Agenda 1996 10-211 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i'I~ AGENDA ~~pNOVER Co G ?4, ~~< A ^( * ; # N Y' ~j. ,.~..~/O~ f~FkORTMG~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse ' z=l North.Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN E.L. MATHEWS, JR. VICE • CHAIRMAN SANDRA BARONE, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM E. SISSON, JR., COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL. COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD -October 21, 1996 9:00 A.IVI. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Chairman Robert G. Greer INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item} APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS TIMES 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards 9:20 a.m 2. Presentation of New Employees 9:2~ a.m. 3. Presentation on Success of United Way Pacesetter Campaign 9:30 a,m. 4. Continued Item: Consideration of Request to Pave Road In Gordon Acres 9:4~ a.m. 5. Presentation of Senior Tar Heel Legislature Impact on the General Assembly for 1997-1998 9:50 a.m. 6. Presentation of I-40 Association Update 10:b0 a.rn. 7. Discussion of Opportunity to Acquire Additional Park Land and. Possible Trade of Existing Park Land 1.0:1 ~ a.rn. 8. Consideration of Approval of Lease and Sublease Extension,. Related to Coastline Convention Center 10:30 a.m. 9. Consideration of Approval of Revisions to New Hanover County Code Chapter 3 (animals and fowl} Two Associated Fees Proposed PAGE NO. 3 5. 7 13 15 17 19 23 7 _ 10:40 a.m. .. - ~ 10. Update on Formation of Task Force on Environmental Enforcement O ~ a 33 10:50 a.m. 11. Consideration of A royal for Grant A lication for the Di t ' pp pp s nct 35 - ` • ~ • Attorney's Office ~ • 11:00 a.m. .. .. 12. Consideration of Conveyance of Deed to New Hanover Regional 37 Medical Center a 11:30 a.m. 13. Committee Appointments 51 12:00 p.m. 14. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 61 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: ~ - County Commissioners ~ - County Attorney - County Manager 12:30 p.m. . - ADJOURN r.~ - - - .. .. ' .` . n.. .... .. • ,: - a , . a - o 0 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~',1 II 1 I 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEVER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 WILMINGTON, NC OCTOBER 21, 1996 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Approval for Additional Employees 4. Approval of Award of bid #97-0070 to upgrade telemetry system and purchase remote telemetry units and award of contract #97-0070 ADJOURN PAG E NO. 63 6~ 67 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA OCTOBER 21,1996 9':00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of Minutes 133 2. Approval of Grant Application.$22;00 School Age Care 13~ Block Grant 3. Approval of Impact Fee Expenditure for Fire Protection 137 Improvements ~ - 4. Approval of Grant Award, Budget Amendment #97-11, Grant 141 Agreement and corresponding resolution - ~. Approval of Library Grant Applications and authorization to 1 ~ 1 execute appropriate budget amendments if grants are approved. 6. Approval of Resolutions adding the following Roads to the State 1~3 Highway System: Sycamore Road, Castle Hayne Northeast Avenue Roads in Meadowbrook Subdivision Sun Coast Drive 7. Approval of Release of Value 161 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 163 District Collection Reports 9. Award of Bid #97-0127 to upgrade the Land Records computer system 167 to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. and approval of contract #97-0127 10. Approval of Contract # 97-0194 for acceptance of Local Planning and 213 Management Grant of $25,000 for the Update of the Wilmington - New Hanover County CAMA Land Use Plan, approval of associated budget amendment #97-0057, and adoption of Resolution authorizing Chairman to execute the agreement 11. Approval of Budget Amendment #97-0056 to budget contributions 22~ designated to offset the cost of producing he Senior Center's monthly newsletter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Rosetta S. B ant SUB.TECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: The following employees are entitled to New Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover Hanover County: FIVE (S) YEAR SCRVICC AWARD: Conway H. Murphy, Jr. - Sheriffs Dept.; Mitchell L. Price -Sheriffs Dept.; Robert K. Goodyear -Emergency Medical Services; Thomas P. Simpson -Emergency Medical Services; Aubrey Rivenbark, Jr. -Fire Services; Luther D. Martin - Finance; Rone P. Lowe -Planning; Erick M. Smithwick -Health; Jimmy D. Price -Health; TEN (IO) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: William H. Eubanks -Inspections; and TWENTY (20) YEAR SERVICE AWARD: Pamela G. Kearney -Social Services Dept. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFOUESTED ACTIONS• r uiyUllrC~ 5c~vizcc: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: lYew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: (LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Make presentations. COUNTY COMMiSSt~11 APPROVED L3' Pres~K+c d REJECTED R:~ 4ri0VED Q . hCSTPONED O UAT'E ~ 2i ~i ~ Refer to OfTice Vision Qullctin board for Disposition 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 'll 1 II REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MeetingDate: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUBJECT: Recognition of new County employees BRIEF SUMMARY: Introduction of newly hired employees to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. A list of new County employees will be provided to the Board prior to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REnUESTED ACTIONS• r~u[vulNV SVUIZCE: Federal $: State S: County $: User Fees S: _ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: icisvtr~vvr~u ur: LGL: FIN: BUD: I~R: TY M NA ER' ENT AND RE MMENDATI NS: Recognize new employees. . COUNTY COMMOSS~~i1l APPROVE© t~ Recoyn; zed REJECTED REMOVED L7 3 POSTPONED DATE l0 2~ ~i6 ReCcr to OfFcc Vision [3ullctin IIoard for Disposition .. . '?Y } i Y'! E ( 4 4 ~ ~~~~ ~~~~^ ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Beth Jones, Chairman 1~e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.TECT: Presentation on Success of United Way Pacesetter Campaign BRIEF SUMMARY: Beth Jones, Chairman of the New Hanover County United Way Pacesetter Campaign will present to the Board of Commissioners, her report on the success of the 1996-97 United Way Campaign. 1 1 1 1 1 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No action is required. The purpose of this item is to publicly acknowledge the success of the County's United Way Pacesetter Campaign. The County's goal for the Pacesetter Campaign was $33,70. The final pledge from the County employees is $40,078.66. Beth Jones, Communicable Disease Director at the Health Department, vas the pacesetter campaign chairman. She has done an excellent job!! Federal $: State S: County S: User Fees S: Othcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ Kew Appropriation Rcquest:• Budget Amendment Prepared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS ANi) RECOMMFNDATIONS• Publicly acknowledge the commitment of County employees to the United Way Ca a' nand the fact the goal was exceeded. Please acknowledge the good work of Beth Jones as chairma COUNTY CQMMlSS{ONE~ APPROVED C~- F~resert~-ed REJECTED D • .REMOVED Q POSTPONED D ~ ~ 96 _ Refcr to OCfice Vision,Quletio.Qoud~~.b_is~sition~--~ DATE:, October 4, 1996 TO: New-Hanover County ployees -_ FROM: Allen O'Neal New Hanover Count Manager Beth Jones C~~~~ New Hanover unty Government 1996 United Way Campaign Coordinator Thanks to all of you for your support of the 1996 Pacesetter Campaign for United Way. Our theme, "Helping People Here at Home" has been tested beyond our imagination in these last few weeks. Each of us should feel proud that the United Way grid the partner agencies responded along with us fo provide assistance to our community. We can also feel proud that even prior to Hurricane Fran, our support was demonstrated by exceeding our goal of 533,750. We raised 539,878, a 22% increase from 1995. Thanks for making that happen. Together we make a difference! .. ~~i ' . 6 ~ .,. 1 ,. ~.. ~y gg,, b . iwd WJw. ^ S ~ ~, t..~~__._ ,--~v~s._ ~\ fn. s._ 1. _. ___~- rrl:. NEW HANOVER COUNTY INTER-OFFICE 1 u REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Engineering Presenter: Dave Weaver Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Dave Weaver SUBJECT: Consideration of request for paving Gordon Acres Road (continued) BRIEF SUMMARY: The Board, at its September 16 meeting, requested staff to develop several financing scenarios, preliminary cost estimates per property owner, and the documents necessary to implement the. Gordon Acres Drive paving request. These items are attached. Please riote that the cost estimates may change depending on the actual construction cost and on the actual road frontage of each lot along the road, as determined by deed research. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND. REQUESTED ACTIONS• . The Board should seriously address the following in considering this issue: 1) Does the County wish to get into the.road business, and incur additional demands on the General Fund and staff? 2) If so, what percentage (75% minimum) of property owners should be required to agree to participate? 3) Under what conditions should the assessment be paid back to the County before legal action, e.g. liens, be taken? . t r'UIVllING SUURCE: Federal S: _ State $: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: [Budget Amendment Prepared; (LGL: FIN: BUD: N/A CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RT'COMMENDATIONS• Included herein are two scenarios for the paving of Gordon Acres Road. This item is continued from the September 16, 1996, meeting at which time the Board directed staff to develop options for the paving project. Recommend the.Board consider the options. Also, recommend. the Board consider and discuss the questions noted above with regard to the County assuming responsibility for getting into the road sines. COUNTY COMMtSS~ON _•. APPROVED ® a• .l,p ~~~.,~ REJECTED C'~ Refer to OlFce Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition I'2EIVIQVED ~ ~!o-q0°/o res~detaf" POSTPUM ,.}btr fi Gi pa+i m., a t 6 - I Ot~-3G DATE ~ Tp a lee v; ur~e6 Rya:A 'POSSIBLE SCENARIOS .. - .. FOR FINANCING PA~T~ING GORDONACRES DRIVE -' '- OCTOBER 8;1996 ASSUME: $89,371 engineering/construction cost for entire road 2,400 linear feet of road ,, *Lot w/1001inear feet road frontage = $1862 assessment to be financed a. ,SCENARIO ONE - P • ~ No interest • Add 15% administration cost = $1862 x 115% _ $2,141.30 - • Finance over four years Annual assessment due for owner of lot with 100 feet road frontage: • $536.40 per year for four years . ~. .. SCENARIO TWO- . " - 8% interest , • Add 10% administration cost = $1862 x 110% _ $2,048.20 • Finance over five years Annual assessment due for owner of lot with 100 feet road frontage: ... . _.. • _ $513.07 per year for five years ~ ~ -. - -- - . * Actual amount assessed per Iot owner may-vary depending on actual'construction cost and deed. reseazch specifying actual road frontages. ., :. ,. ,- _ -- i~ ~~~~~~'~~~~ ~~ ~ tU~y a ~ ~ ~, fi x ~. ~ ~~<., ~ . i:: ~ .~~'A t g .i,.. r ~. ~ 4..Y.x'.~a~iti2m~wee~d'.M?:.rE-.aC~~'7~v 'F 6-4~ 'STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - } PETITION NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Pursuant to the requirements of N.C.G.S. Section 153A-205, the undersigned owners of property abutting Gordon Acres Road hereby agree and consent to the imposition of a special .assessment to finance the costs of improving said street such that it may be accepted - . thereafter for NCDDT maintenance. The estimated total cost of the improvements is $ .Gordon Acres was dedicated for the use and benefit of the general public by a map recorded January 27, 1981, in Deed Book 1180, Page 1109, New Hanover County Registry. ~. ..Names, signatures, address & phone number of property owners adjoining Gordon Acres Rd: - j .. - , - - _._.. .. 1 ~ 9 1 . _ ~ , v .. ::. October , 1996 Name - Address. ,4,: ~ _. City, State, Zip RE: Gordon Acres Drive Road Improvement Dear We, the undersigned property owners} residing at hereby agree and consent to New Hanover Cotinry undertaking improvements of Gordon Acres Drive such that the street will then meet NCllOT acceptance standards. We understand that as property owners adjoining Clordon Acres Drive, we must bear all costs and expenses incurred in improving the street. Said costs are ressonably estimated to by per linen] foot of a road frontage. We acknowledge that the costs must b~ paid by us as special assessments, due, payable, and collectable like other property taxes, over a period of years, together with an a administrative fee of This the day of .1996. 10~ a (sEAZ.~ Q Property Owner (SEAL) Property Owner 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 '!1 1 II ''I, it STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF 1, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that _, ,.personally came before mo this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. 'WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. My commission expires: Notary public _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA _ COUNTY OF I• ._ ~ , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that _, personally camc before me this day and acknowlcdged the due exccution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official scat, this day of 1996. _ Notary Public My commission expucs: 1.1 `t" '~ : 17 -~~ Property Owners R2ong Gordon Acres Road With Preliminary Assessm ent Amounts* 26 ,Tames & Lynn Ration- $1862.00 26.1 Fred & Doris Whitman - $11,172.01 26.2 Teresa Cronin- $1,917.86 26.3 Michael Devries- $3,742.62 26.4 Linda Howard - $4,021.92 26.5 Linda Eason - $11,559.30 26.6 James Ration- $2,140.01 26.7 Raymond & Peggy ward-$2,420.60 26.8 Lonnie & Mona Mclaughlin-$1,862.00 2.6.9 Ronald & Sadie Holt- $5,437.04 26.10 Robert & Addie Peterson- $4,599.14 ='~ ~ ~ 26.11 Michael Devries- $3,332.98 26.12 Irene Mckeithan -$1,862.00 ~2 26.13 Dean Kempton - $4,803.96 _ ~ ~"~~'~ ' 26.14 ,899.24 Robert McGee - .$1 ~z..z , 26.15 , . William Turner - $3,724:00 ~ 8 26.16 Frank Ccmbetto - $1,862.00 ~ ~~ ~`ti ` 26.17 Marie Sneeden - $1, 862.00 ~L'- `~t ,, 26:18 Et~ry Hewlett -$1,843.38 2.~ ~ 26.19 Louis Evans - $1,117.20 . ~ .p ~''' 26.20 g 2 048.20 Lonnie & Mona Mclau hlin - $ ~ ~ ~ ~,.~ 26.21 Shirley Norris - $1,.992.34 ~ ~l'9a 26.22 z~~ Ralph & Julia Caianiello -$1,862.00 z 26.23 3 Donald Jones -$1,862.00 ~"' ~ 26.25 q Barbara Cloyne.-$1,862.00 a 26.27 James Kennedy -$3,724.00 ~ '. ~,,i5 Z. 26.28 Elizabeth Kempton -$2,979.~~~;a ti y~ _ ~ *This is an estimated assessment value and is subject to change. Gordon Acres Road (as shcwn on Tax hfap No. 43 N.H.C.) 12 ESTIMATED ASSESSED PAVING COST PER ROAD FRONT FOOTAGE: ~r8.62 per foot. ~- '• ti /~ a 29 2 8. 8 9 ~,~l --• .. uz ~_ Scale 1" = 400' 8-23-96 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J II I~ '1 ''1 '1 1 1 it ie REQUEST -FOR, BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Ruth Parenteau Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 35 Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.TECT: Senior Tar Heel Legislature BRIEF SUMMARY: Ruth Parenteau, the New Hanover County Delegate for Senior Tar Heel Legislature, has requested an opportunity to make a presentation to you concerning the impact the Senior Tar Heel Legislature has had on the General Assembly in this year. She also wishes to discuss their plans for 1997-1993. RECOMMF,NDED MOTION AND RF,OUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County $: „User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: KL' ViLWN,U t3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMiyIENDATIONS: Hear the presentation. The .backup material is voluminous and will be delivered to y~~;nder separate cover. C~V~ ~~ APPROVED 1~'-~;~.~rtsu1 +~ ' REJECTEp O 7~' REMOVEp Q ~ ~~ ` Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition POSTPOi o ~ 9~ .~~ DATE ' Ruth Parenteate 246 Two Chopt Road Wilmington, N. C. 28405 (910)~791~-0794 September 23,~ 1996 Savior Tar Ncd Lcgr Mr. Allen O'Neal, Manager New Hanover County 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Mr. O'Neal: :; _. `. /;,:. v ~- ~.,•:: ~, c~c0 /, I am writing ~to request to be placed on the October 21, 1996 agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting. I understand this will take place at 9:00 a.m. ~ .. The topic of my presentation will be how the Senior Tar Heel Legislature has impacted the General Assembly in this year and our plans for 1997-1998. The impact is being felt or will be felt in this County through Block Grant funds and nursing home improvements among other topics. As soon as I have confirmation, I will bring packets of materials .for each Commissioner and the Clerk. I would appreciate the opportunity to make a presentation and request at that time. _ Thanking you in advance, Ruth Parenteau New Hanover County Delegate Senior Tar Heel Legislator ,. . ,. . Y Y~o~4<;ro ~., a. ql~. a ~ ~ ~ ~~~ 14 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ cc: Jane Jones~~~~~~~~~~ Annet, teC~ru:m~pto"n ` n~ ~:--~-~_.,,~ -ate ~~j i; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 !~1 ',1 '~1 II REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~,. Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Dana Page Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Allen O'Neal SUB.TECT: Update on I-40 Association BRIEF SUMMARY: At an earlier meeting, the Board of Commissioners~heard concerns about the progress of the I-40 association and requested the I-40 Association President, Mr. Dana Page, to appear at a fall meeting with and update .report. RECOMMENDFD MOTION AND RFOLTF'STFD ACTiONS• Federal S: State $: County S User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcqucst: Bud et Amendment Pre tired: (LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ . COUNTY COMMiSSiON . APPROVED p , ~.~vN ~ ~~ iscaYrknuR ;ls . REJECTED 0 k''. ~ ~ . ~„bc~;p REMOVED C~' Car-~rr-lss; ~, t7;sbQnne~ Iieferto Office Vision Bulletin E3oard Cor DispositionSTP OtVED (a '`~° . ~e~ DATE .~~r~~ q~ .Qa:~>~ f ,,~; H t. Tliis page intentionally left bla~ik .~ . ~ .. .~ Q Q ,~ ~~ _. a ... . _ - ~ .. ~~ ar ~~~~~ R ", ^: ~ ~~,. ~. ` ~ ~ kin k 5~~~~~ w ti .... } u~a,I p ~~ t P _ `1 ~"i fir.:,.: v., *~3-...:..,a.,~,,,,;_•eu.r ~d'dt.? 1 1 L~ t t t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Finance ' Presenter: Bruce Shell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell SUB.TECT: Discussion of Opportunity to Acquire Additional Park Land and Possible Trade of Existing Park Land. BRIEF SUMMARY: The County Commissioners have approved the purchase of 126 acres as a future school site on Carolina Beach Road. The Commissioners are requested to discuss the opportunity of purchasing additional park land adjoining the Schools. Consideration should be given to an outright purchase and/or an exchange of existing undeveloped County park land located on the other side of Carolina Beach Road. .~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Discuss opportunity. The owner of the property has agreed to sell the additional property for $26,000 per acre which is the per acre price for the School property. Please refer to the attached map for locations of property. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Otlicr S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This item is for the Board of Commissioners to discuss an opportunity to combine school and county park property for the benefit of the tax paying public. The .County currently operates 8 parks/school sites throughout the County with formal lease arrangements with the Board of Education. The County has offered to work a formal arranbement with the Board of iducation al the school site off Gordon Acres Drive, bul the. Board of Education h of responded. I recommend the matter an oppo unity be ~th~ roughly discussed and considere APPROVED C~-~.7 ' REJECTED ® `,~N-tc t-o"~wr+--t~.~-s¢ _ Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Qoard Cor Disposition REMOVED 0 ~J4G.GYC~) ~~'r'ad6 POSTRONED C) ar ~' ~~ DATE ~n zi ~~~ , t ~'liis paa e intentionally left bla~ik ~~~~ .~ L~ REQtTEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 8 Consent Item #: .Additional Item #: Department:. Finance Presenter: Bruce Shell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Shell SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Lease and Sublease Extensions Related to Coastline Convention Center BRIEF SUMMARY: The existing three year lease and sublease for the Coastline Convention Center space will expire October 30, 1996. The annual rent obligation of $125,000 is supported $75,000 by the City of Wilmington and $50,000 by New Hanover County. The County Commissioners approved the funding of $50,000 in the 96-97 budget for the first year of a new lease. Resolution attached. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of lease and sublease renewal via resolution. t FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 0 User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Rcgttcst: I3ud~et Amendment Prepared: Ii~vlLwr,u I3Y: . LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMF,NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend the Board of Commissioners consider the approval of the attached resolution authorizing renewal of the lease and sub-lease for the Coastline Convention Center. The $50,000 support from the ft County is in the current budget. Please refer to the attached letter from Mike Bradley regarding the economic impact the facility has onthe community. The c ty's arrangement of availability of space at no charge for four times per year is included in the lease. ~'~ ~~ cau~mr co~M~s~o_ REJECTED ^ _ ReCcr to OfFice Vision Bulletin E3oard Cor Disposition REMOVED ^ POSTPONE D~,TE ~0 zi ~~ \2~~.~...:~:~_ / OQ_ 0. 8 1996.. ~ . • ~~tiTlON ~~ ~ ~'~-:'~ i~~`„ ~::;~ SLR ~ ~. ~ . ..: October 4, 1996•.: Mary M..Gornto .. Allen O'Neal '..City Manager . ~:~.. ~ County Manager ~ ~~ .City of Wilmington " .. ~. - Ncw Hanover County . Dear Mary and Allen, On October 30`h, 1996, the .lease arrangement between the City/County and the Coast Line Convention Center (CLCC) is set for renewal. The funding for this regional investment has been appropriated in both:the City and County budgets. This letter summarizes the importance of this lease renewal: ~ ~ ' The Coast Line~_ Center has evolved to play an .increasingly important role in attracting professional visitors to our area.' .[ts.10,000 square feet of hall space serves our area as the~only large rental space..of its kind. ' .Althoitg}i not large enough to be considered as a true convention center;'-tradeshows, conferences,.~conventions, and banquets make up over 37% ~of our rentals. Ntany of these have become yearly events that can only be held in this Center. Duc to this public/private Center, over 5,000 overnight visitors stayed nearly 13,000 days last year, spending over $2.2 million dollars in hotels, restaurants, and retail shops. In addition, over 63,000 day visitors spent in excess of $~1.7 million dollars in the community. These expenditures return direct revenues to the community through both room tax and sales tax shares. . .. For~well over 15 months, the Coast Line Convention Center Board has been analyzing the day-to=day performance.of the Center. The all-volunteer board has developed a business plan with realistic and obtainable administrative, operational, and sales goals.. We have implemented positive changes in operations, management, and marketing. The goal is Financially responsible ..management which_ .will assure the continued and appropriate use of this facility in the best .. - - .. _ . interest of our community. . ... .., __ _ _. To achieve these goals, our CLCC Board has recently hired an experienced, professional manager. This •will be the first .full-time director for the center in the past eight years. The individual hired has over 12 ears of.ex erience in related em to ment an • y p p y d understands the importance of keeping our Wilmington .area a focus for small conventions, .conferences and. .meetings. This ongoing statewide exposure is becoming ,increasing important as local efforts ^evolv~e~toward consideration •of "true" convention center to meet the growing demand and need • ~^ 'g ~~tsuch~a~facta'ity'~~'~ ~, ~ t~~ ~U a . ~, ~~:a~ . ~ ~ M$s+N Y.4W a.~Y,+w a -~:~SO1~Nutt Street /.Wilmington, North Caro(inz 2401 / (910) 7G3-G739 _ th Coast Line.Convention Center Letter, October 4 , 1996 .Page 2 The, Board is dependent on the City and County lease funding to ensure that our area's largest rental space is available for conference. and convention center purposes. The four-year annual lease now before you provides the stability and continuity necessary, for events often • ~ planned two or more years in advance: Our Board also understands its community responsibility for the Center's use in weddings, CFCC functions, local business meetings, and area agency and citizen group events which require the size and functional characteristics offered only by the Center. It is important . thaf .these users; can •.depend. on~ accountable oversight related to fair pricing; reasonable availability, and responsive services.... We request that you renew the lease at level funding based on the current lease agreement. This positive action will respond to the needs of the community and serve to keep our area visible as a convention, meeting, and conference destination.. The City Council and County, Commissioners now have the opportunity to support the continuation of the Center's lease.. We, gas a Board responsive to. your, concerns, will continue to provide the best oversight i .. possible:... ~ ... ~ ~ . .. ~ • . i ,. On behalf of the Coast Line Convention Center Board of Directors, I thank you for this . .opportunity to discuss this issue.: ~• .. , . ~ •. • Mike Bradley '. . President .. Board of Directors { ` .Coast Line Convention Center. • -~ :~., CC• Board of Directors, Coast Line Convention Center ~.. '~ ~ .. i. ~ .. ~, ~. ~`..• .. ~ ~ ~ :, 21 ~. . A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMiv1ISSIOIYERS . ,AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF LEASE AND SUBLEASE FOR THE COASTLINE .CONVENTION CENTER WHEREAS, on October 30, 1996, the three year lease and sublease agreements for the Coast Line Convention Center will expire; and WHEREAS, the lease provides for an extension of four years with the same lease terms at an annual rent for the convention center and adjoining office space of $12,000.00; and WHEREAS, through a sublease, the obligation for rental payments is assumed by Coast Lirie Convention Management, Inc. with New Hanover.County and the City of Wilmington funding any deficits in rental payments up to $7,000..00 annually, with the County's share being $0,000.00, and the City's $2,000.00. The remaining $0,000.00 in rental payments is applied toward the outstanding UDAG .loan, with the City transferring $20,000.00 to the UDAG Revolving Loan Fund and $30,000.00 credited toward the loan in exchange for unpaid rent; and . , WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners desires to renew the lease and sublease related to the Coast Line Convention Center, NOW, TI-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby authorizes the Chairman to renew the lease and sublease for, [he Coastline Convention Center, with the County's financial commitment of $0,000.00 to meet rental payment deficits. This the 21st day of October, 1996. New Hanover County (SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board 22 . Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners a 0 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION i Meeting Date: 10/21/96 EZegular Item #: 9 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Health Presenter: Dr. Dennis Jackson, DVM Page .Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Ron Currie SUB.TECT: Revisions to New Hanover County Code Chapter 3 (Animals and Fowl) Two Associated Fees Proposed BRIEF SUMMARY: . At the October 9 Board of Health Meeting the New Hanover County Board of Health- approved the following: ' I. Additions and/or revisions to New Hanover County Code ,Chapter 3 (Animals and. Fowl): a) Sec. 3-17. Revision reducing the holding period of strays from five business days to three business days as required by North Carolina State Law. This revision will reduce current medical costs. b) Sec. 3-27. Revision requiring dog owners to pay an "appellant fee" if they decide to appeal adangerous/potentially dangerous dog ruling. c) Addition requiring pet owners to secure a "breeding permit." . II. Approval of Fees~Associated With Above Revisions I b) Dangerous Dogs Fees -Appeals (Present $0) Proposed $25.00 I c) Breeders Permit Fees- Cats/Dogs (Present $0) Proposed $10.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ LL Approve additions and/or revisions to New Hanover County Code Chapter 3 (Animals and Fowl) and adopt -the two new fees associated with Dangerous Dog Appeals and Cats/Dogs Breeders Permit. , FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: .State $: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No .. New Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amendment Prepared: No I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMF,NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~. Recommend approval. If the vote is not unanimous, a second readi ill be required. ~: ~ ' :. ~ ~ COUNTY CAMMIS*~', . ~;. - ~ , APPROVEt3 >r~- 2 3 ' REJECTCcEt3 ~. . ~ _ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor DispositioPOS oVL® ~ 2 N~ (~.er;d i n~ ~Sttt~ Y'~ ~~ TP~,NV ~+/ ~ yb DATE _ i~ ~ q ~ ~ ' DRAFT SEPT. 19; 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 3 (ANIMAL AND FOWL)• Present Reading Proposed Reading - - Justification Sec. 3-17. Sec. 3-17. To ~ help seduce medical Redemption procedure for Redemption procedure for cost of keeping injured or impounded animals. impounded animals. diseased animals. ~ _ . - (a) When an (a) When an - animal 'has been animal' has- been - ~ - impounded at animal impounded at animal•~ - "control, notice thereof ~ control, ''notice ~ thereo'f - ~ - - `sha1T tie given 'to the shall iie given to 'the - ~ ~ ,owner; or, if the owner is owner;. or if the owner is unknown, then the notice unknown,; then notice'' ~ ~ ' shall be posted for five (~) shall be posted' for three ' ' ' business days, or until _(3) business days, or if the . disposa! of the animal. animal has a valid county ~ " `. The notice shalt be posted iicense%rabies vaccination ' on the animal's pen at tag it shall be posted• for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - animal control and. shall five (5) business days, or indicate the time and until disposal of the place of taking said animal. The notice shall animal and the time and be posted on the animal's date of posting the notice. pen at animal control and The time for redemption shall indicate the time and - of the. animal. as herein - place ... of taking said provided shall not begin to - - ` 'animal and the time and run until such notice has date of posting the notice. been given or posted. " ~ The time for redemption - ~ ~ ~ • ~ .- _ .... _.-. _. ..,. __. _.. _ _-.. r _ - of the animal as -herein provided shall not begin to - - - - - - -- - - - run until such-notice has ' - ,. . __ _~ ._ - .been given or posted,.., .,., • . - .. . ;~~,.-.ay 'u~.84.~'l~dk~. ak~'~ 47TV~4~.~irN,. .m..~:....a:;.:~.rne« b P n wW ~Srl "~ "i ~` 3< ~~ p ~ , .... ,, k:. a,~~a~~i~~~~n~ 1 DRAFT SEPT. 19, 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 3 (ANIMAL AND FOWL) Present Reading Proposed Reading Justification Sec. 3-27. Procedure. New Hanover County hereby designates the Chairman of the New Hanover County Animal Control Advisory Committee and one other committee member to be responsible for determining when a dog is a "dangerous dog" or "potentially dangerous dog" and designates the New Hanover County Board of Health or its designee as the Appellate Board to hear any appeal. If the dog has been declared "dangerous" by the two there arc no appeal rights. However, if there is a split decision, the animal control director will make the final determination and the owner has the right of appeal. Once the decision has been made, the owner must: 1) Provide animal control with a current address where the dog will be housed; 2) Notify animal control within 48 hours of any change in address of the owner or the dangerous dog; Sec.3-27. Procedure. The Ncw Hanover County Board of Health will appoint two people who will be responsible for determining when a dog is a "dangerous" or ",potentially dangerous dog". If the dog has been declared "dangerous" by the two there is no appeal. However, if there is a split decision, the chairman of the Board of Health or his designee will make the final determination and the owner has the right of appeal. Once either decision has been made, the owner must: 1) Provide animal control with a current address where the dog will be housed; 2) Notify animal control within 48 fours of any change in address of the owner or . the dangerous dog; 3) Follow all state laws and county ordinances dealing with dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs until all appeals have been exhausted ~ and a final decision rendered or no appeal is requested and the decision is final. A fee must be paid to appeal a "dangerous dog" or "potentially dangerous dog" ruling. ~. '~ DRAFT SEPT. 19, 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 3 (ANIMAL AND FOWL) . Present Reading Proposed Reading Justification Sec. 3-27. cont. 3) Follow all state laws and county ordinances dealing with dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs until all appeals have been exhausted and a final decision has been ~ rendered. The Chairman of New Hanover County Animal Control Advisory ,Committee, when making the determination that a dog is a "dangerous dog" or a "potentially dangerous dog," must notify the owner in writing, giving the reasons for the determination, before the dog may be considered dangerous or potentially dangerous under this article. The owner may appeal the determination of a dangerous dog that is determined by the Chairman of the Animal Control Advisory Committee, committee member and the animal control director, or if the dog is determined to be potentially dangerous by filing written objections with the appellate board Sec. 3-27. cont. The' committee, when malting the determination that a dog is a "dangerous dog" or ` a "potentially dangerous dog" must notify the owner in writing, giving the reasons for the determination, before the dog may be considered dangerous or potentially dangerous under this article. The owner may appeal the determination of a dangerous dog that is declared by a split' decision of the committee, and the chairman " of Board of Health or his designee . The owner of a potentially dangerous dog has the right of appeal regardless of how decision rendered. ~ Notice' ~of appeal is by filing written objections with the appellate board within three business days after receiving written notice together .with such appellant's filing fees as may be established by the New Hanover County Board of Health. .The appellate ~ board shall schedule a hearing within ten business days of the .f 3 1 1 fl f DRAFT SEPT. 19, 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 3 Present Reading Sec.3-27. cont. within three days. The appellate board shall schedule a hearing within ten days of the filing of the appeal. Until the appeal is final, the dog must be controlled and confined pursuant to the rulings from which the appeal was taken.. Any appeal from the final decision of such appellate board shall be taken to the superior court by filing notice of appeal and a petition for review within ten days of the final decision of the appellate board. Appeals from ruling of the appellate board shall be heard in superior court. The appeal shall be heard as a review of the record and not de novo before a superior court judge sitting in New Hanover County. Proposed Reading Sec- 3-27. cont. filing of the appeal. Until the appeal is final, the dog must be controlled and confined pursuant to ruling from which the appeal was taken. Any appeal from the final decision of such appellate board shall be taken to superior court by filing notice of appeal and a petition for review within ten business days from the final decision of the appellate board. Appeals from ruling of the appellate board shall be heard in superior court. The appeal shall be heard as a review of the record and not de novo before a superior court judge sitting in New Hanover County. (ANIMAL AND FOWL) Justification ~ ° DRAFT September 19. 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY .CODE CHAPTER.3 (ANIMAL AND FOWL) Section 3-30 Responsible Breeder's Permit a) It shall be unlawful for any person to breed a dog. or cat without securing a "breeding permit" from Animal Control Services. Said "breeding permit" must be obtained no later than three business days following birth of the litter. b) The fee for the permit shall be established by the Board of Health. • c) This article does not impose any restrictions upon what animal is bred or the frequency of such breeding. 28 S ' ----. NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 3 (ANIMAL AND FOWL) .• ~ TWO YEARS LATER: ARE OVERPOPULATION ~ ORDIiVANCES WORKING? T,r t{re last issue of the l~rrlletin tee reyorted o,r ~( sez~r,-a! ordi,rances that Irnt~e Lees in Ylace,or a corr~le of years. We roil/ conli,uee fo!lorving up a-td reporti,r~ o,r the inrYctct various ordi,urnces a,rd programs have lord i,r their comnnrnities. !rr this issue rue exa»ri,re Sa,r Mateo Corr,rt y's ordirra,ree. SAN MATED COUNT? In 1990, the Peninsula Humane Society (Pt-IS) launched a campaign to make the residents of San Mateo County aware of the companion animal overpopulation problem. Titled "Face the Reality," the campaign included graphic photcx, televised ~, euthanasia, and c~thcr information designed to make people aware of the overpopulation problem and to move them to find a sc,lution. The result was the passage of a comprehensive ordinance by the San ' Mateo County Board of Supcr.~isors. The San Mateo County ordinance • requires all dogs and cats more than six months old to be sterilized unlccs a guardian :Secures a breeding permit (S?5) or signs a statement verifying that he or she does not intend to breed an animal; - requires cat licen:inl;; • increases the license. differential (S25 for unaltered dogs and SIU far sterilized dogs, 515 for unaltered cats and SS for sterilized cats); • requires a S35 spay-neuter deposit on first impounds for unsterilized animals and, on second impounds, requires that the animals be sterilized before being reclaimed; • establishes an Overpopulation Trust Fund Financed by a SS surcharge on licenus for unaltered dogs and cats; • requires shcltcrc to sterilize all animals before they Icavc the facility. According to Stacy Fox, fHS community affairs anagcr, "Our or~linancc does not ban breeding, nor ocs it restrict the ril;ht of people to own pets. Instead it adds breeding activity to the list of responsibilities for which we as a community hold pct c~wncrs ~countablc." ' e ordinance went into effect on March 1, 1992, m the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County, which ~ccount for just l0 percent of the county's population. !n o years the ordinance has had a measurable effect. The number of homeless animals picked up or bmught to the [ HSshcltcrdeclined by nearly 11 percent--and euthanasias declined by more than 14 percent-in focal year 1993, the first fiscal year of implementation. in fiscal year 1994, the number of incoming animals declined by another 10 percent, and euthanasias declined by 16.5 E+ercent.'This decline has been accomplished at no additional cost tee the taxpayer," Fox emphasirxs. "In'~ fact, the animal control program has functioned at a reduced level offunding each year. The most significant impact of these decreasing numbers is the hope they have given us: the hope that we can not only reduce the tragic waste of life but also finally end it." FlSCA~ YEAR 1992 (1/91 -6192) Dogs (5ts Total Irtcominq Eve received 5?21 9,704 14,925 Euthanized 1,332 7,417 x,749 bead on arrival 779 2,892 3,671 (myarr Aa Or crsJ FlSCAI YEAR 1993 (7/92 - 6/93) Ooqs Cats Total Incoming We received 5,121 8,252 ...13,373 Euthanized 1,269 , 6,207 7,476 Oeid on arrival. ~ 727 2,676 •3,403 (m~*r Aa Dr cvs) flSCAL YEAR 1994 (7/93 -6/94) Ooqs Cats .Total Incoming Gve received 4,728 7,309 12,037 Euthanized 1,111 5,134 6,245 Dead on arrival 667 2,414 3,081 (m~orYy Air br eysJ - "Ti+ the extent that the passage and implementation of our ordinance have insulted in our killing fewer animals," said Fox, "eve arc encouraged and hopeful about its impact as we take it to each of the 2A cities-jr~ our county." L (Cc++rinvevr on P.g~ 10) ' •a:. .. ~:: µa~ ~ ~ ~~"'••.'r5;:'1=k' ~-Yom,,`, ... f,,:• ::1..'!., `•::,~'r.: e•~ •' :{3~_. .L:.( :i~ :a .aa ..±ie~. = ", y:~~;; ..:ia~~. ;~ ... "+~;:.'- y:,,a'„~y, . : ;..~~"° sy.."' 10 ::_ ~ -',.....t~. .~.;, . _.._. . , r., _ THE FUND fOR ANIMAtS~ The Animais' Agenda a a Oimonlhly magatuie dedicated b rnrorm,ng people atx>ut anima! rights and cn,etty•tree living lar the purpose o! Klsprnnq action for annuls. • n-aeom news artivyvs d ,ap•Cal ~+rs • I+e«s uodsres anr) or<rmgs • redlwe JnKU7$ On \ry an,nedl nynLt ~tS Aey'ews. kners. x,naKS..~^rt~rq to Congress • 'TAx Agenda' - Prxtrat aci~on ra, can takN An indispensable tool for; all animal advocates! Paease sew me: ^ 1 r~rs22 ^ ? reas/5.19 O ] ~asri5d C P~rn+enl rncbsea C7 &a me C Preae w9rt ^h' C vv O as.L ~--- ~°. _. wrt~e -... ~. _ Pfesse make rMtlS ptyadt b aw mar b: Tire An;mals' A9~r+da $aA;<n7tm OepxtmM. P 0. Ba. 68Q9, $rnaat, N1•~13217 ssar~: ~ ~~ H ~ ~ ~ ()•:i+r' Yuri La(c~ Conlirruat!) Kathleen Savesky, executive director of PHS, is making plans for ending overpopulation in San Mateo County. "PHS is renewing its commitment and redoubling its efforts to combat the tragedy of too many pets and too few good homes. Our goal is to celebrate sryr~<",<. t~R~~a~„^ the 50th annivcrsaryof I'HS in eon<,;^ 2002 with a victory over pct rti<rv<...,1<~,<.orT>,< overpopulation in San Mateo Fa"al for n^;,...~ County and to launch the Cksob<r t94' second SO years in the context ' Ed i,nr K:r., s<a,r+. of a new reality. The new reality catty Fever we seek to create is based on the r'"1 M.~,"' belief that all the lives in our ~,~.< ~~.o,,,,~ c,.pn:e~ care have equal value and that r.;^,<. success wilt come only when no ch. ncetr"r I'r~^~~^a animaLS need to be euthanized ~P-~~~<~~~ l.a-a;.,•,M^ except those for whom Pu°<`'" ° P""'~' "" euthanasia is an escape from nny<kd p. per suffering or a necessary step to ro<,:on• or ,hc rv a+.4•ttcr ,,,,,. ~ ~p"W"<,~ ,,, protect people and other animals y"•''~ ~~'~t' •Prr^r"~~< from vicious behavior." ~~ ~, c,l,~,,,,,~, c,rr~n For a complete report on and TT,e F"„a r", n";",.t. analysis of San Matra County's tna nl.mu t)r;v<, ~";,~ w6 pet wcrpopulation ordinance v.c..;ne. Cn vvna 7mi~s1.1.~ contact Stacy Fox, Peninsula rv.,;"^.l c,rr« Humane Society, 12 Airport ~o wes, v, n ,.,.e( B I vd ., San Mateo, CA 94401, f~Y IOOt9 ~~ (415)3.10-7022, cxt.384. S D SSA AMY ~Y FEBRUARY 28, 1995 UYf~iAT YOU CAN DO • Ab ... . rli ^-y..r.~.. a. ~,..~ a ~~. w ~.<u *w.r ~ ~.r.d ..aR a McC a r..o...*. ~... ,.ct b...r.~~ .1..~}r Yi..w.m p. V«.. ,..,.....~...atJr ^ a.sa.... ~, n,.~.. • k ru.~o~AOr.< , Aa ..• ~.y ..a v ,....:.~.. w.la• . o•. krrr...-tee I~t s,•^,aw,~, ' -......a r.rs r6.co...v o,. ," s.a.r<. r...1t.,K sr..,s..- a+... ~L S..r w. ' . a.a.zt~r .isL . •.,.•~ae ul:c, T-SHlRT~FUNNY ;. ~.~ See Dick See Dick's dog. ~ .~ See Dick's dog have puppies. See Dick's puppies get euthanized ~:.-;:; y:;, Don't be a Dick. ~> ~% ~~ ' ~' ~~.3, .,. -~~, .'° :a h' .. ,.,.. o .'..ter i J'' ,.'.~-,w~~ ; ~`r~ ..,. 7 1 a 1 1 i 1 1 1 7 it ~~ I~ II '1 II 11 a s Proposed Animal Control Fees Associated With Additions and/or Revisions i To New Hanover County Code Chapter 3 (Animal and Fowl) ' Dangerous Dogs -Appeals Brccders Permit - Cats/Dogs FEES Present Proposed $0 $25.00 $0 $ l O.Ob i COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED r~ 2„~ ~Z~egd~" 31 REJECTED ^ ~e~1"` REMOVED ^ a POSTPONED O 8 DATE o zr 41~ j i Tliis page intentionally left blank 32 ".... ~.~ . ~~~~~~ ~r~~~ ~.: ~~~~~~ ,~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 10 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson ^ SUB.TECT: Formation of Task Force on Environmental Enforcement BRIEF SUMMARY: As directed by the Board of Commissioners during a recent work session, a Task Force is being established to review the problems faced by the Sheriffs Environmental Enforcement Unit. The following agencies have been identified to participate on the Task Force: County Manager's Office, District Attorney, County i Attorney, Health Dept., Sheriffs Dept., Keep America Beautiful, Fire Administration, and Zoning. Once these agencies designate a member eve will begin our review. We hope to make recommendations back to the Boazd of Commissioners within 90 days RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request the Boazd of Commissioners hear the update. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State ~: County S: User Fces S: Otltcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amendment Prepared: I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMiV1F,NDATIONS: ~__ _ Hear update. At the time of preparation of this item the details are still being considered. In addition, Andy Atkinson is in contact with the judges who, most certainly, will have idea. considerations. ^OUNTY COMMISSI .N~ . APPROVED p µr'~,~ REJECTED [] i4.R,y~;~sso» ~ pra~eed _ Refer to OfFicc Vision E3ulletin Qoard for Disposition REMOVED Q .itt ~~t9~c'~'~ POSTPONED D ~ ~ x~~c _ DATE _,.~L?i 9U .~G~j-Y.. =MEMO October 14, 1996 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Q 'INTER-OFFICE U fl TO: Allen O'Neal County Manager ~ ~ ~ ~` FROM: Andy Atkinson ~ y De ut Courit Mana er P Y Y g RE: Eaviroartterttal Er forcemeat Unit The speciFic task force members are as follows: f~ County Manager's Office Andy Atkinson District Attorney's Office John Carriker County Attorney's Office Wanda Copley Health Department ~ Diane Haivell SherifFs Department John Murray Deep America Beautiful Nancy Pritchett Zoning Enforcement Ann Hines Fire Marshall's Office Phil I~ou~ve . Judge's-Office Either Judge Fulhvood-or Judge Morris-Goodson I hope to set a time frame of approximately 90 days to bring back recommendations ~~~~~~~~~ ~~,~A1~~ 34 { ~ ~~~~~~r~K~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION '~ Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 11 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: District Attorney Presenter: Andy Atkinson Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Andy Atkinson A SUBJECT: Grant application for Distiict Attorney's Office ` , BRIEF SUMMARY: ~' John Carriker would like permission to apply for a grant from the Crime Commission in order to establish a Domestic Violence Unit in his office. The grant request would ask for funds to hire an assistant district attorney, a deputy sheriff, and a Wilmington police officer. Grants funds would also be requested to provide funds for uniforms, benefits, computers, and other supplies necessary to carry out their mission and the required investigation and followup. Mr. Carriker will be present to fully explain the program. The grant requires a 25% match from the grantee. All efforts are being explored to use in-kind matches for as much of this as possible, but there may be a need for County funds to match the grant, if awarded. t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval for the application to be submitted to the State. Mr. Carriker will work with the County and the City to use in-kind expenditures to the greatest extent to provide the match. If the grant is awarded, the final acceptance must come from the Board of Commissioners FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S: County $: User Fecs S: Other S: Money is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF;COMMENDATIONS: __ Recommend approval for District Attorney to apply for grant for a Domestic Violence Unit in the District Attorney's Office. The grant is expected to be approximately $150,000. A 25% match is required which could hopefully come from County and City inkind sources. owever, there is no guarantee that such an arrangement could be possible. The Board has final appro • on acceptance of grant funds~,_ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED [~ ._~ - - REJECTED Q 3 5 REMOVED Q _ Refer to Office Vision E3ullctin Qoard for Disposition POSTPONED Q DATE ~ o . Z~ 9 b ~~ - 1 1 A f 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f f REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regulaz Item #: 12 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: .Department: Legal Department Presenter: Wanda M. Copley Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: 13 Contact: Wanda M. Co le SUBJECT: Consideration of Conveyance of Deed to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. BRIEF SUMMARY: Boazd should consider terms of conveyance in Deed and requirements for amendments to Medical Center's By-laws. _ RECOMMENDT/D MOTION AND REQUF;STF,D ACTIONS: Consider terms of conveynace and if Board desires to .convey, give public notice on October 27, 1996,. that Board intends to adopt a resolution of intent to convey on~ November 6, 1996. Conveyance could be authorized November 1$, 1996. +UNDING SOURCr: - Federal $: State S: ~ County S: 0.00 User Fecs S: •Othcr S: /Ioney Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: 3udget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: LGL: APP WCOPLEY FIN: BUD: HR: O NTY M NA =1?R'S MME T AND RF; MNIP;NDAT[ NS: Recommen t e Board of Commissioners consider conveyance of deed to New Hanover Regional Medical Center. o ~ . ~ Refcr to Office Vision Qulletin Qoard for Disposition G(?UNTY COMM~SSIONi AP~t~DVED ~' 'TED ~` y ~ :~,:~ s~ '~~ : `JVED (> Buk aqrefit f'C}S`fPONED p ~ be'G~s derc~di~+~ DATE !o/zc s~ ~.+~ >, q~t~ MEMORANDUM: . TO: New Hanover County Commissioners\~ FROM: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney ~"~ RE: Pcoposed Transfer to New Hanover Regional Medical Center DATE: October 7, 1996 . In reviewing the directives given by the Board at the October 2, 1996 work session, I would recommend, in order for the Deed to be as succinct as possible, that we include certain desired language in the Deed, and require the hospital, as a condition of the conveyance to amend its By-laws to reflect the other requirements. You should also consider a requirement that no amendments be made to the Articles of Incorporation without your consent. I have placed this requirement in the draft Deed. Please review the following language to be placed in the Deed and By-laws: .. ~ ~4'Deed ,(Pages 2_and 3): As an additional condition,of this conveyance, the Corporation agrees to make no amendments to its Articles of Incor..poration or By-laws without the unanimous consent of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. -laws: Direct the Corporation to make the following By-law Amendments: Article XTI -Amendments . Current By-Laws allow amendments by a majority vote of the trustees. This should be amended to add that the Board of Commissioners must unanimously;,~approve . all amendments. ~, Article N-Board of Trustees - . _ . _ _ _- _. PP (3) members Amend to'state that the Board of Commissioners-shall a oint thirteen 1 of a sixteen (16) member board, which shaft .include at least one (1) New, Hanover ~_. _..._..._ .--County. Commissioner, and the Past~and -Current President-of the medical staff. ~ The' - term will be three (3) years Y(initial Board .of Trustees shall, serve staggered. terms- . ,. .. _. . _ _.__ . as determined by the Board of County Commissioners) and a Trustee may be removed upon a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners.. ,~ ~ = Additional By-laws , ` -. "l,,~~yyp 1. R~yeports{ggeyyfor the Board of County Commissioners. Tgqhe#pB,oard of County Commissioners shall receive such reports relating to the Corporation or ~•B ~JJ.~°„~ . ~ a~i bsidianes as.the Board may request, including the Corporation's investment policy. The Board shall "~ receive; the~annua"Iraudited financial report of the Corporation and a public presentation shall be made xa ;;ti. ~ annuall'y by~the Corporation's independent audit firm. Ari annual written report and presentation will be ~~ ~~-~ ... 7 4.y~3C.til't.'n.n - t -' given to the Board of Commissioners regarding the Corporation's provision of medical care, indigent care, and the physical condition of the land, buildings and equipment. Corporate information of a confidential nature shall be submitted in such manner as mutually agreed upon by New Hanover. County and the ~ Corporation. 2. Covenant not to Compete. The Corporation shall not compete with any state or county funded mental health facility or health clinic located in New Hanover, Brunswick, or Pender County. (Commissioner Sisson requested this condition). 3. Payments in Lieu of Taxes for Acquisition ofFor-Profit Entities. Any for-profit entities acquired by tl~e Corporation that become non-profit entities will make annual payments to the County in tl~e amount of tl~e taxes that would f~ave been paid had the entity remained ~ for-profit. . 4. Notification of Bond Issue. That the Board of Commissioners will receive notification of the intent to issue bonded debt. 5. Corporation Shall Maintain Control of Subsicfiarics. If the Corporation creates any non-profit corporations or subsidiaries, it shall maintain control of the Boards of those corporations or subsidiaries. I recommend language similar to tl~e following: '~ Any non-profit corporation created or caused to be created by tl~e corporation (or a subsidiary _ thereof), shall provide in their respective By-laws that the Trustees of the corporation shall be the sole members of the created corporation, which members shall appoint and may remove with or without cause ~~ Trustees of the created corporation. Any for-profit corporation created or caused to be created by tl~e Corporation (or a subsidiary thereof) shall provide in its By-laws that at all times, the majority shareholder shall be the Corporation or its successor. .Example: I-Iospital Board of Trustees creates Health Services, Inc.. The Hospital Trustees would appoint all the members of Health Services, Inc., ~vho would then appoint the trustees for Health Services, Inc.. This allows the Hospital Trustees to control the subsidiary. The County controls the Hospital Board of Trustees, thus giving the County indirect control over the subsidiary, Health Services, tnc.. WMC/kc _ .... attachment cc: County Manager Assistant County Manager Deputy County Manager Finance Director ~ Clerk to the Board (,~, s ,:.~ Drawn by: Wanda M. Copley, New Hanover County Attorney, 320 Chestnut St., Ste. 309, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Tax Parcel No. RO 6011-004-001-000; RO 6011-004-002-000 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEED THIS DEED made this day of 1996, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter also referred to as the County) acting by and through its duly elected Board of County Commissioners, the Grantor herein, to NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the provisions of Chaptei SSA of the General Statutes of North Carolina, located at 2131 South 17th Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28401, (hereinafter also referred to as the.Corporation), the Grantee herein; WITNFSSF,TH: That the County, in consideration of the covenants and obligations of the Corporation as set out hereinafter, .hereby grants,. bargains, sells and conveys unto ~ the Corporation and its successors, subject to the agreement and restrictions and conditions set forth herein, that property described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto .and incorporated herein by reference. Together with the County owned personal property, fixtures; and equipment associated with the Hospital. This conveyance is made pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 131 E-8, and thus, 40 1 ~~ upon the express condition that the Corporation continue to own, maintain, and operate New Hanover Regional Medical Center as a community general hospital open to the general public, free of discrimination based upon race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Further, the Corporation shall provide all medically necessary services to indigent patients of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, without regard to ability to pay. Further, the Corporation covenants and agrees that it will not create or cause to be created any.mortgage, deed of trust or similar encumbrance on the Hospital, real property or any part thereof without the approval of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, except a deed of trust to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission given under the Health Care Facilities Finance Act (G.S. 131A) for revenue bonds issued by the Commission for the Hospital. Further, the Corporation covenants and agrees that the Hospital shall at all times be known and operated as New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Further, the Corporation covenants and agrees to make no amendments to its Articles of Incorporation or By-laws without the unanimous consent of the New Hanovcr County Board of Commissioners. , Should the Corporation_fail to operate New Hanover Regional Medical Center as a community general hospital open to the general public, or fail to maintain a Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations or its equivalent, certification or should the Corporation dissolve without a successor nonprofit corporation approved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to carry out the terms and conditions of this conveyance, all ownership rights in the Hospital, including the buildings and land, together with the personal property and equipment associated with the Hospital, including replacements I ~~ 2 ~ 41 thereof, shall revert to the County by power of termination and right of re-entry for conditions broken. The Grantee, and its subsidiaries shall not use the conveyed property for any unlawful purpose. The Corporation, by the acceptance of this conveyance, hereby agrees and is legally committed to the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth above. Prior to the execution of this deed, the County has received certification from the North Carolina Local Government Commission that all outstanding county revenue bonds issued for the construction, renovations or support of New Hanover~Regional Medical Center, have been duly redeemed or defeased as required by the provisions of G.S. 131E-8. In addition, before the execution of this deed,•prior public notice by publication on October 27,=1996, was given by the Board of County Commissioners of its intent ~to adopt a resolution to authorize this conveyance at its November 6, 1996 regular meeting, as required by the provisions of G.S. 131 E-8(c). WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for valuable consideration paid and rendered Grantee, the receipt of which is acknowledged, has and by these presents, does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee, subject to tl~c terms and conditions set forth herein, all that parcels of land situated in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, more particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, together with the County owned personal property, fixtures, and equipment associated with the Hospital. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the foresaid tract or parcel of land, together with all buildings or structures located thereon and personal property associated therewith, and 'all appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Corporation and its successors forever, subject to the agreement and restrictions and conditions set forth above. This conveyance is to supersede 42 3 t A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i~ ''1 ~i ~..~ and replace that certain lease agreement entered into between the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and New Hanover Regional Medical Center, dated October 1, 1993 as amended by a First Amendment to the Lease Agreement date June 15, 1996. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for New Hanover County, attested by its Clerk, with its corporate seal hereto affixed, all on the day and year first'above written and by authority duly given. The Grantee has caused the instrument to be executed in its behalf by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, attested by its Corporate Secretary, with its corporate seal hereto affixed, for purposes of accepting this conveyance and consenting to the terms, covenants, and conditions set forth herein. [SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board [CORPORATE SEAL] ATTEST: NEW HANOVER COUNTY Robert G. Greer, Chairman Board of Commissioners NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Chairman, Board of Trustees Corporate Secretary 4 43 ...~ NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, , a.Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board of Commissioners, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman; sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and~official seal. this day of , 1.996. My Commission Expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Notary. Public '- I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that .personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is the Corporate Secretary- to the Boazd of Trustees of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center, and that by' authority duly given and as the act of the Board of Trustees, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Corporate Secretary. _ _- _ WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 1996. Notary Public My Commission Expires:. 44 ~ 5 NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY The foregoing certificates of , ~' Notaries Public are certified to be correct. This day of , 1996. REGISTER OF DEEDS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: 1 II II ~'1 II I~ 6 45 EXHIBIT A TO DEED FROM NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER t Located in the City of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1: PARCEL A (1) BEGINNING at a concrete monument in the Southern line of the old Grainger tract at the Northeastern corner of a tract conveyed to Lillie C. Parker by deed recorded in Book 375 at Page 3 of the New Hanover County Registry, said monument replacing an old iron pipe and being South 83 degrees 06 minutes East along said Grainger line 980.2 feet from a concrete monument where said line is intersected b~y the Eastern right-of-way line of the proposed new state road from Seventeenth and Dawson Streets to Shipyard Boulevard, this monument being South 83 degrees 06 minutes East along said Grainger line 112.38 feet from an old stone on the western edge of the old Federal Point Road; running thence from said Beginning point South 83 degrees 07 minutes East with said Grainger line 477.0 feet to a concrete monument that is North 83 degrees 07 minutes West 240.0 feet from a concrete monument in said Grainger line, the Northeastern corner of Edw. B. Ward and wife, {also a corner of Richard A. Shew); thence South 6 degrees 49 minutes West parallel with a Ward-Shew line 958.99 feet to a concrete monument; thence South 46 degrees 42 minutes East parallel with another Ward-Shew line 563.45 feet to a concrete monument; thence South 42 degrees 16 minutes East parallel with another Ward- Shew line 102.37 feet to a concrete monument (the last 3 calls of this description are parallel to and 240.0 feet Westwardly as measured at right angles from Ward-Shew lines); thence South 79 degrees 47 minutes West 1523.34 feet to a concrete monument in the proposed Eastern right-of-way line of the aforementioned new state road; thence North 10 degrees 13 minutes West with said right-of- way line which is about 75 feet East of and about parallel to the center line of the old Federal Point Road 1189.19 feet to a concrete monument in the Southern line of the aforementioned Parker tract; thence North 78 degrees 47 minutes East with the Southern line of said Parker tract (also Ward's line) 1266.37 feet to an iron pipe, the Southeastern corner of said Parker tract, said pipe being North 48 degrees 43 minutes west 58.0 feet from an old iron pipe, the Southeastern corner of tract conveyed to George R. Ward by Deed recorded in Book 74 ,. at Page 293 of said Registry; thence North 48 degrees 43 minutes west with the Northeastern line of said Parker tract 493.0 feet to the point of Beginning; the same containing 37.0 acres and being a portion of the tract conveyed to Edw. B. Ward and wife by Deed recorded in Book 631 at Page 567 of said Registry. TOGETHER with the strip of land lying between the Western line of the above described tract and the center line of the old Federal Point Road, said strip being 75.0 feet wide, SUBJECT to, however, the right-of-way, if any, of the old Federal Point Road. (2) BEING all of Lot 18, in Block 1, according to a Map of Oakside Park made by J. L. Becton, C.E. in October, 1913, and duly recorded in Map Book 1, Page e, Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County. Said Parcel A being all of that property conveyed by Edw. B. Ward and wife, Frances P. Ward to New Hanover County, by Deed recorded September 1, 1962, in Book 704, Page 478, in the New Hanover County Registry. 46 ~7 t PARCEL B ~` (1) BEGINNING at a point where the center line of the old Federal Point Road is intersected by the Southern line of the .old Grainger tract, said point being South 83 degrees 06 minutes East about 10 feet from an old atone on.the Western side of said road in ., * said Grainger line; running thence South 83 degrees 06 minutes East with said Grainger line to a concrete monument where said line is intersected by the Eastern right-of-way line of the proposed new ;~ state road from Seventeenth and Dawson Streets to Shipyard Boulevard, said concrete monument being 112.38 feet from said old stone; thence South 83 degrees 06~minutes East with said Grainger line 980.2 feet to a concrete monument that replaces an old iron pipe, the second corner of the tract conveyed to Lillie C. Parker ~ by Deed recorded in Book 375 at Page 3 of the New Hanover County Registry, and also being in the Southwestern edge of the old Masonboro Road; thence South 48 degrees 43 minutes East with the ,~ Northeastern line of said Parker tract 493.0 feet to an iron pipe, the southeastern corner of said Parker tract, said pipe being North 48 degrees 43 minutes West 58.0 feet from an old iron pipe, the Southeastern corner of the old George R. Ward tract; thence South 78 degrees 47 minutes West with the Southern line of said Parker tract 1266.37 feet to an iron pipe in the proposed Eastern right- . of-way line of the aforementioned new state road, said pipe being South 10 degrees 13 minutes East with said right-of-way line 191.73 feet from a concrete monument at the Southern end of a curve, said ;~ monument being located as follows from the first mentioned concrete monument in said right-of-way line, said points being along said ~" right-of-way line as it curves; South 5 degrees 39 minutes 15 seconds East 105.28 feet, South 6 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds East 100.0 feet, South 7 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds East 100.0 feet, South a degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds East 100.0 feet, South -"` 9- degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds East 100.0 feet to said concrete monument; thence South 78 degrees 47 minutes West about 75 feet to a point in the center of the old Federal Point Road; thence Northwardly with the center of said road about 725 feet to the ~- point of Beginning; the same containing 14.6 acres, more or less, and being all of the tract conveyed to Lillie C. Parker by the aforementioned deed, and also being a portion of the old Federal Point Road. SUBJECT, however, to the right-of-way, if any of the old Federal Point Road. (2) BEING all of Lot 25, in Block 9, according to a Map of ~' Oakside Park made by J.L. Becton, C.E. in October, 1913, and duly _ recorded in Map Book 1, Page e, Office of the Register of Deeds of ~~ New Hanover County. ._ Said Parcel B being all of that property conveyed by O.R. Parker and wife, Lillie C. Parker, to New Hanover County, by Deed recorded September 1, 1962, in Book 704, Page 479, in the New Hanover County Registry. - - - ,-, - EXCEPTING, however, from said Tract 1, all of the following described property: BEGINNING at a point in the Eastern right-of-way line of South 17th Street at its intersection with the Northern line of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Tract, said Northern line being the - Northern line of the tract conveyed to New Hanover County by Deed recorded in Book 704, Page 479, in the New Hanover County Registry, said Northern line being the Southern line of the Old Grainger Tract; running thence from said BEGINNING with said line South 83 degrees 06 minutes East 457.83 feet to a point; thence South 10 degrees 13 minutes East 458.53 feet to a point; thence South 79 degrees 47 minutes West 460.00 feet to a point in the Eastern right-of-way line of South 17th Street; thence with said Eastern right-of-way line North 10 degrees 13 minutes West 88.67 feet to the point of curvature of said Eastern right-of-way line; thence with said curve Northward.as located by chords of North 9 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds West 100.00 feet; thence North 8 degrees 42 47 t minutes I5 seconds West 100.00 feet; thence North 7 degrees 41 minutes 45 seconds West 100.00 feet; thence North 6 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds West 100.00 .feet, and North 5 degrees 39 minutes 15 seconds West 105.28 feet to the Point of BEGINNING, containing 5.50 acres, and being a part of the tract conveyed to New Hanover County by the aforesaid Deed recorded in Book 704, Page 479, in the } New Hanover County Registry. Said exception being all of that property described in a Deed of Release from New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc. to New Hanover County, recorded on August 28, 1.973, in Book 981•, Page 486, in the New Hanover County Registry. _ TRACT 2: BEGINNING at a concrete monument.at the intersection of.,the northeastern line of Marlwood Drive (30.0 feet from its center line) with the northwestern line of Glen Meade Road (30.0-feet from its center line}, as shown on the map of Dedication of Streets, Glen Meade Section 3, as. recorded in Map Book a at Page 74~, of the New Hanover County Registry;- running thence from said beginning point and with the northeastern line of Marlwood Drive, south 42 degrees 17 minutes east 22.74 feet.-to~.a concrete monument. marking the northwestern corner of a tract of land conveyed to W. K. Stewart et ux, and recorded•in the New Hanover County Registry; running thence with the northern line of said W. K. Stewart tract of land, north 47 degrees 43 minutes east 180.0 feet to a concrete monument marking the 'northeastern corner of said w. K. .Stewart tract of land, said monument also being in the .southwestern •line of Richard A. Shew's Love and Charity tract; running thence with Shew's line, north 42 degrees 15 minutes west 293.27 feet to an old concrete monument; running thence with Shew's line, •north 46 degrees 36 minutes west 461..3.5 feet to another old concrete monument; continuing thence with Shew's line, north 6 degrees'49 minutes east 838.1 feet to an old concrete. monument marking the southeastern corner of Lot.6, Highland Hills Section 9, as recorded in Map Book 17 at Page 40, of the New Hanover'~County Registry; running thence with the southern line'of Lots 6, 7 and 8, of said Highland Hills Section 9, north 83 degrees 08 minute's'west~240.0 feet to a concrete monument, said monument marking the northeastern corner of the New Hanover Memorial Hospital tract of land; running thence with the eastern line of said Hospital tract of land, south 6 degrees 49 minutes west 959.93 feet to an old concrete monument in said line; continuing .thence with the eastern line~of the Hospital tract, south. 46 degrees 43 minutes east 563.42 feet to another concrete monument in said line; continuing thence with the eastern line of said Hospital tract and beyond, south 42 degrees 17 minutes east 270.59 feet to a concrete monument in the northwestern line of Glen Meade Road; running thence 'with the northwestern line of said Glen Meade Road, north 47 degrees 43 minutes east 60.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 9.360 acres, more or less,' and being a portion of the Waverly Development Corporation tract of land. The foregoing survey and description prepared by George Losak, N.C. Registration No. L-494, August 11, 1977. Being all of that property conveyed by Waverly Development Corporation et als to New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc. by heed recorded September 30, '1977, in Book 1114,Page 125 in the New Hanover County Registry, and subsequently conveyed by N,ew Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc. to New Hanover County by Deed recorded February 28, 1984, in Book 1246, Page .1790, in the New Hanover County Registry. TRACT 3: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Eastern line of 17th Street with the northern line 'of Glen Meade Road as said streets are shown on that map recorded in the New Hanover County Registry, in Map Book a at Page 75: Running thence from said Beginning point +.y~tQ Che Eastern right of way line of 17th Street, North 11 degrees 7 i~ 11 minutes West 313.0 feet to a point,~~ the same being the Southwest corner of the New Hanover County Memorial Hospital Tract; running -~` thence with the Southern line of said Hospital tract, North 78 degrees 49 minutes East 400.0 feet to a point; Running thence South 11 degrees 11 minutes East 202.28 feet to a point in the northern i right of way line of Glen Meade Road; running thence with the *'. northern right of way line of Glen Meade Road as it curves to the South to a point that is located South 51 degrees 59 minutes west '~ 66.58 feet from the preceding point; thence continue with the Northern right of way line of Glen Meade Road South 46 degrees 58 _ minutes West 61.42 feet to the East end of a curve to the North; running thence with said curve to the North along the northern right of way line of Glen Meade Road to a point that is located South 60 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds West 146.1 feet and South 76 degrees 04 minutes West 30.74 feet from the preceding point: thence continue with the northern right of way line of Glen Meade Road South 78 degrees 49 minutes West 119.3 feet ~to the point of beginning. Containing 2.61 acres more or less. - Being all of that property conveyed by Glen Meade Shopping Center Associates to New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc. by Deed recorded August 31, 1990, in Book 1509, Page 0823, in the New ,~ Hanover County Registry, and subsequently conveyed by New Hanover Regional Medical Center to New Hanover County by Deed recorded October 15, 1993, in Book 1709, Page 0663, in the New Hanover County Registry. TRACT 4: ,' BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the western right of way line (30.0 feet from its centerline) of Delaney Avenue, South 78 degrees 49 minutes West 30.0 feet from a point in the centerline of said Delaney Avenue, said point in said centerline being North 11 degrees it minutes West 81.15 feet from the intersection of the centerline of said Delaney Avenue with the centerline of Druid Lane as shown on the map of Delaney Avenue, Glen Meade Section 4, as recorded in Map Book 10, at Page 36, of the New Hanover County . Registry; running thence from said beginning point and at right angles to Delaney Avenue, South 78 degrees 49 minutes West 150.0 feet to an iron pipe in the eastern line of the formerly Pure Oil Company tract of land; running thence with said line and parallel to Delaney Avenue, North 11 degrees 11 minutes west 125.0 feet to the southern right of way line of Glen Meade Road; running thence ~ with the curve to the left, of said right of way, to the end of ~, said curve, said end of curve being North 58 degrees 41 minutes "~ East 154.43 .feet from .G he preceding point as measured along the chord of said curve; continuing thence with said right of way, North 46 degrees 58 minutes East 5.79 feet to the intersection of '. the aforementioned western right of way line of Delaney Ave; running thence with said right of way, South 11 degrees 11 minutes East 181.24 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.506 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the Waverly Development. Corporation tract of land. The foregoing survey and description prepared by George Losak, North Carolina Registration Number L-494. Being all of that property conveyed by Waverly Development Corporation et als to New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc. by heed recorded April 21, 1963, in Book 1220, Page 1703, in the New Hanover County Registry, and subsequently conveyed by New Hanover Regional Medical Center to. New Hanover County by Deed recorded October 15, 1993, in Book 1709, Page 0663, in the New Hanover It; County Registry. 49 1 ~~ Au} ~: t ,~ ~~J ~. r~. ~f ~J ~~, ~, ~~ 1, ~: ,~; ~: REQUEST' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: 13 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pa e Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBTCCT: _ ' Committee Appointments BRIEF. SUMMARY: Child Fatality Prevention Team RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RL;OUF,STF,D ACTIONS: Make Appointment FUNDING SOURCE: • Federal $: State $: County S: User Fccs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IYew Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY ~p-~ APPROVED p ..-~ REJEC'TfD Q . REMOVED Q ~` u ~ 1 POSTP0IVED _ Refer to Office Vision Eiulletin Doard for Disposition D1~TE CHILD FATALITY PREVENTION TEAM - AD HOC 1 VACANCY - EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES-PROVIDER (RUSSELL ASHLEY RESIGNED) APPLICANTS - hristopher A. Gilmore. 52 ~~~1~ Q~. ~-~x~ ~~ ~~ .~ _~ 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 A 1 t 1 'i,l ~~ II OCT-09-9o WED 14;53 ROBERT C PAI2KRA HcatIh Director LY~7DA Ir SMf1^A Assistant Fitalth Director NEW HANOVER CO HEALTH FAX N0. 11 NEVY ~AI1T0'~ER ~~I1N'TY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 1TTH STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (919) 343-6500 FAX (919) 34111146 P. 02 MEMO To: New Hanover County Commissioners From: Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director . ~~~ .Regarding: Appo~intnent of Emergency Medical Services Provider to the New Hanover Child Fatality Prevention Team ~' ~Date~: 10/9/96. . I, am requesting the appointment of an Emergency Medical Services Provider to the New,Hanover Child Fatality Preventiop Teacn. See the attached General Statutes 143-576.1 and 143-576.2. This position was .advertised in the .Wilmington Sta.r.News on~9~4/96. The position was previously held by Russell ~~Ashley, who recently resigned from the team. ~~ ,~>: . ' .:.:~. ~: fG ~~r .. ..: ~ .:'~. ;, ._, . , ;'. ~ . , .: ~ ., ~ou.z c~ea~~z - C~uz J uozify 53 NEW hIANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover C o . Chi 1 d F atality Prevention TPam Name: Christopher A. Gilmore Home How long have you been a Address: P • 0 - Box 18 3 5 Wh i t e v i 11 e , N . C . resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailing Address: 218 N . 2nd S t . .:. ?. ~ ....-.. _ - ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~~ r City and State: Wilmington, N. C. Zip Code:. 28401 (91C~ 642-8395 Te%phone: Home: ~ Business: 3 41- 4 4 0 0 1 •Sex: Male •Race:. Caucasion •Age: 29 J j 'This intormetion is requested tar the so% purpose o/assuring that a cross section of the community is appointed. U "Employed by: _New Hanover Cn, DPnartmPnr of FmProPn~y PtPdi ral CPrvi roc _ "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~ ' Job Title: Training Of f ic.er ,Audit & Review, ~~ Professiona/Activities. Quality Assurance, .Safety Committee VolunteerActivities: Member Lebanon Lodge X207 ~' Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? EMS should b e more a c t i v e with injury prevention programs and this is an excellent opportunity to begin.. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Experience in EMS'and'the ability to objectively review cases What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? The r e d ~~ ~ r i o n ~ f in'uries and fatalities amon children in this re inn Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Date: 0~t -}er 4, 1996 tP/ease use reverse side for additions/ comments) ~uv~u Si nature Q 4 1996 9 NEW HANO'!ER CO. 1 ~~ ,~~ OCT-09-9o WED 14:53 NEW NANOVER CO HEALTH. FAX N0. 11 F. 03 reported 3s an abused or neglected juvenile pursuant to G.S. 7A-543 at any time before death; (2) Report to the Task Force during the existence of the Task Force, in the format and at the time required by the Task Force, on the State Team's activities and its recommendations for changes to any law, rule, and policy that would promote the sa:ety and well-being of children; (3) Upon request of a Local Team, provide technical assistance to the Team; (4) Periodically assess the operations of the multidisciplinary child fatality prevention system, and make recommendations Yor changes as needed; (5) Work with the Tea1n Coordinator to develop guidelir_es for selecting child deaths to receive detailed, multidisci~l~nary death reviews by Local Teams that review cases of additional child fatalities; and (6) Receive reports of findings and recommendations from Local Tearts that~raview cases of additional child fatalities, and work with the Team Coordinator to, implement recommendations. (1991, c. 689, s. 233(x); 1993, C. 321,_ s. 235(a).) Bditor'a Notc. - Session haws 1993, c. 321, s. 322 is a severability clause.. Erfect of Amendments. - The 1993 amendment, effectivE July 9, 1993, d2leied "a.nd",fron the end of subdivisions (1} and (2}; in subdivision (3) substituted "Local Team" for "local tcaaz" and "Team" for "t®am"; and added subdivisions (4), (S), and_~ -~- ~- ~ ...,.~-- 143-576.1. Community .Child Protection Teams; C2tild Fatality ,~t ~ PrcVezltioh Teams; creation aid duties.' .(a) Community Child Protection Teams are established in ..every county of the State. Each Community Child Protection Team shall:' _ (1) Review,' in accordance with the procedures established by the director of the county department of social services under ~\ G:S.:;ad3-576.4: a. selected active cases in which children aze being served by child protective services; and ~~~ '. :.~ b. Cases in which a child died as a result of suspected .1. abuse or neglect; and ,, 1. A:report of abuse or neglect has been made about the child or the child's family to the county department of social services within the previous 12 months, or - 2. The child or the child's family was a recipient of child protective services within the previous 12 months. . (Z) Submit annually to the board of county commissioners ~~! recommendations, it any, and aflvocate,for system improvements and needed resources where gaps and deficiencies may exist. ~_,~~ In addition, each community Child Protection Team may review the .. (c) ,1944-1994 By The Michie Company, A Division of The Mead Corporation ,; .; , OCT-09-96 WED 14:54 f~.W HANOVER CO HEALTH FAX N0. 11 P. 04 records of all additional child fatalities and report findings in connectior with these reviews to the Team Coordinator. (b) Any Community Child Protection Team teat determines it will not review additional child fatalities shall notify the.Team Coordinator.. Zn accordance with t2!e plan established under G.S. 143-576..3 (1} , ~-separate Child. Fatality Prevention Tcaai sha12• be Qstablished in tint county to conduct these reviews.rEach Child Fatality Prevention Team shall: (1).Review the records of ~all~cases of additional child, fatalities. (2) Submit .annually to the board 'of county commissioners recommendations, if any, and advocate for system improvements and needed resources wrere gaps and ,deficiencies may exist. (3) Report findings in connection with these reviews to the Team Coordinator. (c). All reports to`the Team Coordinator under ~~iis section shall include: .,,, ....,. (1) A listir_:g, of the system problems identified through the zevi'ew process,' ~rind~'recotamendations. for preventive actions; (2) Any changes that resulted from the recommendations made by the Local Team; (3) Information about each death reviewed; and (4) Any additional information requested by. the Team Coordinator. ' (1993, c. 321, s.,285(a).} Editor's Note. ~ Session Laws 1993, c. 321, s. 285(e),made this section effective upon ratification. The act •.ras ratiried on July. 9, .2993. .' Session LaWS 1993; c. 321, s. 322 is a ssverability clause.. ~.. 1i3-576.2. I;ccal Teams; composition. (a) Each Local"Teas shall consist of representatives of . public and nonpublic agencies in the conmunity that provide services to children and their families and, other individuals who represent the community.' No single tea; shall enco~ipass a geographic or governmental area larger than one county. (b) Each Local Team shall consist o2 the fallowing persons: (1):~The director of the county department of social services, and a mebber of the director's-staff ;•. (2) A local law enforcement officer, appointed by the board of county commissioners;. ' ' ~ (3•) An attorney from ttie district attorney ~ s office , appointed by the district attorney; ,, (4) The executive director of the local.comnunity action. agency, as defined by the .Division of Economic opportunity, Department oP Human Resources, or the executive dir.ector's designee; :(5) The superintendent of each local school administrative unit located in the county, or the superintendent's designee; ~. (c) 1944-1994 By The Michie Company, A Division of'The;Mead CorpoZatlc. . ~ .... , ~~ ~ _~ 1 ~C ~~; OCT-09-9o WED 14 54 NEW HANOVER CO HEALTH FAX N0. 11 P. 05 (6) A member of the county board of social services, appointed by the chair of that board; (7) A local mental health professional, appointed by the director of thn area authority established under Chapter 122C of the General statuteE; (8) The local guardian ad litem coordinator, or the coordinator's designee; (9) The director of the local flepartnent of public health; and (10) A local health care provider, appointed by tie local board of health. In addition, a Local Team that reviews the records of additional child fatalities shall include the following four additional members: (1) Ari emerQencV moc~ ,~c~ services provider or f iref fighter, appointed by the board of county commi3sioners;~' (2) A district court judge, appointed by the chief district fudge-yin that district; "`~(3) A county medical exaniner, appointed by the Chief Medical Examinerp (4) A representntive of a local day care facility.or Head Start program,. appointed by the director of the county department of social services; and (5) A parent of a child t~ho died before reaching the child~s eighteenth'~birthday, to be appointed by the board of county commissioners. The Team Coordinator shall serve as an ex officio hember of each Local`~.Tear~ that .reviews the records of additional child fatal`i'ties. 'The boazd~ of county comaissioners may appoint a maximum of five additional members to represent county agencies or'the'community at large to serve on any Local Team. Vacancies on a Local Team shall~be filled by the original appointing authority. (c) Each Local Team shall elect a ~uember to serve as chair at~the,Team's pleasure. ~' (dj Each Local.Team shall Meet at least four times each year.•~ , ~(~) The director of the local department of social services shall call the rirst meeting of the Community Child Protection Team.~Th .direr or. a oral de artmert of health u on eam Coordinator, s a call the lrst meetin °of the i1d Fatalit Prevent~.on Therea ter, tt!e chair.of each Local Team she schedule the time and place of r:eetings, in consultation with these directors, and shall pre.parc the agenda. The chair shall schedule Team meetings no less often than once p®r quarter and often enough to allow adequate review of the~casas selected for review. Within three months of election, the chair .shall participate in the appropriate training developed under this Article. ~~ ~~ 1 1 r (1993,~:c. 321, s. 285(a).) . r. (c): 2944-1994 `. r: By The Michia Cotapany, A Division of The Mead Corporation 7 y NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (919) 343-6500 ROBERT S. PARKER FAX (919) 341-4146 " ' Hcalth Dircctor . LYNDA F. SMITH " Assistant Hcalth Dircctor _, , T0: Robert .Greer, Chairman ~- Board of Commissioners " ' FROM: Janet McCumbee ~ -- Child Health Di ctor RE: Child Fatality Prevention Team (CFPT). - DATE: June S, 1995 - The 1993 General Assembly enacted the North Carolina Child Fatality Prevention System, into law. The purpose. of this law is to provide a multi-agency, multidisciplinary approach to study causes of childhood death in North Carolina in order to 'reduce child fatalities in the future. According to this law, a~Child Fatality Prevention. Team is to be established in each county by July 1995. .. Presently each county has a Community Child Protection Team,~established in 1991, which reviews protective services cases and childhood deaths from .abuse or neglect. , The new CFPT will review all additional childhood deaths and make recommendations ~• for preventive efforts~in the future. -These two,teatns will share many of the same members; however, the law stipulates that the board of county commissioners appoint certain disciplines. We were advised by Kemp Burpeau,.Assistant County Attozney, to proceed with an application process and make one. recottmzendation to the board for ' each position to be appointed. He also consulted with Andy Atkinson on this matter. Attached you will find a copy of~the law, with our recommended applications for the .three specific positions and the five additional members. Many of the applicants. presently serve _on the Community Child Protection Team and are essential to the function of the Child Fatality Prevention 'Team. Please notify Bob Parker, Health Director'of: your appointments as soon as possible. , Thank you for your assistance. ~,~. - ~ - JMc:bp s 58- - ~OU2 ~EQCE~ - c~LLZ ~ZLOZLEy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Ir 'r It it I~ J--~ Q1 E c 0 a a L O LL lL") +-~ dl C O Q1 . E C ~-+ ~ L '7 b a - a~ E o b ~ F- r C ~d O .~ Y . _ +~ C O v t > +~ OJ L >~o` vi +~ C •r- O r +-~ +~ ~ b '~ LL C o .~ U U v CG O a-+ S.. Q1 O C 4J Z N ~ ~? O U _ I _ ~~ W 0 0 Q Z J QQ G C C C U C' C ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ O W O O O +~ r O O VI }.'z U U U O U U C1 U ~ ~ a~ a v = X " ~ L ~ L ~ L ~ v w . a i a i + a i C a i > ~ W O O 4J O- +~ O Q1 . O Q1 Q C >> CD C4-- ~ CD Cf~ W rv o ~ ro 4- c .a rt~ _... . Q +~ i E +~ ~ rp . ~cn E rr 3.a r a ~r 3•~ Q1 ~ ~ CJ Q1 b Q1 S •~ Q/ Q1 rd QJ U .'::W C 'd ~.N ~~ v O S c/) .~ rtf W W >> U J Q1 Q ~ .- r i O z ~ .C: O .. > v ¢ E N E N (O V1 ~ Q) . r ttl v o >, v v . r .~ LL ~ U C v 4J Y ._ O of •'- C C O to ~C b •~ >> 1~ Y ~ U v1 > S- 4J C'. ~ O C1 S.. C O '7 N Y rp R7 c] '~ F-- _ - t ..: a~ - F ~ o [O ^ O = ~ ~ O W ~ ~ ~ E m o U d ` r O _ _ ~ ~ ~ >- = ~ = io c~ _ R _ ~ ~ Q ~j ~ y ~ O a 17 E C O C O O O C O W ~~ ~ a E E vo ~, 5 O L O F O i O i p E W b • ~ S Q ~ X W J ~ O L .. _ ~ _ ~ - ` ~ ~ ~ _ p ° U e U °0 '7 ~ 7= W O~ ~ ~ v al ~ E U Z ~ C y ~ E ~ E - ~ a ~ ~a ~ -~_ ~~ ~~ ,, E E E ~ o ~< •^ ~ ~ ~ ~- j_ z °'z ~= v ~5 ~ ~ ~S ~S ~ S 2 o U g _ _ U a C© U~ ~~ C O .~ <7 T '• co ~ n u ~ u _ ~ u t3 a~ oar .... Uy a ~'y al H >- O ?~ ~n o oy C a oy C o o C aZ C a ~Y ~ v~ . z3 W o o? ~ ~ ~q b ~,~ ~o 59 ~, Ol ~--- 7 C CCl G LL U ~. O a.+ 0 C C~ G i CJ L +-~ O S- v W N Q1 C .~ CY SdY G O a U C Q~ ~i 60 ~ ~ v ~ Q., to ~ ~ ~ ~ f0 CC i.. 0 ~ . U _ CJ E ~ ~ L ..- cv °J ~ ~ E ~' C C p O ~ a «~ a C ~._- Q a7 O ~ `' a~ n- o v-. • . LL ~ .~ .. ~, c ~ `J ~ E O `.~° U s 3 co lL `c a c v ~ ~ ~ N ~ N U ~' '. _L • ~ ~ L ' ..~ U -:n ~ . N ' -C ', .. O ' . ~ g-..., y.~..._ ,._ .. _. ro T7 C: a E Q1 O i-~ U G) O ~ i-~ i. v 0 C b a~ ?- c O U • 1 I N W C: Q Z ' J_ Q C G ~ i ~ .. ' . U ~r , W r ' 0 U O °- Z = X ~ ~ - . W ~ Q O +~. C7 ~ u. +' ~ Q w c E . }- ~ +~ E L •~ n -r W W ~ G j ~ Q Q v t k, c o ~ , .~ . . ~ N U , 0 a.. ' ;w 67 C c: v ~ > o E ~ `~ _ F. . .. E c ~ A= T ~ ' Q F- a~ - Q O O ' C C ~ S O u _ _ U ~, u ~.N < O W 2 U ~ ~ C e H z O W °' E ~ F o o °7 ~° O~ E te E ~ ~~ ~~ " ~~ :Eo n a . w ~ m E ~ E ~ ~' v ~ ~ ~ =: ~ ~ cC .O m ~ ~ ~ . o _ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ U .~ .. u ~. o ~ ~ L C 'C7 ~ m~ ~ ~, ~ •c' cn w 3 ~c'3 j'c ~.m © 2 :a Z ~ c t . cn cn O . ~ ° ~ ~ cn ~ c ~ ,~ ° ~, ~ ~ J Q W Q J~ °O ~ ~~ C7 ~ S ' _ 6~e~`'e-~ RESOLUTION ~ . The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners resolves to support the Castle Hayne Business Association in opposition to the current North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) plan for the Castle Hayne Road. The proposed terminus of Castle Hayne Road, the lack of access on~and off. ~, the ~tiza~ ~ Bridge,.. and the excessive limited access imposed on tY~e Castle Hayne Road usinesses would not be in the best interest of the citizens of New Hanover County. ,~s,.b~.11, S~c.IC~ 1~~~~y . The Board of County Commissioners supports the need for a DOT Design Review that. would result in assuring that Castle Hayne Road .remains open to downtown Wilmington, and that those businesses located on Castle .Hayne Road would have access on -and: off~the ~Eft~a Holmes Bridge on the Castle Hayne Road. -Ls~e-l SJ.c~li Adopted this the 21st day of October, 1996. Chairman Attest: . . Clerk .to the Board ~ ~ i .. ,. i i I -. _ o - uCi p ~ '' c c ~ p i cn to -i m ` "w: v -+ -+ ~ ~1 -0' V V _ J J ~ ~ QI lD Z Z C ~ C O ~ ~ n z m O ~ y~ M o D c z z z o~ ~~o ~ ~ m~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W N N v 01 Ol A Z ~ ~ W - N 0 ~~~ ao~~ Doo m°G7 DCC~ ~2 m m D ~ Z~ Z O O H Z O O~~ O Z r~ ~_ ~ ~ z TO ~ O m ~ ~ . Ooh CC~m ~°Z r DZ ~ m ~ O~ r m 0 O. z0~ ~ O. -i n ° D Z~ N D~ OZ 1 m cn =i o ~~~ °~ C O ~ O z m ~ z ~ ~ ~ ? ~ D D m~7 o m °m o ~ DO ~ v D ~~ ° Z~ ° n v O ~~~ ~zc ~o y z m m m ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~xo DSO o~ m Z o ~ Z z ~~ p ~~ ~ O O n _ c m '~ p z Z m~ ~~ Z ~ ~ - D ~ ~° ~ Z Z~ VCi m i cn ~ -~ - m 'i - "D O a r ~ ? N ON V W ~ ~ Z -~ ' CT N V A 3... ~. l _ ~ ' ~ N -i "1 O - W C Q ~ ~ ~ '9 ~~„ N SOD .Z_7 O O C -N{ '~ p N .Z7 cn C~ ~ (~ ~ m - - n A ~ D C) ~ (~ -' ~. 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N~RTN CAROLINA ~ -' 1997 - 2003 ~ ~ • / ~ Kure Beach HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGP,AAh PROJECTS 2 I I ~ '/ ~' U.C. bEP~.RTt/,EWT OFrTRANSPOP.T„TION ~~ - - / ~ ~ DMSIOIJ OF HIGMVTYS - PROGR~n~: Dh'EIOPtd:bfi BP.iNCH •~ /// `~' . ~ ~ J r e P i 1 ~ii i~ '(~, ;~I ,~. =~. r ,~ ~~ ~, ,r _. t~~ .~, ~~ J ~1 v ~; w~~ NEW HAIYOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEiVtBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301' WILMINGTON, NC OCTOBER 21, 1996 9:00 A.iv1. ITEMS OF BUSINESS I. Non Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Consideration of Approval for Additional Employees 4. Approval of Award of bid R97-0070 to upgrade telemetry system and purchase remote telemetry units and award of contract n97-0070 ADJOUR~~1 PAGE NO. 63 6~ 67 61 Tliis page intentionally left blank 62 1 1 ~l!,i ,~~ ~/ ,,~- r _,~. 1 1 ,'~f 1. ~ ~~ ~ 4` _r~ r ~` '~ , i ~J REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Zegular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUB.TECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of September 16, 1996 and October 7, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes FUNDING SOURCE: ~edera! $: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Rcqucst: 3udget Amendment Prepared: REVIF,WF,D BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMF,NDATIONS: ~lllV~~p~Q _ ~, RE~v~d q-.:.w JECTEp ~ . REMOVED ® 6 3 POSTPONED G ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board Cor Disp~os~tioF ---r~~~ J 6 Tliis page intentionally left blank ~~'~~~~ ~ 4~ . ~ ~~~~~~ .- 1 t ;~1~ 1 f `~4 ~~ 1 ~~ `~. i - ~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: W&S #3 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUi3.TECT: Additional Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: The number of pump stations owned by New Hanover County is presently one hundred and ten and this number will be increasing in the near fiiture. There are also twenty-six well sites. As these pump stations grow older, the need for maintenance also increases. We presently have two Utility Mechanics to perform all of the maintenance on the pump stations. In addition, these two mechanics are on-call full time which does not allow them any free time without being on call. The addition of a fifth Wastewater Treatment Plant near Vision Sofrivare, has made it necessary to have two certified treatment plant operators rather than one operator and one helper. The additional operator is needed to operate the five District package plants. Therefore, I am requesting one additional Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTF,n ACTIONS: Recommend two new Utility Mechanics and one Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator be approved along with the approval of associated budget amendment #97-0053~0~3. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal $: State S; .County S: User Fces S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: (~10 -- - • New Appropriation Request: Ycs .. Budget Amendment Prepared: Yes REVIF,WED I3Y: LGL: FIN: BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER`S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of two new utility mechanics and one waste valet treatment plant operator. Approval of the attached budget amendment #97-0053 is also nece ~(?OUNIY COMMISSIONERS '• ~ ~"~APPROVED LAY . ~ CJ ~` `" ~ ~ ~ ' ` ~~`REJECTED . .. 0 U' ieelt: Info i~riv~~-;zrtk;on ~~Gu~REMOUED t~ac. +eu~,P y P - Refer to OCEice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 0 t OYG.Y ~ ~..~- _ ~ ~... , , ~ POSTPONE • DATE 1 D zr q(~ .Budget Amendment • w~Trrt aNn srwrtt DEPARTMENT Sewer Operating Fund/ Water & Sewer Engineering .ADJUSTMENT Sewer O eR rating Fund . Appropriated Fund Balance Water & Sewer Enaineerina Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Medical Insurance BUDGET AMENDMENT # 97-0058 . DEBIT EXPLANATION With approval of this budget amendment, fund balance will be appropriated to . fund three new positions (one Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator ,and -two • "Utility Mechanics). ~~ ~ ~ `" "" $56,844. DATE 10/121 /96 CREDIT. $46,806 $ .:3,580 $ 688 ~ 5,770 COUNTY (;ON{M1SS10NE~4i ~~~~~~t~~a~i ~PR'avEU ~~ ~= D~CrIJEC~fED ~ Tea~or~r~ ~~ . . ~. . , 6 6 _ . Q~~~~O,vED C, wh~ le Co: v~ ~ :. _. TPONED ~'"~``~ pn ~'~''~ } ~ ~ ~C°~~~~t~~E~ t0 2t Tor l3udgct OClicer's approval; tLen report to Commissioner at next regular meeting end enter in minutes. To be approved by Commissioners. To be entered into minutes. ~1 '~ ~% ~; 1 1 1 IL ~~ I ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting .Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: w&s #4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Water/Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt Blanchard Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUi3.TECT: Award of bid # 97-0070 to upgrade telemetry system and purchase remote telemetry units and award of contract # 97-0070. BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a resolution awarding bid # 97-0070 to upgrade telemetry system and purchase remote telemetry units to Motorola, Inc., the only bidder in the the amount of $193,99.00. Contract draft # 97-0070 is submitted for approval. . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUF,STF,D ACTI NS: Recommends adoption of resolution: 1. awarding bid # 97-0070 to upgrade telemetry system and purchase remote telemetry units to Motorola, Inc., the only bidder in the amount of $193,99.00 2. approving contract # 97-0070 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 193,959.00 User Fees S: Other S~: Money Is In Current Budget: Yes IYew Appropriation Request: No Bud et Amendment Pre ared: No ' LGL: ', FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval - -------~.,~,.e. COUNTY COI~M1SStONEt~~ APPROVED ~--z REJECTED REMOVED Q ~ 6 T POSTPONED ~• RcCcr to Ofrice vision CSullctin [3oud for Disposition SATE t7 Z~ 7~ ~C/~"~ RESOLUTION - .~ OF THE - ' ~ ~ WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS _ OF - NEW >EIAIYOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 17th day of September, 1996, at the County Administration Building, . 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was,received for an upgrade to the telemetry system and the purchase of ten;(10) .remote telemetry units, Bid # 97-0070: Motorola, Inc. $193,959.00 - AND WHEREAS, the County Engineer, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Motorola, Inc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars ($193,959.00); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now in Account No. 800-470-4197-6400 to cover this contract; - • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County. Water and Sewer District Board of Commissioners that the contract for an upgrade to the telemetry system and the purchase of remote telemetry units, Bid # 97-0070 be awarded to Motorola, Inc. in the amount of One Hundred Ninety-three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-nine Dollars (5193,959.00); and that the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of October, 1996 (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk to t'tie Boa d s~~~~~A 68 ' ~ ~~l~~l~ Chairman, Board of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District .• . 1 ,~ ~1 i~a ~~ ~,; .~~ ~i ~~ ~~, w A 1 1 ~'1 ,~,: ,~r DRAFT .New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0070 NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS CONTRACT, made and entered. into this day of 499 , by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER 8~ SEWER DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "District"; -and MOTOROLA,. INC., a foreign corporation. organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, hereinafter referred to. as "Vendor". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, District advertised for bids for Telemetry System Upgrade and Remote Telemetry Units, Bid # 97-0070, and bids were received and opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after, carefut consideration of the bid proposal submitted by .Vendor, the New Hanover County Water & Sewer.District has adopted a resolution. authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase, delivery and installation of an upgrade to the telemetry ..system. and. the: purchase of remote. telemetry units, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal.. _ ,: -NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: . ;1. Exhibits to Contract. The Bid Package, which includes District's Technical Specifcations, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; and; Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked .Exhibit B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. 69~ 2. Term. The term of the contract shall' be for a period of three (3) years from the date of execution. - 3. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to District for the goods purchased shall remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to District F.O.B. New Hanover County;.exact location to be specified at the time of order. 4. Delivery. Veridor shall deliver and install ,all goods .purchased by District within one hundred sixty (160) consecutive. calendar days after:receipt of order: ' ~ 5. Purchase Price: The total. purchase- price for said goods~in the sum of One H~uridred Ninety-Three Thousand Nine Hundretl Fifty-Nine ($193,959.00) Dollars shall be paid as detailed in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this contract. F 5.1.. County shall make payment to Vendor in percentage increments of the upgrade fee of $125,619.00 as follows: ~ ~ " Contract Signing 30% = ~ - ' - ~ ~ ' Receipt of Equipment - 50% '' ` Installation- and Acceptance 20% 5.2 " -County will make payrrierits for the remote telemetry units within thirty (30) days after receipt of goods; their installation, their acceptance; an"d the receipt of invoice. At the request of the District, Vendor shalldelay 'installation of a specified unit or units. In such cases Vendor• shall be paid for the equipment cost 'only within thirty (30) days after receipt of~the goods, their acceptance by District and receipt of invoice. Vendor 'shall be paid for the installation' within thirty (30) •days after installation of goods, acceptance of installation by District and .rece'ipt of invoice for the installation portion. _ _ 70 ~ ~. li ~1 6. Indemnity. MOTOROLA agrees to and hereby indemnifies and saves PURCHASER harmless from all liabilities, judgments, costs, .damages and expenses which may accrue against, be charged to, or recovered from the . ~ PURCHASER by reason of or on account of damage to the property of the '~ PURCHASER or the property of, injury to, or death of any person, when such damage `~f or injury is caused by MOTOROLA'S negligence or that of its .employees, subcontractors, or agents while on the premises of the. PURCHASER during the . delivery and installation of the communications equipment. IN NO EVENT WILL ~,l MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL 1 DAMAGES. 7. Insurance. Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County Water & Sewer District, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. 8. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work .~ ,~ ~~, ,~ ~~, w 1 f' s under this contract, Vendor shall furnish the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this. certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by District". 9. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Vendor's ,employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the' amount of X100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable~to claims due.to bodily injury by accident or disease. 71 10. Commercial General:Liability. Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence; combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and'/or property damage. New Hanover County Water 8~ Sewer District shall be named as"an•additional insured under this policy. ~ ~' 11. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due~to bodily injury and/o~r property damage. • ' 12. Contractor's Installation Floater. Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100°/0) of the contract amount and shall remain in•force until accepted by District. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the District as its interests may appear.. ' Vendor shall be responsible for any loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance. ~- The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and District and shall protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. 13: Default and Termination. If Vendor materially breaches any one of -- the terms or conditions contained in thiscontract, District may terminate this contract forthwith. Upon termination, District may, without prejudice to an action for damages or 72 ~~ ',~l 1 any other remedy, enter into another contract for the completion of this contract. District may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Vendor. This agreement maybe terminated without cause by either party within thirty (30) days.written notice to the other party. "IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT, MOTOROLA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE . FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, LIQUIDATED, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES." 14. Non-Waiver of Riqhts. It is agreed that District's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiverof any rights under this contract. 15.. Subcontractors. Vendor shall be fully responsible for all negligent 1 `~~ ~a ~N acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors and of persons and organizations , employed by them to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts and omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between District and any subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract with Vendor, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of ,District to pay any money due any such subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. 16. Assignment. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not I~ 't t I` I~ assignable and shall not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party and the surety to this contract. 17. Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not.to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participation in or the benefits of the project which is the subject of this contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 5 73 `~ 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and 1968 (P.L.~90-284)., and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations,, orders, •, instructions desi nations and other directives romul a g p g ted to prohibit discnmmations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at District's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. ~ ~ . - ,~ 18. Familiarity with Laws. The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all applicable. Federal, State and local .laws; . ordinances, rules and regulations, including all applicable Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which may in any manner- affect those engaged or employed in the work of the project; or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and . agrees that he, his employees, .subcontractors and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same.' If the Vendor shalt discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with any such law ordinance, rule-or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the District in writing, identifying. any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed until_he.has received written direction from the _ District with respect to these items. If the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving .such notice, he shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. - _, - ~ ~~ , 19. Notices. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party ' shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such--other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested: ~. ~ -- 74 1 ,~ To District: New Hanover County Water & Sewer District Attention: Wyatt Blanchard, Engineer 414 Chestnut Street -Room 101 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~1 To Vendor: ~; ~V Motorola, Inc. Attention: Robert Janesak 85 Harristown Road ' Glen Rock, New Jersey 07452 20. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that ~~ Vendor is an inde endent contractor and not an a ent of District, and as such, Vendor, p 9 ,his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any District employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's '. compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. ~ 21. Limitation of Liability. To the extent permitted by law, except for personal injury or death, MOTOROLA'S total liability whether for breach of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise, is limited to the price of the particular products sold hereunder with respect to which losses or damages are claimed. PURCHASER'S sole remedy is to request MOTOROLA at MOTOROLA'S option to either refund the purchase price, repair or replace product(s) that are not as warranted. IN NO EVENT WILL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. 22. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained in the I contract documents shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. I'i~ ~ 75 It 23. Entire Understanding. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms.agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution of this instrument, by authority duly given on the day and .year first above written. [SEAL] ATTEST: NEW HANOVER COUNTY . ~ WATER & SEWER DISTRICT E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman Water & Sewer District Clerk to the Board MOTOROLA, INC. [CORPORATE SEAL] President ATTEST: Secretary This instrument, has been pre- . audited in the manner required . by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County Finance Director ~ , 76 Approved as to form: ' County Attorney 8 1 _... NORTH CAROLINA 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY L, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County Water & Sewer District, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. t 1996. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ' ~ My commission expires: ' STATE OF 1 ~~ ~ ~~ COUNTY OF Notary Public - _ a Notary Public ~ of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of MOTOROLA, INC., a foreign corporation. organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its official seal and attested by himself/herself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of 1996. Notary Public My .commission expires: 9 77 • NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT INVITATION TO BID ON TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE AND REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J. Akin, Purchasing Agent, New Hanover County Finance Office, 320 Chestnut Street; Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE AND REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS, BID ~ 97-0070" will be accepted ~ until 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 17, 1996. The bids will be publicly opened and read. immediately following the latest time for receipt of bids in the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 611, Wilmington, North Carolina. i Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to make the purchase which will be in the best interest of the County. Advertised: September 1, 1996 Amy J. Akin Purchasing Agent New Hanover County ~` 78 -- INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT BID # 97-0070 TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE AND REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS. ' New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401, . Phone: (910) 341-7190 ' Bid Deposit Requirements No proposal will be considered or accepted by the District unless at the time of its filing the same .' shall be accompanied by cash or cashier's check on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to and not less than five percent (S%) of the proposal. In lieu of making the cash deposit as provided, such bidder may file a bid bond ' executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds, conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to County as obligee upon said bond if the bidder fails to execute the contract in accordance with the bid bond. This deposit shall be retained if the successful bidder fails to execute the contract within ten ((0) days after the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. ' Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and one copy required. Submitted with the original proposal form and copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufactures warranty indicating compliance .. with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual si;ning the bid. No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. ' Re wired S ecifications: Bidder shall submit as part of his proposal detailed specifications q P for the goods bidder proposes to furnish. Bidder's specifications shall be in~strict accordance ' with the District's specifications. Any bid which is not in strict accordance with the District's specifications .must list each exception separately in a letter submitted as an attachment to the ' Bid Proposal. Deviations: District reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should tl~e District deem it to be to the best interest of the District. District shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. i ~ ~ I-I of S 79 ~~ Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the District. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the -goods bid upon. - If the District's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit -for this purpose. Submission of Bid Proposal Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR TELEiv¢TRY SYTEM UPGRADE AND REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS, BID m 97-0070", and shall be addressed to District-at the following address: New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 - Wilmington, NC 2840] Condition of Goods All goods shall be ne~v and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. Time For Opening Bids . ~ .. +. Proposals will be opened promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present.. Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to. the bidder, unopened. - - Withdrawal of Bids Bidders may withdraw or withdraw and resubmit their bid at any time prior to the closing time for receipt of bids:- But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. 80 I-2 of 5 Award of Contract ' The award of any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract.. District reserves the right to add or delete quantities. Considerations in Award of Contract In determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. '143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (based on District's previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). ,. Federal Taxes ' District is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes. l~lorth Carolina Sales Tax ' If bidder is re uired to char e North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shat[ not include it q g as part of the bid price. District will pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid prices when ' invoiced. ' Price Bidder shall guarantee the prices quoted against any increase for whatever delivery date is specified ~: and contract period required. Place of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County Water & Sewer District, exact location to be specified at the time of order and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. ' Instruction in Use of Goods; Demonstration District may require a demonstration of the goods bid upon; the demonstration shall be at no cost to District. If bidder cannot make a demonstration within 20 days of request, bidder's bid may be rejected: Performance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a factor in the award of the ' contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment as that bid. The District may require the demonstration at the same time competitive demonstrations are made. I-3 of 5 81 The successful--bidder shall be responsible for instructing District ersonnel in the ro er use and O P P P maintenance of the goods. ~., Responsibility of Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in full compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards 'or any standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or not they are referred ~to'in the bid documents. Indemnity - Vendor shall indemnify and hold the District, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, his agents: employees and subcontractors. ~ - Insurance Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina grid acceptable to District of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. Certificates arrd Notice of Cancellation Before commencing work under this agreement, Vendor shall furnish District with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type,- amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall contain the following statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after (30) days written notice has been received by District." Workers Compensation and l;mployers Liability Insurance Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this~contract, providing the ~ required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of X100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims a due to bodily injury by accident or disease. Commercial General Liability ~ ~ - Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage 8 2 I-4 o f 5 7 liabilit insurance~covera e. Exclusions a licable to ex losion colla se and underground hazards Y g PP P ~ P are~to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at ' least in the amount of $ 1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. District shall be named as an additional insured under this ' policy. .. Automobile Liability Insurance ' Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $ 1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or ' property damage. .Contractor's Installation Floater ' Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of ~~ one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by District. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the District as its interests may appear. ' Vendor shall be res onsible for an loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance. P Y The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and District and shall protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. t Addendum ' The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The District shall not be responsible for any other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications will be in the form of an Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. Compliance With Bid Requirements . ' Failure to com l with these provisions or any other provisions of the General Statutes of North PY Carolina will result in rejection of bid. Right To Reject Bids ' The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I-5 of 5 83 General .Technical Specifications Upgrade for NHC Central SCADA System New Haltover County Water and Sewer District (District) is requesting proposals U from vendors for filrnisliing an upgrade to it's existing Motol-ola Intract SCADA system and for. fulnishing Remote Terminal. Units (RTU). compatible with ,the ivfotorola SCADA system presently used by the District. The, proposal shall include all equipment and labor for installation, including any required prod amming of the central computer and each RTU. ~ a The upgraded SCADA system shall be 100 percent compatible with all RTU's . which remain in service and with the computers purchased for the upgraded SCADA system by New Hanover County. Ne~v Hanover County will provide the necessary computers for the primary, hot stand-by and remote applications. 1. Central Unit ~ ,~-, The central computer unit shall be capable of the following: - Operates on Windows NT. - a - Monitors all activities in the field but does not leave to perforln any functions such as start /stop, but has the ability to perfornl all functions. - Central computer can manually override any and all functions in the field. - PeI-form normal operations while receiving and paging an event. - Ability to support not less than 27~ RTU's without additional upgrades. - Ability to communicate with County's existing paging system to signal in detail the event which has occurred. - Must leave ability to communicate with older units in field without modification of the existinb units. - Central unit shall include primary unit, hot standby, remote unit for monitoring all activities in a remote location either through a phone line or an RTU. ,. 2. Remote Terminal Unit The RTU shall be designed for remote, unattended operation. The RTU shall monitor the several sensors connected thereunto and shall report the status of those sensors to a central station, alld shall activate contol relays in response to received data CommUIticatloIlS. ~-, The RTU shall be entirely solid state in construction except for the relays that g{oyide ttie control outputs. The RTU shall utilize two-way FM radio as the J ~, ~~ Technical S ecifications P Upgrade for NHC Central SCADA System Page Two ' communications media, although a wireline capability shall also exist. The RTU shall employ a signaling protocol specifically designed for shared nvo-way radio channels.: ,The RTU shall be provided. with both an ac power supply and an internal battery. 2.1 Enclosure ' Tlie RTU shall be provided in a stainless steel NEMA-4X rated enclosure, including stainless steel hardware. The size shall not be larger than 20 inches by 20 ' inches. ~~ The enclosure shall be designed for wall mounting. Installation brackets shall 6e 'provided that can be placed along the top bottom surfaces or along the side surfaces of the enclosure. The enclosure shall include a removable weatherproof plate on the bottom ' surface. All conduit connections in the enclosure shall terminate on this plate. The enclosure shall contain all. of the components that comprise the RTU, namely the radio, power supply, battery, and electronics. The antenna shall not be installed on the enclosure; instead, an rf connector shall be provided on the enclosure for connection to the remote antenna. 2.2 Power Supply An ac operated power supply shall be provided and installed witlii~i the enclosure, including the recharging of the battery. The power supply shall operate from ether 105 132 Vac or 187-265 Vac at 47-60 Hz.' Covered screw terminals shall be provided on the power supply for tl~e connection of . ' the ac power wires. The ac power wires shall be brought into the enclosure tluough rigid thinwall conduit; no other wires shall coexist in this conduit. The power supply shall contain circuihy to detect when an ac power failure occurs ~ and shall notify the electronic components of the RTU of said failure. Tlic RTU shall ~,' operate, wide no degradation in performance, during ac power failures. No operational I transients shall occur during power s~vitchover. i' The power supply shall contain circuitry to detect when the charge on the battery falls below an established threshold. When a low battery condition is detected, the RTU ' shall cease h~ansmitting but shall continue all other operations for as long as possible.Q i (~ . Technical Specifications Upgrade for NHC Central SCADA System Page Three 2.3 Surge Protection Tl~e equipment shall include a surge protector with the following specifications: - Clamping time shall be no more than one NANO second. - Camping voltage shall be no greater than rivo times the rated voltage. - ~ Energy absorption shall be a minimum of fifty (50) joules. 2.4 Battery Back-up A sealed, rechargeable battery shall be provided and installed within the enclosure. The battery shall be sized to operate all RTU components within the enclosure during a loss of ac power for twenty hours with an average of one-t<vo second radio transmissions per hour. ' ~ :. , , . RTU shall have the ability to perform local calculations for pump run times, starts/stops, flow rates; totals, pressure readings, etc. RTU shall have the ability to store data for a period of time to insure system will not be bogged down with constant RTU chatter trying to inform the central unit of a pump stop start or other data. RTU shall have tlie ability to independently operate the pump station which is being served, including the ability to make decision if specified action to not occur in addition to reporting alarm conditions. . RTUmust have the ability to channel monitor to prevent one RTU from attempting to talk over another RTU. RTU must have ability to accept 4-20 MA signal from pressure switches or other devices. 2.7 Radio •. The RTU shall be provided with a 15 watt 800 MHZ radio that operates with 100% compatibility wit}l the existing New Hanover County SCADA repeater base station. 86~ .--~ _.- i . .. ~. - Technical Specifications Upgrade for NHC Central SCADA System Page Four . ' The radio shall be e acce ted b the FCC and shall meet all requirements for tYP P Y secondary signaling data transmissions. The RTU shall be provided with a suitable low profile antenna, as now utilized, transmission line, and rf surge protection. 3. Warranty ~ . A twelve month warranty shall 6e provided for all items to be active from date of installation by vendor. .' 4. list. I ~I f i ~I' l I ii Specifications Vendor shall provide detail information ~on proposed unit including existing user 87 BRUCE T. SHELL, CPA Finance Director JULIANNE hI. GRIFFIN, CPA Deputy Finance Director September 12, 1996 ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY FINANCE OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOiv1602 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 23401-4091 TELEPHONE (910) 3d1-7187 Fi1.Y (910) 3d1-40h TO: Tink Shaffer, Motorola FROM: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent RE: Addendum # 1, Bid # 97-0070 The bid opening for I3id # 97-00,70 for ~ telemetry system upgrade and ten remo[e telemetry units has been changedlron: 3:00 p. n~. Tuesday, September 17, 1996 to 3:00 p. nr. Tuesday, October 1, 1996. Please acknowledge receipt of this addendum by signing below and returning to me by fax at (910) 341-4025. /aa Received by: Date: 88 ~. ~ :.. Vendor's Qtiote # COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA BID PROPOSAL FORM BID # 97-0070 -TELEMETRY SYSTEM UPGRADE AND REMOTE TELEMETRY UNITS September 17, 1996; 3:00 p.m. ' I certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, or person submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of state and federal law and can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by all conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder.. ' Bid Proposal t Telemetry System Upgrade: ($125,619.00) Price:One Hundred Tt~~enty Five Thousaand Six Hundred ~Ji neteen Dol 1 ars Delivery and completion of installation 16 0 days after receipt of purchase order. Location of TechnicaVService Representative 31 3 01 d Dairy P. o a d, bl i l n i n g t o n, tJ C 2 8 4 0 5 Remote Telemetry Units: First Yenr of Contrnct: Price per Quantity Extended Price Unit Equipment Cost $ 4 724 00 `)' p a-~. , , ~ ,~~,, ., ~. Installation Charge ~ ~ ~- - $ 1,160.00 ~ ~ rv4~ ~~ .~.r" 7.t P ~, ~ ,,«~,..~~ ~' i bL Data Base Programming Charge $ 950.00 > ~"' ~' z~ -~ -`~ -~ Total Cost Per Unit S 6834.00 10 X S ~ 3~0 00 ' PRICES FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD YEAR i3~ILL APPLY IF THE DISTRICT ORDERS ANY UNITS. THE DISTRICT IS NUT UNDER ANY 013LIGA TION TO BUY ANY AMOUNTS THE SECOND AND THIRD YEAR. I-1 of3 89 ii Sccoiid .znd Third Ycar of Contract: - Price per Unit for the Second Year of Contract Price per Unit for.the Third Year of Contract Equipment Cost _ $ 5 , 773..00 $6 , 350.00 Installation Charge $ 1 , 278.00... $1 , 406.00 Data Base Pro~rammin Char e $ 950.00 $1 , 045.00 Total Cost Pcr Unit ~ 8,001 .00 $8,801 .00 Attachments to Proposal ti 1. Bid Bond ~ ' 2. Complete specifications of equipment proposed ~ - • 3. Copy•of warranty 4. Exceptions to bid (if any) Notice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with Neiv Hanover County in the form specified within ten (10) days aRer the award and to begin process of providing the goods listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase Order issued by New Hanover~County. Addendum Receipt of the following Addendum is acknowledged: ~ - "~` Addendum No. O CJ E Date 12. S E P T E ~1 B E R , 1996 Addendum No. Date ~ , 1996 " Addendum No..- _ Date , -1996 9 ~ I-2 of 3 ~, SEP-12-96 ~TNU 10 58 -. _. _. . Ii !~ i ~ , I i NHC F (1;r,Id~E OFF 1 CE FAX N0, 19103414025 j ~ R12t,1C.f. T. SFIELL, CPA ~ F'inanccUircctur I JLiLLA\~E~~1.CFI~~'I~,ca'•~ Deput}• Finance Di-cct~r i ' ~ September 12, 1996 NEB ~3.A.NOVER COUNTY 1; TNANCI/ O1; FTCE 320 CHESTNU'T' STREET, ROOiV1602 WII,l~sINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4091 TELEPHOT~E(~in} 341-T1a7 FiLY (910) 3d1-d02S P. O 1 TO: Tink Shatter, h•1;~~~>r~~la "' FROM: Amy Akin. 1'urc1; tsi•tg Agent -~ RE: Addendum ~' I , I i ;1 # 97-0070 ~~ The bid opening for ]aid ~ )7-/r•~70 fr~r a telemetry system upgrade and tern remote fclenretry I units has bean char ed ru~rr ,~ i10 nr. Ttcesda , Se ienrber 17 1996 to 3:00 nr. Tuesdn i ,~ 1' N• y P ~ P• y~ ~ Qetober 1, 1996. Please act: r,n~ !edge receipt of this addendum by signing below acid returning to me by fax at (910 j 3.11-~ ~~"'s . i' /aa i' I' I ~' " . i I I . ... --- i V Received by: ~~ ~.. ..-. (~~Y r r Date: 13 54.E ~ (~ 91 .- .. -Bidder .Information ~ ~ .. a Please check as appropriate and complete the items below. ' • The Bidder is: ~ ~ .~ An Individual A Partnership between: A Joint Venture consisting of: x ~~ a A Corporation organized under the laws of the State Of Deleware ~ ~ Q (List•~name of state appearing on the corporate seal and affix sea( below where indicated.) , Q C• ~'~~(f Robert C . anesa.k ' F!~OT~ =~~~ ~ (name as above printed) (~ ~.1 TITLE:Assistant Secretary/Controller . Motorola, Inc. COMPANY. 35 Harris town Road ADDRESS: Glen Rock, NJ 07452 a TELEPHONE: (2 0 ~) 4 4 7- 7 5 0 0 **Motorola's proposal is submitted SEAL-IF BID ISBYACORPORATION based on the terms and conditions of the attached Rider. ATTEST: By 92 I-3 of 3 {~ .a e I .~ ~ • lU,~~ ..ll ~~ ~~~ ~l\ii. "~Il/_111 ~ . mil, aT/il/ F\iI /~,4y'•~~• ~1r ',\1,~j~ `/~1n I ~-- •.. " f ~ ~: ~ ~=~'~''~~ ~ommer~i~l ~ ~rr~nt . .~ >,~~ ;;~,,,, . 3~E(~ (STANDARD) •ca~{ts ' =' Motorola radio communications products are warranted to be free from defects in material _:~ ,;it~l},, ~ and workmanship for a period of ONE (1) YEAR, except for crystal devices and channel ' ;;;~~;>t~ elements which are warranted for a period of ten (10) years, from the date of shipment. -~a:4 `' ~fl~l,; ~ Parts, including crystals and channel elements, will be replaced free of charge for the full ~"~'=== y' warranty period but the labor to replace defective parts within the original shipped pro- ,,~v ducts plus travel costs for work on non-movable installed equipment will only be provided ;:;c~it;,.: for One Hundred Twenty (120) days from the date of shipment. After said 1.20 days, Buyer .r ~~.~ must pay for the labor involved in repairing the product or replacing the parts at the •"==='-~;; prevailing rates together with any travel or transportation charges to or from the place Vii, :;')'',.~ ',;~tt~f:~ where warranty service is provided. This express warranty is extended by Motorola Com• =~,:;~ <: munications and Electronics, Inc., 1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196, '~'-~~ll)~ to the original buyer only, and only to those purchasing for purpose of leasing or solely for ,..: _~., ~y. commercial, industrial, or governmental use. ,,, y.. :~"' THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ~~~- ~`'~t'I'"' EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WHICH ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED, 'c:_=~~tu~, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR '~"~"' A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE ••! -~" LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE ~.'~tli~ . FULL EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. ~~-~='~• In the event of a defect, malfunction or failure to conform to specifications established by =-~u;'; ;;~w Seller, or if appropriate, to specifications accepted by. Seller in writing, during "the '=;(~Nf;."' ' applicable periods stated above, Seller, at its option, will either repair or replace the pro- .; ~;r''. ' c}~~~~.~ duct or refund the purchase price thereof, and such action on the part of Seller shall be l:i-;;~~ the full extent of Seller's liability hereunder, and Buyer s exclusive remedy. This warranty ,_;;i~l)l~. shall automatically terminate if: ....=~! •:`, . a. the product is used in other than its normal and customary manner; =~ji~~)~`1 b. the product"has been subject to misuse, accident, neglect or damage; ,r._, ~~ •G~: ~,i' c. improper alterations or repairs have been made, or if nonconforming parts ,~~ti, are used in the product unless done by a service facility authorized by Seller ~'`-"~~ to perform warranty service. ~:.a7~,: -:-__ :r E l'ul'\l' •• This warranty extends only to individual products; frequency sensitive components, `'''''+ ~;"' towers, vidicon tubes, test equipment, and batteries are excluded but carry their own :;•._~ ~ separate limited warranty. Because each radio system is unique, Seller disclaims liability j!~~l}~ for range, coverage, or operation of the system as a whole under this warranty except by a ~~:--_~ separate written agreement signed by an officer of Seller. ;•~ ti... Non•Motorola manufactured products are excluded from this warranty (unless bearing a "~'"I`~• , Motorola Part Number in the form of an "alpha•numeric number"; i.e. TDE6030B) but such `~ •E_~~lw' products are subject io the warranty provided by their manufacturers, a copy of which will ~,;~;~, be supplied to Buyer on specific written request. --_~~' Any claim for breach of this warranty shall be waived unless Buyer notifies Seller's i ,,s!;~)~.~~ = ~' ' ' salesperson or Seller at the above address, Attention: Quality Assurance Department, ' . ;=_~ ° within the applicable warranty period. G`~~~ ~ Thi hi h SO U i li l i d S %s z-,,.. s warranty app n t n es on y w t e te tates. ;4~~ ~='~ ~~"' MOTOROLA o _ h .1__ ';~_""„ :~ ~~~~~~ •' Rwised date: 6/v88 Ro.o.,oa Communications and Electronics lnc. ; i~~ sacsnsseea - --- - ---- ~- --- ~ ,,I .J~L, __ -/'i_„=±~ '`:~a, .zi ac• - ~,:~.` \::::~,.li'y'i i,. i1:j ~~ ';,Csas,t_•i ~.at ;~ /?~~= ",:two ~~ l ,(~ ; ,.v, ,,,_ 1~,1: ! ~: ~~<, -I ~: ~ ~rli, ~~'- •: . ~.. :::::. • _ ~i/.\ .y • V _ _ i Response to Technical Specifications in Bid#97-0070 1 . Central Unit This. item will he supplied by The I~[e~-v I-[anover Counry~water and • Sewer District (Herein after referred~to as The District). i\.~[otorola will supply the necessary compatibility information to The District. 2. Remote Terminal Unit • Comply. . 2.1 Enclosure Comply. 2.2 Power Supply . Comply. .. 2.3 Surge Protection ~~ ~- - . ~ Comply. 2.4 Battery Back-up Comply. 2.7 Radio . Comply. 3. Warranty Comply. ~ . 4. Specifications Included and Comply. i - .:._ . Response to Contractual Items in Bid#97-0070 New Hanover County NC The following addresses pages and paragraphs from a DRAFT of an AGREEMENT supplied by New Hanover County North Carolina on 30 August 199G to Motorola. ~ 2 Par ra ~h S Purchase Price: I P~ ge ag I ' Motorola; Inc. offers the following terms: 30"~° Down payment GO"~° Upon shipment of equipment, items as shipped 10°~ Upon installation . - '! i 1 ,I 1 ~t i i I . 95 _o ,~~~~~~~~ Response to New Hanover County NC Bid#J7-0070 The following response to Page I-2 of 3 regarding the.Second and Third Year of Contract for Remote Terminal Units. For years two and three, Please understand that these are MA?CIMUNt prices and if the price at the time of order for the future units is less than these prices, New Hanover County NC will receive the lower price. The following response is addressing COMPUTER EQUIPMENT that is to _ be furnished by New Hanover County NC. New Hanover County NC will NEED TO ADD two multi-port serial cards and add these to the PC's. The reason for this is due to the Field Interface Ut'1it (FIU). Each FIU will require three COM (serial) ports in each PC. A fourth port will be required for dial-up access. n 96 ~ J - ~ - - . RIDER TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY - - BID N0.97-0070 1. Page 2, Paragraph 6 Indemnity: Motorola a rees to the extent rovided below: g P INDEMNIFICATION - MOTOROLA agrees to and hereby indemnifies and saves PURCHASER - harmless from all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages and expenses which r may accrue against, be charged to, or recovered from the PURCHASER by reason of or on account of damage to the property of the PURCHASER or the .property of, injury to, or death of any person, when such damage or injury. is caused by MOTOROLA'S negligence or that of its employees, subcontractors, or agents while on the premises of the PURCHASER during the delivery and installation of the communications equipment. IN NO EVENT WILL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. - . ^ . 2. Page 2, paragraphs 7 through 12 Insurance: Motorola will comply with the Insurance requirements in accordance with its attached Certificate of Insurance. 3. Page 4, paragraph 13 Default and Termination: Please add the following language to the end of this paragraph: ^ "IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT, MOTOROLA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, LIQUIDATED, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES." 4. Page 5, paragraph 18 Familiarity with Laws: Please change the first sentence of this ara ra h to read as follows: P g P i The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including all applicable Federal and State Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which may in any manner affect those engaged or employed m the work of the protect, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he, his ' employees, subcontractors and suppliers will, at al times, comply with same." 5. Motorola's standard Commercial Warranty document will apply. 97 ' CG/96-197/New Hanover County, NC 13993 6. In addition, Motorola requires the following provision be included: LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Except for personal injury or death, MOTOROLA'S total liability whether for' • breach of contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort or otherwise, is limited to the price of the particular products sold hereunder with respect to which losses or damages are claimed. PURCHASEP.'S sole remedy is to request MOTOROLA at MOTOROLA'S option to either refund the pttrchase price, repair or replace product(s) that are not as warranted. IN NO EVENT - WILL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE 'FOR ANY LOSS-OF USE, LOSS OF TIME, - INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES TO THE FULL . EXTENT SUCH MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW. No action shall be brought for any breach of this contract more than one (1) year after the accrual of such cause of action except for money due upon an open account. 98~~ CG/96-197/New Hanover County, NC 13993 RTU SPECIFICATIONS • l.OGENERAL. The remote terminal unit (RTU) shall be an intelligent, modular unit capable of both data acquisition and local data processing. It shall monitor and control local equipment in a stand alone mode as well as being an intelligent node in a distributed processing system. It shall be microprocessor based and allow reconfiguration and optimization to occur via software only. To facilitate installation, maintenance and future expansion, all Input/output (I/O) modules shall connect to the basic processor module via a passive motherboard on the RTU rack. A PC-compatible computer running a single, comprehensive standard application development and diagnostic software package shall be used for program developement and downloading (directly to the RTU or through the systems communication channels). ' Each RTU must be supplied with the number and type of UO points as indicated elsewhere in the plans and specifications. Future expansion shall be possible by simply plugging in additional UO modules to the UO bus. Each RTU shall be supplied with the following minimum configuration: A. Mother Board B. Power Supply C. UO Bus D. Battery E. Enclosure F. UO Modules as required G. CPU Processor Module H. Communications Interface 2. COl~~~1UNICATIONS 2.9 General The RTU shall support the establishment of a sophisticated data communication network for SCADA applications utilizing a variety of radio or line communication links. Radio links shall include conventional (VI-~ and UHF), direct Fiv1 radio, franked radio and microwave (analog and digital). Line links shall include private or leased lines, Public Service Telephone Network (PSTN) via dial-up modems and fiber optics. The RTU must be a true multi-port device and be able to communicate simultaneously with hierarchies above it (multiple central stations), witf~ hierarchies parallel to it (RTU to RTU) and hierarchies below it (master/slave RTUs). 2.2 Data Protocol Data communications shall utilize a secure, smart protocol designed in accordance with the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The protocol must include all seven layers of the OSI model and facilitate communications between all stations in the system and support: • Multi level access control to insure high levels of data privacy • Multiple logical sessions to allow simultaneous application execution • Packet oriented with high efficiency variable length messages • • Ability to transfer complete programs and historical data from RTU to centrals or between RTUs • Support high data security techniques, frame synchronization, dynamically assigned CRC codes (32 bit) and other sophisticated recovery and erorr detection procedures The protocol should allow flexible, efficient communications for transmission of data, complete programs, databases or other parameters. Complete configuration and diagnostic programs shall be transferable frocn/to the Central site or from RTU to RTU (full data upload/download capability). Complete RTU/system debusging shall be allowed without visiting each remote site. The protocol shall support a complex hierarchical system structures of multiple host computers and sub- master stations. Its detail structure, however shall be transparent to the system user and allow him to concentrate upon the application. 99 D1. 6.97 R;OSG~ Sucgestnl S~x~t:itication __, ".Motorola Private Data Systems MOSCAD RTU .. "_ ". - U 2.3 Communication Methods In addition to the simplistic master/slave polling configuration, the RTU shall operate in a number of more efficient '" contention formats required by point to multipoint networks. The RTU must support quiescent operation and initiate data transmissions under the following conditions: •~ A. Report by Exception - Automatically transmit upon defined exception condition(s); analog, digital or any combination B. Timed'Transmission - Automatically transmit data on programmed time interval 2.4 Special Communication Requirements In addition to the communication methods above, the RTU must also support the following special modes: Shared Transceiver Mode: each .RTU shall be able to share its communications transceiver (radio, wireline, etc) with other RTUs. Store & Forward Repeater: each RTU sha[I be able to receive information from other sites, store it in D memory and then transmit (relay) the data to another site Network Interface Node: each RTU shall be able to function as an interconnection point between ("~ radio frequencies, etc. Tturtked Radio Interface: each RTU shall be able to use a trunl:ed radio communication system. Broadcast (Set Call): ~ any change in RTU or rystem data e.g. time synchronization, control mde switching, setpoint change, or wide area command may be automatically transmitted to a dynamically defined set of locations. , 2.5 Radio Communication Channels The RTU shall be able to operate on all t~vo-way FM radio frequencies: VHF (136-174 tig-Iz), UHF (402-430 and ~} 450-470 it•~iz), 800/900 MHz conventional, 800/900 IViHz trunking, 900 141Hz MAS, microwave, and 'digital radio DPSK (dual phase shift keying) type modulation. Each RTU shall monitor the communication channel(s) to prevent transmission during a busy period. Channel priority assignments shall be available (both network and individually) to handle avalanche conditions. The RTUs are fixed equipment that transmit digital information over Flvt radio frequencies using either tones (FSK, F2 emission) or direct transmission of data (Direct Fiv1, Fl .emission). This area of radio operation is strictly governed by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and all units must meet the appropriate sections of: Subpart, J: 90.235, (secondary fixed tone signaling) and 90.233 communication systems and/or communication networks using FSK (frequency~shift keying), DFivt (direct FM) or(telemetry) as well as Subpart K: 90.261 (fixed operation in 450-470 h1Hz) and 90.267 UHF frequency offset operation). The RTU need support the . following minimum characteristics: • Operating Mode: Asynchronous f • • • • Transmission Mode° _ , Half duplex - •~ Conventional Radio: Up to 9600 bps (hiAS), 4800bps' DFM, 2400bps (FSI~), 1200bps (DPSK) • Trunked Radio: Up to 2400 bps (FSK), 1200bps (DPSK) 100 ~ ~ DJ_6.9> ? MOSCAD Sucgcstrd Spccifcation a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I~ 'I, 1 II i~ '.i '~ 1 I~ This page intentio~rally left bla~rk -- -Motorola.Privafe Data Systems MOSCAD RTU 2.6 l~reline Communication Channels The RTU shall support a number of communication options over traditional two or four-wire voice grade phone Gnes. The RTU shall have optionally available different internal modems to support point to point, party line as well as auto- answer/dial-up operation. General line characteristics required: • Operating Mode: Synchronous/Asy~nchronous • Transmission Mode: Half or full duplex • Baud rate: 1200/2400 dependent upon line • Output impedance: 600 ohm or high impedance (Z), balanced • Input signal level: 0 Dbm to -30 Dbm 2.7 Serial Data Channels The RTU shall also be able to communicate via a number of different serial interfaces. Communication to an eternal DTE/DCE device shall be supported for RS-232 and RS1185. 2.8 External Communication Devices The RTU shall be able to operate with a number of external communication devices. 2.8.1 The RTU shall be interfaced to a fiberoptic (FO) link via a FO RS-232 modem. These devices, e.g. Fibronics FM630 allows transmission up to 6 km at data rates up to 19.2 kbps. 2.8.2 The RTU shall be able to interface to a 64 kbps digital microwave (bi-directional PCiv1) transmission channel according to CCITT G.703 or G.704 by means of an external interface or directly to the digital microwave service channel via RS-232 for use in microwave alarm applications. 3.0 RTU HARDWARE MODULES 3.1 Basic Processor Module The basic processor module (CPU) of the RTU shall be a real time process controller and support: A. Bus communication with VO modules B. System memory allocation C. System parameter/logic programming D. Communication port control 3.1.1 The Central Processing Unit (CPU) shall be a high speed (16iVtHz clock rate), 32 bit CMOS microprocessor, ivlotorola 68302 or equivalent. This VLSI design must incorporate a separate co-processor (embedded RISC chip) to handle all external communication tasks so as to not affect base CPU performance. 3.1.2 The CPU shall be equipped with a minimum of 704 kbyte on-board memory of different types. EPROiv1- ... RAM - FLASH(EEPROM) - for rystem programs for data and parameters for application programs Tota] RTU memory must be expandable to a minimum of 2.5 Mbyte. Provision must be available to add a numerical co-processor (Motorola 68882 or equivalent) with true double precision floating point capabilities 102 along with additional memory and support for trigonometric and transcendental functions. L U1.G.9i 3 MOSCAD Sucgc~t~d Sp~-cifi~tion _ _ _. _.•Motorola Private Data Systems MOSCAD RTU 3.1.3 The CPU module must incorporate areal-time clock (RTC) with lithium battery backup for both RTC and .. module RAI~i. Large scale C1vtOS gate array technology must be used for minimum component count and ma.~cimum performance and reliability. CPU features include: A. Watch-dog timer (WDT) ~ B. Symbolic debugging support . C. Diagnostic LED indication D. Power monitor for clean program start/stop 3.1.4 The CPU module must include at least the three built-in communication ports as listed below: Port I : RS-232 or RS-485, software controlled, full DCE/DTE operation to 9600 bps ' Port 2 : RS-232, full DCE/DTE, 9600bps, transient protected Port 3 : Configurable (Plug-In) communication module for radio, wireline, franked radio, and dial-up wire line, 600-9600 bps, dependent upon media. Support shall be available for additional serial channels, second radio, wireline or other e.~cternal communications. ~~ 3.2 lnput/Output Modules . 3.2.1 The RTU shall address variable UO requirements by the addition of appropriate expansion modules. Each module shall communicate with the CPU module via a high speed (> 1 Nibps) data bus. Up to 44 modules shall be supported by a single CPU module; dual CPU configurations shall optionally be available. Each expansion module may be plugged into an empty slot on the UO l2us. Alt modules, regardless of type (unless specifically noted), must share the following features: Input Protection: do/dc converter with 2.Skv optical isolation per IEEE SWC 472/S87 Output Protection: 1 kv between contacts, I.Slcv between contact and coil per IEEE SWC 472 CMOS Gate Array: all logic, bus and LED interface contained in one gate array on each module to minimize components and increase reliabilin• Diagnostics: Loopback test, system clock, WDT, 20 diagnostic LED indtcators of status and module failure modes. Tet7rtina] Boards: Removable, Phoenix type up to 14 AWG (2.S sq. mm) or D[N connector. Module Identification: Check hardware [/O versus application specification. 3.2.2 Digital Input Module.- Type 1 Capacity: IG dry contacts, all isolated inputs; 2 high specd counters (up to 10 1Chz) Counters: All base inputs may be defined as lo~v speed counters, SO-SOOHz 1 Interrupt-Handling: Change of State (COS) reporting to l ms in interrupt mode Input filtering . I-32 ms, software controlled 3.2.3 Digital Input Module -Type 2 Capacity: 16 wet contacts, 10-28 or 20-56 volts AC and/or DC isolated inputs Interrupt-Handling: Change of State (COS) reporting to 1 ms in interrupt mode , Input filtering t-32 ms, software controlled , Option: Higher voltage capability by adding external resistance ~ 3.2.4 Digital Input Module -Type 3 Capacity: 32 contacts, DC Voltage inputs, separate termination board required Input filtering I-32 ms, software controlled ~ O Interrupt-Handling: Change of State (COS) reporting to ~ ms in interrupt mode Option: 10-28, 20-56 and 35-80 Vdc versions available D1.6.95 4 ti1n5C~~D Sucgcst~d Spccitic~tion - -Motorola Private Data Systems MOSCAD RTU - - - 3.2.5 Digital Input Module -Type 4 ~ - Capacity: 60 contacts, separate termination board required - .Input filtering 1-32 ms, software controlled Interrupt-Handling: Change of State (COS) reporting to 1 ms in intercept mode 3.2.6 Digital Output Modules Type 1 Capacity: 16 magnetically-energized relay contacts (12 Form A, 4 Form C) Type 2 Capacity: 16 electrically-energized relay contacts (12 Form A, 4 Form C) Both shall have local, internal read back of an auxiliary relay contact for positive indication of output command ~} execution. Relay contactload 60W do (resistive loads only) or 12SVA ac. u Type 3 Capacity: 32 Open collector outputs each with separate common, SOOma @ 32Vdc 3.2.7 Analog Input Module Capacity: 8 floating, isolated inputs Type: 4-20mA, (optionally ±1 mA, ± 2mA, ±1 V, ±5 V) all inputs same type Resolution: 13 bits including 'sign ' Accuracy/Linearity: ±0.05 %~full scale/± 1 LSB - Calibration`. Automatic, software controlled (no potentiometer) 3.2.8 Analog Output Module Capacity: 4 optically isolated outputs Type: ~ ~ 0-5 V or 4-20ma, performance dependent upon power supply ' Resolution: 12 bits including sign. Accuracy: ± 0.1 % full scale 3.2.9 AC Analyzer Module This module shall permit- the direct measurement of 3-phase voltage•and current along with calculation of the associated phase angles. Interface to the required Potential Transformers (PT) and Current Transformers (CT) shall be mounted on a separate termination panel. Capacity: 3-phase PT and CT inputs, 8D1 and 8D0 AC Inputs: _ PT: 1'17Vac + 100% - - ' CT: S Aac •+250% - ~ ~-y Digital Inputs: •28Vdc max., optically isolated, •SOHz counter ` Digital Outputs: Two each tamp Form C, electrically energized & magnetically latched U Two each 8amp Form C, electrically energized & magnetically latched 3.2.10 >Vlixed UO Module This module shall combine DI, DO and AI capability into a single unit. Capacity: 8 isolated dry contact digital inputs, 4 electrically-energized relay contacts, 3 Form A, 1 Form C (Optionally: magnetically latched, 1 form A , 2 fotTrt C and 1 fotzn A electrically energized 2 analog inputs (12 bits including sign) 4.0 RTU SOFTWARE ~.~4 Operating System' ~ - ' . UI:G:9S j IvfOSCAD Suggctitec! Srxtiificatian 1 t t t MOSCAD RTU The software shall be based upon amulti-tasking executive system optimized for real-time environments, )Motorola's Object Oriented MTE or equivalent. 4.2 Application Software The RTU shall be programmed with a high level, multiple process ladder diagram language which includes E3oolean and arithmetic functions as well as specialized function blocks such as proportional, integral, derivative (P[D) control and American Gas Association (AGA) flow calculations. The ladder diagrams shall be used for process definitions as well as symbolic monitoring and debugging. The RTU application shall be defined using a stand alone programming package running on a MS-DOS computer. This package shall allow the user to develop and download the site and system configuration as well as all local application programs, plus provide source level debugging. This terminal shall be connected either locally via RS-232 to the RTU or remotely from any site in the system through the designated system communication channel. The configuration software shall be designed so that it will automatically create all software entities needed to support the different hardware modules and communication ports as configured by the system engineer. The application database definition shall support a tabular format in which the database is defined as a set of tables, where each table defines a group of devices; each row signifies a separate device and each column contains specific device data. The table entries are to be assigned user-significant names such as PUMP 1. Table values are to contain easily understood data such as equipment run time or number of pump starts. After the RTU database is complete, the communications, monitoring and control processes shall be defined. These may be simultaneous (up tv.5 processes may run independently) or sequential and may contain subprocesses to be performed dynamically. These subprocesses may include auto failover to backup communication channel(s), alternative control programs, etc. The RTU application development package shall be able to do~~•nload the modified software to the RTU and allow real- time monitoring of the process. Ability to `force, jump, or skip to' must be supported so that the user may view/ change the actual values in the target system during program execution. The software shall support time tagging of events at the RTU which will allow accurate timing of the occurrence at the central location. 4.3 Diagnostics Error detection software, running as a background task within the RTU shall continuously check the RTU [/0 modules. Several levels of specially built in test circuitry shall be provided in each module for these tests. A 20 LED matrix shall provide fault identification and system diagnostics on all modules. [t shall be possible to test any RTU remotely using the RTU application developmentpackage connected to any location in the system. The error log list in the CPU shall.pro~lde a comprehensive list of errors, including as a minimum date, time, software or hardware entity name and full error description. 4.4 Foreign Protocol Support The RTU shall allow use of various foreign, ie non Motorola IvfDLC, byte oriented protocols. It shall do so by encapsulating or emulating the foreign protocol via its application programming interface language. In so-doing however, the RTU will be limited to the performance of the other protocol and some features will not be available. 5.0 MECHANICAL 5.7 Construction The RTU shall be totally modular in design and construction, allowing specific configuration merely by plu~i~~he appropriate CPU and UO modules. All modules and their assembly shall be accomplished without screws o f e rs of any type. Al! connections shall utilize a "snap-in" action and a tool shall be supplied to aid easy connector removal. The D~.G:9~ 6 ,~tOSCnD Sug~rstcd Spa:ificncion _ _...Motorola Private Data Systems - MOSCAD RTU RTU shall be available in several sizes to fit different application requirements including 3, 6, 8 and 16 module assemblies. _Basic RTU models shall consist of a mounting plate and motherboard, a CPU module (occupies 1 slot) and a power supply/charger. - - Ali elements must use CMOS components and LS[ circuitry. No jumpers, DIP switches, or adjustable potentiometers shall be allowed. Extensive use of SMD (surface mount device) is required. Front access to all controls, indicators; lithium battery and external cables shall be provided. Motherboard connection~to UO modules shall be direct; no daisy'chain or multiple ribbon cable connections allowed. All UO modules shall be equipped with a front cover door to serve as: module latch release, wiring identification label and terminal board protection. Space shall be available to direct and route external wires from outside the RTU that are connected to the UO modules. ~ • . .-1 5.2 Enclosures The RTU shall be available.m a variety-oFwall mounted CRS, NEiV1A standard housings of category ~l, 3, 4, 12 and 13. Optionally a NEMA 4x housing shall be available in a baked epoxy finish, stainless steel or Fiberglass housings shall also be available. An industry standard 19 inch rack mounting assembly shall be available (required for 8 & l6 module units): 5.3 Environmental The RTU must operate over an ambient temperature range of -30 to+60 OC with relative humidity < 95% @ SO OC. It must meet•or exceed EIA standards RS-2048 and. RS-1528. The RTU shall meet or exceed the SWC standards as defined in IEEE C37.90A for all inputs and outputs. In the appropriate enclosure; the RTU shall meet all qualifications for UL 6l 1, paragraph 26. The RTU shall operate from .l l 5/230 VAC, ± 15%°, 50/60 Hz primary power. A battery and charging circuit shall be included to provide 4 hour standby operation (for defined RTU capacity and use). Larger capacity batteries shall•be available to extend operating time. 6. ENGINEERING SUPPORT 6.9 Remote'Access/Programming . A 9600 bps auto-answer modem shall be provided to enable remote diagnostics and program debuSging. A dial-up telephone line connection will be provided upon request by the customer to aid his staff in this process. Software shall be available For an IBM compatible laptop computer to enable remote (via 1200-9600bps modem) or local diagnostics through any one of the RTUs (via one of the RS 232 ports). This package shall also support the transfer of complete application programs either uploaded to the ne.~ct hierarchy or downloaded to the RTU. Such diagnostics and program transfer shall be possible to any of the RTUs over the system radio channel and/or wireline, depending upon system configuration. - 106 ~ ~ - . DJ.G.9i 7 MOSCAD Su~g~~t~-~l S~x-ci(ication t 1 ~ {. ~ . - - ~ ~ e The MOSCAD Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) provides a data collection unit with the intelligence required to operate in sophisticated Supervisory Control And. Data Acquisition (SCADA) data systems. ~Jith MOSCAO, local processes can be thoroughly supervised; control decisions, utilizing data from both local and remote sources, can be made; informational messages to supervisory centrals or to other remote units can occur. MOSCAD utilizes reliable Motorola FM two-way radio as the message transmission medium to completely eliminate dependence on leased wireline networks. ~` MOSCAO can automatically make the control decisions required to manage the local process-no instructions or intervention by external supervisory equipment is required. These control features are defined within ~f10SCAD in an advanced ladder-language format: the SCADA Application Development software program is available to assist in this effort. NtOSCAD uses the MDLC com- munications protocol, which was specifically designed to transmit large amounts of data via FIv1 r:~o-~•ray radio, when communica- lions with supervisory or other remote units are required. i ~~ 107 ~'~ MOT0140L A Local ~lntelligence MOSCAD is a microprocessor based RTU with large memory capacity that can make control decisions on site based on status conditions and values from local and remote sources. -Local intelligence permits control decisions without the need for real-time messages from other supervi- sory centers; MOSCAD can operate in sophisticated control systems. Ladder Logic MOSCAD uses an advanced symbolic ladder logic application language to develop the data base conditions, values, and RTU profile that must exist for each control action, message transmis- sion, etc. to occur. -Po~verful applications may easily be defined using industry accepted ladder logic. The task is made easier by using the SCADA Application Development software and an 1BM PC computer. .........f ...................... MDLC MOSCAD uses the MDLC communication protocol for all data signalling. - Specifically developed for two-way radio use but completely applicable to wireline, microwave, and fiber optic media, MDLC permits large volumes of data to be quickly transferred between terminals using packet transmission techniques. Upload/Download MOSCAD, via the MOLC data transfer capability, uploads the data collected and calculated by the application program to a central site. It also receives downloaded changes in the application program and in the parameters that control how the application operates. - The process ber'ng supervised does not need to be static; operational variables and omits, and the process definition itself, can be easily changed and transmitted to the RTU. Site vsr'ts by maintenance personnel are not iequired. Diagnostics MOSCAD incorporates self-diagnostic software routines to help mainte- nance personnel identify and correct operational problems. The ladder- logic application itself cari log operational problems and transmit that data to a supervisory terminal using'MDLC. ` - Sel(diagnostics and error reporting capabilitr'es, plus local LEDs, permit maintenance personnel to repair malfunctions in the shortest possible time. Communications MOSCAD permits communications to occur RTU-to-central and RTU-to- RTU. Communications may occur betvreen individual units or may be "broadcast" to several units simultanecusly. - Communications between any or al! units in the system may occur. Modular, The core capabilities of MOSCAO are present in the CPU module. Other modules provide digital and analog input and output capabilities. Each module provides LEO indicators that monitor the operations of the module. - Modular construction permits configuring each RTU to meet the precise requirements of each application, and permits future expansion as the appli- cation grows. Maintenance personnel only needs to replace modules to restore proper operations. . CPU Module The CPU module contains the microprocessor and associated RAM/R0~41 to control the connected I/O modules, the radio, and the communication ports. -, -All core (unctions, including system, 2pplication, and communication soft- ware, are contar'ned in this module. 1/O Modules Digital and analog input, digital and analog output, and combination input/output modules are available for those on-site inputs and outputs. - The digital input module includes high-speed counter capability. The relays on the digital output module provr'de either momentary or latch operation. AC Analyzer Module The module permits the direct.measurement of 3 phase voltage and cur- rent and the calculation of the associated phase angles, KW, and KVAR. These values may then be used by the CPU module in control algorithms that (1) maximize motor/pump efficiency, (2) predict end-of-interval power consumption, (3) initiate load-deferral alternatives, etc. - The AC Analyzer Module becomes the key component in efficiently manag- ing large motor-driven devices or entire small industrial facilities. 108 ~ I~. ~.. ~... Plug-In 1/0 module showing LEDS and user connector r Radio Battery c ~s-.'- - ~~ ,•.=:a; ~. .:•:~~ Powe'r Supply ~yy 'IFS - -~: CPU Module ~ ; ~,~ I ~,;,: i _ 1J; y I/O Modules .. ~ ~.~:-• ~:~ ll ;~ ~ ~ ~ .. .,- I ' ~ -;;q ' NEMA-4 _ ?~ ' ' Housing _`- f:-~ ~ Rack-mount with space for 151/0 modules RS232/RS485 Ports AC Power Anal sis Y Connectors on the CPU module .permit the con- An AC Analyzer module permits the direct con- i ~ nection of a terminal for application programming, nection of 3-phase AC power, and calculates the - a second terminal or printer for local operator I/0, KVA, K7,^/, KQ, and Power Factor of the load ~ and the radio. equipment. - tilultiple connectors, multiple communication proto- -End-of-interval demand predictions, phase loss, cols, and variable data speeds allow practically all power quality, and other measurements maybe external Data Terminal Equipment (OTE) to be con- made directly. Data samples maybe held in memory ~ ~ j nected to the CPU module. ................................. and harvested laler for use in reports, etc. _ Data I/O ................................. Dual Power Supply ~ ~ Data from data terminal equipment (DTE) will be MOSCA.D is available with dual power supplies: a ~ arranged into packets and transmitted through the battery capable of fully povrering the RTU, and an communications network. Received data will be AC operated power supply that also recharges passed to a host computer or other data device. the battery. - Data connectivity is available while providing the ,Dual power sources ensure contine~'.~~ation traditional SCADA I/O (unctions. during AC posver failures. ~ ~ CPU 1lO UO I/O~ 'I!O' -I/O' d/O ~(/O ~ : ,'~ ~ ~ fir ~!r: i v~. ° ; :3 ~ y~.S.'i ;> ,r „ ' .~~J.; s ~ . 'l t- ~ ~. T ' ir: : : ` ,:. S •• _, ' i • ~ S ,_ uo uo vo 1/o vo iil iio~ iio . .r:. - ~ ~. ,, _ MaSC~4D Motorola ~SCAD~4 Remote Terminal Unit SPECtt=(CATIONS Physical: Standard: NEMA-4 steel enclosure (1-6 modules): 19.7' x 19.7' x 8 3- . Small: NEMA-d steel (t •3 modules): 14.97 x 14.97 x 8.3' Power Supply: Rack Mount (t-8 modules): 19' x 12.25":.includes 12.25' radio/P:S. panel Dual: provides 13.8Vdc ~ 8A from 120 Vac 50/60 Hz (230 Vac o ti n l 1 V Environmental: p ); o a 2 dc battery -30 to +60°C: 95 % RH 0 +50°C Expansion: Rack Mount: additional module racks for 93 total modules Two-way Radio, Wireline Modems Note: Radio or modem available in NEMA-4 models: ra dio and modem may be available in 19- rack mount. Two-way Radio _ Model Freq. Range: Radio Type Power Rules Part Emission Designators F69t4: 450.470 MHz MaxTrac ZW' 90 15KOF2D, t6KOF1D, t6KOF3E F6953: t36.174MHZ MT2000 SW 22.74.90 t6KOF3E.2GKOFtE.20KOF20 F6973: 136-t42MHZ Max7rac ' 20w 90 t5KOF20 t6KOF10 16KOF3E 142.174 MHZ , . 150-174 MHz splinter MaxTrac 4-25w 90 SKGOFtO. 5K60F2D, tOKOFtD. • tIKOF2D.11KOF3E F695a: a03•a70MHZ ti1T2000 4W 22. 7a; B0. 90 16KOFJE.20KOFtE.20KOF2D F6974: 403.430 titHz 450-470 MHZ - MaxTrac • 20V'/ - 90 t5KOF20, t6KOFt0, t6KOFJE F6975: BOO MHZ MaxTrac t5'N 90 15KOF2D, t6KOFID. 16KOF3E F6983: tab-174 MHz (trunked) - Max7rac "' 20W 90 SK60F1D. SK60F2D, tOKOFtD 11KOF20.ItKOFJE F6984: 450-470 MHz (trunked) MaxTrac 20N! 90 15KOF20, 16KOFtp, 16KOF3E F6985: 800 MHz (trunked) MaxFrac 15W t5, 90 t5KOF2D, t6KOFtD. 16KOF3E F699E: 800 MHZ (trunked) Spectra 15N/ 90 ,1~sKOF10, taKOF2D. 13KOr"3E 16KOF 10, 16KOFJE F6986: 900 MHz (trunked) titaxTrac t2`+v t5. 90 tOKOF10, t tKOF20, t IKOF3E F695G: 928-960 MHz DARCOM HR2 5V'/ 94 t2K5F1D 12K5F2E t2K5F3E (12.5 or 25 kHz Channels) . , . 12KSF9V'/, t6KOF ID. t6KOF20 F6909: External Radio (radio not included: 3 meter cable provided). Performance factors depend upon raC~o F6900: For modem communicat ions (modem nol included). . Supplemental documents that describe the individual MOSCAD modules CPU modules R3-1 1.82 t6Dt Oigi;al Input module R3-t 1.83 16ac Digital Input modules R3-t t•8a 6AI Analog Input modules R3- 11.85 aA0 Analog Output module R3-t 1.86 1600 Digital Output modules R3-t 1.87 -' Support Services ~++~+~+"~~ (MJ `O ~° ° `" N/hefevef hl0(OfOla SCIIS, Our I . ~ . product is backed by service. Our products are serviced throughout the world by a wide network of company or autho- rued independent distributor service organizations. Specifications subject to 1 I~~1~e without notice. t Quafrry,bleans Tir e World To UsT"' Type Acceptance ABZ89FT4765 AZa89FT3768 ABZ89FT3712 AZa92FT3002 AZa89FTa780 ABZ89FTa7t3 A8Z89FT5677 AZa92FT3002 AaZ89FT4713 ABZ99FT5677 ABZ89FT5712 ABZ89FT5728 ABZ90CT66t9 Mixed l/0 modules R3.1 t-88 ~ 32dc Digital Input module I R3~ t t •89 - - - - 6001 Digital Input module R3• t 1.90 i 32D0 Digital Outpw module R3• t t •9 ( AC Analyzer module R3.11.92 Modems R3• t t -93 Wi000 SVOM,OH O MOTOROLA U S A ~Yinncr 19H8 Qu l~tYo:.l 1301 E. Algonquin Road Awxd Schaumburg,.ll6nois 60190 ~ In the U.S. call: 1.800-247.23a6 ® Outside the U.S.cau: (708) 576-3107 • ~. Motorola. MOSCAO. MaxTrac and Darcom 9000 are trademarks of Motorola. Inc ~ ®1994 Motorola. Inc. ^ Panted in U.S.A. ~ 9505 Merit. Produced by Customer Communications. 36 USA 380 Motorola is an Equaf Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Rs-~ i-~ao n 1 The CPU module is the core o(the tifOSCAD RTU. The module contains the ' operating system code, provides RAM (or run-time variables and historical data and provides FLASH memory (or the Application Program. 1 ,. ~\ .. .. . ~ - ~• =FEATURES/BENEFITS - .... , ~ - • °~:-. CPU is a Computer The CPU module is a computer with RA~41 and. ROM memory, afully-functional and fast proces- sor, a real-time clock and serial data I/O ports. - It can be programmed to: -• Accomplish the familiar Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) tasks. -• 8e an interlace among existing data devices thereby constructing a single data system. -• Use a wide spectrum oI communications media when constructing a single data system. -- Perform many other functions. Ladder Logic The MOSCAD CPU is programmed by using an advanced version of the familiar Ladder Logic lan- guage..The programming ToolBox offers a collec- tion of software programs that facilitate this task. - The logic variables are defined according to the requirements of the system and programmer. - The individual logic statements are coded by using the powerful coding icons. - The 1/O variables are linked to physical I/O points. - The entire code structure is compr'!ed into the exact same PROtiI coda that would be created by a Pascal or C programming tanguage compiler: C-language Programming The C programming language may be used to code functions and routines which may be com- piled and downloaded into the Series 300 CPU. - Existing C-language functions maybe reused in the ,VfOSCAD CPU or neov functions created - Programming techniques supported by the C-language maybe used in the MOSCAD CPU. ................................. Data I/O The Application Program may take advantage of the t~.vo on-module RS-232 ports and the commu- nications port. Smart sensors ~vitil RS-232 I/O may be directly connected. Data to/from other sites may be communicated via two-way radio or by traditional wireline modem technologies. - These are additional vrays to move data to/from the CPU and the resident Application. .............. • Communications Protocol The communications protocol was specifically developed for two-way radio communications. II conforms to the ISO Open System of Interconnec- tion recommendation (all seven layers) and per- mits remote-to-central and direct peer-to-peer communications. - The packet type protocol permits: -• Operating data to be moved from any RTU to any other unit in the system. ~- The programming ToolBox at any RTU to dovrn- load the appropriate Application Program to any other RTU in the system. •-The programming ToolBox at any RTU to upload the diagnostic Iiles from any other RTU in the system. Atl this happens qur'ckly and e(ficienlly, by wirelines or by two-way radio. Third-Party Protocols The CPU module may use some third-party proto- col for its communication needs. These protocols include tv10DBUS. X.25, and others. - Systems maybe created by using products (iom numerous manufacturers. ................................. Packaging The CPU module is packaged in a plastic housing that plugs and locks into the motherboard. RJ-45 connectors, and matching cables permit easy connection to DTE/DCE/printer d~i~s~ - tiiodu/ariry allows the MOSCAD U o silt' expand as system requirements change. ~ /'~) MOTOROL A CPU Module ,, - _ Order. Series 200: -Plant installed: V424 standard; Spare:. F6932 Series 300: Plant installed: V426 standard; Spare: F6933 . Math Coprocessor: Plant installed: V445: field installed: FRN5670 _ _ 1.2 MB RAM: Plant installed: V449; field installed: FRN5671 1.2 MB RAM and . Math Coprocessor: Plant installed: V446; field installed: FRN5672 Clock/Memory: Series 200: EPROM: 512k; RAM: 64k; FLASH: 128k: Clock: 16.6 MHz ~ 100 ppm Series 300: EPROM: 512k; RAM: 256k; FLASH: 256k; Clock: 16.6 MHz ~ 30 ppm Ports: Port 1: RS-232 ~ up to 9.6 kbps, or RS-485 ~ up to 19.2 kbps Port 2: RS-232 ®,up to 9.6 kbps with full OTE/DCE support Port 3: Radio: Direct-FM ~ up to 4.8 kbps; or - ~ AFSK ®up to 2.4 kbps; or - DPSK ~ 1.2 kbps; or Wireline: Sync or Async: or RS-232 ®0.6-9.6 kbps Power. 5 Vdc: Provides up to 2.0 amp to associated I/O modules 12 Vdc: Series 200: consumes 120 ma Series 300: consumes 130 ma EnvironmenL• Humidity: 0 to 90% ®+50°C Temperature: - -30 to +60°C ,. Support Services Wherever Motorola sells, our product is backed by service. Our products are serviced throughout the world by a wide network of Company or authorized independent dis- tributor service owrganizat~ions. Specifications ~j~ to change without Gc . L ~uoliry,tfeans the World To UsT"' • ~ J - - - -- - ..~...~~.-. PflOl10 SPONSOq ' 1301 E. Algonquin Raad U S ,~ w~nrr 1488 ~~ Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 ~IIy In the U.S. calf. t-8,A•217-23x6. . ~~ Outside the U.S.call: (708) 576-3107 ®® ~ 0 ,and Motorola are trademarks of Motorola. Inc. tap 199.1 Motorola. Inc. ^ Printed in U.S.A. ^ {9508) Merit ^ Produced by Customer Communications. 36 USC 380 Motorola is•an Equa(Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer R3-11-82A ~J 1 t 1 +r• l~ The Mixed Input/output module is an accessory to the MOSCAD RTU family thatpermits up to eight dry- contact closures, from switches or relays in other on-site equipment, to be connected to the RTU. Up to fwo 4-20 ma analog inputs, Irom on-site tank level or Bow-rate sensors may be connected to the RTU. !t also provides lour relay outputs that may con- tra! on-site electrical devices. Digital D~t~ lrtput Under the control of the defined Application Program, the CPU module in the RTU will read the current instantaneous status of one or more of the eight status inputs or two analog inputs. It moves that data from the module into the CPU module via the motherboard. - This data maybe used by the Applr'calion Program. Similarly, the CPU module will move data associated with the lour relays into the module and may control the state of !hose relays. Love-Speed Counter Inputs Each of the eight digital inputs may be used as low-speed counter inputs. The totalizing must be done within the CPU module under Application control. The Application must read the associated input(s) in a timely manner to assure the operator will not miss any input event. - Any number ofcounter inputs are easily obtained. Time-Tagging Any of the eight digital inputs may be defined to tag the time of the input event with one millisec- ond accuracy. - This time maybe read and used in sequence-of- event actions or used for historical reports. Relay Outputs Different modules are available with (our electri- cally-energized (EE) relays or with three magneti- callylatched (~b1L) plus one electrically-energized relays. . - The alt-EE relay version should be used when it is' mandatory that the relays open when power is lost or control is disrupted. The 3ML- lEE relay version should be used when prolonged operation from the backup battery power source is expected. Optical Isolation All digital and analog inputs are protected by opti- cal isolators on the module. - Surge Withstand Capability (SU/C) conformance is assured for the safe': of the equipment and technicians. Packaging The module is packaged in a plastic housing that plugs, and locks, into the motherboard. Wire con- nections (up to to ga. wire) are made to remov- able connectors on the face of the module. No jumpers, calibration pots, etc. are located on the module (any calibration is done electronically via software from the ToolBox program.) - Modularity allows th,e MOSCAD RTU to be easily expanded as system requirements change and makes field module replacement quick and eas/. . 113 ~, _ MOTOROLA Mixed //O Module Order. Di it Plant Installed: ~ r Magnetically-latched-V245; Electrically-energized-V436 Field Installed: Magnetically-latched-F g al Inputs: Digital Input Si n l RN1484; Electrical) - 8; may be counters (50 Hz or less) Y energized-FRN 149p - - , g a : Close: <4 kS2 Digital Input Isolation: gital Input Protection: Open: ~ >70 kf2 On-board DC/DC converter; optical isolation 2.5 kV oscillatory SWC Analog Inputs: Input Resistanc per ANSI C37.90.1-1988 Two; 4-20 ma only e: Resolution: Overall Accuracy: 226 D _ 10 bits (including sign) over full 320 ma range Y0.5% Relay Outputs: Contact Rating: Output Pr t 4 relays, either alt Electrically-energized (EE) or 3Magnetically-latched 60y~/ or 125 VA, not to exceed 2 d o ection: Diagnostic: an 1 EE amp and 250 volts 1 kV between contacts, 1.5 kV between contact 8 coil per ANSI C37,90 ~.tg89 20 LEDs: 16 for out ut P Po'r'~er p s, each for Module Fail and No Clock 5 Vdc: 5 ma (ML) 25 ma (EE , } 12 Vdc: ML: 5 ma (a5 ma with LED EnvironmenL• s on) EE: 260 ma (300 ma with LEDs on) Humidity: - 0 to 90% ~ +50°C Tem erasure: -30 to +60°C TYP(cal Dfgltal Input Clrcult 204 6.8V 9.1 V Racti(lerlFirtar Input - 004 1004 ' J.1 k Snits 2w Regiete. T2nF C~ . Typical Relay Output Circuit NC I I I . I 100 NO I I f00 1 1Kn .oot .oaf 1 tom I faeoDack . Typical Analog Input Clrcult ' )I })~ •12 Vdc tnput• S1 I CC- 1 W 1150 t% I Dete ~~°~ Pgnd ) +12V ) .13uf ~..~ 124 I O.t i ADC I ~ ~~ .z Ctnr T ~ t Input. ~ St _ r ,w - , 150 - - 'y Connections Chart MOTOROLq PROUD sPOrsoR tJOt E. Algonquin Road ~ ~ /{ Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 ~r\ r1 In the U. S. call: 1-800-24 7.2346 \ / J ~ / '~ ` ~ / Outddu the U.S.can: (708) 576J107 Y ` / ?f \ J 4/ FJ. and Mctor999q1a a~~~~~tpppppp tra emarks of Motorda, Inc ^ 0 f 994 Matoro!I Irrt ~ rod in U. Produced b S A.^ (9s0-t) Merit ^ Y ust municaGons, 36 USC J80 tilororofa is an Equal Employment Opportuni ty/ Allirmanva Action Employer y dlenns dre World To UsT't Term Function . Term Functioa 1 ' rUtaloglnput 1 (+) 13 Digital Input 8 2 Mnlog Input 1 (_) ]4 D! common 3 Malog Input 2 (+) 15 Kl NC (EE or h1L) 4 Malog Input 2 (-) 16 Kl NO 5 ~ P. Gnd 17 Kl common ti Digital Input 1 18 K2 NC (EE or hQ,J 7 Digital Input 2 19 K2 NO 8 I)igitnl Input 3 20 KZ common 0 Digital Input •f 21 K3 NO (EE or hfL) 10 Digital Input 5 22 K3 common 11 ' : Digital Input 6 23 Kai NO (EE only) 12 Digital Input 7 . .. 24 K4 common •. ra-~ Support Servlcea lVnrxr 19BS "'"""~ ~ V/nerever rvtororofa zoos, our ha[ixtal O "'~Trr+oan act is Docked by sernce. par p ~. Quility ~ acts aro serdced throughout the ~~~~~ world Dy a wide network of sampan ®® or autnorrzca rode y Dendent distnDu- lor service organisations. Specifications zuDject to cnanQe wifnOUt nOtiCO. . _ _, __ _ ~V..onderware.InTouchn" ...... General FIiy1I Specification for Version S.6 ~~.. - - 1.00 ~Getieral Description :. Operator Station Description The supervisory system shall consist of an operator interface software (OIS) rystem that includes support for process supervisory control, data acquisition, alarming, historical data collection and trending, and management report generation. It shall be based on the concept of a fourth generation object based graphics and object based development. The O[S shall have an open architecture that allows the system to run in a multitasking environment with support for on-line, dynamic data exchange with other applications such as expert systems, spreadsheets, and database. programs. This on-line dynamic data exchange shall be possible with applications running on the local node as well as with other nodes running on a nerivork including distributed alarming, distributed SPC and distributed historical trending. The system shall have the built-in flexibility o permit eary configuration of the rystem in accordance with the specific objectives of the end user as well as quick and easy modification of the end application by the user in the field. The system . shall have the capability to interface with relational databases which have a SQL interface and shall also provide on-line and distributed SPC analysis. ~ 1.01 OIS User Input/Control .Functions A. OIS User Interface 1. The operator shall be able to access displays via a pointing device and/or soft key menus with a choice of function keys, cursor control keys, or any key on the keyboard. Supported pointing devices shall include a mouse, touchscreen, lightpen, or trackball. 2. The rystem shall suppoR operator access to multiple displays at one time, including split screens where the operator may view more that one process area at a time. 1n addition, tl~e system shall support unlimited use of pop-up displays For additional help or diagnostic information. 3. Access to all displays and to all co-nmand functions shall be based on the operator's security level to protect against unauthorized use. The security level shall be established during the operator sign-on procedure. 4. Visibility and operation of~ command buttons, symbols, etc. shall be controllable based upon the operator's security level. 5. The operator shall be able to have access to context sensitive help at any time during operation of the rystem. , 6. The system shall support distributed access through tl~e alarm and f~istorical modules ~, as well as application development and transfer across a neRvork with built-in Y Nerivork Application Development (NAD) functionality. 7. The operator shall be able to access multiple data sources items with a single Tagname using the built-in functionality of Dynamic Reference Addressing (DRA). f ~ -speca96.dnc 115 G~'ondenrnrc Grncrn! Spccr~cation _ _ _. ~Vonderware InTouchTM _._. ~General•HMI Specification for Version S.G 1.01 (cont.) B. Command/Controt Functions . _ l...'An operator shall be able to control a discrete point using an action command button. This control includes momentary on, momentary off, toggle on-off, se"t, and reset. 2. The operator shall be able to use command buttons to adjust setpoints up and down . on a percentage or absolute basis. Each request for increase or decrease shall be evaluated against valid operating limits before allowing the adjustment. 3. Control of individual setpoints shall be enabled based upon a user's security level and .password. 1.02 OIS Display Capability _ - . . A. Graphics Description ~ . 1. The rystem shall allow the user to view animated graphics for process templates including tanks, pumps, etc. This includes: a. Percentage fill of the object including irregular shapes such as polygons, ellipses, etc. - b. Color Change of the object. Up to 32 colors. • c. Blinking of the object based upon any alarm in the rystem or upon a designated group of alarms. d. Each object shall have a visibility attribute option allowing for visibility of the object based upon a condition in the system. ''e. 'The rystem' shall support -animation of objects via resizing, moving, and/or • rotating objects based upon a change in a process variable. . _ f. Objects shall be animated based upon any user defined criteria made up of other ' - Tagnames in the rystem. This "includes the use of expressions containing all mathematical functions and the status of analog and discrete values in the system. ' g:. Objects shall be able to be animated according to any of 8 different alarm conditions for an analog variable including: • Lo Alarm- ~ ~ LoLo Alarm Hi Alarm - HiHi Alarm Rate of Change ~ Normal State Minor Deviation IVtajor Deviation 1.02 (cont.) 116 . snecd9<.c(nC iYorrc(erwnre GcneralSpecifrcation ,~ . _ . _" _ _ ~Vonderware InTouchT"~ ". General HMI Specification for Version S'.6 h. Objects shall be able to blink or change color by evaluating any of the 32 bits in ~ an analog register. Up to 32 colors shall be possible. 2. The system shall support the capability for the operator to view scanned images from desk top or hand held scanners. It shall be possible to animate these images to show a color change based on the status of process operations including alarm or normal state. 3. The system shall support internally as .well as third-party pre-animated graphical objects developed using a tooll;it. B. Text Description ~" 1. System shall support use of true-type scaleable fonts that may be scaled according to . ~. the desired size of the text. The fonts shall be loaded by the operating system. The user may choose from up to 32 different text colors. 2. System shall support change of text color based upon the process value going into eight different alarm states as noted in section A 1. g 3. Text shall be able to blink based upon any user definable condirion occumng in the rystem such as an alarm on a particular setpoint, alarm on any value in a process group, or based on the actual value of a process variable. 4. System shall display process values based upon the security level of the user. 5. Text shall be able to be made visible or invisible based upon an alarm condition in the process or any other state change in the rystem. 1.03 AlarmslEvents A. Alarm Display Capability 1 1. System shall support displaying of alarms on any display as a user defined sizable object, which may be placed by itself or along with other objects in a window. ~ It shall be possible to scroll forward or backward through the alarm displays by _" depressing command buttons. Current Alarms shall be available as an Alann Summary Object and a chronological summary of Alarms shall be available as an Alarm History object. The operator shall be able to select the alarms displayed by an object alarms by group and/or priority by using command buttons. Up to 999 priority levels shall be supported. 1.03 (cont.) The operator shall also be able to view and acknowledge alarms from any -node in the enterprise. 117 ` ~ spec~196.c1nc {{'onderware Generaf Specifieetion i_,: _ _ Wonderware InTouch"~' ' General HiyII Specification for Version 5.6 2. The rystem shall support an unlimited number of alarm displays. 3. Alarms shall be color coded according to the state and priority of the alarm including an acknowledged alarm, unacknowledged alarm, and an alarm that ha_s returned to :normal but is not .yet acknowledged: The user shall be able to choose from 32 different colors for display of each of these alarm states. The alarm display object may also support event display with the color used for events also being one of the 32 different colors. 4. The alarm display shall support the display of the following alarm parameters which are user selectable in the configuration mode: Date Time Type of Alarm(HiHi, LoLo, ETC.) Value of Variable in Alarm Operator Name Alarm Priority Alarm Group Name, Alarm Limit Comment 5. It.shall be possible to configure the rystem such that the operator is notified of an alarm no matter what .display he or she is currently viewing. Notification shall include the option of a pop-up alarm display window, a flashing process symbol such as a process vessel, an alarm text message that is available on each display, or a dedicated alarm display window on .the screen. - 6. The user shall be able to display alarms on an individual or a group basis, with support for 16 groups each having up to~l6 sub-groups. The alarm hierarchy shall be capable of being nested up to 8 levels deep. 7. It shall be possible to inform the operator of an alarm condition via an audible tone, a pop-yip display, or any combination of aniTt~ation types on the screen. Alarm acknowledgment may be performed on all alarms, alarms in a single group, alarms in a collection of groups in defined in an alarm group hierarchy or on a point by point basis. B, Alarm File Capability _ ~ - 1. Alarms shall be:logged to a file for ,future viewing or review of alarm history data. The user shall have the.capability to review the file for cause and event analysis. 2. The alarms that are logged shall be configurable from a choice of the parameters listed in Section 1.03 A: Item Number 4. 1.03 (cont.) C. -Alarm Printing Capability 118 spec-196.doe i3'o~rc(erx•nre Genern! Specrfrcntion r i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 _ _ Wonderware_InTouchT"'' _. General HMI Specification for Version S.G 1. Alarms shall be printed to a printer using either a serial or parallel interface. The format of the alarm printout shall be configurable and made up of any of the parameters listed in Section 1.03 A. Item Number 4. D. Events 1. Events shall be logged for review by the operator, engineering or management personnel. The rystem shall log each new operator low on and whenever an operator changes a setpoint or turns any device on or off. Each time the event log records an event it vrill record the operator logged in and the type of action taken (setpoint change, state change, etc.), along with a date and time stamp. 2.00 Process Tagname Dictionary A. Dictionary Types 1. The following type of process variable types shall be supported: _ Discrete: On/Off or 0/1 Integer: 32 bit signed integer value between -2,147,483,648 and +2,147,483,647 Real: + or - 3.4 E38 String: Text string up to 131 characters long B. Dictionary Entry Definitions The following fields should be available for the configuration when in the edit mode: Analog -Including Integer and Real Numbers Tagname String Alarm Group String Log Historical Data On/Off Log Events . On/Off Log Events Priority Numeric Retentive Value On/Off (System will start up with old value on power loss) Retentive Alarm Parameters On/Off ( Allows runtime changes to alarm limits ) Initial Value Numeric Deadband - - Numeric Min. EU Numeric 2.00 (cont.) Max. EU Numeric ( Span of Process Variable in Engineering Units ) MinRaw* Numeric Ma~cRaw* Numeric :spec-196. dnc 119 Gf'ortderwnre Gertern! Specrfrcatrnrt , _ _ `Vonderware InTouch'''"~ . _... General HIViI Sp ecification for Version 5.6 ( Span of UO device channel in integer units ) - Engineering Units String Conversion* Linear/Square Root Access Name for I/O Device* String Item* String ( I/O Device Register or Remote Program Variable ) Use T'agname as Item Name* . On/Off Historical Logging Deadband Numeric LoLo ,Alarm Enable On/Off LoLo Alarm Value ~ ~ .Numeric LoLo Alarm Priority Numeric Lo Alarm Enable On/Off Lo Alarm Value Numeric Lo Alarm Priority Numeric High Alarm Enable On/Off High Alarm Value Numeric High Alarm Priority Numeric HiHi Alarm Enable On/Off HiHi Alarm Value Numeric HiHi Alarm Priority _ Numeric Alarm Value Deadband ~ Numeric Minor Deviation Alarm Enable On/Off Minor Deviation % Numeric Minor Deviation Alarm Priority Numeric Major Deviation Alarm Enable On/Off • Major Deviation % Numeric Major Deviation Alarm Priority Numeric Deviation Alarm Target Numeric Deviation Alarms Deadband Numeric Rate Of Change Alarm Enabled On/Off Rate of Change Alarm Percent Numeric Rate of Change Alarm Time Base Sec/Min/Hr Rate of Change Alarm Time Value Numeric Rate of Change Alarm Priority Numeric * UO Device (DDE Variables) Only Digital or Discrete Variable Tagname String Alarm Group String 2.00 (cont.) Log Events On/Off Log Events Priority Numeric Retentive Value On/Off On Alarm/Event Message ' - 'String Off Alarm/Event Message String 120 spec~~G.doc iVondenrcrrp GrneralSj~rcilenriorr w ~ ~ ,1 ~~ , , . _ 1 M _ _ ~Vonderware InTouch ~.- _-.. General HNII:S pecification for Version 5.6 _- Initial Value On/Off Input Conversion Direct/Reverse Access Name for I/O Device* String Item* String ( UO Device Resister and Bit or Remote. Program Variable ) '~ Use Tagname as Item Name* On/Off Alarm State On/Off/None ,r Alarm Priority Numeric * UO Device (DDE Variables) Only String Variable Tagname String Alarm Group Strips Los Data On/Off Los Events On/Off Log Events Priority Numeric Retentive Value ~ On/Off Maximum Length Numeric Initial Value String Access Name for I/O Device* Strips Item* Strips ( UO Device Register or Remote Program Variable ) Use Tagname as Item Ivrame* On/Off * UO Device (DDE Variables) Only 3.00 Application Control Logic A. System Logic 1. System shall have the ability to execute user defined logic scripts. Logic scripts shall be created in an statement based programming environment. No compilers or linkers shall be required. 2. System logic shall be able to automatically perform functions such as increase setpoints, perform totalizarion, and check the status of process setpoints to take action. , 3.00 (cont.) 1 3. System Logic shall be able to control and start other application programs runnins in the multitasking environment. 4. System Logic shall be able to monitor the' status of each process variable in the rystem and perform specific functions based on the following parameters Normal Status LoLo Alarm Status Alarm Status Lo Alarm Status 121 -spec-19G.doe Gi"nndenvare Genernl S~ecificntinn J' Wonderware InTouchT~'' General Hivtl Snecification for Version 5.6 High Alarm Status HiHi Alarm Status Logical Result of Boolean Expression Individual Bit in Word Status (0-31) (<,>, NOT, AND, OR, Equivalent, Not Equivalent )'' Acknowledged Alarm Status ~ Unacknowledged Alarm Status 5. System shall have the capability to perform application control to turn on/off discrete points, show windows, download recipes, etc. This application logic shall also start and stop other application programs in the multitasking environment =including spreadsheet programs, database programs, and recipe storage programs. Condition Logic shall be able to support up to 32,767 bytes of memory and shall support the following command functions: String Functions DtextQ StringASCIIQ StringCharQ StringFromIntgQ StringFromRea]Q StringFromTimeQ .. StringlnStringQ StringLeftQ StringLenQ StringLowerQ StringMidQ StringReplaceQ StringRightQ StringSpaceQ StringTestQ StringToIntgQ StringToRea1Q StringTrimQ StringUpperQ TextO 1<'Iath Functions AbsQ ArcCosQ ArcSinQ ArcTanQ CosO Expo Into LnQ LogNQ PiQ RoundQ SgnQ SinO SgrtQ ` Tan() TruncQ SystemFunctions ActivateAppQ FileDeleteQ FileReadFieldsQ 3.00 (cor,t) FileWriteFieldsQ InfoAppActiveQ ' InfoDiskQ InfolnTouchAppDirQ StartAppQ AddOnFunctions RecipeDeleteQ RecipeGetl~lessageQ 22 RecipeLoad() FileCopyQ FileMoveQ FileRead,~lessageQ FileWritelViessageQ InfoAppTitleQ InfoFileQ . InfoResourcesQ SQLCIearTableO SQLConnectQ SQLCreateTableQ specJ9G.doc fVonderxore Ge'rrernl Specifrcntion ~~ . _ _ _. ._ _ Wonderware InTouchTM• ~_ -. General HMI,S _. _ pecification for Version 5.6 RecipeSaveQ SQLDeIeteQ RecipeSelectNextRecipeQ SQLDisconnectO RecipeSelectPreviousRecipeO SQLEndQ RecipeSelectRecipeQ SQLErrorMessaoeQ .. .. RecipeSelectUnitQ SQLFirst() ~' SQLDropTableQ SQLlnsertU ~ SPCSaveSampteQ SPCSeIectDataset~ SQLLastQ SQLNextQ ` SPCSeIectProductn SQLNumRowsQ SPCSetControlLimitsQ SQLPrevQ '' SPCSetMeasurementQ SQLSelectO SPCSetRangeLimitsQ . SQLUpdateQ SPCSetSpecLimitsQ SQLUpdateCurrentQ ~ ~ Miscellaneous Functions AckO GetNodeNameO Hide Windows HideSelf() HTGetLastErrorn HTGetPenNameQ HTGetTimeAtScooterO HTGetTimeStringAtScooterO HTGetValueQ HTGetValueAtScooterQ ~: HTGetValueAtZoneO HTScrollLeftQ HTScrollRightU HTSetPenNameO HTUpdateToCurrentTimeQ HTZoominO . HTZoomOutQ LogMessageQ PlaySoundO PrintHTO PrintWindown SetDdeAppTopicQ, SendKeysn Show Window() ShowWindowAtO $howHomeO ShowTopLeftAtQ W\,VExecuteQ WWControlQ W WPokeQ _ WWRequestQ almAckAllO • almAckDisplayO almAckSelect() almAckRecentn almDef~uery() almMoveWindown almQuery() almSelectAllQ almSelectItemO ~ 3.00 {cost) , almShowStatsQ ChangePasswordQ DialogStringEntryQ DialogValueEntryQ RestartWindowVie~verQ SetDde[tem() SetPropertyDQ SetPropertylQ SetPropertyMQ ~ wcAddltemQ ' . wcClearQ wcDeleteItem~ ~ wcDeleteSelectionQ wcErroriVtessageQ wcFindltemO wcGetltemQ wcGetItemDataQ wc[nsertItemU wcLoadListO wcLoadTextO ~" wcSaveListQ wcSaveTextQ 123 s~ec,l96. duc il`onc(enenre General Specifrcnlron _ _ _ _ _ ~Vonderware InTouchTM "' General HMI Specification for Version 5:6 _ _ Mathematical Operations(Add, Mult, Div, Sub, Power) '. Logical Boolean Operations (AND, OR, NOT, <, <_; >; >_, _, etc.) Bitwise Boolean Operations(' &, ~ , ^ , SHL, SHR) B. .Condition Control Logic . • 1. System shall have the capability to perform application control based upon a user definable state of a process variable or the result of an expression involving multiple process variables. This includes discrete variable on or off state, alarm states such as HiHi or LoLo, or equivalence to a specific value. " 2. Each Condition Logic script shalt support up to 32,767 bytes of memory and shall support the execution and control as listed in Section 3.00 A Items 4-5.. 3. It shall be possible to define Condition Logic scripts which execute once when the condition expression becomes true, once when the condition expression becomes false or while the condition is true or while the condition is false at a user definable rate down to 55 I/Isec. C. Key Control Logic 1. System shall have thecapability to perform application control whenever a user presses a key on the keyboard. -This includes whenever the key is pressed, released, or while the key is held down at a definable interval. ~ • 2. The system will support any of the-keys on a standard PC-compatible keyboard. 3. Key Control Logic shall support up to 32,767 bytes'.of memory and shall support execution and control of logic as listed in Section 3.00 A Items 4-5. ' D. Data Change Logic 1. System shall have the ability to execute System Logic when the value of a Process Variable changes. 3.00 (cont.) ~ . ~ - .2. Data Change Logic shall support up to 32,767 bytes of memory and shall support execution and control of logic as listed in Section 3.00 A, items 4-5. E. Window Logic 1. System shall have the ability to.execute a Window Logic script upon a .user definable state of a process variable or the result of an expression. .. . 2. Window Logic shall support up to 32,767 bytes of memory and shall support execution and control of logic as listed iri Section 3.00 A, Items 4-5. F. Application Logic ~'' 124 ~ ~speclJ<.doc fVonderwareGenernlSpecifrcation j 1 f .~~. 4 ` _ _ _ ~Vonderware InTouchTM ..._ General Hiyl[ Specification. for Version 5.6 ~.... . _ _ 1.System shall have the ability to execute user definable logic on the parameters of On Startup, While Running and On Shutdown; in accordance with the current application. 2. Application Logic shall support up to 32,767 bytes of memory. and shall support execution and control of logic as listed. in,Section 3.00 A, Items 4-5. 4.00 Application Builder Capabilities A. Graphics _ 1. Graphics development tools shall allow the creation of filled rectangles, circles/ellipses, polygons, and arcs. All display elements such as real rime and ~ historical trends, alarm summary displays, bitmap images, SPC charts, and shall be ~ configurable objects with the capability to be placed in any window in any configuration. 2. The .graphic drawing system shall be object-oriented. The user shall have the capability to arrange graphic objects based on the following commands: Align Top Send to Front ~; Align Bottom Send to Back Align Left Space Horizontal Align Center Points Rotate Cloclwise and Counterclockwise Space Vertical Group objects into a cell 3. Graphics Editor shall allow layering of objects to activate specific objects based upon ' conditions in the process. 4. Graphics development tools shall allow object placement via a "snap-to-grid" feature ,~ w-ith configurable grid spacing. 4.00 (cont.) 5. Graphics development tools shall support an "undo/redo" feature with a configurable number of levels and command display. ~~ 6. The rystem shall support a library of "self configuring" objects that change properties based on dialog box entries made by the configuration. For example considec a ~' standard setpoint loader object that has a graduated scale and a default ranp,c of 0 to 100.0. By simply making entries in a dialog box it shall be possible to change the range of the setpoint loader to 32 - 212, change the number of major and minor divisions on the scale, and change the font used for the label text. The object should then redraw itself with new number of tick marks, new spacing, new labels, and new -" font. 7. Tlie system shall support the import of .DXF -files with the drawing elements "' imported as native objects. It shall be possible to animate these objects using the full set of object animation properties as specified in Section 1.02 A Item 1.00. ~~~ ~ ~ 12 5 -spec-IJG.doc fYomfcrirnr~ Grncral Spccificarror, _ _ ~Vonderwa're InTouch~ _... General HtitI Specification for Version S.6 8. Graphics editor shall also allow the user to import drawings and images in .BMP file format. 9. ' In ordec to ensure the most- productive graphics development environment, animated . graphic objects or symbols shall be copyable in just hvo keystrokes, and immediate substitution of a Tagname for the duplicated object shall be possible without leaving the graphics editor. 10. Animated graphic objects or process symbols shall be copyable from one window or display to another with all of their animation characteristics retained, thereby eliminating duplication of effort. In addition it shall be possible to import windows from another application in this same fashion. 10. User shall have the capability to add Tagname dictionary items while building a display without exiting the graphics editor. 11. User shall have the capability to search for process Tagnames while building a display and then get the enact detail of the item (alarm setpoints, UO address, and all other dictionary details) while building a display without exiting the graphics editor. 12. User shall have on line context sensitive help on the display build routines to be able to obtain immediate help should he or she have a question about the details of linking objects to the Tagname database dictionary. 13. The user shall be able to configure graphic screens while the rystem is monitoring the process 4.00 (cont) B. Tagname Dictionary '1. User shall have the capability to edit Tagname items and add new Tagnames while the rystem is running the process. 2. It shall be possible to .export the entire. database in .CSV format for import and U subsequent editing to a spreadsheet such as Excel or Lotus I-2-3: 3: It shall be possible to import the entire database from a :CSV .file created with Excel or Lotus I-2-3. C. Logic Editor . ~ . ~ ~ ' _ 1. A built-in editor shall be provided for the development of logic scripts. The editor shall be afull-featured text editor with single keystroke entry of Tagnames, logic constructs and script functions. 1~Vhen a'script function is placed' in the editing window any arguments necessary for the script function to operate shall be 1 ~(.` automatically pasted into the window. The Logic Editor shall also allow the use of ~, ~.ipee-196. doe l~onderx•are Genernl Specrfreatron I I ,.: ,~ _ _ Wonderware InTouchT'" General H~tI Specification for Version 5.6 _ built-in script functions by double clicking on the list, as well as an extensive script validation capability. 2. On-line help shall be provided for alt script functions. 3. The user shall be able to configure and edit logic scripts while the system is monitoring the process 5.00 Report Writer A. Report Printing Capability 1. Printed re orts shall contain process information including process data, status, P accumulated variables, etc. 2. Reports shall have the capability to include a snapshot of trends, histograms, and SPC charts on the printed report. ~ i ri d l i • report. nte c temp ates n a p 3. Reports shall support use of graph ~ B. Report Scheduling • _, 1. Reports shall be able to be scheduled by time of day, day of week, hour of day, or at the end of a shift. l 2. Reports shalt be able to be panted on demand by the operator. 3. Reports shall be able to be printed based on any state change in the system. 6.00 Real-Time and Historical Logging A. Real-Time Trending 1. Real-Time trend displays shall support up to 4 trend pens and unlimited trend windows per display. - . 2. Real-Time time trend displays shall able to continue to update regardless of whether the operator is currently viewing the trend window. 3. Real-Time trend displays shall support the use of expressions of Tagnames including V add, multiply, divide, etc.. to permit proper scaling of variables. ,~ B. Historical Trending 1. Historical trend display should allow the riser to zoom in and out in time from 1 second up to 6 weeks in one display. It shall be possible to activate tl~e zoom-in and r zoom-out features using action scripted command buttons available to the operator. 2. The operator shall have the capability to pan backward and forward in time to view 1 ~~ historically logged data. ~ ~~] ~, -spec~96. doc ff'ondenvorr G~nern! Specifrcation -- -- _: _ Wondenvare InToucha"r General Hy1I Specification for Version 5.6 3. The operator should have the capability to print out historically trended information in the form of a printed record for documentation purposes. C. Historical Reporting 1. Historically collected data shall be available to be exported to a spreadsheet format for analysis, additional reports, etc. D. Distributed Historical Trending 1. The operator should have the capability of distributing a one trend display with eight different data sources across a network enterprise. . 7.00 System Protection A supervisory control system is used to control sensitive processes and costly equipment. Therefore, system protection is essential to prevent unauthorized actions on the rystem or accidental damage to the rystem: The following describes minimum required rystem protection capabilities. A. Foreground Program Switching 1. It shall be possible to configure the run-rime rystem so as to prevent the operator from obtaining direct access to foreground program switching by disabling certain 7.00 (cont.) keys in the system. In this ~vay, only the foreground program switching which is built into the end application shall be acczssible to the process operator. B. File IVlenu Access It shall' be possible•to configure the run-time rystem so as to prevent the operator from obtaining direct access to the File Menu or any other direct ability to open and close files outside of the desired built-in capabilities of the final operator interface application. ~ ~ ~ - C. System Level Interface 1. It shall be possible to provide password protection on a moveable mask that can cover the entire system level graphical user interface, including the operating rystem title bars,. menu bars, etc. such that only authorized personnel would have access to this level of control. This protection is necessary to prevent Iesser skilled personnel from causing damage to the operator interface application, from accidentally erasing files or records, or from accessing other softtivare not directly connected with the desired ' planf monitoring and supervisory control application. ' - 128 spec~96.doc lYonden~•nre Genern! Speci~cntion _ .. _ _ `Vonderware InTouch~ _.-. General H11I Specification for Version 5.6 It shall be possible to also disable the Microsoft Windows key sequences <CTRI.~<ESC> and <ALT><I'AB> to prevent unauthorized access to applications outside of the operator interface application environment. It shall also be possible to disable the <CTRL><ALn<DELETF~ reset function of the PC. D. Operator Log-On 1. It shall be possible to assign each operator alog-on password which defines a unique access level, thereby limiting access to various command functions based on the operator's access level. 2. Based on the operator's unique password, it shall be possible to log each operator's actions for later review. 3. It shall be possible to define an inactivity time span between operator actions on the . rystem, requiring the operator to log on again with his password. This capability is useful in preventing unauthorized access to the operator interface system while an operator is away from his station performing other duties. t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 129 spec~l96. c(nc Gi'onden+•are Genera! Specifrcation ~~ Tliis pad e intentionally left blank l -, .. -- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COi~I~~IISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA ~~ OCTOBER 21, 1996 9:00 A.1v1. ~` J ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. ~, 1. Approval of Minutes 133 2. Approval of Grant Application $22,00 School Age Care 136 Block Grant -- ~ 3. Approval of Impact Fee Expenditure for Fire Protection 137 , Improvements 4. Approval of Grant Award, Budget Amendment #97-1 1, Grant 141 Agreement and corresponding resolution •~ 5. Approval of Library Grant Applications and authorization to 1 ~ 1 execute appropriate budget amendments if grants are approved. 6. Approval of Resolutions adding the following Roads to the State 163 ~-` Highway System: '~' Sycamore Road, Castle Hayne Northeast Avenue `~ Roads in Ivleadowbrook Subdivision -~.- Sun Coast Drive ~~ 7. Approval of Release of Value 161 8. Approval of New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire 163 '~ District Collection Reports 9. Award of Bid #97-0127 to upgrade the Land Records computer system 167 to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. and approval of contract #97-0127 ,~ 10. Approval of Contract # 97-0194 for acceptance of Local Planning and 213 Management Grant of $26,000 for the Update of the 1~Vilmington - New Hanover County CAMA Land Use Plan, approval of associated ~` budget amendment #97-0067, and adoption of Resolution authorizing Chairman to execute the agreement ,~~ 1 I . Approval of Budget Amendment #97-0066 to budget contributions 1 ~~ designated to offset the cost of producing he Senior Center's monthly _ ,~? newsletter Tltis page intentionally left blank 132 1 f 4 I 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 r - ~ :- _- REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - - _ .- Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1 Additional Item #: Department: GOVERNING BODY Presenter: LUCIE HARRELL Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: LUCIE HARRELL SUB.TECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of September 16, 1996 Hospital Restructuring Work Session -October 2, 1996 Work Session on Environmental Courts -October 3, 1996 Regular Meeting of October 7, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RFO_UFSTFD ACTIONS- Approve the minutes r~u[v~llVV SUURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Othcr S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMFNDATIONS• COUNTII C4MMiSS10NERS APPROVEfl C~- . REJECTED D REMOVED o ~ 3 3 - POSTPONED ^ DATE lo~ zi/ y6 _. Refer to ORice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition Tltis page i~itentiojially left bla~ik ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 134 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ _ . 1 1 r - ._ - ~ .- ~ REQUEST FO.R BOARD ACTION - - . --- -- . -Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Zegular Item #: Consent Item #: 2 Additional Item #: department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: Bruce Williams 'as;e Count In Agenda Package: ~` Contact: Bruce Williams SUB.TECT: Grant Application - $22,000 School Age Care Block Grant BRIEF SUMiViARY: The Commissioners are requested to approve the application fora $22,000 block grant through Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Services NCSU, to enhance after school child care programming by collaborating with an existing community program. The objectives of the program are- 1. purchase curriculum & learning materials .~ 2. increase the level of staff training 3. enable the existing program to expand and serve more children. No County funds will be used. The appropriate budget amendments will be submitted should the grant be awarded. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUESTF,D ACTIONS: Recommend approval of grant application. 1 1 i I 1 f i' FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: 22,000 County S: User Fecs S: Other S: /Ioney Is In Current Budget: Ncrv Appropriation Request: 3ud~et Amendment Prepared: f LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: Recommend approval. ~Q /"~!l\~T 1,T T: i~TTQ A AiTI T)L'/~Il lrt nrt r. I~iil A TTl1NC'. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED C~' REJECTED [] REMOVED o 13 5 • POSTPONE D DATE i o ZI 9(0 Refer to Once Vision bulletin Qoard for Disposition - ~ ~ -~ - : REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ~~; - - ~ - -- Meeting Date: 10/21/96 1 r 1 ~. s ~` ~? ~, ,~; i t 1 i ,~l ~~ Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: .Department: Fire Services Admin Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 2 Contact: P. Kouwe SUB.TECT• Approval of Impact Fee Expenditure BRICF SUMMARY: New Hanover County has established certain development impact fees which benefit fire protection services in planned development communities. The Board of Commissioners previously requested the Fire Commission to approve any requested expenditures of the funds derived from such impact fees. In accordance with this request, the Fire Commission established a policy and procedure for the submittal of impact fee expenditure requests by the fire departments. Such a request was submitted by the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department and was subsequently approved in accordance with the procedure by the full Fire Commission. The expendihlre request is not being forwarded for the required final approval by the Board of .County Commissioners. This request is for the purchase of a portable generator and additional communications gear and has met all the criteria of the Fire Commission. The impact fee funds for which this request was made were derived from the North Chase subdivision. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RrOUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commission is requested to approve the expenditure of impact fee money from the North Chase subdivision for fire protection improvements requested by Wrightsboro Fire Department. This request has been approved and recommended for passage by the Fire Commission at its meeting of September 25th. Approval of expenditure (Funds are collected in a balance sheet account, no budget amendment is needed). Federal S: State S: County S: User Fecs 5: Other S: 500 impact Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: New Appropriation Request: ~LGL: APP WCOPLEY FiN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: N/A AMALLETT COUNTY 1'VIANAGER'S CONIiyII:NTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval of Impact Fee Expenditures for Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department. COUNTY CO~VIM "i" NERS APPROVED [~ REJECTED ® ~ 37 • REMOVED ^ POSTPONED ^ ~~/ _ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposibio(t TE 1 ~ Z I QID _- _ :: ~ gl~~'la~° WORK SESSION RETREAT 'Y' Anew date for the work session retreat vas decided upon. It will be Sunday, October 20, 1996, . from 2:00 to 9:00 pm with a dinner from~5:30 to 7:00 pm. Due to the storm devastation at the Holiday Inn Sunspree, a new location will be determined and invitations sent. DIRECT IMPACT PROPOSAL According to the procedures adopted by the Fire Commission in July, a direct impact proposal was prepared for the utilization of impact fees generated by the North Chase subdivision in the Wrightsboro response area. The following items are proposed to allow Wrightsboro VFD to provide opportunities for apparatus assigned to a structural response to handle that call with greater independence iri the event that additional calls are being received. l . Purchase of a portable generator for Unit 161 which would allow it to provide electrical power at structural responses, thus freeing up additional pumpers to handle other calls. Proposal is fora 5,000 watt generator at an estimated cost of $2,00. 2. Purchase of rear radio controls for pumper Units 195 and 198 to allow pumper operators to handle heavy radio traffic in instances where the operator is required to handle Incident Command duties temporarily due to heavy "back-to-back" run volumes. This will allow the operator to handle these additional duties without leaving the pump panel. Equipment and installation is estimated at a cost of $3,000. - MOTION MADC: I3Y QOI3 KCI:NAN TO ACCI:I'T l'ROI'OSAL AS 1'RrSCNTCD. YIOTION SECONDED I3Y WAYNE HARTSCLL. MOTION CARRIED. Phil Kouwe will request that item be put on the consent agenda For the next Board of County Commissioners meeting to be held October 21, 1996. COMMITTEE, REPORTS - There were no committee reports at this meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE iTElV1 COMPUTCRIZATION -The computer equipment and software for the Cre departments are on ~L order. Each station will be receiving a 120 processor, monitor, laser printer and modem. An exact date for installation is not known at this time. The consensus of the MIS department and the county manger is to have the entire system maintained by an outside company. It will be arranged by M[S for Nlicroage Computers to service the hardware and the software. Prior to arrival of the equipment each department must address how this system tivill be added to their phone IinesQo~r~itt~a~n'ew~l'~n~e will~bc needed. It was also suggested that a UPS system should be ~~1~~~ ~ ~+~,~UTES 9/25/96 ~~~~~~~ J~CJ ~ G~ ~~~~~'~ LE~1 ~~6~T2~~ ~~; ~. ~~ PHII, KOiJWE AD iVtIIYISTRAT O R ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY EIRE SERVICES ADIVIIMSTRAT[ON 414 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 307 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ?3401-4045 TELEPHONE (910) 3~1-7=120 ,~r - TO: Fire Commission ' FR01V1:- Phil Kouwe, Administrator ~~ DATE: September 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Wrightsboro Impact Fees ;~ In accordance with the procedzrres adopted by the Fire Commission in Jitly, the fo!lowin~ Direct J Impact Proposal is presented for the utilization of impact fees generated by the North Chase • - sl~bdivision in the Wrightsboro response area. ~~ The continued development of high density single-family residential subdivisions generates an associated increase in the number of responses to structural fire calls, .particularly in times of heavy run load such as severe weather and thunderstorms. In many cases, this results in multiple "back-to-back" responses that stations found rare just a few years ago. ;,r . L, ~, Because of the increase in such instances, the following two items are proposed to allow '!',' the Wrightsboro station to provide opportunities for apparatus assigned to a structural response `~} to handle that call tivith greater independence in the event that additional calls are being received. a~, Herat r for Unit 161 1.) Purchase of a portable ge o ~J The .portable generator would allow for Unit 161 to provide ~~ electrical power at structural responses, thus freeing up additional pumpers to handle other calls rather than remaining at a scene simply for the purpose of providing scene lighting. 1~Ve propose a 5,000 watt generator at an estimated cost of 52,500 2.) Purchase of rear radio controls for pumper Units 195 and 193 ,~ The rear radio controls will allow pump operators to handle '' heavy radio traffic associated`with those instances wherein a pump operator is called upon to handle Incident Command duties temporarily '~1, due to heavy "back-to-back" run volumes requiring officers at other scene locations. The pump operator will be capable of handling additional duties without leaving his/her pump panel. Equipment and ~~ installation is estimated at a cost of 53,000 J` ~.j We feel confident that the Commission will recognize the benefit of these proposed im act '!r' fee purchases in handling the heavier run loads brought on by the residential construction ~. North Chase subdivision and respectfully request approval. ~~~ - Tliis pad e intentionally left blajik 14~ ~• REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION '~f ~ ~ _ Meeting Date: 10/21/9b ~~ ,~I ~~ ,s~ .,~ ,. Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 4 Additional Item #: Department: Planning ~ Presenter: Dexter Hayes Page Count In A enda Packa e: 9 Contact: Wanda Coston S UT3.TT CT: . Grant Award - I-40 Business Park, budget amendment #97-1 I, grant agreement, resolution I3RIT;F SUMMARY: County has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) -.for economic development - in the amount of $225,000 for Vision Software - I-40 Business Park. Applicaton was approved at the July, 22,.1966 meeting. ' RECOMMENT)F,D MOTION AND RI:OUESTED ACTIONS: 1) Budget Amendment 97-11 2) Grant agreement and agreement between County & Vision Software 3) Funding approval f 4) Required resolution ~~'- 5) Signatory form. and certification 6) Electronic transfer of.funds form ` Authorize appropriate official to execute above documents. ,~, ~~ ~' l L r kj ti ~' ~` - `4 t~~ FUNDING SOURCE: 'edcral S: State $: 225,000 County S: User Fces 5: Other S: ~Ioncy Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Rcqucst: ycs tudgct Amendment Prepared: _ycs LGL: Recommend approval FIN: BUD: HR: )NTMF,NTS AND RF,COMiy1[;NDATInNS: . CO U ~TYC;,~.,MIyIISSI,ONERS APPROV~,Q'~~~ REJECT~..D~~~"`,~~ 141 RE~OUED,~~C7?,,# Itcfer to OfFcc Vision Bulletin Qoard for'Dispositio DATE ONED L1I; ~ J 0 B~xc~~e~ A~xiendxnen~ ..~. ~ .,C... ~. " _ • ..: - -.._ DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT# DATE: I-40 Business Park - 97-11 10=21-96 Capital Project ~~ ADJUSTMENT: DEBIT": -, CREDIT: z-40 Business Park Capital Project CDBG/Vision Software Grant $225,0.00 _ ~ Capital Project Expense $225,000 _ _ , .. °~ p ~ • ~ . _ '''.. ~ ,, ' EXPLANATION _ - - _ ,r To increase budget fore additional grant funds awarded-for the" Vision Software project. ... :. ... ,. ,. . - REJECYED'~~B ~`~,~- 14 2 REM~ovED~~~o~.~ POSTPOI~ED~ri ~ ~~ ' ' ~+a~~-•~~ DRS ~ - s app royal; then report For Budget Officer i l _ 4 Y o ~ B k~G.f n~ ar mcet to Commissioners at next ccgu ~ and enter in minutes. To br a~p;ovcd by Cori::~issioncrs. 1 ~~,~ .. - _~ GRANT AGREEMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT"PROGRAM .~~ .~. ~~} a .. u 1 J ~' c;, 3 ~. ,~;.. ~~~ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTriENT OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Name I-40 Castle Hayne Business Park Project . Upon execution of this grant agreement, the North Carolina Department of. Commerce (DOC) agrees to provide to the. recipient the Community Development Block Grant assistance under Title 'I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (P.L. 93- 383) authorized by .the DOC funding approval, the North Carolina •Community Development Block Grant administrative rules, applicable laws and all other requirements of DOC now or hereafter in effect. The grant agreement is effective on the date the grant agreement and .funding. approval are signed. by the recipient. The grant agreement consists of the approved application, including the certifications, maps, schedules and their submissions in the application, any subsequent amendments to the approved application and funding approval and the following general terms and conditions: 1. Definitions. Except to 'the. extent modified or supplemented by the agreement, any term defined in the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Administrative Rules, 4 NCAC 1 K shall have the same meaning when used herein. (a) Agreement means this grant agree,~nent, as described above, and any amendments or supplements thereto.. (b) Recipient means the entity designated~as a recipient for grant assistance in the grant agreement and funding approval. {c) Certifications mean. the certifications submitted with the grant application. >,~, (dj Assistance provided under this agreement means the grant funds provided under this agreement. (e) Program means the community -development program, project ,. or other activities, including the administration thereof, for which assistance is being provided-under this .agreement.." 143 ~~, t, _... ... _.. a (f) Private. entity means the corporation, partnership, proprietorship or other entity which'"has entered into a equally. binding commitment with the ,recipient, to create andJor retain jobs as part of this program. • '` 2. Obligations of the Recipient. The recipient shall perform the program as specified in ,the application approved by DOC. The recipient shall also comply 'with all other lawful requirements of D C, all applicable requirements of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina and any other applicable laws and Executive Orders currently or~ hereafter in -force. The recipient shall be . responsible for ensuring._that all. project jobs, are. created or retained in.accordance with the_„approved CDBG application, that such ~ jobs are filled" by -°low and moderate. income persons in" the proportion presented in the appliczt,ion,: and that all parties ,incur the full level ~ of private investment committed, ` to. " in ..the application. In the event of a finding by the, recipient or by~DOC 'that a participating private entity has failed _to ful'fill its responsibilities under the 'project application a'nd legally binding commitment (s) , including` •the responsibilities ~to' create. -'and/or ' retain jobs and invest°private fiinds•; the recipient shall promptly '-exercise ias rights and remedies to require repayment of. CDBG -funds, or to assess such other penalty "as provided by.the legally binding' commitment 'andapplicable' stzte' laws . '' , ' 3. _Obligations of Recipient with respect to Certain Third Party Relationships. DOC sYiall hold the recipient responsible for complying with the provisions o thi s ~' agre"ement 'even ...when. the recipient designates a third pare: or p;arties.to undertake all or any part of the ~program..,n. The,,=ecipient shall comply with all lawful requirements of DOC n.ecess~ry to~ insure that the program is carried out in accordance_with.the recipient's application. _ ,, 4. Conflict Hof Interst. ~ 2lone of the following or their immediate family members,, durine she tenure of the subject person or fore" one "yea= tliereafte?-, - sh_ ~ 1 ., .have any direct. or indirect financial" nterest`in any ~contr~ct, subcontract or the proceeds thereof for work o be .per=ormE~ in connection..wi.th the program ' assisted under this agreement:' ~ ~"employees or agents of .,.the recipient who exercise any function or- responsibility with respect to the program, .and.officizls of the,reciDient, ;including members of the governing body.- The. same prohibia ion shall be incorporated in all such contracts or su.~cont__ct= . The assistance provided uncer th__ ac?-eement shall not be used in the- payment, of any. bonus .or comm__sior_ for .the purpose of obtaining DOC approval- of the applica~ion =or =uch assistance, or DOC 144 1 4 .._.. ~` 1+- !Fq- approval of applications for additional assistance, or any other approval or concurrence of DOC required under this agreement;, or the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant Administrative Rules, with respect thereto; provided, however, that reasonable fees or bona fide technical, consultant, managerial or other such s:}rvices, other than actual solicitation, are not hereby prohibited if otherwise eligible as program costs. , 5. Reimbursement to DOC for. Improper Expenditures. The recipient will reimburse DOC for any amount of grant assistance improperly expended. In addition, in the event of a finding by the recipient or by DOC that a participating private entity has failed tr.- to fulfill its responsibilities under the project application and regally .binding commitment(s), including its responsibilties~to ~'--~' ~ •create and/or retain jobs and invest private funds, the recipient shall pay to DOC any amount which it is able to collect under the terms of the legally binding commitment (.s ) and. Section 2 of this Agreement. " "~ 6. Access to Records. The recipient shall provide any duly .authorized"representative of DOC, HUD and the Comptroller General v at all reasonable times access to and the right to inspect, copy, - monitor, and examine all of the books, papers, records, and other -~; documents relating to the ,grant for a period of three years following the completion of all closeout procedures. ' Upon execution of this agreement by DOC and the recipient in the :- spaces below, the recipient hereby accepts the assistance on the terms of this grant agreement, effective. on the date indicated below, and further certifies that the official signing below has z~, been duly authorized by the recipient's governing body to execute this grant agreement. 7. Payment of Income Generated by the Grant. The recipient shall have the responsibility to collect and pay to DOC certain income generated by the CDBG and earned by the recipient. Such income includes but is not limited to the following: (1) payment. of principal and interest on loans made using CDBG funds; (2) "proceeds from the lease or disposition of real property acquired with CDBG funds; (3) any late fees associated with loan or lease ~~ 3 145 1 -- - - • .. .. . . .payments i:n (1 and ` 2. ( ) intere t • above • .. , (4)-sale of utility lines, and:_(5) s earned on the such i income. in this-part pending disposition of ~ , ncome. Payments made to DOC within five of income included in. this part shall. be days of recei t of sa b th ~ , - . • p me y• e.recipient. - _ Secretary- of ., Department . of Commerce • ' ~ • _~ , ._ ~~ ~ .. Dat : 9/26 ~~ . ~ /} . ~! 1 ~ . e /96 g . Y 1 Stecaart lckinson, Director ' - _ ~ ' ~ CoRmerce Finance Center ~ ~ _ Date : .. - ' 'Name of Recipient .• . ' By : _i ~ . • '•Signature of P_uthorizedOfficial' _ -- .. ,. ~. .. (Title) ,.. . - - - _ -a. -_ ~ ,. ~ _, _ ~ 4 s a 1 ,~{ ~~ ~~' ,~> ~:~ ~~~ ,~• • 5~~ ~~ ~~` ~~~ ~~~ ~ , ~~ NORTH CAROLINA.DEPARTt~IENT OF COivI~1ERCE FUNDING APPROVAL SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCI: GRANT PROGItAN1 1: NAME ANn ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT: 2. EDC GRANT NO: The Honorable Robert G. Greer 96-E-0271 New Hanover County '4 i4 Chestnut Street ~ ( )ORIGINAL WilminSton, North Carolina 2S401 (:~:) AiV1ENDt~IENT 7/19/96 3. APPROVED PROJECTS: EDC Project Number Project Name Approved rlmourit CDBG 96-E-0271 I-d0 C;rstlc Iiaync Qusi.ncss Park ,5225,000..00 Total CDBG Funds Approved 522,000.00 d. ENVIRONrti1I?NZ'AL CONDITIONS: None ~. ADD11'IONr1L COr~`UITIONS: 1. The Grant Agreement is accepted as offered or amended, and returned to CEC. 2. The Funding Approval Form is approved by the County and returned to CFC. 3. Two Signatory Fornrs are completed. and returned. 4. A State Electronic Payment Systems Forrn is completed and returned. 5. An ar»ortization Schedule for.tlie repayrTient of this loan is tor<vardcd to us. 6. The Final Loan Participation Agreement is properly executed and forwarded to us. G. DOC OF CIf L SI_Grr\'ATURE 7. SIGN:~TURE OF AUTFIORI7ED ~ ~~ ~,~~+~ LOCAL OFrICIAt/ Stewart J. Dickinson Name: Director, Corlu~rerce Fin~lnce Center Title: Date: 9/26/96 ~ Date: 147 .. i~;~ . Whereas,. New Hanover County has been awarded a Community ; Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $225,000 from.the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Commerce Finance Center; ~Vtiercas, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County has _ authorized the Deputy Manager, Assistant Manager, Finance Director, and Planning ~~ Director to sign the Requisition for Funds and has designated the Clerk to the Board to certify the signatures of the,above-mentioned persons. ;; • ~ Whereas, the Board of Commissioners has designated the Director of Finance on behalf of New Hanover County to hereby authorize the North Carolina ~~ ~ Department of Commerce to initiate Ach credit entries to Wachovia Bank and account for payments due from the Department of Commerce for the I-40 Business Park (Vision Software, Inc.) Pursuant fo the "Established Operational Procedures for State Treasurer's Electronic Payment system". a Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, New Hanover County shall implememt the I-40 Business~Park, Vision Software, Inc.) In accordance with-the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant'administrative rules; County regulations, applicable laws, and all other requirements of the Department of Commerce~now or hereafter in effect. Adopted this 21st day of October; 1996. 148 s i '!1! _ CDBG Grant No. 96-E-0271 SIGNATORY FORM AND CERTIFfCATION - Recipient Name. New Hanover County .Address ~~4 Chestnut Sj-" S ti 04 TcLi 1 m i nTt- nn, AI ~' 2313 O 1 Signatures of individuals authorized to sign Requisitions for CDBG Funds forms. (Two signatures required on such regulation.) (Signature} ..(Signature) (Signature} (Typed Name) (Typed Title) (Typed Name) (Typed Title) (Typed. Name) (Typed Title) (Signature) (Typed Name) ,(Typed Title) _ CERTIFICATION 1. ( ) I certify that the signatures above are of the individuals authorized to sign Requisition for CDBG Funds form (or the above recipient. Certifying Official 8 Title ' 2. (X) The governing board has passed a resolution authorizing the persons above to sign Requisition for CDBG Funds forms for the above recipient. A copy of the resolution is attached. ~ - Icertify that the signatures above are those of the individuals authorized by resolution of the governing board of the recipient to sign Requisition for C08G Funds forms. CDBG g10t (9/8ti) Certifying Official 8 Title INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETLNG SIGNATORY FORh1 AND CERTIFICATION 1. Indicate name and address of the recipient. 2. Two authorized signatures shall be required on all Requisitions for CDBG Funds forms. The Commerce Finance Center will check the signatures on each requisition corm to see that they match the authorized signatures on the ~' Signatory Form and Certification. Only the signatures of persons shown on the Signatory Forms and Certification will be accepted. ' 3. To allow for flexibility in making requisition requests, it is recommended that (our authorized signatures appear on ,~~ ~ the Signatory Form and Certification. Local governments may choose one of .two o lions in cbm Ietin the P P 9 Certtftcatton. If the local government chooses to use the first option, the chief elected official or the chief finance officer must sign the form as the certifying official. In signing as the certifying official, the chief elected officia- or chief finance officer certifies that: 1) the signatures are authentic and 2) that the persons designated as signatories are authorized to sign requisitions for payment. If the chief elected official or the chief finance officer is the ' certifying official, that person may not also be an authorized signature. .~~ If the community wishes to have. both chief elected official and the chief finance officer sign requisitions for payment; the community should select the second option for certificatiori..ln this case, the governing board must pass a resolution authorizing .sufficient .persons to act as signatories, In addition, an individual who is not designated as a signatory must certify the authenticity of the authorized signatures. Anyone who knows all of the persons authorized to sign requisitions may sign as the certifying official. Anotherlocal governmentstalf person or member of the governing body is recommended. ' G. If the recipient wishes to-change the persons authorized td sign- the requisition for CDB~f~„r~grm a new 1~i Signatory Form and Certification must. be submitted to The Commerce Finance Center. 5. No erasures or corrections may appear on the Signatory Form and Certification. ~l _-_ -. _ ,; STATTr OF I`IORTH CAROLINA;•. __. STATE-. TREASURER'S ELECTROMC PAYATENTS .,SYSTEM. (STEPS) .• STEPS-OUT EFT AUTHORIZATION F'OR;tii Stxtc Agency hlame: ...:CtRTH .:CTti'OT T~':, nr.rsRTMF~t'T' nF CO"r~t~~Fr• ~ - ~ - - - _~ „ . Program Name: f'C)~f`~ItNTTS' 7FVrr tlP~tF•N~' RT (1('K f R.S\~' "r~C)(;RA>t _ Check~One;_ _ Initial Signup Change PARTICIPATING ENTITY INFORI`tATiON Entity, Narue: Entity Addrrss: • ' (A~signed by Stale A~~ney) FINANCIAL INSTITUZION ACCT. INrO.: Institution Name: Institution Address: Transit/Routing p: _ , (Nine Disils) . • Back or NCCMT Acct b 1 ~ (Include tiny leading zeros) Type of Acct: Checking Savings NCCi.tT (Check One) OLD FIN ANCIAJ INSTI'T'UTION ACCT. iNFO.: • (Complete Only if a Change) - Instih~(ion Name: _ Transit/Routirg f,: ACCT. +Y: _ PARTICIPATING Ei`1TITY AUTHORIZATIONc ~ „ '- " , I, on beh?I f oflhe participalins entity indicated nbove~'herehy nnthorize the N'etrth Carolina StataTreasurer, his successors and his ngenta, nt the direction of the Statt ~6ency inJcateci'sM~'c to,inilinte ACH credit entrit;~ l0 tbe'ahove designalcd bank and/or NCCMT account Cur payments dtr: from the State agency Cot the referenced program name, pursuant to the ' Established Operational Procedt~r~s For State Treasurer's EI^ctrnnic Payments System,' Which may lx in effect from time to lima I (We) also authorize xny necrssnry ACii debit enlrtec ~r adjustments Tar any ACH credit entries "nt~do iri error to ~lhc account. r , Finance .Offi~;er's Nnntc: _ ' , T~f,; . ' ~ . Signature: ~ Date: . ,~ MAIL COMPLETED FORM TO: ~~~ CAROLYN CAMhA9Y - JIVL5tU?! Oi~ CUUF1'4IiNITY ASSTS:2NC'E . :'o r~x ~ 2hoo P,11.E?i:N . ~:nR't'~-I C'ARC)L~ ~.', 27~OS-LoO(i .State Agency U.~e'Only:. ~~.. Stitc~Tra+: U:.e Only: j~9 `~~~~ - . ~' ~~ l~f 1. 1 1 1 1. _ _ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION _ Meeting Date: 10/21/96 2egular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: department; Library Presenter: ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: David Paynter SUii.TECT: Library Grant Applications. BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County Public Library is eligible to apply for four competitve grants under the .Libr~u-y Services & Construction Act (LSCA). We have applied for four grants - 1. Generation 2- to upgrade Library computer equipment - $83,500 2. KidsCorp - to purchase computer equipment for Internet Access for middle school children-. $13,036 3. VBPS: Video. Project -Business and Safety-to purchase videos and equipment to develop a video library on business, safety, 8c training topics - $39,600 4. Cinema Resource Collection - to purchase books and related material dealinj with the history of film,. film production; and the film industry - $5,700. NHCPL is also applying to the. State Historical Records Bureau to microfilm copies of the Wilmington City Directory from 1860-1930 - $2,028. None of these requests will require additional County funds. RECOMMENnEn MOTION AND REOUFSTEn ACTIONS: Approve grant applications and authorize execution of appropriate budget amendments, if the grants are approved. . h'UIVUING SUURCC: Federal $: 141,836 State S: 2,028 County S Uscr Fces S: Other S: Money 1s In Current Budget; Budget Amendment Prepared: No New Appropriation Rcqucst: Yes RrvTrwFn BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RF,COMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval to apply for grants. No additional funds are req>d.. . COUNTI~ COMMtSStONt~tS APPROVED tom' 151 REJECTED Rcfcr to OtFice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposit REMOVED ~~STPONE DATE --L~~~4 _ r - -to: New Hanover Board of County Commissioners ~_ from: David M. Payntec"~-v~/1~ subject: Crrant Applications for the New Hanover County Public Library date: October 9, 1996 Unfortunately, the Library did not receive from the North Carolina State Library the various grant. applications enclosed in your agenda package until mid August. This delay coupPed with the disruption caused by Hurricane Fran prevented the Library from being able. to complete these applications prior to the September 25 deadline for the October 7 Commissioners meeting... Since the State Library required these applications to be submitted to them for review by October 9,: they were sent wifh the knowledge that`the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners would not be considering them'for approval until their October 21 meeting. If the Commissioners do not approve any applications it will be withdrawn from consideration. ~, I have discussed with the State Librarian, the need'to provide county government more lead time in consideration of future grant opportunities. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 152 ~~ . ~~~ ;~_, • - ~ - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - - Meeting Date: 10/21/96 . ~" Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 6 Additional Item #: . Department: Governing Body Presenter:-Lucie Harrell Page Count In Aoenda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell ~' , SUB.TECT: NCDOT Road Additions ,~~ . BRIEF SUMMARY: Adopt resolutions adding the following roads to the State Highway System: Sycamore Road, Castle Hayne Northeast Avenue Roads in Meadowbrook Subdivision ~~ ; ~~ '. Sun Coast Drive ,~ ~ ~ . `~ - " . RECOMMF.,NDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolutions " '~ ~{ ~: y ~a~ ', r~ . FUNDING SOURCE: -- " Federal ~: State S: County S: User Fecs S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Request:. Qud et Amendment Prc "ared: REVIEtiVF,D I3Y: -" ~~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMiyiFNDATIONS• !~~~ Recommend approval - ~~ • .. - i. COUNTY COMMtSSiON , ,r APPROVED L~' , '~ ~~3 ' ~ REJECTED _ Refer to Office Vision Qullctin Qoard for Disposition REMOVED ~; POSTPONED D DATE .~~ zt .~16 ~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF'TRANSPORTATION - DIVISrON OF HIGHWAYS'PETITION No rtfi Caro 1 i na~~~~ _ .. 'County of _ Q, .P.-~ ~ ' Petition request for (check one) Addition~ao State System ~~ Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) . - _ ~~~ r We the undersigned, being property owners on Describe or give local name or Secondary Rya Number in County do hereby requesf the ~.~ Division of Highways of .the Department of Transportation to _.~~2.~. a'` the above-described road. - ~ - } We further advise that the road requested to is'~ miles ~J in length and at the present time there are ~ ccupied homes located{on.~~ the road and having entrances into the road. - Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in the public road intersections for ~ . sight distance and design purposes an`d to execute said right-of=way agreement. forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Ngtiways. REMARKS .Four coJpies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable ~/ ~ ~ --- _..., _.. - --- ~-- _.. _... - PROPERT OWNERS ,...` . NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Di vi si_on of_ Hi ghways ~_shoul d-.contact -.the .first petitioner. l i'sted below: -~.-~i ~-~~ . `?/l - - - _ ' GIMP / 9i~~ G 9S 9 7,~0 l it ~~ ~ ` '~~ SEP 1 6 1996 Revised Form SR-1 (~83~)~A11',previous forms obsolete ~•,., ,- ... s.-...:--v.~.a.. ... J ~1 c NORTH CAROtINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -~~,. - - -- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina '~' County of New Hanover ~. Petition request for (check one): We the undersigned, b ~C,~S~I~ /o/Q,~ nom, Number) in '~ New Hanover Department of Transportation to _ Addition to State System O . Paving ( ) Maintenance Improvement ( ) eing property owners on Jl Ca,r~ore_., ~U-Lww2~ (Describe or give loco name or Secondary Road _ County do hereby request. the Division of Highways of the the above-described road. We further advise that. the road requested to a- c~ GL. ~ is ~ mile,~m length and at the present time there are ~ occupied homes located on the road and. haling entrances injp the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary ,width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Divisior of u "' Highways.This right-ofrway will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be ,~' improved and wi11 include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and - drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way in -the public road intersections for , ~:- sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that wi(I be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four co ies of recorded subdivision lot enclosed if a licable. P P PP ' PROPERTY OWNERS NAME ~ MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE t i t The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: Hevisea rorm JH-1 (5-i~:i). All previous torms obsolete. - NEW NANOVER CO. . t'1n nr n... .. .._ _ _ 5 - 6 "• i~ i ~- i i' j :~ ,,. ~; ~ ~ .._,_. _ ...o / ~: ~ -/ .~ ~ ~~ / . • .~ ~ ~ ~. _a ° d ~ ]y // .. ... ~ a~ /~ ~. ~~~• fPl] f, e • ~. ~ ~~ •, a 9 a t"N A «f tf T ~ • °f Fas«un ti - CT.I1J.1 ~~ R ~ l] ~ it '` • ~ ~ _ C ~ ~ ~ f .. / -_ _ i .. a r °` - - .. ~. Moo. ~~ ... - ~r o ~ c. S / I af++ ~T' 4 ~ / ~ ...~ . a °° Y ~l r i ~f [YC ~~y`` f C °. ~ o// ,q e. ~ `•~ Q '~ ,o t g t HA • n• r o { ' ~ ~` 6. ~~ Z Y~ Z ~ ~~ ~ a y' ..fa .. y S] ~ ~,~~.,< 10/01/96 - ~~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DMSION OF HIGHtiVAYS PETITION NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER PETITION REQUEST FOR (CHECK ONE): ADDITION TO STATE SYSTEM (X) PAVING ( ) 'MAINTENANCE IMPROVEMENT ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on WHITE ROAD TASSI.E ~O IRT AF PO(NT ' COURT BAY BLOSSOM DRIVE HOPSCOTCH COURT SP ITBROOK COURT IvIAYF1 D COURT. SAPLING CIRCL.F. L.OBL.OL.LY COt1R_T. OVAL.BERRY COURT. CONIFER COt1RT MERKI.F.BAY .O IRT. & SHADEBRANCH .0 IRT (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in NEW HANOVER County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to ADD the above described road. 1 We further advise that the road requested to ADD is 2.21 miles in length and of the present time there are ~ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the division of Hi~ttways a right-of--way of the necessary width to ' construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of--way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of--way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of--way in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposed and to execute said right-of--way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. ' REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. MEADOWBROOK SECTIONS 1 2 "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t n t t t~ R- t 3 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: JAMEY WOOTEN LANDMARK ORGANIZATION, INC P.O. BOX 4127 WILMINGTON, NC 28406 (910) 392-7201 Revised Form SR-1 (5-83) All previous forms obsolete. ~~ G3~C~C~~~[~D..~ ~ -4 11 1996 Nam` HA`NO'/cR`~0. 8D. OF CO~tii~ti11SSI0N1'~~ 7 ~_.. . ,. c _ .. ... ... I ': ... .. NARRIS.RQAD .. ... '.:.: ; .. w. .. • . : ~~• ~ .. S.R. No.2/lT - ,. :. . ~ s1~E. ~ . ~ .. ~w ~* ~P~ BAY Bc,osso,~ = Cp,QOpNRD ~~P DRIVE f. . . WH/TE RD. s S.R. Nc. 1329 .,p ~ .. ' ~ Q o ~O ~ ~ PATSY LA. .ge ' ~ ~ , S.R. No. 2101 .. o= ~ .. .a f t f ~~d.r ..." ~ - ~ R - 1 A. , a r- ~~'•~t,.~_ RAE'( ~~ ~ .. y:.'•• :. • (NOT TO SCAL E I .- • ~, LOCATION MAP '.r~ .. ~~ OP~RS, ~N.C. .. ~ 0 UE-SUITE l02 . T .: •~ . /50 200 %ge ~ .~ .~ R Na. L -1099 _ '. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION `, - __._ __ ~ .DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETiT10N ' North Carolina County of New Hanover Petition request for (check one}: Addition to State. System (,/S . .Paving O Maintenance Improvement O - We the undersigned,. being property owners on ~~1Y1 I~LQSk ~j'1YP~ ' (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover ~Cyounty do hereby request the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation to QC1c..1 ~D S~g~ Sy5{~YY1 the above-described road. AP~°'` • l~ We further advise that the road requested to t~ Is~gs ~ . in . length and at the present time there are 1~_ occupied homes located on the road and having entrances (nto the road. ' Finally, we agree to~dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of.the necessary' width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will' extend the entire length of the road that Is requested to be ' Improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way In the public road intersections for .sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways.. REMARKS - ' Four co ies of recorded sub ivision plat enclosed if applicable. P ~u ~ C'.n r~, ~' i l l a S ^ PROPERTY OWNERS - ~ '. • NAME - MAILING ADDRESS .TELEPHONE - The Division of Highways should contact the first petitioner. listed below: i~-I~rn,na NC~ ~ - r ~~ ~ ~ - , ~ Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. - ~ NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMh11~SlONERS ~ ~~ ~ c ~ ~Q ~ ~ ~ z ~ 0{3 ~ - I _ 7 r .._ - „ W -. ~ - .-- . ~ ._ _2 G yOPtHC ~ 5..~. - PL4N 74710N ~ i P~ ~ ~ ' Kv V E RI i ~ HOOP O ~ W • ~ Y 'b O ° ~ O 1 ~ ,y.~b~ J u , ~' " D --. W CRICKET CT. ,UAIL W0001 .. f G` ~ ~ ~ NEIL CT. ~ ~ .. Cov Cr LN 8040 t~E U 5~(' 3 NC ~ /~/ ~ FNE 4 R~ R POINTER t.N sC `'DH ~.i ~, vy C~ µah ON OR. ~ / ~ ~ - MURR4r VILLE RO D , I-Clfv11 4vf Hf - ~~j/~ ~ 'X0009ER RY CT. ~ z-NEADOwwEr 4VE '.' / I 2 Q O' ~ j ART - COURT .. . OOK ~ , 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ IN GMIII R0. ' M ~ ~ - ~ ' o ~ ~ .. • r ~a w q. ~~ ... _ O ~ ~~, pR1YYl,NY o r ' s'y' ~ t'r 2 RIDO£ ~. ~ L4Kf1 O d+ y; 1 / ROAD 9~ ~ OIIIVE tr ~ _ /~IIERNSM z NA OCAt)Elrl + ~ O4K3 OR 511ENan- ~4C CT . ORIYE _ a 9 N. 1 NC TREE LT, _. D04N ~(` ~j i.V4 r .~ NOT TY Ci 'JTRE ET CaG ~ ~ .. ~ >r STUMPY C7 1~9a O /BROKEN LIMB Ci. ,_ ~ - ~ _ p ^~ t32 O. BENT TREE CT, p Oy / C t.'~ 5 4 ~LJII PQ ~/• _ n C.aaS~ - _ ~r . . er '1\a~ ~a a ra4,. r a° . HO Q ~ (0 _ 91UE9 RRY R0. ~ ~ ~ ' ~ '~O F - ., - _ ~ ~ a _ 8 0 9 ~4~ ~ 4CwES Ow `,r~ r ~p _ ,. - ~ ~~ 'SERfiY ~ ~ ~ r~ H - ,care DR .E ~ o NErucr .;,. 0 1iC ~CN K ° ; ~ q q _~ x., ~ ~ Q rvaNr J r R m u ~ z i.~i ~ E RO' G~, 0. p ~ > > y, CaNr BA7 e10150u~ LN ~R DR. ti I ° - a w ELL - / ~t ~ rNITf >•0 /-~ ~ INOIAN ~ I 11 '~ELl1 y`s ~ ~ \/ V AY ~ y 1 _ _ o -~. J~ o~ .. .. `i~° .. J~ CPS C ~ _~'~~ r ~ o -r ~ 4 Qry, 2~ 1 ~'S S i s i r \ '' : h euo +~ ~: r r ~ rw WKENtR/04T ° ~ cy ~ ~ ~~. _ e J7,.. < f o 'Ac^ r,R ENNET}{ cA0 E RYE l WP v Q, ,r c+.' ~r~ NS .. 7 . ~ J 1 P T sLi C ,^ e~ LONO L u 9rwr ~ A' 1 4 ^t a° ~ ~ a a- ° ''tic e Ov ~ ° /ERN ~ t. 2 or at ~c .y KINGS. Dw r u mu a fw ~ CT ~ ' Gt . ' (C }• /~~ ? `Rav ~ RD ~ ~ Z ~ u ~' j ' c ~. i.>` ~V `' . ~ ol~ ~,~r~' ~®X af~ .. ~ / °/ 'I NOp ~.rK l.ORO ';' b 'J~ pSj' f'^ S_u u ~.: ~. ~.~ 1v£lT SAY ~ CT .YGI ~G~ ~ yOP ~: ~ ~ X11 o a 4 N4N~ ~ y cT ~ „~ ~ ~ n ~ ~+O ~ 4 F, :F.Ar LN R OR. .. ... ~` ~ •+ ~S 't 50`~ ~~ TC~PC~d~ ~ ,+I.' ~ :~IC 07 /,J~J}~;` yt•~. R'a+,urasorr ~~ y ~c,'`',~,.,`~~° gyp, E~.o L ?/ c~ ~ _ ~j///(I~ OEa ra. ° "?.~ _ ego rT o o ~~~ /~ ~~ ~ ~ a cRESTV P` `09o~r O i ~0 ~y ~ ,~N~ ~ _ ... ~I.' /;. ... j LI~ ~ E c 4 ? *o L c o o ~ ~ l4s-l F~ OR. ¢ °'9~.C2 s EJ EEO v v ' ~0~-0 _ 7 O ~ ~ i _ 00 ~j /IIJI ~ IP' - ' 4 ° MIIF ; OAYL/SLY Q ``V• ` °. o-`P ~ }d +R' ?Q' ~ "5 q ~O ~*t~-~ . ,~ ~ _~ C, ~'v ~ ~ w~r.N_ rE'~'. w~,,~~Y~ro ~7 S RK R3J6+' G ~ `~ X00 ~,~ ME-NaT ~ $ '~ ENE ~ o ~ o a.. ~O[. ~ f Ir s,Gt"~ T.~ 9 - ~ ~ 0 - ~. ^ ^ ^ _ ... ~ t ~ o O ~ G A ~ ~ P z -~, 'D_Q ' ' r~ P ~W ~H~ tN~~1 prn OP d~ J`'Tla NO I j x. yoy ~c_. ,Ti. ~~ ~ `' " LONE' ~ .7~ ~ "°.~ ~ / ~ ~~ - - REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION - __ --. _ Meeting Dater 10/21/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In A enda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Re inter SUB.TECT: ' Release of Value i .BRIEF SUMMARY: 1' .. RECOMIyIENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Recommend approval . 't FUNDiNG~SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County Ss User Fces S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: fYcw Appropriation Rcqucst: Bud et Amendment Pre arcd: REVIEWED I3Y: ' ~GL:' FIN: COUNTY MAMA ER'S C ' Recommend approval. BUD.: . , 2efer to Ollice Vision Elulletin Board Cor Disposition HR: --~-« COUNTY COMMiSStON APPROVE® .Q~ i~ REJECTED 1, D O , !'~ UiOVE l; <. PtirSTPONED E~ a~Trr ,. ,. -. S:. Consent Agenda Page 2 . .. October 21, 1996 ~ . .Request the following certification penalty be released as this was the taxpayers first offense: Rubin, Howard Joel 100.00 ~ ' Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citizen/Disability Exclusion: (applications and letters explaining late filing available upon request) James, Delores M. 15,000 Small, Nellie 15,000 Stillman, Josephine 15,000 Vaughan, Norma D. 15,000 Watts, M. G. 15,000 Williams, Marion Etux. 15,000 Request approval of delinquent applications for exemption from property tax for'the following organization: (application and letter explaining late .filing available upon request) ~ , . -, Cape Fear Community College R04712-005-006-000 Trinity United Methodist Church Trustees R06611-009-021-000 Copy: P. Raynor P. Susie Listing ~+u : ~-~~~~~aM.~~u~.~. s ~~~~~~' 1 ~2~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~*. .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION __ - _ Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item#: 8 Additional Item #: Department: Tax Presenter: Pa~*e Count In A enda Package: 3 Contact: Patricia Ra nor SUB.IECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRLEF SUIVIYIARY: Collection reports as of September 30, 1996 RECOMMENDED N10TION AND REOUI:STED ACTIONS: Request approval of reports. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: .User Fces S: Other S: Nloncy Is In Current Budget: Ncw Appropriation Rcqucst: Budoct Amendment Prc ared: REVIEWED BY: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. - Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUNTY CANfMfSS10NER~ APPROVED p ;, ~ . .REJECTED ® '~ ~ 3 REMOVED ^ PQSTPONED [a DATE _ - __.- . - - _ - -. CONSENT AGENDA - -.. .- _- - ITEM N0. ~-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT.TAX COLLECTIONS ~- -~COLLECTI-ONS THRU 09/30/96 ~ ~ "` CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 . ~ AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ,. ,_ ~. ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROtI s - 1~143~852.52 S 37030,84 DISCOVERIES ADDED 1368.78 271.78 LESS ABATEMENTS 472.96- 4..31.99- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED S 1~144~748'.34 ~ 36870.63 - LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 309.48 .00 TOTAL LEVY S 1~145~057.82 S - 36870.63 .` COLLECTIONS TO DATE 136871.76- 24711.85- - OUTSTANDING BALANCE S 1~008~186.06 ; 12158.78 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 11.95~* 67.02X* BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 45708.15 CHARGES AOOED 640.09 LESS~ABATEMFNTS 200.84- TOTAL TAXES DUE ~- ----46147;. 40. ' COLLECTIONS TO GATE 7~740.33- - OUTSTANDING BALANCE S 38407.07 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 16.77 THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BE GINN ING JULY 1~ 1996. RE CTFULLY SUBMITTED PATRICIA J. RAY~R v COLLECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 13.67X { ~, , _ . t~~t~~~'a~ ~'.~~ ~~V~~~~ 1 ~ 4 ~. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~._ ~:x.~ ._. ,~ `_ - - - _- - CONSENT ~ AGENDA `~ ~ -_ OATS =.L° ~1,/-4L _- ITEM N0.__~ _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX•COLIECTI0N5 COCLECT~IONS THRU 09/30/96 CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 RIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL IISCOVERIES ADOED LESS ABATEMENTS -~DTAL TAXES CHARGED DVERTISING FEES CHARGED LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED OTAL LEVY COLLECTIONS TO DATE UTSTANDING BALANCE ERCENTAGE COLLECTED ACK TAXES EAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ARGES ADDED ESS ABATEMENTS OTAL TAXES DUE ELECTIONS T0. DATE TSTANDING BALANCE PERCENTAGE COLLECTED AD VALOREM S 51 X988 X753.97 92803.53 13808.54- $ 52~067~748.96 .00 17327.39 $ 52~085~076.35 St291~972.44- S 46~793~103.91 I0. 16'~* S 2~431~423.13 21~098.3b 9~548.02- $ 2~442~973.47 418~713.b2- $ 2~024~259.85 17.14X MOTOR VEHICLE S 1~528*997.39 11 X490.75 15014.61- $ 1~525~473.53 .00 .00 S 1~525~473.53 988~345.69- $ 537127.84 64.79X* SEP 1996 FISCAL YTD OOM OCCUPANCY TAX COLLECTIONS = 307955.00, 933448.25 ~ RIVILEGE LICENSE COLLECTIONS 552.50 13811.63 EMS. COLLECTIONS .00 .00 . TAI MONEY PROCESSE0 7HRU COLLEC ', CITY OF NILMINGTON NRIGHTSVIILE EACH TO DATE - $~~812~473.51. ~ TION OFFICE FOR NEw HANOVER COUNTY BEACH CAROLINA BEACN AN0 KURE --iI~S REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BE GINNING JULY 1~ 1996. R€S CTFULLY SUBMI EDP ~.r..r _ ~ rz. PATRICIA J. R .NOR U ' ~OILECTOR OF REVENUE * COMBINED COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 11.T1X '. 1 16~ r ass 0 0 ,> ~- ~ - - - -` ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ._ - - _- _- Meeting Date: 10/21/96 . Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 9 Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUB,TECT: Award ofbid #97-0127 to upgrade the Land Records computer system to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. and approval of contract #97-0127. BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached is a resolution awarding bid #97-0127 to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc., the only bidder in the amount of $91,598.15. This system will accommodate Land Records and related departments to access the GIS System. Resolution attached. Contract draft #97-0127 is submitted for approval. Contract draft attached. . ~f - RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends adoption of resolution: 1. awarding bid#97-0127 for ari upgrade to the Land Recordscomputercystem to Eastern Technology Assoicates, Inc., the only bidder in the amount of $91,S9S.1 ~. 2. approving contract #97-0127 • • .FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 9.1,898.15 User Fees S: • _ Other S: .Money Is In Current Budget: Yes New Appropriation Request: No ' Budget Amendment Pre ared: No .REVTEWED.B` ' LGL: COUNTY MAn Recommend approval 1 FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: Refer to Office Vision bulletin E3oard, for Disposition COUNTY COMMISSIQNE'~ . APPROVED REJECTED REMOVED (, POSTPONED QI DATE ~~G~1 - - RESOLUTION - . - OF THE ' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS . OF .. , . NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of October, 1996, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for an upgrade to'the Land Records computer system, Bid' # 97-0127: , . Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. $91,898.15 AND WHEREAS, the Tax Administrator, the Planning Director, the M.I.S. Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina, the only responsible bidder, in the amount of Ninety-one Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars and Fifteen Cents ($91,898.15); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated and are now.in Account Number 1 10-493-4193-2000-6400 in the amount of $57,000:00 and in .Account Number .110-410-4141-1000-6400 in,the amount of $34,896.,15 to.cover this contract; , . , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for the upgrade for the Land Records computer system, Bid 97-0127 be awarded to Eastern Technology Associates, Inc. in the amount of Ninety-one Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars and Fifteen Cents ($91,898.15); and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 21st day of October; 1996. ~ ~ - (SEAL) - .. .. . ~. , Chairman, Board of County Commissioners y .. ATTEST: Clerk to the BoardY ~~~~ t.'~`~I~~~Il~'Itkl~a~ '~'~` ~8 '~ ~~ . _ . ~; Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ - - New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0127 NORTH CAROLINA AGREF.iyiF.NT NEW HANOVER COUNTY . DRAFT THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of , 1996, by and between NEW I-IANOVER COWTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County"; and EASTERN TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., hereinafter referred to as "Vendor". WITNESSETI--i: WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for a computer system for Land Records, Bid #97-0127, and bids were received and opened as required by law; and WI-IEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid proposal submitted by Vendor, the Board of Commissioners of Ne~v Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid proposal and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase, delivery, and installation of a computer system, according to Vendor's Bid Proposal No. 001. NOW, THEREFOIZL, in consideration of the mutual bcne(Its inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. exhibits to Contract. The Bid Packabe, WI11C11 includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, marked Exhibit A; and Vendor's Bid Proposal, marked Lx(libit B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. ~s9 'New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0127 2. Risk of Loss. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.O.Ei. Ne~v EIanover, Wilmington, North ., . Carolina, specific location to be determined at tl~e time of order 3. Delivery. Vendor shall deliver and install all goods purchased by County . within thirty (30) consecutive calendar days after receipt of order. 4. Purchase Price. The total purchase price for said foods in the sum ~of Ninety-One Thousand Eight l-Iundred Ninety-Eight Dollars and Fifteen Cents (~91,S9S.1 ~) shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of the goods, their installation, their acceptance by County and receipt of invoice. ~. [ndemnity. Vendor shall indemnify and hold New Hanover County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of Vendor, leis agents, employees and subcontractors. 6. Insurance. Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to Ne~v Hanover County, of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. 7. Certificates and Notice of Cancellation. Before commencing work under this contract, Vendor shall furnish County with certificates of all ins~irance required below. 17tV ates shall indicate the type, amount, class of~ operations covered, effective date and r ' - ~- New Hanover Coun Contract # 97 - 0127 tY expiration date of all policies, and shall. contain the following statement: i "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written notice has been received by County". 8. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, acid employers liability insurance providing limits at feast in the amount of ~ 100,000/00,000/100,000. applicable to ' claims due to bodil in'ur b accident or disease. Y J Y Y 9. Commercial General L,iahility. [ncluding coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to ' bodil in'u and/or ro ert damage. New Hanover ount Y J ry p p y ~ C y shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. _. ' ~ 10. Automobile Liability Insurance. Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of S 1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. I I .. Contractor's Installation Floater. Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damage of the 1 171 t - - ~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0127 equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent• (I00%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by County'. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear. Vendor shall be responsible For any.loss within. the deductible applicable to this insurance. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and County and shall protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. 12. ~ Default and Termination. If Vendor materially breaches any one of the terms.or conditions contained in this contract, County may terminate this contract forthwith. Upon termination, County may, without prejudice to an action for damages or any other remedy., enter into another contract for the completion. of this contract..~County may deduct all costs of completing the contract from any monies due or which may become due to Vendor. • 13. Non-Waiver of Ri_I~~ts. It: is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach,-shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract. • 14. Subcontractors. Vendor shall be fully responsible for. all negligent acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors and of persons and organizations employed by them to the same extent that Vendor would be responsible for these acts and omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County and any subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract with Vendor, nor shall it 172 ~' - _- ~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 01..7 create an o liazti ~ ~ y b ~~ on on the part of County to pay any money. dr e any si ch subcontractor or , other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law. l~. Assignment. The parties mutually agree that this contract is not assignable and shall. not be assigned by either.party without the written consent of the other party and the surety to this contract. 16. Non-Discrimination. Vendor will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or appliclnt for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person ~ participation in or the benefits of the project which is the subject. of this contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disability or national origin. To the extent applicable, Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 1 1246, the Civil Rights Acts of 196=1 (P.L. 88-3~2) and 196S (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, ' rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, in a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. ` l7. Familiarity with-haws. The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safety and l-Iealth Act (OSHA) requirements; which may in any manner affect those engaged or employed,in the work of the project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he, his employees, subcontractors and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same. If the ` ~ 7~ _ - New'Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0127 Vendor shall discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or ' inconsistent with any such~'law ordinance; cute or regufiation, he shall immediately give notice` thereof to the County in writing, identifying any items`of work affected, acid he shall not proceed until he has received written direction from the County with respect to these items: If the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such !aw ordinance rule or regulation withouf+ giving such notice, he shall beat all costs which area consequence of such perforrtiance. ' 18. Notices.' All notices required hereunder' to be~sent Co either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other•address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either party 6y mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Certified Mail, Return ReceiptRequested: To'County: '~ ' -New Hanover'County MIS Department Attn: Bill Clontz, Director 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 To Vendor: ' _ f, .. - ~ Eastern Technology Associates, L.L.C. .. Attention: Ed Burke, .1r., Partner 5041 .New Centre Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 .: 19. Independent Contractor. It is mutually understood and agreed that Vendor is an independent contractor and not an agent of County, and as such, Vendor, his or her agents '~n~e~ptoyees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited .__ - - - New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0127 to .vacation sick leave insurance worker's com ensation or ensign or retirement benefits. p p 20. Interpretation. All of the terms and conditions contained in the contract documents shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. 21. Entire Understandin;: This contract constitutes the entire understanding ' of .the parties and. contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. r~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the.-parties have caused the execution of this. instrument, by authority-duly given on the day and year first above written. - NEW f-fANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] .~ Robert G. Grccr, Chairman Board of Commissioners '' ATTEST: Clerk to the Board CASTERN TECI-INOLOGY ~ ~ . ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. i ` B y.: ttifanagcr ~ 17~ 1 Ne~v Hanover County-Contract # 97 - 0127 This instrument has been"pre- • audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to Form: County Finance Director• County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY 1, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that .Lucie F.-Harrell personally came before me this day •and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. - Notary Public iV1y commission expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF -. I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Edmund 'S. Burke, Jr., Manager of CASTERN TCCI-INOLOGY ASSOCIATES, L.L.C., personally 'appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 1 ~.~ ~. - __ COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA INVITATION TO BID ` ON COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Section 143-T29 of.the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals addressed to Amy J.' Akin, Purchasing Agent, New f-ianover County Finance Office, 320•Chestnut Street, Room 602, Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 and marked "BID FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR LA1~1D RECORDS, BID # 97-0127" will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, .October 2, 1996. ' The bids will be ublicl o ened and read immediate) foUowin the latest time for recei t of bids in P Y P Y g P the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street;.Room 60I, Wilmington, North Carolina. Instructions for submitting bids and complete specifications may be obtained at the County Finance Office during regular office hours. ~ - ~ ~ . The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County reserves the right to accepi or reject t any or al( bids and.to.make the purchase which will.be in the best interest of the County., ~ - Amy 1. Akin Purchasing Agent. . New Hanover County Advertised: Se tember 22, 1996 P. . _ .- .• r -- .. ~Y ' ,. ~~ - 177 ' 'INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA . BID # 97-0127' COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR LAND RECORDS New Hanover County Finance Ofiice ' Attn: Amy Akin, Purcfiasing Agent _ _ 320 Chestnut Street, Room G02 Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910)' 341-7190 Bid Deposit, Requirements No proposal will be'considered or accepted by the County unless at the time. of its filing the same shall be accompanied by cash or cashier's check on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to and not less than five percent (5%) of the gross .price of the proposal: ` In -lieu of making the cash deposit as provided, such bidder may file a bid bond executed by a corporate surety licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute such bonds, conditioned that the surety will upon demand forthwith make payment to County as obligee upon-said bond if the bidder fails to execu e~ the contract `in accordance with the bidbond. "This deposit shall be >:etained if the successful bidder`fails to execute'thecontract within ten (~I0) days after the award or fails to give satisfactory surety as required herein. Preparation and Submission of Bid Proposal Completion of Bid Form: Bids must be on bid proposal form contained in this bid package; the original and three copies required. Submitted with the original proposal form and each copy shall be a complete set of detailed specifications and manufacturer's warranty indicating compliance with these specifications. All prices and notations shall be written in ink or typed. Changes or corrections made on the Bid must be initialed by the individual signing the bid, No corrections will be permitted once bids have been opened. Deviations: New Hanover County reserves the right to allow or disallow minor deviations or technicalities should the County deem it to be to the best interest of the County. New Hanover County shall be the sole judge of what is to be considered a minor deviation or technicality. Warranties: Bidder warrants that all goods furnished shall be free from all defects, and shall conform in all respects to the technical specifications established by the County. Bidder shall submit manufacturers' warranties against defects in materials and workmanship covering the goods bid upon. 178 ~ ~ - I-I of 5 , - ... - _ ° If the County's specifications include a statement of the particular purpose for which the - -goods will be used, the goods offered by bidder shall be fit for this purpose. . Submission of Bid Proposal i Bids must be in sealed envelopes properly marked "BID FOR COMPUTER: SYSTEM FOR LAND RECORDS, BID # 97-0.127", and shall be addressed to County at the following address: , New Hanover County Finance Office Attn: Amy Akin, Purchasing Agent 320 Chestnut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Condition oC Goods ~~ All goods shall be new and in no case will used, reconditioned or obsolete parts be accepted. Trade Secret Confidentiality s t All bid proposals received and recorded at the bid opening are considered .public record and available for public inspection. According General Statutes 132 - 1.2, trade secrets contained in a bid may be kept confidential if the bidder, at the time the bid is submitted, designates the secret and requests that it be kept confidential. This right of privacy will be construed as narrowly as possible to protect the. interests of the vendor while attempting to maximize the availability of information to the public. Timc For Opening Bids Proposals will be opened-promptly and read at the time and date set forth in the' advertisement. Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be present.- Any bids received after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids will not be considered and will be returned to the bidder, unopened. ~ ~ ". Wi#hdrawal oCBids ~, .. .. Bidders may withdraw or~wthdraw and resubmit their bid at anytime rp for to the closing time for receipt of bids. But no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids for a period of sixty (60) days. ~ ~ , Award of Contract The award of any contract resulting from this bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and time specified in the proposal for the performance of the contract. I-2 of 5 ~ ~ ~ ~/ __ _ _ _ a, Considerations in Award of Contract . (n determining the lowest responsible bid in accordance with G.S. 143-129, the Board of Commissioners will consider, among other factors: modern, accepted practices; engineering, design, efficiency and workmanship; maintenance costs; availability of service and parts inventory; and performance (ba'sed on Couniy's` previous use of the same or similar equipment made by the manufacturer). ~ . • ' ~ . _ Federal Taxes - • New Hanover County is exempt from and will not pay Federal Excise Taxes or Transportation Taxes North Carolina Sales Tax If bidder is required to charge North Carolina sales tax on bidder's sales, bidder shall not include it as part of the bid price. County wilt pay North Carolina sales tax over and above bid°prices when invoiced. Price Biddershall guarantee the prices~uoted against any'increase for whatever delivery date is specified and 'contract period required. ~ ~~ Piacc of Delivery Goods shall be delivered F.O.B. New Hanover County, Wilmington, NortEi Carolina, specific location to be specified at time of order and shall be complete and ready for use unless otherwise specified. Instruction in Use of Goods; Demonstration - County may require a demonstration of the goods bid upon; the demonstration shall be at no cosh to County. If bidder cannot make a demonstration within 20 days of request, bidder's bid may be rejected. Performance of the equipment at the demonstration will be a factor in the award of the contract. Demonstrations must be made with the same model of equipment as that bid. The County may require the demonstration at the same time competitive.demonstrations are made.. . ., ~ - , The successful bidder shall be responsible for instructing County personnel in 'the proper use and. maintenance of the goods. Responsibility oC Compliance With Legal Requirements The bidder's products, service and facilities shall be in furl compliance with any and all applicable state, federal, local, environmental and safety laws, regulations, ordinances and standards~'or'any 18 0 - I-3 of 5 ~~ ' ... . standards adopted by nationally recognized testing facilities regardless of whether or :not they are referred to in the bid documents. Indemnity ~. Vendor shall indemnify and hold the County, its agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal. injuries or deat}1 or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work to be performed by Vendor hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of .Vendor, fiis agents, employees and subcontractors. Insurance - Vendor shall maintain insurance from companies licensed to write business in North Carolina and acceptable to New Hanover County of the kinds and minimum amounts specified below. Certific.~ites and-Notice of Cancellation Before commencing work under this agreement, Vendor shall furnish New Hanover County with certificates of all insurance required below. Certificates shall indicate the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, and shall: contain the following - statement: "The insurance covered by this certificate will not be canceled or materially altered, except after (30) days written notice has been received by New Hanover County." 1 u Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benef is under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insurance providing limits at least in the amount of $100,000/500,000/100,000. applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disease. Commercial General Liability Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, .products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy.. I-4 of 5 U. Automobile Liability Insurance .. .. - ~ k Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. Contractor's Installation Floater '' -, .. _ . Vendor shall provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate insurance protecting against loss or damagc~of the equipment to be insta!•Icd. Coverage shall be written in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by County. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear. ' Vendor shatl'be responsible for ariy loss within the deductible applicable to this insurance, The coverage shalt be written in the name of Vendor and County and shall`protect the subcontractors as their interests may appear. Ad:dcndum The bid package constitutes the entire set of bid instructions to the bidder. The County shall not be responsible for any. other instructions, verbal or written, made by anyone. Any changes to the specifications willbe in the'form ofan Addendum which will be mailed to all bidders who are listed with the Finance Office as having received the bid package. - ~ - '- ~ r ~ ' Compliance With Bid Requirements Failure'to comply with ttlese provisions or -any other provisions: of the General Statutes of North Carolina will result in rejection of bid. ' . Right To Reject Bids ~ ' ~ , The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. - u ~ ~;, r.• ~ 2 ' I-5 of 5 ~I ~° . -- _ - .. -~ ~ - -- -- . Technical Specifications -- Computer System for Land Records - ~ - _ Bid # 97- 0127 - - ~ 11. Introduction: l New Hanover County (county). wishes to upgrade the computer system that ~ supports the Geographic Information System (GIS) function in the Land. Records (LR) department. The county has established a standard hardware/software ~, ~ platform for this system.. Already installed equipment is IBM RISC 6000 hardware using the AIX software, therefore the proposed equipment shall conform to these .~ established standards: Accordingly, the desired hardware shall be an IBM .RISC.. ~ 6000 system and the operating system shall be the AIX system. The systems shall possess all the requirements that are detailed in this document. l 'New Hanover County wishes to receive bids from all interested .bidders who possess a system that meets the. requirements of this .bid package. ~2. Several System Reauirements: i The major functional requirements of the system are described in this section. To be considered, the bid response. shall be able to satisfy all. these requirements to j the satisfaction of New Hanover County staff. The bidder shall give written explanation indicating how these requirements will be met. I I a. The system shall provide virtual disk capability for all attached personal ~ computers; I'. ' b. The system shall communicate with all other applications such. as those installed on the county mainframe. c. The operating system. shall contain- a systems management tool for such ~. , ... tasks..as:. - , . ~ Installation Confi uration 9 Device Management Storage Management d, ~ .. ~ The operating system shall provide disk storage management functions independent of application software. " e. The system shall provide on line documentation accessible through . hypertext technology. f.. The 1BM Mainframe shall be able to address any/alt printers on the ppro~josed system. 1 O J - COMPUTER SYSTEMS L.AI~7D RECORDS T-1 _ - . -. - l"ech icaol Specifications - _. Computer System-for Land Records - - ~ ~ - Bid # 97- 0'127 g. All users shall be able to run multiple sessions concurrently when using an intelligent workstation. . h. -~ The system shall integrate and be completely compatible with the currently . ° installed GIS System. ~. Arclnfo application software - ~ X-Windows - ~ 1DbaseT I. The workstation shall also communicate with the county's IBM ES/9.000 mainframe. j. Server - 1BM Risc System/6000 7013-591 512MB Main Memory 2-2GB SCSI=2 disk drives.mirroced for 2GB-:net .. Ethernet Adapter ~- '~~ .8mrn Tape. Drive- . System Console r Required future Field; upgrade options: 2GB main memory Processor upgrade to SMP or larger uniprocessor DASD - IBM 7133-500 Serial Storage Architecture 4-4.5GB disk drives: mirrored`for~9.OGB net. Shall also have 1.1 GB and 2.2GB optional disk drive capability Shall be capable of up to 3,000 l/O operations/second per adapter Dual full-duplex ports, redundant paths, power and cooling for fault tolerant protection - ` Software - AIX V4.1.4 with 25 user License preloaded The desired equipment`shall be new and shall run in native mode with the already installed GlS network. Installation and maintenance services shall be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week from a local engineer. The bidder shall state the warranty provided to the County with th'e quoted equipment. The bidder shall provide a detailed description of the installation support that will be provided for.ttie quoted system. Bidder shall also provide a detailed description of 1~~84 . - COytPUTLR SYSTL•MS LA1~tD RLCOP~DS T-2 - - - ~ -~ Technical Specifications - -~--- Computer System for Land Records _ - -. Bid # 97- 0127 the initial warranty period for the system and all maintenance costs that will be imposed on the county after the warranty period expires. Maintenance Hardware service shall be provided on site, 24 hours per day, seven days per week with a two hour response time objective. Software Bidder shall state the cost of ail software support and maintenance policies. Personnel .Bidder shalt state location and names of all primary support personnel ~. that will be assigned to maintain/support the system. Demonstration If the county desires, the bidder shall successfully demonstrate its offering to the County and shall satisfy all connectivity and integration requirements outlined in this specification. 3. Installation Requirements: It shall be .the responsibility of the successful bidder to prepare a complete detailed time schedule of th,e system implementation that meets with the approval of the county. This schedule shall detail the time frame and the resources that are required for a successful installation and. transition to the new system. . a. ~y_stem Acceptance Testing. It sha11 be the responsibility of the successful bidder to completely install all hardware/software tfiat is acquired as a result of this bid. Additionally, the successful bidder shall be required to completely install the application software on the computer system. It shall be a further requirement of the successful bidder to attach all existing hardware to ttie newly acquired hardware and insure that its performance is accurate and satisfactory. After these installations ate complete, the bidder shall so ic~form the county MIS Director in writing so that the system Acceptance Testing period can begin. When the county agrees that the system is ready for testing, the county shall begin a testing: period (not to exceed 120 days) during which each system function shall be thoroughly exercised. If, in the judgement of New Hanover County, the results of the Acceptance Testing indicate that the system complies with all the specifications, the installation shalt be complete. ~' If the Acceptance Testing results prove to be unacceptable to the county, the county shall require the bidder to immediately correct the situation. After all necessary corrections are ,made, the acceptance test cycle shall continue. It shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to continue this procedure until the county determines that either the system is acceptable or that the ~" system has failed to meet the specifications of this bid. If the syste~~~ any COMPUTER SYSTEMS [.nNll RrCORDS T-3 - - - -- Technical Specifications - Computer System for Land Records ' - - - -~ Bid- # 97- 0127 aspect.of the performance Acceptance Test, the county may take•any/all of the following actions: ;~ Require vendor to~ correct all deficiencies and begin another series of _ ~ - acceptance tests which shall be passed by the system within a county specified time limit Accept delivery of the system but pay diminished system or system - maintenance costs and/or liquidate damages. Terminate the contract without liability, declare~the bidder in breach of contract, and recover contractually specified remedies. .. Return the system in total to the bidder at bidder's expense. ~. Recover all monies remitted to the bidder _ . _ -, . ' All the requirernents~ of thin section shall ~be completed- at no expense to the county. ~ The software warranty period shall not begin until the end of the ' ~ system acceptance test. ~ - b. System WarrantX. The successful bidder shall warrant that the proposed system shall meet or exceed ~all~the requirements of this bid package. The successful bidder shall also outline the time period for which system services and updates will be free as part of the original contract. A detailed listing of any on-going mainte~riance charges that will begin at the, end of the warranty period • ~ ~ shall also be listed in the response to this bid package. ~ ~ss •COMPUTLit SYSTEMS LAND RL'CORDS T 4 ~' __ . Vendor's Quote # 00J. COUNTY OF NE~V HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA • BID PROPOSAL FORM . BID # 97-0127 -COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR LAND RECORDS " October 2, 199G; 3:00 p.m. I~ certify that this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation firm, orperson submitting a bid for the same services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I understand collusive bidding is a violation of-state and federal law and '~ can result in fines, prison sentences, and civil damage awards. I agree to abide by alt conditions of this bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this bid for the bidder. Having carefully examined the 'Bid Package and Addendum, if any, ,Vendor hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and supervision required to furnish and install the required computer system for Land Records that are necessary to execute the functions and meet requirements detailed in the Technical Specifications for the total price indicated below: $ 91,898.15 Delivery: -~~ days after receipt of purchase order., subject to change . Location of Technical and Service Representative: Wilmington, NC, and Austin, TX Bidder shall itemize all items and services in detail with their respective costs which are included in the bid proposal price and submit as an attachment to the bid proposal. Attachments to Proposal "' 1. Bid Bond "' • 2. 3. Complete specification of equipment proposed Detail itemization of all items and services and their respective costs which are .included in the bid proposal 4. ~ Written explanation indicating how general system requirements will be meta 5. Statement of the warranty to be provided as well as a detailed description of the initial warranty period for the system and all maintenance costs that will be imposed on the ~1 county after the warranty period expires. 6. Detailed description of the installation support that will be provided for the quoted. system. 7. Exceptions to bid (if any) !! ~ B-l of 3 1 U7. . -- • -lYvtice to Proceed The undersigned, if awarded the bid, hereby agrees to execute a contract with New Hanover County in the form specified within ten ((0) days after the award and to begin process of providing the computer system for Land Records listed in this bid proposal upon receipt of a Purchase`Order issued by New Hanover County. ~ - Addendum Receipt, of the following Addendum is acknowledged: f j. Addendum No. ~ - Date ~ - , 1996 ~ U, Addendum No.' - Date ~ 1996 • Addendum No. ~ ~ Date - ~ , 1996 _. . _. U ~: } :. ;. . _ ° . Ll. 18 8 B-Z of 3 Q .. ~. _ __ _- -- Bidder Information Please check as appropriate and complete the items below.- D- The Bidder is: ' An Individual ^ A Partnership between: Limited Liabili t_ .om~y (Ia.G? - organized under the. laws of North Carolina ,~ - AJoint Venture consisting of: ,, A Corporation organized under the laws of the State oF- - ~ (L'ist name of state appeasing on the corporate seal and affix seal below where indicated.) BY: Frlm~tnr~ S Rnrl~n~ Tr ~. (name as above printed) TITLE:Partner/IBit Sales Affiliate ~. ' COiVII'ANYEastern Technology' Associates, LLC ~' ~ - ADDRESS: 5041 New. Centre Drive - - ~ Wilmington, NC .28403 ~ - TELEPHONE: (910). 350-281.0 . .' BID # 97-0127 _ ATTACHiYIENTS TO PROPOSAL + • 1. Bid Bond is includcd in the "Bid Forms" scction. 2. Complete specification of equ~ipmcnt proposed is includcd in.the "Technical Specifications" portion of the bid responsc: 3. Detail itemization of all items and services and their respective costs which arc includcd in the bid proposal is summarized below: Equipment $ 84,765.65 . AlX Software $ 5,008.50 AIX Supportlinc ~ ' ~ 1.,244.00 ' (l2 month increase) 1BM Customer Engineer 500.00 f ~ (SCSI-2 rc-insta(l) .. ' P~ojcct Support -Four hours 380.00 (Eastern Technology Assoc.) - 4: Written explanation indicating how general system rcquircmcnt_ti will be met is includcd in the "Technical.Spccifications" portion of the bid responsc. 5. Statement of warranty to be provided as well as a detailed dc~cription of the •- - initial warranty period for fhc system grid all maintenance costs that will be imposed on the. county after the warranty period expires arc includcd in the - - "Technical Spcc~ifications"-scction. -- 6. Detailed description of the installation support that will be provided for the quoted system is includcd in the "Technical Specifications" scction. 7. Exceptions to bid: Acceptance testing discussed in Section 3, a:, of the Tech= ` nical Specifications scction applies only to the 1BM products proposed. We also ~.J understand the County will provide the SCSI-2 adapter and cable for the non'- IBM disk drives. Pricing has been includcd in the proposal to allow an IBM customer engineer to dc-install/rc-install the adapter. - - -- -~ 190 ~~ ~. Technica(Specfications Bid #97-0127- , - - _ " _ _. Computer System for Land Records 1. Introduction: We are ro osin the 1BM RS/6000 Model 591 usin AIX Software Version 4.1.4 alon P P g ~ g with IBM 7133 Model 500 Serial Storage Architecture(SSA)bisk Sub-System. 2. General S stem Re uirements: ' . y q . a. Since virtual disk capability for all attached personal computers is provided through. ` " the County's personal computer software there is no requirement for additional AIX Software. b. The proposed system has"the same communications capability as the currently installed RS/6000's. c. AIX contains the Systems Management Interface Tool(SMIT) for installation, configuration, device and. storage management. d. Disk storage management functions are provided by the AIX Logical Volume. Manager(LVM). e. On-tine documentation is provided by AIX InfoExp(orer. ". f. The IBM mainframe should be able to address any/all printers on the proposed system through the County's installed SNA gateway software. ~- g. Multiple concurrent session support is provided by AI;C X-Windows software. Each personal computer should have its own X-Windows terminal emulation product. ~, h. The proposed system is compatible with the cun•ently installed GIS system. i. The proposed workstation should be able to communicate with the IBM mainframe tht'ough the County's installed SNA gateway software. j. The proposed equipment is new and will rvn with the already installed GIS ~r network. A detailed configuration is included in the "Technical Specifications Section". Installation and maintenance services will be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week"from a local engineer. D ~ 191 . - - - ~ Technical Specifications Bid #97-0127 Computer System for. Land Records -_ j• Wan-anty Type Period Post-warranty Price ' - 7013-591 1 yr. $506.30 monthly ' 7.133-500 ~ 1 yr. 145.25 monthly - ' 3153-BW3 3 yr. ~ ~ , 88.00 annual' The equipment proposed will be installed by an IBiv1 customer engineer. AIX . software is pre-loaded at the IBM plant of manufacture. Primary support • personnel will remain unchanged with th'e proposed system. AIX Supportline monthly charges will change as follows: - Cun•ent Proposed' ~ ~ -Effective 4/97 - $288.7~ $374.00 $395:00 3. 'Installation Requirements: - ~ - A detailed time schedule will be prepared if necessary. a. System Acceptance Testing. As stated earlier, an IBM customer engineer will install the proposed equipment. The proposed AIX software is shipped pre-loaded. It is ouc understanding the applications software will be"installed by'Cou'nty personnel:' We also understand County personnel will~be cesponsible•for attachi~nd the e:~isting non-IBM disk drives to the proposed system, once an LBM customer engineer . ~ de-installs/re-installs the approptiate.S'CS1-2adapter. Acceptance testing applies to ' ~ the IBM products proposed: :. ,.- b. Software warranty support is provided through the AIX Supportline contract `amendment as proposed: ~A detailed.listing of post=warranty hardware maintenance charges are included in item " j" above. r 192 ._ - ~- . _ ~~ W U Q a ~' k ` ~ Y-OO.000UO.ODUUUUUU O t 0 }.000UUUU O l O W W * # ~ - 1 = 0 Z Z Z 2 Z O Z Z Z Z 2 2 Z Y 0 1 0 J O\\ Z 2 2 2 0 1 0 J J 1 1 t(( z 1- In In o o x •zz n a.a - Z f~ M r- v1 1 ~ - - Q O to _ _ ~D ~ z r O .- n ~ F- r • E ~ i j j. ' ~I ~ ~ E W aaan.n. rLa O O O O O U O O D U U U U U U s x O O O aaa G O O D p ~ ~ >, x O (/~ 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0L Z Z Z Z Z U U U O 111111 O U OO O W .- Q Z O W N O O O Z Z Z Z O ~ cU O Z O? ~O KKrn ~ worn = U Ou111100 OO o~rnoo 000 OJ111 u10~?~ r nlrlr- ~ ~ 00 Il> Ir1 0 N f~ O ~a•- Oo=r aloco r rr-~o ~ ~ ~ ? N N ~- ~ N O Q~ r~ 1f1 f~ O Z O ~ ~ O rt I!1 11•~ .- ~ - _ W .-- N E O d tl\ r+7 O~ N ~O N ~O ~O N I 1 r . 1 - f- . K W 1 - N Z W } ~ ~ ~~ mtY } ~rrNr'-.- ~ .- .- .- .- r .- •- - ~ 1 U O F- ~ r . '- .- .- .- W O• } .- F- E , ~ Z 1 ~ W ~ _ - ~ O Y U U(nQ ~,,.~. K fY O O N OC Q J W !- I J O R Q # O F-• L # rr t ' O(n NF- aQ oo * w ~ * 1 x ~ Zt/IZ 1 n. W (n 2 tY Q QQ >F- ~CiNOZ J Q O J S to J rn J - Q 0 Q - O - tl tr \ O - I Q F-• W Gtn Y to t~ - U F- Q F.. Oi W Q K Z K Q 01.. J ~O U ' O N J O O ~ p - X111- Z ~ W U.OU000,_`.: ~1-Z Jtn F- F-- O^W JU F- W •~ •4- ~~ . W t m ZmU O, + J E Y W H W Y fAW b- W Q~ U W ~J02 > (A tTl .~ W G F- U W 111 fA F- U W ~ _ M N F-- ¢7 (n Ja. n. h- --(.I •Z Q u1 O W O Q 4: V- p O 1 N~ >- ~ a Z Ta,. Q O eLZ ~- ct2 ~ ~ '- ''" (~ 11 d U? N f• O Z tq W tti n 2- N O U O vi c~ Q) O G - t~ = ,.~ J U , 1 ~ _ K I x O a O f. N-~ F- - 1•- N U 7 .- 5 0 I N N U +Z O S N U U •7\>-,Q Cf) I O\-O ^ZU ' ' Q .N -W~pN S Q ZW . Q .. rq d 2 t1.KOU:7~Ir-N ti-W O G I.. i d\a O t~ v 1~ W . \ O J O U i~ G a O\-NE W 111Q 1f1NN~OF (!) x :L > n. N G ~O # Q ; . O - O.~O 1 W K N 1 ?K- F-:t Zx vl trOaO \ O p U H-x _ i0 F-t ~O tY Q- i a. O N at- Z~ U CtI 0 G to U .7 ~ G* N m L Z# G \ W (n F- fA Q ~p K N f- H U r11 W p} U S r W r-• O O U Q1. ~L >• K N (A N N l~l O J O U M N - - IY W (nNR'N W Q(nZ U U N NOtn UUO N W ~- J U (q - ~ =Z QEUC11 t.1LQN - U.Kmm~OZ m - - = Q O - } ' '- G I.d UZW U Ll--•K QOC7 W U-W O - 11l"UOIYN 0 O WF- p ~ ~ ` ->•SN~01.• 12NNNU1ZNf t .t ~U1u 1F-Z~O `t F--N ~' ' a J n !- •u1O O'Z Q Q QUO - Q W N N. N U W O N Q] n) J to cl. a ] _ 1 • F- Q O O JNQ_1 G. .- i 2 U gyp, ~. > 193 ~O ~ U .- ~ N M ~ to '- ~ •- •- : d •- J •- O G~ 111 r"tG•Ov M.- ~ W OEM O~c7 u1O~ G.n~NOrnG OGN ~ 00111 f - \ 111 Q~O~OOOr N111 .- NNr7~,p 111 .~ 00•n~cp ~ O l -_ J p 1 N N r7 ~ ul ~ ~D ~O O. O~ O~ O~ U O~ I m 1n (~ (T O~ Q~ i p~ ~ E r - M M N G rn ~ .. ~ F• r f' t!1 N W U Q 4 F.., .. Z Q ~. . E W ~ O fA ~O W r Q . ~ ~ ~ O~ S v1 w O u~ U ~o >a~ s r t ~aM ~ ~ ~ W- ~ a m r N E O - ~._. zw~ ~n z w >- m~ r ~ c~ O r- •- E ct } '- w i-- E z~ ~ w O X U U to Q -a ~ O O w r >¢rn . O cn zv~z Q S q Q O E ~ ul Z W 1 Q7 O Z M U - M N ~--.. d ti~ -2' fA U J fn Q W F D O ~ F ' W z ~ ~ b ~ 1 ~4 ~O U O~ LL Q~ \ •' J N F- F- - J i!1 C ~O > ~n ~o s x O . G r J , Q • F • O F- : lil - U J q Q _ x F- U O i- ~ 41 U W Z N Q a z x .w ... U - F- CL' L ~. W >. Q _I 2 x O F- (r _ G Q O S ~`, . _ n.-- - - ~~` ~~ .. ,~~ ~' . ~~' M W . 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N X W- ._I W N N ~ ~ N F- N N ro ~- N E -•- - N <u 1- ... Q1 O Y 19~ W U Q a p W r-• ~ ~: l 2 2~ W 0 0 O G O O U W0111 iw ~ 00 0111 u1 O O > ct t - U KKM f-cr o0 o~-w o 0 w- -- a o .r1 In -7 0 0 0 1nEo ws os arr M M r Z U MM IO .7 -te O ; CL W i N Z W } mlr } r r.••• Mr .- i r w.- r 1 U O F- N ~ O } r I. j H E Z I ~ W O Y U U N ¢ L' x -~ wp~ ~ + -~ # > J 111 J > Q V) Q U Q O N X V Z to Z Z h 0 4 O Q - O to Q U r- K N Q h- 2 O Q - ~ ~ O E E- Z W C1 L W F 3 ul a ~ O U) 2 r 1 [~: O > ~: Q w I m - - O o ni K U- m ~ K z M U aC •- F- - ~ U ~• w co U ....MN U •QN F-• - ..... 1 0.. .-~ << N ~ O N ?n' I t!)a K aK \O K r 1n W F r• K O 1- 1t K F- ''- a a D ZN W 2J: U V7 •cn t O-1n1nJ Ot O- .t J 't N w Q U A. IJ l~l n' Q m a U <n F- N n: o. X~ h- w ao<n - ~ Q- rn >-- z o IIII-I-ac~z W UU- F--lil XU)F-1-LI <( U1N ~ ~ N W -tnOOCr J •rN`tK Q[C oo Q Qmmo.. > N<Co~~ma 1 ~ ~ `~ f•• Q M r- M ~ u1 eTOOOO - I- c•1 cv .n -00000 a W MONO BOO -LO?uIOO ~ li 1 ~MMt11 1 QIMO f-aP '"_ 1n lIl E ~ ~I Q r •ti N tr 111 ~:\ U ~ ~ O F- Z O U N 0 1 J 1 Q I 1 i 1 1 1 1 f 1 I 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i i i 4~ . i i I I I - >, J C i - G v. j \ ~ ao ~ ~ t ~ O vl N O L O cc C - PJ - r 1n L OIOu E aI U •- a.I U N O ', 19 J N a.I aI N a Y C O J ~ ~~, c aI v o. aI . m c E •Q• ~ aI 3 aI aI' aI C G ". • >. O N cA U 3 LI -L L D•- Cwrn7LT~Tu Q~ ' O m w'4-D C J~ .~ c d : o. r CO>~LN'O~E N O C D O L N N ~ --- - ' ~~ N C d N ~ X ' +-I N O O' -OIL ~ W. ~ W ro L D u >.D •- oI .. F- f - E 1v ~ `m cn Q '~ N U O N- O~•- UI O ~ ..O Q _ - - 4-. Gl •- •- N cC E N ' .J J c X 3 L c> w c a J +-1 m G7 m U W W U Q - L u L> Nb- 2 U U 2CC h- ~ J d U N O L C. J {- 2 Z Q-. O O- J L OI W d - Q Q S Q H >ID~ u E ~ Z SUa - ~O•-vlNa t9 W WUXW w - LoLaIalEa~c f- UXwK • <L a-= Z•- L C O JJ--Q 2z ' 3 aEm L rn~ c: ozzQQ2w-- ~ • F- ,u am- ao oii wOOEaUE--• c I I~ C. Q- L •- W K W X-}} O 14 a Nc>_JE -~ UW W W WKW1n4[L ~U N O t06+~E- QIiQQG,WWZQQ N rn Om -O22-F-F-ODU ~( ~~ C- L L Nr N U UUh-- 1~ + c7 m m N u C ~G F-KKJ.tn V)n_'KK' , t N L +- I E•- d L/ -1 ~ O O O O O 1 I W W W L,.J ~+UC-O3UO Z2n_0_iZZEE~ aiu •-c.-L 00000 N O S N+ J O 1 1 I I I F- F- F- 1uu 7 U u ffNV)N U L U +-+ C + W m m~ ~~ - ~ O- m C N i ~ J-- U U U c_ U w~•- Em d Cl d !li L ID C7 - - 1 1 1 1 i '-I 1n u ,n L 4l F- ~`J __ Servers: Facts and Features July 1996 :~ ~. 1 ', 1 ~' i ..~ r Mtiewpweassortypa PowerPC601' PowtxPC601 PoworPC604' CJodcrate 66/BOMHz(option) . 80MHi: 120M!-tz $anef+rrir~ks' SPEC"int base95 ~ 1.69/2.03 2.37° 3 85° ! I SPECfp_base96 223/2.58 2.97° . ~--! 3:50° SPECint95 1.821- _ _ SPECSp95 2_~_ _ _ SPECint_baselate95 _ _ _ SPECfp_base rate95 _ _ UNPACK OP (n MFLOPS) 12.7/15.1 20.3' 22 7° UNPACKTPP(nMFLOPS) 33•g/q0"ra q2 qe . 62 7° tpmC; S/tpmC - 485.88; 654° - Syatamm~mory(atandardjns~xtirntan) 16AAB/2~ MB 16MB~/Z~ MB 16MB/25&ti18 Memory type PS12' ECC SIMM PSr2 ECC SIMM PS/2 ECC SIMM Datafnstruciion(Lt)cache 32KB• 32KB• 16KBJ16KB Level2(L2)cache _ -. _ 1MB(option) 1M8(option) Mernorybtlswidth 64-bit 64bit 64-bit Memory slots g 8 - 8 ' Wsk storaya (standard/intarna18C81 max.) OM8/2G8 1G8/6GB 1G8/6G8 With disk arrays and expansion traits >425GB• >6S0C' 8 >650G6 " Ytorpa Intarfaus ~ oCSt/SCSI-2 andSCSl-20iiterential X X X , SCSI-2Fast~deandSCSl-2 Fast~de,Dif(erential X X X SCSI-2 Fast~do PG RAID mntro0er _ _ ~ (~ SSA. ~ JI, IL E:;pansJon stbta availatoi. ~ 2 Micro Charnel 3 Micro Chamol . 4 Miao Charnol Higt~pertormanceMiaoChamol'st~system '"tAMBJsocond PAMB/socorld SOMB/socond PClbuss~eed .. WA wA .. WA Cor>~n~m>ieatio~s and eannaotivity sapport ~ " , EIARS232D,EIARS422rElARS422A,MIL-188 X X. X Token-Ring X ~ X X Ethernet" X - X X FDDI X ~ ,X • X X25 X ~ ,X X SDLC X X X , System/370' - . X X Portmasier' ~ ~ X X, X ATM ~ ~ X .. X X Fitxe Charnel ~ _ _ _ _ t-fiPPl ~ .: •; ; _ - -` _ . ARTIC960 Co-Processor ° ~ ~ _ X X Ota~ratiny aystam sv~sot•~ : AIX' ~ AIX . ' AIX XSupported N!A-NotAppGcable } ' 'Total data erxl instruction cache tReflecla use of largeatoptiorml t2cache °Sharedmemory °~laJOtExpenaionCebinet "'256KBonMode143P-100 'Perproceeaor ~aG02t~cpeneionCabiriets 198 .~ ~~ ~ " Af _ ___ .. ~ - y,,y.» y ~ ~ ~ :s:;;s ~~ s:. j ~ ~ ~::- : ::: ~::; ~: y= :~ t x ~/~j• 1 1.%~. : b /.f /%{ //., ~ rwn RS/'SOt)O servers Mode! 43PSeHea Model E2O Mode! E3O Model F3O P.eks0tn9 doaktop doaksldo dosks{d. dak.ido ~ . Rlieroproaa+ssortype PowerPC604 PowerPC604 PowrxPC60d PoworPC604 CJodrrate 100/120/133 MHz 100/133 MHz (option} 133Mt-tz 133MHz S~ncl~nwks' SPEGnt_base95 3.36/4.01/4.55 3.43 4.56 4 56 SPC-Cfp_base95 3.04/3.23/3.59 3.06 3.34 . 3.34 SPECint95 3.59/4.24!4.72 3.67 4.74 4 74 ~aP95 3.20/3.41/3.76 3.13 3.49 . 3.49 - SPECint_baso_rate95 _ _ _ SPECfp_baso rate95 _ _ _ _ _ ' UNPACK DP (nMFLOPS) -/25.5/27.8 23.5 23.1 23 1 UNPACKTPP(nMFLOPS) 56.4/61.0/67.5 62.3 69.0 . 69.0 tpmC; $/tpmC - 735.27; 378 - _ Syst~mnwmory(xtandard~4naximutn) ~ 16MB/192MB 16MB/512M8 32MB/960M8 - 32MB~60MB Memory type 32-bit S7MM 64-bit ECC DIMM 64-bit ECC DIMM 64-bit ECC DIMM Data(nsiruction(L1)cache 16K8/16K6 15KB/16KB 16KB/16KB 16KB/16KB Lsvel2(L2)cache 512KB• 512KB 512KB 512KB Memory bus width 64-bit 64-bit 64-bit 6d-lit Memory slots 6 8 8 6 lt7iakatoray~(atetndard/int~rna18C81nsax.) 1.2GB/5G8 1080MBn32G8 2.1GB/13.2G8 22GB/40G8 With disk arrays andexpansiontnits >140G6- 400GB 40QGB >425GB U: Storsge lnt.rfsus SCSI/SCSI-2 and SCSI-2 Differential X X X X SCSJ-2Fast~deandSCS!-2Fast~doDiHerontial X X X '. X SCSI-2 Fast~do RCt RAl D controller - X X X SSA _ _ _ _ . Expanalon a{ota wadlaWa 31SA, 2PG1/ISA 5 PC1, 21SA,1 PCI/ISA SPCI, 21SA, 1 PCI/ISA 3PC1 31SA 4 PCI/ISA I-Ggh-performance Micro Channel ~bsystem WA NJA N/A , , N/A PCI bus spend 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz 33 MHz Cortrnun3ca~tiona and cor~noctivity aaQport - EIARS232D,EIARS422,EIARS422AMIL-188. X X X X Token-FPong X X X X Etliernet X X X ~ X . FDDI _ _ _ X25 - X X X x SDLC X X X X Systerr>/370 Portrnaster _ _ _ _ _ ATM _ _ _ _ Fbre CYlamol _ _ - HiPPI ' _ - - _ ART1C960 Co-Processor tkwrating sy:tam a~~~ort AIX,Windo~,vs NT" AIX, Windavs ~i•f AIX, Windows NT AIX, Windows NT (PowerPCEd.) (PoworPCEd.) (PowerPCEd.) (PoworPCEd.) ~~~ X-Supported t`U~NotAppliceble •TotaldalaendinetrucBoncache °ReflecteueeoflargeetoptionalL2cacho ' \ °Sharedrnernory ~BJOI ExpaneionCabinet 256KBonMode143P-100 ~ 'Perproceeaor KaG02ExpeneicnCabineta ~. ~ 'i99 t - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. • ~. ,. _ y ~, ~ L i .~.n '~- 'Yr~ .. ~ ~ 6 y "6 4.C ~ y RSl•6OOO servers _ Model 390 Model 39N Mode! G4O _ ..Paekagln9 - ~ d•aklop desktop minl-tower ' IlAienofuoc•ssor type POWER2 ~" POWER2 PoworPC60d 1-way, 2-way, 4way Ciodcrate 67 MHz 67 MHz 112MI-tr ' - _ ._ _B~neMnirks+ (1, 2, 4way) SPECint_base95 3.12° 3.29° - SPECfp_base95 7.35° 9.61 ° - SPECint95 3.25° 3.42° - ~aP~ 7.71 ° 10.2° - , SPECint_base_rate95 - _ _ , SPECfp_base_rate96 - _ _ UNPACK DP (n MFLOPS) 55.1 ° 133.6° - , UNPACKTPP(ntv(FLOPS) 182.8° 231.3° - ~ ' Sysl~riwreory(afandard~4taax6nutn) 32MB/512M8 ~. 64M$J512MB 64MB/1G8° " Merrarytype , - - IBM44bitECCSIMM IBM40bitECCSIMM 72-bitJEDEC'SIMM Oata/vtsttuction(L1)cache 64KB/32KB 128KB/32KB 16KB/16KB~ ' Level2(L2)cache 0.5MBor1MB(op0ons) 1MBor2M8(options) 0.5MBr - Memorybuswidtti, 64-bit - 128-bit 2_56-bit • Memory sots 2 2 1 Diik storay• (standardjlnt•rnal SCSI mnx.) 2GB19GB 2GB/13.SGB 22G8/13.5G8,121.SGBo Withdskarraysandexpansiontnits >870G8 >870G8 - >1.7TB 4torage Int•riaus ~ . ~CSi/SCSI-2 and SCSI-2 Differential X X X SCSI-2Fast~de and SCSI-2Fast~deDiHerenoal X X X SCSI-2 Fast~do PG RAID controller _ _ _ - SSA X X X E~q-anslwrslOta available ~ 4 Miao Chamol~ 4 Miao Chamol S Micro Chamol" ' High-performance IvSao Channel subsystem 160MB/second _ 160MB/socorxl •160MB/soccxid PCI bus speed . N/A N/A N/A ' t~iOfrfilt2nlCatlOni and COM•Ct>fYlt)/ t{~pOrt . ElA RS232D, EIA RS422, EIA RS422AMIL-1B8 X X - ~~ X ' TokerrRing X X X Ethernet X X X FDDI X X X ` X.25 X X X ' SDLC X X X Systemj370 _ - X X X Portmaster ~ X X X . ATM X X X •• Rtxe Charnel - _ _ I~PPI _ _ _ Sr390 ESCON X X X - ART1C960Co-Processor X X X • _ l t~rating sytit•m support AIX AIX AIX X-Supported hjlA-NotAppiicable `iotaldataendinetrucdoncacho °RetledeueeollargeetopBonall2cache • ~ ' °Sheredmemory ~aJOlExpaneionCabinet ZS&tCBonMode143P-100 - ~Perproceseor ~aG02ExpeneionCabineta ' 200 n .~ i-..: z `:`~ -~::~ - ~s = =; .. x:~::::.::~ :~ t RS/IBOOO ssrv~r,s Mods) 590 Moda! 59H Modsl 591 - Paekaging ~ doakatdo daskaido doaka{d~ Mierop~+'x~ssortyE» POWER2 POWER2 POWER2 Cbdcrate - 66 MHz 66 MHz 77 MHz B~oehtnarics' SPECint_base95 . 3.19 3.25 3.67 SPECtp_base95 • 9.69 9.23 11.2 Si'ECint95 3.33 3.3T 3.84 ~ SF'ECtp95 SPECint baso,Jate95 ,10.4 - 9.80 - 12.4 - - . SPECfp base rato95 - - - ' UNPACKDP(nMFLOPS} ~ 131.8 132.0 156.0 UNPACKTPP (n MFLOPS} 237.2 227.1 274.4 WmC: S/tpmC - Systatn riwmory ~(atandairdht~axlm~an) 64M6/2G 8 64MB/2G B , 64MBj2GB Memorytype - - IBM 40-bit ECC S1MM I&~A 40bit ECC SIMM IBM 40-bit ECC SIMM Date/vutruction(L1}cache 25fiKBj32KB 128KBj32KB 256KBj32KB Ls~.~sl2{12}cache _ - 1MB ~ - Memory bus width 256-bit 123-bit 256-bit . Memorysbls B 8 8 Diak;atoray~{atandard/Intarnal SCSI max.) 2GB27G8 _ 4GBj27GB 2G8/27G8 Withd~skarraysandexpansiontnits >2T6 >278 >2T8 . 8toraya lnt~riaui "`` , SCSI/SCSI-2 and SCSI-2 DiHerontial X X X SCSI 2 FastJwdo and SCSI-2 Fast~de Ditterontial X X X SCSI-2 Fast~de PG RAID controller - - - ~" SSA X X X , Expanslora abta availab~o 7 Micro ChamoF 7 Micro Charnol 7 Miao Chamol ~ HigFtrpertormanco tvfao Channel sutisyslorn PCI bts speed 160M8/second NjA 160M8/second WA 160M8/soco`x1 WA . . Gomn~unicatlona and com~ctlvfty a~gQort ElARS232D,ElARS422,E1ARS422A;Mlt_-i88 X X X Token-Ring X X X Ethernet ~ X X X ` FDDI ~ X X X - X25 X X X SDLC - X X X , ~ Systemj370 Portmasler X ~. X X X X : .. X .. ` ATM X X X Fibre C>larrwl ~ X X X . • HPPf - SJ390ESCON -. X X ~ X X X X .. _ ART1C960Co-Processor X X X , OparaUnq syatwn au~aor! AIX AlX AIX . ~s - X-Supported' WA-NotAppGcabla ' •Totaldataerxlinawctioncache °RotlectaueeoflarpoatoptionalLZcache _ °Sharedrnernory °~liaJOtExpeneioriCabinet '256KSonMode143P-100 ~Perprocesaor ~aG02F~panaionCabinete _ , 1. 201 - .- .. _- - - - - -- I G . •~ i _ ._ _ ..rnv- .s sa 71R f { a ;:"' 1 :_.,,5 e ~r!!!V/~~~~~/ ~~ %//iJ i. r~ . RS/16OO4 servsra : i. - Model J4O ' '~ _. Model AZO Mode!-R24. _ : Model R4O, " . Paekayiny `• ~ doskaldo _ r~ckdrawor rsekdrawor raekdrawar. Mbropwe.asor type . ' Dual PowerPC604' '• POWER2 POWER2 - Dual PowerPC604 Cbckrate 2-way to 8-way 2-way to 8-way ..112MFfz 66 MHz - - 71.5MHz 112MHz ' B.ocFvnarks' (2.4.6, 8-way) (2.4.6, B-way). - SPECint base95 - , ' 3.25 3.32 SPECfp_baso96 - ~ ' 9.23 9.47 _ SPECint95 - 3.37 3.47 . SPECfp95 - 9.80 10.2 ~ . SPECir~,base_rato95 64.9,129,195; 244 - - - 64.9;129;195 244 SFECfp_baso_rato95 53.4,102,154,189 - - _ , x7.4,102 154 189 UNPACK DP(nMFLOPS)' - 132.0 141 0 , , ~ ~ ° - LINPACKTPP (n MFLOPS) - 227.1 . 245.3 _ .," ' " ' tAmC: SltprnC 5774.07; 243 (8-way) -- 1470.06; 666 5774.07; 248 (8-way} Syat.m rnomory (atandardh~aaxtimtstij -. 128M8/2G8° 128M8/2GB 128MB/2GB 128MB/2GB° ' M~Yh/Pe'- 72-bitJEDECSIMM 'IBM40bitECCSIM,41 IBM AO-bitECCS1MM 72-bitJEDEC3tMM Data/vutruction(L1)cache 16K8/16KB! - ' ;128KB/32KB 128KB/32KB ~ 16KB/16KBr . Level2(L2)cache 1MBr 1MB 2MB , 1MB` ~ - Momorybuswidth 256-bit X128-bit 12B-bit 256bit Memory sots 4 ,• g 8 4 Di;k storay~ (slatidard/int.rnal SC31 max.j 4.SGB/36GB,99G8° • ' ~ 1GB/4G8 ~" QGB/18G8 2:2GB/2 2G8;'38GBa Wiihdiskarraysandexpansionunits >3.4TB .'>2T6 _.... ,- >4.STB >4.5TB ' 4lorsq• Inft~rlaus ,, . .iCSt/SCSt-land SCSI-2 Differentia! X X X ' X - .• SCSI-2Fast~deandSCSl-2Fast~deDitferen6al X X X X SCSI-2Fast~doPG RAIDcontrollor - _ _ - SSA X X _ X _ X Eza.nslo~ slots avallabl. 6+8 d tvScro Channel ~~B Miao Chamo( 15 Micro Channel ' 15Micio Chanriol F-Ggh-performance Micro Gzannel subsystem 160M6/socond~~ 16bM8/secorxt ~160MB/seoond ' - ' 160M$(secacid . PClbusspeed N/A ~ N(A NjA WA ~'" • Co~~tunkationa and aomoct3vfly aaQport • EIA RS232D, EIA RS422, ElA RS422A, MIL-188 X X X - x " Token-FSng X X X X Ethernet X X X X FDDI X X X X X25 X ..X X X SDLC X X X X Systemr370 X X X _ , .. - . Postmaster X X X X ' ATM X X X X RbreChamel - X X _ hfiPPl _ X X _ Sl390 ESCON X X X X ARTIC960 Co-Processos X X X _ - - ~ X - . Osaarartlay syat.m s~Qpor! A!X A1X AIX AlX . X-Supponed N/A-NatAppficable ~ - ,.:: 'Total data end inatrucUon cache eflecta usa of largeetoptiorwl l2 cache ~ ' °Sharedmemory °~laJOt ExpanaionCebinet °256Kt3onMode143P-100 - ' 'Perproceeaor KaG02FxpanaianCabineta - ~' Zoe _ -- - -. _ . a '~ _..._ _-- - s ~ ;: . . °~, t ~ ~~ 3 f~'~///~/ii~~~,,~~/~:g fi~j/j~~//i//i's jib/~ ~ / / ; RS/'6O1>0 sarvor • Scar/ab/o POWERparallo! Syatoma ,- (SP systems) Packaging{nod.a8ntrwsRwndiagtram.) 68Thin2nod.a 77Wd.nodsa 6OdFGghnod.a 1~ IlAkeusxoc.ssor typ. POWER2 POWER2 Dual PowerPC 60d , _ Ntmberotrodes/system 2-128' 2-128' 1-16 Clodcrate 66 MHz 77 MHz 112Mt-tz ;~~ B.nchnwtcs' _ SPECint base95 3.29° 3:67 (2, 4, 6, 8-way) SPECfp_base95 9.61 ° 11.2 SPECint95 3.42° 3.8d - ' ~~ SPECfp95 - SPECint base_rate95 - 10.2° - 124 - - . ' 64.9,129.-195; 244 ~' SPECfp base rate95 - - 53.4,102.154,189 UNPACKDP-(nMFLOPS) - 133.6° 150.0 LINPACKIPP (n MFLOPS) tpmC: S/1pmC 231.3° - 274:4 - _ - 8ystwnro.mory(atandard~4rrax~rnvn) 64MB/512MB" 64MB/2G8" 64MB/2GB°" Memory type IBM 40-bitECCSIMM 1&ti140-bitECCSIMM 72-bitJEDECSIMM Data(insiruciion(L1)cache Leyel2(L2)cache 128KB/32KB" 2MB(op0onr 256KB/32KB" - 16KBI16KBt" 1MB" . ,~ .Memory bus width 128-bit 25&-bii 256-bit Memory sots 2 8 4 ~' Diskatoraya(slandard/Int.rna/8C81max.) With disk arrays and expansion traits 1GBI9G8" >870G B" 1Gi3/18GB" >2TB" 2.2GB/6.6G8" >3.4TB" iitorp.lnt+rtaua . scsl/scst-2 aid SCSI-2 oinerent; aI x x x SCSI-2 Fast[Wide and Differential Fast[W de ~ SCSI-2Fast~do PCI RAID conUOllor X - X - _ X ' _ ' ~' SSA X X X -' E~gaanailon'siota availab7. 4 Micro Charnel" 7 Micro Chatvtel" 14 Micro Channel" ~ High-performance Micro Channel subsystem PCI bus speed 160MB/socorxf NIA 16CMB/socond NIA 160MB/sowr}d NIA . Comrnunlcaliona~nd eom.etiviity support ' ElA RS232D, ElARS422, EIA RS422t~ MiL-188 t t r - ~~ Token-.Ring Ethernet _ X X X X X : " X ~, FDDI X25 X t X t X t - . ..~ _ .. , . Sysfern/370 X ~ X X ~ Portmaster _ t t r ... ,.... ATM x X x - FbreCharrwlAdapler/1063 F~PPI S/390 ESCON - - ART1C960Co~rocessorAdapter X - X - X X x _ x _ X X . _ - O~t+ratlng ayat.cn support AIX _ , AlX ' A1X _ . . ,~- ~ ~ X Supported WA-NotAppGcable 1Supportadviaapedalrequoet(RPQ) .. . 'Total data end instruction cache °Reflectauae of largeetoptional I2cache - • - ~~ °Sharedmemory dViaJ0lExpenaionCebinet 25bKQonModel43P-100 ~Perproceeeor ~aG02ExpaneionCebinata 1: 203 1 RSf6OOO sarvor opffottn D~viesi --. - 2'SS C10 C20 43P E20 E30 F3O. 390 39H ~ 040 Disk Drivers and Subsysttams _ ~ 7203-001 Portable Oisk Drive . X X X X X X X X t_`X • X 7204-215/315/317/325 External Disk Drive - X X ~- X - _ X. _ ... - _ X _ X X 7134-010 HighDensilySCSlSubsystem - X X - - - - X X • X 7133 Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) Disk Subsystem - - - - - _ _ X X X ' 7131-105 SCSI Multi-Storage Tower X X X X X X X X X X 7131-405SSAMuIti-Storage Tower - - - - - - - X ~ X X 7135RAIDiantArray X X X - - - - X X, - 7137 Disk Array Subsystem X X X X X X X X, X X 7027 HighCapadty Storage Drawer - - - - X X X - _ • • 7012-602 Eicparuion Cabinet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X opt(ul Dtiws and tiJbraria 3995-A6?(063(163Optical Library X X` X X X X ~ X X . ~~ X, ~ ~ X 3995-C60/C62/C64/C66/C68 Optical Library X X X X X X X X _ X X 7210-010 CO-ROM Drive X X X X. X X .. X X. X ,: X Quad-speed CD-ROM(nternal) - X X" ~ X X X X X' .: ,X X'' HFS**.AcoalKator 1562-004 Prestoserve°for AIX - _ _ -- . _ _ - -_ _ . X, " . `~ X ~ X - Taw Drives and L'btarias 7206-0054 mmTape _ X X X - X X X X X - X X 7207-012'/.-inch CartridgeTapo X - X X X. X X X X X• X 7208-0118mmTapo X X X X X X X, X `.X X• , •. 9348-012Magnotic TapeUnil ('/rinch9-track) X X X - - - - X X - X 3490=E01'/rinch(Cartridge36-track) ~ X X X X X, , 3490-E11'/cinch (Cartridge36-track} - X X - - - - X "' X ' X ` 3490-C11/C22'/rinch(Cartridge36-track) X X X - - - - X X X. 3490-AXX/BXX1C10yrinch (Cartridge 36-Uack) X X - - - - X X - 3494-L10/L12 Tapo labrary Dalaservor X X X - - - - X X X 3:,.90-811Magstar Tape Unit - X X - - - - X X X ' 7331-205 8 mm Tape Library X X X - X X X X X X 7336-205 4 mm Tape Ubrary X X X X X X X X .. X X' ' 3495.120 Tape Litxary Dataserver X X - - - - - X X - 7332-005 4 mmTepe DDS-2 Tepe Autoloader X X X - - X X X X ~ X~ X - 1.2GB'/.-inch Cartridge Tape Drive (ntornal) ~- X X - - - - X ~ X . • - 4GB 4 rnm Tapo Drive (ntornal) - X X_ X X. X X X -. ... X - X - 5G B B mm Tap© Drive (nternal) _ X X _ _ _ X X X X 24/4866 4 mm DDS-2 Tape Autoloader (internal) - - _ _' x' Corr*nudeations Subsystatns 7318SerielCommunicationNetworkSarverModeIP10/S20 X X X - X X X~" • X X X 7319-110Fibre Charnel Switch 16/1063 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X ~ Available or standard feature - Note: Fgjiie~vicrys tiered, not all models are supported onall server systems. Formers information, contactyour IBM marketing representative or Business Partner. 0 ~, ~. ,~• ~~' __ -- ,~ R5~16000 server options Daviaa 690 S9H S91 J40 R20 R24 R40 SP ~~_ i Disk Drtvaaand Subaystams 7203-001 Portable Disk Drive X X X X X X X X 7204215/315/317/325 External Disk Drive ~ X X X X X X X X ~ ~ 7134-010 High Density SCSI Subsystem X X X X X X X X , 7133 Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) Disk Subsystem X ~ X ~ X X X X X X " 7131-105 SCS1Murti-Storage Tower X X X X - - X X 7131-405SSAMuIti-Storage Tower X X X X - - X .- X .~~ 7135RAlDiantArray X X X - X X X X 7137 Disk Array Subsystem X X X X X X X X 7027 HighCapadry Storage Drawer X X X 7012-G02 Expansio~Cabinet _ _ _ = X X X = t'l~ptiea! Driws and Llbrariaa 3995-P63/063/1630pGcalLibrary X' X X X X X X X 3995•C60/C62/C64/C66/C68Opticar Library X X X X - = - X • 7210-010 CD-ROM Drive X X X X X X X X quad-speed CD-ROM (ntornal) X X X X X X X - ~ ~; NFS Acularator 0562-004 Prestoserve for AIX X X X X X X X - Tapa [Mvas wnd Llbrarias 7206-005 4 mm Tapo X X X X• X X X X' 7207-012'/.-irrchCartridg©Tape X X X X X X X X 7208-0118mmTape X X X X X X X X 9348-012Magnolic Tape Unit ('/rinch9-track) X X X X - - - X 3490-E01'/i-inch{Cartridge 36-track) X X X - X X - X { 3490.E11'/rinch(Cartridge36-track) X X` X X X X X X ` 3490-C11/C22'/rinch(Cartridge36-track) X X X~ X X X X X ~ 3490-A)0(/BXXJCIO'/rinch(Cartridgo36-track) X X X - X X - X `' 3494-L10/L12Tape Library Dataserver X X X X X X X X 3.590-611Magstar Tape Unit X X X X X X X X ,~, 7331-2058mmTapo Library X X X X X X X X' 7336-205 4 mmTape Ubrary X X X' X X X X X ~ 3495-L20Tape LibraryDataserver X X X - X X - X ~ .7332-005 4 mm Tape DDS-2 Tape Autdoader X' X X X X X X X ° 1.2G8'/.-inch Cartridge Tape Drive(ntemal) X X X - X X X • 4GB 4 mm Tape Drive (nternal) X X X X X X X - ~ SG8 8 mm Tape Drive (nternal) X ~ X X X X X X - ~ 24/48G6 4 mm DDS-2 Tape Autoloader internal ( ) - - - - X X X - ~1 C«ntmunicationa 8ubaystsms 7318 Serial Communication Network Sarver Model P10/S20 X X X X X X X X 7319.110 Fibre Chamd Switch 16(1063 X X X - X X - X 1; X - Aveilab le or standard feature Note: For the devices listed, not all models are supported on alt aervar , systems. For morn information, contactyour IBM merketinp reproeentativo or Buaineae Pager. 20~ IBM S~rvtcea - - - ~ Values shown in the performance benchmarks ' IBM $ervlCe3 p(OVide the Capab1111165 .section ere tho results of development-level and solutions OU need t systems using theAlX oporating 6ystom.All y o manage virtually every aspect of your open _ systems envlronmerlt -and at any level you choose. These services comple- ment•the support already included with your RSJ6000' system., IBM world-class service's and support mean you can .- better manage your resources and focus on what matters most -your "btisines§. IBM customer fnancing provides an addtional in_ centive. An array of attractive and flexible financing programs eases the acquisition of new. technology and helps pmteci you from the risk of obsolescence. ProJ~ct support ssrvlcga _ ~ _ • Operating system porting/conversfon operating system migration assistance • Systems integration • Software customizatlon (IBM and non- IBM) _ . _ • IB.M application.development . • SRe planning services _ __ Contlnultrug support asrvlcsa • Customer Support Center services ' _ - Electronic/volce -IBM and non-IBM hardware and software .; .-.._ - .. . • Onsite software maintenance support • Capacity planning- •~___ _ . __. _ • Maintenance services,-including ~-- muftivendor environment -- - - • Technical/application specialists _ • Network,custtxrl services . • Education 2 0'6 performance data wee obtained in a epedric envvonment and is presentod'es ie' for illustrative _ pu~poeee only.While these values should be• ' indicative d generelly-available systome, no vvarrentiee or guarantees are stated or imp'ried by S3M t3M recommends eppGcetion-oriented tasting far performance predictions end offers the above commonly raper led-benchmarks only ae en initial indicatnr.Additional information on those tests ie evnilnble hem your E3M local8renchOfficeorlBfv1 Authorized Ansonor. AIX 4.1 was used with each of theca benchmarks: BM C Set ++" for ACV6000' 3.12 & AD( FOf7TRAN Version 322 era the compilers used in theee tes•.e. The preprocessors used in the taste include KAP" ZS for FCRTRANand K AP/C 1.4.2 from Kuck E. Assodatea end VAST-2" X.03h28 from Paafio- Starts Research The preprocessors were purchased separately from these vendors. - SPECint95: SPEGcomponent-levelbenchmerkthat measures Integer performance. Result is the __ geometric mean of eight tasU that compiea the Cf`fi95 benchmark etito.AD of theca ere written in C ~~• , SPECnLbase95 is the result of the same tests in - CM95 wrh s ma>artwm of fov complcr flags riot must be used n an eight meta SPECiiLbese reto95: Geometric averego of the eight SPEC reteslrom the SP£C'uxager testa (CtNr95)with reetrlC.ive compiler options. SPECfp95: SPECtomponent-level benchmark that moeavea floating poet performenco.Resultfs Cie geometric mean of tenmss, alt written n FORTRAN( that nre included in the CFP95 benchmark suite. -- SPECfp_bese95 is the reeultof the same testa h CFP95 with a maximum of four compiler flags that must bo uead n all ton testa. ~~ SFECfp base, raie95: Geometric average of the tan SPEC rates from SPEC floating-pent test (CFP95) with restrictive eompler options. UAPACKDP: Doublepreaeion,n-100resunawith AIX XL FORTRAN7'compyler;wtth optimization. Units ere megaflops (fvtFLOPS).. ,,.. - . ~ -. - WPACKTPP:Toward Peak Perforrnance,n-1,000 results with A1X XL FORTRAN compiler, with optimiza6oh. Units ere rnogsflopa (MFLfJf'S). tpmC:TPC+Bunchmerk Cthroughput as rnoeaured in trenaectione per minute durng a varid TPC-C" run. - S/IpmC:TPC Benchvnerk Cprice-performance redo where the rive year total cost of ownership for 'hardware, software, and meirtenance is divided by the"throughput. tpmC. t , 10 ,.. "'_ . = .. 1 1 4 More Intarmat(on • Contact your IBM marketing represent- five or IBM Business Partner. •Access http://wwwrs6000.ibm.com on the Internet to get to the RS/6000 Products and Services page= on IBM's World Wide Web server, and then select. the Hardware option. • Call (415) 855-432 a US. phone number, io haw information faxed to your Iocatlon. In the US.; call 1 800 IBM=4FAX (1 800 42Cr4329). Won'dwldo la/vphono numbers lBAAAsiePecific (IBM Europe, ti5ddlo EasC orAlrica, conC) Australia 132-426x RSANFO Norway 47-6695-9191 Barx~adesh 880-2-889-783 Bland 482-6251010 China (PRC) Portugal . 3511-7915880 ' Beijng 10..437-6677 x CRC , Romania 401-6158267 Guangzhou 20a78a268 x CRC Russia 431-21145.5726 Shanghai 2i-6280=1070xCRC Saudi Arabia 966-02-600007 Hong Kong 852-28257878 Sto~akia 4ZTa806-111 Ida (1'A7A) OSQ-526-9050 Sovaryja 386611252154 Indortesia 21-251-2922 SouthAfrica 27-800-128-128 .Japan 0120-00-6025 Spain - 34-901-100.400 Korea 02-781-7114 Sweden 46-2022-0203 Malaysia 03a17a788 Switzerland 41-1551225 New Zealand OP,00-801-800 Tiikoy 90-212-2800900 Phlippines 02-819-2426 UK 01705492149. Singapore . 1-800-320-1234 Ukraine ~ 38044-2270225 -Sri LarJca 01-440810 Taiwan 080-011011 I$MLetinArnerica ' Thaiand 02-2734444 Argentina 3196666 V etnam 8divia 591-2-361-555 Hanoi 844426316 8raztl 0800-t1-1426 rQ17 Ho Chi Minh 848-241474 Ctvle 800-216.216 or IBMEwpq Muddle East, orAbica Albania 35-542-32025 Austria 43-1-211452500 Belgitlri 32-2-225.3600. - Bosnia 38-m-219388 Btlgaria 3592-731076 Croatia,- 3851-6124500 Czech Republic 422-b710-6111 Denmark 45458031-6000 Egypt 202492533 Finland 358-9800.42680 France 33-16-3883-4141 FYRolMacodoria 38941-113144 Germany 49-0180.55090 Greece 30-1-688-1476 Hungary 361-1 6 54 4 2 2 irdand _ 353.18-5020.5205 Israel 972177-022-3888 Italy . 39-167-016338 NnthFUlands 'tt_~RF12r,1Si Cdort-bia Costa Rica OOiT7tYCan Ecuador 8 SaMador Guatemala Honduras Ma~dco Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru lktrguay Vonozuda lBMNorlhAmerica Canada United Status 56-2-200.60-G4 9800-17555 506-223-6222 809.566-5161 593-432-1444 x2'18 so32sasotl 502-231-5859 504322-309 (5)627-2444 x3333 505266-4141 507-263-9477 595-21-444-094 x210 511349-0050_ 2-92-36-17 P,00-33-426 1-800-3Fi0.RISC (1-800-3637472) 1-800-I8M-CALL ri.orn _,.7r;..~~rc~ m IntamaSonalBueineeaMachinesCorpora~ont996 IBM Corporation Doper tmont PDQA RS/6000Di~.ison Route 100 en Box too Sorn«s, Now Wrk 10589 Printed n the Urnitod States of Am«ica 7-96 Afl RigMa Roserwd References in Urs pubication [o BM products or aenices do not imply that Brv1 ir'denda to make them avei7abb in e11 counirioe in which QM o pereta e. Pho[ographa show aneinoering end deeipn models. Changes may be'vxorporated in producion models. Copyiig or downloading the images contained in this document is expressly prohibited without the written conasntof tBM This oquipmani is aubjact to FCC rube.ItwiG comply with the appropriate FCC rubs before final de6wry to the lxryor. ,. ' IBh1 hardware products ere marur(ac~rred hem new parts, or now and used parts. Regardleaq our warrsnry t«ma aPPtY Theio~owing are Irademaike or registered trademarks of rtie IBM Corporation in the lknitad Stetea or oth« counvieeorboth: E3M,AlX,AIX/6000,CSot.+, ESCOty Micro Channel, Portmester, PowerPC 601, Pow«PC 604, PS/2, RS/6000, Sp90. Scatebb PCNrEAparallefSye[orne, SP and Syetem~Jla " Windows M e e trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Carporatian.Other compenyt producC and aorvli:e names,which ere denoted iry" a double asterisk, may be trademarks or service marks of others. ~ The IBM home page on the hternet can be found at http://www.ibm.com .207 II~III~II~Illllll911~lillllailllil~lu~ ~ Far Poaftton Qnty 11~III~ilG111111~i~I~~1011111!Cld _ _ An IBM StorageSmart Solution - innovative technology for today s storage needs . ; 7133 Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) Disk .Subsystem Highlights • 'Highest perlorming IBM disk sub- system'tor R/SG System%6000 and _ RISC. System/6000 Scalable POWERparallei Systems (SP)~ • Serial loop architecture providing 'redundant data paths to all disks • High capacity Ultrastar drives pro- viding up to 72GB per tower. or '~ drawer and 432G8 per host adapter • High Availability Cluster Multi- , Processing. (NACMP) supporf including. concurrent access ,. • Multiple systems data'sharing,, with up to eight hosts simultaneous/y.~ accessing a single serial loop .. :. , , • Improved availability with customer replaceable,~hot swappable,disk ,drives .with auto-docking carriers ., and redundant power/cooling units • Compliant with the SSA lechriology specifications (ANSI X3T 10.1) IBM 7133 SSA Disk Subsystem The IBM 7133 Serial Storage Archi- tecture {SSA) Disk Subsystem is a revolutionary advancement in storage for the RS/6000 and RS/6000 SP through its implementation of industry-standard SSA. The 7133 delivers outstanding performance, higher capacity, improved storage density, and enhanced attachability at_a very low price: , . The rack:mountable IBM 7133 SSA Oisk Subsystem Model 010 is designed for integration into a ' standard 19 inch rack which can be attached to the RS/6000 SP and .the RS/6000900 and R Series Systems. The Model 010 can also be used in an IBM 7202 Model 900 Expansion Rack and' a RS/6000 7015 Model R00 Rack. The 7133 Model 500 is also available in a freestanding desksi,cfe tower unit. . The 7133 Models 010 and 500 are functionally equivalent and~can be. populated with three different ' capacity :SSA: disk drive modules 4 1.1GB,~2.2GB,.and 4.SG8 Ultrastar drives: Drive capacities can be - intermixed allowing .for the flexibility to build storage environments from 'gigabyfes~ to terabytes. In. addition, each individual drive is mounted in an auto-docking carrier for easy .replacement by the customer. ~. ~T 7133 Model 010 rack•mounied subsystem .; . ,. Two adapters are available to attach the 7133 SSA Disk Subsystem for the RS/6000 and'RS16000 SP: The IBM SSA 4-Port Adapter allows con- nection of up to two hosts, while the new IBM Enhanced SSA 4-Port. Adapter allows attachment of up to eight hosts or SP nodes. This enables multiple hosts to access the same. data with the high perform- ance and availability features of SSA. Unlike SCSI bus configura- tions, SSA devices are configured in loops and do not require bus arbi-' tration. This enables multiple con-. current operations to occur in separate sections of the loop, resulting in higher overall throughput. Tfiis is an exclusive' capability of SSA referred to as~ Spatial. Reuse. This is not possible on a SCSI bus nor on a Fibre Channel-Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL), since the entire bus carries a single operation. High Performance at a Low Price The 7133 provides superior perform- - once of up to .3000 I/O operations per second per adapter due to its greater bandwidth for multiple, con- current, full duplex I/O operations. The heart of the solution is the SSA 4-Port adapter that attaches to the host microchannel. Each adapter provides an attachment bandwidth of 80 MB/sec. This is accomplished with a full duplex, frame multiplexed, serial link which allows for simul- taneous read and write operations at 20 MB/sec in each direction on the. loop. The IBM 7133 combines SSA technology with IBM's high perform- ance Ultrastar drives to .provide per- formance leadership at a very low -` price. Availability Characteristics There are significant availability ben-' efits inherent in the SSA technology which enhance the IBM 7133 sol- ution. With the SSA loop design, a single cable failure will not cause loss of access to data. If there is a failure on one path, the SSA adapter will automatically use the second path to access a device. Once the path is restored, the adapter. will . ., automatically reconfigure to resume the normal mode of operation. II there is a disk failure, the hot swappable disks can be removed without loss of communication between the adapter and the other disks on the loop. Similar automatic reconfiguration will set things back to normal once the disk is repaired and/or replaced. The 7133 is also designed with redundant- power sup- plies and fans which can also be replaced by the customer without affecting system operations. Ease of installation and Growth The 7133 provides superior installability and expansion. Existing customer SCSI-based application and third-party software should not require migration because SSA is compatible with the SCSI command set, status, tagged queuing, and sense. From a hardware point of view several unique-features combine to ease installation and future growth. To name a few: 7133 auto loop con- figuration, the fact that termination is .not required, the hot swappable disk drive modules, and the potential separation of 25 .meters between every SSA node. Thi: 7133 has been designed to grow as your needs. grow. . Feature 13enetit SSA technology • Up to 3000 I/O operationsrsecond per adapter • Outstanding attachmont bandwidth up to 80 M8/sec per loop ' • Dual full-duplex ports tar fault tolerant protection • Efficient connectivity for single and multiple host environments 8 HostlNotie connectlvlty • increasod configuration Ilexibilily and multiple system data access Spatial reuse Moro ollectivo usa of bandwidth in a loop • All links oparato indopandenlly Fault tolerance • Redundant paths, power, and cooling HACMP support • Allows the 7133 to support mission•crilical applications Hof swappable disk drlvo ~ Enablo customers to replaca disk Jriva modutas without quiescing I/O on any olhor disk drive module within modules the same loop Concurrent upgrades • Additional disk drive modules, drawers, or towers can be added to Iho subsystem without the need to quiesce , systems operations Concurrent rnalntenance • Orives, tans, and power supplias can be maintained wifhout the need to quiesce systems operations ~ Improved storage ~" • Increase in number of disk drives and disk drive capacity compared to industry leading 9333 209 16M 7133 Serval Storage Architecture Disk Subsystem at a glance -, Moeels _ 01o soo Model type Rack•mountable drawer Oeskslde unit Disk storage capacity ' 1.1GB disk drives 8.8-17.6G8 8.8.17-6G8 2.2GB disk drives. - 8.8-35.2G8 - ~ 8.8-35.2G0 .4 4.SG0 disk drives 18.0.72.OG0 ~ . 18.0-72:OG8 System capacity Per adaptor Up to 96 drives (48 per loop) Up to 96 drives (40 per loop) Per system Up l0 8 adapters - Up l0 8 adapters Supported systems Attaches to RS/6000 Model'G30, J30, JOt, and 300, ;- Attaches to RS/6000 Model G30, J30, JOt, and 300, 500, 900 and R Series systems and RS16000 SP 500 and R Series systems and RS/6000 SP systems . systems supported by the SSA 4-Port Adapter supported. by the SSA 4-Port Adapter and the - ~ - and the Enhanced SSA d-Port Adapter. Enhanced SSA 4-Port Adaptor. ' HostlNode attachment capability 2 way IBM SSA 4•Port Adapter IBM SSA d-Port Adapter ~ ` (FC 6214 on the RS/6000 or SP) (FC 62t4.on the RSI6000 or SP) ' B way 18M Enhanced 4•Port Adapter IBM Enhanced 4-Port Adapter (FC 6216 on the RSl6000 or SP) (FC 6216 on the RS/6000 or SP) Operating systems AIX 32.5 (wish PTF4) and AIX 4.1.4' (and above) AIX 3.2.5 (wish PTFs) and AIX 4.1.4' (arid above] HACMP sripport HACMPI6000 Version 3.1.1 acid HACMP16000 Version-3:1.1 and^ - ~ - HACMP for AIX Version 4.t.t ~ HACMP for AIX Version 4.t.h Dimensions w 6.T H x 17.5" W x 26.2".D 24.0' H x 8.3" W x 32.3' 0 - (171mm x 444mm x 665mm), (610mm x 2tOmm x 820mm) Weight Entry conliguration 70 Ibs (32 kg) 120 Ibs (54.5 kg) Maximum conligurationi 110 Ibs (50 kg) - 160 Ibs (72.5 kg) Operating environment '. ~ - ,Temperature - 50.104'F (10.40'C) r 60.90'F (16-32•C) Relative, humidity 8 % -80 / (non•condensing). ~ 87.•80 % (non-condensing) - Wef bulb ~ - 81'F (27'C) maximum ~ 74'F (23'C) maximum Power'requlrements i50-572 wefts' 150-537viatls Warranty Ona year limited warranty pne year limited. warranty ' The 7133 SSA Disk Subsystem is developed and manufactured under ISO 9000•registered quality systems ' The 713J can bo installed on AIX 4.1.2 and AIX 4-t.3 with selective instalF of AtX 4J.4. ~ Let Us Tell You More For more info"tmation on the IBM 7133 SSA Disk Subsystem, contact - - ` your IBM representative or IBM ' Business Partner. • , , , •~~ 2'l 0 r -- _® alnternational Business Machinas Corporation 1996 IBM Storage. Systems Division Department EFB 5600 Cottto Road San Jose, CA 95199 Produced in the United Stales oI America 04.96 Alf Rights Reserved Refelences in This publication to 18M pro• ducts, programs, or services do not. imply that IBM intends to make them available outside the United States. IBM hardware products are manufactured Irom new parts, or new ahd used parts. In some cases, the hardware product may not be new and may have been previously installed. Regardless, our warranty terms apply. The Iollowing Iorms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the Unilad States or other . countries or both: AIX, IBM, RISC Systeml6000, RISC System/6000 Scalable POWERparallel System, RS/6000, SP, SlorageSmart, Ultrastar G225-66d 1-02 / G225664 t ~ ~ 1 This page intentionally left blank 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD. ACTION Meeting Date: 10/21/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 10 Additional Item #: Department: Planning Presenter: Dexter Hayes Pale Count In A enda Packa e: 8 Contact: Dexter Ha es ~~' SUI3.TECT: Contract for acceptance of Local Planning and Management Grant of $2,000 for the Update of the Wilmington-N.H.C. CAMA Land Use P(an. ~- BRIER SUMMARY: _ .The attached contract for services provides for the CAMA Land Use Plan Update TechnicalBackground ~' studies and reports. The County would provide a cash match of $x,000, and an in-kind match of $5,000. ~~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REOUrSTIsD ACTIONS: Recommend approval of grant contract and reduest: 1. adoption of resolution of approval 2. approval of budget amendment 3. authorization for Chairman to execute .agreement 1 1 1 1 l ~ Federal S: State S: 25,000 'I Moncy Is In Current Budgct: yes '~Budoet Amendment Pre~ared:yc County S: 10,000 Uscr Fees S: IYew Appropriation Request: OthcrS: I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOM~II;NDATIONS: Recommend approval. C~UVdN ~~~f - APPROVED REJECTED D ~'::,, . REMOVE®®~ 213 POSTPONED Ca z~ ~ _ ~ Refer to Oflice Vision Bulletin Board for Dispos~,i~t~i~onT~ ~. ~ , llL~s~~TlIli~l'~I1 1 ;. ._ ~:~ ~~i~c ~o,a.Y•t~ ~!~ ~~oui~. ~.~zzinssi~ori~cx•s , - ~~ Ncti~v. ~~sn~o~•~cr ~~azi~Z~. , ~BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY : ~ ~ '- . 1. That the contract between Ne~v Hanover County and the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the Chairman and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to sign and execute the said contract for and on behalf of New Hanover County arid forward the same to the North Carolina Department,of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 3. That upon final execution, a copy of said contract be filed ~.vith the Legal Department. This the 21st day of October, 1996. , , ,:. .. _.. ...__... _ __ .. _.. ~_ - Robert G. Greer, Chairman` Attest :. - .. ... _ Clerk to the Board ~ e +~ 1 ~ - ' ~ ~ ' ~9 h~ `` '~4~d~`i~'~9, €~ ~~~. 214 ~ ~'~~ 9 ~ ~ ~~ ~ Bud et Amendment g '~ i ~ ..... ~ /i / ~ ~ i /,//i . ,, , ~ ,/ / „/~ . ,.,aid/%ji/.%Ga.. , ~//i,~/~ % / ~~/ ~~~/ ,~~~ ~ ~~/~~/~%~/~~~i~/~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~~j///i ~~ ~ ~, ~~~~~~~~~~~i,~/%~~~i~////„/i!~' ice!%/~~/ ,i/~~%~%/„~~ii~//~i,,,ai,/~,~/;,,/~~~i,/%i~/~/~~/ ~. ,~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE _ Planning 97-0057 10-21-96 . '~; ADJUSTMENT DFT; - SRS " ,~: Planning Den,_ artment CAMA Grant : ~ $20,000 • . Contracted Services $1 x,000 Printing $ 4,000 k~`~ Departmental Supplies $ 1,000 ~. E '~ ~l +~~ ,~ ~ . . ,_ `~, EXPLANATION To budget additional funds for the CAMA Land Use Plan Up date.- ',, ~~` ~, ~ ~ CDUN1t ~r~liltYl, _ _- ApP~VE ova!• e ~ ort For)3udgct eft ~ccr's ap~r , th n r -r D to Commissioners at next regular meeting r ~ ~ REJECTED ~ RE~Il4~/E and cuter in mim ~ •s. ~ To be approved ~o~ ii~sioners. ~ ~ Q Q PaSTf'ONED C'~ To be entered into minutes. ' _ DATE 10 , 2 . X16 • • `` `. i3ew Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0194 _ _ .......STATE OF=NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT NO. S-7072 - ' ,.. . -- ` . -.. _ _ COUNTY OF WAKE :._`-, ,.} ~~ _ -~' " CONTRACTOR'$ FEDERAL. LD. NUMBER - 566000324 - ~ - THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this 15th day of September, 1996; by and between New Hanover County ,hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", and North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, under the Local Planning and Management Grant Program, hereinafter referred to as "DEPARTMENT"; ~ ~ - WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources is charged with the responsibility of assisting local governments with developing and carrying out local coastal planning and management programs by Sections 113A-112 and 113A-124 of the General Statutes, and WHEREAS, the General Statutes empower the DEPARTMENT (1}.to provide planning assistance to local governments and (21 to receive, disburse and expend federal, state and local funds for the purpose of providing planning assistance to local governments, and to enter into contracts with local governments; and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT desires to cooperate with the CONTRACTOR in initiating or furthering a local planning and management program; and WHEREAS, the planning program shall be partially financed by the contribution of local funds or a combination of local funds and cash equivalent services. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises to each other, as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1 . The DEPARTMENT in consideration of the activities to be performed by the CONTRACTOR as hereafter set out agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR an amount not to exceed 525,000, said sum to be full and complete compensation for services to be rendered under this contract. 2. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to the following: (a) To perform in a manner satisfactory to the DEPARTMENT, the tasks described in "Attachment A" for a land Use Plan Update, attached hereto and incorporated by reference; . (b) To contribute the following local contributions to the total project costs:. -. R .. -~ - - 'Grant Amount: 525;000- - _ Local Cash Match: 5,000 Local In-Kind Match: 5,000 TOTAL' PROJECT FUNDS: 535,000 ic) Six (6) copies of the preliminary (draft} land use plan update will be provided to the DEPARTMENT for review at the end of the contract period. Upon receiving final _ - .state certification by th'~e~~o'asialR~eso~es~Commission, fift (50) copies of the z ~~as~~*a~~.a~ y ., - - final plan will be provided to the'sDiEPARTMENT. <.~ ~~ yt ~ ~~, }y2~ ~l~fQRd}i ~ ri New Hanover County. Contract # 97 - 0194 '_'' 3. _ _ To satisfy the match requirement of this contract, the CONTRACTOR shall document for the DEPARTMENT the expenditure of the local cash .match sum indicated in paragraph 2b. The DEPARTMENT may withhold initial payment to the CONTRACTOR until the CONTRACTOR has documented ~, the expenditure of the local cash match-sum. Local in-kind services match must be documented by the -CONTRACTOR to the DEPARTMENT by the end of the contract period. ~~ 4. The services of the CONTRACTOR are to commence on the 1 s t day of October, 1996, and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion in light of ..the purposes of this contract, but in any event, all of the services required hereunder shall be .completed '~ and all required drafts of the reports, maps, and documents shall be submitted b the September, 1997. Y 30th day of ,;~; 5. The payment set forth in paragraph 1 will be paid quarterly upon receipt of a requisition for payment from the CONTRACTOR specifying that he has performed work under this contract and that he is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the contract. Final requisitions for payment must be received by the DEPARTMENT no later than 30 days after the end of the contract period. 6• Zoe_ B_ Tuner is designated as the Project Coordinator-and Sandra Ferrell is designated as Contract Administrator for the State. However, any changes in the scope of the contract which will ,increase or decrease the CONTRACTOR'S compensation shall not be effective until they have been :approved by the DEPARTMENT Head or Authorized Agent.. 7. The CONTRACTOR shall not substitute key personnel assigned to the performance of this contract without prior approval by the Project Coordinator. The following individual(s) is designated key . personnel for the CONTRACTOR for purposes of this contract: Patrick Lowe. ' 8: The CONTRACTOR represents that he has, or will secure at his o~nm expense, all personnel required in performing the services under this contract. • Such personnel shall. not be employees of the DEPARTMENT. 9. To carry out the tasks described in Attachment A of this contract, the CONTRACTOR shall utilize the services of its in-house .planning staff or. it shall subcontract•the services to be performed therein to a private consultant or public.. agency. The person designated to carry out the CONTRACTOR'S resporisibilities is herein referred to as Planner-In-Charge. The CONTRACTOR shall provide tfie DEPARTMENT, prior to the execution of a subcontract and not later than ninety (90) days from the beginning date of the contract, a .resume of the person proposed for Planner-ln-Charge designation, and. a copy of the proposed subcontract, if applicable, between the CONTRACTOR and the Planner-In-Charge. The Planner-ln-CFiarge must be approved by the DEPARTMENT before any work under this contract is commenced or any subcontract is excecuted. The DEPARTMENT will disa 'who. ii, in its sole discretion, determines is not able to ade uatel ppfOVe any Planner-In-Charge q y perform the requirements of this contract or the subcontract in an adequate and professional manner. ~l., ," 10. The CONTRACTOR shall assume complete responsibility for the faithful and satisfactory performance of any Planner-In-Charge retained in conjunction herewith, and shall be wholly and completely .liable for the satisfactory performance of~ any such Planner-In-Charge, .and shall hold the DEPARTMENT harmless and without liability with respect to the performance of any such Planner-In-Ch -' arge. 1 1. The Planner-In-Charge shall agree to allow state and federal authorized representatives ,~1 - access to any records pertinent to its role as a subcontractor. _ '• 12:: The CONTRACTOR shall take the .lead role in assuring that periodic monitoring meetings -with the DEPARTMENT are scheduled. The CONTRACTOR shall require its Plariner-In-Charge to be present - at such meetings and wilt itself have an appropriate; representative in attendance. as well.. ~1 - ~ 2of5 ; New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0194 _._ __-...-. _ _ 13.___- The CONTRACTOR-shall: (a),cooperate-in every way in the conduct of this project and .,.'make 'available. research ma.terial,.data,, maps, and other statistical records of the 'CONTRACTOR; (b) __ .. _ arrange regular meetings.of the Planning Board and other officials to review. work carried out under this contract and'-make such. recommendations gas are ,required; and (c) .pay to the DEPARTMENT its ~- proportionate share of the cost of,the project as set forth in paragraph 2b. ~ - .. 14. Citizens in the CONTRACTOR'S jurisdiction shall have the opportunity to help initiate and implement plans as well as react to proposals:..Clear and direct access to the decision making process shall be`provided to all citizens in the jurisdiction, and meeting places and times shall be widely 'publicized on a 'regular basis. All information pertaining to these activities (except when such information is a breach of public trust) shall be available to citizens upon request, and information shall be provided on a continuous basis and sufficiently in advance of public decisions to permit a thorough citizen review of proposals and an opportunity. to react.. 1 5. No payments for planning activities will be made' unless all local ordinances are consistent with the State Guide{ines for Areas of Environmental Concern (1 5A NCAC 7H), as required in the Coastal Area Management Act (G.S. 1 13A-1 1 1). The DEPARTMENT has the sole authority for determining whether local ordinances are consistent. ~ - .. 16. Unless otherwise specified, the' CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all the necessary'secvices provided under this contract shall be performed in connection with acid respecting the planning jurisdiction of the CONTRACTOR. 1.7. ~- The parties to this contract agree and understand that the payment"of the sums specified in this contract is dependent, and. contingent upon and subject to the appropriation, allocation, and availability of funds for this purpose to the DEPARTMENT. 18, - ~ Any CONTRACTOR-receiving S25,000 or more from the DEPARTMENT within any fiscal year is required to have basic financial statements, for that fiscal year, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These basic financial statements should be audited in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards, the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued' by the Comptroller General of -the United States, .and (if applicable) the requirements 'of either Office of Management Budget 'Circular (OMB Circular A-128 for state and local governments or OMB ~Circula~'A-1 33 for institutions of higher education and other nonprofit institutions). :The audit report shall be forwarded to the Division of Fiscal Management, Budget and Analysis section within six months after your fiscal yeaFend. If less than S.25,000 is received by the Grantee-,from the DEPARTMENT but S25,000 or m'o"re isreceived in a total from one or more ,state agencies .or state universities, the audit report.in the 'format :described above .shall be sent to the Office of the State Auditor. Also,: a corrective action plan for any audit' findings and recommendations should be submitted along w. ith the audit. report or within the period specified by the applicable OMB Circular. i 19. The CONTRACTOR agrees that the State may have_the right to audit the records of the CONTRACTOR pertaining to~this contract both during performance and fog 36 months. after completion nor termination.. The CONTRACTOR must retain all records relating to this contract and allow employees or agents of the DEPARTMENT to inspect such records during the period of time' set out .herein, ~~ 20. The DEPARTMENT and/or the CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the services of the CONTRACTOR to be performed under this contract.. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the CONTRACTOR'S compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the CONTRACTOR and the DEPARTMENT, shall. be incorporated in written amendments to this contract. ~ ~ _ ~ '~ 21 . If,. through any cause; the CONTRACTOR shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner the io t sunder this contract, the DEPARTMENT shall there upon have the right to terminate this contract ~g~ii f~ written notice to the CONTRACTOR of such termination and specifying the reason thereof and 3of5 .~~, [Vew Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0194 _ ,the effective date thereof. In that event, all finished or unfinished. documents, data, studies, surveys,. drawings, maps, models, photographs, and reports 'prepared by the CONTRACTOR shall, at -the option of the DEPARTMENT, become its property, and the CONTRACTOR. shall be entitled to receive just 'and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such documents and other materia'Is. The CONTRACTOR shall not be .relieved of liability to the DEPARTMENT for damages sustairied i by the DEPARTMENT by virtue of any breach of this. contract, and' the DEPARTMENT may withhold ;~~ payment to the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of set off until such. time as the ex due the DEPARTMENT from such breach can be determined. act amount of damages `~f 22. The DEPARTMENT may terminate this agreement at an time b . DEPARTMENT to ,the CONTRACTOR. In that event, all finished or unfinished idocument's and other materials shall, at the option of the DEPARTMENT, become its property. If the contract is terminated by ~~% the DEPARTMENT as provided herein, tfie CONTRACTOR will be paid.in.an amount which bears the same ratio to the total compensation as ,the services actually performed bear to the total services of the CONTRACTOR covered by this contract, or for each full day. of services performed where compensation ~j is based on each full day of services performed, less payment of compensation previously .made. The a!!' CONTRACTOR shall repay to the DEPARTMENT an com y pensation he -has received which is in excess of the payment to which he is entitled herein. J, 23. The CONTRACTOR agrees that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d,` et.seq.) prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, and Department of Commerce Regulations implementing Title VI (1 5 CFR Part 8). 24. The Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment against a qualified individual with a disability and outlaws discrimination against individuals with disabilities in State and local government services and public accommodations. The CONTRACTOR certifies that it and its principals and subcontractors will comply with regulations in ADA .Title I (Employmerit), Title H (Public Services), .and Title 111 (Public Accommodations) in ful#illing the obligations under this agreement. 25. The CONTRACTOR certifies that. it is in compliance yvith "Attachment I"' Assurances-Non Construction Program. 26. The CONTRACTOR shall not assign or transfer any interest in this .agreement. 1 27. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all final reports (excluding .required periodic progress reports} developed under this contract shall. be printed by the offset process or other process of similar quality and cost efficiency approved by the DEPARTMENT. Each report shall be bound, and the general format shall follow good literary practice approved by the DEPARTMENT. " - 28. AI( reports, maps, and other documents completed as part of this contract, other than documents exclusively for internal use within the DEPARTMENT, shall carry the following. notation: '~r "The preparation of this report (map, document, etc.) was financed in part through a grant ~ provided by the North Carolina Coastal Management Program, through funds provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, which is administered by th'e Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric ~n Administration." W' ~ . 29. If any activity funded under this grant requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under G.S. 1 13A-4, it will be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to prepare any such ~' document. `~~~_ 219 4of5 ~~ New Hanover County Contract # 97 - 0194 - - ; 3b.--~, . -The parties hereto do'furtfier~mutually hereby adopt by .reference OMB Circular A-128 and the Financiaf'Assistance Policy of the Grants'Mariagement Division, National Oceanic .and Atmospheric - Adminisfration..-.These documents shall govern all matters where expressly specified, herein,._and.additionally all_ matters upon vvhich this contract is silent. '~` - , , .. - ~, ,. 31. - It~is'agreed between the parties hereto that the place of this contract, its situs and forum, shall be Wake County, North Carolina, and in said county and state shall all matters, whether sounding in contract or tort relating to the validity, construction, interpretation and enforcement of this contract, be determined. - 32. ' No reports, maps or other documents produced in~ whole or in part under this contract shall be the subject of~an application for copyright by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR. ~ ,.. ~. . 33. The CONTRACTOR agrees that he shall be .responsible for the proper;cusfody and care of any State ovVned property furnished him-for use in connection with the performance of his contract-and will reimburse the State for its loss or damage. - .. IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the CONTRACTOR and the DEPARTMENT have executed this contract in duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties, the day and year first above written. ' NORTH'CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, '. HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES • Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary , Dirzcfor ~ ~ . ~( Div. of Gest~._1 C,~1:~,;~~3 / Department Head's Signature or , ,WITNESS:: Authorized Agent ~ ~ •~ CONTRACTOR .~ Chief Elected Official's Signature WITNESS 220 S of ~1 ~i :i •' ~ j ~t jt ri 5 .• • .. ' ~. -- a - _ ~ ~ - ATTACHMENT .. 1 . ., - ,. " .:t. ~~ ... - _- ., M - ASSURANCES -NON CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS The CONTRACTOR certifies that with regard to:`~ 1. DEBAR~ti1ENT AND SUSPENSION - To the best of its knowledge and belief that it and i t principals: - - s : : . ~~ (a) are not ~ presently .debarred;' suspended, proposed for debarment, deciared~ ineligible, or voluntarily e:ccluded from cov e I r c er r • t ansa tipns by a"ny Fe~er~1 Department or agency; (b) Kaye note within a - 3-year period .preceding this `proposa '~ { be°n convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them`for commission of fraud or a criminal offe i nse n connec';ion with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Fede%a (; State,'or local.) transaction or contract under a .public transaction; violation ot':.Federal or State antitrust statutes: or .. commissio f b ~ "~ n o em ezzlement, fheit, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of re=ords makin fal , g se statements, or receiving stolen property; - (c) are not preseat(y indicted. for or otherwise crirriirialiy or civilly-charged by a t governmental en ity (Federal, State,, or local) with commission of an of the offen y ses enumerated in paragraph (l)(b) of this c,ert(rication; and (d) have not within a 3- ear o y period precedm~ this app(icationJproposal had one ar more public transactions (F -J l S `'°' e era , tate, or loco() terminated for cause or derau(t. ?. L06_ BYING - To t_he b.est.of-his or'her knowl - _ ~ ~ . _ --.. edge and belief, ghat: ' , ' (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid- or will 6e. paid, by or on behalf of the _ undersigned, to any person for influencing or attem tin to inf( f ~; p g . uence an o fice- or e:nploye~ of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer .or employee of Congres_, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection ith h _ ~~ , w t e awarding• of any Federal contract, the making or any Federal grant, the- making of any Federal'laan, the entering into of any cooperative a r e I g e ment, and the e:rtension; continuation, renewal, amendment, ~or madification-of any Federal cont t rac , grant, loan,: or Cooperative agreement: ~ ,~ (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to an erson - f . y.p or influencing or attempting to intTuence-an officer or enip(oyea .of any agency, aMember- of Con ress, a ~ ffi g n o cer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a .Member of-Congress in connection with the Federal contract, grant, loan; 'or came.-ative agre°_rnent, the unde.-signed ' sh ll . " t a complete. and submit Standard form-LLL; "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying." in accordance with its,instruciions. _. ~ ~j .. 222 ~ " -. - - - _ Q s^. ~ ,_ 3. DRUG-FREE WORK PLACE RE UIREMENTS - (t wi11 com ( b ; . - - -- P Y Y (a) Publishing a statement notifying empfoye°< that the unlawful manu :.- dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in then rantee~dis;ribution, ~~j and speci "tying the ac-bons that will be taken a;ainst employees for violatio g s workplace n of such prohibition; (b) Establishing adrug-free awareness program to inform employes about - (~) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; ('-) The grantee's policy of maintaining adrug-free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and ' (~) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for dru a in the workplace; ~ g Buse violations occurring (c) A~laking it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance~of~the given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a) above; orant be ,~ (d) Noti"tying the employee in the statement required by parapra h a of employment under the grant, the emp(oye~ will - ~ p ()' ab°ve~ that, as a condition (~) Abide by the terms of the statement; and ('-) Notiry the employer of any criminal drug statue conviction f the workplace no later than five days after such conviction; or a violation occurrin; in ,'~'i (e) Notifying the a~° ,_ncy within ten days after re:-eiving notice under sub from an employee or otherwise receivin paragraph (o)(?), above, • g actual notice of such conviction; (~ .Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of re`eivin~ +' above with respect to any employee who is so convicted _ ~ no~tce under subpara;raph (o)(?), (1) Taking appropriate ersonne! a e P coon against such an emplove~, up to and including ~: termination; or ('-) Requiring such em fo e_ P Y to participate satis~actorily in adrug abuse a~si~tanc° or rehabilitation program approves for such purposes by a Feserul, State, or local health law enforcement, or other a ppropriate agency; (°} htu~c'ng a good faith efTOrt to continue to maintain a drug-free work implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e}, and ( abov Place through f1, e. +r~ AND G• bvill comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act which limit the political activitie-s of e o~ whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal fu dPloye__ 5• tivill comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act, the Co eland the Contract Work Hours and Safet St°ndards Act re ardinp p Act and assisted construction subagreements. y o labor standards for federally 6. Will comply with alt applicable requirements of all other federal laws, eze~utiv .~ +~`, regulations and policies governing this program. - e oroe._, ,-, Q~ ~ 223 1 1 1 1 1 1 t A 1 1 1 L 1 1 Budget Amendment DEPARTMENT Aging/Senior Center ADJUSTMENT Q,gino/Senior Center Other Postage Newsletter BUDGET AMENDMENT # 97-0056 D B $2,000 -DATE 10-21-96 CREDIT 51,000 51,000 EXPLANATION To budget contributions designated to offset the cost of producing the Senior Center's monthly newsletter. ,, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVED ~ ._ REJECTED 0 For Budpel Officer's approval; then report REMOVED Q to Commissioners at next regular meeting PO$TPONEQ end enter in min t DATE ~ To be approved k~ sinners. --~.~ - _ ~~~_ To be entered into minutes. Tliis page intentionally left blank 22~ ~~~" ~~~±~ `Y• } r,Z