Agenda 1996 11-181 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J '.1 J i 1 I~ AGENDA ~~PNOVER Cp :`' ' Gy~< ?* J+ ~ Q ~FNORTNGp NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC ROBERT G. GREEK CHAIRMAN E.L. MATHEWS, JR. VICE -CHAIRMAN SANDRA BARONE, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM A. CASTER, COMMISSIONER WILLIAM E. SISSON, JR., COMMISSIONER ALLEN O'NEAL, COUNTY MANAGER WANDA M. COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY LUCIE F. HARRELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD November 18, 1996 - 9:00 A.M. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Robert G. Greer) INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes per item) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES Np. 9:15 a.m. 1. Presentation of Service Awards 1 9:20 a.m. 2. Recognition of New Employees 3 9:2~ a.m. 3. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to New Hanover 5 County from the North Carolina Department of Transportation 9:30 a.m. 4. Presentation of Recommendations of the Joint Ad Hoc 7 Committee on Urban Planning and Growth ' 10:00 a.m. 5. Consideration of Proposal for the Provision of Fire Services 9 for 421 North 10:15 a.m. 6. Consideration of Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors 23 Bureau (CVB) By-Laws Change 10:20 a.m. 7. Public Hearing: Local Law Enforcement Block Grants 31 Program ESTIMATED ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE TIMES NO 10:25 a.m. 8. Consideration of Request to Designate New Hanover Regional 3~ . Medical Center as the Lead Agency for Community Alternatives . - Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA) 10:40 a.m. 9. Consideration of Award of Bid for Inspections Department 41 Computer System 10:55 a.m. 10. Committee Appointments 69 11:15 a.m. 11. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 1 ~~ 11:30 a.m. ADDITIONAL ITEMS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY MANAGER Noon ADJOURN ' s NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 NOVEMBER 18, 1996 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) 2. Approval of Minutes 157 3. Consideration of Capacity in Murrayville Water System 159 ADJOURN CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. Approval of minutes ~ 16~ 2. Approval of Grant Extension of 4-H Technical Assistance & Training 167 and associated budget amendment #97-0071 3. Adoption of resolution adding the following road to the State 169 Highway System Victoria Drive Extension 4. Approval of New Hanvoer County and New Hanover County Fire 173 District Collection Reports 5. Approval of Release of Value 177 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: A. #97-14 to increase budget for additional revenue received 10/23/96. 179 Federal Forfeited property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary B. #97-0073 to budget State grant funds to support sterilization for 181 low income men and women 7. Approval of State Grant for New Hanover County Health Department 183 Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) for $26,886 and approval of associated Budget Amendment #97-0074 8. Approval of $25,225 grant from New Hanover County Partnership for 191 Children to fund a Public Health Nurse I to provide nursing services in day care programs and approval of associated Budget Amendment #97-0075 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: 1 Consent Item m: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen O'Neal Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Rosetta S. Bryant SUBJECT: Presentation of New Hanover County Service Awards BRIEF SUMMARY: ' The following employees are entitled to Drew Hanover County Service Awards due to their length of service with New Hanover County: FIVE (~) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Larry D. Huffstickler -Sheriffs Dept.; Novella S. Harrell -Sheriffs Dept.; Trenita P. Dawkins -Social Services; TEN (10) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Ellen Wells -Finance; William J. Caulk, Jr. -Sheriffs Dept.; Carlton B. Floyd - Sheriffs Dept.; John M. Bates -Inspections; Thomas W. Farmer -Engineering; Elise H. Coble -Social Services; Barbara L. Rowe -Museum; FIFTEEN (1~) YEAR SERVICE AWARDS: Robert V. Smith -Vehicle Management; Lewis R. Corbett -Property Management; and Bervick J. Landry, Jr. -Inspections. t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: - - • Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: - LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I cuuN-Y COIUIMiSS~N APPROVE© Cam' REJECTE© ~ REMOVED fl ~ • '~ ` POSTPONE4 Q /~ ReCcr to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition DATE ~~ ~~/~!(i LT~~' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REQUEST FAR BOARII) ACTION Meeting Date: ].1/].8/96 Regular Item #: 2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Human Resources Presenter: Allen ONeal Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Marlene Carney SUBJECT: Recognition of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: A list of new County employees will be provided to the Board prior.to the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQJESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: - KC.V1t~WL'llliY: LGL: FIN: BUD: H,R: COUNTY MANA ER'S COMMENT AND RECOMMENDATI N Recognize new employees. ~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONQ~ APPROVES) tom' REJECTED ® , REMOVED t] POSTPONED Q DATE [t .i~ ~~„~, Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition This page intentionally left blank ...~:. . 1 . . . . ~~~ ~9.3St 4 ~~~,~. . ~ ~~~~~ i REQUEST FaOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: 3 Consent Item #: Additional Item m: Department: Chamber of Commerce Presenter: Connie Majure Page Count In A enda Package: Contact: Patricia A. Melvin SUBJECT: Presentation of Certification of Appreciation from N.C. Board of Transportation BRIEF SUMMARY: In recognition of New Hanover County's role in co-hosting the Board of Transportation meeting in Wilmington and a subsequent reception, on October 10, 1996, the N.C. Board of Transportation has submitted a Certificate of Thanks to New Hanover County •for its contributions to the State of North Carolina. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Receive Certificate of Appreciation from Connie Majure, Director of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of . Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce co-hosted and coordinated the events for the meeting and reception. FUNDING SOURCE: ~ . ederal S: State S: •--~ '~ County S: • User Fees S: Other S: Toney Is In Current Budget: •~ New Appropriation Request: " udQet Amendment Prepared: ~ - . REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: UNTY MANA 7E ' Receive presentation. o ~ BUD: HR: • COUNTY COMMISSIONER~'i :. APPROVED t~'' REJECTED C] . REMOVED p ~ .5 PQSTPONED ® ~ DATE ~~, Refer to Office Vision Bullctin Board for Disposition 7z 0 z ~ O Z~ O (~~, O c .. z o,,~ w¢ ~ ~_ O BOO O ~, :~~Q .z~ ~T j .~ ~ ~' O ... _ z 0 ' Q w ~r p ~ ~ .. ZO ~t ~~ w ~l ! Wpp s cr 7 U ~ O O, .., __. Z w Z _ . ~ .~ \ ?3 _ ~~ . ,. y ~ .w ~~ _~ ~o <~ U s I- ~G Z ~} U~ w 11~~~0~~~ ~~~Q~ ~ ~ld~~996~ . ~ ~~~ 6 ~ ~~~~~ ,~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~i i _. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . 1Vleeting Date: 11/18/96 t Zegular Item #: 4 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: department: Planning Department Presenter: Matthews & Sisson ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: D. Hayes SUBJECT: Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Urban Planning and Growth BRIEF SUMMARY: Presentation by Commissioners Matthews and Sisson on growth rate comparisons, growth management strategies and committee recommendations on sewer, water, stormwater management, transportation, schools, and land use planning. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Acceptance of Report and recommendations for further action. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: IVew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: - I LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: I AUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear report from the Joint Ad Hoc Committee on Urban Planning and Growth. A of the preparation time of this agenda item, the report was not available. The report will be delivered u r separate cover. ~~ C4MMiSSIpHq~• APPROVED ®--': 7 , REJECTED q ` REMOVED q e Refcr to Office Vision Bullctin Boazd for Disposition POSTPpNEpq 1 DATE i~ _~~ 9G . G-r-:~ ~6/(.~"f L~ODrevO.l This page intentionally left blank .. ~ .~ . ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ a ws~~~~~~f'~ ~~ 8 1f~~~~ ~~~3~~~ $~l4~M ~- CAW ~~btti4~~Y'iLR 'mow.Sari;~+lm'aml~/Yt'4~"x+~n"aJ/.aP~+++v,11A t REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION • Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: 5 Consent Item ~: Additional Item #: Department: Presenter: SissonlO'NeaUKouwe Paae Count In A enda Package: Contact: P. Kouwe SUBJECT: Consideration of fire protection services for the 421 N. Industrial Corridor BRIEF SUMMARY: This item was postponed from the last meeting in order that the County might consider. an offer from the City. At the writing of this. item and concrete proposal has not been received from the City. Material and recommendation will come under seperate cover. 1 12ECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: ~ ~ ~~ ~ k•UIVllIIVU SOURCE: Federal S: ~ State S:. ' . County. S: ~ User Fees S: ~ Other S: •,~ Money Is In Current Budget: ~ ~ •~ :° New Appropriation Request:• ~ Bud et Amendment Pre aced: - REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: - COUNTY MANAGER'S COi`~iMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION An update and recommendation will hopefully be forthcoming by the Thursday staff meeting. • c COUNTY COMNIt~~Ot1',• . • APPROVED [~'" ,.~ - REJECTED D ~ ~ ~ 9 - REMOVED t3 POSTPONED Rcfer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition ATE ~< <77 ~~j ~ ~ ~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: l l/.04/96 Regy~ar Item #:. 2 Consent Item #:. - Additional Item #: Department: Fire Services _ • Presenter: P. Kouwe Page Count In Aeenda Package: 13 Contact: P. Kouwe SUBJECT: Provision of fire protection services in the 421• industrial corridor BRIEF SUMMARY: ,This item is a proposal for the establishment•of acounty-operated fire department to provide fire protection 'services to the. industrial comdor along US -421.:The area is not currently served with direct or contractual fire protection. This proposal is the result of several previous.consultant~studies. The funds for the project were included in the current budget and it has received approval and recommendation of the Fire Commission. The department will utilize a facility owned by Hoescht-Celanese under a no-cost lease agreement and will consist often full-time county employees as well as trained volunteers. It will require the purchase of two additional pieces of fire apparatus along with all necessary equipment and supplies. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ • - Request approval of the project as proposed. Request authorization to proceed with contract preparation for station lease with Hoescht-Celanese. Request authorization to proceed with bid preparation for station construction and equipment purchase. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: ' ~ ' Statc S: - County S: 896,77.= User Fees S: ,. Other S:_.. ., Money Is In Current Budget: yes ,. New Appropriation Request: ~ , • ~ .,; ; .,, Budget Amendment Prepared: - - ~ - ~LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~ ' The Fire Commission approved the attached proposal on October. 23rd-and recommends your: adoption of the plan and proceeding with establishment of the proposal immediately. This matter has been studied and considered in one form or another for quite some time. I recommend approval with an immediate ~1F!~ ~;° , r, implementation" ~~ ~~ ~ ~;sl~~i'~~ COUNTY COMMIS8~ONERS ~~~~ APPROVED ^ 10 ~ ~~ . ~ REJECTED ^ ~„~.~~,,.~ ~~Re(er to Office Vision Bullc[imF3oard for Disposition REMOVED ^ / POSTPONED Q' ,,,, 421 Corric~.or Fire Protection Proposa~. . Department o~ Fire Services Administration New Hanover County ~~ i Situation summary: There exists within ~1ew Hanover County a section of developed territory currently not provided with fire protection services through either direct provision or third-party contract. It encompasses the entire land area between the Cape Fear and the. Northeast Cape Fear Rivers from the Pender County line southward,to the confluence of the two rivers and continuing on southward to include all the properties along Battleship Drive. With the. exception of conservation lands, the entire area has been zoned for commercial and heavy industry with the Flemington community being the sole single-family residential neighborhood remaining. Sixteen major industrial and manufacturing facilities and 59 other commercial businesses are scattered along both sides of US 421. The appraised improved and personal property values of many of these businesses and industries, together with the. residential properties in the district, are in excess of 5192,000,000 not including CP&L's Sutton Electric Plant and NHC's WASTEC. Fire protection was previously provided by the North Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department through contractual agreement. l~Tew Hanover County terminated their contract with the department in January of 1992. The members have since disbanded and departmental . equipment disbursed. Access to the area is limited due to the unique natural features of the river confluence, malting service from adjoining fire districts difficult. No further direct fire protection has been provided to the area since that time. Most business and residential insurance providers have now issued a class 10 (unprotected) rating to the area and insurance rates and availability currently reflect this status. Organization And Structure The proposed fire service delivery system for the 421 corridor will be called the New . Hanover County Fire Department and will essentially become the uniformed suppression division of the existing Fire Services Administration. As,such, it will fall completely under the umbrella of county government and will not. require contractual negotiation. The Fire Services Administrator will, for legal definition, also fill the role of Fire Chief. The department`will operate directly within the values, vision, goals, and policies of county government. A program budget for.the operation of this division will be established within the Fire Services Administration's current departmental budget. It is intended that this department will, in coordination with the Fire Marshal's Division as the code enforcement arm, operate in compliance with all requirements of the National Fire Protection Association's "Standard for Developing Fire Protection Services for the Public"(NFPA 1201.). The New Hanover County Fire Department will participate with and support the functions of the existing New Hanover County Fire Commission. Whenever possible, the department will 11 - a operate within .any county-wide policies and procedures adopted by the Commission. Annual operating budgets will be submitted for review by-the Fire Commission, and as a county department final budget. approval will take place within the standards and policies set forth by the County Commission, Finance Department, and County~Manager. -The New Hanover County Fire Department will be established as a "combination" fire department by classification. This means that it will utilize both paid and volunteer firefighters working together in an integrated system to provide the criteria of rapid and immediate response to mitigate small emergencies as well as a reasonably sized manpower pool for significant events. The cost-effectiveness of such a system, when managed properly, is obvious and historically proven. Taking advantage of the inception of the department, an organizational cuCture will be instilled ~ard groomed in which such a system cari thrive and the customer's needs are the top priority. Professionalism in value, word 'and deed will be facilitated at: every opportunity with aggressive training and career development provided for'both paid and'volunteermem6ers. . ' 'Structured disciplinary and management systems will Vie. established and maintained ~j through a'single standard Policy# And Procedure Manual designed with all'firefighfers in mind. The, department's management team will con'sist' of botfi paid and volunteer officers, assuring the involvement of all those affected by policy decisions. 'Day to day management'' will be .provided by Q career officers who wilt be'empowered to handle routine administration `with the assistance and support of volunteer officers as appropriate. The organizational structure will include a Station Captain, working typical office hours and overseeing general department operations, and a Lieutenant directly supervising personnel''on each of three rotatmg'24'hour shifts°." - Since no department can. operate in every situ'atiori:withouf the 'occas~onaf assistance of . . others, formal mutual"aid agreements will be sought with all neighboring jurisdictions, including the City of Wilmington; wherein resources may be shared in times of emergency..~~~ ~: " " . ,, A formal "organizational chart is attached as appendix A. " ' ' Fatties: . The building previously used to house the North Wilmington Fire Department is currently `~ owned and maintained by the Hoechst Celanese Corporation, whose corporate management has expressed continuing interest in assisting the fire service project by providing the building to`the county for use as a fire station. Thus, along-term "no cost" lease agreement will be negotiated with Hoechst Celanese through the~cooperation of the county's legal counsel saving the`county _..- .the expense of building a completely new facility from~scratch` ~ _ `, _ The building, m cooperation with~County Project Engineer George.Shaw, has been briefly,. examined by both'an architect and a structural engineer familiar with pre-fabricated steel - coristrucfion It is agreed that the building shell is in sound structural condition at this time. However, some `interior modifications were, apparently completed without'a design professional , . M. ,: ~ and are not frilly code, compliant. ' ' . ' ~ a Altfiough perhap's satisfactory for use as a~totally~volunteer station, the~building's current interior design is inadequate for.staffing by career per'sonnel'wor.king 24 hourishifts. Considering the unauthorized modifications and the change in general use and character, the building interior will need to be completely renovated. The new space layout will provide for sleeping quarters, a U full kitchen, living areas,, proper restro~oms and showers, and a, station office. The renovation will ~~onducted under the direction of a design p'rofessionaf and a qualified construction contractor a through the course of the count 's n al ' ~ y orm bid procedure for capital construction projects: The- station will also be equipped with an automatic~generator sufficient to provide necessary,electrical power forextended periods of power outage, a carbon monoxide removal system meeting the latest OSHA environmental standards for buildings with residential housing, ~ and a breathing apparatus tank refilling station. A.pparat-us -~ Considering that the station will be the only public safety facility in the~area, the fire department can provide a valuable service to the community by ultimately responding to all types of emergencies within its jurisdiction.. These emergencies can include fire, rescue, and emergency medical incidents. The fire station will operate three pieces of apparatus designed to handle the vast majority of these typical emergency calls. Afully-equipped pumper will provide primary fire protection for structural, vehicle, and substance fires. A temporary pumper is currently available through a contractual agreement ~~ith Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department as part of the purchase of the county's new aerial apparatus to be stationed there. The 1978 Grumman Howe is a 1,000 gallon per minute pumper with a 7~0 gallon water tank on an International chassis. It is capable of carrying a full compliment of ladders and supply hose and two firefighters. The vehicle will require some. modification and refurbishment, but is~substantially a sound truck capable of providing immediate service. Since the vehicle is an older truck and can only carry two firefighters, it is recommended that a plan to replace the pumper within three years be considered. The existing pumper could then be utilized as a county-wide reserve pumper: - - Atanker truck will ,provide additional water supply for firefighting in the range of 1 X00 to 3000 gallons. It will also carry additional firefighting equipment for handling major structural responses and portable "dump"tanks for establishing tanker shuttles. The vehicle will be purchased new through normal county bid procedures. However, specifications will be written in general performance style avid bidders will be encouraged to submit manufacturer "demo" vehicles available for immediate delivery. +Such vehicles usually provide significant cost savings over ' - custom specification. The cost of this new vehicle will be s read out over a four ear .lease- ~ -~ P y , purchase. program.' ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ ' . • A specialty vehicle, known as a QRV (Quick Response Vehicle); will be purchased for a variety ofuses. The vehicle will be designed to handle.~~~ildland fire responses, low-volume foam application, emergency medical first-responder calls, vehicle extrication and rescue, as well as routine administrative. transportation for fire inspections and training. The vehicle will carry a . small amount of water,' foam, and rescue supplies. This vehicle will also be purchased new ' through bid arid will also be encouraged for "demo" bids. It will again be financed through a four- year lease-purchase.program: ' Persozuze Three classes of firefighters will utilized within the system. They include full-time career, part-time paid, and volunteer personnel. Job descriptions and minimum standards will be established for each department position in advance of testing. Each firefighter will be selected through a competitive selection process including a four stage assessment. The process, whi~ a will be conducted and designed:in cooperation with the county's Human 'Resources Department, will include physical~agility, psychological profiling; job-relevant skill testing, arcd oral interviews. The process will ensure that the most competent and skilled personnel are chosen for each ' ~'' position, whether paid or volunteer. The selection process for officers will include similar assessment centers and sucli~ ' ' processes will be applied to volunteer officer selections as well. No volunteer elections will take Q place as this is not an adequate measure of competency, The officer selection process will ensure that all officers, whether paid; or volunteer,, meet the same stringent standards of performance and ability.. ~ , Paid. personnel hired for the department will be required, in advance, to possess appropriate certifications for their respective positions. However,.upon hiring, each will be placed a in a "recruit class"designed to review their skills and develop common practices and procedures as well as familiarizing them with the area, equipment, and. apparatus, .Volunteers .without previous.experience will be provided basic firefighting certification classes. Ongoing-training will ; be provided by in-house, certified instructors already present in;the:depariment. Further career development. programs will be made available t9 paid and volunteer personnel including conferences and workshops, state fire colleges, and the National Fire Academy. .. Full-time.,careei- personnel will include the.following:. . ~ _ , . - {, K , s *One station Captain working primarily normal office hours ,~ . conducting day ~to-day administrative and support•functions *Three station Lieutenants,-.each working one. of three, rotating _ . 24 hour duty shifts conducting primary supervision of emergency operations and crews ... ,. ~ ~- ~ ~ a ,. *Sih.firefighters, with two at a time working.24 hour rotating duty shifts . ~ .. Part-time.paid personnel will be.hourly-wage employees; typically career firelighters off=~ ,. duty from other departments, working.occasional shifts filling, a schedule of one person each day ~. from 8:OOam to, 6:OOpm.for a total of 50 man-hours per week. These firefighters will supplement career personnel.dunng ,daytime hours when availability of volunteers,is.reduced, _ . y . Volunteer firefighters will be available to respond on-call or to perform regular station ~. - Y . Efforts w I1 be made tots ff, participating in training, inspections, and community service efforts. chedule,a minimum of two volunteers for station duty at night and on ,, weekends. ~ . .. .,;_ - : w ~ r..: - ~ • ... , .. .This personnel system will result in a typical manpower status ;of five persons on' duty , during weekdays when activity is highest and four to five. persons.on nights .and weekends through utilization ofwolunteer firefighters. AdditionaiLy, current certified:personriel in,the Fire ~ ' Services Administration such as the Administrator (Chief), Fire Marshal,; and Deputy'Fire. ,. . , Marshals, will train with the station crews to assist in daytime emergencies and on call as needed. . ,,.- u Conclusion l~ncl Implementation . ~ ,~ . ,, a Attached as appendix B you will find a copy of the. proposed budget for start..-up costs; ;:. . primarily reflecting capital purchases &.construction projects as well as.an annual operating ; ,~iu,~iget for the first year of operation. It should be noted that-the actual expenditures during this ~ ~ a fiscal year can be basically prorated by~the period of time the department is in actual operation, depending on start-up. However, the budget should closely reflect actual annual cost for subsequent years minus the lease-purchase payments associated with the apparatus purchases. The current county budget was approved with a line item appropriation (130-433-4340- 300-600) of $1,750,580 for fire service improvements along with an additional line item (130- 433-4340-5608) of $100,000 for "North Wilmington" operations. As can be seen from our recommended budgets, this is more than adequate to implement this proposal. The annual ' operating budget is equivalent to approximately one penny of fire service district tax with the current tax base. Upon approval, a definitive time-line may be established, but it is likely that bid specification and construction can take place concurrently with selection, appointment, and training of personnel. This may allow an actual operating start-up of the facility as early as the first quarter of 1997. .Although every possible question cannot be anticipated, this proposal summary is intended ' to provide an overview of a fire protection system which is reasonable, cost-effective, professional, and easily within our reach both financially and administratively, The fire protection needs of this portion of the county have been thoroughly examined and re-examined in several consultant reports and each has provided the same conclusion: there now exists a significant need for fire services in the 421 corridor. If is our sincere hope that the proposal you have just read will ' be the financially responsible solution that will provide outstanding service to the customer, provide for the long=term interests of the county, and indicate our dedication to professional fire and emergency services to our community. We respectfully encourage your approval. L__J 15 ..421 C'oxxi.c~.or ~i.re ~xotectiozz Proposa~ " _ Department o~ Fire Services Administration-` - " New Hanover County ~ - _ ." ~. " APPENDIX A ' ORGANIZATIONAL' CHART ' ~6. i ~~ ? ~ _ N D A a ~ o ~ z s ~ ~ ~' ~ C Q m ~ ~ ~ tO ? '~ s c c ~ ~ H b m N ~ .~ p E ~ n O ~ m n~ m 7 ~ ~ a ~ m ~ 7 S. ~ a ~ ~ < '~ a a C Q ~ c d o ~ ? ~ a ~ N 7 W 4 v V ,_. O ~ d N (~ ~ © ~ ~ ~ _ a ~ < ~ 2 ci S o ~ ~ C S m .c ~ - o' v ~ G 9 ~ i i H W v 7 ~ is 5. Q Q 3 d ~ n Q_ , ~~^, `~ ~ C v' n a. 7C (~ ~. m R ~y O S 7 '^ ~ ~ J d n N ~ Q ~Qnt C l Q or^~ Q ~~ ~• ~ ,~ . ~ m n G _ ~~ io ~ C 5:~ ~ ~ m b N ~ N ~ b ^~ ~~ ~Q~ ~ ~~ ^ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Y ~ 2 ~,~ ~ ~ u w {{w~ R f2. ~ ~ Q 7~Q Y'. G ~' a N ~ ... . ~ v .... ~ ~ ..:.'~C.al n ~ a • D C Q ~ N . N ~ ~~~ b 4 ~,~ ` ~ S . `~ • ~'. M~1 • • /~ l V~ ..., . 1 J C~ /~. v ~ A O O z -b O J y ~. l V n _o ~, r ; ~V] ~/ ~7 .__ _ ~~ a 421 Corri.c~.or Fire protection Fxoposa~. Department o~ Fire Services Administration New Hanover County • ~ ~ - Q . a . __ a APPEN DIX B .. START-U P B U DG;ET ~ a FIRST-YEAR OPERATING BUDGET PROJECT FUNDING AVAI°LABILITY SUMMARY - •--. _ • - ~ e ~. A ` ._ . _ _ •. ,. ~., 18 - a ~~ ~ ~ 421 Fire Protection Start=gyp 1 _ . initial Capital Outlay Budget Buildin and Grou d g n s Demolition and remodel of living spaces; 1200 sq ft @$65 $78,000 Generator; 30kw with transfer switch. $25,000 Carbon monoxide removal system $22,000 SCBA fill station .and cascade system $6,000 $131 000 , Apparatus Pumper (miscellaneous work to existing MGFD pumper) $10,000 Tanker (1st year; 150,000 on four year lease/purchase) $43,000 .Brush Squad (1st year, 85,000 on four year lease/purchase) $24,200 ' $77 200 , Equipment ~. Office furniture & equipment $4,500 Living quarters furniture $10,000 Appliances & kitchen equipment ~ =~- $3,500 ~ - Lawn equipment $3,500 Turnout gear & uniforms (25 @1250) ~ $31,250 Firefighting Equipment (hose, tools, fans, etc.) $75,000 . $127,750 .. . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY FOR START-UP ~ $335,950 - ~ ~, ~ ~~ p ' 421 fire Protection Start-np ~ .. ~. ` First Year Operatin Bud et ~ - g 9 Personal Services Station Captain: ~~' Annual salary $26~,'S62 - , .Estimated overtime ~ $1,532 ` 'FICA $2,146 a Retirement $1,405 Medical, dental $3,137 a ' subtotal $34,782 '' •;, Shift Lieutenants Annual salary $24,024 Estimated overtime $1,412 FICA $1,943. _ Retirement $1,272 ~ ' Medical., dental $3,137 - '" "+ subtotal for three $95,364. '' Career Firefighters ~ ' ..._-- Annual salary ' $21,757 Estimated overtime $1,278 FICA $1,760 Retirement $1,152 Medical, dental ~ ~ $3,137 - subtotal for six ~ $174,502 _ Part Time Paid Firefighters 50 hours per week at $8.50 $22,100 FICA $1,688 subtotal $23,788 Volunteer Firefighters - ~ - V.I.P. incentive allowance $10,000 Total Personal Services _ $338,437 20 - t Q 1y Services And Supplies ~, Services Insurance ' Equipment repairs Equipment preventive maintenance Travel & training Annual firefighter physicals Subscriptions and dues . Video training subscription Uniform services Telephone service Cellular telephone service Electric utility Trash collection HVAC maintenance - Overhead door maintenance - Extinguisher maintenance Paging services Pest control services Copier service agreement Ladder testing & certification Printing services Supplies Cleaning supplies Paper goods and disposables Fuel & oil for vehicles ' Repair supplies Fuel for generator Water softener salt Miscellaneous supplies Capital Expenditures $15,000 $5,000 $2,200 $3,000 $3,625 $125 $1,200 $6,240 $1,000 $720 $5;000 $500 $300 $300 $300 $220 $160 .$300 $500 $500 $500 $1,000 $3,000 $500 $300 $180 $1,500 Total Services and Supplies $53,170 Capital Outlay Purchases Included in start-up capital budget $0 Motor Vehicle Purchases Included in start-up capital budget $0 Total Capital Expenditures $0 TOTAL FIRST YEAR~OPERATING BUDGET $391,607 21- 1 421 Fire Protection Project Funding Availability current Fiscal Year Budget A~ro~riations - ~ ~( 130-433-4340-3000-6300` Fire Service Improvements ',81,750;580 130-433-4340-3000=5608 North Wilmington Operations ~ - ~~ - 5100,000 a TOTAL _ ~ - 5,1,80,580 . _ .. E _, ,. ,. ;, . ,:.. . ..., ~. . ,y ~ . ~ 22 ~ a fl .4 ~ F . y _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR. BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 .Regular Item m: 6 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Finance Presenter: Bruce T. Shell .Teu.n 23u1(ard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce T. Shell SUBJECT: • Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) By-Laws Change. BRIEF SUMMARY: The CVB requests approval from the County Commissioners to increase its Board of Directors size from 14 to 16 members and other minor changes to their By-Laws. A copy of the By-Laws is attached. The recommended new members would be representatives of the restaurant industry. Commissioner Barone requests special attention be given to Article VI, Section ~C. In addition, Commissioner Barone did .not cast a vote for or against the adoption of their by-laws. A poll of the members was taken, but she did not participate in the poll. - . . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve By-Laws Change. ,. FUNDING SOURCE: -~ - ~ ~ ~ ~" Federal S: _ State S: County S: N/A - User Fecs S: ~ Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ..,' ~ ' New Appropriation Request: - Budoet Amendment Pre ared: ~ ~ _ -~ LGL; FIN: BUD: ~ HR: ~ COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider the request. l/" ~ _.___._... . ~ couNn C®MMISSION APPROVES ~ REJECTE® p REMOVED O ` POSTPONE(( L7 Refer to Office Vision SuUetin Board for Dispn ~(aocE ~~ ~1G ~W'r w~~tQ~~CS ~i5 ~Sc°O~ . . - DRAFT: 9 October 1996 -Wording changes' are underlined -. .. . - .... _ . ..- Cleaned up format and some verbiage - -Gender neutralized the document _ - Made substantive content changes to: , - - Art II, Sec. 2 (Board appointments) Art II, Sec. 3 (Tenure) Art II, Sec. 5 (Termination) ~ '' • ~ Art V, Sec. I.A and D (Chairman and Treasurer's duties) Art VII, Sec. 3 (Stall) - - Restructured: Art VI (Committees) - • .. Art VIII ~ ... , . _ BYLAWS.OF . CAPE FEAR COAST COVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU, INC. WHEREAS, Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors~Bureau, lnc.`Has been duly incorporated as a - non-stock, rion-profit corporation under the laws of the State ofNorth Carolina and more particularly under and by virture of a charter or articles of incorporation ussued by the'Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, on the 3rd day of December, 198, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County on the 13th day of December, 1985, in Book 1312, Page 0585, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary that from time to time amendments to the Bylaws be adopted by the members of such non-stock, non-profit corporation; _ , ~ . ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the following amendments to the Bylaws be; and • they are hereby, duly adopted and declared by said members to be the Bylaws of the Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau. ARTICLE I Section 1. Name of Corporation. The name of the corporation shall be the Cape Fear Coast Convention & U Visitors Bureau, anon-stock non-profit oraani~tion incorporated in the State of North Carolina. (Justification: restates, fully, the name and type of organization.). • Section 2. Offices. The office of the Corporation shall be located in the office of the Assistant County , ; • Manager,_New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, '~ " 284'02; or at such other place or places in New Hanover County as the Corporation may from time~to time'- ~ -•-~- ~ -• designate. _ Section 3. Seal. The Seal of the Corporation shall be in the form of concentric circles and shall bear the O . name of`the Corporation. .: - - '~ ~ - .' . Section 4. Fiscal and Administrative Year. The`fiscal and the administrative year of the •Corporation shall -' . be from July Ist through June 30th of the following year. ~~~ 24 ;gyp ~~gp~~p~~~Rlr ~~~~ ~ 1 ARTICLE II MEMBERS Section 1. General Powers. The management of the activities, affairs and property of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of sixteen (16) directors, said number to be fixed from time to time by these Bylaws of the Corporation. Section 2. Appointment of Directors. The sixteen (16) members of the Board of Directors shall be ' appointed in accordance with the background criteria start of the three-vear term, and appointment responsibility provided in the table below. To stagger the appointments of Directors, the Basis of 3-Year Term column reflects the vear of the start of the appointment cycles. For those Directors whose appointments are due to expire in any eiven vear the governing bodies shall consider candidates for appointment prior to Mav of that vear so that the new director may assume duties at the start of the new fiscal vear. Anv vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors shall be filled by that eovemino body responsible for that appointment, with the Director appointed to fill a vacancy serving for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office. Start of Background of Director 3-Year Term Governing Bodv Responsible for Appointment ' 2 Accommodations 1987 1 appointed by County Commissioners ' 1989 1 appointed by City Council t. 2 Restaurants 1996 1 appointed by County Commissioners 1997 1 appointed by City Council ' 2 At-Large ~ , 1987 1 appointed by County Commissioners 1989 1 appointed by City Council 1 Chamber of Commerce Board 1989 Appointed by the Chamber of Commerce 2 Attractions (Historical, 1988 1 appointed by County Commissioners Natural, Recreational) 1989 1 appointed by City Council 1 Marketing, Advertising and 1987 Appointed alternately by County Commissioners Public Relations Professional (~- and City Council ~999~ ' •1 Carolina Beach - _ 1988 ~ ~ , Appointed by Town Council . 1 Kure Beach ~ 1988 , Appointed by Town Council '` 1 Wrightsville Beach : 1988 Appointed by Board of Aldermen .. 1 County Commissioner N/A - Appointed by County Commissioners 1 City Council - N/A Appointed by City Council 1 County Finance Officer N/A (Non-voting) . ' (Justification: increases the number of Board members from 14 to 16 to include the important restaurant representation. The above table also clarifies the means to establish the staggered appointment schedule of Board members. If approved the County would need to appoint a restauranteur for a three year term ending ' in May 1999 and the City a restauranteur for one year then could reappoint for a normal three year term.) ^ ~ _ Secfion 3. Tenure. The term of office for each appointed~Director shall normally be for three years, and~)- ' will coincide with the Corporation's fiscal vear. In the case of an appointment to fill a vacancy, the term of n office for the appointed Director shall be for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office. Directors shall serve from the next regular meeting of the Corporation after their appointment and until their successors are appointed. Excluding the County Commissioner, Member of the City Council, the beach municipality representatives and the County Finance Officer, directors may not serve more than a total of six consecutive Z ~'( tio~ vears which includes' anv period of time servine the unexpired term of a former Director. ; ne,Qud.~;o~.c~.u,a. u~xP-rt.~ -Y`YH~ (Justification: rewritten in its entirety because it reflected the verbiage used to set up the three-year staggered terms when the Board was established.) Section 4. Voting Rights. Each Director, except the County Finance Officer, in good standing, shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to the vote of the Directors and assignment of voting privileges is not permitted. ~- Section 5. Termination. The Board of Directors, by affirmative vote of two thirds of all its members, may recommend removal of anv of the appointed Directors for cause to the governmental bodv which made that appointment- The governmental bodv will take the action deemed appropriate. (Justification: rewritten to clarify the reality that it is the governmental body that terminates and not the Board.) Section 6. Resibnation. Any Director may resign by giving t~rirty-(3~6}~aps written notice to the Chairman of the Board of Directors who will forward the notice to the appropriate .governmental bodv making the appointment. (Justification: anadded administrative procedure resulting from the meeting with the County/City.) Section 7. Compensation. Directors shall serve without compensation, but maybe reimbursed for expenses actually incurred in connection with the performance of their duties. ~ • Section 8. Attendance. Any Director who is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings wtll automatically b~ ermm ' -thirds vote of Bi~tsrs._~"u'~'r*~''~"~''~~M~`h~'s~r• ARTICLE III MEETINGS OF THE DIRECTORS Section 1. Regular and Special Meetings. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shallmeet in regular session at least quarterly at a time and place designated by the Chairman of the Board of Directors: Special meetings maybe called by the Chairman or by not less than four (4) members of the Board and such special meetings are to be held at a place and time designated by the Chairman or the four (4) calling members. ~ -~ _; Section 2. Open meetings. All meetings of the` Corporation whether regular or special, shall be announced . and open to the public, provided that the Corporation may hold executive sessions from time to time in accordance with Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina. ... Section 3. Action by Directors. All actions shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present in open.meeting. Eight 8 voting members shall constitute a quorum for the meeting of the Corporation. If a quorum is not present at any meeting, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting 2~e-t» without further notice. Except as othenvise,provided by law or by these bylaws; the Corporation shall be governed by the rules or parliamentary practice as contained in Roberts'Rules oJOrder. 2 ~tion 4. Minutes. The minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Corporation shall be recorded and a copy mailed to each Duector member not later than fifteen'workin days (15) days following such C' 0 n meeting. 1 ' ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary. There shall be elected from the Board of Directors three officers, a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary. All will serve one-year terms, and be eligible for reelection for an additional term of one-year. The term of office will coincide with the ' Corporation's fiscal year. ' Section 2. Treasurer. The Finance Officer for New Hanover County shall be the Treasurer and an officer and non-voting member of the Corporation. ARTICLE V ' DUTIES OF OFFICERS - Secfion 1.. Duties of Officers. The duties of the officers shall be as follows: . ' A. Chairman. The Chairman shall call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Corporation; shall aopoint the chairman and members of all committees and be an ex-officio member of all such committees: shall perform such other duties as may come within the jurisdiction of that office. At each ' meeting, the Chairman shall submit such recommendations and information as considered proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of the Corporation. (Justification: to standardize the duties of the Chairman with those relevant duties performed by chairmen of other organizations and to gender neutralize) B. Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall preside at meetings and perform the duties of the ' ~ Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. C. Secretary. The Secretary shall have general responsibility for the iecords of the Corporation _ . and shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Corporation..The Corporation may designate one or more Assistant Secretaries to keep the minutes of the Corporation meetings and perform such other duties ' as the Corporation may assign. D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody. of all funds, property and securities of the Corporation, subject to such regulations as maybe irnposed upon the Board of Directors; shall be responsible . ' for all financial records of the Corporation and prompt filing of all required financial documents and forms; , - _- shall exhibit such books at reasonable times to any Director on application at the offices of the Corporation; shall report on the financial condition of the Corporation to the Board of Directors at their regular meetings; ' shall cause to be made as soon as reasonable after the close of the fiscal year an audit, and shall furnish a copy thereof, to each of the Directors, the County Commissioners, members of the City Council and to such other persons as the Board may drrect; (Justification: simplified and grouped the responsibilities of the Treasurer.) E. Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. The Board of Directors may elect an Assistant Secretary or Assistant Treasurer, and in such case, in the absence or disability of the Secretary or Treasurer, such assistants, respectively, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of those offices, and shall, in general, perform such other duties as shall be assigned to them from time to time by the Secretary or the Treasurer, respectively, or by the Board of Directors. i . ARTICLE VI COMNIl'TTEES (Justification: reformatted the entire paragraph to make it similar to other organizational bylaws.) I'°~ Section 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the four officers of the U Corporation -the Chairman Vice=Chairman Secretary and Treasurer and the President/CEO of the Cape Fear Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau. When the Immediate Past Chairman is a member of the Board of Directors, that person shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee. In the absence of an Immediate Past Chairman on the Board, another member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chairman. The Chaim:tan may appoint additional members as the conditions warrant. All members appointed to the Executive Committee, except for the Treasurer, shall be voting members. A majority of the.Executive Committee shall constitute a quonun and the act of a majority of the members a present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee. Section 2. Standing Committees. There shall be established three sfandinQ committees, a Budget and a Finance Committee, an Advertising and Promotions Committee and a T' ~ ^ 1' ot'nn Rvtria ~'~ mittpp The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint the members of each committee, which shall consist of two or more directors and such other persons as may be necessary, and shall desienate the chairman of the committee. .... _... Section 3. Duties of Standing Committees. The duties of the standing committees shall be as follows: A. Budget and Finance Committee. The Budget and Finance Committee shall monitor all financial affairs of the Corporation and shall submit for review and approval by the Directors, the County Commissioners and the City Council a proposed annual budget. The Committee shall submit an annual report at the close of the fiscal year to the.Board of County Commissioners and the City Council on the Corporation's receipts and expenditures for the preceding year in such detail as the Board of Commissioners and the City Council may require. - - - ~ ~: B. Advertising and Promotions Committee. The Advertising and Promotions Committee shall a prepare an annual program to advertise and promote tourism development for New Hanover County. The Committee may, with approval by majority vote of the Board of Directors, contract with any person, firm or agency to advise and assist in the preparation and execution of projects to promote travel, tourism and conventions. ~ - ' ~. ... ~ - . . ~. C Board Application Review Committee. The Board Application Review Committee shall ~-(~~~~ review applications for appointment to the Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of ~irectors as submitted to New Hanover County and the. City of Wilmineton and make recommendations to - e respective governmental bodies. - _ - , . _. _ Section 4. Other Special Committees. Other special committees having such responsibilities as maybe delegated to them may be established by resolution of the Board of Directors: ~ The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint the chairman of the committee and such other persons, as authorized in the resolution creating such special committee. -' ARTICLE VII • . _ ADNIINISTRATIVE STAFF a Section 1. Emplo}~nent. The Corporation may employ administrative staffto perform such.duties as may QQbe determined and authorized bythe Board of Directors. 2 C9pction 2. Limitations. Administrative staff serve at the pleasure of the Corporation and may be discharged ai any time with or without cause. ' Section 3. Staffing. The senior member of the staff shall be the PresidentlChief Executive Officer {CEO). With marketing of the Cape Fear area, comprised of the four municipalities of New Hanover County - ' "Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach -and the unincorporated areas of the County as the PresidenJCEO's prime responsibility, the President/CEO shall manage and direct .all activities of the' Corporation subject to the policies stated by the Board of Directors. ' As authorized and funded by the Board of Directors, the PresidentlCEO shall hire staff personnel to carry out the responsibilities in various functional areas. The President/CEO shall establish an effective volunteer program to supplement the salaried staff. (Justification: generalized the wording from the original document which was overly specific as to what ' positions were authorized and funded which would limit the Board's ability to create new positions in response to changing needs in the industry.) ' ARTICLE VIII CONTRACTS, CHECKS, DEPOSTTS AND FITNDS ' Section 1. Contracts. The Corporation may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the Corporation, in addition to the officers so authorized by these Bylaws, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument, in the name and behalf of the Corporation, and such authority maybe general or ' confined to specific instances. Section 2. Checks, Drafts or Orders. All checks, drafts or orders for payment of money, notes or other ' evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation shall be signed by either the Treasurer, Deputy County Finance Officer or the President/CEO, or in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. (Justification: added a standard paragraph from organizational bylaws which was omitted. All subsequent sections of this article were renumbered.) Section 3. Deposits. The Treasurer or other member of the administrative staff so designated shall ensure all funds of the Corporation in excess of TWO HUNDRED F1FIY AND NO/100 (S250.00) are deposited daily to the credit of the Corporation in such bank, trust company, other depository or with the New Hanover County Finance Officer, as the Corporation may select. (Justification: added the person responsible for making the deposits.) ' Section 4. Gifts. The Corporation may accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, gift, bequest or device for the purpose ofthe Corporation. Section 5. Statutory Compliance. All matters of fiscal control and administration shall be handled in accordance with Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina. ' ARTICLE IX BOOKS AND RECORDS Section 1. Books and Records. The Corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts, shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members and committees, and shall keep at the principal office a record giving the names and addresses of the members of the Corporation entitled to vote. All books and records of the Corporation may be inspected by any member or his duly authorized agent, for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. ~~ (Justification: added standard requirement for committees to maintain minutes of their meetings.} ARTICLE X . AMENDMENTS .. ~ -' ` ~ LJ . ~ ; - ~ . Section 1. Amendments. These Bylaws, or any part thereof, maybe amended by the affirmative~vote of a majority of the Directors present at anv regular or special meeting, contingent upon approval by the New a Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilmington City Council. -When submitted, amendments ., to the Bvlaws shall carry the following administrative addendum to reflect approval of the required bodies: THIS amendment to the Bylaws of the Cape-Fear, Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau was adopted by and approved by the Board of Directors on the day of , approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners on the ~ - ,day of~ and the Wilmington City Council on the`' day of ~ ' ,. a . o .. _ _ .. ,.. .. :.. _ a .. .. __ _ _ ... _ , :. o .. ~r. ..~i .~ ..-. _~. .o a 30 . . REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: 7 :~ .Consent item #: ~ Additional Item #: .Department: County Manager Presenter: Andy Atkinson Page Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: And Atkinson SUBJECT: . Public Hearing -Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program BRIEF SUMMARY: The County has been notified by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, part of the U.S. Department of Justice, that the County has been awarded a grant in the amount of $6,288: The Commissioners authorized filing of the application at the July 22, 1996 Board of Commissioners meeting . Before any funds can be obligated, a public hearing must be held. These funds will be used to provide drug treatment to those defendants through the District Drug Court. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Hold Public Hearing. k'UNll1NG SOURCE• . - ~ ~ - Federal S: ~ :State S: _' - County S: User -Fees S: - 'Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Prepared: ~~ ~ ~ ' LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• . Hold Public Hearing. ~ . Other S: , ~ , COUNTY COMMISSIONERSi APPROVED t'~' -~ . . REJECTED O REMOVED o ~31 - POSTPONED DATE ~~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Boazd for Disposition ~•- U.S. Department of Justice .. , >4„~,~' Office of Justice Programs ' Bureau of Justice Assistance OCfice of the Director µashinyron, D.C. 2053/ ' September 30, 1996 i ~ ~ 8 ,~10 a t ~._ Michael A. ONeal ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• County Manager ~ ~- ~ ~ -~ County of New Hanover • - 320 Chestnut Street _ Wilmington, NC 28401 RE: Local Law enforcement Block Grants Program Dear Mr. ONeal: I am pleased to inform yoil that the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has atiproved the Cour_ty of New Hanover's application for funding under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant s Program ( LLEBG) , in • the 'amount of. $ 6 5 , 2 8 8 . 'The purpose ' of the LLEBG•Program is to reduce crimE and improve •public - safety. This Block Grant Award may be used for any of the , Purpose Areas described in the statute. Enclosed you will find the Grant Award and Special Conditions documents. Please sign these norms and return a copy to the LLEBG Control Desk, Room 30~?-C, Financial Management Division, Office of the Comptroller, Office of Justice Programs, 633 Indiana Avenue, N"W, Washington, D.C. 20531. If you have any questions in regard to this award, or if BJA can be of further assistance to you,--please do-not hesitate to.contact.the Grants_• Administratior_ Branch, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants _ , Program Division at (202) 305-2088. , I look forward to a continuing partnership with,the County:,..' ' - - of New Hanover " in~ `furtherance of this--important criminal jilsti ce' program. ...t .. ., Sincerely, ; .. _ _ -_Y __ - __ _ _-~ ~ s~ . • 0 Nancy E. Gist ' Director ~3P~~~B~b~C~~9 '11~ Enclosures > ~'~ ~p+~~~q®n~¢~~;~,~ 3 2 ~ ~~~} ~~~~~~ . ~~ _ ~ ~~~ A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF JUSTICE PRO GRAMS BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS PROGRAM REQUEST FOR PAYMENT GRAI~IT NUMBER: NAME OF GRANTEE: VENDOR NUMBER AWARD AMOUNT: 96LBVX2969 County of i~Te« Hanover, North Carolina X66000324 $ 6,288.00 As a recipient of a Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program award, I hereby request payment. These funds will be placed into a trust fund in accordance with Public Law 104-134.and LLEBG Program guidance. I agree not to obligate any funds until Special Conditions #15 -Public Hearing and # 16 -Advisory Board and if applicable, any conditions regarding disparate allocation and the submission of a joint spending plan, have been met and the special conditions released by the issuance of a grant adjustment notice. SIG ATURE OF IEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER /DATE /D/3d /46 33 Tlais page intentionally left blank _,, 34 1 REQTJEST` FO.R BOARD ACTION ' Meeting Date: 11/18/96 E~egular Item #: 8 Consent Item m: Additional Item ~:~ Department: DSS Presenter: W. Morris gage Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wayne Morris SUBJECT: .. Request to designate New Hanover Regional Medical Center as the lead agency for Community Alternatives. Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA) BRIEF SUMMARY: The DSS has operated the CAP-DA program since 1985, allowing many disabled adults to remain in their homes rather than going into nursing homes. Believing that the program could be more effectively administered by a health care provider, the DSS approached NHRMC to assume responsibility. Both the Board of Social Services and the NHRMC Board of Trustees have approved this transfer. Medicaid regulations require that the Board of Commissioners designate the lead agency. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Designate the New Hanover Regional Medical Center as the lead agency f or the Community Alternatives Program ifor Disabled Adults. Communicate decision to the North Carolina Department of Human Resource's, Division of Medical Assistance. r uivllllvG SOURCE: Federal S: n/a State S: Money Is In Current Budget: Budget Amendment Prepared: County S: User Fees S: New Appropriatio^ Request: Other S: ~R-E-V I L~iL: FIN:. N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: .COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Recommend New Hanover Regional Medical Center be designated as the lead agency far Community ` Alternatives Program .for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA) i ~ ~ ~ ___~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ APPROVED L~"' REJECTED ® 3.!""J REMOVED D POSTPONED e~ • Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition DATE ~ ~7 ~~ a . ~.. .. ~- ~ o _ _ 1VIEM0 - - _ __ .._ a .. a To: Allen O'NeaUAndy Atkinson - . ~ _ From: F. Wayne Morris, ACSW ,.; Subject: CAP-DA transfer _, _ ..: ~ . , , - ~ ~ . Date: November 5, 1996 ~ - ~ .. a .Earlier this morning, I sent the request for, this action via. e-mail. Ir m enclosing'a letter requesting his action signed by Jim Hobbs and me. Let me know. if you need anything else. .. . .3 ~ ~_ a .. _..____._._.___.. _ .~_~ _ . _ _ . - ~ - o .~ . :~ :~ . _ 7 ... ~. t ., . _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ ____ _ _ ... _ _ . _ . ._ .... } ... 4 ~,. .. . ... .~ ~. . _.. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~1~~~ F. ~V~YNE MORRIS, ACS~~' ' Duector NEW HAI`~OVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 1650 GREENFIELD STREET POST OFFICE DRAWER 1559 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1559 TELEPHO:\'E (910) 341-4i00 F.~.i (910) 34I-474i November 5, 1996 . " ~ " .._ New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 " ~ .. .. . . Commissioners: 'The New Hanover County Board of Social Services and the New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees have each approved a request recommended by their respective staff that you designate the NHRMC as the lead agency to administer the Medicaid Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA). Policy promulgated by the North Carolina ' Department of Human Resources, Division of Medical Assistance requires that the Board of County Commissioners make this designation. -: . In 1985, the Board of County Commissioners designated the Department of ' Social Services as lead agency for the CAP-DA program in New Hanover County. Since that time, the DSS has. successfully operated the program allowing hundreds of disabled adults to remain in their homes rather than being placed in nursing facilities. " The CAP-DA program is essentially a medical service. While the DSS is justifiably-proud of its record in administering the program, staff have long recognized that the service could be even more effective if it were offered by 37 ' AGENCY MEMBER: AMERICAN PUBLlC WELFARE ASSOCIATION rVORTH CAROLINA CHILD ADVOCACY INSTITUTE _ - _ .. _ ' New Hanover County Board of ,Commissioners Page 2 . ;~ ,. a November 5, 1996 , a medical service provider as part of a spectrum of services designed, to serve the disabled and infirm residents of our community. In fact, the DSS ~ a assumed responsibility for this program as no other agency was willing to do so in 1985. Earlier this year, DSS staff proposed to the staff of the NHRMC a that consideration be given to the assumption of lead agency responsibility for CAP-DA. After careful deliberation, the staff of both agencies recommended :< - the change to their respective boards. The ,Board of Trustees of the New Hanover Regional Medical Center . a approved the request on October 21, 1996. The New Hanover County Board of Social Services approved the request on. October 23, 1996. We, therefore, respectfully request that yo'u designate the New Hanover Regional Medical Center as the lead agency~for the CAP-D'A program. ~~ Respectfully,. a ,. ~ ~ . ... ~_ F. Wayne Moms,.ACSW Direcfor' of Social' Services ~- ., a . ... ,. `..i l) .. .. ... ~ .... .. i ~ 1~} .r}, .~:- Jim Hobbs, President/CEO New Hanover Regional Medical Center •, . .. ~ ~ .' i~ u NOV-08-96 FP.I 11,40 PA POI) FAX N0, 9103414363 COMMTJNITY ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM-DISABLED ADULTS P, 02 The Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA) grew out of a desire to offer home care as a,n alternative to those facing placement in a nursing facility. F7ith good case management, a complete package of medical and socia]. services and reliable support from family and friends, some individuals may remain safely at home at a Medicaid cost no greater than the cost of nursing home care. Congress recognized this possibility in 1981 when it allowed states to request Medicaid Home and Community-based waivers. In 1982 the North Carolina General Assembly instructed State government to seek such a waiver.. In 'December 1984, the New Hanover County Department of Social Services and 25 other counties received a X25,000 program start-up grant from the Division of Social Services.. Today all. 100 counties provide CAP-DA. The Board of County Commissioners appointed the department as the Lead Agency to oversee the development and implementation of the program_ Screening began in April 1985 and cases were brought on starting in June 1985. Initially, the program had one social worker.- In-April 1986 a second social worker was added and, in 1994, a third social worker.. This program achieves two major goals:(1)"it enhances the the quality of life by allowing disabled persons 18 years of age and older to live in the least restrictive settings{home) with as much independence and dignity as. possible; and (2) it lessens the demand fox costly institutional services, both public and private. At the end of the first year,the program had 18 clients. Since iL-s inception, the CAP Program has enabled 243 clients to avoid or delay hospitalization oz nursing home placement. Currently, 67 clients receive CAP services. ~- For CAP-DA eligibility, the individual client requires nursing facility level of care as determined through the Medicaid prior approval process, must be eligible for Medicaid, needs CAP-DA services to remain at home and can maintain his/her health, safety and well being at home within the Medicaid cost limits (for Intermediate Care Level-$2155 and Skzlled Nursing Care-52861). Once Medicaid is in piece,. a social worker and a. registered nurse meet- with the client to establish a Plan of Care which is tailor-made for each client's unique situation. The Plan of Care is the framework for medical and social .services and must be reviewed and approved by the client, caregiver, physician and a supervisor before CAP-DA participation begins. The CAP-DA Program .provides the following key services to benefit the client: (1) In-Home screening of patient '.s abilities and situations 39~ ~~ NOV-08-96 FRI 11:40 PA POD FAX N0, 9103414363 ~ P 03 (2) Medical Supervision o•f•patient by nurse and social worker (3) In-Home_Aide Services (4) Telephone Alert System (5) Nursing services visits (6) Mobility Aides (grab bars,ramps) (7) Medical supplies( underpads, diapers, Ensure) (B) Adult Day Health This department i-s responsible for client assessment and case management. Tn addition, it oversees the -operation of the program- in the• county and assures-°that the .policies and procedures"'for CAP-DA are followed. To ensure success for the CAP-DA client, the client must have a solid and caring support system. If a.client requixes 24 hour care, then there must be•family support to fil-1 in .the gaps when the CAP-DA providers are. not in the home..The.Plan of Care must be followed by the caregiver-.and the ,client. With. 24 hour care in the home there must not be any; gaps in theservices. If a patient is left alone, there is a risk for. the patient to experience harm,, endangerment, or even death. The safety of the individual patient is of utmost importance. 40 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION i Meeting Date: 11/18/96 1 G 1 t Regular Item #: 9 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Inspections Presenter: Jay Graham Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Amy Akin SUBJECT:' Consideration of award of bid # 96-0366, approval of contract # 96-0366, and approval of budget amendment # 97-0072 for a computer system for Inspections. BRIEF SUMMARY: As unanimously requested by the Board of Commissioners in February 1996, staff has solicited bids for a computer system for the Inspections Department. After completing the process, staff is now prepared to recommend award of contract fo H.T.E., Inc. in a negotiated amount of $481,989.00. Attached is the following: ' 1. Memorandum from Jay Graham, Inspections Director 2. Resolution for award of bid, approval of contract, and approval of budget amendment 3. Price summary 4. Contract Draft (Because of the length of the exhibits, the exhibits are incorporated by reference and are on .file in the County Attorney's Office.) 5. Budget amendment 'The original budget for this item was approximately $400,000, all from Inspection Fees. The budget amendment for the additional $85,000 will also come from user fees. The building community supports this project. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ~ ~ Y89' Adopt attached resolution awarding bid # 96-0366 to H.T.E., Inc. in the negotiated amount of $48~R,999.00, approving contract # 96-0366, and approving related budget amendment # 97-0072. r~utvlil<1vt; ~VURCE: Federal ~: ' - .State $: County S:45~;9.$9- User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: No ~ ~°' ~ : ' . : - New Appropriation Request: Yes Bud et Amendment Pre ared: Yes ~ ' REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: - ~ BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENT AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval. couN~r co~Mt- ~ ®~ Cl APPROVED REJECTED O REMOVED O POSTPONE ~~ q~ ~, 41 DATE Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition . - , - _ -, - TO: Allen O'Neal, County Manager ; , _ - _~ _~. '. ~.. - - Via: Amy Aiken, Finance FROM: •Jay Graham,..Inspections Director.. t DATE: November 4, 1996 .. ~ . In February of this year the Board_of Commissioners voted unanimously to proceed with ~. soliciting:,bids for software acid hardware to support an Automation-solution in, the Inspections Department... , . The central concept`of the Automation Plan is to fundamentally change the way the County has traditionally. dealt with,the_ever-increasing denands,for Inspection services. In the past, we managed these elevated workloads through manual processes that require many manhours to update. This Automation Plan will alter that approach by providing the capability .to automate some of that work, thereby reducing ~t11e'demand for additional staff to a more manageable"rate of growth: - Another key objective of the plan was to overcome somie of the dissatisfactions'that have been recently voiced by the Horrieownes Association of North Carolina. This would be accomplished by providing the data to the field inspectors that is needed to do better inspections. It will also greatly improve our records organization and retrieval so that projects may have strong continuity which results in higher quality projects. This bid approval request is the culmination of three years of intensive research and investigation by staff to obtain the best software and hardware solution for the citizens of New Hanover County: "Staff has utilized the investigation time and some existing t equipment to pilot test some of the concepts that were proposed in the automation plan with much success: In review with Bill Clontz, these tests have shown that the proposed Automation Plan will provide the productivity gains that were envisioned wheri.earlier - presentations were made to the Board. The .attached charts provide you some information that quantifies the enormous growth '~ . that we continue to experience in the County. If you have any questions about this data or desire any other information, please call me. ~ ~ ; -~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~r~a {I3~'~~f.~~1 ~3~°~P~~R ~{ ~~.~~~~ . .. ~ rn u~ rn 0 0 0 M v rn O O N M N ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ff} LL ~ ~{ (, .~ ~ n ~ T ~ O O O N Z7 O C ~ CLS ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~"' O O O ~-- . ' ., ~~ :O ..,. O O ~ ~ ~ ~ 43 O O O O CD V' N RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' WHEREAS, alter due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 3:00 p.m., on the 6th day of August, 1996, at the County Administration Building;.320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bid was received for a computer system for the Inspections Department, Bid # 9G-0366: H.T.E., Inc.: Base Price $500,104.00 ~ ~~ Plus Available Options $152,500.00 ~ ~ ' . Total Price $652,604.00 AND WHEREAS, the bid received exceeded ~ the budgeted estimate'for the purchase and as ,provided in G.S. 143 129 New Hanover County has negotiated with H.T.E., Inc., the only responsible bidder, mal.ing reasonable changes.in~the specificalio~u necessary to bring the contract price within funds available, copy,of negotiated changes listed in Price Summary~Schedule attached as part of the resolution; AND WHEREAS, the Inspections Director, the M.LS. Director, the Finance .Director,. and the County Manager reconuncnd that the contract be awarded to H.T.E., Inc., a foreign corporation organized under the laws ofthe state of Florida, the only responsible bidder, in a negotiated amount of Fow Hundred Eighty-one Thousand - Nine Hundred Eighty-nine Dollars ($481,989.00); AND WHEREAS, additional funds needed to cover this contract arc being requested tlu•ough Budget A~i~endmcnt # 97-OOZ2 attached as part of t]iis agenda package; - ~~ ANDS WHEREAS,., funds have been previously appropriated and• arc now in Account No 110-435-4350-6400 to cover this contract; ~ ~ ~ ~ a NOW, THEREFORE;•BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Conuiussioncrs of Ncw Hanover County. , +', that the contract for a computer system for the Inspections Department, Bid # 96-0366 be awarded to H.T E ,Inc in the amount of Four:Hundred Eighty-onc.Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty--nine Dollars, ($481,989:00); and'that Budget Amendment # 97-0072 is approved; and the County is hereby authorized and directed' to execute the contract, ey' ;.. contract form to be approved by the,County Attorn ~ "~~. - ~' 4This 18th day of November; 1996. =;' ' ~ ~ 1.t ~ . - fi `~M ... (SEAL) ,~ ~ ~ . ~ •- Clerk to the Board 44 NEGOTIATED PRICE SUMMARY SCHEDULE HTE BID PROPOSAL OF CONTRACT # 96-0366 Base Price less A/R Module (License Fees/I'raining/Support) 457,454 1 Itemized list of all costs that are not included in the Base Price (include all modules, options, features, etc.) Item 1-EMS Module License Fees & Training 40,000 Annual Support 6,300 ~ ' Item 2-Utilities Module License lees 8c Training 67,000 Annual Sup}~ort 10,000 Item 3-Preliminary Approval Checklist generated (printed)-Page 3,-Att. 1 800 Item 4-Ability to print completed application-Page ~, Att. l 1,600 Item 5-Ability to generate and record distribution of form letters based on user defined criteria-Page 36, Att. 1 1,600 Item 6-Summary Screen-Page 68, Att. 1 2,400 Item 7-Permit Expiration-Page 68, Att. 1 2,400 Item 8-G l IO All Sections: Should be able to attach word processing documents to any permits, inspections, plans, codes enforcement cases, etc.-Page 7~, Att. 1 8,000 Item 9-R001 Plan Rcvicw: Points 6,000 Item 10-Conversion Land File 4,000 Item 1 I -Interface 2,400 Item I2-A/IZ Module (Liccnsc Fecs/I'raining Support) 32,900 TOTAL ' 642,854 Less items not to be purchased aY this time: Item 1-EMS ModWe (License Fecs~raining/Support) 46.,300 Item 2-Utilities Module (License Fees~fraining/Support 77,000 A/R Module (Liccnsc Fees/fraining/Support) 32,900 Item 3-Preliminary Approval Checklist 800 Item 4-Ability to print completed application 1,600 Item 5-Ability to gcncralc and record distribution of form letters 1,600 Item 8-G 100 All Sections: attach word processing documents 482,654 SUBTOTAL Less adjustment amount for performance and payment bond to cover entire project 665 . TOTAL RECOMMENDED AWARD AMOUNT (Consists ofBasc Price less A/R Module, plus Items: 6, 7, 9, l0, I I) 481,989 4 5 ~,„ ~ .N,EW.H"ANOUER COUNTY CONTRACT ~ 96-0366 -. w. , '. _ - - - . , - _ - _ _ ,~ H.T:E., IIYC. SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT • This Agreement for Licensed Program(s) and related Support Services, subject to the limitations and conditions set ' forth in this Agrecment,.as more specifically described in,the attached Supplement and Schedule(s), is entered info _ by and between: H.T.E., Inc. (HTE), a Florida Corporation, with its principal place of business at: 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite; ~ 2000, Orlando, Florida 32801; - - - - - a ' AND -_ . ._ _- NEW HANOVER COUNTY - . .4 ... _ "CUSTOMER^, with its principal place of business at ' ~ .320 Chestnut.Street, Room 602 _. '~ ' ;_ _ . . Wilminston, NC 28401 _ _ . HTE and Customer agree that when this Agreement is signed by both pestles, all-terms and-conditions contained in• this Agreement will apply to any Licensed Program(s) and/or smice{s) offered under this Agreement. HTE will furni9lt to the Customer by thisAgreement: 1. The HTE Licensed Program(s) listed in the Supplement to this Agreement. ..~ 2. Grant of a nonexclusive, nontransferable license_to use the Licensed Programs on HTE supplied or - approvedequipment. 3. -Support service(s) as described herein. - - - a - With respect to-the Licensed Program(s); tfie Customer agrees to accepCresponsibiliry for. ~ - - - - 1: The~instaliation of the Licensed Program(s) plus any enhancements and/or updates. ~ " 2. Use of the programs to achieve the Customer's Intended resulu. ` . ~ ,_. L_ __DEFINITIO`IS ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. "Licensed Program(s)" or "Program.Producf: shall mean a licensed data program or set of programs, or routines and subroutines,~consisting of a series of instructions or statements in machine readable form and any related licensed ~ - • • - program-materials provided for use in connection with the program. ~~- . _ -- ~ --~ ' ~ ' "Machine" or "CPU" shall rnenn computer hardware designated; supplied or approved by HTE for ~opcration of"any - . , vgtam or Program Product. • • . ' ' • Licensed Pro _ _ _ _. .. _~ - _. _ .. . ' "Installation Date" shall mean the date that the Licensed Program is Inztalled/loaded on a designated machine. _ " - ` "Delivery Date" shall mean•the date that the Licensed Program is rccoived by the. Customer, or no later then ten (10) ~ -.I } calendar days after shipment by HTE. For services !ho "Delivery Datc" refers to the daft services are Performed. U .. . (. 46 Q 1 "Acceptance" shall mean that the installed/loaded Licensed Program(s) has gone through -the program testing and aeccptanee period as described in Scctlon VI. "Support Services" shall mean the maintenance end support call xtvice provided to customers, if the option is exercised, after the Winery (90) day warranty period has expired. II. LICENSE The license granted under this Agreement perm its the Customer to; a. Use the Licensed Program(s) on the designated Machine(s). \ b. Copy or translate the Licensed Program(s) !n machine readable or printed form to provide sufficient copies to support the Customer's use of the Licensed Progrem(s) as authorized under this Agreement. c. Transfer the Licensed Program(s) to a back-ttp CPU to be used when the designated CPU is temporarily inoperable. d. Modify any Licensed Program(s) to form an updated work for the Customer's use, provided that: • 1. The Customer supplies HTE with written notification of the modification. ., 2. The modification is made according to the HTE conventions of the HTE Mod_(fication Library and not to the base system. The Licensed Program should not be reverse asxmbled or reverse compiled in whole or in part . Failure to modify the programs in tho manner proscribed may negate the ability fo maintain the Licensed Program(s) by HTE and will relieve HTE of any responsibility to provide support services. Any updated work using portions of the. Licensed Program(s) that meets the about criteria will continue to-be subject to all terms of this Agreement. e. Have access to a copy of tho Licensed Program(s) Source Code, subject to the provisions*of Sections VIII, IX, X and XII of this Agreement. III. TERM ' , , . . . . This Agreement is. effettive from the date on which it is signed by both parties and will remain in effect until terminated by the Customer upon one (1) month written notice or by HTE ns stated in this section. This.Agrcemcnt may be terminated by tho Customer only when ell Licensed Programs have been returned to HTE or destroyed. An authorized representative of HTE, upon request, shall be afforded sufficient access to Customer's premises to verify thet~all use of Licensed Program(s) have barn discontinued. Notice of discontinuance of any or all licenses shall not be considered notice of termination of this Agreement unless specifically stated. License(s) granted under this~.Agrcement may be discontinued by.thefCustomer upon vrritten notice, effective immediately, during the testing period described in Scttion VI. r :HTE may-discontinue any license or terminate this Agreement upon written notice immediately if the Customer fails to comply w;th the terms and conditions of thlsAgrcement. In the event and at, the time of. a material breach by either party of any of the provisions contained in this Agreement, this Agreement shall be subject to termination by the nonlireaching party; provided, however, that if such breech is capable of being cured within ninety (90) days, then this Agreement shall not be subject to termination sv long as the breaching party cures the breach within ninety (90) days of receiving notice of such breach. .. , Tetmination .for Cause. Either party may terminate this Agreemrnt forthwith at any time upon the giving of written notice: . , ' 47. - - a) Cn the event that the othcc party fails to discharge any obligation or remedy any. default under this Agreement for a period continuing more than Winery (90) days after the aggrieved parry shall have .given said other party written notice specifying such failure or default and that such failure or default continues to exist as of the da'tc upon which the aggrieved patty gives such notice so terminating this Agreement; or - b) Immediately in the event that the other party makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or commences or has commenced against It any proceeding in bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization pursuant to bankruptcy laws or laws of debtor's moratorium. Cure. A failure or delay in performance by either party under this Agreement shall not constitute basis for termination of the Agreement under this Section !f such performance is effectively commenced. or completed prior to the giving of notice of termination. ,. - - ' - ,~ IV. HTE SUPPLLED PRODUCT(S) AND/OR SERVICES ~ ~ • ,.. HTE shall supply''the Licenaed'Program(s) specified in the Supplement. In addition, HTE shall supply related services and/or maintenance, and may supply specinliud hnrdwerc products necessary for the performance of certain special. features or functions: 'These services and deliverables, If any, shad be identified and more specifically described in the Supplerrieht and Schedule(s), and shall constitute the complete list of deliverables provided by HTE. ' HTE assumes no liebiliry for any hardware products b'cyond manufncturcn' warranty specified in the Supplement and applicable Schedule(s). Customer acknowledges that these products were selected by Customer to support fcnturzs desired by Customer, and that they are included'in the AgTecmcnt solely for that purpose. V. '' PRICING AND PAYMI'uNT TERMS All pricing and terms associated with Licensed Program(s) and any other HTE products and services arc specified in the Supplement. ~ .' ~ . Fees for Support Services are payable prior to the commencement of Support Services. Should Customer require Support Smices prior to receipt of payment and the contractual start date of such Service, Customer will be billed at the then prevailing hourly rate until payment is received. Any tezes'resulting from this Agreement or activities resulting from this Agreement, including- but not 'limited to sales and/or use'tax; w111 be the responsibility of the Customer. V1. LICENSED PROGRAM TFSTtNG AND ACCEPTANCE "` ' " ' . r;^ • _ * . Beginning on the date ten (10) days after delivery of the Licensed Progntn(s) by HTE, thc_ Licensed Program(s) will be available for iron-prodtctive use for testing for a period of thirty (30) days. This testing period is to dctcrinicie whether the Licensed Program(s) functions operate together and whether the Licensed Program(s) meet the Customer's specifications and/or requirements. At any time during the testing period, upon written notice, the Customer may discontinue the Licensed Program(s) and receive full credit or refund for the amount of the license fee. If written notice of discontinuance is not received by HTE pzioi to the end of the testing period, or'If the `Custotncr uscs'thc Liccnscd Program(s) for other then non- productive' useduring the testing period, the Licensed- Program(s) shall be deemed to be accapted under the provisions ofthis Agreement. ~ ` ~ . VII. LICENSED PROGRAM SUPPORT SERVICES - HTE will provide the Customer with the following'scrvices for the Liccnscd Program(s) listed in the Supplcrrient for ` a warranty period of ninety (90) days from the end of the testing period without additional charge. Thereafter the 48 t Services will ba provided on a year-to-year basis provided the Customer exercises the option and pays HTE's annual support fcc. a. Tol( free telephone support line; twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days per week. b. Electronic support. c. Product enhancements, updates and new releases of the covered Licensed Program(s). d. Response lime to calls within approximately two (2) hours of cell. e. Error corrections as made. HTE shall not supply any support services nor be liable for any damages !n the event that. -any portion of the Program Products !s used on equipment or with software products or soft~vnre systems other than those supplied or approved by HTE. Customer shall receive written authorization from HTE before attaching to the computer system any equipment not supplied or approved by HTE. Authorization shall not be withheld unless said equipment wlll cause operational damage to the system, or require undue systcrosupport from HTE. Customer acknowledges that the systems supplied by HTE have unique operating properties and are a matched system of eomponenu which must not be altered, modified, or tampezed with without specific assistance from HTE designated personnel. HTE shall not bo liable for any damage or loss of function which resulu from violating the approved operating environment by personnel not approved by HTE. , In the event oC the failure of any hardware component supplied under this Agrccmcnt,to function or operate in conformance within specifications, HTE shall have no obligation for warranty beyond that of the hardware manufacturer or that specified in the Supplement and Schedule. VIII. PROTECTION ANb SECURITY OI~ PROPRIETARY MATERIALS .The Customer acknowledges that the Licensed Program(s) constitute proprietary materials and trade secrets of HTE and will remain the property of HTE. The Customer will not provide or make available the Licensed Program(s) in any form except to the' Customer's employees, HTE employees or other persons during the period they are on the Customer's premises for purposes specifically related to the Customer's authorized use of the Licensed Program(s). ' IX. WARRANTY The Licensed Program(s) .listed in the Supplement wilt perform in substantial compliance wish the reference documentation supplied by HTE, provided the Licensed Program(s) are used in the proper operating environment HTE does not warrant that the functions contained in the Licensed Program(s) will meet the Customer's requirement or will operate in the combinations which may be selected for use by the Customer after the completion of the . Licrnsed Program reeling described in Section VI. Any other utility.or incidental software distributed by HTE will be on an "AS !S" and "WITH ALL FAULTS" basis without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. HTE shall be responsible only for tha Licensed Program(s) and ,products as originally supplied .and accepted by x Customer, and for changes.made to the Licensed Program(s) by.HTE's authorized representatives. HTE will not bo responsible for the consequences of attempts at changes or modifications to the products and Licensed Program(s) made by the Customer or any other unauthorized parry. • HTE warrants that It has the right to license the Licensed Program(s) listed in the Supplement and that the Licensed Program(s) does not infringe any intellectual property of any third party. HTE agrees to indemnify Customer against expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fcas, and liability arising from any claim of infringement provided HTE shall have rho right to control the defense or settiement of any such claim. If use of the Licensed Program(s) by the Customer is enjoined by any infringement proceeding, HTE shell, if possible, obtain without unreasonable expense the right of License for the Customer to use the Licensed Program(s) or if that is not possibly, HTE shalt refund to the Customer the license fee paid under this Agreement. , HTE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, OTHER THAI) AS STATED HEREIN, WITH RESPECT TO THE PARTICULAR LICENSED PROt3RAM(S), EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ~ ~ 49 X. COPY AND USE , , ~ . Customer shall have the right to use the Licensed Program(s) in equipment or systems supplied or approved by HTE while this Agreernent'is "in effecf: •Customer shall have the right to make copies of tho Licensed Program(s) and the associated reference documentation for art:hival and/or backup purposes only. Any copies made by Customer shall be the property of HTE:" • ~ - , XI. LIMITATTON OF LTABTLITY AND REi~TEDIES Except for HTE's obligations to indemnify tho Customei under infringement actions, as noted'in Section XII of this Agreement; and claims for personal injury or damages to real or tangible personal property causedby HTE's nogligence, HTE's~liability for damages to-the Customer for any cause whatsocvcrunderthls Agreement; regardless of tfie•form of action, is limited to rho total amount of fees paid by Customer under this Agreement for HTE Licensed Program(s) and services, not including any fees associated with HTE project management and related out- of-pocket expenses. In no event will HTE be liable for any conscqucntial damages, Including lost profits, savings or reprocurement costs, even if HTE has been advised of their possibility.' ~ ' ' ~~ ~ - _, .. _ w ~ - In situations involvins performance or nonperformance of Licensed Program(s) famished under thl9 Agreement, the " Customer's remedy is (])the correction by HTE of Licensed Program defects, or (2) if, after repeated efforts, HTE is unable to make the Licensed Program(s) operate as warranted, the Customer shall 6e entitled to recover damages to the limits set forth in this section.` ' ' XII. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNITY •' HTE will, at its expense, defend the Customer~against any claim that the Liccnse•d Program(s) supplied hercun'der infringe a patent or copyright in the United States or Puerto Rico, and, HTE will pay all costs, damages and attorney's fees that a. court finally awards as a rasa It of such claim: To qualify for such defrnse grid paymcrt, the Customer must:" ... a. • 'Give HTE`promptwritten notice of any'sucfi claim, and - b. Allow HTE to control, and fully cooperate with HTE in the defense and ell related, settlement F negotiations. . The Customer agrees to slow HTE, at IiTE's option and expense, if such claim has occutr-d or in HTE's judgment ' is likely to occur, to procure the -right for the Customer to continue using the Licensed Program(s) or to replace or to modify them so thatthcybecomo non-infringing. If neither of the foregoing eltcmatives is available on terms which are reasonable iri HTE's judgment, upon written'requist, the Customer will return the Licensed Program(s) to HTE: For Licensed Programs whose total charges ale fully paid, the Customer may receive a credit es established;by,HTE. HTE shall have' no' obligation with respect fo any ~ such claim. based upon -the Cu'stomer's modification°~ of `the Licensed'Program(s) or'their combination, operation or use with data ~or programs not furnished 6y'HTE o'r in other than the specified operating environment.' This'section'states HTE's entire obligation to~the Customer rtigarding infringement or the like. ~ `- • - ~ : - 'r~ ~~' ' XIII: COPYRIGHT'PROTECTION ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~ The software and any written documentation associated therewith are 'protected under the' Copyright Laws of the: United States: Customer acknowledges ihat HTE has the following exclusive rights with regard to the, Licensed ' Program(s): .. ~ ~t .. a. To reproduce the Licensed Program(s) !n ariy'or ell forms.' b. To adapt, transform or rearrange the Licensed Program(s). c. To prepare other products derivative of the Licensed Program(s). " _ ' d. To control'the distribution of the'Licensed Program(s). , ' .. ~ « ~ P V 0 1 1 Customs agrees not to violate any of HTE's rights or to assist or aid others in doing so. Customer agrxs to preserve all copyright and other notices in the Licensed Program(s) and written documentation. X1V. MISCELLANEOUS Binding Agreement. The individual signing this Agreement and any Supplement(s) to this Agreement for the Customer warrants that they have been duly authorized to do so and that the Agreement and any Supplement to the Agreement are a valid and binding obligation of the Customer. Assignmeat. This agreement and the rights, title, and interest may not be assigned or transferred by either party without the prior written consent of the other parry. Non-b[scr(minatlon. Vendor will take affirmative action not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or otherwise illegally deny any person participstion in or the benefiu of the project which is the subject of thu contract because of age, race, creed, color, sex, age, disab(lity or national origin. To the extent applicable, Vendor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 11246, the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 (P.L. 88-332) and 1968 (P.L. 90-284), and all applicable Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, instructions, designations and other directives promulgated to prohibit discriminations. Violation of this provision, after notice, shall be a material breach of this agreement and may result, at County's option, In a termination or suspension of this agreement in whole or in part. Familiarity with Laws. The Vendor specifically acknowledges that he has made himself familiar with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including all Federal and State Occupational Safcry and Health Act (OSHA) requirements, which may in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work of the project, or the materials or equipment in or about such work, or in any way affect the conduct of such work and agrees that he, his employees, subcontractors and suppliers will, at all times, comply with same. Tf the Vendor shall discover any provisions in the Contract Documents which are contrary to or inconsistent with any such law ordinance, rule or regulation, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the County in writing, Identifying any items of work affected, and he shall not proceed until he has receivtd written direction from the County with respect to these items. ]f the Vendor performs contrary to or inconsistently with any such law ordinance rule or regulation without giving such notice, he shall bear all costs which area consequence of such performance. Non-Waiver of Rights. It is agreed that either party's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of nny .performance during . such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Agreement. Force Majeure, Neither party is responsible for failure to have fulfilled its obligations under this Agreement due to causes beyond its control. Notice. All notices required hereunder to be sent to either party shall be sent to the following designated addresses, or to such other address or addresses as may hereafter be designated by either parry by mailing of written notice of such change of address, by Registered Mail, Return Rccelpt Requested: To County: New Hanover County 320 Chesfiut Street, Room 602 Wilmington, NC 28401 Attn: To Vendor: H.T.E., Inc. 390 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000 Orlando, FL 32801 Attn: Dennis J. Wippcr, Vicc President 51 Independent Contractor: It is mutually understood and agreed that Contractor is an indcpendcrit contactor and not an agent of County, and as such, Contractor, his or her agents and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, workers compensation, or pension or retirement benefits. Interpretation and Applicable Law. All of the terms and conditions contained in the contract documents shell be interpreted and governed In accordance with the laws of the Stato of North Carolina. Satire Agreement_ This Agreement and any Supplement(sand/or Amendments to this Agreement constitute the entire Agieemen~ bttwetn the parties, and there are no representatives, conditions, warranties, or collateral agreements, expressed or implied, statutory or otherwise, with rospect to this Agreement other than as contained herein. This Agreement may not be modified, omitted or changed in any way excopt by written agreement signed by persons authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the Customer and of HTE.. Both parties acknowledge that they have read this Agreement and agree to be bound by the tetTns and conditions herein. NEW HANOYER COUNTY (SEAL] ' ~ ~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ' - ~ Board of Comm[ssloners ` ATTEST: ~ ' ' Clerk to the Board • • - H.T.E., Inca jCORPORATE SEALJ ~ - Dennis J. Wipper, Vlce President ATTEST: ... _ ~ - _ _ , NarnelTltle ~ .. .. - - This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner rtquired by the Local Government - Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney • , NORTH CAROLINA 52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 NEW NANOVER COUNTY I, , a Notary Pu61ic of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board 'of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as tha act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed In its name by its Chairman, sealed with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, thls day of ,1996. Notary Public My commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANaE I, ' - , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day Dennis J. Wipper and acknowledged that he is Vice President of H.T.E., Inc., a corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name and scaled whh its offlclal seal ~ ~ ' WITNESS my hand and official coal, this day of " " , 1996. My commission expires: 53 NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT R 96-0366 SUPPLEMENT TO H.T.E. INC. SOFTWARE LICENSE AND. S~RVICES AGREEMENT FOR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC .CUSTOMER" - I. DESIGNATED MACHINE Model: AS/400 MODEL CPU Number: Use of the Licensed Program(s) provided in this agreement on platforms other than specificd above, without written permission from HTE, may be subJect to an upgrade charge. II. LICENSED PROGRAM(S) AND 1~EES HTE will provide the Licensed Program(s) in a machine readable form with instructions for Installation by the Customer. Standard form options, if applicable, will be provided by HTE. Licroscd Programs: Building Permits/Inspections Building Permits/Inspections GUI (Server) Building Permits Field Server Building Permits Field Client - 38 users Cade Enforcement Code Enforcement GUI (Server) .Code Enforcemrnt Field Server . Code Enforcement Field Client -5 users Land Management . , GUU400 Client (10 Concurrent users) . . ~ • ' Prices for HTE Licensed Program(s) and related Scrvices are specified in Schedule A. If applicable, f-ierdware end System Software are specificd in Schedule B. HTE may increase its prices without notice. Unless specified to the contrary, prices quoted in this Supplement are valid for Winery (90) days from the date of HTE's acceptance of this Agreement. These prices arc predicated on the following payment terms:. 1. License fees and Interfaces are due as follows: SO% upon contract execution; 40% upon first training of the fiat HTE Licensed Program; and 10% at "go-live" and final acceptance. 2. Training fees are due upon'the completion of each training session. 3. Support fees are prepaid annually, the initial payment due at the end of the ninety (90) day warranty period end thereafter within thlrry (30) days after invoicing. 4. Additional service fees will be due within thirty (30) days after invoicing unless specified.. 5. Hardware payment terms are SO% at Contract Execution; SO% at time of delivery and installation of the Hardware. iIT.. APPI.ICATTON TRAINING The number of training sessions and the number of hour of training vary per application. Schedule A of this agreement lists the number hours and the standard fee per application. The fee quoted Is for application training only. Reasonable travel or related expenses incurred by HTE for on-site training w111 be billed to the Customer as incurred. Additional training can be provided upon request at the standard billing rate in effect at that time. IV. SUPPORT SERVICES Support Scrvices include telephone support, extended warranty coverage and annual product enhancements. U Telephone support w111 be provided using n dedicated support telephone number 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The Customer must have ECS Installed on their AS/400. Support requests relating to IBM hardware or software w111 be directed either to IBM or the IBM Agent unless the customer has purchased nnnual HTE 5 ~ 4 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Support Line services. If the Customer has not contracted for this service and the Customer request that HTE Technical Services perfortns support services on IBM bardwara or software, this time will be billed to the Customer at the standard billing rata in effect at that time for those services. Tho tact in effect at the time of the execution of this Agreement is 5100 per hour excluding expenses if applicable. (SEAL] ATTEST: Clerk to the Board (CORPORATE SEAL] IvEw xArrovlER coUNT-Y Robert G. Greer, Chairmaa Board of Commisaioncrs l~.T.L., Inc. Dennis J. Wipper, Vice President ATTEST: - _._ Name~I'itle This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. County 1Finaaca Director NORTH CAROLINA NEW AANOVER COUNTY Approved as to form: County Attorney I. _ . $ Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally carne before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Hoard of County Commissioners of Now Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, scaled with its official seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. 55 'WITNESS my hand and official scal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: _ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE 1, , a Notary public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day Dennis J. Wippcr and acknowledged that he is Vice President of H.T.E., Inc., a corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed {n its name and scaled with its officia! scat. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _R IBM and AS/400 arc registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. . ~ , ~, 56 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUPPLEMENT TO H.T.E.,1NC. SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND $ETWEEN A.T.E., INC. AND NEW I~ANOVER COUNTY, NC SCHEDULE A-PRICING AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE HTE Products Building Permits/Inspections S 28,000.00 64 S 6,400.00 S 5,230.00 Building Permits/InspcctiansCUI (Server) 2,000.00 N/A - - Building Permiu Field Server lncludcd 16 1,600.00 ],800.00 Building Permits Field Client - 38 users 38,000,00 N/A - 2,850.00 Code Enfott:ement 9,000.00 44 4,400.00 1,130.00 Code Enforcement GU1 (Server) 2,000.00 N/A - ~ - Code Enforcement Field Server Included 16 1,600.00 1,100.00 Code Enforcetncnt Field Client - 5 users 5,000.00 N/A - 600.00 Land Management Included N!A - 1,500.00 GUI/400 Client (10 Concurrent users) 5,000.00 16 1,600.00 2,300.00 HTE Subtotals S 89,000.00 136 S 15,600.00 S 16,550.00 •SCA Producb ' Premier MDT Server (1 for 41-100 users) 38,300.00 N/A - Prcmier MDT Clients (43 for 41-100 users 20,941.00 N/A - - RF Message Switch/Setup/Config. S,000.Ob N/A ~ - ~ - Talkthru/RF w/3250 Emulation 3,000.00 N/A - - Talkthru/RF Client Software (43) 5,160.00 N/A - Admfn{strative Training - 1 !,000.00 ~ - Train the Trainers Training - 1 1,000.00 - HTE Building Permits Interface Module ~ ~ 5,000.00 N/A - _ HTE Code Enforcement Interface Module 5,000.00 ~ N/A - On Site Visit9 (2 at 32,500 eoch) 5,000.00 N/A - ~ - SCA Maintenance/Support (2 years) 1 ],800.00 N/A - SCA Subtotal S 99,401.00 2 S 1,000.00 S - GI2AND TOTALS S 188,401.00 158 S 17,600.00 S 16,550.00 "License Fees S 188,401.00 S 94.200.30 S 94,200.50 Training Fces 158 hrs ~ 5100/hr 17,600.00 S 17,600.00 '''Support Pecs 16,550.00 ~ 16,550.00 HTE Project Management (Level 1) , 80 hours at 51251hr 10,000.00 ~ 10,000.00 Modifications 13,200.00 13,200.00 Performance Sond ~ 21,835.00 21,835.00 ~ ' Conversion (].and Management) ~ 4,000.00 _ 4,000.00 - . TpTAL S 271,584,00 S 116,035.50 S 31,600,00 S 123,950.50 57 Footnotes •SCA Products a SCA MCT Package . HTE will pass through to the County the SCA software and services listed in the. attached schedule. The County wi II be responsible for selection, procurement and installation of all Mobile Computer Terminals and any and all communications support including modems and any necessary RF or telephone connections. 5CA Products err subject to SCA's warrartties,.liabilities and terms and conditions.. SCA will submit a Llcensc to Use to the County. , The SCA MCT package will allow CAD to MCT alerting, MCT to CAD status notification, CAD to MCT and MCT to MCT administrative messages and. interface from MCT to CLETS for running vehicle and driver licenses. SG! DLscounted Prldng ~ • The pricing included herein is available only with purchase of Premier MDT Server. SG! Wananry Period ' Warranty period will be extended to May 31, 1997. Support fees for the period June 1, 1997 through May 31, 1999 era due prior to the expiration of warranty. HTE Fees ' "''Llrense Fee Paymenu License Fees are due 50% at contract execution, 40% due at the date of the initial training session of the first Licensed Program trained per the mutually agreed upon Implementation Plan and 10% at "go-live" and acceptance or the date as deftned in the mutuajly agreed upon Implementation Alan provided that-there are no base system problems or errors which would prevent the system from material productive use. "'Support Fu Paymenu ' Support fees shall be due at the commencement of the maintenance period, which shall be 90 days after "go-live" or~ acceptance as provided below. HTE WArrantlcs U Express Warranty 13ascd upon the County's requested features and functions, HTE will guarantee the performance of those requirements indicated with a positive response !n the HTE proposal. HTE does not guarantee the performance of features or functions that the County might discover or want to perform outside the scope of the HTE RFP response. T1t1rd Party Warranties HTE warranties will apply with the exception of third parry software. Third party software warranties will be passed through to the County by HTE. HTE does not warrant that the third party software will perform the functions stated herein. NTE . understands that the Customer has relied upon I-i'TE's guidance in selecting the third party vendors and agrees that . _ ..' it will be the single point of contact for coordinating the performance and tepresenting the Customer in resolving any third party issues. .. .. _ .. '--- NTE Warranty Paled ~ , ' , • , The warranty for each HTE application will commence after acceptance or go-live of each individual application..- Insurance Ccrt~cala and Notice ojCanccllallan Hefore commencing work under this contract, Vendor shall furnish County with certificates of all insurance as required. '~.-.- Cettifieetesshall indicate the.type, amount, class of operations covered, effective date and expiration date of all policies, ~ , and shall contain the following statement: "The Insurance covered by this certificate will not be canctled or materially altered, except after thirty (30) days written ttotlce has been received by County. " Workers Compensation and Frnployers Liability Insurance Covering all of the Vendor's employees to be engaged in the work under this contract, providing the required statutory benefits under North Carolina Workers Compensation Law, and employers liability insuranceproviding limits et least e amount of ~ 100,000/500,000/100,000, applicable to claims due to bodily injury by accident or disea.9e. Commtrclal Gtaeral Llablury Including coverage for independent contractor operations, contractual liability assumed under the provisions of this contract, products/completed operations liability and broad form property damage liability insurance coverage. Exclusions applicable to explosion, collapse and underground hazards are to be deleted when the work involves these exposures. The policy shall provide liability limits at least in the amount of S 1,000,000 per occurnnce, combined single limits, applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property darnege. New Hanover County shall be named as an additional insured under this policy. Autamoblle L1abUlry Insurance Covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles, providing liability limits at least in rho amount of 51,000,000 per occurrence combined single limits applicable to claims due to bodily injury and/or property damage. Contractors Installallan Floale~ Vendor shell provide and maintain Property Installation Floater or appropriate Insurance protecting against loss or damage of the equipment to be installed. Coverage shall be written In the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount and shall remain in force until accepted by County. The coverage shall be written in the name of Vendor and shall protect the County as its interests may appear. Performance and Payment Bonds ' Amount ojBonds ~. Pursuant to Article 3, Chapter 44A and Article 8, Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Stantes, Vendor shall furnish performance and payment bonds, as herein described: a) A Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) ~~ of the contract amount (including hardware and modifications) conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract !n _ accordance with the plans, specifications and conditions of the contract. Such bond shall be solely for the protection of New Hanover County; b) A Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (l00%) of the contract amount, conditioned upon the prompt payment for all labor or materials for which a Vendor or subcontractor !s liable. The payment bond shall be solely for the protection of the persons furnishing materials or performing labor for which a vendor or_ subcontractor isliable. - Tcrnt ojBonds Tbcse bonds shall remain in effect at least until one (1) year after the date when final payment becomes due. The Performance Bond and the Payment Bond shall be executed by one or more surety companies legally authorized to do business {n the.State of North Caroline and shall become effective upon the execution of the contract. The surety bonds ~; must be in the form act forth in NCGS 44A-33, without any variations therefrom. EfjtcJ ojMod ~catlons . The Contractor shall provide surety bonds wherein Surety waives notice of any and all modifications, omiuions, additions, changes and advance payments or deferred payments in or about the Contract, and agrees that the obligations undertaken - by the Bond shall not be impaired {n any manner by reason of any such modifications, omissions, additions, changes, and advance payments or deferred payments. rite surety bonds must set forth no requirement that suit be initiated prior,to ~~ the time stipulated in applicable North Carolina Statutes of Limitation. ~ . Program Package D'ucount ~ ~ - . The above quoted prices on License Fees reflect a substantial Program Package blseount. PPD's apply only to unmodified applications purchased on a single contract. Exhlblb to Contract The Bid Package, which Includes County's Technical Specifications, Invitation to Bid, instructions to Bidders, and request for clarifications marked Exhibit A; and HTE's Bid Proposal, including clarifications, mariccd Exhibit B; are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. Subcontractor Negligence HTE shall be fully responsible for all negligent acts and omissions of his or her subcontractors end of persons and organizations employed by them to the same extent that HTE would be responsible for these acts and omissions. Nothing in the contract documents shall create any contractual relationship between County end any subcontractor or other person or organization having a direct contract w{th HTE, nor shall 1t create any obligation on the part of Coun to ~~ pay any money due any such subcontractor or other person or organization, except as may otherwise be required by law Acceptance Testing E'rocedures -Liquidated Damages _ - The acceptance tort will be coordinated around the system going into live production as noted in an Implementation Plan which shall be as agreed between the County and HTE. In the event HTE is.unable to deliver the system according to the agreed upon implementation schedule, liquidated damages will be assessed of HTE in such manner as has been a;zeed to in the specific Implementation Plan. Tn no event, however, shall damages be assessed of HTE unless the delays are exclusivelydue to HTE's non-performance. .' Options The Customer has the option of purchasing the following Licensed Program at the prices indicated below. HTE egrets to hold this pricing firm for aperiod of one (1) year from the date of execution of this Agreement. Training or Project Management requested other than the amounts provided for herein w111 be available to the Customer at the then current HTE Cato. HTE's current rate is S 1,000 per day. ., , Travel t•nd T.ivl'ng Expense • . ;~ Actual and reasonable travel and living expenses are in addition to the prices quoted for the HT8 Licensed Programs and services and wilt bt invoiced as incurred (ct5 approved by the Customer, with such approval not to be unreasonably withheld). Conversion • Data for the Land Management Conversion must be given to HTE in en IBM compatible fornret on a specified magnetic • . media. Data must match data field definition. ]nput data file clean up must be responsibility of Customer. Additional conversion, if necessary, will be invoiced as incurred at the prevailing rate per hour. It is understood that no two systems and file structures aretxactly alike and there may be a aced for some manual conversion efforts to take place along with the electronic conversion: - Modifications _ ~ ~ - . Modifications will be controlled by the HTE "System Change Request" form which wilt be prepared for the Customer by the HTE Project Manager responsible for that module. HTE will proceed on the SCR when the signed SCR is rctumed with the Counry's authorizRtion along with 50% payment. The final 50% payment is due upon completion. Detailed SCR's will be provided to the Customer upon contract execution. felon-Hiring Statement During the term of this Agreement and for a period of twrnry-four (24) montl>9 after !hc termination of this ' - Agreement, the Customer may not offer to hire or in any way employ or compensate any of the employees of HTE or persons who have been employed by HTE within the immediate past twenty-four (24) months without prior consent ' o f HTE. Prices quoted above will 6e honored through December 3l, 1996. • 60 . NEW HANOVER COUNTY CONTRACT n 96-0366 SUPPLEMENT TO H.T.E., INC. LICENSE & SERVICE AGREEMENT HARDWARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Hardware Agreement is a Supplement to the H.T.E., INC. LICENSE & SERVICE AGREEMENT between H.T.E., Inc. (HTE) and New Hanover County, NC (Customer). i I. HARbVVARE . a~ . HTE shall sell to Customer and Customer shall buy from HTE the Hardware listcd on the Schedule(s), under the teems and conditions contained herein. Customer may not cancel or modify any order for Hardware described on the Schedule(s) without the prior written consent of HTE. .: II. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE '""' Customer shall receive a license to use the systems software (the "Systems Software") that Is provided by the Manufacturer to operate the Hardware and is more fully described on the attached Schedule(s), ~' and title fo the Systems Software shall remain with the Manufacturer. Customer agrees to protect the Systems Software, which is and shall remain proprietary to the Manufacturer, in accordance with the Manufachrrcr's instructions.' III. INSTALLATIOK Customer shall contract with the Manufacturer's Services Officer to arrange for the upgrade and installation of the Hardware listcd in the Schedule(s) and shall be responsible for all necessary site preparations prior to and during the installation of the Hardware in accordance with HTE and Manufacturer's instructions. Such site preparations may include, but are not limited to, provisions of eicctric power requirements, the installation of all required data acid power cabling, and fire provision of . sufficient furniture and flooring for the Hardware. ~ ~ , s - ~ :._.... :.. ._ .... _ .. ~ .~ . In the event that the Customer makes any changes to the Hardware order (i.e. Hardware configuration; delivery date, Customer Facility location,~ete.) which results in increased prices from the Manufacturer or the imposition of late order charges/penalties by the Manufacturer, Customer shall reimburse HTE for such changos/penalties or increase in cost at the time of those charges. '. Customer agrees to grant access to the Manufacturer end/or HTE as Herded, to install mandatory engineering changes, order featuros, or model conversions to the Hardwaro. In conjunction with the installation of the Hardware, HTE will provide Customer with one (1) copy of each of the Manufacturer's hardwaro manuals which have been provided by Manufacturer without charge to HTE. ~ _ _ ~ 61 IY. bELIVERY Delivery dates arkapproximate and any delivery schedule providcd is estimated only and presented in good faith by HTE. HTE will not assume any liability, consequential or otherwise, for any delay or failure to deliver all or any part of the Hardware. Except as otherwise specified in the Supplement(s) and Schedule(s), Customer will pay all Installation, set-up, rigging, draying, insurance and shipping charges (F.O.B. place of manufacture). It is the responsibility of Customer, upon rceeipt, to inspect the Hardware and to Holt any damage or missing items on~the freight bills.- V. PRICING AND PAYMENT TERtiIS All pricing and terms associated with the Hardware and amounts payable to HTE are specified in the attached Schedule(s). In addition to the Purchase Price and al! other charges requirrd to be paid by Customer, Customer shell pay sums equal to all taxes (including, without limitation, sales, use privilege, ad valorem or excise taxes) however designated, levied or based on amounts payable to HTE hereunder or on Customer's use or possession of the Hardware pursuant to this Hardware Agreement, .but exclusive of United States federal, state, and local taxes based on the net Income of HIE. Customer shall not deduct from payments to HTE any amounts paid or payable to third parties .for taxes, however designated. VI. MAINTENANCE. Maintenance is not providcd under the terms of this Hardware Agreemcrit. Unless otherwise provided for herein, it shall be Customer's responsibility to keep and maintain the equipment in good operating order, and to provide for the maintenance of the Hardware. HTE has advised Customer that maintenance is available from the Manufacturer and other third parties and that scouring- proper,maintcnance is essential to tl~e proper functioning of the Hardware and perhaps to the continuation of warranty coverage. HTE makes no claims as to the reputability of any third party maintenance vendors: ~: YII. WARRANTIES ~ ~ _ ~ - _ `~ HTE is not the manufacturer of the Hardware,~and,therefore makcs.no warranties, express or,implied, concemrng the Hardware and Systems Software. No .representation or other affirmation of ..fact, including but not limited to statements regarding capacity, suitability for use or performance of the Hardware or Systems Software shall be or be deemed to be a warranty or representation by HTE for any purpose, nor° give rise to any liability or obligation' of HTE whatsoever, and the provisions of any ' Manufacturer's agreement with HTE setting out the Manufacturer's warranty and service responsibilities together with all limitations thereon and exclusions therefrom are incorporated into and made a part of the Hardware Agreement. Upon full payment of the Purchase price, HTE shall provide for Customer to receive any and all Manufacturer's warranties in connection with the Hardware and Systems Software and all rights to make claim for breach of warranty which are or may be available with respect to the, Hardware and Systems Software and all rights to make claim to the Hardware and Systems Software, to the extent allowed by the Manufacturer. Customer understands that the warranties providcd under this Hardware Agreement may commence upon availability ofthc Hardware for dclivery,'shipment from the' _ Manufacturer, date of installation or upon a specified period following shipment from the Manufacturer (depending upon the Manufacturer). 62 2 L i HTE MAKES ND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THOSE OF _ MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE HARDWARE AND SYSTEMS SOFTWARE, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS THE SAME. ,~ SPECIFICALLY, HTE DOES NOT WARRANT THE DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE HARDWARE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR JTS FITNESS OR CAPACITY OR DURABILITY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP OF THE HARDWARE OR CONFORMITY OF THE HARDWARE TO THE PROVISIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ANY PURCHASE ORDER OR ORDERS RELATING THERETO. VIII. LIlVIITATIONS OF LIABILITY To tho extent pet7rtitted by law, except for HTE's obligations to indemnify the Customer under infringement actions and claims for personal injury or damages. to real or tangible personal property caused by HTE's negligence, HTE's liability for damages to the Customer for any cause whatsoever undcr this Hardware Agreement, regardless of the form of action, is limited to the greater of $100,000.00 or the charges (if recurring, 12 months' actual charges apply), for the product that is the subject of the claim. HTE shall not be liable for any damages caused by delay in shipment, Installation, or furnishing of Hardware, Systems Software, or services under this Hardware Agreement and, in no event shall HTE be liable for any consequential damages, including lost profits, savings or reprocurcment costs, even if - HTE has been advised of their possibility. Any claims or matters related to any liability undcr this . paragraph or any other provision of this Hardware Agreement shall be directed solely to the Manufacturer of the Hardware or Systems Sofrwarc. IX. TITLE-SECURITY INTEREST ' The title and the risk of loss shall pass to Customer on delivery to the carrier at Manufacturer's facility unless otherwise noted in the applicable Schedule(s). HTE may, however, reserve a .purchase money security interest in the Hardware, to secure any unpaid portion of the Purchase Price. A copy of this Herdware Agreement may be filed on behalf of HTE with appropriate state authorities at any limo after . signature by Customer as a financing statement in order to protcet its security intcrest in the Hardware. Until such limo as the Purchase Price and all other charges specified herein are paid in full, Customer -- shall: '~ a) Maintain the Hardware in good operating condition. b) Keep the Hardware free from liens and encumbrances. ~' c) Not permit use of the Hardware in any manner likely to be injurious to the Hardware. .~ d) Not remove or permit removal from its original location or make or permit any alterations t without the prior consent of HIE. e) Keep HTE advised of !ho location of the Hardwaro, and permit HTE to inspect the Herdware at all reasonable times. '~ " ' -' f) Procure and maintain fire, extended coverage, vandalism, and malicious mischief insurance to the full insurable value of tho Hardware, with loss payable to HTE and Ctutomer as their intcrest shall appear, ~ 63 X. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Customer shall comply with and conform to all local, municipal, state and federal laws relating to the operation of the Hardware. - XI. NIISCELLANEOUS Scverability_ In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Hardware Agreement or any application thereof shalt bo invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein and any other applications thereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. Successors Houad. The terms and conditions of this Hardware Agreement shall extend and inure to the beneftt 'and be binding on the .respective successors and 'assigns of Customer and HTE, including" shercholdcrs in liquidation. - Notices. Any notice provided for herein shall bo In writing and sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to tho party for which it is intended at the address set forth on rho first page of the Agreement or to such other address as either party shall from time to limo indicate in writing. Any such notice to be deemed to be effective upon receipt or five (5) days from the date of the mailing, whichever occurs first. - - - ~' NEW HANOYER COUNTY (SEAL) ATTEST: Cleric to the Board Robert G. Greer, Chairman = Hoard of Commisaioners - H.T.E., Inc. [CORPORATE SEAL] ATTEST: ` ' I~IamelTitle 64 Dennis .f.'Wipper, Vice Presideat ;, 4 This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney NORTH CAROLINA NEW 1t~ANOVER COUNTY 1, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that Lucie F. Harrell personally came bcforc me this day and acknowledged that she is Clcrk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly gJVCn and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrumcnt was signed in its name by its Chairman, scaled with its official scat and .attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this day of ,1996. Notary Public 1 1 1 1 My commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE 1, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day Dennis J. Wippcr and acknowledged that he is Vice President of H.T.E., Inc., a corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrumcnt was signed in ifs name and sealed with its official seal. WITI~lESS my hand and official scat, this day of ~ , 1996. Notary Public My commission expires: 5 65 SUPPLEMENT TO H.T.E., INC, SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN H.T.E., INC. AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC SCHEDULE B - HARDWARE PRICING SUMMARY AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE F •• AS/400 System Hardware S 105,904.00 S 52,952.00 S 52,952.00 AS/400 System Software 40,267.00 20,133.50 20;133.50 Network Installation 6.250.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 Cabling Installation (30 drops) 9,750.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 AS/400 F-Iardware TreiningJInstallation ~ 6,000.00 3;000.00 3,000.00 HTE Direct Talkl2 VRU System for H.P. ' 35,332.00 35,332.00 HTE Direct Ta1kR Maintenance/Support. 1,800.00 1,800.00 ];800.00 HTE Technical Support LincServices• ~ 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 HTE Network Su on Line Services' 1,500.00 1,500.00 1;500.00 HARDWARE TOTALS S 210,403.00 S 84,085.50 $ 6,900.00 S 126,317.50 Footnotes ~~ __ ~ _ , AS/400 Hardware and Software payements arc due SO% on contract execution and 50% on delivery and installation. !Fees for HTE Support Line Services arc due 90 days after installation of the AS/400. Prices Prices quotcd above are per the attached Investment Summary. Travel and Living lExpcnscs Actual and reasonable travel and living expenses are in addition to the priers quotcd for the applications and will be invoiced as htcurred. Warranty and Maintenance Unless otherwise stated Customer shall enter into separate purchase of maintenance agreements with each individual hardware supplier for the equipment. Warranty and maintenance offerings from HTE for its Program Products do not apply to any hardware supplied under this Schedule. _ Ri,k of Loss Risk of loss to County for the IBM hardware purchased under this Agreement shall remain with Manufacturer until the goods are delivered to County F.O.B. New Hanovtr County Inspections Department, Wilmington, North Carolina (delivery address to be specified at time of order). Pr(ees quoted above wffl be honored through December 31, 1996. 66 -~~` Budget Amendment ~///~////////%/%~/~///~i//~/////%//„/%%%///~//////~,,,,~///,//~/////%//////,%%////////////////////////////////~~///% DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT # t t t 1 1 1 1 1 i . County Commissioners/ Inspections 97-007? ADJUSTMENT DEBIT County Commissioners Appropriated Furid Balance $8,000 Inspections • Capital Outlay -Equipment DATE: .11/18/96 CREDIT $85,000 ~, EXPLANATION ' To appropriate fund balance for the additional cost of automation for the Inspections Department. Inspections' automation process was approved by the Board on .February 19, 1996. For the past five years, Inspections' revenue has exceeded its expenditures thereby increasing fund balance. APPROVE~i REJECTEQ RE~VIOVEa ~ ~ .. POSTF'ON ~-S DATE ~ ~ q ~~ . For Budget Officer's approval; their report to Commissioners at next rcQUlar meeting /and enter in minutes, ~ To be approved by Com~ss'ioncrs. To be entered into minutes. v s t s REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: 10 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Departmerit: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell. Pa e Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY: Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board -~rtiYtlts ~p%v New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees -~~,~- cllclle~r 5h~1/ Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee - ~n cU;il«s - yow Personal Watercraft Regulations Task Force , cu,~s. ,food, ~se~r, ,t3a~rcLat, ~_°'Pv~,, Cae ks~ ,8ar~e5~ r3,,„•,~. ' Zoning Board of Adjustment ~``'~`~~ ~'''as+~-~ ~aj~oz:n,~~ co/~%~~%des RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Make Appointments FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: - LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COUNTY COMMISSIQ~~ APPROVED I~ ' RF_JECTED . p R~mOVEO ® ~ 6 9 POSTPONED Ct DATE ~~ ,rS~ ~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition - COMMITTEE -APP:OINTMENTS CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD .3 . ,. ~ , Vacancies: ~'- -The Adv"isory Board must 'consist of ten members; . however, the Commissioners may appoint as many as-they desire. Sandra~~Morrs resigned°~after 'the reappointments~;we.re made on September 16, 1996. The Advisory Board has requested a representative from the Crime Victim or Victim Services Category. APPLICANTS: Carl D. Brown Carole Whedbee Ellis T. David Evans Edward Hamlin Phyllis Spivey ELIGIBLE -FOR REAPPOINTMENT CATEGORY Employment and Training At-Large At-Large At-Large Victim Services Representative ~ t. -. x . Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications ~ ~__ , ~~~~~"~ ~~~.1Q 1 ~~~~4` ,, _.. .. ... ~a. a~ a _ e ~. 1 1 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY BOARD Members include representatives from the. following categories: Court System, Law Enforcement, Health Department, Mental Health, Criminal Defense Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Officer, Community Service Coordinator, Business Community, Crime Victim, Recovering Drug Addict, Community Based Corrections Program, Victim Services Program, Employment and Training Professional (Minimum number of board members is ten) Terms: Initially staggered terms; thereafter, 3-year terms Regular Meetings: Meetings scheduled as necessary Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly Purpose: The purpose of the advisory board is to develop community-based solutions to the problems of rehabilitation and punishment for criminal offenders. The goals will be to reduce recidivism, to reduce the number of probation revocations, to reduce alcohol and drug dependency among offenders and reduce the cost of incarceration now being paid by counties and .the State. TERM PRESENTLY TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Business Community Robert M. Deacy 3300 Bougainvillea Way Wilmington, NC 28409 452-4131(H) 457-2699 Communitv Based Corrections Program Delores F. Moore Community Service Work Program 414 Chestnut~Street, Room 302 Wilmington,°~ NC 28401 , __ 393-9668(H) 251-5787(W) Communitv Services Coordinator Donna P. Williams 6905 Cedar Bluff -~ Wilmington, NC 28409 395-4387(H) 251-5787(W) second 9/30/98 (Appt. 9/94 to 1-year term) (Reappt. 9/18/95) second ~ 9/30/98 (Appt. 9/94 to 1-year term) -; (Reappt. 9/18/95).. second 9-30-99 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. .9/16/96) Sherri Yelton Community Penalties Program, Inc. 208-A Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-5707 (W) second 9-30-99 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16/96) 71 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP 'ADVISORY BOARD {CONTINUED) Employment and Training L. Mack Wade ~ ~ second 9/30/98 ' 106 Spring-Creek Lane ~ ' Wilmington, NC 28405 - (Appt. 9/94) 686-4915 (H) 251-2666(W) ~ ~ (Reappt. 9/18/.95) Probation Officer Terry Cosby Goot"ee ~ - first 9-30-97 430 Honeycutt Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/94) 799-1661(H) 251-5757(W) Victims Services Program Sandra A. Morris RESIGNED 9/16/96 ~ `first 9/30/96 245 Beech Street Wilmington, NC 28405 - (Appt. 9/94) ' 256-0005(H) Members-at-large Liz Marie Marciniak first 9/30/97 926 Arnold Road • Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/94) 392-5155(H)` 395-3049(W) ~ - Kimberly Roberts first 9/30/98•• 908 S. Fifth Street Carolina Beach, NC 28428 (Appt. 9/18/95) 458-4981(H) 458-2992(W) ' Ted Seawell first 9/.30/97 206 Lawton Circle ~ - Wilmington, NC 28412 ~= (Appt. 9/94) 395-0511(H) 452-1122 (W) _ ~~ • Rudy Thurman - first 9/30/97. 713 Bayshore'Drive - - Wilmington, NC 28405 (Appt. 9/94) 686-0650(H) 343-7093(W) - '. • Steve Woodard Second 9/30/99 P.O. Box 312 ' Kure Beach, NC 28449 (Appt. 9/94, Reappt. 9/16%96) 458-622.8 (H) 452-4253 (W) Joanne Zarrello first 9/30 /98 _ 1800 Eastwood Road, Unit 246 ~ - _ • Wilmington, NC 28428 (Appt. 9/18/95) 256-6202 (H) 762-5333(W) 72 BO D CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY ARD (CONTINUE ) ~` Acfency Representatives:_ County Commissioner: Commissioner Sandra Barone County Manager's Office: Andy Atkinson ~; Judge of Superior Court: Judge Ernest B. Fullwood . Judge of District County: Judge Jacqueline Morris-Goodson District Attorney: John Carriker Wilmington City Police: J. W. Carey Mental Health: Susan Hanson Health Department: Betty Creech Substance Abuse Center: Virginia Gorman \Crime 9/96 .__ _ __- '~. -- a .i - , _ ~` .. e - ~ - - .. 73 ~~ . . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 - Application for Appointment to'Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b y the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: _ (U E ~ t"C/{ ~j 0 U ~ ~ ~~ ~i ~S.~c' ~ - r r Name: CARL 1~ • ~ R t~~ - ~ -V ' Home Now long have you been a Address: l ~ l ~~ - ~l,'~r-c; +v G ~a u A/ ~. resident of New Hanover County/ Mailing Address:_l ~) CJ~-~-t--~ ~_ ;,~ City and State: ICJ ~--. t-{- ~ , fJ ~ Zip Code: ~. B `f- d q Telephone: Home: °~ 10 3 1 3 ~ ~- a ~. Business: ~ [ ~ ~- b l S-' l ~ c~ "Sex: ~"` A ~ ~ -Race: $ ~fi c. ~L 'Age: 5 ~ 'This inlormetion is requested for the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. --Employedby: CAQE rE~~ CD,~Ir`,~/,Vi-~ ~/ ~ ~l AGE -A person ~ urrently emplo yed b y the agency or departmen t for hick this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover C\ounty upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personae/ Policy. Job Tit/e: L i ~ tc'f 6 f~ - Tn1 ~~' , '~'c! ~', o ~/ t~ ~ S ~ R cl r c ES -Pro fessionalActivities: ~Ea~gR; Sam;e-}y ~~f.nv ~r~So4.Rc~ ~I`iut~GE~E+V [l Volun teen Activities: Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ o~~ w~o t~t+~S bo ea , -~ w~ Imo.; wc~o-1 P~~ ~R~~ up ~N inyl.r 1-~atiES z wn~rf- to ~ss~ s~- inl ~d~~~-~-~ ~G a LIF~J~Inp;ac rt-.~ 't'~f~~-4~5 A~~ SK;IIs o~ t~E Ia~~~ R~s~~e.r~s irv A-4-fi~slC tl~ERs• What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? T ~h A~1 t~ et~e+/c ~ctM.r~t~ ~~ R.c~s Ecu-+,uE w~+ r-~oca ~~n~ a.Q~i- itARs oFwalk~N{J ~u ;..ldvs-;~yt 9•vr-~^tK~•~'f-+ Svc -4~oun Fnc~l;r,as; What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? _ Sa~ TR,1; ~l i N G, c A~~ So~ 3~cAe G~ -{ac~.~~cl-~..5 Are ,ylou currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: o , N ~ ,,,,-~~ ~ ^ Date: ~J~'~~ 2_n ~ - . - C~ ~. ~~ /Please use reverse side for additional comments) q~- \~ ~. NEW NANO VER COUNTY ~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS `~ 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 S ~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 J Telephone (9101 341-7149 ~i,~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 - _ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ,_ ~, Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ,~ 1 d Request for Appantment to: L~.t~ m i N ~. ~ ~~~ i ~t Le. C tti1 ~ ~~ ~ ~ , ~ J I ~~'l p Home How long have you been a ddress: ~I ~] SU-'er-~O~i~ f-~`•~~ - resident of New Hanover County? iF'r= w ' d ~ ' y` ~ ailing Address:~~trt ~ GZS c~,~pc..;~ 3 ~ity and State: ~ ~ ~ 1'i'l . rV ~~ JU C, Zip Code: ~`~~ 3 Telephone: Home: ~ 1 U ` ~ J ~ - ~y 22- Business: 3~ - ~-~ ~ Z %~`'Sex: ~ "Race: ~{/ -'Age: ~~ _ y 'This information is requested for the sole purpose of assuring the(across-section o(the community is appointed. 3 ,'Emplo yed b y: EuJ ~'~'~n-.~ c'`u e~ ~ ~ O a 2.b O c= ~ ~C ce C~~, ~J ~ . - '.'A parson. currently employed by the agency or depertmen for which this app/ication ismede, must resign his/herpasition with -~ New Hanover County upon appointment,. in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Nenover County Personnel Po/icy. ~ ~r Job Tit/e: _ ~ oc- r• o:- ~ S'~ cQr'~ C ~`r C~ ~ e.~2~ 7' 1 Professional Activities: rn ~~ ~, /UCH} , ~C~ ~, ~~~ dJ ~~ av~ ryl~.,~ ,L„-,_ -~- Cnwr,,,~.'~~, ' S~~a-Nt ~.~-.v~r l ~,' iet ~ '7'tt tts •~!olunteerActivities: f-4ave- serz.~eo ~~ Ch~be..~ ~-( C.~.,,,~.e,,,~ tea-- ~,~c~..( la..;s ~r,m~ce. }-~o~,~e ~ ~e-~ V~~s~ Se.,~,,r~-t -~c~.-.cam . NCI h'~A~c.D ~ L~s-~ vofc...S ;~ /S'~ehas,ha~~ b..~ .,oZ^-..Lw.•---7~ ~ ' by do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? - :.~,S;i-1~-, c ~ n t , J.~ `.'~ i N~~' ~~f~ / 1-- ~Yoi ti=p Got~1- ~. C~r-+ T~ ,Qr~uea~ ~ ~~..._J1-~ -Crz.'rriC, yir~C~ Z J, , _. - ~ ~~~,.h~l ~~,~,~, .~ 1~ e~ t dl a;• 1 _ : b~~s = .1 ,Y,; ~:-~ ~be ~b/~ ~-,~ 4 _ ~ .' ~ ~~L'-~ cc_ C~15 0 ~ l7 4C gi i o i S o. ~v ¢q 9 ~'1°- r+~4 ~ y C O/~) u ,'~.!-t C .t~' rn i ~.~15 ~4 L/~ What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Comm.-fission requested? ~. ,4r~ ~ `~~L.~l`CC•Pn,~ir~ I[i.w-t`p,•~'.'~C C~'~iZC--~ ~ I~~S Como--~'~ w~J t~ /M'('Q~StPcV i~ T1`-• ~ ~ S-~ E a~..3 ~ -~~ c..z..-, ~cr~~ ~ ~,,15LL~.,...1 s .~.~ C.: w:l'F c.-~' o ..~ $ ~ S-k--.- w 2 c-V-. ,what areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ c.~~'a ~ ~a~, ~.J v ~'e you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list:. N v r::r~~(~(l~'Jl(~(~l L: -lJLSU u L~U g ~' ~ 8 1996 ( / ~ 7 5 Date: o~J ~ ~! ~ Signature `~ W - C ease use reverse std tar additional comments/ (JEW HANOVER CII. 6D. OF COMMISSIONERS L NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room .30:5 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (91,01 34 1-4 13.0 . Application for Appointment to Boards,. Committees, and.. Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. CRIMIN®L JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY Request forAppointment to: Name: T. DAVID EVANS Home How long have you been a Address: 8413 BALD .EAGLE LANE , WILIMINGTON., NC resident of New Hanover County? 3 1/2 YEAflS • ~ DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY, UNCW, Mailing Address: , WILMINGTON NC 28403 City and State: Zip Code: Telephone: Nome: '910.686.1586 ,. Business: 910.395.3434 . 'Sex: MALE 'Race: WHITE -,qge; 49 ~, 'Thu mlormetion is requested for the so% purpose of assuring that across-section o/ the community is eppoinled. • 'Employed by: __ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT .WILMINGTON, WILMINGTON ~ , NC 28403 "A person current/y employed 6 y the agency or department. for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR I Professional Activities: .TEACH AND DO RESEARCH IN CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE , VolunteerActivities: • - BOARD MEMBER, CHILD ADVOCACY COMMISSION (FIRST TERM EXPIRES 1996) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ r TO PROVIDE WHATEVER EXPERTISE I HAVE TO_HELP INFORM PUBLIC DEBATE ANO POLICY OVER OPERATION OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM IN N.H., ESPECIALLY CORRECTIONS. _~ ~ . ~ _... What do you feel are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? TRAINING AND. EXPERTISE IN CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE; 1 v ~~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessl THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE,SAN6TIONS AND EVALUATION OF THEIR EFFECTIVENESS AND Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: NO :~-• , ~u~lr;;i 76 r~~ ~ Date: 1/29/96 -"_,~-- Signature - lPleese use reverse side for additional comments? ~t ~ ~ ^~ ~~•~~ ~-~ Lucie Harrell Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Commissioners y- 320 Chestnut Street -Room 305 . ' ,t~ Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Ms. Harrell: The University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, North Carolina 23403-3297 Departrnent of Sociology/Anthropology 919-395-3420 29 January 1996 Please find enclosed applications for membership on the Human Services Allocation Advisory Board and the Criminal Justice Partnership Board. I would be interested in, ` being a member of either of these boards and believe that I have a combination of interest and expertise which would be of use in either case. Please keep the criminal justice advisory board application on file (as vacancies don't occur until later this year). Note that we already have one other faculty member on this board. Even though it is my preference, that is why I applied for the Human Services Board as well.- . ~J The enclosed vita details more of my experience and expertise in the areas of human services and criminal justice research and policy. L .. .. _, ,.. ~ .. _ ~ . v~ Thanks for your consideration.-._`~.: ," ,-,. .- ., ; ; ,. - ~.. Sin ~ ly, ~ T. David Eva s '~~ - _ , . ~~. ~~ Teaching Resea~rh Service A eon,tituent vuticutan o('TAe [.'nivmiry of `:orth C~olw-G D. Sy.npc, Jr., Pro{drnt r:.--~,,.---,.~ "1 31 r ) ~r.,t.,~/~c~ CO. CURRICULUM VITA T. DAVID EVANS HOME ADDRESS 8413 Bald Eagle Lane Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910.686.1586 EDUCATION OFFICE ADDRESS Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of North Carolina at Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-2897 ~ _ Phone: 910.395.3434 Ph.D., Sociology, University of Cincinnati, 1992 _ Dissertation: "Hellfire and Crime Reexamined:'The Impact of Religious -~ - Involvement and Ecology on Adult Illegality." ~ .. ~ _ - ~ . M.A., Sociology, Bowling Green State University, 1'971 B.A. ,English, Bowling Green State University, 1968 ~ ., CURRENT POSITION -' Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina. Teaching areas: Introduction to Criminal Justice, White-Collar Crime,- Criminal Courts, Sociology of Law. Courses Taught At University of Cincinnati (as teaching assistant/associate) ~ - _ Introduction to Sociology (1)~ Social Problems (1) Sociology of Work (1) At University of North Carolina at Wilmington Introduction to Criminal Justice (7) White-Collar Crime (6) Criminal Courts (7) Sociology of Law (1) ''number of times taught 78 ~~ p. 2, vita, Evans RESEARCH .^ INTERESTS White-Collar Crime Crime and Punishment Ideologies ;~ Criminological Theory Discretion and Discrimination in Criminal History of Crime and Punishment Case Processing and Sentencing Popular Images of Crime and Justice Political Economy of Business Regulation ~, PUBLJCATIONS Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, R. Gregory Dunaway, and Velmer S. Burton, Jr. ' 1995. "Religion and Crime Reexamined: The ,Impact of Religion, Social Controls, and Ecology on Adult Criminality." Criminology 33:195-224. w Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans, R. Gregory Dunaway, Sesha R. Kethineni, and Gary L. Payne. 1995. 'The Impact of Parental Controls on ~~ Delinquency." Joumal of Criminal Justice. 23:111-126. Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T.~ Cullen, T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. ~; 1994. "Reconsidering Strain Theory: Operationalization, Rival Theories, and Adult Criminality. ,Journal of Quantitative Criminoloqy. 10:213-239. Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, and Paula J. Dubeck. 1993. "Changing Public Perceptions of Corporate Crime." In Understanding Corporate Criminality, edited by Michael Blankenship. New York: Garland Press. ~ ~ ~ ' Cancio, Silvia A., T: David Evans, and David J. Maume, Jr. 'The Declining Significance • of Race Reconsidered: Race Differences in Early-Career Wages." American ' '' Sociolooical Review (forthcoming). Note: authors are alphabetical, contributions - to work are equally shared. • • ~ ~ •~ - ~ ' - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ - - '~' Evans T _ ,. - . - - ~ ~' - .David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway, Gary L. Payne, and Sesha R. Kethinini. "Religion, Social Bonds, and Delinquency." ~ ~ _. ~' Deviant Behavior (forthcoming). . Maume, David J., Jr., A. Silvia Cancio, and T. David Evans. "Cognitive Skills Test ,~; Scores and Racial Wage Inequality: A Reply to Farkas and Vicknair." American Sociological Review (forthcoming). ~ Evans, T. David, Randy L. LaGrange, and Cecil L. Willis: "Theoretical Development of Comparative Criminology: Rekindling an Interest." lntemational Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice (forthcoming). ,~ 79 . p. 3, vita, Evans Adams, Mike S. and T. David Evans. 'Teacher Disapproval, Delinquent Peers, and Self-Reported Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Labeling Theory." The Urban Review (forthcoming). MANUSCRIPTS UNDER REVIEW Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory :Dunaway, and Michael Benson. "Gottfredson and Hirschi's General Theory of Crime: Testing '- the Central Propositions." Dunaway, R. Gregory, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., and T. David Evans. "The Myth of'Social Class and Crime Revisited: An Examination of Class and Adult Criminality." Criminology (revise and resubmit) Agnew, Robert, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., T. David Evans, and R. Gregory Dunaway. "A New Test of Strain Theory." Justice Quarterly. (revise and resubmit) Burton, Velmer S., Jr., Francis T. Cullen, T. David Evans,. and R. Gregory Dunaway. "Gender, Self-Control, and Crime.° British Journal of Criminology. WORKS IN PROGRESS _ Evans, T. David, Mike S. Adams, Debra Nash, and Rebecca Perry. "Religiosity, Crime Victimization, and Justice Ideology." . . Willis, Cecil L.; Randy L..LaGrange, and T. David Evans. "Down Home Criminology: The Place of Indigenous.Theories of Crime." - _ Evans, T. David and Mike S. Adams. "Executive~Summary Report: New Hanover Survey of Crime Victimization, Fear of Crime, and Public Response to Crime." (Note: Numerous conference papers presented over last several years.) i"+ 1 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 r t i t r p. 4, vita, Evans RELATED EXPERIENCE AND BACKGROUND TEACHING 1969-1970: High School Teacher (social studies and English) Arlington Local Schools, Arlington, Ohio. 1989-1990: Teaching Associate, Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati. 1988-1989: Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati. 1985-1986: Teaching Associate, Department of Management, University of Cincinnati. RESEARCH 1990-1991: Administrator of Cincinnati Lifestyle Study, 1990-1991, aSelf-Report Survey of Adult Criminality and Social Correlates. _ COUNSELING 1970-1972: Rehabilitation Counselor, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, State of Ohio. ~-1NVESTIGATION 1978-1985: Chief Investigator and 1978-1985: Investigator ~ _ Ohio Department of Commerce, State of Ohio. Note: The Commerce Department licenses and regulates a variety of businesses and occupations. .PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS __._ _ _ __ ,_ _ American Sociological Association ~ ' Southern Sociological Society American Society of Criminology Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences North Carolina Criminal Justice Association 81 ,i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF • CO/t/1M/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4.093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 • FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and. Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. P,equest f~o~pointment to: CjQ ~ Ju J N j*I L ~(.PJ 1-I ~~ Pt7 K T ~ Ef~` 6S t-T ~ P 1-1 ,J~ l~ Name: lV _ i Home ~ How long have you been a r Address: 1 O~Q I~,DD ~ (~ ~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ resident of New Hanover County? ~ p~_~~~, ~~ Mailing Address: City and State: L ~ ~ ~ Cam/ Zip Code: ~~~- Telephone: Nome: l l ~ ~ .gpZ~ ~ ~ p2~- Business: ~` 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ ~ ~, 'Age: ~~ This information is requested for tha sole purp~opse o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. --Employed bY: ~~~ ~ /`~-~ "A person currently amp/oyed by the agency or department for which this eppiicetion is mode, must rssiyn his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in'eccordence with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 or fhe New Hanover County Personae/ Po/icy. Job Title: i(/D/VC Professional Activities: _ '~~~~~= f C1 ~/1~~0 ~~=/~fT ~ ~~T/DOE VolunteerActivities: ~~~ ~/E ~ - . , . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ' `~ ~ w What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~/Tjrj~E12 . Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: /~ ~.. . ~~~~~i~s~111~U ~-8 ~D °ate: _ ~ ~ AUG 3 0 1996 Signature (Please use reverse side rot additional comments! NE4~J HANOVER CO. en nr rnee~~iccin,~rn~ ~' NEW HANG-VER COUNTY '~ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . -` Telephone (9101 341-7149 ,~, FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ,~ ~f Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board Request for Appointment to: f'ata~ry~ ('rime Victim or Victim Services Representative Name: Phyllis Spivey `'Home 4417 Blue Clay Road, Castle Hayne, NC 2842~ow long have you been a 29 years ridorass: resident of New Nanover County? '!Mai/ingAddress; Temp. Address: (Fran victim) 421 Wayne Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 City and State: 7~p Code: ' 910 675-9259 `Telephone: Home: ~ 910 ~ 343-4129 Business: (910) 762-2468 . -- ~'Sex: F "Race: W 'Age: 55 ~ ~ _ 'This information is requested for the sole purpose olessuring that across-section of the community is'eppointed. "Employed by: Boyle., Carter & Gaines :_ ~~ ~' "A person current/y amp/oyed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with -- New Nanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic/e V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. /ob Tir/e: Legal Assistant/Office Manager ~~ .. Profess/ona/Activities: Legal Assistant's Div. , NCATL, ABIJA volunreerActiv/ties:'~Guar.dian ad Litem 14 years, worked with Latchkey program, Women's Resource enter establishing legal assistance program by do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I have been inactive i n '~mmunity work for.'a while and feel it is time that I give some in -.,ince I have been in the legal field for 16 years I believe I could have some insight into the victims programs. ~~, - t%Vhat do you fee/ are your qualifications far serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 'have worked in the legal field for 16 years. As a Guardian ad Litem I have worked with a"'Sused an nag ecte c i rTd en awn peo~fi a incom * hat areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I am not Sure at is time because I do not know exactly where this committee has been working, wou i e ee services offered for emotional su ort as well as perhaps some financial restitution for victims:of crime. However, these are things that wou ave o e s u .~e .since rea ly re you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ,~~ No (~I~~r~nr,nr~n ate: 10/9/96 ~ Q 9 ~IS Signature ~ ~,~ /Please use reverse side for additional comments) ~ i NEti~/ NANO'/ER CO. not know what i s al ready avai 1 ate OF CO.?.?~!ISSIO;ti~ERS . ~ 4. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS 1,-~ NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER }' BOARD .OF TRUSTEES ~ u 1 VACANCY - 3-YEAR TERM p ",~ i ~ ~J APPLICANTS• --- - - • James Stedman Bryan -- - Robert J. Hall - - Erma • Johnson - - Michael Philip Kingoff William Lawrence Robertson - •~ Joseph L. Soto • vMargaret Weller Stargell •:.~Doretha 'McKnight -Stone .• _ Linda Jean Wilson ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ Attachments:. Committee Information Sheets ' ~ 4I .., -. _ .. .,.. ~ -~.. ._.~. _ -. __ .. - .. ~. I -_ ~ , a «. .. _ -r ,i , . _ , J' ~ ~ - 84 .. - - _, s ~~~ ~~ 4-,^ f f t 1 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Number of Members: 17 - (3 ex-officio members: County Commissioner, Chief of Medical Staff and the Past Chief of Staff) Terms: five years - Not eligible for reappointment until one year after term unless originally appointed to fill an unexpired term. Effective September 1993., new terms are for three years. ' Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday, each month at 5:00 p.m. at the Hospital. Committees of the Board average one meeting per month each. Trustees serve on two or three committees. statute or cause creating Board: Charter or Articles of Incorporation issued by the Secretary of State, dated May 26, 1967. Brief on Functions: Takes responsibility for the operation of a large public hospital through the establishment of .policy .and the deciding of major. questions on finance, scope of services, facilities, future directions, etc., and through evaluating quality and costs. CURRENT MEMBERS Charles M. Coleman, Jr. 2112 Ascott Place Wilmington, NC 28403 763-2075 (H) 799-4877 (W)-. Henry M.,von Oesen 412 W. Renovah Circle Wilmington, NC .28403 762-8313 .(H) Phillip Sharpe (VACANT) 1131-A Military Cutoff.~~Road Wilmington, NC 28405 ~ •. ;•-; 350-,04.82 (H) 256-8700 (W) Corneille Sineath 6664 Cable Car Lane Wilmington, NC 28403_ 256-2719 David B. Benford 1645 Country Club Road • Wilmington, NC 28403 251-0846 (W) 452-9961 (H) Luther Brown 1944 Brookhaven Road Wilmington, NC 28403 762-7883 (W) 343-1991 (H) TERM _ PRESENTLY TERM y. SERVING EXPIRES ~~ • ' ; second 9-30-99 3 year term Appt. 9/20/93 Reappt. 9/16/96 -.. second 9-30-99 3 year term • Appt. 10/4/93 • . - Reappt. 9/16/96 first 9-30-96 3 year term ~ . •-~ Appt. 9/20/93. ' second . ~ 9-30-9.9 - ` + 3 year term _ •Appt..9/20/93 . Reappt. 9/16/96 ' first 9-30-97 3 year term •. Appt. 9/19/94 . first, 9-30-97 3 year term , Appt. .9/19/94 NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL"CENTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES (CONTINUED TERM . " PRESENTLY ~ TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Daniel E. Dawson ~ first• 9-30=97 3177 Wrightsville. Avenue _ 3~ year term , Wilmington, NC 28403 Appt. 9/19/94 762-076.6 (H) 762-4200(W) Barbara L. Maisenhelder first 9-30-97 4741 Wedgefield Drive 3 year term Wilmington,_NC 28409 Appt. 9/19/94 452-71"95(H) 763-9976(W)'. Pamela-S. Morine first 9-30-98 101 Windlass Drive - 3 year term Wilmington,- NC 28409 (~Appt.~9/18/95) 452-1770.(~H)'.799-7800 (W) :' Jane Fliesbach Rhodes ~ first 9-30-98 6404 Providence Point Road 3 year term Wilmington; NC 28405 (Appt/ 9/18/95) 686-1954 (H) .Sylvia H. Rountree first 9-30-98 1912 Ashbrook Drive NN Wilmington, NC 28403• (Appt. 5/17/93 to unexpired 5-year term) 762-6250 (H) (Reappt. 9/ 18/95 to 3-year term) William C. Taylor ~ first ~ '9-30-98~ 125 Partridge Road 3 year term- ~ '. Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 9/18/95) 791-1432 (H) Fred ~Retchin ~ ~•- unexpired "9-30-97 e • 2012 Jumpin Run Drive 5 year term '- ~ _ _. Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt.•9/19/94) 763-6461 (H) 763-2144 (W:) Dr. Dennis B. Nicks first 9-30-97''~~~ 2305 Canterwood Drive 5 year term ~ ~'.. Wilmington,'NC '28401 (Appt. 10/5/92) , 763-4630 (H) 343-0119 (W) Ex-Officio Members: ~ .- William A: Caster - County Commissioner ~• David B. Sloan - Chief of Medical Staff - Immediate Past Chief of Staff Jim Hobbs, President, NHRMC ~-! P.O. Box 9000 i~mington, NC 28402-9000 -7000 - 9/96 File: NHMH ` NEW HANOVER COUNTY . .~ BOARD OF COMMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street; Room 305 ~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 'i FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and. Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. '~~ Request for Appointment to: New Hanover County Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees ~ame: James Stedman Bryan Home How long have you been a ~ddress: 1202 Essex Drive resident of New Hanover County? 3 } years -Marling Address: same. - :;City and State: Wilmington, NC ~ Zip Code: 28403 i Telephone:. ..Home: 910-763=2348 Business: 910-792-6655 'Sex: Male ~ "' "Race:• White "Age: 40. ~ ~ '° - 'This information is requested for the sole purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Emp/oyed by: First Citizens Bank ~• ~+ " "Ape/son currenf/y employed b y the'egency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personne/Policy. '~; Job Title: Regional Vice .President ~ •. Professional Activities:. ~ - i s ~%lunteerActivities: ~ see attached Nhy do you wish to serve onYthe Board, Committee, or Commission requested? see .attached ~ Y •~~ ~ • ' What do you feel are your quali/ications for serving on .the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? see ^ atta hat areas of concern would; you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? see attached ~~re you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: No . ~ D ~ULSllIlL~U Date: S • ~q - 9(0 ""' 0 1996 ' lasso use reverse side for eddi[ional co n(s~ NEW H ANOVER CQ Signature 87 ~. ~, Page 2 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS; COMMITTEES, AND COMMISSIONS APPOINTED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS t r: , Volunteer Activities: Treasurer, Forest Hills Elementary OPT; President, Greater Wilmington Chamber_of Commerce Foundation; Vice Chairman, Cities in Schools and~Former Member, Wilmington ~' Rotary Whv do you wish to~~serve on'the Board, Committee,. or Commission requested? ,Strong education ar_d~'healthcare are vital--to the-- continued growth and viability of this community. I have enjoyed the high quality of life that the New Hanover Area presents.- I want to do my part to insure that those high standards continue to be met by act.ively~participating in the-management of-an area vitally important to the future of this community. What do you feel are vour qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee,' or Commission requested? I have-a.strong financial - background and significant management sklls~~developed iri~my role' with First Citizens. Much of my career has been focused,on , providing 'financial services to the medical commun'ty,~:which should provide ;some insight .and understanding of .,the issues confronting the hospital. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? In our.efforts_to provide efficient, low-' cost services, we must unsure that we balance that necessary focus against the quali,ty.of care provided.. Quality care is not just.. dollars and cents but is people focused. We can not overlook either the,., patient, or the employee in this process. To do_so`would cause significant damage. 8.8 ~ 5 -gam ~ ~.~.. a~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~~ Reque. Name: Home ~"~ /1 ~ How long have you been a , Address: ~ 6 tu•~ ~• resident of New Hanover Countyl Mailing Address: n p// City and State: ~ C, .Zip Code: o~0'7I ~ ~ ~~~ J Telephone: Nome: - _ . ._ Business: ~~ 2.~-c1t,t-C~ 'Sex: ~~~`~-- 'Race: 'Age: h ~I .. 'This information is requested for the so% purpose of assuring that across-section o/the community is appointed. Employed by: _ "A person currently employed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0/ tha New Nenover County Personnel Policy. `~ Job Title:, ~ ._. . . -Professional Activities: ~VolunteerActivities: ~/ Why do you wish to_serve on the Board, ,_ . (X-Zt~~m..~,~..~/ Clerk -~ G1 Tree, or c,omm/sston requesteor What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission re • - ~ha 2~ ~re you currently serving on another board or tee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: r,_..: ,_ ~.,.,,.,.Ta rn Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by.the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Date: ~.~J • ~,~~ /~9~s ~-~_-~ ~~~ Signature lease use r~~erse side for additional comments) ~ ~~ 0 5 95 N~'W f~ANOV,~f~ COUNTY RD,4RD C~~ CONIl~91,551ONFRS 320 Chestnut Stnae~ RoQr» ~30lS WTlmington,~ NC ~8401.4p93 T.h~hons fl~N ~~t_l1t~ ~ o I~~C~D SEP 0 4 1996 NEW HANOVER CO. BD. OF COMMISSIONERS ~I .4pp11rat~o~ for Appointn»i to R4~1, tarrrmhtf+~r, sad Gomn~l3cslaru .R ppOinttd by..tho NIw Hanpv.. CO~tnry Band of Canuni~s'~o~snr. p~quest forAapvlntmFnr to: _ $OARD' OF TRIISTEES , NEW HANOVER REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER IV.}rTttt ERMA U. JOHNSON- ,.. Komi _ NvW l4Rv h~ Y~+ beat ~ , ~~~~ 2014 BARNETT~ AVENUE -rsrid,~,o~OJN*wH~+ovaCew-ly~_ 4_ YFaR¢ ~lalAn~ efdr{~p3J:._P - 0_._ .BOX 6.96 ., - - - - ~ ~ ~~ WILMINGTON C/tY ertdStatc: Ilp tod~; 28402 7dapABAe; Nan at 3 4 3- 9,~ 9 ~, __ eusrt,osY; 7 6 2- 0 0 9 8 Female ~ AFRICAN- _ - ~ ~~ is A~IIr+-tlllon 4 ngv~.r.~lfir o1• 1o Pv~i,o/•ss~y d~.t • vaa~rcavn 0£ ~h• c'^v^~JtY K Nfa^t~d. . •'~inp/oyed~r; LAW OFFICE OF ERMA L. JOHNSON •'A p~iran cw/N11A+. ~1.Y~ I ~ y lM 1 /~n.YW 1~6i~1 M 1Mdw~M lAh yp1~.~(1111 JbT 14R ~4If /Yif~f 1//1ti(bA h+IN . _ Krw Nt+T~wr ~~a,ry ;q+ar+ Mft:nrMwrG .;~ ~t.o~d/R1~ ~:N.~Rthh ~L S.~ sot N. Ne./ li~n.rw GIwly M1~+rr1AI! l4~iy. . ATTORNEY _ Job Titltl N.C.__,&~California Bar Associations Delta Sigma Th T~_ Protaszion;/ AcrlVltfea: , SorYrty, Inc. VgJuntCCtACtiYitifl: . ' N / A __ ~ _. . M 1Mt y dQ you wish ra ro~va an, rn. 9oeid, Committer, • pr ~orrunisiio~~~rQ~tsstpQl Z a m v 8 r F ' c Q,jl(',~ r n c r1 _ about improving t;ho community; end ~ vou~d l~kP r„ ,iR@-IOY - ,- knowledge and experience to help make New Hanover Count a. better _ n Whet cqo tau Ir.l ~r~ yav~ v~a~ltc~ v s-1~l~aeFv~ir~p-~@Ir1rSBay~, CQA:mirrta, o~ Caavnlsrion teQ~eatedf _MY : ~ . education and experierice~bcst-equips me to serve on veri va end Commiesion3,;''but prima ittr I ve d g 7' ~ _' Whe~d/I~dafeanc,rnwouldyau6heraa~etlf^~a~td.'Coda,e~~a~it~o~~~dr~iY'8 committmcnt to r am deeply concerned about providing qual.fty health Care to all . citizens of New Hanover a surrnnnding rnnnriPa- ~~ i.+ ;{~ n r~ see a resolution of the current dis ute aver p private versus public hospita ' Are y0f/ avrrRnrly aarvind OA anofhe~ bOI/d d! a~~M f~NY~It,PACrn1Id by ~ mvrr7cpaory o.l adu~ry-~ Ipso, pis..~s .G~r No . ~.iiiL,UISU UL~U ' .... . - SEP ~ 0 4 l ~;S ~..,. ~. , . ~,.~~..., ro,...,~,~ i NEt'r HAVOVER co.~ ~D. 0~ CO 7,".'icc(OP~ERS 9('~'improving •the quality of• life for others who mey be xeas fortunate. 0 n a 0 W 0 REl4UM8 OF ERHA L. JOHNSON EDUCATZQpj 2 ERPERIEMCE: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill,, z7orth Carolina"~ Juris Doctor, May 1986 Honore: Anerican Jurisprudence AFrard- Adm_iniatrati.ve Law; Member-HolderneeB Moot Court Bench; First Placc-Fred®rick Douglae~Moot Count Competition (Southern Regionnl)j Hest Oralist- Frederick pouglas National Moot Court Competition. . UNIVERSITY OP AORTB CAROLINA' Greensboro,~North Caroliria Bachelor of science( Home Economics) May, 1973 . Honore: Member-Omicron Nu National Honor Society SHAW UNIVERSITX(C~ntvr for Alternative Programs of Education) Wilmington~,~North Garolina ~~ August, 1991 to Present Taught classes~in Evidence and Criminal Procedure,: Seminar in Criminal Justice, Probation and Parole, and Juvenile Delinquency- LAW OFFICE OF ERHAa L_ JO~i?~80N Wilmington,' North Carolina February, 1991 to present -, Practiced in'the areas of corporat® 7.aw, real° estate law, sports law, and civil litigation. •. Practiced in both state. and.. federal. aourte. . HILLER-HOTTE BUSZNE88 COLLgQS Wilmington, North Carolina Maz-ch, 1991' to March, 1993 ,Taught courses in Buaineea Law, T~ega1 Reescarch and Writing, and Civil Litigation and Court { 'Proceedings.. 91 PAUL, HASTIIdaS, JANOFSRY & WALKER Los Angelea,~ California May, 1986 to November, 1991 Litigation Associate-Represented international and multinational corporati"ons involving commercial disputes in federal and state courtec. Participated in all phases of pre-trial preparation, including but not limited to, preparing and appearing on a variety of law and motion matters in state and federal courts, interviewing clients and witnesses, devising discovery strategies, propounding discovery,-prosecuting and defending approximately fifty depositions, and participating in settlement nQgotiationa. Trained and supervised associates aa,a member of the Summer Associate Committee. Provided pro bona legal services in the area of family law at the Barriet Huhai Center, Los .Angeles:., California. LH(iAL SSE2VICS8 OF THS LONER CAPS P'S)lR Wilmington,._:North Carolina`s ' _ , Summex' X984 'and .1985.: ' summer Clerkship-Prepared and dratted pleadings and legal memoranda..,. ~ . .~,, _, UNITED STATES HARINE CORPB Camp Lejeun®, North Carolina `~' ,. May, 1977 to May,. 1960: HOSBI~Ss Drawing, sewing, and decorating. ACTIVYTIFB: Participated in the Adopt-a=6chool program . sponsored by various professionals in Log Angeles; California; .Participated in the mentor program which worked with juveniles were incarcerated and which was apongored by the Los Anq,~leg;County Bar Aasociation~ Participated in; the mentor progrz~m epon~ored by the Langston Bar Association to assist minority law students";~ Organized in conjunction with. minority associates at YHJ~W'a program to prepare students for law school and to obtain their first legal position; Coordinated the g ~ Youthlift Program, a program For inner city ~ _ children which is sponsored by .the Wilmington Alumnae chapter of Delta sigma Theta Horarity: MEMBERSHIP: North ,Carolina. and Ga].ifornia Har Associations; American par Associationp Delta Sigma Theta ` Sorority, Inc. Former member North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers. Formcr certified agent, National Football heague I'J.ayere Association. ,~ - - ~ , .. ~ _ ~. a .- a ~_ o ~ _~ ~ .. o 93 r 0 - NEW HANO~VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ' Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (910/ 341-4130 ' . Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, .and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of~Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: .NHRMC Board of TrustPP~ Narne:_ Michael Phi 1 i b Ki ngnff Home How long have you been a Address: 2004 Muirfield Court resident of New HanoverCountyl ~~ VAars Mai/ingAddress: 2004 Muirfield Court City and State: Wilmington, N. C. Telephone: Home: 799-7952 Zip Code: 28403 Business: ~ 9 9 - 210 0 "Sex: Ma 1 e "Race: White 'Age: 3 3 'This information is requested for the so% purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ""Emp/oyed by: Kingoff's Jewelers "A person currently employed by the agency or deper;meat for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordanca with Article VI, Sec. 4 0! the New Hanover County Personae/ Policy. Job Title: Vice President Guild Gemologist-Diamond Council of America Professiona/Activities: Active Member-Scull Jewelers Research Group _/ J Vo/unteerActivities: Wrightsville Beach Cleanup, Boy's Club, & Special Olympics Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? NHRMC is one of the most valuable assets of New Hanover County arid"it is imperative that it be run in an efficient manner to fully serve the needs of this area. My father has done a great deal of volunteer work and said the hospita was very u i ing.;;•or~c.' What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Economics Degree-Univ. of Georgia, Past Vice President-Downtown Wilmington Assoc., Board ~1PmhPr Rnai T~raAl Syna_gs2gL Da1P arneai ~ adua i,~ human R ~ ation~ and Advanced Management Courses. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? It .concerns me .that the operations of the hospital are greatly misunderstood by the general public. Improve the daily operations of the emergency room. Are you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list - No f~f5 t(~I~f1M(~n 94 ~~v~u utSU Date: July 8 , 1996 ~U! ~ 9 996 S.~gnature /Y~-^-ram- / /Please use reverse side for additional comments) NEW NANOVER CO. ' 8D. OF COMMISSIONERS Being a.native Wilmingtonian, I want to serve the community which has provided a.fine home to ,my family~.:•for.almost l00 years. It is important to give your time to community work. I-have always ha'd • a_keen interest in the medical field and. know from my business experience what it takes to run a large corporation.effic ieritly. . - I ~ P 1{ r nS ~o ~- ~ ~~ ' ~ - -~ . _ .. .. __ _ .,~ - ~ ~-~ w .. ,. ..~ ~~ ~ - 1~ , • J j 1 . , .. . 1 . ~ ~ ;~~: - 95 -. - .LJ Qu~ir %~'~~'~. 1'~_c~ ,. Ili. . - `NEW HAiVOVER COUNTY. ~ ~ - . , . ~ :,~, .BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS - ~~ a 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 f~`l Application for Appointment to Boards, .Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board Name: William Lawrence Robertson Home Address: 1509 Country Club Rd. Mailing Address: P . 0. Box 1727 How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? 16 years City and State: Wilmington, NC Telephone: Home: 763-7085 Zip Code: 28402 Business: 815-2 7 44 'Sex: M 'Race: W .Age: 53 a 'This inlormation is requested for the sa/e purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: BB&T a "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Arfic% V/, Sec. 4 0/ the New Hanover County Personne/Policy. Job Title; Senior Vice President North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission, 1988-1992, Former University Professiona/Activities: N.C. Wilm. Foundation, Board Chairman., State Certified General Appraiser, Robert Morris Association. a Vo/unteerActivities: Red Cross, United Way, Boy Scouts, Civitan,Club, Lower Cape Fear Hospice Board (Former) Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? It is my personal way of _of returning some of my professional experience to the community and hopefuly add to the service the public needs. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? MY experience on the Resources Commission & Foundation Board at UNCW plus a background in accounting and finance and 30 years experience in the banking industry. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Balancing the overall needs of the community, the hospital. .serves and the needs of the staff that make the hospital run on a day to day basis. Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: No . 1~1~(r~l~nnnr~n ~ ~ .~ 96 - Date: 4/10/96 ~ ~ S ~t~natcire release use reverse side for additional comments/ - _, f'uNu~[.15 CO, $D. OF COMMISSIONERS ~-~--J NEW HANaVER COUNTY - BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9101 341-7149 - ~ FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appo/ntment to Boards, Committees, -and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. • ~ Re nest for A oin m / /~- e /~ /~,~ ~ ; q PP t ant to: ~~ N ~l // (/6=2. ~C EG I o c~13 L- (it ~i GAI.. CEnJTc 2. ~~ ter--- / Name: . ~J ~ S C ~ ~ !~ . S O .Home / / How long have you been a // Address: (n 60I ~~~ ~~ba.7, ~~ resident of New Hanover County? _yb e-~ Mailing Address: ~~• ~ a ,Y ~ ~ "7y - ,City and State: Telephone: V y ~~ L ri-~ : ,SIG % ~ ~ if C.. Home:~~9/0~ y.1~~ ~ ~~3~ - Zip Co o'e: ' y$ ~ '~ b mss: 4i o . y.T 6 % - ~ C -'• ~_ ~ ~ ~ "Sex.~~~.~- -'Race: ~~ L~, ~ "Age: c7 .Job. Title: _.~Q. ~<S . ~ ~ ~ i - .Professional Activtt/es. ~ ~~~>%Y-~ ~'~'~~~T"c/6J 'This information is requested !or the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. 'Emplo yed b y: ~p !-~ .S T~-t_ ~-~C~~ h` ~~2.E ~O~/.S U Li,~L r/T.l "A person currently employed by the agency or depertmentlor which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment,. in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. -~olunteerActivities: ~!~ ~11' ~~~~ ~~~ ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ' .. ~C C ~i - ~ ~,~rr~.2 11L 91 - at do. you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee; or Commission address? ~re you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~Q,~~ 6~~~L~~~r ~~ AUG l 9 ~^' • ~ 7 y S.•'gnatu e tP/ease use reverse side for additional comments/ ~ NEW H~NOVER Co. ~D. OF Corr~~,~issior~_~s Coastal Healthcare Consultants PO Box 3472 Wilmington, NC 28406 Hon. Bobby Greer .. . New Hanover County Chairman Board of Commissioners , . 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Commissioners Joseph L Soto CHE President- August 15,•"199.6 .; ; I respectfully request your support and consideration for my application for appointment to the -New Hanover Regional Medical Center board of trustees. ~I wish to serve on this board to enhance NHRIvIC regional role and continue my twenty years of service to this commu_nity's health care system: My concerns are the implementation work that remains to be done with the goal to have the most appropriate health care system for our community.. One which • • ma~ur?es the valuable health care resources that this community has developed into a cooperative system that enhances patient care service and reduces cost, especially to small businesses...: .,~.:T. - _ ~ . - . ;' - I addition to my formal qualifications which I have included. I am uniquely qualified as a practicing health care financial consultant to help the board understand the complex issues that NHRMC will have in the:future: During the past fouryears I have~had an•active • leadership role in the implementation of the Coastal Carolina Health Care Coalition'and served as the treasurer: This Coalition has demonstrated byworking together the•hospitals can improve efficiency-and-reduce the costs to patients.' ~ • I was. the co-leader with Jim Hobbs of the 1994-95 five county health planning project. This project''has identified many opportunities to improve the health of the people of southeastern North Carolina. During the past, twenty years I,have had several opportunities . to work with NHRMG-representatives on successful non profit community health care boards; such as Hospice, Hospital hospitality house., Project 2000 and Red Cross boards: I served faithfully for fifreen years as member of a community hospital system board with twenty all volunteer board members. I have demonstrated my ability to work together for .the common good by-initiating the first joint hospital NHRMC•and C>~MH board plannin~y= retreat in 1994. I clearly understand the role of board and administration.• Because of my past competitive relationship I will gladly sign any conflict of interest or confidentiality statements desired by the current board or administration. • . Sincerely osep L Soto CHE _ - . 98 ~~ JOSEPH C. (JOE) SOTO • 6601 Sedgewood Road Wilmington, N:C..28403 (91-0) 256-6631 • (910) 256-4696, fax . EmaiIC~3: JOS4000~aol.com _ CAREER SUMMARY and OBJECTIVE: Seasoned health care and marketing professional. Career goal is to secure a administrative. management position with a major health care related firm that values the importance of building long term client relationships. Career traits include self motivation, a "can do" attitude and solid communications skills. ~ • CAREER ACCOMPLISHMENTS MANAGEMENT: Recruited and developed an effective management team of nurses, medical , -staff and, ancillary department. heads over 20 years in a growth oriented community acute care hospital. Developed a personnel department with revised policies and _ procedures to implement a strong total quality management program praised by JCAHO in 1995. FINANCE: Using my CPA background, implemented a information system budget based • departmental reporting system that increased billing units of service from S3 million to S70 million and cut lost charges by 18% per• year. All key department heads were on a~ performance., based evaluation and merit system based on their budget and operating statistics annual performance. MARKETING: Planned and implemented regional co,,op advertising campaigns for women's services to include TV, radio and print materials: Created special promotional . campaigns for occupational and rehabilitation services with~two physicians and. seven - licensed physical therapists directed towards business and industry. Programs exceeded , projections in both examples by more than 10%. ~ ~~ INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Selected and implemented automated medical record clinical based information system to include nursing hand held point of service patient care units. Systems deployment over 12 months included direct .contact to physician's office and. home if desired.. Six months after installation nurse's survey exceeded 90% _ • satisfaction and physicians offices were signing for earlier start -dates and training times for their office staff. - WORK EXPERIENCE ;• . a Cape "Fear Memorial Hospital,142 licensed acute care beds, Wilmington, N.C. Held senior management positions working with an all volunteer board of trustees and 200 plus medical staff. Responsibility increased over a 16 year growth and. development period to include six new multimillion dollar construction .projects and • ,many smaller reriovations projects. (7/75-11/95). • 99 ~$ JOSEPH L (JOE) SOTO ~ ~ 'page 2 WORK EXPERIENCE cont. Lowrimore Warrick & Co., Wilmington, N.C. Started as Senior Staff Accountant working ' on small business clients audits and tax returns. (7/73-7/75). Price Waterhouse & Co.,Pitt`sburgh, Pa. Advanced from staff accountant to •seriior accountant and from the general audit staff Ito small business staff. Ranked in th_e top 5% of class after four` years experience.(?/69-7/73) ' US Army Adjutant Generals Corp-Ft Sill OK, Personnel Officer, Maj ret. (7/67=7/69)'. a .•.. , EDUCATION MPH degree in Health-Policy and Administration, University of .North Carolina-Chapel. Hill, May 1988; 'Executive Program-certificate, UNC-Ch`, Jan' 19`84; Center for Creative Leade~Ship-certificate, ~Greensboro,N.C.,Sep 1990; Washington. Forum- certificate, 1994; BBA degree-Accounting and Economics, .Marshall University,HUritington, WV,May• 1967; CPA certificate #8803=N.C.' 1975, ' inactive1983. Many American continuing education seminars in Trustee education, physician leadership development, HMO and manage care .implementation, and JCAHO . . ~~ ~ . accreditation ORGANIZATIONS North Carolina Hospital Association Board Member 1993-95; Coastal" Carolina Health Care Coalition charter member and treasurer 1992-95; Red Cross Board member !990-96; NHCo- NC Project 2000 chairman 1992; NG'Hospital Association Project 2000 committeemember 1990; Hospital Hospitality ~ House. board member; Hospice ~~ board member, Wilmington Executive 'Club vice president-1995; Wilmington Rotary.. Club member •1985;• Wilmington Excellence member` 1.992; United Way planning committee 1988; American Institute of CPA's 1975-83. ~ - ~ " r ' 10 0 .~ Sap-04-96 04 c 09P Coastal Horizons C'c.r S10 ,.'41-&%79 ~~ nytt74ilyyb 14:56 910-343-6836 ELDERHAUS ?ttC ' ~,M~~ • •- J ~:EP ~~4 ' y~ ~]-.; ti ; F?1 H~RE~~iR T~:~ut~t H: =f~•: I A SEP- 4-~6 Wtv ~1~5d I~ ~~ 0 fl • NEW HANQVER COUNTY BOARt~ Off' CQN1/V1/SSIONERS . 320 ChesrnuT Sheet, Room •306 ~Im/ngton, IYC 28401-4D93 • Te%phone (9101 341-71~i9 • max tsla 3~ ~-s raa . ~¢~on~o SFP 0 4 1996 NQY HANOV'ER CO. BQ Of COMMtSSlONERS .dppllcalian tar Appointment fed Boards, Commhfees, and Commissions ~PPolnttd by the New Kanvv~r Ceu~rty Board ~f ~ammissapR~. Reautu 1orl{ppainrment to: hoard of T uste~s,New Hanover Regional Medical Center hJa~; Margaret Heller-Stargell Ham• Naw lamp Mw Ya+r berm d Ad4YYxr: 813 Tarao~,,,Qrive.. fesident olNew NPttovu County) 37 years MsllJr-p AddreJl: same as' above CJry ~-d State: ~lm~ngton . forth Carolina Zip Codl: 284x9 • . ~^ - ~-- • Ttl+yhonP: Home: j91Q)4b2-1887 B~,n~; (910)343-0145 . '~=...Fona1P 'Race: ~]aek 'Ape: 37' T71is kffon~flrie. Ir ngvts+i0 Jbr u1 ~ aol. pwyw~ of ~~#~ tA.r . cr+os~ v rcaan cr a's~ coinney~/ry .r appain t•4 "finplayeo' bY:1_nast~l HnTi zntis Center, Inc "A~rae~wneatly.a+1-Ny~d~YtRse~srrcyw~q*~tm~e+lrsarwdrtd+rtlf~drypll.~nirrned~~r„wrrutpnA/aAf~fpor{hN+wi:A Nnv A+atsrrr Go~roty UDoe ~saG+tmw~L nr Ksor,~pnti MitAlilyty V,~ ~.c. < if dt. IW.+~ Nrnewr Cs+.nty i`rrc~nnefPbNc~! Job )'filet _~gcutive Director Prv/fstrona! Aciivrl(ca: _ s~ at~H-stihe~t z~sume Va<w~ht/Ilctr'viti~:~QP ~tacherl rest ~_,_ W1tV do y0t, wlah to Jetve on thv ewrd, Corflfnittaa, d~Com~risai0n rvQveated7 Y~ted a.Lit~rest in the ni ial ~ ty of heal_th~are aon 4~q conceorn and int~ er~esrt for citizens of New Hanover Coun~ iNricr dp ~ , . • . _ you !ee! afe yovf gU~fNtians toi serving on the Board. Co+r7fruttee, or Go~rnisaio~ frGvostCdl Comrtwnit_y ~a~ v v •ent ersonall' Land ro£essonall experience with boards, personnel, and budgets. Whst srcea al concern would yaulitre ro ser th© Boa.d, Commlav~t'or Cornmv'ttiat! addieucl Quality care ~e_thrnuah the Pvolvin4 Man-~ged Care structure Arc you to/fentty sarvind on anothar boDrd or cvtnrrtr'tte~ epAointe0 by a munleyo&L w ~ cozen !~ 1'Y ty7 so, plaase lost: u,. deft: :,. ~~Ite t?t ~~vnF rile hr •d dwM{ te~v+*a.h! ~iangtblo ~.C~ . 10 P_02 PAGE 02 n Sep-04-96 04:09P Coastal Horizons Ctr 910 341-5779 _' MARGARET WELLER-STARGELL 813 Tarpon Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 .~ T8lephone: (910) 452-1887 ~ . ~~ Fax: (910) 791-6585 ' PERSONAL: P O 3 p~ Date of Birth: July 8,1959 Marital Status: Married ' Health: hccellent EDUCATION: ~~ _ Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, May 1983 • ,. .. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina '~ John T. Hoggard High School,VVilmirigton, North Carolina ~ . . National Honor Society EXPERIENCE:. _ .. _ . __ . .. < '. , ~ ~ , June 1995 to Coastal Horizons Center;Inc. Wilmington, North Carolina Present ~. ~ _ ._ Executive Director ~ `~ _. _ _... ~ ~ Responsible for: • ~ _ Complete operation. of all three-agency facilities and functions including six departments; Outpatient Treatment Services,: Crisis Line/ Open House, Rape Crisis Center, TAS.C, Day Sentencing Center, and Prevention Services. - Planning, developing, promoting, coordinating., implementing, and • - . evaluating a complex crisis intervention and substance `abuse ` program in a three county area..- •• ~ ; , . ~ ' Overall management of 2.2 million dollar budget .. _„ . . Supervision of 6 Program Directors and 45 staff `' September 1985 Coastal }Horizons Center, Inca . to June 1995. ~ .. ~ ~:. .' .Director, Crisis' Intervention Services - ~- • ~ - ` ` - -•~ Responsible for: --~ -~ -• ~~ -All operational activities_of community based, 24 hour Fiurnan . , -service organization that provides crisis intervention services ' ~ ' , referrals, residential care, and socio .psychological assistance to .. . .... ~ . minors ;-teenagers, and adult victims of abuse and sexual assault. ~~ ... Developing, submitting and monitoring grant proposals and ~ ' _ -_ M _ '~ budgets. _ .. .. __ • .~, Training and supervision of 1O counselors ~ ~ • 102 Sap-04-96 04:09P.Coastal Horizons Ctr 910 341-5779 P_04 .Margaret Weller-Stargell Page Two - February 1984 New Hanover Community Services to February 1985 Counselor, Job Developer Responsible for providing job placement for disadvantaged youth. ` May 1983.. ~ Eastern Delivery Service Wilmington,.North Carolina to February 1984 Account 1=xecuiive Responsible for cultivating accounts through business development and sales presentations to service users. May 1981 Ernery Worldwide Wilmington, North Carolina to May 1983 ~ Sales Representative ~ ~ . ' Responsiblefor business development and retention consisting of marketing overnight delivery services to various proprietary users with a need for parcel or documents transfer within international boundaries. PROFESSION ~ ... Alr AFFILIATIONS: Board of Directors, Community Boys and Girls Club `. - Board of Directors,New Hanover County Adolescent Center ~, Board of Directors, Statewide Community Alternatives for.Youth Q Statewide Prevention Advisory Committee National TASC; Past Member for Boards: , ` ~ ' Southeastern Network of Youth and Family Services, Inc. North Carolina Sexual Assault Coalition UNC-W Sexual Assault Advisory Board ~ ~ ' ' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- . ' New Hanover Commission for Women` ~ - ' VOLUNTEER AFFILIATIONS:. . , - .~~ :. - _ nior League of Wilmington ' Wilmingfon Downtown Rotary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ v. . . .. 103 FROM UNCW NURSING SEC' `t'ab W1;Up 11 ~~`.5~ ~~ ~v~w r~~aNOY~ ~QV~vrr ,B~ARL1 t7F Ct~IVIA~!IS~J~}111fJRS ~2(? Chestnur St~~t', Room '30~ VVrlmin8tan, NC ~~~d r•4v~~ T~Iepho~tl (~14i s~~_7r~9' • RAX to fQ! Ji4 t-a 13,0 ~ . P. 1 P.2~~. u ~. __~ - a [~~C~~~d~D ' SEP 0 4 1996. NEW HANOyER CO. '~ a BD. OF COMMISSIONERS AppliC~tiO>1 ~Ot ApppJRtm@At t0 BOV~dS, GorrJmlttrrs, end GommIS6loAS . . ~ypa1»t~d by th-e IV~w Ha'nov~ CauntY Bond of Gonan~~ir~oners. Reavect lo~Appo(ntmenr t0; ~__ ~w ,HenoVQT Reg nal ~,edi~~~.' Cen`to~ Board of Dir~ctQra _ ___ Nye., Or~tha McKnight Stone • HORie X10 Rook Hill Road ~ How /4~rr0hty~ you bte(y ~ Ati4rMU; N,~,ytn~, t,(~,,,.2R4?~. ~, .,,~~,Ier-WinIOtNIWK~rfov.rCat~ntyl M~1Xitp std, e7a: ~ 10 Rock •Nill Road ,~_ ~ _ Chy end S rR; ,~Cestle Ne}!ne, Horth C,~rolina , ' ~, h!p CodQ;--~ ~ 26429 _ 7'el~rphor~el~~ Nome --_-~.[1=~Z5_I~. - - BvE~nexlr ~ • '$tx: Mme •ae~'e; - . B1~}S~r.... 'wa: _,,, 55 `,,._, • 4t/orriN(io,f (a r.rvMr.Ift N~.Dl~µ~el• er.,lw~•,Q d+dt ~ cropvvae'vn • 1liR ItrtvrwNfy4 tppolnrrs. •*Fmploy ~ by! _ Jn_iversity~ ofh~~arol~in~ ~I~ilm ~tor2, . ~ _ •~ t~loryturss,Mry:.,~-Ny~~Iy1R.~jIr-Eyar~srs~tm+~+th+~+4r~hiy~pllc~chgl~rm~(~,mwrr.,ljv,A srporf(ien~„~d~ K, ;r~vFr G'+ir+ty't~+ MPt+ndne+L IR i.rordbrT4f ++a1A.vtJfh VJ, J.r; I of th. Nrw N~nev.v K~m1tr I'~i,ann~/ Po/rdy. ;, ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. /Ob rT1lC: ~ 1 aval TTT CNL~Z.11B~A~..-.1,~5s1.9~ac1t~P.~'~nf~aBtl~_..Sch2^-i'~ ^f nr~~r~~^c>_ ----- -- PrOfM7slon AGi/Yr'(ies; American Nurses Ascociati n abin `" mar North Caroline ursos Assoc ounci o urea ucatora, Sigma~~ha ~~rTeu International Nu Omega Vol~nterr c-iv~yle~; of Directors, t.nwer Capo er oapice oar. _ o 1.rec ore ~ , yYtty do y0r~ w/sh r0 srrva on the 9o1fd, t;ogfmftlit, p/ COmm~l~JO~ feQ(Mdf~dT, ,, . . commun 'cet~nn between NHRMC, organizations, churches and the communitx and in ~ S~s2~Q,-,•,~ i. , r..~ T. - 1 '.~ K foste is user friendly ima~e to the entire citizenry. ' Wher do r feQ! rrc yov/ quaJiliNNvnr !ar sarv/n~ on the Board, Gommiltcr, Or Cgmmiselpn rvquesteCl• ~,,,,r@ z~s ea ( health e're. pravi.dar allowed me to hear first hand issues from many citizens of "~~+~~•' New He ovar• County. • ' '~~- ia i--~r.~-~.oM r ~.- ....1~r .r.r -~ r r wApt a~~ 4l gonacrn wav;d yov like to y~r thM 190~rd, Canirttltivt, cr Cbrnmisi{vn eddrersT pZ~ mp~e Ae t t-h_ i n tho c rnmuni~.y hasad an the Coastal Caz~olinas Community HeaJlth Needs Assessment. Ard you ot~}'rnntly ~QSVinp pn another bond er commfu~~ eppalnrGd by ~ munk/pmli7y ar t CotM(y7 /f so, plteSit•Nst: _.blA._~.-._}w.~~ ..~-,.~ -_..~..... - - - ., - - -, - Qe1d, aptembar Q, 1996 Rat ~ ~ '- ~.s~-,~fl Z.0 ~?vd ; 4~~lI Sri}-P~Q~ O 4 ~;.,.~ 9E~8-Ebt-BLo 0S ~7T 966t/b0/60 09.04,1996 16:15 ~TF'11 HflRt:+C~t~R TGt~S4 F1S~~~::fl NE."! HA;;~t'ER Cn. NELI~/ HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2840 ~-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7149 ' FAX (919) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the .New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointmentto: New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board _~ Name: Linda Jean Wilson Home How long have you been a Address: 152 0 Radian Road resident of New Hanover Coun ? 2 5 years Mailing Address: 1520 Radian Road _. .. .. ... .. . -Wilmin ton- North Carolina 28405-4221 City and State: g r Ztp Code: _ Telephone: Home: 2 5 6- 016 6 Business: tSex: F ''Race: t4 "AgA: .3 4 `TF+is information is requested for the solo purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. *°'Employed by: Self-employed ~ A person cun•entfy employed by the agency or department f which this application is made, must resign his/her pasitidn "with New Hanover County upon appointment, in acxardance with ArL'de Vl, Sec 4 of the Now Nanovor County Personnel Polity. ,lob retie: ~ProfessionalActivities: Please see attached resume. ~ - I/olunteerActivities: Please see attached resume. ~~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board Committee or Commission re nested? leas q P e see attached „_ answer. _ .. ~ _, .. - What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Pleas e see attached answer and resume. ,What. areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Improving public relations. Providin state-of-the-art medical technology to (Please use reverse side for additional comments) hO s p 1 t a 1 staff . ~ ~ ~ _ - .105 Dater June 6 , 19 9 5 . ~-, ~, ~ 4~ - P:.~::........._ . _ :~~ Signature - `.~ r. - ,~. ~ - - a :- o Linda Sean Wilson Application for Appointment to New Hanover Regional Medical Center Board continued Wh d ou e ~ a ~. ~ y wi t• sere ~i the 13~zr1 re~uestel. I have always had an interesf in the medical profession. and helping others. Up until my junior year in college, I pursued a career in medicine. As a result of this interest, during my early teens I volunteered as a candy striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Even after I switched . my college major from pre-medicine to political science, I continued to volunteer at the Bowman Grey Medical Center in Winston-Salem, working in its patient admissions and children's play theraPY Programs..... _- - - . ~ _ -. ... __ . ~ a In the past T have enjoyed helping others on an individual basis, striving to mane a patient's hospital stay as pleasant as possible. Service on the NHRMC-Board would enable_me to = continue volunteering at a higher level where I could hopefully have. a positive, impact on a greater number of lives.-This position would also allow me to give back to my community. What do you feel are vour qualifications for serving on the Board reque ed~ _ 1. M e erience as a co orate executive and em e y xp rp m b r of the board of directors of a successful company. ~ _ ~ • . _ ., 2. My experience as a corporate attorney for our company and at two reputable law films: .. . _^ _..__._.__ .. - - ~ ~~~ .~ _ a ~. My strong personal interest in the medical field. . _ ...,. 4. My twenty-five-year residency, and loner term commitment to high quality medical. .t services for our community. .,. I believe that my business, legal, and personal background provides a solid foundation and • makes me uniquely qualified to serve on the NHRMC Board. . -- _ .. _ - _ ~ _ ~ Also, please see attached resume. • • v D PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 0 e a 0 v Linda Jea^ Wilso^ 120 Radian Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-4221 Telephone: (910) 256-0166 Wilsons Supermarkets. Wilmington, North Carolina Principal, Board of Directors, Vice President. As vice president, responsible for marketing, legal matters, personnel, accounts receivable, special promotions, charitable contributions, and customer relations. 1992-1994 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, Washington, D. C. Attorney. Practicing attorney in the banking department at 285-lawyer law firm Appointed to the firm recruitment committee. _' 1988-1992 McKenna, Conner &Cuneo, Washington, D. C. .Attorney. Practicing attorney in the corporate and banking department at 200-lawyer law firm. ~ ~ 1987-1988 The Honorable Edward B. Davis, Miami, Florida ~- ~` Law Clerk. Federal law clerk to Judge Davis, United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. 1986-1987 McKenna, Conner &Cuneo, Washington, D.C. Summer Associate. Summer 1985 Bailey & Dawes, Miami, Florida Summer Associate. _ Summer 1984 The Honorable Jesse Helms, United States Senate Washington, D_C. Paid Intern. Monitored Senate hearings, performed computerized legislative research, and provided constituent services. Summer 1983 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Member, North Carolina Bar Member, District of Columbia Bar Appointed, American Bar Association Committee on Consumer Credit, .1989-92 Authored article published in American Bar Association banking journal ~ 107 Linda Jean Wilson Page Two LEGAL EDUCATION: Wake Forest University School of Law, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Juris Doctor, m~ cum laude. May 1986 Class Rank: First out of 154 students Honors & Activities: Law Review. Article published, 21 Wake Forest Law Review 831, 1986 L Beverly Lake Award (greatest proficiency in Constitutional Law) American Jurisprudence Awards (highest grade): Business Organizations, 1984-85 .. Constitutional Law II, 1984-85 ' ~~ Uniform Commercial Code I, 1984-85 Uniform Commercial Code II, 1984-85 Corpus Juris Secundum Awards (highest grade): Uniform Commercial Code I, 198485 Uniform Commercial Code II, 1984-85 Hornbook Series Award (highest year-end grade point average): Second Year 1984-85, Third Year 1985-86 Scholastic'Honors List, all semesters Phi Alpha Delta ... " ~ Who's Who in American Law Schools (1985 edition) UNDERGRADUATE ~ :: ~ . EDUCATION: Wake Forest Universitx, Winston-Salem; North Carolina Bachelor of Arts, cum laude. Political Science, 1983 -~ Honors & Activities: ~.' Scholastic Honors List, seven semesters ~."Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society), ~ '. secretary/treasurer, charter member " Tutor: Calculus and French, two years.' Thymes Society (social) .. ,: 108 0 0 a e a e v a t i Linda Jean Wilson Page Three C OIVIiVIUNITY & VOLUNTEER ACTZVTTIES: Wilsons donated two Fun Centers to the Children's Ward at New Hanover Regional Medical Center Candy Striper at New Hanover Memorial Hospital American Red Cross Blood Drive Food'Bank of Coastal Carolina Meals on Wheels Sponsor Mother Hubbard's Cupboard WiLsons Holiday Food Festival Wilsons Customer Appreciation Carnival University of North Carolina at Wilmington activities including athletic scholarship fundraisers and Seahawks Sponsor United Way Corporate Sponsor Cape Fear Hospice -Festival of Trees 109 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1 VACANCY APPLICANTS• Charles Calvin Ross /Lyn Williams-Yow (She has served the initial one-year appointment and is eligible to serve a three-year term.) Attachments: Committee Information Sheets Applications 110 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 8 2 of the 8 members may be nominated by Nursing Home Administrators. Number of members are determined by the number of Nursing Homes in County. The immediate family of a patient in a home may not be a committee member or persons with a financial interest in a home served by the committee. Term: 1-year terms initially; 3-year terms thereafter Compensation: none Regular Meeting: called as needed Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General St atutes 130 Brief on the functions: Each member shall be aware of the general conditions under which the persons are residing i n the homes, and shall work for the best interests of the persons in the homes. This may include assisting persons who have grievances with the home and facilitating the resolution of grievances at the local level. Each member shall make quarterly visits to the nursing home it serves and more often if it is ,necessary to carry out the duties. TERM ' PRESENTLY .. TERM CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Edward V. Grace first 7/31/97 301 .Honeycutt Drive _ .Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. 7/26/93 to 1-year term) ~~~ 392-5692 (H) (Appt. 7/18/94 to 3-year term) Anne Hardaway first 7/31/97 ' 1951 Knollwood Road Wilmington, NC 28403 (Appt. 7/26/93 to 1-year term) 762-6295 (H) (Appt. 7/18/94 to 3-year term) ' John M. Horton first 9/30/97 P.O. Box 891 1203 Green Bay Circle Wrightsville Beach NC 28480-0891 (Appt 9/16/96 to 1- t , . year erm) 256 5150 (H) 251-0440 (W) Lyn Williams-Yow 610 Dock Street Wilmington, NC 28401 763-3890(H) 763-5558 (W) first. 11/30/96 (Appt. 11/20/95 to 1-year term) 111 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONTINIIED) mrnv ,. CIIRRENT MEMBERS Nora Bednarczyk 145 Navaho Trail Wilmington, NC 2.8409 799-1259 (H) Elizabeth A. Weis ~ . 3224 Amber Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 392-0916(H) 343-4357(W) SERVING E%PIRES 'first 4/30/99 (Appt.• 4/18/95 to .1 year term) Appt: to 3 year term 4/15/96_ first 2-28-99 (Appt. 2/20/95 to 1 year term) (Reappt. 2/19/96 3-year term) Nominated by Nursing .Home Administrators: ~. Teresa D. Goldston second 6/1/99 4801 Oberbeck Way {Appt.. 6/1/92 to 1-year term) Wilmington, NC 28409 (Reappt.. 6/21/93 to 3-year term) 350-0629 (H) (Reappt. 6/17/96 to 3-year term) Ernst M. Swart second 1/31/99 203 Eggert Avenue Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ~ ~• (Appt. i/21/92 to l:-year tern) 675-0770 (H) ~ a ~ (Reappt. 1/93 to •3-year term) (Reappt. 1/16/96 to 3-year term) Staff Support: Dawn Gonzales Region O.Long Term Care Ombudsman, Cape Fear Council of Governments ~' . .. 1480 Harbour. Drive, Wilmington, NC - 28401 6/96 - . File: /Nursing ,- 112 NEW HAIIl~VER COUNTY • BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 .. FAX (910) 341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~~/.~' '~/~~ ~1~_~~D-Yyt'./yyl/%~ Name: ~D~S Home How long have you been a Address: /~D~',~~~~ /~,~,~~,e. ~~. resident of New Hanover County? ~ ,P Mailing Address: /~D,~,~i~ ~,s~,~D~,~ ~~ City and State: 1~1 ~/~/~/~ /~l f'V , Z'p Code: c~~~D3 ~Tele hone: Home: /~i~~ /- -- ~ (7 r~~ C~ ~~~~ Guslness: 'Sex:. ~ 'Race: ~~ 'Age: ~~ 'This inlarmelion~is r~eq~uested for the so/e purpose olessuring that across-section of the community is appointed. .'Employed by~ /[~ 7r/~.~~ ~~"/2e,2 ~/~~/~'ni~« ~`/ C~',9~5 "A person currently employed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in eccordenca with Ar//ti//cle Vl,/Sec. 4 of~the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ / ~ > ~ , C,c,/,~. ~` /~,S/Y"/DN ~ ~ J ~c~ - ._ Professional Activities: ~olunteerActivities: T S Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Comml'ssion requested? ~ 7 /iC'i1-~/ ~j ~ ~P/le e rr/fs t do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Comml'ssion requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, D ate: ~ ~~ (Pleasa us reverse side /or additional comments tee, or Commission address? 1 .. ".--1 .. _. __. .... J ._ f; '• ~ ~ ~ Signature ~ ~.-.... , ~ _~ CO. //~~, - ~- ~~~.~_ ~re you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: 10/24/d5 17:26 •G'd1U 763 4d0'! (1Lu NIL.KING1'UN )O1 NEW IYANOVER CDUIVTY BDARD OF CON1N91SS/DItIERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~lfnington, NC 28401-4093 ' Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. 1 t .~ Request torAppointmeni to: l,f,~j,{ )~~ ~OYr?f_ ~C~l// Sh fem. ~~~lyJ/~~c-cam t Name: - Home - How /onp have you been a Address: h f~ ~~~~_ resident of New Hanover County? ~ Marling ~Addiess: Gty and State: _ J ~/YI%rUr-r7~d ~ f~ t- Lp Code: o~~Q~ . Telephone: Nome: ~~~_ ~ `3~~U Business: "'7(p, ~-- S`SS~ 'Sex: _ _ /`" - "Race: ~ 'Age: •Thiu inlarmebon ie requaated for the ao1% pwposs o/ezauniny that a crosYsection o/ [he community is appointed. '•Emp/oyedby: ~~ ~~~ ~,( 1/ t'~'i~i )4'~~ l~~nseJcS~ -. •A person rrently employe b y fhaegencyardeper t far whlrJt this epplketian /s made, mtu! resign his/her position W/th Naw Nenover County upon appointment, n accordance with Article V/, Sic. -f of the New Nenorer county Porsonn~/Policy. Job Title: Professional Activities: ~ ~ ~ CJ.C. ~, t S ~2. ~S~ ~ZV~is Vo/unteerActivities:.~ r9-~fA~ /TS_~i/, Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~v~l ~_. ~ ~ )~' A-rl~ ~' i , ~~ E,~r~4~6~~' r ~ ~ 1~-- ,t) ) ~ S /L~ ~.~~ H-~' rrl i .U r ~ c T _ - f - ~ -- - - - - - What do you feel ere your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commr'ssion requestedT ~ ~ C~ D ~ . rr - .. .. ~ ~ v ~ L/a What areas of conce,'n would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addiessT .. ~ ~ ~ . ~ • J -, t ~' ~ i' . •. ~~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by e municipelify or a county? /f so, pleas list: 6 ~ ~ _ ~ _ Date: _ f~~/ 9 ~ g 5 S'gnature ~_ L 1 (Please use /averse silo for additional comments! / v 11~ n D a u, 0 7 1 1 e f COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS PERSONAL WATERCRAFT REGULATIONS TASK FORCE The Board of County Commissioners established the Task Force on September 16, 1996. The County Attorney recommended representatives from the following categories: 1 N. C. Wildlife Resource Commission 1 UNCW Marine Resources or Biological Science Dept. 1 U. S. Coast Guard" 1 Figure Eight Island Board and Safety Committee 1 Society for Masonboro Island 1 National Audubon Society 2 Personal Watercraft Industry 3 Concerned Citizens Staff Support: 1 County Attorney's Office 1 Sheriff's Department 1 Emergency Management 1 Parks and Recreation Department APPLICANTS CATEGORY ~I,t. Tony.Williams .dreg Hood .Martin H. Posey Edward S. Barclay, Jr. -~Fiarian T. McPhaul Walker Golder_ ._ _ .___ _ Rocky "Max" Anthony rt~arren Barnes ~.sscbtt Britt Jeff Aydelette Justin W. Lanasa ~,~Mark W. Rogozzino Thomas Shaw i 1I'~h n R Ta ~~-~'^}® Arland B. Whitesides N. C. Wildlife Resource Commission U. S. Coast Guard UNCW Representative Figure Eight Island Board and Safety Committee Society for Masonboro Island, Inc. . ...National Audubon Society ~' _ Personal Watercraft Industry Personal Watercraft Industry ,. Personal Watercraft Industry Concerned Citizen Concerned Citizen/Former USCG Concerned Citizen " Concerned Citizen/USCG Auxiliary Concerned Citizen/NC Division of Coastal Management Concerned Citizen ~~~ 1~~15 ~~ is 4~Ap`'?l c ~~~ REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTXON Meeting Date: 09/16/96 Regular Item #: 7 Consent Item n: Additional Item #: Department: Legal Department Presenter: Wanda M. Copley Page Count In Agenda Package: 1 Contact: Wanda M. Co ley SUB.TECT: , Personal Watercraft Regulation Task Force BRIEF SUMMARY: Board should consider categories for the Task Force. Possible categories: Figure Eight Island Board and Safety Committee, Society for Masonboro Island, National Audubon Society, UNC-W Marine Resources, U.S. Coast Guard; Wildlife Resource Commission, Personal Watercraft Industry Representative(s), Concerned Citizens. Plus Staff: Legal, Sheriffs, Emergency Management, Parks Department. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Consider categories, direct Clerk to advertise to fill positions. 1 .. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: 0.00 ,User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: ~ New Appropriation Request: _ Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~LGL: FIN: N/A BSHELL BUD: HR: COUNTY iVIANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATION Consider categories. COU ~1:"t$~N~fj~ ~ w" L APPRO O , 116 REME Eu ~ ~ ~ ~ 71 POS PON D ~fGYfiete Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition LETTERS SENT TO THE FOLLOjJING: Mr. Marian McPhaul, Director Society for Masonboro Island P.O. Box 855 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Mr. Ned Barclay, President Figure Eight Island Board of Directors P.O. Box 855 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Mr. Walker Golder National Audubon Society P.O. Box 443 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building Raleigh, NC 27604 Dr. Martin Posse - UNCW Department of Biological Science 601 S. College Road -~ Wilmington, NC 28403 Officer In Charge Coast Guard Station Wrightsville Beach 912 Water Street Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Attention: BMCS DG Terry 256-2615 117 Robert G. Greer f~ffir~ of Chairman f ~~~Z~ ~'` ~~~~t~~~~~ QZ~ E. L Mathews, Jr. . Vice Chcirmcn ~PfIT ~2TTIIIfTEr ~LT1I21~ Sandra Barone Commissioner 32II ~~PStnut ~trPPf ~IIUm 3II5 ~ c~tl~tn3t~n, ~~~ C~ttrulin~ 284II1-41743 WillicmA.Caster Commissioner `(~PLe~~un$ (41II~ 341-7.143 William E. Sisson, Jr. ~ux (31D~ 341-41317 Commissioner September 18,1996 Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Mr. Fullwood: G =~~~PK VER Cpy< r w~ • _ 9l a ~ FCF NO RTN ~PQ Wanda M. Copley County Attorney Allen O'Necl County Mcncger Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the 8ocrd In an effort to develop regal-ations to address the safety and environmental concerns of personal watercraft, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has established the Personal Watercraft Regulations Task Force. We would like to request a representative of the Enforcement Division for the New Hanover County area to serve on this committee. The task force will be composed of eleven members from the following groups: Figure Eight Island Board and Safety Committee (1) Society of Masonboro Island (1) National Audubon Society (1) UNCW Department of Biological Science (1)' U. S. Coast Guard (1) N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (1) Personal Watercraft Industry (2) . Concerned Citizens (3) The Board believes participation by your agency will be essential in establishing regulations to benefit the citizens of New Hanover County. We appreciate your consideration of a representative to serve on this task force and look forward to hearing from you soon. An application is enclosed. Hopefully, the members will be appointed to the task force by November. S'ncerely, Robert G. Greer Chairman R118 L ~ c,~ j~c7~~~~ >R ~ P~P~.S ~ N r ~T r ~~. a NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF.CO/t/1MISSIONF'RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 u Application 'for Appointment,to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed b N w Hanover County Board of Commissioners. quest for Appointment to: 1 ~i~ ~~l ~~~~(_Q • me: ,~ ~ J a N c-r L.) l 1 L - /~ wt :r me ~ I How long have you been a Address: ~Q ~ V ~ N ~~ Pn/ ~ ~ Gc~A ~~ ~ resident of /~!ev~ Hznover County? Filing Address: SC) °I l ~ ~} /~) ~ ~' L° w 2 ' y and State: _ ~/~¢~'/7~ %1./- C- -Zip Code:. ~~'~7 l . elephone:. .Home: (~ ' S ~0,2 9 Business: _~SJ -C• GiJ~ Ld ~, F~ ~x: ~ 'Race: .~ ~ 'Age: ~f- ~ .. , 'This in(o~mation is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed, "A person current/y emplo yed b y the agency of department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appoi!intment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover, County Personnel Fblicy. - Job Title: ~ ~/ e Gf rP~ ~ iY ! . Professional Activities: .~ / r ,fl l~nteerActivities: ~ iV/~ ~ ~ . Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee,: 'or Commission requested? - tyl~.- . _ . __ - ' N~iat do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? Nhat areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ,[J/,9 ' .. ~r ou currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: ''~~~~~t'rnc+r~ alb /D- .f-~~~ 'lease,. use reverse side for additional comments/ OCR 1 6 ._ v L Q ~; ?~ Signature ~ ~ .J '. ,~~,,.q CO. ':~`.:~~ HOY- 1-96 ~THU 10:26 Alf STA. W(tI. BCH/P`P. WACtI1E FAK N0. 9102562615 P. 1 ~S CDaS~ l~LL4•CCX, ~2.~~'CSQ`n~~t~'~ NEW HAIVOtfER COUNTY BOARD' dF.• COM/v1ISS10NFRS 320 Chestnut Stt'eet,- Room 305 ~ , Wilmington,~1VC 28:01;-4093 , . Telephone (9101.347-7149. FAX (9101 341-4130 ,_ Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover Ctiunty~Board of Commissioners. PERSONAL WATERCRAFT RECUL.ATIONS TASK FORCE Request for Appointment to: Name: Koine g en a ,, How ion have you be 5 YRS _ Address: 912 WATER ST . WRIGHTSVILLE BCH- resident ofNew Hanover CounryT Mailing Address:. 92 2 WATER ST . WRIGHTSV ~ BE CH - a - :-~: .-. ~ rr_ Ciryand State: WRTGHTSVILT E~ BEAGH NC ~ Zip Code: -28480 - Telephone: Nome: 313`-19 2'4 Business: 2 S 6 - 2 615 •Sex: -tn .. 'Race: `~ aU. ~ »Ape: 33 ~ . .. ~ , 'This /nrarmelian rs raquasled !or the sol. purpose of essurinD that a cross-ssct,on of tha comrnuniry is appointed. • 'Employed by: U . S : COAST ~ GUARD STATION ~WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ` ._ •'A person currently employed Dy the agency or drpertment for which this epolicaturi is made, must ms:'gn Alsrhar position with Naw Hanover County upon eppointmant, in eceordance with Arfic% Vl, Sec. 4 of the New N3no~•er ('.aunty Porsoni;.l Policy. - ~ . i Job Title: LIASON OFFICER,. OPERATIOYS OFFICER , Pro/essionalActivities: SYEARS E.XPER. IN THE LOCAL AREA IN ENFORCE;~EN'r ~OF BOATING LAWS . Volun to er Activities: ` why do you wish to serve an the'Board, Committee, or Commission requestedl_ CONCERN .FOR SAFETY REGS FOR THF.,I~t]CAL AREA _ _ . _. _ ._ What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~,: YES, AS A LAW ENFOP,CEMENT OFFICER AND A PREVIOUS OFINER - ~'ti A .n - What areas ofconcern would you like to sea the Board, Committee, or Commission addressl .. .. ~ ~~ Are you currently serv(ng on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? !f so, please list: ~' ~~~/r q Dafe: (~ ~'~~ l Signature ~;- .~:~ •:~_ fPfaaso use rovoneside foredditione! commcnuJ - ! ,:~ ~~'r-i.- -• ~ _ ~ _ _ 12Q: ....~ NoY .. -~. _} ~. ~s i~ HA':G'ifR CO. : , , 1~D. CF CCMMiS~(O~~E~:; . 11/05/06 15:41 'p 919 3504066 13I0 SCIENCE P .. . ' - : ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ ...~.~~.:;: atlEW HANOIl~R CQU/IITY Q ~~~ . ~ .....~.~.~ .•~ ~. ~. • ~~ `.BOARD OF CONII~IIISSIONERS . .. • .~ ~ ~ .. 320 Chestnut Street, Room •305 . .. ~ ~ • ~• .~ .: •~ ~ ...~ ~ ::.~: • Wilmington, NC ~ 2840 ~-4093 ~.. .. , . . • .. .. Telephone (910} 341-7149 ' : ~ ,. .FAX (9 i 0} 341-4130 • ~ ' ~~ ~. Application forAppoinvnent~to Boards, Committees; and Commisslons Appointed by the 1Vew Hanover County Board of Commissioners. C~ 0 01 ~~4equestforAPpointmanf to: P2 rsoN~ l t,/A~rcro4~ f~e.,,Ca'fc~,~,s Ta~,E rurrP ~ame: ~ '/~'la G ~~ ~ ~., k~. `Posc.r• ( 1f'-lcme .~. ':.; , ~"`-;:.': .... .,.~,. , .-: .. • .... zyYo~ l~oiv /onq'h'sve you been.a 2 ~ 3 ...Address: ~ r5 le..-~ ~•~c:~~s „ ~. pt...,:-..1,:/,.(.,.,.,~ T, u^,, - ,,,c, ...resrden:-of NewHanaverCounty?~ ~-.. ~- °'z'. ~ --- - .. - -:;:: •a,7uig.Arldress:•' .DE~~-riJ•w~e.~1'~ o~ '6wC~i~pc Sc~~.S c~J c,~.~c~J .. .. .. :;Ji9 ~S;iL Cfry and State: • W< <..:,'~ ~, t,,~ , . ~ ,v. c. Zip Code: a ~Y ~ ~ __- _ - - ~elephone: •: Home:. ~ 3`t 2 - 3_frh~ Business: 9 ~ ~ ' 3 Y ~' ~ ' "Sez: i" ~ ' ' "Race: ~ ~-/ 'Age: .31 'Th's inlarmedcn it requested for the so/a purpose of assuring U;at a cuss-sacbon of the commun/ty !s eppointod. ' ,,. _ 'Empioyed.by.... :~ .. V,vC t:J ...: ! . . . -'A per3t)n'currenrly emp/oyed6y rho agencyor deparynent for which this application is made, mist cosign hs/harpccition with ~' Naw Nen'aver Ceunty upon~cppoinU,cncnt, in accardancv with ~nida V/, Sec. 4 of the ,VewN,enovar Counly.PersonnalPoGcy. • '~ ..~ .•'Job.Tii/e: ~:... I73SOGtc+(.a. 7f0~pSfuf . ' . ^ - -- . - . '/Vhat do' you:fee! efe~ your qualifications ~fo~ serving on the Board, Committee, of Commission requesied7 ~:.~':F~t'~r}PtSiunzG:• .a;i•Dorto~ ~•Q - . VYhat;areasofconcern'woufd:you:/ike:to'see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Q,K~~r~.,:.;p„ :( •~ ...ASn p'~~T.••..id~''':.... ~Prf • nna C . t..C.f'o rc rn 7-1 t.lJ a e you~cuireni7yseniing'on•.another'board or committee appointed by a municipality' or a county? /t so, please list: • •N C) .' .. ....~ •• .~• --L• .~.~fe::::::.:`..'.:5::~,:/v;iP:;::~~i~':~:::Ly:S;C ' - _ nature • ~/,uj~'' ~p~ Y~ • • '~~ • r!~: ~~• IFfoase ~cb'rovcuo':ids';lor-oddrticnel:corivnenLl ~ ~ ~~, [L, J (" _ .: . ... . . . .. ..NOS .0.. S :. l>'.:i: •....•.:~~~: ~•.- _ .. • .• •~ 2 .. .. ' - ' ;'a,`.0`:ER CO. ~ ... . NOV 5 '96 15:56 FROM PRUDENTIAL - WILM NC J S ~ ~e ~ Ca s~ ~h ~ f7(ee..~ - NSW HANOVER COUNTY BOAf~G OF CON1MlSSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 WI~m/ngton, IVC 28401-4093 Telephone (91 Dl.' 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 PAGE.001 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Comrr7issions Appoi d by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners_ Re uest forA ~~ q ppointmentto: \~\C_ ~~-~~\1 ~t„~~ ~ A~~LL~ 1~.,.tii~ Name: ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ' Nome How long ave you been a Address: ~ ~~S resident of Now Hanov~_County? \ ~ t Mailing Address: __._ ~~ ' Cr'ty and State: ~, '~. ~ ~`~~ ~- Zip Code: ~ S Telephone: Home: ~ - ~~ ~~ Business~`,v ~~~ ~~ ~ "Sax: ---~~~ "Race: ~ : ~ ~ 'A~e: . 'This informoaan cs requostod for tha so% purpoya ofessuring that a crosesoation of the commnrty is appvlnted. ".Employed by:. ` t Y~~ --~Vv/~~ "' . "A personcurrentfy pfoyodbytha'ayencyordepartrnentrotwMchlArsepp/rceaanism~de,mustrosigRA• erpasitroirwitty Naw F/nn~r County upart apporrtment, yr accordonco wfth Article Yl, Sew 4 of the New Hanover County P~vrsorrrrel reilicy. Job Tit/e: Professional Activities: ~1r}~.~-z~~ ~ --,. hl\•y ~~ (~~ Lam--' 1 ~,~~ -~Z~~L~" VolunteerActivities:~ ' ~~~,L~~~~ ~~~~~~1 ~_y~__a~ ~~-~~ by do you wish to serve.on.the Board, Committee, or Commission requested?'_-~ . 1~.~z..~ ~1 What do you fee/ ere your quelifica6ons for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedT~^~^" ~L ~~ VYhar~f concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~~d ~ ~ ' -~ Are you currently serving on another tioard'or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? Ilso, please list: ~A Dare: ~ ;:. St~nat IP,'eese rever s side for edd~?rbne/ comtnentsl _...._ '.~:. ~• i ' 122 Nov o s ;; .'.~ ~-':~,:'•:C`:'~R CC. x~ TOTAL PAGE. 001 ~* ,MAILBOX EXPRESS 9104520714 O C I ~7" ~( D~ M (~- S O N~ o~ 0 1 5 C.,g-N D S ._- _.. ItJFW f~ANDVER COUNTY BOARD a~ Ca~MISS/GIVERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 t1 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 ~! Telephone.(910J 3d /_7149 ,r FA: C 19 101 34 1-4 f 30 ~• APPI/eaiion for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Comm/sstoners. Request forAppointment to: ~C~~~j+r'~n ~.~C~1~'~ ~S l~s~ ~C•~ ~--~-. Name: 1 ' '~^,/ ~ c.. v~ 1 1~'l C ~ 1' ~~1,~~ Home _ (n`~ 0 v Ma~7ing Address; ~~ _ ~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ P. 02 How /ong have you been e resident of New Hanover County? ~ ~~eC~/S Cr'h'andState: CL~dO 1 ~~G-'`~~~~-t. .~~ r'1 cb yl .~~ p Zip Code: o~ / 7e%Fhone: Home: ~-{ S ~ ..~ 0 ~1 ~ `~..5 l~ S 7 ~ 7 JBrusiness: -7)!is lntarmatron it rOgv°rtad tar the ao/s pu ore nJa~urlgg Ne! a rros~s,ct~n a/ tl~a carrvn~M ,Vr^l t1'u eppo~ntod - «'~p/eyed by: .~j C ~~t~1: ~ :: - ~y ~ ~1 S~itti ~VYq c:.-~--S l G.Y~ ~~ C -•AptrJOncrxrendyemptoyedbythoa eneyardaf•,{m•ntta~tvA/ehn+,~, b'cat;onisrnada,muaflaal ' NswHanovor Chun one °PP L`rt hisrAerpasiUOn tvr(h h' uP paointment, in accordant with Ar0'de V/, Sac, 4 of tho New Hanover County P~rnvnn~l fbrJcy c-'- Job Tlt/e: ~~oc~ C ~ ~~ (' ~/, C ~-cJ/ .Professlon2/Activities: I i ~~~Vy~~'j~ ( ~ ~ S'~,~,~-~, ~^,~. ~- ~ C 5~~~ (~~~ SSOG , 'VolunteprActivitias: ~o,,,t~ ','h.>c~lv~,-~...-~ ~.~. Sc~.oo~S . Why do you.w:sh to serve on the'Bosrd,:CommitteP, or Commissian_regvested? ~` r.~.yh ,~~~e~ ~o`t1 e^r"~ ~ `~ S ~Y.S rh. c.~ t, G rte.. Whet do you feel are your qua/ifrcations far serving on the Board, Committ , or Commissio requested ~l~~S ~~ ~G'vW~ A1'L G. l~i'/V Y~~Q ~ •' ~~~~ c, ~C~S~2,V s ~e ~r~~ ~~ `,il ~(~~< v~ ~- - ~~'~G,; What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT~~~ ~ ~ ~ S SuYS. ~.: ~.Yf.~,~~ 1 ~'YL..~ '~ r' ~,o_ ~,~.5 ~. '~v~c.e ~ `~1~c~-~~„ ~ t ekx,~ ~ nc' ```~~ ~.~:~/'t1~. •Mc'r: ~ 1 r., 1~X.~-"~'S Cs `t'L:.C'1 ~S c..~c.\ ~ ~ c L Are you current/y serving on another board or committee a 1 ~ ~ ~ '~ l~Y'~ ~~.r'vy nu~a ~' .. ppointed by a municipality or a county) /f so, p/ease)/ist; RY~4-~, ~te: ~ t S ' ~ (a' . 01Sp 1i° r<vo~~p aido 1 oddrG'dnal cemmen~/ T` ~ r u j= ~ ~? ' I ~ ~/Dnarur~~-~V ~r~l~M G~--~J ~ ~~.~..' f~OV 0 5 ;;; 123 ~ a.~{--~ o v~a.l ~-it:.dt.~b o cam. S o c i c.~ . .-----. - ----~- .._.__ ._ .. ~,~Pre s end-a,~-~ c/~ ~J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF.COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room -305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~ ~., Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ~ Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forA ~~.~s..,a '- /a-f«c~o ~ ~' 1PP/ointment to: ~ w. ~~ ~~{Jul'o~c..S /a1~ /-o~cL Name: Wa ~~S C r ~o~~c ~ - ~" Home Address: /v G, G-~c-t.~s~.~o S'~ ~'~ ~ . Mailing Address: l ~ ~• ~~x 551,-3 - - City and State: W'' qii ~s~•~i~~ ~~ ac~ ~L Z'p Code Telephone: Home: ~/D~ ~ S 6 - ~/7~ Business: How long have you been a resident of New Hanover County? d ~5~~0 a S`6 -377 3~y ~Q - s 'Sex: ~a~~ 'Race: ~ ~,'~ . .Age: ,35~ 'This inlarmation/ is requested for the s/o% purpose o/assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: /Va~~o~-r,e ~ ~dc~~a,-~ ~oci e - "Aperson currently emplo yed by the agency or department 1 i which this application is made, must,resign his/herposition with New Nanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Attic%-V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel fblicy. Job Title: ' ~a H c~c~y ~ ti a q t .~ I. PcofessionalActivities: /`f1iGa%f ~eY/Gar~o+~ ~ a-Y-+-(1J' ~.~~~~ /~Nagl,y~.~J" 1 "~L~ '~ VolunteerActivities: // ' Why do you wish to_serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? 1/L~y [..c~nCt~••+-c.9 n.6j.r r~ 7~ht ciu.C «..d .`r-t r+-.~ac7 e.~ u/~ ~d~•`~ -a.wQ ~A.~~nf ~t1a/.-!~C S a ;I ~{~..J l-b.1o.^C i Coo/n W _ ~ ~ ~ What do you feel are your qualifications tot` serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~ i-•~~. ~~n~Y^~/'~ O~ C,OCl/~~ W,1/d~/,~ /~-AN•lk/~ ~i`M~R.lls Old.C!iS7LiJliACfs Q~tO' ~.M.~(,~A/-U/•~~"'~ ~~~ v ~ ~~~LLL...... What areas of concern. would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ .~~+-t~+c~ 71'la.it/ (.tea ~-uf f~o~ J .-, ~Lw ~. ~ / / 7~ eve S-G.~S ,/~irL Q itrt S ~~ wi ~d(•,K a .u3' G ~~~C~t ~ ,/Ril / - Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~/ ~J /j ~~ ~ , ~ fir- _ Date: ~~~~~ S~ 2 S I~-~ Sr~n~ture (Please use reverse side /or additional commenlsJ NE~J HA~IOVER CO. ~D. OF Coh1P,11SS10~!E;~; ~' ,~ North Carolina Coastal Islands Sanctuary ational -~ Audubon Society ~ P. o. BoX 443 Wrightsvillc Beach, NC 28480 ~ (910)256-3779 wgolder@audubon.org September 23, ~ 1996 Mr. Robert G. Greer Chairman New Hanover County Board of Commissioners - 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. Greer, ~ . v Thank you for the invitation to serve on the Personal Watercraft Regulations Task Force as a representative of the National Audubon Society. I will be delighted. to serve on this committee. . Enclosed please find my completed application, as. requested. Please '~ feel free to call me anytime if you have any questions or, concerns. - ~ , Very best ,regards, - ~ . -. Sincere y, , ... - .: -_ Walker Golder ~_ . ~-. .. - ' - ~ ~ `Sanctuary Manager ~ - ~ ~ I _. ,1 , .. ~. . ~ ~,~~G~~dGD ~ . ,~, . ~ SEP 2 5 1;~ NEW HANOVER CO. $D. OF CO'~'r11SSI0NERS 125 r v.++.a «, ~ ~ i 03/01/1992 04:19 9104587900 ENAF INC f'ArE 0? 6 98 W:D J4.2~ . P~e ~ s ova, l` (~ ~..~-~.~ cr ~.~ -+ t rv.~. u.S~Y y N. o l . ~~- P ~ /tl~'W HAIVO V~"R COUI11 T . BOARD OF COMIVIISS/ON~R~ I~J 320 ~hestRUt Street, Room ~~05 Wllmingfon, 11%~ 28401-40~~3 7e~phone 1910) 34 ~-714y ~,~x r~ f iii .~4~-~r3o ' sipp/ic~~tibn tar' ApRoletmerit 14 Boards, ComR7rtteQ~, and ~drrymisslans ApPo%~ted ray the New Nannver County Beard o~Commisstonars. Request Jvr/tppoirltme-rt fo: ~' ,p ~,• Name: Homo Addre~s,r. ~~~4- (~ /.~' f',lJ., ,, :1..,- HdW lor}p have you been a .... ...~ .... -~,~1ZC' ~8~/2 resldentofNaasr Nanaver CovntyT Ma;linD AddrPSS.•~ City ~nt~ Stete•.~l1...( L'p Code; ,~~ Tclrplrr}r}9: Marne: ~~~~~~, ~P'~~ f{rrcln.r,r~`yT~ ,!! ,. irq~ r • ' ~ "Tart [rrr~rmrlran /~.~er;r.•arla,t R.. r1,..F.1,wipr:rar ei,fr...,,y that r erasssarrrnn r "~ ' • Employed b ~ 7 r~ d ~ 0. (,~~ ~Dlllfi,unily i~ +Vi6=,t1J, t r.A p.iSPn Cvr~.r~d u.+rp Y y f !r ~ ` .,, i f ~ ~i~! ~ ~~lr~l /~ r• J~~~}L?(a ( L11,~ "•'~ r b •db rhea a.~eYordparUn~nrlorwR,c rh.,~ppliurirrtLrmyd.,mrrtreti9nAh/t,.rpoalubrtwfrA-=~-- Now Naaavor Counl~ ups„ orpwhrnrant, ;n •ccordenee wlrh Art/efv V/, Svr. 4 of tl,a,;',~w p ~ Nanovor C<~~n~r pc~.-c~;nc.'F:11.:;. Protessloria! Ac,•iY/t/es: ±.~~' r''•:.~ :• TSB/,t ~ ~- VolunreerActlv;Ues: ~~} • r~ ~ ~r 1 f '~~? ~} m}Y dv you w.~sh• co servo vn thQ E}acrd, Comm;ttrr or C ~~ -~~~ r vmmisS/on requastedr ~ '7' ,, ,, .LrL~ f L{'c.~~c'~ W1}at do you tre! are your queliGra rion~ s r'or/~servnp on the Board, Comm;tte~ crr CBrrimrSSibn requeatod? ~,~-I.LIYU~ What erc,~s.o/concern would yov:~ko to sea the board, Co,nmirroc, or Commirslon arldressT ~~ Ara you currCn!/y Sgrvinp an arroth,jl bdard trr Comm;ttec appolnter/by o mUnicir}alitY or o l>ounty7 .. ... 1~so, pleasrr list: ip~r~ -~~_ If'/„;~ tue r r ~ ter edd;r.bn.l colnminreJ $'Dr}dlrlr ~~~*~~~/ / , :: ~ 1,..- _ OCT-16-96 wED 10:52 Ahf BRIT~t. MO'i~OR. SPORTS FAX K0. 910`i913203 Fie ~- s o h a.l W ~,~- ~~ c ~- ~.~ -E- l ~, o~ ~ s ~'~ _ `1 R~pY~serao~~t~-eJ 0 NFW HA1tIOVFR covNr~ BOARD OF C01~11~9/SSIONERS (~, 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 /DD Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (91 DI 341-7149 ' FAX (9101 341-4130 App~catlon for Appointment to Boards, Comittlttces, acid Corrrrrtissi~ns Appointed by the New NanoYer County Board of Commissioners. Request 1orAppointment to; ~e/SD/7q/ 1~Ce7~Cr~..r4f~ _~Lil"~S~y _ Home n ~ ~ ,'how long hd~'e y~v ,fern e Address: ~3~~ /'C~ resdeni olNew Nenover G'ountyJ. ~ C ^t Mai/in~Address:~3.s ~e~i1 ~~/ ~ ~~ 1/ '/ City end State: l~~/lJii;C~To~ /~O~!/~ ~~0~/1~ --- - Zp Codv: ~~7 © 9 1'elephonr: ~ Nome: ~ID~~SO~.~-SSA 8usinvss: 91~-y-S~-~ZZ~ ~' 'Sex: t2 t°. -Race: ~ -Ape: ~~ . Thir infoim~t/on /: r~quortid for thv sell purpoa• of usoa~iny th+t ~ ero~e-~.otion o1 tho carnml,niry l~ cppoinl•~ . •Emplo yed b y: ~OGI<.S/C.l e ~~Cr;~CfSGbI'TS ~G, ..._. -- -- -- • •A p~taon cvrrsntly amp6o y.dby !h. a pmcy or dip. msnt /or which this epptic~tJon is m+do, mus ~ twsJen hisJfieiposlt.~on wvill Now Kenov.r Courtly upon epov1ntment, in accv.rfnce with Article Vl, Sec. ~ of the New Hanover County PvrronAel Pol(cy. _ 'i Job Title: ~~5~~/1/ CO '~(~/JG-'/~' r prof~sslonal Activities: ~.VolunteerActivities: ~omoTPi ,~f~ G/1 ~~~_ _ ~~ ~/G~/GC/S' ~ ~ _~ _/ / , Wh y do you wish to"serve on tht Board, Committee, or Commission requestedr _~~~ ~ d~ ~~°~' . ~~7 D~ . ~~ oi/T , e r~ ?. 2 ~ ~ _ What do you feel ere your qualr'fications !or servt'np ~ ~~ the B ard, ComRtiltee, ~r G'ommission requested? - dlG What areas of Concern ~wou/d you IikQ io see the Bodld, Commitlao, or Commission oddress7 ~" O/J ~ "7`c'/ D ~ / f ~re you currently serving on vnother board or coMm~mnttee appointed by t3 municipality yr a county? !f so, please list: NOV - 6 1996 2 7 `Det~; ~~ J '~~ S~anature ~a ~~,r.~-~~ _ l~.•+. u+. i.v.rs. sid. for add/t(on~l Comm~n~tiy yaNOVER CO. r BD. OF COMMISSIONERS l~-2~5or~~ W0.~~~ e~a~~- ~~.~-~ser,~Q,~i~-e, 1 n o1, u, s ~-~~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 lNilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9101 341-7149 . FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: fCl.Sd~~L (,lJ/} ~ G~C~AF T /~Cqv/,4Y,~,yf ~~'~ ~D~ Name: ~GoTT ~R/TT- . Home b How (ong have you been a n Address: J %. Z~ ~ f~,~N roc 1~fQ/ !/C resident of New Hanover County) °2 d Pi~/- Mailing Address: (O 7~ 9 /~l A/-!t'e r StrPe ~' ~l City and State: I N~ ~ M (/tiJ G T4 n n ~', Zip Code: 2 ~j ~~ S Telephone: Home: _ ~ ~ (o S ~ ~ ~ Business: 7 -/ i' O 3 Z, 'Sex: M 'Race: V y 'Age: ~ ~ _ 'This inlormetian is requested for the so% purpose of essunng that across-section of the community is appointed. .,Employed bY: ~ R) ~ IVyQ ~~S~O Q"~S ~' ' 'A person current/y employed by the agency or depertmenf ror which this epplicetion ismade, must resign his/herposition with New Nenover County upon appointment, in eccordeMce with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 0l the New Nenover County Personne/Policy. p~ Job Title: G Q n C~ A L I ' 1, An f~-R ~" ~ ', Professional Activities: ~er3o N~ L (.v,a.refCF~F i MOTORC ~iCKJ 7"/-'f11/C L ~ ~ ~..~ VolunteerActivities: ('CS '" , C.,. Tt~ c (~ ~- hl r~r-cr~FT .De;~~er SSoC(r4 Tjo.v~ 'f Wh y do you wish to serve on.the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~~ ~ ' (' ~Q f C ~'~rtJ /-- -D~.~Sa~RL ~. i~J~-Tee C~A~~r ~'~~V ~Arlo/~5 . ~flS ~~ov~ acd ~u 1 or~,er ~i arcC - ~ _ What,do you feel.are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) 2 0 et4 rs ~ 01 v e.v. ~ ~n o v-R i -- ~ r T- P W G ~ PA ~c r ,v lV . C. What areas .of concern- would -you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission addressT S~ ~~-e r~ Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? Lrn IN ~~ Date: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ i`,'i Signature /P/ease use reverse side r eddi(ione/ commantsJ P!~ /J ~'A40VER CO. ~0. 0; CC~~' "!SSIOPJERS r' if so, please list: ~ Co~nMlTTe~ I ) n n •~ NEW HANGVER COUNTY BOARD OE COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 n, FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Commit7ees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Watercraft ,Regulations Task Force /Request forAppotntment to: i'%Vame: Jeff Aydelette 'i-iome 6301 Pintail Court How long have you been a Since May ' 87 Address: ~ resident of New Hanover County? .Matltng Address: tty and State: Telephone: Wilmington, NC. Home: X910) 392-4554 Zip Code: 28403 . Business: (910) 799-6977 4 'Sex: Male •Race: White 'Age: 6 'This information is requested !ar the sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. 'Employed by: self-employed booking agent "A person currently employed bythe agency or department for which this application is mode, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Po/icy. Job Title: Owner ,~' Piofessional Activities: Various trade shows and organizations associated w/ my business ~/olunteerActivities: Part-time tutor in math at D.C. Virgo Middle School ' by do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commisssion requested? I fall into the category of Concerned Citizen"; I believe that I can be fair and. impartial _ but this t yPe of watercraft I do quite a bit of damage if -operated in an unsafe mariner. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _ rI am an avid sailor of the small Sunfish boats, and I am somewhat knowledgeable of ^ - -'the various nooks and crannies of our coastline and ICW where these units operate. What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~[inimum age to operate w/out formal instruction; slightly lower age w/ formal instruction; certain limitations as to where these typesof watercraft may operate; possibly restrict to e you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ' certain hours of the da= am currently serving on no other boards or committees.. ~~:J ~/f, :,. iJ mate: October 16, 1996 ,Signature (Please use reverse side for additional comments) lVc~J HA,VO~JE~ CC. / ~D. OF CC:utiilcc~r„~~:,.. / NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF .COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC -28401-4093 - Telephone (910) 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. i Request for Appointment to: i,~J A ~t ~_ l~ A-~/ S._ Tq ~~ ~ F~ 2C~: (,y e~ l'tCSU//(~ ~ Pt-~- ~'J ~~- Name: ~ ~ ~ % n~ ~ ~A ti ~ S Home _ How long have you been a ( / Address: Ion S qi r~ T ~.~c~ r~ ~ 2. ~~p-{ c2o ~ resident of New Hanover County? 7 ~ - Mailing Address: 3 ~ O ~(~ ~' ~} r, ~, ~ ~ ,~,,g Q G }--~ City and State: _ l,J 1 ~-- M ~ ,u C ?`drJ ~~- L'p Code: ;~~~~ ~ o` r~`1 i _ ~I Telephone.: Home: 3~5.- c~•S`~Sl' ( MAC/ PtiAT ~ Business: 3 !02 ~~ 7? 'Sex: M/~ ~ ~ 'Race: .~ ~ 5 (-~ 'Age: c~ S ~/ /- oG, - ?o~ 'This in/ormafion is requested for the s /e purpose olessunng that across-section of the co~mmunlry is appointed. "Employed bY: C) -~ : ~DA S T (, u ~12~ 5`iA?i c~;J ~.~: n c~ I-{ S~ v~ I) P ~ c l-~ `/`~ ~ "A perion current/y amp/a yed b y the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Secr 4 0l the New Nanover County Parsonne/ Po/icy. Job Title: ~ o ~~e) ~/-.tq~ i eAr,~ l`r12,.,~3 pJ~ - ._ ~ Professional Activities: ~- A w ~,`~ ~ QC ~r,.ati,~ ' 1;.~ r, ~ I-~ ~~ , l ~ e' ;(3 ~ ~-~ Are q~ o~ y,~ VolunteerActivities: Ise c ~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? _. .. ~ ~ (' f C A ~ C~- ~ ~A ~ fir, n n S/-~ ~P ~.. ~ ~ 1~) c.JrtGNsu/ r) Vv 1 ~, ~...>..., 1 t ~JNQG~a,/. .lA `h ~2.. LJa ~/ S - ~ _, _ _ - What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission req~ ed? - ~U ~0 G ~ \ - - ,! Lv!~~ ~~-4a ~ {-L _! I ~~ ~ 1-"C~~ F-~1 ten: ~ ~.i z r~~ v ~ J ~S« ~7~qc~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ , - _ - 'Are you currently serving on another board ot;,committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: Date: _ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~D (please use reverse side for additional comments) 1 Signature ~"° - ~~ ~ ~ ~ o Uv - ~ I~, = " ~1.~ CAUTION: NOT TO BE USED FOR THIS IS AN IMPORTANT RECORD. ANY ALTERATIONS IN SHADED IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES SAFEGUARD IT. ~ AREAS RENDER FORM VOID ~~ CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE OR DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE DUTY -- -- - 1.NAME (Lest, First,: Middle).. .. 2. DEPARTMENT, COMPONENT AND BRANCH 3. SOCIAL SECURITY N0. LANASA;"JUSTIN;'.WILLIAM TRANSPORTATION: USCG 199 ~54~ 7043 4.a. GRADE, RATE OR RANK 4.b. PAY GRADE 5. DATE OF BIRTH (YYMMDD) 6. RESERVE OBLIG. TERM. DATE SN ':: :' .: E-3 70 11 06 Year 97 Month 12 Oay 20 '7.a. PLACE OF ENTRY INTO ACTIVE DUTY 7.b. HOME OF RECORD AT TIME OF ENTRY (City end state, or complete HARRISBURG MEPS address ilknowrt3239 CARDINAL LANE NEW CUMBERLAND, PA 17070-5098 DOVER, PA 17315-0000 B.a. LAST DUTY ASSIGNMENT AND MAJOR COMMAND 8.b. STATION WHERE SEPARATED "CG STATION WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH CG STATION WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH 9. COMMAND TO WHICH TRANSFERRED t0. SGLI COVERAGE None N/A Amount: S200, 00 .00 '11. PRIMARY SPECIALTY (List number, title end years end monlhs in specialit Lief additional s eci ll b 12. RECORD OF SERVICE Year(s) Month(sl Da s) y. p a y num ers and titles involving periods o/one or more years.) a. Date Entered AO This Period NA b. Se aration Date This Period X X X X X X X X X X X X X X }{ }{ }{ c. Net Active Service This Period 4 00 X X X X X X X' X X X X X X X X X X d. Total Prior Active Service QO 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X e. Total Prior Inactive Service 00 00 26 X X X X X X X X X X n X X X X X X (• Foreign Service X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X 9• Sea Service 02 h. ENective Data o(Pay Grada 9 3 0 S 31 13. DECORATIONS, MEDALS, BADGES, CITATIONS AND CAMPAIGN RIBBONS AWARDED OR AUTHORIZED (All periods of service) COAST GUARD MERITORIOUS UNIT COMMENDATION HUMANITARIAN SERVICE MEDAL DEFENSEOSERVICERI~IED~L SEXPERTRRIOFL,E~MEDAL~GLETTERAOFRDh~NATICNAL WITH A OPERATIONAL DISTINGIS~ING DEVICE, ARMED FORCES EXPEL. ._uNARY MEDAL 4. MILITARY EDUCATION (Course titla, number o/weeks, end month end year completed) GENERAL SHIPBOARD FIREFIGHTING SCHOOL ON 05[11/19g3 D~ TEAM TRAINING ON 05/13/1993 BOARDING , . TEAM MEMBER SCHOOL N 08/06/19 3. ti^. MEMBER CONTiLBU7ED TO POST-VIETNAM ERA Yep No 15.D, HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE OR Yee Np 16 DAYS ACCRUEDLEAVE PAID VETERANS'.EDUCATIONALASSISTANCEPROGRAM }{ EOUNAIENT X . 2O. S 7. Member wu proviWd com pleU Donal Es^min^5on •nd ^II ^pproprL t. D.n^1 S.rvicee ^nd Tre^tmenf ..i;tJn 90 a^y^ prim to ^epar^Gan }~ Yep No ~ a. REMARKS .. _ ;' HOME OF~:. RECORD :::' `DOVER, : PA `. ... PLACE OF'`BIRTH :.':YORK PA `" :..;. `: ;','::: ~ '.. ' "" . . ADVISED.OF,;THE'. REQUIr~tEMENTS`FOR•SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION NO':'DISCHARGE'CERTIFICATE ISSUED AT TIME OF SEPARATION- ' MGIB;.INFO:::MEMBERS,.INITIAL SERVICE: CONTRACT WAS FOR 4 YEARS THIS :DD-214:;<,COVERS MULTIPLE'ENLISTMENTS/REENLISTMENTS AS REFLECTED~IN BLOCKS.I2A',r;12B;:AND 12C...THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES REGARDING EACH. ENLISTMENT/REENLISTMENT:~: PERIOD OF ::SERVICE :: 90 O1 17.:.TO` 90 ._05 14 RE CODE : RE-1 SPD : MBK . . :::::, : '..;. TL:<.. NONE:. , X::X X,. X:::X'X.`X': X:'X X X'~X ~X _X. X. X 'X'-X.'X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ;X X X X X X'.. X"X :X X X X X •X. X:,X. X X X X X X X X X .X X X X X X X X X X X • 19.a. MAILING ADDRESS AFTER SEPARATION (Include Zip Coda). 19.b. NEAREST RELATIVE (Name and address -include Zip Code) 3704C'CAROLINA,BCH RD. ~ . : pNNIE LANASA . . . : NEW.:HANOVER:::::::;'..:..•,: . ....:.::..::..:.....:: .. .• ' 35 PIEDM NT IRCLE 4'~ M<m6o reGw^a copy G be ^eru m Ou. of Vear^n Arfal Yep No 22. OFFICIAL A T RI ED TO S N (7 21. SIGNATURE OF MEMBER BEING SEPAR TF D yp name, grade, title end si n t r , 1 JUSTIN PlILLIAM LANASA a 9 ) ure YNC, USCG Y IRECTION .SPECIAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (For use Dy authorized agencies only) TYPE OF SEPARATION RELEASED FROM=ACTIVE DUTY 24. CHARACTER OE SERVICE (Include upgrades) HONORABLE I ?5. SEPARATION AUTHORITY ARTICLE 12:=B -1T COMDTINIST M1000 6 26. SEPARATION CODE MBK 27. REENTRY CODE . .. . RE-1 .NARRATIVE REASON FOR SEPARATION . , . OMP.LETION,:OF:`A.CTIVE SERVICE :' ~ .. . DATES OF TIME LOST DURIN THIS PERIOD 30. ME.'.18ER REQUESTS COPY 4 one JWL ' Form ?14 NrIV ?R . IniL a19 COMPGEN - Pravrous ad~nr,nv .?ro nncnlnra r.c..oco _ , Date: Mar 23, 1994 s:55 AM _ Message lil: D3~-0025753 0 ~l_._t . From: SHIP/LantCommcenSDN To: ~ NMUD..MSG/DiligenceSdn - - Conies: Attach: Subject:, R 2120212 MAR~94 ~ _ . DON CAF WASHINGTON DC U137629 ~ _ Yl DE NC Y1/004875 R 2120212 MAR 94 ZYB ZUI ASN-SDN082000033 ~ ' FM DON CAF WASHINGTON DC TO Y1/USCGC DILIGENCE BT UNCLAS FOUO //N05520// ~ ~' MSGID/GENADMIN/DONCAF// ~ _ SUBJ/ADJUDICATIVE MATTER ICO ~A~~~~S'~T ~GJI~~AM, 199-54-7043, ~~ ~, / ACTIVE DUTY .ENLISTED, OPFAC 212102/ R°°j?:~.S/1 . SUBJ. AUTH FINAL ' OR`s '~';CL'E`A'~~• E E'~/~++,,rm,11~~.7 AScD ' ~~C ON U.S. COAST .GUARD SINGLE SCOPE BACKGROUND i VESTIGATIO TF.D 940310. ~ -- 2. THIS MSG IS FINAL REC OF CLNC AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN THE- ~ SUBJ'S UNIT PDR. ' 3. PLS INCL SUBJ NAME AND SSN, UR OPFAC, POC, PHONE ON ALL COMMS _0 i DON CAF. DON CAF 'PHONE: COMM 202-433-8992.// i Bl - NNNN ~ ' . ... _ _ ~~ - _ . , • ~ • _. .- i~ , L _ _ ~ . _ - _. .~ _ ~ I _ - LL JJJ L~~~,,, I COS XO EO OPS 1 LT COMM C1C0 AO AEO 000 • ~~~ ^^^ 111 . c~h - ~i?fZ ~ ~ _ -. ', WEPS CEA RM YN OM HS GM SS' SK 81r1 - „j _. ~ 132 ~ . - ... ~~ e 0 v t t ~' THE COMMANDAfVT OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD a ° .' j ~ WASriINGTON 20593 10 March 1995 From: Commandant To: SN Justin W. Lanasa 1 99 54 7043, USCG Subj: LETTER OF COMMENDATION 1. 1 note with pride and am pleased to commend you for your performance of duty while serving on board USCGC DILIGENCE (WMEC 616) between 1 and 22 July 1994, during an .intense OPERATION ABLE MANNER patrol in the Windward Passage between Cuba and Haiti. ~ Your exceptional efforts and devotion to duty played a pivotal role in.the successful processing of 1,835 migrants which involved twenty-two rescues and interdictions, two repatriations, and five cross-deck transfers to assisting U.S. Navy vessels. 2. DILIGENCE joined ABLE MANNER forces on 4 July 94. and was immediately faced with round-the-clock operations to interdict eleven grossly overloaded Haitian sailing vessels carrying a total of 725 migrants. On the evening of 5 July, DILIGENCE was stretched to the limits when the ship served as shelter for over 500 migrants--a 210' WMEC record--prior to transfer of some to nearby.Navy platforms. From the bridge . to the engine room, every member of DILIGENCE worked continously to carry out this demanding, all-hands mission without casualty to personnel or equipment.. Particularly noteworthy was your aggressive teamwork with members from all. departments in delivering the skill and manpower to erect the flight deck tents, and sip ~ ply serve all the meals, as well as clean the flight deck. As a member of deck force, your efforts, endurance, and professional skills, resulted in the safe recovery of over one thousand migrants by small boat without injury or mishap. As the only cutter with reporters on 4board, DILIGENCE provided America with the timely story of this historic crisis and the Coast Guard's dynamic response. Your can=do efforts ensured the compassionate care and feeding of migrants that called DILIGENCE home during this mass exodus, and you should be proud of your accomplishments. 3. You are hereby commended for your outstanding performance of duty. By your meritorious service you have upheld the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard.. 4. You are hereby authorized to wear the Commandants Letter of Commendation Ribbon Bar. The Operational Distinguishing Device is authorized. For the Commandant, ~ ~~ _ ~ D. nat Commander, U. S. Coast Guard Commanding Officer, U. S. Coast Guard Cutter DILIGENCE 133 NEW HANOi/ER COUNTY BOARD OF CONIMISS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room -305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. , Request for Appointment to: ~ ~ IC ~a~~ T JIZ. W /~i~ ~ZCRPc~T' 1~~~- JIJ~i-~ pry! Name: M~1L:. . W ~~U~~~ry~ Np Home How long have you been a Address: 23 4' S~.f~v ~ ~ L.' resident of New Hanover County? Mailing Address: City and State: Wtl.m~r~crS~:~ r\SC. Telephone: Home: ~ q Z - S"19 3 L'p Code: 2 $ ~ ~9 Business: 3 ~ 3 -1 Oy9 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ .. 'Age: 4`fi . 'This in/ormetion is requested for the sale purpose or assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. ..Employed by: ~~r`~`{• ~j~ol.oCsy .. , "A person current/y amp/ayed 6y the agency or department /or which this epp/icatiori is made, must resign his/her position with ' New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 or the New Hanover County Personna/ Policy: Job Title: E~)~~wcr`S r ~ ~ . ~ _ _ Professional Activities: ~ ~ ~ - VolunteerActivities: - ~ ~ - Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ ~STA-$LlS ~ - r} ~-T~,c~Rl- Po~~Cy ~~ - ~'t~.rz-canFr i~.J rJeJ ~nbJt~ - ~~t~ ', What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, please list: Date: (Please use reverse side ror additional comments/ ~~~ NE~J HA~'VOVER CO. 8D. OF COMMISSIONcRS tJ ~ U 1~~ Z ] ~i;'Sig.natwe ~~\ ~ "t-T ~,--rte" !j I~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~- BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~. Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9 1 01 34 1-7 149 n FAX (9 1 01 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions ' Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. I n ~^ Request for Ap~~intment t~: ~/~S v,~,~ 1 W N-Tx~,~C,~ ,~ F l ~~ ti y ~t} Ti ya. ~ - ~T}C (~• 1~0~0 ~~ ' ; ` ~' Name: ! 17Df~~"S N• ~ S t-/1~ w Home How long have you been a - Addiess: ~9f ~ f-} ~~~L~N ~~1~~ resident of New Hanover County? 7 ~ IZ~ .,~ Mailing Address: City and State: _ ~~ l /YJ /,cl ~ ~~ N G Zip Code:2 fS `j/ ~ • Telephone: Home: _/w ,~95~- 1 ~~~ Business: 'Sex: l~ 'Race: Lc/ 'Age: ~~ • --~ 'This inJormetion is requested Jor the sale purpose of assuring Ihef across-section of the community is appointed. 'Employed by: ~~ T/.C ~ b ~, "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position.with New Hanovar County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personne/Policy. Job Title: ~D~Ct~,>v ,c SEC'0~ DYE ~., S C 1_col N z:i~ D Mx} 53c` ~t - • Professional Activities: .~VolunteerActivities: I~NUv r~ w ~ (gip 7- U ~ r u / ~ • ~ ~ _ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ _~~~ ~}.• ~~ y~ / U ,c,~ ,;fDx SEtis;>;~.~ ~~G//~-T/u.v ~l P,~rsy~~al lN>}r~ ~ercr~rT P~,rr~T!~,~ • t do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board,. Committee, or Commission requested? l! (J ON-u/ !2 Tf v I -St 1 1~~~/ l-ln~.~ What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~re you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: ~at ~ o[i o ~ ;>;~ 135 e ~ ~'Z6 / ~.~ cignature (Please use reverse sJde Io additional commentsl NE'/! HA'~C'lE~ CC. ~' ~D. OF CCh1hf1~S,C?~EnS NURC/UNCW Fax ~ 910-256-8850 Nov S ' 90 1129 P. 02/04 hiOV- 5-96 T(lE 9; 08 ~r~ ~~ ~. ~. New ~~NOV~~ coUn~T~ BCARD OF CC~1~I1N?'/SSIONERS 320 Ghest'nut Sir~pX, Roam•3O5 Wi/rninglvn, NC 28401-4093 7elephgrrd (9101 341-71'd9 F.4 X (9 l RJ 341-413tJ ~} ApplJcatlon fnr Appointment to Boards, Cammitft'es, arid: Eomrritssions U AppolntQd by the Now Hanover Cvuniy Boa~rt of~ComrrirsslonQrs, Personal Watercraft R ulation.:. Task Force Request forAppointmant to: ~ Ntsr»t;_ John_,B Taa4art ~-, N~ How~lonp hevM You Geen a AdBrors: 317 Donald E. Gore Drive rasidonrotNewHanov9rGounry? 6 years _ Mallln~ Addi~sar 317 DonQ~ d ~ GorPDr~~e ~ ' - ~ , City dRd Stata:.'. ~ _ _7Jp Codw 28412 7eleAh~e~ Name, 313-1840 ~ ~ 6usrness: 256-3721 ext. 243 ~`~ 'Sex: Male •Race: Caucasian `Ape: 48 ~ U Thhr fitYsmaflan r9 req:reatedrbr Iha sv~~pur~bse.or tsturing Offi a uorrtltrhn ar fA• cotnrnu~Ity iy eppG/nfod. • `EmployCd bYr - • •A person eunar,uyempfoylC Dy tA~ apenoyr aideporE~rt+arrc/ Wf~fc .ttus~epp!lcation lI mrd•, must resign hb/horposRlon tVfN /U.w Na.rovsr County ty~ .+p~r~+rmanG in •e•atd~rtc• »ith ,46rcr~ 1%7, 9~e. ~! al !h0 Haw HartQY.t C~un ry /'.vaoMd Pbloy, Job Title; Coastal Reserve Coordinator (Please see attached program description} ~' P~ofessr'cnalActllrltlea: ~pmh T' o ' ari nus ~a1 na~~1~P,IIJCirnnmar,tal n+^gg~~.~~ rn.s VoluntcefAcrivliles: Red Cross ~ - why do you wish to serve on the Boeld, CottlrnftteCr oY Commission requested? I manage state lends snd•~. _• waters that include Masonboro Island end,Zek.e's Island. These aiaas have exPeri~nced a considerable amount of personal watercraft use, :but' we ~hav~. received •mao~t: camp}.~ints ': rom the `~gerierei~~rub'1ic.=~k~us ~~npry: invo~lvea~en~"}4o~i2d':b~:~ QiredtYy ~e3ated: ~o '~pt~l~r= 3o~al~. ~. what do you fell-are yor.YgveG>icatfons forsarvfng on the Board, Commt3th, of Commfss/vn requesra'd2 boating ~vaters. . ,. __ _ • 12 years of coastal natural area management exoerienc ~ PhD - ioloQy What arses of concern would you Jrke'to ,tie the Board, Committee, or Commisslon address? to -see' that. personal watercraft use is regulated in a manner`that is safe for ~eopJ.e end for the ' environment Ara you currently servrno on another board ei comm;IteE appo/nted by a munlr~patity ore cdunty7 !f so, p/easo /hi: rfY...e vs- ravarsl rid. !a Id0<tiane commMLa! 7 ... - : V~~~'~ 1, 3 6 . ~ ~ ' r~~~ ~ S 1996 ' . :: / HANOVER CO. ' ~~ '~ ~ COMMIS . .,SIONERc ' NURC/UNCb1 Fax~910-2~6-8856 Nov 5 '96 1130 P. 03104 NORTH OARO 1NA COAS'TAF, ROBE VE PROERA~; Though the prinary focus oP the N.C. Division of Coastal Management is regulation of coastal development, land use planning, and beach access according to the Coastal ~.rea Management Act {CAMA}, this agency also•includes'a Coastal ~5 Reserve Program devoted to the protection of significant natural areas within the 20 CAMA counties. The Coastal Resexwe presently ` encompasses eight components or sites with a total land/water area in excess of 10,000 acres. Each site is managed expressly '~~ for research, education, and compatible recreational uses. The Reserve program-was initiated•in 1982 by a state application to the U.S. pepaxtment of Commerce/National oceanic ~~ and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for funds to create an Estuarine Research Reserve per Section 315 of the Coastal. Zone Management Act. This federal-state program provides matching funds for the acquisition and management of representative estuarine areas. Because North Caroli~ia has such a large (2.2+ million acres) and diverse estuarine area, afour-component Reserve was. approved by 1QOAA. Subsequent federal acquisition awards ($ 3,203,193), state appropr~.ations ($ 1,065,684), and land donations resulted in the designation ofCurrituck Banks (960 acres in Currituck.County)', Rachel Carson (2,625 acres in Carteret County), Masonboro Island -~ {5,09.7 acres in New Hanover County), and Zeke's Inland (1,165 :acres in BrunswickfN.ew Hanover counties). .These bites include .examples of pristine coastal ecosystems, threatened/endangered ,~ :species, and undisturbed geological features. Currently, only d5 :more acres need ao ba acdlliTQd 'on Masonboro Island ta.pcomplete the Estuarine Reserve. Other federal awards have 'been received ~, ~ :for research, education, devel.opruent, and management associated ':with these components. In addition to the Estuarine Reser~ze sites,. the Division og ~, Coastal Management felt that other coastal habitats deserved 'protection. Thus far, four more components (Kitty Hawk Woods,. . Buxton Woods,.Permuda Island, and Bald Head Wov.fls)..have.been grouped with the:,Estuarine Reserve components into an "umbrella" • program known as"the North Carolina Coastal Reserve., Kitty Hawk Woods (Dare County) includes 310 acres owned by ~ 'the state and a conservation easement :aver 461 acres owned by the -~. ..Town of Ritty Hawk: The'state land was purchased with 'total of: $ 1, 000, 000 in federal funds. This maritime forest compler_ - ~ ~: contains upland communities of evergreen and deciduous hardwaads~ 1 plus extensive wetlands that include bald cypress-dominated -- .communities, unique to North Carolina maritime forests." ' Located near Cape Hatteras (Dare .County) on the Outer SanKs, ~~. Buxton Woods represents the largest remaining maritime forest in_ the state and contains numerous rare species. When development plans were abandoned in 1986,~the state began to purchase tracts ~- 137 N NURC/IJ~VCW Fax:910-256-8856 Nov 5`'96 11:30 P.04i04 in the best remaining portion of the forest. A total of $ 5,896,00 have been spent to acquire 818 acres of the forest. Permuda Island (83 acres in onslow County) was acquired in 19$7 with $ 1,783,152 in federal and state funds to protect the waters of Stump Sound from a controversial planned development. The island also contains an archaeological site,(she7.1 nidderi) of state significance that could yield new .information about the prehistoric adaptations of the Middle and Late Woodland aborigines (300 B.C• - 1650 A:D.). ~ . Tha 174-acre Bald Head Woods maritime forest is located on the southeastern-most barrier island in the state. This forest differs from the northern components by having a canopy douiixiated by evergreen oaks and by the presence of cabbage. pa L~netto -- a northern x•ange extension of this species... Acquisition of this., prime development land was facilitatecY kiy $ 5.3 million in federal.(U.S. Fish anfl Wildlife Service} and state (Natural gertage Trust Fund) grants supplemented with a land donation fron the Yo~-mar owner. The Coastal Reserve program has been formally established and recognized to ensure protection ofi the sites. Statutes (G.S. 113-129.1 et seq.) and departmental regulations (NCAC T15: 070) :have been passed.:to.define the program and prescribe use `standards far ..the coinpvnents. Furthex, protection has 'been' afforded the Estuarine Reserve, Ritty•Hawk Woods, Buxton Woods, and Bald Head•'Tsland components by dcdicntione as State Nature .preset-ves 'through th'e Council of State . The estuarine .'.eaters of 'the Masonboro'Island component have been designated as' .outstanding Resource Waters by the Division of Environmental :Management. _ A full-time staff of four persons manages the components with assistance from temporary employees and Yrom federal, state and local organizations. Dr. John Taggart.(Reserve Coordinator) and Dr. Steve.: Ross :(Research Speaializt) are, located in ,. Wilmington and affiliated with the University o~ North Carolina .at Wilmington/Center for Marine~Science Research. Ms. susan Lovelace~(Education Specialist)"has an office in Beaufort while Mr. David Wojnows}ti~(Site Manager) is located in Ritty Hawk. :Local advisory committees, composed of local officials and private citizens., have been established for the Reserve components. Tkiere>is a~strong working relationship with NOAA concerning these_sitQS'.:~ Management plztns have bean completed for the Estuarine~Reserve~components, Permuda Island, and"Buxton; Woods. The ultimate gdal:is to have.ndvisory commi.ttees:,a~d: management plans•for all sites.. _~ .. , • Judging from .the continuing demands for coastal. development acid tourism., many remaining natural habitats., will be vulnerable to alteration for~human uses. The Goastal Reserve,provdes a mechanism to ensure protection and stewardship OZ.6eleCted"s ites and,' thus, complements the regv Tatory object%ves of CAMA. 138 NEW HANOVER COUl1ITY BOARD OF. COMMISS/ONF'RS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 ~, FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 °"` Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions 1 Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. -- 5 ~ -- ~ equest for Appointment to: •~ ~~ _~ \ ~-~~ ~o~c~ erne: /7r~Q~ ~. ~~l~~+eS~~C'S ~~~ome How long have you been a Address: ~ ~'~' ~~ , ~ ~C -~r~r a ~~- resident of New Hanover County) ~ ~ ~ r s• ~~ailing Address: I ~{ ~ ~a ~~- . qty and State: ~r'; Q ~f5 J; ~~~. ~ Q a.L~. Zip Code: a~ U ~ ~ elephone: Home: Glfv - a ~ ~ " yy O 9 - Business: ~ex -Race: ~ -Age; ~ 5 'This information is requested for the so/e purpose of essunng that across-section o/ the community is appointed. Employed by: , "A person currently amp/o yed b y the agency or department for which this app/icetion is made, must res~ n his/her y position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Porcy. Job Title: • Professional Activities: S Lh.oo 4 -f-2GtLh.E. r ~~ booV'~ Ke ~ er ~IUnteerACllVitles:-~Jn;Or ~-e0.aV~4jfC~;ooS WCr1 l~.~ric~~~i-si;~(e~e.o-cl~ ~~-,~5}~~;~ ~a„~1,,,-,~.v~ ~Cm'w.: 55•pa Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~u d ct, ~ (,~.~ ems- W0. s . ~•~ by 0. T^U '~ unl< <e.F SIC; ~~e~a~ , ~- I^ave ~irs{- 4~o.~-c~. ~--x~2y~er,~~ w~~t~ ~e tovo~lem. l,~e~ o.r~ o~. ~'`S ~arn',ti~ Gad AVQ~ Ors '~"1~2 W0. e,r Cyns1-a~.fl.~,ar.~ ~e~ ~~2 c~cz -- ~ v _ tat do you feel are your qua/ifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested) ~ ~a~~ do~~ ~S~Je Y~5~0.1ct~ Ori Tie `~e~ 5~; ~55~~ 0~.~.~ ~'laJ~. becorr.e J~.~y 0.i,~!c~/e o~ e~{-~r~'S c2c yo55 C Gv ~ti•}-l ./ `~ ~otve. ~O~ ~ c~ ~ V eq V ~ ci~'~h 5 , ~ ~ak.~- '1-o v~t~ ~ ~4-~e W o~~--e ,r' ~ 0. ~e r ~cv- ra' What areas of ~Joncern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? ~ e.-~ s l<; red ., 1 a.~' ens re S . ee.d 'P~rox; •t,-.•~ -~- ~.QOws 1=- t~~ -1- II ,f/ fGQ uh~w~ ~ ~a ~~ ~. ~ Sri SVrQv~L4 fQ~i ~i Y~-~ e _ . 4 you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county) if so, please list: W f i a ~~d, (e ~2a~~. t'+~~5~•!~ ~ F~a.,d y`r'1cx,/ (L C~~. vti• s S;o.J V ~~~~: ~- ~ . ~ ~ G~C~C~~OdC~D ~/ease use reverse side Tor additional commer~J O (J~i 1996 r!tr/ ~ . H,~NO/ER CO. Signature ~c~,~ ~ . ~~~ 14 W. O~'ord St. Wrightsville Beach, N. C. 28-130 August 6, 1996 Commissioner Bobby Greer, Chairman New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut St. _ ' '. _ _ , Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Dear Commissioner Greer: This past Fourth of July, our daughter was hit by a jet sl:i as she was sailing her small boat in Banks Channel. Fortunately she. jumped out at the Iasi second and was not killed. We are very interested in whatever legislation it takes to make Banks Channel a safe place for the public in regards to jet skis and other watercraft. Whenever you meet or talk «ith state officials ,would you please speak up for our need to have safety uU measures in congested Banks Channel? It is my understanding that the state of North Carolina R•ould have to grant local authorities such powers. _ Thank you .' . -~Y, - - ~~ ~ ' Arland Whiteside~Gs •• / - -_ - ~ r - °- .. D AU6 .6 1996 - BpN~ ~ NOVER ~ .. ~, • MM~`.S10NERS L. 140 • ~ ~~1 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ~~ ~, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT •-- 4 VACANCIES 3 BOARD MEMBERS (2 Three-year term and 1 unexpired term '~y 1 ALTERNATE ,~ ~ - _. ELIGIBLE FOR APPLICANTS: ,~ REAPPOINTMENT ~~ tvJeffrey R. BellowsRi~: ~~ L L~ ~ , C T s'~1 y~V'i7«QiT .Peter Michael Devita 3Yr, .Robert A. Dudek marry W. Flowers _ u,~,~y~P;r~d " ''' Philip Menkes " -Irving "Rod" Smith ~r~ N : . . ..:. Attachments: Committee Information Sheets ." _ L= Applications ~~~ ~~ ~~- ~ ~ ~ ~ 141 ~' NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Number of Members: 5 plus three alternates Ex-Officio: Planning Director Term of office: three years Regular Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room, County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street. ~, Compensation: $20.00 per member per meeting plus auto mileage Statute or cause creating Board: N.C. General Statutes 153-A-345, 266.17. The Commissioners increased to 3 alternates 11/21/94 (officially 4/1/96). The Zoning Ordinance requires members to be appointed from different areas within the County's zoning jurisdiction.- Brief on Functions: The Board of Adjustment is a recognition of human frailty. If it were possible for the legislative body to write a perfect zoning ordinance which would meet the needs of the community while at .the same time avoiding hardship in individual cases, there would be no need for this board. Because that has been found near impossible, the Board of Adjustment has been introduced as an integral part of almost every, smoothly operating zoning enforcement mechanism, serving as a""pop-off valve"~to relieve pressures resulting from hardship cases. ~~ '~ In New Hanover County, the duties of the Board fall into two general categories: Interpretation and Granting Variances.. Interpretation: The function of the Boarci'of Adjustment which is most closely similar to that of the courts is interpretation of the Ordinance. This function involves (a) interpreting the meaning of parts of the Ordinance which are unclear, (b) applying the Ordinance to particular fact situations, and, if necessary, (c) ~ correcting any mistakes or abuses of discretion which the Building Inspector may have made in administering the Ordinance. In ~~ exercising this power, the basic principle for the Board to keep in ~; mind is that it must not vary the Ordinance. Its function here is to interpret and apply what the governing body has written, not to vary that legislative pronouncement to fit its own ideas. Its decisions must be in accord with what the Board believes to be the actual meaning and intent of the Ordinance. Granting of Variances: General Statute 153A-345(d) provides that, ,~° "when practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships would result L from carrying out the strict letter of a zoning ordinance, the Board of Adjustment may, in passing upon appeals, vary or modify any regulation or provision of the Ordinance relating to the use of land, so that the spirit of the ordinance is observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done". Ba~i~~ly, a variance is a permit, which the Board may grant in ce ~~,, situations, enabling a property owner to make use of his Q~ NEW BANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJIISTMENT (CONTINUED property in some way which is in conflict with the literal ,~ provisions of the Ordinance. Sometimes a lot so small or so peculiarly shaped that the owner would have great difficulty in complying with the yard requirements and yet erecting a suitable ~~ building. Sometimes contours of the terrain are such as to create hardships in complying with these requirements. Sometimes the lot is located in a cluster of nonconforming uses which will prevent the owner from securing any reasonable return from his land if he ~., complies with the Ordinance (as where. a~ lot in a residential district is surrounded by nonconforming business structures). When :~ the Board grants exemptions from harsh provisions, it is "granting a variance." ~ Finally, it should be noted that there is a connected with the duties and responsibilities good bit Hof "law" of the Zonin Board ` g , of Adjustment. This is understandable, however, when one considers the importance of its decisions which expand or limit property ~~, values. These are issues which must not be dealt with casually or arbitrarily. ,~ The above has been largely excerpted from the Zoning Board of Adjustment in North Carolina by Michael B. Brough and Philip P. ~~ Green, Jr. TERM PRESENTLY .TERMS CURRENT MEMBERS SERVING EXPIRES Nello Filip i P.O..Box 2 .~~ Wrigh ille Beach, NC 28480 395 056 (H) 799-9120 (W) Leslie Crew anilowicz ~~ 725 Geor Trask Drive ~ Wilmin on, NC 28412 392- 04(H) 791-2223(W) Joyce B gg 3316 ber Drive ~ ~~'`-~ Wi ington, NC 28409 COI ~' 19 ~ S. Keith Coo e p r 6 Bahama Drive ~~, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 256-8033 (H) 256-7646 (W) second 12/1/96 ~(Appt. 11/5/90) (Reappt. 11/15/93) second 12/1/96 (Appt. 11/19/90) (Reappt. 11/15/93) first 12/1/97 (Appt. 11/21/9.4) first 12/1/98 (Appt. unexpired term 9/5/95) (Appt. -first term ll/20/95) Fred Floyd 802 Pine Grove Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 ~, first 12/1/98 (Appt. 11/20/95) 143 NEA HANOVER COUNTY ZONING BOARD~OF ADJUSTMENT CONTINUE ( D) TERM PRESENTLY TERMS CURRENT MEMBERS., ~ SERVING EXPIRES ALTERNATES.: , 1 Jonathan field, Sr. 2 first I ~ ~ ~ ' . 12/1/96 - '~ 216 Har ove Drive Y 2S C °~-S. no Wilco' gton, NC 28405 `~`~c~.fJP~i-1~~2ti~ (Appt. 11/15/93) 39 4851; (H) 762-8.521 - Peter Michael DeVita first 12/1/98 97 Pelican Point Road "' i Wilmington, N~ 28409 ~ (Appt. 11/20/95) • ~, 392-4641 (H) ~ - ~ - t~ James Webb. - first 12/1/98- `~ 1105 S. Haymarket Lane ~ f Wilmington, NC 28412 (Appt. I I 11/20/95 ~ ~-~ i 452-5814 (H) 4/96 I file: \Zoning r 144 Frorte JOYCEBRAGG ~•.~~r 1 of 1 1.bna3,t va:tnGar2l 1576 C~OCt2 Ail To LLrJdraresa October 21, 1996 ~. . • New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street .. ~ Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear County Commissioners: ,~, I regret that I must resign as a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. I have possessed a better knowledge of the growth of New Hanover County since I have served. Some ,~ of the Board's decisions were very difficult. When I was appointed, I did not have a job and had the time to participate, however, I am City Clerk to the Town"of Northwest: The Council recently changed its meeting date to the same ::.=:.rdate of the ZBA, therefore, I will not be able to att.Pnd the meetings. I appreciate the appointment and hope I will be able to serve the County in another ~i capacity soon. Thank you. . Sincerely, • ~~ r~ ~ ... ., = -- - :` < Joyce.B. Bragg •~; _, cc`. Ann Fines .. . ''1 _ .. • Zoning Board of Adjus~nent _: '. ~~ ~ ., ..: .,. .. `.. i .. _ .. _ ~~, i -».. i ~~ ~ ~ j ~D ' r ~.2 l l~ _~ 1 !~. NEW HAI+fOVER ~ BD. OF COMMISSIONERS • NFW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISS/ONFRS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 2$401-4093 Telephone (9 101 34 1-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Zoning Board of Adjustment Name: Jeffrey R. Bellows ' Home Now long have you been a Address: 5419 Beretta Way ~ ~ - resident of New Hanover County? 6 Years i I Mailing Address: Same City and State: Wilmington, NC . - Zt'p Code: 28409 ' ~i Telephone: Home: ~ln/39 - 337 Business: 910/343-6231 ~~~...~!!! i "Sex: Male 'Race: White 'Age: ~ 35 j 'This information is requested far the sale purpose o/ ensuring that across-section of the community is appointed. "Employed by: North Carolina State Ports Authority "A person cunendy emplo yed b y the agency or department !or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ~ Job Title: Construction Engineer ,I Professional Activities: American Societ of Civil Engineers, BGS Business Honor Society VolunteerActivities: TIC A ~i 1 c3i ng Committee 1 NC BicLSwee~ Program Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? I r3xim ~tnaml~, c~' ivity asr3 m<J e~ierz~ _~ irk zcnura ¢3i.rarres to assist the cr~ty in ~itical. c~cisions facilitatirr~ in the a civic ~Y to Este to aic cxmm~ity. What do you feel are your''qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? My awl i- art arx3 z~nirz , arr3 with arr3 fcr ZB's. t areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commisssion address? Zrnir~ &~rd ri~-isiC71S and writable to ~h Ore you current/y serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: New Hanover•County Building Committee _ _. ~~ ~~ ~71'~J ' ~'~ )ate: Octo~~~, 1996 c Signature %eesa use reverse side for additional comments/ O~ ~ l I ~7J ~~;_',~, !-'.~,~IOVER CO. ::~. 0. C^?~"iv11SSI0NERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~; BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 ~~ Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Te/ephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101 341-4130 !~, ~` - Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New HanovernCounty Boardnof Commissioners. •~equest for Appointment to: ~or~ i Y1 C ~oCL~ d~ OT ~p' ~ f i I us ~-r-,.a,~ Q ~ ..J v ~'ome / Z~~a 3 Now long have you been a Address: 3 ~/o l /;~,, ~S~i.Yt ~J w~ G~y~i~ . /2~ resident of New Hanover County? ~, ~t 'ailing Address: ~~0 f ~ , /S/, ,•~t ~j~/a ~ Z ~ 3 'ty and State: __ ~ ~ ,•/jy~ ; n ~, ~ h , ~ G Zip Code: Z ~ ~~ 3 .. elephone: Home: ~ Jn/D~ 7~ ,~- S D ~ / Business: ~d~ 3 S6 - /~) p ex: ~C{ /~ •Race:~rirAy. r¢mri/C/a-.. 'Age: 3S 'This inlormetion is requested for the sale purpose of assuring that across-section of the community is appointed. Emplo yed b y: ~,~il is%/Jr ri., ,/~6~2 ,e "A person currently employed b the agency or depertmentlor which this application is made, must resign his/herposition with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: ~ ~ G ~.~ ofessional Activities:. :~ ,~lunteerActivities: s -• Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~f ~,~r~~,i,-~~~ ~~tic ~~ ~ ~ /,v 1~i9 ~~- ~ n ~ ~r.,,~r sSr ~h e.s ~ ~e ~ 1 ~~ ~ - 2 - G/' ~'~ ~ r ~ ~f~en J l ~/' Gir .1 at do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ c~,~ ~ /1'l . ~ii-~.~ n 7~eS ~- Cep! :~s,~u- b,~' ~ What areas of concern would you /ike to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? you currently serving on another board or committee appointed b y a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: t ,. - ~ j, ~:_ ~/3~~ 'Please use reverse side Jor additional comments) :,~:~~ V ~'J I•-L. ~J i . ~, n. SEP 2 3 1996 Signature r';~','! HANOVER CO. ~.J. Gr CO[vi"/11SSIONERS NFiN NANO VER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~J 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington; NC 28401-4033 . Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 ~~ Application for Appointment io Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. ~-y Request for Appointment to: 2 ~y~///(/ G ~ ~ /~ Z~j p ~ (~~ ~ C ~ vy` ~-~~1 ~ ~ Name: ~E--'~-z~2 ~~ l C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Tom, _ Home ~ How long have you been a Address: ~ ~'. P ~~ ~ L ;rte.-~ : ' -(J ; Q,~, resident of New Hanover CountyT Mailin r/i ddress: _ S /~. M City and State: _u.~ ~ ~,,~,,, t.~..c~~~~ Yl C" Zip Code: 2g~p~ Telephone: Home: cj ~ U 3~ ~ ~ L~- (D Q, ~ Business: c~S ~ ~S S S l~~c~S "Sex: Yy~ "Race: c.c, `Age: _ { •Thls information is requested for tho sole purpose of assuring that across-section of the community 1s appointed. ""Emp/oyedbY:~ ~ i_ ~ Fl-1- S "r~7~1~2-5 ~ ~ - "A person ~ren1/y employed by tho agency or department lac which this app/icotlon is mado, must cosign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appoJntment, in accordance with Articla Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Porsonne/ Policy. ProfessionalActivities: ~, US r ~/L~-SS (~~1 ~~~~ ~p-rL~- VolunteerActivities: ~. c~ Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requestedr' _ v1 ~~ .: _ What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commissio» requested? _ What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? - ~,., Are you~rrently serving on another board or committee .appointed by a municipality or a county? If so, p/ease list: ,~ O r 1 '-: U Date: ~'~ - _ ~~ Signature IPloeso use reverse alda for additions/ comn~ ts1~ ~ ~ ~ c f'~ Pete ,~ De Vita 200 IndetPoint Wilmzr~gton, NC ,28409 ~~ Robert G. Greer 320 Chestnut St. Room 100 Wilmington, NC 28401 ~- October 30, 1996 ,~ Dear Mr. Greer: I have been servi.ag as an alternate member on the Zoning Board of Adjustments fcx' the past year and have attended all but one meeting. There will be several vacancies on this board next year and T would like to be considered for one of the permanent positirnis. I have gained considerable experience and feel that I would make a good pcrnlarent member. , _ Sincerely, - - .Pete lvi. DeVita .. _ ~ - .- . ~ - , - - _ .. - • . .- . . _r ,, ,•~• ~~~ _ ~ ~ , . . _ . > .J lyl I i ~'OY - l ~ i ~., Cr.,.! t)r~a,~~,.~ ., ~I - ~i ! ' i' I ~ ~ 1 49s ~ ,.. • NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC _28401-4093 . Telephone (910J 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment t~o-: ~ O N I ~ G ~ Q~ 2, fl ~ ~ ~ D ~~ U.S t ~/~, ~ ~ Name: ~~~E~ \ ~ ~V ~E~ Home 5 2,~ ~~~ ~O ~ ~ Fps ~S~ pQ~~ v C How long have you been a y / Address: r~ resident of New Hanover Count l C9 (~ S Mailing Address: S 2 °~ ~ ~~ FO ~ ~ F~ ~, ES~ D Q. ~V C City and State: ~ ~~''~'` ~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ N C' Zip Code: 2 8 ~' ~ 2 Telephone: Home: ~ S Z `- ` S ~ 2 Business: ~ S.2 - 2. `~ ~o ~ 'Sex: _ M - 'Race: ~ ~ - ~ ' •Age: CJ 'This inlormetion is requested far the sole purpose of assur-in7g fhet across-section o! the community is appointed. ..Employed by: Dy~~.~~ CdNSUL. l ~~G "A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in ecrp~cordence wish Artic% Vl, Sec. 4 0l the Npew Nenover County Personnel Pa/icy. Job Title: S~ 12,~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ L. C~~ ~, ~ (~ ~'~ ~ f . E . A / Professional Activities: P QS~ V , ~ . ~ L SZAZ~, A M, ~~2,LCa /~~ OCR ~ ~ Q ~' ~l UI L ~~l C~ ~ N "~7L S VolunteerActivities: C~ ~Cu ~ C~~~~eA~ ~OUZK JOC,c~ ~ S~~D4'L SCtl.w(-,~,~CG(,~It. -.S7• ~AQ`f Wh y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? __ _ -CO ~E ~ ~- S ~lZy L,L,£ Za z ~' Go ~ N Z'~ ~ ~C~.G ~• M A C M`( U U l N G- U/hat do you feel are, your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~ s ~ . Q2P~~c-~SI,orJra ~. C-~V r~~~Z ~ MQ ~t~vE -Z~C.uIJLL~~ ~r.JS ~ .ZS What areas of concern would you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? N O S ~ LZ.. ~ t ~L. Q ~ ~ rJ D~ o ('~ C C~Pv C ~'2.-~ S . Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, p/ease list: N. 0 Date: ~ ~ oL~~ S ~.; 1 3 95. (Please use reverse side !ar additional commentsi Signature :J NEW NANO ~/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONFRS 320 Chestnut Street, Room X305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9101341-4130 Application for Appointment to Boards, Commit7ees, and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request forAppointment to: ~ O {'1. I Y~ i o c~. v ~ e . Home ~--~ ~ ~~4'° ow long have you been a Address: c~~~-. ~- ~ V y ~~ e ~ ~ 1 ~ Y" resident of New Hanover County? _ S l ~ ~-I q -~ ailing Address: -S ~ 2 1, ~ ~ -2, ~c., vL ~e.,c~ ~ ~-- - S y 1 ~. ~ (4-1 ~ ej ~1 try and State: ~1 ~ ~ v~ ~ tom.. ~ ~.~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ _ Z'p Code: ~ ~ T ~ Telephone: Home: 1 C7 - ~j ~ ~ ~ O I ~ Pj Business: ~ I ~ - ?~ _3 ~~- ~ Sex: /1il OL.. C ~ -Race: C~ C-~-S' ce~-~ -Age: ~ ~ _ 'This in/ormation is/equested for the sole purpose of assuring Chef across-section of the community is appointed. 'employed by: ~~~LS ,~~~ (<~cc., ~ ~ `_~ ~~~ ti ~~ . "A person currently amp/Dyed b y the agency or department la which this app/icatian is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Attic/e V/, Sac. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. ' Job Title: ~~~~.~~tr/~ ~@-~ ~ ' . Professional Activities: ~ ~-e- ~ ~ Z 9 ~J ~ f ~ (~ t%~fy~ ~ ~~ ~~rLS _ v~ S GU / - ' /~ ~ / ~olunteerActivities: ~ i ~ -~-e.v ~2/ k O~ ~-; w~. ,'s -f-~(~ o rr,.-d -1 ~occ~4 - VC~-c- ~, ~S /~(/_ ~. Lam, Sc~w~ lS h y do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? j F ~-~- ~ ~ ~ ~-- i 5 ~~ ~ p V 2(/ t''L_P. ~~ ~ Y.Q., r-Q VL.t;~` Whalt~do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? ~~~. I ~ pp What areas of concern would you,/rke to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address?~ V~4-L1~ lr~.n 2c~c S ~ ~ ~. Gc~ n S e you urrently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county?• if so, p/ease list: (Please use revers side far additional co mentsJ 1 SfP ~ 3 ~~nature NEW HANOVfR CO. 8D. OF COMMISSInrvFpc NEW NANO i/ER COUNTY BOARD OF COMM/SS/ONERS 320• Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Telephone (9101 341-7149 FAX (9 101 34 1-4 130 App/ication for Appointment to Boards, Committees, •and ,Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: ~ o ~ ~ ~ 6' /.~oR-~D o ~ /~}~TJS inn EnrT Name: __ ~f~lLl~ /nEit(KE,S Home /~ - .How long have you been a Address: ~~~ ~ Lo vnrT"i/.wco D C.~S/g-L/ resident of New Hanover County? ~ /~~ Mailing Address: c~i~-m City and State: C~~L/Yl /nl6 7-0../ /~C Zip Code: - pC,U '~t~~ ' Telephone: Home: / /D - . ~ ~to - /o ~'O ~ Business: 'Sex: ~ 'Race: ~ 'Age: ' 1 ' • 'This in/ormetion is requested !or the sole purpose of assuring that a crass-section of the community is appointed. ..Emplo yed b y: - ' ~~rn -~nlJ•~.ST7yI ~ ~~ . "A person currently employed by the agency or department lar which this application is made, must resign his/herpositio'n with New Hanover County upon appointment, in_accordence with Article V/, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Job Title: /`"/~f..S/ 4 F~.r>" Professional Activities: Volun leer A ctivities: Why do you wish to serve on. the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? /o' j~~ ~~ C~P/~o>?.r~nr/ - / v ~~eSs~sT - 7T.~E C~.~r.2o L o~~2, PraL`f _ _ ~~ ~Q /~ ~X / f~s~10/~C~ ~OM /r~.clnrG~ . •.. What do you fee/ are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee; or Commission requested? r`}J/nlG C1-6:J~ ' ,Q.~o ~ 7% ~.S ~0/5~1~ L .~' c~.s ~i 2.1 i flrsr~tD ' •~iE y ~/~',E~ /~E.~~ What areas of concern would you like to see fhe Board, Committee, or Commission address? ,QE/nI~ /g ~uC~l3,~C -S?-.~P ~~ `;e Ttf~ Zo„~ ~,.f.6 J~ :9~0- '79g - a73o ~ CF~sE Are you currently serving on another board or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? if so, please list: ~':~'~ J ci~~~ir~ ~E Q J~ -~ Date: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Signature (Please use rave a side f r'edditionel comments) _ , .e ~ /~~~- ~~,//a cJSli`/ oS',~e (lam O/f //7`,c ~ o~Z~/ o2GE ~ //~~ /Q7 ~n~ ~oA~ZD //~~i¢ / /~! v'ri>~ .tea ~GS~ ~ocNC~~ ~.2 /~ri~~ ~~~~ l - ,E,9~.S . _~ ~ ~,P,~<S'En~rr~ ~„T9-~,2. ~u.,~ one 77~~5 ,tea ~ 20 ~ u ~ ~~~`~~-~~f~u~f' . ~~~~.E/~ GJf~i,l . /yI~/ ~c~s~.~!E~1' .~.,t /.e.~I~.EI1 Cou~rry c~r~}l cSo LD /4-1,0 _.L !moo / ~ ~"~ nl.Ec-/ j'°~o /~( ~oun/~ . ~/T~ ~`_ C_^ licJor;~~~ ~.FJ~GD~mF~~ ~o~l~ ~r`PLo y,~.0 /~~ ~~,~' ~,~42 ~. Countu ~ o~ ~o./EAnlm,F~ ~° /gym ~„/-~S,Y1.~~. ~,~„ry o~ 7~-~ ~,~v G/I~i~s GcJ ,E O v~S~ . ~ S • ~1~ ~~ `i~~~4 ~~ . 1i~.E ~o ~ ~C~[Jl~ ~ /~" ~,r~.so~ 77S ~~T /~ . /~'. ~.E~2F~G~.~S' (~ o v ~D . 7~ a ~~~ ~,~irIB.E~s off' T~ G<J~~~z~ ~~~~~.~- /~ o~C.O . ~ vQ;~•f6 - T~~,- 7 fi~E .1 ~~~.Lrd~O opt -/~~ ' ,~r~7o~/ ~,~m ~vE.Jo~. i~~ ~P .- . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 . Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 . Telephone (9 101 34 1-7 149 FAX (9101 341-4130. Application for Appointment to`~Boards, Committees; and Commissions Appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Request for Appointment to: Zoning Board of Adjustment Name: Irving "Rod" L. ~ Smith, Jr. Home How long have you been a Address: 316 North Hampton Road ~ resident of New Hanover County? 14 years. Mailing Address: -.316 North Hampton Road City and State: Wilmington, N.C. Zip Code: ~• 28409 Telephone: Home: (910) 395-2413 Business: (910) 791-3313 'Sex: rule "Race: Caucasian -,qge; 38 'This inlormetion is requested !or the sole purpose of essuriny that across-section o! the community is appointed. "Employed by: I.L. Smith Construction Co., Inc. 'A person currently emp/o yed by the agency or department !or which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Nanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Artic% vl, Sec. 4 0l the New Hanover County Personne/Policy. Job Title: Vice President/Owner ~ ~ Professiona/Activities: Licensed General Contractor, PropeYty Development ~olunteerActivities: Little League Baseball, Cape Fear Youth Soccer Association Why do you wish to serve on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? To become more involved in the operations of our county which would allow me to gain first hand i experience and knowledge. What do you feel are your qualifications for serving on the Board, Committee, or Commission requested? With a background in General Contracting and Property Development I have. a working knowledge of zoning, stormwater and landscaping requirements. What areas of concern wou/d you like to see the Board, Committee, or Commission address? I would like to see the board insure proper buffering requirements between issimi amuses a and that the party requesting a variance provide that buffering as a con itlon or e variance. Are you currently serving on another board.~.or committee appointed by a municipality or a county? /f so, please list: NO 154 ; :;.-;~~ ~ o Date: October 1 1996 tPieese use ~ ~ 4 ~~9L Signature reverse side /or additions/ comments) 6 %'/ HANOVER CO. ~A .-. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION . Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: ~ Additional Item #: 1 Department: County Manager Presenter: Pa e Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Allen O'Nea11 SUBJECT: Consideration of Approval of Resolution requesting release of State Funds to the Cape Fear Council of Governments ; BRIEi~' SUMMARY: ° The 1.995 General Assembly appropriated $864,270 to lead regional organization (Cape Fear Council of Governments) to assist local governments with grant applications, economic development, community development, and to support local industrial development activities. The county is required to request the release of funds to the COG. $48,0.15 is set aside for Cape Fear COG, $13,635.36 is the New Hanover County share:. ,~ RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• ^: r~uNliiNC~ ~uuxc:~:: Federal $: State $: County $: User Fees $: Other $: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: Bud et Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: CUUN'CY MANAGER'S COMP Recommend adoption of the resol . COUN'iY COMMl~t©NER~ APPROVED Q~ REJECTED p RED'^~....~ D PC- ~ l I Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition COUh~Tv AS= i r~~'~IISSIONER$ ~ - ` ~ ~ ~ .~ _~i ~n~{'. I - i 1 C y'~`e~1966(G~1fAKnnn«~ -~vaoii(~`.i ~+. x,~ awl s~4 {~~~i~i~ ~~8:~~b`ais ~~ ~ ~~~`~~~~F'e ~, , t~ • .~ ~„ e October 28, 199b 1480 Harbour Dr. , . ~ ~ ... . wl~rnington, roc 28401 910-395-4553 ~ ~ Mr. Robert G.. Greer Chalrman FAX 910-395-2684.; _ , New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 320 Chestnut Street, Room 305 Wilmington, N.C. 28401 ' "," ' ''~''` ~ Noun carp ~ ', Dear Chairman Greer: ~o~ni~©s o. ~ _3runswlck,' olumbu`s; - ;, _ ,,, . t ~- The Nort11 Carolina General Assenlbfy ilaS appropriated ~864,~ ~0 for the i~~96-"i X97 Fiscai ' " ` "' Year for use by the State's 18 regional. organizations. The regional share for the Cape Fear Council of Governments'" counties .and their municipalities is $48,015. These monies may be used for preparing grant applications, economic development, community development, support of industrial development activities, and other activities deemed appropriate by the member governments. Funds may not be used for the payment of local assessments. A further restriction on the use of these monies provides that they not f be used by local governments. Monies not authorized by local governments will revert to ' ~~~ ._ the State's General Fund. ,~. ' _ The appropriation is divided by the estimated lzr;;al snare of the 1995 population. While some shares appear to be too small for local g~wernment action, they are all important to ..,, ~' ~ ~ ~~ .,~. _ ~ obtaining the total appropriation. - ~ A sample resolution is attached for your Board's consideration. Action required includes - formal Board approval, the original signature of the chief elected official, the original ~~~~" ~ ~~ attesting signature the clerlc~, and pro ~rlginal imprint of the local government's seal. i j ~ ~ , ., ,... ,. r. _. i, yii~i ii;C1iiil'G ~iuilluuiiii iu,viii;a.i:,;i vi ucivii n icCli:c~i ivi ~ci vii;C, j7iczhc i;Jiitdi.i iiic. i'Oui j_- ~ ~ ~.~~,! prompt attention will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in ~ ~ - ~ ` ~ r , , this matter. Y f I * 't `. ~ 1 ~: ~ - .~:,. ~,"~ Sincerely, ~~ ' ~`- ~ ~~" Rose Ann Mack .: ~. ~~ ~ _ a Executive Director r RAM/sbm . .... • ..._...i PROGRESS Attachment ~Q 3 ~ ~' r H x o u c ~i l~1J CCI~PERATION , ~ cc:" Allen O'Neal, County Manager ~`~~~=~',~ `',`-~~~~-'~" r•, E~L ham. }r,~. } y ice. L'" '~ ~ An E ualO q pportunily/Af/irmotiveAction/ADA/Employer ..~ . S .. RESOLUTION BY THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~,. WHEREAS, in North Carolina the Lead Regional Organizations, as voluntarily organizations serving municipal and county governments, have established productive working relationships with the cities and counties across this state; and ~:~: WHEREAS, the 1995 General Assembly recognized this need through the appropriation of $864,270 to help the Lead Regional Organizations assist local governments with grant applications, economic development, community development, and to support local industrial development activities and the activities as deemed appropriate by their local governments; and WHEREAS, these funds are not intended to be used for payment of member dues or assessments to a Lead Regional Organization or to supplant funds appropriated by the member governments; and WHEREAS, in the event that a request is not made by June 20, 1997 for release of these funds to our Regional Council, the available funds will revert to State's general funds; and WHEREAS, in Region O, funds in the amount of $48,015 will be used to/for prepare community development and land use plans, zoning ordinances, economic development/revitalization plans and grants, and provide other technical assistance to local governments; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of New Hanover requests the release of its share of these funds, $13,635.36, to the Cape Fear Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 324, House Bill 229, Section 9.4 of the 1995 Session Laws. Witnessed this the day of , 19_ by: Signature-Chief Elected Official Signature of Witness Title ~~, Title ORIGINAL SEAL s• N. r ' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND W SE ER DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ROOM, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE ' 24 NORTH THIRD STREET, ROOM 301 NOVEMBER 18, 1996 9:00 A.M. ITEMS OF BUSINESS PAGE NO. 1. NON AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ' 2 A l f Mi ' . pprova o nutes 1 j 7 3. Consideration.of Capacity in Murrayville Water System 169 ADJOURN . 1 ~ 15 5~ 1 This page intentionally left~bla~nk ~' 156 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: W&S #2 Consent Item #: Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Water and Sewer Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the minutes of November 6, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Mone}' Is In Current Budget: Mew Appropriation Request: - Bud~et Amendment Pre ared: I;GL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: CQUNTY COMMIG~ kPPROVED R~,IECTED Q R~;, s~VED p ` POSTPONED Q D&TE _ i ~ tiro - ~ Refer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 157 This page intentionally left blank .. -; 1 i . ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1Vleeting Date: 11/18/96 f~egular Item ~: W&S #3 Consent Item ~: Additional Item #: Department: Water and Sewer District Presenter: Wyatt E. Blanchard Page Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Wyatt E. Blanchard SUBJECT: Request by Highland Hills Mobile Home Park to connect to County Water System BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ _ G The owner of Highland Hills MHP has requested that he be allowed to connect his 35 lot MHP to the 4 County's Murrayville water system in order to avoid the high costs of monitoring for small water systems. ' The owner would need to construct a 2 pipeline approximately 2,000 feet to connect to our system. It is not practical, at this time, for the County to construct a larger line. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: It is recommended that the MHP be allowed to connect subject to the following conditions: 1) An impact fee of 5375/mobile home (2~0 gallons per day) be charged 2) The MHP owner. will pay all costs of connections and be responsible for operation and maintenance for the 2" line. These conditions, as outlined in the attached sheet, should be applied in future similar instances. FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: hTerv Appropriation Request: _ Budget Amendment Prepared: REVIEWED BY: _ LGL: FIN: BUD:. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS• Recommend approval and concur with County Engineer. t HR: COUNTY COMMl~tO C, APPROVED D REJECTED R~~iOVED ^ ~'~ STP©NED C~3'"~ Rcfer to OfTice Vision Bulletin Board for Disposiu n 159 , .. O y .- _ _ ~ a Policy for Connection to Murrayvii[e Water System 1. Each request will b'e considered on a case by case basis by Commissioners. The County does not yet have an approved plan for aggressive expansion''of _ a the water system. 2. Charge an impact fee of 5600.00 per single-family residential unit (400 gpd) and commercial development,,(51.~0/gallon) to pay for cost of elevated tanks, trunk lines and wells. A 5600.00 fee was established with Conoco for.the Wrightsboroarea. ~. f- • - • ~. . :. ,_ o .. ____ _ a .. ., •. __ .o ~~ . . ~...ry~_ ~~ ~~~ ~- ~, 1 eul °V[ as ~ n Q I CQNC yam. ap ~ 1 I ~~^, r'1 a '~ ,tia.3NETT ~=WNa •~ . r = r1~NP. -~ -- ' ~ .'.~ .m*'O'.` ~~ I _~ ~,. r.,ow 8 as _ :o""d~ f L I nc. ~~~. .1 C s ~~ ~ ~ ~ °, ', ' \ ~ .l I • ~ _.~Ct CT Cr ayt w°O°a }© .Cll CT ~w /. (~ Firs, s ~ /i~ mt a • ~ ro~w.~s. ;J. 's``'~s .. f //~'~~~ ++ / rooott..r -t .v~~LS `° ,r`" „.L.tto°.va .°t..t e - tT 9 n.o. ...ooa .ooo r mu.r eo.[• "~m.ia o.[ O / _'~ ~i o ~,~` %/ i P y / ~.- t .w Y~I.wt _9~ ~'. /r A~ aC.ra Io ~J ~ ^Nf C[`aK.'n ' . tNrrcpTC Y~ ,'~ • "^JC.. 'J i \ 3 „_' +~ Pot _ yr I T aaw.°r L / jSQ[ ~ ~j~qj ~Tt .C • ~ J . F % ~s_ /;J.aO.T//: 7 y~ `Y T man `..I .+~ _ ,/Id -/ ~QQIIYIV/' ~ ': . ~ ~, ' . r } xF ~ ~ "'ma •~'`w'`J~a '~•`~ \~'c: 4: <~ • / ~/% a~/ k - ~ y ' ks S .o~^ s~rc.k .• +~ov" ~ J~ i y~+'a-~l/f` .r.r ~ ,/ ~ ~ a w ~ wow^~ + Hof /. °~v~ ~L 1G talc LLw ° - ~~.. o/ .a ~LJ w° + °e.' ~~a ~ .o ', _- ..tom ~Ta t` ~+ ~ _ ~+ ?'~ ~,. /• ~~~~ .o (, roy ' __ .,,r* ~`~° t`.,' .!' :, .. 1,.~.~~~ , i' ms's. d sr as ~ `J °s ~i c -~ t .1y~ + `r ~ t.a ~ "~"~• ~` ~ ~ SITE LOCATION OF - ~ - .,,a. :.~ ~` " ay y ~ ..,a,,.'' X111 V!~°~ - sdt~~;±= "`" .~, '" HIGHLAND PINES N~OBILE ...~ ~~ '; ~ ..TM~.t. ,_ V~tr,,.u.t H0~1E PARK 1 6 Q[,, t. _.,..~.... a ~ ~ -~, ~ 11_06_g6 [ .~ ~~ tLV~` .. p~:'' ~ ..~ ~~ i '[~ ~.. 4 ~~ Map-Not-To-Scale RESOLUTION . OF. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ' ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY .WHEREAS, New Hanover County is .committed to the provision of sewer service to existing residents in the County and to the preservation of estuarine and river quality; WHEREAS, the North Chase.Interceptor was originally scheduled for completion by June 30, 1992; WHEREAS, the delays in construction of sewer plant capacity in the north side has pushed schedules back approximately eighteen{18) months; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District that the District will continue to keep construction of the North Chase Interceptor at a high ` priority and ~mplete"~9t.by December 1998 and reverse wastewater flow from Castle Hayne to the north side waste water treatment plant. This 18~day of November 1996. (SEAL) Chairman, Water and Sewer District ATTEST:... Clerk to the Board ~®U~ ~~,~ . APPROVED PY .. REJECTED C~ REMOVED Q POSTi~p~~q C, t}ATE `~96 f r- F .. "1, ; A v ' ~'~ / ~. ~. ~.. '~ ~ ~,~~ t~ ~ ~ ~ } } ~ z,~y T ','d~~t-.r rain::. ~ Y r4„rd~t~~ ` .: ^i n .<v iPl e`2rtt . d~. ~~~ ~,~ il;` f.`'~,;Y I ~vetxst2F~??JRL,~~..:yye~'~?~0.'#s+"t~t+i}";;r.'&~1' ..1~~. ~i'-„~' - ~' `: I ____--- t CONSENT AGENDA . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS r PAGE NO. 1. Approval of minutes 16~ 2. Approval of Grant Extension of 4-H Technical Assistance & Training 167 and associated budget amendment #97-0071 3. Adoption of resolution adding the following road to the State 169 Highway System Victoria Drive Extension 4. .Approval of New Hanvoer County and New Hanover County Fire 173 District Collection Reports 5. Approval of Release of Value 177 6. Approval of Budget Amendments: . A. #97-14 to increase budget for additional revenue received 10/23/96. 179 Federal Forfeited property funds are budgeted as received and must be used for law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems necessary B. #97-0073 to budget State grant funds to support sterilization for 181 low income men and women 7. Approval of State Grant for New Hanover County Health Department 183 .Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) for $26,886 and approval of associated Budget Amendment #97-0074 - .8. Approval of $25,225 grant from New Hanover County Partnership for 191 Children to fund a Public Health Nurse I to provide nursing services in day care programs and approval of associated Budget Amendment #97-0075 163 This page intentionally left blank 164~~ 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION 1VIeeting Date: 11/8/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 1- Additional Item #: Department: Governing Body ~ Presenter: Lucie Harrell Paae Count In A enda Packa e: Contact: Lucie Harrell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting of November 6, 1996 Work Session on Drainage, October 21, 1996 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Approve the minutes- k'UNllINU SOURCE: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other 5: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: _ . $udoet Amendment Pre ared: t[.liJ v 1 C, W L' 1J I3 Y LLGL: FIN: BUD: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• COUNTY GOMMI O~p~,g APPROVED t~' ' REJECTECi Q REMOVEp (~ POSTPONED L7 DATE ~ 1 ~~' Rcfcr to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition HR: 165 1 REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Zegular Item #: Consent Item n: 2 Additional Item #: department: Cooperative Extension Presenter: Bruce Williams ?age Count In Agenda Package: Contact: Bruce Williams SUBJECT: Grant Extension of 4-H Technical Assistance & Training BRIEF SUMMARY: Arleta Oldfield has been serving as the School Age Care Systems Manager with the New Hanover Co Cooperative Extension Service. As part of her duties, she has provided training & technical assistance to Support our Students (SOS) Projects in New Hanover County. SOS programs are after school programs serving middle school students. To continue this training & technical assistance for SOS personnel, NCSU 4-H Youth Development will allocate New Hanover County $~,3~3 from grant funds to continue salary and related expenses. The grant covers 26 days to begin upon receipt of agreements and will be completed in January, 1997. No County.funds are required. .RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval to accept grant for continuation of services and authorize the Chairman to execute agreements and approve related budget amendment iY97-0071 k'UNllINU SOURCE: Federal S: State S: 5,353 County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: no New Appropriation Request: yes _ Budget Amendment Prepared: yes tC.C, V l r. W .t' U 15 Y'' LGL: APP WCOPLEY ~' FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: ~ . COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RFCOMMENDATION~ Approve Grant Extension. No County funds are required. ~~ . APPROVED -`~~ ~~ REJECTED.~+7 p~l~l~~~" ~ ~ 16 7 RE!~OVED pc~~~'~l~° POSTPONED ~~~~~'~ .DATE, ~i !~.-.. ` Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board foi'Dispo3itiorfi' Budget Amendment ~/ / / /~~/ j~%~;~//%%%/~;~~%~~/~///% ~ ~% ~%~~i~~~~~ / i/%ii';;~ ~~/ ~ /i~ //iii /~~ / i ~~ii //,%%//j/%%:~/:~ /~ o // j/~~~~~j// ~///i~/::jji~~/~~~//~j//j/7%/jj/j/j///o./~~ / //j///%j //~/'~ j~~%~~i, % / // DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE Cooperative Extension 97-0071 11-18-96 ,, - _ . ADJ-IJSTMENT - DEBIT CREDIT .: ~ <~~ ... Cooperative Extension., . _ ~ , .., NCSU Grant -~. .. ~. $5,33 ,i. . Salaries & Wages ' ~ ..} :. ~ .. $4,97 FICA $ 381 . . .. :. . .~~ .._ - .. -~-.~~_.-- a a a .. ___ _ _.___..._ ___ ~ ~_. ~ ~ Q .# , ... : ~ , y. . ~ ~ ., . _ . ~. . a EXPLANATION ~' ` ~.~ " ` To budget aNorth Carolina State University 4-H Youth Development Grant for ~• continued training and technical assistance for Support our Students (SOS) programs serving middle school students. ~ - r _.. Q~N~YCMt~ -S~Oh._ APPROVED ~ 1 ~ 8 , ~ REJECTED, ®~~L.i+~ , For Budget Offices approval; then report RENIOVED~ C~~d~~. to Commissioners at nett reeular meeting end enter in minutes. ROSTPONE~t' ~~/' 1 ~• .L To be approved by Commissioners. ~ DATE •: i ~ ~" (p~ c ~~~ To be entered into minutes. ' REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 3 Additional Item #: .Department: Governing Body Presenter: Lucie Harrell Pave, Count In Agenda Packa e: Contact: -Lucie Harrell SUBJECT.: NCDOT Road Addition BRIEF SUMMARY: , Adopt resolution adding the following road(s) to the State Highwayl System: V<ctoria Drive Extension RECOMMENDED MOTION AND RE LTESTED ACTIONS- Adopt resolution . 1 ,N U i~J ll i lei li J V U KC; F: Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: blew Appropriation Request: _ ~ , Budget Amendment Pre ared: REVIE~YED BY: . LGL: FIN: ~ BUD: ~ HR: - COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND R COMMENDATIONS• ~_ -Adopt resoltuion. _ COUNTY CON~VI1SS1011j :APPROVED C~' REJECTED ® '~ REMOVED ~ 16 9 POSTPONED DATE it ~8 9. ~~`•' Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition •, NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PETITION North Carolina ~~~a. ~~ c/ County of New Hanover , Petition request for (check one): Addition to State System O - Paving' (~~ _ -.~ Maintenance Improvement ( ) We the undersigned, being property owners on .(/ ~~~?~a-Y~~. ~ ~ t/ , ~~1--~~5; ~rzi (Describe or give local name or Secondary Road Number) in New Hanover County do hereby request the Division of Highways of the -, Department of Transportation to ~~~ the above=described road. We further advise that the road requested to 1//c.~~~ci. ,~~is ~ miles in length and at the present time there are to occupied homes located on the ad and having entrances into the road. Finally, we agree to dedicate to the Division of Highways aright-of-way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards required by the Division of Highways. This right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be improved and will include the necessary areas outside the right-of-way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right-of-way.in the public road intersections for sight distance and design purposes and to execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the Division of Highways. REMARKS Four copies of recorded subdivision plat enclosed if applicable. o nn~r":"~ G3C~G~~ ~,~:: OQ ? S 1936 NEW ,NANOVER CO. __.... _ __ _.__ -.._ _ _ - ..._ _ _ , . .". . BD.OF CAMMISSIONERS PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAILING ADDRESS ,ti _, TELEPHONE, - / tt l~ !<O~+ U Y 5 OUYI~.~ -_ Oti,L.'ti N-CCC CS -tn (~!1-S ~~-.~--~ i rJrr fCk'~ C.' ~`}-r O F~~ L~-, ~.v~j-~Cl~v ~} Revised Form SR-1 (5-83). All previous forms obsolete. ~ - The Division of~Highways should contact the first petitioner listed below: .1. . ~~~ ..~ 0 ~ 4, +lar ~ NORw00D DR. 4 i ~ ~3 OR1`~-. Q Ra ~~/~~ ~1 < ~ r / ~ ~ ~y s J r ~ o ~ GLS I R0. .1-~ > o ~ ea. ¢ W ¢ < v>t , D J z •~ \ ~ ROCKkrL an u O I~ Ri. L x Z e. W ~ ' a- N ~ ., ROaD ~ 3 ~. . MpIyD DR U'ry i v ~ ~ -t~ 4.~1v= ' \R. VO 0 W ~,. r T ,?ten 3; r, ~ v; ~. 4 - v ~ CO[Tprrypp0 LN. OJ O~ a ~ ~sv 3 ~' V •,_ ¢^ $ NI C Oy O y, t J `FD `~ _ ~ 4 d v? ~'e3 0 'N KO(IIAH v e ° . P V / 0Q• V}~ v _ OeKIEY qn °C ~ . soon Tleul of /// g ° RAN04TE 2 a RD. Rfl. t2` ~l~ A-URVp1 CT. A ~~ f~ !-LATTICC CT. '.. j BITTER DR ~ ~ ~ YIII RD W C SRLFN ~ 0 ~ • ~. / ¢ ~ ,.r,7 pit. a t `~~ TERE54 J / c rt+ 5 ~. Cr°- wr\ITMSN Na--~ Z ~ / ~SRR_LS LN. ~ LOND LESF ~. / v OR SH t. OR. pQ. O / wl. 06'~ LSUREt v R ~ K7. Nf~Rt+E : ;[ : S Cp SS W f R O r. ly} v. KESR avf. j EXPORT OR, O - _ ' 1 I' [p CM SOwICK SV H, gNf,TT wf ~ ~. ff N /- ~ ,.. W o 7 4<<~, c; ~ "a<. R SST 4 °iL .R G'°.yC ° i _.~ ' / ~ ~ ER Oq HEPrlir~ ~ 4q - a ~d y DR ~ R o r B~q O O 9 ~, Si` MV p4y ~• 4 O ~o ¢ rL EMry^ ~ ~ G9ciE £ OHO Sr 'LRLrMOT .. S bra t O ~~ Y ~ OR .~ RQ ~~ ~ rvPfvw.:: *;, .YC ORKTO,yY 1? xj 45T. RO ~GHT'JK ' N4 Ma. y / FOREST ~E DR, S VrOTG'r4 Lq 4. ~rT / ff Oq. o ~p _ '~ r N .7W' 6 J ~ o Q° 9f l A4 NEwLF7T / ti0 D E, •L O a0 POs' GP / (`9 ~([C "~ New Hanover / P2 International Airpo DI,/~ ' ' e' z' i /. ,! i~ n, /~~I C P ~ / ; r / / ~ /1 EE ~QvO ~ '~^ 3 ~ /~ so" _ a [ ¢ ~ 6 ¢ / :A I C~ a'O DO~JRtAI ~ / ,~~ MY G RD v E q,_C ~~ F / / 3/ ~ ~ I f `C~ ~ // 3~ 1 R 1'£ NM£DY DV / /N ... ... ^. REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION IVleeting Date: 11/18/96 ~. Regular Item #: Consent Item n: 4 Additional Item ;r: Department: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In A enda Package: 3 Contact: Patricia Raynor SUBJECT: New Hanover County and New Hanover County Fire District Collection Reports BRIEF. SUMMARY: . _ Collection reports as of October 31, 1996 ~~ r ~~ ~ . . RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: .Request approval of the reports as the Commissioners have approved them in the past ~~ Other S: REVIEWED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER' COMMENT AND RE MMENDATI N Approve reports. ~~,~. ~ COUNTY CONIM~ 15'~Qt1- APPROVED REJECTED ® ., ~ 173 REMOVED t'~ POSTPONED ~` ~O~TE ~r"t ~ .~ ._. Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition CONSENT AGENDA DATE'-- ITEM N0. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS - `" -C,OILECTIONS THR:U 10/31/96 ,~. CURRENT TAX YEAR - 1996 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER-SCROLL S 51,968,753 97 ~ 1~980~284 93 DISCOVERIES ADDcO 2,393,441.6.1, 15,5.7..5..1 8 LESS ABATEMENTS 22,080.36- 19,676.89- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED S 54,360,115.42 fi 1,976183.22 ADVERTISING FEES CHARGED .00 .00 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 55,290.99 .00 TOTAL LEVY ~ 54,415,406.41 ~ 1~976~183.22 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 8,219,897.04- 1,356,089.99- OUTSTANDING BALANCE ~ 4b 195 509.37 ~ 620 093.23 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED ~ ~ 15.11# ~ 68.62~~ BACK TAXES REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY S 2,431,423.13 CHARGES AOOcD 23,838.22 ~ -` LESS ABATEMENTS ~ ~ -. 11,376.49- - TOTAL TAXES DUE ~ 2,443,884.86 COLL=CTIONS TO DATE 488,891.50- OUTSTANDING BALANCE 3 1,954,993.36 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 20.00°J, OCT 1996 FISCAL YTD ROOM OCCUPAPJCY TAX COLLECTIONS 146,355.59 1~079~803.84 PRIVILEG-E_ LICENSE.- COLLECTIONS _- _ 684.50 ";;il_4~,496.,13, ~ _. EMS COLLECTIONS ~ ~ .00 ~~.00' `" TOTAL MONEY PROCESSED"THRU-COLLECTION OFFICE FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY, r'-' - CITY OF WILMINGTON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, CAROLINA BEACH:AND KURE•. BEACH TO DATE = ~1~+~544,842.b5.". - - -- _. " THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGItJNING JULY 1, 1996. R~F.S~GCTFULLY SUBMITTED, PATRIC IA J. RA~OR ~ - ' COLLECTOR OF REVENUE - ,- ^~"^,~, ems, ~ a 4'~ ,.v JL. ,. 4 {. ~ COMBINED COL"LtCTION PE~RGENTxA,GE - 16.98 174 ~ - ~ ~ ~~.~y ~~, . 1 CONSENT AGENDA GATE=--------- ITEM N0.______ NEW HANOVER COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU 10/31/96 CURRENT TAX YEAR - .1996 AD VALOREM MOTOR VEHICLE ORIGINAL TAX LEVY PER SCROLL $ 1~143~8~52.52 $ 47'570.55 DISCOVERIES ADDED 54926.69., 370.94 LESS ABATEMENTS 22653.09- 559.57- --------------- --------------- TOTAL TAXES CHARGED $ 1~176~126.12 # 47381.92 LISTING PENALTIES CHARGED 1180.57 .00 TOTAL LEVY $ 1~177~306.69 $ 47381.92 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 204260.17- 33~933.80- OUTSTANDING SA LANCE $ 973046.52 $ 13 448.12 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 17.35°~# ~ 71.621# SACK .TAXES REAL ESTATE ANO PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 45'708.15 • CHARGES ADDED 672•.40 LESS ABATEMENTS 226.43- TOTAL TAXES DUE $ 46154.12 COLLECTIONS TO DATE 9267.28-. OUTSTANDING BALANCE $ 36886.84 PERCENTAGE COLLECTED 20:08°~ THIS REPORT IS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1~ 1996. RESPcCTFULLY SUBMITTEO~ f,~.~ -7 PATr~I'`C't~ 5;.:"RAY ~d p,~R / ~~.`~ ~~•, COLLECTOR OF REtf~NUE ~ - '~~ COM8INE0 COLLECTION PERCENTAGE - 19.45 175 t r REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 5 Additional Item #: Departmerit: Tax Presenter: None Required Pa e Count In ~A enda Package: 2 Contact: Roland Register SUBJECT: , Release of Value BRIEF SUMMARY: .t RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS• Recommend approval of these releases as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases. in the past. _ ~. ~ , . , ~. ~. ~+UIVUlIV(r SVURCE: • Federal S: State S: County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: New Appropriation Request: _. , Budget Amendment Pre ared: ~ LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S OMMENTS AND RE OMMENDATIONS- Approve releases of values. __.a__,,,.Y,,--. y COUNTY COMMISSIO APPROVED t~~ ~~ REJECTED ®.,.- ; 1 T / REMOVED Ea POSTPONED HATE ~ i ~ i1~1'-~, Refer to Office Vision Bulletin. Board for Disposition ._ .. _ Consent Agenda . _..:. .. _.. Page 2 ... _ . ._ - November 18, 1996 .., ~ ~ • _ . Request the following taxpayers be granted the Senior Citiz . . Ll en/Disability Exclusion: (applications. and letters explaining late filing available upon request) , • Johnso Le na n, 0 15,000 Melvin, Dexter Beatrice E. 15,000 Russ, Sarah H. 6,500 Request the following late listing penalties be released as thi s was the taxpayers' first offense or they certified they made their listing on time: Amin, Bipin And Urmila 56.50 Card Establishment Services 3.74 Chappell, Bruce 8.01 Glynnwood Water Systems 26.13 Louisiana Pacific Corp. 11,707.56 New Hanover Medical Group e 407.48 Primary Care Associates ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . ._ ~ ~~ 315.234 " ' Rogeis & Memtt ~ ~ U 147.06 Toyota Motor Sales USA 13.39 sw Copy: P. Raynor a P. Susie Listing ~ , .... . r- _. z . ... ~~~ -~ ~ ~. -~ ~f 4 .Federal Forfeited~Property $112 Supplies $112 . -. ~. - ~~ '. ;. _. . _ . • -. - _ - EXPLANATION ~ ~ _ - To increase budget fo'r additional revenue received 10-23-96.Federal Forfeited Property funds .are .budgeted as received and must be used for -law enforcement activities as the Sheriff deems nee ssary. '.. ~.~ ... , .. COUNT1f C0~1! ~ ~ - APPROVE® ~ . R~EC,~ ®a; _ ~ ~ .179 R~ovEO ~ ~ ~ =~- ~'~'~N~ ® ~ For Budget O.`licer's approval; then report ~A~ ,~ ~~ ~6 ,,,,, /~o Commissioners at nex: r oular mcetinb ~.~.-,.- E~`r j~~ ('.~~',~~,, /and cn;cr in mmutcs_ _ - _ ----- (~~ ~~~ ~al~~ ~~~~,~~, . .1 C State of North Carolina Department of Environme _ _ ..Health and Natural~Resources _ _ ~ _ _ s .: 1 ~ ~ Division of Maternal and Child Health James B. Hunt, Jr.; Governor Jonat~,ar~ B. Howes, Secretary. GAVi7,1=iUVolfe, M.D., M.P.H., Director RE. .~.~ `~~ - ~..~~ ~~ ~EHNR j ~- September 12, 1996 ' ..~ ,~ NE~~D EM~rR~vDi1ri1 . TO: Local Health Directors - ATTN: Family Planning Supervis _a _ _ FROM: Margaret Woodcock, Hea~/rn, Women's Preventive~Health Branch SUBJECT: Availability of Funds to Support Sterilizations ~'~~ q~~ _ 1~~ ~~ r (~ 1 am pleased to inform you of the availability of Women's Preventive Health funds to support sterilizatibns for low- income men and women. Local agencies will be expected to: (1) Identify individuals ~vho are on a waiting list.for sterilization, or are interested in a sterilization; (2) Initiate the informed consent process that includes athirty-day waiting period (consent Corm attached); (3) Negotiate "best price" arrangements ~tiitlm local physicians, hospitals, ambulatory swgical providers, etc., that are less than or equal to the Medicaid rate (sample contracts attached); -t#a~5 ~ I ~ - ~ ~) 4' So ~ °o U (4) Submit a Family Planning budget revision based on the total cost per procedure mn item 3, multiplied by the estimated number of procedures that can be completed by January 17, 1997. (5) Insure that the proccdwe(s) is (are) performed; (6) Report the procedure in the next quarterly submission of the PHS Sterilization Report (form attached). Funds will be awarded on a first come, first screed basis. At this time, over seventy-five thousand dollars in block grant funds arc available. Because of anticipated cuts in block grant funds, we may only be able to provide partial support for yow request for sterilization funds. We arc, therefore, encouraging alt providers to use local funds, Family Planning patient fee collections and Title XIX escrow, to supplement this limited amount. Should additonal funds - . become available, we will do our best to distribute these funds quickly and equitably. Please call Bcrrmie Operario in the Women's Preventive Health. $ranch.at 715-3392_, Tricia Ward at 715-8432 or yow ' '.~ Women's Health Regional Nurse Consultant should you have any questions. MW/BO/mid R r. Kevin Ryan ~. 8omen's )-Ica1Lh Nursing Consultant ~Kl~v'~(+.~ ~ MG vy Dot Bon ~~ ;~~ s Regional Sial~Wo~! e~rs!~} ` ` ~~i~~~ L! Bernie Opcrario T'ricia Ward CONSENT AGENDA `~ °- NOVEMBER 18, 1996 Budget Amendment ITEM NO. 6B jj%' / ~~~~ jj ~~///j/jjjj/// ' ~ 5~ ~/ ,~// / j~ /~~j ~~~~%%ii~~jjj jj/j/~/ / ~~/ / /~ '/ DEPARTMENT: BUDGET AMENDMENT. # DATE: Health/Family Planning 97-0073 11/18/96 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT ~ CREDIT Health/Family Planning Family Planning $4,90 Contracted Services $4,950 ~, EXPLANATION ~~ To budget State grant funds to support sterilization for low-income men and women. ' COUNTI~ ~OM~t~ ~N APPR01/E~ R~E`+'~D ® For Budget Officer's ap roval• then report REMOVED ~ ~ -~ to Commissioners ~i~r~ular meeting P~S~~ED ~ ~ and enter in minutes. // To be approved by Commissioners. ~A~ ~ `'~' To be entered into minutes. ~' Tliis page intentionally left blank ,; 182 ~ ~~ ~~ ` ~~~~ ,:b. ~;~ u=jam- . ~..; ~ ~~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r c 0 0 c REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 7 Additional Item ~`: Department: Health Presenter: Pa e Count In Agenda Package: 5 Contact: Betty Jo McCorkle . SUBJECT: New Hanover County Health Department Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) Through State Grant of $26,886 BRIEF SUMMARY: ~ . At its November 13, 1996 Board of Health Meeting, the Board approved the BCCC Program. The Health ' Department has been offered $26,886 to participate in the BCCCP. New Hanover County is the only county in the state not participating in BCCCP. We are looking to meet a need,. have a place for women to come, and reduce Breast and Cervical Cancer. The state has allocated $26,886 for 161 women for the remainder of FY 96-97. We plan to work with AHEC, Save Our Sisters, and_ New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Patients are already identified and transportation is available. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: _ Approve State Grant and related Budget Amendment n97-0074 for $26,886 FUNDING SOURCE: Federal S: State S: 26,886 County S: User Fees S: Other S: Money Is In Current Budget: I~'o ~ IVew Appropriation Request: Budget Amendment Pre ared: Yes ~ ' LGL: FIN: APP BSHELL BUD: APP CGRIFFIN HR: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve State Grant and Budget Amendment: COUIVT1~ C6MMI~~®N APPROVE® $. . REJECTED ®-';z _.. REMOVED ~ ~~~" P,OS1'PONED ~ `~~' DATE (yw Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition 183 NEW HANOVER COUNTY_ INTER-OFFICE r " :::::: ::~:.a .... , ., y. > >. ME 1V10 TO:..: Lynda F. Smith ~ _ Assistant Health Director . FROM:. Betty Jo McCorkle ~~~`% _ -- ' ~ Women's Health Care Director '- ' - ~ .. ... . "DATE: November 4, 1996 ~ - " ' ' ~ RE: Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) - - The New Hanover County Heath Department proposes to participate in the Breast & Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) in order to provide cancer screening for women over age 50. Funding is provided by the Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resource (DEHNR) Division of Health Promotion on an annual' basis. _ . " : ' _ We will work closely with the New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NI]CRMC) Surgical and Obstetrical Residency Training Programs for follow-up referrals. In addition, we will collaborate with the Community Charge on Cancer Program, Coastal Area Education Center (AHEC), and the Medical Mall (screening mammography). .. ,. - :> r: .. ~ , ". i .. ., ~~~~ ~' ..~'~~ ~° State of North Carolina Department of Environment, - Health and Natural Resources 1 • • Dtvlslon of Neatttt Promotlot- James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ~ }----~ N J. Dale Simmons, M.D.• Director ~A Au t 30 1996 ~ ~ ~' ~~ 1~ ~ ~ q, l ~ ~' ~~ Ms. Robert Parker, Director New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Parker: The North Carolina Comprehensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program is pleased to award the New Hanover County Health Department new funds in the amount of $26,886 for the period July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997. As specified in the attached Contract Addendum, the funds provided are to enable the Health Department to provide comprehensive breast and cervical cancer early detection services to a minimum of 161 women during this period. Of that amount, 121 must be 50 years of age or older and no more than 11 can be under 40 years of age. ' Please submit a budget revision for $26,886 and a signed and dated Contract Addendum which specifies the program's requirements to the Purchases & Contracts Unit of DEHNR at P.O.Box~ 27687, Raleigh, NC 2761 1=7687 by September 30, 1996. Both are attached for your use: ~, The opportunity to visit the Health Department on Tuesday August 27, 1996 to meet with you . and your staff was appreciated. Both the regional nurse consultant, Pat Vaughn, and our . Program staff will be available to assist you and your staff in the implementation of this Program. .. ~ . :.. . - . , ... .~- _ ., ,Sincerely, ~ - : _ . . a _ .- Joseph L. Holliday, M.D., M.P.H. Program Director . - - BCCCP cc: Dale Simmons, MD Peter Andersen, MBA, MEd Larry Jenkins, MPH Pat Vaughn ~Q ~ 185 . encl. ; Everywhere. EveryDay. EveryBody. . P.O. BOx 27687 • Raleigh. NC 2761 1-7687 N v~~ ~ nn Equal CopornxirtY Atfirmotive Action Employer Tnlr, .-,ti..., ,~ (~1'n_7"1 '1.7(10 CAV n1n,71C_71 AA 1 Y~~ I VYYrn.-....n../1M. ...-~,i-..,... ..ten, .v...~,. ~ ~ ~' i / / / l ~ ~~ ~ L ~~ ~ _ SURGERY SID~IVCY TRAINING PROGRAM J. GARY MAXWELL, M.D. ~.-agram Plecnx ~ t 24 May 1996 ~~ - . ,New Harlo,,er Regional JNedicaf Center n-o---- st Office Sox 9025 Wilmington, N~ 28602.9025 FAX (910) 762-6800 - (910) 343-0161 Mr. Robert S. Parker, Health Director - New Hanover County Health Department 2029 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4946 - Re: Supplementary BCCCP Site in New Hanover County Dear Bob: .. . FACULTY 7NOMAS V. CLANCY. M.O. assoc++n aohs::i CYRUS A, KOTWALL, M.D. J. GARY MAXWELL. M.O. o+o/euy In reference fo.our. recent telephone conversation, I would like to follow-tip,on.rriy discussion with;Dr. Joseph Holliday.....,. .. ~ Dr. Holliday would like to have a; written notice from you regarding your interest in, being a,sypplementary site for the BCCCP in New Hanover~County, in addition to the New Hanover Community Health Center. I have explained that the recently acquired NABCO grant provides free transportation for approximately 140 women, allowing them to have then clinical •breast examination, cervical Pap 'test, instructions for breast self- examination, and screening mammogram in one visit. All of these women-would be fnancially eligible under BCCCP criteria, and`our Community Charge On Cancer program would like to work with your - departznent in providing screening services for these low income women. Valerie' Opher understands that the entire CCOC• program. will mobilize more women -for' these services, and that a.second site is .entirely , . .;, appropriate. .~ - ~ ., , . .. The CCOC staff would be happy to work with~your~department to make the screening -process as,streamlined as possible. I am happy to support your health departrnent in any way to enable you to become a supplementary site for the BCCCP program in this county. In my preliminary discussion with Dr. Holliday, he has indicated-that some funds may well be reallocated in the State during September 1996. .. Please do not hesitate to call me if any further assistance in required. Sincerely, - I 4 Cyrus A. Kotwall, M.D. CAK/kls cc: ~ Joseph L. Holliday, MD 86 ~~ IN AFFILIATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH~CAAOLINA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT CHAPEL HILL and the Coastal Area Health Education Center (AHEC) - Y~ilmington, NC ~• 1 * * * North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program * * (BCCCP) Chronic Disease Section, Division. of Adult Health Promotion North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.Q. Box 27687, Raleigh,- N.C. 2761 1-7687 Tel. 919/715-01 16 A 1 B ~~ 0 0 Purpose: Goals and Objectives The goal of the BCCCP is to reduce breast and cervical mortality and morbidity of North Carolina women. Objectives of the program include: • to increase .breast and cervical cancer screening and follow-up among target population • to increase knowledge, attitudes and practices related to breast and cervical cancer screening among target .population . • to improve clinical preventive practices related to breast and cervical cancer screening • to ensure that screening and follow-up procedures are performed optimally • to monitor the distribution and determinants of breast and cervical cancer incidence and mortality . ~ . .Function: Types of Services, Activities Screening and Follow-Up Services: screening mammograms, clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, Pap smears, diagnostic mammograms, fine needle aspiration, colposcopy and colposcopy-directed. biopsy Professional and Public Education: clinical education and program updates for health care providers, media campaigns, community-based strategies, • Quality Assurance: consultation/technical assistance, monitoring of adherence to accreditation/certification standards Surveillance and Evaluation: epidemiologic surveillance, program evaluation _Who is Served: Target population _ ~ - includes women who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, are older; are un-/under insured and are minorities, including Native Americans. Women aged 40 and older are eligible for breast cancer screening. Women aged 18 and older are eligible for cervical cancer screening.. Special.. emphasis is placed on reaching women over 50 Where is Service Provided: In 100 counties through local health departments, a community health .center, and Cherokee Health Delivery Systems Funding Source: Centers for Disease Control and~Prevention (CDC) Major Partners in Program: American Cancer Society and N.C:~: Eq,uity,`ace~„executive pa with the North Carolina Comprehensivej'Bre,`as~t'and Cervical c r Coalition; many othsr statewide org,ariizations~r~also serve on the Coalition. ;,,~ Budget :•Amendment _ . _ " °%/ / / ;~i//i i Vii/ / ij/ i iii////%/i // ~ i i ~ /i/%/ ' %i///~%~~/~ . / / . - DEPARTMENT BUDGET.AMENDMENT # DATE Health/Breast & Cervical Cancer 97-0074 ~ 11/18/96 Control Program (BCCCP) ~ _ ~ ~ . AD MEN. DEBIT JUST T CREDIT . ' LJ Health/Breast & Cervical Cancer -.. - ~ • Control Program (BCCCP•) _ • State BCCCP:Grant ~ - $26,886 • Salaries & Waaes ~ - - - $ "6 000 , Contracted Services $19,486 Postage $ 200 Printing ~ $. • 1 SO . Departmental Supplies $ 6S0 • ~ Training and Travel • $ - 400 ` „ , ". '.. .. ~ ~- _. .. EXPLANATION _ - _ " _ To establish budget for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control .Program (BCCCP,)_ to ." " provide cancer screeaing for low=income clients. ~t r ,. . - 000NTY~ ~OMMI~~®~1 ... .. .: . _ _ . - APPROVED ~ ~~ ~ _ . .. _ .. • , REJECTE® ® For Budget Officer's approval; then•report • 1 ~ ~ , ' ~E~OVE® ~ n ~ , , ' o Commissioners at next regular meeting " PiJSTP®iVE® , ~ and enter in minutes. i y~~,~.~ ~ To be approved by Commissioners. DATE t ~- ~ Q ~,~:~au--lam To be entered into minutes. .. tIOV .05-96 TUE 08 ~ 32 I~EW HANOVEP, 00 HEALTH FAX 1d0. 11 P. 06 ' State o` Norfi~ Caolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 1 ~ • Dtvislor7 of Heattt~ Promotion James B. Hunt, Jr.; Governor - ~, Jonathan B. Howes. Secretary J. DQIe Simmons. M.D.. Director August 30, 1996 Mr. Robert Parker, Director New Hanover-County Health Department 2029 South 17th St. Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Parker: ~~~ - ~. The North Carolina Compichensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program is pleased to ~~ award the New Hanover County Health Departmcnt new funds in the amount of 526,886 for the period July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997. As specified in the. attached Contract Addendum, the funds provided are to enable the Health Department to provide comprehensive brEast and a~ ~ cervical canecr early detection services to a minimum of 161 women during this period.' Of that ' amount, 121 must be 50 years of agc or older and no more than i 1 can be under 40 years of age. Please submit a budget revision for 526,886 and a signed and dated Contract Addendum which specifies. the progrzm's requirements to the Purchases & Contracts Unit of DEHNR at P.O.Box• 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611-7637 by September 30, 1996. Both are attached for your use. ..The opportunity to visit. the Health Depzrtrncnt on Tuesday August 27, 1996 to mceCwith you and your st,al`f vas appreciated. Both L`re regiorul nurse consultant, Pat Vaughn, and our Program staff will be available to assist you and your staff in the implementation of this - Progzain. Sincerely, .: ~; ~. _ _ ' ~ ~ ,_ Joseph L. Holliday, M.D.; M.P.H. ,. _ ; ,-° ~ " ~° " , Program Director - .. , BCCCP- cc: Da1c Simmons, MD ~ s ~ ~_ ~ . PeterAndersen, MBA, MEd ' LazTy Jenkins, MPH - ~~ Pat Vauglui - - - encl. ` ' -Every Where. EveryDay. Everyf3ody. ~' P.O. $ox 27587 i r2oleigh, NC 2761 1-76$7 rte' ti~ ECc,d paportt,n nrfQ„+asr a r ~~` `~ rty e crtbn~~e Telephone 919-733.7p31 ~ FAX 919-7 )5-3146 Y 5CZ recycr9c/IOx Acct-covxmer oooer NOV-05-96 TUE OS ~ 34 NEW NA1dOVEP, CO HEALTH FAX (d0. 1 I ~ ;P. 08 ~/ };" North Carolina Breast and Cervica! Cancer Control Program • * * * ""9 (BCCCP) ". _ .. Chronic Disease Section, Division of Adult Health Promotion ~ " North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687,: Raleigh, N.C.; 2761,1=7687 Tel. 919/715-0116 Purpose: Goats aril Objectives The goal of the BCCCP ~is to reduce breast and cervical mortality and morbidity,of North Carolina women. " ' ~ .. Objectives of ttte program include: • to increase breast and cervical cancer screening and follow-up among target population • to increase fcnowledge, attitudes and practices related to breast and cervica(~cancer screening among target population • , to improve clinical preventive practices related to breast and cervical cancer screening • to ensure that screening and follow-up procedures ar.e performed optimally .,: • • to monitor the distribution and determinants of breast and cervical cancer incidence"and mortality ' . , , , _ . ~ ~ _, Function: Types .of Services; Activities ~ ~' .. - ~ - ' :' - Q Screening and Follow-Up Services: screening mammograms, clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, .Pap smears,. diagnostic=mammograms, fine`' needle aspiration,- co(poscopy'-'arid co(poseopy-directed biopsy ' ~ • ~ ~ .,-. ,:,.i=~ Professional and Public Education: clinical education and program updates for health care providers, media campaigns, community-based.stra.tegies " ~ ~ . -.. '"~ . Quality Assurance: ~ consultation/technical •assistance;~'moniforing of ~ adherence to` accreditation/certification standards - , Surveillance and Evaluation: epidemiologic surveillance, program evaluation Who is Served• Target ponulatiori. Includes women who are at or below 200% of the 1=ederai Poverty Guidelines, are older, are un-/under insured and are minorities, including Native Americans. Women aged 40 and older are eligible for breast cancer screening..Womeri aged 18 and older are eligible for cervical cancer screening. Special emphasis is placed on' reaching women over 50 Where is Service Provided: In 100 counties through total health departments, a community health center, and Cherokee Health "Delivery Systems (J Funding Source: Center; for Disease Contra{ and prevention (CDC1 Ma}or Partners in Program: American Cancer Society and N.C. Equity are executive partners with the North Carolina Comprehensive Breast and Cervical Cancer Coalition; many other statewide. organisations also serve on the , i Coarrtion. r ':5 1 1 1 e t a REQTJES'I' FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 11/18/96 Regular Item #: Consent Item #: 8 Additional Item #: Department: New Hanover Co. Health Presenter: Page Count In Agenda Package: 14 Contact: Janet.McCumbee• ' • SUBJECT: ' $25,22 grant from New Hanover County Partnership 'for Children to fund a Public Health Nurse I to provide nursing services in day care programs BRIEF SUMMARY: At its \Tovember 13 Board of Health Meeting, the Board voted to accept a grant of $25,225 from the New Hanover County Partnership for Children. Purpose of Project: To provide Public Health Nursing services to children 0-5 years of age in local day care programs. Initially, the Day Care Nurse (Public Health-Nurse I) would offer services to home day cares and few centers. The long term goal would be to offer services to all day care centers in the county. Services would include a variety of health and developmental screening, as ~i~eIl as, education for day care providers, children and parents. RECO~'IMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Appro~°e grant and Public Health Nurse I position and associated budget amendment #97=007. , Federal S: State S:. - County S: User Fees S: ^. Other S: 25,225 Mone~• Is In Current Budget: No New Appropriation Request: .Budget Amendment Pre ared: Yes - REVIE`'VED BY: LGL: FIN: BUD: HR: • COU~'TY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS• Approve Grant. -~~,...~. .T C~u~ ~~Mf APPROVE® '' •' REJECTED E~ •; :...... REMOVED ~ ,•~,~. PoSTP~~ ~.. • DATE r t9. 6 . J~ Refer to Office Vision Bulletin Board for Disposition FU\'DING SOURCE: 191 New Hanover. County Partnership for Children PCZOJECT ABSTRACT Application'Information: - t ~ . Name of Applicant/Agency: New Hanover County Health Department ~ : ~ _ ' Child Health Division .. Address: 2029 S. 17th Street Wifinington, NC 28401 •• ~ - ~." _ a .. Type of Agency: O Private, non-profit, 501C3: OFor Profit (.Public ~ , • ~ ~ ~ _t -. Federal ID#: None ~,; . Contact Person far Application: Janet McCumbee, RN,BSN Telephone: 910-343-6559 Authorizing Signature: F /.y~ ~ r- F ProjectlActivity Title: Preventive Health Services fog Day Cares (Funds could .come. from the . "Collaborative~Health Screening" category and "Health Care Education for Parents and Day Care Staff.") Purpose of Project: To provide Public Health Nursing services to children 0-S years of age in local day care programs. Initially, the Day Care Nurse (Public Health Nurse I) would offer services to home day cares and a few centers. The long term goal would be to offer services to all day care centers in the county. Services would include a variety of health and developmental screenings as well as education for daycare providers, the children and their parents. . 3 ." Population of Children and/or~Families benefiting from this project: Activity 1 Education on Preventative Hearth, Development, Safety ~'• ~ ~-`' . 51 _Staff Education .. _ . ~__. _ - C30 C31 C32 Activity 2 Health Screenings_,. _ _ _ _ _ _ - S20 Developmental, Health Screening S21 Immunizations for Children '' Fi~~ Activity 3 Referral for other services o~a~re"s..ul~c of findings Information and Referra?l ~~V~~~` 1~~C1 ,~ ~~ r t Evaluation Plan: As a public health care provider, I am convinced that prevention is worth a pound of cure; however, hard core data is only found with long term research on health outcomes: We certainly cannot prove in six months (Jan. -June) that the provision of health education and health developmental screenings by a Public Health Nurse changed the life of a preschooler in day care. We can provide data on needs identified and results of screenings. When screenings are abnormal, we can follow-up with data on services provided as a result of the findings. Any early diagnosis, treatment,. and. therapy that may result from these screenings will help insure that the child is better prepared to learn in school. In addition to the above data collection, we will use an evaluation tool .for parents arid providers to complete. We can use this to determine their perceived benefit of the program to the children and families served in NHC. We will also establish a review committee to meet monthly during the six. months to evaluate progress with this project. The committee will include the Child Health Director, Communicable Disease Director and Immunization Tracking Nurse from the Health Department. Also to be invited will be a representative from Child Advocacy's.. . CCR&R and a Day Care Consultant. ~ - ~ - ..._ ' ., ~, Our goal for the tu~o-year Smart Start Expansion fiuiding is to be able to fund additional positions to expand services to all day care centers in our county to model school nurse - programs.. 193 BUDGET Contractor. New Hanover Count Opal t ontract ~: Description ~ AmOllTlt • Personnel Sala /Wa es/Benefrts ~ ~ ~ Professional Services Board h~ember Com ensation , Other. - Total Personnel'Services Su lies and Materials Office Supplies and Materials Computer Supplies 8 Software Janitorial Supplies Educational /Medical Su plies 2500 Automotive Supplies Other. _ Total Supplies and Materials 3g5f1 __ Current Obligations Travel _-._ Communications (Telephone, Postage, etc.) 200 _._ . . Utilities - ! : ... .. . Printing and Binding _ _ . Repair and Maintenance _ . Computer Services (Accfin . Pa roll, etc.)' ~ ~ _: .. " Employee Training Advertising ~ -• -- _. _. , Board Member Expense (Travel, Per Diem) Other: Other ~ .. .. ' Total Current Obligations _. , Fixed Charges and Expenses Office Rent (Land; Buildin s, etc.) ..' .._._ Furniture Rental _ __ . Equipment Rental (Phone, Computer, etc.) Vehicle Rental . _ Dues and Subscriptions Insurance and Bohds .. _ Other: __ Total Fixed Charges 8 Other Ex nses Ca ital Outla (..and /Buildings Office Furniture Computer Equipment Vehicles - Books (Libra Reference Materials) Other. rrf .!x-Lg~! , 4-'!. ..... Total Capital Outla otal Contracts and Grants of t Purchases of Serv(ces Costs Total Budgeted Expenditures U ;1 0 0 Blended/Leveraged/ln-Kind Funds . Contractor: NHCHD IPage tt. ._._ .__ .___u Pr ect Name E, #. `Actfvi Name E, #. Description: Total BlendlLevltn-Kind Smart Start Personnel 1 t) Sala NVa es/Benefits 12) Professional Services 13) Board Member Compensation 14) Crier. - -~ -~ 1 S)Total Personnel Services __ _ Supplies and Materials _ _ 16) Crft~ce Supplies and Materials- ~ 2 _ _ _ 17) Computer Supplies 8 Software _ _ _ _ 18) Janitorial Supplies ___ 19) Educational /Medical Supplies _ _ 20) Automotive Supplies ._.... _ 21) Other ...12~ 1250. . __. ..._ 22)Total Supplies and Materials 4DOQ Current Obligations • _ 23)Travel _ 55g 8 _ Postage, etc) 24)Communications (Telephone _ 200 _ , 25)Utilities 50 _ _ .. 26)Printin and Bindin ~ ._ 5OO _ 27)Repair and Maintenance ~ ._... Payrel. etc ~~ 28)Computer Services (Accting _ .. ' : 29jEmFioyee Training 2000 ~ 1500 _ I ~ 30)Advertsin .__ _ 31)Board Member Expense (Travel, Per C~eni I _ 32)Other. Data Processing I __ 500 _._ , 33jOther. Miscellaneous I _ _. 3d) Total Current Obligations 3808 Fixed Charges and Expenses tc) 35) ~~~ce Rent (Land, Buildings, e _. _ 606 _ 36)Fumiture Rental 300 300 puter, etc) m 37)Equipment~RenIal (Phone, Co 600 _ _ 38)Veh~de Rental ~ ~ 39)Dues and Subscriptions _ 40)Insurance and .Bonds __ 41)Other. __ 42)Total Fixed Char es b Other Expens.es - _ Ca ltalOutia 43)Land / Buildin 44)Office Furniture - ' 45jComputer Equipment ' 46) Ve hides 47)Books (Libra Reference Materials) 48)Qifier. ' 49 Total Ca Lal Out1a 50 Total Contracts and Grants S1 Total Purchases o1 Servfces Costs 52)Total Budgeted Expenditures 28825 3600 25225 u .. - ' _ . .._.. - .. .- --. (3udact Narrati~,e., ; . .. _ ~.' ~ - ~ + - ~ _ _SalaiYBenefits- - - . _ w ' - - , Public Health Nurse (.starting salary is $29.349.00 per year. Benefits were approximated at 59.68 per year. The PHN is the essential component and the service provider for the '`Preventive Health Services for Day Cares". ~ - - ~ - - ... _ ._ - - -- - ~ Total Needed for January-June 1997.:=.$19,517, ~ . r __ - - - ~,. Supplies and Materials- - ~ - • ~ `~ - . - _ ~. $200 is 'needed to provide basic office supplies srich as paper/notebooks/«~ritin~ ' utensils/calendar/stapler: ~` ~ - ~ - $500 is needed for purchase of educational materials to enhance health education presentations to ! ... .. providers, parents and children. - - ~ ` -- - $2,000 Mi-s needed for purchase ol~equipment such as Denver Kit (developmental screening tools). ,~, ~~ hear kit; audio scope, scales, vision screening equipment. ,; $1-,250-is needed to supply each home day care ~~isited with a kit containing health and safet~~ items. - . ` 'Current Obligations ~ ~ __. ~ _ Around town mileage must be paid to and from day cares and office. NHCHD pays .3-1 cents per ' . .:.. _ . _ _- . mrlepresently,_._ _.. .. -. __. ... .. ~ __ . ~~ -' -- Estimated mileage per month: - 300 x' .31 = $93 per month/$558 for January-l~uhe.1997. " ~ `~ _ .. __ r ,, '$200 for telephone usage and postage..: ._ _ .. _ '$500 for p~iriting of educational materials, letters, etc.- - - - - i- , ._ - - - _-_ _ - Employee training will take place in house with precepting by Child Health and Communicable' Disease Nurses. It is hoped that this nurse will also be able to attend additional training related'~(o . . _ childhood communicable diseases, immunizations, day-care standards, developmental issues. "or _ safety. Request: $500. _. In Kind will include office space, desk, chair, file cabinet use, tel'eph'one; share- computer/word ' - ,- processor with others/minimal clerical support. - .. _ ' . 19G- __ - - .. -_- ::- - .~ ~; NARRATIVE FOR GRANT APPLICATION' Introduction: The mission of the New Hanover County Health Department is to protect the public health and environment, promote healthy living and optimize the quality of life through preventive, restorative, environmental and educational services. New Hanover County Health Department (NHCHD) is along-standing service provider in our community. Public health services are provided through in-house clinics and in the community. Our Child Health Division along with our Communicable Disease Division is dedicated to providing preventive health care and public health services to the children of New Hanover County. This is accomplished in many ways: immunizations, health education, well checkups, developmental and nutritional assessments, early intervention, home visiting, resource .referrals, lead screenings, and so on. We are always looking for new ways to serve the publicv and keep children healthy. There is a long history in public health for school nurse programs. School nurses have functioned in public schools to teach healthy habits and provide screenings since the 1940's. This was prior to the use of child care outside the home. Most children stayed at home with a family member until they started school. Today,. our challenge is to model and expand the school nurse program to the day care setting. Children. must have early prevention, identification of problems, and interventions to forestall problems that can lead to later educational failure and health consequences. Health problems must be addressed in the day care years to assure readiness for school. In addition, health and safety must be addressed among the care providers to protect the children from 1~ 197 ~~ a ~. preventable diseases. Diapering, toileting, and feeding"require special care from providers who understand disease transmission and the importance of reducing possibilities for outbreaks because of the group setting. Infants, toddlers, and young children are especially susceptible to many diseases, some of whiclican be eliminated through education and diseaseprevention. ,. Many children enter day care too young.to be adequately immunized, even though immunisations may be up to date.' Monitoring immunization status should occur regularly. Parents and care providers need to be taught the importance of age appropriate immunizations, safety measures, adequate nutrition, and disease prevention. " Care providers-and parents must also be taught to identify health problems early. They should be trained to assess the health status of their children every day before taking the child to day care. Infections and contagious illness may require immediate attention and restriction from i ' group care.' Other health problems may require special care and. understanding from day care , providers to meet the needs of children in their care, such as asthma, allergies, diabetes and HIV. The Day-Care Nurse will be the resource to the day care provider to assist~with special plans of care. Good health habits must start early and_ should be ,modeled by parents .and day .care . ~ ~ ,, providers. ,,.. - . ~.. ... . Qualifications: _ _. ~, NHCHD is known statewide for.excellent service and innovative progz-ams. Our Public state- rovided learnin situations. We Health Nurse"sure well trained and we take advantage of p k g collaborate with other agencies'in NHC who. provide services for children. As'the Child Health Director, 'I will~~hire and supervise the.requested Public Health Nurse and assure that goals are`met: Lwill work closely with our Communicable Disease Director, , 198 2 Beth Jones, to provide comprehensive services to child care providers. Mrs. Jones and I have long felt the need for a position at NHCHD to assist group child care providers. We are excited about the possibilities. Pur 4~ Goal # 1 To provide health education to child care providers, preschool children, and parents. (Topics are to include health promotion, disease prevention, and safety). Goal # 2 . To assess the health needs of children 0 - 5 years old in child care settings, i.e., immunization status, developmerital levels, access .to health care, nutritional status growth, safety issues, and lead haiards. ` Goal # 3 ' To provide health services/screenings and referrals to the children as needed, i.e., _ immunizations, hearing, vision, and growth measures. ~ . . . r Process Outcomes ~ ' - ~ - ~ ~ . ~ . By June 30, 1997, the Day Care Nurse will have visited 50 home day cares to provide education and needed health services. ~ ~ ,_ By June 30, 1997, the Day Care Nurse will have visited five centers to provide'education and needed health services. By June 30, 1997, data collected will include numbers of providers, parents, and children served, numbers of services provided, and outcomes. ~ _ By June 30, 1997, there will beaten percent increase in the up-to-date immunization ' 199 -:. 3. n status of the children se'r'ved. - ' •- ' . . By June 30, 1997, all homes and centers. visited will have received education on hand washing, disease prevention and safety. By June 30, 1997, all parents of children screened will have received information and referrals as appropnate. Collaboration: ~ -0. ~ . Child Health and.Cominunicable Disease~Divisions in the Health Department will collaborate to create a job description and provide training for the Day Care Nurse. Presently, a Public Health Nurse in Communicable Disease monitors immunization records annually at licensed centers. This is not adequate to assure immunizations are up-to-date. Regular monitoring to assure immunization compliance•is essential to protect day care children who attend from exposure to vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, and H flu meningitis. The Day Care Nurse will work closely with the Communicable Disease Nurse to create the same system for home day cares who participate and monitor centers regularly. Child Service Coordinators will be a resource for assisting the nurse ~~ith developmerital screening and resource'referral. We presently have ten staff'~members certified to perform the. Denver II Developmental Screening. Our equipment and office space is available at the Health Department.' .- ' w rk closel with Da Care Consultants and Child Advocacy to meet the needs We will o y Y .. - a care roviders•: Our Environmental Health staff will be available to our Child Care of the d y p Nurse to assist with issues related to sanitation: We also work, closely with local health care iders. We often have'college.students who would be able to assist with education and 2~~ ~ 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B The Lead Nurse will be a resource for lead screenings and identification of potential screenings. urces of lead in homes. As can been seen, we have a variety of resources and collaborative so efforts already in place. Orientation, training, and supervision will follow standard Health Department procedures. ralPndar of Activities: Hire orientation and training of"new nurse January 1997 February Complete ten home day care visits, one center . March,.April, May, June - Repeat from February. Keep.monthly statistics on services: homes visited, centers visited, numbers of providers, numbers of children, numbers of parents, types of health education, numbers and types of screenings completed, referrals, and immunization status. Acces ibili 'NHCHD is located on I7th Street, which is a short drive to the downtown Partnership ffice. Staff are easily accessible by phone as well. I have been~apponted as the designee for O ~ .. our Health Director to serve on the Partnership Board and have just begun serving in that capacity. 5 201 r.: ~t.~~v ~?~t~o1~~r C2out~~~ ~ommur[t~~ ~.~~torc, ~1r[~. Post Oftlce Box 3434 ~ - ~ Wllmington, North Carolina 28406 ` '~`' (910) 762=11771762.7808 , , Fax (910) 762-7080 ttc'uS~rb 1(,. xr,~t£f~e11 ~ _ c~xeculitK ~ircttAr ,~ October 24, 1996 ~ :... _ , ., To: Partnerships for Children - .. From: Candace .~rtis, Disability Coordinator C's~ New Hanover County Community Action = Headstart _ . Regarding: Smart Start Funding Request from New Hanover County Health Department ~- ver the last couple ~of years, l have worked closely. with staff t omola CdHD to o haHeadstart 0 provide health education and health screenings for the ~ and 4 ye ro~ram. They have pro~'ided puppet shows.on Lead Poison~'th Fairs~nThe N~-[C[-D~ Health Checa P screenings at our center, and cooperated on mutual Chitd ea h sicals for entry into clinic has also been a source for our children to receive their mandatory p y' Headstart ort their funding request fora nurse to provide services to home da e car~Cn~c ~as ah ays [ supp would certainly welcome additional services from this nurse m the to provided quality services and [hope you wilt senously consider. this funding request. 2 . ,. .,_ :,, 202 • and • Emergency Community Service • Homeless Grant Program • Comprehensive Services Head Start YJrapAro 507 N. 6th Street • `'~Ilmington, North Carolina 26401 1~ ~, ~ CHILD ADVOCACY COMMISSION ~~ p.0. Box 430 ~. Wilmington, North Carolina 284.06-4305 910-791-107 October 24, 1996 Ms. Marty Gresham New .Hanover County Partnership for Children 25~ North Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 ~ Dear Ms. Gresham: w rk closet ~ with staff from the Child Health and CommunicoabRSaDon on Divisions i o y at the New Hanover County Health D ommunicablehd Spaoses~hand washing, and much immunizations, common Childhood more during our "Day Care Provider Orientation" ares whence a n repo: able also ~- initiate outbreak control measures in specific day c communicable diseases are spreading. t have: a nurse available to provide ongoing health education to . The NHCHD does no e roviders and children or to do regular health and develops as well as centers. II day car p am aware of the many healthy eeods ood heal hnn preparationyto learn'. This is definitely _ - -also understand the importan g ort NHCHD's request for funding to ~` compatible with the Smart Start initiatives. I supp . hire a public health nurse to provide education and screenings in day care centers and homes. - u'for considering their request: ~ ~ , . Thank yo , , . i ~ ~ -.. -- ~ ~ - t Sincerely, - '^~~(/ //~~''''~, ~~i Pam Palanza . Director Child Care Resource and Referral 203 ... (,inn ('arc About Children NEW HANO~VER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON,~NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 3a3-6SOOF.~.i (910) 3a1-a1a6 ROBERT S. P~RI:ER Health Director LY1pA F. S~IITFI Assistant Health Director November 8, 1996 SMART START GRANT ' r New Position Proposed--Public Health Nurse UDay Care Nurse ~. , Contact:. Janet McCumbee, Child Health Director, 3~3-6559 _ _. , This position would provide Child Health screenings'in~day care homes and centers. Services provided may include: hearing, vision, and developmental testing; lead poisoning risk assessments; growth measurements; and referrals. 'Education "would be provided to day care providers, parents, and children. Topics would include ntitrition; safety, communicable disease prevention, handwashing, and other Child Health subjects as requested'. ~ . This nurse`will monitor immuniz_ atiori status of children iri day care~and provide on-site immunizations if needed. Consultation will be available on an 'ongoing :basis. , This position will increase the quality of day care in New Hanover County and help ensure that health problems are detected early in preschool, children to prevent long ternl ors chronic health consequences. There is not a position in New Hanover County Health Department providing these services presently. We would like to model this program after_ our school health program. 204 I.Anll 9. !J~Fn ~f Yr -- ~ lll7 \ l'~7 in7 i ~'i r ,~ _ i~ • • - Budget Amendment • //rr/ r %~/r// %•%%i/rir //iS%////i//~~i~/~ri.~ir~rri~~/~~„ir~r rr r r / ~ r'r~.•',';~"~i ~ /~ • ~ DEPARTMENT BUDGET AMENDMENT # DATE ~~'~ t 1 1 1 f Health/Child .Health 97-0075 ADJUSTMENT DEBIT 11/18/96 1 1 Q 4 1 0 Health/Child Health New Hanover County Partnership for Children Grant 525,225 Salaries & Wages FICA Retirement Medical Insurance Telephone Printing Departmental Supplies Employee Reimbursement Training & Travel EXPLANATION CREDIT 516,123 5 1,123 $ 726 5 1,545 5 200 5 500 5 3,950 S 558 5 500 To budget a grant award from New Hanover County Partnership for Children to fund a Public Health Nurse I to provide nursing services in day care programs. COUNTY COMMISStQN APPROVED ~_ ~ For Budgec orr~e~ ~•~~• then report REJECTED ~ ~ to Commissioncrsa~ t~~armccting REMOVED Q ; /and enter in minutes. POSTPONE®Q ' V To be approved by Commissioners. i To be entered into minutes. ATE ~ ~ ~ . ,•~.. /+ 65i-~tia+~ -if-» I7e CliYrjiga~ r"+ ~urio~'n4 ceases Tliis pad e intentionally left blank _ , _ __ ~~,-1 .. - ~ , ... . - l.J ~~ s~~ h ~~~~~~~ I~: r . ?. ~~~~~~~