 $110,545 Pender 14.459' $ 40,304 $ 4.478 ~ $44,782 TOTAL 1000 $278.9].9 $30.991 $309,910 This funding will be used to provide ~cess and '~i m~ services as follows: Adult Day Care Adult Dav Health Home Hcilth Housing /Home Improvement Home Delivered Meals Group Respite Care Institutional Respite Care In-Home Aide (Levels I, II, III & IV) Care 1\lanagement Information /Case Assistance Senior Companion Transportation Note that as of SFY 1996-1997, a new se^iice entitled "Group Respite Care' is reimbursable through the Division of Aging. Recently, you received informaticn regarding the service standards, service code, and reporting requirernmts. Please contact me for : ~ ::er information if your county is consideria~ group respite as a service need. The Divis3an of Aging recognizes the work c:f service providers, area agencies, and others in supporting the appropriation of the :.dditionaI $5,000,000 for in- home seroices:~ Legislative support for this funding was based primarily on the waiting Igt for services cor*tniled earlier this year. Tltereiore, the .5,000,000 appropriation will enable one-third of the waiting list to receive services, or approxinntely 4,300 Zdditional older adults. Consequently, it is ir*tnet:~ative that all of these funds are utilized during the state fiscal year. The Division will be monitoring very closely the expenditure of Block Grant funding:a~d will follow-up with the area agency on a regular basis, staring with first ani' second quarter expenditures in ~anuary 1997.. Region O Lead Ageners• are requested to continue their cooperative working relationship with the arei.agency and voluntarily make revs'ions, including the release of funding that cannot be expended by June 3G, 1997. However, please note that the 1.24 rage 2 of 4 ~~_ ,. {~. General Assembly ens ftiLl ttttlizarion of ttLS ftmdin.~ to address the need - iderzified in the wailing list for services. The attached addendum is. to he - Sited and rctttrned to the Area A,g my nn A~inn before ~atn at~thnri~in„ int:rEnses in the H - .73 T f ~ndinQ to ~~,ant~• servic~nroviders i~ntcrcd into -the ARMS. The purpose of the addendum delineates the Division's authority to reallocate this funding to other counties if it becomes apparent that fundine will'be unexpended 1s of June ?0, 1997. If reallocation to other counties. of unex~nded funds, based on quarterly projections, becomes necessary, the Division of Aging will make funding re-allotments at the end of the second and third rluarters. Therefare, please meet with your Bloc!` Grant Committees as soon as .possible to get their recommendations; obtain Board of Commissioner approval - if required -for budgeting the funding increase; complete the enclosed budget revision form (DOA 732-R) ..and get the Addendum signed. D()A 73'-R AiYD SI TYT:D ADDFND Iii TO tiiF i`t A ~ R T~iAN FRIDAY SFPTFit-iBFR 27 199(. Title IIt--F Health Promotion /Disease Prevention runding - - You were previously infor:::od that the Division is allowing unspent SFY 1995= 1996 Federal funds for Title III-F Health Promotion to be carried forward into SFY 1996-1997. Unexpended ~~ funds eant?nt be carried forward into subsequent fiscal years. As a result, SFY 1995-199G Title III-Fs„t-r~forward funding requires a 15% i~al match. Please remem~-~r that this carry forward funding must be nl~iinated iLv ~~tember 30. ' 91~~ <<nd .spent t~v~Itme 30 1997. Please refer to the following table fol- ,our carry forward. Title III-F funding_ SF'Y 1995-1996 TITLE III-F CaRRI' irOR~VAR:-) FUiYDIi1'G" R1OilIRES ISrlo hOCAL l1ATCFi' ,..:~ _ ~. i~~ ;.. ~~. County 3runswick -' :olumbus New Hanover Pender - TOTAL Page 3 of 4 Amount $ 4,049 $ 3,998 S 5,754 $ 2,331 $16,13? 125 - ~~ Althnugh~ you have pre~iiously received. your SFY 1996-1997 :;llocaticn amo~.uts for Titre III-F IIealth Promotion, I am including that information agar as follc~vvs: ,~ SFY 1996-1997 i~A1;TH PROMOTIOi\1 ALLOCATION RP.~UIT.ES 10~~ L,OC~L MATCIJ . County ' I Amount Brunswick .;, ~ ~ $ x,717 ~ Columbus ` ~ 5,644 ~1ew Hanover , . $ 8, I24 II 'ender ~ .I . , ~ ~,~91 TOTAL 522,776 Please reflect Title III-I' funding nn the budget revision sheets -DOA 732-R that you will be returnine to me by . :ptember 27, 1996. Also, indicate the r.~•o amounts of III-F funning ,se arately by fiscal retlr on I'o;~: j::;dget revision forms since the local mat requirements are different. Re: to the standards for Title IlI-F. programming that was effective July 1, 1996. ease contactrne re ardin date, time,,and location o our Block Grant meetin s. g ~ fy ~ - .ase call if you'have tiuestions. 'sbm .' County :tifanagers Rose Ann Mack • Cris Dixon A-J McClure ~- :nclosures ~ ~ ~ . _ _ , ,,( - ~ 'l.~ . Page 4 of 4 12~ ,~ " ~ ' ~r DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# ~i ~ - Human Service Transportation 97-0042 ,. ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT: :~r Human Service Transportation Transportat"ion Assistance-Grant $,10,515 ,~ . Elderly Disabled ~~ '': ~~tt' '~!,` l~~ ' .~~/ ,. .~~ ~~~ EXPLANATION DATE:. 10-7-96 CREDIT- - $ 7,697 2,818. ~ ~ To increase budget to actua_1 amount of grant award for FY 96/97 $40,702) and to rollover unexpended grant funds from fiscal year 95/96 to fiscal ,~; year 96/97. Received $39,584-in 95/96; spent $30,186: 5. /~ .. cou11r1'if CAMf~is~~p~y~ ' ~-~~ hi` . AP ' , ~~ PROVEp ~' ` C~ R~ECTE® `~=~~ ~ . ~ ' ~ ' 0 +' ~~1z,i~,(~;~ T.O:'al; then report 11~ ~' For Budget Officcr's5 , - _ REMOVED Q "k ,~~ ^~ ~ ,; - ' ,to Commissioners at nc~t rcguhr meeting ~ PaSTPONED ~~~~`~'` ~~~ n~ and enter in minulcs. DATE to //~~ _ ~.- a..~ W~.=' ''' ` `' To be a roved b Commissioners. --~~_-= of r . Tobccn:ccd in~~m;nulcs . /- Budget Amendment OCTOBER 7, 199G CONSENT AGENDA-~~ ITEM \TO. ~B '%;i i / iiii .,•• ..//iii/'i...~~,,.~...•,/.•~ ~~ /~ /.~ ~/~ is i/,jii~~j ~'-! _ ~ _. .. DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE JI~I ,, Health/Maternal Health 97-004.3. , 10-7-96 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT CR DIT Health/Maternal Health March of Dimes Grant $500 Departmental Supplies $500 EXPLANATION To budget a March of Dimes grant to support the "BABY TALK" Teen Prenatal Education Program and encourage participation. 128 _ _ ._ COUNTY COMM- _ ;~~~ ROVEp 1QN~~~«~. ~PP #xa ~ For Budpct QCliec~s approval; then repot REJECTED ®,' k J ~ ~-:~~ '~~-~"~'~~'*~`~ to Commissioncn at next regular mcct~° REMOVED = ~ ^ u ~'~ , /:ui~ enter in minutes. POST ~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ ~> V 1 o be approved by Commissioners. PONED ' s,t ~; „ ~ ~~ 't'o be entered into mint~tcs. DATE p . ' . ~ ~.~~F~~~~~~.~ ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. . _ INTER-OFFICE ~~ ~~; TO: Lynda F. Smith Assistant Health Director ~ . ~ / ;~; FROM: Betty Jo McCorkle ~Jrt~ . Women's Health Care Director - ~~' DATE: Se tember 10, 1996 . p RE: .March of Dimes Grant ~~ ,~, The-March of Dimes grant for $500.00 is to be used to purchase incentives for participants of the BABY TALK" Teen Prenatal Education Program. This program has been shown to decrease the number of low birth-weight babies ~~' and improve utilization of adequate prenatal care among pregnant teens. The incentives will provide. reinforcement for participants to continue their .involvement-and provide a .marketing tool for the program. .~ ~~ . r . `~~ ~~ ~~~, . , .~ ~ ~ - . •. T:W !~1~ ~h~±~ .. ,. . ~.. . 129 _ .~ ,. t ~'y .~ .. COL-Z.. StC'~l COASTAL AREA HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER 2t31 South t 7th S,reet Cameron Building AHEC Post Office.8ox 9025 •. Wilmington, NC 28402-9025 (910) 343-0161 FAX (910) 762-9203 ,~ August 1, 1996 • Betty Jo McCorkle • Director, Women's Health Care Division New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 ~,- Dear Ms. McCorkle: -. ~ - ~ .. . The Eastern Carolina Chapter of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation recently awardeda grant to the Coastal'AHE~C in collaboration with the New Hanover County Health Department to fund a Project to increase participation in f .~ . the Baby Talk adolescent prenatal education grogram. ~~ i As specified in the budget of that~grant application, X500 is to be used by the Health Department to purchase gifts for all Baby Talk participants for fiscal year { ~ 1996-1997. ~ i 4 Enclosed is the check for the X500 for incentive gifts. ;~ ! Thank you. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Deborah Covington, DrPH 1.30 ~r• ~~~~! ~ u ~_ m n11it;~,r;on ic•lrti rt,..• L'nrt•~•r~r+tl n! ~'~~rrtt r:ctrr~lirur ~~•hc.x.~l <>j .th~rli~•inr or Ct~n;~c! Flill :Bud et Amendment g ~~ . ///r%'~i%'%~'%%~ %/%%%~i~i%%, ~~ • ~FPA TMEN~ ,~ . Health/Vector . ,~~ A>7.T(1STMENT NeaithlVector °~F State DEHNR EIVIERFRAN ~_~ Contracted Services Departmental Supplies ~~ ~~ ~~ f .'~/ ;~ ;~ ~iI1DGET AMENDMENT # 97-0044 DERIT 582,000 FXP~ANATION OCTOBER 7, 1996 DATE 10/7/96 Fn $30,00.0 ..$52,000 ~~~ ~ To budget emergency State mosquito funds for mosquito spraying "aftermath Fran" . _. i~ . ~~ . ~. CDU,Y, ~MMf~ . 1 APPROI/ED` . REJECTED p '~, REMOVED Q .. POSTPONED DATE ,.,..!.o /o .,~ , r: For Budget Officer's approval; then rcp~ to Commissioners at next regular meeti~ and entei in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered~t~~tes. - ` ~ Sfiate of sort of Earo~yoament, . Depprtrn Health csnd atural .Resources General Services Dlv{slon James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary t.alyd Davison, Director - September 17, 199G 0 ~~ ~' .. ~- :~N~ '~ Mr, Robert S. Parker, Director New Hanover County Health Department , , 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Mr. Parker: to advise that the Department of Environment, Health and atural Resources This is ra in authorizes the expenditure of 582,000.00 for emergency sp y g• or uestions about the work to be performed should be di 1 Heal i,DPO Boxn invoices Q Newton, Public Health Pest Management, Division of Env(ronmen 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611-7687, (919) 715-3287. Please Indicate acceptance by your signature below. Approved: ,-~-~ r ~`4""``~ ~ '^ New Hanover Co. Heal Department Laird A. Davison, DEHNR _ n '~ Return ane signed original copy. to Doris E. Strickland, Purchase Contract Sectio , pivision of General Services, PO Box 27687., Raleigh, NC 27611 7587. cc: Nolan Newton DEHNR Office of the Controller. i ~. . _ ~ DUPLICATE ORIGINAL P.O. Box 27687, Rolel®h. North Carolina. voico 919-733-9744 ~~ ~ . M Equoi O 5096 to ~ ~~~~~ t~~~~ } - ~~~ . ~~ .. ~ortunity Af(Irmotly© Action EmploYor clod/10% post-consumer popo~ 1 «««END««« C 7 1 A 1 L 1 1 1 1 r 1 t REQUEST-.FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting.Date: 10/07/96 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: department: Presenter: 'age .Count In .Agenda Package: Contact: SUI3.IECT: . Approval of a Resolution regarding the creation of a joint County/City committee to consider a unified approach to the governance, operation and delivery of water and sewer services. BRIEF SUMMARY: This item replaces the language in the agreement on the Water and Sewer Agenda #4 that was previously know as Section 10.5 which required."...the creation of a single entity..." The requirements of the resolution are self explanatory. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND R~OUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: tlscr Fecs S: Other S: Money.Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation.Rcqucst: ... Budget Amendment Pre aced: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: i-IR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF,COMMT;NDATiONS:- . Recommend approval of the resole ~ n: couNtY coMNliss~®N APp~ov~ ~--. R ME ~~° ° ~~ . ~ 133 ., POSTP~pNEp RcCer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for~IItsposiuon /D / v ,,,, / y• ' RESOLUTION OF THE - ... NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . ,~ .... WHEREAS; given the increasingly urban nature of New Hanover County, unified'City and County water and sewer services could maximize efficiencies and minimize costs. ...NOW, THEREFORE, THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVES that on or before December 3, 1996, the City of Wilmington and the County of:New Hanover shall establish a committee comprised of two City Council members and two County Commissioners to develop a specific plan of uniting all City and County water and sewer services, as is authorized by the North Carolina General Statutes. An interim report, by the committee, will be presented to both governing bodies on or before May 1, 1997. Said organization shall be instituted on or before December 1, 1997. Adopted this the 7th day of October, 1996. (SEAL} ATTEST: _ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~ ~:~~~ ~~~~ 134 ~:~~~~~~~ ,,"~' 's.Gr"~ ~`` Aga ~„ `~ i4(iY~"`Z'~